As a sector, the port logistics industry needs to take away any threshold for the people who are not familiar with logistics. Photo courtesy of TOS Port & Logistics.
Reducing shortages instead of sharing them Havenwerk and TOS Port & Logistics start PortScool The port logistics industry, like many other sectors, is facing a tense labour market. Two staffing & recruitment agencies specialised in port logistics have now decided to work together on this challenge with the creation of PortScool. PortNews talks with the initiators. Ton Veraart, Managing Director of Havenwerk, sets off, “In the past, Roel Latuheru, who at that time was Managing Director of C-Port, and I were behaving as real competitors in North Sea Port’s port area. At some point we concluded that, instead of competing, it would be better to also look for opportunities to collaborate. With the recent shortage of staff, the urge to join forces to be able to compete with other sectors grew. Therefore we, Havenwerk and TOS Port & Logistics that recently acquired C-Port (see also the March issue of PortNews), recently decided to introduce PortScool.”
Certificate At PortScool, people conduct a two-week course provided by Jonkman Opleidingen in which they are made familiar with the main port logistic basics. “Recently, the first group of students were trained in five subjects: safe and secure lifting of goods, dangerous goods, forklift handling and driving, VCA (safety, health, and environment), and working at height”, Romy Contant of Havenwerk elaborates. Together with Sven van Liere of TOS Port & Logistics, she is responsible for PortScool’s operational issues. “All students receive a certificate that shows they have successfully followed the training as a proof they can start in a port logistical job. Based on the findings of this first training, we have decided to add two subjects, namely developing resilience towards drug-related criminal activities, and a visit to a logistics company at North Sea Port.”
Consortium For the project, a consortium was set up by Havenwerk and TOS, the educational institute Scalda, and the governmental Flemish employment and education service VDAB. For its realisation, the consortium has been granted a subsidy from
38 I PortNews
Portscool 2 pagina.indd 38
07-06-2022 11:58