Aiming for expansion
All photos courtesy of DOC Logistics.
Until a few years ago, the Buitenhaven in Vlissingen was one of the quieter places in North Sea Port, with only a few operating companies. This has however changed since it is now an important service location for the offshore industry. One of the companies that has chosen the Buitenhaven as a home base is DOC Logistics. The company settled down here in 2017 and many projects have been executed from here since. Time for a word with Managing Director Dave Hangoor.
Satisfactory “A lot has happened since the last time we spoke.” says Mr Hangoor [read PortNews 2017, issue 4, page 32]. “And although we are currently in a period of uncertainties, some interesting projects are planned for the near future as well, so business is still quite satisfactory for us.” In the past few
months, the company has been internationally involved in various projects with the semi-submersible vessels of Cosco Heavy Transport, for which DOC operates as full marine technical and operational service provider. When looking at cable spooling and storage on the Vlissingen yard, it has been a bit quieter in the last four months. “We are now working towards a new long-term cable storage project and a new two-year storage contract. I expect this to be awarded before summer”, Mr Hangoor states. “And this year, Cosco Heavy Transport will come to us with four semi-submersible vessels for demobilisation and mobilisation works. The first one arrived at the end of April, and Multraship’s Cormorant lifting the two buoyancy casings from foredeck to their position on the aft resulted in an impressive view for everyone passing by.”
Swan Hunter DOC until recently had a partnership with Swan Hunter for the spooling yard activities, but Swan Hunter has decided to take a step back as joint partner and from the port logistics business, although the company will remain involved in DOC’s activities. “Swan Hunter joined us in 2017 as a partner to set up the DOCSwan Hunter Storage and Spool Yard at the Buitenhaven and
26 I PortNews
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14-04-20 18:11