ShipBuilding Industry 2017 Issue 2

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SBI 2017 | VOLUME 11 | ISSUE 2



O U R U N I Q U E , I M O T Y P E A P P R O V E D B A L L A S T W AT E R T R E AT M E N T U N I T, I N VA S AV E 3 0 0 , P R O V I D E S P O R T O P E R AT O R S W I T H A N E W VA L U E A D D E D S E R V I C E .

i n d u s t r y

Ballast Water Management

The InvaSave is an alternative for on board treatment and completely self-sufficient. With InvaSave technology, ballast water only needs treating at the point of discharge, in contrast to onboard installations.

International measure SHIPBUILDING-INDUSTRY.EU



B A L L A S T W AT E R & E M I S S I O N S


SB I VOL. 11 ISSUE 2 | 2017

for environmental protection


Offshore Service Vessel Windea Leibniz


RETURN OF INVESTMENT GUARANTEED HPS will deliver a 13.5% improvement in hydrodynamic efficiency as compared to market average. We either deliver guaranteed high performance or we pay back the additional investment.

A stabilized vessel means a safer crew, steady productivity, and more profits. Designed to meet the rigorous demands of commercial and military operators. The new Seakeeper HD line.

Boat Roll in Degrees

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Green and Clean: Environmental Balance is Key

Sanny | eDiTOR Sanny@ynfpubliSheRS.cOm

PlayIng a major role In the shIPbuIldIng Industry thIs year Is the ballast Water management treaty, to be ImPlemented by sePtember 8. Please turn to Page to read more about the treaty’s guIdelInes and Programmes. since the introduction of the ballast Water management Convention, onboard treatment systems have become a flourishing industry. Find our ballast Water systems editor’s Pick, an example of the available systems, on page 18. Coming up are two first-rate tradeshows: norshipping in oslo and the electric & hybrid marine World expo in amsterdam, which also features the marine maintenance World expo. Please find a preview of these notto-be-missed events on pages 10 and 28 respectively. on the lookout for the latest innovations in the world of tugs? search no further. Check out the story on page 36 rotortug’s newest is the art 10-15, called rt borkum, and known to insiders as the ‘superyacht’ tug. also, have a look at damen’s latest tugs, the Panda and germania, and their service vessel Volt Processor on pages 40 - 43 recently, two jan de nul group multipurpose vessels were launched, the adhémar de saint-Venant and daniel bernoulli. they are green, clean and tailored to customers’ needs; turn to page 32 to find out more about these twin-sister ships. In Italy, the Kronprins haakon was launched at Fincantieri’s shipyard in muggiano. the vessel provides a high-tech facility for the study of the marine environment. Find the rest of the story on page 22. state-of-the-art offshore serve Vessel Windea leibniz was delivered this spring at ulstein Verft. Find her featured on page 48. today’s ship designers are incredibly exacting when it comes to the equipment they use; the 3d design tools from naPa are successfully navigating the current paradigm shift in ship design. more on page 50. a special feature is dedicated to the quality pumps and blowers of Italy’s gianneschi; read all about the company’s latest developments on page 26. automation systems also feature in this issue of shipbuilding Industry. turn to page 44 to read about hoglund’s refit of sirius shipping’s automation systems. sustainable and environmental initiatives are on the rise, with Wärtsilä joining in seabin’s project to battle against ocean plastics, a joint project by minesto and stena line to invest in Wales’ transition to renewable energy and alternative maritime power for uss Iowa initiated by Cavotec and the Port of los angeles in order to reduce emissions. Find these three stories on pages 53 - 57.

Sanny enSing

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MARCO GEELS Chief Commercial Officer




ROB VAN AKKEREN Account Manager


TOM DIETVORST Account Manager


ALEX DIJKSTRA Office Manager




Guaranteeing your safety and comfort at sea; we offers, produce and supply a wide range of watertight closures.

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Content SBI 11-2.indd 2

Offshore Industry | ShipBuilding Industry SuperYacht Industry | Maritime Services Directory w w w. s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u

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contents SBI



10 NorShipping Oslo



28 Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo – Marine Maintenance Expo

BallasT waTer & emissions

14 Ballast Water Management 18 9 Editor’s Picks ship reporTs

22 Oceanographic Icebreaker Kronprins Haakon 32 Adhémar de Saint-Venant and Daniel Bernoulli 48 Offshore Service Vessel Windea Leibniz



special FeaTure

26 Gianneschi Pumps and Blowers – Italian Quality at its Best 44 Høglund – Automation 50 NAPA – 3D Design Tools


workBoaTs, Tugs & service vessels


36 Rotortug’s ART 10 - 15 – The Innovation Tug

40 Damen Tugs & Utility Vessel – Panda, Germania &

VOLT Processor


53 Sustainable and Environmental Initiatives –

Seabin, Minesto & Cavotec

research & developmenT

58 The Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project


1 Editor’s Note 4 News in Brief 60 Outfitters Page 61 People Page

62 Yellow & Finch Pages 64 Word on the Sea www.s h i p b u i l d i n g -industr

Content SBI 11-2.indd 3

On the Cover State-of-the-art Offshore Service Vessel, the Windea Leibniz in full glory. Read more about this innovative sister vessel to Windea La Cour on page 48. Photo courtesy of Ulstein group / Per Einde Studio SBI 2017 | Vo l u me 11 | I s s u e 2 | 3

20-04-17 09:29


news in brief SBI FEATURE

RoPax Passenger Ferry Hull Launched Marking the completion of the first newbuild contract between Niron Staal Amsterdam and Damen Shipyards Group, the hull of a RoPax 5212 passenger ferry has been launched from Niron Staal’s facilities in Amsterdam. The RoPax 5212 hull is a noteworthy project, according to Niron Staal Amsterdam’s Director Roland Berends: “First and foremost, because it is our first newbuild contract with

Damen, but also because it shows the cooperation that we have had with Damen during the build process.” Niron Staal Amsterdam has fabricated the hull of this passenger ferry in their covered production hall. This provides numerous benefits during the construction process. With this first hullconstruction contract completed, Niron Staal is looking forward to further projects with Damen in the near future.



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The Future is Clear ME-GI dual fuel done right

MAN B&W MC/MC-C Engines MAN B&W ME/ME-C/ME-B Engines MAN B&W ME-GI/ME-C-GI/ME-B-GI Engines The new ME-GI generation of MAN B&W two-stroke dual fuel ‘gas injection’ engines are characterised by clean and efcient gas combustion control with no gas slip. The fuel exibility and the inherent reliability of the two-stroke design ensure good longterm operational economy. Find out more at

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2017-02-23 16:07:51 18-04-17 14:19


news in brief Baleària Orders Sister Ferries

New Supply Vessel Gennadiy Nevelskoy

Baleària shipping line has shown its partiality for LNG-fuelled ships with these two smart sister ships, each with capacity for more than 800 passengers and over 2,000 LM for cargo. Baleària has reached an agreement with the Italian shipyard Cantiere Navale Visentini to build two, dual-gas-engine sister ferries, measuring 186.5m in length and with capacity for 810 people, 2,180 LM of cargo and 150 cars. The total investment in these innovative vessels is some EUR 200 million; they are expected to be operational by the end of 2018. With the construction of these two vessels, the company takes a further step forward in its commitment to use natural gas and ecoefficiency in their fleet. The ships can reach a speed of 24 knots thanks to two dual engines with a total power of 20,600KW.

On 30 January 2017, the naming ceremony took place for a new ice-breaking platform supply vessel (IBSV) built for the Sakhalin-2 project. The vessel was commissioned by SCF Group under a long-term agreement with Sakhalin Energy. She was named after Gennadiy Nevelskoy, a famous explorer of the Sakhalin Island and the Russian Far East. The new IBSV was built to the best practice standards of the global shipbuilding industry and to the highest specifications set for vessels that operate in harsh environments. Gennadiy Nevelskoy (deadweight 3,000t) will have Saint Petersburg as her home port and is registered under the Russian flag. She is the first of four vessels commissioned by SCF Group for operations at the Sakhalin-2 project. The other three are icebreaking standby vessels (IBSBVs) that have a smaller deadweight (2,000t), but offer enhanced functionality and a higher people-onboard capacity.

Certification for Damen Marine Components Damen Marine Components (DMC) Gdańsk, one of the Damen Shipyards Group’s locations for the production of high quality, high precision steel components including propeller nozzles, rudder installations and cranes, has received EN 1090 and ISO 3834 certifications. DMC Gdańsk supplies a wide range of top quality components to shipyards all over the world and these certifications, as verified by Bureau Veritas, confirm its high standards in the fabrication of steel and aluminium structures (EN 1090) and the quality of its fusion welding (ISO 3834). These awards join its existing ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 9001:2008 certificates. With two sites, in Gdańsk and Elblag, Poland, the company has seven production halls with over 11,000m² of production space. The Gdańsk site has direct access to the sea, allowing structures of unlimited size or unusual shapes to be loaded onto barges for onward transport.

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news in brief Alewijnse Marine and Australia Antartic Icebreaker Alewijnse Marine has won a landmark order for the full electrical installation on board the Government of Australia’s new, world-beating Antarctic icebreaker. The icebreaker ASRV is the main lifeline to Australia’s Antarctic and sub-Antarctic research stations and the central platform for its Antarctic and Southern Ocean scientific research. The state-of-the-art, 156m vessel is a once-in-a-generation investment for the Australian Government and is exceptional due to its complexity and sophistication. Alewijnse will be responsible for the engineering, delivery and installation of the vessel’s entire electrical system, including the main power installation, the propulsion and thruster control systems and the integrated platform management system. The build and outfitting will take place at Damen Shipyards Galati, Romania.

Cutter Suction Dredger ‘Spartacus’

The powerful Cutter Suction Dredger ‘Spartacus’ is set to join the DEME fleet. The combination of power, size and new innovations means that mega cutter ‘Spartacus’ sets a new benchmark in the dredging industry. ‘Spartacus’ will be built at Royal IHC in the Netherlands and will be delivered in the summer of 2019. With a total installed capacity of 44,180kW, ‘Spartacus’ will be a very powerful Cutter Suction Dredger. The vessel’s power will enable her to cut harder soils at speeds that have not been possible before. This means that work can be taken on by the cutter dredger that might usually rely on the use of dynamite and blasting. ‘Spartacus’ will be able to dredge in waters of up to 45m, compared to the 35m depth which is presently the upper limit in the market. Given her fuel autonomy and accommodation capacity, the dredger is capable of operating in very remote locations with limited infrastructure.

New Inland Ferry Ordered The vessel on order is a 25m ferry especially designed to carry vehicles and passengers across the canal linking Ghent and Terneuzen. Even though the journey time each way for the ferry will be little more than five minutes, the complex route and the minimal room for manoeuvre on the busy waterway means that she will be fitted with twin Voith Schneider propellers (cycloidal drives) to give her the agility required for safe and speedy passages. Power will be provided by twin diesel engines and delivered via reduction gearboxes, while shaft generators will supply electrical power for onboard systems. An emergency generator rated at 14.5kVA will also be installed. The new ferry will be named Cyriel Buysse and is scheduled for delivery in March 2018. The newbuild order for the Damen Shipyards Group was signed on 31 December 2016 with DAB Vloot of Belgium.


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Collaboration Sydney City Marine and Damen Sydney City Marine has completed its first maintenance docking of a Damen vessel since the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Damen Shipyards Group last year. The works signify the successful cooperation between Damen Services in the Netherlands, the Damen Service Hub in Brisbane and Sydney City Marine. The vessel in question was the Svitzer Warang, a Damen ASD 2810 owned by global towage operator Svitzer. Sydney City Marine was contracted by Svitzer to carry out a 5-year special survey on the vessel. The Svitzer Warang left the yard just before Christmas 2016. The project is also notable because it was the first time that Sydney City Marine made use of its new ship cradle. In accordance with the MOU between the two companies, Damen provided technical assistance, engineering capacity and any necessary parts and equipment from its Service Hub in Brisbane.

New Hybrid Electric Ferry in Asia

The Taiwanese harbour city of Kaohsiung has launched a new hybrid electric ferry, which could revolutionise marine passenger transport across the region by curbing greenhouse and diesel emissions. Kaohsiung has recently re-launched the popular Cijian Island passenger ferry, retrofitted with a Visedo electric propulsion system, replacing the original diesel engine. It heralds Asia’s first hybrid electric ferry and, if successful, the Kaohsiung City Government plans to retrofit the rest of its diesel fleet to help reduce pollution levels around Taiwan’s largest harbour. Visedo OY, a leading Finnish manufacturer of electric drivetrains for marine vessels, commercial vehicles and heavy duty applications, worked alongside Taiwan’s Ship and Ocean Industries R&D Centre, also known as SOIC, to complete the retrofit.

Contract Havyard and STX France The Havyard company HPR has announced a contract of around EUR 8.5 million that has been agreed with STX France. Havyard Production & Service (HPR) is going to carry out electrical work in two out of seven zones in a series of cruise ships belonging to the shipping company Celebrity Cruises, a subsidiary to Royal Caribbean Cruises. The contract relates to four cruise ships in the EDGE-series, with an option of one further cruise ship in the same series. Work on the first newbuild has started and is secured until 2022. The ships are going to be constructed at the STX France shipyard in Saint Nazaire. Each of the ships in the EDGE-series has a capacity for 2,900 passengers, with length of 300m and 117,000 gross tonnage.


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20-04-17 13:44


From 30 may to 2 June, the global maritime event Nor-ShippiNg 2017 iS Set to make itS New theme ‘CatalySt for ChaNge’ CeNtre Stage.

Nor-Shipping 2017 for the paSt 50 yearS, the preSeNCe of leaDiNg figureS from the eNtire maritime value ChaiN haS maDe Nor-ShippiNg a reCogNiSeD arena for strategic deal-making and networking, but for 2017 the leading global maritime event week has a new theme taking centre stage – ‘Catalyst for Change’.

words by Julia ZaltZman


his year’s Nor-Shipping takes place across a series of venues in oslo and lillestrøm in Norway from 30 may to 2 June. it is expected to attract more than 35,000 delegates from over 80 countries, with almost 1,000 of the world’s leading maritime companies showcasing products and services to the industry, future talent and shipping value chain stakeholders. the best and latest in maritime technology will be spread across six themed halls spanning an impressive 22,500m2, but as the warmer spring months fast approach, so does the now distressingly familiar surge in refugee crossings, and fatalities. while calling for a concerted international effort to boost search and rescue resources in the mediterranean, Nor-Shipping, which supports the Norwegian Society of Sea rescue in its vital work in the region, says more needs to be done to avert a new chapter in this on-going humanitarian crisis. “the main theme of our event week in 2017 is ‘Catalyst for Change’ and we hope to make a difference with regard to this heart-breaking situation,” says Director Birgit liodden. “one way of doing that is through financial support, however, we’ll also be using our programme of activities throughout oslo and lillestrøm to highlight the situation and encourage the industry to support rescue initiatives when possible, and to push for wider sustained international campaigns to help save lives.”

Photo courtesy of Nor-Shipping

Sustainability at the Core

as part of its Catalyst for Change campaign, Nor-Shipping 2017 has dedicated the whole of hall a to Disruptive Sustainability – a new concept being launched into the shipping arena – in a bid to take ideas and influences from Photo courtesy of Nor-Shipping

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Nor-Shipping gathers more than 35,000 delegates from over 80 countries.

outside arenas, such as the tech and business sectors, to build a platform for fresh collaborations. Seven of the key players in the Norwegian Centres of expertise maritime Cleantech cluster – a global leader in developing energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies, which itself won the prize as Norway´s leading innovation environment in 2016 – have already signed up to exhibit in hall a. this has raised

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expectations for some exciting collaborative discussions around green hybrid and electric solutions that could impact upon every link in the maritime value chain, from subsea, to marine and throughout the energy sector. “this concept is perfect for our cluster,” comments Sofia fürstenberg, Nor-Shipping’s project manager for Disruptive Sustainability. “we intend to showcase sustainable solutions that disrupt industry norms, pointing the way towards new

The main theme of our event week in 2017 is ‘Catalyst for Change.’

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Around 200 conferences and events are open for delegates during the Nor-Shipping week.

Photo courtesy of Nor-Shipping

Young professionals are an integral part of the Nor-Shipping mix.

possibilities for the future maritime sector.” formerly innovation portfolio manager with maersk maritime technology, fürstenberg has been specifically recruited to push NorShipping’s ground-breaking Disruptive Sustainability concept. other important global categories that will be addressed alongside Disruptive Sustainability and Safety & rescue are it & Navigation, Shipbuilding & repair, maritime Services & logistics and propulsion & machinery.

Innovation at the Fore

Covering the full spectrum of maritime products, services and solutions, the fourday event promises a diverse and powerful speaker and event line-up, and a packed programme of business and social gatherings across oslo city centre and its facilities in lillestrøm. the waves of Change leadership conference (a partnership with wiSta, the conference for value-based leadership and diversity for an industry in change), Next generation owner’s forum and ocean opportunity pitch Sessions are among 200 conferences and events open for delegates during the Nor-Shipping week, organised by and for the industry. the packed exhibition space is sold

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out to both existing and new exhibitors, with stalwarts such as Norway manufacturer, StaDt and Swedish manufacturer Dellner Brakes sitting alongside innovators such as oceanhub, a social knowledge sharing platform for the ocean Space. an easy-to-navigate layout featuring 24 national pavilions, industry segments and ‘theme parks’ optimises the experience for both exhibitors and visitors.

Grassroots Investments

young professionals are an integral part of the Nor-Shipping mix, made evident this year by the new young@Nor-Shipping programme. Developed in partnership with the non-profit organisation youngShip, it offers seminars, company presentations, social events and the prestigious young entrepreneur award. taking place on tuesday 30 may, it publicly recognises an innovative under-40 leader, and is presented alongside the energy efficiency award and Next generation Ship award.

Networking Opportunities

a vibrant and intimate bay forms the festival Street of Nor-Shipping island, creating a melting pot for social networking

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throughout the week. festival Street is open to all official delegates free of charge, turning it into a central, social hub during the week, and Nor-Shipping island itself offers a prime city-centre location within easy walking distance of anywhere in central oslo. on tuesday 30 may, the much anticipated Nor-Shipping BBQ will take place from 19:00-23:00 at DNv gl park, høvik. a highly popular event, it promises to be a highlight of the week, with delicious food, lively music and unbeatable networking in the offing. also, in addition to the invitation-only Brazilian and african evening events scheduled for the wednesday and thursday evenings, the Nor-Shipping regatta takes place from 15:00-19:00 on friday 2 June, swiftly followed by the after Sail party which marks the close of the week-long event. i.

Tugpins iNNovative towiNg piN SyStemS

time is money in the maritime, offshore and fish-farm industries. that is why tugpins is constantly looking for ways to minimise the downtime of your vessel. tugpins is specialised in the engineering, design and production of bespoke towing pin systems. these are designed to prevent tow wires and anchor chains from sweeping, and make working aboard your tugboat or multipurpose vessel more convenient and efficient. we would like to tell you more about our latest innovation watertight plus towing pin at our stand in hall C at Nor-Shipping. i.

Booth Number: C01-14B

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international meaSure For environmental proteCtion

Ballast Water Management The InTernaTIonal ConvenTIon for The ConTrol and ManageMenT of ShIpS’ BallaST WaTer and SedimentS (BWm Convention) Will Be introduCing a neW legal BenChmark on 8 SeptemBer 2017, eStaBliShing the regulationS ShipS have to adhere to When managing their BallaSt Water. thiS measure can been seen as an initial, ground-breaking step in the battle against the spread of invasive aquatic species. most vessels will be required to comply with the new rules before 8 September 2017, meaning that ships must be responsible for removing, or rendering harmless, those aquatic organisms and pathogens which cause devastation to local ecosystems and which have a negative impact on biodiversity. Systems will have to be initiated to actively avoid both the uptake and discharge of these organisms and pathogens.


he impetus for the significant change in the regulations regarding marine environmental protection comes as a result of Finland’s accession to the Convention. preventing the spread of invasive aquatic species via ships’ ballast water is cited by imo Secretary-general kitack lim as “a truly significant milestone for the health of our planet”.

Irreversible Damage

“the spread of invasive species has been recognised as one of the greatest threats to the ecological and the economic well-being of the planet. these species are causing enormous damage to biodiversity and the valuable natural riches of the earth upon which we depend. invasive species also cause direct and indirect health effects and the damage to the environment is often irreversible,” says mr lim. he adds: “the coming into force of the Ballast Water management Convention will not only minimise the risk of invasions by alien species via ballast water, it will also provide a global level playing field for international shipping, providing clear and robust standards for the management of ballast water on ships.” the issue of invasive species in ships’ ballast water has been the subject of consideration since the 1980s, when it was brought to the attention of

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imo’s marine environment protection Committee (mepC). guidelines were finally drawn up in 1991 and the Ballast Water management Convention was adopted in 2004.

Global Transportation of Aquatic Species

Ballast water is used by ships for stability and structural integrity. a vessel picks up ballast from the local waters, containing uncountable marine microbes, algae and fauna. When adjustments are necessary due to changes in cargo, the ballast is offloaded, sometimes thousands of miles from the place where it was taken up and the alien aquatic organisms are released into ecosystems to which they are not native. untreated, this released ballast water could potentially introduce a new invasive aquatic species. the surge in maritime trade, the increase in sea-faring traffic and the expansion in shipping routes over the last few decades have contributed to the increased likelihood of invasive species being transported across the globe. this has already occurred in hundreds of areas, with the local ecosystem paying the ultimate penalty. along with the major increase in demand for ballast water treatment systems, many vessel owners and operators are uncertain

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Photo courtesy of NOAA

Photo courtesy of IMO

Ballast water sampling and analysis in order to protect the local ecosystem. Photo courtesy of IMO

Photo courtesy of NURC/UNCW and NOAA/FGBNMS

about what the new regulations will mean for them. the Ballast Water management Convention has set certain ballast and sediment management standards which must be met by all ships involved in international trade, according to a ship-specific ballast water management plan. a ballast water record log and an international Ballast Water

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All ballast water management systems will have to meet the stringent approval requirements set by national authorities, according to a process developed by IMO.

management Certificate must also be carried by all ships. the ballast water performance standard will be phased in over a period of time.


Since the BWm Convention, on-board treatment systems have become a flourishing industry, with countries from all

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EU-1161-Offshore 193x132M.indd 1

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Visit us: Nor-Shipping, Oslo – D05-22b 12.04.17 20:04

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Photo courtesy of IMO – Fred Haag

The ballast water convention will enter into force in September 2017.

Photo courtesy of IMO

corners of the globe inventing and manufacturing type-approved systems. IMO has worked extensively to develop guidelines for the uniform implementation of the Convention and to address the concerns of various interested parties, such as where type approved ballast water management systems can be acquired and the kind of testing necessary. All ballast water management systems will have to meet the stringent approval requirements set by national authorities, according to a process developed by IMO. Ballast water management systems have to be tested in a land-based facility and on board ships to prove that they meet the performance standard set out in the Treaty. These could, for example, include systems that make use of filters and ultra violet light or electrochlorination. Strict approval procedures are in place for ballast water management systems, which make use of active substances, and they must be verified by IMO. It must be ascertained via a two-tier process that the ballast water management system does not create an unreasonable threat to the safety of the vessel, to human health or to the aquatic environment.

GloBallast Programme

In order to implement the Convention, IMO GloBallast Partnerships Project has been assisting developing countries to reduce the

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Examples of Invasive Species

The spread of invasive species has been recognised as one of the greatest threats to the ecological and the economic well-being of the planet.

risk of aquatic bio-invasions by building the necessary capacity. More than 70 countries have been the direct beneficiaries of the Project and GloBallast has received a number of international awards for its work. To prepare for the time when the treaty comes into force, GloBallast has recently been developing and running workshops on ballast water sampling and analysis. Online learning tools have been made available at no charge, including an e-learning program on the operational aspects of ballast water management. The GloBallast Partnership programme also engages with the private sector through the Global Industry Alliance (GIA) and GIA Fund, established with partners from major maritime companies.

The North American comb jelly (Mnemiopsis leidyi) has travelled in ships’ ballast water from the eastern seaboard of the Americas to the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, for example. It depletes zooplankton stocks; altering food web and ecosystem function. The species has contributed significantly to the collapse of Azov Sea, Black Sea and Caspian Sea fisheries in the 1990s and 2000s, with a massive economic and social impact. The Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) has been transported from the Black Sea to western and northern Europe, including Ireland and the Baltic Sea, and the eastern half of North America. Travelling in larval form in ballast water, on release it has rapid reproductive growth with no natural predators in North America. The mussel multiplies and fouls all available hard surfaces in mass numbers. Displacing native aquatic life, this species alters habitat, ecosystem and the food web and causes severe fouling problems on infrastructure and vessels. There have been high economic costs involved in unblocking water intake pipes, sluices and irrigation ditches. The North Pacific seastar (Asterias amurensis) has been transported in ballast water from the northern Pacific to southern Australia. It reproduces in large numbers, reaching ‘plague’ proportions rapidly in invaded environments. This invasive species has caused significant economic loss as it feeds on shellfish, including commercially valuable scallop, oyster and clam species.


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Editor’s Picks

This year, The Danish MariTiMe auThoriTy is

conTribuTing To a piloT projecT on The DevelopMenT and testing of a system that collects real-time

data from various components on board ships. this data flow

Ballast Water

is transmitted continuously to shore-based organisations,

allowing the authorities, shipowners and marine equipment manufacturers to use the information in real-time.

ACO Marine’s Projects aco marine has appointed a new distributor in canada to help meet increasing demand in the region for wastewater treatment solutions which conform to the stringent environmental protection requirements. its advanced maripur nf and clarimar mf wastewater management systems have received approval. ontario-based marine and offshore (mao) canada will provide sales and technical support across aco marine’s range of products, including the mePc227(64)compliant clarimar mf and maripur nf biological sewage treatment plants. i.

Alfa Laval PureBallast Approved alfa laval has received U.s. coast guard (Uscg) type approval for the third generation of its ballast water treatment system, PureBallast. the approval allows ship owners who de-ballast in United states waters to choose between the treatment technologies currently available. the Uscg based its type approval of PureBallast on cmfda/fda testing conducted at dhi in denmark. this testing was performed using the same hardware, power consumption and flow as the market-leading imo-certified version of the PureBallast 3 family. outside the United states, where PureBallast has been type-approved using the mPn method, the Uscg-certified system will operate in imo mode and be able to treat water with UV transmittance as low as 42%. i.

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Ballast Water Containers Approved Ballast Water containers’ patent pending BWc seaforth and BWc BUte mobile ballast water management systems are now available with full Us coast guard type approved technologies, including leading industry components from manufacturers optimarin and Wartsila. the Uscg type approved technologies make the BWc products’ mobile ballast water management solutions suitable for guaranteed compliance worldwide. Ballast Water containers ceo, richard lawson states, “our clients now have the choice of UV technology from optimarin or Wartsila when selecting from our range of mobile Ballast Water management equipment and services. We’ve listened to our clients and in response to their needs, Ballast Water containers is now able to offer equipment and services ranging from tank cleaning to Ballast Water treatment systems.” i.

Evac Complete Cleantech Solution evac complete cleantech solution including vacuum collection, waste water treatment, dry and wet waste, fresh water and automation systems can be found aboard megastar, as tallink grupp’s new-generation lng shuttle ferry. green values, reduction of all emissions, minimising the amount of waste and increasing recycling utilisation, have been very carefully taken into account in the design of the ferry. i.

Evoqua Secures SeaCURE evoqua Water technologies has secured an order from a south Korean shipyard for the supply and installation of seacUre ballast water management systems (BWms) to two 115,000dwt crude oil tankers under construction for a singapore-based ship owner. each vessel will feature a 3,000m3/h capacity seacUre BWms. seacUre BWms utilises a patented process that injects biocide into ballast seawater before it reaches the large surface filter intakes to reduce the growth of marine organisms that are harmful to filters. available as a compact skid or as modular components, the system is suitable as a newbuild or retrofit installation since biocide generation takes place in small side streams from the main ballast water, thus reducing system footprint and optimising available space. the evoqua seacUre system can also be configured to provide marine growth protection for critical onboard seawater cooling systems. i.

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Editors Picks Ballast Water.indd 19

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18-04-17 10:10


BALPURE, De Nora Water Technologies

THIS IS RENEWABLE ENERGY Bladder Accumulator High Pressure (EHV)

Quality & Safety Flexibility & Reliability Support

The EHV series is suitable for Industrial Energy, Marine & Mobile Markets. There are also 2 sub-series: the EHVF with Flanged SAE Fluid Port and EHVDA for high flow rates. This range is available in carbon and stainless steel (70 to 690 bar, 0.2 to 57 Litres). The EHV series comprises a forged steel shell, a rubber bladder and an O Ring fluid port assembly. Parker offer a full range of accumulator accessories and maintenance equipment including safety blocks, charging sets, brackets & clamps, adaptors and seals.

de nora has 90 years’ experience in electrolytic seawater disinfection and over 12 years’ experience in ballast water treatment. With more than 6,000 electrochlorination installations producing over 1,300t per day of sodium hypochlorite from seawater, de nora is a large manufacturer of electrochlorination systems and the patent holder for the slip stream method of electrochlorination ballast water treatment. to date, de nora BalPUre has been selected for 48 newbuild lng vessels and tankers and has recently been chosen for the retrofit of seven vessels. a significant proportion of these projects have been delivered and are operational. susanna Wyllie, global Proposals manager at BalPUre, de nora Water technologies, comments that owners should not leave it until the last minute to start thinking about compliance options. those choosing to deharmonise need to understand that there may be a repercussion to that decision. By putting it off, they are likely to find themselves in a worse position. although it may seem the easy solution now, they are likely to be dealing with exactly the same issues further down the line. caPeX, lifetime value and proven reliability are all key considerations for those organisations that realise that this is an investment for the long term. i. i.

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18-04-17 10:10


BIO-SEA partners with DAMEN The French ballast water treatment manufacturer BIO-SEA and its Dutch partner DAMEN have just won a new contract for a retrofit system for a Mega Yacht. The vessel will be installed with the BIO-SEA90 system. The French ballast water treatment manufacturer, BIO-SEA will also be delivering 3 new BIO-SEA90 BWT systems to the Piriou shipyard in Concarneau, France. They will be installed on the BSAH and BHO2M vessels, to be delivered by Piriou to the French Navy. BIO-SEA has equipped many vessels with reliable, innovative, modular and cost-efficient retrofit UV-based systems. The BIO-SEA 30, 60 and 90 range is a solution for ballast water treatment, adapted to vessels with small pump capacities. i.

Foreship and Norwegian Cruise Line Foreship has secured a major design consultancy contract covering the first postBallast Water Convention treatment systems to be specified by Norwegian Cruise Line. The contract calls for independent naval architecture and marine engineering consultancy services to ensure that installations on five NCL ships are fully IMO-compliant. After an initial project involving the surveying, installation feasibility study, design drawings and documentation for class approvals on Norwegian Dawn, Foreship was invited to provide the same service for the Norwegian cruise ships Pearl, Sky, Jade and Spirit. i.

Wärtsilä Ballast Water Management System Four new 3,300 TEU container vessels being built for the French shipping group, CMA CGM, will feature Wärtsilä Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS). This is the third series of vessels for which the same owner has selected the Wärtsilä BWMS solution, making a total of ten ships in all. The BWMS system chosen for these vessels is a 500m3 per hour capacity Wärtsilä Aquarius UV system. This uses a simple two-stage process involving filtration and ultra-violet (UV) irradiation. i.

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20-04-17 10:35


oceanograpHic icebreaKer will study cliMate cHange

Kronprins Haakon

‘Kronprins HaaKon’, tHe oceanograpHic icebreaKer wHicH Fincantieri is building For tHe norwegian government, has been launched at the shipyard in Muggiano (la spezia). the vessel’s delivery is scheduled at the end of 2017.

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he Norwegian Polar Institute will be the ship owner of the icebreaker for the norwegian government, while the vessel, taking its name from the heir to the norwegian throne, will be used by the same Institute and by the Institute of Marine research (iMr), the norwegian governmental body for oceanographic research and fishing, and by the University of tromsø. The launching ceremony was attended by such dignitaries as Jan gunnar winther, Director of the Norwegian Polar Institute,

Sissel Rogne, Director of the Institute for Marine research, anne Husebekk, rector of the university of tromsø and by angelo Fusco, senior Vice president naval Vessels business unit & italy business unit of Fincantieri.

Marine Environment Study ‘Kronprins Haakon’ will operate in the polar waters and will be one of the most advanced icebreakers in the world, providing a high-tech facility for the study of the marine environment. with a gross

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Launched in Maggiano Kronprins Haakon in full glory.

Photo courtesy of Øystein Mikelborg / Norwegian Polar Institute.

tonnage of about 9,000t, a length of 100m and a width of 21m, the vessel will be able to accommodate 55 people in 38 cabins – research personnel, students and crew – and will be fitted out with the highest standards of comfort for passenger ships. its hangar at the bow will have two helicopters and the unit will be equipped with complex instrumentation able to investigate the morphology and geology of the seabed.

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Minimal Environmental Impact Rolls-Royce Marine drew up the functional design of the ship. ‘Kronprins Haakon’ will have a cruise speed of 15 knots and will be able to move independently through ice up to one meter thick and conforms to specific silence requirements to avoid disturbing the marine environment. the ship was, in fact, built according to criteria ensuring minimum environmental impact and reduced underwater noise radiation, so as to allow studies on fish and marine mammals. She will be able to carry out her oceanographic

and hydrographic research activities in any area of operation. like most modern icebreakers, Kronprins Haakon has a diesel-electric propulsion system. Her power plant consists of two 5,000kw and two 3,500kw main engines which produce power for two 5.5Mw azimuth thrusters and two 1.1Mw bow thrusters. the propulsion system also gives her Dynamic Positioning (DP) Class 1 stationkeeping capability. In open water, she has a maximum cruising range of


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18-04-17 10:14

Connect to shore power. Easily. Cavotec designs and manufactures innovative, turnkey solutions to ensure fast, trouble-free installation of shore power systems. More than 600 vessels worldwide are equipped with Cavotec shore power solutions, making a valuable contribution to the reduction of emissions in ports.

LightOur weight, strong & flexible fender standard is customized systems for almost every application.

Unique fender systems; Light weight, sleek design, seamless bends, tailor-made in all shapes and sizes. Contact us at +31(0)22 376 4170, or visit Contact us at +31(0)22 376 4170 or, visit for more information. 2 4 | S B I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 11 | Issue 2

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Launching of Kronprins Haakon.

Photo courtesy of Fincantieri

Underwater acoustics instrumentation Photo courtesy of Fincantieri

15,000 nautical miles and endurance of 65 days at cruising speed. the bollard pull of the vessel is 158t. Kronprins Haakon is strengthened for operation in winter ice with pressure ridges and multi-year ice, and in ambient temperatures of -35°c. she is designed according to International Association of Classification Societies’ (IACS) Polar Class rules and her ice class, polar class 3, is intended for vessels designed for “year-round operation in second-year ice which may include multi-year ice inclusions”. a capable icebreaker, Kronprins Haakon can break 1m-thick ice at a continuous speed of 5 knots and maintain a speed of 12 knots in 0.4m thick ice. a high-end research vessel, Kronprins Haakon has extensive scientific outfitting for oceanography, marine biology and geology. the main deck is largely dedicated to scientific activities with fifteen fixed laboratories and three container laboratories, refrigerated storage rooms, a large working deck with cranes and an a-frame for trawling, a hangar and 3m by 4m moon pool for sampling as well as auV and roV operations. Underwater acoustics instrumentation is fitted in two drop keels as well as special ‘arctic tanks’ for operations in icecovered seas. i.

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– Scientific Split Beam Echo Sounders: 18, 38, 70, 120, 200 and 333kHz with transducers both in drop keels and in arctic tanks in the hull. – One Single Beam Echo Sounder with 12kHz transducer mounted in ‘arctic tank’ in the hull. – One Scientific Multi Beam Sonar with transducer mounted in drop keel. – Two omni-directional fisheries sonars, intermediate range and long range. – One Scientific Multi Beam Echo Sounder with transducer mounted in drop keel. – One Medium Depth Bathymetric Multi Beam Echo Sounder – One Deep Water Bathymetric Multi Beam Echo Sounder – One Sub Bottom Profiler – Two off Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) 38 and 150kHz with transducers both in drop keels and in arctic tanks in the hull.

Kronprins Haakon Type Tonnage Length Beam Draught Ice class Installed power Propulsion

Range Endurance Capacity

Crew Aviation facilities

Research vessel 9,000GT 100m 21m 8m Polar Class 3 Four diesel engines (2 x 5MW; 2 x 3.5MW) Diesel-electric Two azimuth thrusters (2 x 5.5MW) Two bow thrusters (2 x 1.1MW) 15,000 nautical miles (28,000km) 65 days at cruising speed Accommodation for 55 in 38 cabins 1,180m3 cargo hold 20 TEU containers 15 -17 Helipad and hangar

Continuous ship speed when breaking 1,0m ice thickness Continuous ship speed when breaking 0,4m ice thickness Hull structure, appendages and cranes to operate down to at least -35°C

5 knots 12 knots

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Italian Quality at its Best

BMA self-priming pumps


Photo courtesy of Gianneschi

PRESSURE SYSTEMS, BLOWERS, water heaters, engine pumps, compressors and AC-DC motors are found on pleasure vessels, merchant and military vessels.


The high quality of the components makes the pumps light and perfectly compatible with seawater.

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ll products manufactured are tested individually and are only delivered to the customer after strict checks. Each product is associated with a specific serial number that gives access at any time to all the components used in the production stages, as well as any spare parts.

The renewed Gigetta SelfPriming Pump

The heart of the Gigetta electro pump is made up of a two-stage system with dual impellers. This allows the combination of the centrifugal impeller’s high dynamic fluid efficiency with a special helical impeller profile in the priming phase.

Ultra-Rapid Priming

All the various components, manufactured with an impressive level of precision, are made in high quality bronze and (stainless) steel, ensuring maximum resistance to corrosion. Recently the company has renewed the body pump to increase performance and range.

BMA Series

The BMA series comprises self-priming pumps available in different versions that offer a large range of applications for different uses. The BMA-S provides a large flow of water with limited power needed; it is suitable for bilge, fire fighting, ballast, fresh water washing and circulation applications. The high quality of the components makes the pumps light and perfectly compatible with seawater. It means they have high strength and wear-resistance which results in reduced maintenance.

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The BMA-M is best suited as a macerator pump as it is manufactured with an integrated grinder. The special centrifugal impeller, combined with a cutting unit, make it optimal for use with discharge water containing fibrous material. The fragmentation into small parts and the high pressure allows fluid to be handled in smalldiameter pipes. Constructed completely from the finest materials such as bronze and stainless steel AISI 630, the BMA-M has exceptional strength and wear resistance to the corrosion typical of the marine environment. Ideal for handling and treating waste/sewage water, even with suspended solid parts, black water and grey water, for example. The BMA-G is centrifugal self-priming pump with an integrated anti-clogging system designed for discharge-water handling. It is made entirely in bronze, which means it has exceptional strength and excellent wear and corrosion resistance typically required in marine environment. It is ideal for slightly loaded/grey water and waste/sewage water.

Circulation and Air-conditioning Pumps

capability. The high quality components make these pumps light and perfectly compatible with the seawater; the high level of strength and wear resistance results in reduced maintenance. The CB 22 is a centrifugal type with an open impeller designed for quiet operation with low power consumption.

Blowers, Fire Dampers and Water Heaters

Gianneschi also offers a range of blowers for use on Workboats. The ELL Helicoidal Blowers are designed to obtain large quantities of airflow at low pressures. The blowers can be installed horizontally or vertically, thus providing greater operational flexibility. All blowers are reversible, but they operate optimally when used in their preferential direction. Furthermore, variable pitch blades are available, according to the requirements of the customer. Gianneschi delivers a large range of stainless steel The Gigetta self-priming pump

homologated fire dampers fire class A0-A60 with med classification. Gianneschi water heaters are made entirely from AISI 316L stainless steel and have been subjected to a post-welding twin-chemical pickling and passivation surface treatment both inside and out. A treatment that guarantees a long life for tanks and water heaters. In addition, they are 30 to 50% thicker than the average water heater found on the market. All products are tested individually and are only delivered to the customer after stringent testing.


Gianneschi Service has been offered by the company for more than a decade now, carrying out repairs and giving technical assistance in addition to giving product and administrative assistance. i.

Photo courtesy of Gianneschi

Air conditioning and circulation systems on marine vessels require reliable pumps to maintain steady cooling water conditions throughout the system. Gianneschi designs and manufactures top-quality bronze pumps such as the CB-series standard centrifugal, or the BMA series with its self-priming

Gianneschi headquarters

Photo courtesy of Gianneschi

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Photo courtesy of Marine Maintenance World Expo

MAriNE MAiNtENANcE World Expo ANd coNFErENcE

Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo This impressive marine propulsion show hosts maintenance, testing and autonomous shipping symposiums.

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he fourth annual edition of Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo, which takes place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 6 - 8 June this year, will see an expected 150+ exhibitors from more than 20 countries, and 3,000 attendees, with more brand-new propulsion technologies on display than ever before. For propulsion system designers, ship owners and operators, boat builders, engine manufacturers, naval architects and military fleet operators/chiefs, the search for fuelsaving technologies starts here.

Expo within Expo

the expo is a great exhibition and conference dedicated to marine propulsion technologies and systems and it also hosts the Marine Maintenance World Expo and conference, plus two further events in the shape of the Autonomous Ship technology Symposium and the Maritime and Naval test and development Symposium. international companies choosing this unmissable showcase include Japanese giant, Kawasaki (Stand E3030), which will launch two new products, including its new concept Hybrid tug boat and its marine pure

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Visitors and delegates will see more next-generation maintenance and repair technologies than ever before.

gas engine; danish power control solutions leader dEiF (Stand E20650), which will demonstrate how its fuel-efficient and userfriendly delomatic4 Marine multi-function pMS control system can support business goals and emissions targets; and Germany’s Fischer panda (Stand E8025), whose range of high-voltage propulsion systems offers power from 20kW up to 100kW for commercial and recreational vessels.


Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo also features a three-day conference programme (rates apply) with hundreds of delegates, more than 40 big-name engineering speakers, and leading academic marine institutions in North America, Europe and Asia expected to attend. the conference includes presentations by panayiotis Mitrou, technology and innovation Manager, Marine And offshore, lloyd’s register, who will outline the development of smart grids integrating renewable power sources as a key step towards the introduction of electricity as an alternative fuel; oliver Simmonds, lead Engineer, GE power conversion, who will discuss the advanced hybrid systems and new integration challenges on board the UK MArS tankers

and Norwegian logistics and support vessels, and peter rogers, director, Wärtsilä, who will outline the development of Wärtsilä-HY, a virtual power box consisting of the engine, energy storage, power electronics and energy management system.

2017 Shaping Up to be the Biggest and Best

“the World Expo is shaping up to be the biggest and best that we’ve ever staged!” says Graham Johnson, Managing director of UKi Media & Events, the company that stages the global event. “We’ve got brandnew, exclusive papers being presented by some of the most respected names in the business, plus we’ve got some of the very best technologies being exhibited around the conference too.” Mr Johnson continues, “Marine Maintenance World Expo & conference is hosted as an integral part of Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo, so visitors and delegates will also see more next-generation maintenance and repair technologies than ever before. And with the additions of the Autonomous Ship technology Symposium and the Maritime and Naval test and development Symposium – the latter being dedicated to the design, development and validation of


Photo courtesy of Marine Maintenance World Expo

Photo courtesy of Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo

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PROBLEM: Large vessels require thick, heavy, hard-to-handle mooring ropes


SOLUTION: Bexco Maximus® with Dyneema® fibre engineered to be lighter, safer, flexible and easier to handle.






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RELIABLE — ALWAYS AND EVERYWHERE MAXIMUM AVAILABILITY. Stable mechanical design and highly robust 100 % series tests over 48 hrs EXPERTISE. Hot standby redundancy Virtual HIL for tests & simulation TRANSPARENCY. Flexible automation with open software & hardware

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Photo courtesy of Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo

The search for fuel-saving technologies starts here. marine systems and complete vessels – the World Expo is truly unmissable in 2017!”

The Latest Topics

Note that Marine Maintenance World Expo & conference has been specifically designed for fleet maintenance managers, dry dock and shipyard owners and operators, fleet operations directors, vessel owners and operators, and offshore platform and windfarm owners and operators. Visitors will see a hand-picked collection of the latest innovations and technologies, including the latest in engine maintenance, lubricant analysis, condition-based monitoring, hull blasting, non-destructive testing, parts cleaning, ship repair, coatings and more. the dedicated conference takes centre

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stage, with over 40 speakers sharing the latest maintenance innovations and trends over the full three days of the event. Star speakers announced to date include patrik Strand, portfolio Manager, digitalisation, Services, Wärtsilä corporation; Matt Smith, lead Machinery Specialist investigations, Fleet Services, lloyd’s register Marine & offshore; dr Axel Homborg, Associate professor, Netherlands defence Academy and Steve pascoe, Babcock Engineering Services innovation lead, Babcock international Group. topics under discussion in 2017 include ‘intelligent ship technology, iot and big data analytics for smarter fleet maintenance’; ‘innovative inspection approaches’; ‘datadriven maintenance’ and ‘innovative corrosion detection and repair’. i. i.


Simulate your grid with model driven development Bachmann electronic introduces a unique way to simulate and test your power management solution. Model and simulate your electrical Grid with 20-sim. connect the model directly with the Bachmann M1 hardware and test your grid on generator response, short circuit behavior and optimize your control strategy before going live. please visit us at booth E4050 and we will tell you all about the possibilities. the M1-Gxx module range is especially designed to measure, synchronize and protect the Grid. i.

Booth Number: E4050

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20-04-17 09:29


Daniel Bernoulli

Photo courtesy of Jan De Nul Group

AdhémAr de SAint-VenAnt And dAniel Bernoulli

Two Multipurpose Vessels Launched AViC ShipyArd in WeihAi, ChinA lAunChed JAn de nul Group’S neW multipurpoSe VeSSel AdhémAr de SAint-VenAnt in February 2017. the sister vessel, daniel Bernoulli, was launched in march 2017.

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18-04-17 10:21


Adhémar de Saint-Venant

Photo courtesy of Jan De Nul Group


ecent offshore projects, especially those in the renewable energy sector, are proving to be very demanding for the current vessels in the Jan De Nul fleet. To deal with these customer demands efficiently, the construction of the new twin multipurpose vessels Adhémar de SaintVenant and Daniel Bernoulli was initiated.

Tailored to Customer Needs The design requires the vessels to be able to adapt to various installation projects, whilst remaining as cost-efficient as the present fleet. The work is tailored to the requirements of customer projects, including subsea rock and cable installation and trenching. One big vessel, complete with all possible options, would prove too large to operate at close quarters to platforms and wind turbines, and would also be too expensive. Therefore, a Swiss pocketknife approach has

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been adopted. There is only one big difference: the assortment of available tools is not carried on board permanently, but mobilised as required for the execution of a specific project. As a consequence, a smaller platform can be developed, which would be much easier to manoeuvre at close quarters to offshore platforms or wind turbines. Bearing the many requirements in mind, an intense cooperation was established between the flag state, the classification society and the owner to define the regulatory framework for the multipurpose vessels.

Adhémar de Saint-Venant Deadweight Length o.a. Breadth Dynamic positioning Propulsion power Bow thruster power Total installed diesel power Speed Accommodation

6,200 tonnes 96m 22m DP2 2 x 1,250kW 2 x 1,250kW 6,800kW 11.5kn 60

Rock Installation Equipment Rock-carrying capacity Max fall pipe depth Inclined fall pipe diameter

5,100 tonnes 600m 1,800mm

Specific Class Notation To deal with the high number of specialist personnel required on board, the code of safety for special purpose ships 2008 has been adopted, together with the guidance code for open-top container vessels, which applies to the hatchless cargo hold. The

Cable Installation Equipment Turntable capacity Basket diameter

4,000 tonnes 16.8m


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20-04-17 09:40


The notations CLEANSHIP and GREEN PASSPORT have been awarded to the vessels by Bureau Veritas.

classification has been enhanced with a specific notation to ensure the vessel is prepared for a wide range of activities, including ’strength bottom’, allowing the vessels to be beached for near-shore activities and ’grab loading’ ensuring cargohold strength is sufficient to cope with the largest rocks.

Crew Comfort With up to 60 persons on board, working with complex equipment on highly demanding tasks, a lot is going on. To ensure the wellbeing of all on board, high-standard accommodation is provided, meeting MLC and COMF noise requirements. For the design and execution of the accommodation, an experienced interior designer ensures a high-quality finish. The result is a pleasant accommodation with minimal noise and vibration levels. Common spaces include a mess room as well as a bar and gymnasium. A hotel-style entertainment system is installed throughout the accommodation. A duty mess is also included to provide the deck crew with drinks and/or snacks during their shifts.

Adhémar de Saint-Venant

An actively controlled anti-roll tank is fitted to improve crew comfort at sea and to enhance workability. The tank has a U-shape, where the water motions are tuned by operating remote-controlled valves in the aeration pipes.

Mission Equipment The mission equipment prepared for the vessels includes: a vertical flexible fall pipe for rock installation, complete with fall pipe ROV to control and monitor the rock installation; a motion-compensated inclined fall pipe, designed for rock installation close to offshore structures; an offloading conveyor belt, enabling the installation of rock up to 41m outboard; cable-lay spread, typically suitable for inter-array cables; a trencher with dedicated LARS and work class ROV. To enable the mobilisation of the mission equipment using a plug-and-play method, an extended range of power supplies, auxiliaries and foundations is installed. Both to service the deck equipment and to execute subsea installation works, the vessels are fitted with a 40t active heave compensated knuckle boom crane. The vessel is prepared to carry all contemporary survey equipment to monitor the completed work. Redundant servers are installed for safe storage and processing of data and video. High-accuracy positioning of the vessels is achieved by the DP II Kongsberg dynamic positioning system. Multiple high-precision position reference systems, including DGPS, Cyscan, Radius and HIPAP, can be used. A simple but highly reliable diesel electric propulsion installation can be found below deck. It consists of two electrically driven 1,250kW azimuthing thrusters aft and two electrically driven 1,250kW bow thruster forward. Each thruster has its dedicated diesel generator engine and auxiliaries, limiting the consequences of a single failure in DP II mode to just one thruster. When maximum redundancy is not required, the machinery installation can be easily reconfigured, to an energy efficient operating mode.

Green and Clean Throughout the design, choices have been carefully evaluated for their environmental impact. A lot of (sometimes minor) Photo courtesy of Jan De Nul Group

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SHIP REPORT AdhĂŠmar de Saint-Venant

Photo courtesy of Jan De Nul Group

impact. A lot of (sometimes minor) refinements have been implemented. The best example is the decision to fit the airconditioning system with an enthalpy wheel, exchanging energy between the exhaust air and the fresh inlet air. The implementation of the wheel enables a 40% reduction in cooling capacity, thus reducing energy consumption and emissions. These efforts have been confirmed by Bureau Veritas through the notations CLEANSHIP and GREEN PASSPORT.

Daniel Bernoulli

Expansion Over the past eight years, Jan De Nul Group has considerably expanded its fleet. Nowadays, the Group is adjusting its investment strategy and focusing on niche markets. The construction of multipurpose vessels allows Jan De Nul to better meet the clients’ requests to have a project executed by one contractor or one vessel and to reduce the mobilisation costs for its clients. i. Photo courtesy of Jan De Nul Group

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Exterior rending

We work jointly with the naval architect Robert Allen in Vancouver, Canada.

Image courtesy of Guido de Groot

Inside the RT Borkum

Image courtesy of Guido de Groot

Image courtesy of Guido de Groot

Image courtesy of Guido de Groot

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RoToRTug’s ART 10 -15

The Innovation Tug The Truly inspiring rT Borkum, designed By Canadian roBerT allan, ComBines sophisTiCaTed design wiTh 10 Tonnes Bollard pull for limited docking assists. The rT Borkum, an arT10-15 type, is especially suited for display purposes and as a training vessel to supplement simulation training. The complementary training provides an intuitive real-life experience in addition to simulating custom ship-assist scenarios. words by sanny ensing


bove water, most tugs look alike; underwater is where the magic happens. The rotortug’s unique performance capability and manoeuvrability are provided by the triangular propulsion configuration. in an interview, rotortug’s managing Director Evan Willemsen explains: “You have various thruster configurations when it comes to tugs. some tugs feature two thrusters in front, this is called a tractor and others feature two in the back, this is called an azimuth stern drive (asd.)”


many tugs work with a skeg. The skeg ensures considerable indirect power at high speed, but also limits low-speed manoeuvring, making it more efficient not to have a skeg as this reduces response times. The Rotortug concept originates from replacing a skeg with a third thruster. This means that the vector response of the rotortug is high and the space required for manoeuvring is far smaller than for other tugs. This makes it ideal for lending assistance in confined areas. The rotortug’s ability to work over bow or stern with equal ease and the possibility of always working bow first enables tug masters to continuously operate within their comfort zone, whether securing a towline connection at the bow of an incoming container vessel or shifting from indirect to

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direct mode at 8 knots. mr willemsen is quick to emphasise that “no other tug can do what this one does at high speed.” Another benefit of this innovative concept is maximum redundancy and superior safety options – it is always possible to move to a safer position. with power distributed over three thrusters, individual thruster sizes can be reduced. Distributing the installed power over three smaller units saves a considerable amount of capital expenditure. RT Borkum’s big brothers, with a length of 32m and with 80t bollard pull, belong to the most powerful and versatile harbour and escort tugs in the world. Mr Willemsen: “The Rotortug is also used in the offshore industry as an ‘in-field support vessel’ but at that point we supply a bigger tug, with a length of about 42m to 46m and a bollard pull of 100t. Three such tugs have recently been delivered to kT Maritime. Initial charterer feedback from the in-field operations claimed that similar operations had been executed in a third of the timeframe previously allotted for such operations.”

Three Thruster History

owner Ton kooren is the inventor of the three thruster concept. in 1998, he realised that deploying this new concept would gain him a significant competitive advantage in Bremerhaven and hamburg, germany.


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The tug was lifted out of the water by Merwelands Jachtbouw and is presently finished by Van der Enden Jachtschilders at Broekman Rotterdam under the responsibility of the shipyard Padmos from Stellendam.

Photo courtesy of Giel Redelijk (KRVE)

The locks in the harbour made it difficult to manoeuver properly in the confined space available. The triple Z-drive arrangement enabled him to service similar-size vessels with fewer tugs in attendance, a continuous challenge with today’s escalating ship sizes. Mr Willemsen explains: “In the meantime, we updated the concept and that is when we really and truly took off. Today we work jointly with the naval architect robert allen in Vancouver, Canada, to improve our designs and concepts with each and every project. in this design-consultancy capacity, we provide recommendations to equipment manufacturers and shipyards, but our customers are in control. Business is booming, with twelve tugs sold in 2016 and seven confirmed orders listed for 2017”.

The Super Tug

The arT 10-15 is a lot like a small superyacht, and mr willemsen laughs as he says: “We call it the ‘super-tug’. owner Ton

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kooren wanted to have a boat for himself, but it made even more sense to develop it with a business model in mind.” with its gorgeous alphatron integrated bridge system and interior design by guido de groot design, this tug looks like a superyacht dream. It is extremely multifunctional. As a training and simulation vessel and as a display vessel, the arT 10-15 is already showing what improvements can be made in the towage business. as an innovation tug, this one incorporates a lot of new ideas and concepts. Mr Willemsen: “There is so much to see on this beautiful super-tug, so come and have a look for yourself!”

RT Borkum Dimensions Length oa Length Waterline Beam oa Depth Draught

14.95m 14.05m 8.50m 3.10m 3.30m

Capacities Fuel Oil Fresh water

6m3 1.5m3

Performances Free running speed Bollard Pull over stern Bollard Pull over the bow Side Stepping

9.0 knots 10 metric tons 10 metric tons 7 knots

New location

Rotortug will soon move to a new location further downstream on the river maas in Rotterdam. i.

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18-04-17 10:25


Damen Tugs and Utility Vessel panDa, germania & VolT proceSSor

Photoc courtesy of Damen

Herman Senior orders Damen Multi Cat 2712 The DuTch, family-owneD Tug

Herman Senior has a tradition of naming its ships after famous bears.

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anD workboaT company herman Senior bV has ordered its 12th Damen vessel, a multi cat 2712. The new vessel has been officially launched and was christened ‘panda’ on 23 march 2017. herman Senior has a tradition of naming its ships after famous bears. based in Dordrecht, herman Senior serves the dredging market, offshore wind farms and the oil & gas industry, with services including towage, plough dredging, anchor handling, geotechnical services, diving support and salvage & anchor recovery. Jack van Dodewaard, managing Director of herman Senior, comments, “The new multi cat 2712 has the advantage that she is suited for deep-sea work and can sail worldwide under her own keel. at the moment, we have vessels in latin america, australia, the middle east, north africa and

europe so this new addition will add to our flexibility. our current Damen multi cat ‘yogi’ has a working limit of 30 miles offshore. She has been active in South america for three years, so in the first instance we had to go to the expense of transporting her over there.” The multi cat 2712 has a bollard pull of 32t and two 290t/m cranes on board with a lifting capacity of 11.5t at 16.5m, making it suitable for a wide range of tasks. panda is largely a standard Damen vessel, which has been built for stock, although some extra navigational equipment has been added. mr van Dodewaard continues, “although we have a long history together, if Damen didn’t deliver the quality and service levels we expect, then we would look for another shipyard. a major advantage is that Damen understands our specific requirements. The drawings are automatically adapted each time and updated for the next vessel.”

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asd 2913

For Rimorchiatori Riuniti RimoRchiatoRi Riuniti has taken deliveRy of a damen asd 2913. the new vessel – named Germania – was handed over to the italian tug operator from Damen Shipyards Galati in Romania. The delivery follows Rimorchiatori Riuniti’s order for a second, identical vessel. Rimorchiatori Riuniti’s newest addition to the fleet has had some additional extras installed by damen. “these include fifi 1 oil recovery and escort notations as well as an aft winch meaning that she will be capable of some offshore duties too,” says Damen’s Regional sales manager andrea trevisan. “the Germania has also been built to be fully compliant with italian flag requirements.”


the Germania – a powerful 80t bollard pull tug – will be put into action in the port of Genoa. As Italy’s largest seaport, Genoa is also the country’s busiest in terms of cargo tonnage. The port also handles a substantial

amount of passenger transport in the form of ferries and cruise ships.

Smart customisation

the second asd 2913 has a short delivery time but Damen has a plan. They will accomplish this swift turnaround by outfitting a built-for-stock vessel. “This is a very fast delivery. using our ‘smart customisation’, we will manage this challenge,” continues Mr Trevisan.

The Germania – a powerful 80t bollard pull tug – will be put into action in the port of Genoa.

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For norwegian aQUacULtUre oPerations

New Utility Vessel 4312 Damen ShipyarDS Group SiGneD a contract with norway-based VoLT service as for a Utility Vessel (UV) 4312 to be delivered in Q1 2018.

The design has been optimised with extensive feedback from the aquaculture industry.

the vessel, to be named VoLt Processor, will undertake delousing operations and other services at norwegian salmon farms. remøy Management as has been involved in the development of the project and will perform the building supervision. remøy Management will also be the manager of the vessel when delivered.

Larger Ship

the UV 4312 follows on from damen’s smaller model – the UV 2410. the larger, 43m-model reflects the value operator’s position on having an abundance of open protected deck space. the design has been optimised with extensive feedback from the aquaculture industry. the result is a ship that corresponds precisely to the latest techniques in salmon delousing.

Highly Mobile Vessel

adoption of the latest delousing technology benefits the lice count and fish wellbeing while reducing or eliminating the need for chemicals in the treatment operations. the combination of the UV 4312 with the latest

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delousing techniques results in a highly mobile delousing vessel able to service more farms in a larger region and in more open waters.


the standard design of the UV 4312 includes a diesel-electric configuration, providing an efficient, flexible power supply for the 750 kw propulsion installation and for driving the deck equipment when moored within a farm. other features include a low freeboard, easy access to the waterline on both sides, a large hold and removable railings for hose-handling operations. the UV 4312 is open to customisation as the VoLt Processor will demonstrate. damen will tailor the vessel to the requirements of the client, which includes a third crane, dP1, an increased bow thruster power, an extra generator set and an ozone generator. the low freeboard minimises the height difference experienced by the fish during pumping and delousing, which ensures a reduction in stress. accommodation is provided for up to ten persons in six cabins, plus galley and mess room. the flexibility of the design means that the vessel can be further equipped in support of other aquaculture activities, such as installation and maintenance works. i.

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20-04-17 09:53


Shipping Can No Longer Afford to Overlook Automation HØGLUND REFITS

Sirius began looking for a company to refit the automation systems on Olympus and Tellus.

Photo courtesy of Høglund.

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s it doesn’t constitute a large part of the budget at the initial construction and design stage, it’s often low on the list of design considerations. Owners elect to use automation systems that come bundled in with other elements, such as the propulsion or cargo management systems. This can be a costly oversight. If the basics of automation are not addressed, ship owners and operators can miss out on significant efficiency savings and enhanced performance and even risk mild to mission-critical failures and delays. As the industry remains under pressure to find new areas of efficiency and cut costs without compromising safety, ship builders and designers can no longer afford to ignore the need to take automation seriously.

On today’s vessels, an increasing number of systems must work together to ensure optimal performance, safety and efficiency; this is achieved through integration and robust interfacing of automation systems. For example, systems that monitor a vessel’s engine temperature, pressure, fuel levels, viscosity and flow control would all be linked by an automation system which shows the ship systems’ status and the vessel’s overall performance. Other examples of automated processes include propulsion plant operation, auxiliary machinery operation, cargo on-and-off-loading operation, navigation and alarm systems management.



At the design stage, the basics of automation can ensure that these systems run smoothly and efficiently.



Another frequently neglected basic is to take stock of the devices on board a vessel that control automated systems. Many systems, such as pumps or starter motors, are controlled by programmable logic controllers (PLCs), small devices that contain the software for the component. Very often, owners have very little idea what software goes with which piece of hardware, what backups may be available and how to input new software if necessary. A simple list of the automated systems onboard a vessel can go a long way if something goes wrong. Another quick fix would be to make sure that each component has a backup battery with charge monitoring, so that the programming isn’t lost if power is cut – meaning that the optimisation work done on the component is not undone. Simple fixes like this, while seeming obvious, demonstrate the value of bringing automation expertise to the table.

Automation Systems

Høglund engineer at work.

One of the most common problems occurs when selecting the hardware for automation systems. Many automation suppliers create their own hardware, which they then update every few years, meaning that the hardware becomes obsolete within the lifecycle of a vessel. This can make servicing and upgrading the systems costly and difficult. If, however, systems are based on commercially available hardware this problem can be alleviated, and replacing components is less of a headache.

This issue can be addressed at the design stage. Often, due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of


Photo courtesy of Høglund.

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20-04-17 10:07




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SPECIAL FEATURE Tellus, vessel retrofitted by Høglund.

Photo courtesy of Høglund

automation and electronics, ship designers specify very little regarding the automated systems to be installed onboard a vessel. This contrasts to the very exacting specifications that are created for speed, cargo capacity, etc. Owners, in turn, neglect to find out what software goes inside the hardware procured by shipyards on their behalf, which in turn makes issue resolution or optimisation difficult.


Tanker and LNG shipping manager Sirius Shipping has experienced what happens when automation is not optimised. Over the years, Sirius Shipping had spent large quantities of time and money keeping automation systems on the M/T Olympus and M/T Tellus running. These ships featured highly interconnected electronic systems, which should have made them run more smoothly; however, they were becoming the most problematic vessels in the fleet due to frequent automation issues. Engineers often had to be called out to the vessels, sometimes requiring software updates onsite, which had to come from onshore offices. This resulted in costly downtime and delays, plus the additional costs and disruption of bringing engineers aboard. Sirius began looking for a company

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On today’s vessels, an increasing number of systems must work together to ensure optimal performance, safety and efficiency. to refit the automation systems on both vessels – despite the complexity of this operation, the need for a change was clear.


Høglund offered to complete the operation, estimated to take two weeks, in a single week. Despite scepticism from the shipyard and others over this timeframe, the operation was completed within eight days. Crucially, the systems also included Høglund Remote Connection. This allows engineers to remotely upgrade and fix software, which helps the crew adjust smoothly to the new systems. The benefits of working with a dedicated automation partner are already tangible for

Sirius. The power management systems are much more reliable, and enable discharging operations, for example, to run more efficiently. At times, the new systems enable the ships to run on two engines rather than three, which leads to greater fuel efficiency. Both ships’ automation systems are now secured for the next ten years, over which time maintenance is expected to be much more straightforward. This should last for the rest of the oil and chemical tankers’ operational lifespans, typically twenty years in total.


Whether at the newbuild or retrofit stage, bringing in the expertise of an automation partner can make a vast difference in a vessel’s reliability and efficiency for years to come. As the electronic systems on board modern vessels become increasingly complex, the need to address automation issues, from the basics to high-level optimisations, is a design consideration that can no longer be overlooked. i.

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20-04-17 09:55


State-of-the-art offShore SerVICe VeSSeL

Windea Leibniz Windea Leibniz Was deLivered on 28 February 2017 and christened at Ulstein Verft on 2 March by her Godmother, Dai Ling, from ICBC Leasing.

Photo courtesy of Ulstein group – Per Einde Studio


he vessel is the product of Ulstein Verft Yard number 310 and Ulstein Group’s X-BoW hull line design number 100. She features the X-SterN solution for increased comfort, together with reduced noise and vibrations when reversing in between the windfarm turbines. “once again, Ulstein Verft has proved its ability to deliver stateof-the-art vessels within the agreed timeframe. We look forward to seeing the vessel at work and to hearing the feedback on her results when operating in the renewables market,” says Managing Director Kristian Sætre at Ulstein Verft. Godmother Dai Ling christened this second windfarm service vessel from the hamburg-based shipping company Bernhard Schulte and the Beijing-based financial company ICBC Leasing. the vessel carries the name of the German mathematician, philosopher and physicist Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, who in the 17th century proposed the use of wind power to operate pumps.

Sister Vessel to Windea La Cour the vessel has been contracted by Siemens Wind Power to service Vattenfall’s offshore windfarms Sandbank and Dantysk in German Bight, starting in april 2017. the Sandbank farm is situated some 100 kilometres from the homeport of esbjerg, Denmark. the windfarm covers 60m2 with a total of 72 wind turbines and was completed in early 2017. the farm produces green electricity for 400,000 households. the Dantysk windfarm, situated in the near vicinity of the Sandbank, started to produce electricity in 2015.

X-Stern the use of Service operation Vessels (SoV) will improve the efficiency of service operations at offshore windfarms. the vessels function as reliable and environmentally-sound platforms for windfarm operations and maintenance

The Windea Leibniz seen from above.

Photo courtesy of Ulstein Group Oclin

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Windea Leibniz front bridge

Photo courtesy of Ulstein Group – Per Eide Studio

support, technician accommodation and transport, and the provision of exceptional levels of safe and reliable access to offshore installations. Matthias Müller, Managing Director of Bernhard Schulte Offshore, says, “The vessel has the special X-STERN hull shape which allows her to be positioned with the stern, instead of just the bow, facing towards the weather. Her award-winning sister vessel Windea La Cour, which has been working in the Dutch Gemini windfarm since August 2016, has already proved that this leads to improved weather resilience, greater operability and reduced power and fuel consumption while on DP mode next to the wind turbine.”

Work Scope Starting from April, the vessel will be working at the Sandbank windfarm in German Bight for Siemens Wind Power Service to ensure the production of green energy from 72 wind turbines. i.

Photo courtesy of Ulstein Group

Windea Leibniz Vessel type OFFSHORE WIND Design SX175 Built by ULSTEIN VERFT AS Year 2017 Owned by Bernhard Schulte Offshore/ICBC Leasing Yard number 310 Designed by Ulstein Design & Solutions AS Ordered by Bernhard Schulte Offshore Operated by WINDEA Offshore

Principal Dimensions Length Beam Dead weight

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Windea Leibniz.indd 49

Photo courtesy of Ulstein Group

88m 18m 3,150t

Draught (max) Speed (max) Accommodation Deck area

6.4m 13.5kn 60POB 380m2

Capacities Fuel oil 1,150m3 Fresh water 1,200m3 Ballast water 2,400m3 CLASSIFICATIONS Det Norske Veritas +1A1, SF, E0, Offshore Service Vessel, DYNPOS AUTR, CLEAN DESIGN, COMF-V(3) C(3), DK(+), BIS, NAUT-AW, LCS-DC, BWM-T, HELIDK, Recyclable

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NAPA software in use. Photo courtesy of NAPA

3D Design Tools

Navigating a Paradigm Shift in Ship Design naval archiTecTs have a fronT-row seaT when iT comes To innovaTing wiThin The shipping industry. at early design stages, designers work on concepts that may change quickly, requiring them to react rapidly and adjust designs.

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o remain competitive, they need to innovate constantly, responding to increasingly complex demands from owners, class societies and international regulators as they create the ships of the future. This front row seat comes at the cost of dealing with an almost overwhelming level of complexity – so it’s no surprise that today’s ship designers are incredibly exacting when it comes to the tools they use.

3D Design Tools

This was the situation in which hyundai heavy industry’s designers found themselves. They needed to innovate fast, without sacrificing quality, to keep up with changing regulations from class societies and the imo, which required them to work faster and more collaboratively. however, the tools available to them were impacting their ability to do this. Designing in 2D, separate software had to be used for

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Today’s ship designers are incredibly exacting when it comes to the tools they use. rule checks and to create 3D models. During this process, any changes in the 2D drawings also had to be applied to the 3D models manually, and related analysis results needed to be calculated again. This also created headaches when it was time to check designs – hours were spent manually checking designs with structural databases and drawings. This took valuable time that the designers could have otherwise spent on developing new concepts. hhi recognised that the solution was to shift to 3D design tools that allowed designers to create ships in 3D from scratch, without needing to translate back and forth to 2D.


NAPA Steel

after extensive testing, hhi adopted napa steel’s 3D design interface, which represented a paradigm shift for hhi’s designers. related drawings and analysis models were created within the tool, which meant that checks were easier – and also that any changes made were synchronised throughout the design, leading to fewer errors. in addition, using napa steel meant that designers could create more complete ship design models earlier on. This allowed designers to estimate steel weight and required manpower for more accurate construction. altogether, throughput time on design at hhi in the early stages was reduced by 30%. This meant that the time saved could be re-invested in innovation, developing new ship designs

and improving engineering processes – unlocking the designers’ creativity.

Turning a Method on its Head

The challenge for napa had come much earlier. in 2013 napa understood that 3D modelling was set to be the future of ship design, but also realised that modern designers were increasingly demanding software that had a similar level of usability to commercial software; both because user-friendliness and ease of learning meant fewer errors, and also because designers needed the software that they used for several hours a day to be fun to use. To make this a reality, napa had to turn their traditional method of software development on its head. Taking cues from agile methodology, an ongoing and iterative approach to project management, napa began

NAPA software.

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breaking the stages of software development into small, fully functional chunks – known as minimum viable products. This was combined with the creation of early prototype mock-ups that could be tested with designers for usability without having to wait for a final product. This approach contrasted with the traditional ‘waterfall’ method of development, where a product is designed to a brief and user feedback is only available once it is finished. napa put its users at the centre of their design process and their feedback was integral to shaping each iteration of the software.

Paradigm Shift

This began with an ‘empathise phase’ where napa observed users around the world interacting with their software, and identified the issues they faced using the product. each version of the software was then tested with

a new group of users, who helped shape the next version. hhi was among these groups, and its designers contributed significantly to shaping the software that they would eventually use day-to-day. The result was a product that designers used to working in 2D could easily adjust to, and quickly get up to speed with its new capabilities. modern ship designers need powerful, responsive tools to help them collaborate and innovate, but they also need them to deliver the usability and convenience that they have come to expect from consumer technology. Both sides had to help each other relearn the way they worked to ensure the success of this paradigm shift; first to create and then implement software that was just as smart, flexible and capable as the designers using it. i.

Photo courtesy of NAPA

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Sustainable and Environmental Initiatives

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From left to right Gene Seroka, Executive Director of the Port of Los Angeles and Luciano Corbetta, Market Unit Director Ports & Maritime at Cavotec.

Photo courtesy of the Port of Los Angeles.

CavoteC and Port of Los angeLes reduCe emissions

Alternative Maritime Power for USS Iowa GLOBAL enGIneerInG GrOUP CAvOTeC, The POrT Of LOS AnGeLeS (POLA) and the historic Battleship IOWA Museum unveiled a public Alternative Maritime Power (AMP) educational exhibit.


he reception commemorated Battleship USS IOWA’s new shore-side power connection, just south of the Port of Los Angeles’ World Cruise Center. “Working together, we have helped to reduce emissions from ships at berth at both POLA and its sister port, POLB. This co-operation has been critical in supporting the development of innovative AMP technologies in the US and further afield,” says Luciano Corbetta, Cavotec Group Market Unit Director, Ports & Maritime.

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Jonathan Williams, president of the Pacific Battleship Center and the Battleship IOWA attraction, was joined by POLA executive Director Gene Seroka, Los Angeles’ 15th District Councillor Joe Buscaino, and Corbetta to officially unveil the educational exhibit that explains how shore power connection works, what its benefits are, and how AMP has evolved at POLA over the past decade and a half. Cavotec was instrumental in helping the Battleship IOWA provide equipment and contractors

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Working together, we have helped to reduce emissions from ships at berth. for its shore side custom connection. The IOWA, an iconic battleship that first saw service in the Second World War, is one of the most popular tourist attractions on the LA Waterfront at the Port of Los Angeles. The vessel’s on board power requirements are now supplied through the Los Angeles power grid, rather than diesel generators, a move that reduces noise and air pollution and enables the attraction to extend its hours of activity.


Cavotec and POLA have been working closely on AMP technologies since 2001. In 2004, at Pier 100, POLA introduced an AMP barge, which enabled China Shipping Container Line to become the first company

to connect one of its container ships to AMP at the quayside. POLA’s first AMP-fitted terminal came on line in 2007. While the US navy has been using shore power connection for many years, POLA was the first port in the world to introduce AMP for in-service container vessels. The innovation has helped establish AMP as a global environmental practice as well as legal requirement in California for container ships that frequently call at the state’s largest ports.

for container vessels, (as well as ferries, cruise ships and bulk carriers), and at ports, primarily in europe and the far east. Some 600 container vessels worldwide are now fitted with Cavotec AMP systems. “Cavotec is proud to be part of this journey with POLA, and we look forward to continuing our work on developing AMP for POLA’s needs in the years ahead,” Corbetta adds. i.

As Cavotec’s knowledge and experience of AMP systems has grown since its first installation in 1985, the Group has gone on to develop shore power connection systems

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Offshore Energy attracts a global audience of more than 12,000 offshore energy industry professionals. The three-day event, features an exhibition where over 650 companies will showcase their products and services. The accompanying conference addresses current and future issues in the offshore industry, covering


developments in oil & gas, offshore wind and marine energy. See you in Amsterdam!

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Platinum Sponsor

18-04-17 10:36



Wärtsilä Joins Seabin Project The fInnISh TeChnOLOGy GrOUP WärTSILä hAS SIGneD An AGreeMenT WITh The SeABIn Project to join their global pilot programme, which addresses the worldwide littering problem affecting our oceans.


he project aims at approaching the challenge from multiple angles with a key emphasis on education, research and technology.

Finland’s Centennial Programme Partnership Wärtsilä will work in cooperation with the Seabin Project for the next three years and has sponsored both the city and port of helsinki’s involvement in the programme. The Wärtsilä - Seabin partnership aims at dynamic and versatile actions using Wärtsilä’s experience, established technologies, and know-how in environmental product development.


The Seabin is a floating rubbish bin that is located in the water at marinas, docks, yacht clubs and commercial ports, collecting all floating rubbish. Water is sucked in from the surface and passes through the catch

Seabin marine scientist at work.

Photo courtesy of Wärtsilä

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The Seabin is a floating rubbish bin that collects all floating rubbish. bag filter inside the Seabin. The water is then pumped back into the marina leaving litter and debris trapped in the catch bag to be disposed of properly. The Seabin also has the potential to collect a percentage of oils and pollutants floating on the water surface. The team at the Seabin Project are currently using 12v submersible water pumps, which have the option of using alternative and cleaner energy sources. This could involve using solar, wave or wind power technology, depending on the geographical location and currently available technologies.

Seabin Goes global

Seabin’s global pilot programme was launched with the presentation and installation of the latest prototype (v5 hybrid) in different locations around the globe. helsinki is one of these locations and the only one in the nordic countries. During the three-month test period, user experience and data will be gathered from the pilot partners before commercial sales of the Seabins commence.

Sponsorship of Helsinki

In order to work for cleaner maritime environments, Wärtsilä has also signed an agreement with the city of helsinki and the Port of helsinki to donate two pre-series Seabins for testing in helsinki during the trial period. four additional Seabins can then be installed after commercial sales begin. The city of helsinki and the Port of helsinki will manage the daily maintenance of the Seabins. “Wärtsilä is proud to join the Seabin Global Pilot Programme. As one of the marine industry’s leading solutions suppliers, it is our responsibility to supply

efficient products that help our customers protect the environment. environmental actions need to take place now and everyone can play a role, corporations as well as individuals,” says Jaakko eskola, President & CeO of Wärtsilä Corporation. “We are excited that Wärtsilä has joined the programme and even more proud that they are sponsoring an entire city with Seabins. We expect to see some amazing and dynamic collaborations in the very near future with Wärtsilä to further develop the technology, and to get the Seabins off the dock and into the waters,” says Pete Ceglinski, Co-founder and Managing Director at Seabin Project. i. i.

V5 Hybrid Seabin Tech Overview The v5 Seabin is aptly named the v5 hybrid considering its adaptability in various conditions and its alternative energy options. The term “hybrid” is also fitting as the Seabin can adapt to multiple alternative energy options. Currently 110v/120v is needed to provide power to the electrical box, which is then converted to power the 12v submersible water pump. Wind and solar options are an effective solution for the running of the Seabin v5 hybrid in ideal geographical locations and the addition of a micro hydro turbine will also decrease its carbon footprint whilst reducing costs for the marinas running the Seabins. The flow rate is 15,000 liters per hour whilst drawing minimum current. The expected cost of running solely on shore power is around 30 to 50 eurocents per day. The woven cloth catch-bag which sits inside the v5 hybrid is easy to lift by one person even when full. It is made from a durable natural fibre called hessian or jute and is currently capturing micro plastics down to 2mm in diameter. The v5 Seabin is designed for marinas and calm areas. however, the plan is to modify technology for future Seabins so they can capture the floating litter desecrating the oceans.

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Renewable Energy Sector in Wales

Deep Green, Minesto’s unique technology for cost-effective electricity production from slowly flowing underwater currents.

SWeDISh-BASeD COMPAnIeS MIneSTO AnD STenA LIne hAve engaged in a joint project to invest in Wales’ transition to renewable energy.


tena Line is in the process of building an assembly hall in holyhead, which Minesto will utilise in their upcoming rollout of the company’s unique technology to generate clean electricity from the ocean. Minesto and Stena Line have signed an agreement in which Stena Line has committed to building an assembly hall on their land at the port of holyhead, Wales. The assembly hall will be leased to Minesto and used for the upcoming rollout of Deep Green, Minesto’s unique technology for cost-effective electricity production from slowly flowing underwater currents.

Holyhead Port

Minesto’s first commercial power plant array will be installed in holyhead Deep off the coast of north Wales. The company has recently announced plans to expand the project from 10MW to 80MW installed capacity. This expansion will allow Minesto’s power plants to supply as many as 80,000 Welsh households with locally produced, reliable and renewable electricity. The assembly hall in holyhead Port is a key part of this process, allowing both assembly and service & maintenance of the power plants to take place in holyhead Port. “We are very pleased to have finalised this agreement with Stena Line. With its direct quay access for offshore transports to and

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from site, we have secured a unique location that suits us perfectly. When establishing our technology, it is crucial to work with professional and long-term partners such as Stena Line. We are two companies from Gothenburg, exploiting these ocean-energy business opportunities together in Wales, which adds to the excitement”, says Dr Martin edlund, CeO of Minesto. Stena Line has been active in holyhead for many years, as owner of the port and through the company’s ferry operations on the Irish Sea, with five routes connecting Ireland and Great Britain. “This investment creates value for Stena Line in several ways and demonstrates opportunities in port operations linked to ocean renewables”, says Björn Petrusson, Chief Commercial Officer at Stena Line. “Our sustainability strategy has a clear focus on clean energy, so participating in the development of new renewable energy sources is natural to us. This investment is good for our business and is also an investment in a better future for all of us”, Björn Petrusson concludes. The assembly hall is scheduled for completion in June 2017. i.

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The Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Surveyor Interceptor. It flies at 4-6 knots, 3-4 times as fast as conventional ROVs. It carries multibeam and sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, HD cameras, powerful lights and a laser scanner. It was Black Sea MAP’s principal survey tool in 2016 and operated at depths down to 1,800m (over a mile deep).

A shipwreck from the Ottoman period discovered in 300m of water. Many of its timbers are carved. This image is a photogrammetric model created from photographs taken by cameras on the ROV, rendered with light sources (model Rodrigo Pacheco-Ruiz).

Photo courtesy of the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project

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Photo courtesy of Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project

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prehistoric mAritime interconnectivity

The Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project An internAtionAl teAm, including the university of southAmpton’s centre for mAritime ArchAeology And funded by chAritAble orgAnisAtion for marine research, the Expedition and Education Foundation (EEF), has been surveying the Bulgarian waters of the Black Sea. Thousands of years ago, large areas of land were inundated here as the water level rose following the last Ice Age.


his research has led to the discovery of more than 40 shipwrecks associated with the Ottoman and Byzantine Empires. Many of the discoveries are in excellent condition, thanks to the low oxygen levels at depths below 150 meters, which slows decay. The team has taken thousands of still photographs of the shipwrecks and used photogrammetry, a technique that uses software to calculate the positions of millions of points in space, to build 3D models of the discoveries. Hulls, masts, tillers, and rudders are all clearly discernible.

ROVs Photo courtesy of MMT

A photogrammetric model of a Byzantine wreck discovered in 95m of water illustrating the Surveyor ROV passing over it, gathering 3D data. Constructed from photographs taken by cameras on the ROV. (Model Rodrigo Pacheco-Ruiz).

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Based on board the Stril Explorer, an offshore vessel equipped with some of the most advanced underwater survey systems in the world, the international team of researchers is surveying the seabed using two Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). One is optimised for high-resolution 3D photogrammetry-2 and video; the other, the Surveyor Interceptor ROV (SROV), is a vehicle developed by the survey companies MMT and Reach Subsea. The SROV ‘flies’ at four times the speed of conventional ROVs and carries an entire suite of geophysical instrumentation, as well as lights, highdefinition cameras and a laser scanner. In the course of the project, it has set new records for both depth (1,800m), sustained speed (over 6 knots), and has covered a distance of 1,250km.


partners, explains the importance of showing the wide range of SROV´s capabilities. It was developed for the oil and gas industry but is capable of inspecting and exploring various seabed-mapping projects. This expedition has provided new data on the maritime interconnectivity of Black Sea coastal communities and ways of life and seafaring that stretch back into prehistory.

The Team

The Black Sea MAP team comprises researchers from the University of Southampton’s Centre for Maritime Archaeology (CMA), who have established a formal partnership with the Bulgarian National Institute of Archaeology and the Bulgarian Centre for Underwater Archaeology (CUA). Partner institutions include the Maritime Archaeological Research Institute at Södertörn University, Sweden; the University of Connecticut, USA; the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece, and MMT. Core samples recovered from the Black Sea will be analysed at the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. The project operates under permits from the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Foreign Affairs with strict adherence to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001). i.

MMTs founder and CTO Ola Oskarsson, who developed SROV together with trusted

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OUTFITTERS PAGE Wärtsilä launches SmartPredict


The technology group Wärtsilä launched its latest innovation SmartPredict at this year’s Seatrade Cruise Global exhibition in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Developed by the company’s Dynamic Positioning unit, SmartPredict is designed to provide safer and more efficient vessel operations by reducing the risks associated with manoeuvring. The system displays the vessel’s predicted future position and heading, and uses proven dynamic positioning (DP) analysis algorithms to evaluate forces affecting the vessel, thereby providing advanced motion prediction. SmartPredict also features a configurable prediction time display. i.

Boasting twelve new components, the XTR Series is versatile and ready for renewable energy systems and local area networks. The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 XTR combines the benefits of the successful WAGO-I/ O-SYSTEM with key features for extraordinary dependability in tough environments: These include extreme resistance at temperatures from -40°C to +70°C, immunity to interference up to 1 kV (< 60 V, Class VW1) and 5 kV (≥ 60 V, Class VW3), as well as vibration resistance up to 5g. The system requires minimal space and is distinguished by low energy and maintenance costs. These benefits, along with incredible system uptime, increase productivity. i.


Health Monitoring System

FleetGuard, MeteoGroup’s interactive tool for live fleet monitoring, planning and vessel optimisation, helps shipping companies fully comply with the EU and IMO monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) regulation, which requires companies to report on the CO2 emissions of its vessels as of 1 January 2018. Its flexible and dynamic noon reporting system and pivot-style database collects all data required by the verification body and an API for third party systems offers an easy connection for transfer of compulsory monitoring data. i.

The system has been developed as a complement to the earlier SKF Multilog Online Systems IMx-S, and boasts a number of improvements. Firstly, it now has eight channels rather than 16 or 32. This may sound like a retrograde step, but it is actually more suited to this type of application: the Multilog Online Systems IMx-8 can be installed closer to the application being monitored, meaning fewer cables and simpler installation. It is more compact and rugged, making it suitable for marine use, and it meets the stringent environmental requirements set by the classification societies as part of type approval process. i.

Hatteland Display Series X Hatteland Display, provider of display and computer solutions for professional maritime use has added four new sizes to its innovative second generation Series X Panel Computers portfolio. Integrating powerful Intel Skylake processor-based computers, high-quality display technology and advanced video processing, Hatteland Display’s second generation Series X Panel Computers are all-in-one computer/display solutions available for maritime technology manufacturers and systems integrators. With new 27, 26 and 24-inch configurations, second generation Series X Panel Computers are now available for a diverse range of applications. i.

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Alberto Morandi

Mikael Norin

Mark Gillespie

General Manager


Managing Director

Richard Gruenhagen Managing Director of Finance and Administration

appointment at

appointment at

appointment at

cavotec group

ecosse subsea systems

appointment at

gustomsc houston

GustoMSC announces the appointment of Alberto Morandi to the position of General Manager of GustoMSC’s office in Houston. Dr. Morandi was previously with Global Maritime for over 18 years. He has a PhD from the University of Glasgow in Reliability of Marine Structures and an MSc in Naval Architecture from the University of São Paulo. He is also a Chartered Engineer in the UK and a Professional Engineer in the state of Texas.

The Board of Directors of Cavotec SA is pleased to announce that Mikael Norin has been appointed CEO of the Cavotec Group. Mikael Norin, 53, currently works as a board director and corporate advisor for a number of companies around the world. Mikael Norin is a native of Sweden, has engineering training and obtained a BSc from Lund University in Business Administration and Economics with a specialisation in International Business.

Ecosse Subsea Systems (ESS) has appointed Mark Gillespie as Managing Director. Mr Gillespie has more than 25 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry, holding senior technical, commercial and contractual management roles in Technip, CSL, GE Oil & Gas, Centrica and Talisman. More recently, he was Managing Director of Aberdeenbased engineering and project management consultancy PDi Ltd.

MV WERFTEN has appointed Richard Gruenhagen (54) as Managing Director of Finance and Administration. Mr Gruenhagen has years of experience as Executive Financial Management Professional, broad business experience as CFO, Director of Finance, Chief Accountant and as Head FP&A & Controlling in large global companies and startups. Most recently, Richard Gruenhagen worked as CFO at DHL Logistics in Switzerland.

Marilena Andrenacci Paula Manarangi

Richard Galasso

Maarten Post

US Sales Manager

Chief Operating Officer

Jens Lassen Donald Anderson Board Members

Marilena Andrenacci

mv werften

Paula Manarangi

appointments at

appointment at

appointment at

maritime cook islands

ocean signal

appointment at

osm maritime group

OSM Maritime Group Jens Lassen (left), former Head of Carnival Maritime and Donald Anderson (right), former CEO of V. Ships Group, have joined OSM Maritime Group as members of the Board. Jens Lassen has extensive experience in the maritime industry and ship management. Donald Anderson has had more than 25 years in ship management, marine services, private equity and financial investments.

Maritime Cook Islands, the international ship registry, has recently appointed Marilena Andrenacci as Fleet Manager, and Paula Manarangi as Manager for Europe, both based in Italy. M. Andrenacci is an experienced Project Manager, specialised in the implementation of government policy and stakeholder management. P. Manarangi holds a Bachelor of Law and a Masters in Maritime Law from the International Maritime Law Institute in Malta.

Communication and safety-at-sea specialist Ocean Signal has announced the appointment of Rich Galasso as its new US Sales Manager. Bringing more than 20 years’ marine industry experience to the role, Galasso joins Ocean Signal following a seven-year stint as Regional Distribution Manager with satellite communications and tracking leader Globalstar/SPOT. His background as a sales manager also includes time at West Marine, Standard Horizon and Uniden.

Maarten Post has been appointed Chief Operating Officer (COO) and member of the General Management Team. Maarten will be responsible for the management of Radio Holland Group’s global operations and further building up the global service network. Over the past few years, Maarten Post has had several managerial positions within RH Marine Group, including Managing Director of Elkon (Turkey) and Imtech Marine Canada.

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radio holland group


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ShipBuilding Industry’s Buyers Guide

AncoferWaldram Steelplates bv P.O. Box 190 4900 AD Oosterhout, The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 491500 F +31 (0)162 429806 E I Over 100,000 tons of quality heavy steel plates in stock AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. (AWS) is a stockholding wholesaler and steel service center, specializing in the supply of hot-rolled heavy carbon steel (quarto) plates, and profiled parts for more than 40 years now. Over the years, AWS has developed into a business that sets the standard for its industry. Plates from stock or profiled parts The choice is yours! It is the combination of comprehensive stocks of over 100,000 tons of heavy carbon steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant that gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.

Art4 Technical Systems BV Nieuwegracht 9-11 3763 LP Soest – The Netherlands T +31 (0)35 582 2468 F +31 (0)35 642 4860 E I Contact: Mr Paul Schraven Art4 Technical Systems BV is an independent Dutch company. We design, build and deliver fully turnkey solutions for hydraulic and electrical systems for customers worldwide.Our clients use the hydraulic and electrical systems for various end products such as:Mobile drives, transport conveyers, winch drivers, jack up platforms, cranes, both on-shore and off shore, a-frames, special equipment, fairground attractions.The systems can be custom built to fit the specifications of the product they are used for.

Cramm HLS BV PO Box 186 9100 AD Dokkum, The Netherlands T +31 (0)88 457 0457 F +31 (0)88 457 0458 E I Contact: Paul Boelens Cramm HLS BV is a sister company of Cramm Yachting Systems (www. Cramm HLS deliveres equipment for safe and secure landing and handling of helicopters. One of the products is the helicopter landing grid (, which is used for safe landing in rough conditions. Besides this also Helicopter moving systems and the delivery of hangardoors are in the delivery-package. After 60 year anniversery we are proud to use: quality based on experience.

DBR BV Lelystraat 53 – NL-3364 AH P.O. Box 1039 – NL-3360 BA Sliedrecht – The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 613 200 F +31 (0)184 612 654 E I Contact: H.J. Hafkamp DBR BV is the Dutch specialist in diesel and gas generator sets up to 4,000kVA, pumps and diesel pump sets up to 2,000kW in the oil and gas, wind farm, dredging and shipping industry worldwide. The well-engineered generator and pump sets are custom-built and assembled by DBR in accordance to high quality offshore standards and marine classification rules.

Emigreen B.V. Parabool 111 3364 DH Sliedrecht, The Netherlands 6 2 | S B I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 11 | Issue 2

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T +31 (0)184 415 317 F +31 (0)184 415 582 E I Contact: Niko J. Dalpis Emission Control Technology Emigreen produces customised, integrated emission control solutions, for, among others, the maritime sector. Emigreen also provides services including design, specification, production, installation instruction, training and aftersales. Emigreen has expertise in emission control technologies, flow dynamics, thermodynamics and noise and vibration control. Emigreen develops and tests components including catalytic converters, particulate filters, selective catalytic reduction systems and related instrumentation. The Emigreen Alfa Alfa burner assisted soot filter system has set the standard for others to beat. All Emigreen solutions are highly efficient, highly reliable and highly controllable, whether designed for an inland barge, shortsea carrier or luxury yacht. Emigreen links science and the market

Gebhard Electro Innovatiepark 14, 4906 AA Oosterhout PB 61, 4900 AB Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 452 888 F +31 (0)162 433 761 E I Contact: Ton Versluis / Richard van de Wiel Gebhard Electro is a globally operating company specialised in the design, production, installation and maintenance of electrical systems for the maritime shipping industry. We collaborate with leading shipyards on every continent. Gebhard Electro has been specialised in the high-tech world of shipbuilding since 1946. Our activities vary greatly: from just one specific task to the execution of entire projects or the management and co-ordination of all activities of all participating contractors. From our own facility in China we are in a position to deliver at competitive rates. Gebhard Electro, your one-stopshop for development / engineering / production / installation / repair service

HEInEn & HopmAn Produktieweg 12 3751 LN Spakenburg, The Netherlands T +31 (0)33 299 25 00 F +31 (0)33 299 25 99 E I Contact: J.W.E. Hopman Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world leader in air conditioning, mechanical ventilation,central heating, refrigeration, sanitary systems, fire protection, environmental systems and air duct cleaning. Founded in 1965, the company is renowned for being an innovator in the design, engineering and installation of customised solutions. We work in four specialist areas: – Superyachts. – Commercial shipping. – Offshore industry. – Navy vessels. Our mission is to ensure that the climate ‘indoors’ will perfectly meet the needs of people and products alike, whatever the weather outside. Heinen & Hopman offers a worldwide, 24/7 service via a network of subsidiaries and sales centres. Pantone 354

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Hubel marine B.V. Karel Doormanweg 5, 2nd Floor 3115 JD Schiedam P.O. Box 3219 3003 AE Rotterdam, The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 458 7338 F +31 (0)10 458 7662 E I Twitter: HubelMarine Contact: Mr Erik A. de Koning m +31 (0)6 53724457 Hubel Marine is a full-service firm for advice regarding Vessel Registration, Mortgage Registration, Seafarer Endorsements and Technical Flag State matters. We represent the flags of Panama, Belize and St.Kitts & Nevis. We are fully authorised to perform Safety Surveys and issue Statutory & w w w. s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u

18-04-17 10:41


Class Certification including ISM, ISPS and MLC audits. We provide services for any type or tonnage of vessel worldwide.

Klay Instruments b.v. P.O. Box 13 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands T +31 (0)521 591 550 E I Klay Instruments is a Dutch manufacturer of ‘All Stainless Steel’ Pressure- and Level transmitters for the Marine & shipbuilding. All our transmitters are ATEX and IECEx Ex ia certified and have five different Marine Type Approvals. Our Pressure transmitters are available in threaded and Flanged process connections with flush diaphragm for all pressure applications. The available accuracies are 0.2% (series 8000) or 0.1% (series 2000). For Level measurement we manufacture Compact transmitters (series 8000 and 2000) and submersible level transmitters (series Hydrobar). Typical applications: – Ballast Level – Oil / HFO and (waste) water level – Manifold pressure More than 30 years experience in the Marine and shipbuilding industry !

nicoverken marine Services BV Algerastraat 20 3125 BS Schiedam, The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 238 0999 F +31 (0)10 238 0988 E I Contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, filtration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, including attachments i.e. governors, turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide! www.s h i p b u i l d i n g -industr

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CERTIFIED ROBOT WELDING pIEnInG pRopELLER Am Altendeich 83 D-25348 Glueckstadt, Germany T +49 (0)4124 9168-0 F +49 (0)4124 3716 E I Contact: Mathias Pein Noise reduction relies upon the quiet operation of a yacht´s propulsion system. Piening Propeller fulfils its briefs in: Consideration of all hydrodynamic aspects during the design and an accurate manufacturing of propellers and shafts. The company is approved by all common classification societies. Repairs and adjustments of propellers are done with the same care as new builds. Piening Propellers scope of supply includes: Propellers from 500 mm upwards Shafts up to a several length of 12,000 mm Sterntubes with sealings and bearings Gearboxes type ZF

RBi marine Consultancy De Ruyterstraat 62 4335 GN Middelburg The Netherlands T +31 (0)6 190 358 20 E I Contact: Ruud Bimmel RBi Marine Consultancy provides full-service 24/7 worldwide. This is the core of our business. We advise, manage and carry out projects with expertise and experience; a result of years in supporting the Marine industry both locally and internationally. Our business conduct inspection, surveying, new-build, repairs, refurbishment, regular maintenance, fleet management, site management, owner representative, and of course project management. Our network contains more than just that. Together with established partners we provide delivery of genuine marine parts, blasting and painting, welders, fitters and sorts of craftsmen. For more details please call us or view our website:

Vlotstaal Energieweg 16 2964 LE Groot Ammers The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 601108 E I Contact: Jan van Oosten Vlot Staal is a leading robot welding production company for industrial components. Where other welding companies work mostly with hand welders for certified products, Vlot Staal uses mainly welding robots for component welding within the offshore and crane industries and other highly demanding industries. All activities are certified with the well-known ISO 9001:2014 for organisation and ISO 3834-2 (highest execution class) for welding work. Welding qualifications are certified according to: AWS D1.1, ISO 15614 and ASME IX for robot welding and hand welding. Delivering machined and painted products with a complete manufacturing data book is standard procedure. Check out our website for the full overview. If you want reliability and guaranteed top quality for a fair price, don’t hesitate to contact us. “Once you’ve placed the order, you can let it go”

WInEL B.V. P.O. Box 70 9400 AB Assen, The Netherlands T +31 (0)592 366 060 F +31 (0)592 312 392 E I Contact: Bert Knijp Since its foundation in 1956, Winel has grown into a leading global supplier

of high quality products and services tot the world’s maritime industry. An experienced team of specialists offer a wide range of doors, hatches, platforms, tank venting systems and special engineered products. Winel’s strength is offering a complete in-house service package which includes 3D design, engineering, testing, manufacturing, assembly, project management, support & logistic services.

G.J.Wortelboer Jr. B.V. Quarantaineweg 5, 3089 KP Rotterdam P.O. Box 5003, 3008 AA Rotterdam Harbournr: 2637 The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 429 2222 F +31 (0)10 429 6459 E I Every now and then anchors and chains must be replaced, so we understand your need for quality and speedy delivery. Wortelboer has what you are looking for. Our enormous stock of anchors and chain cables of all sizes and diameters in both our Rotterdam and China ports gives you the certainty that we can deliver the required materials very quickly and to any port in the world! All our materials are approved by any of the well-known class societies such as LRS, BV, RINA, DNV/GL, ABS and RMRS. Do you have problems with finding the right anchors? Could you use a hand while fitting anchors and chain cables aboard your vessel? We are more than happy to help you with it. Wortelboer has been a reliable partner in the shipping industry for more than 50 years. And that is why our customers keep coming back for more. Do you need anchors and chain cables? Come to WORTELBOER.

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Ship Refit, Repair & Maintenance Shipboard Automation & Marine electronics NAV-COM Offshore Wind Vessels


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18-04-17 10:41

On a press tour visiting the Jotun Vindal factory in Norway.

Word on the Sea “I spent two days in Norway’s stunning Sandefjord.”

Yellow & Finch Publishers’ Marco Geels

see you at the trade shows! meet up with old business friends and to make new February was one of the highlights of the year so ones, and I also relish the fact that the catering is far. I was invited by Jotun for a press tour and spent always outstanding, with delightful snacks and drinks. two days in Norway’s stunning Sandefjord. I would This time round, Erik van Krugten, Managing Director like to thank Jotun for organising the press tour, but of Nicoverken, welcomed everyone and then gave first I need to thank the KLM pilot for safely getting the floor to Leen Warnaar from me there – after two aborted Arklow Shipping, who is also attempts, he successfully Beachcombers’ Chairman. Leen’s landed the plane in the heavy speeches are highly entertaining fog. The tour was wonderful, and his jokes renowned. He with interesting presentations, introduced the new members a behind-the-scenes tour of It is such an excellent and, as usual, had us all laughing the Jotun Lab and a visit to the Jotun Museum. In the occasion to meet up with by the end of his talk. evening, we journeyed back to old business friends and Now it is time to focus on the ‘Viking Age’ during a visit the upcoming trade shows. This to the Gaiahallen, where we to make new ones. season we are attending the sampled the local beer and Palma Superyacht Show, OTC Houston, Nor-Shipping, viewed the Viking ship Gaia. We also ventured into Offshore Wind Energy London and Electric & Hybrid the woods to take part in some traditional outdoor Marine World Expo. activities, including archery and axe-throwing! This exertion was rewarded with a great dinner and a I look forward to seeing you there! spectacular folkloric theatre performance by Stella Polaris. The next day, we visited the Jotun Vindal factory and enjoyed a delicious lunch before everyone headed back home. In March, I attended the second Beachcombers event at Nicoverken Marine. I enjoy going to Beachcombers – it is such an excellent occasion to

6 4 | S B I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 11 | Issue 2

Word on the Sea def.indd 64

Marco Geels

w w w. s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. co m

20-04-17 11:44


RETURN OF INVESTMENT GUARANTEED HPS will deliver a 13.5% improvement in hydrodynamic efficiency as compared to market average. We either deliver guaranteed high performance or we pay back the additional investment.

A stabilized vessel means a safer crew, steady productivity, and more profits. Designed to meet the rigorous demands of commercial and military operators. The new Seakeeper HD line.

Boat Roll in Degrees

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SBI 2017 | VOLUME 11 | ISSUE 2



O U R U N I Q U E , I M O T Y P E A P P R O V E D B A L L A S T W AT E R T R E AT M E N T U N I T, I N VA S AV E 3 0 0 , P R O V I D E S P O R T O P E R AT O R S W I T H A N E W VA L U E A D D E D S E R V I C E .

i n d u s t r y

Ballast Water Management

The InvaSave is an alternative for on board treatment and completely self-sufficient. With InvaSave technology, ballast water only needs treating at the point of discharge, in contrast to onboard installations.

International measure SHIPBUILDING-INDUSTRY.EU



B A L L A S T W AT E R & E M I S S I O N S


SB I VOL. 11 ISSUE 2 | 2017

for environmental protection


Offshore Service Vessel Windea Leibniz

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