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Figure 57

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6. Conclusions

6. Conclusions

regarding the exact funding (the three budgetary scenarios that have been developed reinforce this uncertainty) and financing sources.

addressing the participatory approach from the citizens and stakeholders to guarantee the high quality of the documents and public support. Hence, it has been expected that the planning process has not been clearly defined nor detailed in the Volumes. It is known about its existence via SEA, but it has not been presented the process behind it, for instance, how the population gave feedback and how that feedback has impacted in last changes before the BMT summary, Figure 57 recaps the BMT analyses from SUMP Cycle Phase 3, where five activities have been covered, another three have been partially covered, and another one has remained unclear.


Figure 57. Overview of Budapest BMT ource: Author

Hence, by concluding Step 9, BMT has achieved the third and most important milestone although the measure and monitoring evaluation and the public support might be compromised, which needs to be contemplated for the next BMT update to be able to follow and foster the mobility behavior changes genuinely.

4.3.4. Phase 4 | Implementation & Monitoring

BMT has shown part of its implementation and monitoring process in Volume I, presenting some previous achievements, and also in a document only available in Hungarian, called Balázs Mór-tervhez kapcsolódó programozási, illetve hatáselemzési és értékelési módszertan (in English, Development of impact analysis and evaluation methodology program related to the Balázs Mór plan a BMT monitoring and evaluation handbook), where it shared some management and monitoring strategies for implementation. Therefore, the three steps from the SUMP cycle Phase 4, Implementation & Monitoring, have been explored in the analyses beneath.

(BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ, 2016)

Step 10 manage implementation: Coordination among all parties is an issue behind Budapest policies, which had been identified as a critical problem and clearly exemplified decisions without prior consultation, and further intensely criticized (BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ, 2019a). In addition, BMT has also mentioned the desire to change this scenario to be able to solve the mobility challenges truly:

The most typical common root causes of the identified key problems are the fragmentation and lack of cooperation, which may be resolved by applying an integrated approach. Subsectoral integration and a joint regional approach to transport and other sectoral policies are indispensable for defining the appropriate directions for transport development and for managing the identified problems. A fundamental and priority task is to eliminate the lack of coordination and to introduce cooperation, which is in harmony with the principles of advanced mobility planning and the requirements stemming from international experience and the need for an integrated urban approach. In addition, an integrated review of maintenance, operation and development is required for the optimal use of funds for the operation of the transport system with a predictable financing background.

(BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ, 2019a, p. 4)

Hence, although BMT has addressed the organizations in charge of implementing the measures, as discussed in the previous steps, it needs to improve its coordination between actors and stakeholders to ensure a transparent and integrated implementation process to further succeed with it. Hence, Volume I has addressed through chapter 4

objectives and measures to overcome this current fragmented scenario. For instance, , , among others. Additionally, BMT has mentioned in Volume II the need for establishing a common procurement organization at the regional level to boost integration and effective implementation of actions. Thus, BMT has been aligned with the SUMP guidelines recommendations to try to decrease social and environmental impacts from decisionmaking.

Step 11 monitor, adapt and communicate: As previously mentioned, BMT has not presented strategic indicators and targets for its objectives, although it has presented the factsheets for its actions which contained specific indicators and targets for most of them. In addition, the author has expanded the research and found the only available in Hungarian mentioned in Volume II. Hence, this handbook was made by a consultancy firm contracted by BKK to develop it, which also includes the specific indicators for the BMT projects (they are different from the strategic ones mentioned in the previous steps to be missing those remains missing). Therefore, the monitoring progress and adaptation of the plan could be made based on this document which has displayed a methodological framework for evaluation that, apart from having defined the specific indicators, has also included feasibility and social assessment, among other essential tasks. However, it has not presented much information to enhance the communication and engages citizens and stakeholders along the monitoring process, as envisioned by the SUMP guidelines. Although the handbook has just mentioned that, at the most important milestones, it needs to inform and involve citizens and stakeholders in the process, it has not explained how this communication and engagement could happen at this stage. Hence, it should be something to consider since it can enhance ownership and guarantee public support, consequently contributing to .

Step 12 review and learn lessons: BMT has shared some results and lessons learned from the previously implemented plans through both volumes; as has already been mentioned in the previous steps, for instance, the problem tree (Figure 51) has summarized many identified problems Budapest is facing. Moreover, BMT has presented in Volume II a so

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