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Figure 60
definition of the time frame and priorities have not been displayed. Additional meticulous results have been presented in the next subsections, indicating the 32 SUMP Activities that have been covered (25), partially covered (5), and also specifying the ones that are unclear (2).
Figure 60.
4.4.1. Phase 1 | Preparation & Analysis
PUMS has presented its development process throughout the document and shared the details right after the introduction in part (in English, Plan structuring and participation process). Hence, the steps from the SUMP cycle Phase 1 (Preparation and Analysis) have been explored in the analyses beneath.
Step 1 - set up working structures: PUMS has been led by Direttore del Dipartimento Mobilità e Trasporti, the regional public mobility authority. Moreover, the plan has thrived on engaging citizens, stakeholders, regional and municipal representatives, public transport operators, experts, mobility professionals, and other department members. For instance, PUMS has addressed the citizens as the main actors, who, in (in English, the consultation phase), had already the opportunity to give
suggestions. Under those circumstances, it could be assumed that PUMS has ensured political and institutional ownership. In addition, PUMS has managed to have a clear picture of strengths, weaknesses, and possible future improvements presented in part opportunità e minacc based on its previous planning practices, the financial resources that were available for its plan development have not been clear. Thus, the lack of information could compromise the implementation of the plan.
Step 2 determine planning framework: PUMS has defined its geographic scope by the metropolitan area. Moreover, PUMS has also linked with other planning processes that go beyond the local and regional level, but it has also connected with national and transnational policies. Some of the plans mentioned were but are not limited to the (PTRG in English, the General Regional Territorial Plan); the (PRMTL in English, Regional Mobility, Transport, and Logistics Plan); the (PTGP in English, the General Provincial Territorial Plan), among many others. Thus, Rome has underwired PUMS and the other plans by linking them and emphasizing the holistic mobility approach. On the other hand, PUMS has not clearly shown its instance, whether the established phases have been followed or if delays happened. As a result, the reliability and transparency of the planning process could have been compromised.
Step 3 analyze mobility situation: PUMS has shown through Volume I, in chapter 1. Quadro Conoscitiv (in English, Assessment Board), which has presented a theoretical framework of the mobility situation, mentioning the urban sprawl that has affected Rome in the past two decades, and the consequences brought in the mobility field. In a nutshell, it has explored a variety of data, including critics, such as the (in)accessibility, the congestion of the road network, the critical PT saturation, accidents, and environmental impacts. Hence, Figure 61 outlines the PUMS analyses from SUMP Cycle Phase 1, where seven activities have been covered, two others have been partially covered, and another one has remained unclear.