2009 May June Marina World

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Marina World


• World News • Middle East Update • Welcoming the Big Boats • www.marinaworld.com - May/June 2009

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May/June 2009 No.53 Vol 9 Issue 5


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Middle East Update


Marina developments in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Bahrain

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Collins Bay Marina near Kingston, Canada, is an efficiently run family marina in an idyllic natural setting. Owner/manager, Hub Steenbakkers CMM, talks shop

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Welcoming the Big Boats

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Superyacht marina news from Spain, the USA, Bahamas, St Lucia, Dominican Republic and Croatia and an in-depth look at electrical power requirements for marinas catering to the megayacht market

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‘Marina World’ (ISSN 1471-5856) is published six times a year in January, March, May, July, September and November by Loud & Clear Publishing Ltd, 3 Brownlow Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 6AW, United Kingdom. The 2009 US annual subscription price is $80 per annum. Airfreight and mailing in the USA by Air Business, c/o Worldnet Shipping USA, Inc., 149-35 177th Street, Jamaica, New York, NY 11434. Periodicals postage paid at Jamaica NY 11431. US Postmaster: Please send address changes to Marina World, c/o Worldnet Shipping USA Inc., 149-35 177th Street, Jamaica, New York NY 11434 Subscription records are maintained at Loud & Clear Publishing Ltd, 3 Brownlow Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 6AW, United Kingdom. Air Business Ltd acts as Loud & Clear Publishing’s mailing agent. Marina World is available on subscription at the following cost: 1 year (6 issues) - £40.00 Sterling ($80) 2 years (12 issues) - £70.00 Sterling ($140) No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of Loud & Clear Publishing Ltd, the copyright owners. Upon application, permission may be freely granted to copy abstracts of articles on condition that a full reference to the source is given.

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Front cover: Marina Cap Cana is a full service luxury yacht and megayacht facility at the multimillion dollar residential Cap Cana resort in the Dominican Republic. Managed by Brandy Marine International of Florida, the marina is a key port of call for all kinds of boaters and big game sport fishermen. Find out more on p. 42

2009 Loud & Clear Publishing Ltd © Views expressed by individual contributors in this issue

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Climate change workshop 28th July 2009

Harborage wins NMD award USA: Harborage Yacht Club & Marina of Stuart, Florida won the National Marina Day (NMD) Marina of the Year Award. The award was announced by the Association of Marina Industries – NMD organisers – at the International Marina & Boatyard Conference in Ft Lauderdale in January. everyone of the importance of marinas In celebration of NMD, the marina held an and boating to the area’s economy and to all-day event that included tours of its facility, their recreation. In every press release and an in-water boat show and dozens of landinterview given, the Harborage staff made based displays by local boat builders, yacht sure the value of marine industries was brokers and other marine-related organisations in the forefront,” said NMD committee and businesses. It also encouraged county chairman, Michael Shanley. commissioners and the City of Stuart to issue Besides receiving a plaque and recognition a proclamation declaring the day National for its efforts, the marina will also be the Marina Day in Martin County. kick-off site for NMD 2009, to be held on “The deciding factor on choosing Harborage Saturday 8th August. was their effective use of the media to remind

Progress at Port Coogee

AUSTRALIA: Marina development at Port Coogee, near Fremantle, Western Australia has entered a new phase with completion of two parklands, residential homes and the early stages of an extensive landscaping programme. Richard Fulcher, Western Australia general manager for the developer, Australand, said seeing Port Coogee begin to take shape was extremely rewarding. “Over the last few months, we have further refined the structure plan for the marina village which forms the heart of the development. We want to encourage the evolution of a cosmopolitan coastal community and for Port Coogee to become an iconic and popular destination for residents, visitors and tourists,” he commented. The waterfront park, overlooking the

300-berth marina, is destined to become a focal point, offering a stunning natural amphitheatre for performances, celebrations and community events. The marina village will offer a vibrant blend of alfresco dining, entertainment, boardwalks, markets and a retail/commercial hub, and a range of apartments, townhouses and premium penthouses give up to 2,500 people an opportunity to live right on the doorstep of a bustling marina. Australand has spent many months working with specialist urban planners and engineers to finalise the plan for the marina village and, according to Fulcher, the result is destined to become a benchmark waterside development. “We have concentrated on increasing the offering to the public and getting the configuration of apartments right so we can meet the needs of the market,” he said.

Mussel farmers quash Beaumaris plans UK: Anglesey Council is set to appeal to the House of Lords to overturn a high court appeal by mussel fishermen that has scuppered plans to build the £14 million 400-berth Beaumaris Marina at Gallows Point. The case focused on the legality of a 1962 Menai Strait oyster and mussel fishery order in relation to the construction of the marina. Fishermen claimed that mussel beds would be adversely affected.

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USA: The International Marina Institute (IMI), a subsidiary of the Association of Marina Industries (AMI), based in Warren, Rhode Island is holding a one-day special workshop entitled “Our Changing Coastline: Understanding the Facts, the Fiction and the Reality” on 28th July 2009, at the Sheraton Hotel in Warwick, Rhode Island. Touting it as ‘a venue for the marina industry to fully engage in the conversation happening right now between the scientific community and professionals influencing policy’, IMI is producing the conference in conjunction with two non-profit agencies that focus specifically on ecology, the environment and ecosystems: The Coastal Resources Center (CRC) and the Rhode Island Sea Grant (RISG) programme. “The CRC is working worldwide to understand the policy implications for climate change,” says Rachel LaMarre, IMI conference coordinator. “Specifically, CRC has worked with the coastal council in Rhode Island to shape a scientifically based sea-level rise policy, which is one of the first in the United States.” According to LaMarre, topics for the conference are likely to include “what we know now about climate change, question and answer [periods] with speakers about implications for marinas, government policy context and financial issues.” “Climate change and global warming have received increased attention in recent years as the scientific community and policymakers work to understand large-scale climatic changes - real or perceived,” says AMI president and chair, Jim Frye. “This conference will provide a unique opportunity for the marina industry to review known facts with leading scientists, to learn about the growing set of policies coastal states are considering in order to deal with sea-level rise and to begin building industry-specific responses.” For more information about the workshop, call IMI at +1 401 247 0314 or visit their website at www.marinaassociation.org.

Emerging Technologies

25th-27th October, 2009 USA: The IMI has also issued a call for papers for an ‘Emerging Applied Technologies Conference’ to be held 25th27th October 2009 at the Embassy Suites, Ft Lauderdale, Florida. The deadline for submissions is 24th April. “We are asking for proposals for seminars on new technologies and environmentally friendly technology in the marine industry,” says Kayce Florio, IMI training coordinator. “It is important for us to hear from professionals in the industry to put together an educational programme that addresses relevant issues and current trends.” For further information, visit www. marinaassociation.org/certification



Time to invest Economic downturn makes for a prime investment opportunity or, in property agent parlance, time to ‘reposition under-performing real estate assets’. This can be good news for ailing marinas. Although some marina projects are undeniably ‘on hold’ or experiencing troubled financing, far more are on line to meet schedule or are doing battle with planning issues in order to start construction in the better times to come. The Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham - prime minister of the Bahamas - speaking at the ground breaking ceremony for Cat Island in April, was understandably sceptical that would-be developers of the multi-million dollar PGA Village on Cat Island would have the financial means to see the project through. He was reassured. “I was especially impressed… that Cat Island Partners believed and worked on the principle of using periods of economic slow-down internationally to ready its properties for the upswing that always follows,” he said. Florida based diversified real estate company, Summit Development, which has just acquired two prominent marina properties in the Florida Keys – Mangrove Marina in Tavernier and the Sombrero Resort & Marina in Marathon – would agree. Summit Development president, Felix Charney, admitted that the two marinas will require major investment. “While both are clearly in need of work, that does not diminish their inherent value in terms of their location and potential. We see tremendous opportunities with respect to the marinas,” he said. “We have spent the last 15 months looking at underperforming assets in South Florida and these two locations stood out,” he added. While Summit’s renovations will enhance the local environment and economy, a major bi-product of the PGA Village development will be much needed local employment. “In the near term, the construction of the resort is expected to create some 200 construction jobs…and as the property enters into operation, hundreds more jobs – projected by the developer to amount to as many as 900 – will come on stream for the management and operation of the hotel, casino, golf course and, potentially, marina. Additionally, hundreds and hundreds of spin-off jobs will also be created in the local economy,” the prime minister said. A similar success story is envisaged by the Chase family for its US$20 million Palm Harbour Marina in West Palm Beach, Florida, while the Port Coogee and Point Grey (Mandurah) developments in Australia are likely to create up to 3,700 jobs in total over coming years. Marina operators in the Middle East are creating tens of thousands of new job opportunities. It’s no secret that marinas boost local economies but, in troubled financial times, it’s good to be reminded.

Carol Fulford EDITOR


Seventeen marina sites proposed along Gulf ICW USA: An open forum was held in Gulf Shores, Alabama, USA, on 24th March to discuss a recent proposal for a 10-mile (16-km) section known as the ‘Foley Land Cut’ (FLC) along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). The proposal would bring 17 marinas to the Mobile, Alabama region. The Gulf ICW stretches approximately 1,050 miles (1,700 km) along the Gulf of Mexico from Carrabelle, Florida, to Brownsville, Texas. from hosting 10 smaller wet slips to With the recently devastating hurricane maintaining nearly 400 wet slips capable seasons in the area, many developers are of berthing boats up to 60 feet (18m). As looking inland to support a clientele that of February 2009, the largest proposal demands waterfront property and access in terms of acreage or hectares includes without the threat of severe storms and three marinas, over 3,000 condominium potential damage. According to the units, and a total of 318 wet slips and proposal’s advocates, the economy 826 dry slips. The site will also include in this part of Mobile already relies 27,000 square feet (2,500 sq m) of retail on the money boating and fishing can and commercial space development to bring to a community and has the include restaurants and convenience existing infrastructure to support new stores. Approximately 100 acres will be developments. dedicated to green space in the form of The property along this section of parks, lakes and boardwalks, along with the ICW is also currently set up for commercial and industrial use and 9,000 feet (2.74 km) of shoreline. supports a few small marinas with As expected, the primary concerns approximately 500 slips overall. The with a project of this magnitude relate proposal would add another 3,500 to the impact on natural resources and boat-berthing areas, plus over 16,000 the surrounding environment, as well condominium units and nearly a million as safety, noise and the affects this square feet (93,000 sq m) of commercial project will have on the socio-economic area. Final comments were due to the and retail space. development teams in mid-April. The proposed marinas range in size

New managers for Whitehaven

UK: Marina Projects, the south coast based owner and manager of Endeavour Quay, Gosport, is on the expansion trail after securing a management contract for 260-berth Whitehaven Marina on England’s northwest coast. Marina Projects operations director, The company will take over day-toMark Bowden. “Like Endeavour day management of the harbour and Quay, Whitehaven is rich in British marina activities on a long term lease maritime history and being such a basis agreed with the previous operator, popular destination, offers plenty of Whitehaven Harbour Commissions. marketing and promotional potential. Whitehaven Marina is busy during the The infrastructure is largely in place but summer months with visiting yachts but allows us to put some systems in place owes much of its traffic to the flourishing that will help maximise that potential and local fishing industry and commercial benefit the local community. We will be vessels serving the Rodin Rigg wind working hard to promote Whitehaven as farm ten miles to the northwest. both a great UK sailing destination and an “We have been looking for an ideal departure point for other areas.” opportunity like this for a while,” said

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Parsons buys Port Bouvard Marina

Marinetek to build Palm Harbor Marina

AUSTRALIA: Port Bouvard Marina, Western Australia, has been sold to the Parsons Group of Companies for $4.75 million. The sale was handled by commercial property specialists C B Richard Ellis Group, Inc (CBRE). Port Bouvard Marina is situated some 80km south of Perth and 10km south of the burgeoning town of Mandurah and is a key component of a residential and recreational resort development. The marina includes 173 private pens (berths), a café, boat charter operation, tackle shop, houseboat hire, fuel sales and car parking. The lease is for 33 years. Ross Neumann, managing director of Port Bouvard, said he was happy with the sale as his company was first and foremost focused on property development and the marina formed a natural property realisation. He was also pleased to sell to the Parsons Group as they have experience in the boating business in Fremantle. CBRE senior director, David Kennedy, noted that the marina has been operating at 100% occupancy and that there is a waiting list for berths. “Combined with the commercial interest mentioned, this generates a strong cash flow in one of the fastest growing areas in Australia. In addition to the existing infrastructure, a variety of opportunities also exist for expansion and more commercial uses.” “Demand for private pens in Western Australia is at an all-time high and Mandurah is renowned for water activities, which increased the demand in this locality,” he added. Port Bouvard is, meanwhile, progressing with planning permissions for a massive mixed-use development at Point Grey near Mandurah. The concept includes 3,000 homes centred on a marina with 300-400 berths.

USA: Marinetek Group subsidiary, Marinetek North America, has been commissioned by Chase Enterprises to design and build the 200-slip US$20 million Palm Harbor Marina on the Gold Coast of West Palm Beach, Florida. “We’ve committed to staying here for the The project is a bid by the Chase family, long haul,” said Christopher Clarke. “We’re working together with the City of West Palm working harder than ever to expand our Beach, to help stimulate the local economy business and to increase our labour needs and and create a destination marina that will attract start exporting our products to the Caribbean yachts from around the world. and South and Central America and creating Located in a prime area along North Flagler more jobs right here!” Drive, the new marina (formerly known as the “There will really be no other marina in Old City Docks) – owned by Leisure Resorts, the United States built like the Palm Harbor LLC (a division of Chase Enterprises) in a Marina,” Clark enthused. “We are so proud to leasehold arrangement with the City – is due be involved with this high profile project. It for completion in late autumn this year. It will truly is an honour for us. It is being completely be able to accommodate yachts of all sizes up custom-built from the bottom up with specially to 250 feet in length. designed docks that have been engineered to In addition to the positive effects the yachts provide an extremely stable and safe platform will bring to the local economy, the new marina for yachts of all sizes and in all types of also represents the creation of hundreds of weather conditions.” new jobs in many different sectors. “We “Custom concrete floating docks with extraresearched the best products available for our wide gangways and finger piers, together with new marina and realised that the Marinetek colour coordinated railing systems, specially Group’s docking system was the best for designed cleats, in-slip pump-outs, ample us,” said Cheryl Chase, principal of Leisure power and much more – make the new Palm Resorts. “Working with Christopher Clark Harbor Marina a paradise with the boater in [president, Marinetek North America], who mind,” he continued. had previously built hundreds of marinas around the world, and officials with the City of West Palm Beach, we realised that we had an opportunity to not only get the docks we wanted but also import new technology and industry – and bring its related jobs – to our area. We were able to create jobs in the US rather than export them to some other country to benefit,” she continued. More than 100 positions will be available in various aspects of manufacturing, from concrete, steel and aluminium fabrication jobs to supplying the necessary raw materials for the numerous components Groundbreaking ceremony for Palm Harbor Marina involved in the project during production. (l to r): Christopher Clark (president Marinetek As Marinetek North America has North America); Ernest Porco (senior vice president permanently moved its headquarters to West Chase Enterprises); Ilkka Sëppäla (CEO Marinetek Palm Beach and has teamed up with two local companies – Southeast Pre-Stressed and the Group); Rep. Ron Klein (Florida Congressman); Murphy Construction Company – to build the Arnold Chase; Lois Frankel (Mayor West Palm concrete docks, the jobs won’t be leaving at Beach); David Chase; Cheryl Chase; and Alex Sink the end of the project. (Florida State CFO).

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Thumbs up for Cat Island marina

BAHAMAS: Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham has given government approval for the inclusion of a marina component at the upmarket PGA Village resort on Cat Island. He made the announcement at a ground breaking ceremony in late April. Developers, Cat Island Partners, intend to build a premier hotel, casino, golf courses and luxury homes in a move which could help boost the economy and create around 200 construction jobs in the short term, and up to 900 as the resort becomes operational. The marina approval is subject to completion of appropriate environmental studies.


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WORLD NEWS UK Marina Conference 13th-14th May 2009

Charleston wins Jack Nichol award USA: Charleston City Marina, Charleston, South Carolina has won the 2009 Jack Nichol Marina Design Award for outstanding marina design. The award is made annually by PIANC, Belgium, the international association for waterborne transport infrastructure that was established in 1885. US$10 million was spent on renovations and The jury deemed Charleston City Marina yearly revenue, from 1994 to 2007, increased as ‘best representing the technical, functional, from just $178,000 to over $12 million. aesthetic and environmental award criteria’. The marina is a key component of Originally a municipal marina, the facility Charleston’s overall city centre redevelopment was privatised in 1994 and subsequently plans and serves as an anchor from the upland, underwent a major redevelopment in the hands providing easy access to everything the of new owners, The City Marina Company, and peninsula has to offer. The most recent marina industry consultants, Applied Technology & improvements included the addition of a Management (ATM). 1,000ft long transient dock and fuelling station ATM developed detailed economic and specifically designed to capture the largest of investment strategies which were followed the boats passing through Charleston’s historic by several years of phased improvements and expansions. Over a ten year period, upwards of seaport.

Fight continues over marina expansion in Rhode Island

USA: As part of a nearly seven-year battle, Rhode Island Superior Court Associate Justice Netti C. Vogel ruled in favour of an expansion for Champlin Marina (New Shoreham, Rhode Island) last February. But, the fight isn’t over yet. RI Coastal Resources Management Council Champlin Marina’s plans would nearly (CRMC) whose primary responsibility is double its capacity. The crux of the fight is to issue the permits that would allow such based on the fragile ecosystem in Great Salt an expansion. The CRMC has received a Pond on Block Island. Upon entering Great great deal of pressure from the Conservation Salt Pond, Champlin’s Marina, Hotel and Law Foundation (CLF), a New England Resort is the first and largest marina. With environmental advocacy group. Opponents a 30-foot (9-m) harbour depth and large also include the Town of Shoreham and Rhode docking facilities, Champlin’s Marina can Island Lieutenant Governor Charles Fogarty. accommodate 225 boats including deep-draft “The State of Rhode Island has yachts up to 195 feet (60m). a responsibility to maintain the quality, The new docks would stretch 240 feet (73m) accessibility and economic viability of coastal and cover four acres (1.6 hectares) of the Great waters in its public trust. The proposed Salt Pond, a 1.2-mile (1.9 km) waterway and expansion would work against these important popular boating destination. According to the principles,” Fogarty stated. “Great Salt Pond’s opposition, expanding the marina would restrict ecosystem does not have the capacity to handle public access to Great Salt Pond and increase further expansion of the marina.” the potential for degraded water quality in the The Town of Shoreham is expected to summer due to an increase in boaters. Largest opposition comes directly from the appeal.

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UK: The increasingly popular UK Marina Conference – now in its fifth year – will be held 13th-14th May at the Marriott Hotel, Portsmouth. Last year the event attracted 130 delegates from the UK, Spain, France and Italy. As in past years, the conference programme – put together by the British Marine Federation (BMF) in conjunction with the UK and Europe Certified Marina Managers Group and the Yacht Harbour Association – is diverse and interactive. Topics to be covered for 2009 will include carbon neutral marinas; dredging (the UK Marine Bill); the legal and insurance angles on ‘acts of God’; the ‘lean’ office; best customer retention ideas; marina rates; and water regulations. Peter Czapp of The Wow Company will deliver the keynote presentation ‘Seven Steps to Marketing Success’ and Rod Carr, chief executive of the Royal Yachting Association, entertain delegates as the after dinner speaker on 13th May. The event also includes a ‘state of the industry’ panel discussion and a Green Blue (environmental awareness) networking lunch. The conference in sponsored by Walcon Marine. To register, call Deidre Williams on +44 (0) 1784 22360.

Marinas 2009 25th-27th May

AUSTRALIA: The Marinas 2009 conference and exhibition will be addressing the big issues facing the marina industry in Australia and around the globe. Topics will include the impact of the financial crisis on marinas; leases and access to capital; and costs and benefits of dry land boat storage. Run by the Marina Industries Association of Australia (MIAA), Marinas 2009 is expected to attract record numbers despite the current economic climate. Conference committee chairman, Mike Harvey, says the industry feedback he is receiving indicates that marina related businesses are ready to gather nationally at the event. “They are telling me the timing’s good for Marinas 2009. Operators are getting sick of hearing the bad economic news and they want to get together with colleagues to listen, discuss and develop strategies to strengthen their own businesses.” Marinas 2009 will also see the launch of a range of innovative products and services for marinas including two MIAA initiatives to assist marinas promote and develop their businesses. High profile Australian businessman Trevor Rowe will set the scene for the conference with his address ‘All at Sea? Navigating the Financial Global Crisis’ and further keynotes will be given by Jim Frye of Westrec Marinas, USA and Mick Bettesworth of MDL Marinas, UK. Registration and full programme details can be found at www.marinas2009.com


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New-standard marina on schedule in Loano ITALY: Plans to build Marina di Loano – a state-of-the-art marina on the Ligurian Riviera – are progressing. The facility, being developed by Immobiliare Lombarda company Marina di Loano SpA, will feature in excess of 1,000 berths, 6,000 sq m of commercial and mixed-use space, a shipyard, yacht club and car parking for over 1,000 cars. The marina serves as tourist port and multifunctional sports facility for Loano. To this end, it has been integrated with the town via a 300m long pedestrian walkway. Design of the marina is influenced by existing port structures and the need to protect the habitat of ‘posidonia oceanica’ – an endangered marine plant. Great attention has also been paid to pollution prevention and energy saving. Sepi 97 acted as project designer and Conti & Associates as shipyard designer. All infrastructure is of the highest quality and incorporates a mix of fixed docks and floating pontoons, which are being installed by Ingemar. All berths have water, electricity,

IGY launches management service

satellite TV, internet connections and pump-out points. Ingemar is supplying a floating pontoon system – with fingers – for 780 boats of 7-25m in length and quayside berthing for 300 larger vessels (maximum 40m). A total of 1,850m of floating pontoons with galvanised steel frames and concrete floats is being supplied in 12 x 3m sections. Decking is of FSC certified tropical hardwood. The system is similar to Ingemar installations at Marina di Stabia (Naples), Marina Genova Airport and Marina Fiorita in the Venice lagoon. An element of the company’s €4.3 million contract also includes the design and construction of all mooring equipment along the piers with chains on the seabed and mooring bollards for boats up to 40m. Completion of work is expected by 2010.

DUBAI: Island Global Yachting (IGY) has launched a dedicated division to expand its role in marina management services. As a result, it is now actively pursuing third-party contracts to manage marinas and/or provide select professional services and consultations to owners of nautical property. The company offers a complete portfolio of management services for any marina owner’s needs, including operations and service, branding and marketing, accounting, insurance, development, design and engineering. As marina owners, IGY approaches every project from an owner’s perspective in order to maximise revenues and customer experience. It also benefits from the experience of working in diverse markets around the world. Jeff Boyd, IGY vice president of marina operations, comments: “With our new marina management division, we are able to open the availability of IGY’s expertise to assist any owner in realising their marina’s potential. As well, we are also able to now assist lenders and private equity firms to manage distressed assets which they may have acquired during these recent economic challenges within the capital markets.”

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Berth promotions at Dubai show

Island Global Yachting (IGY) offered two special incentives to promote Anchor Marina at this year’s Dubai International Boat Show (3rd-7th March). Any visitor to the IGY booth who completed an Anchor Marina berthing enquiry form received a week’s complimentary berthing at the marina and any individual purchasing a vessel during the show was guaranteed a berth based on certain terms and conditions. Developed in partnership with Nakheel, including Burj Al Anchor Marina – which will open this year Arab and Atlantis – will be the first operational marina on Hotel. Dubai’s Palm Jumeirah. The marina’s 520 Berths were first berths for private yachts of 10-30m in length made available to feature spacious Marinetek concrete pontoons the public in January following a phased release and some of the most modern technology of slips, firstly to brokers and charter operators available to boat owners including LED and, secondly, to Palm Jumeirah residents via illumination, underwater lighting, wireless an online auction. The public berths are offered internet connections and bespoke concierge as five-year agreements and are limited to one services. The marina has stunning views of berth per person. They are located on both the some of Dubai’s most impressive landmarks east and west side of the marina.

Super-fast build for superyacht marina Twenty-one of the world’s most luxurious super/megayachts, ranging in length from 30-90m and representing a total value in excess of US$500 million, berthed up at the inaugural Abu Dhabi Yacht Show (ADYS) held 12th-14th March at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC). progressing its measured expansion plans and ADYS also featured 100 exhibitors from 26 the waterfront and island destinations, many countries and provided a complete spectrum of boasting state-of-the-art marinas, which have the multi-billion dollar international superyacht been master planned over the past few years industry. ADYS group director, Franck Dailles, are now taking shape.” reported exhibitors as enjoying more interest A superyacht marina – purpose-built by and business than expected, with the majority Australian manufacturer Superior Marinas cautiously optimistic about the results achieved. – was key to the Abu Dhabi Yacht Show. In Vessels worth millions of dollars were reportedly conjunction with its Middle East licensee sold and many negotiations are still in progress Al Masaood, Superior Marinas commenced as sea trials have been taking place in Abu Dhabi the project in December with materials since the end of the show. procurement starting immediately and urgent Strong response to the event has been hailed components sent by air freight to Abu Dhabi. as a huge vote of confidence in Abu Dhabi and The Al Masaood team called upon its substantial its economy. His Excellency Sheikh Sultan resources within its other business divisions Bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan, chairman of the Abu to support the new marina project enabling Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA), the show’s production to start on 8th January at a brand headline sponsor, said: “There can be few places new site at Mussafa, a mere 7km by water from as well suited as Abu Dhabi to host an event of the ADNEC site. this nature. Abu Dhabi remains committed to

IGY made offers at the Dubai show to cover other marinas in its portfolio. Examples included ‘platinum’ packages for Yacht Haven Grande in St Thomas, three nights for the price of two at Rodney Bay Marina, St Lucia and 13 months for the price of 12 at Festival Marina, Dubai (above). Superior’s Elite system, manufactured in Abu Dhabi, was used for the largest individual pontoons, measuring 9m x 5m and weighing in at approximately 20 tons apiece. Hospitality pontoons for the show were made with components from the company’s plant in Australia and then assembled on site. The pontoons can be used to create multiple configurations for use at other future on-water exhibitions. The first ADNEC on-water exhibition – the IDEX Defence Show – was held in late February. The Superior Marinas Al Masaood team installed temporary berths while leaving the main area for warships to berth onto the quay wall. When the show was over and all vessels had departed, the site was made available to install 373m of main concrete pontoons in just eight days. The last component was fitted an hour before the 75m megayacht ‘Silver’ arrived for the show. Superior Marinas managing director, John Hogan, was delighted with the outcome. “I’m so impressed with the effort and teamwork shown by our team from Superior Marinas in Australia and our licensee Al Masaood to deliver such a major project in such a short timeframe,” he said. “This project exemplifies our ability to undertake and deliver world class commercial projects, now with a particular speciality in the area of berthing for super and megayacht requirements.”

John Hogan (left) with the Al Masaood team.

Superyachts moored up at the ADYS marina.

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Abu Dhabi developer to build 14 marinas

Additional marinas and private berths will be developed at the Al Gurm resort, Al Dana Marina and Nareel Island, a premium gated resort and residential development located in western Abu Dhabi. Formed in October 2008, Aldar Marinas aims to create a safe, sustainable and enjoyable recreational boating culture in Abu Dhabi for local residents and international visitors alike. It will provide world class services and facilities for each of its individually characterised marinas, hosting many different types of vessel from the world’s largest luxury yachts to personal watercraft, racing yachts to tenders and fishing boats to ski boats. By providing VIP marina facilities with five star concierge services, luxury homes with private berths for vessels up to 15m and scores of berths as modest as 6m, Aldar will contribute greatly to developing a luxurious lifestyle for all socio-economic groups within the local leisure boating market. It will also provide a comprehensive boat service yard incorporating a wide range of associated marine services.

Aldar Marinas, the newly formed subsidiary of leading Abu Dhabi developer Aldar Properties PJSC, is to build around 3,500 berths in 14 marinas across the emirate. The first to become operational will be at the company’s Yas Island and Al Raha Beach destinations. The Yas Island project, which is to include a Warner Bros theme park, a Formula One race track and the world’s first Ferrari theme park is a major development redefining entertainment and leisure. Yas Island will also be home to a world class 18 hole links golf course, a water park, major retail centres, The Yas Hotel, six further hotels, restaurants and a host of other venues and facilities. Yas Marina will comprise 144 berths for vessels of 15-66m in length and temporary berthing for vessels up to 120m. Floating concrete pontoons of Unifloat design are being installed by Bellingham Marine licensee Septech Emirates. The marina will also incorporate an exclusive yacht club with fine dining facilities and prime viewing of the Grand Prix race track. Further development will take place with the Yas Cays Marinas, which will comprise up to 1,000 berths at four individually styled marinas destined to become the entertainment district of choice for boaters enjoying Abu Dhabi’s unique waterways. Al Raha Beach development, dubbed the ultimate waterfront city, consists of eleven precincts each with its own distinct character and appeal. It will house up to 120,000 residents and span over 11km of natural beachfront. Four marinas

are incorporated in the plan, the first of which will be 103-berth Al Bandar Marina. This will be a part public, part residential marina offering berths for yachts of 9-24m. Yas Marina under construction (above) and as artist’s impression (right) complete with Formula One race track.

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Al Bandar Marina, when built, will offer 103 berths for vessels of 9-24m.


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First megayacht berths in Bahrain

Durrat Marina on the south coast of the island of Bahrain will soon become the first integrated, full service marina in the region and offer the first regional megayacht berthing facilities. To comprise around 400 berths for vessels point of a maritime retail area with restaurants up to 60m in length, Durrat Marina is a mixedand bars, upmarket clubs and lounges, a shopuse leisure and retail development designed to lined street and public plaza facing the sea. cater for the needs of all boating enthusiasts The marina has been planned and designed and their guests. The marina will be the centre by a French waterfront development group

comprising New Design Architecture (NDA) – marina planning and architecture; Détente – financial and market analysis; and Sogreah – water engineering. Unique features for megayachts and VIP guests are planned. These include private access for cars on the piers, dedicated parking with direct access to berths, a VIP pavilion on the floating main pontoon and valet parking for boat owners. A yacht club linked with a marina hotel will provide stylish venues for functions, and the club will also offer different activities such as a diving centre, deep sea fishing club and children’s club along with the more traditional sailing club and motor boat club. A dry storage facility with glass curtain walls will add a showcase of boats visible from the yacht club entrance. “We designed this marina with the boat owner experience in mind while providing a perfectly functional berthing system,” explained NDA’s Emmanuel Delarue. “Our client has pushed to break the conventional rules. From public access along the boardwalk for ‘in style’ arrival to private access through the yacht club, each owner can scale his own marina experience,” he continued. NDA is also planning multiple venues for all kinds of water sports, which will give the marina additional destination appeal for families from Bahrain and nearby Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Durrat Marina is being jointly developed by Tameer and Durrat Khaleej Al Bahrain as a key component of the US$3.5 billion Durrat Al Bahrain development. The latter is a 20 square kilometre luxurious residential, commercial and family tourism project which is the largest of its kind to date in the country. The stylishly designed Durrat Marina offers a range of berthing options and upmarket shoreside facilities.

First phase completes at DMC Dubai Maritime City (DMC) has completed phase one of its marina with 44 berths. When complete, the project is scheduled to have a total of 1,000 berths. The initial 44 floating berths, installed that they can withstand the water movement by Marinetek, will be used by DMC to test and are stable within their positions,” stated the impact of water movement around the city and the stability of boats within its marina. It will also house a number of vessels owned and operated by Dubai Maritime City Authority, which is responsible for the regulation of the maritime industry within the emirate. “This is one of the key achievements in the project’s development as, upon completion, a large number of vessels will be docked within Dubai Maritime City and we need to ensure

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DMC CEO Ali Al Daboos. DMC estimates that around 30,000 to 50,000 new boats are poised to berth in Dubai over the next five years. DMC is an integrated maritime facility that caters to all requirements of the global maritime industry, including the region’s fastgrowing boating community. It will ultimately feature six master planned precincts: Harbour Offices; Harbour Residences; Maritime Centre; Marina District; Industrial Precinct; and Dubai Maritime City Campus. Each is designed to provide world-class infrastructure facilities to different maritime industry players. Investors and business organisations are being offered highly attractive economic incentives such as free-zone benefits, responsive government support, a tax-free business environment and an effective port structure. Testing the waters – first phase berths at Dubai Maritime City.




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Hub and Michèle Steenbakkers

Time to refurbish

After leaving the family fold to graduate in electrical engineering at the University of Toronto, and exercising this qualification for eight years in the computer field in Boston and the San Francisco Bay area, Hub Steenbakkers willingly returned in 1986 to take over the day-to-day management of the marina from his father. By this time – after much hard work – the marina was an established 300-slip ‘mom and pop’ facility but in need of some modernisation and maintenance. “The first thing I did was build new, state-of-the-art docks and raise the rates. I designed the docks and we built them in-house. We had been dredging annually, bit by bit using home brew equipment Dad built. That was too inefficient so I designed and built a system of barges to ferry dump trucks back and forth to a barge holding an excavator. We used the new equipment on two projects to remove a total of 95,000 cubic yards of silt, clay and rock from the harbour and approach channel.” For Steenbakkers, designing and building the docks (and also the steel power pedestals in use throughout the marina) was simply

Nestled in a peaceful natural setting at the head of Collins Bay, eight miles west of the historic Canadian city of Kingston and on the northeastern tip of Lake Ontario, Collins Bay Marina is a safe, efficiently run haven with easy access to varied and scenic sailing waters. Owned and operated by the Steenbakkers family for over 35 years, Collins Bay is the largest and most modern privately owned marina in the region. Hub Steenbakkers CMM, who owns and runs the marina with his wife Michèle, talks shop. Some of the world’s greatest fresh water devastated by the classic case of the federal government building a state-of-the-art, 300sailing in Lake Ontario, the world famous Thousand Islands, peaceful and private slip marina a few miles away and giving it to the city for $1. Having no capital expenses anchorages, an abundance of national parks and top notch fishing and scuba diving waters and seemingly endless access to government give Collins Bay ten out of ten for location. grants, the city operated the marina more as Hub and Michèle Steenbakkers have built on a charity than a business, keeping the rates artificially low.” this perfect backdrop to create a marina that dovetails with the local environment and offers “It was a very difficult business environment a warm welcome to regulars and visitors. for us. We lost a third of our customers overnight and it was years before we recovered. “We are a family owned, hands-on marina that prides itself on professionalism, friendliness Most of the other privately operated marinas and stewardship of the environment,” Hub in the area went bankrupt during this period. Steenbakkers explains. “We always get great Finally, the grants dried up in the mid ’90s comments about the cleanliness of our yard but it still took several years for the city to and washrooms. One customer said we have realise (with a little help from me) that it was in the marina business, complete with the the cleanest washrooms north of Venezuela!” Attention to detail has long been a key philosophy behind developing Collins Bay Marina, and develop it the Steenbakkers did – quite literally – as Hub explains: “Dad was a custom home builder in the ’60s and bought 18 acres of waterfront property in 1965. It had a farmhouse, which was our cottage and was eventually rebuilt into our house. In 1971 he decided it was time for a change and he dropped the construction business and started a marina – from scratch.” “He sold 13 acres to finance the marina and kept the best five acres for the marina. I was in high school at the time and helped build the docks. They were constructed of western red cedar – fancy by today’s standards – and Styrofoam floats. They were built to accommodate our local market of 14-18ft boats. One guy had a 22ft boat – I thought he was the local millionaire!” “The first year we had 13 boats. Within Three out of four vessels at Collins Bay are sailboats. five years we had 150 boats. Then we were

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Photo: Jim Vance

Home-grown success on Lake Ontario

expense side of the ledger sheet. I politely pointed out that the optics of subsidising the municipal marinas (there are two in Kingston now) with tax dollars while keeping the rates below market value didn’t look good in the eyes of non-boating tax-payers. That got their attention, they raised the rates and now the business environment is survivable.”

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Photo: Craig Butler


a way of ensuring he got exactly what he wanted. “I used my engineering background to assess many of the current designs, take the best ideas and add them to my own to develop a strong, simple design that had advantages over the rest.” The result is a finger-dock design that is very stable and has high freeboard. The T-configuration fingers consist of a 30in or 36in steel pipe with 1/4in wall thickness that runs from the end of one finger to the end of the opposite finger on the other side of the main dock. The main dock is a steel bridge structure that spans one pair of fingers to the next. There is no flotation under the main section so any surface debris (sticks, leaves etc.) easily washes through the marina rather than collecting underneath the dock. Cleats are bolted into the steel structure. “Our current (third generation) docks have internal bulkheads to prevent catastrophic failure from a leak. They have three coats of epoxy. We use modern manufacturing techniques (flame and plasma cutting) and the docks are built in a special jig that holds all of the pieces in place – the welder never needs to use a square, level or tape measure. The docks are all anchored into place using concrete anchors and galvanised chains.” Pressure treated timber is used for decking and fascia boards but Steenbakkers is in the

loop regarding composite alternatives too. “I’ve used composite decking on the short ramps leading onto the docks as a test in the highest traffic areas. The decking has held up very well. In general, I like composites but the downsides are high cost and the requirement for more underlying structure since the material can’t span the same distance as wood. I’ve yet to use it for an entire dock but some day I probably will,” he explains. The docks accommodate 304 boats in the following configurations: 20 × 18ft; 52 × 22ft; 104 × 26ft; 84 × 30ft; 32 × 36ft; and 12 × 42ft. The layout is, however, capable of accommodating a vessel up to 60ft long if required. All docks have finger docks wide enough for dock carts and near shore fingers are built for wheelchair access. Power and water are provided at every slip, as is free-ofcharge WiFi.

Customers and facilities

Collins Bay Marina enjoys a six month season, with boats in the water around mid-April (ice permitting) and haul-out complete by the end of October. Due to the proximity of open water, sail boats dominate at around 75%. Half of the marina’s seasonal customers live in Kingston and the surrounding area, and the balance from as far afield as Toronto and Hamilton. Visiting yachts are welcomed for overnight, weekly or

monthly stays but traffic is relatively low at about 1,000 visitor nights per season. Seasonal staff comprise a general maintenance man, crane operator and four members of staff for fuel dock, dock hand and yard duties. An office manager is responsible for all invoicing, data management and reception tasks and Michèle Steenbakkers takes care of the accounting, staff hiring, training and management. Slips are available for many sizes of boat – although larger slips are becoming scarce – but the 200-boat capacity storage yard is full every winter. Over 400 boats are lifted each season using a 65-ton Linkbelt hydraulic crane and almost as many masts are stepped or destepped. Masts are stored on wooden bunks during the winter. Customers also benefit from meticulously clean, private, locked washrooms – adorned with fresh flowers – and access to the marina’s five-acre site, which includes a beautiful expanse of lawn, trees, flower gardens and picnic areas. The marina shares the east shore of the bay with the picturesque Lemoine Point conservation area. Petrol, diesel, ice, soft drinks and engine oil are available from a dedicated fuel dock and pump-out offered via a Waubaushene vacuum machine that has served the marina well for a number of years. A large parking area provides plenty of free parking next to the docks and security is good. The site and docks are well lit, the owners live on site year-round with their two children and there is a community of boaters who look out for others in the marina. The area and nearby parks are patrolled regularly and the marina is home to the ‘E. V. McNeil’, the Ontario Provincial Police boat. The marina is also home to the Collins Bay Yacht Club, formed by a group of marina customers who operate a first class sailing school at the marina and a robust schedule of cruises, races, dinners and other social events. The group operates from a floating clubhouse that the Steenbakkers helped them build.

Environmental awareness

Collins Bay Marina was one of the first – in 1999 – to take part in a clean marina pilot programme run by the Ontario Marine Operators Association (OMOA). The marina was audited and received four anchors, and in

Collins Bay Marina enjoys plenty of community spirit (left) and boasts open green spaces.

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TALKING SHOP of charge despite the fact that it does not service boats or sell these products.

to sign a Clean Marine Pledge to do the right things for the environment. Note that we introduced it as a pledge, not a contract – this would’ve been too heavy handed. Given that it was merely a pledge, I felt I needed to add credence to it. So, as a thank you to the customer who signed, I gave out a free sock-style bilge oil absorbent,” Steenbakkers explains. Giving out the bilge socks gave him an opportunity to explain their use and purpose, and to impress upon the customer that the marina was taking environmental issues seriously and thus raise his/her awareness too. “Other marinas heard, admired and adopted our practice of giving away the bilge socks and the net result of my little idea is that there are now thousands of boats that have oil absorbents in their bilges. That is why I was given the award.” Unsurprisingly, a high level of environmental best practice is evident throughout Collins Bay Marina. Key examples include: timers and motion sensors to avoid wasting electricity; gravel rather than paved car parking areas to prevent pollution running into the water; full water circulation through the docks; reasonable rental rates for a proper dustless sanding system; and plentiful recycling bins for cans, plastics, glass and paper. The marina also accepts and recycles waste oil, antifreeze and batteries free

Custom-built docks – built by the marina owners.

its second audit achieved five anchors at a time when only 12 out of more than 300 marinas achieved such an accolade. Michèle Steenbakkers was awarded the DuPont Canada Ecology Award in 1999 for heading up the initial development of the Clean Marina Programme and Hub won OMOA’s Robert Eaton Environmental Award in 2004 for his efforts in support of the environment. He was also awarded the Canadian Safe Boating Award for Safeguarding the Environment in 2006 – because of bilge oil socks… “When we first introduced our Clean Marina Policy in 2003, we asked customers

Now and for the future

In terms of infrastructure changes, Steenbakkers has no current plans just ‘wishes’. “Within the next couple of years we should dredge and replace some smaller slips with larger ones. I’m building up the capital accounts to accommodate this in the future,” he confirms. It is, however, imperative to keep a close eye on things. “So far as main management challenges go, I always say that my biggest negative wildcard is the government. You never know when they can throw a curveball at you by changing legislation that affects your business. You never know when they are going to compete with you by pumping grants into the local municipally owned marinas.” He also maintains a realistic view of the current economic downturn. “Given that we don’t sell or service boats we don’t have a negative exposure there. Boaters hang onto their boats as long as they can – it is very difficult to sell a boat in a bad economy. As such, any downturn in our business typically lags the broader downturn by at least a year, so really it is too early to tell.” In the meantime, Hub and Michèle will continue to do what they do best; running a successful marina like a much loved family home. Everything about Collins Bay Marina – from its initial development to its current infrastructure – has been customised to suit the precise needs of boating enthusiasts, and always with a view to preserving the marina’s greatest asset; the beauty of its natural surroundings.

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Tailor-made for maxi-yachts

The new Vilanova Grand Marina and second basin at Port Adriano, Mallorca, will significantly boost superyacht berths in Spain. Donatella Zucca reports

Xiqui Mas Below: Vilanova Grand Marina under construction and in concept.


For the yachtsman, Xiqui Mas, the sea is life itself. His grandparents were fishermen at Vilanova i la Geltrù, Spain, and in 1960 his father set up a nautical sports enterprise that shaped the family’s future and inspired Mas with a passion for sailing. It comes as no surprise to discover he is behind the first ‘maxiyacht’ marina in the western Mediterranean. Owner of Varador 2000, a boating company that offers technical help and management consultancy to ports, Mas and his colleagues were among the first to recognise the importance of creating maxi-yacht marinas. This recognition led to the development of Vilanova Grand Marina. Work began in 2006 on a 100,000 sq m site leased from the Catalan Government for 30 years. The design favoured both modern concepts and traditional ambience and the initial investment carried a price tag of around €33 million. Development and management has been handled by Marina Far Vilanova SA, which includes the construction company Coipsa, the prefabricated concrete manufacturer Hormipresa and Varador 2000. Strategically located in the harbour of Vilanova i la Geltrù, 20 minutes away from Barcelona, the marina is in close proximity to the Garraf National Park and the hot spots of Tarragona, Mallorca, Marbella and Ibiza. It is also strategically placed for vessels en route to the Caribbean. Transport infrastructure is excellent with the nearby Barcelona international airport, which also has a terminal for private planes, and the marina’s on-site helipad. Vilanova Grand Marina has over 27 berths for vessels of 20-25m and 49 berths for yachts of 2580m. There are dedicated office and leisure facilities for captains and crews and a hospitality desk whose staff offer a range of concierge services. Restaurants, a

commercial area, business centre, crew canteen and a car park for over 150 vehicles are also incorporated. The marina is supported by a 30,000 sq m ultra modern technical centre for repair and refit services, which is positioned well away from the marina berths. Key features include two painting sheds of 40 sq m and 60 sq m. Two boat hoists, likely to be of 600 tonne and 150 tonne capacity will be in operation by the end of the year. Over 1700 sq m of air purified, humidity and temperature controlled covered space is available. “What makes this marina unique is the fact that it has been conceived and designed exclusively to accommodate and provide all-round services for superyachts and megayachts,” explains Xiqui Mas, who is president of Vilanova Grand Marina. “The marina is thus prepared to cater for the specific needs of these large boats and meet all the logistical and personal requirements of owners, captains and crews.” Distinctive features include concrete piers with freeboard up to 7m, spacious moorings, intelligent service modules offering ample power for large yachts, in-berth fuel supply and pump-out and private work areas. The marina has also been designed to comply with international ISPS code security criteria to ensure security and privacy for boats and owners. The technical centre, of course, adds extra value. “As well as its specialisation, one of the key selling points for the marina is its location,” Mas affirms. “Being in such a privileged site in clean and still waters, very close to the cosmopolitan Barcelona and its airport is one of the things that our customers most value.” Environmental credentials are also strong. “The marina implemented an ambitious environmental management programme right from the planning and construction phase. Environmental regulations and preservation of public right of access to the port were taken into consideration. The programme will help to prevent, and will minimise, the amount of emissions, noise and waste materials generated by marina activity.”

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WELCOMING THE BIG BOATS: NEW FACILITIES The formula has proved to be appealing. “We are very satisfied with the good response we have had so far from owners of large yachts and also from some of the biggest boatyards in Europe. Despite the financial crisis, there is still a real demand in the market for specialised facilities for this type of boat in the Mediterranean. In fact, we have exceeded our expectations in our first year of sales and have managed to sell more moorings than we originally estimated.” “Given that the marina opens for business this coming spring – although it will be a critical year for everybody – we are confident that we will obtain positive results,” Mas concludes.

Poised for superyachts

Port Adriano Marina Calvià, in the south-west of the Bay of Palma, Mallorca, is poised to enter the world of superyachts thanks to a significant expansion project. Perfectly positioned as one of the key yachting destinations in the Balearics and just 50 miles from the hub of Ibiza, Port Adriano is set amidst great natural beauty. Aesthetics coupled with technical excellence have formed the brief for French architect, Philippe Starck. In association with the Franco-Italian Rudy Ricciotti, Starck has been tasked to breathe life into a new marina basin, which must not only be at one with its surroundings but must actually enhance the area aesthetically. Technical and environmental considerations are equally demanding. Ocibar, a marina management and development company that operates various facilities in the Balearics including Ibiza Magna, has been awarded a 15 year development and management contract to create the highest quality, environmentally friendly facility. Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC), a leading Spanish firm, began work in September 2007 to install the first stretch of concrete dock. The project incorporates 82 new berths for vessels of 20-60m, over 700 new car parking spaces, a 10,000 sq m technical centre with 200 ton travel lift, storage space, in-berth pump-out for bilge water and sewage and maintenance services for boats up to 40m. Like Vilanova Grand, Port Adriano enjoys a fine location. It is just 30 minutes away from Palma Airport and its connections to other Balearic islands and the rest of Europe, and also has many leisure attractions nearby such as four golf courses, several riding clubs and cultural highlights like the Mirò Foundation

in Palma itself. The marina has its own beaches but many others of greater beauty can easily be reached in Cala Fornells, Palmanova and Playa del Mago. A cliff improvement project, which commenced last October, will ameliorate the area and by the coming summer months provide for a two-way access road and additional car parking. “We are one of the few – if not the only – new marinas to be built in a prime location like Mallorca,” explains Port Adriano manager, Isabel Teruel. “Mallorca is an excellent destination because it suits the needs of captains with superyacht services, a large superyachts community is established on the island and there are good airport connections. It also suits owners because of the good cruising grounds, shopping, golf etc.” “Owners put a lot of effort into the design of their boats but, traditionally, marinas haven’t put similar effort into design. We believe the marina should be a continuation of the boat’s atmosphere and for this reason we have chosen Philippe Starck to design the port.” Construction plans have also been environmentally led, despite additional e x p e n s e , bu t a l s o u n f o r t u n a t e l y ‘environmentally’ hampered – by some of the worst storms in Mallorca’s history. “The new breakwater runs parallel with the existing dyke,” Teruel confirms. “This was a much more expensive solution but doesn’t have any new impact on the coastline. Also, the breakwater is built with caissons to minimise disruption to the sea bed and reduce requirements from the island quarries.” FCC specialises in such structures, one of its best examples being the floating dock in La Condamine Harbour, Monaco, which is a huge structure weighing 160,000 tons and measuring 352m in length. Ocibar and FCC implemented special measures to make up for lost time in completing the outer breakwater and, to date, ten of the 26 caissons are already in place, the perimeter of the dry dock has been completed and the crown wall construction has advanced to caisson number seven. Operators now need to turn their attention to renting

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berths, a process which is helped by the fact that the lease agreement stretches to 2037, one of the longest – according to Teruel – in a prime location. “None of our marinas have, as yet, been affected by a reduction in mooring rentals,” Teruel confirms. “The sale of moorings in the extra Port Adriano basin was very good in 2008. We sold a good number of moorings ranging from 30-50m.”

Isabel Teruel Below: Layout and design concepts for Port Adriano.


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Community life and megayacht mooring in the Bahamas by Sarah Devlin

A few years ago, all eyes in the Bahamas were on the island of New Providence. Legendary golfers Tiger Woods and Ernie Els got together with their friend Joe Lewis, founder of the international investment firm Tavistock Group, to purchase the Albany House, a plantation-style home located on the southwestern corner of the island. Immediately, they drafted plans to build a luxury 565-acre (229-hectare) resort on its site to include an Ernie Els-designed 18-hole golf course, an equestrian centre with ranchettes, luxury three- to five-bedroom ‘cottages’, custom home lots, a beach club, and a marina facility with 100 waterfront residences and over 70 wet slips for megayachts up to 240 feet (73m). - when away from the hustle and bustle of Two-thirds of the Bahamian population Nassau - has been considered a paradise by lives in New Providence, primarily because many, while nearby Freeport continued to the island is home to Nassau, the capital and garner its reputation as a ‘resort’ destination. commercial centre for the Bahamas. The island Truth be told, New Providence has welcomed itself has been a popular tourist destination as the resort crowd via cruise ship for many years it has a rich cultural background and existed as and the Albany House - originally owned by a pirate haven in the 18th century. Surrounded renowned Hollywood producer Jean Chalopin by old shipwrecks and coral reefs, the island Under construction: the corner of the marina facing north and east. Above and right: luxury concepts.

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- has seen its own share of tourists as the site of two movies, most notably the James Bond film ‘Casino Royale’. With this new development, the island will welcome an influx of visitors and residents from a higher income bracket and may begin to enjoy the riches of luxury economic development. The existing Albany House, which is approximately 77 feet (24m) from the water, will be the cornerstone for the new community and will serve as a high-end luxury Beach Club with an indoor restaurant and a large terrace. “British West Indies on the outside,” says Doug McMahon, managing director for the Tavistock Group, “while the inside will have a more contemporary vibe”. The Tavistock Group - the leader of the entire enterprise - is a global private investment firm founded 30 years ago by Joe Lewis. The company has grown to encompass a broad portfolio around the world including private luxury residential properties, master planned real estate development, sports teams and sporting events, and restaurants. The group’s private residential club communities include the top-rated Lake Nona Golf and Country Club in Orlando, Florida; Old Fort Bay in the Bahamas; and the exclusive Isleworth Golf and Country Club, also in Orlando. In other words, a project such as this is nothing new for them. Overall, the Albany project, scheduled for a late 2010 grand opening, has garnered input from almost 20 architectural firms, and a myriad of international and local consultants, contractors and builders, including Bellingham Marine Industries (BMI), which is primarily responsible for the marina construction. BMI has been contracted for the recently completed Turks and Caicos Yacht Club, a 135-slip stateof-the-art eco-friendly marina in Turks and Caicos capable of berthing yachts up to 200 feet (61m), the soon-to-be-completed 300-slip Marina Pez Vela in Costa Rica, Chub Cay Marina in the Berry Islands and Emerald Bay Marina in Great Exuma. The Albany marina, when complete, will include the aforementioned wet slips, a recently dredged mile-long channel, dry storage for yachts up to 42 feet (13m), and space to turn a 300ft (91m) yacht. “Tiger and Joe have large yachts,” says McMahon. “The marina had to fit those.” Indeed, the marina will


WELCOMING THE BIG BOATS: NEW FACILITIES Outdoor living space will be prime at Albany’s waterfront apartments and penthouses with swimming pools (below).

have an 18ft (5m) basin, capable of handling a boat with a 16ft (5m) draft. “Turrell, Hall & Associates did a phenomenal job to make it work in the South Ocean,” McMahon adds. “It sets a new standard for marina offerings in the Bahamas.” BMI was brought into the project via Turrell, Hall & Associates, which is responsible for engineering, designing, and managing construction for the proposed 15-acre (6hectare) marina. Work includes an extensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the entire project. The contract is particularly apt as Turrell specialises in considering the specific needs of megayachts such as concierge services, access for provisioning, and special fuelling and crew facilities. The firm also offers operational expertise, facility management and marina staff training in fuel spill and emergency response procedures via its association with Dream Harbors (Naples, Florida), which offers operational support in marina development and best management practices. For the Albany project, Turrell, Hall & Associates relied on its own yacht registry database. “We use the database to design marinas so berthing spaces and accommodations are adequate for today’s vessels,” says Joe Cunningham, staff engineer for Turrell, Hall & Associates. “The database analyses the average beams, drafts, power demands and other information for thousands of yachts registered throughout the world and is continuously updated as new yachts come online,” he adds. BMI is no stranger to Turrell, Hall & Associates as they’ve worked together on various projects for over 20 years. “We have built a number of marinas they have been the planner/permitting engineer for in southwest Florida, the Keys and the Bahamas,” says Steve Ryder, manager of project development at BMI. “Dream Harbor owns and operates marinas in Florida and we have built their facilities at Naples Boat Club and Ocean Club Marina in Port Canaveral.” The scope of BMI’s work includes structural engineering and construction services for the dock and pile system. The team will also construct the utility systems with all the latest in fire, health, safety, communication, environmental and fuel systems, including many aesthetic upgrades. “This marina, when

completed, will incorporate many of the details and requirements we have developed in the 50 years we’ve been building marinas and yet Albany will have a number of significant upgrades for the vessels who will call the marina home,” Ryder confirms. Although BMI had not worked with the Tavistock Group in the past, Ryder says Turrell was “aware of our abilities and we were familiar with them from their development projects such as Lake Nona and Isleworth in the Orlando area.” Lining the marina, the Albany project’s plans include 11 buildings, housing 100 waterfront apartments with a classic design and views of the marina and surrounding ocean. As with many tropical locations, the apartments will focus on warm-weather living with vanishing walls of glass, penthouses with swimming pools and 30% outdoor living space. The entire community was designed by the highly influential modern architect Andres Duany of Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company (Miami, Florida), a firm responsible for Alys Beach currently under construction in Florida, the Windsor Club in Vero Beach, Florida, and Seaside - a revolutionary 80-acre (32-hectare) ‘new urban’ development along the Florida panhandle founded and designed in the early 1980s. McMahon says that Duany drew inspiration

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for the Albany project from other coastal communities, such as Edgartown and Martha’s Vineyard - both located in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, noted for its traditional small-town design. The result will be a pedestrian-friendly community with streets that address the ocean. Although designed by various architects, “the buildings will relate to each other, relate to the street, relate to the neighbourhood,” says McMahon. “There will be a reason for everything.” As for environmental-group pushback, which comes as standard with any large construction job regardless of location, one local group did approach Tavistock and question their intentions, but quickly ended its campaign. What it comes down to, McMahon states, is communication. “If a developer honours its commitments, things quiet down,” he says. “We have a commitment to be a good environmental steward. Plus, we have incentive! We’re all attracted to the natural beauty in the Bahamas. The last thing we want to do is mess that up.” For example, jetties will be constructed both north and south of the new inlet to an existing yacht basin - dug by the previous owner - to keep sand on the beaches and out of the channel. Natural stone rip-rap will line the entrance channel, tying into the jetties to dissipate wave energy. As the Albany project has 3,200 linear feet (975m) of shoreline, clean sand will be placed on the beaches as is common practice to offset any erosion. The beaches will then be consistently monitored over time. In the long run, the jetties will increase habitat for marine life and will eventually replenish beaches in New Providence that have been eroding over the last 50 years. Albany will also buck the ‘celebrity developer’ trend. McMahon points out that when celebrity shareholders lend their names to various developments and projects, they often just sit in the background or walk away after a period of time. This has led to a certain amount of cynicism in resort areas looking to court major developers. Not the case here. “Joe. Tiger. Ernie,” McMahon states. “When they say they’ll do something, they do it. These three have everything to do with this project and they are powerful shareholders even with these current economic headwinds. They chose to do this as friends.”


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Power on the dockside by Robert Wilkes

Like it or not, if you own or operate a marina you also own and operate an electric utility; one that floats on a highly corrosive and conductive electrolyte (sea water) and is constantly in motion. Electricity is a revenue generator for a damaging your tenant’s or guest’s onboard marina. Large yachts use lots of it and the equipment. Electrical equipment is very revenue they generate can often justify a higher sensitive to input power. An underpowered initial investment. If your marina is going to marina can result in damaged equipment…not serve big boats, your electrical power system to mention a damaged reputation. must be properly designed before it is locked in concrete…figuratively and literally. Hooking up to shore “Good planning cannot be over-emphasised,” Big boats need big power, lots of it, usually said Cliff Norton of Bellingham Marine between 400A and 600A. To visualise scale, (BMI). “Fixing the problem of an undersized that is equivalent to the power capacity of three electrical system later may not be an option. In residential homes. Marinas around the world some cases, it’s easier to start over with a new deliver power in a variety of ways. In the US, marina.” Norton is general manager of BMI’s 240V power in 30A, 50A or 100A receptacles newly formed Utilities Division, which has is common. Marinas built for superyachts been set up to meet the challenge to provide deliver 100A and up, with 400A the maximum increasingly specialised power options for marinas. Get it right and superyacht captains will heap praise on your marina. Ask Greg Nailler, general manager of Eaton Corporation’s Marina Power and Lighting Division. Eaton makes power pedestals expressly designed for superyachts. It markets two big-boat models; a high-demand pedestal called the Admiral and a top-of-the-line model called the MegaYacht Powerpoint. The latter anticipates a superyacht engineer’s every need. “I actually got a handwritten letter from a yacht captain,” said Nailler. “He loved the idea of a power pedestal that adapts to a yacht’s power system.” Get it wrong and you may have an underpowered marina, one in which tenants and guests can experience power ‘brownouts’. Worse yet, you may have legal liability for

for a single receptacle. To get more than 400A, the yacht has to use more than one power cable and plug into more than one receptacle. The practical limit is a total of 600A. So, why do big boats need so much power? Meet the captain of the superyacht M/V Fabulous. He commands a 60m yacht with air conditioning, a walk-in refrigerator/freezer, an all-electric kitchen right out of a fourstar restaurant, a full fleet of electronics, more lighting than Times Square and a fully equipped business centre. Of course, Fabulous has an onboard generator for lying at anchor along the Costa Brava, but shore power is much preferred in a marina. Shore power saves fuel, wear and tear, and makes no sound or exhaust. Many of the more up-to-date superyachts have on-board transformers they use to adjust shore power to match the yacht’s amperage, voltage and phase requirements. Superyacht engineers carry a kit of receptacles and adapters. The Fabulous, however, is an older yacht. On this score, Fabulous is less than fabulous, but not unusual. Our captain will have to choose between sitting in a slip for days running his generator or going to another marina with matching power. What would you do?

Planning for super power

Planning is a three-way process, involving a professional electrical engineer or engineering firm, a marine power equipment supplier and a marina manufacturer and installer. Each should work together and share ideas as the design progresses. Compatibility between shore power and the yacht’s system is just one aspect when designing a marina electrical system. The first consideration is not the power in the marina; it’s the power available on land from the utility company. Planning your system begins with this question: how much power is available and how far away is it? Cliff Norton has planned many of them. “When working with an owner of a new marina, we mutually decide on a point where the power company leaves off and we take over,” he said. “For example, we choose a point fifty feet from the main gangway. Our

Bahia Mar in Ft Lauderdale had to factor 100% demand into its power requirements as it is home to the Ft Lauderdale Boat Show (top).

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WELCOMING THE BIG BOATS: UTILITIES planning is based on a given amount of power available at that point. If the actual power is less, the owner has an infrastructure problem. He may have to negotiate with the local utility or other authority.” With marinas in urban settings, this is rarely a problem. The more remote the marina, the more likely it is that it will be an issue. An extreme example is Chub Cay, an exclusive sport-fishing resort in the Bahamas. “Chub Cay is on a small island,” said Steve Ryder, BMI manager of project development. “The owner had to build a new shore power system to get the marina built. The result is a first-rate resort marina that welcomes superyachts on the Med-Caribbean route.”

Designing for boat numbers

Multiply the number of slips by the largestsize power receptacle serving each slip and you have the maximum possible power that would be required if all slips were occupied and drawing maximum power. But most marinas will never see that much demand, so planners use a ‘demand factor’ to calculate a more reasonable required power for the system. Some marinas have normal-size boats, few transients and no special-event days that might bring everyone to the marina at once. For such a marina, a demand factor of 30% would likely be ample. But 30% is the lowest allowed by the US National Electric Code and certainly not recommended for any marina that welcomes big boats. Marinas home to superyachts, special events or a high proportion of transients need a much higher demand factor. Ryder, based

An incredible amount of cable is protected inside the dock and out of sight at Rybovich Marina. in Jacksonville, Florida, has developed a number of marinas with robust power systems, including Bahia Mar in Fort Lauderdale. Bahia Mar has unusually large power needs because it is home to the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show. During the show, the marina is gunwaleto-gunwale with superyachts. Boats are in the slips, on side ties and packed into the space available in the fairways. “We designed Bahia Mar for 100% demand factor,” said Ryder. “To get power to the extra boats, the marina developed special panel boards for the additional distribution needed for the show.”

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Wire and weight

The physical aspects of marina electrical power may surprise you. If you’re building a marina for big boats, it helps if your favourite uncle owns a copper mine in Bolivia. While aluminium is used in land applications, copper is the only viable material for marinas. It is flexible and corrosion resistant and is a better conductor than aluminium – i.e., it suffers less voltage loss during transmission. It has been standard procedure to use insulated copper wire in protective conduits for marinas, but there is a new option that performs considerably better. Super-tough, extraheavy-duty Type ‘G’ and Type ‘W’ portable power cables have durable insulation ideal for



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WELCOMING THE BIG BOATS: UTILITIES marina applications. The cables are resistant to petroleum and sunlight and are safe - even underwater. The new cables are rapidly gaining popularity and are now required for any application that floats by approximately 70% of the electrical code districts in Florida. Specifying the floats and the electrical system is an interrelated process. The physical space and weight-bearing requirements of the electrical wiring and mounted equipment helps determine the size and buoyancy of the float. Cables can run through the floats in cast-in channels, as in Bellingham Marine’s Unifloat docks, or through covered troughs accessible from the surface of the float. “We favour inside utility runs,” said Norton, “because they are well-protected and tend to have less chafing and less corrosion. We also think hidden cables are more aesthetically appealing and less industrial looking.” Another consideration much favoured by superyacht captains is an under-dock channel to tuck away the big yellow power cords that might otherwise be strewn over the top of the dock. Captains love it because they can keep them out of sight no matter which direction the boat is moored in the slip. A captain will turn a yacht around for no other reason than to have the guests watch the sunset over the fantail during a cocktail party. Superyachts are really floating 10-star hotels so guests should never have to step over a power cable to join the party. One can get an idea of the volume of material involved in moving power through a marina in the photo of the gangway at Rybovich Marina in Ft. Lauderdale. The cables shown are delivering power from the shore to the floating-dock marina. Rybovich has 157 separate circuits, each supplied by a large diameter cable. BMI specially designed the floats for the circumstances. “The Unifloat design is unlimited in the weight and space we can supply for utilities because of the way we connect the floats,” said Ryder. “Our design leaves the interface between floats clear of any connecting hardware that might limit the ability to provide space for utilities. It’s also an advantage that our marinas are all custom designed rather than off the shelf.”

Substations save the day

Distance is a problem when transmitting electricity, and often marinas have slips hundreds or even thousands of feet from the

main gangway. As electricity travels over distance, energy is lost to heat, a product of the low (but not zero) resistance of the cable. Larger diameter cables lose less energy, but they add significant weight, cost and take up space in the float. Fortunately, there is a better way. The solution is the substation. Its function is to bring the highest possible voltage to the closest possible point of use. A typical set up will deliver power from shore to the marina at 480V, then step it down with transformers at substations spread throughout the marina. Higher voltage lines can be significantly smaller and lighter for the same energy transmitted than lower voltage lines. As Eaton’s Nailler recalls, “Deploying substations saved $6 million just because we used a smaller wire size for a project in Florida.” Substations also ensure reliable 240V power An electrical substation ensures reliable to the power pedestals because engineers 240V power to the power pedestals. can adjust transformer settings to make up for voltage lost on the way to the substation. 400A are available. Once on board the yacht, The substation system helps ensure reliable, power is distributed by the ship’s electrical predictable power and helps prevent brownouts bus or transformer at 240V (or 208V for that might damage equipment on the boat - as three phase) or stepped down to the 120V for long as there is consistent power from shore. convenient use. Substations may save the day for power The key difference between US electrical distribution but their weight and size is no power and European or international systems small matter. They contain transformers with is the frequency; 60 hertz is used in the US and miles of copper windings and can weigh as 50 hertz is used internationally. This change in much as 2,500 to 2,800 lbs. Float designers frequency makes a difference. See the power have responded with very robust floats with formats and available receptacles in Table 1. 30-inch freeboards, as in the superyacht Table 1: moorage at Port Forum in Barcelona, Comparing US, European, and UK/Australia Power Systems Spain. Substations also have a large footprint. A superyacht marina has to Region Power Available Receptacles be configured to accommodate service Available vehicles so that they can get by power 30A US:60 hertz 120V/240V single phase pedestals and substations. 120V/208V three phase 50A Power comes in single phase and three 277V/480V three phase 100A phase forms. Three phase is the most 200A common delivery method worldwide 400A because it is cheaper and easier to transmit Europe: 50 hertz 220V/380V three phase 16A power from one place to another. “Three 32A phase power provides the flexibility 63A needed for superyacht marinas that single 125A phase distribution simply cannot provide,” 200-250A said Norton. The drawback is that it cannot UK and 240V/415V three phase 16A be used unless the yacht’s internal system 32A Australia: is three-phase compatible. 50 hertz 63A The MegaYacht Powerpoint by 125A 200-250A Eaton, mentioned earlier, is beautifully engineered for this situation. It uses the same transformer to provide single phase and Yachts going from one region to another three phase power, saving the weight and cost can use this relationship: a US 30A receptacle of two separate transformers. All that is needed is equal to an international 16A, 50A = 32A, is to select the correct receptacle to get the 100A = 63A, and so on. correct power. Power and the proposal So, let’s go through the numbers for a typical Far-sighted owners will take growth into marina. Power is brought from shore to the account when reviewing proposals for their substations at 480V. It can be as high as 600V, new marina, and future power demands should which is the maximum allowed in a marina be factored into the electrical portion of the by US National Electric Code, but 480V is proposal. If the last 50 years is an indication, typical. The transformers in the substation boats will continue to get longer, wider step the power down to 240V single phase and more power hungry. “An owner should or 208V three phase and distribute it to the ensure that the marina company is not underpower pedestals. The pedestals provide power designing the electrical system in order to get to the boats in the same manner: 240V single in a low bid,” said Norton. “And if the power on phase or 208V three phase. The pedestals are shore is not sufficient to support the proposal, designed to use specific receptacles. There the bidder may be making a promise he can’t are a variety of receptacles used in marinas, keep. Either way, these are problems that have measured in amperes. Receptacles as high as to be dealt with before the marina is built.” The Megayacht Powerpoint from Eaton Robert Wilkes writes about the marina Corporation supplies varying power industry from his home in Bellevue, requirements to superyachts. Washington, USA.

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Rodney Bay Marina in St Lucia has been completely redeveloped in order to broaden its customer base.

Megayacht spot in the southern Caribbean

the specialised utility requirements at the redeveloped facility. The marina historically receives vessels from all over the world and now expects frequent transient megayacht visitors as well. A broad range of vessel sizes and types from various parts of the world presents unique utility challenges that had to be addressed during the redevelopment. Specifically, the island’s electricity authority, Lucelec, produces and transmits alternating current (AC) at a frequency of 50Hz, as is typical in Europe and many other parts of the world. However, the US and most of the Americas typically run on 60Hz power. Thus provision for both power frequencies was identified as a necessary luxury amenity to ensure that any and all vessels visiting the marina can be properly accommodated. In order to meet this unique challenge, many alternatives were investigated by the owner and the project designer. These options included the use of solid state frequency converters, dieselpowered generators, and even provisions through Lucelec for 60Hz power. Eventually, the owner settled on two large electric-powered frequency converters that offer 60Hz power to 16 megayacht slips and 68 standard (5060ft) floating slips. In addition, a variety of plug/power receptacle configurations have been provided throughout the marina. While these provisions inherently added cost to the project, the level of convenience and flexibility with regard to electrical service at Rodney Bay simply cannot be found elsewhere in this region of the Caribbean. Perhaps just as importantly, Boyd notes the fact that the marina is the only International Ship & Port Security (ISPS) compliant facility south of St Maarten and offers complete on-site security, customs and immigration services. This gives discerning yacht owners peace of mind and virtually eliminates immigration hassles.

The destination marina for the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) is now also the premier megayacht facility in the southern Caribbean thanks to a successful and timely redevelopment. In December 2008, the newly rebuilt Rodney Bay Marina in St Lucia welcomed sailboats arriving for the annual ARC - as it has for the past 16 years - and opened its doors to a glamorous new boating market. Kirby Marshall reports level. They are truly a signature of the island Rodney Bay Marina has long provided and offer outstanding opportunities for diving, a haven for yachtsmen wishing to explore hiking, photography and sightseeing. the southern reaches of the Caribbean. Now these waters are open to megayachts that Infrastructure and utilities have historically had limited berthing options In addition to the exciting cruising opportunities this far south. The completely redeveloped that the marina makes possible, the facility marina was designed by Applied Technology itself boasts first-class infrastructure for & Management (ATM) for Island Global megayachts. Boyd points out that the docks Yachting (IGY) and features 32 dedicated are the strongest he’s seen built. The fixed megayacht slips for vessels up to 250 feet, concrete megayacht docks offer an 18ft wide 176 new floating slips for 40 to 60ft vessels, main walkway, 10ft wide finger piers, and are increased entrance channel and basin depths Dredging and water depths capable of berthing vessels up to 250 feet in and a completely revamped boatyard facility. As mentioned previously, the megayacht slips length. The marina serves as a gateway to the at Rodney Bay are designed to accommodate Careful consideration has also been given to beautiful Caribbean island of St Lucia and is the key economic driver for the local tourism Gros Piton and Petit Piton are stunning volcanic industry. mountains situated on the southwest coast of the island.

New cruising grounds

The opening of first-class megayacht facilities at Rodney Bay represents an expansion of viable cruising grounds for megayacht charters in the southern Caribbean. With airport facilities at the island’s capital of Castries only ten minutes away, the facility is well situated as an embarkation point for charter cruises. Jeff Boyd, executive vice president of operations for IGY, says that the newly redeveloped marina offers a location that is “perfect for a seven-day charter”. And that “a cruise from the marina down the coast of St Lucia to the Pitons and on to St Vincent and the Grenadines” provides a spectacular tour of the southern islands. The Pitons are stunning volcanic mountains situated on the southwest coast of the island. The twin peaks of Gros Piton and Petit Piton reach a height of nearly 3,000 feet above sea

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WELCOMING THE BIG BOATS: REDEVELOPMENT A total of 176 boats of 40-60 feet can moor up at a new floating dock system supplied by Walcon Marine.

vessels ranging up to 250 feet in length. In order to hold these large vessels, the entrance channel and megayacht basin were designed to provide 15ft of water at mean low water conditions. Although dredging to these depths was necessary, the execution of the dredging programme was not without its own unique challenges. The dredging design required the removal and disposal of approximately 250,000 cubic yards of material. A specialised series of confined disposal facilities with progressive weirs were developed and used on a portion of the upland property to remove water from the spoil material so that it could be hauled to a nearby site for final disposal. To add to the challenge of dredging this large volume of material, portions of the marina were required to remain operational during reconstruction. This meant careful planning and manoeuvring of dredging equipment and pipelines. Lastly, a high-voltage electric cable crossing the entrance channel to the marina had to be disconnected and reburied at a lower elevation to allow for safe dredging to the required 15ft depths.

The unique dredging challenges on this project were met through careful consideration during redevelopment planning, and through coordination between the owner, project designer and contractor, C. O. Williams Ltd., of St Lucia, during construction.

Critical timing

As mentioned above, Rodney Bay Marina is the culmination point of the annual transatlantic ARC regatta. This is an exceptionally important event for the island and the surrounding region as it brings approximately 200 visiting vessels to the area on an annual basis. The event has significant economic impact on the tourismbased economy of St Lucia. The marina maintains a contract with ARC organisers to provide slip space when the race competitors arrive in December. As such, marina redevelopment had to be completed in time to provide adequate berthing to race participants. To further intensify the need for an on-time completion, the arrival of the ARC sailors generally coincides with the peak transient boating season in the area. This exacerbated demand for slips in

Constructing the substantial superyacht dock, home to 32 slips.

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December drove the need for detailed planning and strict adherence to project schedules throughout construction, all while keeping portions of the marina in working order to serve the long-term patrons and guests of the facility. Through careful coordination between marina operations personnel, the project designer and the contractor, the facility opened on time to rave reviews from the many ARC sailors and other visitors who arrived in December. In fact, Cuthbert Didier, general manager of the marina facilities and member of the St Lucia Tourist Board says that the “new facilities energised this year’s ARC and were very well received by ARC sailors and visiting megayachts alike”. He went on to say that the megayacht dock at Rodney Bay “makes a huge statement when you sail into the marina” and that “the marriage of megayachts and cruising sailboats has been seamless and is a strength of Rodney Bay Marina.” As a result of the renovations, the ARC extended its contract with the marina, heralding a significant impact to economic development on the island over the next several years. Didier also sees the redeveloped facility as key to the ongoing synergy with land-based tourism on the island and indicated that the marina redevelopment is already having a direct impact on upland values on the northern part of the island by providing a gateway to the island for potential investors. The redevelopment has also drawn praise from St Lucia’s prime minister, the Honorable Stephenson King, who says “the Rodney Bay Marina is an icon for St Lucia and for the Caribbean.” Kirby G Marshall, MBA, is a marina construction specialist with Applied Technology & Management, Inc., a coastal, environmental, marine and water resources engineering firm based in Florida, USA. He can be reached in Charleston, South Carolina, on email: kmarshall@appliedtm. com

The marina grand opening with Prime Minister Hon. Stephenson King.



Brandy takes up Cap Cana management DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Brandy Marine International LLC of Sarasota, Florida, assumed management of Marina Cap Cana late last year in time for the peak tourist, yachting and big game sport-fishing season.

Open for business – Marina Cap Cana welcomes boaters and fishing enthusiasts.

Big boat berth boost in the Adriatic CROATIA: Nautical Center Prgin (NCP) and Island Global Yachting (IGY) are progressing with the jointventure development of the Mandalina Marina & Yacht Club. The project includes the addition of 65 megayacht berths to the existing 350 wet slips and 50 drystack slots available. The new megayacht facilities are under development and will complement NCP’s existing shipyard and charter service companies at the property. Under the joint-venture agreement, the current marina – which already provides berthing for multiple megayachts in excess of 35m – is co-branded IGY and NCP and is now managed by IGY. The destination is one of the most complete, full-service nautical destinations in the region and encompasses the marina, shipyard, charter operations and an NCP sailing school. It also offers on-site fuelling and provisioning, and future plans may possibly include a marina village. The new Mandalina Marina & Yacht Club is situated in the coastal town of Sibenik on Croatia’s Dalmatian coast. Sibenik is one of the oldest native Croatian towns and is noted as a centre of culture and art. With the recent modifications to the marina, the town is destined to become the region’s premier gateway for megayachts as it offers convenient access to over 300 scenic islands on the Adriatic and is an excellent base for cruising the eastern coast of Italy and the eastern Mediterranean.


Marina Cap Cana is a full service luxury yacht and megayacht facility at the multimillion dollar residential Cap Cana resort. The resort will be under construction over the next 15 years on a 30,000-acre site. The resort will include 8,500 residences, four luxury hotels, five signature golf courses and a 1,250-slip marina, the largest marina within a 250-mile radius in the Caribbean Sea. The first phase comprises 89 slips for yachts of 40-130 feet in length. “Managing Marina Cap Cana is an outstanding opportunity for Brandy Marine,” said Brandy Marine CEO and president, Capt. Bruce Blomgren. “When completed, the marina will be comparable to the great international destination marinas of the world, including those in Italy, Spain, France, Monaco and Dubai.” Overlooking the aquamarine waters of the Caribbean, Cap Cana resort is viewed as the most significant player in the Dominican Republic’s effort to attract tourism and boost the nation’s economy. The Dominican Republic is situated on the island of Hispaniola and Cap Cana is located 750 nautical miles southeast of Florida. Last year Brandy Marine also signed a contract to manage Marina Papagayo in Costa Rica and is currently working on management, consulting and/or design for other marinas in the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, the Turks & Caicos Islands, Panama, the Bahamas and other international locations.

Megamasters for Vilanova Grand

SPAIN: Rolec Services, one of the world’s leading specialists in the design, supply and installation of marina services to superyacht marinas, is supplying 39 Megamaster pedestals and a range of add-on features for the new Vilanova Grand Marina in Barcelona, Spain (see p.24). marina operator to issue a night watchman with a Steve Pledge, Rolec’s technical projects Smartcard. As he walks around the marina at set manager, comments: “The Megamaster unit times during the night, he swipes the card over was designed and developed specifically to offer each RFID point. Each swipe is registered on the very substantial electricity and water services office computer enabling the marina operator to to superyachts. Designed to be versatile, the confirm that the watchman has carried out his Megamaster is available in both aluminium and rounds as instructed. stainless steel options and will be Innovations at Vilanova providing electrical services up Grand underscore just some of to 630 amps throughout Vilanova the special features the company Grand Marina.” offers to superyacht marinas and Each berth will also be has been designing, developing equipped with multiple water and installing for over 15 years. supplies. Electricity and water Rolec managing director, Kieron consumption is monitored Alsop, explains: and managed by the Rolec “Recent years have seen a Berthmaster system giving the huge growth in the berthing marina operator complete control requirements for superyachts of each boat’s utility services. and we have responded with At the specific request of a whole array of services, the marina developer, boat including: increased electrical owners can also be issued with supplies up to 1000 amps; a microchip embedded proximity water supplies up to 75mm; Smartcard which allows them to multi-service communications; berth dedicated switch their own services on and off at any time of permanent pump-out facilities; ornate lighting the day or night. This option was provided using for berths including underwater lighting and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, multi-coloured deck lighting; and computerised which allows the marina operator to address the central monitoring and control of electricity and Smartcard and tie it to a specific Megamaster unit/ water services.” berth of choice. Each Megamaster is fitted with a Key projects to date include the provision of data screen enabling the boat owner to view his Smartcard or computer-controlled services to: The electricity and water account at any time. Palm Marinas, Dubai; The Pearl, Qatar; Valencia “With the introduction of the RFID Smartcard Yacht Base, Spain; Port Louis Marina, Grenada; system, we have also been able to provide Eden Island Superyacht Marina, Seychelles; Yas Vilanova Grand with a night watchman check-in Marina, Abu Dhabi; and Port Forum, Spain. facility,” Pledge continues. This facility allows the

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WELCOMING THE BIG BOATS: UPDATES Fifth Avenue Landing, San Diego, has 12 slips for visiting yachts up to 300 feet long.

Mooring up on the west coast

th on e In 2 -w Vis a 0 te i rn 09 ter t o at S di ur i o a n sp na c l l B tua ay o a r y at t C o S ho ve w

USA: US based marina design and build company, Bellingham Marine (BMI), has helped boost berthing availability for megayachts at extreme ends of the US west coast. of dedicated power, telephone, internet and In Seattle, Washington, it has enhanced the TV services, sewage pump-outs, freshwater ‘Wards Cove on Lake Union’ development by systems and wash-water treatment posts with installing 11 slips for vessels of 95-100 feet a phosphate cartridge and sediment filter to in length. BMI used Unifloat docks for the prevent spotting. freshwater marina which has spectacular views Wards Cove is a new waterfront community of the city of Seattle. Each slip has 200 amps

comprising 12 floating home sites, the megayacht marina and 14,500 square feet of office space. Floating home sites feature extra wide Unifloat docks and full utilities including power, sewerage, water and gas. Upland construction is scheduled to begin soon. Further south, in San Diego, California, BMI has completed a 12-slip dock facility at Fifth Avenue Landing near the San Diego Convention Center. The facility has been created for visiting yachts of up to 300 feet seeking a temporary stay in San Diego Bay. Ideally located in the heart of the city centre, the Landing offers complimentary concierge service for owners and crew, complimentary WiFi, free parking, secure and controlled 24/7 access, and in-slip sewage pump-out. Various design innovations have been utilised. Substations have been modified for additional power and adapted for a broad range of receptacle options. As the site is subject to wake from passing tugs, a heavyduty dock design with glu-lam beam walers was instituted. Extra wide fingers (9ft 3in – 12ft) were used, and each is detached from the main walkway to allow independent movement. The dock system also features above average freeboard (24ft versus the 18ft norm) to accommodate easy access and transfer of provisions to and from the yachts. Fifth Avenue Landing also features ADA compliant access ramps, gangways and landing structures, railings, security gates and access control systems.

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Honolulu Harbor, Oahu, boasts an impressive line up of pleasure boats.

Upgrades needed to boost boating interest by Sarah Devlin Although it was the last state to be entered into the Union, Hawaii could be considered the oldest in the United States. Due to its location in the Pacific and its rich cultural heritage, Hawaii is home to some of the most interesting historical landmarks and beautiful natural landscapes in the US. As a state, Hawaii is an archipelago consisting of hundreds of islands, but is known primarily by its eight primary islands: Hawaii, and then Niihau, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, and Oahu, home to the state capital of Honolulu. From a mariner’s perspective, Hawaii looks - approved this past January - invests $40 like a meshing of Polynesian influence on million in general obligation bonds and an transient tropical boaters within a framework estimated $200 million from commercial of military and commercial industry - all set to and industrial lease rents. As part of this a remarkable backdrop of lush volcanic formations and pristine, impossibly blue and active water. For the recreational boater, however, cruising in Hawaii can pose challenges due to some less-thanideal facilities and poorly maintained marinas. The most interesting aspect of Hawaii’s marinas is that - with a few exceptions - they are owned by the state. “Hawaii is one of very few states in the nation that runs its own marinas,” says Ed Underwood, administrator for Hawaii’s Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR). In fact, DOBOR operates and manages 21 harbours, 50 ramps, 2,122 moorings and berths, and 19 piers across the state. With a population of just over a million, only a little more than 15,000 boats are registered in Hawaii, according to DOBOR. Pleasure boating appears to be growing in popularity in this state, however. One way to grow that boating number, many claim, is to upgrade the existing infrastructure and create more venues for the recreational boater. Enter the ‘Recreational Renaissance’. In part, this comprehensive plan

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package, it would allow the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), which manages the DOBOR, to increase and improve facilities at its parks, trails, harbours, forest reserves and beaches; upgrade and maintain recreational facilities and spaces in prime condition and provide customerfriendly access through adoption of national maintenance standards; and prepare for the next generation of recreational infrastructure improvements through a long-term strategy leveraging public/private partnerships. “We’d really like to get some developers down here to build up our marinas and harbours,” Underwood states. “It can be difficult sometimes because we have to enter a public/ private partnership and we have to lease the submerged land. This is where the Recreational Renaissance comes in.” “Just last week, the governor a p p r ove d $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 t o b eg i n preliminary designs on the Sand Island Ocean Recreational Park,” Underwood continues. It’s a logical first step for proponents of development. In the 1940s, the Kalihi seaplane channel, which runs adjacent to Sand Island site, was dredged out in order to provide deepwater access to Honolulu Harbor from the western side. The resulting dredged material piled up on what became Sand Island on one side of the channel and Mokauea Island on the other. What started as a small island to quarantine ships in the 19th



century as they sailed into Honolulu Harbor could soon become the site of a 500- to 700slip recreational marina. “The proposed ocean recreation park will be integrated with the adjacent and existing Sand Island Recreation Area, which is owned by the Division of State Parks,” says Eric Yuasa, engineering branch head at DOBOR. Wet slips would occupy approximately 25 acres (10 hectares) of submerged lands, while the land-side support facilities, such as buildings, parking, boat storage and haul-out areas would occupy approximately 16 acres (6 hectares) of fast land.

This would all happen through a private/ public partnership. The marina and support facilities will be planned, designed, constructed and maintained by a private marina developer. The state, on the other hand, would receive lease rent and/or a percentage of the revenue generated by the marina and support facilities. “This site is an ideal location for a marina development,” Yuasa says. “There is sufficient water depth without dredging; the site is not adjacent to a wet land or historic property; the site is protected from significant effects of wind, wave and wake; the site is state owned

and is close to downtown Honolulu; and there are existing utilities that may be adequate to support the proposed improvements.” These include electrical, sewer, water (potable and non-potable irrigation) utilities; drainage improvements; paved roadways and parking areas; trails; ADA fishing pier; street lighting; landscaping; comfort stations; picnic areas; additional launch ramp lane(s), trailer boat parking and related improvements. DOBOR would also work with canoe, fishing and ocean related organisations to provide space for their activities/facilities. The eventual private marina developer would be responsible

Deteriorated pontoons (left) and newly installed floating docks at Al Wai Marina.


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SPECIAL REPORT: HAWAII The Honolulu sunset is just one of the scenic appeals of tropical paradise.

for developing the marina’s land-side support facilities, including an administrative office building and maintenance facility for DOBOR Oahu District. This type of partnership has worked before. Ala Wai Marina in Honolulu recently invested in capital improvements that include new floating docks and an upgrade from just shy of 700 slips to 871 slips. The project involves demolition of the existing cross docks and three floating docks (B, C and D) and construction of new engineered aluminium framed floating dock systems to replace the existing concrete fixed and floating docks, which were installed in 1972. Deterioration is evident on the existing docks with portions deemed unsafe and beyond repair. Current work follows completion in 2002 and 2007 of two other floating docks (F and G). The replacement system, manufactured by Bluewater Marine working with design consultants Mitsunaga & Associates and contractor Hawaiian Dredging Construction Co., is built out of Series 6000 aluminium frames, which sit on heavy-duty polyethylene foam-filled floats. The docks are decked with plastic composite decking. Main piers, measuring 389ft long x 8ft wide, are connected to the new floating cross dock. Finger piers are installed on both sides of the main piers Hawaii has established facilities for cruise ships.


According to Waimea Plantation’s brochure, amenities include a boat-launching ramp, the expanded breakwater and restrooms. Future plans include privately held boat storage and repair facilities, a snack shop/convenience store and a fishing supply store to increase harbour use. But, he concedes, “our expansion plans are very preliminary.” Private development has taken hold in Hawaii. Ko Olina Marina in Kapolei is a privately owned, relatively substantial 43-acre (17-hectare) operation on the western shore of Oahu that features floating concrete docks able to accommodate vessels up to 200 feet (61 meters) with 330 full-service slips. The entire resort spans 642 acres (260 hectares) and includes a Marriott hotel, several restaurants, a 30,000 square foot (2,787 square meter) spa, and sits on seven protected lagoons. In conclusion, no marina article about Hawaii would be complete without mentioning military. Due to its location, Hawaii has become a military stop-over and the site of many US military bases for decades. As such, it should come as no surprise that there is a Marine Corps Community Services Outdoor Recreation Center and Marina. Located on Kaneohe Bay, the largest sheltered body of water on the main Hawaiian Islands, on Oahu, the Marine Corps Outdoor Recreation Center and Marina serves the 15,000 marines and families living at the Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Base, just north of Honolulu. This marina offers typical amenities found at other marinas including 40 slips, 25 moorings, 225 dry-storage spots and a large fleet of rental boats.

to provide safe access to the boats moored at these docks. The entire system is made up of modular sections that can easily be reconfigured and quickly repaired if damaged. Slip amenities comprise electricity and water pedestals, dock boxes, fire stations, and optional telephone and cable. The re-opening ceremony is scheduled for mid-May and other design work is under way to improve the sewerage and water systems, and to install slips for visitors. There is also another plan in the works at Waimea Plantation Cottages, a popular luxury vacation resort along the Napali Coast in Kauai. The overall plan includes improving Kikiaola Small Boat Harbor, currently owned by the state. “We have a long term land use master plan that includes expanding the State of Hawaii’s Kikiaola Small Boat Harbor into a commercial marina,” says Michael Faye, chair of Kikiaolo Holdings, which owns Waimea Plantation Cottages and several hundred acres surrounding the cottage. “The State and Army Corps of Engineers recently completed rebuilding the breakwater at a cost of about $14 million and are currently dredging the Boats moored up in beautiful Nawiliwili. harbour.” The Marine Corps Community Services Outdoor Recreation Center and Marina accommodates several hundred boats.

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New design modular docks

Canadian company Candock has introduced a new generation modular floating dock system and a new range of utility channels. Docks feature uniform, flat, rigid, anti-slip surfaces that feel secure underfoot; almost non-existent intersections between blocks; and a special feature that keeps waterline dirt away from the sides of the dock modules whilst also giving each unit a lower profile appearance. Quality finish and general aesthetics are also improved. The new utility channel system – the result of several years’ R&D – is a two part product: base and service cover. The base is an integral part of the dock and provides the support for the utilities. Bases can be inserted wherever needed on the constructed dock. When the work is completed, the service covers are fixed in place using the dock’s connecting pins. Pedestals, lights, fire and rescue stations - and more – can easily be fixed to the covers. According to Candock, the modular docks compare well with heavier pontoon systems in their ability to


withstand severe weather conditions. Although they are light in weight, they work with the waves and do not try to resist them. They are also virtually maintenance-free, covered by a limited lifetime warranty, environmentally friendly and significantly lower in cost than standard marina systems. Contact Candock in Canada on email: candock@candock.com

New owners to boost Brownell Stands business Peter T. Kavanaugh and Cathy Mayall have bought Brownell Boat Stands from the Brownell family. They plan to use their boating industry experience to expand into new market areas while maintaining manufacturing operations in Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, USA. The new company, known as KavanaughBrownell Boat Stands LLC, will focus on expanding its distribution network to other parts of the world including Australia and South America. The Brownell family owns and will continue to operate its established boat trailer business. Contact Kavanaugh-Brownell Boat Stands in the USA on email: pkavanaugh@brownellboat.com

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Green lift uses solar power

Going for gold Marina Housing of Finland has launched a new concept called ‘Floating Intelligent Green Villas’ that is targeted to achieve Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) gold level rating. In order to meet such high environmental highly efficient air filtration system that ensures standards, top quality lightweight building safe indoor air. Energy efficient insulation and materials that can endure demanding seaside windows are also standard features. conditions are used and energy saving systems Villas are built on Marinetek heavy-duty incorporated. concrete house pontoons and anchored to the The comprehensive Lonix automation and seabed using Seaflex cables. The result is a security system guarantees indoor comfort stable and safe structure that gently adjusts to whilst drastically saving energy through any change in water level, does not interfere the use of intelligent controls and smooth with water currents and has a minimal effect integration of systems. Enervent ventilation on the seabed. with integrated energy recovery reduces the Contact Marina Housing in Finland on energy needed for cooling by 80% and has a email: kimmo@marinahousing.fi

Energy conscious pedestals for Thames moorings UK company Maricer installed 18 of its DM21W blue power pedestals at Shepperton Revenue Moorings on the River Thames. The contract was awarded by the Environment Agency, which also commissioned Walcon Marine for the pontoon system. Pedestal units incorporate a 1/2in brass bib tap with non-return valve, socket outlets with locking clamps and lockable customer reset flaps. Environmental impact reducing measures were taken by installing low energy 2D 16W control gear and lamp for the illuminated head. All credit meters were OFGEM approved 100A rated. Maricer has recently been involved in a number of other Thameside developments including a community mooring near Tower Bridge, a boatyard at Twickenham and a marina at Thames Ditton. Contact Maricer in the UK on email: sales@maricer.com

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The Retreat 2 Solar Hybrid from Safe Haven Systems of South Carolina, USA, is marketed as the most efficient green boatlift on the market, harnessing solar energy to charge a standard deep-cycle battery. Similar to that of a submarine, the airassisted system employs an air tank to help lift the craft completely out of the water in under a minute. Incredibly efficient, a single charge provides enough energy to raise and lower the boat up to 80 times and, where electricity is available, it can operate on a 110V power supply. Ideal for craft of 16-30 feet in length, Retreat 2 is manufactured by Safe Haven’s owner, Carolina Waterworks, from low density polyethylene and filled with polystyrene foam for good stability. It has no hydraulic fluid, oil, grease, zinc or other environmental hazards and no potentially problematic remote controls, outside electricity or winches. The system is claimed to be maintenance-free with no chance of mechanical failure. Simple to operate, owners just slide off the lift and drive away. To dock, they simply target the bow guide and drive onto the lift. While docked, the boat is accessible for refuelling, washing and maintenance. The unit can be front- or side-mounted to the dock using a secure attachment. A standard platform measures 20ft x 7ft 6in and can handle working loads up to 3,500 lbs. Extensions and additional bunk heights for larger or heavier boats are available as are floating and fixed dock kits. Carolina Waterworks offers one of the best boatlift dealer programmes in the USA and is actively seeking dealers. “Our state-of-the-art lifts have such a straightforward installation that everyone from boat dealers to marine supply stores can sell and install them,” said company president Keith Rogerson. “It can easily become a new profit centre, which is important in this tough economy.” Contact Carolina Waterworks in the USA on email: info@carolinawaterworks.com




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Seawave range launched in Dubai

Rolec Services launched its seventh pedestal range – Seawave – at the Dubai International Boat Show in March. Primarily a marine-grade gel-coated GRP pedestal, it comes with an extensive variety of upgrade options including: composite aluminium and stainless steel panels; marina logos and names; lockable safety doors for switchgear; LED function and ornate illumination; unlimited colour combinations; electrical services from 16 amps to 400 amps; and water services from 1/2in to 2in. Rolec operations director, Holly Brown, comments: “Seawave will be available in three different sizes and as well as providing electrical, water and lighting options, will also be available in emergency services and pump-out pedestal versions enabling us to provide an entire marina’s service requirements in a single service pedestal format. With its modern curves and features and its easyon-the-eye appearance, we are confident that Seawave will be another successful addition to the Rolec product range.” Contact Rolec Services in the UK on email: rolec@rolecserv.co.uk

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Cradles for Jolly Harbour

Yacht Leg and Cradle Company (YLCC) of the UK has delivered ten of its newly developed large yacht cradles to Jolly Harbour Marina in Antigua. The marina chose the cradles for their ability to withstand extreme weather conditions (such as hurricanes) and offer better protection for yachts stored on shore. The galvanised steel cradles are include Nanny Cay Marina in the designed for yachts up to 75 feet in British Virgin Islands and Baileys length and with 10ft draught. They Boatyard in Antigua. Exporting cradles from the UK are used in conjunction with ground anchors and lashing straps to ensure to the Caribbean is easy as they boat security in winds gusting up to are modular in design and can be loaded into a standard size 134mph and force 12 hurricanes. Keen to improve the safety container providing cost effective of stored yachts ashore in this transportation for a large number potentially high wind damage of cradles. The design also enables region, insurance companies are the yard to store them away when encouraging yard owners to use not in use. professionally engineered cradles Contact Yacht Leg and Cradle for storing yachts. Additional Company in the UK on email: YLCC customers in the region mail@yachtlegs.co.uk


PRODUCTS & SERVICES Units are also equipped with built-in cable and piping ducts for electricity, water and sewage disposal. They are linked by means of patented connectors that minimise movement between sections and can be moored by chain, anchor, pile or Seaflex. Energy-absorbing, pressure-treated timber fenders protect against collisions. All units are easily installed and can be moved as needed. SF 600 can be customised to marine specifications and wider units are currently under development. Contact SF Marina in Sweden on email: info@sfmarina.se and SF Marina USA in Virginia on email: info@sfmarinausa.com

SF Marina launches ‘600’ breakwater

SF Marina has introduced the SF 600 heavy-duty floating concrete breakwater. Available in sections measuring 20m (66ft) long × 6.0m (20ft) wide × 2.4m (88ft) high, the system is designed to combat severe swells and storms on large bodies of water and is manufactured from high quality, reinforced concrete and Styrofoam. Built to last, each breakwater has a service in Barcelona, Spain. The system is approved life of 30-50 years and is virtually unsinkable. by Germanischer Lloyd. Engineered to withstand ice stress, SF 600 Similar to other types of floating docks, the has been tested in situ in harsh marine breakwater units can be fitted with fingers, conditions and by the INHA Wave Laboratory utility pedestals, cleats, gangways and ladders.

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Maintenance module

Australian company Palient is set to launch its new ‘Marina Focus Work Berths and Maintenance Scheduler’ at the Marinas 2009 conference and exhibition (24th-27th May, Gold Coast, Queensland). The new module is designed to help marina and boatyard managers maximise working berth occupancy by (a) reminding them when boats require routine maintenance and (b) providing a scheduling tool to help diary use of work berth areas and haul-outs. Daily reports of all schedules can be produced, along with individual job sheets and appropriate customer invoices. Contact Palient Pty Ltd in Australia on email: david.gore@palient.com


PRODUCTS & SERVICES / PEOPLE Index to Advertisers ACMarine, Italy 26 Applied Technology, USA 20 Bellamer, Finland 10 Bellingham Marine, USA 18 Brownell Boat Stands, USA 38 Cimolai Technology, Italy 23 Clement Systems, Germany & Dubai 12 Con-O-Lift by 49 Kropf Industrial, Canada DualDocker, Austria 47 Dura Composites, UK 50 Eaton-Marina Power & Lighting, USA 40 Electro-Tec, UK 26 Gael Force Marine, UK 56 Golden Boat Lifts, USA 56 HES Group, Spain 16 Helix Mooring Systems, USA 54 IMBC 2010, USA 50 IMI Training, USA 54 IMS Versidredge, USA 32 Ingemar, Italy 14 JLD International, the Netherlands 51 METS, the Netherlands 59 Marina India, 50 Marinas 2009, Australia 54 Marine Technologies, Australia 55 Marine Travelift, USA 60 Marinetek, Finland 4 Martini Alfredo, Italy 16 Microcustom, UK 52 Moffatt & Nichol, USA 11 NauticExpo, France 44 Nautic Italiana, Italy 52 New Design Architecture, China & Dubai 35 Newvisibility International, the Netherlands 56 Pacsoft, New Zealand 50 Palient Pty, Australia 54 Petroleum Marine Consultants, USA 34 Poralu Marine, France 30 & 31 Premier Materials, USA 52 & 57 Rolec Services, UK 14 Ronautica, Spain 44 SF Marina System, Sweden 2 Seaflex, Sweden 8 SeatizenPro, France 36 Seijsener, the Netherlands 36 ShoreMaster, USA 22 Structurmarine, Canada 34 Superior Marinas, Australia 43 Sureline, UK 56 Technomarine, Canada 28 Turrell, Hall & Assocs, USA 32 Walcon Marine, UK 38 Waubaushene, Canada 40


JLD signs up with Marinetek Finnish marina system supplier Marinetek has signed a cooperation agreement with Foresight Products/JLD International for the distribution of the Manta Ray marine anchor system. The agreement also covers training programmes for the product. Manta Ray is a world famous mooring system manufactured in the USA by Foresight and marketed under the ‘Earth Anchor Systems’ umbrella by Dutch company JLD International. It can be used to secure floating pontoons, bulkheads, buoys, moorings, pipelines, seawalls etc., in an environmentally friendly manner. The product is low in cost and easy to install using standard equipment. Each installed anchor is proof loaded/pre-loaded to the

Jean Devictor Jean Devictor has been appointed finance and business development manager for Poralu Marine, France. His main task will be to update the company’s strategic financial management plan. This will include identifying industrial and commercial partners, market analysis, control of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project and financial monitoring of the company and its subsidiaries. Devictor holds a masters degree in management and information system design and a degree in management sciences. From 2002 to 2008 he was a senior consultant in the management strategies department of KPMG Enterprises.

Jos Karstens of JLD International (left) with Marinetek’s Henri Markus. appropriate holding capacity prior to being placed in service. There is no disturbance or displacement of soil and, unlike other systems, Manta Ray actually compacts the soil around itself – a clean, safe and simple operation.

Monica de Vast Monica de Vast has joined Marina Yachting Consultancy of Ouddorp in the Netherlands as project manager. She will work on the development of new marinas in the Netherlands advising local governments about how they can further benefit from water-based recreational activities. She will also be responsible for encouraging and promoting ‘sustainable marinas’. Previously harbourmaster at the 800-berth Marina Port Zélande – one of the biggest marinas in the Netherlands – de Vast has long been a champion for innovative marina systems and environmental awareness.

Maximising space, maximising income P. Nordbjaerg’s boatyard just north of Copenhagen, Denmark, makes best use of its waterfront space and generates maximum income by packing boats in as tightly as possible. offer his clients a prompt and professional The arrangement works courtesy of service. The Nordbjaerg yard offers full service Roodberg boathandling equipment, selected maintenance and repair for traditional wooden instead of all-wheel steered and electronically operated equipment. The Roodberg haul-out boats in addition to modern yachts. and transport solution has been continuously Contact Roodberg in the Netherlands on operational since 2000 enabling the owner to email: info@roodberg.nl

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