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Pesona PesonaIndonesia: Indonesia:
Prima: Prima: P.P. 129 129
Demi DemiProduk ProdukIndonesia, Indonesia, Cinta CintaHarus HarusMemiliki Memiliki Konsumen KonsumenIndonesia Indonesiaharus haruscerdik cerdikdan dan mengerti mengertihak hakyang yangdimilikinya dimilikinya
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P.P. 5757
LECTURE LECTUREOF OF THE THEYEAR YEAR MARKPLUS-25 MARKPLUS-25 Jogja JogjaRenaissance Renaissanceby by Sri SriSultan SultanHamengku Hamengku Bawono BawonoXX P.P. 4040
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Indonesia Rp.50.000,Indonesia Rp.50.000,-
JUNE 2015 2015 JUNE
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058 Makro Ekonomi
Menerima Perubahan, Mencari Celah Oleh Hendra Soeprajitno, Jaka Perdana, Dilla Ibtida
Perekonomian Indonesia sedang mengalami perubahan secara struktural yang memang terasa sedikit menyakitkan. Selanjutnya, Indonesia pun akan mengalami titik keseimbangan baru. Apalagi S&P telah memperbaiki outlook Indonesia dari stable menjadi positive. Bagaimana Anda menyikapinya? 1
Grafik 1. Nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS
Sumber: Bank Indonesia
12,500.00 12,000.00 11,500.00 11,000.00 24 Mar 2015 2 Jan 2014 4 Jun 2014 29 Oct 2014 17 Mar 2014 20 Aug 2014 12 Jan 2015
Zaman selalu berubah. Siapa yang tidak sigap menyikapinya, jangan heran jika akan terjerembab. Alihalih mempertahankan bisnis yang ada, bisa jadi mereka harus tersapu oleh kerasnya persaingan. Ya, perubahan bukan hanya terjadi di tingkat mikro, namun juga mikro. Misalnya saja jika sebelumnya Indonesia bisa mencatatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di angka 5%, lain halnya dengan kuartal pertama 2015 ini, yang hanya mencatatkan pertumbuhan sebesar 4,71%. Meski mengalami perlambatan, ekonomi Indonesia masih terbilang lumayan dibandingkan dengan negara lain. Semisal Amerika Serikat (AS) dan Uni Eropa yang hanya mencatatkan pertumbuhan di bawah 0,5%. Pertanyaannya, apakah Indonesia sudah masuk jurang krisis? “Melambat iya, tapi belum krisis. Karena jika dibandingkan dengan negara lain, perekonomian kita masih tinggi. Dalam teori siklus, perlambatan drastis yang membuat sebuah negara dikatakan krisis,� kata A. Prasetyantoko, Ekonom Universitas Atmajaya.
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01. Michael Tjoajadi, CEO Schroders Investment Management
5/28/2015 6:03:18 PM
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059 Di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Joko Widodo, struktur perekonomian Indonesia memang berubah. Jika sebelumnya rakyat Indonesia bisa bergantung pada subsidi Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM), lain halnya dengan sekarang. Pasalnya, pemerintah telah memberlakukan harga keekonomian. Jika semula Indonesia menghabiskan uang sebesar Rp 345 triliun untuk subsidi BBM menjadi Rp 140 triliun. Tentunya kondisi ini telah mengubah struktur fundamental perekonomian Indonesia. Pemerintah bisa mulai menggenjot sektor belanjanya untuk keperluan pembangunan infrastruktur. Karenanya, jangan heran jika pemerintah semakin aktif melakukan ground breaking untuk proyek infrastruktur di Indonesia. Sayangnya, sektor government spending itu sempat tertunda seiring masih belum rampungnya perubahan struktur organisasi di sejumlah kementerian baru. Sehingga sektor ini sempat tertunda pelaksanaannya. “Penyerapan belanjanya masih lemah. Namun anggaran dana pemerintah mulai turun pada kuartal kedua, jadi belanja mulai naik. Jadi kami optimistis, perekonomian bisa tumbuh 5% - 5,4 % sampai kuartal
empat,” kata Peter Jacobs, Direktur Komunikasi Bank Indonesia. Peter mengatakan, spending pemerintah sangat memengaruhi perekonomian Indonesia saat ini. Namun, dia memberikan catatan bahwa realisasi belanja sudah mencapai 27% dari anggaran (per 18 Mei), atau setara Rp 485 triliun. Menurutnya, pengajuan anggaran hingga pelaksanaan memang memiliki alur tersendiri. Misal Januari diajukan pemerintah, Februari disetujui di rapat paripurna DPR, Maret untuk pelaksanaan Daftar Isian Pelaksana Anggaran (DIPA), April adalah masa petunjuk teknis pencairan DIPA keluar. “Meski, petunjuk DIPA baru keluar pada April, tapi spending sudah mencapai 27% pada Mei ini. Ini luar biasa. Makannya BI pun optimistis dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi kuartal dua, tiga, dan empat. Kelemahan di kuartal pertama itu fenomena biasa. Kami optimis pertumbuhan akan meningkat pada kuartal selanjutnya,” kata Peter. Michael Tjoajadi, CEO Schroders Investment Management Indonesia mengatakan, telatnya pelaksanaan belanja pemerintah ini merupakan hal yang wajar sei-
8,26 Kalimantan
22,56 Sumatera
258,30 Maluku & Papua
Grafik 2. Peranan wilayah/ pulau dalam pembentukan PDB Nasional triwulan I-2015 (persen)
5,72 Sulawesi 58,30 Jawa
Grafik 3. Laju pertumbuhan PDB triwulan 1-2014 s.d triwulan 1-2015 (persen)
2,97 Bali & Nusa Tenggara
Sumber: BPS
6,00 5,00 4,00
0,00 -1,00
2,00 1,00
3,00 persen
0,11 Q1/14
-0,18 Q2/14
-2,00 -3,00
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-2,06 q-to-q
5/28/2015 6:03:19 PM
Mastermind 120 Recent Indonesia’s economic performance failed the expectation of many. As rupiah was depreciated against US dollar, many industries experienced decreasing revenue in the first quarter of this year. From your perspective, how do you think about this situation? Needless to say that people are being cautious. A lot of big investments are being talked about, but not yet taking place. I believe that it has something to do with the exchange rate issue as major operation of many companies are dollar-denominated. Another issue is the fuel price hike which might have subtle impact in the short run–backed by the plunging price in global oil market–but will play its role in longer term. In terms of macro-economic data such as inflation rate and current account deficit are still in its good shape. The only concern at this moment is the slow economic growth in first quarter scoring only 4.7% while the expected target was at 7%. Well, we all know that it’s unlikely to do many things in the first half year, but people will always gauge you based on what you had promised. I do believe that once the government gets the infrastructure investment on the road – literally – it will bring impact on the nation’s economic growth. My outlook is very positive. Indonesia’s economic growth can get 7% or even higher if infrastructure projects run successfully. Do you have any concern on how those economic situation will affect your business? Cleaning technology is not on the top priority of a company’s procurement list. Even if your cleaning equipment are kind of outdated or not working properly but somehow still can do its job, you are likely to postpone the purchase. Even current situation with the exchange rate rather slows down our development in the moment, we do believe that it is only short-term. Despite those challenges, we still believe that the demand of cleaning technology in general will increase. This notion is supported by the fact that Indonesia will face global competition triggered by the ASEAN Economic Community. It will demand Indonesian exported products to fulfill international requirements. It won’t be as easy and comfortable as it was to create your focus only in the domestic market. You have to participate in the development of internationally accepted standard, in terms of production process, productivity, efficiency, and so on. If you have production procedure with strict requirement, then it will include the way you clean your facilities. You may want to be ISO-certified and standard-approved in order to take part in a tendered project or to operate internationally. It will also require certain processes and steps in your facility standard and suddenly you will touch the topic of cleaning. From marketing standpoint, what are the competitive advantages of Karcher Indonesia and how did you manage to develop those proposition? There are three aspects that differentiate us. Firstly, it is our products. By history, Karcher is an 80-year old engineering-driven company. In 2010, Karcher defined its strategy for 2020 to become the most custom-
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er-centric player in our industry. Karcher is the world market leader with wide gap from any other competitors. We are about 1.5 times the size of the closest competitor. Thus, we need to shape the marketplace instead of being follower of other competitors. In Indonesia, we have different set of competitors. We, for sure, rely on product quality emphasizing on two aspects, durability and effectiveness. Our machines simply provide better cleansing. From more than 11,000 employees globally, almost 10% of them are working on research and development. In cleaning technology, no one has ever put such resources in that area. Secondly, we have the advantage as the only endto-end integrated cleaning technology provider. We have subsidiaries supporting our supply chain and distribution channels. We have technical and marketing support in Indonesia for our distribution partners in the business as well as our customers thus we have more reliable machine parts availability than our competitors. Still, we are relatively new here in Indonesian market. We just started in April 2014 and few things are not standardized and well-established yet. However, we are constantly improving and we are already there to bring up products and services that no one else will offer. The third strength is that we are very serious in taking our role as corporate citizen. We’re not only here for profit, but also as a good citizen in the community we’re working with. For instance, we have been running “Karcher Cleans Monas” project since the beginning of our operations last year. It’s a huge project which require us cleaning every inch of Indonesia’s landmark “Monumen Nasional”. Such project is part of our global program which has launched in more than 100 countries. Our objective is to raise awareness on the importance of a clean living environment – not only at home, but also at the outside – for health and wellbeing of the community. How difficult is it to market those cleaning products in Indonesia? When you guys meet your friends, you probably talk about new cars, new smartphones, gadgets, and those kind of things. It’s quite uncommon to talk about a new vacuum cleaner because it’s not primary interest of people to talk about. Thus, from marketing perspective, you will need content if you want to encourage people talking about cleaning technology. It is important to convey the message. We are doing it by integrating our platforms including social media, website, internet, advertisement, and CSR activities. All these together create the buzz we need in order to make people aware of Karcher. To what extent has the business of Karcher Indonesia grown since it started operating last year? We started April last year by taking over from our former distributor. Karcher was sold in Indonesia since 1990s and partnering with Kawan Lama from 1992 until 2009. It then sold to another distribution company. And finally a discussion with that company led to a decision for Karcher to operate in Indonesia with its own subsidiary.
5/28/15 12:35 AM
Mastermind 121 In the first year, we were only running for ninemonth period and yet our sales performance was able to level as of the former distributor did. And this year, we will try to double it and chances are we will able to make it. The main challenge for us in the moment is to gain awareness with limited budget. And how do you manage your customers? Our customers are comprising two groups, which are home-based customers and professional customers. Our professional clients ranging from hotels, workshops, factories, even the city cleaning department. For home-based customers, our B-to-C marketing relies on PR and social media to boost brand awareness while for professional customers, our communication is more targeted. We go to associations, prospective clients, and exhibitions to promote our products. To further develop the market, we find it imperative to grow our distribution network. We need to find more partners and channels, and then ultimately find where the customers are. Afterall, it’s not all about where we want to sell, but where our customers want to buy thus we need to determine which channels are suitable and which are not. When Karcher decided to take over distribution and open its subsidiary, do you think it would shrink its channel in Indonesia? No. For important and strategic markets, Karcher believes that we have to be close to the customers. If we sell the products from our export department, we will never understand the market well enough. In addition, due to the variety of our business – which is suitable for every workshop, café, restaurant, big hotel, warehouse, factory, government for city cleaning, port, train station, etc. – we have a large variety of products, plus home and garden segments. So how do you find one distributor who is strong in all those channels? It’s almost impossible. If we want to develop the market for Karcher and become the world market leader, we need to be there. We have to understand which channel works, what customer wants, and so on. That’s why we have come with our own subsidiary and built up a network of distributors and dealers. Some of our dealers are small, but specialized. Our dealer formats depend on the area, the target groups, industry background, and environment. We have a flexible format to explore the market. And, you can only do this if you are here. You cannot do this at Singapore or Germany. So when we come with our own subsidiary, it’s not shrinking our network. Rather, it’s growing the network because we need players with different roles. Which of those customer segment has profound contribution on the company’s revenue? Currently both segments contribute equally but there is a tendency of the professional segment to perform better. I believe that if we play well in that market, 75-80% of our business will be constituted by the professional segment. Obviously, it takes time to reach that level. We need to work with the procurement system, build relationship, facilitate customers’
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5/28/15 12:35 AM
Inside 162 Saat Anda berkendara di bilangan Jalan Wijaya 1, Jakarta Selatan, tampak sebuah bangunan berlantai tiga begitu mencolok dari kejauhan. Dengan fasad yang dihiasi kaca bening transparan, siapa yang menyangka bangunan ini menjadi tempat bagi mereka yang mendambakan sebuah area kerja yang nyaman sekaligus tenang.
Oleh Saviq Bachdar
Ruang kerja bersama
Conclave Coworking Space
More Than Just a Shared Office
interior june.indd 1
5/26/15 11:15 PM