The Insurance underwriting qualification (IF3) is designed for those who work in insurance. By successfully completing this qualification, you will be able to support the underwriting function in a general insurance company as well as understand how it fits in with the wider business. This qualification is intended for individuals who have little or no background in insurance, but wish to gain an appreciation of the key ideas and concepts underpinning general insurance and develop the knowledge and skills needed to support the underwriting function. Client: An insurance company with a strong presence in the US and Europe approached us to help them develop the training materials for the insurance underwriting process. Challenge: The client wanted to create a learning solution that would help the underwriters understand what underwriting is, and how they can apply the knowledge in their day-to-day tasks. As this was a qualification course, our learning solution had to be comprehensive. The learner should get all the right information at one go and be able to perform better at their job, thereby increasing their productivity. Solution: We designed two modules, which included videos, graphics, animations, voice-overs and interactivities. The graphics used were a combination of 2D and 3D. The solution was developed using the authoring tool, Flash. Result: A total of 72 hours of training material was developed by us for this project which included 6 courses, each of 12 hours duration. These courses helped the learner acquire a solid understanding about the insurance underwriting process as well as about different types of risks.