Create the perfect environment for your dairy cattle: Part 10
Rapid-exit milking parlours and regulations
Picture 1: Thomas Bock, Pixabay.
apid-exit parlours are designed to improve the efficiency of fishbone and parallel parlours. All the cows on the one side of the parlour are let out simultaneously in a direction perpendicular to the direction to which they entered the parlour. This saves the labourer time in letting out the cows. The time it takes for the cows to enter the parlour and the delay on account of slow milking cows remains unchanged. Picture 2 shows a rapid-exit parlour controlled manually by means of a pulley system. Picture 3, 4 and 5 shows photographs of a rapid-exit parlour controlled by means of hydraulic cylinders. Picture 2: Rapid-exit parlour with pulley system. 10
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