D 0 tl
Jlliss Jliinnic Ellen )llorris
\\thus e \\tis e l\ incti on anl\ untirinq. efforts hntte . {lone so mttd! to make tl!is \\lorlt n snccess, \\tc gratefttll!! nnl\ sincercln l\el\icutc tltis, tl)e first \tolumc of tl)e
urr plr;~sl'll to ptrsrnt to tl!r pnhlir thr first issur of thr "lHnrlllln" in snrl! nn uttrartillr form-fr l' r from ;tllltrrtisrmmts. \to mrrt thr !lrrat rxprnsr inrnnd1, 111r arr in!lrhtrll to thr husinrss mrn llll)o so !lrnrroustu ramr to our nill tuitl)ottt <1sl;in11 tlll]!lhin!l m n-turn. .. (l)n tlaâ&#x20AC;˘ opposite l'ÂŤ!ll' nrr tl)r uamrs of thosr lltl)o !l<lllr us tl)is finanrial assist;mrr.
v ,.....,
...-- ::;:ooa::;;;w:;...,..
-.,... . . , . . ,. . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . -...,...- . . . . . . . ::::::;==c::::: 1 .....,....,_.~~
]. M. Kaufman
]o;. Kuhn & Co. W. Lewis & Co. R . D. Burnham F. L. Stamey Ferguson & Craig Dan Morrissey, junior Gulick Tailoring Co. S. P. Atkinson
C. M. Matt;s Dallenbach Bros.
C. l L Baddeley
Dr. H. C Kariher
A. S. Nelwn & Sons ~Ietzler &
C. C. Willis
Schafer Co.
F. C. Amsbary Percival & Moorehead H. Swannell & Son Cunningha11 Bros. M1ttendorf & Kiler W. R. Bradley F. K. Robeson N. M. Harris B. F. Harris Stern Bros.
""V'=v=-....,..- ""' =:::;>
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t lu• dust f1·ont t lti~ rolllllll' <llld JH'I'l' IH•JH':t tIt tIt I' I'OYI'J'~ at t hi' f<w<·.· ,,f' tlto~l' who \\"1'1'1' Ollf'l' yom·l'lnssttt<ltl's ctlld \\'ith \\'ltont you \\'fll'k<·d <IIIII pJay<•d. ~111'1'1,\'. if tl1is ".\1<11'0011" <l«TOill]IJisiH•s !'lll'h i1 l'I'Slllt, it shnll l1an• nt tailll'd its ntis~ioll· In Jll'l'l"l'llting th1• hl'<llltifnl 1·;tst of \'1'1111~ dl' .\lilo, to tl11' ( 'llalltpaigll lligh ~dtool, -''iss \\'ill is Ita~ s]IO\\'ll a tltJ·ougllt fu]nps~ fo1· whil·lt \\'1' fll'l' truly th<tllkt'ul. '!'IIi~ ~.!;1'<11'1'1'111 illl<l!.!.l' l'l'l'tnilll,\' hPip:-; a gi'Pat d1•nl ill lltctki11g olll' l"l'luwl plt•asallt nnd attJ·;t<·tin· . .\lm·po\'1'1', h:tl'k of till' killd d1•Pd, \\'1' Hl'l' l'llctldc•d to Sl'l' tl11• attittHII' of our to\\'ll~JH'OJIIt• <lltd kllu\rll tltat ctll ontsid<• ilttl'l'Pst is tctkl'll in om· fa I'<'.
\\'hat tl1is s1·hool lll'l'lb nnd what would do it thP gi't•ntPst po~ sihiP g-ood, lllHII'J' I'Xistillg c·irt·ntnstctll<'I'S, is a l'l'ctl lligh ~~·h11ol spii·it and a stJ'IlltgPI' f!'Htl'l'Jl<l] 1111ioll, ill ~hOI't, loyalty-lo,ntlty ill <n•I'Y roollt,hall, alld dPpai'!Jtll'llt of tlli~ huildillg. Lo,ntlty ~tallds fu1· tl11• grt•ntPst thiug this s<·hool 1'<111 wis!t for, i. 1'., stH'<'I'S~-ath· IPt it·, 1ill<IIH·ial and st·holnst il' . •\tltlPti<·s ahrays ltnn· I'Xi. tl'd iu ('.II.~ .. \\'itlt r;u·ions l'l'slllts. hut l'Hl'Ply 1'\'1'1' so Slli'I'I'Ssf'ully that tltPy <'ottld uot lt<t\'1' IH'I'Il \';tst ly iJII]Il'O\'Pd hy gi'P<ltl'l' ltonu• snppm·t. Ill fimt111·i;tl all'airs, \\'1' sl'l· dom hHYI' l'llOllgh lllOlll',\' to l'<ll'l',\' Olll' Jll'Ojl'l'tS I'Olltfm·tahJ,Y thi'Ollf!;ll. Ill S<·ltol;tst il' ahility \\'1' show Olll' hPst. Fm· ,\'l'<ll's "<' lta\'1' l'l'glllarly tnkPll thl' highPst houm·s at thP l'niv<·I·sity st·holnrship <'Xaiuiunt ions. In m·atm·y all(] dPh;tt ing; \\'<' ltct\'P not ItutdP a \'<'!',\' gJ'I'ctt llfllll<', for ollly within the• last fl'\\' y<·m·s hns thl'l'l' lH'<'ll nny l'llthnsinsm show11 in tl11•sp liiH•s; lto\\'1'\.l'l', wit It tlt1• suppoJ·t of' tl11• ~l'ltool. fhi'SI' illfl'l'I'Sts Will SOilll tctk1• tJH•iJ• plcti'I'S hy 1111' sidP of ctthll'fii·S. Jn PX}I]anatioll of t]H• llllllslla] aJIIOilllt of SJI<II'P di'\'Otl'd to cttlt· lf·ti1·s, \\'<' 111igltt say tl1at tlti~ l'Psnltl·d f'I'Olll tl11 l'l'ljll<'st of' thP allllll· 11i, \\'Ito dl'sil'l'll a synopsis oft his plt:tsl' of It iglt s1·hool lifl'. .\ synop~is dPYPlopPd into a ltistol'y, \\'ltil·lt Jll'O\'I'd too long;. ~o it w:t~ though! ht·~t to tl'Pat only foot-hall awl lPa\'1• otlH•r foi·nts of atltIPti,·s to I'Olltiug ,\'l'fll'S if so llPsiJ'I'<l.
I sit beside a strea'll and hear Its 'oice join trees and birds Outpouring, universally, Their melancholy words. The sky is grey; the tree; are sad; The leave> that sombrr. fall, Hint darkly, as I meditate, Of sonow over all. The trouble in my heart is great ; I see no joyous thing ; The birds and trees and stream lament; No happiness they sing. But now I hear another note ; It bode> of life and cheer. The shadow, only, of my grief, Is all that hovers near.
-M.D. '12.
A SNOW STORM ~-· 'l'
'1'1 IE IIP<Hl of J.akP ~~·ugo~. about two 111ile~· fmllt tiiP litth· Indi;m \'illa~t· of Hiawatha, is au i)';laud. IIPI'<', af'lt•r th<' lakt• was f'rozt•u, th<· ludiaus di·urP fm t lu•iJ· wiutPI' :-;npply of 1ii'<'\\'ood. Fm· S<'Y<'ral day:-; .\btu ~tmu•, thP l'Oll of th<• ntissimtcn·y who lin·d Ht Hiawatha, had gm11• hHI'i~ Hlld forth, io and f'I·ont thP island, hriug-iug loHds of wood. \YIH·n liP stm·tpd out 011 this pa1· t i1·ul;n· dHy, it \\"H)'; snowing; hut it was not IIlli il dm·iug t lrP af'tPI'Iloon wiiPu II<· had a!Hwst J't•ariH•d tiiP islaud on his .<'('ollll trip, that h1• paid any spPI'ial attPlltioH to th<· W<'<lthPI'. 'l'hPH, Hotil'illg thai t h<• wind was I·i:·dng, Itt' (ll·ow fastPr. On l'Padtiug thP islaud hP quidd,Y lo;ulPd his slPd a1ul :-:tm·l<'ll h:u·k :H·J·oss th<• lakP. 'J'hp wiud \\·as 11I·iftillg· thP falliitg snow so it was wit It diJlkulty that liP <·ould SPP tlu· tral'l;:; hut lte drove ou, straining ltis 1',\'<'S to <·all·h si~ht of sont<' fmniliai· pla1·P. ~nddPuly, howP\'1'1', hP siopp1•d t h1· ltm·se and lookl•d ahont hi Ill, f'o1· t Jj,. wind, whi1·h had lH•1•n 011 !tis ldt, was hlowing in his f;H'P. "\YIIat has h:tp]H•nPd," hP thought, "han· I tlll'lll'd aud uot !mown it m· has tlu· wi11d sltift1•d'!" liP filially dP1·idP<l that thP fm·nu•t· was t hP Ill OJ'<' proha hiP :-;o Itt> tlll'lll'd t IH· hm·s<· a lid :-:oon fp)t I hi' Willi) IIP<Il iuo a•rainst his )pf't l'h(•pl;: aoain. ~
hP lh'o\'<', littiP k11owill~ that thP <·om·s<• h<• was takiug lay almost pmallPI wit II tl11• i:-;Jand, down t liP lakl' iitsi<':Ul of :H·I·oss it 0IH'I' hP had to nn lo:11l Sllllll' oft liP \\'ood so that t h<· hm·:-;<'l' l'onld pull 11mm~h a drift. Xight was <'oJniug on a111l lit• filially al'l.:llo\\'ll•dgPd to hiutsp)f that hi' \\'as losi. '1'111' wiud had I'<'Hs<•d to Llow tiPI'<·pJy, :o hP hop1•<l that t hP \\'orst of t hP st Ol'lll \\'a:-; on•1·. Still hP went ou, smn<'t i11H·~ walking to k<'<'P W:ll'lll, som<'t iiiiPS ridmg. On and
'l'hpn hi' thoug'ht of a plan1o roll a log off thP slPd oe<·asionally -:l!Hl in this \\':1,\' to gnil]p SOIIH'Oilt' to hi111. {Tp :1111] do\\'11, :ll'OIIIH) :twl anoss liP dl'OYP, hut hP I'I'H<·IIP<l 110i h iu~. anin·<l llo\\'IH.'l'<'. 'J'hP Sllo\\' had almo:-;t I'<'CISPd to fall and a fP\\' s<·nttPrP<l star:-; slwwn bJ·arPl,Y; hnt ill th<· dm·k11t>ss h<' I'Oilld 1listi11guish nothiug. 'I'ho11ghts nf holltl' llishl·m·t<'ll<'<l him :-;o llllll'h that to kPPJI np Ids <·om·;l~·p, !JP ~ro t
popuh.r girl in school.-STEI.LA P.ERCIVAI.. 10
ltPg<lll to wat<·h tlw :-;lm·s. •\way in tlu· <listmi<'P It<' Jllltii'P<l oJH' til at h<· Itad uot I"PI'll hPfol'<'. "It t wi 11 kIPs st ra llg<'I,Y," ftp thought. II I' wa ll'l1Pd it fo1· a Ill ill· lltP. it disap)H'Hl'l'd, 1h<•Jl l'I'·<I}I}II'Hl'Pil. "It isn't a star," l11• :-:aid to hintl"Plf, "i1's a light-a light:" Pntti11g his hands to his Jllonth ltP raliPd, OlH'I', th<·n again: l'l<'ll, graspiug th<• whip, liP ITa<·k<•d it 0\'Pl' thl' astouisiH·d horsl's. Th<',\' gallopPd o\'I'J' th<· i1·P. ~lowiug a lit tiP, hP <·aiiP<l <lllllth<•I' loud "ll<·ll·o·o," tl!Hl this tillll' thPl'P l'llliiP <Ill aliS\\'!'1'. 'I'hP Yoi<·<• of Itis fathl'l' shout<•d ".\lau, .\lau." 'l'h<·H as l11• l'PalizPd that he \\as fouud, h<' gaYP <1 1'1',\' of jo,,·. OH\\':11'<1 t h<· hoy WI'Ht as t hP hm'l"<'S phmg«><l wildly tlll'(mgh 11J·ifts aJI(ll'}H'd 0\'1'1' long sti'Ptl'hPs of i<·P. 'I'h<•JI l11• hP;ll'll his fath<'1' <·;til again, Illll<'h n<·m·pr, But liP was <·old, so l'ol<l. Htill hP would h<' holll<' aft PI' a I it tl<• t imP. liP saw his fathPl'.l" siPd appt·oal'lt, saw th<> Indinu lwnY<>S who W<'l'<' with hi111, saw thl' look of grPat thaHkfnlHPss that wa. on his f:tthpJ•'s fa<·<'. liP fm·got his own <·old a11d hnngPI', alHl fp]1 stt·augPl,\' Wal'lll allllJH'<l<'l'fliJ. 'J'hl'll thl' SilO\\' :llHl all p]sp that \\'<IS n bout him fadPd a way. alii I, 0\'Pl'I'OIIH' by 1hP wild stOI'lll, h<> fp]J iuto !tis fathl'l'·s arHIS. rr. :\f. ·11.
think I am thr nin•
girl "-llr. \'>I"IIF. Rr:,rxr..
THE LADY OF THE DECORATION 1!11.11111!1!!1'-~-- ,X))EH lht• till!' of', "'l'l11• Lady of thP l>Pt'OI'<l·
tion," Fl':liii'I'S LittlP, lt<ts gin·n to tl11· wol'ld H l'h:mlling lit I It• stm·y in l'pistolat·.'' foJ'IIl. ThP 1"1'1'111' of this I'Oill<llllil· lltissimtat·y stol'y, wlti1·h has Pltjo,\'l'd illtllll'll.'l' slH't'I'~-'S, is laid in I lw lwaJ'I of .Jap:lll. 'J'hl' ]l!'l'Oiltl' is l'l'lll't'SI'II11'd :IS a \'i· Y:u·ious, 1\.t•ntw·ky \\"idow, who, ha\·ing hPt'll llll· ~liiTI'SSflJJ ill 0111' 10\'(' :tff:til', hl't'Ollii'S \"1'1',\' illdl'jH'IH]I'Ill and iiiSll'llli of lll<ll'l',Yiug I It!' Jll:tll who has loYPd hl'l' for t hP past st'\'1'11 ,\'PHI's, \'olmtlt'l'l'S as a .J:qHtlli'SI' Jllissionm·y.
On ani,·ing i11 .Japan, ::->11<' is l'PrPirt•d by two .JapalH'st• srhool·
111 islJ•t•. 'S!'s, who pro\'P to hP I I'll<' frit•nds. Th1• s1·hool hollsl' is a lm·gp, OJH'Il, aiJ·y stJ'lldlll't'. 'l'ltt• tln·Pt' m· follJ'itlllldi'Pd gii·ls i11 tht· !·Whool look \'t'l',\' Jll'Ptty and q11ailtl ill thl'ir dainty l'oloJ·pd kintonos and sandalPd fPI't. ( )Ht' lit t Jp gil' I of six t·onu•s t'\'t•t·y day with h1•1' blind h,thy hl'lltht•J' strappl't!"on hl'l' h;u·k. TlH• 1·hildt·Pu t·all tlH•it· ti'<II'IH•J·, "Tht• Lwly of th1• I>t•t·m·ation," ht•c·aHst• thPy fltink tlH• wat1·h shP \\'P<Il's is a tlPt·m·atimt fl'ont thP Eutp<'rm·. •\bout all olll' t'<ll'I'S to I't'liii'Jllht•r i11 tht• story itsPlf, is tht• mm·al that, "'l'rnP Ion• will al\\"ays find a \\'a.v;" tltt• "shnttlt• of fatP will \\'Pan· into tltt· \\'Ph of J)pstiny,'' thP hPttP1' attrihntt•s of a llt:llll,Y 111:tn a111l thl' I'll· nollling Ion• of a gl'llt It· wontan. 'J'Jtp YOlllllll' JlOSS('SS('S gJ•pajps( Y;t 1111', ill its illtl'l'I'St ing dPSI'l'ip1io11s of .Jap:tlli'SI' lifP. In thP goldPn :llltlllllll, thP hamlll<l, pollH'gT:tJtatP, JH'l'sillllllOlt ctnd fig tJ'I'Ps, :11'1' nil lo:td1·d with fnlit; tltt• rost•s :tJ'I' still hloolltill;,!; :tnd t·olm· is 1'\'1'1',\'\\'JH•rP. 'l'h1• hanks of tltl' t·iYt'l' m·p lilll·d \\"itlt pidm·t•stpll' littlP honst•s a11d hPhillll and aho\'1' thl'llt :tl'l' tl11• l1·a hoiJS('S, ll'lll}lli'S :tlld Slll·iJII'S, ('0\'('l'l'd With gl':l,\' IIIOSS :llH] !'lingi11g \'iJH•s. ~Jicll'kling \\'a(l'1'·f:t])s :1111] (ht• l'O:tl'illg SPa, Sll'P11'lt :ti'OIJIId lltP wltolt• island. Fairyla111l, l'l'al 11'111' fniryln111l, littlt• ,·iJlag·ps droppPd J•ight ont of a pid lll'l' hook~ Tht• honst•s of' I'Pdm·, Phom· :111d ha111hoo m·p woJHlPI'f'nlly nPat. Tht• stJ'Pt•ts m·t· :-;o l'lt•an. it SI'I'JIIS a pity to walk oll thPIII. Er<•t·y\\"hl'l'l' \\'(' Sl'l' IJIH'I'l' looking littlP pPopl<• l'lllllling :tlHml. howi1tg, sntiling :tllll saying pll':tsiug tl1ings to Pctl·lt othi•J·, ot· J·idiug ahout iu :t ki111l of' ~l'dau t·ltail·, nt:IIIP of hamhoo :111d snppm·tpd 011 a loug· polt·, 1111 1l11• sltonldPJ·s of t \\'O \\'ho don't know me '-Rny LE:\\ 1 1:.?
\Y1• !"1'1' th1• ~uitor·, a\'oidiug tlll' :-;hy littl1• .Jap:tlll'!-'1' rnaidPII nnd plctunin.g iu tlli~ wny: "I slr1111 t 111' t:tsk, 'l''wmrld Ill' to a~k Tl11• 1,.!1'11111• rnaid to \\'I'd, .\ lld SO t 0 Jll'I'SS -''·''suit, I gm·ss I'll ask l11•1' pa iustl'<lll." \\•p :-;,.,. tl11• hl'idl' o11 hPJ' \\'1•ddiug day, 1·lad iu :1 r•olH• of 'oh\\'Ph, r·<Jinho\\·-tilltl'd silk, Plll'old!•d hl'lll'ath th1• hoso111, with :t jewl'll'd gir·dl1•. 'I'hl' portray:ll of thl' qnaiut hut pr·l'tty 1'\IStolltS of tlris ,.,,11!1ir·y, alo11g with thr IIPlightfu!Iutl'l'<tth·,. styli', lll<tkP agl'l'l'<thll· and instl'lll'tin· l'I'Hdiug. Thl' l:tllguag1• of till' rolllllll' thl'Onghout i~ yi\"id, t ho11gh sinql11•; a111l t hi' IJIIHillt hmnor 11ow m11l again "!'· ]H'<ll'illg, adds ZI'St awl1l<t\'Ol' to thP iutl'l'l'stiug ltm·I·atin•. Y .•\. ·w. 111«'11.
THE END OF THE TERM School i O\ cr !-arc we glad? K ot one rca on to feel adBut I wondl r, vaguely ''onder h this que tion now I ponder •\ rc \\'C glad? '\ e . ) L's, "c "<.:re oftu1 troubled, ,\nd our cares :-.Lcmcd truly douhlrd, llut, oh. Ill), the) did ~ccm fearful, Leaving me so often tearful. ·em, am I glad' tlnw I hated to writ!' theme ! \ et right now tt rea II) seem I hat I \l'ould not e\•n o 11ject,
· ot that hated theme reject .\m I gl.td? ...;chool i" o\·cr !-arc "e glad' l>on't \\C fct! one le~ t hit had? \\'e knm\ 1wt our future fate. :\'o,, he frank. don't he-H. te\re we glad?
F. G. 'n. She is crowded itung al•mc.- \t r.l':-.TA \\'.1.1 ]:)
CUPID SURPRISED . . . . . It ('Ll.)J
~\l()~(ll.l'l'O \\"<1~
of OIIP of' tl11•
I.!.Ll;l2:ii.~~l• 111n~t
pt·otniiH'Ht f'atnilit•s i11 ~\\'<IIIIJIYillt•. llis p:t· I't•nts \\'l'l't' \\'P<tlthy aml ('hun h:ul all that hP
t·ould wi~h for. lit• was hi~hh· C'dtH'atPll,. wa:-; gradmltt•d fi·ou1 )lo~qnito-yaiP, :nul had :tlso SJH'IIl SP\'Pl'Hl ,\'t•at•s ahro:ul in Bugland. \YhilP ahi·o:lll hP had fallPn in loYt' with a L:uly. lit• lt•:tt'lll'd that hPt'llHlllt' \\'as Latly Bug. hut of ht•t· past histm·y ht• kill'\\" nothiHg. ~\n old <lt'qllailltCillt't' took hi111 to t·all on Lad,\·. ('hun \\'HS in lo\'t' tlH· \'l'l',\' tllllllll'llt ht• \\'a~ introdnt·t'd . ..\f'tt•r this ht• t·:tllt·d ft't'IJIH'lltl,\'. atHl Olll' tla,\' tl11:1lly }ll'O]IO~t'd to ht'l', ~~~(' Ht'l't'Jift•tJ :1111\ tht•,v planllt'tl to t'lopt' that uight . •\hont t'i~ht o't'lol'k that t'\'Plling ('Jutn ani\'t'd it1 his taxit·ah(: low-worm. Lady Hug \\'as rt'ady awl waiting. • ht• hastily t·lilllht'd in awl thl',\' spPtl oil' 1o\\'ards Fii·I'fl,\'·1111-tht'-Hhint• lo ht• lll:ll'l'it·d. Hut Latly Bu~· \\'HlltPd ~OJIIPihit1g to t•at tirst, so till',\" stoppPd at ('af'p ('atPrpilbu·. ~nl1't'Pl,\' \\'t'l't' tilt'.'' t'OJIIf'ortahl,\' Sl'atl'd. whPll sonH· onP rnsht'tl up to Lad,\' Bug and PXt·la i n~t•d : "Latl,Y Bug, Lady Bng, 11,\' awa~· hmlll' Yom· honsP is oll fin• and yonr t·hildrPn \\'ill hm·n !" .\t tlti~ Lady Bng failltPd, lmt thr \\'OJ'tl "t·hildren" was Pnongh for ('hun; hP l'ltsht•d out to his taxit-ah, jnnqwd in a !ill m·dl't't'tl "llonu·, quit·k !" ('. IL '10.
TO A FRESHMAN • •ow. Fre hman-don't igh, Because tho l' gradr aren't high, You'll do hcttcr next time, 1 here, there, that' no crune. Of course the Junior arc \\i-.e, (\\hat: more of tho c igh ?) Y e~. the Seniors know all. But ''the \\ i c "ometime-, fall.'' • ·ow-there' no need to fear, )u t he of good cheerThough perhaps not in ... ight, Thing arc bound to come right.
F. C:.
The Cicero Club Sends Greetings to Marcus Tullius Cicero ~-
\·. 1:. K \T. 'l'lly oJ·;ll ions stJ'llggiPd o\"<'1' so loll;,! and so 1lili;,!ently, W<· h:t\'<' :II last I"l'ad with th<· gt'PHIPst pl<•asi!J'P t '!) \rt• Inn'<' lil'tl'lll'd io P:H·h otll<•l', .\l:ti'<'IIS 'l'HIIiu.·, a: WI' ,'II!JilhiPd o\'1'1' tl1y g<'I'Ullds awl g«'t'liJHiin•s, thy suhjllll<"liYI's <IIHI thy aldatin·s, until\\<' ha\'<' gi'0\\'11 \\'P:tl',\' of ihy I'Oill)lli<·atPd 1'1111. irtwtioll.'. Do thou intm·n, wh<•l'l'\'1'1' iho11 :tl'l, lish·n to this Oil<' wot·d of OUI'S; :l \\'OI'd inspiJ·1•d lt,\' a \\'IJoiP."OJIIP fl':tJ' of tJH•(•, <'ll;,!('IH}I'J'Pd h,r Juug llunt•s of st 11dy fl\'1'1' I hy Jl<lgPs; a word, 1101 of :uJyj,·p hut of J'(*J'I't, fol' thy 111<1 11y passagPs ntis<'ollstl'UPd· \\'hPJ"<' hast tho11 IPft thnt JH'<II'I' of ndnd whi<·h so \\'I'll hPfitil'd us :ts ft·l'shnwn a111l sophoiiJOI'<•s'! ()it, fol' a pony to siJII\\' us th<· way wlH•J'P s11 litH 11,\· ha \"«' flun kl'd hl'fot'l' 11s ~ If on I,\' "'" had hut n iithP of thy l'l'lf-<·oitlidl'll<'l' to 1':11'1'." ItS thl'll fill' diflin!lti<•' of thy :tlllhigHous pht·asPs! Oh, how llllll'h IH•ttl•l' if would h:t\'1' IH'<'II fot· lis) hadst tho11 grown old fat· fl'lllll Horn<•; how 111111'11 hl'it<•J' had a ('atililll' 111'\'<•t· <'X<·it<•d I hy :lllg'l'l'. !;111 t hi' Fai1•s h:t\'P d<'<'l'l'l'd ot hPJ'\\'is<•. F;tJ'<'\\"t•ll f'ot'l'\'1'1', ('i<·<·t·o. In thl' wol'ld aho\"1', on thl' ld<•s of ~l<tl'<·h, in th<' ,\'PHI' a1111o do111illi nilll'll'<'ll h1111dt·l'd :tlld i<'ll.
H.,'. '10
SNOW The longed for morn ha come at last; The earl) clay Tap at the lumberer' ''indo\\ glass .\nd appears to s, y, 'Come, crm1e from the enchanter' gra p wa), a\\a) !' 'Ti '' mtl'r, ) ct there i" no 'oice < >ut in the air Oi \\ ind and lea\ cs and hattie joust , Rut hark ) ou there The IIO\\ i falling.-all rejoice !low fair. how. fair.
\\'. B. 11.
lf I am o great \\hen a bo), ''hat ,\i]] I br \\hen a man. 15
P 1.111
VENUS DE MILO .\mong the pup1ls of Champaign lligh
1 here i a new ont•; her namt, don ].; Venu
1-lvw do I knO\\?
\\'h) ?Ills Willi and
S\\ltzcr hoth au! o
•\ queer name, that, for a modern g1rl: Hut she\ right in the mid~t of thl social '' hir'. She figure in paper around the chool, But she '' on't karn a thing; no, not
ller prank., make the teacher-. But he turn So liJl
\\Cl)l 111
de p tir,
cor11cr s'1e ha tc• tand,
. \n orphan, in Grcct·e h) ?.11
a ruk
them her ston) gl,trt
\\'here o.,hc gaze., around upon
~I i
l 'l'l1
C\ l
r) h.md
\\ 1lli "a
\\'illi decided to turn right • round com~:
to Champaig11, "for there," he ,ml,
Thl tcaehcr, \\ ith kilO\\ ledge \\Ill Iill up \our hl. d'
::'Ito t independent girl Ill
chool.-11 \
ller dre• i peculiar; her matmlr are queer, I ut tiH'll, a ) ou kno\', he "asn't horn here, So do not he hard upon the poor girl But teach her thl '''a) to make her hair curl.
he i gLtting qllltc sport), and u e much lang, \nd I noticed Ia t \\'cek, it ''a once "hen wr ang, Jut \\htu I pa cd her, he \\hi~pered, "Oh, gee!
I\ t' a Lit. test thts morning, I'II flunk ) ou just ee !"
ln dwol \\hen \\ e -;tudied, of l,tte, ahout Creecl, ller face grr'' -;o "ad.
l\\ish he'd increa"c
I lcr afTt:<:tion for u , or else, I can et•,
She \\ill go l•ack to (;reece, and le:l\c
and me
\\ hat a hlank in our IKarts there \\ uuld be if sht· \\ cnt, For ,,e\·e all gro\\n -;u follfl of the girl "ho \\a sent From famwa) Greece to brighten Champaign, . \nd fore\ er more
our hearts .,he shall reign. l\1 D.
Kind to t'\"Cr) one.-FH \Nn. Kt. \1\K.
Cnaracter:Or;.:e tori .--llelvet ian h ief. OrJ.!etoria- Dau:.:hter of Org torix:. Aishur - Youn~ nobll•-lover of Or~etoria . Drnrnnorix -.\ccomplice of Or.retorix. Two Helvetian . oltlierfl .
I. 'J ',•InJdr · !Jardr' JI~ ot dusk. ..\( ''!'.
~1'1'111' I. slfl!ff'.
Two 1/f'/rr tia11 s()/dir•J·,.,
First ~oldiPI': I uudPrstaJHl OrgPtorix is l'Pt lli'Hing. I wish that I llli~l1t \\'Hl'll hilll of his daugPr. It is trw• that hP l1<ts pl :t.\'t•d his t'Olllltl',\'IIH'll falsi', hut h<' savl'd Ill,\· lif<' Olll'l' a111l I h:t\'<' not for~ottPll that. ~l't'olld ~oldiPJ' You al'P too tPJHlPI'hPm'tPtl. PPrl1aps you :tl't• uot at·qnaint<·d with all of tlw dPtalls of his ,· illainy. 'J'iiPJ'P \\<'1'1' St'\'l'l':t)JIH'll- J<•t liS 110( l':tll thl'lll spil's, for tl1at is :Ill ugly \\OI'dSI'IIt out hy tl11• II igh PriPst in yondPr 'l'l'lli)IIP. I was OIIP ol' t ht•JJI mul thP til·st to I'Pflll'll. Oq.w torix has hPtJ•ayPd om· t·ouutJ'Y to two l'oJ·pigu )11)\\'l'l'S; t hP fil·st llll<ll'l' t ht• !'lilt• of ( 'ast a<·us a ud tl11• st•t·olld lllld<•J' })liJIIIIOI'iX. IJp has 1'\'1'11 SP(I)pl) thP JattPI' aiJiallt'P hy )H'lllll· ising his llt•autiful dauglltPr to l>mmJm·ix. liP has dt•t'Pi\'Pd ottt· JtPopll' ht•J·p in IIUilli'J'ons ways. For t hi'SP J't•asous t ht•y h:l\'1' dP· t'l'PI'd that h<• shall ht• hm'BI'<l at tiiP stakP. Hut it st't'llls that 11n lila t 11'1' how had il lila II lila,\' ht•, hP <I hut,\ S hasH fJ'ipJ)() SOIIIPWhPJ'(', Fi1·st ~oldit•J': }lotht'r taught Jill' ypm·s ago, wht•Jl I IP:tl'lll'd Ill." IPsso11s of J·i .~ht li\ ing at hPJ' kll<'<', that thPrP was SOIIH' good in 1'\'t•J',\' 111<111 if OIIP only took till' trouhlt' to look foJ' it. 'I'Itis is tl'llP of OrgPtm·ix. Ilt• is III<Hid<•Jip<} hy thP amhition of g-ailli11g· \\'Paltlt. llotn:tgP :111d }Hl\\'t•r. .\111hition Ita~ 111:td1' hi111 a tJ•aitoJ' a111l it ha" dtH>Illl'd !Jim. Yon will admit that hi' i~ a lPatlPJ', a lll:tll of uuli111 itl'd )Hl\\'1'1', 110hll', aJH) \\'t•alth,Y. ~l't'olld ~oldiPI'. l't•rhaps yon :tl'P right. I IIP\'1'1' l1<11l a }Jotl•t' l' to show 1111' thP right lifP. YPt, I t'<lll tin<l11o <'Xt'liSP for lti111, hu1 ( Sillt'l'l'l'l,\1 \\'ish that tht•J't' \\':IS SOIIII' way of S:t\'illg- his tl:tn~htt•J• this gi'I'Ht SOI'I'O\\' :1111) humiliation. "'t• lllllS1 h<• oJl' llO\\'. [ Ex<•nnt :-;oldi<•rs. Ent PI' .\ ishu1·.] .\ isl1111' : )ly OrgPtOI'ia prmuiSP<l slit' would lliP<'t !liP hl'l'P tod:t,Y. I wondt·r why ~Itt' is not IH•l'P. PPrhaps soJIII' hollH' duly <}p. "0 heed! I low wi. e he 1
i~ "-R I.PH )fcGEe,
tains hPJ'. ~~~ .. would not fail Jill' unh·ss shP still h:Hl sollll' lllli'X· ]•PI'IPd task to JIPl'fOl'JII. I do Hot kllo\\' what om· pt•oplP would tlo \\ ithout hPl'. If aii\'Ollt' is ill, sliP is I'Wl' !'Pad\· to Illlrsp thPIII. ~ •.. itlH•J' a plagu«', nm· a hloody hattlt•·fi<'ld danuts ht•r. ~olltPrllH' t'oiiiPS. l'Prha ps it is sh<'. I Eu t PI' OrgPt oria.] Olt , ht•J'P yon ai't•littlt• out·~ \\'h,\· )ta\'1' yon kPpt lilt' " ·aitiug, dPar'! ( )J';.?,«'I uri a : Forgi \'I' Btl' for hPi ug so Ia t P. I ha n• ht•Pn I' X· pt•t·tiug- Fatht•I' holltl' all day. liP would hP di:-;appointt•d to t'olltl' hollll' and not find Ill<' tltPrt• waiting for hint. .\111 I forgin•11'! ,.\islmr: Yt•s I :1111 gl;ul hi' is l'Ptnruing. Hnt I askPil yon to t'llllll' hPJ'I' to talk ahont a far lltol't' important lllattPr. It will soon },p tiliH' to go into stJ'allg«' nnkllo\\·n la1Hls, hnt lll'fot•t• \\'t' go, I waut 1o Jnakt• yon Ill,\' wifP. Yon willuot say "llo," I am Slll'l'. \\~ .. han• IH'I'll so happy IH•t'l', that I do not wislt to lt•aw. OJ·gptoria: I will hP t hP sau11• OrgPtol'ia in auy ot hPI' plat'<' that I ant 111'1'1'. I t·amwt mulPrst;uul why yon 1lo not want to go. Fatht•J· thiuks it all I'Xt'Pilt•Bt plan. liP :-;ays that t•rt•n our pom·t•st JH'oplt· will hPt'OIIH' \\'t•alt hy a111l that 1'\'1'1'." Jllall \\·ill Ill' a hit• to haYP t hJ'I'«' t hilt'S as llltll'h lawl as hP ltas in this I imitt•tl tt'I'l'itm·y. Bt·· sidPs t ht•st• adnllltagps onr JH'oph· will IH'l'Ollll' t Itt• rulprs of all of (:ani .\isl111l': J)o yon l'l'ally want to go'! Ol'gPtoJ·ia: Yt•s, if yon allll FathPI' <11'1' hotlt going . •\ishm·: If I :-;honlll tlt•1·idP to stay hPrt• and 1'\.t'I',VoJH' Plli'P should •ro , int•ltHlin•r Your FatiH•t· , wonltl \'Oll :-;ta\· with llll''! :-'"I. ( )rgl'toria: Ye:-; ~ ~o ~ ( )IJ, pJpasp do uot ask HIP Stll'h a Cfllt'stiml. I do not kno\\ 11 what I shonl1l do. Thl'l'l' is thl' signal fo1· thP sal'rilit·Ps to th1• (~otis. I nlnst go. I wi.IIpt·omi:-;p ~ otJnuthing uow. I olll,\' know that I Jon• yon. I ()rgPtmia go1•s into 'l't•lltpll•l I EXI'llllt.j [ I•:ntt•r Orgt•t lll'ix.[ ( )J·g..tm·ix: I tlm·p not ht• st'l'll. Tl~t•sp JH'OJll<' haYt' tlPt'l'l'Pd Ill,\' dt•atlt. It was nt•t·t·:~ary to st•P Orgptoria m· I would not havt• t•IIIPI'Pd tht• tmn1. TPn thousmul soldit•rs art• waiting lll'<ll'hy for HIP. If I t·;m n•at·lt thPir lint•s again, I ant safP. I will ~·pt J'l•ign SliJH'Pllll' on•1· all Oanl. wislt ( )rgPtoria W11nld hast PH. 'l'ltt• t i1111' is gJ'o\\·i ng short. 1I t'l'l' shP I'OJIH'S uow.
t\ 1 'ahlc, ju ... t anll upright gcntlcman,-MR 1\ltLI.F.R,
0 I'g-1'1 ol'i a ! 01'gPt m· ia ! 111'1'1' g-i r I ! lt is ~·o Ill' Fat It PI' ()r~~·toria:
Fathl'l', dl':ti'Psi l·atltc•J'01'g-l'tot·ix: lluslt! .·o onc· IIIHst kllo\\· tl1at I <1111 l~t•J'c•. OJ·gc'lol'ia: \YI~:tt is till' lllctttc•J', FntiH•J•'! ( )J·g-c•tm·ix: ~\ pric·c• l1ns hc'l'll sc·t 11]11111 Ill,\' ltc•nd. I a111 dtHllltl'd io diP. Tltc•J'I'fot·c., I lll\ISI 11ot l11• fo1111d hc•J'I', • 'ow list I'll c':tl'l'fllll,\- to \\'hat I harc· to sa,\'. no ho!lll' <tlld c·o]]pc·t ,\'0\ll' IIIIlS( Yalnahll' j<'\\'Pis awl Sl'l1•c·t two sc•JTic·c•cthll' clJ'I'ssps, Yo11 11111st stop foJ' nothino~ l'bl'. 'l'hc•11 ~no to tit•• lak1 .. tltc•J'c• .\'oil \\'ill ht• 1111'1 hr . ._\'0111' old Sl'l'\'a nt ( lon:wl. II I' \\'iII l'O\\' yon ac·J·oss t hc• In kc• to 1111'1'1 Jill' :llld tt•n t lwiJSctlld :-;oldii'J's who will Jll'ofpc·t 11s. Yon tllldi'J'l'ii:tlld, do you'! '1'1•ll 110 OBI' onl' of 11111' plans. OJ•gc•tm·ia: I lllldc•J·st:llld. will ohP,\'. B11t tc•ll 1111' tilt• llii'Cllli11g of all this. Ol'gl'tol'ix: ~ ·1'\1'1' 111i11d \\'llctt it IIH'ctlls. You nc•t•d Jttd \\'oJ'l',\' ,\'om· ]ll'Ptty littlc• ltc•ctd fl\'c•J' tl1at. Fot· ,\·om· olll'dil'llt'C', I \\'ill lt•ll ·""" what I l1an· hJ·o11gl1t hmPI' I'm· yo11. ( )rgc•tol'ia: Yo11 dc•:lJ· old F:tt ltc•J'' Yo11 111'\'c•J' do f•,J·gc•l lllf'. Httt what is it tl1at you lt:l\'c• hro11gltt'! . ow I will c·lost• 111,\' c',\c•s awl yon Jllll it in lit,\' hand. I \\'ollt JH'I'Jl. 0J'gl•tol'ix: '1'111'1'1', tltc•J·c·! J>on't gPi s11 c'XI'itc·cl. I c·:tJIIt'li put it i11to yom· lt:111d. ( )J'I'gtOl'ia: ""l1at 1'<111 it lH•'! I )id ,\·on l11·ing lltl' a not ltc·t· sl :1\'l' '! OJ'gc•torix: .\ sian• indc•c•d! It is a PJ·int·l', .'!iss, <1 \1'1'\' \\'l'altlty Jll'inc·•· \\'Ito O\\'IIS llt:llt,\' ntilt·s of fc•1·tilc• la11d :ll'l'tlSS th1• Hho!H•l'in•r. I lnl\·c· Jll'Oillisc•d Jlin1 ll1ctl yon will bt• his \\'ifc•. Why, what is ihl' lll:tlll'l' c·ltild'! Org.. tm·ia: ~c·nd l1itn a\\·ay, Fati11•J'. I c·:lllllllt lll:tl'l',\' llilll. \\'ill 110(. Oi·~c·ltll'ix: What, git·l!
\rill yon dc·f'y yotll' fatlJI•t·'! I lt:m· l-':tid t !tnt yo11 would 111<11'1'." lti111 and yon shall hl'fm·c· nnotiH·t· d:l\' daw11s. I:c• J'P:tsonablc·, I'IJild. I atn IJ'\'illg to 111<tkt• yon gJ't•at. ,·ou c·a11 bc• (lnc•t•ll of 111<111." t ltons:lllds of pc•opll'. Erc'J'\'OIIP \\'ill \\ oJ·sltip yon, foJ' in all of yom· sllittll''s kingdotn tlii•J·c• is not l-'liC'It a hPallliflll \\'tllll<lll . .'lal'l',\' thc• \\'c•althy I'J·int·t• just to plc•:t:-:c• 1111'. I 'J'J·anlp of :--;oldii'J'S hc•:ll'fl.l I l1a ,.,. lll't'll d ist·o\'f'l'l'tl. I >o not fm·~··t I hat ·' 011 :t J'c• I o hc•c·o1nc• 1hi' \\'ifl' of l'l'illt'l' I )tlJillllll'iX.
rEllti'J' soldii•J'S,! A
ilcnt as a ptcturc on tht \\ .tii.-Lotisf \\ OOODROOHo, ~()
Ira! fla! Orp:Ptm·ix. 111,\' 1illl' fpllow, Ill,\" 11ohlP kin!!, \fp h:l\'1' yon a 1 l:t:-;1. ~:t\'1' ,\'lllli'Sl'H i (' ,\'1111 Ill,\ IIIII. ·t \\"Ill'( lt,\' hll'll. 1':111. .\1 u:-:t \\'1' how d11\\'11 111 yon 11lt, Kill!! of' ( l:nil'? ~oldiPJ':
~)lt>:tk 111~·
dl':tl' lol'll.
[Hound with l'h:till:-:.] ~·ow ntaJTit! Ki1tg. EntpPt'oJ', diP. has<'~ dPI'Pit t'ul t•·aitm·, lll:ll'l·lt ! II :t ! II :t ! I ExPIIIII :til hut OJ·g.. torix :tlld 1st :-:oldi•·r] Fil':-:1 ~oldi•·J·: \\'hat, ()J'g'('to!'ia'? You ltl'l'P'? Ll't Jill' t:tkP you hollH'. I \\ ould lt:l\'1' gi\'1'11 llllll'lt to lt:t\'1' :-::1\'l'd yon tlti: pai11. ( )J·gptm·ia: ( lo :t\\':1,\'· 1.••:1\'1' 1111' at nlll'l'. \flt:tt :-:hall I do'? \\'111'1'1' shall I go'? FatlwJ·, F:t1ltl'l' wltal han· you doJip'! [ E.:'\1'11111 OJ•g••toJ•i:t :111<1 :-:old il'l'] .\I'T. II. ~~'~'"'' I. .I ltifflt lf"()()r/.'fJilai(ll i11 .IIJI.~. 11 Ji1'11'iJiil·r· ou tnll' .·ir/1 .l/1)/llllaill.'l i11 flu· 1/is/11/ll'f', , ~111/SI/.
[ E11t PI'
)rg•·l ori:t.]
( )1·g••to1·i:t: TIII•,Y :tt'l' g-oing to kill Ill,\' Fat IH·t· and I l'allllllt h<'lp ltim. \\'hat :-:h:tll I do'? I h:l\'1' ]ll'a,\'<'d all 11ight a11d all day to thP Hods, hut thP,V ar1• angT,\' awl :-;o will not listpn to my pray· PI'S. • [En fl·r Org1•t orix.] ( )J'gPIIIl'iX: IInslt! ])o not SJu•ak. I ha\'1' P:-:l':t)ll'll a111l am I 1',\'ing to l'l':ll'h 111,\' soldiPI':--. Yon 11111:-:t 1'01111' with 1111'. I 11111:-:t Sl'(' y1111 t hi' wifl' of I )UHilllll'iX hpf'or•· l diP, if [ mnst diP. ( )J•gptoria: I •·aHJIOI lll:ll'l',\' It im, Fat hPJ'. I )o not ask it. ( h·••go1·ix: ( '<11111111 '? Th••u, why 11ot '? \\'h•·r•· is your p<1t· t 1·iol is111, git·l. II ad ,\'Oil rat hPJ' !"I'<' :-:oil I<' st ra 11!-!1'1' I'll II• o\'1'1' this la11d 1han ,nnn· own t'atlll'r'! Fol' !11\'l' of your old fathl'l', go to Dlllttlltll'i.· a111l t•·ll ltillt that I sPill ,\oll to him to lu·I'IIIIH' hi:-: wif1•. •\:-:k him to Sl'lld tl'Oops to aid 1111'. II•· will not l'PfllSI' if you a:-:k. ( )rgl'toJ·ia: I )('ti1'1'SI F<1t h1•1' all of Ill~' lifl' l ha\'1' olH·,n·d you . • ·1'\'1'1' 1111t il now han· I l'l'fll:-:l'd to do yom· bidding-. I 1'<\lllto( 111<\1'· 1',\' J)t1llllllll'iX, Fatltl'l'. I will go to lti111 awl ask hi111 to si'Bd you 1h•• lll'lpyou 111'1'11. I \\'onld ~i\'1' 111." 1ifl' fm• you, if IH'<'d h•·· hut I "ill not Jllal'l',\' a 111:111 whout I 1lo not 1'\'l'll kilo\\·. .\ wi ft• :-:lwuld lu· lt••t· hu:-:haud's frii'IHI and t'olllidaBt. IIi:-; joys should hL· Jtprs llis :-:m'l'o\\'s should ahrays IH' sh<IJ'I'Il hy h1•J'. !lis anthition:-; should hi' h•·t·s. Tl11·ir intl'l'<':-:ls shoul•l hi' :llikl'. TltP in1agl' hall die if I don't talk.-GR\C'F. I·ERGl'So.·.
othl'l' l'hould
hi' in ))(•)' hP:II't.
I l':lllltol lll:ll'l',\' hint
Ita\'(' Jll'OIIlil'Pd 0111' of Olll' 0\\'ll Jll'OJI)I'.
OJ·g-c•torix: \\ ho is this lll<lll that has stolPH your pm·c· low• in Ill,\' ah:-;c•lli'P.! \\ ho is hP'! \Yh1•rp is hP'! ~JII':tk! OJ-g~•IOJ'ia: llow 1':111 you SJu•ak so'! Do you kilo\\' that yout• danghll't', th1• d:mghtPJ' of a saiHtPd nwthPr and a ht·aw Bohle· f:tth <'1', c·ould uot stoop so low as to pt·otnisP to hpc·otlll' tiH• wifp of a Jnw dl'gt·ad1•d 111<111· .\ly hPIJ·ot l11•d il" as uohll' as you ot· I, C'\'1'11 tlwugh hP i:-; not hot·n a princ·c•; :Ill() \\'P:tlth is Hot a l'PquisitP for happiHPss m· purity. Fm·gin• Ill<', Fat hPJ', I v:lllllot oiH•y. ( h·gpt ol'ix: \\'hat'! ('au Hot ohpy '! 'l'hP 11:11111' of this lorPJ'. \Yho i:-; hP'! .\lls\\·c•J' 1111'. I EIIIPI' .\ishm·.J .\ish m·: II is Halltl' is .\ ishm·, l'ir. Ilow <':tll hP hPst sc•J'\'1' you'! I >o not t t·c·m hlc• dpm·. I 'I'o ( h·g<·t oria.] <hw•torix: 'l'Pll that iufatuatPd gil'i that yon hatP ltl'l'. 'I'PII h1•1· that yon 111'\'l'r iHt<•IHlPd to lllHkP h1•1' your wif1•. I >o as I say, or, hy all lhP Hods, you will soo11 h<• lying at th<· hottom of th:tt 1':1 YiiH'. Org<'tm·ia: FathPr, haw lll<'l'c·y. Ot·gptm·ix: Do not SJH•ak to till' of 111<'1'1'.'"· BPforp anotlH•J' !tour ltas p:tst, you shall lH• Prilli'P I>nlltllorix's wif1•. • 'ow, siJ·, I Hill wait iug- for yon to ohPy. You ltaw just two minntPs iu whi1·lt to do as yon \\'1'1'1' told . •\ishm·: 'l'hc•u 111,\' au:-;w<'I' is tlti:-;. I 1m·<· yom· clang-ht<•r with my wlto)p Iw:u·t and I will 11takP h<'I' Ill,\' wifl'. (Org·1·torix rmd11•s at .\ishm·. 'l'ra111p of solclic•t·:-; hP:ml.] Hun mau! Hnu for your lifl'. •\ grP:tt moh is I'Oilling aftPJ' yon. 'I'hPl'P, yon :ll'P 1-'l'l'll. <to, it is yom· last c·ltallc'P. Xow, it is too latl'. OJ•g·Ptoria: ( !"tPpping tow:ml hPt' fathPrL !tan· yon dmw'? ~arP yom·splf.
FathPr, what
Ot·gl'tlll'iX: It is too latP How. <lod hlPss you hot h. .\ly JifP has IH'I'll a 111istakc•, I SPI' tltal now. BP\\':11'1' of mnhitiott. That is lhP lllPssagc• I would ]pan• to thP wm·ld . •\Jnhitioll foJ• \\'P:tltlt, fOl' JIOWPJ', fm· anything that is not nohll' is a <'lll'S<'. BPW<ll'P ~ [ OJ·pat moh of II Ph Pt ian soldiPJ'~ PlltPr.l I Bc·w:n·c· ~ BP\\':tl'(' ~ 01·gptorix jnmps into l':tYinP.l [Orgc•t(IJ·ia spl'ings towarcl J·a\'iuP .•\ishm· rush1·s afti'J' hPJ', a lit t ]p to t liP ll'ft of tlH! l'entPr of th<• stagP. <'nrtaiu.J '\Yould he were fatter''-l\fR. fit:TTERI'IELD. 22
Paid in Full ............................................ Facult) ,\ \\'inning :\I iss ............................... , ...... jane StirJcs The Golden Girl. .................................... Tilly Til{')' The :\I u~ic ;\la~tcr ................................ L. E. Butterfield The ~I erry Widow ............................... :\largaret Harri .\ St uhhorn Cinden:lla ........................... Gert II a rn~hergcr •\ ~latinee Idol. ................................ i\larjoric Spalding :\I dllc. ~~ odiste .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. ....... Crace ~C) mour Such a Little Que{·n....... . . . . . . . . . . ............... Frank Pt·rr) "I he Cirl in the Taxi ................................ Cracc Murray :\I i lnnon·ncc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. . . arrie Ramll Tlw andy Shop.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Locker The :\[an \Vho Own Broadway ......................... E. :\filnc 'I he c;, uldcss of Lihcrty .............................. l\1 i.., • witzcr The Yankee Prince .................•............ L. E. Huttcrticld The Forttull' llun\{'r................................... E, er) OT'C The Flirting Prince s .•..•.•••.••..•..•.•.••.• , .• Pegg-y Derrou~h Cia mat{·~ ............................... (. 11. S.-'10, 11,:12. '13. l neon tant George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Boone Till' Third Degree .............................................. '! Tlw :\lt'lting Pt>t. ..................................... Chemi try The !'rima )) nna .................................... l\li :\!orri Tlw Fair Co eel ...................................... Ted Pcrch·al • Father and the Roy ........................ :\[ r. Lau~hlin-lV li r. Strift• • ........................................... E atnination The Clima.· ......................................... june 3. IQIO
gait of a traction cngine.-IIARin • ·a o.·.
1-lE CAME INTO HIS OWN Yot·'l'II wand<·J·('d th•·n th<• ,·•·mnlt·d <·ih· :-;(J·t•t•t:-;, hi:-; bat l<'l'l'd Yiolin liPid r;lJ·pfnll,\· undl'l' Oil<' :n·nt. Fl'olll oil<· :-;t J'<'l't to a uot h<•J' h1• pa:->sPd. En·l'ywlu•J·<·, it 1-il'<'lll<'d, was liglll, laughii'J• aud Jon·; in f'HI't, hi' :tlmu• ~-'<'<'IIII'd llllhl'l'<ll·d awl lli'~IP<'tPII. It was h<1rd to undt•J·stawl why happilli':->S should fall to thP lot of otlH•J'i' awl to hilll-SOl'I'O\\'-di'SO)atl' SOl'I'O\\", ("III'OII:·wiously hP d!'<'W III'Hl' t hi' l'l:tl't' J:pautiful-tlH•J'I' was li;.dd. lan~ht•·•·~ :llld.\'<'S, happilll'SS. En•11 t hP 1111fort \lllatP \\·ay·f'm·pJ· wa:--; pl·i\'ill'g<'d to /()ri/; withiu 1h<· portals and st••• tllP dazzliug lights, thl' llliJT,\'illg •·J·owds, :till! all th•• ~J'<IlHI••m·. 111'1'1' thP youth lor<·d to stand :111d \\':lll'h-just wal<'h-a11d 111'\'I'J' shm·p, 111'1'1' 1111 this niglll of I'<'VI'I1',\'. h1• took !lis post hy thl' l!,'l'I'Ht dotn·s . •\ •·aniag<· noisPIPssly di'I'\\' up at thl' •·m·h awl lin•J'iPd footIIIPII. Jll'allg to a:-;sist thl' O('I'UJIHilt.' to Hlight. 'l'hl',\' }li'O\'I'd to h1• :t ·' oung man, a YPr~· young girl and a11 ol1l mall. 'l'hP youth look1•1l llll Wit IJ 1'11\',\'ill~' 1',\'I'S-,YI't-hHppillt'SS \\'aS 1101 t ]u•iJ'S. 'J'Ju•iJ• p~·p:-; I1Pld :111 illi!PSI'I'ihahl<· look of sadw•ss. ()h, ,Y<·s-llf' kBPW-onh too \\'Pll. 'l'hPy W<'l'P ah·p:uly t'lltl'ring thP gl'l':tt doni's whPn thP low, sad 1\0iPs l'Pal'itPd 1hl'm a11d 1h<',Y stoppP1l, fas<·inatPII, lookiug :tt P:t<·h ot h1•1' with \\'OJHIPI'ing l',\'<'s-:-:low I'Oill)ll'PlH·nsiou dawning. '!'It ic; w:ts llis syntpatll,\'-tlu•I'I' \\'<'1'1', th1•11, othi'J' s:11l lu•aJ'ts. "Fath<•J·," gasp1•d thP gil'l, "ToBy-!tr• \lsPd to play that-listPu-'tis thl' '.\w ..\!aria.'" Hut tlwy lH•:U'Illlo 11101'1', fm· at tlw namP "Ton~·," hP ha1l swldi'Jtly stoppPd. "Tony-Touy-whi'J'I', oh \\'hl'l'l' h;llllH· lu•:lJ'II that ll:tlltl''! ~lll'Piy. Slll'<'ly, oh, ,\'t•s,-lu• l'l'llli'JIIhPJ'Pd· How rould hi' l1a\'1' fm·gottl'll. But that \\'<IS lo11g ago-tho sontl'tillu·s now II,• saw hPJ' in his dJ·I':tnts. ~~~<' always ~Jlli!Pd ~o S\\'I'Ptl,v. to11-hnt who had spokPil tIll' ll:lllll' that 11:111 a wakPIII'd t hPSI' hy-golll' llll'lllm·i<·~'! ~\llll just t)H•ll liP l'lli'Ollltit'l'Pil tiH• \\'OIIIIPI'illg' gazp of tl11• ,YIIIlllg' g'il'l. "Boy, ,\'lllll' ll:tllH',-tC1J Ill('!" fl'OIIl' t hP old lll:lll. 'I'hl! youth. ~tilllookill.~ at thP giJ·l. I'P}liiPII: ''I don't kHow1 thiuk it-is To11y." "Fath1•1', 1'<111 it l11•'? It i-'i Tony-ol1, 1<'11 him, tPII l1iJll !" .\nd Ill' \\':ts told a 11. 'Twas l111• st m·y oft hP lost ~ou-t Ill' hopp)pss ,\'Pa J'S ~Jl<'llt in frnitlp:--;s 'Jl!Pst, anll tinnily thP d1•ath of the uwtll<'l',-awl 11()11', fonud-found uoi ~·pt too latP to gl:lllllPn thP hrm·t of thP ol1l fat hPJ'. YPs-h1• l1:td I'Ollll' i11to his own at la~t. II:tppinPss wa~ IIOW hi~-:tlll1}o\'C. ~~~. 0. 'l l. Too mode t for publication.-GRACii Sr.YliiOl'R. 21
CHATS FROM THE LOCKERS " \ re } ou rea<I) ?'' "hurr) u(l''... • O\\, is my hat on straight" "For goodness o;ake, where is that cup? It' m·ver hcre-ju t sure a fate." ''Sa), your hair look ju t too cute that \\<1) ") think th1s skirt' a mile too long"''( lh, girlie, tl'll lllL' ''hat <lid he :t) ?" ''Sa), ha\c you heard the late t ong?"
''Oh, it i a dear-all e<lgcd with lace" ''( lh, } c . of conr e, it had to rain"•'Vc . she know~ he ha a pretty face""( >h, dear" -that girl' he gives me a pain."
•·y,. , that\ "hat she said-hateful thing!'' "Dear me-no: l>Jd )Oil hear that?" ''Oh ) es, poor thing, he tlziuks he can smg" "For h\ o hour on tho c te)J the) at'" "(>h. thl'y ay the) 'n• all thl' rage""Say, can you o;ee the powder?" " \nd pilt 01) ink on the \ ef) fir t page.'' "I ran't hear a hie ed thi1w-talk lmuler." "Don't forget-we tart at cight""Sl'l'! that's him-right there h) the door"". ·ow. girlie <lear, 111ease <lon't l•e late''"Ye<:, sure! • ·o, I \\on't. ,\u l'e\·oir."
"Some da
glad rag ." (hii~L '\1E
F. G.
'1 1.
SENIORS CLASS OFFICERS I'J'I'!-(idl'lll .................................. H.\Y~IOXII LII'I'E. Yii'('·I'I'I'Siclt•Jlt ............................. .JL\IlELIXI·~ DHYI-:H. ~<'<'1'1'1<11'." ............................. · ...... 11.\zEL FlsiJEH. 'I' 1'1':1!'-(UJ'I 'I' I I .\HOLil \\'ooJH'OI'K. ( 'L.\~~ II I~'l'OHY.
Iu thl' fall of thl' _\"1'<11' l!lflli, WI', Hilll·l.\'-oll(' young a111l
sophist i<'Htl'd ht•,r:-; and giJ·Is, \\'1'1'<' I'Pgisll'l'l'd as FJ'PShlltl'll i11 t hP ('!tampa ig-11 I I i.gh ::-;t•ltool. \\'t> Wl'l'<', indt·Pd, typit-al F1·t•sltlltl'll. 1'1tP fii·:-;t fpw days of our high sl'ltool l'<li'PP1' \\'l'l'P :-;peut in walld<'l'· iuuot'l'lltl,Y ahout t hP Ita lis, awl g<'l t ing i11to \\'l'ollg t•las:-;roonts. ~0111<' of t hP hnys, hoWP\'t'l', soon lost tlwi1· 'I'J'da nt•y a f't 1'1' a t•old plnngP in tit<· fountai11 in th<· \\'pst ~idP Pm·k. 111 a fpw months, \\'1' lt;ul IH·<·onu· a<'<'UstouH•d to t hi' \\·ays awl rnll's of high sl'hool lift•, and W<' uo longl'l' stood in aw<· of th1• :--;ophollt01'PS1 who JookPd upon ns with a Sll)H'1'ior ai1·. \\'p lu·ltl hnt OllP FJ'Pl'\hman <·lass nw•·ting·, aw1 it was thPII that \\'1' Pll'l'lt•d <'harll's :\lillPJ', I'J'I'sidPilt; ,\ laJ·g;u·pf llanis, \'i•·<•-I'J'<•sidt•nt; a11d (;Jadys 'J'il•·.'·· ~I'I'I'Ptm·,,·. ~ i IV<'l' gray awl l'ltPI'l',\' \\'1'1'1' Sl' 1<'1'1 1'1 1 as om· 1·la :-;s <·olm·s. ~o \\'I' 1·losPd our FrPshnt<lll ,\'l'aJ· with plPas:tllt :till il'ipat ions of t hJ'I'I' utoJ'I' ,\'l':tl'S of lahm· a11d fun. 'l'hP llPXt f;lll \\'1' \\"1'1'1' ~opholltlll'I'S. 'l'hilll· of it, l'l•ally a111l 11'111.'· "~ophs~" IIow ltigh \\'1' lwld IIIII' lu·ads, awl how disdaillfull,r \\'1' lookPil on thP "FJ·Pshi1•;-; ~.. This ,YP<Il', onr l'lass IH'g<lll to di:-;t i11guish itsPll' in ltiglt s•·ltool atfaiJ·s. \\'P \\'1'1'<' J'I'JII'I'SPII(Pd in that fmnons gmnP of' football, in wlti1·lt \\'<' dPf'PatPd lyt·haua. \\T1•, :llso, \\'P1'P justly ]ll'otul of om· •·lassmatPs \\'ho took aet ivl' parts in ".\ gentle, little Ia , a harmlcs child."-FAITH SwiG.\RT. 2H
t h1• two Ill'\\' o1·ganizat ions,-t Ill' ( 'ha1npai.~n I I iglt ~l'ltool Litl'l'· <ll'.V ~rwiPty. <1111l t l11• ~l'ltool 0!'1·1wst 1'<1· I )uring t h1· wintPI', a Ill'\\' spi1·al tit·p I'SI'apl' wa~ t'l'l'l'it•d, and \\'(' \\'l'l't• fJ'I'IJIIPiltl,\" dl'ill1•d ill fJ11• Hl'f of di'SI'I'IHiill~ ~l·al'full,\', :tlld l'.tpidly, this l'il·t·ul<tl' st:tiJTas1• .•\lo~t or us will lll'ohahly alway!' I'P· llli'Jilbt•J' our ~ophmttlll'l' ,\'l'al·, f'o1· it wast ht•Jl that \\'1' had to snff<•J' tlw tortlll't'~ of \':tl'l'ill:ttion, bt·c·ausP of :til P)dd('Jllil· of .'lll:tllpox iu tht• 1·ity. \\'p \\'1'1'1' :-;o husily ahso1·hpd in olll' stndiPs, aud oth1•1' J,l,•:t:->111'1':->, that \\'1' llt·gll'l'tl·d ou1· 1·la:->s oJ·g:miznt ion, hut \\'1' dPtl'l'· 111i111'd Hot to o\'l'l'look Slll'h au iJnpot·taut all':til' in our I'OJiling _YI'Hl'. \\'p lu•oau our .Junior \'Pal' P:n·npst h· ' fo1· \\'1' kill'\\' t !tat \\'1' had ~ 1\\'o ,\'l'al·~ of good "st it'f" \\'ol'l\: IH'fol'l' ns. ~111·h f:u·p~ as \\'1' lll:tdl', \\'111'11 \\'('took om· tit·st do.·ps of ( ;I'OIIIPtl'." :tlld t h1· ~~·iPili'I'S! But aftl'l' \\'1' IH'<":tllw al·c·ustolltl'd to onl' llt'\\' liiu•s of \\'OI'k, \\'1' fonud lhl'lll \'1'1',\' intl'l'l':->ting. ~1'\'l'l'<tl notahll' 1'\'1'111:-> nt:tl'k ou1· .runiol' ,\1'<11'. \\'1' had th1• !Jollot· of lisil'ning to stlllll]l SIH'I'I'Iws gin•n hy ( 'audidatl' \rnt. ~hl'l'lll<lll, :tllll hy "TI·dd,,·'s" illustl'ion.· soH-iu-law, • • it•ltolas Lo11gwm·t h. •\s a I'I'Slllt, \\'1' ,J nnim·s I'HSt our Yo1 I'S fm· Taft :11111 ~hl'l'IIJan, who \\'1'1'1' l'll'('tl'd hy :111 on•I'\\'IH·hning ntajm·it.' \\'111'11 t hi' \'OIPS fi'Oill ( •. I I. ~. \\'1'1'1' ('OIIllh•d. P!'OJllilll'lll ]H'O]II" fm111 th1• ("ni\'Pl'sity and t'J·ont thl' 1·ity, addt'l'SS<·d lh1• pupils of tlt1• high s!'llllol at ft't'IJlll'llt intl•t·rab,-anJon.~ fhi'Ill \\'l'I'I' J)pan '1' .•\ . ('Jal'l\:, HP\", E. w. ('JippingPl', <llld ~Irs. H. n. Blll'llhalll. E:IJ·Iy ill t h1• SPl'Ollll:-ol'llll'sti'I', \\'1' 1'll'1't1·d out· I' lass ollil'ials- J~t·PsidPnt, Hay Bm·n; Yil·t•·Pt·Psidl•nt. ~t I'll a PPt'l'i\ a 1; 'l'J'I'<tsm·l'l', H:tyu10wl Lipp1• and ~l't'I'Ptary. Hl<tlll'hl· I:isiug. Our IIPXt PXI·iii'IIH'IIt \\":Is that of sPIPI't ing t·lass pins. Hy t lt1• aid of t hP pill I'Ollllll it t1•t• t·omposPil of I:I'J't 11:1,\'I'S, n ladys ~Ill it It, :tlld Xoalt H:II'IIJI, \\'1' fin:t lly dt•(•idl'd Oil :1 ll!':t(, ]it(]p g·o]d !'llthll'lll SPt with JH'<Il'lS. .JIP:tll\\'hill', 1hP 1111'111lH•J'I" of lh1• stwial I'Oilllllitti'I'-III'illl' ~PII:Il·ds, (lladys 'J'il1•,\', ~Iar ~m·l't Ilanis, L1·sliP FaulktH•t·, <11111 ( 'h:tl'11·s HadtlPli',Y-IJ:td IH'I'll husily pl'I'JHil'ing fm· that g1'1•at srll'ial 1'\'t•nl. tl11• .JuHior·~I'Him· 1'1'· l't•pt ion. 'J'I1i:-: atl':lir I'<IIIIP off in .\pl'il with gt'l':tt Slll't'I'Ss. Th1• ~~·Him·s, in l'PIIII'n, t•Jltl'l"tainPd at tl11•ir . \nnual Hall. Of I'Oill'SI', \\'t' \\'PI'<' all YPI',\' sorry to Sl'l' f111• ~Pniors lP:t\'P us in .TnilP, hnt a fpw lon•d ('hmnpaign Iligh so \\'I'll, th:tt thP,\' dl'l'illl'd to sl:ty with liS :mo1lll'l' ,\'1'<11'. ~o \\'1' gl:tdly :tdopll•d thPm into om· 1·lass of 1!110
in ~P)ItPnlhPI', it wns h:n·d to I'ealatl:liHPil thP ~l'hol:n·l.'· Hllll dignifiPd pnsi-
\rhPn we> I'Ptm·npd to
izP that W<' h:11l at
"l p. up my friend, quit your hook . you urcly will grow doublc."~fARY l\[ JnDI.ETO ",
linn of ~I'll iot·s. \\"p 1111'1 IIICJil." 11<'\\' f:t<'<'H a tllnJtg t l11• fn<•nlly :t tHl abo, a Ill'\\' :111d noisy :-:1wly, Publi<· ~JH'aking. 'Phi:-: ."<'ill'\\'<' lu•gan to hold \'<'!'." ."<'t·ious aud lnt~im'ss-likt• l'!:tss-tll<'<'t iug:-:. .\ t t hi' tirst tii<'Pt ing, \\'t' t•h<HIS<' out· ~~·niot· ollkt·rs. \\"p also pl:tllll<'d a ~~·niut· hob-slt•tl p:11·t.\·, whit·h took pl:i<'l' tlH• followiug 11ight. It <':till<' olr with tht• t•Xt'<']Jliou of a fpw ft•ost-hitll'll uo:-:P: and tot•:. n·ry SU<'I'<':-:sfully. Pr<•sidt•Jlt LipJ>P soo11 :tppoiutt•d tit<• HPuioJ' H:tll awl ( 'l:tss ..'IPHtoJ·i:tl I'Olltmit (t·Ps, :-:o that ilw lll<'lllht•rs might gPt to \\'OI'k l':tl'l,\" ht tht> St'liii'Sit•J'· 'Pht• III'Xl 1'\"PIIt of llii]IOI'1Clll<'P \\':ts ih<' try-out 1ot· 1lw <'l:t:-;s pl:tys. 'l'laP \Yollld-ht• :t<'lot'H nud al'iJ't•ssl's \\'1'1'1' kl'}ll ill gt'l':tt :->llSJll'liSP hPf'Ol'P t]H• fiu:ll )'I'Slllts of this tt·,,·-out W<'l'<' koii\Yll. Following this <':1111<' tlH• >4<•uiol' final t'X:IIll inations. \Yhat a l'Pii<'f was fplt, \\h<'n \\"<' fomulthat \\'<' hntl :--111' l..'t'ssfully passt•d through 1hi:-: ,,,.,]pal! ( >nly a ft•\\' short \\'P<'ks :t n• lt'ft to om· h igh-~·whool rar<'<'l', awl Wl' :tt'<•lookin~ for\\'~ll'd to lh<'lll wiilt a gt·<•at <lPal of iutt'I'<'HL 'l'ltl' various sPllioJ· affait·:-o-Hall, ('lass Play and ( 'onmtt>ll<'f'IIH'llt P. ·t·tTist•:-:, \\'i]JIIIill'k thl' 1']11!"1' of 11111' 1'\'1'11( f11J folll' _\'t'<IJ'S :Jt thP ('h:tlll· ]t:tigu I I i:.?.h ~~·hoctl. n ..,I. ~- '1 o.
"\\hile IH' t.dk-. he
:\lfRif '\I\Trlf
"\ l.td) '' ith .1 thir t for in f •nn.ttion" \ deep thinker : n<l a hard '' orker. \ "' .t) s \dde <make to her urrouncling :llld read) tu ncit "hen called upon.
l·.n \ .\HHI c.ro •. "'\I) book . Ill) heart l\lu t ne\ cr part.'' 'I he f.tithful eactar) of the Liter<tr) Societ). L' ually found 111 the library preparing .1 ddwte. \h, a).., up in her t\I(IH.s. VIoLA
II \HIO\\ \\I ll\R\ "(>h. "hat Ilia) man '' tthin hun hide, tho .\ngcl on th<' ouh\ard ide.' \ ober, sombre, innocent child. 1-la-; not ambition for an) thing except ha kct hall, "here he i the "center'' of at traction .
• 'o\11 E \HL BMo "Domg nothing \dth a deal () f kill.'' \\'c don't haH to tell )OU that Noah has Irish ancestry. 11ts remark ecm good, hut omehow mis the mark Suh common -;en e for titute stud) ing.
;foHLf l-1\RR\
"lie's < f .,tatue,
'\ our hero should al\\ a).., •>e tall, .) OU knO\\ " Harry ha .LCquired kno\\ 1c•c.lge too fa t for hi httle bmin. As a working eneyclo-
pedia and J:dttor in Chief nf the ''l\laroun" he c.loc'i \cry \\ dl.
J \MF':i R\Y
tough m.~·am, tough and de\ iii h h).'' \ most l'ITecti\ c basket-ball guanl ~ nd an efficient ''fir-;t sacker." Firml) helic,·cs in t~ ing hi h t occa ionallyj u t for empha 1 •
)!l:l.H.s J;ool\f
".\nd ''hen a lad)' 111 the ca c You know all thing gi\e place: ·• (; cnerou , good natured, and humorous. might) ha e hall pia) cr. Spends most of hi odd minutes around the entrance <um~Sing a of fair admirer . CI.I\f. Bt'Z((h..
"In him \\C found a man, worthier than he
\I r \ En ' l' \1.11\\ ELL.
"l\1etk, mild. and nl('rciful.'' Indeed a little too much tor the good of the Literary Sodt ty, ''here she pre tdent's chair. • • e\l'r u e the "big stick," except on per l•ll.
C'hampa1gn' might) ba c hall to -er, al-.o killed in cag ing the ha ket hall and 111 breaking up end rUn'i. Exc<.·edingl) 1 uict and stuc.ltou for a popular athlete.
l>o~AI.U !It• M MEH - \RnR "• \ n affable and courteous gentleman.'' \\'car a triumphal mile e\'cr indicating a ), rgc tore of fun and joJ.:t•,, \ "stone'' all" foot-hall guard.
RnnERT F 11\ OTTO • "Let me do ''hat I can. c.mn< t do more.'' ot o oft and ''hit hi n,une implie lie i '' l 11 up in politics, and no duu' t de tined to furni.,h c P·;der able ne\\ paper t.tlk, ..,ome <h.
":\len of fc\\ \\Or<l he t men.''
arc till
Tlmo.; i it '' tth ll<'nr). I h, h<' peaks littl<', hl· can "rue '\: am" a good :til) ne. al o ome\\ hat of an , thkte 111 ha-.ket hall and t ra<'l·.
Fr1111. l>\\1:-..
1•.\ \ l>o11ns "Ble -.ed \dth plain
". IH bore a mind that ell\ y could not hut call f. ir.'' Plea ant and untroubled. lw\\ far more genius on .1 ocial committee th. n in the cia room.
:\f \PILl I !\f n llH\ ~H " \ mild, "itt), ru tic grace shone full upon her." Don't Itt the unme prejn<li<'c )OU, for he talk \'<'r) frecl). 1-la-; the di tinction of heing 'ict• pre.,i<lent <Jf thl· da..,s.
an<l common cnse." Kind ami obliging, ne\ c r angr), uppo l'd to Ia" lc .,ne. . a h)\ er of peace, quiet an<l solitude.
"Ha mile gocth the liH long da) ·• The tage ''ill ccrtaml) lo•l an arti t if Ethel <I e not he com~ nu a< t ~e . \11 :he mu"' do, is n ot to l:cco 1 e fuEse I.
" \ magnitil·ent .,pecta ·lc human happine-, .'' Calm, digniticd, ami con tented. \n "er quc.,tiul' off h,md prO\ idcd there is ~~~~ outhne hcforc her.
\\ Ill I \
F \ l LK
"How far <·an 1 pnli~c him?'' Extreme!) fouli h hut nc\ Lr thdc \cry generous a" 'il'Cn "hen he paid h.11f the co t ' f the ~~.:nior "Bob."
II \ZH. OI'IIH.I \ FhiHH. ·· \nd plea mg other learned her elf to plea c.'' 'I he noble -.ecret.tr) of the cia , and none more capable than he. • \h\a) up in lcr work an d helps to l ECJ> oth rs
\ I \ 'll\ (;HIHKI.
" \nd tho c about herFrom her hall read the pl•r f<'t t "n) 8 of honor." .\mand,t is not a 'cr) l>ril-
hard \\•lrk shl kl'CJ> the das .
hy COUillr) b ) .-CI.If FOHII
much up with
L1 OL' Goou~1 \ •. "Still \\ater run deep." n t r c.tu •ht napping. \I '' ,,~., read) to an '' cr an) que-.tion . .\ltho she tcms c<>ol ami quiet on the outside, ) ct '' h.tt ~re ma) there ht·
THOR ~I \mJ 11\1 L "I st>enk In a monstrous little \'oice." l'rohahl) kno\\ a "lot," hut lit'\ er goc to an) troublt· to c pound her kno\\ led •c. • • e\· er u e more th.m .,ix '' ords to a entcnce.
'' ithin?
l\1 \R<. \RI r II RIH:;. -.he kind a she is fatr? I• or be.lltt) li\ t. '' 1th kin l
Bf RT II \f. ''II c ighcd to man), tho he In\ eel but one." Othen' i c "Pat.''. 'cry tcr-.e and to-the point in speech; hrief and lJusinrsslike. Famou for hi ability to "get" a le on during a rec• tation period. 0
\\ ht•n it CClllleS tCl t;"~Jkj~'g, h. hhling, and chattering ~Jar garct hao.; a phonograph heat a milt ~ ht. has a gentle di po ition and a joll) good na tlll e.
\IR I I l.L "'I hou till um\:tr) ing hndc of quittnc s thou foster child of ile'lcc." \\'hether Clair i dreamiPg or workmg out a new tn,·e•J tion \\ould he hard to deter mtm•, ior he -.it.. thru cia like a Sphinx In all prohabiht), hO\\ eHr, he is juo.;t \\ aiting f<Jr the hell.
J-1 I" \1
··I am very ''ell content when I am alone." Clifford i yet young, altho he ~hould have graduated long ago. lie is quiet, una uming and guaranteed not to talk, pro\ idt d he ha~ pencil and pa per.
\1, joJI" lion M \ "\\ 1 el) and lend) t 'lc) stumble that run fa t." \ha "],tck !>alton;" \Cr) <langerou lookmg hut t·ntire h harmlts . Jack is a hu murist tho fc\\ recognize hi .tbil it) ao.; such. f
"l know ) ou h:l\ e a gent It, noble, temper, a out a C\ t•n a a calm." Oh, ho'' . •ettc \\ould like to he a Latin " hark" and ex plain difficult pa sag-e to her friend~. before cia, ! But 1t can't he: "that old tufT i-. ju t too hard."
,1\J,\ I~IIZ\lli'J'll Ill :0.~11\'.
"Of a C'he •rful Ioolc a pi ra lng C) e, and a mo t nob!' <'nrriage." II
;\( \\
]l·R\ IS
"Frame )OUr mind to mirth and merriment, which har., a tlv u ani harmR." Tall and statcl), loft) 111 Jrin ,uage. I nt.lmate frle 1d
lwtw en
Bes le ami ''sharkism," is a lit tl mo•· confidPnce an st1 <>n~th of voice ln the tntlon room.
'' ith quictnc •\ gi<ld) young thing.
H ARRifT 31
1 o.;n \RY.
and _olitude.
E1 '' \lm Orno I \\ H\1 \ "Let me he that I . 111, :md rck not to altl·r me ·• Don't tr) to cro "I:d." You
"But there's more in me than thou undcrstandeth.'' \\'hrn it i n't ncct• ar) to make ade, he can r cttc 111 a l•rillianc nwnnPr, hut other'' I ns is u ually the> (ase -he is Jial le to giYe some nu1st nstomuli1•g facts and
'' iII regret it.
tigu res.
<i M 11 "' Om-:t. l "w\" tc ''I he not pa mg fair." Some da) he recite<; and ... ome da) he doe not. It .dl dt•petHis nn '' hethcr or not ,he stud! s her lessons.
R \\' !\10 '\ll
Lm 1 .
''lie seck a kirmi h ot \\it." )OUth. jolly-go lucky \ • ·l'\ cr angry. Ramhle arouncl the hall o; ' ' anting to borrow a note bonk or know \\hat the h: on i . Doc all hi tud)ing hcforc chool 111 the morn ing.
VtR Lt'lt m . \gL cannot \\it her hlr
< ustom
El.l \
.i\1 \RI
uor Ya-
1 ietr.''
Careful and untroublctl. .\1 \\a)~ seem-; at pc. cc '' ith her
elf .nd the ,,orld
1.\lRA l"nR
\\'II I.S Ll Pl'F.
"I nc' er tlid repent for ht· in~ good, and -;hall not 110\\ ." The honorable president of t 1te ciao;-. and a great social workl'r. 1Il' of all otlwr urcly ha uot let hi" ocial ll'ltics intcrfnc with hi cdu cation.
"Better late than llC\ cr.'' 1'ka ant and joll). • • otcd for her laughing pdl .
I LA !D.
\-; full of spirit a the month of l\la)" Bright, laughmg, brim full of mirth anti '' hoiL..,omc 1111 chief, shl· clann o; ahcmt the hall . the mortal fne of dull ne 'i and the blues.
"In e\ cry rank or great or small. 'Ti-. industr) upports u~ all." lim) and Inll'lllgcnt. Some time he ha her lc son , hut uch in-.talll'C arc few and r.trt.
Lt Till R
"The '' orld can't hear th) mall yoicc." tho e fe hie But when !;0\lnd-. clo hreak forth. they u uall) carr) a mcauing. Cor nclia rem to tud) a good deal tho fc,, know it. Who think too little and talks too much.
llt'T< HIN5o~'>,
l\h: NO}.IA ( ?) l\[ERRICK "\nd what wa strange, the one o like the other a could be di tingui hed, but by name . that girl girl If thi the page, then that aero 0 girl i thi girl, for each like the other that both appear the am e. .\11
Lw \ (?) ~~~RRrc-K ~trangr, '' \nd ''hat \\a the one o like the other a c ottld he di tingui hcd, but bj name . that girl If thi girl aaos.., the page, then that girl ts tin girl, for each like the other that h th ap plar thL .1mc. l11\
l\1 \R\
I· R \
l\hlllll.l JON.
"She i, deep 'er~cd in hook and hath a brilliant mind." The wi c ol1l Senior Editor c f the ·~Iaroon.' Particularly fotul of Shake,peare ~I ilton and Chaucer; hut never fear, there i till hupc for Fl•rne, he may recover ) ct.
···1 he t) p of Puritan m 1id en. mode'>t and ~tmplc and S\\Cct."
Cocntlr a11tl quiet: 'Peaks \\hen spokln to: llC\ cr geh into truuhlr; mind ha O\\ n ltu incss.
\\' 111 lAM
"I am Sir Oraclr and
.i\ltLio!U ll l\1 l"RR Y. "lle what )Oll arc. a woman; if you be more, you're none." (~RA E
opl Ill) mouth, let no d1 g hark."' ,·onwhm' john matk thl f uothall team l:t<'-1 fall and ac <Jnirnl a great dt al of ~I ill in \\ riting llC\\ paper account of the gamLs, from '' hich he Ilrobubly eontraetc<l emptlm· of the hrain .
·· \1,\a)
Lot hE
Crace would make a good mcmher of an anti hoi trous 'ocil't). for ~he nercr hoa t of her ad,·enture:- or make' any noise in general.
.111d untroubled.'' 'I his is rcall) a true
•• n\ I ORT
· ,\ m I not a pert little a) ing.
for \gnes cem-; perfect!) cc n
~he i a neat and a trim littll· per~on, a1ul daml) as a kitten.
To be ,urc,
tcntctl with the "orld. £, er placcful, nc\ cr ruflkd and al \\a) s \\ ilhng to hrlp her friend~ "tth their "Dntch" or ''( lriginak"
~[fl{\\ Y \" U1.1\ El{ 0:-nuR." ~
·· \nd to hi~ C)C there wa hut one be h)\'cd face on earth." '' uri)."' Better known a Quiet and minds IJj, o\\ n hu~i ne Very particular about hi, company.
\\ \RR~ Ro' URI! "IlL \\a a cholar and a ri]le good one." \ho a most delightful tenor 111gcr, one of the hi 'h chool warbler .
not hl' !-"DICK" \\\MIOCOCK.
c-A PrRCI\' \L.
'"l\li trc of her elf, tho chma fall." .\ltho there i no rca on for it lH' is a •· hark"' 111 her tudic ; hO\\e\er it doc n"t poil her a bit. Works the piano kt•) \\ ith a m.1 tcr touch.
(\ROLl 'E
"From tnc crown of her he. d to the ole of her ft:et Ill' is all mirth." \Vould likl• \er) much to hL called "Frank." Trie htr he~t to amu c her cia 111 tiC : 11d omctimc succeed . ht: dot:-; ju t a he pka t·~.
l..oJ_ R \!Ill'.
"She i-; o fn.e, o kmd, o .tpt, o ble sed a di po it1u11" <;etltle and per ua i' c. goe to tht: trouble to think a little, but u uall) Iindo; it too strenuou~ o he doesn't do much of it.
Bl,\"'1 II ,)o-.EI'III
t. HJ-.1
l"r \k\ ::'\1\llJ~ Rnn. "Va11it) of \.tmtic~·· ..,,uth thL preacher "all i \anit) ... <..)uict and untroubled; nc' the lea t hit e cited. thing a the) com .t) nothing.
"Bt•ttet· he out of the world thau out of fashion." 1Hand1 wa:; no doubt born to <·ommaJHl for she c!'l"tainly loV<'s to 1lo it. Consi<ll'rs a th ing so hecnuse it is so, ani! that is all there is to it.
\\'IlLJA I IIEr r SfiL\IW "Too late! I ''ill put hack the ha11d of time." 11 emc wa really a11d t rul) ~en in the fk h a11d ho11c, one morning Ia t '' i11ter, at minute he fore llllll'! thcoriLs ha\e a )et been ad'. need explaining thL phc11 c•nH'nOII
V ~R
Ror \
\J.BF Rf Sl' \1.11' (,. here o hu ) man a he there \\a-: nd ) ct he ccmcd hu 1cr th, n he wa ." Brief and busine like ''hen thcrt: i no hu inc-;s around. \n ca t entrance fi.·turc. hrilliant, only, 111 amusing girl ]{ l'SSF!.
Ih.t"H. L\11
(;J.A[I\ l\J \\ ::;~liTH. "Gl·ntl thou art and th re fore to he \\on." Oh, "ith ''hat angdic ht hm ior .lad) sometime tri( to he angry. Rut such .tt lt'mpts ah\ :t) CIHl in a ch~mal failure fur l;]ad) \'an nu m Jrt• do the impo ible than an) one cl c.
'"Be) ond douht 1101 a ladic ., m.m. Oh, the '' i dom i11 th) brain! Tht: cia 1 urcly proud of thi lengthy ) outh '' ho ome times mixe in ba ket hall and omctimc in track.
"'1 he man of lonlinLss .111<1 Ill) ~I cry, Scarce seen to smile :uHI cl dom ht:ard to sigh." I\ig, :1\\ k\\ ard, and good na tured. Knows \\hat ht .t) ing :l!Jd ne\ cr gucs~c
Fk \ "K
1.1\\t l\lrrun1.L
1. ST;ODE.
":\1) exalted hea1l h,tll tnke the stars." Brilliant, resourceful, and unhe itatmg, he flin rs out kilO\\ ledge unconcerned I), and mon:o\·er !ipeaks e actl) true, "Hhout the hint of an error.
"'l ou Ita\ e a nimble ''it; think tt ''as made of ta Inn Ia 's lwC'ls." lie '' ho can ''slip one O\'or'' on Frank is indeed a remark ahle JH.rson for Frank ~~ a cunning f clio'' and able to hold hi O\\ n 111 a battle of !Hains. T\\LOH.
Gl. J)\:-; TII.~Y. ''She that \\a C}Cr fair ami ne\ er proud 1:1 ad a tongue at will ) ct "a never loud." Better known a "Till) " 'he has ne\·er been knm' n !1 peak a word, but we think
"...)mck of di patch, di erect in C\"Cr) I rtl t : Rigtcll) hone t and e\'<:n:l) j u t ... "Bill" can sure corclt the cinder omc, ''hen tt come to trark '' ork Di erect 1 'l c<, indeed \Varning? • ·cv cr ask him any cmbarras ing que til•ll .
she Is an angel.
''lnl am not in the roll of COilllnOil llll'tl." Llo) ck is Cham[hlign' f.\Oritt• orator. \\'c rlrtainl) wish him all uccess in the ln tcr chula tic Oratorical Con tc t
I I \HOJ.Il \Vom•cocK. "l'lagued if the) ain't !iolllpin' in '' ork that kind 'o goe agin' Ill) rom·tctiono.;." The more commonly called "Dick" i all kinds of an ath lctic tar, "hich probabl) ac counto.; for thl great numb r of girl wearing "C. ·• ''cater
J.t !,f ~ \\'oc)IIRl H ·'Thou talkc-,t much and '>:l) eth little: b up ami doing th) ta k." \ rthur io.; not particular!) noted for hi great IMe for his teacher . hut, on the other hand he j.; ''ell 'er-;ed in the '' eak point~ of each of thl'm
.\t.ltE CARHIF. LH. ",:\l,ut) da) shall Cl her \ nd ) d no da) \dthout a del d to cro\\ n it. ·• \n apt pupil, "ith a de~irl for learning. \1\\,) pre pared ''hen other fail. .\ Jlll pil uch a., teacher like to teach.
1111.1. \VISF.
\HTill H
11. '10.
ll. II. '10.
Jut hed
origin.tlit) .-BL \
UIE L~ \\ 1 •
E TIOR PROPHESY BlatH·I11• ~:ising awl ltPt' gu ..~t WI'I'P sP:ttPd IH'fot'l' a glo\\'ill~ 1il'PJII:II'I' ill tltl' li\' illg 1'00111 of' tl11• Hisi11g 1101111'. 'J'I11• :tf'ti'I'IIO(III ''as fat· :td va lll'l'd, so a d i 111 t \\'i I iglt t JH't'r:tdPd t liP t'IHIIII, wit i1·h with 11o otlt1•t· illmninat]oll S:t\"1' thai ft'Oill tl11• fit·1•, look1•d \'1'1',\' l'oZ,\'. 'l'hP glii'S(, ll:tzl'l Fisltl'l', \\'<Is tl11• lil'st to SJH•ak: "Yon don'( kilo\\' Ito\\' 11i1'1' it SI'I'IIIS to 1111' to l11• in :1 J'1•:tl lto1111' 1111<'1' tiiOt'l'. I'r1• gt'o\\·n sot it·t•d of' tt':t\' Pllill .~ in tltt• last six ,\'<'Cit'S t Ita t I' \'I• a hou t d1•t·id1•d to Sl'l t l1• do\\'11 a 11d II< I\' <' a ho!lll' of Ill." 0 \\'II."
Blaltl·lt1• laugiH·d, "You altnost g:t\'1' yotn·splf' ct\\'ct,\' that tin11', Ilazt•l. ('otlll' t·onf'l•ss, who is it '!"- IIazl·l (]l•llil·d tltt• (•Xisll'll('l' or :tli,Yotll' i11 whom sltt• \\':ts tliOJ't' t h:111 dnl,\· intt•t•t•sll'd, :llld ask1•d, •·\\'lt:ttl'\'1'1' iudnt·l'd you to llid1• ,\'Oill'SI'If' in this hP:tlltif'ul, lmt Iolii' S~ lJI\(' pl:tl'l'?" I gl'l'\\' so tit·Pd of' 1111' Slll'ictl \\'l1il'l :tnd till' t·ouslctllt I'OIIIlll of' .~a.n·ti1•s that I dt•1·idPd to I'Oilll' out hPt't' \\'ltl'l'l' I t'Cill lir1• as I plP:tl-'1' aud do as I t·ltoosl'. But tl'll llll' of ,\'OIII'SI'If'. \\' lt:ti ll:t\'1' ,\Oil fll'l'll doing :tJI tlti'SI' ,\'I':II'S'!" "TltPI'I' l'l':tlly is littl1• lo IPil. .\f't1•1' I was gl·:tdu:ttl'd fl'ollt Bt',\'11 ,,I:t\\'1', I studiPd :m·ltitl'l'tUt'l' iu P:u·is fo1· l\\o ,\'l':tl's; hut tlt1• l'ottsl:lllt si t•ctill was too llllll'lt fot· llll', so I ll'ft IH•fot'l' Ill,\' I'OIII'!-'1' \\'CIS I'OIIIJIII'tl'd, :tlld lt:tn• IJI'I'll (1':1\'l'llillg 1'\'1'1' Silll'l'. \\'ltil1• in Jl:n·is, I saw Hullt ~paldillg :tllll .\laq.!.:ti'Pt II:tnis ill (;l':tlld Opl'l':t. Hullt's ll'llol' \·oil'l' is 111:tking a tl'l'llll'llllons hit with tlt1• l•t'l'tll'lt IH' oplr> . •\ft1·1· ilt1• tltl•:tlt'l' Olll' night WI' \\'l'llt out to dinw•t'· .\lm·g:tl'l'l told till' of' tlt1• lll:tl'l'iagP of Fl':lllk 1'1'1'1',\' lo Pat ll:t,\'PS, lt1•1' old higl1 s1 Ito II flctllll'. Pat is now a \'1'1',\' Slll'l'l'ssf'ttl ITimin:tl l:t\\'.'.''1' in \"" \ ot•k ('it\'. Yon l'l'llll'llllll'l' Fra11k nt:lt'l'il'd I )on ( ':tt'll'l' \\'lil'll tlil',\ \\1·1'1' f't'I'Sltllll'n ill t]JI• f'ni\'I'I'Sity. IJII\\'1'\'1'1', 1111',\' SOOII tiJ·pd of' <':tl'lt otlt1•t· :tllll \\'1'1'1' dh·m·r1>d withi!t a short tillll'. •\ftl'l'"()1!,
''Sch ol for Scandai.''.-C. I !. S.
\UIJ'ds Don ht•t·anu• a pl'ofPssor iu ll:ttTal'd. I gtu•:--s it'.· h·ttPI' fm· all, hPt'ttii!'P F1·ank IIPVPI' wa~ IIIIH'h fot· tlw stl·it•tly iut«'lh·('tllal lift•. .\lat·g:ll't•t had just l'«'I'Pi\'Pd a lt·t tPJ' from Tilly 'l'ii«',Y tPIIing of t lu• <'Ill h usiast i1· l'PI'I'Jit ion of lwr IH'W II0\'1'1 "P:tJ'S:t~l'." "'l'illl',\'·~ \\Tit i11g a book is ns :-\lll'!ll'ising as I )il'k \\"oodi'IH'k'~ !wing .._ ~l'l'l'l'I<JI'\' of ~tat1•," . said Bhtlll'lu·, "I alwavs ass1H'iai<• J)i!'k "it h atltlt·t i1•s. You know III' l1ad Pight "( '" S\\'P:Jtt•l'~. lit• 11111~t hav1· got 1<'11 his pol it i1·al i11spirat io11 in .\1 iss ~witzl't''s l1istm·~· l'!ass. ~Olllt' of ou1· old fl'il•nds h<J\'1' l'l'l't:tinly g:tiHI'd di:--tiiH'tion. \\'ith \\"illiam 'l'aylot· :1s l'l·t•sidi'Ht. th1· dass of '10 is Jll'<'l ty wt•ll J'I')II'I'SI'IItPd in gl·t·atn<•:--s. ~\ma11da Taylo1· lnakt•s :111 l'X<'l'III'Ht mistt'<•ss of th1• \\•hill' Ilous<·. E\'1'1',\' ont· says that hPJ' husband o\\'I'S his position to his Jll'h·atP :-\l'l'l'l't:IJ·y, 111'111',\' lhtiii'Hha('h, a11d th:tt Pt·psidl'llt Taylor has pt·onlisPd :-\OIIH' high gm'<'l'llllll'lltal po· sit ioHs to ou1· om tors, Lloyd \\'bl' :md Hohi'I't ( 'ot toll; just what, h1• l1:tS not IIJ:td<' puhli<'· "lsllt it odd that Lloyd<• and HoiH'rt ha\'1' not lllfll'l'it•ll'!' 1'1'· 11J;tl'kl'd llazPI. "~o 111ally of till' <·l;tss IIH\'1'. Ll't's Sl'l', .\11'1'11' Allison and HPIII'I ~111ith \\'1'1'1' th<• lit·st. I lll'\'1'1' had an~· snspil'ion of tii;tt att:tl'hllll'lll. It wa:-; dilfl'l'l'llt with .\Ita ('ald\\<•11 awl .\11'1 \\,\ ll ( )shOJ'lll', JIO Olll' \\'<IS ;tf all :-\Ul')ll'iSI'IJ. ..\nd .\~Ill'S \pJsOll :t111l 'piJ lloll'Jllall li\'1'd up to olll' l'XJH'<"tatiolls, too. I iHntgiuP .\gJH•s n1<Jkl's a good hous<'\\'if<•. ~h<' was s111'11 a Jms~· littiP hody . •\llothl'l' ll:IJIJI,\' lllfll'l'ictgl' is that of {;lctd_rs ~IIlith and l{:t,Ynlllllll LippP. I :-\JH'Ilt a f<·w \\'I'Pks wit l1 t IH•Jll last sunlllll'l' at tl11•ir <'IJ<Il'lllillg lit t II' bungalow ill ~all I )ipgo. B:t,\'11101111 is t•oinill"' 1110111',\' and t•Hti'J'tains lavi:-;hly." "I{aynJolld :-;ugg1•sts to 11H' that :-;ttHlious littll' fpllo\\-, llm'l'~· B:tlll'l'. II<• i:-; Pditol' of this papPI', thP •('hi<·:tgo J)ail,v II<•J'ald.' You lmow hi' showPd Slll'll ;thility as l'ditOl' oft Ill' first puhli<·at io11 of t liP '.\l:ti'IHIII.' \\'111•11 I was ill ( 'hkago, hi' told 1111' that Era ))odds a111l .\Iadl'liw• Dl',\'1'1' \\'t'l'l' at th<•lwad of a hollll' fo1' \\'IWking gi1·ls. llal'l',\' ki'I'JIS int·losp totll'h with th<· llll'lllhPI'S of th<· '10 <·htss. LPt ns Sl'l' if' any <11'<' llll'llt io1u•d," s;tid Blani'IH• ~l:uu·ing down tht• lwctdlinPs.-"YPs, \\"Cll'l'l'll 01·r· hcts wo11 that ( 'hadl<·y <·a~<· wlli1·h l•cts hl'<'ll t'l'l'ctl iug stll'lt <1 SI'IIS<tl iou. II is l'I'JIIllatiou as a l:tW,V<'I' i:-: Slll'I'I,Y I'Stcthlisht•d: ~t·ll1• • ·1'\\']1111'1 :llld Yiola .\t'l'inglon IPft ~:til Fl·ctm·ist·o on t liP ( 'ongi'I'SS for t Itt• Pllilipp111'S, \\'hl'l'l' tIll',\' han• gii\'I'I'IIIIIPIIt posit io11s; 'I'Pd l'PITi\·;tl has just l'l't lll'lll'd fi'Olll P<tl'is. whPI'I' shl' w:ts 1'1'1'1'111 l_y g1·aduatPd from a t'ollSI't'\'atm·.v of lllnsie:
".·one but h r elf her parnllcl "-"MAG.''
1his is illl«'t't•)o.;iing -a pil'1llt'(• of 1!11 L of' I. ht~st•hall 1Pctllt! l:m•1011 ctlld I :o1'11: . A l't' t host• hoy~ :-;till ill sl'ltool '!" "Yt•s. tl11·~· at·t· so fowl of :tthlt•tit·.· that tlit·y •·au uut quit," l't•pliPd IIazPI. "ctllfltltl' Sfllllt' f'undut•ss f'ut· :tllilt•1it·)'.; I'Xtt'lltb tu.Jantt•s I: 11 r. i('),. II •· is p]; t,r i u g " i til t 1... <'11 11s a n d is q u i t ,• t 11.. s t ctl' or t 11. • !'1'<1 So II ... Tltl' t·on\'t•t·s:lliou \\'Hs illlt'1'1'11)111'd hy tltP l'lltt·mtt·t• of' a dt•lltlll't• !'«'1'\'illg llt:tid with tht• l<'a tt·ct,\', .\s tilt• two f't•it•JH!s llltldt•llit•mst•h·•·s t'Oilt fot·1 :1 hiP lwfot't' IIH· t•ltt•P1'ftll IJI:Izt•, II azp) l't'lll:tJ·kd. "\\"li••t·•· did yo11 ~I'( sndt fl Jll't•l ty lllflid '! ~Ill' looks likt• Sflllll'llllt' I tlsl'd to know." "I a 111 not stii'Jll'isl'd ( l1:ll sht· looks I ikt• sollll'flllt' you ll'Pd to l.tto\\', It's EtliPI I );n•i:."
II ow d it I slit' t'\'t•r t'OIIII' I o IH· n 111:1id '!" "()II, sltt• is illlt'l'<•stt·d iu I l11• ,'1'1'\':tlll qu•·.·t ion, :lllf) wb-;hPs to Sl't' hot II sidt•s of it. ~o sliP askt·d to lin \'1' ll•·t• first I'XJH't'il'lll'l' i 11 Ill,\' ltonJt•. <'lctit· llctll lt:ts IH't'll •·:tlli11g at inftot'\':tls, a11d Sl't'IIIS to ht• t'lltllillg 11101'1' to.-.. ,. lhl' lllctid tlt:tll tltt• lllistt·t·ss." "Et h•·l ));n·is:
"\\'Jt:tl :t I'Olll:llll'l':
i11 1'\'1'1',\'d:t,\' lif'1•."
"~JH•:tkiug of' t'ollt:llll't'S, wlti)p WI' WPI't' out lllotol'illg not long :tgo, Wt• p:tsst•d a lll'at Iittll' •·ott:tg•·. \\'ith a 111<111 sitting o11 tilt• doot·stP)I stuokiu~ his pip•·. wltiiP l1il-i wif'•• :-;a1 hy his sidt•, st•wiug iudusti·iuusi,Y· <lut•ss who thP,\' \\'1'1'1''!" "I •·:Ill'( imagiiH'." "('ani .. aud ( lt•m·g•• Boout•. 'l'hP,Y aJ•t• IPadiug t hi' siutpl•· lift•, :111d :tJ't• JH•t·fp•·ll,\' happy." "\\'hat's thi~ I IH·ar :~hout .\l:thl•· HPI'd'!" "~It•• :tnd <ll'llt•\'it•\'t' Kl:111k IIH\'1' hoth tll:tt'l'it•d Jllilliouaii't•s. :11111 a I't' no\\' pt·unt iII I'll( stwiP1 ,. IPadPt's i 11 I )('Jl \'1'1'." ".\1111 Ft•t'llf' .\litl'ltl'll'!" ll:m•l t'olltillllPd, "what t•\'1'1' ht•t':tll1P
1t (')' '!" "~lit• is :t \'1'1',\' !"lll'l't'ssf'u) sltor( ~tm·y wt·itt·r a111l hl't' t'olltt·ihu-
tiuus at·t• l'flgt•t·l,\' lookPd fot·l'.'' tl11• l'PctdPt'~ of tltt• ".._\tlauti•· .\loutllYon know sliP \\'<ts ont·P disappointPd in Iori' a11d aftt•t'\\'<ll'ds 1'1''11)\'Ptl 111'\'1'1' io lll:ll'l',\'" "1:-: that 1·i~ht '!".said llawl. •·I :tlwnys 1hought sht• woultl 111:11'1',\' Lloytlt• \\·is .., ht•t':tllst• :tft••t' t:tking tl11• p:tt·ts of' lo\'1'1' :tnd ),,.lort·d in 11tt• ('l;tss Play, thPy St'l'llll'd to tlwl lilt• J'PI:t1ionsldp :tgt't't':l hlP." "I tlliuk tllnt :tlta(·ltm••Jtl \\':IS not sPI'iom:.'' 1,\'."
"\II the world i agio me.''
.\ l:l!·gt• .Angot·n t•nt f' <lllll' 11]1 to Bl:tJH"ItP's sidP. Jllll"l'ing to hc> takPil up in Itt'!' lap. "h:n't C'llt·y:-or. a lH"allt,\·'!'' :--:aid Bl:tJWIIP, lifting it up in ltt•J· lap," I hougltt Itt>!' at tit<· .\lt•.\lillPn f':tl'llt." "'J'Itt• .\JdJiiJt•ll f:tt•nt," p(')IIH'd JJazpl, "\\'hat i:-; tlt:t('!" "\\"lty," BliuwlrP t·spl:tillPd, •·J:t>s:-it> llunslt·~· Et t:t Eltlt•J' nnd I:t•ssiP .\lt·.\1 illt•II ltnn· :t l:tt'gt• t·:tt fat·llt just out:-;idt· of l'ltiladPl)llt i:t. TltPy 1na kP a :-;pt•t·i:tll,v of •\ ugom:, and tltl'_\' lul\·1' :--oJIIP fi Ill' ow·s. I J't't'Pin•d a IPt tt'l' from Lt•ola ( loodmnn ihis Jnorllhtg. :--:ltP and ( 'orHPiia Lutltt•J· :tJ'«' lt•at·hPI'S nt ~mith C'oll«':!t', and :II'«' going to t'otullwt a JHII't." of' :--:111it It gi1·ls to Em·oiH' in a f'PW \\t•Pks. ~Itt• :-;:tid that C'adt> 1\:;tn :tnd C'litrm·d Lort• :tl'<' doi11g a :-;tm· raudP\"iiiP stunt :tt tltt• l'antltPon. ~hl' :ll~o \\Tott• nf tlt1• lll:tl"l'iagt• of Lois Lanktl"I'P lo Ilal'low .\mshal',"- 'J'Ita1 sm·prist>d m•·. hut Illlf so nttH'It as soiHPfltiug :-:Itt> :-;aid nhon1 fht> .\lt•nif•k twins· Tit••.'' han• ht•t•n hlllll i11g i11 t'\'l'I'Y t'OJ'Ili'I' of fill' glol~t• for tltPir· nllinit it•s. :tllll nt l:t:-:1 thPy !tan• found tlll'lll in .John .\lollsPI' :111d LPslit• Fa ulkllt>r." "\\'!tilt• J was in .Jnpnll," snid llnzPl, I saw tl11•nr, :111d I also s:t\\' \'t•1'<1 Lnnrsdt•JI, wlro is 111al"l'i«'d nnd is livin:! in t ltl' ,·ill:tgt> of Tllji-st·ht·i, Inw~.d11P rny sm·pt·isl' on lt>arning that hPJ' lrn:hand is ('lill'ol'd IIinuran, who wm.: t·ourpiling :-;1:distit•s 011 .J:lp:tlll'!"t' politit·s. I also saw Flo1't'llt't' .Jt•r·ris and Tlto1·a Il:tll in ~~aga:-;aki. 'l'lrt•y :11'1' urissionarit·s thPJ'I', and .\lit'<' Lt•t• is in <'ongo statP." •\ n i 11 t I' 11 :-;p1y w Ir if t> Iitd 11 i limn i u a f t>d I lr t' 1·oo111 n I I lr is poi 11 t . aut! BlaneiH', l'llllllllg to 1ht• window, PSt·lailllrd, "( ))1 tiH•J't' is lJPiJH· ~ .. ll:ll'lls awl F1'HIIk ~t;lllll',\' in Ill'illt:s Ill'\\' aeroplaut•. Tlr:lf light is n liP\\' 'l'nngstPII wlrit·lr Ft•:tnk Ira~ IH'J'f'l't'tl'd, making it po:-; sihlt• I'm· :H·1·oplaHil"t:-; to Sl't' tlmnrglr ~oltlitl walls. lit• •·ails it ilrt• Y-Hay. lit· ;nul lit•iHP :11'1' alway~ floatiug aho11t in tlrP ltt•art•us :111d hy JIH•ans of this, Y-Hny tl11·.'· t':lll st•t• \\hat pt•oplt· :11'1' doi11g. TltP last t inH' I was talki11g with I lt•inP, hP told 1111' of :t long fli!..d1t t lr•·." had takt•n m·pr tlH• Htwkit•s. liP said tht>,\' lr:ttl S)H'lll nllt' day with <lt•at·P (..\lnl'l'a_YI <11Hl ('o!H'Y Bat·ou, who lr:l\·1' a t·haJ'Illillg honH' IH':tl' ( 'olm·ado ~]11'i11gs. \rlrilt• in l'lrtH'1Jix, t lwy IH'al'd .\Ian \I itldiPtoll :\1111 Hntlr J)il'kl't'soH )pt·t lll'<' oil worn:m's !"ntfr·agP. • 'pllP Ilnlltl'il'lrollsP, also has t'sJHimwtl lltt> ~llf't'rag..ttP mo\"I'Jilt'llt, autl i:-; \\'orking lr:trd to hPt·onH' tht• first WollJC\11 :-;Pnaiot• ft'Olll .\1 is:-;olll'i." "I l't't't•irt'tl ;Ill im·itationtoday 1o 1111' \\'t>tltliug of' ,\lit·t• ~trotlt• and \'t·r·n Hula11tl," said llazPI, "\.<'1'11 is t·hil'f of' polit•t• in His· 11 Ill)'(' k." "Tt" "ith a big 1.-H \RR\ T 111 LL. :1\1
".\nd only le~s1 WPPkEclith L:llllh :111d h•:t ,,I,·KimH•y Wl'l'l' lll:tl'l'iPil· IJ•:t has Pn1iJ·(• <'Ollll'ol of' thl' ~onthi'J'll 'l'<'llllPSSI'<' I::ti!J·o:ul. :llld is I':lJiidly hl'l'oJniug e1 •llal'l'illl:tll th1• SI'I'OJlll.'" " I l"il\\' Cl \'1'1',\' I'IP\'1'1' I':II'(IIOll of ,,11-Killlll',\' ill 'Lif1•,' snid ll:tZI•l, • It was dl'H\\'ll h,v ~\l'thur "'oodJ·ull'." " " 'pJ), talk :ll10111 yolll' illustrious <'i:t:-;s(•:-;! ~'lost of till' 1'1<1:--s of 1!110 h:t\'1' Iliad<• ]HliiOl':tidl• 1111'11( ion for ( IIPIII!"t')\'l•s in SOIIII' W:ty, but thPll \\'<'always klH·w that l!lltlhad e~hnut tlu· hPst <·lass 1'\'(•J·." 'l'hP I \\'O fJ·iPIHls talkPd of fol'llll'l' days fo1· :t long 1illH', :llld wh<'ll 1hPy tina lly pa1'1 I'd I'm· 1hi' 11 igh t, II :tr-1•l's lnst J'l'llii'Jll h1·a Ill'«' ],pfm·p ~oiug; to sl1'1']l was hl':tJ·ing lu•J· ho:t1•s:-: 1·a lliw.!, fJ'Olll :ti'J'oss 1hl' hall, "Ed Kanflll:tu l1:ts just IH'PII appoillt1•d 111inisll'l' to ~p:tiu. ~\J•p yon asi<'Pp'! \ II ri~ht 1111'11, I'll ki'I'JI still. Oooduiglll !" ~. H. P. F. F. _,I. 'tO .
.II SEJVIOR TOAST A toast to our lligh Srhool rears, A health to their dosing <lays, .\Jay Wl' part with no dark fl•ar , As we go our divPrsc ways. So here's to our know! edge gained, 'l'o all of out· high school friends, C'ome drink till thP I'IIP is dmine1! And our round of pl1•asnre rn1ls. IIPre's hope that we all retum, In our agP, many J cars from this, With memories that lovingly yeam. For the goo1l old C. IT. S. A ca c of ''Big Hcad."-GLAD\
SENIOR PLAYS 'l'hP dass of 1!110 will Jll'PSPHI two plays-".\ftPJ' thP (}<tHH'," :nul "'l'lt1• ( 'ouut t·y ~I iuistPr." 'l'hP l':tsts \\'1'1'1' giwn out ill ~lard1. l~tHlPt' th(• ('O:tt'hiug of )Jr. ButtPrfiPlll all arl' gPttiHg :t('quaint(•d witlt tlu·ir parts aiHl displayi11g 111111'11 ('lllhusiaslll. 'l'hl' \\'alki'I' ()]H'l'<l llo1JSI' ha: J)(•(•ll ('llg:tgl'd fm· thP dl'I'SS l'Phl'<ll'S<t) (lll(] tiual p•·t·fm·tll:llH'I'. .\s tlu· •·.,Iaroml" g•ws to Jli'PSS P\'I'I',Yihing poi11ts to :1 Slii'I'('S:-if11) JII'I'SPII (<It ioll ,J liiH' 1. Al•TER TilE G :\IE. \ CoLLE<·~· Co::o.IEII\' 1~ Two A
Crave and .............. Blanche Rising l·..lizahcth Earle or Hetty .... . ~ .............. Stl'lla l'crci\·al 'ancy • 'orri or • 'an ..... .. ( n•ycrcml Senior Gay and 2 ••.••.•.••.••.•• Ethel Davis Katherine Kerr or Kit. ..... . fe tivc Juniors 5 ................. EYa Dodd, ~laric .\lun~ton or Polly .... . Light-hcarte<l an< I 2 •••..•..• Gla<ly Smith Virginia Randolf or Dixie .. . ~ Beatricl' lkn·rly or Trixie .. . 1 loquac·lous Sophomores 5........ Vera Lumsdt•n . ........ Gla<ly Tiky .!~Iorence V t•rnon or Fl< •ra. . . { :\I n·k :l11<1 ....... Carolim· Ramp I heodora Lcl' or I )ora ..... . sulnni. i\'l~ FreshmLn ~ . ......:\f adeline Dryer jane, a maid .............. .. Jlalf-hack on the ..... }.lt•rwyn 0 horne .-ark Morton, ............... ~ Var ity team
A CoMEnY DR,\l\1' ~~ Fot•R Acrs. CAST.
ReY. Ralph Undawoo<l, a country mini-.ter ........................ 1Tcine Sl'llanb (;n·gory !Ieath, a man of the world .................•........... Ru~sell Spalding Joe Pardoe, an accomplict' .•..•..............................•........ Ray Born Timotlw I Tood, \\ ho had rather whittle than work ..................... Lloytl \\'i~c Dt•acon. Potter, "jut a tritlt• dil•f," ................................. Georgl' Boonl' William IT enry ..•....•.....• ~ B . 0 f tl • , u1Jtr. l ...... Leslie Faulkm•r H co Tom Sparrow............... ( O) 5 ) 5.••..••• •.. Don Carte::-.rr. l•ilkin~. an oftircr ........................................... Vern Roland lie len Burleigh, from the cit) ..................................... Ferne ~I itrhcll Ro.·y, a fr6h air charge ............................................ Franc Perry Fanny, a n1aid ......•................•............................ Alta aldwell ,\ nice young hoy.-FRAXK 41
CLEECLUB The ln.test hi •h school orgn.nization i the Boy.' (dee Cluh. Owing to the interest arou~ed hy chapel singing, the boy. a~ked permi ·sion to form a g;lee club and. have regular instruction. )[r. Butterfield ('011. cnted to uirect them, if they could. cret thirty to enter a tryout.. With little di1Iiculty the number was secured and the club-formed.. It met for it fir. t practice Fehruary 21; since then it regu1ar evening: for mP.eting; is ~londay. The club ha. appeared. in public three times-twice nt the Walker Opera llou and once at the ~lethodi 't church.
Boone ( Lca<ler) B. Barber h. Stephens L. E. Butterfield (Director)
0. IIough
1. Wise E. Dillavou II. Isbell
D. Barton L. Kirkpatrick H. Davi. H. Parker II. Am. hary
~1. o~borne
F. <'lippinger .A. ~fetzler (~lannger)
.J. Bam e. L. Lin<l P..Y W. hapman It .McGee II. Hog;er SECOND BASE-
B. I lays F. Tarrant
The tudcnt'
friend ancl ad,·ocate.-MI
THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF CHAMPAIGN HIGH SCHOOL I•,\'P1',V St'hool i~ in nPt'cl of' :111 Plft•t·ti\'1' .\lllllllli ..\ssoeiatiou. Our st·hool, situ:ttPcl at tht• SP<II of' n llllll'h largt·r iustitutiu11 of 1P:t1·ning, has f'o1• tllis 1'1':tSoll a 11111<'h .!.!.rt•att•1' llPI'd of an :ISStH'iatioll iha11 lllost high st·hools. ...\ high sl'lwol t'<lll a]\\·ays Ill' illlpl'O\'Pd J,y obtainiu~ idt•:ts hot It in ll':tt·hi1Jg :tllll in or:,!:tnizat iou front a t•ol· lt•gP. .\ t•oliP!.!,I' dt•JH'1HIS for its support 11pon (])(' stndt•llts Sl'lll (o it front tht• high st·hoob-:, \\'h1'1't' till' dl'sil't' for l'd\lnlt ion 11rst lw!'0111t'S lixt•d in ~·o1111g uJi11ds. Tht- II igh ~··hool .. \ lnmni ..\ssiH·iation i. thP t'Oil1H't'ling liuk IH'h\'PI'll till' t·olll'gt• :IIlii tlu·ltigh st·hool. In spilt• of flw )11't•ssillg lli'Pd fo1· all .\11111111i .\sstwiatioll, 1111· 1 il l!IOS t]l(' .!.!.l':tdualt•s of till' ( 'ltarnpai:,!ll l1igh sl'llllol pt'1'Jilit tl'd thl' l'nh·t•t·sity to t•ast a :lt:tdow 11\'t•r t l11•iJ· h i!.!.h st•hool ;wt h·it iPs, a ud t·onsPq11P1ltly till',\' took \'1'1'." littlt• intt•rt•st in high st·hool :lll'airK It 1'1'111CiinPd fol' :lllllndt•1'gi'<I!11lall' body to fo1111d thl' JI1'1'St'nl ..\htlll· 11i ..\!'StH'ieltio1t. .\lu1osl t•JltiJ·t• !'J'!'dit fo1· lht• fol'lllillg of tlu• .bl"tH'ielt io11 lllliSI IH' gin•11 to thP l'lass of 1!10.'. l4illt't' tht•Jt, hm\'t•n•r. th1• oldPr 1111'1111H•rs hart• ht•!'U doing tlu·ii· shHn'· ~\ t'OIIllttil t !'!' e1 ppoint t•d h,\' t ht• ..I ass of 1!1(),' !"IH'!'t'Pdt•d in gt•1 till.!.!. Jog!'tiH'I' Clhtllll I:!;) .\lllllllli, i111'11111ing rt•prt•st•nte~tin·s f't·ont most of ihl' t•):tl'S!'S CIS fell' h;lt'k as J~j',', 1'hl' haiiiJIII't ]11'0\'l'd <I :-:lll'!'t'SS. 'l'ht• dinru•1· was good and t ht• toe~sts e11111 iulproptu spt•t•t·lu·s show•••l a gt·t·at illtl'rt·st in thl' l'!'llllioH :tllll tltt• formHtioll of e1 JH'rnl:lll!'llt organizatio11. Lt•slil' (lJt•llll, '!IT Cldt•d :t:-: 'l'oelsltll:l.'tt•1', aud 1'1'· sp11nsPs \\'!'1't'1ll:tdt• h,\' .J. )), \\'all:u·(•, .:\Irs. F.)). Hngg. W!Py, La\\"1't•nt·!' II inn1a11, IL ( '. Xt·lsoll, Clllll l4upt. EHl'IIPSI. .\ IH'rlll:l· IIPIIt o1'!.!,Cinizat ion \\'a.· Plft•t l!•tl. .J. )). \\'allat·t• was Pll'l'lt•d l'I'P~i dt·nt ~ E. l. 1;urkt·, 'l'1·t•;t:-:111'!'1': B.<' .• "pJson, ~t't'1'Pt<II',\': Fr:uJI· n:tl'· land, .\ssi~tant l41'1'l'Pt<II'Y: \\'. B. ltilt·y First,.\. I>. ~lullikt•ll, ~e1·· oud, K . .:\1. J);tllPllh;wh, Third, :tllll L. H. Kiug·, Fourth Yit·t··l'1'PSi· tll'lll:--. .\ t'Ollllllit t<•t• t'Oillpost'd of B. ( ' ... "pJsoll, '""-" \\.otHI,\' <111tl .J. J), '\';lll:tt·t· \\'<IS Hppoilltl'd to dm \\' up By-I.a\\ :-; a Btl <1 •ou:-:titutioll. 0111' of till' lw~l nro\'t'llll'llls st:u·tt•d at tlH• tlli'Pting wm·· that of ha,·iug ..Ias~ 1lli'Jilht•1'S 1'1']1111'1 to l4upt. E:t1'11!'St at dill'l't't•nt tillli'S ~tating wlt:tt thl'i1· llll'1llhi'I'S Cll'l' doing and otht•t· f'al'tS !'Oil· 1'1'1'1lillg tht• gt·adll<lti'S that tlligltt ht• of ill(!'1'!'SI.
", 'aughty
l')C .''-~IR. EI.I.S\\'uRTH •
'I'IIP St'l'llllll h:tlii(UP( \\':t!" JtpJil Oil .J\Itlt• lfi, 1!10!1 :llld JII'OYI'd fo I"' quil1• as all l'lljoyahl1• al'l'ail' as th1• fit·st. .\bout 110 \\'1'1'1' pt'I'S· l'llt. .Jus. (';ll'll't', B<t,\':tl'd Bl':tl'il, CiPo. 0. C'oggs\\'PII, .\lbs Edith ~l'tlllt•uhut·gh :tlld ~11pt. F:tt'lli'S( I'PSJH»Ildl'd to to:t."ls. B,v till' I illlP t Ilis hook i~ out Jll'oha hly t hP plalls 1'111' litis ,\'l';tl''s ha tli}UI't wi II be JIPt'fl•t·fl·d a lld lllH,\' it pro\'1' 1'\'t'll a gt'<·a I PI' sw·t·Pss ill illi'I'I'CISillg tl11• ]lli'JlllH'J'Silip :tlld \\'o!').;: of tJt1• <ISSIH'iatioll, fll:tll lh1• oth1•J' hauquPis. TI1P thit·d .n·at· of' th1• associatio11 i~ t'Oill llll'lll'illg \\'I'll. TIH•t•t• is lllOW'\' i11 tilt' Tl'l'<lstJJ'\' ( :tlld this \\'ithou1 ' all,\' l'Pg-lli<IJ' dlJ(•s). tht• .\lllllllli I'I'I'IIJ'd is lli'CIJ'illg t'lllll)llt•tioll, <Ill· Ptht•t· Plljnyahl1• :-;•wial all'ait· is hPiug lookPd f'or\\'al'd to, <11111 J:n·gt'I' wot•ks :tl'l' hping plallllt'd-tiH· assol'iatioll ill\'it••s tilt' l'ollfidt•Jli'P of i('a•·IH·t·s and studPilts in tl,11• \\'ork of' tJ·ying (o lll:tkP C'h:tlllpaign 1h1• h1•st ltigh sl'ltool iu t h1• t'Ollllt ry.
Ft·allk .\lalthy 'I, ', f'ot'llll't'l,\' \\'itl1 i111· P:tJJ<tllla C':tual C'onstt·nl'tinll J)I'JIHl'lllll'lll is llO\\' l'ltid t'llgilll't'l' f'o!' J)odgP & J)a,\' ill l'hihtdt'lpltia. liP \\'<Is \\'ot·killg f'ol' tl11• .\lississippi Hi\'t'J' ('olllHtissioll fmut 1~. ':i-1 !10 L L. ~tuitlt, 'I,', Phi B1•ta K<lppa, t·. of' 1., is no\\' :t :\luHi•·ipctl -itHI)-!1' ill ~\IimH·apolis. liP utm'l'iPd C:t·a•·•· llt•ctl••.\', '1!1, and lirPs :11 :!01,' Il~t\\'tltot·tH' .\n•.
Ed\\'ill Kirnhall, ·. 0, alld of L of I. ':-il, is IIO\\' Ex•·lt:lllgl' t•di · tor· of tht• ('!lit·<.go l:t'I'OI'd llt·rald a111l author· of rn:tll,\' sltllt·t stot·il's. C'ltar·ll's Lilly, '. 0, aud of (". of I. ·~1. is Jill\\' Pt·l'sidl'llt autl .lauag<•t' of sP\'1'1'<11 \\'holPsal•· autl iutpm·ting tit'IIIS iu ~ ..attll' :111d Pot·tlaull. liP Jll:ti'I'it•d .Julia Putll:tlll. C'lal'a Ciodft'l',\', \ ' 1, \\'ltosP st:tgP ll<lllll' is .\lat·ip Dalltl's, is still :11'1 i11g ill 1'\\' Yot•k ( 'ity. llal'l',\ ~. ( il'indll',\'. 'st, (". of I. 'ss, awl Ilan•ar·d '!II. is uo\\' Pt·ofpssot· of .\Jlitnal C'ltt•tnistry at thl' ('.of I. :tlld thP authot· of lll:t ny l'WiPnt i fi<· works. ·athan "·•ston, ·~t. C. of I. '.'!l, allll C'm·np)J 1!101 i: .\s~ist :lllf Profpssm· of EI'Ollotni•·s at tlH• tT. of I. \\'anted-all men'. ca t off clothing.-J l 4ti
LJ \
.\nun J'J•it·" ·~:;, t•nh·«'r~il ,\' of .~eh. '!IL, 1·. of I. '011, awl T·ui \'l'l'~ily of ~outh ()akota 1!101, i~ a ·:-:i:-;t<llll ill thP lihl':tl',\' of El'o uotuit·:-:<~t the t•. of L IIPIPII J:uttL'I'fif'ld, 't-:7, lht·." in B•·oold,\ n . •. Y. awl is th" \\'if· · of .Johll ~l'hounllll\'<'11. Hla• i~ a llll'llllH•J' of tltt• . d10ul bo:l!·d and of \ ' (IJ'iOliS SlH'it•f iPS f )11'1'('. Ost•:n· 1'. ('hc'.·iri·. ·, , ', i~ au iu:II'\I('tol' iu thP nwclit-al clt>part lllPIII of ~·oJ•fh\\'P~1Pl 'll t •Jii\'('l'i"it,r UPt·t ( 'oopPr. '!10, i: tran·lliul-!. . alr-:nl:IH "ith hPa•lctU:JI'II't'~ at ~~·a 11 IP, \\Ta:11i11~t 111. · "' B,\' l'Oll .\lolll'c•, l-\:1, :0:1111 of fol'IIIPI' ~upt. . lool'l', b no\\' t•ng:q.~··d iu 1hr t·hi'JIIil-al hH:inc·:-:s iu Buffalo .~ . Y . ..\llic• Bl:linP, !ll, af1Pl' a l'OI1l'i'P in ldndl•l';.!.HT'IPll at till' lhill IloHsP awl iwn .n·an~ : ultsr ql1Pll1, i now )Irs. l•. ('. \rilliam:-: of
i his eity. ,J:JIIII'S
.Jo]lllsOII, '!lfl, i:-: .')lpt. or the D:tll\'illl' Sll't'l'l J'aiJway
:-:y~t 1'111.
Ed wi11 ( ha pin, '!If). is nt:ti'l'it·d ·mtl lin·: at l· I't'l'JIIIl'l, Ill.
i:-; PditoJ' of n
Hoy }):n•idsoll, '!17 i:-o :-;ta(f' l't' ]tl'l':-::Pnt:lih<' of
lllilliug- t'ollt't'l'll
l'l'l'l-ll'ol t, •\ rizoua. \\·. ~ha\\·h:tll, '!17, is :t l'i\'llt>Hgini'Pl' ltw:ttl'd at ('hol:ll'll. .\!iss. liP lll:tl'l'iPd 'l'lll'l'l'~:t J:J•own oT .\Jhmnltt'<l, .\li-.:i'· L<•P .Jutlon, '!1~, is in ihl' l'ttllstl'lwiion d<•pal'lllll'lll of tht· Xot·tlJWI'SIPl'll I:ai1J•o:ttl. l11• is lll:ti'l'il'll nncllin•s ill Oak l':tl'l\ . • "nth:tn ~lt'l'll, '!1!1, is JH':t<·t h·in~ Jaw in ( 'lti1·ago. Elr.:t ~tal··~· ·oz, is tht• wif<• ol' Hnlph l'iti~, thl' 1... of I. lt:tst·· l,;tll sl:tl'. 'l'ht',\' Jiw• on :t fm·In HP:tl' ( 'hillieofh<•. ~lo. L:tlll'I'IH't' llinman. ii' iP<H'hill~ in thl' I'J,ilippiHP~. Kal'l J)allPHlJal'h, 'O(i, gradwdP~ this yP:tl' f1·out tl1t' IT. of I.
:1 I
lit• is :111 in~h·udor in 1':-:yl'holog,,·. BP:ttl'i<'<' Balllt, '(), ' ts ~<·ri'l•tan fol' th<• '!'win l'it ,\' .\lotnl' ( u . in < 'ha 111 pa ign. \rnytu• .JohB:o:oll. ·o,· i. :-:low]\' t·et·oH•J·ing- fr·o11t his .. ,.,·ion. hm·u~ J'P<'•'i\'1'd whiiP \\ orkin~ fol' tlt<' ('Olllll11111\\' l':tHll Edi:-on El••<' I l'i 1• L i!.!.h t. I 'o. i n • I i 1111 P a po1i: .\.
"1 'C) ' in Hlin not for more but f or 'S ) monr.' ••
Rm: n
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THE CHAMPAIGN HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY SOCIETY FI'Piing that a high ~l'ltool of tit«' ~ir.t• of' om·:-: sltonlcl uot h1• \\'i(ltolt( SOlli<'I'I'Jli'I'SI'llta(i\•1' organi:wtioll of' tl1o~l' illtt•I'I'~(I'd in lit 1'1'<11',\' at·th·itil's, and in tltt• illl]li'O\'!'IIH'nt to ht• gaint'1l 1'1'11111 ''~~<H'i;l tion \\'itlt IH'I'~olls \\'itlt likP idt•als, in tl11• fall of' 1!107, l'l'l't<till ill~tl'lll'tor: awl ~tudPnts brought ahuut tlw orgauizatiou of till' ('!tampa ign I I igh ~1'1111ol Litt•I'<Il',\' ~<wi<'ty. .\ t·oust it ut ion WHS :tdopll•d with t ht• Jll'll\' b-;ioll f'o1· t h1• 1'11•1'1 ion I'HI'h ~'l'liii'Stl'l', of' t l11• f'ollowi11g otlil·l'rs: a JII'I'Sicll•nt, two vil'l' Jll'l'~icll•llts, a St'l"l'l'ta1',\', a ti'I':ISIIJ'I'I', <I l"l'ili1·, :1 lllll~ii-;Jl dil'l'l'(lll', alll]llll'lllhl'I'S of tlll'l'l' stalldill!.!, t'Oilllllilti'I'S. Thosl' who at sollll'l inw han· lwld 1·hil'f' ollil'l' in tlt1• SIH'il't,\" Hl'l' . \1·tlt111' ~;n·ag1•, .Jfl'l'\\",\' 11 Osh!ll'lll', :tllll .\Ita ('ald -
\n•JJ. '1'111' t·oHst it ut io11 Jll'o\·idt•s that a husilll'ss 1111'1'1 ing sha II IH• IH•Id aft PI' s1·ltool oil t hi' ~I'I'Oilll Friday of 1'<11'11 lllolltlt. Till' dl'lih l'l'alions of' tlt1• SIH'il't,\' :11'1' I'OJI<Inl'il'll witl1 partin!lar :tttl'lltioll to tltl'il' \'<IIIII' as a drill in pm·lianH·ntary ns:tgl'. Tltl' 1'\'l'llillg of til<' fourt l1 F1·ida.v of' t lw lllollt h is I'I'SI'1'\'I'd for a I ill•1'<11',\', mnsi1·a I. :111cl s1 w i" I p1·ogra 111. 'I' It I' d 11 t i1·s o11 t IH'S<' p1·og1·a 111 s a I'<' pi a 1111 Pd and assig1H'Il hy a ]11'11/.!,THlll I'OIIllllitll'l', a111l ally llll'lllh1·1' lcu·king a good I'XI'IIS<' for f'aihll'<' to JH'I'f'ol'lll Ids part is filii'<!. It is a 1'1111' tin!( 1111 IIIII' sh;t]l hi' l'I'IJllil'l'd to Sl'1'\'t• 1111 fht• JI1'11J.!,1'Hill 11101'(' (h<lll (Wil'l' <I Sl'llli'S(I'1'. 'l'ltt'SI' lattl'1' IIH'I'tillgS <11'<' oftl'll lu•ld <II pl'i\'<111' ht11lll'!' ill (1Jp ]ll'l'~t'lll'l' of llH'lllht'I'S Hlld f1·i1'1lll:-; of tht• Sll('il'l,'", hut Stllllt'· tinl<'S <'SIH't·ial]II'I'JI<Il'alimt is Jll:llll· ou a pnhlil- ]11'11!.!.1':1111 to hi' gir\'11 ill till' Iligl1 ~~·hool hnilding. .\ Li1J<·ol11 ]11'11!.!,1'<1111 ;1111l llllll'k " Who c en.· r~ tlw ught is of her cl f."-
).I t RR.\Y,
.~r:llluniion 1':\l'l'<'i~l's \\<'1'1'
:-;,•asonahlP fPntnl'l'~ of hro ~IH'h opt'll ,Vl':tl'. Til<• 1111'111 h<•rsllip of' tilt· ( '. I I. ~. L. ~. has ht'l'll a <'l'<•d it to it : it~ lllt'tllht'J's 11:1\·1' <·lainJI'cl a lat'g<· pt•J'I'I'Htag<· of ~t·hool llollut·:-:. 'l'lll• ot·ganization stat·tl'd with ahout tWI'IVP <·hartl'l' lllt'lllht•t·s, and, tho lo~ing !'OIIH' \\'itllthl' graduation of' th<•t·lass of'(), it h:HI thirf,\' oil its !'IIJI dlll'illg ( IJt• SI'I'IIJIIJ SI'JIH•S(I'I' of last ,\"1'<11'. JIH'Pting~ l:t~l
l·nfot·tullatl'l,V t ht• ( '. I I. ~- L. ~. \nts t·at ht·t· in:wt i\'1' during t ht• fit·st :->t'llti'Stt·r of tllis ,\'t':tl'. 'l'h1• I'OIII'st• in pnhlit· spt>:tkiug il' supplying wh;lt st udt•Jits,tr,\·ing to I'll It i\·atl' P:t~t· and t'oJTt' l'tllt'ss iu l')H'akiug hl'fot'l' an awlil'lll'l', fot'lltl'l'l." lntd fon11tl in thP l"IH'iety. .. \gain, t II<' ( '. II. ~. L. ~. is l'<'l'tl\'I'J'illg front t l11• I'II't·l·t oft ht• tt•Jll)Hf t·at·y han laid 11pon it hy tltl' hoard of l'dtll'atitlll. Ht·l·aust• of it:-: t·onst it 111 ion, I h1• lat f<'l' found it ll<'I'Pssnt·.'· to inl'ltHIP t hP ( '. I I.~. L. ~-in tlH• list of' f'm·hiddl'll t•luhs, ft·;tt<'l'llitil's :tlld sm·ol'itil's . • · ow wit It t hP adopt io11 of H 111'\\' I'OIIsl it nt ion and tll1• ~UJIJHII'l of' tIll' lto:n·tl of t>dlwatioll, HnclundPI' th1• ahiP dil't'l'tionof .\lr. ~IIIith, tilt• <'hantpaigu lligll ~1'11ool Litl't'<tl',\' ~tll'il't,\' is gaining n 11<'\\' h•:t:-;t• of' I i I'P. E. ~. 'II! I.
THE MELANCHOLY DAYS Exmninat ion \\'PI'k. Tilt• llll'l:t Jll'lloly days :tl't' t'olltl', tIll' saddt·st of' t l11· ,\'<'<II', \\'itllquiz<•s long :tllll IParning hlllll, :till! 1<'<11'111'1':-- sti'I'll and qlll'l'l', I lt·;qwd in tilt· hooks and dl'sks at·ound, tilt' notPho11k l<•:t\'t•s lit> l'l':t d ; 'l'l11·y t•nst II' to t l11• st•a l'l'h ing llm1d a 11d 1o .JI iss ~\\· it Z<'r's IJ'l':td. Tilt' ~t·niot·s and 1ht• \risl' :tl'<' flo\\'11, and f't·ont t l11•ir sPats tIll' nay, \\'hill' f't'lllll tl11• plalf'ornt I'Ollll's tl1t> quiz, thl'llll;,!ll all IIIP sony da,·. \\'PI'k L:tti'J'. \\. ht•J'I' at'l' tilt• lluukPI'S, thP fair young llnukPt'S, tl1at l;ttl'l,\' lookt•d [so g:t,\', J 11 rihh Ills and t tu·ha 11s lligl1 and sw1·a lt·t·:-: J't•d ot· gt·a y'! . . " . •\Ins, tl11•y nil <II'<' i11 tlll'il' SP<tls, that l1appy-go-ltwJ.:y l'l'owd .\t·1· sitting in t l11'i1· lit t II' sl':tls, \\'it II a l'l'fl\\' ll artd 11ot looking pmtld . 'I'I1P ,.J,wk is t it·killg as hPfoJ'P, hut I llllllghts of d;tys to 1'111111', ('alb 1101 fJ'olll out tl11·il' .:.!looJII,\' litood, th1• IIIII's who did I
" • O\\ O\ <'T 111
l'iatt Count).''-:'-! R. L
t'(,lll,I, ,
~·---·· ::: c.: /,
\\OHK 110 1: I â&#x20AC;¢
MANUAL 'TRAINING 'l'hl' tirst l'I'I'OI'dt>tl :Jt·tioll by tl11· hoard of l'thJt·atiml pPl'tctininJ,!: to ?llamutl '!'raining in t hi' ( 'hantpaigH public scho11ls was at a l'l'g ular 1111'<'1 in~ o\'t'Jllht•t· !1, 1S!IT. .\ t t hi:-: lllt'l't ing ~llP<'I'illti'JIIIPnt t 'artl'l' t•allt•tl for an <'XPI't•s:-;iou from tht• ll!P!lllwt·s of !Itt• ho:ml ;ts to t!u·ir opiuious of tht• iutJ·otlnl'lion of' ..\lctnll:tl 'I'J·aiuiug iu tl11• high st'hool. TIH• qlH':-;1 ion was I'Pft•J'l't•cl to t hi' tP:lt·hpJ·:; t'Oillfllit tl't'. '!'his t'OIIllllitlt•t• 1111'1 at tl11• honu• of .\ll·s. (':tl'llcthan (tit•· t•t·t•:tst•d l <illtl tiPI'idP<l to t•stahli:-:h tl11• dt•p:tl'tllll'llt, if thl',\' t·ould :O:t'· t'lll't' hy Sll)ISt'l'ip( io11 tht• lllOIH',\' IH't't'SSHI',\' f'ol' its t'l)lliplllt'lll. 'J'hl' .·11111 oft W<l"lmudJ·ptJ a111l :-;ixt,\' tlollaJ·s wa:-. St't'lll'l'tl. .\ roo111 in tht' hast'llH'Ilt was Jll'oYidt·d with ht'lll'ht•s a11tl tools. llt•I'I' work IH'~<III ..\l;m·h ~. 1~!1:--:, lllldt'l' tlw dirt't·tion of o!ll' of iltt' high .Tilool illstJ·ut'lm·s. 'l'ht' tirst ..\lallual 'I'J·aiuing tP<tt·ht•t·, ~IJ·. Wibm1, \\'H.' <'llg<tgt'd fol' t hi' l·Who11l _YI'<Il' 1!I();).'Oii. III' rl'lll:tilll'd 1111(' ,\"l'lll'. 'l'h<· )ll't'S('Ilt iustl'lldor, ..\11'.•\tll'll n. Pippit Sllt'('(•('dl'd ..\lr. 'Yilsou a11d has hatl full <·h:ti'gt• of t hP wmk sillt'l' his Pllg:tg<'· llii'Ht. 1'hp tlt•partllH'Ht has at all tillli'S I't•t·l'in·tl tht' hP<ll·t.\' l'll}l· port of tl11• hoard, tl11• f'at·nlt~·, :111d tilt' pupils. 1'hl' t'Olll'SP of ..\IaHnal 'l'miui11g ontliut•tl f'or thP ('hampaign :-;t'!10ol:-; 1'0\'l'l's a JH•t·id of ti\'1' ypm·s-fom· _YI':Il'l' in 1hP gratll's :uul <Ill<' y<·m· in thP high st·hool, with a Jlo:-.sihlt• two ,\'l':ll'l' in t hP lligh st·hool. ('m·t't'd IIIPthods in haudli11g- tools art• taught in m·dpt· that good tt't'llllit(lH' Jll:t,Y hP :H·qnit·Pcl. 'l'ht• tool wm·k is :tt·t·onlpaniPd l•y a stn<ly of trPPs, thPil·.growth, tiH•it· t'harat·tPristit·s, aJHI tl11•ir liSP . ..\lt•t·ltallit':tl dt·awi11g is taught in its I'l'latiou to tltt• \\'ork tlollt'. "ludi\'idnal init iativp'" is sf illllll:tt<.. d hy allowil1g pupils to wm·k ont p1'ohh•u1s that iuyol\•p ill\"l'llt io11 aud dPsign. ThP priu<·i p I1'. • of 1·ou:-;;t J'lH't ion i11 woot 1 :n·p ta 11 g h t t h J'o ugh o h:-:t•t·va t ion :11u 1 PXJH'I'ii'IIt'l'. Xo I'Olll'sl' of wm·k is "sl:l\·i:;;Jlly" follm\'l•tl, hut 1hi' plan is fii'Xihll' t'llllllgh to allow pupils to l'lliHist• snl'lt pt·ohiPillS as will IIH'Pt t hPiJ· IH'Pds. ('mwlnsious tl!':l\\'11 from t'X}lPI'it•llt'l' IPatls Jill' to hPlil'\'<' thai ~faunal Tt·ainiHg, t'Ol'I't•t·tl,Y lllltli'I'sto<Hl aut! Jll'opPrly ta11ght 1ills a plat'<' in om· t•t!Ht'atioHal ~whPillt' that i:-. 11ot tH't'll]liPtl h.v :my otlli•J' hrallt'h of study. ~\dl'u n. Pippit.
:\fodcrn hot-air machinc-Lf
('J , \.- 1:\ \'OOKHHY
Cl A " IN
F:WJ:\« ,
,., n. "'· 1too1 ~:11
ATHLETICS OFFICERS OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION . . . . .. . . . . . . .... . .. . . .. .. . .. .... .. . . . .
H.\ Y
BoiL · .
\'ii'P·l't·PsidPHI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fit.\ . 'K H .\.\H~Y. ~('('l'Piat·y ................................• J l ' I.J.\ I )Eimon:JJ. '1'1'1';\SIIl'(')' •••.• . • . • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • •\IlL
B l"t'TJ:ttJ't ELI I.
( 'ltait'tllctll of.\ tlllPti1· ( 'ollllllit IPP of Hwml of EdlJ(•at ion .\Itt. .J. .\lt~l!''t'HO. '!: . • \tIt ]pt i.- })j)'('('1 Ill', .\lt!'S 8\\' t'I'%EtL
..\ssistant .\thl1•lk ))iJ·p('(or . .\ln. Ht ''t"t' EHFIELII. F<HI'I'JI .\I,l •.
<'apt a in •\lauagpr
Do. I Lun·o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •\1 u . •\IILI.Im.
( 'o;H·h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..•.•... M H.
H. LJ'J"t'U:.
( 'aptai11
"'()(1[)('()('1\: •
•\lauagl't' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ('II.\ It! E;-; Ilot' l:ll. ('mtl·lt . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. •\Itt
\!1 \1111\\".
('apt :till
. . . • . . . . . . . • . . • . . • . • . . . . . • . . • . . . . . •\\'OX .. ~I<'KEHSO ••
.\ln. .\IIt.XE. ( 'o:u·ll ......................................... .\ln. \fn .. · t·:. •\lauagPt' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .
11.\SEJI.\ l.L.
('aptaiu .....................................J.\~TE!' ..\lana~PI' ...................................... Mn . C'onch ..................... .' .................. :.\fn.
Bn~II'K .
NEW ORGANIZATION OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Tlu• ~wltool,v<'at' of l!IO!Itnarks thP hPginillg of a ll<'W, WPII organizl'd ~\thh·tk asso<·iatioll. ~lr. .\l'lltstJ·ong, <·hail"llt<tn of tl11• nthiPti<· l'OllllllittP<' of thP hoard of Plhwatiou, illl'Oll:-;nltntilln witlt ~llpPI'iniPH<iPnt Em·upst, aud <'Pl'taiu nu•tnhPrs oft hi' fa('ulty, drP\\ 11]1 thP lii'W l'Oilst it ut ion alHl }ll'PSPlltl'd it to thP stlHll'nt hody oil ~Pptl'nth<'r :w. It was \\'<'ll I'P<'Pin•d. Iu it \\'Pl'P nt<llly l'alli<·al dt<lllgPs. Fm'Pllto~t a1110llg thPsl', is tllt• "hoard of l'Olltro]," \\'lti(']t is ('OIIIJlOSPd of t\\'o f<t!'Ult,Y liH'IItilt'l'S of lhP ass<wiation and two stndPnt nu•JIIhPl'S. 1'hl' l'OIIst itution pro\'id<·s that tit<' f:u·ulty lltPnthPrs shall hP: <·hainnau of nthlPti(' l'Olltmiltl'<' of hmml of <'<hH·ation; thP athlPt it- llil'Pdor, who is thP prilldpal of thP high sdtool, <tlld thP assistant athlPt i<· di l'<'dor, who is thP trpasm'Pl' of thP assol'iation; it also }H'oYilll•s tltat j)tp stlH]PUt llH'lllhPl'S shall hP: j]tp ]ll'<'SidPllt aud S('('l'Pl<ll'~' of tltP a:-;sociation. Tht> last thl'PP shall lH' !'ltospn hy lllPlllh<'I's of thP as· slwi<ltion. Th<'l'l' is also a dtangl' ti'JHling to iiH·t·pasp 1h<' a<lralltagps of nwmhPrship: uo on<' hut lltl'llthPrs <·an rot<·; alHl no ollt' hnt llH'llllwrs <·au play ou auy lP:tlll <·outt·ollP<l hy t hP asso('iat io11. Prohal>ly one of the grpatest ~ulnmtag<•s of th<• llP\\' m;sol'iat ion, is ltaYing a faculty memht•r, trPasm'Pl'. 'l'his iusm·<•s that thP lmsillPss atl'airs of lhP asslwiatiou will hP attPnd<•d to iu a (lil'Pd m<·th odkal llt:tunPr . •\( the ]a:-;( lll('Ptiug· ill tJH• :\SSI'llllJJy l'OOnl, t]H' g'l'PHt<•S( (•lltltll · siasm pl'PYnilP<l. )!iss ~" itzPr, )Ir. HuttPI'fi<'l<l, Hay Born and .Julia l)pn·ongh HI'<', <H'('Ol'(liug to thP <·ou:-;titution, to HPl'\'P on tltP llO<ll'<l of ('Ontl•ol. Ha~T Bm·u \\a:-; PlP<'tP<l JH'P:-;id<•llt; Frauk HamP,\', Yi<·P-JH'P:-;i<lPnt; .Julia I>PITongll, ~P<'I'Pt:n·y; a11d ~II'. HuttPrfiPid assistant athlPti!' <lii·Pdm· and tr(•a:-;m·l'I'. ~o far all han• tillPd tlH·ii· oflil'l'~ most Pflil-iPntly au<l harP llSPd thPil' judgntPllt a11d influPll<'<' most <Hh'antagponsly fm· Champaign Iliglt ~<·!tool athlPt i<·s. <IIHl iu a lllHlllll'l' <·nt irPly :-;at isfadory to all Jlli'JlliH·t·s of' t hP assn· <·iation. F. F. '11.
,\ quiet, demure Ia
~.-O I .Ll \'1
.\f1 'JJ.F\'.
:.'=: â&#x20AC;¢ Ill
FOOTBALL FOR 1909 \\'i th all of tl11• pupill:' ill tht•lti~h ~whool Pligihll' for athlPtit·l:', thr l!IO!Il:'qu:td, altho t'otllJ"'~"d on thP gt·t•atl·r pal't of !It'\\' maiP· rial, ~!at·tl'd oil' with :ttl t•utit·t'l,\' dill't•J'PIIt ~pit·it ft·uut that :-;hown thl' Jll'l't'l'l'dillg _rP:tl'. ('omddl't'illg tlw illi'.:\JH'J'il'lll't' of tht• plct,\'t'l':o;, :tlld 111<111,\' otht•J' ~l't h;ll'k~ I'XJII'I'il'lll'l'd h_r thP Sl(Hctd, tht• f-:P:I~OII 111:1,\' ht• rt•gat·tlPd Slll'l'l':-;~ful, :1~ tht• lll:tjorit,r of' thl' ga1111'~ pla,\'Pd wt•t·e \\'Oil,
Ea1·ly i11 ~Pptt•JtthPJ' till' lit•st fo ••thallmt•t·tillg was lu·ld. ~\t thi:-; llll't'lillg .\lallagt•t' ~lilll't' :tllllotlllt'Pd tltat ht• h:ul st•t'lll'Pd ~It·. Lit til', :111 authot·it,\' o11 foot hall, as t·o:tl'h: :111d <'apt a ill Oshot'lll' i~ !'tlt'd thl' t'IIS(OIIICII',\' t•;tJI fot' \'OIIIIlll'l'l':-;, 'J'hl' foJJo\\'illg :tflt•J'IIOIIII ~~ hou t thirty I'I'JIOI'I I'd to ( 'o:lt'h L i It It•. Tht•Jl t ht· fooha II sPa soli hl'g:tll ill 1':11'111'!'1. \Yit It l'<ll'h lllflll tt·ying to outdo IIi. oppotH'llt fot' a po~it ion 011 t Itt• 11':1111 <IIHI with a t'Oill]'l'll'llt t·oat•h hunyi11g IIJI t hP stt·agglt•J·~. th1• squctd was soon in fail'ly good shap1•. ~~·pti'JIIht•t· :!:1, th1• .\lat·onnl:' pl:t,rl'cl tlll'il' fil·st g:tllll', a~ai11:-;t 'i'u~t'ola high :·whool, and dl't·isirt·l.v dl'ft•:ttl'd that tl':tlll hy t hi' St'ore of 10 to 0. In tlti:-; g:tlllt' ('apt;tin ()o.;htll'llt' \\':Is injtll'l'd <IIIII \\':IS fot'l'l'll to gi\'1' up tl11• ga111t' fot· th1• SI':ISOII. Btll'ton \\"CIS l'll'l'll'd I':IJllctill i11 !tis phH'I'. (ktohl't' !1, till' (l'ctlll I'III'OIIIItt·t·l'cl tht• "l't•t•ps." In tht• last ft•w lllilllllt':-> of play \\'nodl·twk, right t•nd, madt• t h1• on I,,· totlt'hdo\\' 11 of thl' g:tllll', a11d aftt•J'\\'al'ds ki1·k1•d goal. Tlu• filutl St'OI'I' :--tood li to 0 in farot· of till' ~lat·ooHs. 'l'h1• following ~aturday a g;~nu• \\':ts playl'd \\'ith Ha11toullli~h st·hool. This was :111 PHS,\' ri1·iot',\' fo1· ( 'lt:tiii]Htign, tilt' ti11al Sl'ot·~· \\ctsl'itoO. (ktohi'I' :!:;, tlH· .\lat·ooll~ pla.\'1•d again:-;! thl' fast a11d ht•:l\'\' t1•an1 front ..\lattoo11. This \\'ct~ a l'lt•all, h;n·d fought gallll'. 111 th1• tir:-;t half lll'itlH•t· sidt• st·m·l'd, hut in th1• Iaiii'!' part of tht· ht~l half tht• .\l;tJ'tHIIIS Slll't'l'l'dl'tl ill Jllltlillg thP haJJ 0\'1'1', t'lll]illg till' !.!,<IIlii' \\'itJI fhP ~t·m·p of :ito 0 ill il11•ir f;l\'ot·. 'f'hl' folio\\ ill!.!, \\'PI'k tht• .JI;ti'OIIJI~ Sttffl'l't'd tlll•it· fiJ•st dl'f'l';tl <It tl11• hautls of 1)auvilll• high :-;t·hool. 'l'ht• g<tllll' was a hard hat tIt' fi'Oill start to finislt,l':ll·h (l'fllll did its ulnto~t to wi11. })anvilll' st·ot'l'tl o11 :t tluk1• i11 il11• tit·:--t ltalf hut failt'd to kit·k goal. In tlll' Sl't'olld half ntll' nppollt'lll.' stat'tl'd in with thP intt•lltinll of :ttltli11g fn tl11•ii· ~t'Ol't•, :tlltl <'hfllli]Hiigu Tligh \\'ith thl' illtl'lltinll of whmill!! "Qnin'' Kllcr-3112
W. llill Street.
thP ganw. Altho the .Jfaroon~ failrd tn clo thi~. thP,Y kept D:ur Yillr front ~~·oring and ~lH'<'<'<'<l<'d in :ultliug two JHiiuts to flu•it• own ~t ' OJ'P, \\'hirh had fol'tll<'l'ly lu•t•Jl l'<']ll'PSPII(l'd h,\' a goosp t•gg." 'J'hP 1inal st·OJ'l' stood .\Iaroo11s-~; I>. I I. ~.-;}. \0\PillhPJ' t:~. in tht• first out of town gaHH' pla,\t•t1 with XOI'· mal high :-whool thP )[m·ooll~ wt•rt• dPfPatPtl. 'l'ht•. OJ'Ilt:tl 1<':1111 was t·omposP<l of a ht•ariPJ' mu1 morP t•XpPriPlH'Pd pl:t,\PJ's, hut thP Maroons put up a phH·ky tight, :tiHl W<'l'P <'OillpiiHH'Illl'd hy tlu•ir op· poHPills for 1lu•it· grit :11111 JIN:-iP\'Pl'<'tH·P. • o\Plllh<'I' ~o. th<' )larooll: pl:t,\'<'<1 a fast :md furious gaHJt' with I>Pt·atm· Ili~lt, at Dt•t·atm·. 'l'hP t<•aJlt was at·t·mllp:llliPd hy a larg<' t'rowd of "roott•rs." Both tP:tlllS fought hard lht•twut iltt' <•ntirP gam<', hut \\'<'1'<' mwhiP to ~~·ort•. ThP ga11u• t•ndPd with ih~> !:-it'OI't' of 0 to 0. On 'l'ha11ksuiviuoM D:t\' \\'t' W<'l't• <1Pft':ttl'd h\' Olll' I'irals frolll at·ross tlH·Iint•, 'l'hot•ttlnu·u Ili.!.dt ~l'lwol. Our oppo11Pllls out\\'Piglll't1 us front 10 to 1;) pouuds to a man, iht•y also had PXIH'J'i<'IH't'tl p]a_Y!'l'S. 'l'hP snt·t·Pss of thP tPallt, to a ~l'<':tl t•XtPn(, was dtH• to thP skill and <'Ht•t·gy of <'o:tl'll Littlt· aut1 to thl' systPmatit· wmk of .\l:tll:t_!.!.<'l' .\I iller. Tho:o;e Parniug· "('" \\'PI'<': ( '.-~llllllll('l'l'i. H. 0.-<'arf<'l' L. CL ~izPt' mH1 .\IoiiS<'l'. H. T.-~<'ll:ll'Cls. L. '1'.- Kirkpatril'l-:. H. E.-\\'oodt·o<·k. L. K-Buzil'l-: and Kil<'l'. Q. B.-Barton a11d Kt•rll . .H. II.-~P.nnonr. L. I I.-.· it·kt•rson. 1•'. I L-Hong]Jton. ThP tt•:t111 was ahly assistt•tl hy I>allt•Hhat'lt, Finnigan a111l Darrah. ~
,Y. II.
Perhap. he will grow.-
H.\1.1'11 B \ Y!"J:\l,J· n.
IIOthfl DAJ.LE,'IIAl'll
AW... IIAHY L.AUGJ::!\ r
1\ OOJ)('O<.'K
IIOH â&#x20AC;¢ II~
BASKE'TBALL 1909-191 o 1'HE
\\'ood1 o< k, (Captain) ........•.. I•. F. Born . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I•. n I,a rgln t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It. I< ,\ mshary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.
1\Iaroons ...... u!l .\laroons ...... 2G .\laroons ...... :;;; .\Iuroons ...... :!:: .\lnroons . ..... :JI l\laroons ...... 211 .\faroons ...... 20 Maroons ...... 211
r(·ola . . . . . . . . . J nlahonwt •..•... 11 I..cHoy ......... 4t .\I ahomrt ....... 2U Clln ton . • . . . . . . 'i nlbson City ... 29 Preps .......... 24 Preps . . . . . .... 9
lluzil'k ........................ IL I•'. II ough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. <: . J)allenhadl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... R. <~ .
lnroons. . . .3 l\laroons ....• 35 .\laroons ..... -~~ .\Iaroons ..•.. 1t; .\lnroons ..... 2~ l\Iaroons •..... 21
,\laroons ...... 2
Decatut· ....... 14 Clinton ........ Hi Danville ....... 1!I Danville ....... 11 Bloomington ... 2S Bloomln~ton
(Tournament) .. 22 Bloomington ... 0
IL\~K E'l'l L\ LL HEY I E\r.
'l'Jtp haskPt haJJ !"'1':1~011 O)H'III'd wit It ~liiiH' \"1'1',\' I'XI·it i11g g:tllll'!"' lwt "l'l'll I hi' tP:tJII~ oft lw va!'ion~ <·la!"'sl'~. 'J'ItP tiJ·~t ga1111' n·~nltl'd in a vil'toJ',\" for· t lu· sopltolllOJ'I'S o\'1'1' tltP frP~hnwn h.'' a SI'OI'I' of 1:1-!1. In tlw follo\\'ing- gaJIII'S tiH• S(•Jtiors ddPHtPil th1• jnuiors :W-10 and tiH• :-;ophontlll'I'S :t.!-1.'. Of thP <·l<t~:-4 tPants thl' frpshlllPH dPI-'1'1'\'1' sJH'I"ial Jlll'llt ion for dP\'Pioping a stJ·ong· tP~llll frorn ~mall nta t Pria 1• •\hout J)l'<'l'llthl•J' 1, .\ssi::-;taut J)irPI'IoJ' HuttPJ'fiPIIl isstwd a 1all for l':t!Hiidatl'~ for t lw l<·:tlll. Pnwt i1·ally all who had phtyPII oil tlu• 1·la~s tPaJII~ 1'1'!:-'JlO!Hll•d, hnt tlH• sqna1l wa::-; soon 1'111 to ahont fiftPPII whPI'I' it J'l'lllailiPil. ( H t hi~ 11\llllhPJ' Hmn, .\mshal',\, \Yood· t'PI'k :tJHl L:tl'gPHt \\"l'l'P o11 l:t~t y<·ar's tPant. ( )n tlw PlPwntlt tiH• • JTola tl'illll <'<llll<' to <'h:tlll) aign <tJHl \\"<'1'1' <·a~il,\' <kf<·atP<L ThP ~~·OJ'<' stoo1l ;)!I to:~ in faro!' of thl' }lat·oo!l~. J)nring th<' lwli1ht~·:-; :tf't1•t' <l<'f<•atiug· thP ~lahmlll'l tPallt :W to 11 on tlu•ir floor. th<' jJcu·oou:o; )o::-;t t lu•iJ' lil'~l gauu· to L1•Hoy, ·ll to ·~:~. Thi:-; g<IIIH'. ho\\"1'\'1'1'. wa...; oil a :o;!llall floor, and t ltl' ( '. II. ~- ~qna<l ha1l uot ltl'l'll )'l'adi<·in~ ~t<'<lllil,,·. I)PI'I'JlllH'r :~1 tht• ~Iaroon~ again <kf1•at• d tlu• ~laholliPt tP:tllt :!:~ to :!0. Eal'l,\' in thl' s•·•·oJul Sl'tlll'!:'t<'l' tlH· .'la!'oo!ls Jlll't tlw <'linton tl':tlll oil tlu• !lwalllour and \\'oil, hut tlt<' following \\'l'l'k th1·.'· \\'1'1'1' dl'fPatPd h,\' th1• <lihso!l <'ity tPalll :!!1 to :!0. llo\\'l'\'1'1', thP showin~ that tlw lat IPI' t<•<tJll nt<td1• at th<' t•HJJ'nallll'llt Jli'0\"1'11 that tlu• Imagine one without the othei'-.\IJt. liiii .. ._ and hb red nel"ktie. !};)
:w points.
~l:ll'«Hlll il':tlll wa: 1hP lH't tPJ' hy at lt•ast ft•:t1 1hPI'I' \\':IS :1 Sli<'I'!'SSiou of Yit·tol'il':-; "Jlt·pps" :!!I to :!I, aud ))pt·atm· a:-; to 11 t t•a 111 liP XI \\'I'll t to ('I i 11 ton :md dPfa t I'd two ~:IIIII'S wit It Dan\'illt•, t Itt• ~Icn·oo11s lfito11.
.\ fter this flefor tJH• ho,no\-OYI'I' fJtp on thP lot·al lloot·. 'l'ltP t ht•ut ;~;; to 1;;, I 11 il11• wo11 ho1l1 :w to 1!I and
Blooudngtoll had hPt'll hoast iug fOl' Wl'Pk:-: how t•asy it \\·ould dPfP:t t t hi' ( '. I I. ~- tt•:tJII, hut tl11• :-:t·ot'l' wa:-: only:!~ to:!() iu f:t\'ot· ol'tht'\'isiting lt•<IJII. .\t l'lld of tltt• til·:-:t half tht' :-:coJ't• \\':tl' 1.' to !I i11 f':tYoJ' of ('. II. ~ .. but 0\'l'l'·t·ontidPilt'l' t'olltt•ihntPd to dPI't•at. .~ftt•r a \\'t'Pk of ant it·ipat iou and hm·d pral't i('(• til!' .\l:tJ'ooHs Wl'llt to tht' t•t•ntral Illinois Tom·uamPllf at l>Pt·atur. 'I'hP\' t'Oiltt•stant for iltP t''HJ>-IHomnino·. .... !h'P\\' tl11• otht•J' stJ'oll•• ~ ~ 011. It was tltP tiJ·st g:tllll' and t'\'PI',\"11111' was t•xt·itPd. 'l'hP J)t•t·abu· papt•t·s said that it was thP hPst gatut• 1'\'1'1' pla,n·d in Ih•t·atm·, and tht• ('hit·:tgo papPI's said it was "thP fpatm·p of thP tonruamt•nt." Pil'lm·t•s of tht• two IP:tllls \\'PI't' 1:tkt•n for tht• IIPWS· papt•J'l', a distinl'liou tlJHt 110 otht•I' tt•HJJJs l't't'Pin•d at thP touJ·ualllPill. Hloolllingtoll won, t ht• St'OI'I' was:.!:.! to :!1. 'l'hP St'OI't' stood 1!1 to 1~ iu favot· of 011• .\l:tJ'oolls for ahont 1i\'P nliuutPs, hut it t·h:tllgt•tl iu thP last miuntP of play. This gamP, ho\\'t'\'1'1', J'<tllkPd thl' .,laroons Sl't'Oild in Illinois, for 110 otiH·r 11':tllt l':tllll' withi11 l'lt•\'t'll points of Hlooudngtou, t hP statt• dtantpion. '1'111' thil·d "<IIIII' \\'ith. Hloomuiuton st·ht•dniPd hv .\lanao·pJ' ~ ~ llough P:tl'liPl' ill thP SP:tson, was at Blomllingtou, thp \\'PI'k following tht• (OIII'll<lllll'lll. 'f'ht> .\f:tl'O!IIIS \\'Oil tJ11• g<llrll' hy :t fol'fPitl'd ''<'Ol'«' of :.!-0. Wht•n tht•y anirt•d hon11• tiH•ir juhilaut spii·its found \'I'll( iu a snwll I'PIPhrat ion. This g:tllll' was to !tan• t•IHlPd tiJ<• SI'CI!'Oil, hut t!Jp .\lcti'OOIIS l'l'('l'i\'Pd Cl I'JJHIJI'lll!,'l' fl'Oill fht• "JIJ•t•ps" to play a l'lll'l:tiu t·aisi'J' to tltP Illinois-~liullt'~ota g<lllll'. 'l'hP,\' <H'<'P)lfl'd and dPft•atPd tltl' "l't·Pp:-:" :!0-!1. 'I'his Plldt•d tl11•ir hrilli:t11t :---
Dlll'illg 1111' SI'HSOII till'_\' pbtyt•d fif't<'('Jl gHIIIP!'. Of thl'~(' tht•\' lost only four, <llld \\'Oil lltosl of' I hi' ot hPJ's h_y largt• St'Ol'I'S. 'I'ht•,\' lost oul_,. ow• g<llllt' ou I ht• lot•al tlooJ'. 'l'ht• pl'OSJH'<·Is HI'<' good for a winuing tPHIII llt•xt ,\'1'<11', alt hongl1 lht• of tIt I' l-'1'\'t'll "( ... 1111'11 han• pbtyt•d tiH·it· la::-t g<tiiH' for tlH• .\laJ·oons. 'l'ht·s<• <tl'l' " 'oodt'odi:, .\lllsh;IJ·,,·. Hot'll, Hur.il'l-: and I>al1"n ha 1'11. A good C\ er~ day sot't a fellO\\ .-EU.l'Htn:.
\Yoo<ko<'k playP<l in hi~ n~nal 111Hlllll'1' all tht·on~lt thP ~Pa:-ooll -good at k<'<'Jiill.!.!: hi~ gu:ll'll from ~··m·ing. aud Ill' hitll~l'lf pral'l i•·ally ft'l'l' 111o~t of tlt1• tillll'. liP wa~ a Slit'<' ~hot at tit•• haskPt. ~\m:-;hary tlid not play ugain~t a man who was light!·r than ltim~•·lf. hut hl' always ouipla.wd hi~ opJHltll'llt iu 1'\'1'1',\' way, a11d t·an si~ua Is with good j udgnH·ll t. Horn was t hi' lH'st and ha rd1•st 1'\'1'1' had. Ill' Hot only k!•Jd hi~ 111:111 wlll·kino:-- 1-o~~'llHI'Il ('halll]l<li"ll I'"> • fi'OIII maki11g haskPts. hut h1• also had a habit of running down til<• floor awl maki11~ olll' hiiiiSPif Ol'<'a~ioually. Buzil'k (,JayPd a 11 "I'Pat r-.oanH' , ;tJI(l sl!'adilv In ('\'1'1'\' ~ • iiiiJli'O\'Pd. .. t"' <11111' h<· madl' tll:lll\' *' S!'H~-'<1 t ioual haskl't :-:. II ough was a worthy t l'<llll-!lla t I' of Horn's awl always lu·l<l his mall down, although thl' position of guard \Yas a HI'\\' ow• to hilll. J>aiii•Hha•·h ahrays stud.: to his man, ,·plclom IPt t i11g hi111 tn:ll~•· a haskPt. I I I' was s111'<' i11 shoot iug t hi' hall to <llll' of th<· I'OJ'\\'HI'ds. Lmw·nt was an Plusi\'1' 111:111 to guard~ a111l a go01l haskPt-shool<'l'. 'l'hPsl' 1111'11 I'l'l'l'i\'1'<1 "( ,., sweatprs. Larg<•nt was ph•!·l!'d •·nptain for w·xt ,\'PHI'. )lm·lt l'l'!'dit is <llu• ('o:t~·h .:\11-.\dow. In appt'l't'iation of hi~ !'XI'I'Il<·H( work hi' was pt'l'~-'1'1111'11 with a wal<'h-foh, h,v (hi' stu•ll'tlls of 1lH' high :-:dlool. .\ssistaut J)ir•·•·tor But !Prtil'ld a11d ~\lanag<'l' Ilough also dl•s<•t'\'t• SJH'<·ial llll'lll iou, th1• fm'Illl'l' f01· t IH' push with whit·h )l(' start1•d things and kPpt lh!'lll mo\·ing and the latll'l' for hi~ I'XI'I'IIPHI \\'ol'k in mTanging a good s<·lte<lul<·. ('. II. '11; R ~. '10.
REMEMBRANCES OF SMITH Blessings on thee h.:ngtny Smith
Barefoot hoy who <lrPams forthwith! With thy basket-hall C'lothes on, Kxeept thy shoes and dark i\laroons; \\'ith thy 11ink <•heeks pinker still Cans <1 hy blushing against thy will, Thru the <'rowd rolls waves of joy, At this lengthy barefoot hoy!
The longest
round is the shortest way homc.I 0,\ ll \liTO:'\ j\;\ Jl ;\1 \ y II>
l~l. G,
TRACK 1909 AND 1910 ~l<lli,Y
t·t·asou:-; may l11• assignt•d as a t·ausP of tltt• faihu·p of thP \\'l':tl't'l'S of thP .\lartum to at•t·oJnplish an,rtldng of nott• dm·i11g tltt• ,\'Pal' 1!10!1. Fot't'IIJost amo11g tht•sp was thP lal'l.: of a snitahh• plat'l' In tmin. 'l'hP only plat·t• arailaldP was tltP fait· grouJH!s in ( " r hana. But 1'\'t'll hl'l't' thi'I't' was only tltt• I'tHh·st fm·n1 of <HTOIIIIIIOdations. .,\11othl'l' t'l'ason was tilt• lal'k of fuJI(]s with whit·h to I'll· gagt• tlu· SI'J'\' it•t•s of a l'o;u·h. ~o naturally, siJH't' tht'l'l' was no t·oa<·h to bold tilt' iiH'XJIPI'i<•nt·t•d llll'll in t·h<·<·k, tlH',\' \\'t'l'l' t·oHstant ly in JHIOJ' t·ondition as a rt•sult of on•J'·I!·aiuing. Expt•<·ting this to liP till' <·asP, .\lanag;Pt' .\lill<·r st·hpdul<'d ouly on<· mt'<'t- a triangular 111<'1'1 with tht• .\t·adl'lll,\', t'rhana high st·hool and ('h:unpaigu high s<·hool. It was also d<•t·idPd a tP<Illl of twpl\·p lll<'ll should Ill' sPlit to fht• EastPJ'll Illinois llll'<'t at ('hai'IPstou, .\lay~. and tllal ahont an <·qual lllllllh<'t' should Ill' t•ntt•J·<·d ill tht• ~tall' lHt<·rsdJOlastk .\lay In ol'dl'l' to pil'k thP Plltl'it•s for thi'SI' t'\'l'llls a tryout, whil'h <Jssum<"d t h<' f'm·1n of' an inll't'·<·lass IIH'<'l was h!'ld .\pril ,', 'rh<· ~<'lliiiJ'S, \\'oil this hy a total of' tllirty-six points. Til<' I'I'JIIaining poi11ts \\'1'1'<' d i\'idt·d Ill'( \\'t't'll I hi' ~ophmnm·ps, t hirty-otH' points :111d tht• .Juniors, t \\'l'llt,\'-Pight point:-;. '!'hi:-; tryout iudit·:ttPd that a fai1·ly stH'<'I'ssful st•asoll was to follow. It 11 t stH· h was uot t hi' 1·asP t ht• Ill Pill hPl'S of t lw sq nad i ust !'ad of sl1owing- iJnpJ·on•JIJI'llt, int·1•ality dt'\'l'lopPd a t·ondition whit·h, l1ad it lu•t•n l'lPal'ly mtdPrstood, would l1an• wat·t·ant!'d tlH•it· withdrawal from all t•onll•sts. .\~:-< a l'<'Sillt olll,\' till'<'<' poiut:-; \\'t'l'l' St't'lll'<'d il,r ( 'hampaign iu tl11• Ectstl'rll Illinois llll'l'l. 'l'lu•sp thrt•t• point:-; \\'1'1'1' !.!.ainPd hy ~llllllll<'rl-\ 'OH, in tht• ltalhnilt· 1'1111. Iu till' triangular 1111'<'1 .\lay 1:1, Pightl't'll poiuts \\'t'l'<' Sl't'lll'Pd hy this ill-stm·rl'tl t<·:tlll; whill' 110 points \\'t'l't• gainPd in thP ~tatP luti'I'sc-IJO!astit·. l11 spill' of flu•s<• failm·ps tht• .\lal'Ooll traC'I~lllPJI tltJ·uout th<' Sl':tsou nf 1!10!1, dPIIJonstratt·d that tlu·y did ha\'1' abilit,' :tllll thl',\' had gai~~t·d llli!C'It valuahlt• PXJ>PriPlH'P whit·h would aid grPatly in tlt•\'l'lopiug a stroug 1PaJII for 1!110. 'I'll is, aftpr all, wa:-; .\Iauagt•r .Mill •r's <"hiPf I't,ason fOI' haviug a tral'l\: tt•am in 1!10!1• •\t a Jllt'Ptiug lu·ld at thP l'losl' of thl' SPasou • "id"•J·.·on, 11, was <·Hthnsiasti<"all,v t'lJost•JI t·aptain for tht• followiug st•asoJI. It was also dt•t·itlt•d to gJ'Hllt tl11• pl'iYiiPgt• of \\'P:tring tht• houora1·,r "('" l'llthlt·m to <'aptain. 1'\\'t'OIIth' 0!1,. "iekt•rson '11, Largi'Ht '11, 'l'a,,·lor 'HI allll ( 'nshiug ·on. "The sunny,
Jlm."- Omn
'rltis ,\"<':11' should iH' allll at ]11'<'!'<'111 Jll'olllisPs to hi' lltoi'P g1':1t iiu I'l'slllts. Tlu· lost Pllthusin:-;lll has h1•t•n l'PgaiJH·d and a fpw oft h1• IIIOI'I' ti·ouhlt•soJlH' dillkult it•s han• 1)('1'11 11\'1'1'1'01111' to a <'C•J•tailt t•Xtl'lll. 'l'h<• hi~h sd10ol is l'l"JH'I'ially foJ·tnHatP i11 hariu~ as coa1·h IHstJ·udoJ' Mihu•. £\this l'PqHPst JH'I'Illissioll has ht'l'll gJ':tll!<'d to llSI' t hP £\ \'<'llll<' sdlool-gJ·omuls I'm· t I'a iniug pm·posPs. 'l'ht• tiJ·:-·d P\'Pllt of thl' ,\'1'<11' 1!110 ot'<'lll'l'l'tl FPhJ·um·y lB. 'l'l1is was a rPlay ra<'l' hPi \\'<'I'll {Trhana and ( 'llallt)lai~u high sl'11ools whi<·h was 1'1111 as a t·m·taiu rais<'l' io thl' ('hi<·ago-llliuois tral·k 1111'1'1. Ea1'11 tPam w;ts I'Oill)HISI'd of fom· 111<'11, ( 'halllpaigu lu·i11~ 1'1 }II'I's<•Bt P<i hy ~~I' \'I'll!', 'l'ay lor, BarhPI', a11d La rgPn t, <·al'll of wl1om, in till• ordl'l' HamPd, J'all two laps m· a distaJH't' of:!:~:; yards. 'l'h<•s<' HH'll had no diflit-nlty in wiuni11g: th<• I"a<'P h.Y a llHtq.!,ill of fully thirty ,Y<ll'lll'. 'J'h<' fast t iiHP 1 :;)(),and till• fal't thnt p;u·h )fnt·ooll I'lllllli'I' start I'd hl't tl'l' ran fasti•r awl finishPd st J'ongPJ' than did his oppo11Plll, is all PX<'Pll!'l1( dPlllOil.'tratiol1 of tllP ahili(\' of ( 'oal'lt }I ihw. fyin~
It i. · impm·dhlP to gin~ lllOI'P than a hrid fm·pr.ast cont'Prniu!.!. thP l'<'lllaindl'l' of thl' SP:tsou of 1!110. 'l'I·ad~ irainin~ Jwga11 ollkial· ly th1• last \\'<'Pk iu ~ImTh, wiH'n ahont tw<•Hty <·alldidatP: <·om· llH'll<'<'d lhPil' S<•asou's drill. It is phtnll<'tl to holtl an iui<•I·dass 111<'<'1 £\pl'il :w, at whil'h ())(' Pntri<·s fm· the Em<iPrn Illiuois Im·itat iou lll<'PI at ( 'hm·]pstou, ~lay 11, will prohahly h • pil'k<•ll. For May 7 a t J•iaH~nlar HtPPI h;~:-; hP<'ll pm·t ially :nTaugt>d with tlH• £\ea<lPnl,V :tlHl Crhana lli~Jt SI'JtooJ. .\]1 of tltPl-\1' 1'\'!'lltS al'P illi)IOl'l<lllf, chiPfJy hc•<·am;p oft lw e. ·pPI'il.!lH'<' tiH·y will afi'mtl in IH'I'JI:ti·at ion fol' t Jtp ~tate IntPl'!'()ltolastic )lay 21. In orclPr to aronsP more intcl'r.:t, ('o:H·h ::.\lihlP has annomi<'Pt11hat anymtP plndn~ in th<' ~t:ttP fnt«·t·!-wholastir, wi11 he enfPl'<'d in tlH• <'lticago l·niYPI'sity IntPt·si'IH>]as-
h· .Jnnc 11.
"\Y. T. '10.
'I' he Kat Pnjnn.er Kills -.Tm 1'1 HI!\ u. \ n How \Im \VAt, ro ·.
of£. .
't n 'It t. um
tlt ' Ztl K '(If()\( ('S()'\
llOYt. t·:
-., ,_
Buzick, '1 o.................... Pitrher. KPrn, '111 .................... Catcher. Born. '10 •......••••••••••. l•'irst Base Kiler, '12 ................ Se!'ond Base Ramey, 'll!l, ....••.......... Short Stop
Hill, 'O!l, ................. Third Base Spalding-, '1 0 ...••.••.•.... Third Base Doyle, '12 .•....••••.•.... Hight Fit'ld \\'ood1·o!'k, '10 ..•........• Center I•'ield ThOlllll::;On, '11 ..••••.•..... Left Field
De!"\ lUI' 4.
Paxton Paris o.
...., ~
Bloomington 1• l>e1·a t u r li .
rrh .. II igh ~l'ltoo] hasPlmll 11':1111 for 1!10!1 may lH· !'lnssp(] with thP l)('st that ('ha111paig11 has prodtH'P<l in a lllllllhPr of y<·m·s. \\'itlt t l11• l'PIII0\';11 oft hP han wlti1·h had kPpt all f1·atPrnity lllPll from paJ·t il-ipatiug iu high :·whool atltl!'tin.; for s<•\'1'1':11 ypaJ·s, a bu·gp 1111111h<'l' of <·muli<hltPs ]H'PS<'IltPII th<'llls<•l\'Ps, aiHl hasPhall for '0!1 start <'11 \\'ith a gn•at 1lourish. ~\p!'il fir:-;t was sPt asill<• fo1· .,rrag" da,r. OIH• thousa!Hl tags \\'<'I'<' p1·iut<•d aud sold for;;,. <•at·h, in ordPr that tit<' .\thlt•ti!' asso· 1·iation 111ight start thP hasPhall tPHIII out in good sllfl}ll'. With tl11• IIIOlli',Y ft·out tlw tags aud thP l'olltrihntiou of the ('hautpaign husillPss 111!'11 tl11• tPHIII \\HS \\'I'll t•qnip]IPil. ~\hout thirty lll<'ll l'Pspoudt•d to ( 'o;~t·h )lilJpr's 1·all for t•audillatPs a11d !'1'0111 tht•n 011 it was a fight fm· dPHI' lifP to ;,?;PI on tht• tPalll. <'aptain Bu:dt·k, thP stm· pitl'ltt•r of ·o~ took !'harg1• of tht• 1•al'l,r p1·ad it·<'. On t ht• tlay hPflll'l' t hP first !!,'<11111' Ha~ Bmu, '10, tiH· era!'k first hm>PmaH of ·o~ "as Plt•<·tt'd t·nptain. "Hosil'" is a sl't'O!Hl "Fl'ank ( 'hmH·t•," and it was his gi·t•at wmk at first a11tl th<• UHlllllt'l' in whi<·h h<• t·aptailll'll tltt• tt•am a!Hl pnt Pntlmsinsm into the• phl~'Pl'S that was l'PsponsihlP fol' th1• Slll'l't'Ss of t111• spasou. TIH' 1il·st gaHII' was with l>P!'atnr at l><•<·atm· on April 17. ('oach )Ii11Pl' and ('nptain Bnzi<"k h~Hl diflknlty in pi<"king tlH• tPam to l)pft•!Hl th1• )):ll'OOH. 'J'IH•l)('(':lllll' hlllll'h SPI'1111'<1 to think that \\'1' ltHill'd fl'Olll SOIIII' "lil t'Olllltl'Y YiJ1agp'' Hlltl that a galllt' with ll:': Jllt•aut only a 1itt lP p1·a1'1 it·P for t ht•Bist'h'Ps. .\ftpr the fir:-;t inning m two, tlll'y h<'gan ''to sit up and take notie "'·" \Yht>n'•Ovic'' Buzit'k fpfl their th1·ep '•Jlan~ \Yag-ner's" a short order lunch and :ent them h:wk to the hPtH'h womh•l'ing how it all happrncd, and when Di<'k "'ood<'ll('k tl'iP<l to kll<l('k t hi' ho:n•t1s off the cPnter field fpn('e in tltt• 13
~r\'Pllth iunin~
and two of om· hayspc•ds n·ot It'd :t<'l'o~s thc• 1'1111· ht•l', (ltO.'C' ('j(_r t'IIHp~ sat With tJu•iJ· 1110\l(lts widc• OJH'II. '}'!Jp ~1'01'1' stood :{-1 iu out· fann· up to thc• last oft hc• uiut h iuuiug. ThPll with two 111<'11 out and two on hasc•s, thc• Dc•c·atur pitc·hPl' drovc• a lo11g lly to tli'PJI t'Pntt'l' allt] SI'Ol't•tl t]ll'('(' l'llnS Oil tht• hit. 'l'hP tina] SI'Ol'l' was 1 to !{ in faYor of J)pc·ahu·.
Om· nc•xt p;:tlll<' was with Paxtou on 11u·ii· dialltoncl. Owi11p; to thc• fac·t that tlu• p;<lllH' was playc•d i11 a rc•p;ula1· blizzard it did 11ot amouut to 111\H'h. \\'c• got what \\'I'll( af'tt•l'-sc·m·p 11 to :i. \\'p wc•ut to ('hal'lc•ston to pl:l\ thc• P:11·is hip;h sc·hool t<':IJII oll thc• lllOl'llinn· Huzit·k :-- of thc• ( 'hariPslou '\oJ·mal lntc•J's<·holast ic·. \\':IS iu p;l'P:tt form awl his support \\:IS c•xc·p]Jc•nt. liP allm\'l'd hut onc• hit throughout til<' c•utit·c· p;:tlll<' :t111l thc•J·c· was only on<' <'!Till' Ill:trkc•tlup ag-ainst thc• .\Iaroons. \\'c• had thP sm·prisP of our lin•s i11 tlu• sc•n•11th inning wh<'ll "Big'nn" Doylc• wlakPd up to thP plat<' :mcl slappPtl out a tln·c•p·haggc•l'. "Bip;'un" was so Slll'Jil'ist'd I hat ht• stopp<'cl half wa~· hPtW<'t'll sc•c·ollll :11111 thircl hasc•s to SP<' how I'm· thP hall would run. \Yt• retm·u('cl honiP with tlw long Pncl of a 7-0 sr.OI'('.
I>m·ing thP following- \\'1'1'1.:: c·oH~itlc•t·ahlP amusPmc•ui wa~ <'!'<'· atPcl hy a ganw with tiH• f<t<·ulty. It was a gootl p;auw tl1ronghout and Romp excPllPnt indiYiclnal playing was dmw hy tiH' liii'IIIIH•t·s of t h P fa en lt~·. Thet·e \\'Pre onl~· two uwn kPPp i ng t hP !-1<'01'(' a ud t IH•y IPt if gPt away from 1hem. 'l'h<• tirst gamP that W<' pl:t,VPil at hmnP was wiih Bloomiup;tou, )fay l:i. KPt'n, Hnzh·k, Ham<•y and \\'ooclc·<wk won thP hc•:n·ts of tiH• houw ''rootPr~·· in this ganw. 'l'hP p;<tlll<' was uot PX1·iti11g, hut .'omc inclh·i<lual pla~'in~· wa.· clispla,n•cl. Hnzic-k pitc·hpcl his usual gamP aud hit lik1• a 1iPlld; KPI'H\; hitt i11g wo11 llim a plac·p o11 I h<' honor list, ~v clid HamP~'·s fiplclin~ at shOI't; \Yo<Hkoek playt•cl thP . amr.. tar ganw that hP alway. cloPs. \\'p .'Pllt Blomni11glon hom<· to tPll t hPir frirncls that t hPy hadJ,,st ;-; to 1. .\n infiPlcl ('l'ror was I't>sponsihlP for Bloomington'.· lmw ,'c'OI'P.
Our last gauw was with D<'<'at nr on thc· l<wal 1liamoucl, ..\lay 2!). In JH'Pparing for thi.' game, we playPcl two Jll':H·t i<'<' gam<•s with the .\c·aclPJIIY team and f]Jp r. of I. FJ'PShlllPil. \YP \\'Oil hoth h\' good f-l<'OJ'Ps. \Ye hacl hope. of I'('tl(·rming om· fm·mpJ' clPfPat at tl.P hanc]s of Decatur, hut \\'t! Wt'l'l' c]i.':tppoinfPtl. 'J'h1• 1it•sf ft•W ill· nings rolled off .'moothly enough, hut the team \\'(lilt to piece.· in t hP fifth. At the> clma~ the l'rnrr. \Ya. (i.:J in favor of nrratnr.
Through t h<' fa it hfuln<·ss oft lu· t<·:tlll aiHl t h<' PX<'Pllt>nt mauag· i11g and <·o:wJiiug of .\11' . •\1 iJJt•t·, thl' SI'HSOil \\'<IS !l Slii'I'I'SS ill P\'(!'f'J' way. 'l'h<' tP:tlll pla.n·<l tin· ~·wlu·dnl<•t1 ganu·:-: alHl six ot Jtprs with tlu· lot·al t<'HIII, tlw l". of I. Frt•shtlll'll, <IIHl thP ~\t·adPlll,'". Of th<' PlP\'1'11 gatli<'S, \\'t' lost four. Two of thPSP \\'1'1'<' to DP<·at m· aiHl t \\'o to th<' lol'altPalll. 'l'h<' 1!)10 tPalll ]ll'oliiisPs to lw PWH lH'ttt·r than that of ·on.•\11 of th<' llll'tllht•t·s of last ,Y<'<ll'':-; tPalll :tl'<' h:u·k with thP PX<'<')Itiou of i:Hlll<',\' awl II ill, a11<l all I'PSJIIIB<l<·<l to .\:sistaut I>irPdot· BnttPJ'· liPid's t·all. Bur.i<-k is managt•r, KPI'll is t·aptaiu awl ~1<•.\tlow is 1'41<l<'h. ~0 fat• tJtP !•Wht>dll)P fol' tJtp SP:ISOII is.\priJ H l>audllP at Chauq~:.tig;n .\pril lli ])andll<' at I>am·ille .\pt·il :!!1 (lraud Pt·airi<' ~<'miuary al ('hampaign \pl'il :w Bloomington at BloomiHgtoll May • Bloomillgtoll at ( 'h:nupaig;u May ll l>P<·atm· at l>etatnr at Onarg;a ~lay :!1 n1·awl PmiriP ~Pminm-y at ('hawpaign May :!s l>t><·at nr I. K. '1:!.
I,OJI'fl'< Kl:'\< ',\111
IIYJ>F. JUI"I'O" \\'A<; y
<OI'I'MA. 11.\J)J)Jo:JK\' 11 .\ltltl.. II'OOll\' l'A 1!-LEY ('I.JFJ.'Oilll JOII:S..,Il:'\ ,'0111,}:
HISTORY OF FOOTBALL IN C. H. S. •\llho h:tsl'hall i~ tlw al'lmowl«>dg«>d national ~<tllH', lll'\'«'l'tlt«>ll•ss lhl' g<tJIIP of fool hall, whi•·h was intJ'IHin<·<·d in L 'il, has alwa,r:-: lu•pn th«> IP<Hling ~pmt in l'oll~>gPs awl hi~h ~chool~. ('hmnpaign II i~h ~~·hool It as IH•<•n no P.\:l'l'JII ion to this. \\·lwu t lu• gall II' was .n·l ,\'Ollltg· wilh th1·l·llin•rsily of Illinois, <'hall1J1Higu Iligh show1•d hP1' usual PlllPl'JII'i:-dng spit·it hy m·gallir.iug-, out of IPs~ than forty boys, a I<'Hill whit-h. aftPr lwiug wol'l~l'd into shaJH', pla.n•d thP \ rm·:-;ity Pl«>n•n to a ":-;taJ\Ilstill." Foothallt•~>qUii·«>:-; not only n1ol'P ll11'1l than :my olh1•r :-oport, hut it t·•·quir«>s lhal thP pla,\'Prs 11111:-\t l11• \\'I'll dl'\'l'lop~>d and ahll' to :-;faud a good tnany kiU)('k~ :uul ht·uisPs, which al'l' lli'I'I'SS<Il',\" 1'\'i):-; of lhl' gallll'. \\'ith thPsP things to 1'1111sidPJ', awl \\' ilh :-\lll'h a :-o111all nmnhPr to spJp•·t ft·o111, it sPI'Il1:-\ al1nost Wllltdl•t·ful that ( 'h:tll1p:tign II i~h l'ollld pt'IHilH·P tP<tll1~ whidt \\'l'rl' not onl,\' l'I'SIH'I'tl'd, hut :t<·tually fp:IJ'I•d by thl' laq~Pst high :·WIH111ls in thl' sl:ttl'. 'J'hP S1·ltool spirit. t'ot· \\·ltil'l1 otll' s1·hool Ita:-; always IH'<'ll so \\'I'll kllo\\'11, was pt·olmhly tlw priw·ipal fal'tm· ill aidiu~ lhosl' l'<tl'ly t<·ams ill lmilding stwh a :-;piPllllid foulldat ion fot· I h<· :-;porl whi<·h, iu :-;pill' of it:-; up:-; :111d dmrns, h:t:• always <·r«>atl'd gt'Pat iuii'J'I'l'\1 in th<· ('h<t111paig11 Iliglt ~dtool.
'l'h«> _!!;<IIIII' of football was iult•odui·Pd iu till' <'ha111JI:ti!!;ll lligh ~~·!tool ill 1~!11, hy a 111<111 fi'Oll1 .\lhiou ('oiiPgl', ~li1·higau . •\u«>sti· ll1<ttP of thP IIUJlliH'l' of boys ill thl' high ~-whool, at that tinu•, 111:1." lu· lll:llll' wh«>ll it i~ l<•at'lll'd 1hat iu tlH• ~~·11ior 1·las~ t h«>l'l' \\' 1'1'1' four hoy:-;. Dlll·in~ I lti:-; .n•at· tl11· IP:tllt pla,n·d a gmnl' with tIt I' l'Hi\'Pl'sity of Illilloi:-; I:PSI'l'\'l'S; playiug· \\·ithoul goal po:-;t:-; ot· yard lilu•s :111d with a \'1'1'\' haz\· id«>:t as to thP rulp:-; ~oorPr11it1"·"""' th«> r"'o·amP. 'l'hl' ' ' s<'Ol'l' stood 4 to I. 'l'h<· lill«>llp of this i11it ial lt•HJll wa:-;: <'111111 i n~ha 111, <'. H. T. ~~·hwartr.. 1:. n.-Fi~h«>r L. <:. ~\\alllll'll. 1:. E.-< 'olliu ],, E.-~loJTi~~l',\'. L. '1'.-<:nlh·k H. II.-Hoy~dl'tl. <l. I L-~l«>ru F. I L-\\';ull'. L. 11.- \\'oody. In looking 0\'t•t· th1• old fill's of thP ('halllpaigu p:IJH'l'l'\ thP li1·st IPJHII'l that I'OIIId lw fouud of a foothall tPalll in thP <'han1pai~11 II iglt ~~·hool was in l~H I. With Ho,Y I>a\'i1bon as lll<tllag<•t· and 'J'al'kl'tt :ts t·oal'h, thl' lill<'IIP \\as a:-o folio,,:-;: II
H. n. ,Jolt 11~011 H. E. ~(<'I'll L. 'I'. \\'ppk~ (~. B. I >aYidsou
H. '1'.
L. (i.
\\'il<•,r. I·~~·giP~ton.
'" E. H. H.
Ho,\'Sdt'll HIHI PaisiPJ'. BP:t<'ll.
F. B. ~nhstitntP~: YanBnmt, L. I:. Ki11g, Braudt aud ~ntto11. Those l'<'<'Piring not it·<·s a~ st:lrs hPi11g: EgglPstoH, ~1!'1'11, FI'<•dPrid-:~oll aud PaisiPy. 'l'h<· first g<tlll<' oft hi' ~t·a~oll \\'<IS wit It tlw high ~•·hool ~itnatP<l oil tht• \\'J'ollg sid<• of \\'I·ight l'II'<'l'l, iu other wunls Thornhn rn lligh ~t·hool. 'l'hP l't'SUlts of t h<' st•a<llts' ~am •s \\'<'1' ~ a: follows:
L. II.
rrh;ma II. ~.-0. ~-- 0 I>anrill<' .\thlPti<- <'luh, I. ( '. II. ~-- fi P<•o1·ia II. ~ .• 0. ( '. II. ~-- () "PrPps 0. ( '. II. K-lfi 'l'ns<'ola II. ~., 0. In l.'H;) with Hoy })a,·idson, wl10 S<'<'IIIS to ltan· IH'<'ll a prolltl· 11<'111 lll<tll ill high sdtool at that till)(', as lltall<tg<'l' and 'l'a<·kPtt again as cu;wh the lim• up girPn was: C. II. ('. II.
(' .•Jor<l:tll. H.O. E .King IL '1'. \\'illis. If E. ~amHl<•rl' .L. ( i. Yau YIP<'k. L. '1'. <'aptai11 (' .•Joltll~on L. E. .J. .J. .John~oll. <~. B. Ihtriclson and PaislPy. H. 11. BrmH·h. L. II. L. Kmg :tllll Eggh•l'toll. F. B. ~mitlt. Om· hig ganu•this .'<'Hso!l was agai11 with PPoria II.~- who, all ho sl1<• had ;)()() IIH'Il to pi<"k from i11 :-><'1<'1'1 i11g hPJ' 1<'<1111, was dt•<·isin•ly dPf<•atPd on hPr hOJitP :p·omuls. 'l'hP s<·ort•s iwli<·at iug auoth<•J' f'lHTes. fnl S('l\SO!l \\'Cl'(':
'. II. K
BPIII<'ll1' L P<•mia I I. ~ .. 10. C of I. ~l'llioJ'S, ( '. II. ~.-lfi l><tll\'iiiP I I. ~ .. 0. ( '. n. ~.-ll ~lout i<·Pllo, 0. 'I'hP followiug ,\'<'HI' ( 'h:tlll]~<l ign I I igh t'XJH'I'i<'ll<·<'d lt~•J' first 1'<'<1 I "hard hll'k." 'l'h<' ll~<tt<·l·ial \\·as goo<l :t111l th<• spi1·it sltowH, as \!Sl!al, \\'a.' <'X!'<'ll<•lll, hut O\\'iltg to "s]ntk,\' dPH]s'' I'('I'Pi\'l•d h,\' liS, \\'t' W<'l'<' twi<·P dPfPatt'd ],_,. ou1· tht•u lta!Pd l'ival-PPol'ia II.~. 'J'l11• }H'acti<·P gnHH'l-\ with the sntall<·r s•·hools Wl'l'l' eas~· \'idories for (
'. II. K lfi () ( '. II. ~ . (
(' hampaigu High. " ' ith Ho~· I>ari!lson a~ai11 a:-: managPt', tht' J i IH'llp for this SPa son's l!•a Ill \\'<l~: (
H. n. H. 1·~. L. '1'.
Ily<l<'. H. '1'. Kitwaid. L. n. E. Kiug. L. 1·~. II a rris. H. II. ( 'aptaiu Paisl<•y. r. B. .J nit on.
( 'olfma 11. \\'agy. ~I o ni ssP,\'. (l. B. J>;l\'i!}SOII. L. II. L. King. 'l'Jtosp ~ui\'1'11 l'l'P<iit fm· I'XI'I')II ionaJlV ~<rooiJ )1hl\' ill ~11 \\'l'l'l': Il:tl'· rts, ~lol'rissl'."• Pai:-:IPy, \Yagy. '
'l'hP ~· pat' of 1~!17 is mu• that will ahmys ))(' l'eiiH'lllhPI'P<l hy thosl' who W<'l'<' PY<'ll onl,Y slightly intPl'('Sk<l in thP SIH'('PSS of tlll' f1•:tnt. \Yith thP majorit~· of thl' '!Hi playPrs hal'l~ :l!Hl with snl'lt an :tdditiou to tlll' sqmul as tlll' now famous". 'il-k". 'ohiP, <'hm11paign Jli~h had a fl':tlll whil'lt a<·,·mnplish<•<l grl'at \\ork. 'l'hl' pral'ti,.,. gaJII<'S \\'1'1'<' <•as~· Yidorh•s awl Sl'l'\'Pd to hard(•n th1• tP<llll fol' thP fit·st hig g:tllll' whi<·h was with onr t\Yi<·<' vidol'ions rival of last ,\'Pal', 1'1•oria II.~- This ~·whool was sai<l to lta\'P th<· stt·ougpst tl':tlll i11 th<· stat<' mul th<• most o1~timisti<· of thP ('hampaign "t•oofprs" !'ollld only hop1• for a "l'losp" galiH'. Imagitu• t h<• snrprisp a11d dP I ight PXJll'l'i<'ll('<'<l hy t hP ~laroon folio\\ PI'S, wh(•Jl 11H• "husky huu<·h" of ( 'hatnpaign l:uls \\ :lllPd tht•n thP J':tllks of tlu• Illillois l~i\'l•t· Boys tot IH• t un1• of:!:! to 0. 'l'hP ( 'h:tlll}l:tign boys \\','1'<' juhilaut atHl <"Hl'l'iP<l th<' \'idors oil' thP fiPI<l 011 tlu•ir shonldPt'....;, <"OIItill' ually gh·inp: th<' favot·itl' ('hampaign ,Y<'ll: HattlP·dP-trat; <lP-trat; d1•-trat, <11'-trat ~~ I'Pr·<H IP·k i<-k- dl'·k i<·k- dl'·k i1·k- 1IP-ki<·k. KH·k-:t-J·ah-hah; kid•-a-raldmh ( 'hampa ign II igh ~~·hool Hah ~ Halt~ Hah ~
111 t h<• 1'\'Pning t h1• drum <·m·ps \\'HS out aJHl a larg1• lll'o<·pssion of <·hl'l'l'ing boys Ill:ti'I'IH•d fil·st to th1• hoiiH' of ~lis:-: ~\\'iliWl' and tiH•n to that of ~ll)l<'t'illti'IH1Pnt ('m·ti'I'. Eadt gaw a :hort SlH'Pdt, whi<-h was I'I'I'Pirl'd with gr,•at applansP. \\'ith this Yidory 1o l'll<·om·ag<• tiH'lll and with th<· <·oHfi<li'Il<'P of th<• tow11 hPhilHl thl'lll, th1• tP:tlll not mll,\' \\' Oil <'\'<'1',\' ga11H' of th1• ~~·asou, hut was not <'\'I'll s,·orPd agai11st. \\'it It \\' ay \\"o()(l,\' as <"<Jal'h a1Hl Hoyal ~~ ipPs as lllctllag<•r t hi' lilH'llP was: ('. JiydP. H.T. (' ..John:-:ou. i!J
H. E.
L. T.
h. ii·~·aid.
<l. B.
L. G. f'offma n. L. K Ilarri~. B. II. Paisll'."· F. B. .Jutton. \\'.Loftus, I>allPnh:wli.
. ohlP. L. H. ('Jill'ord. ~nhstitutPs: III'I'OX, L. 1\.tn~. 'l'hl' !"('01'('~ for flip l"l'aSOll \\ 1'1'1': ( '. I I. ~- - 0 t •. of I. HP!"I'I'\'PS, 0. ( II. .--- P1•oria II. ~ .• 0. ( II. ~ . 1li Bloomington, 0. ('. 11. ~.-1:! Bloom i ngt 011, 0. II. ll,niP Park II. ~ .• 0. ( Tlu• last ~.!;ami' ou tlH• sdH'duiP gaYP ns tl11• nJHlisputl'll <'hampionship of thl' stall' of Illinois as Ilyd«' Park was thP al'l.:nowl· 1•dgPd I'IHIIllJiion of ('ook ( 'ounty. .\It ho Pilch playPI' 011 t hP tP<Illl was an iwli,·idual star, thosP l'I'I'Pi,·ing l'l'Pdit fm· PXI'Pjltionall)' good pla,\'ing \\1'1'1': ('aptain Paisll·y (as nsuall, <'lill'ol'd, Ilarris, ,J nt ton aiHI . oh!P. TIH• folio" ing ypar, l~H~. ('Jmmpaign High again SPI'\Il'Pd thP 1·hampiouship of tlu• stafP. ThP hig ga111P with Pt'o1·ia II. ~-was a •·walk-a-way" fort IH•nt, as was 1'\'1'1',\' ot hl'l' ga111P playP1l dnri11g f l11· spa:-;on. It was dillil-nlt in thosp days for a s1·1iool to maintain an ahsolufl' l'll'all J'PI'OI'd, fo1· thP ganH', as it \\'a: tlii'H playPd, l1•d to a largl' Hlllount of foul play, slugging in part i1·nlar. ( >ur 11-am. howP\'1'1', was ai'!,:Howll·dgPd hy all, out of town :11111 at lim1H', to lH• :thon• rPsot·ting to sudt IIH'alls in ordPr to will a gatlll'. Prohahl_,. tl11• most intPI'Pst i11g gan11• of t hi' spason was tl11• l'Pf urn ga111P with our fril'tHlly t·hal, Bloomington II.~- 'J'hP tPHIII was HI'I'OIIIJIHlliPd h.v ahnost 100 "t·ootPt's·' who, afll-r till' g;lllll', IIHil'l'hl'd down tlu• 111:1in :-.lrt'Pts of thP town to till' \\'ilulsot• hotPI wliPI'P thP,\' linPd 11]' a 1111 sa 11g t hi' sl'ltoo I so11p;s. •\ ft PI'\\ m·1l t hP I'll t il'P ( 'h a 111 pa ign 1]p J. 1•gaf ion was PHIPl'lainPd in hono1· of thP visitors. \\'ith \ray "~noll,\ as I"Wtl·h, to whmn a gt'PHI dPal of l"l'l'dit is d111' fm· th1• two Slll"l'l'ssi\1• l·ltHIIlpionship t1•ams, and ( 'lill'ord as mallagl'l', tl11• fl•a11r litu•d up as follows: ('. J)arrah.
.. ..
.. .---~
I taddPlPy.
IL '1'. H. E. ( 'hapiu. L. <l. Ita t I'K L. '1,. ,J 0,\'("1'. L. E. Prii'P. 1! . II. . ohiP. <l. H. Hig1•low. F. IL Loft us. L. II. K mg. ~nh:t it utPl-:: J >:tllPnhadl, ('I ifl"ol'll, Eal'ly. 80
ThP 1'1'!-'lllt:-; of tlH· ~pa:-;on':-; gamt•:-; !wing: <'.II. ~.- 0 l·. ori.,O. ( '. II. ~. - 11 Bloom i ugt oil I I. ~.- 11. <•. I I. ~.-:!.' PPm·ia I I. ~.-fi. ('. II. ~.- lfi Blooluillgtoll II. ~.- 11. ('. II. ~.- fi llydP Pm·k II.~ .•\luumi - ;}. 'l'IH• :-:tat·s \\'1'1'1': ~lorrissPy. ~ "ohiP, .Jo,\'1'1', KiW.!., Loft us. In L '!l!l, altl1o tltP I<'Hill was ttot so Slll't'PSsfnl as in tltP {\\'o Jll't·\'ions ,\'I'<II'S, it was giVPII t'l'Pdit for lnml work and I'IPHll pla,dng. l'IH•y \\'1'1'1' t wit·t• dPI'PHII'il hy Blot>lllington in \\'I'll fouglt1, spo1·ts tll:lll-likP gHIIH'S. ( 'lt<tulpHign J I iglt slH>\\'Ptl I hat shl' was a good lost•!' hy PIIIPrlainillg tlw Blomni11gton sqwul <tlld puhlit·ly t·oHgratnl<tt ing thl'lll npo11 ha\'ing tht• \\'illllitlg !Pam. During thi: st ast>ll all ot IH'I' gallll' was plH,YPil with t'l'l~<lll<l. This gan11• is prohahly t•<tsily l't'llll'lllht•J't•d hy thP sp•·•·tators, at lPast. that is, if tit•· list of t]t(' illjlll't'd \\'US 1'1'<111,\' US )al'gt• :IS l'I'Jil'I'SI'lltl'd. 'J'hl' (J'01lhlt• \\'CIS stal'l•·d hy tl11• oflkial. who l'PtHlPl'P<l soutl' t·ath••t' douht ful d•·•·islons. It i:-; bpst that tltP t·•·st of tlt1· hattl1• sllonl•l hP h·ft to tlw t't'Hdt•r's i1naginat iott. 'I' hi' st'lll'I'S fot· t lw spasoll \\' 1'1'1': <'. II. ~.- fi l"rhana- 11. (' II. ~.- 10 'l'aylorvilll'-;}. <'.II. ~.-aT J>p•·atur - o. ('. II. ~.- ;) Bioomillgtou- :!:t ('II. ~.-0 Bloomingtou-lfi. ('. II. ~.- 11 )launal 'l'raiuiug II.~.-:!~. \\"ith \f<ty \\'oody ag<tin <I~ t•oat·h till' lint• np wa:-;: ( '. \\'i ]JiHIIISOII. H. '1'. .J 0,\'1'1'. H.<:. I taddt•IP,\', L. n. I >a \' is. H. 1·:. ~~ j )II'S. L. E. ('Ita lHII:tll. L. 'I'. BatPs. H. I I. ('hap in. P1'i1·<' (~. B. F. B. IIi Ill's. ohlP, ('aptailt. L. I I. ~
'!'Itt• stHI'S \\'1'1'1': <'hapill, ~olll•·. \\'illi<tlttsnll <tnt! Ball'!". '('Jtp IIIHjol'ity of' I Jtp llll'lllht•t·s of 1Jtp lli'XI SI'HSOII 1!100, \\' 1'1'1' Ill'\\' 1111'11; all of \\'holtt n1atiP a good showillg fol' 111'\\' utall'l'i<tl. It \\'HS dillknlt to gt·t all of tl11• si'OI'Ps for this St'Hsoll, Inti jwlging fi'Oill tJto~l' ohtaillt'd it 111<1,\' ht• I'IIIISidl'l'('tJ <I fait'ly SIII'I'IN;fll] 0111'. <' II. ~.- ,, .\ lumni- 0. ( II. ~.- 0 It loom iugt on- 0. II. ~.- fi I tlomu ington-:!. ( ( II. ~.-ll Tay lorri IIP-0.
. ·. ..
'J'Iq• Ii llt' up lwi ug-: (',
n . .\JI'I'ol'lllil-k.
B. T. llilii'S. H. !•;, \ragy. L. <;, I htYi~. L. '1'. ( 'ht•s(('t· a 1111 ~ t'\\'1'11. L. E. LPwis. (l. B. Hhoads. 1~. II. <lal'IHlld. L. II. <'aptHin ohle. F. IL 'l'ad.:Pit. 'l'hP stars \\'1'1'1': • ohll', <iat·lallll, \Ya~y a11tl llint•s. Thl' following ,\'1'<11' 1!101, thP lint' up was as follows: ( '. H ('(' \" I'S. ~(('( 'Ol'lllil-k. I L <i . I:. T. . <'\\'<'II. H. F-'· Prit·P. L. n. .:\1 ('('arty. L. T. ,J oJt llSOII, L. 1·~. ( 'l11•st 1'1'. (l. H. :\I art in. H. II. lfisl' . L. II. ohlt·. ('apt a in. F. IL Tal'l~l't t. Jt \\'<IS dttlit-ult to Sl'l'lii'P tht• SI'OI't'S fol' this SI'<ISOil's gHIIII'S, hut tltl' follo\\'iug·]pt(I'J' \\Tittt•Jl hy :\lr. E. 1£. Oshm·llt', PrPsidPnt of thP .\d;tnts ('onnt~· .\hstr:ll't and <:nat·anll't' ('outpHll,\' of <lniHt·.v, Ill., to }Jiss ~witzt•r, shm\·s tht• inqn·t•ssion lltadt• hy om· tt•ant wht•B away ft·onl homl'. <lniJJt·y, Ill., . m. :!H. l>Pal' :\ladam-Pt•t·tnit lilt' to t'OJlgt·at II · httP you a11d thP llll'lllht•t·s of your fo11thall lt':llll, on haYing thl' t'II'HIII'St Hlii(JIIOst gPntll'lllillll,\' lot of yonngs(t'I'S that 1'\'1'1' \' isitl'd us to play hall. \\'t• appl'Pt·iatt• thl'it· gPHtlt•nlanl.v t·oHdtH·t pm·tit·· uhtt•ly as lht•y \\' 1'1'1' t(pfpatPd awl lllatlt• no IH'ott•st. It is so sl'ldmn \\'1' nH'I'I tiH•ir likt• that it tllakPs tltl'it• Yisit t·onspi<-twus. Kindly Jll'I'SI'll( Ill,\' I'Oill}lliiiH'llls to tilt' llH'IIlhl'l'S oft ht• ll'ctlll. Yt•t',\ t !'Illy ,YO Ill'S, E. I r. ( h.;hoJ'Jl(', Tht• spaso!l of 1!HI:! Ill <I,\' hi' t'Ollsidl't'l'd \'t•t·y snt·t·t•ssful. Tho \\'t• \\'I' I'<' 11ot stat I' t·hmn pions \\' 1' llladt• a 11 PXt'PilPn t showi llg" ngaim;t all !Pallts l'llt'OIIIltt•rpd, In thP first itnportctnt gctnH•, \\' t• \\'t'l'l' badly dPfPaiPtl. 'l'ltis wa:-; owing to a lad.: of pt·at·lit·t•. Fm· t Itt• fil·st a11d last t in11• a Sl't·mul tt·a111 "as ot·gani~r.t•d with I lagPil· bart as t·aptain. .\ftPJ' a \\'l'l'k of st·rinltllagP with this lt•ant the· I'I'~Hiars dl'fl'atPd tiH•iJ· oppmH•llts. This is au PXHillJIIP of till' adntntagPs g-ainPd th1·u daily pr;lt'tit·l' with <Ill m·~anizt•d st•t·ond tt•anl. \\'ith Ft·auk ('a.nnt as t·oal'll and LPt' ('alllplH'Jl a~ ntanagPt', tl11• t'l'~lllar I PH Ill liw·d up as follows: ( •. HI'I'\'I'S. H. <l. :\(('('ot·lltkk. I:. T. \rri~ht. H. E. LP\\"iS. L, 0, Bm·,,·Hsh. H.
X P\\'Pll and ~~< · <'arty. ~I :u·t i11. L. II. ( iarlaJI(l. ~nhstitutP~: Dali<>Hhadt, Loftu:-:,
L. T. <l. B.
'l'h<• SPasoll'!" Sl'lii'I'S ( ( ( ( ( (
.. II. .. II. .. II. .. II. '. II. .. II.
II. ( '. II. ( '. II.
( '.
~.- 10
~.- . ~.- . )
• .-
~.- 11 ~.-:!S ~. -
],, E. Ei~Ilrl'. IL II. < 'apt:t iu \Yi:c. F. IL ( 'hp~j(')', Fl<>ming; and ~~·ott.
\\'( '1'(' :
,J OSP)Ih- 0. !)an ril I<' I I. ~.-:!!1. I hill \'i liP II. ~.- 11. ~I at t01111 I I . ~.- :1. Tn~l'ola II. ~. - 0 . I; loom i ngt 1111- 0. )lattoon- 0. Bloomington- fl. ( 'lintm1- 0.
~ t.
1'hP sta1·s W<'l'<': WisP, Eisll<'l', ( iaJ•I:md a111l LP\\'is. 'l'h<• following ,\'<'HI' 1!10:~. wit It spn•ral ll<'W mc•Jl on tit<• squad. til<' tPHill did not makP a \'<'1'." <'l'<>ditahl<' showing. \\'ith :\l<'Kinl<>~· :t~ <·oal'lt and L<•onar<l L<>wis as Htauap;<'I' th<' I in<' np was as follows: ( '. I )('l'l'Ollp;h. K '1'. Dali<'Hhal'h and X<'\\'1'11. H. <i. Bnrwash. L. n. I-<l~<'ll<'. H. E. FIPm in~. L. E. Loft us. L. '1'. . ·Pwrll. <l. H. :\Im·tin. H. II. <'aptaiu \Yisl'. L. II. <tarl:n:d F. B. \\'right. 'I'Jtp ,v<>ar· l!HI! is oJH' to IH' l'<'IIH'Ildll'l'<'d with •'!17 aud '!1." :ts <'h:tlllpaip;Il II igh again c·anH· to th<' front and :-:<·<·m·pcl t hP c·halllpion:-:hip of th<• :-:tat<'. \\'ith most of tlu• 1!10:~ play<'l'!' had~ :uul with sw·h additions to thc• tPHJll as l);n·i<lson, f;tJllOHS for his woiHlPJ'flll t:1<·klPs, Hi<'hlllOJHI, I linton and ( ·a~·ton. ( 'hHI11paigu <•asily put all oppmlPHts out of misPl',\ "ith th<' PX<'P}It ion of <luiury, who altho ridorious, arkno\\·]pclgPd that sh<' hacl tlu• snp<·J·ior l<>:tlll. TIH' hi.~ get IIH' of tIt<' sPa son was with • · m·t It J)i risim1 II igh ~~· hool, tlu· l'itampions of ('ook ( 'mmty. 'I'h<' p;allH' was an Thmtksgiring clay a11d was witnt>ssPd hy a Jar~<' <'l'0\\'11 of Pnthusiasti(· JH'IIJilr. ~JHll'l'P<l on hy tll<' <'Ill hn~->iasm of thr l'rowc1, :mel tlu·ir own dPsirP to will, tlu• ('halll}JHign tPalll \\'(•Jit thrnth<' lill<' of tlu• Yisitors as if it was so llllll'h tis~·m<' }IH}I<'l'. LatPI' on in tiH· galiH', ho\\'('\'<'1', Xorlh ])i\'ision "took a lml<·<•" an<l playPcl a st<•ady, altho lmdng g:tllll' fl'OJII tiH•Jl 011. ,Jak<• Egg!Pston, \\ ho \\as all'PdioHa1H~, OJ' otiH•rwis<', known h,Y thP tPam as "'l'h<' .:\la11 with thP \Yhip" was tlH· man \\ ho is gi\'I•U a ~~·pat dp:ll of <'l'<•dit fm t hP f(•alll's :-:nn<'ss. Ile 3
"'lll'kP<llllll iJ•iJI~.:'J,\' with lhl'lll fol' SI'YI'I'HI \\'l'l'ks lli'PI'I'Cilllg' thP g':lllll'. \\'ith ('ook a:-: r<•gnhtl' roach HJI(I ~II'. BPrg<·r a~ manag<•J' thP tPalll lill(•d ll)l as follow~: ('. Hinton. H.< L ( 'ayt o11. I:. '1'. Hi1·hmmul. H. E. Ho\\'H 11d. L. n. La~PIIP. L. T. ( 'o 11'1'. 1.. E. FIPIIlill~·. ( ~. I:. I ):n·idsou. H. II. \Yi!'l'. L. I I. ('aptain Loftn:-:. I>allPnha1·h. ~nhstitntPs: .\fi-KI'IIZil', EIH•rt, I>oyh·. 'l'h is ,\'<'HI' 1'\'I'I',Y llt:lll oil t hi' :-:quad J'<'l'l'irPd JIIOI'P m· ll'ss 11ot i1·P for I'XI'I')Itionaii,Y good playi11g. Thosp 1'!-'IH'I'iall,\' dl'sl'rring l'l'l•dit: <'aptain Loftlll', WisP, I>:tlll'nh:u·h, I>a,·idsol1 atul Hil'ltmoJHI. Th I' !'>I'OI'I's for t hI' :-;pason \\'1'1'1' : <'. II. ~.- 0 )lattoon-0. <'. II. ~.- 0 Ill. 'o, -0. <.. I l. ~.-:!:~ J);m,·illl' II. ~.-0. < '. II. ~.- li Bloomington II. ~.-fi. <'. II. ~.-17 )(attoon II. ~.-0. <'. II. ~.- 0 (~Uilll',\' II. ~.-1 7. <•. I I. ~.- ;);) <'I in toil IT. ~.-0. C. II. ~.-1:! • ·m·t h J)i,·i:-:ion-li. In 1!10;) thl' 1PHIII \Uis I'OIItpysPd a!Jnost altogPthPJ' of 111'\\' lllC'll, only four of thP 1·hampiolls lwing h:u·k. 'l'hP Ill'\\' matPrial WOJ'kPd •h:ml. hut it was not I'XJH'I'(Pil that thPy would makP thP showing; that thP 1!101 t<"Hill had nutdl'. \Yith llnss as l'oaeh and )Jr. KPaton as Inanag<'l', 1l11• l<'atn lill<'<lnp as follow~->: ( '. IUL H. F
L. '1'.
(l. B. L. I I.
H. '1'. LPwis. L. <l. Bm·wa~->lt. L. E. LPona rd. It II. <'ayton. F. H. <Hl'nn. ~tl'dllt<lll, ('J•ahlH', 0. ('ogs\\'p)), 1{. ('ogs\\'p)J.
\\'agy. <'aptain ('oiPI'. I )a ridso11. I t<'l'l'S.
'I'hl' staJ·s \\'1'1'1': ( 'oi1•J', Lponard, I htYidson, LPwis, (; 11'1111 :11111 \\·a gy. 'l'hP follmriug ,\'1'<11' l!HHi with 111ost of t h1• 1!10;) 1111'11 h:u·k a11d ~on11• filii' 111'\\' nt<tti'J'i:tl, \\'1' h:ul P\"1'1'." I'P:tson to hopP for a l'hampionship IPH111. Owi11g to :111 :u·tion of thl' Hoard of E1hwntio11 that tl11• pupils hPlongiug to 1hi' J)plta ~igma fra1·Pt'llit~· <·onld not 1'<'}1·
l't'SI'llt thP sl'ltool ill :til." way wltatt•\'t'l', tl\'t• of th P llt'st 111 1'11 Wl'l't' dt •· prh·t·d of tlu•ir positions- \rooliugtoll, ~wigat · t, Bt•l't·s, Low and ~t',YillOlll'. This _\"I'Hr tltl' stall' t·ltatnpionship was mtdt•t·idt•tl, Sl'\'''r:tllt>HiltS, inl'lllding that of tht• ( •. II.~ .• e·lainting tlu· honm·. •\f. 11'1' thl' \' idOl'\' 0\'t•r Pt•m·ia II.~- on Tltanksoiriuo· the• l'iaint • l"""' ~ day • ' of ('hatnpaigu was sustaiue•d hy St'\'l'l'ctl sl'ltools. \\' itlt .\lr. ('on\"l'l'SI' as mamtgPr, tl11• li111· up was : ( '.
Kil·kpatril'k. L. n . Pm·11" II. L. I·:. Lt•oll:t rd. H. I I. Pan is. F. B. Pe•rry.
H. 'I'.
H. IL Bnrwash. H. E. ~~ olll'. L. 'I'. ('apt a in ( 'oll'r. \\•ooe lard. ( ~- B. L. II. PPt'e·intl. ~11 hst i tn tt·s: \"ol'iH•S, \Yat ts.
Thl' Sl'Ol'I'S for tilt' Sl'ctSoll \\'PI'I': ('.II.~--~~· Cof'I..Juuiors- 0. ( ••PrPps. " - 0. II. ~.-11 J)au\'illP II. ~.-- 0. II. ~--~;~ ( ( .\I 0 II t i('('II() II. ~ .- 0. II. ~ .-a:l ( Paxton I I. ~.-0. II. ~--~!) ( .\Iattoou II. ~.-H . II. ~-- li ~pringtiPlel II. ~.-:w. II. ~-- 0 ( J>pol'ict II. ~.- fi. ( II. ~--1~ The• stars for t ht• spasoll we•t'l': ( 'olt•r, LPollanl, Pan·is, l'nr-
.·. ..
.. ·...
awl l'PtTiYnl. 'l'hl' IIP.Xt ,\'I'Hl' 1!107, altho tlw Sl'ctstm's wmk was 1101 :tltogPthPr sat isfae·t01·~· . \\'l' \\"1111 t ht• 111ajo!'ity of our g:tllii'S awl otH'I' mot'l' dPft•a!Pd onr "pla~·nt:tll's" from at·t·oss thl' litu•. 'l'lu• g;tutP was pla.n·d o11 Illi11ois FiPid o11 Thauksgh·i11g day and was \\' ilnpssl•d hy a l:tt•gt• t·rowtl. 'l'ht• 1inctl st·m·t• stood, ( 'h<tlltpctigu 11, ('rlntnct 11. \\"ith .\lr. ( 'oli\'I'I'SI' as lltct!Wgl't' awl BrollSoll as t'octdt thl' liw•
up was as follow:-;: ( '. ('a rna h:m. H. 0. .Johusoll. H. E. IIau~en. L. 1'. Kirkpatt·it·k. ~~- B. ('apt a in Pani~. L. II. ~tolll'. ~nhstitn!t•s: ()shorlll', KPI'll, Bro\\'11.
~hirk, ~lti\'e•ly
a11el Il:tlll"t'll. 5
H. '1'. L.
I. E. F.
Lanum. La~PllP.
'l'ltl' stat·s \\'PJ't•: Par·
In 1!10,', with fJ·a((ornity llH'JlliH•J•s still hal'l't•d fJ·mn athiPtit·s, 1h1• tPam JII<HIP a ,.<'!',\' poor showing. "it It ..\Ir..\1 iiiPJ' as lllanagPJ· a11tl \ragnt•r m: t·oat"h th1• lint• up was. ( •. "'J•ig·ht. H. (L H. E. L. '1'.
H. '1'.
Houghton. 'roodt•tw k. L. (1. it hob. Hohinsou, ('apt a in. L. E. K<'J'Il. <~. I L n a I a ,.i u. H. I I. ( 'ol p. L. Il. ( )shmllP. F. B. K i l'lq HIt rit·k. 'J')tp stars W<'I'P: ( 'olp, "·oodt·o1·k, and Hohinsoll. ".hPn t liP "old tiHJPI's" IHIY<' lookPd 1Ids m·t it·lp m·pt• :tlld h:t \'1' I'X)Il'P!'sPd tiH•iJ· donhts-to tht•JIJsPI\'t•s 11'1 liS hopt•,-as to till' tJ·nth of !'OIIIP :-;tatmPnts madP, I ask thPlll to takP into t·oJisidPrat ion t l1at t hP filps of thP ( 'hampaig11 papPI'S a11d old pl:ty<'t's \\'<'1'<' thP pl'int·ipal som·t·ps of in format iou for this art it'11•. It might abo hP takl'u into t•ousillPI'ation that 1ht• \\TitPJ' had uot yPt had a glimps1• of tllis wm·l1l whpu thP lllPllliH•J·s of thP ParliPI' tPams W<'l'P ]H'J·fm·ming 11)(•in valomns "sln11ts" on th1• gJ·i1liJ·oH. 'l'hP wmk at't'OIIlplishPd hy tl11• 1HOH tt•anJ will hP fonwl in 1I1P :-:t•t·mul :u·t ii'IP nndPr at hll'tit·s. "··H.~. '10.
Origin of the
" Daily Gossip" 'I'hrPt' littlP girl:-; of thP t·lass of 1!11:!, growing tirt•tl of tltt•ir forllll'1' ways of amust•ntt•ut, tHI'Jit'd orPI' st•ht•IIH' aftPI' st·ht•liH' iu tltt•ir snl<lll minds to tiutl a JH'l'III<IIIPIII im·t·utioll "to kill tiHH' ... 'l'ltc• pltlt•st a11tl hrigl1tt•st of tht· tlll't't' finally fm·n111latt•d a piau-to print a JHIJH'I' whost• t itiP should ht· tlw "l>ail~· <iossip." ( ';m•full,\· shaqu·uing ht•J' JH'Ht·il to a tillt' poiut, sill' JH'tu·t•t•dt•d 1o t•Xt't'llll' ltt·r piau. .\t tlw top of a sht•Pt of papPI' sht• priutPd in holtl h•ttt•I'S, "lhtil,r Oossip;" tht•u follmn·d intt'l'Pstiug llflJ'l'atiolls t·ouiIIIOll to high st·lloollif't•; S\ll'h as, :lll important "t·ast.'' at "t·om·t"; till· dt•t·t•ast• of SOJIH' ritizt•n of tht• hug family; thP loss of soliH' valuahlt• m·tit'lt•, a hai1·pin, fm iu:-:taut·t•; a futm·p hritlt··to-IH'; a hrilliant pupil with a ln·ight fntm·t• aht•ad of him; wit :uttl humor in prpml qmmtitiPs; tltt• t·I·imt• awl pnui:-:hmt·llt of t·t•rtain ('. H. ~. t·I·iudual:-:; alHl a host of otht•J· intt•rt•stiBg thiii!.!.S. Ilt•r two fl'it•!Hli'\ \\'att·ltt•d with hn•athh•ss illtt'l'l'St the mo\'Pmeut of ht•r haiHl UtToss thP pagP. ~oou, tht• shPPt was liuishPtl. \YhPll tht•Y lu•ltt•ld it , tht·\· htuoht•ll iu r"''•dt•t• , to thl' t·oustprnatiou of • • t"'' thP Jll't•sidiug tt•;u·ltt•r, who J'HJIJH'd lolllll,Y for slit'llt't'. '1'111'~·. too, follo\\Ptl tl11• pl<lll of thl'il' t·onqnmioll awl toltl t•qually iutt·rt"sting I'St'HJHltlt•s in tl11•ir "l>aily <lossips." Tht•st• sht•l'ts, tht•\' PXt"IHlllgt"ll. \\'ithiu a shol't tiiiH' thP papPI':-4 t·autt• to hP a 1laily IH't't·s~·dt,\. 1'ht•st• gJ't'\\' iu 11\llll ht•t·s a 1111 in volmltt'.. I )a.rs, wt•Pks, II lOll t hs, a sl'110ol ,VP<l r passt•tl a uti st i 11 t ht• pa pt'I's tlonrishl'tl. I )m·ing tilt' SIIIIIIIH'I' ,-;wat io11, tht• t•tlitrn·s t•t•asPtl to pri11t tlwi1· shPPts; hut agaiu I't•snmPtl thPIII in tltt• fall, with slight!,\' altt·I·t•tl itlt•as as to t ht• mauut•r of t·ollt inning. 'l'ht• pri11t i11g was smaJlt·r n11tl IIIOI't' I'Pgular, tnhlPt papt'l' wns dist':l!·dPtl for tllllt•hooks, awl tht• rir<"lll:ttiou was \\'itll'l'. (){ht'l' gil'ls with Ptlito!'ial iustiut'ls lanut·ht"tl npou simil<n· t'<ll'Pt'l'S. 0111' girl, hold(•!' than tht'l't'st, allowt'd n llll'lllhl'l' of thP f:u·nlt~· to l'P:td hPJ's. llt•r ~i:-;tt•J' Pditm·s ti't'JIIhlt•d, fparing tht• outt'OIIIt' of :-;o I':t:-<h an lltHlt·I·taking·; hnt :-<t•t'ing tht• otht•J·wist• stt•J'll tP:lt'ht•J· alIIIO~t ('011\'\lbl'd with J:tnghlt'l', tht•_\" ('(';IS('t) (l't'JIIh]ill!.!. 1'hl' (p;l(')l!'l' apprm't'tl ~ OthPl' ti'Ht'ht'rs, looki11g oil wi:-<tfnll,v, \\'PI't• a11owPd t 1 l't•:ttl. Tht•y too, <lJIJH'o\'Ptl ~ 1'hP JHlJlt'l' "n~ now P~tahli:-;ht-~tl aiHl thP pt]i(or:-; t•Itt'Olll'<lgd (o ]1111'!"\lt' ()ll'iJ' Ji(PI'fll',\ :tilliS. Tht• followiug arP dipping:-: from tht• "l>aily nossip .. L. Y. '1:!.
keep off
The«Be.ac h"
l.ahoi' d:I,L ~l'itool IH •gin~ ju . 11101'1'11\\'. l ' pp«'l' l"lassllll'll <11'1' bus,\' I'OIHhH·t ing lost Fl'PSIIIIH'Il to I'Pg-ist rat ion I'UOJlls. .\f;l(]p fJ·iPJHJs \\'itl1 IIIII' liP\\' t l'tii'III•I'S, .JIPPI fm· lii'I'I t iln<· in "( 'ol11'/.!.<' of ()J·:ttory'' fol' p11hli1· SJIPakill~.
10. J:f.
Jl. Li.
~oplloiiJOI'P 1·lass OJH'lll,\' 1'<'· JH'O\'I's Halpll .\11-<:PP. Frl'l'llllll'll Hl'P illtJ·odtH'I•d illto flJ1• lll,\'Sfl'l'iPS of jlJp ".\l,,· ~'t il' .\faze·." .JJ il's \rauglt l'l'l'l'i\'PS <Ill P!PI'· tri<' slliH'k. 'otii'PS arp postl'd that til<• FI'Pslllll<'ll JIIIISI k1•c•polf tl11• .. HPttl'll. ..
.\II·. Laughlin has
I 7.
"('Ita l'IP.· I I, oflii-P, piP:ts1• !" 1111 I'PS)HlllSP. ( 'IJar)ps IS as 1PPJI. :20. .\II·. HnttPJ'tiPld fm· first tiJIII' l'oJtdul'ts sillging in :tSSPIII· hi,\· 1'00111. (;nod }ll'OSIH'I'lS for a boys' glPP c·l11h. I.or·kl'l' ki',\' S passpd IIIII. I r ttllythillg' is lost go to gil'ls' Joi'I\PI' 1'011111. •)•) .\ Ill'\\' Jlll}lil risits Lati11 to t lu• dPlig;ht of i hP I' lass. ''Boh" HH!III'.", • 'plJ Pot tPI', Fl 01'<'111'1' -To h ns ton, X op 1 II'<', visit ('.II.~-1. .. Lady Bunts" ord<'l'l•d oil' I l11• "h<•ad1." :2.'. )fin~tl'Pl hancl ~Pl'<•n:HlPd pupils of ('. II. ~:2!1. \o lllOI'P 110isp on stairway.
\\'p Sfi'JI fill l'lll'l'llg:Jfpl] lll:tl ·
t ing-.
<H "P< ) HE IL I.
.\ t IIIPt i1· . bs1wia t io11 adopt ,:;; a 111'\\' l·oustitntion awl l'll'l'tS ollkt•J':--. •\1 r:--. H 11 t·nlt <Ill 1, .\Irs. .\1 i llt•t· and ~lr. . \rmstl'oll~ att<'tlll i hi' tllPI't i11g. 4. l•'or l:Put- a tint· "rat" thii·tysix inl'h1•s in diantl'tl'l', np· pi,\' to Louis1• W . •1. )lal'iam PI'ITntl 'o:-- and )lil dt·l'd <'nyt on '11!1, t•all II (lOll ll!'.
Xo :--iugiug this nlnt·ning .•\s"k .\Jr. Hntti'I'iil'ld why. Yt•m· Hook. Frl'l' \':llldl'\' illl' 111 .\I azp" t'\'1'1',\' dn,\'
lll't Wt'l'll
1 I.
t·' 1:J. 11. I;;,
)I iss
~\\' it ZPl''s
1ll'l'SPIH'<' was lii'('I'SS:I 1',\' ill tIll' •\SSI'lll hl,\' Hoolll It It holll' this 111111'11· i11g. .\ FJ•t•slllll:\11 is .'1'1'11 in t liP hall aftl't' au inft•rYiPw. l'ullH·ky day- )..o 11<'\\'S. l · uusnnl 1'\'t•ut .Jant• awl Hast• st oiH 1 ou frou t st PJIS. ~tudy Hoonts Hl'l' 1111111 hPJ'S !I and 11. <'onl'tiBg- Huout is 1111111 hi' I' 1() _'i1·hulas ~I i 111'1' g·pt s \\'f'iglll'd. \rhat hnppt'lll'll tu tht• Sl '<I] I'S '! •\sk PPg :md Ft·:lll k wh:ll ll:IJIJH'lll'd in 1lu· "~lyst i1· ~I azP" hPt \\'1'1'11 hours :~ :mtl
4. :!0. :!1.
"P:tdt•t'l'\\'ski's'' Papa \' isitt·d l1 i111 sixth houl'. ~1ass-11tl't'1 ing- at :L:W io ]ll'HI'· tit'l' songs for foot ·hall g:llllt' with ~[attoon. ~Iiss \rt~ug-h girl's Latin Tl I' I:t ss i hI' k 1',\' t II t I. :IllS I :1 t iII 11 : hnt it dcH•sll't \\'ol'l~.
< >\~E.\1
::. I. • 1.
11. 1:!. ~ov 1'1
1. .
.•. , :!:t. :!:i.
.\lr:-:. B. ll. BuJ·nhanJ, ·"rs. <>. E. .\lil11•J', of Bo:trd of Edul':t t io11 dsi t 11:-:. .\notll1•1' llllllSll:tl 1'\'l'llt" Hunt.. ~- \\'alkPd hmllP "0 PI't" I I. .\II· Bntti·J·fip]d has :tnoth1•1· 111'\\' til'. \\' Prill'!' ( 'h:tputan h:t~ dis1':1 rd!'d shoJ•( ( l'O\ISI'I'!'< . .\1 iss ~t·huul:tl'lli'I' has soJllt' Ill'\\' !Jail' Ol'llallll'llts. 'I'll i1·d llll11SII:t I 1'\'t•llt "ThP ~iiPut PaJ·t Iwrs"- <lnu·p ~. aud <~uint·.v K. talk. "'hat did "~lats'· ~1'1 for I'Ht iin:,!; tlli~ JHornin~(! Ilm·old <'lm·k h:ts :tIll'\\' pair of SIJ11P:tk,\' (:til :-<IIIII'S,
.bk T1•1l P. what l'llina is'! lli'Jll:tllll foJ' "llaily <:ossip" st l':tdily illl'l'l'aSPS. B I Ill' .\I ond:t,\'- ~a t tll'llay ,,.,. Iost to '\ 01'11 In 1 Foul'ih lllll!Stl<ll 1'\'t'llt - .\Ir. ..\( ilJPJ' h)l!Shi'S. Olga 'I'. sl'nds thP Homan aJ'Ill,Y lllllll'l' I )Jp "yolk." II igh ~t·hool ( 'onfP1'1'1li'P to· llllll'I'o\\. Yat·:tf io11 for ns. En•11 ollt' day is atTI'JIIahlP . ·"iss -"'·\\'illiaillS waklw. t ht• lllOllSI'.I'IOI'k. J),.,.jl]p to play 'l'llauks.!!.h·ing <hlllll' with l'1·hana. .\ .\ll'lllOI':thlP l>ay for ('. IJ.
R. :!!l.
( '111'1'1' 11]1
FJ·aJli'I'S K. tiJinks .Tullo ,•uf oil' .Jupit pJ·'s lu·ad.
1'\'1'1',\'hod,r. Till' hPst is ,\' l't to I'Ollll'. 'l'hanksgh·ing o\'1'1' h11t Xnuts 1s coming. Ilorn·ay!
l](•(•idP (O l':t)) Olll' hook t hP "..\1 a J'tHIIl."
\\' 01'
Jd ':-; gJ·pa t I'SI
:It OJ'S
Jill\\" lu•iJw r- lward IPg-P of ( )J·atory."
:t 1'1'
i11 "(
today. \\'ho tim•\\' sno\\·-hall'! Enrl o1·
thP fi.
( 'olllllttHlm·p P. lllll'l'lntsPs n JJPW snl1 nwl JH')IJH'l' snit t hi·
l'tl~(' 110\\'.
~PIIi01' 1111'1'( i11g PIPI'1
('lt<tp<'l tnlk hy
.\Jr. EaJ·Ju•st.
~uhjPd, ~Pif'-J:p]i:tlll'l'.
BaskPthnll g<tllll' tmligld. II. ~. YS. •\l'l'tlla II. ~. ~Pilim· hob tonight.
..\1 iss ..\(p\\'illinms was np too
l<t!P last night. 1 ~1
J)isi'0\'1'1'1'11 a rard,- "~lll'P a111l faith a .\11'1'1',\' Xntas aiHl Ilapp' \1•w Y1·m·. Pat
I>nt1·h." 1:-;.
BaskPt ha II lu·t \\'1'1'11 lltOJ'I'S a 11d ~PJlioJ·s. \\'011. rnf:til'.
~opho· ~I'll im·s
.\pollo''-.\lhi•J·t ~.lt•:tds 1hP ,wlls at t h1• h:ts· kPthall g-an11·.
.\lr. Hut tt·r·liPid lms li1·st tt·yont for('. II. ~. Boys' Oh•t• l'lnh.
is a rmrtor
.\I tll'l'is 21.
that .\!iss
IH'\'1'1' f'oq.!,t•ts.
llll'l't i ng
night. ~]H'I·ial
.\!iss a
\\ illis
of .\I ilo to ( '. II. ~.
.J \. l A H\
Ev<•ryhud,\ work!' .
'l'urhans HI'<' in st.viP.
.\1 oil o for sl i PI H'l'." \\'l':t t l11·1', "l'il'l~ out thl' spot and light 1':\S,\' •"
<' 1I.
'l'mll01'1'o\\' haskPthall wit It <'I in toll.
t:l. 11.
1. ·.
~. <·hoosPs pm·piP il•is fm· its 1lowPr.
All "rat \\'<'<ll'PJ's" C\1'1' to 11111hhPd this \\'P<·k . •\nsWP1'-'I'o .\fri<·:t.
\ m 111:111 II ;u· kPt t <'II t <'1'1 :li 11s llS With 1'1'<HlillgS f1'0III ~ 11 a k<')';l H·ar< ·. Frauk Bartoli has no sup· porl<•rs ( iu Lat iu. l lt:tskPthall ganl<' hPI\\'1'<'11 ('. I I. ~. a ud .. PJ·pps" was post poll I'< 1. Poor "Pr<•ps .. \\'1'1'<' proha h ly d J'oWilP<l in 1ht• }'(I iii. ~Pllli'St<'1' PXaulina t ions. Ev· <'1',Y011<' husy. .\1·1 hu1· ~a vag<' ·o~. Yisi 1s us. Hashthall galll<' with ''l'J·pps." ~<'Ill'<' :!!1 to :!1 in fa \'01' of ( '. I I. ~. .\nyoup la<·killg p<'ll<·ils apply to fii·llt of PattPrsou, Haysill!.!,<'1' & ( 'o. BaskP1 H:tll galll<' ('.II.~. vs. J)p<·atur. ~1'01'1' :!~to ll ill fa ror of ( '. I J. ~. Pr:u·t it·(• ganlP fo1· whmn'! }JpssJ'f'. ~ulit 11 & ( iood ing )pad fa<·ult.'· ~I'll:--. Fin.;( da~· of S<'<'olld S<'lllPstPr. \\'l1y so 111a11y 1111happy stu<1P 11 t ~-: at st ·l111o1 t od a y '! ('Jnqwl 1:tlk hy ~fr. Halliday of l'. of I. Fift It unusual P\'1'111-ialks hy ~[iss ~wih<'l' mu1 ~fr. I tu t t <'1'fiPI< 1.
FEBHT. \HY. "Bnd" HnntP~· :tllll 'l'om .X1·weoml.J Yisitl·<l ( '. II. ~. 101lHy. ~opltmllOl'l' lllPPtiug; tonight fm PIPI't ion of olli<·Prs. I. .\I ass .\I PPt iug a ftt•r s1·hool. I ):mrillP g:tllll' tonwi'J'fl\\'. '. II a ppy dny for ( '. I r. ~. Ha:kPthall Sl'lll'P a!l fo 1!1. ~('())'(' ~. ( '. I I. ~. rs .• \I umni. :!!1 to :!fi . .\Jr. .\li!JH• ntakPs a lllistak1•. 111. Bask PI ha II hoys han· t lu•i1· p i1·t m·<•s t a ki'Il. ll. BaskPt bnll sq nad lPa "" on t.:W 1·m· for J)aurillP. HPiay tPam is trainiug. II. YaiPnt illPS afioaL .\lyra ·"'s fpp I i ngs an· h nrt. 1:i. Haskl't hn I I t i I' kPt s for Hlomll" iugton ganH' 011 sale>. )\o l't'St iug plal'l' for loa fi'I'.S Oil )0\\'1'1' "BPal·h." lli. LittiP Ilan.'· ~ndth mHllittiP ('harliP <iotHling SJH'lll tl11• l'lltil'P lllOI'llillg pJa,Yillg with thl' stPI'PO)Itkon lll:t('] li 11 ('. 1I. Twt>nl.r-six HI'P h:tl'l'Pd from promPilHd iup; on t.hr lmrt'l' "I tP:lC·h." Yisiting; t'OilllllittPP of Hoard 1'·. of E<hwation at ('h:qH'I t!Jis llltll'llillg-. .\lass )IPI'ting tonight. <liP<' <·lul, Jll'al'i i<·<' touigltt. •)•) \\'ashingtou's BirtiHlHy ap· )ll'o] n· i a t<·ly o hst ·rrrd. ·)•> _,). 'l'ags snl<l tolla.'· at 10 I'Pills. Hloond ugt ou Pa 111 Hgra ph says th:tt 111 <'hmnpaign Hlootniugtou ft•am pl:t,\'1'<1 thP dl'am·st gctllll' of thl'
Hoh H:tllll',\', .\I ;11·ioll PPI't'iY:tl a 11 tl II" It •n II on g h "i :·dtt'd Sl'hool today. HIHI told a good "hl'l'l',\'" stcll'y.
)L\ W 'IT. 1.
a nxion~ Hl'f' happy. 'I'ry-ou t fm· 1·la~s play t lli:-; (' \' (' ll i11!..:·'
ll:tllll:th fl:tl'l'iS lliii'SI'S 111'1' 1',\'1' ill t hi' I'I'S( I'!Hllll fi hr.
( '. II. ~. L. ~ dt'h:t t I' t hi' I( liPS· tion- "H1•sol\·pd, that strik1•s lH"Il<'lil th1' labot'l'l'.'' ppy- \\' on bask PI '· ( '.baII.II ~-gallt<J II<' f'J·om Bloomingt nll ~at m·d:ty. I.
•\11· . •\1 illll', 1-!I'OIIlPIJ'." sh:11·k, works tPll origiuals iu !I 1-:! II Ji ll\1 t p:-;, !I. l)pbilll's ill Ellglish II staJ'IPII. 111. B. F . .\1. l'illh stat·ts- 1·olors art' ]llll')IIP and gt'l'l'll . 1 I. .\lr. Bllttl'l'fiPlll gops to 0Hal'· ga to a1·t a:-: jndgP ill oratoJ'· i1·a I ,·on U•st. 11. "FIPa t flight 1 of )larius," .J a.'· Hay h11rn. 1:>. ~I'll ioJ' hi' Is oll J'I'S\11 t s of t 1',\'· IIIII paid. 1fi. •\l1·. •\liiiPI'Jllays hall \\'ith his It at. \\'lty so happy'! IT. <lil·ls \\'1'<11' gJ'I'Pll ti1•s awl hoys \\'Pilr sh<lllll'IH'ks. 1~. \\"p :-;ing, "~1'\'<'1' wa:-; a day so long it (]j(] not ha\'1' :111 ('1111." '.
:! I •) • )
:! I. :!:1.
filla J:..; stm·t t.oday "\o Ill'( lllll'lla (I iII g. )lr. )Iiiii<' hnys a \'anltiug p11lt• fot· :ilk. .\ hat·gaill. ~l'lliOJ• philosoph,\' ( Ilal'lo\\ .\. l ".\lakP dPhts yon won't !Ja\'1' to pa,\' t!JI'lll, thP I'Ollll't is 1'11111 i11g."
T\\'1'1\'(• gil'l:-: go to t hP ( )rph1'11111 with ow· JIJ<Ill. l'ral'! i1·p hPgith for h:ll"l'hall (loam.
b :-;r, Jlllll'h ie•c• theJ'C'."('Iark \\"ise·. -I . t:a:-:kPt ha II ho,\ :-st 1'111 thro11gh the• l1alls with e·oats llllhllttout"d to cli~play t IH·iJ· "( , .. ~\\'<'<1 tc•J'S, :-.. .J lin ill 1'-~IIJI I IIIIII C) l'P .J un inrs \\'Oil. ha II. Fi l'l"t !I. .J 11n ioJ·-~c·ll iot· hasPhctll gantl'. ,\fal'IHIJIS ,.s. IJam·iiiP. ~~·orP 11-0 in f'arm· of .\laroons. KPI'}I it
Try-out fo1· Illinoil' llltPI'~ c·hola~tic· ()J·atm·ic·al ('outl'~t. Lloyd "·i~t' \\'ill~ the· ('Oil t I'~ I. :!!I. Iligh ~C'hool (111'1' c·l11l1 lll:tkc·~ its fl1·~t HJI)II'ill':lllc'c•. ::0. Prof. t:artou gi\'l•s ste•J'e'optic·on )pc·t lll'e• o11 111a lliH'I'!'\ and ( 'ust01ns of'.\ Jll'il'llt J{o!IH'. ~O)lhoJiltll'c•
<ll'J'<I ll,!.!;c' <'ot il I ion.
c·las:-: JJle•e•till"l"' to fo1· ~ophotnoJ'c•
e·ot iII ion.
~I'll iot•
h;t 11-\'e•J',\' foJ'III:IJ. Final I'X<Inlinatious. E\·e•J',\'·
0111' ~olll'l'.
En•J',\'hocly fool:-; ancl is fooll'el. .Jnlll'-
Bo,\ s ]II'C'~I'nt I'Xe·II~I'S to Jliss ~\\ itZI'l' to IIC':tl' Bill,\' ~llll· d:t,\. Fl'<llH'C'S Klauk'~ c·o11~i11 Yisih
1. ;~.
1,\'~ .
•\ J'l'i 1-
IIIOl'I'S ~1111\\' 11)1)11'1' I'I<ISSnH•n l111\\' to clu t hiugs.
'1'111' ".\laroon' ,!.!;oe·s to lll'c·s~ . \ pl'il 11. 'I' hi' c•\'l'llt s f'or .\ pri I <1ncl Jl:ty <IJ'c•, in the• 111ain, <1 foi'C'· e·a'-t:
I. I.
., ..
. \PHIL.\.X)) .\1.\Y.
"'l'hc•y \\'orsh ip Isis i 11 uort 11· 1'1'11 <li'J'Ill:tll,\' lwl'all~t' the•J'P
('lass l )a,\. ~Pnit11·:-: i111it:tte• gre•;t t ;JI·t Ill'S <1nd ae·t I'C'SSe'S, < 'otllllll'lll'l'nll'llt.
.\II c·J·y. I I. I I F. K. '1:.!
I (
To ~t'P .\1 1·. t:ullt•J·IiPid ;-;tand :-;till a utinuh•'! To :-;pp .. Pat" tloi ug :-;oJIII'l IIi ug '! 'l'o st•t• .}alit'~. \\'it hout "Bass'!' To :-;t•t• .\ladgP \\'111'11 sltt• \\'as not ltllll,!J,l',\''! To SI'P .\lm·g:u·l't II. \\'IIPII slit• \\'as not talkin;.(! To Sl'l' .. PPggy" \\'ltt'll sltt· \\':Is nul doing :-;nlltl'thiug I'm· tht• atlllt•tit· a:-;s(wiation'! I r .\ugu:-:ta \r. fai!Pd io l'l'l'i!P'! If" I )il-k .. uti~st•d 1 liP haskl'l '! To st'P '\it·llola:-: ~1. in a dJ·t·s~ suit'! To st•t• "IIull'y" in a hiii'I',\''! 'l'o st•t• FI·;tJII' P. sohi'I''! To st•t• "<:irtit•" studying'! To st•t• (; 1'<11'1' ~. \\'llt•ll sill' \\'<IS not soht•J''! To st•t• ~lt•J'\\',\ 11 \\'it lion t .\It a'! 'l'ost•t•"Pat" II. 011lin11' in English a·! To llt•ai· that Il;u·old ('. ltas his SIH'I't·ll in P. ~.'!
PllysiogJ·apll,v is \'t•xal ion~. I: liP! oJ·it· is as h;11l. .\ lgPln·a rat tiPs lilt', .\ nd Latin dJ·i\ t·. · lilt' 111:111. ~( 11'1!11.\J (litE •
•\lgPln·a is a stingt'l', Litt•l·atlll't' i:-; punk. Ilistm·y is so t•as,\', t:ut Laiiu's \\'lll'l't' I lluuk . •Jl'. lOlL
I:!'Oilll'tl',\' is just H\\'ful lt:ll'll. !16
But C;prmau is a m~·th, Hht'tori•· iH HOliiPthin~ fiPITI', £\IHl phy~il':-;-ask ~lr. Kmith.
HhPtork iH whPl'l' I :-;hitw, To J'('\ iPw £\lgPln·a i:-; fun, ( 'hPmi:-;try i~ not :-;o h~Hl, But from lliHtory I run
F. C'.
••Komp of t IH'm Ia u ky, :-;omt• of t hPlll IPan, KomP of thPm nanky, all of tht•m ~rl'Pn.''-FrPHhmPll. "I want tlu• ho:n~ ahont nw."-( iracP FPrgu:-;on. "Why look you Htill :-;o HtPrll awl tra~ical. "-~lr. 11 illPr. "l•'or thy HakP, dgm·PttPH, I woul(l (}o anything."-Lt>HH Kil·kpatril-k "I am not uumh<•J'p(} among <·ommon peopl<•. "-HuH Kpa ldin~. "I want to be l<>adin~ lady."-~Iargaret Ilarri~. "Lift• ito; just one nit'P thing aftPr anotlwr."-Pt•g ])prrough. "I Ion• to dance.''-XPYa Hog<>rH. D.\ILY L. OER:\LL ·.
:\1 i. ·. · K.-~1 arjorh•, will you ph•aHP tranHlatl• t lw twxt HPBtPB<'P '? :\IarjoriP,-"'pH-'! PI''! pr'? r<•ally now :\liHH Kdtuma('h<•r, I HhuliP(l thP wrong leHHon. Lo.t-A <·<lll of :\Jpllin'H Foot1. <'lark.
Findt>r plPaHP rPturn to Ilarol(l
PoPrL.\ll Ko~(~H OF THE
I>.\ Y.
··I'm so Kleepy."-Frt>tl Kwigart. ''Blow the Hmoke Away."-Frank Htanl<•y. "Life i. a • ee ~ aw. "-B<•any ~Ticker. on. ·•\Vlwn B~·PH Lik<• YonrH Look in EyPH LikP :\line.'' :\h~rwJ·n
" ... Tothing to do hut nothing."-FI·c.mk Hmm·~. ''Xo \W(l«ling hell:-; for mP."-:\Iarjorie Hpal<ling. TPadH•r-"'ht>rP WPI'P ~·ou ~Ye~ter<lay aft<>rnoou'? Pupnl-I wa)o; ~kk and <•ould not <'mne. Tt>adwr-])par ehil<l, what wa. tlw mattPr. I had an atta<·k of orplwumitht
c. II.
l)('<H'hPH-)Iargarf't H., ''~lag." R., Ruth B., .Jmw R. 9i
and Alta.
--~--PruBPS B<•auy ~ ·., Fa~· B., BlandtP H. PParH-Hra<·l' K, <~uin<·y K.; Ht>rt H. HuH. K. .Jmw K.
Halph B. CHE:\li~TRY.
Frauk-)1 1'. Ooo<liug-, what <lops d. m. mt>an'? )[r. HoOlling-(at tlw hoar<l) l>o ron llll'Hll l>-m'!
I> on B.- ( ~\.t foot ha 11 l'<'l'l'ption.) oftpn jumps at <logs. 'l'mnmh•-( F('Pding <'Htl. jump at nw.
Look out Tonuu iP that rn t
"'Pil, yon UPP<l not think it's going to
QuPHtion-"1tat is Ph~·.·ies'! An:\\Pr-Ph~·;i<-H is that R<"iPn<·P taught rie; tlw HPniorR. (~lll':-4ti<m-\Yhat
)lr... ~mith, whi<'h wm·-
i. • PIWrgy'!
Au. ·wer-. ~onwthing mo:t people lack. Qmvtiou-"'hat is the :mallp;t known nwtt<>r'? .AnRw<>r-Your brain. E.'trlle II.-Vn't it ~trangP that anglP wm'mH haw fiyp lwartl''! )lr. Ooo<ling-Yt-R, in that reRpPet tlwy l'Pl-;Pmhlr girl:. 9
~ ·aiiH'S
hy \\' hit·h ('.II.~. ho,rs art· known:
''I ;,.all,\'" ~it- kl'r~on, "l:osy" Born "~kt•t•ll'l' .. Ilopkin: "~it·k" ( 'al'IPI' "I >ought'\... Lm·p ' 'Fatima" Kirkp<ttrit·k "HH~t.r'· Bm·wa~h
"(>rip" Bnr,it·k "lligh 1'1ll'kPt~" ~p)~on "( 'ol' k,r" Bart on "Bi~o(nn" I>oylP "Hunt" ~pa It ling •·Pat'' HayP~ ".Tohnni<>" K<>rn "f.pngthy'' ~mith
"lliram" \rard "I'Pssy" I>it·kpJ•son "llntfy" llon!.!,h "~pi' 1<'1'...\ m sh;u·~· --~Jat~" Lindst'.'' "Happy' Ho!.!,Pl':-; ":\lo~p" Brown ".Ja<·k" Barn<'~ "Ht>1l" HhinPhart "Hank" Halll<'." ''Bill" 'l'aylm "~qtu•aky" ~tPYI'llH
"~pP(' k"
...\ nkrnm
.. B \17..•' ~ll,YilPI' "Bill .\twPII
''~t·i~sor~" ~i?.Pl'
"~wifty" ~wigart
''Bmw HP<Hl" Bran "Egg~" I>all<>nharh ''Bahr" ('lark ''Hip" ,John~on ''.Tap" Kaufman ''I> an iPl" Hoonr
"~mally'' ~t>llarrls
"Arti<'" )fptr.l<'r "~an<ly" Faulkner
)JiJ1PI' '',J,wko" Larg-Pnt ")lonk" )Jon~Pr ''HPil" l>aYiH ''l>nt<·h" T~alwll ''( '.'·" ~I'_YIIlOUr ''<tlid<'' <'lipping<>r ''ChattPr" Chapman "Bill" \ragnt'T'
"That fair tl<>formity of natnrc>."-Alhpr·t ~i7..1'1'. Flitting hithPr and thit)}('r a~ thP fpstiw ftP<t.-:\largarPt Harri~. ThP sol'ia 1 1ion.-"Ri p" .Johnson. Danny l>rP:tmPr th<> "hHman fly t·att·ht•r."-~tanlPy Hoss. Largo<• hnt g"I':ll'l'fnl.-Paym· Harri~.
(~upstion-"'hy did th<' tp:u·hpr~ hani~h from th<• "lower hl'arh" all who talk<•tl'? An~w<'r-Bt><'an~<· th(•y wantPd to talk them~Pln·~ .
.\ notP<l P\'I'Bt-Harlow A. pur<'ha~Pil a :i<· tahlPt.
L. E. ButtPrtield on athlPti<-s-('hampaign is
on thP map.
DE SPRING FEVER De ~pring is came agin, An' now'. de time ter grin, }"'or Miss 8witzer's done gotw an' said, Thet kidR sometimes go to ueo, \Vit' oe 8pring Fever. An' nowH dt> tinw fer ~rip, \Vhidt is a 'H<'UHe ter Hkip,"Oh! 1'1~ ~ot a awful headadu•, PlPaHP IPt me ~o fer mel'('.V Hak(•. " It'H dP Rprin~ FPvPr. It'H de tinu> fer dP hall an' hat, An' when W<' (lou't wPar no hats, An' dP cr(•ek'H :,?;ettiu' warm,
An' de heeH is lH·~innin' ter Hwarm, FPr it's dP Rprin~ FPYPr. Hk,v iH all hhw an' hazy, An' wP iH awful lazy, An' all W<' do iH tl'r li(• an' HtrPteh, I~""(•r W(' ha.· done ~onp an kPtdu•d D(• Rprin~ FPVPI'. l)p
F. C. '12.