ftlhi5 1fnttic
@ur :Principal tuh,ose tUise J\.bministratitte Qtoundl l]n.s, for sn malt!! ucltr.S, bircdcb tl]C bcttdopmcnt of fl]c
nnb lUlrose Strnug lJcr.sannlit!! anb Uplifting Jfnfluence h,alte cl!er been an Jlnspirntion ta tl]c · ·tubents, nrc sinccrdu :Pebicab tl]i.s JRaroon.
(Reading from right to left, the instructors are as follows:-)
l\lu. A. T. \VRIGIIT, Science MI~ ' NELLIB :u WILLIA:\1,', )Iatbematics Mn. L. B. BrTTERI•'IELD, EngliHh and Puhlic Speaking l\ln. H. '. PrrTo;.;, Business • In;~ )IL·. ·m )lORRI ·,Vi •e Principal and Engli b MR. L. C. IFFORD, Engli ·b l\1R. HARLES GOODI G, cience l\11~ · ~liLLI g. TT TEBBL , German l\1R. E. L .• IIL;.<E, Mathematic l\ln~' )lARY B. HILL, Art MR. G. C. WILLJ.\.:\!S, cience MI.'.' FLOREXCE TA.'NER, llou hold cience MI ' Uo 'A \VALGII, Latin MR. A. G. PIPPIT, )fanual Training MI ·s LE ·A Jorr o , lli tory 7
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ................. ·........................... HELEN MADDEL ASSISTANT EDITOR ...............................•........ FRA. 'CES KLANK SENIOR EDITOR ..... ·.......................................... ROSS RL 'EHART ] u.·roR EDITOR ............................................... QUINCEY KILER SOPHOMORE EDITOR ........ •.........•...... .... ......•..... 1f RIE CALDWELL FRESHMEN EmToRs ...... . .... ... ....................... ·1HELERu~tr~~~~~ ART EDITORS ........................•............... ·1
, 1 STELL:\ PERCIVAL ALU.!NI EDITORS ...•.............. ... .................. ) FERN MITCHELL
Busnm s MANAGER ................................................ 11R. MIL E
!Iss SwrTzER
Mrss !\faRRIS
EDITORIALS Thi., th(' 1; '('On<l i~. ue of thP ")fnroon," iH ventur'd he auHe of the large circ·ulation and the popularity of the first is. ue. It iR natural that the mel'ite<l prai. e lle~towed on la:t year'H book .·hould in:ph·p the laudalllt> de~ire that the> ~->econ<l publication . hould excel th first. If such is tlH' <·asr the e.·t·c>ll('ll('C i. due largely to the increa:ed intert>.'t of the HtudPnt body in it:-; :ucceK. \Y, are deeply grateful to all who have aidP<l this work, cit Iter by literary contribution or otllerwi ·e. Tberr Ita lwcn a de ·i(led increa.·e <lurino tl1c pa:t y('ar in tbc loyalty of all the :tudeut: to the hinh Rchool. 'fhi: ha · been shown in athletics and in ·cholm·ship. 'l'hP Nlweess of tlw football >ea:on and the interest taken in debating and in the oratorical conte:t are th mo. t :triking re>ultH of this spirit. )Ir. Ilutl', director of athletics at tll ·niver ity of Illinoh;, manife:lt>d a ·ommendable intere. t in Champaign High ~d10ol affairs this year. llc offered a pa:--; to all niversity athletic event· to the lloy, belonging to the Higll School Athletic A: ·ocia-
tion, who ranked highe:t in :cholar~hip. For the fir."t :eme ter ClarPIH'e DickPy t·arried off the honor~. His awrage wa~ ninetythrPP. ~rr. IIufl": kindne .. : i. greatly appreciated. Th hampaign High Sehool Athletic A~~ociation, on a similar ba i' of merit, offered to a gil'l a pal'~ to all hampaign high . chool vent . :Marie Hutenber and :\lildred Harne· tied. Each wa awarded a JHl~H. Their avpragP.' were niiwty-two. ThP eo-Pds highly appre<'iatp thP gallantry of th • C. II. ,' , A. ". TIH• oratorkal contest i: a nP\Y feat urP of C. II. 8. life. Tnder the !:inpeni:·don of )lr. Buttt>rfield, for the fir~t time in the history of the ·chool, a public onte. t wa. h •ld to decide who should represent Champaign in thP di~trict conte ·t. 'even conte~tants-si.' boys and one gil'l-participatPd in the prt>liminary. 'l'hp judg •s, Dr. SPars, Profe~sor Carnahan, and Dr. utherland, of the l ·niyer~ity of lllinoi~ faculty, awardl•d the fir "t honor to Hufus Arnold. 'l'h • largt• andien<'e slwwe<l the appreciation of the PXt'ellent work being doiH' in the Department of Public 'peaking. Tnder the dir ction of this department another new f •ature i~ the debatintr clas~, of which a :pecial notice i given el ewhere in the ".\1m·oon." The influence of good ph·tures cannot b • overe timated. The \\'oman's 'lub has r •cognizt>d this fact in pres •ntinO' to th high school, "Heading from llonwr." We thank the Club for the kindly interpst in making our smrm.mdings a· arti~tic as po:. ible. The senior <lepm·tment of the '' )laroon" ha.- been enlarO'ed this yl'ar. ".hill' it has been our aim to make th • annual a represeutatin> a: possil>lP, yet we have desired that it might bee pecially ph•asing to th • st>niorH. 'l'hP constantly increa ·ing nrollment and the effort of the school authorities to have tht> 'hampaicrn High 't'hool rank among the tirl'it of the state, make it imperatiYe that a new high chool hu ilding hP Hecure(l in the m•ar future. It was hoped hy many of the Hludenh;, that th • new :chool might b • a town. hip high s ·hool; lmt this was defeated. 'l'he iutt•rp .. t, ho\n•wr, ,'lwwn hy the large poll, prows that more attention is being gh·eu hy th • public to thi.- qupstion than eyer bt•fore. Certainly, if the citizens of this town can be made to rPalize th • conditions a. they really are, they will not delay lono·er the project of a new l1igh ·chool building for 'hampaign. 9
"A little mite, of great importance." " P<'<'k,'' althoug-h .mall in .·tahn·p, po.·,·el"se ·a mo:t wonuerful int •llect. IIi.· :upply
of gossip iH inexhau. tible, but hiH as:ociation with girl i limited.
"Practiced to lisp and hang the hPad asidP. Faint into airs, and languishes with pride." "Flos:ie" i: a quiet, demure little las:, who hails from the neighborhood of eymour, . peaks when spoken to and. i fa t cultivating the city walk.
"A imple maid, and proper too." Kind and pleasant. Gladys mmally wear~; a , mile and doe:m't care whether .·chool keeps or not. Lately she has taken quite a liking for Urbana boys.
"In their own merit. , mode t men are dumb." "Al" i one of the most con.·ervative lad. of the cia. . IIi :;;mile are rare and ntluable, and should. alway be appreciated. rnlike hi· cla. smates, he ha a great liking for fre hmen girl .
"A wee, win. orne mL .. " 'Graci,, i. another in our clmi.' who i rather mall, but make up for her lack of ize in her ability to think and learn; is capable of gettincr her own les:ons, and alway: glad to help everyone el e; i.. ecretary of ·enior cla: .
"A friend to many, a foe to non£'." "Ppg" i!-l til' !-lmall, talkatiw, good natured .-ecretary of the athletic a~~ociation, who unfm·tunat('l' Hpent mo~t of lwr surplu.· time working for the ·chool, and in ·o doing was dcpriv d of possible honor .
"liP (lid tht> utmo. t bound~ of knowledge find, YPt found th<•m not .·o largP aR waH hiH mind." Clarence is our honor cla. Rmate, for he won the pa.-. given by G. Huff to all r. of I. athletic event.'. BeHid, his knowledge he ha a good chance to bC'come popular in th£' ocial whirl.
" . . To one would . u pect it, but I am naturally btl.'llfu 1." "Dilly" i~ rather timid, especially when gh·ls are preRent, but he will get owr tlli. b ' the time he complet£',' hi cour. e in public speaking. He ha a weet di po. ition, and a beaming face. I a member of the literary society. MYRTLE FACKLER.
''Il<>r voicP is hut a :hadow of a , ound." AlwayH <'aim and l'PHerwd, . eldom .-mile~, but iR alway. good natured, only talkR when Rpoken to. It i. rumored that Hhe waR adually SC'en walking home with a boy.
Ji'A Y PA rLIL ·En.
"Powder thy radiant hair." Noted a~ one of the trawberry blondeR, connuonlv called "Profes. or" owing to hi vaHt kno~·ledge on all ~mbjectR. Alway. good nat un•d, and a IwayH carri<•H an O\'('l'Rupply of chewing gum'?
"I have alway preferred cheerfulneR. to mirth." Commonly eallt>d "('hick." Is a tall, thin, good-nature<l youth, with faint Rtmta.' of athletic de.·tprity. ·waste~ most of hi· time ''kidding" th<' girls, studyin~ hi. tory 4 and .·elt>ctino- new uit.'.
''BP to her virtnt-s WI'.Y kind, BP to her faults a littll' hlind.'' Ji'rances will m i.·s ht>r calling if she doe' not become an actl·e. s, noted chiefly for the manner in which . hP roll.· lwr Pye:. By her eil'ectivp poems sh • has achiev >d tlH· honor of " la ·s Poet." G ERTR
Dl~ IL'I.R. 'SBER(l ER.
" he i.· pretty to walk with, witty to talk with, an<l piNt. ant to look upon." At finO'el'ing the keys of the piano, PRpedally the o1w in the assembly room, ''Gert" i · always there. tudie:, howPver, not <'Oming a.· a natural ailliction, are u:ually neglected and forgotlt-n for the gay pleasmes of hall and "ea ·t door" go 'ip. ILt WORTII. "~~ot much talk, 8Pnw:ter exams, for :ociety she has a:tic nwmb r of the ha mu ·h to ay, ju
a great :wect :ilen •c." to her are unknown. As alway. been an enthusiLiterary ociPty. Tever t li ten .
"If you can't do anything else to help along, ju. t .·mile." "Hop'' always wears a. ''~unny ,Jim" :mile. eem: happy over nothing. ~Toted for hi: Marcel-wave and rosy cheek!-<.
"lie needs no eulogy, he .·peak. for himself." ''Huffy'' i!-4 tl1e famom~, good natured, bask<-thall g-uard, and for two yetu·s nmna~er of the team. Ili!-4 humor, althou~h g-ood, dewlop.· :lowly. If you cal'P to he entertained hy fl ·h !-4tori<'s, ask "Huffy" about ~In ·l"egon.
Inn. ·n ,Jon
'RTO. ·.
"To stu<l.v would we a waste of midni~ht oil, To eh<'at, his honorahl<' rPputation he would soil." \YerP lH' good-looking, rh'h, and wise, h<> ronlcl not he content wHhout some girls. During th<> last few month!-4, "nip" l1as !-4hown considPrahle talent as an orator, has also discovered a sure enr for Orpheumitis.
VER • .JmL ·.TO~.
"Calm ancl g<'ntlr, hut get.· there just the I'mme." "Ouiiwa'' is a happy good fellow, who tries to he se1·ions especially whrn it comes to playing "lacl;v'. man," usually seen at the <>a. t door. ~\lt hough he ha.- only b<>l'n in C. H. ~. a ,'Par he has proved himi'elf a worthy :<"l10lar and clas. mate.
,JE.'S I.. \RGE. 'T.
"Every one has a fair turn to be a. ~r at a.he plra.-es." ".Jocko," be. ides being one of the greatest haskpthall captains and track :printers ewr produced h~· ('. H .•. , i. also a profes.-ional joker. In appreciation of his work in athletics, the senior class elected him cia. trea · urer. FLORE. '('E
''\Yhat WP hww i~ litllP; what we think we know is immem;e." Flor<'lH'<' tall,s mtu·h, hut !'ays littlr. \Yhen she doe. not know hrr ]p:son . he attempts a hlufl' 'Yhkh u.·uallY fail:. Is a memlwr of the debating da.·~ ancl Literm·y • odety.
"A worthy lad, exce dingly 'veil read, and profited in trange concealment ." A. a competitor with zephyr or C'ity heating plant, "Dirk" ha~ a brilliant future. Al-i an orator and prophet hi fame i renowned; hi love for girl i an affliction; hi a ·ociation i phenomenal. In tudie he is bright, when an outline is in ight. II.\ZEL LYO
"ITer ambitions are large; but accompli h· ments small." Fortunately Hazel knows what • he know , and like to have it known. The waving of her hand makes an e.·cellent ubl-ititute for electric fan., while her recitation give ample amu ement to the cia . llELE~ MADDEN.
"An eleO'ant cholar having the grace of peech and skill in the twisting of phrases." Faithful editor-in·ehief of the "Maroon." She .·eldom let a qucl-iiion pass unamnvered. Very succe. ·ful in giving speechei; in public peaking; always bu y getting her le ons.
"I have no ~kill in woman' changeful mood ." To do a thing well takes time, that i why it took ".lac" :five year!'! to go through II. He has been in our cla~~ only a short time, but he ha proved hi head contains omething more than non en e. erious and dignifiedcares not for the "fairer sex." OLLIVE ME TELEY.
"Don't let her name deceive you, for he i liked by all." "OlliYe'' i a member of tlw ")!orris iRoom society" which i famous for its go •. iper . he is not an advocate of hard study and eldom talks to hear the music of her own voice.
"• he is steady by jerk ." Although not a ''~hark" Ot It('} manage. to keep up in her f'Cholastic Htan<lings as well a. ll(ll' social position at the of I. and thp <'. II. R A walkin fa. hion plate. T.
"lle is a good lad, and a ju t one." "Art" through som(l miraculous power ha. dewlop d wonderful athletic ability. DurinO' football season he won honor.· a~ an 0nd, in basket ball he wa eldom . nrpa~:('d, and in ha ehall he is always there with the "mitt.''
"Slowly and peacefully . he wendeth her way along." Although ")lillie" :eldom mis. es a dayshe cannot see any attraction in l-lthool lifeher ways are tho. e of one in deep thought, whil her conver ation . how. trace.· of love.
Mo •. "Wi e in her daily word , wa. f'he. '' Inez, with her quiet, sober countenance, has proved herself to be an ambition~, ever indu:triou tudent. Her rpcitations, although not brilliant, show an abundance of common sen e.
Mos. "What a spendthrift she i of her tongue.'' Though "Bright Eyes" lw . hown almo:t :upernatural ability in public . pE>aking, ~h declare he will never be a suffragettE>. Ha~ an amiable dispo ition, abundance of ~miles and plenty of talk.
.... TI KEIDO.T.
''Full big he wa. of brawn, and eke of bonr .. '' As a born athlete, "BPan,v'' head~ the li ·t. Hr hold.· the record for the ~r< ate. t number of "("' swe'aters won h,v any s<.>nior. In his . tudics nothin~ .·pcm~ to tome e~u;y, however, he keeps digging awa and almost alway com s out victorious. T
R\ nro. To PARKER. "lie ha.· a plentiful lack of wit.'' .\ wr,v stud ion.· lad. II<' <"ares for nothing but his book~; is wry timid <.>SpP<"ially whrn in the pre. ·en<'e of girls; ha pro .. pects of becom· ing a great electridan.
"The de'ed I intend is great, But what. it is, I know not." ''Joe" holds the otli<'e of vice-president in the ''f4tor,v Teller's Club." In his studies, religion~ infhwnce haR caused him to believe the m,n;fprions motto "• p<.>al· what thou thinkest" whether it he the answer to thine tutor' que · tion or not. ALICE PROB. T.
".\. maiden newr bold.'' ...\lite has the habit of gettin(J' led when shP should he in hPr hi~tor.v <·lass-otherwise sh<.> ha.' no had l1ahits, and po.·itiwl.v refu •. · to talk to the hoys. Always kind and plea.ant.
"• uch a war of red and white within her Cll<'Pln;." ~Iyrtle, 'Yith her chePk.' so fair, ha. the unmmal fa('ult,v of cxprpssing to her tPachers her imnost .·entimPntR. ~Tewr worriPs about her si.'ter hccans<' shP think . .'he is old enourrh to look out for herH If. 16
"( >ne ear h<'ard it, and the other out it went. ·
"Hank" i.· not overly fond of hi: .·tudie:. lie mu<'h prefprs mnusing a trowd of fair admirer. at the ea. t door, or playing football.
perfed woman, nobly planned To warn, to comfort and command." Quiet and reR n·ed, :Mabel ne,·er let anything worr;v her, hut take thing ju t as they come. Ht•eiteR only 'vllen neceR. ary and ha an outline in ight.
Ho '.' Hlr'EHART.
"Blessed with plain reason, and common ·en ·e." A good thinker, an industrious worker. Cares but little to talk, hut prove a good li tener; answer.· to name of "Rusty." Previou acquaintanc unnecessary.
"Exceedingly wi. e, fair ·poken and peruading." The faithful pre. ident of the enior cla ; al. o pre ·ident of the Literary odety; never know. what the word "fail" means; always at tlw !wad in her stuclie!-1; won the scholar hip prize given by the Athletic A . o iation.
Eow ARD SANDER . ")Iellin's food make. healthy hildr n." Thi tatement, however, L not a lam, for "Ed'' ha the brain of a N. Y. brok r, the stature of a millionaire' son-and a tongue wlti!'h is a match for any orator. A. for girl , dancing, and studying, he ha developed a con ervative affection. 17
" he's bonnie h1oomin~ straight and tall." An ewr iiHlu.'t l'iom;, amhition.' . tudent. ~ 'o ont' would lwliPn> it, hut Laura ha. actually lwPn "ca 11 r<l <1m\ n" for mi~lwha rior in tlH' .\. H. hour Y. ~hP i.' usually <·alm and <lignified, one of thr six footrrs of the class.
"1 liw not in mysplf, hut heeonw a portion of that around me.'' ''Bonn ir ,Jean" is a1wa,vH ready for a ~oo<l laugh; humorous and ~ood natured; a fri<'IHl to eYeryone "t·ause yon can't help lm·in' her''; n Yer lets her studies "orry her.
''Thr wor<ls he
are small whrn com-
parP<l with tlw thou~hts he exprrs·cs, and
those that are spar<><l." ".ith th<' unsnsecptahility of Apollo, "Scis.'ors" ·w ith his vast prudition, im pre~na hle virtur, n<'ver fai]R to expostulate against the CYih; of tlH' pre.'Cllt da '. ~L\.R,TORm SP.\.LnL 'G.
''Tis she, I ken her hy lwr gait" Great lowr of .'Odet;r, lates:t book., and good plays. .\lwa~·s wanting to know where th lesson is, always htmgr~·. An east door adornment.
"Thy mo<lpsty is a candle to tl•v mrrit." )J a_,: lwli<•n·s' in t h<' olll pron'rl~, "('hildr<>n shonlcl lw seen anclnot lward." IndinPd to lw a trifle hashful, would likt> wr~· much to h<> a "·hark,'' but Homchow things don't .'Ound ju .. t a ~lay intends.
"~l.V tender youth was never yet attaint with an,r pas:iom~ of inflamin~ low.)' ..\ lad of JW('nliar quality, a~ his name :pt•n•: "pJl to indkate. ThP spnior play will ePrtainlv lw a failure if "Shvloek" is not in tlH• <"tt. t'. A: a <"OlllPilian hP. <·an do littlehut as a ",Jpw" he hax shown wonderful skill. LPt no om• ask about his :ehool work, for hi. fam<' W<' ,yould hate to spoil.
HI,.\. TIH] ~TIP!'.
"A maidPn of our ecut ury, hut mo.t meek." ('ahn and quiet-a loYer of solitude and dPP]l :Indy. r:ualJy found in ~liss )forris' study room'? or cretting Latin.
Rt ~L\IER~. "By dili~enc<' he wins his way." Busiue.·s m n like "~lubb" are few. In his school work he shows pro1ligiou~ ability. llifl chief eharaderisties are a smiling face, and a minted conversation.
''There's re. t for me and eomforl fre in tlJ<' tone of my yoi ·e." ~Iarie has a swePt Yoke, and aspireR to be a ~rent ~:;in~er; helieYes in bosom friends or non at all; i.' a good stu <lent.
HrTII Y.\ · "~he
. peaks, heha rps and acts just as she
"Van'' is a wry lady-like ~irl,-nerPr s hpr l<'llllH'l' to anyone, saYe hPrfwlf. She JH ~Pntlp and per:uasiYP, al" ays n•ady to help .·omeone el ·e.
"£\ .·till, r-.mall Yo ice." Ethel i.· lvually ramblin~ around the hall or lockPr room lool·in~ for .·omeho<ly or ~Oml'thing-. B~- lH•r eon~istPnt work in drawing she ha~ t'Hl'll<'d tht> tith• of "('lass Arti t.'
J.L "E " '.\T,'O::\'.
"II<>r g<>ntl<> mill(l, hy gentle deed.· HllO\\"n." ,Jant• iR a quid, d<>mm·<' lass who nevPr hm; much to say to anybody. It iH <·onsidt>n•d a phenomenon if RhP fails to recite.
WILI..I.\~1 W.\G::\'EU.
"I am bashful and afraid of girlF~.'' "Bill" is tall in ~tatmt>, has a brain in proportion; nott>d as on<> of t h<> '' 'laHs Sharks". In hi~tory hp hringR forth tlw prai~ps of )liHs ·w itzer hy his brilliant answers.
Aro-u.'TA 'YILLRKEY. ":For f<lhe i. wi e, if I can judge her." A ugu. ·ta is good na tur<>d and al wayH ready for a good laug-h hut n<>wr ]pt.· hPr good tim<'s intE>rfere with hPr studiPs; g<'tR excellent grade. without much pffort heeause ·be ha.· wonderful power of COIH'Pntration.
)f.\RY HEATER. "I~auglJR when . miled at, hut otherwi. c sober.'' Calm and dignifi<>d, hut hPliCY<>. in c.·pre.·sing her opinionf-1 frePly. An una .. ·uming maid who eould never get rid of hPr mode. ty and hyne .
IloW.\I!D 1>.\Jm.\II.
'A. itllt• as a paintpd ."hip upon a painte ocean." "IIeap" unfortunately havin~ broa( shonltlPl'S has to hPar the ill will of all hif hPlo\'t>tl tl'at·lH•r. . liP t·an ~iw an (•xad imi tat ion of a "sua il pat'P" upon l'Pq nest. Is ont of lht• ft•w fortun:tll' po.·spssors of thP ".-milt that won't come off." JULIA DERRO 'GH, '11. FAY FA 'LK. 'ER, '11. ~.\.RL LIXB.\.RGER, '11.
SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS PRESlDENT ................................................. MARIE RUTE BER VICE-PRESJDENT ................................................ ALBERT SIZER SECRETARY ............................................. GRACE DALLENBACH TREASURER .................................................... JESS LARGE T
CLASS HISTORY inety hilarious, frivolous fre hmen Entered this High School in 1907. ow, more than fifty industrious wise-men Are leaving-as seniors-in 19II. The very best class Champaign ever had Is leaving the High School this year, And I'm sure everything will go to the bad When they leave-I am trembling with fear. Perhaps all those reading this, do not agree With the facts that I've just now related; But a bit of the history will suffice, and you'll see That it's true-just as I have stated. As freshmen, we were not at all green, As some freshmen classes we know; Nor did we get lost, as some people we've seen, For we always knew just where to go. As Sophomores, this class had a meeting one night And planned for a Sophomore Cotillion; The affair was successful-a beautiful sightat surpassed by one in a million. The next year as Juniors, we entered the schoolWe felt very dignified, thenWe faithfully, patiently followed each rule To impress all the giddy young freshmen. That year, we had a meeting again And arranged for a Senior Reception; This al o, was grand as the other had beenWithout even one exception. "Prexy" Taft- ICHOLAS MILLER. 22
The Has But For
next-the last of four glorious yearsbeen full of worries and gladncs"; our joys have far overtopped all our fears, we do not think long of our sadness.
\V e then, planned a ball for the twenty si. th of 1! ay; The dark red carnation, our flower, And arranged for a banquet on St. Patrick's day, And si.· of the clock was the hour. Thi is the class that made lligh School o bright; It is we who secured public speaking; It is we who had President Taft come in sight For to sec us, all people arc seeking . • ·ow, as others, this wonderful clas will oon go; But we hope 'twill be remembered forever. Remembered-not only for all that we know Although we're remarkably cleverBut For For For
rem our our our
mbercd for the splendid e.·ample we've been glorious spirit of progressionman-e lou ability to go in and win; talents in study and ex pre ·sion.
Then here's to the class that will graduate this year Who always knew just what to do. Here's to the Senior -our classmates so dear Here's to the lovely-to you.
"Don't resist the officer."-ToM FII'NJGAN.
With malice toward none, but affection for all, This prophecy was written, in response to a call. So read 1t for pleasure, amusement or bliss, For predictions so given, are usually amiss.
Fay Faulkner and hi friend 'arl Linbarger far down in the mysteriou depths of HadeR, were painfully paying their moral debt to 'atan. The former, burdened with a hundred pound shovel waH throwing coal in a mammoth furnace. The latter, was vainly trying to supply a gey er with an ordinary hand pump. 'atan, having ju ·t departed on hi· annual visit to Earth. gave arl the rare opportunity to conver e, which he so much enjoyed while on Earth. "Well, Fay, how is Ve uvius?'' "Oh! I've got it hot enough for another eruption provided the old man doesn't switch coal on me," an wered Fay dryly. "Any new from Earth?" "Any new. ?" Satan gave me hi complete diary on the class of 1911." "Good enough," replied Fay. "Let' go it on Lover'! Stone and read it over." As they lo,vly walked to their de tination, Fay uddenly exclaimed, "Hello! h re come· Rev. Sizer. ' After greetings were exchanged with the new arrival, Carl explained to him that h wa about to read atan's diary on the class of 1911. "Lay it a ide," ugge ted izer. "It has only been a short time ince my departure from Earth, o I think I am capable of relating the career of mo t of my belov d cia mates." Quiet but full of fun .-GRACE MINER.
''Br~in then," re:ponded Fay, "and in ca.· • of necr.·.·ity, we rt•fpr to the diary." "\\.Pll," lwg-an ~izpr, in a nwlaneholy ton<>, "tht> la:t pprson "ith whom I conver:ed whilP on Earth was my most helowd wife, Bl:mdH' ( ~tipp). ~he was tt>llin<r me of Charles Frazier taking unto him:-;t>lf his fifth "ift•, :Jlary )loss, who, af.\ you probably have hP~ll'(l, wa.· touring the world with Gertrude Harnsbarger, the pretty hrunt>ttP of the daf.\s of '11. And"-",Just a moment, old <'hap," intPI'l'upted Fay. ''Listen to what Carl is about to read from the diary." ''I haw by no mean.· Pxhansted my nt:t supply of knowledge," p·owlPd ~izer, who thPn eontinued, "During my last trip abroad, I :a w Abel 8ummer · and hi · wife (Jean 8hively) on their way honw, aft<>r having faithfully served four years a.· missiunarie.· in Ilond uraK" "\\·en, well," commented Fay. "One can never judge the mind hy thp body. Tell me how is our friend Je:. Largent?" ":JI oHt exqniHite," answpred Alhert. "HP and his 'vife :JfyrtlP ( Fa<'klPr) are now in China, whpre "Joeko'' has a po ition as athiPtic dire<"tor in the rniver ity of Tsing Kiangpii." ThP name of the rniversity wa still ringin<r in their ear when William \Yagner joined them; his back was bent, hi· brow wrinkl<>d and his eye· filled with tear·. Hizt>r apparently gut>HI"ing thP eamw of hi grief wa~ fir t to ~p<'ak. '' till mourning over the lo. · of your late. t di ·overy''IIow to make SeniorR pas 'finals'?'' \Yell, well, '"ell, that i n't anything ·ompared to what most of u mortal' have had to contend with. Think of my troubles"-llut the hi ·tory of his car er wa · fortunately interrupted by the pit •ou moaning of Fay, who was uncon ciou ·ly rep ating1'1111
"On the hillside, there, its Peggy fair, R ading old lett rs of love. Every one h doth ope, he tear with a sigh, For it remind her of school day gone by." Wagner interrupted the lament by ·aying, "Fay, you ·hould ('harle Hough. Peggy i now establi ·hed in the mansion of the famous dove farm magnate Hough, at )[u.kecron. "She alway· did Pnjoy the unu ·ual," commented izer, "but happily ·he is not so fortunate a her ·chool friend, Ruth Van ~ay ~Irs.
Always ready to recite.-BE SIE McDANIELS.
Inwagen, the wife of Irving John ton; who, I have heard, is a multimillionair banker in . . Tew York." "Indeed," returned Fay thoughtfully. ''\VPll, 'Vagner, you seem well v<>rsed in the hh;tory of our <:la.-~mate~, so give us a lillie comedy on the subject," said Carl. "Cm1wdy," Robbrd 'Vagner, "nothing i · comedy to m ; most of our a.-.-ociate: arc cith •r I'ich, happily married, old ha ·helot'., or bachelor girl ." "EnouO'h,' ventured Rizer. "Tell us of Grace Dallenbach, Helen :Madden, Flor 'II<'' LaS •ll, and others of our b •loved lit •r· ary :od •ty." \\Tagner began with the obed.ience of a ehild.: "Grace Dallenbach and F'lorcn<: Bell are matrons of a sanitarium, wlli<'h th<>y found.ed. at Lo ·t .r 1 ation, a suburb of 'hampaign, for worn out . II. . graduate.·. Helen )ladden is profes.-or ill a conservatory of musi<: in Omaha; a11d hy the way, not far from Omaha our littl • Gold Hopkin. has mad.e good. his mnue with a large onion farm. Littl<' <li(l we think 'IIoppy' "ould turn farmer. A.- for l•'lor 11ce LaS<>ll .-he is editor of an Englh;b suffraO'ette paper." "·miam, thinking he had fini.-lH•<l his tm~k, gave a sigh of r lief. But Albert with hi mmal elasticity of mind had. a11other question; hi~:; fac·e beamed with the remembrance of his early friend as he spoke, "Tell me, 'Villiam, what of ::\Iarie ?'' "::\Iarie,'' repeated 'Vagn r, thoughtfully, "0, yes; be i. married. to farmer Dillavou. They ar living in fichigan where tlwy are trying to rai: sweet potatoe and. watermelon in the sand dune. "Indeed!" exclaimed Albert. \Yagner, beeoming interr:ted in hi narrative, continued without hesitation: "At th last Aeroplane and Gyro cope Exhibition, I chanced to meet Albert lark. on and. his wife Lola (Heyworth). They informed. me that Clarenc Dickey bad ·ucceed.ed. in capturing a Spanish heir<>s:; they also told of ti{e happy marriage of Ed Rander. and. Edna Iillizen. "Ilow clo · Ed manage to ·upport a wife?'' qu ried Fay. "Aftrr having lost all of his money in a vain attempt to put Hay Parker'.· frictionles.- motor, the greatest fraud of the c ntury, on th mark<>t, Ed was appointt>d. private •tretary to Ambas ad.or icker.-on at th • ourt of 't. Jame ." "\Yhat became of Parker?" a 'ked. Carl. "lie went through the form of a trial, but owing to the powerful influence of hi wife Gladys ( haney) he wa acquitted." "Stlcnce is golden.''-RuTH M1
"\Vomen ar p culiar,H comm nted Fay. "YN;," added \Villiam after a pause, "and Mary Heater i not an e ·t·<'ption. I .. a~t year Hhe was candidate for . ·enator from olor:ulo, but in Hpite of the ·lrenuou: <•IIort.· of Brown te •1 , he wa: defeat<•<l. The <·ampai~n, however, formed a good ba i for a romanct', which culminated rt>tently in their marriage." ''PrPposterous !" e.·dainH•d Albert, mentally pi ·turing her a a hi~h sdwol graduate. ":'llodr.·t little Mary, a uffragette !" "Yes," <:ontiuue<l \\'illiam, "and h •r friend, Laura • h ct , is a notPd phyHician in Rt. ,Jo:<•ph; and ~Iyrtle and Ali ·e Prob ·tare tea<'hing clo<'ntion at Ann Arbor. \Vhy ha no one a ·ked about llowaru Darrah'? After trying nim•ty-nine other o cupations, Il<m ard has parned honorH as a detective in :Mackinac." "\Yhom did he ever arrest'?" asked Carl. "\\'t>ll, to make a long story short, it waH through 'Ileap'H' Slwrlock Holme~· methodH that I~'rank Ramey r covered hi wife's (Marjori • Rpal<ling) diamond ne ·klace. 'lieap' wa injured in making the arrest and was taken to th' Mercy llo.·pital where he was t·arPfully nur. eel by )label Richards and Jane \Vat on." "\Yhat about the ~!<:Kinney gold mine'?" inquired William. "llave you h •ard any latp reports'!'' Alb •rt l1eaw<l a :igh, ".J.. o, I can't. ay that I have, except that Ira i · now engaged in a great charity movement in th lums in hicago. II, i · ahly a. :i.·ted in hi work hy his wife (Hazel T..yon!i'. You remember our little 'Spt> k''? \Vho knows of him?'' "Let me tell of '"p<' ·k'. Alb •rt lark. on ha maue hi name famous for ever. By hili discovery he developed ' p<>ck' from a dwarft to a man mea uring 6 ft. 2 in. in height and weighing 225 lbH. He is now succes ·or to George Iluii a.· dir •ctor of Athlt>t.ie at the U. of I. "I alway thought Elam woul<l enter the Journali ·tic field," commented Carl. "\\.hat! Elam a journa1i t !" rPpt•at.ed Fay, "Oh no! It was Ar(·hibal<l P 'lTing, the walking newH, who e pathway ·e med to lead to journalL m. '' "You're right" ~pok<' Siz<>r. "Joe wa.· a new~paper reporter for about fiw year!<, but hi: coming in posHessiou of a vaHt fortune, tt>rminateu that <·ar<' •r. lie is now travelinrr in Europe and Asia in an o.·cart." "Strange Ar •hi' never marri d'' aid Fay. "I thought he was engageu to Ethel \Yatt ." " o he wa. ," an. wered izer, "but by her taking up th teachQuiet streams run deep.-WALTER 27
ing and work of arrie ~ ~ation, did not meet with hi approval, accordin~ly, their friend]~ r<>la t ion.· werp forewr severed." ''Whatever has beeome of )letzler'?" askp<l Carl with a si~b. "To be frank with von, Carl," said \YagnPr, "I hesitated to tell you ahout him. For ypars he has heen PngagPd in the manufa ture of deeoy dueks au<l sporting good.· at Hantoul. RPcently he fell a victim to Dan Cupid, and mal'l'ied Franeis Garwood, hi· old hi~h '·hool friend." ''Prom what has bet>n said," spoke Fay, "aeroplane.· have had little intere. t for our frielllls." "That' true," au ·were<l \\"illiam, "but ther are aeroplane fanatics among out dassmates. Hoss Hitwhm·t, for instan<·P, is presid nt of the Hamble Air Craft Co. lie and his wife (.\larie Thoma ) make DP Laud their summer hom<•." "\Yhy, that i, a· surpri:-dn~ as Au~usta \Yillskey, ~lay Stamey and Othel )leneely heing <'<litors and. lll:llHtg<>rs of the Intt•rnational Matrimonial Bur •au of ~ ~ew York, with John. on as chief legal advi ·or," aid Siz •r. "Which John. ·on do you mean'?" . aid <'ar l. """hy, Yern ,Johnson who marri d Olliw )fpnplry," answered '·Vaguer, politely. "And by the way, Inez ~loHs is Dean of the Domestie ti nee Department in a seminary at Baltimore." Here the consenation wa: interrupted. by a noi e which herald d the return of Ratan. After expre.·sing the hope that th ir lately arrived friends would reeeive clemency, 'arl and Fay reluctlantly betook them.'elve to their herculean task for another year. S. . J.. inbarger, '11. F. Faulkn r, '11.
Oh, those eyes.-MAUD DAUGHF.R'TY• .28
1ftanar ~tnll GENERAL AVERAGE
Augusta "\.Villskey Marie Rutenber
Clarence Dickey Augusta "\.Villskey
93.57 93.16 HISTORY
94.25 94.2
"\.Villiam "\.Vagner Augusta "\.Villskey ANCIENT LANGUAGES
Lola Haworth Blanche Stipp
92.75 91.
Augusta "\.Villskey Clarence Dickey
96.66 95.2 E GLISH
92. 91.57
Lola Haworth Marie Rutenber SCIE CE
Lola Haworth Abel Summers Jane Watson
91.2 90.66 90.66 BV I E S
95. 91.5
Laura Sheets Myrtle Propst
A jolly soul, a jolly soul, is
he-. 'ELLIE
A RED CARNATION Pa t memories throng o'er me, And sweet is the time That this flower-red and fadedBrings back to my mind. Ah-well I remember Tho e old times of my youth, 'Twas in :May-and for us 'Twa Life's l\laytime, in truth. "You may have my carnation, See- I'll pin it right here!'' And, laughing, he left me \Vith my thoughts thcu so dear. How its dark beauty lured me! For, in fact, 'twas a part Of her who had worn it, And stolen my heart.
Quite a mathematician.-SrnYL 30
\Ve vowed love eternal, But our vows, it i plain, Were faithless and fickle And our love was in vain. The years sin e have fled And with them the dreams; Those dreams-they arc shatter<'dAnd but a memory, it seems. It is old now, and faded, It is fragrant no more, And it's beauty no longer Attract as of yore.
Yet these memories I cherish And with care will I try Each petal to treasureAnd lay back with a sigh.
A monarch of all he surveys.-ELLIOT STEVENS.
liE la. t will and tefitament of tlH• <·lasH of 1911, of th Champaign High ~dwol of the <"ity of Champaign, ~tate of Illinoh;, {·. H. A.: We the da:-;:-; of 1!111, con. idering the uncertainty of this mortal lifP, ancl being of sound mind aiHlmemor.r, (Ble.'sed he the Almighty God for the ·ame) <lo make and publi. h tlli last will and. te tament in the following manner and. form: That i to ~ay : "'e, as a class, give and bequeath to the ,Junior class of tlH• .·ai<l High ~chool, thp right to lH•<·omp full-fl<•dg<'d and <lignified • enior. at the opening of the chool year 1911-'12, provided. tlH•y fulfill the following provisions:Fir.·t-That they mak<> the requirPd grade.· thi: ,vear, Ho that they may be able to hold such honorahh• positions a: Senior : ~e('ond-'l'hat they with all tlwir hearts will endeavor to :find a cnre for the fast spl<•ading plagm• of OrpltPumiti:: Third-That they make it their duty as Senior. to , ee that under-clas:m n pay du re pect to their beloved teacher and high . chool : F'ourth-"\Ye give anti bequeath all our noh• bookR and ponies, favorite haunts, and. choice seats to the aid Juniors: La. tly-,Ye give and bequrath to all th<• memhrr. of the Junior cla:s, our good look , brilliancy, talent, privileges and the unparalleled honor of being • eniors. We give and bequeath to the Clas. of 1913, the double <luty of bringing up in the way they should <YO, the freshman class of 1914, who bav been painfully negleded in their training; and looking aft~r the infants of 1915. "\Ye give and bequeath to the cia s of 1914 the unclaimed honor of being th fre ·he t bunch of yearlings in the hi. tory of Champaign High chool. We hereby give and bequ ath to our beloved fac·ulty our appreciation of their kind and loyal aid in guiding u: throuO'h the Always smiling, never sad.-LESS!E ANDERSON. 32
year: that we haYe r-;pent in tlle Champaigi1 lligh ~chool.
To ,.,Iii's ~Iorri.'-\H' lwqnrath the mmwy to ('On~-<trnd a mental telcpnthy outfit to h<' placc1l in her 1·oom, :o that tiH• stndPnt: will know just the 1·i~ht answer witht'lnt the a:si:tatH'P of hpr frantic ge:ticulation.·. 'lo ;\li:s )ldYilli:tms-we hrqneath a slidP rule>, to b u. ed in the rapid ('akulation of our grade:. To ..,I is: ,J oh u. on-wP ht>qnPa t h a 11 onr slang words. To }lr. 'Y1·ight-we ht>quPath the nwney to huy wax, with wltil'h hP is to ma kl' Brmul\\·a~· I'O slid· that those who try to loiter thl're will.lip out without hi: f-illl'aking to them. 'l'o :\lr. Oitfor<l-\\'P will the right to stay young. 'ro .\li.·r-; llill-we gire tllP sole ('opyl'ight to all tliP work ot art on our de. kH. To }lr. Pippit-wP hl•qm.•ath the honor of hadng the only courl-le whkh our (sporty) F'rP~-<hmen boys ('Un pass. To ;\lis: Tamwr- wr lPan• our YCI',Y yaluahle retipP: ''How to makP up an exn1. 'P." 'ro )lr. But((•rfipld-wP hPqu<'ath a IH'W haton to take the plaee of thP mtwh mistreated ruler whi1·h lw haH u.·ed to lwat time out of his nmsi(' hool·. To }lr. )lilne-wP ~in· the l'i~ht to he whistling king of Broa1lwa.'; al.'o, to him, Wl' hPqnPath all of our red neektie~. To ")li.-,· \Yaugh-we gi,·e tlle position a: he<ul of thr recruiting oftlce, to Pnlist honp.·t hoy~. To )lr. Pitton-WP gin• ''Hohert.· Huk.- of OrllPr," or "Ilow to IIandh' the Hoy~-<.'' 'l'o ;\Jr. 'Villiam. -Wl' will all our elwwin~ gum. To l\Ii~.- • trhhins-we giw tlw mom•y to lm~· a rpfrigerator, which i: to lH' u. Pd h~· her alone and tim: allow thP ~tllllents taking German to rujoy a warm aml comfortahlr room. \Yt>, a: iwlivi1lnal:, haYin~ per:onal po:.-pssion:, do h reby will and b('<pwa t h a~ follows:,,~]lP('k" .\ukrum will: hi: po. ition as thP SlllHllP.-t mPmlH•r of our da.-s to Rl'd Armstron~, who must fill it with tlw !ligni y of "~peck", himself. Floyd PPrring-\\ ilh; hi: art of t'OllllHI. in~ lon> :onnpts to th fp~u·hpr:, to Halph )ld1ee. 'lifl'ord Low-leaves l1is ahilit~ as a eahinet mak('l' to Don Atkin.·on. Ira )lcKinupy-\\ ills hi: superior knowl(•dgc of ('heud:try to Lyle Und..-ey. The class arti ·t.-LoutsE WoonROOFE. 33
Carl Lin har~<>r-will. hi. r<>cipc for making <'andy out of C12 II 22 0 11 +II 2 0 unknown to l\fr. Gooding, to Floward \\'alton. AlbPrt. ilwr-will. hiR r ligious scrnpl<'l-1 to harlesThomp ·on. ::\Iaric Hut<>nhcr-wills her claim on the ''Young<>r izer" to .T<'nnis Harry. Tl<>l<>n )Jadden-wills h<>r ability as a public .·prakcr to Ruth Akprs. Myrtle anrl Alice Proh. t-(Props)-l<>ave their position, a nphol(h•rs of thP S(>nior cli~nity, to Blallehp Hill HIHl ('arolinp Iloft'man. Fram·es Oarwood, • lari<' Thoma:, Oih<>l :\lPn<'<>l:r ancl An· ~u:ta \\'illsk<'y ]paw their powd<'r and paint to Gus, to be u cd in whitewashing hi den. Eel andcr:-leaws hi. GPrman vocahulary to :\ri.·.· StPhhins, wl10 i: to have. ome German ProfC'. sor at th<' rniwrsity of Illinois analyz it to HC<' if there ar<' any Ri~nR of Oerman wc)J'(lR. Ho:s RinC'hart-will. his ri~ltt to blush, to C'orhett Goodman. AlhPrt lark:on, Fay l• aulkncr, and Ha~·morHl Parker-give their worn out clcctrical apparatu~-1 and the book on "How to C'on:trnct a Wir<'lcsH", to Harry Roger., Frank Clippinger, and nnu·p •"izer. Clarence Dickey-will. part of his :nrplu. brain to some fr<>:hman, to be decided by matching pennie.. Myrtle' Fa ·kler, Edna )IillizC'n, and manche tipp-leave thPir Latin tran. lations to Grace Madden, Elizabeth ITarri , and Lois Philbri k. IIowarcl Darrah-wills hi. ricrht to sleep in the As embly room to Harold Clark. ,Julia Derrough-lem:ps her , ocial po. ition on Broadway to Stella Ilntchin:on. Irving ,John. ton-wills his peculiar constitution that cannot stand th<> odor of dlemieal!-1, about the tim<' of the ~Iatin<'e at the Orpheum, to Ed Rnyder. ·william ·wagner-~ive: hi. sponge whi h he us<>H to . oak up l1istor:v, to Elliot Stevens. Olli\'<' :\IenPlPy-wills h<>r false eurl!-1 to :\Jr. Oooclin~, to hid<' the bald . pot. Ahel mlmWrH-leaves hi :ole right a!-1 a "girl fusser", to Halbert Bean. farjorie Spalding-wills her po:ition as cllief "chatterer'' to Hannah IIarri .. Always there with the answer-OLGA THAI•.
Hough, Largent, Metzler, ickerson, izer, and Rameywill their po:ition on the different athletic team , to any of the undergraduate who will endeavor to fill the places with a much determination as they have. Florence La aile-leave her bottle of peroxide with a label on it, "Guaranteed to make a Peroxid Blonue in three Treat· ment. ",to May Baxter. Mary fo · -leaves her privilege of holding hand with tho e nice little fre. hman boys, to some little girl of that class. Yern John. ton, Brown teel , and Warr n rr-leave their "permit to cut", to Hershel Dicker on, Earl Patterson, and l"rank Ward. J pan hively-wills her eat in the phy ic cla s to Iarie Caldwell, prmided , he can fill it. Glady haney-leaves her little freshman escort, to any nice girl that will take good care of him. Gold Ilopkins and Mabel Richard -leave their grin to Joe Perrival and Eva Goodman. Mary neater-wills the right to chew gum at all times, to Maude Bonner. flert Uaye -wills lli tenor voi to ~ichola filler, pro· vidPd he u e it. Grace Dallenbacl1, Ruth Van Inwa"Pn, and Lola llawortbleave their pienic in fourth year Engli. h to Ji'ran<·ei' Klank, Joe Carnahan and Lu ·ia Van Inwagen. Charle Frazier and Laura heets-will their surplu. altitude to be divided among the fre. lmum boys and girl:-; rel"p<>ctiv ly, a they fear they are entirely too . mall for such a large . chool a the ChampaiO'n ITigh chool. May Stamey,Florence llell,aml Hazel Lyon:-lcave their lead penc·il. to the. chool, to h<' used hy tho.·p who }paw thl'irl" at home. Raymond Parker-leave hi.· conden:-;cd hiHtory of the ·nited tate to Ch ster Turner. Ethel ·watts an<l Jane 'Yat:-;on-will their "rats'' to Gus to moke, provided he does it beforl' !) :00 .\. )1. and aftt'l' 4:00 P. ~I. Gertrude Ilarn berger-wills her note' ( p rsonal) to Gu' to start the fire with. E. el Dillovau-will. his clwnce to win G. Iluff'. pa. to all U. of I. athletic eYent., to Bob JroveR. We give and b queath the same to the partieR mention d and appoint Mi. s Switzer sole Exeeutrix, of thiR our la, t will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by uR made. In witne .. whereof, we have hereunto set our hand. and .·eal , t h ·. · seeond <lay of ,June, in the yPar of our Lord, One Thou:-;ancl · ine II undred Eleven. An extemporaneous pcaker.-LULA MERRICK. 35
(3 c«-l) (Se d.t) l3ea\._)
(Se.ul) (3e~\ . )
(Sed).) (veal) IS ea.\) (Sea.\)
( 5ea.\)
( Sea.\.) ( 5ea.\.)
( Seol.)
( 5eolJ
( '3ea.l.) l <Dedl.)
( <Deo.L.) ( ~edl.) (<i)eal.) (Seal.)
( Sedl.J ( Se.c\\.)
( Sea.l..l
( Sed\J r Jed.\.)
(Seal.) ($e al.) The class
author.-~fARGARET DODGE.
Always surrounded by a bunch of chattering girls.-GuY 37
Quite a fashion p)ate.-LELAH 38
SENIOR PLAYS .After conRidering many plays, th committ<>c finally :elected th<• two following onPH as l>est ~uited for the t;pnior cla.· · to precut. 'l'IH' fir~t i.· a one ad eomedy l>y T. J. \Yilliam.·, entitled "ld On Parle Fraucai:." ( Frl'IH'h i.· :pok •n IH•re). 'l'h •r • are H<•wu \\'l'll hahmce<l p:u·ts, all of which m·e good and fa. t. The conH·<ly rPJH'c ·cut: the trilmlations of an Englishman living on the RPa-:hore, "ho decide: to r •ut room: to forei~uci'H. The climax i.· rpachcd wh ·n a Pr ucluuan r •ntH a room, makeH love to the daught<•r and ntani<>s her. 'I he lon~er play is a four act drama by A. L. 'ruhl>s, cnlitle<l, ''Farm Folks." Thk play i ·particularly free from nu•lodramatic e1Ie ·t:, ha · a very good moral tone, and i well suite<l to hi(l'h ·chool pupils. The play repre ·cuts the plea urc and misfortun cau.· >d when a youn(l', hall<h;ome, wealthy, ociety man of • ew York fall.· in love \\ ith an una: ·uming country girl. The son's ambitious moth<•r trie.- to cffe ·t an e traugement and temporarily su ·cceu . 'upid, however, a~s 'rt himself anu all ends well. l\Ir. Halliday of the U. of I. condudeu a tryout at the high school, April 3, and after careful consideration the following cast wert> chosen. The work from now on will l>e unuer the direction of l\Ir. Butterfi >ld, who i' well plea ·ed with th mat >rial, which, though "starles ,'' 'vill l>e able to O'ive a creuitable pre ·entation on ·weune ·day evening, May 31, at the 'Valk •r Opera HouRe. T
ICI ON PARLE FRA CAIS CAST Major Regulus Rattan .. , ...................................... ARTHUR 11ETZLER Victor Dubois ..................•................................. GoLo HoPKINS Mr. Spriggins .................................. ·................ EDWARD SANDERS Mrs. Spriggins ..............................•.................... HELEN MADDEN' Angelina, their daught r. . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... FRANCES GARWOOD Juha, wife of lajor Rattan ..................................... OLLI\'E .IENELEY Anna Maria, maid of all work .................................... JEAN SHIVELY FARM FOLKS CAS'r Philip Burleigh ................................................... BERT HAYES Dave \Veston .................................................. !Rn.·G JoHNSTON Amos Goodwin ..•..................••.........•................ VERN JoHNSTON 'Bijah Finn .................•..•.....•.......................... CHARLES HouGH Thompson .......•............................................. AvoN riCKERSON Flora Goodwin .....•.........•................................. JuLIA DERROUGH Mrs Burleigh ................................................ At:G STA \VILLSKEY Grace Burleigh ........................................... GERTRUDE HARNSBERGER Sarah Goodwin............. . .....•..•.......•.................... HAzEL LYONS ::-.1 rs. Peasley .............•....................•.............. FLORE. ·cE LA SELL Delia Slocum ........ , ..•.......................•.................. l\1ARY loss Quiet but brilliant-RALPH BuRWASH.
enior Ball wa at it hei<Yht; the air
was filled with til • fragrant • of flower ·, and the wawring note.· of the Yiolin.· ro.·
and fell to the .·low eauentt• of a waltz. " To'', and a girl's merry laugh rang out, "I wa~ not running away from you; hut it di<l look .·o !Pmpting and cool out lH.>re. B •sides, I am rather tired-let'· 'l"it out' tllis danec." The hoy as.-cnh•d by pulling two chairs dos<> to tlu• halenny raiL 'l'he girl again broke tht• sil<>nc<'. "To think that our high ~ehool <layx arp to hP ovpr xo :oon! I tan hardly realize it,-<"an you'! Yet, llPI'C it L· the wry la t of .May. How I haYc longed for thi. time to come, and yet now"-'l'he bo.} xigh<>(l. liP evid •ntl,r shared her unspoken thought . Sh<.• leaned forward, the mm·p dearly to see the whirling dancers witl1in, and the dark lwauty of a red tarnation glow u again 't the white of her gown. ''I wondet·eu at the time why a red carnation wa.' cho · n for our class flower, hut I gu<'l'V you girl. kn w what yon were doing," he admiringly remarked. ""'<•ll, we> kn<>w it would. he ahout tlie only available flower. Hatlter impo .. sible one: w<>re :uo~rested, you remember. Don't you think thi.· i. pretty?'' ''It is, indeed,'' agr<>ed the young man. "In fact, I think it i pretty •nough to adorn my hnttonholc." "Oh, really!'' mockingly. "But the stem is broken • o I will ~in• it to 'on. 'Yt> xhall pl'PIPnd that 'OU are a 'kuighte of olde', and. that I am crivin(J' you my favor. Hemem})er, I expc t great thin~.' of J'OU." Hhe U<'ft ly fa:tcnP<l the eal'lla tion on his coat, and ·tood off to admire the effect. "Yes, undoubtedly, that ·ets off your beauty top rfection. BuL Uwr<', I must t·un; th• next dan(·p is on. An r •yoir, Hir Knight.'' .And .. he laughing I , ran a\va ', leavincr him <razing after lwr with mor • than int •re. tin hi. eyes. he wa~-:> oon caught in the whirl of dancers-heedless, forg •tful. * * * * * * * * The light,in th' room was growing <lim, yet the man still at in the ame motioule.. po. ition, with the hook b for him. It was a volnm' of lov '-poPms, and on the open pag lay a pre.· ed and withered carnation! "Tho e were good old day·," h sighed r •gretfully, and. only the dyinO' ember: of the fire sparkled in r ':spon ·e. Frantes Garwood, '11. Beginning early.-FRANCIS BEACH. 40
EMERSON BILLINGS Y wife and I, lwing a middle-aged, childle eouplc, de~ir •d to adopt a child. I "'Tote to tlH• orphan aK_vlum at SlatPr, a.·king for a good-looking, well-behaved, bright boy of a fpw yt>UI'H, to h' taken on trial. "Be ure to put in 'bright' Haiti my wife; it would be o nke to have a g<>niu. in the family." Our pr<>parations "Pl't' manifold.; a lar e playroom waR Kta('ked with toyH of all deseription . Finally th ' day on which w' e.·peded our on-by-law arrived. ,Jubilantly we came to the station ju:t a th train pulled in. "Well, what under the canopy." I e.·elaimed a I beheld a trange figure approaehing. It wa: a hoy al.lOut two f et tall with lender leg.· aml armH, no neck to :;;peak of, and an abnormally large head. His red hair stuck out from beneath hi green cap; his eye: were a light bhw; hi: nose wa: vPry pudgy; and hi complexion, remarkably fair. His peculiar appearance wa~ enhanced by a pair of . p •ctacle '. "May I inquire if I am addrPksing Mr. and MrR. Ford?" he aKked. "You ar<'," ·aid my wife. "I am mo. t happy to make your acquaintance my dea.r father and motl1er," h wt>nt on. "I have attended to my trunk, o now we ean proePPd to m;v future home." "Oh, really, 1his is too absurd for anything, don't you know; I hav<>n't pla,ved with toys for agps, much l<' . look d at a doll." Thus spoke Emerson Billing., aged two, when we . how d him his l>layroom. "I prefer the reading of SbakP:peare and other rna ter minds. It is . o upliftii)g to th ·haracter." So it was. Everything we had or <lid wa.- too young for him. Blizahdh and I had heen wry fond of playing ragtime tog th r in the evening.-, hut Emer~on wouldn't hear of it. In. tead, he would play long elas. i<:al pieces with impos:;;;ible names, while Elizabeth and I ~at nodding in our <'hair. . )latter became wor e. One day I found Elizabeth crying in the kitchen a if her heart would ln•pak. Enu•rson had corrected l1er pronunciation at a party she had given the day before. That was too much! The ·<·oundrel (my baby) had dared to in.·ult my wife (hi mother) ! I had a plan in mind. The ne.·t day I a ·ked Emer ·on to come out in the garden Oh woe begone youth .-EARL
with me. Th re tood a balloon. " tep in! ' I ordered. He obeyed, and aid, "~ly uear father, whatever has po se d you to invest in a balloon? They are ~o dan(•erou . ow a to the con· truction of thi. ,--'' But I hau already cut the rope and in a minute he wa · sailing high abov' me, hi: g •ntle voice floatin, down, imitatingly. Anu if anyone shoulU ever di ·cover Emerson Billing traveling about, plea~-;e uo not notify ~Ir. and Mrs. Ford, Bedforu, Ohio. MARGARET R. DODGE) '12.
THE GONG Hear the recitation gongBrazen gong! What a tale of misery is told in its wild song! In the startled pupil's ear It rings out so loud and clear Calling him to recitations Despite all expostulations To be still. Ilcar it clanging, clanging, clanging With a loud and horrid jangling Calling pupils to recite \Vhen they know not wrong from right. How it pounds I And resounds Through the halls! It roll along \Vith its harsh, discordant song. And the children in a throng Move to the rooms where they belong To the music of the gong, Gong, gong, gong, gong; To the singing And the dinging Of the gong. -}ENNIS BAIUtY,
"So shalt thou come from the land of dreams."-HAROLD CLARK. 42
li!!I•IIE con ·id ration of odd number pre ents many intere ·ting fact , not only in hi tory but alRo in super ·tiiion. It i urprising what a prominent part these numbt•r · play in the liv' · of thtk people who are inclined to be uper titiou . But, RUJ> r. tiiiou or otherwiRe, there are · •rtain fa ·t and con ideration concernin 7 them, whi ·h have b •come hi torical. Although fivt> is a my ·tkal number, th •re seem · to be more of int r • ·t centered about the number even. Tl1e fact that tlJC number · ven ha b en found governing o many Biblical incident·, ha cau ed it to be regarded a the holy number. At the becrinning of time, th creation la. ted . even days; and during Bible time , the abbath was the eventh day of the week Among the lRra('lit('R, ewry Rt>wnth year was 8abbatical and ·even time seven year. wa · Jubilee. The Sabbatical year was devoted to re t, and the Isra lite. left their fiplds untilled and their vineyards untouched. The Jubilee was the grand Sabbatical year. The three great J ewi ·h fea t lasted even uays, and a period of seven weeks intervened b tween the fir ·t anu econd of the e fea ts. Levitical purification al o lasted even uay . Elisha ent ~aaman to wa h in th riv r Jordan even time ; and Elijah, on the top of Mount armel, ·ent hi ervant seven time to look for rain. When Jericho wa taken, the city wa compa ed seven times. C'hriRt spok' .: ven limes while b •ing crucified. There are many other in tance. in which even figures as a holy number; ·uch a:-the even divi ion of the Lord' prayer, the seven trumpet , th ev n-bran h d candlestick, the even eye of the lamb, and the ven churche of A ia. Besides these, are the seven pirits before th throne of od; namely-Michael, Gabriel, Lamael, Raphael, Jachariel, Anael, and Oriphel; the even pirits of God, wisdom, under tanding, coun el, power, knowledge, righteousnes , and the pirit of divine awfulne s; al o, the seven virtue -faith, hope, charity, prudence, ju tice, fortitude, and temperance; and the even deadly sin -pride, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, avarice, and loth. In olden time a man was extremely happy when he had Have left the real estate business ("Conn.") now doing decorating ("Buzz.")HAZEL DERROUGB.
pa . ed the age of sixty-three,-tb multipl of seven and nine. r at chanO't'H and dangers were ~uppo · •d to o ·cur in the life of man, at the ages of even and nine. 'ixty-thr •e, as a multipl• of the.· number.', wa: con. i<lered t h ' most dangt>rous yPar of life. It i intereHting to note that a sevpnth ~on of a 1-l<'Yenth son i · ~o~aid to be an infallibl• doctor, and in many ea. es tlw boy iH nicknanw<l "Doc", from bh·th. Thi sewnth :on i: ~upposed to have the power to heal hy a mere touch. If, however, the suec<'sHion of Ron: i: broken hy the birth of a daughter, tlle Hpt'll cpa: •.· and the .son b come.· an ordinary per ·on. In an ·it•nt time., it wa. a <'oJumon b •lief that the :oul of man wa. compo:ed of. even en. •s, wlli('h were influenced by the ·even planets. Fir<' gave animation, earth gave ~o~eu: • of fe •ling, water gav RJWt•eh, air gave tm;t<', mist gave :igl1t, flow<>rH gav hearing, and. outh wind gaye smelling. Thus the Hewn HenH<'H are,-animation, fpeling, sp '<'<·h, ta:te, :ight, hearing, and :melling. Th re are seven bodie. in alchemy: the 'un is "old, the moon silver, Venu: copper, )Iercury quiekRilYcr, )Jars iron, Saturn lead, and Jupiter tin. The coli~o~eum of Houw, catacomb· of Alexandria, the great wall of hina, tonehenge, tlle leaning tower of Pisa, the porcC'lain tower of '"ankin, and the mosqlw of Saint ophia, at Con tantinople, are known aR tlle seven wonders of tlle Middle Ages. oncerninO' the seven wonder of antiquity, we have the follo·winO': ''The Pyramids first, which in Egypt were laid; Then, Babylon's gardens for Amytis made; Third, Mau olu ' tomb of affection and guilt; Fourth, the temple of Dian, in Ephesus built; Fifth, Collossus of Rhodes, cast in bras~ to the sun; Sixth, Jupiter's statue, by Phidias done; The Pharaos of Egypt, last wonder of old, Or the palace of Cyrus, cemented with gold."
In the "Realm of Fancy".-ETHEL MICHAEL.
AN ALLEGORY IIE world wa clnd in amber. The bird ang SWP<>t melodic!'! of joy. The riche. t flower ·o!l\Iay ofl"l•red their petalH to be ki ·. ed hy the Rnft ~prinO" breeze·, or drooped their head.· nolldingly owr the hroad lane which ran through the field. . Hather odd 'va.· thi lane- tretching far, far into the distance, requiring years of travel to cover it~ cour e,-odd indeed, for it wa . the lligltway of Life. Youth trod lightl~· o'er its ,'urface, and in the di.'tance hov-. ere<l 'ontcntment. Wandering Youth-:earching for what? He knew! hP knew WPll! It wal-l In.-piration he must eek! The llighway suddenly ·tmk abruptly into a Yallry, and an nniqnl' figure JH'eHeilt<'d itH >If. IliH face, Rallow in hue, presented an almndan('e of Rtrength. The great, deep eyr., the flat cheNt, which ro~e and fell o lightly, the broad for head, the firm chin, all made him ·eem the incarnation of all that i noble in mind and thought. "And who may my fellow traveler be?'' asked tlti old man, aft 'r a momentary pau~e. ''I am Youth. I am in ~earch of lnHpiration. C'an-<'an't you help me'? What il'! your Gift?" "I am Edueation." Thif'l wa. Haid proudly, "And I offer Fame aucl Knowledge in rpturn for Study. Think, Youth, and accept." Youth h sitat d only a mom('nt, then,-" ..... o! ~ .. o! That doe not .-at i.- fy my lon~-,ring! I do not tH-cept !" Con tPn tnH'n t . till followed, now with halting steps. Another stranger approached, ~trangely contra.-ting "ith the first. 'Yith his ('O}OHHal frame, hiN florid fea turrH, and hi.- everslliftin~ pig-like Pye:, hl' pr ·ented anything hut a plea.-ant picture. Yet, hi. hypnotic influence wa.- felt at once. "'Yho am I'!'' h lauO"h d. ''"Thy, I am Graft, and if it i In.-piration you wif'lh, I am the only true Rource. ~Pe !" e ·tending a .,ack in each hand, "Thi, i moneJ ,-gold coin . That i. what I offer! Will you com with me? Come!'' The Spirit of DiHgu ·t attended Youth, and a ,·mall voice whi.pered ".._To! Xo! ..... o!" ontentment walkrd with a firmer step by the id of Youth a.· he turned to continue hi· waJ'· On, on, Youth stroclP, until th Highway dipped harply again anll di. clo. ·ed a God-favored Yalley. Gently loping lawn Burround<>d a tiny lak ~himmering in the light. Goldenrod and a. ter., in their bright color , contrasted ~harply with the fallen autumn leave . And on the bank, dreamily gazing at th :hifting reflections in the lake, ·at a beautiful maiden.
A good heart under his frown.-BRUCE SIZEJt. 45
Thu m t Youth and Beauty. Time pa d. Youth's ambition for a time was forgotten. Then, with a rush, came over Youth, the realization of the fulfillment of hi de ir s. Beauty wa hi~ Inspiration. The Spirit of Sati. faction appeared, for Beauty's heart was Youth' ,-to do with a he cho e. "But where hall I keep my treasure?" he que tioned. "In the he t of llonor and your two guards shall be Faith and Trlvt, oming from your own heart,' whi pered ontentment. :Uonth · pas ed. It wa autumn and Youth still lived in his C'a. tie of ITappine... It was on one bright morning, with the fir.·t tinge of fro.·t, that Youth met T mptation-a bold, dashing man, with eemingly op n countenance. Youth wa charmed with thi. "jolly good fellow." He wa at once invited to walk with him. Contentment no longer followed. Thi , however, wa not noticed. "My comrade, lander, will oon be here," said Temptation. Joy whi pered to Youth, "Come away, C'ome away!" but before he could reply, lander arrived. Again .To:r whif4JH'r<>ll, ''Hememht>r BPaut.r, rPnH'mber !" and as Youth heRitated, the evil eye of Slander and Temptation followed hiR own, until he murmured, " o! No-I-let him ·tay," and Joy followed Contentment. "Thank you, good Youth, for I have somethincr to say to you," an.·wered lander, and he whi pered in hi ear, while Temptation miled. Youth' face clouded with conflicting emotions; "No! No! I will not believe it,-it i not true. Beauty gave me her heart, and for it h\ o guardf4-Tru ·t and Faith, and with them In pirationmy one de:ire. It i, not true." He ran to hi. C'astle of Ilappine s, followed by his two new comrade's. He looked. lie saw two impi h creature , wildly dan<:ing about. "\Vho are you?" he hotly demanded. "Your new guards-DiRtrust and Jealou,y," wa the an wer.
The wind shrieked through the withered tree., standing like ghost. of the past, ilent and de. erted. Rank weedR grew in disorder; swarms of in, ect, flitted re ·tie.., ly about; and a tiny bed of dry f->tone: loomed up gloomily where the lake had been. On all sideH were gloom and darkness, decay and ruin. lowly, Youth rai!:;ed his head. "\Vhere am I?" From Romewher , far away, came a , ad voir.e: "You are in tl1e a. tle of Rem or. e." And here he !';its, with thoughts of past happiness-Joy, Beauty, ontentment--here he sits,-alone! 0THEL ME. EELY, 11. I'm coming back to protect the Juniors."-"HANK" RAMEY, 46
Little Jap in yonder frame, You of cherry blossom fame, Do you ever long to roam Far away and leave your home In old Japan? ext you hangs the Eskimo Wrapped in fur from head to toe, Does he never long to be Far across the shining sea In old Japan? Should he to the south land go, Leave his home of ice and snow, The sad thought occurs to me 'ot contented he would be In old Japan? After all 'tis best to stay In your home, though far away, Whether in the land of snow, Or where the cherry blossoms grow In old Japan? -LOIS
"Be not wise in your own conceit".-FRANK f7
NUMBER 739 T wa. · a cold, dismal p\·euiug·. The \yiwl blew ~brilly out. ·idt>-ever.v p;ust accompaniPil hy the rattle of the ~now and .·lect upon the windows. "It i: p;ood," I rt>flpded, as I drew my large easy chair to t hp fireplaec, and .·trPi<'ht•d my hand:-; toward the WPlcomiup; hlazP-"it i~ good to he h,\' onp's warm firc:-;idc on sn ·h a night a. tlli:. LPt tlw wind roar! I am warm and comfort a hle by my own firP~id<>. Poor mortah;, that know not ~mch eomfort." I sm'Y<') Pd my well-tilled booksheln>. ·, but somehow tonight, they ofl'Pred no atttraction. The wind howled, aml ;huitprs hangPd-an<l shivering, I drew lo ·er to the fin•. How the flame: l•apPd alHl danecd! A .·harp ring at th<• telPphonp at m~· <>lhow, disturbed my rewri(•, and unwillingly I took down the re1·t>iYer. "~ Tothing,'' I r solYPd, 'shall tak<• m · ont tonight.'' "Hc1Io !" grumblingly, 1 admit. "IIello"-in a girl'x dear Yoiee-"J..Tnmlll'r 7::l!l'? ~To? 'Tis the wrong numher, then. I bPg your pardon.'' I start •1l to an:wer morP grado\1. ·1) this t imC', hut the sharp click of the reeeiwr JH'PYcnte<l my doing :o. 'l'hc girl's Yoice wa~ plea:ant, and I should not lw ,.e hPcn a n•rsp to I'Oll tinne the <·onver.·ation; for, aftPr all, it clid ~<·em rather lonely in the largP, empty hou:e. How the wind hlew and roared around the house! Tlw flames leaped up merrily, and a~ the ~mok<>, cirding, wendell it way to the ceiling, I conjured in my miiHl a pidnre of the girl; I va~uely wond red who!;e number waH 73!l. I mi~ht look it up and .-e , but that would take tim<>, and I wa~ Ycry comfortable. " even hundrPd thirty-nine", I found my~clf repPating tllP nmnber over and over. ~m·ply, with Huch a YOil'<' !;It<' must lw--. Again I ma · interrupted hy the Hharp ring of the tPlephone. Thi. time I eagerly took clown the rc<'<'iY<'r, for it might he !;he again. "Hello!" The ~am<> d<•ar voice all!;W('l'<'<L "Y<•s-it i!; I. Don't be frightened, but I haw reaHon to heli<>w~ w<> are suspected. The car will be at your door in fiv • minutP.'. B!.' ready!" Tl'rror wa in her voice. When I tepped out into th!.' <'Old, a fpw minutes later, the "0, she's such a timid child."-DoROTHY DAvEs. 48
car wa already at the curb. By the dim and flaring lamp , I C'ould plainly ~<'P its number-73!). I gaw no thought tlwn to the ('oinddPIH'<' hut stt>ppcd into tlu• ear and wa: ~PizPd hy ea~rcr hand:. ''Here L the money'', ~he whispered, Rhoving a bag into my hand~, "and the j 'vels are Rafe. Pa ·ter, James!'' \Ve fairly flew lhl'Oll.~h 1hP (]ps(•riP<l R(rpp(H. Iloarse erie , mingl('(] with the tramping of hor. es' hoofs (•amP to our ear: :uddt>nly. "An accident", I thought, and opened thl' door. The car had :topp<>d mul was . urrounded hy men. A polkrman roughly pnllrd Ill<' out, I heard the trrrified . cream of the gil· I, folhnwd h,v I wo piRtol shot: in rapid sur.ce::ion, and-A lal'ge log, in falling ovrr, had awakrn<'<l mr. The flames lr:qw<l up highPI', easting wPird shadows around the room. "'ithout, the wind . till roared and whistled around the hou. e. PRA.'CE GARWOOD, '11.
"To wear long faces just as our maker The God of Goodness was an undertaker.'' -CHESTER FITZWATER.
A NEW HIGH SCHOOL Champaign to be sure is a fine ole! town, \Vith lovely parks of great renown; Its homes and store. are both Ul> to date, ti11 a few things are needed to make it fir t rate. \Ve need a new High School so they say, ,\nd we certainly need it in the vcr.> wor-,t wa) ; For this old building ha cen it h t da) s, And served its purpose in lots of ways. \Vhcn the number of pupils ¡was three score and ten, The size of the building was a11 right then: nut the town has grown-and the school is to small To take care of the incrca e of scholars and all. Let's all get to work and none of u shirk, The duty that fall to our lot; Let's get a new school not on the old spot, With a suitable ball field and athletic plot. -DAviSON BuRNHAM, '13.
"None can describe the sweets of country life, But those blest men that do enjoy and taste them." -EARL FREEMAN,
THE ENCHANTED FLOWER GARDEN II g Prim·p~-;, I onr i~ wante<l in tht> <'oun<'il 'hambt>r," announ<·t>d a viol t-dad pa~ , kneeling ht>fort' a ~ma II, lovely {'reat urP wl10 lay day drt>amiu~ un<lt>r a han!· of maid<'n hair f 'I'll~. \Yond<>rin~ at this unuHual ~ummon:, lone followed olwdi<>ntly. The royal {'onrt ros, ·olemnly as t lu· PriU<'CHs passed <lown the hall and took hrr pla<·e on the ivory and gold thronr. Her uHI'l<' and gnarl! ian, th<• Lord l Ii~h ~Ia~-;t r of th<• Flmwr Oarden, <·amP forward and kn<> It at It is HOY<'r<'i~u 'R f<•et. ''Rpl'al·, 1· ncle Yh ian," Hh<• .·aid gradou.·ly, "aml trll me the mPaning of this sunnnmv." "Princ·e.·s lone, thou knowe ·t thou art now i hteen," the Lord Hig-h l\Ia~t<>r hp~nn in a <l<'PP voi<-<•. ''It rt>sts upon thee to rl•.·toJ'P tlti .· sorry kin~<lom to its former beauty and magnificence. 'l'h.r moth<>r and thy moth<•r'~o; motht>r failrd before t hrr, hut we pla('(• unhomHl<>d <'onfid<>n<·P in our helo,·ell Prine<•s:. Th5· great grand moth<>r, the beautiful quePn Eula, married in oppo ition to th<• <l<'<'l'<'<'R of thP Fairi<>s, thu: ealling down a <'111'~-' • upon the Flowpr nard<>n. Ea<'h su<·<·eding reigning prim·<>ss wax ~h-en the opport tmity to lift this eurs • in thp following- mamwr: "In accor<lan<'<' with the dt>l'rees of th • Kin~dom, when th Printl'.'s r<>aehrd h<>r <>ightrenth birthclay, .·hp wa.· to ehoose for hpr c·onsort, a priw·e from t hP adjoining kin~dom. 1n t hl' ~rlee tion, two prin<·Ps \\"t'l'l' p]a('(•d h<•fore ht>r; Oil<' an illlpostPI', the othPl' thP hc•J'<>dit:n·y prin<'<'. 'l'h<' <·m·sp <·oulcl on]~· IH' liftP<l when tlw rt>al prince wa. · l'hosc•n. But the wic·ked inilnente of the FairiP!-l, who JH'onoum·pd the eHr. e, haR been greater thus far than the• will of tlw Prin<'<'SR. "Priru-eHf-4 lone, thou knowrst the re:ultf-4 of the. e unhappy marriage:. It is now thy tim<> to Hn<l<>r~o the most eritkal r.·rwril'nce of a lift>time. Ewry thing depends upon the . Hememh •r, cl<:>ar Princr~s, that tlt<' Kin~dom of the Flowrr Oardcn will he re.·tm·<'d to all it. form<>r gi'<'atm•s.·; the endtantl'd flo\\ <>rs will l'Pga in t hPir Ion•linP~. · and JH'l' funw; thp hrooks will ~pm·kll' aiHl Hash a~ain; and thC> f<un will reapprar from the darl· cloud. and f<hin • upon u: once more, if thou "ilt follow the d idat •s of thin<> own heart and thy ehoitr h<' one of wi~dom.'' "Blown roses hold their swe tness to the last, And raisins keep their luscious native ta te." -LEONA GARRISON.
The little Prince li tened thoughtfully during this recital. "Ble me, Uncle Vivian," he ,aid. "Bles me and give m courage for my trial." The J_,ord High Ma ter laid a trembling hand upon the brirrht, yellow curls, and gave the reque, t d ble. ·sing, whil many f:obbed aloud at the thought of the coming trial of their belowd. "I am ready,'' said th Princess lone, and, followed by th court, he led the way to the open garden where she was to chooR • her Prince. No stirring breeze ru.·tled among the thoul'andf{ and thou.· all(ll-< of flowerl', matchless in ,·iz(• all(l color, now wilt iug- aiHl odorle~ · without the . un's bright ray~; and th wat r crept along luggishly between the bare bankR. uch was the re ·nit of the curse. "Fir ·t, dear Princes.,'' said the Lord IIigh Ma.·ter, "in order to break the enchantm<'nt, thou mu.-t allow thy elf to be changed to orne creature of extreme ugline ." The huge, green frogs that swam in the muddy pool~'! w re the Prince.·R' conception of unl'nrpa . .'P(l hi<leon 'll<'~.", and \\·ith fear in her brea. t, . he hade the ourt Fairy make her a counterpart of these creature . The two Prince w r next brought befor the poor Prince s, who in the di. gui. e of a green, r<']HllHiY<' frog, .. at waiting to make her choice. Th<' Princ<','S Ione looked long and thouglttfully at the two young Prince.. On<• had !';Unny, goldpn hair, aiHl <'y<'s lik<' the bloom on a grap ; hi. complexion wa: fair and I'o:y, :nHl his form traight and manl ·. II wa attired in a uit of . nowy white, a long, weeping cloak of pale, velvet green, and a white cap with a waving, green plume. The other wa. a Htriking <'ontrast. IIi. hair wa black, curly, and uncombed; hif.; eye W<'re hlaek, and his expre ion was unfriendly. A .light deformity marr<'d hiR form, and hiH clothes wer untidy and , ombre in color. How coulcl :he resiRt tll<' t<•mptation to <-lwos<' tlH' fail', hlol}(l Prine ! "llow beautiful he i. ! He would oon tire of me. He would think me awhnlrd and homely in eompari:on with hiR graeP and beauty. How ould he love me, thinking tlm ?" ran the thoughts of the Prince . Th<>n h<'r <';ve.· turiwcl to the unkempt P1·inc·<·. Rh<' look<•d at him long and thoughtfully. Behind the unfriendly look of his dark eye , he aw a oul. Beneath hi ungainly outward appear"Who pens a stanza when she should engross.''-CAROLYN HoFFMANN.
ancc, th • Prine •.· · felt tllat ther lay a steady heart, yearninrr for love aiHl Hympathy. Iler <ledsion was made. 8he gave a :-;i~rn for the Court Fairy to change her to her normal self. The Prince s lone advanced, bowed lwr hPad, and knelt bcfor the black haired Prince. Instantly a fla h of lirrhtning, a peal of thunder and a deep quiw!'ing of the earth, announced the fate of the decision. The l'riw·ess h:ul dtospn wi.·ply aml the Pnehantm(•nt was broken. "'ith a cry of ~ladue: , th Prince embraced the Prine<>. s lone, for he, too, had su1fl'red from the Fa irics. Now be a. sumed hi own manly form, the unfriendly expre.'. ion left hi' eye , and he stood before th Prince s, perfect in manhood. The beautiful garden awoke with a gentle igh. A perfume of overwhelming swe tn , s arose from the heart of the flower ; the birdH and butterflies darted contentedly from one lovely biosom to another; the brook bounded and fla h d along, parkling in the sunshine,-and all were happy. 'l'hc en('hantment was lifted. RLA 'CIIE HILL1 '13.
"Her candle goeth not out by night."-ESTELLE liUTCHINSON.
A'IIIBl lL. and ~tanford werp to play tlu•ir final game on thp molTow. ThPy had a !'tanding gl'lHigl' again~t mw a not lu·I·, HO P<H·h wa~ going to play hi. · lH•st. ThP hl'tH \Y<'l'l' hPillg pla ·p(] 1l•n to on(• on ~tanfor<l, h<•<·au:1• ~tan· ford'.·uH•n WPl'' h<•a\~, g1·Hty, fpJiow~; whil• )lathhm·n·~ uwu \\'Pl'l' thin, anll apparently
wt>ak. "~aphead,'' o! 'tanford, wa · takin(r up all the h •t.· he coulu get. It wa:, a· h • aid, a "cinch.'' "~kinny" anu "lli(rh Brow Tommie," of Mathburn, were the only fellows plucky enough to take up tanforu' · l»ts. They ·aiu they had a plan to win the game from ~Iathlmrn anu that wa all they \vould Ray. The next afternoon when the team were Hned up, Mathlmrn's spirit were v ry low. Th game tarted and tanford ·lowly pushed ~Iathburn ba ·k from the fifteen yard line, to the ten yard line, and on to her five yard line. \Vhen the team atrain lined up " kinny" wa se •n having a whisp red con ultation with "High llrow.'' The game went on. " kinny" got the ball and tarted for the goal. In a moment there wa: a hug • "pile-up", tlwu a repol'l like a cannon. \Vhen the fellow eparated "Hiuh B1·ow" wa~ :een over 'tanford'~ goal line, jumping frantkally up and down with th flatten d pig- kin held high above hi head. \Yhen the tanford fPllow. ~aw "High Brow'' they gave .·hout of di ·may and started for th referee. All jumped on him at the arne time. Wh n at la t he had freed him elf, he started for hi· horne to get hi: rule-book. Both team: waited out ide for hi ueci:ion. In half an hour h rai ed hiH window and Raid, "Boy~, I have d~.:thl<•<l--" • 11 hPlll their breath . "I hav • de •ided to re ·ign," aid he, then he lammed the window down. o one ·poke. Finally both team: went off to find the Pre!:lideut of the ollege. He decided that Mathburn won the gamP because the . ame thing once happened at a Yale-Ilarvaru game. tanford finally • aw that they hould l1ave kept on playing the 7 ame, becau e they could ea. ·ily have defeated Math burn in a straight play. Tlu• final score wa G to 0. "Higbbro\v Tommie'' and " 'kinny" "tood treat" for the next month. IIAN. Ail IIARRIH, '12. "My wife's gone to the country."-QutN KtLER. 54
AN EXCITING NIGHT HE room wa~-; an olcl-fashioned one, lar re and cozy. At one . ide of it, in a huge fire-place, tht> tlame.' blazed and danepd llll't-rily, a.· if in oppo.·ition to the raging Htorm without. 'eatpd on a rug bt>forP the fire, was a boy of about fiftt>en, popping t·orn. By lli ide, lli young ·r hrotlt<'r a laO. of iwehe year , W<lH iutt'ntly watching him. A young gil'l, probably Ht'\'l'nfeen, was sPatl'd in a lm'l4(' ehair, a uook in her lap, at ·which she occa. ·ion ally glance<I carele . .·ly, whilP watching the two hoy: h •fore ht>r. Ekie )Jadden was a pretty girl, and a. ·he . at in the fir,_ ligltt, lH·r IH•ad rt>sting on her ltaJul, ami her brown hair falling in ;mall curb; over IH•r fm·t>lu>ad, she lookeu still more charming. Being the only girl of the family, ;h' wa.-, of cour.-e, the pet and idol of her two brothers. Her parent had gone to a party, ten miles a\va ·in the ·ountry, anti would not be lm ·k that night. Ho sh' llad the care of the hou.-e and of her two brother . The neare t house, wa.· a ;mall ·ottacr' at th' foot of th' hill, in which dwelt John oruin, an old .- •rvant of the ".Madden family. Harry and 'l'om, 1ike mo ·t boys of their age, wer brave and fearle.-.. They weren't afraid to ·tay alone, and thought if anything should happen, they coulu protect their .:ist r. For wa. n't • he a girl-and aren't all girl coward ? They ~at for some time in ·ilence, after their parent had gone. Tlten llany, lifting the popper from th fire anu pouring iht- whit<> kel'nel into a deep pan, .·aiu: "I'll tell you thi i a tPrrilJle stormy night. I'm glad to lJe in the hou;p," ''Ye.·, uut I almo ·t wi.'h we had let John , tay here tonight. If anytlling ·houlu happ 'n, you know, we'd b almo ·t cared to death.'' " h pshaw, El:i ', why I'm not afraid of anything. Anti then Tom could l1elp prot<>ct you, for I kno\Y lle' brave, even if he i a little fellow." "Ye ·," saiU Tom, "if a uurglar ~hould come here tonight, why I'd protect yon while IIarry ·hoi him. ' And tom looked very brm·c and dignifi d, to think that he micrht ue ('ailed upon to hield hi · ·i.-ter. '·\Yhy, I'm not afraid of burglar . I'd ju t as ·oon hoot a not, and I'd not b one bit frighten d, ' said El i . "An admirer of Irving's style."-FRANCE · Kr.ANK. 65
"Humph, that' all right to ay, but I know you would be. \Vhy, I can almo t see you now, wrincring your hand and vowing never to stay alone with u again. llut I'll tell you what, I'll get papa' revolver and put it on the .·tan<l near my bed. You can take my pi tol into your room, if you want to; but I know you'll n ·ver u e it. Then, if anything ·bould happen, you call me and I'll . ee what's the matter." Then Harry aro:e from the l'llf', laid the popper on the table and walked over to the window, .·aying, "I gue:-> the windows are all fa tened, aren't they Ehde'?'' "Ye , I'm going to bed. B • ·ure lo cloRe thi' door wl1en you come up tairs." The boy remained loner enough to fa.·ten tl1e door.· and put out the light , then ha tened up stair·. From hi~'{ father's room, Tom brought the old r •volver, whieh Harry carefully laid on the ·tand at the head of the bed. ""Tc'll fL' for them, and then if they do come, we'll give them a warm r 'ception. Hey, Tom?'' "You know we will,'' amnv •red Tom. The , torm cea ed. The cloud. partly Rcattered, aiH1 the moon show d from b tween them. A dull grating :-;oun(l wa.· heartl. cratch, . cratch, it . ounded. The boys heartl it and :-;o did their siHter ElHie. They lay perft>dly quiet, intently li.'tening and gazing in the direction of the win<low from whence the ·ound came. Ju t then, the cloud parted and the moon revealed to them the form of a man, outlined again. t the window. The window wa · gently rai ed, and the man entered the room. The boy , peechle with terror, watched him a. he went throucrh each drawer of the writing d • ·k and dre.,·:-;er. He pau ed, but only for a moment, to look at the oc(upants of the bed. Believing them a leep, he walked acroH · the room, into a larcre lo et, wl1ere a .·mall afe tood. lie tooped down to open the . afe. At that moment Ilarry's en.'es returned and he gave a piercing cr am, which echoed through the entire hou. P. The burglar jumped up and started for the door. But too late! ElHie ru bed in, closed the door with a bang, and turned the k<>y. ~'h y spent the remainder of the night in the gr<>atP.'t terror. Tom wa. too frightened to move. IIi tongue seemed glued to the roof of hh; mouth, and Harry, the boy who wa~ going to be ,'o brave, the boy who wa going to shoot any burglar who might vi it them that night-well, he coul<l do nothing but scream and cry. EL ie . tood with her back to th clo t door, white a' a . heet, and trembling. he had trapped their burglar, aved the contents of h r father's safe, and perhaps their own live . MILDRED MUNHALL) '13. "A cute little boy."-RussEL KNox.
A FAIRY TALE ..- - -. .-,..-,.. . OBllY wa tired of playing. }!other had gone to the ocial 'luh and the little boy had been left alone to amuse him elf. Pre ently, for lack of entertainment, he decided to go out under the trees and li ten to the locusts's singing. lie ran into the yard and sat down beneath a great maple tree. Tlw locm.;ts sang their loudest for him, lmt even thi · divprsion wa · not very exciting, and soon the little boy began to feel very drow ·y. lie wa just about to go to sle 'P, "\Vhen a great locu. t ·topped singing, and flew down be ·ide him . ... Tow, Bobhy had never been very elo: to a real, live locu t, and l1e was :urprised to see that this one looked somewhat like a little man. It was dre ·sed entirely in green, with a dark green coat and a striped wai t-coat. Its eyes were large and glassy, and its mouth was pursed into ju:t the right shape for whistling. The little creature's wings were almost a· tran parent a a pane of glass, and the e, too, were colored a delkate green. Altogether, the little sonrr:-;ter looked remarkably like a human being, and Bobby could scarcely believe that it was a mere locu t, e pecially when it began to peak. "Hullo, Bobby." " 'Lo," an wered Bobby. "Gue ·s you don't know me." "Gue · I do. You're a locust." "A locu t! \Vell, ye , I may be-that is, I look like one, but I'm truly an elf, an' I've come to play with you tlti afternoon." "0-o-o-oh! Did you really come to s e me? I like elve , truly I do! An I like locus' elves better than any other kind." Bobby was charmed at the idea of baving a fairy for a playfellow. ""\Yell, I'm glad you do. Now, what shall we do fir t?" a ked tlw little man. "Oh, won't you take me to your home? I'm ju ' longing to see where fairies live!" Bobby was b coming acquainted rapidly. "Why, if you wish. What time will your mother be back? At five'! Well, I gue · we'll have time enough to ee orne of the ·igbt of Elf-land. Now you ju t do a I tell you. Fir t you must eat a ~it of the e leaves, o you'll turn into a locu t." "Courteous and fair and full of meekness."-ETHEL 57
Bobby ob •yed and lo! he felt him, elf growing .·mailer, .mallPr~ . mall r, until he wa.· not Ho large aH the litH elf be. ·ide him. lie looked at him:-; •lf. ll' :aw that he was dreH.'P<l in green, too, awl he could fet>l tiny wings on his . boulder:-> flultt>ring in thp hrePZP. "Th •re !" eon tinu •d the elf, " Tow om with me.'' Then otf they fl<..·w, to tlH' top of th ntaplt> tree. Tlwr' Bohhy di.· ·overed that the tre • was hollow. The two went through tlw opening and h<'gan to de. c •n<l. They went down an PIHll<•ss time, until they landed in a fairy palace. 'l'he :cene lwforl:' them waH more wildly bt•autiful than any dream. Tlw palace was tilled with tiny peoJ>le, all hurr) ing aud s<·urrying about. ThPy were a motlpy crowd. Home WPl'<' dr<>.'H<'d as locu ·t ', other.' a. bee., and • till oth r · looked lik nwsquitoes. B •autifulladie · -..n•rp there and little Ntrth-meu dre:se<l in brown. Each one Heemed to lulYe hiH own particular work to do. At OIH' •nd of th' hall, Bobby Haw a crowd of elve!-1, and in the middle, on a raised platform, sat a littl<>, brown, <hvarf-king, dech•d out in regal splendor. Th<• little earth pPopl Sl' •med wry loyal to their king. All wer' an.-ious to do him homage. After walking about in th<• hall for some time, th • little lo u. telf led Bobhy through a set of FmbtPrranean passagt>: that were light d by fire-flies ·tationed. at irre(rular interval~. The~ pa ··age:, the dwarf xplaint>d, were for the little elvps to walk in when they wer cm·ing for the flow r-root~, during the told weather. For, you know, the elveR ~pend a great part of th ir time in winter looking after the roots of the flowers, to 'ee that they do not freeze . ... Text, Bobby wa led into another hall, the mo. t intere. ting room of all. It wa, a kind of hospital to wllil'h all injurc•d flow r., in:ects, and bug were brought. Ther' were gras. hopper.~ that had be n hurt hv nauO'hty hoy. ; worm. that had been :trnl'k with a hovel when some one wa. digging in the garden; and. pale flower: that had. lw n torn or brok n by the wind. All theHe invalids were r :ting upon bed. of thistl •-down or swinging in hammock of spid(•r-web, while their want.' wpr att •nd.ed to by swe t-faced, fairy maid •ns who flitted to and fro obeying tlwir slightPst wish or command. Bobb' would have liked to . tay much longer in the en<"hanted palace, but the lo u ·t-man told him it was nearinO' five o'clock. He utter d a long-drawn-out whistle, and immediately a great now ·tood bPfor them. The two traveler limbed upon his back, and off he flew. "So innocent looking at first, but afterwards-."-JEAN 68
In lp.·s time than it take. to trll it, Bohby found llim:elf again undPr the maple tree. It had all been so very wonderful that he ruhhecl his PyeH and pinclwd himKelf to Kee if he was truly awake. And then, a· if from a di.·tanee, he hParu his mothpr'H voi<·P ~-<ayin~,
"\Yhy, preciouK boy, have you been Rleeping here all thi time'!" i4o it was a dream, after all? P('rlttl{)S :o, but Bobby will IH'\'Pl' lH'lh•,·e it; for, m; he lookrd into lhP blue .·ky, he could :ee a hi~, hla<'k bird :oaring off into HJln<'P. And in the maple tree a lo<'UHt wa~-< 1-'inging with a Htrang<•ly familiar voi<'<'. JEN.'IS E. BARRY, '13.
MY BOOK CASE The very first he!£ of my old book case Contains just childhood tales''Alice in \Vonderland," holding fir t place, Gives joy which never fails. There are fairy tales on the shelf above Bound in deep purple and goldStories of wonder that all children love, Of handsome princes bold. On the remaining shelves are hi tory And tales of boarding choolStories of travel and of mystery, Pictures by Peter rew'll. Stories of laughter and stories of tears Are mingled with the rest; But the tales relating to childhood years Are those that I love best. LoiS
"Whence is thy learning?"-FRANK WARD.
::. :..
THE CHAMPAIGN HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY SOCIETY • • • • • •. . I• HIDA Y, )lay 2(), mark the clo~c of a very ~o;u ·cel"~o;ful year of tlH' <'. ll. 8. L. R ThP .·odt'ty held it.· fir~o;t open meeting, Friday, 1:4eptember 17. From thh; elate on, it ha. met ewry other Fri<lay evening. The program.· have been >aried-sometinH'~" clh;tindly literary, other tinw: a lecture, and regularly ~ocial. ~ ew features have been introdut'ed and old one improved upon. A TH'W f<'a1 urP, which has proved Y<'ry Hucces. ful, is the "Round Tahlt> Talkl"." Thes with the impromptus, upon which particular l't rP:~ ha~ been plac •d, ha \'e helpt'<l wonderfully in teaching the ~-;peak<•r to "think on lti feet'' and to overcome "stage fright." A fpat ure whidt 1-'howi" marked improvement is the cl<>hate. At the opening of the :chool year, debating was the weak point in the sodc>ty, hut now it is the strength of the programs. Two of the mo:t intPre.-ting <lPhates have been on the CJlW~tions,-wlwtiH'r or not strikes are benefi ial to laborers and the hine.· e. clu. ion qu<>stion. The regular program · have be •n ntriell by le ture. . One by ~rr. ('onfPrl"or, a Filipino student of the l . of I. on the manner~ and <'nstoms of hi~ people, was enjoyed by th members of the ·od<>ty. At anothrr tinH', ~Ir. Ling, a Chin<>.<' student, talked on the <'ondition of politi<'al affairs in China. He change<l many mi.takPn i<lPas eonc·prning that rountry. EYery other program con~i:t. of fewpr literary production~, in ordr1· that the rPmain<ler of tlw <'Yening ma;v hr 1-1pent in a. ocial manner. Of thei"e :;;ocial nweting~, perhap., the one mo. t enjoyPd wa.· at Chri~tmas timr. A grah-bag wa: thr crnter of attraetion. l~vrn )Ji:-ls ,JohnHon, )lis. McWilliam~ and Mr. ButtPrfiel<l joined thr noiH,Y hand of hoy.· with their tin l10rn., drunv, an<l lwllR marching up and down the hall. Other novel entertainment. ha>e been a Baby Show, a Valentine llo., and a t. Patrick Party. Oreat clPvelopment in the :oeiety i. :;;hown in a number of wayR: first by the increa. e of mPmberRhip from twenty to fifty; the willingnr.:;; and , pii·it with whic·h the parts in the program are gin•n; and the keen interest taken by all in ewrything pertaining to the :oC'irty. Evrry member of the faculty ha. shown his interrst in the welfare of the C. II . .:::. I.1. . hy his attendance at variou~-1 meding:-1. Tllis is particularly true of 1r. ifford, our T
Ah! thy little airy, fairy, graceful form.-"FAT" LuMSDE 61
advi. er, who ha. ever been ready with timely .·ugge.. tions. The <oriety has been .'aid hy Yarious alumni, who have h en membPrs from it. earliest date, to be better this year in very way than evpr b for . OFI<'IUER.'.
FIRST SE li(STER. President .....•......• IARIE RuTERBER Fir·t Vice-President. ..• LoLA HAWORTH Stcond Vice- Pres .... ALBERT CLARK:o. Secretary ............ MYRTLE FACKLER Treasurer ..•......... ARTHUR Mt.TZLER Critic .......•...... RAYMOND PARKER Program ..•.•........................ ................ Ross RINEHART ............ FRA. K CLIPPINGF.R .................. LoLA IIA WORTH Social . . . . . . . . . . . . ALBERT CLARKSON .................. ]ENNIS BARRY ............•..... liELE ' MADDEN ................... ALBERT SIZER Censor . . . . • • . ........... MR. GrHORD
SECO D SEMF.STER. President .........•• MARIE RuTENBER First Vice-President. ..... ALBERT SrnR Second Vice-President. .. ] F.N :-~rs BARRY Secretary . . . . . . . • GRACE D LLENBACH Trca urer ......•..... Ross REINHART Critic .........•....... HELEN MADDEN Program .•.........•........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALBERT SIZER ..........•... WILLIA.f WAGNER .............. LoLA liA WORTH Social ....................... . ................ ]t.. IS BARRY ...•.•...•. GRACE DALLF.NBACH . . . . . . . . • . . . LBERT CLARK ON ......•....... BRUCE SIZER ..........•....... CI.ARK WI1->E Cen or .•..........•....•. :\IR GIFFORD I.JOLA H.\. WORTH, '11.
THE C. H. S. L. S. BABY SHOW !any little faces in a row, Some ready to cry and some to crowWhat in the world can it be? \Vatt just a minute and we shall see. Many hoys and girls crowding around Trying to see if a resemblance can be foundorne crowding in to better see, Others shouting in their glee. Still more puzzled now we grow, To see each person ready to bestow In this very interesting game A figure by a familiar name. 'ow it"s easy-can't you gue s? Well I'd say !-Oh, yes! What is that ?-Don't you know? It's the C. H. S. L. S. Baby Show! MARIE RUTENBF.R, "She is known by her laugh."-GRACE MADDEN. 62
ALUM, 'I OFFICERS. Pre ident. ................................................... .:\IR. D , IcLUKEN Vice-President ........................................ . ....... Ma .. E. S. CLARK Second Vice- President .......... .. .................... ::\fi ss 'EI.LJE 1\1 c\V JLLJ A. t s Third Vice-President. ..................................... . ..... MR. F. BRow Fourth Vice-Pre ident. ........................................ MR. L. B. K1. ·c Secretary .....................................................• 1R. D. SwA .• "ELL Assistant Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ .. .......... 1\IRS. 1. l\1. HARRIS Treasurer ........................•........•.................... 1 !R. E. I. BuRKE Historian ................................................ lR. FaA K G.\RL.\ D
.Ahont fiT per cent. of thP da~H of '10 are attPJHling high<'r inof learning. Bng<>ne Bogardus, '79, nn<l . of I. ' 3, iR nmY in llw hnHinPHH of assaying and elH'mistr~- in , eattl<>, Y\'a. hington. Ilal'l';v ~·ieolt>t,' 0, iH t>ditor of tl1e ''Kmv::v ('ity Rtar," KanRaR City, )liRS<mri. ('l.tra Godfrey, \'1, who.·e Rtage nanH' iR ::\Jari DantP!-<, took the part of thP Yermont R("hool tf':H'h<>r, :.\loUie Rtark, in the pre~o;entation of '"fhe Virginian,'' at thP \YalkPr, )Jar<·h 2:>, lflll. John Beard. ·Jpy, 'i' fi, and r. of I. \'II, marriP<l Edith Shn e. He i.· now a mining Htoek broker in Yan:a!-< City, )fil'som·i. A mw ... Ia.·well, '8~, and l . of I. '!)~, iH now proprietor of an "Art: and Crafts Rhop" in Rionx City, Iowa. RhP i, a writer of Home ability. George ,Jordan, '!Hi, iRa rice planter at Pal:wio!-4, Te. a .. La,\l'encc Yilkin~on, 'OJ, and l . of I. "06, i. a draft.·mau in Dean ·white'~ office. He d<>Rigned ()~borne IIall. Elh<>l Bond, '02, and gradual >cl from the T. of I. 1!)07 A. B., 1!)0 B. L., i. at pre:<>nt in the library of. Torthwr:-;tern rniver. it;v. Carl Stark, '03, i!-4 in Uw Agrknltural 1':.-periment 'tation, at \Ya. bington, D. C. J. R <·ott, '03 :md P. of I. '()7, has a po.'ition in the Bridgr ncpartmPnt of the Illinois(' •ntral, located in Chicago. ~-;titutiom;
"So young-yet wise."-CLARK \VISE. 63
harle Garland, '04 and r. of I. '07, is now a lawyer in Portland, Oregon. Edna L. Bradley, '03, married Dr. J. 0. ~tevenHon of Dalla~, Texa.'. At pre~ent they Ji\·e in Oklahoma ('ity. Lawrence IIinman, '06, attended the t . of I. hvo year~ and is now teaehing in the llJJiJippine.. Vern Purnell, '07, is attending tT. K :\lilitary Academy at '\VeRt Point, .. ew York. Mary . Barry, '0 and lT. of I. '12, iH JH'PsidPnt of tlw "'oman'.· T~eague of the rniwrsity of IllinoiH. Ilarold Lanum, '0 and ... of I. '1!~, wa~ a nH'IHh<'r of the 1910 {. of I. "1000% champion" football tpam. ~ .. oel lcl', '0!) and t. of I. '13, i.' numagpr of thP 1913 Illio. Edith endenhurgh, '0!), was on<' of thiK year'H honor Rhulent.· of the U. of I. he i a member of the Colle~ of Lit<>raturc and Art '13.
A DREAM GIRL Once there was a ltttle girl Never known to "flunk"; Below a pas ing average Her lessons ne'er had sunk. Her highest grade, one hundred; Her lowest, nin ty-li.ve,Who was this little maiden \Vas she really alive? rever was she late to school; That-just could not be. Regularly a~ the clock She came with books,-ju t three. Quietly she took her scat, On Algebra to strive,\Vho was this studious maiden \Vas she really alive? Was there e'er in "Kingdom Come" A rule she didn't know? The key to every problem In geometry she'd show. From Caesar and from Cicero Great pleasure she clerivcd,My friends, this really was a dr am. She never was alive. LunA
"He thought as a sage, but he felt as a man."-RUFCS 64
DEBATING ~'VI TG to the ~ bates, plan
int r t shown la t year in th inter-cla~ d wer made for a cla .· to m et once a week, open to juniors and enior., for the study and practice of argumentation. Early in .~.. Tovember, these plan materialized in a da. ·s of fifteen, under the in truction of Jr. Butt rfield. The work for the fir t eme. ter con. i.·ted of a cour e of 1 cturcs on "How to Take ~ote." and "The cienc of Debating." This was for mo:t of the cla. their first lecture cour e; and it prowd very helpful in colleeting material, working out briefs and deliverin~ the ar~ument.. At th beginning of the . econd seme.ter, five trams w •rc or~anized and a schrdule of dehatrs arran~ed. Ten debat<> were held, earh team meeting every other team. Team two, winning thr e debate. out of four, won the champion:hip. The debate were open to visitors. :\Iodern question of vital importance were discu, d and valuable information r ceived both hy the vi itor. and the memb rs. Although the debate were far from perfect, the participant. acquired skill in argument and readines in speaking, and all gained much from the course. It is hoped that in th futur it will be po~sible for . IT. . to have debate. with oth(>r chool . The member. of th team are: Team One-I~essie Anderson, Frank lippinger, Ethel Pitsenbarger. T am Two- harle. Hough, Grace Madden, "Talter Hobbs. Team Three-Ro Rinehart, ellie 1\Ic.Jlillen, Raymond Parker. Team Four-Alb rt izer, Flor nee La Sell, Frank Ram(>y. T am Five-William Wagner, Augu ta Will key, Abel ummers. GRACE l\IADDEN, '12.
"Bashfulness is an ornament to youth."-RALPH BRANCH.
THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OFFICERS. President ..................................................... AvoN NICKERSON Vice-President ........•......•.......•...............•........... Jr.s LARGENT Secretary ...................................................... JULIA DERROUGH Treasurer . ............•..•.................... ... ....... MR. L. E. BUTTERI''JELD Hoard Representative ..•..................................... MR. ]. \RMSTRONG Athletic Director .......................................... MISS LoTTIE SWITZER A i tant Athletic Director........... . ................. l\IR. L. E. BuTTrRHr:Ln 'hampai~n Hi~h School is justly proud of her athletic re ord of the lm;t two year~. Aft<'l· poH~eH~ing champion.·hip team.· Ia t year, hoth in ha,·kethall and ba~Pball, Hbe came hack thi.· year ju. t to JH'o\·c that ~ood, well bahm<'<'<l teams arc not the <'X<'eption, but the rule with the wearers of the "maroon and white." To .·tart thin~~ ri~htly thi: year, our football team after ~iv in~ its loyal Huppori<'l's heart di. eaHe on many occasion~, wiped out all it: pa.·t records on ThankH~ivin~ Day, when before two t houHan<l enthuHia.'tie rooters it surpa.- · d and humbled th<' proud rrhana (pam. .\nd the hitlwrto invincible Jinp, which had e\·en ~<'ored againHt Ho<'Hord, the :tate champions, was thrown ba<'k HO Hm·ceHsfully and was kept so bus;v defending it~ own ~oal, that it did not en.'n darP think of H<'m·in~ upon ('hampai~n. The good peopl<' across the line are still trying to figure out how it all happened. Then our basketball team after winning a good sharP of the ganws went to the tournament, and, in a race with fiftE-en of the he:t teams in central Illinoi~, again lost the championship hy one point. As tlliR artide goP~ to print, we are unable to predict much <·on<·rrnin~ ha!4ehall, hut from the two vietoriPH already won, Wt' hope for a SlH'<'e:sful . ea.-on. In track under th able eoachin~ of ln!4trnctor :\Iilne, we expect to rleHerve con. iderable mention in the . chcdnled meetH. PcrhaJ> not a little of the continual snc<'e. s of tlw la. t two yearH is du to the present managem 'nt of the athletic assoeiatiou . • tarting last year from the ember· of an a. sociation, whkh exi:tcd praetically in narn only, W<' now have an enrollment of nearly two hundred and fifty membPrH. Tbi yields a r venue of about 1~5 wit i<'h i~ divided equally among the four hranclte. of athletks. By ~iving a detailed report to the board of erluC'ation after each sea Ron, cheeked hy the student manager of that particular bran h of atbleti s, the as iHtant dire tor account to the .-tudcnt · for
"Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea.''-LAURIEN BuRT. 67
every penny of athletic money, and thu secure the confidence which, it i: hoped, will re. ult in inducin~ every .·t udent in high chool to b orne am mber of the a :ociation in a f w year·. The management ha had mainly the following ideas in view while building up the pr sent association: Fir t by allowing offie r, and managers to b elected from the ~tudent body, and t herehy allowing th<.'m to <'ontrol the affairs of the a.·Rociation a. far a. i: e. p dient, we haw tried to . how the tudent body that it i. their ~v ociation and that the;v are re· pon. ible for it , uccc:s or failure. Secondly, we ar<.' trying to dev lop all four branche: of athleticR and to put them upon an equal ba. i ·, thereby producing a unity and harmony which i. sure to pell, :ucc . . Thirdly, we wi. h to promote atlll<.'tics for the purpo e of developing in a boy's makeup tho~c qualitic~ which cannot be brought out in an' other way; for the boy, who treat:-; his oppon<.'nt with re:pect and giY<.' him the Hquar<' deal, iH not lik<>ly to b com an unde. irable citizen. Th hampaign high .·chool boy knows that his team will be well coached, that h will take plea.'ant trips to br<.'ak the mo· notony of training, that h will receive neces.•ary medical tr<>at· mcnt during the . a:on, and finally that win or lo:c the faithful players will receive sweater which they can <·ompare favorably with any high . chool weat r in the . tate of Illinois. The. ·e condition have induced more than fifty per eent. of our high :chool boys to compete for ,'ome team during the pa~t year, to giYe the be t that is in them to their team., and, at the Ramc time to deYelop<' them lve. ph '.·ically, m ntally and morally. At thiR time the management wi~hes to thank the hig-h . ehool Rtud<>nt body for the loyal . upport which it ha: always given, we wish to thank tile board of edu ·ation fo.r ih~ aid, the pres~-; for tl1eir ever pref'lent boo t~, and the general public for it: gen('I'OU. enthusia:m and support. And with the pr<'. cnt true :pirit, we, the . management, beg to predict that old " hampaign High'' with th better accommodation. which • h need., and which w tru t her loyal upporter "'ill provide in due time, will continue to produce champion hip teams which will be fir t of all the exponent of true sport man hip and manhood. THE MANAGE~!ENT.
"Thy actions to thy words accord."-]OHN DOYLE.
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. . . . . LTIIO ·ou we have done nothing wonderful in football the past year, th HeaHon was eaHily a Nuceess. ~'here is no d •nying that the team \Yas two or three times defeated, apparently without excuse; but tlH'H defeats wer' only minor crames, to win whkh would haYe been but small honor, while tlw <lisgrace of defpat spurr •d the team on to vidory over its mor important opponents. It is worth noticing, that every team that defeated us wa in turn bested !Jy a team that we had defeated. Be.'ide the natural playino- ability of the team, there were three other important cause. for the success of the season. In the first place, the chool stood by the t('am. It had the rno t loyal support from the student body ever criveu any Champaign team. Then, it had the hearty .'upport of the management; everything possible was dorw to fa<'ilitatp good playing. We were giwn new suit· and a good coach. Lastly, the team had tlte support of th player' them. elve ; there were usually at least two tt>mns out to practic , there wa.- no grumbling, and hard word, and a spirit to enforc deanne in playing and in training, pr vailed. Wh n th team lin d up for the tir .. t game, it was . eriously handicapped by the fact that it wa. composed almost entirely, of new player.-; while its opponent were wteran.- who had already played two or three game . But in spite of these odd., the boy fought in a way that clearly showed that there was not a "quitter'' in the .-quad, and it wa.- only the result of a fmublP that the Bloomington team got the large end of the score, u-0. Th n came the di a. terou.- game with ewman. Thi · wa' an unexplainable affair-the le . aid about it the better. The "As prone to mischief, as able to perform it."-HANNAH HARRIS. 70
scorP was 11-5. Defeat, however, served to spur t.h' team on to victory over .:\Iattoon, in the third game of the season, with a .·cor' of 2:>-0. This change in form was followed lJy a victory owr Tus<·ola, in the fourth game, by a score of 24- 5. The fifth game was played at Sullivan. 'fhere was some un· ph•asanL inl'i<lentH t!Htt eaused som • of the squad to lose their "nerve",-anyway, Champaign lost the game, 2 -0. The following Thurstlay, however, the tt>arn ·howetl its ·w orth by tlefeating the Decatur team on its home grountl, by a ·core of 23- . Hopes for thP outcome of the Crbana game now began to risP, and during the following week, the team worked as hard as any team could work. On the afternoon of ~'hank:"iving day, th two teams linetl up at \Vest Entl Park, before two thousantl loyal supportPrs. Th •n, b •gan one of tlw fine:t :truggl R Pver witnessed in the Twin Cities. H wa a clean game and fairly rPf<>reetl. Both t.eamH played with a spirit that would do <'redit to any S('bool,-both as to cleannes.' and determination. ~'he Trhana team was heavier, more cxperiencPd, and had a far better rPeord than the ('hampaih'll t am. Even when tl1e game was more than half over, the rbana rooters maintained that their team would win by fifteen points. Prbana played as well as she ever did,-shc imply struck a better defcm;e thnn pr •viously, one that had been organized for her own pecial discomfiture. Although the scorl' wa:,; a tie, 0-0, the rbana team was clearly and fairly out·played. It never got within striking distance of ChampaiO'n's goal, while 'hampaign had the · · · tePn yard line •'<'n>ral time~, and t wicP < r' ailed to n·' hy a r ki ·k. The team was eo lJ by Keithley of the . of I., ssisted hy in ·tru ·tor Willim Quincy Kiler wa managt>r. TI10 e on the team a warded sweate1 · e : ·~~~~~~~----R. E., Ji'innigan L. E., ~fetzler H. 'f., B. Sizer Q. B., Thomp on R. G., A. iz r L. H. B., eymour aptain) ., Bean F. B., ~icker on L. ., Dale R. TI. B., umm rs L. T., F. llill. Q. B. and C., Ramey TI. B. and F. B., 0. Ilill \Yard, Frazier, and Dillavou, as sub titute , are e p cially worthy of mention. ThP prospect. for next year are excellent. There are only a few player who are seniors, and ther is much good material in sight. Ji'or next year Torn Finnigan ha been el >cted captain and Quincey Kiler ha. b en reelected manager. ALBERT IZER, '11. 71
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UE out.look for ba. ketball at th b ginninO' of the ea on of 1910-11 was not very cheerful. Only two of la. t year' player were back-Largent (captain), and Hough (manager). But at the firHt mectinA", De<:Pmher 5, the large attendance ·howed that at lea:t hampaign wa: ready to make a fiO'ht. December G, the cla. team. began to practi e. ,.o " '' men were allowed to take part in the. e game:. Decem her 9, the cla series beO'an. The ophomore., led by Captain \\'alton, defeated the fre ·lnnen, captained by Yauuhn. ... ,. ext came the junior- enior game. )fetzler led the enior and nyder the junior . The niors won 19-5. The senior~ won the la champion hip by defeating the ophomores 23-10. This fini hed the clas. serie . A call wa · L ~u d for the men, whom Coach Fi. her had picked from the e game., together with la t year's reO'ular., to report for training. ReO'ular practic ..·tarted D cember 16. The candidates for the team worked hard to be in the fillikin game the followinO' Tlmrsday. How they worked! { ntil the la. t minute no on kn 'W who would get a place on the t<'am. ?\Iillikin won, 21-13, but not without a haru fight. Th clo. e :core ·ominced the management that it had a good team. Th next game was with LeHoy. In a very loose game, the . core wa. 23-22 in favor of LeRoy. The following week hampaign lo ·t to th Alumni with a core of 21-1 . January 21, the t am went to Decat m·. On a strange floor, it lost it fourth game, score 21-16. The team in the four O'ame had played good ba ·ketball, but it wa. practically new and lacked teamwork. Aft r a week of hard practice, how 'Yer, Champaiun on her own floom won from Decatur, by a 23-11 ore. The econd half of "Around her she made an atmosphere of life.''-MAYME 73
thi. game was encouraging, ven to the greatP ·t pe HimL·t, Decatur was ahead at the end of the fir ·t half, but by great team work and ~rrit 'hampaign won in the seeond half. 'rhiH victory furnished to the team the much needed encouragenwnt; for the following week it met 'rawfor<lsvillr'x t<'am, thrN' years' ('hampiom; of Indiana. The gam with Crawfordsvill' drew the large!-lt and mo t enthu ia ·tie crow<l of the. ea.·on. The gam• wa like a whirlwin<l. 'oach Fi ·cher .·aid that Champaign fought as hard as hp evPr ·aw a team fight, but e\'en . o it coul<l not win again.·t tho.'(' ' .·L~ foot •r:." The ··ore wa' 25-13. Tht> fir ·t half en<led 9-G. 'l'hi. <lefeat wa.· no dh•grace, for all knew that 'rawfor<l ·ville ha<l the b tter team and de. ·erve<l to win. The following week, the team waH defeate<l at Springfield by a .··ore of 23- '. The ne. t week the t •am wa.· . nt to the tournament at Decatur. This year, m; la ·t year, ( 'hampaign drPw thP winner of the tourmunent., \Ya:-;hington. Champaign lost to \VaHhinhrtou by a :core of 19-17. In the la ·t half, <'hampaign ha<l nineteen fouls ealle<l on ller. The De ·at.ur pap •r:-; state<l that Champaign wa: <lefeated by a partial referee. The ·eaHon closed with a brHliant game witll pringfiL•l<l on our home :floor. 'hampaign won, Hcore 23-11. " "s" were awardPd to the following: Largent (<'a pta in), Forward Thomp on (Captain-elect), Forward )J etzler, Forward ~Ticker ·on, enter Finnigan, 'enter and Guard Hough (:Manager), Guard Bean, Guard The. e men played good, hard ba ·ketball, and under the coa hing of Fischer, they made a record not to be a. harned of. Th<>y met no weak t ams, to mak a re ord l ok well on pap r, on the contrary they were oppo ed by the be t teams in thi: part of the state. HARLE Ho 'CHI, '11.
"Her ways are ways of pleasantness, Her paths are paths of peace." -CLAUDIA HENNESS.
H ' KElt~o
IL\t:TO .
llE Track , ason of 1910 wa: the mo. t .·u<·c ·.·ful one incp 190i. The members of th, team had had one year' experience, and with the abl a .. istance of oach l\Iiln , they were able to do credit to 'hampaign High. Th inability to . ecure a place for dual m 'ets, k pt the team back somewhat; but training ·wa alway. in earne. t at the A venu scl10ol groun<lK. A likely number report d at the fir ·t call, but th<> team wa. cut to sev 'n men. The, e men were: .l.. Ticker on ( <:aptain), Barber, 'l'aylor, Kaufman, Barton, \Yoodco ·k, and Larg nt.
The fir. t ewnt of the sea. on wa. a Tri-County meet, .held at th Fair Ground. . hampaign. won with thirty-ei"ht point. ; Urb. na wa :e<:ond, with twenty-two; Danville third, with twentyone; and Tu:cola fourth, with eighte n. aptain Nicker. on won th ·hot put, and took econd in the di cu , hammer, and high jump. Largent took con<l in the hundred, two-twenty, and tied for second in the quarter mile. Barber and Kaufman finished second and third, re:pectiwly, in the half mile. Taylor won econd in the mile, whil \Yoodcock obtained three point in the pole vault and took third in the broad jump, which Barton won. A well balanced t am ln·ouO'ht th' victory to hampaign. E. pe ·tation: of winnin" the harle:ton Inter chola. tic were bright, but the failure of different members of the team to p<>rform in their usual mann r, held harupaign down. However, ickerson took second in th hot, and third in the di cu ; while Barton took .·econd in the broad jump; making a total of even point . "The over curious are not over wise."-}AY RAYIIORN. 76
In the tat Int rHcholastic, held at th t . of I., Ticker ·on came the nearest to winning a place. He repeated his work of the previou. year by takinrr fourth in tb Hhot put and di ·cu · throw. One week later, 'hampaign wa.· pitted arrain,·t older and more matur<' mcn,-the A<'adem,v. The ''Prep.'" wer<· hard-put to win, aH the fightin~ . pirit of Champaign waH as evident in track a in t hP other HportH. The ''PrP})H'' won h~' a fiO to 4 .'<·ore. On June , Captain ... Tickcrson wa ...ent to Onarga, wh r he won th<' !<ihot put all(} hi~h jump. ('oach .)Jiln<> <'llfPr<'(l ~ Ti<-k<'l'.'on all(l Larg-<•nt in Htagg'!<i IntPrseholastit, at ('hieag-o, on ,Jmw 11. 1 Tkk<'r.'on waH off form aJHl did not win any point. ; whil<• Lar~Pnt "a.· ha<llJ· .'piked at tlw ~-;(art of tiH' (putrter milP. ~I ntlt exppriPlH'<' waH gainPd at thi. · m<><•t. Of the even m<•n, only J: icker.'on and Largent entered school thiH 'eptember. The former was re-elected <·aptain. ~ ·icJ·er. on 'Voodcock, Darton, and Largent won over nine point.' and were grant(•d "f''s. '' The pro pects for a winning team for 1911 are not ver~' bright, although the fre. hnwn ela.: prom is ~om<' future . tar!<i. Po.'. ·ihly the e fre ·Junen and the men who failt>d to make the team Ia .. t ~·rar may help the two wtc>rans to place Champaign on top. The events for 1!)11 are not dpfiuitt>ly d<•d(led, hut the followinrr are likely: C'harl<>Hton Int<•rs<'holastic, )lay 13; Illinoi Inter~ ·hola tic, )fay 20; Tri-An~ular meet ·w ith ·rbana and Academy, ~lay 27; Onarga, .June 7; ancl ta~~·s Inters ·holastic, June 10. ~ Tegotiation are al. o on for a meet in whieh hampaign ancl Crbana will <·omp •tc a. one team a~ain.'t Bloomington and .1 ,.ormal. Tl1e training for track began the laHt week in :\Iareh, at tltc Avenu Hchool, nnd<•r thr dir dion of <'mt<·h :\Iilne. JE:~ L.\.RGE. ·T_, '11.
"One vast substantial smilc."-HARRY ROGERS.
THE TEAM KERN, '10 (Captain ) . ......... Catcher BUZJCK, '10 (. f a nager ) . . . . . . . Pitcher BoRN, ' ro . ..... . ... . .. . ...... First Base KILER, '12 . . . . . . . •.... .. .. Second Base STANLEY, 'ro . . . ....... . ..... Short Stop
' 10 . . . • . . . . . . . •.. Third
BooN E, ' ro ............... . . Right Field
CARTER, ' ro . .... . .......... Cente r Field WooococK, 'ro . . .......... Center Field Su MMERS, ' 13 ......... ... ... Left Field
·w ith all the 190!) t<>am baek ex<' ptin~ Harney and Hill, our 1910 . ('ason looked ~ood from the start. 'Yith , tanl('y, Boone, arter, and ummer. - all new men-to fill up th' two vacancie., and a whole crew of youn~ ters out to make them burry, t11ere was no doubt as to the l'lueces. of the Reason. Practice .·tarted, at 'Ve. t id Park, with about thirty candidate. ,-all ('ager for a trial. Captain Kern and :M anager Buzick took cllarg<> of the early practice until oaeh ~Ir A<low wa ·ecured. About April1, West End Park was as lively a place a one would care to" e, aft r three-thirty. Our fir ·t ~arne waH with Danville, hut owin~ either to the poor bowing of the Dam·ill team, or to the e.·traordinary playing of ours, the game re ulted in simply a little practice for us, and very little practice at that. The final count was 16-0. ·we were . cheduled to play Danville again on th<> following aturday, at Danville, but the Fat(', were kind-it rainerl. rand Prairie Seminary was the next victim. The word "seminary'' mmally sugg<>sts a Rchool for girls; these were boys, however, thou~h they did plaJ· hall like girlH. By saying that the . core wa. 23-3, and that our fre. lmum, Tarrant, pitched the entire game for Champaign, I think the Rtory iR told. During the following we k, Captain Kern led his artists on an invasion of the. outh ('Umpus to meet the l .of I.Aead(•my. This wa.· merely a practice game for both team , but C. H. R took the "Preps" into camp 1-0. "A rose bud set in little wilful thorns.''-DoROTHY ScoTT.
Then came our first defeat. It would be impo sible to tell why or how it happened, but i1 was one of our "off" clays,-the kiiHl that :trike "every" team. Bloomin~ton wax ( hP lu<'ky team. TlH• game was fast. It wal-; not until thP ninth inning that they won. Th n with one man on halo;<', a hit and an error did the tri ·k. 4·3 wa. the score. "'e played them on our lJOme field the following Haturday and trounced them 7-2. 'l'hen came the thirt<'en innin~ game betwe<'n J)pcatur and Champaign. The game wax played on the 'l'hre<'-I lpague diamond. [( ma,v be hone:-;tly . ai(l that it wa!'l one of th<' ht>Rt high school games pla;ved in tlt is part of the tate. Decatur defeated the Maroon: hy a 1-0 . core, in the thirte nth inning. The :M aroons s<·orecl a run in th<> <'lcventh inning, but it was not allowed on account of th coacher on the third base line interfering ·w ith the rnmwr. Buzick was in great form and hiR support wa · as good a~-; any pitdwr tould wi.'lt, only om• error wa · markPd up again. t the Champaign team-and that made at a time when ther wPre no nwn on the has('S. To "'ills, the Decatur pitclwr, nnvt he gin'n a grt-at deal of cr dit for holding the 'hampaign team down to SPYNl l-;l'attered hitR, for at times his support was ragged. The rt'tnrn game with Gran<l Prairi<' Reminnry, for thP following week, was cancele<l. 'Ye met Decatur at "'est End Park for our final game, on the following ~atnrda;\'· Both teams disgraeecl themxl'lvPs. A more ra~g<'d exhibition could scarcely haw he<>n staged. It wa. e.·tr<•nwly xdting at times, how<'VPr, and it" as onl,v hy a gr<'at rally in the ninth inning that Champaign won. With th<' ~eor' standing 7-6 in favor of De atnr in the ninth inning, two mPn out and two men on ba:e~, " ummers kno ked a two bagger, !-leoring two runs and winning -7 ~core. DPcatur claimed the championship of f'pntral Illinois, and f'O di<l Champaign. Tltey challenge<! th, )faroons to play off the tie; they accepted, but later D<"eatur ronreled th<" game. Of the 1910 team, we lo~t Captain YN·n, l\Ianagrr Buzirk, Born, Boon<', Spalding, • tanl<>~·, Carter, and "'oodcock. Thi leawR hut two of the 1910 team for thil'; year,-Snmmers and Kiler. But thrre is an abnndanc<' of mat<'rial, and with Thomp. on for a pitch<>r, we have hop<'R for a good, fa!';t team. The 1H11 ~l'a~on has ~tarted with two virtoriP. for Champaign-LeHoy ha. he n defeated twice !)-0 and 9- '. Tim. far :Managpr Ila;\'<", has Sl'Cnred ganws with Decatur, rrbana and Harvard. QUI. 'CJ.;Y KILER) '12. "Thou art like unto a flower."-1\frLDRED SPE CER.
.'EPTE)IBER 6. 7. B. 12. 13.
Back to the grind! School life ~nrc i~ a tir('~omP thin~! Chee.·r. This mean~ ''~IWP<L '' )JasH-llH'din~. (~nin V. t'lt>dPd manager of thl' football tram. ChPmistry da~s-0J't'atrst glass-blow<'rs in t·nptivity. Glas.· thrra<l, glas~ tubing, lamps, joint~, joists an<l :olid gla.: sti ·k~ -all for thr ~mall :Hlmi. sion ft>t> of tPn ePnt: (. 3.00). 14. ~ eva has a bad eold-lt mnst he ''s1wed1" day. 15. )lr. ~mith, form<>r Plly~h-: t<•adH•r, is a C. IT. R. visitor. 16. ~~i~.' )lt·,Yilliams HIHl hYO pupil. had SU('h an int<•rp~ting (·onYCrRation that "Gus'' ht'eamr di:~nHtrd an<l loek<><l all thP doorR. 19. Special-"Hed" Armstrong said, "Hello." 20 .•John B. had his collar hone broken whilr attt>mpting to Jll'att iee foot ball. 21. • llprrintendt>nt Ear1wst gan• a very intPrPsting tall· on C. II . . work. 22. " m~" 'vas digging th gra.·s out of the wall·, in front of('. II . • . with a spade, on I andolph. tre t on 'l'hur::-;<la~·."-Exam ple of a unified ·en tence. 26. English 3 . tudents apparently have no inkling of how to work. 29. Mi~. Waugh bas a trav ling bag, which shr earrirs from room to room. 30. Four girls ar<> unknown intrndrr. into the sanetit.v of C. II. R " ot one word spoke he more than was need."-CHE 1
0 T HER 3. )Jr. Uoodiug enjoyt><l th<• lo:t "I>ail~· Oossip" wry much. (i. ·•nirls "ho pat lun("h in lu•n• will plpa:-;p throw tlH·ii· paper into the wash• haskd in tlw lol'ker room, otht>rwisP thP door will hP ('] o. ·e<l." 7. Uoora~! .~o school tomorrow. "'h,r'! Bt>can:P it if-1 Hatur<la~.
\Yhat is the explanation for: 'o many hair-1·ibbom.; on erookrd '? ~o many :-.hin~· face. '! ~o many ''s<•Pahle rat:'?" ~o many mi:-.takes in powderin~'? AnHwcr-the minor i:-. down in the "My:-.tie )laz<•." Football game atnrda~·, R<·ore 5-0 in favor of Bloomington. 1~. "Hank" and Iloppie had an attack of ''orphenmit i:'' today. 1:t Tlw ::\faroon:-. play .·ewmau tomorrow. 17. Mi:-.:-; K r •fu:-;p:-; to ex<:UHP two junior girl:-. to go to tlw Ort.
phrum. •. II. and H. II. II. reall~· and truly cheatP<l \Y. Bradley out of one "gitney." "lie loHt hi:-. armR (armor), npvcrtlu•lp.·R he ]1(•]<1 onto th<• rpins. "-Blaneh<• 8tipp (in Latin.) RpN·<·hps thi:-. morning hy )I iss s" itzPr, )lr. Uutterficld, Coath Kcithle~·, ::\1r. Armstrong an<l Cy Spymour. ''~omc pupil:' th<•me:-. aren't worth a D--."-::\lr. Gifford. Dr. Rrrd l<'dnrl'<11h<' fourth hour. II<> said that tlu· tea<'llers ought to f<>el honored to tea<'h ~lH'h int<>lli~<·nt looking thil<lren. I worHlt>r if tlH•y do appreciate us? A new organization, ''The Flowing Mmw , oei<>ty," <'ompose<l of about hveuty-fh·e ''never-curlers"; their so<'i<'ty pin is th<> <·urling- iron. ~~ow why did the hoys l<'t the hall go owr in ~Irs. Ingraham's ~ ard '? Three hPnrs, thrN• monkey.', and five Dag-oe: w<'rc in the vicinity of C. H. •. today .
1 . II.
21. ~1.
.... ~OVE::\fBER Three minute rule pa. ·. ·ed and goo 'H into effc ·t
!!. • ~ ew Hule. today. 3. ,Junior:-. selede<l their da:H pin .. 4. ~~PYa R kPpt qui<>t two mhmtes in th<• prPsen<'<' of t hrpc hoy:-;. I'm worri<'<l a hout . . . T eva! "She hath a will of her own."-LEILA WATSON.
7. Football. Champaign vs. Tu cola. 24-5 in our fan>r. Tryouts for Junior play after . hool. V. A very e.-dting runaway was witne.·:-;ed by F. 0. K. and II. II. II. from the ch<>mir-;try windo ·. 10. The maroon and white cap.· han~ arriYed for l h<> 'l'hanksgiving game. 11. ''Daily Boo"-'' •:::;peck' Ankrum llPP<li-i a .·have." H. Firedrill today to test llw new gong. 15. Cla~!'ws of '. IT. S. had their picture:;; taken. lfi. A bun('h of girl.' and hoy.· will go to De<'atur to attend th • game Raturday. 21. ~Ii~s Brock is visiting C. II. S. this morning. ')•) A call for voluntPers wa:-; i:Hn<•ll hy )[iss \\'augh in a:semhl,r room. 23. Rousing nmsr-; mPeting conducted hy :\Ir. Butterfield; spe che: macle hy Directm· lln1T, Dr. Ora~·, :\Jr. Armstrong, :\Jr. Kiler, ~Ir. Ilateh, and )lr. Hilev; Quin Kiler introduc<'<l thP ''loeomotiyp'' yc>ll. 2L. Thanksgiving gam<>, S<'OI'P 0-0 in our favor. 2!J. Alice Brown wa.' o1w w(•ek getting hack from lH•r Thank.giving va<·ation. 30. Quin Kiler Pler.trd managpr of the football lt>am for np.·t year. DECE:\IBER 1. . II. pupils accept the apology from Dt•ealur for taking the maroon and white <'aps of tll(' C. II. R boys. 3. :\IrK Burnham and )Irs. Bainum vi:Hcd ('. II. K to<la,v. 6. :\Ieeting of athletic a.-soeiation hoard of control. 7. )lis witzer i~ relying upon the girls to shut otT lhl' fountain in th ":\Iyst ic ... laze." R l\Iis · Rwitzer in hi ·tory 4: to "'illiam 'Yagnrr, "You arP a very bright boy. I ~-;houlrllike to haYe a dozt>n lik<> you." 12. "Buttc>r" iR known to Iw a fre. h air fiend. 13. "'hat happened to I~ucia ''Yan" the HeYentb hour'! "'l' won't tell. 14. Ethel Bonner cut off her hair la~t night. ~Tow she i~ not eligible to 1he "Flowing :\lane Rociety." 21. Tough luck. 'Ve hm·e to go to R<'hool Friday before \'hri. tma . ·why don't thry make us go on "hristmas day? 23. Last day of ·chool this yrar! Au revoir . •JA ... UAR' 3. Mr. 'Villiam. ha. entered the happy bonds of matrimony.
" ature's chief master-piece is writin
we11."-LYLE LIND EY,
4. "Madge" and " crt'' exchan ed dre.,ses today. 5. Th<' ~on~ i: Pn<·lo~P<l in a neat hox.-Knod~ at the door, lift up the eurtain, peek in, turn up thP lat<-h-bang. o. X<•ll Potter vi.·itpd <'. II. K toda,Y. 10. LC'dure in a~:emhly room today on )li~~ioiary Life in ,Japan. lark "'· was the . nhjed for illustration:. 11. BaHketball gam with LProy. ~core 22·23. 12. Ewrymw is preparing for tlw fatal da,rH-R<'mest<'r exams. 13. All are busy moving thPir books to the lockerH. 24. Orphcum .. tunt show aft pr .·<·hool. Fonrt <'<'11 "('" Hw<•a tC'rH given out to the football boyH. 2o. )lr. Earnest thi: mornin~ l<>durpd on the value of a high .. ·hool education. 27. 'Yhatcv<•r became of "Hutt<>r'H" gooHc? 30. hampaign defeated D catur, Saturday, 2a-11. 31. Another attack of "orphenmitis"-Pat and Harriet. FEBRUAR
1. Two clowm;; were .·e •n in th viduity of t hr C. II. . at thre thirty o'dock in a bugg with a lap rohc <lr<'~H<'d up ('razily, pulled by a borHr, whi<'ll waH advertiHing the CryHtal 'l'heatre.-Example of junior coherency. 2. For ranking high<•Ht in H·holarHh ip, Clar<•w·p Dickey rP<·t>ived the pa.: to all U. of I. athletic eYentH, awarded by Dire tor Huff. 7. BaRkctball game with rawford ·ville, Ind. <. ~Jr. Goodin..,. showed chcmi:tr,y elas: the tc.t for fr e iodine in corn ( .·). 13. Pr<'Rioent Taft Yisited Champaign Saturday. 14. Val ntine' · day celebrated at '. II. S. by <lismh;sing fifteen minuteH arly-teach<>r!i' meeting. 16. "Gunk" entertained the we :mall chil<lr u of <'. II. . today. 17. Basketbal1 team go to ~]lJ'ingficlrl tomorrow. 20. "Tag <lay" all week to ·end th • team to the tournament. 23. Vacation tomorrow. 'Ya. hington' birthday ob <>ned two day: late. he leaveR for California 2 . Carolyn Ramp bade u. good-by. tomorrow. fAR H
1. A cording to John D. the cau e of all of our trouhle. is woman. "A geometry shark( ?)''-EvA GooDMAN,
6. 7. , '. U.
10. 13. 14. 15. 1().
17. 20. 2R 30. 31.
dance next Friday. rem her of the board of education ar • vi ·iting . H. '. this week. Ilpine 'ell:mh;, former football ·tar, honored C. H. '. with hiH pre~ •nee. "0HH" iH <·:mned from <'. II. H. IJp'lJ nPv<•r r.omP hack. \Vow. Tl1' windowH are "a.·hed. The la:t cleaning day wa: sm· •ly during thP reign of the Triumvirs. Rpt>lliug uwkh in l~ugli:h 3. ~11·. \Yright l'l'flUestP<l thP "ladieH foreign aid so ·it>ty" to plea. e adjorn. ,Junior class meeting. Juniors decide to give a r •ception to tlw ·euior:. ~ome dmv to the jnnio1·s. Today is th<> Ides of Marcil. \Vhat happened 1955 years ago'? "~harkH" <'OHH' forward. The late:t-,Jane aud BolJ OrovPs. Jane ha a corner on the "Boos''. Ailsa K <lops not nPe<l the gre •n lmir l'ibuon. r. of I. stud •nt.s eontinu to visit us. ,Junior-Senior reception is April 1. 11Jr. Duncan addre:o;:e: ('. II. 8. pupil~. Hufu.· Arnold, junior, \Von the oratorical eonte:t.
APRIL 3. ,Jo --.arnahan visitt>d u. today. 5. ~lr. Gifford i:-; training English 3 ]mpils in tlle art of dplJating. G. GrPat. di:turhan<:P in as.·cmb1y room hour thrcP. A mou ·c eame down the air ·haft. 7. S<>nior finals beO'in today. 10. ('. II. H. won from Leroy, Haturday, scor<' 9- >. 1\Ir.. Baimuu and ~Ir.-. Dunlap addre:-;spd the n·irl· on the n •cpssity of taking dompst.ic, den ·e. 11. Five illu. trion: juniors e:caped from chemi:try three minutes early. TlH'Y have to S(li'YC time in vrison. 12. Love i visiting . II. . today. 13. A bunch of <'. II. '. girl:-; c •I •hratPd Ea:ter vaeation by a dinner dance.
"Order is Heaven's first law."-L 85
A 1i I CHiT AT Tlic OR.Plii:tUM
i"'~ I,~~·
, J> .? }:(: John"~ 1etsthe t.ekets.so ,,., they go
Ushe,. ta.kes tl,."' dow"' to the thrrcJ rowA~d soo~~h. e.y ve se~te.cl,alro~~~ Tor lun '" abo:t ten tr\lnute.s,lhe orc;heslra's
........ :.
·orpnevmscope come~ lrr.st you k"ow'' Ma~'3'e a.nswe.-s "Gee kid I love d. so:' Johnny l>nswer-s (wrlh expa.ns•ve <;lr'ln) • (l tl:S punk, wovld'nt it be a. Srn?~ . 'Pi e c.:urlo.1n r-~1ses_.
I cornes out
lrrst a.ct Ohd
?eG. more <3•r-ls. who srnq and d&.hce a "d J o h 1"\ n :1 a r e in <.\ t r a. I"\ c. e. 'r 1-~-.._J
a'" the curLarn tl doth rbr'1ie. what IS ,t no..r1 that mee..ts the.t..-<36. Ve Gods! T,.s E.untce l<ltheJ ho now IS Sll1'j'"'3 ''Be.by M•ne': 2:f
tO t Ul'r\ <3r"r.-t. ma.nj thtn~s... the.twodo I
Acts ihr eeJout')tve,Col1)e on ~
· ·'-~'-;jN.">~~---horne
... '"'
e'e "
they 90· thru' the dl'tTte.d sne
,..,)i~ t he•·e n~&-r'~G a betters (c
~-::_:______, ..::.._
JOKES Quin Kiler think. a man can't Ion• more than on<·<•. * * * * *
Ask Clark "·i.·p what
"analo~y" nwan~.
* * * * *
'real' her (On "Broadway" after ~<'n'rPly rPprimanding a pupil)-~ ·ow what are you going to do about it'! Pupil-It is Ery:·d1wlas to lilt'. * * * * * .\Ii~s \Vaugh-\Vho was <'rpu~a '! Pupil-A two-winged creature . .\li.. \Vaugh-". II, not HO long a.· Hhe wa.· on earth. * * * * *
Foolish question at 9 a. m.-"Are you late?" * * * * *
Tea ·lH•r (Heading from "'l'hP La<ly of thP Lake'' where Jame. Fitz-Jame. dreams he is making love to Ellen)-.John, e.·plain "His ·uit wa · warm.'' John-A I under tand it he was pre . ing hi· uit.
* * * * * Teacher (After reading a theme ·w here chi(·kens played a large part in lh story)-Floyd, what do you think of thi theme? Floy<l-I think it is a foul (fowl) theme. * * * * *
'l'ea<'IH•r-FloJ'PIH·P, i.· .Jiillon's ·ou<·eption of IIPll tlH' same as your.? Plorencc-I haven't a conception. * * * * * Mr. Goo<ling-<'arl, what is ll 2 0 a gaH, a liquid or a :-.oli<l '! arl-It'. a liquid, but, in ome ca. eR, it is a , olid. fr. Gooding-J.. To, arl, it is always a liquid; what made you think it is sometime a oli<l? arl-·Well, I've often heard of hard water. * * * * * Teacher-P rring, what kind of Pagan r ligion is mo ·t b autiful? Perring-\ VlH•re ewry hod · g<H'H to He awn. * * * * *
"A wiHc man is tlt<' onp who trips to .·hine hdm·p himself; a fool trie · to ·bine before others." 87
How dear to our hearts are the scenes of our school days \Vhen fond recollections presents them to view; The rostrum, the baton, the thick crowded "Broadway", And every loved spot which our high school days knew. The charming east entrance, the Milne that stood by it, The lessons and classrooms, where good standing tell; The thought of our teachers whirh now make us igh But one consolation we won't meet them in the sky.
* * * * * The ·porti •st sport that P\er ·ported-Elam Ankrum. * * * * * ''weet King of Parley'-Albert Sizer. * * * * * Mi: · )1 ·William.·-Howard, go to the board and e.'plain yoUl' ]H'oblt>m; it iH only a fpw Rtepfl there. Howard (With a glint of hnmor)-They Hay every step lead· u,· nearer to the graw, ~u I am . aving my ·teps to ke p away from lhe grave. * * * * * 'L'lH• lwst l'etmlmwlula t.ion for ''Hu.'" is that no one janitor can do the work as well as he did it. * * * * * A ~PriouH, but eligible young uuw.-)lr. :{ifrord. * * * * * Silence reigns in the The sharks o'er their \Vhen lo! An awful Poor Blanche sits on
assembly room books do poreera h boom! Boom! the floor.
* * * * * Yern J.-''The be ·t fruit of all i~; to get a date with a peach." * * * * * Othel )I.-During Auam ·· aumini ·tration the Panama 'anal was begun. )lis· witzer-Othel, you do not believe in governmental progre . . * * * * * .'pring bring.· many changes-"Butter" appearH in a derby. * * * * * The ~o;neezing speciali t-" 'queaky" Steven . * * * * * A
OVEL IN THREE CHAPTERS. Chapter !-Maid one. Chapter II-Maid won Chapter III-Made one.
Teacher-Raymond, why i it that you nev r get your themes in on time? HaymOIHl-,Vell I thought that if I didn't, that you would appreciate the promptnes of the other¡ all the more.
* * * * *
In th a embly room hour 5-" 'leep little on , leep pretty one''-Howard D. * * * * * L'Allegro--Albert lark:son. ll Pensero. o--Albert Sizer. * * * * * Full of book knowledge-Clarence Di k y. * * * * *
.. Ir. ¡william -Is a body a conductor of electricity? l'upil-Yes. Mr. 'Villiams-Then you are a conductor. Class-Far , plea e. * * * * * :Mr. G.-Do you know that I am all of an inch . horter than I used to be. William \V.-Well, you married and ettled down.
* * * * *
Latin's the finest study we have; It's cool and soothing salve, For when we begin to get real mart, That Latin grade brings down a part Of the swelling of the head.
HE. R 5 PE:E.CH Spec.k! .sru.k.l thou trernbl11"~ child. I Who,wdh th•n~ eyes so mdd,
Sca-rcely c~n be recohcde.d To elocut•o"'l G-rlcetvlly mta.ke your 9estures how; Awkwuci
we don't
And dont lor~ e t your part1n~ bow! Why t h 1 s co,.., lu s 1 on ?
bIll\ \\\"-0.
rhen tha.t sm~ll child so me~K.In wh~t seemed almost l we""-e,_K----1>.resentl1 oeqan to speak. Hea.r h~r nat-ra.t•on 'See how l'rn tremblir~q hear! S h a k 11''1 ~, 9 v a k ' n q, J u.s t tr om l e. a r • But l'lever 1111nd!the end. IS ne~rl Thus el'lded the rec.ta.tioh
THE 500 1100 ~~
·Jl ·
iter he had gone a .)eu:. • ,dwashk•n~ E,~l•sh.n,
Once. there W?.S, ~ l•tt le k 1 d, Who started. to Chbm.p~•~n H,~h Allirst wh enev el" he turned &.rev~
He had to .stop bnd crJ,
oss Morns l~ed lum to wrote~ pofM L.\-.......,.-1
('~~ ~
'l'tlt l1 OB.B Le
T~eJ Sb.id HI d1d hol know" The) sa.id•l d1<~ 11ot c&re• AnJ so tht-:1 lorcici rn e,
The hobble &kirt to wu.r.
s••d''lt IS 1n st~le", I a1ci" I d1d not care·: Tht.y sa10 )let a.ll the wh.le, They
hobb Ie.
should weu:
Chester '1 urner
at (' H S after an Orphenm of lm l\Jiss \Vaugh 3:30 own
Composing poetr) l to be nice
Jennis Barry
"Mercy me"
"Be gorry"
loving Latin
her laugh
to entertain Phys-1 to talk ics class
good natured
Frank Clippinger
gliding walk
having three girbl high grades at one time
"meek modest mild'' '
E\·a Goodman
writing notes
to pose for Harri-1 basketball son Fisher
"You know"
:.\Iarie Caldwell
talking too much
to be bu,;y
to twist
Elliott Stevens
to "butt in"
"0 girls"
J can Roherts
bothering teachers! passing a test in A. R.
to marry a "Rieh-l 75's man''
''0 piffie"
Frances Klank
going to Orpheuml being neat
to be a friend tol teachers everybody
"Got vour girls."
Bruce Sizer
nobody knows
to be a vaudeville! to eat manager
frie ndly
I ringing
interviewing teach-1to amuse girls ers
Latin.l "buxom, blithe and debonaire''
:\Iaybelle Dallenbach
I squirming
to grow
to chatter
''0 Lollypops"
Carrie Hoffman
I disagreeing
to be a senior
Stella Hutchinson
I chewing
hair dre,-sing
to be popular
"0 gosh"
Clark Wise
,;;:n't find out
collecting slips
to live up to hisl to debate name
hasn't any
Lelah Watson
getting fussed
to know the dic-1geometry tionary
never loud
\ A, ' TED-More time to sleep. II IRA~! \VARU. \VA , TED- A step WA . ' TI•.D-To rent the "College of Oratory." RUTH VAN). \\'AliEN.
W \ .' rED- A new lligh School build ing. EvERYONE.
WA TED-A girl.
W A~TED- othing-Since Christmas all my wanb arc satisfied . MR. WILLIAMS.
A111:L So iERS.
\VA, 'TED-\ good hair dye. FAY FAULKNER.
W .\N lED
W A. 'TED-To live in a house built for two. FRA . 'CFS GARWOOD.
\\ ,\N 'l I~ V - A cure for Hunkers. FRESHMEN.
\VA TED-More time for society. PEG. D~:RROUGH.
W A , 1 TED-A "Gus" without faults. IR. Pu•J'ET.
\VA, TED-To get through school. A\'ON NICKERSON.
WANTED-To be Juniors. SO PliO. !ORES.
WA. '1ED-An alarm clock. ~IARJORIE SPALDI 'G.
W A , TED writers." WA
To laugh.
for my "type11R. PITTON.
TED-At the phone. hss Swnzf.R.
WA TED-To be a Latin shark. Ross RINEHART.
\VA . TED-A tongue.
WAr TED-A curling iron. 0LLrn: IE:-iELEY.
WA TED-A monopoly on "ponie ." FACULTY.
WA. 'TED-To be a sport. HOWARU DARRAH.
\VA. TTED-Our pictures in the "Maroon." }UNIORS.
\VA1 'TED-To move a mile a minute. CHARLES HouGH.
W-\ 'TED-A "Shamrock." }EAN ROBERTS.
WAr TED-Plenty of my fir ·t name. GoLD HoPKINS
WAN1ED- A squeak.
WA1 TED-To talk all the time FLOREN E LA SuL.
WANTED-Some wall-flowers for Botany. MR. GooDI G.
WA 'TED-To be a prima donna. GERT HAR 'SBERGER.
W A, 'TED-A good excuse for being late. NEVA RoGERS.
WA, 1 TED-To be nice to the girls. VERNE JoHNSTON.
W A, TED-A mirror.
WA, 'TED-To get closer to Grace. ALBERT CLARKSON.
WA, TED-To from Cork."
WA 'TED-To eat, drink and be merry ('l\Iary). fARY Moss.
time-kc per for my l\1 RIE CALDWELL.
voice that doesn't ELLIOTT STEVENS.
meet "A Gentleman ToM FINNIGAN.
TED-A big
AN INCIDENT IN SPRING One <>XqniRite morning in early spring, when the sun wa.·. endray. to che<>r tl1<> <>arth; wlwn the tre<>: W<'I'<' wearin~ ... ·a tur<> 's Ion lh•:t ormm~t•nt, tlJ<'ir <·rmvn of r<•r!l nrP; an<l when <>v<>ryone, l'parklinp; youth and hoary ap;<>, alik<•, was out in tiH' frPI'h air, imhihing ... 'at ure'~-; lus<·ious <lraught, a man was H<'<'n running Hwiftly from OIH' str<•et to anoth<•t·, <•vi!lPnlly in hot pur:nit of some cowtPd object. PNlestrians :topped, :tJl(l gazed upon his rapidly r<'trpating form. II<• w<>nt faster and fa:l<•t·, <l<>. ·tro~· ing tlH' <•quilihrimn of many gay .vouth: and happy maid<•ns. A few minntPH lH'fon•, all .!atm·<• N<'<'lll<'d in tun<'; now tlH' <lay waN r<'tHhrcd hi<lPons h,v the eries of thos<' whom Fate ha<l phH'Pd in the way of the dashing demon. " "W hat iH the matt<'r?" shont<'<l one man, hut all '"<>r<' too lm. y watching tlH' <'<ll'P<'r of thiH nwll<l<•twd racer to anHwPr. Crowds joined tlw flying man, ash<> first l<•apP<l in the air with outHtrPt<'hed han<h:, alHl then bent towards the ground, seardling it as doH<>ly a: hiR HJWC<l would permit. 'Yom<>n, wheeling hahy carriag<>H; men and <·hildren carr,ving bundles; honking automohilPH; galloping horsps; firc> enginc>H; police patrol:; all w<>rc foJlowing. ~nd<lenly, the man sprang into the air with ont:trett'he<l hand. All the foll<nH'l'.' l'toprw<l at. thP Ham<' monwnt an<l lc>anr<l forward, brc>athles:l~·. Th<> man turn<·<l, and with a . ingularly RW<'et ~mile, sai<l, "~Iy friPIHls, I haY<' finally SlH'ePe<led in catching thi~ fly which has hr<>n hothrring nw so." :\I .\HCJ.\UET DonnE, '12.
hi~-; bright<>~o;t
AN EVENING CATASTROPHE The poet hrushed his hair back from his brow, And with a lamentable sigh, he said : ''0, l\Iuse! To thee, I raise my voice. Oh, he Propitiou~. and as. i. t me, for my head Doth ache 50, that I wish that I were dead.'' The fuse responded, and he wrote this tale:"At du k, upon a lonely mountain peak, A man was wandering through the misty gloom; His hands were clenched, and tears ran down his check, His teeth were ct. ~o he could hardly speak. "IIis face was pale, his breath came quick and short, His hair stood up on end from bitter fright, And now and then he ca:t wift glances back, s if . orne phantom, dire, would soon alight, And slay him in that dark and murderous night. "lie carried in his hand-Oh, gruesome sight,\ gleaming spear it was. without doubt; He raised it high, and ru~hed upon a form That sprang to meet him, uttering a shout"When lo! the Poet's electric light went out. MARGARET
r~-. l ...
In CHS the..re a.re s•m~ ~,,./s Who we or the•r hatr ,, da.nqli11S cvrl Others weal" rah c.nd· p1>lts qa lor And canhot eveh p~ss tnu• t.~e doo \ I
Theboys webr thet'r trou~e.-s rolled up
- -to t he 1r k t1 e e-S And then the'f ~!)~ t.he.y o.re ~b ut t~ . heez..e ihe.~ we~r "~t•H ce..dte~:>' Lo mol<e a. hit w1th lhe lad tes Ahd then tbe._y '0.\"e. ca.ll'ed the 'b,~ squQe;ze"
The Fr-u- fru(l 91rls and th~ Ro h1{ah• boys Ate e.. II he l"o ~e. 1n t h' pI a c. e • Togethel" Vo~•t:h others the'{ mo.l<'e
lots or{ nots e And there. To~ \e~d
h~t pac.e.
ALBERT, A FRESHMAN Allwrt had become a frP.'hman and thi: fillPcl hi. head with importance. He grew ~L - inche~ that fir~t day. By the end of the fir ·t week, Allwrt': head ha<l .·hrunk an in<"lt. lie found on1 h • wa,.n't the "whole clw f;C'' aftpr all. At the end of the fir:t month hi.· hPad had ret urnP<l to it: form<•r .· izP, it .·hranl· a lit 1le morP, and then it lJegan to .'WPll again. B~· thi!o; timP hP })('gan to rPalizP that h • wa~ rPally a frp~h man. Tlti:-; fad wa: wry (']p\'at ing. It uu•ant a (']pan collar <•wry clay; it mrant a pip<> an<l ".'mokin.·"; and it meant attention to the fair •r !-;<'. • of the !-;(' hool. But thi. all led to eonflkt. with his parPnt.' and tlw in!o;frm·tors. liP !o;oon lparned how to !-:kip ~chool an(l Bquirm ont of <'ommitting him.·<•lf wlH•n tlt<' prindpal took him to ta.'k; hut he t ri d thi,. la.'t on<'<' too often. Thi: i.· how it happened: One day Albert rambled into had eompany; ~-;omething VPry, very unu.'ual. On top of thi.' he ltad a f<•w !o;moke: and finally arrive(! at !o;Chool in tiuw for the la:t period. The prinripal demanded an e.-planation. II' very e:udly told of an "awful'' tooth that must he filled. The prindpal th<:'n askpd him if thP d<>nti ·t had prescribed tohaeeo'! Thi~ was a "fus.. pr'',-the end was a complete confe:~ion. Tlwreforc•, .\ll)('rt wa~ to ])(' an <>.·amJih'; and :o after giving ltim a very severe ledurP, th principal ~cut him with a not to hi' fath r. Alb •rt ha .. n't h n back .'ine th(•n. I wonder what ha,· happenNI to Albert and what was in that note? JE.\.
EXCHANGE Fre ·hie-What i: the be:t way to t II a bad gg? enior-I don't know, but I Hhoul<l . ugg<'Ht that if you had anything really important to tl'll a had Pgg, why-break it gPntly. Teacher-~ .,.ow
* * * * * I will illnHtrate the moon by my hat. i~
the moon inhabited? * * * * *
Fre.·hie--1 wonder where all the pinH go. enior-That'H a difficult. que~tion hct'aUHe thf'y are always pointed in one direction and headf'd in another. * * * * *
he (bidding him good-night at the door)- ron arc the light of my life. le py voice from above--lie len, put out the 1ight. * * * * * Cu~tom
r- e here, waiter, I found a button in this . alad. Waiter-YeH, that'.· a part of the dresHing. * * * * * Poetical tudent (~o;huddering)-Ho·w the tre : moan and sigh this morning. Practical ·tudent-You would, too, if you were Ho full of gre n apple a th y are. * * * * * "Lives of football men remind us \Vc can write our name in blood And, departing, leave behind us Half our faces in the mud ."
* * * * *
Teacher (In Latin)-Tran.late "r<'x fugit.'' ~ re bman-The king flees. Teacher-You sbonlcl uHe "haR'' in tran:lating the perfect ~n~
Fre hman-The king ha: fleP .. * * * * * "There arc meters of measure There arc meters of tone But the best way to meet'er Is to meet'er alone.''
Fir:t •'tudent-I t110ught you took g 'mnetry la. t year. Slecond tudent-I did, but the faculty encored me. * * *
* *
" 'May I print a kiss upon your lips?' She nodded her sweet permission ; So they went to press, And I rather guess They printed a whole edition.''
* * * * * Teacher (Fre. hman Engli.·h)-"\Ylwt did 'Yalter die of? Bright Pupil-Lockhart.
* * * * *
U. S. lli tory-The British excavated (evacuated) Bo ton. * * * * * First Teacher-"•hat cour~e would linton have QTaduated in? Siecond Teacher-In the cour e of time. * * * * * Latin tran lation-"They faced back to back." * * * * ... "Where do you author get the plot for all your tori ?" "We hatch them in our incubators."
* * * * * tudent (after commencement)-Profe or, I owe all that I know to you. Profe or-Pray do not mention uch a trifle. * * * * * "Ma, who wa ae ar?'' 1a-Why, my son, I'm a harned of you. He i the man who said, "Eat, thou brute," when hi hor e refu ed corn.
man who owned an areoplanc fJee loved a maiden Trom Champu~n. Thts ~,r/ he loved wttn all his heHt. nd vnwed tro»'l her he ne'e,. wovld pa.r1.
on one bn~ht and cloudles~ da.~, wa.s the ve.r~ 7irst
4Sked her 1t she'd like to Ytde.
pin the air. r1qht by his s1de.
hen JVmpe d the~
both mfo the .settt, their ha.ppmess comp)ete., nq vp the.~ went inTo the aJr, th so ~la.d Hta.t the~ Wer'e there
'd h.~ 'JT'jO\) ~.\Ol thiS lite. H'lw WC\uld you }iKe 1o be my w;te.?
hen ~nv C<h.dd r1de. m~t ever~ <illy, nd n eveY h.a.ve •a. (ent to p~
Ja.id sh.~ "I thmk that wovJd l>e (me, oonl~ know.tha:t. 'JOV we..re. m1ne!, n ~om pa.n)' ····" th. h1s Tutvr- e brid.e, He. qvic.kly To the c.arl'h did gl~tie...
C. H. S. OLYMPIA COUNCIL Jupiter-Mr. Gifford, father of the gods. Mars-Mr. Milne, god of war. Pluto-Mr. Williams, ruler of the lower world. Vulcan-)Ir. Gooding, god of fire, who live under the earth. Mercury- fr. Wright, me enger of the god , god of commerce. Apollo-Mr. Butterfield, god of poetry and mu ic, most glorious among all the god . Juno-Mi Switzer, queen of heaven. Venu -Mi Morri , godde of beauty and laughter. Minerva-Mi Johnson, godde s of wisdom. Ve ta-1\fi Waugh, godde of the hearth. Cere -Mi s McWilliam , goddess of civilization. Diana-Mi Stebbin , goddes of the cha e. MINOR DIVINITIES THE NINE
E â&#x20AC;˘
Margaret Haye , mu e of dancing. Jayne tipe , muse of song. Margaret Dodge, muse of pa toral poetry. France Garwood, muse of epic poetry. Grace Madden, mu e of astronomy. Jean hively, mu e of tragedy. Loi Philbrick, mu e of history. Marie Rutenber, mu e of rhetoric. Mildred Barne , muse of lyric poetry. THE THREE GRACES.
Grace Burwash. Grace Seymour. Grace Dallenbach. Cupid, Nichola Miller. Hebe-~1is Tanner, cup bearer of the gods.
for AuO'u,ta, o happy and gay. B i for Blanche, a , hark, they ay. C D E F
i i i i G i
for for for for for
Clark. n, a O'OOd·natured child. Dillavou, m k, mod . t and mild. Eva, who i. lo t without J e•. Florence, the limit, I confe race, a enior, o mall.
H i for Helen, who i · liked by all. I i for Irvin()', who e nickname i "Rip''. J is for Jenni , never known to " kip''. K is for Kathryn, a "Fr . hie" thi year. L i for Loui. e, an arti t, I hear. M i for Aayb ll,--Bruce will know! N i for ~ ·ichola., who outward did grow. 0 i. for Othel, who never grew tall. P i for Parker, a :tar in football. Q i for Quincy, mana()' >r of the arne. R i for Richard. , )label' h r name. S i for hiv ly, who i full of fun. T i for Thomp:on, who alway. chew gum. U i for "you··, with ninety'· rarely made. V i for Yera, who. e la. t name i ad . W i for "·a()'ner, who never break a rule. X Y and Z are for the re t of the ,· ·hool.
<.U liON