1912 Maroon

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'Z!:lrc 1£1on. Ul. J!l. Jllc11Hnlcy

Howard Wal to~.

Lois Philhrick.


Louise Woodroofe.

DoNald. Dodcls.

RedMaN Dav\S.

Gladys Philbrick.



Stewatt Bassett.

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Supcrtlltcn<i< nt •>i Public .'chool

\!ISS I lr!TIF S\\ ITZH!

Principal of the I I igh



Hattlda Yo MOUstH L





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EDITORIAL This ha s IH 'Pll ;t lllPill lll"ahll• ,ll'a1 · ill thP histm·.' of thP ( ' h;llllpaign lli g l1 ~·khool. 'l'l11 • total Pll1·ollllll'llt , 1~0. :-;llo\\1' ;lit illl' l't'<tst• ol' tllOI'P than Ol)( ' hlllHI1·P<l ahm t• tliitl of ht:-;t ,\t'a1·. In 1111 Jll"P\iolll' yp;lJ· 11<1\"P :-;o lllall,\ ]lllhlic·-spi1·itt•d c·it iZPilS lllilllii'Pstt•d tht •iJ· illfi'I'Pst in s<·lioo l all'aiJ·:-; 11.1 l'lii 'OIII 'aging l' l llllpPtilioll in Hllilc •lic ·s and achanc ·ing sc ·holnl·sllip; llP\"1'1" '"""' th1 • siJidPllt 1llldy IH 'I' Il 111111'1' l"l'spon:-;il<' ; IH'\1'1' hHn•. o lllilll,\ orgnn iza I ions IH 'I' ll as Slli 'I'Pssl'nl. . \I last, o\\ ing lo IIH• llllli1·ing Pll'cll'ls of tl11• h,lal·d ol' pdiJI'ati Jlll, a Ill'\\" h igh l'I'IIIHll 1nlilding is a lll'ill' p ossihilil .\ . 1:.' a 111ajoril ,\ ol' l\\o to 0111', the• \'olpJ ·s of tlli:-; di:-;tril'l anlho1·iz!'d the · jllll'l'hotst' ol' a higl1 sc ·hool sit<'. J:p fcll·c· ;]I lo t IH•J· issJII' of t lw lltfi'IJ I J/1, \\' 1' IIO[H' 1hat pl;111s \\iII IH• JH'l ' fl'l' l l'd fc11· IIIP h11ilding and t'l[llipnwnt of a :-;ll·twllll'l' t o ac·c· onllliiHlatP llot fc ' \\"1'1' than lwPht' htiiHli·Pd pupil:-;. 11111'1'1 ' t in atliiPii<·s is illnPasing.

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"To all obliging, yet reserved to all." Lessie, throughout her school career, has led a peaceful, even !if ; she i never in a hurry.


"Friendship is not a plant of ha ty growth." Francis is one who says little, but thinks and does a heap; a kind much needed in C. H. S.


"And sacred silence reigns, and universal peace." Ralph must be a believer in the silence cure, because no one has ever heard him utter a entence containing more than three words; he has a keen sense of humor.


"\Vho mixed reason with pleasure, and wisdom with mirth." Florence is one of our "honor'' students; a bright and industrious girl, who, however, manages to have a good time out of school. Our rhymster.


"A model boy-doe not smoke, swear, chew, or make love." "Babe" is a harmless creature; never was much in favor of school.


ALnERTA :!\1.-.un DAt:GHERTY. "T dare not trust these eyes." ,\ bright, coquettish girl. One would think, to hear her talk, that she is crying-but it i only laud's way. Mem· ber of the C. H. S. L. S.

DOROTHY GOLDIE DAVES. "IIer modest look a cottage might adorn ." Dorothy pursues the muse of learning quite diligently. She scorns a boy; is a staunch believer in woman's suffrage. member of the C. II. S. L. S.

WIL!.ARn EARL DELoNG. "One helpless look of blooming infancy." Willard has just been one year in the C. TI. S. He is an athlete; and very popular with the girls, because of his curly blond hair.

MARGARFT RAPELJE DoDGE. "A taste for books is the glory and pleasure of my life." Margaret is one of our "star" students. We predict for her a brilliant future. Our class poet.

FRANCIS DOYLE. "lie <aid, right or wrong, what came into his head." John has a propensity for closing his eyes at critical moments. This is espe· cially hown in his batting per cent.

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"Accuse not her." Eva is usually wandering around the locker-room inquiring for Grace. She is a calm maiden and does as her fancy dictates.

DoNALD AsHwAv GRossr.rA •

"Some mute inglorious litton here may rest.'' \Ve never r ally did appreciate Donald until he became leader of the glee club, where he shows in all hi splendor. An orator and a debater. A member of the C. H. S. L. S.



"And hope enchanted, smiled, and waved his variegated hair." Tom is a champion at baseball; he fought again t difficulties, for his "sorrel top" was easily distinguished by the enemy. He will get what he goes in for.


"He gives his thoughts no tongue.'' Bernard is another member of the "never talk'' club. When he does speak, it is duly appreciated by the class.


"Clothed in originality." "Sis" is a happy, care-free girl, who brings laughter wherever she goes. A constant shadow of Frances.




"Let us not burden ourselves too heavily with knowledge." Claudia never was fond of the high chool boys, but clung to the "only one" habit. She is an ardent devotee of art.


"His calm and blameless life Doe with substantial blessedness abound.'' A hard working boy; not often before the public eye; not much given to talking, but when he does, he usually speaks with sense.


"To find a foe, it shall not be her hap." She impresses one with the idea that she is constantly minding her p's and q's. She is not a firm believer in the rule, "Silence is golden."


"Her air, mire." As light nymph. A ment. Her the least.

her manner, all who see adand airy on her feet as a young lady of accomplishskill as an entertainer is not


"Silence has become his mother tongue." Dwight is modest; never calls any one's attention to himself; is modesty personified.



QurNCE KrLF.R, ]R.

"His is a love which can perpetual be." A handsome youth, a marvelous athlete, and an ardent lover. \Vhat more can we say of him?


",Tone o lovely, sweet, and fair." Frances always knows the right thing to say. A constant shadow of "Sis".


"There is no more variable a thing in nature than a lach 's I t .. tclclre,,." Blanche believes in trying all the new fashions. The world seems to rest lightly on her shoulders, despite its heavy cares.


"A modest blush she wears, not formed by art." Syble i a v1ct1m of all the prevailing diseases; thus making it hard for her to keep up to her usual standard.


"A life of g1orious labors past." Don's deeds have determined him so definitely to hi cia ¡smates, that we can add nothing further here.


, ¡Eu.rF. OPAL Mcl\frLLEN.

"In quiet shades, content with rural sport., Give me a life remote from guilty courts." , 'ellie is a buxom country lass ; a second :\laud :.\fuller. She has a pleasant, graceful way of meeting everything.


"Laugh not too much, the witty man laughs least." Grace is a great talker. She recites upun all occasions and upon all subjects; she is the worthy president of our class, and of the literary society. Our extempore speaker.


"His years but young, but his experience old." Lw has studied hard during his school career, but somehow he doesn't get on the honor roll.


•"Full well hath Lulu played the orator Inferring arguments of mighty force." She ha a womans' own gift of argument-a thing is o because it i so; so beware of disputing her statement when she has once made it.


"In fashions wayward, and in love unkind.'' Ethel is one of our "uppe r-strata" girls. She has a liking for univerity affairs. She is not overly fond of books. A member of the C. H. S. L. S.



" obody love. a . kinny man like me." Nicholas has for four year competed for light-weight honors, but something has always happened. lie i. a steady patron of the amusement of our town.



"The desire for knowledge increases ever with the acquisition of it'' Grace a pires, it is aid, to be a "shark". At one time she was a great talker, but we cannot get a word out of her.

RuTH ML'ER. "I was not born for court~ or great affairs.'' A timid child, who seem> always afraid to speak above a whisper.



"\Vith wi. dom fraught, not such as books, but such as practice taught." If Hubert would only . ay a word now and then, we might be able to "knock" him; but his deÂŁ nse of silence is impregnable.


",¡o falsehood shall defile my lips with lies." Allie retired a semester ago, and we have not seen her since.


"He bore his great commission m his look." ever in any particular hurry about reciting, but he knows a great dealabout topics not a signed.


"So gentle of condition was she known That through the school her courtesy is hown.'' A merry young lady, who has been with u but one year; nevertheless, she has left her footprints in the sands of C. H. S.


"His stature tall, I hate a dumpy man." A tall, husky youth who is a good fellow in his way; but it's hard to find out which way is his.


"Slowly provoked, she easily forgives." Ethel is the secretary of the illustrious class of '12. She'll never et the world on fire; she is a very sweet and lovable girl. A member of the C. H. S. L. S.

W. RAYBURN. "Oh, leave the noisy town; oh, come and see Our country cot and live content with me." A quiet chap, for the most part, who eems to have more thoughts than words to expre s them. }AY



"A friendship that make the least n01:e is very often the most u~eful." he belongs with the many other retinng las. ies in our cia s. She recites when we least expect it.

B. ROGERS. "Do not fall in love with me, for I am falser than vows made in wine." , reva never could understand the use of chool; she pends all her spare time in learning the latest dances. "TF.VA


"Begone my cares. I give you to the winds." slow, easy-going boy with an angelic disposition.


"Rich, fa hionable robe her pen;on deck." Lela, with her chamois skin, is never seen more than two feet away from the mirror. A hard worker.


"Untwistmg all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony." We predict a great future for Lester, the composer of "Fidelity". A geometry "shark".





" 'Grace' leads the right way If ) ou choose the wrong." Bruce is one of our athletic lads, and i a trong member of the . IT. S L. S. Thi year he i losing flesh, owing to his many walks to the university district.


"He ha merit, good nature, and integrity, that are too often lost upon men The hair of his head are numbered. Guy is a "fus er", and considers himself invincible with the fair sex.




"\Vhenever I sing, look in the trees, it is the bird ." Elliott at an early age became used to fa me and does not heed his notoriety. He like all of the high school girls; he loves but one.


"She quits the narrow path of sense For a dear ramble through impertinence." Olga is one of our "sharks" She is a plain German maid; hows a fondness for study. A constant shadow of Blanche.


"I look upon indolence as a sort of suicide." hester does not believe in wasting hi time, but put it all to good use.




"From the table of my memory I'll wipe away all books." A simple country boy, who expects to graduate in June. \ ho know ? Stranger things have happened-yea verily, this world of ours is a very funny place.


"Her voice was ever soft, gentle and low." We have tried every mean to interest Lelia in her studies, but she seems to have but one aim in life-Donald.


"Live, then, our great encourager of arts, Live forever in our hearts ." Louise is the artist of our class and we are very proud of her. Although she devotes much of her time to art, she never neglects her tudies. HANNAH HARRIS, EsTELLE




The tintinnabulation of the bell in the catbedralH of tb stately municipality of hampaign, swellingly peal d forth an urgent Hummons to all mankind, one beautiful mornin()' in 路pring, aR jocund day peep d smilingly over the hilltop .. " an you tell m the weighty reason for thi c a el HH ru, h of humanity?'' This interrogation bur t spontaneously from th lip of a comely ' !,W..ain, as be mov d hi' pedal extremiiie 路, in a H rculean <>ffort to <'H 路ap<> h<>ing reduced in compa s by the seething, struggling, whirling maR about him. "That can I," reRponded an agreeable and adroit pecimen of the weaker sex. "Ten decades ago, on thi very revolution of the earth on it axi , a fair a, emhly of youtllH and maiden. congregated in that structure, reared with the intentfon of providing a . nitable location for producing high .路chool plays, for the purpose of receiving their r ords of literary decrr<>e." "I~lucidate further,'' waH th<> injunction of her in. atiable interlo utor. Hi informer pro eruted her design. "Th anniver ary of that event we observe, today, with rites and pomps congruou with the o ca ion." "Are any memorial. of the cia s extant?' was the next inquiry. "Aye, many documents r lating it early hi tory have been revealed." " arrate a portion," he dictated. "The hym<>noptera are exceedingly vexatious, today, but I am ubmi ive to your command,'' waR the rejoinder. "In the y ar 190 , the cla first entered the portal of the magnificent model of architecture, the high . chool building. The juveniles did little of ignificance the fir t year, but grace tl1 Halls of Learning, and e tab"She goes through life somehow guaranteed She can't help pleasing."-L01s PHILBRICK. 21

li h a precedent for 11'ltPr . cholar. in an emC'rald Rtate, for removing the unde irable pigment. 'They cho. e the followin~ a. officer., the next year: Pre. ·ident, Quin KilC'r; Yk<'-Prt>:-<ident, .Jo.·pphin<' Carnahan; ecretary, Lyle I,ind ·ey; Tremmrcr, Frances Klank. A social event of exce ding brilliancy eventuated. Thi~ wa.· th sophomore cotillion, at which the world obviously dil-{ccrn d that the :-<cholar · wcr .-killed in th Tcrp ichor an art a · well a other art . "The next year the offi<'er.- w rC': PrC'.-ident, Frances Klank; Yicel're ident, Ilarry Rogt>r:-<; ~ecretary, Frank Clippinger; Tr<>asurer, Bruce izer. A pin waR selrctrd h,v which a member of this illustrious affiliation of juniors might lw recognized. The seniors were Pntertained by them at a r<'<'<'pt ion, ancl the .-pl<'IHlor of t Ids oeeasion reflected great glory on the high school. A contest in ortl10graph;\' wa. a feature of mu h intere ·t, when it was <'onclusively ascC'rtainC'd that there was no word in the English languag<' with which the junior.- were unable to cope. Th ,v propo.-C'<l to enad a drama for the uplift of humanity, but so many tellar followers of Thespi were disco,·ered, that the noble proje t wa abandon d. "The ne. t y<'ar thC'y were . eniors. ·w ith the highest a.-piration for con. ununat<' perfpction. tlw;r hent every energy to cultivate the acquaintanc<' of )linC'rva, tlwir patron saint. Thrir perspicacity confound d the pedant~-{ of thf' im~filution. In orcler to give more time for th erudition of the seniors to permeate the craniums of all underclas,men, tll<' JH'riod of time, hitherto allottC'd for uttering mnf;ical and melodiouf; f;OtiDdf;, was Pliminated from the curriculum. Tho8e of blunt p rception were enlightrnC'd, the pusillanimou8 were made intrepid, the egoth;t ic werC' madC' diffident, hy tlw!'e iconocla~ts. ThC' officer~ t h il-{ ~·C'ar were: Pre ·ident, rae<' ~Iadden; Vice-President, Bruce Sizer; • ecretary, Ethel Pit.-enbargPr; 'rrNumrer, Donald GroK man. A driw, in a whicle on runnC'r!' for sliding on the .-now and ice, was taken during thP winter. A Union, formed for the purposC' of promoting intPreRt in athletic!', gave a . o ial entC'rtainment that ;war in Jwnor of thes per. onages. The Latin department e. tabli. bed a prec dent in the case of thi. class alone, and also gave an entertainment. The mo. t wondC'rfnl emotion of . elf, acrifice induced diwr!'<' pPr.'Ol11-{ to rC'linqnish all elainu; to take part in the enior Play, and, in this manner, the pedagoguC's were enabled to choo.(' a <'aRt. The ~C'nior Rail ultimated thP fC'stivitie~; on the thirt,vfir. t of May thr ~eniorH a!'~<'mbled, as I have said heretofon', to rPr<>ive their record!' of I i terary degree. "Are you satiated, at la.-t?" ()neried thC' fair on<', with mellifluous accent.- in which great . olicitudr was manifPI-{t. " Tay, nay, I have but imhihNl C'nough of your welcome information to de. ire to append my,'elf to the throng and do homag<' to their memory," said the interrogator. 22

o the pair perambulated after the sinuous proce ion of the demon' tratory, jubilant populace, while dexterous mmlician direct d their euphoniouH melody in a paean rai erl to extol th achi vement of th Class of 1912. E:\IBLE.Mt:;

Colors-Green and Gold. la s Flower-Dai"y. l\IARGARET DonnE

Oh keep me innocent-FAITH SwiGART. 23

~ Iinerva, th god de of wi dom, ari es before me in the mi t and th vapor . As Rhe lift, her gleaming wand b fore my eyes, • he p ak ·oftly and bid me follow. I tep into her fi~?ry chariot, and her white Rteed draw uR to her realms of beauty. AR we approach the Fountain of Youth, h unclr~?dR of dancing fairie: gr et uR. They makl? a circle around the glorious fountain; and as )lin rva wieldR her wand b for it, the .·pring cea e. to flow, and, instead, flame of green and gold leap up respon ive to her word. of magic. ver th flam , , .·he pia es a mao-ic mirror, and ruddy fume ari e to meet tb piriL in the gla. A. Then, a he chant her conjurationR, she bids me look into the mirror. In its center, cloud-like formR app ar; and, aH the fir burn , the form grow more di tinct. AR he chants the number of all number magical, nineteen hundred and twelve, I can trace every detail of the mi~-;t,v form a one after another of the cla ink back into oblivion.

As the flames of green and gold Change into human form, The futures of all are foretold As they their works perform. We see a matron fair In a anitarium grand; Her talents must be rare, For she seems to be in demand. As she smiles to each and every one, We know we have seen her before. 'Tis certainly Lessie Ander on, Our senior classmate of yore. We then step into the hall; There are nurses bright and fair. fost are trangers to us all, But two, we recognize there. One is Gladys Richards of old-, She still has her loving way-, Her patients are always con oled, As she sooths their pains day by day.

The other is Dorothy Daves. She, too, has found her place; For many lives she saves, And lengthens many a race.

A good speech is a good square meal.-VICTOR STANGEL. 24

But that's not all we recognize, For here come everal men. They must he doctors, for they look wise. Do we know any of them?

One, a very dainty little mi s, Hannah Harri it prove· to be. In High School days she wa called "Si " Rut that will not do now, you ee.

Yes, there's one called Doctor Beach, \nd it must he Francis, too, Because he claims the attention of each Ju t like he used to do.

The other i -''eva Rogers gay, \\'ho in society' quite a pet. She alway· had a winning way, And we ee her charm i with her yet.

Soon he turns to peak to Doctor De Long. Rut now the flames grow dim; 'I he building fades; we were not wrong, 'Twa Willard who had talked with him.

But their forms grow dim, a the flame dies out; \\'hat ne.·t we hall see, we do not know. So, anxiously, we look about A. over the flames my wand I throw.

A transformation now takes place, We sec a city large and fair. It seems to he a lively race To a theater located there. \\'e enter, and. as the fir t note wund, An actre s appears in a gorgeous eire s. Iler words with loud applause are drowned-, 'Tis .laud Daugherty of C. II. S. The curtain drops: then rises again; The audience is breathle ·s, one and all. \not her actres: stands he fore them; Applause now greet l\1iss Olga Thai. Hut now a battlefield appears In the midst of the flames of gold. Our hearts arc stricken with many fears t\ to what we ma) here hchold. R 1t lo! as th soldiers go marching hy, Our courage returns when we discern The folds of the Red, White. and Blue \1HI the good captain, Jay Rayburn.

This time we sec a foreign land. \Ve know 'tis Italy as the scene draw nigh: For we hear Fragoso's Ragtime Band, With Doyle, the leader, standing by. ,\nd as we listen to the tune, Two ladies pass; and, while we gaze, \\'e recognize them ver) ·oon A. schoolmates of our former days. 'Ti~

Eva Goodman with her smile, And Carolyn II ofT man, too. They seem to have made their lives worth while, As all . H. S. graduates do. But soon these friends mu t disappear, \\'hile others take their place. \Ve see Louise \Voodroofe standin~ ncar, Painting a picture of beauty and grace. \

this famous arti t fade from sight, \\'e're glad to lind we're not too late To sec mu icians fair and hright,Estelle Tlutchin on and 1\[ildred !\ate.

Beside him stands a comrade brave-, 'Ti Bernard Harrington, we know at sight. Tie hrlps his native land to sa,·e, \nd all hi enemies put. to flight.

The flame grows brighter as it burns, \nd now appears a bride and groom. '1 is Syble Lumsden and Guy Stearn Walking "by the light of the il\'ery

;\nd still again within the flame, \\'c find ourselves at a fancy bali. Ther arc two belies, we know by name, And they are the fairest of them all

;\ s these pass by, another pair, Happy and full of joy, Are on their way to a mini ter rare,Thc Reverend Don McElroy.


So wakeful at a story; so . leepy at his studie .-ART TuRXER.

'Ti. Bruce izer and Grace ~Iaddcn \Vho to the mini tcr go, Their hearts to cheer and gladden \ ith the darts from Dan upid\ how.

Among the players are more we know,Frank Ramey, Tom Hagan, too. :\!any vil-toril'"• record. show, Arc to the work of the e men <lue.

\Vc now see through the mists and vapors An cditrcss gn•atly desired, \\'hose name appear· in all the papcrs,Franccs Klank by so many admired.

Still another change is made \\'itl1in the golden flames so bright; The face of one we know i · portraycd,IIarry R ger,, a noted playwright.

Beside her Rcnouncd .\t once we :\Iargaret

its a writer great, both far and ncar. know our old s<:hoolmate, Dodge o full of cheer.

But now appears a fine court room \Vhere two lawyers work in one accord . \\'e reco nize them very soon \s Donald Grossman and Frank \Vard.

,\s this '<Cene vani. hes into mist, ,\ n office takes its place . Before us stand: a fine dcnti.t, The form of l•.lliott t vcn , we trace. Soon a lady of fashion enters the door, \Vho has ril-hes beyond compare. ''I i · Lelia \\'at. on, known of yore, \V1 hing some work d nc there.

,\ mis ionary band we sec, Aboard an ocean liner,Lulu Merrick, Hobbs, L. :\Iattingly, Ralph Howe, Grace and Ruth ~liner.

She di appears, a1HI a group of three, \Ve sec before our eyes. \\'c wonder deeply who they can be, For they sl'Cn to he very wise.

The flames leap up and The dear old forms, Another flashes in the Claudia I fcnne ·s, a

One's Chester Turner. ;wd just loot·, A profc:sor, he surely is! II c carries a thick, dry looking hook, For fame and honor arc his.

then e.·pire, we soon forget. fire, ·taunch suffragette.

,\mong her followers, we find Another member of our class,Lelah Roland, always so kind, \Vhom, as an orator. few surpass. • · ot far away a train is seen. The conductor is at the door. 'Ti • 'icholas Miller, not yet grown lean; • 'carby L the brakeman, Hubert Moor.

Another is lifford 0 horn; He is perhaps a dean. II is countenance is very stern, And his ey is very keen. Be ide him walks a lady gay. \Ve think we know her, too. Ethel Pit enbarger, who. ~omc clay, Hi~ wi fc will he, so true .

Up, high up, above the train, \\'e . ee another mate, Flying in hi new aeroplane,Edward Mullins, still up to date.

But alas! They, too, must fade away, And lonely we . hould feel, If ad not a lady "ith ink and pen 1\ppearecl before u quit~ n·al.

As he fades away in the clouds so still, \Ve hear sweet mu ic once more. It can be no oth r than Le ter Sill As he play· trains we have heard before.

And as her face grows (}uicklv brighter, It is 'ellie l\Idlillen, we ee . . he certainly i. a noted writer, And has won fame of h1gh degree .

• ow a different kind of noise i heard; 'Ti the shouts of a football team. :\lanager Quince Kiter is preferred, \Vho, above all others, is supreme.

i\ beautiful building now takes her place. 'Tis a School of Domestic Science, \nd lice ~loore, the teacher, we face, \\'ho puts other cooks to defiance.

Pretension is nothing; common sen c 1s everything.-MARIE CALDWELL. 26


the huilding fades from our ight, \nother one comes into vi w. It i a picture gallery bright, \\'here Ralph Rurwash plays peek a hoo.

Ethel .:\licheal is one of the number, \\'ho, many poor oul., has con oled. And Blanche Lewi~. too, is a wonckr, For hundreds . he' found for their fold.

But who is it now he's about to take? The face we recognize. 'I i Dwight Johnson, the governor of our state; II e has greatly increased in size.

This scene nm\ draw to a dose, .\nd a beautiful lady we ~ee,:\larjorie Spalding, till '' ith a number of beau .. One of them whose wife she has promi. ed to he.

'I hi' scene dies out; another appear:,

\ structure known throughout the land, \\'here two laches many a sad heart cheer By their ahation Army Band.

And he we well know a another cia smate, I I arold lark, a urgcon of fame. I lis en·icc arc ott •ht in every tatl·. I I c has won for him elf a great name.

But now the flame hegins to die; The magic wand has lo. t its spell, But hdore the mi t ha all pas ed hy \\'c el' a hachdor girl, Florence amphell.

ThP fir<' <'ea~p:-; to hurn, thP :-;pring- again tlow:, and power!<• ·:-; to r<>call om• of thP forms <'Y<'H for the :-;pal'<' of JllOJlH'llt. :\Iirwrnl yaniHh<•H, :uHl I mn ll'ft altllH' with a h<·m·t l'P<·ollel'tion:-; for thp fain•st, fii'J'<'PH(, gentlp:-;t, \Y<'Hki'Ht, aJHl <'a<'h m<>mlwr of the ('la:-;:-; of J !11 ~. H~


:\Iilwl'\'a i. Olll' fli'Pting full of fond :-;troJJP,<'Hl of

FLOHE;\( 'E ( .\:\ll'BELL.

The villa3c cut up.-J ~ .\. · RoRJ RTS.


A REVERIE I 11 thr golrl-hrm\ n du k of latl r ) ears. \\ ith thr firelight's tender glow, Thr memnric cume. as memoric. wtll, \s loving as the snow That covers close the earth' hard cru From wind and rain and cold, ,\nd then departs to kt the warmth Bring hack the love of old. Oh, daisy! Oh. dai . y ' Oh color green anrl gold! \\'hat other flower Docs have the power Of never growing old?

Time will ¡urely recognize his wisdom.-RAr.Pu l\IcGu:.



J then see, from time to time, As ncar the fire I dream, The picture of those happy days That still so happy seem. ,\nd let me in those future years llave still retained the heart That love to dwell on memories That never will depart. Oh, daisy I Oh, dai y! Oh, colors green and gold! Dear little flower Gi\¡e me that power Of never growing old. MARGARET DoiJGE.


Grace in woman is more effective than beauty.-KATHERINE BoRN. 29

Prieuds, the ('JaHs of l!Jl:!, dying, • alutl'H you. <'outmry to t ht> <·us tom in sud1 <'USPs, alHl loath aH ar<' all tlw mt•mlwrs of my ('OliS('l'\'at iVP JH'OfPH~ion to ('Ht:thliHh Jll'C('('(]put·, only at till' h<•h<•. t of my uobll' di<•nt, ('la~s of 1912, ha\'P I <·alled you togPthPl', lwfor<> h<'r death, to hPar hPr will aml l'<'l'<'i n' hl'r •rifts. I was p<•rsmt<l<'d to this al'tion hy tht> uun.'tWl l'il'l'lllllstam·ps of my diPut. A <·ousnltat iou of dodm·s wa: l':tll<><l, UOdOl's nPVCl' known to fail in ill!'il' profps~iouaJ <·m'<'CI's,-aud tht>y havp <l<•d<l that on ~lay 31, th<> ClasH of 1H12 mu:t (l il'.


THE WILL. \Yt·, thP ('J~u.;s of 1!11:!, about to ]pare tlli,· H]lhl'l'P, ht>in~ in full possps~ion of sound m ilHl~, lll<'Jllorit·~, aud mHlPrHtamlin~. do h<•t·piJy mak<•, or<l:till, pul1li~h, and <l<•<·lal'l' tllis to hl' our last will nnd {t•Htallll'Ut; hPJ'l'hy l'l'\'oking :tlHl lll:t :, i 11g \'o~ i.l Hll fornwr wills hJ UH at any limP hPretofor<' madP.

FI HH'f-"'e <lo dirt>ct that our fnll<'l'H I

S<·n· i<'<'. · Hha II lH• <·on<i ud Pd h,v our ft•ipn<l-.; and \\'Cll wish<•rs, tlw fal'nlty; only <•njoining that til<' fmwral hl' l'Hl'l'i<'<l on with all t IH• dignity and pomp om· situation.· in the ('hmupaign High Hdtool haw llll'l'itP<l. HE<'( L" ~ D-\Ye ht>f]Ul'at h to t liP mcmhPrH of 1ill' board of edul'at ion rPst fnl nights and JH'n<·Pfn I <h'PHlllH. '"<' Jll'omise them a r<>st from "~ ~aughty ~ 'inPtcen T\\'l'lve':" ]Wtitions. ~ ·o more \\ill WP be <·allP<l upon to lwnd our haughty lawe to supplieatP; no mo1·e will they be pained to I·efus<'. It has been hard for us to haw our foiHlest hopes thwarh•d; but tlll'Y haw done tlwir duty; yet how nnwh <>a:iPr it would lmvP hl'l'll for both of u: if they had said, "Ye~t'' 'l'IIIHD-WP lwqueath to our hl'lOYl'U fa<·ulty th • honor of giving us our P<hH'ation. It will lJp our only eapital in be!!inuiwr our new life; The C. H.

. ticket


and whatPwr of "Palth ancl honor \Ye may attain in the world, we shall he "'l'Pat lr indPhtPd to 1-1Hi1l f~u·ulty for tlw meaus of our l-1lH'<'<'RS. "' . FCH'H'l II \\ <' gin• all(l ht>qut>ath to tlw juuior.· thP ~enior dignity. fpar that tlti~ will JH'ow a h1'avy Rtraiu on thP nPrWI-1 and mu.·de. of t111• ~a.r and dPhonail· JlH'lllhPrH of 1-1ai1l thl1-1H, but wr hop<' that tlwy will nohlr !Jpm· t liP honor thru:t upon tht'm. ·FIF'l'Il- \\·., hPqnPalh, alHo, to the juuiorR, our .enior privilege.,with ~[is~· Hw ilr.PJ''H }H'rnti1-1sion,- our hri~ht 1-1m ill's, good lookH, intelligPJH'P, J'Pfill<'llll'lll, talPnt, 1li~uity, geniu.·; in order that they may fill tlu•ir po~itions as digniti<'ll l-lPBiOI'i-1. HL "'1'1 1 \\'p lH•quPath to th1• !-1oplwmcn•pH, l'l-1}><'dally, as w<>ll aR to tlu• junior:-; awl fl'l'."llllwn, tlu• duty of uphol<liug tlw athlt>tk Htandard of till' s1·hool. Hailll'PHJ)IlllNihility iH inereaNPd many fold hy the magnificent gift of tliP JlP\\" atlllPik liPid. Lpt lhpm rise to tlw o<·caRion and <·ondu<'l t h<'JilNPlYPI-1 n<·<·m·<lingly. ~EVE. ·TII-La1-1t I'OJlli'S th<> mu• thing hard for nR to part with. To thP jnnim·s, \\<' muNI IH•quPath om· I'Olll'i-1!' in Hl'nior PthicH- taught by -'liHH ~witr.PJ'. If you gain half thP profit and in.·piration we han• from this I'OUI'NP, \\"(' will hP 1-1ati1-1fiP1l. \YP, a~-1 iwliri1lnalN, l1a\'ing JH'r:onal posHPRI-1ionR, do lu•rphy will and h<'lpH'at h t hp same a~-1 followR: Flm'PIH'<' C'amplwll will~-1 lH•r SUIH'J'iorit,r in English to ,Jpan Hoh<>rL. -'lm·garPt I>o<lgP hpqupaths her posit ion as "Hhark" to ~liRI-l ~witz r to holll in trn~t for the most dr. <'l'Ying junior. FJ'aiH"I'i-1 B<•a1·h will~ hiH "diary of <latPN" to Earl Pattrr. on. Halph Burw·a1-1h will: hi~-; unuHnal h<>ight to Donald Dodd~. Imiott ~tl'n>nH heqnPaths l1is right to h<' ](•a<ling man with the "~fprry -'Iary:--" of Broadway to ~tPwart Has~wtt. O:uy HIParns bPqu<>atlls ltis tit](• as ''Prim" to Harry Curzon. ~ ~ichola~-1 ~lillPr wills h iH HupprflnonR \n•ight to Ralph Foote. ~Iildrrd ~~alp will~-1 llPJ' honpsty (nev<>r mwd a pony) to Dorothy ,'cot 1. Ethp] ~IielHwl h<>quPathl-1 hPr numerouR dateR to Lucile ~ orton; her ahility to tPa<'ll dalH·ing to YPra <'ad<'. IIany Ho~l'l'H lwqlwath: his complPxion to HPdman navis. Ol~a Thal lH•qtwaths lwr J)l'<'<'iOlJI-1 and lifr-long comp:mion, a bo. of ro:alitw, to Oladys Ph ilhrkk. Frank HanH'Y "ill~-1 hi~-1 art of ventriloqui. m to HobPrt GroY<'!'l. Donald Ot·o~sman willH his mplo<lious Yoice to John ::\liner. LouiHP 'Yoodroofp will~-1 lH•r ability in art and dt>f.:ign to ~lyra ::\I :ml <'.V. Quinrp Kil('J· wiliR hiH city hom<-' to anyone who want. it; he will join his fl'it>nds in th<> <'otmlry. · · Orace and Ruth ~Iinpr hE>queath tlwir quit-t mannrr. to Harriet m:bar·y and Faith H\vigart.



The longest thing

about her ar<! her arms.-liAZFL DERROUGH. 31


II utchi n~on


her place in front of the mirror to Hazel


Willard DeLong bequeaths lli title of Country Rchool Boy to Roy I, wis. Walter liobb~ "ill~ his "eity stylp" to Lloyd <'onnor. Dorothy Daw~ lwqueaths lwr bottlp of JWroxidP to )lyrtlP Denman. Ent Goodman will~ l~t•r goo<l looks to Hilda Ilenn. Thomas Hagan wills his aubmn paste to ~Iildt•pd ~lunhall. B •rnnrd llarl'iugton and Dwight .Johnston will their ability as public . peakPI'.' to Homer LPwis and ~oble HidmwtHl. Hannah Ilarris beqtwatlts lwr snm1y smilp to Hahina ".hitP. Frane .· Klank wi lis her popularity to tlle prt>t t iPst girl in the frt>shman cla~~. Gladys Hiehard. wills her bashfulne. ~ to Alsia " trode. Edward ~Iullins wills his eurly lo<·ks to Oenp Hu:sPll. Lt>ster Hill bequPaths ltis r<·rmtation as musieal <'Ompo. rr to IIarry • ~ichols. Bruce Hizrr liPqtwath.· hi~ ''Ora<·<'" in ")la<l<len-ing" the girl.' to Halph ~lcGPP. Claudia Henm•ss will.· lu•r long gait to )I arie <'aid well. Carolyn Hoffman be<pwaths her tmn. ual hPigltt to E. ther Zahn . • 'pili<' )lc)IillPn will~ hpr swePt dii·q>osit ion to LtH'ia Yan Inwagan. LPla Holand h<•qupaths her num<•r,ms ''ghul rag:" to Pa~ liP Il:tni.· . . . <'Va Hoo-ers wills her ;llarm doek to ~Ia.vme Long. T,plia "'at:on b qucaths her swe<'t voiep to Ilm~<>l 0<'ip. Frank \Vard will.' his graePful dancing m·t to Walter Vaughn. he .. ter Turner wills his profpssion as diN]Wn.'<'l' to "'illard Goodman. Jay Hayhurn and llubert )Joor will thPir Orpheum tick<'t.' to Tom Finnigan and "·miam Atwpll. IIrr.'hel O.'boru and Don ~IcElroy will their flow of language to Halph Burwash and Red Armstrong. Hyble Lum:den wills hrr eurio~it,v to )laude Turner. Grac<• .)JaddPn wills her pol-{ition as claH: pre i1lent of various organization. to ,J ennis Barry. Ethel Pit.·enbarger and Lulu • ferriek hPqueath their oratorieal gift. to ~Iargaret Hayps and Ruth Punk. ~laude augh<>rty wills her interest in Earl Davie. to Elizabeth Cole. Blanche I~ wi.' wills lm· art in del-iigning dreH."PH to ,Josephine .\.t well. All the re t and residu<' of our e. tatr, propPI'(v, and rfl'ect~, real, p r. onal, or whatso v r and whPre~o •vrr tlw . am • may h situated, we give and bequeath to our Principal, :\lis.· Lottie witzer, without re. trictions or limitation.' of any kind what.'o ver. La.•tly w make and appoint ~Ii s witz r . ole executrix of thi our la t will and testament. In witn '~.' whereof, we l1ave hereunto ub cribed our name and affixed our seal tid thirty-first day of May, 1912. Her walk cannot be imitated.-]OSEPHINE DoDDS. 32

A native from across the Rhine.-HrLUA HENN.


~e~J) e~0) e. oX) €J~L) ~a~)

~e-a-~ ~e'dJ~


he would smile !-RUTH FuNK.




::: ;::

z :;











~BPTKJIBBR 1 , 1!)11, under tlH' RupervJsiOn of ~Ir. Gifford, the C. II. S. Orch<>~tra wa~ organized. nder th<> ahl<> lead<>rRh ip of Donald Ganpr, and. throu~h the parneRt and sin<'ere efforts of the nH'mbPrR th mselve~, the ordH'stra has beeomc onr of the br~:;t anclmo~t apprrciated organizations in the Hchool. It fill~ a long-feU need, for it ~<'r,·eH to arouse tlwt which is mo~t neces. ary in ev<'ry Hchool, loyalty. Thh.; it ha~ Hn<·ce<>ded in <loin~ at th<> ma ~ meetin~s, <>specially at the one pre<'<>d.ing tll<> Thanks~ivin~ game. Tit<> orch<>stra ha~ taken part in program~ for societie~, club~, Rocial functions, and. church <>ntertainments. In all of these it reflretrd. honor upon itsplf and thp institution. \Ye are, howev<>r, mor<> interr:;;;ted in ·what it haH done for thr sehool. On some occasions it ha~-J furnishN1 thr musie for f'. IT. S. L. K; at the Champaign-Dam·ille debate it gaYe thr<>e or four selection~:;, which shmwd excellent training; it furnishrd thP music for the Junior C'las · Play; as~:;ist<>d by the f'. II. 8. Glee f'lnb, it gaw a conc<>rt April 12. \Yp congratulate tl1r C'. II. R Ordt<>stra on its succ<>ssful year's work. The following is the program for tl1e concert: T

I. 2.




6. 7

8. Q.




Ovcrture-Fcstvorspiel .................................................. Zimmerman (a) Berceuse de Joyceln ...................................................... Godard (b) Tntermezzo-Cavalieria Rusticana ..................... ... ................ l\lascagni Fantasie Pastorale ............................................................ Singelee Violin Solo-Theodore Frison. Coeur et Fleurs ............................................................... Tobani Echoes of the Opera-Excerpts from "l\Iidsummer 'ight's Dream", "Faust", "II-Trovatore", "Lucia", "Carmen", "Rigoletto", ":Martha", "La Traviata", "William Tell", "Lohengrin". Levee Song ............................. . .......................... C. H. S. Glee Club Spanish Dance ............................................................ forzcowski Piano Duet-Miss Tayme Long, l\fiss Ethel Michael. 0 Belle N uit, Barcarolle .................................................... Offenbach Over the Balustrade ............................................................ \Veils Reading-1\Jiss Viviannc Moore. The Haunted House ......... . ................................................ Lafferty (a) Evening tar, from Tannhauser ...... . ....... ...... ...................... \Vagner Cornet Solo-:\fr. Percy Pickncll. (h) Spring Song ........................................................ Mendelssohn Clarinet Solo -:\fr. Richard ~Iichael. Champaign High School Fidelity Song ...................................... Barry, Sill Orchestra and Glee Club. Wisdom conquers aii.-ALicE HuNSLEY.



z --: "' ;:






c= f



s ;; z








f-o f-o 'f.





'F: ..J







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:: F.













(]nrslion, "Do yon want a f'hamHehool Ulee ('luh'!" the unanimous am.;wer wa~, "Yt>:-;." From the many <·ontPstants for plaeeH on ih<' eluh, ~lr. G. Yi~eant, leader of the rnin'rsiiy of Illinoi:-; 01<:><' ('Jnh, eho. '<' twenty. Tlw or~anization \\·as <·omplP!r<l :'lf:tJ'<'h :~;so it il' too young- to aceompli. ·h mueh this year. The club, how<'Yer, ha:-; mad<' thrPC' puhlk appearan<·e:-;, and in eaeh instmwP respmHle<l to eYWIJOJ'e:-;. It, also, lann<"hrd "'fhe ('fiHm]mi~n Ili~h ~dHJOl FidPlity ~on~"; it took a promiiwnt part in th<' C. II. ~. Ord1r:-;tra Cmwrrt, and it is to ap]H'ar on prog-ram at tht> C of I. <lnringth<• inl<>rseholastie week. For tlwir untirin~ efforts io makp tl1e dub a succe:-;s, mn<"h <T<><lit is <hH• to our Prindpal, ~Ji:-;:-; Hwitz<'l', to Lrader Donal<l Orossman, ~Ian­ a~rr Harry Isbell, and A:-;sisUmt Mana~rr lmiott. Rtewns. 'l'hr memberl'i arc: pai~n Ili~h


Elliott Stevens. 'I2, Freel \\ endt, '15 Earl Davies, 'IJ Ralph McGee, 'IJ tewn rt Bn. sett, 'r 5


Assistant l\1anager.


h rk \\'ise, '13 Willard DeLong, 'I2 Cecil Fraser, 'q Harr) Rogers, '12 SECON!l BAS ..

!Tarry !shell, '13, Manager Earl tephcn . '13 Frank Barton, 'IJ William Sullivan, 'IJ Richard l\Iichael, 'I 5

Donald Grossman, 'I2, Leacler Guy • tearns, '12 L) le Stearns, 'IJ Hershel Osborn, 'r2 Claucle • 'ogle, '15 PIANO.

Harry \Vingard, 'q.

'\\'e can never say why we love; hut only that we love."-FR \XCFS JoxEs and "HIRAM'' \VARD. 39




Hg Cla~-:s of lf)l~ Ita.· the honor of promoting the fir.·t debate

with an nuL·idP ~-:ehool. Dam·illt' Ili~h S<"hool challenge(l Champaign High 1:-khool to drbatr. The challt'ngr wa. ac<"eptPd. From 11w ~-:ix who rntf'red the prrliminar~· conte. t, thrc<> W<'l'(' chos<'n to rrprrsrnt the high school in the final. f'oacl1 Bailey, in belwlf of C'. II. R., Rnbmittrcl the quest ion,- R<•soln•<l, That th<' rrcall should h<' acloptrd for all federal and ~-:tate <'ledh·e offices. Champaign upheld the affirmativ€', and Dam·ille, the negative.







('H.L\IP IG ' .

,Jrnnil'-1 Barry, '13, Donald Grosl'man, Gra ·e ~fadden, '1~.


Raymond "'ilder. orthcott Thoma~-:. Jame. Hemphill.





Gno. s~IA




On both sides the argument. w<>re carefully prrparecl. A noticeable f<>aturr of the conteRt, ~-:lwwn by the C. II .•. t<>mn, was perfect familiarity with Pvrry phaHe of thr qnrHtion. TlH' rPhnttal~-: wPre giYPn with reacline~-:s ami Hpirit. 'l'hp ju<lges-ProfeH~~or R P. Sh rman, Professor K C. ITa,v<•:, and Dr. B. E. Powell-<ledded 2-1 in fayor of the nrgatiY<>. A clas~-: of eighte<>n lHts nwt wepkly with :.\fr. Hailc•y; from tlli. numb •r a Htrong team eonld be Hel<>ctcd to reprf','ent Champaign in <·ontests. It iH hop<>d that next year Champaign will be a m<>mber of an organized debating l ague with a good :chedule of debate:. ORAT RY. A new featur ha. been added to the Interchola tic Oratorical C'ontest,-extf'mpore ~peaking. A tryout wa ht'ld, and from the ten <'Onte. tanh;, Grace ~Iadd n won firHi place; Hal ph :'lie Gee, a close econd, was chosen alternate. ~liHf-1 ~ladden repre. en ted th hicrh sehool in th district contp:t_ at Tuscola, April 26. She eaHily won firHt plaee, and will repre. ent the di. trict at the" tate Intersehola. tie eonteHt, ~lay 17. The high Hchool will have two entrie in the oratorical ·onte t held at Charle ton, :\Ia.Y 11. ViYianne foore will repre ·ent the girlH, and Donald Gro man the boy .. ,\LTf.RX \TE

The essence of dignity.-HELEN KEUSINK. 41




:\laric Showers l.ucilt• Bircl•ell

J t•nnis



('. Fra,cr

:\loy me lh·icl I>.


.\ lan·d


.\lc ... ula Shurtz l!den

Elizabeth Whiton \lar•c ( alclwdl Huth .\kers < ;rof.~


\l •. rphy

Katla·rint• .'ladclcn I ouLc :\orman Flon.:ncc .ft:n·•-:

llan·l l'ri<·c

Fthe' Pitrt•n~argt:r <~r.ll·c .'la1blen Doroth:r I>avt•s


\1 .:-t~ ~tro,)c


I. Sa'- nc \\'hitc

.\!ari" !leek II. Size•

( lral

\\'isc L!lll~l'l johnston

llorothy Scott Snyder


Ha>cillcbout ~tt~phens



ITH the high Rtandard of la.·t year to be urpa.. ed. tltP C. H. R L. R bE>gan a huRy y ar of work. Th ~ tlr~t r gular m <>ting wa8 h lcl I• riday evening, ptemh r 1;;, ,'in <'that tim<> hi-w ekly meetingH have been h<>ld. During the year variou new feature have hPen added to the program~, and the exi ·ting one improv d. At RU<'Cel'~iYe m<>et ingH a rhapter of an oricrinal .· rial haR b en writt n and read by different members of the .·ociety. Each month the moRt intere.'ting articl in the ·urr nt magazin R i. r<>vie"·ed. A . pe ial feature of one of the programs wa: a sp<>lling match. The first appearance of the High chool Or ·h<> tra waH before our ·oci ty, and their frequent numb<>rR on our program: haw b n enjoyed by all of our memh rs. For a variation we havl.' had a Teacher:,;' Program a hri. tmas Program, and an Emergenry Program. Onre a month a , o ·ial me ting followR a short literary program. In Ortoh<>r, gho:t. and witdl<'. glid<>cl through the diml~·-lighted hall~. At ChristmaR time, • anta Claus vi. ited u., bringing to earh a gift with a fitting rhyme. In February, heartH of all . izl.' ·, colorH, and material~ w<>re given and r<>ceived. Thank.·giving, the . oci ty-in luding man~· alumni-met at the annual bancpll't. In :\larch, an indoor picnic wa. enjoyed. As the "l\Iaroon" goi'H to pres: plan. are making for a Pre. idential omination Convention for our f'ommen<'<>ment Program. The earne. t work of our offiriaiR, the loyal support of our nwmher., and the helpful 1-lUgge:,.;tions of our advi. er, Jr. Gifford, l1ave mad po. Hible the e a biev mentH, and th credit b long to all who have given of their time and hav worked for the C. H. . l.J. OFFICERS. FIRST SE.IESTER. SECOND ~E. lESTER. Pre ident .......................... Grace fad den ...................... Grace • !add en Fir t Vice-President ................ Jenni Barry .................... .. ] nnis Barry Second Vice-President. .......•..... Bruce Sizer ........................ fayme Long Secretary .......................... Clark Wi e ...................•..... Earl Stephens Trrasurer ......................... Elliott Stevens ...................... Clark \Vise ritic .............................. Donald Grossman .................. Donald Gros man Censor ............................ Mr. L. C. Gifford .................. Mr. L. C. Gifford

An intellectual mis .-BERTHA StiNSON. 43

ALUMNI OFFICERS. Pre ident. ........................................................ Ir. D. ~Iulliken Vice Pre ident. ................................................... 1r:. E. S. lark Second Vice-President. .... ... .................................... Miss ellie lcWilliam· Third Vice· Pre ident. ............................................ Mr. F. Brown Fourth Vice-President. ....................... . ................... Mr. L. B. King ccretary ......................................................... 1-Ir. D. Swanncll A sistant Secretary ............................................... 1\frs. !IJ. M. Ilarris Treasurer ....... , ................................................ 1-fr. E. I. Burke Historian .............. . ............................ .... ..... .. .. Mr. F. Garland ~~

tlw two precP<ling Yolnm<'H of tlw ":\Iaroon'' interest i. · cent red in the old mcmbe1'. · of the alumni; this Yolume pertains to th later alumni. The 'la~s of l!lll baH nuHh' a wry <·re<litable . hem ing in e<lncational lincH. Fift,Y-four per <·ent. are now attending the l~nirPrHity of IllinoiH, and are making <"r<><litahlP l'P<'ordR. ~ in of the: JHt:Hed the <'OUIJty H('holar~hip examination and receiwd .'<"holm·HhipH. A few of our graduates han' wm1 honors: preliminary honor:;;, in the College of Lit<·ratnrP and ArtH, gditlt ~endPnhnrgh, '0!1; in the 'ollege of cien<'P, .Juanita Darrah, ·os; in the College of I<Jnginpcring, OporgP :\IayeH, '0!); final h onorH in t hp f'oll<>ge of Lit<>rat nrc and ArtR, J.. llie Gleason '07. Llo,Y·d \Yi. <>, '10, i: attending tlw ~ ~ orth-

weRtern Univer ity. FranceR P rry, '10, i married to D. Cole. They liw in Oklahoma ity. Glady haney, '11, entered the ~ ormal chool. Byne Goodman and Edith • endenburgh made Phi Beta Kappa. Blanche Ri ·ing, '10, i. attending th Illinoi College at Jack onville, Illinoi . Kate Hine , '07, and Lelia Harri., '07, ar at the Boston onervatory of l\Iu ic at Bo ton. Tom ewcomb, '09, i. enrolled at th<> "Cniver:ity of ~Iichigan. Arthur avage, '0 , wa lected manager of C'laHR Athleti<'H at the U. of I. Plan ar now making for an alumni banquet June 12.




Ro "Beauty without grace is a violet without smeli."-RuTH 44



RTI N ~;"" ·




II E <'ommittee made no mh;takc> in . electing, for th<• Hc>nior clal:'.' play," n ·le ,John's Private 'e('retary'', a four-act faree- ·ouH•dy l.ly ~laurie, II a reman. 'flw play will UP pre:entt>ll ~lay ~!) l.ly the followinfl' cast: John Marsland .......................................... Bruce Sizer Edith ~Iarsland, his daughter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... I Iannah llarris Harry ~farsland, his nephew ......................... Harry Rog rs ~lac Donald, from India ............................. Thomas Hagan Lawrence ~lac Donald, his nt~ph w ...............•. Donald Grossman Eva \Vebster, Edith's chum ........................... Frances Klank Sarah Gildhern, governess ........................ Louise \\ oodroofe Leon Armandale l • ~ Quinn· Kilt•r Patrick Woodford ~ Country gentlemen. · · · · · · · · · · · · · t .Frank Ramey Gibson, a fashionable tailor .......................... Elliott Stevens Mrs. Dickson, Lawrence's landlady ........................................... Ethel Micha I Charles Roberts, private tutor ............................................. Willard DeLong Peter, a butler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Francis Beach Knox ~ Hershel Osborn Gnff j Shenff s officers .................................... ·· ....... · · John Doyl




Lackey ....................................................................... Guy Stearns Porter ....................................................................... Jay Rayburn

The partH were not a. :igned until April ~3; the delay wa.· caused by the difficulty en ·ountered in finding a play suited to the pe ·uliar dramatir ability of tlw H nior:. However, if tlw spirit with whieh tlw youthful player: have nt red into the practices continues, a succe · ful performnne i a~vured by Ir. Baile T' who i: direding them.

"Smiles are the language of love."-MAYME





III. year the ambition. junior.. ucce .. fully pre. ented thP play "Hick.· at 'olleg<>". The part.· were well ca t and Wl'l't' wPll HllitP<l to !liP PHpPdal abilitie~; of th member. of thp junior claRR. Each acquitted hilnHelf , o admirably tlmt thP performanC'e wa. pronouucPd the beHt amatPur protlnc·tion vc•r pre.·pnted on thP loC'al . tag<'. Although ilH' t>XpPn e. were unu.'ually heavy, the large at t Pmlan<'P made the play a finandal 'lH'<'PHH. ThP <·a~;t \\tl. ably eoa('hPd hy )Jr. Bail<'y, aRRi. tPtl by T. H. Ouil<l. The Iligb • cbool Orche. ira furni hed the mu ic. AT. Hiram Hicks .............................................................. Victor Stangel Tom Horton .............................................................. William Atwell Fritz J ordin ............................................................. Howard Walton Adam Biddicut. ............................................................. Ralph McGee Dean Smiley .............................................................. Eugene Russell Percy Robbins .......................................................... Davi on Burnham Adolph Hopkins ............................................................ Harold lark Bastian Briggs ........................................................... W11lard Proctor J o. h Anderson ......................................................... I I arold Armstrong harles Pad lett ...................................................... Malcolm McGilivray Peter ....•.............................•................................ Thomas Finnigan \Valker ....................................................................... Roy Lewis ] une Grant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... I laze! Derrough Polly Porter . . . . . . . . . .................................................... Lois Philbrick laire An~1·line Jones ....................................................... Jenni Barry Susy Spriggin ............................................................ Marie Caldwell Da1sy Armstrong ........................................................... France ]one~ Fluffy Finley... . ................................................... Maybelle Dallenbach Flora Belle Delamartyr ..................................................... :\!ayme Long .Irs. Cobb ................................................................. Hazel Geip. Lily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helen Ki er

College Girls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bill Poster ,


ews Boy , Member of the Team .. Ralph Branch, \Vayne Sw1gart, Joe Percival

A shining star in chemistry.-CLAYTON TITUS.




T I to b lam nt d that. o many pupil· of the hirrh .·('hool look upon the writinO'.' of 'a '.·ar, icero, Ovid and Virgil a· work. that u •wr tau be ma:terPd or even rpad iutelligt>ntly. It i.· a fad of intere.·t, howePr, that something of prai ·pworthy ehara ·tpr ha: lwen 1lone bJ the Latin elm; e!-1. On the Ide>.· of )lard!, UllllPr tllP a hlp dir~>dion of Mil"· \Yaugh, the advan<"ed Latin da:.·es very .·ueet' .. ·fullj (lutertaine1l thp lllPlllber:-; of thP Latin da.·.·e.· their parent:, the faenlty, and thP l.lOard of (ldueation. Tlli. · happy gath<•ring wa: agr<•(•ahly .·pne1l '' ith rPal Holllan ui ·IJp.·, l'Cal Homan drink:, and, douhtlps.' in l'Pal Homan .'(,\ le. 'fb mo. t ente1·taining fpa(m•p was thP Latin play, "A Homan ~dwol", pr . ented bJ boys, in the languagp of that ~.>arly :d1ool. Tlw ador.· perform •d their part: in a nwun<•r .·o ('llg<wiug that au in<'.'Jll'ri<'lH'('Il jmlgP ·oulu note no differeu ·e in the mPrit.· of thl' playpr.·. The following i. the <'a. ·t: LUDU RO:\IA. ·u ACTUS IDIBUS :\1:\RTUS '0 DO:\IL 'I :\101. 'II • T.

DRAM IT! PER. o .. AE • !agister .............•...•...•............... . ........................... Ralph fcGee ulu. Licinius rchia ................................................ D:wi on Burnham Publius Liciniu Cra u · ................... . .....•........................ Jay Rayburn Gaiu Licinius Cra u ................................................... \\'ilhur • IcGee

. 1 Eugene • 'i htingale Serv1 ............................................................ Earl Davie


Paedagogus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Don i\IcElroy Discipuli. r farcu Tulliu Cicero ..................•............................... \Villard Proctor Quintu Tullius Cicero ................................................... Frank Barton Luciu ergius Catilina ................................................. Francis Beach Marcus Antonius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... Claiborne Haworth Gaiu Iuliu Cae ar.. . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .................................. Cecil Fra er Claudiu Caecu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... William Pritchard Pompeius .............................•.......................... Che ter Clark Clodius Pulcher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Theodore Fri on Juniu Brutus ....................................................... John Ri ing Quintu Horten, ius Horta) us .......................................... Harold Arm trong Luciu Liciniu Lucullus ..................................................• Donald Dodd Gaiu Claudius 1arcellus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Glynn White . larcus Claudius ~!arcellu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . !alcolm .!acGillivray "A little nonsense now and then i reli hed by the best of men."-DAVISON BURNHAM.



OFFICERS OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION President .......................................... Ji'RA . 1- H \~t:EY Vice-Pre ·ident .................................. TIIO~IAH [i'I... ,·wA. · ecretary .......................................... HED~L\ . • D.wm ~..~~·;... .. .


...,_ _




AtlllPtic Committee of Board MR. ,J. AR~t:HTRO G

Athletic Dir ·tor MI,\ SWI'l'ZER - .........;..._



•: -- - - - - - - ~L-~~··~~~

A ·si taut Athletic Director MR. L.



aptain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thoma.- Pinnigan Manag r .............................................. (!uin Kil r oa h ........... . .............................. ~Ir. F. ,J. Smejkal TRA K

aptain ........................................... Ch . ter Turner :\lana()' r ........................................... l\fr. E. lilne Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l\fr. E . .Milne B .EBALL

aptain Frank Ramey Manager .......................................... William Atwell Coach ................... . .......................... J. Ri hard on

Another of the five -year crew.-EARL




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TEAM. L. E ..... Kiler, '12, ~Ianager L. T ............. Howe, '12 L. G.Pitzwat('r, '13, Ward, '12 ................. Bean, '14 R. G ....... Br 'aumil1er, '12 R. T .............. Sizer, '12 R E ... Pinnigan, '13, ( 'aptain L. H. B .......... )loore, '15 R. H. B ................ . . . Rummer.·, '1;), Hagan, '12 r. B ... •'wigart, '13, Hill, '13 (}. I~ ................... . 'l'homp. on, '13, Hamey, '12 HECORD. Champaign 17 .... ~ ~ wman 0 'lJampaign 33. Gibson 'i ty 0 hampaiO'n ..• 'prin dield 11 ('Jmmpaign 17 ..... J) •catur 0 Champaign () ..... Danville G Champaign 12 ..... )fattoon G ('hampaigu (') .. ,Ja<'kf-lonville 7 ('lwmpaign 0 ...... Trbana 3 There may be .·ome difference of opinion a.· to whether the football . ea:on for 1Hll should he ca1led a ucce or a failm·e. A, a member of the team, I will ay that the :ea!';on wa a .·ucce. s. The Maroon met . orne of the be t quad in the :tat , and, a the . core. , how, they ar on a par with th be t. The lo. of the la t and mo t important ---::~~~~~- game of the . a on, plac d a blot on their record that cannot be era ed. The aggr gation, however, felt tlli defeat deeply; and the lo." of tbi one gam hould not mark the eason a failure. There wa mor real pirit displayed by the chool throughout the "Never leave until tomorrow what you can do today."-LuciA



ea ·on than ver before. Two ·quad· were kept in training all ·ea on, and 'harupai rn wa · repr' · •nt •d by a fa ·t .·eeon<l t •mu. AI.-o the ·upport of the school, at the hom, game ·, wa · the kind that ·hould prevail. Large crowd· witnri' '(•<i each .,arne, antl the ro'Jtiug wa · a ·en ·ation. Directors Mis · witzE>r an<l L. '. Gifford ·upport«>d the team in evel',\' po · ·ible way. \Vben the eleven lined-up for the first O'ame at . Jewman, they were a trifle ·haky. Ther were Heveral new men, and H took the fir ·t quart r for them to get ·ettled do\\ n. From the H cond quarter on, it was ea ·y running for hampaign. 1'he · or • wa · 1 -0. The :M aroon· expede<l a hard game at Gib:on ity the following week, but the team played in mid-,·ea.·on form, piling up 33 point·, while Gibson didn't even come ·lose to :coring. Captain FinniO'an, 'wigart, and loore showed them ·elves to b • the individual star· in theHe two game. TLe rest of the season wa.· a mixture of def •ats and victorie . At ~pringfielcl, tlH• gam<> wa lo:t in the last few minnt<>s of play. A hlo('kC(l kick "esuHed in the ~pringfield eleven getting the hall in an ope11 field. hampaign ·eeured three p int: through 'l'ltompHon'H clrop kid\:, but the ::;pringfield official refw;;e<l to allow the play. Ile maintainrd time was up b for th ball was kicked. The Hcore was, ~ pringfielcl 11, Champaign . 'Ye mt>t Decatur, DanviliP, alHl Frhana in tlH• homP gameH. In theHe we won one and lost two. 'Ye ea:ily defeated DPtatur with a 17-0 :core· but Dam· ill<> won ov •r UH a 6-f> vi ·tory. BrucP ::4izer \Ya • the hero in this game· he .·cored a tou hdown throuo-h their entire team. Thorn pHOn 'H failure at goal lost us thr ganw. Danville claimed the n•ntral ~tate ehampionship, and wr gaw her Rqua<l their harde:t game. ,Jack ·onville and. )laUoon were the other two out-of-town gam s. They re~mlt u in a victory and a flefea L 'Ye won from Mattoon hy the :core of 12-6, but went down to <lefrat beforp .Jack:onville with th<.> Hcore 7-5. The la~t game of the ea ·on waH ~ ith Trbana, on Thank:g"h-ing Day. Champaign wa' defeated. 'l'he tram fought bard and deserwd an wn break. )Ja. w 11, Trbana' · eaptain, booted his rlt>wn to vi ·tory ~ itb a beautiful drop ki<'k from the thirt;r-fiw ~·anl liJw. '!'hen' "as :omething wrong with hampaign'. offeni"e, which ean not lw e.·plained. The outlook for 1!)12 is remarkably bright, in spit<' of the fad that at least six men will be loHt. 'l'he mrmber of thiH year's spcon<l team mn:t defend the maroon, and I think that they will find th ir experienee of 1911 invaluable. Rize1· How{', Hagan, HameJ·, 'Yard, and Kilrr will graduate. Bean, 'l'homp:on, and llreaumiller hav<> left s(·hool. IIoward "\Yalton has b n ·le ·t •d manag r. \Varm your body by healthful e ·ercise, not hy hovering over a stove.-Rov LEwis. 53

In picking an All- ntral and outhern igh hool Football Team, Mr. Je ewlon, athl tic dir ctor of De atur, placed Finnigan on right end on the first team, and Bean at cent r on the econd team. He poke highly of these two hampaign player'. K. 12.


Do you think that you can truthfully say, Unless you've already tried to play, That you know what a football man goes through; And the things that he must, or must not do?

Then scrimmage, that's the best of all, And after it' dark fall on the ball . We have a football painted white ; o we can ee it after night. Fall on the ball till our arms are well skinned. Run twice 'round the park and then go in, Wash, dress, and hurry home. It gets old To hear them say, "Your supper is cold."

Have you ever thought of why a boy Should submit himself as a sort of toy, And let the rest knock him around, And see how hard he can hit the ground?

When we have eaten, we're dead tired, you can bet. But of course we have some les ons to get, Some coal to bring up, and wood to split, And the furnace is low; o we tend it.

Do you think it' fun to go out each night? Once in a while would be all right. But the team must practice every day, And practice always in the same weary way. The first thing is to run back punts. The ends and line give the back field some runts. This is always a very hard test, For each man tries to out-do the rest.

Do the chores, study; then go to bed. Our head aches, some one kicked our head . "Gee-what's the matter with that leg of mine? Huh! My sore arm is feeling fine."

Then line up and run through signals a while, And believe me you don't see anyone mile. "Charge - Line up - Charge - Lineup -Fast-" Until you think that hours have past.

ight after night, and night after night, It's the arne, weary, monotonous fight, For three long months-it seems like a year; \Ve're glad when we're through, never fear.

Why do we do it? Listen, I'll tell ; Then no doubt you will think it wellBut this i ju t between you and me; It's for the honor of wearing the coveted "C".

"I've got a nickle."-HAROLD ARMSTRONG.

54 '


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The prospects for the sea on of l!lll w r not very bright. Of the old squad, hut two men wPre left,-Captain . ._ ickerson and Larg 'nt. There were, how1'\'<'r, a f<>w n<•w men who look d Jll'Omi:-;ing, when the call was nuHle in the .·pring. Th few who did conw out stucJ· and made good. .: umming up the re:-;nHs of the season, the track team was one of tht> b<'st 'hampaign lws ever had. The .·ucce~:-; of the team was, in a good measure, due to the e.·perience and coa<'hing of :Mr. l\Jilne, who took an <>ntbu:-;iastic intere.'t in the work. 'l'he team's fir:-;t try-out was a triangular meet, with the At'adrru~· and rbamt. Urbana \\on first pla<'<', with 1;) points; Champaign, s<>cond, with 3 ; and the A<'H<l<>m~·, third, with 31. 'l'IH' fpam was not well halan<'<>d; it had only two sprinters, Largpnt and Barton; so on]~· mw man wa.· nter<>d in <>:tl'll sprint <>vent. It wal-l .·trong, ho\wwr, in tl1c weight:-;,Park('l' and Turner as:-;i. ted ~ ·i<'kPr:-;on, who took Hi points. .John. ·ton and Hough \\·er<> good i u the di tance run. , " h il , 't ('YPIL · wa. new at t h pole vault. On :\Ia~· fi, the Champaign team m t the Farm<>r City !<>am, at that place. Champaign won thi. meet with a .'(·or<' of 61-47. l\r o t of til<' points won hy ih' rh·al . quad were made hy on<> .·tar athlet •. <'hampaign lll:ule a O'O!HI ~howiug at ('ll:tl'l(':-;ton, on :\Ia~· 1:~.

"Fellow country-men, let u

mile a little."-HARRY \VILSON. s6


made third plaer with 20 pointR. Thr 2:> pointR won b;v Pari: gave hrr firRt pl:H'e. It il" very prohahlP that C'hampai~n would haw won thr uwrt had ,Johnl"ton lwPn ahh• to entPr tlw cli.·tam·r run:. • ·i('kPI'.·on, Larp;ent, Barton, alHl Tm·npt' wPrP rntprrd hy ('oaeh ~Iilne. ~ 'ieker .. ou took 1it·~"t pl<u·c• with thP 1-'hot, thP h<mtmer, atHl the diKCUH; third place in th<• hroa<l jump. liP m:ulP in all lli pointH. lle won thr lo\'in~ c·up, thP prbw awar<lpcl to tiH' indi\'iclual point winnPr. Lar~rnt took third phH'<' in tl1r f)nartPr mil<•, alHl 'rnrnPr took s<•c·on<l plaee in thP diHC'UK throw. Barton fail<>d to phH'<', on a<·<·otmt of a h:ul Ktart. <'hampai~n upheld IH'r <·olor: at thp Htat<• Int<•rsdwlaHtic, on ~lay :!0, with a total of !) point H. Champaign rank d . event h among thr 11 Hdtooll" rntPrPcl. TlliH il" no mran showing. .'iekrrson again Htarrrd. III' took firHt pia<'<' in thr Khot put; third in the• h:unnwr throw; and fourth in thr clisenK. Largent took fourth pl<u·r in the qnartrr milr, which c·mmtecl onr point thh; ~·rar. Barton and Turner ,,·prr entrrrcl for rxperiPnc·r. On ~lay 27, Champaign again met thr Aeademy, and won with a Keore of ()2 pointH, aR againHt thrir opponrnt:' 44 pointR. rrhana waR c>ntered in thiK m<>et. hut failr<l to appear. At Onarga, on .June 7, ('hampai~n :toocl :firHt "it h her 27 point~; the> ~\<"aclpmy, K<'<'OIHl, with 1. point:. l"rhana wa!' rnt<>red, lmt clicl not attPIHl the mePL • Ti<'kPrl"on llHHlf' 20 pointK; Larp;ent, a; ancl Turnrr 4:. C'o:wh :Jiihw promii"Nl that if an~· nH•mhPJ' of the> agp;rc>~ation m:HlP a point at tiH' RtatP IntPrHchola:tie, hP would liP tak<•n to l4ta~~·~ mP<'I nt C'h i<·ngo, .June 1:!. .\<·<·orclin!!;ly, • 'ii'I\:Prson ancl La1·~pnt Wl'l'<' takpn to l'P}ll'('H('nt ('hampaip;n. Turner wrnt along for r.·ppri<'ll('('. not h l'<'prr~entatiwH failNl to plac·e. Tho:e Pntitlpcl to "(''H'' W<'l'<': Larp;Pnt. C'aptain • 'iel-<'rHon, Barton, II ou~h, ,Johnston, HtrvrnH, and Tnrnrr. Tnrnrr waH el<'ded r:1pt a in. ThP proRpeets for t hiH ~C'aKon are fair; thrl'P ar<' fonr nH'B lrft from la:t ~·par. TIH•y arr: Barton in the> .']l'ints, ,John~ton in t lu• dh;tanc·<> runK, ~trYen: in the polr vault, and Tnrm'r in the wci~ht~ atHl runH. ThE>SE', with th<' nrw matrrial. promi. P fair to plaer ('hampaip;n on the> map. The nrw mrn are: Owrn:, Rpnulcling, Brown, DaYiPH, l4izrr, Kc>mp, and Hagan. 'l'hr RC'hednlP for thiR SNlKon will lw .. i.milar to la:t yrar·~, with Home aclclitional meet:, prohahl~· with Dreatnr, ~Iattoon, aml 'rn!'cola. CHE.'TER Tr·n.'ER.

"Satan finds ome mi. chief for idle hand· to do."-!IAZFL GEIP,


THE TEAM. Catcher ...................... Bean, '14 Pitcher .................. Thompson, '13 First Base ................ Finnigan, '13 Second Base ................ Ramey, '12 Third Base .... Johnson, 'II, Metzler, 'u Short Stop ........... Kiter, '12, Captain Left Field ... W. Doyle, '13, Johnson, 'II Center Field .. .... ......... ]. Doyle, 'u Right Field ................. Groves, 'IS



RECORD. Le Roy. . . . . . . . Le Roy. . . . . . . . Decatur. . . . . . . . Urbana......... Decatur. . . . . . . . Urbana......... Urbana. . . . . . . . . Mahomet. . . . . . .



o Champaign .... . 8 Champaign .... . 2 Champaign .... . 4 Champaign .... . 8 Champaign. . . . . 8 Champaign ..... 7 Champaign. . . . . 2 Champaign. . . . .

4 16

8 7

BaRebaiJ Fmffererl more from t hr loss of men by t;raduation

in 1911 than an~· other sport. There were but two veterans in uniform at the beginning of the Reason, - Captain Kiler and Rummers. In spite of this fact a good strong team was built up, and it went through the sea· son with but two defeat . In fact, we may say, it wa one of the mo t succe sf11l seasons in years; our rival from the wrong side of Wright Street were defeated by u three time traight and by good sub tantial scores in each game. 1\fanager Bert Hayes wa un· able to schedule the game Champaign u ually plays. Practice tarted with about thirty hopeful candidates try· ing hard for po itions on the team. 1\ful:finger wa c ch. We com· mend his work in getting together a squad with o much ne material and o few experienced players.


"Wits are safe things."-JENNIS BARRY.


L<> Roy was :cll<>dul<>d for a practicr ~amr at \YP.'t End Pm·k. The new nH'D ~howed up "'<'ll, a~ the> ~~·m·p, !1-0, prov<•:. Th<> followin~ \\'PPk, how<•n•r, it wa~ HOJll<'what <litl'<'J'Pnt. Th<' tP:llll wPnt to Lp Ho~· without 'l'homp!-:on, the pitdH•r. H wa. nip atul tlH·k until thP ninth innin~, when ('hampaif'n ralliPcl and won with t hP ,'("01'<' !l-~. 'l'h<• riralry in <•adr hJ'aiH"h of ~port n.-nally <·Pnl<'t'.' arourul OJH' <"edain :->clrool. In ha!-:kPtlmll, IIH'I'<' i~ nothitl~ that hrin~~ a ('hampai~n roo(pr morP joy than to "in fJ'Olll Bloomington. In foothall, lht>l'<' i: no qup. lion" hom ('hampaign lllll.'t 0\"I'I'COill(' to lw happy. Our iniPl'P.'t and riv:ll in ha!-:Ph:lll iN D<><·atm·_ .\11, no <lonht, l'<'mPmhPr thr hi~toric ~allH' of 1!110, whid1 l:vtPd thirtPPn inning~; tlH•n in thP ~atlH•rin~ darknr~~ ('ltampai~n m:ulp l1rr onl~· PlTOl' of th<> ~allH' alHl )o.'t. 'l'hP !41'01'<': De<·atnr 1, <'hampai~n 0. The D •eatur tpam wa~

~-;trong in HHl awl ch•f<>aiPil ('hampaign hdce. The fir ·t ~anw, played on thr lol'al fiplcJ, rmlt>d :!-1 in thrir favor; the f<econd, playPd in nr<·atm·, ,'--1. 'l'he fir:t gmtH' was th<> better, a. ~<>en by the ~<·orr. ThP fpatm•p of thi .. ~amP wa~ unn. nal for high ehool hall. Bill Do~ IP, our lPngt h~· fil'ldPr, cli~ting-ni~lw<l him~l'lf hy stealing home on Oardini<>r, thP ~tar pil<'h<•r of D<><·atur. It wa.· a wry unfortunate affair, howen'r, :rs nill sp1·:dnpcl hi: anl·Jp in .'lidin~ to the plate and wa. out of thr ~amc> for thP J'Pnl:linclpr of tlw spason. The glcom that R<>ttl<>d owr u~ aftPr thi.' dt>fPat la.·t('(l hut a singl<' W<'Pk. On the followin~ Raturda,,·, at "'c>st gwl Park, wc> hnni!Pcl rrhnna til(' short rnd of the ~('())'(', L-,-4. This \\":1~ tltP first of till'('(' gamr~. ThP~<' ~allH'!-; wPre not .'UJl]HH'tPcl hy t ltP ~·<·hool tiH• w:ry tliP~· !-<hould he. But wr won r p;ar<llc>ss of tlH• pom· at!PJHlaJH'<'. ~·e. ·t <'ame our f<<'<·onrl clc> fpa t at De<'a tur. 'l'h e ~~·m•p wa , -1. 'l'ronndng Prbana a~ain two Rafln•<lay~ in ."U<'<'<'S.'ion proYP<l t hc> hpo:t thing we did. Thc> ~eorp · wert' 16-, ancl -7. Tlw last ganH' \\'a~ moJ·p intere. t ing to the .'per.tator.'. Th<> rwa.'on pra<'li<'ally dof~<'rl with the la~t 1·rhana g:unP, hut :1 team rrpre. <>nting Champaign playrd :m exhibition game at :\lahonwt and won with the . cor<>, 7-2. Tl1r tNtm, on tlw whol<>, wa~ sa tiNfiPd with the J'<'C<)J'(l of t lH• :pasm1. Tb rc are five of la~t year·~ "('" nwn haek, abo two snhstitnt<>s 11f la.·t yPar, :mel ther<> i. ~ood ll~"W matPJ'ial. Hicltnrd~on ha~ hP<>n ~1'<'111'<·<1 aN <·oach; :o the pro. pect~ f >r a .'lH'CeN. ful N<>ason are em·m1raging.

"True as the dial to the


sun."-~IARI0:-1 RIDGE.


0 West End Park, we bid adieu ! Your days of use to us are through. You've seen us win many a game ; You've seen us iu defeat, but ne'er in shame; You've seen us hit and run the sack; You've felt our sp:ikes upon your back; You've seen us swelter in the SUJ;l; You've heard us yell a!J,d laugl; in fun; You've held u~ when the g,round was froze; You've bumped our sh:ins and bled our nose; You've helped us out in ma11y a fight; So do not think our thoughts are light \tVhen now to you we say, "Farewell!" 0, do not think we have not known Who let us have you as our own. McKinl ey Park is our new place to play; McKin ley's kindn ess furnished the old one, -and say, I s there anything we wo n't do for McKinl ey? Come now, nine Rahs: Rah! R ah I Rah I Rah! R <1 h! Rah! Rah ! Rah! Rah! :(VrcKinley ! 1"cKil1ley ! McKinley l

"Each good thought and action brings the clark world nea;;er 1;o the sun,"-CLIJ)!T.ON :MimEER. 6o-




B WEHE all .·patpd lwforp t h<> gratP firt>, in t hP , pa<'ious liYing room of th<> Badtt>lor's 'luh, ~ ~ew York, talking of our ]>aNt P. . lH'l'iPnc·c·~- 'rlw c·onvpr:-;at ion, aflpr drifting along many liiw:, finally tm·npd upon nuance.·. Jijach told how liP had maclp hi:-; fort mH• and whaL he e.·p •cted to do with it wltPn hP <liP<l- all ht>ing h:u·h<>lors. Tommy Prankfntt, who had HHHl<' IIi: llWll<'.Y hy playing the Board of 'l'J·aciP, intPtHlPd to "ill his fortune to an orphan' home. \Yill Holph, a hroker, waH going to spend all he had mad<', hPfor<' he· <liPel. Lik<>wi:-;p <':t<·h rPI:t!Pd his exp rience, until ,Jimmy )[om·o<>'H turn c·:tllH'. If<' had noHting to ~ay. The1·e wa. nothing to :-;ay. Hi.· 'waltlt had IH'<'ll le•ft to him 1 1," . ln:r, and ,Jimmy had nev<>r thought wltnl would h<'<'OlllP of his mone} \'hen h dircl. \Vlwn aHkP<l he J'PpliPd : "\Yell, fellowH, I don't know "ltat will lwc·mll<' of my mmH'Y wht>n I diP. In fad, I don't c·m'P. You SPP, it':-; this way: whc>u my fatht>r cli•d I wa: hi· only dlil<l and rplat iYP, so inhc•ritPd hi Put ire· fortmw. 'fher<' was no IH'C'<l of my wm·kiug, so I didn't. "'!tat 'N the• tu:w of a fpllow wol'ldn~ if h<• cJop~;u't haY<' to'! I IH•li<'Y<' in lt:n ing a geHHl limP. liH• thi.· lifp just on<'<', so wlty :houlcl \V<' not take> tlJP lw:t tltat's ~oinO'?" "··ow tltat'N not to the• point, ,Jintmy," 1-':tid Hill l{olph. 'A fpllow that',, forewr idl<•, aiHl only in for a good tinw, i~ wol'thlp:~." "That': right," said ('Jti(·k <lrPc•ntic•ld. ''Do sonwthing; mak<> a name fur yom·~:;plf. Hhow pPoplP that you <":lll do :omething, "·hpther your father lc•ft you fiw (]ollars or fiYP million dollm·s. ·why, .Timmy, if you would. get out and do somPthing grpaf, gain notorietJ, iltstPad of loafing around tbesp elnb rooms, I would h<' ak proucl of you a: a father." "Hm·p, WP all would," C'ltinH•d in thC' otlt<'I'.'. "\\' p]]! If ;ron f•llmvk takP my wortJtlps. ·nPN · so much to heart,'' replied ,Jimmy, "I'll go out, and wit !tin thP nP ·t two we >k. you won't b abl to pick up a paper without H<'Ping my pidure on the first page."


"You can't d.o it," snePrC'd PPssy ('hamberlancl. "You could not get up enou h excitement to Hear rabbits into th ir holes." o padlocks, bolts, or bar


ecure a voice.-KILBURN FREEMAN.


"I that o'?" criP<l Jimm jumping up. "I'll ju. t bet you five bun<lr<><l dollarR, Mr. Rolau<l C!Jamberlau<l, that I ·an <lo what I . ay." ''0 all right, I'll bPt yon; lmt it's a sbmup to takp th' money." "Good!'' said ,Jimmy. "Two WPE>ks from tonight I'll me t you here. llaH• ,YOUJ' lllOllPY with you, for rou lrill J,o,<;(', Ooo<l-night." Billy Holph was the tir:-;t to IJreal· the ·alm that .·pr au over tbi gat ltpt·ing of badtt>lm·s aftpr ,Jimmy left. "IJ•,'ll UPYPJ' do it. Von'! wot'l'y, Prs.·y, OYI'r your five hundr d 'lllll'k.·'; lu•'s a hlu11'Pr of th•• WOl'I"L kind. .\ fello\\ that neYer <lid anything •·au't go out and start somt>thing the first l'l'U('k. Let Jim alon for a fe\\' 1la,r:-; au 1 h•,'ll cool otl'." * * * * * * * * * * * * * ·ow ,J :mil•:.; .~ ugn. ·t ns Philip :\Iom·o<' wa. · not 1hr kino of a fellow that •·ould ht> "hlull'P•l". \\'hpn ht> :--tart<>d out. to <loa thing, ht> did it. So it was in this <·a:--r; hp was going to show that bunl'lt of "<'rnmb." that liP •·ould do ju.·t as mtu·h. .Timmy \\as a Yl'l'.Y hu.·.\ man for tlw nPxt few days. III' was sPPU so sPI<lom m·onnd th<• •·lnh that the other member. lwt:tJIIP wm·riPd about him. ,JamPs, ho\1 ~'' <'r. wa.· not idle. lie spent his t imP pPrfp('( iug hi.· plans for his hig slll'])]'isP.













'rltirtPPll days I>assPd. 8at ur<lay Pwning <·amP and still the papt>r . .·aid notltin~ of .Tamps Au~ustu~ Philip :'llom'IH'. Yt>.', P<·.·~.v waH rigltt,,Jimm.v <'llllldu't <lo anything. Afte1' (limwr tlw uwmberH of th H:u·hl'lm•H' ('lnh rwain aHHPmblP<l hefm·p the p;1•atP as they ha<l bP •n two W<'<'k · pl'ior. ,Jam PH ~Iom·o<>, howen'I', waH not t hPI'P. ('om·er ation dragg-Pd, all(l <'n'I'ythiug .'<'('med (lull. .\11 pl'('HPnt sPPmed tired, :o they <lPI'idt>d to go to ht•(l. 'l'lH•y \Wl'<' just g-l'tting up to ll':tW wlu•n. udd nly thp door hurst OJli'U and in ruHh<'<l ,Jimmy with his arm: full of late <'Yeniug c.·ti·aH. II(• han(lt>d on<' to e:H·h man prPsent, th<>n took hi usual pl:t('(' h,v tht> fil'('. Ea<'lt nu•mher OJH'ltP<l hiH paper, an<l ther<' on tlH' firHt page heh<'ld ,Jimmy's pieture an<l scare hea<ls which ~aid:

.J. A.








:\IY, 'rERY-. £0,"'1' "·o. ·nERFt'L IH. COYER¥ OF THE AHE-TIL ('E8 ('LCb 'rO E.\8'I BP OKLY. PI ·:\1 DE ...


"Explain these . ear heads, ,Jimmy. Tell u. !'' ried all in th . ame hreath. ''It mpanH,'' explain<><! ,JimmJ·, "that I lun·e made a name for my,'Plf. I haw I'<•:-;tor·e(l the R(••lg\\ it-1· diamond to it~ I'ightful owner.'' ")Jm·wlouH! \Yon<l<'rfnl! Ilow di(l you 1lo it'! Tell u~ all about it. ''\Yell, you rPmt>mlwr whru tlH• RP<lg-wh·k diamond disappeared, :unong thp difl'erent clues whi •h the <lt>tcetiw. found "a.' a . lip of pap r "So noisy, boisterous, and gay."-\V AY




upon whkh waR written the~e ('haraderR." Jimmy dr<'w a piecP of paper from hi)4 po('ket which lookP<l )40JJH'what like thh;:

V\1. ..:.IL\13 LFL< 0 'v' ::J VL L:JJU. <DV~'\/n.:J>AD'V.~ "\\' t>ll," eontinue<l ,Jimmy, "the)4 eharacters form a dphpr which had IH'\'Pr heen solw<l; .·o the elm• eoul<l not be trace<l any further. To makP a long . tory )4hort, I soh·<•d t h<• dphPr in this wa,\ : Yon 'll notice that the mujorit.' of th<> <·hamdPr. · n:e<l <'On:ist of parts of sqn:n'P.', or entir<' :qmu·<•s. 'Yith tlli: fad in mind, I set th<> ditl'<•rpnt d1aradN'H down on p:.qwr, in tlw .'aJllP ord<>r au<l po:ition that th<'.V <w<·nph•<l on tht• Ol'igiual. 'YhPn l IHHl dotH' thi:, I found Uwt thPl'<' WPI'<' nin ditl'Pl'Pnt 1igm'P)4." ,Jimmy drPW tlJP following on a pi<'<'<' of pappr:

DCUnlLJ_jl "_\fter a g1•eat <leal of shifting of thesp <:hara<'l<·r:, I goL th<•m to take this form, and Rtill be in the samE> position." ,Jimmy again drew a tigm·<·, sud1 a: tlJi:, on t.h<> paper:


"Likewise, in <lealing with th<• Y-Hhaped charactprs, I found that ther<' W<'rt' ju:t four diifet'<'Ut position: takt>n by tlwm :"

<VA> "Ppon shifting the:e, I found that they held their in a figure of this sort:"




" ... Tow," continued Jimmy, "notice the character. clo. ly. You . e that th r' are thirte•u diffrrent one~. AI. o that t he ,'ame character Learn to say, "no", and it will be of more u. e to you than to read Latin.-



i:-~ :-;om<>tilJws rep<>ated, only a dot being addC'd. 'Vitb this in mind, you ,·pp that wit11 thirtl'<'n <'harad<'l'~', H i:-; possibl<' to rppresent twenty- ix

letters,-or a symbol for Pa<'h lPtlt:'r of thP alphabet. Xow, tlw <1ue.·tion aris<>s: In which sptt<'<'·' of thP s<·<·tion:, of the third and fifth figur , do t ht' lPttl'rs I"igh tly belong'? ~\ l'<' tiiPy just put in the divisions without auy t11ought, or <1o th<•y follow Pa('h otlH'l' logkally'! 'J'lw latiC'r wa fomu1 to he true. 'l'hp alphah<'t <·omplPte iN thiN." ,Jimmy fillPd in the .·ections of tlJP third and fifth fiom'<'. until he had drawing:-; whieb re:embled the e:

n;B G H

c .1l

£ f


}{ L






0 ]l


w X


"'l'he Hl'('Ond letter in ea('h space," continue<l ,Jimmy, "rPpreH<'nt. thP :-;ymbol with a dot, as ~\- L.. , while B=...:J In applying thi: Rolut iou to tlu• mP. sagE:', I found it to read: '"'ill come to 54 IIellon ~t. Be tlwre with fo;pdg. D. Wi:-;h to buy H.' "Aft€'r translating thi. slip, I handed it to the police. They did the rest, whilP I rec€'iY<-' the credit, as you seP. The police went to this addrps:-; 011 IlPllon :;;trPPt, an<l, aft<'r :-.omr invr:;;tigation, eliminated all )I<'J'son:-. who might be c·onut>ded with thP d<>al, ex<·ept tln'<>P,-two mPn and a woman. Then t.hev <Yave eadt of them, at the .·ame time, a copy of tlliH cipher with the . olution writtPn out. 'l'hi. had no effl'<'t on thP llH'll whatever; but when the woman Haw it, HhP uttered a little :eream, and turn d pale. That Her am was what did the work. It wa. an ra:y maLtPr aftpr that to for('e lwr to eonf<•:s and produee the gem.'. ~'ow that iH all; the story in detail is in the paper; . o yon ean r<>a<l for yourselves. I'm going to bed." "Oh! 'Yait a minute, Jimmy,'' ealled Pessy Chamberland. ''Here's your five hundred dollars. You win.'' "That's all right, Pe. y," said Jimmy. "Ke p your rn ney,-all I want d to <lo was to how yon fello·ws that I could <lo ~omething if I tried. Good night."

The C. H. S inventor.-OLTVER






'HAHAC'TER . Mr. Fair" etiH'r, a \\ idowPr. Ho"P, hi.· dauo-hter, age 22. Jim, his . on, a~t> lli. \Valt<>r \Yynn, Ho~P·.· friend. )lary Pt>rkins, Jim'H playmate. AT I. S('('ne-Tllr Fairzcetl!er sittillff room.

Rosr reacUnr;.

,Jill! playing

tcith th dog. Ro.·r. ,Jim, I d·o wi:h you would 1-1top tPa. in~ that do~ and ~o wa:h ·our llan<l.· ! II(•re you m·p :i .· tppn year: old, an<l still haw no prid<' in your per:onal appear:mcP,-not. <'Y<'ll in eommon <'leanlin<>::. ,Jim. That's it, ~iH! You'rp ah\ ayH fnl-;Hing ahout HOmPthing! \\'hat would th poor pup <lo without nw to gin• it PXPrcise? An<l aH for my handR lJeing dirty, I haw mm'P important thing: to do; h •. idt>.Hmw. "At the agt> of si.· teen, a hoy iH th<> mo~l im·mTig;ihlt' a1Hl ungovernable of all .. 'aturp'R bpa:t~-1. At thiR time,'' ,filii [intrrruptiny] "h<> iH almo:t lJack to the :ta_tp of harhari. m. His primitiYe inHtinctH art>-" Aw, ehu<'k it, RiH! I don't mind your attPIHling tho~<' ~odal ~l'i<•n('P I...ectm•t>l-1, hut I do wi1-1h yon wouldn't pradke 'em on llH'-<'~pPdally after I'w lp:n·npd Uwm hy heart. [ 8nU r

1/r. Fainrether.] .llr. Pairwctllrr.

You Heem to lJe having an intere. ting argument from th<' :oUIHlH. \Yhat'H tlw qlw:tion for (}plJate, thiR tim<>, ,Jam s? ,Jim. J{psolwd, That ,Janws Fair\wther Hhoul<l hP a '':iHHy"; Hhoul<l sit on a <·uHhiou an<l Hew a fin<> seam. I tak<' tlw n<'gatiYP. Ros('. 'l'hat iH always t h<' way ht> lalkH, Daddy. He makP. fun of Ill' <'Y<'l'Y time I <'OI'J'<'d him. ''At his age, he will li:h•n to no ad\'i<·<' tpnding to\ntr<l hi: lwttPrm<'nt and th<' uplJuil<ling of hi. fin<'r qualitie: . •\11 >!fortH for his gui<hlll<'P ar<'--" ,Ji11l. ''mel with jPers and <leriHi\'e laughter." That'H the late.'t, Dad, from the ~odal Science <'luh. But you left out the part about my lJeing in "the wild Rtate", with my "primitiYe inRtincts foremm;t". That l'Onw. firHt, ·ou know. J!r. Fainrf'tllfT. I think, .Jamps, you haY<' no right to malw fun of Ro. e'H paHtime. I am .·ur<:> that tlw l4ocial ~rirnce 1 lub iR in no way demoralizin~, and I imagilw that it would not injure you in the leaRl if you wPre to ob<>y h r in HOHlt' of the thincrR Hhe aRk Rose. oo<l for you, Daddy! ,Jim iH getting to b downright vulgar. Rapidly declining in kn • ·ledge.-HARRY HEATER.

He pulled up a choll':. Ana climbed up there_ To find no elf in srght. The jam was all, lt1 tnat cupboard tall lma~ ine poor"brother:S~plr5ht. In went hrs fr11qer, A lo~g time to linger: And "JJrother" began to weep. In wo.l ked his mother .And. SGW' little brothe~ And picked up a broom to

Why, today, I . aw him actually flirting with that little Mary Perkin . Ile threw her a ki '. tl<'l'OHH the . tr »L I "aH Ho mortified that a hrotlwr of mine .'hould. stoop to- " 'poon". ,Jim. )fe • poonin"? Why, )fary'H my be. t girl! I jm;t wiHh that \Yyuu feller of yom'H <'ouhl ht>m' ~· on talking ahout. your loving family! He wouldn't b so anxiouH about "wiuin' '' you, th<>n. Rosr. Jim, you ai'P juHl too impPrtinput to he toleraiPd! By the way, Father, :Mr. \Yyun is going to <·all tonight; and won't you make ,Tim stay away'? H«:> alwayH romes in and. spoils it all! Jim. \Vhy, Rose Fainwther, what a whopp«:>r! I just try to make the "gink" fN•l at honw! [})ramalif ·ally] 'l'his iH a <'l'lwl, <'l'lwl, world! 11!1·. Pairwater. Y<>s, I know, ,Janws, at t im<'H, our hPst pfl'ortl'i m·en't appreciated. But perhap it would hP lwtler to let Host> haYe h«:>r <'OIU· pany to h«:>rs(•lf, tbis eYening. Pos. ibly . he may bP ablp to exist without your b lp tonight. • o yon and I will not appear. R.ose. But you may lPt him in, .Timmy ( if you will lH' good, and not tea e. ,Jim. All right. [R.l'it Jfr. PainrrtltfT and ,Jim.] RoM'. I wond<>r why \Valier i:n't liPl'P. liP shoul(l han' conH' long before this. Oh, there'.· th«:> bell now! I hope .Jim will h<•lHl\'<'! [ (/()('s to 1cindow and pull:-; shade. Nits on srat in front of window.] ,Jim. [JoJ11terin!J with lrynn]. Y<'f', I gu<>ss sht•'H HOIIH' wol'l'iPtl tl1at you didn't romP soon<>r. I hop<> sliP fppls lwttc>r than shp tlitl. You'd better be pretty ear<>ful how you talk to her. Sh<> wns mad nl'i hops at me a whilt:> ago. o long! If she do«:>sn 't entertain you, juHt whiHtle for me. [B.rit Jim.] Ros('. Ah, good evening, )fr. ·wynn. ll'ynn. )IiHH Hos<>, I wish you would <'all nw \\'alter. It Hounds so mueh more friendly, you know. Ro8e. \\'ell,-then,-\Yalter, won't you sit down'? ll'ynn. Your young hrotlwr told JlH' he couldn't Pnt<>rtain me tonight. Say. hp ha. a airl of hi.· own to <'all on. T t>X]H'CHsPd my rt>grPtH, aml now be'. going to canrpl tht• Pngagt>m<>nt; so hp can amu. e me. Rose. That'. ju. t like l1im, the little imp! He know. bow it teases me. That's why be's doing it. ·wynn. [Going or('r to the sofa to Ro8e] Before he comes, Hosr, I have omething to tell you. [• its down bcsidr her.] I - [Jim entr1·s. Jim. "ay, Rose, H n Towser? Oh, '.·kuse me. [Grinniny.] I wouldn't "butt in" for anything. Rose. [Hastily.] I think the dog is out doors. You bad better lock him in the cellar. We're busy no,v. Run along! Jim. [Att:Zoor.] Gee!. [ExitJirn.] Wynn. A I wa . aying, Rose, you know father i. out ·we. t Rose. Yes? "Even the wisest make mistakes."-MALCOL r McGILlVRAY. 68

lrynn. .\nd motl1er died when I wa.· fourteen. RoNf. Yon told Ill<' that. l\ .'Jilll. .\tul, Ho"<', I'm all alonP. in that grpat hi~ houl-'P, and I'm lon<'I-'Ollle. [ 'l'flk('N lu r hflnd.] Ho:-;e, won't you-('onl<l yon- '! ./im. [ 811tcri11f!l- ~· ow, who':-; :-;pooniu~·! Don't talk ahont me, Hoke FainvPt hPr! I'n' h'ariwd a ll<'\\' kong, ~Ir. \Yynn. \Yant me to play it for yon'! ll'/JIIII. Oh, lH'\'I'l' mind, ,Jim. \Y<''«l l1atp to trouhll' ~ ou. You'tl hl't!Pr k<•Pp that t>ng-ag-PnH'lll, h:Hln't yon'! Don't both<'r about u:-;! ,filii. [1/ayllallimousf.tJ.] Oh, JH.'\'('1' min<lme. I Jon• to h<>lp i:4i:-; out. i:4hp':.; HU<'h a poor hand to pntPrtain anyon<'. I'll :-;in~ for ~·ou, too! [(foes to 71i11no flllll Jlh·ks o11t with o11e fiH!fer the "ll .cd(lillfl llan·h" from "Lohf'llfjrill"; sings]: ulf('rc f'0/11(8 the bridr, net onto h<'r :-;tri<l . He<> how :-;he wahbles From Hid<' to . ide,-'' Rose. ,Jim, yon wrPteh, g-Pt ont of lwre immediat<>ly! .\nd don't com<' back ! .Jim [8allnlrrin.rJ to doorwfly.] Ihml-h<>art<'<l thing-! \Youldn't l<'t a brot h<>r in to ~-'<'<' t h<> fun! I lsifh .1 (;p('! Lool· at t hr>it· .·ha<low:-; on the window :.;had<•! (hw:-;:-; I 'II go ont:-;i<lP and :-;ec wl1at 1 <'<Ill. 'fl1al'll heat tlw Orph('Ulll all to pi<'('('l' for lllOYin~ pictur('l-'. r:.rit.l 1ryn11. ~\:-; I :.;aid, Ho:-;r-Oh, Y<'~', HoH<'-as yon know-I'm all almw - I nred sonw OIH', Hor-;p, to mak<' 111(' happ~·-ancl yon'n• thP only-the only om•. \Yon't ~-ou, Ho:-;e? Hay you'll marr:· me! [ C'urtain.]


A T II. ~ '('f'llf'-OIItsirlc of fh(' Pflinr thrr ho11sc A rloor 11111! a wi11dow. , hadows sf'( 11 011 thr blind. l~llff r .Iiiii flllll l!ary at door. ,Jim. ~Tow you must hP a" fnl :.;till, )fary. Ill'l'<' W<' arl'. Don't yon mak<' a hit of noil-'<'. It's .in.·t :1s plain a:-; <lay ft•nm hPl'<'. I just know l1e's JH'OJHlHing to h<'l'. liP lookP<l awfully :-;ol<•nm \\ h<•n I wa:.; in th<'l'C. )1-m-m. Oh! h('':-; hol<linf! IH'I' hawl: aiHl oh! l1ow do:-;p ]J(' i~! Gee! Don't you wish W<' <"Ould hrm· what thPy'r<' :--aying'! \Yh~-. RoRP wouldn't ev<'n let mr ~<'t that <'losp to lH'J'! i:4hp alway.· sl'old.- whC'ne\<'1' I com(' around. rm-m-m! Look at 'pm now, )fary. llary. Oh ,Jim, i:.;n't this fnn'! I'm :-;o f!l:ul you :u.:kP<l lll<' to conH' over; I wouldn't mi:-;:-; it for anything-. ,Jim. I knew you'd lik<' it. ('om<' on OY<'r h('l'<'. Yon <':tll H('e lotr-; hett<'r. Jl(•re! ~et up on thi.· hox. ~Tow! i.' that all rig-ht'? Can you :-;pe all of it?

"Say not always what you know, hut know what you say.''-\VJLLIA 6g



~fa ry. Oh ye~"; , .Timmy. It'H juHt fine! )f~· ! don 't th e ~";]JadowH look r al? Look at him now, how <•arnp:-;fly hr i: talking. I wowh•J' what they would do if they knew wr were wat<-hing'? ,filii. \\'pll, it :-;ern•.· thPm joll,\ wpll rip;ht. 'I hal':-; all I harP to :ay. The~· \\Onldu't cwn lPt m<> :-;ta~ in thP Hanw room. Anywa,,· 1'<1 lot: rath<•r ht• out hPrP "ith you, )lm·y. l)o you like it'? 1/((ry. Likp it! \\'hy, ,Jim, it's jli. 't- ju:-;t - <li\'ilH'! If.· .· impl~·0-o-o-o, h •·. getting down on his knee. to ht>r. bn't this a !'iJ'(' \l ·'? [·fiiiiiJiill!f jro111 lw.,..] I ju:-;1 ('au't :-;tand it a minut<' longer! I think I would haY whooped- if I'd wat<·hP<l th<•m an,r mor<•. •/im. Oh, hnt look at 'pm now, )lary. • in't it a swPII ,·ipw'! Oh, wateh that arm of lth;- gettin' dosPr, aiHl' do.'<•r! 1'1'<'11,\' .·oon it will he endr<·ling that dainty, fairy waist. 'l'herP! :tll(l shp's kiting him kPPp it there, too! Did ~- ou Prer 1-';P<' anything likP that'? I 'l'urnillf! a luuul.~fH'illf!.] I'm so :-;hod:<•<l I <·an hal'(lly eontain m,n.;plf. lf((l'lJ. ('oil!<' ba('k, Jim! ·on might mi.·:-; smJH' of it! It's gPiting awfully intt'l'PHting! ,Jim. You'd hett<>r heliew it is intPrr:-;ting! Oh, dun'f yon wi:-;h you eonld hpar "hat hp':-; Haying'? Oh! \\'ow! h<>'HIfary. lip':-; ,fJOIIf' a11d kis:·wd ltrr! Oh, ,Jim! all(] lhPl'<' Hh<• ~H\'P him anoth rout>! Oh, tht>y'r<' gPtting up and moring awn,\· from Ill(' window. l\fayh<' hr': p;oing. l:-;n't it :tiug_r of th<•m not to :-<ta.r wh<'l'<' W<' <'Hll .'<'P'? .Jim. Oh, \\'Pil, 1 waH gPttiH~ kind of tit•pd, HtJ•pf!'llin~ my nr!'IL I.,p('~"; Hit <lo\\n on !lw :-;(PJl.' for a whil<>. YoumuHt lw tired, too. ['1'/l('y

sit down.] Mary [ .1ftrr a j)(tllsr.] lHn't the moon prPtly tonight, ,JiJil'! ,Jim. A\\·ful pretty. But tlJet·e'H Hom<>thing a lot doHPr, that I think's e,·er ~o;omlH'h JW<'iti<•r. By tlw way, )fary, l'\p got Home p<>p'mints in my pocket. Want some? llary. Thank you, .Jimm;v. Jim. ThiH ('andy'.- ~mful :-;weet, ain't it? .1lary. rh-huh. Jim. But I know something sweeter. ~ ay, :'IIary, I h,lYe a feelin' that we could do some of thOH<' .-tuntl';. ~lfary.

\Yhat • tunts?

,Jim. \Yh,r, them that W<' Ha\Y on tlH' win<lo\\· Rh:HlP. ,\n~ lJO\\, I ought to begin prac·ticing now; ~";O I won't he ~o;o dum~-;y a · that "'31m f ller wl1en I'm as old a. he i.-. •Vary. \Yh,v, ,Jim, you-~· ou,fim. You just lPt 1111 do iL [Rrof'hill!J for lifT ltalld.] You know, l\Iary, I alway~"; haw lik<'d ~-ou .-o llllH'h . •\ml I lon• ~· on mm·p P\'Pl',\' day. Don't you like me, too, )fary'? Mary. Oh, ye.-, I lik<> you lot:-; hette1· than an~· of IIH• othPJ' hoyH. Jim. Then it's all right, )lary. I waH afraid ~· on (li(lu't. WP'll "We may be as good as we please if we please to be good."- RusstLL KNo.·. iO


krep on loving each other till we grow up.

Then, orne day you'll

Jw old enough, and I will hr, too, and then you'll marr;v m , won't you, ~lar,r'? And thpn wp'Jl alway~ be happy togethPr, won't we'? [Rnt r Nos1 and H'.'JIIII at door.] Wynn. Ho~P, you lut\'C madp mP the happiest man in the world, tonight! I had harllly darPd hope hpfore; lmt now- \Yhy, ,Jim! ,fim. Oh, WP know all ahout it! A<·<·rpt our hrartfelt ·ongratulation!-l. \\'p eouldn't help it, you know. Your shadow!; wer just as plain

as day from the out. ide! 1/ary. Ye!-<, we ~aw mo!-lt all of it. ,Jim <'arne ov<•r and got me to ('OIUe sep it. liP said it HPl'\'ed you right because you clw ·ed him out of th<• parlor. J i 111. W t>ll, didn't it'? No.w·. ,James Ale.·an<ler Fairwdlwr, yon ought to be a~hamed of ~·our:-;elf! It is only anothrr proof that boys of ~·our age are entirely la<'king in HPil.'<' of honor . •Jim I ('Ill crfulfy.] Oh, you ought to thank us. We ~-<awd you all the trouhlP of telling u:-< ahout H. But oh, Hor-;e, I'm so mortified that a sistpr of mim• r-;hould stoop to anything so vulgar ar-; to 8JlOrm! ll'lfllll. BP <·m·pful, ,Jim. Your ad ions a moment ago w<•re enough to arouH<' .·11 pi<·ion on our :-;id<•. \\'p r-;aw a littiP hit from tit<' doot'\\'Hy, you know. Let us acld our hlP!-<siugs to your reeent happitH'H!-1. £\s for ''spooning", don"t <>ver Jpt mP ht>ar of ~·our teasing Hose again. R memher, "PPoplP who lin• in glar-;s honRes-'' ,Jim. "r-;hould "spoon" in the dark!"

[Quick Curtain.]

"If he ever fell down, he would be half way there."-WILLIAM DOYLE.




1-;(' <' why ~h<• wa~· . I hadn't clonr thing- out of t h<• ordinary, Ho far aH I <'ould l'<'llH'Ul her. l worriPd all night, but I t·onld not .·oln• th<• puzzle. I ha<l hc>Pn out :-;unda.r nigl1l and <'\'(•rything wa~ all right. 'l'hPn )londay mortling ~It<' "<'nl m<' de:ul", lookt>u right throug-h Ill<'. \Yhat ('Onld lu• th<' matter'? )Jonday aftprnoon I eaiiP<l up whPn I knpw ~hr wa.· at homP, and ht>J' motiH'l' an.· ,rerP<l aiHl ~ai<l ~h<' wa.· not thPrP. Of all Ill<' lu<'k! .rn~t a. · ~pring had t·ome, with long afternoon HI roll~, aJHl tlw ~pring <l:nu· p~ and partir:. "'hat could I do? Oh! I ha(l it; I wonl<l asl · lwr chum, Ali<'e. I alway~ did lil·e .\li<'<'. aTHl thought ~~IJ'(·Iy ~~~(' would (p]] mr. I managPd to g<'l Aliee in a eorn<•r h<>forp ~ehool, hut ~h<' wa: Yt>r.r (li~tant anrl Roon let me know tlmt our m<><>ting was not to h<'r liking, hut I was fl<'.'Jl<'rat<' and hlul'lNl right out : "Ali<·<', what is the matter with Grac<>'?" ~ ht> JookPd <'Oldly at me anll Raid: "You know just a~ wPll a~ I do, ,Ja('k Brown, and t h<>rP is no UHC trying to art ~o innocent." I waR ahsolutrly pat•alyzf'(l, n11rljn~t KhHHl aml Ktarrd at hPr fooli. hly, aH Rh<' walkrcl ])aKt mr into th<' a~. emhl.r room. I pinl'll<'<l m:YK<'lf . aragrly. • To, I waKn't a~"<l<'Pp, anrl T wonrlrrrrl if I waR loKing my mind. ,Ju~t thPn I :-:aw m~· dnnn .Jim <·omin~ up th<' Klairf;. T tho11gld T would g<'t him to a. k Ali<'P and thPn h<> coulc1 t<>ll m<>. Il<' hafl hr<>n going with her two or thrr<' ~· rarf;, anrl ~"<h<' would prohahl~· t<>ll him. T tolrl him m~· trouhl<', aiHl hr !'airl: "• nre! I'll a!'k AJicr,'' and wrnt in R<'arrll of 11<'1'. I wa~ a~ nrrvon~"< ak a girl, until th<' thir(l hour, when T ~mv him f'omina: toward m<'. " "W hat iR it?" I a!';kerl excitPcll~·. "I don't know," Kaid .Jim. "RhP wouldn't t<>ll nw." Tlli · waf; th<' limit! I thon~ht Thad hrrn patiPnt c>n!mgh, a!1fl wa~ hrginning to frrl a littiP angry. I ma!lP up my mine] right thPn to fino out aftrr ~o;!'hool if I hacl to !'hokp KomronP. I Rtood in thl' haJl until I ~aw (hacr coming. an!l thrn I wrnt right ovrr anrl "gra hhrrl'' hrr. "Ray, Ora('(', what is wrong? It'R onl.'· fair to 1<'11 mP thnt mnl'h, anywa~·. TI'hat l1avr I rlonr?'' "~fr. Brown! Hel<>a~P my arm,-you hnvr nq right to spPak to mP," .·h<' Raid. "~-.o," I an. W<'red, "I won't l<>t you loo:r until you tPll m<-." I


\Vho said he wa

a Swede? TO)! 72


~lanrecl up the hall to l-i<'C H any tea<'h<'r_. wrre arouncl, and . aw ,Jim

and AlkP leaninp; again~t tlu• wall in a tit of laughtrr. I lookPcl at Or:H'P a~ain, all(l ~)!(', too, wa: ~milin~. "·hat wa~ the• mattc>r now? Why all thi~ <'hangp'! Finally n1·an• ~aid: ''Yon poor, f.;illy boy. I <licln't know it wa~ ~o c>:u.;~· to tpa~e you. Wh~·. it'H all a joke>. Alir<', ,Jim, ancl I ju~t tric•cl to "fn~~" yon, that'~ all. \on know you f.;aid that no nu•re girl ('onl<l hotlH'r yon cHIP minute." I frlt aH limp af.; a rag-, hut whc>n I gathPl'P(l m~· wit~, I lr<l the way to HracliPy'H with tlw he:-;t g1·:u·p I <·onlcl cmmu:mcl, for the> (h·ink:-; were on me.



!CGEE, '13.

\\hen he who adores thee has gone far away, Leaving his . pirit of goodnes. behind, Rememher the promise he made you one day. Of a life that for thee wa resigned. His cause for delay is both righteous, ami true. In the reflection of te~r you t·an ee The imag • of one who dearly lov'cl you, nd would gladly change Heaven for thee. Heaven is witne. s of the promise he ga\·e. To keep his Ia. t words, he faithfully tried. 1!old in your memory, the one in the grave, For you were named Sweetheart. at the time when he dted.

His name is deceiving.-CLARK \






"ron, '13


~ ' ot :-:o loud, "P might hp hpar< an<l then it would hl· all up. Ilan- yon ('WI',\ thing fL ·(•d'!" Tlw ~p aker wa ~ a .hort, wi1·y man \\ith a ~andy mu~tadH', ~andy hair, aiHl :-:mall, hlaek e~· e:o;. "Ya", PYPI' tang hmw dmw. I fix <lt> lmKtmn and <ll' fu~<' i~ l'P<Ul,\ to light. 'l'he raft hanr rt>ady with tang~ to atp and <h·ank . . ·othin' lPft hut <1<' <liamondK." "0 lPaw that to llll', ~\\'t'l'll<',\' , I'll gel tlto:-:P, and tlH•n w<'ll light thl' fnl-i<', gPt iu our raft, an<l )paw tlw .·hip lwfm·p t hl' pxplo:--ion. \\' h<•n \\'!' rt'H<'h land, Wt' will hoth he ril'l1 lll<'ll with om· diammHh;, aiHl lin• in a eal-:tlP with :t II tIll' lnxnriPK of lif<'." "Ya", an<l hlpnty to atp," lmKtily intPrpo:-:Pd HW<'<'ll<',Y. "'l'hat l>lam<' Chink <·;m't <"Ook uothin' good hut ri<·<' and hatH' sop<'." "\\'plJ, IPt'~ go. Ht>memlwr, WP lllt'l't hPJ'!' in tlw hold at a q1wrt<'r of twelw, an<l tlw l-:Tlip g<H'K up at twelYe." \\' hpn thP rptJ·pating footNtt>ps of tlw two nH'n hml died :twny, a p<1i1· of hhw e~· p:-; JH't'JH'<l from h<'hilHl a pilP of ho.'PN; thpn later th<• mnwr of thp <'YPN apJ><'arPd, a lad of ahont fiftP<'n, with l'lll'ly hair and wl1at might han• hPPll a joYial fa<'<'. II iN <',Y<'N Wl'l'<• Jnrl~i11g, with wmHlPr and (pJ•ror, fOl' hl' had qui<"kly grm-qwd tl1c> fad that thP "Panama LimitP<l", tlH• fa. tp.·t and IH'st PquippP<l hmtt on ~<'a, of wlli<·h hi .· unrlP '"aN <·aptain, wa. to ]){' hlown up at midni~ht. But h:trk! hl' hPar<l footstPpN on tlw stair. It waN thl' mrn I'Ptnrning for soml'thing tlwy had lost. Jlp <lal'(pd h<>hin<l NollH' ho. ·ps, hut lH• was too latP to Ps<·HJH' ih<' CJui<-k <',H'l-i of thP Nandy <·mnpiPximw<l man, Rhorty. Aftpr a shod <'llasp in th<> <lm·k, t hP hoy waN NPiiiP<l, hound, alHl gaggr<l. liP waN ll'ft in a dark <·m•npr " ·itl1 tlw parting injmtdion from ~"<'<'Il<'y, "You hmw onp big fool." For a lon:.r whilr hl' lay thinking; hut 1h<' longPr hr thought, thr lrRs hp knl'\\' how to gt>t himl-i<'lf ont of thil-i Jll'P<li<·nmPnt. '\Yith hmul.- tiPd hl'hin<l him, month gagg<'<l. and fpp( tiPil to a rin,g in tlw floor, thrrP NP<'IllP<l liitiP hop<' of his gPtting frppd hl'fore tlH' Nhip waN dynamit<><L l<~n·n tiH• ratN, whil'h W<'l'<' Y<'l',\' nmn<'l'Oll.' in thP hol<l, rPalilling his llrlpl<•sNJWss, l'l':t\\ l<><l owJ• him aiHl l'Y<'ll 1larrcl to nihhlP hi. h:tlHls. ~\ ~ml<lPn lnrl'h of thP Nhip <·anl'Pcl . oml'thing to Rlide from a shplf ahow an<l]aiJ(lllPar hi:-; hrn<l. JTr soon <ldl'l'tPd hy th<• odor that it "a.· a pomHl of hut IPr; a nkl' fP<'<l for tlu• ratN to hl' surr. ThPn a happ,\· thought Ntrn<'k him. Tint would it work'? . ·othing likl' tr,ring it anyway. II<> workPd the hntt<•r down with his C'hin until

"Looks arc not cvcrything."-DAvm



it wa. in the po~ition he wh;hed it. ThC'n he rollC'cl owr on the butter, so that it would nul.'lt aromul the cord which hound him. liP rolled baek on his stomaelt that the rat~ might haw freP ~u·e<• ·s to the buller, an<l in thPir grePd woultl gnaw thP eord that hound him. 'rhP ral:-< ha<l ~<·amJH'l'P<l away wh<•n Lh<• lmttPr fpll, and tlwy had not, a:-< yet, retm·nP<l. \Yould they nP\Pl' come? A eohl :-<weal hrok<• out on hi:-< fm·PhP~Hl. The HP<'OIHl do~ watch had PIHled. It mu:-<t be ten o'dod\: now. Ye:-<, he <·ould fainlly lwar four hPIIH rino·iiw. Only two morp hours! 'rhP t•at~, attradPd hy thp buttet· and intPnS<' hungPr, WPI'P ·oming ha<'k. 'l'hP hol<lPl' om•s \\ <'l'l' uihhl ing at tlu• out~ide P<lg<>~. HP held hi.· hr<•ath for fp:n· of ~<·ariug tlwm away. 'rh<',r had pat<•n all thP hutter on lhP out:-<idP and \WI'<' hit ing into tl1P cord in ~pardt of more. 1:4i. lwliN Ntrn<'k. \\'oui<l thpy 11('\'Pl' fr<'<' him. 'fhpu olh<•r mtN, gaunt with hungPt', gnawc>d at thP roJH'H to gPt :-<omething to Pat. One vieiou.· Lt>ar and !tiN han<lH fpll to hi:-< :-<idP:-<, freP, hut u~el<•.·:-< . •HtPr I'C'storing tirntlation, hf' took the ~ag from IIi.· mouth, yPl hP <lid uot dm·<· to .Y<'ll for fpar of })('ing h<'at'<l hy HwPPIWy, whoNe watch it now waK Ile worked at th<• knot m·oull(l hi: ankleH, hut hP could not nut i<· it. HPWU hPllH rang! Only thirty minutPs until midnicrht, and flflPPll minutN~ unlil '" <'<'ll<'Y and Hltorty we1·e to meC't. II<• wa.' almo, t rP:Hiy to p;iw np iu dp:-;pair, when Nu<ldPnly, as if hy magi<', the knot cam<' untied. IT<' dambPI'P<l to his f<>et, and, with an almost RupC'rhnman ffort, dimht><l thP Nlair, ran quickly to tlw eaptaiu':-; (·ahin, rulo\hed in, tumbled him out of ltix hC'rth, yelling, "Oh lTndC', <'Olll<', <lynamitP, dianwnd:-;, midnight, hurry!" IliH uude, from tlti:-< ('ouglmtH'ratiou, finally undprRtoo<l wltat wax about to lwppC'n. ('mnmanding his IH']>hew to rpmaiu lwhind, hP, with two of lhp "·atch, "pnt to the spot de.'ignat •d by hi.' nC'phf'w a~ llw nH'Ptinp; pl:H'<'. ThPy had not hPPn t h<•t·e long lwfm•p t hpy hpar<l yoicps : "I pity that J)Oor hoy in tiH' hold," Shorty xaid to HweeB<'.V· ''You go gpt llw <li:mtmHlN, and .'hut up ahont that hoy, an<l I'll-" "Y<>R," xaid thp eaptaiu, ''you'll go with me. nd ~-ou, too, 8hm·ty. Xo mutiny ~op:-; hPr .'' .JuRt then a <·nrly hpad with hltH• Py<'s JH'<'l'Pd down into the hold. t·pon H<'Pinp; it, HwPenC'y ~aid:"You bane no big fool after all."

good-natured country chap.-LOUIS B





EY THERE! ,Jack Lind.·dpn !'' I lookPd up at the ear I waH passing and ~a w a familiar fig;m·p lt>aning out of tht> winuow. ''\\ hy, Billy WatHon !" I p,·<·lainwd in surpri.·P. ''How are you an) wa~, ohl ft>llow'! \\'here have you been'!" ",Jaek," hP .·aid PWitt>dly, ''hurry up and g;t•t on the trai11 lwforP it HtartH. I'n• HomPlhing I ~imply must tPll you. Il uny, for tiH•y'I'I' g<•tting rpauy to .·tart now." "But Billy," I pro1PHi<•<l "I <·an't. I've got to write up that llartielu murdPr <·aHP for tomorrow'H 'Herald'. Old Ln<liPy would have a tit if il WN'e too latt• for pre. s.'' "You Nimply mu. t, ,J:u·k,'' hP implorPd, ]paning auxiouHiy out of thP win«low. "I "ouldu't a~k you if il W<·I·pn't HO abNolutely neee.·sm'J. I'm wol'l'iPd half to (!path. 1'lu•r<•'. · thP whistle now. Boy, huny. Don't you :e t lu•:y'rp pulling out'!" Ora:ping tlw railing, I Hwnng upon thP platform just UH tlu• train tartPd, and nut<lP my way into tlw <·m· whei'P Billy waN. My <'Ul'ioHity wa: arouNPd, and I "aH going to NatiHfy it, 1'\'Pll if Billy lltUl to pay for iL "\Yell," I said, dropping into a l·wat fating him, ''now v;lt.lt iN nll this row you ar<' kicking up'! You <lou't look partknlarly wunic d, awl I don't see any gn~y lwirH," I began Nat'taNlkally. lie• waH only twentyone, but one of the he.·t nPWRpaper men in AmPri<·a. .\It hough wP worked on rival Ill'W.'paper xtall'N, it HtadP uo difl'I'I'Pnctt in our intimaey. "But I am worl'i 'd, ,Jack," he rpturne<l forlornly. "I'll tell you all about it if you tare to li.'ten." I look<·<l at him .'Ui'pidouxl), for I 'Htx uot unuxt>d to ome of th little method: he employed lo :pc·ur<• in}H'PR.'ionx and effect for his stories. But I Haw he was, for om·c•, dPcidPdly in c•m·Iwst, and my sympalhii'H ">re aroused. I Ji.rhted a t'ip;m·pt, nodded for him to ])('gin, and leanPd back to list n. ''You rc•memh •r I was working up that Palatine dynamit1• ea. e a couple of w 'ek: a o?" h' Haid, and I i'ignifiPd that I did. "WPll, I got tangled up in a scrape that may RPn<l me• to thP c•h•c·tric <·ltair." "Heav ns! Billy! "'hat m•p ·ou talkincr ahout, lllan '? You'rp <'I'azy !" I ga. ·1wd, Hitting bolt upri<rht. " . . ~o,'' h • said mournfully, "I wish I WPl'P. You sec>, while I waH in airo, Illinoi:, I wa: rooming on th' fifth floor of tlw 'Hiwi·.-idP IIot 1'. I wa:n't aware of the fatt at the tim , but ju.-t abo\·e my room, on tlH! . ixth floor, was a young Italian muskian; and juRt below, on the fourth floor, wa · a )lr.. Law. on and her daught r. 'Vell, tlli. uaurrbter wa in "Pretty, laughing, bouncing boy Mother's p t and Father's joy."-GENE RussELL.


low with thP Italian, antl was just a~ <l<,termin<>d to marry him a her mothl'r was (}('(prmiiH <l shP :houldu't. Pl'llt<>llllwr, I fomHl out all thi.· later. The moth<,r, howeY!'!', di'l not know of thP musidau'. pre:ence in th<.> hotPI, as lh<' girl di<l. 'l'hCJ'P was a radiator pip<• whidt ran lhrough all thJ'P<' ()f tht, roollts, and I notit'P<l that at <'t•rtain intl·ITals during the day, a sPI'iPs of tapping-: (·ould IH• lu•ard rn·esumahly upon tlli: pipe . .A: I sa'id, I ha<l notk<•<l this, but pai<l no e:pPcial attention to the fact. Late om• aftpJ·uoon just aft<'r I h:ul rpt urned from a malin<'·, I heard th(• mmal tap-tap-and thi.· limP I li:-:ten<>(l intr.ntly. I wa.· 1.,warded for my attPntiou, for in a shlll't tinH· thP S:lllH' tap-tap ('ame, idPutil·ally like tlw othl'l's. It wa: all Ul'(•Pk to mP, hut I tlwn~ht it would lw intere·tiug to u·.r a littiP <'XlH'l'illlPBt of my own. l ha<llPm'n(•d th<• )[or~· coue from au old tPI(•g1·aph ope1·ator "ho mwd to visit my fathPr; so I tapped out th(• tir:-:t thing- that ('<llllP to my mind. As fatP wiliP<l it, it was Ute title of a song- I h:uL lwaru at thP matin<>P,-'Quit \our Kid,lin' }Iary'. Imagine m,Y surpri:P wllt•n, quil'k a.· a Jla. h tllis m<·.·,.ng-P <'<litH' lnll'k, ·olt, Dilly! how <"onld you .-ay l'HJ('h a thing'!' I IH'arly faintl'd, hut in an im;tant I thought of ,Jim Kal<•J', a fpllow who work~ with Ill<' and who know· the .·o.ullP ('ode. ~ •o on<' lm L ,Jim eou ld ltave known of my prP:ence in the hotpl; so I rapped ha<·k, '. ·on(• of yonr air:, old tim •r; I know you. ('onw up to my room and wp'Jl harp a whisky and soda.' 'IIow dare you, sir!' \uts t hP ll<'.'l mpssagP 1hn t tloatP(l up thl' pip<>. 'Oh, ('Ut it out, and qnil foolin'. .\I•pn't you eoming'!' I l'eplied. .\hsolute silence follo\ved . • ·ow, \\hat ha(l I gott<>n into, I \\'Olldt>r<•<l. Fol' it wasn't ,Jim after all. I had notl1ill~ to do bul awail furth(•r dewlopmentH, and I didn't have long to wait. • honl He\·<•n o'doek that f'YPning-, :-:ome onP got bu~y on the pipP a:.,ain, but I eouldu't umlcrsland an~·thi11g, as it wa: a private eodP. Finally liH'l'P <·:mw a lull, and I y(•nt nre'l into th • ~J;ame again. ''·bat's thP matt<•r with you now?' I l':tp(H'll. 'Enough that you'll always rPgi·et what you havP dmw,' wa: tlte answ<•r. 'Couw down and explain ) OUI'SPlf, sii•.' ,Just ihPU aJlllthPl' .'Pl'iPS of rapping: (':Ill\(' in quick i'IUCl'l'SSiou, hut thry wei'(' JlH'alling-IPs.' to m<>. BvidPntly OIH' of the per on. knP\\' both ('OdPs, thP othet·, nppal'Pntly the onp overhead, hww but one. TherP was no othl'r alteruali,·<• for mP, exe<>pt to .'<'P the twxt act of tlti t·ath(•r intPI'esting }WrfornHllH'<', ~o I h·oolH'Il <lo\\ n thP stairs. On my way down, I heard a door O]H'IH'<l awl . lammPd in thP room ahov mine, hut attadtP(l 110 ~iguitkan<· • to tiH• fad. I stopp •d at the room ju t IJ >]ow mine and knocked at the door. "'('OitH' in,' ~ome on<> :ai'l idly, and I di1l a~ I wa~ eommanded. .\ young girl was standing hefore th<> grat1•, with Jtpr ha1·k to mP. "'Yon may pxplain ~our <'OIHlud, sir,' ~h<' said frig-i<lly, without tm·niuO'. 'I do not undpr~taud why you addr<·~s me as you \VOuld a horuR girl.' "'I beg your pardon,' I bPgan, hut she iniPri·nptPd me with a ·briek. i9

'' •You're not Billy,• .·he ('l'ied. ''Yho are you, . ir? liow dar you enter my room'?' "'But I am Billy,' I :-mid. '::\Iy name i.· Billy Wat. on. You told me to <'Olll(' down, an(l I did.' "~ht• gaw a gm.;p ami ~ani· weakly into a chair. I tlwuoht .·he had fainted and .·tarted towm·dH hrr. I had g-onP only a fpw HtPpH, when ·orne onP ;eizPd nw by tltP Hhoulder and !lung IIH' half way aeroHs th' room. "'Don't yon thn·p tom·h that young huly,' griitt>d my Italian neighbor, glaring at mt' furiously. And hPfore I could (•xplaiu my. ·plf or say a singl • word, that liltlP tin•·eater was upon me with a uaggt•r. I grabbed hi:-; wrist:-;, and W<' :-;waypd h:u·k and forth like two de perauoe:-; in a tent'ent play. liP wasn't ;o ;troll<T as I hut he maue up for lack of strength in a~rility. In trying to rea\'11 Ill<' with hi:-; (hwger, he naturall.) pUIIPu it towm·<ls both of u:-;. ,Ju:-;t a:-; ]I(• nnHlt• a hu.;t tug to fre' hi.· wrists, I showd h,i:-; al'llt in \\ ith suth forc<' that hp stabbed him elf just above tlw lwart. lie groaned OU('P, and ;lipl>Pd to tht• tloor. "I wm; hol'ror stricken an<l didn't know what to uo. The girl had rPall: faintP<l this t inH', au<l I felt likP a double mlll'uerer. But before I ('OU)d l'('HHOll Olll an.} plan of adion, tlH' door OpenPd, anu a richly dre '. CU lady I'n:-;lwd in. 8hp took in the HtenP at a single glance and came over to me qui(·kly. '' •uo while you tan,' she whiHperPd, 'I'll mawwe all thi:-;.' 1 llllrrietl out too uumfomHlPd and horrified to uo othPr\YiH<'. I , aw that the girl's mothPl' thought I wa.' an lJll,'lJ('('es.'fnl :-mitor of Iter uauO'hter, anu preferred mp to tlw Italian, ewn though she diun't know me. That was the only <'Xplanation I tould tiu<l for h r aiding nw to eH<'ape. I lPft the howl, and han• he<'ll kt•Ppiug iudoOI', sin<'<' then. l wat ·hetl the papers, hut th<• only dew I t'ould g<'L was a little pa:-;:-;nge announcing the suicide of Bo('U('(·io <'umini, an Italian musit'ian, "ho killed him~wlf he<·au,'e a young- SIH'iety g-irl, )lary LPonard, r<•fu:-;ed to marry him. It was bribery on the part of tlw girl'H mot hPr that hnHhPd the caudal, auu concealed tlw fad that I kiliPd thP mau. But I don't know how, nor why Hhe ui<l it. .\.nd any day I may lH' arrp;ted, ('OliYicted, and ·ent to the chair." I felt a cold ehill run up and down my spirH' when Billy finished, and my gaze must lm,·e portnt~·pd tl1e horror that I felL ''Don't look at m<> like that, Jad.::," h(• said wearily. "I'm really innocent of thP whol' affair. It wal"! merely an aeeident. Besidp:-; he was only a Dago.' ''Billy, old fellow, I wouldn't han~ anything happen to you for the world. Hadn't you lwtter leaw the eountry'!'' I a:-;ked in concern. "Ye.', I might a:-; wE'll,'' he said. "You needn't bother about going further, ,J :wk. You had better cret oil' at th' next station and take the She might talk




flyer back at two o'clock. I just wanted to tell you, so if anything happen , you'd know." The train was Hlowin•r down, and I aro. e to g •t off. I gripped Billy' hand hal'd, and cho '-ed ha<'k my tearH. lie muHt have felt my sympathy, for lw .-quePzPd my hand uudPrRtmulingly. "Good-bye, Billy, old fpllow. Don't worry; it'll all come right," I :-mid. lie prPHHPd my hand, tried to . ay .-omPthing, choked and turned his fa<"P away. I left the car, and wPni to a hotrl, aH I had sewral hours to wait. I wa.- Rtill pondering owr Billy's unfortunate plight when .-onw mw knock<•<l on the door. "<'ome in," I Haid, and a meRsPnger boy entered. "'}.fr. Ja<"k LinRdPn '?' he asked. I nodded. "TPlrgram, sir," he ,':tid, and lrft thr room. I tor it open, ami sworP after rvPry word I r<>n<l. This is what thP mesRagr contained: "llow was it, old boy'! Think it \dll be accept•d'! Billy."

First cou in to "Abe.''-DAISY MARTIN. 81



HE !Joy. in )l utHO\\ n had an Idol. Til y talkl'll about him aJHl looked at him a.· if he wen• :-;ome <rt'Pat man. Tbi · Idol waH King <'oh•, tlw .tar pit ·her for ~\like Murvane's ••('Iipper ·". King \\ al; tltP moHt important pprsou in the town. \Ylwn ltP \\PUt out to t wi. L for LIH' "( 'Iipper/', th<• !Joys all <:lamored to hold his ('Oat ami shake his hand. 11' ltatl won fourtpeu ouL of 1iftet>n g<lllH'.' so far, anu had kPpt the "Clippers'' at tht> top of the lea<ru '· The ueciding •rame wa. · to lw play<•d !Jpt\n·<•u )!ike's lt>am anu ,Jimmy ,Jone ·' "Heu-II •au.'" ou tlw coming ~aturday. Kina was cunfidt>nt that lH' woul<l win; .'O "ere hi· admirers. Ou I< riday uioht, )lana "~'I' )like )lm·nme ·a lied King a.'idP and told him that it was reported that Jone.' had !Jribeu him to throw tbe "arne. King innu •diat 'ly wantPd to tight, !Jut Fl't'l'kles Uanson, appearing just then, pren~nted a distur!Janc '· ~1 unane said that Jones had offer •d Cole four bits to throw the gam<>. Aftpr arguing a few minutes, King. aid he would resign and then sulked out of tlH• door. )[ike rpalized that he hau made a mistake in arousing ('o]p':-; angPr; he lnww that tht> team woul<l .. urely lo.'(' without tht• mighty pitdH'l'. 'rh<> 1wxt day )likP told King that he woul<l give him twpnty-fin• l'<'lliN if IH' would pitl'h. Cole ae<'<'Ptt><l. The game was about to hP~in. King ('oll' \Hllkpd <·onfidt•ntly out to the hox amiu roar.' of applatJ.'l'. luning aftpr inning went by, anu the '~H d-lleaus" were una!Jl' to llit the great twister of the "Clipper ". The H<'ore wa: 1-0 in the la:t half of tiH• ninth inning; th • "Hed-IIead ·" had three men on baHt>.' and no ont~. Kinp; H\YellPd up his clwst, looked around him in a .'Upt>rior way, :nul JH'O<'<'PdPd to fan out tltP ne 'L thr>e men to bat. Kina Cole ownPtl 1lw iowu that night. 'rhey said, that i the rooters, that )lurnme h:ul sip;rwd ('ole at an enormou,. Ralary. orne even said that h was to aet fiv' dollm·s fo1· the sea ·on!


difficulty in expressing his opinions.-Wt.RNER CHAPMAN.





"'Tis a brief but fearful tale," The old captain slowly aid. And I saw hi~ tanned face pale A he shook his great, gray head. "\Ve, three weeks agone, our port had cleared, And again were in sight of land, \\'hen, down the wind the helm man steered, For a . torm was close at hand. "Thw out of the cast the black clouds skimmed, \Vith a speed that was truly alarming, But the deck was cleared and ship neatly trimmed When it truck the brig-without harming. "'So far, so good,' to the mate I shouted, 'But we're much too near the hore.' That we could escape the rocks, I doubted, For just then I heard a deep roar. "\Veil I knew what that thunderous roaring meant, As, too, did my faithful crew. 'Twas made by Titanic wave· as they went To their deaths on rocks not a few. "On we drove with all ails furled, \Vith no power to turn or stop, hile the water behind u · foamed and swirled When into a trough we would drop.

fiLLER, '13.

"By now o'er the sky was a Stygian pall, And the wind seemed pos~e sed of a demon, Who shrieked and howled and seemed to call To the shivering, cowering seamen. "• 'ow 'fore us loomed the gruesome ledge. 'Twa· not half a knot, a knot ahead. 'Drop anchor,' loudly I cried, 'and every single kedge.' • •o u. e-each cable snapped like thread. "Then And Swept .\nd

with a sickening era h we as we struck a watery hill us into the awful suck, an unmarked grave to fill.


"Soon I came to the surface, feebly swiming, And looked for my doomed men. But, look as I might, with eyes fast dimming, Could not. and would never, see them ;,gain. "So I sadly struck out for the distant hore, Though hope was fast leaving my breast, For I thought I'd surely see it no more, And half wi ·hed myself dead with the rest. "Fo~

a time I fought with the sea and gale, Bnt soon all my strength wa spent. :\nd I should never have told this tale Had not heaven a mast-end sent

''About the spar my arms I wound, And straightway knew no more, Until ;, ra sing fi herman found. Revived, and took me ashore."

"Good-looking, plain-spoken young man with rather loud attire".-HowARD WALTON. 83



nu mww . , '1:>.

'hampaign High ~chool in which there are about thirty or morP pupil~. In a d:vs of this Hize it does not takp long to get on HpPaking tt•rnl.' with tlH' members. Thl' mw.· who Hit nearest to Path otht•r gt·t ht•Ht at:quainted. In thP first part of llu• Ht'll\Pster, I Hat npar some boys au<l made ,'mue very good friend .·. LatPl' on in thP yt>ar, tlw tt>aclwr thangPd .·ouw of our ~wats and mo\ed seYeral girl.· near me. Tht> girl I liked best Hat just anosH the aiHle from me. I kn<>w from Uw fir.-t that we would lw frit>nds. I wa.' a littlP shy about speaking, for fpar slw did not want to talk to me. Things driftPd along for a whil<>, and on!' <lny I noti<-P<l shP was a little puzzled about a certain assignnwnt. AftPt' a whilt• shp lookPd acrOH.' towards nw, as if for information. Thc>n was the first t imP I uotieed het· t>yes, which were dark bhw,- no, a light hhw. Oh, rot! I ean't say no\\ that I know thP t•olor of Jtpr (•yes! Of t·om·sp, aftPr I helped her get that lesson, I kn<>w mort> about her. ~lw is a real 1wat little girl that just suits me. ITer hair is a <'Opp<>ry sl1adp of goltl, mHl is all frizzy in front; this help.- bring out hPr <lPli<·atP t·ompl<>.·ion, and also h<:>r eyes. \Yhen I look into thPm, I think of all the> nit·P things I evpr . aw. Tit<> firHt tim • I lookt>d, it s(•t nw <lrPaming, aiHl I hop<' my <lrc>ams will come true. On<> of th<:> ho;p; gaw a party thP other PYening, and W<' \Wl't' invitt>(l. I a. k d the girl aC'ro.. the ai.-IP to go with me. , he said, ''Yp.-''; so w had a dandy time. hetanw .-till lwttPr aeqnaintP<l, and now wP are going to lw friends foreYer. At lc>ast, slw . aid we> would. This maue me feel .'O fooli.-h that I went home and t'OllllHlS< <l the.-e lint's: b '. not a godde , an ang I, a lily or a pearl; .·Jtp iH ju.-t that whid1 is weete t, complete.-t and neare~t, a dear little, queen, little sw t, little girl.

. UI a member of a cla:-;. of


"The imple,

ilent , elti h man i wo rth a world of tongue ters''.-RAI.l'll BRA. ·cu.




EHOPL.L ·g:-; arP a nui .·;1n<·r, g<>ntlrmen," .·aid .)lr. non· J-prs. All at thP hreakfaN( table looked up sleepy-l'yed from t hPil' <·oll'P<' and <"HkPs too <lracl to thr world to <li.·<·us. t h<' mat trr. 'fh<'l'<' "as <Ill<' prr:on, IHIW<'n'r, on that .Tmw morning rP:Hly for <lis<·ns. ·ion. This waN ,•oukpr:, th<' thPatrr tid\:Pt SJW<'ulatm·, an all 'ronn<l man 'hont town. II<' oprnrd up:-"~· uisance!'l, Nay you, Gonkrrs '? Do ~·on c·all IJrrakfa.-ts nnisaner:'? In your hrilliant mind is tlw locomotiYr aiHl trolley car a const~ nt nuisanc·e to thr puhlk'?" ""'Ito said :tnything ahont nuisancrs to thr public'!" shoutc•<l HonkPI'S. "You clicl," said th<' whol<' tnhiP in choru!-1. 'l'lt 'H nonkprs <'.·pJainPcl, "I utPan tlu'y are killing too man:r perfpC'( ly good FrPtH'llllH'll and - al)(l EnglishmPn, too." ""r<'ll, you c·an gd I iJircl h,,. walking acToss Bro:Hlway. ('hap I know got shot clown npar T\\·pnty-seeon<l i'4tr<><'l only yPstrrclay. Oonkers, lh<'S<' aYiators arp an aiel to seipner. Tlwy arp making possible tlu' c·onqlwst of thP hitlH•rto un<liN<'On't'P<l Janr~ of thP air." ""·e owe• mw·h to them alrpady, )Jr. Oonkers,'' pipr<l up thin-faced )Iiss TeaC'ltPmhow. .\nd then thr whole tahlr hPgan sueh a tiraclr in faYor of ayiation alHl thp J)(lsHihilitirs ther<>of, that poor Gonk<'rs wa. <'ompl<'trly smot lwr<><l in a storm of prote~-;ts. Fiually thPI'<' wa: a lull in tlH' c·om·rrsation a. eoffrr was srnrd. nonhrs look<><l a;; if h<' hacl somrthing fnrthrr to ~-;ay-thrn :tag-gprpcl and pnllPcl out a W'l'Y larg<' :nHl n•ry pomJlous looking wnl<'l1. It: hand~-; told him it was 7:l:l o'cloc·k, andlt<' km•w that h<• hall hut fin• minutN: to g<'t th<' p]pvnt<•<l to th<> <'ity. II<• Jookpcl at his wah·h, startrcl again to SJW:tk :lagg<>t'Nl, gulp<><l hastily at hi:-; coff<•e--d<><·i<l<'<l to ],<'<'P Ht ill :UI<l holtc•cl through th<• (]oor. ~ ·oho<ly knows what Fatlwr Time did at the hreakfa:t table that morning.



Our Zoological Garden


Roy Lewis and his three cents. Faith Swigart and noise. Lois Philbrick and her book. .


reva Rogers Blanche Lewis Hazel Goss



Donald Grossman Roy Lewis

Eva Roughton and her compte. ion. Ethel Bonner and her hair. I laze! Dcrrough and her handkerchief. E. II.


Grayce Ferguson Marie Caldwell Katherine Madden

C. H. S. Morality Play

E. H.

Charity . . . . . . . . . . ........ Frances Klank Hope ... ..........•... Luc1a Van Inwagen Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swigart Truth ..................... Hannah Harris ovetousnes. . . . . ........ Margaret Hayes Falsehood .................... Jean Roberts The \\' orld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • eva Rogers The Devil .............................. ? E . II.

Our Aquarium SHARKS

Grace ladden ]ennis Barry Ruth Akers \VHALE


!iller The Furnace Club


Dorothy Daves "Gwen" forgan

President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gene Russell Vice President. . . . . . . . . . .... ] ohn l\1 urray cretary..... . ........ llarolcl ,\rmstrong Treasurer ... . .... ...... ... ... Tom Hagan Engineer ..................... Earl Amsler Fireman ................. ... Percy Picknell


Mae Baxter :\Iary Gains

E. H.


a-',.,. " " ' - - - · - •

M idn i ght Crew

Captain ..................... Tom Finnigan Fir. t :\!ate .................... Joe Percival Second :\fate ............... Earl Patterson teward -Don Sommers and Halbert Bean ud am piers .... Moore, Thompson, Hill Chief Engineer .............. Frank Ramey Assistant Engineer .......... Mr. William Chief Tavigator ................ ).fr. l\Iilne t 'ker . Richmond, Groves, \\' att:, Granger Bartender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Breaumiller 1\ble-bodied Seamen ....... Swigart, Atwell

"Every Little ::\fovcment Ha a :.\leaning of It· Own."-Dai y l\fartin. "Billy.''-Sis Harri . "Alexander's Rag Time Band."-C. H. S. Orche tra. ''The Girl I Love."-Giady Philbrick. "All Alone."-Quin Kiler. "Pink Lady."-Eva Roughton. "\Vhen Paddy Goes a Courtin.''-Tom Finnigan. "Flowers and Smile ."- Tellie l\fd!illen. "The Same Thing Over Again."-Ciasses.

* * *

The reform spellers-Guy Stearns, Clark Wise. ::\Ir. Turner: This is a piece of iron and thi · is a piece of steel. ).f r. Bailey: That is what a Chinaman doc , iron and steal.

* * *

Guy Stearns' hair \Vondrou · fair, 0, what a shame To migs the same.



Popular Songs





).f unhall.

"Forget :.'lie • Tot."-Frank Ramey. "The iren."-Tlazel Go s.

* * * Plays of the Day

"A Little l\fillionaire.''-Davy Burnham. "\n Every Day l\Ian."-Iloward \Valton. "Gypsy Love."-Maud Daugherty. "II cart Breakers."-J o ephine Atwell and l\[argaret ITaye . "Rebellion." cnior m<.eting ·. ''Fortune TTunters."C. II S. Girls. "The Third Degree. "-Final . ":.\ferry Mary."-:.'lfary Kurt. ''The Country Boy."-Jay Rayburn. "Excuse 1Ic.''-Donald Dodds. "The Commuter ."-Our rural classmates.





C. H. S. Dictionary

Algebra. Torment of tudent ; an unnecessary evil. Basement. Experiment tation; perfume di tillery; a place to get hocked. Clock. The center of attraction at 3 :30 o'clock. constitution. remedy for truants. Dictionary. A book of quotation. ; ii John on's black-board. Examination . A puzzle for pupils; a document to give the weak pupil a chance; obtained only through Miss Switzer. Faculty. A bothersome body organized for the torment of students. floor-walker. Earl Patterson. Ge ture . Art taught by Mr. Bailey; practiced by Miss Morri . grades. Invoice of student's brains at the end of the month. Hall. Gathering place for gossip . Ink. Something which cannot be found when wanted; a concoction necessary on theme day. Junior. A fourth year undergraduate. Kids. C. H. S. freshmen. Locker . C. H. S. bank; a convenient place to lose books. Latin. A difficult road to culture. :Mirror. An article which help the girls

traight; found in the keep their face ":.\Iystic ~faze," on the girl ' desks, and in the boy ' pockets. mumps. The only thing in high school which is free; omething swell; no one knows from where it come and where it goe . Kinety. Something for which we all aspire; seldom obtained c. ¡cept by sharks. Ornament. The ea t door adornments. Paper. An article always needed, never pre ent. pony. A queer white animal used in writing examinations. promenade. \Valk between Russell Hall and high school. Rostrum. Faculty's throne. Senior.. Pupil noted for good looks, character, and wi dom; guardians of fre hmen. shark. A book devouring creature. ophomore. A large neatly tied package of egotism. spoon-holder . Radiators in the lower hall. Telephone. Mr. Gifford's delight; the busiest thing in high school. thermometer. A u pended te t. \Vindows. Lazy people' observatory. LESSIE A~DERSON DOROTHY DA\'ES


"Let me play the fool."-. 'oble Richmond.

If Hazel Goss is gentle, is Myra Manly? If Grayce Fergu on i hort. is Mayme Long? If hi grades are going down, is John Ri ing? If Olga Thai is warm, i Elizabeth Cole? If Pat Patterson can tease Allie Merrihew, can Lloyd Conner? If Bill Lewi carrie pennie , does 1onk 1 'ichol ? If Syble Lumsden threw a ball, would Margaret Dodge? If Dorothy Daves is worth one cent, what i Mildred Klindworth? It depends upon what Dorothy Scott? If Hannah Harris' wrist is weak, is Elizabeth Armstrong? If Roy Lewis raked a pile of leaves, would Davison Burnham? If Lois Philbrick wore silk, would Virginia Russell? If Helen Keusink i lean, is Carrie Stout? If John Doyle is Major, i John Miner? If Alsia Strode's face was dirty, would Herbert \Va her? If so, who would Loui Burwa h? If Mae Baxter needs a whipping, would l\1 iss Florence Tanner? B. L.

* * * A crowd by him elf.-Bruce Sizer.

* * * "I've never had a case."- eva Rogers.

* * * "0! Yes I am very fond of Chicago."Gwen Morgan.

* * * "Because of the fact, etc."-Mr. Gifford.

* * * The sleeping beauty.-Roy Lewis.

* * * A good-natured fellow.-Mr. Turner.

* * * 'Tis false, 'tis false.-E telle Hutchin. on's coiffure.

* * *

Little bits of humor, Little grains of bluff, Make the little Fre hie Think he's ju t the tuff.

* * *

Why Teachers Go Crazy

"I didn't know we had that for today." "Please, may I borrow a pencil?" "That part is torn out of my book." "Please, may I get a drink." "Have you graded my test paper?" "What is my grade?" 91

Blanche: himself? Virginia:





:\lr. Gooding: Tow you must be careful when you make chlorine. It turns gold ring· black. Finney: Mr. Gooding, does chlorine have any effect on diamonds? ~fr. Gooding: No, Tom, neither will it affect glas ·.

U e a looking glass.

* * *

:\lr. Williams: I don't see why it is that e\'ery time I get up to speak some fool talk . ~Ii

* * *

* * *

John on : What is the be ·t decoration of the Ice Palace of Russia? Pupil : A fine frieze.

~I iss

Seincke: Please hand in your history maps that you drew in your notebook. Elliott: Hand in the whole note-book, or just the map with a sheet on?

* * *

Mr. Bailey: \Vhat is the larynx? Ralph: It is the voice box and shuts when you swallow it. ~[i

* * *

* * *


· \Vaugh: Frank, give the principal part· of the verb, skato. Frank : Skato, katcre, falli, bumptu .

s Switzer: What i> the Crown Prince of England called? Hannah: Prince of Whale .

- fRESHMAN • 80PHOI10RE • 92



:\Ii :\Iorri, : E.¡plain "marry", Clark \Vi c: That is the way the Virgin swore.

thi morning, a he fell down the stairs, Hoping you will do the same, I am, His .Mother.

* * *

* * *

Ther is comedy in every li fr, and in enry wedding, Where does the tragedy com in? l\fr. Railey: After marriage, I suppo c.

Teacher: \\'hat arc the children of the Czar called? Pupil: Czardines.

:\fr. Gifford:

* * *

* * *

:\1 r. Gooding:

111to butterflie. ? llarold Clark:

T know a man who i pretty fat, He often goes without hi hat, That's'' hen he play on the U. of I. court. Oh, Eddie Milne is a good ole! . port.

II ow do larvae change They go into a trance.

* * * :'If r. 1urncr (to class) : . 'ot all monkeys ha\'e tail.,

* * I Too icr School l\.faster.-Mr. Gifford.

* * *

* * *

"Did he say anything dove-lik about me?'' "Y c., he said you were pigeon-toed."

Dear Teacher: Plea e cxcu c \\'illiam for his absence



Faculty May Basket 1ay Queen....... . . . . . .. li s Switzer I ilv <,f the Valle\ ............ !i :\!orris Fo;·get-rn -not ... ~ ............ 1\.fr. Gifford Sno\,-llall ................... :\!r. :\lilne D:tndec-Llion . . ............. :\1 r. Turner Swett \\'illiam ..... Our Phy ic Teacher P. n v ................... li • fcWill1ams Pear. ( Bh om ) ........ :\I r. Baile) and ? Spring B aut)....... . ......... .\!i Hill Ptach (Bio om ) ............. .\!iss Jom·s Blue Bell ....................... .:\Ii~s Voss Dai. v ...................... :\!iss Johnson lr • Po e, ................. .:\Ti \Vaugh Quince ( Rln om) ........... :\1 r. Gooding Popp) ...................... :\lr. Dorri \.olden Roc!. ................. .:\1 iss , eineke Tulip ........................ :\Tis· Coehcl ;\farigold ..... , ...•....•..... 1\fiss Tanner Tit:er Lil) ..................... :\1 r. Pippit nJceding 1 Iearls .............. .... C. II.


i for Champaign, mo t glori u , )Oil knO\L is for High School, where go d ' A for thletie . where all herNs play. M i for .:\lu ic. where other mak• .-ra). p for Public Speakmg in which \\"' :-tll hine. A i for \rtific-e-none of th:lt for mim•. I i, for lllness-Orpheum's near. G for \,eometn. to all our heart dear. · 11 1s · I ar k'111 , h ow que er.1 N i for • 'aughtin s. -\\ luc



is 1s i i

for fnr for for

ITappine -found all the day Ignorance-that's hlis , they ay. German, which we all adore. ! 1i tory pray gh·e us more!


for "Shark "-a fit name for u all. 1s for "ca r ", found in IO\\ er hall. 1 for llolirfay·, we ha\e them galore. 0 1 a gro;m, when Wl' think we lll'ed more. 0 1s for Order. And now, please hchold J,o! the tale of our school has been told.

]. B.




"\\'ell," said I, "how about ladies who are nut married and own property? lla1 en 't they, and ought they not to ll:l\ e the right of citiz n hip a well as mo.:n?" "They should be u1arried," was the rep!}. "~Iarried women ought to vote in order to help the rising gt•neration of children, then,'' I ventured. "No," she napped. "Every woman ought to hav' enough tact or per~ua,ive power to influence the home vote. I'll tell you one thing," she said. "Pat alwa) s votes as I tell him to; and if all women saw that their husbands voted the way th ·y wanted them to, therc would be no u~e of woman's suffrage." By this time I was aware that it was u. e!e to try to convince her that woman'. suffrage wa,., a great thing, and so I left.


''\Veil, madam," aid I, "I hear that yon are an Anti-Suffragi t."

''Yes," she replied in a pleasant manncr. ''Don't you think that every woman hould 10td Hasn't an \merican woman m<.re right to 1·ote than an ignorant foreigner 11ho ha to become natur alized ?" "Ye ," she aid, "I think that so in tt•lli«ent a pcrson a the American wom an i , ought to he more privileged than a foreigner. but,-it could be arranged o that thi, undesirable foreign r could ha1·e no hand in the government."







The colonel, who had slopped in to pay the !Joys the annual vi,it, was seall'd on the veranda in the largest and most comfortable chair he could fin<! 'l he boys were soon "apping ) arns concerning their adventures. After an unusually vivid yarn, the old colond gav the group a sly glann•, and started on the following : "That wa. a good one !!em! Y · , that was quite an perienc , boys. But T ha\·e nev r h~ard of an ath·enture like the one \\ hich befell me, when I was camping up on Lak \Va hington, fi\·e year:> ago. "One warm, ] uly day, after tramping through the underbrush all morning, I arrived at the north shore of the lake about noon. J was tired out with my long walk; so I tied one end of the throw line around my leg, baited the hooks, and threw the line out into the lake. Then I lay down to re t. I finally fell a~leep, but was soon awakened by a twitching of the line. I sat up, and to my surpri , there wa a flock of ducks about a foot away from me. I jumped to my feet, and at the same time the ducks arose with a loud clapping of wings. And say, I went right up with tlwm. Up, up into the air, they soared; and when I had collected my senses, I saw that I was seemingly held by the throw hne. Tho ·e duck had swallowed the hooks. "When did I come down? "Oh, the duck were flying south; so let them go. I didn't care about tramping back to camp anyway. \\'hen we neared the outhcrn shore of the lake where the camp was ·ituated, I just pulled my. elf up on the line and began pulling out feathers. s luck would have it, I land ·d right on top of the old camp tent with all the ducks dressed and ready to put in the oven."


"Hello! Do )OU want a ticket to the ] unior play?" "\Vell-rr-er-when i it?" ''1•\·hruary 22, yon h.ul hdtcr romt• and nlehrate \\';bhington's birthday." "\\here is it to he givt'll ?" "\t tht: Walker Opera lion <'" "Oh, are ) ou . urt• it is fire prooi ?" "I am qmte certain." "I! ow much arc the tickets'" "Thirty-five cent .'' "Thirty-five cents did you say? \Vhy I could go to the Orpheum three times and hu) a oda he ide , for that. Are the tickets ellmg well?" "Ye rather." "Have they all learned their part , and do you think it \\ill he worth the monC) ?" "Yt· , I think it will." "llo\\ many arc there in it?" " \bout twenty-one.'' "How long does it Ia t ?" " \bout two hour ?" "Well-that i n't \·cry long, i, it? Do \ ou uppo c I could get a cat where I could t•e or hear anything? "That depends upon how early you re sene it." "Oh! What do the) c pert? Do \\ ha\·c to reserve our own seats?" "\\'hy, of cour e. \Ve couldn't n· erve them for you." Do you think it will be a nice day? And do you uppo c tint if it rained or nowed, that we would get our monc) hack?'' "I d m't know about that." ''\Veil, I am sorry, but I don't helie\·e can go after all. There are none of my relatives in the play, and then besides I think I'll be out of town."



nY nFRTHA ~TIMSON, '13 Smith did not hesitate in such a cri is. lie jcrktd niT his coat, hat, and shoes, and. hurriedly glancing up and down, as if in earch of an alternative, plunged into the river. \\'ith rapid, even strokes, he 511am clown the tream. Now and then he wa jostled by the logs the ri1·er wa carrying along, but his eye wa · on a dim, white object floating be fore him. "What if she should be crushed by tho e bumping logs, or lose her balance and be drowned?'' pas. ed swiftly through hi mind. Quickening his movements, he hurried on; at Ia t he seemed to gain a little on the drifting log, which hore the object he was trying to reach. Almost e.· hausted, he came near enough to discern the color of her dress. Then clo. ing his eyes, he made the great effort to overtake and save her, before she reached the bend of the river and was drowned. Utt rly c.·hausted. he grasped the log with both arms, and looked up to see,not the girl he cxp<'cted to save,-but a flapping sail, constructed for the amusement of the "kids" at the mill.

11\ I· \ITH S\\ JC,Ain

I 11 this crisis, Smith did not hesitate, but plungul dt• pt·rately into tht· ta k of either a1 ing or losing a life. lie carefully stcrili ul all of hi urgical in trumcnt and laid them out in order. I I~ then took ofT hi coat and rollc<l up hi hirt- I~ vcs, dcansed his hand~. and came over to the somHII) lteping subject. It \\a~ uch a pathetic face into which he look~rl. that he 11a t·ompcllcrl to steel him-elf for the ordeal, 11ith the dctermin;ttion to 11in. ,\11 wa (]Uict. f< r the time had cnmt II e took the fir t 111 trumcnt into hi hal·y hand and plunp d 1t into the quivering body. The patient ga1·e one fatal ga p. "Jumpinv. jehoshaphat !" Smith had lost the lnttle he hac! stru d!'<l " hard to win,-he had literally killed a flea.


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