1913 Maroon

Page 1




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:upcrintcndl'nt of Puhlic Schools

'Z!:o ).Ur. ID. Ul. Eantest (!)ur 1lo\tcb anl'l Estecmcl'l ยง;upcrintcnl'lcnt Ule Del'licate il!is Jilaroon



FOREWORD In preparing this volume of the "Maroon" the editors have aimed to present high school life in a form as allraclive as possible. All classes are represented,---senior, junior, sophomore, and freshman; all athletic sports and all organizations recognized by the high school authorities have their departments. The junior Department has been added and the sophomores have the space formerly given to the juniors,---the bollom of the page. The editors appreciate the enthusiasm and readiness with which the school at large and the faculty have responded to all demands for assistance, both in contributions and suggestions; and they recognize thai the success of this annual is largely due to this loyal support.



MAROON STAFF EIH'l'OH-1 :\ -( 'll lf<~F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~I.\ y ll ELl ' 1) _\ J.J.EC\ fl .\( 'II • \ s:-:JsT.\ xT EniTOJL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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FLOI{E . ( ' E ~.\[IT([, 't;~

•· tht• oppo~i((' pag1• i~ a l'UI of till' Jll'\\' <'l1aJ11paign Iligh ~t·hool building whl'n l'Olnpll'll'll. Fm· thl' l'ity to huild a ~tJ·ul'IUl'l' ~o ~pal'iou~ and IH'autiful i~ po~­ ~ihll' only owing to I hi' wi~do111 di~playt•!l hy I hi' hoa)'(l of l'lilll'ot lion. In f'OJ'JIItJiatiJig nnd in l'Hl'l',\ ing into l'Xl'l'lll'lllion tll('iJ· pl<111~, Ill<' hDnrd ha~ l'n'J' had in \'il'\\' to l'l'l'l'l a huilding 1101 only for !hl' prl'~l'lll h11t al~o for till' futm·p; to han· ollP to lw Jn·oud of fol' all tiJJJl'; and on!' to Jlll'l'l all lll'lllalHl:-; madP hy th1• mpidly iJH'rl'a:-;ing ~l'llool population. \\' hl'll th1• lJliP~tion of a Ill'\\ high ~l'lwol huil1ling \\a~ fi1·~t agita!l'd, thl' 1·ity, by \'Otl', l'XJn·,·~~~·d it~ oppo~it ion to a lo\\'lt~hip hi!!,h ~~·hoD[ o1· <I 'j',, in <'ity high ~~·ho · ll. ThP . t•ntiJIIPIII wa~ wholly in fanlJ' of a l'it , · high ~t·hool. .\! a ma~~ Jlll'Piing in thl' a~~l'JJihly J'OOJJJ, th<• llll'lllhl'l'~ of t hp ho:u·d allll :\l1·. E<ll ' JIP~t ;n·ou~<·d !'Ill IJll:-;ia~m in a pl'l it ion (·;II ling for a ~IH'l'ial l'lP<·Iion autl1o1·izing thl' ho;n·d to hny a ~ill• for Ill(' p1·opo~l'd hnil<liug. Th<• Jll'lition J'Pl'Pin•d lh<' J'l'l)llin·d unnlh<•J' of ~ignpJ·~. and thl' PlP<·t ion wa~ l'aJTiPtl. ThP ~i!P <·ho~pn i~ a lit Ill' Jlllll'l' than (\\'O <ll'l'l'~ lyiug hPIW<'<'ll ~tall' and Prait'h• ~tJ·<·<·t~, fa<·ing on (Jn•pn ~tn•pt, alnto~1 t!Jp t·t•U(Pl' of th!' high ~l'llool population. 'rll<' ~<'I'Ollll ~t<'p '"':-; nloJ·p llillkult than thl' tir~t, to J·ai~t· ~ntlil-iPnt liiOJH',\' to t'l'Pl'l t hi~ !'la:-;~i<· building-. .\11 <'l!'l'lion wa:-; t·anit•d authorizing th!' i:-;:-;n<' of hDJHl:-; tD lw n~l'tl ftn· thi~ pul·po~P. Thi~ a1nount, ho\\'l'n'J·, wa~ not '<II llil-iPnt t tl 1·on1 pll'l l' t hl' kind of ~t l'tH'I Hl'l' dl'~in·d hy t hl' hom·tl. .\ftl'l' l'<ll'l'fnl t'tlll~itll'l'ation of till' " ·!Jolt• ~ituation, plan~ \\'l'I'P al't'P]ltPd for a I'OJJI]Ill't<' huilding; and thl' t·ontJ·a('( wa~ lpt for thP l'l'l'dion of til!• <·xtl'rim· Tht• t•Xtl'l'im· allll al:-;o a ~llfli<·il'nl part of thl' int<>rior will hp tini:-;!Jpd in tiJJil' to a<·<·tllJIIIIOdall• til<• ~l'lwol, .'PptPmhl'l', l!llJ. Till' nnfini~lll'd part~ will ht• t·onlpkl<><l lall•t·. Th!• lmilding will h!' np-to-dntt• in t'n'l',\' J'l'~p<'l'l. It will han• it:-; own IH·ating pla11t. Thl' hall~. ~tai1·way~. <llHl all the J'OOJlli'\ PXt'<'lll tho~P on lh<• thil·tl Jlom· willlH' til·l' p1·oof. It ,,·ill at'l'OlllllltHlntP miP thous;uHl pnpil'<; ~ttHl,\· rooJn:-; will takP thP pl;H·<• of olll' laq.!,l' <1'-'~<'nlhl~· roo111; a room will hP fit tl'll 11]1 fm· pupil~ to obtain a hufl'<>t IJJn<·IH•on at a :-;mall <·o~t; ~tl'l'l ltll'kl'l'~ PlJ!lippl'd with <·tnllhination lol'k" will hi' pt'o\·ided fm· thP hook~. <·oat~. and othl'l' ill'l'l''-'~Ol·ip~ of l'a<·h pupil. Othl'l' plPa~in~ alt(l lll'l'<'~~;n·y f't•atm·t•'-' ,,·ill hP a gynntasiunl, n ~winu11ing pool, alHl an :lUIli tori 11111. '\'11!'11 Jini~hPtl llO 1-\l'hool building- in tl1!' ~tall• will ~ul'pa~~ it in lwauty, Pqnipment, allll <·xlt·n~in· gt·otJJH1~.


SENIOR FAREWELL Fm·p\\l'lllo thPP, dear



Our higlt i·Wltool <lays arp BO\\' gonP hy. For four Jon~ y<·m·s wP'n' :tSl-;P1HhlPcl hPJ·e; \\'p'rp c·losin~ now our spuior yPar. \\'p'll al\\:t,\'i; l'PliH'lllh<•r th,r (']as.· I'OOlll); and hall:-., ~\1Hl

tlH' kuowle<l~P

\\'1'.\'P ~ailw<l

within thy \\alls.

'J'o you, )I iss H\\ itzPI', WI' say, "Fm·Pw<•ll ;" You kno\\· us all, alHl know u-; wpll. 'J'o ~· on" p\·p <'Ollll' wh<•n all \\'Hi; wi·ong, . \11(1 yom· :uhi<·p has s1mnP<l us ou. Yom· t 1'<'<lt Ill PH t of us h:ti; alway.· hP<·n fair; You'n• haH<lh•<l Pal'lt with i;pe<·ial ('are.

InslnH'Im s, too, fan'\\'1'11 to

~· 011;

\\'0 lC'HY<' you 110\\' in ft·ipn<lship trll<'.

You'n• tl'iP<l yom· ])pst to tPa<·lt ns wpll, . \nd oh, lhP i;{Ol'il'); \\'l' will 1<>11,0f how "'" Ui;P!l to lllHkP you s<·ol<l, \\' IH•Jtp'pJ· WI' adp<l ratlH•r hold. Fm·<'\\'Pll to you, .·c· ltooltHal<'i; so <IPat·; \\'Pl<·otnP t ltP FJ·<•shntPll f1·mn yea1· to y<·m·. Yon,. 'ophotnoJ·p:-., dcm't <hH·k th<·m 11m· <·ut thPir hair; You, .Jtmiot·s, "<'know, will ll'P:tt t h<•Jn fair. H<•niors gntn·, wlw tak<• om· pla<·<•s, K<·Pp in ntilld yom· nohll' lH'<•<li'<'Pssm·s; ll1·in~ ltollOI' 1'\'PI' to < 'hampai~u II igh; H<·nwnthPJ· thP mo((o, ''])om· Die.''


11 .\IOUET ( ' OIUIELL\ ~\~Ii'B .\HY .

"ThP joy o f youth and hl'alth hl't' <',\( ' ~ di~ · pla~· <·d,

.\11d <'Hl"<' of lH•<trt IH•r <'\'<'1',\' look ('011\'P,\'P<l." .\lay mmally lH' found l"tnd.dJtg- "Y<·rgil ," on t II(' (';tl"{ l"ll'pl".

P.\T L . \:\i'( ' Ill( ' Ki'. "lll'ing th<• good old hngll', h oy~ : · .\ qniPt, llHHl<•l"( hoy who l"<'Hl'<·Ply ('\' <'1' hal" <lily I hi11g to Hay; playH 1h<• llut<• in ill I' or<·hL•l"tra .

0 .\\'lll

.Jon:-; TI .\ uor.n

~\R~Ii'THO . ·c;.

•·Iril" lwacl HhinPth from :tfat·, <IIHl lh<• ton~ne [ h ('l'(' ill j H l"i] \'l'l'." Eno1·.\'l)()cly likc•H "HI'd." .\ Ho1·iahll', muhi · tiouH a11d gifl<•cl lad ,,·Ito lliHtiuguiHhl'd himHI'lf in llll' junior play, a1Hl al-l a m<·mh<·r of tiH• dl'hat iHg tl':un .

• \Lll'E • ·o\'.\ .\IDI. 'THO:\C:.

"Twinkl<•, t ,,·inkl<' lit tll' Htm·, Ilo\\' I \\'01Hl<'1' \\']tat YOU <II'<'." ~\ ln·ight, yi\·al'ionH lil.lh• maid, who haH madt• llHIIl,\' ft·i<'1Hll" clm·ing th<• Oil(' :St'llH'H[('l' Hhp haN Ul'Pll " j t h Ul" .

•J~-::-; ·rl" En ..\LL\

B .\HHY.

"You han• a uitnhh• wit; I think 't ,,·aN m:uh• of .\talanta'H IH•PIH." .\lw:t,\'N Jll'<'Jla1·t>cl, Hhl' iH OlH' of lh<• f<•w who ln·ingH ph•aHlll'l' to lhP l<'al'her hy IH'Y<'l' failing to r<·<·itP. .\H author of "Fid l'lity," .J<·Hni .· ha~ phH·I'd hPl' llaiue foren·r in tht• hall of fame of

'.II. H.



ain't hPPll !-'tn<lyin' 11111 ·h, yon !-'<'<', .\<Totmt o' p;raduatiou day." " 'J'pd" IIP\'P1' did •·m·p 1ntwh for !-'t ud,r; play!' that <11'<' ''ju!-'t !-'WPll," lllHl ' 'awfully •·n(p" <·loth<•s Hl'P of IIIOl'P i11(P1'('!-'L

\\ ILI.I.\:\1

H .\LI'll BH .\:\( ' IJ.

" . ' othinp; to do hut wm·k." .\ 11<1 Hal ph dOP!-'Il't Pn>n work. It <lm•sn't tit in \\ith his idpas of Pnjoying- lifp; not so slow, ho\\P\<'1', in playinp; foothall.


1~ ~TEPIIE'\ BnnY.\~II.

"En!l',\' man lws his fault and honpsty is his.'' .\s IIIPlllh<•r of tiH' tr;u·k (pam, hP JIHttlP a 1'e<··


II e is s(pa<ly and rPliabl<•.

~1.\J:Y L.\TlllWI' ( ' .\LIIWEI.L.

"Fl ippa 11 t fltiPJl<·y of tongll<'." \\'p think ~Im·ip's tonp;nP must hP hofp-proof awl splf-windinp; ,-pry •·o11wnipnt " ·hpn it <·omps to adinp; an<l dPhating. ThP litP1'm·y sol'iPty, too, J'<'<·op;ni:;ws ~larip's gifts .

.\1 .\HY ELIZ .\BETil ('OLE.

IIJlW<Il'(]." Elizalwth <'P1·tainly lwliPn•s that littlp <·llil<h·en should lw St'l'll and not hpar<l. "Jl('l' \H'P, Hlll:tlf \ ' Oi(·(• SO<Il'H


)I \ Yllfo:Lr, :\L\ Y J).\LLE . ' B.\<'II. "~o. smile away~ .. The <·hppl"ful, <·m·<·· fl'<'< ', fri<•!Hlly p1·esidpn( of mn· <:hlss; also P<litm· of tltP ")laJ'oon." ~he knows ('\ <••·~ ho<ly and is <'YPryoup's friPIHl.

HEII\f.\~ Hlto\\':\ J) \\' I. ' .


lmt ltimsplf <·all lw his parallel.'' \\' p m·p in<lPhtPd to l{p<lntan fm· many <'ttl'· toons, fm· hP is our fm•pnwst artist. I [p has 11<'\'Pl' lw •11 known to l>c angry.

1l.\zEL Dmmonar. ''On with !liP dttiH'P, IPt joy lw un<·ou!inPd." Tall and PX<'P<'dingly gran·ful i~ she. Ilmwl Jti<Hle lli\ n·ry proud of lt<•r in t h<' junior play, last y<·ar .

.J o. ' I·~ I' II l~E

] )()[)))S.


in thy I'ight hall(] t':ll'l'_\' g'Plltl<• ppa('C. To silPJH·<• PllYion: tongnPs." .\. quiP! girl, alwa,\·s with a ('ltecrfnl word for <'n•J·yon '.

KlLBl'H~ FHEE~L\.~.

"0 w;ul sonw powpr th<' gifti<· gie u~ To spp our~p]yps a:-; othct·~ H P u;.;.'· Kilhm·Jt <·amtot ulwaYH make known what he kllo\\·s; hut, at intPrYal~, ltc st;n·tlP~ hi~ Ji:-;teu<'1'.' with a lnu·:-;t of knm\·l<·<lg<'- g'PlH'l':llly a hunt a topk <liH('UHHed smtlc !tours })pfm'<'. liP i.· one of our sl<•Pp<>rR.


~C'OYF.Lr, Fr.· K. ''\'irtlu• i~ it~ own reward." If thi~ prim littlp girl <'\'('1' did anything wrong, \\"l' han- ~·pt to find it out. IIPr di~po~i­ t ion i~ angPlk. Our Yah•<lidorian.

H 1 Til



GEil'. IIIPrry, lllO<Hl.r dlild." didn't know Hazel <·oul<l ad u11t il ~hl' ap]H'Hl'P<l in th<• junior play la~t y<'ar; ~lw .·m·ply di~tiHgui..;llPd ht>r~Plf that tinw. "~\


Jl.\ZEL .\1.\HJE <io~~.

"'l'hou ha~t thp ~\\"l'Pk~t f:u·p I Pn'r look<•d upon.'' Ila:wl look~ a~ if ~hp wpt•e ju~t ahout to lH' t ran~ l at P<l to rt>gion~ })('yond. •\ pJH'a ra n<·P~ <11'<' de<·ei dug, ho\\·ewr; ~he i~ rea 11~· YPI',Y worldly.

~I.\ HIE ~1.\JW.\HET

''1 1<'I'



~ l m·i<• ha~

':'\L ·r..


di~<la in tompari~on ...

n~ only OIH' ~Pnu·~t<•J', hut Wt' likP l1Pr for lH'l' <Juid <lignity <tl}(l hPl' 11\0tll'~t IIHlJlll('l'.

bPPn with


"i'4h<• hmgh~ and ~ing~ thl' liwlong da~ :· Paynp',· giggling ~p<'ll~ arp fr<•qm•nt anti of long <lura t ion, owing to her lligh l,r <lPwl opPtl .·pu~p of humor. , hp i~ hee1·ful and fri<•n<lly to all.

JliLII.\( L\lW . \:-.::-.; .\ liE:-\ .·.

"l>n hi:-;1 wiP <'ilH' hlllllH' ." ' 0 ur U prnwn maid . Li kc lH'l' <'Oilll tJ·~· mPll, Hilda i:-; indu:-;tJ·ions alHl amhilion:-;.

HL.\:-\( ' llE lJJLL.

'' .·o hPHtJty':-; likP thP ht>anty of thl' milHl." HlmH·hp i:-; mw of onr sl'l10lar:-;; :-;hp always ha:-; h<·r lps:-;on:-;. ~ht> has won di:-;tiudion writ ing :-;hort :-;tOI'il'l" .

• \LJ('E LILLI.\~ lll · ~ .- LEY.

"LikP angl'ls' ,·isit:-;, :-;hort and bright." .\li<·P may nsnally hP fomHl parading ahm1t thP IJalls or hplping solltPhody with 1<•:-;:-;ou:-;; Yl'l',\' obliging HJHl <·harming; sh<• a:-;pil'<'S to ht> n ":-;hm·k."'

()LI\' Elt 1.' .\.H ' SO~ .

"Fair l"<·iPlH'<' frown 'd not 011 It i:-; hnm hlP hirth ." From wlt<t t \\"(' hPm' of Oli Y<'l'':-; in n•n t ion, he llllll-'1 ht> a r<•al gpuin:-;. ThP l'l<lsl" of 't:~ ft>els honm·<·d hy IIH' JH'PNPIH'l' of this clen•r youtlt.

l'H .\:-o:< ' E~ HEI ' L.\II .Jo~E~. •· [ lon• 111\" Jon>, a1Hl

lliY Jon· Jon•:-; JttP." Fram·p:-; i:-; a walking in·oof of tlH• 'PJ'ity of tlH' nclagP, ".\hl"PIH'P makt>:-; tlw lJpm·t grow fondpr"; pn·tt~· and loYahh'.




hath a nwny tongue for!-;ootlt." Happy awl gay, hPJ' giggiP all(l <·ll(•pl'fnl Sllti]p HI'(' ('Olltagious.



KEI ' HI:\K.

"~\\- PPlll<'ss,

long drawn out." .\It Itough ,-<·t·y <pli<>t and rt'!-;Pl'\'1'<1, ll<>IPII It as a ln·igltl !-;]lil!'k of wit liiHI<·na·atlt hPJ' dignity.

IIELI ·~.- )fYXETTE l"!sEH.

"I do loa lhP <•xpl:llla t io11s."

If Helen <·<Hil<l o11l,r in<·inerat<> wit It a glmH:•' t h osp w i<· ked LP:u·lt prs who darP <pwstion It <'.l' !-;ton• of knowiPUg<'! But it l'annot lw dont•; t<':whPrs m·<•n't m:HlP of !-;lll'lt intiammnhh• ma 1Pt·ial.


"Jlpr Yoi('(' was pn•r soft, {;pn t]p HJl(l ]O\\' ," .\ JH•t·fp('( la<ly, <·ons<·ipntiott!-;, tltonglttfnl, and S\\'PPt-tPmp<'r<'<l; \\'Ita! 11101'(' (':Ill \\'P :1<1<1 '!

'I' Jl () :\£-\ s K "OT'J'. ".\n P\'il ('Ollll!-;PIIor is {]p!-;pair."

Though JHII'SUP<l h,r thP gPnins of ill-lud;:, 'l'homas has nhn1ys sm·tPe<le<l in that which lte hns tried.




"'l'lu• gent IPnHtn i~ h•m·npd atHl a mo~->t rare HJH':I kPI'." .\!though Ft·pd l1a~-> IH'Pll with n~-> only a ypar, hp l1as <·<•t·tainlv madt> him ·plf known. Debat ing and t ht> litp;·ary so\'ipty haY!' hPl'Il hPnPfittPd hy his coming.

l\".\. LOI~ L .H ' llEX:\IYER. "\\"p ~->how our pi'I'~-><•nt joking, giggling rae!', True joy <·on~->ist: in gr:n ity and gra<·P." ha i~-> onp of our quiet, iiHln~->trioux dax~->­ matP~-> ~-;h •


who <·onsidPr~-> hPrselC irt'P(l'iP\"ahly lost fail.· to recite.

El"XH'E L.\:\IB. "With em·ling <',}"<'~-> all(l laughing hair." In a IJUiPt, undistnrhPd nHttlll<'r IIalliP gop:-; to dassp~-;, :omptimPx knowing ~->OmPth iug, often



HoY LE~'l'ER LE\YI!'. "~II·Pp on, anlllli'Pam of I1Nln•n awhih•." Hoy's i<lPa of thp Ely:ian FiPl<ls would h1• a phu·e whPI"<' nohody P\"l'l' work<•ll; has a Y<'l'Y good opinion of Hoy.

:u .\ DJJ·; Loxc:. ".\nd that's tlw long aml the xhort of it."' 'l'his dHIJ·tning lit t h• lady made ux proud of h1•r in our jmlior play. \Ye arp glad to a1lopt h<'r into our ·la.. '.


Hl ' t' II

'r \Hto

LL\I. 'JIE. .

" . 'ot :-;tpppin~ o't•1· til<• hollll:-; of modp:-;t,\ ." If Hutll \\Pl'l' not too timid to tPII what :-;II<• kno\\ s, :-;hp might hi' a ":-;hm·k." •\ Ion~ illnpss, too, lla:-; llindi'J'I'<l hPJ' lw:-;l "m·k. ~~~~· i:-; to hp c·cmgntt nbttl'd oil g•·:ulnating with h<•r <·Ia:-;:-;.

H .\1 ,1'11 :\1 \ YFIELII .:\[('(lEE.

"I prP:H·h fm·pypr hut 1 pl'<'<tl'll i11 ntin. \\'c dm·p not say a wor<l abollt girls, fm· ,,., pro•nisPd Halplt WI' wmll<ln't Jll<'ntion tlli:-; parti<·nlar \\I'Hkll<'l"l". . \ IIH'IIlUPI' of till' (]phating I Pam; also t·igltt ta<·klp on the foot hall (pam of

1 !ll~.

Btm _' TECE :\1 u. T.\IR. •·only . ·ilen<·<· Hlli t PI It hrst." '\'it II :1 smi]p Hll(] <I 1'1':1(1\• lllli"WPI', Hhl' (•]tppJ'N thl' do\\·nhpm·tPtl. ~hp ha: a eharm tlistindly indiYitlnnl. •

P .\ 1· LI


:\L\ u,~I.\. · .

"Lolli', watHlt•J·in~, hn t not lost." "Paulin<> is on<• of !liP "sih•ut parttwJ·s·· of our l'lass. ~IH• is usually fomHl at tiH• I ihrary ~IP:llling :-;tati:-;tk:-; from anti<pH' tomps for h<•r puh]i<· S]H'Hkiug.

H .\Ll'II DtL\\'OltTJT .:\[ElWElL

"And join with tltP <·aim PP:H·<· Hllll (~llil't; '1'111' I'IIPrnh <'ont<•mplation, .\JHl tit<• llllltP ~ili'IH'<'.'' \\'as liP <'\'PI' kilO\\ 11 to sp<•ak '? YPn, n•J•ily, I\(' hPal'll Jtilll ()]}(•('. ~j]pJl(·p, hoW '\'1'1' 1 do('N JlO( sltow ignm·aJH·P, fm· Halph <·amp n'l',\' nPar taking an honor.



".\tHl I would that my tongn<' <·ould nttPr 'I'll<• thought~ that m·i~<· in liH'." .Johll i~ our ha~hful memh<'l'i Jw~ clilli<·ult,\ in <'XJH'Pssing It is thougl1t~; paii<'nt and per~p­ YI'l'i ll~.



".\1111 on th<· cla~~i<·~ lwnuH a Htudiou.· <'Y<'." 'I'In·pp timps wimwr of the .\tlllpti(' .\Hso('iatiou ]J<I~s, Lois haH alway::; ]pel the• dasH. .\.· )ll'P~idP11l of tiH• .\tlt[pti(- .\HH<H'i:ttion, slip Ita.• WOII ( hP Pl'tPPlll of aiJ thp IIH'lllhPl'S.


"'l'll:tt hoy with thP ~l·a,·p, malhPmatkal look." .\nothPl' lll<'llllH•t· of the <lt>hatin~ team; an al'tm·, too, ladiPs aiHl gPntlpmcn, fOl' \\'illar<l wa~ in our junior play.

)L\Iuox Hm<m. all(] ,'\\'P<'tly :-;mi)p," .\not IH•r <HlP of our la:-; ·ips who sPI<lom ha~ <lllythin~ to Hay; HhP is willing to hPlp her fpllow c·J·patnr<>:-; in <li:-;trc>H:-; ou en•ry o<·<·aHion .


''~oftly ~]W<tk

Hmmrrrs. ··~It<' lws a ,·ok<.> of ~ladneio~K" .\ lll<'l'l'J', Jau~ll in~ io~prit<>, <·m·p-fr<><' an<l lwppy 011 tlH• sul'fa<·<•, hut thou~htfnl and kind at h<•art.



"II<•r modP!o;t answ<>r an<l gral'<>fnl ai1· ~how lH'l' wi:-;<• all(l go<Hl a!-; :-;hp is fair." (lniPt and llllliS!o;llllling, sliP halo; always a Joy<ll IIH'IIJIH•l' of '1;3,

Ht ' 'l'II .JKL · xwrTE



"Lik<> jpwph; to achantagc set, II<•r lH•alJty hy thP sha<lP <lops gPt." History () is llllspc•akahl.) gratpfnl to HHtl1 for ausw<•J·ing a qnpst ion wh i<·h had passe<l hulf th<• <"leu..;:-;, DoH again! It, i!o; 1-ill<'h a J'Pli<'f to your <· htl"lo;JJJa tr!o;!

YEL~r .\.


"'l'IH'I'<' \nt:-; a little girl who had a litilP <·nrl.'' II<•r <'lPY<'I'HPHH an<l tal<•11t are <l i:·qJlaypd in IJ<•r p<><•ms an<l illusti·at ion!-;; has a kPPil sPHS<' of llUJilor an<l a quaint way of cxprp!o;!o;ing lH'l'!o;Plf.

I )OROTIIY ~CO'J'T. ""'hat I think, I must sppaJ.:." Dorothy is a rc>gnlm· 1wws mong<•r of high s<·hool go.·:-;ip; oup of Uu• l<><Hliug :-;ph• its in the <lirls' <'horus.

] I ELJ.;.. RIIRI\'ER.

"Thp gras!o; stoops not, !She tread· on it .·o light." liPlPn has <·onH' all the way from <'nha to attPnd our illustrionr-; high '('hO;)]. ' Ye hopp she <l op:-;n' t rpgr<'t i L



''Bonny and hlithP, and goo<l uud gay." Plm'PIH'<' i~ mw of the rarp JWoplP who <·an ~lH't'e. · ~fully tom!Jiue work with play .

Y H'TOH ~ 'l' .\ . ·m :L. "ll<' ha~ an infiuitP <lPal of wit." ~\~ a mPmher of the dehatin~ tPam and a~ wimwr of t hp r. of I. athletk pa~~. Yidm· ha~ ~ainP<l mudt l'Cl'O~nition. \YPll likP<l hy all tpadter~ au<l frh•tul~, he will iu<l(•pd lH' missP<l.


"He mindful whpn invention fuils 'l'o ~l · t·atl·h your hPa<l and bite your nail~.'' Bal'l i~ a mPmlwr of the GIN• ('Juh, aH<l ha~ also Nll'llP<l a " '" in track. Only talk~ at long i u tenal~.

BEHTII.\ ,'TI"\SOX . IIH'll may l'OIIH' aU<l 111<'11 muy ~o, Hut 1 ~o on fm'<'\'Pl'." Bl•t·tha ha~ a Jll'OJH'nsity fm· u~in~ long, unu~ual \\'<)]'(!~, wltidt is \'Pry lu<litrou~ whpn l·omhitw<l with hpr dtoi<-P hit~ of ~lang.



, WW .\R'l'. "~omethin~


h<>t W<'<'ll a ltin<lranc • an<l a

)J ol'(' of a hPlp.

~\!way~ ~uy


an<l JtH'rry. Ilpr ~odal lifP <lol'!'l h<•r .-tuclie.·, ltoW('YPr, for IWIIH' gra(·p~ our honor roll.

<1<'1 t·ad



Hc'J'II TnE J·;


•·.\' 1II<• ~~~«'


known to


YPl') )<;pt>ak

tll<'y sm il<> on lll<'."

<·alm and )<;('l'l'll«'; \\a~ llPVPr mm·<• than two. PlltPru·p:-; in .·m·-


,J o:-;EPII

<'I ,.\ YTO. • Trrr~. "TliPl'P WC'l'(' thin~:-;

wllid1 h<• str•p{<-])pd, but, mainl), liP told thC' trull1." ('Jayton i~-; n•ry (']pn•r wht'll it <'OIIH'S to mannfaduring fabl'i ·atious to tPII )Iis. )forris ahout mythological hara<"tPrs.

)1.\t ' H <'.\Tnmn. · E TnL\' En.

"IIpr bright .'milp haunts m<• still." \ VIH•never you lwm· som<'Oil<' shout, "() sa)·, girlies !" don't bC' frightenpll. It is only )Iaud with anoth r noble idea.

Y.L · I:-~w.Hm. ·. "Laugh and. the world laugh. with you." Luda and hC'r ''Daily Gossip" are on<' aiHl in.·pparabl<•. She is the sm·t yon might call "" illowy."


Yos.·. ''An' if she won't, shC' won't, an' thPrc's an end on it.' .\.popular Htt]p girl, fmul of g-aypty :11111 ~<Hl<l t i Ill •.

.\. · A


llow.uw HommT~ \Y.\LTO:'\. "Hut ~lll'<' IH··~ p1·ontl; hnt ,\'1'1 hil-' pt·idP IH·· ('OllH'H him." llmntnl (·ou](l ahnol-'t he a "~-'hark" if IH· I ri(•(l; ho\\'1' \'('1', wlrat h(• doPsu't g<'t in ~l'<ld(•i-<, hi' rnnkP~-' np in popnlal'ity.

:\1 .\Itc: .\HET \\'.\I.KEitLEY. "l>riuk to Ill<' only

with tlriiH' <',\'1'~ ... :\I :u·gm·p( iH a tirm hel iP\'('1' in t IH' song, "Ewt·y Littll' :\Im·PnH•nt lias a :\IP:IIIing .\11 111-' ()\\'n"; ha~ a lllal'\'('lons Yo(·ahulaJ·y of 1-'lang .

1 I EltBEHT FHEHEitH 'K \\'.\,TilER. "Lifp iH rt>al, life is panH•st." \"pry indnst!'ionH and hm·d - wm·kin~ is IH•; hut lH' rhaps thi~ ailnH•nt is 11ot (·hJ'Olli<-. \\.<' ha \'(' hopPs for 1[('J'l)('rt 's recoYPry .

( ' . \TIIEHI~E \\' IIITE.

".\n anop] is likP you, Kat(•, and you arc like au a ngP I. .. \\'hpn it ('OilH~-' to tmnl-'latin~ Latin, ('atlH·r· irw iH "1·ight tiH'l'<'"; a ni<·(•, qnil't lit th• girl, "ho ~JlP:tks \\'IH'll i-<]lOkPll to.

ll.\RHY \\ ' IL~O . · .

"( ;od saw th(• king~ .. •\n En~lishman who has ~wt for~otiPn 1JH• a<·<·Pnt of his natin• lae<l. .\ nu•mhl'r of thP 01'1' h ('I-' t 1':1.

( 'L.\HK Ell\\'.\IW "'11-'E.

"I an1 happiP:-.t wiH•n I am idh•." \\'p han• po:-:itin• proof that ('l:u·k talkt'd to a git·l fin· minutt>:-: at one tinH•. \\'p wmHlt'r \\hat madp him so hold .

•\TIL\ Et ' IJOH .\


"1 want to l i,·e arig-ht from day to day.'' {' pl'ight and <·on:-:<·ipntious in all shP <loP:-:, ~\tha b tlw <lPlig-ht of h<'l' tea<·hpr:-:, and plpa:-:ing to all. m·p g-lad to han• hPr OlH' ~·par.



\\'nHarr. "If one g-oo<l <lPed in all my lif<' I <lid, I do I'<'Jlt'H t it front my n•ry :-:oul." Edson was ll<'Y<'l' known to say mon• than tPII wot·ds in HlH'<'t>ssion; how<'n't', II<' retl'it'n's Ilim:-.plf hy playing- in t hp orcht>stl'a. -TE:-.i:\"1~ B.\HHY.







)lc<iJm_. '13


i<lly, wa((·hing Plllher~ ( 'hanoinO' hup:-; from l'P<l to g1·ay, Til inking thinO':-; on<' oft rt'lliPllllH•rs Ilapp'niug on somp thiluhood's da.v, \Ye lon•d pad1 othPr, this I poudpr Ritting in ih<• fir<•lil-{ht's :-;pp]J. \Ylly :-;lwultl lw lw <·aiiP<l, I wontlpr, lnsi('a<l of m<>, an Partldy shp]J. II is task.· all fini:-;heu IJeJ·p on Parth ()'<·!' \\·at('rs bhw Ood <·allpd to him, II<• left lwfore W<' kn<'\\' his worthI'm lon<'ly now -my pyps ~row <lim.

L<'l !liP

for~Pt ~· our

. a<l, .·a<l fat·<'

\nd <lwPII on nothin~ hnt your s111iiP.

1'11 p;o to that last mPding pia<·<'; I'll join yon, f'lintm1, :tflPJ' a whilE'.

e~ e ,ulJlime !"-\'ERIT \ :\lLGUmE. "In hl·aut~ a" the lir"t of :\lay."-:\lll.IIRFII :\1\•. · 11.\LI .. Quite ttnas,uming- guaranteed harmless-:\ f .\IUE \ :\'~l II 1\ K~. "Tht'rt' j, more here than doth at lir't apprar."-ll \RI.FY ;\:\'PRJ-\\ s.



BY H.\Ll'II ~f('(iEE. '13 ('L.\~~ OFI~ICEH~

PHE~IIlE ~ '1'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . ~I.\ Yl:ELL l> .\LLE

Ywi·:- PRE~lllE:\T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fit.\ '\( 'E~

11.\( '11

.fo'\ E~

t4I·:('In:T.\HY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F .\JTII t4\\'H: .\Irl' 'J'HE.\~l HElt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \\·H.L.\IW l'HO<'TOH

.\!though !liP llil-'tory of our da~s was lllad<' hut on<·<', it 111a.' hP \uittPII r11any timPl-'. 'l'IIP \\TitPr of this history knows al-' littl<· of thPl-'e futur·p historiPl-', Hi' thp one llmHlt'<'d PightP<'ll youthl-' and maidPll'-', "flo Pllt<'r<'d ('hampaign lligl1 S<·l1ool in 1!)0!), kn<•w ahout tlH' JH'<'t'P<lPntl-' tiH':V were io p.·tahl il-'h, and tiH• work thPy WPre dPl-'tinP<l to <lo and IIHYP l'P<'or<lP<l in llil-'tory. BPginn i ng school rout iiw in nme h t h<> :a rnr r11a lllH'l' Hi' pr·<•t·('(li ng fr'Pl-'llllH'n, W<' pur~uP<l tiH' usual course of study with hut Oll<' PX<·Ppt imr,thp m·t of public speakinp-. This IWW eourl-'P was a<l<l<><l to tiH· t·uni<·lrhllll of on1· .\lma ~later in our brginning y<>ar; and in looking h;H·k oYPI' our four ~<'aJ'l-', it H<'Pllls that puhlic s]waking liHl-' influen<·P<lul-' mm·<· than any ot h<•t• l-'t lHly in th<> lr igh sd10ol. I>nring thp fir. t all(l l-'P<'OIHl ,Y<'H 1·:-:, m·ganization was our mo~t important work. In that iH<·mH·pinrhlP. iutnngihiP, and ind<>s<·rihahle IWhula of those first two y<'HI'l-', thP 1'<':--om'<'Pl-' of t II<• following ~mnptuous two ~·pars were lying <lormant. \\'hpn the .Junior Class of 1!)1~ il-' uwntimwd, all rP<·all om· t·la:-:s play, whi<-11 mnkl-' among thr lw~t produetionl-' pn•r stag<•<l hy amat<•m·s at tht> \\·alk<•r Oppra IIonl-'<'. Th<' l'am<> yPar we su<·<·esl-'full~· pPrfoJ'liH'(l a Latin play. Thol-'<' who haY<' follow<•d u~; han' <H'<·Ppt<><l our plan, and Jll'<'SPHtP<l a t'lal-'l-' play a])(l a Latin piny in thPil' junior yt>al'; l-'0 our Jll'<'<'P<l<•nt may . ·oon h<•<·omr an <'l-'ta hl ish<'<l <·nstom.

"llow'cl it happt:ll ?"-JRE:\E .!AJOR. The w o rld ha' turned again~t ml' R \1.1'11 :\! ~uu R. "Learn wi,clom from others folly."-11.\ZFL , \R't"TRO::\t: . •\11 smile .-CL.\REXLE B.\KER. 31

Oue ~<'nim· ypar ha~ not hepn outdone hy it. ~i~tPr year~. "'p han~ pl<t<'<'<l (]phat inp; wher<> it will ahnt~·s rPmain,-a ]H'l'mmwnt mark of ~<·lwlm·Jy <li~·d i1H'tion and an honor to the ltip;h ~<'hool. .\~ in~ignia of om· ~lH'<'l'HH W<' \\('!'<' grant<><l "('" jP1'H<',\' \'PHtH. Two of om· nmnh<'1' won tlt·Ht pia<·<· in I h<• m·atm·i<·al alHl in <'X(Pmpore• H]H'akinp; <·mt!<•Ht of UiHtri('l Xo. ;{. 'I'll<',\' will l'<'pt·e•spn( th<> hig-h ~<"ltool in the• ~l<t!<' Oratori<-al ('outPst, ~lay Hi . •\thlPii<- prm\'PS~ has p;mH• hand in hand with ~<·holm·ly <liHtindio1t. \\'<'\\'ill ahntys J'<'lll<'lllhPr tlw joyon~ <·riP~ of 'l'hank~giYing J>ay. On that <lay, thP ~l<t1'0 i m football (pam, \\'ith itH six spnior~, finiHht><llll<' spaHoll "ithmtt a HingiP <ld<·at, all(] ha:s the• honm· of holding tlH· tit IP of I )o\\' 11 ~tatp ('ham pion. It may HOII1Hl Pgotislintl on the• part of the• \\'l'it<'1' to say that thP IH'\\' high ~c·hool hnilding· iH clit'PI'Ily <hw to th<' ('la~~ of 1!11:~; hut, "for a' that," th<> fnd rpmainH th<tt in 1!HHJ 11101'<' room wa~ n<•c·ps~m·y to ac<·ollllll<Hhtt<' ou1· nnmh<'r~, and OJH' 1'0otll apart from th<• main hnildin~J; \\'aH llH<'<l; 110\\' fin• rootnH ilt Hns~plJ llall at·c 1'<'qni1·<•<1. 'l'hiH phpnom<·na I g1·11\\ t h "as <'Oillllh'll<·<'<l " ·it h our <· btHH. 011 looki11g h;H·k o\'<'1' thl' <'\'l'll(H of t h<· past fonr y<'<ll'H, W<' <11'<' <·onYin<·<><l tltal th<' llllllllH•t· "J:r· is 110/ uttltH·ky. 'l'o ns it 1tH•anH g-ood fortmw. \\'p lt<l\'<' al\\·a,\·s honm·<•<l all(l tak<•Jl prich· in llH• usc• of this lllllll<'l"al. It Hllgg-c•st~ al'hiP\'l'nH•ttts that \\·ill ah\·ayH h<· l'<'lll<'lllh<•t·<'<l h,r till' ('l;tHs of XinPt<'<'n llnn<l1·Pcl ancl 'l'lli1·11'c•n.

( 'laHs <'olm·H-YiolPt a1Hl Cln•en. ('las~ Flowc•1· \'iol('(.

"Onl} silt•nt:l' •uitl'th ht,t."- ]LL I.\ \ . II \IORf• •\ t:onstant companion of Elml'f. Srf\1 .\RT ll .\,sHT. "Ill· kno11 nwst, who spl·aks least."-\ 11.\:'\11.\ LuLIIR . "] k 11 ho j, \\Jlling to work, linds it han! to 11 ait."-RL'TH J.!




'1'~ •. \:\U LOI~ PIIILI:HI('J;;, '];t

.\lntigltty ,Jupi!Pl' ('OIIIIIlalHlP<l ('Jio, tit<' :\Jnsl' of It isttn·y, to pt'<'S<'ll t ill' I' l'Ppol'! fo1· t II<• ,\'<'HI' 1!1:.!:{. 'J'IIP gnt~·dul :'lim~<· ilctd pl'I']IHI'Pd <•n•J·ytlting <'X<'<']lt tlw ilistm·y of tit<• !'lass of 1!11:~, of tiH• ('lt;tntpaign Jligil t4dtool. 'l'ili:-:, IH•J· fann·if (' duty, sil<· had ldt nntil lets!. t4nctf('iling n hrigld ft·au;ntPnt f1·on1 a rainho\\· and tearing a point front a IH'\\' 111011n for a sn·oll and JH'll n•s]H'<·th'Ply, siM• l'nountPd ~Pplt.n mw mm·ning in I><•<·PntlH'I'. .\s shp 11oatP<l along 011 h<•t· jOUl'IH',\' ill'Ollll(] (JH• \\'Or)d, sil<• llllnllll('() ;t llH)l]l,\' (UlH' (';lllgft( f1·ont tht• lllll s i<- () f t II(' ~p II ('I'('S. Jf<•r <·ow·sp, a<·t·ording to il<'l' Hook of IJcsfill.lf· was <lil'<'<·k<l (o\\·ards (;('J'lllHlly, fm• hl'l'l' slip PX]H'('{('<] {O lind :\la_riH•]J l);t]J(•JllJ<t('ll, fill' ii]HS· trions pl'Psi<lt>ut of tilt• largpst all( I nto-.;( <•fli('ipnt (']ass that was <'H'l' gnulwd<•d fJ·otll ('it;tntpaign II iglt t4<·hool. t4ltr> \\·as right in lt<'l' <'X]ll'dH· t ions, for at Lt>i pzig slH· :-:;t \\' :\I ay lwll sn<·<·<'~""fully <·oJtd ud i ng a l;trge 0PJ'lll<ln s('ltool fm· gi1·ls. rii't' w··si:-:tnnt \\HS h<•J· intimal<• fJ·i<'IHl .\li<·<' Ilunsl<>y, who had IPat'JH'<l to ion• til<· langnagP for ~IayhPII's :-:akP. I>ip· ping hPJ' JH'n into a sntctll jat· of gold ('angilt ft·otll till' Sllll, tit<• :\Ills<' qnid.:l~· l'<'<·ord<•<l t ltis. In a hospital in ll<•rlin ln.' L11<·in \'an [nwHg<'n, snll'<•t·ing ft·ont Jn·nin f<•n•r . • \tall, gaunt <lodot· was hPJHiing 0\'('1' iiPI'. En•J·,,·tiliJtg \nls q11il'l as thP dodor anxiously I'Oilltll'd tltl' Jllli:-:<' lu•<Jts of tit<• pctli<•nt. Jlis two faitltfnl 11\ll'sl':-:, Hntil Hom in<· :tll(l Hntlt TilPy, \\'PI'<' standing np;n· 1 .•ady to assist hint. <'lio glid<•<l :-;oftly tiiJ·onu;il a window ctlHI sto•Hl \\·at('iling til<> l!,l'onp. t4lf(ld<•Bly thP <lo<'lor h<•;n·p<] <I sigh. "t4hl' will lin·:· II :• :-;<Jid. Dt·. llPt·IJpt·t \\'as('il<'l'·s op<•t·at ion !tad hl'<'n i"lHTI'l"l"flll and llis f<llll<' wmtld h<• wm·ld-widP. In <Ill attradin• :-;hop" in<low w•;n· thP hospital, thp :\In:-:<• Set\\ llilda llpnn and :'lla,\'lll<' Loug ananginp: /,rfJ/,·1/r·hrll. Torfrll. •'JII'iJI!f· 1 r/ irs. and fJJ('jJ('I'/1 iiss. Ol:nH·ing again in h<•t• Hook of /)('sfiii.IJ fot· IIH· futut·p <'llll'S<' of lt<'l' aPJ·i;t! jlllll'IIP,\', ('Jio i"H\\' in ];n·p:p l'<lpit<Jls- Jt·l•l;nHl, l'nitPd t4tctl<•:-;, .Japan, ctnd 'l'm·kt•,,·; lllHlPJ' <'ctl'lt tit<• ll<llii<'S of ('i(ips wii<•J·<• tit<' otiiPt' ntPntftpJ·s of tiH• <'la:-;s of 1 !)1;~ <·o11l<l h:• fotnHl. t4o {O\\'HJ'<ls E1·in's Isl<• :-;]Jp

"Silence b golden."-.\x .


B \RKFR • .l.!

jonrm•ypcl. .A t J>nhlin .·ltP hovl:'red owr an intprp~ting gathPrin~ of \YOIIH'll. Lady <lrPgory "·as pnfprtaining ,Jpnnis Harry in honor of th1• SlllTPssflll Jll'l'St'11latioll of .Jpn11is' Ill'\\" Irish phty. lll't'l' shl' also ll':tt'lll'll of tht• t·<•no\\ n of ('athPrilll' \\'!till'. Ilpt· piH'tt·ait of lfmwl <:oss had lH'l'll p];u·,•d in lilt' LuXl'lll h nll·g. On h<•t· "'''-" to t hr \n•st I' I'll l'tl<tst sliP passpt] 0\'l'J' thl' wolldt•t·ful pstnll• of 'J'o11t Fi1111iga11, Esquit·t•, a11d his IH'autiful ~l'okh hridl', .Jt•an HohpJ·ts . •\t <lalway, Clio jlllll]ll'd on !Itt• hal'k of a dDlphin and was hm·n<• to thl' l'nitl'<l ::-ltat<•s. ln ~~·"· York, '/'Ill' \ 'n r ) 'o rk l/oo11. t•dit<·d hy ]{pd 111<111 J)a,·is, ftll'llisht•d tllany at·( i1·lps \\ ltidt wt•t·l' of int<•t·<·st to l~t•t·. llP:td · ing th<• "~ol'it•ty ( 'oluntn" was t lw anno1111l'l'tlll'llt of t h1• llt:tt't'iagl' of Huth Lntnslll'n to ('mmt Lm·a11io Fias1·o, fm·tlll't'ly k11ow11 as ('Jayton Titus. F;n·tltl'l' do\\11 thl' l'Olllllttl was th1• a<·<·ou111 of a hall to hi' gin•n h,,. lnt l.adlt•Jlllt,\t'l' mill llt•lt•tt ::-lln·in•t· fm· thl' h •twfit of a <·at Ito ·pital. Clio's <'Yl'S stntyt•<llo th t• ".\ttnu·tions"; ::>h1• rl'ad th<• following: :\1.\~.\<:E]{

\\' I LL.\H]) l'ltO<"I'OI{ l'HESE:'\TS


HooT. flif' ll'olltlf'r[lll 1/l'r·llf/llir·l/{ /)off. 'J'o:-.L K:-;oTT, til e Pf/11/0IIs ('OIIIf'tlirut. :\1.\HII•; ('.\LII\\'ELL, tftr • \r/is/ir· 'f'rJI' IJI/1/I'f'/' . . I far,r;r • dwrus {f'r/ tJ.I) YEL:'Il.\

l>Etmonm at :;ii; ipgfip l1l's.

ll .\7.1·;1,

PHIZE Fu:trTI-:H.'· Hoy L1•wis \·s. Halplt I:t·nlll'lt. ::-lh<· hnstily .·<·a11lll'd tit<' :tdn·•·tisl'tll<'llls, with thl' followi11g t't•snll: E:-;<:usn (' .\FETEIU .\.- Pt·o]n·iptm·s, Hany \\ ilson a11d wifl', :\lit·ian. Hohpt·tsoll \\'ilson. ~]ll'<·ial today, stJ·awlH'ITil' · nnd <·lott<•d l'l'l'Hlll S('I'Vl'd in Ellglish styli'. 'l'HE :\losT Pol'l'l .. \1{ JlOOI\.. /,1//l's/ (/ossitJ. hy l'a.nll• J Janis. Jl.\IIUHU·s~I:'\<:.-L:tlt•st stylt•s 1'<111 lll' ohtaitll•d ft·m11 :\I issps :\(arion Hidg<' ;tl}(] Blanl'IH• II ill. lxrF:\TIO\X 'l'trr 'III.'J fttrr ' ttfirJIIs. hy Oliwr Is:ta<·sott. ('o:-;nm:-:.\TIO:'\. 'l'hp art of (·onn•J·sation taught hy llallil' Lmnh aJI(l Elir.ahPih ('oll' i11 on<• hom·. 'I'hPit· tlllilJlll' nll'tltod .· HJ'I' wltolly m·iginal. Pl,.;t.·pl] "it It litis i11fm·ntal ion, tIll' :\fnsP again tnountPd ZPphyr :1]1(] slo\\·ly glill<•ll to ('ltampaign . .\s sliP pnll'l'l'll this intPt·<•sting l'ity 111'1' altPntion " ·as allt·;u·IP<l to a wl'll·kPpt l'hid~Pn farm mnll'd hy :\h·s. ~~·ott \\'right and lt<•J· ltush;mll Edsmt. .\t thP l'niH•t·sity of Illinois sliP :-:aw a lat·~p nmnl 1 f' st udt•llts t•ntpt·ing tl11• .\uditm·itttll. 'I'll<· Ol'atm·:-:, Kilhut'll Fl't•:•m;m <tllll .Jolllt :\liliPt·, in joint dt>hatl', fnnti~h<•<l the progl'am. The <·ltillting of \\·1·dding hPlls "·as hl'<ll·ll in tl11• llistan<·<•. 'J'Itp :\ln:-:1'. l'<tgl'J' fm· infm·nt<ttion, ltuni<•d itt tltP llir<•<·tiou of thl' sou11d. On hPr ""." sliP t·pad th<• sign, Lt\\,\'l't·s .\li<·l' .\t·mstrong aud )lm·ie <:llltlling. ( 'Il.\:'111'10:'\

\\'e w onde r if he smiles in h1s ,Je ·p.- \JHIILR BoXSEK.


,\t tltl' doo1· of tht• PrpsiJytPrian ('hnn·h sht• stood <•ntrant·Pd, p;azin~ on thl' Ju •a utiful st·t•np hPfm·p hPr, for at thP altar tit<' HP\'('J'('tHl.JmHt•s DoJJ o\':111 ";t:-; JII'OllOlllll'ing- tht• words whit·h Jnadt• flmnn·d "'alton HIHl BPJ'nit><"<' .\1<- . ' :~il' h11shand and \\'ift• . • \ .- tout, ntotltl'l'l." wo1nan \\·as 1natt·o11 of hono1·. ~hi' lookt•d l:unilial' to <'lio, hut til(' puzziPd )[u:-;p I'OtJI<l not J'l'<·a ll hPJ' Jl;tllll'. 'l'ht•lJ sht' hpm·d <1 :-;ln·ill whispPr, "l>oPl·m't )IJ·:-;. Bill'" ash fool, "t•ll '! 'l'ht• dai1·y lllJ:-;iHt•ss st't'llls to <tg'f<'<' with hPJ'. \\'p ll."l'd to kno\\ ht•J' as .TtH' J >odtls. ~Itt• manit•d Lon is J:unntsh l wo ypm·s :1go.'' "()h, yt·s~" thottgltl ('Jio, "I J't'lllt'lllht•J· IIOW. 'l'hl' ma(J·on of 1101101' 1!.Jm;pphillt' lluJ·wash.'' ~ht• tht•n lookt'd at h<•r infontH'I', who \nts on<• of tlll'l•t• spin~tt•J·~. ~ht• l't•t·og-nizt•d lht•nt ;ts Flm·t•JH·t• ~tnitlt,.\nna \'oss, <tnd jl;11·ga J'l't \\';t Ikt•J·It•y. ~itt i ng- JH'Xt to t ht• nt was )(rf;. Kl in<l\n>rt II Krolll'l "ith ill'!' htJI"hand FJ·t•tl. ~h < • ltt•:n·d wlti"']H. 1", i'IHl tut·Jwd to S<'l' .Judgt• .\l'lnstJ·ong of tht• l ' nitt•d ~tatps ~l!Jll't'llll' , '<~ n1·t aJHl his wift'. llal'l·ip( .\ln:-;h;tJ'Y .\nnstt·ong. 'l'ht•,r WI']'(' yjo,;iting at ((l('ir old honH' in ~a nty . Jn tht• h:tt·k JH'\\' B:tlph )Jt·llPt' sat, dist·on:-;oiatt•. 'l'ht• wl'dding nwd e hi111 tltink what a happy ntall ht• ntight lw if his jiflll('(' , ('la1Hlia llt•JlJlt'ss, h:td not dt'Nt'l'tt•tl hilll on tiH• pn• of thPiJ· wt•dding day. ~t·xt to hint sat Lois J'hilln·il'l~ and Faith ~"· ig:n·t. 'l'ht•,r h:t'l tJ·iflt•d too lo11g with tht• ltt'al'ts of llll'JI and now \\'t'l't' doolllt•d to ht• "old nJ<tids." .\( th<• ('lost• of !ht• I'I'I'<'IIIOll,Y tht• bridal pm·t,r m:tl'('ht•d 011! to til(' tmw of Lohpngrin's 11 '('( /rfiii!J .Ilardi, pla,\'l'tl by )Jr:-; ..JotH'!" \\';ml antl Profl'ssor \'. ~tangPI, thP llotPd riolinist. ('Jio h11nipd f1·ont tltl' ('ltun·h, for IH'fol't' twt'i\'(' o'('lot·k that night shp JlltJst hP in (';tlifornia. On ltPJ' \\'<1,\' sltl' 1"<1\\' , in l ' talt, IIPI<'n K!•usink, Kalltt•J·inp J:m·n, and Jlpl!•n Kil"t'J' ,-ig- ,n·onsly t'lliHinl'ling- a ('<tlllpaigu to ~<'I'll!'<' t Itt• PIPI'I i011 of llazp] (;pip fo1· l-!,'0\'I'J'IIIII'. .\s sht• \\·a:-; n :•:lJ·ing hPJ' tlP:-;tination, a hiplanp ('ollidPd \\·itlt Zt•J•lt.n. ('Jio 1'<'!-!,':tinl'd hPJ' poisp jn:-;1 in tin11• to~"<'<' jJonsipm· ('l:ll·k \\'i.-1' and 1'11< ntas Knott g-lidiJtg- 0\'!'l' th<' IIIOillllaiJts. ZPph,n dl'oppt•d to tlt1• 1-!,'I'Ollllll to llii'Pt I>a,·id .\.n~t'itit·ks :llld .\tha \\'ood, Em·l ~tt'phPns and FloJ·pnt·t• Kl'l'll, who \\'!'l't' just ontsidl' tht• ltangaJ·~, waiting- fm ('lal'k to :-;tt'\'1' lltl'lll to tllt'iJ· ol!l l'l:tl"l'Jll<tlt•, tit<' Ht•\ t'l't•nd ,Jantps L. l>oll0\'<111. ZPplt,n, aftPJ' a fp\\· ltom·s' J't•st, h•ti'P <'lio <H·J·os:-; thP P:H·ifit· Ot·Pan HJI() tltp ]tlai11s of .Japa11. 'J'Itpy lll'usltP<l p:tst P;111linp )lallnwn :tlltl ltl'l' llllshand, l{alplt )(pJ'I'!'I', tPa!'iting- tit<' g-t~spPI (11 th<• littll' ltpathl'll . •\s t l11• )lusp IH':ll't'tl )lotlllt ( >lyntpns, ZPJlh.n N\\':1,\'l'd from hPJ' ('0111'!-'t' and floatl'd in tltJ•oug-lt tltt> \\·indow of a 'I'm·kish hospital. 'J'ht•J'I', tPn<lt't'l,\ l':n·ing- fm· tilt• \\'O HJtdt•d soldil'l'~, wt•J't' Huth Funk and Bt'J·tha ~tin­ son. 'l'ht·.'· hatl gmw a-; HPd (']'(t:-;:-; nm·sp:-; t t atlntinisti'J' to lhl' snll'Pring Till I~ \\llliJHkd in tht• g-J·t•at 'l'nrki:-;lt J't'\'oltttiou FPPiing that lt t•J· in:-;igltt into t ht• ltis((ll',\' of t liP (']a~s 1 f 1!11.'{ Itad h1I'll wm·tlt "hill', tl~t•littll' )Just•, tin·d hut happy, g-lidPd 11p to tltl' tltJ·onp o f gJ·pat .Jupilt•J· ju~t a:-; tht' tilly :-;tat·s t\\·inld<'d midnig-ht of 1>t•t·t•mhpr a1. 1H:!:~. "L~t 111~11

say \\ hat~'er they \\·ill \\oman , \\ man rules them still."







HooT, '13.

\'ioll't, dl'<tl' \·iol\'t, Of hlui~h purpiP ~IH'<'ll, \\'ith tiny ypllow <·pn(pr~ .\h•l\'(' ~((·m~ of p<tll'~1 ~1'<'<'11, lfpJ·ald of tit<' ~·q11·in~-ti11tP, 'l'ltoll <1 ~\\"('('( \'iOIPt m·t i :\ft•IIHll'i('~ l-'<td, _Yl'! (('J)(]pr, Thou hrin~P~t to 111,\' hP<tl'l,.\ ,·i:·don of day~ lo11~ pal'!, \\'h<•n I wn~ yonn~ an<l fair; .\ di'P<lllt of happy ~~·hool <Ltyl:l . \J}(] ("l;tl'~llla(('~ aJ~o (h('l'('. 'l'h<• l<l'!till~ i~ ('hatnpai~ll High ~l'hool, F<ti1· h;H·kgTo\liHI of my <ll'<'<tlltl'; 'J'h<• (iiiH' iN 1!11:~, J:nt ;t.· .r<•"tPr<lay it ~('<'111~. \\'p \\"('1'<' happy th<'l'<' to~PihPr, Pupil~'


and t<'<H:her~, too. om· ( 'mmllPII<'<'lll<'ll( 1)<t,r; \\'p wm·<· Yiol('(~ lik<• yon. \\·a~

('<Ill ~('(' th<· lll<lll,Y <·hHJl~('l-' •\~ t h<• p<t~t l now J'<'<'H II ; YiolPt, I 111 il-'1' thPil' fa<·<>~', <'n1PI ])path lt<t~ <·laimP<l th<>nl all. 'l'h<•y f<t<lPd jill'( Jik<• thP Yio]p(R 'l'hat \H' pln<·k<•d in that lou~-a~o . \ud alway~ a Jllll']JIP YiolPt ~tll'h lll('lliOI'i<'~ to 111(' will Ul'ill~.


You aml 1, vio]p(, a loup <II'<' ldt Of that lon~-pa~t ( '<nlt111<'1H'Pllll'llt Day; ( 'ltl'1'i~h fm· 1111' fond llH'1110l'iPs .\~ thi~ happy ~~·pnp faclP~' away.

"The very dust of ,,·hose wntmg is gold." RuTH BuR\\ "Hound hy my charity and blest order."-Ln;> 13t:RWASH.




BY YEDL\ HooT .\:\"D l>OlWTIIY

14< '0'1"1'.

\\' <•, th<• <"Ia~~ of 1!)1;~, <loon tlti~ day, .Janu:n·y 1, 1!11'~, to \\TiiP OUI' \\'lJl for ~aid l'P<I~Oll~: On 1><><·<>mhPI' 11-1, our PI'<'~iu<•nt, )Jayh<>ll I>aiiPtlha<·h, wh ilP <·ro~~inp; \\'p~t ~i<lP P:nk, ~t 11111 hlP<l O\'<'t' a p;ho~t ly ~kull llitl<lPn in a piiP of leaYP~. Ilpr lwir ~to<Hl on PIHl and IH•t· Yok<' <·]payp(] to hPr th1·oat wiH•n ~IH• ~aw writ!Pn a<·J·o~~ it~ fon•hp:ul in l'P<l lPtlPl'~, ~E:\"JOU <'L.\~~. 1!)1:~. ~]tp inllll('<liatP],Y <"<lllP<l a lli('Ptinp; in )[i:-::-: )Joni~ ' J'oom, a11<l th<' <·Ia~~ <lP<·i<lP<l th<' ~kull to hp an mn<>H. But in or<lPr to <lPtPt·min<• wh<'lh<•t• it forPhodP<l goo<l or <'Yil, anotltPl' OJllPll mu~( ap]war; :-:o 011 lH'IHlPd kiH'P~ tiH•y rai:-:P<l thPir ~uppliant ,· oi<-P~ to tiH' King of li<>aYPll~ all(l tiH' Fa(hpr of (;o<l~ for guidan<·e. ~<·m·('p]y had tiH•y a:-::-:umP<l tlti~ attitude whPn, lo ~ a <·ommon ('Ul' , • 'onny hy namP, ro~p tln·ough t hP floor alHl aHton i:-:h<·<l a II t IH• ~uppl iant~ h,v giYing- tin• prel'i~<', jPrky littlp hark:-:; th<·n lw <li~<IPJH'at'<'<l as f<nddpnly alHl mystPriou:-:1~· a~ hp Itad <'OllH'. .\ p:mi<· ~l'i1wd t hP <·Ia:-::-:. 1'h :• Jll'P:-:i <lPu( ~ll('I'PPdP<l in r·ps(oi·ing ordPr hy appointing- Flm·pu<·<· ~111ith and HPrlwrt \Ya~<-IH•r to ('onsult thP l>Plphian OJ·a<.:l<', to han• thP Olll<'ll~ intPqn·PtP<l. 'J'IH• JH•xt month thP lll<'~~<·ngpt·s I'<•tm·npd with tltP infonnatiou tltat tiH' skull ~ip;niti<•d tlte <}path of thP (;]ass of Ulla in thp lH'<ll' fntm·<·; mul that tiH• harks mpant that ltPJ' l'Pill<lining, days on this <lP:ll', \\'PII -hPJO\'t'd land WOUld h<• UUIIIIH•J'p(] at tin• lliOllth~· alH]. t \\'0 days. 'l hu~, with our nohlP lin•:-: nparing thPit· <·los<', \\'P do lH'l'<'h:Y mak<•, m·<l:tin, ]Hthlislt, all(l <lP<·larp this to lw th<• last and only will of th<• <·lass of Ull:~, ('hampaign High ~dwol, <'hampaign, C'ham]Wign ('ounty, ~tate o f lllinois: l'('~O] \"('

" ,\pp ea ran ces a re :ometim es d ecei tfui."- L i·:li!. \Vh a t a vo ice h • has ! - ZI· I.M AR JlRFFIH .0\'1·~

BR FEm.on :.

Find 'l'o ::-;uJH't·intl'tHlPnl Eanw:-:1 WI' lwqtwatlt thl' \\1'11 -d c•.Pr\Pd honor of HppparilllJ; i'l'llti -annually ou :-:aid lliglt ::-;c·hoolt·o:-:tntnt. N, .,.oJu/- 'l'o out· nto:-:1 \\·m·tlty in:-:trudot·:-:, \\'1' will all olll']JOlli<•:-:, and lhP full t·ight to i11:-:tall tlw honm· :-:y:-:11'111 in tltl' .rc·m·:-: to c·otll <'. 'l'!tird To you, utHll'r-cla:-::-:tll<'ll, \\(' gi\· • the• ltonot· of f11llo\\ ing in our foot:-:IP]IS allll imitating our grae·p,· may yon Jll'O\'<' worth,\ . In ymn· unt t·il'd c·\1:-:tody, \H' JILH·<' tIt I' 111\' illlJ; <'liP and hallll<'J', "it It lwpt>s that you \\ill duly ap]n·e•e·iatP your tru:-:t. 1-'mtr/11-To Olll' :-:twe·p:-:.·m·:-:, tlt<' juni< rs of thi:-: ye•ar, W<' lwqlwatlt: 1. .\11 om· dignity, knowlP<lg<', awl JH'l':-:onality. ~- .\11 ]n·o:-:e• work of Latin :-:Pnior:-:, <lotH' lai't y<•ar, to thP ('ii'Pro das:-:, ]11'0\'i<ling that :-:aid c·lass oll<',YS the• ltonm· :-:y:-:1<'111 tltl'Ollghont thl' _\'l'<ll'. :t .\11 Ill<' ]pft -oYPl'H, wlto at·p to he• fostPJ'P<l ancl dt!'l'ishP<l in th,,· mielst a.· if thc·y W<'l'<' thy ht·pt]n·pn hy right.·. 4. •\ c·oJlllllatHl \\'(• only hope• fm· ohPdienc·c·: llonm· yout· te·al'h<'l'!' and c·lasstllatc•:-:, tltat thy da,rs may liP long ill the• J I iglt ::-;c·hool \\ ltic·lt the• :-:c·ltool hoard gin·tlt. Pt·p:-:pt·n• your t·ights with du<' 1'<'\'C'I'<'ll<'<', to :-:ay nothing of ,-iolat ing oiiH•r JH'O)IIP's. :>. .\hop<' that yon will c·o\·c·r yom·sp]n•.· with glm·y, all(] if this is wishing- too lllli<'IJ, do not, at h•ast, clisgt·ac·p th<' uot!'d c·htss of 1!11:{. J.' if /It 'l'o t II<' :-.;ophmllot·c•:-:, W<' lH•q IH'H tIt : 1. 'l'h<' pt·i,·il<'g'<' to he· the• tit·i't !'lass to g-radll<tt<' frmn tit<' ll<'\\ High ::-;c·hool lmilding, awl han• a suitahll' auclitoriutll in \\·hic·h to ltolcl all its fundion:-:. •) :\lot·c· lifl' and Pntltu:-:iasm, socially, itltPIIPdnally, and indus· lt·iously . ;{_ .\11 Olll' .·ut·plu:-: nc•dits. 1 'i.r//t-'J'o t liP frc•shtlll'll of tIt is ,Y<':Il', \\I' wi 11 t hi' followi11g: 1 'I'll<' t·igll t and honm· to c-<11'<' for and pstei'JII om· gocldpss, Yc•nlls dP :\1 ilo, whom W<' han• so lo\'Pd anel c·m·pcl for 1hi' ]HIS( four yc•at·s. ·) 'l'h<' kl',\. to all t l1<• lo\\ <'J' lod.:Pt·:-:. :t 'l'o tl1<• "pt·od:-:,'" our gc•nius, ]J<'l'HC'\'Pl'ane·p, aucl bluff. \Yith thPS<' we• I'Dllsid1•t· yon will lH• Pqnip]H'd to hattl<' with ignm·an1·<'. 1 •, l'f'lllft-\\'c•, a:-: indiYi<lnals ha,·ing nu·ion.· \':tluahll' possc•ssions, clo IH•J·phy lH•q nc·H I It t l1<• :-:a IIH' as follows: J\·a Lal'll<'lltll,\'<'1' 1<'<1\·c•s hPJ' plac-e• as n1onitor of t he• girls' lod.:!'J'S to Est hPJ' Za 1111. JJHllil' Lmnh lH•qtH•atlls OIH' gocHl dimw1· at tlw J:pm·d:-:Jpy llotpl to 1h<• ]H'l'SDll \\'llo ( ook Ill'!' ]mH·III'Oll, ) )(•('('Ill IJI'l' 1 ~' 1!11 ~. Hoy L1•\\ i.· wills his rigid to c-ross the• <WN\11 to Louise• .·orlllan . .Joltn :\1 inPt' wills IIi,.; ha.'llfnlnc•ss to • ·Pal ('aldw<'ll. :\1 iJ·iant Holwrt.·on will:-: 11"1' punC'Inality to Inn:t :\fpacl<'. Kathc•J·in<' J:m·n lH'l(IH'aths hPJ' gJ·ac·l'fulnc•ss to Lillian .Jol111ston.

"I con f e ' I hlazc today. I am too bright."- C \KROLL He can sohc originals.-Lws BKt mK . .1

C.\\t Ho

,J 1·an J{olwJ ·t:-; IH•qtwath:-- hPJ' nlPl odiou:-; nli<·P to ~Jr. l>onis, to lH· oin·n to tlH· lwst sill~ ( ')' iu li('Xt ,paJ·'s lHHikk<'l'l'ill 0 das:--. ,... I t·<•d 1\:J"oll<' l' \\ iils hi:-; m ·atm:i< ·;tl gift to ( ' hP.· t •1· ( 'lal"k . \l:t ,\IIIP Long will:-; h<•J• lisp to Lam·pn Htu·l. . \nna \ ' o:--s \\ill:-; IH•r hai1· puffs to Ida <loodnlUII. Edso11 \\' 1·ight IH•<pwaths his rigllt to lll<lkl' lo\l' in thP s!'llior play t o Willw1· ~I<·(;< '< '. \\"p thiuk \\' illwr is full,\ capahlP. IlaniPt . \111shary aiHl Faith ~wigart will th " ir l'P<l ~ ' orfolk coats to I Imwl and J{ut h llanlino. Ltu·ia Yan Iuwag<•n wilh; h e r intPrPHt in the " Daily <Jo. Hip" to LtH·ilP • ' orto11. Loui:-; Bu1' \\Hsh l!'an•s his s<wial po:-;ition to •·Dukh'' \\' pil'. I:uth Funk ll'an•s h<•t· <·m·ls to (']POll<' ~mith. IIPIP11 ~l1ri\l•1· h<•qu<•ath:-; h<•r kilo\\ l<•<lg!' of "man -gl"o\·<•s" an<l "palm t1·<•<•s" to . \11Jlit• .\lunay. I lmwl I )pJTotJgh and Jlaz!'l tlPip h•an• tiH•ir lofty stat lll'!'S to Ill'lPn " 'ard mul h·PJI< ' .\Iajm·. FJ·:tll<'<'H .Jon l's l!'an•s IH'l' ahility to nm a uw<·hilll' to . \lnta Tr('YPtt. ('athl•J·in< • \\ l1ill• wills to EthPI Um·JH ' I' hPJ' Latiu ability. Hl'1·tha ~tinso11 IH•qm•aths h<•r HJllilPs to .· m·t•JH' Uag<·, Jll'oYi<ling :-;hp liSPS t h l ' lll 01}('(' a \\ l'l' k. Blanl'hl' II ill lwqll<'at hs all hl'J' \'<•t·gil l'l'l'Ol'lls to :-;ophmnore:-; for f'u t m·p nsP. l{ntll Tih•y, Huth HmninP, Hnth Lmns<ll'll, h •qul'ath thPir good nat lll'Ps to I h1• t ln·pp ( ;l'Hl"PI'. Ilm·ol<l .\1'lll~-'tt·mJg \\'ill:-; llil' 1·ight to hlutr to any p<·rson \\' ]Jo can k<•<•p up his goo1l t·ppnta t i011 El izalwt h ( ' ol1• \\·ill. · IH·t· J..!:UHr<lianl'hip of J .. yll' ~t<·m·us to Ill'l<•n (; I'OSSIII ail. Halph Bnllll'h hl'lJlH'aths llis J·ight to <·all ou Bloomington gil'ls to l{alph K<•n1p. 0;1\·id . \ns<·hid-:s wills llis motor <·.n·l<• to ...\dolph 'l'h;tl, if .\dolph \\ill agtl'P to J·i<IP his litt]p sistpr to s<·l10ol fm· two .n·ars. llazpl Uoss wills h<•r popnlat·ity \\ ith thP l · . of 1. Htll<l<·nts to Lpona ~l'lllll id t. II a J'I'Y \\. i Ism1 Jpa n •s II is Ia u~l1 to Kat ll<•t·i II<' ~I add(•n. Flm·pn<·P K<·J·n wills IH•r tith•, "l>olly," to .\llie .\l(•nill <•w. <'layton 'l'itus JwqtH•aths his ('1HIIPss ,-o<·ahul;n·J to ])onald J)o<lds . .\land 'l'ur1H'I' h<•qtu•aths 11!'1' t<•lliJH'l' to (JI;Hiys PltiiiH·i(·k . . JaHJPs J)ono\'Hll wills his position a:-; Opal .\ I m·sp':-; "Prill<'<' ('hal'llling" to Ilarold ~ahin. 11 ilda IIPllll ]pan•s hPJ· JH'('llli:ll·itiPH to .\laJ·gaJ·<·t Bm·nPs . .\hu·ip ('al<lwl'll will" ll<'r H(1llli1·('1', ('p ·il ('ook<·, to HIIIIH' litth• lady o l1 is (·]:'ss. Olin·r 1:-;a:t<·son wills his latPst inn·nt ion, a splf-stm·tpJ', to Oh•Jill ' t •o t t. "

h a ll Cl' gO YCfll · a JJ. " - FLORt;. ·u.

,\n intdligcnt yo uth. -Lm lhR,\ . 39

11 ,\PIX.

:\la,dll'll ]);JI]pnba<"lt IH•qnl'<ltlt:-; hpJ· ability to :-;p]] ti("],:pt:-; (~IotltPr ohj<•<·t:-; to IIPJ' :-;piling thPIII) to any junior who <·<lJI :-;<•11 a:-; many in onp lll()lltlt HI' :\layh<'ll <"<Ill in oiH' hour . •\.li<·l' Ilun:-;Jpy IPa\·p:-; hpJ· ":-;opltomorP-ft·p:-;lllnan" in <·ltat-g<• of llm~Pl ~tPpii('JII'.

)l;u·garPt \\'alk<•t·l<•y will:-; hPt' spn:-;p of hmnot· to O]Htl \\·i:-;1'. YPlnw Hoot and .JpJlfli:-; !:any IH•!pH·atll thPit· ability to writP poptry to Hntll .\kPJ'I' aud ~lm·ip BP<·k. Loi:-; Philln·i<-k \\ illl' li<•r ability to han• hm1m·s in tltrP<' <·om·:-;p:-; to :\[;u·y F<'<'. <'landia llpnn<•ss, ('Jm·k \\'i:-;p, Dorothy ~<·ott, :11111 Earl ~IP]Ih<•ns " ·ill thPir a:-;:-;p1nhly J·ootll :-;pat:-; t wlli!'11 th<'Y haY<' \\PII till!'d) to ElizahPth .\l'ln:-;trong, Tom Finnigm1, .Jo<• P<'tTintl, ami EaJ·I Patt<•rson. Kilhm·n Ft·P<'Inan will:-; llis wlli:-;tk to ~IP\Yat·t Ha:-;:-;('(1. Halph -'l<•t·!·<•J· \\ill:-; to .Jantp:-; -'l<•nill tlH' J·ight to play foot hall in 1!11--l . Halph .\ldlP<' \\ill:-; lti:-; ability in tPIIing jokp:-; to Eri<· ('a:-;ppt•. ll<•rni<'<'P ~I<"Xait·, .\li<"P .\rtnstJ·ong, <lll!l .\l;u·ip <1nnning will thPir J·igltt:-; to gJ·;uluat<• fJ·ont t liP <'halll]lltign II iglt ~<"llool to .Janti<• ( '11<•:-;tpJ•, Zay \\'J·igh t, and I I l'IPn X ohl<•. Paulin<• .\lallman will:-; hPJ' llli'Pkll<'~-':-; to .\lsia ~trod<•. 'I'ho111<1S Knott will:-; IIi:-; ktto\\·]pdg<· of til<' <·ontnH•t·<·ial lmllH'II<'S to Don .\t kin:-;on. \\'illm·d J'J·1wtm· \\·ill:-; his politi<"al knowlP<Igl' to ti1P most ignorant ft·<•slllll<lll. :\lildJ·pd Klindwm·th nnd .Jo:-;pplliJH' l>odd:-; h<•q1wath to Hntlt l{olllp<'l and .\lm·ip Hllo;ul<•s tit<• rigl1t to t'P<H'It til<' ltighp:-;( in (]tp girl:-;' lo!'l.:<'l' J'OOlll. \'i!'lm· ~tangp] will:-; hi~' hi:-;tory wi:-;<lo111 to Hal]Jh .\lptziPr. lii'IPn K1•usink and IIPI<•n Ki:-;pt· IH·queatll thPiJ• till<•, "-'lntt and .Jpll"' of thP l1wkPJ' J'OOIII to .\l;u·i<• K<'IIIJI ;nul ElizahPtlt \\'lliton. Elizahl'tll llanis will:-; 11<'1' lligl1 :-;l'11ool ]HtJ·aph<•J·nalia to lfazp] J:p I 1011 t.

Ho\\·m·<l \\'alton will:-; hi:-; atltiPti<" position to HohpJ·t OJ·o,·<·s . •\laJ·ion Hidgp alHI .\thn \\'ood IH·qtwath all ti1Pil· :-;hort p<'ll<"ils an<l hmkl'n ]l<'ll~-' to ( h·a<·l' Bur\\·ash ;til(] .\1 ildt·pd P1·i<·l'. HPdm:lll ])a,·is wills his pla('(• in <)]'(·hps(ra to FJ·ank P!•n·i,·al, JH'O· riding· F1·ank's good di:-;position <·ontin1ws. 'I'll!' J·p:-;idnP of o1n· Jli'OlH'rty, W<' \\·ish to lH• :-;ol<l at pnhlk an<"tion, :ntd till' ]ll'O!'I'PdN tiiPJ'!'of to h1• n.·Pd to d!'fJ·a.'· till' PXJH'liSI' of a magniti<·l'nt lnn·ial, in ordpr tl1<1t om· spit·it:-; may J·<•:-;t ill JH'<H·<•. \\'p wisl1 t hi' PX<•<·ntm·s of our \\·ill to hl' <·hoH<'ll by lot, fm· OUI' liPm·ts :IJ·p :-;o m·pl'flo\\'ing \\ ith Jon• fm· !'H<·h kind iltstnH'tor that \\'P an• not ahl<' to <·ltoosp OJH' fm· tlli:-; l1onm·<•d duty. In wit lli'SH wii<'I'Pof, w<· aflix oUJ' s<•al t IIi:-;, t!H· fir:-;( <lay of .January, ill til!' ,Y<'aJ· llill!'t<'!'ll hlllHlt·pc] Hll!l tlliJ·t!'l'll. ~PHil ('L.\.'~ OF •• 1:\E'I'El•::\ 11!':\llltEil 'l'llll{'f'f.:E .. . \ companion cheerful is worth gold.- ]u11E C11 FSTFR. "lit· that is giddy thinks that the world turns around ."-


11; sn R

Cr. \RK.



711on.ors c-)

<5emral }..ttcra!)c l{utl! Scoltcll ]funk <""~lice 'J[illiun 1fi.unslcu

Y::! . l ~~ I . l

16. i.sto ru '!ois :pt,ilbtick llictor i ·tungel

,H.httl) cmati c.s


JU ilburn 1F rccmun J!inrq.! Uliison

H7 .H

'!ois lJl!ilbriclt ,!tlnl"ie <r:ulblttl'll

,...\ncicnt 1Can!1tHt!}CS Jfois :Pl!ilhtirlt Jllilbreb Jlllinbluortl!

,ltlo"bcrn Jran!}Ua!)c.s 1F uitl! S"1u i9tt rt

~I::! .li

Jtl nub ell ,.!Hnu Dull en bad!


;§'ciencc Jfntttccs )llnrion lHb9c 1ficrbcrt Jfrcbericlt Ulnsri!H

]!lusinc.s.s 'Q:t,ontns 1ffnott J!inrru lnilson



:\IS B .\HHY, '1:~.

'l'ltl' HPnim·s sPJHl you \\ m·ning, ().Junior~ oil lH•w;n·p ~ I>ou't think that you know P,.·,·ytlting; don't ""Y you <h 11 ot <·arP. 0 .Junim·, tltonglt .'on think yon'J·<· wi~'><', take IH•<•d ]p:-;t y o u might fall, For <'Y<'ll HPniors, ofiPntiiiiPs, find tltPy don'l kn ow it all. \\'p't'<' S<'lHling y ou .' Olll<' good ad\'i<·<', though W~''J·p \ ' 1'1',\' sm·p yon']] .· mil<•, Hut <lon't tr<•at our \\'<IJ·ning lightly; you will IH' <'<l it aft<·r whil<• ~ Tit<• joy of IIPing a HPnim·, sm·<· a .· fat <', will ·wpll your IIP:t<l; Hut wlt<•n you gPt to sltaking .\hont not gra<lnating, .Just think of 1!11:~ <lll<ll'<'lll<'llllH•J· what w<•'n• said. Don't lw sm·p you <ll'<' a ~Pnior till tltP day you gi·aduat<•; Don't think that all tlt<'I'<' is to know is stot·<•d np in yom· patP. If yon P\'1'1' gPt to tIt inking yon't·p t It<• higg<•sL t lting on Part It, .Jn. t ask :\!iss Hwitz<•J· ltpr i<lPa sltp'll IPII yon what yon'l'P wm·tlt. 'Yt• m·<• lpa,·ing yon onr Iliglt H<·ltool to honor and 1'<'\'< 'l'<', .\11(1 \\'('hop<' that yon will still <lPf<'n<l thosp tltings W<' hold so d!'Hl'. Olt, you'll laugh at what wp'J·p saying; you will I'<'Hd this wit II a smilt·; But, wh<•n .IJOlt m·p alm ost th1·ough, You'll know what W!' say is tnw, .\n<l you'll thank th<' <·lass of '1;~ for this war-ning, aft<'I' whil<'.

"Grar<' is gran· despite all en ntro\·ers) ."- GR \ !T OOK . I wi , h t iH' r s kn t: w w ha t I kn o w."- C H 11 CooK ~ ..




BY :-~.'" E


,;TRI Kt :-;<; cH ,,R

'< T~ Rtsnc -




S\\ ((,




\Ril \\' \LTO:'\

onnocs 1•~ FH T

Ext l'SE FOR nl'TTI :-;<; 1:-; ~



occuP.\ no:-.-. ~----- -

Ruth Akers ......... ller gcntlene,s ............... Brilliancy .................... :\e,cr accused of such ........ 'School "marm.'' Elizabeth 1\rmstrong Eyes ........................ II er brother .................. "Is this a freshman met'ting ?" ~l;·nicurist at Illinois I lute!. Josephine Atwell .... lthinccrity ................... She has a brother, also ....... "] s \Valter here?" ............ Beauty specialist. .\lice Bahb ......... Sincerity .................... '\'oise ....................... ·] beg your pardon." .......... !louse wife . •\lar~aret Barnes .... Superio_rity ................... l~npnrtance .................. :·:·o~n me a dime.'_' ............ IPa_risian model. ~lane Beck ......... Ruh) hps ................... (,erman knowledge ............ ol o tmpart somethmg !fOOd ..... Pnvate tutor. Lucile Binb;ell ...... Sweet smiles ................ To horrow something......... Dancing teacher. Ethel Bonner ....... llandincss "ith scis>'ors ....... IIi story recitations ............ Gossip ....................... Selling toob. Grace Burwash ..... Great ;,ppearance .............. Crace ........................ ITo learn city news ............ :\!ilk maid . Eleanor Cain ........ Unassuming .................. Studies ...................... To he a ''good-fellow" ........ !Professional masseuse. Gra)ce FergthOII .... Voice ....................... Society ......... . ............ ".\re you going to the dance?" ,\ctrcss. ~lartha Finnigan ..... \\'inning ways ................ Dimple ...................... :\ot lose out on anything .... . Beatrice Foster ..... Peculiarities ................. :\ ernmsness ................. :\ ot to he left nut ............. \ctress. II elen Garwood ...... 'Gracious manner .............. Loquaciousness .............. I nheritcd from her sister ...... Staff reporter. ~larie lland ........ Breezy manner............... L;,te arri\·al at school. ........ ,To hear "what's doing" ....... Hairdresser Eva lunge rich ...... Curly hair................... "Bob" Spaulding .............. "I have to know" ............ Book-keeper. Anna Jackson ...... Dark complexion ............. Gentility ..................... Dispo:-ition prevents butting in J lead waitress in Bear<bley Hotel. Lillian Johnston .... Fair as an angel. ............. Loud voice .................. ·!Business ..................... ~1 issionary. Jessie King ......... Her college escort. ........... "First King" .................. flas never been caught. ....... :\ urse at Burnham Hospital. Katherine ~fadden .. 'Pink complexion .............. Importance .................. Cannot he found .............. Suffragette leader. \nnic ~Iurray ...... Red hair ..................... Lack of credits ............... lis not known ................. Only lady chauffeur in the C' S :\fnry Reid ......... -~Size ......................... \Freckles ................... · l ro learn something new ...... !Stenographer. 1 :\[;:ric Rhoades ...... Lean and lanky .............. Articulation .................. Absolutely none .............. Posing for pictures.

·I? ...... ... ...................



I have no words my ,·nice is in my sworcl.-PE.\RL CuRns. Play before work.-Et.:GF:-. F Ct.:RT!S.


!'TIHKL\"(; l'li.\H.\LTFHISTIC

OBI' JOt'S llFF f('T

}:X< t Sl'. FOR

Fl 1Tnn:

lll'TTI:\"Io IS

Ruth Rompd ....... jLarge blue eyes ............... [Dislike for algebra ............ "Beg pardon" ......•.......... 1St-lhng ~laric's pictures. s, mcthing to tell............ (,n\"Crne,;;; Virginia Russell ..... Yellow hair........ . . . . . . . . . She also has a hrother ........ '.. ] slwuld worry".......... . . Successor to ~~"' S11·itzer. Oral Snyder ........ Chunky .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Knowledge ................. · jTell you in pri 1·ate ......... __ Soctety reporter. :\!argaret Sturgeon .. Plump ....................... Qutetncss .................... lmpos~ihle ................. ·\uthor . . . LJrene Townsend .. ~lajestic appearance .......... \hility to talk ............... · ITo he 111 the crowd .......... jBeauty spect:lhst wnh Jo. \twell. Sabina \\'hitc ....... Fairylike figure . . . . . . . . . . • . I)istrihution of lh•sh .......... \ l'l er been caught hutting in .. Sueccs~or to S:mth Bcrnh~. rdt :.t innic \Vigton ..... Croaking 1·oicc ............... Size ....•.............. , . . . 'Too shy for such ............. Sa luna \\'hitt ·., manager. Zay \\'right ........ Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Round shoulders ............. \eyer does ................ , . Farmt•r\; wife. J)on Atkinson ....... Sawed off ...........•........ Lack of t•nergy............ . . Let\ get the machim· out .... Chauffeur. \~'illiam ,\twell. ..... Feminine \'oin· ............... In coming to school at all. ... · T I o tal.k tn girls ...•........... nd llJll'r:l ;inger. 1• rank Barton ...... -1~1 outh ....................... "Fussing" Carrie .......•..... Let'.s see your history outline .. Clucken rats mg. Byron Burns ........ !C mplexion .................. :\on-ability to study .......... Excuse. lacking ............... Professor in U. of !. Laun·n Burt...... . Seriousness ........•......... Too studious ................ :\ e1 er does ................... Congrc~sman . Lloyd Connor ...... Coolness .................... Loafing ...................... "Seen Bill D;l\ idson ?" ........ ~lachini't. Earl D;11·ies ........ !Breezy manner .........•..... I lis business ................. :\red not he statt.'d ............ Passing hills. Dmnld D dds ...... I lis height. •................. Talking too much ............. :\o excuse ..............•.... ln•-man. \\'illiam l>oyle ..•... \\ell de1·eloped muscles ....... Chewing tobacco .............. How many days of school thi,; week?" .................... Professional baseball player. Fr<·d Fit•g .........• !lis :\orfolk suit ..............."Playing" society ............. Gin· me your algebra ......... Football coach at Sa1· >y High School. Tom Finnigan ...... "German'' 11 it ................ Being tht• hero .......... : ..... "I '<llrt' playl•d ,omt• game" .. Conducting a :\lt·n;.geril'. Cecil Fra>er ........ _Lr,ose joints ................. ,1,\thletic ability ............... \n~ thing pertaining to dl·bating ..•.............. . ...... Barber. Thtodore Frison ... IIi-, smile .................... .Lack of appreciation .......... "Orchestra n•hear>al tonight". Biologist. !)on Gates .......... Sw;'ggering walk ............. Too 'mall. ................... \\'hat did you gl't fnr thi;; prohbn? . . . . . . . . . . . .•... ~I ilk man 1 ~~ innic Hngers ...... I Ieight .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Placidity . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 1





O Cct.' P .\TlO~- .


The pown of thought-the magic nf the mind .-~lFLIT .\ D.\\'IS. \\'hat is the lesson.-- 11.\RRY Ct'llZO!\'.









1-~Xt.~~~r~ -~~-- ~- ~~R~: occt:P.\r~o~'\".

\Vil_lard r;nodman ... CJ;uhorm· I laworth .. Everette lluntcr .... \Vilhur :\lcGee .....

Singular walk ................ 1,\ctions of late .............. ·l•:hsolutt·ly none.·.· .. : ........ ,~lanicurist and hair-dr~·sser Runt . ....................... Cle,·erness ................... o::\e,·er caught huttmg 111..... Successor to :\Jr. Dorns. Jim Jeffries' build ............ Quiet disposition ............. ,Being a new pupil ............ Butcher. Blue -,erge suit. ............... jJklonging to Literary Society. Inquiries pertaining to physic-, Grocer, successor to llegt•nhart

Earl Patterson ....... Joe Percival ........ John .Rising ........ Eugene Russell ..... Charlt•s Taylor ......

:\Iouth ....................... llappy disposition ............ !lis a'sociates ................ Whitt• l'yt•hrows .........•.... How leg., .....................

Insincere manner ............. "Say, who is that girl?" ...... I lis many friends ............ Doe-; not need om· ............ Dispo-,ition .................. \o excuse ................... Childishness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\\'hat can you gin• me? ...... II is go ~ d nature ............................................

& Dickerson. Country minister. Clerk at "the stnre." Loan shark :\1 iner. :\I anager of "Leland Giants,"


colored hall team of Chicago Glynn \\'hite ........ Person;;I featun·s elongated ... Broad gnn.... . . • . . . . ...... c,ually pertain-; tn education .. 1Prize tighter.



I never do anything until I han• to.-EL"EH D!LI..\\.ol'. "Ytt I Jon· glory-glory is a great thing."-:\IYinu: lh::o!.\:->,



1\: lmi',



~o<·h•ty has li<Hl anotii<'J' NlH'<'<':-::-:ful y<•<tJ·, altl1o11gh it IH'gan IIIHIPJ' thP 1110:-:t :-:<•rious <lilli<-ult i<•s. 'l'h<• ofli<·P of ]Jl'<'NidPnt \\'<1~ 111a<l<• \'<II'HIIt dtn·ing lh<• fit·st \\'l'Pk of N<·hool hy thP <lPath of <'linton .\liii<'J'; a1Hl ('p<·il FJ·az<'J', thp \'ii'P]11'P:<idPn I, \\'as <·a IIPd to t hP <·hair. '!'liP sol'i<•l,\', \\'h<•n .\I1·. FntZP1' h<•<·;llll<' )li'<'Hi<IPnl, ha<l a lll<'lliiH•rsllip of only (pn; IIO\\', at lh<' <·Ill~<<' of Ill<' ,\'<'ill', lh<'1'<' is a IIH'Jilh<•J·sllip of 0\'1'1' sixt,\ . .\1111'11 of this ~<111'1'1'~<:< is <Ill<' to th<• <'HI'JH'st \\'Ol'k of .\IJ·. FJ·az<'1', and th<· t iniPly suggp:-;( ions of Oil!' ;uhi:-:<'1':-:, .\Jr. Lponm·<l and .\!1·. ~t11111p. 'l'h<• lit<•J·;n·y and "cwi;tl IIH'<'I ings l1a ,.,. lH'<'II g]'(•a t ly <•njoy<•d <II HI \\'PI I alt<'JHI<·d. 'J'hp progra111s fill' til<'~"<' galll<'1'ings han• IH'<'II \'HI'i<'<l. From tint<• to tinl<', \\<' l1an• had 1'<'\' i<'\\'S of th<' mo:-;t i1l(Pt'l':<ling artidPs in th<• <·m·t'<•nt JnagazinPs, dPh<tt<•:-:, <lisnlssions, hook 1'<'\'iP\r:<, <·m·t·pn( ('\'<'llt talks, t•XII'lllpol'Hll<'OIIN S]l<'<'l'h<•s, I hPJII<' ·, shm·t stm·ips, J'I'H<liltgs, an<l musi<· . •\:-: a :<JH'I'ial tt·<•at, .\1<•:<:-:J·.·. \YhitP, ~ny<l <• r, HJl(] .\tkillson of th<• t·nin•rsity of Illinois, fa\·m·<•<lns \\·ith l'<'<Hlings. 'J'hp Jll'ogJ·am ('OIIIIIlittl'<' <ll'l'angP<l many fpa(m·p <'\'Pilings, i'll<'h as foothall, 'l'hankl"giring, llallmn•'l'n, ('ln·istn~;r. ·, hoy:-:', and g·i1·ls' p1·ogJ·an1s. 'l'hp lll<'lllh<•r:-; IIH\'<', at all tim<'~<, .· ho\\'11 lhPir loyalty h,,- faithfully pPI'fonning lh<• <lntiP:< assignpd to thPm . Tn Ill<' :<o<-iPty \\'P IIH\'1' piP<I'-'111'<' a:-; \\'Pll as \\'m·k, for <•nt<•J•I;tillltH'nt and J'l'fi'PSIIIIH'IIIs HI'<' ]H'O\' i<k<l onp lii<'Piing of P<ll'h month. In <ktohPI', \\'('\\'PI'<' tJ·<•atPd to a stunt "llo\\'; in .·o \'1'll1hr•1·, to a Ilallcl\n>pn ft·oli<- an<l a lllcH'k tJ·a('];: 111<'<'1; ~anta ('Jaus ,·i siiP<l om· ])<'<'<'lllh<'l' lll<'<'ting; HJHl in FPhnJm·y, ~t. \·aiPnt irH':< :<pir·it nrl<•<l 0\'<'1' a ]H'Og'l'<•ssin• ntiPnt iJH' p;u·ty . •\ Jll<H'k tJ·ial \\'as hPl<l in \YIIil'h a hJ·<·al'h of p1·orni:<:• suit ln·ought .'100,000 <lanwg<•s to th<• pl;lintif'f. Til<' ;tnllll<ll hHlliJII"I of tit<' :-:o\'ipty \\'H:< hPid in Ill<' IHIIH]ll<'l room of (liP .\Jpthodi:-;t l'hlll'<·h in J)P<'<'JillH•J·. T!H• <·olm· ~<l'h<'liW \\'as IIJai'OOII mHl whit<' . •\1 <'<l<'h plat<• \\'PI'<' dainty hookl!'ts <·ontaining- til<' nu•nn <IIHl toa:<t ]li'Ogi'HIII. 'J'hp foJ]o\\'illg post ]li'HlH]iaJ ]li'Og'l'HIII \\'<IN ('lljoyP<l by a]J:

liE ('IIHlll)lilign lligh ::-·khool LitPt·ary


To.\ST\1.\STJ•' IL .......... ....................... ...... . IL\Ll'TI .'II('( i I~ E "PJ·ogr<':<:< oft Ill' YPaJ·:-;" ........................ .'IL\H(L\HET \\'.\LI\:EHLEY "Om· ~ t H'iPty" ........................................ <'E<'IL F lL\SEH .\Ju:<il' .. .. ............. ...... ... .. ... ......... ... ........ <lt' .\HTET .'111·"·' 1~ '. I.FO'\ .\IW. \\'ISE. ~TI•, l'IIE:'\S, 0SBOH'\E P ot•m .. _.............................................. Hl'TJI .\KEns "(lnnfitit•s that ~JH•Il ~ll!'I'('Ss" ...................... J)O:'\.\LJ) (;I{()SS:'\1.\:'\ "Ui1·l.· 'I'll<· E1<'1'll<tl <luP.·t ion" ........................ <'E<'IL ('001\:1' ··Boy- .\ .· Oth<'I'S ~<'<' l ·:-;" .......................... }1.\HIE ('.\LDWELI. "'l'hP < '0111i ng Y<•;lJ·" ... ....................... ........... ) I H. ~'IT:'\IP .\1 n:<i<· ................................................. "Fid t•li ty" "Jio\\ forl'ihlc are rit•ht \\'onk"- \Sll<lll l)ocK.J·. J I i> ·mile distnigui,hc, him IH\\'1-' DKYEil.



Fil·. ·t

~('('()]!( 1 ~('111('1-i( ('!'

~PIIH•st !'l'

Pl'P~idl'llt ........................ ( 'E<'IL FIL\:-IEH

( 'E('I L



\ ' i('(' i'l'PSidPII( .............. ( 'L.\HK \\'Ii-iE ( 'L.\ItK \\'1:-IE ~1'1 '0 1111 \'i<·<• ·l'l'l'"idPIIt ............. ~~\HIE ( '.\Lil\\ ELL .\1 \HIE (' \Lil\\'E LI . EL.\1 Elt LITTLE ~PI'I'Pt <11',\' ....................... i':L.\1 Elt LITTLE E.\ HL ~'I ' I·:I'II E:\:-1 'f'I'P<l!oo~lll'l'l' ....................... E.\ItL ~TI•' I'II E'\:-1 FHEil K !{()'\ Elt ( 'rit i1· ........................... ihLI'Il ~II'(; EE :\I H. ~TI \II' ( 'pJI~Ol' ......•................... ~lit. LEO \Hil 'J'O ( '. H. :-1. L. :-1.

Ol1, h<•J·<·'s to<'. II.~. L. ~.~ \\'hat it s1<111ds fm· you 1'<111 gtH•ss. 1:-; it Lil<'l'<ll',\ '? YPI'\. \\'p lll<'('t o11 <'' <'''." F•·iday nigh I llPll!'Hih tl11• glo\\· of HSI'\!'Jllh1y's ligld, .\11d slto\\ by OUl' fll'lll!,l'HIIIS that \\'(' HI'(' lll·igltt. 'I'll<• la1!'lll tiJ<tt's .·1to\\'ll fl'Olll liiiH' to titll<', 1'111 sm·<· you'll <11!,1'!'<' i:-; t l'lll,,· fillP, Fm· Pll'm·t <11111 skill \\ <' a hntys ('lllll hilw. \\'<.'n· tm·ni11g out m·atoJ·s alH1 <kh<ti(•J·s 'l'o fill m11· ltalls with 1Pgi:-;latm·s, .\JH1 !'\'PH l'llid alllltillistralon.. 1:<•:-;ill!•s mn· lit<·•·m·y tntit:-;, \\'(' 1l<li'ii'\ J•pf'J•pslllll('llf.' l'Olllld Oil pl;tt('i'\, .\nd so!'ials <'lljo~- \\'itllout llti:-;tak<•s. ~o ll(•n.'s to ( '.

II. ~. L ~- ~ \\hat it staJtds for you ntll gll<'Si'i. 1:-; it Lil!•J'<ll'.) '! Y1•.·.

''] f mu-,ic he the food of Jon•. pia~ on !"-K \TIII.KJ mode. t? L \\\ Kl· su. Frt, I low ran lw he




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CHAMPAIGN HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA ~PIIIPmhPJ' lli, 1!11:2, the ('harnpaign 1Iigh ~!'!tool ( )J'('ItPSt 1'<1 \\'<IS n•or·gall i;r,t•tl. •• P\\' Ill(' Ill hPJ'S \\'('1'(' adlll it t< •d and t hP followi 11g oflkt•rs PIPdPd : )p;l(](•r, 'l'hl'odo1·t• Fl'i:-oll; Jll<lllagt•r·, \ ·it-tor ~tullgt•l; (l't'<IS\11'<'1', Pt•J•t·y Pkk liP II; fat· III ty <l<h·ist•r·, )(1·. Osh •n·1w. ~illt't' tltis datt· !Itt' J't•ltt'al·sals han• hPPII \\'t•Pkly <tlld \\t'll attPIHIP<l. En•1·y lltl'lllh<'l' fppls th<tt liP ntust do !tis lwsl. Fo1· litis l't•asoll a11d, also, t !11 • playt'l'S Hl'P all good lllllsi<-ians, ('hantpai!!.ll t'<lll :-a,\ \\itlt 110 littlP Jn·idt• that sill' has thP l;n·gpst and hps( lti!J,It i"('ltOo( 01TIII'!"tl'<l ill tit(' .· tat!'. ~[11!'11 ('I'Pili( fm· tlil' ~ll('('('~S of thP o1·ga11izatio11 i dtt<' to tilt• faitltftll ami ahiP IP<Id <'1'sliip of Tltt• tHim·p F1·ism1. 'J'ItP ll1TII('stl'<l lt<IS, at all liiiii'S, l'('SIIOIIfl \•d to tlil' ('<Ills fi'OIII tltP sdtolll. .\t tht• foot hall 111<1:-~ JIH'Pti11gs, it mn. ·t•d pnthusia:-:111 a1Hl loy<tlty as olll.' llll!,dt· <·an. It ltas pla.n•d st'\'1'1'<11 limPs fm· tht• ('lta111p<tig11 lligh i"('ltool LiiPI'<Il'.' ~lll·it•l,\. Fo1· tht• ,JIJniol' ('lass Play, it fuJ·IIisliPd tit<' 11111:-it·. lh fan!(' lias spl·t•ad ah1·oatl. .\n<tllg<'IIH'll(s !tan' ht•t'll t'OlltplPIP<l hy ~lanag<'l' ~lallgt•l fo1· a t·ont·t•1·t to hp gin.~n :~t 'J'olmto 011 .\p1·il 11. 1'11(' <llllltt;l( 1'011('('1'1 Will (}(' ~(<1,\ :2, ill tht• <ISSI'IIIIJI,I' 1'00111 . • \!though ltl<lll~' llll'lltht•J·s (pan• s('hool this ,\'<'<11', it is hoppd that tht'1'1' \\'ill ht' PIIOtlglt liP\\' talPII( to I'OIItilll](' !ht• \\'OJ'I.;: IH'Xt ,\'1'<11'. IX~'I'In ' ~JE~; T.

I,( II (, r


'I' I 11·:0 I)() H1-: F HI HI'. ' l ·~ ( \ i I) I iII ) . Fir81 I ifJfill. r

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[\:ILII!'H:'\ FHEE:\1.\:'\, ' 1:~. l:rt88 I i/JI. ll .\1(1(\' \i I. t:.\1(1}, ' 1 I )IlL 0SBOH:'\E. , 'r ('fJIIf{ ( 'fJI'IIf I. l'ir8( ('/JJ'IIff. ]J.\IWY \\ ' ILSO:'\. 1'11(('\' PI<'K \ELL. 'I:). /-'{II fr. ('forillf'!.

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Hlt ' ll.\1(1) ~IH'Il .\EL.


('L.\l 'IIE Xot:u:, ']:),

\rt i th<· p<·ri .. cti n of natun lti·K\1. Fo,;ut<OTT. Jt j, ,,,,in (o spend motH')' th;~n to kc<'p it -11.\HR\'


FHt· PI· Hill !'!I ••

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~~~~~~~ .\BLY i11 thP sdwol ,\'«'<ll·, l"<']li'CSPntatin•s from I>P<·atnr


and J:loon1ington lligh s<·lwols and .Jir. L<•OJHll'd f1·om ('Ita 111 pH ign I I iglt ~dwol lllP! fm· t liP Jnn·posp of fmming H dPh<lt ing lPHgtl«'. 'J'IJ<' lengtH' fo1·ntPd is !mown a~ tit<' "( 'o1·n J:p] t l>Pha t i ng LPagnP." TltP tiJ·st <lPhatP wHs s<"h<•<luiP<l for I>P<'PillhPl' 1:~, hut fo1· J·pasons kllOWJl only to her, J:lootnillgton witltdn·w from tltP 1<-Hgll«' in its initial <·ontPst. I>P<·atnr and ('ltampaign, ltowPH'l', <tgJ'PP<l to <lPiHttP thP qtwstion: Hr·so /rl'r!, '!'hat thP <"Onstitntion of tltP statp of Illinois sltonl<llH• :tlllPIHIP<l so HS to J'PSPl'\'P to tltP \·of<'J·s tltP poWPl' to r<•<·all all l<wul an<l st:ttP otli<-ials PIPd<•<l hy thP JH•oph•. In a t1·y-ont lt<'l<l Ht BtJ. 'S<' II IIHil, tltPJ"<' W<'J'P p]pn•n <·ontPstants. Front th<•sp, two st1·ong tPaJns WPI'P <"IJospn to rPpres<•llt ('ltampaignlliglt ~<·hool:

\'f'f/1/ I i rl'.


H.\ LI'IJ .JI ('( l 1-:1·:. 'I :t

( 'E('IL FtL\~Eit .

F1mo KHo . · ~-:1:.

\\'ILL.\IW PIW( "J'OH,


\ ' I(''I'Oit ~'1' .\:\"<:EL,

I l.\ltOLJJ



'1:3. '13


•\It (']'JlH t ('.JI .\tlE ( '.\Lil\\'ELL, '1:{.

A It PJ'nH t ('.Jl.\JW.\ItET \\·.\LKEIU.EY, '];~.

l·ndPJ' th<• nhl<• <·wtdling of .JI1·. J.ponar<l <Hl<l .JIJ'. ~tlllll]l, tit<• two IP<IIIIS <lPwlopP<l J·apidly. .\ g1·pat <lPHI of <·t'P<lit i1-1 <hH' to tltp:-;p <·onches fm· (liP SIHTPSS of t ltp (pH IllS. 'J'h<• J)p(·;} (Ill' ( P<llllS \\'(']'(': .1/firnllll irl'.

Xf'fJrtl in·. L1m Flmt·:-;n.

ii '.\ Y:\"1-: II IC:I!T. I >1·:.\:\" nmm.u1.

I I 1•:.\(:LI-: KWK. L.\ l{n; lion:-;.

FLOHE:\"('E \\'!1.1.1~.

. \It Pl'll<t t P< '1..\HE:\"< 'E

AltPl'mtte ETIIEL

.J]< •('OlDII<'K.


'I'll<• <'h<llll]lHign HPgat in• tPHIII lll<'t tit«' l><·<·allll' aflinnatin• (pam at l>P<·at ur lH'fm·<• a la1·gp and Hp]n·p<·iHt in• HndiPn<·P. 'I'h<• <l<•<·ision rPtHlPrPd hy tit<• jn<lgPs H<'L .J. \\' . .Jid>onald, .Jir. F. H. \\"iiPy, .Jir. \\'. <L .J£<-( 'ull<wh-was t \\·o to OIH' i 11 fa nn· of t ltP <l llitnt<t t i n•. 'J'Itp ('h<lntpaign aflinnatin• tPalll 1111'1 thP l>ecatm· 1wgatin• !Pall\ at ('ltalnpaign. 'l'h<• ('ltantpaign 1<'<1111 sltDWPd lll<tl'k<'ll Sll]H'I'im·ity in <lPliY<'I'Y and in pll'Pdin• J·phnttal. 'l'hP <lP<·ision rPJHh•J·<·d hy thP judg<'H-

\ t:t T haH' something in me dangt'rous. ;\L\RY Fn:. \ sl•rious, sinn·n· charactl·r.-FR.\:\" CR.\Y.


II. Hohin~on, D1· .• \ ..J. Todd, :.\fr .• \ . H. \\'m·n,wk- was lltl'!'<' to nothing in f;tnn· of ('lt:tlltp:tign. 'l'lt!' lltain ~]H'<'t·ltp~ in hllllt d!'hat!'~ ""''" t!'n 111inut!'~ in Jpngtlt and lit!' J'!'huttal~ tin• n1inul1'~. Em·lt JIH'IIthl't· t·.·hutiPd . . \~a 1'1'\Y<ll'll fol' tltl'it· fnitltful Jn·:tl'li,.,., the IIII'JIIhl't·.· of tit!' ('lt:t~ll · pnign dPhall• tPaJII~ ""''" gt·allil'd "( ,.. s\\ PHtl'l" n·~t.-. Profps~or ~1.

('0.\('IIE' 01' J)EI\.\Tl:\'(; 'l'E.\:.\IS.

'IJ IL LEO:\.\ IW.

:.\lit S'IT :.\ lJ '.

"\\'hen chilclr n s~ancl quil'l the) ha\c <lonr some ill."- • \ · ·1F [<\.'TEll,; . ''Two human 1<11 cs make ont• di\'ltH'."- , '1·1.1.1 l•1 \T r.


ALUMNI FIL\ '\1'1·:~ .Jo~E~.


'1:{, .\~D

\\"ILL.\JW PHo<"I'Oit. '1:~.

0 FFI< 'EH~. l'n·~idPII t ........................................ ~I H. F. ~I. BIW\\'. Yi<·P·PI'I'Si dt'Jlt. ~lit~. E. ~. ( 'L.\ltK 0




























\"i<·<··PI·<·sidPIII .......................... }(H.('. D. J:IW\\'~ELL 'l'hiJ·d \"i(•(•·l'l'PSidPIII ~(H. '. F. E. B.\l~L\1 Fou1·t h \ ' i<·P·PJ·<•sidPIII ............................. ~Itt. EL\\' 1~ Ktu'l'z ~('('l'l'lar·y .I> H.•J. ( •. D.\LLE~JI .\( ' 1[ .\ssistant ~<'<'l'Ptm·y .............. . ............... ~Irs.· ~.\IL\II ~~O~IIm 'l'l'(':ISI!l'l'l'. ~Itt. BHtTE ~!ZEit Histm·ia11 ...................................\IlL <lEOIWE ('o(;(:~I£\LL 0














































































('L.\~~ OF 1!)1~.

'J'h<• mmal larg<• p<•J· <·<•Ill. of t II<' ('(ass of ] !Jl:! Pllll'l'l'<l tIll' l'Hin•J·sity of Illinois. Fou1· l'<'l'l'in•d s<·holarsllips,- Oign 'l'li<tl, <lJ·a<·<• ~lad<lPJJ, Hl'\H'<' ~i7.Pl', and Lpo ~I at tingly. I·~ lliot ~11'\'(' Jls is at II'!Hiing Xm·th\\·pstprn l'uin•rsity; HJH1 ~larjm·ip ~paldi11g, ~WI'I't I:J·i:Jl' < 'ollPg<', ~\\' 1'<'1 H1·im·, Ya. ~lildJ•p<] .·at<' i~ l<•a<·hilJg s<·hool at .\tlauta, lllillois. l>o11 ~(('(•~II'O_r is tPHI'IIing IH'Hl' ~idrH•y. ~oon aftPJ' gr·;uluation, XPlliP ~ldliiiPn was lll<ll'l'iP<l to .Jollll ~~·llw<·ngPI. 1'h<·y a1·<• I i\·ing on a f'al'lll np;n· < 'hampaign. Ll'sll'l' ~ill, til<' l'OIII(HlS<'l' of til<' rnusi<· to Fiddif,IJ. l1as <·onJpo:-.1'<1 thP wm·<ls nn<l lliJJsi<· of a song <•nt it IP<l "/ IAIII!J for )'o/1." J:t·u<·l' ~ir.<•r· l'<'<'l'in•d an appointnH'Ilt to the 1·. ~ .. ·nyaJ .\<·adPnJ_r at. \\"pst Point. liP passl'd Ill<' l'lltJ·aJH·<• pxamiuatiou::; and will <'JI(pr in .) 1111('.

Etlwl ~li<·hn<'l \\'HS JIHII'l'il'<l to ~Ir·. II. P. ~Jt·(;rpgor. Thry al'<' liriug in <'h i<·ago. Hm·othy J);~,·is, <lJ'H<'<' Hnd Huth ~Iill<'I' <ll'l' putting thpir IIousPhold ~<·i<•JH'l' into IH';J('ti<-1' tllis ,\'<'HI'. TIIE OLn


\\'ayn<' .Jolms(oll, 'Oi-l, aJHl Ining .Johllston, '11, li);y ('indn11atus of old, haw gmw ha<·k to t hp plow. ,Jps, · LaJ·gpnt, '11, is at tPnding t liP ("nin•rsity of Illinois . • 'plliP LiJl(lS<',\', '1 0, is li\'ing on a rani' II lH'<ll' IIoh:·mn, ~Jontana. ~hl' is tPa<·lling s<·hool. Ethel J)a,·is, '10, is altl'JHli11g f:plmont ('oll<'g<', at • ·ashYiilP, 'l'l'll· lll'i'SP(', Llo.nl \\"isl', '10, will gt·adnal<' this _rpm· from thl' ,'('(H>Ol of Iku(istry at • ·m·thwPslPI'll l'nh<'l'si(y. lie lihs to think himself hold ami bad.-lL\ROLD GR\\'. he does n -t USl' thl· llcm cry language that her name >Uggests.-Vror.HTE Fr.ow~RS.


1>on l'ai'!PI', '10, <•niPl'<'<l P1·in<·Pttm Cnin•1·sit,r afiPl' att <'JHliug thP l'ni\'1'1':-;ity of lllinoi:-; h\·o ypcn·:-;. ('ltm·lp:-; lh·y<'l' K<•l:-;o i:-; tl11• tiJ·:-;t hahy of till' l'la::;:-; of 1!110. liP i:-; lh1• i'tlll of ~II·. Hllll ~lr.· . E. H. 1\:pJ:-;o. ~IJ·:-;. 1\:pl:-;o wm; fm·Jnl'l'l,\' ~ladPiin<• ] )J·yl'l'. Fay .\J·JlJi'(l·ong, '()!1, \\·a:-; lllHI'I'iPd to('. H. ('t·o:-;fpy, 'l'IIPy Hl'<' liYiug in Klan1atl1 F:tll:-;, OJ·<•gou. ~lildn•d ('ayton, '0!1, JnaniP<l llugh Uoak. 'l'h<·y HI'!' lh·ing oil a I'Hlldl 111'<11' ( 'la1HlP, ']'pxas. E\·a .Ja111' .Ja<·kson, ·o~, 1·. of I., '1:!, is 1111\\ (liP !wad of thP Ilousphold Hl'il'lll'l' l h']IHI'tllll'llt of Hllllllll'l' 1 I igh H1·hool, Ht. Loni:-;. Ka1·l J>allPnh:H·II, '(Hi, is a FPllo\\' in til<' di'PHl'(ll\1'11( of Ps,n·holog,r at l'm·npll {'nin•rsity. B1·il'l' ('ald\\'PII, '0:), i:-; in thl' Pl<•t·tl·kal husinps:-; \\'ith his hrothl'l'. 'I'll<'." J'<'I'Pin•<l thP I'Oiltl'ad fm· tiH• 111'\\' lighting sy:-;trm in l'hampaign. Il1•lpn ~lallll!'\' ilh• LI'YI'l'ton, '():{, i:-; li\'i11g in 'algaJ·,,-, ('anada. ~la1·y llailiPi', '0:!, lll:tl'l'i<•d ('li<ll'h•s I:lain1• lm;t .\p1·il. ])p](a, l'oloJ'ado, i:-; t II Pit· honll'. Hopllia \'os:-;, 1!100, \\'Hi' till' fil·:-;t gJ·aduat1• of til!' s<·hool of mu:-;i<· at 1111' l'11in•r:-;ity of Illi11oi:-;, iu 1!10:) . •\ftPl' tt•adling fm l\\'o ,\'I'm's in thP i'<·hool of llllli'i1·, sliP liiHl'l'i!'d lli'Ol'g'l' ~l!'ll<tl'l'y. 'l'II!',Y HI'!' liYillg Oil a fal'lll JH'<Il' 'l'olono. l'nni<• Blli'<'.r, ·o~, i:-; ~tlJll'l'iniPlHlPnt l•~m·np:-;t's ~"l'l'l'Piary. Lo11is l>all!'llhal'h l'l'l'!'in•d final l1onm·s in tl1e ('oliPg<' of ~t·i<'BC'P, awl El\\'in K1·atz I'l't'Pin·d final hmi!JI'S in th1• ('olll'g'l' of Enginl'l'l'ing. 01'01-gt' .Johnson, '0:!, i:-; a ])]';H·tking pl1ysi1'iau in 'l'I'I'I'P llant<', lndi!lll<l.

Hix of till' II'HI'hl'l'i' in thl' l'han1paign lliglt ~l'lwol m·p gl'adua(p:-; of thl' l'ily high i'l'hool-~1 is:-; Lotti<· , '\\'itzpJ·, ~I i:-;:-; • 'elliP ~11·\\'illiam:-;, ~li:-;s ~lm·y llill, ~lis:-; Y1•J·a 'l'm·pJf, ~li:-;:-; ~lathilda \'oss, and ~I iss Bpt·tha ,Jolii'S. t:.nH' <:oodnwu, ·o~. t'. of I. '1:!, nnd \\'l1o i:-; uow in th1' gradllat!' :-;1·hool at tl11• l'uin·t·sity of Illinois, has a fpJlow:-;llip in Bl'_rll ~la\\'r l'olIPg<• for Jlt•xt y<'al'.

"Full o f courtesy and full of rraft."-Gr..\uYs GAc£. J lc rapers, he dances , he has t•y ·s of youth.







THE SENIOR PLAY BY EL17..\BETH ll.uuus. '13. ~~(']

liE .·u<·<·pssfnl JH'PSl'lltation of "llil'ks at ('ollP~<>'' laxt ,\'<'HI' 1<·<1 to t hP d!'IIHllld, 011 t lH' part of t h!' spnim·s, fm ~a pl",r ,; u,; lo11· i u t.q><'. I u ac<·or<hllw<• wit It t hi> wi>h, ~ "'l'hl' \ 'm·sity <'oa('h," h,,. Euni('P '1'. <inty, has IH'<'II dtos!'ll for til<' s<•Jiior play to he Jll'<'s<•utl'd in lhl' \Yalk<•J' Opl'l'a llous<•, .J IIIH' :~. Til<' parts ha n• lH'PII Yl'l',\' wisl'l,\ assi~Jll'd, and \\'l' an• Sill'<' thi:-:; play will hP <'qtwlly, if 'lOt mm·p sm·<·<•ssful than last ,r<•ar's. Th<• play is undl'l' tiH• diJ·p('(ion of ..\lr. Ouild and :JIJ'. L<•omu·<l.




( '.\R'l'. Hohprt ~Plh.r .............................. I lo\\'.\IW \Y.\LTO'\ ..\Iou~iP KPnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YH"l'Oit HT.\. ·m~r, Howard Dixon ............................... R\Ll'II ..\I('(h~E })ick J ~Jswmth .......................... ll.\HOLD . \JL\ISTIWX<: (')l(•stl'l' .\ll!'ll ............................ IlEIUIEH'I' \\'.\S('llElt .\rehihahl \Yintou ......................... \Yu.L.\IW Puo<'TOJt Huth :Jiom'<' ................................ Lm:-; l'IIILBLW 'K ..\1 l'S . ..\I ()()l'(' . . • . • • • • • . . . . . • • . • • • . . . . . • • . . • • . . • •JE.\ .>; HOI\Eit'I'S ..\!i.'s ~Pl'Pll<l t-\p]by ......................... ..\I.\ HIE ( '.\Lll\\'ELL ( ;('ll('\'i('\'(' .\11(•11 ............................. FH.\:'\('ES ,JO:'\ES Ethyl Lynn ............................ . .. Funm. TE H~II'l'II ])aisy Dml1H' ......................... )f.\ YBBI.L l>.\LLEXB.\('II (,l W<'lHlolyu l)p La<·<·.r .........................•JEx :-;I~ B.\HHY Esther ~IIlith ................................. ..\1 .\ Y.\IE LOXG

llu8i(· a11d l·ir[!illia fl ed. BEH:'\JE('E

HEll.\!.\.· D.\\'IS.

~[('. ·.\IlL

U.\7-EL l>ElUWr<lii.

K\ LtL

~·n:t•uJ~:-;s .

• \TIL\ \ YooD.


.\IL\1 :-;TitO. '(:, Kru\rux Fu~-:E~L\:'\. ( 'L.\UK \\'J:-; 1·~. ELI7..\BETJI 11.\nnr:-;. J>.\nu .\x:-;<'HH'K:-;


0 1' .>;XIX(; . t-\<'0'1''1'.


Eusox \\'mmrr. A:-;x.\ Yoss. Hrnr TILEY. IL\UHY \\"JI,SOX.


Oos. ·.

"The silver stream her virgin coldnes' keeps. Sunny Jim. l.J-o I IHa· !\11.\RT




liE ehm·ming lit tiP Latin play, ".\ Hotnan \\ P<lding-," gin·~ ~otll<' idPa of the rmtwlltil' <·u~tom~ in mu·ipnt limP~. 1'hi~ play wa~ pl'<'~<'lli<'d hy tl1<• Latin pupil~ of th<• ('hampaign 11 igh ,'ehool in ~lorrow Hall, OdohPl'

~~ 1}1(\~\ :!:2, lwforp lh<' l<•a<·lH·r~ and Jn·ineipal~ of th<' Iligh ~- ~d10ol ('onf<'l'<'ll<'l'. 'l'hat tlH• youthful ador~ <•ntPrP<l fully into th<• ~pirit of th<' play, wa~ .·hown h,r thpir iniPlligPnl intPl']ll'<'tation of lh<' linP~, :11111 IIH•ir PH~<· in lH'l'fm·tniugthPir part~. 'l'IH• ppl'form:UH't' wa~ UJHlPl' th<• <lirPdion of ~Ii~.· ~JeKinniP, who ~p:tl'P<l IH'ilhPr 1iml' nor lahor to ntakp th<' pia,\' ~lH'I'<'~~ful.


.aULJ -


Tullia, ~pon~n ............................. ~1.\HIE ( '.\Lmn:J.I, (;a ilt~ Pi~o, ~lHlll~u~ ............................ ( 't<:<'IL ('<HIKE ~lm·<·u~ Tullin~ ('i<·PJ'o, ~pon~:l<' patPl' .......... \\'ILI\T'lt ~I<'!:I·:E 'l'<•r<•nt ia, ~pon~:H' matpr ...................... Lol. ' PIIILHLtH 'K Lu<·im; J'i~o F1·ngi, ~pon~i pal<•r .................J.utE~ FI:\:\EY ~pon~i ~JaiPt' ................................. Ht "l'll .\Kl~H~ Fl:IIIH'll l>iali~ ............................... ])o:\.\Lil J>o1m~ Pont ifpx illaximu~ ........................ ~1.\:\FOLUI "JIH'II.\EL I uri~ ('on~ult n~ ............................... ( lLE:\X t-;('O'I'T Quintm; llortPll~ill~ ........................ \\'JLI.IE t-;TEI'IIE'\~ rxor Qninti IIortpn~i .................. :.\JJLJlltEil KLI:\Il\\'()1{'['11 Pronu ha ...................................... YEL:\I.\. HooT ~pon:-:ap F1·a t <'I' ...............................•\noLl'li 'l'JI.\L t-; · 1 ~ I l.\ IWLil ( 'oi'JoJ ' tgll:t m·p~ .. '' ... '' .................. ·1 '('IIEOllOHE ,JOIIX~TOX '1' i hi <·i IH'~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

HH'II.\HJ) )fH'II .\EL



] ) .\\'Ill .\:\~('III('!\:~

Lid orr~.............................. { P .\l ' L . _,


~l'l'\' 1



)i<ll'l'ipor ........................... ('JI.\HLE~ <lT' LHT Phi lot imu~ ....................... \\'JI,Ll.\:\L PHI<'II.\Hil . • T11·o ............................. \\ IU'ox Hrnxn.nr { .\nna ........................... K.\TIIEHI :\E ~f.\nnEx

"Eyes too exprc,si,·c to be blue."-InA Goou'1 AN Rosy ch ·cks and laughing cyes.-11.\ROLD Jou . ·sro;-;. 19


;::: "f•

.... ;:;; :.<:


~ ;:;;




".... "f. ~







.'~'"1' th<· junim·s, in sPlPding thPir <·lass play, <lPJHII'IP<l fnnn t h<• nsmtl custom. InsiPa<l of onp Ion~ [D c:;;:;:J play, t hPy pl·<•spJJIPd tim•<• adl:' ;ubtpl<·d f1·om l>i<·kpns' )• ~ /Jaritl ('OJIJH rfidtl. ~in<·<· it was impossihlP to pro<·m·p t hP \\' a lkn Op<•J·a 11 ousP for tit<' JH'J·fm·ntan<·<', t ltp ass<•nthly roo111 wa~ utili,;<•<l. .\llltongh tltis fact sPPJIIP<l to 111'\'H'lll t hP 11~11al pnt hu~ia~'<lll fm· such an nndpJ'taking, thP l'PS11lt was, m•n•J·t ltp]pss, slH'<·<•ssf11l in <'\'('l'Y way. 'l'hP ll<'1'forlli<IIH'<' passpd ofT \\·ith zpst and spi1·it; Ill<' :nuliPn<·<• frpqtu•ntly in((•JT11]l(Pd with appl<tl!Sl'. 'J'hp following (;0111111\'II(S <ll'P (akpn ft•om th<• daily lll'Pss: ".\ fpatm·p of thP \\·hol<· ail'air \\HS tlw m·ti.-tk IIICIIIIH'1' in \\·hi<-h all ('11(('1'('\l iJJ(o (ltPil' clt<ll'<ll'IPl'S" j and, "£( \\'<IS ('('1'la inl_r a <"t'Pdit to lh<' jnniot· clas~ as \n•ll as to thP Uiglt ~dtool." For tlH· su<·<·pss of lhP ll<•l'fm·ntan<·<', gt·<•at <·J·pctit is du<• to lhP <lirP<·It•s, .\11·. <'ookP and .\!1·. ~luntp. II was IIH·ir <'<ll'IIP~L and unli1·ing pfforts hat lll<Hl<' th<• pia,\· possihl<•. ( '. \~'1' . HPad<•J' ......................... K .\'1'11 EHI :-; E .\I.\ nnE:-; . \( " 1' I. lla,·id ( 'op]H'1'fiPid, a stna II hoy .................. l'L.\11\0it:\E 1 I.\ \\"OHTII \\'illiam, a \\·ait\'1' .................................. 11.\HitY \\'1 ;>;<:.\Hil . \( "I' 11. \1 iss Iktsy 'l'1·ot \\'O<Hl, gn•al aunt to Da,·id .............. ~.\HI:\ .\ \\'ILrn: lmtPI, .\li~s Tt·otwood'~ maid ............................ .\f.\ltiE BE('K It· . .\llll'(lston<', J>a\·id's siPpfathPt' ....................... ('E<'IL ( 'ooKE lis:-: .\InnlslmH', ltis :-:isfpr ............................. I~u: .\:\Oit (' .\1:\ •\(''(' 11 I. \It· . .\li<·awlH•t·, a gpn(IPIII<III "waiting fot· SllliiPihing to 1111'11 up" .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ('E('IL Flt.\~Eit \Jt·s . .\1 i<·awJH•t', his\\ if<•................................ ({{ 'T il .\KElt~ I Ia \'id ( 'oplH'I'fiPl<l} {]I.\ !toLil ~ .\ Bl :\ la\\· stndPnls.................. 1 , < l'i'\ ,.\ \\'IU<:'\<'1•: 1• EE I l'a< Ill

"' -



~y :\01'~1~.

THE Fnn::\lli.Y \\'.\!TElL '/'Ill' r·ojf1'1' roo/11 of tilt !tttt ttl }"ar11 Ill II /lt. \<·( I 1.- BETNY Tlto'I'\\'OOil .\T I I<DI E. '1'/11' jm11i' !tanlr •tt /11 .11 iss Hl'/sy '!'rot wood·.~ l'otlo!fl' ttl /)orl'r . . \d. lif.-.\[lt. .\(1( '.\\\"llE!t·~ I'HOSl'E<'T~. /)arid ('OJIJII rfil'/t/'8 dtll/1/U('/"S ill Ntll'kitt!Jitltllt 8tn·r I itt . ltldjllii. \!'(


"So coldly

"H'l't. "-]t '.\~IT\ ll .\"'IFR5~11Tll.

Can't always t~ll h) looks of things .-VEH~o." Joii:\STO'>'. (•J

OFFICERS OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PJ·c•sidPllt ........................... LOis PIIILBHIC'K Yic·P-PrpsidPilt ....................... FH .\:\('ES ,Jo:\ES ~('(']'('( 011',\' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H EIL\1.\ ..

'I'J•c•asm·c•l' ............................ ~~H.

I).\\ IS

E. .\IlL'\ I·:

I lltfrfir · ('()lllllli/1" of tltr Hoonf uf /-,'dtlf ·rtlioll. ~I H. B. Loxc:. ~Ius.

F. E.

l>u. H .• \.

H .\1'\l ' \1.

~:\IITII .

. I tltlr lir· f)irrr-/()1". ~!ISS L. ~ \\TI'/t,J·:H. ls~i.-to11/

. 1/ltff"/ir· f)indor.




Po o 17m If. <'nptain ...........................

\\' .\\:\!•: ~\nc:.\HT

~lotnagpJ· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIO\\'.\Itll \\'.\LTO'\

('oa('lt .............................. ( '.



<'aptain ......................... YEH:\0'\


~lotllHgPl' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1).\\'ff) BIW\\':\

( 'o;wh ............................... ~IlL E.

~IlL'\ I·:

Ha .·r lutlf.

<'aptain ......................... 'I'uo:\1.\S


~l<tllHgPl' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •JoE PEIWIL\L

('oath .............................. ( '. HH'IL\IWSO'\

... tudy is like the hcan~ns' gloriou' un ."- 1I \ZEL II \RJ>L •• •· he was wont to speak to the purpo,c.''-RL Til ll ,\Rill:-i. (q



:.-: 7. ~



~ ~


"' ;..

0 ::::

i j


FOOTBALL FOR 1912 ll y II 0\\' .\lW \\ .\ LTOC\' '13. 'I'KUI. B. '1'., ~I('( lPI', '1 :~. It E., l:i<·hntmul, '1:). <2. B. Finnig-an, '1.1. ·w. B. II. IL, l>onm·an, '1;~; \\'pndt, 'W. L. <l., ~ll'nill, 'l:i; KPntp, 'lli. L. 11. B., ~I oorp, 'lli. ('., l>iiiHnllt, 'lli. F. B., ~wig-m·t, '1;~, <'aptain. B. <:., \\'hill·, ·tn. ~uhst it ull•, l:l'Hnl'h, ·1:~.

L. E., <lt'o\'1'!", '111; \\'H lton,

'1'~, ~lg1· .

L. '1'., ll<•g<•nhHl'l, ');); Ft·l'dl'l'il'k:-:on,


( 'lt<tlllJIH ign, ('h:ttllpHign, ('llallt]IHigll, <'ltatllpHign, ('IIHillJIHiglt, ('ll;tlllJIHign, ('IIHtllpHigll, ('hampnign,

1 ................................... Paxton, 0. 10 .................................. Tli!"I'Ola, 7. 1 L ................................ lhtndlll', 7. 10 ................................• ·1'\\'lllllll, H. 110 .............................•Ja('].;:-:onYilll', 0. T .................. ,(;l'alH1 I'I'Hit·ip ~l'tllilllll',\', 7. 17 ......................... l'nin•1·:-:ity lligh, 1:~. J;L ................................. l.l'hana, 7.

Th1• foot hHII ~~·;t:-:on of l !11 ~ t·allk:-: with ol11' llll'lliOJ'ahll• yl':.tl':-:,- '!IT, ·o I ill t'I'I'Ol'll 111<111<•, a nil :-:ut·l><t:-::--:1':-: tlll'lll in tinm11·ial sn<·<·pss. 'I'll<' <'XI'I'IlPnl l'I'I'Ol'll is :-:Ito\\ n hy t hi' fHI'I that til<• <'halllpaign II ig-h ~('(tool 11'<1111 lll'fpal<•ll til<' :-:ll'ollgl'o.;( lligh :-:l'hool ((>alit:-: of tltl' stall', did not los<' a ga tll<', a 1111 I il'll i 11 olll' gH tll<'. 'l'l11' :-:pi1·it sho\\' ll by till• :-:l'ltool :tllll hy till' tlll'llthPl'!" of till' tPH111 during 1111' ,\'I'Hl' \\'H!" I'XI'I'III'll(, Hlltl not H ]itt II' <II'I'Olllll!" fm· Ill<• 11'<1111':--: Sll('I'I'S!". Ft·mll Pigiii<•Pn to l\\l'ltly llll'll \\1'1'1' kl'pt in ll'ainiJtg nil :-:<•H:-:on, 1-\0 that 1no:-:t of till• lillll' two ti'Hill!" \\'1' 1'1' Hhl<• to :-:<·l·itllllt<tg<' ;~gaini-lt l'<H'h otlll•r. 'l'l11• lli-111<\l :-:uppm·t "Hi-~ gin·n t II<' ll'allt, hDt l1 hy tIll' '. 1 I. ~. st ndl'nt:-: an<l 111<· h11:-:itw:-::-: 1111•n of t II<• <·ity. \\'h<•lt t h1• <'1<'\'1'11 litll•d up ng;tin:-:t I'Hxton fol' t h<• tit·:-:t gan11• at ltontP, <'oHI'II l{i<·hm·ll:-:on I tad ollly till'<'<' "( '" 1111'11 on t h<• team; t hi' rp:-:t WI'J'<' in unifm·n1 fm· til<• fil':--:1 Iiiii<' fm· ('han1paign lligh . •\fl<'l' a ll<•atl'lllll'gnllll'llt <·on<·<•l·ning !'axton':-: plnying all iHPligihll' lll<tll, om· ,·i:-:itor:-: finally wit 11111'1'\\' fl'Olll 1hi' liP Ill. 'I'll<• gnm<· W<l!" fm·fpitl'<l to < 'halll]l:tign 1-0. 'l'h1• folio\\ illg , 'at tn·dHy foull<l t hi' :-:;tlllf' "gl'l'<'ll" II'Hill litu•<l 11]1 hPfm·p till' o.;t1·ong Tn:-:<·Dla Iligll ~1'11ool (pam. Thing:-: 1oDk<•ll ralhPI' nnf;l\·m·ahk HI th1• l'lltl of til(' fit·:-:( half \\·ith illl' !"I'Ol'(' 7-0 agHinst ('ltam]IHign. Til(' :-:<'1'01111 hHif, hm\·1'\'1'1', Jll'OihH·I'Il tl11• dl':-:it·<•<1 l'll'Pd, and 1111' ~l;n·oon:-: <·HIIll' tl11·n "ilh a 10-7 ,-ktoJ·y. ·n~. and

"\ woman rnncC'als \\hat she knows not."-Lt'l.lJ .J.\\1 ES. Our l1ght '"'·ight.-lli.Y L1~F 'll\. "l.d llll' he hJv,sed h~ the pean· [ mak<·."-FH \:\CES jFH\'IS. ". 'nt nnl' \\"rd sp11k<· hl' nwn• th~n \\as nl·~d ··-PJ:.x1 Y Lot'R.\sll. (li

'l'ltP T'<'maiTHlrr of t hP ~pa~on wa~ lltad<' np of fi\'(' ,· idoriP~ and onr> tiP gant<'. 'l'h<' tiP ganw \Ya~ play<•d at Ottat•g<t with th<• Ctrnnd PraiT·ip ~Ptniwtt·y tt>allt. ('hantp;tigll wn~ lltl'l thPl'P hy a ~qnn<l aYPT'aging Pight p tl ii!Hl~ IH';I\·ipJ' than tlt:·y. 'l'hP ~'<('111'1' waH 7-0 in fann· of ('hat11paig11 \Yith onp mi11nl<' lltlll'<' of play; tiH'II thP oppo~i11g (pant Hn<ld<•JII,\' took a sptll'l, Hll<l ('hlllll]lHign, t in•d hy hPJ' h<•a,·ipr op]HllH'nts, wn~ fon·<•rl to hP <·ontPntPd with a tiP. 'l'hp ll-7 ,·idm·y at lhtn\·iiiP J'<'nlly shmn·d ('halltpaign's strpngtlt. ll<•J'I' agai11, thP ~l;n·oons W<'T'<' ont\\PighPd, hut stuhhot·nly fought thPit• way to thP <ksin•d positimt in tit<' S!'lll'ing !'Oilltllll. \\' ith .J;u·b·om·iiiP ;t])(L )lpwm:lll, thing~-; ,,.<'l'l' J'alh<•r pasy for thP houH• (pant. Lit tiP trouhlp " ·as had in \\·inning li0-0 alHl -! 0-li s<·m•ps l'P~JH'l'l i\·ply. Both I<'HliiS WPl'P l'On~idPl"P<l <·ontPtHlPrs for dtantpimlship honm·~'<, hut failP<l to sho\\· thPil' l'la~~ against old C. II. ~Tit<' ~~·astlll wa~ (']o.- :·d hy vktm·i<·~ OY('l' ruin·J·~ity High, a ~(J'Oilg <'ook <'ounty high ~l'hool, and {'t·hana, thp aggt'Pgntion a<·J·oss thP litH'. 'l'h<• ~~·m·<·H W<'l'<' 17-t:~ and t:~-7 J'<'SlH'!'ti\·ply. 'l'hP o·;\111(' with {'nin••·~it~ High \\a~ allolh<•J' pxhihition of thP ~laroons' strength, and as lH'fOI'P onr aggt·p~~m·s ont wPighP<l ns <·onsid<•rahly. 'L'hp gattH' was <Ill PXJH'J'i· JIH'Il( tinalH·inlly and ]ll'OYPd to lw a dl'l'idt•d HtHTl'~~- ~lpmh<•t·s of lh<' l'nin•t·sity (pam adt11it tpd 1 hat ( 'hantpaign h;~d th<· fa~tpst ha<·k Jlpld, that t hPy had <'\'<'!' play<•d aga i Tt~t. Following tltl' l'nin•t·~ity lligh <·onlPHt, <·Htll<' a ganH' "· ho~<· ontt·onH' ph·a~<·d thon~'<mHls of JH'oph• and whi!'lt nl~o <li~appointPd a gt'<•<tt tnany. 'J'hank~'<giYing afl<•t·nooll fonnd approximalPly two thon~<tn<l ]H'opk gat h<'l'('d at LpagnP Pal'l~ to H('(' th<· riYal l'h'H'll~, ( 'hampaign <IIHl rrhana, halt!<• for "'l'win ('ity" ltonm·~. 'l'hl' \\' ('an·r~ of tltl' lll<ll'Oon st;~rt<•<l out stt·ong; tltpy ~<·m·pd t "·i<·<• in th<• tit·~'<l half. 'l'he ho.'· ~-', lto\\·Pn'l', from a<·J·o~~ tiH' lim• <·anH' hal'k stt·ong in thp H<'<'01Hl half and manng<•<l to Sl'OI'<' on<·<'. 'l'h<• ganH' PtHl<•d with a ~l'OI'<', t:~-7 in fann· of ('ltntnpaigJt. 'l'hi~ ~'<lt·ing of ,·i<-tm·i<•s pln<·<•d tit<' ~lm·oon~ in a triplP lit• for ~tall' <·hampion~hip ltonm·s with )lolill<' :tlld \\'p~( .\lll'Ol'a. ~Jl<•l'ial IIH'nlion is dnP th<' star~ of the s<':tHon, )Jom·p, ~\Yigart an<l Finn<•gan, wlto pl:ty<'d l'\'<'1'.'" gmnP <lm·ing· tit<• ~l'aHon with lh<· :thilily of <·ollPg<' pl:tyPr~. Ewt·y lliOIIH'lll fm111<l tlt<•m on tltPit• (ot•H fighting for('. II.~- <:ron·~ a11d ~l<•nill also <l<·Herw a gn•at dPal of ('I'Pdit for (It(• lllalllll'l' ill wlti<·h tltl',\' pla,\'l•d tltf' l'J'IHtiiH gaiiH'. 'l'lt<' 111<'11 lo t'l•<·<'in• "(''' ~wpal<'t·s at·<·: ~wigat·t, Fimtiga11, ~loot'l', J>onoYall, HkhtnmHl, ~ldlPP, IIPg<'tlh:u·t, K<'llt]l, \\'hit<', J>illaYoll, Fr<•dJ·il'k~on, \\'l'tHlt, and \\'alton. Prohahly tlw gt·p;ttPHl nPdit i~ <111<' ( 'mll'lt Hi<·hardHon for d<'\'Plop ing a "g'I'P<'ll" tPam into a l'hampion~ltip aggrpgation. I>irl'dm·~ ~ri~. ~willWI' HIHl ~II'. ~~ iltH' ~ll]l]lOI'tl'd t hP t<•am at all t iiiH'S, an<l \\ 1'1'(' a gt·Pat hPlp ill mat tPl'~ of a<hi<·<•. That's 111~ hrotlwr! :\I \1!10. · K1- \1 P. The naml' <ill'S not applY. Fi.\1 FR LITTLE.

Her coiffure is as yariahle as thl' ''ind.-Ft.ORE.·cE o serious ?-]011 s LO\\ RY.




.\1 IIIP l'lo~p of tit<· ~~·n~on Ill<· ~qu:11l \\'H ~ "lllPrtninP<l by :\fl•s. H. 1>. Hurnltnnt at lt<•r ltotll<', wlt<'l'l' a <lPiicioll~ dilllH'I' wa~ ~1'1'\'l'd allll a mo~t Plljoynhl<• ('\'Pllillg' \\'a~ l'X)H'I'il'll('('(]. '('Jtp IPallt, tltl' lll('lllb('l'~ of tl11• sl'lwol llom·d, :md dirPdor~ :'IIi~~ ~\\· it7.<'1' and :\lr. :\I ihH• Wl'l'l' gin•11 a llalHill<'l hy :\II'~~~·~.('. B. llall'lt, '!'. 11. ('ntig, and II. ('ook in thl' pJ'i,·al<• dining roo111 of llot<·l BPnnl~ll·y . . \fll'l' "dPmi ta~~w", ~lH'I'I'iH·~, I'Xlolling !111• IIH'ril~ of th1• hoy~, \\'('1'1' nt:HII' hy llll'llilH•J·~ of tl11• Bom·ll, tiH• ho~l, nnd th<• ntltlPiil- cliJ·p('(m·~. 1'1tl' l'\'l'llillg' wa~ in 1'\'1'1'." wny llPiightfnl ancl fully HJI)Il'l'<·i:dl'<l hy till' guP~t~. '1'h1• ontlook fm· 1!)1;~ i~ l'l'lll<ll'kahly bright. ~!'\'I'll llll'lllher~ of IIH• pl'l'~<·nt IPHilt " ·ill IH• hnck HPxt y<·m·. 0PJH' Hu~~PII i~ nwnagPt' a11d HPuhl'll :\loDJ'P i~ t·:qJ!ain. :\ldlPP, ~wigart, l>onontn, and \\'alton will gt·udual<•. 'l'HE <LUIK BY To:'lnrY 0\\'E.'\~. '1 li. 'J'h<• gaJIII' wa~ ~t:ll·ll•<l at ltalf'-pa~t t\\·o, . \nd .·om<• of tltP ~P<'<·tator~ Wl'l'l' looking hhw, ".·o <·han<·<• I'm· ('lt:IIH)laign, tltl'~· al'<' too Jig-Itt, l'nin·r~ity Iliglt will \\·in all right."

\\'p J'<'<'Pin•<l tit<' hall and gain<•<l .·omp ground; 'l'hPll ~wigart ~Ito! O\'Pr for a totu.:lt-down. :\loon• kid-:P<l goal and in<·J·pa~l'd th<• ~<·m·p, . \11(1 latPr in tit<• ganw, W<' tllH<l<' ~lllll<' mol'<'. Our KPnlp tlt<•y foull(l a tall hl'ick wall, ''Ox" \\'hit<• Jll<tdl' Hlally of t hPiJ· ''~tm·~" fall, . \IHl many otltl'l'~ I cannot tWllH l>istiugui~he<l tlt<•unwln·~ in this hard fought ganw.

":\fl·n ruil· the \\'orld, \\'Olll<'ll ruk llll'n."-:\f \R\ Knn. "Plcasurl' tir-;t; thrn srhool." Gr ..\ll\'S L\111•. "(;enius is patiencr."- :\lr RFTT\ LEsl.rL. Things arr too quiet for llll'. ] .\ \t Fs :\lr RRttt. 6<)


::.. ~

= ::.. ~


;::;; ~



TRACK, ilY B .\LI'll

1912~ 1913 .\IdlEE,


'l'h<• two i11(Pnwhola~(i(' ll\1'1'1~. on<• at On;n·ga a1Hl thP otiH•J· at t·niof lllinoi~. 1-'<·h<•<hll<•d in th<• ln~t is~ll<' of th<• 1/amrm. took pla<·P la~t ~p1·ing. •\t Omu·ga, <'hanlJl<lign lligl1 t-khool ~<'<'lll'P<l (\\'<'11(\·-fiw points to hpr oppo11Pllt'~ t\\·<·11t,\'·SI'\'I' n. .\1 tiH• l ' uin•rsity of Illinois llarid H1·o\\ 11 \\On fifth pia('(' in th<· half-1nile 1'1111. 'l'hosl' r<·<·pi\'ing "( •·· sw<•ateJ·s \\'1'1'<': ~izPr, Hagan, Braueh, ~trahle, KirkpatJ·i<-k, KPnlp, Ow<•Bs, 'l'uJ·npJ·, and \ ' .. Johnston . 'l'llis s<•ason by iutPllig<·nt <·o;H·hing by ))iJ·p('(or .\lihw, <llHl l1ol1Psl Pll'mt 011 thP pm·t of thP (J·a('k llll'll, <'harnpaign lligh ~('hoof 'l'ra<"k 'l'parn, at pnl<·t i<·P, is a spo1·t wPll wort lr \\·atclring. ( '(;tss l'Oill]H'I it ion has shown tl11• tral'k llll'll to liP nH·<lal \\·inn<•J·s. Last fall I>it·<•dor .\lihw, who has always hP<'ll part inllarly int<•J·<•stPd in JiPIIl ('\'Pitts, o1I<•J·pd onP gold, two silrPr, a1Hl (pn bronzp medals to tlrP nH'll who, by l'OillJll'litioH, Jll'O\'P<l thP sllJH'J·ioJ· thirtP<'ll. lhl\' id ill'O\\ 11 sl'<'lll'<•d th<· gold JllPdal anl Louis Bnrwasl1 ;md HolH'rt ~panldi11g th<• two siln•r me<lals. ThosP winning ht·onzP insigniH \\'('1'<': LPsli<· lli<·ks, \ ·prnon .John~tou, .Jpsse Kirkpatri<·k, lloJn<•J· LP\ris, EIJnPJ' Little, <'har)p~ .\loJ·t·o\\, \\ a,rn<' Ill'OWil, and Willi<• ~tPplrPlls. 'I'll<' last two ti<•<l for t liP last ht·ouzp; so l>il'l'dor .\1 ilue H '· <·m·pd anoth<'l' JnP<lal · tlm~ making in all a total of fourteen. '1'11<' (PHI II l1as a bl'ight fut m·e aiHl pt·omi '<'H to win honors for th, ('ha1npaign High Hdwol.


'l'E.\\1 1!11:{ ll.\JtHY ~·H'IIOLH .

\ .E LC'\0~ .JOU~STO~. '1;)


B .\l.Plf KE.\11',

[{OIIEUT ~P.\I.DL '(;, '1;) II .u:uy \\·nrm. 'lli Ll :\DLEY DRYER, 'J () • \ lri'II l'R Bo~:\ELt, '1 :>


B.\ Ll'II BH.\ :\( 'll. '1 :~ 'l'O\L\lY 0\\'E:\H. '] (i LEsLn:

I ll< 'Ks . 'lli

,J[.;HHE KlltKL'.\THH ' I\:.


Et·<:J·;.\"E ('runs, '10 \\'.\ Y~l~ BROIY.:\, 'Hi


'1;3 .\J OlUto\\', '1 (i

Hrit\\' .\HII.

( '11.\Hl.l•:s



.\L ' E .JoLI~HTO~. '1;)



Fo1msT llE.:\LEY, 'Hi lh\'ID BRO\Y~. '1()

FUEl} \\ ']~~ ])']', '1(i

HoY LE\YIH, '13 .'('JIElll LE ('la~s

.\Jp('(, .\p1·il :21i l · J·hana and ( 'hanJpaign, .\ lay :3 <'hm·Jp~(OJl lnt<•t 's<·hola~t il', .\Ia~ 10 ~tat <' IntPrsl'hola~t i<-, .\lay 1 I ( lJ'aJHl Pmil·ip TntPl '~l'llo lnst i<' .Jnn<• -i

"I Im·c 111) Im·e... VIOL .\ :\I o .\11 \:-.. c;oo<l natun·<l and pl<.·asi ng-. ]1':\1·.•\11 ' 1.111,(·~•. Ohstinary in a had cause is hut ronstanQ in a go <1 .- 11 FI.F. · .\!1 Quiet and unassuming.-:\IJKU.. 'ol!l.l. jl

Rl'll \ .

BASEBALL FOR 1912 By II 0\\" .\ Hll

\\' .\ LTO.\".

)IOOHI~. '1:) ................... ('. H .\\IEY,



'1:! ... P. 'I:!, \\' .\J.To.\". '1;L .. F. ll.


FI.\"\IC: .\.\",

'1 ;{


ll.\IU:I.\"(:TO.\", '1:!.~. ~.

}IJ·. I{('I.:Jt, 'I:L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '1'.



1: .1'. '1:L ............. ('.F.

Hl<'ll\10\ll, 'tt,(;JL\\'<:Jo:H.'J:),

'J:L ............ ~. ll. ~\\· H: .\IlT, 1)OYLE, '11 ................ L. 1•'. }{E('IlHil

}lal-ollll. ' :.!:.! .......... 'l'olono 0 ~laJ·ooH:-; Hi ......... l·•·ha11a • }laJ·ooll:-; Hi .......... 'l'u:-;<·ola !I ~l<li'OOJIS 0 (I iHIIillgs) J) .•<·attn· 0 ~IHJ'OOIIS:) .......... l·J·hana ;{ ~lai'OOIIS:.! .......... l'l'h:tlla () }I a t·oons J. . . . . . . . . . . . I )<•<·a t m· ~ 'l'IH• ('haHlpaigH lliglt ~~·hool ha:-;phall lP<IIll \\·a:-; gJ·pat ly IJandi<·appPd in 1!)1:.!, owing to til<' lo:-;:-; of Jll<'ll hy gnrduatiou. 'I'll<' o11ly 1!111 "('" Jll<'n ba<·k W<'l'<' <'aptain HanH•y, KiiPJ', Fi11nigan, and \\'. Doyl<·. 'J'II<' 11<'\\ mat!'rial, h0\\'1'\'<'J', \\'<IN Nnt·h tll<tt a good ll':tlll 1'< '~-'lllt<'<l. . \s in 1!111, tht' ~l;n·oolll' Pnjo,n•d thet' ,·idorii'N O\'<'l' tiJI'iJ· •·h·;tl:--; f1·ont l'l'llalla by :).;{, lti-~, and :!-0 N<'OJ'Ps. }lanag<'l' .\twl'll was nnah]p to sdJ<•<IniP IILHII,\' ganJ"s, fm· tin•l.\· ft'\\' high :-;t·IJool:-; han' hasPI>all lPHIIIN. l'l'al'fi ('(' :-;(;u·((•<l W<'<'k in }fmTh with about twPnty-ti\'1• <·aJHii<latc•s :-;tri\' illg fOJ' on thl' (pam. <'oal'h Hi<·hanl:-;on mad<• no mistak<' in pil'kiJJg

I'OIIIfl<ll'HIll<' tltir(l positio11s hi:-; (pam.

'l'h<' ~-'<'ason si<n·ted with a Yidory m·pr th<· 'folo11o ninP on th<·ir homt• diamond. 'l'he :-;<·ore wa:--; :.!:!-0. In this gam<• tl1e ~laJ·oons siJO\\'P<l thl'il' ability to hit thP hall and win ha:-;ps, 'l'hp follo\Ying ~atm·day, til<' }laroon.· \\'<' !'<' gin•u ;t ~-'<'HI'(' at 'l'ns<·ola, hy that dty high N<·hool aggrpgation. "HPilll~" I laniHgtoH, '' ho IJa<l )('( the 'l'olouo uine down with two llit:--;, \\·ns as:-;igll<'<l to pitl'll. But "Bpnn,\" found out ;lf(PJ' thl'Pl' innings that his pitdliJJg nwtPJ·ial did not haw mut·h pll'pd on tht• 'l'us!'olaitp:-;, wl1o haltpd in nin ·• J·un:-; in tit(• :-;ai<l till'<'<' im1ing:--;; wltiiP ('h:llnpaip;n had to hP <·ontPil( witl1 lloll<'. (~nin KiiPr wa:-; (':tlll'd to tak<• up tltp task, an<l <'XIH'J'i<'li<'P<llittl<• difli<-ult,r in hol<lillg his O]l}IOJH'll(H l'afl'. In tlw JllPantiJil<' ('lrnrnpaigu gol husy and SI'Ol'<•<l sixi<'<'ll I'llllNi tiJUs ~,·inning the ganH• 11i-!l.

'J'WO \'i('(m·ip:-; 0\'('J' rJ'l>HJJH ('OliS( it llf!'d ( IJ(• )'('Nll](s of (liP ll('X( two g;mws tiH' SHIIH' old l'intlry that has always dtaJ·al'fpr·iz<·d atlllt>tk

:-Jay you li\'(' all the days of your life

LnPISF. ·uR~I \.·.

l'll·asc repeat the que. tion.-CI..\t'llt ·()(;L''· Go"ifl is the root of all edi.-Lt nu 'mno. ·. Bashfulness is an ornament to youth.-FR.\:\ K p, R~;l\',\1 ..


<•n•nts hl'iW<'<'ll tlH• sistPl' s<·hools was in <•YidPn<·<'- 'l'lt<· :'llarom1s, howl'\'1'1', :-:ho\\'!'<1 thl'ir sup!'riority in tiH•:-:p Pllg"<lg"P111Pllts. 'J'h<• :-:t•t·mHI ~atltJ'day in :\lay fomul til<' l><•t·atm· Ilig-h and ('hmn paig-n t!'alns Jin!'d up ngainst Pat·h othPt' at \\'pst End Pal'l;:, "ith t]IJ'(•at !'lling l'louds on'1'li<'<Hl. It \\·a:-; in tiH· fom·th inning, that thl'st• l'loud:-; postpmH•d a \'!'1',\' PXI'iting- g-anH' hy unloading their t·ont!'nts. 'I'll!' S<'01'<' J'o1' t Itt• first four inning:-: was 0-0 . •\ \\P<'k lat<'l' mul tiH· tPatn ft·ont aero~-;s the linp jmtrJH','"Pd to \\"p:-;( End P<tl'l;:, ddPJ'JIIill<'<l to win, at l<•ast, unt• of th<> th1'!'P g-anH•s \\·ith till' :'llaroons. 'l'ht•i1· IIOJH'H, ho\\-P\'t•r, \\'!'1'<' hlastc<l \\' IH•u tiH• H!'OI'P hmn·tl :-;howPd a final st·m•p of ~-0. 'l'lt<' til·:-;( ~at urday in .JunP, tiH• hmtH' team \\'Pllt to J>p<·<tt ur to <-ro:-;:-; hats with th1'i1· old h<tsl'lwll J·ir<tls . •\ <louhiP IH·aut•r was i·WIIPduk<l to takt• plat·<• to t•n•n 11p th<' ;1<·tion~-; of thP w<·atht•t man at th<• ganH· in ('hatnpaign. 'l'ht• li1·st gantP <'ll<lt•d ,'- 1 in fan))· of l)pt·atllt'. <'hantpaign wal' unahl<• to soln• tit!' <1Pih·t•1'." of (lfmltl!'1', the star pit<-ltt•r of llt•t·atll1'. 'I'll<' s<•<·mul ganH' ]n·ontis!'d to lw n•ry dosP. .\.t Uw <'1Hl of four illlling:-; it hpg-an to rain; so t ltp ganH' hn<l to lH• g-in•n up. .\s hdort• thl' st·OI'P was 0-0. 'J'his ganH' pndt•d a YP1'." t·n•<litahh• seal'on for ('ltampaig-n lligh ~<·hool. 'l'll<'l'P at'l' ~-;ix of last yt•ar's "('" lll!'ll ha!'k (hi~-; ypm·, JWlll<'ly, :\loon•, Hi<-hmmHI, Finnig-an, :'llt•J·<·<'1' 1 Oraug<•J·, \\'l1itP, ])oyl<', and \\'alton. In H<lditioll tltt•J·p is llllll'h np\\· Htal<•J·ial to <haw from. Hkhanl:-;oll has again h<'<'ll sp<·m·t•d a-. <·oa!'ll; :-;o til<' IH'OHpPds fot a HlH'<·<•s~-;fnl spasou ar<• <'Jit·ou J·agi ng.

"] am the ·ole depositary of my own secret, and it ,hall perish with me.'' - ] IELE. . PETERSOX. "i\rt is powcr."- GL.\IIY~ I'IIILBRilK. "As firm as faith."-PrRCY PJl K . ·n.L. ""\s you w ould to your friend.'' ~~ .\R(;.\RET I'-' YEs. "\\' hat' in a name?'' Ec<.F :q: • ·u;HTL ·<;.\U.. 13


'1 ;-;

\YhPn "Big l;pn" ('<tll~-< n1P, jn:-<t at fom· , ~ly fpp( t IH•y hit thP ('old, <·old tloo1·; '1'11<'11 [ go dow11, :-<low a:-< a moll', 'l'o fpp(] t hl' hoi II' I' it:-< n1o1·n i ng 1·oa I; 'l'h<•n I lay t h<· fil 'l' in t h< • pm·lm· g1·atl' •\ j o h t 11 at I 'n1 i n1·lin I'd to l1 a t l' ; . \fll·r tl1i~-< thl' :-<tai1·:-< I (')imh, 'l'o :-<ll'I'Jl nnt il my hi'Pakfast time.







I gl't up, wash, drpss, nnd <•aL .\nd J'<llllhlP witl1 slow 1110\' ing f<•Pt, 'l'o dpaJ· old Jligl1 ~1'110ol , wll<'l'<' I h•ar11 'l'o do things tl1nt I my hi'<'<lll may <•aJ·u. l :-<tny 'til twPlr<' o\·lo('k ailll th<•n, l go had; to my hOIII<' again . l Pat my jui<-y IH•PfstPak rar<', . \.nd th<•u to English das: I tNll'.

~1' .\S:\l




'J'hpn I go hmnP HIHl <'H t my supp<•r, (Jo to town , Ol' s<•Pk my upp<'l'. I gPt i11to 111~ lH'd, and th<•n1 do th<• :-<anll' tiling:-< o\•1· agaiu. You S<'<', "Big Bpn" ling-lings at four . \.ncl I gpt out upon thP floor. Xow I <·ould tl'll yon a g1·c•at (]pal mm·c•, But ,,·hat's t hP n:-<1''!- It'~-< ~-<IH'h a hoi'<'.

• '1'.\s:\r

~()Ill(' 0111' gl'ah:-< nl(• and ~-<:ty~-<, "[('::; S('\' ('11", .\nd I \\akl' up fron1 dr<':llll~-< of lH'<I\'l'll, 'l'o hPal' Ill,\' f:t tlll'l'':-< \'Oil'(' SO S\\'('l't 1 'l'pll ing Ill<' to <11'<'~-<~-< and PHI. " .\ w, I 'n1 too t ii·Pd," I say to J )ad, Bnt hi' say~-<, "XP\'l'l' 111ind, my lad, Yon h a\'<' to go to sl'l1 oo l t o< lay, .\nd ll'<tl'll to work as \\'I'll as piny."


afii•J' sl'110ol I mak<• 11p tinwI u:-;<•<1 tin• milllltl':-< to lllitkl' tlli:-< rhynH· . •\t fonr-fift<'<'U, if not hdor<•, 'I'll<',\' ]pt 1111' pass out of tltl' dooJ'. I go to town till ltalf past ti\'1•; 'l'<•n minntps lat<•J· I ani\'!•, To.'<'!' thP ( '. II. ~. h 1ys lnlHn', In or<l<•r to wlti}J our uear<•st neighbor.

" Ft•w thin gs ar e imposs ihl c to clili~-:cn c c ." EMMA ",\ suclcl c n tho ught strik es me." l•. u \ PoRn.R l..J

I'll I LT. II'S .




S11/n /1'. 111111 11111i1·1t. l'rofp:-;:-;or told lllC I :-;hould :-;it hPI'<' lH'hind you IH•t·nu:-;p hP kllP\\' yon wouldn't tnlk to ttH'. Yon will, tlton~h \\'<llt't you'? I'd ft>Pl \'N,\' hndly, itHl<'Pd, if yon didn't do :-;otnPthin~ to l'Plil'\<' tl~t• tt•nihlP :-;(t·ain of tlti:-; \'las:-:. PIP<ll"<' IH' l1ad and talk. l '1tf1· /1·, Bill. , 'ltlrl' /1. Yom·:-;plf,-l'tn :-;ony, Inti I <·ouldn'1 think of tnlkin~ to yon. Do you l-'11JI1Hil"l' I would t·uin !'J·ofp:-;:-;ot· Burkp':-; good opiuion of mp'! l>PI'idPdly not! 1 think too llttl<'h of lti:-; I'SIPPIII, for Uta!. I'll writ<• you, thouglt, and It·.'· to hPip yon t•xi:-;1 lltt·ongh tlti:-; lJl't·iod.

/·}dl' 11/ ril'lls.

'l'ltat nH•an:-;, "EHI that yon



'l'ht'l-'1' lH'annls

<ll'P gu<Iranll•P<l.


/1111 11111ir·lf,


C!ui\'k, J:ill! l>o lrnn:-;la!P fm· llH'! -'l.r uanH• i:-; thl' l"l'<'OJI(] ft·ont .Junl'':-;. Olt! tltal I had :-;tudil'<l! J>on't stop to \\Tilt' it-wltil")I<'I' it 0\'1'1' my :-;ltonld<•t·. 1)111/l'sl·o.' I tm·n pall'! Pl<•ase llltny, and sa\'!', Yom· fl'i<•tul in <lit'<' <1 i:-;1 t·<•Ns. )f. B. It )lo:-;t Pl"ll'<'llll'll and honot·<•<l Ft·il'tHl in Iwed,-1 ht·<•alht• a long :-;igh of l'l'lid an<l <•tult·a,·m· to <'X)It'l'l"S ill,\' iut<•n:-;e gt·atiti<-ation. Yon will lll'\'l'l' know how pll'asl'll l waN to hPat· !tim :-;ay, " \ 'pt·y goo<l! ~·ow, that NhOWN lll'l'jlaJ'<ttiOII. \'out· (']toil'(' of WOl'dN \\'<IN ('Xt:l']Jt•n(, )(iNN )J;n·y." I h<·t·phy \'OW and dl'l'lctt'<' tltat I will lH'\'1'1' :-;tudy al!,ain. I :-;hall, h<'ll<'<'fOJ'th, tnt:-;( to your l"IIJIPl'ioJ· knowl<•dg<• . •\tul tiline]);> IIH• glm·y . •\Jtu•tt. Pray <1<'<'<']11 tlw hPat·tfl'lt tltank:-; of :1 mo:-;t ht·illialll, ,\'l'H hllnitlou:-; atHl inid<'NI'<'tll, Latin :-;<·ltolnt·.

])par :\lary.-I'lll :-;ony I had to gin• that note to lhP Jll'ofp:-;:-;m·, hut h1• :-;aw 1111' tak<• it, so what <·onl<l l do'! I hope yon arpn't angry \\'itlt llll'. \\'hy, I wouldn't Itan• ha<l him 1'1'<1<1 t Ital aloud fm· anyt hin~. l tnom·u in :-;;H·k-l'lot h aml a:-;heN. \\'. ( '. :\1. Oh, I <lidn't I'Hl'P wry mu<·h, HilliP. 1'hl' honid old thing· didn't llPP<l to 1'<'<1<1 it. .Just you wait! I han• anothPr not<' allre<Hl.'· for him, and thl' "There's a good timl' coming."- .\! YR \ ~L\XLEY. Open heart and free hand .-H11 11 \IW :\lit 11.\H.. "Right nohlt- is thy merit."- 1'1 \IU ~~ \Kk.L\.'D , Ll•n·l hea<lt-d and brain) .-:\lil<TO . · ~InK:>. ,I)

twxt tim<• he- looks at Ill<', T'm going to throw it. It says, "l{tthhc-t·! Jla, lin old ~lll<ll'ty~ En•t' gPt ldt'!" r \\'lltHl :•t• if ]tp'll re:~d tlt:~t to tit!' (']ass. I'll fix him ,\PI, <IS YDU will SPP. 'J'hpn yo11'1l h1• proud of )];u·y BPP. HP !'<ll'!'ful, )l<tl'_\'. l'tn aft·:~id yDu'll gPt ~~·nt t o tht• pt'in('ipal. Y11u'd hPttPJ' t:~kp 111~· ;uhi('P. Uo siDwly. :'lloody . . ·ow, don't you wony ;~])l)ut llH', Bill :'llo Hl_r. 'l'hP pt·in('ipal likps I'd just lDn' to tPII him Ito\\' that old pt·ofpssor tt·t•ats mP! won't do it, though, until I ant fotT!'d to do it t \\·)ti('h shows nty hPtH'\'Il lPnt alHl lll<lgnalliiiJOlls spit·it ). Ut·a1·ious! I alntost forg11t thP nwst ini]HII'tant tltittg of all! Out· <:irl's l>ra111atk ('lub is ~-toing to gin• a play ;md yon't·p !11 ht• !h1• lt!'t· 1. You't'P thP only hoy in it. First }ll'<l('fi('p tonight. .\dil'U, ~at·a lkt·nhardt.

Jill' . • \nd

.lfr llli.w·m111.'

0 hid till' gin·, and I will gin• .\ ]0\·ing h!'at·! to ~- ~~n : Ot· hid IIH' li,·p, :~nd I will li,·.:'11,,· li ft• alonp f11r y11u. Bid Jill' liPs] HI it•, :~nil I'll ll1•spa it· HPtwa tIt t Ita I 1'.' pt·pss tr:•p: Ot· hid Jill' hop!', <llHl I sh:~ll hop!' '!'hal you HI'!' lo,·ing llll'. Hi1l Ill!' to diP, and I \\'ould dm·t• E'pn dPatlt to ln·an• fol' the!'; But if Yllll d11n't w:~nt Ill!' to swpm· Dmt't ask that thing of m :•!

\\·lty d11n't you ask H!•tt Bak1•l''! Jfp's lots hl'ttpt· looking than f am. '\'hy, I !·mtldn't lw a Jtpt·o in anything. .\las, f:~it• ntH', I t·annot ohlig'l' ,YOU, l''!'ll thouglt it gin•s 111!' gt'l'at SlllTO\\'. Yout• dl'\'O tPd :~dtllit·et•, \\'illi<ltll ('ourllll'." )loody. But, \\'illil', thP h!'l'O has to makt• lon• to Ill!'. Po yo11 supposp J'1l han• Bl'n'! I should say not~ X11, l'Xl·m·(•:-: \nm't d 1. It has to lw ~- 1111, m· tlH•y'll han• to gPI anotlt!•t· hl't'DitH' En•t·,,·h·Hly W<lltts you, \\'illit•. Pl1•asp do it-fm· Ill<'. :'llary. \\'pJl, sitH'!' ,"llll ;1sk Ill!'. I'll do it. I'd fil;r to d'l it with yon fot• thP hPt·oitw. Ht·-r-r-t•! Fir<' and ln·irnst orw ~ Exit tltl' ,-illain, 11111t tt>ring" \mhiti nn j, no rttrl.' for lnH•."- \u .n .\IFHHIIIEW. lm·ariahly the a me -:'11 \Hif' .\I FTZ "Eioqlt<'llt'l' is the child of knn\\led!-(e."-\ lHI\:\:\E ~JooHI'. , \!way .- interested in the affairs of othl'r'. II \IU{Y , 'tl iiOLs .


anathrma nnflpr hifo; hrratlt. Entpr HP~inald, tlw l1ero. liP ruslH•s to th<· fair onP and (']afo;ps lH•r to his mnnly bosom. How di'amat i<-! That'll

fo;U it

l{pgoi IIH] d.

Jll P.

/loll' lflli lila IIII'Hll~-'


I told


() forfllllllff' orllffr.w·r 11.·. I don't kilo\\' "hnt thnt 1>on't foq!,·l't th<• find ]H'<l<'l it·p tonight. E,.t h<·I·, t II<' hpJ·oinP.

g-irl!', l'd get you.

rirt11fis 1111'11111 Jlm<'<'OIIf'lll illl'f'llf'l'is.'

hut it look:-\ <l]t]ll'O]li'iH11'.

I 111 r) f r·. r·rt riss i 11111 .' l/ I' 111 I'll/' 11 111 fo d Ol'l/111 111/lllfJIIf/111 Jill r· 11l<'l1 if. kilo\\ \\'hat that llll'<lll:-\. It i:-\ appi·opriHtl'. .\lay I tak<• yon <lo\\'n to JII':tl'ti<-1', tlli:-\ 1'\'l'llint.(! ThPn, I'll tpll you all nh 111t it. li l'l'O.

"\\'on is pay no ckhts, gin• ckecls." II\~~\' \\ 1 "!..\~11. ~I ust you st<r)' Can't you go? Rt'TI! Y \ "< y "l.cl\ {' thyself last. "-II FU" \\' ~ 1 \~Tl ;-.;. 1 han· no \IS{' for the men. EsTIIFR ll.'\,

"< ..


z. .


'13. I lookpd agnin :1! till' :-;lip of p:t]ll'l' in my hand :mel :-;!took my hParl nwurnfully. It \\:ll' in<·ofll]li"Phl'lll'ihl<· that au inno1·<•nt looking littll' piP<"<' of \\Tiling :-;houl<l <·ltmlgP !liP \YliiJll' tidP of my lifP. But it wa:-; tnw and I g1·oanPd hittprly . Tl11•n• \nt:-; hut on<' <·om·:-;p to ]llll'i·.qw <·onld think of no alii'J·natin• I wonl1l pnt an PIHl to my \\TPI1·h<•1l pxi:-;t an<·l' . •\:-; I l:tid Ill<' fat:ll llll'l'l'ag<• on tltP d!'l'l'SPI', I <·onglll a glimp.· p of m~· fai"P in thP nliJToJ·. It wa:-; wltil1• :tnd drawn, a)}(l :-;howpd linps of sufl'pring . •\t fhst I <lPI'idPil to writP a notP of far<•wpll, lmt this was too <·onJmoll :nul I I'PjPI'IP<l tl11• idP:l. 1 pnt on my <·ap, lightPd my pipP, an<l start<•d to ]pa\'(• t ht> l10nsp; hnt npon Sf'<·mul tltongltt, I :-;(oppP<l and !'Hllg' (Jtp ])pJl for ('Jt]op. \Yitl'll :-;hp (':IIIli' in, hlal"k :Ill(] JH'I'S]liJ•ing, J ht>ld ont my hand. "Ooodh,r<•, ('lllop," I sai1l 1-'a<lly. ''I'm going on a long jouJ'nPy, an<l ma,,· 111'\'1'1 ' l-'1'<' yo11 again . You must think kindly of Ill<' :lfll'l' f'm

gone." ~nd<ll'llly I tltongl1 of ('h]op's <ll'li<·iou:-; piPs, HJHl fm· an install(, m~· <ll'lPrmination almo:-;t w;I\'PI'P<l. But I got a llPW g1·ip on my:-;plf alHl ]H'O("('('(]p(] : ''l'n• alwnys IH•Pn a good ma:-;(pJ' to yon, lJaYPn't T?" "'])<•P<l yo' !tal-', -:\Jal-' .J;H·k. Bnt wl1ar am yo' g\nlll'! PI'Hl'~-' lak yo' in mighty :-;tul<lin rnslt." '',Jn:-;( going away, ('lllo<'," I l'l'ftii'JH'd, unwillillg to tPll hPJ' tlH• fl'lJ(It. ''I doll'( :-;pp 110 g1•ip," :-;It(• l'Pmark<•<l 1-'hl'P\\'<lly, Slll'\"1'_\'ing hotlt lliP an<l (])(' room with a kPI'll glan<·P. ")fal-' .Tal'k, I h'li<•,·p yon:-;p up to somt'lldn'. Ilpalt yo' all of a l'lHldill ll]l and snys yon:-;p g\\·an 'way, 'thont IPllin' a body a WOI'Il 'hont it. r silo' think 1-'0illl'lltin's wrong." '·. · ow <lon't g<'t woni<•d owl' JJO(Iting,'' I 1-':ti<l <·almly. ''I'm sm'<' I know prpl'isPly wl1at I'm nhont." T \\·as n'l'.Y fon1l of ('ltl<H'. for :-;ltr lta<l h<•Pn my motlll'l''s maid; lafl'l', whl'll tl11• :l<Ti<lPnt h:l]J]WlH'<l ;md T was ]pft an m·pl~:m 1 ('lllop ha1l J'<•mainP<l my soli' r·omfol'l, l'l':ll'ing Ill<' all(l molhPJ'ing llll', llllll"ll to thl' di:-;gnsl of Ill .\ ' Jwl'lhl'l'll rPlaliY<'l'. ''" ' pll, <'llloP, T must go," T s;Jid. 1 look<'<l :1 t my wa kit wit~-, T <·;m't :-;ay; T noti<·P<l tlw hands inlli<·aiP<l nillP o'clo<·k ~hi' lookP<l at llll' Slll']li<-ionsl,,·, hnt said notlling. T ll'ft thP ('osy, littl<• lnmgnlow, with its l'ool gJ'I'I'll YilH'S nn<l :-;wp('( tlo\\Pl' JH'I'fnm s, ;nul lH'\'1'1' on<·l' lookP<l hal'k. 'l'hp ~->llll was ali'<'<Hly lJpaming <lown with n waJ'llllh that was llTI]JlPnsanl, :111<1 a:-; T walkP<l rapi<lly towm·1ls thP li'YPP, T imYaJ'<ll~- writhrd at thP thought of tlll' noon-day h<•at. Hut my t11onghls PJHlP<l nhrnptly, for wl1<tl would l kno\\· ahont su<·lJ a11 in:-;ignifkanl thing as th<' wpalht>r, T akl'S li fl' e a -; ~ . -TT \ZH . PH I! 1·.. \11 th \' g-irls a dmir\' m r ""'' ' F RH 11 \1 0'\' ll. Th a t is as \\ ell sa id as if T h acl sa id rt myscl f. - LL' I. l' Rr c 11 \Rns. ~f y sistl·r is no t so d l• fl•nsl•k ss left as yo u imag inc.-E n:'\ \ R o n~R T SO . ·.


h,,. 11oon. I ~top]H'<l 011 tiiP hank ovpr]ookin~ tiiP ri\'Pr, and ~azpd down lono and lhounhtfulh· HI lhl' watPl'. r had al\\'<1\'~ hPHJ'(] that dt'O\\llinn• wa; thP <·n~i<'~~ (]pall;; ~o I rai~Pd my hand~ aho,:<' my ll<••ul and plltngP;l ofT. Hdm·p I l'PHii7.Pd \\·h:l( I wa~ doing, l !tad JHllldiPd to tllp oppo~il< hank. a1HI l'latHIH•J·<•d up. ('onfontHl it~ \\'hy had l P\'l'l' l<'Hl'llPd to ~·mim'! llo\\· <·mJld a tnan PXJIPl'l to dt·own llim.-plf \\·ithont tying l'<H'k to hi~ fppl '! BP~idps I di<ln'l han· <llly ~trin~ in my pod>Pl~. I l"<·~IPd til,\' ltPHd in my hand~ and ~ighPd IH•a,·ily. En•rylhing \\· a~ going ngain~l Ill<'. II ~PPntPd a · if lhP FaiP~ \\'Pl'P l'Oll~pil·in!!, logPihPJ' to Jll'P\'Plll Ill,\ only dtan<·<• of <'~<·aJH' ft·otll hutnan \\ t'Pl<-hPdnP~~ to inJntm·tal for gPt fnlnp:-;~. ~tHldPnly J ~qui1·rnPd, for lh<• ~un wH~ drying my (']otllps, <tnd IIH• lll'O<'<'~~ \\'Hioi hy no rnpanioi a ]JIP<t~ant ~<·n:o;ation. I ioi('l';unhk<l np thP hank, nnd ~trul'k out aimlP~~ly tl11·n thP ~nlmrhioi of J)ixon. I wa~ in a \\'l'{'i<·hP<l plight. and l fpm•pd any minutP that I'd 1'1111 into an ;u·qnaintan<·P. ThP path that I had takPll ]p(] along thP raili'Oad tntl'k. I had gmw a ~hort di~tmH·p \\"h<•n an in..,piration ioiPi7.Pd lll<'. Lo•Jking Ht my wat<·h, I found it WHioi tPJt o'<·lol'l-:. YP~, t hP t1·ain \\· a~ <]up any minutP. KnPPling <lown ('arl'fully, I ~tJ·Ptl'hPd full ]pngth ;H·J·o~~ thP t1·ad-:~. ~\ ~ln·ill wlti~tlP ~OIIlHlPd nt a di:-;tan<·P, hut I <·onld dP!Pd llfl Pxtrn h<•at~ in my hPHJ'( adim1. l hpm·<l a low whinP, nn<l rai:-;ing· m,v hp;ul, I :-;aw my IH•antiful l'olli<· lying flat o11 thP tr:tl'h a fp\\· fppf IH'yond Ill<'. llow liP <'Hlll<' tlt<'l'P, I <lidn'l :-;top to t·<·a~on out, J only knP\\' tlt<tt liP wa~ tiiPn', <tnd IIH'l'<' to ~tay. I <"Oltl<ln't JH'l'Jllit hi:-; hPing killpd; that " ·onld hp mm·<lpt·. Tlw wlri~ll<' :o;omHlPd again, tlti~ tint<' jn~t m·m11Hl fh<' <·un<'. I :-;pnlllg to my fPPl qui<-kl,,·, atHl madp a ]pap fm· BPx. I :o;pizPd him hy lhP <·oll;n·, mHl <lragg<'d him to :-;;tfpty ju:-;t ;t~ (lip train liP\\' hy. J ~at d l\\'lt npon tit<· gr0111Hl <Ill(] g1·oanP1l. H<•x hark<•d :-;,nnp:tlh<>lil'ally <1~ l look<•d at hint. \\·a~ lip laughing'! ThPn' ~l'<'lllP<l to hp a ~u:-;pi<·ion of a ~milP playing at·mnHl Iii.., ~lpndPt' mouth, hnt I wa:-;n't ~m·P. "HPx, hoy, yon think yon'rp ~mart, don't yon'?" liP hm·kp<l a qnil'k, ~h;u·p ;tflil'ltHtlin•, an<l ~hm·<·d lti:-; moi~t no~<' lllH] PI' lll ,\' (']I ill. "l :-;nppoioi<' yon'll ])(' <lPlll<llHling a ('ant :•gic m<•dal fm· thi~ mm·ning·~ ]l<?l'fOJ•ma lli'P." HPx y<>lppd joyon~ly and lapp<•d hi:-; l'Pd (ongn<' ano~~ my <·h<•Pk. "\\"p\J, all ( I'Hll ~:ty :thont it, f hop<• yon (}on'( gp( OlH'." Jlp ioi<'Pilt<'d ~addpnpd hy tltiioi, <IIHl I pai1P<l ltiioi ~ilkPn lnH·k, to hring hack thP hdnklP in hi~ <'."<'~. "L('('s lll()\'(' Oil, hoy,'' r :-;aid, r·i:o;ing (•) Ill\' fpp(. ''Fatp i~ ('\'idPntl,\ <~gain:-;( Ill<' tod<Jy, <tnd to thi11k tlt<Jt you, (llo, would d :·~<'l'l your hP~t frieJHl." )\pn•t·(ltplp:o;:-; my m·iginal in(pntion wa~ Jtowi~P :-;]t;tkPJt. ''"<' :-;(nH·k ont <·J•o:o;s <·ollntt·y, B<•x (l'olfing along <"OJJtPntpdly hy my si<l<'. ~firth prolnn!-(s life.-~lii.IIHFI• S< 11:-.;fiiJIH.

\ manly I itt!" fl•llO\\ .-H,\ROI.ll S \ll!.'\ . .. \nd will hl· ntn'r come ag;.in ?" ~f.\HJF Srr<m FRS. "E} ' that . tad SJH'echle s messagl·s."- LYJ.f S \Ill:\.




"ThoH<' applr. · ovrr thrr(' look vrry tE>mptin~, and you mi~ht :cnre up a rahhit ,'' I ~aid, aH wr wrr<' pa~!';in~ an orchard f<'nC<'d in with hecl~r . •\t tl11• Jlll'lll ion of n l'Hhhit, }{px'H ('HI'S imHH•<liatPly aHHUlll<'<l an npril!,ht anl!,h•, ancl ll<' houn<lP<l owr the• fe•m·p, Tlw WP<'<ls W<'l'<' high an<l 1'0\'PI"<'<l with whitP fmw;, hnt nothing loath, WI' He·ramhiP<l thru lhPnl, till \\'t' foutul a tr<'<' hPIHling un<l<'t' the• wPight of itH ht·illiant fruit. In Jooldug m·omHl for a r-;1 i<·k to knoc·k tlw appl<•s with, I found a long <·oil of rope•, alHl my J'e•e·pnt appPtite• wm; iustantly forgotte•n. I maclP a ~lip knot in OlH' c•1Hl of thP rop<>, and throwing it m·pr tlw limb, I pnt thP otiH'l' e•JHl thJ'll it, an<l tightPn<'<l it ahm·P. I mad<' a nooHP. I tool· ('arC' lo nH•aslll'P it PXHdly, that I might l1aYP H thr right diktant<' from tlw gt·outul. I C'limiH•<l up the• h'<'<', phH·P<l th • l'OJW aronn<l my nP<·k, a1Hl ~wung ofl'. Bing! 'l'hP rope• hrok<>, and I Hat down upon H<'x, who lw<l lH•e•n waklling my :mt i<·H. II<' y<>lp<><l indignantly, and ua ·king off prel'ipitatPly, JookP<l at lll<' in oppn pity and diHgust. "HPx, hoy," I ioiai<l, <·rpst fallpn, "l<>t'H go home•.'' .\n<l hoiiH'WHI'<l \Y<' " ·pnt. It was OIH' o'doek wlH•n I OJH'IH'<l m~· <loor; a ftpr ch'PHsing, I tln·pw myH<'lf wparily upon tlH• <·out h. But I !'oul<ln't re•st, an<l gPtting 11]1, I tlll'JH'<l inr-;tindiwly to the liurary tahlP. l>t·awing 011! a l'l'\'oln•J·, I fin•<l rapidly,-oneP, twie<>, tin'<'<' tinwH; but no Pxplosion follmn•<l. I look<'<l at thP W<':tpon and Haw tl1at it was unlo:tdl'd. I swallo\\·Pd a soh, an<l gnlpP<l hard. I \\'Put O\'Pl' to llH' wiJulow, an<l clra wing h;u·k thp c·urtain, I look< c1 <lown at tilt> garde•Jt almoHt pnc·irdC'd hy a (']par hrook, im]HHlPnt in its noisy splashing~-'. rl'hPl'P W<'l'<' <·mmtl<>HH f!O\\'Pl'H,-hright, pall' :m<l YiYicl. llnlHlr'<•<ls of 1-!,Hii,Y colm·c•<l hnttl'rflit>s hon'l'<'tl ah(lllt thPm, now alig-hting, now <lm·tinp: swiftly ltitht>r and tllitlH•r; all(l thr lazy, monotonous buzz of 1liP hPPN was l11lling as ll)('lo<liPN. The IH•ayy Jl<'l'fUllll' of tliP hom•,r~lH.:kh• <·J'Ppt up to Jill', :m<l I HighP<l for HhPPl' delight in tllp lwa11ty of it all. l tm'JH•<l away faint an<l dizzy, an<llPmw<l against thP dr<•HH<'l' for Hupport. )Jy at tpntion was attradp<l hy a tiny Hlip of pappr-thP om' that l1a<l JH'OYP<l so l'alamitious to JIH'i Hl('('hanically I pitkP<l it up, and I I'Pau it for t liP last timp- un<·onHdouHly aloud: l>ear .Ta<·kI'm so son·~-, hut I <·an1wt marry yo11. ThPl'<' iH no othPr, hut I mu~t rpfnsP. Rincer<>ly, Con. ·t aner. 1 langlH•d hit tPrly. "'('onHt:mc·p !' How lit! It> Hhc• <lPN<'l'WH (h(' nam<'! llut ah, how <11'<11' shp is! 1 wish I ha<l JH'Y<'l' uwt h('r." )Jy <'."<' fpll on !liP rdl<•d ion of thP pap •r in tht> glaHH, and I waH ·m·pris<'<l to N<'<' writing on tll<' haek. 'l'urning- it OYPr haHtily, I fouiHl 1his Hnihhh•cl in Jl<'ll<'il: P. H. Oh, .Tal'l~! I'n' ('hang<'<l m~· mind. ('ome tonigl1t at <'ig-ht md \n•'ll tPII )fama. Loriugly, onHtan<'l'. \\'hat's


a name ?-Cr.m:-.; E ~liTH. hnb im llimmclcincn Frcund.-Osc\R SliiERTHOJK,

Ui~: Vcr~chued


THE CASTLE BY THE SEA Rv Rt:nr Full many a talc there ha: been told, By maiden knights and knight- grown old, Of an old, old ca ·tic that stood hy the sea, \\'here pirates once dwelt in the n rth countree. 'Twa to this castle the pirates tronghold, Each year, set sail, some young knight hold. .\nd tho' many an anxious heart did yearn, This knight was ne'er seen to return. . \t last after many a year had Aown, ,\ certain king's ,;on into manhood had grown; .\ sturdy youth, with manly stride, II is mother'. h· pe, his fatl.cr\ pride. 'Gainst the king' will, the . on re:oh-cd This long known mystery in the north to soh c; •\nd thus, on ;1 clark and wintry night, The hra1·c hold youth ailed out of sight. The <Ia)' go The scene is On a far-ofT \ dark mass

hy; the pring draw,; ncar; changed to a country drc:~r. shore, 'gainst a hazy hackgrouml rises out of heather brown.

The mi t then gradually clear,; away. . \nd turrets appear 'gain ·t the sky so gray Behold !-a castle majestically •tands On the dc,;olatc rocks, hy the shore's bleak sand .


'q Look! ''hat 1s that tumult gate ? Two ligures Ill armor, with plates? .\rc tngagcd in a conflict; lunge Till into the one a sword IS


just out,idt t gleaming hrc they s\\ a) a plunged.

l ie sends f< rth a cry of defeat and despair; Then, lifeless sinks to the earth, so han-. .\ shout ari ·es, the 1ictorious knight Rcmm·es his helmet, then turns to the light \\'hat! can we believe it? 'Tis the king\ o ' son; J lc has conquered the pirates; th • hattie 1 won! lie enters the gates; to the castle ach-ance lie capturl'S the stronghold 'mid thou an~ hright lances! ,\gain the 'ccnc changes; we sec the youth' he me, 'Ti,; a scene of rejoicing, from cell ar to dome; .\nd all anxiou. hearts han• ceased to yearn For the hra 1·e young knight has safely rc turned . . \nd thus ends the talc of the pirates so hold \\'ho dwelt by the sea, in the castle of old

. \ fair face i. half a portion.-,\111-L.\ JIJE ST\~q;u .. I know hut cannot express it.-Gu-.; Scon. "\Vhat is the n·ason of this thusncss ?" ETHU. TAN GEL . .\ot quite finishecJ.-LYLE TEARN8.





I ~~~pPdor ::41al'l~<' pntPrPcl IIi~ <'IPgaHtly furni~li!'el oJlie·P at headnull pi<-k(•d np a hox of (·igal'~. ::4PIPding mw, hP l'<'llJO\'!'d th<• hand, ~lnu·k a ma((·h, mHl ~Pit IPd llint~Pif in a (·hair. ThP morning copy of thP "J)aily ::4(·l'<'('('h'' wa~ lying 011 lhe• tahlP. II<• pid~Pd it up and ~lan<·Pel through it. ::4nel<lPnly Iii~ (',n'~ mp( tiJi~ headline:

qum·(('J •~,

Holly Fmnul at 110 Blank ::4trPPt, Prow~ to lH• )lo~t )ly~tt>rion~ in ~\nnal~ of ( 'rinw. Young Dodor H<•e·Pntly Appointed Head Phy~itian at )IPJ'e·y Ilo~pital Found Dead in IIi~ Hoom. ::4hll'k<' ell·opp<'d I he• papPI', g1·ahlwd hi~ hat and (·oat, and hmTiPd out of lh!' elom·. ('akhing a ('ar, h<' l'od<' a~ far a~ Poplar ~ll'l'PI: then walk(•<l oup hlcH·k pa~t to 110 Blank ~(J'PPL ~\h·t>aely a ('l'ow<l of (·nricm~ pe·r~on~ ltacl gatltPI'P<l ahont tlw hon~P. ~lark(• pn~ltP<l hi~ way tln•ough lhP ('1'0\\'el aiHl ru~h!'d up the ~lair~. ~\.. polic·pman ~toppc•c1 him; hut on re•e·ognizing hi:-; ~upPrior, ~IP]JJW<l a:-;id<', aml ll'l hint pa~K \Yalking into lht> 1·oom wh<•rp the hoely la,Y, IH• fonncl IIH· ('Ol''HH'I' :me1 juJ·y pxamining il. "IIpllo, In~JH'dm·," "<!iel th<' <·ormH'I'. "::4trangp ea:-;p I hi~!'' ''Yp:-;", an:-;wet'Ptl tlH• In:-;pe(·[m·, "Ira~ anything lwen rc•moYPcl ~ince the body \\·a:-; eli~towrPcl "?" ''. ·oth iJIJ..(', an'l'l'Pd t he• e·OJ'OIH'I'. ''\\"p HJ'<' through now, a n<l I mu~t :-;ay. ~t;n·k<', wp <11'<' e·ompl<'I<'I,Y h:tflllPd. 'l'h<'l'<' an• no m:u·k~ of Yiol<•n<·<' on lhP body. II(• i~ a hand:-;onH', \\'Pll-lik!'el young man, ha:-; \\'Palth :mel po:-;it ion; llll'I'Pfm·(• 1 ~<'<' no rpa~ou for :-;uic-iek. .\1:-;o, \\'!' founel no ~ign~ of an intrucl<·r. \\'I'll, goocl-hyP, ln:-;ppdol', ho}H' ~·on'll ~oh<• th<> mystery."' .\~ ~oon as lhPy WPI'<' g-mw, ::4tal'k(• q1w~timwcl all of lhP 1wighhors ('OII<'('I'lling Ill(• young man·~ habit~, lti~ a~:-;o(·iate~, <IIHl hi~ moJH',Y matfpJ·:-;. E\'<'1',\' OIH' ~pok!' highly of hint, a11e1 in ans\n'r to ::4l;n·kp':-; <Jll<'~lion~ \\ltPihPJ' lh<',Y ltncl h!'<t]'(l ~01111<b ill th<• night lll'('\·iou~, nil :tll~\\'('l'P<l him i11 lhP JH•gatin•. ~lm·ke th<•n JH'Ol'('P<lPel to mnkP hi:-; own inn•:-;tigatiou of th(• lwdy. En•l'yllting wa~ a~ tltp ('Ol'OIH'l' had ~aid. 1'ltl' young man had PYiclPntly lliP(l an ea~y d!'allt a~ told hy t liP ~ntil ing fa<·P. Very swed and coy.-11.\ZEI SnPlii:\S. Keep guard of thyself. - 1'.\li Swt·.\Rt:-.:<.FX. Xature hath framed strange fellows in her time.-ROIIFilT Bait the hook wcli.-.\Lst' SrROilt::. J

r \Lill:\<:.

Thr In.-JJretor thrn looked throu~h the other room.- of the hou.·r. J(p found nothin~ to intPrr:-:t him, .-ayr a hox whic·h had c·omr through lh<• mail t h<' pl'PI"iou:-; clay. "~ 'ot mu<"l1 of a find," thought ~tm·k<•. li<• pil'k<·d it np. It wa~ a rin~ hox. "'l'hl' 1·ing mu:-;1 lu• on IIH• dl'ad 111an'~ ting<'J', for tlw hox i~ <'nlply," he n•a:-;qnl'd. Hl'tlll'ning into thl' 1'oon1 wh<'l'l' thP dPa<lman lay, l11' liftPd hi~ hand . •\ hl'nlltiful rillg re~(pd on lh<• ti11g<'l' IIPX( the• littk OIH'. liP pulll'd it oiL 'J'o ~t;u·k<'~ :-:m·pri:-;p thP fingPl' \nl~ gJ'I'<'ll under th<' ring. Ill' <'XaJHinl'd t l11• hox. On a pi<•e·e of JIHJH'r W<'J'e• tIll' wm·<l~: "From a fripnd, with <·ong1·atulation:-:." ~tarkl' took the• ring and hox a1Hl ho:ll'llPel a C'Hl' for a j<'W<'h'J'~. From tlw .i<'\\1'11'1'~, h<' wpn( to tlw )ferC'y Ilo:-;pitnl aml inquir<•cl fo1· Dodor Ilit•<ll<'J'. .\ nnr~e h•el him down a :-;pmi-elaJ·k hallway ancl ~toppPel at a door. "'l'his i:-; lh<• dodol··~ room", ~lw 1-'ni<l. ~tm·kp knoe·kpd ~harply. ''('miH' in'', :-;aid a gn1fl' Yoii'P. ~lark<' pn(Preel and ~toocl f:H·e to fate with a tall, eli:-;tingni:-;hp<llooking man. ")ly e·ar<l, :-:ir", :-;ai<l ~lark; hut in:-;tpael of a e·ard, l11' l1elel out thP ring. It had thP elP~in•cl pll'Pd. 'I'ht> man's fa1·e tm·Jwd palt> and ht> ~hook like a leaf. ''Erer Sl'<' th i~ hefot•{•'?" a~;kpcl ~Uu·kp. ''Yp:-;", HllSW('l'('el t hp clod or. ''For noel'~ :-;akP, take• it away~ How did you know'?'' ~Iarke• smilPel. ''It wa:-; pa~y," h<• :-:aiel. ''.\~soon a~ l found th<' rin~­ hox, I Wl'llt to th1• je•wplpr f1·om whom you hougl1t th1• 1·ing. You ~honl!l han• dwngpcJ lhP hox. 'I'll<' ji'WI'l<'I' elPs<·rih<•cl you to Ill<' all(]JIH'lltionl'<l a :-;urgeoll·~ hadg<' on yom· l'oat lapel. ~~~I !'Hill<' to yon. ~-ow, what han• ~·ou to say fol' yom·:-;p] f'!" ""'pJl," But (hp 1loe·tor got no fnl'lh<•J:. ThP liH'ntal ~train and fp:u• of lldPdion hael he•pn too JIIIH'h for him, :mel lte :-;ank to t h<' floor in a faint. "'11<'11 Ill' 1':1111<' to, thp Tnsp<·l'lor :-:aid, "lliPelll'l', what \\':1~ on that rin~'! I kilo\\' that it wa~ poison, hut it i~ a kitHl I am 1101 fanJiliar with." "It was radilnn", answPl'l'd thp dodol'. Yon se•l', l \\·as disappoinl<•cl m·er my cll'f<·at h.'' Jl:lll~on, anel I ln·oodPd 0\'<'1' it Jill! il l gn<·~~ I wa~ insmH'. I thought that if 11<' we'l'<' out of the \\·ay, I e·<Jitlcl ha\'<' thl' po:-;ition. l·nlli'J' Ill(' pl'I'IPxt of <·ongJ·atulatiolls, I ~~·nt th1• 1·ing. It hael h<'<'ll clippPd in J•aclimn, and hy lll'Ps~ing on hi::; fingl'l', till' poi~on wa~ ahsoriH'el, tlmmgh thp pm·e•:-;, into l1is hloo1l. )lr llean•lls, what tortm·p~ I han• ])('I'll tlmmgl1 ~ I am rP:ulY." • Til<',\' ldt tl11' ho:-;pital for ltt>:ulepwrter~.

\ proper man.-\\'n.trE SnPHE:'\~. Our gracious, gracdul, graceless Gracc.- Grun· \\'hy is German so hard?-\\' \!. ST \Rill'CK. Detter httc than nncr.-En;-.; .\ St·r Lt\.\X.


TL' .\RT,



Bnmm.\R, )16

OIH'<' in 1lu• <lays of long ago when knights ro<l<' hithPr and thither in qups( of adY<>nhn·<>, and fair mai<h'llS W<'l'<' Ptwhant<'<l <·aptm·<><l, and kept in old, g1•im <·astlPH, on th<> bordPI',' of a <·ertaiu fair mul sunu,r land th<'l'l' gt'<'W au inllli<'BH<' for<>sL 'fhis woo<l was .·o largp that its Pn<l had nH<'l' lH'<'ll l'<'lt<·he<l, and withal so myHtPriouH and dangerouH that the inhabitants of this sunny lan<l called it the Dark Forest. )fany a hraw knight h:ul riddPn into this direful forest in sNU'('lt of adn•ntm•p and had IH'Y<'l' rpturiJP<l. ~~Par this forPHt tll<'re liY•<l a <'<'l't a in yon t h <"all<><l Oswald, wl1o waH th<> son of a JH'OHil<'l'Oils farm<'r. Oswahl's grpat<>Ht ambition wa. to win the spurs of a knight atHl then to se<>k :uln•ntnre in the Dark Forest. ,'o it hap}H'IW<l OIH' <la~· wllilP plowing a field, Oswald found a wondprfnl shining sword with a hilt inlaid with prel'iou.- jew<>ls. It wa: sh<•aUH•d in a glit(pring s<·ahhm·<l whi<"h dazzl<>d llis <>yes. 'l'he sight of this swo1·d st il'l'P<l in him tlH' longing to go into thp Dark F'or<•st. ''I will go at sunrifo.;C in tl1<• mm·ning into yon dark wood ft·om whence knigllt hath npn•r r<>tm·npd," said Oswald to hilnHPlf. ''I will bury the Rwm·d hPJ'<' all(l <·onw for it at dawn." 'fhP npxl morning wh<>n <lawn was stpaling a<'rOHH thp eastprn sky diHJH'lling- nig-ht, a fignn• of a youth in a leatlwr jerkin might he ~een noisp)pssly \\"I'IHling his way to thP fiplll whPl'P tlw wondprful swol'(l lay JmdP<l. ] [p HOOll rpachc•d thp fiPl<l, ltafo.;(iJy UJH'OY<'l'Ptl thp N\\"Ol'd, girded it to l1is l<>at hPr h<>lt and startpd for the> fore~t, the wotHlPrful, mysteriou. wood of his drC'amR. Oswal<l's HtPpH were ~\dft and long and it did not takp many of them to l'<'ll<'h tlu• hor<l<'r of th<> fm·<•:t. 'l'IH'n turning and gi\'ing a l"iwift and silpn( farpwpll to all mankind, Oswal<l s(PJlJH'd into the grpat, awful, wood. \Ypll <lid the name Dark ForPst fit this wood; be<·au~e Oswald had not walked many rod. wh<>n it began to grow darker, dark •r, and darker. TIH' llllg<' 1rC'eH wpre gnarl<><l and twiNtPd into fanta~tic formR, . ome taki11g almost human shap<>s; and fo.;O <lPnfo.;<' were th<'y that il was yery lliflknlt for Oswald to pil"k his way IH't W<'<'ll them. Oswalll walkpd on and on alHl the farthpr h' walkP<l into the fore. t, tl11• <l<>nspr and larger grew the trN'.. "Oh", said the half-frightened youth to llims<>lf, "It mu.-t h night, but- yet"- The. <>nten<'P wa. newr 1iniHhPd IH•<·au:<> ONwald on groping lwtw<>en t \\"0 largp tr<>Ps saw looming np ill lh<' dm·kneHH the wpird ontlin<>H of an old half-ruinPd stone towPr. ''''!'will makP a good pia<'<' to sleep," thought the w<>ary youth, "But how <lo I kno"· that Home t<>rribl c·reature do ,' not abide therP," wa: his npxt thought. Too goncl natured to care for st udy.-,\nO!.P II THAL. "To see and he st•cn."-1\hRLE Tl'R:-; ER. "Lov · me, lm·c my d og." ·MARY VA.· Tsw.\c;F:-.'. "A lone I did it."-ITELEN WARD.


Hut Hh'<'P wa: :-;trongp:-;t at the prp:-;pnt tinw; f\o 0:-;wal<l <'aut ion. ly pkk<>d IIi~ way to the :-;tmH' ;tl'(·hway whkh :-;prn•d a:-; <Ill Plltl'HU<·<>, h<>Hi tat<><l a momput · th<•n <>HtPI'P<l. EntPI'P<l into thP gr<>at <lm·k uuknown, into th<> ~-awning hlad~ mouth of the tow<'I'. (h·oping hi:-; way through thp ar<·lnnty "hkh :oon wi<lPlll'd out into a room wherP a firp :-;nwldPl'P<l in thp fi1'Ppht<·<>, 0:-;wald :-;a\\' a 1·oont round in :luqw, harp of fnrnitm·p PX('<']>t mw art i<'IP. TlliH to hiH gr<•at <l<>light wa:-; a rough ('Ot. liP walk<•d up to it, tltl'<'\\' ltim:-;plf down 011 it, and waH :-;oon lo:-;t to all worl<lly hope.- and fpm•:-;. IIi:-; Hh•ep waH <lP<'P and trou hh'<l. ~\<1 n•ut lll'PH Htrang<> HJHl horrihlc hap]>C1H'<l to him and thPl'P wa.- foreY<'r a :-;inging twisp in his PHI'. ~ud ­ <lPnly Hhaking wHit fpar ancl hm-ror, h<> awok<>; hlink<><l his <'Y<'H again <llHl again at tit<' ghastly light of the room thrown out hy hall(]:-; I'P<l haiHls whi<.:h dan<·<>d all ahout th<> room~ Th<·y \\'PI'<' oil tlH• <·Piling, tit<' wall:-;, thp tioor, ."<'~-', honifying 1'<'<1 hand:-; HP\'Pl'Pd at thp \n·ist \\'PI'<' Oll hint, al:-;o! \YPI'P tlwy pointing at :-;ompthing'? Yp:-;, th<>y \\'PI'<'~ llmH!J·pds of small re<l ltan<l:-; t lll'IH'<l HlHl<IPnly into mw ltllge l'Pd ltmHl wh i<·h pointP<l to thP <·piling~ On it th<• tPnifi<•d youth 1'Pad: .. rrak<· thP Bing of Light, go to thP \\'all of ~\<lamant, till(] thp K<>y of }lystpry, OJH'Il t h<' I )oor of Hay, walk into tit<' ( 'onidor of }fpmm·y, and tlwn into t hP Kirtg<lom of F< J•gpt fulness.'' ~\n unknown for<'<' H<'<'lll<'d to <'Ollll><'l him to oh<>y. ~o hP aro:-;p and walk<><l tr<•nnrloHsly ont of thP tO\n'r into tlH• fm•p:-;t. Hut it wa~ not <lark a.- hP lt<t<l PX}Wd<><l, inst<>a<l it wa.- so brightly light<><l that it <lar.zl<•<l him. \YhPn his P,Y<'H lw<·amp a<·<·n~tompd to th<•li~ht, hp <liH<"Pl'llP<I that its tP11t<•r .'<'PillP<l to h<> a <'<'l'tain hug<' tr<><>. ~o putting- hi.- hand ou thp hilt of hi.- .'wor<l, 0:-;wald ltmTi<><l to thP tr<><' whPrP on onp of thp monstron.rootH lay a 1·ing-a Hhining, spark) i11g- ring. "Th<> Hing- of Light", thought Oswal<l alHl instantly h<' :lipped it 011 !tis ting<•r. H<>forP he knew what had hap]WllP<l, lte found him~plf Htandiug lH•for<> au un:urmonntahle Htone wall. ~Ul'lH'iH<>d at ltis own <-almne~-<~-<, Oswald ~t<'PlWU IWar<'l' to tlw wall an<l took from a ni<-h<> in it, a k<>y <·uriously wrought and <'<11'\'P<L XPxt hP titt<•<l it into a k<>yholp in tiH' wall. ~\ gr<>at <loor swu11g o]wn an<l 0.-wal<l st<>pJ!ed into a long, hare <'orridor. Th<>n al1 tit<' tl~<mght:-; h<> ha<l P\' <'1' lnt<l rushed had· to hint, all hi:-; goo<l <IPP<IN, all lti~ had d<>P<ls and P\'Pl'yt It ing- ltP lta<l <lmw. II<' waf-' m·ousP<l from ltiH 1'<'\'<'1',\' hy th<> :-;lam of a door. liP t urnP<l to find th<' grpat J>oor of Day do~-<<•<1 awl h<• :too<l almw in tIt<> harp ('oni<lor of }I PlllOl'."· ll<• hm'l'iPcl along tiH• <'Ol'l'i<lor wltPI'P from thp lnnHh'<'<IH of romns wlti<-h OlWlWd on it, <·amp Yoi<'PH- fam iliar nli<'PH-('alliug him. ThPre wa.- llis fath<>r·.- Yoi<·<>-he hp:itat<>d ]mt w<>nt on; from thP IWX! room, <·amp hi:-; .-i:-;tpr':-; Yoi<-<•, hp ]HlllHP<I hn t pul1pd him:-;plf on· from thP Iw.· t, . ·e,·cr without h1' gum.- Out. :JF; \\ELL\!\ ·. ome credit in being joJiy.-ELIZABF.TH \\'HJTON. "\ fellow of plain, uncoined constancy."-. 'ATHA. 0 the shocking hats!- PAL \\'JSE.




ntmt• It iH mol her·~ Yoi<-<', l1 t' :l opp<•<l hn l sonH' un~rrn foree ~renw<l to lH' <lragg·ing him onward. Suddenly U1P t"orritlor <•ntlP<.l aud Oswal<l fountl him:-; •If in a lwautiful park with thp hhH' Hky OWl'hPatl, hirtls Hinging all about him, whilp down tliP road <·HJJH' a <·aya](-a<l<• of gaily mHl llatHh.;omPly drPHI-i<'d JH'opl<•. "'l1en th<•y l'<'<l<"ll<'d him thP forpmo~.;t hol'H<'lltan rodP forward and :-;aid, "\i'ekonH• a tht>UI-iaiHl tim<'H to tht> Kingdom of Forgptfulnp~.;:-;, 0 Print·<' Oswald." Om· npwly-made Prin<·P eamp forward. But it wa.· not thp plain <·ountry youth W<' know, hut a hand:-;omp fpllow, dressed in YelYet hlue and at his Ride dangPd tl1e wonderful sword. 1'hi: waH Prim·r o~waltl.

Print·P O~.;wald lPnprd on a hand:-;ome horsr whith was waiting for him and rod<> ~l\nly ·with tiH• gay eaYal<·:HlP to liw forPYer in til(' King<lom of Forg<'t fnlnrl'<H wlloHP only pas:-;agP to th<• otll<'r world wa~; thP ('orridm· of }fpmory. ~o to thi:-; wry day if yon trawl to a CPrtain l'mnny land whrre growH thr Dark Forp~.;t and <•nl<·r this \Yood and sl<•Pp in thp ruiiw<l towPr, the HP<l Hand:-; will diJ'N·t you lo take thP Ring of Light, go to the \Yall of .\.<lmnant, find thr KPy of } ly:-;tpry, opt>n thp Door of Day, walk into tiH' Corridor of :\I emory, and enter th€' King<lom of Forgetfulne ·.- where Ntill dwpll. Oswald, a migl1ty Prince.

"The empty ,·esse! makes the greatest sound."-HAROLD \\'JLES. "ller coming banishes all discord."-}.)JN:-IETTE \VJSEHEART. "I am happiest when I am idlc."-RALPH \VJLKINS . .. ,\rt is long and time is flceting."-CtE!\"ADEAX YANCY




HooT. '13.

\Ymm't it plPa~ant, 0 friPtHl of mini', In tho~<' old <lay~ of lo~t ~un~lt i1w \\'lu•n \H' Wt'l't' ~<·nim·:-. ahno~t throup;h ~\ nd "<•xmw.;" \\"l'l"<' 0\'1'1' and "p'<l pa~~Pd, too, ..:\n<l W<' WPI'P so happy, "lilt' and you", Ba<·k at ( 'hampaip;u II ip;h '!

It all romp-.; ha<·k so (']par today! As :-.u<·h ~w<•Pt m<•nwrips only may Out of thP lonp; ap;o, yPt ,.i,·id pa:-.t, ~\nd <"lu•pr:-; om· day:-. a.· W<' 1war t hP la:-.t, ~\:-. oul,r ltappy mPmori<•:-. 'da:-.t ", )fPIItm·ip:-; of ( 'hmnpaip;u II iglt. \\'p'(} lon• to 1in• on•r tl10s<' day:-; again Though W<' m·<• now old \\'Oill<'ll alHl IIH'll. Hut :-;u<"lt thing-:-. at'<' not IH'I'tllitl<'d to hP, Though (]par a:-; tlu•y'<l hP to you and to tlH'. But, 0 h]p:-;:-;pl} lll<'lllOJ"i<'H hy your ltPlp wP HP<' Our <lPar ol<l ( 'ltampaip;n U igh.

(\\'ith apologies to James \\'hitcomh Riley.)

:t - HPgi~tration

day. l:lO m·p <'11This lll<'<lll~ ;)~;) hpforp tltP ~~·hool y<·ar do~P~. 4-. - 'l'h<· JH'W l<'a<·lr<•t·~ look anlia hl<' hut tirnp will t<·ll. :-i.- Foot hall a~pi1·ant~ ntPPt with J)iJ·<·<·tor }1 illw. 1 hl\· i~on Burnham l<•a \'<'~ for Lawl'PlH·PYillP. \\'<' arp ~orry to lo~<' yon, "I ht ,.y··. li. TIH• IIH'lTm·y ri~P~ to !10 ; wi~h our grad<·~ woul<l 1lo lilwwi. ·t•. !1.-IInnah ~ lralf-day ~<'~~ion .· ou <HTOilllt of HITOllllll!)(]at ing t]t('J'IIlOlllroliPd.

('1 (')'


10.- \YP lik<' half-day ~<'~~ion~; P\'<'1',\·hody ha~ hi~ ]p~~on~; <'\"I'I'_Yhody i ~ good. 11.-'l'oo wm·m for Ill'\\· ~; mlly fpa r it Will p;Pt ('OO)Pr. 1:t -Thi~ i~ Friday 1:{, thP llll llH·ki<•st day of the ypar. ('.H.,'. L. H. Iran• thPir fir~t lli<'Ptillg. :\Ir. L<•on ar<l alHl :\fl·. ,'tnmp an· <"111"'<'11 ad -

J !1 .-,Junior~ eh•<·t da~s ofli<·<•t· ..... Honald Dodd~ is prpsi<h•ut. ~0 . -<'hampaign II igh >'<·hool Or·<·IH•stra J' < •or·ganiZ<'~. TIH'IHlor<• Ft·i ~oll i~ d it'l'dor, Yidor Htang<·l i:-; lll<lllagl'l'. ~:{.-:\li~s YPra Turpll hi'<'Ollll'S a \Yl'kmtt<', lllPIIliH'r of th<' faculty. :\li~s Turell. ~ -1-.-H llJH'I'i n tl'll<l<'n t Em·n<•st 11 1'li\'Pl'<•<l :m iu:-;IJiriug :ul<li·ps~ t hi~ morning. ~:l.-Thl' Yillag<' .·port.- :\Ir. Cook. ~li.-~\ dPhatiug da:-;:-; i~ m·ganizP<l llllllt·r th<' <lirPdion of :\Jr. L<•onard; ]ll'OS]JPI'ts for two strong tP:\111~. ;{0. Ilouorahle \Y. B. }ld{inlPy ll<'\'('l' fm·gpt~ u~,-tl1<' :\larin<' Ban1l gin·~ a fl'<'<' <·mu.:ert in \\'pst Hid<' Park tlri~ aft<•rnoon . H ·hool is <li.·tni~~<·<l.

I wmHlPt' why PY<>ryon<> call. m '·H.H]"·?- Eug<'llP Hn~~<·ll.


lli.- \Y<·athPr b "<~gin'' n~; wP han· to g 1 lfl ~<·hool all <lay. 17. Fm·ty girl~ r<•spon<l<•<l to :\Ir. Oshortw'~ l"all for a gl<'<' <·luh. 1.' .- , 'pJI im· <·Ia~~ PI I'd offi<·PJ'~. :\Ia,\ hPII l>allPllb:H·Ir i~ JH'I•~i<lPnt.

l>on't <·all liH' fat; call me plump. -,Jpau Hoh<>rt~.

Do not gPt tIre "Tong icl<>a of t h<' gPntl<•nrau hy hi~ Jlalli('.- .Jolm IImnri<·lr<>n~<'.

Oc.t"' 3



~~,Junior pin. · han• arrin•<l. "Pid,:'' Do<l<ls and KathPl'iiH' ~Ia<l­ dpn :n·<· lllU('ll sought aft<•r. ~-i. ~Im·i<• ( 'ald \\'Pll is hom<' today. Be <·:n·pfnl of yom· app<•tit<• ~I :n· iP. ~G. -< 'hampa ign t i<•<l Onarga hy a StOl'(' 7-7. ~!l. "Huhip" must lH' ahN<•nt tod:ty; Opal looks so lmH'NOllH'.

~lm·p;m·p( \\'. has a hbu·k <'YP mm·ninp;. Looks had, ~lm·p;m·pt. ;{. PII/\Zlt'. \\' l1at <·oupiP stands in !liP lo\\'Pl' hall P\'I'J'Y nip;l1t until lin• o'd<H'k '! 1. .Jpnnis Hany is ill. :J.-( 'hampaip;n \·s. 'J'ns<·ola. ~<·or<> 10-7 in fa nn· of ( 'hampai~n. .-\~<'I'non \\'atts' antomohilP t lll'IW<l "frog .. _ n.-Yi<·( or ::-\. li!Hl II a ( ( ip .\. ('llg'<lg'P in an oratorkal <·omhat hour-!. 10.-Huth ~J('('m·mi(']-: of ~Jattoon w:v a high ~-whool Yisitor to<la;r. J..t.-( 'l1amp:ligu dPfPatP<l D:lllYill<•. ::-\<·or<' 1-t--7. l>:nl\·i liP hoys Pnl<·rtaitw<l thP ~I :n·oons. lfi.-.\n illustration of dPar Enp;lixh. - "Hoox<'\'Plt wax shot last




'fomm;r 0 \H'lls <·mn<' to NC' hool ( \\' 0 days in SU('('('SSiOll. "'oll(]('l'S will np,·pr c·<'HNP. L .\:.\I EXT FJW:\I HOO:'II :) . NEPTE:\IBER ~. 1!)13. "\Yp look hPfm'<' and af(pr .\n<l pill<' for what is not."



"\Yh<>r<> ?" ''HPtw<'<'ll thP hotPl niHl th<> an<lit or i nm. • 17.-D<•<·at m·, Bloomington, anfl <'hampaign <·omvl<'IP plank for a triangular <l<'ha t P. 1. .-Pnxhhall ·ontPHt on Illinoi. FiPl<l. .\11 aJ'C' goin~. 1H.-('ha m pai~n <1PfPn t <>cl • ~ <'Wman hy a N('OJ'<' of 40-G. K<><>r> it up, hoys.

. ' OTI E.

:.\Jr. :.\Jihw is <·ont<•mplatin~ thP purdwsP of a hloo<l-houn<l ll(' _· t spring to ins]>ire J<'.'. ' Kil'kpah·itk to 1'1111.

( -T<>Ns


<'ha.·Nl a hound to

l'l'hana). ~ 'l'o nw tht> worl<l is ''Flatt."-Yi tm· RtangpJ.


1.- Hou~ing ma~~

Jll<'<'l ing to inin galiH' "it It .J atk~on­ ,·ill<'. I>irPdm· )lihH', )lr. ,'lump, and )Jr. Lpmwt·ll mak<' ·' ]H'<'<'h<'~. :!.- \\' p \\"011. rl'lt<· ~('()]'(' wa .· fi0-0. ;}.- El<>dion "!"! "! "! ·n fi.- "'il~on i~ Pt·<'~i<lPnt ~ 1.- ThP ~Pnior da~~-; ilPgins <lramati<- ~tudy. "rl'hP HiYal~" i~ til<' play <·lto~<'ll for I'<'<Hling. ~. Forma~~ lll<'<'l iII/!, ~]I<'<'<·IH'" om· fa<·nlty <'X<·pJ~- I>irPdoJ· )Jillw for limllH'<', )Jr ~tmnp for apropos storiP~, )lr. LPonar<l for "]H'JI." l·nin'r~ity I I iglt, han• a <·m·<'. !l. < '. II. ~. automohil<' pat'H<l<' pl·<·<·<•dps gam<' with l'ni\'(•J·~ity Ili/!,11. •\ gdod gam<'; s<·m·p 1 T-1·~ in om· fa YO I'. 1:!.-nrPat <·t>lPin·atimt 1o<lay. .\una Yo~s· :mel ( l<'BP Hu:-:.· pll'~ hirthday. 1!~. - RPniors <lPd<l<' to haw )Jr . •\h<•J·nat lty tak<· t ltpir pid lll' <'S. 1 ;). )li~~ .Jmws is l1H'kP<l in thl' t <'<ll'lH•J·~· <-I oak I'oonl. 1 1'-. ''Y<'~, y<•s, I am \'Pl',Y foiHl of ~ontl1 .\llwri<·a. " - IIa:-wl <:os~. 1 !I.- It i-; t·mnm·pd tIt at a :opllo11101'1' aJH] H SPlliOJ' al'l' ('Oll(l'lllpliltillg lltall"imony. ('llil<li·Pn, IH· <·autious.

~piJ·p intpJ·p~t

:!0. Latin l'la~~<'s m·p J'<'h<'m·:-:ing t IIPit· play to h<• JH'<'~<'lll<'<l at )lm'l'cn\ Ilall during thl' IIiglt ~<·l1ool ('onf<'l'· <'ll<'P. I :!:t Bl110111 ington wit It <Ira\\·:-: fmJII tit<· tJ·i:lllgnlar dPhatl'. \\'hat i~ tit< • mat I PI' with Bloomington'? :.!:>. Foot hall t pam PX<'ll~<'<l at :~ o'l'lol'k to prad i<'<' for Tltank:-;gi\·iug ganH'. :.!T. - I>ir<•l'lor 0. Hull', ('o:wh Hi<·lt;u·d.-on an <l , 'nJH•t·intP1Hll'lll Eanw~t a:sist our fa<'nlty SJH'ak<•r. in m·ou:-:ing <•ntltnsia-;m fm· til<' gr<'<ll ga 1111'. :.!~. -. ·ilH' rahs for ('flampaign; :-;c·oJ·c· 1:~-T. )laroons han• not lost a gam<'. :W.- )frs. H. D. Burnham Plll<'l' · taim; thp foothall squad.


Brilliant pupil in ciYi<·. Th<• sh<•riiT <·an h<' el<'d<'<l four ~·earl'\ af· l<•J' II<' ha . <>xpir<>d.

~ \Yilc·ox B.: Tlu• pl<>h~'~ wPrc• Ho· lllall~ \\ ho hacl no an<·Pstm·~ nm· <1<•· !"('(']}(

1I'll t ~.

<> ~ay, c·an I )fprri-hPw?:\f ('( j ('('.



DEC . /6 Tran~latP,



<·xnit !''


.\Ia~, :tJHl h<· o\'l'J'flmY<'<l. 1.- )IY. ('J·aig Jll'<'~<·nt~ til<• ~ih'<'l' <·up to ( 'hampaign 11 iglt ~<·hool. \\'p an• al~o thP proll(l po.-~l'~~or of thP (; ul id-: ha llll<'l'. li. -)lanag<'Y~ for trad;, ha~Ph:tll, an<l football p]p<·IP<L !1. "Hubi<•" )Jom·p PIP<'IP<l <·aptain of JH•x( ."<'<II'·~ foot ha 11 ll'<llll. 10. .\11 tardy pupil~ han· til<' <·xtJ'<'IlH' ph·a~llt'<' of ~ill i11g fort.\·- fin• Ill i 11 n t <'~ in )l i ~~ ) I orri ~ ·: I'OOIII. 11.- )1 r. l>onis ha~ in \'<'II t <'<1 a

1~. -E;H·h ht·ing~ hi~ 111 it<' to a~~i~t Iii<' l>OJTa~ ~ ' H'i<'l,\' ill i(~ g'IHH] \\'Ol'k. 1!1.- :\J i~~ ~<'iiiPkP I'P~ign ·. :!0.- Th<' })oil!! Uo:·;.'dJI '' i:-.h<·~ all a \'<'1'." 111<'1'1',\' ( 'hl'i~trna~ all(] a lrappy

. . (. \\' y ('ill' . l'Ol'l"L.\H ('. II.



~11.\IIE~ .

<'ontl (}ray. :Jr('J·l <' n 1'<'<'ll. Ox Whit<'. I>aYi<l Hro\\'11. \\.ill tlrat " I ke" ::\1 0011('~- .

~ting'?- BPJ ' nar<l

11('\\' ~i]('JI('('I',

1:!.- 'l'h<• datP! 1'akP 11oti<-P! 1:3.- I )p<·atnr and ( 'ltar11pa ig11 <1<'ha t <' t ftp q liP'-' I ion: ft, ·sol r('(f. That t lr <• <·o 11 ~ t i t nl ion of I II in o i ~ ~ h o ul <l hP Hlll<'IHlPd to l'P~<'1'\'<' to t IH• YOt<•t·:-. 1 hP 1·ight to rp<·all all lo<·al an<l )o;(a(p official~ l'ho~pn hy t lw JH•opl<'. Tlw <1<'l'i:·doll ltPn' :~-0 in faYor· of ('hampa ign ; in l>P<·a t m· :!-1 i 11 fa \ ' Ill' of J )('('at m·. 1 fi.- Fonr ,( YJIP\\'l'i. t Pl'~ <1 i."a~pJwar ft'OIIl (]rp S(PllOgTaphy 1'00111. 17. )J aylH•ll J>a ll<•n ha('h hn~ l'lrargp of :\li~)o; ~pjJipkp'~ <iPI'IIIall ('hi~~('.'.


)[ i~~ ~,,· itzPJ': .\ 1'<' yon a <·it izpu of th<> l ' nitP<l ~(alP~. Elizahl'th'? Eliz;thPth ('.: YP~, I wa: h orn <JJHl nat uJ·alizP<l 1H'1'('. )fr. ~tnmp: J)ps<·rill<' Hip Yan \Yin kiP. Pupil: Hip Yan \\'inklp wonl<l ha ,.<' lH '<'ll a \'<'1'." go tHl -looking Jnan if hP lra<l not IH·<·n a 11 hPH Jll'<'kP<l up by hi~ wifP.

) Jr. <'ook: \ Ylw ( i~ <Ill a 11 it Pl'H t ion'? ('fif1'm·<l: .\lli(pJ·ntion is th<• Wl'OIIg' liS(' of goo<] )i(PJ'<Iflli'P.


;TAN- /Jl-.

li. Om· UP\\' 0Pt'lllHlJ t Pal'IJPt· i:-; .'Ill'. Jl:-;i<-holz. 7. - \ 'PI'Y muskal \\Palhi'J'. You han• to (':: o1· \ ' Oil ''ill B b .'.- Fm·ty l;oys HI'<' J'<•gistPI'Pd in PJ·ofp:-;sm· Yoi;m',· agr·i('n]t Ill'<' <·I;ISS. !J. (i\\'<'rH]nl,\11 .'llo1·gan h;rs ll'ft sdrool.

10.- Foo! ha II liD,\':-; m·<• Jli'OIHlly <li:-;pJayiHg thPil' liP\\' "('" :o;w<•a(PJ'S. 1 I. En•J·,\'OIH' is lnr:-;y studying for PXaHrinations. 1:>. llazPI DPJ'l'llllg"lr YisitPd l'lri I'Hgo today. :!0. ~<'lll<>sl<•t· PXaHrinations hPgiH 1oday. :!7. ~<'Hl<'!·d<•J· gJ·adp:-; i:-;:-;np(], \\' 11 ,\' <ll'l' :o;oJll(' :o;o dm\'JH·a:-;! '! :!,'.-I>ai:-;y .'ll<n·!iH aJHl Kath<•J·inP Eisll(•r· will not lH• with us lid:-; kPIIIPst Pl'. 'l'h<>y sa i I fm· Em·opp FPhrna t·y 1~. 'l'hP :-;<•Hio1·s or·dpr t lrPil' 1'11111 i 11 , . it a1ion .·. ao. Fa<·ulty lrad ;) IPngth,r Jrl(•(•( ing this P\'l'lling. :H. 'I'll<• boys <'lltl'l'!ain tl1p ( '. II. ~ . L. ~. tlri .· P\'Pning.

\\"p an• :-;!J'Ong for a .'llay-lwli. (']as:-; .


I'd J·a t h<•r IH• a rlryms(Pr, .\nd do lll,\' lit tiP hizz, 'l'lran to Iran• to write what ~lrakl'· :-;p<•an• wrote . \Ill[ ])p \\'hl'l'(' ~JrakPS)H'<IJ'( ' is. 'l'<>;wlrPI': Fn•d, wh<'l'<' is i4m•npn'! FJ·<><l: On pag<• :~:.!. lint> ;);)!J. HPd nrm1 ])a \'i:-;: I Ira n• lost Ill,\' ril' ()111 '1' 111' . .'II is:-; .'llonis: '!'hat is too had, H<>dnran. \\'lw has Ht><lr11an':-; fairy qlH'<'ll '? F111

.'IIi:-;:-; .'lld\:iJllliP: p<>i i lmri<>d '! \\ 'i lhnr .'11<-.:

\\' IJPII ,,·a:-; Pom ·

.\hont four y<•ars


1111 'II I'I'HH'll t


I :mr "~tout" l'llonglr to hanlliP that Bnkk. FJ':tllk llm·ton.

.'II1·. 0:-;hoJ'Il<': \\'Ira! i:-; a mnrur11'! '1'<><1: J han• it in my h<·ad, hut I l'an't t lr ink of it.

.... (~ul's!imr:

\\' l1at is an Pl'lw? .\n:-;w<•r: It is t II<' only thing that roh:-; a wonr;m of t hP last \\·or<l. H. L.


j~ . EIIIWI" IIpnn \\"<'<ll"i-1 a dassy co 11 a r. :?J.- <•ham paigu II igl1 ~dwol in 111m·ing- pidnrP lll:ty lH• S<'Pll at the ~-Pil 'l'hPalr<· this <'\"Piling. ~;-; . lhtsPhnll <·muli<htl<'s meet wit II I> i l"<'d or }I ilnt>. ~~. - .\lr. Lponanl's ei<ti-INPN <klnttc thP qupstion: Rrsoln·tl. That tli<' l1mJOJ' sysl<•m slwul<l lH• pufor<·Pd in

~. -'J'Jip Thn•e }) inn I<' Huh· i:-; again in fmTe- LIH' l"PI-IUlt of a fa<·ulty JIIPPting. :t- FJ·pd KI·oJH'l" app<•m·:-; in a UP\\' :-;pring :-;nit. J. -~\ llP\\" lligh ~-wl1ool huil1ling i-.; <Ill HSI-Illl"('(] fad . !i. -~ \

m•w cnsc-.Ja:-;on H. all(]

Et liP I ~l 0.- TIH• IIH'IlllH'I"i-1 of t liP two <lPhating IP:tllli-1 m·p grnnh•1l "('" :-;wpa( l'l' \ "('S t K ] 1.- <ll"Pat l'X<"itPiliP!l( ~ ('1J;tJIIpaigu riigh ~<·hool in 111m·ing pkt m·p ~ 'l'om Finnigan app<•m·:-; four t i Ill PS. 1~. -.Jolln }lunay is agnin with us. \\'p 110\\" ]nt \"1 ' ;)~;~ I'IIJ"OIIPd. ];{.- .Juniors t1·y ont for <·In:-;:-; pJay,- ~<·t>nPS ft"OIII ])11rid ( ' OJIJH /"· jidd. J I. - .\II <h•J"IIIHH pupil:-; sign K<·hpdulPs for tillll' <l<·\·otpd to study of C:pn11an. J~. - ~(J"('JlliOUS llll'<ISlli"P ." Hl"t' in fm·<·<' for a II I ate ani ntlN. J !1. -"~priug hn:-; <·auu•." ~0. - ~<·nim·s \"OlP to ltan• thPil' <·lass play ,Jmw 3. ~1. - )lixs )lonix: ·~pi<-y nuthrown alp' thnt xomHlx good.

( '. II.


}I iss Phillips: \\' hy wa .· LuthPr so long trauslat ing thP Bihl<> into (;prJIIHJl "! Pupil: It wa:-; hm·<l to makp the ~\p ost Ips talk lh1t<·l1. }I iss Tm·pll : \Yhat wax tiiP in. 't lOll . S("l"lp Oil ~'I 1<1 I~(':-<]lP<IJ'(' ' S t0111 11".' Pupil: ~llnk<•xp<'Hl'<' sai1l that if anyonp 1"<'1110\'P<l his hmH•x lH' wonl<l go to II I'll. }I is:-; ,Jmwx: If thP g1'<11Hl jury <1<>ddP<l a man h<Hl n <·asp hl' <·onl<l go to court.

}II·. 0:-:hm·up: \\' hat not<•s go with <li"i'? Pupil: Hank not<•:-:.


;~.-Tom Finnigan ,.i. it~ thP high :-;(·hool fm· tltP lit·:-;( tin11• :-;inn• hi:-; fall. \\'p \\'('(-!.-Ina ng tu·a t ion day. 1'01111' Pt·p~idl'11t \\'i 1:-:ml. 0.-~IayhPll lhtiiPllhach t (';((' h (',' t hP th:-;t pt·iJH;u·.' at t h1• <'olmwl

\\ o!f(•. fi. - ~1'11 ior:-: IIH'I'I to 1'l'<td tl11• c la:-::-; play, 'l'llf l""orsi/.11 ('oor·lt. ] 0. ThP "( ,.. jl't'SI',\' \"('. ·t ~ ;t \\'ill'd(•ll t liP dphating IPHill a1·p in 1'\·idl'lll'l'. l 1. Fit·p 1ll·ill t h1• font·( h holll'. 1~. ~ht1·gm·pt ll. and <l J'<ll't' <'. han• 11tl' IIH'a:-:lps. \\'p <11'1' :-:m·t·y. 1:~. .\t 1Ptllla1H'I' otlil"'t·, ~It·:-. ~I inl't', mad I' t \\ 1•! \I' 'i:-i t :-: today. 14. ~lildn·d K.: You gPt y ont· 1'1'\\'<11'11 iII II (';t \ ' I'll. .:'IIi:-:~ ~~ oni~: Y1·~. .n•:-: ot· 17. ~t. Pat1·i1'1.:'~ day. ~Pnim· finals hPgin. J. '. ~omtiP l:an.' \i:-;ill'd us again. 1!1. ~li ·~Philip· is ah:-:Pnt to1lay. • 'p]lp FlattP ntakl•s a g HH] :-;uhst it niP. ~0. ~pring \'al·atiou fm· two day:-:. ~!. •·J );1\·y" B111·nltam "as ;n· mnd g1'1'PI i Ill!, lti~ old fl'il'tlll:-:. ~.). -"'l'oollll'~'> .• Yo~s ha:-: a l'llllllilll!, 111'\\' ltat.

~fi. Hno\\' for a ('lt;tngP; not Inuth likP :-:pring. ~7.-.\~~Pmhly thi:-: mmning. ~rr. Em·np~f mak1·~ a :-:pt>l'('h on Y1H'at ion an1l llabit:-:. ~K-<'all for lm:-:l'lwll ('andidate:-:. ,Jnnim·:-: mt•l't to 1li:-:~:n:-::-: plan:-: for t'I'I'P]It ion. ~H. • ·I'\\' <·asl',- Ifl'h·n • "oh](• awl Eal'l HtP]Ihl'n:-: . .Jnnim· ('lass Play tonight. Po~t­ l't·s prom isp an Plltl•t·ta i ninl!, l'n•ning.

.:\It·. Psil'lwlz: '!'hat is likP ltikltinl!, t h1• It OJ'~(' hPfOl'(' ( (I(• ('<ll't. .\ggt·,·s~in· ( l!IP: Ex<·n~l' !Ill', hut I'm in a hurt·.'· ~ Yon'w ha<l tl11• pltmw twpnty utinntP~ a111l not :-:ai<l a ll'onl . .:'IIP<·k ( hw: , 'ir, I'm talking to my


"Look It1•t·1• Jto\\·, 1Iarold," :-:ai1l a fath1•1· to his littlp son \\Ito \\'a:-: 11<t11ghty, "If you don't say your pt·a.' <•t·s yon \\·on't gD to hl'a n•11." "I 1lmt't \\·ant to go to hPan•n. \\ant to go with yon <11111 tnanta." "Til<' <luakl'r Oirl."-Hut h Funk.

APRIL 4. I. I:a t'k I 1 t'llildlwod - laiPst :-;tyll' o f llaiJ·dt·t•.·:-dng i:-; hanging in l·m·l:-;. :t ~It .•\. ~111111]1 ha:-; a llt'\\' :-;nit. I. ~1111 <tp]H'ill''l Ollt'(' 11101'1', II 111'· t·;lll fm· lt·;tt'k allll hasPhall. 1. \ "p t'IIOll .Joltlll"lOJl i:-; t•lt•dP!l t·apta in of' tt·at'k lt•<tJII. .\!1·. Ea•·n1•st taught ~I i:-;~ ( :oPlH'l'N ( ;1'1'111<1 11 t·lass. II i!tli , 't·!tol)/ , 'J1i1 it. \\'t •·d:-; \\' il lanl l'•·ol'lm· mHI lllltl"it' ],y ( 'hm·]ps .\f<tlll'l'l', \\<IN ;n\ill'd!•d till' jll'iZI' . .Junim·s t·onlpll'll' n•·•·nngPIII!'llls f0 I' .f ll n i OJ'· ~PI I iOl' l'l'l 'I'll ( i 0 II. X. ~PIIim· honm·:-; po:-;IP!l. Bnth Funk J'<IJlk:-; fit·st in gl'llPt·;tl il\l'l'<tgP; .\lit·p llunsl!•y , ('I'Ollll. !1. Till' ( :i1·l:-;' ( 'llol'lt~-' Ita:-; lH'I'll askt>d to a:-;:-;i:-;t till' l·ltoi1· of tlt1• Baptist ('lttm·h in till' l'<llltata, '1'/u 1/1)/,1; ( 'i I .If. .\11 Pightlt hom· t'la:-::-; ha:-; lH'I'lt ad dPll. .\11 wi:-;hing to join t·all in l'llOIII :2. 11. .\1 t'lll hPt':-4 of tilt' OJTIII'~-'Il'H han• lilwl I'PIIt'aJ·:-;nl of Jn·ogJ'illll to hi' gi\'1'11 i 11 Tolo110 tlllllt'l' t Itt• illtspit·t•s of' 1ht• .\IPtlwdist t·hutTII. "'l'pd" Ft·i:-; on's liP\\, low 1'111 English shoPs\\ ill 1, • l'<ll'l'il'd down in l1is suit t'ill-'1' f'ot· lit!' Ol'l'il:·dotl.

'l'ht• git·l. in IIH• llou~Phold J)pp;n·tnH·nt at·t• ntaki11g dt·psS('S f'OJ• ( hPIIISt'l\-('S, J:2. 'f'f~t• Jil!'l'ili'_Y 1-'IH'iP(y, <1f'tl'l' ;t pm·lian~t•ntaJ·y 1ll·ill. l'll.io.n•d <Ill in d iH Jl' pi!-11it-. 1-l-.- .Jullim·s han· a 1111wk h;lli!Jlll'l in holllll' of th1• "~olls a111l f)<111ghlt•t·s of' fdft•JJ('SS," ( 'asl for ~Plliot· play Jl!l"l :•d t lll l<l.\. 1:J. ~ophOIIIOl'l'S dt'h;1t1• th1• 1]111'1"· lion: !.'n;l)/rul. Tll;lt 111m·ing pit·· lut·t• silo\\ s :-;llould not h1• oj•t•n mt · II.

~ ~·i. •nt ·t•


~n11day. 1~. ( 'ltan1paign will play P:txt •111 lolliOl'I'O\\. Thi:-; i:-; 1111' tiJ·st gilllll' of' (fit' Sl'ilSOll. :21. I )1'. ( '. llo\\ ;n·d ]ll'l' 'l'lt(s six \olnllll'.' to 1111' high st'ho o l lihJ·;n·y. :2:>. - Ft·l'd KJ·onl'l' J·anks fin.;t in Ol'<1lot·il·al t'Oll(!'sl, ll;n·old .\1'111· 1-'(l'Ollg fit·s( ill t'XIt'111pOl'<llii'OliS SJH'<lk· ing l'Oli(I'SI.

J lli"(l'lii'IOJ': .\I it·('. _\"011 111<1,\' l'I'Hil ·'om· ]Hl]H'l' h!'f'OJ·t• tIl l' t'lHs:-4. . \lit·( • .\ . ~hall I l'P<l!l it ont lond. ".\f'(pJ• " ~tlllllllt'l'·~ ('lllll'hhip. hi' "!'Ill h<tt·k to tilt' 1·ity .\ nnip's fiwtnt·(•... ~I m·ip ~l1o" PJ',. 91

lilt\ t:OOD!' HEL'.\ItT:\lEXT l'OHEI \!'T l'OH


\ Y .\ ' II ,Jl


~. - ThP ('hampa ign ll igh ~~·hool Orl'hP:->tJ·a " ·ill gin• it:-. allmwl <'Olll'l'I't l mligh t. ;t- Unal trarl· IIIPPl \\ilh l · rhana on Illinoi:-. FiPIIl. lli.- Fn•1l I\:1'0111'1' a11d Ilm·old ~\1'111:-.t J·ong wi II l'PIIl'PsPnt t h1· high :-.1'110 tl in thP .'tall• oratorintl <IIHl l'Xt Pill pm·p spl'<l killg conlPst. ~li. -~Pn iors hid adieu to da:-!-i I'OOIII "ork in h i~h :-l'ltool. ~PlliOl' hall [Jtj-.; ('\'l'llillg. ~!1. - ~Pnim·:-. haw thPil' hanqnl'l at th1• H1•m·1blPy Ilotpl. 1. ~~·J·mou for !"l'llim· da:-.s.




f .\llil'

EltY DEP.\.Lt'L\IE::\T.

J(nt:-.- JIIHill' to Ol'lll'l' .\[i]lh'l'd )lUll· It nil. Flo\\'l'l':-.- \'ioll't. ,· uot: liEl'.\lrt' :\[E'\T. l )nlH·ing ~I ipp1'l's-.To:-.l'phinp \\p]J.


~\'\' (' 11 ty :-.puim·:-. l'PI'Pi n• t hPi r lliplomas. :{.- .'l'lliOl'i' Jll'\'S('ll( thP !"tli'Nif!J ( 'ortdt at thp \\ alkpt· OJH'I'a lions('.

('.II.:->. H.\IW .\IX !'.\I.E. Hy .Jpnnis Han.'· aJl(l YPima Hoot.

noor ·

liE!' \.H'L\1 E T .

lJidioJtttr.tJ of , 'ltlllf/



!"Oil. f)l/lltji/t/1'( Oil

('i/i:r IIN/tifi- Elizaheth

Col . Jfoll'

.\lpl'J'ihl'\\', .\lat·ip ~Ito\\ 1'1':-.. 'l'a t t i ng·hO\n..;- Ka t hl'rinP .\Iaducu. <'rodiPlt'll·helt · -IIazpl <l l'ip. Fashions Kat hl'ri liP I :orn. ~ ·otion ('onntl'r< :ig~h-s Loui'-'l' _' ormau. Wig~ll':-. .\faylwll I>aii PBhal'h . .'nlill•s- IIazt•l HPhont. Talk .\ltu·ip ('al1hn•ll. 1 )ign ity- 1 I p)(•n Kl'n:-.ink.

"( , ..


JJn . · .~



HillgP. [ .·r .· of Flattcry-Blaucht' Hill. luitiatirt· -.\Ii:-.s ~witzer's llii'tory < 'Ia. :-. Daily UIJ-"-"i}J- Ln1·ia Yau Inwagen. . ll'f/lllltt·ut to /\' ill 'l'intt.- l{alph .\lc· ( ; ('('. }foil' to ('11111'111 tltt ' Frtir. 'r.r.-Olin•r Isa;u·son. Tlto .~r lktc.·talJ/1 llt 'JI.-Zay \\'right. R lllllll'ia t ion - Kil hnrn Fl'Pl'llla n. llo/1' In Pa.~.-: \oft.., • 'llt·t·t·Nsflllly..\f aq~,m·et Ilay1•:-. ]~'[ ir{Uf'/ tr·.- Lois Philhri1·k. Ttl! 1[,. \ ol iu lfollrllflll \ 11 llllirrsHl'\ iP\\ .\lgPhnt ('lasi'.

Englbh \\'alking ~hop:-.- IIarr.' \Yil sOil. nn1ll Hoot:-. .John)£ illl'I'. ('om ~a hI' .\grind t lll'l' ( 'la:-!-;. ~hoP l'oli:-.h .Jop P1•rcintl. ~Il'SH '


Phonographs with I'Pt·m·ll:-. of Ycr· gil':- . IIIII it/. )lusit- - hy the pouiHl - .\Sl'l'lllhly pia no. Ilai·moll,\. (; irb' ( 'hm·u:-. . .\lnsi1· in Yo lumps- ( )r<·IH'.·ira. < 'h inH•s-".Titnmy·· H('ll. (:tUH ' EltY


LL·mons IIaz('l :.\Iiller. l'rnllps-.TosPph inr I )olllls. ( ;l'Pl'lls- Fl'l'Slllll('ll. J:E.\l ' TY IIEP.\H'DIK'\ '1' .

('111·ling Flnid-Hnth \\' oodi'ntf. ( 'ompl<•xion n lady:-. La<lll. I)·' I' .John .\ful'ray. llair Oil Loni:-. Burwash. 1!.\IW\\'.\HE DE!'.\H'DIE. ' T.

11 am 111 pJ·s-1 )orot hy , '1•ott. Pil'ks Donalll lhHlds . Fl EL HEL'.\H'Dli·::\T.

< 'oa 1-

E I iza hPtlt. \\'1HHl .\ t Ita. I'ir1• ])phating ('lass.







m LITTLE BOY H a "Rill

WHP.T'S 1-\







LITTLE Boy \-\ 0 \.)



FAST f>....SL )'ET



::fl LIT1LE BoY Htl

5w I TZ E


R. C. AT[\\ FC. ~ IM IN A Fl.)(.

llJI - I TTL BUY HO R~ iES\ G-R~hE. f'IF-TY-5 \'EN r~r

,. 'I( ..to" :!' ' '

.JOt-",.. "'-'I L\. '"' ~ V. L>. " C..R<:~OI


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:-\It,• Ill'\,.,. wm·p tIll'. anH' It at t wi1· •. JI.na ~Ianh·,L

Jll'. Psi1'11olz: , 't111l,\ is tltt• spi1•1 of I i f'P-hl'ttt•t· 'ppp' up.

Lois 1'.: \YI'll, 1111'1'1' \\a. a los. of tltit·t,\ million tltonsa111l 1111'11.

(1'1 r fl{ ('rtrh!l!lf-/r.

~I i s 1-'\\ itZI'I': It was Yl·t·y t ltougltt ful of ,You to laiH'l ymn· Jlt;lps.

Pupil: Thl't·e \\1'1'1' 1'\l'll 1111'11 hunt itlg fm· t hi' _gt·l'at I':IJ·hmli'IP :111•1 IIIII' \\'Olllilll.

'J 11 E :\I\ ~TH

"I'll g1•t ,\'Oll .. ~It·. ~lii!H•, hom· J. of .\ll:~h"-Ht·:ullP,\ ·..


Pupil: \Yhl't'l' ,.,Ill I gpt S)H'<·iIIII'Jts of ht•d hngs'! 'J'p;l(·ltpJ·: 1-'l'illTh Ill('. II.'( \l'E.

•\df'l Funk . 11 ill I :J:nH·Itl•. '1'1'111 pi('- (; ('IIJ'g('. ( :t·m l's - HohpJ·t. Hhoalll's ~IariP. \Yood · .\tlt:1 allll ~lm·il'. Hmol,s Huth. Hm·n<•s-~l;u·g:~n·t alii] IlazPlip. ~II'. ('ookl':


illl't·-.John. .\1 a jm·- 1!-l'lH'. \\'11.\ r ll \Til BEl' 0


:\1 \'\ TE \I{

Tltl'llll()]•(• .\1 ;I(· k i 11;1 \\'.



a lid




~tt'\\' <IJ·t llass(•t t <lllll his \\ histll'. Killllll'll I'J·I'I'IIl:lll and his \\<Ilk . .\t·thut· llolllll'l' and IIi lllitTot· . <'l:llld1• . 'ogll' and hi gum. Jlm·old <~t·oyt•.· and l1is 1·ol1m·s . .f ol111 Hut·kp and It is hash fulnPss. Holt <:t·on•s :llld his ht•:Hl:u·hps, <'lw t 1'1' ( 'lm·k a 11d l1 is !.!I·i 11. \\'ill-ox Hm·nham and his f'ppt. Llll·ia Yan TnwagPII <lllll tl11• •·Haily ( :ossip." 1 I 1'11'n Ki"l'l' <11111 111'1' II i~.Lllity. \l;u·i1• ('alllwl'll <1111l h1•t· I'l'd hat. \\'a.\ Ill' .Jollll"toll ami his l';tl's. (;lad,\"' , 't.\ <Ill a11d hl'l' s\\ l'l't dispo --it i 011, .Jp ·s Kit·kpat1·i1·k a11d hb 1·lo!.! f l:llll'i 11g. Tomtll,\' 0\\'1'11. and his nlrtonll:-;. YPs, I hall six ill\itations tn thl' .Juniot··· 'pnim· l:all. .\1111:1 Yo::-~.

TP:ll·lll•t·: 'l't·:lllslatl' till' JJI'Xt !"I'll· tl'lll'l', TY:J. l\':1 L.: To 1lil' is nothing hut to sl'l' :1111lnot lin• is llllforttmatl'.

\\ h.tt is tlt1• Jlllll'ill of

'l () '' II ()1/.'(r'.> <lllllif': a' that.

Tell t Itt• story of 'l'llf

T \\'0 TO'\ E~.

'I \ZE.

ll,\ .\nna .J;t~·ksOJt, '11. l-'01111'\\ ltl'l'l' h~wk ft·otll ILmdolph •• t •• 'I' I ~lands t lt1• I 'ltatlll'ilign II iglt ~~!tool s1•at; 1-'ollli'\\' IH•t·,• had;: in tIll' lw·kpt·::--' hazl'. IIm1g. t h1• nld-fashiolll'll ~Iyst i1· ~I <IZI'. •\I"!"O'-'s it lon•ly f'ill"l's h 1\\' • \nd populat· git·l-.; t IH•it· shadow~ t hJ'O\\ ; • \ml ft·otll it. stat ion in tl11• hall Till' :lJH·il'llt minor sa.\ s to all,.. f:I'JIII'lll hl'l", 1'1'1111'111 hi•J•: Tltl' tlti·I'I'-IIIitlllll' J·nll':··

1'. II. :. I..\

.\lr. 1-'tump:

.\ IIIOUsil' is il liiOIJsil' for



Ell!.!:1i"ll ;~ l'l':lllillg :ts Lo it I, h(• 1101

~\\ itZI'l' l'llll'l's l :

a ft·n ill. 100

HEI•'Oit:\1 L ' (; I,J:II:IIII·J. J:y !{["Til J:o:\Il'EL. 'II. "011, gi1·ls ~ hPI'l' l'OIIH'S Lir.r.i<• ~" <"Hill<' fmin a tall pall'-fa<·<•<l gi1·l. In~tantly tht• shiPki11g mHI huhbub of th<• lo<"k<•r 1'00111 :-:nllsi<IP<I. a1Hl only stag<' whisp<•J·s pl·<•dmninntl'<l. Lir.r.i<•, tIll' 7.DDiop:y inst l'lH'tm· ;tlH] ;tlso, tIll' l<wkPl'· J·oo111 1101'1'01', <'11t<'l'l'<l. Tall, slim, SJH'I'l;H·]ps pl<l<"<'<l lil'lnly o11 t II<' ln·i<lgl' of hPJ' png nos<•, <llHl hPl' ruhy lip:-; s]n·<·nding f1·on1 <'<11' to P:tl'llo\\·, not in a snJill', Inind you in t IIPir 11a t m·a 1 I'XJI'I'ssiml, a lil'Jll st1·aight Iilli', <1<•:-:t·J·iht• · h<•J· ])l'l'<"isPI~·. 11t•J·llail·~ that hai1· stl';lig-ht, \\ ispy, ·'Plio\\', t \\'ist<•d in a knot it look<'d likP <l <"hot·olatt• (>dai1·, Sl'l'll in t h<' ha kt•shops. .\1'111~ foldPd, lips :-:Pt, shl' ap]n·o<~~·hPtl. "(liJ·ls ~ ~ ~" sill' h tOIIll'<l fm·tlt, ";til of' yon \\'ho \\'1'1'1' just pal'!aking in this lllOl'[ olnJoxiou:-;, aho111 inahlt• J'iot, pll'<tS<' st<•p fm·· \\'a rd." .\t that IIJOIIJ<'lll a giddy f1·t· ·lillian <"allH' l'Uilninp: in, g"l'Pat ly ('X<"itl'<l, "()lJ~ (lirl:-;~·· sill' nit•d, "I just I'S<'a]ll'd old Lizr.it•. En•1·y lllOl'lling fm· a \\"]lo]p \\'l'l'k sill' l1as ht•t•Jl \\·a(<·hing fm· 1111•· 'J'ht• l'X])l'('SSiOll of fl'iUIII]lh Oil hl'l' fa<"<' inst;llltly l'llangt•d into Oil<' of <I i~n1ay as shl' lwlwl<l t hi' sn hjt•t·t of 111'1' J't'lll<ll'k~ :-;talHling dit·p<·tly JwfoJ'<' lwr. "You, .\ nn;!lwl .\ llt•n, I sl1a 11 l'l'· )Hn·t illlllll'diatl'ly to tht• Jll'in<·ipal. Yom· oll'l'nSl' i:-; llliJIHI'llDnalJl<· ~ .. 'J'IIt' fl·t•'dllll<lll ht•sitatt•d 1111 longpJ·, hut tUl'JI<'d <tJlll Jlt•d 11p thl' stai1·:-:; null, 11p tht• stai J·s, dosply in pm·suil, Lizr.it• follo\\'1'<1. J:ag<• \\'<IS inqn·i11t1'tl 11)1011 l'\ l'I'Y fl'Ht Ill'(' of 111'1' l't•d, 1'1'1] fa<·<·; ht•J· ht·<'allt <·anH· in quid' sl1m·t gasps; \\'hl'll s11lldl'nly till' lllil'<l<·lp hHp]ll'lll'd: l'OIIIillg' d0\\'11 !h1• :-:tail'S was tht• go td old j<lllitor, <·arJ·.' ing a

hrilllfnl of lon·ly wllit<' alHl jn~t a~ liP ~t<•p]H'd upon till' h111dingJ:ill'~~- Bing-~~ ­ llang~~~ <"<till<' Lizr.iP ag-ain~t thP pail of pa~t<•. Oh ~ ~u<"h a <·ata~tl·o­ ph<· ~ ~"a rn1~ of ~t ud<•n t J'U~h<'<l to t hi' ~pot, for to ~<'I' Lir.zil' in ~m·h a j)l'<'d i<"a 1111'11 t \\· a~ t J·tlly a ~how. ~ln·ipk~ of langhi<•J· l':tllH' frolll tiH' <·J·o\\·d at t IH• ~<'I'll<' lH'fm·<' t hPlll. Th<'l'l' ~at Lizzi • in a ll<'ap, \YhitP pa~tl' ~tl'<•aJning all o\'Pl' hl'l', oor.ing do\\·11 11<'1' .n·llo\\' tl'<'~~P~, npon thP gold-l·inl1111'<1 ~pp<·tadl'~, and OY<'l' IH•r pup: 110~<' hPim\'. J >dPat wa~ wriltl'n Up011 ]I(•J' fal'l'; ~)l(' g1·a ],})(•<] 111'1' :-:ki1·t~ and flpd in rag<' into thP Sl'l'ln:-:ion of ht•l' l'Oillll. .\ t last t l11• pJ·iJH·ipal anin•d upo11 t l11• ~<'1'11<', <llHI t l1e d(•Jn·is \\·a~ l'll'al'l•<l a \\·ay. Yon lllay l'<•st assm·<·<l that fm111 that da,\·, Lir.ziP Jll'\'<'1' at!l'tllpt· I'd to llll'd<IIP \\·ith tiH• p:il'ls in tlH• l<ll'kl'l' 1'00111. lnu·kpt pa~((·,

);p;J] ('.: lf ym1 lllltltiply tht• first t•qn;ttioJJ hy rt a111l till' St'l'OJlll by lJ, l'Ollld yon illulllinatt· y.} ~~iss 1'm·pl1: ])p~nihl' t hr pid lll'e JH'l'SI'lll<•d in "1'o a \\·atpl'fowl." Pupil: 'l'lll' pid m·p in "'l'o a \\·atPI'fowl" \\'<IS a :-:t ull'<·<l biJ'(I.


I:'\ Lo\'1 ;.;(; ) r E:\LOitY OF TilE ~I.\'\ Y

fliUI.I.I.\:'\T .JOKES J:t "'I'III.E:O:SI.\' ])ESTIWYEII J:Y 'I'Ilg ( 'HI"EI. . \ 11\' ISllltY llll.\IW J)JEII. ~1.\Y 1, Ull't

X liT LosT IWT (; 0.'\ E !: EFOH E


l'E.\l'E Til EHE Tll . \ \\'.\1'1'

'J'IIE )f.\.'\Y. )1.\.'\Y ~ l llltl-:



~II.\ HE

.\ I.JJ.-E 'I'll EIH F.\TE. .T. I :.. '1 ;t

In the annual conle l for the be l ~ ong composed by a Cham paign High School putJil, the judges, Dr. C. H. Mills, Mr. C. A . Kiler, and M.rs. Alberl Eisner, /r., au:arded the prize lo the author of "High School Spirit." Willard Proctor received five dollars .for composing the u;ords and Charle Maurer len dollars for the musical composition. We take great pleasure in thanking our Unknown Friend for encouraging our mu ic(Jllalenl, and reminding u thai the cultivation of the fine arls iJ a nece 1ry factor in our education.


~ }j__j_g h W or 4s b .~ W t lL a.. r



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