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DR. W. L. r.R.\Y
Pre ·i!lent of the Board of Education.
;Dr. lllillhnn 1£isenhll QiraJJ :Prtsibent llf tqt "" .na.rb .nf 'JE'bucati.nn
lnit~ ;iincnc c-l\.pprcciation of
itt Q)ur "' eiJalf lnc ,Pcbicatc tiJis ftlaroott
GLADY0 ipilf:.l)D.[C.K 1\t:I.T !'DIT'OQ
\\ILL!\ I W \ f~O •. L\R "E:-,T
• upcrintcn11Lnt of , cho 1:.
f\IM t;'W:) (") M'4t.l KM.it' l..ATlol'i
FlL\(::\IE. "1'
\Yhilom, npon a fair ~~·piPliiiH•J' mm·B, Youth !hpJ· wa.· who )pf't hi. fip)d~ of I'OI'JJ 'l'o ('hampaign lligh, to 111ctk a JHlgJ·imagP 'fo gain in "i~do111; gi·I'! wa~ hi~ l·ourctg<'. ~o up thi~ ln~t.' hal'ltt'lor di1l ri.·1· ~\tp . t'\"1'11 of his 11101 hPI''s ]Hllll)lkin piPs, ~\ ]}() h iPd hi Ill f,n·tlt to t Ita t J'PIIOIIIII'd ~wole. 'l'hPl' wonl<l lw show t lw t hP \\:Is not a fooiP. ~traight h<• \\'PHI to that .b~Ptllhl,\ IlctiiP ~\n<l .·aw lwfm·p him !tis l'lliiiiJHIIion~ all1•. 'l'hpn \\'l'llt hp o11 a tour of inspPI'Iioll, 'J'o spp tllings had this ,\olllh a JII'Pclt>IPI'Iioll. l'pon th1• ro~II'Illll, one• of' \\m·ld-widP fanH• wa. ,'('<'Jl \\'ho ~alp in l'<•gnl dignity, lik to a (~tw<·n Ill'r <',\'<'S \\'1'1'1' kPPll, and gazt>cl o11 aiiP 'mund ~\lHl at .·onw naughty ft·c•shman oft-tiJIH•.· ft'O\\' IIPd; But alii' Ill\ <'11 t hb <~tH'Pll, fm· ~h<· wa~ tilw ancl t l'lH' ..\B<l was a soul of hl'lpfllllii'Ss to al shp klH'\\'i For spi tP of al h1•r outwardly I'P~Pl'YP 'l'hi.· <ln<'<'ll wa.· .·\\'I'IP a111l gncll' a is a JH•al'lt Jll'P.·ern•. ~\ _'omw was tliPl', dainty of llllllll'l'P, A dtarming Ia,\ d il', fnl of gtHIPiy l'h<'<'l'; ~\round tltiJo; .·omH• \\:t~ thPr a l<u·g<• group, ~o fas<·ina1ing \\as khl' to al this troUJli 'l'hey lowd tlli: • ·omw an<l th<'y lowd to mak up tinw. \Yt•l <·oul<l :h<• l'lljoy a IIIPl'lT, 111 irt hfnl 1·inw. ~\ncl with this. 'olllll' \\'1'1' tlll'l' virgin~-; fourTh<'.' \\'('1' hl'l' ('Olll]l<llliOJIS, HIHl ll:t 11101'('. 'fht's taught langnag<•. of al thP stl'aungp stroud<'." \\'t'l eoul<l th<'y kJH'h in :1111' fmpign londl'k;
Th touching little poun given ht:re i · thought h} many authoritic to he haucer' ma terpicce. It \\ .t: Ulllartht:<l on the sitt: f tht: Ill'\\' lligh Srhnol building when the workmt:n were t:xca\ ating the wimming-pool. Emient critics have advanced the theory that this pol·m wa. lost h} the author while he was on one of his famou lt:cturc tours. "The ~faro n'' \\ aiH·s all rcspon ihility for any libel this chef d'oene may he thought to c ntain, • ud also rcfu. cs to \'OUch for the \'t'racity of the author. 2. l"outll- \ stripling: prol>ahly one of that gn·at das called Commuters. s. Baclli!lor-,\n aspirant to knighthood. 12. Sec tlliugs Rather vague and difficult of interpretation; se,·eral meanings might be attached. IJ. Rostrum From Latin, ro. tra heak. Prol>ahly applil·ahle hccathe of the many JH:rsons who peck therefrom at the irmon·nt childrt:rr. 20. Peach J>rcscr;.·c-In all probability thi dainty was, to Chaucer, the quintesence of delectability. 22. Cllarlllillg-, 'ot used in refcrcnce to a siren. but a good fairy who. c delightful personality enthralls all of her acquaintances. 23'. Large group-See note on "ro trum,'' I. IJ; likely an allu ion to the "pecked ones.'' 8
And llH'Y \\'PI' <·I<'JH'd II01111P.' of \'ari<'gatp<l Hair, For twain !nul !<wk. of Phon; Ollt' \\·as fair; .\11d om>,· hair Nlll'Jla:-sl'd alit', this I think • ·e wa. · it uat I'l'd, hut of a gliiiPly piuk. :~.) .\ FJ'I'I't• t ht•J' was who \\·ollnPtl in lmrl'r haliP. \\ d \\a. ht• lwlon•d h,\ lads aud las:--.t•s alii' . •\lld ht' \\CIS soft Cllld l'OIIIId; a hall h1• did appi'CIJ', Brill' \\<Is his dianwud .Tar·f-11in lik a lt'ar That this g11d1' man had Olll't' in :->01'\\'1' shl'd 10 But dmp]H'd and stopJH'd on that fai1· tit• of I't'd . •\nd OIIP t IH•J' was, hinl-1 ik of fpa tIll'<' aJHl of lim h; II t• "a:-. uot fat ; Ill• hi' wa . ful ~I int; ll is hpak was lrPt is, long all(l IWI'\\'P, \\ 1'1 might lw irnitatl' liH• fPsli\'1' N]Hll'\\'1' 1 I;) 01· p)~p a lt•J·k<· nrigltt h1• lH' ful m•ll<', Fm· hi' t·onld Ning; thiN I to ,rou do ll'lh•. 'l'wl'i t-4ull'ragl·t lt•s \\ 1'1'1' tltl't', \\ ho lon•d ai~Phra .\1111 hDnth:--. of NaJ·t·a:--.nt did ltm·l at lar.y ou<•s lht•,\ say, .\ud "itl1 tlwi1· ltall·ltl'ls di1l :--.lralll't' al I hi' dJ'PJIII'.· ;)() \Yhit·h st·olt•J·~ di't'lltl of pas. iug, . o it .·1'1111'
.\ t-4quy<·r th<•J• \\a, a gall:tnt swain \\'Ito ltistm·y taught "itlt al !tiN mitt• and rnaiu; t-4\\PIP his di~poNitioll, if I <·an hP hl'lil'\'l'd 'l'hi~ man waN llP\'1'1' kuowu to hi'I'OJIII' JH'I'\'I'd; <Jruceful his dannt'iuo·, :->\\l'tly <·oulu h • .-iug. I li~ facp was pink aJHl JH'I'l ty, a.· if hln~hiug-. 'j'hp ('01111 t l',\ fall 110\\ ('OIII(':S II ]lOll Cl ('1'0\\'ll ( 'harme<l h,Y tiH' \ oi<·t• of 0111' N}H'ki11g lotul. 'l'hiN liP iN not a parrot hl'nl oral iug; But a mer man gh·ing- le~. ons in dPhating-; . \u<l h1' iN gnd1•, olll' thpy all<' honor. Y<·lppl by ;II h iN fJ'I'IId<·s, l:ollllPJ' . • \ NO]('Jilll .JngP is liPX( ll]lOn ( lt1• N('l'lll', .\ .J11dgp of dignifil'd all() statply llli1•Jt. .\ just alHl right\\ iN man in 1'\'t'l',\'lhiug \\'ho p1·ai~l' of Iudi:tna did P\'Pl' Ning . •\ g<'nlil maidt•n ""· tht•t·, a lli'YOII'P of .\rt, X Ollllcs-It is n•ry fitting that the . ~holarly • 'un should he accompanied by nonne~ well versed in fon:ign languages: l'. Jll·ciall) in th • Latin and Teutonic.
Bclo<•cd- hau-:er is in a position to speak thus lo,·ingly; for all of his hiographl•rs haH' rcmarh•d ahout the wotHIL•rful frilndship "hirh has sprungup hl'twccor ltim and the friar. Their hr therl) affection ha often hL-en compared to that of David and Jonathan. 46. For he could sing ndouhtedl> :ln l' ample of Chan ·er' · gent](' sarca. 111. li· T1,•ci \'uffra[ll'llcs-1· \'idcntly thl· militant 1110\TIIIl'llt had starll·d as far hack a. ' haucer's time. '] he pn l'll t age m.t) well hl' rougratulatul upon re taming such pl'l'imen .. 5-1. l'cc;·ed \ word which i. n lomzer used. owing to the fact that the pas ·ion which it e pre sed no longer ri.es in the human hrmst. It iormcrl) 111l'ant to lose one's temper; to become angry. 3(l.
And eke a Y<>aman who with wood-craft workP<l apart. .And down hpnpath thP parth th<•r <lwPllP<l i\ntin \Yho <·au:-;ed tPat·x of HOITOW, griPf, aiHl pain. Ful many did tiH',Y flunk in ~wiPB<'PX tim'<'; ThPn laughP<l thPy loud in an unholy glPP. The foole:-;, t h<' wy:-;, al on<> fat P nwt, For nonp ]>a:-;~<·<1, you <·an your hootp:-; lwt. .\11<l yPt di<l ~wo]pt•x in gt'Pt hmnh]p:-;:-;p 8till HPkP ]prning in tlH'.' hPth<'ll('X.·p, ThPr to pour out t hPir lu•rp-hlo<Hl in nt in.·<' tt>arx nor hPnuty <·oul<l a :-;<•n•nty obtain. Our Youth now tm·nx from yondPr Yal<' of tpm·x To \Yh<•rp a gudely Yoi<·<• doth nwPt ldx par:-;, A lwawnly Yoi<'P \\ hil'lt might <'OJII<' from tiH' :-;tarx .Ax with a gpntiJ <ll·awl, it :-;oftly drop:-; th<• ''r'x". II<• followx up thl' Yoi<'<' and xntPllx a ]H•rfnnt<• ran·; IT<• k<'<':-; a xlPk<' form \\ ith w<>ll-<·mnlw<l hail·. To the~ hPlon~ a ,,·in~oinP kui~ht, in PYPr~~ ~(~ll~P, \\'ho <·omex from wher hP kno\\"S not and h<> g<H':-; he kuowx not whpnce . •\nd t h<'n wit hallP wax t lwr a donw. t i<- pa in•. \\'p] ('OUI<l t h<',Y kPW, all<l ('OOk ('Oll<'Od ion:-; rare; .\ :plemlid wyf would Pilh<'r of th<•m makP, I know. I wite not whi<·h onp I :-;hould takP. A ~Ionk ther wax, a:-; gPntil ax a xh<'Pp, \Yho newr in hi:-; <"laxx did xh•t>p, But yawn a11<l ruh hix <',Y<'ll-may hapx :nm'<' Hut thix could not be lH'I'<l<' for llH' roar Of typewritPI'.', and hum of hu:-;in<':-;.'P. ThP name of tltis ~Ionk, I wot y<' cannot gPkRe. All thex .·aw thP Youth, and y<>t <Hl<' more: Th<> ('heerful IIo.·t, who lll<'t him at the door. ,Jolly wax he; hi: <'.Y<'ll w<•r hrightP. Blak wPr hix lockPx an<l nullpd t ight<•, .A worthy, nohlP, upright mau was he, Hight w<>l y-loved hy that ('Olllpauy. H •ader, na more about thix xeole ean I tellc; Yon know which one you think it-heav'n or helle.
Bet ,your bootes-An ancient e.·pre. ion, meaning to wager one's Ia t penny. Cf. the expression of a later generation: " ell your soul to the Dedi." 76. JJ eat/zencssc-Heathcn lands; thi · <.louhtlc explains "unholy glee", 1. 72. So. Cuddy l' oicc-In haucer's time, the courtier was <.li tingui he<.! by his low musical voice. 9I. Sheep-A ruminant; di tinguishe<.l by its gentle disposition. This pas age is particularly fine in showing the author's keen in ight into human nature. 100. Crulled tiglzte-In another pas age, Chaucer uses "lay<.le in presse"; doubt· le. s synonymou with the modern expression "do up on kids". Publislzcr's note: It has been suggested that an obscure author collaborate<! with haucer in this l\[ . The rea on for this i based upon the fact that there is a rune in the last six lines. The initial letters of these lines, read downward, are supposed to give a clue to the author. This may or may not be true. 74·
FOREWORD In presenting the "Maroon" for 1914 to the public, the Editors have tried to present the features that are popular with the students, as well as to make the annual as original as possible. The pictures of the faculty are supplemented by a poem after Chauser' s "Prologue", which sets forth the well-known characteristics of each member. A record of the pari played by each Senior in high school accompanies his picture. Bearing in mind the fact that this is our last year in the old building, a "Historical Review" follows the progress of our schools from pioneer days. The department of Debate and Oratory has been added. The Sophomore Class is tabulated. The junior class has the more important place---the bottom of the page. The policy of the first volume of the "Maroon" in giving "The History of F ooiball", is followed this year in a history of "Track". The recognition by the Board of Education of high school clubs conforming with certain regulations has greatly increased the number of organizations. All are represented. ~ We are pleased to announce thai Mrs. R. D. Burnham is the friend who for three years has offered a prize for the best original song. "C. H. S. Pep", the prize song for this year, is published for the first time. ~ ~ The staff has tried to satisfy the popular demand for humor, and has devoted to this section the customary space. ~ The staff has spared neither lime nor expense and sincerely hopes that the fifth volume of the "Maroon" will meet the hearty approval of the students of Champaign High School.
'14-, .\
ll .·.\'1'IL\.' .\. \\'EsTo ·, .Jn ..
at t]l(' timP WP art> to PlltPr our l'Oilllll<Hliou!'4 11<'\\" h_i~h N<·hool it !'4PPIIIS tittin~ to l'P\'iPW a f<·w fadN J·platlll~ to th1• ('hampai~n N<·hools. 'l'h<'l'l' "a.· a till II' "IH•n tlw Il<lllll' <'hampai~n \\aN not No wl'll known as it is now. ('hampai~n <·onnt~ \\ al' a pm·t of \'prmilion <·ount,r u11t il 1 ·a3, whPn thP at't erPatin~ thP <·otmty of< 'h:ullpai~n lwnllll<' a law. 'l'hl' tir.·t NdJOol in tl11• <·ounty \\:11-\ tau~ht h.r ('har)p:-; ('oo}H'r, in a log eahiu ahout half a mih• !'4outh of )Jahollt<'L 'l'hp <·ity, whi<·h iN Bow ('halltpaigll, waN Nt:u·fpd in 1~:1:!, wh<•n t h1• Illiuoi!'4 (\•Btral Hailro:ul l()(·at<•d upon a lin<· \\ hi<·h hisPI'Is th<· <·ount~· from north to Nouth. 'l'hP itnportant station within thP <·ounl,\' was phH'<'d two mill'!'4 from thp eourt hou:-;p in t·rhaua. 'l'his point of tlw railroad wa!'4 <·omplPtPd in 1~3-!, :uul thp station wa:-. <·aiiPd \\'pst l'rhaua, a part of Crhana. In .\pril, 1~37, tlH· dti~w11s of \\'pst t·rhana or~ani~w<l tht'lllNPln•N into a hody <·m·pm·atP mulPr tiH• statute hy thl' JWIIH' antl. tyh• of tbp Town of \\'1':-.t t·rhana. 'l'he littiP town 1louri.-h<·<l awl iu .\pril, L '!iO, thP <·itizens of \\'pst t·l'lmua \'ok<l in fayor of l'it.} ~owrnllH'llt, atHl thp uaml' was ehau~pd to ('hampni~n ( 'ity. Lou~ ht'fol'l' thP adoption of tiH• frpp N<·hool !'4.)'StPm in lllinoiN, thPl'l' ~rew up in mo. t of thl' important to\\ BH alHl <·ounty Sl':tls, s<•minaril'!-4 of lt>arning. 111 ('hampni~n, a !'4<'llliBar,\ wa:-; pstahlishP<l in l. lil, and lot·at<•d lwt\\'Pl'lt ('hampai~u and t·rhana . •\noth<•t· N<·miuary known a.· th<· 'hampai~n Femah• ~Piltiluu·y waH opellP<l in 1~70. \\'hpn the PreHh,\ tl'rians d<·<lh·atl'd their upw thnn·h editi<·P, puhlil· Hpii·itP<l dt izen:-; purchai-<ed thP old building mHl gromHlH. 'l'he huil<liBg wa:-; l'l'llltHlele<l and fiuiHh<•d with onP large room mul tln·e(• l'P<"itat ion rooutH. II<•J'C thl' HPmimu·y wa:-; <'. tahlishP<l for thP purpoNl' of <'thH·atiug young \\'OIIH'll without ,'('lHlin~ th(•m out of the county. }Ji. :-; <'hapiu waN lll'indpal and hN' two a:-;:-;i:-;taut:-; Wl'l'<' )li:-;:-; \\"h ipph> and )11·:-;. Hi<- hard:-;. 'J'hP iir:-;t y<•ar there W('l'(' forty vn pi I:-; ('Jll'OIIP<l. In 1~!i7, thP Illinoi:-; h•gi.latm·p <lPddPd in faym· of ('hampaign{.I·hana aN a ~itt> for thP IlliuoiN IntlnNtrial 1·nin•1·sity. 'I hP huiltlin~ whidt waH npm·ly <·ompll'tP<l for thl' t·1·lmna Hll(l <'hatnpai~n IJtstitutP, tPn a<TPH of Nlll'J'OlllHlin~ gt·omHl, and a lm·~p Nlllll of mon<•y, W<'l'P oll'<•r<•d hy th<• <·itizpns of t•l'ilalla and ('hnmpai~n for tit<• Jl<'l'lll:tll<'lll ltH·atimt of ilH• l'niwi'Hity. ThP {·nin•r!-4ity \\'H.' OJH'tH'<l to :-.t udPntl' on tlH· 1ir.·t }londay in )Jar<·h, 1~fiK \\'mtH'll W<'l'l' not :ulmitlt>d to th<• t·nin·r:-;ity until 1 71. ThP JH'PsPnt RyNtPnt of "ft'l'l' H<·ltooh;" wa:-; <•lltPl'P<lupon in 1H30. 'l'h<' YitalJn'iJH·ipal of thl' law was: 'I'll<' ]H'O}Jt't'ty :nHl wt>alth of thP stat1• a!'\ wpll ax thP <·ounty, Nltall P<hH'all' tltl'iJ· youth. lh·. ~hoPm<tkPI' taught tlw first Nthool in ('hantpai~n, th<·n \\'pst t·l'lnma, dm·iug thP wintPt' of 1~3t and 1~33 iu a Nmall frame building. 'l'he site of tlti:-; buil<li11g w:t.· on
"\Vcaring his wisdom lightly."-liAHU.Y
A .·lJHE\\S.
lTui\·cr:ity awmw ju.·t "p.·t of Fir.·t ~ll'P<'t, t\m lob ra. t of what i.· now \Yt>hstpr'~ Poultry ~tOI'<'. ~t·hool was taught in lh<' front room. Dr. ~hoe mak<'r liw1l in tlH• had.:: part; his wift• taught for him whPn ht> was t'alling on hi:-; patiPnts. Eat'lt pupil fnrni.·h<'ll hi. own spat alHl dP.·k. 'fht•rp \\Pl'l' two sdtool 1listrids in ('hampaigu-tht•n \\ t•.·t l'rhanaI>istt·id • 'o. 1 mHl I>ish·it'l • ·o. ~- I>istl'it·t ~ ·o. 1 w a.· w t•:t of First .'tJ•ppt allll Dist1·id • ·o. ~ was Past of Fil·st ~ll'PPt. ThP tirst puhlit- st'hool huil(liug in ])istt·id • o. ~ \UlH Oil t hi' si It• of t hi' JH'PSt'lll ~fm·qu<'!tt• ~t·hool lmildiug . •\s t•arly as 1.':>.', ~~ proposa 1 "a~ uuHlP to uuitP th1• two (li.·trids of \Yt•st Crhana. D istrid FIR,_T .'lllOOI. IIOL'SE L' CII.\\11'.\H;:'{, 1854 .r'o. 1 was in d<>ht for thP 11<'\\' ~t·ltool hnilding whil'lt lta(l hPPn hnilt, all(l Distrid • 'o. ~ was not willing to IH· hur(lPIH'd "ith tht• dPht; so rt•solutions W<'l't' adopte(l to unitP the two di:trids wht•n !ht•y W<'rt' on t•qnal l<'rms finmu·ially. A franw sehool honsP was hnilt in l.'fiO on th • sitt• of tiH• IH'Ps<•nt 'farqtwt tP ~t·hool at a t·o~t of a hunt . '1,~00. In lSfi!l, tiH• hnil1ling wa.' rrmiHlPlt•d au(l pnlaq.wd. In 1KfiK til(' st"hool wa.· grad<'<l and t \YO y<>ar. latt'r, "sewntt•eu pupil.· pas~wd thP t•xamination for thr ITigh ~t"hool J)ppartmPnt.. '' Prindpal 'covell in his rPport statt'd: "I havp hatl si.· tt•at"ht•I's to look after an(l mm'<' than tln·er hundred pupih; to <·arp for . . . . For two ypm•s I han• lnhorpd in yom· ~<·hool, mul ha \'(' not ht.• '11 (.'OlllpPJl('tl lO I'('SOl't to tht• rod for eorredion . " On ~ 'oy<•mlwr 7, 1~70, tlH' :-;t"lwol honst• hurrwd. ThP dosing <·xt•r<·i:ps that ypar wPre he](l in lh<' ~fPthodisl dtnr<'h . •\ JH'W building was <lPdi<·at<•tl on .\ngu. t 7, 1Kil. 'rlw building waH a frnnw strndm•p similar to lltr old :\farIJlH'tl<• whit-h wa.· l'PllHHl<'lt.•d a fpw Y<'Hl'H ago. This n<'w hu i lding hurnt•tl to th • ground on Dt>tt'mlwr 4, 1 '71.. "The County Gazette of "E\'t:n little things ha\·e th ir peculiar graccs."-11.\nL
rRo. 1••
June ~6, 1 7~, Ray~ , " ThP PlHwnix ~~·hool li o n~ <' in Di~(l· id • T o . ~ i~ ag-ain ri~ing- from it~ a~hP~ . .\. ~tnuq..!,<' kind of dl'~t iny ~<· r m~ to ]H'< ·~i<ll• O\'PI' thi:-. in~titntion, hut tlH• JH'OJllP of t h<• Ea~t ~idP Hl'l' 110! to lw I'H~t down hy t·alamity; mul thP ll<'W huilding-, fl'olll it:-. apppm·an<·P, "ill Jw a uot~· worthy monmlH'll( to thPii' <lP\·otion to ]p;n·uiug-.'' 'l'lli:-; i~ th<• Ea~t Ilig-h ~~·hool lmil<ling-, latpr known a~ th<· .\lm·qnPttP lmil<ling. Following- m·p th<.• mmH·~ of prin('ipab and gJ·a<hWt<•!-4 of th<' ltigh .;(']1()()] of l>iHtrid • · o. ~ llll(il tlH• two diHtJ·ict:-; \\ <'l'l' nnitP<l in 1 ~!10 : '1' hP 1n· iIH' ipals W<'l'<' : f1·om 1~1i~ to 1~7:~; .\[r. \\'. \\'atPI'~ to 1~~ i; .\[is:-; I. ( '. <'hilrl~ to 1~7;); .\lr. Eng<'IH' J)p Dun to 1~~0; .\[r. I. L. HP!zei' to 1~~;3; .\IJ·. HPP(l to 11-i~t; Jll'. P . K. Jl(·· .\I inn to 1 ~~~; Jlr. H. ~ Kyll' to 11-i!lO.
ThP gra<lwt ((':-; f1·om tltt> En~t ('ltampaign High ~l'hool in <·la:-.:-; of 1~71: A. R Bm·nps, )f. .\. ~I'O\'Pll, aiHl D. ('onnPL
" I.J TT U : BRICK''
, ('JaRs of 1,\ '7: 'fay ('. Palnwr. IJarwy ~\.. "'ilkin~, Ln(',v LawltPad, and .Jp:-;Hi<' .\. "'rigid. ('laH: of 1, '7!1: .\lin nip " ' · BarlH•J', lfpt t i<' <'oll<lington, LihhiP ( 'ol<•, Lulu E . <hay, BPllr .\loon•, LOl'a ~iqlll'~!-4. Ella .\f. ~(1'\\'aJ•(, aiHl .\Iinni<• R " ' right. ('la:-;:-; of 1~~0: Ella Bm·hpt•, E<lwin ( 'od<lington, (}porgp((a Kim hall, Ttla I<'. Hn:-.h, HlHl .\linnil' ~<'oggin. (']a:;:-. of 1~~1: BpJ·t <'oiP, Ida ~ti'\\' <IJ·t, Ada Way, all(l Kat<' "'l'ight. ('la:-;s of 1~, ' ~: .\<ldil' Dunlap, BPI'( it> liutr, Lawt·<'JH'<' .Jonp:-;, ('linton Hn:-;h, and Flm·Pn<·<• ~tPwarL ('las:-; of 1~ ,';~: ('harlp-: ('hpstl'l', ~nHi<' ('ol<', Lanrn ('oop<'l', Alhprt Dolling<'l', .\ngiP Oaymau, ~yh· ia ILil'lly, Lotti<' HtPwm-t, UIHl "'at'l'<'n UolwrtR. Cla:;;;s of 1~~-i: BPrtha Hal'l><•t·, .\.my ('oiTPen, .\Iinnie n. .\Io::-;, Lranah .T. Painr, ~m·ah .\I. Pain<', Lulu Pratt, 0PrtnHlP Ho!Jiuson, Ida Htoltt>;v, and Edith Sutton. C'las: of 1 3: Anna C. Boyle, GPrtrude L. Greene, and :;\fattie A. II u.ffman. C'la. s of 18<6: ~To graduateH. ClaRH of L Hi: l~mma Oayman , )faggi<' Jyer~, John ,JolmHon, Pranld<> " Study is lik e the hea ven's glori ous sun ."-] uLIA 14
Kimball, 0~1·ar LP\\'is, ('Jpmpnt Hiit<'J', ~\1la ~tolte~·, Oc•or~c Tucker, anil ( 'alliP \\'psi. (')as.· of I. '.': FJ·pd ('ol'fPI'll, EIPanm· l. <'olliPJ', Halph L. I>unlap, ~l:tl' L. llut1·hinson, and ElizaiH'th .Jlatll'l'. ('las~ of 1. c !I: Ha,\'dl' E. Bolll-!:lll'l, \I arion ('ollil'l', J)oJ'o(hpa B. Flw·k, YitPIIa Ilawkins, L1•onard \Y. Ll'\\'is, Hophia .JI. 1'1•tpr~on, ~\nna .JI. ,\·ott, a 11d Uonal1l <L <\·ott. '1'h1• nan11•. of thi'SI' graduatP.· <11'1' pnhlishl'd hl'n' IH•1·au.P thPy han• IJI'\'1'1' hPI'II in1·ludPd in a11y hil-!:h ~~·hool puhlil-at im1. 'l'hr n:UIIP~ of thO~<' gntdtwtillg from thl' high sl'hool silli'P 1.'!10 -I hi' dati' whl'll !Itt• distril'ts \\'1'1'1' tmitl'll-:tJ'I' not p11hli~hl'd in thi~ arti1·lp lw('all~t· tiH',\' may hP fountl in thP l':tlalognP of tht• .·l'hools. 'J'hp ti1·st pnhli1· ~~·hool huildi11g in Distric-t • ·o. 1 was built in 1~;);; 011 lhP I'Ol'IH'l' of Han1lolph and II ill Htt'PI'h th · sitt• of tiH' lligh Hl'hool at Jn'l'sPnt writing. 'l' his h n i l d i n g is ht• t t PI' known as th1• "Littll' Bri1·k.'' Tht• sill' was gin•n hy }lr. ,J. P. Whitt• to tht• dty to hp 11 r-;pd for st· h oo I 1m I'po. ·p~ . .Jir. Whitt' al~o ~an• to thP t·ity t h p sit I' of IIH' 1n·psI'Ht _\ \'PlliH' Hl'hool hni ld ing. Tl11• fir. t huilding on this s i h>, was t h P sr<·Oll(l pnhli<' .Thool huilding in DisFIR.'T \\F.· SJI>F JIIC,Jl SCHOOL, IIFSTRO\'I·Il Il\' FIRE trid • ·o. 1. It was tlll't'P r-;toril's higlt, and HI'I'OIIIIIIIHlatPil t hp high s1·hool an1l grach•s. 'rhi.· was kno\\ 11 as t hP "'"~t II igh H1·hoo l hu i ld i 11g. 'I' IIi~ I'Oll t i 11111'11 to ht• t h<' hoJIIP of t h1• high s1·hool 11111 il t l11• lmilding 1\ as lnn·ned in l~!l:l. J)i~!J·i1·ts .·o. 1 HIH] :2 \\'('!'(' I'OllSO)illafp(] .\)ll'i) :2~, 1,'!10; SO it \\'<IS dPPIIII'd \\ isp to pl:11·1· tl11• Ill'\\ high s1·hool hnilding 111'<11'1'1' thP 1'1'1111'1' of higlt sthool popHiatiml. .\~a l'P~nlt th1• "Liltlt• I:J·it-k" waN torn down to giYP pl;tl'l' to till' Jli'I'SI'lll ltigh s1·ltool lmillling I'I'Pt'IP<l in L'!l:t 'l'wit'r I hi' huilding has ht'l'll l'lllat·~Pil. 'l'h1• last addition \\<lN 111adP in l!JO:i. For thp last four Yl'<ll'N J'ootlls hm·1· IH'I'Il J'Pil( •d ontsidP tht> huil<ling to :H'I'OillmodatP th1• lal'gP lllllllhi'J's of pupil~. .\t JII'I'N<'nt, fonr tt•a('hprs han' roout.· in HnN~I'll Ilall. It \\aN o\\ ing t11 tltt>:-P uu:-ati~fadory t·ontlitions that thP Hom·ll of E1hwation lll'l'ilh•l11o pm'l'ha~p a ~itt• for a nPw high . 1·hool l.miltling, lll'lll' tilt• t'Pllt1•r of high Nt·ltool population,\\ ith ground' "\\'hat I think, I must . peak 15
Bo. ·. 'ER.
for ( ('nni~ <·ourL ·, ha~lwthall all(} oth<•r outdoor ~port~. Thl' sitl' < ·ho~Pn is h<•twe<'n Stat<> and Prairi e ~tree!:-:, fadn~ on Orppn Rtrppt; it i:-; within si .· hlo('k, of )[d "inh>y .\tltlPtk l ' il'ld. Thl' n<•w lmildinp; will :II'I'Olllmo<latl' OIH' thon:-;awl pupil. ·. ~p;u·ious ofli<·<·.· for thl' pl'indpal awl ~'lliWrin l<•tHlPnt, an mulitorium with a :-;pa( in~ <·ap;u·it,Y of nin<' humh'l'<l. :-.mall st ndy rooms, a luni'IH•on room, a I'\\ imminp; pool, a P:.'·muasinm '' ith all n<•<·pssm·~· PqnipnH•nt, hro;Hl <·m·· ridor.· and <'as~· :-;tairwa~· s , thl'sP arl' :-.mJH' of Ill<' fpatur<>.· of thl' rww lmildinp;. Th<• following al'P th1• ~UJH'l'i n t I'IHh'II t l" a 111! Priiwi· pall" in I>istrkt . ·o. 1 h<•for1• and sin1·<• 11H• ('onsolidation of t h<• two :-;('!tool d istril'ls in 1~!10:
'rlH' 'up<•rilll<'JH!Pnts ar<': )Jr. Oli\ r; )lr. Lanning; )lr. Enms; • Ir. )I. )I nor<' l'<'l"ip:rw<l I 81)J. II \~IP\J<,.· II J<,ll Sl" II OO !, , COR. ~R OF in 1~!)1; )fr. H. L. Bal'ton to H IL L .\ . D R.\ . ·oor.l' II .'TREETS 1.'!1:~; )lr. ( ', .\. BowshPr to 1~!Hi; )Jr. ,Jospplt ('nrtl'r to lHOH; :\IJ'. F. I>. ll:uld<H'k to )l;m·h, 1!)08; )[J'. \\'. \\' . Enrn<·~t - -. ThP Pri1wipals m'l' : )I isl" . ·o.' <'s; )I is:-; .Jmw Elliot; )[iss Ilatti<• II all; )Jr. Bigt>l<m ; )[r . •\<lams; )IJ. Barton; )lis.· ~\\ it;wr. Lil"ls of thp g-raduat<•s of t h<· Wt>st ~idP Ili!!;h ~<·hool lwginning- \\·ith 1~7~ <11'1' found in lhl' <·atalogu<· of th<• sl'hools. )IJ'. Hug!!; fm·nishP<l this Jl<ll'tial lil"t of ilH' da!'s of 1. 71. (']ass of 1 ~17: B<•rtlta Hal'JH's, Bay;ll'll E. llP<I<'h, Fr<•<l I). Hugg, Dar1i<' 'l'homai', ( 'harlps Bm•np, , .John <'ol<', \Yilli:tlll \Y<·.· tou. Th<' unmhPr of pupils l'lll'O llP<l in t h1• IT ig-h ~l'hool in 1!)():! \\' :l,. :!:> 1 ; 1!)();), :~1:l;1H11,3, T;Hll:!, 47 1 !) 1 :~' :; 2 7 ; 1914, ;)i' :>. 1905. CH A.IP.\ J( ,,' H J(; JI SC H OO l , COR:\ER OF IIJ GII ,\ ,'D Th<> in:rwdion R.\ . 'l>OLP H STRn:Ts of tlH• ahow clnta furniNhPN mat<>rinl for thought. ~in<·<' 1!11:!, tltP lti~h R<·hool <•nrolhn<•nt lt~v, 0 more than <loulJIP<L 'l'h<' p;rPat in<·rpal"e, how 'Y<'r, is during the la:-;t l' ;
" lie ha th a hea rt a
ound as a bell."- .\RTI-l UR B ELL. 16
thn·~ J'PHr.· -!7,', :):!7, :;, :) rf'~pf'divPly. Con.·idf'ring tllis phenomenal gro\\ th, lhP Hom·d of EdlH·al ion dl'dlll'd to huil1l not onl.' for thp pre. pnt, hut, abo fo1· thP futm·p, and to ll't fill' futul'l' g-Plll'l'ation md. tin lH'aring t liP PX JH'II . 1'. It is d IH' to sn1·h a dl'd ·ion that tlli. · illlposing Orepk struct Ill'«' will lu• l'P:tdy fm· OI'I'IIJl<llH'Y liP. I ~I'JlfPIIlhPr. TI1P p1·ogn·.·s from thP little log 1·ahin I'IHIPiy fm·nishpd to thP larg1• IIHHII'l'll high .·1 hoed building }ll'l'fPI'IIy PqnipiH'd, Ita.· lli'Pll m:Hl<' within . i.· ty ,Y<'<ll's. "h:tt flops nlis Jll'0\'1''! That till' l'iti:.wns of ('hampaign h:t\'P at all tinw kl'pt thP p1·inl'ipll' of tl1at old la\\ - to pl·m·idl' for tlw 1•dtH·at ion of thPir l·llillli'Pil. 'rhl'." haYP l'PI'ognilwll tiH• fad that no other iii\PsllllPIIf l11·ings hPt I PI' l'l'llll'lls; that t h1• sdwol s~ -;[('Ill lllll. I ki'I'JI JIHI'I' with thl' l':tpidly illl'l'P:tsing population . •\sa l'Pi'ltlt th<•y ll<l\'P l'PspmHlP<l liiii•J':tii,Y to thl' I'Olliilant di'III:IIHI fm· IH'tll'l' l'<ltH·ati.mal fadlitil's; tiH•y lla\·p gi\'<'11 fJ'PI'I,Y thPir mmH•y, tlu•ir s<'I'Yi<·<•s, and h<·· t of all tiiPir lo~· alty {c ) th<• pllhlk :--whools of ('hampaign .
. ' E\\' llJI,fl
.'Cli()Ol, Dl'ILIJI . 'G
"Silence best speaks the mind. "-Ll'l \' B 17
SENIOR FARE WELL B\ Hl ..I'II Hmii'EL, '1-1 )!any happy clay. haw pa:-;:-;<•11, (]par ~in<'P we ~athPJ'<'<l in 1h<' hall "'h<•rp a~ FrP~hman in a ma.·:-;, "\YP would hover till th<' c·all Of t h<• hralwn ~on~ on h ip:h ~<'ll! n~ on\\arcl with a ~i~h 'J'o our ~~ lHl iP:-;.
W<' wprp a ltapp~ da~:-;, Ooocl, iudn:-;triou~, HIHl ('}pyc•r, C'rownin~ <'~H'h <la~· tlta! ~oon did pa~~ "'ith c•m'IIP~t, ~Priou~ <'lHIPaYor. And deep in my IIH'Illory :-;ta.' N l>Par thou~ht~; of 1ho:-;p hlP. :-;pd <1<1,\ Oh hrip:ht ('}a:-;~! )lany
<lay:-; W<'l'<' HlH'll(
En• wp rPac·lu•<l our final yt>arYet not OllP clo wc• l'P~rPt For all will c·ouut iu om· c·art>Pr"'Ju•ll W<' attain our lonp:-Noup:Jd ailu, ~Pnior i~ !11<• noh]p mlllH' Our ('Ia~~ lH'ar~. ~'ow
a "cml I ft>ip:n woul<l :-;ay To you, .JHnior:-;, who llPX( y<•ar In our ~t<·p~ will \H'lHl your way. I>o not think 111.' word.· far wron~; ~o }p~( you :-;honl<l ~o a.·tray In :-;om<· dark ancl nmTow way II<'P<l my adYi<·e.
II i~h
~('hool <la~-~
are not ~-<'( Jl<IHt, g-ran• you :-;oon will he; YP! until t h<> wry la~t Ket>p your motto <·ar<'fnlly, ~nd1 HH tho:-;p hpfm·<• han• don<', TlH•n with fi11al ltonm•:-; won, Yidor~· i:-; yom'N. ~<'nior~
( 'la:-;.·Bw!P~ <lear, \\'<' :oon will part, Y<•ar~ will pa:-;s; ~ p( "'" :-;hall he Heturning to th<'~P d:ty.- on<·<• more Through th<• door of )lpmory. r ntil then, adiPn, IIiO'h :-;<·hool,-tPa('lt •r:-;,-all of you, Parewell. "Trifles themselve arc elegant in 18
him."-L~::.·r. · llRnt•LO\'E.
ore-~;; ~; ~
Of:r-11 D.Q_0
Rt ..l'll
L\11!.\ .\h.EH~
ing tiH• path with ~111ih·~ in :th~PH<·t• of tlm\·t·r:-;." ('.II.~. L. ~.;Latin <'lull; ~<·JJiOI' EditoJ· of " .\l:JI'Ooll"; Ilonm·:-; in Eugli~h; Latin Pl:t,\' ; .Junim· Pia,,· ; Im·itatiou ( 'Oilllllit (('('. FH.\ 'K LE~LIE .\IDI.'Tlto (;
'')J:tnifold arp tht• t'HI'<·~ of \\t'Hith :tlld :-;t:ttl'." .\lpha .\lpl1:t Omt•ga <'luh; ~<'llior )lt•ntm·ial ('mllmitt<·e.
Euz \Ja:Tu E:.rn,y
"If '(w<•rp not :-;hP, I t'<lllltot tPII \\'ho told Ill<'." H<'la ZP1a Pi <'luh; ~t·uim· }lt•ntm·ial <'omllti!tP<'.
1 )o
.\1.11 , ' .Dr l ' EL PE.\ BOllY .\TK I
".\ littlP ]p;u·niJtg i:-; a d:tll.!!;<'l'0\1. ' thi11g." J)pJta Hho <'luh . •JO,' El'II I
E .\T\\'ELL
"'l'lwu lm<'~t what thou drt•anu•:-;( hPr. <lrPanJ." H<>ta Zt•ta Pi <'luh . • \Ltn: " '.\LLEH B .\llll
"Jlp lllllllh]p :JIId
,\'011 \\ iiJ do."
1 am that Y<'I'Y
• \X .'.\ )L\IW .\1{(-;'1' B . \ltXB~
"Talk Hot of \\ :vt Pd afl'pd io11; all'.·l'l ion ll('\'('1' was \\ ast('(l. ·· HPta Z<'la Pi <'lnh; J)('l' J)pnh·WIH• YPJ'Pin; ~('!Jim· HHIHJU('t ( 'ommi t t C<'. II \ZEJ , Erm,, · BEBOUT ~Ill i IP :uu l t h (' world NJJJ i h·N with
~· on
; frown n nd
on frown
:tlo1w. l>Pr })(•u(N('he Yer<'in. H t' TH )L\Rm BEer ".TO{ N!('j)pill~ ('.II.~.
hOIJJ)()N of JJJOdPN(y." Play; ~enior Hall ('onJnJitt<•(•.
.\..<: E~ Bnm~ELL "Bi<l IIH' <liN('Olll'~(', I will ('. II. R. L. K
Lt ' <'ILLI·J
.\UTIIl It
Bo. ·
(' IH' han t t ]J(•
('aJ' ...
"Hun, ~ol)(l Lord, ho\\ lH' ('an l'Ull- that antonJohil<'." .\rtlmJ' l1a~ om• amhitiou- to rn11 th(' "(·ar." FH.\XK LEO •• HHt' llER "<ilud~
wu·ht IIIUL'' Lpon lJaN prm·(•<l ~~ m·dy mHl !I'll<'.
Bn:o<· Lrn
Iti:L · Hnt
"Think, CllHI , JH'Clk, Cllld <11'1 Jik1 • Clll Cli'I'OlllllahJp 1'1'1'HIIIl'l'." (IJIII'ga <'lnh; <lr,·l11· ·1ra; .\•nio1· Hall ('om mil ll'l'. ~\lpha ~\lpha
L.u -uE.' JL\YTo:\ Bnn
".\n hmtl'sl lllaJJ i:-; IIlli' of tl11• gn·at wo1·k . that t·an lw 1'1'11 for nothing." ])l'halt• tl'Hilt 1!11:~; '1'1'1'H ·m·t•J' of ,',•nim· <'lass. ~ -\H\II
<lu\t 'E Ht · nw .\~II "Lon• Ill I' IiI I It•, I on• Jill' long." <:J·at·t• al\\ct,\1' has a pi<'Hl'CIIll \\'ol'd ctlllll'lltill• for t'\1'1',\" Olll'. ELl:\ Oil H. ('\I . " . \11 gl' Is m·t • pa i 11 I I'd fa i1' I o Ioo k I i I" I h et •." -T 1111 ior Plct,\'. EIP:t nm· ·~' ha JIP.' ' d isposi I ion l'llll!Jill'l'. · alllllt'll. )l\ It 'I'll :-. ( '1 •• \H .\ J) E " \ .\ lll<lll, a man, Ill,\ kingdom fo1· a man: .\ t·onsl:lllt I'Olllp:lllion of )lilcl1·1'1l. })o
\1 II ('II \\llli :I:.
··ILtil fl'llm\': \\·«'11 1111'1 :" ~phi11 .- ('luh; Yi1·1'-l'n •. icll •llt of . \ .• \.; Latin <'luh; ~oplio lllo1'1' Eclilot· of ...,la1·oon"; ( 'la:-.s Pn·. iclt·Ht 1:.!), 1:t); })phat • Tt•ctJII, .\ltt•J·natl' 1!ll:l; ~~·nim· !:all <'onn11it 11'1' .
l>o. ' 0\'.\ .. "Lin• whilP you lin·. tlw l'{lil'ut·<· \\'oUI<l . a,\' , ~\wl seizp tiH• plpasm·<·s of thP ]H'I'SPilt day." ~~~<' i · kuo\\ 11 hy hPJ' :-;um1y lwir.
.\1.\HY .\1.\W:.\J:ET
"E n·t·y failurP 1l'adw a ma u . omPt hi n~ if he will l<·arn ... "Bill" IH'Yl'l' faiiP1l 11. in ha. Phall. .\I n;ro_· DREHTs "~ill'lll'<' i. thP p<•rf'Pd hralll of joy." l>Pl' Deuts<·hp YPI'Pin; ('. 11. ~. L. ~.; Orcl.Je.tra. ~ · _\ 'CY 'l'HEOI>OI ' IA FE. ' 'll:H.'
"~\ ]H'og<'ll." ~\ .
of h·arniug." uupt·eteutiou a· the wild ro · •.
L.\ FoLLE'Ivn: FEU<;l .·o.· "<lran• i · Hrat·<•, despitP all <·ontt·on•r Talk'! Yt•s, (,ra~<<' t'<lll talk.
FnEn HoBERT ru:n "\\'hpJ'(:. lhP good of
('. II.
L. R.; llmwt·s in
nil' things?"
)1.\HTII.\ )l.\HY FI
"Hold <·an do 111\Wh, hut lu•anly 11101'<'." J:pta ZPta Pi <'In b. BE.\'I'IU<'g FosTER
".\ s wi II fnl :1. • a wild J'o:-;('." \\·h.' :-;o hash fnl, Bt>P '! ( 'E<'Jl,
E.\ TO.
,'pniol' ('ln.-s Pl'P.-idPnl; Editm· of ")lal'oon"; J)phnt<• 'rPmn, 1!11:!, 1!11:~; Ext<'IIIJiol·<' ~~u·aki11g-; .\lpha .\lpl1a 0JHPg-a ('luh; ('.II.~. L. ~.; lligll<'sl <lPll<'l':ll .\wr:tg<'; llonm·s in )fath<>matin' and Engli:-;h. TIIEOIHlRE liE. RY FHI:o. •
Din•dm of 0JThPstt·a; .\lpha .\lpha Onwga ('lnh; J)pr I>f'ntTh<' Y<•J·Pin; ('.II.~. L. ~.; IJonorH in Ili:-;tory; ~·uior Han<J lH't Comm i tiP<'. (J L.\ IIYS ~l.\Hm ( l.\m~
")fan delig-hts not lll<'." <~uiet and una:-;sumiug. )1.\H\
(lLE_.IlOIL\ (J.\I "Lp:-;(
ill h<•J' gl'<'<l(ll<'Sl" hy HOlll(' lllOI'(a] Hll'OkP, Hhp <lo tJpfpa(
LYLE Iln:o U .\LLir.\ .·
".\ \\'ol'd in p:tJ·nps( is as g-ood as a .' JH'PI'll." Foothall "('"man; ~~·ni1n· Banqnd ('olllllliliPP. \\'ILL.\IW <i .\I>I>l~
Ooon:\L\ "lla\ ing .· neil a hll's~.;iug- in his lady, hC' finds thP joy.· of hPH\1'11 hl'l'l' on I'Hl'th." ,'phinx <'lnh; Foothnll "("'man; Latin ('Juh.
II .\IWLil
no ..\LJ)
"TPnlpl not a <l<'s]H'I'a(p man." II arol<l'H motto i:-; •· Hot h<•r no onP.'' IIELE
, 'Tim .\H'r 0.\R\YOOI> ~ii·, that's out of fa . hion !" Honor:-; in German, and Bnsiupss.
FLORE'\('(·; YIIWL ' L\ H .DIIL'l'O .·
''Yil'llH' alOIH' i:-; tl'lll' nohili!y.'' BPta ~Pta Pi Cluh. E.\HL ('II \HLE. II.\RHJ , ' (;'('()
".\man's a man fm· a' that."
Em·J i:-; faitl1fnl to hi:- ft·iPtHlH.
( 'L.\1 BOIL E ( '.
II.\ WO!t'I'II
''~\nd all liP <loPs i.· dmt(' with a kind of s('riou:-; playfulJll'. ·:-;."
('. H. ::4. L. ::4.; .Jnuim- Play; <'hairman of , 'Pnior Jlall 1 (
0llllll il.tt'('.
( 'E( 'J[, HEEilER II .\ZE.
"~\II thing. t'OIIH' I'omHI to hint who will hnt wait."
C. II. ::4. L. , '.; Ort·ht• .. tra. E\ .\
.\n:t sT.\ It <mHH ' H ''Our <lPPds <lPti'J'JIIinP tt.· as JlllWh a .· \H' dt•tPJ'lllitH' our di'PdH."
• '.\ ELIZ .\BE'l'II ,J.\(' K, '()\'
"0 tlti. ]paruiug, "hat a thing it i:-; !" If hm·d :-;tutly lllakt•s a gt•nins, .\una \Yill win 1.l1<• title.
Tnmr.\s liE. HY ,J.\ C: Kso . · "What I . ay, I .· tit'k to." If .)on \\ant to know tht• lalt•st i11 .\gt·intltut·t•, a:;] · 1'homa. . LILLI.\ ·
Hrnr ,Jon ·."ro. ·
".\ frit•tl(l to 1'\t•t·yoHP, l11ll lH'tt<•r still ht•l','Pif." ( ' .II.,'. L. ~.;Latin ( ' Juh; IImtoJ·s ill Lati11, ~t-iPnt·P, En~ li:--11, llistm·.', and ,'l't'llll(] Ot•JH•J·;t] .\\'pt·agt•.
if.; lH'YPl' kilO\\ ll till tit<• ]H'l'~Oll A little lady from om· "~i~l<>r dty."
",\ JlPri\011
i~ pl'OY('(]."
1~\'EltE'I'J' FILL K KI-~. ''I
"I clare (lo all that hPcomeH a man.'' CIURLE.' "'ILBl'R
"·T wr
.I ·Gm~ your ~tndiPx intprferp with :ronr high .chool
edu<"ation." ('. IL ~- L. ~.; ~P<'rPI:n·y of SPnior ('hvs; Latin Play; 'euior }lemol'ial Committ •e. TIIC>:IL\H Fn.L ·n: }I
·G H.\ \Y "I'll .·peak iu a mouHtrons little voice.'' Frauds' teuchel'S tukp much for granted.
""'ith nothing but low in thoxe eyeH." "'e are ilHlehted to \'pJ·eta for the publication of "Tbe Dail · Go: ·ip." ,Jo. EPIIL ·1~ }L\mm. • "Labor omnia vilH·it." ,\k~iNtant in PhyNi(·N; ('. IT .•. L. R.; Latin 0luh; R<>nior BaU<pwt CommitlP<'i Ilonm·x in )fathPmatiex an<l Latin.
K.\'l'IIERI 'B
.¥.):·. ·,.. .· . .
... >.
. ~_-.,. _ .
/J..' . }[YJL\
-. '
"<lJ•pat joy mnhit ion finds." A stud ions ·' mmg lady with nHlll,Y fl'iPIHl. ·. :\1.\RY
En \
"A JllOIIH'llfs thinking is an hour in word:." l~dua i:-; on<• wl10 think.· hdm·p sliP sp<>ak: . .AIU'Tlnl HO~('()g :;\[ILLBR
"Aftpr all W<' JliUHt pnrdo11 llllH'II to mPn of g<•nimt" ( )m· famou.· IYpoml'try :-~hark.
)ln,mmn \YL
)ll . 'JI.\LL "~·atun• gin•.· to Pr<•J·y tim<• and S('ascm .OJIH' hNtuties of it:-~ own.'' Hm·pJy thir-; quotation appliPs to }fildr('(l. IFUED
.\x. m LonHfJ
"Ez ~o:-;huhhl<• <'Z a haskit o' kitten:-;." B<>t a Z<:>ta Pi <'lu b. Bn:E.
"Jii. fm·m
~ ·wnTI ·c:.\LE \\"<ti-l }IOJIIII'l'OllS
:llHl ]Jis siPp
,J O~El 'II
P El:<'l\'.\ L is !hP lll:tll who ill\"l'll(P<l ~IPPp." l)p](a Hho ('Juh; Pl'l':-<idt>nl of.\ .• \.; K\ll'lll]lOl"<' ~pP:tking; ~<·nior Ball <'ommilt<·<>; ~~·nim· In\ itation ('ollllllittP<'; \"i<-e· Pn·sillPBt of ~~·uim· ('lass . "'\~II I ·<:To..
• \LI 'E E~l~L\ PIIILLII'.'
"L<•t 111<• hi' hlP~~Pd fol' t hP JH':tte I makP." Il<'l' YOi<'P is a tnw :-;ign of hPl' Jllod<•:ty. 11.\ZEL
· <·E~ PHH'l•J
kin<ln<•ss all(] hPr \\ ol'! h to
\ 011 n<•P<l hut ga Z<' i 11 to II Pl" PY<'.
('. H. .M .\RY
L. S .
• n .\LY . • HEm
"0, the "m·l<l h:.t not a swpp((•r <·J·pature." II on or · in Business . .\L\RIB
CouzL 'B Hno.m~ "(htllant, graceful, g<•ntl<•, tall, Fah·pst, uohle:->t, h<•sL of all." Tau Bpta Epsilon <'luh.
,Jon. D .\Ym
"HP<·Pi\"(• 'p111 nohl,\ ami l'lllHiud 'pm iHio my ~pllinx ('Juh; lJonm·s ill Ilistmy.
m <)LET\ Hom:n:-; "lndn:-;(J·~·
i:-; th1• :-;onl of hu:inp:-;,· :uHl
thP kPy.·tonp of
}H'ON}Wri t. '."
''Th<•n• lip.· .·worll. ·."
JWI'il in hPJ' <'."<', than twPuty of their
Huth will IH• a g-ooll ii'HI'IH•r.
E mi. ·r~ H .unuro. · R r:-;:-;mL ''Il<' je:-;(:-; at Jon• and llPY<'l' lo:-;t IIi:-; hrart.'' .Ianage>r of Poothall; })p](a Hho ('lui>; ''C" man; .enior :Jr <'IIJm·ial <'omm it teP. Ymm. 'L\
''~hp iR aH ki1Hl a:-; ~hP iN fair." PI'<' ·ille>nt of Latin ('Juh; BPta )'.<'ta Pi <'luh; R<•nior Invitation <'onnn it tee. OH.\L •• 'YDER
"Pm·itan typ<'-lii<Hh•.·t and .·imple :tll(l ~We<'t.'' "'ILLJ.\:\[ RTEPJIE. ·:-;
"£\ IIUlll 1·annot lJPlp his fpp} ing-. .'' "'illip':-; diHlikP for :-;tully kPI'IJ~ him from being a "Hhark."
"Only l'il<•H<'<' l'lliiPth h<'!o·d." <'. I I. K L. ~.; II onorl' in ~d<'n<·t>. ~IILIHtEII
Lmm. ·g 'l'ow.
~E · 11
"~\\<'<'1 ~l<'t'<·y ~\.n
i:-; nohility'~' tnw hadg<•." uuprett'ntiou:-; utaidt>n.
IlEI,E.' )L\Rm \\'.\Un "~\ n•t·y g<'n ill' ma i1 1 and of good <·onl'l'i<'ll<'P. Oerman Club.
L ' E% \YIII'l'J·: '' Ll't t hoHI' Ion• now wl1o III'H'l' lon•d hpfOJ'l'." <'. Ir. R L. ~.; .J 1111 ior Pht~·.
\YILI,I.\ \I \Ynl'm "'l'h<• l'milp that i:-; <·hil<llik<• and hhttHl.'' <'. II. f4. L. ~.; .Junior Play.
\Yu:To •
"l>on't PH'!' proph<'~'.'' unll'~'~' yon know." )linni<' i:-; onr ('h<•mi:-;try ":-;hark''; 1-'h,Y alHl
\\ ' 1~1 ·;
"IIPr dark <'Y<' flashPd sliP p<tll:-;Pd and :-ighPd0 \\'hat ha\P I to do \\ ith 1n·idP." C. I I. l-\. L. l-\.; P<·uts<·hp Y<•J·('ill. C'
EL:I!YIL\ .\11
".\lakP tltP <·onting hom·. m<·J·IIo\\· \\ith jm·.
<'. I I. H. L. H. l{t
f:E .\'I'I{I( ' E \\ ' oOJliU FF
"\\' ould that litis to .\.L:IIEll.\
Z .\ l
too solid fiPslt \\Olll<lmt>lL''
"ll<• h<tp]l,\ in Ill<• good
han• doll!', aJHl in th<• go<Hl yon
d 0." Z:t ,\
lorp.· to dJ'<':tlll.
'l'IIO:IL\ ,' KJ ;
ETI! \\' HI<:JIT
"I do kllo\\ lt im hy his
."Ill i )p , " Last hut not IPast of onr l-\Pll ior ('lass.
Yrw : 1•. , \
('JI.\HJ.K ' \YJJ.IH It
Hl'~. 'ELL.
.\11'0EJ;, '1!.
1 J.
<Cecil 1F ntsrr Jfillian JJolpt.ston
JJolpt ,ltisill!\ Jfillian JJolptston 'Q:'l!eo~ore ,3Frison
(!;;eci11Fraser 'lfiutl!crine ,!Ua~~cn
'Fn.9lislr ,ltuti) ~kers 1£illiun JJolptston <Cecil .3( ra.scr
92.1 ~12.1
Ancient JCnn!Wtl!lCS
?lillian JJohnston Jfiutl!crinc ,!UaMen · ·dcncc Killian JJolptston ,!llarnard ;§.·tnq\ron
,.ill o II em 1[ annn<~!\l'S
1£i d l'll
(I) a r\tJ o o ~
1frc~ 1fil'!\
il\usincss ,1Unr!! ltci~
~II. X
y 1.7 33
LILLI.\. •. 11111
PrPhistoril'. Tinw. 1. From tinH· iiiiiiii'IIloJ·ial until t-\ •ptl'mh<·J·, !HlO. B. t-\tal<'llli'Ht. 1. \'pry littk is kuo\\11 of tlti~ <'XIJ•aordinai·y '!'rill<' hPfOI'<' thPy mi~I·al<'d from l'<'~imlN h<'low to tit<' Ykiltily of tltl' lti~h s!'ltool. Our knmd<'<l~<· of thiN pPoplP is has<•<l almost Pntirply upon Y:I~U<' rmnm·.· of <'X<'PllPnt ~~·a<l<•s, unparall<•lP<l initiatin~, nn<'<J ualP< l ori~i na l i ty, an<l su] H'l' ior at Ira d iY<'n<•ss. BPforp ih<•y NPtile<l in thiN <liNtrid ih<>y made a fll'<'l in~ YiNit to mn· <'Ollllllllllit.' in .Jlay, 1!110, to lt>an• a .·li~ht r<•<·or<l of thPir <'.·ist<•u<·<·, aiHl}H'<'Pai'<' tht> inl1ahitantN of tlli:-; 1<-rritm·,,, for their suus'quput resi<l<•IH·e. Fr<·· l11nan yrar, ~\. t-\tat<>mPnt. 1. Lik<• )11'0\'l'l'hial t-\pri11~, lilt> 'li'N \\'PI'<' ft'(•sll and gt'<'Pll! hut ''~r<•t>n tltin~s ar<• a-gro\\'in'," mHl laiN' history sl10ws that this 'l'ril)(' <li<l not k<'<'p their \ rrdant stat<' P<'I'man<•ntly. ~\.
I I f.
Outwar<l app<•aran<·<• 1'1'\'is<'<l. (a) ~ens<• of imitation stimulatl'<l. 1. J>l'PSS('S ]pn~{ h<'ll('(l, :!. Tronsers elon~a tl'<l. ('. Industrial. 1. Th<• '1-!"s m I' st wlion.·ll<•ss }Wl'smlfie<l. •> Th<> '• .Jim·o<m" is Pnlaq.!,·<'<l ;tJl(] IH'antifi<'<L (a) 'l'lmmgh lit<' Pil'm·t:-: of 1. H nth •\ k<•rs, '11. •) Jlph•u <htrwood, '1-!. t-\opllomm'<' Y<•:n·. ~\.
By this tint<• lhP '1 J's 11:1\'<' lost lhPiJ• <'l'sl\\ hill' timidit,\, and hav<· h<•<·onH' hlatant, hoistPJ'OUN, (pm<'l'aJ'ions, and llHIJ·olJizill~; all<l ,\'<'1, "itltal, th<•y ha\'1• a <lehoniar lllallll<'l' "h i!'h makps t h<•m intprPsl i ng. Politkal. 1. )[<'PIing· of "'l'h<• \YbP," i. <'. llH'llllH•rs of I h<• TrihP of '11.
"Goodne s i beauty in its best e tatc.''-A. ·. ·,\ 34
flR \IT III \\'AI
n ..
'York. 1. El<• ·t ion of oflil·<•r:-;. (a) l)ru:idfut I>onal<l Don<l~. (h) l ' ir·( -/)1 f'sid( 11l Yirginia lht~~<·ll. ( <' ) , '('(·n Ia I'!J and 'l'rf '(/.'11 rcr-( '<•<·il Fraser. " ' ar with F<u·ult.'·· (a) <'a us<'. 1. I ua. ·p lka hlp fep ling of stqwl'iority am on o· JlH'llllH•rs of Faculty. ( h) l{p:-;ul t. 1. Th<• Trih<• of '1-t Yidoriou.·. (a) Fa<·nlty <•ntil'<'l.'· sulnnif'siYe to th • 'l±'s. ~ophomor<•
( 'ot illion. (a) Tinu>--~\pril :?H. (h) Pla<·<• Knight:-; of Pythia:-; Hall. (e) <tirl? ·) Latin Ent<'rtainnwnt. (a) <iiwn hy ('a<'sm· <'las:-;. (b) ~I agn Us . lH'C<'NSUH era t. 3. Plague. (a) ~lump: anclm<'aslPH. 1. YaNt hordp: of population exterminat<'<L B. Indu:o;;trial. 1. Trilw of ·u Y<'I'Y in<lnNtrionN. (a) Initiating FI'PNimwn. (h) EN<" aping Ntu<l.'·· ( <') Pt>:tering teal'IH•rs. Junior Year. ~\. •'ta t<>nwn t. 1. 'l.'hp ,Junior .''<'ar iN mw of N<Wial gai<'ty and goo<l tilll<'N. The ,Junior: do not hpliPve in ll't t ing th<>iJ• NttHliPN intprf<'l'<' "·itl1 tht•ir <'<ln<'ation. Thp '1-!'l-' arp no\\' fl'<'<' from all til<' P<·<·<•utridtiPN of un<l<•rdaNsmpu, all(l their glo\\'ing I'l'<'OI'<l thiN year iN hnl a prmu ise of what t h <'." " ·ill lH• as Seniors. B. Politkal. 1. ~fppt ing of "'fhe '\YiN<'." (a) '\York. 1. Elt>d ion of olli.<·Prs. (a) Prn.-idf'lll-Donald Dodd.·. (h) l'ir·r -l)rr. irh·11t 'fhPO<lorp FriNOII. ( <') .....:,.,.,.,.,",.!! and 'l'rcasun r-.Jolm HiNing. "I have a pa sion for statistic."-RL TII 35
~<>l<>d ion
pi Ill".
Ht•tt>pt ion. (a) Orat·<>fnl alHl P. · qni~itt• dmwin~. nhon•. ( h 1 ~ll]H'rior ~HilH'. · ntH I PlltPrtaiumPnt, hplow. Latin EntPrtaimiiPHt. (a 1
l)ltll'llmf ' riryillf '.·.
.Jfft,ff/1(//Jiilli illl'f ' I/( 'S.
hHlndl"trial. 1. Thil' ypar tlw 1'riht> of "1-! il' not iiHlnstrial, l'Xt'Ppt in ( n l FuNs in~. ( h l EntPl"laining. (t·) Bluffing. K Intpllt•dnal. 1. I )pyp]opntt>nt of drama. (al .Junior Play. 1. "l>ndtl ('op]H'l'fiPltl." ·> Latt>nt tlramatit- gpnins of "1-1-"N t'Xl'mplifit>l l. 2. ( 'm·nlH'It l )phating LP:t~lH' fm·mt>tl. 3. ( 'lai->s pro~raml". (a) ~on:-; Hll(l I>aughtt•t·. · of Itllt•np:-;:-; t·p](•ln·nte. (h) ".\])(' )lm·tin" i:-; honon•tl. 1t·) )ft•Pting of lht> "Equal ~ntl'raw• ~ot·ipty." SPnior Yt•m·. A. .. tatl'mPn t. 1. From i->hy, hni->hful, ~hrinkiu~ Fn•. llllll'll, from oh~tt'pPron.·, wil1l ~opltomm·t·~'; from faNtinat iug and il'l'itlt•:-;t·Pnt .Junior:-;, tht> '1-!':-; now nufoltl into han~hty, 1li~nifit•tl ~Pnim·N. ThPy art' pprfed in ~·wholarl'hip, itl<>al in hPhavior, and in fad, the very qnintPN~t'tH·t• of all that i~ pnviahlt•. B. Pol it it-a I. 1. )}pptin~ of ''rl'hl' \Yi:-;t•." (a) \York. 1. Oflit·l'rl' Plt't'tt'll: (a) 1)/'('.'lident-('peil Fra!-ler. (h) l ' if·( ·- J)ru.;id('II(-,Jo~pplt Pt•rt·intl. (<·) ''(•f·rdary \\"ilhnr )l('(i<>l'. ( d l '/'n•asur('J"-Lauren Burt. C. Indu:-;trial. 1. ~Pt <'Xamplt• of Nt n<liouNUPNN to und<>rda~NlllPU. 2. )la<lt• thp "~Iaroou" hi~~t'Nt, hri~htp:-;(, antl beNt. 3. Built thP llt'W lligh ~t·hool. D. Hotial. 1. J uuior-. 'pn ior HP<·Ppt ion. ''.\ . till
mall \'oicc.''- GRAo: CooKE. 36
(a) t h)
Tinu•-.\pril :!:>. 'I'hl' Triht> of 'll
ll'l'HtP<l royally hy thP
Ball. 'l'inw )Jay:!:!.
)lm·yp]ou~ <li~play
of t<'1'p~khorpan art. lhmq1wt. Tinu• )lay:!!J. Ooo<l and alnnHlaut Yidnal~: 1. 'I hP '1'1·ihP h<•1·mnp~ l'iu•prful and good hu·
alHl PX('Pil<•nt ~JH'P('h<·~: Th<• Trih(• i~ ~m·1·y to I'OIHP to th(• "parting of thP wa~~-
IntPllPdual. 1. DPhatP. (a) ~Pnim·:-; win YidoriP~. 1. ~Pnior h•am-Fra~Pr, Fri~on, Burt. :!. K·tPlliJHII'I'. (a) ~(•nim., 1'PJH'I'~<·nt(•ll-Fra~('r P<•reinll. 3. Grpat war on•r drama. (a)
(a) (b)
1. •)
tak1• 1·harg1' of gon•rnment. hody of '14'~ ~tand for abolition of drama.
'l' h PH t t>r torn down. (a) _ ·o ~~·uim· play for '14 ·~. 'l'h<• '11'~ rpfn~P to gin• pagpant, firmly an<l ~tt>a<lfa~tly.
Pnl'i tan~ Yid orion~. '14'~ lo~(' opportunity to lH'I'form lwhind tlu• footlights. Ba1'1'alam·1·ate ~P1'mon.
.\llllOlll\('('lll('ll t.
1. •)
(a) (h)
( <·)
'l'inw-.Jmw :>. "Ejn('atP<l! B' <:um!'' 'l'h(• Trihl' of '14 hi1l~ a tpal'ful far('WPll to tlw 1·ommmlity it Ita:-. li'HI'lll'll to lon• and honor· to tiH• day~ it will IH'H'l' for:.r<•t; and to p:wh othPr. From now on th1• 'frih<• will mi:.rratl', ~P}Hiratl•, and proutulgatp til(' h•m·nin:.r :.railwd wJtj]p hl'l'l'; hut l'<H·h lll('lll h<•r }H'IIIlll~('S 111'\'1'1' to foq.!,·l'f th1• othpr~, nm· hi~ hplon•d ('.II.~-
"For she is fair, and fairer than that woni.''-[L\zEL CoLLI. ·s.
\\·wTo .· . '11, .\
Il ~.\Y
WuwnT. '14.
~ HE IL\Y~ of thP mil1l midl-'lllllliH'r :--;un WPre ju:--;t hep;inning to ~ ~lant a little to thp \n•:--;t war<l. • g<•ntl<• :--;outh<•rn hrPeZ<' hl<•w
:--;oftly ano:--;:--; the upland:-; lad<•n with t h<• :--;uhtl<• JH'rfuuu• of th<• th<• littl<• party of tht'P<' standing on th<• gt·assy knoll ahon• <'ity Yie1·zehn in T<'xa:--;. "Beautiful! \\"on<lerfnl! Do <·.· plain! I <lo uot mHl<•r.·talHl at all! This i:--; all I know al)()ut thi.· glorious phH·<•! "TltP <'Ia:-;:-; of 1!114 my:--;tprionsly disappt•m·ed, one hy one. In a littlP ,,·ltilP, I l'<'<"Piw<l a lPtter from Huth which ('XplailH•<liH'adi<·ally nothing; h•t t<•r:--; <"Ont imH•«l to mTin• at il'I'<•gnlar int<'rvals for 1Pn years- all <·ou taining a:-; litth• information a .· tht• fit·st. I tht>n l'l'<'l'iYP<l au invitation to Ybit the i<l<'al < 'ity Yierzphn fonn<l<'<l all(l from hen<·<'forth to hP maintaine<l, hy thp ('las:-; of • ~iiWtPPn llunrlr<•ll and PonrtePn. I :--;tartpd itllnu•<liatply awl hPI'P I Hilt." Thp s1wal·pr was .Jenui:--; Barry; tiH• other m<•mhprs of th<• group W<'l'P ('P<"il Fraspr, mayor of <'ity Yiprzphn, and his wifP, Huth ~\ker~ F1·a:--;<•r. 'l'hp llonorahle ::\layor smilPd, arrangpfl a <·mHfortahlP seat for .Tpnnis and Hnth uiHl<>r a giant oak, an<l <·m~ting· his <',Yl'S OY<'l' th<' <·ity in th<• Ya llt'y h(• lei\\·, lwgan : l'P~tle:--;:--; old gulf and tmH·h<•<l tiH• <·hepk:--; of
"'l'<'ll ~ eat·s ago to<hl~· thp < '1:\:--;s of • -inPteen II Ull(ll'<'<l aucl li'onrtP<'ll wa~ gra<luatPcl from ('hampaign High ~<"hool. Yon kno\\· W<' W<'l'<' always amhitious to do SOIHPthing <'Ittii·ely dill'Pl'<'nt from an;v JH'<'<'<'ding (']assthat is th<• rpa;;on wr did not stag<' n <"lass play in our ~enior ypar. \Ye IH'YC'r ha<l sprious qnarrPis as otlH•r d:u.;~ps, NoW<' <lPddP<l that <·omp what ma~·, " "<' woul<l stay tog<>th<•r if po. sihl<•. "\Yhpn ,John I>. Ho<·kpfellpr ofl'<'l'<'ll tln·pp ihonsaU<l a<·I'<'S of land in TPx:as, fa<"ill~ thp Onlf of )[exi<-o, to any <"lass, grn<lnating from a high . <"l10ol, who wonlcl agrP<' to fomul upon it an i<lPal <·mnmomn•alt h, \H' :t<·<·epted his off PI' inmH•<l ia tely. Thp <"hi<•f st ipnla t ion.· in thp <·ontra<"t WPl'<' that th<' sit<> must IH· in T<•xas; that )lr. Ho<·kPfPII<'I' wonl1l lH'HI' all t'XJ>PUsps of fonlHling thp dty; that an itPmiz<><l aeeount of all PX]l<'IHli· turps Hhoul<l lH' forwm·<lPd to him <'<H·h month; that thP finanl'ial support ~hould f'Cafie a~ ~oon a: th<' <"ity was on a working hal'>il'l an<l <'H<"h m<>mh<•r of tiH• ('la . ·~ of 1!114 JH'OYi<lPcl fm·. Ewrything els<> was lpft to tlH• class undertaking sn<"ll a YPninrP. )lr. Ho<"k<>fp]]('I' paid for <'YPr~Tthing; hi.· . upport C<>as<•<l one y<>ar ago wlH'll \Yillarcl <1oo<lman, Eng<'n<' ~ ~ight ingale and Lpon Bru<lPl' \\'PI'<' clp('] m·pcl fi na 11<" i ally i nd<>pPIHlPn t. II<' lwpt his part of thP «·ontral't to thp lettPr. Yon <"<lll s<'<' for yom·sp]f how W<'ll we han• k<•pt ours. Twi<'<' hP has Ybit<>d ns atl<l <>xprPHse<l his approyal. ~o llllH·h for tlH' financ·ial si<lP; now for thp thpm•pt i<·al ancl pra<"ti<·al. ''On .Jmw 10, l!ll4, .Joe PPJ'<·iml, \Yilhnr )1<-Gep awl I !'tartP<l for "The sm allc . t pos. ihlc.''-CH ESTEK 3
I. \KK.
'l'pxas to ~el<>d th<> f'itP forth<> won<l<>rful city that exiHted in our minds. \YP agr<'<'d that thif' waH an idPal f'pot for the future home of th Clas.· of ~ ·inP1PPll IlulHlred and Fourteen. It haH the advantage of a water front, mountain~, hill.· and vall<>yR for ha('k:.,rroun<l, and. thr e railroad.·. Jc>P Ita~ bad full dt<U'g<' of the finances, \Yillmr sup<>rint<'IHleu thP engirwering projed, and I h:we b 'en general mana O'er. "From this Plt>vation we ran pasil~- viPw thP general plan. Turn jnst :1 lit tiP to thP lpft. You SP<' th<' dt~· is laid out in the form of a whPPI; t h!' pm·k i~ tlw huh atHl thp hrandling streets the :pokes. '£hat tall, whitt• mal'hlP shaft markH the t•entPr of the park It is a memol'ial to our <lPar oM ('hampaign High Rchool. Elizabeth .ArmtRrong designed it. 'l'hP broad f't l'Pet running dirPttl~· past, en <.ling in an open court surr·omHlP<l hy a <·olonnad<>, is thP <'ity Hquare. In the large whit<' building iu thp <'<'111<'1', all dty affairs m·p <·orHlnde<l; m~· oflke is on the main floor, th<' first <loor to th<' right. \Yp do not have man;v city officer.·; thPrP arP thr<>P wards and tln•pe aldermen-)Iilton Dreyfus, \Yilliam I>oyh>, and <'eeil Ilaz<•n. ThP stred and park connuissioners are Earl Ilal'l'ington and Olynn ".hite. "~·ow, from tlw huh follow the Rtreet running <lirPetly w .·t-tak" thes<' hino<·ulm'H to the f'tauium. Herw Ru: ·ell and Prank Armstrong an• athl •tie dirPdors and eYery Thur!-<day they arrange .·ome athletic ewnt. That group of buildings lwyon<l the low range of hills north of t II<' l-<ta<lium, is our indnRtrial ('enter-all the factorie and pa ·king plants IH'ePHHary to handh• our output are there. The la:t t" o ~-earR City Yierzehu surpas 'P<l any city in Texas in e.·portH. To the eaRt and. a little north iH our systt>m of waterworkH, in charge of Rol-<toe )!iller and Lyle Onlliyan; fartlH•r pa. t iH our wmulerful reHenoir to b u ·ed for irrigation, hut so fm· we havp not h:Hl n<'P<l of it, owing to nPne's iln-ention, of which I will SJ><'ak httPr. ''That row of hungal<nY!-< lwyond the ref'erToir lwlongH to :\I xiean '. ~ ·oti<'<' there arp man~· long linp: of bungalow~-; at our fept and at the we:t sidP of tlw dty. You I't>lltt>mher th<> }f<•.·iean Revolution waH in progress wht•n "'<' gralluatP<l. ~\ f<•w of th<> hPNt refngpes were allowed to eom into our city. ThPy <lo all th<> manual labor; :o that leaYeH the nwmber · of thP daf's frpp to plan and suppr·intPnd eYPrything. The )Iexican: own their homes now. Helpn \Yar<l and Hazel Priee over. ee them, and under thPir snpeni~ion thP <'<ll'Ph'HH )fexieanH lmn- develop d into tid~· a. pir·ing ~\mrri<·an dtiz<'HN. ~·onp of tlwm haY<' PYPr e.·]n·e.l-<<d a deRire to l<>av Yi<•t·zelm. ~\11 s<>em J>Prfp<·tl~- <·ontentt><l, :uHl man~· more wish to enter.'' "Beautiful! Beautiful!" e.·clainPd ,Jennis. "Go on." "Laurpn Burt is our chipf architeet; IH' iR asRiste<l by Byron Burn mul ".illie ~teph<'UN. The~· plann d all onr buil<lingN. Of <·ourRP thev didn't do pwrything them!-<Pln>H. That would he impossihle <·onHidering the number of hnil<lings in C'ity Yi<•I'ZPllll an<l the tim<' it took to con. truct tht>m; they ha<l f'Olll<' of the moNt effi.cient arehitN'iH the~- eould :find working und<>r thPm. \Ye haYe three different Rtylc>s of architedur . "Care's an enemy to life."-C.\RROL C.\.tEROX. 39
All J>Uhli<" huil<linp;~ are patt<>riW<l aftpr th<> ol<l 0I'PPk; thp:-;p W<'I'<' <le.·i~IH'd h.' B~TOil. ThP r<•:-;i<l<'Il<'<'S, <lp:-;i~lH'<l h,Y Burt, Hl'<' mission style. Tlu• bnn~alows <H'l' tlH• wm•k of \YilliP. \Yp HI'<' iii<lPhtP<l to Lm·<•np Town1-iPIHl for th<• land:-;<·ap<' ~m·dpninp;. "That lou~ "hitl• road ~-ou s<'<' h<·~-mHl thP hun~alow:-; i:-; a part of the honndm·~- road whkh .·m·romHls tlw t hi'<'<' t honsand acrp:-; l'. <'ept whPr<' it hor<l<'l'~-' tht> p;nlf. ~oml'l)()<ly is on that road <'on:-;tantly, a:-; a ~nm·d. I think I>onal<l I>od<l:-; is therp now. II<• i:-; our minh.;t<•r, hut it sppms hi' <'anuot m·<'l'<·onu• his youthful Ion• for nwtm'<',! din~; :-;o wh<•n Fred Fil'~ inn•nt<><l a powprful motoreyd<• who~<' l'i}H'P<l is so great that it <·an ('OY<'l' thP houll(lary road in a n•ry 1-'hort tiuw, th<> HeY. Donald Dodd:-; <ll'l'idl'<l to hayp his turn a:-; a homulm·y ri<lt>r. \Yilliar<l <too<lman aml \Yilli<• ~teplH'n:-; al. o l'iJWIHl a goo<l <leal of tim<• on thP honll<lary 1·oad. Thp~- ltaYe inn•nted a :-;il<•n<·<•r for th<> motor. "<'an you NP<' thP :-;i~n:-; oYei' th<• storp.· in thP hnsiiH'Nl'i :-;trP<'t ju:-;t oppo:-;it<> thp <'it~· ~qum•p"! .~o"? Takp thi:-; fi<•l<l ~la:-;s, th<•n. That small shop paintPd whit<• with an imm<•nse :-;ti<'k of <·:nHly fm· a :-;ign i:-; our <·muly shop. Th<• ]H'O]ll'i<•t or:-;, <h·a I Rni<l<'l' a n<l )[ ar~m·pt ~t urg<>on, haY<' matlt> somp wondei·fnl <lis<·oyerit>N in tht> line of N"'<'<'l~. ~\.ll of thPir hoX<'N HI'<' mark<•<l 0. ~- )f. ~- -~<•xt is )fa<lam<' Inn~<·rkh':-; :-;hop. Ilpr :-;i~n read:-;, ")[ill inPI'Y and H<'<Hly-to-\\'pm· •\. Jl]l<ll'<' I." Ilmw 1 Ikhon t d<•:-;i~n:-; the hatR, E<lna )fptz thp :-;nit~, and )lm•il• Hhoa<lN th<' waist:-;. You N<'<' hPr Rtorc> fnrnislu•:-; all of th<• dothing for th<• "'OIIH'll of thp dty, "·ith tlu• PX<'eption of :-;hops. EYPI'<'tt K<•nt owns tlu• shop i-<hop an<l hi:-; "·if<', )largarpt BarJH'l'i KPnt, is a g<•nin:-; in <·rpating nPw styl<'H in i-<IIO<'s. Ill'r lat<•Ht is on<• that la<·<'N up tiH' hal'k, an a<ljnstahl<> lu•<•l HJHl a top that "or<l:-; cannot <l<'Nl'rilw. \Ye wPar <·anya:-; shop,· IH'l'<' almo.·t alto~pth<'l' on a('count of th<• warm weath<•r." "\Yarm '\\'<'ath<>r ~" <'.'dainw<l ,Jenni:-;. "\Yh~·, ~-<·s," <'<•cil W<'llt on, "Eu~<'lH' Hns:-;pll inn•nt<•<l a madlin<' hy wllieh he <·an <·ontrol the weatht>I'. \\'p IH'H'l' han• it col<l her<•; alHl anotlu•r thing, it nen•r rains on hall ganw m111 el<'l'tion <lay:-;, ~t1·ano·<· to .·a,, tlH• ma<'hiiw will not work ont:-;i<l<' of this dty. ·
"That artL·ti<· looking affair," said ('pdl, pointing to a low :-;tmw lmilding almost llidd<•n hy Yill<'H, "i:-; a :-;tlHlio. 'l'h<• <'lass of l!ll t i:-; \\'I'll r<•prps(•nt<•<l in thP art liiw. \\'<• will haYP to tak<• you th<>r<' mw of thl's<' <htyN. 'I h<'l'<' HI'<' :-;om<> ]H'i<·p]pss paintin~.· hy )lm·tha Finni~au, -'ln·a )lanl<•y, ElizalH'th ~\.rmstroug and .JosPphill<' ~\twPll. )Jil<h·p<l )lnnl.lall i.· tlwir mo<ll'l. .JospphiiH' <lop.·n't <h'YOtl' all of hPr tillll' to art, ]11 m <'\'('I'; ju:-;t at JH'PHPnt ~h<' aiHl Olady:-; na~<' arp mana~in~ a kindPrgartPB for tlu• )l<•xi<·an dlil<ll'<'ll. (}lady.· iN Pnthnsiastil' OY<'l' 11u• ontPNOJ'l'i :-;yst Plll.
".\II of tlll' }all(l ontsi<lp of thP <·ity is <lPYOtP<l to <·otton 1·aisino. En•I·yho<ly in YiPI'Z<'IIll ha:-; intel'l'Nt in ('Otton. \Yp li<IY<' houo]lf m· h·t~~. opt ion OIJ, t h<· land for 111 ilPs ontHi<l<' our honn<lm·y. \\'p llP\ ~ 1 • ,~·pm· ~ili"One morn I mi sed him in the accustomed hali."-OuJ ss1~: 40
hPrt>, or, iu fad, any oth<>r mat<>rial PX<.:Ppt cotton. John Ri. ing. urpal-'.'P.' all otht>I'H in eotton rail-'ing mHl gdting tlw most work out of thP .Jiexi(·anl-'. liP il-' rpally r<'nutrkahlP. liP ix also interested in quarrying. On olll' of hil-' lH'Ol-'lH'<'Iing tonrl-', h<' dis<·o\'l'l'Pd a lWtnliar l-'tOIH' known ax Yil•rzt>llll . tone. JTp furnislt('l-' th<' ~tOIH' for our ruiqn<' ,Jpwplry ~tOl'(' o\\'IIPil h.' ~ ·aunh• Fent<'l'H and ~abiua \\'hit e. "Fartlwr np thP l-'ll'P<'t, <•ast of th<' park, ix thp printing house wher' 'Th•· Yil'l'lWhll Post' ix pnblil-'ht'll. The· ('llitorH are Ilelpn (hll'\\'OOd anu .JI ar.' HPill. 'l'lu•y Ita n• also writ t Pll HPYeral hookx of t'.'<·Ppt ion a 1 merit. 1'hP titJP of tJtpil• la{Pl-'t Olll.' is-'' "E. 'l'lll-'P m<'," ,J en nil-' hrokp in, "hut I'm nearly famished, I'm !:!O hungry. I ~tart<•1l jnxt aH xoon al-' I rpc·<·iYe<l your lptter, aiHl it hapIH'll<'ll that tltiH mm·ning th<> train wal-' without a dining eoa<'h." "~orr,,-, ,Jpunis; h<'r<', xwallow tltis," l-'aid .Jiayor Fraser, handing h<•r a sma 1l <'a psnlt>. "\\' <> don't 1·ook h<>re ax peop l<> <lo in tlH• l'Pl-'t of t hp "ol'l<l. Our illnHh·ionx dH•mist, Frank ~\..rmstrong, with th<> help of K:t t h PI'i 11<' .J[ a<l<lPn :Ill( l Fra n<·Pl-' .J [(-Ora w, <liscoYPre<l a \nly to <·ondenH<' foo<l into Hn<·h a xmall hulk that pnough nonri~lunpnt to Hnxtain th<> 1mman b01l.'· fm· t \n•nty-fonr hourx <'an lw phwr<l in a <'apsnl<> an inch long and l-'\Yallo\\'('11. Thix wonderful dixtoYery haioi nHHl<' tlwm indt>p •ndently wPaltlt.Y, :nul its lH'rwfit to mankind is unqne!';tionahle. :Xot a home in Yh•rzphn haH a kitd~t•n. Cooking i..., almoHt a lost art herP. ~ -o one iH trouhl<><l with in<1igPxtiou an<l thp man;v <lispa. <'l-' <·nus<•cl by unhalanced l'ating-. .Jiinnie \Yigton aiHl 'l;ay \\'rigltt raise <'n'l',Ything that il-' <·onden .. <•cl for tlw <·ap .. uh'H on thPir rall(·h eal-'t of thp eity. Anni<• .Jiurra;v'H lirw of auto truekl-' bring-s all of tlw prodtH'<' to thp tOIHlPnsing- lahoratol'.''· '',Just m·omul thP <·orm•r, m·prlooking th<• g-ulf, is thr .Jlntt and ,Jeff IlotPl mnw<l hy Elizahpth ,Jn<l<l and (h·a<·P Hnr,Yal-'h. For tiH' laHt four ypm·s om· littl<• dty hal-' attradt><l attPntion far all(l widP. ThP hot<>l apartmPntH m•p pol-'itiYPly wondprfull equipped. "Yon S<'<', ,Jenni.', our thpm·y is that 11H'l'P l-'houl<l lw no hu.'inei'is com)H'tition. ~ -o mw ontsi<l<' of thP l'laHs is JH'I'mittP<l to han' <'hargP of any lmsiUPl-'s. E<u·h mPmhPr hax a Yo<·atiou an<l aYoeation and PHI'h onp dOP.' prP<'i.'Ply "hat hp or l-'h<' most pnjo~·H <loing. ''. -o,y"-tht> lllH,\'Or wax pointing toward the r<•Hidential .'t>dion of th<• eity. ",Jop PPrd-n\1 ancl his wifp, Yii·ginia HuHl-'Pll l'ereinll, liYe in that largp whitP houl-'P. Yirginia writPs moHt of the play!'; . tagPd in our Orppk thl':th•r. ThPu in tht> gray housp on th<' otlwr side of thP str<'Pt, \Yilliar<1 Ooodman aiHl his wifp m·p lidng. )Irs. Hoo<lman waH Beah·i<·e Fo .. t<>r hPfore hPr marriagP. Doctor Glynn \Yhitl''s r<>sidC'nee ix on the 1'01'111'1'. 'l'h<•rp is n•ry littlP illnPsH in Yh•rz<>hn. (}lynn, hO\H'Yer, owns hu·gp intrrPHiH in thp fadorh•H. Thprp haH he<>n hut OIH' clrath-a .JI<>.-i<·an-dtu• to an a<Ti<l<>nt whi<·h o<·<·m'l'P<l wh<'ll W<' WPl'P hnilding· the poHtotlil't>. Opal \\'il-'<' is thP postmistrPl-'S. Opal giws rpadingH at o<ld tinwx. too. On th<• othpr si<Jp of the strept ix the tlwater; I <lon't kno"· juHt what the hill i. today, <lo you, Ruth'?" "ITer words do show her wit incomparahlc.''-ETIIEL Cm.LI:\S.
"Yps," an.·w<•re<l )lr~. Fra. cr. "I think Eug<'ll<' ~ ·ightingal' is ~tar rinO' in Huth Rom pel'.· late!-lt mu~ical produd ion, 'Th' Yirtue.· of Yit>rzeh~.' Tht> ('ast is a large out>. ~\.mong tho~<' taking part ar<': )Im·it· Be<·k, ('laihorne Haworth, Gray<'e FPrgn. on, )fimwttP \\'i~<'hart, Lndh• Bir<l~<'ll, and Byron Burn:. All m·e profieit'nt actOl's. Throdorr Fri:on's orche. tra will play tonight· we must not mi R that. Be!-~ide.· th<• play~, we han• a pageant <'wry year. Yon won't find it dull in Yierzehn, J ennis."
''I <lare .. a~· I won't" ,J<'nnis rt>pli<•d sag<'l~-. church :?"
"But where are your
''Olt! W<' don't han• thurdws. Yon rem<>mh<•r Eugene Hussell':-) w •ather madtine·? \Yrll WP ahva~·s han• heantiful Hunday: and haY<' th' .·enites in the park. Everybody attendK ''Tho. e building· on the outskirts of th<• <'ity <'0111J)()HP the coll<>ge 'Do a. You PlPa .. e.' The mmu• <l<•snihe:-; it. Herr Kathrrine )ladden, Lillian ,Jolm~on, YPr<>ta )I('(;uir<', and ~\.lit-<' Babh pa:-;:-; man~· hours. The <Y 'tem of im;trudion originated with KatlH•ritw, in her pffortR to make :\Iathemati<'s attradive. Lillian h<><'am<> intt•rpstPcl and <Hlopt<•cl the mc•thocl in Latin. In on<• year h<•r stnd<>nts ac<·ompli~h a:-; mnt'h in Latin a: Htud<•nt: do in two year:-; in other coll<><~es." "Look! look! <'<•<'il, th(•r<> goe~ thrP<' aproplmw:-; !" "Y<•:-;, th<>y hPlong- to El<'anor ('n in, )lin nip Hog-<'I·~, an<l )lyrt h• DPnman. Th<•.v H<'<'lll to han• a mania for aproplaning. Tltpy t·a<'<' from one .'ide of th<• bounclm·y road, on•r th<' city, out to tht•ir <·otton fipl<l~ and ha<·k again, hour aftN· hour, until th<' maC'hinp:-; gpt ont of or<l<•r; th<•n thp~· drop down to Ilm·old <tray': a •t·o-garag-<>. IIarol<lmm·ri<'<l ~\.una .Ja<·k~on a few month: ago and ~Iar,y Oaine: marriP<l 'l'homa:-; .Ja<'k.'on. .Ju~t tw.·t door to the garage, Emma Phillip. and Huth \\'oo<lrnff han• a :-;d10ol wh<·re tiH'y t<•ach fan<·y f;ewing. Th<'H<' :L · p<•opl<• mn1 thP YiPrzphn <'oop<•t·atin• LannclrJ·. Tlwy ha-n• in:-;tall<'<l Haworth lll<l<'hitwt•y an<l n:-; Fri ·on \Va.'hing Powcler. Thi:-; powder i:-; thp re:-;ult of Tht'<><lm•p':-; e.·lwrim nt with bug:. "Th<• larg<' 1'<'<1 hri(·k .'trudm·e ju. t W<'~t of til<• pm·I· i:-; thp lihrary. Our lihrarian, Florerwe IIamilton Hi:ing, pri<lPH ht•r:-;<•lf on having one of the fin '.'t coll<•ction. of book: that <'Hll h<• found anywh<'rP. "~'ow turn toward:-; th<> gulf. That bu:in<'~~-looking wharf Il<'HI' tit(• •a ·t ·icle of iJlC' houndary i:-; tlH• wharf for r('llll<'th \\'right': lillC' of {I'H<l· ing n•.·. Pl.·. A grpat part of tit<• <'Xport:-; of YiPrzPitu go on•r thi:-; rontP. Titc·n tl•at :mall<'r landing JWar<•r, with thp gr<'<'n hoat hon~<'. lwloug:-; to non .Atkin.·on. I>on OWil.' a largp fOl'('(' of motor hoat:-;. I hPli('Y(' Yh·rzellll <·itizc•n. cl<•I·in· lllOI'<• rPal pl('a:-;m·<' from th<·~<· motm· boat. than from any othc·r on<• . ·om·<·<'. I'm almost l<•aviug out one of our mo~t impm·tant f:H·tori<· .. It·.· tiH· la.t ()[}('in th<· fadmT cli~trid. Thp oray 011('' <lo YOll . <·r· it'! It i.· .\ J·t Inn· Brmupr'. dli'Wiup; gum fa<·tory. Ooz<•ns of ditl'1•rpuf flavoJ· of gmu ar<· Jll:tdC' f1·mn th1• 1·o1tou ~"<'<'<l. lt i.· all <l('lidons. _\rl
"T h pc T d0n't intrudc.''-J.\~IIH 42
thur, ltowc•y(•r, chewr-; onl~· half an hour C'arh day. Artltm· and LC'on Hn11lt•r own a groe·e·•·y and fruit l'tot·c•. <it·oc·c•t'ii'H .arc• not ne•e·pssary for liN ()II ae·e•otlll( of till' e·apsllli'N; h11t \' il'i(flJ'N, at fir:-;(, )ll'l'fl'l' e·ooke•d gooclN. ~ ·ot onP JH'l'son, ho\\'e'\.1'1', "islu•s to l'Pt tll'll to t he• ohl e·ookiug liiPt hods aftl'l' OJH'I' hc•c·mning :t~·e·w.;t om eel to e·apstllc•. ·.'' The•J'I' wa. · a long sile•JH·e•, the•n .Tc•nni.· saiel: "I>o _\' 0\1 re•me•mhe•J' that littll' \'e'J'se• of Kipling', · NOIIH'\\'h:tt likP thi. '.\ncl no onp shall work for mmwy, and no onl' shall work for fanll', But all for thl' lon• of wm·king.' Kipl ing'N idl'al iN working out in YiPI'ZI'hll; it Jllay l-'1'1'111 to hi' wol'ldng Hlowly, hut it 'N working out l-'lll'Ply-1 know it i:." ('pe·il tm•npcl Hll(l c·ast his P,YI'N )o,·ingly oye•r thP e·ity hl'low thl'lll. "\\'p will wale-It the• NllllNPI," he• saiel, "and tlH•n \\e will cle·Nc'l'lHl to tiH• JH'OIIH'n:ulP along t hi' gu If." Lowpr :mel lo\\'1'1' t hi' I'Pel hall of fit•e• sank into t h(• watc•r; tltP slt:ulows hc•e·allH' thic-kl'r aJ'0\11111 lhi'IIL ~till thP ch·c·mJH'J's on the• liUlP k11oll cliclnot l'tir. •\myriad of liglJts hl'gan to twinkle• in the• dty. ~j)pntl.Y tl11• till'('(' (lll'lii'Cl :til() )pfj lhl' Jtilltop. ~ill'lltl_\· thc•y ('l'Osse•el tlt(' ll:tl'J'OW Y:tlli',Y, :tll(l ju:-;t as thc•y Pntpn•cl tltP dty of fnlfillPel cll'P:lllls, thp <'Ul'tain fpJl u pou tit(' <'laHH of • • i upt <'I'll II nnclrPcl a ud Fourteen.
"Her eye
arc full of silent prayer
··-P~·.\RI.I- CellTJS.
mte lii.ittl.tiil~ mtJR> :ffin.~t;, trnx~ «lliillil ~ dni'i ~tm· fjf'ffilmii~ .uxu,..._ '"w.'~ aill <i!b ful)) T* :ffio · < l~Thw:nJ' tiiiJm:p ][ 1\iHiitn.mil
. ; ::.
h fori' thf' J, wf:'·-dyiu:::: Pmi•Pr · of tltP "rafP fire. HPre .Jaek founrl Jll(• Jill' hour Jat£'r. "II(•lln. l'nk :· hi' eallt·tl: "\Yhy. _,., u old rummy. I b ·lir>n• you'r dup••l. t:~· !!'cHI. if I tlidn't know you. I'd ll.'' ,nm w ·rP in ]1 n·." "1 am," I aitl. ~\ud .Ja ·k !!'an· a !!O' 1l imitation of a faintin!! fit a he auk on thf' dan•nJun·t. Yl· , .Ja ·k I'£•t'O!!HizP1l h£'1' from my tiP ·riptinu awl th1· df·at· h _,. infro )UI'(' I Jll(' tl ltl'l'. n t of all. hi' )'('llll'lllh ·J·e l the hand da p-rem llllwrt'] it and l'P}ll':ttl'd it. only f r a loll!!Pl' 1 a 'l'. ~\llll tltU 1 m · .Jo •phinP .
I am "ritill!! thi 011 our hoH(•,nnoon ou tlw Hh·i ·ra. it for hrr ~- ·
"H r \Oice
entle, of , and lo 45
I Ita\·· n·itt ·n
liE_ Jt).
'l'lH• Jn·ookkt J'H<·t•tl t hron;.!_h t hP :-;l1ad.' "ood, £\nd laugiH•d alo111l in it:-; <·cu·pJp:-;~ ;.!_ll-1•. It ~aug to th1• 111apl<' tl'l'l'~ wh1•1'<' thl',\ . tood, ~\11d told thP joy of Jwing fl'l'l'. 'l'hP,\' ~('('llH'Il to ]i!-i{!'ll to hPal' if:-; ~Oll;.!_, 'l'o 1l!·oop tiH•il' hrall<·hp~ that ;.!_1'1'\\' :-:11 tall, 'l'o l1Par it:-; :-;ong a:-; it I'H<·<•d alou;.!_, £\JHl lh<• I'Pa.·p]p:-;~ :-;pla:-:h of it:-; watPI'f':tll. 'I'll<' "ilHl wa:-; :-;iglling· :t111011g t hP II'<'<''-', .\ l'<•st ]ps. · "his]H'l' thaI s<•<•ntPd a song, 'l'h<• si;.!_h in;.!_ soli;.!_ of a tit ful hn•PiW That <·haH;.!_P<l it~ HIOIHl as it ~" <·pt a loll;.!_. 1 t s:\11;.!. a :-;o11g oft h<• l'lHlll's~ :-;ky, It ~a11g of i'<'<l.' that W<'l'<' h1·o;Hl a111l dl'<'p, Till its smtg l'hangPd i11to a lullaby .\nd I h<· st in·iu;.!_ \\'ond d1·op]H'd <I\\ <I,\ to ~l<·<·p. Til<' \\'<HHls "<'I'<' d:11·k a111l t hP ~tat's w<•J'<' pal<', ThP lll'l'illll,\ :-;ill'lH'<' had hJ·otHlPd lo11g; Till lo: it hrokP, wh<•ll a night ingalt• Pmn·1·d out its ,·oi1·1· i11 liquid ::-;ong. 'I' hi' :-;aJIII' ;.!_lad song that t hi' hl'ook l1ad !-i\111;.!., TlH• sallll' wild so11g tl1at th<· wind had sung, £\1111 I hi' :-;mig in t hi' "Hill<' 1-'\\ <'<'I llllkllo\\"n tongJwTht• sollg th1•y .·an;.!_\\ 11<'11 I hi' wm·ld wa.· ,\Ollll;.!_.
"Dinner wa macil.' for l.'ating:
t for talking.'' - L \\\ RE CE F£E.
fJr('sid('ll[ ...................................... \YILLI.\\1 • T.\UBUCK
r iee·l)n sidell f
•••...•.••••••••.•••..•.••••••..••. W.\ L E ,J Oil. ·~'l'O.' ccretary ....................................... ( tL.\DY~ EnmTI.\HT
'f'rca81U'('1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,}{'. 'E )I l'LLIKE.'
Hf•rrJifion f1o111111ilfec .\IERTOX )IYER~
.Tl'. ·J<~
.\.L~I.\ STRODI~
H.\LI'li )[ETZLEH )f.\HY
• ·.\'I'lL\ x
"'E~1'0, •
• 'Er.u~ FL.\TT
)[ ERTO ' )[ YEH~
EL:\li.;H LI'I"l'Ll~
1101101'15 IT.\ZI~r.
IL\HDI. ••
Presidr11t ........................................ TnEonmm \Ym~s ViGr-Presidcllt .............................. ('.\HOLLE )L\.-~l'E.UOJR 1 ccrctary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... P.\ 1 L ~-L 'DEH~ 'Prra:m l'Cr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jl.\IW.\RE'l' J) \ VE. 'PORT 1/i.~torian ......................................... liELE. · Bumm.\R 1
Constitution ( 10IIIIIliltec C'.\~PAR
D.\ \'E. 'PORT '.\.LI>WELL
)L\lt<l.\ HE'l' • TE.\L
llonors '.\.ROLIX.f<J )LL 'Hl'E.U\JmJ !);)
"Let's talk my fricnds."-GLADYS LADD.
. -.. um <' lm·t•nt·e Ba kt•r
.\I ilftll'(l Hoit·P Da\'id Brown
,John BurkP \\"iko.· Burnham <h·war <'ag;nm
Erit· ( '<ISJH'l' ( 't>l'il ( 'ookt• Ifaroltl ( 'opP II any ( 'm·zon Eugt'lH' ('m·tiH ElmPr Dillanm Enin Dryt'l' liPJ'hPl'L Em·! .TmtH's Finnpy
0 ('OI'g(' D ios Gol<l<•n II ()Jll('l'
LO( '.\LLY F .\:\!01
·u;, \ ~
hi H w i I'(' I(', 'H dt it·kt•ns hi.· trat·k ahility
\'I BIT!O l' ~ TO -
h t• a :,;pt·mHl .Jlm·<·on i hP a JIH•ehauk lw dtid }ll':tllut :,;pllpr on Illi noiH FiPitl havp hi. · 11auu• ill tilt• ".Jla-
I'oon" ht• a lllt'lll ht•r of ( 'ollp;rps: oratory dl'i \"(' t hi' PPPl'lt•sH hiH Latin ti·an. lations IH'ing a <lt•J'lll:tn Hhark han• hiH llallH' ]ll'OIIOlll)('('() t'Ol'l'Pd Jy hP in t·hm·gp of LP\\·is' J·ibhon 1ctngo i ng t'OUlllt'l' 1·idP ltiH hrothPI''H uwtm·t·yd' his ahility a .· an ador go()() Hl'llH(' hP a mat i IH'<' id o 1 ( 'Olll) )OHt' lllll si (; gpt tinp; "fllH."Pd" hPing a foot hall hi: trat·k wm·k
his young hrot ht•r autoH ]tiS "hignpss" h iH YOit'l' '' ht·o wn pa Jl<'l'H" his t'Prly hair
IH' a dry dt•mwr ])(' an ". \g" Ht uth•u t lw a pit I' h <•r h<• a HPCOnd Bar·u<•y Ol<lfielu I'P foi'Ill
h<• a .·t•<·ou<l \Yeh. ter ht• falllOllH gPt "in good"
gTacluatP his .i un i or hasP ha 11 hiH ability at shortstop gpt ('l'e<litH to pl:ty footh:lll m·guing with .Jlr. Kazda o\\ n a th·ug Ntor<' ('harleN Oulit-k his .· iz<• sPllnt>cktieN ('Jill'ord Hall ha.·n't any nothing Elnwr liPml ])('illg a ''math" sltm·k play in thP OI'I'hP~tra ~UillUPl Hill playing fool hall han• a dt:lmpionNhip . opholll ()]. (' t (' Cllll .John Howard gt•ow up Clat'<'IH'C .Tohn~ton <h·h·ing t h<• Ki:-<st'l lw a fm'llH'r 'l'heoclorc>.Tohuston hi~ laugh lw a <lP ha tcr nw kp grath•:-; Yeruon ,Johnston hiN tr:u·k ahil ity PPITY Kal'l' h iN clPhating PlllulatP his hrothPl' Halvh KPmp II iN ahility to "stall" gPt tall .JeNN Kirkpatri<-k pole ntnlting go on tiH' :-<tag<' Hal ph Lanum It iN "1 ... :-;wpa tPr win an "l" Ehupr Little hi:-; littlt> fppt gl't lllai'l'iP<l
OporgP Ot·angt•r
Hoht•I't 01·ooYPN ITaroltl Oray
" Of all the boy s that arc so . mart, There's no ne like little Elmcr."- Gr •.\ IJ\ s 49
. ·.nm
IT or ace Long l't•I't'.V Lom•a:-;h ,Joh u Lo\\ l'Y •\rt h ur )I m·t in
J anH·~
~~ t'l'l'ill
)I an ford
)li<·h<t<'l Hkl1anl )I kha<'l ('hp:-;t('l' )liiH'l' I ;f'l'IIHl'll )I OOIH'Y <'h m·l p:-; )f orro w ,J oh 11 )J lii'I'U,\' <'lmulP • ·ogl«> PPr<·y Pit·knPll LPP Hayhm·n Ed'' :ll'(l Hop<•r Lyl<• ~ahin l'anl ~allth•J':-> William ~hm·tz \\'alt<•J' ~i<•Jn:-> Hoht. ~palding <ieorgP 'l'PIII]ll<• \\'alt<'l' \'auglm 'l'lle(Hlm·p \\'pi:-;:-; FI'Ptl \\'pntl t llany 'YhitP IIm·oltl \\'il<':-> Halph Wilkin:-> Hn:->:-><'11 \\'oollpy Dorothy .\lht'I't.,.; Ad<li<' .\111shary )f:n·i<' .\n.TIIit·k~ HolH'l'ta Ball .\unit> Hark<'r • ·PiliP Bany \'('l'U I ht:->:->Pl IT Plt•n Bt·o. ·har )fm·gar<•L <'ain Lillian
Elsie> Clark )fm·atlia < lal'l~
"fu:->:->ing" IIi:-; hmins hi:-; look: hi~ t·<•gulm· at t<'lldaiH'<' hi:-> foot ha II a hi I i ty dPhat ing his S(H'ial a:->pira t ion:-> hi:-; "ll<'p" llis nat ion:llit,\ :-;]pppiug iu Ut>olllPll'.Y !Iii-\ Indian hi.· auto playi11g t liP ('OI'nl't hi:-; lint> Eng! isl1 his m·igina I t ht>OI'PIIIi-\ l';IJ'l',\'illg t liP"( lazpj fp" hi~ pnhlk :-;ppaking !lis ha:-;Phall playiug ''git1wy" drinks ]lis SlH'Pll llii-\ whitP ltair II ii-\ lllOIOl'(',\'(')(• ht>iug pl'('H. of soplwlllOl'<' l'las: !lis On•l'lantl hi.·loY • of :-;pm·ts
hP port<>r on t hp I. ( '. h<• a ra<'<'·<ll'i\'Pl' pa:->s h<• all ar('hit<•<·t "g<·t PWll" with ( 'ol. H. l<':H·h puhli<' :->p<•akiug play ha:->Ph<tll h<• a priz<·-iigh!Pr "lkl·" E:n·l J)unlap 11<' :Ill atliiPtP "pa~~ .. Dr. ('og·s w<'ll rush tl1e girl:-. hP a l'PJHil'l<'l' ht> a 'Y:tll ~t. hrokt>r h<> "1 oud" hP :Ill p<] i I Ol' h<• ( 'ounty .Jntlgt> play foothall hp a ( }prman Prof. pl:H·P in int<•r:·wholast i<· hP a ( 'apsar "shark" skip pnhl i<· H]lt>nklng
hP :t set·mul Hogpr ~ullinm ])(• hig hP foot hall ('O:tdJ at ~t:ll«>y II igl1 ~ehool lmi-\h fnlJH'H. · W<' <·:m't fiiHl out hi~ Ford hP :t U PO Ill. '':-;hark" .\ll<·ipu{ lJi:-;tm·y lll:l]IH dl'i \'P a tlPl iYPl'Y wagon n:-;ing hpr t(,llp;IH' hP a la "'·'' <•r loucl Yoit·<' in l'P('it iug h<• a m i o.;:-.iona r.v whispPring in .\. H. l<':H'll \'0('<11 ht'I' ]ll'PI ty C'.\'Pi-\ ht> a {pJ·psi<·hm·i:m :u·t i:-41 IIPl' CJllil'tllC'HS PlltPr tlw l'. of I. hPJ' :-.i:t<·t·': l'<'Jnllat ion tutor uufm·t1matp:-; iu Lntiu llluti-\i'llnling air ])p a , {('llOOTH)Ih<•r <tl\\ay: I'C ·iting hp a great authorP:-:.' "I :hould wony" alwut my gradPH to gt·aduate from ('. II. K .\clverti.·ing taknm pow<ler dPmon:trat<> nws:ag<> cream JH•c·nl iari ti <'.' lH' a clail·voyaut Htu<liou.· air lw a Suu<lay :-.~:hool sUlJ<'l'intPtHI•nt,
"Remove not the ancient landmark."-! IARRY 50
. ·.ui E
LO<'.\LLY F.\:\101 1
FlOJ'('Jl('(' ( 1ll'11l·an 'l'helma ( 'r:H'k<'l
En·1yn ( 'nrzon ~lm·gm·p(
. Priou.·np~. · ad iug "i~~·
a YPI'<l g<• !10 lw ath 11'tk <lii·pdor of 'l'homa~hor·o II ig11 ~·khool gp[t i11g iuto m·gnniPllh join \\'ornan'H • 'ational :4uffJ·ag<• .\~s<H'iat io11
I )a\'1'11·
pot·( J:p~~il'
I )a \'is Hnt h Dillo11 ,\una I )0110\'<111 Kat 1H•I'inP Ei~ll<'l' ~[:n·,r [<'pp ( h·a<'l' FPt·guson <'at 1H·l'ill<' Fi 1111 iga n 01'111'\':t FIPtll i11g
<1 por•gia
(; ladyH Ft·a. 'l'l'
a1\\'a.' s lwittg p1Pa~HJI! fall<',\ hatH1k<•tT11 ids fl'i \'0 1i ty h<·t· gum hPr trip to Em·oJH' ~~at m·1· I'l'<llling no\'l'l~ hl'itlg 'l'm11 'H ~iHt PI' 111'\'1'1' hot h<·ri 11g ally· hody hPiug <·m·l'fn1 of h1•1' YOl('(' dt·l':ttlling i11 tliP as-
I <'al'11 ag1·i<·nl tln·p h<· a d<•. ·igtll'l' lH• a11ything, shP isn't 11an• 11othing to do IH• a Jlllt~i<'iau lH• t a II kl•<•p :1\\ akP kPPp hou~P for ']'om lH• a !Pll'phmw OJH'1'ator lH• n grpat orator
~1'111 bly <'111\llatP ('Pdl ang1•l i<- hl'h:t \"ior h<·<·onH• a saint "l'l':lllllll i ng'' h1• a h a i r-d J'I'~~<·I· oll'-hatul Jll:tllll<'l' h1• a po]i(•('-\\'OIII:tll 11a\·ing rPft·pshtlll'li(H in l11• a \\·ait1·es~ in a <·onf<•cA. R t i 0111'1'.)' :\farit• IlaliiJIIOJHl l'Pd ribbon.· lH• a <·artoonist IIary Ilowanl hpr gait tt•ath a t·ountry ~~·hool Kat h<•rillP llltll' hpr <lignity lH' Ih•au of a \\'oman'.· Collt•gp J•'t'<llH'lH .J 1'1'\'iS '']p[ HIP hmTO\\' your book"! lt:tYe a cm·per "hlufling'' \\TitP for th<• f::L'llion magazin •s }fari(' Knott ~i](•JI('(' ('X('('] lll tyj)P\\Titing Etta L:tl'l'y 11<'1' pull! i1· ~pPaking Pdit t hP "Oaze((p" LP110re La~('] l ,. hat t Pring ht• a 1'<'l'Ol'(Pl' fo1• ilH• "~ .1'\\'~" lrPBC ~lajm· 111 i nor it,\ ht• n nm~i<· te:H·lwr )largarrt :\Iallman piping Yoitc hi' a hook- ket'IH'l' Bernie • )Ianni.· 1loi11g HIH'i(•(y JIH~H gPometi·_,. ('m·oline )Jann•Htarka!Jle ta~t<' for
.\<lPlP Funl· m~i<' Oault JJ PlPn Oault ZP1la Oordin
HIJI'aker Elll'lna :\f eadP BPatri<·P )li<·h~wl La nra :\I i 11Pr
stu!ly JnnH·tuality h <'l' i n<l<'P<'IH l I'll<'<' laek of <'IH'rgy
pe<l<lle alm·m do(' kH ltp a mil it ant su1fragette hP a matron of an m·pl1au·~
.E 1111 i ('(' ) fill('!'
·ity manners
home marry a farmer
"Her pleasure in her power to charm."-
of('. II. S.
LO('.\LLY F.\:\!0{
• '.\.:.\IfJ
loitPring on t h<• ~tail·~ "littl<· pntr~ of po\\-
Yivinu -'lom'<' <>pal -'l m·~p
<lPI'" ~
Elva _\fun:-< Fl'<\Jl(•i:-< -''·' l'l'H PI' ad ( >:-<hm·up
k<•t>piug "tlllllll .. 1<-ugt hill<'~-'~" lltaking hPJ"~p] f itH'Oll·
_\] ildi'Pd PJ·i1·p Et liP I P1·ivot I P.a mona Pm·Jip II -'lm-g;.n·l'l H 11 t h·dg<· -'' ildl'('(] ~klill('idt•]'
hnggiug lt<•t· "gt·otwh" \'Hllily ('l'i t id~lll Jll'OIIip( I'('<" it at ioll~ paying at lt•Jit iou to IH'r-
<'I t'01H' ~mit II
-'Im·joriP ~Iolli'." J >onna ~~ twky <ilady. ~t.' ;tn
.\:.\IBI'l'I<W:::> '1'0-
;t<·t fot· t h <' "-'I m iP. " l'<lll\ as:-< for a ]H•rfnmP I'OIIIpauy h•m·11 to pla,Y golf g1·o ,,. plump i11n•nt a ll<'W l'l'<H'IH•t :-<1 it<·li h1· a paiut<·r ht• a IH•<Inty dodm· hP a hmn;~n indl'x 1<•<·1 m·p oll Edtwat iou 110 oil<' n111 gn<'~" ])(' a 1· 01 n.; II •II a t i o u l'llll Papa':-< Fcl)·d hi' :l I'OIIIPd iPlllH'
hPJ' lila t IH•Jlta t i<-~ 111'1' 1- jJI(Jiy Ilia llll(']' giggh·~
using ltPl' t<•xl hook:-< •\ lma TJ'I'\'1'1 t li1•J' talk -'1 m·iou '1 n<·kpJ· hPI' ht•ant ing I'Oll!l l<'n<llH'I' -'lm·y YP:-<t liPr YO<·nlmlm·y of slang JTp]pu \\'pingat·lpn lipJ· Jtanglif iiii'SH El izaht>tlt \\'h item ht•r <li·amati<· ai1·
-'Iarion "'illialltHotl woiTying Loni:-<P \\'olilfartlt tlio:-<p llllllt• and sil<'llf lip:-< FJ':Ill('('H "'t·iglit a h\ a,\ s !wing 1·igld Hntli Yan1·<',\ lt<'l' hlondP hair
ht' a ~ol'i<'ty IP;Hlt•I' he• Jll'<'~idt•nt oft ht• "'· <'. '1'. l ·.
JH• a IIUI'.'(' <·ompih• a UP\\' did ionary g<'t l'lotiH•. ·! lll01't' ('}otiH·~ ~ takl' 1<·~:-<on::; from ~m·a Bl'l'llltar<lt ]n·t·~idt•nt of tlte IImmm1• , 'odt>I,Y <lo the ht>st .·lip can h<' a matlt<'lltati<·ian takt• lift· <'<I~-'.)' kP<'p up with (]I(•. tylPS
\\'IIEI:I~ YIOLE1'~ UHO"' J:y HottoTJIY .\I.BEU'l'~.
I know a pl;H·p \\'IH•rt• I Iii' sun is lik<• gold, .\11(1 t IH' gi·;v:-< is Y<'ln·t gt·<•Pn; Far down i 11 t ht> gras. · hy a hnhhl ing :-;I rPa 111, Js tiJP p);u·p Wllt'l'(' I IJp Yio]p(~ p;l'O\\'. ~Ollll' HI'<' d<'<'P pm·piP and :-<oJII<' pm·t• wltit<·,
(>I IJprs at·<' yt>llo\\, yon know. ~\nd wh<'l'<' I l11•y hlo01n, it':-< a ht•anl i fnl Kiglil; If you ~<'<liTh, yon will fiiHl wh<•I·t· t hi',\ grm\'. ",\s kind as she
fair."-\ 52
/'n .)r/r II ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,JOE PEIWI\'.\L ~ ir•r·-/)n•sir/r 111 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• })o ·.\LI> I>onn.· , '('(·rdor.'J .................................. Yuu:1 L\ ({{'~~ELL 'l'rcrtsl/rr r ..................................... .\1 H. E . .\IIL E
.lthldir· ('()11111/iftrr'
flu • t:r)lfn/ ()f /·,' r/ur·otirm
H. Lo.
])1\1\1 Elt
~\. ~\II'l'IL
I tltlr t ir· /Jin dor .\J Iss
LOTTIE ~\\ I 1'7.l.;It
FooTJ:.\ LL ('fljilllill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HE! J:E~
Jf r111 I' r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . En a; E H r~~ELL ('orwh .................................... .\IlL C. HI('(L\HI>.'O\, I L\sEH.\ I .L ('rtjllrtill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To:'II Fr.
J(: \ •
Jfl/111/!fr I' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •JoE l'EHl'l\ .\L
('oar·h ................................... .\1 It. ('. HI<'IL\Rn~o •
f'IIJ!laiu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • r~-::-:s KIHKP.\THH'K llalll/ff' r ...................................... ]) \\ m BROW •
f'orwlt ......................................... .\I H. E. .\TIL 'E
s nc>hkr
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"'..., "lie danced h) the starlight :uul thtâ&#x20AC;¢ iril'IHII} moon
\lwLu GRol E~.
!1lr" II E
P!H'IIOilJPlla I dP\"PiopliH' lll of all hraw·IH•s of ~\mt>rkau :--port~ dm·Jng t liP la~t IJIICII'IPJ' of a <"Pllllll'.' lla~ lw<•n J'Ptlt>dPd, to a larg<• pxi<•JJI, in om· high ~<·llool~. Tid:-; is ]Hil'lkulal'ly IJ'll<' of tral'l~, \\ lli<·h i: IIO\\' J'l'l'llgn ir.Pd n~ I h<• f11unda t ion of t IH• ot ll<•J' ~pol'l ~; for it i~ a "1'11 -1-rw\\ n fnl'l that 1101 mlly 11':\l'k stm·:-;, hut tl11• fast foot hall man awl till' lit>Pt diamond :--tar han• ofl<•n 1nH·<•d tlu•ir slH'<·<•ss to man~· hour~ of gruPIIiBg 011 tr:H·k \\ln·k. But lll'l"all~<' of till' hH·k of tllP ~]H'<"hl<'ular a111l Ill<• ah:--Pn<·<• 11f 111ass JllPt'l ings, Ill<' p11pul:n·it.'· of this ln·anl"ll 11f athlPii<-s lla:-;, in :-;llnl<' <·n~P:-;, dinlini:-dJPd; nltiJougll, as a l'Ult•, tllP ~u<·<·Pssfnl ll':H·k man mu . t t1·ain l\\i<·<· as long as Ill<• :t\"l'l'agP athlt>IP ill lllP olh<•r sports. ~<·Ping till' i11jnst it·<• of tl1is, a: \\I'll as l1oping to ilHlll<'<' "IH'Pp" stars to Pli(PJ' til<• nni\"Pl'sity, th<• l"ni\"l'l'sit,\ of Illinois l1t>ld Ill<• fil·st IntPJ'!-wllolasti<· ~IPPI in l. !1:~. ~\:-; 110 slalHl:tJ·d <'\"Pills l1ad h<•Pll dPI<•rmilwd upon, th<• th·st p1·og1·am <"O\t'l'l'<l a Yarit>d nssortnu•nt of stmlls. In a<l<liiion to tiH' JH'P:o;Pnt 11':\l'k P\'Pllls WPI'P a ont• mil<• walk, til<• :--tall(]ing hroa<l jump, t ln·o\\ i11g a hasP hall awl kit-king a fool hall for <list an<·<•, tiH• hop, :-;tt•p a11d jmnp, 1111' l'llllniHg lligh ki1·k, and :1 OJH' mill' hi<·.n·lp l"H("('. \\'llt•n thP hil"yl"IP l'l'az;p di<·<l out, I his ra<'<' \\as witiHIJ·awll from tiH' lists. In thP hm·whall tln·owing <·<ml!•sl, tllp \1'1',\" neditahiP J'Pl'lll'<l of :3:>:~ fpp( ~~:.! illl·lJP:-- "as nJa<lP. 'l'his t'OIIIJlal'l':-- "itll maiJy of IIJP lH•st throws of toda.', hut as sPYPral of Ill<• athiPIPs tm·p tl1t>ir m·m mn:--1"1<'~ ill altPmptiHg to makt' liP\\ l't'I'OI'I]:-;, th<• ('\"Pill \\:1 · dJ'O]liH'Il. 'J'hp :--;lliH' thing hapJH'llt'd to (IJ(' football kid:ing lllllll'st, \\hkh '"'"also dPPliiPd injnrious. 'I'll<' ~tmuling hroad jump an<l t ht• h11p, s!Pp and jump IH'\"l'l' s('<'llll'<l to lw popnlm· with PitiJPJ' lligh ~·wlwol or l"OliPg<' :t!hlp(ps, althougl1 thP,Y aplH'<Il'P<l on PY<'l',\ Ol,\mpi<· pl·ograiiJ, and aftPI' a shm·t Iilli<' tlwy WPI'<' <ll'O}IJH'<l. 'l'hp mill' walk was lllHlouhtPdly thP most w<•arillg IP~t of Pll<lnr:nH·P. 111 :-;pypJ·al instan<·<•s lhP <·mlll'st:mh dropiH'd on Ill<' t'Oill's<'. It \\:Is :-;o rlitlkult to dJ'H\\ tllP litH' hP1\\<'<·n walking awl J'unning- that in timt• this <·ontpst " ·as ahol ishP<l along \\it h t liP ot II PI's. 'l'h<• l'lllllling high k il"k was proha hly t hP most ltul i<·rmls JH'rform:tlll"l' of all. .\tin pan""" sllSIH'llll<•d hy llH':tlls of a l'OJH' fr·om th(• lilllh of a (J'!'<'. 'I'll<' <·oniPslant:-; lin<•d up to Ink<· t IJpir t m·ns llllll"h :IN th<·y do now in th<• running higl1 jmnp. 'l'h<' pnn "aN hung at a hPigld of ahont fi fPPt, alHl <'a<·h <·ont<•stant was girPn till'<'<' trials to l.:i1·k it. 'I'IJO'-'<' who fail<'<l <ll'OJllH'<l out, nnd th<' pan \\'as J·aisP<l :1 littlt• "hill' thP hH'ky 1111'11 took thJ'P(' JJJorp t·han<·P:--. ~\gain tlw pan \\<IN rai:-;Pd and thl' infpriors (']iJninal<'<l in tlJis JJJ:tnlll'l' nnt il only on<· <·on(p:-;(ant l"l'lltainP<l. In this wa~ th<' highPNt kickt•I' was <lPIPl"lllilH'<l, as \\Pll as th<' othPJ's "ho plan•<l in lllis <'Y('nt. During tiJP sP\"PJ':tl yp:u·s that t l1is ront.Psl :q>JH'<ll'<'<l on thl' program, many PX<'Ppl ional kil"l.:s "<'1'<' J't•gis(pn•<l; tht• highpst was !) feet ~
"II is di . cour,e sounds large hut nwans nothing."- LEo I Iu.E. "IJ.\Rf.
2 inche:. ThiN waN :-;om<> ki("];:, to :-;ay thP l<•a:-;t, for it waN a diffi<-nlt f<>at for tiH• nu•n to kP<'P tht>ir halmwP alHl kkk high; th(•y fpll in <'\'PJ'Y <·on('t'inthlp po:-;ition, and many \\"<'1'<' th<• hrni~<·:-; all(] :-;p1·ain:-; th<·n•of. Fina!ly the antlwritip:-; dP<"i<lPd that thPy h:Hl IH•<•II ]ll'Pity lnd;y to <'N!'<ll><' \\ dh only a fpw di:-;ahlP<l at h]p(p:-; on 11H•ir h:nHl:-;, awl a:-; 11H•y had no <JpsirP to a:-;:-;i.·t tlw mulpJ·tak<·r, thP,\ ki<·kpd tl1i:-; 1-\lH'<·ta<"nlar <'H'II( off th<• Jll'OI-!;J'aJJI. Champaign ha:-; had <•ntriPN in IH'a1·ly <'H'l'Y Intpr:-;<·hola:-;tie <·ont<•Nt, hnt O\\'iug to poor trainiug fadlit ip:-;, :-;liP Ita:-; not <liNt ingui~lwd IH'l'i'\Plf. ~ ~ otahlP PX('ept ion:-; of t IIi:-;, how<'YPl', HI'<' PPr<·h·: 1 in t h(• <li:-;t an<·<• eYent:-;, Largent in tlu• <la:-;hp:-;, and • 'i('];:pJ·:-;on iu tl1P w<'igld:-;. Our :-;(·hool I'e<·m·<l:-;, 1111\\ P\'Pl', arp '<'1',\ <·J't'<litahll'. 'I'll<' l't'('Ol'<l:o; of the C\'Pnh; a:-; wPll a:-; thp hol<l<'l'~ arp as follow::;: HE<'OHilS
100 yard dash 2~0 ~·:ml da:-;h ~20 ~·ar<l lnmlJp:-; <luartpr miiP 1'1111 Half mile run )lil<• l'\lll
1 ()
SP('()]I( 1:-,; 1-\('('()1}(1:-; ~~ :~-:> !-\('('()]}( h; .):~ :~-:> N('t'OlHlN :! :0:~ :~-3 fo;P<·mH ls 4::3(i i'\('!'OlH]H 14 fpp( 10 :~-1 ill(' It ('i; 10~ fpp( 1;)~ fpp( ~1 fpp( -1 i1)(' h ('N ;) fpp( ;) in<·hps 10 fe<•t 7 i ll(']l ('fo; ~-;)
Largent lAtrgpn t Branc·h Largpnt Pcrdval P<•r<·intl
~;~ :~-:>
Di:-;cux II am m <'I' Hunning hro:ul jump Hunning high jnmp Pole vault
~ ~i<'kPI'NOll
~ 'id.::t'l'HOil
Brandt BrmH·h Kirkpatrick
~\ltlwngh W<' han• h:ul a (J':H·k (pam almo:-;( a:-; long a:-; a foot hall t<>am, t II<' m <'11 \\'!'I'<' lH'Y<'l' gi n•n :-; ,,.<•a t 1•1·~ for ilH•ir "·m· k nn I i 1 t11 rt><' ,Y<'Hl'N ago. PI'PYion:-; to tlli:-; !itliP, th<•y W<'l'<' grani<•<l th<• priYileg<• of a ''('" on an.'· ~wc•a(pJ' th<>y diOI-\<'. ~~ow a (J·a<·kman l'<•<·Pin•:-; !lis 1·ightfnl r<•<·ognition. 'I'll<> gh·ing of N\\"(•ater:-; ha:-; ha<l a mark<•d itll]H'on•JIH'll( on th<• l'<'Hnlts in thP Ym·ions lii<'PiH a. was sl1own hy la~t ,\'Par':-; (Pam. Early in ti1P :-;pasml, I >nnyi]Jp \\as d<'f<•:tt!'d h,\ 1~ point:-;. Latpr our old rintl~ fJ·o1n l'1·hnna \\'!'I"<' tJ·omH·Pd hy 2,' point:-;. ~\t ('liariP~ton ('hampaigu tiPd for :-;<•<·olH! pla<·P, l:t·an<"h . !'t JH·w I'P<·m•ds ill ill<• hroad jump atHl hm·<J]p:-;; wllil<• KiJ·kpa!J·i<"k took :-;p(·oJHl in (hp pol!' ntnlt. At Onarga. Braw·ll Jn·ok<' 111<• I"<'<·m·<l in tlw higl1 jllliiJI; K<'lltp, \\'llitP, Bnrwa~h, Kirkpatl'i<"k Hll(l lli<·k:-; pbt<·<•<l in thPir rpspedin• <'n•nt:-;) and Champaign, again, t iP<l fm· 1-\<'!'0ll(l. 'J'hi:-; i~ <'<•J·tainly an PXll'PlltPiy nP<litahl<' J'P<·onl :-;in<"P Captain YPrnon .Johnfo;on Waf-; nnahl<' to run, owing to an nt t:H·k of N<·m·Jpt f<•n•r. )fuch cre>dit i:-; dup ('o:u·ll }JihH• for IIi:-; \\·m·k in !!.P!tinn· thP t!'am in t'> <"Ondition, aR W<'ll a~ for hi:-; WOI'k in th<• .\tlilrti<· ~\~srwiation. }fr. )f illw is nndoubtedl.'· 011<' of th<• h<•:-;t high ~<·hool t1·a!'l~ <·o:t<·h<•N in Illinoi:-;, He .~
"G ood and handsome cnough.''- Tn.\ Goou~I.\X, 5
i:-; authority on tra('k. lie lw: H(>rved a.· offirial at many of the l niver:-;it.r dual ancl <·onf<'n'n<·<• Bl<'<'t:-;; wa:-; th<• only man out:-;i<k of Chit-ago to lw d10NPll hy th<• ~\. ~\. ~\. to otli<"iatP at the ~\nH•rican Olympi<- game: )!('](] t IJ iN pa.'l HUIIIJII('J'. 'l'h<' IIH'll awm·<l<'<l ''('" N\\'Pall'rN W<'l'<' Brmwh, Brown, Hnrwa:-;h, Ifieks, KP111p, Kirkpatl'id;:, ~pal<ling and Whit<•. For 1!ll4, Kirkpat ri<-k iN <·aptllin and Hr·own marl:\~<'!'. Ex<·Ppt Brandl mHl Bm·wash, who gr·a<lnatP<l a111l Ili('].;:s, all th<• "('" men arp h:u·k. Tli<'S<' with th<• 11<'W matPrial lltak<' a Wt'll halaiH'<'<l i<•<lJIJ. ::4<'11 El n· LE .A pri I :!;), I>nal JIH'<'I with I>anvi II<•. ~lay !), lnt('l'H<'hOJaNt i(- Ill('('( at ( 'har)ps(on. ~lay Hi, IntPrs<·hola:-;ti<· 11H'<'I at t·. of I. .\lay ~:~, I>na I lll<'<'l wit 11 l" rh:ma. ,Jmw 10, lnlt•rsdlolaNti<- IIH'PI at Onargo.
In tlH• lhmlBH'I'I \\ith lhm\'illP at l>all\'illP, ('h:tnlpaign wo11 \\ith a N<'OrP of ;)(i to ;):!. Kirkpatri<·k alHl t4pal<ling tiP<l for N<'<·orul plat'C aH in<lh i<lnal point willlH'I'N with 1;) points <'<I<' h. Kemp pnt thP Nhot 4-! feel,,' illdti'N, whit-It is only:! :l-4 ill<'h<'N ht•low thp I'('('Ol'd m:uh• hy ~ .i<-kPl'.'Oll at thP , 'tnt<' Int<'l'N<·holasti<·. Lnnnm, KPIIIJl :11111 Kirkpatrkk sho\\ P<l <'X<'<'lh•nt form; OwPnN, Brown and .)lmTO\\' pla<·<•<l in thl'ir ('\'PlltN. In lh<• Easlprn llliBois Int<•rs<·holast i<· IIH'<'I at ('h:triPstoll, ('hampaign Pni<•I'P<l two athlPiPN Halph KPIII]l all(l ,Jpss Kirkp:ttr·id\: an<l won p]pypn points. Kpmp won first pla<·<• in t hp shot pnt arHl N<'<'OJHl in lh<' <liN<·ns tln'O\\'. Kirkp:ttri<-k was H\\Hl'<l<'<l N<'('OJHl pla<·<• in thP pole vault. 'l'w<•nty-Pigltt l-;(']H ols \\'PI'<' l'<'JH'<'S<'HIP<l HJl<l 1:-iT atltlPI<'N '\1'1'<' Pllt<'l'<'<l. t4o ( 'ha111pa ign fPPlN n•r·y happy m·<·r lH•l' <'IP\'('11 points. t4h<• haN Pllt<'n'<l i<•n lll<'ll in thp Int<•I's<·holasti<- liH'<'l at th<• l·nirPJ'.·itv of Tlli noi. . .
"\\ c grant alto' he had much \\it, he was nr) shiy o' using it."-E' lRElT lit. ·nR.
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"\Vc live and learn yl't not the wiser grow."-:.\[ \RIJ:: li.\.·n.
w "'a :..,
:.., fool
L. E., Ft'<'<ll't·i<-k:·mn, '14, Rill. B. '1'., .\IPnill; J:w,~Pll, '11, .\I gr. L. II. H., \Y<>IHlt. H. E., Hkhrno11d, 'J;); <:alli,·a11, 'l t. L. F. H., 'l'hmnp:-;on; II ill. H. n., 1\:pmp. H. F. B., <ir·on•:-;; ('urzon. ( '., ])ill:l\011. H. Ir. H., )Ioili'<', <'aptain. L. <:., \Yhitl'. L. '!'., 1 l<·g<•nhart, '1:); <ioodm:m, '11. ~nh·t it 1111'~ •• ·it·hol:-;, K:n·r. HE<'Oitll.
('hampaign, <'h:1111paign, ('hatll]taig11, ( 'hampa ig11, < 'h:nnpaign, <'ham pa ign, ( 'h:un pa ign, <'ltampaign, ( 'h:unpaign,
• ·<'''man, 1~
J)('(':lllll', 1:~
~nllinm, :II I> an v illc, 11 1 I ................. Crand Pt·a iriP ~<'Ill i11ary, 1:.! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KankakeP, 1:> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jleoria,
IIi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l~<'lll('lll,
G 0 G 0 0
1 I ................................ l·rhana,
~~ IL\.\IP.\I<L. lli<:II ~I'IIOOL is Jll'llllll of the I't'<'lll'<l nta<l<' hy ~
fottl hall lt•:trn; fot· of I lit• nin<· ganu•s :-l'h<·dnl<><l, lwr (pam won i'l'\'1'11 of tiH'III. '!'lit• <'ll~torn:n·,, ltigh :-;(']tool :-;piJ·it pr<'nlilP<l througlwnt tlu• :-;pasoll; all lionH' ganH's \\"<'1'<' \\"Pll att<•JHll'<l hy <•nthusia:-;!it· J·oott•t·:-;. ])it·t•t·lor·s .\li:-;s ~\\ilzt•t· and .\It• . .\lil!w Wl'l'l' n•:Hly at all tiHH'H to supply tl11• w•t•d:-; of tht• boys an<l Hl'l'111'1' !hi' J·ight "ppp" at tiH' nitil'al monH•nts. Fm·ty-fom· t·:nrd ida t <':-.; for posit ions 011 t ht• foot hall sqnad rpspon<l<•<l to Dit·<·<·tm· .\liltll'\; t·all ftll' volnnlt•t•t·:-;. Of this lllllllh<'t', (pn Wl'l'<' "('" play<·t·s l'I'<Hly :tll(l atn.:ions to hPgin pral'lit·<•. .\lii·e<·ogniz<•<l that with :o IH:lll_\' ]li'OIIIi.'illg ('IIIII]H't itot·.' ill (It<• li<•Jd, t!Ja( IJII'J'it only \YOH]<l gnal':lll· t<'<' th<·tn positioliH on tlll' (t•ant. ('o;wh Hichardson \\:IH plt'aHP<l wlt<'ll hP :-;a\\ thl' hn:-;l.;y l:Hls lillt•d np fm· tiH•it· fit·st pradi<·<• ~<'pfpmlwr 11; :11111 ft·ont t li is t inH', lH· kl'pl t \\ o Plt·\·<·ns in ad ion dm·ing tl1<• s<'HHOJl. .\s 11snal, ('lt:llnpaign op<'nl'd th<• s<•ason \\ith a gmtH' with th<' .·<'w· man 11 igh <·hool ll':tm at • ·,.,nnan, Odoh<•r -L 'J'h<• majority of 11H• loeal lt>alll wa · ''('"pla.'<'rH; hut owiug to tl~<• fad that thi:-; \\aH thPir fir:-;t ~amc
''Too '' i'c to
rr; to<> good
It> h~
unkind."-!' l'Tll II.\ Rill.
:tf(er onlv two weeks' practice, while the ewman team had won three , idorip:-;,' thPy W<'r<' (}pfpa(<><l. 'riH• ~eor<> wa:-; 1~ to 7. 1'h<' i"PI'Oilll ganH' "a:-; pia,\ <'<1 at I><•<·atur ''it h I h<• D<•<·atnr (pam. Th<• npw:-;pa]wr:-; rP]H>rl<'d tiJi:-; ganH' as sJwdanihu·. 'rh<' fpatnrp:-; wrre op<>n "m·k, long- fon,·m·<l passp:-;, punts mul <h·op kid.::-;. 'l'IH• J)p('a(nr squad g-ot thp jump ou th<' )Im·ooBs and s<·orpd in tit<' til·~( fiyp minntt•s of pla~; thPy add<>d :molh<•r i"I'01'<' in IIH• i"<'<·orHl quart<•r; lhPn IIH• )[aroou:-; put up a lt:trd fig-Ill and Jll'<'Y<'lliP<l fnrthpr s1·oriug hy thPir :-;trong oppon<•nts. Th1• g-am<' (']osp(] with till' SI'Ol'<' 1:3 to 0. 'IlH• los:-; of this g·am<• had an <'X<·<>liPnt Pfl'P<'I upon th<• (pam. Thr boys r<•eo•rniz<•ll th<'ir wpaknpss and rPsoln•ll that, in tiH• ftrtnr<', loHL gamrs Hhould not h<' <hw to lad.: of t<'am work :tn<l faitltful pradier. The r<>sult of tlli.· 1'<' ·olution wa:-; <'Yi<lPnt during- thP I'l'lllainll<'r of the ~ea:-;on. ThP l'<'<'or<l show:-; a s<•rips of Yidorips for 111<' )fm·oou:-;. 'l'h<• nrxt tin'<'<' gamrs wrr<> play<'d at L<•agtH' Pm·k witlr lriglt Hl'ltool t<'ams from ~nllinm, I>anYill<' and Orand Prairh• ~<'Illinar,r. ThP )faroons "·on au pa:-;y Yil'lory from Rulli\·an. Til(' scm'<' wa:-; ;) l to 0. 'rh<' <'U<·ountpr with thp fast I>am·illP :-;qmHl wa:-; a difl't>J'('U( pr·oposition. 'l'wo toncltdown:..; W<'rP madP hy Oro,·rs in t h<• first quart<•r. I>uring- tlrl' srcon<llralf, th<• \'i~itors hra<·<•<l h<•r·oi<·ally HlHl g:t\'1' ('hanrpaig-n a liYI'I,\· <·ontest. 'l'h<• g'aJH<' <·lo:-;<·<1 with a 17 to () \'idory for ('hampaig-n. Th<• fir1-1t lt:llf of th<• g-a1111' with th<• (iran<! Prairi<> R<>minary l<'am \\·a:-; slow; thP fiPl<l was mn<ldy and thr play<•r:-; l<ll'k<•<l "JH'p." 'I'h<• i"('('OIHl half was hPt1<'1'. 'l'IH• :-;tar for ( 'harnpaign was Kpmp. 'rhp S('Ol'<' "as 14 to 0 in faYOJ' of ('hampaign.
'l'h<' .Ua1'oons lll<'l t h<• Kankak!'<' (pam on tit<' Kankak<'<' fi<>l<l. From IH'g-inuing to <'JHl th<> gamr was lrar<l fougltt; the squad was happ~· to rptm·n with th<• long <'IHl of thP ,'('01'1', 1~ to G. 'l.'h<' g-amps with thl' (paJJts from J>pm•ia and B<•mpnt W<'re <'asiJ~r won. 'l'Jrp fast P<'OJ'ia Pli'Y<'ll was <l<>f<>al<'<l on a \\·rt fi<'l<l and tlrP HPnwnt aggr<'gation was ontplayP<l. 'l'hr :-;<·m·rs W<'l'<' 4() to 0 and 43 to 0, rrspcctiw 1,,.. 'l'h<• final gmtH' of tl11• ~'<'asm1 wa.· play<><l on 'l'hankHgiviug nay with our ol<l frit•JHls f1·om l-1·hana. )Iori' than two thous:m<l :-;ppdators witlll'.'i"l'd tltis plpasing gaJJtP. Th<• ('Jrampaig:n el<>n•n ~<'<'lll'<'<l a safpty in the first quarter :md Captain )foorp <'I'os:-;<'<l the lin<' for a touchdown in th<> S<'<'OIHl qnarl<•r. Both t<•ams <·am<• hatk strong in thp se('ond half. )fany timp.· t!H' )[aroon:-; had a good <'hance to s<·orp, hnt faill'<l. \Yhitl', hoW<'Y<'r, di:-;tinguishr<l himsp] f hy re<:PiYing th<' ball from a fnmblP of onp of thr rrhana rlrn•n and makino· a sixtY·Yar<l run for a ~ tondHlown. Th<• ganw <'IH1P<l "·ith tlrp i"I'OI'<' 14 to 0 in f:n-or of f'hampaign. Thr stars of till' gamr wrre "'hitr, )loorr, ~frrrill and Karr. f'hampaign k<><'ps t hr cup for anothrr YC'm'. RewntC'rn player~ rr<'eiwd "(''' H\\:ratC'r. -)foorr, Groyp,, Thompson, Rkhmond, Predrriclvon, RilJ, \Y<'ndt, IIill, f'nrzon, }frrrill, Kemp, DillaYon, \YhitC', IIrgenbart, Goodman, Gallivan and Rm;sell.
"The world knows nothing of its greatest 62
The doRe of the :ea:on waR marked b:y the annual dinner in honor of th<' r-;(puul, ~iwn hy :\lpr-;~r~. ('. B. Ilat(·h, '1'. II. ('rai~ and II. ook in the priYat<> dinin~ room of IIotpl B<>at·cl~l<':y. Toa~:;t~ wPre ~iwn by th llo~tH, lll<'mbei·~ of thP Board of Edntation, ~U]H'rintPIHlent Earne~t, ::\Ii~~ R\\ itzer alHl llH'mh<>r~ of thP tPHlll. ::\lr. ::\IihH', in hPhalf of th • . C]nacl, e.·Jn'PHRed l'<'grPt that <'oaeh Hi(·hard~on ('(mid not train the tpam for a thir(l ~eaHon, and, iu l'('('o~nition of hi~ PflkiPnt (·oaehing-, JH'e~entP<l him a gol(l wai<'h. ThP Pwning doH<>d with thP tPam p}pding Ilarry \Yhite ('aptain for np.·t .·c•aHoll. TlH' outlook for 1!11 + i~ PU(·om·agiug. Pl·acticall:y the wl10le team i. left for nPxt ypar; only lhrep "('" lll<'ll gra(luat<>-Hu:~Pll OalliYan and Goodman. Paul Thomp. on haR bpen plected manager.
"\Vhose youth was full of fooli h noise."-]u.\.·rr 63
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"Thy modesty's a candle to thy merit."
II Az11. II
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'1' IIi rd l::ts<• ............. .\1 ERCER Pit<·hpJ' . ......... ~ILL. FJ J( •• \ •• J:ight FiPicl .......... HU ' JL\[(), )) <'a II- lu•I' ........ ])o \ m·.\ . \\ ' 11 rn: ( 'l'lltl'l' Fi1•ld ......... 'l'II0\11'.'0 ' Fi1·st I :asp ............. \\ ' \LTO . · LPI't Fil'ld ............... DOYLE ~('('OlHl B:t~(' ............. .\I ()OJ:E ~hort ~~ op .............. ( l 1:0\ Es ('aptaiu FJ\ J<; \ .\lauag1'I' PJ·:JWJ\ \L .\I()() E\ • FHEilEJ:J( 'K~O ~ll bst it 11 t<•s
J:J-:1 '0 I:Jl Paxton ...........................\l:ti'IIOll~ ............... . <lran<l PrairiP ~<'Ill iwn·y ...........\l;n·omt. · ............... . l · J·ba mt .......................... \l;n· rHnl.' ............... . Pax! o11 .......................... .\1 a 1·oons............... . Bloomington ..................... .\I a !'I Hills ............... . {'J·baua .......................... .\la1·oml~ ............... . {'l'hana .......................... .\I :t1·orn1~ ............... .
11 to :~ to '' I to H :3 to 1:3 ~ to () ~~ to 1 to T
4() ~ HE
pl'<ll'li<·P wa~ <·:tll1•1l Pal'ly in .\Ia~· , 1!11:~. \YIH'n th<• foJ· pla<·P~ on t lu· IP:tlll I in<'d up fm· t ]lpiJ· fir~( J>Pl'· fol'lllalll'l' on tl11• di:tlllond, ('o:u·h Hil'hnr<l:-:on fomHl tin• J'<'gnlars in thPil' ol1l Jlhl<·<•:-: J)o,\ IP, .\loou:·.', <lron•'4, Hi<·hJllond, and Finnigan. In :uldition to Ill<• J'<•gul:tr~. tlu•J'I' ''"" :-:ulli<-iPut 111'\\ ma(pJ·ial to mak<• ('Oill}ll'li(ioll Ji\1'1,\ fo1• pl;ti'('S Oil (]I(• llill('. 'l'hP ~"a~o11 '' :t:-- OJH'liP<l ''it It a g<llll<' at Pnxtou, wit It the Paxton team. 'I'IIi~ l'll<·ouHlt•J' i~ l'l'llH'llllH•I·<·<l for it~ lta<l fipld pia,\ ing :tllll hl'n\·y hatting. Finnigau \\a~ ill good fm·111 lmt hi:-: snp]Hil't ''"" mi~l't·ahh•. 'J'hp last ilming sho\\l'd a ~I'OI'I' 11 to ~ in fann· of Pa'\loll. La(Pl' in tiH' :-><':tson, hO\\I'YI'l', til<• .\f;n·ootJ.· llll't l';t'\ton at LP:tgtw Park <llllli·P<l<'PlllP<l tll<'nL (']\'('~. 'J'hl' filial ,'('OJ'(' \\;IS 1:: (o ;1_ 'I'll<• H<'<'OlHl gan1<• ""~" pl:l,\ 1•d at Owll'go, '' ith th<• UJ·mul Prairie ~<'lllinm·.' (pam. 'I'll<' ~<·lllillaJ·y lnnH'h l'llllld 1101 lll:t:->tPr ill<' <'lll n·~ uuHle h.' ~ill frm11 tiH• hox; so t ll<•y :-;tllllllit l<•d "it It out llllll'llllll' to tl1e " to 3 \ idory. '!'liPs<' two g<tllll's put <'han1paigu in gtHHl form to lllPPi l'rhana in t 11<' fil·st of a H<'l'il's of t h1·<'<' g:tnH'!'. 'I h<· \ idot·.' "as <•m.;y, owing to thP h<•aD· hatting of 'l'hmllp:-;on and .\11'1'1'<'1. .\ftpr tlli:-; g:llll<', Finnigan was <lPdm·p<] ilwligihl<'; his lo:-;s \\as k<•(•nly fp]( hy (lip ll':tlll. Th(' gmtH' with om· Bloomington f'ri1•n<l~ \\<ls til<• lH•st of the Hea~on. ~
fir. ·t
··.\ noticeable man with large blue eycs."-VER. ·o. · Junl\'sTON. 65
The teanu~ W<'I'e <'Yenly mat1·h<•<l and thr score was closc>. ('hampaign, howeYer won. The scOJ'l' was 4 to ~. Th<> last two games WPI'P with our ol1l I·intls Hl'l'oss thP lin<•. In th • Jirst gmJH', the ~Ln·oons, much to t IH•ir sm·pris<•, W<'l'<' llPfPttl <'<l hy a oneside<l SI'OJ'P, ~~ to li. 'l'his is thP first tim<' iu tit<' lti:·dm·y of Champaign athletks that l·rhana pn•r \\on in a hasPhall toni •st with ('hampaign. In the la.·t gam1•, thP )lm·omts pla,\l•d in thPir <·nstomat',Y fm·n1. ~lPl'<'Pl' "as in thp hox for < 'hampaign and pit<·hP<l good hall. 'l'h<• s<·m·e was rrhana 1, Champaign 7. Tlw spa:-;on wa:-; marl..:P<l hy hPav,r hatting and good pi kiting. 'l'h fiPl<l work was t•at hPr JIIPdiocrP. ThP inability of NOIIH' of tl1<• largpr It igh schools of <·<•JI(l·al Illinoi.' t11 suppol't a hasPl>Hll t<'illll, 11tak1•.· it intpos:-;ihiP for ilH• lll:lllag«•t• to sdtPdnle hig gnmrs; <'OllsPqlwnt ly hasp hall is lt•ss intPt'P:·d i11g fm· sppdators, and not .-o W<'ll snpport1•d as it "onld oth1'l'\\ i:-;t• hP. ~\t t!H• la.·t me •ting of thc> ~\tlllptie ..As.·o<·ia1ioll, it was llllanitllously YOI<•Il to aholish hasphall games wilh othPl' .·chool:-;. InstP:Hl, to han• intpr-elas:-; g<llll<':->. Eadt <·la:-;s h:v <'lPl'i<'ll it: 1·aptain aJHl tllanagpt·, and a s1·hpllule of g:lllll's ha.· h<•<>n al'l'ang<'<l. 'l'h<• hasPlmll "('" m<•n at'l' '\Yallon, Ot·m·p:-;, '\YhilP, 'l'hOIIIJlNOll I>oylr, Dononm, ~Iereer, ~Iom·<·, Hkhmond, Pei·cintl.
"And though she sa\\ all heaven in flower above yet she could not love." 66
-LULA }A.!I::S.
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WILl. I.\ 'I sT.\RBrCK
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EIL\'L'L ·o holdN ilN own with any otiH·t· lligh .·t·hool adi\'ity. '1'\\'l'tlty-ti\·e Nlwh•Bls Plll<•rpd tltt• l'Oil(('sl fo1· six poi-iilions on tiH• two t('allls to l'l'lH'I'SPilt ('hantpaigu in th1• "('oru l:('lt !)(•hating L<·Hgtw." ~oliH' H'l',\' stili l'OIItpPtitiou J'l'still<'ll. Till' l\YO !Panti-i alHl thl' altl•ruatl•s SIJl'll t t hi' followillg t \\' o \\'(•pks in t·pading hmad ly oll t h1• <JUI'Stiou. 'l'h('ll th<• positions on tiH· tu·gatin· autl aflirtnatin· lt•Hnts \\Pl'(' dPI'idl'<l upon alJ(l thl' fil·sL sp<'<'I'IH•s \\J·itl<•n. Ft·om thii-i tiuu· on thl' t\\O (l'<liiiS sp('U( l'\'l'l',\' l'\'l'lliBg and sontl'liiiii'S ~aturdH,\'H \\ itlt ll11•iJ· l'll<l('lt('S 1 )IJ'. L1•oum·<l ;tlJ(l )Jr. J>a\·i<lsou. Fi11all,\ lhl',\' \\'t'l'l' piiiPd against lht• HI roug Varsity d<•lml<•rs. On l><•t·<•Jnlwr ;), IIH• afliJ·tnali\t' ll'HIIt, ('Olllpospd of' .Jaiiii'S Fimwy, ,Jpnuis J:arry anti \Yilliatu ,'l:tl'lHu·k, \\ itlt .\I all ford ~I it·h;wl a-.; alt1•rnat<·, ml't tlH• ])pt'HIIIl' (pant on thl' ltotnt• 11om·. 'l'ht• q1w. ·tiou \\Cis: I:t•soJ\·pd, '!'hat immigTat ion should IH• f'urtiH'l' rt•slridl'd hy an illikl'Cit',Y l<•sl. 'l'l~t• dl·<·ision of th(' jutlg('s \\as unani11tous in fa\'ot' of ('hmnpaign. On thl' satnt• night th(' tH'gatin• ti•Htn, t·otli[HlS('d of Lam·t•n Burt, 'l'h('odm·t• Frison and ( 'l'l'il Frast•r dl'h<tll'd I It<' sallll' ll'H'sl io11 at Bloomington \\ ith tl~t• Hloomingtm1 ll•ant. ~\gain tiH• d1•1'ision of tl~t• jutlgt•s was in fayor of ('ltampaigtt. ~o ( 'hantvaign is undisputt•d <·hampiou of tiH• Corn Bl'lt l>Pl>at ing L('agm•. Thl' pl'OSJH'dH for next Y<'<ll' art• n•ry flat (('ring. \\' iII iam ~tal'lml'l~, \\'Ito \\'Oil long and Joutl HIJpiCIUSI' fm· his dosing SJH'I't·h Oil till' afliJ·ntalin• .·idt• of lht• qtwstiou, ;uul ,J<IJIH',' Fillll<',\'. of po\\'Prfnl Yoit·(•, \\ill IH' ,,·ith us lll'XI .)'l'<ll'. 'l'h<•sp two, hmn'\'l'l', \\ill lta\l' to l't'l'kon \\ ith sonH' Ill'\\' ''star.·" just app1•m·ing on tiH• hm·i7.11ll, \\Ito \\Oll distindion in tl11• .Junior~opholltOl'l' <ll'hal<•-11 m·old ,J ollllslon, .)I PI' I<• • ·ohll', ~lerlon )I.' pJ·s, .)1 anfor<l )lkhal'l, ,John J:m·k<• a11d IIPI<'ll J:J·oslt:ll' . •\ pl1•asing f1•attn·p of this ('OU{('H( WHH flip fl'il'llllly Clltillllll' of lltl' tt·;titH•Il (]p],;t{('I'S (O\\Cit'dH tltt• aspi1•auts. •\t )IJ'. Lt•onm·d's sllg'g't''-'lion, tlt1• l'O<II'ltiug \\as in l'lt<tl'gl' of tltl' ]pagut• <ll'hatl'l'H. 'l'ltl' .Jnnim· ll'<llll upltl'ld lit<' allit·tnal i\1' sid1• of lhl' l)IJl\o..;lion: "Hpsoln•<l, 'l'hat lltl' Fl•d(•t·al nm·prllllll'lll sltonl<l 0\\ II <lllll OJH'l'att• all f('IPgraph Iilli'S; I h!• ~opltotiiOI'I' (pant lit<' liPgal h <'. 'l'lt(' points \\'l'l'l' dosply <'Olltl'siP<l. 'l'ltl' llP!'ii-iion \\as I \\·o to out• in faym· of lite Ill'gatin•.
"Sovereign mistress of all hcarts."-FRANCFS J~.R\!S. 69
\LH I>ouu~.
iu1prr~t m·onx<~<l in oratm·y and <'XI<'lllpor<: HJl<'Hking- laxt ;n•ar ha.· ('ontnnwd th1x y<•ar. La .·t y<•m· ('hanqm1gn wax l'<'IH'<'xentt•<l in tlH• dixtrid ('ontpxt at Hantoul hy llarol<l ~\l'lnxh·ong-, \~idor Htanp:Pl, all<l ('pdl Fraxpr (altpruat•• l iu PXIPlii}Hll'<' xp<•akiug, <llld FJ·pd rrOIH'1' in m·atory. Arll1Nl1'0llg won lirxt pia<·(' in ('X(('lii]IOl'(' and KrOll('l' firxt in m·atm·y. Lat<•1·, in th<' Inlt'I'NI'hohtstk Oratori<-al <·ontPsl at th • enin•rsity of Illinois, Armstrong tit•d fm· S('('()ll(l pla<'<'. 'l'his y<•m·, ('p(']} Prax<.>r, \\ ho <lid <'X<'<'ptional work ax altpJ'IJat<>; ,Jo<' P<•rdntl, \\Ito won distindion hy hix pl)'pd ive S)H'<'I'h to ~Jr. ~ld\:iuh•y on pr<'H<'ntiug th<• autograph.· of thp stndpu(:-; of lh<• <'hampaign High Hchool, and L<•nin H1'<'<'<llo\·l', our ~ ~<'gTo orator, W<'1'<' <•U(<'J'Pd iu th<• di~trieL conte.·t at nihxon ('ity. In tlli; <·outpst ('hampaigu <'HliH' up againxt H<>Ven orators al}(l t hirt<•Pn <•xl<•m [)OJ'<' xp<•:tk<•rs l'<'lii'<'Nl'Uting . 'tH·h .'l'hool:-; a:-; Kankak<'<', Hpringfi<'ld, D<><·atur, ~lat loon, 'l'aylorvill<', t·l'lmna aud I>anYill<>. ('pdl FJ•aspr lJy ltix <'IPWI' l1audling of th<' topi<·, "TlH• Higui1inuH·<• and ProxpPdx of the ('hin<•xp HPpnhlk," <>asil,v won first pla<'<' in <'.·tpmpore sp<•akiug. Tlw xubj<•d of LPnin HJ'<'<'dlov<''s oration \\'ax "'l'h<• HiddiP of th<> Blcwk )fan." IIi:-; HIW<'I'h was l'hm·ad••riz<•d hy em·upstm•:-;s aud })('rHona! app<'al, and drew mm·p applans<• than that of any of hh; ovvoIwutx. 11<> "e1s awar<l<>d H<'<'OIHl pla<·<'. By winning fir;t plac<' in the distl'i<·t <·ontP. ·t CcC'il Fra;<•r repre, ent<•d Champaign in the IntPrsdwla:-;tk Ot•atm·i<·al <'OlltPsL at the TniY<'l'sity of Illinoi:-; and won HI'<'OIHl pla<'<'. II•• I'<'<'<'iYPd a gold uwdal. 'l'h<' <·ontP:-~tantx W<'1'<' ahly <'IHl<'h<•<l hy )II·. L<'onar<l, axsist<>•l hy ~Ir. I>avi<l;mL ('hampaign High H<'hool I'<•gr<'ts that thi · is ~Ir. Lpomn•d':-; la~t :r<·ar. For two Y<'UI'I'l liP hax lw<l <·hcn·gp of puhlk SJH'aking-. II<• knows ho\\' to <"Oa ·h winning t<•<lllls. liP iux1rn<'1:-; hi:-; xp<•ak<'I'H to b<> . nrc of tlwi1· fe~ds Hll<l to <h·in• th<'m honH• with a pun1'11. 'l'h<• sn<'CI'HH of this metl10<l is ]n·on•<l in th<' l'<'snlt:-; Ill' s<••·m·<•s. If ~Ir. L<•onm·d <·an plead hi:-; <'H.'<'H IH'fm·p thP judg<> witl1 tiH• :-<pil'it hP instills into hiH L<•mu:-;, w predict a brilliant career for l1im in the profe. ;ion of law.
"Even an oyster may be eros e<.l in lovc."-WAYNE ]OIINSTON. 70
C. H. S. L. S.
::; ::!:.
~ -.J~
·-= . ~
~ ~
7; ~
1st Row ~IR.
2d Row; I.Ot:I~E
3d Row; 4th Row: 5th Row:
B\ .\1.\IH;.\HL'I ~ t•
(: t lit• past ,\"1'<11" 111<111,\' l"il<tllgt•s lla \"1' hPt'll lll<tdt• in t liP ( 'llam-
[l•tign II igll , 'l"lto tl Litt•J·aJ·.' ~~wit·ty.
t•ndt•J· till' Ill'\\' ruling 011
t•lnh,_, till' Sfll'iPty lH'!'<IIIII' t·Jo:-;pd; 1111\\' till' llll'llllH'l'S <II"!' l'll'dt•tl. 'l'his Plitnin:tt<•s t l1ost• \\ llo d
not l1ing t
ad\':1111"1' t lit• litl't'Hl',\ standanl of
till' Sll("if•ty. TIH· itllfll'll\l'lll!'lll lll<tdt• "·' th<· SOI"il'l,\' lllllli'l' tll· Ill'\\' ('Ollllit ions has lH'I'Il <'\ idt•ll t i 11 t l11• pt·ogt·:tiiiS . • \ lllllltlH'l' of spt•<·ial pl·ogt·;tlll'-' 1· Jlllllll'llllll'<lting tht• l'l'd -IPttPl' da,\s of 1111' ntlt•JIII<tl'lta\'t•lH·I'Il opt•ll to th<• pttlilil" . •\!so, a faiT!' \\<IS \\rii(PII and stagPd hy t Itt• boys.
'l'ht• <tllllll:tl hHIIIJIH'I \\as \n·ll at ll'lldl'tl.
'l'lll' I \\"!'I \'I'
llll'tllh<•J·s of t l11• sol"iPt,\' \\1111 gJ·:ttlnHtl' this ,\ 1':11' Jll'l' t•llli•d t 11!' follo\\'ill~ prog I' <till : ( 'lt:tit·tiiHll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\( \ltC; .\HET ~TI ltc:J-:0'\ ~alntalo1·,\
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LILt 1.\ '\ ,Joll
])ul't { \'ioli_n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I'IIEOIHIHI: F1w;o'\ ('J:II·Illl'( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\111.'1'0'\ [)HJ:YFI :4 ('l:tss llislo1·y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <:LY La I i 11 Ol';t t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
K \Til EHI '\ 1: .\1.\llllE'\
('l:tl'iiiPI ~olo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <'EI'II. 11.\ZE'\ ('lass \\"ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ht Til .\KElt.'
II a 11-hPI < h·a t io11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( '1. \ 11\0it 1·: I L\ wot:TII H<·pl,\
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EL\li:H LITTLE
Pi:tllo ~olo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II.\ZI-:1. PHI! 'E <'lnss PJ'Opll<'<·y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \\"JLI\1 It .\(('(lEE Y:tl<·dii'IOI',\' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ('F! II. FIL\:41-:It l'l'!'SI'Il(;t( io11 of I>iploiiiHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\I H. LEOX.\IW
EL:\1 ER LrJ'TLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'rr ·s ir/1 11 f ...•.......•... Eunm LITTLE K.\TIIFIU E .\1 .\lliiE . . . . . . . . . . I i1·r .f'rr sidr II( . . . . . . LILLI\'\ .}Oil ·sTO. · LIWISE .·IIIDf.\. . . . . . . . . . . . . _,l..,'r!·fillrl I i1·1-l'n.~irlr II( . . . . . . .\1.\IUE BE<'K EHII' ('.\SI'Eit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811'/'l(f/1',1/ • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EIU(' ('\SI'ER \\ IJ.IWlt .\lc <11:1-: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l'nf/.';lf/'11' . . . . . . . . ('J..\11\0H'\1·: II \\YOH'l'II
f:t TII .\KFHs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ('rifif· ................... l:l'TII .\KEltS .\ 1H. LEo'\.\IW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"LO\t' lilt'
.f'1 ll-"'11' . . . . . . • . • . • . . • . • . .
lo ' " lfll' l oug."-FIORE 'tb Kt.·t;.
.\ln. LEo .\HD
"I'> """~ o~» :::
5 I ;::
cz ;;-;
RTA:"LKY Sll.!,
IUCK}f.\:" HARRI;;
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/tl!'lif'lfilllf • '1'1/1 (ill'.'/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 'T \ ('IJ/"!'I'Sjililllfillff
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/:1111' aud II
"Sil~m· · i till' '"ul n f "ar." :\I 1 1'1 TT \ Lt s1.n. "I lin• to he the IHJ\\ :uul gaze nf the tm\n."-Lll.l RtLII \RI 1 ~. "1 \\ill uot de cend to a W< rhl I dc,..pi,e.''-11 \RR\ \\'1. t •. \Hil.
• '11.1.
Hoi:EHT. '
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W.ILTER \ . Al"GII:s'
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R.\ I. PI! 1..\Xl")!
Rl (' lf .H !D THEI. ETT I!EXRY 11 .\l!RIS NOBLE
11.\RRY P.l I'<LEY \\'II ,I, .IRD UOOD)I.\:>/
':'.'"''id'' I
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ....................... I>o .. \LD Donn~ I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . \\'\I TEit \'.\{ (;)J
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'/'J'('(/81//'( I' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \\'ILL.\lW OOOD~L\.• '
N' 11iors
.\LI> J)onl>~
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,fun iors ( 'IIE."J'Elt ('L.\RK
L.\ '\l \I
• 'onLE HH'II\ro.·D
\\'ILLLUI ~lll'H'l'Z
N()ph() Ill() I'('S \\'ILLLUI B.\IL ·g~ HOHEHT f:HO\'E,' ()TI~ K.\HR
HH'IL\ltll ~Ill HTZ \\'.\LTEit
Y.\ n:nx
]I.UmY \\'III'l'E
Prf'sli lllf'll IIE
HY 11.\um~
II \HHY P.\l~LEY HH 'II.\ HI> 1'HE\'ETT ('olors-01!1 (fold a11rl Hlrtd.·
"For thy sake, Louist', l would do anythin~ hut <lie."-:.\IHnn. ;\!Yt:R:. "She's all that's hone t, honorable, an<l fair.''-11 .\zEL 'n:l'H ESS . .. 'Twixt vanity and man.'"-. 'onLE RIClDJO. o. 77
BET A ZETA PI CLUB .,.. c"' c: --: ;:;· ~0 0 :::..:r,~
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EL17. .\BETII ~\IDI:-ITU0'\1:
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,Jt· 1-;
.\HEL \IJIE , 'T.\. ' I:EL
'ojiiiiJIJI0/'1 -·
(' .\TIIEHI. "J; FL ". "J(;.\. "
• \!HIIE • \..\I. ' JL\ HY
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Fn . . It 1111 ' 11 l>OIWTIIY • \.SPEH:-..
f'olor. ·
J:l11r o11rl
}' r
ffot c
f'lotn r-na i.·y
. lrlri.·ors
)(J·s )loiWJ. ' . )[J.'." HILL
"II ere there and e\·cn wht·rc !"- \u rE " On with tl;e dance lt:t j o); ht· un ro nfi nt·ll." "] !er gl o ry to s ubdue mt·n.' ' 79
,\1.\ I< I
.\! FRR I H n \ . ET H I I : TA .,
\\ 0011.
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"Tie \\as the milde t mannered man that c\·er cuttled . hip or cut a throat." -R \!.PH :\f 1-TZ! ER. "llc enjoys his own renown.'' Cr., u1 s~IJTII. 80
OI'FH Til.
/)/'1'8irl('11/ -
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; '1 I /'f (lfl',lj-l{t Til
J:o. '. 'E H
.\I 'Tin: :\I C:\II:I:It:
• ·, 11 ior ~~\HIE J:llo.\ll:-;
./1111ior.· ETHEl.
J:o II\
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~I \HY Kt ' ltT
\It! I·:
\\1\Io ·n
Elllt\L\ :\IE\IlE
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En oJt
/'(n/!fl' E~TIIIW
('olurs -
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1:/rtf'!.· tlllrl /:lilt
/'ltJ/I't r
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"~I uch is hl'r worth , nd more i m:ull' of her."-• I \RIF ~If rz. "Disturb him not. Ill him sln·p Jll':l<'<··•hl) ."-11 \ROJ II S \BI • ''Solitude is the h<·t nur ~of \\iscl<lm." , ' \ T l l \ \\'•sw ·. lil
" Grace
".\Teek-e} eel Peace." I'E \RI • .\L\RKI•.\. ·11. grace, de pite all rontrr;vcr } ·• GRA< E ST ART.
(- -
t'1( ~10. ·u )¢l_ lti~lt
thP ,-;n·ion~ hi~h .·dtolll m·~anizati1111s whit·h han• attaillPil l'llil'il'lll',\' is th1• ('h:llll]l<ligll lligh ~~·J10ol 01ThP.'tJ·a. 'J'hp :-;tart \\a~ madP thi.· ,\'Pill' witl1 hut a f1•w ol1l pla.'·pr·.· to 1·onnt np1111. 'l'hing:-; \\l'llt .·Jowly at fir·. t; fillall.r . 1'\'l'l'al liP\\ IIH'll joinl'd, a ft•\\' old ont•s l'Pilli'IIPd, :111d ag:till lllldPI' !Itt• ahiP dirt•t·lol·;.:llip of "'l'Pd" F1·iso11 thP OJTitt•:tr·n tnk1•: l'<lllk wilh tlw lti~h sl'hool Ol't'hP:-;tra · of th1• stn (P. 'I' liP llll'llllH•J·:-; of t h1• OJThPst r·a i11 p:n·t in lim· and t h1• s('ltool i11 gl'll1'1':11 fppl rat hPI' gloomy 0\'1'1' tlw loss of "1'Pd." 'l'hP~ :ll'P i11 Jl<ll't, howP\'1'1', I'OIIsoJp(] by hi:-; Jll'OIIlisl' (o t·ont ill Ill' :1:-< dii'I'I'IOJ' III'XI ,\PHI'. 'l'ht• thir·d Hllll\lal I'OIII'I'J't will lw gin•n ill tiH· .\s~PIIlhly Jlnll, .\p1·il ~I. 'l'h1• pr·ogl'<llll int·ltHII•s n high1•t· g1·adP of 111111-·dl· than in pr·prions .\'l'<ll'S.
( 'o11d11dor ']' IIJ·:O JIOH 1·:
FH 1:--\( L
1)HE \'JoTS
.JES.' KlHKI'.\THJ( 'K
l:l 'lt'\S
!'irs{ ('/11ri11d
\'J(''J'Oit ~T.\ \I:EL HEll:\!.\ .
\'i ()I i 11
8 ('('()II d ( '()! II f'[
First l'iolill ~IILTOX
}{J( ' IJ.\1!1) ~~ H ' ll.\ EL
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'l'l'H. EH • 'EHHL '(;
/,'II ji/i ()IIi //Ill
})o:-; .\ Lll
( 'L.\ l'IIE • 'o(.J.E
( 1.\unm
First ('or111l PEHI y
/'ill II() l i .\HRY
\\'EI. 1:.\Hil
"I prophe. ied that but neve~ told anybody.'';:-Ju._·r.. ~It u.r 'E:\. ",\ smile recure the woundmg of a frown. -LEO. A ScH.IIUT.
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C'I.EOXE "''liTH
G 1.,\DYS
\'1\'JE:O:XE .'lOORE
.'1.\R(;,\RET Il.\YF.XPORT
l'.\ROU.\'E )1 ,\X,.,I"EAKRH
W.\ 1;00D"A X
.1 L.lt.\ TRf:n't'rr
OFFI< ' EHS J>n•s irh · 11t-~ 'ELLE FL.\'J"l'
\ ' ir'l'-/'rr sirlr 11!
ETI!EL ~'1'.\:\(:EL
Nr r·rl'lrt ry- YJ\'1.\ . · '\E
:\I omm
r-.\r.:\I.\ TnErETT
.//Ill iors
~l.\lUE .\XS('IIH'KS
II>.\ <loon~r.L ·
(J IL\( 'E ('ooK
E'I'IIEL ~'!'.\ ' (:EL
A L~I \ 'J'ImrETT
\'IOLET'l'E FLO\\"EH.'
~I .\HIE
Yin.\X.'E .:\loom~
l>.\ \'E:\l'OH'I' I>onns
II EU~'\
• ·onLE
HEHXH'I~ )l.\:\:\JX
( ' .\LWLL\ E )L\ :\ Sl'E.\ KER
Fresh 1111111 ( '.\'l'IIEHL E HH.\llLEY
HoBEH'I'.\ H.\LI, <iEO!Wl.\ FLOWERS .:\1.\HIO:\ WJLSOX
('olors-Urfl 'll and 1\'hifl'
~IJss .:\Il'l\.:1:\:\JE . .:\Irss Tl' HELL
"Be gone. my cares! J ~iYe you to the wim!;-''-,1 L\RRY "llis conduct right but h1s argument wrong. - \\ Jl.l.l .\~1 ' 85
V> ::: -'J: Col~
c.::::. "' <r-=: Ef"; .,~
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b"l P.:\\"A HT BA).sE'rr
t'l.At:DE 1\0GU.:
Prf'sidf'll t ........................................ HH'IL\Itll )liC II \EL I if'r.-Prn>idf'll/ ...................................... ('J,Ann: • -<K.LE ~ 1f'r·n
tary ....................................... FH.\
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'K .\Innnito. ·<:
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lli'H ·.· FHt.o . ·
.f 1111 iors ) I.\ 1:01.11
(; ltOH::-;
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No Jill r1111 rl!"l 's ~ I'E\\' .\ J:T
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('II \HLJ::-> ~I.\ I' ltElt ( 'L.\l'IIJ:
Fn•s!t 1111111 ]) .• \. \\'ol F
l'ttrJdt • ruul \\'hilt'
.lr/risor-~IH. I.LO .\lUI
\Oll doubt ~our ensc.'' .\1"1\ TRODE. ilcncc ma} l;c doqu~nt in }O\ c."-CL.\11\" PHILBRI(K.
"Be silent \\hl'll "E\'Cil
)f.\TL\111.\ (
'L.\HK. ']li
FE"' WPPks aftPJ'."t·h.()ol lwga11, thP JJll'llliH'~·~ o'f thP Latin l'la .·st•: fOJ'IIJPd all or'"HIIlzat 1011 kilo\\ 11 as t liP L;tt 111 ( lull. 'J'IH• ]111l'JIO~t· of tlti~ l'lnh i; to at·quaillt lht• lllt'lltht•J-.· \\ilh olhPJ' pha~ps of lifP tltHJI thm;p (()\H'ht•d upo11 in thP l'la:-;s J'tHIIIl a11d thus to aJ·ousp IIIOI't' illti'J't•st i11 Latin. 'l'hl' IIH'IIlhl'l's ~hmu•d kt•Pn illlt•J'Pst fy·om t hp first; ahont ~ixt,\ joiJH•tl. 'lhp otlit·prs an•: l)nsir/,llf. YrrH.J'\1\ Hl~~Er.r.; l ' i, ·r -l)n ·sirlf'llf, ETHEL ~T\ ·1a;r; ,.,,,.,f,ll'.'f· .\J.:\1\ 'l'HL\LTT; '/'n,, .. ,,.,,., IL\ItoLJI P .\HH. 'l'ht• athi~ors an• )lr:s )lt'Kr:\:\IE anti :'llr~~ 'l'I ' HELL. HP~idps tilt• llli'Ptings fm· m·ga11ization, thl' t'lllh has h:11l t\\'o Pn•ning Jll'ogranls. 'l'ht• first \\ <Js a Jp('( 111'1' on "Holllt'", hy PJ'Oft•ssor Hal'! on of t liP l'nin••·sity of Ill innis. 'J'ht• st•t·ond a 11tixPd Jll'ogJ'HIIl: ~
.\Piano ~()lo ................................... E.'TIIEH Y.\ ·DonE. Lr·nc: Ho:-.r \\1 s )J agist PI' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I'II EOI IOHE "'Er~~ .\11l11s Lit·iuins .\rt·hias ...................... ~.\:\11 EJ, I I ILL Pnhl ins Lil'inins ( 'r·assus ..................... \R'I'Ill'lt Hlto\\' . · Oaius Lit· in ius ('J•assus ...................... IL\JWLII P.\HH
~<'l'Y i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { (l:r.:-.r EH ~l~ l LT..\ \·or
• EOH(;r.; E\Il'LE Pat•dagogns ................................. FH.\XK HoBE~ox f)isf'ijntli )Jart·ns 'full ius ('it·t•J·o .......................•Jon'\ Bnnm <lnint11s T11lli11s ('it·pr·o ...................... )f.\:\Forw )II<'II.\EL Lul'ius ~Prgius <'atiliua ..................... ('L.\11{ ~\YE.\JU'\(;Ex )[ <11'1'111' .\ntonin!-i ........................... .'l'IIEODOHE .Jon. ~TO'\ ( ;ai us I ul ius ( 'at•sm· ..........................J.\\rE.' Fr" EY .\ ppiu.· ('lalHlins ( ':tPt·us ..................... Hor:rmT En\\'.\HIIH nnat'UH PonqwiuH ........................... ('II.\ HI.EH n r LH'K Pnhlin:-: ('lotlius l'ult-ht•J' ..................... )fortHEr.r. PoTT.' M:n•t·us lnnius Bt·ntns ....................... I> .• \. \You'I•' <lnintnx IIm·tt·n~in:-: HoJ·tnlus ................. \YILLIE ~TEI'IIE :-; Lul'ius Lidnins Ltll'nllus .................... \YILt o.· Brnxn.ur (Juitrs ('l:nulins )[m·t·!'lln · .................... H.\Ll'II 'l'ILEY )lart·tv ('Jautlius )Jm·<·<'IIU!-i .................. F'R.\ TI~ )l('('n,uw<:rr )[ 11. ·it• ...................................... 1£ .\HOLII ( 'OI'E Pappr·, ''PriYatP Lifp of t ht• HomaH.·'' ..........JL E )I n.LJKEX Musit· ...................................... )L\RY 0.\L r;~ 1{<•atling from "<luo Yadi. " .................. )f\m\ · KE '\EY Yiolin ~olo ................................ .'1 IIEOIIOHE FIU. ·o. · •.
"'I he man that. btu. hl·s _i: not quite a brutc.''-..\h HLI> , ·onu. 1 have touched the htghcst pomt o f all 111) greatnc . .''- \nu. \111~ · T.\. 'GEL. 8
DER DEUTSCHE VEREIN BY )l.uu:.\ln:'l' B.\JL · ~-:s.
·1 t
~ .\I:L\ in ,'pptPnJhl·r· till' pupil:-; i11 till' (;pf'IIIHII dP)l:ti·tnH•nt fountlt'll 1 ~ an m·ga11izat ion knmn1 as I )pf' I )l•nh·wlll' Yt•I'I'ill. Till' pnr·po.-p of
t IIi:-; ol'ganizat i1111 "a:-; to st irnnlatl' intl'l't'. t ill tIll' :-;Indy of <lprIIJaJI. )(J·. Zirllllll'l'lll:lll :11111 )I i:-;s .Jolii'S art• f:tt·ult~ ad\·ism·:-;. TllrPt' \'1'1',\ intl'l'l':-;ting llll'l'ting:-; \\1'1'1' liPid dnr·ing till' fil':-;t si'JnPstpt·. Thl' program. I'OIIsist1•d of <lpJ'IIIall so11gs and JHII'Jns a11tl :-;lor·i1•:-; ahout fanwns <l1•rman )H'opl1•. Thl' Yl'l'l'ill i:-; \\OI·king on a pl:t,\', ".\nton soli Hnlll' II:tlH'n." IIFFJI'EHS
sJWII. II SE\1 E.'TEU rs B.\IU:Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /'nisidfll{ ..............• JE~'\1. ' B.\ltuY )1.\ltt:.\ltET B \lt\ES . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ir·r·-f>riisidr 11{ •••••• )1.\n<: .\HET B .\H~E.' OJ• \L \\ 'JsE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8!'/.Trfrtr ................ JlELE:\ ,Y.\IW E('(a;. 1~ ('t JtTis . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,\'d/(/f:lllr i8frT ......... Lonsg ~-OIL\L\~ l'JI{S'J' SE:\1 E."'I'Ert
/'n·. ·it! I'll I-II ELE
\Yru<: liT , 'r rn•frtl',lj-\\'JJ,J..\ HL.\ISDELJ. '/'/'('!/.'///'(I'
)1.\RY <iJ:ll'
.\('TIn; :\I E:'IIIIEHS
Frr 81! 11/CII '\'11.1 ..\ 1:1..\!SIIEJ.L
)1.\RY <TEll'
• ·J·:LLn; LEI:<a:TT II ELE. · 'YHH:II'l'
I I EJ.E •. ( lO!lii.\IUI
( 'olor.·
,'a/11/0JI fiJI!{
. I dri.·or-)IIS."
"\Vi.-cr than the wisc.''-l IEI.E. PEn:R:o. ·. peechles,,"_ \uOI.I'Il Tll.\L. 9
"I am't dead; hut I'm
ALUMNI K.\'t'IIEHL ' E )1.\lltlE:'\,
Prr·sidrnl ......................................... )ln. L .. \. <:I.E I ir·('-/'rf'sidl 11 I . ................................... :\It:-;:-; K \'l'E I )OYLI~ , '1'1'0111! I i1·1 -/'n .)rl!-111 .........•.•............•.•... )J H. Ht· HT Et: EU Third l'ii·I'-Pr!·sidllll ......................... . :\Its:-> :\1.\lti: .\Ht-:T 11.\HHJS F1m rl h I i1·('-/'rr .·idf'/1 1. ........................ :\1 n. Iltt\TE (' \Lll\\ ELL ,'u·rrflll'/f ....................................... . )JH. I:Et:T .'EtA '() I ssisl1111f , 'n·rl'll/1'/f ......................... :\I H. I I \ltot.ll .\IDtSTHO ·c: 'l'ruuwnr ....................................... . )Itt. Lt:.TI'H 'I'JLEY //isloril/11 .................................... :\Itc Ot-;oiWE <'o<:swELL
.\bout mw hnndt·pd and fifty llH'IllhPJ':-> of th1• ('hatllpaig-n Tlig-11 f-·klJool .\lnmni .\l'slwiation atti'IHlPd thP fifth annnal ahlllllli 1linnPI', \\ hi1·11 \\as liPid in .Jnn<> at thp HParll:->11',\' Ilotl'l. 'rl11•n• "pJ·p m:tlly oft III' old1•r g-t·allnatP.' prpspn(. Fr. Ft·ank Ilt'O\\ 11, fm·ntPI' JH'I'i·;idput of th1• ass1wiation, adPd as toal'tllta!'(PJ'. 'l'hp follo\\ing \\H:-> th1• progt'HIII for tl](' 1'\'Pllillg-: .\. toa!'t, "Om· ~!'hool ~.r!'tPill,·· hy , 'nppJ·inlt•JHlPnt Em·Jwst; \'iolin solo, )Jiss Ed11a )[(',\'PI's; "Tl](' East ~idP flig-11 ~!'hool, )Irs. F1·ank Hninum; l'P:Hling, "'l'hP ('IJJ·istiaJt," :Jiisl' Kat1• IliiiPs; "Om· .'Pighhm·s," )fr. ('harlpx KilPr; "HPJJJillii'I'Plll'l'i'," )!J·. "'· H. Hl'<llllPy; \'o1·al !'olo, )JJ·. J>onal1l nrossman; "HI'I'l'l':ttion and tl11• ~~·hool:-;," :JI1·s. H. n. I:nrnham; "<'lass of 1!11:{,'' )Jr. Harold .\rn1.·trong-; \'o!'al solo, )Ji:-;!' • ·a0111i II artford; "ThP • 'p" Ilig-h ~('hool," I>r. "'· L. (jnty; ''11 ig-11 ~~·hool .\ tltlPt i1·s," :\l1·. Lam'Plii'P II. OlpJm; l'P<Hling-, "'rhP :\Ian in th1• ~hadow," :\1 i-.;s LPila lianis; "'l'hp B1•latiml of thP .\lunmi to ('i,·il· .\fl'airs," )fJ·. ('.D. BJ'o\\-JJI'll; \'o1·al .·olo, )]iss IIPll'n Hr.' an; "'J'hp I>nty of till' .\lmnn to tlll' II ig-11 ~~·hool," :\Ir. \\'. B. Hilpy; ''History of the• .\.ssol'iat ion," :JI J'. 01•m•p;p <'op;l'WPll. •'ixty-fin• ]Wr <·rnt of thr ('Ia:-;~ of Hn:~ m·p now nttPJHlinp; till' l'niwrsity of Illinois; Yidor ~tanglP, Kilhm·n FJ'PPlllHlJ, :JiilclJ·p1l Klin1lwm·th all(} OlhPr I.·nan.;on l'PI'Pi\1'11 :-;l'iJolm·. hips. ::\Im·ip ('aldwPll, a llll'lllhrr of th1• .\tllpnian LitPrm·y ~t)('il't~·. took tllr part of .\mplia Hutll'l'\\'orth in th1• '':\Ian Ft·om :\lississippi." all(l )Jarp;arPt "'a)kpJ•Iy that of Fay )l;tnlll'l'!' in ''llighPr l'p," hotl! p;iYI'n hy Ill<' )[ask alHl H:mhlP I>ramati1· ('lnh. Lois Philhri1·k is a lllPillhi•J• of th1• .\thi'Jtian LiiPJ':JJ'\' ~IH'iPt\· . •\li1·p .\J•m.·trong- and l:Prllil'l'l' :Jl1·. 'air Hl'l' at!PJHllllg' Oxf;ll'(l ('ollr~w, Ohio. ITanirt Armf;trong-, now :~t ::\I iss ('appn's ~d10ol, • 'mtlimllpton, .Ia. s., \\ill <'ll(Pr .'mith ('oll<•p;p 1wxt ~Pph•mhPJ'. Frrcl Krmwr is tra1·hing ~owhool nl'ar :JI a lJOnwt. "\nd yet he look · like a kinR." - FR .\. · K PERC!\ \1 ., "The hand that hath made you fair hath made you good.''-:\lERLK Tt ~ - ER. 90
Dorothy ~<'ott now Jiw~ in California. Halph ~l("(l(•p i~ thPatri<"al ('O:t(·h with thl' f{o"('J" Pl:t\' Pl'IHhwino ~ ~ ;-,
('ompany. ,Jpnni~
Hany and \'pinta Hoot at·p doill!!; po~l-~t·a«hwtt· work at I I i~h ~(·hool. Ilazp] (lpip i~ IPa«·hing tH•m· 'l'olmw. \Yillm·d Prod('!' i:-; follo\\ing thP plow at (b\\PPgo, K:tn~as. Donalll <lro~~Ilt:tn, '1:!, is a Jlli'IIlh«•J' of th(• 1·. of I. l)pJmtiH!!; 'l'pam for th(• Indiana-IIIinoi · dPh:tiP mtd of thP ])p]ta .'ionw Hho ll;lllorarY Oratorical ~o(·ipty. liP l'P]H'PSI'IltP«l tlw Ionia11 Lit<~·m·.' ~o(:iPI,Y in th.P In t PI'·. ·o!"i PI~ I kda Illation ('Oil t p:-;1. ~lil<lrP(l .'at(•, '1:!, is att(•ndin~ tlw lllinoi~ \\'p~]ypan l'ni\'Pl'~ity at Bloomington . •Jay Ha~·hnrn, '1:!, ItHilTiPd EthPl PfiP~I<·r. 'l'hP_,. lin• JH'ai' Holl(l·
Yille. ])m·otlt,\ J);n(·~. '1:!, i~ doing ofli(·p wm·k at ('i~(·o. EthPl Pit:--PHhmw·r, '1:!, is on th(• fir. t (·ahind of thP Y. \\'. (' .• \. at th(• l'. of I. Hl'IH'P ~iz«•r, '1:!, i~ at ('. ~- .·a,·al llo:--pilal at Lo~ .\nimas, <'olm·ado, on ](•aye of ah:--PIH'P from thP t·. ~- ~·ayal . \(·adPill." at .\..umtpoli~, ~Iary lmHl.
~~~·lla Ilukltin~ou, '1:!, wa~ mmTiP<l to ~11·. La~hlPy. 'l'hPy Hl'(' li\ing in ('alla(la. Lps(pr ~ill, '1:!, wrotp tlw mn~k fOl' IIH• llliiiOi~ ~(ll(l(•llt l'uio11 pla~--
Cllad,r~ ('hmH•,r, '11, \\·ho wa: ali<•JHling tlH· ~tall' .·ormal ~<"hool, hi How (•m·o]](•(l in thP Ilou:--phol«l ~!'i(•!H'P ll«·pat·tntPilt of thP l'. of I. Fay FanlkHPI', '11, won PJ•p]iminary Ilmtm·~ in thP ('ollP~P of LilH'l'<tl .\..rt~ aJHl ~(·i(•Jl('P at t IH' 1·. of I. llt>l(•n Par-l,;:pr, ·o~. ~tPlla PPITiYttl, '1<1. atHl IIPl(•n ~laddPn, '11, llHtdP ~lu K:t ppa •\ l phn, II oJlOJ'al',\ ~~~~~i(·ttl ~o!'iPt,r :1 t l'. of l. E~sp] I>ilhn·ou, '11, Ill<Hk H!'la <htllllll:t ~iglll:l, llonm·ar.'· ('ontllH'l'·
dal FratPrnity at t'. of I. Floyd }'(•!Tin~. '11, Ita~ a po~ition in th(• ~li!'higan ('(•ntrnl l{nilroad o1lk(• at I>droit, ~Ikhi~an. ~lpn\in 0:--hoi'IH', '10, alHl . \Ita <'ald\\'(•11, '10, \\l'l'(' lltanil'd ta .. t July. 'l'hl'~- an' li,· iu~ on ('ltm·lp:-; ~tn•!'t. ~Im·ip HutPnhnr, '1 t, IIPlPn ~lad«l(•Jt, '11, ttll(l PanlinP Oshm'IH', '0!1, m·p on t]l(' til·~t (·ahin!'! of th(• Y. " ·- (' .•\., aJHl m·p Jll('tllh(•J·~ of Phi ])p](a P~i. Ilonm·ary .JuHiol'-~('llim· ~o!'i(•t.' at t'. of I. Lois Lanldl'P(', '10, \\:l~ lltatTiP<l to llr .•\llisoll Tnll. TIH•it· hollH' is at Ih·dp Park, ('It i(·a~o. Hlt;JH'h(• Hi~i11~, 'tO,' alHl <'lara H(•Pd, '10, who atiPtHl('(l tiH• \\'oma11':
Coli<·~(' at .Jad.:~onYiliP, ;tl'(' JW\\ at tit(• l'. of I. Lloyd \\·i~P, 'O!l; ~ ·Ol'thwP~I('l'll {'nin·r~ity, ·1:~, Ita~ his dtair in Hr. Leal her·.- oilicP.
''As firm as faith.''-E11 \ I'oRnR. ''Brown-e cd country lassic."-:\1.\R< .. \RET \\'F. ·z1 \FF, !ll
Louis<• Clarr<>tt, 'O!l; C of 1., 1:3, is lllal'l'il'<l to F. ('. HauPr. ThP." art> ]i,· in~ on ~outh l'ntil"iP ~tl'<'<'!. Edith ~<'lldPnhur~. 'O!J; C. of 1., 1:{, is !<•;whin~ in Dwight Ili~h , '<·hool. Edna :\I.H•r:-;, '(Ill, i:-; ~OI'iPI)' Pdilot· Oil I hp nmwl (p stall'. ( ;poq.!,<' ( 'ogs\rPII, ·or;, tllaniPd Kat lwrilw ~axon of l'lwhlo, ( 'olol';ulo, last .Janmtt',\. 'l'hPit· IHllll«' is in Ilamilton, Ohio . • ·PiliP :\1<-\\"illiants, '!Hi; l". of 1., '00, \\ho \\a:-; in:-;tt·udm· in thl' Iligh ~<"lHml fm· a lllllllh!•t· of ,\Pan.:, tnaniPd :\It·. I>. Enot"h:-;. 1'hPy HI'<' liYiug ou ( 'larkdalP .\ Y<'lllH' . •\l'l'all~<'llH'Il1:-; HI'<' h1•i11g t·omplPIP<l for tiH· annwtl hHIH!II<'t to lw hp]d in .JmH•. Prt•sidPnl (;(pJJll is \'1'1',\" a11xion:-; to harP Jll'Pl'<'llt all th!' Ill ('Ill hPl'S 0 f t h (' ( 'bt SS 0 f 1!) 1 I.
:\ I!'ELHOY,
HI ('KElt, '0-1'1:.!
Bob :
('an I bol'l'ow .'our ('Olll-
)Ji~~ l:4tin~oll:
Ila\'pll't yon a 1·oin
yon <·oulcl n~l' '! Bob: .·o, lllOIH',\' ill 1Jilli'4.
a l \\ ay~ kP<'P my
l:4\\ i(ZI'l' : a<·<·onlpl i~lllllPilt i'4. )I 1'. LPIIllctl'd '! )lr. L<•onard: \\l'iting.
\\'p aJl ]let\'(' Olll' \\' hat i~ yours, \'<Ill
(; TL\I E
('all up on thP (PIPphonp, )Jakl' a lit tIP dati', Tt>ll hPr to lw n•;ul.' ; ~o ~· on \\ill not hP latP. 'l'akP hPr to tlH• "lllll\ ips", Hn.' a !Pn-<·pn( 1·in~, .\nd .' on'll IH• a "fll,~Pr", ~~~ (hp ]H'O]l]P'Jl think. )Jr. HPI'ln..;tpiJH'l':
J'l'ad m~· o\\11
I <·an fi~lll'l' out
to a qnart ho\\ Jlllll'h watPI' ~ t u•s on•r
)Jr. J)a,·i<l:...on: \\' h.'· do yon :tl · "ay:... :...]H'<Lk of a hlu:...h l'l'I'Pping m·pr
. 'ia~ara Fa lb. . -ii!,htin~alP: flm\ llllll'h'! )lr. HP<·ko..;(pini'J' : 1'wo pin h.
a girl'~ fa<·P'! )Jr. ('ook: Bl't ' CIIl~l' if it \\Pill any fa~ti'J', it WOUld ki\-k llJl a <lll~l.
])pfinition of ot·~anizPtl ( )l'~CIIliZ< 'd noi:-1•. If
fpm in i nP '! .John : \\' p]l, you alwa ,\ ~ ~pPak of t IH• onti'4kirti'4 of a city.
I :yron
\\' ill
mu:...it' :
Fa 11 '? .\<lYi<·<· to l>Ph<dt•J·s:
)Jan \\cllll~ hut littk h<•rt•lwlo\\;
I hi'
\\itHlO\\ atHl throw out yollJ' l'hP:-1.
A nn· in wllit·h to ~pill, But wollH'll wanl an auto .\.nd a man thrown in.
In~t1·udor: [:... )JargaJ·pt ill'! Olatly~: • · o, sh • i · ~ick. 93
r.. l"Tl
liE. 'T
J:y til<• J:an,\s .\ :-;( lHIPIIt ~at a11d :-;t udiPd I u tit<• lat<• \\ nt('hl'i'i of t h1• night; ~~ udi<•d long nnd :-;t 11diPd lll'nrPI,\' Till th(•]'(' d<t\\lll'd tilt• IIIOJ'IIillg hl'igltt. 'J'ltpn t Jtp JHHlJ' h1•ad of t liP :-;1·1iolnt· \\'ai'i lill<·d \\'ith nwf11l p:ti11, .\s IJp t1·ipd to \\ t·it1• a JHII'lll 'l'lt<'.'P \\ m·<ls flas])('d t IJt·ougll It i:-; ht·ain t-Jnst think~! l~'mt '!'lufr
·0\('IIJh(•t· ('!'I'd 11"111 111i/ :-;no\\' ( 11d a ri11/or did ll'<I\'PI ()'pr tltP ft·o%1'11 II(). fJ{(J/:1il·h did llis si/IJ(J/s .T/i{iJI/1111 • \lll) thl' l'liffl/ff! Ill' \\'1'1!1 do\\'n ltl!'/i ( Jtp {!WI/S \\ lii'J'Oll if J:tndPd, /)il f1111{r
t f·)s
• 'It<':
.J 1111 iot·
\\'ant to h11y n t il'l\l•l for t h<· J'I'I'I'JII ioll '! \\hat fo1•'! l'if'ty 1'1'11!1'.
~I'll io1·
liP: ~II<':
'l'l':ll'lti'J' (:1.' :\lj S •'\\iiZI'l' l'llli'I'S): \\'1• ltel n• no\\' J'P:tdJPd tIll' 1'1'i. ·iK ·" ''· -" illl<': 'I'll(' l~;IJ· in thP poll' \:tttlt stnnd:-; nt tPll f,•pt. • 'i('k: I ellll glnd all hell'. do not . tand so lti,!!,h.
II I'll\
,, I i~ . .\I.: \\' itnt is killi11g ;t 111<111 (':til(•( ]'! l'i1·k: \\'pJI, . Ollll'l illll's it is 111111'· d<•J·, hut 11 lletlh· it is 1·hnrit\·.
/I'll/' .1/1/11: II] Hill s1i11 1'1'1111'11)
K1•11 t : L<·t • • P(jlleti t lt1• WPiglt( of till' sillkPI' tit at flonts .
i111 ' \\ ild \\ PJ'P \\'eiJ·ing, 1'11.ltl'd llJI :111Hff1ff11111 sky. /,' f poot· \\'nnd<•J·<·t·, dPs<·(•Jid ing, Soft !"\\ Pl't , '(1 lf11 pa~sing h,\·. J,'r sought .·1 i11 lJIJIIIII I to doll', in \'<till, Jfois Jill! flo IIIII' d i1l SIIJi)l', 1/(f di/IIS {II jlli/'(1 s!Jp di~<IJIJH'al'l'<l I:t laHghing :-;nid, thP whilP, "Pom· gink ~" • ln11o
.\ hn<·hp]ot· girl is o11c• \\'110 rpfm.:p:-; to 111<11'1',\" 11111 il sli<' is ask<'ll.
1'/ lt1
.\I i:-;s t:any: \\'II.' is t IH· nos1• on tIt<' ~In t 111' of Lih<•J·t.' Pll'\'l'll illl'h<•s long'! . lm·titct: l:l·<·ansl' aHotlt<'l' in<·lt \\onld JJ1ak1• it a foot.
.\1 iss .J OIH'S (to ~I'll i01· 1 : FJ•ps!J1111'11 nl \\ "·' s ellis\\ <'1' lll,\ q 111'.'1 ions. ~Pnim·: 't1•s, lntt tlil'll tli<•y kilO\\ 11ot hi ng. 'l'l'e\('})(•J•: \\'lin ( did • 'lietJ ('S)H'<I)'(' do on till' lnst d:t.\ of his lif'P'! Pupil: 1r(' d i<·<l. e)c.")~'-ei f'evcn. CPIO<':IJic:,
}I i:-;s 'l'uJ·J·p)J: .\It·. P1'1Ti\:tl, what is your illtl'l'JII'Ptation of • ·<'lnH·hndll<'ZZm·'s dJ·(•;t 111'! Hill: I ll<'H'l' 11<1<1 no dt'<':tllll'.
f'<.b ll.b
Halplt W.: .\11 I ask is that I IIICI,\' IJp ]H'l'JJJitf<•() fo Ji\'(' ]ong <·no11glt to g<'l :ntotiH•J' half <·J'l'<lit. 94
PERPENDICULAR FALLS! Strikes Line at Middle Point
INVESTIGATION ( 'ha 111 pa ig n, Ill., .\1 :11Th 1. 1. ' pP· <"i;ll) It was 1'111110l'Pd that at an p;u·ly hou1· this 1nm·ning a JH 'l'JH 'll · d i1 ·tllm· \\a . dJ·opJwd f1·o1n a !-!,in•JI point, falling in ~w·h a lll<lli1H '1' as to ('tl1npi1'1Piy hisl •t·l 1hP gi \ I'll I in1·. .\ wild Sl't'lll' of I'Ollf'u. ·ion folltt\\1'11. EyP \\ illlt'~~~ ·s of 1111' l·ata-.(l'ttphP -.ay tl1at lht• Iilli' ntadt• f'ranlit· Pf1'tt1' ls to a\'oid thl' Olll'I1SII of lht• Jll'l'IWlldi t·UJa1· hut all in ntin. 'J'hp lin1• \\':ls s(l'lll'k alnid.-hip :tiHl is a total Jo. s.
SUSPECTS HELD 'J'hp Jll'l']ll'll'<IIOI' of lhi:-; 0\l(J·agl' i-. :1~ ,\l'lllllkll0\\"11, hu( S('\'('1'al SllSJII'I'IS :tl'l' nwh•r snspit·ioll. . "il'l.: t:il'hlllOJHI i:-; Jwli1•\ I'll to ha\'1' a l-1111\\ lt·dgl' of I ht• 1':11"1', a:-; on y;u·iou:-> tHTasiolls fol' I h<• past I\\ o yt•:u·:-; hP l~;ts PXJI1'1'sst•tl a tl(•sii'I' to I'Ollllllil lh1• dt•l'tl. Fl'it•JH!s of ~[!'. Hi1·hmond dt•ll,\' hi:-; guilt <tJI(l 1·l;tinl thai Kil'l.:paiJ·it k and .\tkinson :11'1' to hlanw. Ilal'l',\ \\"hit<·\\ IH'n in fPl'\' iP\\ I'll :-;(oufl,\ ntainlaint•d th;ll Hil'hnwtHl \\as innot'l'lll and t·lo.-pd h y , a) i n g, '• I do u o I I w I i1·,.1· t h <1 t tl11 • gi•lllli• di:-;posil ion of 111,\' fJ·ipJHI \\'onld IH'I'lllit him to 1'\'Cll tltink of sndt au
111111 agP... Jt'J·iPlllh of KirkpatJ·i('k and . \tkin~on al'l' Pquall.' I'Pl'tain of IIH'i1· inlHWI'n(·p awl will fight thP ~ · asP if JH'('('~ . m·y.
WOMAN IN CASE 'I'hP nw-.1 :nnazing infonnat ion 1111PaJ·t I1P1l was \Yh1•n 1)it·k 'l'l'l'\'pf I '" o\\ t•d I hat a lad.' wa . at t hP h Ill o1· 111' t ht• I'Ollspii·at·y. Tit!' lad,\' has slto\\'11 1'111111 i11g 1111 Sl'\'1'1'<1 I Ol'l·asions, and hPr tt·. t intoll\ "ill undtluhlt•tlly l11• of gl'PHl inlen· t.
'1'111' pnhlit· i ·to J'(•-.1 assUl'\'11, howPI', that a thm·ougl1 im·t·. tigatittn will follo\\'; and auy otH' I'Olllll't'il'll with th1• aff:JiJ· \\illJ'I'I'Pin• tltPiJ· just puui~llllll'lll. Elli'lllil's of .\tkill:->oll, Ki1·kpatril'k, awl t:il'lnllolld dai111 that Ill<',\' m·p all Pqwtlly gnilly and , honl1l t IH'l't•fm·p l'PI'Pi \'1' a full l'l'Pd i I foJ' thl' of'J'pnst• . •\1 lh1• s;tlll(•liliH'IhP anthol'iliP~ :tl'l' of tl11• opinion thai if thP oll'Pll"t' is l'<'JH'<tll'd, tl11• guilty 111<1,\' P:Xpt•d nothing -.hmt of gJ·adnat ion.
'l'hiuu · han• <·hall ... <'d, \'Oll h<•;n· folks 1-'H\, Th~:, do thin g.· ~to\\'. in a d iil'<'l'<'lll "a:\. From.\ to Z, all thi11g~ HI'<' 11<'\\', Hul"ill<':-<~-', pl<'<t~-'lll'<'~-', and <htJH·ing, too. Bul"ine:--s 111<'1 hod:-- ltHY<' ad ntu<"<'<l; IIO\\' "~y:--t<>m" is th<• ny. From JIIHllgPJ' to oflh-P hoy, thP fpalhPJ',· :--m·p tlo tiy. 'l'hP ho:--s 110 ]ongPl' i.· 'll]H'l'IIIP, <Ill([ P<ll'h l'lllplo_YP<' I'OUUI.' i 'lit<' ho:--s walkl" ou lhP ]lH\'<'IIIPIIt, \\'hilP thP <·lpJ·k au auto flaunts.
'1'!11• good o]<[ d<t,\ ' <II'(' goliP, <tlld liP\\ OI)('S Jill lll<'il' plHI'('S. Pia ·s, \\ hkh tPll of all til<' \\ rougs, dmw to thP human rate. Prohl<'lll pla~ s, a11d plays of\ i('(• :-><'<'Ill now jn"t quite th<• ragt>; ~o nim<' aud itlltllllrality :tl'<' pi<·tm·pd o11 thP "tag<'. 'l'hP mn. k, too, of·' <•stpJ·day has uudpt·gmw a <·hang<', .\11<1 l'Ollg·<·omJHisPI':-< of toda,\ ha\t' sought a <lill'Pl'Pllt rang<'. "~ih Pl' 'l'hl'l'<Hl:-- .\tHong t !11• (;old" all(} song" wh it·h \\'eJ·p so grand, Han• giwu phu·p to ragt i111P, as ".\lt•xawh·r·.· Ban<l". 'l'hP hook. ah .n•s, tht•y, too, hnn• kt•pt pa<·P with pas. ing ,\"PHI's .\1111 tht• kind of slutl' thP)' puhlish uow would till your P~es \\ith tears. 'l'ht• l'las:--it·.· now, m·t• sPldom I'P<t<l, alHl isn't it a .·in That ma,..tl'l'S <U'<' suppl:mtt•d hy "Eiiuora" ( Hyn'! From hoops to hohhh• l'kirh, ,\on kilo\\, is quitp au PXll'<'IIH' jump, But in t hPst• da,\ s of Jll'ogt·<'. s, \\'<' ha\1• had to h•aru to hump. \\'ht•n wompn lm,\ tl11•ir dJ·p:--sps Jlo\\· 'tis awful to rl'latP'l'IH•y !tan• to hm-r~· ho!IIP, hl'fm·p the st~ )p are out of tlate. \Ye u. l'<l to dan<·P tlH• \ntltr., th<• two stl'p, awl thl' glid<•; Hut IIO\\ \\'<' hop at·omtd, aJI(l dip, and . kip, all(} slith•; 'l'h<·n··.- th<· ('a. tl<•-\Yalk, Y<'liPtian, and tht• (]par old 'l'nrlwy Trot, 'l'ht• 'l'ango, and Pm·isiallllP, and-\\·<·11 the Ltn•tl knows what. Yt•:--, tiiiH's ha\P thallgl'd, .\ml things 1/l'f' <lonp a Things arp liP\\ - t hi.· i. .\nd it'· 110 <'.·<·n. e for
you hpm· folks say, ditll'l'l'llt way; no Ill'\\ s, hm·ing him·.·.
Thl' world gop:-- l'Ollllll in pill' of all; 'J'hp sun "ill shin<• tlw rain "ill fall; Thl• optimist "ill a~ that things ar<' . imply going fhw; ThP JH'. imist "ill still hP hP:Il'll "ith mournful, dn•ary wit in<•. Tin11•s "ill k<•t•p on <·hanging-In ('OlH'Insion, I'll s<·rihhh•, \\hat if thPy do'! \\ hy, ll't 'pn1-I'm .·m·p thatIsh- K<t· I: ihhh•. 96
\\' illiP wa .· a littl<· IHn' llm\'('\'1'1', \\'illiP i.· •110 lliOl'P, \\'hat \rilliP thou!!,ht \\H~ 11 _0 \\'a · I'P:tlly 11~~0 4 •
By \\'iko.· Bm·nham, 'lfi
I wa:-; in tilt• "( :mdP ~ehools," t IIPl't• \\':1." a p;irl ll:tlllt'd EIIIIIIHiinl' who \\a~ in Ill\' J'oolll. Emmalin1• \\'aN n·ry lli'Ptl\'.' to HIP'' ~"" I uatlll':tlly fpiJ in lorp with 111'1'. I lPt P\'Pl',\' hody knmr t II at sliP \\a . "Ill,\' p.iJ·J" h_v !Piling I ltPIII .·o. \\']H•ll t Itt' lt•at·hi•J' aJ'l':lllgPd olll' spats, I m~kt•d Jtpr to Jpt lilt' sit liPXt to Ennlla1inP. I P\'Pil took t·ll!Hiy, m·aHgPs, and glllll to IllY s\\ Pl'l lwa1·t PYI'I',\' dny. OnP tlay, I forp;ot to huy hpr sollll'1ltiup;, so sliP \\ :tH ofl'PIHlPd and told Ill<' f !tat :-;lt1• II a ((•d IIH'. Of 1·om·sp I \\':tN IIP:11·t hrokPn fm· a fpw da,\ s. ~oon, Ito\\ P\ PI', I I'PI'O\'PI'Pd all(l :ti'IPd :ts if I 1lid not I'HI'I' so llllll'h fo1· 111'1' aftPl' :tll. \\'Jtpu slit• found out that I II i1l not l'al'P, sliP wnntPd to "lll:tkP up," lmt I would not. 'l'ltus ellllt•d my first loYI' a fl'a ir. \\'hpn
1&' If IIIOIH',\' talk.· .b ~oliH' foil,~ tPII, 'l'o mo. ·t of Ill' It ~ays, "Fm·p \\' P 11."
)!J·. LPOJI:tl'd: \\'!tat is thp hps( \\ ay to ."Hf'Pgnm·tl ships'? L.' lP: ))o a way \\ it II fog. Don: .\11 hand:-; 011 dt't·k to liPip l':l isP t Jtp fop;. :'II iss :'lion is: Bklt:ll'(l, t·an you d .·.·nilw \':lllit,\ Fair, !liP ('p]pstial ('ity anti thP YallPy of Humiliation'? ( ~ ilPJ\('(',) :'II iss :'II orl'i:-;: Tlwn OJH'll your hnnion 1 J:u11y:tn).
~ () gi1·l! I low you to X's, Y 'H so \'Ll'tnons and \'':-; .\ntl t Jtpu :! lilt' • • • L . \II others in my l's.
PHILOSOPHY It H<'PillN as if a fpJlow can't gPI a paHHin~ gratlP any nun·t• \\ ithont ha\·-
TltiH ,' .\ until 1' 1 (', I ]IJ':J,\ 1' :! • Q ~ • •\nd do not hm·ll in F En :\1,\ quaint mHl \\ :tywanlmnsP .
ing a guilty <·onsl'iPIH'P.
HPtl,\' found a I itt It' lamh •\:-; hompwaJ•d NIH• waH Jwnt, Ilt•r motht•r 111<'1 Jtpr at tl~t• door, AlaH! Poor Frt•tldiP \\'pJHl t.
• 'my fm·p-1"·\\'Pl, Ill,\ dPlll'I'Sf, I trnst that l" H tnw; \\'hpn tllis r (' tht•ll l " ('llll say .\n ,' .\ I 0 1".
F<)J'(l & t·antntl'orcl. Elo]H' & <·autp]opP.
t' ('lantl<': ,'t •wa1·t'? ~tPwart:
I'<Hllll plPHH<' ris<' '?
All to pi<'t't'!o;.
:Mis~ ('antph<>ll: rPtary of "'ar? • "t>:tl:
:'llr. Zimmi'I'mau: \\·in thP man \\'II() \\ P:ti'S g ht I.;S('I.; ill t II(' J'('ll 1' 0 f tIt('
\YhPl'P art> yon going,
\\'Ito is th<' ~<'<'-
JTi~.;toJ'Y is of two kinds: n:ttnr:tl all<l llllllalnrnl.
\\'hid1 war do yon nw:tn'?
'l'Jtp P.Yl'<tlllitls \\ (']'(' t liP plP:tSIII'(' ]'('· sm·ts of til<' oltl Egyptian kings.
If lon~ i.· blind can )Jm·y Ht>i<l'? 97
~rr. Kar.1la: \\'haL 1li1l ~nlla 1lo upon his rptnrn to Homt>"? _'ohiP (gl:uu·ing at OJH'n 1Pxthook) : liP Jw("alllP furious.
\YilliP t trnnslating l: In tlli.· halt ]p fif( \ hoJ'S('S \\ (')'(' J-iJ}(>d, alllollg \\ h i1·h ·,,as Pi so, t flp sm1 of t hP WPIIkllo\\ n _\quitanian.
ANSWERS TO EXAM. QUESTIONS If Pill',\ \' lll h;Hl six\\ i\ PS and 1li!'1l a nat m·al 1h•a !11. LongitndP is thP IH•igl1l thiilg.
of any-
<lPIH'ral BrCiddo("k was killPd in tlH• HP\'O 1n t ionm·.'· \\'m·. ThJ·pp lwi'SPS \\1'1'1' :-;]lot mHli'I' hi111 and a fom·lh wt•llt tlm)l)gh his dotiH•.·. •\ Jl<ll'!Hl.' is th1• dilfpJ·pnt ways of \\ 1·it ing "~lm·y I lad a Littk Lam h." ~hakPsppm·p did not I'XI'!'I in :m,rthillg hut \\as at his bps( in dr;llna, IlmHh·anw, h·<~gPil,Y, I'OIIII'Ily, JlonI'OIIIPdr mHliiiisl·l·llanpmJ~. II is t \\ o IH·~t \\·-~;rks m·p "'l'Plll]H'st mul ~1111:-;hinp" awl "T1•11pn~ F1·igit~.'·
•\braham Liw·oln wa~ hm·n on a Jn·ight slllllllli'J' day, 1111' t \\(•Jfth of l·'phrum·y, 1.'0!1. liP '"'~ horn in a Jo<r r-. (':thin whi("h h!' had hPlpP!l his fat hpr build. ~ 'oah wa~ i~lmul
an ol1l man ]pft oll an to find a it·pasm·e.
J.ot wa~ tm·npll into a pillow of )-;a]( Wh(•Jl ~hi' hPCII'(] lil'l' ("]lildi'I'll Sl'l'l'am ill t hi' fil'P. ~hakPii]H•m·p had a fai1· l'lhH'ation a ud nwni1•d a :-;how girl.
I di1l not haw titlll' to l'P:tll E~tiH•r Jmt I haw I'P:td lhtri1l. 'l'hi~ is what I knO\\' : ])arid \\a~ what you would ('H ll a fortnn(•·IPih•r todar. liP was snp]HJsPd to haw a suiJernatm·al gift of fm·pt(•lling things. 'l'hP king ~ 'p]nu·11!'7.7-ar al\\ar~ (·all!'ll on J>:trid to I'Xplaiu all hi~ drPam~, and hP al\\ays 1lid, and thp Kiug put him in a lions' d(•n Oil('(' to seP if <:od wonlll ]H'Otl'l't him. liP ~ta,Yl'!l thl'I'<' all night tmh:n·nwll. <ltw~tion:
all(] ~ir 'l'ohy . .\ n~w!'I': ~ir .\n!ln•w wm; l'i("h, ~it• 'l'ohy wa~ WP:tllhy. )[prh• ~ 'obh• i~ I'PJWrtPd to be putting ~Ir. Bm·hank out of lmsin!'~~11I' I'l'l'l'llt ly t m·Iwd a 1·ow into a pastIll'('
* *
Otll' pn•niug I ~trollPd from my room To llli'Pt my lady from I h(• moon . .\1 dusk I 1111'1 hPJ' at th1• gatP. 'l'onioh(, altho n littll' lalP, \\'p lhlll('<'ll, \H' sang, WP lllPrt·y made l'ntil th(• d<I,Y hPgan t.o fallP, .\ nd thPn I ki~~<'d tny moonl)('am trlw, Fot· soon :-;hp nu1ishPd with t hp Ill'\\'. ~fi~~ f'ampbrll: Tommy, what kind of jm·ips 1lo W<' haY!' lw~idPs a pdit
<'aiu \\as a pii·atP ,Jim Ilawkiils
j \11'\" '?
kill Pd..
'l'ommy: Perjury.
POCKET DICTIONARY 'l'o t h1• HPall<'l': PlPasP a1ld 1hpsp dPfini Iio11s to' otn· didioU<Il',\; lhi',Y \\iiiiH•Ip to illl'l:<':t!-'1' ~our rontlmlm·y: £\1-l'idPnL £\ I'OJHiitioll of all'aiJ·s i11 wlli<·h }11'1'!"1'111'<' of min<l is go tH), hut HhSPIH'I' of body lwt ll'r. £\kohol. £\ liqui<l go<Hl I'm· pl'I'SI'I'\'ing Hl 11101'\t P\'Pl'Y t hi 11g I'XI'PJII :--:1'1'1'1'1 s. £\lphahPL £\ toy for th1• l'llildl'Pll found i11 hook~'\, o11 hlo!'l.:i'\, CIIHl in n•J·nti<·PIIi 1'\0Up. <'o11ta ins :!li lPilPrs <lll<l :~ syllables. £\thlele. .\ dignifipd Jmn!'lt of 11\lli'\1'1<'" 1111ahlP to 1'\pit \\'Ootl OJ' si f't ll11• :tl'hPi'\. .\utomobilP. From Bnglii'\lt, aught to, and Latin, JIIOI'(' O, to mor<·. .\ ,-ph ii'IP whit:h ought to IIJ0\'1' hut f'I'P<Jll<'lll 1~· t·aH't. HarK Thing~'\ found in harbors, hotPli'\, fPJH'<'i'\, pl'ismWJ's, 1·o u rt l', a Jl( l mu sil·. 'l'hosp f'oulHl in conl'ls and musk Hl'<' full of heats. Baseball. .\ gamP ill whil'lt tlH• ~ mmg lltaJJ who brawly stl'ikps out f'o1· hint:-:Pif' I'I'CI'i ,·es no pra is<' for it. HPll. A nwchani<'nl deril'<' 111-'P!l to start i'itampe<lc:. Brain. 'l'h<' top floor apartnH'nt in thP Human Block, known as U11• l·ranium, and kPpt h~· thP ~arah ~is (pJ·s ~m·ah Brum all() ~m·ah J:plhun, assistPil h~· }lcdnlla Oblongata . •\Jl thl'PP al'P llPl'\OllS, lJn[ aJ'(' :t]\\'a_YS ('Onllll('(} (o thPil' ('('Jls. ThP Brain is doup in grar aml white, and furni hed with liaht
:tlld h<·at, !tot m· <·old \\':ttPl' (if llPsiJ·<·d), \\itlt J'l'gnl<tJ' I'OJIJJPdiolls to Ill(' ltUtsid<· \\'!ll'ld hr war of 111<' ~·pin:tl <·it·<·uit usual.l,\ Ol'l:upiPil hy lh<' Illti•lli•<·t I:J·os. - Thoughts and ldP:t. · :tJ'I' lliiPlligPJH'P oflil·p.·, ltul Sllllll'l illll'!" suh-11'1 to .Toy, II ang-< h 'l'l' a ud ( 'o. ( 'a ul i flo \\'I'J'S. .\ <·;thh:tgl' WitJt :1 I'OliPg(• l'd1H':ttimi. ( 'pJIJI'tl'l',\". 'J'h1• onl' pJ:tl'(' \\hPJ'(' ]ll'iiH'I'S :tll(l Jl:llllH'I'S, lHII'II'J''-; and ]ll'(','idPll(S <11'1' finally on tltP 1ka<l IP\"1'1. < 'ltair. Fom·-lpgg<•<l :tid to injm'P!l. ( 'h:tl'ity. Fm·Pit:tndPd aid to thP in<ligpnt. < 'ha ul'l'<·m·. ~\ 111an who is sJnm·t pnongh to oJwl·atp a11 autonwhiiP, hnl dt>n•r pnongh not to o\\'U one. ( 'indPl'. (hlP of the first things to l'ateh your <',H' in tra\ pJiug·. ('luck. ~\ll ohje1·t of ('lll'iosit~. ('row. .\ bir1l that lll'\'('1' !'OJII]ll:tin~ "i I hon t <·a\\ s. Edw. 'l'hl' oJll,\' thing that <'<Ill l'h<•at a "·ontan out of the last \nn·tl. E11glish. ~ \ I Pill] H'I':IIH'<' study. ElhPl'. (hlP of thl' world's thl'<'<' grl'at ('OIIl]IOS('l'S t h1• ot h<'l'N <IJ'(' gas :Jl)(} dtlorofoJ'lll \\lioN<' aii'N are popular :llllOllg· t111• Null'Prillg. Foot hall. £\ dewr NnhterfngP for I'Hl'l'ying Oll pJ'ize fight.· Ull<lPl' thP 0 1li.'l' of a reputable game. 99
Fhmk. •\n PXJll'P~~ion ~Pldom fomul in ltigl1 :•wltoob' \·ot·Oihlllarit·~. <; il·all'l'. < 'ltn 111 pion I'll hhPI'·IH'I'k of t Itt• wm·ltl, 01111! tlu• longt•st tl1i1·. t 011 ]'1'1'01'11. I I all \\'<1,\'. •\ pl:ll'l' whPJ'I' ~tai1·s ( st;n·ps I IIH'I' t . llonll'\\ ork. . \ n t•xt illl't I'X]ll'l'ssion of Hilt iqllity. ld ill I. F1·om Engli. h idl'a antl ont. 0111' \\ !111 is fi1·. t 11111 of idt•a:-;. blnntl. •\ plnn• \\'hl'n' thl' hotlolll of thl' ~1'01 st i1·ks 11]1 t h1·ongh I hi' watl'r. Kitl. Eitlti'I' 01 ho-.:i1Jg glo\'1' m· a l'hild. In Pit h1•1' I'Hsl' h:lJ'(l to h01ndiP 11111 il \n•ll tanlll'<l. :\] :1. ·. ·IIH'I'l i ng. ~ollll'thing :l]l]ll'l't'iHII'tl 11,\' 1i1·st hom· l'lassi'S. :\I :1 t hi'Jila t it·s. The first IPJI to iwanity. :\I ('llllll'."· •\ fpp]ill!!, \\ hid1 s(p;t].· 0\'PI' 0111' ll]Hill ht•arinu. his frit•IIIb' o1·iginnl jokt•s.
( )r(•Jl .
Thl' only :-;port \\ ho t•lljoys an 1'1)1101lly hot tillll' \\ itl1 oJ· witlto11t do11glt. Poll,\'. .\ slll:tll p01pl'l' anim:JI 11pon \\ lti1·l1 :<!Hill' J·itlP (o fOillll'. IL E. :\ltli'S(' . .\ \I'( ('1'01 Jl gt•n(•J'OI I \\'hll l'lllll· lll<llld t 111· btl'!!,l'. 1 :11'111,\ ill lhl' \\'lll'ltl . •···111 pt Ill'. . \ ]IIIII]' llllf'lll'l ttnaft• \\ !111 lll:lkl'' f;II'I'S <IIHI hnsts. , 'I'
•'It i 1'1. E\'1'1',\' lll:lll·s ho.·otll fl'it•tul. 'yntpOit 11_, .. F<•PI i ng fm· ot hPJ's \'1'1',\' not it·l'· :tli11• in lllind .\!an':-; llntl'. 1.' ·])(•]'. (hiP who takl's :1 IP:tding p:11·t i11 th<· t ht•a t <'1'. \\'hisk,\. Tmnhll' pnt np in liquitl fol'lll. ••• HH,\' .
T1•11 tl11lbtl':< fl'lltn a ft·ii'IHI.
Yt Hl'. .\ pt·1·i ul
Th<• fi·t•qllPnt t·<lll:<P of H ri ·p ill <·otton. ·on-< 'on<l nl'l or. Thl' mot m·m:lll. ()])('it,\. •\. snrpln~ gmH' to waist.
Ill P'-' t 1'1'. .\ di\'i'<ion of tinu• tl1<1l 'llllll't illll's lllP<Ill'< 01 foltl'·lllllllt lt.·· 1'1'\'iP\\' .
::<i:i day,,
m·igin:tlly illl·lllllillg :::!:;, siiH'I' tltt• ot hPJ'
I() 01 I'P Ll' II I.
Z1•ln·a. Tht• t'I'OIIk n mong· hol·st•. , 1'1111dt•Jltlll'<l to \\'t':tl' . (J·ipt•d 1-'llit for I ift• .
FOOTBALL Foothall i:-< a ('l'lH'l g-amP, Hut ~till I lo\1' it ju:-<t the :-<<lllH'
.\s solllP pom· pla~ PI' is hanlP(l hy. . · o donhl ·' on'll ask, "ho I ma.' lw'!
I low to hP<ll' t h«' <l\dnl g-J·oalls, I Jon• to hPat· t ht' nal'k of holl«'"· I Jon' to hPar the <!Pal' girls sigh
That sJI(·h a spm·t I ]0\'1' to SP('. Tll is is fo1· Ill(' a lllctllP.'' lll:lk(•J', Fo1 · ·'on S('(' I'm t h(• l ' nd(•t·lakPr.
•• Jn .•
.\ft!'r l'lllllling on•r !"1'\'<'J'a I ltoJ·:-;<•sho<•s and a <·Hsl' m· so of bP<'I' hot tIps, a pundm·<' might 1'!'- lllt. llo\\'1' \1'1', do uot inr!'stigatl' lmt k<•<•pl'ighl on , and Sl'<' if~ 011 tan fillll til<· 1·nts and rm1gh pla<·<>s in th<• road. If your passl'ngpJ·s ai'<' <'ll<lm\"l•d "it II spn:-;i t i \'I' "Ia i I honps", t llpy 111a,r <ll·op a l'l'lllark about til<• day of th<• spl'ing \\ agon ha1·ing pa:-;s<•<l. \\' llpn ,\on HI'<' .· m·p that till' illll<'l' tnl)('s <II'<' in shr<•<ls, and til<• tasings snflkil'ntly rim l'nt, it IHight ))('a good idl'a to tran•l m·mu11l S<'\'1'1'<11 hom·s to find a shady JllH<'P to l·hangP tir<•.·. \\' ll <•n a snitahiP pia<·<• has not IH'<'ll found, . top the l'<ll' by sliding Sl'\'I'J'alrods. This is a rl'liahll' l'l'IIIPdy for Ill<· alllidion known as "a good t irl'." • '1'111' <HTIIJHIII!s of till' tomH·an shoul<l <'l'a<·tWII' Hllll IH• nmdP as nn<·OJHfm·tahk as JHlsi-\ihl<•. HPIII0\'1' ,\ mu· 1·oat and phi<·<· it 011 the 1-\l'at whl'l'l' it wiiiiH• 1-\lll'l' to slidl' otl' o11to lit<' dusty floor. ~katll'l' lit<' <·oli(Pllli-\ of tl1<• tool box 0\1'1' Ill<• road\\ hill' 1-\I'HIThillg fot· till' jal'k wllil'h yon h:t\1' in yom· hand; phi<·<• till' j:1<·k oil a soft :-;pot in tl1<• J'O<l<l alld pro<' l'l'<l. \\'lll'n tiH· \\'11!'1'1 hal-\ ('OilS('II(I'd to risl' orr lh<· gl'Ollllll, s('( Ill<· hmkp.· all<l lnrn lltl' \\'IIP<'I .·o lhl' 1aln• "ill IH· at t II <• top. l'h1<·<• tit I' rain· pa1·ts "111'1'1' thPy will not h<• found, and h,\ sol! II' \l'<'il·d pl'o<·<•. s I'I'III0\'1' t II<· t in•, or what is ]pft of it. .\ t this point s<llll<' \'l'll'l'ans <·lairll it is ]H'OJH'l' to 1'1'1110\"1' ,rom· <·ollar :llld tiP, soiling th<•ln \\I'll i11 till' Jll'o<·<•ss. \\' illl til<• <·mJthiuPd pfl'OJ'ts ( roi<·Pd) of Ill<• andiPlH'<', and of yom·:-;<•lf ( physital and intntm·al), Ill<• span• tin· <·:111 lH• I'IICIXI'd on h:wkwanls. LPI nobody l'l'lllind yon tlrat a Hail found a !'<•sting phH·<• in that \'PI',\' til·<· .·on1<• tinH' ))('fOl'<', <tll(l has not lu•pn distnl'hPd sill<'<' . •\fl<•J· a si<•gp at tiiP JH1111p yon m·<• ahll' to <lis<'0\'1'1' that yom·:-;plf. If it stm·ts to 1·ain ahont this Iilii<', it will IH' fmmd irnpossihiP to indn<·<• an.\ "hJ·c•p;-:p" to :-;Ia,\' in <·onfillPlllPlll. l.atpr \\'hl'll yon :u·p sittiug JH'a<·l'f'nlly hy yom· firp, ·i<h• yon will (not future IPIIS<') gp( solid rnhlH•J· tin•s solll<' day.
TO MOTHER BY lJ nndr!'ds II mHll'Pils llmHlrP<lii llmt<lt·<'d ·
I>onoTIIY .\LnEttTI-\, '11)
of of of of
larks in tit<' <ll'<'P hllH• sky flo\\'Pl'.· in t hP \\ ood:-; tog<'t hPr, huti!•J·flips flittiug hy, thillgi-\ that will last fm·p\'Pl'.
Hundr<'<lH of \okN~ to gr<'PI Ill<' <lawn, IhuHh'Pdi-\ of h<'<',' in thl' ]Hil'pl<' l'lon•J•, llmHh·p<ls of <IP\\ ·lli'Op. · on t lip lawn, But only onp moth<•r tlw 11·id<• worl1l on•r. 102
For the past three years a prize of fifteen dollars has been offered by an unknown friend lo the students of Champaign High School for the besl original song pertaining to high school life . The fact thai someone believed thai latent talent of a high order existed among the students has inspired the composition of several songs of an unusually high order. Appreciation of the offer prompted the student body to petition ihe unknown patron to reveal his ideniily . .Mr. Earnest replied to this petition by announcing ihai Mrs. R. D. Burnham is ihe one who by her inieresl in high school students, inspired the production of "Fidelity", "High School Spirit", and "C. H. S. Pep". In the contest this year, the judges, Dr. C. H . Mills, Mrs. Albert Eisner, /r., and Mr. C. A. KiZer, awarded the prize to the composers of "C. H. S. Pep". Cecil Fraser received five dollar for composing the words and Charles Maurer len dollars for the musical composition.
-C.H.B.'Pe p~-
Cecil F.,.4.,e.~. ~'f
.AftA.sic l,'J Ch.a:rlesA(~u:re.,...'"
With Spirit.
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