1to ~l]c 7!loar~
of 1-:~ucation
lllqo re.cO!\ltt!e~ our nee~s an~ gatte tlreit· tinte an~ eneq}!! to satisfu tlrem; llllro slrottte~ tlrdr a:p:predation of tire fitness of tqitt!\S in acn~:pfitt!\ a :plain, stately sf!!le of architecture for our sdrool huil~itt!\; lUlro ~is:plane~ t·are tttis~ont anb foresi!\lrt itt erecting a sfruchn·c tulridr so abel]ttcdclu fulfills all tlrl~ n~q uircmtnfs of a 1no~ern 1ijiglr §·drool, lllc bc~icate flris lUaroon
Dr. Ul. 1L Q)ra!! lJrrsillcnt of the 'tloarll 11f Ellnrn!ion
.Hhs. lt D. 1llurnham !.!:l).tirman of tl!c \l:racl!crs <Committrr
Jllr. lL Pimmrt¡ <CI1airmnn of
<.!!:hairman of <CommittH of
lHrs. Jf. 1:. 1tlainum <rt,ninn:tn of Domestic .:·cirncr, ).rt anll .m usir <!:ommittrc
llk 1tlcn J.Con!l [IFlirm;m of "'\tl!ldic [ommiltrt•
[hainnnn of 1liraltl! anll ..: anitntion [ommiltt•r
<!:qantpai!'n 1~i!,l1 ~choo l 1Y1¡1¡ - I ~11 3 Has total enrollment of 645 students. Has State Recognition. Is a member of the North Central Asso~ dation of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Owing to this membership it is accredited to the University of Illinois and to all Colleges and Universities of the Central West. t Is accredited to Smith College. Is accredited to Wellesley College. Is accredited to Mount Holyoke Col~ lege.
We feel that too much cannot be said in com~ mendation of the Board of Education for successfully financing the erection of our commodious high school building; so it has been our aim to make this volume of the "Maroon" of special interest to the Board of Educa~ lion and the Alumni. In order to do so and at the same time retain the features popular with the students, the number of pages have been increased. In preceding years, each issue of the "Maroon" has featured some phase of high school life .. Last year, a "Historical Review of the Champaign High School" was the subject. This year, the review is continued under the heading, "Advantages of the New High School Building." A second article gives evidence of the keen interest shown by friends, at all times, in high school life. By necessity, a few changes have been made in the order of the contents. The Seniors give precedence to the special features of the volume. The f uniors appear in a miniature newspaper. The Sophomores are in alphabetical order at the bottom of the page. The initials of their names correspond to the initials of words expressing their personal characteristics. The boys are first; the girls follow. The interest developed in all lines of high school life, has increased the number of clubs. These organiz~ ations have the full approval of the authorities. Each is given due space. This year, "Victory" was awarded the prize for the best original song. It is published for the first lime. ~ We ask our readers not to lay aside this volume until pages six and eighteen have been carefully read. We have had many difficulties to surmount in presenting a volume so attractive, and we trust that this issue of the "Maroon" will be received with unwonted approval from all the students of Champaign High school. 7
wa~ lmt a. hort tillll' ago \\)It'll thP t(ltPstiou at·o.·p, "~hall ('hampaign han• a HPW high S<'hoollmil<lin:,(!" ~\ftPJ' a long strnggiP at I liP polls, thP an. \\1'1' wa., "YPs." Thp nPxt qui'. tion \\a·, "How i. it to hP dmw~" \YPII, tha11k.· to till' Boal'<l of E<lnt·ation, it wa.· tlmw, awl donp rightly. To<lay < 'hampaign stands in t hp nniqup posit ion of haying· doni' hl'tt<•r hJ it. . Indent body than auy otlwr dty of it.· .·ize in thp stall'. ThP plaiu, . tat Ply architP<'tm·<· .·ppak: pPI'lll<lnPn<·y hpfit t ing a hnilding for st·hool Jllll'!HJsps, 'l'hp broad, imposing <•U(t·ntH·<• is ouly au introdul'liou to thl' ]'leasing int<•rim·. 'l'hl'l'P arl' no small, <·ontra<·tl'<l J•ooms, no d;~rk l'Ol'· 11<'1')':, no wa.·t<• of :-:pat·P, no my.·ti<- mazp.·; in.'tl'a<l, bright, airy t·oom!'i, opening on broad, straight, wPII·lighiP<I tonidm·s. The Ill'\\' hnilding has put a HI'W ~pil·it in hoth the IPathPrs and pupils. 'l'hp .. tnd<·Ut body of <'hampa ign II igh ~chool full~· apJn·eda t <' what the tax pa,,·er: Ita n• dotH' for thl'tll in pro\ i<ling a huil<ling with so many ad nm t agt>:.
'Q:I!e ClLordbor.s '!'Itt> floor~ of till' <"mTidm: :tllll a <httlo four fpt'f high arr mot tl<•d, gl'ay-gt·<•pn terraza. 'l'hi: is in JWI'f<·<·l h:u·mony wilh til • color .Thl'llll' for interior dP<·m·at ion-sulHlllP<l sha<lPs of brown stPIH:il<•tl in gilt. 'l'hP high .Thool i: fortnnatp in haYing Prof<'. sot• "'t>lls to I'OlllJill'!p tht• dPt·ot·ation. A frh•;w of thirty-Pight <·aura~<'.' will pm·tt·ay till' ~tory of thP Iliad. The frii'Z<' will PX1PIHI a third of 111<' 1li:tan<'<' 1lown thP walls of tlu· <'ol'l'illm·.. of thP Sl't'o1Hl11om·. ThP <'XJll'liSP of tlli. mural <li'I'Ol'atio11 will hP lliPI hy YHl'iou: l'lnss<• ]ll'l'.'Plll inp; play!". E:tdt <·am·a: will he a «·Ia:-:!-\ llll'llloJ·ial, a111l till' t·l:tss lllllll<'l'al \\'ill hi' ill~('!'ihl'll. In :nd1 al'tistit• «·m·ii·omHPBt, :tllll with Slll'h hPI'oit· I'X:tmpiPs t·ou:tantly hcfnrp n~, our id«"al.· "ill hp PIP\':\ I I'd a111l l'llltohiPil; mytlwlop;y "ill han• a 111'\\' 11H':t11ing·; \\«'will hl'I'Olll!' at·qn:tilltl'd \\ilh .}mp aJid ll<•l'lor; onr iut<'l'Pst in m·t 'ill IJ • ill<'I'«':l~<·ll alii I \\'1' will hP i11:pir<•tl to h:t\'1' a t'nll<·t· knowl<•dgp of t hp <·las. ·il'l'. H :IJ·dly B a:·d1ful.
A Champio11 fl'Om B onllrillc 9
~l!c }.ullitorium
Tht> <UH.litol"inm, thP largt>st aud most hP<tutifnlt·oom iu thP building, ·upplil•s a long-ft'lt want. It ha · a sealing capacity of Ph•n-n hutHin•d . •\ t pre. ·eu t, howe\'Pr, oul~· one thousand and :-;i.· tpen :eats ha n• bt>en iustallPd - si.· hu!l(ll't>d awl spwuty·two Hl'l' on the tirst tioOI' aml three hutHh'l'tl and forty -fou1· in the bakony. \\' h<'ll Ol'l'Hsion llt'lltalHh, t h1• stag1• 111a~· lw illl'l'l'<l.'Pd threp times its size h,\· l'l'lllodng 11H• drop pat·tition which seJ>HI'aiP. it from the utu.·ic room. It is well lighte1l hy windows O)H'Uing upon a wPil -lightt>d eom t; so artitil'ial light is nel'PHH<Iry ouly at night. Jt i,· US!'d daily lJ~· th1• l'hlSSl'S in puhlh- spPHking. .\ll'l'<HI,\ I'l'tllarhtl>le I'P. ·ults han· lwt•n <H'l'Omplishell in th<• Jiup of dPhHil', l'XIl'IH· pot'l' sppakiug and theatricals, and grPaiPr are anticipatPll. . ·o more ''ill it UP IH'<·essary to l'X]H'lld money for a suitahh• plal"l' to JH'l'sPIII l'ln.· · plays :uul hol1l colllllll'llCl'llll'llt exerdses. The auditorium i: our pride. 'l'lw d<·coration is just a I it til· mol'l' pretention· than 1hat of any other pm·t of the l>uild ing. The finishing touch was a1l1led when the tlass of 1!113, in orller to Hhow their appre· 1·iation of what had he1•n dom• for thPm, 11Pl'illl'll to stand :-;poliHOI's fort he paymt>nt of tlu• hhH• wl\ d stag1• curtain. .\. l'Olllhination was mad1• with .\I iss J) ·neweth of the music dt>Jmrtment. .~h<• was to h1• J'l'S)Hillsillh· for till• pre:t>ntation of', 'lu rwood'.~ ()lll:f ' ll. ih(• seniors Wl'l'(' to assist in pal'k· in~ tlH• housP, and, in t~dditiou, pay st•n•ut~· -pight doll<lr:-:. lt is lH'l'diPs. · to add the OJ H·ra wa. · slH'l'l'!:'sfu I, I IH• JH'O('CI'UH , ·m·passPil PXpel'l at ion~. the ('Urtain i. · paill for and .'lan1l~ a.' a llH'lllol'inl to t hi' fir. i das. · gr:ulu· ating in ti1P JH'W building.
Jftating Th1• ( 'll:llll)l<lign High ~dwol lmillling is lwaie1l hy dirPd radiation in l'\'ery I"oom and I'Ol'I'idor. '1'111' radiators at'<' pipPd aiHl colllll'dl'tl in al'l'OI'IlHHl'l' with thl' \Y<II'l'Pll· \\'phst<·r Ya(·uum ~ystPm awl t·ontl'olh•ll h: a thl't·mostat in ('\'l'l'Y roo111. Eadt r:uliator ha.- au adjustal>h· vain· and a \YPhsipr ~;iphon trap; thus making it poHHihlP to lwat oUP·fourth, oiw-hnlf, thi'l'('·fom·thH or tlw pntil·1• radiator aH d<'~il't'd awl at th<' sallll' t iiiH' admit only <h·y stPalll. Two JIUIIIJlH keep thl' sysll'lll ft·pp frotH all ('olldt>tt. at ion. ~11':1111 for lH•ating and opPrating th1• pump:-: and Pllgiw•s W histling
L1•. .-
Bill IO
B rilliant
i.· fnrni:hPtl by t '' o mH•-hundrt•ll and fifty lwr. PJHlWPr high pre:-;. UI'P uoill'r:.
lltntilation Yl'Utila t iou ~llllidt•ll t fot· ollP I lion sand lH'opiP i.
f'ut·n ishP1l I'Olltinnally and sileutl,,- to P\'l'l'.Y pm·t of tlH' hnildilll-!, by t\\·o ftn·ty-hm·sppo\\er pngines operatillg two hn·gc fans at a spl'Pd of two huHdrPtl and ten l'l'Yolutiow.: per minut<•. 'l'he air is drawn to the fan. from thP uorth ·idP of thP building through tempering !'Oils, washet·, an1l t·Pheat ing coils. Ft·om the f<llls thl' air pa.-sp,· throllgh a largp :uh-em-ritlor. Brid~ diH'Is I'OJllH'<'t tlli.- main ~·onduit with Pa1·h room \\·hen• thP air JHls~ps out thl'ongh dill'usl'I'H ahout Pight fppt nho\'1' thl' fioor. 'l'lw lli·;<•d ait· iH th·awn out throllgh wnt 1lul'ls, mul into brit·k thws IP<llling to I hP at tit· l-ipai'P. from whpt·e it pst·apes through ypntilatm·s in tht• roof. 'l'hP toill't rooms ha \'1' a sPparat1• s~ stPm, P<l<'h is Pqnippetl with a small motor allll fall . •\ir is dt':t\\'ll ft·om tht· I'Ol'l'idm·s mul fon'Pil out through s1•paratp YPIII ti lll'i' . • o l'.-pPlli'iP has hPPll sparl'll in planning, tlPl-iigiJing and illstalling· thP h1•atillg awl n•utilatillg systems. 'l'hPy Hl'P without douht t hp lwst of 1hpil· kitHl. .\f!Pr hping in Opl'I'ation for owr fiye months, t hP,\ ha\'P had a thorough tPst atHl haYP JH'OYPtl PilidPut iu t•Yery re.·ppl'l. • ·o mattPr what thP WPath1•r ha.· hPPn, thPl'l' ha · hPI'll no appt'<'l'i:thlP t·aisiug m·lowpx·ing of IPlllpPratm·p in tlw !'lass x·ooms. •\.ft1•r spPIHli11g 1-iiX hom·s a day in a light, rootny building with pn•r.v nwd1•t·n l'<lllVPlliPII<'P at hand, and nBtl!•t· t ht• intlueiH'P of purr, I'YPnly-temp1•re<l air, all t lH• pupib of ( 'hampa ign lligh ~d10ol arp rpad~· to thank till' d1izPtl.' of ('hampaign "ho haYP hPlpl·d to makp 1l1Pir :1·hool lift' plpasant, and I'YI'll morp thankful and ap]ll'l'l'iatiw :u·e thP~' who have attPtHh•<l high st·hool nndpr drt·mnstmH·Ps :-;o different.
C£afderia 'l'h1• l'hirf Jllll'pOs<' in opPning a rafPtl'l'ia was to N<'I'\'<' whol!'somP lmH·Iwon .. at a .-mall t•ost and, at th1· s<llllP tinlP, bp sPlf-suppm·ting. It i_. not a mon<>y-making 1-ithPIIH'. .\ n•t·y goo1l two- com's!' lnlll'hl'on l'illl hP ohtainP<l for fiftel'n <·Pnts-mPat, mw vPgl'lablP, hr<•ad, hnt1Pt', and ll!'sPI'I. l·rHlPl' th1• pfti('ipnt numagpnu•nt of )fi.-s Oolwn, thl' foot! i.- <·ardnlly Angn.-t, BPnign
LP."SI'l' than hi: Broth<'!' II
:-;p](•I'IPd, ~auital'ily ]ll'<']Hll'<'d, awl tastpfully spJ·H·II. Th1· dining l'IIOIII i.· l'ool awl in,·iting. It i:-; OJH'11 1'1'0111 t 1 ::!0 .\. )1. to t :1:1 P . .\1. .\s 111:111y as t" o h11111h'Pd ha\'1' bi'PII Sl'l'Y<'d in mw 1lay. '[~r ,:·tuimmin~\ :Pool
ThP patl'Oli:IQ;P of tl11• swim11tiug pool prows its popul:u·it~·· Pr:u·t inti ly <'\ 1'1',\' st udi'Ut has t J'il'd t hi.· spo1·t. Th1• pnol is OJH'll 1'\'1'1',\' da~· from :{ to;; o\·lcwk P. )[. 011 Tn<•sda~· .· a111l 'l'hnrsday: the Q;irls haw the ns1• of it :tll(] :11·1' in. trnl'll'<l hy )h·:-;. ~Ianll'y. Thl' 1'.-pl'nSI' of thl' instrnetor is llll't by th<· .\thll'til- .\ssol'iation. 'l'h1• m1ly l't>qnin•1tll'11(s for thp liSP of thP po11l m·p a I'Pl't itinttP 11f lwalth from thl' ph~·. · il'ian :tllll 1ll<'lllhl'l'ship in thP .\thll'ti1· .\ss<wiation. 'l'h<' oth1•1· tlt1'1'l' day: thp ho~·s U.'l' it. 'l'hPl'l' :tl'l' 111<111,\' fad: of intl'l'l'. t in l'P:,!,al'll t11 thl' po11l. It i.· iifty·l Wll fPPt Jo11g all(] (WI'llty-two f1•<•t "i1ll'. 'l'h<• dPpth at tl11• shallow l'lld is fonr fept awl tlw tlooJ' slopP: to thp <lPpth of Pight fi'Pt at thl' oth1•r ewl. Its eapadty is forty-fmn· thousand gallon.·. 'l'hP lenp;th of tim<' to Jill llw pool dPp<'lHls 11po11 t h<' wall'l' ]H'PSSill'<'; it usually l'PI]Uil'I'H frm11 tifti'Pll to Sl'\'<'llll'<'ll hom·s. Th1• 1·ost of Jilling t111• ta11k 0111'<' iH four dolla1's and forty <'<'HI. HPgnlarly <'\'P1'Y \\'l'l'k th<· tank i · l'lll]lti<•d, I'IPan<·d, a11d I'(• filled. '[he <6umnasium 'J'h1• 1loor of lhl' g,\' lltllasimn is s<'\'(•llty-PiQ;ht fpp( h,\' sixt,r-fotll' fppt. 'l'hl' gall<·1·i1•s, how<·n·r, I'XII'IHl O\'Pr fiftl'l'll fl'l't on till' pa:-;t a111l west .·idl'.'; tim: maki11p; a fn•<• floor span• of thi1·ty-fonr fpp( hy :1'\'ent,r-right fpp(. ' l'hi. is mnpl<• J·oom fo1· all indom· .']H>rts and s1wial all'airs. 'l'hP gym11:tsin111 wa:-; not I'Olll]lll'tl'd iu tint<' for 1111' formation of a haskl'llmll l<•a111 hnt ~<llli<'S \\'1'1'<' stagPd hd \\'1'<'11 "pi<-k-np" f<·:tm!-1 and much promi.-i ng mat l'l'i:tl fo1· ll<'X I y1·m· llll<'0\'1'1'1'd. El'fOl'<' 11llH'h <':Ill hP a<·<·OJH]llish<·d in thl' lin<• of physical tmining, othPr than . implP I'XP!'I'ist•:, Jli'OJH'1' <·qnip11ll'llt will h:t\'1' to hp JllllTh:ls<'d . . \l p1'<'SPllt tlt<'l'l' m·<• mats, horir.o11tal hars, jmHping :lan<lard·, :tiHl haskp(. · for haskPthall. 'l'h<' girl. h:t\'1' th<• us<' of thP gymnasium Tue. day: and 'I hm·sda~ :-;; t h1• ho,\'s t hi' ot hl'r t h 1'<'1' dayH.
E ver B right
W onyiug B ashfulnPsH 12
'IIH· gytnJl:t:->iUIII SPl'\'1'.' anothPJ' JHII'JHIS<' fully a:-; impot·tant as til(' otu• for whkh it \\':ts <'OllstrudPd. It has lH'Pll tht> .'<'<'liP of Jll:tll,\ gay dHIH'(',, happy Jl:ll'li<•S, S11lll]IIIIOIIS h:tllljlH'tS, :11111 hl'illi;lllt l'I'I'PJI(iOJI.'. In l':ll't, it is thP <'Pli(PJ' of all so1·ial affairs 11lld<•r th<• sup<'l'\ ision of thP .1·hool. The t·oonl IPtlds itsplf p:tsily to el<•e·m·atioll . • \1 timP. it Ita.· lw<•JI eoB\'I'J'tPd into a ho\\'1'1' of Jo\'\•lim•ss. 16\illiar~
l{oom Edt)('at imtal t hl'oi·i:-;ts maintai11 II tal fot· till' Sll<'<'(':-;:-; of P\'1'1'." liP\\ \Plltlll'P JH'l't:tillillg to high s<·hool S11JH•t·rh.:ion, \\'hPthrt· in thP flll'lll of :111 adirit~· or a li<'W <·om·s<· to lH' :ulclPel to the <'lllTi<·nltllll, till' d<•JII:tJHl fo1· s111'11 11111.'1 <'111111' from \\'ithout. In Ill<• dP\'Pioplll\'111 of ti1P high sl'hool, thPJ'P at·p IIHlll,\' ill11f'tJ•ations of thP proof of this thpm·y. TIIP la:-;t otl<' is the 1itti11g 11p of a stwi.Y 1'00111 fo1· a hillianl romn to IH• us<•d h.' hi.gh sdwol. t11clPHI ·. ~£!·::-:.II. II. Tiani~-< gaw th<' fir:t hilli:ml tahiP. \\'ithin a short timP tho:-;p in authority ohspt·wd thnt tltis was a :->IPp in the• J'ight dirP<·timl; that hillinrds anti pool arl' 11ot in themsPl\'1':-; har111ful; that thP lllJJIIht'l' of ho,\:-; 1lt'. iri11g to piny far e• 'l't'PilP<l thP a<·<'Ollllli<Hl:ttioll:-; oll'<•rpd by on<• tnhll'; that i11 1111' room, four morl' tahll's at ll•ast <'o111d lw P:tHily inslallP<L ~Ir. ll<•ssl'l lo:IIH'<l tliP fo11r <1Psi1'1'<1 tah1Ps-o11t' hillim·d tahiP HIHl till'<'<' pool tahlP.·. T\\·<·111~· hn.·inpss lll<'ll .·hmn•<l tlll'it· :t]llll'0\':1] of tid:-; 11<'\\' <l<•pal'!m·p in :-;('hool al'liritiP. hy ~i\'ill!!, oliP lnmdt·<·d dollar· for th<• npk<'PJI of til<' 1'1111111. ThP t·oom is OJH'IH'd ill th<• 1II01'Hing f1·otn .' to !l o'l'lol'k ami in I h<• PY<'Ili11g' f1·om :~ to li o'dod;:. .\t all t iHII'S it is nndPt' thP ~"<UJIPI'\'i:iou of a t<•ae·lH•t·. ThP ho,\'.' Plljoy thP !!::IIIH' awl :11·<' alway. ill li1H' waiti11g for tiH• door to hP OIH'lll'el. lfiousrhol~
§rcicncc l!ousPlwld ~e·ipJle·p is a11olhPt' illu:-;lt·atioll of thl• ahm·,. thPor,\. 'l'hP l:11liPs of ( 'll:tlll]laign hPiiP\.1'11 that IlollsPIIold ~l'i<•JH'P should he• :tdeiPd to thl' high HC'Itool e·Hnie·uhiiii. Fm· olll' y<·at·, 11i1H• ladiP.', ~11·~-<. P<•pprr, ~II'.'. ·'lattb, )Irs. ~waml<'ll, ~Irs. ('m·tPl', ·"1·s. ~hatttwk, ~In~. HalweH'k, )Irs. Bnhhl'tt ~1<'1'11, ~It·:-;. ('at·wlh:tn, :tlld ~lt·s. ~IP\\':trt, g:tn• thPit•litll<', a W<'Pk in I Ul'll, in inst I'IJe·ting <·l:t:-;sp:-; in :-t>\\'illg. Tlli~ was till' lH•gin11ing- of hot1:-;Phold sl'i<'lll'l' in lhP ( 'hmnpnig11 se·hools. 'J'hp following ~-par thP <'Olll'~-'<' was ad<lPd to thP high se·ltool tlll'l'ie·nlutll. ('hampai!!:ll was thP first s<·hool
Pa nloua hlP CrPa t i YP IJ
in lltt> Hlalp <' ..('C]ltiug Oil<' in ('ltkago to 1lo :-:o. 'l'hl' pt·og-t·<·~.· of thi~ ('0111'~1' ha~ h<'<'ll ~low hut Slll'('. Ea('h yPar im]H'OYI'IIl<'lll:-; haYP hPPII Jllai1P; hut not until now ha.- ::'lli:s Yos~ ha1l a dtaJH'P to put into PX<'<·ul ion hN plan~. ()up-fourth of till• <·la~:-;-t·oom ~]1<11'<' oil th1• fir~t flom· is ~<'I asi1l<• for 11.'!' hy thi~ <kpm·tmPIIt. ~\laundry, a ]Pdm•p romn, a kitl'lt<'ll, a 1lillillg room, a fitting r<Hmt, and a :-;pwing- J•oom HI'(' pr:H'ii<·ally <>quippPil. ITPI'<' is dPmom-dt·atPd daily ~omP plta~P of pnu·ti('al hottsck<'P]Iing. HPJ'<' pupils m·p taugltt how to "·a.·h, it·on, ~"", ('ook, ~<'!'\'<'. and <':til fn!il. Pntdie<! and thpm·y go haiHl-in-han<l in this dPparhnPBL
lttanual 't'raining 'l'hp ::'!Ianual Tmilling DPlHIJ'(llll'lll O('<'ll]lil'~ auothPr fourth of thP l'la:-;s room ~]l:tl'(' 011 th(• fir:t floor. l4o far thP .-hop pquipmPII(, em ing to l:u·k of moii<',Y. ha~ not lH•(•n illstnll<•ll; lmt hy thP op<'ning of s(·hool ll<'XI fall, it i~ hopP<l that tiH• ]arg<', WP1l-light<·l1 room will hP f11lly <'IJUiJilH'd for shop wm·k. ThP othPJ' romns will hi' usP!l for mpclt:mi<-al <lt·awing. 'rlH• \\'OI'k tltis ~ P:ll' has hi'Pll ('OlH'Pl'llP<l with ]ll'Oh]PlliS of lii:H·hilll'l',\' rath<'l' tlwn atThitP<·tm·<•. The prohh•nt.· m·p so at'l'allg<'ll as to follow in Jll'OJH'l' s<'IJliPIH'P and (':111 forth simpl<• hut variP<l appli('a( ion of al'itlnnPii<· and algPln·a. ~\t th<· :amP tinw i.- <lP\'I'IOJII'Il llt:lllual .-kill and thP pow<'J' to vi~n:tliz<' th<' lin!'.' of imaginl'll ohj<>dl-4 in thPir pl'n]IC'l' I'f'lations. Anriculture .\gTi<-ultnrP ltas h<•Pn tangltt for ih<' past tln·rp ypa1·~. ThP com·sp \\':1.' int1·odn<·t•1l h~· PJ'Of<•ssm· ~\. "·· • ~olan of th<• ExtPn~ion <lPpartnwnt of thP rnin•rsi(y of Tllinoi.'. lt I'Ollsi:f<•!l of a :-;p1'iPH of lPe!Ul'('~, .'ll]l)llPIlll'lltP<l hy hmttP projPds, gi\'1'11 hy ProfpssOJ' • ~ohlll :111cl thP IIH'1llh<'1'!'4 of hi.· <·las.·. 'J'hi.- ypar tltr .\g:l'il'l11tm·p I'Olll'SP ltns hPPn mH1<'1' tit<' Hll]H'l'Yi~ion of a 1'PI!:11l:l1' in.-trn<'ior, ::'!It·. R111ith. . "pxf Y<'Hl', fom· ('01li'S<'.' will hP oll'P1'<'1l, with hn1 1lay!' of P:ll'h WPPk (]pyotP<l to lahoralm·_,. work. 'rhP fil·st ~rmpsfP1', a <·om·sp in soil pltyHi<·H and fpl'fility. This will hP follo\\<.'cl in thP :<'<·ond ~Pmr~t£>1' hy a ('Olll'~<' in <'l'OJI JH'IHlnl'!ion a1Hl laTH] manng:rmPllt. Tit<' thircl awl folll'tlt I'Ol11'~P \\'ill h1• oprn to gil'l: and all oth<'1'." inti'I'<'SIP<l in hrantif.' ing !liP hom<' yar<l. Th<• fir.-t ~<'111<'. l<'J', a rom·. e
Origin:tl D il!:nit.'·
in hort i('ultnr<> and laiHl. THIH' g:mlPning will he' given. 'l'hP instnH·t ioH \\ill lw JlltHiifipd to llli'Pt thP (]pmaiHI~ of dt~·. It \\·ill ht• follo\\'Pd in thP s I'OJH1 scJnPstPJ' h,,. a cou1·.·p in plant propagatiou, ttmn•r and ,·pgptahh· gart1cning.
lilusic Iltpartmtnt Tlli.· i. · th1• tin;t
~·paJ· that tht• HI'I'OillllliHicttimls han• hl'l'll . tll'h that 11111si1' l'OUitl ht• ntJtJpt] to thl' 1'111Tii'\1)1JIIl. 'J'hp IIH'IIIlH'l'S of tiH• l'lctss Hftl'l' :-.i. · \\'l)('ks' ]ll':tl'!il'l' lll'I'SI'lltt•d t)ll' OIH'I'a • 'ftf /'/1'(}(}1/'s (/Iff '( II. 'J'h1• ,' III'I'PS.'· ful Jl<'l'fm·malll'l' prm·<·t1 that thl' high sehoul has mw·.intl ability a11<l that }fi:-.s J)('JH'WPth is au abl<• llirPdor.
llusintss Department LifP is likP a prohl<•m in
gPoJIIPtJ·~· , whPJ'Pill thP PHil is a hnppy ~o.;o]n· tioll m· a \\TI'tl'll1'11 failnJ'I'. ~\n important fal'tor in lifp is Ol'l'll]IHtiOJI, :11111, to t'HITY out th1• :-.imiiP, it t·an h<' t·ompart•ll to a diagram illnstratin!!. thP l'ljlJation. If thp 11iHp;l'Hill i:-; int'Ol'l'('('t th<•J'(' i~ ]iftJp l'hHIH'I' fm· nn al't'lll':tll• solution; so if illP Ol'l'll]lHtion of Jifp is WJ'ong, it th1·ows all oth<'r thingr-; out of halanl't'. PrPparation for Jifp wm·k is likp gpt t ing corrPd or illt'Ol'l'<'t't <limpn:-.ions for a p;PomPtrit·al 1liagram, anti infln· Pnt·ps l'P."nlt: Ya.·tly. ThPl'l'fm·p, thl' first tiling to 1lo i.-.; to p;Pt tht• right ]ll'I'Jlaration for thc> dtospu Ylwation, thrn iakP long . tril1t•s toward ]WrfPl't ion. ThP ( 'hampaign Iligh ~dwol is a p;o1Hl Jli:H·e to obtain ]H'I'J»arat ion foy· work in i"('YPral litH's, hut it hns an PspPI'ially g-ood hn:-;inpss 1'0111'~-'<'. 'l'h1• t·om·sp t'Oitsists of stpno~.(Taphy and hookk<'P]lillp;, a111l Jll'OYidt•S an l'ni<'i<'nt and <'<'onomi<'al mp:ms for pupil~ 1o ]H'<'Jllll'l' fm· pl':tl'til'al posi· tiOJJ.'. It is I'OIHln1'1Pd 011 1h<' smll<' plan as a .·Jwl'ial lmsint•:-;s s1·hool. 'l'h<' )o;(lJ(1t•nt. han• all thP :HlY:Illt:tgt's of a Tli:,!;h ,',·hool inl'lndi11g g,rlll· nas1 i1· alll1 soda 1 priYil<?p;<'s as WI' II.
,..\rt 'l'hp _\t·t Dt>pm·tnwnt of·t·npiPs two I'oonts on tht• first Hom· in t hi' llorth-Past l'ornt•r of th<' hniltlin~. lll'l't' pr·ohh•ms art• soh pt] t hi' :-.:till I' a.· in 1ht• tlPpartiiH'llt of mathl'mati1·s with tlti.- 11ill'Prl'nl'l', Hrtistk Pll'l'l'l i. th<' aim. not <H'I'lll'HI'Y· J)p:-:ig;ning jr-; emphasilw1l. E:tl'lt st 111h•nt IS
cll'~i~n~ thr patt<•rn for hi.· ~t<'IH'il in~-r, hi~ tooling, and his mPtal work. 'l'hi~ room i~ partirularly intP1'1'sting: no two <lPsig-11s arP alikP, no two
.'llHlPnL· arp IH't'l'~."<ll'ily wo1·kin1-r at ll11• S<lllll' thillg-. ()np lila~' hP WPa\'iJtg a ha.kPI, auoth<•t· paiuti11g- a ftm\<'1', a third sPiting- a ring, hut all m·c• kPpt hu .·y hy tlwir iu~tnwtot·, .\!iss Hill. 'Q:~e
'l'hp <'ity Lih1·ary Hoard a11d P1·ofpssor 'Yindsor of' th<• l'niYI'rsity of' Illinois han• madP pos.-ihiP a fml/1/ jidf · liht•at·y fm· thP high s1·hool. \\ 'p hael thP room, hut just "hl'l'P thc• monpy was to I'01tt<' front to push on the <'quipnwnt and to pa~ for 1·atalog-uing tl11• hooks, was a prohl<'lll \\'hit·h l'Plll:linPel un~olwd until ft·iP1l<ls \\·ho l'Pctlizl'cl thP ne'l'l'ssity of a lihrary, oll'Pl'l'll thP solution. 'l'h1• Boanl of Ed1wation fnrnishc•d tPIII]lO· 1'<11',\' .·ta('ks, tl11• ('it,\ Lihrat·y Ho:11·d loalll'cl thre•p l'1•ading t:thiPs, I>1•an E. lhl\'1'11pm·t ~-ran• a fom·th, :mel Profpssm• \\'inclsot· maclt• it possihiP for .\lis.- ~ha\\· , .\!iss Fanny II ill, :mel .\[iss • ·Pllil' Brandt to l'alalog-u<' thP library. By 1w.· t fall 1'\'1'1',\ thinp; will hP 1'c•:uly for us1•. .\ rPal liln·:lJ·~· :-;upplie.- a long-fPlt ll<'Ptl, PspPI'ially h,r st wle•nt:-; in tltl' Eng-lish allC] II istory el<']Hll'llltl'llt.·. 1r~e
.\t la~t WI' !tan• spa<'<' within whklt to moY<' awl still 11ot mol<•st our lll'ighhors. \\' p quill' app1·ow of tht• plan of thl' Board of Edlll':tlionto makp thP ym·cl to tl11• l'a~t ancl to thl' south of the huildi11g a thi11g- of ht•auty, at ]past for a 1 imP; that to the• wc•st, to l'Pse•n'<' for .-port~. ~i1tl'l' parly spring, it ha~ lH•Pn ns<•d hy thP tr:t<·k !pam for trainiug. 'l'hl' hoys may pradit·<' hl'1'<' two 1Hnt1's, then han• a ~o;ltow<·r hath and .-till haYP limP for a ganH• of hilli:mls, if tlH•y cll'si1'1', he•fm·e six o'd(wk. It i!" ltopr<l that by ll<·. ·t fall IPillli!' <·om·(:-; will lH' tll:tt·kpd out; for l<'llllis is Yt•ry popular with hotlt hoys all<l g-irl.·. 1r~e
\rattler anb
It was fplt hy SOJtll' liw ~o;lwlPills tl~:tl tht•t•t• \\'Pl'P too mall,\ illfl'1't>:--1· ing· 1'\'l'llls }H'l'laillillg to sc·ltool lifl' whi(·h \\'1'1'<' 110t :--uflkiPilti,Y known to thl' .·twlc•nt hocly, :lJl(l that Ill<' hP:-;t Jll<'all.- of supplyi11g this IIP<'<l was to puhlish a WI'Pkly high .'('hoo] papPI'. .\s a l'l'snlt, ]H'I'tllission was S ome G uy
A fraid of the G irls 16
g-in•n till' ho,rs to try lhP YPiltlll'l' on thPil' own l'P1-4ponsihility. Thus, '/'hf' 'l'atllt'l' and '1'/u· ('oll/1110/ll'l' l':llll<' into PxistPUI'I'. 1'hry aJ'I' I'Cil.'Ol'Pil by )lis: ~\\'itzer. It is l'l'lliHrkahh• ho\\' aiPrt thp Pditors HI'<' in fiiHlingout I'YI'I',\'thing \\'orth whil<• and making tlw most of it, <'YI'll during tlw WI'Pk. \\'h1•n t hPJ'<' is a llParth of 11('\\'s. 'l'h<• til·st iss\11' of Tilt· 'l'ottlr r was .\lan·h :!:t .\fii'J' th<• 1-41'1'01111 i:slH', thP datP was l'ltangPil to .\[onda,r an1l :ill<'<' th<•n it has lW<'II iHsw•ll on this day. 'J'hp papPI' has :-;ix pag<•: ind1Hling- tlw adn·rtisPJll<•nt.·. During IIom<'I'OIIling \\'PPk, thP 1•ditors pnhli1-4hr<l a :-;ppdal in magazine form, l'ontaiuing t \\'I'IYP pag<'S. ThP Pllitm·s Wl'l'<' II. II. Harris, H. .\1. .\IetzlPr, and ,J. .\[, HohpJ·t.· up to .\lay 17. "'ith this issnp "'ari'Pn Hough .·u<·,.,.l'dPd thP last hYo nanw1l, who rp:-;ignPil. '/'h(' ('o/111110111'1' was tir:-:1 is:lH'Il T1w.llay, .\Iarl'l1 :w, anll it ha: apJH'ai'I'd Pll<'h \\'<'Pk on this day PX<'<'pting tlw puhlil-ation on .\lay 17, \\'hkh \\'as .\louday. It has fmn· pagPs all(] no :ul\'l•rtispmpnls. 'l'h<' 1-4Jl<'l'ial issup in honm· of thP .\lnmni h;ul :-;ix pagPs. 'J'h<• l'llitors ar<· \\'illiam ~tal'lnwk, :\l<•rton .\l ..n~rs, ('pdl C'ook1>, ~amnt'l Hill, Esthpr Yan Vorl'n, awl Jlarr~· • 'klwlH.
(Conclusion 'rlH' :-:p<•1·ial Jllll'JWR<' of this artil'l<' is to Pmphasizl' th<• oppol'luniti<•s offpJ·pl] hy tl11• 111'\\' lmilding- for Yo<·atioual ecllwation, fm· kP1•ping tlH• stndPnts in goo1l ph,Ysi1·al I'OJH]ition, and for ]H'OYiding JII'OJIPI' HllllJs<'llll'lll:-; for lt•ism•p t illl<'. 1'h<' last nwntionp1l i: Yl'l'." <'Ollllllonly (lisJ'I'· gardt•d in t]J(• majo1·it.'· of high .•dtool.·. ThP :11lnmtagp,.; ofl't•t·t•ll to tht• othl'l' IIPpat'lltH'nts may hp inf<'I'J'Pil h.' th<• illl'l'('H.'Pil intt'l'<•st in thPir work. This is shown hy tlH• t•xhihits and nmnhl'r of duhs forml'd. 'l'h<• ,•Juhs art• und<'l' lh1• sn]Wl dl-4ion of thp iustrnl'tm·s in th<• Yal'ions d<•partlll<'llts all(l HI'<' clis<·nss('cl (']1-4('\\'lH•r<' in thP lfii!'IJ0/1. ~lll'lt faYorahlP <·onditiom; IH'OJlJOic stiHly) arons<• dPsir<' for eomp •tit ion, aiHl iuneas<• high s!'hool spirit. H('g:m]Jps: of t hi' in<·onYPnil'lll'l'. PJHIIII'<'Il during t l11• <'Olllplction of lh<• hnilding, tllis y1•ar is lookPd upon h_,. tht• ~<'niors as the happit•st ami most Slll'l'l'ssful of tlwir high sl'l10ol lift>. ~E. "IOlt ( 'L.\, ',',
. lsxcmblcd by J:,'lffl l'orlcr World's Happit•st 17
<!rl]ctntpai!llt 1Qi!1l1 ~cl]ool 1!1onors 1~I 1-1- - 1~11 .1 F ooiballieam champion of Central Stale. F oolball team won the trophy cup. This silver loving cup u'as given by Mr. T. H. Craig lobe competed for on Thanksgiving day by the football teams of Urbana and Champaign for five successive years. The school winning three out of five of the games was lo be the permanent possessor of the cup. Urbana won the first game and Champaign the nexllhree. Debate teams won the Corn Belt League debate. The af_firmalive won from Bloomington; the negative, from Decatur. joined the Knox Debating League. This league is composed of twenty-seven of the large schools in Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. Won first place in extempore speaking in the district contest and third place in the lnlerscholaslic conlesl allhe University of Illinois. Department of Music successfully presented Sherwood's Queen. Track team won fir sf honors in the Eastern Illinois Stale Normal meet held al C harleslon. T hirly-one schools competed. Champagin won 32 points. Broke pole vault record of Charleston, II feel 3 inches. Equaled high jump record of Charleston, 5 feel8 inches. Equaled 50 yard dash record of Charleston, 5 3-5 seconds. Track team won third place with lola[ of 20 points, in the U niversily of Illinois lnlerscholaslic. Ranked higher than any school outside of Chicago. Broke University of Illinois record in pole vault, II feel 6 1-2 inches. Ranked second in Stenography conies[ al Normal. Twenty¡ lwo schools were represented.
• • till' lli.·tor·y of t hl· high :·whool, Y;11·ious gr·atluat ing da.·s('l". indiYiduals, and m·ganizations haYP ldt llti'IIIOJ'ial.-. ntadP loans, oll'PI'Ptl priz1•s, ~"IIJlpliPd lll'Ptl.·. a111l as.-ist!•d in fiHarwing pr·ojpt·ts wltil'h \\'PI'e IIPI'PS.'<Il',\' for om· \\Pifar·P. \\'p think this i.-an opportunt• tiiiiP to l'I'I'OguizP this intel'Pst.
Q;:lau .ffi emorials J:ookl'a.·p and (\\'o hurulr·l'd hooks ........................ ('la.·s of 1, !l:~ Piano ................................................ ('lass of L !1-! J:r·onz<' hust of Li!l(·oln ................................. ('lass of L !1!1 J:ust of .'hak!•spt'al'l' and pil'l 111'1' of <lntnt ................ ( 'la.-s of 1!100 N((ll!illf/ fmlll II IJ/1/f r .\lura 'l'ndPnra .................... ('lass of 1!101 '1'/u , "IH jlllf·n/f ss LP Hoi ............................... ('lass of 1!l01 FonndPd )Jpmm·ial Fund ............................... <'lass of 1!10-! lrH·r·PasPd )[(•JIIm·ial Fund .............................. <'lass of 1!10;) I >Psk ................................................. ( 'lnss of 1!10() Hulll't in Bo:ml ....................................... ( 'la.·: of JHO, ..\[ Olll'Y d Ppmd t PI l with H o hPJ'( L1oy1l «' • ':!:! ................. ('lass of 1!IOfl (/, ffy.·lJIIr.'f, 'Jir·r 1-!1 ( illumillatPd 1 ........................ <'las.' of 1!)1:! ..\lmH·y dPJHI:·diPd for dPtinitP Jliii'JHISI' ..................... <'lass of 1fl13 .\lonpy to hP usP!l for· JIIUJ·al dPI'oJ·atiou .................. ('las.- of l!H-! :-4tagP t·m·taill ........................................ <'la:-;s of 1 !11;) Fit·st I'Hll\'Hs of llllll'al !ll'l'OI'Hiion ........................ (']a.-:-; of 1!11:-i ]ht!litti(luals .\ll'!~iniP,\' FiPid ........................ Till' Hollfll'ahl(' \\'.
n. ..\ld~iliiPy
..\lal'hiP Bu:-;t of \\'a:-;ltingtou ............ ThP Ilolllll':thiP \\'.H . ..\ll'Kinll'y ·:!;;for· llllll'al dP ·m·ntion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pl'PsidPut E .. J .Jallll'.' 'J'Itp .\sspmhl1•d <lods t l'tt·ltilll-!,1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'r·ofpssot· \\ p(J.· l'il't lll'P of \\'ashington :-4tt:wal't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J'r·of'l•:sm· Fr·l'dPI'kk
Wi HsmHP Ha Jllli lll'ss 19
:·10 am1uall~· for t111• lw~t ('. IJ. :4. song ............ :\lr:-;. IL I>. Burnham Enc·,vdop:u•ll ias ................................... nr. < '. II. II em a rcl Etdling ................................................ ..\Ir~. Hic·kPl' <'hair in llll'llHll',\' of Otto LPP .......................... ..\Irs . .M. <'. LPe 'I'll,. 8j1hi11.r ....................................... .\lr .. Josppll ('ar(Pl' 'l'!tr l'ar/IH 'IIflll (in c·olm·:-; t •.••••••••••.•••.••••••• ..\l1· .. Jo~P]lh ( al'tPr .I urorrr-Heni ................................... ..\l1·s. II. II. Harris Billiarll tahlr ..................................... :\ll·s. II. II. IIal'1'is l'illartc l\"('(ldill.rt .................................... :\l1·s. E. II. f'ad~· Uod •'Jir((l ........................................ . ..\lr:-;. E. II. <'a1ly \Yalnut lihrm·y tahlt• ............................. Dc·an E. l>an•npol't Pic·tm·p of LilH'oln ............ .......... ............. ..\lr. (' .•\. KilrJ' ..\I PI 1·i<' ( 'h:u·t ........................................ :\Jr. <'. A. Kilr1· ('o/li.·('l/111 and Forum ................................. . ..\Irs. ~trarn.· .1/((rin~ Vir' II' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ..\I iss Rim .\ y·t YiC'w. · ............................................. ..\I rR. Pepprr <'lcH'k for hilliard room ........................... ..\lr .•\. "'n<'Hl<>man HPnc·h for billi:ml room .......................... ..\lr . •T. ..\I. Kaufman Linc·o]n's LPt tPl' to ..\l!•s. Hixhy ( c·opy} .. ..\fr. n. Long YPlllL' llP ..\Iilo (~taturttP) .......................... :\lis.·. Im·y Willis Book plat<' ......................................... ..\I is: ..\Iary llill :4et of Huhwr alHl Yidm· Hugo .................... ..\Irs . ..\lar.' L. hhel TPllurian <HohC' ................................. :\lr~. F. K. Hoheson Pic·ture of .\Y<'lllH' High :4c·hool Building .......... ])r. <'harlps Jiowar!l Pid nrc of.\ YPlllH' l ligh l41·hool Huilcli11g Hlll'llill~ .......... ?IIr. \Yhraton 0
<Ornanb:ati on.s l4Pril•s of .\rt t-\twlips :·wlPI'IPcl h.' Lot·ado Taft ...............\l't f:Iuh 'f'llf ()ot!t of 1\"lliftltthood-.\hlll',\'...................... . .•\rt ('lnh Hn~-:t of Lin<'oln ..................................... \\oman's ('lnh Hf'adill!f from 1/fJIIIf r - .\ltna Tadl'lltcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \\~oman·.- <'lllh 'l'hl'('l' j,·m·y hilli:ll'll halls .................................. Elks ('luh Pl'i:t.P of .·;) to ~tuclPllt 11:1\·in~ highc•st ;1\'(•J·agP in .\llll'l'il·an lii.·tor,r .................... I hwghiPJ's of .\ll1Pl'in1n Hc•ntlutinn
Art fnl J ok<'r
N aturally K ind 20
roans 'l'hr<'<' walnut lilmn·y tahlPs ...................... C'ity Liln·m·~· Bo:ml \ iyht awl .1/orniny-'l'hoJ·walds<•ll .................. ~lr~ .. J. ''"· Port<•r 'I'hl'l'<' pool tahiPs and onp hillhu·d tahl<' ............... ~rr. FrP<l Jles.·pl
_]:ina nee I )Jl<' hntuh·<'<l dollm·.· for th<' npk<'<'Jl of th<• Billim·<l Hoom: .\Jps~rs. ,J. ,\1. Kanf'lllau, .\. ~1. BurkP, 0. L. P<'ITinll, F. I'. ~\m:,;lnu·y, .\. E. \\'npstPIII:lll, . ·. )I. II ani:,;, I I. ~. ('apron, \Y. E. ( 'litfor<l. ( l. ~I. )latth:, ( ' . .\. KiiPr, F. K. Hohp.·on, <'harles ~lam'PI', E. ( '. Flanigall, H. 1>. BunJitam, H. H. ~I at t iH, .T. H. 'l't'<'\'Ptt. \\'. LPwi.· ..,·. 'o., F.~. Bail<'y, .J. \\" . .'tip<'.·, I:. F. liard.·. 'l'hP following a.·sisted in filllllH'ing t hp th·:-·d pnhlka t ion of 1hP .1/aroon iu.·tea<l of :.HlYPl'til'ing: ~l<•HHl'H . •Jo.·. Kuhn ..,. <'o., H. V. Burnham, \\·. Lpwi: ..,. <'o., ••. ~I. Ilanis. B. F. IIarri~. Rt<'l'll BroK, F'. K. Holwson, .J. ".\I. Kaufman, F. L. RtamPy, FPI'gtJ.·on & <'raig, Dan )!onissey, .Jr., <:ulilk Tailoring Co., .'. P .•\.tkiwmn, H. )1. ~latt i~, I>allPnhadt Bro~ .• II. ( '. rarihPr, 0. <'. \\'illiN, <'.II. lladdell'y, .\. ~ .• ·l'l:,;on, )letzler & ~ehaft>r, F'. ('. ~\.mH· hal',\. PPtTintl atHl ::\lm·ehPad. II. ~" amwll, <'unningham BI•o:,;., MittPn· <lorf & Kill'r, \\'. H. Bra<ll<'y. EvPl',Y yrar ~lr. ('. B. Il;\ldt, ".\lr. T. Crnig· and ('ook Bro!-4. gin• a hallqll<'l in ho11or of thp football tt>am. l'rof<'H~m· .\. \Y .• "ol:m of thP l"lliYPl'Hily in~trni'IP<l <"lets~ in .\gl'i<'11 It lll'<' fm· two yNn'. ·. 'l'lt<• Iligh ~«·!tool Lihr:n·y <·atctloguP«l hy ::\li:-;s ~haw, )[isH Fmmy 1 I ill, ct1Hl )li~s •• Pili<' Brandt.
Jolly hut Lazy
CIP\'(')' Mctllll<'l' 21
J\hnnnac an~ J\hnnni 411.L·Y of till' alnnmi of <'hatupai~u High ~chool h:t\1' ui~tingui~hi'<L ~'l'l thl'llt~<'IY<'.· thi~ .n·ar, in all litt<•:-; of adi\'ity. But morp impm·t:wt thau in<li,·idnal :u·hii'H'llH'llls i.· th<· Fii·st ~\nHnal Ilollll'<'OJlling, \\'lti<"lt wa. a splPwli<l stH·<·<•:-;s thrm:gh Ill<· hl':trty <·o-op<·ration of till' who!<' .\lnm11i .\ssociat ion. For ~<'\'CH ,\'l':tt·s our .\lumni .\ssodation has ~trug gli'<L <'hPI'rfully, hut without \'1'1',\ 110\ icl':thll' J'I'Hillts. 'l'hl' gt·<·at oppor· tnnity <·amP tlli . .n·m·, wh<'H tl1<• 111'\\' hnildiug was <'OJPplt>ted. ~twh au iiH'<'lltin• <·onld not fail to Jn·iu~ a ho~t of loyal l'ollo\\'l'l's to th<· ~laroon hanm•r of <'. Il. ~'l'hl'l'<' ,,.<'1'<' fom· ui~ht:-: of plpasnn• and rereh·y-<•adt on<• full of happy :-;nrpri~es. l·'p:-;tiYitiPs \\<'1'<' fittingly op<·Hed hy th<' flll'mal dedi<·atiou of th<' huil<liu~, \\'e<lll<'"day <'\'l'Hing, ~lay fifth. ~lr. Ernl'.·t, ~np<•r iu\t'IHieut of ~<·hools, pi·e:·ddPd. ll:11l h<• \\'arne<l thl' sp<·akPr.' to h<• hriPf and iHtL•r<•stiu~·! \\p <lo not know, hut till',\' \\l'l'<', to our great dPligltt. _,h·. ~·. ~. ~petH'l'l', thP an·hit<·<·t, pres<•Btl'<l tl1<• k<•ys to Dr. \\·. L. <tray, th<· Presi<ll'nt of thl' Board of Edtu·ation. To th<· ~t·<·at . m·prise of hi:-: many ft·ieuds, I )r. <:ray mad<' a sp<'Pdl ill !'<'ply. ~lr. T. E. ~mith, <·hait·mau of th<• Huildiu~ ('ommitl<'<', was too ill, mudt to out· l'l'gi'Pt, to <lo uwrt• than :-;it on the platform. .\s ~la,\01' of <'hampaigu, ~lr. E. ~ ~\\ io·art talked a f<'\\' minutes. )lr. U. ( 1. ~" :lllJH'Il, PrPsi<l<'III of th<' ('h:unher of ('omm<'l'<'l', DPan E. J)a\'Ptlport, l'<'lll'<'s<•utin~ thp l'ItiY<•t·sity, and ~lr. ( '. II. \Yatt:, ( 'mmty ~liJH'I'ini<•IHI<•nt of ~<·hools, followl'<l wit II short .'JH'<'<·hes. Th<· main :uldt·<•:.· was n1adP h,Y ~lr .. f.('. Iianna, of Ill<• ~t:ttl' J)ppar\JJJ<•Ilt of lli~h ~('hools. It \\':1:-i pradi<·al a:-; \\ell as pnjo,\ah!P. 'J'htu·.·<lay <'\'<'Hill~ t II<• mu.·il' d:t.·~ prPs<•HtPd • 'lu lti'Oin/'N ()111'1'11 fot· our PlltPt'lailllll<'lll. ~liss .\tnPlia I)PJI<'\\Ptll, ln~tt·udor in ·'lusi<·, \\':ts iu ,·ltat·g<•. Th<· <l]H'l':t wa: P.\TPIIPHI. . \IIIIo thP mu.·i<· wa~ difli<-ult ht mauy plat·<·~. l{obiu llood's hand had 111:1. tPI'P<i all of it. Tht•l'<' \\'a~ ,-.;\1<'11 a happy :-;pil'il ahout tlt1• who!<' JH•l'f'm·nwtH·P that W<' all fp]t ~t·Pat ly t·dJ·ps]H·<I aud attlll.'l'<l. Composin~ Music
~\n ArllPnt Man 22
'I liP alunllli g:t\P a . tunt ~how F1·ida.' 1'\'Pllillg. • I'Pd \\'(' say that tliP auditorium W<l.' full, m·I·J·tlowing i11to tiiP (•onidm·s h;H·k of tli1• st:t~1· dooJ·s'! It \\':t.' :tll 111111.'\l:tl :tunt shO\\ in thP gn·at n11·ipty of PlltPI'tainntPllt whil'h \\:ts oll'Pl'PII. llany ~-Pbon oppnpd tlw tn·ogJ·am with a -.\'lophon(• :olo, whil'lt l':tpt lll'l'd t h1• .nulil'nl'l'. J )ollald (irossJJIHll t ])('Jl .'Hllg in hi .· usual lllP<l.'illg lll:lllll('l'. ThrPP lwautiful dalll'l'." by llazPl lhnidson awl h1•r parttwr, ~Jr. Frazi1•r, follo\\'1'11. IIazPI Jhtlh•nhal'h i11 a llltllwrou.- :-;kPt1·h was higlily l'lliPrtainiug·. Th1• l'las: of 1!11:~. whi1'11 was always doing solllPtllillg, ga\'(' an I'XI'PI'dingly htlnlOJ'O\Js stllllt, ~·aiiPd ''llohhing Cp and l>ow11." "'l'h1• ~lilll'('-]lil•," a nJolwloglll' hy .Jpnnis Hany, ha1l grow11 so fullll.' at thP (•nd, that part of u: did not SPI' tiH• point until tlw nPxt day. • "aomi IlaJ·tf'Ol'd, with tli1• ;u-d. talll'l' of .John Polk, El" in Kratz and .J ('SS(' Lnw·nt, Jl1'1'SPn t Pll an "It a liau ~~ 1'l'Pt ~~·~·up," whil'l1 "as \'1'1'." lliPasing to Par mul 1',\'P. and wond1·1·full,\' pfl't>l'tirP . .\11·s .•\IIH'rt Eislll'l', ,h·., dPiiglilt•il th1• audiPlii'P with 111'1' l'hat·miug song:-; . •\nd lastly, thP Litl'l'Hl'.' ,'ol'iPt.Y .\hmmi, with th(• aid a spot light, 1'1'\ii'\\'Pd our high . Thool da.' s for ns. ~I o1'1' than oliP of us .-a" ou1·. ·pl\'(•s as oth1•rs saw us, yt•m·: ago. In hPIWel'1l stunt: an mTiiPstra of alumni kPpt tlw audiPnl'l' in a happy framP of min<l. 'l'hP 1'1'o\\·ning ft•atm·p of Ilomt>t·omi11g was tliP ahmmi hawpwt and dalli'P. 'l'li1• 1·lass of 1!11;) gll\'1' up 1 ht>ir 1·lass hauquPt and joilu·d with tli1• "old folk.-." .\hout :t!:i nH'1'l','"-lll<lkPrs fpa:-;tpd :tlHI 1'1'HP\\'PI t])(' !'I'Pill's of days gon1• hy. Jlpfol'l' lli1• toasts ht'gan ~L1·. F1'1•d Hugg IPd lhP l'olllpany i11 a lit liP <lilt.' whkh was ,.<'1'.' suggPstiV<' to tliosp "ho WPJ'<' to tnak<· til<' talks. ~!iss ~witZ<'l', ~Jr. EarHP:-;1, ~I<•rton ~ly<•J·s, PJ·of<·s~m· Iloha1·t ('arnallall, ~IJ·:-;. Fl'P<l Hug-g. llmold .\1'111:--trong· and .\!1·. H. F. llanis \\'<'1'1' intJ·odui·Pd h,\· 111<' toa:-;t -llt:l!-'(1'1' and Jlr<·.-ddPllt of th<• .\s.'IH'iatiou, ~Ir·. H.<' . • ·Plson . . \t thP <·losp th<' nollliuating I'Ollllllii1<'P lll<lli<' its 1'<'}101'1 of otli1·t'l'.' fm· th<' n1•xt .'<•ar·. \Yitlwnt ('\'I'll a motion, th<• liP\\' olli('('l'l' \H'l'<' 1lt'darl'1l ll!Jallilllo\lsl.' PlPI'll'll, and nr. Lloyd "'i:-;p h(•(•aJII(' 0\ll' 11!'\\" ]ll't•sidPllt. En·n aft1•1· all of tlli: it wa:-; only nill<' o'l'lod:; s11 \\'<' dan1·Pd-ol<l and ·' onng, old :tlHlllP\\. It \\':1.' all o\' 1'1' at t\\'Ph<' o'diH'k, hut till' l'llllm:-;iaslll whi1·h was l'l'Plltl'd will last fo1· lllllll\' \'P:Il's. . ·Pxt \'Pal' tlll'l'P will h1• tirP hundr·<·d at ouJ' h<llHJllPt. • ·o oll<' <'lll~ ;;il'ord to nliss .it. \\'ill you h<· thPr<•'!
.\ .... \Ll'~I.. I.E.
7~aculf!J W. W. Earnest, Superintendent of Schools Lottie Switzer, Principal of High School Minnie E. Morris, Vice~Principal, English E. L. Milne, Mathematics, Assistant Athletic Director C. W. Gooding, Chemistry, Biology Otto Maienknecht, Physics Mat hilda Voss, Household Science S. F. Davidson, English Vera T urell, English Mary C. Barry, English L. E. Frailey, English, Public Speaking R. P. Zimmerman, German Bertha M. /ones, German A. E. Zucker, German Eva M. McKinnie, Latin Fanchen Campbell, Latin, Ancient History Byne F. Goodman, History E. F. Hanes, Civics, History, English M. Edna Stinson, Mathematics L. N. Stokes, M athemalics Paul Smith, Agriculture, Physiography Mary B. Hill, Drawing S. A. Dorris, Business Beulah E. Selsam, Business /.C. Nicholson, Manual Training Amelia Deneweth, Music Bess H oult, Household Science
I I.\JtLEY •\. ·mmw:-; ( ;PI'Illan <'lnh; <'. I[. ~- L. •'.; ~(·ipJI('I' < 'luh. "'J'IH• pat :tll(l fullll'(' :u·p a.· \'i. ions. ))PJH'IIfl
A.·: 'nrcr.·
<:t'l'lll:tll ('lnh; .\thiPtit- .\ssol'iatiou. ")[odt'st Hll(l >impiP :tJI(I swPd; thl' Yt'l',\" typP of PI·i.·(•illa." IL\ZI:L IHE. 'E AR~ISTRO "G.
Latin ('lnh; ~·kiPll('(' ('lnh; .\thh·tk .\ssol'iation. "'L'he grPatt•st of all faults is to lH' ('011:·-wiom.; of' nonP." .\1.\H<:.\HJ~T ~ \. 'IDI OHE
,J {•Lr.\
Latin f:luh. "Il<'r Yoin• was gt•nt I(• and low, :lll PX('I'IIPnt t II ing foi' a wom:m."
r..uo;. "<'E EnmET'J' H.\K1m l'I't•.·itlt•llt of {;pJ'lll<lll ( 'luh; ~(·it'll('(' ('luh; .'Pnior .\lpmm·ial <'ommit tee. "M,v ht·.·t thoughts alway:-; t·omp a littiP ioo laiP." Homm HHEEDT.OYI~ Omtm·kal ('ontp,·(, '14-. "Tids hUll of an oratm·, by !"llllllllPI'·s ripPning ln·Path )fay ]>1'0\'t' a lH'aU{t'OllS f)O\\'t'l' \\'he'll llPX{ \\'C llli'Pf."
LK "J..
ETI! Ll. .f 1 I. I.\ t:n.
Lat i11 ( 'lnh; ( :e•J'lll<lll <'lnh; Tan t:('ta "Hu~h oil mad wm·ld \\'hy h(•(•d l ,vom· ca 1'1'~." .\
( '1!!11.
\ l:IL\I'I'IIW.\1'1'1: ··~]o\\
to i~
l'!'~oh·e·; hut in ]H•J·I'm·nl<IIH'e• quid,." qniPt and tnlas~llllling;.
t:n:w.\.·tr I:!'J'Illan <'lnl1; ~dPJH·e· <'lnh. "HI' not !liP lil'~t hy \\ llolll tliP liP\\ i. tJ·ie•(l."
TII .\1.\w:.\Ht:T
p \l'LI ·~-: I:t'HW.\,'II I:(•J'Jll<lll ('Jnh; ~e·iPnc·e· (']nh. "IIPJ' pnth\\ay on the• ope·n \\"lll'ld, lll:ly llle·s~ings follo\\ fl'!'l'."
(: IL\('E ( '.\HIWL ( '.\.\1 EIW.
I lemm·~ in Hn. ill('.·~. ".\ly IH•:n·t. Ill.'" solll]HIIll'e•d J'pe·klc·~"IY 011 dl'c·anr.· that e·onld not la!'t." I I t:Ln. • FH.\. '('t:s < '.\ l'BLI: Tan He·ta Ep~ilon <'lnh; ~l'iPne·(• ('In h . ... 'hP had all tIre· J·c>gal 111aking of a qll('Pil.
('II \HLI:.' (' .\.ltltoi.L
'lml'k, 'l:i. ".\ soeial, hoii!'SI IIIHII \\a:-; IH·." (')tal' hoi' !'Hill!' (O liS ft'Olll l:-\lJH\\"li!'!'(O\\
(; 1:o1t<a: (; IL\'1"1'.\ •. (' .\. 'sillY
l:-\enim· l'lay. ".\ly <',\'l'S tnakP pi<·tm·ps wliPll th<·y m·p shut." \\'itltout dould <:t·attan \\ill lu• :111 :11·tist. ,J.\\1
m .\1.\JW.\HET
<'. I I. ::-\. L. ::-\.; l:-\l'iPll<·<· <'luh. "HP hlllllhll' and ·' ou will do." t 'IIE."t'I:It •• H'IIOJ..\.' ( 'L.\ItK Th<·ta <'hi <'lul1; J:adi11 <'lul1; <:<'1'111<111 <'luh . .. \\'Ita t I Ita H' doH<·, i. don<·."
I 1.\ZEJ. BELLE< 'oLLI. · s "I !'ai'<' for uohod.', no, not I, If uo Oll!' !'<ll'l'S for Jill'." E'J'IIEL HI·:.\'J'I!I('E ('OLLJ. ...
"It would takP a \\ i:-;<'1' IH·ad tll;tn lllilt!' t11 uHd<·J·st:tltd lwr."
<; u \I 'E .J.\
<lt•J'IIICIII ('JulJ. "'othing ~<'ht• dol's oJ' st'l'Jll:-; But SIIIHI'ks of :-;mnPihing gJ·P:tlt•J· than lu•J'S<'lf."
lim .· ~-:<
Latin <'In h. "EHI'Ih 111<1,\' Hot
1hl'l'. . 'otlling hi•J·p l'olllcJ ht•
l'l'Wa rd ...
EHE'I''I' HOLL.\ . ' )) l>l·~\'OL
Latin <'luh; ~~·it>llt·t• ('luh; ~\thlt•til' ~\.ssol'iation. "Fur I my.·plf "ith tlH'~<'I' han• grown To sOllll'thiHg gi'I•Htl'l' tlwn ])pf'm·p." ('IL\HLJ:: EL.\IJ:It ])JLI,.\\'01' ~dl'lll'l' <'luh. "lie hot·p his gi·t·at t'Oilllllissiml in his look."
Enn .·
"0 with tl1P 'JH'I'tl of hiJ·cl and wi11cl."
Enin llJ·iyp: hi: <l~:onnn LI. ' IlLJ:Y
Tra1· k, 'I::; .' l'it•Jit'l' ('lu h. "lie ha.· a solid has1· of ll'lllJll'l'<lllH'llt.
ihl•t• a IIIPPI
.\ 'THill
ro. ·
Lati11 ('Juh; ::-·kiPTlt'P ('Juh. "~hP wa:-; in log-it· a gt'Pat t'l'it i(' J'rofoundl,,· :-;kiiiPd in a11alyt i('s."
EI. 'J;Jt J:pta ZPta Pi ( 'luh; ~~·il'llt't' t·luh; .\t hll't it· . \!'S iwi:tl ion . "Yol'ifPJ'atPd logk kills 1111' qnitP ...
K.\'1'11.\HI. I
(;J .. \)l\', ' EYEHIL\HT
0Prlllall <'hth;
(']uh: ('.
~.: ~PI ' I'PI:tr ·.'
of .Junim·
( 'Ia. :-;: )Jay FPst ira I. "~hr
wa:-; as fr1•slt a .· t hP
h of ,\1 ay ...
)I .\ HY ,J K\ •• , ' E'I'TE FEr~ ,'drnrr ('Juh. "Ya .. t and gt·paf is " ·hat I Jon•."
·L.\WHE. ('E <h:orwE FEE Fkirncr f'lu h. '' .']~• \\' ()]']\ gops f:t . ( El LE IHE
Jll'IIS)H']', .
Latin <'luh; .\tlrlt•lit· .\:<!'lwiation: .Juni1tJ' Pin ('ollllllifiPt•: .Junio1· Etlitol' of 1/oro()ll. '1 L "II PI' looks :1 S]n·iglrt ly 111illll dist·lo:-;1' ...
\·1. 1-:'1''1'.\ FLO\YJ:H.· <li•I'IlHlll <'luh; ~~·ttiot· Pia,\. "Thou .·halt lw an idt•a for all :-oub."
11.\IUtY ( l IU.'Ili.E\ FHEIIEHII'K~O.
ThPta ('hi ('Juh; <ipt·ntan ('luh; Latin (']ttl,; .\tliiPti1· .\sstwtntion. Foothall, '1:!, '1:{, '1 L "Thi · i:- not III'll\'1'11, 1'\ I'll in :t dt·l•ant:· <lJUI'E ])oito'J'liY
<: \
Latin <'lnb; ~~·il'lll'l' <'l11h; <'.II.~. L. ~. ".\ np;Pis <ll'l' ill t h1• \\'ot·ld-whPt'PfOJ·p not I'!" I:I;.\'I'IUI'I: Ill.\ ( lOOil.\1.\ •.
~~·iPIII'I' <'luh; .\thlPti1· .\sstH"iation; ~Pniot· Pin ('tHHiltitti•P: .'Pnitn• ( 'I a:-;s Tl'l'<l!"UI'(']'. "Thou l'anst not .·Jwal. \\'hat thou dnst 11ot f'pp]."
I I \Ito I. II (; H0\'1:.' .\lplw .\lpha OnlP!.!;a <'luh; <ll't'Htan <'luh; ~~·i1'lll'l' <'luh; .'Pnim· Play. ".\ mall hi' Sl'l'llll'd of <'hi'PI'fnl .'''•stt•rdays .\ nd l'llllfid1•111 1ontol'l'n\\ s."
('I L\ HLE..
.Jm;EI'II 11.\<:,\ ~~·iPtll'l'
('luh; Footh:tll, '11.
1111' ' " ' " · ' : ·
J:J : It ·.\HJ) ~\ . TIIO . · y II\(:.\ .'
Football. 'II; Tt·a<"k.
"IIi~ <·allll and hbtlllPl<·~s lif<' J)ops with :-;uhstnnti;tl hl<•ss<•dJH•ss ELL.\
·t:-.. nh llllld ...
.\1 \HIE II.\ . 'j) Tau Jkta Epsilon ( 'luh; ~~·i<'ll<"<' ( 'lul1. "11<'1' <'Y<'" \\<'1'<' pools of liquid lm·<•.'"
IL\;t,EL .\<: .· ~::-; 11.\lWL '
YaiP<li<"tm•iall; Tlmwrs in .\ll<'il'llt L;Jllgll<lg<•s; llonot·~ in Ew.!;lisll; llotlms in Ili.-tm·.'; ]11\itatioll ('ollltllitt<•<'. "~h<· ~p<•ak~. ht>han·s. a111l <ll'ls just n:-; shl' ought." .\ .·
IEHlTIIIL\IWI ' ~alutatm·ian;
IlmHH·s in .\JII'il'lll L;Jngnn~<·s; llono1·s in English; Jlonm·s in IlistoJ·y; ~Pili 1 .\l<'llllll'ial ('ollllllitl<•<•. "~Pl'l'll<'ly pl<•nsnnt, <"HIHtly fai1·;"
IlmmEHT Rl'iPll<'<' ( 'lu h. "'l'hl' I'OllllliOll fat·<· of 1lf11lll'<' sp:lkt• to lli111 l'l'lll<ll'kHhi<o thill!!_s."
.J .\.\JEs HI<'II.\JW
.\1 .\HI:.\HET I loFI· \1 .\ . Lati11 ('luh; ~l'i<·nt·<· ('lnh. "P1·idp :llld pnl"sioll \\'<'1'<' 111 111'1' soul II II kilo\\ 11: ('oll\'i1JI·I'd tllnt \ il'1llf ' Olll,\ is< 111' '1\\ II
n.\ Yr.onn
IImT:\L\. ·
.\lpha \lpl1a 0!111'~:1 ('Jub; (;prnwn <'lull; .'eil'lll't' <'lull; .\thlPtil' •\. sw·ia tion; ~ •n ior I: a 11 ( 'o111111 it 1PI'. "Thl' s"Pl'tt>st hom·s that <'Y<'l' I sp<'111l .\1'1' SJ1!'111 a 111011~· I hi' l;tssP.', () :.. • \. . II~
• '<·il'tll'<' <'luh. "(;I'I'H(Jl('.'S :llld Lt'I.l' BE.·:
Hl'l' 110( IIII'HIIS, hu(
Latin <'luh; .\thlPti•· .\ss<wiatio!l. ".\1,\' 111i11d o11 ib o\\ 11 1'1'1111'1" sta11ds 11111110\ t•d .\nd stahl!' as th<· faln·i1· of till' wnrld."' Fit.\
.J EHn:'
1.. ~.; (;Pl'IIIHII ('Jnh. "liP \\'ho is p 'I'fl'<'t, :tllll ahhm·s l!llll'lllh "'ith hl'H\I'llly intll!PIII'I' illspii·t•s my youtl1.'' \ \'.\ Y
C •\
.J tlll ... TO •
..\lpha .\lpha ()JIII'!!:I !')uh; ('. 11. ~. 1. .• ·.; \'i<'I'·Jll'l''-'idPut of .JnnioJ' (']a.· ; Etlitor-i11 (')lil't' llrt/'I)IJ/1; ni<•t· ('}uh; .'t•ipJJI'I' ('Juh; <TPJ'lllllll ( 'lnh; . 'Pnior Pia.'··
\HilLll J:oo\I 1:1: .Jon ·.TO
nl'l'lllHII ('Juh; ~··il'lll'(' ('Jnh; })phatt• Tt•:tlll, ., t; ( 'o!HIIIiti••p; E.·t<'III]Hll'l'. '];); ( :aYI'I ( 'luh .
~··nior ~II'IIIOI'ial
~l.\1(1() ,
K .\'l'llEHL E KL
Tau l:Pta Ep:·dlon ( 'lul1; <'. II. t4. L. t4. "Happy i:-; ht•J· gJ·at·t•, that t·an tJ·aw•latP tht• .. tullliCII'IIJH•s:-; 11f foJ'tlllll' i11to :-;o qnil't and so :o;\\l'l'l a stylP." l'l·; ~IY!t'I'LI 1\:1 (; "I \\'ould l11·ing hal111, awl poll I" it on youJ" t J"llllhlt•d JlliJHI."
.\1.\HY .\ •. ' ETT.\ KI ' HT
'l'au BPta Epsilon <'luh; t41·it•Jit'l' <'luh; .Juniot·-t4t•Jiim· Ht•t·l'ption ('ollllllit I PI'; \ ' it·P·pJ·psidPnt of t41•Hior ('lass. ".\ I hous;llld <'upids in t hosp I'IIJ'Is do sit." < :1 ••\JIY:-;
Eo"\E L.\1111
"t4lo\\ I,\ pt·orol\t•d, shl' l'asily fot·gi\'t•s." ~I ntETT.\
•\I h II' I it- •\s.'1 11· ia t iotl.
"0 that thosp lip:-; had languagP." .\ \J.\ . II.\ ~1.\H(L\HET LoEHit
"That i1-1 Jill( l'lll'got, \\'hit·ll lll',l'l' I did J'l'llll'tllht•l·."
" " I 1.11 1.1. \II . ,\ ( ' .\ltoLI. ' E ~('i('Jl('('
"Tis hPJ'
L l"TIIE!t
( 'hlh. pri\'ilt'~.!J',
tlll'll thi:- 11\\11 lift• ltl lt•:Jd l'ro111 joy to j11y."
(',\TIJI:UJ. ' E ('1:«'11..\ ~lt'(;t: .\\\'
"Th«' :->\\t'«'l«'st t·m·dial Wt' l't't'Pin· at la:-1, Is t'Olls('iOliSllt'!<S 111' \' iJ·t llOll:-: ;wt ioll!< p;J:-;1." P\11 .\1 \l!Eit ". ·m· :-;pt thy ht•nrt, t hu:-: o\'t'l'fond. On that whil'l1 is not thinP.''
\\ \I.TEit
PJ:.\Iti.E Lt ' ( ' ll.l : .\l.\itKL.\ .' 11
(;Pl'lll:lll ( ' luh; .\thlt'tit· .\:-::·awiatioll. ".\ 1-Jla\'t•'s a kna\'t• to Ill«' i11 t'\t 'l',\' :-;tatt•." . \1.1.11
K mn; ro. ~I J:ltHII!E\\' {;pJ'lll<lll ( 'hJlt; ( :t'l'lll:lll ( 'hoit·. "llt•J'S \\'a. · a softpt· \'llit·P .\: :-:oft as hmlt'.' -d<·\\·."
H .\1.1'11 01.1\' EH ~~ ETZLEH
TlonoJ·:-; in .\lnthPtii:Jtit·:-:; TltPta <'hi (']uh; <:t'l'lll:lll ('luh; Pl't•:-;idPilt of .\thlt•t it· .\sstwiat ion; ~~·i«'llt'«' ( 'lul1. "Triflt•s t ht•tllsl'h t's m·t • p]pgant iu hint."
.:\1 I TZ llolloJ·s in ~lodPl'll Languagps; (;Pt'IIl:tll ('ltoit·; (;pJ'JIIall ('luh. "F<ttlll' is tiJt• thit·st of youth, hut I Hill not so ,\otlllg as to I't•ganl lllt'll's Sllli[P 01' f't'O\\ 11."
.\1.\HI E EI.IZ.\ BET II
f:It'II.\HII \\'II.IIEI.:\1
.\I I<'II.\EL
.\Jplta .\lplta On~t•ga; OtTht•stra; (;Jt•P ('Juh; I:a:-t•IHtll, '1::. '11; Foot hall, '14; :·kit•Jit·p ('In h. "lit• is dirinPly lH'nt o11 lltl'ditntion." YIOL.\ ~L\E ~10\(J]L\.:\
"\\'hat did that gt·!•atnt•ss in It!'!' "·ontall's mi11cl'!'' ·TI'.\1:
~lt'LI.IKE .
lll'ta Zt•ta Pi ( 'luh; .Ttlllior ( ');ts: 'l't·t•asttt't'l'; .Julliol' Pin ( 't~llllllit· tt•l'; :-\t•llim· lll\itation ('ollltnittl'l'. "llt•J· t·on\.l't·satimt Jlllll't' glad to !liP thnu to a ntist•J· JIIOIH'." is." .\1 I"J.LI. ·s ".\ nd wlt!'ll a lady is in t Itt• t·n:-;p Yon k11ow ;Ill ot ht•t· tIt iltgs gi \'!' pla!'l'.''
·T.UIJ;.' '1'110.\I \S
r ·s
~l'i!•JH't' ( 'lul1. ":-\Itt• poi11ts t h1• nt·duous h<'ight "hPJ't' glot·y lit•s .\11d tP;lt'lt!•S 111ad illllhit i1111 to Itt• \\ i:--t•."
)I "1 EH. PJ•p:-;idPnt of ~Pnim· (']a:-;~; lloJJm·:-; ill )lathPntatin;; PJ·p~idPllt of ~~·il'li<'P ('Juh; ('. II.~. L. ~.; ~PilioJ· Pia~; .JunioJ· Pin ('onllllittPP; .J 11 ll ior-. 'PHi ol' H PI"Ppt ion ( 'omm itt 1'1'.
.\[ EHTO .• ,J.\.'I'EH
III·:. HY EI.I:I-:Itl" •
'11; ~~·ui<ll' B:lll ('otlltllittl'l'; ( 'Ia:-;~. "Yon look wi"<'-pray I'OI'I'P<'t that 1'1'1"111' ...
.\I EHI,J: E:\1.\1 ET'I • ·oBJ.E ~~·Jtior Editm· of l/ttl"()tJtt: .\lplt .\lplta ()nt<•ga ('Juh; llt·hatP. '11. 'l:i; ExtPlllJHII'I', 'l:i; ~l'i<'ll<'l' <'lnh; <::nt'l <'luh. I I ELI·:
, 'oi'JII.\ l'E'l'Eit.'O.-
Typi'\\Tit ing ('ontr:-;t. "( :n·at in hPJ' tJ·imnplt~. in J'Pt iJ·pntPnt gJ·<·at." ll<•IP!t <ll'\·o(p.· all lt1•I· tillll' to :-;tud.' \\ itlt good t·<•:-;nlt:--. l:I:HTIL\
< '.
Ll 1 111 ~·onTo.·
".\I i 111• "·' p:-; WPI'I' not ill fault.
Fo1· :Jtp wa. hP:tltti ful." Lol·J:--.:1: EI.IZ.\BETII
<'. II. "~l11•
L. ~. smiiP.' and sntill's a11d will not :-.:iglt."
\\\.\1 Fll.\. 1\: PEH<'I\'.\L I )pI I a I {I 10 ( 'lu II ; •\ t h I(' I i 1· • \ ~~od a 1i o 11. "llow «'111ply is ll•al·ning, and !tow \':tin i~ art." ( ; I.\ II\~ PIll l.l:ltH'K
Zl·l•t l'i <'Iult; .\thiPti1· .\~sol'iation; .\rt Editor 1/ui'orm, 'la, ~~·nim· .\ll'llllll'ial ( 'ollllllit 11'1' . .... P\'PI' \\'ill" a lad,,· l'ni1·(•1· to ~I'(' in tlt1• f'HI'l' ... 1:1'1<1
'1-1. 'l:i: II
\ZEI. Lt'<'IEI.I,l: PoHTEit
, ·~·iPII('(' <'lull; Lat i11 <'lull. "111·1· hai1· wns tawn.' \\itlt gold, 111'1' 1',\'(•.· \\'1'1'<' p111·piP with dark." EI.J..\ ELIZ.\HE'I'II PoHTEH
H onm·s ill Busi1wss. "'!'!tat thPI'<' wa~ !"llllll'lhi11g in h<·t· air That would not doo111 all to dP. pai1·." • .\ '1'1 I.\
LY.\1.\ .. HH'E ~(·iPII('('
( 'lu h; <'. I J. ~. L. , '. "'l'lt<• plow ill ,\'11\11' lt:tnd shall . tll'h w<·:tlt h ('tlllllll:tlltl LikP fai1·y ('iudPt'Pll:t's." Ll'l.l'
<;l'l'lllall ('Juh. "l:ut ,\'PI shp listPII'tl,-'t i. <·no11gh: \\'Ito Ii.·tl'lls Olll'l' \\'ill Ji:-;11'11 t\\'il'l' ...
• Ol:LE LI:.'LIE l:l<'Il\10.
TIIPta <'hi ('Juh; ~t·it•llt'<' ('Jnh; .\thlt>lit· .\-.: ol'iation; '1:!, ');{, '1!; Ba. ·phall. '1:!, '1:L '1 i. ".\ltlt'h hH\'t' l ll'<IYPh•d ill thP l'P<Illll~ of ~o]d."
En .,\ .\1.\t ' Ill :
HoHEH'l' ·o . · <lt·I·lltelll <'luh; ('.II..'. L. ~.; . \thlt>lit· \ .·s1wiation . "~h<• \\<Is a lll<lidt>Il lll:Ull' f'o1· ]0\' (•."
( ),'( ',\H
'< ' HI:HTU:I:H
"lrow J·a:--h, hm\ ill( ·ollsidt•J·atP i:-- J·agP. 0:--t·at· ad\' <lllt't':-- idt·a of {'Jti\'1'1':--al I'P:tt 'l'. LEo.·.\
1" .\'l'IIEIU
1: \\ ' II.IIEI , ~II . \
~~ 11\llll'l'
( lpJ'IIt:lll < 'luh; ( lPI'Jll:lll < 'l1oiJ·. "'J'lJp l'll:tl'llls of poPII',\ otn· .·oul-.: l1P\\ it1·h ." ('I.EO .' E FIL\. ' ( ' F' ,'\ll'l'll < ; PI' lll:lll < 'lu h ; •\ 111 h · t i <• • \ :-- s1 w i a 1 i o 11 . "For lon• is :til dPlit.dll and -.:\\'t'P1 llt•:--s." ( 'h•mw lwli<'\'Ps ill ha rillg a good 1itllt'.
I:Pl'IIIHll (']ul1; llollot·s ill .'t·it>llt'l'; Ilolltl!' in .\Lttht•IIJ:tti<·s; Jiou· or-.: i 11 .\I odt•l'll Lang ua~P. "Trn1 h l't·onl h j, lip:-- ]11'1'\':lilPd wil h donhlt· ·way.
.Jo:I:I'III 'I; ~T.\. '(:J.:L J:Pt:t ZPI:t Pi <'luh; PJ·(•:-;idi•Jlt of ( :Pl'lll<llt ( 'luh. ".\:-; iu lwauty sltp ,'111']101!"!-il'd tIll' quil'l', • 'o, uohiPI' t II a 11 t liP J'P. t \\'a" lt1•J' at t in•.''
.\111'1 \fill:
.J I
I I\
, 'T \. '(:J-:1.
:-\l'il'lll 1 ('I nit; La t i 11 ('In h; :-\1'11 io1· :\I l'llloJ·ia 1 ( 'o111111 itt Pt'; .At It ll't il•\. :-;1 wia t io11. ":-\Ita II l a:-;k IIIII I'!' o1· h<1 ,." I IH'<Il'<l pnou~lt'!" \\'11.1.1.\.\l 'l'liE!IIHII1E :-\'1'.\IU\1'1'1\:
<'.II.:-.:. L. :-\.; <:<1\'1'1 <'1uh; DPh<ltP, '1:~. '11, '1;); <h·atm·y. '1;); ."1-ii'IJ('(' (']nh; :-\(•Jiiot· Play; PJ·p:-;idPllt or .JnlliOl' (')ass; ~~·nim· Ball ( '() llllll itt ('('. II \ZEI. .\1.\ 1:!;.\lu:T , 'TJ:l'lll·:. ·:-: Tau BPt:l Epsi1oll (']nh; .\t111Ptil· .\ss1wiation. ":-\h<• d1•:tls 1<11'~1·1.' in langhl!•J• :111d sp]dolll in fpaJ·s."
.\1 \E :-\T110111-: <'. 11 .• •. L.• ·.; <:t•t'IIJCIII (']1111; <:<'l'lllall <'lwi1·; ~PIIim· Play, ",'hfl' 1/"IJOd'.-.: (,)t/1 1 11"; .Ju11im· ~~·nim· I:PI'PJ11 ion. "\\']((•Jl (() .·in~())' l'l'<ISI' (II ,'illg,' \\'(' Jl('\'(')' kllll\\ ."
.\1 .. 1.\
.\tlllPti!- .\.·scwiation. "To ltlll'l'.' is to do a !!;l'l'<lt \\'l'llllQ;.
'I' E\1 I'LE ('Juh; .\thlPti1· .\ssol"iation. "'l'ltP yawning- ,\ottth, :-;caiTI' ltalf awak1', 1•:--says IIi:-; laz,\ litnhs and doz.' h1•ad to J·ais1•."
(: 1:ow: 1·: \\ ••\ 1.1.1 \\I ~~·i1'IH"I'
('lul1; .\tltl1·ti1· .\:-;s1wiation. "I·' Pt :1111 11'11111'1', .' ounl!: and full of f1•:n·." .\ UJ.\
FH.\. TEs
~ri(•Jtl'l' ··~!11· \\'.\'
<'luh; Latin <'luh; <l1·1·1nan <'luh; half l'llllsl'llts who :-;ill'llt ly di•JiiPs.''
h.\.\1' 'l'l'JL'EH
<'In h . Sl't tit i Ill' IH·:t 1'1 Titus m·pJ··fowl. on that wlti1·lt is not tltilll'."
.. ~. 01'
.\II·:JU L
BElt. H'E 'I'T H. Elt
Ball ('ontlllittl'l'; 01·atm·.'· 'l:J; ~~·nim· Play; <la\·1'1 <'luh. "II1• i:-1 a fool \\Ito tlti11k:-; hy fon·p o1· :-;kill To 1111'11 tltl' l'lll'I'Pnt of a \\'OIIIan':-~ will.''
1I EI.E .. I IE HJJ·'TT.\ \\'EI (, \HTJ·: .. BPta Z1•ta Pi <'luh; ~~·i1'lll'l' ( 'luh. ".\f:tll, tlt1• I,\ 1':1111 of IIIII' S(':\, f lt:ttc•."
'J'III:OIHIHI·. ( )JlE~~IE \\.Ei.l.\f \ .
l-\l'il'll('l' <'In h. "Lm·d of yom·:-;1'11', llll('lllltlwl·'d witl1 n \\·ifP." .:\1.\J:(:.\HJ:'J'
.J 1
I. I.\
Zl. \ Fl'
":-\lip did tiiP ut1110st houii(Js of kllll\\ IPd~P find, YPt found t llPill not so Jnrg(' as wns hPJ' mind." • ·.\'I'lL\.· ~\.
\\'E."ro.· ..Ju. 'l'hda ('hi ('Jnh; l-\(·iPll('(' ('Juh; .Junior·l-\(•nior Hl'C('pliou ('ommittPP. "I .·a\\' tl11·ough nil fnmilhn· things, thP l'OllJall('l' und(•rlyiug."
ELIZ.\J:ETif ~~ ILIIHEII \\'111'1'0
<HPP < 'lu h; ( '. II. :-\. L. :-\. ".\11 my lahoJ·:-; pnst hnn• IH'I'll for Jon•.''
\1:01.11 .\It( ITJE "'II.ES < '. II. H. L . .'. "llop(• PIPratPs, nnd joy hriglltpns IIi.· ('l'P. t."
JI.\ItHY "''- '(:.\JW
l-\(·ic>U('P ('Juh; 0J'C'hPstJ·a. HP\'Pl' lliPl'l'Y whPn I 111'<11'
l'\\'('Pt lllll>.:i(·."
I ).\J.'Y
('lull; .\t IIIPt i1· .\s:. awiat imt; <ll'l'lll:lll ( 'luh. hath , Oil II' IH'l'\'Pl'SI'lll'"'"'; fm· shP wi II . ~Pithl'l' IH'IiP\'1' IIPl' good nor othPl's' ill."
II E. ·uy
Lm\'ELL \Yoon ~l'il'lll'l'
('In h; •\1 h IPt i1· •\ssol'ia 1 ion.
"II<' is a \\'01'1 hy g<·nt ll'lllel n
Ex<·<•Pdingly Wl'll l'l':td, awl pt·oli1P<l in str:tllg<' I'Oll<'PHiliiP!l! ." - ·El.LE
FI \
~IEHLE • ·oBLJ~. '1;)
By ll\ZEL 11.\JWI.', '1;)
'1'11<•1'1' :tl'l' flo\\ 1'1':-; of' \\"Olldt·ous IH•:tuty; 'Thl'l'l' Hl'l' flo\\ PI'S of' da int itwss, Tok!•Hs of lm·p and duty, Enthl<•nts of' f'aithf'uln!•ss. 1'11!•1'1' a 1'1' tlmn·n; of' 1'\'1'1',\' IIlli'; '1'111'1'1' aJ·p flo\\'1'1'. of' P\'1'1',\" .·izP, ~yntltols of f't·il'llllsllip so tnll', .\ll'llllll'ial.· of' Pat·adis1•. '1'111'1'1' :tl'l' flo\\ PI'S of S\\'1'1'( fr<IJ.!,l';tlll'l'; Tltl'l'l' Hl'l' flowl•t·s of f't·ailty, I lll<tgl'. of honoJ· :111d illl'l'll!-'1', ~ll'llll'lllo. of 1idPiit,\·. !;ut 1111111' likl' thl'l', oh FoJ"g<'l·lliP·llot, lias! tit!' IIIP. s;tg<' that thou hast gol.
<9eneral ,...\tterage
Hazel Hardin .................... 96.1 Ruth Hardin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95. Ancient 1fangua!!t.5
Hazel Hardin .................... 96.7 Ruth Hardin ..................... 95.4 ~nglisl1
Hazel Hardin .................... 95.5 Ruth Hardin ..................... 94.2 ft\{at~tmatits
Merion Myers .................... 92.8 Cloyd Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.5 .idenu
Ralph Metzler .................... 93.2 Cloyd Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.4 Jjistotl!
Hazel Hardin .................... 95.4 Ruth Hardin ..................... 93.8 ft\obern 11' anguages
Marie M elz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.7 Cloyd Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.4 Itlusiness
Carroll Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.8 Ella Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.3
TELL it just as tlH• <·ottonwood told it to lltl'. I lirPd da~· s and days with tltP <·ottonwood, anti it told HlP all thP story. Ouly my I t·a 11sla t ion is Ita rsh and bal'l'<'n of lwa ut.L If you hPa t·d t h<· story ,vourspJf you would <·all'it thp patiPt'illg' soutHl of IPa\'<':-o, .-o likP t·ain drop.- ou dt·,r t·oofs in tlH' summer ti111<'; the rippling glillt of glo:-s,\ gt'I'Pll c·olms; lh<· moan of twi:-ting whill' hranC'itPs lwfm·<' the• storm, or lh<· soft musi<' of drift iug ('O( lou whi<·h somuh; only in Pal's that listpn fm· its noisPIPss Jtt<•lody. 'l'h<· gr<·at II'<'<' spokp and tlti:-o is thP tale it told: ~
"4\ dondlPss :-ok~· stt·Ptcltillg ahow IIH'; a lwautiful <·ity all about mP; lhPSP WPI'<' what I saw whpn 1 tirst pe<'pPd from the paJ·th. 1 Pn·r ImPel I It is pia<·<' for <loci had plantPd my fept dePp in I hl' parth whPI'P t h<· Hnfailiug C'i:-IPJ'lls m·p; so I ttung my hm·p ~· oung hr:m<·hps upward aucl <·aught thP light :111<1 warm sWPPI ait·. \\'hpn the northPast rains sohhPcl awl WPpt for t hP great lakPs t hpy 111 is:-P<l so 111 udt ; whpn I h<• wm·t It WPSI hli,.;;~,arcl <·urlPcl awl UIH:nrlpcl It i:-o long whiplashps of fil'l'l'<', cutt iug <·olcl; aJHl ntost of all, whPll thP hot south blasts l'HIIH' sm·ging, singing of t hl' scm·c·hPcl distant plains-! let thpm all pass hy without l'\'Pl' wishing to go whPJ'<' thpy had hPen and :-<'<' \\hat thl'y had s<'Pll. "011e day thP ( 'halllllaign 1l igh ~l'ltool was built right hPsicle llH' (lit<• East \\·ind said that was what it was c·aliPd) aJHl with lhP <·omplPtion of thP huil<ling c·:IJtH' happy boys and git·ls sp:m·lting fOl' knowlc>dgP. llow I lo\'Pcl t hosP <·IIi lch·pn- lovpcJ t h<'lll a II. Of c·om·sp I hPI'l' \\'PI'<' llta ny of th<•nt, hut somPhow, tlt<'l'<' was oil<' c·lass whi<·h \\:ts clPan•J' to Ill<' tltHll all th<· t·p.-t. PPrltaps it was hP<':tllSI' I had IPaJ'JH'cl to know tll<'tll IIPttPJ' than thP oth<•t·:-. • \11 tiH·il· s<'<TPl:-o \\t'l'P mill<' . •\nd thpn, too, t\\·<·llt,Y· Pi~ht of tltl'lll had IH·PH ill my C'il,\ fot• No lll:lll,\' ,\'PaJ·:-;, had PH'Il starll'd ill thP pl'illtat·y th<•J·p, ThPsl' fP\\' :111d ill fal'l P:IC'h mw of that dass lm'Pd Ill,\ <·it\' alnto. ·t as JIIIIC'It as I did. To th<• 1\\'Plll,\'·<'ight who hP~all togPih<•l' :-o .lou~ a~o, t JtpJ·c· wc•J·p addc•cl lltally uwn• as I hi' ,\'P<ll'S \\PHI hy . •\wl hy the• ti11w thP\" \\"Pl'l' J'P:tcl\' to unitP i11to OJH' C'lass, 1ift\'llill<' p:tl-<sPd lllld<'l' nty hough:- ;llld Plltc•t·l'd .('ltantp:tigll lli~h ~~·!tool. <)ll<'P in high SC'hool,
.\ Catalogue' of P olkil'H 4t
111'\\"I'Oilll'l':-- <'olltinu<•d to :tl'l'in•. Eightl'<'ll W<'l'<' a<llll'd th<• ti1·:t y<•aJ·; nin<• th<• :--<'<'mHI; fiyp th<· third until finally a:-: ~Pnim·.·. tlw <·l:t:-::-: total<'<l on<· hnudJ'<'d allll tin·. 'l'llll: W<'l'<' tl11• unit:-: of thi:-: wmHli'I'fnl <·la:-;!-1 <•Hli:-:t<•<l. ''Yon wonl<l not <'lll'l' to klllm· t h<• IHIIIII' of <':t<·h oJ' jn:-:t \\'llat P:ll'h on<• did. fm· that would til'<' yon. ~\~a (']a:-::-: I wa~ \'PI',\' Jli'OlHl of tlll'lll, for t hP,\ !'111'JI:l~~~·d in m·a tory, <ll'ha t 1', at It ll't il's, and :-;<·h ola 1·sh i p:-; and t hi'~· l'lima.·<·d t JtpiJ· l':l1'<'<'I' hy Jll'Ps<•nting a <·l:t:-;:-; play whi<·h wa~ !'l11'<'ly a tit <'IHli11p. fm· tltl'ii· high :-;l'110ol lif<' . • \llll ho\\ ltappy I wa." wh<•n th<·y- . But wlty 11'11 <•al'lt <'\'I'll! of this <·la:-;s'! hm't it Pnouglt to say that l'a<·h JIIPllllwr h:ul a lH•autifnl lifl''? Of I'01ll'~"<' th<•y had tronhl<·s a111l griPfs and hard:·dtips in tiH•ir old ltigh s<·hool, hut not Oil<' of t l11•m \\·as W<':lk l'lllllJgh to fall lH'nl'ath tiH'lll and at last tlH• J'I'WaJ·<l <·anH' . •\ gra111l, HI'\\' huil<ling was I'I'I'<'t<•d and thPy WI'I'I' takl'n awa_,. from11ll'-:t\\'ay from till' old hnilding· \\'1' had sh:n·pd togPtlH•r-to gi':IIlnat<• in thPir Ill'\\' huil<ling . .And what a wond<•J'fnl, Ill'\\' hnilding it i:-; with it:-; gn·at sp:11·ions halls, its h<':l11t ifni an<lito!'inm, it:-; :-;pl<•Julid P,}'1llll:ll"illm, and its hug<' s\\ itlllllitlp. pool "hat a hnil<ling it is I'Olli]Wl'l'd to tlw ol<l onl' hy whi<·h J stalHl! I <lid not mind th<•ii· l<•aying; fo1· I lt:lll Sl'<'ll tlt<•ir lin•s rl'ally monl<l<•<l. It \\as iu tl11• old lmil<ling that 1111'." rf'rtlly lP:ll'll<'<l to langh-\\·hat won't lang·ltti'I' do to Olll''s lifl''? It \\':li" 1111'1'<' th<•y l<':tl'IH'd to tl'll a stm·y-alHl i. Hot a \\'I'll tol1l stm·y a 1·ont innal som'<'l' of jo~··? ~\ho\'1' all, it wa.· thi'I'<' fhpy ll':ll'Tll'l] to kl'l']l thl'il' tl'OUh]l'~ (o tlH'lll!'l'lYI'~ ;Ill(] to clo SOIIII'thillg for othi'J's is not tlti:-; th<• !'lll'l'st way to at lain happinl':-;~'? " 'hat "ll<"<'PS~ <·an OlH' not attain thl'n ltappinl'~s·? ~o th<'S<' 1ll':ll' l'lti!llJ'<'ll, wlto had li'HI'JH•d th<• s<'<'1'1'1 of lif<•, \\'1'1'1' graduall'd in thl'it· til'\\' ltigh s<·ltool huilding in tltP ~·p:u· of nilwt<'<'ll hmull·<·d and tift<'<'ll, tlt<' first, awl happiPst <·lass to ]pan• that hnil<ling. "Yon wmuli'I' 1111\\' I kno\\· all thi)o;'? Il:t\'1' ~·on <'\'1'1' triP<l to IIII'HSlll'<' tlt1• at·<·a 0\'1'1' wltil'h J s<'111l 111,\' <·ltildl'l'll'? .\11 that th<·.'· ldHI\\', I know, lwsi<ll's what till' winds awl t h<• hi1·ds t<'ll Ill<'. I han• had English spm·1'11\\. lll',;ting \\'ith 1111' 1'\'1'1',\' s<•ason who haY<' I'OIIHius all 11\'1'1' th<• \\ oJ·Id-:llld "hat th<• Englislt :-;paJ·J·ows 1':111 uot 1i111l out isn't \\'oJ·tlt a 1ll't <'<·t i' p's Ptl'm·t s."' .\1 EHI.E 1'1"H. 'EH. '1;)
Ft·a n k aut! Rl'l ia ul<·
Mnl'h Pondel'ing 45
.\.'THill \"0. ' )JOTII ])O])(;Jo;,
In H <1<'1')1 fm·pst, I'OOl with running hrook, " h<•1'1' dol<>t s shy ]H'<'lH'd from tiH•h· shady uook .\wl llill thPir t1'Pillhliug IH•ads f1·om wild ht>ast'.· look, .\. hnnt('r, with hi:-; faithful dog, <lid s<·om· TIH• tl·ails, aJHl <·oming to a )pafy ho\\'<'1', Lay <lown to l'Pst hi~-\ \\'(':tl',\' hP:ul au hom·. JTp 'wok<' to S<'<' thp PIPi:HlPs, fail· T>iana's tl·ain, ~<'Y<'Il maid<•ns sw<•Pt and Jllll'P. Orion tJ·it>d in Yain 'l'hPil· ~o<h•JHlP1' fol'llls to .·<•Pk awl 011 thPil' footstPpi" gain; .\fraill l<>st lw should IH'\'1' again th<• nymphs h<>lwlll'l'h<>ir g1·a<·Pful forms, 11H·it· hail· with glPam of Jllll'<' spun gol<l'J'ill <·on1ing to a knoll th<·y. topp<><l in dr<>a<l. But, tPJ'I'ifiP<l, th<> stm·tlP<l mai<lPns flpfl .\1Hl tht•u th<> wood with tJ'Plllhling ~o<tPp tl11•y ~o<p('<l, 'l'ill <·oming to a knoll thpy :-;topp<><l in <h·pad, .\.u1l <·alliug to Diana in th<• sk,,·, 'l'h<'y sought lH'I' ni<l with many a passiouatp ('1',\', .\wl ~-<tagg<•J·ing, <lown tlwy f<>ll with pit<'Oll.' :-;igh. ~hi' lu•m·d thPir JH'a,\'('1', tl1at ai<l to all l'l'<•ation; ()J·iml, UlllHZI'd, SH\\' S('\'('ll whit!' don•s aSI'I'lHling, .\.wl JH•al'iug th<• skiP).;, on J)iau's aid d<>pPlHling, ThP don•s WI'I'<' l'haugPd into a <·on:-;(p]]ation.
Comparatin•l · Small
P opular when R iding
l{eunion of 1~1·1-tl I\
'I' thl' ~l'llioJ' BrPakfast of tiH• ('Ja:. of 1!11:>, tltt• sll!.!,!.!,l'stioll w:\.' 111:11IP th:tt a J't'llllion IH' lll'ld in tht• ,\'1'<11' 1!lltl fo1· tlH• pm·post• of hi'Ill!.!.lll!.!. thl' llll'lllht•rs of thl' t·lass 1'1'0111 thl' t'll!b of tl11• t•m·th to l't't'Ollllt thl'iJ· at·hit•\ t'llH'IIls. Tht• fo1'111at ion of a plan fo1· s11d1 a projt•t·t was ll'ft t'll· til·l'ly with <'ln11·1t•s (';n·oll III. Fi\'t' ."'HI'S lll'fm•t• tht• t'YI'lltfnl dati'. t•;\l'h of tht• olll' hnndi·t•d all!l fhl' lll!'lllhi'J's was llotitit•d that tlw I'I'HIIio!l wo11ld takt• t ht· fol'lll of an Exposit ion to ht• ht•ld in ~<Ill FraiH·ist·o. E\'l'l',\' "llilll'lt•t•n tiftt•t•Jlt'l' .. was lll'!.!.l'tl to lH' pl·t•. 1'111 \\it h his old ( '. I I. ~- spirit a11d to l11·ing \\ ith him his \\'oJ·ks of a1·t. litt•J·atm·t·, in\'t•ntion.·, m· anyt hill!.!,' to Jll'll\'1' that ht• had matlt• good . •\I last I Itt• IIIPIIIOJ'a hit• .Jmlt• 1 1', 1!l-!0, al'l'i\'t'tl. Om· lfonm·ahh• (');I.'s PJ't"·ddt·nt, .\lt•J·ton .\lyt•rs, pl·t·sitlt•Jlt ol' a "Tin I.izzit•" Fador,v, witlt his 11ld-t i IIH' spi1·i t of gt•Jlt•J·osi '·' . ·t iII do111 ina t i "!.!.' It is 111ot i \'t•s, had rurnisiH·d t•adl of his t·lassltt:ttl's wit It IIIII' of hi JllilsSi\'!• "( :mdt l>ing It.·'' as a IIH':tlls of transpo1·tation to th1• <:oltlt•n <:atl', awl as a sonYI'llir of tlH• day . •\t :.! o't·ltwk a long Iiiii' of "(;osh Ding Its" was dr:nnt up in front of tl11• Illinois l111ilding, 011 th1· old Pall:tlll:t Exposition !.!,1'0\lllds, now tlu• palatial l't•sidt•llt'l' of <'hm·ll's ('anoll III, \\ht•J·t• thl' rt•JJIIimt was to hi' hPld. \\'ithin all t·onl'usion. On all sith>s \\t'l't' ht•iiJ'tl, "Yon h:t\'t•n't t'llilll!.!,l'd a hit," "\\'I'll, no\\' Is this .'·on'!" "(;J.td to st't' yon. old l'h:tp :" "lim\ \\'!•II xou look:" .\t tht• :tppoilltl'tl hour a gong !"Olllltll'tl. .\Jiss •'\\j(zt•]', in ('h:tlll· p:tign, had totll'hPd a button whit·h formally opt'lll'd th1• t•xposition <'.II.~- qnil't Jll'P\:till·tl. ('h;n·]p ('anoll Ill, .\IayoJ' of ~an J'J·and.t·o n11d nt:t:-;lt•J· of" t't'l'l'llttlllil's, tit·st ,-;tllt•d 11JHlll th1• 1:1'\'t'l't'lltl Hit·hm·d \lit•lt:tl'l of (;J-at·t• ('hun·h. ('hit·ago, to pt·oJtollllt't' thl' ill\'Ot':ttioJI. Tht•ll in Ids IIIIHll'.·t 111a llllt'l' \\ l'lt'llllll'd It is oltl ft·it•lltls to l1 i..; ltollll'; and ill hPhalf of tht• l'il,\ of ~all FJ·:nwi:-;t·o. l11· I'XIt•ndt•d a ht•;n·ty gl't'l'ting ltl OIIP and all. .\ftl'l' :-;nggt•still!.!. th1• spt'l'ial points of inlt'l't'st in Ids adoptl'tl C'it,\. ill' :tlllltlllllt't'd tht• folio\\ ill!.!, progJ·atll:
.\ R<l«'inu. Wmtdt·r 4i
-filii<' lli, 1 P . .\1.-.\ ·•( lo:-;lt Ding It .. lo111· oft h<• t·it_, .. , P . .\1.-HI'UIIion Bawpwt. -111111' II, !1.\ . .\1.-1:! .\ . .\1. In~pl't·tioll of (')as~ \\'ontll'rK I:!.\ . .\1.- :.! P . .\I.- .\ ~nqn·isP. P . .\1. -Folli<•.· of 1!11;), :--tagt•tl hy linn.' Fr<•dl'1'i<·k~on in t h<• I )inghat Tht•atJ·<•. lit• l'los<•tl his ndtl1·1':-;. hy t·nllin!!. 1l]HH1 .\t1olplt Thai. who <'<11111' in th1'1'(' lltinnt<• lntt>, to ]pat] tlt<• t•ltt•t•r:-; fo1• good old('. 11. ~-and 111'1' f:nm·it<•. '/'lti.· timr .I duljllt 11 a.· 11ot .·1'11f f11tl'!: fur 1111 , .1'1'1/.'1. Eight o't·ltH'k fonntl ninl'ly-st•\·t·n nH'1llh1'1':-; of thl' •·lass of 1!11:-i gntltl'l'l'd in tltl' h<llHflH'l hall. ::\It•J·ton ~\1,\'1'1'.' :ll'll'tl as tonstma.·tl'l'. .\ftl'l' making a ft'\\' \\itt.' l't'lllaJ'ks, Itt• callPt1 npon \\':t,\'111' .Joltnstoll. .\11 I'X]H't'll'd to IH•:tJ' :--omt• •·ltoin• hits of ltmlHil' fl'Olll tltp lfll/'111111 l'ditm·, hut ala·< tltt'l't' m·os(• a .·atldt>l' a1111 wi.·t·t· man than tltt• hoy thl'y ltatl k11own. Fiftl'l'n yt•a1·:-- a· <'tlitm· of tl11• .fohllsfmt ./111/1'1111{. as~istl't1 hy his wift•, Ln<"ill' • 'orton .Joltn. ton, niH1 hi· ht•otltt>J' Ilm·o]d, \\"as lu•ginni11g to tt>ll upon !lis plPas:mt <1i~]Htsition. \YltPn ht> sat <1own all \\'<'1'1' in tl'ars. Tit<> tac·tful toastnta 11'1', "hdting to t•h:mgl' t lip llll'lanl'ltoly at mo.· pltt'1't', t•allt•d 1111 II:n·Jpy .\1ldt·t•\\ , tltl' fanwn.· •·lliropodist, wlto 1'.-pati:tt<'d npon j]tp . lll'<'l's.· of hi.· infallihll' llll'tltod · known only to hi.· wifP, .\mnw1a Lol'ln· .\llfhl'w.·, tht• JJOtl't1 m:tss<'ll.'<'. Ill' l'l'f<'l'l'l't1 :til <1onhti'I'S of his ":-;m·t• <'111'1's .. to PPal'lt• <'m·tis, .\hn·l'tta ].p:-;]i<•, Ln1n -T:Illll'~. ant1 offpJ·t•d to hi.· old fl'it•Htl.' fl't'l' ad\"i,•p awl 11'1':ttml'nt nt !lis Pal:t<'l' of ('om fort in ~illl FJ•a IH'i '('0, <lood l'hl'('l' \\as l'l'.'t ()]'('(]. .\dl'lnidt· ,'t<ill!!Pl ..\1Ptzlt•1' l'<'.']HllHll'tl to tl11• toast, ".\hst•nt .\l<•mhP1' ... In ~'"" i11g· ternt.' hi' pi•·tm·pd th•• !!n:tt fm·m o\\'IH'tl hy .·I'll<' l'latt a11<l tltP mt.·iPty of thl' proJn·il'll'l's .. m·<·r 111'1' playfnl <·ltm·gp:-;, "ho )Wt, i:-;tt•tl in Paling tltl' 0\'1'1·sltops of thP l'lt1t•1·l.'· llll1ll:l1Tit•d ladil'. who had . ought rt•fngt• in thl' :tdjoinin;_!, a.yhtlll <'. tahlislll'd hy llazp) a111l Buth ll:mlin. '!'hi' ( 'ollins . i ·t<'1' . "ho li\'P at·1·oss tIt I' road, d:tily t h1'<':J1<•11 to .111' tht> 0\\'11<'1'.· of hoth i11sti111tion. fm· distlll·hing- tht• JH'a<"l'. .\Irs . •\ll'tzlt•t· l'l':td fl'olll thl' U/1 l'lli",IJ /Ji!fls/. PditPd hy \Yilliallt ~tarlnwk, an :te<·onllt of the !!Ootl work dotH• h,Y <'atlwl'itll' .\I..nra\\ a1111 Pt~u·l .\1.1J·klalll1 lllllOlll!; till' JIOO!' of Oil!' ]:n·gt• t•itit•s. ~hi' I'Xhihitt•d SO!lll' <')P\'l'l' Clen•r T hou~lll · 48
l':tl'iomt.· hy Fl'Hlii'I'S ,Jpn·is fi'Olll t h1• sallll' magazilll'. ~~·natm· . 'ohlP, th1• \l'tl'rCIII dl'hCltl'l' and I'Xtl'lllpOI'I' oJ·atOI', g:tYI' Cl ~piJ·itl'd talk Oil"\\ h,\' 'l'ld: 'I'hu.·111' .. ". Jlp \\·as ahly sup]Hll'tl'd hy his "ifl', :\I:u·ip .\llsl'hid;s • 'ohlP. TIH• toastm:t. ·ti'J' th1•11 I'HIIPd upon I:alph :\ll'tZII'J' to makP th1• ,.Jo:ill!! ·· tw•·•·h. Owi11g to th1• latl'lll'. s of th•· hour, I:alpl1 J·l'f1·ai1ll'd from •kli\1•1·ing his ~JII'I'I'h. lusti':Jd !11• ill\'itPI! th1• ('. II. ~- "grads" lu•fol'l' ll'ari11g th1• wolllll'l'flll stat1• of ('aliflll'lli:J to Yi:it his JlliH]I'] .Japalii'SP fal'lll, to i11sppl't his fi·uit OJThard, a11d to awtlyzl' tht• ('aliforllia soil and I'OlllJt:ll'l' it with thP lollg-\'H1111tl'd soil of ('hampaign I'OIIIlty. ll1• ass\ll'l'd t hl'lll as a rl':-;lllt 1hPy too would lm_,. a f:J1'111 all(] li\'(• a lifl' of pas<• as l~t• \\':l s doing. It \\CIS now almost mid11ight, a11d tl'lll' (o thl'il· p;u·ly tntiniug, all aros1• :md ~:mg· th<• good('. II . .'. l'irldity. ('hal'll':-; had <·onn•rtl'd th<• st:JII' I'I'I'I'Jition I'OOlll i11to :111 •·xhihition hall. lli'I'P \\1'1'1' di ·pi:!,\ I'd thl' " ·ondPr.' hl'!lllght into thl' \\·m·ld hy th1• llll'lllhPJ·:-; of thP l'la:-;:-; of 1!11:-i. III'I'I', l':ll'ly thP w·xt 111orlling, th1• !'ia:-;slll:tt•·:-; gathl'l'l'd to Yil'\\' thi'SI' \\Oiliii'I'S, .\t th1• l'llfJ·au•·~· was a miJid·l'l'adillg lll:ll'hiJu• dl':-;ignl'd It_,. F1·aJlk Pl'l'l·in!l. Fo1· thl' l'OJH.;idi'J':Ition of a ki11d look it \\'otlld 11•11 all ahout 1'\"1'1',\'thill!!;. 'l'hl' Yisitor:-; Ji:-;tpnpd \\'ith rapt :Jttl'ntion to th1• l'pisodPs of t hl'il' yont It almost fm·got tPn: FJ·:mk's maniagl' to Yioll't II' Flmn•1·s; Ids ,\outhful Jn·opos:tl to (;1':11'1' ('ook :uul h1•1· rl'f'ns:~J lwl'an.·•· shl' did not likl' th1• •·olm· of his hair, :Jllll hPI' mai'l·iagp l:Jti'J' to .John ll:1gan . Thl' Inai'!Iinl' with a hn-1'1'-r h<•gan thPn to tl'll of thP qu:trrPI hl't\\'I'Pn :\l<u·y Km·t :tllll 111'11'11 ('anhl'l o\'1'1' Il:u·old <lroYP:-;. Hoth lon•d him dl'm·J~· . ThP hitti'J' :t1·if1' \\H.' at !:1 . t tPrlninatPd hy :\lal'i1• lland 11ippill!! a ,·oi11. .\laJ·y Kurt \\' Oil all!! Ill'l<•n (':lllhil' is SJH'lllling hl'l' !if!' doing :-;pttll'llll'nt \\ln·k. 'l'hl' ri:-dtm·s hl'ggpd Frank to ll't 1h1• mal'hi111' I':l\'1' o11 hut hi' wa. :tngi'J'(•d h,\ its g:tl'l'll]OllSni'SS :llld rl'fllSl'd, :-;a~ ing· flJat hl'rl'affl'l' thl' lll:tdlinl'. lwul•l Ill' \1!-'l'd I'XI·lusi\'l'ly in ('h:1111paig11 High ~l'hool to find th1• l':lli.'I'S of fai]l!l'I'S :Jll<l l'llfS. In a \\'l'll·YPntilatPil I'Ol'nl'l' \\'as PxhihitPd th1• lafl>st dPYi•·•• fo1· kPI'p· i11g s:Jkhl't kittl'n:-; without dis1·omfort, pl'rfl'l't!'d h,\ KatlH·I·inl' Eisnl'1' .tnd Etlll'l Boll111'1'. 'I'll••:-;•• 1'11lllling littll' animals h:l\1' h•·•·ollll' populm· Ch:u·ity I'm· All 49
pPts a11to11~ tit<• s<H'iPty WOIIIP!l . •\.sa l'<·.·nlt of tftp di:--c·o\1'1',\' Katltl't'itw aud Etlu•l arl' now lidttg a lifl' of ll'i.·ttrl'. lu all adjoi11iug hootlt \\'<'1'<' clisplayl'd c·tn·iotts ill\'l'lltiolls and db<·tl\'<'ril'. · wllic·lt doul,tlpss \\'ill soht· tllall,\' <'<'Ollottl i<· prohll'tlls: <laylm·d llotrman's ttl:ll'ltin<• I'm· ttlaking hutto11:-; out of <'Ot'll silk. La \\'t'l'n<·<· l·'pp':-; formula for makiug Pggs ont of auto11whiiP I iJ'p,· and p:l\ i11g ln·i<·ks. LonisP . OI'Jtl<lll and .\1111a Ilyllwt·t's appat·atns fm· pt'<Hltwillg food ft·ollt IH':H·It lt'<'P roots and gt'HIH' ,·inP ll':t\I'S . •\ stthstitutp for air dis<·o\'I'J'I'd h,\ .·atlta11 Hi<'<' a11d .\nua Hraitll '' aitc· . .Julia .\slttttm·<•'s patPIII ant tn1p . .\linllil' LnthPt·':-; antontali<· fig pi<·kpt·. 111'11'11 PPt<•t·s<m'.· splf-\\' ill<ling hrl'ad mix<·t· . •\. dl'\' i<·<• for storing sunlight ill\'l'llll'd hy E\'l'J'Pl t I )P\'ol, assist<•d hy ltis \\'ifP, .\lariP ·'[ptz. Tlt<•sp astounding 1'1'\'l'lations in 110 way Jll'<'P<Il'<'<l tit<• l'lltltnsiast. fm· tit<• a\\·p-inspiring wm·ks of :11·t and litPt'atut·P. Tlu• tit·st was a plasti'J' HtodPI of II any "'iu~ar<l's fi'PI - 1t·uly a \\'o!ldl'rful <lisplay! I 11 a ~las. ('(IS(' \\' (')'(' S('\ 1'1':1 I )'aJ'(• ltlallllSI'I'i pt s: "Tit I' • '<•\\' Pltilosoplt,\" .\st t·id I )odg<•. "Tit<· ~Pt'\':tnt Pt·ohl<'tll ~oh ·<·d"-EIIa a11d llaz<·l Pot·t<•r. ".'1.' ( 'onqupst. ·"-(;pm·gp Tl'lltpll'. ··.\ ('ollt'dioll of ~JH'<'<·ftps" ~PB:ttot· .\ladon KPtlll<',\'. Espp<·ial intPl'<'st \\'a.· PX<·itP<l OY<'l' "Tit<> ( 'ontplPIP ~uhjngat ion of .\Jpn", hy Lu<·y and Hntlt Burwaslt, amtotatPd hy .Jatnil' ( 'ftpsll't', and sl'\'l't'a] \'olnlltl's front tltl' liht·:n·y of tftp ~dtool for tltP . \ d\'all<'<'llll'lll of Ili~ltc•t· LPaJ'ttillg <·muhti'IPd hy ('at'l'ol ('anH't'oll all<l En·in ))]·y<•t·. Two of tit<' tit!Ps in pm·til'lllat· •·allP<l forth <'Otllllll'nt: ".\ ~hm·t ('ut to ~tudy" and "How to .\lakp <io<Hl". Tltc• <·lassmatPs lingl'l'P<l long iu th<> <'ot'UI't' dPYOtl'd to IIPIPII "'pin· gartl'n's <'<lliYass<'s, <·on<·Pptions of 111<'11. Pt•ohahly tftp lwst t \\ o \\PI'<' Hif·IIJIIIIIIII at Nf'sl and J)i/1((1'()11 ((/ 1'1(/y. ( 'onsidPt·ahl<• :-;pa<'<' was dP Yot<•<l to tit<' work of <Hady. · Pltilln·i<·k. This I'XItihition alon<• was \\I'll E \'Pt·last ing B rillimte,\' .)0
wot·th a tt·ip a<·t·o.·~ tlu· <·oHtillPIII. ll<·t· \\'m·k had IH'<'ll :uljwlg-Pd mu·xcPill·d h,\ ('OIIIIOi~~('lll'l" th1• " '())•)d 0\'('1' . •\ f<·" .·a"· thPillsPh <'s as otlu•t·s s<'l' th<•nt: .\ nti11iatm·<· of <IIndy:-; Ladd ~ntiliJH!;, hy Ida <:oodlllall . •\ hu~t of \\'altPJ' .\lah<•t·, th1• 110\'Piist, hy . \hna Tt'I'YPtl. 'f'llf' l'()/11' J:r·r11tfir·s ()/ t/11 ,'rlli()l' ('/o.·.-..:-.\'r/11/( '/'!uJ/1 tin ('nhbt st.' Jp 1, h,,- <'lm·Pll<'l' BakPt·. Th<· PX<·itPJIIPilt 1'1'<'<111'11 wa:-; only 1'1JUCI1Pil h~ t hat of t hc• goldPII appiP. Ea<·h was 1'111'1' sill' dPtPI'tPd hPJ' o\\"11 fpa( lll'I'K .\ sPtil•s of IIHHIPis I'I'Jll'<'.·pntiHg <:t·attan (':tssidy's I'OIItortion.·, hy ( '11-oiH' ~mith. .\s th<· inl<'l'I'SI<·d sight-sc'I'I'S tlll'IH'd from I hi' III<Hl<•L· to t !11• digHiti1•d < lt·at ta11 ;til W<'l'<' iiiiJII'P~spd h.' tltP ~triking <·ontntst. FJ'OJII tiH: <·OJJI<'IIIJllatiml of thPs<' tnast(•t·pi<·<·l's, all tnrnP<l "ith on1• a<·c·ot·d to t h<• ( '. I I. ~- <·m·io~i tiPs: .\ l:tq!,<' wad of I'IH•wing gum l:tl)('liP<l .. <>d<•ssi1• \\'PIIIIIall" was }ll'l'· S('I'YI'd hy E. L. )I i Ill<'. :\l;u·i<· \\'ood, a \'PI'." lu•antif'ul and ll:ttm·al spl•<·intl'll of I'ill'<' wood. 0111' of .Jlllll' )llJIIik<•ll'.· lll'ight l'I'IIIHl'ks, }ll'('S('I'\'(•d hl'('<llJS(' of it.· lll'illiatL<·y. \'iola :\lm10han's \'OlllpiPil• I'Oih•l't ion of l'ltoil'e I'I'IIIHI'ks . •\ suap shot of th<' ll:u·di11 ~istpJ·s' honm·s. :'IIPt·Jp Tm·HpJ·'s lin•!." 111<111111'1' . •\ lcwk of Eha :\Inn's hai1· . •\ 11'lll'·lo-lh·<· 1'1'J11'1Hill<'t io11 of .\h·da ~trod!'\.; \Oil'l•. II a 1'1',\ • • ic·ho Is· foot ha I I shcH'. Paul ~" P:IJ·illg<'ll'>• <·ltoi<·<· 11111JIIIIIiPs . .\lar,\ l·'pp's <·oJip<·tion of IIOII'~ . •\11 English th<'lll<' h,\ .}:1111<'~ liPI'hl't'l. \\'hpu th<• Ppi<·m·<·an insti1ll'ls \Uil'tH•d th1• "lliiii'(PPllfiftl'l'lll'1's" that it wa:-; ah11ost noon, L<•nill Ht'l'l'llloY<' c·o1Hllldl•d thl'lll to Olll' of hi:-: faIIIOIIs l'l's(:tll1':ttlts "hl'l'l' all p}ahor·atl' Junl'hl'Oll "'a· Sl'l'\'(•d a Ia <:olwu.
Might' as B •lloua '
,\'wif,'f'/' ('OIISOI/I/11('
Urt rry \\'a fr'l's
'f'11rr II , 'trr r I l'ofrtf(}( .·
rill(( II
J::rtrnr·st 8011 Jl ( 'rt Ill jJ{J('l/ H (}I/ ill (II/ • 'liiiN0/1 Ulirr·s , '111 i I It f 'r f r r.tJ JJon·is Fish /)orirlsrJII l'olrtlr1 f'hijJs .11 i/111 ( 'rruttu•lfr•s Sr f.wtlll Srttlftli f;rmrfllll/11 l'ras i11 'l'i111IJf1S
Hrr rul
(! (J(J(/1/tl/1/ ./(J/1(8
fla111 s Nrtfrtrl ll'illt Voss /)rrssill!f
Xw·krT ('fl"'·'~'', 'ol1ttl with lfollff /)rl'.'lsill!f I Jr lll'trl'/ II f 'rr 11111 8tokr•s f'lltll{lllff 11 r•/\ i1111 ir· ( 'rtkl' II ifl ('r111rli1's \ ir•lto{.wm '/'r 11
1/rtir llkllr·r·ht ('o.O'r·r· ( 'rhllf' rlr II orris
.\11 too soon • -a than "'l'l'ton m·osp to auuomu·p that in thP !'\'!'!ling, fhl' lliPJllhPJ's of thP <·la:-s of Ul1;) who, haYing nothing to !'xhihit, woul<l PllfPrtain tlH•iJ· fl'it>IHl.· with a li,·ing pidm·p ]H'rfm'JltaJH't'. 'f'lt,. l ollies 11/ 1!1/.i !'«'YiP\\' of lifp in <'han1paign lligl1 ~·khool-mn!ld lu• Jll'<'!"PntPd, IIJHlt>J' t lit' <lil't><·t ion of II:u·ry FrP<lt>l'i<'k:-on, at thP I>i11ghat 'l'ht>atrP . . \ hltH' wlYP( <·urtain with "l!ll:i" in gold ]p(ti'J's was <lrawu asid<' and .\lli<• )(pJ'I'ih<•w with 0!"<'HJ' ~<·hpJ•tigPJ', a:-sisfP<l h.'· Edtla ~ullira11 and Bprnard Hagan, prPs<'ntPd thr \'arious "FolliPs of l!ll:i". <:Iad\'s En•rha1·t a: <·omP<liPHIIP wn: <'x<·<·ptionall,Y PntPI'taining . •\ quintPttP <'Olll}HlsPd of LPml:l ~<·hmidt, EliznlH•th " 'hiton. Flor· Pll<'«' King, )[ arga I'Pt "'pnzl ntl' a11d II azp] .\rmslt·ong sa 11g t hP old ( '. II. ~. songs in thP wny that thrillP<l as in til<' dnys gorw hy. Et hPI ~ta11:.wl m11l Unylord ITo11'nlaJl, asl'il't<•d hy llazt>l ~~ Pplwns aJHl <'hP. fpJ· <'lark, gan· :111 <·.·hihition of ol'iginal aJHI rpfol'llwd dandng. Lindl<·y llt·,n·l' in a .\ly<•J·:-;' "Lin 'l'izzi<''' did :-;mlH' fHll<'." t·on~-?,h !'idin~-?.. Awfully Bal'hful 52
'l'hP JH•dot'lllHill'l' 1·los(•(l with a Sl'l'il'i'\ of I'I'I'IH of lllOYing pid 111'1'~ d1•\Piop1'd ft·ollt \'i1·w~ ~·olll'l'! 1•d hy II am ld \ \'i l1·~ a 11d Il p]pn l'l't l't'sott. .JanH•s lll't'hl't'l and .JaHH's }lullills took ttn·ns in I'Xplai11i11g tlt1' titll's :tlld I'I'I'Oilltl i11g Hlll'l'doll•s sHitPd to I'HI'It. .\s thP l'lll'tain was drawn Lowl'll \\'ood was si'Pll t'I'I'Pi\'illg hi~ diplotna from I )r. ( lray . • \fii'I' havi11g ~1'1'11 so11w of tltP most \\'Olldl·l'ful :ight~ ill till' wmld Ullll (•Jij0,\"1'1] th1• ('OIII]lalliOIISitip of old-tilltl' ft·il'lllb, ctJJ Hgt'l'l'll that th1• gt·pat I'Olltt·ollillg inHtH'IH'I' that had hPlpl'd to shap1• thl'it· livPs I'Oitld IH' trat·ed to thPit· 1•arly traini11g in tl11• ( 'hampaig11 II igh ~khool utHhor th1• guidallt'l' of }liss ~wit,.;et·. It was this illlilll'lll'l' wltil'h had ma1h• thPill .'lll'l'l'ssful 1111'11 a ud wollll'll, P<H·It doi ug It is or lt1•r part in JH'l']JPtuat iug !111• fa11w of th1• ('la:s of l!ll:-i-thl' first !'las: to gnuluatP in tltl' auditorium of tl11• Ill'\\'< 'ltallt)laign I I igh ~~·hool. GL.\HY. Enmii.\HT, '1:-i N A'J'JI.\. WE~TO. ~. '13
TO .\ FlUE. 'J) PHILHIUI'K, '1:-i. k11ow a git·l, a win:-;otliP maid 'l'PtHIPr and :-.\\'1'1'1 HJHl 1nH' . .\1,\ Ion• fot· hi'!' will tH•n•t· fadl', .\s low will sotll1'1 inu•s do. <lL.\HYS
To tlti11k of Jtpr llPiights m~· Jtpart II ('l' 1',\'I'S, hPJ' \'Oi(•(', ltl'l' gt':l('(', .\1.' hop!' is t Ita t \\'1' 111•'pr may p:u·t, .\s 1illll' gop:-; Oil :t]lHI'P.
Couspil'lwnsly Lon•l,\' a lid BP:Illt i f'nl
A Co~ Bt·mwtt1•
'Qtlll~ ~PHI' th1• ~~·HioJ·~ \\ill pt·l'~l·llt a play wlli1·h ha~ h;Hl pl'l'\·ious ~111'1'1'~~ in hoth London allfl • ·I'\\ York . • lll·of 11 8ttddl'll /)l 'f/!1.'1 is a
c·onH'Ily in tlm•p al'l~ hy E1·rw~t I>PIIII,\. Th1• ~Ptting i~ in England awl 1h1• l'hm·al'll'l'~ Hl'l' PXt l'I'IIIPiy Eng! i~h. 'l'h1• IIIPllllH•t·~ of thP I'H~t ~I'IPdPd to prodtH'I' thP play <11'1' all \\'PII ~uitPil to thPit· par·t~. HPhl•m·~al~ at·p hl'ing liPid 1'\"l't·y Prl'ning. Th1• l'o:tl'!t, L. E. Ft·ailPy, i~ \\I'll piP<lH!•d with th1• ability ~hmnt hy thP yontltful adors, and )H'omi~1·s a ~IIITP~sfnl Jli'I'fot·tn<llll'l' ou 'l'ul'~<lay I'H'lliug, .J 11111' 10. ('.\!'>'!'
•\ nt lumy, Lm·cl
< 'r·al'l-;1'11 t hm·p1• ...................... <l H.\TT.\ , ·
( '.\:->HIJIY J·'pllow of tlu• l•:ntontologi1·al ~01·ipty. Till' lion .. Jintnt,\ KPp]wl ......................... \\'11.1.1.\:\I HT.\HBl'<'K II is hrot ltl'l' )lajor .\IThil' Phipp~. I'Ptit·l'd ...................... \\'.\L'E .Jou.·sTo. · La ely ( 't'<tl'kl•llt IIOI'JH''s ht·ot h1•J· . .J<u·k Jl1·nziP:-; ....................................... 11.\nor.D <:norm< P;11·k<'I' ............................................ .\I EHTO. · "'l nm.· J:u t l1•t· at 11 a w kIt ur·~t. L n1·as ............................................. I I.\HitY • ·wnor.:-; .\1 a ll~l'l'Ya nt a I ,J itntny's Jo'la t. Lady ( 'ral'kPnt hoi"(H' ..................................• \I.,'I.\ HTHOIH~ Lt11·d < 'ral'k1•nt ltm·Jli'.H tnot h<'t'. 'l'h<' lion . .\I ill i1·Pnt K1•ppPl. ........................... HrTir II .\RilL· 'I'h1• I l 011 . .\II'!'. ( 'olq 11 homt ............................• \I..\ I.\ 'l'HE\'E'I''I' )I r:-:. <)'.\I a ra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ Y JOLETTE F1.mnms \\'i<low of l'rofps:-~ot• ()'.\lara, Jo'.IL~. Jlpggy ............................................. .\I ERJ.E Tl'IL 'Eit Ilpr· danghtPJ', )fEH'l'O . .\IYEH:->, '10.
1!11 (;
\'oi.. I,
~uit for . '1 0,000 da111agt·~ again:--t :\l1·. El'it· <'aHJH•r, a pl'OJIIinPnt hn~i111':--s 111<111. , 'hP I·I~:IJ·g1•:-- that hi' had Jll'llllli.'Pd to lll:tl'l',\ ht•J·, and withou t a ppat·t•n t rpa:--oll, 1· ha ugpd IJi~-; nlind. :\1 is~-; llany i~-; hP:II·t-ln·okPn awl say~ that morwy i:-- tJ·h·i:Jl t'OIII· Jl:IJ'I'd to hPJ' ~hat !Pl'Pd Jon•. .\11·. ('aspt•J' attPnlptPd to IP:I\'1' lhP !'!alP hut \\':11-: l'anght hy polii'P1111'11 .·Pal ('alllwl'll and ('I:IJ·PJII'P .Johnson of tllis 1·ity. ( .\lol'k pnhlit··s]w:tking trial. 1
Tilt' w01·ld's d1:t111pionsh ip hilli:ll't] and pool tom·uame11t llo\\' in Jn·ogJ'('ss in till' <'hampaign lligh ~l'llool Pool a11d llilli:IJ·d J'OIIIII has m·ousPd nlul'h Pill lmsiasn1 t ln·oughont tl11• 1·ity. E\\'illg Kirk and <lPm'gl' <lJ·a11g1'J' :tl'l' thP 1·hiPf I'Oilll'stallts in pool, \\hi]p tl11• hOTIOJ'S ill hiJiiaJ·Ili-i :11'1' lll'l'llily P\'1•11ly didded lwt\\'1'1'11 l>io.· ( ;o]dpn, ( lai I \\'iboll, :tlHl LPI' Hayhur11. :\IiI fo1·d Hoyl'l' is d1•n1onsh·a t i ngan inn•11tion for hPgilllH'J's \\'ith g1'1';t( Slii'I'I'!'S. 'J'hp dl'\'il'l' ('Oll ·isiS of a .·pt of nJiJTm·s hy \\·hil'h th1• pla,\-1'1' may niOI'I' 1•asily judg1• t h1• :lllgll's of his shots. Otht•1· ilii]HII'lant t·ollll'slallts m·p ( 'pl'i I <'ook, ( 'I i ll'ord II a II, 1'1'1'1',\' Lom·a:-;h, awl ( 'hPslPr :\1 iiH'J'. :\l111'h indisi'O\I'I'Pd tall'llt has hPI'll d isplayp(] ill t hP I'OIIIJH't i I ioll thu.· far, a11d a l11·ight fntm·1• is JH'P· dit·tpd foJ• !'OJliP of th1• .'·onthful pl:t,\'l'l'S. ( .\ fnt..J.JI·p po~).lihility. l
GIRLS' CLUB HAS STORMY SESSION-ELECTION DUBIOUS .\t thP IIIOilthJy llii'Pling of thl' <:irl!'' ('Jnh, lwld ,n•stPJ'tla,\ aftPI'· noon at thl' honH' of :\lis.· <lladys F1·as1'1', m1 inii•J·pst ing Nl'l'lll' ot·I'IJJ'J'I't J. :\I iss :\I <lllNJH'a kPJ' til·st J'l':ld tIll l'l'lllll'l of tht• snlhagl' I'Onllllittl'l', wl1 it·h i~ I'Oili]Hisl'd of Louisl' \ \'olllfm·t h, <)shoJ·JI, :IIHI Blallt·lw Pl':tl'l HJ·isto\\. .\ftpJ• thP olht•J• I'Oilllllitll'l'!" h:td 1'1']l0l'll'd, t hP Sl'llli-:tllllllal I'IPI'Iion \\':IN hPltl. 'l'hp l'<llHlidatt•s for thP Yarious oflkps \\1'1'1' as follows: Jll'PsidPil t, Fnlnt·P. \\'right and Elll'lll:t :\I Pad; \'it·('·Jll'l'sillt•JLt, \ 't•ra I :asspt t :1 nd Tl11'1111a ( 'J'<ll·kl'll; sPt'l'Ptm·.'. Hut h
BREACH OF PROMISE SUIT! $10,000 DEMANDED! .\li.·s .·PIIit• Harry, tl11·n hPr attnJ n1',\, .\11'. ~:1111 II ill, has hrought
En•rythiug Cul'ls
VPJ'\' Cha I'll I iun
THE LIVE WIRE I )t·a liP mttl B1·~~iP Da \"i~; t t'l':t~lll'l'l' , :\I:11·ion KPtttp, ])m·otlty .\lht•t·t~. 11111 Flm·t'lll't' ( 'twltt·atl. \\"ltt•tt t Itt• ha llot s \\'t•t·t• t•omt t pt] it \\a~ f'onttd that whil1• hut thirtyOIIP \\(']'!' ]ll'l'Sl'lll, Pi~hty - ~ix \'Oil'S had ht•t •n t·a~t, allll ~Pt'l't•tat·y .\ddit· .\nt:·.dl:lly \\' a~ ~I'Pll tr,\'ing to ltidP . ill othPt' ballots in hPJ' ~hot• . . \( tlti~ jnll('llll'!', ~lJ(·It P]lilltl'l~ \\Pl't• hlll·IPtl h,\" thl' it·att• git·b tltat tht• IH·ttPJ' Plt•ntPHt at on('t' IPft :tnd tltt• l'Xl'il!•llH'lll ·thaiPtl. t.\11 itll:q.!,ill:tl',\" t'\'t•nt. I
Kat h!•t·illP IJ nil', \\Ito l'Xl'J'('isr• II' lll<ll'k:thl!• l'Olltt·oJ 0\Pl' th1• l'XJlOil Pllt~. :ts~istPd in tltpiJ· t·aptm·t •, hut not ltlltil :tf'll'l' tltt•.' had had l.' f't·ightPilPd Elnwt· Lit tIP and ( 'la r o don ht t hP Plll'l' .Johnston. t i lltPI,\' i 11 t l'l'\'1'11 t ion of :\I i~s II ull :l\'l'l'IPd llllH'It dallt:lgP, l1111 fOJ ·tn natPI,\' no 0111' was hm·t.
ATOMS DISCOVERED! POOL MAY BE CLOSED! II m·old ~:t hi 11 :tlld HoiH•t·t ~p:tld ing, t hP \\'I'll known s!·iPnt ist~. Ita\ P j11~t m:u!P t ltPil' !toni fyi11g :tllnolllll'l'llH'llt tIt :II Oil!' S\\'illllllillg pool is inf'PstPd with atom~, a11d that th1• Sli]IJHISI'dly ]1111'1' 1·it,\ Wafl'l' i.· ah~olntPI,,- sllJH'l's<tllll':tll'd with lllPllthl'l'o' of t lt1• mol!'l'lll:tl· fantily . !{nth Dillon and \"pt·:t ~Ita\\· \\'!'l'l' I'Pl't'lll ly at l:tt·kPd hy t IH• atonti1 ' t lt~•m·y and Dr. II Ollll'l' ( ;(•ot·gt• i 11 It i. · d i:tg-ltosis sll~Jil't'l I'd t hn t t Itt• d i~ t•:t.'-'t']n·ohahly t'illltt• f't·otll tiH· wal!•t· in thP pool. Dr. l:t•m·g-t•'s .· us pil'ion~ \\'t'l't' \'l'l'ifiPd wltt•u a ft•w day~ latt•t·, ll:tzPI Ttll'k!•t· nnd EtltPI Pt·i,·ott \\Pl'l' abo atta!'l-:1•d h\' tht• tna lady. '!'Itt• pat iPtt t s art• now l'oll · \'aiPSl'illg in thP ltospitnl nndPt' tht• l':ll't' of .\laiH'I l:aitu•.· and lt·t•nt• :\I ajor. .\ fP\\" .·tmy atont:-: \\'1'1'1' found ill tltt• t'OJ'l'idor l1y ,Johll :\fmTay, h11t tiH• lntildillg haN hPt'll thm·o11ghl.' fttllligatt•d :tlld it iN tlto11~ht that t IH• inf't•t·t ion will Hot NJH'Patl. .\sa fat·tiH•t· ~afpg-u:ll'll, :\ft·. LyiP ~nhi11 Ita. · ht•Ptl appoi!llt•d wall'htll:\11 a11d is now on d 11 t y :-;ppj 11g that nmw of tltp atmtls P~l·aJH' th<• pool.
DELIGHTFUL TIME Lalll'a .\1 illt•t·, .\1 ildt·Pd Pt·it·t•, :\lm·jm·ip ~tolll·y :llld :\l:n·gat·pt Hntl1•dgP \\1'111 on a pit·ni(' ~atlll·· day to hP:tutiful \\"t•.·t E11d Pm·k. . \II PlljoyPd it hn t t hP font· n:tllH'd a 1111\'P.
SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT OCCURS IN ROOM 228-SEVERAL INVOLVED .:\louda~· la~t. a I'Ptllat·kahiP tlti11g took pi:H'P in :\It·. :\1 iiltl'·~ rootll dllJ'· ing t Ita t i n~t !'Ill' I m·'s a h. Pllt·t•. Til(' t t·aim·<l <'XJHlll<·ntN, wh il'h m·p 11~11<1 1ly l'OllfiliPd in tilt• dPsk a11d wlti!·lt ]IPI'f'Ol'lll f'm· :\[ 1'. :\J itH• ai \\ill, \\"Pl'l' f)'(•(•d, nnd lu•fot·p tll('it· t·aptlll'<', t l11•sp ft·ol it·solltl' :1 nd t l'lllJH'l'illltP!ltal lit t l1• l'l'P:ttm·,·~ JH•t·f'ot'lltPd lltally ~trnng-t• antil's . ('hus. "otTo\\" n11d 0~1':11' ('ng:tllll <11'1' hot it ~ll~Jll'l'fl'd of t hP d!•Pd, a . hot h ltud ]li'PYion ·Jy dm11• t hP mo~t l't'lll:tl'kahiP and ~m·pt·ising· 1J·id:N wit It .\fJ·. )I ilru'. · ppL·.
Lon• '~-; Cit a t·m
Mighty at Cht>Ns s6
THE LIVE WIRE .\11·. <;oodiug, spPaking of this gi'P:tl pliPllOIIIPIIa, :aid that tliPI'(' is 110 daugPJ', a11d that 11o oJH' llPPd fPPl auy apprPh<•Bsiou, as Ill<' nlollll-l \\ill SOO!I l]jp a llatm·al 1JI•ath.
Jt i:-; I'P]lOl'll'd that a lllnlP kit·J>t•d a fly oil' of .John Lmn,\ 's t•aJ' with· o11t injm·.r t to tIll' mnlP 1. Edwm·d Hop<'!' is t hP l'<•l'ipit•Jlt of a Ill'\\' Flying FoJ'd thn thP l<wal agPHt, ~II'. lht\'id 1:!'0\\'ll. EIIIIPl' llPlln il'l thiHki11g of t'll· tl'l'illg thP polllll',\' h11sitWH:-i .
SOULFUL SIGHS •\1·tllllr Bl'm\·n, thP <·igaJ·PIIP tiPnd, is now with Hingli11g's <·irI'IIS. IJis :-;iZ.I' i:-; a111plP \\'al'!Jing of thP dangPl's of thP ohnoxio11s <·ig:u·Pt II•. .\I i:-;:-; II PI I'll I:!·o:-;har is now gh·ing IPt·tm·p:-; hpfol'P lmw· andi<·nt·p:-; iu . 1'\\ Yol'l, anti ot hPJ' l:tl·gp <·it iPs. ~liss .\dPll F11nk is plnying a ]padillg pa1·t in a Ill'\\' I:t•las<·o protiiH'I ion, "'l'hP FlnnkPr." .Jolm llownrd, t hP \\'fll-known wiJ·pJp:-;s P.. JH'J·t, j:-; t·mHhH·t ing J'P· . PaJThP:-; to dPIPJ'llli n1• how mnny Yolt:-; of p]pl'frit·ity a tiy <·an tnkP wit hont inj11ry to its f1·ont lt•Pth. .\1 i:-;:-; 0 ladys Htya n, dPJnon:-;t I' a I«H' for I hi' \\ riglPy Unm <'o., will giw t1 IPI'tm·p on "Umn, llo\\' and " 'hy to <'liP\\' It." ~Ir. )I ihw will hi' in 1'11a1'gP. .Jamp:-; Fimwy was l'<'<'Pntly p]pl'f. t•d ]ll'l'HidPllf of (ltp .\n<·il'llt ()J•f](•!' of llihPruian:-;.
NEW PLAYS "Th!'PP (o <hll'" iH thP latp:-;( play fl'OIII 1111' ]H'll of ~Jiss ~laq.!,-al'PI I )aYPnJHH't, t ht' playwl'ight. 'I' hi' IPadil1g J•olt•s \\'ill Ill' tahn hy Lil· lian ('arlt'l', Uporgia Flo\\'l'l'S, ~laJ·y \'ps(, and ~lanfm·d ~fit·h:ll'l.
OLD LADIES' HOME 'l'ht' following applit-atiolls han· hP<'ll J·pn•i\'l•d fm· :l<hlli:-;sioll to thP Old Ladi<•s' IIomt•: Ella L11tlwr, Elsi<· ('lark, Ha111o11a Pm·Jwll, and Euni<·P .\fin<•J·. 'l'hpy will bt• adt•tl upon hy thP board in a short tinw.
If yon pat !'oniz.p on1· :uJ\·pr·t ist'J's,
it \\ill liP of llllllll:il hPBPfit to yon, 11s, and t liP Ill.
If yon at'<' in 1111' -Tm1im· <'la.·s, . 'o donht yon'n• iJ1 1111' ''\\'iJ•p"; Jtnt pJt•asp l'(':-.train yom· J•ighii'Oll~ wrath If I his shonl<l ronsp yom· in•.
FOJ' WI' h:1n• lahm'P<l long a]}(l har1l, .\nd h·ipd to plP:tsP yon all; .. \nd if you Hl'Pk tlH• Pditm·, H<•'s hilling-until fnll. .Ton · nntKE, 'lti
Cla:-;:-;_r aiHl Cut<•
Ro,Yal Dignity 57
RED STAM P OILS I :l'~t hy 'l'l'st ~- FoiDII ' l..\
l '.
\\'.\ C\TEII - Po~i t ion kPI'ping IIi I'~ oil' fl"ollt JIOITlJ fm· l'P!"JH'I't:lh]l' f:llll·
nw ;
JI ~ o
G. Bilderback
ily.-~1.\IU: .\HET ~1.\LI ,,\l.\ , ·.
\\'.\ .'TEll - Posit io11 ;t:-; g'O\' I'l"III'S~ in high-l'la:-;:-; l'amil,\. <h·adwttl' of <'. II. ~- ('an ~pl'ak sPYPn langnagP:-;. HdPJ'<•n<·Ps. E11 ·.\ \\'1 I.ES.
.'fOil onl_ij If I till ' jllll.'f /,'n 'I',IJOI/1' trill silly 11 11'1/.'f."
Posit io11 a~ Latin inin hmtH• foJ· ag<·d <llHl in1il'lll gold-fislJ.- .\C\ . IE ll.\Hl\:EIL \\'.\C\TIW
\\' \C\TEil l'ositio11 as <'ll'rk ill haul-ing holl~<·. - < '. E. l )I-:Lo. ·1: .
PEaso. ·.\1.- .\ haud~ollt<• young man witl1 l<n·gp in<·onH· woulti lik<• to Pstahlish I'OJT<•spmHll'lll'<' with goo<llooking gil'! of L to :!0.- H \l.l'll
Milan, Italy will 11'/f ,IJOII rllt.'flltiii!J rtbolll tltt
j)(fs/. jJJ'{ .'!I'll/ a11rl /111111'1 ' .
I rlrir·r·
!Jil'l'll I'IJI!r·r ·rniii!J fori' a11d fJiu;inl 's.· a fl'a irs.
E\'1-:~tYTH!. '(;TO ))HI ' K .\T
LosT-.\ wat<·h hy l:11ly with onl' mb:-;ing hmul. HI'! m·n to ~lay liowm·d. LosT-.\ <"<Ill hy l'<ll'Y<'d iyory ('oPE.
li'E ( HE \:\I I'.\ HLOR
man with hPad. - 11.\RoLII
,\' Otlllp;
Try Tucker's Throat Tablets "'/ 'fte tastr fiii!Jr rs."
F<H' . · p .\ ladil's' diamong J'illl-!, in thP 1'1'<11' !"l'llt of my antolllohih•. ~ l ay hi' 1~<111 on pa,nll<'llt for t hi~ ad.-Flt.\ . ' h \\ \1.1. \I'E.
LPt ])illaYou awl \ VoollP,Y .·npply you witl1 farm implPIIII'Uts of all ki11ds.
P].(•asing to E r<·rymw s8
Atlrletics tjji'
liE .\thlPtil· A~~ot'iation o<·<·npit>K a pt·mninpnt pl:H·<• :ttllotlg till'
~ organization~
of ('hampaign High ~dwol. It h:t~ gt·owu ~tt>adily \\ ith tht• high ~dwol, and now <·ommand.- a gl'P<It <lt>al of at tt>utiou. 'l'ht• 111'\\ building ha~ put a f't'Pl'h ~pit·it into th<• ~tlHl<·nt~. all(] thPy h:t\'<' ~Ito\\ 11 t lwir iutPr<·:·d t hi~ _Yt':tl' lllOJ'<' than <'Y<'I'. .\thil't it·~ tll<·an~ a~ IIIII<' II to thP high ~!'!tool ~tudt•nt a~ any JmuH·II of ~d10ol work. 'J'ht' adnmtag<·~ oll'Pt't'tl thi~ .)'I'Hl', in joining tht• atllldk a~~ot'iatiou, HI'<' 11101'<' than 111<!1'<' llll'lllhPr~hip to til<• a~~ot'iation-ft·<•p a<·<·p~.- to tht' gymna~ium, tl11• ~wim ntiug pool, tilt' a:-;~<H'iation dau<·<•:-; awl t•ntl't·tailllllt'll1~ . •\ .·tudt'llt who <i<>l'. not ht'loug to til<• a:~tH'iatiou <·an hm·dJ,,· ft>t>l at honH in ('hampaign Iligh ~<'hool. .\bont font· hlm<lrt'<i anti tift,\' ~tudput.· hart• rt'alizt•d this and II a n• h<·<·omP llll'lll ber~. Tht> football ~<·ason saw an innt'H~<' of t'HIHlitlat<'~ for pia<·<'~ on til<• 1<'<1111. llltt'l'<'~t in thP football ~<·llt'tlult• wax ~llown frm11 tilt' wt·y 1ir~t day of ~<·llooluntil th<• spa~on dost'<l on '1'hanksgi\·iug l>ay. Iuthusi:L'tilmass lll<'<'tings "<'l'l' lwltl hl'fm·t• t':t('h gmtH' to put t·u~tomary ( '. I I. ~. "JI<'p" into tht• squa<l and to m·oust• int<'l'<'~t and lo.ntlty in tiH• st udt•nts. 1 ht' t<•am: wPn' Wl'll supportPd at th<• gamt's and it was tlli~ loyal ~npport that a~slll'<'<l th<• t'lt:tmpion~llip of ('<•ntt·al an<l ~out ht'rn Illinois for ( 'hampaign. Ou a<·<·ount of' tht• latt' <·omplt't ion of' th<' g,ynma:-;ium, ha:-k<·thall wa~ ilii]HI:-xihl<'. . ·o r<•gular tt'am was organizt•d hut tht' <·!asK t<•ams plcty<·d X<'\'<'l':t I ga lii<'S. 'l'hP prospt•<·t K for twxt ,\'<'til' arp n•t·y hrigll t a II(] a good t<'am will ht• m·gauizt•<l to upllol<l tlw )Iaroon stanthml. 'J'h<• tra<·k :pa~on opt•tw<l with about twt'nty-tin• <':tll<lidat<•: out fot· pradi<·<'. £\mong tlll' numlwr W<'l'l' ~l·,·pral nt•w men who show<•d gt•t•at a hi! i t.v. ~<'\'<'11 of laKt yPar's mt•n an• h:1<·k, a11<l m·t• ht•t•tl king l'<'<·m·<ls. 'l'h<' grounds to tiH• west of tilt' building W<'l'P put to liSP hy tht• tra(·k I PH Ill. Basp\mll lias had it~ n:nal slump thi~ ,Y<'<ll', <hw to tilt' Ia(']~ of l'Uppol't hy the stn<lt•nts, and partiall~· ht•<·an~<· tht'I'<' wa~ no anlilahlt• dimtton<l on wlii<·h to play. ('Ja~s tPams :tllll t'lnh tPHlll~ W<'l'<' organiz<•<l. 'I hPi<i<' IP:llll~ play<'<l a s<·lipdnl<• of gamt's, wlii<·h was \'1'1',\ intPI'l'~ting. By twxt ypar, )fd\:iniPy Fit•ltl will h<' antilahh• for all hrant·ht•s of athlPti<·~. 'L'hi~ 1il'ld is within si.· h!O<·k~ of tiiP ldgh ~t'lu)()\ hnil<ling in a n•t·y dt'sirahlt• ]()(·at ion. £\h·<•ady it lias hP<'ll gt·a<h•d and <'tH'lost'<l with <'ll<·<•. In or<lt•r to han• tliP fipJd in gotHl t·ondit ion for m•xt lllld h<• tak<'ll <·at·t• of dm·ing tilt• SllliiiiH'l'. I11 tiH• t'Olll'i<i<' of tim<', •nsl>, hlPai'IH•l's and a running ti':t<·k should h<' hnilt. ".itll all anbtg-P:-: ('haiH]laign, without doubt, will put out winning t<•ams ll't it' :-;port~. H.\Ll'II )IETZLEH. '1;). F air
Gt•twrally F irm 59
...."' <
... :::!
" <
... 0
.." .. <
Hip;h t 'l'ae kh•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . K<>llt p Hil'hmmHI <luart<•r Ba<·k.Kirkpatdd~ •• ·idwl. L<>ft Half Back ............. ran J:i~ht Ilalf B;wk .......... Lanum l·ull H;wk .................. Hill
L<·ft <lmml ........ " hitP, <'apt a in _,l:nw/.!1'1' ............. 'l'homp~on J.pft End .... Fn•<h•rkk:-:on, ~hnrtz LPft 'l'ackll' .............. :\Jprrill ( 'pllll'r ................ J>illaYOU Hi!-!hl <hwnl ........... H. lla~an
Hi~ltt End. . . . . . . . . . . .
~l· I:~TITl'TE.'
:\1 kltHPl J;rown
.J. Ila~an I 1u hh:ml HEI'IllW
V<•<·atur YH. l'hampai~n ..... .' .............................. fi ll<tliYillP \"~. ( 'hallljlill~ll ................................... () ~pl'iH~fiPid YK ('ham pa i~n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Kankak<><> YK <'hampai~n .................................. !i \\'p:-:t .\.m·m·a ,.:-:. ( 'hampai~n ............................... 1:~ l'1·haua Y~. ( 'hampai~n ..................................... !i
to to to to to to
1:! t .
:w :it 0 :!li
Total ............................................ :n to I ill
(!!, ILUIP.\.11:. •
II i~h ~~·!tool foot hall (pam for thP :-;pa:-;on 1!114 1-!0<'H on l'PI'Ol'<l aN almo.-t rankin~ with thl' IIH'IIIOrahlP Y<'HI'~' of '!li. '!I'. '01, <Ill(] '1:!. 'J'hP alHI\'1' HI'OI'I'I' sho\\' that tJtp ('h<tllljl<tl~ll (I'Hlll 1111'( tltP stro11g tPHIIt~ of thl' Htall' and lost to hnt mw, "·"~1 .\.urot·a. 'l'hl' tl'allt s<·m·<•fl 11101'1' pointN a~aiu:-;t l'1·hana tha11 any fm·HH'I' tl'<lllt, awl wm1 for ('hampai~n thP trophy \'ll]l fo1· wltil'h l'rhana and ('hampai~n haw hat t II'd for four ~-earH. Th<• fiPai<oll wa.- mat·k<><l hy faithful ]ll·adi<·p on thl' part of th<• tPalll; <'X<·PII<>nt <·mu·hinp; h,,. F .•\.. llPaiP,\; loyal :-;upport hy thP sttHll'llt hod.' and wi.·p :-;upl'n·i.-ion hy I>in·<·tm·:-; )I i:-;.- Hw i bwr ;tll(l )Jr. )J ihw . •\.bout fmty Pnthukiai<ii<- <·mHli<lat<>~ for pia<·<·~ on tiH• (pam r<>por!P«l for the fhHt pradi<'<'. Of thiH nm11her, niiw Wt>l'P ''('" lll<'ll; two "<'I'<'
Ha nd:-;omp Ga l'llll'll tH
R ightfnll,,· Gr<•at 62
I'XJH'T'iPlll'l'd playPT'l' fT'Olll othP1' hi~h l-:diOols, and Kil·kpatrid-:, a 11atnral quaT'IPT'h;u·k. \Yas lookt•d upo11 as inYalnahlP. Thus th1• sPl<>dioll of liH'IIlIH•J·:-o fort hP first tPHlll was Yii·tually dP1·idt'1l. . "ot too llllH'h 1':111 hP said in pnti:-ol' of th1• suppm·t of thP :-oPI'OTHI (PHlll. EYt'l'Y Hight, 11ot fP\\'Pl' tlwn tiftPPII WPl'P ont fo1· pnwtit·t•. It is from tht'SP that ( 'hampai~u will 1h·a\\ hPJ' nJatt•J·ial fo1· llPXt :-;t•ason. ~twh faithful st·n·it·p should not go 11111'1'\\'al·dpd. Owi11g; to 1ltP fad that, hy tlH• I'll ling of thP ~tatt• .\thiPti1· .\ssol'iation, S\\'PaiPl'S should not hP gin•n to liii'TIIhPrs of ltigh s1·ltool football tPants, it was thought hy a ft'\\' that illlt'l't•st ill tht• ga111P would hP IPsSPlll'll. 'l'l11• spason ]ll'on•ll, ho\\'('\"1'1', that ('h:nnpaig;n High ~~ hool h11,\'s m·p truP loyal sporL·nH'll. It is 11ot the pl·izt• that tiH·y I'HI'I' fm·; lmt thP spm·t itsPlf, aJI(l to win ltono1· fo1· tl11•ir ltiglt 1-whool. Owing to tltP !alP 1latP in OJH'IIillg 1--whool, pnwti1·t• did 11111 IH•gin lllltil ~t·pii'IIIIH•J• :.!7. 'J'hp task to gPt a tP<Illl in sh:I]H' to IIH'Pt thp fast ])p(·atm· p)pypn did 1wt 1lannt ('oal'lt Ilt•al<•y. Tf<• :-;p( to \\·m·k with s1wh Yilll a11d dP(I'l'lllillation (hat l11• Sl'l'lll'Pd l'P<Ill,Y l'P,']lOilSI' fl'Olll P\'1'1',\' l':llHlid:ttl' and liP .'lll'l't'PdPd i11 JH•rfl'd in~ a fonnidahle P1PYP11. T11 thP ti1·:-:l ganH• pl:tyl'd at Dt•t·atnr with thP Dt•1·atm· sqn:ul. ('hampaigll wmt aftPT' a hm·d ti~ht and spt tlu• )1:11'1' for tiH• :-:t•ason hy thl' SI'Ol'<' 1:.! to li. Ill tht• S('('Ollll gaml' plnyt•d nt nam·i]]p \\"ith th<• nanYilll' tP:Illl, ( 'hantpaign p](•,·t·n pil<>ll up a hig s1·m·,• -!~ to 0. Hut ( 'hampaign rl'llll'liPil \\'ith two l'l'ipplPil liH'll, Ilill and llag;an. Tl11• fm·nH•r wa:-; ahlt• to takP ltis piHI'I' 1111 (hi' fjp](] within :1 \\'I'Pk; hut thp ]HttP1' W:lH 11101'1' S('1'i011S],\' illjtll'Pil a11d ltP was P.Tlud<•ll f1·ont pl·adit·<' for a montl1. It was not until 1l11• thil·1l ganw that th1• ltmlll' snppoJ·tpJ·s of thP II'Hllt hall a dtan1·<· to S<'l' :tJHl p:-;timat<• ihl' \\OI'th of thP tP<Illl. Fm· two SI':ISIIIIS, thP !:4pl'illgfip)(] i"IJ1l<Hl had not hPPII l]l'fpa(t•ll :11111 it \\':IS 1'1'!-!,Hl'dt•d a:-: a tl'OIIg' t·ontP111l<'1' for thl' l'ltampion:-;hip. But tl11• :.\l:n·oo11s slto\\'Ptl thpiJ· :-:upPriority to t111• YisitoT'i" hy a :w to 0 Yidm·~· . •\fiPJ' this g:lliH', 'isim1.· of a <·hampionsltip fol' ('ltampaign High lomtH•d up in thP di.·tant·l'. 'l'ltP Kankak1•P tt•mn was :tlhl'l't il"Pil as one of tlw 1-'ll·on~<·st i11 lllll'tltPJ'll Illi1toi.·, awl wa: lookPd upon as a \\'orthy oppoJwnt. Hut thP K'.· \\"1'1'1' 110 m:ttl'h for tht• 1lougltty ('ltampaign PlP\'t•n as thP :>!to() ~.wor<• :-:lto\\·s. MiT·a,·ulou:-; Gait
.\ Ni<-t•, littlP Girl
'l'hP !Jon; \\'PI'P anxiou~ to IIH'P( th<• mtl<'h-talk<•d-of \YP~t .\m·ot·a (Pam. For four ~-;~·a~onl-< it had not 1H'<'11 dPfPatPd hy an Illi11oiH hig-h l-<<·hool l' 1pn•n. 'l'hP g-a111P wa. · p la,,·<'d at •\ nrora. T h <' g-a 1111• ,,.a~ f:t. t and furiou~; for till'<'<' quartl'l'S t hi' ~~·OJ'<' l'l'lll:tilll•d 0 to 0. ( 'hampaig-n, how1'\'<'t', <·oul<lnot hold out ag-ai111-;t .\nt·m·a'l-< im]Hit'l<'d pla,n•rl-<. \VPl-<( .\m·ora ~~·m·pd t \\'o tou<·hdowns and 0111• g-oal in t h1• l:u·d fom• tttiHII(p~ of pla~· 'l'lu· "stm·~" from ('hampaig-n \\'<'!'<' Kii·kpatrkk, Lamttll aud KPmp. ~~·or<' wa~, ( 'hampaig-11, 0; \Yp~( .\ m·m·a, 1:~. 'J'hp follo\\'ing- is topic1l front au .\m·m·a papPI': ".\nrot·a haH SPPll S<'OJ'<•s :ttl(] ~<·ot·<•s of hig-h ~thool foothall gamps, hut lii'\'I'J' han• th<' l<w:tl fans lookpd npon a rleaJwt· atHl fail·<•r .·p( of high .·l'ltool play<•J·s than thoHP who pl:ty<'d for C'hampa ign Iligh ~dwol against \rps( lligh . • ·ot Olll'l' during th<' g:lltll' wa~ thPI'<' a tr:t<'l' of roug-h playing- hy <·it hPJ' ~ill<•. 'l'l11• ('hantpaig-n hoys took tlH•ii· <]pfpat gra<·Pfully ..... 'l'hl' 1lO\\'Il stat<• (P:tlll i~ a <·rPdit to high s<·hool foot ha 11." .\ltlwng-h thP gatllP <l<•<·id<·<l th<· stat<• <·lt:t111)1ion~hip, thP hoys \\1'1'1' 11ot <·t·p:-;tfall<·n; fm·, if thPy \\'Oil thP 'l'h:tllksgi\'ing ganu•, th<'y would lH• <·hampiml:-; of ('pntml Illinois. 'J'hp hop1•s of tl11• PlPrPn \\'<'1'<' t·Pali~w<l. 'l'hP 'l'h:mksgh·ing gatlll' \\':tH a thrillPt·. ~~·orp: <'hampaign, 2fi; l'rhann, fi. 'l'IH• )J:n·omts :--;p( a 1'1'<'01'11 f'<n· <'haHtpaign agai11s( l'rh:ma, in thP matt<•r of s<·m'<'l-< and in addition \\Oil JH't'lllatll'lltly th<· tmphy <·up. 'l'hp g-am<· \\'ilH pl:ty<•d in idPal \\P:tth<•r . . ·Pari,,· four thonsa11d JH•opl<' wittu·ss<•<l th<• <·mt!Pst. 1'h1• "stars" \\"<'!'<' llill, L:mnnt, Kit·kpatrkk, and \\'hitP. Jlill dil-<tingui:·dtPd hilltl-<Plf hy <·arrying th<· hall fm· a HllhHtantial g-ain <'\'1'1'." titHe hP was <·:tllP<l npm1, making frm11 four to 1-il'\'1'11 y:mls at P:ll·h plnng<•. l[p :--;ho\\'l'd unnsnal <·mt:-;i:--;tPn<·y in hi.· playing. Lannm di:--;playpd his alPrlBPss in thP thir<l qn:u·tPt' hy int<•I'<'Ppting- an l'l'llaJw pass and da:--;hiug fot·ty y:ll'IIH for a t OJH·h do\\·n. Kirkpa t ri<-k was "( hPt'<'" wit It HP\'I'I':tl long dollgi ng :-;p1·i 11tH. \\'hit<· <'1'0\\'lll'd his I'Hl'<'<'l' 011 thl' foo~hall fil'ld hy :--;t:tning in th<•linP. ThP l'rhana hal'k fiPld :tlw:ty.· found :t :--;tmtP w:tll wltpn it tJ·ip(] th<• IPft litH•. Whitl' wa:-: an i<lNtl l':tptaitl. liP al\\'ay:--; instill<•ll "lH'p'' into th<' 1Pallt. His "('<1111<' o11 1111'11" \\'a.· :--;m·ph· lllii-isl'd in ti1P \\'p:--;t .\m·ora ~:1111<'. Ilp i..; <·onsidl'l'<'<l onp of thP hPst gu:11.'dl-< ( 'h:tlltp:tign It as <'\'PI' had. Eujo~ .· Good ~-;ports
"i>ill.'" \\':1~ a fighiPJ' and \\al' alwa.\l' "lltl'l'l' .. 011 lin1• \\·ork. "BPI'IIil··· !lagan \\" a~" a"llolltPJ' po\\"(•J·fnllinl· 111:111. .\II att:H·kl' dil·l·l·(pl] IIi~""·', h1• IH'ld and 111:td1• a ~J;ood ho]p fo1· hi . full had; to .!!o thl'Oll~J;It. KPIII]I foJ• thP pa~t (\\0 _\PHI'S h;h hl'('ll pi1·kpd hy th1• 'J'rifJIIII!' OJ\ tltP hoJJOJ'aJ',\ all-~t:tiP !Pant. Il1• \\:t~ th1• 111ost l'on:-;isiPHI lilw man on thP :-;qnad. I11• i~ a I"OJIIhination of l11·ain and hl':t\\11. ".JilliiJJip" ~I(•I'J"i]]'~ fighting ~pi1·it \\'as th1• Pll\,\' of a]] Oil tl11• t1•alll. II is pl:ti'P will hP h;IJ'(] to fill. 'l'holll}ll'Oil p1·m·pd Pqnal to th1• task of filling th1• pl:tl'l' of \YhitP at gii<IJ"(I. FJ·Pdi•J·i1·kson \\'m: at hi~ hps( t h il' .'·paJ'. II I' did SI'IIS:t t imw 1 \\'OI'k in hJ'(•aking np thP inll'l'f'PJ'I'Ili"P of lhP opposing l1•aJ11, going down oil pnut:, and J'PI"Pi \"i ng fm·wm·d pHs~"P~-'. ". "id.:" Hkhnlmtd's 1·hid st 11111 wa~ foJ·\\';IJ·d pa:-<~1·s. II is passps arP tlw hPst P\"!'1' ~"<I'PII 011 a high ~·whool gJ·idiroJI. "B" ~hm·tz \\"HS :111 I'X("PIIPnt "suh" at Plld. 'l'ltP t1•:tn1 \\as fol'lnnate i11 ha\·ing "B" to tak1• thP pl<ll'l' of Hi1·h11101Hl m· Fl'l'dPI'i("k:-<oll. Kid.:patri1·k \\"H . th1• ~Pll~:tlioll of thP ~1'<1."011. Ilis long· dod_ging 1I P wa:-< da~hP~ :IJ·p llltp:tl':tllt•!tod i11 th1• hi~tOI',\' of ('. 11. ~- football. pi1·k1•d fo1• 1]1(' .\]]~(:tiP tP<llll . . · i('hol. · at la~t l'l':tlizPd th1• <1111hition of 1'\"PI",\' high s('hool ho,,· -to \\P:tl' a"('". Fo1· fou1· ypm·s h1• \\'ot·kpd faithfully on thP IP:tln. Kan follo\\'Pd his intPl'f'PJ'PlH'I'; ltP was a h:n·d 111;111 to slop. Lanum \\<1:-< a "st;u·" in all pl:H·Ps: wh1•11 hl' <·aniPil thP hall, h1• hit l~;n·d; in infpJ·fpJ'<'ll<"<', lH' :tl\\'<1,\ s "duntpl'd" hi~ man; o11 dPfl'llsl', lH• ln·okp 11p fm·waJ·d passp;.; and ~U]l]Hll"l<'d !:i<·hiiiOIHl 011 Pll<l. 11 ill- 'l'o hP sw·<·<·~sf'nl a ll•ant mnst !tan· a man who <':tll hit thl' lin<' "ithout '"'·'' in(pJ·fpJ"I'Ili"P and makP hi;.; gain; fm· oflpntim<•;.; thl' halfha('ks Hl'l' ~o \\'01'11 mil that it is hPst to gin• t h<•Jil a J·psf. .\lso it is lli'I'I'S· ~:tl',\" to harp a 111an "h:t<·king up th1• linP" "ho tad.:IP~ hal'd :tllll 1ilb np ll11• hol<·~ lll:td<• hy thP oppOilPllt'~>' lin<•. ~am snppliPd this liPP!l. Whl'n h1· <'<ll'l'iPd !111• hall, IH· ~>'<'ldmll faill'd to gain; \\'111'11 hi' tad:IP1l. hP """'."·· ln·onght hi:-< 111:111 dmnt. 'l'hP ~>'<'<'mHl tPalll pl<l,\'Pd two ganH·." :11111 w:ts ril'fm·ions in hotlt. < htl', RatiH'l' unll'h Hair 65
"ith Yilla <h·or<' Pn<lPd with a 1:.! to li !-:('01'<'; thP otht•1' with 1Trhana "~<· 1 ·mHb", :{t to 0 l'I'Ol'l'. ThP 1111'11 "Ito llP~I'l'\'1' ~JH'I'i:tl 1'1'Pdit m·<': Brown, l!nhllm·d, .\lonow, .\lil'haPI, 'l'<·mpiP, IIt•J·h!•J·t, \\'. l:1·own. 'I'll<• foothall .I'Cll'Oil fot· 1!111 l'lospd "·itl1 a IHtlliJHPt at llotp] l:<•:ll·<ls· IP\'. 'l'llis i:- lhP third \'P<ll' tl1at .\IPs~•·:-. 1'. I:. llatl'h, '1'. II. l'z·ai~ and (';1ok ll1·os. han• <•lltl'l'iainPd thP sqwtd, thl' J:o:u·d of Edll<·atioll~, awl .\thiPtil' Dit'PI'tm·s. 'l'llis ,\'<':11' ('o:u·h Zuppk1• was :td<l!'d to th<• li:-1. II<• gan• till' tl':llll :-ound :l!hi<·<· on I'IPall fo,thall. Tilt• ho,rs \\PI'<' in ll1Pi1· h:tppi<•st lllOIH{ and :til I'P~]HIIIdl'd \\'hPn t·aJjp<] llJIOil hy .\ IJ•. ('J•:tig, toa~t lllHstt•1·. '!'his spl'ing fOI' lhl'I'P WI'Pks tlH' 1<':1111 ]11':11·1 i1·Pd on .\11'1\:inl<•y FiPid. I'J'Pd<•J·il'kson, I:. Hagan, .J. ll :tg:t11, .·i,·ltol~, .\li<·h:wl, :111d Hit·hntollll \\'ill gt·adnatP; J)ill:t\'Olt, l.:tlllllll, Kl'lllJI, :ntd Kil'l.:pat1·it-k aJ·p inPiigihlP; ~~~ lhP lll!l'lPJts of th<• IP:tlll fm· lli'XI ."<'aJ· "ill hP mad<' np of ~lnn·tz, K:tt'J', II ill. <lllfl thP llll'llllll'l's of t liP SPI'Olld I PH Ill. 11 ill was Pll'l'l<•d ntHJl:tg<'l' :llld ]II'OIIIi~P. a good l'l'h<•<lttl<• fo1· 111'.\:t ,\'l'aJ·.
Rurn:r. IIrr.r.. '1 li.
Ithtscball for 1~11·1'[II E llll'lllhPI'S of th<• .\lhlPti<· .\ssol'iatioll nnanitHon:-1,\· \OtPd to try f'ot· IIIII' sl'a~OII illll'l'·l'l:t~s h:tsPII:tlJ. .\l:tll:lgi'1'S \\'1'1'1' p]pl'(pd alii] I \\Pl\'P ganH•:- \\'I'I'P ~~·hpdulPII. l'llfor·tun:tiPly thP pla11 was not <·:tnil'd Ollt, tJtp l'I'I'OI'd ,If' g:IIIIPS ]11<1,\'Pd is; Fr·P:-hmPil \·s. ::-;opl10111or·ps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;) 1o ' 1 FJ·<•shllll'll \'S, .Jnnim·s ..................... :.! to 4 FJ·<•sllllll'll \·s. .J mr iors ;) t 0 !J FJ·<•.slllll<'ll rs. ::-;pnim·s 0 to ;) Ft•PshnH'II \·s. , '<'1lioJ•:-; ..................... 0 to 7 ::-;ophotlloJ·p:-; \'s ..Jmtiot·:- ................... !J to 10 ::-;ophmllOJ'I'l' \'s. ::-;Pnim·s ..................... , ' to !) .Junim·:-; r.·. ::-;PiliOI's...... . .............. 4 to :.! BPfot·p thP :-;pasou op<•JH•d tliP ::-;ophorllot·<·s aud ::-;pnioJ·s \\1'1'1' dopl'<l to light foJ· I liP l'llalll]lillllsllip. 'l'h(• fot'lll('l', Ito\\('\ ('J', )11'0\'('d a di:-:tp· poilltllll'llt: Ill<',\' fini:-ltPd :t poo1· tllird. 'l'ltP pil<'lling of ::-;ill for thP •
• • • • • • • • • •
~Piliorl', HklilllOJHl fm· t li1• .JnHioJ·s, and llltmt fo1· t llr Frp:-;IIIIII'Il \\'as llolil·l•ahiP. 01111'1' ··~tal'l' .. of tli1• l'la~s tPHIIIS \\1'1'1' TI'I'\Plt at ~IHII'I l'lop fo1· lht• Fl'PshlllPII; .\loolll'.\' at ~hm·t stop HIHI Ki•·kpaii·i1·k hPiiiiHI tliP hat fm· thP ~ophmiiOI'P~; .\IPI/\IPI' "itl1 hi~ hits for th1• .r1111ion;; <lallinm :11 tin;t hasP and lfaningto11 at si'I'Olld ha~P fo1· thP ~~·nior:-:. 'J'hl' I']H!'.' g;HIIH'~ \\'1'1'1' illli'ITIIptPd hy thl' Ol'g;Hllizat ion of a \'<ll'!'il,\' 1t•a111. ~ill was PIPI'II•d I'Hptain. Fom· gaiiii'S \\'1'1'1' pla,,·l·d: ( ' J•hHJI<I \'s . .\(aJ·oolls ...................... 1:~ to .) to !I .. (; i hsml ( 'it·' n:. .\I a 1·oons. () ;) to . . .. l'•·hana \'S, .\( :11'0011!'. I to li Pax toll \'S. .\hll'OOllS.
•)·) t 0
:! .~
ThP :-;pa~on 1·lo~l'd ~howing a total '-'I'()J'(' of :!:! to :!~ in farm· of <'hampa ig11. 'l'llis ,\'1'<11' tiH•J·p wa~ 110 J·l'glll<ll' Sl'lH•diJII•- .\tlt•JII]l(~ \\'1'1'<' 111ad1• to IIH\'1' 1·lass (I'HIIIs hut till' onl.'· <·lass to a<·< 'Oill]llish :111ything \\'Hs thl' ~ophmllol'l'. .rohn I\::1111' "as IIIHll:lgi'I' and \\'an<'ll llm1g·h <·a pta in . •\ fP\\' gHIIII'S \\'(']'(' pJH.\I'd \\ith (]lp '('111'(<1 ('hi ('luh t<'HIII :llld a g;HIII(' Ol' t\\'o Wit]l ( ' l'IIHIIH daNs (I'<IIIIS. '1'111' 'l'IIPta ('Iii ('Jnh had tli1• :-:tJ·ollg<•st It-Hill in high s<·l10ol. It \\as Jll':ll'til·ally I'OIIIJlOSPd of old ('. 11. ~- \:11·:-:it _,. 1111'11. Till' tl':llll pla.n·d ~1'\'(•J·al ;.,!<IIIII's \\' ith l'llh'l'l'sity ti'HIIIs :11Hl sll<'l'l'l'<kd in winning 1111' lllajot·i(y of t lil'lll. In all p1·ohahility illtl'l'l's1 in this spm•t \\' ill ht• m·ou:-:1•d \\'lien .\ld\:inll',\' FiPid is l'I':Hl.' for nsl'. ~\\li ' EJ.
D oing J ust i1·1•
Ilt!.l.. 'J(:....
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"' E
""~"' :.J
1!rradt, 1Y1:"l ([<'4'TIL\HY to ('!Liont, lhl' tnwk l-'<'<1:-:on wa:-: OJH'Ill'd hy l'o:u·h ~lihw ('IIIPI'illg- hi:-: l'<'<·ot·d tll<'ll in :111 iudom· int<•J·:-:<·hola.ti(· JllPPI at 4·orth· \\'(':-ill'l'll {'llh'<'l'l"ity. Th(• <'XJII'l'itlll'lll pl'oYPd . ll<'t'l'~:-:ful ctll<l douhtle:-::-: will he <·out iuued lll'XI :-:t•ct:-:otl. Ht•g-nnllt•ss of lhl' fad that lh<• ath]et(•s lctd;Pd all i11dom· lntl'k to tt·ain upo11, tht•y \\on ltonm·s for l'hampaign. Kt•tnp won l"t't'OJHI pia('(• i11 tit<·. hot put; <la111z tie(l for lir:-;t in thP high julllp,;) fp('! li indtt•l". 'lhi. hl'ok(• the('. II.~. I'(•t·ot·d, ;-;feet;-; int·hps, hPld IJy Hraudt. lu the 1\\'o-ntilt• l'llll !>add Bt·o\\'UJIIat·t•tl fourth. II<> t'O\'PI't•d thP dh;taut·(• iu thP fa:-~t 1int(•, 10 ::.W, <11111 pstahlish(•(l a ('ltampaign Ilig-h ~t·hocll I'('('oJ·d, that is lik<'ly to n•tnain fm· sonH• t itllt'. 'l'h(• rt•t·m·ds awakPIIt•d int(•J'(•:-:t in out-door tl'a(·k, and as a l'l' ·nit forty lll<'ll l't')Hll'IPtl fo1· p1·aetil'(• tilt' ];n-gc•:-;t lllltllhPt' iu thP history of ('. II. ~. tmd.:. 'l'o ll'l-'1 this llWt<·t·ial, o11 4\Jn·il 17, a('. II.~. handieap meet was held alHlt·ihhons WPJ'l' aw:u·d(•(l to t h!' wiunPt's of first, ~econd, third, alHl folll'lh pl<u·<'s. 'l'h(• nH·et \\:ts a gTPal sJH'('!':-:s mul brought out many da 1'1.:: hor. ·e:-;. In tht• dual mt•(•t "itl1 Oanrillt•, at l>;mvill!', lt·u men weJ·e entered. Hrowu, !lag-an, a11d Kil'kpa!l·il'k \\'<'!'(' til(' ":-:tctJ•s" of th!' Jlleet; eadt \\'011 Li point:-:. Jn thP \\l'ig-ht ('\'(•litH l'ctptain Kt'lllp was in a dass uy hinu.;elf. IIi:-: :-:hot put, 1:1 fl'l't :2 in(·h(•:-; and his di:-:('l!S tl11·ow, 10!1 fppt 7 iJwht·:-:, ln·okt• t ht• l'l'('ll!'d. l1t"ld h,\ . il'k(•r:-:mt. II is throw i:-: n·uutrkahh• in thp fad tltat it \\'Cis lllctdP \\ithout th(• u.·ual llll'IIS t·ommon to the P\'('11(. 111 lhP :-:p1·ints, ~pctlding, llctgilll, ctlld .\lullins ('Cisil,\ distaut·p,J the Dam ill!' l'llll!H'J's. In thP l1iglt juntp aud lllmll!'s, <hmtz :Ill(] Kil'l.::patJ·i<·k allt•J·nn!Pcl in taking tit·:-:t and s('('OIHI pl:ti'PS. ( 'aJ·t·oll, th1• he. t :-opl'inll'l' siiH·p L<ll-gt•nt, won th1• :2:.!0 ,\ard dash and lhP qu:u·tpr mile. llagan and KiJ·kJnltJ·id;: won 1il·:-:t nnd s(•(·ond plan• J'P:-:lH'divPly. Ihn-ill Bro\\'11 won tl1P milt• J'tln ;md half'-tniiP J'llll and .\IOJTO\\' pl:tt'«'(l tltil·d. 'J'hp tot:tllllllllhPJ' of point:.; fot· l'hantpaigu wa:.; !);~; [)auvill!', 1:>. In thP dual 111«'«'1 "itl1 l'J'l,ann, l'hanq'<lign ng;tin Jn·okt• t•t•cm•cls and won, 17 points 0\1'1' l't·hann . •\llnt<lll of l't·haHna was th!' ilHli,·idual point "'illlH'l'. Ki1·kpatri(·k "·o11 th1• most points fm l'hampaign, 17;
R kh in J okPH
l>n\ id J:rowu "a~ ~PI'Illld "ith 1:! poi11t.. Kt•Hq• phlt'Pd .·rt•oud ill thl' di~wlt.' :11ul ~hot put. In thP lnttPI' P\'Pllt, IH• JIIHdl' a liP\\'('. II . ~- I'l'I'Ol'll of lti fPPt , int·lw~. < ia11tz ln·okp hi o\\ n I'PI'Ot'd madt• at ~·ol'l hwP. ter11 IJ,· Olll' iiH·h. 'J'hi~ tinH· h1• jlllllllPd :i fppt, illl·hl'~. llaga11 a11d .'paldi11g \\:on .(•,·owl a11d third plat·t·~ in tht• :ill ,'<11'11 :llld 100 ym·d daslw ; )lnllill~ first in :!:!0 nml d:t~h. :llld .·paldii1g third; Kirkpatril'l~ awl 1Inhh:11·d Sl'l'lllld <IIIII titit·d iJ1 thl' hHlllllll'l', :tlld )lo!'I'O\\ SI'I'OJH] ill thP Olll'·lllih• 1'1111. 'l'hP P\l'llt.' pas~t·d rnpidly a11d I'OIIIJH'titioll \\':ts t•losl'. <'hatnpaig11 was p!P:t.Pil with th1· n•snlt:-;; foJ· olll' of hPl' lwst 1111'11, ('anoll \\' :1. nuallh• to I'll t (']', Fiw 1111'11 Kt·tnp. Kit·kpatrit·k. llng:m, J:t·owll, awl <ia11tz-were t•lltl'l'l'd ill thP Eastl'l'll lllillois illtl'J',TIIolastil' 1111'('( liPid at ('h:ll'lt·~tOII. Thii t' -Oil I' Thoob I'OIII]lPIPIL ( 'hamp:tigll \\ o11 :::! point.. Tid~ is thP gt·patPst tot:tl P\'!'1' lll:tdP hy olll' sl'11ool ill a liH'<'t IH·Id i11 that to\\'11. l~it·l'"patl·it·k lu·okp tiiP ('har]pston l"Pt'ot·d in po]p ,~aul1. 11 fPPt :~ illl'IH•s. (i:tiiiZ \\Oil :tlld l'l]ll:tll'd tht• ('h:tl'lt•. ttlll l'l'l'lll'd ill high jump, :i l'l't i lll'ht•:-. I Ia gall wo11 aud t•qn:IIPd t lw I· •<lt'lP:-Ioll J·p,·ord i11 thP :>ll .'·:n·1l cia. h. :i :: :i :-PI'IlJub. II<• llt:lllto a ( '. I I. ~. l'l't'ol·d i11 1his l'\'t•llt. KPHIJ• ht·okp thP ('.II ~ l'l'l•ll'd 'n tht•. hot put. 41 fppt 1:.! i111·h. l>a,·id llt·o" u \\cllt tlu . ll y:ll'CI 1'1111 in :! lllillntt·~ :111d Ill ('('ollll ll:t!!:lll al o \\OJ1 firs pl:H'l' i11 lht• ln·oacl jump: Kirkpatric·k . I'I'Oild ill t h<· hllrclh•s, ancl Kt'll p t hit·cl ill t lu· clis,·ns. 'l'hl' ( 'h:tlll]l<Jigt1 athlc•tt•s k<·pt ll]l thc•it· goocl \\ ot·k ill tht• l'lli\'H:-it~ of Illinois illll'l' l'hola tit· 1lll't'( hPid clll Illinois 1-'iPicl, .\Ia,\ 1:>, Ulllll'l' iclc·al \\'P:tlht•t· c·ollclitiou~. ( 'ha1npaign plac·pc[ thircl. ( >ak P:11·k won tiH• lllt'l'l, \\ ith t•uin·t·~ity lli!,:h t't'lllltl. Tht• 1111'1'1 is Olll' of thl' ht1'g(•st of it kind h{'ltl iu thl• tatt•. l't·al't it-ally all thl' J:u·gl' high .Thool in th(• tat<> Wt•t·t· l't•pt·l':-t•ntt•tl. The• I 'hallljl:ti;.!tl poitll "illllt'l' wt•rt• Kemp, Kit·kpatl'h-k. Ilaga11. I :nutz. I:t·o\\ u. and llul•harcl. Kt•tll}l ll'tl "it h ti point , b.'· Jll<lt'ill!! . l't'OIHJ in tht• shot :IIHJ tli"t'll . '('It(• hi~h jump \\a \\1111 h,\· <:nntz, awl Kil'l,patl'it·k tit·d for ~~·,·outl i11 tht· polt• ,·;wit. "ltt•rniP" lla!!an pl:H·t'tl thi1·d in the ln·ua!l jnlllp anti foul'th in tlw tlisl'lls throw. lla,·itl I:t·o\\ 11 anti llat•l 'l'nl•hat·d \\ tlll fout·th pl:tt'l' , l'I'"}H't'tin·ly. ill tht• half-mile
Ha :t K i11d look
C h:tt•tniu~ a111l K i111l 70
and halllllll'l' . • \t th1• l'lo:-;1• <'han1p:tign :-;ho\\'l'd a total of :!0 point.. This 1'1'!-'ll]t Slll')lHSSI'd t h1• I'XlH'I 't<ll ioliS of l hi' IIIOS( O)lt inJi:-;t i1· Sll)l}lOI'ti'I'S of 1111' ti'Hill. .\s th1• 1/llrool/ !!,'Ill'S to pt·1•:-;s, two 1'\'l'llts l'l'lllHill on th1• 1!11:> Sl'hl'll· ul1• - <:m11d P1·ail·i,• ~~·lnin<tl',\' inti·J·:-;I'!Joht.·t il' at Oll<ll'!!,'O a111l l"11in•1·.·ity of ('hii'H!!,'o illti'I'SI'holastil' at <'hii'H!!,'O. 'J'hl'l'l' i.· I'YI'1',Y l'<•a.·on to hl'lil'YI' that th1• II•HIIl will I'OIIt im11• to ln·in;..!, hono1· to ( 'hHIIlpHi!!,'ll. ~o fHJ' tl11• .·,•ason has hl'<'n hy f'a1· till' IIIO!"t !"111'1'1'!"!-'t'lll in t h1• histm·y of tr:u·k in tiiP ('hnlllpilign High ~I'!Jool; it lll<ll'ks a !it till!!,' l'losl' to athll'til':-; fm th<• yl':tl'. ('h:tlll]l:tigu IJigh ~~·lwol l'l'l'o1·ds 1'!-'lilhlislu·d:
E\'1: . ' 'I',
1: El 'I liW.
...... .) :~ .> sp(•ond . . . . . . . . . . ltPl'llttl·d I lagan. High jUIIIJl ....... :> f'PI't .• iHdH•:-; ......... \J·tlJm· <::llltz.
:;o yard
Pol1• Y<IIJlt ........ 11 fl'l't r: illl'hl'!" ........ J1•ss KiJ·l.patrkk. ~hot put ... . .... AT fl'l't I:..! illl·h ........ Hal ph KC'mp. Oisi'11N t h1·o\\' ..... 10!1 fl'l't T iw·h1•s ...... I: a I ph Kemp. Two 111ill' 1'1111 . .... 10 nlill. :!!I !"I'I'01Hb .... J)a, id Brown. <'II.\HLEs :\Ionnow. 'l<i
Co\<11 I'H\lln CH II. loma ~~ \ )011. n II U uKO II \R
\\JLJI\\1 ::,nl{ll<K
FE\\. y<'al·s ago in thP <·it,\ of ( 'll:tlllp:dgn tiiPI'<' :tl·os<• a 111igllty hall(] of dPh:ttPL'. ~o pmYPJ·ful IH'J"Hllll' this hand that tl11'iJ· f:tnll' spt'I':Jd tlmmgllont all tiiP twighhm·i11g I"OIIJitl"il's. ,Jpalou.y stii'J'<'<l till' hPm·ts of til<• onlooJ.:pJ·s, and h<•<·ausp of tiiP <·oJJfid<'IH'I' in tiH•ir ownprow<•ss, two l:tq.!;P towtl.' dPfiPd tiiP l"ll:tllljlions of ('ll:tllljl:tign to <•llg:lgl' thPJII ill a \'PI"II:tl <·oJitl'st. J:y a soi<•JIJII tJ'P:tt,\ kno\\ 11 as thl' agJ'<'<'llll'llt of thl' ( 'm·nll<·lt L<•agn<• it \\:Is dPJ"idPd that <':11"11 aut 1111111 tl11• d<'hatPJ'H of ('hamp:lign, I:Jomningtm1, and ll<•<·atuJ· should lll:ttl"h tll<•iJ' JHI\\'<'l'S of SJH'<'<·h i 11 a t l'ia ngul:11· PH<·oml t Pt'. TnH· to IH•J' <·omp:tl"t, ('l1:11npaign fiJ·st liiPt hPJ' OJIJHllll'nts in thP f:11l of 1!11:!. ~o wisPiy aJI(l \':Jli:llltly did sliP fight tl1at tlH• PnPIII,\" \\';ts fol'<'<'<l to yiP!d hPJ' half th<• llollol's. 'l'hl' JIPXt ,\'I'll!' ( 'II:IIIIJI:tign again <'lltl'l'<•d till' I'OIItPst, this till!(' 1'<11'1',\'illg ('\'('l',Yt!Jing :l\\":1,\' With hPJ', 'l'hPn as t IH• ant \111111 of I !IIi t·olll'd :JJ'OlllHI, I h<•J·p ;n·o.·p f'J'OJII t hP lllidst <1f' ('haliiJlaigll's 111:111,\' Stlldi'Jit.· Slll"h J!p)HtfPI'S :IS \\'1'1'1' 111'\'('1' I'IJll:llt>d 1\_
F inP M :lntwt·s 72
IH'fOJ·p-Ht·oshal·, ( 'ookP, }lidHtPI, .John.-tou, _·ohiP, an1l ~tm·lml'k-all fair and good to look upon. 'l'llollgh th1•y WPI'P fl'\\ in lllllllhl'l', thPy \\'l'l'l' gt·Pat iu spil·it and lil'(•d \\' ith th1• <llnhition to \\ill thl• honot·.- for thPir lady fair-('hampaigu lligh . •\11 thp l'Oillltrysidl• \\':Is stil'l'l'll with intPl'P.'t as thl',\' watt·hpd thl'SP dPhatPl'.' sJH'll<l all thl'ir timl·, thought aud PllPrgy on th1• vast IJilestiou: "Hl•solvPd, 'l'hat 1hi' FPdPral goY<'I'llliiPIIl ~-:hould own and oJH•t·atP all thl• tl'll•graph lil11•s in thl• {'nitPd ~tatps," ~o wis1•l.' \\'l'l'l' thl'.)' guide1l, l'lll'OUJ·agPd, aud a.-sistPd hy L. E. F1·ail<·.' aud ~. F. J>aYidsou that wh1•n thl• final day anin·d thl' dl'hatPrs \\1'1'1' git·dpd with tl11• gi'P:ttPst of wisdmn :md fully Pl]ltipp<•d to fl'arlpssl,\ fa1·p th<· ogl'<' of Fall'. It was 1101, ho\\1'\PI', without sollll' HJL\.ious douhts a11d itmPt' trPmhliugs that lhl' dPhatPI'S pat·[p(] Oil thPit• diJ'fpl'l'llt Wa,\'.', th1• IH'gati\'1'Bt•o:-;har, _\lit-hap) a11d ('ookP-goiug to J)PI'atm· <lltd thP allirlllath·e,Johu:-;tou, • 'ohiP a11d ~tm·lmd; I'I'IIIHilling at hon11• to llll'l't t:loominotou. {'nd<•r lhp spl'll of th<· foot-lights, 111\tsk, aud llo\\'l'l's, our allirmatin• lh•hatet·s grad11all~· I'PgaitH•d thPir old <'OIIfidPlll'l' aud poW<'I'. \\"hl'll .Johnston madp his l'lltl·alJ<'P, thP a11dil'll<'P hllshPil into Jn·pathll'sH :-;ih•m·<·, I'Palir.ing that hpt·p was a man sin1·Pre in JHll'JIOS(' atHl IHPauing Jnu-:iu<•s:-; . • ·ot OJH'I' di1l Ill' faltPt' iu hi.· fm·<·dul 1'.\.poundiugs allll at thP dosl' of his -'IH'l'l'h l'\'PI',\'0111' (1'.\.I'I'Pt th<· hown·ahll' oppoll<·ut.·) Sl'tth·d down with a sew-.;1• of sati:-;fal'tiou, fl'l'ling <'outid<•nt that a dl'hatl' with stH'h a goOll hl'giuning <·ottlll 11ot po:-;sihly han• a had l'tHling. Thl' :-;wift PIPI'It·i<·al workings of .·ob)p's mitHll·adiatPd tht·oughout th<· audi<·n<·l' with a 1'1'Vi\ing intlul'lll'l'. •\sa lin;d and Jitting l'limax to thi: 11<'\'<'1'-to-lw fm·gottpn dPhatl•, m·o:-;p lhl' l'\'l'llillg ~tar (hnl'k) in all IIi:-; Jn·illiau<·y. With tl11• gl·ael'fllllll'ss of all <'XIH't'il'lll'l'll al'lor Hllll t hP art of a hol'll ot·atm·, h ' }H'Oilm·<'d a tnost t ln·i IIi ug sl'lli'H t ion, llll'tTi l<•ssly 1'1'\'<'a I i ng t hP fa II a des of the tln•pp wi:-;1' 1111'11 fi'Olll J:loomitlglon. 'I'll<• lllt<lllinJous dl'l'isiou of t hl' jndo·es wa:-; <'Ill ini'Jlt ly sat isfal'lory to ( 'lmtnpaign. In til<' HIPaHt itlll', \\'hill' thi.- Yil'lot·y wa:--: hl'ing so glm·ionsly won among fril'IHI:-; and hollll' 1-\lll'l'OIIlllliugs, how fm·pd t hos<• dal'ing Oil<'· \\"110 hall ~o;o hraYl'ly jmtl'lii',YI'd i11to all unknown <'OIIlltt·,\ '! '!'hough th<·.r fa<·pd a <'l'OW<l of st ra ug<•rs, t h<•t·<• \\·a.- IJll<' lo,\·;11 ft·ipnd-t h<• Fair,\ of (lo()(l Fortnne--\\ho stood siiPutly by aml :-;HiilPil upon thl'lll. 'l'hl' tit·st to LowliPst Possihll' 73
Ll<'P 1l11' fop in that f'oJ·l'i~11 l'ol'l1111 \\' a~ "tht•littlt• gil'! with tht• big voit't'". · slit• spokt• in ht•J' slo\\, dt·liht·t·att•, f'asdnatin~ \\:1,\, a tlllll'llllll' of ap]n·oral '-'\\l'}lt m·pt· thl' audiP11t 't', and lw1· op]IOJH'llts . tat·t•d in \\'olHII'l'. \\'ht•ll .\1 il'hap] tIll' ( 'l1:tn1paigll \\'Jiil·Jwilld - <l]I]H'<ll'Pd 11]1011 1lit• ~t't'11l', ill' tm·t• up tilt• :u·gunH·nts of' lilt• atlil'lllati\·p and st·altt'l'l'd tllt'lll likt• l'llhhisll hpfol't' a :torn1, ~t1·ikiu~ lt•l·t·cn· into tl11· ]l('al'ts of tht• t'nt•nly. If ])t•t •atm· had :llly lin~t·l·in~ IIO)H's of l't•gaining ht•l' lost gl'OlllH], shp Sl'll~t·d ht•l' cll'ft•at \\ ht•ll ('ookl', with tht• fot·t•lt. il' skill of his English :tllt·t•stot·, Pitt, t'Olll}lll'tl'ly l'ollll'd llt'l'l't')ll'l'~t·11tatin·s fl'OIII t]l('it la~t positio11. Bl'ttlt·niltg honH• at a latl' IIOIII' tilt• dPIIHit•J·s \\'t'l't' lltl't !,,,.a tlll'ollg of ;n·clt•tll aclntil·t•J·s, all Hit Xions to a . sist in t'l'IC'l11·at iug t hP douhll' \'it·· to1·.'·· ~tll'h l't•joit·illg a11d llH'l'l',\'·lllakillg h:td 111'\t'l' hPt'll P!Jil<tlt'd in that t·it,\. Tht• l':tnH• of till' ric-to1·s spl·t•ad fa1· alHI widt•- t•\'t'll to Knox ( 'ollPgP.
1!~nox <r:ollq\c Debatt·
lnspil·t·d hy f'ot'IIH'l' \'il'tlll·it•s, <'haii1)1Hig11, tllt'o\1~11 tilt• !Padt•l·ship of .\l1·. L. E. FJ·ailt•y, gaillt•d a positio11 in IH•J· ]ll'O]H'I' spht•J·p h,\' t'11lt'l'ing thP Kllo\ ( 'ollt·~p I>Phat ill~ LPagtw. I:t•t·atl. t' of llt'l' (PSit•d Pllkit'lll',\, slit• \\<IS allowl'cl to Pntl'l' tilt' annu:il tlc-hatt• without tht• usual pt·l'litllitHll',\' t•on t t•st. ThP <'hnn1paign allil'lllatirt• tt•a111, t'CIIliJIOst•d of IIPIPn I:t·osll<ll', Hus· spll \\'oollt•y and ('t•t·il ('ookt•, lllt•l on thP llonH•litHil' lilt• ltm·littgloll, Iowa, lt•:tlll. <ht tht• ~anH• t'\'t•llillg, .\p1·il lfi, tilt' JH·~atirt• 1P<llll- }ll't'lt' .'obit', .\lanfot·cl .\1 il'haPI :1ncl \\'illiam ~t:11·htwk clt•hatPd tIll' <Jnint·.' lligh .T(ICHd lt':llll. Tht• qut•stion clt•hatt•cl \\as: "ltt•soht•cl, 'l'hat till' P:tlTPI Po. t :honlcl lw t'\lt•nclt•d to int·ll!Cil' tht• t•ntiJ·p c·Xpl'Pss sPni7'-t• of tllc' l'nitPd ~latPs." .\11 ph<tst•:-; of tl1is q11c•stion l1ad hc•c•n thoi'Ollgllly studiPcl a11d Wcll·kpd out hy tltll' clc•l,aiPJ·s, and wltl'11 thP final (psi t·anH• tht•r fought \\' ilh an intl'lligPIIc·c· and PXc·l'lll'llc·y wllil'h spokl' \\'PI I I'm· ( 'l1an;pai~n lligh. Till' nl'\\ 111:111, \\"ool]c•,\, di . pia,\ c•c] llllliSll;t] ability; !Ill' hl'Hl'(s_. of all (isll'lll'l'' W:ll'lllc•d as thc•y watl'ilc•cl 1111' \'l'll'l':tll. ' risp to till' oc·c·asiou \\ ith n ]11'1'· fpt·tion and ,·igo1· wltil'h hacl hitllc•J·to hPl'H mH·qualt•cl. M aki11g T imP il
('hmHpaig-n·~ aflinnath·1· \\Oil 0\'1'1' th1· 1<1\ra tP:llll, l111t th<· HPg-atin• IPHill lo:-;t with a two to OJH' dP\'i:-;ion. ('ltantpaigll, ho\\'<'\1'1', \\a" ~ati~fiPd with th1• olll!"Ollll' of' thi~ dPhatP; I'm· WI' nlllJ" lw ~111'1' that thp d<·feat <·amwt hi' attt·ilmlP!l to a la\'k of !'X<"I'IIPW·y on thl· }1:11"1 of till' ('ltalnpaign nPgil t i n• tea 111.
O.hator}! ('llampaign llig-h t4\'hool wa~ l'PJII'I'Hl'lll!•d at thl' ('haJ"!p~ton ol·:ttm·il":ll I"Olltl'~t hy )!Hnford ~Ii!·llal'l in m·ato1·y all(} ~lt•I·Jp 'l'tll"nl'l" in dl'danta· tio11. In th1• prPiimiwu·y, )11'1"1<• wa~ oil!' of th<· ~IJ<·t·l's~t'ul tiw hut in thP tiuHI <·ontP~t :-;hp f'ail!·d to plan·. 'l'h1• pr!'liminm·y of th<• uinPIP<'lllh inl!'l's\'IIDia:-;ti<· t·ontP:-;t of th<· l'uiwr~it.' of lllinoi:-; wa:-; liPid on }qn·il :.!:~.at J:loomiugtmt. <'llamp:tigll WHH r<'IH"!'~l'Btl'd h,, ..\11'1"11' • "ohll' and llm·old .Jolm~ton in l'XIPlliiHll"l', a11d \Yilliam t4t:n·htwk in o1·atm.'. t4p<•aking of thl' joy~ of :lnti<·ip:~tion as <"OIIIJHII"I'd with tho~!' of J•p];tizatiou, tltiH <·oJI!Pst afl"OJ"d!•d all illustJ·ation of thl' fol"llll'l' . • 'ohl!• sii\'I"!'Pded, ho\\"1'\'1'1', in pl;u·ing· tiJ·~t in t'XIl'lll)HII"P and I'I'JII'«'S«'lllt'd <'haJnpiligll in thP tiunl <·onl!·~t, wllil"!t wa~ liPid 011 .\lay U in tll1• lTni\'1'1':->it,\ .\uditol"ium. liP wa~ as:-;ign1•d tiH• Hnhj!•<·t, "\\'ltal \\"ill thl' P<IIWIIIa ('anal .\!TOJllpli~h?" .\.ftpJ· an lto\11" of ]H"I'}'CIJ"ation, h1• ~tood hl'foJ·p thl' atH1i<•ll!'l' pointing- out thl"l'l' gi"I'HI I"Psulb \\ lli<·h th1• I"OJllplPtion of thl' Pilnmna <'anal "ill ln·i11g about. • "int' oth<•J·~ <·onti'~IPd :~gainst him, and from th<'~P • "ohlp (·aptlll"!!d thi1·d pla1·1', tltllH l'anking <'ltmnpaign third in thl' ~tatp fip]d~ of oJ·atm·y.
MPPk and Tltoughtfnl 75
,_~uu _, FH \
Drcant ®id
( 'EI" .JER\"11",
alo!lp hy til<> dyiug- (•miH'I':, ( 'hangiug- fl'om J·pd to gn•y; 'l'lliukiug tllingi'> onP oft l'Pllll'llllH'n~, JiapJH'llillg in l'ltildllood'H day; '1'111'11 my lit t It• dl'l':llll gi1·! 1'<11111' to mP011 ~ I lm·1·d my di'I'Hlll girl, 11'111'. ~l11• liYPtl dow11 t IH'I'P hy t ftp widP, willP spa .\11d llt•J· IIHIIII' \\'HI" ElisalH'tll Lon. lii't' llait· was n hPnutiful goldl'n sii:Hl<•; [J 1'1' 1',\'I'S \\'1'1'1' <IS hllll' Hi'> 1ftt• Sl':l. ."liP \\':L' tft1• f'aiJ'I'.'t, S\\' PI'tl'~t 111ai1l '!'hat PYPI' i'>lllilPd onml'.
F:th· as 1!11• lltol'll \\'aJ' thii'> S\\' 1'1'1 maid .\lHl a.· Jllli'P Hi'> tht• t'\'l'lling llP\\' , o·,.r lll'I' soft I'0\111<1 I'IH·Pks t liP hlnshl'i'> plnyPd, \\' ltt•n I i'>lllill·d in t lto:-;t• t•yps so hltw. ~ll'llllt•l' awl gl':ll'l'ful a:-; a ga>wllt•,
<'hal'lllillg :111d ht•autif'nl too. <>II~ i'>hl' was t hi' maid I lowd so" I'll, .\Cy dai11ty Elisahl'th Lou. <htly n dJ·pant ~ and l'nt lPft all :tlOJw, lh·if'ting nll'ny on Lifl''i'> tidl'. ltop1• "f:pt ty Lou" \\'iII \\ Plt'OJIII' HIP hOJIII', \\'hl'll I pass to tIll' ot ht•l' sidl'. H audlPs P\'t•J·ythiug W <'ll
.\ D iligent W m·kpr
O)rgani~ations t7.r II E pur]hiSP of <'\"PI',\' high sdwol is lo I rain for t·il i;wusltip.
.Ju.s t how to al'I'Oiltplish tid:-; mo:-;t l'fl'Pdi\'l•ly i:-; IPft \\ ith p;u·h :-;<·hool. "'hat 1"('1'\'PS in Olll' ('Ollllllllllity dot•s 110{ lll'l'l'SSal'il,\ }H'OH' 1-'Ul'('('SSfUJ in anoth<•r. TIH• <·mHiition.· in l'<ll'h l'OtlllllUnity dill'Pt·; so till· .Thool must adju:-;t it:-;plf to tlw rl'quit·<'llWIIts of tht• t'Oilltnunity. In ('hampaigu, th<'J'P exist:-; a :-;trmtg lll'lil'f in th<• adag<· that all wol'l-: and no play makl's .Jal'k a dull hoy, that th<• duty of tht• Sl'hool is JllOl'<' than .'imply l'lassJ'oont in:-;II'IH'tion; so th<• polit-y is to oll'Pt' to :-;tnd<•nts all phasp:-; of at·! i\ ity out:-;i<h• of <·la:-;:-;room. En•t',\' :-;t 1111Pnt ltaH a l'hatH'I' to find him:-;p]f. ~ix hmHh'<'tl an<l l'ot·t,,··ti\'<' :-;twll'nl:-; at'l' too lll<\11,\' to halHllP in ollP gt·ou p, m· <'rl'll h,,. <·htl"l"l'~"· 'l'o all ('OJH'l't'nPd, it It a:-; h<'l'll foul!( l Ill orp :-;ati:-;fal'tm·y to fol'lll :-;maliPt' gt·oups m· <·luhs. Tht• Illot'<' <·luh:-; ot·gani;w<l thP hPttPr-largP atHl :-;mall, put irPly :-;<wial and in part sm·ial, hollm·ary and llOlJ-honm·m·."' In f;u·t, 1'\'l'J',\' gt·oup i:-; in pat·t H<wial. ~\ :-;pirit of <'<HIJH'J'ation C'Xist:-; hPhn'Pil IP<ll'h<•t·:-; and :-;tudPnh alld a:-; a t'l'l"tllt thir(PPll gi'Onps, ilH·ln<ling· tltl' ...\.thlPtk ~\:-;sol'iat ion, ha\t' lu•t•n fm·lltl'd. ]:..; thl'rl' a hPtt<•r way to a:-;:-;i:-;t in tt·;tining for <·ilir.<•n:-;hip than hy k<•Pping the l"(tlllPll( ]llJI",\'-OIJ'pt·ing hint Hlli(a])Jp piPal"lll'l'l", Jli'O)H'l']_Y Hll]H'l'\"ii"Pd, to ot·t·upy hi:-; Jpism·<• limp and thought'! 'l'hP <·luh:-; and athll'lit· spot·ts, -thP lat!Pt' ai'l' di:-;,·uss<•d p}:-;pwhl't'l' do tid:-;. ~\nd t'\'l'l'.'' stllll<•Jit partaking of th<•:-;p adrant<tgt•:-; i:-; hPnPiittPd plt.u·-il'ally, tll<'ntally, and sol'ially and hPtl<·t· a hie to s<'l'\'l' his t·ontlltllnit.'. \,!!,
E, idl•ntly Young
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\\'AY:>t: jolt '~To:> CLIHOIW II ALL EL~IFR LI~TI I Lu: R.\YBl'R" GRIFFITH l'ARJ..:r.R RonLRT lll'R:>,; , \RTHL'R l>o'"-'L:> ll ,\. \\'oi FF C'L ·\Rn;c IIL·~tKH ll(ll':-it: II \KOI.ll CoPt: C'I •. \lllt' '\o(;I.E (;,\YLOR!l llon·,,r.\x .\lrRI.F. .:\'uni.F
I Lwou;
Cou.• soN LYLE BR \ITII\\',\ITE CKmTs
Rrt 11 '\KI•
711E Latin ('lnh, \\llit·lt \\cts ot·~ctllilwd lets! ,\l'<tt·, has int·J·pasl'd its (L nH•ntht•t·ship ft·ont sixty to ntH' ltnndJ'l•d and thit·ty. Thl' ]llll'IHlSl' of tlli,· dnh is to m·ous<> ittl<•t·t•st in Latin ontsidP of tilt• ('la!-is room. HPsi<l<•s thJ·pp hnsinP,'!-i nti'Ptiu~s. tliPI'P han• ht•t·n !-il'\'l't'ctl \PI',\' iutPI'Pstin~ S<H'ictl g-ath<•t·ings. Itt l><•<·<•nthl't' a hoh pctt·ty \\'cts t•njoy<•d; ctl Oil<' l'llll'rlctinmput, 1>1·. OldfathPt', of thP l'ni\'I'J'sit,\·, g;n·l' an illnstrctt<>d ll'l'llll'l' on hb ti·;n·p]s tht·ou~h <:t'I'P<'<' and ltal,\'; ctl otht·t· llll'<'lings, lllixt·d progt·ams haw ht>PH Jll'l'SI'Jtl<•<l. ( >n .\1n·il :.!:l<l th<• follo\\'ing on<· \\'cts gi \'('II : <'hopi u's \ rwiiii'Jir' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llarol<l <'opl' H<•<HiiHg fJ·otll 'l'hr , 'iyn of /hf' ('mss ............. ~ ... IIPil'll ~J('('onlll'll Latin ~olo .......................................... 0. II. Blaisdl'll \ \\"aldo Pm·t·l'll Nl'l10ol /:o,1{s /)rl'flllt- La I i11 play l<•l ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·1 ~Hill ut'l IIi 11 \I>motlt\ (';vsingham 11 ' '> 1>I'illll , <' · ~hm·t 'l'a lk ........................................ ProfPssor Hal'lon Pi;tno ~olo ....................................... Est ht•r \'an I>m·<'n .\.Latin Exhibit, <ll'l'angl'd llltd<•r th<• dil'l'l'lion of ~li!-is ~1<-Kinnh• and )Jiss ('antplwll, follo\\'l'd litis progt·ant. 0\'1'1' on<· lttllldt·l'd l'HI'd!-i \\'PI'<' display<·d slto\\'ing thl' pral'lintl ntllll' ctllll thl' daily UN<' madp of Latin, NUl'h as: "'l'ht•st• Sl'il Is ili'P lllOI'l' inl<'l'l'st ing to ont• \\'ho nm I'l'<ld Latin"; "Lcttiu an<l (;J'l'Pk wm·ds foJ·nt a l;n·gp pa1·t of th<• tPI'lllinology of •'<·i<•JH·p"; "You l"illlliO( lllllll'J'S(i\JH] (IJP:-<1' l'ill'(OOIIs \\it !Jon( a kllO\\'IPdp;l' of <·lasRi<-almythology allll Latin." 'l'h<• oflkl't·s arl': PJ·<·sidl'nt, KathPt·inl' Burr; \'i<·l'-l'J'<•sidl'nt, ('aJ·olitw .\lans]H•akl'r; ~P<·J·ptary, I> .• \. "'olll'; Tn·;t. \11'<'1'>-, ThPIHiOJ'I' .Jollllstou and Floi'I'lll'l' )fadd<•tJ. ~!iss ~1<-Kinnil' and )fi;;;; ('antph<>ll at'<' atl\·isot·s.
I >tu·t-/11/r·rJr r I
1/1/f' . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . · · · · · · · · · lz l .Pill 1a
'lli; :unm; .\~I. B.\UY) '16
tl EH
llt•lll'-'t'lll' \'t'l'l'ill ll:l'-' hat! a fail'ly sllt't·t•ssl'ul ,\t:\1'. l'ntil til<> li!.:'hh \'('l't' in,.,talll'tl. tiH• \\ork of tilt· (')a \\H. olllt'\\ hat hindt•n•tl. l~P!.!:lttllt>". of tlli". lllt'l'l int!s \\ l'l't• liPid OW't' t'\ 1'1',\ month, and st'\'t•J•al P. t'l'llt•llt Jtl'tl!,!l'<lllls \\ l'l't' t•lljo,\ t•tl. (lilt' l'\'t'lllll~ ~11·. Zul'ld'l' lt•t'· tlll't•d nn l~ot'thP: anothe1· •.\lr. Zimlllt'l'lllan told of hi tJ·:np) and I'X}lP· rit•nt·t•;-; in I ~l'l'lll:lll,\ last . llllllllt'l': at ot ht't' I imPs \ :11·ions lllt'llllwr of t ht• l'luh t•Hit•l'l:liuPtl thl'it· fl'iPml. \\ ith l'l'adill!!:-- anti soli~. The mo. t prt·· lt•Utiotts P\Plll \\a . •\l:tl't'h ]:_!, .\ shol'l JH'O!,!I':IIIl in tht• IIIII. ie l'OOIIl )ll't't Pdt•d thl' t•ial hour, Pl·oft•ssor ZIH·kt'l' gan> :1 tall· on thr• ··1 ;t'llll:JII • 't'hool ~.' :--ll'lll," anti tlll't'P HPI!.!ian-.. . an~ tlu·ii· national oil!,!. Ht>fn•shHII'nt.· \\t'l'l' l'l'\PtL anti a tl:tlltt• in the !.!\lllll:l.illln t•)opt] tit<' l'\ l'llill!,! . •\ n " ft•:JIIli'L' of thP duh i tiH• I~PI'Ill:tn < 'hoir t'll111pt. ed of (']Hh lllt>lllhl'l's. 'l'lw t·hoiJ· j, doiH!.! f'Xt't•IIPIII \\oJ·), antll1:1 pla.n•d an imp ll'tnut )\:11'1 ill lht• lllOIIthJ~ Illt't'lill!,.!
IIFI Flit. T . 1-:\H>TFI:.
. 1: '0. 11
J::',JF. TF.P.
'I.IJ't'llt't' l:al t'l' ............ Pre idt>nt ...•.....• \dt•lai<lt> ."t.lll!...t>l. .\dl'laidt· ."1:tll!!"l'l . . . . . . . . . . \~j,·p l'rt• idt·nt ..... Paul • andPr . Hnth llm wash ..•.......... ~l'('l't'l:ll',\ ......... ( 1 'Ollt• • mit h . • lr. H. P. ZimnH•J'III:III . . . . . . 'l'I't':t lll't•r ......... )lr. H. P. ZilnmPI'nHln . .Mi .tone :1lltl .lr. ZimHWI'Ill:lll art• :uh i or . I
l'r,\lu: '( 1: H n:n. 'l:i LE l 'E ~liTH.'};"'
1ji' II E
Hadio ( 'luh \\,1!' 111'!-!,Hllizt•d <ktolw1 ', 1!111. Tl11· ollit't'1's :m·: ~ Prt>sidP1tl, .John llo\\ :n·d: \'it•t•· P1·p:-.;jdt•1tl, II ugh Ft•1';_!.11S011; 'l't·1•:t. · ut·t•t·, Edwin <'uu11ingh:ttll: ~··•·1't•l:n·y, <'!11· tt·1· <'l:n·k. 'l'ht> l'olors an· hl:11·k and \\·hilt•. .\lr . .\laienkHPt·ht i!' adri . m·. 'l'ht>l'l' i. s1·an·,•l.'· a Jlt•wsp:l]H'1' IH'illll•d toda,\· tltal dol's Jtol daily llll'nt ion . tllllt' s('l'\ it'l' to 111ankiud hy \\ it·,•](•, .· lt•IPgraph,\. ThP1'1' Hl'l' lll:lll,\ jlO\\'t'l'f'IIJ Wit·p]t•ss stat iolls in 1'1111( illll:tl Sl'l'\ it•t• St•JH]iug lllt'SS:I;_!.I'S :t\'l'O!'s t hP Ot'l'a 11. In tht• l:tsl f1'\\ ,\'l':tt·s th1•sp st a 1ions Ita \'P i li1'1'1'HSI'd until How tllt'y fot·Ht a t•haiu l'llt·irdillg tltl' l'at·th. \\' i1·p]pss is ntll'ltiug; for ht•. ·idP. I hi' l:t 1'!!,t' st a I io11. ·, t ltt'l'l' a 1'1' I housa 111 b of :-;111a 111'1' olii'S a II on•t· th1• t·ou1111'."• \\ hil'!t t'II111Jll'IP \\'ith lhP old-fashiolll'd IPII'!!,I'H]lh statiolls . •\11 tH'I'illl li11t•1·s, a11d lakP .'lt'Hilll'1'. t'<ll'l',\' \\ in•lt·. s outtits; 1'\'!'11 a ft•\\' t·ailroad. lt:t\t' :tdoptt•d tltis lltl'thod of t'Ollllllllllit-atioll. Th1• )ll':tt·tk:tl list• of th1• \\ it·PII-ss h:ts :tlll':tt'll'd :tlll:t(l'\11's :llld as a n•sult 0\1'1' 1\\o hu11d1·1•d thou. a11d :llll:ttt'\11' staliolls han• lu•t•n p, ·tahli.-ht•d iu thl' l'llill·d ,'tall's. .\11 of tltt•sp t':tll 1't't't•in• till' sagP. 1'1'0111 stations hmlll1'Pds and I hous:md . of Ill ill'.' di.-tallt. Hadio l'!uhs h:t\'1' IH'I'll fotlltl'd; lltauy of tiii'SI' in l'lllllll't'tion \\ itlt ltigh .Thools. Tl11• stlldl'u(s of ('hantpaigll lligh ~thool \\Ito 0\111 slllall sfatioll. h:t\'t• f'o1'111Pd :t H:tdio ( 'luh :tllll han• i11s1 <tllt·d a st:tt ion in IIIII' of' t ht' 111lot·t·t1pit•d 1'tH1llls. 'l'lll'y han• l'l'l'l'll'd an :11•1·ial 00 ft•l't lou~ and ahout l:i ft•t•t ldgh. ~~~ far, !Ill'. sagt•:-; haH• IH't'll J·pn•i\t•d from station. 1.)110 milt•s :t\\:t~. Long ])j tant·l' Ht•t·Pi\iug: .\l'iiHgltlll, \'it·gillia .• · .\ .\; Kt·y \\'t•. I, Flol'ida •• · .\ H: <Ju:tllt:tllimo t:a.'. <'ulta, . • .\ \\': <':qw <'od, .\Ia.· .. , . .\ E: l'o1·t .\1·t l1111', Tt•xas. \\' H \': • . 1'\\' 01'lt·:ttt.. La., .. A '1'. 'l'h1• lllt'lltltl'1's a1·1·: .Joltll llo\\at·d, Ed\\ill ('tlltllillghallt, llugh Ft•r~.!;u.on, <'lt:tdl' <'lark, lla1'tdtl K1·11 t', .Jatlll' .JuhHsOtt, t:a, Ilwlsott, Cl!Pun Easlntau, Donald I lanuigan, .J:tt·k J:oui\\PII, llm·old · lla\i • I!ti\\':IJ'd t:ahh, <:l'illitlt Pat·kt•t·. <
·m.. n:n
< 'J. \HK,
'if II E liP\\' high :-;('hool
building i:-; \YPll PquippPd with l'la:-;s rooHls, laho~ rat<n·i<•:-; aud apparatu:-; for thP stud,\- of' I'IH•mistT·y, ph,\ sin;, biology. agJ·i<·ultlll'P and llHtth<•mati<·:-;; so th<• oq.!,ania;r,tion of thp ~l'i<'ll<"<' ('luh was hut an outgr·owth of thP opportuniti<•:-~ \\hi<·h thp :-;tudPnt:-; han• for· :-.t lid,\' of ( hPSP Sl'i<'IH'('S. On Fl'ida,\, ~\pril lli, thP following ofti<-Pl'~-' w<·r·p <·l<·<·!<•d: Pr·<•sid<•nt, \I<•J·ton ~l,\'<'l'S; Yi1·p l'J'<'sidPnt, J{u:-;sl'll \Yoollt>~ ; ~PI'l'l'i<ll',\', ~Ln·gar·pt I:ntiPdgP, mul 'l'J·ea:-;m·<•r·, ~am II ill. 'l'hP pm·posp of thP <·lnh is Jll·imarily to in<·J·past• thP iutpJ·e:-;t in th 1• :-wi<•u<·<•:-. mul ]H'OHWt<' thp gPB<'l'al kno\\ ledge of :-;<·ien<·<·, a:-; W<·ll as to han• a sul'ial time. The dnh no\\' lw:-; a Ill Pill h<•J·:-~hi p of a hont <Ill<' h undrPd mHl thirty and wi II proha hly lH' di\'ided into thJ·pe s<•l'tions a 1'ht>mist1·y HPI'lion, a physi<·:-; :-~edion, a nwthPmali<·:-; sl'l'liou t'H<·h ~-'l'l ' tiou meeting ~-'<'paratPly and haYing its own JH'ogt·aHt. Orw progJ·aHl HlPPting will liP hel<l 1'\'el',\ month, a11d a talk will lH• gi\'l'll ou :-;onlP topi1· !'Plating to thP :::wien<·p:-;, m· :-:t<'I'I'O]Itil'on sl idp:-; will hP showu. 'l'h<· :-wi<•n<·P and mal hPillHt in.; l<'al'hPI'~-' wi II ad as :m ad\·i:-;m·y hoard for· t h1• <·luh; t hP al'lual gO\ l'l'lllll<'lll, ho\\'1'\'1'1', is <'lltil·<'ly iu lhP harHb of t h1• st ndPnt:-:. X.\'1'11.\ . HH'E, '13
( Ilonmary ( >rganizat ion.) h1• in<·t·<•aspd iutel'Pst in d<•hating, " ·hkh ha:-~ h<·<'n m·m1sed tlmnrghmrt thP high :-il'hool <luring thP la:-:t f<•w _YP:IJ·s, it was <l<•l'i<lP<l to P.· tahli:-:h au hollorar·y dPh<lting s()(·ipty. ThP plll'}HISP of this SOI'i<'t,\ is to fm·t h ,.,. i u t<•r·<·st in all phast•s of pnhl i1· :-:pt•a kin g. As a 1'<•:-mlt of thi:-; de<·ision, on Ap!'il :!li, a nw<•tiug for organization
lll 1'1'1 I
l':tlll'cl, at wllil'h a l'on:-;titlltion wa.· adoptPd a111l otlil'l'1':-; \\"<'1'1' PIPI'i<'ll. "'illi:tlll ~tarhnl'l;:, t l11• :-;111'1'1':-o:-oful dPh;tti'I' :llld m·:ttoJ·, "a:-; l'll'l'll'd to tlll' oflil'l' of .\la:-;tpt• of th1• <:an·I; .\11'1'11' ohll', thl' othPI' :-o:PHior, awl a lllilll \\Ito l1as tnacl1• :111 I'll\ iahll' l'PIIlltatiou iu I'Xtl'111pol'l' ·'IH•akiug and dt>hatillg, \\a.· l'll'l'll•d ( '11·1'1;: or 1111' ( :a\'1'1. 'J'hp llll'ill'l'Sitip i:-; I'I'Sil'il'll'll (o :-;tlliii•JJ(S \\ ho h:t\'1' I'I'Jli'I'SI'Illl'd ('hHIII· 1•aign High ~~·!tool in i11t<'t'. rholasti1· dPhatP :tllll thP f~ll·nlt,r lllt'tllht>r•· \\'1111 I'Oal'h till' ti'HIIls. ThP ,·ltarll'l' lll<•lltlH•t·s m·p: \\'illiam ~tat·lnll'k, .\Jpt·lp • "ohho, IIPII'll Ht·osli<IJ', ,Jallll' FimH·y, llarol1l .Johu:-;tou, Hll. spll "·oolll',\'. ('P<'il ('on]·p, and .\I aufor<l ..\I i1·h:wl. .\Jr. L. E. Fr·a ilp~· and .\I r. ~- F. HaYid. ·on :tt'l' t hi' fa1·nl ty 1111'111 hPJ·:. 'l'l11' insignia of thl' 1·lnh b a gold piu I'I'Jl1'1'!"1'llting a half .'l'l'liou of a ga \'Pl. ..\L\. TOIW ..\[ I<'IL\EL, 'lfi \\01.'
t II o11o1·a 1',\ Or·g:1n iza t i011. I
Q) ··
Tw·sdot,\', .\lay 10, tht· ~twin] ~t·it•J~t·t• <'luh w:t:-: m·g;IJiiZI'tl. It \\<L :tt til·:-;t illll'tiiiPd to har1• a 1·luh I'OIIIpospd of st udPtll:-; who had t'OIII]III'tl•d thl'l'l' :-;pJIII'.·(pJ•:-; ill hi:-;t01',\' with an :1\'l'l':tgl' of Hilll'l,\'. \\'ith tlli · in \'i1•\\', a llll'l'tiHg of thp:-;p :-;tnd1•11ts wa. l':tiiPd. It was cll·l·idPd, llo\\'1'\"1'1', to iul'ludP lh1• di']Jat'lllll'lll of 1·iYil's with that of histm·y, siiH'I' thP two al'l' \1'1',\' l'lo:-;ply l'l'l:tll'd, and to li111it thl' lllltllhl't' of thl' nll'11l· hPJ'S (O thiJ·ty. 'l'h1• Jllll'IHISI'.' of thl' l'lllh :tl'l' to pr·otllotp intl't't•st in till' sol'ial .l'il'lH'I'S, to gi\·p SOllll' illl'l'llti\'1' fot· !-Wholar:-:hip, and to makl' possihll' :1 11101'1' I'HI'I'ful study of l'l'l'lain lopil's of histm·it-al and l'i\'i<· iH1PI'I'st than is possil•h· in l'la:-;st'IHIIII "ot·k. .\IPI't i11gs will h1• hl'ld at Yarious Iiiii<'. 1l111·iHg th1· ,YI'Hl'. .\t tlll':-;1' nH•I'tings a ll'l'llll'l' will h1• dl'li\'1'1'1'<1 m· 1"1'\l't·al stlllll'llts will lll:tk1• t'I'JHll'l: on :-;ou11• gPtll'l'al topk wltil'l1 lia: lH'I'll 1·ho.·pu a: tli1• :-;nhjl•t·t f'or t liP 1111'1'1 ing,. 'l'hP nailliug whielt \\ill l11• .'l'l'lll'l'tl hy this study alld hy makillg tl11•sp l'I'JIOI'I.' will hi' found to hi' Yl'l',\' Yalnahll'. Thl' oflil'l'l'. a1·1•: PJ·I'. idl'llt, ( 'l'l'il ( 'ookp; ~1'1'1'1'1<11',\', Bl'ati·it-p .\lil'h:wl; T l'l':ts 111'1'1', Est h1•1· Ya n 1 )ot'l'll. llo!IIIJ'at',\' llll'lltlH•t·s: .\!iss ~\\'itZI'l', .\[i:-;s <:oo1lman, .\[i::-; ('amplH•ll, :111d .\1 1·. II alii's . •\(·1 i\·1' llll'lltlH't'. : Lu,·il' I :m·\\'asll, Hut II Bm·\\ ash, _.I'll<' Flatt, TI:t:t.l'l ll:mlin, Hnth IIm·llill, .filliP .\lullikPil, -:\largm·l'( IIofl'man, <Hady: Pliilln·i(·k, Edna HolH•I'tson, llnl'll',\' . \ndl'l'\\s, LPHin J:n•1•dlon•, <:aylord Iloll'lll:lll, \\'altl't' .\lah1•t·, .J:Illll'.' .\lnllitls, . 'atl1an nil'l', • ·ohll' l{idtmollfl, Irm·ol1l \\'il1•:, 'l'hl'llll:t ('1·:u·klP, .\Ia,\ Ilo\\':tl'll, liPll'll .Jo!IP:-o:, BPatJ·il'l .\lil'liaPl, llazPI 'l'ud::Pr, ('Pt·il ('ookP, .'alllll<'l Hill, Er·dhl'l' Yan l>ol'en. 90
1J gazt•d
\\it II IHIUiltllt•l". t·ul'io. ity, uti11gll'd \\'itlt patllol" upo11 till' young "Tolllllt,\ ~\tkiu." who Jay dt•ad upon lilt• hatt!Pfi!'ld hpfoJ·p IIH' Th1•n Ill,\' <',\'t's t lll'IIPd to tilt• m:lll\ll"l'l'ipt in nty hand whi1·h I had 1':\l'Pfully t•:xtJ':wtPd fJ·ont thl' d1•ad l"llidiPJ''~' 1ing(•J·s Pow!PJ'illg I J'P:td it again: "1 an1 JlloJ·ally (·om·inl'!'d that this will hp my last hattll'. l h:t\'1' f'1·lt 111y t•nd dJ·:t\\illg JH•ar P\'1'1' sill!'!' that ni,rJii/: although thosp who I'P:td thi.· \\·ill probably think Jill' mad, I 111111-it \\'l'itP :11Hl1'PiiP\.(' my lllPIII:tlit,\· f1·onJ tlw l!'l'l'ihl!' stJ·aill niHIPJ' whii'IJ I haY!' IH'I'll Pxisting. "It \\·as on tl11• fatal day of ~\1n·il I;~, that tiH• JIH'ssagP t'<LIIIP fJ·oJn Loudou to our \'illag1' to isolatp O\ll'l"Ph !'s from thp ontPJ' \\'orltl :Is 111\ll'h as possihJP. ~\. ( lPJ'lll:lll hi')I)IPI in J•ai!l \\'<IS PXJ>P!'IPcJ Hl'O\li)(J 0\11' Jl:ll'ls, lwlll'l' tlH• anthoriti!'s at thp lllPtropolis had ordPl'l'd ns to I'Olli'Pal om·spln·s in om· IHllll"!'l" all!! imp:u·t to t hP to\\ n a (ll'l"Pl'fl'd as]wd. Tllll.' night fonud ns, lnHldlPd in our dark!•JH•d hons1•s with om· s!J'('!'t. dpsolat!' :nHI unlightPd, and sillt'P it was a !·lontly nigl1t thp wholp tmnt was in a pill'h-hlaek .·tat(•. "1 aloll!', inqwlll'd hy SllllH' foolish hl':t\':Hlo, sought til(• sill'lll stJ·p!'ls. \\.itlt slow :tnd llll':tsnJ·pf! st!•ps, I pa!'Pil 0\'1'1' thp solit:try tmn1. .\ftPJ' l"llllll'tinl!', ho\\'P\'PJ·, tilt' I'Xll'l'llll' solitiHlP ahont lll!' and thP illl]H'lll'l1'<1hll' dm·kn1•ss of th!' night hPg:IB to liar!' an Ptl'l'l't upon my llPI'\'OIIS syskm <llld \\'IJ(•U a bat fiP\\' into Ill,\' f:H'(' lily llPI'\'Ill1Sll!'SS J'f':\(•IJ(•(J :l !'lilli:IX; :-;o I hastily tunwd lll,Y ,'II'JI~" IJOIIIP\\'ard. ":-iu1ld!•nly, so sudd!•nly ind!•Pd, tlwt it .l'1'111Ptl sUJH•J·natm·aJ, thP 1110011 :tp]H':Il'!'d from h!•hind a t·loud. \Yit11 a sigh of 1'Piil'f at thP \\ p]l'llllll' light, I mL·ionsly .TanllP!l tl11• IH•:t\'pns; hut my sigh was !'h('l'k(•tl fm· in lhP glm·p of 11H• IIIOOJI, hm·1•J·ing 111':11' the I':IJ·th, I dis!'O\'PJ'Pil <1 Illig(' foJ'Ill. n(•fm·(• I ('Ollld ('O))pl't my thoughts, it soaJ'(•d do\\'Jl\\':tl'd alHl a 1110110pl:uw alight1•d ou t hP hroad road only a fe\\' yards awa.'' from HIP. "1 .·tPp]H'(l h:t~·k into a shadow and 1'1'g:IJ·dpd th!' ohjP('( with minglPd :t\\'1' :tJI(J drp;)(l. .\man ~·lamhPJ'(•d out; th!'J'I' \\a.·. OJIII'thing my:IPrious and hatlling in his :IJIJH':Il':lllt'l', :111 illdPsl·rihahlP I'OIIIPthing whil'it si'PlliPtl
to p:1r·t:1kP of 1ht• .'ll]H'l'll:lllll':tl. To"'.' ~Ul']ll'i. t•, ]I(• ah:tHdmu•d his ut:ll'hillt• and lr:tslt•JH•tl tlo\\11 tlrP slt·t•l't, ;l!ltl lilY poor \\Tt•(t•l~t·d body :tlll':tl'iPtl It,- :111 tmfatl~e~rnaltlt• rnagtiPiistll follo\\'t'll him. . "lit• stoppt•tl altt·uptly at tlrP door of a Ht·i~hhOJ·in~ honsP and mal'l~Pd 11['011 it; thPII Jtp pa~sPd Oll. .\ly ('\lrim.;ity O\'(>J'I'Clllll' 111_\" ll'Ppitlaliou aut! af'lt•t· tlw stt·aJI~I'l' pass1•d o11, [ 1·autionsly l'l'Ppt IO\\'al'tl th1, hou.·p a111l by tlrP \\'hill' ~11,<1111 of the moon I'X:tlllillPil thP 1loor. It was ah.·olutt>ly dP\'oid of ally lmnsnal lllarks ~ 'l'hPt'l'll]loll t hP siui.·t<•r a.·pp1·t of tl11• \\ holt• aJl'air h1·gan to impres~ ifsplf upon JIH'. <luakiug iu lh11h and skulki11g a1noug· thp sh;Hlo\\'s of thP ft'PP.· along- thp .·tt'<'Pt, I pur. llt>d thP my.·tt•t·ious straug;<'l'. £\t a majority of tlre housPs, Jrp stoppt>d a11d lllal'kt•d ll]JOU thP 1loot·.· hut 011 thi,SI', a.· on thP fil·st, aftl,l' a l'losp 1':\:lllriuat io11, I t·ould di.·t iugui.'h not hiug;. "HPlPtrth·~.ly, my .·pit·it dt·ag;g;t•tl my t·Pllldaut hotly in thP foot-.'ti,JlS of the at•t·ouaut. <:t·adHally \\'(' lh'P\\' IH'ar th1• (>Utl of th<, .·tt·ppf, until lht• liPXt !Joust•, to IH' Pith<>J· passt><l hy or markPd, was mitw. But I was Hot to h<' I' ·d nt!Pd ht•t·H u~<· t ht• . ·t t·a llg'l,l' sileu tly soug-ht Ill,\' dom· :111d ll'ft his mystt•J·ion:-; lll<ll'k upon it; thi'U for tlw tiJ·:-;t limP l11• turn<,ll his fel!'l' llt\\:ll'd 1111', \'isihl,\ t•]par in lht• IIIOOlllig;ht. 0Jl(> ~l<llll'<' \\'CIS suffit•it•lll. It WH:-> a fat·<, not to hP forg;ollt•ll, a sallow, thin fal'e \\'ith tll'<'Jl· . 1'1 t'Y~'· ; indt,<'d its I'I'SI'tllhlant·<' to a dPath':-; h1,ad was so striking- that I, <rlJ·t•ady half-mad with tt•t·t·m·, lwt·arnp posspss<,ll with a g;t·<,at llnnllnwss awl ft•ll pt·ostt·atp upon thP g;t·outHl. "\\.ht•n I r·pt·on•t·Pd t·onst·iousu,,ss, it wa:-; morning-. •\row·dng- myst>lf, I l'lllt'l'Pil 111y housP a111l th1• I'I'IIJaindt•t• of thl' 1lay I .·Jwnt in pmHl<•I·iug· o\'t•t·my Bot·tut·Bal atl\'Puttll'l'. I finally t·ou,·in<·Pd myst'lf that the :,;traug-<•r of th1• Hight had bt'l'll H pt•t·sou of tiPslt and blood \\'ho for i'OlliP my:->tPl'ious I'I'Hsoll had \'i. ·i I I'd t !11• d llag;t>; ltn I I !11• ft>aJ' of h1•ing t·idienlt•d Jll'P· \ l'llil'tl my t·PlHt ing; t lr1• Ppi:-.odt•. "'l'ht• following; day tlrP lii'l of' thoi'p killP1l or wounded in hattll' I'H lilt' ft'Olll I ht• ft·ou t and JH't'\1] i;lJ·Iy l'liOllgh, l'l'l'fW, ill t:Olllliii'IIIOI':l 1ion of a hushalltl ell' so11 \\ lro hcttl f'allt•u in hattlP, \\'<1~ pl<tt'l'll upon 1'\'1'1',\' dtHtl' whi1·h ll1e a<•J·on:~nt Irati urat·kpt] tlr<' nig;l1t hl'f'OJ'I'. 'l'hPu for thl' l'l'lll:tilldt•J' of lhl' day, I kilt'\\" 110 l'l'i'l. .\It•utally r \\'CIS tlP]Jl'l'SSI'tl aull t hl' sn.allt•st . omHl.· .·tm·t lt•d 1111'; I at l<•mpt1•d in \'Hiu 1o eonYillt<, lll,\'.'l•lt' tltat it wa.- all a t•oinddt•w·e. 92
"'I'll<· H<'XI t " ·o day~ \\'1'1'1' oH<·~ of anxiPt.'· and nti~Pry; finally hopingto di'0\\'11 my 1'<11'<'~ hy lh<• lu•ating- of th1• drum ailfl tlu· I'IHII' of tlu• I'Hil· noll, I 1'Pinli~tl'd in 1h1• <11'111.\' a111l wa~ intnu•diately 01'111'1'1'11 to Ill<• fro11t. I lt:l\'1' 110\\ !)('I'll tightit1g hl'r<· in LIIXPillhlll·g for tlll'l'l' \\'l'l'k~. T1ulay "" :11'1' I'P1'tain 1 hat t h<• ( ;pt·man~ will I'01H'<'111J·atl' a l"I'Y<'I'<' at t;ll'k upon u~; tlu11 I will JHris!t. I Hill <·on-dUI'I'd of thi~ IH'<'aii~P only tlti~ ntm·ning \\'hill' ~<·mtning thl' ~ky \\' ith m,,. hillo<·ularl", I :-;a\\· a hl;H·k lltollo· plan!'. 'l'hl' JHIWI'1'ful glas~ th1·onglt \\ hil-h I \YH~ gaz;ing <·nahiP<l llll' to )ll'l'l'l'i\·1· th1• I'OIIIIti'HHIII'P of it~ <ll·i\'1'1', a l'olallo\\·, thin fa1·1• 111'1'1' th<• 111<11111~1·1'ipt <'IHI<'d ah1·uptl,Y II ELI: .· Hno. 11.\I:, 'lfi
ifl ()IL
:4o glad to g<'t l1ol1l of ~·o11 agai11 ~ \Yhy, \\'I'll t a hro:11l, and of t·om·~<· ,n1u ha \'I'll'( -'<'I'll ou1· ,John II 1'1li'Y. ~·pt. ~·ou k110\\', ::-\tpn•. .John Jipm·,,· '! I :oh. Yl'~; our hoy, you knm\·- your m•pll<'W! :4tPYP. Oil! Boh. 'l'IH· tin<•:-;1 IH1~· I'Y<'1'~ Jlart• you h1'<'1l Wl'll'! Yo11 wrotr 111<' that ,\0111' do<·lor l1a11 ~aid lu· has I'XI'I'llrnt lll'alth, that':-; ollt' 1·omfort. ::-\tp\·1'. EX('<'lll'llt l11•alt h '? :'11,\' do1'1o1•'! J:oh r /111/!fltill.lf). • ·o. no, om· hoy~ HPgnlar imp~ You'll 1-'1'1' him hpfoJ·p long. I wmHI1·r "hat Jtp'J1 :-;ay 1o yon'! l4tl'\'('. llow·~ .'·o\11' wif<'- Yilll hoth '"'II'! J:oh. ()It, \\'1' h:t\'1' to lw, m· \\'1' IH'\'1'1' I'OIIld k<'I'Jl up "itl1 .John lll'lll'Y· It takl'~ most of on1· tinu• to i1lll'l'l'~t hilll. liP g1·1~ til'l'll of I'OilllliOll thing~; lu· j:-; ahnty~ wanting :-;Oilll'thinp: 111'\\'. lip'~ ~o Yl'l'~' intl'lligl'll(, you know. II1• hr<•ak:-; all hi~ to,rs to ti111l out ho\\' tlH•.'· HI'<' lll<ldl'. I h1•t h1• will lw a gl'<'<lt inrl'lltor ~1m1<' day. .\h, lll'r<' Ill' isthat':-; 11 is ,·oil'<'~ wo11't. I tl'll Yoil'l' till flu l!is(l/1/1'1'1. I ~l1a'n't~ I \\on't PitiH·r~ ,\'0\1 ~ l:oh. ( sl!lilill!f fo11rll1f). IIi:-; 11111'!"1' j-.; t'IHIXing !lim to t'Ollll' i11. \'oil'l' 1 11s lwfqrl'l. Ya a-!1. I ~rill go in t hi' din in~· romn ~ I )'yon 111•;11·! I'll kil'k ~ -
J )p;11· old :4tPYI' ~
it·~" ~i x ~·par~ :-;int'l' ym1
Hob . •\It! llo\\ :·dtl'·~ ll'lli11g !tint lt1• 1':111'1 contl' in; that'. thl' olll.' ""."to IIIHkl' !tint do a11ythillg. I Ia. lin . .John l I Pill'.' t IIJIJH oriu!f 1. Papn, I \\'Hill 1<'11 ('('II II' I had I \\'o 1-'1 id,. of I'HIIdy. I Jllllll'hl'll I >Piin. \\'Ito':-.; I hat 11:tsty ntan'! Boll. t-\hmiiP, ~ltattH', that's ,rotll' l'w·h- t-\l<'l'l', papa\; 0\\11 lJJ 'olhPI', just ('llllll' hat·k ft·om.Joltu lfPlll',l. What'~ lt1• \\Hilt'! liP doPsn't lin· hPl'l'. Boll. Hut ltp'~ going to l il'(• hi'I'P, ( 'olltl' owr awl shakP ltawb.Jolnt II Pill'."· \1 on't. LPt ltilll go ltotnl'. I:oh (s/1/'llf!J) . • Johll III'Jll',\', 11ohod,1· \\ill lon• .'"11 if ,IOU :tl'I'U't a good hoy . •Jolt II II Pnl',l. \\'pi!, \\'Ito I'Hl'Ps'! Boh. ~lothPI' \Uill't lon• you, and pnpa won't. .John liPlli'Y (1·1/fllll.'J). <>h. ,II'S, thP,\ \\ill, I ktto\\ tlu•.' 1lo ·:tlltl l\;p had all thP ti11w so JHIII'. I:oh t 1/.·idl /11 , /1 r1 I. Isn't h1• 1'11'\'('1' f'ot· a fnut··,\'l':tl'·old '! • ·ow .John liPnt·y, I'OJIIP and slt:tkl' hand·" itlt yout· l'tll'l1• ,'(pu• . .Jolt II l ( 1'111'.1. t-\l'nd It i Ill hollll' th·st. Boll. I'm asltampd of' you. You go llJI·~Iait·s at Olll'l' with ])p]ia. t Nillff.' In ff: 111111!/ , 11/1 r.· 1. l >Piia, pll·asl' t·:ll'l',l .\Ia 11'1' .John lll'lll'." ll(l· ~tait·~ . •John Ill'lll','. ( sltan't go-o-o: Lon't I II'll you I sltnn't. t lfoid 1'1/l'l'il s hi111 011/ I. I'll hitP, I'll ki1·k. Boh ( JII'IJIIIffy l. bn't hP a I«'J'l'OJ''! . ·o\\· 1'01111' up a111l s1 <',Your room. You!'· is llPXI to .Joint 111'111',\''s. \\'hat'! (>h. hut you .·i111ply IIIII.'/ ~l:ty \\itltu.'11'11'.
ntad1• HI'J':tllgl'llll'llts at tlt1• ltntl'l fol' tltl'
]ll'('S( 'II (.
lloh .·tor/ill!/ to hi.· J1 1 / ) . III'IIo. t-\mllt•thittg's up- 111,\' \\'ifp is 1':1lli11g;. That hoy! <:oodn1•. kno\\ "hell·. lla]I)H'IH'Il! t l.'u.·lu.· ()/1/ ). •'11'1 I .·iyhill!l). 'l'hank good lit's · 1 had ('Olll'a!!.l' to tl'll t Itat Iii' ahout th<• hotpJ. FH.\. ' < t::
.JJ:It\ 1.'.
t::--:. Alhin put .·onH• hi·P:td and IIIP:tt in a piPI'«' of hl'O\\ 11 \\ rappin~ ,_ p:t]H'l' and ~a\1' it to a tii't•d lookin~ indi,·idu:tl. \\lin, aftl'l' raisiug. hi:-; I'H~~Pd hat and Jlllll'llllll'ill~ an almo;.:t i11awlihlP, "'l'll:tllk yon, llt:llll, .. :-;hulllt•d otr tht• pm·<·h awl, a;; ]III·s .• \lhiu t•.: qll'l'l's('d it, "~ladP a IH'P·lill«' for tlH• l'<tilroad trad-::-;." II<• wa:-; ~~·t•at I,,. PlaiPil m ·pr hb httPI.'· J'I'I'Ph'Pil pa('kag-P, :tJHl mut ll'l't'd to h im:-;p] f, "TIIi . makp.· t liP thil·d oup 11ow. It slllPII:-; goo1l, too. (:uPs:-: I'll lPa\'1' it till thP last." \YhPn a fl'Pi~ht t1·ain <'<11111' along a fP\\" mitllll«'l' l:ttPI', thP tramp I'Iilllh<•d into au Plll]lty 1·oal l'o\1', and lay down in JH'ai·Pful snhli111ity. It was almost <l:u·k and liP soon f'Pll asl<'PJI. .\ t dayhrPak, though, liP tol'P th<• ]1<1]1<'1' f1·o11t thP l'<'lllainiug "hatlllont," :nul ~n·Pdily alP thP ht·1•ad awl lll«'Ht. ThP sl'l':l)l:-: of papPl' liP\\" in 1'\'Pl',\' dit·p('(ion. Onp piP<'<' fp]] along thp si<lP of a t'Oilllll'," road, and <·an~ltt on a \\l'Pil. Tht• train :md thP t I'Hlll]l ]1:1. 'sp(] on, t ht• Jlll}H'l' 1'1'111Hi11P<] Jwhi1Hl. ~OIIIl' hour. · la1t•r in thP fm·t•nooll, a !Pant of lm·~p hay ltor:-:Ps, 1ll·awi111.!: a hi~ wagon, t'HIIll' into dP\\'. .\11 olll fm·1111'1' was sit tin~ in 1 hP l1 igh . <'at of thP wagm1, with tlH• JinPs in 1111<' hand and a laq.!,<' hat s:wk iu th<' othl'l'. •\:-; thl' lPalll !':IIIH' 11<':11'1'1', a Jit t](• gust of Wind hlP\\' 1Jt(' ]Ill'('(' of hi'O\\ n papPI' iu fi·oJit r1f tlH•Jtl. ()f <·nm·sp thPy :hit'd a111l jllliiJH'Il to Oll<' sidp \'1'1',\' qnil'ld,\'. 'l'ht• J'Pstllt \\'Hs disas11·ous to tht• old Jllan-lH• was YiolPutly jPI'kPd to Olll' si<l<• of t]l(' sPat, and hm•p]y t•s<·apPil tlllllhlin~ on( of thP wa~o11 . •\lthouglt h<• did 11ot f:tll, in his atfPlll]lt 1o s:t\'1' himsPlf, hP IPI loos«' of a ltat :-;at·k, whi1·h \\'PUt :-;ailin~ in thl' :til' and light<'ll in Ill<' ntwld.' l'Wid !'11111<' 1li. talll'<' lH•ltill<l thP wagou. ThP f:n·nu'l' ~<litH• 11111' hm'l'iPd ,\I'll, awl. as stHlll as wa:-: possihlP, stoppPd th<• running horsl's, a111l t•lintht•d do\\"11 to thP ~J·ouJH! with :-:urpl'isiH!.!; a~ilil,\' in one so old. Ill' 1':111 h:u·k to thP h11ntll1', 11111t t1•1·ing- sant~<'l,\ ' , "~u::-:111·~ Ill'\\' holllll't - all in thP 11111d. \Yhat will it look likP'! Olt now I'll t'Ht<·h it~·· liP ]'(';t<'hl'<l I]0\\"11 and ('lll'l'fl11l.\" pit·l-~·•1 tltl' S<l<'k np. nut ala:! TTt• look hold of tltP \\Tong Plld of it, and thP 11<'\\' hat roliP<l on( into au pspe· dally watPl'.'" 1111111 !toll'. Tltl' poo1· old 111Hn wa:-- dismayed. } inally he 95
pil'kPd thP l1at up g.ing<'l'ly. liP hPid it out lwfol'<' hi111, and <',\<'d till' ii)H'<'IHl'IP with a look of tlllii)H'HkahlP llatJ'P<l. "\\'pf), .}pJ'PIIIiah \\'h;ll·k ~ You'J·<• in a prl'lt.' fix no\\~.. hP l'l'iPd ('OntPIII)ItliOlliif,\' to hiiiiSP)f. "J migh'a kno\\Pd lll'tll'l''ll to han• JII'Ollli!'Pil ~11!'<111 to h!'illg thP fool thing llollll'." liP :-;hoof· th1• dirl'ful ohjPI'l YigoJ'· oust,,, ;llld niPd out loudly, "\\'hat'll I do \\ith yP, lu•h'! \\'hat'll I do "ith yp'!" \\'hy~ "hP PXl'lainl<'d :-;uddi•Hiy," I k11o\\ ~ I'll takl' ,\'l' h:ll'k and gPt a not 111'1'.11 likl' ~·p," .\<T<H'llingly hl' :-;hoYl'll thl' hat into tlu• :--;u·k, and \\'Pill had,: to thl' wag.on. ". ·o\\' I \\OJHI<•r," lw <'X<"InilnPd,'' \\'hnt JnndP th<'lll )H'"k." hol'l-il'l" :--<·an·. I'll :-;pfl 'pJn, tl1at':-; what I'll do." ~~~.in half an hou!', .\II· .. JpJ'<'IIIiah \\'li;H·k was again i11 til<' nlillill<'l'.' S(OI'!' \\'hPJ'I' hP !'Xplaill<'d hi:-; diflkulty to a kind-lH•aJ·tpd <·fpJ·k. ~Ill', s<"<IITl'l,,· ahlP to SIIJilH"<'. s a laugh, told him that sh<• <·otlld 111akP 110 oth<•J· hat lik,• this on<•, hut :-;lip \\'ould show him OIIP <·qually pJ·ptly. "\\'Pll," hP said, "I ':--posp yon know. (li,·<· Jill' it." "Oh, llllt it's :-;old. I'll makP you oJH' just lik<· it though," shl' a ns \\'PI'<'< 1. "\\'plf, do it and hP qui<·k," h<' I'Ptlll'll<'d i1npat iPntly . •\t l<'ngth, .JpJ'PIIIiah sa\\· thP liP\\' hat <'0111pl<•tl'd, a11d put into anoth<'l' :-a<·k. llP took it a11d huniPd out to thP \\agoll, grPatly l'PiiP\'Pd, if not a littlP )II'OIId of Ilimsplf' fo!' ha\'ing thonght of so good a plan. Ill' \\'as. tlli. tillll', ho\\.P\'!'1', PXl'PPdiBgly l':ll·l'ful alHlllt l10w hl' hPid till' s:u·k: h<' watt·hpd thl' hm·sps as Yig.ilanth· as <IllY hawk P\'<'1' \\'atl'ill'<l a hi'IHHI of <·lli<·kells. . ' .
\\'hl'll hP I'P:ll'fH•d llllllll', hi' gel\'!' th<• ll'OIIlli<•SOIIII' s;l!'J.:: at Olll'l' to his "ifP, snying, "IIPI'I' tnkP this, and ])p glad \011 o·ot it." I IP Ita. til.' IPft t hP hous,: and., 'us~ II \\'Pill to a mil'l'o\\, a11d tool, out thP liP\\' honnPt \\ ith at1 PXJH•<·tant snliiP 011 hPJ' f'HI'P. But lo ~ what a 1'11a11g<' passpd o\'l'J' hPJ' I'OIIIll<'li<IIH'P \\"h<•n shP saw thP hat. ~liP :-;t;n·pd at it, HlllaZPd. "\\'hy \\ hy-," .·It<• l'l'iPd, hPl' HllgPt' t·ising l'\!'1',\' !'('I'Otl(]. "\\'h~ didn't that 111an g<'t my hat'?"
r·u:-dwd out to tlw ltar·H -Iot t•xt'itPdly. " . I!Pn .}pJ'Pillialt sa\\ IH•r t·orrriug, Itt• tr·iPd to Pl-it'a]H' to tltP pastur·t •, lmt slit' t·augllt ltilll. ".JpJ·prrriall \\' lt;wk ~ You gPt right l-itraigltt inttl I hat wagon a111l !.!.O gPI '"·'· hat," . I!P t·r·iPtl. "This ain't lllint• ~ .. . Jpr·enlialt's ltt•art alrno~t failt•d lti111, hut, ctflt•r· ct fP\\ f;tlst• sl<ll'll-i, ltl' timtll,\ told ltpr· all. ~IISctll':-; P,\' ('~ faiJ·]y hJctzPd \\ ith Clll!.!,!'l'. "'J'Ite YPI'.' idPa ~ IIPI'P you'\'(' gout• and got Ill!' a hat ju~t likt• HPt't'." ~toup':-;, and l spt •nt a full ho111· ,\I•StPI'dcty, II',\ in' to figlll'(' lllll how r I'Oirld IIH\' (' lllilll· tiXPd );0\.; it wouldn't ht• likt• ht•r·s. • ·o\\ you\·!' llladt• a nH•ss of it~.. ~Itt• wn . ctlllltlst in tt•ar·:-;, and .JpJ't'llliah \\al-i ang1·.' Pllouglt to l-i\\'t•ar·. "You \'nn't takt• this ollP hal'k, and I n111't hu.' ;lllotlwr··JI and I wmr't \\Pill ' tlti::-;'11 <IIIII I won't hart• lltl l1at to \\t'<ll'llP.t 'l'ltur·:--da.' to tl11• pknk. I - " ~usarr stoppPd fm· tltt• si1nplt' J't•ason that shP """'out of hr·path . . JpJ·t•lnialt, :-ot•t•ing a drant·(•, l'l'iPd out \'Pitt•Jil!'nt 1.', ·•• ·o\\ lisl!•n ht•J·t• ~ I"ll gi\'P ,\'P lliOlll'." to huy a dtlZt'll IIIOI't' of 'pn1, h11t ~usan \\. 11;11'1,, if yon P\'1'1' l-ipt•ak to lllP agnin of honnl'ls, I'll IPaYI' ye: ])o you untli'J'staJHl'! I'll ]paw ,\'P :" ~~~
l-i<I,Ying. poor· .Jt•J't'llliah \\'Pill i11to tit!' hctrn awl haugt•tl tilt• door lotrdl,,-, saying to ltinlsPif as Itt• wt•llt, "I'll sl'll tltPm hm·st•s tornmTo\\· nror·ning at aul'limt. You won't t·at\'h Ill<' owuin' lltl ltm·:-;ps t ltat"tl gPt 1111' into "'IH'h a lliPss as this. L11t·kil.'· .Jpr·enliah had not SPPII tht• :-ot·r·ctp of ht·owu Jl<IJH'l' m· hP \\otlld 11:1\'P llt'Pil f'lll·iou. ·ly angr·.' ;" for Itt• 11<111 ollt'P said, "[ do ltatP to ht• got t Itt• ht•st of hy stllllt' i 11 ft•r·na I tIt i ng t l1a t don't aiHtiJIII t to 11ot It iug ... )1.\ZI:J, 'l't ' t' hEit. 'lfi
1ft E
"a: a Ill'\\' I,\ -ll<>llp;<'ll 1lo1'tm·, hall I'PIItPd two room~ in an ofti<'r building and wa.· waiting for hu~iJw~~ to opPn. ""ilkin~. thl' OYCI'· ~<<'<'t' of thP hnil1ling thrn:-;t IIi:-; hPnign fa<'<' with a :-;pard1ing glan<'<' into tiH• d1wtor\: o1lkP. ])odol' • ·PwhPI'l',\" wan•d hi:-; h:t!Hl dl'spmHlPntl~· in an:-;w<•J· to th<· qlH'i'ition-mark at thP dom·way, ". "othinp; doinp;, ""ilkin:-;. lt i: ahominahll', two Jllonth:-; HJHl not mw patient, ypt." "It i:-; tlw had W<'a1hPr," I'OJJ:-;oiPd ""ilkin:-; ~,YillpatiH•til-ally, a:-; IH' tipllwd into thP roo111 to tP~<t thP h<•at of th1• l'Hiliator:-;. "'l'lw \\'l':tthi'I''! P~<haw! Th<· \\Path<•J• i:-;n't uad. Enol',\" i'i('('Oll(] door a ll1wt m·, that':-; it, .. gl'lllll hl<><l ])odor XC\\ lH'I'I',""Int ~<111'1' I <lo all I 1'<111," answpJ'Pd th<• dPYOI<•d \\"ilkin:-; dh.;tJ'I'i-ii'ifully. I han• 11ot allo\\<'d tl11• onil'l' hoy to I'OIIH' in and i'i\\'I'I'Jl, Hllll m~·:-;rlf han• pla<·Pd ti1P 1·haiJ·s i11 all 1-ioJ·t:-; of angi<>H to giw tl11• room tlu• gl'nrral llli!Si'i." look of a h11:-;y pi;H·P, a:-; if tWI'Ilt,Y patiPut~. at ]pa:-;t, \\'1'1'<' in a1Hl out daiJ_,.. .\ nd t hi' talking I do! I lll<'ntion yum· JJaJll<' to I'YPryone I Jlll'l't, and :-;ing yonJ' pl'ai:-;p to <'YI'l',\' tmw I kno\\· ho\\·." "I know you do yonJ· duty, fJ·ii'JII] \\"ilkins hut" .\ .'lHl<lPn k111wk at th1• dooJ· Jll<lll<• hoth :-;tm·t. "HPJ'<' h1• is at la:-d," tJ·iu111pi1Pd "'ilkin:-;. "I'll op<•n thP doo1·. You just l11' in thl' printtl' offi<·p fo1· hPightPIII'<l pff<>d. I'll Jll'Pt<•nd ~·ou're lm:-;y and you mnst k<'<'P him waiting at Jpa:-;t 1Pn minnt<•s." "lJun.', ""ilkill~<, oppn thP <lom· m· h1• may hP gotH•," whi:-;pcrell PX<·itPdly thP dol'tol', ah·<·ndy lwhind th<• door of hi~ privat<• oflieP. ""ith :-;tJ·iking dip;uity, \\"ilkin:-; Jll'OI'<'I'dP<l to op<•n tlw dom· awl ho\\'<•d tl11• long antil'ipall'd patiPnt into th<• waiting room. •· Is t lw I>od or in'!" ".\h! \\"hat a pl<'asant, di'P]), .·onm·on:-; \'Oi<·<'! ""hat an impo:-;in~ figlll'l'! \\"hat ilnma<·ni<Jtp l'lothe!-; !" PXIllt(•<l thl' Dodm· with ear and r-ve a It Prna t Ply at tl11• door n;u·k. '' )f u. t h<• a multimilltonairp,'' and di~t tant Yi:-;ions of gold kin(}]pl] hi!-; <'Yf'H. ''And ""ilkim;, kind old ~oul, llmY faithfully h1• i:-; :-;windling." ""itlt au attitud<•, hi'SJII'aking <l<'Yout t·psppd of tlt(' mrrit of Doctor • ·<''' hPl'l',\', \\"ilkin:-; pom·pl] forth hi:-; hoa!-;tful eulogJ·. ?-)
••I'm afmicl yon will harP to wait a litt](•. TIIP Dodo1· is O\'t'l'J'tlll. most <·rit i<·:tl ('<1:-;<' in tfl<'l'<' J·ig-ht 110\\". You Hl'P t flp foul'IPPnt h- no lifl<'<'llth patiPJJt toclay. ~\Bel yp:-;(pJ·day ~ YP:-;tpJ·tlay til<• p<'op!P <·rowdP<l 1'1<'<11' down th<• :-;tail·~ a\utiting- thPiJ· tnrn. \\'h~· , th<· poor man ~imply fla~ no tim<' to Pat hi~ lll!'ab." 'l'}H' yjsitor shm\'(•!l llllH'h at (Pill ioll HIHl S('!'IIICI] to takp 111!'11(('] JIO{PS. llis o<·<·:t~ional "hPm- hpm"- :-·qHliTPcl \\'ilkim.: to gJ·patpJ· :111d g-t'P:t1<'1' t>ll'ort~ in tmfoldillg- t hp \\'OlHI<•J·fnl popularly of DodoJ· XPWIH'I'l',Y. "~\II(] - a11d how long did yon say l>odo1· . ·<·Wh<'IT,\ fla:-; h<•Pu flpJ·p'!" quPst io1wd t hp Yi~itor. •·.·ot qnitP a y<•:tJ·," a~:-;pJ·I<•d \\' ilkins <·l<·,·<·J·ly. ".\nd all·<·:tdy lw ha:-; stH'h a pral'! i<·<•. ~ ' ot :1 clodo1· has :1 largPJ' one. .\ nd snl'11 fpps ~ I ;ut th<'JH'oplP k11o\\' thPy may lw sill'<' of :1 <'lli'P; ~o the.' do11't mind til<• f<•Ps." .\( (hi~ point ( ]}(' })oi'!OJ' t hotJght it ]II'OlH'l' to m:tk<• flj~ :I]IJH'<Il'HIH'P. Ilp h:td listPnPd witl1 gJ·<•:tt sath.:fal'!ion to th<• ~killful ln·aggill .!.! of \\'ilkins. lip OlH'Il<'d tlw doo1· 11f his s:tll<·tn:n·y and with a had;:\\:11'11 glatH·P noddPd a11 :lcli<·n to :1 fpign<·d clPp:tJ·ting p:ltiPIII; :111d th<•ll tun1ing tow:LJ·cl~ thP IH'\\'1'0111<'1', a~:-;111111'cl thP smil<• of ti1·ecl \\'PI<·OIIIl' that ('011liJ·IIIPcl "ti1P <'XI<·u~i\'P ]li'HI'Ii<·<' ... II<• hP<·koii<'<l him in :tncl pointpcl to :1 sPat. Il<•, hiJIISPlf ~nnk into his dPsk chait· and re\·111\"ing- aroiiJHI to\\ :u·cls thP pl·P~IlliiPd p:tliPnt, a~k<'d him with h<•,·onling- languid 1'011<'<'1'11, .... o\\, ~i1·, what may th<· tr<mhl(• lH''!" "I nm Bot ('Xal'll.' in (J·ouhlP, D<wtoJ·, hut I did want 111 I1'11Uhl<· you for a litth• inft~rmation a~," hPJ'<' 1hP slntHg-<•r took fmm hi~ h1'l'H~t pod;:Pt a fOJ'IIIlll:t, "I :till ( h(• ~\s:-o.:(•ssm·," D<lWlT!lY ll.\L\1 \\, '1.. ~\.
JI E 111111-ii<· l'la:-:s sll<·<·<•ssf'rJ!ly ]ll'<'sl'lltPd • lu I"IC001/"s f/111 ' 1' 11, a t·aHtata f)JIII"II No1Ji11 flood . 'I'll<' .\nditm·ium, witl1 it:-; oil<' thousaud sixt<'<'ll "Pats, \\<Is lill<·d :111d m ·<·r·tlo\\illg-. • \11 who Httt•lldPd \\PI'<' loud ill pr·:~ isl' of' t hP singing a111l <11"1 ing of t II<' <·hm·a<·t<•rs. Tht• pr·odndng of' t hi piny l1Hs ntm·k<·<l a 111'\\" <·ra in th<· <i<'YI'lopJlll'llt of lllllsi<· ill our· II igh ~~·hool aud it is s<lf<' to say, <Ill Hllllllal pro· dul'tioll will hi' thl' l'l'slllt. \\•ith thP PX<'<']Ition uf .\lsia ~tr·odp, ,.<'l'llOll .Johu:->ton, :~ud a f'<'\\' of' t ht• <·hor·tr:-;, t ltl' t·a:-:t wa:-; <·ontposPd of "UIHlet·· l'la:-;:-;rll<'ll" so \\ith PX]H'l'i<•J)(·p nddPd to tal<·nt, auotht•r· t•x<·<'ll<'llt play is :t~->Ntll'<'d for· II<'" t ,\ <•a r·. 'l'h<· prilll·ipal <·hm·act<'J':-: W<'l'<' por·tJ':I.\'t•tl esp<•<·ially Wl'll, and tht• dHn·us :-;how<•d <·:n·pf'nl trainiug. This \\as dm• to tht• <'X<'<'ll<•nl diredion of )!iss ])pJip\\·pth . •\s H<TOiltpanist, <'hat·]ps .\lam·<•r <lPsPI'\'<'H mudt pr·ai:->1'.
~ horn tlr<•
( '.\~'1'. Hobin Ilood, ( 'hiPf oft ht• Forpst ........................• ·t·al ( 'ahl\n•ll Lit tiP .Johll, hil-' li<•lJtt•Hallt .............................Jarllps Finnt•y \\'ill ~t·:n·ll't, his at l<'Jl<l:mt ...........................\l:mford )Jidtal'! Ft·i:~r Ttu·k, fath<•J• <·ortf<·ssm· of thP for·<•st ...............\lilt•:-: ~]ll'lll't'l' .Johll .\r·thwPll, a <·itizPil of .·ottingha111 .............. \'pr·Hon .Johnston )lariau, his dang-htpr·, "• 'hPJ'\\ ood <lnP<'Il ...................\lsia ~tr·odl' .\ li<·t•, ht•r maid ........................................ \'<•r·a Ba:-:.·t•tt .\ \\'idm\". ........................................ Flm·<•nt·t• <..'<whr<tu llm·old <:r·:tY Tht·<'<' H1·ot h<•J·s, hPJ· soils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ])ayid B1·own { 'lm·<•Ju·t• I )p Long .\ll<·n, .\. l>:tl<', )liH:-->tJ·p] a11d hall:td lltakl't· .............. 0. II. J:lais<lPll )fai<ll'ns: lfp]pn ( ':lllhlt•, ])m·othy .\ lht•r·tl-', Huth Ih·:tlll', Ifp]pu Uross)f:IJ·gar·t·t Fil'lding, .\lm·gar·<'t Hutl<•dg-<·, <'athpr·iH!' B1·adh•y, ('athl'l'· in<• II ill, Bl'ssip ]);~vis, J{ohpr·ta ])a is,\, • 'p]]ip Bany, <:lady:-; E\·<·t·hart. Fm·l'sti'J', ' : If any Frt•dpr·il'kson, J:oh<·r·t ~paid ing, llal'l<·.' .\udr·pw:-;, Lps. li<• Hil'hard:-->. IIIHII,
YO .· ~IoTII I>on<:J·:,
F.\LL ~
hl' ]payp:, onep 1.!;1'<'<'11, hall~ d<•:Hl o11 I he t1 ee.'. 'lh<•ln·own g1·ass stiJ·s with the rt>stlpss hr<'<'Z<'. ThP th•pary da~· i'i <h·a~ slowly by. Fall is nigh. " ' L'TER
.\ll(l now the l<'llY<'S to t hl' ~l1m·p win<ls yield. 'l'hP .'lltl\\' giPHIIIi'i \\hilt' Oll lllt'<IIIO\\' and liPid. 'J'h<• wind "ld .. tlei-i .·h:11·p a111l thP ri\'er i:-; dumb. \\"illiPt' has I'Olll<'. RPHI. ' G
But now thP gn•at <·han~P of lh<• ,\"<':11' !1:1.' h<'gnn. 'l'lH• yon11g waking trees st retd1 th<•ir arms to tlw ~nn. 'l'hP gJ'Hi'is grows grpen HJHl the n'<l rohin~ ~ing, 'J'o \\'Pl<•oJIH' t h<• ~pring. Se:-.DIEit
'l'lu• warm, halmv <lays a111l tl1c roo] night~ of .June, 'l'h<' hil·cl's happy <·arol, t h<' <lon•s' gpnf]p <·t·oon, 'l'hP .·oft hJ·P<'ZPs hlowiug·, to <':u·h HI'\\ <'0111<'1' Prodailu I h<' ~l:ul RumJil<'l'.
"( 'axtle of hulolt>nt·(•".- B:H·k l'Pllts Of :-;tndy l'OOUII". "E:u·thly P:n·a<lhw".-.\ fr(•:-;hi(h•a of h(•in~ a :-;pnior. "'l'h(• ~il(•nt "'oman".-
"Th(• •\--+-- 's.
(·a tious a hound. "'l'lw Invitation".-'l'o thP .Tnnior-~('11 ior rp(·(•pt ion. "( 'a:-;t h• of }'(•J'I"('\"Pl'H nt·P ...-jl at h(•ma t ](-:-; room. '''l'h(• Happy II(•m·t".- .\ftPI' pa. ·:-;in~ pxam:-;. '''l'ht> .\nwrit·an ~('holm·".-Halph Wilkin:-;. ~Pnt inwnta I .fom·Jwy".''.\. • \l'Ollll<l
of Uo1l...
tokr• notr ,c;; to
"('./'(/IllS ...
'J'o <](•yp)op JH'l'\'P- r·ontmrlir·t
II ifni'.
To d(•\'Plop a spJis(• of h mnorrr·rul tlw '/.) Jlrtroo/1. 'l'o int·rpas(' \n·i~h t -- r·.rr·rr·i.w· with k11if,. 1111rl fork.
Fm· in:-;omnia-takr· a r·ounw in h i.•dory. For swift progJ·es:-;-ridc a pony.
too fast . 'l'o int·rpasp tinH•-takl' rtltli-ju.-;-
"Ent·yt·lopoP(lia Hardin sil'lters.
Yok(''.-Hook Ht>Yit'\\'S.
tlw :·wnior r·lass. 'l'o aid thP IIH'IIIOJ'Y
"Land of ])r(•ams".- "'hpJ·p
( 'olllllll'llt'('IIH'll t,
~ 1f:1ints to 11fultlr an~ <!:ulturt 'l'o U('\'P 1op dPhnti n~ pm\'(•t•-joi 11
l'OIII(' 1-'Pllion;
'J·i:-;is". -
.Jmw lfi.
Kurt. "'J'hp 'J'a:-;k".-Of
sinl'. 103
.\I,. ~111 it II: If t hi· IH'a l'S \\'(')'(' S111'l'Oil1Hit•d ;tnd a ltllllll'l' ·lwuld shoot ollt' of tiH·111, "onld it ht• an iJwidt•nt o1· an ('\'I'll t '! ILtlph: .\11 accidl•nt.
~ ·ow
\\'t't'l' I hi',\' I h inking
:tlHI!lt '! ,lhcslpncn :P toltrrhs )Hill,\' in t lw lt:tnd is \\ ot·t h I wo ill t ltP hook . ~opholiiOl't'S t·llsh in \\'ht•t·t• ft'l''dt ' 1111'11 fp:tJ• (o ll'I':HJ. ~\
.\I1·. FJ·ailt·y: It's all right to nsP slang i11 t'Oll\'pJ·sat imt hut in \\'!'it ill~.!: tht·lnt•s "t·nt it out." .\l;u·y K. t to f'l'Pshlllt'll) : yo11ng 111.' spJ r ont·P.
I was
ElatPd FJ•t•shnl:tn: <) dt•m·, how 1)111'1'1' it .·PI'llls to ht• a sophonJoJ·P. .\li:-; · .\lt·KillniP, is "sopholiiOI'I'" a (: )'('t'k \\'0}'11'' .\1 iss .\fd{inniP: YPs. It lllPans a \\ i.·t• fool. .\lr. ~hnltr. 1at footl1all ganH•l: Fi ft.' t'«'llt s plt•a. «'. Ft·t•slllll:tll: ( )-( )-( )-() ~ Fifty t'Pllt. :: Tht•n I aint goi11'.
.\ man nnd a 111aid in t hP .·t·hool I il n·:11'Y, ~:tt sidP ln· sitle on1• tlny. Ilt· t·:m·fnlly. tndiPd tht• dit·timt:n·,,· · .\!! \\ '!1[1 p<~tLlllJ .'t:\\ .:.n!tll.lt(,L ~~~~· J·pac] a hook throngl1 f1·on1 t'0\1'1' to cort•t•.\ ft·t·:tti.·p on law, no doubt, 0\'1'1' way \\'!'IIlli.!: I hP ]Hlp;l'.' I hP tm·1wd . ht• J:ut. 104
:Dictionarn .\ t·as1•.- <>ll' ag<tin, on again, gotH• :tg:till. .\ stt·ti!I.-Thl• ]ollgl•st tlistalll'l' ltt•I\\Pt'n t\\·o points . ~JHHilliltg.
I a If.\'.
<'J·:tllttning. - .\n aho111i11atimt 1111lo lht• .·onl, hut a \'1'1',\' Jll't•spn( hPIJI hl'fm·p P.xa 111 ina t ions . Fltmk.-~\n t'ITOI' on I Itt• ]l<ll'l of tht• f:tcnlt,,·. Fat·nlly.-TitP Olll' wlto 1101 only hlull':-: lmt t·all.· your hlntr. FlnnkPI'.-Onp not I.!:Ootl at hlntl'i Ill.!:.
I:lufling.- .\n m·t 111'\'l'lopPtl hy fill'('(' ,\'('<ll'S of I'X)H'l'il'lll'l', l'l':tl'ltillg it· 1 ultni11at im1 in tlu• Sl'llior ypm·. ~I ndPnt .-( )JW who <•ats 111Ht·lt, .·Jt'I'Jl.· IIIIH'h, and I'Olll]l]:tiJt.' f'ol' l:tt·k oft itlll' . •\ t h ]pt i<·s.-. \ :-;yst t'lll:t t it• way of killing· ti!nt•.
Likf' a pait· of Nhf':tt·. l"O joiuf'd t hnt t l11•y ('all Hot hP spp;n·atPd; oft PH llto\·ing· ill o!IP diJ·pt·t ion aud woP mlto anyt hiug- that t·otlll•:-: hPt \\'!'I'll thl'lll.-.\llif' }f<>nilww aiHl .\1:-;ia ~t t·odP.
.\Ian is likt• a kPt'o. I'll!' lamp. ll1• isn't !'NJH•t·ially ln·igl1t; liP is oft PH t \Jl'll!'d !lO\\'ll, usually Nlltok!'S, . \ ud l't·pq ll!'ll t '·'· .!J;oPs out at night. FJ·psh 111 <>11 -
'Q:I)c ~cl\t ~luimmin' JL!olc By \\'. P. )f.\IIEH. 'f;)
.r mli m·-
In t hP gootl day.· of old, ( >ut· fat hPJ's WI' at·1• told, Ill till' "o]p" swimmiu' hoi!• lorPd to plH,\'. But th<· ll!'\\' swimmiu' pool, 111 <'hampaigu lligh ~t·lwol, \\'ill g-in• pl1•a. Ill'!' to t h1• hoy of to1lay.
~I' 11 i o l'
I I 'I'!'] II'PSsi hl !'. I t·t·psi:s t a hIP. I t·t·Ppt·• 1:11 • h a b II'.
Ft·ank P. (in histm·y 1: I !'<lll't " 1·i t P a hou t :lllyt hi ng. }lis.· (loodntau: Y1•s yon (':til, Ft·ank. You •·au t·ight·ahout fal·t•d own st :1 i J·:-;.
.\1 i:-;s ( 'ampiH'Il: ( 'loyd!•, why don't.' 011 \\'HUt to ])(• t'l't'lliHIPtl '! ( 'lo,\·dp: H!'l'<lll. 't' OIH'!' i. <•nouglt to liP lnn·tw<l.
Om· pool is "Pll fill I'd \\'itlt WHt!•t· "distiiiPtl." ·ot a gprnl t·an find an nhod1• . ·o .·Iilli,\' sn;Jkp,· nor frogs, ·o floatillg Sll<li!,"S 1101' ]O!!;S, ( >m· spm·t i:-; :-;pol'( "a In lliiH]f' ...
, 'o i 11 t h1• da,\ s 1o
1t·J·ps 1)( 111si 11 1".
~oph omm·p-
\\'h1•n our pl!•asm·t•s \\'P 1-'lllll, \\'p']] not fm·g<'t t h1• . JHII'I • of om· youth. . \nd thp pi·iul'ipal Oil!', \\'h!'ll it !':llll!' t.o fun, \\'as tht• "swimmin' ho]p" llll!lPl' a roo f . . JuuP: \\'hPI'<' t·nn yo11 alway. lind •·sympathy"'! Bill: In 1 ht> <lid iomn·.'··
.\1 I'. ( lootling: ( l i\'!' of h<ll'd \\'Hit'!'. Kathm·inp: It·<'. ( lladys E.
(translating) : <lni<'t
I on• . .\1 i:-;s .\i!'KiuniP: ]m·<· is 11!'\ t'l' qui Pt. <ltH'I',\': How <lops. h<' kllo\\· '! )IJ·. l>arid.'on: ( liw an t•xamplt• of indirt•t·t dist·om·st•. • 'ohiP IL: 1'h!• ll'l<'phonP.
.\lr. !Ialii'S lafti'J' stncl<•llts h:ul mi:-;.('t] tht'l'l' qnl'stiolls): Tht'l'l' stl'ik1·.· a111l '011 are o11t. Lonisl' .·.:This is 110 hall gmu<• . .\!1·. II alii's: You m·p halll'll out.
'[tmplt " ' ith thl' fJ·<•shmPH ltP wa. o
" 'ith th1• girls a 1·pgnlm· hPJ'o; \YhPll it 1':11111' to (' .-:lliiS, II r wa. · a .· lll<'Pk a .· a lam h, .\1111 lnnnhly \\1'111 honiP with n 0. lli~h
!'1·hool .·tnclPnt.· at·p llllWh m·<• tir<•d hy amhitio11, "111111' hy patt·iotism and .'OJIIP hy thP f:u·ulty.
'I'Pal'ltl'l': I hPlit•\'1' yon \\'1'1'1' talk· i11g dm·ing my rt>atling·. Ilm·old (:.: ~ · o, I 1lon't ll<•lil'\'1' I w:ts. I do11't Ia lk in my slt•<•p.
Etlna H.: \\'hy i.· thl' high . dtool sndt a l1•a t·npd pl<u·t> '! L1wih• ~ · . : B<•<·ansp ft·t·.·hnH•n ln·ing a littll· ktwwlt·dgP \\ith th<•m atHl thP Sl'lliors 111'\'l'r takl' any away; hPnt·p it at·<·munlat••x.
Lon• alHl a pm•ons plastPr, son, m·t• mndt alikl'. It is simpl<' to g<'t i11to. But ~Pttiug ont-O, jo~· ~
:tl'l' hm·u for ~J'P:tt things. .Junio!', ' awl "soph:-;" for .·mall, .\Ia. ~ lhP poor littll' "ft·1•shiP ·," 0, wh~· WPI'P t hPy hor·n at a 11'! .\li.·. · .Jonp.· : ('h:n·Jp. ·, what llllfh•1· ,\'0\ll' fppj '! < 'lm l'IP.·-I> a t·ktw. ·,·.
.\I at· ion "'·: 0, look at .\I m·y's hair! EthPl ~.: \\'hPr<' is it'!
Jl1• :-;nw a tlliug of grP<•nish hue, .\nd thought it \\as a moHIHl of g1·a.·x, J:ut wht•n ht• to it elo.·<·r <lr<·w, Ill' found it was thl' frpshmau l'lass.
.\[iss ".\fol'!'h.;: Y1•s, :\I an<leville was indl'<•d an artful liar. will now h<•a r 1'1·om a not h<•r-IIal'l'y. II an~· . 'idtol. ·.
To ffuuk is human-To Pas. divine.
]ust 1Hy Jfedins' .f.\.\! IE ('II ESTI:H.
:\fix~ 'l'm·rp)): Tx it po.·sihlt> to takt• till' ~I·t•al!'l' f1·om tilt• It•.'-;.''!
glad that HJn·iug'H a t•ontiu', Lal'l.:s arl' sin~iu' in de :ky; Hl't·~ h!'~iu t hPil' tlrowsy htlltltllin,; Blat·khirtls tlant:e hl'fm·p my <',\'<'; P1·ail'il' dlil'kt•IJ.' art' a tll'l11lllltiu'; Lit t (p lam h.· ht>giu to play; 'l'ht'n I kno\\' that ~p1·ing is t'omin' '1'1l1·u t lit' 1in• long ~oltlt'n tlay. Don't yon wish dat ~·on "·ax playin' \\'it h t ht' squint' Is tlowu in (}p
( 'hPstPI' ( 'Im·k: Yt'x, wht>n you t a kt' tltt' t·oJH·pi t out of a frt•slmt:lll.
Hill: .\n m·ti.·t'x work ix liP th·a ws hix la~t hi'I':It II.
Et flp) H.: 'J'hp ]H't't tit•.'t S('('nt' I t'l't•r . ·a w wa~ to st't' the moon st't in wat t'1'.
\\'ht'1't' tlt• poplar:-; at11 a xwayin' Likt• thl'y \\Hill to I'OYP <Ill' ron•; \\'hprp tht• rPtl hirtl hniltl:-; his llt'st ~\Ill) fflp Ha\lt',l' ffit·kt•I' h<lllllllt'rs'! Tht'u's 1ht' tillll' that \\'t' ft't'l ht'st \\'ht•ll spl'i11~ is wt•ari n' hamwi·x.
Elmer L.: ~Jr. :\laiPnknt•t·llt, how t'<lll this prohlPm he workptl without followillg· tl1t• tlirPI'tious in t hP hook'! .\II·. :\laiPllkllt•t·ht: C·t' your ht'atl. EhnPJ· L.: llow wonld you tlo that'!
.Johll: \\'l1at is study? :\1 iss 1)(•t] (' '!
IIany F.: \\'fly, study ix to t·I·am Oil hi~fl !..!;1'<11'.
:\fatlPlillt• 0.: hit·yt'lt•. J:l'ight .fnllim·: .fohn Bunyan fpd a family of t wt>lw with !tis JWB. t4t•n im·: II ow t·onlll a junim· lw so I'IPn•r '!
\\'hat .\
. 'nthnn n.: . ·ow wht'll thp lllt'ft'l' xtit-k hits tht' tloo1', stPp on your Jpft foot. IOi
:\"at han \\'.: \Yhat i~ dnl'tility'! llaJ·h·.' .\.: [)lldihility is
ILn·old \\'.: I IHlW IH'Pll g-l'ttingto •-whool 1'<11'1.' of latP .
• ·ath<tll: l.pan• th1• dnl'k':-; hill orr tlli~ t il!IP.
.\I1·. I>onis: I sl't' yon m·1• t•al'ly of latP. Yoll 11~('(] to hp hPhincl ht>fm·p and now yo11 m·p 1irst at ln~t.
.\d1•l;lid1·: If thP th1•oJ·y of tt·ansmig-l·;ttion is ti'lH', I g"lH'~~ I dl·si'Plldt'll fJ·o111 <Ill onimt. (:Jallys P.: .\n onion~ ~fi'I'I',\'~ I>on't hn·athP it.
( )1](·~:-;ip: kno\\- how yon may lta\'1' a s1•t of tt>Pth pnt in fJ•pp of l'hHI'g'l'. \\'aynt> '1'.:
.\!J·. Zintlllt>t·nwn: \Yt> will takr to thP I'll([ of tilt> tltap(pJ·. I want yo11 to n:-;p I'OIIIlllon :-;pJl:-;p and good jlHlg"IIIPllt. Halph .\fptzlt>J' (t·l'ft>l'l'ing to 1l11• lPngtlt of th1• ]p:-;~011): 1~ that all'? .\II'. ZiJIIIIIPl'JII<lll t l'l'fPl'l'illg to l:aJph', · St'l'lllillg" iiii]H'l'( illt>Jll'('): Halph, that i~ pnongh hom yo11.
( hl1•s:-;i1':
.Jolm II.: An Irish wg<'tnhll'.
Kt>t>p n hnll1log.
'l't>HI'ht•J·: \\'hnt 1lops Blad.:stonp J'('JIIilld yon of'!
•·:4ay, Pa," said William 14. mw 1'\l•nillg-, "yon k11ow pl·Ptt.'· nt>Hl'ly 1'\'1'1',\'t h i11.~. don't yo11 '?" "Y1•s, :-;on, :-;aid tltP f;lthi'J', pll'll)o;(•d \\it h t hi' ('()lllplillll'llt '''l'hi'JI I I'll Jill', i~ d iggi11g for l'lams agJ·i1·11ltm·p o1· fishing." l'a was ~ill•Jit - lost in t ltollgltt.
\\'hy '!
Ilr was a romm(•ntntor.
I ll'll•n ( '.: \\'hich traY<> Is mm·p swift 1,,·, ht>at or cold'? XPilit• F.: ITt>at, heenm;e yon I'HU I'Hil·h 1·old.
J)o ships han•
Edit~"·: FriPJlfl., Hontalli', ( 'onnt I',\"JIIPII, IP!lfl Ill(' ,\' Oill' Pal'S.
<',\' I'S wiH'II
t hPy go to
spa'! ~\rp
t hprp . prings iu thl'
o~·Pall's <:!:1d~s
lwd '!
I>o('s thP .Joll~· Tal' 1Im\ t rce '! J)ops a rirpr lmw it.·
~-m- ~·1·
fl'olll a
Or mend the hrt>ak of
tlis -
ri\PI' in a
<:1·atl<111 ('.: Fath~·l', 1',-e I o hi'I'OIII~· a II a I' I i. ·t. ~IJ·.
<'.: ~h·aw
1·ight, <:rattan, hut
to a " ' iJl(low ~lay'!
( lur grind is grouiHl; our jokL• i · :-;pnlllg. 'l'hP latPst lo~·al J•oast we\· ~· snug' 'mill' bad, sonH· go1Hl-hut we're con t <'ll t.
"'hat so1·t of n•getahlc is th(' eopIs a
('an an old h<•n sing hPr lay'!
boat '!
lishPI' (']'azy " ·hen th1•y go i11 I'!' ill(''!
('an ,ron lll·ing pane'!
It is too
nPwspaJH'l' whit<' "hPn it's rPacl'!
Ts a hakPr hrolw when he mak<•s tltp dough'!
I.· an UIHlt>I'Ialwr's hw·dne ·s <lPad'!
a t hl'<'l' lllOlll hs' 1-'h'<'P w<'rc lJPnt. Our I itt It> fun is tilli. hed now, .\llll so w<•'ll gladly mal·c our bow . •\1111 qnotp to all of you again, ".\ littlp Iwnsensp now awl then Is t·l'lishP~l h~· thp lwst of nH•n ;" ~o h('r~· WI' <'lo:..a•, our dowish friPlHl "'ill -~lad!~- show you the euu. < ht
_._Vf ·c T 0 RY..._
Words b'j Fl.n.ne~'I6_Musi.c b~Maurer-~/, With. Sp\rir
n I/
pro~.td.- L'j
1-..~ r-1~ I,~
With de- f~-d.n,ce
r""' r I
~ T ll.-=:
~ C.ll. ~
+ ----r~---
e v- rt. "
fL '1 - i. n g-,
:lfy'""'f ·~
c_~eer-i.ng ol-(r 1\
• .J,
t-f;k 7
tee: m to
vie- To- r' , We'H back them -right J
.... I'
,.. l
,.. J
1_""1>--1 .1-
-n_jJ ,I
from ()_»
...... i.J.
;:a== "=ii~ =4i
....... y _l
fight- i n.g
1\ r
The~ oll'e
~'" I
-• c1.
-.1-' --1_
~~~~~"~~ ~
J-~~¥:~-~-~FJ-~===;v..::=1 With
u. n.-
7 _A
-#. W\..Y\. .
J> I
1. \
II Jl-
,.. I
- -· -
r it
J - - •'T- .,
:.t: 7' ..J l -t' e s f~l ct, Jo ttt t n a n. ~ -
£.~ -:=A 1.- - -Y .-rn pe
1- ......
.... -= ·-:·=i
~~ I
We )f? ev- e.Y prou<'L of
_3 ~
- --
= _,1-
' "
fl.g-nt for ~~
- - - Jl:.•
r\ ~
~~-~or 1111-
I ;-...___
- .-- -....
I ·.
.... -
{ -r~I=: fj ne. ~ >
)1:4' ~e: We witt
.... I
Rcth-! ~a.hl Rah! Ra.h.!
"ol{C~rn- pa~! .. 1--
~wiLL · ot-
~ou., We wtll ~ ~e r~ lt.-- ..II!. - k: -=~~
~l-i- ..__
Ill"" I
Vic- to-~, To adc;L .to our score of
".11- _.._ • . _
-; .,[{ j
~ . n .:>~toW the11~rt" s.tmeolcl.Ji.ght. »-4
....cre.se --~
...1 I >I
. . .I
Charn-pqign H~M ........... Ra.h! Rah\ R h! Rah!C~~rn.-paign ~igiJ
a ·=-
I "
:t> =i!i
- -
_V=j ¥
-.'- ~ ~'"! .. > I >
>I__: I
~ -i' .......... ····: "u-
I '
Go -- = •>
""!Ill- p.. :>
Ch'\rn_- p~iLg'tl.I Go Cham-paign! ..
:_~ R.efra.~n,
Lets a..lt
joLn l.n.. ancL ch.eet- Ch-a.m.P.aign., For ou.r team. a.nCL Lts vict'r~ boL& Wha.t cctre theL.f th.ei.r sca.r:s an,cL jars _As th..elj sur,g~ to reci.ch. the .f!OCL l? To th,em. th..ere is a.H h-omage d.u.e Those heroes,ou..r- mi..g~t~ stars' As th.e~ cl Ln.g to t ~e f t-ght) And st,..ike with m. i.gh.t ln. a vic t'r-~ for c l cL C n:a. m. pci,tg n..
. ng Ro or- ers Y~- l '1 - i ng, 0l(~ ~OlfS will ' _,. .15
r ·v
-- uy
__ .... I
.... ~
=--=- If I?efyai.n. -nz
-:-~: ~tn. r\.'· Le t's f <{ n JOll'l.
W\.Y\. ,
d,~e. r--;
,.. l
ritJ -
7 l
- -· .. -
• -
·~~A Tftvzpe ~
an d.
~~ ~ ,
, ~
. w.e. Wl·u wcn.tor . -~ct-roOt\-~n~~· Wha.te_,. ~--~ Go
Cbam--.>Pltl:h., ·-
> ~ ~
-i- _._
- -· -
~ 1-
,.. _ _:II ::._
nu.~ ~
•:ow -ther1~rt"- Sctmeold.J~h~. •
Vic- to-~, 1\
-~ ~
~ou., We will ~
- _J_ -J === --
-= -~t::
-- k
1/: wiLL·
1 o a.dc;L .tok•our score of - 'tt·me. :
t--. ...__
fl.g;nt for .Jio
II Jl..
i ·-*~
.._. _...v ~
_3 r...W
p~ou<'L .. -·-
-; ..~ j; We.!e ev-e.Y
It .5 ..It"_...
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("" ~
... I
'-*' 17
n _..
~ar- ~or
) ,
. ...... · ~
Ret h-1
"ol{C~m- pa~. IL. -- r-. .~ .. ,
.... -
.. -
f.L. ::::: ~
, - Fine. >
l?a.hl l?a. h!
Ra. h.f
crese ~~--·
" u-
~ Chcltn-pqign H~M ............ nJI-
a-- i~t> - -
l n
=j =t-r~
Ra.hfCh~m-p~itn >
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