1916 Maroon

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<!tlJam:paign 1ijigl1 ~'lrool 1915-1916

Has total enrollment of 671 students. Has stale recognition. Is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Is accredited lo the University of Illinois. Is accredited lo all Colleges and Universities of the Central West. Is accredited lo Smtih College. Is accredited lo Wellesley College. Is accredited to Mount Holyoke College.

QI:ontents Front i piCI'I' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ,Ja.·on HohPrt · l'I'I'Pilill'll Hclatiou~ uf th<• High ~(']tool ....................... . 1 h•1lica t ion .................................................. . PieturP of ~tatf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . Pil'tun•. -)lr. Em·np~t atHl Mi.~ .'witz<•r ....................... . I ll.'ll'IH' I OJ'S • . . . . . . • . • . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • • . . ~\ ~had.' 'l'ran. adiou ...............................•John Burke (~notations for ~ophomorPs at Bottom of Pag<• Bl'gin ............. . ( 'hampaign High ~dwol ~\tlnnu·PJIH'llt ........................ . ~PH im· Post Pl'. . . . . . . . . . . . .................... )I anfot·1l )I idtaPl ~Pnim· ('la~~ .................. II. )l('('omwll, K. Ilutf, )l. HntiP<lgP ~puior llonor~ ............................................... . ( 'ln~s Ilistory ................................... liPIPn Bro.ltar l:41•n im• ProphPI',Y ................................... ~·I'll<' Barry Bn·ak in tlw <:owrllntPnt I>itl'lt- .\ l:4tory .......... IIPII'n BI'O. har Y<•r. <'s- HPalistk .............................. llPh•n )l('('onnell In t ht> <: rpa t BPyolHl-A Rtory ........................ Y era H1Hly .\ \lodPt'tt 1)J·a11ta ............• •. Barry, II. )lc( 'mnwll. )J. Hnt!Pil~P .\ IIigh ~1'111)0] Homance .\~tory .................. )f. HntlPdg<' l:4Pnim• FarP\\ <•II Prize ~on" and )!nsk ................ ( '. )lam·pr .Junior Po~! PI' ...................................... 0. Oran~Pr \\'ho Is \Yho in thP ,Junior lass ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. ,J<•nis, L. Pri<·hard, R Doisy, II. Parr Par1Hl ip:-; ou YPrs Lihr<• ........................ II p]pn )[ ('( 'ollnl'll .\thiPtil' Pos(PJ' .....................................•\. Bt'0\\11 Foot hall fm· 1!11:-> ..........................•.... 1 h<'IHlorl' \\·piss Bnskl'thall I'm· 1!1Hi ................................ <:ail \\ilsou <'lass J:askPthall for l!llli. .................... nm·don BildPrhal'k 'J'hl' B1•ll Th:tt I l:mg. in thP II all Yl't'SI'..............John Blll·kt> Tt·ad.: for 1!11;) .................................. ( 'hnrks )lmTo\\ 'J'J•a('],: for 1!llli ................................. ( 'hal'lPs )I mTO\\ Bnskpt hall <iirls .............................. FlorPlii'P Pur. ·I'll Trinrnplt of ~pri11g-.\ Pag1•ant ...................... Et Ia Larry ])plJatP Po.·(pt• ...................................•\rthm· Bro\\ 11 })phatP for l!llli ...................................Tamps Fitllll',\' Ext<'IIIJ)()l'l' aiHl Oratory ............................JaHH'H FimH'." HP~t'Pl YPrsps ................................... P:ml ~:IIHIPI'H J)ra 111 at i<·s and 8f·/t()(Jl for , 'f'rllt d11 I . ........... ('a ro I itw ) I a HsJ H'<l kPr 'l'llf' {Jintlr's of fJr 11:rtlll'f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•T:tllH'S Fimw.r 'l'l'l'l'l'll t Pnary-~hakP.-]WarP ........................ I I. )f ('('on Ill' 11 l:4Pnim· Play ....................................•\1llli1' .\m~hary .\utogt·aph.- ................................................. . Or~:mizat ion Po.'ll'l' .............................. Il:tt'l',\' Pai:·dl',\' Ot·gallization • ................................. · · ... · · · · · · · · · · II umor Po~ll.'r ...................................• \rl h nr Brown II luno1· ~r1·t ion ......................................... · · · · · ·




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,Jllr. ;Ntlttfon ).,. 1lJclhs lJroftJJl!or of ~rd)ittdural tcorationll, llnibtuitv of ]llinoill


~ ~~ (0 :Proftililtn: ~tlt•ton }... Uldli! "' "~II" P~

in appreciation of I1i.s execution

upon tire malls of our


l]i.s in""'

spiring conception of .scenes illustrating 1-fromcr' s Jflia"ht \tte bcbicafc t11c nincfcctt l1ttnbrc~

.sixteen ttolumc of tire )UarDon.




ftliss 1fottic ....:wihcr :Principal

1Ur. ltl. Ul. ;Earnest .~ upcrintcn~cnt

of lJnhlic · ·c(!ools






BrnKE, 'lli.

P .\HT


wa. · a drl'at·.' aftl'rllooll in thl' Laud of thp ~h:llll's . . Just hPforl' do.·htg- titttl', thl' BI'I'Ol'diug- .\ng-Pl I'Hl'l'll'ssl,\ ]pft th1• Big Book opt>n on Ids dt>sk wltih• liP \\1'111 into thP adjoining t·oom to I'Ollstilt tlw atThir1·.· I'Olll'l'l'lling a ~lltalltnat!l'l' for ~t. 'l'hmnas. \\' hilp hl' wa:-; gotll', a gPutiP gn~t of wiud l'aiiH ' in t ht·otq.!,ll t hP o]H'll wi111low, a111l llli!'il ' llil'\'on~ly hiPw 0\'1'1' a pil1• of ]HIJH'l's, on top of \\"l1i1·h lay :t quill JH'll. 'l'I1P p1'11, unf'ot·tnuatl•ly, fpll on thP open ]Higl' of thp hook, <IIHl spat(l'l'l'll with ink thP ll<ltnl' of OBI', 'YiJlia111 ~hakl'S]H':Il'l'. , 'oon t h1• HPI'Ol'd ing •\ng1•l rpt lll'lll'd, a ttd wa: honm·-st t·i1·k1'll at (hp <H'I'idi•JI( lhll' (o his ('Ul'P]PSSIII'.'S. lip di':UH'Il th1• spot as l':li'PfiiJl,V a:-; pos."ihlP, ypt thP Hame was (•utirPly ohlill't'U(Pil. In ord1•r to I'Pdify the eiTor, hP lookp1l at thl' I'PI'Ol'd following tiH• mlliH'. It l'P:ul : "Born ~tratf'ord - mh\\on, EnglaHd; gJ'l•at dramatist; tol1l in )if'p 1:.!, -!71i:~!l un truths; shot illPgally oup dl'Pl'; I'OU. UJIH'Il -l!l hhl. of akolwlh· 1h·iuk.'; uuu·ril'd, hut wa . otlH·rwi:P a good man; horn l:ili-l, 1lil'd .\Jn·il :2:~, llilfi. l ' pon rl'adiug tl1i .· tl11• .\ngPl (\\ho on parth h:ul IH·1·n a <lPruwn) was grpatly pPrplP."Pd. Ill' ash1l thP .\ngPI at tht• lll'.· t d1•.'k \\'ho this JH'l'Son might hP. This ~hining <hw, sad to say, had BPYP1' hl'l'n wry ]ll'Otil-ient in English Lit1'ratm·1o, HlHl had uo idea "host> tlw hlottl·d B:tllll' mig-ht he; hut, hPing ohlip;iug, lu• oll'Prl'll, :tH a suggPHt ion, thP ll:tlltl' of ~ir Frauds Ha1·on. Tht> HPI'Ol'diug .\ngPl wa: \ ' 1'1',\" lllH'I'l'l:till, hut jn~t at thiH tim!' till' .\up;Plu~ somHll'd; so hP Hl'('l']l!Pil thl' sugg1•stion aiHl lllll'riellly \\Tote Baeon's IHillll' in the Big Hook; aftPr whil'!J h<' imm<>diately loekp(} uv tlw Yault aiHl elosl'll tht> otlin• for th1• 1lny.

I 1'



Tl11• litPI'ai'Y .·h:uh•s Wl'l'P gatiH•rp(} in thP hugP hauquPt hall of' th1• TPnnysonion I ust it nt P, 1W\\·ly <•redl'<l in a 1·hokP I<H·a t ion oYPrlook ing tlw ~tyx, and not far from Pmuh•monium Par<l. 1'1ti.· nsP of thP hall "a!-; far llitl'PJ'Pnt from th;t1 for whid1 it wa.- intPJHlPil. In fnl't, it wa · pro h•tll a I'OUrtroom, not a modPt'll I'Olll't, homul up hy l'l'd tapP :tllll ]11'1' · t'Pill'ut; hut a tl'ihnnal in whi1·h thP allllil'lH'P wa:-; thP j111·y, P:H'h pm·ty \\:t.' his own lawyl'r, and 1h<' wholt• pre~i<lPd 0\'1'1' by that \'aliant ol1l marinPt', ~ir Waltpr HalPigh. ~it· " ·alt<•r t·ap]H'Il ~h:ll']ll.r for :-;i IPJH·<•; tlwn hP hpgan to ·ppa J· : ''FriPJHI.· and fp]Jow-;;pooks," l11• :-;aid, "\\' ill ~haki'S]li'HI'I', alarHIP<l hy tl11• los.' of intl'l'l' t in ltiJIIHPlf by thP pom· JllortaiH ahoYP, J'PI'Piltly 1'1'· I(UP~!I'd his J'i\'al and m·•·h-Plll'lll,\' H:ti'Oll, to stop <·laimiug· his work.'. ~ir Ft·mwis is a liHHll'st, I'Pt iring· :-;oul, awl i:-; llPI'])ly hurt h~· tlti.-; so he has ln·onght thl' mattPr lwfm·<· this gath<•t·ing of hi.- JIPI't's for tinal "The le. s men think the less th e) talk."- ll o\1 \RII B \!ln. ",·o man is at a ll time wi ·c.''- \VAI.TFR B.\llB. 10

dPci.·ion. A.· tlli.· i.· thr trrci'Utl'nary o( "'ill'l' arrinll 1lown hPrP, it is oul,r tit tin~ that Wl' should ht>ar tlw P\'illPHI'P all(! 1led1ll' thi.· dispnt<' for all tinH•. )lr. Ba1·on will JH'(•.·pnt hi.· l'H.'P tir:t. .\t this jundm·p, a stir was lH•ar1l twar thP 1loor, awl B:u·ou )Junl'llausPn :talkt>d out, muttl'J'in~ sonu•thiu~ ahout "nH•n• l'OIIIlllonphH'l~ i~~t·i4knt.·." .\ :-;i~h of J'Plh•f follo\\'('41 his depal'tm'l' aJHl Bn•t Hart~ whi:pPrPd to Ilom<'r, ''Thank ~oodne.-.;.•, Wl' won't han· to li.·U•u to any of his ,'('I'OJHl-dass fish-Htorit•s." 'rhP gat lu•riug t h1•n IH'l'liHl't>d for a long :ll'l'p, aHll th1• a<'l'll.'Pl' nJH'tH'd hi. · l'a.·p, .\s usual lw wa~ l'all(lill mul llii'Pd; hp IIHHll' hi: l'flal'g(' at Olll'(': "'l'his "'illiam ~hakp.·pNH'l' no morp wrotP tho:p plays than thP ~Ian in tlw )loou. Till' most hp Pn'r dill towar1l \\Titiug a play wa. to 1'\\'P<'Jl out my otlke PWl'J' IIIOJ'Uiug alHl dn:t ti1P fu!'uitnrP. If tilliug thP ink-\\ 1·lls \\'Pl'P writing plays, h<> might, inll1•e1l, hl' a playwri~ht. But nndPt' uo othl'l' l'in·nm.·tanl·p.· l'ould I1P attain that distinl'tion. "\\ hy uwn, whpre l'ould thi · ignorant farllll'l' han• h•artw1l all that is shown in lliJ' plays'? I supposp he spent mo:t of hiH tinw in court, awl ti·aYPIIPd Pwry sum11wr on the l'ontilwnt. HathPr hl' was so i~­ uorant that liP couldn't even \\Titl' his own nanw twil'<' th<' ~ame '\\ ay. liP may l1an• writtpn somp hum po<'tl'J', hut "Ilamlpf', lll'\'l'l'. Yon HIH,Y not ,\'l't ht• l'OllYim·<•ll by what I haye :aid; ~o hl'r<' I ha,·e a«l<lit ion a 1 Jn·oof. This vohlllll' whi1·h I laJ· hefm·p yon, is t hl' Big Book h•pt hy tht> HPl'lH'din~ An~Pl, whosl' eagll' <'Y<' mi~-;sps nothing. IIPr<' you :l'P, on vag<' :!-!li33, litw :!3, my nam1' allll all th<> data . howing what a ~rPat \\Titpr I l'l'ally am. liPI'l'toforp I Jun-e hl'l'n too nuHh•:t to hring up this qm•stion, hut thiH impost1•r'~ arroganl'l' is unlwarahlP; :o I am ~oin~ to Pnd thl' dispute for all time. Gentlemen., after you haYe examilll'll th<• hook, yond1•r litprary thh•f, if hP 1lare., uw~- try to an)iwer lll,Y <II'~Ullll'nt."

Tlw 1·rmYd filt•d up and PH<'h one look(•(I em pfnlly at t h<' hook. IIohnPs, tht> housl' deeteeth·e, l'HHH' last. ThP l'Pnowill'd slputh lll'OiltH·(•Il a huge magnifying gla ·s, all(l e.~amin1•d th<> pa~l' l':ll'l'fully . •\ft1•1' IH'<•l'ing at tlw l'lltry for .-onwtiml', durino· whil'h the othPI'.' stoo1l around iu awl'd sill:'nee, Holml': turned to thl'lll and :aid, ")lany thing" nnnotil·t•d hy the ('asual ohst•rn•r ar<', at first ~lantl', ohvions to the trainl'd intt>llPI'I. I saw aftpr Bal'on's namp th • ret·m·1h•d fad that hP was a grpat playwright; thrrPfore tlw logkal dl'lludion iR that B:won was ~hakl'Jll'Hl'P al}(l tl1at ~hakPJWart• wa: a fake." Having utterl:'d thesp sagp word.', th' immortal ~hPrlock re:umed his :eat, l'Ompla<·putly satisfi<'d that his opinion wa: final, an«l l'.·pecting an inm1e1liate l'OllYidiou. ,Jnd~P of his surpl'i:e aiHl di:may when tlw most hashful «)f a11 nwn, ('owpl'r, roRl' timillly nnll said i;1 hi: small YOkl•, "I IH·~ thP gl'Utll'llll'll':-; parllon for interruptin~. hut al'l'OI'«ling to this J'PI'Ord, Lord Ba('Oll di<'<l in llilfl, while if Wl' may credit ~ir Frand: him:<>If, h<> lin•ll for sm1w ten Yl'ars after that." Baeon turxwd ~hel'loek

"I love the ladies.''- HESTFR B.\JLEY. "He looks longingly upon fair Leisurc.''-LoUis BAKER. II

YPI',Y r<>~1. hut :ai~1 nothing, thrn 'haucrr, who ha<l lwPn takin~ :motht>l' look at thl' Book, ~tt·aip;htl'lll'd up HlHl annomu·e•l, ". 'ottl' o11l_r i.· 11ti.· ,YI' truthP hut y1• to\\ n of his hirth is y1·lppt • 'trattefm·d Oih\romw." Bacon's dis1·omtiture IP'PW, J)p(p('tin' Ilohllt>H makiu~ ~o111 • e.·cuse ahout "lllPPtiug \\·atsou at .\lpphi.'tophPl<>s ~IJil<ll'l'," hunie1l out. ~\ftl•r thP.'I' a~tmmding disdoslll'(•s, th1• I'OIIIJiall_r nowd1•1l up to gPt anotlwr look at th1• Prid1•m·p, alHl a.· <'owpl'l' aud <'lmuePr h:ul ren•ah·d, th1•t'l' it was, in hi:H'k and whit<• that Ha('on wa.· hm·11 at ~trat­ fonl and that ht' diPd iu llilfi . .\loi'I'O\'t'l' th • inl· spot \\:t.· noti1·•d; th.-u tht'I'P ''as no ditlkuHy iu forPl':ISt iug the outi'OIIH' of th1· triaL In fad, as soon aH all \\'t'l'l' s1'at1•d, .\I art in Lnthl'l' rosp and said, "( 'hPntiPlliPlls, it .'Pt'IIIS 1lat dPr hrisont•r iss not p;nilty; ~<'O I III0\'1' dat \'1' stop dPr lllonk.-y-hnsin.-ss awl dismiss 1lPr 1':1, 1•." 'l'lw motion was SPI'CHH!t•d, aud a g1·pat dun·ns of ay1•s folloWPil th1• qtwsticm . •\s ~hakPJH'al'(' l'OS(' (o thallk th1• HSSPIIIIJJy, a ('1'.\' of "~JII'l'l'h, SJH'PI'h," 1ill1•d th1• hall; so, t·aisiup; his ha11d for silt•w·.-, tl11• pol't h1•gan: "( 'oun·adPs, now that I am fi'PI', I will tl'll thP ti·uth of this mat !Pr. 'l'his I:al'oll has dbdik1•d 1111' PH'r sitH'I' I won sixty·Sl'\'Pll I'PIIts fi'Olll hi111 iu a friPudl,r gamp of pokPI' one night iu 11107. ~·o\\ that Ill,\ stun· is going in thP "1110\'it•s," h1• thought to gPt I't'\'Pngp hy l'laimiug it a.· hi.· own. Ill• l'alls 1111' ignorant. I didn't makt' up all my Jllays, I aclulit. In fac·t, I got th1• plots from otht'r works :Ill(] hut ga\'1' thl'lll lif.- aud l'haral'il'l'. "'hilt• B:H·oH \\ ro(p •·ut-aud- 1ll'ie<l l'ssays, I wrote l'(•al dramas, alHl sollll' of ~ ou \\ lw as~is!Pil 1111' know it. .\s to this (•utr.r in lhl' Big Hook, I llap)H'll to kno\\ that it is an a~ddeut. Bm·us was in thP Hc'l'OJ'dPr's otlke om• a ftpruoou ahou t dosing tiuH•, rPpairiug t h1• rpfrigl'l'a t i ug pi pt•. ll1• told llll' that tiH• wilHl hh•w .'OIIH' iuk on tlw hook, awl that til•· .\ug.-1, kuo\\ i up; no IH•t ter, J'l'JllHI'I'd Bal·mt's JJalllP iul{t1•ad of 111 i Ill'. ~o you Hl'l' that ~ir F1·anl'is Ba1·on is a rank in1post1'l' :nul not tit to assodat1• with any J'PSpl•l'tahh• "t·itPr." .\ ftPr this r~·m:n·kahlP SJH'Pl·h I'HIIII' a wild tumult of applaus.-, Jmt this was :-;toppell hy the auuoum·(•lllent of dinner; so t hl' Jlll'et in~ broke up.

P.un III It was tiye o'dock on a beautiful spring day, April ~=~. Ullfi, iu a grl'at l'ity on Earth. ~\ Yast multittHll' .'tood lisl1•ning to onp of thl' gt'(•:tt~· .. t li\'ing orators. IlPhind th1• orator, gli'Hlllinp; whit1• in tht• 1·ays of th1• dt>partiug sun, stoo1l tlw .'~ulptorl'll imag1• of a man, appm·putJy of the tillll' of <!tll'l'll ElizahPth, holding iu hi.' gr:H·eful han1l a l'oiiPd nwnn.'l'l'ipt. 'l'hP Yoi1·1• of thP SJH•akrr I'OS(' and fpJl in IIH'a.'lll'l'll c·adc•IJC'I', as lw l'lo.'c>d l1is gn•at trihntl' to the snhjPI't. of the statui' with this 't•ll· tc>IH'I': "('mup what may, hapJII'll what will, no agi'IH',Y, human m· oth1•1·, •·an blot out tlll' nallll' of "'illia111 ~IJak.-.·lH'Hl'l'. lie now stancl.- lu•fm·.ns t'OIIJ plt•t Ply Yind i1·a t .-d, l11•n• a.- 1'\'l'l'.YWhPrP, of plagiari. 'Ill, awl wi II go dowu to poRtPt·ity a.- a poPt, not of au ag(', hut of all tiHIP." "\s m rr) a~ the day i long," 0. II Br.. \1 UErr .. "The perpendicular pronoun 1 my fa\ orite."- \ l'C;u n: 12

llR\ ·'·



ural :Pt.corathms BY Lm:

'.\.Pno.·, 'lfi.

OH (\\o HWllth: till' .·tlult•ut. of ('hampaigu High ~khool l'Hgl'l'l,Y walt'hPd tlw JH'ogt·(·~:-; uuttlP hy Profp~:o;or ~ •. ~\. \\ pJl:-; on the two mural painting~ in tht> Yt>~tihnll'. Tlu·HP 1\\() pidm·t•H are tht• tin•t of a ~writ•:,; illu:-;tt•ating thP ~tot·y of thl' Illillrl. '1'111' painting towartl th(• ea:-;t l'l'Jll'P.·puts llonu•t· iuYoking t ht> :\f n::-;t•. TI 01111'1', with f:~t·P tm·nt>d upwa t·•l :nul lyrP in hand I'P:uly to trikP thP fir.·t ltoiP inspit·pd hy thP 11111!-il', i: ~PatPd on a hakon~· on·r· lool iug tl11• sPa. Bpfon• hint stallll:-; th(• )Jn:-;e ln•t•athin~ di\·illP tiJ·p alHl t·. · tl'IHling t hl' htm·p] ht·:nwh. ThP t·olm·H al'l' soft allll p)pasing. Till'." girl' thl' p(]'pd of t·altllll('s.' and lptiPt imlit-atin· of liiOI'ning and thl• sl':t. ThP sPl'OIHl painting is ~\polio takiug, \'l'll~t·anl'l' ou thl' <irt•pk:-; hy :PIHliug a plagnP tlown 011 t hl'lll. Ill' i: kHPPiiug on t liP PdgP of a hig,h t·li11' of )Jt. Olympus, awl i: aimiug tht• arrow, whil'h t':tl'l'iPs thl' plaguP, at tht• OrPPk (·amp. 'l'hP pl'l'ntiling t·olm·:-; in thi.· pil'!nt'(' :ti'P I'Pds awl ~·~·llows. 'J'ht> h:wkgromul is lhP rpf)pl'fion of a hrilliaut snmwt on thr(•at(•ning dollll:o;. ThP whoh• pfl'l'd 1-'l'l'llli-' to fm·pshatlow HOllll' t·a· !amity. In modl'l'll tiniPH, WI' wonl1l ~ay it prophPt·it•tl a . tm·m; to till' <in•pks it nu•:mt t]l(• angt'l' of tlw nods. Till• h:wkgt'OlllHl of t)l(• . ('('01111 pit·tnr1• lll•pid:-; 1'\'Pning awl thl' W(•:-;t. ThPsl' two lwantifnl anll l'llueational painting. :tl'l' only thP IH'gin· ning of thP sPI'il':-; of thit·ty-:·:t>\'1'11 panpJ.·, whkh, whPn lini. ht•d, \\ill makl' thP sdwol stand out indiddually among olht>r high ~·whoob. Th1• t'oHt of p;u·h of thPHl' p:nwl:-; waH Olll' hundn•tl dollars. 'I his .um haH hl'l'll paitl hy lhl' da:-;:-; of 1!11;). '1'111' third of tlw .l'l'il'H \\ill hl' paintl'tl on till' Wl'.'t wall of tll1• Yl'stihull•. It will pot·tt·ay till• qnat'J'l'l hl'l\n•pn ~\dtilll'H anti ~\gaiiH'IIlllOII. 'l'hl' alumni :tl'l' ~oing to pa~· for this ft·ollt till' }H'OI'l'Pd~ of :-;tnnt siiO\\'H. Eat·h da~H of tl11• alumni hl'ginuing \\'ilh li-'!11 will han• OJH' paHl'l; till' (');tsH of l!llfi "ill lla\'1' mu•, aml so on until all of thl' Hl'l'il's ar1• paid for hy tiH• (')a~~~·:-; of ('hampnign lligh , \ lwol.



)f.\. ~l'E.\KEH.


liE l'l'l'Plltly installl'll lihrnry in t111• ltigh sl'hool 1ills a IH'l'd long fl'lt hy t111• stndPul holly. 'l'ht• lihrary wa: madt• possihh• hy tlH' kinll· IH'HH :tJHl matprial a:-::-;i:tanl'l' of tht• City Lihrary Hoartl, )lis: Kratz, tlw Lihntrian, :tllll tiH' Board of Ellul'ation. The t·atalogning, "hil'h "as h1•gnn last spt·i ng, waH t·om ph•t1•d 1':1 rly in I ht• fa II, lltllll'r I ht> sll p·


"Don't put too fine a point to your wit else it \\ill get blunted."-\ . . "Gently to hear. kindly to judge "-~L\YXARD BUR\\.\sU ,



erYi ·ion of ~Ii ,_. lrratz. inte that time the ~-;huh'nt · haYP ghHlly rt•aped the benefit.· u •riY '(1 from a high , ehool library. Th it~· Lihrary Bmn·d has loaned three r <Hling tahh·~, assists in maintaining a librarian, and permit the drawing from the puhlic library, by t('acher:, an~- number of books to be placed on tht> . hPIYe. · of the high ~-;chool library, for u e by the :tu<ll•nt:. ~o, in a .·pn~-;p, it nw~· be rt'gar<lt>d a.· a brandt to the pnhlie library to lw ll. 'P(l hy high "chool .·tuclent' onl '. Aeces: i~ gh •n to the .·L·teen hundn•d 'olumps from mw-thirty to four-thirty ewr~· afternoon on a chool day. Pupils ma~· stwl~- in the lihrar~· during :d10ol hmtrs on th pre. t>ntation of a writt!'n P. ·e·use from any teadwr. 'l'his i: a n•ry grt>at eonve•niem·p to shule•uts ('Specially in tht> dPpartnwnt of Engli.·h and lli.·tory wlwrP so mtwh out.·i(le rt•acliug i.· rPqnire(l. Book: may h • (lrawn from the> high .Thool library for .'P\·en cla., · ~ ancl l'PI-il'l'Yed hook: may lw takpn at four o'{'l()(·k for one night. ThP ~tuclc•nts haw .·hown tht>ir appredation of thP opportunity afforclt>cl thPm hy using thp library :mel hy assi:->ting in a finanl'ial way to make> it more• e·ontpiPtP. The• :·wnim· daRH prP~t·ntPcl "Tiw ~c·hool for ~e·an(lal", half of tht• proe·pe•(l:-< of whie·h WPre• for tl11• lH•rwfit of th(' lil~r·ary. ])pr nt•lltsc·hp YPt'Pin gan• a program c>ntprtaimtH•nt inc-luding two (;prnwn pia.'~, in emlt•r to :uM .·onH' Oprman hooks to I hi' liht•ary. Otht•r soc·iptit•s han• ~nhs('l'ihe•<l for magazine•s. 'fhc• stuclPnt:-<, tlw tc•a<·he•r~-;, thP Board of Edw·ation ancl thr <'ity Lihrary Board art' co· opt'ratin~ awl ('ll(lt•a,·oriug to makp thi: a mo(lt>l hi~h ~l'hool lihrar,r.

- tage .l)ropedits BY IL\twLn }ll'C'~t·ut

of tht• :-whool T HEin C'losp tlw l'qnipmc>nt for the•

nu., Y,


m:u·k:-; a clc•dclPd impron•mpnt :ta~c> in the• hi~h :-ol'ltool ~\uclitoriunt. Thc> (']a~-;s of 1!11;) ~tat·tc•d tlw lllOYI'IIIl'llt h,,. makin~ an intc>t·ior .·tagP ~c>ttin~ ancl hy t'OJJtrihuting to tltt• funcl to purt'ha:-;e• the• hhw wln•t e·urtain. It l'('lllainPcl for the• l'la~:-; of 1!11() to atltl to tltis limitt'<l stagc• pt'OJH'J'ty. In or(le•r to }H'l'l-i('nt the• l'irrtf(,S of P( n:a1H·c it was ll<'l'PSsary to haYe two ne•w :-;tagt> sc'ttin~s. )li:-;: HwitzPr, afte•r cou:-;nlting with )I i:-;:-; Hill and )IJ·. Hoss, (lt>d<ll'<l tltat th<• shuh'ntH in tlH• art de•par·tnwnt, ~11})('1'\'iH<>cl hy :\!iss Hill, <·ou](l paint all thP :-<e'<'JH't'Y JH•e·c•s:-;m·y to JH'PHI'nt, in a simpll' nHtnn('r, OJH'ra" :nul plays hy hi~h sc·ltool :-;tucle•ut:-<. As a re:-<nlt, Ilarol<l Uray Yolnnt<•erPd to de•,·o(p his tillll' to t111• e·:msc>. B.·eppt tht' dark hhw fly and the tornH'ntm·:-;, whie·h Wl'J'(' paintc>d hy an xp('rt, Harold paintP<l the H<'<'llery for the O]Wra. Th<• high SC'hool now has two extt'rior , <•ttin~. : one a marine• Yit'w with a roc·k houncl e·o:vt, the other a eolonial pore·h .'(•ttin~. By mPaus of Hl'W ]>:Jnc>l.·, lw h:v .-o ·hangNl th<• interior :dting :-;o as to gin- fiw dilfl't'I'Ht pffe•t·h. ~ ·eal <'al(h\'l'll i: rpsponsihl(• for the new foot lights. Tlw Jinhts "Speech is gr at, hut silence i


till greater."-Jon .· "Powder thy radient hair."-HAROLD DAns, 14


HI'(' • ·o :uljnstP<l in . ·et. · of t hi'l'<' a.· to prodUt'(' the three ('olor . y. ·tt>m. 'I hP plll'l'ha. (' of the ne\\· motion pidlll'l' llll\('hiue otl\•1·. P. l'PllPnt op· portnnitit•J-; in sta~e li~htiu~ hy spot (•tf(•(·ts. .John IlmnlJ'(] aml )lilfor(l Boil'(' manipnlat(• thl• li~hts for all performmu·es. The l·whool is iudebtPil to )h·. I>ull('aH for his ahll' . n~.q.wstions.

"m'~t ]l)epadment

.nf Jl{anual 'l'raining .\. F'.

rltrEm~n. DIRECTOR

ilE ( 'lwmpaig-u High ~·khool is ju:-;tl~· JH'OlHl of II PI' Departllll'llt of )laumll Tnlining. The pquipnwut fm· woo(]\\·m·k awl drafti11g i~'< lwu:-;t>d iu .·en•u WPll light(•(] room.·, ou thl' ~romul floor in thP southwp:-;t ('OI'lll'l' of thP lmilding. Tht> ('XtPnt of the rooms alHl ~·quipmPnt ma~· hl'


appredatP(l from the following :-~umllHII',\" :- -Thl• lum hl'r room has a l'apal'ity of :woo llOard fl'l'( and Jll'l'IIJit~-; thl• ('('OllOJIIY of JllllThasillg our st(wk fm· half yl'ar JH•riod~'<. ThP larg-(• finishing J'oom mak(•s it po. ·sihh• to prod Ul'e high gradP yarui~-;h m· ot h(•t• tin i:·du•. · on t hl' ho~ :-;' work. 'l'lw manual training- !'hop proppr is a WPil lightPil room :!-! hy ;-;;; ft'l't. It is Pquip]Wd with nilll' lligh gradp woodworking mal'hinl's, mHl PiglltPPll \\ ol'l· heiwlws. 'rhl' madlin(•s arP a 1 (j ilwh uuiH'l'~'<Hl :-;a w ht>nch, a 1:! ilu·h jointPr, a :w ineh grindstmw, a :!-! inl'h siuglP surfal'Pr, a 1:! ilH·h Pmery gi'iiHlPr, a 1:! iiH'h swing woo(lturning lnth(•, a ao in('h hand saw all(l a llollow-dtil'('] JIIOI'tising· liHH'hin('. Tlu·~· HI'(' indi,·idnal motor driwn :uHl (•quip)IP(l \\'itll safdy (h•,·i('l's. Profe.·.·or F. H. ('ra\\:-;ha\\, ll(•ad of th(• d(•p:tl'tiiiPllt of )Janna! .\rts of the l'ni>er.·it~· of "'is(·ou:·dn, thought \n•II Pllough of the 1-i))('dticationl-', on ".\nd at his post, as



,,j c


as is a

mayd~.''- R.\L:To . · DERROI:GH.



DJLL,\\'0 .

which tid.· e(tnipment wa.· purcha:t>d to in ·Jude thl'JH in hi~ al'tich• on '')lanual and Indutltrial Art~-; Oroanization of an .\(lminbtratiYe Typ -The Equipment Budgt>t,·• in tlw "hulu~triak\rt: .Jla~aziHt>," )lilwankt><', ".iK, DP('Clllhl'J', 1!)15. Thl' HJ>adou:-> dt>mon~tmtioll room i.· prorid •d "ith a da:~ dt>mon.-tratiou platform. 'l'hp <h·aftiug room :H·commodat•·~ eighh•pn ~tudent:-; at drawing tahh•K .\n otli<'(• H!Hl a tool-~tore-room art> al~o a part of th' ('(}Uipm<'nt. Iwlu~trial Edlwation throughout th•• ('Ollllll'Y i: <ll'\'Pioping rapidly. \Vp aim to progre~. ,·ith the mon·ua•nt and ket>p mauual training alHl mPdwui•·al (lrawing •·om·~Pl-\ not ouly tlw mo~t popular in our ~l"lwol, hut al.·o in tlw front rank in quality, if not in ('" IPHI. .'lamwl tminiug hPIIPfits thP hoy in hi:-; lat••r !if•• and is an i!l(hH'PIIIPilt to th•• hoy of liWl·haukal tt'IHlt>nl'iP~ "ho i.' too oftpn cla:-;.-(•(1 unfairly as ha(·kwarll an(l :-;luggi. h. i-\hoJm ork aiHl similar ad hit h•.- intt>l'('. t llim, part kularly wh(•n h•• h<'("OliH'i'i <lis('O\Jrag••d with h il" l-\dwol wm·k, lu••·a Ui'il' of da . .-inti .-uhjP..t.· whkh ha,·p lit tiP apJlP:tl to hi.- (qlP of mind. The ohjt>d of manual traiuiug i.- not to make a mt>ehani(· of a ho,Y hut to gh~e him physkal wm·k that IH' Pnjo~·s. It otl'Pr~ him O('('llpation whi(·h forc••s him to us(' and dPrPlop•• his llli'Htal powi'J'H, :lll(l train hi: hatuls to <loa.- his miiHl dirPds. 'l'he raltH• of this work from a gt·neral :tanllpoiut iH PXJH'P."~(·d hy a JH'OJninent Hurgt•on, in ('hkap;o, who wa~ gra(ln:ltPil from a tt•dmi<·al high .Thool hPfor(• takinp; up thP ~~ wly of . llJ'gPJ').: "'Ph•• foundation for my work in Hlll'gPry," h(• H:ti<l, "wa. laid in the manual train in~ . hop atHl IIH'('hankal drawing room of t hl' ol(l tt•chnkal high Ht'hool, whprp I Jparn<••l to usp my halHls a.- wpll as my lH•<t<l." ('on.·id<•J'(•d from dirPd suhjPct math•r in th(• manual trainin~

''Grace is to the hody what good sense is to the mind."-Cu.\RJ.FS F \l,l.ETO "Oh, it is excellent to have a gtant's strcngth."-H c<.H F~.R1; <•. ,


work, W<' are tr,vin~ to tea<'h the boy the ll.'e of tool: the prindplp.s of t'OliHI 1'111'1 ion, t hP Plt•m<•nts of (}p:-;ign, .·omdhin~ about lumher and it'H IJ.'t'H, tht• liSP of glm•, the :-;elpdion of IJHr<lware, arHl the fini.·hin~ of \\'<HHb. 'l'o g<•t a knowh•dg<• of lnmh<•rin~ all frps)nneu :tl'<' l'('(jllil'<'<l to I't•ad, t hi' popnla1· no\'1'1 "'l'hP Blazl'<l Trail" hy :.4tPwart E<l wa1·d 'YhitP. 'I'hi:-; i: a part of tlwir work in En~li:h. 'l'IH' lll<' ·hani<·.· of lnmiH'ring an• d i. ·1·m.;. ·p<l in <'OillH'<'t ion with the ·hopwork . 'l'hP lllHllllal t miniu~ <·ours<' as now otieretl is nP\\' to th<• hoy.· of ( 'h :unpa i gn II i~h :.4(')wol. Fornwrly two yl':n·s of man nal train in~ in t))(' gntdt•.· 'H'l'l' followPtl hy mu• year of work in the hi~h •t•hool. 'l'his ~Par a .·<·nu•:-;I<•I' of mechanit'al <lrawing pre ·<•<lPd a scmp. ter of :-;hop work. \ l,vpi<·al <'XamplP of th<• <lirPd <·ir<'ulation of the work in thl' draft in~ room :md in t hP shop may hP dtetl. In the <h·a wing <·our:-;e ead1 uoy is r<•qnirP<l to uu•asure a tahlp at a local furniture ·tore or at honw, :tully its <·on:-;trudion, indutlin~ a tlrawpr and makp a de:-;ign. Tht":e <h·awings arc tra<·<•tl an<l hhH' print: uuule from them later tht' projcet is workP<l out in th<• :hop room from the prints. 'J'h<• IH'W fadlitit•H off<•r in<lll<'<'llH!lltH to the hoys; thp~· leaH• tl1 • shop relundantly. ''"<' m·e planning to o!Ier, next y<•ar, a two Y<'Hl' <·our:-;<• in manual training and a one yeat· cour:-; in nwchanil'al drawing. 'l'h<• rOOlllH of the uepartmcnt are Open to Yil"itOrl". 'Olll(' aiHl ('(' what we arc uoing. ~~t

tpadmcnt of '!lfoust~olb · dtnce BY IIELE:\' ~ ~OIILE


than twPnty ~·pars ago tlw 11<'<'<1 \\aH fplt of a t·onrl:lt' in Dmllt'Hlk .\l'ts in ('hampaign High :.4l'hool. 'l'his lH'P<l was com·<'h<•d h,v a group of ladit•H iutPr<•sl<•<l in the wplfar<• of our ~onn~ JH'oplP. ~\ll(l it. fulfillnl<'llt "a: hrou~ht ahont hy thl'ir pJl'ort. In 1 '!1, at tlw . ugg<•stion of )li:s :.4\\itz<•r a trial cour:e iu st•wing, with a little tookt•J·,v tlu·own in, was iu:-;titutP<l in tlu.• high :chool uml<•t• the <lir •ction aml taught hy th<'H<' huli<'~"· 'l'he following ypar, tht> community hadng awak<'JH'<l to th<' g<•nniJH' IH'P<l of :-;ueh a <"OUI'~"<', a lH'rmaH<'Ht l>l'partllH'nt of llou.·phold :.41'i<'lll'<' wa:-; p:-;lahlishpd mHlPr th<• dii'<'l'lion of )li:..: ){('('lain, a :al;n·it•<l instnwtm·. )li:-;:-; )l('('Jain, ""~" Hllt't't'P<h>d h.' )lis:-; H:IIThl.''· :.4in<"<' tl1:d tinl<' tlu• deparlmPnt ha:-; hP<'ll und<•r tht• dirt'dion of two othl'r instrndor:-;, )liHH Ilani:-;on and )lbs Tamu•r. Eadt ont• did hPr pal'! towar<l th<• adnllll'<'lll<'nt of the eour:<•, until, at thl' JH'l'S<'lll tim<', our DP]t:ll'l nu•nl of llou:plwl<l :.41'i<'IH'<', undt•r thP tlirt•<·t ion of )I is. Yos:.., as:..i:..IPd h.' )li:-;:-; Iloult, ha: J'Padu•<l tht• :-;lag<' of grpat PllidPlH'.'· 'l'he <'qllipnu•nl lll:l,Y ht• faYot·ahly <"<Hllpm·p<l with that of ally lik<• <"otli':·W in any high H<·hool in llliuoi:... 'l'hP dppartmt•nt of lloll:..t'holtl Hl'i<'llt'<' is m<Hi<' ll}l of two units: 'l'hp J)ppai·tHH'llt of ('ulinar.' .\rts an<l :.4<·it•Iu·e: all(l thp Department of .·<·<•tll<• ('raft and I>onH'I"th· .\l'ts.



"A typical 'I'ythagoras'.''-Rll'll \Ril F1:11ER. ".\ ~~contl llcau Brumm~l."-]oll:-o FL.\.'Jt;.\.', 17

B(•o-innin(J' rr- with the .·tudv • of food mat('rial. and th(' pro<'('.·.· of thPil' }ll'<'}l:tration, tlw ~irls :Hl\'atl<'<' to the Hhuly of faln·i<·s an<l still'ht•s, an<l gradually wm·k up to t hi' JH't•parat ion and sPr\'iHg of mPals, aiHl till' makin~ of gaJ'IIH'Uts. 'I'll b E<!C IP)IE. •rr 1'11P <'IJUipnwut is mo:-.t modern an<l t>flkit•nt; it i.· amply suftkit•nt to nwet th<• rapidly int·reasing dt•mands for a numlwr of .n·ar.· to l'OliH'. )lor<' than a thit•d of the firHt floor da:-s-room :tl'l'a i:-; flp\·otl'd to tlli:-; <lPpartnwnt. Its <pwrtt•t-.· con:ist, of a lPdnre hall-sPatin.~ liflj'a kitdtPn, dining room, laundry, Hewing room, awl fitting room. In tilt> kitdH·n an• :-:ixh•<•n <'omplPtely P<tuipped tahle:. Ea<·h ha:-: its in<livi<lual ston•, utensils, ('k. One Jargt• gas range, amplt- do:-;l'ts, :tll(l sinks. 'l'ht• dining room i.· t·omplPtt>ly fm·ni.·ht•<l with dining tahlt•, t·hairs, dtimt, linpn, Hiln•r .·uflidpnt to :pn·e :i. JH•ople. 'I' lit• I au IHlry Ita.· tln·<·e stat iouary t uhs, wash hoards a 1111 t•lot lH•s ra('],x 'l'IH• spwing <IPpartmPut i: mm•p thau amply equippt•d with tPn s<·wing madtines, <·uttin~ tahlt•:-, and mi1·ror: .·o anan~P<l in th<• fitting

room that a gcn'liH'llt may h<• vieWI'<l from any anglt• hy t Itt• \\'Parer. 'I h<•n• m·e ahout one hundre<l girl: <·m·oll<•<l at the pre:Pnt tiltH'; th<• prosp<·ct~ an• fur an <'llrollnH•nt of 130 in 1911;-17.

<Our )Uotion ltidurt ~quipment BY )JII.FOIW BOH'E, 'l(i.

HE Boanl of E1lncation, anxiouH to gi\'l• all pupil:-: in thP puhlic sd10ol systt•m <•ver.v pos:ihl<· edu<·ational adnmtag<•, d<•<·i1l<•1l to purdta:P a motion pidurc apparatu:-:. f4uperintendent Em·Hl'. t, aftl'l' eareful i11n•stig-ation, . Pll'd<•d tlH• h<' ·t machine and e•Iniplll<'nt on the market, and ha1l it in:talled in tlt<' lJalcouy of the ~\.lHlitorium. A ~ood s<·rt•<•n is ne<·<•:-saJ'.Y to get the h<•st resultH; HO a gold fihr<• H<'l'<'<'H hang: jnHt hehiiHl t II<• stag(' l'nrtains. It iK OJH'ratell by l'O])('H, at o11e Hide. \\.h<·n not in u~l', it is roll1•d up alHl s\\·in~s do:p to t II<• t'l'iliilg on a hi~ dl'l!lll. ~o far tl11• film: thrown in tlw SI'I'<'I'H han• hP<'ll, ••dnt·ational, intPrHJH'I'. I'd with HOill<' goo1l I'OIII(•cly. )Jr. Earm·Ht iH planning to :-:hm\· som<' high <·lal's photo-play film: ()uo l'adiN) ,Julill8 ('numr, 111tltoii!J awl ( 'l ('() Jlltlm. Va 11 it!/ Pa h·.


"\\'it is the god of moments. hut genius is tht• god of ages.''-FR \. 'K R1c 11 "J\ young man that blushes i better than one that turn pall·.''- P,\UL R1.1 ~~

Rll '(i,

] )OHOT!IY .\L\ E . \ALBERT.'

('horus of , lu rll'ood'.~ (}1/rcn; ehoru.· of Piralt · of l'1 nzann; .Junior ])p]mte 'l'l•am; A. A. "II ere's a tong-ue likt• DPlia 's o 't•r ht>r cup, That runs fon•wr without will( ling- up.'' • \J)J)JE ELIZ.\BETII .\~I:--;11.\llY

'hairman .Junior-. 'enior Rl'el'ption 'cmmith•t•; Hl'nior Lt•ap Year Partv ( 'ommittt·l'; Ht·nior Girls' Ba. ·kctball 'I' cam; Bazump 'lub; Latin 'lub; A. • "\Vith IIH'ek brown • ·c . "

HmmuT.\ B .\LL ('horns of l'iralr s of Pr nzancr. '' Hhe was not ouly pa · ·ing fair, But withal discreet and (h•bonair." .\ .· ... ' IE ELIZ.\BETJI B.\UKEU

''A maid I'll Ill'Vl'r bold of spirit, still and quiet.'' • 'I::LLE Lt>:~: H.\HHY

.}unior-Ht•nior HPcl'ption Conunittl'P; chorus of Ptrrtft s of !'t n:: ru1n; ehorus of 8/u r!l'ood 's (}uu n; ~Irs. Uandour in , 'chool for , 'candal; :\Irs. Bl'l'chinor in .llmwt uz•rr .· of Janr; '. II . .'. h .'.; .'o •ial • ci •nee lub; 'cit•nel' 'lub. YELL\

Yin.L ·


Alicl' in ,'h1ru·ood's (}uun; 1\atl' inl'tratrs of l'rnzancr; C. II . . L. "Is. ht• not nlort• than painting- c·;w P . pn•.·:, Or youthful pod.·' fnrwy \\hl'll tlwy love?''


(;mwo. ·




H<·Bior ('la. ·. BaskPt hall Tram; Prop<·rty )fan for ''c, ool or ''randal; Pr!'sidPut of A. A., '1:1- '16; Dl'lta Rho 'lnb; G<·rnum Club; ~o!'ial • '<'iPnCP 'lub j ~Cil'llCC 'lub. lion among ladiPs is a mo. t drt>adful thing." .\IlU'ORf) ('0.\'I'EH HOH'E

I%•c•tric·iau; <'horus of Pirates of Prn::aiiCf; (h·rman

'luh; fic·i<·n<'P


"liP did tlw utmost hounds of knowlt>dgc find,

YPt found tlwm not so larg<' as was his mind.'' BL.\. ('JUJ EL.\L 'E BHIH'l'OW

HcicncP Club; G1•rman 'lub. ''With fr<'CJUI'nt smil1• so broad and kind, Hhe clw!'rs tlw lwart and r<• ts the mind.'' IIELE.' BHOHIL\R

('la ·s Honors; 'la:s Pr<·sidt•nt ( :3) ; H<•c•rdary of 'puior ('la. · ·; A. :istaut Editor of Maroon, '1:1; Corn belt DebatP, '1-!; Kno.· lutersrholastw DPbate, '1i>- '16; Hophomore })phating TPam; Oratory, '16; Gawl 'luh; HoC'ial Seit•nrc Club; ('. II. H. !J . .'.; H<·<·rdary of A. A., '1-!- '1:> .

Hour. ·Ho.- HnowN Football"('", '1;); .'ciPnCt> 'lub; Trac•k, '16. '' £l1· that is valiant and dan•s fight, Though drubb 'd, can los<' no honor hy 't.''


D.\\'lll En.\ Bnow.· Trac·k " "', '12, '13, '] :>, '16; )fanagPr Track, '14; Captain Track, '16 l•'oothall"('", '1:1; BaskPthall ~lanagt>r, 'Hi; <'aptain BaskPthall, '1G: ('hairman • 'pnior Juvitation ('om mitt<'<'; First Brotlwr in , 'hrrwood '.· (ill rill; Tr<'ll.'nrt•r of Sc·ii'JH'C ( 'lnh, '1:1- '16; 'ommt•reial 'lub; C. II. •'. L .• '.


.Jou.· .\nnrnt BntKE Class Honor.; 'la .. Editor of Maroon (1 ), (:2), (:3); ,'it· Pt>!Pr in ,'chool for A 'tandal; E.·tpmpor1• •'pt'ahng, '16; U. llufl' {'. of I. Athldi<· Pa.· , '1:3, '1-1; Pawsl'y in Mall Of 111'1'1 s of .!It Ill; DPlta Hho ('Juh; HcH'ial Hc·iPnc•c• 'lub; Gawl 'lub; Latin Club. ~ ·E.\.L " ' ·


la ·. Con.·titution CommittPP, '13; Robin Hood in • '/11 rwood 's ()uf en; 'harh•s in , 'c lwol for , 'candul; Hamucl in Piru/1: of l't 11"11111'1; GPorgl' in Jlanoi ut•n s of ,June; , '<·i\'ll<'!' l'lnh; Gl'rman 'luh. ''A. an actor, conft>ss\'cl without rival to shim•.'' LOII-l



Ula. s Honors; Henior L<>ap Y<•ar Party CommittPP; Baznmp Ulnh; Latin lub; Qprnum C'lnb; Social H<·i1•ncp Ulub. "B<•auty and virtuP shint> fon•V\'1' round thP!'." 0. T.\U

\ \' ll.I.I.\\1 ( '.\(, \ .•

\•rvant in,'< hool for A 'candal. '' trong minds are tho. "l' of whom tlw noisy world hem·s ll'a:t." LILLI.\.' ('.\RTER

, 't•nior Invitation 'ommittP<'. 011 a summpr ·. day, \Vonld find it hard to turn anotlwr way.''

"E.\\'.' that t'onld : !' lll'r

LEO .. .\IW EUI<' ('.\.'PER

Prt>sid\•nt of ('omnwrcial ('Jub, '16; 'hairman 'la:s Con:titution ('ommitt\'\', '14; CommOIIi r Htafr, '1;); )los\'S in A 'chool for , '('(lllflal; St'il'n<'l' Club;('. II.,. h H. "Th<•rp 's sc•an•t>l.} any man that ('!\nnot lH'rsuad<• him:df of his own nll'rit."


FI.OHI:'\I'E .\1," ILl).\ ( '()('IIIL\..

Widow in • 'hrrwood 's ()111111: Ot>J'IIHUI 'luh. "I do hut sing lll'can:p I mwt." II .\JtOI.ll FLI~~II. <: <'OPE .JnHior-HPnior R<•CPption UommittPP; Fn•<lPrie in Piraf1: in P1u:::a11N: • '111tk1· w • 'ell ool for Sea ndal; .J nnior Dt·hatl' TPam; Knox httPr. ·l'holastie D<•hatl', '16; Oawl ('luh; .'l'il'lll'<' ('luh; Ot•rn~:m 'lnb; Latin ('luh; lpha Alpha Onwga 'lub. \'alcntinl', Shak<•SJH'al'l' 's TPI'I'I'lltl•nary program. 'I'IIEUL\ HT'TII ('H.\('KLE

Lady .. JH'l'rwPll i11 • 'chool for, 'randal; Social Hcienee Club; Latin 'lub; H<•it•tll't' C'lub. '· Oh, what a <h•al of scorn looks beautiful ln tlw contl'mpt and mtgt>r of her lips.'' TrPasnrt'r of 'la. s, '1:3- '14; }Irs. Bo to1·k m Ma1101 uvrrs of .Janr.: "With l'ht•l'k. who.·p bloom rt• as a mockt'ry of ~ll' tomb.''

. A.

lhn.· ('horus in,'hrncood's ()urrn: SeiPnCI' Club; German 'lnb; A. B. T. 'lnh. '·A collt'ge of wit <'ra<'kt•rs ea11not flout Ill I' out of my intention.··


< '1..\m:. TE liE.·. T'i<:

Ih;Lo. ·~:

, '1'11ior ('la:s TI't•asurt•r; OrC'lw:tra; Ht•corHl B1·otlwr in , 'lu rwood 's ()urr11: Sir llany Bumpt>r iu • 'l'lwol for • 'candal; t•horn· of Pintf1 s of I'ru::au(l: ( 'omnwr<·ial C'lu h; , 'ot•ial H<•ipn(•p ('In h; Latin ('In h; , 'eit•nct• 'lnb; 0Prman ('luh; Alpha Alpha Onwga ('lnh; '.II..'. L. ,'.


HrTn l>ILLo.· Pam<'la in Manorut•rr. of .!alii; <•horn. in l'iral1 s of l'III ZIIIICI: • '<·it'nCt' lub. '·,Journey. end in lovprs' nH'eting, En•ry wi. ·1• man· .. on doth know. ''

liELE ·

CLARE · <'E <'L.\l'IIE


Choru in Pirat1s of P1 nun1cc. '·Full of dormant ability.'' RrTH <'r..\n.\ l>U.\LLE

Lady Teazlt• in ,'chool for Scandal; chorus in Shrnrood's ()111111; Latin 'l n h ; HeierH't' 1u b. ''Pains of love are sweeter far Than all other plea.·ures are.'' .J.\:\£ES TII<I:\L\.' FL •. 'EY

King in Pirat1s of Ptn::ancr.; Littl• .John in .'hrr!l'ood'. ()wru; 'rahtrre in. 'rhool for. 'candal; ,Jprvis, Jlano1 lll'l't s of Jaw; Lati11 Play, '1~, '1:3; 'ornb<>lt DPbatP, '13; Knox Intt•rfwholastie I>Phatt', '16; Latin ('Juh; Gawl 'luh; Ho<"ial •'ci<'llCP Club. ~laC'lwth, •'hakt•. ·1warp 'fPr<•t•ntPrJar·y progl'am. 1 (


0 •


Bazump Club; Gt>rman Club; • <•it'H<'e Club. "In her <:ht>t>k: the wrmil l't'<l doth slww Likt> rosPs in a betl of liliPs ·lwd.'' GEOIWI.\ BE.\THICJ<J FLowgns

'' Tlwrt• wa. a . oft and pPnsive gract·, A ca ·t of thought upon lwr face.''


:\1.\HY .\nELL

Ft'. 'K

•'o(•ial Seit•ucp Clnh; Latin 'lub; HriPn<'P 'lub. "\Vith a "illiu~ hand, with <"apability, . ht> i: Pwr rPady to assist tho:e llt>Pdiug a.-sistatH't'.'' )JYHTLE 0.\C:E

('horns in l'iratrs of Prn::ancr: Gt>rmau Club; A. A. "Ht>t>k to hP ~ood, but aim not to 1w great; A woman's noblPst . tatiou is rt•treat.'' • ·onE. ' E (}.\(a:

'horns in Pintfrs of Ptnzancr; Qprman 'lnh; A. A. ''Of numuprs gentlP, of affl'etions mild.'' )L\HEL ALBERTI ·y.: 0.\1. 'EH

Ht•nior Girls' Baskt•thall Team; . A. · · <loo(l na11w in man allll woman Is the immt>diatt' j('\\'d of tlwir souls." •. (HII 0.\H\'L.

''liP holds no parley with unmanly fears; \VlwrP duty bid: lw confid!'ntly . teer . ·' Er.:-;m P.\l'LI ~<: 0.\l r:r Gt•rnum Club; Comnwrcial 'lnb. ''In lift• ·.. small thin~s, I am n•solnte and


liEu:. · II.\HHTET <LH'LT

Comlll<'r<·ial ('In b. · · OiY<' Ill<' a look, giw Ill<' a faee, That Hlakl's simpli<'ity a g-raeP.''

I )IO~ EII\\".\IW ( :ouw.' A. A. · · Tlw 11101'<' ~~~IE • ·.\0:\1 r

WI' 110,

tlw morP


C'an do.''

Uon11o. ·

HPuior Girls' Baskt•thall Tl'am; Qprman Club. '' .JI~ lu•art is tnw steel.'' < lu:. ·. ·

II E.·. 'Ein:H<a:rt <:mmo.·

( 'hm·us in l'iral1 s of P1 nzall!'l. • • PlPll.'lll'(' and al'tion makt>s tlw hours SPI'lll short." (; EOIWE U IL\


Bma·hall, '1 ~. '1-1; HC'iPllC'I' ('lob. ".JlPn 's <·Yil lllHllll<'rs liYP in hra.-s; tlwir Yirhws

U.-\.UW71+ H.


writ<' in watPr."


.Jl!·. 'ang-1<•, M111101 ll!'ns of ./11111; Third Bl'Otlwr, , '/11 rlt'ood's Ntag·t· ~lallag-t·r, '1 :i, 'lG; 'l'lwta ('hi ( 'lnh; Nl'il'lll'l' ('Jul.>; A. A. ··Roll on Holl on- Oh! 1 ('l\11 't giYc it!''

(ill! I


(' 1 HI •· \\'

I'H <:!'LilT

( '. II. ~. L. , '.; Phi ])pJta Oamma 'lnb; Latin Clnh; "I>iftic·ultiP.· an· thin~s \\'hi<·h show what nll'll an•. ''


( 'lnh: A. A.

II. I..L Alpha Alpha 011wga 'luh. ··It's a gn•at plagu<' to lw a haudso11w mau.''

( 'l..LlTOIW

Euum ,Jon · IIE ·. · Ot•r'IIUIIt ('luh; , \•i!'llC!' 'luh; A. A. "'l'h<• man that kt•Pps good 11atun•d, By misforturw undismayPtl." ~.UII'EL



Foot hall " (" ', '1 :~, '1-!; Captain and :\Ianagt'r Poot ball, '1 :i ; :\Ianagl'r ~ .. 11ior Baskl'thall; :\Ian:tgPr ~ophomorP ('lass Bm;Plntll, 'H; Editor-in-t'hief of lloroo11, 'JG; \'ict'-prt·sidt•llt A. A., '1-l '1;); ~port. Editor of Con!III0/11 r, '];); ,Junior Dt•batP 'l'Pam; ('hairman ~t'llior Ball Committt>P; 'l'ra<·k " '", '1 G; I.atin Pia,\, '1-l, 'li>; 'l'rl'asnrer of ~<·il'llCI' ( 'lnh, '1;); ~<wial ~c·it•Jle 'luh; ( '. ll. ~. I •. H. )1.\Y BE.\THII'E TTO\\'.\HJ)

~cwial ~c·iPrH'I' ('luh; .'<•iPn<•P ('luh; Latin C'Inh. " It\ gudt> to hl' nH·rry aud wise ; • It': gutlt' to ht> horwst and trn<'."

K \ I'IIEHI. 'E IhTI•' Class Honors; :\Iaria in , 'chool for Scandal; Bazump ('luh; Lati11 ( 'luh; 0Pl'lllan Club; A. A.; :\Ii.·s Dodd, .llano! 111'1'1 s of Ja111. "What winning gra<'t', what grntle nwi11."


H 1'Til .J \( 'K. ·o. "\Vould that I might livP at ea. e, Aml uot bt• bound to think.''



,Jo. 'E:-4

• 'pJtior Invitation 'onunitkt . .._'o<'ial "I.· . lw kill( I as lw i. · fair!''

Ew · ·





Trip in • 'chool for , 'candal; Ba.·kt-thall "(''', '16; 'ommereial Club; l.Jatin Cluh, Ho<'ial Hcit•n<'l' 'luh; Alpha Alpha Omega ('lub. • • Know morp than othprs if you can, But do not tPll them so.''


•HP.t.P · h¥f"f'LE

<'hot·us in l'irafrs of Pr n::ancr; Alpha Alpha Omega ('luh; C. II. , '. h "A. propt•r a man a.· ont• . hall . 1'1' on a sumHu·r 's day.'· .J.ui E~ KE ·To.·


Lin '(l,'To. •

HPuior Ba.·ketball Tt>am; Cardt•:.· i11 , 'chool for 'candttl; Alpha Alpha Omq.r<t 'luh; •'<'it•n<•t• 'luh; Latiu ('luh; A. A. • ·A WI',\' nwrry, dancing, driuking, laughiHg, quafi'iug a11d unthiuki11g tinw.'' PEJWY

0.\ Ym Lorn.\sii

Ht"nior l!tvitation CommittPP; Heii'II<'P C'luh. ''\V<• an• JH'VPr so happ,\· OJ' unhappy as WP :uppo.c.''




DPl ta Rho ('Ju h ; ( 'onmwreial C'lu h. "\Vhat 's the u. ·p of all this strift>, .Aml hurrying pcll-mell through life?'' ELL.\ Lon~E

L rnnm ComHwrcial Club. ".'tudiou. of earl' and fotHl of humble thing.. "

IIELE. • }~\"ELY.· ){('('o. -~ELL

Class Honors; ,JaiH• in Jlanor uvrc.-; of ./all(; 8cnior Etlitot· of :lfaroon; .Junior I>Phatc Tt•am; H •nior Ball 'om mitt< l'; Chairman SPuior Lt•ap Year Party ('ommittet•; ComnWI!l r 'tall'; Latin ('luh; 'cit•tH'c Clnh;. 'ocial Hcit·nc<' Club; '. II. '. L. '.; A. A.; Lady )lac beth in 'hakPspcare 'ft•rcpntcuary program. lUI:. I: FLOHE ('E l\L\.JOR

'cit•ncc 'lub. ''Let l'Vcry man <•njoy his whim; What' · he to m • or I to him T'' ('.\lt()I.l "E ELIZ:.\IIETII l\1.\.'~l'E.\KEU

Cia. s Honors; htdy Bapchild, Ma1101 111'1"1 s of Jail!; Rt•nior I.wap Y!'ar Party 'ommittec; .'euior Ball 'onunittl'e; ,Junior Pin l'onunittet•; <'. II. .'. Athletie Pa.·., '1:3, '14, '13, '16; Yic<•-prl'sidt•nt 'ophomore ( 'hl.'s; Bazump ('lub; Gt•rman 'lub; Pre ·ident Latin 'luh; 'ocial 'cieuc • Club; A. A. Bu.\. ·u l\1.\ num )lusil' for l'. II. '. Prizl' Hongs: IIiyh , 'l'hool Spirit, '13; C. II. 8. 1'1 p, 'H; l'ictory, '13; , 'r niors' Fare 11'1 ll, '16; ~lusic CotHlnctor of •'!11 rwood 's ()Ill r.n and Piraf1 s of P111.::ancr; Lonl Bapehild in Manoruvn s of ./all!. "l\Iu.-i<• I'Xalts hi. joy, allays hi.· ~ril'f. ''

< 'II.\ULE.'



Tau Beta Epsilon ('luh; Hol'ial Hcit•Jit'l' Clnh. ''Winning is her way and pleasant i: lwr smilt•. ·' BE.\TIU<'E


I·: )IH'II.\EL


.Junior-. 'puior RecPptiou Cmnmitt<·P; Ht•nior Leap YPaJ' Partv ('ummittt>l'; • 't·it•ncc Club; OL'rman Club; Hocial Hci!'JJCt' ('lnh; Tau Bt'ta EJ;.·ilon Club. ·'Your presence glads our days.'' \\'li ,LL\.\1 )f.\. FO!W )II<'II.\EL

\Vill ~tarlt t in , 'hcncood's <iw 111; )Jajor·g't'Jll'ral, l'iroi Ls of l't n::nnn; .Junior Pin ( 'onnnittt't'; Oratory, '1,); ~ophomon• Dehatt' 'l't·a111; Cornlwlt Dt•hatc, '1-l; Knox Inh•rscholastic lkhatP, '1;), '16; Alpha Alpha Onwga Cluh; C. II. H. L. ~.; Extcmport', '16; .Jacque., , 'hakt•:Jwart• Tt•rccnh•nary program. ll.\ZEL ( '1.0.\11


Ht•nior Ball Committt•t•; Constantia Gag-t> in llollOt ('luh; German Club. "\Voman's at he."t a t•ontradidion .·till." ('III:. ''ITit )I I:\' EH

··.:\I,\ tOilg'IH' \Yithin my lips I l'!'ill, For who talks much must talk in vain."


II'E .\11:\'EH

<'.n·s t'l>.Jll'P s Tht• ·wt't'tt•.t kind of hashfnlut>ss. ··

' ' Ilt ,.


111'1'1 ·

uf ./au ; Hl'H'llt'<'

Yrn.\. ·. ·E MooRE , oeial Scil'IH.'l' 'luh; HciPnel' Club. '• Oh, shl• flavors cwrything; she is tlw wry vanilla of sot•id_,.. "

( iL.\IIY:-;

('JI.\ItLES EIIW.\HII ~IOiutO\\"

'rJ'<H·k" '", '14, 'lfi, '16; ~l;lllager '!'rack, '16; 'eiPnet• ('lub. ''l nfon•pd by punishment, utHIWl'tl hy fpar, Ilis word· were ·imple and his ·oul siueere."


· ·· Hto:u:-.


Ht>nior Oil"ls' Baskl'tball Tt•am; St·nior T~t·ap Yt>a1· Party ('ontmittt•t•: \'ieevresident Gl'rllUill Club, '16; ::)cieuce ('luh; 'cuior ~lcmorial ( 'onunittee. '' Iler very presence bringcth optimism.''

Euz \BETH • '.\'n: Bazump ('luh; German ('lub; ''Einpr l\luszlwiratcn''; :\!iss BowatPr .ll!/1101 111'1'1 s of ./anr.. "As full of ;;pirit as th(• month of :\lay."


('LA n IE • 'O(;J,E

On·hPstra: ('omnwrt•ial Club, Seient'l' ('luh; Alpha 1\lpha '' :\Iusic hath dwrms to ·ootlw the savage hreast.'' )IILIIHEII EJ.IZ.\J:ETII PHH'E

A. H. '1'. ('luh; Comnwrcial Club. '' Fo1· '' lwt'P is anv author in tlw worltl

Tt•aelws sueh he~mty as a woman's







Chorus in Piratt s of Pr n.::a/1('(; Commt•rcial ('luh; Hcit•uce 'lnb; GPrutau Club; A. A. ''On with the dance kt joy be unconfim•tL'' H.\:110\.\ LtTILLJ~ PrnxELL

:\Irs. Pawsey, Jlanoruttns of ./anr. '' W oudrou · is th · ·trength of cheerfulul's . '' FLoUE\('J~ BuLL ·T Prn~F:LI,

C'la:s Honors; St•nior Girls' Ba kl'thall Team; Latin 'oeial Seience Club; ('. II. '. L. '.; A. A. ''And those that paint her true ·t, praise her most.''



CH'IIl't' C'lub;

E.\um~o. · Pnt~ELL

Ula . .- Honor·; Orchestra; H(•uior Class Ba:kt-thall Team; Commt·reial C'luh; Social 'cienee 'lub; C. II. , . IJ. '. "Antl h•t the aspiriug youth lH'ware of love, Of the ·mooth glanc · b ·ware.'' LEE 1'.\l'L H.\YIIl"IL'

Ht•nior :\lemorial Committl'P; ('horus of J>iralt s of Pttt 11/1('(; Hit· Oliwr Sul"fat•t•, Sc:hool for Smndal; Or •lwstra; Latin <'luh; Alpha Alpha OnH'ga Club. '' 'l'he world delights in a man who plays his own part.'' H(nm: (')ass lion on; ; Seil'll('l' ( 'lu h ; ( 'omnwrt•ial <'In h. '' ThP world knows Itothit·g of its gn·att·st llH'tl.''

Lmt·EI.LE'\ J>wH:II'I'

Fu.\ h.LI Hol'Elt RowlPY • 'chuul fur ·"caudal; choru., l'iro/1 s of p, n_ann; Ot•J'Illall ('luh; c•. II. ~- ~-; Tt•J't'l'lltl'tlary Jll'O~l'allt. ' ' I 11 hi · gait, Preserwd a ~ra H', maje. ·tie statt•."



YElL\ :\1.\um Hl'llY ('Ia ... · Honors.

'' .\ · prone to mi.t·hid a

a hit• to Jwrfonll it.''

)f.\1{(;,\l{E'l' E:\I:\1.\ Hl'TLEIH:E

('las. Ilo11ors; ( 'Ia ·s \'ieP-prt•sidt•nt (:n : ~Pniot· ( 'Ia. ·. Prt• ident .• 't nior Ll'ap Yt•cu· Part,\· ( 'ommittt·r: ('lass ( 'onstitut ion ( 'ommittt•l': <·horns, • hr rII'OIH!'s (/11('111; ~!iss Bostock, llruto1 1/l'ns of ./attr; !:5cit•n<'<' ('lnh; (lprm<m <'lub; Social Sci<·ll<'<' ('lnh: ('. II. N. l.J. H.; A. A. P.\l'L :4.\


, 'it· Rolwrt Bowatt•r, .l!oJtof'JJI't'l.· of ./aut; .Junior Pin CommitteP: ~<'t·rr­ tat·.v .Junior ('la.s; (;t·t·man ('luh, ~t·iPtH't' ('luh: 'm·ial ~citm•t• ('luh; Theta ('hi Club. ''That coul<l lw mow<l to smilP at anythi11g.'' YEIL\ Ln'ILLE :4II.\\\"

('las.· Honor.- : Clt>l'llHlll ('lu h. '' 'l'hos about lwr from IH•r ~hall IParll tht> pPrfl'<'t \\ays of honor.·' "II 1.1.\:\1 {;()()))), (, :4IIl HT%

Foothall"('", '1-l-: BasPlwll ~Ianag-t'J', 'l:i: 'l'ht'ta ('hi ('luh. '·Tho' modt·st, on hi: lliH'nthatTas~·;'<l hrow , 'ahtrt• ha. \\ rittPil ~l'llti<•JlHIII! .,

0!'.\L 14:\!ITII

Heielll'l' ('luh; A. B. T. ('lub. ''If to her ·harp some ft>male errors fall, Look on her face and you '11 forgPt tlwm all.'' ZELD.\ ELIZ.\I:E'l'II 14ow .\RD

Tau Beta Epsilon 'luh; Uerman (']ub. '' 1f ladies lw hut young aiHl fair They have the gift to know it." :\1.\It.JOHIE ZEI.I, 14'1'01/l'EY

Ht>nior Girls' Baskdball 'rl'anl; Latin ( 'luh; • II. K L. K '' Tlw hand that hath llHH11' you fair, Hath mad1• you good.''

no. ·x.\ :\L\nm


Oernwn C'lull ; C'omm1•reial ('1 11 h. ''I am sun• earp's an enemy to lift>.'' () L.\llY •. gLLI~.' N'l'Y.\

"\Vhat's Fame? A fam•it•lllifl' in other.'' breath; A thing beyond us (•ven before our dt•ath." \\'Il.LI.UI (L\:\IBUEI, THIGG

"Ews that shame th<> violl't, 0~ th1• dark drop that 011 tlw pam;y liPs .. ,


ll.\Jr.EL )L\Y 'l'l <'KElt 1 '

('lass Ilouors; Hocial i-4\·i.-rH'P Club. 'I' h.- pl<H'(' that does contain my hooks, Is to me a glorious court.''

?I I.\ Ill 0 .' 'l' l '('KElt 1 '


The mild expression spoke a mind In duty firm, eomposed, r\'sigrwd. '' ELE.\




(1\•rrnan ( 'ltth; A. A. '' ln spitP of all tlw h•arn(•d haw said, I till my own opinion k\'\'P·'' ~ OI:J.



i''oothall "(' ", 'lfi; Phi lklta Gamma Oluh; Comnwn·ial "lip is wisP ''ho talks but littll'. ''


)1.\HY ELI.E • . YE!'-\T

"Orcatt•r than a11g-.-r is low that subdm•th." FH.\

K .'11.\LTBY \\'.\J.L.\('E

Hir B(•lf,jamin RH"khit<' in Srhool for Scandalj Delta Rho Cluh; Latin ( 'luh; <:('l'lllall ( 'luh; HcietH't> ('lub; A. A. '' LPt '.· hauish husitH' ·s; banish ·on·ow.; To tht• g-ods ht'lmrg- tomorrow.''



('Ia.;; Honors; 0. lhdl' t. of I. Athll'ti(• Pass, 'l:i; ,'pniot· Ball <'ommith•t>; .) uniot· NPniot· Rt>ePption ('om mit tl'l'; Nophomorl' ('las.· Pr(•sidPnt; · · Eincr }Ju .. z llt'inttPu"; Pn·tH'tHiary Bosto('k, Jlr/1101 11!'1'1 s uf ./ant; N(•iPtH.'I' l'lnb; (ipmuut l'lub; ~o •ial ~ciencc Club; Theta ('hi Club; '. II. H. L. H. Ell .\ F.\ Y


t •

(i('l'lltan 'lub. "lias shl' not always trNtsnrPs who has ft·il'lHl .. 1'' J:.\ Y:I!O. ·u ( 'LI~. 'IJE:\ E ..


Thda Chi C'lnb; lJatin Club; Comnwrcial Glub. '' ('on rag(• is the presage of snccp. ·s.'' )J.\HIO


"NhP was I'Vl'l' fai1· all( I t'Vt'l' proud, llad tongtw at will and yet was m•vt-r loH<l.'' ( l.\IL "'IL:-:IL.

Ba. kPtball '' '' ·, '16; Poothall Squad, '1;); German Club; Sci('IIC'P Thrta C'hi Club. '"I'hP man who blnshrs i not quite a brute." (: I~{}Jttm



J:-:E(L\ unm

'l'hda ('hi C'luh; Latin Club; A. A. "By his own nwrits lw makt-s his way."


Lon:1-: "'om.F.\UTII , (•Hi or Girls· BaskPthall Team; 0PrmaH ('luh; Commprc·ial ( 'luh.

"lt is th1• mi11d that makes tlw body rich." Ht'.'.'ELL "'oOJ.LE\

( 'hainna11 Senior )l1•morial 'ommittPP; ( 'orniH·It Dt>IJatP, '1-t-; K11ox lutt•rsdJOlasti<· I>PhatP, ']:i, '16; Gawl Clnh; Ht'it>II<'P ( 'luh PrPsidPnt; (JpJ'Illilll ('In h ; <'ontllll'l'l'ia l ('J uh ; C. II. H. h K '· l<'i1·st in tlw COUJJ('il hall to stPPr tlw statP, And P\'1'1' for1·most in a tongtu• dt>bah•.'' FIL\:\('El" "'HHaiT

SP<'rt>tary of Conunercial Club; T.nwwriting 'ontl• -t, '15. "Bright as the snn lwr Pyes tlw gazers strikl', Aud like thP sun, tht>y shine on all alike.''

II ELl~.· )J ('( 'o · 'ELL, '11' K.\TIIEHI.'E lit FF, 'lfi )1.\IW.\UET Ht'TLEI)(:E, 'lfi


11tnnnt ~{oll ~nnlislr

Helen Broshar ........................... 95.7 Hazel Tucker ... ......................... 95.5 Caroline M anspeaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.4 ~ncient Janguage

Caroline M anspeaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97.2 Helen Broshar ........................... 95.1 fohn Burke .............................. 95. ftbtiJemutics

Lieuellen Romig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96.5 fohn Burke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.5 )Uo?tern 1Cunguu!\1.'

Margaret Rutledge . .................... . .. 95.1 Katherine Huff . .......................... 94.8 istoru

Caroline M anspeaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96. Margaret Rutledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.6 F Iorence Pursell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94. ¡~.cience

Margaret Rutledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.8 fohn Burke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93. 1-fjigiJest (f)enerul


Caroline Manspeaker ...................... fohn Burke . ............................. Margaret Rutledge . ....................... Hazel Tucker ... ......................... Florence Pursell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helen McConnell ......................... Theodore Weiss . ......................... Katherine Huff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helen Broshar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lois Capron ............................. Vera Rudy . ............................. Lieuellen Romig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Waldo Pursell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vera Shaw ........ ...................... "I I is tyle shows the man, whether in speaking or in writing."- BuR "A likely lad is he."- PAVI: 1!,\R\'ILU~


11' 1

95.7 94.1 94.1 94.1 92.7 92.6 92.4 92.3 92.1 91.4 91.2 91. 90.8 90.4 IIARRI .




/'n Jttt't'


)u•)mp(] 1-'PIIiOI', !Jiii-4 hil-'(01'.)' Ji:tS llO!hing in ('OllllllOll \\ ifh !hi' Oil(' tl1at ~11·. E1l\uiJ'(I ('hanning I'OJH'OI'IPd to tm·tm·p lhP 1-'flldPnts of JlistoJ',\ \'I. I h:trP not allowPd spit1• and JIPII,r l'P\'Pngp to taint this ofl'sp1·ing of 111,\' intPilPI'f; it il" \\'rit IPII oul,r out of dl'f'l'l'I'IH'P to JH'PI'PtlPllt and ,·on\'Pn t ion, a lHl to dPpid t ht• lllPI PoJ·i<- t':ll'PI'l' of t IH• ('hiss of 1!1 lli. J:pfOJ'I' ]ll'OI'PI'tling \\' ifh lll,\ hiHtm·y )H'O]H'I' 1 h0\\1'\'(•t•, thPI'P i. onp fad I 1-'llould likt• to l'niphasi~w. I hPiit•\'1' thnt a I'Pl'l:tin ohsl'lii'P and altogl'!hi'J' fl'lllthksmllP gi'Jlfii•JU:Ill, lwal'ing th1• Jl:lllll' of 'J'hon1as (';u·lylP, said iu :111 p,·l"a.)' \\hi1·h h:1s Jll'0\'1'11 to hP thP ahOJninatiml of thP junioJ·s, tl1af \\"1' l'annof justly judg1• Olll' ('OII(Plll]IOI'aJ'iPS. Ill'lll'l' 1 if lht• following ai'I'OUnf :lpJH'<II'S Jll'l'jiHlil'l'd, this fa('(, ]11'1'1-l('n!Pd lll:ln,Y ,\I':Jl'S ago hy lh1• hanshP<' of th1• junim·s, may sPt'\'1' as an inntluahl1• apology.





I ):u·kJH•ss, dt•t·a,r, :uH1 sluggish ilH!ifl'Pl'l'lli'P hPIIl illinlitahiP tlominion on•r th(' l'lltiJ·I· studi•Jit hody of <'hmupaign High wlH•n lo, a gn·at radiant·!' was dt•s(')'iPd afa1· ofl', alHl a trampling of nmltitudinons ft•Pt was ht•ard! J:J·ightt•r and Jn·ighiPJ' ht•t·anu• lhP light; )oiJ(lt•J• antl )oiJ(]PJ' swPIIPd lhP sfPady trampling. ~uddPnl,r tht' appalling lnslt•J• hurst full upon ( 'h:unpaign II igh, antl ft•J'J'I'It'd out of 1'\'t'l',\' oh:-:<·m·p t'Ol'lll'l', t'hagl'int'd daJ·kJH•ss and dt•t·ay. Equally ~mddPn lhP tJ·ampling fppj hmnhat·tlt•d tht• building, to11k t hi' hall:-: hy 1-'loJ·nl, and hani:-:hPd, foJ't'\'t'J', languid indiffi'J'PJH'P. 1'llll:-: th<• ('Ja:-:s of l!llli-although it i:-: mort' Jll'ohahlP that tht•y (')'O.'l'l'd :1 J't'JilotP s!J•t•am dPsignalt•d a:-: till' J:ont•,ranl, in !liP plat·p of tlw Huhit·on- 1'1'/lt 1'1111/, rit!l'l'/1111, ril·l'l'llll/. <ln•at, ill(](•pd, \\:IS fhp l't•joit·ing in ('. II. ~. at yonr atln•nt, 0 'lli. Tlow 1'\'1'11 lhP smiJ'I.dng, l'ti)H'I'<'ilion:-: HPHim·H <'11\'iou:-:ly t'Pg:mlt•d ,ronr ln·illi:lllt illtPJ)pt·f and d:ttllltli'SS ]ll'I'Sllmpt ion! 'l'ht• Pll!il'P tit•st y<•aJ• in your liP\\' don1inions was spt•nt ill tht• splf-immolating \nn·k of imparting ,\Olll' llll]Hil':tiiPlPd giftH of thl' gods to thost• lt•ss fortunalt• than youJ'HPif. LPI llOJH' 1'1'\·iiP ,\on, 'lf'; yonr ll:ttm·al gift:-< \\t'l'P :tllll :11'1' mlp:IJ'aliPlt-d. Fm· hJ'P:tlh1•:-: lhPJ'P a fool \\ ith a lif1• :-:o wm·thiP.':-4 \\ ho tlart•s to :tsl"t•rt that yon did 1101 ,,·in !liP C:. IIntl' .\thiPti1· Pass for PX<'PIIt•IH'I' ill st·hol;u·sllip mul lhP :lllllll:ll hooll fo1· thP l'llnlpo .. ition of a high st·hool song'? Eal'ly in thP Sl't'ontl ,\PHI' of ,\'IIlli' I'Pign at ('. [[, ~ .• illnstJ·ions 'lfi, ,\'0111' dt•JJJOI'l':l I it' ft•ndl'll(' iP:-4 :tSSI'l'( p(] f lJPJJlS('I\'l'S, for yon ('Oil \'t'lll'tl f ogl'l hPJ' :t))(l \\'lF;p]y 1-'t•lt•t·fptl oflit'l'l'S. Yon :H'qniJ•t•d JJJOI'l' gr:tt·t• :t))(] :-;pJf-assl'l'tion, spm·kiPd in athlPtit·H, :tlld hnmiliaiPtl the patronizing junior iu "Your smile is like the morning sun.''-F \K. T!<T llon:u. "\\'hen athletes take to looks, they become a' other pn>)lle."- C \KL lltllU \IW.


dPbHIP. .\gain yon t1·inmph1•d o\PI' inllllliH'l'<lhiP adn•J'l'HriP~, won thl' r. of I. Pasl' fm· l'l'holast i<· l'tanding all(] <·on<·o<·ll•d auothPr :ong. Thl' third ypm· of your dP:poti1: ~way wal' tr·auquil <·wmgh, dpar '111. Yon i mp:n·t I'd ~· om· hoil't l'l'on~ :-;pi 1·i t of old to ymn· .'UITI'.'~OI'l', and ahl'ol'lH'd l'OIIII' of tlu• kin<'Hl' of thP H•nim·. On<'<' 11101'1' that inl'thu·tin• t]psiJ'I' fo1· org:mization Hl'l'l'l'll'd itl'<•lf, fm· you :tl'l'l'lllhiPd tog<•tlrl'l' to p]ed olli<'l'l'l' . • \:-:of old you I'X<'I'll<•d in all thingl', N!'hol:rJ·slrip, athiPii<·:-:, HIHl dPh:rll'. (':1!111 yom·splf, 'lfi, lh:tl \\'<1~ on!,\ :111 illiti'I'Hil• '17 who JHlNl'l'ss<•d tlrP ptfl'flni!•J·y to :-:t:riP that you did 11ot Nlll'pass all. f]ppt] not th1• s('otl'ing of tl11• 1•nrious OIII'H. Only l'Pilli'JIIIwr th:rt tlmmgh your influ<'lll'l' ('hampaign Iligh ]li'<HIIH·Pd a <·h:tmpion f'oothall .·qmtd, and a I'<•mm·kahl<• tJ·a<·k ll'<llll. .\lso ki'<'P in mind, 'Jfi, th:tt yon 1'0111JIOl'l'd two-thh·ds of thl' two sn<'I'I'HHf'lll dPhaiP l<•mu:-:. 0 'lfi, now I I'OIIII' to 1111• dir11ax of yom· lril'tm·y, thp suhlilll<' rPl'Uit of yonJ· hrillinnt 1'<11'<'<'1', yom· s<'llim· ypar, arHl lhP fourth of' ,rom· J·pigrl. Hut my lr<•m·t witllin llll' paus<•s in ill' nu•asUJ'<•d h1•at, m,r l11·ain I'<'Pis, :111d tlrl' JH'll i11 nry h:md qui\'<'I'N, Fo1· if' I should ill\ok<• nil th<• 111\ll'!'S of till' JHH•ts, I ('llllld not paint you, () 'IIi. You stand I'Xalt<•d ''it h a p:t:-:1 instiJH'I':thiP :tnd :t pl'<'HI'lll iJ·r·ppr·o:wh:thl<•. Four <·ons<'<'ll· ti\'1' ypm·s ,\oil I'I'<'Pin•d th<• :tW:tl'd for tl11• h<•. t lliglr ~drool ~mug; thl'l'<' I'OilSI'I'III in• t illll's you won tIll' 1· of l P:rss for· I'XI'!'lll'lll'l' in H<·lrol:tl'ship; this ,\'1':11· yon I'OIIIJll'is<•d fir<• sixths of lh<• l\n1 stall' 1·hampion liPhall• IP<lllls: dm·i11g yom· J'Pgillll' ( 'h:tlll]l:tign II igh Jll'<HIIII'!'d t \\-o dmnl· :-:tal!' <·l~:~mpioii foothall IP:tllls; )Oil !'<Ill llliiiihi'I' 111111'1' nill!'l'lil's :t111011g ,\-0111' ranl,l' t 1~:111 :111~ !'lal'l' whi1·h h:t.· gon<• lwfm·<•. \·<·J·ily, ,\'Oll :11'1' phi]H'I'fpl'l ~ . ·n,\ llllll'l', ,\on :11'1' till' 11\ll'l<•u:-: of tl11• {.Jiin•nw, for \\ itho11t ,\'Oil nothing would lw that il'. I nrnst <·<•asP f'o1· I lra\1' Hllllg 111,\' lll:tiPI'ial l'ong of' ymn· in<·onrp:ll·aahl<· 1'<11'1'1'1', hut Ill,\ IH•aJ·t is still singing of you, nwl :-:h:tll :ing fol' l't<•J·nity, 0 <·las:-; of . 'inPt<'l'll llu1Hlt·1·d and ~i\l!•Pil.


IL\HHY, 'Hi.

In tlr<' laud of llappy ~piritl', In thP ,\"<'<II' of :!OIIi, In thl' laud of ttl(' IH•J'I':tftPI', In th<· l:rnd of th<· dPp:tJ·I!·d, lh\PIJ:..; th1• 'J'J'ihp of l!llfi. ~olll<' han· h<'<'ll t hPJ'<' nr:nry wintPr'N; ~or II<' Ira n• lw<'ll 1hl'l'l' hut a fpw 111oo11. ·. ~\11 the thoughts and all 1111• fmu·ie~ 'I'll at t li<•y dl'l'<l Ill I'd \\'11 ill' tll('y \\'l'l'<' mm·tals, II:I\ ,. I'Oilll' t nu• in I IIi~ l'tl':tllgP kingdom. "\ man, like a watch, is to ht• 1 alucd for his manner of going."-R.\Y I fl n o . ''Drink to mt• on I) "ilh thine t ' ) es."-:\fow1us II Utili .. 40

On t liP ~horP~ of YPn:Hl izzp Of t liP Nparklin~ hi~·NP:t-watPr HPsts a eozy littl<• Yilla~<·, \Yith th<• tP}H'<'S <·lo.·p]y <·hl.'tPJ'<'d; End!PI-'s forp,•(.· to thP southward, La kt>N and nwado\\'N to t liP uort 11 ward, Ei<•I·ual sunlight to t liP WP~t \\ :ml, ll<•r<• tit<' Yillagp Yakinosha. It is goH•t·m•d hy (~tH't'll )lat·g'J'Pt By whosP gradonN ht'lpful <'OHJH'il 'J'his laud has growu and JH'OSJWI'P<l. JloUOI'Pd, ]O\'t'l} \\'aN this goo(] IJIII'('JI . By hr1· JH'oplP aud Orpat ~pil·it, ~he \\<lH <·alh•d ~" Hl-'l ika womau'l'hiN, a trihutP to thp kill(]pst; 'l'lJiN, a trihutP to tfH' fail'PNL In th<• tir;•t lodg<• in tl1<• Yillagp DwPIIs II. <'opP "it h hi.· <·ompaniou, Lois (':qmm, • ·imhh• Fin~prs. ~<·ws NIH' w<'ll his many bu ttous. In a n<•at•hy humhlP IPJW<', Lin•s a <'ollplt> 1111H'h uuit<'<l, Frank aU<l AddiP A. r<•sidP ht•rt>. \YishP<l F'rauk on<·t> a "good position". \\"hilt' his ~ood wifp l)(•p]s potatot's, HPsts 11<• in a willow hammo<·k; Dream~-' ht' in th<• nomHlay sllnlight, '!'his ilHlPt'd a "gootl posit ion." • •t':ll' to t lt<•H(' lin• ( \\'0 g'<)()(] JH'l'SOllH Osear ('aganu mul Hamona. In a 11101'<' JH't'tPnt ions wigwmn .\unit' B., lift>matt• of Da\'id, ~he kt'PpS up his Jtappy hoUNPhOll] i Kt•t>ps tilt' tapt>rs lnu·niug ln·ightly; ''l'n<lt:rneath that noble domt:, many a thought is found to roam."-] '').fy smiles are my fortune, sir."-joH.· KA. 'L 41


JoH.·:rn ·.

K<>rp. hrr 1m hand in good humot·. E1lna :111d young- Orang1•t· Faithful :11'1' th1•y to l':u·h othl•r, • ·I'\ PI' want thP,r for 1'1'd·di'Pl' mPat, (;porgl' i:-; 1'\'1'1' <·hil'f of hnntPrH. ~omPwhat ol'f front th1• main pathwa ~talll!l" a fmg-ill' looking tP]H'I', ('Olllillg- fol'th HI'(' HOllllllH of YOii-I'H, .·ot nu•n's Yoil'l','. TIIP,r :11'1' wouu•n':-; . •\ud a hon• t liP doorway <'lll'taiu, [:-; a tnrion:-; in:-;nipt ion. It is thi:-;, '''l'h1• Koko. 'uta:-;." ('!'hi:-; tt'HllHl:ttl'd in our lauguagp I:-; to :-;a,\ ".\ wonH•n':-; gath<•1·ing 'l'o U]llift tiH• 111ind and :-;pit·it.)" J>m·othy in ('OIIIIII:Il)(]ing <l('('('ll(l", HPIJIH'I"t:-; t liP 1'1':Hling- of t111• roll-l'all. Eh1·ma )IPadP, t liP ,'1'<'1'Ptary, 1'im idly r<':tll.· otl' IH'\\' lliPlll b<'rsIlmwl '1'. a11d {;piiJ·gia Flo\\'1'1'~-', KathPritw Ilutr ( angPii<· maid1•n:-;, PridP :tllll joy of all tl11• yiJlag<'.) < 'l1:trming-

'il:l!e 1f)nnt

111 til<' twxt lodgP d Wl'll tIll' Ha,rhm·n:-;. LPP is wot·:-;11 ip<·d hy l1 i:-; JH'opiP. )Janitou, th<• mighty, 1·alle1l him 'l'awa.·i:-;illl, till' :-;t1·ong- lu•arll'll. <lop:-; for lll:lll,r IIIOOJII" oll hig hnuts, Kill:-; tlw IH•:t\'1'1', hison, h1·own lwar. Wal'lling :-;aid llis wifP Hoh .. rta, "<lo not fm·t II! Oh 'l'awasi:-;im, To th<• honu• of .Tnmho, Brown B<•ar, Lp:-;t h1• tPal' .rou \\'ith hi:-; hig ti'Pth, L1•:-;t h1• ,'l'l'a!l·ll you with his :-;ha1·p 1·law.·." ' I :-;hall go!" sa ill Tawasisim. ll Pl'd i ng not h1•1' "onl:m':-; warning, ",\willing !wart adds ftoathrr to tlH' hn·l aJHimakes a'' inged :\len:ury."-ST. ·uy KAt FMAX, "\11 orators arc dumh wlll·n hrautr plcadeth.'' I I~RIIf.llT Kf:-.:. Y. 42

'''ro thr home of .Jumbo, Rrown H ar. I ;;hall takP alon~ !It<' youu~ hrawH <Ju]i<·k H!Hl \\' iHPp;:ll'\'('1', Li\ ingston awl ~ltnrtz aiHl )[am·<>r . •\nd ('land<> • · o~l<>, takp I with llll'." ~o lit<' ·' 01111~ hran•~-o: all d<>pm·t<'ll 'l'o tit<> 1':1\'P of .Juntho Brown HP:tl'. )[any dayH till' ltnnll'l'H traYPllPd .\nd tltl'il' hunt it \\"HI" HU('('('HI"fUl. )[any dl't'l' fpll ~~~ fhPil' :U'l'OWH, )Jauy J•ahhitH, mauy IH'an•rH, Ht'Oll~ht th1•.r with thPm .Jumho B1•own BPar, And thi'Y hm·1' tlwil· killiu~ holllt'\\:tl'll. From t hI' ~rpa t hP:n· 'H 1iPHh, tiH• ~ood wi YI'H )(:1111' a hawpwt fm· thP villap;<>. HP:ttri~·~· :\1. aud Z<>lda Hkimwd him. :\l:u·'t•pf I>. and 11'1'111' :\Iajor )Ja(]p 1JH• fil'l' to ('OOk (]l(• 111':11' lliP:t!. Yi,·ia111' )(oor<> a11d Fr:IIH'I'H )f_r<>J'H ( 'ookp(] thp fiPH]l till it \\":lH (('JH]I'I' . •\11 tltl' dllagp l':t11H' aJHl fPaHtPil Il<>lt•11 Hrosha1· mHl • •. Bany Han :1 ral"l' in paling !war nwat. 111'11'11 at<> tln•pp huudJ'<>d Hpoonfnl~-o:, • 'pJlp dPlliO]iHhPIJ t\\ ii'P tha( nllllliH•J'. \\'ill ingly 11u•y hot h :ulmi t tPil That t hPir app<>tit<>H WPI'P vmutniHhPIL ~aJH]Pl'H,



)[any \H'l'<' 11H' Hmall pnpooHI'!-1. 'l'h<>,r \\"Pl"l' ln·i~ht and tlH'Y \H'l'<' h<>altlty. ''Eihll'alion" l'l',Y tiH' motlterH "Al any I'OH[ thl'.\" muHt han• Jparninp;." ~o a villa~<> Hdwol \\as HtarlPil. YPI'a ~haw, tlt1• h<>~ul inHtrndm·. Flm'P111"<' ('o('ltr:m a1Hl L. \\Tolfartlt T1•:wlt tiH'lll how to :ul<l up nmn hPrH. ''Time too occupied w1th sndl'ly and athldil' ."-FRED K:oo; u ; HT .. ,\ ·tions speak louder than wurds."-Tuu~tAs LA!\'G. 43

)fm•ion Ttwkt>r nnd nlnn<'hP Bril'to\\· Uni<lt' tht'llt in tlu• art of \\'NlYin~ Ilow to 1\dtlt' tltt·il· tiny tinp;t'I'H Hou11d lht' Jllll'~t· .'tt·inp;.· of tht'il' fatht>J'~. Opal ~IIlith mHl Ilt>ll'n 'l'nrnlmll 'l't•ll tht'lll at·t~ in puhlk HpPakinp; ( 'l't>:t<·lt t ht•m to Itt' <lownrip;ht t•a:-;t·al~). For tht' <l<•af aiHl dm11h papoo.·p~, Ella Lntht>r is (•up;agt>tl. .\lary Y<•st and hhH·k-Py<•d Flm'PIH'e ~ho\\ t Itt• dtildt·pH how to warhlt•. Long and loudly <·oul<l t liPS<' ma i<lPnH ~ing a how t Jtp pt•t>l~ of t hmHlt'r. (Had.' H ~t.' nn an< I Bt•.·sil' DaYiH IBH!rnd th<'Jil in t hP wa,\ H of dan!'inp;. 'l'\\ int' tht'lllst'l n•s in grapt>Yill<' fa:-;lt iou 'f\\ ink]!' tIt<',\' Jik<• ('OUHtt'Jl:ttioliH. 'l'ltt'll Hl't' infant miiHlH iliHtl'lH'tt'd In !111• wih•H antl wayH of husill<'l"H B_y tht't't' \\'I'll infm·mp(] mai<lPus, Lillinn ('. :tlHl tl11·ift,'· Frnut·<•s 'l'P:tl'lt thPllt how to sa\'t' tiH>il· ]H•nui<•.. .\I il<lt'P<l Pri<·<' in. ·t l'tH'ts in Hltm·t hand (This a wry simp!<• mpthotl). [ ll t ht' llon~-<Phold ~t·h•tH'<' kit dwn, Yon np; OIH's IPH rn to ma kP <'OU<'O<'t ions ~mootlt and plpnsing to tht> palah•, Tnnp;ltt to thPlll hy Hnth an<l .\Ial)('l. "'itlt thi~-< wiH<' awl 1':11'<' instnu:tion, Tln·in• th<• dlildt·Pn wPll an<l Jll'OpPr.

Iu thP \\'<•st, wlt<'l'<' constant stmlight Floods th<• !null of happy :-;pirits, I>wPll~-< n '' i~o:P anti gra!'iouH ho~-:teHH In a widP n 1111 sp:t!'ions wigwam, ('ai'Oiirw it i~o:, no oth<•t•. "To spc·tHI too much tinw on studies is sluth."-]oH . L "[ would that I were wise."-Ror.J.t. · LAWRF:-.cE. 44


n M.

'l't>~l~liP \\.pi~.

i~ P\'Pl' npm· hpr, I II', ht>J' fat and tPnd~·r hu~hand. On t h~· ~1'1'1'11 p;n·t h t hP~I' g-ood pPoplP Lowd lllll~·h ~ait>ty and plP:t~lli'P, In thP land of thP dPpm·tt·d, Ent~·1·tain t lu•iJ• frit>JH]s and JH'i~lil10rs \\'ith a Hlnnt .·how. (<'urtain l'i>!':-4.) Lo! the Oa~l' ~iris! 'l'lu•y, whil1! mortal J)J'!'HIIH'd of })('in~ halll't dan~·~·rs. Tlll'y, who prim as pap1·r 1lollh·s ('ut from fa~hion plat<':, arp danl'in~ To thP hl•at~ of many 'l'nmtum ·. 'I'hpn appem·~ a nohlP <·horus, llmwl 3lillpr, \'pra Ba:. ett, llt>l<'n ,J OlH'~ and Donna ~t u~·ky ~in~ in tmH's of d<'l'}l emotion, ~in~ in <t<·<·Pnts mo~t ht•wit<-hing <lrpatly plPUHP tlH'ir happy lu•ar~·~·~. But thp fpatnr~· of th<> ]H'O~J·am, ~W<'<'t Hut h l >rail<• l'<'mlPrs W<'ll. Fin(• W<'l'l' hPr illl}H'rsonations, )lnl'h l'P.'<'mhlin~ )lary Pid:fm·d. ~~a~(' and l'nrtain~ ar<> WPII muna~pcl By IIaro](l <h·ay, th<• hi~ dir('dor .\nd <t. Bild<•rhat'k, his hPlp<•r. \\'hilt• 1h<• tordt<'H are kl'pt hurnin~ B,v )1 ilfor~l Boit<•, the "light'' foot arth;t.

II ark! what is tlli~ awful tnmnlt '! It i~ th~· wanior~ in a <·onudl. Th1• yonu~ hra ,·~·~ ar<' I'Oil!Plll}llat in~ ( 'OIHJIH'st of t hP TJ·ilw of '1 :>, Il:ttt~hty trih~· that still ~]oat~ O\'PI' Th<• ntild and ]H'<H·pful dall of 'lli . . 'ow th~· hi~ <·hil'f, .·op] Yan H. "

" oolncss and ah. ence of haste indicate his qualities.''-LLo.·.\Ril Ln:R~t.\:\'. otlwrs for th('ir virtu .:tnd thyself for thy vice ·."-FR,\ 'K ~lli!'llF;:\'11.\LI,



)lakp~ tht' warrior~ pay attPntion "'fli}(> tfH• gl·iPY<lll('('~ arp ,·tatPd. ""'ill yon li:-;(pn'?" .'hont:-; hig )fanfc)]'(], "'flo wh·dt1•d to h1• a .'I'll at ot' "'hifp on l':trth. But now flp's happy Fo1· IH'.' :-;pokl'~llta 11 of t hP ]l0\\'·\\'0\\'. IJ j:-; Hlhil'(' i:-; :-;p[(]OIII follll\\'l'd, h11 t, "'it h flooz,\' wonls flp's Pll'I'I'\'I'SI'Pnl. ~·ow (htil "'il:-;on dop:-; a wm· daiii'P, Thus h1• sltow:-; a \\if ling :-;pil'it To tomahawk a tloZ('ll '1;)':-;. Fi nail~· it i:-; del'idPd 'I'o hatth• \\ itl1 thPir haugltly kin:-;nu•n. Erit- ('a:-;ppr is appoillt1•d To mak1• thP IH'I'IlPd amtmition:-;, 1;ows of l'l'd1•r, jasppr a 1'1'11\\'H. Haymond "'illia1ns is thl' do1·tor, H1'\\ :-; IH' up thP ga.-lwd aud mauglPd. 'Tis ~·Pal ('aldwl'll who snh1hw· thl'lll "'ith an operatic outlmr:-;t, ' For full WPII IH• know.' that musk lla:-; strangp Jl0\\1'1' to dtarm the :-;a\'agP. But th1· pow-wow is di:-;t urlll'u By tht> Pnt t'alll'l' of a mai1h•n, By tltP \\'ingPd, hii'HHPd hPlJli'I' of th1• (irpat Otu•, 'tis .\dpfl Funk. "PP:I('('," t h1• llll'l'SHgl' to t hP warriot·:-;, FI'Oilt )Janitou, th1• (;rpat .\!mighty. Ho the young lmt \'PH l-:lltokP t hl'ir ]H'<li'P-pipPl-1, In thP gt·omHl tltPil· hati'IH•s hm·y. From thPil· fa1·1·H \\a:-;h IIH· war paint, Thus thp young hran•s hn•ak up I'Otml'il.



011 parth ,John H. \\as di'Hi1·ous Of IH'I'OIIIillg ho:-:s and hl'ad 111an In an autontohill' fadory; "The night is young, d·uKc on.''- II \IHIJ.Il :\liJ.J.fl!, ", \ kind, refreshing slcco ha fallen upon him,"-111! \JoU.V .\Inn




in tlw land of tht' DI'}Hil'l«-11 II«> t•t't'ds an in."titution, Pt·odtwt•s It«> a JJPW inypntion, Fil·t·\\·atPI', for thP nati\'t'H. ( fnvi.'ihlt• thP fot'l'l' that tllll\'l's th,•nl, Tltis indt•t•d a non•l :111to) ~ \\'illiam Tt·ig-g aud J)io.' <loldPll, 'l'lwy a lotH' know :til t l~t• sl't't'l'ls Of this awful t·otllhination. "Uiowing-" Kit·k and ~111iling ~oah Put !liP fin• into tht• walt'!'. Edwm·tl Hopl'l' stit·s thl' tllixtnt·t• . •JatiH'H F. st•als it up iu hottll'l". In a lowly on:npatio11, YPI the t'('Jl(pr of attraction, <'l:ll'('llt't' I>. wit'ld.' IIIO]l a11d dust pan; ~o wht'nP\•r a hlot'klH•ad stnmhlt•s ( 'lm·t•nt·t• gat ht•t'.' up t ht• sa wd nsL ~IH'l'lly ('ht•s(t'l' I'Hl'(H ( lit• lJo( ( )('.' ('ot•k<>d up full of lifp Plixir To thl' lllt'rt·hallt, Uu:-;:-;pll \\'ooll«>y, "'ho :-;p]Js all with hall(lsonl(• pt·otit.

'Qrllc '!liotd


In tht' middh• of tlH• i:-;land, a lofty looking IP])('e Thi:-; thl' hott'l of tlt1• \'illagt' II t•rt• 's w ht•t'l' \\'Pa ry onP.' gl't rt'NI I'll. Propril'tor is ~am, allll IlPI<'n <lt•ept:-; tht• gtwKts "ith IH':II·ty h:uHlshakt•:-;. 'l'ht• dP\'01':1( ions HI'(' \\'Pll t'hOHI'll Fen·.\. llt·o\\ 11, thl' at'l·hill'l'l, ha:-; doni' tht•m. And ,J olllt Low I'." kPt•ps t h!' J'I'I'OI'dH, 'l'lu•l111a takt's i11 all thP mmu•y, l'J·ptty oflkt' gir·l, )J. ~toltPy. 'l'ht·t•P gnps(:-; t•Jt!Pt', tht'l'l' H\\'1'1'1 maidt'ns, ('at ht'rint• F. and IH'ami11g \'t•t·a, ~land:-;

"Best men arc often moulcktl of faults."-\\'\\'.'f. ",\man is fickle h) nature.''-E.\HL ~lL'RI'Il\',



TIH•n <'OIIH' ~-< dainty Bl't ty tripping ()'pr a :-;tool that':-; in th<• hall\\'ay, El<·,·a t01·i~t i:-; 31 oi'J'ow. Ha:-;hfnl, ln·a\\ 11,\ and hnn·p ('Jitl'or<l J)rin•:-; thl' taxiPH fm· th<· lwtPI. .·1'\\Hhoy i:-; th<• happy \\'aldo. ~I'IIH h1• IIICIII,\' , JIICIII,\' JHIJH'I'H 1 EaJ'IL ' IH' quit<• a f<•\\' of JH'IIIIi<•s. Pianist<', th<• uohll' Ellll<'l' 3lu:-;k rnak<•:-; h<•, gJ'and and soulful. l'p-to-<lat<', tlli:-; im;titution( 'a hard upon thP progJ•am. Et hi' I P. ctlHl P<·n·y Lonra:-;h Uan<·<' dh·iiwly to th<' mu:-;k . •\.n <'flkil'nt <'1'1'\\" of honH<'llla ill:-; ( lran• t lr<' Ira II:-; aJHl <·orri<lors. Ppn:-;in• <lauH girls and Huth Dillon ~<'<' that 1'\('l',dlring is spotlPHH. 1 lappy )lay alHl <"ll<'<'rful Hn:-;ic (']H'('l' ll]l tho:-;p who H('('Jll <ll'}ll'I', 'HI'Il. Elurpr II <•nn <·ooks up tl11• Yid ual:-;, ~aurkrant, ])('an:-; alHl <·ahhag<' tPn<l<•r·, .\.ptwtizing an• th<'H<' <liHh<•s. ~<'l'n'<l so \\'I'll hy wait<•r•:-; gral'cfnl Li<'lH'll<•n Honrig, I>o<l<lH :nul Oordt•JI. 3Im·ion ,V. mul Eunkt• )l in<•r 'l'lrt•y hatlll' all tlrt• lllH'It•an di:-;hcx. "~omt• hotPl !" l'l'lllark tlH• goo<l gnP:-.1:-;, "IIPrl''s thr<'<' <"h<•t•J·s for Ham and Ill'l<'ll." 'rhn:-; dwPit on th<• 'l'rihP of 'lfi. Ilappy in th<•ir JH'W fomHl eonntJ'_Y. 'rhn~ thl'il' <lrl'mn:-; aiHl tim. · thl'ir f:nwi<•:-; lJ a Yl' <·om<• trn<' in t lti~ ktrang<> kingdom.

" \~

full o f pirit a > tht· month o f .\lay " - FH .\ !\ K rc ~ cmhlc the gods in nothing."- ! lo\\

":,I-re m ·n


• ·.\1 ,,111n .







EHHY ,·toppPtl short. £\ tr<•mhling tPJ'l'Or s\n>pt owr hi.· fram<'; HUI'h

wPakupss, how<'\'1'1' 1 maHt<•J'I'<l him only a short tiuH', for l'OlllJH'PsHing his thin lips, IH• stoopP<l, n•HtP<llriH head upon tlll' dH'st of tlw man .·trPII'Iu•d at his fppt, uttPI'Pd a satisfiPd grunt, aiHl, taking I'Hl'l' to phH'l' .·oull' ,·tmH'S in t h1• <·oat JHH'kPL' of tiH• prostr·atp man, kkkPd tiH• lif(']p,·s day- for t h<• man wa. · dp:ul-iuto the goYcrHIIH'Ht irrigating ditdr. 'l'hP in .. nirnaiP hod,r rolh•tl into th<' wat!'r with a rPsomuling splash, whirl<•1l, aud I'OIItpll'IPiy disapp<•arl'tl in the luritl, ru:-;lting l'Ul'l'<'nt. ('ontprnptnously Pl'l'J'.Y l1urk<l a hlotHl-staiu!'d shon•l into th<• immense dih·h wl11•rp it was h IIJ'l'iP<l a wa,v ill t h<' H:lltll' dirPdion aH th<' man it had l-IO wantonly st nwk down. ])<'Hl'l't ing t !11• ha11k of th<· tlitl'h, PPl'I',V HhamhlPd to his Hhack. ".\ fii'J' all," ht• l'Ollt<'lll)ll:d<'d, "H<•ars d<·S<'r\'l'd to diP; tl11• who)p afl'air happl'lH'd in th1• Hpa<'P of a miuntP. ThP only 1ht11lllahlP thing about it, iH that H<•m., · waH on tlH• WJ'g<' of hankrnpky; so it will b' tough on ltiH famil,\ ." '!'hat aftprnoon whih• wanth•ring o\'er thP JH'l'dnds of hiH land, ~pars had Hllddl'lllj' l'Ollll' upon fiftP<'ll h<•ad of <'attlP g1·azing <·ont<•nil•tll,r 011 his alfalfa. 'l'h<• .r bar hrmHIPd npon thl'ir hip:-; hPtrayP<l to hi111 thP fad that thpy w<•rp Huff P<•rry',• tattle. Blind with rag<', ~Pars ruHhl'<l :tl'l'OHH oppn 1n·aiJ·ip, on foot, for oYer a mil<•, until hP canw upon 11lll'llllll'll Bun· Pt•rry pladllly dosing th<' head g-ate of th<• Om·<•rmiH'Bt Hit<·h. HPaJ·'x tlight owr th<• prai1·ip in tlw burning hpat of tl11• HUn h:ul not, in th<• lPaHt, s<•rwtl to diminish hiH wrath; so whPn hi' l'HIIlt' up to l'alnt PPI'I',\', h1• hnrHt fol'th with a torrent of profatll' languag<'. £\t first Pl'l'l',\" IIH'l'l'l,V langhl'd; HOOH, ho\n•n.•r, muh•r Hl'arH' fiprt<' onslaught, hiH nlil'lh llis:-;oln•d into ragl'. 'l'h1'll iHIJH'lll'<l hy thiH ungon•rnahll' )lal'Hion, hi' i'itr1H·k HparH on t111• lH•:ul with a :-;howl. Tlw hlow had pron><l fatal. H1•ar·:-; ha<l llisnppl'Hl'<'<L "'ho would 1'\'er HUS]ll'd quiet, re.·pcdahll' Buff PPJ'J'Y to hl' t'OlllH'l'tPtl "it h Hparx' mystl'riouH dl'partur ,'! Onl' nigld ahout a WPI'k aftl'r th<• (!path of Hears, a terrifil' rain tloodptJ thl' t•ntiJ'<' J'i\l•r \'Hlll'."· Tlu• thnndPring of thP rain upon hiH roof togpth<•t· "ith the morP rpalistie roar of thl' thnndt•r itst•lf, awokt• th<• OoYI'l'liiiH'llt Hitl'l1 Hitkr. .\nxiouHly he aroHP, seramhlP<l into hi· <·loth1•H, lightPII his lall•rn, allll :-;allil'<l forth into thP llarknPss. By this t imP t h1• downpour hatl :-;Jad~Plll'd consi<l<•rahly; .·o the Diteh Hi<lt>r <·oul<l lll'ar till' roar of thl' watl'r in th<' Oowrnml'nt Ditl'h. In.·tinl'tin•ly ht• l't•aliz<•<l that thl' ditl'lt was hl'ing tax<•<l to itH fulll'st I'Hpal'it.'. Ill' Hhlltl<ll'l'l'tl wh<•n ht• <·allt•tl to mill(], the un ·table plaee, in tlll' hank of thl' l>ikl1 in th<' B:ul LmulH, whkh, h<'<'aus<' of hi:-; own Ill'gligPn<·t•. ltatl lH'\'1'1' 111'1'11 J·pp:tirt><l. 'l'hl' fa('(, that the ,YI'llow, l'rumbling soil of the "II is heart was in his work.''-~L".RC • ·oRro:>. ''Everyone ha~ a fair turn to be as great as he plea cs.''-Do:-.-ALD



Hall La1Hls i.· ~o ra~il;r wa~lwd away, f<lpurr<><l him to the ha~ty s:Hldlin~ of II is llorsP, :11Hl II is mad 1·idP to\\ a]'(l t flp P<lp;P of t flp Bad Lands wllf•J'I' til•• <:owrnnH•nt ])itdl lahor·ionsly ma<lP its wa~· . •\s flp lopP<l alonp; in till' pitd1-hl:u·k ni~llt with his oJ'()inm·ily i-'111'1'footpd llo1·~p slippin~ ap;ain and ap;ai11 in till' rain-~·makP<l tJ•ail, tlw Ditd1 Hid1•1' 111ad<• full J'l'p:mltion for his past !H'p;lip;Plii'P. • \ tllous:md tiiiiPl' a:-: flp 1'0\'I'I'Pd !liP six-mil•• ridP hPt WI'Pn !lis :-:lla<·k a11d til<• Bad La11d:-:, his di:-;toriPd imap;ination paiutPd to hi1ll a gapinp; l1olt' in till' ha11k of thP Ditl'll a11d thl' ypllow, ~llllPn toJ'I'Pnt l'll.'hinp; ont of thl' hi'Pak, d 1Wn throllp;ll IIIP <·J'\llllhlinp; •·an,\'olls of thP Bad Land:-;, and thPII<'<' i11111 tiH• fp1·til•• yalh•y ht'low, .-w••t•pin~ away in it:-; fiPr<·p <'OIII'.'<' hnndl'l'ds of hoiiiPS . •\ t la:-:t t flp l>i t 1'11 Hid PI' J'PH<·flpfl t flp t'dp;t> of t II<· !:ad Land:-:. l>isIIIOIJIItinp; \\ ith lanll'l'll in hand, and )padinp; his s\\"Palill~ ho1·~·a•, liP <'lllltiou:-;Jy :-;tunlhiP<l alon~ thl' hank of tlw <:ort'l'llllll'lll ))itl'll, followin~ its <'Olli'SI' as it ski1·1Pd alonp; th<• Pdp;P of U11• Bad Land~. t-4ooJJ hi' •·aniP to what II•• <l<'PiliP<l til<• lllost nn.-tahl•• pia<'<' in tiiP <•Htin• hank of till' .-tJ'<':tlll. .\ p1·ay<•r Ps<·apt'd him \\ h<•n hi' JH'l'<'Pin·d that till' hank \\'a:-; 11ohly slmuli11p; lh<• tl'~t of thl' :-;wolll'n wa{pi'N . •\sin fliP di111 lip;llf fi'Oill his laul<'l'll liP lllOJ'P dosp]y s<·rutinilwd tlw ha11k, h<• t l1o11~ht liP not i<·<•d a lop; \\ <•dp;P<l a~aim;t it; ap;ain h<• thankP<l P1·ori<lPIH'<' for add in~ this bulwark to tlw trpadl<'rons ~oil of thl' hank. It had <·<'a~ed J·aininp; hy tlriR tim<', and tlH• watPr in th<• ])if<-h woul<l ~oon rapi<lly ~nhsi<lP. 'Yith <•xtr<'JIH' c·ar<• th<' Dit<·h Hi<h•r 1110\'<'d JH'arPr to the Jo~ whi<-h had Jll'ow<l hi~ salnttion. Th<• lip;ht from his lant<•rn was thrown fully upon it. ~JPdtani<·ally, thP I>ikh Hi<l••r lnr•·h<•d hac·k, nt II'I'P<l ~olnPthin~ likt> a g1·oan, HJ](l ))('gan to <'hattpr :tloiJ(l, ho:m..:ply :111<1 :thsPntly. For thP SIJ}l])()l..:C'd lo~ wa~ :1 lmm:m ho<ly; thl' light of tlw lant••J·n had <li:-;<·lospfl thr h<•ad all(l ~honl<li'J'A of thP ho<ly, a}](l in ~pill' of th<• liYi<l, roHin~ 11<':-:h npon the fac·<•, aiHl th<• hlur, lomw lips, th<•n• was l'OJIIP!hin~ nnmistakahly familiar in th<• nwn·~ projedin~ front tPPtlr. Y<•:-:, ~ompthing­ look<•<l tPrrihly familiar to ButT PPrry, the Dilt-h Hi<li'J', a:-; hi' :-;tood, paralyzpd in tlw darknp~s, ~upportin~ himsplf agninst th<• p1·otPdinp; ho<ly of hi. • hor~l'. Hwiftly m·ousin~ ltilll~l'lf, howpwr, PPI'l',\' ~•·i:.wd thP sh<I\'Pl from it~ plac·p on hi~ ~ad<ll<', an<l fp\'Prishly <·arriPil ~nil ft•mn SOJIII' ()ist:nu·<• away to tln·o"· owr that portion of t)l(' holly whidt wa.- not c·on<·<'all'<l hy "atPr. liP JH'rfm·nu•<l ~UJH'rhnman lahor. D1·ippin~ fJ'OJII h<•:ul to foot with IH'J'Spil·a t ion, a n<l t rrm hlin~ with a~u<', lw fin a ll,v SIH'<'I'<'<lP<l in •·omplPt c•Jy <·m·<•rin~ thP <·m·p~c· of lh<' nnforhmatp man. .\11 "a:-: now saf<•, th•• watC'J'~ in th<• Dit<·h Wl'l'l' ('ontinning- to .-nhsi<h•; ~o P••ny monntPd his hors<' :nul, qnittin~ th<• fantasti.-al B:ul Lands, ro<l<• furiously for t hP ~ha<'k II<' <·all<•<l honl('. ~·o11wtinH lat<•r thP widow of t-4Pars r<••·pin•<l from a .-it.'· in th<' <':lst "Trust him not who seems a saint."-! lARRY P 1 ·Lr.Y. "Deep versed in looks.''-GRIHITH PARI\I:jl,


an 1'. prt•.·.· JHH'kap;P, whkh c·ontain<•ll (pn thou~awl clollar~ in p;t>uninr go\ Pl'llllH'llf p;t'I'I'H - hat·k~. Litt•t•ally oht>yiu~ tlw dHII'at·tpri.-tin; of hPJ' ~'""· ~lt'H. :-;I'Hl'H 1il·~t faint1•1l; tht>n :-;hPil (pars-all tlti:-; illm;lratt•d h1•r happilli':<H. 'I' hi' :-;a nw da.' t'PHJH't't :1 hlP, qu i1•t B u 11' Pt>rry, uuofft>IHlin~ B 11 If, who r·ar·pl_r J'l'l'l'in•d any mail, :11:--;o, waH tht> l'PI'ipiPnt of a ll'ttc•r from tht> pa.-t; it wa~. howpn•r·, only a IIH'I't' notp: J>1•a I' J: II fl' :I am c·prtaiul,r p;lad to lParn that .'·ou wet'l' ahh• to parn your lt>n thou. aud doll:n·s so you call c·ontintH' yom· l':tl'l'l'l'. Yon nndonhtPclly han· a hrillia11t fntur·t• ht'for·p .rou. 'l'hc> fad tl1at, h.' manual lahor·, yon han- PHI'IIc>tl th1• monc>y whit-h will fit you fm· your pia('(' in tlrt> Hun, I HIIJIJHISI', waH only ow• of yout· itliosyn('J'adl's to sPIHl a ehPek fm· nw to t·asll, and thc>n to 111ail tht• moJH'_\' to a ~~·ars "oman, who I pt'('HllllH' iH ,\'O il I' po.-tm iHt I' PH. ·. Best wishc>s. 'incerel.'·,





'l'lm ( 'OHHIIXlRH

'l'IH' lonp;, wid I' ha lis with ma rhh• floors, \Yith tinll•d wall.- anti ~n·at, glass dom·:-, \\'ith paint in~s rare of Tr·ojan lort>s, ~~·em infinite i u Im·elines~. 'rrm ~'JTnY HomrH 'J'hp H( ndy l'OOIIIH SO }at'~(' HIHl still, \\'here ~onw do lparn, ~omP-tiliH' do kill, .\rr ~tJ·ktly watt'ltPd hy tPal'herH till \\'p fail thPm to apprel'iah•. 'rn~-; Lr BIL\nY 'l'he lihrary ~o Ill'\\' and fair, "\\'ht>l'l' stndl'nt~, (p;u·lwr~. all may shm'<' P:qH•r·~ and hooks frmn t'n'l'.ndH'l'l', ~land:-; ~ill'nt with it:,; knowlt>(lg-r. '!'In; ( '.\FETEHI.\

.\t noon wltt•n sann·y odors flow {"p through tiH• rooniH, from do\\ n lwlow, 'l'hl' hungr·y, anxious Htndent:-; know 'l'ltat Jundt is waiting for th<•m.

"\\' c do not know what is ro:ally good or bad fortunc."-GrOR(.~ 1'~:-;:-;y ''ThL' (1\-~ir of appcarinf) clever often prevents our h~coming so."-DQ:\.\LD PHL!:iH-R. ~I

TnE ~wnnrL ·<: PooL .\. · n GYM ' A~Il'~I But aftpr hooks arp laid away Th<•n i.· t h<• t imp for sport au<l play, .\.wl o1w :tll(l all without dPlay Uo S\\'immiug or to "gym.'' 'l'HE



Fo1· t hosp who do not wish to H\\·im, Play haskPI-hall or work in "1-Q'lll," Tlw hillim·d room, fix<•<l ri<·h :nul tJ·im, ln\'itPs thl'Sl' tarpfr<'l' stndPnts in. THE

.\l ' IIITOJUl'~I

.\t night whPn Pwrything is hri~ht \\'ith musk, langlliPr all() whitr li~ht, ThP .\.lHlitorium is 1-lUl'h a sight .\.H OJH' filHls only in FaiJ·yland! 'l'IIE ,J,\. 'ITOit

011, HJ·a<ll<•,r is tlH• nit·est janitor man, liP wm·ks jm;t as hard as <•n•r he <'all; But h<•'s always as jolly as jolly <·an lu•, AJHl makPs us laugh till WP hardly <'llll S<'<'. liP visits all rooms mauy tiJH<'S <':tl'h da.v, To SP<' that thP i<'IIIJWI'ldm·<' i.· just th<• J'ight way, Th<•n talk.· all thP tinw he is <·rossing th<• floor, ~\.nd winks at us kids as lw goes out th<• door. \\'p S<'P lli111 ha11g romHl thp kitl'fH'll 11001'1 llinting- to tiH• ('ook that hP'<llikP "ahit 11101'<'." ~\.ll(l wh<•u hp's Hot thl'r<•, hp's l1ustliug- about, Bo.·siug- tiH• work with a smil<' and a shout. Oh, ,Y<'S! W<' all like our janitor mau, For ht> 's t hl' ])('st janitor in th<' lmHl. \\'e don't tare if l1e's dirty or trim, It isn't the looks, it'.· well, it'.·-just him! 'l'III~

~Tt' DEXT~

Hist! 'l'h rough t h<> l'OJ'l'idors <'<'hoe Faintly, thpn louder an<liwar, Tht> (']a tt<'r an<l noist• of t h P Ht ud<'n ts As with a gr<'at rush th<•y app<•ar, ~urging

along, ~hnllling HIHl Hho\'iug e:u·h otlwr, Ilu:-;tling- :uHl l'I'OW<ling all<•:ul, .\.rp "FrPHhiPs,", ~ophomot'<'H, ,Juniors, ~\.ll(l ~Puiors, all wisel,\' hn•<l. "'Tis ever common that men arc mcrric ·t when away from homc.''-CL.\1!1 .. ·ct ".\las, my wooing was in vain ."-EuwrN PoTIER.


Pn:;E. B•\RGJ::R.

took! On their fa<'r~ m•p written 'rhP t ri nmpl•~ and <'Hl'P~ of t hP day; All with tiH'il' joy.· all(] tlwir trouhi<'H Th<> brilliant, tlw dull aiHI tiH' gay. ~i]Pll('(' 1


t h<• foot~tPp~ grow faintPr, And thr <'l'O\nl <!rift~ ~lowly away E:u·h to hiH difl'<>r<•nt daK·-room, Th<• hal!H H<'<'lll <lull and gray.

BY V1<m.\ Rl'DY,

Come ( 'onw ( 'mur ('omP

'1 H.

all ,YP horpd and tirpd of life; dwPil in my fmu·ip~ with m<'; liw 'mi<l HI rang<', wrird mystrrit'H; look in tlw fntm'<' to})('.

IW\\' Por<l airmobile }Hn·rrd in uuhrok<•n <>a~P; I, brpathing a ~igh of pPl'fPd eontPnt, ~nugglPd h:u·k into it~ ~oft lnxul'ionH <·nHhious :nul ]put mys<>lf to tlw <'<ll'<'HH<'~ of tl~t• fpathPr-fing<'l'<'<l maidPn~-< of Hpring. LPiHUI't•ly I driftPd through tiH• ~->tr<'<'tH of ~mtmwt that Jal<' aftpruoou :Ill(] wat<'hP<] apprP('iati\·p)y tllP happy, "plJ fp(] WOl'klll<'ll P:tdl H]H'<'<Iing hiH ail·<'J'<'l<• to th<' limit, iu hiH pag<'l'llPHH to l'<'H('h ltiH humhl<' airhuugalow . •JnNt thl'<'<' day. prior to thiR, I had <'OllH' from parth and I <·oul<l not h<>lp <·omp:n·iug this happy, JH'OH)l<'l'ons air dty with th<• ow1· popnlatP<l r:u·th with itN Pwry indt of gl'omul Jitprally s<tnil'ming with hits of hmtwnity, Nl1·nggling wp:u·ily through tiH•ir alloll<><l thl'<'<'-N<'OI'P HlHl l<>n. "Ilow fm·tnnate I am," lmnN<'<l, "to lin• in an ag<' whpu thP JH'J'ft•t·tion of th<• tlyiug maehill<' mak<•s it JWHHihlP to dwPll aho\'P all tht' ~-;m-row, .·:ulnPNs, awl poY<'rty of parth." To h<• Nlll'<', imm<>diatPI,Y upon l<>adnl!, <>arth, I had h<><·onH' Yio]pntly air-Ni<·k; in fad thiN waH th<' fir~-;t wntm·<• out Rill<'<' my arrh-a! in ~mumat. But I waH now NJH'<'tlily forg<•tting lll.Y fm·m<•r <liN<·omfort~ in ll<'arty pnjoympnt of th<• <lonu•.·t it- tranquil it~· of i!H dt iZPll. ruhp(•<linp; thP ~->wift p;atllPI'ing <lm·ktH'HH, I llPp;IPdPtl to light my Ia mpH. ~ll(](]pnJy without wnrniug, I ":ts rnthlt•~-o;sly torn from my lllllHiugH hy a h'<•men<lons ('J':tHh. ThP JH'Xt i n~-;t aut, I wa~-; <lri ftinp; lwlpIPRNiy in ntt<>r <larkn<'HN NnpportP<l hy th<' paradlllt<• m•J•angt•mpnt on my air lift> ll<'lt whkh had nnfnrl<•<l itNPlf illllliP<liatply upon my lwing



"The eagle in one house is the fool in another."-lTAROI.D "Virtuous and wi e he wa., but not severe.'' \\'iLl.l \\1



tln·o\\·n from tlH• ail·mohilP. EvillPntly I had fallPn ~Oill(' di~l:ttH'P llPfm·p my ~upport had fully unfol(ll'd; for I (·oul(l (]i~('0\'('1' nothin~ in thP ~rip­ pin~ hla\'lm(·~~ PX('Ppt a far-oft' ~litlllll('l' whidt mi~ht ha\'1' hi'Pn tlw ma · (·hitw wlti(·h h:Hl ('ollidP(l with 1111' or lltl'l'Ply a ~tar lt(•raldin~ IIH· :tp]H'O:I(·h of lll~h I. I ~mwd about in (]p~pail·; fot• tlH• inky hl:mkPI~ ~l'l'llll'll to ~tnotltl'l' IIIP. ~l'iZPd by a ~uddl'n pan i(', I ~lll·h•kl'd a loud; tltl'n l wa~ PYI'll tliOl'(' appalll'd by thl' awful in~i~nitk:llH'P of my un:tll~\\-I'J'(•d ('t'Y in tltat lHIUlllllP~~. hlill(ling ~p:tt'l'. 'J'hl' \\·ooing, Ira itorou~ hri'PZI'~ to~~l'(l my hair dpt·i~in·l~· all(] ~m·romHlPil llll' in ~ndd<>n ~u~t~ and "hirl. · that \\'PI I nigh ma(ll' Ill<' faint. 'l'hl'n, all at on('(', th(•y ,'\Hldt•nly s<·m'l'il'd awa~ and ]pft thP air in ~ul'11 a dt•Pa<lful ('aim that with all my hP:n·t and ~oul I \\' isliP<l t hPill h:H·k, ll'P:H'hPl'llll~ I hough t hi'~' \\'1'1'1'. ~onu•whPt'l' f1·om out that li111itlP~~ infinity a low, th1·ohhing moan lw~an to lu•at llpon my (':tl'~. It ~~·(•mpd to dra\\ lll':ll'('t'; it (·han~Pil into a thrl'alt•nin~ ~rumhlt•. :'llltll'ly I ~trainl'd my 1',\'('~ in :111 nttPnlpt to di~­ ('Pl'll tlw nat m·p of tlti~ nP\\' JH't·i I. F:u· hpJ ow 1111', I ~a" tla~hl'~ of li \'id tit'P dart iug owt• rolling, ~p(•thing (']mul~. tinging t hPnl "it h a phosphoJ'I'S('I'nt light - blinding yt>llow :tll(l ri\"id hhw . •\wt>d :tt th(• .-tt·atlgPIIP.·~ of ~1wh mighty ad i\'it il'~ at work, I waitP(l. For" ltat ~PPIIIPd to lllP all PlldiP~~ PIPJ'llity, I watl'hPd tho~P mighty giant fOJ'('t'~ ~port in tlwit• nut•l play, mul m~ I di1l so 111~ \\'Pat'~' 1',\'<'S •·lor-w(l in spitP of myself. I han• no l'PI'OllPI'tiou a~ to how Jon~ I siPpi, hut it di<l not ~<'Pill many hom·~ nntil I wa~ awakPnPd hy tltP ~1111 lu•ating liH'l'· (·il<>s~l~ <lown npou HIP. )ly tl11·oat wa~ pm·dw<l; Ill,\' lip~ \\'1'1'1' ~wollPn :tll(l hl:u·k. Bdm·p my :wlting <',\'1'~ ft·pnzi(•d, hl:u·k dotH h(•ga11 to dalll'<'. ThPn all at Oli('P lhP.'P dot~ ~l't'lllt'd to tak(• thP fortH of :111 (•:tgl<' 110\'Pl'illl-!: t\'Pl' my ft'PIIZiPd fm·m. In \':titl I ~tt·nggkd to t11on• ill thP dP:Ul ait·; iu rai11 I pt·a.n•(l for :t~~i~talll'l'. Po\\Pt·Jps~, I watt·lH•(l tht' mighty hit·d lltajPst i•·ally sail tow:n·d 111<' n•·ro~H tlw sky. ~i(·k with (]p~pair, I (·lo~Pd tny (',\'<'H. ~lowly awl t·ytltmati•·ally, thP flapping of 111ighty win:,?;~ lH'al npo11 my P:ll'~. FiPJHlisltly mHl dt'fiantly, I langlw<l aloud. l:4ll(ld<>nly t Itt• flapping <·P:\~('11. 'l'wo ~~ t'ollg hands grip]H'(l my ~ltould<>r~ and I fplt my~plf drawn lip\\ :ml. Painfully, I opPIH'Il my ('Y<'~ and hPfOl'(' my jpt·k ing, tortm•p(] \'ision apJH':t n•d-an air ma•·ltitw. "'mulPringly, I lookPd at my l'P~<·tu•t·. l'nht'li(•\·iugly, I ruhh<••l tiH• ]pat ht't' <'IIHltion. 'l'h('ll 1':1 Ill(' t hp l'('H l iza t ion that I wa~ adnally in an air amhnl:lllt'P ft·otll thP lif(• .-nrill:,?; ~tation wiH•t'<' lt:ul h(•pn t'Pt'Piw•l liiPlltal lll<'~~:tgP~ of my disll'('~H. ~igltill:,?;, h11t t'PiiP\'Pd, I ~nnggiPd down into t Itt' ft·i('lldly l'll~h ion~ and IPnt 111,\'SPlf Oli('P 11101'(' to tlw ~\\'('Pt Hl'll~t· of ~p(·nri ty.

",\severy thread of gold is valuable, ~o is every minute of time "-]Aso · ROBFRT,.,. "lie is a wise man who will not he angry."- Do. ' Alii R«M.H!s.


"'J·ittPn and lll'o«lu<·<'d hy • 'plll' Hany, ~Iaq~m·pt Hut lPdp;t> alJ(l II t>lt•n ~I d 'mmPll. PJ'«'NPntPd at ~Pnim· LPap YPaJ' Party, ~Im·«·IJ :~. l!llfi and ,\lunmi ~~ IIIII ~how . • •. , \(;); PHOl'EH'l'IEN

• • r Ad«li(• AmNhary ( lll'l:tlllN .................................... ~ (' tl · )'' ·. t a Jt•ruw • nu11gan ('IJ:tiJ• . , ..... , ............................ ,('m·olill<' I~{<IJlNpPHkl'l' ( IJTliPNtl':t ........................................ Ft•aJit'I'N ~1.\'(')'N Fil·t• ....................................... ~Iarg-arpt Hutlt•dgl' .. f ('arolillt' ~lamqwakPr II oil'· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Frant'<'N ~I Y<'l'N


('11.\H ,\("J'EHN

• 'tag(• ~lanag('J' ................................ liPlPn ~lt-('outwll Lord II a \'lll<'t'I'Y .....................................• •Pllt• Harry 'J'pt·p. ·khoJ·p .................................... llt>atri(·t• .Ukh;wl l.orfl Blt•NNHN ..................................... IT p]pu BroNhar lady HIPNNllN .................................... Kalht'riJH' Jlutf ~tagp .\lanag1•J·: ( J)ntl/'.'i l' lll'lai11 asilil' 11111/ 1011118 rlo/1'11 1:1/ll.'fl' to 11/ltkl' OJH lliii.'J NJII'I'I'/t.)

LadiPN a11d <lt>ntlt'IIH'll, thiN drama, whit-It W<' art' IH'I'N<'nliug touigl1l i.· di!l'PI'('Itt ft'Oill thp UNUal typt> of drama, ill that tltp p)H_YPJ'S l'Pl'itP thP .·tagp dirt>dioHN for tlu•ir own adionN inNti':Hl of Jint>N. In ord('l' that ,rou may 111tdt•t·stand thf' intrit-atp plot fm· thiN play, I will tPII yon til(• f'ot·«•g-oiug 1'\'PlltN. 'l'Pt'psi«·ltm·p, thp flaughtPJ' of Lord and L:uly BlPNsus II:JN lH'f'll PX]ll'l h•d from t!H• Hoya I ~t·ltool hy Lord H:l\'IIH'I'«·y, IIH' supl'l'i 11 tPJH ]pnl, for Nmok i ng- l'igm·pt ti'H. 'l'lw 1irst a('( is t Itt• t·a tastrophP. ThP ~·~·pup is laid in tht> dmwing room of Lor«l and Lady Blt•ssu.·. A( "I' I

~('EX )•;


('nl'lainN (slr'JIJiill.'f to riyht and 11'/1): <'urtaius at'l' drawn asidP. 'l'«•J·pskhot'«': Tt•t·p.·khoJ·p .·its ;n a <·ortwr, smoking. Lm·d BlPNNUS } ................... Lord and Lath· Blt•Nsus entPr. , I•<H 1.\' 1~ 1PNN11 H ' Lm·d B.: Lord Blt•sNUN frowns at ltiH oil'Hpriup;. Lady B.: Lady Bl«'NHUH HiukN in a l'hair and NohN. 'l'l'l'p: 'l'Pl'pHi<·hm•p ('OUt ill1H'H to NlllOkt•. I.OJ·d B.: Lm·d BIPNsns ,·kiously JHlll('lH•N thp Fir<'. L:)(ly B.: Lady HlPNNUN gazPN anxiously at It('!' huNhaud. 'l'Pl']l.: 'l'Pl']lNi(·hOJ•(• giggli'N. Lndy B.: Lady Bh'NHIIN J'IINhPH to hPt' lift>-lll:ttt> and hang~ IH•IplPs 1,\ to hiN ('O:tt l:tpPlN. ",\s hlushing as a rose.''-,\Lnn·n Ro. r. "It is a good thing to Jearn caution h) the misfortunes of others."- ~1 nw.




I.or<l . . B. J> r . ............... An<1 tlwy ta 11~ OYI'l' t 1II' matt<•r togl't 111'1'. I -.l(1J ), J 'l'Prp. : TPrp~id1orp ~mokN~ on. Lor<l Ilavnwr<·y: Ent<•r Lord IIavnwrry. LookN diNgu:IPtlly on t h•• loathNonw ohjl'd lwhn•••n th•• t·nhy lips of TPl']INil'ltOI'P. lla~Hls Lon! Bli'NNUS a ]pj {('I'. Lord B.: Lot••l BlPNsns l'l':tdR, '':\ly dl'm' Lor<l Bli'RNU.', nothing in tlw wi<h•, wide worl<l <·an J'Pin:tat•• yom· <langhtt>r 'l'Pr]l.'il'ltm·p in tl11• Hoyal ~·khool. Aftpr Pxamining thl' <'mw, I find that all i: lost. Hh•• lH'YI'r gPfN hl'l' hiN(Ol',Y li'SNOllRi Nhl' flirts with hl'l' ]lh,YNii'S illNtrul'(m•; shl' Wl'al'N hPr •kiJ·t: Pntirt>ly too Hhort, mul wor:t of all s/t(' NlllfJkf's ('i!f(//'('{/f'8. If thiN ain't l'nongh to gin• a JH'l'Non thP lh·itiNh Th••t·ntal l'11its, I don't know what iN. 'l'hp HJW<'ifie hl':ttPd pl'iudpl••, Lm·•l H:n·nN." Ilan<lN fatal <lonlllll'nt to biN wi f1•. Lor<l II.: L<ll'll IIantH'l'<'Y HhakPH hiN ltl'a<l, fpars it is ho]H'll'sN, aud t UrllH ( 0 go. 'J'prp.: 'J'Pl']lNil'hOl'<', on hi'Jl(]p(} ktH'P, plNHls for llH'r<·y. Lor•l H.: Lord Ilantwr<·y spm'llH hPJ' mul trampR from tl11• room. Lord B.: Lord Bh•.'sns stalkN up :nul down thl' room. Lady H.: Lady BlpsNns faints. ('hair: ...\11(1 <'Wll tht• •·hair hr<•aks <lown. (falls on·r.) Curtain.': Curtain. OreheHtm: ( l'omes <lown Ntagp au<l plays on eomh.) AI'T II HcF.. •g 1. , tagp ::\TanagPr: TlH• .'<'<·mul Ad iH tht• Falliug Adion. Tht> set•n' is thr frozl'n lakp 1w:n· Blt'NRns <'astlt>. ('ul'faill:: ('nrtaius art> drawn asi<lP. Tt>rp.: Ent.•r TPrpisl'horl', still Rmoking. Hlw skatl's. Lor•l IT.: Lm·•l IIantwr<·y l'llt<'t's. He HkatPs. 'l'prp.: Tl'rpsil'hm•p Hpit•R hi.' lm·dNh ip. HlH' toss('.' hPJ' Iwa<l. Lord II.: Lord IIavml'rry snm·tH with i]}(lignatiou. 'fm•ns f1·om her. Hkat••s h:H'kwar<l. FallR through a Hole. TPJ'P: T••rpRidwrP glidl'.' to thP S<'Plle of disa.·t<•J' aiHl •·-·t••nd.' h('l' heart fplt sympathy. Lord II.: Lm·•l Hanner(·y gluh-gluhs.

Htag<' )Janagpr: Hising Ad ion. T<'rp.: TPI'p~i•·horp I'Xt<•IHls a hPlping hmHl, a~ Ill<' lor•l ri.·p~ f1·om the •lt•Pp for tht> thir<l tinw. Lor<l II.: Lord IIantH'l'<'.Y iH frozPn. ~Tot tll'ad, hut R]H'I'dtl•·.·s. TPrp.: Tel')>!{khoJ·p, speing tiH• Hituatiou iN urgent, thaw: him out with th<• 111'\'Pr-failiug tl:lllH' of lwr ewr-prPHPnt dgm•ptfp. "Fame is a puhlic mistress none enjoys."-RJCHARn Su RTZ. "For me }o,·e has no charm.''-llow"'IID t171'1.


Lm·ll IT.: Lord HaYnH'l'<',V l't•rowrR. In hi. ~ratitudP hp wi~hP~ to t'llllu·at·t• 'I'P1'JI~it·hm·r. 'rt•rp.: ~hP rt•pul~t·~ him on thp ~round~ tl1at tlwy haw nt'W1' hat! a formal introtlud ion. • t'B_ "B 4. ~ta:..w

.?ll:map;Pl': Introtludiou. Lm·d II.: Lm•tl HaniiPI't',V prodaimH himNt•lf to hP a lifp.Jong atlrot•a t P of t ht' t·ip;a 1'P( !t•, and hum hl,v ht·p;~ lwr forp;in•up:-;s. 'J'Prp.: ~~~ .. wi~lu•:-; to ht• atlmittt•tl ap;ain to t ht• :-;ehool. Lortl II.: liP grant:-; it with all hiH hrart. Tt•t•p l . r .\ntl hot h :11'1' Wt'll plt•a:-;etl. Bmhrarp. I,OJ'( l 11 ) ( 'urt a in:-;: Qu kk <'ul'tniu.

BY )1.\ncunET Hr•ru;mcm, '16 him for tht' tir.·t timP in thP <'Hft>tPria, right in front of hPJ' S ITEin tht•lint'. p;lant·t'd at him t•uriou:-;ly, for Itt• wa:-; a new tht•n 1-':IW



:-;t ntliPtl 1l1P nH•nu. \\'hpn tlw lattt•r was finiHhed to ht•r Hatisfad ion, Kht• lookt'tl iutt•ntly at the back of hiH ht•atl, wondt>rPd who lH• wa~, awl wiHhPtl ht• woultl turn around. ITt• muKt lHlW' rt'e(•iYPtl a nwntal uw~.·ap;t> for hn·u arountl hr tlitl antl :-;lw got a "pNfPetly grand" look at him. Ilt> waH tall a11tl Hh•utlet·, with (']p;u• t·ut ft>atur(•H, hig ln·own t>_rt>N, and a wavy ln·o\\'11 lHIIII]HHlour. ''(loot! looking'? "'pll I J.!,'llt'.'N l1t' "aH !" As tht',V passt>tl down tht' lint', Hht• :H•t•it!Pntly lmmJWtl hi:-; t'lhow wi1h hPr pln!t• a11tl ht• tm·tu•tl arountl. Hhl' lookt>tl up with a minp;lPtl PXJH'PH.-ion of 1'111 hm•t•aHsmt>nt, atlmiration, aiHl f(•:Jr. ~hl' mur111UI'Pt1, ''I ht>p; your pardon." 'l'hpn-!ht•.r :-;mih•tl. Hht' arrangt>tl lwrHPlf at tlH• tahlP Ko Hht' t·oultl han• a goo<l rit•w of ldm. If ~o;hp ditl not talk a:-; nnl('h a:-; nKual, nonp of thp otiH•r girls noti<·t'tl it. In fad, Nht' .'JWUt NO mneh tilnt• in watt'hing that h<> finiHh"tl anti pas~Ptl out IIPfm·t> :-;he tlitl anti, look a.· :-;lw might, shP Haw no mm'<' of llim that day. ThP 1wxt tlay, in ~-;pit<' of all lH•r fparH, hP wa. tlH•re again and they mmutgPtl to paNR out about tltt' :-;anw tim<'. \\"hpn Kht' wt>nt to p;t't ht•r hookK otl' of t lit• window lP<lgP ( tht'l'P wa.' rt>ally a hip; pill' of tht>m), ht> Kaitl, '')layn't l hPlp yon <':tl'l'y thost>'?" As an anHwt•r, :-;h,• ]H'omptly "p:JHI-'t'tl" half of tht>lll to llim. lit' O]WJH'd tht> <·on•r of OJH' HUll l't':ttl",Toannt' • "ann·rp." ''01'<', that's prt>tty," Iw :-;aid and :-;milt>tl out> of hi~ wmulPrful HmileR. ""'Pll, lt>ll nw yom·H," shr ans\\'l'l'('tl. ".T:wk )larston." A111l tlH•n they talkPtl! I'll not tt>ll you what th(•y talkt'tl ahout ht•t'HUSP you woultln'L hP intt•rp:-;tt•d, hut th<'y talkPtl till tl1t' ht•ll t•aug antl "Pygmies are pygmies still, though perched on lps."-CuARLFS "Blow, blow, thou winter wind ·."-Gu:. · · TALBOTT.


PF. ·sfR.

n littlP hit af'tPr. It .·PP1l1Pd to .ToannP that tl11• lwll had H<'n>r rung' Ro :-;oon IH'fo1'P. Prpdon:-; fpw thought~ of }p:-;:-;miH t'I'OWdPd thPil' way into liPI' hmiu that af!t•t·Jwon. ~h<' \\UH too Jm:-;y \\'t':l1'ill~ drPants and huilding :t irt·a:-;tlt>R. 'l'ht• JH'X! day lu• ~ot hPr hook~ HlHl waitPd for hPr ont.·idP thP tlo<n' . •\:-; tht•y passptl down thP f1·ont hall, :1 :-;uddPn in:-;piration ,·ip;.wd him :111(1 ht• :-;nggt•stPd a hamlnn·gpr. ~ht• had PaiPn a JH•dpt·tly :ult·quatp dinnP1', hut t·ould not n·:-;i:-;1 t!H• inrilation hPt'Hlll"<' it wonl<l ht• :-;o 1'omantit• to :-;land out hy thP wagon with him. llad :-;hp liad lht• t•om·agP to rdn:-;p, ho\\'PYPI', it would han• :-;art'<l ht•r Jlt:I11Y a hPart at'IH•, for lliPY uH•t a group of gi1·ls to whom :-;lw ltatl to introduet• .J:u·k. It wa.· 11ot tiH• taNk of iul1'othu·ing !lim that hurt; hut atnon~ tltoHP girl:-; was JH't•tt.r, littlP light-hail·t•d .Jmtt'l HPid, who ~-'<'PIIIPd to attmd .r:wk'.- att .. ntion. AH t!H' girls Jlll~-'~-'<'d o11, ht• lookt•d at .Joannt• and .-aid, "bn't .J:utPI l:Pid t·utp'!" .\s hP saw liPI' 1',\PN tla:-;h, ht• tlt•tt•J'IItint'd thPII and tht•J·p to ha\·p a littiP fun all hy hillti"Plf. 'l'hat Prt'ltiug· aR ,JoamH' pHi"Ht'tl dow11 thP fro11t hall, :-;ht• saw .Jack t:tlkiJtg to .JaJtPt, hut pHHHPtl hy t hPnt wit hont s:t,ring a wm·tl. ~Itt• <·onltl h:u·d ly kPPJI hal' k t ht• t PH rs and rowing wngt•a nt'(' on a II Iigh t -Ita iJ·t•tl gi1·ls, shP J'psoht'd liP\'1'1' to spP:tk to .Jat'k again. Fm· alllto:t a WPPk hi:-; attt•ntimts t·ontilltlt'd :llHl for thP salltP IPngth of timP .Joaunt• suet'PPtlPtl i11 t·,·nding Ilim. Finall,r onp tiny, hP wn itPtl at t hP door of tht• t·afPIPria till Nht• t·a1tH' m1t. .\:-; :-;hp sl;u·tpf] to pass h,r hint, lit' grah!)('d hPl' arm :utd sa it!, ",J oa mw." ~hP :-;toppt·d lmt :-;:titl1tothiHg. lit• was 1·athP1' takt•ll ah:wk hut hrat·t•tl up :nul said, "Li.-tt•n .Joali1H', do ~ou likP mp'!" "\\ l1y l stlpposp :-;o," :-.hp :IllS\\ Pl'Ptl. '!'hat sat isfipf] him alit! hi' stm·tt•d to talk ill liis usual t·a1'P-fJ·pp manllt'l' as if nothing had happt'liPtl. .\:-; thP hPil t':tllg lit' :--aid, ".JoaliBP, wt• :t1'(' both NPllim·s and tliP ~l'llioJ' Ball t'0111<'.· oil' nt>xt ~attiJ'(lay t•\·eniug. \\'ill yon go with nw'!" "ITo\\· alHlllt ,JanPt '!" .'lit• .-aid t•tmlly. ".Joalllll', Ho yo11 i"l1JIJIOSI' I t':ll'P two t'Pllts fm· that li~ht-llairt•tl yonngs!Pt·'! I wt•nt with liPr to st•P what yon would do a11d whPB you igllon•tl mt•, I lll':ll·ly tlit•tl. I stood it as long as I t·ould, uow all [ ~an do is apologizP." ".\11 riglil, I'll go with yon." That night a hig; hox of t·antly :tlltl a hmu·h of' J'Ost•s satisfipd hPl' IIP:tl't :md NIH· dt•l·itll'tl that sht• wa.· i11 Jon• with .J:u·k ag;ai11. 'J'h1• l't'lo;t of t lia t \\'('Pk t hP,Y \\1'1't• t ogl't liP!' most of t hP t il11t'. Tht• 11iglit of tilt• ~t·Him· Ball tliP_r \\'t'l't' holli in tht' NP\"Pllth lll'art'll of tlPligllt. ( hu·p hPt\\'t'P11 d:lllt'PH hP took liP1' h:tlld :tilt] :-;:tid, ".Jo:lllllt', I Ion• you 11101'1' than I t·all 1'\'t•t· t'XJil't•ss." ~ht• io;JIIilt•tl at hi111, ;tllt( tiJPy glidt•d illlO !ht• llt'Xt tlallt't', SllJH'l'llle]_v happy. '',\ rost• among the thorns.''-l !.~RI.A Tn:.\R. "Th) brilliance is betrayed hy th) hair.''-RALI'H Tn.~ \.



U ED l CAT E 0 TO T H E CLASS 0 F '16-C h~Yle..s rn .. u.r~r .,,

"\11 the world Jon's a lover." RICIIARII TR~-:nrrr. "Silcn e dm·s not ah'a~ mark "isdom."- lltH t.\. \\',\sUHR,


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";.Iy wit is provokt:d h) th~ actions of other mt:n.''-,\tlliHT "\\'ell nam~d thou art."-T1. ·,, \:>ut::R~O!'>,



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ltllro is Wl]o in


]unior <!tlass

..\DE., CIIUI:-iTL'B, <•thwator; lJ. Uantoul, 111_., .\ul!:. 1, - - ; 1-!:I'ad. .\ftPI' 1-!:l'aduatinl-!: from tiH• CPntl'al Ill. ~tatt• .·ormal ~dwol, shP rellll'IH'd to tht• Yatprlaud to euli!!:ldPn ht•J· "kith and kin'' . •\LLJo:X, .\Lit'E, }1<':-i~imi~t; b. Champail-!:n Co., 111., ,Jan. 1:!, - - ; t'<lut·atpfl iu ('hampail!:n lligl1 ~t·hool. ~ht• hittt•J•ly t•omplailll'd against hPJ' wPal'.Y fall' until a fm·mt•t· lovt'l' kidnapp<•<l h<•I' all(] took ht•t• to ~avoy to HutJ'J'.V her, aftt•J' whdh Hh<• lin•d in hliHHful t·outpntJtH'Ht. .\XPER. ·, I>ortoTIIE.\ H.\ Y, ( 'h<'t'I'.Y BloHHom; b. Champaign, I 11., ,J \Ill<' 1!1, - - ; ~nulnat<· Champaign l'uhli<' ~d10olH; attPH<lPd thP C of I., qualif_vin~ in math<•mati<'H, pl'<')Hll'atm·.v to teadliug in ,Japan. In ,Japan Hh<• mmTi<•<l an old love1·, tht> son of an t•xpol'tt>r. Her home i. in tltt> Flow<•J'Y Kingtlom. B.uom, ETHEL, walking dit'tionm·y; b. Champail!:n Ill., ,Juup !1, - - ; t•nl<•t·ed Champaign Puhlk ~<'hools in tht• fiJ'Ht gmdt•. ~lw ht•t·anw ~o e.·pt•rt iu hu ·int'Hs that PrP ·idt•nt KHo\\ -~omethinl!: employetl he1· aH hi~-; pl'ivate se<'retary. B.\.XH, FLORE.'CE, poett>ss; b. Ludlow, Ill., ~<'pt. .:!0, - - ; <'<111· <'ated in Champaign Puhli<' ~<'hool:-;, ~ht• maJTit•<l a millionaii·p who tool· her to Florence, Italy wheJ·<· sht> found iu~-;pimt ion for ·ome of hpr he. ·t po•ms. HL.\IXDBLL, )!.\BEL, sutfntgd te; b. Champaign, 111., Od. !1, - - ; gJ·:uluatt•<l from ( 'hampaign Puhl it· ~·khoolH. .\ftpr shp had takpu IPHsonH on window-Hntashing fJ·om )lnt Pankhurst, .·h<• HJH'<'atl hPJ' kuowh•dge to h<•J· down-tro<ltlcn .\uwl'i<'an sistt't'S. BIUULEY, CA'I'IIEUIXE Lon:E, 1-!:J'aiHl op<'t'a pl'ima donna; b. Champaign, Ill., ,J.Jnl.v 1!), - - . ::::\ht> qualifiPtl as a t·hot·u: gil'l in high S<·ltool op<•retta:; shp HHH/!: :olo paJ·ts in ~nuda,v ~dwol. .\fit•r thP OJ·Pat "'ar, she finishe<l her voiep tntining in Pal'is; she hPt·am<• so /!:t'eat that sh<• i · a ('!'edit to her eountry as well a: h •r home town, and Champaign High ~<'hool. Bmrx:Ei'i, KATIIRY:-1, stPnogJ·apht•r; 7J. Cl~ampaign, Ill., .\ug. :!7, - - ; c<lneatP<l in <'hampaign Pnl•lk ~<'hool:-;, .\fl<•t• Hhe gJ·atluatPd t'J·om t h<• ~dwol of <'omHH'I'<'e of t h<• l' ni n•J·Hity of IllinoiH, :he was o11't•t·pd thp position as pl'ivat<• H<'<'J'Ptary to PJ·<•sidt'nt \Yilson. BntKE, C.\.'riiUL ' E A<:. 'E.', lllll'HP; b. in ~L Tl1omaH, <'auada, l>P<'. :!1, - - ; e<hH'att•d Champaign Pnhlk ~<·IHlOlH. After 1inislling hPJ' <·ont-.·c in high '<'hool, ~-;he I·etm·n<·<l to Itt'!' uatin• laud awl qualifiP<l a~-; a llllt'S(' fot· maime1l soldiPrs. I>ul'ing h<•t· Ht•rdt·p in I~'t·ant·t•, HlH' p<•t·~-;onally seledetl the hraw ·t allll lPaHt injm·ed patiPnts for IIPI' <·m·e. BruT, )LHtY, honH<•wift•; b. in ~avoy, Ill., ,Jan. 1:3, - - ; Htal'lt•d in Champaign High ::::\<'hool in her junior year. Her 1-!:Cm•I·ous <li:-;position i: shown in her estahli. ·lunt•nt of a homp for war orplmns. CAL·) YIVLL ·, a ·wcet fate<l imp; b. in Uepuhlitan <'it~, ~ ~ eb., 6-t <'hampai~n l'uh. ~t·hH.

,July 1!1, - - ; gracluatecl from Ohampaih'll school A. Rh(• <'mployt•<l all h<>r fl'miuine wilPH to Htl('h goo<l JHil'JHIH<' that HhP won hi'J' way into thP hPat·t of a Frendt eount. ('.L\amo'\, ELLJ<L', dan<·<'t·; b. in Hkhvi<>w, Ill., ~<'pt. :!i. - - ; l'lltt•t·ed lligh ~t·hool in ('hampaign. Fm· fout· .n•at·H Hlw daily Plltt•t·tainPd th<' ~ultan of 'l'ud~<'.Y with hpt· toP dandug. ('.\HHWY, ('L.\1'])!,\, pt·oft•HHional lwauty; IJ. in ~haWIWPtown. Ill., .·m. tH, --; <•ntt•t·pd ('hantpaign High ~t·hool laHt yt•m·; aftt•t· gt·aduating ft·otn ('hampaigu High ~t"11ool Hht• tool· a t·our'HP in thP :\laJ"iuplJo Bt>a11ty l'ar·lor·H. ~ht• then Hllt't·t•t•tlt•d Lillian HnHHt·ll aH B<'allfy Editm· 1111 the :-;tall' of "'l'ht• ('hit·ago 'l'rillllll<'," "thp wm·ld'~-; gt·pa(PHt JH'\\'H]mpt•r·". ( 'o. ·• ·ou, LOIH, sodPt,\ ht>ll<•; lJ. in I w~-;da h•, Ill., Od. 11, - - ; t•dJH·att'd ('hampaigu Puhlit- ~t·hoolH. .\t au t•al'ly ag<· Hht• waH t·ompPII· t d to ]paV(' hPJ' hil'!h pial'(' Oil at'('OIIII( of itH Hot'ial [imitationH j Hh<• IIIOWd to ('hampaign wht•r·p tht• high Ht'hool Hnpph•mpn(pd hy thP l'nivpr·Hify of I IIi noiH gave ht'l' a widpr· H<'OJI<' for Itt' I' ~-;odal ,. ha J'JnH, and HhP t•n•n t ua lly IH•t·:tJIH' thP "ife of a ]pading politit-ian in \\'aHhington. ])oJmH, EV.\ \'Ing'\, t·o-ed; lJ. B,non, Ill., .\ug. :!1, - - . Fift<'<l I'm ( 'harnpaign lligh in tht• .Jolil't gr·atlt• .ThooiH, \'h i<•B l11·onght with ht'r· to ht'r· w•w en\'ir·oBIIIPBt Hpal'ldt• all(] \'ivadty Hull'kiPnt to dazzlt• not mlly <'har11paignlligh HtudentH hut ah;o HtiHh•ntH of' tht' l"niwt·Hity of IllinoiH :IH \\'I'll. I )OIHY, HoBgRT.\, philmmpll(•t·; b. liUIIH', Ill., ,June :!:>, - - ; gnul· uated from ( 'hampaigu l'uhlit· ~t·hooiH. .\ftt•r· many llllHlH't'<'HHful atl<'tllptH to ht·t•ak into .Xt•w Yor·k H<wil•ty, Hht• :uloptt•<l th<• motto, "If at 1it·Ht you don't HIH'I'PPd, try, try again". ~ht• BOW H]H'lHlH ht>r week·PndH "·ith :\I t·H. Pot te1· Palnwr. HIUJWY, LETTIE, ho\IH('Wif(' j 7J. P:uhr('ah, Ky., :\Ia~· 1:), - - j I'll· t<•J·pd ( 'llampaign High ~('hool I hi~-; y(•:u·. ~ht• pitH•< I away up nort II "ht•ah" uutil Hhl' t·dm·ued to IJ(•t· hil·thpla('(' when• Hh<' mat'J'iPd a fm·nu•t· playmalt•. B.\.H'l'BUD.\ Y, l'B.\.ltLB, t·ouJpaniou; lJ. ( 'hampaign, Ill., ~<>pt. :!!I, - - ; (•dut·ated ('hampaigu l'uhlit· ~d1oolH . •\fter gra<lnating fro11r thP ('h:1111paign High ~dwol, slw quiptly ·lipp(•<l into th(• life of a tnw ".\lkt> .'it By t ht• Fi n•". E~IHl'OTT, FumE. TE, .pt·oft'HHioual d:nH'Pt·; 1J. ('hampaig11, Ill. :\lmTh :!1, - - ; gnulua!t'd fro111 til<• ('hampaign Pul1lk ~t·hooiH; attPJHl· I'll the Ypr·uon ('aHtlp ~l'hool of J)andng at~-('\\' Ym·k and gnuhtat<•d with llonor·H. ~II(• llaH dan<·t•< l 111:1 ny t iHH'H l1dot·<• t lit• Ka iH<'J'. Fl.l<]:\ll. <:. E'l'IIBL, kindet·g:u·tt•n tt':H'ht•t·; lJ. (layH, Ill., 01'1. :!, ; ellu<·att•d ( 'llampaign Puhlit· ~t·hoolH. .\ftt•r· gt·a<luating fr·o111 t )I(' . 'ational Kindt•r·g:u·t<•Jl ('ollt•gt• in ('hit-ago, Hh(• took up her· ('hOHt'll pro· I('HHioB in .\t·gt•Btiua. ~h(• haH !wen n•t·y HIH't't'HHfnl aH tiiP orgauizn of a largp kiudt•I·gm·tt•n ,'('hool in BnPBOH .\in•s. l•'L}<]::\IL'(;, (h;.'E\'.\, lli1I'H<'i u. Uay~:~, Ill., .)an. 1~, - - ; ednl'att•d ('hampaig11 Puhlk ~t'hoolH; gnuluatt'<l ft·oul tht• Burnham lloHpital 1'llcr

conversation is more glad to me than money tn a miscr."-11.\RI!Hl lh


''Lnuk pot only at th • hare actions hut at the rca on in th ·m.''-GJ!,\tt; lhLL. Gj

Trainin(r Sehool for Tur ·es. At present sh<' i~ a He<l ~~·oss nnr. e in Argentina. GE!l', ~1.\UY, hon~t·wift>; b. Hantoul, Ill., Xov. :.!7, - - ; gr·adl!atl•a 'hampaign High Hdwol. ~he lll<UTiPu in ,July, 1!11~, ht•r Iowr who waH very attt•ntive to her· whilt> in Hdwol. GILLE. -, Hl"l'II, lawyt>r; b. 'hampaign, Ill., )lay:.!:.!,--; edn<'at •d Champaign Pnhli<' ~ehool~; gnuhratt•ll f'1·om l"niwrHity of Illinoi ·Law Hdwol. ~lndt to the sm·pl'i~t' of hPr da~H ~hP was :ulmitte<l to th' Illinoi.· Inn·. llt'l' frit•wls h:.Hl t' .. lH'CtPil hPl' pmdtion in lift• to h' of a retired alHl dome.·tk nature. GORDo.·, )LutY, l't•al e tate agt>nt; b. l·rhana, Ill., .July Hi,--; graduate<l from ('hampaigu High ~·khool; nttPtHled ~·ational Park Hemjnary at \Ya:-;hington, D. C. for two ypm·s; l't>turne<l to Champaign and engaged in tlH' rt>al estate husiness. GmFFITII, IlERTII.\, honsewift•; b. )la~on City, Ill., £\ng. 13, ---; edn<'atell Champaign Puhli<· ::-khool~. During thh; tillH' "~h<• never fOlUld he1-.·elf in a position to .-ay''; shp ~0011 fonn1l ht>J'HPlf in a "position'' wht>J'<' shp sai<l "y<•.-". Hhe now kt>P]I~ hou~e in a ]ll'Ptty lnmgalow in Lo~ £\ngp](·~. ('alifornia. 0RO.'H~LL-, JIJ~LI~:-., <'Oll<'ert ~iHgPI'i b. Lalla1·k, Ill., ,Jan. ~. - - ; enh•J·t><l <'hampaign Pnhlk Hdwoh;. Hht> wa~ gJ·aduatPd f1·om th<• Bo~ton C:on~Prvatm·.' Hdtool of )lusie, after whklt he1· rapidly g1·owing popnlarH~· J•eat·ht><l itH hpight. Hhe tlwn <'OllHPBt<•d to ~ing cmc·p morp hPfOJ'C an appredatiw audit•n<·P in tlw awlitol'ium of< 'hampaign Iligh H('hooL ILnnum, )L\.BI<jL, o:-;teopath; u. PJ·in<·c•villc•, Ill., )lay :.!1, - - ; attPIHlell th<• pnhli<· sdwolH of Champaign; gJ·adnatt><l from thp Littl• .John Hd10ol of o~t<'opath~· at <'hkago. Immt>diatPly aft<•r hPr graduation slw rPtm·Il<'ll to hPJ' ho11w town of Pl'in<·<•vill<• to pradi<'<'. IlEniLH'IIlm, Hl''l'II, anthoJ·p~~; lJ. ('hampaign, 111., ,July :.!1, - - ; P<ln<·at<'<l in Champaign Pnhli<· H<·hool~; attPn<h•d thP l'. of 1., taking a c·om·~p in l>mHP~ti<· H<'i<'ll<'~'i not sati~fiPil with thi~, ~h<' took her )la~tpr'~ VPgTPt' at Had(']itft> <'ollPgP. Hlw iH authol'ity on foo<lH. IlEI"I", Doni.', a Hhm·k; b. Y<•va,r, IlHl., ~ •ov. 1!), - - ; gm<lnate<l f1·om Champaign Orammar H<'hools. Hhe hlnll't•1l h<'J' wa~· tln·ongh lif' so ~n<·<·<>s.-fully that PY<'n King Holomon of thp LalHl of Know-~ 'othing was ma<le to helien• that IH' ha<l a snp<>l'ior whPn it <'Hlll<' to all.'\H'J'ing quest ion.-. Il<WnLL ·. Euz.\ J:gTII H., <lJ·a mat it· J·c•adPJ'; b. PP~ot um, I 11., £\ug. l!l, - - ; cdut·atPcl l't•sotnm Pnhli<- HdwolH. Hh<• 1ini~hPcl hPJ' high ~<·hool ('0111'~(' at Champaign. H<'OI'lling lht• O]l]IOI'(llllith·~ ofl't•l'('(l h,r thp r. of I., Hh<' JH'O<'t>Pcl<'<l at on<'<' to Em<·r~on H<·hool of OJ·ator,r, Bo~l<m, )[aH~., Wh<'l'(' Hht• at (aiut•<l (hp JtighPH( hOIIOI'H of h<•r daHH. JI<•J• Hll('('<'~H HH a J't>ader put ht>J' 11ath·e town upon thP map pPJ·man<•utly. IL·<:EUICII, YIOL.\., )Ii~H In<lPJ>t'lHlc'IH'P; lJ. ('hampaigB, III., F<>h. 3, - - ; enterecl <'hampaign Public H<·hool~ iu fi1·~t gra1h•. liP!' greatt>~t <leli!.rht wa.- tlirtilw. Hht• l'Pfu~e<l to matT\' for ~o lo11•r t"'' a tim<· that now ~hp (...1


",\ J\oaul of the preceding gcnl'ration.''-L.\l R.\ lhu.. " wcct food of ·weetly uttered knowkdgc."-E ·,u Bo.·~:R.


is passin~ lH'I'H<'l f off as a ymm~ widow ancl spen1ls her time at the fashionahl<' SlllllllH'l' t·psm·ts. It is rnmm·ed that it will soon be nnnetPSHai',V fot· ht>t' to kPt>p np hpt· vi~il. ,J.\('KSo. ·, Rt " l'll , a <·ydmH'; b. Lit<'hfiPlll, Ill., An~. 11, - - ; gt·aduat<•d ft·om <'humpaign <it·aJituun· ~<'hools. ~h<' hP1·anu• so profkient in nsin~ ht>t' shm·p tongtw that sh<• was known aH a maid who ('onM talk a11y agPn t oil' the JH'<'Illil-i<'s. ,J.H1l g~, LOI ..\, dmtH'l'tk .·<·il•n<'l' tt>tH'h<•r; b. Tolono, Ill., ,Jan. 11, - - ; Pll(Pt'l'll <'hampaign Publi<' ~dwols; gt·adnat<><l from C of I. in tlw lh•pal'!IlH'll( of HouH<•holll i4den<'<'. Latl'r she w<•nt to ~Tome, Alaska atHl h<'I'Hlllt' l'PllOWIH'Il a:-; au <'. pt>rt <·ook of fish in whalp oil. ,JERn~. I>mtoTHY K, ('. K worker; b. Champai~n, Ill., R<•pt. 1, - - ; t>ni<·I·e1l ( 'hampaign l'nblk ~dwols. A gentle <lispo.·ition and a pl<•asing pet·sonali ty are n<'I'CHsm·.v in pnhlk work of a religious l'h<u'al't<•r; <liM to thi:-; H<·holarship and ~-on luwe the charadcri ·tic that IIHHl<• I>mot hy a sni·<·<'HH in ll('r tiel1l of en1leavor. ~~~ • lJetam• a national otl'i<'<'1' of tlu• ~reat <'hrist ian Ewleavor organization. KEEFEH, ('.UIILLA, anthores.·; b. Farmer City, Ill., ,June 1, - - ; gt·adua(Pil fi'Oill ('hampaign Oram. ~l'h . ; grall. from r. of I. RIW Wl'it(•H dPlightful fait·y stoJ'ips for small< hildren; thus she has en1leart'll iH'l'HPlf (O thPIIJ. KutWA:\', <'E<'II.E, nun; b. Iwsdah•, Ill., D<'<'. Hi,--. ThiH l'<'nuuk altl<• Yillag<' ful'lliHitPd anothPt' Hodal h<•anty, indinc1l to <•nLu·gp hPJ' hOJ·izmJ. ~h<• waH ~nulnat<•d ft·om ('hampai~n Ili~h ~('!tool in 1!117 . •\ft1·t· a mad whil'l of sol'ial li\'in~, ind1Hling fatH',V 1landng, Hh<' J'l':tlizl'd that all iH yanity allll lH'<'HillP a ''Little ~ist<•r to thP poor.'' Kill.', ('.\ROI.Y ~-, Hlll'g<'Ollj b. ('indnnati, Ohio, )Jay;),--; wad. <'hampaign Pnb. i4dtH. Bm·n in thP BIH'k<',\'l' stat<•, :-;hp soon fonud h1•1· pt·op<•t· HPttiug in a CniVI'l'Hity town. Bal'ly in Jifp slw (}ptcrmiiwd to han• )1. n. aftPI' hPI' JlHllH' inHtl'<Hl of)£. H. ~- hl'fm·p it . •\.. gradual<• of C. of I. allll ,Johns Hopkin:-;. Aftpr the Or<•at "'ar, HhP wl'nt to Yil'mw, whl't'l' Hh<' attaiu<•d hPr amhition. L.\ItuY, ET'L\, <'II tPI'IailH'J'; b. Chkago, Ill., April 1(), - - ; Pll. ('hamll<tign Pnh. ~(']tl:-;. • 'imhh• of tongue and nimble of t1w, she he<'ame a pal'lor l'UtPrtaim•t· always in dt>nuuHl. )! l'('.utTll Y, <'gn;LI.\, profeHHOI'; b. ('hampaign, 111., Od. 1:~, - - ; ~·d. <'!tampa ign Pn h. ~<·hI.·. ~h<' was thl' pridr of hPr dass; "owr uin<'ty" alway:-;. i41H• won th<• <'Oilllty :-;dwlarHhip fot· thl' lTniwr ·ity of Ill. LatPr Hh<' h<·<·aHH' a prof<'HHOJ' of "math." at Bryn )Jawr. )ll']).\ YITT, PE.\ltLI•;, a <·onn tJ·y lassie; b. :\Iontk<•llo, Ill., J)p(·. 11, H1·onght to th<• ,Junior ('laRH thl' l'hai'Jn an1l swel'hll'HH of J'HI'al liviBg-. i4hP t·Pt unwd to i-4<',\'lllO\Il' with th<' at mo:-;phl'r<' of m·han living. )1<'. 'Eli., .\m;1 1., modiHI<•; lJ . •\hua, Ill., )Jay :!7, - - ; gnul. ft'Ollt <'ha1npaign (lt·aHt. i41·hiH.; took a <·om·se in Ilowwhold ~den<'<' mul\'1' thP fa:-;hionahlP JltOdiHtP, Poii·Pt. ~he HUl'CC<•dell Lady l>uti Uordon in ('l'l.'Hting Ill'\\' "Ludl<'" gown:-; for • ·ew York elite. "Two hlal'k hair~.:d, hlal'k eyed maid ."-.\ur.\ and F11. · ,\ Tim\ \t "1 cnmpd all cn:aturcs to do my wili."-Zt:.'in.\ Bi! \\till E.


\ . ••


)fADDE.', ALICE, hl'ight <'Y<'Ri b. Dewey, Ill., Od. 10, - - ; entere(l ltigh :-:l'lwol this ~-~·aJ'. llPJ' lifp wol'k is dJ'<'I'Hing th<• hail' of the young lad iPs \\ ho makt• up the I'Olll'l of Quppu lla bisha a I I hp sma II prindpali ty of Lon•-Plt>aHIIl't'. :'ll.\JU\:L.\:\Il, :'II \Runmn·g, sutl'J·agPtl<•; IJ. Flm·a, Ill., ~·ov. li, --;Pd. ('hampaign Pub. ~·khll'. I<'J'OJII hPJ' ll<tliH' and hPJ' bil·thpla1·<• slw still J'('lllaius a dais,\·. IIPJ' \\ m·k in dPbating and publi<· H]waking, whilp in thp high :-:1·hool, )lJ'P)laJ·pd hPJ' foJ· tlw <·hautalHpta platfonn. ~he bt•<·amP tlu• fpm in in<· "l't>t•J·h•:s One". :'IIIT<'IIEI L, ED:\.\, a :-:IH'I'I'SH; IJ. ~Pymmn·, Ul., ~<'pt. ~li, - - ; P<l. ('hampaign Pub. ~('his. Oood looks and <·hat'llt, logelh<•t· \\'ilh gt·Pat \'t•J·:-:atility, assistPd Edna in fulfilling llw pt·otnisp of hPJ' gil'lhood. .\t thP l'. of I. slw m..t hPJ' fall', a young PnginPI'J'. ~h<• is 110\\' a IPadpr of I hi' H<H'ia I li fp in BliPIIOH .\i t'l'H, ~<HI I h .\m(•J·i<·a. )IOOHE, )1.\RY. lilll'Cil'iall; l1~ :\lolltii'Pllo, Ill., .Junp ll, - - ; gJ•adnatpd ft·om th1• ('hampaign High ~~·!tool; \\:tH a stud<•nl of Liln·at·y ~d­ <'ll<'P at thP {'.of I. .\t }IJ'<'H<'lll HhP is l~t•ad lilll'al'iau I'm· th1• Liht·at·y of t h1• l'n iwt·:,.;ity . • ·OlC\L\:\, :'II.\IW.\IU<rr, IP:u·hpJ·; 7J. <'hampaig11, Ill., .TtllH' :1, - - ; 1'<1. ('hampaigH Pub. i-'dtl:.; altl'lHh•tl th<• Ea:,.;(pJ·n Illinoi:,.; . 'ol'lltal at ('hal'IP:ton. ~h<• is HO\\ tPal'ltiHg lhP :ith mtd lith gt·adPH at ~<'.nnout·, Ill. 1'.\l'L, LE\'1.'.\, al'lt·l•ss; b. ('hampaign, Ill., 01'1. :1,- ; Pd. ('hampaign l'uh. ~dtls. Hy lht• ai<l of ht•J· goltll'll (J'<'HHI'H, \\'hkh \\'l'l'l' i<lPntkal to tho.·p of :'llat-y l'il-kf<ml, sh1• SIH'I'l'l'<lPd that bPanliful gil'l in tlw alfPI'tion of t!H• movie a<h O<"ates. PHH'IL\HD, Lon:·a~, "gloht• tJ·ottPl'"; lJ. 'l'a<·oma, \\'ash., 01'1. :!1, - - ; sht• J'<'Vl'l'HP<l thp wmal m·dt•J· awl mow<lt•aHt; Pd. ('hampaigu Puh. ~dtls. On ('lliPI'ing the e. of I., in Hpite of hPJ' gt·Pat Jon• fOJ' mathPmatil-H, 1-'IW majoJ'I'<l in EngliHh. .\ft<•J· lt<'l' graduation, O\\'ing to her fon<lnPHS for "gadding", Hhl' b<•<·mnP a l'ln·onk ''g-lohl' trot t<•J·". H.\n:rnx, OL.\llY~. misHionm·y; b. Bon<h·illt•, Ill., .\ng-. 10, - - ; 1'<1. ('ltampaign Pnb. ~l'hls; att<•IHll•<l traiHing H<·hool in ('hkago. In 1!1:.!0 Hit<' went a: a mi:Hionm·,v to India. .\ ft•w y<•m·H lalt•t· shp manit•d an ol<l playmatt>, who was also a mi!-isionar,v. Tht',\' li\·e in Iwlia. HH'li.\IW.', IL\ZgL, dt•signi'J'j 71. Pal'is, Ill., .\ug. Hi, - - ; gJ·:ul. fl'olll t Itt• <'hampaign High ~<·!tool. Jt Hoou ht•<·mnt• 1'\'idt•nt Hhe had taHtl' and originality. ~IH• HpPdali~w<l in d1•Higuing <li·<•Hst•s aHd lwl'aliH' a Slli'I'I'HS in this VOI'ation. ~ow.uw, LYJ.l.\.X, vall<lt•vill<• adJ'I'HHj lJ. Fithian, Ill., :'llaJ'I'h 1:!, Fithian Hl'nt fr·om lt1•J· gnult•H to th<• ('hampaign High ~l'ltool a gil'l \\ ho made a I'<'<·m·d; "P<'Jl" w:u; ltl'J' HpPdalty. .\ft1•r gJ·a<lnation Hhl' <lJ·a ft <'< 1 on t h iH J'I'Hl'J'YI' a JH 1 h<•<·a llll' a "IWJl" JH'J'fOJ'JlH'J'. By gJ·<•a t and S])('dal favm·, the OJ·ph1•nm SPI'IJJ·<•<l hpJ· fm· a thr·pp <lays' pngag<•nwnt, and t l11• lton:,.;p wa: ITO\\ <l<•d to HI'(' h<•r; hPJ' l'las:,.;matPs spnt ltpr tio\\'('1':-i. ~'1'.\:\IEY, .\LI<'g, al'{ Jnodp]; 71. Champaign, Ill., .Jmw 11, - - ; entt•n·<l ( 'hampaign l'ub. ~l'ltiH. in 1iJ·Ht gJ·:ulP. IIPr ]H'J'f<'l'l hlowl t,rp' "~Jan delights me not.''-.

":'llo t men arc



had.''-LILLJ.\:'1' BL'CKLI::\',


\\'as t hP l'an. <' of • o mtwh admit·ation that Ilal'l'i.•on I• h;lH'J' rng-ag-P<l hPJ' as his favol'il<' mod<'l and now li<'J' fa<'<' may lH' S<'<'ll on I lH' <"O\'<•J·s of sonu• of tIll' Jno:-;t populal' mag-azilH'H of today. TIL\L, )JET.\, ll':ll'lH'J'i b. EhPI'l<', Ill., Od. :!!l, - - ; afi<•J· g-J·:t<lnatingfJ·om tIt<' ( 'hampaig-n Hig-h ~·khool Hll<• at I<'JHl<•<l I h<• {~. of I., wliPJ"<' sliP majm·<•d in OpJ·mmL As soon a:-; sliP liui:-;ltpd hPJ' <·mn·:-;e, sh<• J'<'l unwd to ll<·t· old hoJtH' in Eg~ pt, to l<•a<·h. HhP i:-; :-;till thPI'<'. 'fl'It. 'J·m . Fg1t. ·g, diamond <'XIH'J·t; 7J. HP~ mom·, Ill., 01'1. (i, <'III<'J'Pd ltigh H<·llool at ('hampaign. Bm·n \\ ith a wmHlPI'fnll,,· <l<•,·pJop<><l HPIIH<' of (oll(·ll, :-;hp <·an tPII tlw Pxa<'l valnP of a diamond m· olll<'l' }lJ'P<·ions slmt<• hy lli<'J'<'l,\ holding- it in lt<•J· hand. HhP i:-; pngag<•d at an <•n\'iahl<' ~al:u·.' at th<• • 'pw Ym·k ('u:-;tom liouH<'. \'.\ I>mm • E."I'IIIm, m·ganizPJ'i b. Hamwmiu, Ill., .Jmw G, - - ; <·d. ('hampaign Pnh. H<·hl:-;. and l'. of I. 1~:-;IIH'I' lovpd m·gauization and sl11• pi·ov<•d a IIPipful IIH'IlliH•J' to l'lt111'1'h, Hmulay :-;<·!tool, Epwm·t It LPagtH', Y. \r. ( '. A., "'· ( '. T. l'., I>. A. R, and Da ugh I<•J·:-; of V 1:!. 'rliP snfTI'ag<' 1110\'l'llt<'lll ftn·HiHh<•d hPJ' a nat m·al ont IPI. llpt· :-;pi<'IHli<l peJ'I-4oual appP:tJ'· :m<·<• makPH IH'J' alwa,\ :-; in d<•mmul as a JpadPJ' of }IJ'OI'PSsioBs, <·anyiug I liP hallll('J'. \\'.\LKER, IIIr.n.\, :u·tist; b. Y<•vay, lud., :\Jay 1.', - - ; gmd. fi'Oill lh<' higlt s<·lwol of ('hampaigll, Ill.; aiiPIHI<•d thp AJ·t Tnstitnt<• of ('hi· <·ago; stndi<'d abroad foJ· H<'V<'J':tl y<':tJ·s; I'PIIIJ'IH'd to • 'pw Ym·k, wliPt'<' shP is no\\ living-. Hl11• is at hPJ' IH•Ht in I h<' painting of auimaht Jlpt· pil'lm·<'H, although <'Oillp:ll·ativPiy J'l'<'<'nt, aJ'<' J'allk<'d hy th<' foJ'<'IIlO~-<t nit i('s wit It HoHa Honh<'lll' awl LalHlH<'<'J'. \\'.\LI\Tl', loxg, "gloh<• tJ·otlpJ·"; 1J. ('ltampaig-n, 111., .July :n, - - ; <'HI<'I'P<l ( 'hamp:tign Pnh. H<·hiH. iu fi1·Ht gr:Hl<'. Iu many l'limes and <·onliliPUIH sit<' songht fm· thP lost mat<' of h<'J' <limp!<', mul<'J' tltp dil'Pdion of many uotP<l !)('anli<'l-li hnt though thos<' <'fl'orts \n'J'<' in yain, l-lhP did till( I a hnHhaJHl in t h<' peJ·sou of an Ameri<-an al't ist HI ndying in stmuy Ital,,·. \YinJ.\'J'LY, BER:\H'I~, dpsign<'J'i b. H<•.nnom·, Ill., Ang-. l!l, --;was gmd. f1·om ('hampaign Iligh H<·ltool. Hltp Hoon h<•<·amp a m<'mht'l' of thP Htatl' of '''l'IH• :'llo<l<'J'll JlJ·i:-;l'illa" and t hns Hh<' made liH<' of IH'J' tall'nt in thP making of <·J·oi'IH•I pat I<'J'BH. "'IIInJ. BK\'I'IU<'I~, "s<·hoolntaJ·m"; b. Bpnwnt, Ill., .Jnl~· ;, - - ; g-J·ad. f1·om ('hamp:tign 01·ant. H<·hl~-<. Afi<'J' Hh<' waH g-J·adnatPd, siH' taught al'ithmPii<- \\ ith a long J·od in a littlp <·otmiJ·~ ~>;<·!tool honH<'. \\'ILHO:\, ED.'.\, jnhil<•<• :-;ing<'J·; b. HltawliP<'town, Ill., )Jay 17, - - ; alt<'JIIlPd lh<' Puh. H<·hls. of ('hampaign. Hoou afteJ• 1iniHhiuo hioh Hl'ltool sit<' join<•d lh<• .Jnhih•<' HingpJ·s. 'l'hiH <·ompany is Oil<' of h;,t on lh<' road, :tJI(l iH in dPmmul at <·hanl:nHJilHs and tPIII nu•Pti11gs. "'oomJx, :'1£.\mmY, padfiHt; b. Ht. ,Jo.·pph, Ill., .rmw :!H, - - ; <'lltPJ'<'d ltigh H<·hool at l'J·hana; <'HI<'J'<'<l ('hampaign IIig·h H<·hool this .n'aJ·. After Hill' had h<'<'ll in ('ltampaign High H1'110ol fm· two yt'al·s, Hll<' hP<·a Ill<' Y<'J',\' 1oya I hut sit<' HI ill J'<'l ain<'d HOill<' loY<' foJ• Oil I' twin. Ho Hh<•


"There arc rhcrrit•s grm\ that none can huy.''-FREII>.\ ·Rl sr. nt'\\ nt•ss nr grcatncss.''-.\IJI.I>RH> 1 ~~

"\II things are admired eitht•r for




dcvot P<1 hrr time in trying- to pt>J'sll<H 1<> lu•t· f1·ipnds that ra<' h town had :v mn<'h l'ig-ht on the map as tlH• othPJ'. \or.<:. ETHEL, hnsinPss woman; b. Oakwood, 111., ~·ov. 1;), - - ; <'<1. Oakwoo<l Puh. ~<"Ills. ~hP lPft hPJ' natiw town to finiHh hPJ' t•thH'ation at Champaign. ~h<' waH gJ·adn:ltPd with honOI'H and latl'l' Hhl' s<•t·m·pd an p_ I'PilPnt position "ith ~pm·s, Hot>hu<·k & ( 'o., ( 'hkago, Ill. BAHKEH. ('11.\ULES, fptdlin' smilt•; {J. ('hampaign, Ill., Ang-. 1~, - - ; J· t•iwtl Jll'Pliminm·.' Pd. at BondYill<', Ill.; gmd. f1·om ('hampaign High .'t l ool: <·onthwtP<l photogJ·aphit- studio at Bouddllt•. His fpkhin' smiiP I iJ ~ tlwm all. HEw:. LEIWl, matlwmati!'iau; b. Pt>oria, Ill., ~lardt lli, - - ; P<l. C 'hampai!!'ll Pnh. ~dtl.·. liP i: an astJ·onmiH'J' at Li<·k OhsPnatory. Het:t'ntly ht> tli. t'on>rl'<l that thp plmwt ,Jupitt>r haN anotht>J' NatPIIitP. HP ha ...-orld-' ·ide fame for hi: liHll'\'PlouN homP-liHHlt' gpompt rit·al (}pfiuition. ·. nnm ELL. Eow ·, 11ori.·t; lJ. <'hampaigu, Ill., ~lay 4-, - - ; e<l. ( 'hampai!!'ll l'uh. ~dll.'.; took Flol·knltm·t• ('Olll'S(' at e. of I. ~\ft<'J' gl·:ull onl' of thP hu-gc·.·t gl't'<'llhouNPN in ('hkago. 'l'h<• stJ·ang<' uatin!!'. lw ·r·e and uuaeumntahle t·e:nlts ln·ought about hy hi:,; att<•mpts to inv<>nt n<•w tl · r ba thrn t !!'l'l·atut•:.· npon him No that now all an• familiar with Bit·d · ll .,· <'o .. Flol'i. -t.-. BR w.·. ""AY.-E, football <·oa('h; b. Tmwola, Ill., :\ImTh :w, --; t-d f'h;unpai!,.'ll Pub. ~l'ltl.·. IliN long suit was athlptic·N, and No hp <'lll<'l'<'d 'li!.! ntly in 1ch work at the C of I. liP was ~:;o Hnc·c·c•ssfnl that after d hi diploma thP l~niwJ·sity of ~IinnPNota Nought him for foot-

11 r ach. •• H \R r D, a.gl'i<·nltmist; lJ. ~:ulornN, Ill., ,Jan. ~(), - - . II<> J·. t th<> ('hampai!.:'n ('onut.' .\g1·kultm·al ~\s.'<H'iation and gi\'1·~ e 1 ,]£· a 1 i<· · to thP fai·BwJ·s <·mu·<•J·ning thp ns<> of his latest diNt • ('hineh Bu!! 1><'. tJ·o,\'<'l'. B ~ . LEo, t.t i <lr·i\(•J·; b. ~adm·JJs, Ill., FPh. ~H, --;grad. ('ham1 Ii •h '·hool II<· dl'iw.- a Jil·.'t t·laNN taxi fort 11<' ('hpstPJ' Tran.'ft>r n I p J·ti ·ulal']~ <'. p1·1·t in tnl'lling I'OJ'JH'I's and Pnuling tht• NJW<'<l D

p •. ·. G1 .J:U:T, l'ii<'Htit·al Pngin<'<'l'; b. LPxington, Ill., ~<']ll. 1, e ·ei •d hi JH' ·limin:u·y <·cl. at LPxington, Ill.; diPllli<·al I'Olli'Nt' at . lJf I. In hi. r · ·e11t J'f>. P:t~·<·h<· · h<• di.·c·oY<'J'Pd a ll<'W kind of <'X]Jlosin' ·hic·h i ti<l to he• th<' nu,, t JHm·pl'fnl known. 'l'hiN t•xploNi\'1• is ahNolntf'l. h:u·m]p in tlH• hand. of t h<· 11.'<'1'. ('O ·.·,II \I(LA 'optidan and jPWI'It'l'i b. rJ·bana, Ill., J)('(', 1~, - - ; Pd. in l·J·bana l'nh. 'f'11l..; , 'IH·Ihiua Pnh. ~~·hlN.; ('hampaign High .'el1ool; Opti<·al ,'<-IH,ol, ( 'ldt·ago. JJp i.· at ]H'<'S<'nt fitting glasNPN fm· all ('. H . .- .. tJJdPilt <',(HI )Jill'l'ha. ('of 011(' doll:u·'N wm·th of ji'Wt'll'y. ('ItA\\'fOIW. I'JIJLII', 11111. it·al di1·t·t·tor; IJ. ('hapmaigu, Ill., )l:uTh 11, - - ; <·<1. ('h:nupaign l'nh . .'1'111.·. Ilis artisti<' tPlllJWI'Hill<'nt hPtJ·a,·c•tl it.·plf iu tlw hl'illiant·f', of hi.- long, I'Pd hail·, anti soon it waN mad<> <•vitient



is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drop clf."-FRIF.ll.\ E\·\.'s.


) our


that his lif<> wn.· to ht• SJH'nt to th<> snpl'PIIH' Pnjo,n•u·nt of himsplf' atHl to th<• ahjPd .·onow of his pnpils. ll<• is now in his p](•m<•nt as tlu• mnsi<'al dii'Pdm· of a laq.-1;<' <'htss of SllHtll hoys. f).\l'<:mmTY, ('L.\Y'I'O:\, hasPhallvlay<'l'i lJ. ('lintouYill<•, \Yis., .Jmw :.W, --;Pd. ('hampai~•l1 Pnh. ~·khls. F1·om thl' tim<' hP play<•d <·at<·h in tlu• h:u·k yar1l with his rt•d hP:Hlt>1l, f•·t•<·kh•ll fa<·Pil nPig-hhol', h<' showPil l'Plllal'lmhle talPnt for tlw game, nntil ht• pPl'llHUH'ntly lann('h<'d himHelf in t hP 1·a l'l'<'l' of a ]H'ofp:-;sioual ha:-;phall pla~·Pr. II<• i: now playi11g <·Pnt<·r lipid fm· tht• ('indunati Ht•ds. E()\\'.\IWH, HommT, amha~o~~mdo1·; lJ. ('hit-ag-o, Ill., .\p1·. 10, --;Pd. Whiting-, Ind., Bnu·pvilh•, Ill., ~·og-al<'s, M<>.·., Evam;lon, Ill., Lotus, Ill., Ilou.·touvill<>, Ill., Champaign, Ill., C of I. llis <'Illll<'SH amount of ('lH'I'g-y and hiS Ya l'it><l PX})t'l'lt'IH'(' ill llH'Pting- IH'\\' Jli'OJilP jjt tt•1l him for his <·alling. I•'onLgR, lL\LPII, haHkt•thall t·oa('h; lJ. Ymulalia, Ill., Od. :!1, - - ; I'll. Yandalia lligh ~dwol, ('hampaigJl llig-h ~dwol, and C of I. Tit• play<•<l on tlH' Ym·Hity haHlwt hall {pam at l '. of I. and his IH'Y<'I' failing to mi~o~s lpss than one haskt>t out of lin• won him the position of trainer at ~avoy.

FR.DIE, CL.\RE. ·rE, vl.'tel'inary . urgeon; b. Champaign, Ill., Feb. 2, - - ; gm<l. Champaign High ~ehool; grad. Y<>trrinary ~mgPon'H 8chool. II<• :HTi<h•ntally <list·ovt'I'l'<l that hy blowing in tht• ear a halky mnle might h<> ma<l<' to ('hnngt• his min<l. His a<lvi<'e on the matt<'I' was takPn with fmch s:HlresultH that lw was for<·ell to leav<> town. O,L''L'Z, ARTIIrR, all 'round athl<>te; b. ~Tormal, Ill., DeC'. :n, --; P<l. . 'm·lllal Puh. ~dll., <'hampaign High ~thool. In football, ha~kl't­ hall and track he has hall no snpPl'ior in Champaign. ~hortly aftpr gra<luation hp plrasantly . uq)l'isell hi. dasHmat<•s with paH. <>s to th<> Olympian ganw.·, held at Phil:HlPlphia, of whkh he was a partidpant. O.\RIU<J1', ~IJI<JRl\IAN, wii'PlPsf'l opPrator; lJ. ('hil'ago, Ill., Peh. 1:!, - - ; P<l. ('hampaign Pnh. ~(']lls. On a<·<·otmt of tlw populal'ity of "ireless ~o~tal ions t hi.· hash fnl young man haH lH'('n a hiP to takP <lPlightful pl'ivate h•HNonH lirst-haiHl f1·om t h<' i<'IHl<'I' Ion• me.·.·ag<'.. ent a('l'O .. ' , pa<'e. IL\RRIS, I )\\'H:II'I', antomohih• mannfadnrer: b. Homer, Ill., - - ; p;1·ad. <'hampaign High ~<·hool. In tid.· <lay of rrmal'lmhh• originality it is of inii'I'PHt to not<' that })wight ha~o~ inwnt<•<l a Hmall r:H'Pl' with a lightWI'ig-h t Ht ePl top. It is t h<• Ia fpsl wm·d in Jll'(']lHl'l'llnl'ss, for it a tl'or<l.' <'XI'PllPnt p•·otPdion f•·om st1·ay Z<•pplins. III. 'I<,H, Il.\RRY, <·hii·opodiHt; b. (hand Tower, Ill., .July :!!l, - - ; at t<•JHlPd sthool at <trand Towl'l', Ill.; gr:Hl. Champai:.,r-r1 High ~ehool. .\ft<'l' lllal'l'Yiug hP ha<l to takp np a Jll'OfPs~o~ion to :nppm·t hiH wift•, . o he hP<·a llll' a ('hi•·opo<list. llo\\'.\IW, .Toll. , moving pil'l Ill'<' OJH'l'atm·; b. Champaign, Ill., :\la1'1'h 11, - - ; g1·:ul. ('hampaig-n High ~~·hool. .\ftPJ' two y<•:u·s of PXIH'l'i<'lH'<' in a lo<·almovi<' thPati•J·, lu• lH'I'Hllll' dli<•f OJH'l'ato•· at th<• ('hal'liP <'hapliu "\Vhat C\'ery maid could wish, or man admirc."-LE. ·oR I·: En:R~OLF. "It is not the business of virtue toe ·piate the affections.''-Sn11 \ FERt;uso . il

TlH'aler in ('hica~o. II<> oft<>n paRR<'R tlw tim<> o'<lay with hi~ old fJ•i<>nll, ~h<'l'lllan Om·J·ptt, on his pl'ivn I<' wiJ·p]p~-;~. llo,Y.Utn, Omm.·, milliouail·<•; 1J. ('hampaign, Ill., Od. :!0, - - ; <'<1. ('hampaign Puh. ~<·his.; gJ·a<l. Ilal'\'aJ·d l'ni. Il<' l'<'Hp<'d a fm·t mw out of an inYI'Ntnwnt in ~-;qn<'akl<·N~ ~hoPH foJ' H<·hool ho.' H and JllP!I who kP<'Jl lnl<' honrs. Jlp i~ now Jiying happily with hiH wifp in lllPit· Jllllll~ion just ontsi<lP ~ '<•w Ym·k. ,J.\CKl'o.·, ..\:...mn~w, ~'~<'J'gym:m; 1J. I>P<'alm·, Ill., DP<'. t, - - ; <'<1. <'hampaign Puh. ~(']lls. liP Jll'<'<H'ht•<l diligt•lltly and lm<·t•asillgly on lh<• sho!'tt·oming~-; of hiH hJ·pt hJ·<•u awl iH now t hP lowd Jl<IHim· of a 1iII lP t·lnnTh in J'lll'al )fissi~-;sippi. ,Joii:\HTO.\ ('L.\RB:...cg, ponltJ·~· man; b. ('hnmpaign, Ill., I•'Ph. t, - - ; <'<1. Champaign Pnh. ~<·hlH.; g1·a<l. ('hampnign High ~~·hool. Ilt• lms Jll'OY<'ll that hnt!t•J·milk and <·m·n lll<':ll mak<• an <'Xt'Pllt•nt diPI fo1· <·hit-kPnH. liP p1·oyidP~ t·hit-kPn~ fo1· thP Inman llot<'l, a fashionahlP plat·<• of <'lli(•J·taiunwnt in <'hampaign. KIL\IIIn~ • • ·~~wTo. ·, iil·PJila!l; IJ. ('hampaign, Ill., .Jan. 1, - - ; <•<1. <'hampaign, )laniottP, and t·l'l,ana Pnh. t-·khl~.; gnHl. ('h:nnpaign High ~·k hool. liP ilnllH'd ia !Ply joi liPd t h<' ( 'ha mpa ign Fi!'(• l l<·pa J'l mt•n t. I 11 tllis position hP has p1·on•d hinlHPif f'paJ·IPHs awl on out• otTasion ht' san•d tht• li\'I'H of two hPlplPHS and hPautifnl ymmg gi1·l~ who W<'l'<' ou thP fifth tlom· of a hlll'lling hnilding. L~<~~J ..JR., I h. 'HY, )laym· of ~t. LoniH; 1J. P(•sotnm, Ill., An g-. l !l, - - ; Pd .• ·<'11-ion l·khool at I'PHotnm, Ill.; g1·ad. ('hampaign High ~t·hool. lit• stndit'd hn' aiHl aftPJ' hPiug admittt•d to lh<• ha1· lw mo\·t•tl lo l4L Loni.·, wht•J·t> lH• h<•gan to p1·:wtit·<• hiH p1·ofpssion. I IiH Pll'it'iPJH'Y madP !lim so popnl:n· I hat hP was PlPt'IPd llJa.roJ· of that <·i ty in t hP laHI PlPt'l im1. .·EL.'OX, ".J<J:\m~LL, p1·ofPHNOJ' in matht•matit·s; b. ('hampai;.!;tl, Ill., I>t•t·. :!;), ; <•<1. Cl'lmna, lll., :l!ld ('h:uupaign, 111.; g1·ad. ft·onl t•. of 1., 1!1:.!1. His snppl'iol'it.r in matht•matit·s madt• him a valnahiP inHtJ·ndm· in that stntly. .\ftt'J' NP\.('l'al yPaJ·s of ra,·oJ·ahly <'XJH'l'lt'!H't' in smaiiPJ' .·<'lHHlls h<• :u·t·t•piPd thP im·itat ion of t ht• f:tlllons 'I'u~kog<'t' ~t·hool to hi' :1 p!·ofpf.ism· of mathPmati<·~ tlH•J·<•. P.\Jm, IL\IWLD, ''lmgologi~t"; Pd. ('hampaign Puh. ~<·I!IH.; gJ·:~d. ('hampaign High ~t·hool; took t•om·sp in "hngolog-y'' at t•. of I. ImllH'di· aiPly afl\•1· g1·adnalion hP allow<•tl his hail· to g1·ow long and domt<•d hng<' gJ'('I'll "HJH'<'S". 'l'hll,' :ll'mt'd, with hofll lh<• <IJIJIP:ll'<lll('(' HJH} lht• kilO\\'· lt•dgP of' a p1·oft>Nsm·, hP visits thP small toWJls of .\tllPJ·it·H and lPdiiJ'<'H l!JIO!l lht• honihlP dist'HHt'S t':ll'!'iPd about hy lhP t·ommon hOllHP "pPI," tlH' tly.

Oovt'l'llO!' of Illinois; b. ('h:tmpai~n, Ill., FPh. :!:~, ; Pd. ( 'h:tlllpaign Pnh. ~t'llls. As a s!tult•Bt at r. of I. h<· he<'aJlH' klloWB as tl1P ft>llow witl1 tlw shm·t .·tat m·t• :lll<l long- <•ndm·an<'<' a~ n ··1u•akPJ'. His jm ial fat·P all<l plPHtifnl jokPs \\'PI'<' alway~ Jll'<•.·put at politkal llli'PtingH in this vit·iuity until h<• was p](•<·tpd govt•J·nor of I II illois. PIIILLIL',', li.\JtOLD,

"There lies a ganlen in her face where roses grow ''-~f ARCARF r Fn tlll ·c. ".\!:111, the tyrant of ottr se ·, I hate." GJ<.\< f FosnR 72

PoTTI", )[oRJtNLL, mann fad 111'<'1'; h. C'ham)IHign, Ill., HP<'. 10, 1'<1. C'hampaign Pnh. ~·khls.; gt·:Hl. ( 'hampaign II'igh ~<'hool. In his own fat'tot·y hi' maki'H <·ollm·s and tit•s <·omhint•d, thus doiug nwny with thP in<·onVI'IIiPIH'<' of th<• W<':ll'<'J' of (J·.Ying to put th<• two tog<•lh<•t·. Thr dt•lll:IIHl is i"O gt·<·nt thnt tl11• gt·owing f111·tuJH' J'<•apPd f!'oJn it li:t\t' Pll:lh!Pd )II'. Pot Is to lin• on Easy ~~ I'<'<'L RoBEHO,, ,Jn., F'It.\. ·K K., IIH'J·<·l1ant; lJ. ('hampaign, Ill., .JuJH' 11, - - ; g1·a<l. ft·om ('hampaign High ~<·h<)Ol; gt·a<l. f1·om (·. of I. in ~~·lHIOl of ('ollllll<'l'l't'. Born, thp son of a HH'l'<·hant ]ll'ill<'l', h<• inht•J·itPd all th<' lntsilwsH fal'iliti<•s of his [Hil'l'nt. 'rul'lliug his <'Y<'H awa.Y f1·om th<• IH•<·kon· ing hmHl of H<H'il'ty, hi' is now ''mnking good" al" tht• jtmioJ' llll'lllh<•J· of tlH• la1·g<'Ht and hPsl <•quipJH'd <kpnl'!ltH'lli stm·<• in ('<•ntJ·al Illinois. HoY, "'ALTim, tigll(-\\in• \\'Hik<'l'; 7J. P<•sotnm, Ill., .\ug. t:>, - - : gt·a<l. C'hampaign Iligl1 ~t'hool. C'hm11·ing to H<'<' )II·. FJ·<•:u·k pt·l's<·nt his thl'illing <•xhihilion of tight win• walking at th<' ~tndt•nt C'il'<'IIH, hP dPI'idt•(] that (ht•J'Pill Jay (hi' JHIHHihiJity of f:tllll' fm· hilliHPlf. IJp hPg:tll lll'al'li<·ing this d;~ng<•J·ous fpa( in th<• pt·m·t•J·hial "h;t<·k y:u·d" alii! is now t h<• st :II' pPI'fm·nH•J' of Hingl ing B1·os. l'i I'<' II H. HI <'TDI.\,, LLOYD, dPntist; 1'<1. )J:msfiPI<l Puh. ~~·hls.; gJ':Hl. C'h;tmpaign lligh ~t·hool; gt·;t<l. l'. of I. ~t'110ol of J)pn(istt·y. llis llll'thod of 1'1'lllo\'ing lt•Pth was, in tht'ot·,,·, Hill'<' painlt•ss, hut in t·<•<tlity it was so mtwh to tht• t·onlt·at·y that 110 on<', on<·t• OJIPl':tlt•d 11]1011, I'Y<'I' l'<'llll'lll'd to his otl'i<·P. Ilo\\'t'Yt'l', hy fn•qlll'll( ly mo\"ing to Ill'\\' fil'lds, hP \\·as a hit• to kt'<'Jl tlp n paying hnsiiH•ss with th<• aid of his :tllnwtin• ad\·<•J·lisl'lll<'llt. ~.\BL', J..yu~, t•<litm·; 7J. C'hnmp:tign, Ill., ~<·pt.:.!:>,--;<'<!. C'h;tmpnign Pnh. ~~·his.; gt·:~tl. ('hamp:tign lligh ~t'lwol. Ill' J'l'<'<'h'l'd tl·:titting HH <•ditot· fo1· tht• lli!Jlt Nr·hoo/ 1\'r·l'k/y Oa:r 1/1', :md tlll'll, hl'gimting on t h<• Jowl's! J·nng of t hi' laddt•t·, h<• gt·nd unlly wm·k<•d himsplf up to t IH• <·ditm·'s <·hair of th<' ('1111111}11/iflll J,rt-.1/r·-l'uf-)'ou-\\'i.'W 'l'inu8. ~TIPES, "',\I.TER, i<·<• lll:lll; 7J. l'l'll:tll:l, IJJ., .Jnly 11, - - ; gt•atl. ( 'ha111paign Iligl1 ~t'lwol. \\'ll<•n lmt a hoy hi' lll'light<'<l in hopping wagons to H<'iZ<' npon <·hoi<·t• hits of ll<•li<·iow.dy <·oltl k<• and to hi111 flw posit ion of an il'<' man was a pl·of<'HHion most <'nYiahl<•. ~o npon his adn·nt into m:mhood 11<' appli<'d fm· a JHIHition "ith ~IIlith's I<·<• C'o. and i.· now living in snpl'<'tlH' <·ontl'ntnu•nt. 'l'IIO~I.\S, ('L.\UK, \:tll<ll'\'ill<• jngglPt'; 7J. ~<'.\1110111', Ill., Od. !l, - - ; gJ':t<l. C'hampnign High ~<·llool. Ill' J'I'('Pin•<l !lis <•m·ly t1·aining in 1ht• :u·t of juggling wh<'n h<• J'I'JH•alt•dly t'I'HOI'fl•<l to that nwthod of makiJ1g his Jigm·<•s agJ'I'<' with tlw :mswt'l'H in tlH• ha<·k of his algt'ln·a. Aftt•J· patit•nt pt·a<"fi<·t• ht• haH hP<'OllH' a IH•a<llilwJ· on th<• (h·plt<'nm c-it·<·nit. \\'or.FI', D .•\., so<"i<'ty man; 7J. Bt·yan, 0., .Tmw 1:>, - - ; gt·a<l. C'hampaign High ~<·hool; t•. of I. This good-looking <·oll<•g<• youth was onP of tlH• most Pligihlt• ymmg nH•n in t II<• mal'l'iag<' mal'l.:l't. ~Iany aspit·· i11g t11:1111as t•:tgl'l'ly ln·onght fhl'it· da11ghti'J'H in til<' linwligllt that till',\' tllight hl't!I'J' shill<' ])('fm·p his <'Y<'H, hut alas, ht> I'H<'atw<l tlH'it· widt•-spl'Pa<l llPts and maniP<l a pt·Ptty littlt• Ht><l C't·oRs nm·s<•. DmtoTIIY .TEH\'Js, HommT.\ I>o1. ·y Lorri"E PRH'II.uw, IL\uoLn P.um 7!3

Jarn~its ntt ltltrst 1-f!ihrt BY


:'11<'<'0 ••• 'ELL,


TilE ~IOVJES That wP all like to :.to to tht> movh·:-; I:-; prow•l by tlti:-;: \\'e alway:-; !;are our Htray Penni<•.. l t iH Y<'l'Y PHHy, It iH wry P<·onomical, And wry sati.-fadory. Then wlwn a nit<' warm day ArriveH, "·e minuH ourRelvPs from , chool. '\'hil<• thP lPHH fortunatP one. work 'Ye ~o to HP<' om· favorit<' :-;tar. Luxuriour-;ly lazy and movie erazy (That iH a rhym<> hut we will owrlook it) 'Ye pnjoy om·selwr-;. But it'r-; ri:-;ky buHint•HH, <)ft<•n diAaHtrou.·; For hy ~<'t tin~ on t of st udi<>s 'Ye get into tlwm, £\.nd haw to mak<> tlwm up. It iH :-;tJ·an~<' how H<·hool <·hildJ'<'ll Per.-ist in having a good time And fail. THE B ·nBLE The huhhle lay hi•ldpn in a l<>afy how<•r of th<> fountain; It rpfnHed to <·onw forth! ......... . ~Iany month:-; it rpvelled in th<> juiey luxury of indol<>n<"<', Adorning it:-;plf with fraf..I'J'ant <"Olors And .-ingin~ billowy .-on~H. On<> azure morn it ehan<·t>d to look upward:-; Into the wooing mouth of a mai•l<•n. Eutran<"ed, trpmhling, and hrPathlPH.' ThP hnhble blindly Aon~ht tlti:-; ~at<> of ParadiHe. ('lo:-;e to th<> ~litt<>l'ing liw it dr<>w, • •Par••r mHl ll<'Hl'<'r,-<lrPaJll ily haRking Ah! divine raphn·psZip! Hang! And thE• hnhh]p WHH Ahatti'J'P<l AH it :-;tru<"k thP Htony noH<' of th<• maidt>n. "Laugh not too much, th witty man laughs last."-Ev.\ GtA co ·K. "As fair as fair could bc."-ZELLA GoRDON.




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~nothall ~casnn

for 1915

('mu·h . .... . . . .... .. ............ .. ... . ....... . .... I d L \l' E lt ('a p1aill ..... . .............................. ~ .\\II ' EL liJLL ( 'ap tain-1'11'1'1 . . ...... . .................... . •\HT III ' It ll .\ :'\TZ :\latw~Pr .... . ............... . . . ............. ~ .Di l' J :L IIJ LL

LPft 1':t~ · k1P ........... \ . Bnow . · Ll'ft End ............ . F . K \ HH (~11<11'!1 ' 1' J:ad; . :\IJLI.Im , \\ '. Btto\\" \ LP ft II a 1f 1:;11· k . ....... II I' BJ: \ lW Bi ~ht Ila1f Hal'k . ....... HtW\\":\'

Full Ba 1'1-. ... . ............ II 1J.L EtHl ... ........... n .\:\'Tz; Hi ~ht Tal'idP .. ... .... ~I'I ' HJUEH Hi~ht Huard . ... . .... . . Iron: JJ Hi ~ht

( ' I'll((•}' . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y .\ c' HLU VI'

L1•ft Onar1l . . ..



'l'no~I \~



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0 . . . . . . . . .... .. .... . ......... . :i1 to 7 to =~--~T:t,\ lonilll' \'H. ( 'hampaign..... .. . .. . . . .......... . ..... . li rnin•r:-;ity I I igh of Xm•tnal \'H. ( 'h<liiiJHii~ll ...... . ... . ..... . (; to to 7 ~ Yilla Oron· ,·:-;. ( 'hampai~n . . . ...... .. . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . li:i IIoopi'Hton \X ( 'halllpai~n . ... . ... . ...... .. ..... . ...... . ·~ to ::-\pt·iugfiPlll \H. ('hampaign ... .. ... .... ...... . . .. ....... . :3 jq !1 0 to l ' rhana YN. ( 'hampa igu ... .... ... ... .......... . . . . ..... . Cipm · ~pto\\n '~" · ( ' hanqtai~n


117 t 0

J.· thP hi:-;tm·,r of athiPtii·N of P\"1'1',\' \\I'll


l'l'gnlal!•d Nd10ol, thi'I 'P j-.; OI'I'H · Nionally, a football HI'HNOJI whl'l'l' 1111• n•:-;nlt:-; al'l' diHil·ult to Pxpl:tin . ThiN iN tht• I'HNI' of t111• foot hall HI'HNOII fol' l!ll;) of ( 'hampaign Il igh ~~ · hool. Tht• fpam waH an unknown qnant ity all Nt'aNoll. • ' o Olll' wa:-; ahll' to prophi'Ny, with any 1!Pgn•p of atTI11'HI'.' ', 1hi' HI'OI'I'N of t h1• galtti'N. 'l'hl' NI'Ol'I'N rangPil fl'om ;)1 to 0 again:-<1 ( 'hampaign to li:i Itt ;~ in lll'r fayor. From lh1• tirNt tl11• (pant wa.· dPplm·ah1y !J:Illllit·;qqH•d h,\' a lal'k of I'X· ]H'l'it•n(·pd ltll'll. ('aptain Hill wa:-: th1• only "('" man. ll!thhartl a11d Brown WPI'I' t ht• only ot hl'l' 1111'11 "ho hatl play1'1l on 1ht• I !II t (pam, hut th1•y Wl'n' not "( '" 1111'11; \\'. HI'0\\"11 pla.n ·d Ja:-;1 ,\'1':11' on th1• :-ot•t·ond team; Yan Brunt had playl'd for thl'l'l' ,rt•aJ'H o11 th<• Philo tpam :11111 <Lmt:r. nnP ,\Par on thl' • ·m·nwl tl'alll. Pral'li<-ally all lh<• llll'll \\'1'1'1' "gl'l'<'n'' to thP gallll'. 'l'hron~h tht• "holt• Nl'a~oll, l'Pgar!llP:-:N of t hl' fad I 11:!1 t111• od!lH \\1'1'1' again:-;t t ht• .\I aromtN, at no t i 1111' dill the,,· Ia.\' <lown; hn t h n· t• t hPir l]l'fp:tt aN hlll' H]lOl'( Nllll'll 'l'he hu·k of maiPJ'ial waN I'YillPnt ill t h<• fir:-: I gan11• play<'d on :\I1·· " Ca r ~ ' s an l' ncmy to l i f ~ ' ' -Z .\Y Gt• f.ll " · " ;\l y cro \\' n is in my h~a r t, nut on m~ h~. d."-1 1u ~- · II \ RJI ,


Kinley Field. The new material had not 1mflieienUy dPwlop<•d and the huRky G •orgetown Plevpn were too mul'lt for the youthful )Jaroon:-;. TIH• ~'<'OJ'P 51 to 0 tt>llH thp ~-;tory. In the RP<'OlHl gan11•, thP )laroou~-; took a hnH·e and won from TaylorYill<> hy a R<'Ol'<' of :~J to 7. 'rhis gan11• llJlH<'t all dop<'. ('hampaign hatlnot h<•en l'.·peth><l to \\ill. In sp<>akiug of th<• TaylonillP ~ame "'rhe Champaign Gazette" Hays: ··~urt> <lt>f<>at ~o;tarPil tlH• )Iaroous in thp fa<'P at thP I'OlH:luHion of the firHt half" ht>u thp ~-'<'OI'P 1-itooll 7 to:! again~-;t tht>m allll th<• 'i.·itor~-; WPl'P diHplaying flashps of fi•·:-:t daHH football. L()(·al fau~-; loHt h<•art, al-i it K<'<'IIIPd that a H<'<'OIHl dP<·iHi\'(• (]pfpat waH inPYitahh>; hut when thP tm·ning point <·mne t hP faitH W<·nt wild." Hill with hiH vidou plunging line and d<•wr toe work, and )Jillpr with hiH !-l('llHational runs W('l'(' th<• RtarR of tlw ganH'. n. Brown, ~}nn•ri<>J', and Hantz, alHo, <lid goo<l work. A W<'<'k latPr, tlw Hl]utHl journ<'.H'<l to ~ 'ormal to play th<> HI J•oug l·niYerHity team. The ganw was a fi<•n·e Huap from Rtart to finiHh. l·niwrHity High made the firRt H<·or<• hy a tou<'IHlowu hut failed to kkk goaL In the la~o;t quartl•r tlw )IaroonR th•1l tht>ir opponentR hy makiug a tonl'hdo\\ n; II ill <·arriPd thP hall H<To.·R thP liiw. 'rh<' H<·orp waH li to li. Yan Brunt, .\. Brown and F. Karr HhO\H'Il up W<'ll in th<• gmn<•. 'I'h<• foul'l h gamp waH with Yilla <iroYP on thPir fip}(l. 'I'h<' '<'01'<' was doH<', l' to 7 in fann· of Yilla Grove. t In th<• Iw.·t two ganws HdtP<l uh•d, fm·tmw fa \'01'<'11 t hp IO<·al tPant. Iloop<'Rton PXJH'dt><l an <'HH,\' vidory. ~twit, ho\Y<'\'1'1', waR not thP <':tH<'. Th<>ir warriors fpJl hPfon• th<• oHRlaught of th<> )lm·oons to thP tmH' of li;) to 3. In thiH g-:mw, Oantz nta<l<' a run of !Hi ym·1lR, thl' long<•Ht of thp ~o;pa~on, for a tou(']ulown. Tlw laRt vidory "aN oYt>r ~pringfiPid, m1 thPir fiPl<l. Tlw motto for thp o<·<·asion waR: ''~p1·ing- it on ~pt·iugfiPIIl." 'rhpir iPam and thPir root<•J·.· W<'l'<' <·omfi<l<•nt of Yidmy. Th<' )Jaroon t<•am work was <'X<'<'IIPnt; thP HqmHlliw<l up to thpit· mot to, awl tl11• R<'OJ'<' 41 to a prowR th<•.v had had a walk-away. In no gam<' <lid th<• <'hampaign Pl<•wn play in h<•ttpr form. ThP laRt g-am<• of tlw sPaRoll waN on 'I'hankHgh·iJtg <lay with our rivalH bPyon<l "\Yright ~h .. d. Th<•r<• wa.· no <·hmu·p to H<·m·e agailtHt lhP hPaYy, exppriPill'Pd rrhana tl'allt. But the Champaign (pam KhOWPd th<·m~p]\•ps good 1oserR. Th<• "('" mpu arp Hill, Oantz, ~purriPr, Houg-h, Yan Brunt, .\ Brown, P. Karr, )lill<•J•, Iluhhm·d, I>. Brown, and \Y. Brown. Captain Hill was lH'ymul <louht thp hPRt man on t111• Rlpm<l. I (p waR tit<' maiu~-;tay of tlw tPam in <'wry gmnP. The li<'WRJlapPrR rPf<'l'l'<'ll to Hill a~-; a ''tower of HtrPn~th," owing to hiH lilw plung-ing- and hiH kicking ahility. Onp of tlw Normal lHIJWl'H <·allpd him thp ~-;trmtg<>Ht high Hl'hool hal'k in thp Rtat<• alHl a !o\('('01Hl :\JanlhPIH<·h. lip waR llll:tlliliiOlJH]_r pi<-kl'll full ha1·k on th<• <'Pntral ~tatP TPam :nul R<'<'oll(l full h:H'k on .\ll ~tate 'I' emu b.v all high .·chool foot hall <'ritks.

". 'othing escapes her two hig hlal·k eycs."-:-.1.\RY 110\n. "Harmony with •very grare."-EL!ZABhTll IILH.


Gantz waR always in the game. \Vhen he played half he waR al~o;o at home. lie will mak a mo t exe •llent captain for 1!)16. ~purrit•r u~o;ed hi~o; h ad in hi play. Hili oppom'nt. found hi po~i­ as ~olid a~o; a ro<·k. Hough play<'d a creditablt> game all R 'a.·on. liP dPwloped into a ~oo<l litH' man. Yan Brunt wa one of the be~o;t vlay<>r · on the team. lie made a ood <'l'lltPr. ~\ <'l'lltPr rarply rPceiY<'H hiH du<>H. Van play<><l w<>ll and <l<>H<>rveH IIIU('h ('l'l'<lit. ..\.rt Brown was a m•w man; but ht> workeu hard and m<llh• ~O<Hl. FrP<l Karr ·urpriHPd PV<'ryone. IIi siz at first .·<•emed a handicap hut it did not prove ~o;o. He play<>d in Pvery ganH' an<l playPd well. )Iiller played quarter most of the time; he ~o;how<><l ~ood hPad work. II iH Pn<l rtm~o; are '· peciall;y conm 'ndable. II , also, , bowed aoility in OJH'Il fi<>l<l running. ])uft-h Hubbard mad<' an excellent half back. lie ~o;howPd mo~o;t ahility in line plun~ing. The ~o;cor .· of ome of th game. would, perhap~o;, look h<'tt<•r if Dutch h:ul been ahl<' to play mor<'. DaYe Brown i~o; PXC<>ptionally fast on his feet and therein lay his ~J'Patpst nthw to the team. lie waH pi<'ked hy "'entz of Hpringfield on t hp S<'('oud <'entral Htate team. "'aytw Brown played a good ganw, he wa. · an excpptionally goo<l uti 1i ty man. P<•r<·y Karr in tlw first two ganws put up a ~o;plPndi<l gan)(' at Pml, hut h<• ]pft HdiOol, so h<' di<lnot win llis "("'. Of the mono~ram nwn, Yan Brunt, A . Brown, 1>. Brown, and Hill gra<luat<•. Thi~o; lPaWH Oantz, Hubbard, SpurriPr, Karr, Millpr and \Y. Brown for tlw l!lH) team. Hough is enPligihlP. The following men Hhow(•<l up w<'ll thi.· ;ypar and th<>y will no doubt make tlw tpam: Rpenrer, Thomm;, Bahh, KPnny, Dillavon, BrudPr, and Howard. Ilnhhard i manag<'J' aJHl Oantz iH !'aptain. \\'ith au ahlP eoaeh for this matprial aiHl th<' IWwr-failing ~o;upport of ~ fiHH ~wihwr and • Ir. )Jilnp, C'hampai~n High ~!'ltool ~o;hould, 1wxt y<'ar, lulYe a winnin~ team. ThP paHt HPason will he remPmhPred in th' ltiHtory of Champaign High ~·khool athl<>ti<'H for the inau~uration of )lcKinh•y FiPld. Th(• assoda tion ha~o; pnreha~o;pd hlPaehprs HPa tiug on<' t housan<l p<'oplP. •\ll home ga11wH of football, ha~o;phall, and tra!'k mPds will in th<' futnr<' lw lwld hPr<'. ~·ow that our <ln'am of an athlPtic fipld of our own baH materializPd we l'Palize morp than PYPI' before how much the gift of the Honorable \Y. B. )i!'Kiu](•y means to Champaign High School Athl~tic '. THEODORE \\'Ers ·, 'lf).

"Speak low, if you speak love."-LuCILLE ]EWELL.

"A little management may often evade re i tance,"-1\h:T,\ JoLLY.


1!lasltdhctU 1916

Co.\CH D \ n II Lllli.\IW Kuu;





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Dun: noR ..\1 11•. · P. ll!mw . ·


BE<'<>HD <'ha nt pa ign ( 'ltantpaign <'Ita 111 paign ( 'llar11paign <'har11paign ( 'hampaigu ('Ita 111 pa ign ( 'lrarnpaign <'h:~nrp:~ign ( 'h:~r11paign <'h:lrll]'aign ('h:~ntp:~ign

n<. Locla \ :-;_ IIOJIH'l' r· l'axto11 \":-; Kallkak(•(• \X I I ()Ill(' I' \X Ol'lllct1 \'" 1: 1oo111 i ngt on ,.:-; I hm ,. iII(' \X Ol"llla 1 \:-; 1:1 oorr 1i ngt on \~ )J :11·oa \ :-;, .\t 1anta

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''Fyc' too cxpn:s. i\'l' to he hluc, too lon~ly to he gra.\ "-DoJ'OTIII \ I •R ·t wdl at the nwmcnt and you havt• performed il goo1l al'(ion."--. \Till I']. • KLi t;,


Ol•'FH'EH,' ( 'mu·h ........................................ )[. L. J>.\\·1~ ('aptain .................................... 1>.\\'W Huow . · ('ap(aill·t'll'd ............................... ('.\HL lll"!:B.\IW )ianagPJ' .................................. £\In Ill'H (;,\ Tz;

'l'KUI <:wml~

................................. I>.\\ w HHO\YX, EwL <: KmK ('pll(l'l' ............................................ £\ltTlll H (l \ ·Tz; Fonrm·cl:-.; ............................. ( '.\HL I l l"BII.\lW, (J.\IL "·11.:-;o ~uh:-:titult'N ........... llow.\IW ~~I!ITII, B.\ILEY Hrmn:~, \Y.\HHEX ~mE~

'l'ht> h:u..;kptlmll spa~on of 1!11;}-llll!i wa.· NlHT('.·sful. For 1\nt yt•at·N, h.' JH•t·p~~it.', ba~kt'tlmll in ('hampaign lligh ~<·hoolltacl :-.;lt•pl. ))p("t'tlllwt· l:i tnm·kt•d it~ awakt•uing. 011 thi:-.; clalP tht• fir~( pradit·t' ganH· wa:-.; t·allt>d to cli~t·on•r just what malt'rial '"'~ lat!'nt. 'l'he l'l'~lllt wa;; :-.;onH·what ()i:t·otll'aging; PXpt•rit•tH·t'cl lll!'ll w<'n' ~owan·e and out of pra!"lit·t'. But rP· g:mllt'NN of thiN fad, by thl' <"lo~t' of tltl' :..;pa:-.;on liH' rt•gul:IJ·~ J·outuh•cl out iuto a nl'clitahh• t!'alll. 0111' of th!' fadm·:-.; t·ontt·ihutiug to liH· ~nt·(·p:-.;~ of lhl' (pant wa.· thP ~]liPIHlicJ ~11)1}101'1 l'!'lHlt•f'('() hy ()tp ~(lldl'll( lHH),". ~101'(' Pllfhll~ia~JII \\"<1~ :-:ho\\'n clm·i11g tIt!' baNkt•thall ~t·a~on than Ita:-; bt'l'll di~pla,\ Pel for <Ill.'" ~)l(ll"( ill ltiglt st·hool fm IIIHll.'" a clay . •\tw(hpt· fador ''"~ tltt• faithful trainiug oll thl' part of thl' quad, and thP l't':ulim·~'~ with \\hit·h tht',\ t't•spoudt•d to lhP din•diou:-.; of <'oarh IhtYix. Of thl' fonl"lt't'll galllt'N :..;(·)H•dult•(l tht' )Jat•oon:..; lo~t lin•. Fom· of t)I('S!' (·ould han• h!'!'ll ltll"llt'd to' idorit•s "itlt ju~t a lit tiP 11101'1' "pPp" on thP pat·( oft))(' lo~Pl'N. 'l'IH• fil·s( gmnt• lost was to Ilompr oil tlH•ir floor. 1'm\:lt'd lhP ('ll!l of tht' ga1111' tltt• )im·omiN th•!lthl' xt·orp; hut in th!• fht•miuutl'l' m·prtimt• llolll!'l' no:-.;pd out hy ont• point. Latt>r ill lht• rt'llll'll ganu·, thiN ddt•a t was a n•ugPtl ill r!•gula r <'!tampa igu . ty h•. 'rhl' gallH'X " it It Pa-xton Hll!l Kaukakt'l' wt•J't• Yidm•it•s fm· thP )laroonx. 'IItt• gam!' \\itlt ~·orm:Jl wax ltotly t·ontl'Xll'd ft'Oill xlt11·t to finixh, hut ('hampaign won out h~· Olll' ]10 iII(. Fot· four ~II!"!"P~~·dn• g:tlllt'N thP )!aroon:..; \H'l'l' Yidorx. 'l'ht' li!'Xl ~·Wh!•tlnlt·d g:llll!' wax a difl"t'l'<'lll propoxition. Hloomingtoll iN lht' 1-'latP !·hanq1ion; :..;o (hi~ at·,·mtnl:..; for thp on•rwhPltning X<"Ol'P. In thP rPtnt·n gall I<', IHI\\ t'\'<•t·, at t ht' t·lo~l' of t hl' fi1·xt half, ()I(' N!"Ol'<' :..;food 1~ to 1 ~­ 'l'ltp )Jm·oml:..; t'\.!'11 lta!l 'il'ion~ of Yidol',\", hut, ala:..;, thPiJ' hoJH'X WPI'l' hlaNtt'd. E:n·ly i11 lhl' st'!"OJid half, Brown awl IluhhaJ•d tht·ongh JH'J·~oll:il fo\\ I:-; WPI'P withdt·a" n ft·mn th!' g:utH'. 'l'hl' finnl X!"OJ"<' ~tood 1:~ to :~o i11 fa\OJ' of l:loonlingtoll. 'I'h!• following night in :tn owrtinH' galiH' with • ·onnal, ('h:llll(laign \\"<IS again ()!'fpat<•d hy mw point. 'I'IH• folio\\ i11g W!'t'k at !liP ('pu(ral ~tall' 'l'onrll:tlllt'llt at l:loondng.toll, "\ living cnrydopcdta." l~ \BFLI \ 1' 01 . cnjo~· doing for othcrs."-FLORDiO ht II,·.


the )faroon~ clpfpatP<l Maroa aiHl .\tlanta hut lo~t to • ~ot·mal. Tl11•y !tad .·ormal going :-;ollH' until !Itt• ~-'t't'Oild half, wltPU <l;ttltz; wa. di. qualifit>d fot· making pt•r.·mwL . 'l'ht•la~t gamt' of !Itt•. pa:-;on was with ])aiJ\'iliP at J)all\ illt•. 'l'ltis \\HS an pasy ddm·y: It dm-.;t•tl a :-;pa~oll, \\itlt !Itt• pl:t,\'«'l's \'t•t·y \\I'll satisfipt) TIH• tt•am wa~ \\'I'll halmu·t•tl. It \\as not huilt at·ound onP 111:111; hut it "as tin· llll'll all wol'ld11g togt't ht•r as a unit and nu ont• pia,\,.,. gi\ t•n llll· d IH' )ll'OlllitH•IH'I'. Brown a:-- running guard wast Itt• 111o:-;t ag,!.!;I'PI'. ·irl' pia,\ t•r· on t liP lt•ant. flp was always in thP gam«'. llis PXI't'llticm of thl' tTiss-t·t'lll-'H and hi:-; ability to t·on•r up nr;tdP a gootl t'Olllhinat ion for· pl:t,\ ing his po. it ion. Captain lhn·y pullt•tl his kant out of t11:111y had pi:H·Ps. Uautz a.· t•t•ntt•t· pla,Yt'd a goo1l gan11•. IIi:-; .· pr·ing t•nahlt•cl hint to l'l':tl'lt up all(] "gPt 't•nt." Ill' was fast and alt•t·t. .\lthotJgh tl11• lightl':-;t n•uter iu ('pntl·:tl llliuob, Itt• ht'ld hil' m\ n with tl11• hPa\'it•.·t. lluhhard \\as a hig :-;t·oring· m:u·ltiw• at ftll'\\';ll·tl. .'ft•ad.'. J·PiiahiP, untit·ing and fa:--t, Itt• had a lion':-; :-;lt:n•t• iu winni11g 1'\.Pl',\ gantc•. ""il.'on a.· forwartl was a 1igh!t•r with a tlt>adly ai111 at thl' haskPt. He was (·ool antl dt•\·t·r. IIi:-; \\ ol'l\: in t'O\'Pt'ing t l11• \\ lto]p lloo1· \\a:-; 1'«'markahh•. Kirk a.· guaJ'tl, altho smiiP\\'ltat llllt'l'l'l:tin, :--ltcl\\l'd altilit,\ at t·ontiug in :tll(l hl()(·king lti.· oppmH•JII. ·pia.'· ~. "!:t•d" is a n1<111 \\it It "I'~'P" and a11 nnlimitt•tl mnount of nt•rn•. Baill'y, ~mitlt, and ~idt•s, I':H"It pl:t,\Pd a :-;(Pady gantc•. Tltt·y did not win tlu•ir "(''•" this yt•ar, hut tlu•y, "ith Iluhh:ml, \\ill fol'llt tl11• nw·lpu:-; of the •qnatl for 1!117. 'he.·tN· Baih•y is p]edetl managt•r for IH'Xt ypaJ'. ( l.\J L "

"Virtue offend when coupled '' ith forhidding manner ,"- \G F "Few people know how to be: old "-F1 OR£. ·c.E LM IH

I L 11. ,



II \ E ,




QLlass 18asltctbalt 1916 By

Bll.ltEitll.\t'K, '11i

<ioHJHI .·

F()J: tlrl' pa:-t ft·\\· .'t'<II'l" allt•nrpt:-; lr:l\1' ht •t•n Jll:ltlP 111 t• tnhli.h t·lass ntliiPtit·s on a !ir·rn f1111lltlntion in tht• ('lwnrpnign lligh :-\t·ho 1l. This ,\Par·, tht• attt>rnpt Ira. lH't'll. lll't't'. sfnl. To\\anl. tht• t'lo.·t· of thP n·gular· ha:-kt•lhall . t•a:-on Pligil1ility nrlt>. \\t'J'P <l"l't'Pd upon for· tht• t'<llldidatP.· to I liP lt•aJil. J't'lll't'sPIII ill.!!. t l11· fon1· t·la:-: t•.·. ( 'nplains anti lll:JIIHgt•J·.· \\'I'J't' PIPt'll'd awl a !'t'ht•dnlt• f111' a t·la. s ltnskt•t hnll toul'll:tllll'lll :ll'l'HJJgt•d f111' . ThP n•ft•J't'l' allll unlpil't' \\t'l't• t'lrost•JI fr·orrr till' J'l'gllhtJ· 11':1111. • On \\· t·dnt•. da,\', .\l;ll't'h li, tl11• Iii'. t g<tlllt' of tiiP :-;t·l~t•tllllt• wa:-; pl:tyt•tl. Tl~t• :-t•a:-oll t'lo.t•tl .\l;ll't'h :!I. Tht> J•t•.ult. · of llrt• tolll'JI<Illlt'lll :IJ·t': •I .JIInitll's \.' :-\t•nior·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 to I'' Fr·t•:·dlllll'll \. :-\ophorlltll't':- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 to .Julliors \'s FI'I'sllllll'll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1!I to I :-;opliOilltll'I'S \ S :-;t•JJioJ·. ' .. , , , , . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :!II to 1 :~ , 't•nior: \'s Ft•t•slllllt'll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !I to 7 ,'ophollltll't'.' \s .JunioJ·s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :!I to 17 .JunioJ' ' . Frt· lllllt'll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :.!0 to lli .'.-nioJ' Ys :-;oplrollltll't' · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 1!I to lli .'l•Ilior" ,.,. FJ't' ·lllllt'll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :!!I to .JunioJ·. \'s .'ophoiiJIIJ't•:-; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lli (II 7 Ft·t•. ·lllllt'll \'. · :-;oplronJoJ't•s . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 to .Junior: '. :-;,.,Ji oJ·s . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !I to The lllllllht•J' of point•< .JunioJ•:-; !IT; :-;l'niol' · !11; :-;ophomm·t• . . :~; l'l'l''"lllt'll li!l. 'llrt• .JunioJ•:- \\Oil :i and lot I; tlw :-;t•rd11J',' \VIlli:~ nnd lo.t :~; tlr1• :-\ophoJIIIJI'l' \\on :.! and lost fom·; 1hi' Fn•. hllll'll \\on :.! :IIIII lo. I f11111'.

TE.\.\1,' ,'t•uim·:

Ilill. .'1111'1'11\\, " 'i. Pg:tJ'H'l', I:ildt•I'It:td~.


t>ll, Lhiug. ton,

]I(• Loll~ .



II o\\ nrtl.


J'il l'llhargt•I',

Edward .

l'ooo ]pJ' •

.' 1phollllll'l':


l 't•JJII,\. l 'l:tl'l,, lint! . oil,

1111"111'., ll. Ifarri .

PliP (PI', .'l·hlll.dlr:t II. I'll. I'J•p hlllPll: Ilinl', I:Pillll'll, (;aJ'J'i 1111, lloJ•tlon, .\1,\I•J'.. ThP .Junior· \\till tlrf' drampio11 hip\\ ith a l'Pt'OI'd of fht· !!:IIllt'. \\Oil :tllll lo t Oll!'. Tot Ill' :-:ophmuoJ'I' ... ·1'111 i\ 1·1.'· ht·lon~ thl· honor· of tlt•ft•:tt in~ tllt'lllthe om• tilnt•. Till' thilcl )l':tl' llll'll \\l'l't' rr•all.' uot 1~:11'11 )111 ht•tl fm· till' ]Pad until th .. Ia t "<11111' \\ith thP t•nim· I:twkman a I'I'Jili'J' :111d Jlo\\ar·tl a. flll"\\<ll'tl dP 1'1'\1' ·qual pt·ai l' fot· thPit• Plft•t·thP \\OI'k. l: oth \\t'l'l' t'. ll'l'it•JwPtl aud :lt'I'IIJ':JlP at tht•lta I 1'1. Cd\\:ll't) a. foJ'\\:tl'l) ditl ·uJilllll'llflahlt• fa t-lloot• \\ ol'l-. Tht• tl':tlll of J !11 I "a till' •lal'k hoi I'

f tlu.•

·rh· . II an I f f


ra c


Tltl' Rt•nim·.· ran .·<·<·olHl "itlt an <'Y<'Il ~plit in p;amP~. .\ftPJ' hPin~ 1\li:IHitllom·;Jy pid~<·<l for \\'lliiH'l'H, tht•y di·oppt•d tlH' first t\\o p;alll<'i'\ hy larp;t• st·oJ·t•s. 'l'hPy, II0\\'1'\'t•J·, I't•dt•t•HI!'d tht'III~'t'IV<'s ,'01111'\\'ltat hy '' iuni11g tltn•t• !'Oll:-it't'lltin• p;alll!'H from tltt• first a111l s<'I'OIHI ,\ !'Hl' IIH'II. ~~·uior lion· m·s :u·p t•quall,\ <livitkd at11onp; )lonow, \Yi:-;pp;an <'I', an<l II ill. 'l'lt!' last ~~·a1· lll!'ll sli0\\!'11 t·t•al hasl,;pthall at tiuH•s but \\t•n• p;rPatly handintp]H'<l hy a lad,;: of lH't'P:sm·y p1·ad it-P. 'l'hP ~opltolltol't'S and FrpshiiH'II ti<·<l fm· tltii·d plat·t•. ThP foi'IIH'I', at lht• t'OIII]llPtion of thPir p;mnt•, lll:Hh• a stJ·oup; hitl for higl1 ltolloJ·. hy I,\ ing tltt• !'ll:llllpimt.· fm· fil·.·t plact•. FI'OJII tltis lofty position tit<',\' II<·· S!'!'IHll'<l J·apidly hy losiup; lhPir tlll·t•<' J'I'IIIaiuiug g:tiii<'s. Ilnp;lt<•s aud ('J:u·k \H'l'<' th<• l'<•al sta1·s of thp tt•anl. ~~·ltmalltau:-;t•n sltm\'Pd up :-:ti·ong at ,·arion:-; tinw·:. K<'IIII,Y pl:t,YP<l a go Hl p;:llll<' nut il foi'<·Pd out ll,v injlll·i<•s. Tit!' first ,\'1'<11' lllt'll \\ 1'1'1' at no Iiiii!' in d:tllgPI' of laudiup; :tlt!'ad. 'l'lwy woll tlw first <tiHlla:-;t ganH•s of tltPil·. <·lwdnl!'. H<•llll!'!t aud IliiH's ~·ho\\'1'11 lwst in the lilll'll]l and \\1'1'1' tht• J·t•al. tJ·pugth of I liP 1<'<1111. In l'llltsidPI'alioll of tlt<• fal'l tltat \\'1' \\'i.·h to dt•J·in• all lwliPfilpo:-- ihiP f1·on1 dass hasketllall, th1• JIIIIIH'I'al IIH'Il of tlw 1·l;1ss t1•a111s an· Hl'gl·d to I 1',\' fm· I l11• . dwol t <':1111 lli'Xt yt•ar. 'I'll is wi II St'l'\'1' a don hlP ]llll'JHIS<' it will gin• a Im·gp sqna1l fm tlte yarsity all(] at th1• .·an11• ti11w will nt:tkl' l'fllllll to d!'\'(']op 11('\\' lll:lll'l'i:tl Oil (]tp dass ((•;UIIS. 'l'h1• ('OIII]lll•lioll of Oil!' ,Y<'<I I' of d:tss lla:--k1•t ha II should assm·1• i Is <·oil I i 11 u i ng P:u· h sllt'l'l'ssi n· ,\'1'<11' \\ itlt :111 add<·d p;rowtlt in infpn•st and <·ntltusiaslll.

TilE HELL TIL\'1' IL\."U,' 1.· 'lllE IL\LL BY .Jon. HruKE,


loll••• I :11111 loafpd <111d would11't \\ ork, •\ 11d 1'\'t•t·y st wly tri1•d to . It irk, 'J'h1• itO III'S d J·:tp;gP<l 011, \llll'lHl j llg slow; Ft·ottl !'lass to dass I lt:td to go. I kill'\\' hut littlP, :tlli'\\\I'I't'd IPsl"; I I'Ollldn't P\'!'ll makP :1 gut•:-;s. 'l'hp hp]] di.·<·m·<lant h11rt my Par, t Fm· 1•al'lt iuslrul'toi' did I ft•:n·), 'l'ltat j:lllp;lin~. jPrking, joy]p:-;:-; hPII, \\'lto:-;p ltatl'd souwl I kill'\\' so \\'I'll.

"li noho<l) l'.m.: ''Be silent ah\a)

for \\h


I'll care for nob dy.''-Lu \ :'1ft h.\ \I • doubt )our cnsc."-GR\n .:\l~::.·~:u;y,

11 )OU


~rack 11rcant






C ' · TZ


11 .\(,.\.


:\!u u.·.,; :\!muww






llRO\\ ..

HY ( 'II.\HLE.' .\Ion now, '1 T <WFI< 'EW4 ('oadt ........................................ K E. .\IJL .,. ('apt a in .................................... H.\nn B1:o" .\lanagl'I' ................................. ( 'IL\HLE~ .\JoJU:O\\ 1!)1;) ~E.\~0

Tlt1• l!ll:i lnu·k ~~·n~oll \\<l~ tltt' 111md ~nt·t·pssful in 1111• ltisiOJ·y of (J·at·k in ('Jialltpnigll lligh ,'1·honl. Tilt> IP<Illl \\;ts a l't'<·m·d lll<lkPl': ·· \ ''oman rules '' ith ht r tongue."-E1 siF :\[ FTZ. "I fer words arc simple and ht-r snul sinnrc" Vr:L I ' ~!tTZ.


Bl'okP pol<' \':1111 t l'I'I'Ol'd of ( 'llnrll's(oll, 11 fpp( :~ iJII·IIPK Hrok<' po)p \':11111 l'I'I'Ol'd of l'ni\'l'l'sity of Illinois, 11 f'l'l'l lil:..! i1ll'l11•. . H1·okP th<' shot put l'l'l'lll'd of l'li:llllp:tign lligll ~~·llolll, 17 JP1•t 1 ilwh. Ih·ok<' dis1·ns l'l'l'lll'd of l'h:1111p:tign Iliglt ~l'llool, 11:~ f'PI'I 7 ilii-IIPS. \\'on tllird pl:ll'l', ~~~point.·, in III(I•J·s•·llol:t.·til· .\11'1'1 :tl 1·. •d' I. \\on til·st l1o11o1·.· in tl11• E:\.'11'1'11 lllinllis ~l:tlt• . ·o1'111:tl .\1 t'l't :tl I 'hnrlps(oll. \\'on ( :J·nnd P1·niri1• ~l'lllillill',\ 1111'1'1 :::! poird:-:. Eqn:tl1•d high j11111p 1'1'1'oJ·d of ( 'li:ll'll•stoll, :i f1•t'l , ' i111'h1• • . Equ:tl1•d :ill y:n·d dasl1 l'l'l'o1·d of ( 'h:n·l1• ton, :i :; :i. t'l'tllld ·. 1!1](;

~1:\.'11 .

.1wh :ll'I'I'01'd to aspi1·p to :111d \\ilh tlll'lo::-: of I~1'111Jl, ll:tgan, :111d .\!ullin:-:, th1· outlook Jtll' till' i"l':tsoll of' 1!1lli \\:ts .:ll1111'\\ll:tf disl'lllll':l!.!,ing. Thi1·ty-1i\'l• 1111'11, lrll\\1'\'1'1', :IIIS\\'1'1'1'11 ('o:ll·h .\lilt11··:-: 1·:tll for l':tllllid:tfl' · 1111 till' tl'<l111. I'1·o111 llu·:-:t• a 11':1111 w:n..: pi1·kl'd to l'I'Jll'l' ·,·nt l'hnmpaign i11 :1 du:tl 1111'1'1 "ith l'J·h:tn:t, on Illinois FiPid .\p1·il ~~- 1·1·h:mn \\·on 77 poillts; l'h:I111Jl:lign 1:1. (':tpt:tin Hl'll\\'11 \\ ith l\\l'ln• points l•·•l thl' .\l:tl'IHlll point "inni·J·s; l:nntz "ith :1 tol:tl of Ph'\l'n point:-; \\:1" .1 1·lo.·l'. Pl'llnll. Brown I il'd fo1· til·.·t pl:ll'l' in flu· Jlllll' \':tnlt, won t l11• 1111 yard 1'1111, :rnd ti1•d \\itll .\lmTo\\· and F1'l'g11son fm· fi1·:-:t pl:11·1• in tl11• 0111' 111ilP 1'1111. ( :autz "on I hP lligh ju1np, pl:tl'l'd .'t'l'lllld in till' IH·o:ul j11111p, :11111 Pl'otlll ill ti1P ~~~~ .' :u·d hul'IIIPs. .\1•11'1'0\\ and F••1·gu ·on lil'd fo1· ...,,.,. o111l i11 thP, II ya1·d rnn; 1:1'111!1-1· took Sl'l'llltd in tl11• :!:!0 ,\:tl'll d:t:->lr and third in th1· 11111 ym·d; llill :111d .\. 1:1'11\\ 11 took. l'l'lllld :111d tllird 1'1' 1~~'•·1· i,·pJy i11 tlw di.1'11.; LittiP, thi1·d in tl11• l1o1 put. [II lhl' lllll'·lllill' J·pJny 1111'1'1 witl1 l'1·h:tna, th1• .\l:n·oon :q.!,!.!,1'1'g:tlion d1·· fpatl'd l'J·h:111:1 hy tllit·ty sl'l'lllllb. Tllis (•.·t:dlli:->111'11 a Ill'\\' nlill' 1'1'1'1l1'd for I 'halllp:ti!!,n J[ igh ~~·hooJ-:~ 111 inutP. ::7 ~ :i :->l'l'tllld.·. Till' 1 JO y:n·d J'I'I'Ol'd frll' ('han1paigu \\':t.· lll'ok1•J1 l1y J:1·ud1·1' in :1:~ ~-:i .·1'1'01111:-: and lntl'l' h,v I!J·own ill :i:! ~-:i i"I'I'Olllb. l'p to this tillll', -ll'ss L:tl'!-!,l'llt l11·ld tl11• ('li:tlllp.1 igll l'I'I'Ol'd-:i:: ::.;) SI'I'OliiJs. In thl' En.·(pJ·n Illiuois Jnti•J·:·wholastil' .\I PI'( hl'ld at ( 'lt:IJ·ll·sloll tl11• .\l:tJ'IHlll (Pam :1gai11 ln·okl' l'l'l'lll'ds. ( )f t l11· t l•iJ·ty-t wo s•·IHulls 1·nt1•J't'd, l'll:tlll)l:tign l':tllk1•d lift l1 in points. ( 'o:t1·l1 .\1 ilnt• dt·1·idt•tl to 1'1111'1' 1'01111 m·ath·Piy f1·1·.·li 1111'11 in tl11' 1·1'lay; ~·o B1'111I1•J· :111d Hoy \\'1'1'1' l'llt1'1'1'd in 110 otli1•t· ,., ... 111. ( 'aptai11 I:1·o\\ 11 and ( :nntz l'lllll]H'II·d in o11l,\ oliP ot lli•J' 1'\"1'111. <'aptai11 I:J'o\\'11 \\·on thP li:tli'-Hlill' 1·11n in till' f'a:-;t tiHH•of ~ 111inull·s :r111l . . 'I'I'Olllls. III' ln·okl' I liP ('lt:ll'll'sloll 1'1'1'111'11 of~ lllilln(l•s and 10 :l:; .·I'I'OJllls. l::111tz \\'oll till• high j1111l)l, a11d l'stahli.·lll·d a Ill'\\' ( 'l~:ll·lpstoll l'I'I'Ol'll. IJI' jllllljll'd;) 1'1'1'1 ~~:..! iJ11·1i1•S. II ill pl:11·t•1l .·1'1'01111 in till• dis1·n llit·ow. ('li:llll]l:tign \\'oll tli1• olll:·lllill' l'l'la\· :111d t•s!:tlllishl'd a tliiJ·d I'I1:1J·I1•. ton l'l'l'lll'd, :l nlillllll's 1~ (.;) l'I'I'011ds·. I:J'0\\'11 and J:J·11di'J' hotl1 l':tll tl11• 1(11:1l'tl'l' f:l:->11'1' in this t'\1•nt tl1:111 tlw track 1'1'1'01'11.


"\\'hat h rmon\ and \\hat true til light.'' r. \R ET ::\fn.LFR. ''The more hitter the pat, tlw more \\l'lcOitll' the sweet." LlCILI :\f1En ru


.\ t t liP l"nin•J·~ity of lllinoi: Intl'l'!•whola:tk )fl'c>t, ('hnmpaign :<·orPd ollP poillt. <lallt;r. p1a<·Pd f'om·th in thP higl1 jump. 'J'Jtp l'l'lay t<'HIII, a~ tit<• aho\·p n•<·oJ•d ~hows, i~ l'.'l'<'ptionally good . •\ lli~lt .Titool oJH'·IIIill' l'Play 11'<1111 that ;1\'I'J':IIJ;<'.' hPtt<·r than;):) .·<'<'OJHI. JH'l' quaJ·tpJ· 111iiP i~ uot oft<•n found. ( 'o:H·h )lihH· has dmw filw wm·k in dPY<·I· oping BJ·ndPr, who oll hi.· .'<'<'Olld apppm•aJH'P in <'OliiJWtition ran hi.· qii:IJ'tt•J• 111il1' lllH)PJ' thl' higl1 .'<·hool J'('('Ol'd. TIH• IIH'II \\ ho gl'aduatP lllis Y<':ll' <II'<' <'aptain D. Brown, ~amlwl Hill, .\J·thJJJ' llJ•own, EIIIH'l' Lit tiP, ;md ('hal'IPs .\Ionow; nantz ha~ playP<l hi· l'tlJJJ' y<·:n·~. Of this ,\"<'<11··:-: point willll<'l'S thl'l'<' l't'lllains Brudt•J•, Iluhhar<l, Hoy, and FPJ'~n:--;on. OthPr~ wl10 :11'<' showing WPII in thPil' <'YPnts :tl'<' Ilow:n·tl, "'nt<·hoJ·n, Ifpinz, Fi:--;l~t•r, ('nnningham, :IJHl Knight . •\~ tltP .\I:IJ'<Hlll go<•:--; to pr·<·~s th<• n•lay tPHlll again <li~tingni:--;IJP: itsplf. It won till':.! 111iiP J·p1ay, at till' <h·m·gpfo\\n J:p1ay ('arniYa1 an<l th(> 1 111ilt• 1'<'1ny. Tll<'l'<' still J't'lll:l iu two <'YPJJts on t IH• tr;wk ~<·ltpdnlP: ~tagg':-: lntPJ":-:<·111l1<1.'ti<· at ('lli<·:tgo, .Ttlll<' 10. <; I";Jil< 1 P1·a i1·i <' ~<'I 11 inn ry In t <'l'~<·lw 1a st i ,. .\I <'<'1, () ll:tl'go, .T\nw 7.

~{dan ._, ~ccnn


"Ca) laughtL'r cun. i t in thl' ron titution of hahits."-:.lu.llRF.Il ;\fo.·otr. ''ll~r wi dum w.l l'Cond unl) to .\lintna's.''-llr.\TIU f .\looRF.IIf \11. ~i

PuRr£1 L




JJunior ~osltdball 'Qrcnm

\ \IN.·



a.sltctball 't"com



<5irls' !Basltefball BY Fr.01m. I'E




~l'lwol lmn· long dt•.·irPtl to 1'1111'1' into this liPid of atlill·tit·.·, hut until n g,n1111:tsim11 was Jn·m·idPd tlH• qiiPS· lion of doing so wa:-o hant•tl. 'l'llis ,YP:Il', llo\\('\'1'1'1 with tilt• gymn:t:-oi11111 at tlu•il· dispo.·al two PYI'ning.· of PHI'lt WPt'k and a pos:-oihlt• hour m· t \\'O ou ~atm·days, !liP ft'llliniJIP aspil'ants of 1':\1'11 t·l;ts.· wnx«'d t•ntlm. iastit·. 'I'll«'\' organi:;wd <·lass lt•aJIIS l\JI(] pra('( i<·t•d faithfully. )I iss Hr<•itstatll :1!--i t·oat·l;, anang<•tl a sdll'dllll' of <"la.·s gnnu•s. Em·ly in tli<• sP:t.·on, it wa. t'dt1<•11t that tliP ~ophoworl' :md ~Pnior tl'mlls \\1'1'1' llP<·ill<•llly tlw stroBg<'.'L and tl1at tlH• tight fm· tli1• 1·liampion· .·hip wonlll l'I'St hl'l\\'1'1'11 tlil'lll. '1'11<• last gaHH' of thl' sdwtlllll' was h<•t \\'l't'll thi'SI' t" o t«':IIIIS. From start to Huish it was a stpady fight. .\t t hi' h<•giun ing of tiH• Ia. t qnart<•J·, t 11<• st'OI'I' stoo<l 1 !I to Ul; thPn t II<• ''~oph!-i" suddPBly dt'\'<'lopPtl ·'lH'<'d: tht•y won !liP gamp :nHl thP <"hampionsll ip. On till' \\'l101P, Ill<' st'a.·on 1n·m·•·d a sul·<·<•ss :nHl thPrl' is 110 douht tl1at da~·s haskPt ha II fm· girl-.; lias I'OliH' to stay in t lit• ( 'hampa ign II igh ~t·hool.


ilE gil'ls of ('ll:tlll]l<lign Iligl1

~I'IIEJWLE .\. ()



\'H. F1·p~-;hnu•11 ........................ ~~ \'s .•Juniors ........................... 1.' .Junior" fOJ·fpilt•ll to ~t>nim·s Ft•(•sllllll'n \'S ..Juniors ............................. :{~ ~opl1omor1'S \'s. ~t·niors ........................... ~:!


to 11 to 11 to ~ to 1!I

®unntasitntt an"h ~tuinnnittl1 ~


BY Funm. '('E P1 IV ELL, ·w Jig gymnasium is O]Wll to tli1• gil'ls of thl' l1igll :l'liool on )[owlay mul 'l'nPs1lay afti'J'noo11s of Pctl'h w<•Pk On Nl<'li of t lH•. ·p days t lii'J'P arr tln;<'l' 1·lass1's: 1lH• first, at :!:1:-i; 1111• st'I'OIHl, at a; tllr tlliJ'Il, at :L!:-i. 'l'IH'!-'1' dassl's han• au aYt'ragl' l'lll'olh11Pllt of t WPnty-tln•. .\t tIll' :-;anH' t inw thl' Hwimmin~ pool is O]H'll. This year, to a~si:--;1 in 1lPfrayin~ thl' pxpPH~(· for in~trndion, it i~ rP· quirl'll that P:H'h pupil shall JH'<'SI'nt a l'<•rtifkatl' of Jipalth alHl lH'Iong to thp .\thl1•tir £\~sO<·iation hpforl' shl' (':Ill ht• <·m·oll<•tl in tlH• :-;wimming da.'.'l'~. 'rlw ol1l th<•m·y that soml' pPoph• •·amwt lt•:n·n to swim ha.' not Jll'O\ Ptl trw• in high sd10ol. 'l'h<'I'<' i~ not a girl who l1a~ l'lll'oliP<l in s" imminl-{, has at tPJHlt>ll <'l:tl'.' padt "'<'<'k aJHl hn~ applit•ll h1•rsPlf, who ha · not Jpm·nt>ll tlH• 1'1':tlly lwautiful m·t of swimminp;. In g~ mna-.;til· wm·k. t111• ''~\\'(•tlish I>ay': OrdPr" i-.; us1•1l a: th1• ha. i of all <·lass work. Instnwtion ht•gins with thl' m·ll«'J' mmt•ntPnts, mm·.-lt· i ng- in ran kH :11111 fill's. ( 'm·J•p('[ in• PXI'l'l'il'l'~ follow. Th<•sp arp gh t•n "it h a \'i<•w to straigliiPn romHl .·IHmltlPl'.', to hring into piny unust>ll lllllsl'IPs,


"Each a looking gla·s for the othl•r.''-llFrEs an<l Rt'Til ::'lhRPII''· tccl."- \RFLbU' • '~L~o . "::'lly hl·art is as true a


and to ilii]II'O\'P thP postm·t• in ~1'111'1'<11. UyJJJli:Jstit· t'XI'l't·ist•s :ll't' followl'tl hy aPstlil'tit· d:tllt·illg. Tllis ,\t•aJ· <lilhl'l't n11d ('lJalitr dnJH·t·s :ll'l' ust•d P t·lw.:ivt•ly .• \t tliP IH"gimling of till' ,\P:Jl', :-:iJJJ]IIt• folk dant·t•.· \\t'l't' taught. Thl'sl' sl'l'YI'd 11s an I'Xt'l'llt•JJI intJ'tHint'lioll to tilt' 111111'1' t'Olll]llit·atl'<l ;t<•st ltl'l i1• dnllt'l's. ( kl'a. io11ally t lit• d:llii'P is I'I']IIHt·<•d hy ~,\'lllll:Jst it· g:lllll'"'· I lodgt• hall, piJH·lJo, ha. kl't h:lll, ( ;,.l'lJJ<Ill hat hn II, l'Piay hn II, alii I t ltJ'I'I' dt•t•p <11'1' tl11• f;l\'oJ·it<·s. Tltl' l<·.·stnls t·lo. I' with I'X<'ITist•s i11 dt•t•plm·atltillg. 'I'll<· s\\ illllllillg pool :Jill]!-!..' lll ;n·t• I'Ollsidt•J'I'd pi<I<'I'S of ;tllllL 'I'Illl'lll and J•p];J. ·at ion \\ ht•J'I' tIt I' 111ost di~llifit•d .·t·nim·, and \\ onit•d, li:n·a.·st•d :-:h:u·k 111ay slit ill' ;nltl t'\'t'll lnugli. Tilt• \\OJ'k ill tlll'.'t• t'lllll''-'t's t·lo.l'd \\ itl1 till' "'I'J·inlll]lh of ~p1·ing" ]ll't•st'lllt•d oll :\11-Kiull',\' Fil'ld.

J:y Err.\ L .\HHY. '1 T :\l:t,\' ninl'tt•t•lltli just as thP soft sliadt•s of 1'\'t•uing \\'t'l'l' :lt~wl.' di'S<'t'lllling tilt• lt~yal supptn·tt•J·s of ('h:liii]I:Jigll ITigli ~t·liot~l g:tllit•J'I'd 1111 .\ld\:inlt•y Fit·ld to witnt•ss a :-:pt•t·lal'll' whi<·IJ was dt't·idt•dly dil'l'l'l'l'llt 1'1· llll tilt• w.:nal l,\']11' of <'lllt•J·t:tillllll'llt Jll't'SI'lllt•d tltl'l'l'. Tltl' atll':lt'tioll was "Tilt• TJ·in111pl1 of ~lll·ing," a :\lay-day pagt•allt ]ll't' t•lllt•d h,\ t l11• gil'l · ill t ltl' ~.\'lllll:lsiuJJJ t·ht.·st•s. Tltt• Jll'l'tty pagt•:lllt OJH'llS with tht• l'lltl':tllt'l' of ~p1·in~. who, hPiit•ying that at la:-:t :--;ht• holds full t'OJltJ·ol, IIH'l'l'ily dant·t•s :Jt'J'o:-:.· till' liPid. But siH• i:-: at·t·oslt•d hy tliJ·t•t• ~now FlakPs, who yidou.·ly ]H'It lii'J' \\ ith snow halls :tnd Jillally foJ'I't' IH•J· to \\'itlitlJ·a\\' fl'olll tht• liPid. Tilt• , '11ow Flakl':-: thllH't' in t1·iulllph; tht•ll J·mt in st•aJTit of lJJOJ'P atl\'t•ntuJ·t'. thns lt•:l\'illg tht• fip]l] nugu:u·tlt•ll. Tht• Hain llJ·op:-:, to Ill)'(' thP l't'tliJ'll of ~lll'illg, dallt't' IIH• ''llant·t• of thP .\]11·il ~hm\t'J·:," :tfti'J' "hi<·h till' Hain· how appt•:tJ·s. Filially all aJ·t• 1'1'\\'<ll'dt•d hy 1l1P l'PtllJ'll of ~]ll'illg, with I11•J· qut•t•n st•alt•d inn 1·oyal t·oa('h and two d:tinty :tttPndauts standing gu:n·d. ~ht• i.· th·nwll in tJ·iumpll :n-olJJtd tht• liPid hy tilt• IIO\\' lllJH'h :nhdut•d ,'llo\\ Flakt•:-:; aftPJ' \\'ltit·h ~p1·ing lt•;tds IIPJ' to tiiP tiii'OJit' :tud t'l'O\\ liS lit'l' (2JH'I'll of tht• :\J:ty. 'l'hl' <21H't'll thPll :JSI't'Jllls ]11'1' tiii'Ollt' Whih• thP :ttl<'llll:lllts dant·t• two gJ·at·pful littlt• f't•atuJ·ps_ In lioBoJ· of tlwi1· (JJJtt•n, till' :\lay flo\\1'1'.' d:Jllt't' :1 . alutation to ltPl'. Tht•ll a .JJJJJI' I:o.·p appt':JJ·s with 111'1' llol'l~ of dant·ing J'OSI'S . •\t last all t·lu:--;t<'l' ahout tiH• t IIJ'OJH'. In J·pt m·n ftn· t hi:-; holllagt•, t hi' <2nl't'll :n·is<•s, alii I, assistt•d In· ~]ll'ill,!!_, tlt'.'I'I'JH]• fi'OIIl hl'l' thJ'OIII', :tlld tl:llll't'.' ill tilt' lllO~( hi'\\ ilc-]JiU~ lll:tllllt'l', fo1· h<•J· f'ail·it•s . •\~ sll<' finisht•.', tht• tlowpJ·s, ](•I] hy ~Jn·iJlg, J·u:lt I ll'\\ :JJ•tl :llltl 1':11'1',\' lil'l' fJ'Oill t Itt' 1il'ld. '!'hi.- t'lHil'tl t lit• fil·.·t :\1:1\'-tl;l\' fl'tt• ]11'1' l'lltt·tl hy lilt• gil·]: of ( 'lt:llll]l:tigll IJigh ~t·lio1ll. . . 'l'hl' lt•:tding t·hm·:t('(t•J·s \\'I'J't': <211<'<'11, Eliz:tlt<•th Hull'; ~p1·ing, Etta l.an.'; nlt<•utlants, .\dtliP .\nl:hm·y and :\lm·illll \\'i]:--; 111; .'n l\\' Flakt•s, Elt•anoJ· ~t·ot t, Z:tida Bl:ti~dPil :tlHl :\fm·ion ~111ith; .JuJu• HosP, \\'inif'J·t•d ('a JII'Oll.

0 ·



she is


ith artful care." F.,rFLI.\ • ·FI o n.unc implie :· IIEI .F. • 'onr

ollll \\hat n1)




Jllchatc tQtcants 1 9 1li

Co\tll Ro,-s







for l9ll1

BY ,J.nm~ FL ·• 'EY, '1(). takt·~

('hampaig-n a A <L\1.·t·liaJH)liou of tilt' Knox


fonr;ll'(] in d!'halillg. Hill' i:-; stntt• lnlt•J·st·llola:-;tit· ])phnt ing- Lt•agtH'. 'J'hi:-; lt•agnl' i:-; t•omposPtl of tliP largt• high st'lwol:-; in IllinoiH nud Iowa: lhl\'t'll· port, )lolinP, FrPPport, H1wk Island, Kt'\\':IU<'l', PJ·int·Pton, <:al!'slnn·g, )lonmonth, ~pringti<'ltl, .ra('k:-;ouyiJlt•, (~uilwy, 1\:pokuk, Burlington, F:lir· liPid, Clinton, an<l ('hampaig-n. • 0\\'ing· to thp fad that ])(•<·atm· :t1Hl Hloomiugton di<l not 1':11'<' to (•ntPr into a <·outi'Ht with Ill(• Htl'mlg- dPhating- teamf-4 of ('liampaign, tli1• ( 'm·nh(•lt ])pha ling- 'friangl<' hr(':l I hP(l i I:-; hli-<l t hP fnll of 1!l 11 ; l'o ('ham · paig-n 1li1l uot partil'ipatp in a <li:-;triet eontl'~t. An <•arly (·all, llmn'YI'l', waf-4 llliHlP for <'HIHli<latp:-; on two ((•am~ to Pnt<•r til(• Knox Inll'l'sl'llOlasti<· J)pJmtiug LPag-nr. A l'l:tfols in dPhnt ing· \\':Is oq~anilwd to JlH'I'I 1'\ <'l'Y Fri· <lay nftPrnoon. Thi:-; \\:Is Jll'P]Hil'atm·y to th<• final tryo11t, \\'lii<·h was i•Wii(•<lulPd foJ• FPhJ•um·y :!0. 'l'h<• Hll('<'<'H~'<fnl <·onte:-;tauli-< in this final Plinl· ination <·onlp,•( \\'Pl'<' HPI<•n Bro:-;llar, HnH:-;pJl \Yoollpy, )fnnfm·<l )li<-h:wl, Harold ('opP, ]) .• \. \\'olll', a11<l .T:mw:-; Fimwy. Jiarol<l Phillips was a](pJ·natP. l·n<lPl' thP ahiP dirP<'Iion of )Jr. HoHs Ill<• sqn:ul inmwdintl'l,\" lH•gall l'Pgular ]ll'H<·Ik<•. 'J'Jip lfll<'l-'1 ion \\ :tH: ''H<•soh·l'd, 'l'l1at th<• ]ll'I'H!'ll( Hl'lll,\' awl na,·y lll'Og'l'Hlll fm· lh<' l'uilt•<l ~tat<•:-; i.· in:l<l<'lftl:IIP to lll!'l'l 1111• nPPds "She lcJOks as clc·tr as morning roses washed \Vith dcw."-Csnn.R • 'oHTZ. "A quiet conscience makes one so s •rcne."-Hn.F • 'oRM ' ·. 92

of th<• nation." A ll<'W ~.r~t<·m of <·oadlin~ wal' introdlH'<'d. TPntatin• 11'<1111~ W<'l'l' pil'l~<·d and I'<H·h llll'lllh<'r JH'<'Jlal'l'll an outlinl' of thl' .·pl'l'l'h h1• JJtad1• in lh<' lb·~t trial dPhal<•. 'fh<'~P onllitll'~ W<'l'l' I'XI'hangl'll and l'<ll'h ~JH•ak1•r l'hangl'<l hi~ ]JO~it ion on tl11• team until he had ~pok1•n in 1'\'l'l',\' po~ition ou hoth ~idl'~ of th1• IJIII'.·tion. 'l'hc great ;ulvantag1• of thi~ llll'lhod i~ that 1'\'1'1',\' llll'lllh<•r of th1• ~qmul i~ 1·apahh• of ~JH•akiug on any plla~<· of till' IJIII'l"·dion . •\h<ml 11'11 da,\~ lll'fore thl' intl'rdi~tt·id dehall', I h1• .'JH'<Ik<·r~ on 1111• aflirmativ1• a111l n<•galin• ~idt·~ of thl' qul'~tion W<'l'l' pidwd. Ou )lar<·h ;H, th<• aflirmatin• tpam, ('OIIIJm~l'll of l[p]pu Hro~har, Ilarold <'opl', <tll(l )lanforll )lil·hal'l, ml't th1• <!nin1·y floam at ('ham]mign. 'J'hl' Hl'gatin• ll'alll, I'OlllJIO.'I'Il of I> .• \. \\'oltl', Hn~.·p)] \Yoolll'y, atHl .Jatnl'~ Fiunpy, 1111'1 thl' Fairfi1'l1l ll'alll at Fairlil'ld. 'J'hp hollll' 1h•halp wa~ t hrmtghont favm·ahll' to ( 'hampaign. Eadt llll'JIIlll'r of tlu• ll'alll ~pok1• in lwlll'r for111 than in auy tl'ial dl'hatl'. 'l'h1• dc<·i~ion wa~ tlll'l'l' to IIlli' in far01· of ('l~:ttllpaign. 'I h1• 1H'gatiw fpam, ho\\1'\'l't', at Fairfil'ld, \\a~ 1101 ~o ~lll'I'I'S~ful. 'l'hl' hoy~ dl'hall'd in a 111anncr that kl'pt lhl' oppo~i­ tion gtH·~~ing throughout th1• <·onll'~l. 'l'lw onll'ollH' wa~ ~m·pri~iug. ('hantpaigll Io~t llllallintou~Iy. By h1•r ddo1·y at hollll', ho\\'1'\1'1', ('hampaign ~food :tall' <·lJampion. 'I'IH• J>an•nport ll'mn~ \\'1'1'<' <·hantpion~ of Iowa. Th<• final 1lehall' to lll'l'i<ll' tl11• inll'r~tail' l'ltautpimL hip OITI11't'l'd .\pril 11. 'l'h1• aflit·utatin• tl'am joll1'1ll',\l'll to Iowa a1111 11lll'O\'I'rl'<1 a hrallll of uPlmtin~ that wonlll do <·t'l•dit to a1t,)' <·olkgl'. But thi~ lillll' ])mtll' Fortunl' ""~not with ('hampaign. lhtn•nport was gin•n an unauit11on~ 1h·ci~ion. 'I'll<' :tm·y at ltmtH' wa~ difl'p1'1'lll. .-ot dill'l'l'<'lll in lhP mamwr of dl'hal<•, hut dill'l'l'l'lll in th1' dl'l'i~ion of th<• jnllg<·~. 'l'h<• 1w~atiw il•am, ~~·pking J'l'\l'llg'l' for th1• lrl•atnH•nt J'l'l'l'in•d at Fairfil'lll, wagl'll a fil't'l'l' allll lllll'l'l<•nting hatth• again~! thl' aflirmalin• t<oam from Dawnport. 'l'hl' <ll•dsion \\a~ I wo to onl' in fann• of ('hautpaign. In lhl• two <lPh<tll·~, ho\\·<·n•r, of lh1• .·ix YOII'~, ])an•nport l'l'l'l'in•ll four allll ('hampaign, two. ~o. of IIH• ~l'hool~ l'I'Jll'l'~l'llll•ll in tit<• lpagnl', I>awnpod ~land:-; fiJ·~t in <lPhall• for lh<• l!llfl :sl·a~on, and ('hampaign !'lawl:-: ~l'l'OlHl. For tl11• n•J·y ~lHTP:-:~ful ~<'a~on, mnl·h <·rpllit i:-: 1l111' hoth to )[r Ho:--~ and tl11• <ll'hal<•t·~. "·Ito work1•1l faithfnlly. Four of thl' lll•hall•1·~ at·<• l'XJH'l'iPn<·l'll <khall'l'. I lPll'n Bro:har, Hn~:--1'11 \\'oolh•y, )[anforll )lil'lt:wl, and .JanH·~ Finn<'."· .\11 HJ'l' Hl•nior~ and haw l'l']l1'l'~l·nll'<l th<' high :-:<·hool in dl'hafp fol' tiH• la:-;t ti1tH'. 'l'lti~ i~ al:-;o true of llarol<l ('op<•, a JH'W 1'l'l·rnit. ]) .• \. \Yolll' i~ till' only mHh•t• da~~man on lhP winning h•am:-: to fm·ut till' fouwlalion for lll'Xl Yl'ar·~ ll'alll.


"Too pretty to he wise.''-).1.\JH:u F. OsTR.\:\11. kpow she is pre cnt you must look twice."-I L\ZEI. Pnli.LJr:-,


I . di.t•xtt>lli)Hil'P tl'id




( 'ltantpaign hold:-: hPJ' rl\\ 11. ~~~«' plat·t•d in t II«' l'll(l'l'l'd in tilt• final at tltt• ("nin•rsit.' of


lllitwi:-:. Till' llliuoi.· Int<>l':·wllllla~til- OJ•atm·it·al ('oltll'i-if Ita~ al\\ay:-; hl'l'll l'l'~at·dl'd hy pnhlk i'JH•aking <l'•pit·aut:-: in ('lntntpaign \\ itlt kt•l'n intt•J'p,·(. To win a plat·P iu tltt• final t·ontt>~t i:-: lookl'd upon a:-; tilt• :t~·n~t• of OJ':ttoJ',\' in ltiglt ~"<·!tool. Tilt• t·oHtl'~fallts ft·ont ('!Jantpai.~n lla\·t· :tlway~ \\I'll dt'lll on:-;t l'alt•d t !Jpir· ability in ~]H'akiJ1g, all< I t lti~ ."1':11' i. · not an I'Xt'l']lt ion. In tilt• di~t1·id t'iintinatiou t·oHtP:-:t ltPid at Paxton thl' folio\\ ing ~l'lloob \\'<'I'P n•pl·l':-:<·ntt•<l: ~pl'ingfil'ld, l>t•t·atnr, l'd~:ma, Hloontington, Kankakl'<', I )an Yilh•, Ponti<u·, <'linton, IlooJH':-:ton, )lmtH'IH'I', Pal'is, )louti('(•llo, l{autoul, a11<l ( 'llampa ign. ('IJ:uupaign wa:-: rt•pt·e:-:<·nte<l hy till'<'<' :-:pPakPI':-:. 1Jp]pn Hro~lt:tl' \\' :t~ l'llt<'l'l'<l in o1·atory; .John Burk<' awl )lanfoJ•d )I il-ha<'l, in <'Xl<'ni]Hll'<'. )I i:-: · Hro. ·lt;u·, tiiP mo~t t'Oil\'iJl(·iug om tor tl11• :-:l'lto ll lla:-: 1'\'1'1' had, lo:-;t th<• t·oJitl'~f h,\· (\\'o point~. T\\·Pnty-1\\'o t·oHI!·~t:lll(~ \\l'l't• t•HII'l'<'<l in t•xlt'lll port•. l'rom tlth-; uumht•r two \\'l'l'P to ht• dto~t·n to l'<']II'I'~<'llt til<· tli:-;t r·id in thl' tin;tl at tltt• l'uiwr:-:ity of IlliHoi:-:. ('lt:nnpaign Jll'll\'<•<1 t•qtwl to th<• ot·<·a~ion. IIPr two :-:pt•:tkPt·.·, t•qtwlly good, l'<']ll'l'~t·Htl'd two radit·ally difl'l'l'<'llt :-:tyk:-: of m·atory- BIII'k<', :-:lo\\', t•otwi~l', and <·om·illl'ing; )ii<·haPI, tlo\\ ing, rapid, :lllll fipt·,,·. Hurk<• :-:p<·m·t•d :-:t•t·ond pla<·1· and t'l'JI · t·<·:-:<•ntPd ('lt:unpaign i11 tilt> final. In tlti~ <·mttP:-;t, ho\\'1'\'(•J', .Jolllt fail1•d to plat·<•. IIi:-: ·'JH't't·h wa:-: a t'l'edit to ('ltallt)l:tign lliglt. lit• J•ank:-: a:-: mtP of the hP~t t•xt('mpore speaker:-: to takl' thl' platfot·m iu lwhalf of ('!tampa ign ll igh ~dtool.


IIEH!'.'Jii .

. \s I sit at Ill." dP:-:k and pond1•t' On \\hat S<·hool ha .· lll<':tnt to 1111', lt ntalw~ III<' .·tart and \\'oHdt•t· "'h,\ I han· not l"l't'nll•d to Sl'l' Tit<' hl'lll'li t of good ad ri<·<· \\'ht•n it wa:-: gin•11 to till'. "TIH'y that go,·ern mo. t, make lca,t noi l'."

\t tl E FRll ERICK

"It i a >uod nature only that win . the heart." 9-1



F FHI("l\ 1

~rantatics BY

for 1916

('.\UOL! 'E ~L\. ~l'F.\KERJ


.·(·t·H-.\L iuft•t't'Ht ha:-; het•n ~ho\\11 tid:-; ypar in the litH' of dt·amafi(',', 'l'ht• II igh ~dwol pupil:-; han! di:-opla~·t·d (•xtraonlinar.' taknt in pre.·pnt ing a numhPr of (•ntertaining produdion ·. 'l'h1• t41•nim· <'la!-4~ pre~<'1111'11 "'l'hP ~('hool for t4('andal'' on De<"emlwr 17, with :-;m·pri:-;ing llt·amatk ahility. Thl' ~-;enior girl: gan• ".\ ~liHh•t·n l>t·ama·· along with a numlwr of ot ht•r uniqtH' ~~ un!H at thP t4Pnior Leap Y1•ar Party on ~lar('lt :t Tid: dt•\ t•r ultra-l!HHh•t·n drama. "hkh wa:-; writ tPn h~· ~l'VPral of th1• ~Pnior gil'l:-;, i~ YPl'." atnn:-;iug in it:-; I'<Hlieal 1h•partlll't' from tiH• ordinary type of play. The opera, "'l'h1• Piratl'.' of P1•nzanct•," wa~ prt·~ente<l ou ~lay :>. Tht• amatt•m· ~ingPl'H maHtt>l'P<l the diJlicult art of singing alHl :H'ting at OIH' tillH' to a dt•gt'I'P :tlmo:-;t profp:-;:-;ioual. .\t tht• ~t·eowl.\nnual llonu•t·omillg thP alumni gaH' a ~tuut .·how on.\Jlril :!7. ThP t4t•llim· <'la~. will pt'Pl't'nt auotht•t• play, '/'/1(• llfiiU'Iti'I'Ui of .fwlf'. on .Jmw :>. ~lr. Hos._ pt·omi:t•:-o a l'llt't'P~'.'fnl pt•rfm·mmH'P of Uti:-; llPligl1tful t·oniPdy.


Tht• ('laHH of l!ll<i i:-; th1• fir:-;! om• in ('hampaign II igh ~!'110ol to pt·Ptwo play~ duri11g tht• Ht•llior .'·em·. 'l'ht• fit-.·t of thPl't' \\:ts 'J'hf' , •, hoof for , 'f·(( lid((/, preHt•utetl on l>t•t·t•tnlH'r 17. '1'/t( , ',-lwol for 1'\('({1/f/((/ i.· a \'t•t·y pka:-;ing t'OIIIPdy in 1in• ad:-; hy Hit-har1l Hrin:-;h•y ~ht•rill:m, tht• "ell-kno\\ n Eugli:h pla~·,\l'ight of tht• eighit'puth (·t•ntury. It JH'I'~t·t.t~ a :11t111orou~ antl \i\·i1l pidm'<' of fa~hionahlt' Hocit'fy at tilt' timt' wht•n tht• :-olt• llohhy of tht• ~eiPd par!it•H of tatti<'-IIIOHgt•r:-; wa:-; to im·t•nt H<·atulalon~ :-t tn·it'.' t'OIH't•t·n ing pt•oph• whom t hP~ <li:-;J ik<'l l or I'll ,-il'l 1. Tht•l"t' J·nmoJ'H, 1\"ll!'ll otwe :-ot<u·te<l, iHtTt'<l."t>d in ~lH'h proportio11, a: thPy pa~~P1l from month to mouth, that th1• unfortunatt' Yidim wa: immt•diatl'ly dl'l'larPd gHilt,r hy all :-;oddy. ~ul'h i:-; tht> l'haradl'r of t'ighlt•Pnth <·entur.'· lift• JH'I spntt•(l in 'l'//( .'-\(-/uml for 8f'fl1Ulal. ~ir PP!t•r 1'l'ctZlP, an el1lt•rly gPntlPiltan of a kitul nat nrt•, who i: ridinllt•tl hy hi: :l<"quaintant·PH for nmrt·ying a fa:-;t'inatiJJg hut ft·i\'lllons ynung lady, waH n•ry Hkilfully port J·ayt•ll hy .John Bnrkl'. Huth l>rallP, a.- Latly 'l't•azlt•, di:-;playt'll dramatic ahility . .Jo~pph t4nrfat·t•, a gt•ntlt•tu;m with a hland mallllt'I', hut rt•ally \'1'1'." l10llow :tll(l dt•t·Pitful, wa:-; \\'!'II adPd h,r ('t•t·il <'ookt'. IIi~ hrotht•t·, ('hm·lt·~ t4ut·fact•, a di .. ~ipatt•ll hut kiwl-hl•:tl'tt•tl and hon<•Ht roung fpllow, wa.- ahly iii(('I'JH'P(t•(} hy . ·pa} (';t)(]\\'('}l, Lady t4twt•nn•ll, adt•d hy 'I'lll'lma ( 'r:u·klP, iH a '' t•alt hy widm\ who Ita:-; an afft'diou for ('hal'II'H ~urfacP atHl art fully .'l'hl'IIH'.' to fut·thPr it. Katllt'l'ine Huff, in a plt•a:-;ing nwnn(•r, JH'PH!'Htt•d tht• parl of )laria, with \\hom hoth .Jo:-;t•ph atul ('harlt•H t4urfa<·<' are in lon•. t4nakl', tltt> a<·t·omplit·t• mul t·oufitlant of Lady ~11<'<'1'\\ Pll, wa.- adP<l t'llt

"Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite \'artety." -Ih.u.. Ru:-qi.L, ", \ maiden never bold of spirit."-PHYLLis S.\DJ -.


by II:u·old Cop<'. ~~«>Jiip Barry wa~ at honH· in Ill<· pad of )[rs. ('amlonr. a,nothPI' of ~hp .:-;ol'iPt.~· p;o. :ipJH'I':-;. Othl'l' Jlll'lllhl't':-; of thP ~ '1·hf1ol Jo 1• ~'-'nnulol. whH·h 1. :-;pt'I'ICIII,Y hu:-;y at this tilllt' with :-;tol'il'. ahont ~i1· Pl'il'l' and hi~ ,\'ounp; wif«>, al'«' C1·ahtJ'I'«' and ~ir HPnjalllin J::tt·khitt•, adPil hv ,JanH·~ Fimwy <IIHl Fnmk \Y:JII:tt·p, I'<'SJH'I'tin·ly. J:oth \\'<'l'l' <'XI'l'll<'ni. ~i1· Oli\'1'1' ~nl'f':tl'<', a H'l',\' rit·h lliH'II' of ,Jospph and ('h:ti'IP. ', who Jill t s to t 1•st t h<• t 1'\H' t·ha rat·t PI'S of hi: twphP\\ :-;, \\' H.' :-11 it I'd to L1•1• Ha \'· hurn. liP i.· ;t:-;sist«>d in hi: . l'hl'lll«' hy ~Jr. HowlP\' , :111 :t:!:«'llt fo1· tl.H' p:-;tat«>. Tlli~ )Hll't wa~ :t('it'd hy Ed\\ ard Hopl'l' in 'a dignitit•d lltallllPl'. )los(':-;, a ,Jpwi:-;h monpy-lt•Jidl'l', wa: :tl'tt'•l hy E1·k < 'a.-JH'I'. ~it· Hal'l'y Blllll]H'l' and (':t1'1'll'ss, thl' dissipa!Pd fl'iPllds of ('hal'11•s ~llt'fa<·<•, \\('1'C JIOI'.IJ':t,\'<'~1 h,v (']Cil't'IH'«' ])pJ.ong and .Jmnt•s Li\'in~ ·ton, l'Ps]H'di\Piy. '1'1·ip, th1•1r w:nter, wa:-; adPd hy Ewing <:i1·k. O.Tal' <'agann was thP servant, an<l Laura )1 iller w:ts t h<• maid.

BY IL\noLIJ <'oPE. '1().

tilt> fatal 1'\'l'llillg of )fa,\ :i, an inllo<'<'llt alHlii'IH'P was inn•iglP•l into th<• ('hampaip;n Iligl1 ~t'lwol ~\\l(lit01·iu1ll, not knowinp; what tlu•ir fat<• would h<•. The nip;ht "as d:u·k; the moon h:ul sn<•ake1l ])('hintl a p;loomy doiHl-jnst tiH• kin<l of a uip;ht for .·om«' !Pnibh• atrodty. Til<' ~-'<'<'IH' darkt•tu•ll, 1'\'('1',\'0IH' gn·\\· l<'llH<', wlH•n snddpn]~· w:v ht•artl, "The l'i1·aiPs! TIIP Pil·al<>s! Oh, l>t'~pai1·!" \Yith a"\'<·~. W<''1.<' th<• pirat<•s, :o dP~pai1•," th<• hlooll-thir:-;ty rillatls 1'11:-;IH'd on th1• :-;tag«' and t·aptiratPd tlu•il· alllliew·<•, one an1l all. Iu a whil'l of 1lnunatit- allll mnskal talent, f1·om t h<• fun nil'~ I <·mn<•tlian to t h<• mo~t in~pil'ing musk, tlw pil·at .' "<·ani<•<l th<· audil'lll'l' :t\\':t,\' with tlH'1n." To h<• mm·l' <·mwi .'<', !HIW<'\'1'1', t h<' :-;I wl«'n t: of < 'hampaign II i~h ~l'llool pr<•:-;pnkd tlH• \\1'11-known Oillll'l'l an1l ~ulliran op<•1·:1, '/'h1· l'imt1 ,'1 of l'f'll .:t/1!1'1', on )fay :i-a feat th•('];n·pll to hi' inq1o:-;sihlP hy many, an<l a1lmittt•<l to h<' PXI'<'Ptlin~l.'· <litlkult hy <'n'l',\'OH<'. .\11 ag-ru' now that it wa: a g1·<•:d stH·<·<·~s. (;]'(•at <'1'1'dit is tlup to )li~s ~\mt'lia 1 h•tH'WPfh, musit-:Jl tlil'(•dot·, who~<' tad anti widl' t'XJII'1'it•nl·<• W<'1'1' inva]uahl<'; to )!1·. Eal'l Hos~. <ll·amati1· tlit·<•dor, who~t· knowlt·tlgP of th<• Hinge atHl hi~ s<'lls<' of diHI'iplin<' W<'1'1' <•spt•dally m•t·<·.".-a1·~· ; to ('harl<·~ )faurer, ,JI·., UI'('Olll]l:llli~t alii] ('OiltllldOJ' of fhp ('llli1'(' ]lt'l'fOI'lll:IIH'('. 'riH' :ta:!e :<•ttin:! \\:ts tmtl<•r thP siiJ1<'1'd."ion of Hm·oltl Ont~· :11111 )li.-: )Jary Hill. 'J'Ill' ~:a~t wa~ g<'1H'l':t1ly <·on<·<•dt•tl to ht• a good onP. Tht• IPading ]1:11'1, F'l'(•th•t·i<-, t·<•qnir<'s not only a high t<•nm· voit·<', hut also n•1·satilP adin:!. 'rids pa 1'1 was t a kpn hy II:u·oltl Cop<'. Th<• Pil·a I<' Kin~. a \'P1·~· <'lllll'<'it<'tl ,\lHl tlomill<'1'1'ill:! ('h:ll·ad<'1' pal'!, ofl'P1't'tl wontll'l'fnl oppol'tuniti<•:-; fm; Jamt'H Finn<'Y. TIH• <·omk 1·oh•, thl' )lajm· <len<'l'al, wa~ ahl.' inl<'l'Jl1'<'1<'tl ' )[anfonl .)lkhaPl, who Jll'0\'('11 him:-;plf a good <·h:u·al'f('1' ador. The •(·ontl tNlOl' pal'!, tlw Pi1·atc Lh•utpnant, wa: takPn ~~~ ~·Pal ('altlwPll.


"A wee, small girl with a \\'l:L', small \'Ukr.''-1 lEu PI K. 'tl.L. "Ink in tlw greatl'st Wl'apon for the battles of the lcarn('d,"-:0.1.\RJORIE l'n:-;I::, ·n.\Rloi:.R.


who again lll'lllonslt·atl·ll his ability. Th1• .'Prgeant of Police, another fat'l'l' t·oll', was admit·ahl.' pt'I'HI'Illl'd h.' )Jilt•:-; l4JH'IH'<'t'. )Jh;:-; lll'h'n {;J·o~~lll:tn, \\'ItO lHl~S('SS('S <l JIIO,'( l'('lllal'kah]C ,'OJil'allO voil-<', "as tit<• lH•t·oitH'. 'l'lte 1·adem:as in this t·ole m·e <'X<'<'<'Ilingly 1lillkult, Inti )!iss <:rossman inll'l'Jil'l'll•ll tltt•tn l't'l'llitahly, to Hay thf' lf'aHt. 'l'lu• pat·t.· of Katl', Edith, and :\lalH'II1•, thP daughii•J·s of lhl' :\Iajor·Oem•t·al, \\'l't'l' takPn hy :\liss Y<•t·a I:assl'll, )liss ('alhPt·inP I:t·adlPy, mul )Jiss llm·otlty ,)pt·,·is, l'l'SJH'I'Iin·l.'·· all of "hom lillPil tiH•it· part. · Yl't'Y I'OlllliH'ltdahly. 'l'lt1• onl,\ git·l l'ltaral'll't' p;u·t waH that of Huth, th<• "piratil·al tnad1•-of-all work." )li~s \'iyian ('ain, with lH•J· ,'\\'l'l'( 1·ontt·alto vok<', did \\t•ll in tltis part. 'l'lt1• IIH'IIth<•t·s of till' 1·ltm·nH di'H<'t'Y<' a g1·<•at llPal of <'l'<'<lit for thl'il' I'OOJH't·ation . •\good l'hot'll. ' 11111. ' ( han• not o11l.' voi1·1• hut ahility to al't. 'l'lt1• hll II•J· was d<•Jumtslra !Pd i 11 tltt• g lmn•t·i ng gla ni'I'H of t hP pi t·a t <'~-'• tiH• k111Wking ktH'I'H of thl' polin•nH•n, and tlt1• indignant aloofiii'H'-' of tltP "hPautifullltaidi'UN" wh1•11 app<•all'd to hy F'l'l'lkl'il·. ThoHI' in tltl' f'horu:-; \H'I'I': Etlt~l1• P1·h·ott, Lul'ille )lil'hal'lt, BPalri<-1' Whitl', ."Pllh• Bat·t·y, LPHtll'l' En•t·soiP, ZPIIa Om·don, )fm·jm·ip I )il·k1•y, (:lad.':-; ""ipnkl', Lillian Yaw·.'· HohPl'la Ball, )Iat·gtH'J'itP )Ial'ldalHl, Huth l Hllon, :\1,\ dll' nage, ."ol'illl' nag<'. ,Julia Tholll)IHOll, (l('Jl('\i('\'(' :4ilkl','", FlOl'('ll('(' Finllii·IP, )farjoJ•ip I. alwl, BPatl'i<·1· :\lot·Phl•:ul, ('alh<•J·itH' KlitH', :\lildl'l'd ~Ionahan, ll<•leH • "m·n~an, )l:mila FJ·pal'l;:, llorolh,\ .\lhpJ'(s, Oli'Bil Om·don, :\Iili'H l4p<'111'('1', ('.II. Ih•Lo11g, Elnt<'J' Little, )Jaxwplf .\dams, ('ltarli'H :\Id 'ullongh, .\lphousll.' ""!til<', II:u·old )lilli'J', lim\ m·d • "ofl'tz, L<'<' Hayhurn, II:u·ol1l PJ·<•ntil·1•, El'i1· ('aHlH't', Edward HopPt', (']alJ(le D<HlllH, :\Iilfm·d Boil-<·, Ilarol1l ])ads, 0. ll. Blaisdpll, H .•\. '\Yoltf. In <'otH'lusion, it may IH• said 1ltal this was a 1'<'1'01'11-making prodlldion. 'l'IH• I'<IH( lH•g;lll pt·al'lil'(' iu .);lllll:ll'."· )l:lli,Y tilll<'H all \\'1'1'1' <liH· I'Otn·ag<•d awl al lltl' point of giving up, ouly to sial'( "·ol'l- again, .·tt·ongl't' than t>n•t· . •\f11'J' all diflii-Hitks "1'1'1' I'OIHJII<'t'Pil, 11othing but good fe<>ling ]H·<·vail<•ll awl <•n•t·yon<• was happy that thl' high H1·hool antltoritip.· HJllH'On•d of this additional kiwl of <'lhH'ation mul <'n<·om·agc<l .-uch high-gt·ad<• prod ud iouH a~ "Th<• l'i t·a t <'H of Pcnzan<·e."

X!rcrrcnfcttarn---~11akcs:pcarc BY lll~LE

)[<o('o~. ELL,

'10. I I J) I h<• \\ hil'l awl t m·ntoil of t IH· bt~t sl'hool days, :4hak<••pem'l' wa~ not fol'goll<•n. 'l'h1• ll•t·<·Pnlt>JJat'.' annin•rsat·y of t h<• gl'(•at poet awl playwright wa. · <luly ollsPt'Y<'I 1 l1,\ 1h<• high Hl'ltool with a perfot'Jli<L<'IH' in all t'<'HP<'I'(H most <h•light fnl. Uy tii<'HIL' of gm·g<•on~ cm;tnming an<l YHl'l-I'OlOJ•(•I] lighting JllOHt artist i1· l'fl'PI'fH Wl'l'(' Hl'l'lll'('ll. .\ qmu·tl'l <·ompos<'ll of I l:u·old ( 'opl', .)alll<'H Fimwy, )Ianford :\I i1· h;H•I a 111 l Ed w:u·d HopPt' llPgan t II<• pt·ogt·am wit It '• Dl'ink to )fp Only '\Yith 'l'hin<' E,\'(•.·.'' .John Bul'l.-<• in hi~ I'OIH'iHI' lllaillH'l' told why W<' should honor th<• lll<'lltm·y of :4hak<•spPare on tl11• tin'<'<' hundrl'dlh anni-


",\ pupil to he protul of.''-E1 .. tf. R \ Ynt'R. •• "To doubt her fairnc. s were to want an cyc."-PI'.ARLE



wt·sar~· of Iris dt•atlJ. .. \ folk dmwt• typit·al of the clay: of Elizalwth was ght•ll a: all «'XIt·a fpatm·p hy Ilazt>l <'lark, <h•rtrndt' J)pt•t·onglr, )Jahll' BlaiHdt'll and I>ot·otlry <'a.·.·in~ham. Pha.'<'.' of :4hakt>.'}Wat't•'.· tlt·amatit• at·t WI'!'<' t•x<·PIIt•ntly portra~t·d hy .-ong.· :ttl(l ."l'l'nt•. 1-it•h•t·IP<l from lhP <liffl't'Plll typ<'s of Iris works_"\\ ho 1: :4ilda ~"-'l'wo (/f'lllknu 11 of J",•rolla smtg hy llaroltl ('opl', atl(l "Hiow, Blow, Thou "'inter \YitHl"-.1 1'011 J,ikf' /t-reHtler<•<l hy )[anfOJ·d )li!'ltat'l, \H'I't' from :4hakP.'JH'at'P'. comediP:; fr·om hiH t·onl:ltH'<'S, "liark ~ Hark~ tltt' L.trk ~ .. - ('.'JIII1Jdillf'-h,\' Ed\\'anl Hop<•r. To illn.·tt·att• tht' faudful Hi<l• of :4hake:peare, Vivian ('ain ~ang, "\Yh(•t'<' thP lh-<' :4JH'ks, 'l'h<'l'<' :4\ll'k I" The '!'f'IIIJil'Ni. ThP ..\1111'1 h•r :4<·<•m• ft·om J/ w·bl'f h \\'a: gi vcn hy liPh•n ..\Ic 'onnell and ,J a me: Finney.

~cui or By ..\DDIE


~ \:\I~B.\RY. • Hi.

II E aut hit iou~ ~wniot·s will pt·<•:<•nt a Hl'('OtHl pla~· on .June ;) in tht> High :4('hool ~\.nditorium. .\gain it iH a ('OllH'<ly with an e~tahli.·h<><l t'<'JIII!ation. "Til<• ..\lano •nn·ps of .Jam•," hy ll<•m·y .\.l'thnr ,Jom• .., wa. fit·st pt·<'~<'Jllt•<l in til<• 'l'IH'a!t·<• Ho.nll, Ila,nn:u·kl't, Englan<l, on Odoh<'t', 1~!1,', "ith <'.n·il ..\lalllh' takiug th<•l<•:ulinp, roll•. 'l'h<' :ptting iH in England. )Jm;t of tiH' adion tak<·H pla<·e at ('han<·y Conl't, the honw of Lor~l B:qwllild. 'l'he time i.· the pt·<•:pnt. 'I'll<• pal'ls at'<' "pll hal:uu·<•<l, antl tll(' d<•n•r <'OIHP<ly offt>t·s opport uuity fm· ama!<'III'H to <listinp,ni.·h th<•mst>ln-s. .\.lthongh the <·a~t wa: not <lt•liuitl'l,Y th•t'illt'd lllltil ..\Ia~· 10, th<' ,nmthfnl adon; haYc thPil' lint>~ <·mnlnit 1<•<1, aud, uwl<·t· the ahl<• <·oa('hing of ..\! 1·. HoHs, arP enterin~ into th<• Hpit·it of tlu.• pht~· it. a mamH'l' that in.·m·<•: a sun·es ·ful presentation.


_\ T:

Lonl Bapchihl ....... .T(•rYis Punshon .. (1por~l' I;an~ton .. -· :\h·. 1 'an~ll• . TIH' Rrwn·n~ l PrPpPmlary :\I r. Pa wS<'V :-;i•· Rolwrt Bowat1•r ( 'onstanlia Gag<' ;\II'S. BP('<·hinoi', Lady Bapehild Pant!'lia BPPI·hinor Lady Bapehild, Lord Bapehild 's mothl'r :\I r·s. Bostock :\I is.· Bosto<•k :\Irs. Pawst'Y-· ill i. s Dodd ..:. ill i.-s BowatPr. T l'('lld!'ll ~tag<' Manag1•r Cost tlllH'S

harh•. Manrl'r ,J anw. · Fimwv 1 \•al Cal(hn•h Harold Grav Th<'O<lore \V ri.·. .... .Jol n Burke Panl , 'an(lPr. IIazPl ::\lilh•r ~Pllt' Rarrv Rnth Dillo;1 Carolirw ::\lan.~pPakt•r l\Tar~nPrit<• RntlPd~e l\lar~an•t

Dawnport Ramona Pnnwll Katlwrirw II nff Elizalwth •atP Do roth v 11H'rt. .Tamp: Livin~ton .Janw Living:;ton

"Play my friend and charm the charmer."-L1JTI HRIHR. .1. • o, she is coming hack."-GE. T\ IE\'E SILKEY.

''Look! There she goes.



:·-s, nu.

nc must be moderate in the usc of pita urc "Content th) elf to be ob cnrcl) g• od."-1 lEu: I 0\l

S1 1-:. St.: I LI\'A •



Io I


ilE ~<'<'otHl £\nnnal IlmlH'<'oming of tlw ('hampaign lli~h ~~·llllol .\lumni £\,·.·odation wa~ ind<>Pd an pnjoyahl<' all'air. On 'l'lllll"~da~· t'\'PBing, £\pril ~7, tlu• Alumni amn~t·d thPm.·t•Jyp~ at thP anuual ,'tun! ~how, :nul on Friday, £\pt·il :?, ', t>njoyPtl tlw auun:tl B:tlHfll<'l and ll:tll<"<' . • \ ."lll:tll atlmissiou ft•t• wa~ ('hargt•<l to 1ht• ~tnut awl lhP l'nnd t·lt•HJ'P<l was ~<'t asitll' for tl~t• tlt•t·oration of tl11• t•onidot·,. of lht• huilding .. ThP fund tlli.· .V<':tl' wa.· gin•n a,. a m<•morial for thP <'las~ of 1~!11 whil'll wa~ t'PlPhrating it .. twt•nty-fifth annin•rf'ary.


Tilt' ~tnnt ~how Jll'Og'l'Hlll wa~ as follow. : 0Y<'r1m·p ....................................... Fri . ·on·~ Or(' liP.'t ra A )Jo<l<'l'll I>rama ..................................... ~Pnim· <l irl~ Yiolin ~olo ....................•.. .. .............. Tht••Hlot'P FJ·i.'oll 'l'ht• ){('Ointy~ ................ JiazPl ~lt>phPn~, A>dJ·i<l ])odgt•, )Jarion rt'nuy, ,Jantit' ( 'ht•stl'l' HPatling- ''"'hprp Ignorant'<' i~ Hli .. ~" ............ )IJ·s. F. E. Hainnm F:nwy I>an<'<'N .............................. . .... )Jarjm·it• ~paulding "Fitlt'lit)" .............................................. £\utliPnt·t• Egyptian ~law l>:lll<'<' .............................. llazpl ])a,·itl~oll l>net ................................... Ilt'l<·u and Elizalwth Bryan < 'omt•tl i:m ......................................... J <'~s Kirk pat rit'k l>ntd1 nan<·t• ........... ElizahPlli .\ J•mslT'OJig, Lut·y Bnrwash, )JaylH•llp ])alit'nh:tdt, Lillian ,Johnston, (h•:tt'<' )Jnrray, ('](•ont• ~111ilh )Jn~·dc .................................................. Ort·l~t•stra Ahcmt lfiO of tht' alumni t•njo_rptJ tllt' Eighth .\nnnal HH!HJU<'!. 'J'ht• da.-~ of lmH had a tahlt> in tilt• <·t•ntPl' of tl~t• room. 'l'ht•n• wa.' al~o a NJH't·ial tahlt• for tht• das.· of l~!ll, of wliit·li Nt'\'1'11 lllt>lllh<'t's W<'l't' IH't•st>nl. .\ roott•r':-; ta hlt•, l<•<l hy YPrll<' ~a hin, Pnl in•nt•ll t Itt• fpa:-;t hy m:my yt>ll.' :t nl] .'Ollg'H. I>r. Lloy«l II. \Yi.'<', PrPsitlt>nt of thP .\.'~ot·iation, Jll't•sitlt•d owt· 111<' toa .. ts "liit'h W<'l'P gin•n h,r )J:n·g:m·t Hnll<'tlgl' 'lli, ,J.D. )Jm·.-t· '!11, II.~. <:rintlli'Y ·~n, anti IIarryBant•J' '10, )fiss ~witzt•r a111l )ft·. Eat'll<'~·d. Tilt• following ot'Yit·PJ's W<'l'<' <'lt•l't<'ll, and tht•u tliP tlant•t• ."llt't't'<'dt•ll tltP tl i ll!H'l' : Prl'.·itlPnt ........................................ Alht•t·t EiNJH'J', ,Jr. Fir .. t Yit·t' PrP:-;illPnt .............................. Ht>t•tha )J. .Jmws ~t't'Olltl Yit'<' PrP.'idt•nt ............................ 'l'liPIHlot't' F1·iso11 'I'hiT·tl Yit·<' PrP~i<ll'll( ............................... :\lary <'. BaiTy Fourth ·it•t• Pt•t•. illt'nt .... ...... .................. Elliot (:. ~It'\ pn;.; ~('('l'PfllJ·, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \•('!':\ 'l'lll't'lJ .\s.-i.-tant ~<'t'l'<'taT·y ................................. IIPlt•n Bt·o.-har Hi.·torian ........................................... )Ja.vm<' Long Assi.·tant Hi.-torian .............................. )f :n·gm•p( HnllP1lgP "Do wi ely an <I you ''ill 1lo wdi."-Ct \RF '( f FR \ \t F. ''Teacher, I marnl ho\\ ti h liH~ in the ea."'-E1.m: II \ I n . 102

~thletic ~ssociation HY • ·.\~n·g), 1 TIJ.J,,


l'ltait·tll:lll of .\tlllPtin; o11 Bo:ml of Etltwatioll ....•\lit, BE.· Lo.·1: • 11111'1 il' llit'l'l'( 01' • • • • • . • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • II.'.' :-;\\'J'I'ZI:H .\s.·i~tant

I>it·Pdot· .......................... Mu. E. K )IIL.·t: Pt·(·.·idPnl of .\.·s1wiat ioll .............•... <iOIWO. · Btt.llEltll \I'K :-;,.,.l'Piat·.r of .\:sol'iat ioll ................. E. 't IIIm '.\. · I lotn:. · I' all tlt1• m·g:tnizatiolls in !Ill' ('lt:tntpaign lligh ,\•liool, !111' .\thl<'ti<· .\s.·cwi:ttioll i: tli1• l:11·gp, I awl mo. I itnportaut. II ha~ a lllPtllhPt'sldp of :..!!n. It sPtTP.· t l11• lt igh s1·1tool as no ot 111'1' group do1·~. It l1a · lllll'<'· stt·ii'!Pd liiPllllwt·ship; it hriug.· all tlw m·g:lllizatiotl.' ittlo l'lo.·p t'Pl:tlion ,·ltip :nul s<•t'\'Ps as a J'<'lllindPt' to 111<' stndPnl hody that thl'ir tirst <lnty i.· loyalty to lhP s1·hool. This I'Olll'<'nlt·ation of inti'J'('.'( cJpypJops sl'llo ,J :-:pit·it, \\ ldl'lt is JH'<'P.'.':II',\' to Sl'l'lll'P stH'I'P.'s in in!Pl'.TIIolaslil- I'OliiP.'I.'. 'l'ltus !liP llltiHta(p Jliii']Hls<' of th<' AthlP!i1· .\s.-cwiaticm is to «lPwlop high Sl'lloO] Jo,Y:lll_\'. l>llring lh<' fit·.-t Sl'llll'l·d<•t• of lh<• .Thool ,\'<':11', 111is high sl'ltool loyalty \\':Is put to (lip al'i1l (Pst. ThP foothall sP:tson \\':Is witltont donht di.-:IJI· pointing. But ( 'ltampaign I'Unnot <'XJI<'<'I to put out a winning ll':tlll 1'\'1'1',\ ~1':11'. Fm· tiH•Iast t111·re w·rtrs ('hanqmign \\'Oil !liP rJIIr' vital g:tlllP of hPJ' .-I'IH•Ilnll', :11Hl as 1'\'illl'lll'l', holds as trophy a sih"Pr Joying <·up; Sll in th1• n:llm·:tl ot·dpr of 1'\'Pllls, thi~ \\:IS lH·r .-htmp ,\'1':11'. Till' asslwiation J'<'I'OgniZPil this fad, and, although a losing spason, supportPil thP t <'am n1lmi ra hly. Thl' font· montll.· following thil" 1111• football .'Pnstm witni'S.I'I1 till' l'I'Yival of a l'JHll'l whi1·l1 hall 11ot lH'<'ll in yogtw fm· th<• last fl'\\ _r<':ll'l"ha.-kPthall. .\ ha.-kPthall :-;qn:H1 was ll<'Y«'lopPil h,r 111<' sldlfnl lll<'lhod · IIN<'«l hy <'o:H·h lhtYil'. liP had mil~· gJ'<'<'ll m:t!1•1·ial to \\ork \\ith. 'rltiN, llll\\'1'\'<'1', lll'OYI'Il to lH• hut a slight h:nuli1·ap, for the (pam \\ hi1·h l'P]ll'<'· s(•HII'd l'lt:unp:lign High :-;d,ool on Ill<' 1·halkP11 :ll'Pll:l \\':ts onP that :Ill,\' high :-;<·hool migld h<' Jll'OlHl of. Entl111:-.iasm 1':111 :-;o high that ,.Jm,~ tP:tlll · \\P1'P organizPd and th1• fh·.-t hrmH·h of inl1':tllll11':tl sports \\':1 · ill:t11gm·n1Pil ,,·ith n•J',Y nnspi<·ious 1-'lH'I'I'l's. 'rhi:-; pnthnsi:L'lll not mtly dPYPlopPd among tlw hoy.-, hut .-prPnl1 to t hi' girl!-', who pl<l,\'1'11 a 1-'l'l'il'.' of 1·lns~ g:lliiPS, in :uldit ion to at tpnding to tlwiJ' 1'Pgnl:t1' gym and l'\\'imming l'l:tsi"l's. llnring tlw ha. kPthall !Wason th1• dP111:11Hl for tiH' gytllnnsilllll on :--;:1(111'11:1,\'.' \\:IS . lll'h that ~lis.' :--;,, iiiWl' m:H1P :1 NI'IH•Ilnl<' fm· it~ 11SI' hy 11H• Y:u·ions fpam~. 'l'h1• sll<'l'l'."sft!l Jl1'PsPntaliml of tlw ::\l:1y PagPant on :\1<-l'inlPy Fil'lll p1·nn·~ th1• :-.lH'I'I'SS nnd tlH• lll'1'11 of gymna ·i11111 wm·k . •\s 11N11:tl thPt'<' \\':Is 1111 inll'l'l'l"l 1ll:lllifPstPI1 in hasphall. It sl'l'lll~ :IS if if }J:Jf; ))(•('Oilll' :1 cJP:II1 S]llll'( in Jligh :-<!'11001. 'l'h1• <·lo:-;p of tl11• tl'1'1ll \\'ilni'S.'I'd thP c]pyp]op11H'Ht of tll<' tra1·k ll':llll und1•1' till' ahl1• lltiPl:lgP of'< 'o:11·h )I ihll'. 'l'l11• IP:IIll, :tlthongh it has n11t won a 1111'1'1, i.- aho\'1' thP :J\'1'1':\gP in ahilit~·. 'l'lH• plPthm·a of go1ul !Illyard 1lasl1 llll'n i~ l111111-'ll:tl. 'I'll<' fp:lf of tlw tPalll in hangin~ up thrPP Ill'\\' 1'('1'111'(1~ at ( 'hm·]pston \\'ill not lw <•qn:tllPcl for many ,YP:Il'.' to <·nnw. 'rhe ]ll'OS]ll'l'l~ :11'1' f:n·m·ahlP fm· at ]past t\\'o o1· thl'<'P llllll'P ~l'ill'.' of good one 111ilP 1'Pl:ty f<':llllf; frotH l'h:ntlpnign II igh :-;l'lwol.




711itcratu..... BY

~ .\.'\I

~ltcictu _,

II ILL, 'Hi.

y<•m· th<• Lit<•J·m·y ~ol'i<'t~· ha~ <·on~tautl~· ~!rt•ngth­ thP moHt infltH'll!ial and h<•Jwfidal hotly iu the ~<·lHwl. Tht•J·p i~ no donht that nmtH•t·ou~ f<Pnim·f< of lh<' so<'i<'t_,. "iII look h:wk upon t h<• lHllll'H HJH'n t in I liP ntPPI ings :tH t hr mo:t t•njoy:llllt• awl hPn<'fkial of' thPir high .Thool liw:. Tl11• plP:I.'Ill't' tht•y PXJH'l'i <'B<·<•d in iuitiat ing :tJI(l Pnl<•l·taiuing t liP lowt•r dai-i~nH'll iu tiH• s<wiPty will long ht• l'lt<'l'isllt'd hy all t hP loyal H<'llior~. Dn!'ing tl11• JI:IHl y<•m· l'<'gnl:tl' f'ol'!nightly IIH'<'tings W<'l'<' ht>ld .·o far as ]Hif<sihl<•. 'l'hP l'<'gnla1· monthly hn~ili<'HH mPPtings W<'l'<' JH'\'PI' missed mul :pn•J·:tl .'}l<'l'i:tl hu:iJW'~ 111<'<'1 iltgs W<'l'l' l'aiiPd . 'J'hp Jlll1'JIOSI' of thP hi -\\PPkly IIH'Pting.· was two-fold; lir:t, to olfpr lilt•l':ll',\' t·ultm·p to thP mpmht•l's, :t!Hl Hl't·owl, to alford soda! PlljoynH·nt. EYt'I'Y ~t·t·mul JIH'Piiltg is Htl·i<·tl.' :1 p1·og1·am JIH'Pting, musit·alnnmlwrs, I'Pading~. <l<•h:t!PH, pf<·., :u·t• gin•n. P:u·til-ipation in onP p1·og1·am <':t<'h ~I'IIIPslPI' iH l'<'qllii'Pd of p:u·l1 lll<'lllht•r. TliP olht•r onP·Iialf' of tl11• lll<'Piings :tl't' dt·Yolt•<l to a mixP<l :ol'ial-pJ·og1·nm 1-iP.·~iml. On )lal'<'h 1~ was hPld tht• anuual baiHjlH'l in tht• gym. Tht• dt>rorations <':tJTiPd out tht• <'fl'PI'I of ~1. Patl'it·k'H Day Pll't•t·tiwl~. .\11 thof<t' Jll'<'s<•nt t•njoy<'d tiH•ms<'ln•s intnH'lls<'ly. :\Ir. llmws l'<':ul a toast f1·om )! 1'. ~- F . J)ayidHon, who waH on1· <'PllHOJ' in 1!111 -1:i. La!<• in )Jay tiH' HIH'i<'ty t•njo_\P<l its anunal pi<·Hk at ('ryHtal L:tkl' Park . •\ftt•J· tlH' 1il·Ht of .\p1·il tli<' ~ol'iPty was without a <'<'llHOl', owing to tli<:> fad that )It·. llant•H J·psign<•d his poHition. :'Ill·. BPnnl'tt kindly t·ouHt•ntPd to al'l :tH :llh"iHoJ· I'm· I IH• J'I'St of tlw H<'lll<'i-ii<•l·.

l ' HJ .·o D t>IW<l Jligh



it~ po~ition a~

0/JiN'/'S EUlER LI'l'TLE -------- - -- - PI'PHid('Jl( IIELE . · Buo:II.\U __ _Fil·Ht Yi<·t•·PI·<'sidt•ut YEn\ B.\ . ~g'LT ~P oiHl Yit·P-Pn•Hidt•ut ( '1..\HI-~ . - ~-~~ l)gLo'\<: _ RP<'l'Plary Hl'~sELL "·ooi.LEY _ --- - - --- - - Trt•asm·t>J' ('~~C'IL ( 'omo~ -- _____________ _ < 'J'i t i<· __ _ Pirst Nf 'lllf'Sfrr

, 'ef'nnd , 'cmrster

_____ _IIELJ·~- · BnmmAu __ liEU~

_ (' \ltL _ Hc~~EJ.J.




)1.\. TORD )frCIL\.EL

"~Tode s t, crim . on tippe<l tl ower,"- J u u\ TnoMPso .-. " - "atun· hk 'ed her with a pnsonalit) ... DoROTII\ \\'ni'FR. 105


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1£atin <!Llnh

BY E~TllBlt Y .\:\ ])ouE~. Ti.


ill~ n•ar· haH hl't'n tlw mo~t HIHTl':.;sful in l111• lristm·y of thl' duh. Th<• llll'Jllht•J·slrip has iliiTl'<IHPtl to onp lllllldrP<l awl lift~·. Tlrl' m<'l't· iu~s have ])('Pll r·pgul:u· awl tlrP pr·ognllltH lwttl'J'. Fur·tlH•r·mm·p, tlw

intcre.'t mul Pnthusiasm of the memht>t'H was such t llat or·iginal aJHl dif· fkult pl·Op;l':tlllS Wl'l"t' ;.;UITI'HHfllll,\' }li'I'H('ll(l'll liiHh'l' (lip HII}H'I'\"i.'iOll of )fi.'. )Jt'Kiunit' autl .\!iss ('amplwll. 'l'ht• last two pr·ogn1ms WI'!"(' e.-pt'· dally iuten•~-;tiug. TlrP first was a Latin pia,,·, lf1 dii"IIS. J'BH~O:\ .\.E

Titus, puer Homauu.- ___


Octavid, Titi .\later_ _____ _ Ludus l'uh1in::;


} Titi fr·at ·r:-; ___________ _

)fl'tli<'llH- --------- -- - -----J•ater------- -----------------------At th<• last

------- "'illinm l'J'i!'h:ml ___ Lt•nmP Enor.-oll'

_ -------{ Frank ~ -aup;hton .\l:tl'l' :'\orton _ I lt•r·llt'rt Kl'llll.\" __________ llarol,l l'rPntkl'

ing a stunt pr·ogr·am was }li'I'Ht'n!t•ll in Latin. Thcr<' 'l'ht> ~ophomorl' ('laH ·, untlt>r tla•]paflpr·ship of ,Julia Tlro11rpson, won tht> pl'izt>. The oflk<•r·s of tlw dnh an•: l'r·psitlpn(, (\11·olint> .\Iauspt>ak<>r; Yii'P· Pt·csidt>nt, H01·othy ('assinglram· ~pt·n•tar·~, llar·olll Pan; 'l'r·pasm·et', Esther Yau Dort>n. IIH'I'I

"<'''' orip;iual stunts satil·iziup; tht• Homan t·lassil'.·.

"~lake not th) friend, too cheap to thcc."-Err \ \\'in,nR.

"Learning sits lightly on her head ."-G~:RTRL' llJ:: \Vt:ISU.\UJ::R, Ill

BY ELIZ.\BETII IloFF:IL\ ·, '17.

T liE

::-;dl'IH'<' ('luh haH <•ujoy('cl Hl'Yeral Htiuwlat ing progt·am lllP<'IingN. E<u·l,,· iu th<· fall l't·ofes:or Fishman ]p('( tll·c•d on "ThP Hoof and ~Iouth I>isl'asl'." Lat<•t·, ~11·. <:ooding awl ~11·. Bm·ltH'II <•nt<•l'tailu•d th<' c·lnh, ll'dtn·ing anti p<•rfot·Jmllg ditlkult :dPntifie <'XJH'I'inu•uts. The last two prog•·allt.' \H'I'P mixPd. ~IemhPt'H of th<• duh I'Pacl artic·les <·mnpill'd ft·onl sdpntili<- magazi1ws ou val'iou:,; pltasc•s of :d<'IIC'I' at th<• prpsput time>. Th<• 1'1 uh :u hse·l'ihc•cl for fout· magazi ne•. · : "The• ~l'ie•u t ilk .\.lll<'l'kau, .. "~·atioual (;pog1·aphic-al ~[agaziuc•," "~d<•ntilic· ~[outhly," awl "~dwol ~denc·p aucl ~lathematkH." In I>c•c·emlwr the• duh hacl its hu·gest sodal c'\'Pnt, held in tltl' gymna:ium, in e·m1junC'Iion "ith the Latin <'lnh, OPI'Illan <'luh, awl ('ommc•tTial ( 'luh. TIH• ollic·c•t·s a1·c•: Pn•:iclc•nt, Hussell "'ooh•y; Yh·c•-l't·<•siclPnt, Rolwl'ta I>oisy; ~c•c·1·C'Ial·y, Elizahc•th Hoffman; Tt·PaHUl'PI', Davicl Bt·owu.


T ilE


Pcutsrlr~ ~lcrcin

<iC't'lll<lll ('Jnh has g1·owu HtPadil.' si1H·c• its organization, hut the> Ita:-; nnclou ht c•clly \\it nc·s~Pcl gi'I'H II' I' P:\ pa n~i 111 t Ita 11 P\ c•J· hpfm·c•. Owing to tlw nntiJ·ing wm·k on the• pal'! of ~11·. Zilllmc•J·man thP dnh Ita: c](•vpJopc•cl along 1'\C'\'C'I':tlnc•w lilws . •\ Bc·w fP:tiiii'C' was an illustJ·atPcl lednJ·c· h~· l'J·ofP}lHOJ· .·. ('. B1·ooks of thP l·uin•J·Nity on "~·m·c•m­ hc•J·g." .\. uun•h<•J· of intc•J·c•st ing p1·ogt·amH han• also l~e•pn gin•11 throughout t hp ~·par. Th1• hc.,·t of t hPi'ic' wa: the• JII'C'Hc•ntat ion of two :hort 0 •t'· pa~t ,\'C'aJ'

"I dn:m pleasure before work

"-CE! 11 E \VJLso .

•·u .... r cardinal virtues are in her hair."-GR.\1.:1. \\' 11 .. o ·, II.!

man phtyH on ~\pril 1!1. ThiH ltaH IH'n'r hefm·p he<>n att<•mptt•<l in the hig-h Hl'hOo} aiHl, eonHidPI'illg" thiH, tht• JH'I'fOI'lllllll('(' WaH highly ,' li('('('.'RfUl. TheHe play: wer<• IH'<'Ht•nte<l in the atHlitorimn with <'OHtnnwH an<l all neceH:ary :tag-t' . etting:. l\1 otiou pictnr<'H. f)ir · /,ordl'i __ YiYian ('a in, ~\lsia Yo<·al :olo, ])if· Orcnadir'l'___



~tt·od(', ~· Pal

('al<h'<•ll , E<lw;ml HopPr )lanfonl )Jkhael



Profl'HHm' llnsnmnn, El'iiiHlPl' ___ _ _ _______ " ' illiam FlmT<'kh Pagd, Pin Bam'l' --------------------__ ____ • · ewton l ~rahhe Eitw ~tinmw _____________________ ~\. II. Blai.·dcll ,Johann, IIauHkn<'<'ht ------.-------('hal'lPs Barker Y<>l'al <hu•t, , 'till Wif' ])if Xr(('h/ _.\lsia ~tro<l<•, ~· pal ('alllwcll Piano ~omlo, .tll 011fflun·r·8r' _ ·------ <'harl('s )fanrer Der Lin<lenhanm __ .\hda ~trod<', YiYian ('ain, ~ · eal f'al<lwcll E<h ard Hop 'I' CO:\II~I>Y,

BI.YBR J/(", 'Z JlBIR.i'l'BS ('.\.'T

"'ilhelm Zol"ll, ProfeH ·or ___ _____ _____ __ _______ _('layton Daugherty ,Jacob Zorn, Professor_ __ _______ __ _____ __ ___ ___ __ Th<>o<lore 'YeiR.' Oprtl'Ud<', iln'<' Taut<> ·--- -- -- - -- -- ------ - ------- - --- E<lna Hohrl'tRon Luis<', ihrP • ·kht<• ·----- - ----------- -- __ _____ _____ Elizah<•th .·ate The admi~-;Hion waH tw<•nt~·-fin• <'<'nts. ThP entl'rtaiunu•nt nett<'<l thirty·fi\'C llollai'H, whkh will he UHt•ll to buy Oerman hook.· for the High ~dwol library. Th<• offit'Pl'S of the dnh are: PrPsi<lent, ~ ·ewton Krahht>; Yk<•·PJ·r.-i· <lent, Frances ~lyer~; ~P<T(•tary, E<lna 'YileH; TreaRlll'<'r, Clm·cJH'C DeLong; Chairman of ~o<'ial onnnittee, llarold 'op . IIJ


!hLo. ·1; B~o 11 \R

B \HI{\

IIJu. \\ OI.H'

Rl li.~IX.f Pl I!S~ 1.1

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BY IJ.\zEL 'l'n'KEtt. 'l(i. HE ~odal ~dent·e ('lnh waH orp;anizPd )Ia~· 10, 1!11:3, with lltl' avowt•tl ohjed of th•wlopinp; thP iutl•t·p,·t of Htltth•nt.· in tht• Hodal Hdent't'H, of .·pt·viug aH au int·t•ntin• for hight•t· ."dLOhtrHhip, antl of fnt·niHhing HH'lll· ill't'H with an opport nnit~· for a hroatler ~tnt1~· of topil's of hi~-;torkal antl l'ivit· inlt'l'l'Ht. .\.ny high .Thool slntlent who lta.' t•omple!l'tl Pithl'l' tht•et• H<'llll'H t t•t·H of h iHt m·y ot· two of' h i~-;t my antl one of d vi<"H, with au a wrag<' of nitwly for <'a<'h H<'mt•.·tet·, i." eligible. 'fhe work of tht• organization i.· t•anit•tl out hy mt•anH of iutliYitlnal t·eport." on Home gl'nPral topit· at program liH'l'tiugH, of whit'lt thl't't' m·<• to h<' not fewl'r than Hi.' tlnring tht' Ht'hool ~·ear. Eat'lt met>tiug i." llllth•r th<• snp<'l'vi."iou of one of the three fal'ulty memht•t·~-;, hut tlH• main ft•ahtl'l'H of tht• progt·am itRt>lf arc arrang<•tl hy lht• pt·ogt·am t·ommitlet•, <·ompoHed of tht• pl'PHi<lt•nt of till' sodety a11tl two ad i ve mem her.'. "'ithont a douht tht• duh haH, in it~-; •t•t·oud yt>ar, fnlfillt•tl all t•xpedationH <'lllt•t·taint•tl fm· itH Hllt't'<'HH. lkginning t lti." tl'J'lll wit It onl,,· niue of the l'lwl'lcr HH'IIlh<'t'S J·emaiuing, the HH'lllhet·Hhip lta~-; hl't'll inn<'aHl'(l to thil'ly-fiw, tlH' limit ~-;et hy tlt(• conRtitntion. 'l'h<' intt•re~-;t lliHphQ'<'tl hy attl'ntlatu·e lta." ht•t•n gratifying. Tht• initial program lllt'l'tiug was ht•ltl ~ ~ovemher :~, with )IiHH Oootlman in dtaq!;<' of tlw work. The pt·ogt·atn, ht•ing in tltt• natm·(• of a ''l>iHt'llHHion of tlt<' \Yar," waH dt•:u·ly .'<'I fol'lh h,r fiw rppol't." tlt•aling dtit•fl,\· with Ot•t·n~;my'~-; aim anti polk~·. ERp(•t·iall,\' valuahh• waH a talk on thl' w:u· a." a wlwh• h~ )lr. L. )f. Lat·R<m, prof<•~-;~-;m· of EngliHh hh;t01·~· iu the


' \ ccond lcopat ria."-:\L\ ..\. \\'u. ·o. ·. "Good work i its own rcward."-:\IJLI>REIJ \\'r. ·.·.


t•niwr:it~· of Tllinoi.•. Thr work of the llH't'ting of J>errmhrt· ._ , nlHler thl' HllJH'l'\'i:ion of )[i:-:!-1 < 'amphPll, was iut<•J'I'sting and J)(>rhap.· a uit :tartliut!; i11 th1· fad· whit·h it 1'1'\'PalPd. ThP :uhjPd itsplf i:-: :igHifit-aut, "ThP lllfhH•nt·p of \YPalth in HollH' awl tll(' .\ppli1·ation to th1• 1'1'('.'1'111 ])ay in .\mpJ·i<'a." "P:u·lialiJPnt:u·y mul .·on-Pal'lianH•ntm·y Oo\'I'J'nlllPlll.'," :howing a l'omp:n·i:-:on of mod1•1·n gon'1'1llllPII!.', wa: th1• main topit· of till' Jll'ogmm hPld in .January nndPr )[r. llailH·.·· di1'1'<·tiou . •\ 1'1']101'( of thP ]ll'OI'I'P<lillgH of ('ongl'I'SH }l1'1'1'1'<1P<J th1• llltlin )11'0g1':llll of (h(• .:'llatTh lll<'<'l ing. whil·h wa: .'llJH'l'Yi:P<l hy .\liJ-;: Ooo<lm:m. ThP papPI': on "'l'hP HP<'Ollstnwtioll in thP ~outh<•J·n ~tat<•s .\ftPJ' th1• ('idl "'a1·," <lPalt witl1 thP Hllhj<•<·t in a IH·oad a11d apJn·pl'iatiw light. .\ pm·ti<·ulal'ly •·fl'PctirP talk \\a: gin•11 on thP HP<·on.-tJ'lH"tion PPrio<l ~~~ .:'llr .. r. \\'. nm·ll<'l', pl·of1•ssm· of politi<·al sl'ii'JH'I' of thP l·nin•J·sity of Illinois. 'l'h11s it is <•vidPllt that thP p!·ogJ·mm; as a wholP m·e <"ho:rn f1·om lin• fopi<·s of JII'CHPIII day ill!t'J'Pst, and han• a 1lil'l'l'l appPal allll p!·oridl• au 11n11:-:Jml OJIJH>J·t 1111ity I'm· a widl'l' I'OlllJn·PhPn:-:iou of JlliHh•J·n day afl'ai1·s. 'l'lH• hm1m·m·.r liH'lllhPJ'S m·p; .:'IIi:-::-: ~wit:iw1·, .:'lli:-:s <loodman, )lis:-: < 'amplwll awl .:'IT!·. Ilmws.

l'irst • 'tilll','!/1'1'


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~('('l'('(al',\' ---------- BE.\'J'IU('JoJ ){!('11.\EI.

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pm·po:<· of thl' C:ayp) <'luh i:-: to fm·thl'l' in!<'J'Nd in all fm·m:-: of T HEpllhlit· HJH•aking. It is an houoJ·m·y o1·ganization. Its lllPlllhPJ·.· I'OliHi:-:t of olll,\' thost> :-:tlldt•Hts who han• l'P)ll'I'Ht>llll'll ('hampaig11 High ~l'lwol in <Ill intPJ':I'lwla:-:1 i<' dPhatP, in a I'OiltP:-:t in m·atm·y, 1'. ((•mpol'l' HJH'akiu~ m· <lP<·lamat ion. 'l'h<· lll<'lllhi'J'H :tJ'I': IIPl1•n B1·o:har, )Jauf'm·«l )J i<·haPI, liaJ·old <'op<', .Jami'H Fimwy, D. A. \Yolff, Rn:-::-:1'11 'Yoolli',Y, ( '<'<'il ( 'ookP aud .John BJIJ·kl'.

l'irst. 'till! .'!It'/' ('Jo:I'IL ( '001\.E ..........

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)Ja:-;(1'1' of tlw Oa\'tl. ....... .\£.\ . FOHD .\IH'II.\FI.

Hr::-:EI 1. \\'ou.EY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (

'll'l'k ............... II ELE:s"

)IJ·. Hos.· i:-; ad\·isor. ''You know I ay just what I think.'' - Hn.r. · \\' RIGHT. " ' en c i tlw h) -product of c. ·pcricncc."-LouiSF. \VRu; nr.


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1HI]c Qtotnutcr(ial Qtluh BY EHI<' ('.\~I'EII, 'Hi. oq~anizP<l

('Jnh was ahont th<• middh• of th<• fit·:t T liE ('omnwt..-ial hy th<' lll<'lllh<·t·s of th<• ('olllliH'tTial J)ppartm<·nt. 'l'h<• ~•·mps(PI'

<'X}li'<'HN<'d ptn·posp of th<' <'lnh is to ad\':llH'<' lh<• work of thP d<•pm·tnwnt b,\· ln·ingiug th<· lll<'ltth<'t'.' dmwt· togl'lh<'l'. To <lo thi~ th<• ('Oustitution pt·m·idps that th<' <'lnh IIH'Ptings shall l11' iu p:n·t so<·ial. Ewt·y Y<':ll' stat<' <'onfto.·ts in stPHogntphy and typ<'\\Tit ing an• lwl•l at Bloomington. Thi:.; ~<':tt· th<·t·•• \\"<'1'<' ::o:! •·mttt'sl:111ts l't·o111 IW<'llty-six s<·hools. ('hampaign, IPJll'l'!'l'llt<·d hy Ft·nn<·Ps \\'t·ight, \\011 tit·st pl'iZ<• iu th<• I,\ JH'\\'I'it i11g 1'1111· (PSI. 'l'IH• 111<'<'1 ings Ita n• IH'<'ll \'1'1',\' stii'I'<'SHful. At on<•, )II'. 0. B. l>ohhius told tiH• <'lllh jnsl what lnndtH•ss lll<'ll <l<•sil'l'<l in stpnogl'aph<•l'.'. At :mothPI', th<' c;<'l'lll:lll, Lati11, ~·kii'IH'<', a111l ('ollliiii'ITial ('Jnhs Pnjoyl'<l a joiut ttH'Pii11g. Ea<·lt l'luh \las I'<'PI'<'S<'IItP•l on tlw pt·og1·am; tiH'n all adjotll'tH•d to tl11• gymnasium fm· a sol'ial hom·. 'l'h<• ofli('('I'N <11'1': l'n•sidPnt, E1·i1· ( 'aspl'r; F'i1·st Yire-Pre:idPnt, H<'ll:l I: a 1'11:1 nl ; ~<'I'Oll< 1 Yi•·•·· J'l'l'sideu t. Hn tIt B1·oola•; Thit·•l \'i<'<'· PJ'(•sidt•u t • • 'opl \'au B1·nut; ~<'<'l'<'lm·y, Ft·mH·•· · \\'1·ight; Tl·<'asul·er, ('land!' . 'oglt•. )[iss , 'ilsam is :uh isOl'. I


Jn th,c ~iris' <!orribor

II(• len Bro.·har aiHl hPr llt'hat ing YOieP.

Dorothy ~\.ll)('rts an<l ht'r (•hattt>r. "YP " )loorp an<l IH'l' lH'rfnmt>d hand kt•tTh it> f. Eh rma )I t•:ult• and IH•r pow< lt•r pn tf. I>onna ~tnt'ky awl ht>r gum. I<..thPl Prh ott awl hPr "hair". ~\.dell Funk awl h(•r Jl<H'kPthnok. II<' lpn ,J Ollt'N and h PI' ht>a n ty pa ((·h.

)IisN ( loo<lman: "'hpn you prt•parpd your map di<l ~·on nnt i('t' tlu• P.-pan.·ion of thosp t·onntips'? Bra<liPy: • 'o'm, I didn't Nt't' 'pJJl do it, hnt thP hnok .-aid tht>y <li<l, all right.

~ fi.·s )ford:-;: IT ow were th • t·ountriPs of ~pn· ia, Bulgaria, and Hmuua nia fm·mP<l'! {~iiPil('(' ---- !!) "' Yh,,·, t hPy \\'PI't' t·an·pd on t of Tmkpy !"

)lis.· (':tlllphPII: " ' ho \\':1.' LPolli daH'! Ht·ight PH pi!: .\ t wo-wingPd ('1'('<1 t lll'l'.

)lisH ('.: on Parth.

~ · ot

so long as hi' \\a.·

{In E11gl ish) "'hat part spt'Pt·h i.- ''in t hP past lll't>"'? Ft·p:-:hit•: ThP ('0\\' .


Jtcmini.sccncc Frpshman: It clopsn't pa,Y tn haw too mtwh llignity. I>ignifit>ll ~Pnior: Oh, I don't know; what makps yon think so'? FrPshman: '('ansp .John Bnl'l,:p's dignity sat .'o ht•ayy upon him thP otht>r clay hP fp]] throu~h hiN N<'at :nul lan<IP<l on thP floor.


timi<l litth• Frp.-]Jip To our .JokP Box <li<l t'OIIH', Put a pPllll." in tiH• .'lnt An<l waite<l fnr thP gum.

~trangt•, i.-n't it, that night fall. all( I IH'ver breakN, a ucl day hrPak.' and never fall.- !

)Ii~s Barry: l>O('" anyont• know what has hetOIIl<' of "'illiam )[.? Harriet B.: I sa\\ him riding a hieyele with owralls on thi:-; morning.

('al'l II. (pninting to Ot·son II. of foothall lPHill): ThafH going to IH• Olll' hPst Ill :Ill Ill' X I ,\'!':11'. Ft·Pida: Oh, dP:tr ~ This i.- .-o HUddPil. ThP :-;tall' HuggPsl:-: that lwr(•aftPI' t lw jokt•.- hP pt·intt•d on t issuP pa]l<'l' SO (hat {flp fi'PshlllP!l (':Ill 1-;('(' ( hrn (h(•lll.

iH" 'l'urpiJ : Haymon<l, <li<l yon PWr sPP a to\\ - ~lip'! H. ,Y.: ~'o - hut I HHW Ollt' fall. )I

( 'arolinP: Loan Ill<' a <lollar. Katht'riuc: I'w onl~· a <limP, hut .\tldit• haH a Frank. ~llakPSJH•m·t•an ~tu<lPnt: TIH' quality of met·<·y i.- not strainc<l. Fr<·HhiP: )fen·.'·, how unHauitary! {20

l>in~, don~!

From out of that l'tlHl,Y room,

.A.· ,. hPPl'fnl a: a tom h, Away from all t hp


I 1-'JI('Il To h<'<Hl tlH' hnn~ry line \Yaitin~

to undt•rmilw

TIH' 1-1tal'l;:s of food so fine Lik ' 1 'all ! FJ·mH tt•111ptinp. things to <'at

1 t·hose a hit of uwat

.\nd, as a spedal tl·eat,

.\ t·IH'l'l',\' piP. 'l'hongh t·arefnlly I matle



T'\\ .. m·ply my nnhwky 1lay, That ph• ditl 1-1lip from off the tl·ay

II<>ltl high! Alon~ tht>n

nune our 'aptain Grave,

With h<'all up hip;h, he Ateppe<l o brave, ~\lthough

our napkins we did wave,

lie hore luto that liH'ss of mine, Whil'h on tlH' floor tlill shine.

For t' ht>l'l',Y ph• I'll pine •\ h, lli'Yel'lllOl'e !

1lrl!rorrm in Q)comrtru If J'OU !oYP a g-irl, ~hP low~ you. Oiwn: Yon lon• a g-il'l. To pl'OYP: ~lw Jon·~ you. Proof: •\11 t hP worl<l lows a lowr ( ~hak<•sppare). Your g-irl i:-. all thP worltl to ~·ou ( Eri1lt>nt). .'. Your g;irl =the world. Thing-. equal to Hame things= e<H·h other) . ·. Your girl low.· a lowr .'. You an• a loYPI' .'. Your gil'i low:-; ~·on.

lUanteb ~t·nim·

t·re(lits. hours. • · PW J·pt·or•ls in a th Jptk~. l.p~s :-.trifP. :\I on• hoi itla,v~.

~h ortl•r

:\I i. s <iocHlman: \\'lwse l'Pi~n do WP tal;:(• Up llPXt'! Frank K.: Louis tilt' ('rossp~·e. :\lis· <f.: Louis th<> what'? Frank: Loui.· thP ('ross<>.ve. 'l'hat'.· what it says in thP hook.~Pl'. Lou i. · • ~I.

.\n Pxl'itP•l woman at football gamp: .Ttl.·t look at them in all that mud. How will thP,V pn•r ~et dNn '!

Fn•Khie: Ilnh! What (lo ,von l'mppo:-;e our snub tpam is for'?

:\Iarg-m·pt: I l'('t'PiWil a . hoek t hi. morning-. Th<• ('\li'I'Pll t \\'Pll t right in thru m.v mouth. ( Exdtt•nwnt pustu• .. ) BPtty: How ditl it happPn '? :\largart't: '\'h,v, [ atP a <·urraut hun.


II. "L: What \\'\'l'P you doing thir(l Hour'? E•litor: Oh! writing :ome arti· dP. around the hall . TrPwtt: "lr. BPmwt, what thP l(H'al ('olor in t hp :-;how, "T<•n • 'ights in a Har-room'''? :\Ir. B.: Lot'al opt ion.




<tordon B. (in P. ~.) : The whole ohjPd of t hp \ntr i: to 1lP· ~<troy th<> war Pqnipm<>nt of th • PllPill,V. :\lis;; Davi. : ThP EriP canal i one of t ht' g-rpa t landmark:-; of hi •. tor,v. '"(' \\'OlHIPl' why the (']a'.' Ia ugh<•(l.

Don't think hPt·ausP tlw tailor has your mP:tsurP that h<· i.· the only mw.

'Q:o be ~xact "Know thy:-;plf" is a good motto, hut don't hl' asham.-•1 of tlw fripnd· hip.

• 'ow if thp:-;p jok<•s you (']m~~ a :-;ta IP, .\IHl 'luntt thi!o; :-;t•dion you <lo rail, .Tn ·t stop a1Hl think a prPdon: minutP/Jid yo11 do yo11r JWrf to jlllt thinq.<J iII if?

William P. (:\Jr. :\lillw'.· (ipom( 'Ia. s) : ''.\ line• i: •l<>tPrmined h,v thf' intt•r.·P..tion of two point .. " Ptt·~·


BY Anon: .br:B.\RY, 'Hi. TIIP hand.· of the d«wk pointPd to four As a wr,v hig- rat t'l'Ppt 'no ·s tiH• floor, .\1·ros. to till' wiiHlow, then upon th<•


\Yhprp his g-rpat hlal'k figm·1• tould plainly be ~een.

Two Iit tl<• g-irls \\'('l'e asle p on thP lwd, In thl' very .·ame room where the rat bad flPu. Th1• ,vonllg"l'l' awokt• at thi: point of the s(·pue, And t·aught lwr ~ister, who


with a

'l'his frig-htPn<•<l thP rat; it jumpe1l (}own in a hurry, .\IHl rnshP(l to tlH' m•xt room in a very great flurry. 'l'h<•. i~tl·r jnmJH'Il up in pursuit of the rat That ran through thl' J'oom, and hid unuer thP mat. Tlw father an«l mother awoke with a tart; Then t hp hrot lll'r appeared as quick as a dart. The poor o!U rat, now .'Urrounded by all, Han to th<• torrwr, ft•elincr quite .'mall. Til<• fatht>r dismissPil everyonp from thP room, As ll«' thoug-ht it was time to use the hroom. The~· ht•m·1l a hitr! .\ hang-!! .\.1111 a ho•1m!!! .\.s th<• sho<•s alHl tht• stkk · fl•w around the room.

ThP \\ in«low wa · opt> ned and dosed n•al tight, Tht> family rl'tit·pd, uonp thP


for the

fig-ht. Tht• following- morn, in t ht> <rras. · hl'low, Lay tht> poor old rat that t ht'lll so. I2J



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