1919 Maroon

Page 1

191 Y Jltarnon



Football Boys

Who have o nobly expended their time and effort for the honor of Champaign High

chool, we,

wi hing to be tow upon them thi Ia t and greate t High

chool honor, hereby dedicate thi 1919 vol,

ume of the MAROON.

SI'Pt:JUYn; 111-. . r

\V . \V .


Ptu :-.<

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Our Service Roll includes alumni and former student~ of Champai~n High chool. The total number is 340. \Ye wish to have on our ;;ervice file the name of every student of the high school '' ho responded to the call of hi~ country who willingly changed his civilian garb for the uniform of Servk . The value of a correct file will increase as the Y<'ars advance. ..\lore than likC'Iy the service of many is not brought down to date. Our ..\lAROO~ readers can be of valuable assistance in perfecting our roster by rPporting to the Principal's office all mistakes, whether in omission or name or in branch of ervice. The abbrevations u~ed in this roll ar as follows : .\IG ..\lachine Gun Al<~F American I<~xpeditionary Forces ..\IORC- ..\Ied. Officers' Re erve Corp ,\AC - Anti-,\ir Craft ..\I P - ..\filitary Police CA Coast Artill ry :\IT- ..\Iotor Transport I>R Depot Brigade Q:\lC- Quartermast r Corps Engrs Engineering Corps COTS Central Officers' Training School I~ORC Engrs Officer's Reserve Corps S:\IA School of ..\Iilitary A ronautics FA - Field Artillery TC Tank Corps l<'C'- Field Clerk rs C' llnited States ignal Corps FH Field Hospital \\'TT Water Tank Train GRS Grave Registration Service

Louis Keller L. V. Man peaker Leo ..\Iattingly Keith .\!orris Raymond Parker

J<;lam Ankrum William Barnes Arthur Bonner Henry Dallen bach Hickman Harris

ltoll ~

Burnham, Wilcox, Lieut.-Inf. Burke, John, Lieut.-F A., Inst. R 0 T C. Burt, Lauren, Sergt.-A via. (non-flying) Bu ick, James- Avia. Burwash, Clarence-Inr. Burwash, Clifford-Q ..\1 . Burwash, Louis, Lieut. A via., A E F. Burwash, :\Iaynard-S A T C.

Adams, Clayton, 1\laj. Inf. Adams, Lyndon S A T C Amsbary, Harlow, Capt.-C A, A E F. Andrews, Harley FA. Ankrum, Elam Avia. Atkinson, Don Amb, A E F. Atwell, \Villiam- Avia. Babb, Howard SAT . Bailey, Chester I<' A, A E F. Barnard, Roy- Engr, A E F. Barnes, William Navy, radio. Bassett, tewart- A via. Bauer, Harry-Inf., A E F. Bean, Halbert, Sergt.-Hosp. Corps. Bell, James ..\1 P., A E F. Bell, John A.-..\1 P., A E F. Bilderback, Gordon-. 'av. A via. Block, Elmer, Lieut.- - F A. Boice, Milford S A T C. Bonner, Arthur A A C., A E F. Boone, George, Corp!. I<' A band, A E F. Born, Russeii-Inf. Sup. Co. Braithwaite, Lyle T C. Branch, Ralph FA, A E F. Brinning, Arthur FA., bugler, A E F. Brown, Arthur 'avy, radio A E F. Brown, David 'avy Brown, Wayne, Corp--Inf., A E F. Brush, Harmon Jr., Lieut.-F A., .A E F. Brya, Frank Truck driver, A E F. Brya, Leo-Navy

agann, Fred FA., A E F. Caldwell, Brice, Lieut. • avy Carlson, Arthur, Corp!.- Inf., A E F. Carroll, Charles S A T . lark. Harold-Engr~ .. A E F. Clippinger, Frank, Sergt.-C 0 T Clifford, Cassimir, apt.- Q ..\1 Coler, Frank-Inf. onnor, Lloyd , 'avy, radio Conn, Harlan A T . Cooke, Cecil-Inf. Cope, Harold - S A T C. Corbett, Kenneth S AT C. Cotton, Robert DB. rawford, Phillip avy Cunningham, Edwin Navy, radio urtis, Clarence-Inf., A E F. urzon, Harry, Lieut.-Inf. Dale, Lyrnan-Inf. Dallenbach, Henry, ergt. ..\I G Co., A EF. Dallen bach, Louis, l\Iaj.-lnf. 9

Dalle nbach . Carl. Capt. ~led . orp Dallenbach, Jay, :\Iaj. -Hosp. Corps, A

Groves, Harold- Army, Q :\I. Grossman, Donald , Sergt. Inf. Gulick, 'harles AT C.

E I<'.

Daugh rtr. Clayton :-:avy, radio Davi , Bdward . Corp!.· I<' A. Davis. Redman, Corp!. F ,\., A E F . Davis, Hobert Amb. Davis. Harold ' AT C. D mlow, Walt r CA., A E F. DeLong, larence , 'avy, A via. Derrough . Julia Cante en , A E 1<'. Derrough, • 'icholas, ergt. Engrs., A E I<'. Derrough, Ralston- S A T C. Oillavou, I<~lmer Navy Dillavou. Essel Inf., :\I G Co. Dillavou , Ora D. AT C. Dimmer, Leopold- CA., A E F. Dodds. Donald- FA., A E F . nonnals , ,\rthur FA .. A 1<~ F. Doolen, Clyde I<' A., A E I<'. Doolen, D an S A T C. Doyle, John, orpl. Ord., A E F. Doyle, William Ord., A E !<'. Dreyfus, :.\Iilton Navy, band Dunlap, Earl - :\Iarin€s Dust. Leslie- Q :\I C.

Hagan. Bernard Navy Hagan, Thomas {' S S C., A I~ F. Hall, Clifford Hosp. Corp. Hand, Charles, Sergt. Ord. Hand, Owen- A via., A E F . Han is, Ro coe- :-:avy Harris, Woodman In f. , I<' C'., A E I<'. Harris, Henry- A via. Harris, Isaac Hickman Reg. Army Harrington, Bernard , 'avy reserve sta· tion Harville, Paul , 'avy Hartford, William, Li ut. :\led . Corps Hatch, Charles, Ensign- , 'avy Haworth, Clayborn A via., A E F . Hayes, Bert, Sergt. :\led. Sup., A E F. Heath, athaniel, Capt.- C A., A E F. Heater, Harry· FA., A 1.; !•'. Heinz, Delmar - Q :.\1 .. A I<~ I<'. Henderson, Clarence- Army Hill, amuel, Sergt.- F A., .\ I<J F. Hill, Charles, S rgt. I<~ngrs . , A I~ I<'. Hinman, Lawrence, Lieut.- Army, US

s c.

I~agleton, harles SAT C. Edwards, Robert- S AT C. Eisner, Edward, Lieut. I<' A., A E F. Ekbom, Fred , 'avy

Hoffman, Gay,ord- F A .. A E F . Hoffman, Paul Med. orps Hollister, Noble Intelligence Of., A E I<'. Horn, Victor, Sergt. -Q M. Horn, Herman Navy, mint sweeper Hough, Charles, Li ut. , avy, Avia. Hough, Ernest Ord., A E I<'. Howard, John-lnf. Howard, Orson, Lieut. Inf. Howe, Charles W T T., A E F. Huber, Webster Inf. Humrichouse, John Engrs., A E F. Hudson, Ray--S AT C. Hughes, Morris-S AT C. Hunter, Everett-In!., A E I<'.

l<'ackler, Walter· Navy Faulkner, I<'ay, ergt. FA. Faulkner, Leslie--lust. in SMA. l<'alk ·nberg, Gordon-Navy Fee, Lawrence Am b., A E F. I<'erguson, Hugh Signal Corps, A E F. Finnigan, Thomas, Sergt.- F A., A E F. Finney, James-S A T C. Flatt. Andrew -Navy Fleming, Leonard Avia. F'lanigan, John-S AT C. Fogler, Ralph S A T C. Foote, John Hiland- Engrs., A E F. Fraser, Cecil, Lieut. FA., A E F. Frasier, Charles Inf., D B. Frederickson, William, S rgt.- A via, A EF. Fr d rickson, Harry :\led. Corps, A E F. Freeman, Kilburn-Q l\1 C. Frison, Theodore, Lieu t.- In f. I<'ulton, Hay- A via., A E F.

Ice, 'oel, Lieut. :.\1 d. Ihrle, Cletus· ·T C.

orJ s

Jackson, Thomas-Inf. :.\fed. Dept. Jervis, Paul FA. Johnson, Dwight ·CA. Johnson, Clarence-SAT C. Johnson, G orge, Lieut. - :.\led. Corps Johnson, James , 'av., A via. Johnston, Vern. Sergt. - :\Jarines A E I<'. Johnston, Vernon-FA., A E F. Jutkins, Francis avy

Gallivan, Lyle, Ensign- , 'avy Gantz, Arthur· Inf. Garrett, Sherman SAT C. Gates. Don :\1 G Co., A E F. Golden, Dios F A., A E F. Goodman, Willard- Avia. Gorham, Edward - A via .. Q :\1 C. Gossett, Jay-A via., A E F. Granger, George-Inf., A E F. Gray, !<'rank . ·A via., A E I<'. Gray, Hubert· Ord., A E I<'. Gray, Harold Army Gray, Harold D.-Amb., A E F. Griffith, John AT C. GrOV(S, Robert-FA., A E F .

Kane, John ·T C., A E I<'. Kariher, Harry, Capt. - Hosp. Corps, A E I<'.

Karr, Otis- -Navy Kauffman, E 0-F A. Kaufman, Stanley-S A T C. Kaufman, Vivien S NT C. Kenny, Herbert S A T C. Keller, Louis- Engrs. band, A E F. Ki!er, Quincy, Lieut.-Avia. A E F Kirkpatrick, Claude FA. band, .\·E !<'. Krabbe, ewton-S AT C.


Lanum, Ralph SAT C. Lawrence, Rollen SAT C. Lawd r. John SAT C. Lego, He>nry- Q ~~ . LPwis, Homer- A via., A l<J F L e wis. H rman - Avia. Lindsey, Lyle- lnf. Lippe, Raymond lnf., Lt. Little, Elmer - ~' A., A E !<'. Livingston, .Jame>s K ., Ensign Love, Clifford ,\via. , A E 1•'. Lloyd, Robert- ,\ via. , A E !<'. Lowry, John A via., A E F . Lyerla, Keith ,\via., A E !<'.

P arce, Ira, Li ut.- E 0 R C. Percival , Joe, Corp. FA ., A I<J F . I' rcival, St lla anteen, A J<J F Perring, !<'loyd - A via. Pfiester, Donald S AT C. Picknell, Percy- I•' A, musician, A I<J F. Prewitt, Floyd- Avia. Purnell, Verne, Capt.- Inf. Pursell, Waldo - SAT C. Navy Hamey. Frank, Lieut - A via. observer, A BF. Ramey, George, Li ut.- Engrs. Corps, A E !<'. Ramey, Robert, ergt. - Avia. up., A g


:\lcGee, Ralph Aml> .. A fJ F. :\leGE e . Wilbur f' A .. A E F. :\lcGrath, Thom u s - ~led. Ccrrs :\TcGraw, Franc is FA., A E !<'. :\TcKinney, Ira, Lieut.-l\1 0 R C .. A E F. :\lc~1anamy. Raymond-Inf.. A E I<'. ~Tanspeak£r, L. V., Capt.- E 0 R C. \1anspeaker, Welsh \V.-Eng1s. :llaher, Claud Q :It ., A l<J F . ~laltby, Frank B., Maj.- g 0 R C., A E 1•'. ;\lattingly, Leo In f., A E F. :\laurer. Chari s AT C. Mendenhall, Frank avy, Q M . :\Iengel, J. G. lnf. :\lercer, Ralph D. :\'avy ~1etzler, Arthur, Ensign-Nav. R. ~Jichael, Richard - Navy :ltkha I, Man ford R 0 T C. Miebach, William A via., A E F. Miller, Floyd, Lieut.- Inf. Mittendorf, Louis A via., A E F. :\littendorf, Bradley F A. :\lonohan. Ray Navy :\Tonier, James Engrs. ~looney, Bernard, Capt.-Inf., A E F. :\looney, Harold AT C. :\forris, Keith i\1 T., A E F. Morrow, Charles-Engrs., A E F. Moss. Wayman, Lieut.-Inf., A E F. Mullins, Edward, Lieut.-Inf. :\lurrhy, Earl, orpi.-Inf. A E F. ;\lurphy, Edwin, Li ut. - :II d. Cor1·s :llurray, John • 'avy ~lurphy, .John Navy :11yer , :If rton, rgt. FA., A J<J F. :\lyers, Fred !<'A., A E F.

Rayburn, Glenn Av:a., ~lee . Rayburn, Lee - Army, A E F. Rice, Nathan Richmond, Noble- FA .. A E F. Rising, John FA., A E F . Rising, Fred- A via., A E F. Robeson, Frank- • ·avy Roberts. Jason ·T C .. A E F. Rogers, Harry, Lieut. Inf. Rogers, Dick, Lieut.- Inf. Rose. Myron S A T C. Roland, V rne, Sergt. Ord. Dept., A E !<'. Richter, Ole ·Inf., Drum :\1aj .. A E F. Richter, Bertie- Inf., A E F. Ruckman, Lloyd Engrs .. A E F. Rugg, Daniel. Capt. Engrs., A E F. Ru ·sell, Eugene • ·avy, radio abin, Verne Avia. <:"upt. of Phot. Sabin, Harold-A via. Sanders, Edward-Med. Corps anders, Paul, Lieut. G R .. A E F Scott, Glenn Navy, Avia. chultz, Harold, Corpi.-Inf, A E F. Seims, Walter-In!. ellards, John, Lieut.-Navy, Aide, A E F. Seymour, Ralph-Inf. Sill, Stanley- Amb., A E F. Smith, loyd-Navy Hosp. Dept. mith, Reul, Lieut. Inst. nyder, Edward FA., A E F. palding, Ru ell, Lieut.-Avia. p ncer, Charles, apt.- I<Jngrs. purrier, !<Jar!- 'avy, radio Stanley, Frank, Lieut.-Inf. Stangel, Victor-!<' A., A E F. tar buck, William A via., A E F. tearns, Guy Med. Dept Stevens, Earl -A via .. A E F. tevens, William-C A. Strong, Elbie, Corp!. In f.. A via. trong. Edwin, Lieut :\led. Corps, A E

Naughton, f'rank S AT C. Nelson, Cecil, rgt.- Inf., A fJ F. Nel on, Harry- 'avy, band Newcomb, Thomas Amb. Corps, A g F. Nichols, Harry lnf., A E F. Nightingal , I<Jugen FA. Nogle, Claude f' A., A E F. • 'orton, Marc AT C. 'offtz, Howard AT C.


ullivan, 'Villiam, ergt. Inf. Sullivan, Thomas Lieut.- lnf., l\1 G o. Summers, Dean- A. ummers, Do'1 FA. bug! r, A E F. wearingen, lair- SAT C. wearingen, Ralph-Ord. D pt. Swearingen, Paul, Lieut. FA., A E F.

Oakes, Donald A T C. Ogden, Paul- A T C. Owens, Tommy FA., A E F. Parker, Griffith-S A T C. Parker, Raymond, Lieut. A via., A E F. Pearman, Arthur, Lieut.-Med. Corps

Taylor, William Inf. Tarrant, Floyd-Avia. 11

Temple. Georg - ~rarines Thorpe, Dewey Avia., . _\ E F. Tiley, Ralph - Princt>ss Pat, . _\ E 1<'. Til y, L ster lnf. Trevett, Richard C A.

Weir. Harry- F .\., A g 1-'. \\'eis:, Theodore. Sergt.- \ mb, .\ E P. White, Harry, Corp. :\larinPs, \ I~ F. \\'hitl' . Glenn F . \ ...\ I~ !<'. Wiles. Harold Q :\I ('. Williams, Harry- I-' .\. \\' ingard. Harry- :\! us., A I•; F. \\'is . Clark-R C .. A I~ 1•'. \\'is , Earl, Lieut :\1 ed. Corp. \\'isegarver. George, Lieut. .\via., A E F. \\'iseheart. David lnf. Woltl', D. A. S .\ T ('. Woody, Way- Capt.- Q .:\1 C. Woolley, Russel. Lieut ,\via. \\'omacks, Robert C.\., ,\ I·~ F.

Van Petten, Oliver. Lieut- I•' .\ . Van Brunt, Xoel- Q :\I . Wagner, \Yilliam - F .\.. \ I~ F. Wallace. Frank- S.\ T C'. Walton, Howard. Lieut Q .:\1 C. trm·k. A EF. \Yascher, Herman S .\ T C'. Watkins, :\Iitchell Inf, . _\ E Y.'. \\'eingarten, Laur nee SAT C.

To the Class of 1919: I wish you Godspeed in the larger life. May you realize that There is but one Aristocracy- the A ris~ tocracy of Service. Would you be a genius? Remember E dison's definition: Genius is two percent inspiration and ninety~eight percent perspiration.


Jf \X\n:u .. \11 \:\!~ Val dictorian, Pre id nt of en. (']ass; General Assistant of ~Iaroon, '19; Tr asurer of Latin Club, '1 ; Boys Stunt ShO\\, '17. '1 . '1!!; GavE'I Club; Debate "C," '1 , '1!!; Opera. '17, '18; Junior 4 Minute :\Ian; G Huff Pass. '16, '17, '1 , '19; Boy's Glee Club; Wig and Paint; A. A.; "\\'u Hoo Git," Senior Play. "One cannot know verything.''



Junior Senior R ception Committee; Stunt how, '16, '17, '1 ; Pageant, '17, '1 ; Latin Club; Orche ·tra; A. A.; Senior Play, "Yin Su y Gong." "The d ed I int nd is great, but what it is I know not."

1\:.\TI!EI{Y'\ LEE 1:.\Y);J-:-; enior Play, ":\1oy I<'ah Loy.'' "Is she not more than painting can express?"

I 1.\IU .EY

FE);'J'():'\ HELL

"There is but one method and that is hard labor."

Jf .\IW .\HET ELJ.:.\);()]{E BELL Latin lub ; Girl's A. A. "A rare compound of frolic and fun. Who relished a joke and rejoiced in pun."



<l1·:mu: E LE\\'1!"



"C" in Track, '1 ; "("' Club; Latin lub; Pr sident. '17; tunt how, '17, 1 Honor Roll. " hot with a woman's smile."

.J.\'IIE!" .·.\Til.\

HL.\! 'K

\\'ig and Paint; SPnior PlaY. "Le in."

"After nature mac!P him she broke the mould."

0\1.\1( .}!lll



\\'ig and Paint; I lonnr Roll: Latin Club, 1!); Senior Play, "Wu l<'ah Din." "Thy love is like a reel. rP<l rose."


f:l(\ .\~

... 'one but herself can bP her par· allel."

\\'E tt'\EH 110\\ .\LW l:l 't'KLEH

Debate "C" '19. "You should s e him a maker."


a speech·


I<'ootball "C," '1 , '19. "I never brag, never bluster, never blu h."


\1{(:.\J:J-:T \\ 1:'\ IFHEII ( '.\I'RO\

Wig and Paint; G. A. A.; A. A.; Senior Invitation ommittee; Pag ant, 'Hi, '1 ; Vice-President, '1 , Presid nl, '19 Latin Club; Honor Roll; L ader of Srnior Girls. "Grace was in all her st p, h av n in her eye, In every gesture dignity and love."


<lJL\< 'E <'1.1-:.\ n::-; "To those who know th r not, no words can paint."

.\1.\JtTI:\ . \:-;Bl'!1Y ('OLI,ISO:\

"lie has leisure for nothing but sl ep.''

'I'll EUI.\ Ell:\.\ ( 'O IW

" he is a jovial comrade and laughs wh rever she goes.''



BoY l h n~

Honor Roll. "By diligence he wins his way."

ELJ<,\'\01{ ll i·:LE'\E ] ).\\\'~()'\

Latin Club; G. \. A ; Social Committee. '17; Pageant. '16. '17, '19. "A foot more light. a step more true :'\e'er from the heath flower, dashed th dew."


Senior Play, "Chow \Van." pretty 11oman is a welcome guest." "A

}1.\H(.IE EL'\0 1{ \

]) II'KE \

Honor Roll; Opera, '16, '17, '1 ; Glee Club; Pageant. '16. '19; G. A. A.; SO nior Play, "Ling \\'on." "I hav a heart with room for every joy."

JL\ Y F lu:-.. 1\: Ll -" I l o 1:B 1' ~ "Rare is the union of b auty and 'irtue."

:.\1.\JIEJ, 0.\lt J.:T E.\HL Latin Club, Pageant, '16; Honor noll. "In virtues nothing earthly can surpal':; her."

('.\HillE j(.\E

E.\ It'\ E:-;T

"Happy opinions are the win heart"

of the

]o:>..\ jf \E Fllli.Eit "l<Jase, with dignity."

\\"1 LLI.\ .\I

] )o:-; .\ Lll FL.\.\" I :>.I:.L\1

Stage :\tanager of Junior Play, Sen ior Play, '17; Junior Play, Senior Play, '18; Opera, '17, '1 ; tunt Show, '17, '1 ; Pageant, '1 , '19. "Better be out of th world than out of faRhion."

HEl'L.\11 j(.\({(;{ 'E HJTE FH .\KE:-;


b autiful are nev r desolate¡ always loves them."



~r \H\


Fu.\. ·Ku

Honor Roll, Junior- nior R c ption Committee; ec. of Sophomore Class; Social ommitt e. '17; Pag ant. '17; ocial Science Club; G rman 'lub; S c. of G. A. A. "Love, !>We tness, goodness in her person shined."


"That gra<'P n ver bold ever present which bnt few women possess."

E~Tilf.;({ .\LJ:\E (; IE~E

President of Wig and Paint; Memorial Committee, '19; Junior Pin Committee; Cla!ls Secretary, '18, '19; Social cience Club; Latin Club; Salutatorian; Pageant, '16, '17, '1 ; enior Play, Maid. "Our ideals are our bett r !>elves."

%.ELL.\ ( 'OH.\L ( :mwo'\

"It is only the educat d who can produce or appreciate art."

l'IIII.Il' DEY\"!~

Ot \


"Half our knowledge we must !match not take."

HT ''I'If




\Vig and Paint; Honor Holl; Senior Play, "See • 'oi." "Beauty and virtue shine ever round thee."

• \1; \I-:~

:\I.\ Y ] l.\ \\'OHTli

Pag ant, '16, '17, '1 ; Latin Club; G. •\. A.; Senior Play, ";\1ow Don J<'ah." "The most effective coquettery is innocence."

LJ·~!--ILII<~ ( lOIWOX IlEL\lL]('liEU "If I keep on, I am bound to make

a hit in something."

F.\ y

II E. HY ll l.\'E!--1

"Strong minds are those of whom the noisy world hears least."


"Virtue alone is true nobility."


01'.\L .\H:\IIT.\(; lloonm Captain of enior Basketball Team; Pageant, '16, '17; S c. of German Club; A. A.; G .•\. A. "A maiden nev r bold of spirit."

Jl FLE:\' .\I.\ Wl'll.\ ,J OII :'\!'0:\' ''"'e are sure to get the b tter of fortune if we do but grapple with her."

('E E\11(; ,JI"'J'K I'\.' A. A. "Him for th studious shade, kind nature formed." ('L.\ItE

.J.\Y FltED K:--H:IIT \\'ig and Paint; Debate .. ," '17 and '1 ; Gavel lub; Stunt Show. 'One r ason why he doesn't dry up and blow away is because he controls the wind supply."

\\ '.\LDE:\1.\H <'.\HL KHnq.: Stunt Show, '1 ; Pageant, '1 ; Latin Club; A. A. "His voice was ever oft and low as a lady's should be."


li.\JWLil "'Jl,LJ.\ \J


"You can't kf>CJl a good man down."

TIJ0\1.\~ ~TEn:;.;


Senior Ball Committee; "C" in Football. '16. '17. '1 ; Track, "C" '17; President of A. A., '17, '1 ; Latin "lub; Senior Play. "Chorus and Property .\Tan."

"\\'onder what this old plate \\ ould be like without m ."


X H 'IIOL.\ 1-' L.\ HHY

Stunt how. 17, '1 ; Opera. '17, '1 ; Boys Glee Club; Latin Club; A. A.; S nior Play, "Wu Sin Yin." "He, who is good is happy,"



'·Even in common speech was she gracious."

Y o L .\ :\ J H~ ~I<'< '.\ 1-' KJ LL

A. A.; G. A. A.; Basketball.

"There was a lustre in her hairth re wa a twin k l in her ey s."


l>OHOTIIY .J.\:\E )J'('O:\. "ELL

Editor-in-Chief, Assistant Editor, ophornore Editor of laroon; Pres of Junior Class; V President of Senior Class; V-Pres. of Sophomore Class; Chr'rn Senior Ball Committee; Wig and Paint; Latin Club; Pageant, '16, '17, '1 . '19; Social cience Club; "Tso" in enior Play. "Air and manner ar mor expressiv than words."

.JoiJ.\' Bo . 'IF.\<'E )!('] )O.\'.\'ELL Opera, '17, '1 ; Stunt Show, '17, '1 , '19; Latin Club; Wig and Paint; A. A. "\Vork hath made this man lean."


"In each cheek appears a pr tty dim¡ pie Love made it so."

( l!L\(. E

I D.\


Latin Club; German Club. "A blithe heart makes a blooming visage."

( 'L.\IL\

H ("'J'JI

"Patience things."







( 'II.\HLJ<:~ EJHL\H )1.\HKL.\ '\ ll

.. \\'ith a smile that was childlike an·! bland."

LI·:E OTI~ :\l.\R'I'l:\'

I<,ootball "C" '17 and '1 ; Track "C," '17; Treas. of "C" Iub; A.A. "A sunny temp r guilds the edge of life's dark st cloud."

I+'HEIII-:HH'K ( )U;:\' ) [ EW'EH

Junior Pin Committee; "C" in Football, '19; " " in Basketball, '1 and '19; Captain of Basketball, '19; All-Tournament Center, '18 and '19; Latin Club; A. A.; Senior Play, "Git Ilok Gar." "Character lives in a man, reputation outsid of him."


Senior Play, "Tai Char hoong. · "Though modest, on his unembarrassed brow, nature had written gentleman."

. \ltTIICR ) I I'\OH

"For corn and cattle were his only care, And his supreme delight a country fair."


Tr .\zi·:L


~ -oRTO:\

"A loving heart is the truest wis· dom."


LEwl:-; XoRTo:\'

"He is wise who talks but little."

:\JILIHUW < 'LE\'1~:\'(:EH X onTo:-.:

Freshman Editor; Junior Editor, Senior Editor of :\laroon; Junior Pin Committee; Senior Ball Committee; Honor Roll; Secretary of Wig and Paint; Pageant, '16, '17. '19; Social Science Club; Latin Club; A. A.; fenior Play, "Yong Soo Kow." "And though in stature she was small, To me she stood above them all."

. \.:\IBI.\

E:\l:\1.\ P .\HKIIILL

"Silence words."





\\'II.LI.\:\1 'l'IIE()])()ltJo: P .\ltKIIILI ,

Latin Club ; Stunt Show, '18; A. A.; Honor Roll. "The greatest may ask foolis h ques· tions now and then."


ELJz;,\ BE\'.\ P.\ t • l. "The fruit derived from labor is the R\\eetest of all pleasure."

L 1LLJ.\ \ K ELLEH l'mrn:1t "Her manners were gentle, complying, and bland."

K.\Till·:ltY x \\ '11.11EH l'orn:Jt Senior Play, "Due Jung Fah." "Silence in woman is like speech in man."

<l 1..\llY~ I1n:x~-: l'ltE~. ·o\ Pageant, '16, '17. '1 ; Latin Club; German lub. "\\'hat winning grace-\\'hat ge:1t1e mien."


J hncarr

"On argument built."

Pnt~I·:LL alone my faith



• \ D.\1 I

Jl.\ Y E

( 21".\ \ Ll·~

" ilence is a true friend who never b trays."





Pageant, '1:;, 'Hl, '18; Glee Club; enior Play, "\\'idow Ching." "Alas for the folly of the loqua· ciom;."



Honor Roll. "A modest blush formed by art."

:\1 0:\' 1('.\



I ~.\ II ELL.\ :-;( 'II\Y .\UTZ

Pageant, '16, '17; Latin ('lub. "Great minds Jik h aven pleased in doing good."

( '.\ IWOLL

1II•::\" H Y


:-;('II :\1.\ LIT.\!'-


enior :\femorial Committee; Cheer Leader, '1 , '19; Opera, '17, '1 ; Stunt Show; Glee lub; A. A.; Senior Play, "Kom Loi." ''It's not so much how hard you study as what Instructors you get."


Er,E.L oR

ELiz.\BETII ~em r

Pageants, '16, '17, '1 ; Latin Club; Glee Club; A. A.; Senior Play, "See Quoe Fah." "Her eyes were fountains of thought and song."

( 'II.\HLE~ ( }LE~ • 'IIEl'IIEUD "If you want learning you must work for it."

HH'll.\Hil ('L.\R.\ ~('lli'LII.\FER

A. A.

"An honest man is respected by all parties."

IIO\Y.\1{1) YER~O .. ~~JITII

Senior Play, "Loy Gong." "Silence i a true friend, who never betrays."

En~.\ (ig:-;E\'1\'E ~'l'Il'E.'

Pageant, '1 ; Senior Play, "Che Moo." "Her creed is to make the best of life and th mo$t of it."


HI ' TJI )1.\IUE t4'1'0C'l' "A maiden of bashful sincerity and

comely love."


E 'l'\YLO

G. A. A.

•· 'Tis modesty that makes her s dh ine."


.\ltTIJl'H l~I('E TE~II'l.E "A good man enlarg s the term of

his own exiAtE'IlC<'."

K .\ 'l llEHI:\E LOIISE 'l'E:\Il'Ll:\

I'ag ant. 'lti. 'l!l: Social ci nc Club; Latin lub; Basketball t am, '16: A. A. enior Pnit, Captain: enior Play, " uey Sin l•'ah"; Honor Roll. "Sh<' was a ·<'holar and a rip and good one."

)J oH<L\:\



"A gentleman makes no noise. "


~l.\'1'1 Lll,\

'J' ll H.\~II

Pageant, '1 ; Glee Club. "Thy mu ic iH likened unto the angelic H)'mphony."

1~ .\B I·.I. \\' .\~111\l IL\ TOI>Il

(Learning) "Learning is of better worth than hous or Janel."

~\t ~'1'1'\"

Hn>~ELL THot·T:-.1.\\

Orchestra; A . .\. "He holds no parley with unmanly fears, but where duty bids h e confidently s leers."

En;HETT ('L.\In~;-.;<'E TtTKEH

"• 'o I gacy is as rich a

\\'.\LTEH K\HL

honeHty. "

Y .\:'\ I )oHE'\

Trea.-ur r of enior Class; Junior Senior Rec eption Committee; \ng and Paint; Latin Club; \.A.; 'enior Play. "Tai Fah :\lin." "His clothes have that Royal Tailored look."


l I.umr. Euz.\BETII \?Ei'T "And when she laughed we knew that she was there."

L l·:i'LJ E OHI ,.\. ))() '\".\ IW •· \\'hat's the use of all this strife And hurrying pell-mell all thru lif ."

<:H .\< ' E Eu:.\"\OHE \\ •. \TT

"I frame my mind to mirth and merriment."

.\LE"\E LEE \\ llE.\TO"\ "H r paintings were striking, resist-

Jess and grand."

<:L.\11 ·:-;

Ho:-;1·: \\·n::--KE

" Blushes are the rainbows of modesty."


P.\1'), .\HTill'l{ " 'JJ.r.: "The man who keeps ~ood natur d, ls forever undismayed."

JIILilHEil \\'1:\:\ ".\ kind and merciful heart is h rs."


1, Lmn~HY

Lo:\ .\ PJ·:.\HL \\"oou.;o'\'('OFT "H rs i • a life of !.onor and of worth."

K.\Tlllo:HI:\E 'l'K\ll'LI:\, '1!) )IJLJHmll • 'oWJ'O"i, '1!)

[ l~ditor's • 'ole: In seardtin!!; for a hh;torian for t hP Class of '1 !1, tiH• P<litors hPard rumor.· that tlwre was a historv ot the etas :tlrea<11 in existence. Our detective immediately got busy and hunted· it up. lma~ine our ~urprise when we di;<"overed that ~aid history 11as a diary that had eYide11tly b en very faithfully kept by a member or the elasR. \\'p !!;Ot it don't ask us how- and, breau~e it l'OnsbtP<l of seVPial volumes. II P tUI'IH d it 0\'l'l' to a IIICIIII.H I' or tlw dass to ('OndPnSl'. ~hl' l'l lliO\ Pd a largp quantit} or J.urely ))er;;onal ex('erien<'Ps and rl'tui ned to us tlw follow in~. It it ~ounds too mueh like your 011 n diary, don't ~et alarmEd; that is onl) a sign tiH.t it is a real history.] FHE~li.\L\ .• YE.\1:


Oh, ])im·,\, I'YI' r·<•ally h<'l'll to lligh ~~·hod nnd I'n1 a l'!'<tl ft·<•:-;hm;lll ~ ( )f <·om·~<·, 1'\ <'1',\ Oil<' J.: flO\\~ it, hu I I don't <·m·p • \1111 J'rn going to \\or·k :-; 1 llaJ·d thnt till',\ <"<lll't <·;til 1111' gr'l'lll ~ .\JHI lH•.·idi'H, \\ P J.:no\\ <tllllo:-;t a:-; llltll'll alu111t t ltP huilding a lhP otllt'I'H do, IH'nlltHI' \\1'.1'1' tlH• HI'I'OtHI <·In:-;:-; in till' lll'\\ llllilding . •\nd it l'l't·tainl,\ i:-; ~OIIl!'llling to IH" Jli'Olltl of~ .\11d 1111\\' l'111 going to IH" :-;o lm~.', I wo11't thi11k of anything hut H<·IJool llta.rlH' ~ ()('t.

1 li


Tod<t,\, <'Y<'I',\011<' \\<IH gi,·ing quiz.z.<•s. I do hnl<• IIH•tn :-;o lllll('h! Hut r 1-'lljl]IOH(' 1 IIIII.'( gl'l '"Y !'dll('a( ion ll )\\' OJ' fl('\"('1', .\nd tilt' lliOH( IIIIPXjH'<'t<•d <tllll thJ·illing tllillg llapJH'II<'I. ~01111' Olll' in Oil<' of Ill,\ ('l;l~~~·s, I didll'( kno\\ \\ l1o, jtJ:-;( tiH'll, a:-;kp•] 1111' fo1· a dati'! ~1<'-a littlp I'J·(•Hhlll<tll! I :-;at and hln~l11'd, I kilo\\'. Oh-h-l1 ~ J:nt J'n1 1oo young to han• datps, t:ut I "·oulll lik<' to han• Ollt• ju:-;t OIH', \\ ith a hoy I'\<' ~1'<'11 aJ·omHI th1• IJ<JIIH. I'll! ju:-;t I'J·az..' ahout llilll ~ 'l'1111ight ''a.· 111.' tiJ·~t High ~1'110 1! Jl<II't.\, J)im·y. Onp of till' ('llfh, nt .Thool ga\1' a p;ll·t.' ill til(' gym fo1· 1'\'1'1',\ 0111' ill ~~·l1ool. \\'1' dalll'l'd a11d j•l<i,Y<'d galiii'H a11d rt/r. l. t l(~ of JH'opl<· \\ <'1'1' t 111'1'1' and 1'\'PI',\'Olll' pia,\ I'd \\it 11 1'\1'1',\ Olll' <'I HI' 'J'h1• l'<II'Ps \\ <'1'1' too f'llllll,\' f'oJ· \\'IIJ·d:-;. \\"<,'\I' IH'<'II IJ<I\ i 11g HI I(' II good foot h;tll g<lllll''-' t l1 i~ ~<'<1'-''lll h<'<"<IIIHI' ('onk .\1,\I'I'H and FJ·1•d K<IIT HJ't' 1111 til<' ti'HIII! . \ 11d aft I' I' \\ P IH"at ("!'I mila, \\ p'JI liP l'h<tlllpiolls ~ Y<•s, of I'OIII'HI', \\'1'.1'1' g-oi11g to IH•nt ('J·Il<lll<t \\'1•/tarr 1o gt•t that t·llp~ I do likP f Hlthnll ~o 111111"11, ~~~ I :-;IIO\\' I do hy g-oi11g to nil tltl' gntiii'H. \\.1'.1'1' hn('k JJO\\·, fro111 'I'hallk:-;gi\'illg Y<ll'<tlio11 <111d \\'1'\1• lo:-;t tliP g<tlll<', l ('Olflll di1•, I'111 :-;o di appoiniPtl. It i:-; <1 so1·J·y 1ho11ght I kilO\\ h11t Olll' ho,\s \\'('!'(' \\'olldi•J·ful j11st th<• H<tllll' and tli1• J't'slllt:-; \\ould han· IH't'll 11111<'11 dill'<'l'<'lll if' ou1· t·np1niJI ltadll't hi'PII l'<ll'l'iPd oil' thp fipld i11 th1• fit·st qwll·ll'l'. :\'1'\'l'l'lh<•ks:-; ''I' ha H' t hl'l'l' JlloJ·<· y I'<IJ·s.


En•J·,\hody is \\OJ·killg hn1·d flo\\, j11st IH"f'OI'I' ('lll'i~IIIIHH, ])i<l!·,\, HO \\('('<Ill pJ<t,\ hard dlll'illg \'<II'Htillll. 'J'jll' S('Jiiiii'S g;l\'(' a pln,\, "i•kl1o d for ~~·HJHlal" 011 th1• ~1'\l'lll<•l'lllli Hill] it ''as :-;o


J'Jpa:-;p f<n·~i\'l• :111d f li'~PI 111<'. PPopiP ~a.' fi·P~hnll'll, ~onu• of lhl'lll, HI'<' too I'OJI~<·iPntiou~ ahout thPil· \\ol'l.:. I don't a~l'<'<' I do i I h1•<·a n:-;1• I haY<' I o: .\l(•t·J·y ('JIJ·i~tnl:l~ and a Ilapp,, .·" " YPa1·, 1'\l'l'.'onp:

\\ 'm·k a~ain till H<'<·otHI H<'nll'!'t<•l· . .\Ia.' lw I <·an g<'t out of I liP finals if I \\ot·k lnu·d }1.', hut I do hop<• so: ~('('Ond ~~·niPi'it('l': .h~l'nlhlii'H :1nd hpginning liP\\' 1'(•:-;iJllltioll~ and nil fot· a I'IPan slat<'. I Jll' l'd to, hl• •·nu:-;<• I tlitln 't gl'l out of all my I'X:tlll ·: 'l'l1o~<· po<ll' otlu•J·~ \\Ito g<'l out of tiH•iJ· p:-;-anL : ~OIIH' da.', I 'II ~Pt out too, Ill:\,\ lw . •\p1·il :,!, Oh, I>i:u·.' flp;lJ·, J'rp found yon at la~t: lookpfl and lo•JkPd and /ookr ·!l fo1· you and <·onldn't fi11d ·' 1111. • ·o" I hnv<', in Ill,\' hti-it HI'IIIP~(('I'.S no(PIHHik. l'JJ ha\ I' lo \\ 1·ilp Jot. ill ,\Oil 11o\\, to 111akP up fm· lo~t 1i111P. Ln~t Jlight "ns tIll' .\ l11111ni ~111111 ~ho\\· in thP .\uditm·iun1 :llld it \\aH awfull.' good. 'l'h<•J·<· \\PI'<' all kind. of a1·1~. fllllll,\' JH' 1piP danl'in~. 1·logging, singin~ and OJTIIPStl·a:-<. It wa~ a llll~P SIH'I'I'Hs, I ~II<' ' ~" ( h1~ht to hav<· lw<'II. En•1·.' tiJn<· "<' \\':JIHI<'J' HI'Olllld th1• hall. · any 11101'1', \\·1· h1•ar I'YI'I',\'0111' ]ll'<ll'li<·illg for th1• OJH'I'il it ought to hp go11d:





.\nd it \\a:-< ~ood "'1'111' J'iratps of P1•11zan<·l•." Nr y11!11r a1HI <·oslliiiii'H .\ "holp lliiiH'h of m. \\'Pill lo~Pthi•J· nnd \\I' lind oodl1•s of f1111. l do likP High ~1'110 II . .Juniol·-~pnioJ· J'l'l'<'jltio11 \\as last ni~l1t and I had :1 dnt<': You ~PI', it's sp·1 nd ~>'l'llll'~>'fl'l' :IIHl l'n1 :1 lit t 1P oldl'l' 110\\". llut I 1'<1111<' honH• PHI·I,\'· \\'<'<'!': E\l'l'·'·onp \\as th<'I'P f1·on1 all l'la:-<s1·~ I gJH•s:-; ,\1111 kno~w that, l':lliSI' 1'111 not a junio1· o1· a ~>'I'Him·: 1"111 l'liSh1•d to flpath: 'l'olliOI'I'O\\ is till' }Ia.' I'PI<' nt .\ld\:inll·y FiPid and .\l othPJ' is pll((ill~ (Ill' fillil"hill~ toiH·h(•i" to Ill,\' I'0~(\11111' - J <1111 1"0 ('XI'itPd ,Just tIt ink of Ill(' Ollt ill front of I'll 111<111,\ Jli'IIJl]P: ()f 1'0111'1"!', lot:-; of olhi'J·s will lH• "ith Jill', hut l kilo\\ I'll lll:lkP a dozpn ndstakt•i-i: It's 0\1'1' :111d it didn't JHllll', hut it rain<'d: \\ 'hat did wP <':11'1'.? ~otllin~ 1'\'l'l',\'t ldn~ ":1~>' just ppJ·fp('( a11d it "as our fi1·st <1111'. LotH of l'l'l'dit is fllll' ou1· instl'lll'ti'I'Ss, .\l is~ J: J·pil· stadt. '1'\\o tl'l'l'ihly I'XI·itiJt~ PIP<·tion~>' \\<'1'1' liPid thP last t\\o fla,\s aJH] 1'\1'1'.\0n(• \\:IS 1Joppi11~ ;ti'Olllld Pkl·tiOJH'I'l'ing. 'l'h1• . \ thll'til' .\ ' ~>'<H'iation PIPI'Iion \\:IS ,\l'sli'J'day and F1·a11k l~ohpsoB \\':Is PIPI'I<'d J'rpsidPnt. 'I'h1• l/ruot111 PIPI'Iion fo1· n1•xt ,'"l'aJ· \\<IS today. n .. \ . \\'olJl' i~ tilt• (•ditoJ• :Jnd J)ol·oth,\ }l('('mmell, till' soph illllOI'<' t•<litor. ~Ill' is i11 our ('l;lss I ~IH'SH: :2!1 Till' ];tst <1:1.\ of sl'hool :111d 0111' whoiP .'<'<II' of Jpm·nill~ awl Jah01· has ~OlH': . \ 11(] l 1lon't linn• to takP tlu• pxan1s. .\ ftPt' a \\OJHIPJ·fully happy v:u·ntioJl, I'll <·oJIII' h:t<·k a ~opltoltton•, HlHl to (Pal'lt tltP 111'\\ fJ·(•.·ltnH'll !tow to lwhaYt': '!'Ill' ~Pltilll' pJHy, "'I'IJp )I illlllPII\ PI'S of .J:tnp," \\<IS ];ts( night () Hlll] tolli~h1 \\'<IS ( 'lllllllll'lii'Pllll'nl. f \\Pill. Hill] \\'l'jlt: <i noll hyP, dt•;tJ· old IIigh ~~·!tool, till ~PJI(PlldH•J·: ~>'1'1'111'1',\'


1!1 :2:~


,J II lit'




IIPt'<' I am b;wk ag<tin at <!Pat· ol<l ('.II. ~. HPgnlar ~ehool has hPgun- g<'otnPtt·y and all. It's lltm·<· fun to ~ta.' <l0\\11 in th<' <·afptpt·i;t to lundt- \\P g<'l all kiJHls of food for . o littiP IIIOnp_r j(':-; diffpJ'(•nt ft·om !wing at hlllll<'. Oh, but it <lOPN NPPnl good to gPt ha('k, I )iat·.'. Jla,rlw ·' 011 don't think . o, hut I <lo now, at lPa.'t. \\'p'yp IH•Pn daudug in t ht• g,,•nt at rtomL utHl<'r th<' Nli]H't'\·i:-;ion of a tP<U·IH•J'. \\'p han• moJ·t• fun - 1 f<><'l :-;m·t·y fell' th<' JlOill' <·t·<•atm·p:-; "Ito don't ltaY<' fifth ltom· oil'.


'l'h<' (']a:-;:-; had it:-; fit·st o!'ganizatimt this Jttollth and wt•'J'(• th<' til·. t l'lass in a long tilltP to oq!,<llliZP so .·cHill. <lnitl' .'01111' d i:-;t i lid ion ~ 0POJ'I.!,I' Ht•ttll<'t t is pt·t• ·idl'll t, ])ot·ot hy J[ ('( 'ollnP 11. Yit·<>-pt·psidt•rtt; )la1·y FJ'anklin, st•t·J·pt:IJ·y, aud \\'mTPll ~idPs, lt·pastJI'<'I'. 'l'hl'y \\ill IJp filH' ollic·PI'N :md \\P ought to do a lot. \\' p\·<· ll<·llwd out in football too, I gtl<'NN. 'I'll<' gaiiH'N an• p1·ogrpssi11g and WI' ltan•11't lost yPt ~ \\' p h:l\·p <1 splPlldid n<'\\' t·oat·lt, )11'. ('ontdtil'; ltP dot•s \\lliHlPJ',' \\ith thP (pHJII'-'.

~ 'o\'.

'l'h:mk:-;gi,·ing has <·otlll' and gmt<' a11<l still \\'t• wm·k 011. I'm gPtting lH't·fpt'lly "illing fm· a Y:u·<ttiott, J)i;tt·~. :IJ·pn't ,rott'! I:ut tl1<•n, I haYt•n't llo1·1'd you llltH·h, ha'" I'! \\t• \\' Oil tlw ('h:mtpaigll-l-rlwua gam<• ."<'·' IPI'day, :.!0 to 1:.!~ ~\tHl aftPl' .nt·lt a l1ugp dinnpt· fm· 'l'hallksgi,·ing. 'l'hP day "as lH'I·fp<"t fol' a gnnH•, so of t'Olll'N<' \\'(' "011.

])<•t·. -Tan.

('ln·i:-;tntaN Y<l<·ation ltas t·omt' and gotl<· too, <tJHI I will lllt/'1 to \\ot·k lt:11·dl'l' if I g<'l good g1·adt'N this ."'<11'. ~OIIIPitow, tlti:-. ,\'<'HI' I h:n·t•ll't \nn·kt•d as h:ll·d - JnayhP 1'111 gl'tting tiNPcl to thl' \\"<IY.' <Ill() IIIP<lllS of JiigJt ~dJOo] lift•.

FPll. •>

<lPP, hut it wa.- c·old toda,\ onl.' 1~ dt•gi'I'('N hPIO\\ ZPI'O ~ -:\Ion• JH'DJll<' ft·ozt• th<'it· I'Xtt·t•tnitit•:-; t'Oining to sdwol. ~pl·ingti<'ld lost to us o11 bask<'th<tll this W<'Pk good \\'OI'k~ ~\nd \\'1' had tht• l!oroo11 \\ .((•kl.lf p]p('(ion. YPs, agai11, thP,\ ( hy "(hi',\'" I llll'atJ tltt• PIH't'g<'t it· ont•s) :IJ·p goittg to hPgin a high Nt'itool pap<'l' :111d I do It opt' it ltas hl't tl'l' NtJ<·t·t•:-;s t h<tll t ht• lll'<''·ious OIH'N. \\'p'\'(• hPg1111 "Pilgt·int's l'l·ogt·pss" in Engli:-.h; ho\\ f·(J/tld anymH' \\'l'iiP sn('lt a chy t•pi~tlp'? It's almost inqulssihll' to l'P<Hl. 'J'hp Boy's ~111111 ~ltow was last 11ight a11d it \\'<IN anoth<'l' .'tJ<·<·Pss addPd to thP falll<' of o111· <1<'.<11' sc·hool. But naturally, <'YPt·ything \\'(' <lo i:-; a NtJ<·t·('ss t·onl<ln't ltPlp hut ht• with our fnt·ttlty, t·mtl<l it'? For tlH' tit·st tinH' in \\'PPks. t hi' Latin ('luh gan• a p1·og1·am do\\ 11 in th<• gym mHl aftpJ· it tht'l'<' wa.- food. ''~\n <•Bjoyahlt• timt' was hatl hy sonH• two huiHlJ·p(] p<•J·sou:-;." \\"p dan<·t•d mHl play<•d gallH'N anti hacl a g<'ll<'l·ally goo<l time.





\\'hpt• ~ 'l'hl' \\"P<'ldy )lm·oon has appl'at·pcl in (ltp hall:-;~ EY<'I',\'OlH' is talking ahmtl it ''Isn't il good," "I think that's :l!i

killing." "liPt·p\; a goocl C>ditorial," p((·., float to thl' <'<II". of thP l;~hot·ing .·tall", of\\ hi('h til<''' hoi<• high ~~·hool ~tudPnt hod,r i:-: pclitor-ill-('hi<>f <Ill(] ('hp~fpr Bail<·y thp as~i~taut Pditor. Four of 11 got 011 tlH· stall' as l'<'IHll'tl't·~ - But '' c· m·<· till young~ l ' gh ~ \\'p Pn·u had an a~s<•tnhl.' to hPip <'<'lpln·ate th<' tir.·t uumhPt' of till' nP\\' Plltl't']ll'isl'~ 'l'oi1J'll<lntP11t wa.· this \\l'l'k·Pnd and '' oP unto lt. ' ~ ( 'liampaign ''as IH'Ht<'ll h.' Oih~on <'ity, :W to l!J ~ ~ndt a hit tpt· pill to liavp to takP- hut tll'Xt ·'PHI', Wl'll clo he+ tPJ' ~ 'I'll<• dPbat iug tP<tllt~ an• doiug ~piPIHiicl \\·m·k awl wp\·p \\'o11 ~OIIH' dPhatps! EvPn the' d<'hatP~ in Public , 'ppakiug at·<· fun if .·oJJH'OlH' <•INc' has t 11<'111. Isn't it not so, Diary )line'! . \ p1·il ,) 10


)fay 1


:o .June' ~

, 'p1·ing ra('at i011 tlli . y<•aJ· ln·ought gt·pat P\'('111.·, for th' {' Hitc•d ~tat PH ('lltPJ'('(] i11to \\'<II' agai11st ( tl'l'lll<lll_\'- 10 ]H'('N('l'\'(' <tll(l pm11'1·t hutnanit,\ . •\pt·il li \\·as thp gt·<·at day, \\hen Pt·<•s. 'Yil. on awl ( 'ongJ'I'ss d<•c·h11·Pd war. .\nd \\'<' don't J·ealize ,rl't ho\\ llllll'h it JIIP<IllN to us \\'m· l'(•al, awful 11'111'. 'l'o kP<'p 11.' J'('IIIPillhPJ'illg out' d11tips, til<' Boar<! ]Hlt a Uo-to-~<·l1ool ])ay 011 us .\II of us \\'1'1'<' Nllppo~<·d to <'OilH' and so \\ <'1'(' o11r parent~ to visit~ Lots of thl'lll did, too. I hac! 11101'(' fun tonight Diary. \\' p , 'ophonwt·Ps gan• a l~<ll·d tintl's pHI't_r iu th<• gym aucl en'r,,·· Oll<' I'HIIH' fm· a good tinH' atHl th<'Y got it. If anyoue didn't it wa. hi.· own fault. \\' p sopliOIIIOJ'I'N die! 0111· hp.·t to pnt onr mtlll<' down in ll istm·y and 1 gll<'s.· \\ P di<l hy startino- ·cnnetltiJw liP\\'. 0P<', h11t it was fu11! • ·o s1·l1ool today- 1>e'\\'Py l >ay parael<> a ronnel town. 'yp·,.<' IH·<·n h<tvi11g a \\ild tinH·, <til t·ight! En'l',\'OJH' had to hP va<·· l'illatPil and ~m·h ~oJ·<' JH'oplP li<'Y<'l' ass<'mhlPd hefore! I ~~ue · I'nt I ud.:y I <'s<·alwcl, IH'<·n ~~~~· I' \'I• hi'Pn nt<·e·inat •cl h fore, hut I synlp:tthiz(•el with a lot of JH'O]lll' who hadn't! But to :ooth Olll' ill~. a <·itTilN I'<IIIH' along in a ela,r oJ· t\\·o to wltie·h w \\'1'1'1' 11ot pPI'tnit tPd to go~ nt l<~n~t, not in tIt(' aftpt·noon. 1 o<la~~ \\pax tit<• ln~t dny of s<·l1ool a11d to ntakp it l'<'llll'lllhl'l'<'d, the . l ay Day PngPant \\a~ gin'll on tit<' Ea~t Ia wn oft liP sl'hool. It wa Jm·p]y a llll P\1'1',\'0ll<' did \\'<'II. Ex a 111. m·e· 011 not hi 11g p] se doin~ ~ 1111mo11s a1·<· out! :\ 1n<·lt PXl'itc•Jn<'nt a11d <'X<·hunatimJs. 'l'onight is "II is Pri ,... t P ~<'<·t·(•f m·y," t liP ~Pnim· play . . . . It was spll'll· cl id so fun11y ~ 11 ad on<• wondt•t·ful datP, too! 1

'l'ouight W<L ' I'OIIIIlt<'ll<'<'lll<'llt allll Ntll'lt a stm·m l'ame up to lll<tkp it almost impos.·ihiP to go~ " 'h<'ll \\'(' fliel gt>t thl'l'<', th<• lights \\'Pill out and tlll• t·<• \\'e'l'<' all kind~ of PXI'itc'IIH'llt. But it is all o\·pr now, HJHI mwt hPJ' dass gop:-; down in the histol'y of ('llatnpaign High ~<·l1ool as a sn<·<·e~s . .n·.·roH YE.\ B


.At last, I'm an ll]l]H'J' <·Iassman! 37

Today was a first day




of :-<'hool J'('<ll .Thool; of I'OI1l'SP, wp\•p l1ad t·pgist 1·nt ioll <!lid l\\1'11!,\-lllitlutl• 1·lnssl's. It dop:- :-1'1'111 :-:11 good to hP ha1·k~ En•t·.' thing is goi11g lwnutifull.' 'l'oda.' WI' didn't han• st·l111 •I; <'<Ill ,\otl hPlil'\1' it"! \\'h.''! lll>t·nusp I:at·nunl <tlld Bail1·.' \\1'1'1' ]l('l'(', <llld who ('tllJid go (II !"I'IIOO] Oil Hll<'h <Ill OI'I'<IHiou"! \\'p 1lidll't ~ 'l'hl' last f1•w da,\s, tho11gl1, h;l\1' hl'l'll lil'l'l'l' thP lll'\\ stu<lil's <ti'P inlpos:-ihlt•, PSJH•t·iall.' ('IIPlllistl·y~ ('hnn1paigu won IIPJ' lil·st g<lllll' of thP HI'<ISOJI. (:nod hPginlling. }\.ltd I han• doll<' SlH'II <1 foolish lit Ill' 1'1·pslllnan tl'i<'k l1wkt•d Ill,\ kP,\' in Ill,\' lll<'kl't' ~ Of t'OI11'Ht', 1 \\Otl't hi' ahiP to lilld Bt·adll'." \\'hPJ! I lli'P<l him, hut hp's al\\a~s m·ouud P\'1'1','' othl•t· limP.


'l'hP Latin ('hth l1<1:-; had its llll'l'tings nnd p]pl'(pd its olli1'1'1"!" o11t· ,·l;vs \\as l'<'lll'l','l'lltl'd WPII at tiiP llll'l'tings '"' at'<' so intPIIP<·tunl. But "<'rP goi11g 111 han• a good tinH· this y<·m· with til<' Latin "·<•'n• l<'<tl'lll'd-do lots of int('t'l'sting thillg ...;. You n1n't in1ngitH' "hat hnppt•npd todny, I >ia1·y <lP<Il',-\\ I' lwtl tl1111ghnuts ill thP I'Hfl'tl't·ia ~ .\nd hPsidP: \\1'.1'(' h;n iug ass('lllhlips almost P\1'1'." dny I'm· thP LiiH·t·ty Loan th·in• aud othl'l' pnt1·ioti<· thing: th1•sp aJ·p .·1/(·/i i111pm·!nllt da,\s. En•11 th1• lllt'atlt•ss da,\s <11'1' hl'l'llllling 1111'1'1' l1nhits 111\\ hut l1ow hn1·d it is to gin• up\\ hpat m11l IIH'<It, just thp days ,\on wall( 'pm most~ llnt J'l'lllt'IIIIH•I· "It's fo1· yom· t·omJtly-k<·Pp thl' world :afp for Vetnoct·a1·y."

. ·m·. ;)

In tliP papPI's totlny it . aid thP first l'11iiPd ~tall's l'ol<liPt's WPJ'P killpd ~ Isn't it tPITihlp to tlliuk tlH·y·\'1' t•eally h<•g1111'! I kuo\\ 1'111 onl.' a littl1• insignitit·m1t ]ll'I'JI :-;('hoolitP, but mayht> I'm not going to do P\<'1',' thi11g I <'all to hPip ~ \\'e git·l.· ha,·e all l'Pgi:t<•r<•d for all kitH h. of .·pt·Yil·<', :-;o that "<' <.:au hP eallecl imJIH'Iliat<'l~ \\ liPII lll'l'ill'<l fo1· thP \\'OJ•k \\'(' <'all do hl'.'l. \\ 'p hall a big <·oJl\'IH'alion ahout it, nll<l \\I' m·p all so PlllhiiSPd ~ 'l'h<· llt<lss of .·tudPnts, l'<llling tliPIIIS<'h'l'!" .JuHioJ·s, 1,\l's, that's usl had a JIH'l't iug· an1l p](•1·t ion of oflil·<·t·s, and 0111' pins spl(•l·tp•ll>ot·othy .:\ld'olllll'll is ]H'Psidt•llt tllis ,Y<'<t1·; ~l;u·ioll ~watllll'll, ,.ii·('·Jil'P:-idPHI; awl E. tlii'I' niPS<' is SPI'J'l'(HI'.' a11d (1'('<\SIIJ'<'I''n' l'Oillhiued tl1• t\\o oflkl'~ hl'l'<lll!"l' lit's s1 1·apahll'. •\.1111 our pins at·<> .-o llllll'h lwt (PI' looking thatt any ot hpt·s of I'Oill'H(', tlH·y <11'('~ ThP hoys nt·p all pt·<ll'til'ing day and night for thl'il' \\Olldl't·ful sttlll( :lto\\ . • \ud to <'HP lht> l'li111ax, Oil<' of thl' \\-. K. IIH'llilH't's of our 1·lass, fo hPlp Ill<• plot of <Ill ad, hrok<• his m·m ~ ~tl('h foolishupss, I :-;a~, <Ill(] ~o inl·onsidrt·a(p ~ ~01111' of us git·ls <11'1' 111akiug t h<• . c·1·Yi1·<· 11ag for t hp high s<·l111ol. Y<•. ·, I'n1 iu that nuit .·o I'n• hPipPII. Jt i: :UI·h a little hil to (}o, hut it help~· there are owt· oue humlre1l :tar:- ju:t ('. II. ,'. boy:~ \Ye haw jm;t fi.ui. IH•1l tht> flag in time to 1li.·play it on J>arade ~ \Ye l1:Hl a Y . .:\I. ('. . clri,·e today auc1 w<•nt ovc•J• the top on . '1040.00. To celebrate :\I iss 'witz r 1 ·t n · I ·ave :chool


J:l Hi




1>•·•·. 1::

:! I

.J:IJJ. ' 1


FPh. ' 1




p1·il 11

and l'<ll'<tdP down t o \\ 11, awl 1'\.1'11 h<t\'1 ' ou1· pkt lii'I'S tak<'ll! l:a:-;l;:pthall ha~ lwgttn illti'JTIH~S g<lllll'. nwstly and l'I'Hf1,\' thr·illin!!, thPy <11'1'. \\' hPI'! .·o ~(']toll toda ,\, IH'I'HilSP th1'1'1'.~" 'f'p;tt·lll'l'~· ln~tittttl'. 1'1101' tl'<ll ' lll'l'~, hut fol'tunatl' "usns," .'<1,\ WI'. 1:1'1'<111~1' of it th1· J:oy~· ~tunt ~ho\\ \\a~ last night. ()h, hut it \\'<IS f1111ny! ~01111' (II'Opll' 1'<111 lll<lkl' Nlll'h fo 1b of t hPIII · pf\·p. ! Thi'I'P \\'<Is a 1111!!,1' niH~'-' - IIll'l't ing, awl ~~~~·h a lH'P]l." 0111', fo1· thl' TIIHJik . gi\·ing ganll' t 'I JJIOI'J'O\\ . • ·o lliOI'I' :1·hool till \londay! \\'1' \\' oil tl~<lt gaJJII' fi'OJJI l'1·hana, :.!1-i to 1 ~: (lPI' hut it \\'as "\\oH"d1·1·ful: Th1• Latin <'luh g<t\'1' a pl;nll't toda.\ afll'l' JJI:tn.' I'PliPHI'\\ 'p junior·:-; had l'h:IJ·gl', ~o of I'UIJJ'SI' it 1'<11111' ofl' splPIHlidaL 1.'. . II\\ don't l<tu!!,h, I >i;u·.', .' ou kno\\ it did: .\not h1•t· as. l'lllhl,\ t Hla_,., httt thi~ wa.- fm· the Jm·ply ('lll·i:-;tllllts PXI'ITiNP'-'. I g111', s \\'1' l'<tll't "a it llllll'h lo11gP1· f n· it to 1'01111' just think 1111 lliOJ'I' ~~·hool till aftl'l' .·1'\\ Y1•ar~: .\nd oh, OIJJ' .JuniOJ· pin:-; han• 1'11111'; Ho\\ WI' n111 .· por·t tlwn1 m·ott1Hl d111·illg \'a1·ati cm till'." <11'1' so dignifil'd looking! ll;u·k to s1·11ool again th1• \\ holp IIJOHth:-; mo1·e of it. .\11(] did IJ<I\1' ~w · h a wondpl'ful ('h1·istma.' Yal'atiuH! Hut no\\ that I'.X<Illl~" Hl'l' 1·onting \\1'.1'1' '"'full.' husy, and I'VP fo1·gottpn you fot· agl'~", 1>iat·.', I'XI'I']lt I n11r.·t say how 111:111 I a1n IH'I'HIISI' ~p1·ingfiPid IH'at 11~ in ha.'kl'lhall Ia ·t \\P<'k! • ·o\\ for pxam·m· y;u·at ion wllil·hP\'1'1' you ]ll'l'fl'l'! ~1'11ool ha:-; tak1•11 ttp its si'I'Olld sl'lliPNtPI', allll 1'111 . till ju:-;t a ju11io1·: I:ttt t h1• !:Pd <'I'IISI" 1·la:-;sp:-; han· Htm·tpd, s 1 T'111 goi11g to\\ •n·k t h1•r·1• 1" i('(' a \\ Pl'k, awl lll'lp t hi' soldil'l'H' \\.Ill Jill.' to hPal. \\I' 11<1\1' ltoo111 :~ -Hi all fixl'd up int 1 a rl'gulnr HPd <'r·1:-;s 1'00111 ttl1a11ks to .\lr. \\'il~ml) ;tJl(l l'l'gula1· l:l'd ('rus~ ti'<II'IH'I'S it'. awfull.' illti'I'P-'ting. 0-o-oh-h-h! .\lump:-;! .·Pal'l.' 1'\1'1',\onp':-; out with tlll'lll! ~111'11 tiiJ·ills \\lll'll a t<•:.u·hl'l' giYI's a hot·1·ifil'd !!,lanl-1', th1•n ~•1.\s, •·J tl1ink ,\fill han• till' lllllniJIS; ~ou'd hPt tl'l' go llollll'."

\\'p a1·p 1110~t of u~ hal'k and IJaYI' '-'l'l'n thP di~t 1·i1·t ha:-;kl'thall to\JJ'JIHnll'nt. . \ nd \\'1' \\Oll! Tht'l'l' dH'Pl'~ fo1· thl' t 1'<1 111 of ( 'han1 paign I I igl1 ~l'iwol! .\ nd now that 1hat i.' oYPI', .\liss lll'l•itstadt ha:-; IH•g1111 oil thl' pngl'<tlll. E\'l•rymw is in it, allllll~t. and slll'h wm·k: l:ut it \\·ill IH• "-o,·th it. Thl'll, will all Olll' rnakiug 11p \\Ot·k, \\1' ll<t\1' i-'111111' ]pssons in l'l:IHI"! 'l'iliH WPPk """ Ea:-;1!•1·, a111l lwsid1•s IJ;n·ing that nu·ation, thP !!,0\'1'1'11· llll'llt t·IJ<Illgl'd tin11•. I tllougltt "'l'illll' and tidl' \\<til f'ot·1w 1\tall," h11t 1•YidPnlly thl' l'11itPd ~tat1•s ('ongl·<•:-;:--; 1'<111 tu1·n tillll' lm1·k ·1-allsl' \\1,1'1' :111 ltotu· IH'I1i11d till' time till m·xt fall!

t-\t11·h a load oil' Olll' rllitHlH, and ofl' .\1 i"s l:l'l'itstadt'H. Thl' pagl'aJlL iH 0\'('1'1 and it \UlH sudt a Hlli'CCSN. \\' ith ( \\ 0 dl'l' S 39

rPll<>m·sals :nul iwo pPrfm·nwJH'C'.', wc't'<' ck:ul, hnt what do WI' ('HJ'P'! \\'p had fnn~ ~ontPtlting liP\\' I'OllH'~ up all tltP tinH• ~ ·o\\ it'~ ('II( out all(l ln11·n up all yonr hal'lletTy hu~ltP~. But clon't lw indignant, hc•1·an~P hy doing ~o •.n1n may ~avP hn~Jtp]~ of whpa( ~ .\11 of n~ in ('lH•tni~tt·y all(] Botany !tan• to ('alllpaign i lw tO\\ n ~ Yps(pt·day ''a~ Lihert,Y l )ay, and no ~~·!tool in thp afternoon.


Of I'Olii'~P it i~ ~o liP<IJ' the> <>ncl of tit<• y<>ar that I'YPI'.' thing "1'h1• DJ·tun .\I ajcw" wa~ a thw ~nc·1·P~~ mul OJI<'I'a; all kinds of a~~PnJhli<>~ m·p going on; ha~ehall all m·omHl, <>n•n tltP gi1·l~; iuattPntivP (·la~~P~-tlt<>t·pfm·p qni:r.zp~ and ntiu. Tlt1'll of (·om·~p 1'0111('~ tit<> last day of ~~·!tool, aftPt· \H' junio1·~ hav<> giv<>u a \\' OIHh·I·fnl I'<'l'l']lliou to !liP HPnioJ·~ on tlt1• twl•nt~­ fourtlt. 'l'hP,\' won't fm·gp( it, l know~ . ow again fot· Pxam~­ m· \':H·ation Tlti~ tim<• I think I'll tak1• \'a('ation .


hall])('ll~ at OlH'<'.

.Tun<• 7

"'I'll<> 1:1•jun•nation of .\tJJI( .\Im·y" \\' H~ gt·1•at. It wa~ tltP Hl'llilw play. .\ncl tltpu tonight wa~ ('otllllH'tl('I'Jllent-all our <l<>m· achixor~, thp ~e>uim·~. !tan• g·onP and \\' <' m·p ]pft-thc• <llhi~on.;-1 o-lH'! ~g~~IOH

SPpt. 1:~


YEAH-lfJl. -lfJlfJ.

(':m you imagin<' it, Diary clear, I'm a ~euior'? ~l'lwol hai'i a1·tually l)('gnn ancl I ltaY<' only OBI' mm·p yNll' to prov<' m~· wm·tl1 ~ ~l1inP, hrigll( o1w, ~hill<>! (~al'l·a~m'!) .\ucl to1lay i~ Ft·iday, !111' tllit·t('<'llth ~ \\'hat will hH}l])('ll to 1v'! 'l'oday, aft<•r . ·ehool, \\'(' ~Pniot· gil· I~ had a .\I ix<'J' in t hp .\I m;i<· Ho'llll. TIH'l'<' \\·<'re quite a lot of u.· thPrP ancl we playpcl all kinclH of gamp.· ~fore fun~ You ~P<', W<> giJ']ro; ar<' all cli,·i<lP<l into units . o w<' <·au wm·k togPtlwr ])p((pJ·-\\'<•'t•p going to pt•m·p tl1at w<• 1·aJ1, too.

01'1. 1

thp rniwrsity th<' ~ . •\. '1'. ('. inclnction ('l'l'emonie, WPt·<• hPicl ancl W<' \\'1'1'<' di~misspcl in thP tllot·ning to ~I'<' tlll'lll. \\~1. all \\ Pnt on•r, matTIIing along <:n•<>JI ~tn•pt :111d 011 m'Pt· to the ~<·ene of <·,·ent~. <)f <·our~e it ntitwd ~ 'l'h<·n aft<'I' tIt at little Yac·at ion, almo~t every aftet·noon we a1·e r hear incr for th<' pagpant working hm·<l, too.

~ ~ OY

Il<•t·p \\'<' m·c• ba('k at ~1'11ool aft<•r t hr<'<' \\'PI'k~ Ya1·at ion .• \11 on a1·<·ount of th<• inftupnza mot·<• c·ontmonly known as "flu." IJun<lr<·d~ of p<'opl<' ltacl it all(l arp haYing it, ~o <'Y<'l',dlling ha.· he<'n do~<>d ft·OJH Odol)('r tift<•<•llth till today. \\'p "·ill haYe to work now! PPa<· was rnmor<'<l arouncl town t<Hlny and ~n<·h a c·ommotion ~ E\'(•t·ymw, ah11o~t, wPnt wilcl ~ .\nHtria an<l Turk<•y hoth ltaYc .·urt·<'IHl<'r d to th • Allie.·, .·o there are hope. of .·u ·h a thing.





"'I'll<• \\·ig- :tlHl Paint, " a Y<'l'." my:-;((•t·ious as:-;('111 hly hacl a lHJ't\· in thp 0 \'lll hl:-;t niollf Lots of pPopl<· WPt'l' t h<'I'P, hut WI' l :-;till don't kncl\\ what it i. · ~ ~o my.tprions ~ .\ncl mot·<' pxdtPntPnt- th<• KaisPt' Ita .· ahdi<·atpd ~ ~ ~ The• "m·ld i~-; all iu an npt·oar - 'l'hP <lprnwns havP Hli!;IWcl tll<' armiHti<·P~ 'l'h<' \\'HI' i. · m ·pr· fot· at Jpast a fpw months~ l~-;n't it almost UllhPii<•,·ahlp'! \Yc• hP<II'cl of it about two .\.~I. ~fon day morning~ ( lh ~ ( 'cllning in ,-pry oppol'! mwly, t hP pag-<'ant waH g-i\'C•u last ui::;llf. It \\'<IN th<' Illiuoi:-; ('pnt<•tmial. .\11 thP (]pp(]s o f Illinois and hpt· <·otlllt iPs aucl <·itip:-; WPI'(' t·eprpspnt<>cl, makinga fin<• pa::;Pant - auotllc'I' to ont· SlH'<"Pssfnl stt·in::;. BPc'lllL '<' of om· Pxl<•rHIPd flu va<·a t ion, "c' 11<111 to <·ontP had~ to ~·whool todaythp day aft<•t· 'l'hauks::;ivin::;, ancl af!Pt· thP <·nstomat·.)· ~!;Hill<' with l ' t·hmw . \\.<' <·<•t·tainly did wallop t hc•nt, :~:~ to 0 ~ 'Hay fot · our fo il ! hall <·hampious- !ht·<•P limPs <"llampious in ·uc·cessiou ~ Our <·oadl c·prtaiuly clO<•s do wondPt·.· with our hoy .· ~





1)pc·. t:{


1X .Jan .


F!'h. 10

:!X \!:It'. 1



'l'oni::;ht t h<' Boys' ~~ unt ~ho\\· <·am<' off arul jnHt a:-; snc·c·p:-sfully a:-; <•n•r·. 'l'h<•t·p \\'<'t'P slam.· on HOlll<' I><'opl<' H)}(l j Jkp.· g-alot·<' -W<' k<•pt howling utoHt of til<' tim!'. But th boys aren't Ill(' ouly Olii'H doing thing-H. \\.p lutn' a Oirl.' .\thl<'tic· .\ssoc·ia t ion now~ \\·p·n· !tad maHH-nwc•ting:-; alHl now we't·e organizing -:-;o W<' <·nn do :-;omPthing. To furth<·r pro\·c· our ahility, W<' arp pu .· hing a .Juniot· HPd ( 't·oss drive and w<•'re makino- it an O\'Pl' wh<'ltuing HIH.·<·p:-;:-;, Owr· t liP lop wp go, ju~-;t lik all our other cll'ives . ~in< · P <'hristmn:-; nH·at ion, and it waR a )fprr,Y ('hristma~ t hiH yp;n• for almoNt (' \'PI',\'0111', wc•'n• h<' <'n <loing- just h!'aps.

(lptting (). .\ .•\. mpmhet·Hhips, writing- t<•t·m them<'H, as...,emhlips \\·ig and Paint initiation (it t nrtwcl ont to h<' a Dramatic· <'lnb) and <'VPn lat<'t', thP (J. .\. . •\. . p]pdions. 'l'h<' Prollibitioni:-;ts haw at last gnin<>1l thc•it· grc•ntPst wi~-;h . 'l'h!'t'(' is ~ational Prohibition and aft<>r ,July 1, 1!11!1, no mm·p :-;alooliH ~ ~OJII<'thing tww l1as stat·fpcl clown ltet·<• at s<·liool. 'l'h<' dill'PI'Pllt dassp:-; at·<' g-i,·pu daiH'PS clown in the g-ym Friday aftpt·noo~ns ft·om tl11·<'<' to th-1' . •\.nymw in thP <:Prtain <"lassPH <"<Ill <·onH' ancl ll<t\'<' a good tiln<'. ~\.wl W<' ('('rtainly clo han• goocl time.·. liP I'<' we• m·p h;u·k at sdtool again a ft<•r ~<'mc•:-;t <'I' c•x:un:-; . . \ncl to think I han• only on(' mot'<' spm<•stc•r ~ I ought to ad dignifi!'d, oughtn't I'! But I <·an't all th<> tim<'~ 'IIH• ~tat<' Bask<•thall 'l'om·wuuc•nt \\as at thc> l'niwrsity thi. · ,Y<'at· ancl W<' all wPnt ovPr to tlH' (lym .\nnex to root harcl for <'hampaign. \\' e won out· first gamP, hut we had hare! lnc·k th<• !-;(>c·mHl, ancl , ' pringfiplcl g-ot mm·e ha.· k<>t.· than we•. Bnt npxt tim<>- w 'II win. \\·p had all kin<IH of nwss me!'ting-s, rPal JH'PP." on<•.·, h<•fot·<' thP gam!'H- WP are proud of our team anyway~ 41

:.\l_, . .;tpr·iou:--; :--;ign~ "<l. E.\\"." lr<t\P IH'<'ll :tl·otnrd tlrP lrall;.; fm· ~-'1'YI'1'<11 da.\1--' :!lld nt la:--;t tltp my:--;tpJ·y Ita~-; h<•Pn ~lln•d "<lood E11gli.·1t \\'ppk." \\'p ltn\-1' to hi' lPnihl,\ l'<ll'Pful that \\'1' don't ~<1.' ":--;t ud.\ ill' <Ill. \\ 1Wki11'" I'll'. .\111] \\ <' 1--'l'llior·~ lr:tYP to ~Pt n good I'XallrpiP. \\'p lrad a 111PPtillg till' othl'l' day <lllll dP1·idPd oll o111· im·itatio11~-o; and 011 our· ~1'11io1· l>HIII'l' to hp i11fon11al, hut fun for,.,,.,._, O)f('. .\pr·il 7 ~~·11ior· P:\:1111~--'. '1'lt1• otlrPl' l'l:t~~~·s h:l\'1' to go to i·Whool all !J tltp tillH', lmt \\1' do11't. J:ut \\'l'"r·p \\m·ki11g: ~pr·i11g \:ll'atiou: 1 0-1-t- 'l'IH' llo:u·d al'tuall.' ga\P u:--; Olll', IH'I':Ill~--'1' \\(' wer<• <":tnght up ill otfl· \\or·k. It \\:1~ ImPly \\l':llhP1' tlrP til·~t of Ore WI'Pk, until .Thool IPt out, thPII it t·aillPd: To11iglrt, ])iar.\, tltp junio1·s, d<•ar tl1i11g~. ga\'1' u:--; a t'PI'Pptioll in thP gym. Th<>y gavP us a \\ 011tll•r·ful ti1111 Jim\ \\l' "ill hall' to 11':1\'(' th<•m: :\lay


l.a.·t uigl1t \\:t. om· ~<'llio1· Hall on]_,. it \\:1~ infor·mal and it ftm'! and did11't 1'\'1'1',\'0111' Ita\'(' a 111<11'\Pllou~ tilltP'! It \\ illiH• ~olltl'tlling nl\\:t,\,' to t'l'llll'tlliH•r·. \\:l~n·t

.Jnlll' .,

I ,-nn't IH•Ip hut fPPI sad whPJL I l'l':tlizp that I Iran• tini~--;hpcl my high ~~·lrool l'<ll'I'C'1'. It dop:--;n't i-'1'<'111 lllm·e tlrau a littl<> wlri!P ~--;illl'(' I 1':1111(' IH•t·l', an illllOI'I'Ilt, ignm·ant lit!IP fr·psll!ll:tn! .\nd 110\\, tolligltt i:--; the• HP!Iiot· play with otn· ,-c·IPln·atP<l :u·tm·~--; and adr·,·:--;~<· · taki11g tltp 1111'111o1·ahiP part:-; in "'l'IH• Y<•llow .Jac·kl't." .\lld tOIIIOITO\\ j:--; ( 'Ollllll('fl('('llll'llt!

-T111w fi

"( 'olllliiP111'Plii<'IIt .. 'I' hat wore! lllC':tll.' so mnc·l1 to IIH' now ha\P "I'OIIIIIII'If<·<'d." 'I'mtigl11 \\HH tire• oc·(·:t:-;ion, awl I Jun·p hadP fa r·pwpJl to a II "'-" dl'a ,. a:--;:--;ol'ia 1ion:-;, my dPai'<'l' f:t<"Hlty, :uul my dP:tl'<'l-11 fl'ic•wl~! <:ood-hye, High f-41'1rool clear, I :-;hall ahn1y.· l'l'lllC'IIilH•J· ,\on and l'll<'l'L It t ltc· 1<•JH]PJ'I'H1 lllC'moJ'ip,·: \\"L IFHED (' \l'IW'\, '1!1. IH•<·au~<· I



11}onor ~toll I !11 :>-1!11 !I

.John ,\l;t. ' \\Pil.\d:llll~ .......................................... !1:>.1 Est hPJ' .\I itH• <: il'~(' ............... . ............................ fl2.!) .\l;n·giP Elnol'<l J)il-kl·,\· ......................................... !I:..U\1 ildJ·I'd ( ' . . ·m·ton ............................................. !1:.!.+ l\atlwJ·inl' Loui~1· 'l'l'lllplin ...................................... !1:.!.:~ \11- tin H 11. ·sp]] 'l'nmt lll<tll ....................................... !I:! l:l·m·gl' LP\\ is l:l•nnl't t .......................................... !11.!1 .\laq~at·l't \\ iuifl'l'd <'ap1·on ..................................... !11..' Huth LtwillP llan-y ........................................... !11.~ .\l:u·.r Bal'IH·t· Franklin ......................................... !11.() Ft·Pda P1•arl Hos1• ............................................. !lUi .\lalwl <lat·n1•t Eal"l ............................................ !11.1 \\'illi:tlll 'l'hPodmP l'al'kill ...................................... !HI.:~ Flot·Ptll'l' lt·c•nc• Ta,\ lo ........................................... !10.:.! Ontm· .John J:ollingc•t· .......................................... !l(l.l Lpst Pr Ho,\ J >a ris ............................................. !Ill

.\11 wmt

b. C.LI.'II .J olm .\Ia . \\'I'll .\.datns ........ !1:~.:.! Hut II LtH'ille Il<n'l'y ......... !1:.!.3 Est hPJ' .\ Iilii' <Ties<> .......... fl2.:.!

I•. \ -..;c: , ..\c: E

.\I a J'l.!,i<' Elnora I>i1·k<•.r ....... !J;).!l .\I m·y Ha l'ker Franklin ...... !l3.:> II I~TOHY


.John .\Iaxwpl] .\.daniH ....... !13.' Omar .John Bollino-er ........ !)() Knt IIPJ·in' Loui.·p Templin .... !1:)

.John .\IaxwPll .\.dan1s ....... !10.1 El'thPI' .\.line <iie.·c• .......... !)4.7 \1 i Id rc•ll ( '. • · m·t on .......... !1:~. 7 .\ [.\Til E~l .\ TU ·~


( lporg-1• LPwis Hc•uupt t. ...... !):L > .\I argi<' Eln01·a l>id:e,r ...... !1:.!.~ .\u. tin Hul'l'l'll Trontllmu .... !I:!

Omar .John Bollino-er ....... !1:>.:.! \\'ill iam ThPodore Pal'kill .... !l:.! .\I aq.!,i<' Elnom l>i1·kpy ....... !11

Opal .\.rmita:.w IIoon~r ......................................... !):.! ratiiPl'ill(' Lonil'<' 'J'pmplin ...................................... !ll.c 'Ion it-a IsahPlla .'1·hwartz ...................................... !11.~


hi ao·o B<'adl Ilotpl June G, l!l:~;)

:'1 I 1·.

B<•mwt t, 1 hou!"aud .\<"1'<' Farm 0 a In'!" t em, '1' PXH!".


l h•ar· <l<'ol'g<' :-I han' jn. ·t I'OIIIl' fl'om ('ltalll]laiJ!,n and thP hig J'Pllllion of tit<> da .·s of '1!1-atHluow, just to show yon I <"<Ill k<'<'P a pl·omis<>, 1'111 goiug to tP!l yon P\'<'1',\' littl<> thing that haplH'li<'<L I did not J·pa[i;r,p it until liO\\' hut it i:-. <·Pr·taiuly wmHlPJ'ful what Nli<'<'<'NN P\'(•t·yhody ill til<' da:-.:-< of 'I!} has fliP( \\·it h. 'l'lw lll':-<( "r·puirimwJ·" I JIIP! \\as .Joe .\tkinson-and hp',· PI'PNidt>nt of tIt<' \\'a hash Ba i h·oad ~ liP sat J·ight a('l'os. · fl'olll Ill<' on t h<> tr·ain fm· Jllany miiPs lwfm·p I l'l'<·ognizPd him- h<•'s s" fat :mcl wa~o; smok ing a gJ·pa( hig- <·igm· . .Jop still has thP saiiH' old li1w told Ill<' how young :llld goo<l-looki11p; I was- saJIII' old .JoP. 'l'IIP n•st of til<' jounu•y hp PlltPJ'· taiuPd 111<' hy t<>lling Ill<' of th<' doiugs of th<' (']ass, aN mn<·h as hp knew of thPIII. II<> had J'<'<·<>in·<l a t<'l<•gJ·<tJII from Fay Ilili<'H, Pastor· of tlw }[ount Tda Baptist ('hmTh, saying that h<' \\'HH mwhlP to lw )H'I'H<'llt. ~o you \\'l'l'<•n't tltp only onp who I'OUidu't I'OIIH' and JH'J'hap.· it \\ill lw ,'OJIIP <·ousolation for you to kttn\\· tlwt Holwr·t Bur·uptt aiHl Ilowm·d Bn<·klPt', wl1o are Ntaking a <·laim in \\'yoming- al~o;o H<'nt their rl:'gr<>ts that th<>.Y <·onl<l not he pre:ent. On om· al'l'ival at ('hampaigu, .Jop <'s<·oJ·tp(] JIW to a taxi dl'in•u hy I.Psli<· 'Yard, whi<·lt took us to ".\II IIIli", of wllil'h 'l'ltor11a. Laug is pl'Opr·i<>tm·. }ly, it wa: g-ood to H<'l' tlwm again. 'l'h<>y were all :o sorry to h<•ar that yon wonlcl uot lw t IH'l'<'. Ilonl':tly, 1'<1 n V<'J' Jtayp known . \t·t 'l'<•mplr if h<• hadu't infm·111<'d Ill<' of hi: idPntity- h<> haN a mnstal'll<' and is t hP <·lpr·k of".\ ll I llJJ." If c>I<•JJ .Joln1son HJHl ( 'm·ri<• Earnpst rnshpd up to g<>t om· hag: and show ns to th<• <'lPYatm·. .\t tit<> <·igaJ· <·ountPr was ()mat· Bolliugl'l', wl1osp li<IIIH', 110 (lonht, lu•lp<•d gt<'<dly with t liP <·igm·<>tt<> :al<>:. (;oillg" to tit<• dining-t·OOIII Whil'h had h('('JI I'('S('J'Y<'d fm• US, \\'(' follll<l JtJHJJ,r mm·r of thp l'lass. •\rnhia Par·kl1ill, til<' gt·pat won1an orator was pl<>ading on h<·half of th<' \\·. ('. '1'. 1·., \\·hi<·h organization is UO\\' tr~· ing to g<>t national proh ihit ion of t liP Halp of J"Oot hi'<'J' aJHl ging<'r ale. After \\"(• \\'l't'<' w<·ll .'taJ·t<>d on om· sunJpt \I(Jils dinn<•J·, Hnth IIany t·u~o;hp<l in, npologizing for 11<'1' tar·dinP. :-:, wlli(·l1 was uJJa\·oidahiP h<'l' taxi l1a<l lWarly killc>d two lighti'J':-< i11 th<' stJ·ppt - ('ltal'l<·s } l al'ldan<l, the woJ'l(l <·l~:tlllpion pool slla J·I.::, and I )oJJ FlaJJiugam, sl<tg<' llt<tiJag<>r of the <'a:ino. Flot·<'ll<'<' 'l'aylo, I'<')H)I'tPJ' of tiiP .·Pws, all([ l{i(·harcl ~<"hnlhafer, of the C:azpttP, w<'I'(' J·ight th<'I'<' to g<'t it all. l.ooking around th<> tahl<', t h<•t·<> was El<•anor Dawson, famou · (]<'.'ii-,'1WJ' of WOJIIPJJ's gownH, )fildt·Pd llt·yan, ju~o;t <·ofiH' from her :l'hool at • 'ayoy, .\clah <~ua,rl<• .Ju<lkinH and li<'J' hu:-:hand ('lm·enl'e, a tru<·k faruwt· 44

of ~a Yo,\. 7.:1'lla nonlon, t hP art i~t, who~p "Bpaut,v lTn:t(lorn •1l" had \\on univl•t·~al famP (]up partly, no douht, to h<>r IIHHlPl, :\Iari<' ,'tHut. 'l'Jwn th1•t'P wa:-; Paul \\'ill:-;, thP ~IPuth, who g-ai11Pd hi:-; training hy adi11~· as 11om· walkPI' in a "L:Hlips HPady-to-\\'p:ll·" ~torP. )Jatilda Tln·a:-;h and Hu~:-;pl Trolltman, who had organi:wd an ot·l·hp:-;tra k11own fat· and widP, :-<at B<"XI to L<•Nlie IIPinlli<·h<•r, a g-rai11 1lpaler at ~tal y . • · ~ · · t 1·anH• l>PtllliH <illlllling-, Pt·P ·idPnt of tl11• hank at 'J olmto, Opal Jloon•t· mtd . \t·thur )lin<•J·, thP :ti'IIPllt .'mula,,· ~~·hool \\· ol'l~pr:-;, ofiPll aHsio.;tPil hy .Jm.;pphitH' Hogpt·:-;, Nollg lP:HlPJ' ill thP :-;alntlion .\t·nty. 'l'prp:-;a llollida,\', a (pad11•r at :-;adoJ"II~-<, \\ill! hPt' ti:nwP, .Joint )Jd)mlltl'll, th1• notPd mThP:-;tra lpad<•t·, t·ontplPII'd tit<• li:-;t of thosp at my tahle. 'l'ho~t · :o;<•all'd at till' tahh• dit·Pdl.' a<To:-;~ ft·o111 Olll'~ ~<'Plll<'d to IH• I'll· joying t h<•nt~Pln·~ itttllli'IIH<'ly, li~tt·ning to t hi' \\·ondpt·fnl <'X]l<'t·ip t H·<·~ of 'l'liPlllla ( 'ot·d all< I l't•at·l \\'ool~<'tH·oft, who l1ad j11~t n·t IIJ'IIPd aft<•t· h:l\·ing lH'<'B in FnnH·P fm· four yl':n·~. doing Hf'<·on~tt·lldion wm·k. ( lt·at·<• :\l:Hl<ll'll, llmwl \·p~t and <lt·a<·<• \Yatt \\1'1"<' giving an int<•t·p~ting a<·t·otml of thPiJ· lift• on thPir <hl<'k farm in )li~~i~~ippi, wltit·h tlwy ~ai<l wa~ a \1'1',\ pt·otitahl<• huHiJH%. 'l'h<'l"l' wPn' two JH'oplt• at thi: tahle of whom <'VI.'l',\'Oil<' ~t'<'HH'd to h<' \'Pt·y pt·otul ll mwl • ·OJ·to11, who wa:-; rutming for C.:-;, Ht•pt·I'~PlllntivP and l~ahPI Todd, who \\·a:-; a t·aJlllidal<• fot· ~<'11<1· (Ol'. E\1'1'<'11 'l'ut·kpt·, ou1· falltOllH dt•lpl'tin·, pt·id<•d hitn:-;p(f 011 lh<' fad that hi' \\a:-< allowPd to :-;it Jli'Xt to ou1· future l'l'}ll't'~t·ntatiY<', and many :-;milPs did Itt• hP~tow ll)lOil ltPJ'. J k<•pt wolld<•t·ing "ho tlJo:-;<• till'(•(• handHolltPly dt·<'HH<'tl m<'B \\'1'1'1' at tlli:-; tahl<•; tlH•y woJ'l' Pt·int·<• .\lh<•t·t~ <lll<l Nt'<'lll<'d io po:-;:-;(·:-;~ a \'1'1'." intportant air. 'l'IH'Y Wl'l"<' no othl' t' t II :til out· honorahlt• <·htHHIIJat<'H, L<•onar·d _·ot·tmt, lh,·ight Pur·:-;pll, and l{oy Lany - :-;o]p pt·opt·iptm·:-; of a Klondik<• utili<' .

•\t tll(• <'1111 of th<• 1lintwr, aftPr a :-;]tort t•Jlt<•rtaiunH•nt hy th<• F:mwn~ Lihhil' ~((·Xpill, .\ill'<'n \\.ht•aton, Lilli:m Pm·t<•t·, <llady:-; \\' t•ittk<•, and .\loni<·a ~l'hwartz;, tlH•J·p w<•t·p SJ H'<'I'hP~ hy \\·inift·<•d <'apl'OII, thP t'l'liO\\lll'tl HPitlt•Jlll'lll \\Ol'k<•1·, l>m·otlly )J('('omt<'ll, ])pan of \\ Ollll'll at • ·OJ·tllwP~1<'1'11, ahly a:-;:-;i~(pd hy lwr ~<·t·t·<'lat·y, ~ I ildt·<'d . ·ot·tmt. Hight in thp midHt of 111'1' H]H'I'dt t•aJIH' :1 ((']('gl':llll from nl:Hly~ Pt'('H.'Oil, H:t,dng :-;he hat! p]op<•d with a ha11dsmn<' young- Phillipino and was on hl'l' ""."to Hawaii. . \ t Ill<' J'<'<Hling of tlli:-; .\ lil'l' Ft·l'th·i<·k:-;on a]mq~( ln·ol;:p up thP party hy hadng lly:ll't'i(·~. wllit·h ~It<' ltatl a p<>rf<•t·t l'ight to han•, a~ :-;ltp hat! h<'<'ll pngag<•d to ~aid yotmg man hpr:l'lf. 1'hp party \\·o11ltl ha\t' ittdt•Pd IH·<·n spoilt•d if Eliz;a J'aul had 11ot ])]'(mght f'01·tlt hPr IIPa\·<·n· ~<'Jit iliYI'ltlion-tllt' ":-; · 10tlling-~nllfl'," wllil'h applil'tl to . \ Jit-p':-; 110~<', koon quiPtP<l hl't', attd tIll' HJH'ak<•t·s \\·t•t·<' allowl'tl to go on . L:tdit·~· <~uintPI

. ·athan Hla<·k, :\fcu·g:n·pt HPll':-; fond hu:-;hand, a pt·ominPnt -·<'w York ltalH•t·da~h<'t', lll<ld<• a :-;tilTing t:tlk ou "('lotht•s ) l:tk('s th<• ~ r an,'' follo\\1'<1 hy an ('((IJ:Illy itll]ll"<':-;~in• :-;p<'<'('h, "'l'h<• lz;z;inPs~ of \\'as" hy Bill P:tl'khill. J]p](•n ( 'IP:tv<':-;, a musi(' tPal'it<'l' of nn nH•:tn a hi lit.', :pokp of "'l'h<' Efl'Pd of ~~ll~it· on till' Flat-OwPll<•t•." Tlti:-; S]l<'('l'h wa:-; t·tHlPly iut<·nnpt<•d h~· an <IJ·gunH'lll h<"l w<'Pil "('oily" <'olli~on and ) laxw<"ll 4:i

.\dam:-;, jtl.'( a:-; in day:-; of ym·P. 'l'hPn, of <·om·:-;<>, Frpd Knig-ltl \\'OI'dN, to IH• JIIOI'<' <'x<td .



pnt in his" or·d

•\ftpt· dillltPI' \\'nhl<'JIIar· Knr~<' <Ill(] Paul Lowry, who both r·an g-a. oJl'pr·<•<l to tak<• t IH' Pill it·p party for a lltoolllig-ltt ri<lP. \\'p pas~<>d thP hotll<' of ('atlH'riJH' Bayn<•.·-OallPnha<·h, hut ('ath<•rill<' is in Hc•llo 110" lwnur~<' Hud ohjPdPd to hPt' tr·arPlillg- i11 th<• intpt·<·.·t~ of th<· Pt>al'lt Bloom ('ONIIIPii<· ('m·pm·atioll. 'l'hl'll thPI'<' \\aN a <lPm· littlP Yill<'-<'O\'I'l'<'d t·ottag-<', hmll<' of Fn•da Hos<', "Ito had r·tlfl :1\\<l,\' with a tran·ling- llt:lll. <i<'l till!!; far·t hpr· into t hP ('011111 r·.', \\ <' pas:-;l'd t h<• tii<Hl<'l'll h<><>-far·llt of .\g-n<':-; I Ia\\ or·th Yan I>m·t•n aJHI Earl, lt<'l' dp\ot<•d lnrshand. 'l'hl'it· hons<• wax \\'Olllll'd'nl ('anoll t-41'hlllalhaux<>n \\a:-; tlH· <IIThitP<·t. \\'hat \\:lN thi~ tll<lllllliOth str·tH·tm·p W<' W<'l'<' appr·o:H·hing-'! .'othing- l<•Ns than f]l(' (h·phall's llOIIH', g-iV<'Il by Kathl'r·ill<' 'l'<•lltplin, tit<' not<•<l g-t·and op<·J·a .. tm·, a)l(l r·tm h,\ ~lahl<' Earl a11d ~lary Fnlllklin, ,,·ith Edrta t-4tip<'N arHl Lw·il<' LixPnhy a~ kin<h•r·gm·t<·u wo1·kpr·s. 'l'IH'll th<'l'<' was thP <·hi<·keu fan11 1'1111 h.' ~lar·gi<• I>il'l~P.\ -'l'llltll l] t:-:on mul h<>r· hnsltaJI(], ~lor·g-an. 'J'hp lii'Xt ltmr:-;<• \\<IN tltat of PPI<' t-41'ott, wlto llt:ll'l'i<>d a f':IIIIOIIs I'Olllltr·y Sl'hool fp:u·lt<'J', llar·Jpy Ill' II. • 'ot wa11t ing- to g<'t too far away, \\ <' .. tal'l<'d hal'k to\\·ar·d ".\II htn," hut <l<•t·i<lP<l1o stop at th<> ('a~ino. Fl'l'<l ~I<·J·<·<'r· 111<'1 u:-; as l11•ad w·dH•J·, a 11<1 I orta Fid ]pr· slw\\ Pd ~~~ to om· 1-i<'<l 11-i. 'l'h<' ti r·:-:t was a mm·ip of tlw "lltPII<•t·dr·aflwr·" 1,\P<', f<•:tturing pPtitP Esth<>r· <liPs<' in "lll'a\·pn \\ 'ill PJ·otp('( th<' \\'m·king (lil'l" and LPNI<'J' J)a\ is a~ th<• 'ilIa in. 'l'hP til'st ad of th<· v:nu]p\ill<' \\a~ a darH'ing- ad h.' "l:illtilltill nnd ~anpftp" 011 tlw prograrn-th<',\ ]II'O\'I'd to IH• no oth<·r· than Hay l>ohhin" and ~Iaq.?;liPl'itl' Fntk<•:-:. .·<·xt \\as a hoxillg mnt<·h ill whi<·lt th<> par·ti<·ipallts \\'1'1'1' L<'<' :\Im·tin a11d .Jop ~Iill<'l', aftpr whidt Huth )lajm·,· a11d Yoland<' ~ld 'askpll HJIJH':ll'<'d i11 a ~'~<'V<'l' song and dall<'<' :11·1. 'I'll<• l<t:-:t al'l \\fiN a <·ar·toolli~t a<·t hy lloward t-4tnitlt. On our· way hal'k to ".\II Inn" W<' \\1'1'<' l'tO]lp<'d I'm· sp<•<'ding-, th<• .'J'I'I'd li11tit in ( 'ltar11paign hl'illg ;~:) mil1•s :111 !tom·. In tlH• "l·opJH'r·" WP l'<'I'O!!;liLwd (;]pn ,4h<>phPl'd. ]]p \\:1.' \PI',\' !.!;llOd-ll:ttiii'Pd about it :tlld IPI us go ltoiiH' ".\11 Imt." \\.<'all mi~s<•d your· Nllliling pl·<'~<'ll< .l' , <:<·or·g-<', alld I kilo\\ lto\\ sor·r·.' ~-ou must lt:tY<' h<'<'ll not to IH• t hPJ'<', lnrt I hm·<· good li<'W~ for ~on. \\'p dp(·idPd tlll<lllilltOIIHiy fo Ill('('( agaill :1( tltP N:llll(' pl:ll'(', ,JIJll(' fi, 1!110. lh•t t<'I' lwg-itt plauuing- to hP t ]l(•r·<•. (J. J> Elt!Wt'(: II.



1rlre 1fast lllill cnt'b



tht ~tnior @lass of 1!11 ~~ \\' t•, I IH• , ' pn im· ( ' Ia~ . · of I !II !I o f t hp II igh • ' t· hool of ( 'hampaigu in lhP ('otl!lly of ('hmnp:tign and ~l;tiP of Illinoi:-o, I1Ping of ~otmd mind and IIH'IIIOI ',\ , hnl mindful of !II(' llllt't'l'l;tilllil'. of hlllll<lll lifp and hPillg 110\\' ; tl10111 to llt<tkl' a jout·Jil',\' itt t o t ht• unkno\\ 11 l't•gion-.; of •llll' futm·t• tlo lll :JI ·p, puhli:-oh ;til(] dt •t·l:tt·t• tlli-.; to lw otiJ· la~t will and tP. tantt•nt, hl'l'l'h,\' J't•\oking any and all fot ·nll'I' '' ill:-o :md t·odil'il~ I ht•J·pto, hy 11:-o hPI'Ptofot·P 111:Hle: ~)-;( 'TIO'\

llt•t)l 1.

It ('Ill •)


\\'t• clit·t•t·l that all dt•ltiN itH'Ill'l't'd dt11·ing otiJ· lin•s and fnnt'l·al t'XJH'll"l' ~hall ht• prmnptly paid. \\'t• appoint 0:-o\\;tld llm·n as adnlillistt·;tl lll' of all our good~ awl t·hat tt•ls. • •Et " I' J() '\ II

II Pill I. I 1<•111 ltPIII



fll'lll I. It t•nt



It ('JI I


It ('I II


I I Pill !I. It(' II I 1 0.

I, .Jo:-opph .\tkin:-on, tlo lt•HYP my Illlllll'J'oll:-o t·hildi:-oh tl·aits to "B111J'' ~IIIith \\ l10111 ] tl'll ·( \\·ill lll<lkt• good liNt' of !ht•JIJ. I, <h•I·tt·utlP J)t•t·rough, do lt•a,·t· aJHIIwqut•;tfh to Ilelt·n Pt·p(tyman 111,\' tlllliNII<I lly good looks. I, Hoht•t·( Hut·nPII, do lt•;t\t' <1 ]t<ll'l of Ill.\ di~nity to ~hpldon \\'t•;n·t•t·, \\Ito, I ft•a1·, IIPt•ds it qttilt• hndly. 1, -'latilda 'l'lll';t-.;11, do IH'!JliPalh to Eloisp Eat·JI(•s(, 111,\' t·lt•at·, \\t>ll-pitt·ht•d spt•aking Yoit·t•. 1, J)owtld Flnning<llll. do lt•a\'t' to Ed\\ in ))ptnltl\\' , Ill,\" kno\\ 1t•dgP of \\ lr;tl got·:-- on lwltind thP st·t'lll':-< \\ hit·h 1 ha\'P at·quil·t•d in "'·' ]Ht.· it ion as ~lagP lllalt;tgt•t·. I, \\'illift·t•d (';t)ll'OII, do ll'<l\t• Ill.' dignit,\ and <1\\P-inspit·ing III<IIIIH'I' to an,\ OJH' \\Ito thi11k~ !Itt•.' !'<Ill liSt' it to IJptlt•t· ad\'<lltlagp thnn 1. I, llm·lt•.' t:PII, do lwqnt•ath my (t·ad;: honot·s, "011 in l'lllllliJJg tht' tnilt• to llollll'l' ~llti!ll. I, -'lildt·Pd I:t·.' an, do )pan• my t'll<ll'lllillg and s111iling f<lt'P to t lit• llll'IIIOI',\ of Ill,\ dt•\ ott•d frit•JIIls. 1, .Jospphillt' t:ogpt·s. do lt·m·t· 111~· ,·ollllllillolls \'Ot·ahuhu·y to \\'altt•t· ('u1·tis. I, lh\ ight I'tll·:-t•ll, do lt•an• Ill,\' argllllll'lllali\'P ahilit.' to -'lalt'OIIIJ I:t·yan, \\ ho is in n•t·y had JH't•d of :-out'h. ~Et'TIO

ll t'lll I.

lll I, F1·Pdt•1·id;: :\lt•J·t·pt·, do lwqtH•alh 111,\' posit ion as c:tptaiu of tltt• ('hampaign High ~t·hool llH~-<kPth;tll Tt><llll to .John FJ·:tkt•s. 4i

ftpm !!. liPlll :~.

11<•11) L

It <'Ill


It Pill


I I<'Ill


II Pill '~ . It Pill !l.

It Pill 10.

I, El<><lllOI' ~<"ol t, do Jpa Y<' Ill,\' P\"<•r· snr i lin~ and Ira ppy fa<·<' I o () Ji n' \\ •ood . I, PPar·l \\"oolson<·roft, do lwqupath my pr<·<"iou .· HJI(l <lPYOIPd busill<'s:-; law hook to Eda ('a~ann. I, Earl Yaul )ol'<'ll, do h<•q II PH I h lll,\' wpll shap<'d <',\"<•-bt·o\\ :-; to ~lam·irH • Parkp1·. I, Bn:-;:-;p\1 'l't·ontnran, do IH'qliPHih Ill,\' phH·<• 011 thP hmrm· r·oll to ( 'ha rlp:-; ~It-< 'llllou~h. I, Hoy Larr·y, do kan• to ~lom1 ~torn1 a po1·tion of n1y <·nrly I<H·k:-;, I, <lnu·p \\'att, do l<·aw a11d h<•qtrP:rth to rrr.' ,\Ollll~<'J' :-;i:-;t<·t· my fondn<•:-;s for· :-;tu<ly. I, Thoma:-; Lall~, do ]pan· 111.' \\OJHI<•1·ful foothall ability to ('hm·lps lhlll<>nhadr. I. 'I'Pl'('sa Holliday, do ]pan• my tmlir·in~ <'IIPI'gy to soJII<' dPst•t·,·ing a]}(l wm·t hy "Ft·<•shi<•." I, LlH·iiiP Lispnh.' , do l<•a\·p Ill,\ low for · ('lrarllpaign Iligh ~<" h oo l I o J:pr·n ke La wcl <' r·. ~E< "J'!O

II Pill 1.

\\'p, .\rthm·

rw:-;:-; fm·

It Pill


II Pill


It ('Ill -!. lt('lll


II Pill G. II Pill I. ~ It Pill '.

Itt> til !l. It<'lll




:111<l ('l;rr·<'li<'P .Jntkills, clo ]pan• our foJHl -


to <'r·<•Pd and ('laud 'l'ud;pr·. .\dar11:-;, do lJpr·phy IJp:-;(ow tht• <L llull' .\thlpti<· Pas:-; to .Jolmny Il <'1'1'011. 1, llo\\·anl ~11rith, do lPHY<' lh<' pati<'ll<'<' I han• \\·illr Ill<' world ill g<'ll<'r·al to llar·olcl ~nllin111. I, Fr·pda Ho:-;P, do IPH\'P my tmu:-;nal auwnllt of knowlpdgt> of th<' two :-;l'i<•tH·Ps, ('IH•nti.·tr·y :md l'lrysi<·s to Bolallcl ~nrith. \\'p, ('al'l'i<' Eat'H<•:-;t :llld IIPI<•ll .Johnstoll do l<•aw and hPqu<'alh 0111' ('<ll'II('S(ll('SS ill )ll'PlJHJ'ing IIlli' daily ]('SSOlli-; (O Ola \Yil<>y·. I, [on;~ Fidlt>l', do lPH\'P to ~adi<•. ' piNon Ill,\' fill<'tl<·y ill FJ·<'lll'il. I, Bay I )ohhill:-;, clo l<•an• IllY I" I unning til'\\' .·pt·iug :-;uit to Floyd Lo<" k<>. I, <li:Hlys l'l·<•sson, do \)('qtl<'ath my ('hatllpaigll lligh IIH'll to (lprald in<' Lt'llllllon. I, Flm'PH<·P Taylo, do IP:t\'1' a11d hPqtH•atlr IllY Jo('].;pr· kPy and ltwk to (lladys .\kt•1·s. J, (lladys \\'ipnk<•, do l<•:tn• Ill,\' natur·al hluslri11g to (Jpor~i:t I,

~lax\\· p]]


Y I, ~Jar,\· Fnurkli11, do l<•ayp my gym tiP to l>ol'othy Tow!<• whost> mnr \\·ill pr·ohahly I)(' in shr·<•ds hy IIPXI haskpth:tll ~E('TlO •.






Bt•ll, do hPqiiP:lth IllY popularity :llltong ho,\'.' to ( 'on:-;tmH·<' Jl:l\·i:-;. 4


rt I' lit


in~ :111d hPHlll iful haw! \\ J·it i11g- lo whoi'PY<'I' \\Tit ing JH'PII. · impt·o\'l'tllPill. .\J·thlll' 'J'prnpiP, do lPH\'t' lltl' pat·( ill tlu• t11iddiP of Ill,\' lrnir· to <'ltal'l<•l" J >allil'll"oll. En•)'(•(( Tud;pr·, do li'H\'(' my lon• fot· l ' r·haH;r ohl:tiHPd dllt'ing t h<• Thunkl"g-iYill~ gall! I' to <'h:tl'l<•l" <'m·tpJ·. I I azpl Yl'l"l, do ll'a n• all(] lwq w·a tIt Ill,\" j)0\\'(1<'1' ho:-;- to t::u·IH'l \\'ail-horn. LP~liP \\'al'd, do ll•:t\'1' to tltp Fa<·lllty thP la:t i11g lltl'lllot',\' of my foolil"hltP~l". (Jpm·gp B<•nn<·tl, do ll·an• Ill,\' nr11hition a11d icl<•:tls to :\lillHu·n I ngll•. Knth<•J·yn Bn,\'lll'~'<, \\'ith hr·<•aking- Jtpar·t, do ll·:tn• tll,\' <'YI'I'J>l'I'HI'llt "l'<lll(PI'll" to ( 'athl'l',\'11 (Juli1·k. . 'a than Hhu·k, do l<':IYI' my I'Olll'l't ion of "n<'PI' l]p sltink lt:ttlllkil·~" to HPginald I >111111.

J, :\lol·g-:tll 'J'holltp:-;on, do h<'qll<•al h tll,Y flo\\

] (1'111 I.


It I'll I :i.


] (Pill li.









It Pllt !l.


It Pill 10.


1(Pill 1.

I, Ornm· HolliltgpJ·, do hPqlwat It my llHilH' Ouun· to soJllP onp who will appr·p<·iat<' its ir·IIP YHIIIP. 1, LPsiPt' ] hr\'is, do ~olPIIlllly lwq1wat It my puor·lltOlts ~tatm·<· to :'Ill·. II arolll :\I il'ltaPl. I, J)OJ·otlty )J('('onnPll, do h<'I]IIPallt Ill,\' iHI<•r·<•st ill lh<· ('.ll.~. 1/,rooJ/ to t111• <·oming .l!ftl'fH!II ~taff. \\'1', .\lil'l' FJ·I'd<·J·il'k:-<oll allll .\knP \\'lt~•aton, do 11':1\1' and lll'l]lli'Hih to any aspil·iug Nlii'I'I'Hl"!ll'H, om· otlil'ial dutiP~-'. I, ZPlla Hm·don, do lpan• my ar·tistil' skill for· lh<• lwtll't'lltl'llt of ( 'ltantpaigH I liglt , 'l'ltool. \\'p, Paul \\'ill:-< and ('h:n·lps .\l:ll·kl:tllll do l<•:nl' out· L'\'1'1' ]>ll'asing JllanHPI' to Edgnl' ~l'ttli'N mHl Hay \\'ati'IH>l'll. I, \\'ald<•ntaJ· Kt·IINI', do lpan• Ill,\' \\·iuning sntill's to Fay ( lolllPn. I, Esthi'J' <liPSI', do hi'IJlli'Hih my :--;]o\\' <11111 N\\'l'l't NlltiiPs to .\lii-P ~mith. \\'<•, :\l:n·gi<' 1>i<·k<'y allll Lihhi<• :'Ill-. ·Pill, 1lo lP:t\'1' :tllll lwIJIII':tlh onr· dintplps to JlnJ·old (lr·ossnt:tll and .JanJI•:--; ~~·ott. I, l><'lllli.' Ommi1tg, 1lo ll'<tY<' :l!ld hP<pwatlt Ill,\' :-<l'l'P:P<tii<·y to l~I'Jllll'l h Lulll'l'f'or·d.


1 t I'll I


II Pill


l tl'lll L



It ('Ill (i. 111'111 7. It Pill R II Pill !1. I l<•tll HI.


It Plll 1. II Pill ') Jtpm 3. ItPllt 4. I IPill .>.



I, Hntlt IInny, do le<tn> my pearl~ tPeth to my .·istt•r Lois. I. .\~nl', IlawoJ'tlt, 1lo leaYe m~- di8ta8te for undue expenditure of ener~y to )fnrie - Iajor. I, )fil<lr<'<l 'Yinn, do lraYe an<l b queath ('Yerythiu~ I don't want to an~·mw who wantR it. I, Tsahl'l Tolltl, do Jpayr to E1lnn "'m·(l my ]H'I'I'il"<'liPss. \\'1', .\l:n·i<• ~tout allll '.\fonil':l ~\\':JI'tz <lo l<•ayp nnd hi'IJlii':Jth o11t· hn:--;in(•ss abilit.' to .\da Il<H>\1'1' :tn1l Hosp .\li<·<· P1·att. 49

l t ('Ill (). It <'Ill lkm




It ('lll !l. l t em 10.

I, LcNiie Ileimli<'ll<'l', <lo lpa\'(• my hlufling propplJ:-;it iP~ to \YpJula ll <'og-~~ha 11. I, Opal Ilom·<·r, do ]pan• Ill,\ <·nptaill<".' of til<' ba .·kethall (pam to .Jo~pplliiH' ~l"hJnalll;nJ~I'll. I, Fay Hill<'~. do ]payp Ill,,. ~.'' lll"opnl<'d plf01·t~ at th<• piauo to YeriJOII HidmPr. I, FI·<•<l Kuig-ht, do ]pan• n1y <·out 1·ol o\'<'1' t hP \' Pntilatiu~ :-;y.· tpm to 1Iom<'l' ~mitll. I, \\"illiam Pal'ldlill, do ]paw my ability to a~k tJll<•xp<•<·(pd qm•.· tiouN to , 'h<•rn1an II ugiiPs. ~JWI'IO .

l t ('Ill 1.

It<>m 2. ltpm 3. l t ('Ill 1.

It <'Ill




]{('Ill T. ](('ttl




](('Ill !),

J t ('Ill 10.

ltPlll 1. I t<•m


It Pill :3. J(PJll -!. ](('Ill


lt<•JJI (i.

,. I


I, .:\Iargar<>t Frah·~. do ]pa n• my WPII worn l'laN: hook:-; whkh I haw ~o diligPntl.' tL 'Pd to I:PJ'lli<·<' \\'phNt<•J·. I, Howm·<l Bud;:lt•J·, do IPan• all my oJ·atimwl ability to .:\linna Lihman. I, ~\mhia Pm·khill, do g-ladl.' lpa Y<' Ill." J"<'lllarka hiP qniPt JH'~'~ to Helen Hugg. I, .:\lm·tiu ('olli .·ml, do ]p;t\'(• n1y lwm·t · ~lll;Jslling JJH•tllod~ ;JlHl my old gil·]:-; to Ill." ,\'OIIllg<'l' hrotiiPI' ~I m·ion. I, .:\lahpl Em·l, do ]pan• my (]p:-;iJ·p to ]ll'<']lar<· Ill." daily Lat i11 asNigllliH'lll to :\I i1·ia1ll llakpJ·. I, EleHIIOl' lhtw:--;ml, do lt><t\1' an<l lt~•qupnth th<• llll'lllOJ'Y of my sw<'<'( splf to my folld lnY<'l'. I, '!'hplma ('<IJ'(l, do ]pan• Hllll h<•qtH·atll to IlnzPI <'h11·k my likiug fm ~kippillg l"la~'N<'s. I, Jlp](•n ( ')pan•s, do h•a' <' 111.' adnli1·nt ioll fm· lll.'' Ellglisll tP:H·hel· to ~ -<'YHda .:\llll'l'<l,\'. I, llazp] Xm·ton, do lPa\1' my dPlight ill pl'Oill<'ll<tdillp: ill ('. II. ~. <·onidoJ·:--; to Ednn \\';n·d. I, Hnth )lajors, do lPan• my <·oal hh11·k l1<ti1· to YoHt·th \"all Holten.

I, Eliza Paul, do )paw my :ulmiratim1 of th<• ('hampaign Iligl1 ~~·hool F:t<·nlty to Hm·is \\'ail<'. I, .\da QnaylP, <lo IP<tY<' to • -Pllip <lnayl<• th<• lll<'lllOI'." of our ft·<•qupnt misun<ll'J·st:mdiug in an~WPJ'ing- l'lHss J'P<·itnt ion-;. I, Lpoum·<l ~ -m·ton, do l<•<lY<' my l'<'lllHl'lwhly J·os.' <·IH•<'kH to whoen'I' <"Hl'<'N for t h<'lll. I, ('a noll ~~·lnllalhal!N<'ll, do l<•ayp 111.\ posit ion ;J-.; 1'11<'<'1' ]pad<>J· for nll ('llampaigll II igl1 ~l'llool gnnH·~ to llill llasl1. I, ( ll<·u ~h<•pli<'I'd, do lwJ·<>hy h<'qll<':tt h a pm·t of Ill,\' h<•ight to I:ohpJ·t 0:-;hol'll. r. Kath<'l',\'11 'I'Plllplin, do IPHY(' my quickJI('I'N and bright· HI's. in answ<•ring <·las~ J·<•<·itntiou:-; to Em·] Bl'<'lll.



ItPIII 1-i. 11<'111 !1. 11<'111 10.

\\'t>, Edna ~~ ip<•s aJHl KalltPl',\'ll Poll PI', do IP:tVP out· pla<·<•s as fit·~t and HP<·oud "ifp iu I hi' ~l'llim· Pia.', to :tll,\' IIIII'

l'<ll'illg fm· lhl' (Hll'(H. I, llamld Kt·UH<', <lo lPa\·<· and h<•qtH•ath to l:i<·ltat·d l'attpJ·sonllt,\' Jon• fm· \\oJ·k in th<• a1·t dPparlllll'lll. I, (;J·a<·<• .:\Iadd<•n, do lPa\'1' ami hPqn<•allt 111,\' l'PtiJ·ing a11d <pliPI lltallii<'J' to .:\lm·gm·<·t .:\11'1 lmllll'll. \\'<•, Hi<·h;ll'<l ~~·ltulltafpJ· all(l .Jospph .:\liii<•J· do l<•a\'1' on1· qniPilH'ss to ILtJ·old .·ogl<' ami Elllt<'t· !:ash. 1

E('TIO'i' X I, lA'<' .:\Im·titl, do ll'a\'1' Ill,\ nil'k -11<11111' "~IH'<•do" to \\ ho('\'('1' of my uud<•J· daHSIIII'll p1·o\ <'H ,,·m·t lty of sul'h a na111!'. IIPIII •) I, Yol:uHl<• .:\l('('a .. kill, do ]pan• light 1'111'1,\ hair to <lladys .\.kPl'.'. I11 \\'ifB<•ss \\'hPr<•of I h<•J'<'llllto suhsniiH• my 11<11111' a11d <·alfsP thi:-; ius(J'IIIII<'lll to h<• af(psfP<l at (']taJII}l:tigu, llliJioiJ-:, hy h\o wittu•sses this sixth dny of ,JlJI1<' .\.. D. 1!11!1. ~Pnim· .. of th<• <'lass of 1!11!1. (~('a}) P<'l' .:\IILIIUEil • 'onTO.- , '1 !I '

111'111 1.


\\'p, lhP UlHI<·J·sign<'d, do hPI'<'hy <·PI'Iify tlta( \\'!' Ita\'<' long known

:111<1 lw<'ll a<·qlWilltl'd \\'ith tltis ~Pnim· ('lass of 1!11!1 \\Ito~<' sPal is at(;H·IH•d to thP fm·pgoing inslnlllt<•Bt <·ollsisting- of s<'n'J·al ]Hig<•s of p1·i11te<l 111att<·r a111l that''" w<'l'<' pl·<'s<•nt ami sa\\' lii•J· att;ll'lt th<• I'IHH.' s<·nl tlwJ·eto, and at th<• sa1111• I imP statiJtg !Ita! this \\<IS tit<' ];tst \\ill <IIIII (pst;lllll'llt of thl' <·htss of '1!1. ~IH• had 1'1'<111 this santl' Hltd kJH'''. tlt<' <·on(<'Jlls th<'l'<'of HlHl t I tal t h<• sant<' \\·a:-; n. sh<• "ishpd it to lH•; that \\ <' kno\\· sit<' i,· llll<leJ· llO lllllhl(' l'I'HI I'Hill( all(] ;)('(ill!!; 1111111'1' 110 und!H' infhll'lll'l' \dtats0('\1'1', and IH•Ii<•\'1' h<•J· to ])(• of sOIIIHI nnd disposiug 11ti111l HlHI lllt'IIIOJ·y and in \\'itlli'SS \\'lll'l'I'Of \\I' han• af hl'l' l'l'l]ll!'s( ;tJH] ill hPJ· Jll'('S<'nl'l' and ill i.he ]H'<'~"<'ll<'<' of PH<·h ot lt<•t· sig11Pd otn· ll<lllt<•s as \\it III'SsPs t IH·t·<•of. Hat!'d tlti.' 1-'ixth <lay of .Jun<' . \. . I>. 1!11!1. Lo'J'TIE ~\\'lTZEit.

H<•sidillg at ('halltpaign, Illinoil". IE E. .:\1 omw.:, at <'halllpaign, Illi110is.

) I I:\' Ht•si<lin~


\rh<>n I ait<>tHh•<l th<> Jnovi<>H the other eveni11~, my miwl waH eard<>d h:wk tpn ;\ <'<ll'H to t h<• tint<' whPn thP dal's of ':W w<'r<' juuion; in High :O·khool. I luul o<·<·al'ion to think of <>n•ry memlwr of the (']a.,., lJe('au~e I pi( hPJ' ~ll\\ f'al'h lH'J'~on him1-wlf, 01· p]:-;p hi. nanJP, m• pidure. It is interpsting to notP "hat thPl'(' ntrioul' JH'ople m·e <loing siu('e l<>adng our <lear old ('.II. S. 'J'hf' thPat<•t· I aii<'JHkfl i.· O\\'UPd awl uumage<l by Henry King, '' ho~P J·<•tnm·kahl<> lm:-;itwf.ls ahilitip:-; han' made it a very profitable eon('('J'Jl. On thp :-;tJ·pp( in fJ·oll( of thP pla,rhou.·e, IIarol<l Oro: man \\'as f]oill~ a !'UNiting bl!NilH'l'S at his j)('alll!( Hll<l ]lO]H'Ol'll stan<l. rpon entPl'ing t h<· t h<•atpJ·, nt,Y at teut ion \nts at t ntf'l<•<l to ('hat· Ips J>allenhath, 1'!1. 1>., th<' principal of ('hmnpaig-u Hig-h ~dJOol; thi:-; note<l g<>ntleman waH just alighting- from his limousitH', at thP nn·h. A:-; I wenl on into the lohhy, I l'Hw t h<• pif·tun'H of HOJIH' of today's fnmous movie ~tars; amou~ lltP~f', om· high Hf·hool ('l;tsH wa:-; t'<'])]'<'H<'niP<l hy IJa:-wl <'lark and Eda Cagnnn. 'J'i<·kpt:-; W<'l'f' solfl nt t \\'O hox offif'eH hy }lona 'torm and Tlazf'l \\"alkN; ~\J·thlll' l>nnn, <·onstahlp of I• ithian, wa.· waiting in lin<' to hu,r a lid\:<'1, whi('h \\'US takf'n at the <loor by Bly }fcElroy. Fay Oold<•n was f'llt]Jioypd hPl'f' a:-; m;hPl'. I now .·a w P1·of. <lord on Baird, who tea<:hes p yehology at the l'niwr:-;iiy of Illinoi:-;, pn(pJ·ing hpfore me. ~oon after I wa. seated, the or ·hestra IJegan to pla~-; it i:-; a strange eoinddence that the whole oreheHtra wa:-; <·ompo!-'P<l of JIIPmbPrH of the (']a.·s of '20. Alic mith pla~·ed tit<• piano; Ho]all(l BooklPHH, thP Haxophon<•; .Jerome 'ope, the banjo; ~hPl'lll<lll IlugltPs, the Yiolin; Yi\'ian Bwing, the .·axophone and Ilarol<l ~miUt, tll e drum. Tlw uHnal advPI'!isement.- Wf'J'<' now fla.-J1ed on the creen, and .oliH' of th<'m \\<'l'P likP tit<' follo\\'ing: ''For ~ale-,'axon automobile.-," by Denni!-l lhya; "'l'u('l\:t'r'.- I> rug ~tot'<'," owtH'<l mHl operated IJy Cr ed awl ('laud<• 'l'uf'kl't'; "Taxi:-;-ah\ ays safp awl Hlll'<'," Le ·lie \Yard; "<lnalifi<-ation~-; for a ~unda,r ~dwol tp;l('her," hook by Lucille Ilarri ; "l>l'<'HHJJtaking, qniddy and upatly dmw," by .\una ~\hrPnH; " hampaign'~-; mo~-;t HIH·<·<'HHful Bm·hei·p((p," ~\dah Iloon'r; "You don't haYe to C'OtllP fi'Otll lt·pland io lw It'islt," JH'\\'l'~l v<>rsion of the ~on<r IJy JameH ('Jan<'y; ''Little \\'ondt>r Ilail·dr<>Hsing Parlor,'' }laurine Parker and ~liriam Baker, owiH'l'H; "( 'hampaigu Daily Gazette," Jo. eph Frederi kHon, e<litor; ''T\\'in ('itip:-;' Be.-t ~\ttorn<'y," Earl Beem; "~To-a-lot emin:u·y," at He-ln·it<>-lwiiP, Illinoi.-, }l inna Libman an<l }lalJ l R ntfro O\\'llCJ·s; ''B<'\'ofJ·uit,'' II<'\\' dtPwing gum manufaf'tm'<'<l by ,John IIir ·chfif'l<l· agf'ut, Halph ~w<·m·ingpn· thi:-; gum i:-; <·hew<'<l an<l reconnnendpd hy Elizabeth Bah I what lwt ter ant hol'ity '? A ~tream of JWOplP wn!-l nO\\' ponl'ing in, an(l among them I recorrItiz<•<l Y<>nadPPn PottPr, instruf'tor in ae. th<·ti<: danf'ing at th Gniversity of Ill inoi~-<, and IIalliP Janws, who iR now giving r 'ading at the

\arion~ <·hantalHJil<l: 0\'Pl' thp <·ounll',\'.

~\gain a ('l'O\\'d !'HIIlP in, awl thL · 1illl<' I ~a\\ <'.nil <l;unhlP, thP f'oothall <·o;H·h of llal·,·;n·d l ' nin•1·~ity, and ~lajor )I<IJ·ion ('olli~on of \Ye~t !'oint. In auothPr group, ('hark~)[< ·· ('ullough ap]lt'<li'P<l; Ju• i~ uo\\ brakPman ou th<• Illinoi~ ('pnt1·al HaiiJ'O<lll IH•t" PPn ( 'l1ampaign all(] ~a,·o,\· , and it i~ J'lllllOI'<'d that hP nPY<'r fails to \\a\·e at ~\gm•: ('ollim;, wl10 lin•: in thP country ~onth of tlu• dty.

'J'hp !'lll'l'!'nl <'YP111~ of til<' day \\!'1'<' no\\' ~lto\\11 on th<• N('l'!'!'11. Fi1 .· 1. "~ol'iali~'lll" in ~l;ulison ~qna1·<• UardPn. 'l'h<• sight of th<' lan<li11g of ( ';ttht•l·inP <lnli<·k in ~\frint a" a missio11<11',\' , was 1wxt lll·ought IH'fm·p my <•,\'!'H. I was thPn tliJ·illPd "ith d<•light "hpn thP S<'<'11<' of })pan H1·o\\ n~>]l': gn•at :whi<'\' PlllPltt wa~ showu. 'I'lli: lllllNi('a) g<'lll le111<111 has in\'t>JII<•d a <·olnhiuat ion month OJ'!.!;Hll and h;l~~ Yiol, whi<·h hp playPrl hPfm·p a ·a-..1 1hroug in thP )]ptrnpolitan Op<•ra llml~P . • \nothPl' OlH' of om· das~- 111atps, Lois Hoy, mad<• <1 spt>Pdl ou "\\'on1an's ~nl1'1·agp" iu tht> .\udituJ·itllll ('hi<·ago . •\ Y<'l',\' PX('itillg pit-t Ill'<' wa~ silo\\ 11 in whi<-h F1·t•d )l;tjors was showing th<• <:Prmans how to l'llll. .\ \' iPw of PHul Hi-..ing, h•t·lm·illg to th<' l'rh<t11a II igh ~('hoot ho,rs on tht> "E,·ils of' ~111okiug," \' · a~ IH'. t gi\('ll. \\ <' aJ·t• all i11tPl'P~IPd in th<• doings of ( 'ongl'('HN I hi. · ,Y<'Hl' liPt'<lll.'<' \\ e :ll'(' I'!'Jll'PS!'lltl'd hy t\\O ('011g'l'('~~\\0111!'11, )Jarg;tJ·pj \JoPI'('hPad :tlld B!'tllnl1 Pnl'ldlill, \\'lloi'P pil'ttll'<'S "PI'<' lto\\' ~llo\\· 11. \\ t• bliii<'HI t hP \\':1~1<• of a Jl<'l'fPI'IIy good ht•\'Pl'<tg<' wht•ll I h<' nt•xt pi!'l Ill'!' \\ <1~ N<'t'll hPcamw 11<'1'<', )I ildJ·P<l En•J·sol<', wns shown in t ]I(• ad of t·ln·iNt <'lliug i h<' p;tHHl Hllip "Oiin•1·" hy ln·paking a hottlP of \\'iiH' OYPI' lh<· d<•<·k r·til. \Ye now NH\\ Hosp-_\]i('P l'ratt l'P<Iding lh<• Latin iliN!'I'iption on ('aPNm·'s tomh to thon:-anrl~ of )I<' lj)IP; sh<• i:-; th<• ih·:-;t JH'l'Hmt to t:'Yt'J' t l':ln~late thi: au!'ient maNIPJ')IiP<'<'. 'l'hP .'t'PIIP of tlH• IH'XI pidm·<• wa,.; !aiel iu our own tity, "ll<' ll -Ltiii<'N .\·ott \\as t'OIIIJHis!-iimwd majo1· in thl' Nah·ntiou ~\·'III,Y: liP is ably asNiNtPd in hiH wol'l,:: hy tiH' song ]pad<•J·, Bllfll ~tJ·ong. I \\'.IN hoth ~· uJ·]n·is<•cl all(l dPlightPd wllPn I saw that \\'il<l<'t· 'l'ow]p was iaming wil<l Fam<' was again Jwonght upon •1m· <·las-; wh<•n 11m,·<·l·: in .\la~ka. Eulalia llall, thp fa111otJ. ' !ll·pss-dPsignt•r, NIJt·t·<•ssol· to Lady DuiT-Oorclon, wmt the (;old )!Pdal at tlH' \\'m·ld's Fair fen· thp most woB<l<'l'fnl <·J·<•ation of t·oNtnmPs. I wa: 1i11Pd with anl<IZ<'IIH'11t and ]ll'i<le when the last pklu1·<· of til<' <'111'1'<'11( en•uts waN sho\\'n, in whi<·h .Jo:.;evhin<' Dewsnnp "a: t·rown<'d (lu<'<'n of Euglawl. liPr print!' N<'cretm·y, )Jyrtl<' .Johnson, was also JH'<'H<'llt in tlli: pid m·<·, HIHl th<• <ln<'en wa. attended hy hPJ' nwid:, Ifplen J)pffe11haugh ancl EliPn Alsip; at the inaugural h;lll, aft PI'\\ m·dH, h·c•ne ~I<-B1·oom t•JltPrtaiiwcl with h r woncl!'rful toed<tnt· i ng.

1 l'a\\ a pidm·<• of )Jal<-olm I:t·.ntn maki11g a SJI<'<'<·h 011


" ' hil<• th<'Ht• pi!'tni·c•: of !'lli'I'Pnt hap]Wllings werp hPing exhihited, 1 uotic·l'cl "·ith inl<'l'P:t :<'VPral JH'opl<' "ho <·ame in to .'<'<' the movies. \Yilla )I,\'<'J'H and , 'tPIIa Pc•ny, wl1o m· now tlH• manag<'I'S of the High .'!'hool <·af<•tf'l'ia, a11!l -T<·Imy \YPh:ter, the great linguist weJ·<• among th<•:<·. .·t·xt, I saw )fm·gm·<•t I>unga11 who wrot!' th<' hi:tory of ('hampaign High <·HteJ·. In another group, I al:o :aw atherin<> OJ'i rson, :iG

wol'ld-fmnon .· ]Hl<'IPs:-:, (:lady. Pan.', t he• 111·. t maym·pt IP of PPsot tllll, and .Jmwt .\Hp<•1'11, tllc• l ' 11itPd i"tai<'H Xational Pt·psid<>nl of ('amp Fir<' <:il'IH. 1'11<' thc•:tl<'1' \\'as al1-1o ho11m·c•d hy llil\·in~J; E:11·l 'l'odd, tl1c• auth01'· ity on tri~J;oU0111<'11·y a11tong its pat1·on1-1. Edith<' H<•ll<•, .\lma <'lapper a11<l Lpon<' i"<'OJ.!;IJ;ill, "Ito Jll<lll:IJ.!;<' tlw Bo1Hhillp IJ;<'ll<'l'al sto1·<', \\' ('l'C .'ll<'JHI ing t h<• day iJ1 ( 'h:uupaign and also YiHitPcl thc• JIIOYi<'. tlti~ e,· •ning. Edit h<• \\' ood, "ho h:t.' h:H1 :tn art i<·lp print<'c1 in the• "Ladic·. IImll<' .Ton1·nal," on "H<•dt1<'iliJ,!;," li<'Xt <':1111<' in, and shp \\:ts follo\\ecl h,r .JoH<'phin<' ,'dnllalhanH<'ll \dlO <·o:u·h<•d th<' \\OJIH'n's haskc•thall tpam whi<·h won tlw c·hampioliHhip of the wol'ld; i>Ol'oth,r 1'owlp \UlH IIH' Htar tnemhPJ' of thiN Hquad. ])m·iug tlH• pntiJ·p pp!'f'm·mallc·e, I \ntH amnsecl at Ed11:t OprshwillP1' a11d BPrni1·c• i"l!llin111, lanJ.!;hing :lllc1 talking as l!Sllal. "ho Hat ht>hill(1 111<', aud l'C'ad aloud <'\'<'1',\' wot·c1 tlashpcl on the sc·1'<'<'11. .\fl<'r thP ads all(] <'111'1'<'111 1'\'P niH whid1 I ha\·p IIH'Htimwd, \\'Cl'<' shown, t h<' ]n·og1·a111 of t h<' \\'I'C'k's pl:t,\ s was also J.!;in'B. .\.mong th<'lll, t hose• in wh i<·h IIH'111 h<•J·H of t h<' <·l:tHs of ':20 \\'1'1'<' to app<>ar, \\'<'!'<': '\\'h:tt • 'pxt '!" \\it h ( lp01·gia LoudPn as IP:tdiug l:td,r; "'1'11<' Y:tmpit·<'," Hl:tni11g )'.aida Bl:tiHd<'ll; ")l<·Pk aud )lild,'' in whi<-l1 Hollis Knox ]11'('kl'nts Ida IIkknwn; "I~IH'J'g)' \\'hy Wast<' It'!" adPd hy Hilda IImn1111'1' and Louis<• IIylmHl; ''The• \\' ilps of \\'onl<'ll," with Huth IIoun N.s lP:td i 11g l:t<ly. 'J'his ('\'('JtiHJ.!; on wl1i1·h J :tii<•JHI<'d th<' mo\·ips w:ts a k]H'<·ial on<•, thl'1'<' hPing a <'OIIl<'<ly and t\\·o playH oll'C'l'P<l. 'J'hc• nai11C' of thp c·o111Pdy was, "J)olhn·H ancl J)ongh," in whi<·l1 Edmund DP\\'Hilll]l, .'UC.:<'('S.'Ol' to ('hm·liP <'haplin, took Ill<' ]palling pa1·t; II<' wa:-; asHistpcJ hy .Jokeph ~·ate• . •\ HhOJ't play, "'l'hp Fil·l'f1y," f'ollo\\c'd, Htaniug EfliP ('11:11'11('.'. But th<' rc•al <'lll<'t·taimlH'llt of tllc• PYC'lling waH thC' play Pnlitlecl, ".\..Homan('<' of th<' (i)'(•at \\'ar;" this is a Jlol<'\\'o1·tlly 1n·odndion :tll(1 ha.- run twe>lw WC'<'kH in ~·<'w Y01·k. 'l'h<•J·pfm·p w<' at·c• g1·Pall,r honot't><l-.'in<"e til<• ('H.'t of C'hant<·lprs is Jll:tclc• up allnoHt c•nti1·<'l,\' of llH'IIIlH•J'H of our (']ass. 'l'lle filn1 wa:-; paHH<'<l hy til<> Board of ( \•Hsot·s, <·onHi."tinp; of Edna \\'ar<l, and ~lam·inP Bad<lPI<•y. .\li<·<' J>pakin \\as 1ihn <1i1·Pdol'. )fanila l•reark waH a1·t <lil'l'dor, and ll·l'lH' BPI! and Flm·PJH'P Fiunkal photographt>cl tiH• pid m·P. Tht' c·a. t of leading <·lt<u·ad<'I'H is a.' follows: Lm·iu~J;

hnshancl- <'arl ( 'ranH'l'. FrielH1 \\·ifl'-Berni<-e \\'eh.'I<'J'. The ot hc•r woman-Eula Hpt>lman. A ri<'h heire s-Glady.' Hall. A HP<'k<'r of wealth William Baf';h. Th' plaJ· was woiHlf'rfnl, and t II<• dwra<-terf-4 dicl spl<'IHlic arting mu1 f.lho\\·ed l'<'IIIHI'kahiP ahilit,r. 011 tl1c> whol<>, it N<'<'lll.' that \\'<' haY<' 111auy JH'omill<'Bt peopl<' in thP IIIO\'i<', P<luc·atioual sol'i<'ty, all(] ill(1nstrial worl<lR of today. Ro wc• may fc>PI proud that sn ·h a large number of m mher' of thc> (']ask of ':20 are now worl<l-famonH only IC'n yeat·k aft r the time when they W<'J'e jnnior.' in ('hampaign Ilio-h ~dwol. 1ILVItl~ll EnmsoLg, '20. 57








Is n 'JIIi r luf ''.'/ \ 111f11tfir· nori!Jf - .'-IJJ''daf r·oJTr .·J''"""'"' flir till' ( /loiH' '/'roll,.,. '!'liP y<>al· \YaH l!ll!l, in ih<' HlllllllH'l', an<l ihP l'<']H'<'~Pntat in'~ of all 111 <' .\lliPd nation~ \\ Pr'<' ~P:tt<>d m·ou111l a htl'g<' tahl<•, di:-;<'ll'-'~·dng l'<•<·ou ~tr·twtion in thP Yadon~ < · otmtl'iP~. ThP plan l~:td hPPII p1·opo:-;p(] hy H.' J'OII l:1·arnhlP, \\ ho \\:t~ ll11<llliiiJOll:o;l,\ p](•d<•d PI·P:-i<h·nt of thi~ ill1Jl01'tant L<•:tglH' of .·atimlH. ~\t thP ~uggP~tion of thp Yi< · P-PI·<·~idpnt, Eloi:-;p E:u·np~t. thP nH'P ting \\a .· hPing hp](l in ('ha1npaign, IllinoiK 'J'hp ('ham paigll II igh ~·khool l1:1d h<'<'H gPlH'I 'OU~ly gin•n O\'Pl' to thP \\·orkPI':o; fo1· thP .·tnlllll<'1'. '!'liP m<•<'!iilg \\·a .· <·all<'d to ()f'(]Pl' hy Pr·<·~i<lPnt B1'HIIlhlP, hnt \\a:-; in!f'r·1·uptP<l h.'· ih<· lnrni<>d <'1111·an<·P of Katln·yn ('m·hptt, th<· l'<']li'<'H'IItat h <' of Engl:tl}(l, famm1. · for· lw1· tm·d_,. aninll:-; . .\ fl<'l' t h<' <li~tm ·­ h:tll<'<' \\a~ on•r, l'n·~i<lPnt B1·amhle Jn·o<·<•P<lP<l to <lPlh<>r th<> following . ]H'('(' h : ".\ .· all of ~-on know tlli:-; Lpagup ha~ h<'Pn orgaHiZP<l to .· tart at lar-;1 ilu• impol'laut task of l'P<'Oll~tnrdion, ~o that om· <·onntl'iPs may again hp put on tl1r J·mHl to .· n<·<·(·H~. .\~ l'<']ll'<'~Pnt;ltiYe of thr gTPat l"nit<•<1 ~tatP~ of .\1n<'l'if'a, I ~lmll now J·plat<• to yon my plan~ f01· tlti~ WOl'k of l'<'<·on~(J'ltdion in ~\mpl'i(·a. 'l'lH' l'<'('Oll~t1·n('(ion work in i hp l'nitPd ~tatp~ i~ a<lnuu·i11g ~plPJH1i<lly. 'l'JH• lH'iHl~ of thP <1il'fpl'(•nt <lPpal'tllH'IIt~ :11'(' ,'('1Hling in tin<' J'<•pol'ls. ha BrwlP1', hr;Hl of tlH• <lPpal't nu·nt for· tlH' .\d\<lJH'P1lU'Ht of Ponlt1·y P1'<H1ndion, KPJH1~ in a rrpm·t that ~p,· pr·al JH'W iJwuhatm·~ han• lH'('n im·<·HIP<l hy lt<'1', mul ~h<' i~ H<>lling thPIIl to tlt<' fa1'lll<'1'H with tltP a i<l of Floy<l ITPllll<'~~ and Bon niP ('ox. HPllH .\nld i~ OJH'I'H t ing a tool fadm·y. Il Pad of t h<• Lmnlwl' H<><·oll~t l'IH't ion "ol'k, Oli\'(' \\·ood, i<'ll~ u:-; that Hh<' hn~ 1'<111~<'<1 thP :-;aving of m:my tl'<'< '~ with ih(• lt<'lp of Fr:uH'i~ Huf'k, hnt Knth<'1'iiH' B1·<'<'Z<' ha~ hlown oYPl' qnil<• a fpw of thr fin<' :-;pe<·ip~ "ith hPr l10t air. ~\1 in• HamJi n a11<l E:-;1 h<'J' H<>ll ]Jan' <·oiL pniP<l io giY<' thr rrtm·ning ~ol<1i<'1'~ lr~son~ on lw\\· io mnkP on<> lwantiftll aml att1·adiv<>. h·PHP H<>ll, FrPd ])nJllP, <HHl .\hna (';HlP ltave .· top]H'<1 ~(·ltool to tr:l<'h mnth<>mati(·s, (ihPi1· spP<·inlty hping !!_'('Ofll('(1·~), in ]11'0lllinPnt llnlY<'l'~itiP~ in {liP 1'ni(p(] ~ta(p~, ]H'Op]p ~<l,\' ihnt FJ'<'<l D1·allr ha.· <li~<·m· <'1'<'<1 ~<',·<·nil new mpthod:-; of ~ohi11g gpomPtJ·y )ll'OhlPlll~. Emlif'P ( 'mlllillghmn ha~ a 11('\\' i<lra 'h<· ('<lll fa~IPll two f1·atrl'nit~· pin:-; togPillP1' in ~tH·h a "ay that when ihP owue1· of OlH' apJll'OH<'lH·~. ~h<' ('Ull pull a :-;tl'ing all(l ~how l1i , pin, wht>n the othPr <·om<'~. :-;hp pnll:-; tht' stJ·il1~ ng:tin and hiH pin i r Yealed. Thi~ nw~- be of intP1'PHt io yonng-ln<lir~ haYing two soldier ho~- . returnin~ at the :::;anw time. P<' tlpl<> ~ny tltat ~lw faym·~ mw fratrrnit~· . Frrol BoyPr i~ ~np<'l'inten­ dPnt of the "ThmnpHoB'~" rP~tam·ant~. all(] i~ ~reing- that th<' Bntiou g<'t. go01l, . qum·e JlH•nl~; ~lH• i~ al~o p1·nf'li<·ing <'<'Onomy. ~om<' of om· lH · ~t :H'tm·~ :llHl af'!J·<'~~<'~ m·t> makiug a ton1· of tlH' Hrd ('roHs ho~pital.·, ;uHl HI'<' rnt<>J·tnining th<> \\Oil1H1<'d ~oldi<·1·~. Th<• <·t>h>ln·nt<>d ~rm·gn1·d Gl

Ha.'f.;<'tt il-' .·taning in quit<• a fpw JH'w playH wr·it !Pn hy Lola Barnhart mul Emil,\ Bo:tl-'. \rillialll EI\\PII i. · playing tiH' pi:tno. Fr·pd Ilart il' playing ilH' violin. ~-'IIPJHIJ'IP<l hy )lm·Hhall ))pmlo\\ at thP piano. Panl inp Bainum and <'or·liPiia J ht\'iH ar·<· HI ill dJ·a" ing \\'ar Po. (pt·H, and m·p pt·omiHing artiH!H. \\'plldPll <'oggHhall iH dnl\dng por·traitH of HOIIII' of ih<' genemlH of thp gt·<·at ":tJ·. \\'p PXJWI't anoth<•r· .Jam<'H )lontgom<·r~· Flagg. ('ha1'l<'H ])aniPIHoll, th<· notPd Latin HtlHlPnt, ltaH ll'f't for· FJ':IIH'<' to. end p<l.'! l'ardH of the hattlPfiPldH of ('<H'H<IJ· to lliH tP~H·hpJ'. 'l'hPH<' " ·ill ht> H('Jl( to (]Jp hoHpitaJH to hp PlljO,YPd h,\' thp \\ OIIJH)Pd HOJdiPt'H. Otll' }IJ'O· gn•HHiw <tgl"intltm-iHt, Homu• )J. <'hil<lH, ltai-i iuwut<•<l a 11<'\\ )l<'a "hi<·h iH H(]llal't'. 'fhp l't'iii-'Oll for thiH im·pntioll iH tl10ngld to l11• h<'<'<l\IHI' th<' l'OlllHl ])('HI' W('l'(' HO }tal'(} to kPI'Jl 011 a Jmif1•. .\IIIIi(' ])p\\'HllllJl iH 011 :l HJH'<•th-making tonr. IJpr· Huhjed i. ")lo<lPJ'll Bat t]pfi<>l<lH aH H<>lai<'<l to thOH(' Of ('<tl'H<Il''H (iliH'." ~h<• fil'H( lH'I'HIII(' intPJ'('H(Pd in !hil-i (JIJ·ough ])(•!' H( ndy of "( '<WHar" at thP <'hamp<tig11 1Iigl1 ~~·hool and gailw<l hPJ' J'l')llt· tation aH •'JH'a).;pr at a Latin <'lnh PJlt<'rtainliH'Ilt. Hnth \\'at<-hm·n, lli-i h<>r aHHiHtant, h:tH gr·ani<'<l hPJ' llH<' of hPr flh·\<'1', in whil'h HhP mak<'H the tour. HPginald ])nnn iH t<>al'hing tlw honH'·<·oming Hol<li<•t·H how to Hi11g HIHl <lmH'P. IliH HlH'<·PHH iH <·t•J·tain. B<hdn ))pmlow iH HPlling tiJ'PH at a Y<'l'Y high Jn-i<-P. Ilm·ol<l J)o<ldH iH J'lllllling a H<'l'i<'H of hot<>IH thronghont tlw <·mmtJ·y. H<t~- lTPlhliJtg aJHl .John Hay<'~-', l1oth Him· athiPIPH, "ill lll<'<'t in a tight tonight; thP ]ll'OI'<'PdH will go to th<' HP<l ('J'OHH. Oom 1 >a viR, Hpatl'in• \YhipplP, alHl Elil'.ah\'th <'llt'I'.OJJ, aJ·p playing iu t hp "moYi<'... 1-'ll]I]IOt·t<•<l hy EldH Bm·toll and Panl ll<>fl'IPy. 'l'h<'H<' yonng lll<'ll m·<• Ha id to lw holding a larg<' "l'ight II) Hill thPit· Hllmtld<'l'H. 111 Hpit<> of his Hil'.<', ~<111111<'1 <ii'OHi'lll<lll iH living liJI to lliH ll<lllH', all<l iH a big \\Orkpr in hPlpi11g I'Ptlll'llillg .'Ol<li<•J· liJHl PtllployllJPIII. Ei-ithPJ' ('ofl'<'l'll il-' <)Oill1-!: I'Hiltl'l'll WOt·k. ~hi' NI'J'\'('H hot I'Of'f'pp to t ]l(• Hold iPt'H <IH t Jl(•y J'<'· im·n ft·o111 FrmH·P. )fal'ion t:ad<lPl<',\ iH alHo doing <·:lld<'<'ll \\ot·k, :t!Hl iH <loiuglwt!Pt' than h<'t'll<llll<' tlligllt illl]lly . . Jp:JIIll<>ttt• HtHl :\l:~t·gm·pt llJ·own, i \\'ill HlHfi'I'H, )l;tJ·g;ll'('( lJPillg f]J(' Pl<JpJ·, HI'<' \\ 01·ki11g for till' gO\'('I'IIJII('II1. Ft·an<·PH Blan<·Ptt iH Jl<IHIOl'PHH of thP Fifti'Pilth )lpthodiHt ('hlJJTII of PmnpkinYill<'. .Jolllt, . \liaH "~IIJ·itll]l," IIpt·J·on haH joitH'<I thP l'iJTliH nn<l iH thnH dl<'<>I·iug up lll<lll." 1-'oldiPJ'H wi!lt hiH fmmy :mti<·H aH a dmn1. )fahl<' ('m·(pt·, \\'illialll <'ollghlill, :~n<l )I:IJ·ian . \IHip m·p rmtni11g :111 asylum fm· Helgiau orpll<lllH, <IH thPy art' '<'1',\' fond of l'hil<lt'l'll. Y<>stn Blai."<lPll iH still painting, hPing natm·ally HuifP<l to J'P<·onHtrndion \\'Ol'k with paint, . he is <loiug <·aJJiolltlagP "m-k. 'l'IH• only fanH of this H]W:tl·«'J' waH, that ht• glmu·p<l too of!<'ll in the ."am direction pradkall~· ignoring all h11t OlH' of th(• :li'.'PmhlP<l rl']l· r<>. <>nta t h eH. 0 r<>at applmtHt' follmn•<l hiH Hpe<'th a n<l Prl'i'i<lent H ramhl inh·o<hH'<'<l thp HP<'OJHl HlH'Hk<'l', Yk<'-Pl'<'Hi<l<>nt of tlu• L<>agu<> of ~ ~ations, and l'E'JH'PsrntatiYe of thai grrat nation-Fnnu·('-Elois<> EarnPHt. 'fhl'l'(' W<IH tl'llHt' 'ill'll<'(' <lnring thiH H)Wt'dl, <IH all \\('l't' HtJ·ainiug their ears to hear the ·p<>akpr'H gPntle Yoh·<'. ".\s t h I'<'lll'<'H<'Il ta tiY<' from Fran<'e I haYP h<'Pll a:;;kf<l to tp 11 of t h r re · nHtrndion "ork l>einn <lotw th<'l'P all<l ind<ll'Htall~- a few othe1·



Of <'Ollt'S<' tiH• fa('(ol'ips Hl'<' au impol'lant fadot· in this wot·k. Lps]ip ~I iiiPJ·, :tssistP<l hy ~farg-m·pt " 'oolPy and Ohulys IlyrlP, is op<>rating a mill whPJ'P hot It th<• wool and llid<· of thl' shi'PJI an• s:t\'P<l. .\nothpr f:tl'tory is run hy .\.lh<•J·ta EJHli<·ott. ,'h<• has ma<lP an Pnd of I'Ots and hi now makin~ lwds. 'l'hp ail'plall<' h11sinPss is pl'Og'I'PSI'iug J·apidly. J:pssiP lli~h, Edwin Hyland a))(l " 'alla<·P <'uttil' haw I'Olll<' ha<·k to parth aft<'r fpstiug mH• of thcil· IH'W modpls. Lois llal'l'y HJHl Holl('t·t 01-'hoJ·n<• han• inn•ntl'd a new mt>dkiup to nmkp th<•nJ grow tall atHl PXJH'<·t to hp up to, a nm·mal hPight 1-'0on, a))(l \\'aynp is uatm·ally Hising. :. Uusk has h:t<l a IH'W hil'th all.;o, altho11gh it's a dill'pt·<•nt kiud f1·onl that of old . LiOJtPl )lidl<t<•ls, havin~ m:ulp a toll!' of Ft·:tn<·<• a<·<·ompaniP<l hy Tom .\lonow, h:t .· gin•n to Fran<·<• fliP spirit of th<· C . .' .•\. hy playi11~ his pop11lar song~' . 01'<'aHionally ll<' plays at ~lontE' ('at·lo whPJ'<' Dorothy I>ohhinl' il' a ballPt <lan<'<'l'. Hollin ~bl. ' \\' Pll l1as ~onp into th<' a11to huRinPsl' and is rolliug )Jaxwplls alon~. The sd1ools han• hPPII fortnuatp enough to gpf \ '1'1',\' tine teudH'l:s. 'I'll<• fA'<' h1·otlwrs, .\llw1·t and .\lol'l·is, a:-;:-;istP<l hy .\linniP Hickman all(] Hnth \\\u·wkk ar<' t.<•a<·hiu~ gpo•metry. Hnth Ilig-gins, .\mbt·osp .\II'DPl'lllott, Hoy .\lay<'~'• .\la1·gm·pt J)o:-;1', formPr Latin shm·ks, at·<' t ~l<'lting Latin iu th<> P;u·is High ~1'111101. Harold .\li<·hapls, ihong-h not so famm1s as his ln·otlwr, ha:-; <•nhtt·gpd tlw poplllation and abo Ill<• Ft·<·n<·h Yo<·:thnlaJ·y with IIi~ tu•w phnts<•s. lll'l'hPl'l I..any, \\'altPr Iloy, and ('lair ,Joltlii'On <11'<' farmPt·s all<l han' hPPII making- NC\'(>t·al PX]H't·inJPllts nonp of whil'h han• a.· .n·t pl·m·pd stH·<·pssful. ~o many of the Jtu•n \\'('1'1' killl'd in t hp war that wonH'n HI'<' doi11g- mndt of thP WOI'k. Dorothy Ely i:-- ('hiPf of thP Paris Fin• DP]Hil'!Jlll'llt, and lH•r assistant fiJ·pmmwt(ps lll'(' Edmt lhmkiP, EN(hpr Dunlap, EsthPt' Oeip, Fl'iPda IIm·tmmt, a111l Lpila Ft·<'<l<'l'i<-k. ( 'llat·lps LiYingston is a dgarPtl<' fipnd, hadng- lwg-uu snwki11g <'<ll·ly in lif<·, a11<l has joinPd th<' l'ilTIIS. ~p,· pt·al pPopll' hm·en't <lmw mnl'll l'<'<·onNtt·tJdion wm·k. ~<·<'ly .Jolnuwn il' NO \\l'app<'ll up in falllily atl';~it·s that h1• l1asn't tinH' fot· :mythin~ plsP. lfavin:.r ])('('()Ill<' iu!et·< · ~tl'<l in aJTllitt>dnt·p tlmmgh IIi<' stn<ly of "The HonsP of ~1'\'<'11 <:ahll's,·· Eunii-P (;o<'h<-'1 is in FJ·:ttH'I' studying tiH• old typps_ 'l'hiN t'Olllp]('!ps JllONt of the l'C('OllSil'lll'fiOll WOI·k that haN hPPil dOIII' hnt mo1·<• will follow." tltin~s .

.\ftl'l' this RI><~P<·lJ Katln·yn ('orhl'lt, I'PPI'PSPlltativp of Eng-land, was intro<ltH'(•d and lH•r J'<'}lm't follows: '·I hesitatp to sp<•ak on a sul>j<'l't of this sort ht>tausc it i.· sm·p to h• of gr<•at int<'l'<•st to post<•J·ity. But as I lHtYe gone ov<>r my sul>jl'd <·at·efnlly I am sure that in y<•nrs to em11e this a<l<lress will h<• rPf<'l'L't'<l to as one quit<> authentic. Imngin<' my .·nqn·ii'P "hl'n • T<'YH<la ::\Iunny, a frail slip of a gil'l, proffered me h<>r assist<m<·P in compiling this r<>port. But I have sim·e lt>arJH'<l t11at, nliho "·pnk of mn~rlp ancl larkin~ in brawn, h<>r brain iN ~-;(ron~.

Iu looking-


thP liNt of .::ophomor<'N I wa. pl<>a. E'<l to Nee Herb rt (j •l •I

~ilk<>y and Ho:-:s 'l'ren•lt .·till with 11:-:. 'J'hpy P\·idPntly appl'<'<'i:tt<• a go<Hl 1lling \\'ht>H thpy han• it. ,'udt :-:tpadfmdliPS:-: of ]llll'POSP shonldlw pt•ai:-;p 1. l :tilt !!lad to :-:ay a gt·pa( man,\ ,'ophomoJ·ps at·<· taki11g mt :u·t i\ P illl<•t·ps( ill l'l'l'oll:-;(t·nl·tion \\01'1~. 'I'hPt'l' i:-; :\largm·pt }[(-])omtt>ll, \\·Ito is doi11g gn•at wol'k in th<> wol'id of 11111Ni1·. Holand ~t11ith iN plan11illg o11 1loing somP t'«'I'OIL'IJ•udion \\ork i11 the l'il,\. liP \\alit.· to h<•:tutif'.\' thP dty ])ark aN hP :-:ays it's too tlat for heanty and too Jm\ fm· hPalth :tll(l pPl'sonally ht> is ypry fmHl of a Pm·khill. liP also \\Hltt.• to pnlm·gp our <·ity by huilding fal'tm·ip:-;, Iluht>rt "'alkPl', it :-:PPm:-:, has 1'0111<' to him with a wmHl<>t·ful plan for lltallUfadul'ing PX:tmillatimt hisn1its. B,,. lllPHB:-; of th<•sp pltpil:-; will hP san•d all lht> trouhiP of studying tlwit· 1<•:-:smJN. 'I'hPy \\ill IIH'l'Ply huy a fp\\· of t hpsp hi.'niits, with all sorts of i11fmmatio11 ahout thP suhj«>l'l thpy <II'<' Ntudying 1n·ili!Pcl upon th«>m, pat tlH•m hl'fm·e t•xaminatiolls, a111l, with this kHm,·lpclgp thorollghly cligPs(«><l, go to sc·hool )ll'<']l<ll'('ll to w1·itP a hm11h·pd JH'l' I'Pil( pxamination. ll·pnp ,'paton, ahly :t:-:sis(pd h,,. :\lildn•d ~~·h\\at·tz, is cloiug ('OllllllPilclahlp 1'!'eon.'tJ·udioll wm·k in lt·yi11g to impi·o,·p tltl' Engli:-:h lauguagt>. ~]}(' :-:ays "~o llllll'h dt']H'lHl:-; lllHlll om· ll!-iP of tltP Engli:-:h hmguagP, at tlti.' timp for it must hp (']pm· y<>t 11ot too d1•at· fm· tJ·pat,r Jllll'j)OSPs." 'l'h1•ll FJ·pd 'l'ha:tmltll, who is doillg Nome wmHll'l'fltl I'PI·on:-;trudion w01·k in thp <laiJ·y hnsi11pss. liP is at pl·<'NPHt IPa<·lting hi:-: t'OWs to J'<H'<' so that th<•y gin• " ·hip]wd l'l'<'<lllt. I ntltst Bot fm-gt•t to IIH'ntion Hutlt Pfips(Pt· and liPlt•u PPtti1'1'<'\\' \\·Ito an• lnulding hpauty :-:pt><·ialists. .\t pl·Pst•Ht thP,,. aJ'I' Pngagpd in <loing NOltH' t'P<·on:-:tnH·tion work on 1:-:alwl L<'<', .:\IadPlilH' LPming :tll!l llpttit• :\lal'lwny, a:-: J'PI'OliStl'ndiml IIH'ans IJuifd aJu·w. aud Ill<',\' at·1· lt<>lpiug tlwsp siPlHII'l' <lam:-:PlN put 011 a lit Ill' ftpsh. I think thpy m·<• PlltitlPd to a promilH'llt pla1·1• 011 thP li~t of ~ophmiiOl'l'~ p:u·ti1·ipati11g in l'PI'OIIS(t·ndion \\ork. IlPlPII )lul'phy, "ith thP aid of Paulin<' ~\\·illPlll'm·t i. P<lit ing in a prolltilwnt papl'l', a 1·olm11ll <·allPd, ".\chi1·P to t IH• Lon•lorn."' ~It<• sayN that is l'I'I'Ollst I'll <'I io11 \\'OI'k, a:-: sill' hopps to fot·llt HllP\\' t]tp IIIOl'als. llli\llll('l'S, Hlld ('ltS(OIIIN of )I('J' J•p;l(]('l'S,


followin~ HI'('

PXtral'l.' f1·om h<'t' <·olntllll:

QlH'N. 1)pat· )Ji:-:s :\lm·ph~·: 1 am a I'XI'I'<'<lillgly han<lsotlw man, hut r !tan· a :-:hy alHI lllt)(]p:-;( tPIIIJH'l':llll('llt. \\'h('ll a fair <laJllN<'I looks into my 1',\·p:-:, "'·' kiWI's g1·o\\· \\'Pak all(] persist ill wahhliug·. \\'hat sltall I <lo'! C'h:u·lps \Yaltt'l'R . •\ns. ( 'on.'nlt ])o('tor Entu:-: of thP ('hil'ago Tl'ilnuw, I'Olll'('l'lli ll g klH'('S. Qnps.-\\.ltpn I han• a <latP with a gil'l shP al\\·ay:-: inNistN on kissing Ill<' good ui~ltt. \\·hat shou](l I do'? John Pitk<'11 .. •\ns. -Ooo1ln<·s~ ~ ~ Lpt ]t('l' ~ ~ ~ Qn<>s.-I :1111 <·onl<'lllplating taking a dt ild to r:tisP. ('all yon SllggPSt <Ill,\' goodlitl'l':t(ltt'P Oil lH·illp;illg ll(l l'hi]dl'Pll'? }]al'garpt }J OOI'I'hl'<lll. (j1

.\ n ~.

I ha ve no !-melt 1i! Pt'al ure on hand hut I havr rerPntl;v somP :ulvPrti.·ed in tlll't'I'Ili magazinP:-:. You might look it 11)1. 'l'hP ad\'l•t·tiHPIIII' llt rp;ul. · :-:om<•what a:-: follow:-: : ])op:-: ,\-ollt' <·hild :-:IHI\\ you up wlwn you haYP <·ontpan.' '? If so, JHIITha:-;p our wotHie1-ful Yohtm<', •k. ~-'<'<'ll

<luPH. ])o all vamp:-: havp dark <·omplpxion '! bnek


~t a r-

.\n:-:.- . · o, Fnllll'i. ·. ,Judging ft·om thP ~ophomon• <·l:tl'H they at·<• u:-:m1lly fair . 'J'ak<• :Jim·ian HaddPI<·,,-, ll<•I<•JI Prdt~·­ tnan awl Euui<·<• ( ' unningham fot· in:-;t:UH' P. (lii<'H. l Hill HiXfPI'll and WI',\' pt·Ptfy j j:-; if t·ight for a hoy hold my hand'! Hnth Ilil'kllt<lll . • \liN.

\\'e'd ftaY(' <l<·finitely .



to let

kilO\\' \\'flo (hi' hoy is hl'fOI'(' \\'(' ('Oitf<l Hf:t(l'

•\l'thllt' ~itnpsou iuiPttds to l<•<·lut·p on HPI'OIIStt·ndion \\' m·k. l atll Hllt'l' h<· will HtH·<-<'<'<1, a:-: lt e is <'<tuipJH'<l with a :-;p]pudi<l yoi< ·<' for that pm·poH'. liP ha:-: h in•d Elizalwlh Loui:-: atlll ~a <liP • ' pJ:-:ou to assist llilll \\i(fl lllllSi<·. On<' of tlw ~opholltm·p:-: who wisliP.' to l'Ptnain aHmtymon. (I t·pally <lon't h];lllll' llt>t·) ha:-: sulnniiiP<l to till' a :-:tm·y and soiiH' jingh·"· I£ Prl' they m·e. Yon <·;m j11dg<' f'm· ~-om·spff if she " ·as \\·isp in kPPping h<'l' idP!l( i ly hid!lPll . KentiP(h ~tolley, a l1andson11' yo11ng f':tt'lll<'l', Ho .w front hi:-: <·hail' and, altho11gh h<• \\·a:-; not lllll<·h of a \\ 'afkrr. 8tror!f' ;ltt!-!Yily ahont thl' t·.Jotll fm· many tninutPs. 1 [p did Hot slH•d a '/'r ttn·. y<'l otll' <·onl<l SP<' that his l11•;tt·( wa:-: HOI'(' within !lint. ~h<• sll<lltl<l ]p;n·n how 8/1'1'11 II<' <·mtl<l lH'. YPs, hP would "ail JlatiPBtly. II<• "oul<l '/'1 I'I.IJ 1'01· \\'peks if' tu•<·<•s. ;n·y, Inti i11 tlH• PtHl :-:h<• \\'llltld lu• <·aught in flip 1\ ' dJ{J hP would spin fot· hl't' . •\h ~ in l1is inwginat io11 l1P 1'0111<1 S<'<' ll<'t· ()lfa_l;lr ttow, lii'YI't'l hplpss, hi' wa:-: \\ 'riyht: atHl Hh<· should lH• m;HlP to pay tli<' l~rir ·f' . In tlw midst of his gloomy liiP<litations hi' h<•at·<l liP!' <·;H·kling laugh. ~h<' tnust hp lii'Hl'. liP hnniP<l ont:-:i<l<> and :-:hut th<• <loot· quipt]~· hPhin<l hint. YPs, thl'l'<' !-lhl' was. lip (']'<']II to Ill<' hm·11 in s(';ll'<·h of his ax. liP wonl<l 111akp sh<n·t wol'l\: of lhl• \\ 'ifr'y rnsntl, hl' YO\\'l'<l. ~· 1'\' l'l' again won1<1 Hhl' :-:tpal his •'<'<'<1 atH1 <·t·ow oYPl' h i111. ('m·ses ~ 1'h<• ax <·mtl<1 not hl' fomul. Hut what was tlti:-:'! .\.n pgg~ Evi<1<>ntly shl' was uot a thipf, as sh<' had in all Jll'ohahility laid this <'gg in JHl,\'liH'llt fm· lhl• H<'<'d sh<' had tak<'n. Our h<•t·o's l11•at·t soft<'tH'<l \\ ithin ltim. "Oh Wl'll," sai<l h<'. ''I will spat·l' IH•l' this time, altho I am Y<•t·y foll(l of dlil'k<•n f'or <linllPl' . •\nd th<• l'hi<-kPtl, "i('l'HII'hitlg HO ('Olllentl'<lly ])('si(]p till' dom·, lll'YI'l' gii<'SHed ]Ul\\ ll<ll'l'O\\'J,\' shp had missP<l hpt· death. How lh<'H<' hPlp with HP<·onslrul'l ion i:-: nlot·P than I tan HP<' the fad that they at'<' in hen· r<'main:-: a tn~· stpt·,,· to llll'.

Ding don

b<>ll ', Little Kenneth "\\"piiR, What about him'! (~pt.· g-ood gt·adps with out aids.

Lit tiP WaltPt' 1'1torn1lill type. all day long;. Lit t lp Harah }forg-an n<>rer 1li1l a


wrong. Littl<' B<•rni,·c Pal'ldlill quiP! a.· <'an b•.

Harry "\YilliamR W<' ~ep .\ gallant sollli<'l' wonl1l he \Yith I'HP awl nuifm·tn :th 1111' ~ .\11 otht>r boy: 1lo PllY~· th<•e.

ThPy HI'<' aH good l'ltilclrcn a: <'Y<'r ~ 0\l llid ~· '('.

Hilda Por!<'t' is ll'al·hp1· of 1lan1·ing- in the <·ourt of th<> Kiug- of Englancl. Y<>rua ..\Im·klan1l, a young- :oei<>ty leall<'r of London, i~ planning innnmpJ·ahl<> dtat·it,r f<>t<•s. "..\Iy :nhjPd was "Th<> He1·on~trnd ion \\'m·k of Englan1l," awl I ant :m·p that you will not <·ontrallid a wor1l I ha \'<' sai1l <'Oll<'<'l'Iting it. Oradons ~ I 11early forgot to IIH'lltion 1II'IPn Hugg; for altho a :ophomot·<• in <·J·pllit~, hpr· hPart i~ with thP ju11im·s . . \ t t h<' <·lo.'<' of thi: Hp<'<><·lt, a g<'tH•t·al lli~<·n~:ion \\a~ ltPid, pm·t i<·ipa!Pd in hy anymw poK <'.'~ing <·om·agp pnongh to addt·p:-;~ thp mttlt it ud<>. Himilar t·Ppol'ls W<'t'<' gin•n hy t·Ppt·p:-;entatin•s of tlH' Yarions otiH'l' .\lli<>d <·onntl'iPs: Itnly, ..\lm·gar·pt \\'hitP; HPlgitllll, ThPIIltH \\'ilps; Polaud, .Jp~sp \\'illiants; HPt·hi:t, .\da \\'il<•y; ..\lontptt<•gt·o, llPt'llii·P \\'oldford; Portugal, ('olht>rt \\.hit<•; Finland, ~hPldon \\'pay<•t·; ('hiun, Ft·ank "..\ly<'l'H an<l la:-;t hnt not h•a~o;t, .Japmt, (':u·l Fm·:-<h<•y . •\ftpr· a g<'ll<•t·al di:<·tt:-<~ioll of th<• who]p IIH'Pting :md all of th repol't:-<, th<• IIIPPting \\·a: <li:-;mis~e<l inddinit<•ly h,r tit<• Pt·PHidl'llt.


.\Iadden, .\Iyrtle .\Iajor, .\Tarie .\Tarkland, V rna .\Ielvin, Ilelen .\lendenhall, Lucile .\Tetz, Ruth .\leredith, Lu<'ile .\liner, .\lartha .\Iittendorf, Catherine .\Toilet, Barbara .\looney, elestitw 1\fott, Doris .\losser, 1\tyrtle .\lurphy, Leota .l\lyers, Effi 'ichols, Frances Parr, Christine Patient. l\1 e Patient, l\lari Pattingale, Treva P nick, Gertrude Pergande, Helen P tticrew, Ruth Pfiester, Ruth Potter, Leona Record, Roberta Ricketts, Cleo Robertson, Juanita Ruckman, Ruth Sanders, Mildred Scoggin, Alberta hauger, Marian hepherd, Genevieve howers, Elizabeth butt, Gladys Smith, .\taurine omers, Ruth tyan, Dorothy Swi her, Viola Tignor, .\larguerite Towle, Ruth Tucker, Bernice Victor Louis VonHolten, Yourth "'ascher, Loui e "'ascher, ::\larcella 'Vatchom. Rachel Watt, :\label 'Vebb, Lorene "'ebster, J nnie "'est, Dorothy Whipple, B atrice ·winters, Florence "'oolley, .\Iargu rite Allen, •orman Alpers, John Amm, Rus II Anderson, Arthur Barnard. Joh:1 Bash, Blm r B II, Dwight Bell, Glenn Bell, William Bernhard, J<;rwin Black, Ivan

Altabe, l~sther ,\mrheim, VPrla Applt>~ate .\lilclrPd Baddeley, .\!at ian Baird, Kathryne Barnhardt. Lola Barrt>tt, Tlwlma Blaine, Louise Boas, Emily Boy r. I<'erol Bradley. Sine lair Broom, Alice Brown ..Jeannette Buc·kley, Rol.erta Burke, Helen Burnett, Louise Burr, .\lurid ('ampbell, Luc·ilP Charnes, J<Jdith Chester, Dorothy Clark, B rnkt> Cook, Jewel Curzon, J<Jiizaleth Davis, Dora D Long, • 't•lliP Duffy, llelen Dunn, .\Iildred gJJiot, Blan<'hP l<~verence, .\I ary Bwing, .\lary Fleming, l<Jdna :Fuller, Katie Gassaway, .\Targaret Gibson, J<Jleanor Gray, Ada Gray, Dorothy Gulick, .\largaret Hall, .\lerle Heimlich r, .\largatN Helmerichs, Ruth Hensley, Bernice Hines, J ssiP Hobbl:l, lla~Pl Hoffman, .\lary Hollister, llelen Hollinger, Huth Howell, Jennit> Hyde, Charlotte Hyde, Phyllis lung rich. Hazel Jackson, Lucile Jones, .\laud K ef r, .\Jarie Kirby, 1\tary Knott, B mice Kruse, Dorothea Lawder, EugEnia Larson, .\1 arian Leasure, Aline Ledbett r, Junt• Lee, Alic Lemmon, G raldine Lockard, J<Jlizab th Lyons, 'Vinifred .\lcKinney, llelt>n


Blaisd II, I•'rank Boots. Georg Boren, Julian Brannock, Harold Bre se, John Burnett. I<:llys Burrows, Vernon Carother ·, Lor n Carper, Carroll Carroll, Frances Clapper, Kenn th Clark, Donald Cochran, Dwight Coffeen, !larry Conover, Francis Coughlin, William DeLong, Clifton D mlow, John Dodds, Raymond Dollinger, I<'ranc s Downey, Jar nee Dryer, harles Dunlap, Roy Dunn, Reginald Ehler, T d English, l~d w arc! Fi cus, Raymond I<'isher, Robert Fitzwilliams, Albert I<'itzwilliams, I<'rancis I<'raley, James Freeman, Glenn Gault, John Grierson, 'harles Grimm, V rnon Grylick, Raymond Gunning, \\'illiam Haines. Harold Hampel, Fred Ilart. Robert Heffernan, James Heinz, Francis Helm, Ralph Hirschfield, Julius Hite, Earnest Hollister, Bernard Hollister, Harold Horn, Oswald Huber, William Hyland, Edwin Jackson, Frank Jennings, K nneth Johnson, Roy Jutkins, Raymond Kenny, L land Knight, Paul Lee, Albert L e, Alb rt ~1. L e, Arthur L uck, Niles Lisenby, Harold Livingston, bar! s

Lock . Floyd Louden, llarry Lunc ford, Kenn th Lyons. Howard lllartin, Paul lllelvin, Byron lllooney, Wilbert l.Ioor , L ster ~loore. Raymond l.Ioorehead, H nry lily rs, Glen Nogl , Harold Norris, Otis 'orton, Gardiner Oak s, l<'orrest Oliver, William Overton, :\Iarcus Parkhill, J<~arl Patterson, Hi<"hard Pease, John Purdy, Buford Putnam, Clyde Putnam, George Reynolds, Lewis Reynolds, • 'eal Rising, Wayn Roysden, Robert Sabin, George Schalk, Raymond Schow ngerdt, William Sedgwick, Edward Shaug r, George Slovan, Harold Smith, Roland Solon, John Somers, Ralph Sp ncer, George pencer, John tout, Lyle Strode, Harold Sullivan, Harold Suverkrup, Bernard Suverkrup, Paul wayger, Edward Todd, Eldred Travers. Jerome Trevett. Ross VanBuskirk, Verne Veach, Ever tt Vinson, Don Wait, Wayne Walkup, Russell Ward, Ted \Varren, IJoward \\'healon, John Wheaton, L slie Williams, Ward \Villiamson, V rnon Wohlfarth, William Yanos, George Younglove, Harold




:Pirtctor att~ <!Lllaclr )IDtr. ~~. Q5. <!Loutcfrie

Th<.'t'<' may hP a ft>w 1H'oph• in t ht> {"nitPd ~tatP~ "ho il11·ough inahility to IIPaJ', ~<'<', ot· J'<'<HI do not kno\\ Ill<' gPtt! IPtll<lll \\Ito. ·p ('IHIILIPJHIII<'I' i~ IIPt'P l'P]'t'IHllH'('Il. \\'p fpp] ~ol'l',\' fot· t lu•n1 atHl t lwt·<•fm·<· t·Pq ll<"'t t Ita t, ~honl<l you lllPPt :my ~tH'h JH'oplP, yon will pxpl:l in to t hvtll t h<• following: 1'hl' gpn(l<•man HJJ~WPt·~ to tllP ll:lllH' of K<'llliP1h <l. ('ontl'lli<"----\dl:lt tlt:1t "(;" ~tmulN fm· you'll h:t\'<.' to gnP~.'. liP waN horn in ·'lnNkegon, }li1·higan, ~\pl'il ~' 1 '!1~. \\' h<•n :1 hoy hp at IPIHI<><l the gra1h• *·hooiN in }ln~k<>~ou and th<> }lltNk<·~ml II igh ~khool. 'l'h<'ll hP <'Jt!Pl'Pd the l'nin•t·Nity of ('ltkago, wlH't'<' hP m:~jm·<•il in football. \\'hpn he waN in lligh :dwol h<' g:~itwd hiN fit·~t kno\\'IPdgP of that gam<' llllllPI' th<' I'O<t!'lling of Hol)('r( Znppke, and then at ('hi<'a1ro 11<' plny<><l on the team mH1<'r ~tagg. .\ft<'r gmduat wg fl'Om the uniYer~ity h<• took up hiN dutieN aN I'O<II·h in th<• high Nl'hool at IIut·on, ~outh Dakota.

I11 l!llli }fr. <'outdlie wa: hil'<'il hy thp l01·a1 Hoanl of ElhH·ation a: a tiiPlllhPr of our fadulty. IIi~ duti<>: eompriH<>Il the <·oadliuo- of thP foot hall HllU ha •k •thaJlteamN and the tea<·hing of hoyH' IJhy~ital trainillg' l'l:tN.'<'~Late1· on he wa~ appoint<>d .\thl<'1h· Dir<•dol'. To }fr. ('ou(('ltip p;o<'N til<' l'l'Pdit of makiu~ athle>ti('N what th<'y <u·e in ('luunpai~n lligh ~cl1ool today. In football he ha~ <·oathed tln·ep om' thouHan<l ])('I' <·Pnt !<>am~ and th<'N<' teamH haY<' roliP<l up a total of "03 point: to thPir oppoll<'Bt~ -1:~. '1 he r tOl'<l this ~<'hool Ita: made i: known all OY<'t' t liP l-ni1P<l ~tat<·~. ~\.ftpr hi: third Hn<·<·<·~~ful N<'a~on, whid1 dmwd in 1!11~, }It·. ('ontl'lti<• J'<'I'Pin•<l a <·hallPug-p to play LanNing, }li<'hig-an fot• til<' I'IJ:ttupionNhip of llliBoi~, Indiana, and }Ji<-higan. liP a1·<·epted thP <·hal1PngP hut on a<·<·ount of WPathPr <'OlHlitionN in }li<·higan the gam<' ,,·a~ c·atH·PIIP<l. "'<' fpp] NUl'<' that if 111<' team had ha<l thP ,-han<·<' it \\'oul<l han• tllOJ'<' than JH'OVPll the powe1·s of )lr. ('outd1ie aH a football I'<Ht<·l1. )It·. ( 'ou II- hie haN a l:o h<'Pll n•t·y :u<·<·P~sfnl as a haNk('( hall <'mH·h. In tiH• threE' ypars that h lta~ hall dwrge of our team: th<>y haY \\'on t di~tril't ('hampions1lip~ ancl haw tak<·B JH:ll·t in two ~tate tom·nalll<'llt: and :111 invitation tournampnt 11eld in <'hic·ago.


, 'in<·<• )It·. <'ont1·lt i<• took np hi~ <ltlti<·~ in our l1i~h ~~-11ool at hlP! il'~ 11avp homll<'il a~ lleV<'r hefot·<·. Th<> ~pm-tNlllHllHhip of 1he \'arious 1 •ams that he has I'O:l('h<'d Ita: lw<>n ld~ltly l'<'~Jlel'l<'<l by thPir opprnwnt.· awl thi: i: largely dne to hiN own I><'l'NOil:ll 1'11m·al'ler. Lon~ may ('ltampaign High , 'd1ool h<• so f01·tnnat<• :v to haY<' ) f r. ('out<-hi<> aH a liH'lll· het· of the fac·nlty. 72

<CI1aut:pai!'n 1f1igl1 ~drool's jF oothall ~{~rot~ ('haiii]JHign Iligli'~ foothallJ·Pt·m·ll for tlH•la~t tltJ·t•t• .\"<'ill'S is a J'Pt·oJ·d th;lt any higl1 ~·wl1ool \\Oiild Pmy. {'11dl'l' thp t'IHtt·hing of ('oat·h ('outl'hi<', <'haiii]J<tign lligh ha~ l1ad t hJ·t•t• oJH•-thou~atul pt'tTPHt (PH IlL. Ju J!)J(i till' tPHlll liPid thp tlO\\JH;tatt• t•liHIII)liOUI'hip (Ill(] in 1!117 and 1!11~. !liP tt•:llll. ' \\1'1'1' ~t<ltP t·liHIII)liOII .. In l!llfi tliP tPHlll !'<Ill up a total of 17!1 poi11!1' to its oppmH•nt~ 1!1. [n thP fir~t gallll' of tht• ~pasmt, \\ ith \'ilb1 I:J·oYI', thP tP:llll \\:t.' gin•Jt a h;u·d tight hJ1! was a hiP to hold it~ o\\ 11 again~t a tPatn of yp(pJ·an~. .\~ tl11• ~t·<I~Oll ;1(1\aJII'Pil tht' tt'<llll lllllJI'O\'I'd <Ill(] \\ ht•Jl })pt·a(m· \\<I~ flpfp,ttpd h,\' tilt' ,'('01'1' of :!l'- to(} tht• J•p;t] ~tl'l'li!J.th Of tht• tP:tlll \\ll~ ~h0\\11. 'I'\\D \\I'Pk~ latt•J· tht• 1t'<llll \\'011 tliP d0\\'11-I'tH((• <'lilllll)liOlll'hi]l h_r dpfpa(illg tltt• .·t 1·ong ~pJ·iltgfit>ltl tt'<llll. 'l'liP tt•aflt "as ntadp up of :-;tm·~ H\11'11 a~ llo\\:ml, BnHit•J·, Hoy, IJuhhaJ·tl and Uantz. OthPl' lll<'lllhPr~ of the IP:tlll wt·J·t• 1:1-,\\n, La11g, ('J-a\\·ford, .·l'l~on, ..\lm·ra,\, K:tnfntan, ..\lillt•J·, ('lappt•J·, lla\i~. llnd~on antl Thm11a:-t In 1!117 thl' l'I'I'OJ·d of thP football 1<'<1111 \\'HN pn•n gJ·t·att•r· than th<• ,YPHJ· lwfm·P. <'hampaign nH•t and dt'ft>alt>tl tlH: strong-<'~( (t'allt~ of the ~tatt>, whit· II int·ltult>d t lit• !'(J·oJtg- \\'p:-;t .\urora t<•ant. The ha<-ldi<·ld, \\lti.-lt \\':IN mad<' np of ..\1,\Pl'H, ..\lillt•J·, ..\lajor·~ ;tl}(l Iluhh:u·ll, wa:-; thP fa. tt·~t h:H·klit>ltl in thP ~tatt'. Tht> total poiiltH for tlH' spa~on wa. 4--!7, tl11• O)IJIDll('llt:-; tot a] ]wing 17. H_r dt>fl'atiug T'r·hana, ( 'haiii]Hlig"U hall \\on t ht• Jir-~1 lt•g 011 t liP 1 lantilton t I'Oph,\ <·np. 'l'h<> team wa" l'aptaiJted h.'. "I lutl'li" II uhhanl who "HI' playing his fom·th y<'al' for ( '. II. , '. 'I'll<' tt•mn i11 1!)1.' \\:IN unahlP to .'hO\\ its J·t•al stJ·pugth ou at·t·mmt of tht• "flu" Ppidt•mi<-. Till' team dt>fPHtt>tl (Jpm·gpto\\·ll iu the initial g·arnp and ft·orll th<>H ou tlrt• H<'<I~-'Oll \\<1~ intpr·I·uptt•d h,,. tht> t·OJJtinut•d outlli·Pak of tl1e "flu." 'I'll<' gr·t•alt•:-;t \id01·.' of tiH• ~t·a~on \\a~ !liP Yil'tm·.' m·pJ· ('J·h:tJW. 'l'lrt• tP:Illl ran llp tlrt' larg<•:-;t NI'OJ't' that nuy ('. II. • '. !t•an1 Ira.' t'\'Pr· madt' again~t all l'1·hann tt•:tfll. <htk Pnr·k "a:-; t·lrall<'llg<'d for a gnmP to NPttlt> till' stalt• t·lrarHpiou~hip hnt tlitl not au:-;,n•r s, <'hnrnpaign J·ightfull.' .. laimPd it. <'apt. Lmtg, ..\Jypr:-; alHl ..\I:n·tin lhli:-;llt'd ti1PiJ· tl1ir·tl yt>:tt· of foothnll for· <'hanrpnign :nul tlrt'ir· lol':-; will hP fplt next year. I11 tlrP la~t 1ht·t•t• .'<•m·s, as yon t·an H<'<', ( 'hampaign Ira~ not ht•t•n dt'ft•;ttPd and ha:-; rollPtl ll]l a total of :--o:l poilltH to h(•r opponent:-; -t-:~. '.\lay tl~t• lt'<llllH of tht> IIPXI tln'<'<' yp:n·~ 1> • a:-; HlH't't'Hsfnl a~ tlH• pa.'t tlrJ'('(' lla\'(' hel'll :tlltl :-;w·h Him·~ as lluhhard, c:antz, l[o\\·m·d, Lang, ..\Jillt•J· :tlltl ..\[,Y('l'H he ]H'OtlUt't'<l. C.\ltHOLL >'< 'lUI.\LII.\ 1·:--:E. , '] !1.


j}innthall-,..1918 'l'hP 1!11!1 llaroo11 is honoi·Pd to ht> ahlP to ~iYP th<• U('<·omll of th<· thir<l stH·<·<>ssiYP lOOW'•( football t<•alll, whkh is ;~l. · o <1 ~tntP ('hampionsllip tPHIII, and whkh h<•at om· npm·-hy l'iYal hy 1hP ];\l·~pst s<·m·p ('hampai~n en•r .'('ore<l n~a i nst t hPIII . . \h 1111 :w fplJow: HJl]H'al'P<l fo1· p1·ad i<·P I hp fil·st f<'" ni~hh, l111t tiH•y W<'l'<' soon w<•<•<lPd ont ;~nd a .·quad <'Olll1 o Pd of :!li, <1111011~ whi<·h \\'1 '1'<' S('\' l'll I'<'~nlars, was ]pft. \\'IH'll t h<> <·hall' was 1-{0IH', thP wm·k hP~an in P<ll'IH:'st. ~\ftpr n \\'PPk of s<·J'illlllla~<·, thP fi1·st fnll-tinH• p;amp was play<'<l ou .\1<-Kiul<•y FiPid. 'l'hp til·st l<'<tlll lin<', h;u·kpd hy Ill<' _ sP<·mHl team ha('k-tiPI<I, JIIPt I he se<·oJHl (pam lin<>, as:istpd h,r th<• fi1·st tPallt h;u·ks. 'l'h<• foi'IIIPI' tPaJII \\·as hH·k,r pnou~h to ,,·in this ha]'(l fou~l1t stru~l-{l<• hy a st·ot·<' of 7 to li. I:t·o,,·npll ki('k<•d thP l1appy goal. 'J'hp n<•xt ~atm·day, Odohpt· :>, t IH• 1<':1111 jolll'llP,\'<'<1 to .\tTola. It wa: in this ~<1111<', thp fiJ·st and last tiHI<' dt11·in~ the spas1m, that an opposing (Pam put Bill Ha:h out of the g<UIIP. •\ltllongh hp ha<l 1·e<·eivP<l a I<•I'J'ifi<· blow on t h<• (']'Unium, hp kne\\' Tud.:PI' \\' <IN til king Ilis pla<·<•, hut he <·oul<l not Ull(l<•J·st;~ud, "\\' hy m·e t h<',\' lu·in~in~ 'l'ud.:pt· on in :111 ambulan<·<•'!" The sqna<l sho\\'1'<1 a tinp knowh·d~<' of football an<l t<•amwm·k, P.'JH'<·ially for a prad i<·P 1-{<lllH'. .\J·<·ola got onp toul'ltdown hy a forwa1·d pa:s, but thp tinal s<·m·p stood 41: to 7. 'l'IH• lirw-up wa-; as follows tllJ·oughont th<• sPa:on, PX<·Ppt f01· til<' snh. titntion of T~:>Juplc> fm· HPutwtt: H.K, (';~pt. Lang; IL'J'., Hu1·np((; IUL, ~hi!·litl; ('., Il. ~li!'lla­ els · L.< L, Hash; L.'l'., Hl'0\\'11<'11; L.E., L. ~I i<·haPI; L. f I. B., Bennett; F. B., Frak!:':; lUI. H., ~I y<•r:; <l. B., ~I ajo1·. ~\ \\' \'Pk of hard ]n·ad i<·<· folio\\'(•(] I his ~Hill<' ]H'I')HII'<I to1·y for t h<~om­ in~ <·ont<•Ht with lh•o1·g-etown, Ol'lolH•r 1:!. 'l'hiH IH'ing Lih('t·ty Day, th<• ganH• \\'<LH ]H'<'I'E:'ded by a p1·o~rmn <·onsistin~ of Fou1· ~I inutP ~P<'<'('h<•s aiHl .Ttmior ~\thletic ('on tests, th<• !at l<•r put 011 hy l<•mns pkkP<l from th(' val'ions military <·ompani<•s of thP llil-{h s<·hool. (;por~<'lown had a husky ag~r<'~Htion piloiP<l hy OIH' of thc> :pePdipst opposiu~ qnm·t<•t·ha('ki" 1-'ecn on ~ld~inlpy FiPid. liP oft<'ll ~ot a way a1·otnHl l'nd fol' long gains hnt hi' \\'<IS .'OOIWr 01' ]all'!' ('Hlll-{ht hy Oil(' of th<• ha!'l.:s ht'fm·p hp l'PUI'IlP<l (hp last whit<' linP, and <lPor~Ptown did uot H<·OI'<'. Onl' old friPlHl, ~\1 ~·elson almost hall a tight OY('l' th<> l'('s]wdin• lii<'I'its of th<• two ti'Hllls as jtHli-{Pd hy lhPit• l'I'I'OJ'<ls, h<•<·am;<• <l<•m·gptowu had IH'Ht<'ll ns had!~· foul' ypm·s ago. BuL tllis wa: t h<' ~·a>('ond wh~u·k ( 'o;u·h ( 'ontdli<' h<Hl hall at thE>m ail<l he again \\'Oil, tlli: tim<· hy a 47 to 0 :<·OJ'('. l'hampaigil then ha<l a Hl<ll·t toward anolh<'t' 100()11, (pam, as Upm·~p(own was consi<lPred a totl"h <·nstomer. Th<•n ''influenza," with a d<'JIIol·alizing effed on the :qua<l. It ~;eemE>Il a: if Uti: were a signal for <'rery on • to "la down." 1'he three 74

111a in t·t>a~on~ \\'hy t hi~ JH'I·iod \\'a~ almoNt di~a~t t'OllN were non-at tPwlalH'P at ~l'hool, Plllplo~· mpnt, a111l a ~li~ht t ing-<' of la~ilii'S~; h<•<·au~P <'YI'Il our idol~:<, t II<' foot hall playPI'N at·P hltlll<lll. llmn•wt· pt·adi<·<•s \\'1'1'1' lwlf-hpm·tpdl,r <·oHtinnPd. 'l'hP gamP \Yith Ppm·ia, ~dH•duh•d fol' (h'tolwr 1!l, was <'<lli<'PIIPd hy an O)'(lpt· oft he t-\tate Ilealt h .\nt hm·iti<•s. I11 ~pit<• of tlliN diNappointntPnt, how<'Yet·, both tPalllN ltPid high hopPN <llHl \\'OJ'kPd h:ml for th<• <·mning donhlphpad<>t· \\'ith t-\pri11g-fiPid. But on 'l'hm·sday th<• t-\tatl' notiliPd u~ that till' ganH'N I'Oill<l not h<> play•<l. 'l'he nexl day n•t·y fpw t m·•wd out for Jn·adi<·<•. Fri<lay <'YPning ( 'o;u·h ( 'out<·hiP t'<'<·PiYP<l a tPIPgt·am f1·om PPoria stating that a g-mn<' ('onld h<• playPd with l'Pol'ia ('pntral. But in ~pit<• of thiN ,•hm·t ltoti<·P, tltl' N(jlliHI waN 1'0\llHlPd U)l aiHl ~tarted for Jlporia. Having g-one without thPil' diun~>l', and hadngto drPNs on till' ll'ain h<•<·auNP of I;H·k of tim<' ('hampaign linPd up for thP kkk-oJl' at 3 :-i;). It \\'<IN qni<·kly growiug dm·k, so 10 miuntP quartet-.· \\'PI'<' ag-n•<•d upon. 111 :pitP of thi: :uTangPm<•nt only thl'<'<' qual'lerN \\Pt'P pla,r<•d, hut th<'~<' thJ·pe quarterN ·on:titut<•<l the har<ll'~t g:mH• of thp .'Pason. Playillg- on an 1m-linwd ti l<l, without dinner, against a Ntrmw tPam, alHl with a h<·m·y wind, <'hampaign put np a .. t itl' tight. In th<> tit·~t quarl<•r our <·t'<'W made two tou<·h<lo\\'nA, hut in the uext lH'l'i()(l P •ol'ia <·anH• had.:: .'tt·oJW all(l rea('h <l th' -i-yar<l line. IIow<>vPr, Frak<'.' and Bm·nptt till'('\\' them for a 10-yal'(l lo' an<l ('hampaign parade<l imllH'<lial<•ly down the fiel<l for anoth L' tou('h<lown. In the tltir<l and la~t quartPI', om· gainN w<•re maclc> hy opPn work lw<·aJJ.'<' of the daJ'lmp~~. In a fm·wat·<l paN.' front )I ajor.' to Lang, a PP ll'ia 1ine~­ man tadd<>d J . ang aftl'r Tonnny had re('eive<l th' ball, an<l unmerdfully tramped upon hiH <'lllpty ~tmli<H'h. Hut ''Yomw" :\Iik • and Brownell w •re n ar at hand. 'l'he former f<•ll on the ball and the latter stracldlecl ih<' unhappy lin :·nuan'N ue('k. :XPv<'rthc>l<'.'N, the• injuri<'.' inflil'ted hy Bro\\'n II W<'l'<' not UH API'iomJ aN t h<> 1liNI O('ated \\Ti:t and ankle l'I'('Ci \'I'd hy "Big" )lik<'. 'l'hi.' put him mtt of football almo.'t entin•l .'· fOl' th<• I'PSt of the ~eason. Th<• final Nto•·e ~tood 3-! to 0 in fann· of ( 'hmnpaign. BPing unable to fm·PI'<l.'t tit<' \\'P<tthc••· Hl'l'lll'atPly, thp IP<tllt pradil'e<l all the ne.·t WPPk on )ld{iulpy FiPI<l in~teacl of a Nwamp. 'l'he n xt gam<' waH with KankakP<', play<•d in a flood of "at<••·, llllHl, and profanity. 'l'hp field w<tf' <·ompo~ed of a turnip pat<·h, running track, ba~ehall diammul, aiHl n ploughed tiel<l, all <·ompletPly Noaked. In ~]lit<• of \\'(•ath<•t· <·on<litionN, ( 'hamp:tigu kil'kPd off to Kankakl'e, witnPAN<'d hy <1 fe\\· ardPnt KaukakPP root<'t·s. • ·otlting ~1wl'la1·nlat· !'onl<l h<• pullpd oil' on attount of the wpathpr <·OJHlitionN, hut hy ~tPndy, <·onsiNtent tPam-\\'ork, the lo ·al hoy .. advantl'd tlw hall <lowu th<' tiPid piling np a N<·m·<' of;;~ to 0 againNt their oppon •ni ·. Beg pardon ~ ! Owing to a ·light Nlip in our memor,\, we were unable to r<•<·all th<> mo:.;t Npeda<·ular play of the .'<'ason. It wa.· a pU.'.' from :\Iajor.' to )lpn·er, who um\ ittingly ·t umbl •d aero ... the goal-lin . 'l'h final whi.'tle bl w ju.'t th n, awakeninO' our It 'l'O only to 75

:fi1Hl that he h;Hl :-.<'01'<'<1 for ('hampaign High~ ,'o en<l~ ilH• HiOl',Y of the <1 irt iP~t gamp l'Wt· play<'<l hy ( '. II. R. "Lp(':-; gl'! L<>wi~ ... "On :-;idl', Bt·owJH>ll'!" "LitH' up fast~ HPIIH'tll lwr l "t·hana's ~et·ips play:-.~" "(;oiu' to ]pt l "rhana run oYPl' you likP thP ."P<'OlHl (Pam <lOPN"!" "llit tit<· <htrnmy 10 timps hpfm·p you go in~ Ilo\\ many han• yon ha<l, )lik<>"!" "<:PI l "t·hana ~.. ~1wh wa.· the YO<·ahulm·y of th<' "holp Nqua<l tlH• t \UI WP<·k~ JH'Ppm·atm·,,- for thp l "rhana gatll<'. It was a lHIJ·<l two wppks . •\t tlri~ tim<', tltp ~<'<"OJHl (pant, trsillg l "rhaua's play~. oftPn N<·me<l on th<> first tea11t; hut it was11't l<mg hpfm•p thP tit·~t ic>am "as "mr" aiHl t ltp ll<'W plays h<>l<l 110 fpar fm · thPtll . .\ gn>a( <]pal of <TP<lit for the Tltank~giving ga111<, must hP attt·ilmtP<l to the per~iHtPnt pfl'orts of the H<'<·mHl tt>am . •\t la~t 'l'ltanb;gi\'ing l>ay <lawnp<l ~ The ganw wa. · call<>d at 2:30, h<>for·p a sontPwlrat smallpt· <·t·o\\ <l than uHnal fot · a <'ltampaign-l"t·hana p,-Htll<'. .\fter th<• tir~t fpw minu!Ps of play, it was PYi<lent that tlr<> ~Im·oon~ W<'t'<' too stt·ong for tlwir oppoBc>nt~. .\lthough cheeked S<'VPral !itru•s in tlrPir a<lnnH·<' toward tiH• l"rha11a goal, thP hall wa. · kPpt in (>JIPtny l<'nitm·y an<l tl<'at' tit<' dmw of tit<• quart<·•·, 'l'c>mpl<> took it H<Tos. aftt>t· a ~hort fonnu·d pas. · from )lajor. 'l'lr<> kiek-out fail<•<l. ('hampaign s<·m·e<l twi<·e in tlrP sN·ond qum·ter. Early in the .·econ<l ]Wrio<l, Tc>mplP WPnt tln·ongh for· a tmwlHlown, hut ~ly<>r. · mbsPd goal. .Ju~t IH'fore tim<> was <·allP<l, )lyer·~ ma<l<> a brilliant <·ai<"h of a fonnu·<l paHs and took tlu• hall a!Tos~ for th<' thii·cl time. liP kkkecl ~oal and th .·core .-tood 1!) to 0 at the end of the tir~t half. Crbana seeme<l demoralized all the fir.-t 30 minut<>N. A.- .-oon a · they got hold of the hall, it waH ~iwn to 1..<"\Yi.- to <"<ll'l',\' m·omHl out· l<>ft wing. But "Young" ~lik<> waN not taken into a<Tonut HJHl L<•wi~ wn.- tln·own for a ;) yar<l lo~.-. ThPir I1Pro had fallPn and thPir moral<> also tool· a tumhlP. The> goo l work of the ~econ<l 1<-'Hill wa · ~hown the fil·.-t time l"rhana tried tlH~ir .-pri<>H plays. The 1it·st play nettP<l a lmv of;) ym·d~ <lne to BrowtWll and t hpy re<·eiw<l Himilar loNNPH when th<•y triP<l Bur·Jlp( t. \\"ith th<' <'Ol<l win<l at th<'ir ha<·k.- an<l ('ont!·hi<''s hot ait· in th<'it• <>ar~, Clntmpaign ~I><'<l down thP liPid fm· a ton<·h<lmnt at the Yery tirNt of thP third quartPr. Fr·akp~ put th<' hall a<"I'OH~ hy a litH' plung<> . • \ll through the> gaml', if a hig- gain was tH'<'<lP<l, tlt<' ~lar·oons :-;oug-ht it tln·oug-h the litw an<l \Yet·<> not <li.-appoinl<><l. .\fter anoth<•r ~<'riPs of line lnH"k. and <'Il<l I·un.- onr flpet qum·t<•t·h;wk sliiJIJe<l through <·<>nter for ;) yardH and a touchdown . •\t th<• lwgiuuing of th, fourth quart r T.:rhana came ha<"k .-tron~, but it wa.- too Iat<'. <'oa<·h ('on t <·ltic> ·.- defe>nse wa.- too H(t·ong to he hrok<>n so Pasily. 110\n'V<'t', ('llantpaign <li<luot Rcore in the la,-( ];) minnteH, Pith('!'. 'l'hP tina] .'('01'(' stood a:~ to() at th<• P!Hl of (h gallH' for ('. H. ,'. ''Tuhhy" heing on th<• si<·k list, E,·pt·<>tt 'l'n<·kpr was usP<I at <·entPr to good a<hantag<'. <tamhl<> play<•<l the> moHt of thr gam<' in RpP clo'. pia<·<>, an<l h<' alHl BnruPtt made> gr·ound gaiiJing on tlwir Hide of th<> line illl]JO.·.-ihl<> to rrhana. Captain Lang pbi,Y<'<l a \\'otld(•t·ful (]pf('llHive gam(', making >'<'YPI'al lwaut iful iadd<'H. J:a.-lt, ii was dis<·O\'<'I'P<l, ('ould not only 7G

t·nn a gi'OI'PI'Y ~dot·<>, hut <·m1ld :11Hl woul<l t·un an oppo:-;ing gn:u·<l ofT his fpp(. Bt·o\\HPII, 11'111' to Ill<' plumhing I1·:HIP, plngg<•<lnp <'n't'Y hol<• . •\ltho11gh liP i:-; SOIIII'Iilll<':-; <·aught loafing on •'JH'I'ial J)p]iYPI'ies,' :\lajor \\as BP\ <'l' a<·<·n:-;Pd of loafing on • ·oYPIII hi' I' :!X, 1!llX. T<'lllplP, though light, \\<IN a <·onsiN(('ll( gi'OIItH] gailll't' !loth tln·ough litH' HIH] Hl'Oilllfl Plld . Frnl.:r'.· litH' phmg<•:-; oftpJl hPip<'d thp (l'<tlll 0111 of a tight pia<·<' a .· tlwy WPl'<' ' 'sm·p stutl'." 'l'hP :.!0 :11111 :w y;u·d t·uns of :\ly<·t·s \\'Pl'P an ontNtall(ling fpatm·<· of th<• g:tlll<'. 'J'IH• N<•ason of 1!l1X-1!11!1 will long lH' l'PtlH'Ill IH•r<'<l hy til<' lm·g<' s<·OJ'<' J'Oll<·d up against t · l'l,amt thp hu·gpst 1'\'<'l' Iliad<' hy <'hnmpaign against a 'l'h;ntk:-;gi\·ing J)ay gaHH' . •\gai11 fm· tlH• 1lli1·d su<·<·<•:-;si\'1• .'·<·m·, <'hanqHtign l'haii<•Hg<'d Oak Pal'l~ to a gam<• to dPtl't·minP thp :-;tatP ('hampion .· hip. Hut, a:-; usual, Oak Park, "·ith a :o-fm· SlJ<·<·<•:-;sfnl :-;eason, wa: umdlling to riNk its t'<'P u I at ion. Disappoint<'<! along thi:-; lin<', ~It·. ('oukhiP wPnt out:-;i<l<• tlH' homHls of Illinois for Jll()J'(' •·ganH•."' lll tlli: a((('lllpl Ill' \\'<IS HIJ('('('HHf\11 in f.;() rat• a:-; finding a willi11g op}HliH'JJI. 'l'IH• anatlg<'llii'JJt \\'<IN to play Lansing, :\Ii<-lligau at Lansi11g. :\Ji:-;s :-;wiliwt· :-;aid that sh<• di<l not ha\'1' authm·ity to disJIJi:-;:-; til<' team for thp IH'<'I'HNary day and a half, :-;o Bt·owuPil all(] l.ang, on Ill<• <'Hl'IH'NI t'P<JII<'Nt of !liP tl'am and <·oa<·h, pt·<'H<·niP<l tll!'it· l'aN<' to tlw :-;chool Ho:ml. 'I'll<• Ho;ml dPI'idPd to IPt thP ft>llows go mHl imlllPdiaiPiy Lau:-;ing was \\ it'l'<l. 1[o\\ <'Y<'I', snow I'<IIIH' to llH'it· t'<'S<'U<' allll 1.ansitlg J•pfnH•d (o pla,\. :-;, ('tlllPd tiH• thil'd SIJ('('('NSin' 1()()0 JH't' ('I'll( Foot hall :-;pasou fo1· ( '. 1I. :-;, mul<•r tllP a bll' d it·('('( ion of ( 'mH'h ( 'ontl'hiP. Ila\'ing 1'01111' to ('IIHlll]lHign a stt·;mg<'r to sl'llool, fa<·nlty, alHI town, :\Jr. ('outl'hi<> has Hlll'<'<'Pd<•<l iu making a tl<llll<' for hims<'lf tln·ongh his diligPllt WOI'k in H. ~. afl'ait·:-;. F1·otn his tin;! uight on :\ l d~inl<•y FiPlll IH' has not co!IHitli'J'<'d tl<'fPHI PX<'Ppl as a stirnnlou:-; to gr·patPI' Pf1'ortH. En•n !lis tir~t ~l'ason sho\\·<·<1 that hP was a Hatm·al ]p;ul<>t·. II<' instillPtl in thP athiPtPs nn adlllit·ation fot· him aud a <·]pan :-;pm·t:HwnlikP attitu(l<•. '"Don't ]>lay dil'ty, play IL\ H))" i~ his mott11 . •\ft<•t• hYo yp;n·~ of footh:tll PXJH•t·il'llt'<', Lang st;ll·t<•<l tiH• yea1· as ~'a plain and tlll'(HJghout th1• spason play<·d a ll;ll'tl t·onsistpnt garn<'. IIi:-; nhility to I'Oll<'d pa:-;sps all(l to t·uu \\'ith IIIP hall liPlpP<l l1is IPan1 ont of many a tight !JOlt•. • \utl as to t;H·kling, littiP llt't'd lH• said h~· UN, hut fot' t·pfprell<'<' apply to any opposi11g had~ mul "<' will l'l'Nt h~· his ans\YPl'. It was only 1lue to llis llal'tl wm·k <llHl I'OllHtmll p<'gging that tiH' (pam \\as lwld togpther at all <luring thP '"tln'' sPason . •\ ~a rewar<l for hi: pt>rsi:t<'nt pll'ort~. hl· h;t:-; ll<Hl t Ill• honor of ]palling 1000 }ll'l' l'Pllt ~tate ('hampionship Foothall 'J'pam. His twxt 1lom· nt>igh hor, Boh Bm·np((, is another man whom Wl' will m is~ tli'Xt .n'<ll'. Tn~ pi t·pd hy Lang, hp was :mot hpt· '"man" of t liP :-;ani<' typ<•. liP <'HpPI'ially distinguisiH'Il hilllH<'If in (liP (lporgl't0\\'11 gmnt' wiH'I'l' hi' HHUIP nlmo:-;t a thir·d of thP ta<·kli'H ;nHl ofti'B <·aust'<l a grpaf deal of wo1·ry to t hP opposing q uarll't·hal'k hy his stH·<·<•ss in :-;topping play~ lH'fo I'<' full~· . tart P<l. HI'0\\' 111'11, Jpft taddt', al:-;o play<•<l Iris last gmn<' 'l'hanksgi,·ing, 1!)1, . 77

Tlti.· wa.· llH• ~'<'<'OlHl .·<·a:on he hall a r<•<·m·<l of pln,riu~ in <'V<'I'.' ~Hill('. ])uriu~ th<' "fin'' nll'alion It<' ,'OJIIPiiiiH'H had to till (\\o po:--ition:-- in til<' litw hut PYPn this t·oul<ln't stump !tim. IIi.· pinyin~ in tltt• Ppm·ia ~:lllH' "as :-;ni<l to han• h<'<'11 Ill<' J~·st of :Illy liuPslltan wlto <'IH'<Illll!<•rt>tl PpOJ·ia. l'1·haua shiftt><lthPir "star," LPwis, to L.Il.B. in ordl't' to hit thP "" pak"' si<l<' of om· line, <'OllHi.'lill~ of Hash, Browll<'ll, and "Youll~ }lik<•." But 11H'.'' soon woke from thpit· rash dr<•am wltich lnul (\ll'JH'<l into a ni~ht­ mare and put Lewis had.- to full. Captain }lajm "ill h<• ~rPatly llmHli<·appPd n<•xt .'<':II' h.' tlu• lo:--:-. of ::\Iyers. :\ly<'J's, :\Iajm·:-;, Hrmnwll and Lan~ \\'<'!'<' all pit·kpd fm t II<• allHiatt> tPant. :\lyt>I'S, Bnl\nwll alHl Lan~ all pla,r<><l 011 th<• lht'<'P 1000 per <·Put tpams. . lyt>l'H is fast and lti:-; open fiPI<l ,,-m·k "a:-; l'PIIIarkahh•. Il<• a 1so mad<' HHlllY poi 11 t s with his ~oa 1-ki <'king. It h n s h<'<'ll sa i <1 1 Ita t no on<• l'a11 do two thillgs at on<'<', hut lw <li-.;pi·oyed th<' th<'Ol'." "IH•u II<• ~aillPd gt·omul and also plny<•<l ho1·s<' hy 1·iding 1\\·o m· tin·<'<' l'!'l1ana ho.rs on his ha<·k at OIH'<'. ll<• fu1·lh<'I' displayt>d goo<l j\lllgHtl'llt in ltis <lPfen. iv work. FrakP.' ahly till<'<] lh<' po:-;itiml that ''])ul<'h" Tluhhat·<l h:ul hPlll for ih<' two ]ll'l'\·ion. :--Pason:--. Ilis wm·k in h:H·kiH:,r up thP line t·an not he Jn·ai:--Pd too higllly. llis ahility to ~ain g-ood ground ill ]ill(• phmp;Ps \\HS <hw to his quid.- stm·t an<l lots of pulleh. <'aptaill·<'l<'l't :\lajm·':-- (']pn•t· ht•:Hl wm·k a1Hl <p1id.: <IPI'isiolls !tan~ m:HlP him famous dul'illg t II<• la:-;t two ypm·s. II is I'l'lllarkahl<• ktl<H·k of running had~ punt:-; an<l of passing th<• hall m:uh• it pos:->ihh• to ~a in groulHl fast. <'.II.~. may well <·mlsi<l<'J' lt<'I'HPlf llwky to liH\'<' sn<·h :1 h!'illiant num a:- ('aptain an<l pilot of thPiJ· JH'XI ypar·~ tPalll. TPmpl<•, h<•l II' I' !mown HI' "~lud lim·~'<'" <l<•tnonst 1·a l<•d hi:- <1 i:--t·p~:ll·d fm· th<• wPath<'r at K:lllkak<'<'. In tlli~ gant<', TPIIIJII<' I'<'JH•atP<ll.' 111adt• gm)(l gains iu thP pom·i11p; nlill :tll<l :-;loppy llllHl whPl'<' all tlH• 1'<':->1 of' t ht• had~.' \\<'I'<' .'mot hPJ'<'ll. ]lp also :--tanPd in I II<• l-1·hana gatn<• in hi:-; tal'kle plnn:,r<'s. ~\Hhongh th<' lightest man on th<• team, h<• lll'OY<'<l iJHli:--p<'ll. ahlc> in hi. lar-;t . ason. Le<' :\lal'lin W:l.' a ,-aluahlP man <ln<' to ltis :-;(pady plugging. In a gatlH' th<' man next to ltim <·onlll alwa.'·~' <·<mnt upon llis support in stop· pin:,r a ]llung<'. It <·all h<' plaiuly ~'<'<'ll that :->ll<'h a mall <·oHI<l h<• and was a great hplp to thP 1<':1111 an<l will h<· gt·patly mi:-.secl JH'Xt y<'ar. Harold :\Iil'llaPl:->, hPII<'l' kllOWll as "Big'' :\1 ik<•, was a valuahlP player <'S]I<'<'ially as II<• JH'OYi<l<'ll a til·m fomtdation fm· a still' lin<•. II<', with tll<' as:.;istan<"<' of '':\lidg<'," was t IH• llH'ans of a good <I Pal of ~~-,nnHl :,rainiug through <'<'lll<'l'. II<• was not nhl<' to fini:--h th<· :-;pasml, <hw to a . praine l wriRt and ankh> sn:--taim•<l in th<• Peoria game, <'X<·<•pt to play for a few minute. in th ~<'<'OIHl half of th<' l-rhana gam<'. liP \\ill lK• b:wk 1wxt y<'ar to again hold th<' t·<•nter of Ute liiw . •\ftpr three ypm·s of hm·ll wm·k, EY<'l'<'tl Tm-k<•t· at last :,raitH•Il a berth on thp fir.'t team. It <':lll ht> R:lid tltat lte tille<l his position at center and guard Yery <'l'l'<litahly lw<'HUR what he laekecl in 'wight h<' made up in ..,p ed. . \nother blow to n .·t year· prosped i the los 7

of 'l'w·kpr·, a:-; ht• <·<•r·t a inl~· would have fi llp!l on<• of t h<• guard po. ·ition.·. Bill l:a:-;h wa:-. a Jli'W l'PI'l'Uit thi .· y<•ar, hut he llt'\'PI' faile!l to pay .· trid attt•ntion to all that \Y:t:-> :-.ai<l alHl don<• on the fiplll, an<l \\ilh hi:-; appliaiJ<'<' of this k11o\\ h•dgt•, ))(' gr·l'\\' to lw a rPgular foot hall player. lie waH a hm·tl play<'r and hi:-. wpight ;uldP<L to thiN made him a goo<l guard . BaNh will hP ha<·k Ju•xt ,YPar, and w<• all hopt• that he will make a. · goo<l a showing a:-; he did tlti .· Hf'aHon. \\'(' !lOW ]H'I'S('II( a ,YOUllg<'l' lllt'lllhl'l' of tllP ('(•]p))l•a(p!l ){j(')Ja(')N famjJy, tht'l'Pfore kilO\\ 11 as "Young" }likP. lit• play<•<l a goo<l hard ga111t' at t'n<l all(lllHill,Y an oppoNing half-hat·k will r·enH·mbPt· th<• tim<' ht' tl'i<·<l to l'ome m·ourHl our lPft <•lid. 'I'hank:-.gi\'ing it \niH t ht' intt•ut of LP\\' iH to t'OJlH' that way, hut <':t<·h iinH' h<• waH t ht·o\\·n for a los.· with tll(' asHiHtan<·p of BrownPll. OmnhlP wa.· auotlH'r JH'W man, hut h<• workf'<l hard an<l in the <'!Hl l'P<·Pin•<l a )pttt•r for hi:-. IH'r·si:-.t<•nt Htr·uggl<•. It \Yas not till ntthPr latP in tlw sPaHtlll that h<' got llis <·hall<'<', hut wh<'u it <·amp h • Ht:uh• tl~t• moNt of it. F1·P<l }l<•rTer·, ( 'aptaiu of Ba.'kt'thall, was nHPtl at <'lHl HP\'('l'Hl tim<'s in gaHH'N a!Hl on t lH' .'<'<·mul tP:IIn all :-.e;vorr. }lpr·<·Pr wa.- a goo<l player hnt WP h:ul two good <•nd:-. and that waH <'JJOngh, so h<• h:Hl to h<• <·ontent with tiH• allno:-;t thanki<'"N ta:-.k of IH'illg a llH'IllhPI' of thP N<'<·mtd t<•aJn. 'l'hP qum·tprhad~ of til(' N<'<'OJHl !P:tlll was onr· ol<l fri<•rul, Fr·ptl Knight. Ft'P<l wa . IJandi('<I]IJl<'d hy hi:-; sizt•, hut IH• lllOl'l' than m:ult• that up with his Yoice. Til(' N<'<'OJHl t<'<llll aiNo in<·lnde<l lhnm, l>aniPIHon, 1:<'<'111, ~11\' PJ·k­ l'H]). ~llang<'l', L<'<', ll<•llni:-;s, .\da1ns au<l " \\.indy" Yauo:-;. ~OIIH' of the:-.t> will ht• had~ to try fm· JH'Xt .'·l'ar·'s t<':llll and with thpiJ· }l(')p, if it is likP tll('il' assiHt:tBI'(' thiN ,H·ar, ('llantpaign shonl<l ]H'O<ltH·I' anoth<•t· 1000 JIPI' <'<'ll t Foot ha 11 Team. ,JOIL . )J.\X\\'ELL .\.11.\:\f~.


'1 !1.

1!\asltcf Jhlall 1~~I X- I 9 1~~ Q)ffircrs

( 'aptain Ft·<•ll ~1<'1'('('1'. ('apt. Pl<•<·t .Joint F1·ak!'l-'. ('o:wh-K. <l. ('olltdli<>. 'Q:'cam <lua)'(]:-; I>Pan I:1·ow1H'il, .Joll!t Fr·akp:-;, <'.\'l·il <:nrnhl!'. ( 'entpr-Ft·<•ll _,l!'r<·<'1'. FonHu·d:-;--FrP<l ~lajor·:-;, .\1·thtn· 'J'prnpl<', (;pm·gp 1:!'111H'II. ltcrorll of £reason

<'hantpaign <'Ita rnpa ign ( 'hampaign ( 'hantpaig-n ('htt111paigll ('ita IIIJIHigll <'lin rnpaign ( 'hantpaign <'hampaign <'hanq>aign ( 'hmnp;tip;n

IToliH'l' ......... 11 l'aiP:-:linP ........... 10 <'linton ............ :20 l'rhana ............ 11 ('pntJ·alia .......... ~1 ~pringfip]fl ......... :2:2 I: loollt i ngt 011 . . . . . . . . ~:l l'1ohana ............ -! • 'pringfi<•lll ......... ;) Jlpor·ia .\lanunl ...... 1!1 Bloornington ........ :!I

......... :2() ......... :23


" ......... :31 •••••









......... 1.'

........ -~' ......... ~~~ . . . . . . . . . :,!()

:21 ......... :20 •••••




.District Q:ournamcnt ( 'ltantpaign ('hantpnign <'ltantpaign < 'hampaigu

Lmtp;,·ip"· ........... II I:twklry ........... l i l'l'hana ............ Li Ka nkak<'<' .......... 1:2

........ .-!;) ......... :>0 ......... -!0 . :31i 0





,.:·tate Q:ournmnrnt .\lton .............. l!l ~pri ngfi!•l!l ......... 1~

('hantpaign ........ . :.!;~ ( 'harnpaign ......... !I

Fnlly fifty lllPll rppmiPil to ( 'oadt ( 'olll!'lth• t h<· til·:-;t <'Y!'1tiJJg of Jll'<l!'· t ilo('. ~1!'1'<'<'1' aud ~lajor, :-;tar:-; of last y<•ar's (pam "<'1'!' 011 halHl, ;tJl(] with B1·ow1H'll, Frak<'~-', HPtmett, all(] 1'<·mple, <'oa!'h ( 'out!'hi<> had litth• houhlP in sPlP!'ting his t!'anr. .\s th<• fi1·:-;t ga111<• ""~-'only two \\'!'('k:-; oil' thP :-;quad \\ork!'<l hmod, all(] '\!'t'!' in thP pink of <·OJHlitiml fm· thPi1o p:anH' \\·ith Ilom<'1o, whi!'lt l'<'~-'l11t!'d in a \n·ll <'<11'nP<l Yidory fm· <'hant· paign, :.!li to 11. Tit!' TlonH'1' hoy:-; put up a good ganH', hut <omtld not ]l('n!'ll'HI<• t h<• ( 'ltalll]IHigu dPf!'llS<'. Th<• following ~lond;l~· 1lH' (pam jom·JH',\'!'<l to P;Jlp:-;tin!' iu 111!' south<•1·n pnr·t of tit!' :-;tnt!'. Tit<' :-;outh<'1°11 ~-'<ohool had lt!'<ll'd of <'hatnpaign'H l<'<Hl<·I·ship jlJ ;\ll alltll'tin' in th!' <·<•ntntl part of th' :-;tat!', ;tJl(] 1

w<>re ratlH•l' <'H~<·r fot' a ~:uuc•. '1'11<• PalestiiH• hoy:-;\\('!"(' ~iants c·onqmt·c•d to tiiP )Jm·ooB fiY<', hut fast -fiom· \\ork and fight lJt·ougltl u:-; ddor,Y, :2:~ to 10. Thr !Pam wa:-; gi\'Pll a ~hort YH<'ation clm·in~ ilu• ('Jn·i~tma~ lloli <l<ty~. hut thi" di1lnot 1-'P<'lll to IH'liPfit tiiP ho,\~, a:-; till'.' In:-;( tiiPil' 111'. t gam<>, .Ja11U<lf·y ;~, to (']itlton, :.W to~- 'J'IIc• lo<"al:-; <"Ollld not g<•t goittg, and tiiP \\ondpr·fnl tight m11l :-;pirit :-;ho\\'11 in th<' pr·pyiou:-; l'OlltP~ts W<'t'P altogpthPr mis:-;ing. llmn•,·c·J· J:ro\\ liPII's shO\\ ing at tl1<• guar·1l po:-;itiou gan• the ( 'llmupaigll J·oo(pJ·:-; :-;mn<'l hill~ to glor.\ oY<'l". ThP :-;quad lmu·pd llp ('OJINidpJ·;thly tJtp 11<''\:t fP\\ dny:-;, ])('l'<IIIS(' fh1• ll('X( ~<IIlii' \\ ' ;t:-; \\ itlt IIIII' old l'l\'Cll~ fl'OJII l~rha11a. It \\a:-; t h<• tir·:-;t gam<> of ha:-;kPt hall <'\"<•r playpd lwhn•<•n tl1<• 1\\o s<·hoob, :tlld till' )lat·omt" '\l'l'l' dPI<'l'ltlill<'d to \\ill this first gmnl'. The lnrgpst <·J·o\\·d of tllp spason \nts on halld to <·hPPl' tht>il· t·<'~])('<·tiYl' IPHilll-' to Yidm·y. Tl1<• {~J"Imna fin• \\'1'1"<' <·ornplPIPI.'· outdas:-;e<l in t•n•ry pllnsp of 1!1<• gmiH'. <'hampaign Sl'Ol"<'<l lin· I mtd "<'l'P liCYel' hc•all<·d, wiu11in~ ea:-;ily :~1 to 11. 'l'h<• n<•xt gam<' on Ill(• l<walllom· \\as\\ ith <'<•Jtlntlin, who \\PI"<' la"t ypm·· .. stat<' l'lt<llllpions, and who as yPt had not h<'<'ll dPf<·at<•d t t hi:-; Hl'asmt); ( 'han1paig11 lc•d f1·on1 tlH• tin;!, '' iJilliug <'<1~-'ily, :~;-; to :21. <'a plain )Je1T<'1" allll -:'llajor Wl'l"P the stm·" of th<• <·ontc•. t fm· thl' )Jaro m:-. On FPln·n:n·y :2;) the -:'II m·omt~ i11 ,-ad<•d ~pJ·ingfi<>lll wh1·1·<• t h<·y lll<'l thP strong I'Pil and hlad~ aggn•gation. 'l'h<• gmll<' \\<lH 11ip n111l tn<"k nil tl11• way. ( 'hampaign 1<•11 liOW<'H'J' until tlu• filial qnar!Pt· whPll ~p1·illg­ li<·ld jmttped iuto th<• IP<lll hy 1\\'o points. ('apt. )IPr<·<•t· tiPd thl' !"l"Ol'l' agaiJr with a pt·pt ty hai"\kl't fi'OIII thl' <·e•nte•1· of the• floor. \Yit h only t '' o lllilliii<'N to play tl11• r·<•d mlll hl:H·k':-; ntllied and llHtdP 1\\o liPid goab, a111l won tlte gan}(', 2:2 to lK 'I'll<• gatiiC' with Hloolltingtou a \\ <'<'k l:lt<•1· o11 ih<• lo<·:ll tlo01· \\as tlw fai"\tc•"t and Jlloi"\t l'Xl'il in~ g-aHH' of till' ~-'<':11"\0Jl. 'J'Jtp g<tn11• ''a:-; a hattll' fnmt ~ta1·t to fini.lt, Ill'itltc•J· tl':lllt l<·ading· the• oflH•r hy 11101"<' tltau till'<'<' poiuts at any !'tag<' of the• game•. ~\t th<' final \\lti:-;!1<• tlw :-;c·ot·e· \\as 1iPd alHl tin· tninntps of 0\Pl"limc• play waH lH'l"l'i"\1-'aJ'Y to dPI<'l'lltinP th1• "inHl'l'. For th<· fir·:-;( four· minn(ps hotlt tpanls hattlP<l on 1'\'<'11 tPl'llls, wlte•n Ft·akp:-; ~hot a t·iu~<'r from the• C"ente•r of t l1c• fto01·. This 1n·ac-t i,.all.' won tlt1• gallll' fot· 11.', hnt to mak<• the• \idor·,\ 1"\Hl"<', HPlllt<'l1, who l1acl l'Pplacc'<l 'l'l•mpll', won mwtlH'l' HPl<l goal. 1'11<• faui"\ WPltt ,,·il<l \\'itlt c1t>li~ht o\"(•J· tid.· Yi<-!ot',\', a" Blooming-toll ha<l one of t hl' h<•i"\t l<':tlll · iu this part of the stat<•. 1'he 1'<'tnnt g-amp with rrbana in their own gym Fl'ln·u;n·y T showed dt>arly that ('hampaign h<Hl the hettPr tpam. The l~rhana tiw luul im)n·on•cl hut thc• l'lose gnarclin~ hy hnth Brmnwll ancl Frakei"\ <"all.'<'<l their <lown-fall, a:-; till' m·aHg<' all(l hla<·k sqna<l s<•<·m·<•d only two fi<>lll ~oals, whil<' <'lta111pai~ll pih•ll U]l a total of tw<•Hty-i"\ix poiuts. ~\ hn·g<' dp](·~a­ tion of 1·oote•J·:-; :t<·<·otnp<llli<'d the• tPalll to tl1c• :-;i~tc•r· 1·ity. • ']ll'illgfipl<], IIIII' lH'X( O]l]lOll<'llt~, l'<llll(' to ( 'lt<tlll]J:tlglt ('X]H'l"( iug (o win P:tHiJy hl'<":lll!"l' of' tliC'iJ• ]JJ'('\"ious \"idm·y OYe•J· 1J,' a fP\\ \\ l'l'ki"\ \)pfoJ·C'. Po:-;<·m-<'1', tliP \iPit01··. ~10 JHlllllll gi:lllt, "ho had ju~t n•-pnfpr·<·d tlr<•




w:tN in lhPit· litH'-liJI ancl Ch:tmpai~ll',• C'h:ttH'c•.· lookc•fl Nlitll. 'l'ltP .\1 ai'OOIIH, Ito\\ C'\' ('1', Hlll'jll'i~PCJ f !Jp \'i~i(C))',' hy HhO\\ i11g a V<Ho~( illl}ll'O\'PI Il('JI( in IPallt-play ancl at the' half ]pel hy ,' point~. In thP ~pc·ond half, Po~­ c·oYPt' '"''~ takPn ft·o111 the' gatllP, and the• YiHitot·~ WPl'(' hc•lplc>sH "ithout hi:-; :-:c•t·,·ic·p~, ('h:tlllpaign wiuning :!()to:>. It wa~ IIH• \\'Ot·:-;( tritllttling thP t·Pcl and hlac·k~ had :-;utl'c>rc>d in HP\'c•t·al y<·m·~-t 'l'hc• following Ft·i<lay the• .\Jm·oon~ mPI Peor·ia .\lamtal at J'poria. 'l'IIC' ganu• was hard fought OIH' tc•am taking t It<• )pad and thPn the othpt·; Yic·tm·y fot· ('ltampaigJt wa.· not c·c•t·tain until thp final llliJtntc• of play whPn .\lajor ~hot a th•lcl gmt I. ''}I idgp" made• 11 of tiH• :!1 point.· ~c·ot·pd hy ( 'hatHJiaigtL Ft·o111 Pc•oria th<• IP<Illl \\'c•nt to Bloot11ington wlH•t·P thPy 1111'1 the• latft>t· 011 ~al11rday c•,·c•niilg. 'l'hc• .\Im·oo11s were lt:tlldi<·ap]W<l hy ltaYing to play on a mnC"h l:ll'g'Pt· tloor, th:m thc·y WPt·c• ac·c·n~tomc•cl to. \\'p )pel at half tinH' hy thP points, hut in the :-;pc·oiHl half Bloomington c·:mH' hac·k ~trong, awl at thP c•tul of the• tlli1·d qnm·(pt· a quc•:-;tionah[(> dC'C'ision h,r th<' rd<'l'<'<' in rpfu~ing to gin• th<' .\laroons :1 fipld gtJal 111aclp hy .\Ic•rc·pr tm·nc•cl th<• tide', aud Bloomington sc·orpd (\\·o tic•ld goals in quid· stH·c·PsNion, tiH• gmllc' PIHling :!1 to :!0 in faym· of 1:Joomingtou. '1'111'11 c·anH' tll<' di~ti·id tom·mtllll'llt wlli('h wa~ hplcl iu thp loc·al higl1 s('ltool Hyu1 Fc•h. :!, ' to :Jiarc·h 1. 'l'hl' }J:.u·oon.· wc•t·c• pic·kpd to "in the• flllll'll:llll<'lll hy \\·isp dopestPt·s, and tt·up to fm·m as tll('y luul lit tlc• tronhll' in dPfl':ttiug lite' fpaurs thPy mPt. On the• tit·~t <'YC'lliJtg of thl' llt:tlc-hc·~ ('lnuHpaigu d<'fpatPd Long\'ip"· J;) to 11. Ju th<• fom·th sc·:-;~iou of the• tina) (]ay I he• -'1 m·om1.· Hc·oJ·<•cl at will again:-;t Bnc·kh•y, winning ;)() to 1-t-. In thP sc•tni-tiual.· ('halll]Jaign Ill<'( l"t·hana. Fot· lite• tir·st (('n miuutP~ it lookc•d HH thougl1 tltP ('hanqmign Higlt ho~-~ \\·c•J·c• going to he• c·ltpc·kC'd in thPit· t·u:-;h fm· the• tom·ll:tnH•nt honor·~. hut til(' Ot·angc• and I:Jac·k ag·gr·c•gation c·ouldn't stand tltc• li<H'P and \\'('J'P Plirniual<'d hy a -1-0 to 1;) .Till'<'. In the• finals ('hmnpaign lllPt KankakPP for thp distt·i('( c·h:tnlpiousllip. 'l'ltP ganH· \UIN :-;low and ullintc•t·c•:-;ting, ('han1paign takiug thP IP:td in tit<' tit·:-;t qwu·tpJ', and gt·aclnally inc·t·Pasing it as !liP gmn<• \\'PJI( 011, and at tlH· final whistle• Kankakpc• had 1:! point~ to thP .\lat·ooll~· :W. ('apt . .\Jpt·c·C't', BrO\nwll, and .\lajor \\'('l'P plac·<•(l on tl1e> all-di:-;tril'l toul'llallH'Jtl (pan1, while• Fntk<'H, 'l'PmplP, a11cl J:c•m!PII J·pc·Pin•d ho11orahiP nH•ntiou for thPit· ~tellar work. Hy winning th<> cli:-;ti•id tom·nament ('hampaign High was pntitlpd to t·<·pt·P~c·nt t hi:-; cli~tl'id in thp stat<' tournament w]Ji('h was hPlcl .\larc·h 13, 1-J., ;\llcl 1;) at the rniwrsity of Illinois. ('hampaign drew .\.I ton for thei1· tir:-;t <·ompetitor · for !'~tat, honor . The~e two t am· o}lenecl th tournament. .\. large del cration of root r wer on hand, and led by c·hppr-leaderl'l ~chmalhau._ n and Ba h, mad the gym ring with encourag<'nH•nt for thp :Jiaroon . .\.ltou eored firl'lt hy I'IPenring a ft'<'P tlu·o" fc11lmn•(l hy t\\·o ha:-;kpts. ('hampaign maclp a ti<>lcl goal, ancl a frP<' throw. 'l'h<' quariPt· <'lHlPcl ;) to:~ in faYOJ' of .\ltm1. 'l'lw .\lm·oon~ \\'PI'<' nc•t·,·ous, wlli<·lt h:tlll[H'I'Pcl ti!Pit' iPalll play, and .\lton again ]pc] at half tim<' t:~ to !1. Tn tltl' thit·cl qu:tl't('l' .\Item startPcl out by uwking two suc·c·c•:-;siw fip](] goal~. (\tpt. )Jpt·c·<'t' ktP:Hli<•cl ltiH IPHlll and )Jajor lllHcl • a field goal. 3

ltcm al.·o :<·orP<l, hut :.'.Ier<·Pr follow<•ll qni<·l·ly "ith two ha~k1•t:, tltl' l[ll<II'IPr encle<ll!l to 1;) for ~\lton. In thc> fourth qn:n·tpr <'ha1npaig-n <·amP ha1·l~ !-;(l'ong HIHl t il'd t h<• ~1'01'<'. ll<'lllH'I I t·Ppla<·<'d '1'<'111]11<' \\hi I'll .'<'<'lltPd 10 ~!Pad~· thP (pam for ~Iajm· and ~[(·n·<•r ~~·m·<·d fip](l goal~, til<• gantl' <'11<1<'11 :,!:~ to 1!1 for< 'hampaigu. On Friday PY<•niug <'hampaign 111<'1 ~priugfil'ld who had also ,'111'\'i\'<•d th<• 1h·~t romHl, Ita ,·iug dpfpa(Pd t h<• ~Ionis II igh 1<'<1111. 'l'h<• g,nn wa · thJ'ollgP<l, nlmoHt t111• pnti1·<• nm·th ~idP hl<•a<·h<•t·~ <·ontaining <'hampaign root<•t·s, whiiP till' ~pt·ingtiPl<l dPIPgatiml :wo ;;troug ~at on thl' ~onth si<IP. 'I'll<• ~lm·oons fightiug againl't g1·<•at<•t· odd· in \\Pight liPid ~pt·iug­ fit>ld 7 to;) Ill<' fil·st half. lu till' s('('01lll half Po~<·on•J· til<' giant <·aptain of th<• HP<l a])(1 Bl<u·k'~ 1-'h0\\'<'<1 hi. ~IIJH'riority in \\'<'ight awl hPight lty HI'Ol'illg ( \\'0 hn~];:p(~ <lllll makiug fi\'1• ft'('(' thi'O\\S. Jll'l'l'('l' <Ill() '(\•mpJp p;u·h s('('lll'<'<l on<• lta~k<'t for <'hantpaign. Filial !-;<·m·<• ( 'hanqmign !1, ~pringfiPl<l 1 '. HO<·kfm·d won til<' stntl' <·hatllpion~hip, <IIIII ~pringfiPld, the !Pam whkh PliminatP<l ('hampaign, took :P<'mHl hm1m:. 'l'hp ~-'<'ason was nto.·t Nlll'l'('s'-d'nl, t111• tl'ant \\inning 1:.! of til<• lli gattt(•;; playP<I. Thi: i~ thp ~<'<·ond I'IHls<•<·uti\'1' ~Pa~tm <'o:ll'h <'ontl'hiP ha: <IP\'(•]oppd a tPam whi<·lt J'<']ll'<'~<'lltl'd thiN dil't1·i1'1 in lh<• st:lll' tonl'lt· anH•nt, a]}(l with lh<' JH'Otlli!-;illg nta!PI·ial on ha1Hl fm· ll<'Xt ,\'<':tl· IH• \\'ill without <lonltt d<·n•lop :lllotlH•t· \\ inni11g ~>'<Jllall. .·o \\'l'i!Pltp of !It<' lntskl'thall Sl'<l!-;Oll \\Oilld .1'1'111 I'OIItpl<·tP witlwnt nwntioning a f<'\\' of' t hi' many good qnalit iPs of thl' 111<'11 who hm·1· pla,,·<'d tlH•ir la~>'t gan11•, <IIIII fm· tllllN<' who m·p to ntal-P ha~kPthall hi~to1·y agnin lH'X( yp;n· of lh<• ('.II.~. Fl'<'<l :JIPl'l'<'t·, ('aptain awl <'<'llti'J' of thP sqn:ul, \\;t,· always on th<• joh. Ill' I'O\'(•t·<•d tl11• Jtom· in good 1.\ I<>, a111l \\as OIH' of <'halltpaign's largPst point g<'tl<'l'~>'. ('hampaign lligh "ill 111is~ !tis i-1'1'\'il'l's lii'Xt .''<'<11'. l>Pan Hl'O\\'ltl'll, ~ta1· g-nal'd, \\<ts th<• sl'lli-Htioll of thP ~<'a~o11. ))pnn';; fighting qnalitiPs lltadP him <Ill ii!Pal stauding gnm·ll. Hi~ ;;Jtops "ill h<' hm·<l to fill ll<'XI N<':t.·on. ~\rtltm• 'f<'lll)ll<' \\·as a Ill'\\' 111<111 to hai-).;pthall fans. liP pla.'<'d h;IJ·d, allllllt<Ul<' goo1l. ".\t·t" \\·as thP light-\\·Pigltt of' th<• IP<Illl, hnt \\<Is ill th<· gaJtH' <•n•ry lltimtl<' . .fohn Ft·akc·~. tl11• <·aptain-Pl<•l·t, wmt distilll'tiou hy his good tloot· \\oJ·k, and ,·]o~l' gu;n·ding. .Jolllt will lH• h:u·k H<•xt ,\'<'<ll' mtd it i~ ltop<•d that nll<ll'l' hi~ ll'a<ll'l'ship th<•1<•ant "·ill will gt·Patl'l' hm11n·: thau th<• tl'atll tlti~ ~('<ll'Oll.



was onp of th<' ln·ight lights of th<• .quad. "Jii1lgp'' a111l "~I i<lg<'" "ill b1• hal'k again III'Xt y<'<ll' and gn•at thillgs <11'<' PXJH'I·tpd of hint. (;poJ·gp BPllliPtt W<l~>' knmnt a~ ('hampaign\; fighti1tg f'ol'\\<tt·d. (;poq!.<' !-;ItO\\ I'd lti~ \\ol'th in lltP di~>'ll'il·( and ·tat<• tout·ll:tlltl'llt", \\ h<•t'P l11• <·m·<·t·pt] JtilltN(']f with ,...o)on·. . (',\'l'i) 0amhJp Was :t]so Ill'\\' to ha~kPthall f'<tlll'. Jlp f)ltid;l,\ ll'ill'lll'd 1hP g:tiiH' and llt<Hll' :t :-·pl<'llllid utilit,· 111<111. "('y" is ha1·k JH•xt ,\'l':tt· and will "·ithont ;t llonht tak<• HJ·o\\'111'11'. phl<'l' <tt thP stan1ling gn;n·ll. 'I ll0\1.\~>' L.\ 1., '1!1. hi~. mil<' \nls :tl\\ a.'·· ill thl' gan11•.

Eu.. ;)0 100 220 --t-!0

~1.\0E BY


,vard dash _________ ,):!.1 sec. yard da:h -------- 10:!.1 .'PC. ~- ard dash __ _______ 2:~1:; sec. yard dash_ _______ :i1 :IS . ec.

H 0 yard dash _________ 1 mill' run ___ __ _______ 2 milt• rnu ___ __ _______ 120 yard high lnmllPs __ 220 nml low hurdl t> __ Broa;l jump ____ ___ ____ Pol<• \'aniL ___________ High junq> --- - - - -----Dis<·us --------- -- --- _ , 'hot put_ _____________



I a=~., :p(•.

-+ min., :36


10 min., 29 «'<'. 161., ec. 27 S!'C. 21 ft., -+ in. 11 ft., 6 in. .) ft., l 1 ~ in. 119 ft., 7 in. 47 ft., 1 in. Ilamnwr throw-- ------ 1;) ft. .Jawlin thJ·ow__ __ _ _ H:~ ft., -+ in. 1 mil<• r(•lay ___________ :~ :~2:!.1 2 milP !'Play ___________ < : n

:\Iajot· Larg<·nt :\Iajor Bruder Largent Percival Brown ::O.Iajor :\Iajor Branch Kirkpatri<'k Oant;r, K<•mp Kemp • Ti<'kl'r.·on :\Iajor


1919 1910


1919 1917 1912 191~

191:> 191f)

1919 191 ;~ 191;) 1916 191;)

191:> 1912 1919 1916




I ~I I 9

Tht> t t·ad~ :-;pa:-;on of 1 !ll!l ha:-; hPt>n I IH· mo:-;t :-;ut·t·t•:-;sful spawm I hat has pn•t· "iltll'l'~-'t'd. T\\o \\PPk:-; hPfm·p thP ('. I I.~. ti·at·k :-;paso11 opPnPd Ft·Ptl }lajon; Pllll't't>ll th<' _\ __ \ _\·. lll<'<'f at thP ('oli:-<t'lllll in <'In t·a~o. liP stHTl'PilPd in taking :o;('t'Olllls in hoth lht> lnn·dlp l'al·t'l' and al:-;o \\as ct\\atdl'll thP individual t·up. On _\pril :21) tlu• } I aroon track . q tt<Hl jom·m•ypd to Pt>oria to takP pat·t in tlw Hradlp~ Pol~ tP!'IIuit· tnu·k 111<'1'1. < 'halll]lai~n was t·p~ardpd as t lw •·tlark hor:-;p" of t hP liH'Pt atHl tht• hoy:-; nphPI1l thP namP of t ht• "d:IJ·k hm·st', .. for thPy \\on tht• llll't'l pasily, winnin~ with :21 poi11t . . }lajtn·:-; hrokp thP hi~h jnmp t·t•t·orll wlwn hP I'IP<ll'Pd thP har at fiyp fppt :-.l'\Pn awl thrPI'-quartl't· iiu·hPs. Thi:-; rPt·ord h:ul :-;towl fot· 1:2 yem·:. Ill' \\:1. al. o <I\\ ardP1l thl' indiYi1lual rnp. On }lay 3 <'hmtlpai~n ttwt lwr ol1l riYals, l·l'lmna, on Illinoi:-. Fiel1l and had litth• tronhlP in'' inuin~. tlw final s1·ot·p hpiu~ !10 to :H. ~lajot·.· took . PH'll tirst:-; and OIH' ,·p1·mul for a total of;~, point.. _\ t thl• lllinoi. <'o]]p~p lntt>t·sdwlasti1· n·:H·k BIPPt h<•ltl at .Jat·k.·on' illt• ~Ia.'· !1. <'hampai~n a~ain :-.ho\\ Ptl ht•r ·npt>l'im·it.' on tht• tr:u·k In· \\ in11in~ thp IIIPl't. )Jajors liHHh• a total of 1-! point:\\ hkh ~an• him tht• indi\'idual t·up. HPII t·anw IIPXt with 10 poi11ts. ThP tt>am lpft inlnu•diat<•ly for <'hal'll'. ton whPl'P t ht•y wt>re <•ntl't't'll in tht• Eastt>rn Illinois .·ormal tl·:u·k tliPt•t on tht• npxt tlay. \YhPn thP tllPI't t•tuh•tl <'hampai~n hpadt•d tht> list, nwkin~ ht•t· ~-'PI'OlHl vktory in t \\·n day . ThPy Wl'l't' ~in•n a lar~P shit>l!l at hoth <'harlt>ston awl .J:H·kson' illl' alHl ·· )1 itl~ ,.. hrou~h t hat·k t\\ o sih-t•r lm·in~ t·up . In th Illiuoi. Iutt•l' Thohtstit· )ll'Pt, )lay 11, our boys r-ollel'tt•<l 1-! point for a tie fot· fourth phH·t•. hut a WPt>k latt•r at t hP )I idli~an lutPl'· .TIIola. tit·. ht>ltl at _\un _\rhor. our four star., )lajor, )lyt•r., Brm\'111'11 awl Bt>ll. }H'Ot·PPilell to show tlwir tt·tw w01·th hy takin~ the mel't with a total of :2!1 points. )Jajm ~ot anotlll'r <'U)I fm- individual honor "ith 11 points. and ind1h•utally. t iP1l thP hi!.!:h . dwol rt>1·ord for the hi~h jump a111l t·Pdnt·Pil hh. o\\'n :2:20 ym·tl low hnnllt> l'l't·m·1l to :21i ·t•l·muh. ThP team. \\ hid1 \\a I'OilllH>. Pd of <'apt. Hro\\ IIPll. )lajor , )lyt•r .. HPil. l't·ake..-., (\u·tpr, awl \\'atd10rn, haYt' wo11 t\\o hit•ld · aiHl a hannpt· I '· i1le tht> llll'llal. that "t•rt' n·heu to I:'Hdt one for "inning hi. ra 'I' . Thi tPnllt was !.!;iYPII tint> "upport in thp Crhana IIIPI't hy Frt><lerick on, J.. )I it·h:wl. l.t tt•t·hat·k. <:;~mhlP. ;~wl )fl'tTI'r. Tht• tPam lo I' ('apt. Hrll\\'111'11. )1,\t't· .. Ht>ll. and \\'att·hot·n hut with tlw 1'1' ton hawltwxt year ('oat·h <'ontdlit• should put out :uwtht>t· winning team. <'.II.~.

( '.\RROLL •


H~I.\LIL\. .

E. ,




,..,..; .




"ASquE Dr Tttl: HUHD CD Tt:RAS


jlllinois <!ttnftnnial Ja!)tant Tht> pm·pose of th<· fourth auBual pa~pant, whi1·h was pt·t'HI'lltl'd on ~ -o,·. 1;), was to I'Plt•hratp llliBois' l't'lltPnuial y<•ar. 'l'hP pa~P:lllt <·onsi:-;tell oft wo pal'ts: 'l'hP )I asq IH' of t l11• Elt•nH•nt sand t hi' )J asq tH' of a Ilundl'Pil Ypm·s. Jkgi11ning aml <'IHlin~. as tlw l'a~<·ant did, with thP H,nnholintl, it ap]H•alPil to tltt> ima~iuatiou, qukkPtH'Il tht• thou~ht, and fit·t•<l us "ith a high<•r patt·iotism. 'l'ht• sta~P l'Plll'I'SI'llts a woodhmd aud iu th1• OJH'llin~ s<·Pnt• on it ar<> groUJH'Il t ht·pp tigurps, Earth, Fit·<', aud \\'atpt·. ~\ disput<• arisP. as to whi1·h of thP tht·pp has thP ~t·Pat<•t· po\\·Pr, aiHl tlwy ask wl10 Nha1l ~owtU<• tltl'it· disHI'll~-<iou . •\t that, t·t·it•s of "1, I, I,'' m·<• h1•ard from <'YI'l'Y dirt'<> t ion all([ .\ir, l'I'JH'PN<'nt ing thP \\'iwl HJllH'at·~-< on thP ~-<lagt>. ~\s Hhl' llaint il,r daHI'PH at·omHl wit It gt·Pat aha11dou, hPr dt·t•.·.· :ll\1l floating .·<·ads of dill't•t·l•nt ~-<hadt•s of J.!,TH,\' and laYt'tHlt•r gin• th<• t I'll<' P1l'PI't of win< I hlowiug tl11·ou~h thP fot·pst. .\ftt•t· t l11• dan1·P of Air, ht•r attl'll(lauts, dt'PHNI'd in gauzy, ait·,r I'OHllllll('N S('l'lll to HI;IJ·t out l'YPI'.\'Whl'l'(' from thP ~o;ha<lows, and thpy al.·o fall to dandng. ~\s tltP,\' H<'PIIl to fadP a\\·ay, IlliHois, tht• lH•antifnl t·hild of Fr<•<•<lom, i~-< !:it'l'll slowly adnml'iug to tltl' front, and .\it·, wekoJJiing her, places her on a JH•dt•~-<tal. .\ir a~-<ks what t hi' Elt•mPnts otl'pt· to Illinoi~-<, an1l Earth, a uohlP tigur·p in gt'PI'll, <·omt'N forwm·d to ]ll'I'.' Pnt t111• I'OJ'll. Then, with l't'iP~-< of''''\'<' cont<>, w<• colltl'," thP attPtHlauts of Earth pour in, dressed in ~l'l'<'U an<l gold, eadt git·l symbolizing an pm· of <·m·n. Th<·.v <lmH'<' and tiH•n takp thPit· plan·.· in ~-;traight row:-; at Padt Pllg1• of the stage. ~-ow Fire oll't•r·s hpt· gift, a1Hl hPr fom· at tPtHlant~-< (who <·onlP forwar<l) dane<> with a :-;priP.' of ]paps and whii'IH. Fi1·p and tlwse ·prite: ar attir din t'P<l and yPllow aiHl it i.· pa~-<y to imagitw that tiaHH's arP ~pringing up ft·om th<• stagP . •\f'1t•t• this, \YaiPt·, a rnajt•sti1· figure dr·PHS<'<l in palp hln<' allll Hiln•r·, <·alls for lH•r spritPs, and as thPNP dainty hlue-da<l figurPH Hlowly stc•p to t h<> tnnsi1·, " 'atpr· tPIHll't'N hpr ~ift to th<> l'hild of Fre <lom . . \t t hp <·ondusion of 1his daH<·P, . \ir :mnoun<·Ps that "all t h<• elPmPntH ~-<hall mingl<>. Hlt(l hi1ls tlH•nt p;u·h to "gin• all, giY<' all." ~-ow the gt·l'at hnlll't of IJ<II'IllOllY PIISIIPN, with th<> .\it·, Earth, Fit·<>, an1l " 'atpr spt·if<'N ns p:u·lil'ipants. ~\t thP <·lose• of this dan<·P, aH thP e·nrtain drops, all hm,· to Tllinoi~-< :111d J'PH<·lt ont thPir arms i11 rP\'<'J'I'tH'P to thiH <:hild of i<'J'('('d 0111 . •\t t hp opPning of th<• H<'I'OJHl ntasqlH', 'l'inw, a glittl'ring gol<l<•n fi~m·p, HJllH'at·.· dir<'dly oY<•t· tit<' ntThwny of pillm·.- 011 llt<' .-tag<', an<l th<' ltutult·pd yPat·s, I'PJil'I'NPIII<•d by gt·a<IP-HI·hool l'hildt·<>n, pa.-s :H·rosH th<> top nf' th1• 1·olmtms. • \s HOOII a~-< tlii'Y lta\·p gmu•, Illinois, now a h<>autiful ntahrt·p fm·tn, dr·p~.·pd in whitP, with sh:ulPs of hllw and gold, app ar. in th<• :u·dJ\\'<1,\'. TinH' 1lc•mntHl~-< to know of IllinoiR what ~-<h<> Ita~-< <lmw with the• ltnn<lr<•<l yt>at·s whkh Itt• gaY<' hPJ'. HhP l'<']lli<•s that .-hp is fore•\' I' wagincr war with j1rnorau1·e, hut i~ ai<lPil iu lwr strugcrle h: h t• alli •s. 9

On of thPsP L<•m·11iup;, a <lionifi<•d illnstdonk JH'rson attii'PU in tap and gowu, ad\'<IIH't•:-: <·anying tiH• Lamp of lnstt·udiou in IH•r hand. :4h<• pl'PS('IIIs lhP <·ollpgp:-: of llli11oi:-:, ;tll(] tiH•se, dl'PSS<'tl in <·olm·pd S\\(':\IPI'S and whitp skit·ts, dan<·<• ahout all(] takp t hPir pht<·<•s at thP :-:idPs. llli11ois tlt<'II ('ails on Laho1·, a stout, mus('ular <·oll<•ap;tw, who <>ntprs, dt·Pss<•d in working dothPs, atul ('Ul'l'ying a ltnH'h hox. ~·ow the <·itiP. ' ap})('ai', drps:-:ed in ho. ·-likp <·ostnmP:-:, with padt on<· having a map of h<·r l'it.\ ou t lw t'l'(mt. Lon•, a radiant figu1·p \\'it h wings <•nt<•t·: and SlllllliiOlls t lw :4pil'it of \\'hit<• ('it,\', a daint,\· maid<·H ana,\'P<l in a whitt> and :-;iln••· <·ostnmP. :41w h•ads the six h<•auty sp1·ites of til<• \Yorld's ('olumhian Exposition, \\'ho a1·e attit·e<l in daint.\· hl'ight-<·olm'P<l <·o-;t um<•s. 'l'h<•sp ('Ollle for\\'ar<l and l'IItertain with a dPlio·htful dan<:e . •\t th<• <·ondnsion of this, Illinoi:-: <l<•fit>s lgnoran<·P and d<•t·hu·t•s 1 hat \\'ith thP ai<l of ht>r alliPs, sht> <"<Ill fight tht• dt•mou. 'l'hPn tlt<'I'(' is a gn•at tumult, and ami<l hol'l'ihl<• smu·ls t·J·i<•s gt·oans aJHl shouts, thP ."tagp gi'O\\'N dark. \Yht•n dimnH•d light:-: again lltake it pos~ihl<• to :-:<'<', lgum·ant·<', a f•·ightfnl]H'l':-;on \\'ilh <1 g•·<•at hlad-:: 1·ohp ahont hint, is sta!l(]ing in th<• t·Pnt<•r with all his honihlt· follo\n't'.' ahont him. Tht•r m· • han•foot and dt·es.'<'<l in dit·t_r old dothes, \\'it II fur:-; <UHl t·olH's ffung m·<·r thPil' should<•t·s, awl all han• t<•nihiP huntp.' in tht>ir hntks. IguoralH·e dPt·lm·es himself to he ]<)l'(l and m<t:-:tl't', <tnd hrpak:-; into horrihl<' lau~hlt>J·. Tht•n Tim<' <ledar<'.' that th<• y<'al'.' Hl'l' s]H'llt and the end has <·onl<', hut llliuoi.' and her att<>IHlantH h<'" fo1· ntm·t• ,real'~. ~U this, a lioht tiashe · on and th' nn<:ou11te<l y<•ars at·p H<'en standing lJehiiHl 'l'ime. '1'1·ut h, a nohl • figure in whitt>, ap)H'at's holding a r-;hining sword. Hh<• stands hy 'l'ime, who ~i\'eH till' lm<·ouut<'<l years to lllinoi:-:. IlliuoiH 1·ai:-Ps her <ll'JilH in thanks, an<l til<• sW<)l'(l of 'I ruth <hop.' into h<'l' hmHls. :4ht> holds it aloft and adnlll<'<'H toward Ignor:tn<'P who tm·n · and ll<•<•s in t<'l'l'Ol'. The Ull<:OUlltP<l Y<'<ll'S llO\\' hpgin to .'in()', sayinu that the .'\\'Ol'<l of '!'ruth has <·oHH' to makP lll('ll fl'<'<', awl thi.' impr s:in• pageant do.'Ps with the sinoing of "Illinois." Th<• pageant \\'US writtPn hy <lt·a<·P .\Tlington (hyen. It was prollu<·Pd uud •r tl.H• skillful dirPdion of }lis:-. Brt>itstadt, who \\'as ahly assistP<l hy )li:s )[('( 'm·ttwy Hll(l ~IJ·. \Yilt-ox. ~lnd1 tl'<'<lit ik <hiP .John ~1<-Domwll, tlH• pianist, and ~I iss 'I'm·PII, fo1· 11<'1' den•r <·o:-.tum • de:iguing. l>mwld Flaningam was ns<'ful as :-:t:tg<• mmwg<'J·, aiHl hl' was as:-:istt><l hy En•rptt 'l'ul'IH•r, whil<· ~Iiss JhtYi:-: adP<l Pflid<•ntly a:-. lmsinpss manager. The · ·en<·ry was made in the manual training <lPpartmPnt, under tlte dir <:lion of ~Ir. "\Yil.·on. Th<• pag<•au t waH uudou htPil ly a HlH'<'<'Ss and wa. well r<•cpi n•d by th<• au<lietl<'(' . •\11 tlto:P ltolding pl'in<"ipal pm·ts awl also th<>it· attPtHlants showed ntr •ful training, and l':u·h one• di<l r<•mal'lmhly well. Following i:-: the ca:t of chara ter. : PART I Eat·t h, repre:ent ing the Prairi<>s ........................ Edna tip<>s \Yat<>r, repr. enting the Hiver.' ........................... Huth Honn 90

Fi 1'<', r<'Jll'<'~<·ll tin~ t h <' ~I ilws .......................•Tos<•ph iltP Ho~Pt·s .\il', t·<•p!'(':·wntin~ the \rind ...........................•\(]plaid<' \\'hite llliJioi~. th<• ('hil<l. ............................... ~largar<'l ~Iaxwpll . 1/lendants of .lir: Huth PJ·i<·<•, .\il<'<'ll noldl"h,\', g<la <'agann, Elob• Em·JH'~-'t, Hilda Portpr, llani<'tl llPnil-k, J)ol'Othy <lnt,\·, Huth \\'arwi\'1.-, ~Jarian .\t·ip, .·athalie J)odgP . .ltt('wlrutls of \\ 'a{('r: <'atll<'l'ill<' ('ol'IH'tt, Yi\·ian Ewin~, .Janet .\spprn, <ilad,,·~-' .\k<'l'~-', ,'(plla l'<•rt·y, HPI'Hi<·<• ~ullintn, ~l;u·gaH't Laug. ltt('w{ollts of l~'ru·tlt: IIPI<'n Pt·Pttymau, <'alh<'t'iJH' :\litt<'lldm·f. Ei"· tll!'l' Ui<'~-'<', Eulalia Ilall, Pan! in<' ~" inehm·<lt, ~lil<lt·<'<l EvPt·~ol<', Edna \Yard, .\li('<' ~mith, \\'ilia ~I.n•t·s, OladyH Pt·<'~smt, EIPallor Jhtwl"oll, .\gn<'H Ila\\orth, :\largat·<·t :\loot·t>h<'tlll, D01·i.· \\'ait, :\lil<lt·Pd .·orton, • · pnula. ..)1 unay . . lttcHdonl.'i of Fir!': J<:Iizah('(h Bahh, J>oroth~· J>ohhinl", IlPIPn Hng~, Ir •up ..)L ·Broom.

P.\H'J' II Illinois ......................................... KathNinP 'l't>mpliu 'l'inu• ............................................ ~amul'l Oro.·:·mtan II \Ill< lred Y par.· of Illiuoil" ............................. U ra<le \:hool:-~ Lparnin" ........................................ J)orothy :\I d '<mnt>ll Labor............................ . ................. <',\Til <:amble Lo\· • .............................................. Flor •n<·<• \\'inter lgum·anee ........................................... <'harle.· l'ar·ter '!'ruth ............................. .................. Dorothy Towle ('ollcr;('s: BstlH•r BPII, IIel<•n :\Jeh'i11, Phylli:-~ Ily<le, I>motlty \\'r:t ('plp:-;(iliP :\loolw,r, ('atherinP Bait·d, HoiH•t·ta Bn<'ki<'y, ~ii)('Iait• Bnulley, E:-~th<'L' .\ltabe, J{utlt :\l<•tz, ('hriHtitH• Pan, :\Ialwl \\'att, IlazPl IlolJlJ', .Jpall(•ttP Hro\\·n, :\Uldre<l Dunn, :\l;u·ian ,'hang<'t·, Barhat·a :\Iollet, ,Juan· ita HolJ •rtHon, Aline Lea.·ure. ('ities: <tladyH Ily<l<', :\lal'ian Lm·:-~on, Edith \Yoo<l, Huth \\'at<'horn, :\largm·pt \Yltit<>, (J]ady.· Jlall, ~mah :\Imgan, E<lith B<>ll, II<•Ipn :\lurphy, IIc>l<'n IlolliHtPr, Yerna :\lm·kla11<l, E:tht•r ('offP<'n, Eftip ( 'hat·nes, ('!(:'o Hi<-kPttN, :\laro'aret Htro<l<', ~lat·~m·pt Browu, )'.ola I>illanm. :\1 i!Ure<l Wright, :\I;u·gar<'t :\Id><·t·nwtt, l>ot·othy ~!<'I'll, <lPo1·gia ~lltith, h'<'IW BPll, Huth IJi~gin:-~, ::\Jm·g;n·pt J>oH:-~, :\Jil<ln·d .Jolm:-~on E:-~th<'l' <lPip, .Jo:-;t>plt iJH' ~dunalhau~; n. Pollotc rs of fynorruH·c: \\'ar<l \\'illiamH, .JoHPph ~ ·att>, Byron Brmnhl<',, 'hpldon \Yt>aYPI', Edgar~< t tlr:-;, Earl HrPm, \\'al<lrmm· KrnH<', .Jt•ronH' <'op<', Oliwr Yandrn Hprg. l·w·o1ntlf<l }'ears: :\fnn~i<' Dkkr~-, Eula Rtwlman, )fargaret )lc· l>mnwll . ..)latil<la Tlll·a:-;h, ~\IPtH' \\'h<•atou, .Jo:-;<•phinp H<w<>t·:-~, Ola<lys Pen.r, :\lm·o-uerite \Yoolley. n('((llfy. ']Jirit. of thf 1\'orld's ('Ollllllbimz l~'.l'JlOSilion: Dorothy Doh· bin:, Euni<· Go •bel, Oprtrn<l<• D<•J·rongh, ::\Iiriam Bahr, :\Iar~arpt Ba. · . ett, LouiRe Victor. , ']Jidt of the Whiff ('ity: Eleanor .' ott. )f!LDREO EVERHOLI~, '~0.


\1 nrf/tll!ss is thP 111111~1tal unnu• of OIIP of tl11• l'ol'tlll:llltl'au pla,\s by ~tpw;11·t \YnlkpJ·. The play diffpJ·:-; fi'OIIl oth<•J·s ill tlwt it ill\ol\·ps only tln·pp <·lllll'<ldPI·s allll dP)l<'lHl:-; upon p1·odud ion 1·at h<•J· t hall pi •I I'm· it~ 1-;ll('('('SS. ~11\'('('S:-< i:-- Slll'P)y th(• \\ot·d, judging fJ·OJII ([I(• \\"<l,\ it \\(1.' 1'('('('in•d hy tlu• "\\'ig <llHl Pai11t" <'luh a11d lah•J· tlH• \\ holp ~~·hool. It l'O hapJH'll:-< that t IIi. · pia.' "<Is t hP lil·:--t to IH' gi,·<·H 1'.' tIt<' "\\'ig <lll<l Paint'' aud it tlH•J·pfoJ·p dPl'PI'\'Ps I'OII:·d<lPI'<IhlP atiPilt ion. Bill~·. play<><l hy B,\'1'011 BJ·<liHhiP, is t Itt> ti1·:-;t dwra1·tpr o11 t h<· :-;tagP. l[p ~loJ'IIIs m·o111Hl iu a fit of hoyish augpr all(! tln·paiPIL' to IP;t\P honH· 1H•<·aus<• lti.· 1110lh<'l' ]nmi. h<•<l hi111 fo1· llsiug iBI·m·J·p('( Engli~h. ~liP, playpd h.\ .\laJ·gm·pt I:a:--. Pit, aJ·J·in•:-- on tlw s('ellP a11d triPs to <·oil ·o[p thp 110.\. 'J'hP,\ lillall,\ :::tal't J·padiHg a hook all(l ti11d tlu• \\onl "IIPYPrthPIP:-;:-;." .\ftpJ· a futilp attPmpt to filii! thP lll<'<llling of th<· \\tn·d, thP.\ 1111'11 out thP light and tl'lll-'1 tltat a11 plf' "ill <·onu• aud <·xplaiu th<· wonl. ~ 1011 a :--ntall J·ay of light i,· sP<'n aJHl Billy, tllrlling on thp light, di~l'll\'(•J·s 1101 an plf' hllt a lnn·glm·. Tit<> ht11·gla1·, play<•<l hy • ·a titan Bl;)('k, gin·~ up a 11 hopP of PSI'<IJH' awl is <·oJnplPIPly puzzl<·<l wh<>n thP ('hildJ·<'ll ask !tint thP nH•aning of ''II('\'('I·thPlPss.'' .\ft(•J· a shm·t <lis<·llssimt ~II<' IPlls lh<• lnll·gi;IJ' that if It<' I'Hll \\·alk thP sl1·aight H])(l ltal'I'O\\ path ;J.' far as the <lom·, ht> <·all do it al\\'ays. Ile rPplies: "'l'lds iH JH'Ptly Iatp in tlu• gamP to hegin walkin' th<• Htraight all(l IHIITO\\' path-JIP\'I'I·th<'l<>ss· Both dtildJ·pn inllll<'<lia(p]y HJ.'<' the mpauing of tiH• word all<! thus tlt<' ])lay PIHIH. ThP plny was gin•n hpfoJ·p thP "\\'ig a111l Pai11t" ~twi<>l.\ a shmt timP hefol'(' lll.\~(prious <l.E.\\'.'s apJH'ill'<'d and "IH•n <l.E.\\'. itsplf aniYed it \\·as (](•(·i<l<•<l that sill<'<' (]u• })Oilll of I hp play \\<IS good gJ'Hllllll<ll', it Hhoul<l h<' giYen hpfol'<' thP whol<> ~dtool as a llllllllH•J· o11 tit<' ( loo<l E1tgli.·l• 'Ye<•k 1n·o~"l·am . . rm·gm·p( Ha.·sp{(, making h<•r ll<>lmt, <lispl:t,\ Pd ('X,(•pllPJl( dramati(' ahility, as <lid • ·atltnll Bla<·k. H.\Toll Hr:11nhl<>, "ithn11t a ~dmdP of clouht f·ompl<>tPly \\on th<• an<li('ll<·<' hy nl'ling llHIIII'al. Tlte (J·io was yery ahly <·oa<'lt<'cl h~· .Jlr. IIan;v .J. 'Yil<-ox.





'l'IH' third mmnal :--tnut Hhow pl'I'H'llll'd hy th<• hoyH of ('han1paign lli).l;lt ~·kltool prm·P<l to IH' a HtH'I'<'HH in <'H'l'." way and <'X<·Plll'd :til,\' Pxhihition of it:-- kind PY<'I' pn'H<'Bt<•d in th<• hi).l;h Hl'hool atHlitorium. "~\ ~!ring of Pl'<tJ'IH" waH wr·ittPU hy }IJ'. llarry -J. \Yilkox, who ad<'<l a:-- <lnlmat il' dil'PdOl'. 'J'Jtp play iN a :--pi<·,\' lllllHi<·;l] I'OIIII'dy with a WPll·I'Oil!'(l'UdPd plot. 'J'alPllt :t!Hl l'i<'Y<'l' inlitatimiH W<'l'<' hJ'<IIJ).I;ht out hy th<• hoy adm'H . •\luw. ~\mPiia Ponun<' d<• '1'<'1'1'1\ OJH' of tlH· lti).l;hPt'-UJIH of H<H'i<'l.' ( }JaxwPll ~\<laniH), wi:--h<>s to ht><'OIIH' a <·andidatl' for tlH' hand of )larmadnk<' FitJ~:).I;Pl'ald, oth<'J'\\' iHP kno\\11 a:-- I>nd;ip (.Jospplt f<'I'<•<lPJ·i<·kHoll), aN al:--o tliH'H I>u k<', hPJ' 1laugltl Pr ( .J Pl'Olll<' ('opt>). 'I'll<• HPtting iN iu )ImP. PomuH• 1lP 'l'<'l'I'P's g-m·d<•n. 'l'ltis oll'l'l'H a Hpl<>JHli<l oppo!'lnnity for ":-;pooning," and t h<• <'OIIIJI<'! iti<nl hPhn'<'ll I>nk<' aud h<•r· 1not IH•J· i-.; k<'<'ll for til<' ltalHl of th<' "l'i<'Yah" lhu·ki<'. '1'111' latlt>I·\; :lllYI'ntm·<•H at JHlpping tll<' qnl'Ht ion, I'Ollpll'd with l1iH 1ha\\·h:11·k:--, kt•pt th<> audi<'IH'<' in a <·oil! imwl llJil'oar· for h<' waH "No <lPlH'P<lly l'l<'Yah." ~om<'IIIH' waN IH'<'<lP<l to maintain or<l<'J' NO L<'lll, t hp <·onNtahlP ( \\'il<l<'J' 'l'owl<>) and hi:-- aNNiHtant .Jo<> (('a!'l ('00]1('1') pla,\'1'11 (Jtp pai'(H . • \lJ \\"<IN Hl'l'('ll(' lllJ(iJ (It(' JH'aJ'lN of .'1(111('. Pomlll<' dl' '1'<'1'1'1' diN:tpp<'al'Pd, t 11<'11 .Jop allll L<•m WPJ'<' hn:--ily Ol'l'll)li<•<l looki11g- fo1· dtli'H a111l Hn:--pkionH lool;ing lH'I'HOilN. •\f!pJ· <layN of frnitli'NN N<'<IITh Lizl't t<•, t It<• maid ( <lm·<lon BaiJ·<l) was NllNJH'<'(P<l. OJH' <laY l:tt<• in tll<' PY<'lling Lizl'tl<' waN hronght to :H·<·omll hy )llll<'. PomnH' <11' 'l'PI'J'I' and a hox iN pro<lu<·<><l wltil'l1 waN fmnHl i11 Lizp( t<>'N t·oont. • To\\· tl11• thi<'f is known, No }Imp Ponllll<' 11<• '1<'1'1'1' will :--hauH' Lizp((p h,,. OlH'lling t hi' hox in f]'(lllt of tltl' party. ~nspi<·ionN gl:m<·P~o; :n·<• I'HN( at LizC'tt<> hy all. l>twki<' OJH'IIS ill<' hox; h<• J'<'<H'lH'i' i11 and pnllN out th<• - - not tlt<> ll<'al'ls, hut a l-'t J·illg of !-;an sag<•:--, a <11'1 i1·n<·y llltH·h lnY<'<l h~- Liz<>t11'. Th<• nowd sway:-- and .'llnH• falll-' h:u·k i11 a faild, hnt in rnNliPN l-<•111, tlt<• wi1ll' awak<• <·onHtahl<•, witl1 tll<' loH( ]l<'<l1'1i'. I11 lH'I' dpligltt )lnw. gi\'I'S hPJ' lta!Hl to Ll'nl as a l'I'WHJ•d, awl null'(' \\' illi' lhH·kil', who is NOOll t 0 hp n ])J·H\'1' and ).I;Hllant :--ol<lil't' of l'JII'l<' ~<1111. .·ot to lll' mi!<lmw, .To<' winH Lizl'tt<• all(] tlu• ol<l town l'l'll'lll·ai<'<l a t l'ipl<' \\'Pil<ling- that night. \YoY<'ll into t h<' play iN a l'<ll'Pfnlly pl:mnP<l • 'iugin' ~kul<•, whi<·l1 :,ri\'l's , om<' n<>w pl'H,\'<'1' 111<'1'tin' sPll'dionH. Tit<> Kknl<> is 11'(1 hy Ohl'(lialt ~hont<•r f(j]pn. hppard), H<>lilHla lh>llo\\·:--, tlt<• organi~o;t (Y<'I'llOll Hi<·lnwr), an<l ~Hll\111'1 ~l'l'H]H'l' (l.iOJH'] )fil'lHW]s). ){<>mhl'l'S of tlll' iJ'l'I'Jli'OHI'llahll' Nkllll' nrp Hiram Ho\\·l<>r ( FrmJI'il-' Pitz"·j)liam), R<>linda • om·<>r (liPrlwrt T.arr~·), Rijalt Blo\\l'r (.Alpiiwr t<>rn), Peter Puffer (Harol<l )fiehael), Bub Pnff<'r, ('Yard "·mimnF;), • mnanth~- ere cher (C'harlP. :'lfc('ullough) and Pati<>nt "'aill't' (, h<>rman Hugbe. ) . 'l'h<> mnNi<'al nnmh<'I'K W<'l'<' <'N]W<·iall)· good a111l <'<t<·h st>l<>dion l'<'<· >h·1·d lolHl applansl'. In .\1'1 I th<• Nolo, "1'111 Lookiug fo1· ~OIIH'on<'H Ifpm·t," 1'<'11<1<'1'<'<1 hy :.\laxw<'ll .\1l<tlllk, \\'<IS wPll t'<'l'<'i\'1•11, a:-- waH th<' solo, '·T-n<·lp .Jop" hy ('nl'l ('oop<'l'; "I Ill' th<• ('onst<llllll<'' hy \\'il<kt· 'I owl<>, a1Hl ''A wfnlly ('l<·,·er'' hy .Jo.'<'Jih FJ·I'Il<·J·id<HoJt. .\d li hl'ougl1t a <hwt, ''Fol' !)1

L<n·e" by .Jospph FI'<'<l<>ri<-k:-;on aJI(l .JI'J'Oill<' ('ope; th' solo," h

ou Oreat

Hi~ B<>antiful I>oll," hy \rildc•J· 'l'owh•, and thc• soup;, "~\ Ilol Time in

th<• Old Town 'l'onip;ht" hy ,Jpromp ('opp and th<' <·hornH. The c·ast was abl,,· snppm·tpd by a c·apahl<• d10rn.· of tlu• ])(':-;( boy voi<-PH in sdwol. 'l'hl', \\' ('1'<': (lil'ls- \\'ayrw "'a it, ('har·lps \\'altPr, .Jo.·· <•ph ~·at<', .Jo:-;<>ph ~\tkiuson, 'heldon \\'paver, Byron Bramble, John Haye.· and ~amn<'l ( h·ossJJHlll. 'l'h<• hoys w<'I'<' ])ean BrownPll, Paul Lowry, \Yaldemar Krus<•, .John Jiprr·ou, J>onalcl <'lark, L<•slie ~Iiller, \\'ilson Ho:-;<> and .Jmne:-; <'lmwy. ThP box party, \\·hid• was an attnwtion lwlw<'l'll ads, <'onsist<>cl of ~lr:-;. Yand<>rlip ()laxwPil ~\dnms), )lr·s. Hnthfm·d (Earl l~ePm), all(] Ilort<•ns • Livingstone t Uc•m·p;c• H<•nnc>t t), who \\PI'<' :-;patecl in an irnnp;· inary opera. box whPI·e 1hpy lookpd ont on••· t hp "c·mnm011 c·1·owcl'' and cnH'k •cl goocl natm·pd jokc•s ahont difl'c>r·c•nt st udc•nt:-; of tlH' hi~h .·C'110ol. 'l'h<>H<' jok<>s show<•clmlH'h c·onsidPI·ation all(] Ynric•ty, ancl furnish<>d mtH·h amnspment to t h<• ancli<•nc·<>. 'l'he shm·p of thP tl'P<lit dul' to the• 1"111'1'<'~-'~-' of tiH• produl'l ion belong-s to Dramntic· Dil·<>dOI' \\'ilkox, )lnHil'al l>iJ·I'I'Ior· Eli:~.ahpth :\l('('al'lnPy, :111(] lhnH·c• l)i)'(•l'ior Emrna Hn·it:-;tadt. )lis:-; \'c•1·a 'J'ut·pll ,·c·r·y ahly manap;<>cl til<' c·o:-;lltllH'H. 'l'hP hoy:-; had thc• pr·o]H't· intpr·pst and :-;pi1·it and ·ho\\·pd it in t hpir· produdion. FHEDElU<'K )( Elt<'EU, ']!I

Q)fficcrs P reHid PH t ...................•J o~pph i liP ~·k h 111 a 1ha 11i4<'ll Yke Prel-4idput ....................... Eliza hPt It I :ahh ::-;p<·t·<'tary ............................ )Jat·y Ft·:tllklill 'l'n•<tHill'<'l' ........................... ~~ i~~ llt·Pit~tadt

12xrcutittc "' oatil )I iH~

Br<>iiHtad t :\In<. n. P. ~ldntyr<' 'l'hi: year hal-l HP<'n tit<' <lPYPiopHtl'nt of a BP\\' and iHtpm·tant high ~~·!tool a<·ti\'ity. Th<•J'I' i~ a lllOH'tllPIIt thJ·onglwnt thP latw•t· high ~<'hooll-4 of tht• l'tatt• to <'Xl<'JHl mHl to .·tandar<liZP git·l~' athktil'~ hy tht• m·gauiza1i1m of a l-4tat<• (;irl~· .\thl<'t i<- .\~'<~ol'iat imt. ~I i~'<~'< Hrl'it~tadt, mn· physi<-al llit·Pdot·, has lH'<'n YPt·y adiY<' ill tlti~ Jllll\<'tliPll1, a11<l a~ a J·p~ult thl• C:it·ls' .\thlptk .\sN<wiation of ('hampaign lligh ~khool wa:-; ot·gmtiZ<'<l JaHt ] )('('l'lllh<•J·. 1 !)() girlN han• ])('('01111' ad i\'(' JIH'tllhl't'N alHl tlH' IIH'llllH•t·. hip i: I'OIIstautly iH<'l't•a~ing. '"<' han• <·hospu fm· mn· aim "to pt·otnot<• tht• hPalth, to Jn·mttoiP int<•t·<•st in ont<lom· lift>, atHl to <ll'\·rlop "po1·t !-Ill a 111' hip. 'l'hpt·<• lt:tN hrrn anang<'<l hy om· ExPt·nliYP Hoat·<l a "point ~'."~'iPlll" to hPlp llN l'l'<ll·h mn· aim. .-o gil'l <·all lw <Ill :tdin• lll<'llllH•J• 111tlPH~ l-411<· ''in~ at l<•aHt ;)0 point~'< l':ll·lt H<'tli<'Sl<•t·. 'l'h<·~<· lllil.' IH• won hy snt·lt <1<'tidtirN a: w:llking-, riding hor~'<rlm<"k, llandng, hmtm·~ in g-ymnmdnm, an(l <·ln.. ath1Ptir.. n:- winning- a <'<'l'tain nnmlwr of tlw. e point. n m<>mher i~ giYrn an awa!'cl which any g-irl mig-ht br proncl to po . <'· .. For in. tanrr, if • hr ha. won 1:50 point., i. rarr;>ing- tl1rer . turl.ie . ati fnctori]~·, nnd i approY 1 b;> the E. erutiw Board, . he i awarded hE>r ria . numeral. B;> winning a greater number . hr i~ awar<led H . <·!tool l<>ttPr, a111l if . hr i~ Rtill mm·r mnhit ion~ Rlt<' may rrrriY<' ~tatr hOIJOI'i', (ljl·ll'' athlPti<·~ HI'(' hrin~ PX(('JI(]('(] h.\' (It(' 1 ••\ .. \ . 'l'<'lllllN, ho('l;:p~·, hasphall, haskPthall. .'Winmtinp; :nHl othPl' Nimilm· Rpor1s HI'<' hc>iltg (':11'l'i<'<l 011 nndrt· it~ flirrdion. Tint W<' <lon't limil om'R<'ht•R to 111<'1'<' ph~·~ical cl<'YPlopmrnt. Pi1ltrr . . \ 111<'<'1 iug of all 111P11th<•l·~ i.- h<•l<l tlH• lHI't 'rhm·H<lay of <'<H·h mo11th. . \ topit· is :ll'l'Hltgrcl fm· and clis<·nsNPd. 'l'hiN topi<' iN mu• wh i<·h will lt<'l]l 1lt<' gil'lN to improY<' <·nltnt·ally. .\~an rxampl<', fot• mtc> of om· 111<'<'1 i11~~ ihP snhjrd of 'P<'l'I'Onal ITahiis" wa: N<'l<'drcl. , ltort, ~mappy talks WPJ'<' gi,·<·n hy iltr mc•mh<'l'N on ihP p<'l'l-40JJal ltahitH of tltr gil'lN of thr H<'ltool, nwl tlt<'~'<<' W<'l'<' folio"('(] hy a grnPI'al cli:<·ns~ion hy all pl'<'H<>nt. • nC'lt liH'(•tingl' <II'(' YPJ·y in(<'J'('Sting, . Olll<'illllP.' :1111\INing, HJH] :\lway!-l lH'lll'fi<-iaJ. .\ nothl'l' of thr fPaim'<'N of iltP .\'4Roc·iat ion iH it!-l HO<·ial 1-'i<l<'. .\N nn <'X:\111]11<' of th:~1, ll't mr 1<'11 ~·on ahoni om· pal'iy in tlH' gym on :\fay lhil'<l. 'l'h<• gymnaHium waN Y<'l'Y (·](•vrJ·ly <lP('Ol':ti<•<l in t·t•<l, "ltitl', a111l )liN:


)Ji~.· ~lorri.


hlue. \\'e <lam: '11, and hdw<'<'ll <hllH'<'s thPI'P wet·<' .-pedal eutertainm<•nt. -a .-i<l<' show with a fat l:uly and a lm·g<' ntPll<lg<'l'iP, a :-;axopltoup .-olo by YiYian Ewing, a t·e:uliug hy FloJ·t•nt·t• \YiJJtPJ'H, aud a .Japau<'. P dau<·<' h,,ll·<'llP )Jd~l'OOJll. In ()11(' 1'01'111'1' a g)'(lllp of g,Y]IH,\' fm·t IIlii' tPIIPl'H \\'Pl'(' kPpt huH,\ all P\'('lling. H •fJ'PHhllH'llts \\'1'1'<' poJH'Ol'll, JH'<lllllt ·, :tlld pillk lPlliOIHHll'-mHl, mind yon, all tlti:-; without <·o:-;t to u:-;, for thP <'XJH'll"<' \\'l'l'(' 1111'! h,\ Olll' HlllllHll dtH'H of ( Wl'lii,Y-fi\'p ('('lJ!H P<ll'll. ~o ~·ou HPe, gil'IH, our H~-'HO<·iation is J'I'Hlly doing thing~', :llld \\'(' at·t• p);nllliltg to do a grpat flpa) lllOl'P, UlHl do it hPIIPl', lH'XI ,\PHI'. ])on't you waut lo ltelp us too?

'l'hP hoyH <·amwt <·laim all lhP Jll'O\\'Psl' of om· ltiglt Hl'ltool in athldkH, fol' ()11(' of tltP lllOH( illlpOl·(:lll( dP\PIOJllllPlll. of {hiH ~I'HI'.H \\OI'k in th<• Oit·IH' Plty.-kal Traiuil1g ])<•pal'!ntPltl ltaH lH'<'JI )Iii's Hl'eitHta<lt'.' <·la:-:s in LP:ulprsltip-<·ompo ·pd of gi1·IH \\ ho lwd gt·adPs of !HI oJ· ahor<· in Jli'PYLOlli' g,\'lllllHHilllll \\'Ol'k. 'J'IIPH' giJ'l:-; ha\'P ]tad .']H't·ia] wm·k HH ]p;tdl'l'!" pf athJPtil' gl'OII]li' and thl'llllgh thPIII lhP ,\'l'<ll''H \\Ol'k has ('IJ]lltiJI<tiPd ill a gl'(•at flpa] of m·ganizP<l ntltlPti<· al'li,·ity hy thp gil'lH of thP ltigh :-;l'ltool. 'J'Itp fH\'OJ'itP 1-'}Hll'( i'('('lliH to Jta\'(' ])('I'll ha. kPihaJJ. ~iX {('<IIIIH, di\·idPd hy <·la:-:1-'P.', \\'('1'1' <·hoHPll from tlH• la 1'1-!.<' g1·ou p of <11-']li null:-;. To <•adt t pam \\'Hs <11'1-'ignpfl a IIH'IIIIH•t· of thP ]p;ti](•J·-.;' <·];t:-;s as ('O;I(·It, and Hf'IPl' ,'('\'('l'H] \Y<'Pks of )ll'<tl'li<·p gant<•s, whi1·h p]intinatpd all lml onP IPallt in PH<·h t·la~~-'. a tout·Hatll<'lll waH hPld )Jay li-~. 'l'IH• timtli' \\ <'1'1' JllH.YPd ])('( w<•Pn lhP ~Dphouun·ps atHl .Tunior:-; hPfmp a largP anll <•nlhu:-:iasli<· audil'll<'<', nn<l W<'l'<' won by tit<' -Tnnim·s in an <'XI'<'ll<'nt gnnH', h~· tiH• . 1'01'<' of lG-:5. J.. oon a the ba.-ketball . ea on wa. oyer, attention waH turned to ba eball and hiking. For the latt<'r group. wer orO'anize<l, under the . uperYi. ion of leader again, and many girls wer able to in rea e their total of "point." won uncler the rule of the .A.A. Ba. ehall team , with lea<l<'r. aR coache,, wer<' organized and play d n. . rrir. of p:anw . .-imilar to thr hn. kethall . rl'i('.. It i. har(l to . a;y, a. tltP l!artJOJI g'O<'k to ]11'1'~-'~', just wltkh tl'ntll will \\in 0111, hnt WI' <lon't Pxagg-<·t·atP in thl' )pa.-t wh<•n w<' :-;ay that Ol'g:tnize<l, snJH'l'\·i.-e<l gil'ls' athlptks 111111<'1' 1h<• <lit'Pdion of . Ii:-:s Ht•pi(l'la<lt has h<'f'll rl'<'PiYe<l with ImnnintonH pnthtlHia:-;nJ hy tltl' girlH of tlw high H<·hool.


1irlre ltlig


l)aint <Cluh

lhn·ing til<> pa~t yl:'ar a gmwiug ~PntinH'llt in fan>J' of a di~tiud <lramatil- <·lnh in tiH• high ~~·hool fonud l'Xpr<·~~ion in a ~IH'!'l':-<~ful l'tl'o1·t on t lw part of ninl:' ~1 nd<•nt ~ in nn m·ganization ofti<·ially nallll'd Til<• " ' ig <11Hl Paint ('luh. HPsi<lP~ l'IH'O\ll'aging <lrama in a wi!lPI' aJ·pa it wa~ al~o hoppd to JH'omotP a fppJing of <'OOpPl'Hlion an!l ~odal unit.' anto11g thl' nH•mhpJ·~; hoth of whid1 app<'<IJ'10 hp working ont a:-; !'X]l<'dP!l. 'l'hp nin<> mHl<'J' \\· ho~l' ~nJH'J·vi~ion thP <·lnh wa~ fo1·nJPd m·p :\lildJ·p(] • ·orIon, !{nth Iloml, \\' illiam El\\'l'll, E~-;thl'J' Uil'~P, Olin•1· ,·an <lPu Berg, 1>orothy ~J<·<'muwll, Frrd Knight, filady~ Hall and .Jolm :\Jd)onnpll: thp English drpaJ·tJH<'llt ad ing in th<> <·apa<·ity of <l<h·isor and !'l'll. 'OJ'. 'l'hl' novp] Jlll't ho!l rmplo.n•<l of Hllllolmdng its l'Xist<'n<·<' a1HI of inviting g1w~ts to t h<• first pm·ty gan• 1·i~l' to n>n<·h ~Jl<'<·11lat im1 <·oll<'l'l'll ing thP uwlis<·lo~<·d ]Hll'JlOS!' allfl appm·pntly nnidl'ntitil'<l llll'lllhl'l'~; all of whid1 addl'd Zl'~t to th<•il· ]H'l·ph•xitil'~ <lll<l gJ·patly stimulatl'd illtl'rl'~t. 'I'll<• JWill!'H of tho~<' im·itpd wprp ]H>:-;fpd on th<· hulll't in h iJCll'll. .\t th<• IH'<Hl of ti>P list app<•:tJ'<'<l a llotitil'ation to intl'l'\·h·w a parti<·td<tl' l<>athl'J' at snd1 nnd ~n<'h a tinH'. 'I'hl' inslt·HI'tor llll'l'<'ly distrihutl'd thl' im·ita 1ionK 'J'IIItH thl' ]ll'O]lO'-'('c]lll('lllh!'l'H \\'('1'(' llHh<'l'('(] into {]Jp g,\'lllll:t~illlll 011 thP ful night of .·owmh<•J· tlw liftPPnth " ·ithont thP ~lightpst intimation



of \\hat :twnitPd thPnl. 'l'h<•y WP1'<' 11ot <'111hana:-;.·pd, ho\\'P\'<•r, hy a11,r ha11Pf'nl ~"P<'<·tadp:-; whid1 t liP wholp pt'O<'Pt>din~, 110 <louht, ol'i~inated in ( h<• 111llldi-< of' t h<• 11101'(' t i111id OJIPN. B<'<'HIIN<' d<llll'ill~ \\<t.' pt·ohibill'd hy tiH• "lllfhH•rtza Bmu·<l," )lr. \\"ill<·ox Nug~P~'<IPd that ganlP~'< h<• :-;uh:-;t it u!P<l, a l'<'<'OIIlliiPIHlation wlti('h wa.· fann·ahly J·<·<·Pi\'<'d hy th<• <'OIIImittPP aJHl <·anipd out un<l<'r the imm<>diHI<' NlllH'l'\·ision of )IJ·. \Yilkox. )li:-;s Bt·Pitstadt al:-;o fann·e(] u.· with a gt·on p of <hllH'P~'<. 'l'hP plP<lgPH \\'PJ'I' gin•tt thPi1· J·ihhon:-; ou th<• aft<•rnoou of ~·ov mbcr (hp t \\'Pilt,\'-1"<'('011<1. 'l'h<• ('OIIHilllllltat ion of t IH·ir NIINJH'll~'<l' atTiYPd wh<'ll tiH•y were formally initiatpd into thP <·lt1h on Ft·id;l\·, thP thil't<•<>nth of ])e<·<•mher. 'J'h<' JIIPPtiug \\aH pt·<•sidpd 0\<'1' h,,. E:-;th<•r fli<'"<'; Bnth llonn <·oudnding til<' initiation . •\t tl1<• Pnd tlw <·onstitntion wa:-; t·pad, follow<•cl hy a so<·iH I honr \\ it h dmtl'i 11~ <tN a f'P<t t 111'<'. ~iiH·<• tl1at tim<' IIH'Pling:-; haw IH•rn l1<>ld r<·~nlarly, U('\\' offi<·<•t·H <'lPd<>d, dw•s paid, (a :-;om·<·<' of gt·Pat .·atisfadion J, an<l t \\'O :-;mall plays p1·<•spnt<>d in a \'PI'." <·J'P<litahl<• llJ<IlliH'I'. \\.JiiiP tiH• ]H'l'lllallPII<',\' of th<• <·lnh iH ,\'PI a (jliC'Htion of (liiH', ,'PYI'I'HI dattN<'H in tiH• <'Ollstitution tPnd to sn:-;tain thp anti<'ipation:-; that it iN folllHle<l 011 an PIHllJI·ing ha:-;iH. lt iH PX1H'fi4HI,\• ]H'OVi<le<l that {':l('h Jll('JilhP1' Hhall pal'ti<·ipaf<' in a progt·anJ111<' at lpa:-;t on<·<' a ,'<'lliPXt<'1' ntHlPr pain of PXJml:-;ion; til<' .·ame penalty Jwing impo:Pd ou t l1o:-;p ahsPnting IIIPllli-<ClYPN JllOl'(' than OJ)('(' withont a l'('aN<mah]p ('X('lHW. \\'ith mutual <·oopet·ation thi: plan will NlH'<'P('(l, aiHl nn<ler th t ntPiap;<> of thP BngliHh <lf'partnwnt it will h<' a .·nh~tantial monument to thr <·la:s of. ·ilwtr<•n ITmulr<•cl :nul • 'inPt<•f'n . .J. B. )[('J)()XXELL. 'HI.



®Itt QLluh

1'h<• <li1·l.·' ( ;Ipp ('lull wa~ or;_!;aniiwd in .Jannat·y, 1!11!1. Of t liP llllllliH•J· who "triPd out" :!1 WPJ'P ~PIP!"!Pil. 'I'IH· UIPP ('lull pt·adi1·1'~ at ]pa~t olii'P p;u·h WPPk au<l i~ hopiu;_!; that, iu I'OOJWrat ion with the oJThP~­ tJ·a, it 111a.' giYP a con<·Prt bPfm·<• I hp 1·lo~p of t h<• ~chool _YI'nt'. . \( t hP ( 'luh'H 1irHt JJH'I't ill;_!; the following oJlil-pr:-; W1•n• Pll'd<•ll: .\I <lltagPr-.\1 ;n·gi<• l>i1·kpy

.b .


.\Ianag<•t·-g]p;mot· H1·ott

Lilmn·iaH-h<·He .\[(;Broom .\ltt~i1 · ( 'on unit II'<' ( 'hairman-.\IPII<' \\'h<•aton Piani:-.t - YPI'Hon Hidmer. '1'111' llll'lllhi•J-.· aJ·1•: E~tlH•r (;pip, (;p,·aldiJJI' LPJIIIIton, .\latilda 'l'hraHh, .\11'111' \\'h1•aton, ln•l)(' .\ldtroom, Enla Hpl'lmau, C:lady~ PPny, <:lady~ llall, IIPll'll ('Jea\·1'~, FPJ·ol BoypJ·, .Jo~Pphill<' Hogp1·.·, IJ·pnp BPII, .\largm·<'1 .\11-DPrlllo!t , Hnth IligginH, EIPalloJ· H1·ott, .\lildr<•d \\'inn, ])OJ·othy 'l'owlP, .\f;u·gie l>id'e~-, Ilplen J)pffpnbaugh, .\[auila Bay FJ·pm·k, .\[ona HI 01'111. 102



l>ming tiH• 1irl-'t 1-'PIIlP~-'t Pr of thp pa:t ~-'< · !tool y<'aJ ' )li. ·s East wa. · to havp l1ad clnu·g<• of <lehating, hut :·d<'kll<'~-'.' for<'e<l IH•r to oive up h •r position all(l the work waH 11ot oq.~aniz<·<l until thP s<'<'OIHl seme:ter, wh<•n )lis~-' HP<'~-'t' aniYP<l aJl(l took <·harg<'. ~Ht<•r .'<'VPral att mpt.' a <lC'hat<' wa.' ari'<mgr<l with .\!ton High ~khool for )fay ~nil upon th quPstion: HPsolY<><l, that thP national g-m·prnmPnt .'houl<1 •nad leg· h;lation providing for <·ompul.'oJ·y arbitration of all labor di.'pute .. on the interstat puhlk utilities a.' a lH'rnument policy, constitutionality waivPd. Ahout fourteen stu<l<•nts ans\H'l'<'<l the notic<'s <·allin()' for tho.' inteJ·e .. t<•<l in dPhate, hut finally ilH' umnlH'r wa .· cut to eight. 'J'he (pam:-;\\ en• tlH•u pi('].:pcl as follows : .\llinnatin>-)Jaxw<'ll ~\<lam.-, .Jerome ('ope, Ilonwr ~mith; ~ -egatin•- llowm·d Bu<'klPr, )lah'olm Bryan, )lirma Libman; A lt<•rnat('s Earl Bt>t'Jll HIHl ,Jo.'P]lh ~-ate. Th<'.' hauntNl all t h<' 1ilmtl'it•s an<l H<'lllillars for t hi'<'<' W<'<'ks or moi·<'. 'I' hey workpd aH f<>w han• wol'l,:<•<l h<•fm<' hut thPy 1inall,r t·am<' forth \Yith sati:-.fatton· ~-'P<'P<·ht>s. For two w<•<>k:-. ])pfoJ·p t h<' t inw sPt for t h<• strnggl<' thp teams <'ngage<l in tl'ial dehatPs to tPst thPiJ· m·gnmPnt.' and rt>futation. They wer hPar<l hy a nmnht•r of outHi<lPI'H :Ill(] old g1·:Hls and all JH'onoun<·<'<l that it woul<l tak<• a <·orking- go<Hl (pam to <lefpat C'ithPJ· .'i<le. Two days hPfor<' th<' dPhatp one of th<' mo:-.t <•ntlmsiasti<' as.'Pmhli<•s eYer hE'lll wa. stagP<l in th<> auditorium, all(l thP pPJ·fol'nutn<·e of our (pams th<•rp asHlll'<'<l us of their ability. Finally t!1P Z<'J'o hour anin•<l mul ih n<'gatin~ t<>am a Alton and t!H' allirmalin• tP<Illl in our own auditorium gav<> tiH' ~\.!ton tpams a \\<ll'lll J·<•<·<>ption. Ev<•J·y llH'Jllh<•J· of Pith<•J' t<>am a<·quittell hims<'lf with high honor. Our opponpnts gasp<•d nt tlH•ir eloqu<'H<'<' an<l .'<Juirme<l mHlt•r tlw 1ir<' of thPir rphuttal, hnt tlw jn<lgt•s in P<l<'h <·ase rend<•recl a WPI'E' <lisappointC'd, ,·ot<' of two to mw in fav<H' of t ht• .\!ton (pam. of <·ours<>, hut W<' look forward to hPt ter ln<'k next y<'Ul' . .A lt Jumgh :\I iH.' HC'<'H<' Ita.- h<'Pll h<'l'<' only a shol't tim<', she has won the <·omplPtP admiration of l1<•r (pam .. awl dasH<'.. )luch <'redit j: due to her untiring work and excellent oa<'hing. JERO:\IE OPF, '19.



Tl1 is yeal' the c)l'(·heRtra organiz<•<l with more entbu. ia. m than it haH in the pa. t fpw ~ <'Ul-.'. ~ ~ot only clicl it xta1·t out with thi.· ene1·~y, hut it haH hPen onP of the morp promiB<'nt fpatm'<'.' of the :chool al'tivili<': all yPar, hpc·auHc' it alwayH i: Jll'<'Jl<ll'Pil to ]llay with that Ham JH'Jl . . 'ot a fpw aH:Pmhlie: han• hacl ti1Pir tiuishing toudwH in thp jazz l'<'ll<l<'I'Pcl l1y th<· "('hampaign ~ymphony." ])uring th<• ha:kpthall t<ml·B<lllH'llt at the l'niYerl'ity, it sho\Y<'<l the l'l'.'t of the H(a te that W<' had a rPal muHie cl<'partment. ~li:-~: ~I('('artw·.r ha~o; ha<l CXIH'l'i<'ll<'<' in working with atnatPur m·c· IH•st J·aH, so with h<•r ading a:-~ "ex-oflido," tlw he:t J'<'snltH wer • ohtai nPil. 'J'hp oflic·c>1·: ;u·p a:-~ follow:: ~bmager .............................. -T<'l'Olll<' ( 'opP .\s:-~istant )fanagpt· .................... YiYiau I~wing ])iJ·pC'for all(l piani:t.. \\' m. Eh\Pil :tJI(I YPt·uon Hkh!Wl' Trea:-~m•e1' ............................ Hn:xell .\..nun Lihral'iHn ........................ .'hc•rnum IIughe:-~ On .January 1\\'Pnty-tifth, thc> ordH•:tra, in <·onjmH'tiou with the (Hrlx' Ole<• f'luh, Jli'<'H<•ntc•cl ~ignor • 'ah·i, ha1·pi:t of the Chi<'ago Orand Opera Company, in r('dtal. ThiH wa: cHl<' of the• he:t attrattionH on the IIi(J'h Sc·hool :tage clul'in(J' the. ea. on. 104


1![atin Q!luh

For· va1·iou~ J·pn~onH the Latin ('Juh wa~ not ahiP to org-anizp a:-; eal'ly a:-; u:-;1ral. But on }farTh 7, 1!11!1, a huHiliPHH m<'Pting- wa:-; hPid and althoug-h thPt'(' h;ul he('ll HOIII<' ()play th(· Latin pupil:-; attPJHlP<l with mor·p pntlm:-;iasm than IH'fOl'P. .\t tlli:-; liH'<'ting- the following- ofti<-Pt·.· \\'PI'<' (']('d (•d


Pr·p:-;j(}pnt ........................ \Yini frpd <'apr·on Yi<-<•-PrPHi<lPnt ....................... Eloi:-;p Ear·B<'Ht ~<'<'l'(•tary ............................ <;or·don Ba i1·d 'l'r·pa:-;m·er .......................... }lanl'inp Pm·k(•t· .\gain on .\pt·il 3, th<> Latin :-;tnd('nt:-; gathei'<•d in thP awlitoriurn to pnjoy a ypr·y int(•t·<•:-;ting <lll<l <'<ll'<'fully ]ll'epar·ed progt·am whkh "a:-; givPn hy :-;mil(' JllernlH•t·:-; of t h(• ~ophonwt'<' (']m;:-;, a. ·:-;i. ·t<·<l hy ('apt ai n HPnPdid. TIH• ~ophomoreH <le:-;<·J·il)('d <'a<>Har·- mPthocl:-; of warfarp ie HJH·iput FraH<'<' aJHl ('aptaiu BPIH'<lkt g-a,·e an illu:-;ll·at<><l IPd lll'<' of pr·P:-;pnt day warfar<• on tlw :-;ame field.·. .·ovel program:-; in thP form of a :-;word in a Hheath eontainP<l thp followin~ <·outent.·:

PART I 1. 2. 8. 4. 0.

Cae:-;ar'. Heal Errand in Fran ·e .................. Anni Dew:-;nurIIow C'ae ar Killed People Year Ago ........... C'harle. Dani I. on An And nt Army in Franc .................... K nneth '" 11. <'ap. m·', Impre .. ion of th P ople of Franc<> ......... Hilda Portet Tlw <'ommander-in-f'hief of tlH' ...\11i d Fol'<:e.· in ;) " B. ( ' ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jo:-;eph . 'ntP

PAH1' II }lodP!'n \\·arfm·e in Fran<'<' ...................... f'aptain HPnedi('t .\ftPI' th<' prog-ram a ~odal hour an<l <h•lkiouH t·efrPHhment:-; \\'Pl'e PnjoyPcl hy all. .\:-; th<' .1/aroon g<wH lo prPHH a HPl'i<'H of m('eting:-; i~-; \wing- pl:tnnNl, whkh onght to proYe a. intPl'<'. ting a:-; om· tir·st. }f.\IH~f, E.\HL, ':.W. 1.


<Our tllar J\ctittitits In lo11king m·pt· la~t ,\l':tt·':-; 1/rt/'fJ0/1 I tilHl that ('ltampaign High ,'!'lwol <·ontrilm!P<llll\H'h in thl' litH' of wnr work. 'l'h<•t·p WPl'P: }lr. Em·np:-;t':-; \\"at· l'<llllphlPt, tiH· Y. )1. (' . • \. <·atnpaign, tlH' hoy:-;' :-;tunt :-;how, th<• hnrhPn,,· <·ampnign, Y. )1. (' .• \. tahl<'N lll<Hk in manual training <l<>partmPut, militat·y tt·ai11i11g for tlu• 110,,.·, HP<l ('t'ONH worl· hy tlH' girl:, tlH• Pag<'allt, Y<tl'ion~ "m·k of th<• git·l:-;' unit:-;, pal'ldnp; of ( 'ln·i:-;tma:-; hm::p:-; fill' "mn· hoy~:· TIH'II too tit<' LihPt·t.' BmHl. and 'rhrift • tamp:-; mn:t not Ill' f01·gottPn. {'p to .JulH', 1!11~, thp 1Pa<·hPt'N and pupil:-; of ('hautpaigu lligh i:'·khoDI owtw<l ahlloNt .·10,000 in LiiH•rty Bond:-;, wllil<• thP pupil:-; ;tlmw owll<'d . ·~:2:.! in 'l'ln·ift i:'-\tallt]lH. 'l'hi.· ~Pat· Pnthu:-;ia:-;m "a:-; <·t·pat<·<l at th<• wry lwgimling of iltP HI'IIOol yPar hy \dlHP~Niug th<' ill(ludion of alutoNt -iOOO hoy:-; into tlw R.•\.T.<'. aJHl H.• -.1'.(' . •\ half holi<lay wa:-; grant<>d in or<l<•r that W<' might N<'<' the hegiuning of thP til·:-;t mgan ir.a t ion of it:-; kind in t h<> world. \rith the :-;igniug of' thP at·tni:-;ti<·p on .·o,·pmher 11 wP were gin•n a holiday on whkh to <·PIPln·nt<• om· Yidm·y alHl l<>t ont our p<>nt-up HpiritH. But our war work di<l 11ot <'<'H.<' with th<• Nigning of the armi!-lti<'<'. During the w<'<'k following tlti. · a l'nitP<l \\at· \York <'<lmpaign wa: conducted hy tlH• hoy:-; with )lr. \\'il.'on aHHiHting. In tltiH driYe the teacher. pi d()'ecl 1 2 and the .. tu<lent: . l57G. Then the tat ,'up •rint.endent, P. G. Blair, . ent out a call for .Junior Hed Cro. H memh<>r.' to lH' ohtaine<l !luring the w<><•k of J)ec·<>mher Hi-:!:~. The girl.· of ('hampaign High Hehool loynlly ofl'('l'('(] thE.>ir a:-;:-;i:-;tmH·e in maBaging thi!-1 <ll'in• and sn<·<·<>:-;!-lfnlly I'Hl'riP<l it out. ~\gain both t<•al'hPrN awl !-It u<lent:-; nohly ani'W<'l'<'<l t h<> ('all, a!-1 iH :-;hown hy the mont>y ~iwn. 'J'hp l<>al'll<'l'H <·oHII·ihul<'d .·~ au<l ilH• pupilH . ·10:2 whid1 is a wt·y goo<l I'<'<·ot·d <·on!-~i<l<>riug th<> fad that mw IIH'lllh<'t'i'h ip <·otmtH fm· hnt ~;) tent . Then, too,. rr. EarnP:t i:-; i'till k<>eping hi: l\'11r ('11/rf'ltism up to <late. ,'o far Hi7,000 <·opies han• IH'<'ll Jn·itltP<l. ('<>t·tainly thiN i:-; on<> of tlH• (rt·ea(p:-;t <·outl'ihutions in thP litH• of minor wnr wm·k. Lihpt·ty Bonlli' own<•<l l1y thp (p:u·ltel'.' up to th<• (]HI<' of th<> puhli<·ation of thi.- hook amomtt to .·(),;):){) and Thrift .'tampH . 113:>. Th .-hHl<>nt.· own Lihf'rly Hou<l:-; amonnting to . ·~2,!)77 all(] Tln·ift , tamp.. '() 341. 'l'h<'N<' tigm·pf.l J'<'JH'P.'Pnt t hp graud total for last year an<l tlti.' yem·, not itH'llHling th<' Fifllt Lilwrty Loan. Our manual traini11g <l<'lJal'lmeut i:-; now w<ll·king on rpfng<'<' tahlPH whi<·h m·<' to lw :-;Pnt to Fran<·<' an<l BPlginm a .. soou a.- pos:ihle. 'l'he:-;e tnhle.- ar<' llUHlP in a ."impl<' hnt <lnrahle> st~·Jp and th<> hoy. ar<• putting in theit· he .. t effort. to makp tlti: work a klH'<'<'.'H. E.''l'IIER nm.-E, '1!l. lOG



On p <lay iu .\lan·h llH' tllhPt's of< ' hampaign Iligh t4dwol att<•ll(lPil th e fmwt·;ll of .\lpsst·s. <loin', . \nda, .\int, attd lJpdon't, \\ hi1·h \\H , hPid in th<• auditorium. 'l'IH•sp oh <·qui<•s W<'l'<' pt·<• ·i1l<•d o\'Pr by .\Jr. <'lipping<'!', \\ho <lPii.\'Pl'Pd th<• fmH•t·al m·at ion; and .\1 iss .\toni:-., .\1 i.·. Tut·PII, .\1 i:-.:-. H<•p:-;p, alHl .\lr. \Yilh-ox wet'(' th<• p;dl h(•;u·<•t·s. 'I'hp whoiP s1·hool . at o11 thP IIUHll'IH'l'S' ])('lll'hi'S, and altJtOIIgh it i .· J'(';t))y \ ' ('1',\" ('l'IH'l, \ ' ('!'-;, Y\'1",\" lllll'i\·i) to wish that anyon<' w<•t·p dPad, th<•y ntouJ·npd with glad t·Pjoil'ing a .· th<'"'<' ol1l hut still adin• assol'iatPs \\'('!'('laid in th<>it· hottoml<•ss pit of ohli\·ion, for thPy haY<' IH'I'll n•t·y dPtt·int<•ntnl to .\It·. Yonthulat·,\'. .Just how thPil' dpatlt was <·ans<'<l 1 :-.hall I'PiatP to you . •\ my.-tPry tloodP1l th<· ait·~ (l. E. \\'. ~ \\"hat <·ould it nwan'! En•ry· whet'<' oB<' tm·np<l h<' ,,·onl<ltn<'<'l tlH•s<· Jptt<•t·s hut 110 onP loww hut onl', Olll' ''littlP .'Pnior," all(l h<• told it all to otw othPr sPuior, all(l thrn it was a S('('rl't uo 11101'('. n. E. \\". IIH'<lllt <:ood English \Yel'k. Yps good English fm· a wePk in wh kh <·n·r.'· st tuh•ut was to try heyollll his ability to trample an<l l'rush thosP llllf'avorahll' <·otliJH.Illious of .\lr. Y<ll'ahulat·y into a dark and un<'onth l'<lH' from whPtH·<' they shoul<l nPYN' again I'Olll<' fol'th. t4<'<Tet spiPs W<'l'<' appoint<•d to J·pport auymH' who a.·.-ol'iat<•d wit lt the.-e ull(le.-iraole gentl<'lll<'ll frit•tuls; this ,,·oul<l l'anse so mnl'lt ~hame to the guilty person that IH• or sh<• would inmte<liat<•ly try to m;tratize the.-e enemi.e • from hi~ ~odPty. \\'ell, ~o strenuous \\'<'r • the etfol'ts made to shorten the live~ of thrHP had <·ompanions of ~Ir. Vo abnlary that by the end of th we k th<•y w<'r • so weak that fun ral ritr.- \Y<'l'<' held for them ·ucce. .-fully and th<'y were thrown into that dark ta\'(•. ~ -ow with the W<'ight of OJ>inion of thr whole .-tnc1<'nt hoc1y rP. ting on th<' stone that doses th<• mouth to that <·an>, .\JPssr.-. (loin', . \ nda, .\iut. all(] Ilp<lou't all(l tlt<'ir· (')os<' <·om]Hilli~tn.- at·<· gra<lnally sln·iyeling- away, a111l it is only ~<'l<lom that with tliPir <·omhittPd Pll'ol'ls tltP stoup is ('\'1'1' agitaiP<l euoucrh to allow them a ray of hope.



On April t wrnty-.-ixth, t liP .Ttmim•s l'ntPt·tained th<' .'Pnim·.· :tll(l otlt · <'r classes-at th<' annual .Jnnior-t4Pnim· H<•<·<•ption-and what a r<'<'<'I>· lion! Thp gym waH IH'antifull,r <l<•<·o t·atP<l in spt·ing tlow<•rs and stt·('allt· ers of ypllow, lan•JHl:u· awl gt·<'<'ll, atHl booths \\'Pl'<' nit-Ply fm·uishPil along th<• si<l<>-lineR. ThPI'<' was fr·np]H' (good, too), an<l an OI'I'h<'l'tra awl 1'\'<'I',\'t hiug to makp ('\'Pryoll<' ha n• a wolld<'t·ful t imP. 'l'hl't'<' \\ <'1'1' a hon t a hnndr<•<l people thPr<' so the .Junim·s l'alll<' out ahPa<l on thPit· PXJWnses. Th<• High .'chool f~H·nlty <·hap<•ron<>d th<• party and lta(l as g-o111l a time a.- eYeryone l. e. Thr t4eniorH <'njoyed it mo.-t of all, anll thank thr .Junior.- for eut •rtainincr th min .-u ·h an njovahle way. 107





On )lay thirty-fin;t, tht> ('lass of 1!11!! will <·<>lt>hratP thP annual Hall. Y<>aJ·:-; agu, hpfore t h<• "l'<,at war, the Hf:'nior hall. · weJ't' fm·mal, hnt gJ·<>at ('hauges have <'OllH' about in our country :-;im·P 1!)17 and out' of tlw:P i:-; the <'IIHtom of ha,·ing informal dali<'PH. ~OIIIP day formality may retm·n to its full glory, hut not so this year-1!11!) will l'Pillaiu to tht> Plld tiH• ('htsH of ('onsprvation aiHl Loyalty. Therefon•, on that woJHlt>rful, <·lpm·, stany Pn>, all thp Ht>niorH will lH• hosts and hostp:-;:-;ps to thP oth<>r da:-;:-;p:-; at tht>ir hall in the High Hdwol gymua ·hun. Evt>rymw will haw• a mm·vplons timP and will 1·ememlwr alway:-; thp SU('('('HH Of thp ('i<tsH Of 1!)]!), .\ft<•r Bac.:('ahtuJ·patp and ('lax:-; Day, tit<' auunal <'ommen<·em<>nt will lw .Jmw sixth in thp High ~dwol alHlitm·in1n. 'rh~ diploma:-; will he pt'<'H<'ll t('d to thP HPnior~-; hy .\h•. Hoy a! .\. Ht i pe~-<, PrP:-;idput_ of t hP Board of EdlH'ation, and Profp:-;:-;or ,'hpJ·mau of the.> l'nivt>J·sity of llliuoix will giYP tlH' COllllll('li('('III(>Ut addl'PHS. 'J'hPJ'P Will also h<• IIIUSic.- hy HOillt' ~E:>niors. \\'hpn tlH' last diploma ha:-; bet>u givt>n to the last H<•nim·, anothpr yE:>ar of sn<'l'P.'s will han, he<•n ~ulde<l to thp hiHtory of <'hampaign High Hthool and to ninety-five 8eniors. \\'JXIFRED f'.\l'H0::\ 1 '1 !J. ~PlliOI'

'The Yellow Ja ·ket," a Chinese elrama dealing with 'hinese moti\'Nl and lH·ex<•ntc.><l in a ('hinese mnnuer, wa~ g-iYPn hy the ,'<•niors nn<l<'J' tit<' diJ·edion of .\Ir. Willcox on ,Jum· 3th. 'rlH' ~-;tm·y of the play, although old, ha.· an <'YPrla:ting appeal, that of low, ad,·etttm·r atHl matc.>rial HPif-saniti('P. In it:-; ~-;e,·pt·al Ppiso<lPs it is popti1·, p<lthPtk and fantasti<· an<l i~-; in(PJ'Pl't>IP<l \\'ith imagination :IJHl <•mhroi<l<'l'<'<l with fancy. ''The.> YPllow ,Jacket" ha~-; lH•en presPnte<l in all thp l;u·gp <·ities thl'onghont thP d\'ilize<l world, Pa<·h or whi<·h ha:-; pla<·<•d upon it thP f.:tamv of their popular an<l ~u·tistic approYal. 'l'lw play 111ay in (t·uth h<• <·allE:><l "The Play that hax ('hat·me<l the \\'orl<l." 'I' he <·ast waH a~o; follow.·: Propel't~· :u an-< 'horus ....................... 'l'hm11a~-< Lang \\'n ,'in Yin (Ot·Pat ~omHl Language), goYPrnm· of tlu• lH'ovin<·<> ............................................ Roy Larry nur .Tung Fah ( Fn<·hsia FlowPl'), sP<·mul wifp of \\'u , 'in Yi11 ..................................... Kathel'in<' Pott r T:o ( Fail(·y B<>anty J, mai<l to Dtw .Jung Fah ................ . orothy )f'('onnell ................................... <'he•<• ~Too (Kincl ~Toth<•r), fh·:t \\'ife of Wn ,'in Yin ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edna , t.ipes 108

'l'ai Fall Miu (OJ·Pat Paintt•tl Fat·t•), father of

Dw· .Jnng Fal1

..................................... ,gar] Yan J)or(•JI • 'nt•,,· ~in Fah ( Lil~· Flo\\'('1' 1, wife of Lt•<• , 'in aJHl maitl of< 'ht•t• )Joo ................................ ('at llt'J'iiH' 'l't•n1plin Lt•t• ~in ( Fir.t FarJIH'I' 1 ............ . ......... ~·at l1an t:l;H·k Li11g- \\'on (Hpi1·it) .......................... )largi • Dkkt>,\' '"u Fah Din (l>aJl'odil I, .·ou of Wu Hiu Yiu awl Dnt• .Jung Fah ....................................... Omar Bollingt•J' Yin ~lH'Y <:oug ( PIII'VP,\'OI' of Ilp;u·t~) ......... Jo(' ~\tkin~on "'n Iloo UH (Yotmg Jlt•J·o of tht• \\'u Fa1nily I, dP~tin<'tl for tiH• Yello\\· .J:wkPI, :-;on of ~ill Yiu anti <'ht•p .\loo ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\Iaxwpll ~\thun:-; ~ee Quo • Fall ( Four-~t'HHOJI Flo\\'('1' 1 ............ l~lpanor ~t·ot t :.\Ion l>an Fah 1Pt•rmy) ..... .... ............. ~\gne:-; Haworth Yong ~oo Ko\\· ( Il,\'lll·angt•a 1 ................. .\lilth·etl ~ ·orton ('how \\'an (.\utnn1n <'loud) .............. (l('l'll'llde J>enongh -Io~· Fah Lo~· ( l'lun1 Blo~Hom 1, daughtt•r of Tai <'har ~hoong ...................................... Kctthryn BaynP~" HPP _"oi (nm·:-;p 1, in t·llurgt• of Ph1111 BloHHOIII. ..... Huth Ilal'l'.' 'l'ai ( 'har ~hoong ( Pun·p,,·m· of tpa to thP EIIIJH'J·or 1 .... Tot• .\1 ill PI' 'l'ht• "'itlo\\· (']ling ..........................JoHPphiiH' HogP1'H .\laid ......................................... E:-;thP1' niPHt' Uit llok <lar ( Philo~ophPJ· ;tnd ~d10la1·) ..... FJ·edt>1'it·k .\1<'1'1'1'1' Kmn Loi ( ~piti('J' 1 .................... <'anol ~t·h1n:tlhau~ell Loy Uo11g- (l:otl of 'l'hii!Hit•J') .................. llow;ml ~111ith


Hl ' TJI 11.\lut\', '1!1.


''Lift Jp i~ kllOWll," ('Olltilllll'd till' llh·dOI',\' in~ti'Ud<ll' 1 "<'OJl('('l'lliJlg' til<• of til<• Etnis<'Hil peopl<>. ''"<' haw parts <I!Hl hit~ of tlu•it· lif<''s ~tory ]H'('~('I'\'l'd in 111<111,\' fOl'lliH, 011 \'flH('H, Ul'llH, (•O]UIIllls, statU<'H, and, most important of all on ~<·t·oll~ of papyrus. 'l'IH'l'P is writtPn tiH' lli~tory of Etnria, a hi~to•·y as tln·illing" and p;lorious a~ that of .\t hens or Hom<' for all W<' know; th<'l'<' W<' would find numy <l<>taiiH :uvl <'YC!Its of Hon1an hi~tory ullkllowH to n~ at pr<'~Pnt. \\'<• ha\·p only to J'l'Hd allll kno\\·, hut tiiPJ'l' i~ a ta~<· wh<•J·p th<• old Hayiug "<·a~i<'r Haid than doll(•· i~ lllllHf applkahll', fot· no Oil<' tl11·ong-h all th<' <:<'ntnri<>s has h<•Pn ahl<' to ~llh<· Ill<' mystl'ry of thP Etnu·wan btng'll:lg'<'. l t llaH hall'l<•.J th<• IIHlll,Y who ha\'(' at i<'ml>t<'<l it~ tJ·anHlation; m<:>n haw p;1·owu old pm·i11g <)\·er it~ nniHtPIIigihlP l'h:tradpt·~ whid1 may hold \\' <ll'k~ <'qnal to t hosP of lloiiH'l' m· <'i<·<•J·o. 'l'h<• IIHlll who soh'<'s this myst<>t·,r will wiu la~ti11p; fanH' for hillls<>lf'." liP!'(' th<• wiz<>n<>d, littlP, ol<l man ~aw tit to ~milt• it·oni<-ally and to add, "You all haY<> lwfm·p yon a dJ:IB<·<• for f:UIH'.'' 'J'IJp <·J:t~H ~Ht al<•t·l)y attPBtiY<', ('\'('1',\' (',\'<' lll>OII till' JII'Of<•H '01' . • \1 his last l'('lllaJ'k H fp\\· ~lllilp,• :IJIJH'HI'Pd, Jmt hPI\(';t(h his kP<'II glallt'(' all h<:><·amp <mh•1·ly agai11. 'I'll<' old )H'OfPsSOl' ( lll'llP<l l(lli<·kJy to tll(' <·Hhi!ld, a11<l fJ·mll its <·HJ'<•fully <lnstP<l HIIPlYPs liP <It·<·\\· fm·th loYingly a t inw-y<'l low<><l <lo<'lllllt'llt, wrillkl<•<l Hnd \\' 01'11, which }!(' J'P\'('I'<'llt ly liPid ])pfoJ·<• I It<• pupil H. "'!'hi~," ]I(' ('XplaiJI<'d, "iH a ('Ol),\' of' I lip do<'lllll('nt OYPl' wllit'11 HO IIIHII,\' han• knit th<>ir ht·ow~ in vain attpmpts to <h•dph<'J' its nH•<Jniug-. ~o fa1· t h<• only "or<ls kuown :ll'<' a f'p"· IUIIIH'H of g'O<ls Hll<l go<l<lrss<'H ~tl<'h a~ Tinia for .Jnpit<'J', Tm·an for ~<'HUH, hnt- '' .\. lon<l .·nor<• fl'otn tilt> 1'(':11' of t liP J·oom <·ut short til<• ])l'llf'Pssor's leup;thy explmwtion. Profp~sor :\IOJ·ton ttu~IIP<l an angry l'P<l a.· til<• .·nm·<'s <'ontintw<l . 'l'he gi!'ls tittprt><l awlihly, aiHl th<• hoys g"l'inn<><l hroa<lly, hut. h<>forp th<• ttashing glance of thP in.'trndor's <'."<'~ en•n the hlll(lPHI qnailPd. "II alp~ .. Pt·of<'HHOJ' :\lm·ton·~ voil'<• J'allg' <·utt ing"l,,· H<'l'OHs tll(• 1'110111, at)() out tl11·ough Ill<• O]l<'ll wiu<low i11to th<> halmy .Jmw ai1·. En'll :tH thP stm·m hrl'W<'<l i11si<lP, so Ill<• (·louds h<'g':lll to g"atli<'J' without, and a ~lip;ltt hr<:>PZP s t iIT<'<l. "Ilalr ~·· .\ln·uptly tlu• .·nol'ing" <·<•asP<l. .\ tall, lanky youth HtJ·ug·glPd to ltiH fp<•t. II<> toW<'!'(•(] :1 good :ix fP<'t, hut ~<'<'IIH'd to l1avp hi~ lm1g limh~ undPt· JH'I'f<'d <·onti·ol. 'l'h<• hloo<l waH Htll·ging in It is dH•<'ks, hut liP Jll<'t t h<• gazp of hiH p1'of'<•ssm· <·alnlly, fP:II·i<'ssly,-('\'PII with a qniPt, l1alf snlil<• as It<· :lllHWPI'Pd, "~ir'?" "II:tl<', what \\'('!'(' \\'(' ()is('IIH~iug'!" "{ ll:tV(' 1101 (Jtp ~JigllfeHt i<l<•a \\'hat\\'('\\'('!'(' <)j~('\lssing" Hir·," tit<' ,YOllllg' 111an anH\\'Pl'<'<l l'PSJ><'d fully, ,Y<'I with t IH• slig"lliPst intonatim1 011 I h<' "wp" and with ltisqui<'t lHtlfsntil•. lli~tmy


'J'o Pr·ofp~~or· )lor·ton any kind of immhor<lirwtion wa~ in.·ulfer·ahiP. \\"itll difli1·ulty l11• (·ontroiiPd llirm;plf a~ liP said, ''llall•, yon hi' i'I'<IIPd. 'J'IIp daHs is disnlissp1l."


'l'l11• h11,n; HJl(l g-ir·ls til1•d out 1·;tsting I'OIIIInisspr·ati,.,. gi;IIH'I'S on Jlal1• \\Ito sat h;Jif srniling all tiH' \YIIilP. \\'IH•n all W('l'l' gmw th1• pt·ofpssn· sai1l idly, "wp WPI'P di~1·ussiug tll1• llistmy all(] laugHagp of tlw Etnl'ians. I had just finisiiPil shO\\'ing and pxpla ining to t h1• dass t hiH dfll'1lllll'nl \\Tiltl'n in thl' Etr·ns1·an lallguagP. \\'hpn yoll havp tr·anslatl'd m· PXplainP<l it you may go," hp I'OUI·huiPd, and a half .·nPI'r 1'1'1'(1( al'r·oss his f:ti'P. 'l'hp ho.' lwnt ovPr !liP :-;noll; a light sePmP<l to hr·pak a,.,. ,,ss !lis fpatm·(•s . • \ fp\\· mi11ulps liP stn<liPd in silPHl'P, and tll1•n I'HIIII' to tiiP dPsk.

"1 han• it all now," liP ~aid. •·You m·1• far too pasy ou 1111', PmfPssm· )lm·ton, hut it iH only fail· to 11'11 yon that I woJ'l.;p1l mrt th1• kpy to it last nig-ht fr·ont ihP PXH111p1P gin•11 in otlf· hi.-tor·y hook." 'l'l1Pn whilp t hp lit tiP, old, lristm·y p1·ofpssor Hat l1nd<ll1'd in his 1·hai1·, llal1• l'I'<Hl i11 \\'lll'fls of tiJ·p tlrl' linPs of an author· of I'Piltur·iPI' ago . . \s he I'ead on th1• profPI'sor· pall•d and 1-'at as in a tr·an1·P. ThP old dil'till(·tion of lllHSIPl' and pupil wal' g-olll'. llalP had tinis]l(•d a11d 1-'IIHHl awaiting- ppr·rnissio11 to go, till' saiiH' lralf' 1-'JIIiiP 1'111'\'ing llis lipl'. ::4uddPnly tiiP anrazpd Jn·of'PHHor· 1'<11111' to hinr:-:1•lf, and in a ,·oi1·P as hollow and <listm1t a:-; that of a l'lutd1• in Ill<' 1·ahll·omhH sai<l "That i:-; ctll - yoll-lllay - go.·· TIIP JH'ofessor· sat with Iris <'yes fastt•ned on the f<.Hle1l maHUSlTipt, IIIP hoy l'l'OSSI'd thP tllr<•slwld and wa:-; gmw. Th<> lightning tia~ht>ll, and t liP ]>Pal:-; of tlnnHlt>1· fpll ahout onp's pars, hut all JlaHsPil nnhPPdPd aiHl umwtii'Pil hy lhP man of llist ,11·y. His lips half worl;:Pil in his pagpr·nps~ ;t~ llP hpu( OH'l' til(' lltallliSI'I'i]ll, aJHl star·(pl] to tnlllslaiP, lnrt 1'\'I'I'Y WIH'11 lHlll tiown; ht• I'Olll1l not I'P1·all a s<>ntl'lli'P that llah• had ntter·<>d. ])0\nl tlrl' st<>ps of thP high :-:1·hool 1·an an old lll<lll, h;IJ·plwadPd a1Hl ohliYiow.- to ih<> storm. II alp~ 1 !alp~ lw mnst ti111l hi111 ~ Ill' lllllst hl'm' thoHP \\'Ol'llH again~ 'J'Itp liglttni11g tlashpd this limP hlill(ling him, hut Jlot hefon' lt1• ~aw an·o~s thp I'HlllllllH a for·n1 fall on IIIP \\·alk. He ran 011 llllll(pr·ing wildly to lrimsPlf. J[p hl'nt OYI'l' a htHly fallPn on tlw path, <11111 lH• ltalf liftpd it, I'Hgl'rly sparThing Ill<> f'paflli·Ps . • \ half srnilP still lingl'l'Pd Oil tht• hoy's fa1·P, hut ltis P_YPS, tilt> P.n•s wlri1·h lrall solYPil t lr1• rnyHIPl'Y of t ltP agPs, WPl'(' l'lOHI'Il fm·pn'r· .

•\ sohhing wail 1·osp in tlw fury of t liP ston11 f1·on1 onP liLOIIt'llillg a lo:-;s to th1• \\·or·l1l. "It is goru•, g-onp \\·itlt him fm·Pn'r·~ <lmw for·p,· pr·~ .. •\1111 tlH• winds <llHl tlw blowing r·ai11 howlPd had~, "YPs, gmw-goul'goJH' f'Ol'l'Yl'l' !'' )1.\HEL





In f/t(•, 'i111i litudf' of a /)rf'({/11 ~b I :-;h'pt, I tln•anH•d a tlt·pam and lwhold I :-;aw a hoy, Hl<llHling in a t'Pt·tain pl<H·t• and t·rying hittPrly. I :-;;t\\' aiHo that h<> lookPd thi:-; wa,\ and that aH if lw would t·mt; ypt IH• :-;totHl :-;till, hP('ilUS<' h<• <·ould not (pi] whidt " ·a,,- to go. I look<>d tht•tt, a111l saw a man ttalll<'<l Kiwi Pas. ·<•t·h.' t·otning to hint "110 askpd, "\Yhat is tht• IIIH!t<•r, littl<> ho,\, why do you t·t·y'!" lip an:-;\n't·<•d, "I ltaftH go to :-;('hool and J'q• lo:-;1 th<• way, :111d I don't kllo\\- \Yhal to do." "<lo to !Ita! gat<• and k111wk and you " -ill IH' told what you at·p to do," saitl Kind Pa:-;sprhy. ~o tit<' .'lll:lll hoy 1'<111 toward thP galt• whit-It \\'<IS t·a]](•d th<• {;;ttl' of <lt·amm;n· ~t·ho 11 l, wh<•t·P hP knod.:Pd and was ad111iltPd hy onp wllfl was namt>d 'I'<•:H·hpt·, and who plat·Pd upon llis h;wk a ln11·dP11 t·ontaining t·<•atling, writing and ;u·ithml'tit-.

''~11111Pnt," sit<' said, "litis is tit<' l'atlt of' ~tndy; it l<•atls uptltt• llill of l.paJ·niug to tit<' l)('antifnl l'alat·<• of KnowiPdgP. You must follow it l'lmwly m· you will hi' ptmish<•tl." 'l'hp hm·dt•n \\·as ,-<·t·y h<•:n·y, hut as t hi' hoy ]H'Ot'f'PdPd, lti:-; l~:H'k gt·t>\\ stJ·ougPl' ami It<' h·avPlt•d t·api<lly along thP path until Itt' wa:-; joinpd hy a hoy JtaltH•d Bt·aggm·t Tt·ouh](•makn.

HJ·aggat·t wild t·ats."


I'm a 1iglill:'l', I atn; wh,r I t·aB lit-k my wpight in

, tn<lt•nt-"llmH•s' to goodnp:-;:-;, <·an ynlt'?" Ht·agga1·t "• 'm·p 'taint 1111thin'; why I lid.:Pd a ho_,. w-; hig a:-; all ont-<loors 'tntlH•J· day; I ht•kha t·an't lit·k nnthin' '?" ,'ttHlt>ut "1 hP!t·ha I t·:m." Braggart - ''lh•t('ha t·au't." ~tn<1Pnt-"< 'an too." Bra~gm·t-"O'wan antl tlo it tltPn."


Ro saying, hi' pnsht'<l ~tndPlll iulo tht• Fighting Bt·allthi<'H whi<·h lint•<l th<' road:-;itlt•. ~t·J·att·ll('<l and hlt•Pding ~lndpnt (')'awlpd h:wk to ilt<' Path. Thl'l'<' h<• wa:-; !liP( hy 'l'P<H·hpt· "ho a<ldPd <l<•ograplty, Ili:-;tm·.' aml Or;nmmu· to tht' hm·drn 011 hi.- hat·k.

f.\tJHlt•ut's lml'dPn was now YPJ·y ltt•:n·y and whPn liP t·HIIH' to thP HiYI'l' of Examination:-; h<• was af1·ai<l to s\\-itn at·J·oss and in:-;!t'illl took t lit• Hl'idgt> of <'opying \\-hidt ]pd to (lip FiPid of IgnOJ·ant·t•. \\'p;n·ily liP .-tulllhiPd m-,,,. til(' J·ot·ks and tl11·ough tliP ln·it•t·s :llHl tltot·Jis to tiH• path. llPl'(' liP \\·as gt·t•<'!Pd hy (';n·<··~·ot who said, "('oiiH' alo11g !'111 ~oi11' fishin' down to Playing Ilookt•y ('J·ppk." ''Oil I das'<•nt," ~<aid ~tndPnt, "'i'<'<ll·hPJ' said lll'\'t't' to ]paq• thP Path 0

f • 't U<l,\·."

''.\w I don't t·m·<•," Hltswpn•d (';tl'P·. 'ot, "\\'hat do I <·at·p if I gpt <·aught, t·om<• :doug, o]p F1·nidy ('at'?" ~ttu1ent \\'P1l( with ('an··~·ot, hnt tilt• Pln,,·ing llook<•,Y ('t·t•<•k "·as 114

mmldy a)}(l })(' was hittPn hy the •'napping Turtle of ('on.·<'i<'ll<'<'; .·o h<' t irPd all( I painfully rpt m·up<l to th<' pat h. RtU(lPnt pro<·<'e<l<'d on his way until he t<lllH' to the Ilig-h ~l'lwol nnt<'. liP!'<' h<' was :ulmittP<l hy llliiiH'l'Oil.' lnstJ·udors, <•adt of whom l:ti<l a }HI!'( len u pou hi~ back. ''B<:'\\·:n·p,'' thPy ~tid, "do not ]pan' thP Path of .'tnd,r or great misfOJ·t lllH' will att<'lHl you." For a tim<' ~tudPnt h<'<'<h•<l thPir WOl'(]s and dimh<'d ~tpadily up th<• Jlill of LNtrning, hut thp wa,,· wa.· ~te<'IJ alHl his hm·<l<'n wa.· IH•a\'y; so hp tut·tH'd aHid(l to r<•st in th<• J>o-~ 'othing Arbor. In th<• .\.t-hor wai'4 the siHIPt· of <'arP-~ ·ot, "'hat's-th<•-Vitl't>t'PlH'<'. On JH'l'<·Pidn~ ~t nd<•Ht shp said: ''Oh, 1 \\·as jnHt wishing HOIIH'OlH' would <·otll<:'. I want to go to a lo\'<'ly pia<·<• wh<•r·p you and l <·oul<l haw a pPrfedl,r dt>lightfnl 1 im<'." ''l JllllHt not go," :-~aid ~tu<lPnt, "l <·au not !Pave th<' Path of ~t1uly ... ''Oh fudgP, .. was t ht> HIISW<'I', "You 'r<• a h'<'<Hly dotH' it, h<'··ide. · w ha t'H t II(' d ilf<'l'('ll('(' '!" ~0 ht> W<'n( with the <hUllS('!. ~oon thP,r ('<l!ll(' to a (']iff \\'hith ('l'Ulllh]pt] hPnPat h t h<'lll. 'I' he mlliH' of th<• ditl' wa~ ('aught ~kipping, and ~tn­ <h•nt fp]] into th<• ~W<UIIp-of-'J'ough-LtH'k whkh lay hplow thP difl'. Ht'l'<' h<· ftonndet·ed ahont in the mir<• hut was unable to gt>t out 1)('<·anH<' of thP Failm·<•-of-~i<·k-Exnt:-~<• WPPdH and the Forgetting-to-~tu<l,r­ Puhlk-~p<•aking quid,Hands all(l the LoHing-Lot·ker Key Stone.·, all of wl1id1 inq><•d(l(] his J>I'Ogr·rss towar<l tht> otll<'l' side of tlw swamp. l>irty an<l disht>veiiP<lht> ~nitw<l thP path lmt unhPP<lingly he \\·alk<•d into the <hu·k atHl denst> Fm·t>st-of-rn:-~tudiP<l-LeHHons. llaltingl~· h<• thrP:Hled his way, Htnmhlin~ into thorny Daily HPdtation BuHII<'H and often strn('k by the orerhanging bran('h<'s of <luiz tn'es. 'l'hn~, h<' JH'O('eedt>d until he nune to thp Flunk Hin•r. Thi:-~ hy tl11• aid of til(• ~ ·iglrtly ('ntmmiug- Boat he HIH'('('t><led in ('l'ossing-, only \\'Piling lr iH fpet. .\fter these dire t>Xpt>t·iPtH'<'S, ~tmleut lH'P<l<'d wpll tlrP warning of tl1P Iustrudor~ all(l for sOIIIP tinw :-~ta,,·e<l (']o:-;ply on th(• path nutil hp :-~trayPil into Hlnff<'l':-~ LatH'. The lanp waH Y<'l'." rough all(] mm·p difti<·lflt to follow than th<• patl1 so ~tml<'llt HOOU ldt it. 'l'hi:-; tim<' h<' jotll'li<'Ye<l without ftnthl•r mishap until Ire reatht•d a hroad det>p and 1I't'a<'ht>rous rh'er. '!'his wa:-; tlrP Hin•t· of ~Pnim· Ex;uuiuations, <lll<l ~tlf(lt>Ht Haw IIIHny JH'I'HOHH :-~trnggliug d<'sJH'l'atPI,Y iu its strong <'11l'l'entH. II<' saw othpr·H <·aught on HnagH all(] •·allin~ fm· h<'lp and II<• wa:-~ afraid. On til<' otlr(•t·· :-~id<• of' thP J·in•r \\·as thP Pai:H·P of Knm\'ledg<• whid1 ~tndPnt gt·patl.' <l<·Hii'P<l to r(ladl, :-~o in Hpit<> of hi:-~ fem·, liP jnmp<'<l iuto the 1·in•1· and slowly fought his way <l<'l'OHH. 'l'h<'l'<', Iris hnrdeu wa:-~ tak<'H front hin1 and ll(l waH gi\·(lu a !-.\'l'oll. whkh a<hnitted him tlli'(High tlw Door of <lra<lnation i11to thP Paht<'P of KuowlP<lgP . •\ nd tht>n I awoke. ~I'<'W

Bern 11.\lnn:,



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U1 ell tlrat


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Hci n!J tllf' 'l'lw 11 !J hI;.; of 11 I ka d Jl1111 .\t la:-:t it i:-; all owr, <111<1 1 an1 hoxpd up t·eady to h<· hnriPd. \\'IJpn 1 " ·a:-: alin• 1 h<>liPYI' I <·an t·Ptn<•mhPt· 1·<•ading ahout a fnn<•t·al whPt·p tll<•y pla<·<·cl flmn•r:-; in !liP tn;m':-; <·oftin aucl play<>d :-:\H'<'I mu~i<·. l thiuk tll<·y mu:-:t han• :-;ligllt<•d mP, fot· 1 <·an lll'ilh<•t· hp;u· :-:\H'('( mu:-;i<· nor xtllPII ih<' flmn•t·:-:. 'l'h<•y Hn' taking Ill(' :-;onl('\dH•t·<· to lmt·y Ill<'; tlH•y at·<• pl:w · ing llH' in a gt·ayp; I liP lH'oph• an· <·t·yiug; l <lo uot lmow t I!<! I all t hi' ·<' thingx m·p llapp<>ning, hut in th<• fntu•t·al I 1'<'<111 ahout thl' :-:atllP thing:-; \\PI'(' dmu•. 1 m•n•t· had a goo<1 fri<'Illl or a JH'ar J·pl;~ t in• ~o why ~llould I know how fmwral.· m·p <·mHhH·tP<l. F01· all I kuow lll<'y might II<• going to <·t·Pmate Ill('. \\'lly :-;honld I \\' 01'1',\' if th<• pPopl<• do <·t·y m·<•J· Ill<', t h<•y did uot lo:-:p auythiug. I atll glad l did not ]pan• auy do:-;(' ft·i<'IHl:-; 01· lli'Hl' rplat in•:-; fot· I wonl<ln't waul t ll<'lll to mom·n fot· Ill<'. 'l'hp JH'opl<' t l1at HI'<' lllOIII'Il · ing fol' HH' 1lo it ju:-;1 for llltmanity':-; :-;ak<', or juxt to Hl1ow tlll'it· ft·iPtHI-.: how kind IJp:n·tpd t hPy <II'!'. Th<•y do not IH'P<l to do it fo1· m~· lawy<•r will not gin· tliPlll :my of th<• moJJ<•y I lpft; lH• i:-;n't that ~oft ll<•at·ll•d. \\"hat I I'Hn't X<'<' i.· why tiiPy :-:llould nwm·n for Ill<'. If tll<'y hPlit'\'1' that I will haw Et1 t·n;~l llappiii<'HH wl1y :-;honl<l tlwy <·t·y ahm1t it'! :\I :1,d1<' 1h<•.v <lon't t llink I will J'PH<·II t h<• EtPl'JWl Ilappim•:-;:-;,-Xo. I ha<l hPllt•t· not think of that lli,YHt>lf. I <·an J'Pllll'lllh<'r hpm·ing lhl' <lodor :-;ay, "lit• i:-; going," m· xoml'l l1ing lik<• that, any wa~· wllati'Yt'J' H wa:-: it :-;omllll'd good to HlP. It meant 110 morp Ion~ oftke hont·:-:, uo mm·p tlodm· hills to pay, no lliOI'<' noi:-;<• HlHl .·trife of tlw dty, in :-;hort, it mp;mt I wouldn't han• anything el:-;p to 1lo \hnt jn:-:t lie on my had~ in ]H':H·dnl :-:11'<')1, ( \YIIid1 mo.·t lH'oph• n1ll <lPatll. 1 How that offke hoy of miiH• WOJTi<>d llll', liP wa:-; ai\\·:Jy:-< t·(•ad in~ '\\"ild \\·(':-:t' Htorit•H and :-:mokin~ na:-;t~· <·i~m·Ptll'N. I think Ill,\' wmTyiug :-;o nnwli ahont him i:-; \\·hat <·an:-;<•<1 my dpall1. Bnt why Hhonld I wony, I am happy no\\'. . \.ltho I \\'HH not lazy "hilt• alivp I Ill' liP\'(' I lll'sel'\'l' a long t·est an<l I :-:m·1• a 111 go in~ to g<'t it now. I do not think tli<• \\or1<1 pn•t· lt·patl'd me J·ight, hut at that l'nt Jill( .· ayiu~ anything for I llH\'<' hl:'('n a NOll!' old man and liH\'1' not trPaiP<l it l'ig-ht. I \\'OIHh'l' if tli<• .\lr:-1. BI'0\\'11 \\'lio li\'l'<l in till' <·ottagp lll'X( doot· to llH' <·amP to my fllll<'t·al - oJ· is ~oin~ to I'OilH', \\'hil'lll'\'('1' it i:-1. ~liP <·Pdainly waN a nil'(' \\'OlllHH an<l th(• only Oll<' that ('\'PI' xpokp a kind wm·<l to me, all(] I JH•arly wish I 1'0\lld l"<'l' hPr agailt. • ·o ~ I <1on't, l'n1 happy hPr<• :-;o why :-;honld I wony. 1 hop<' th<• .\lrH. <:rmH·Ii \\·ho lin•d a<·t·o~s th(• :-:tt·<·<·t fl'om Ill<' <lidn't I'OIIH' to my fnn<'I'HI fot· :-;lip \\' <l:-1 ju:-;t lik<• liP!' nallll', :1 l'l':ll ~1'0\ll'h. Oil~ that l'('111ind:-< Ill<' I pi·mni:-;<•11 he1· a hnlHh·<•d doll:tJ·H fot· IH•r FPminill<' Hi~hts ('lnh. Oh ~ :-:lu• will haunt HH' PYI'Il in <IP:llh, :1nd I tliou~ht EIPt'· lllll llappilH'H:-1 1':1111(' li:tiHl in hand "·itl1 my dl'atlt. LEHTJ:H


ll.\ \ ' IH, '1 !I.

(.l 'l'lllf' ( . I df!J!I f'd [ro111




' llf!l,-f'8Jif'fl n '

s .1/ !ldi£'1 It)

~(:n·y, H hPHiltifnl lliHillPll, HH th<• 11:1111(' impliPH, H(Ood ))pfm·p !111 • minm· on•t· thP kit1·IH'll Hink, and nu·pfnlly J>PndiPd hPr <'.\"(•hrowH arHl :tpplil'll hpr· ·'lH'l'i<tl "Ewr· l{p(]" lip .· tif-k to h<'l' whiHtling- aplHil'a(\lH. 'J'hPll HhP poppPd a hPPdl -llllt Ill in( into hPJ' lliOU(h awl g-ail_r (l·ip]H'Il (o l'Wl)(>OI on lH•l' high -h<•PlP!l NlippPl'H. It \\HH mid-wintPl' awl uatnntlly )hu·y Nlipp<>d :uul Nat d own on NOIIl<' i('(•. T<•n minntPx latpr· a JHlNNing H1·hool matp aNNiNtPcl lH•r· to m·iN<' and, piddng ll]l hpr· \'anity hag, Nhp dm-wcl thp licl and Oll<"<' lllor·e ,,. •rHlPcl IIPt' way tln·n thp :now. l ' pon l'P:tdling lH•t· lo<·kpr ~o;h<• took otl' hPr· ~-;t r·a" hat :nul Htartpd to primp, for down thP hall ('<llll<' hpr· "hnhhy," aN shp l':tllPd hi111. .\ littiP ]JO\nl<•r· o11 IH•r· noNP, then a look in th<• nlir·r·o\\· ]>lainly r·p,·palpd that, tm<·onsl'iously, NhP rnnHt Jm,·p lkked hpr li]>N. Fmuth·ally HhP PmptiPil h<•t· hag, hut not ewn a tr:H·e of thl' Htil-k could Hh<' find. 'l'hp full l'Palization of hpr· tn•mprulou~o; lo.-N Htrud~ het· lllllllh. 'l'o fa1·<' "hnhhy" with palp lipH'? ~ · <>n•r! ~lw would eli<• tir·Ht. .\N :t laNt J'PHOI'( HhP UN<·d a hit of t·ougP, tiH•n diHapp<>ar<•d into a .-tucly 1'00111 .

'l'l1P Nl'<'ll<' now l'llang-<>s and w<• find the villain lying proNtr·atp in t hP wt·y Npot Ho t·<•<· •11! l,r oeeupiPil hy our heroiut>. \\' ith em·se: on hiN lipH, hp m·o.-p and tnrnpcl to look for tlw I'PHHOn of hi . fall. Th t·p lH'fore hi111 ou a ht•d of pm·p whitP snow, h1~· a gli.-tening sti!'k of H('arlt-t. ''~lou Di<•u !" px(')airn<><l thp Hot·e Yillain, an<l he pkkE><l up tlu· nuliant "Ewr Hpd" an<l ltaNIPIH'cl ou with f'par in hi~-; l1Pa1·t, fm· he waN lat<• to H<·hool. .\.- hP Jl<l~'~'<'d 1l1P hnll<•tin hoard on the way to the pl'incipal' offi<·<•, a notii'P Ill PI his Htm·tl!'(l gaz<>, "Lost-an 'En•r ]{pd' lip ~-;t i<·k. FindPI' plPHH<' r·p( m·n to t·oom :!:..W." .\nd imlllP(liat<>ly th<> rill:tin firrHl_r l'PNOI\'I•d in lib ht•m·t tl1at th<> "EYPI' HPd" Hhonlcl np,·pr again apppar in puhl i1·. 'I'IIP lwr·oin<• wa: hPar·throkPu. Half th<> mor·niug h~Hl p:I.'H'd with no liP\\'H fr·om ltpr· "EY<>r HP1l." "Iluhhy" triE><l in Y:tin to <·onsolE> hPl'. ~olll<'how )f<n·y rHauag<'ll to r·<•taiu IH•r \'igor until noon. But th<•n Nh<' f'p)( that shp Hl1ould takp NOllH' Hom·iHhlllPilt, in ord<>l' to lin• thru the aftpr·Hoou, Ho Hill' " ·p;n·i ly tr·ipp<•<l clown to tlw t·afPIPl'ia to gl'l a piP<'<' of l'll<'I'I',\' piP . .'liP waN Htalldillg in line \Yh<•n .-hp notil'l'll an <'\'il lookin~ Ja<llonnging hy thP hot radiator. His fppt WPI'(' ,-t·r~· Hrnall Hilt' thot, and xh<> gazpd ahNPntly at IIH' Ntt·ipPs in hiN N<)('kH, when sliP \ntx .-tm·tlPd at Heeing a littl<• ~o;tr·paJlt of ln·ight I'<'ll tr·iddin~ down hiN NC)('k, O\'PJ' lti:s ~-;hop an(l for· • niu~ a h1·i II ia nt pool of <'Olor 011 t hP t1oor. A Nu<ldeu Hpriug and .-hp wa~o; hy his sich•. ") ly B \'1'1' H<><l ! Ha v • it ! ~ave it !" 117

Th<> Yillain att<'mpt<'(l to <'·rap<> hnt thE> hpJ•oinp rang-ht llim hy thP ankh•. '('m·~<>~ ... hP ~pnttPI'<'(l. ''1'hat hloomin' J'H(liatm•!" "~aw it! ~Iy h<•antiful En•r H<>d! II<'~ ~ot it!" Hh<' Hhl'i<>k<•d :l]}(l aftPr HnH'h Htrn~~lin~ on thE> pm·t of IIH• Yillain, th(' <•x<'itP<l <·J'O\nl <>xh·adt•d from his po('ket the remninH of th<> "EY<'l' H<•<l," and t<•n<lPrly lifting- ~fal'y, thf'y hm·p her to her honw, a nt>rvou.· wr<•<'k.

Y. D.







TllPiW jokPi' ar<' partially tl·ne '!'hp poPIIIi' aJ·p ol"igiual too You vidims of hat<> ~houl<l enjoy your fat<' For honm·H likE> thN><' <-ome to fc>w.


Di<l yon PY<'r ~top to wonclPJ' ..... . For whom <lew.· \\'pc•ni<' \YaitP"! h; Eloh;p EarllPi't in 11<'1' ]n·omii'e to Boh'! If IIollii' Knox clops Hilda Hammer? \\'hat ii' Em·nPi't'i' IIitr of ambition"! II a.· ,John Ilenon hiH hP<Hl "! If Ilp](•H \\'PJ·pn't a Hngg wonl1l ~heldon \Ypawr"? ILIH .)lm·gm·pt .)Iom·eh<'<Hl tl1an most girls'! IlaH ('olh<>rt Whit<' i<leali''! IlaH ~l;n·gm·c;t Bai'H·Ptt lH'l' JlH'als'! lH YPI·uon HidliH'l' than aHyoH<' PIHP'? \Yhy iH I>m·othy ~tc•rn '!

IlaHn't Ilp]pn A. J>J·•ttyman"! Ilo\\' clo .H RuHHPll \Yalkup Htairs at 2 a. m. '? \\'hat makE's Brssir Iligl1'? \\'hy i.· Lyl<' ~tout'! 119

''There's a reason"

Why particular people bring their printing to THE FLANIGAN-PEARSON CO. I 0 & I 2 Chester St,



PURE CANDIES andy M aking


FURNITURE Stoves, Rugs, Drapes


art an d we are arti tsthe be t in th e city. 000

Try our candi(•s. Ev(•ry kind is the lwst that can he had, and we have so man~· kinds tf1at Wt' arr sm·e of plt'll.'ing ~·our fancy. 000

Let Keck Furnish Your Home Complete 11 4-11 6 Chur<•h St., 'hampaign, Ill.



\\'ho sPn t l>Ol'ot hy \\' pst '? 1>o<'H )liriam Hakt>t· own ht·<·<t<l'! ])ops )lildt·p(] Ev<>t·. ·olt> lt<:>t· own shCH'S '! lias Agtw.· Hawol'th buying'? DO<•s Em·l B<><>m wht>n h<' wins a <lPhatP'! Hasn't ~·a than Bl:u·k fing<'rBails'! l>cH's )Ja111·inP PaJ·k<•r <·ar at HrowBPll's·? 'ro wllf'J'<' is \\'ayne Hising'! I>o<'H );'at h a 1i<:> ])oclg<' t h<> JlH'B '! l>o<>H llat tit> Brown hpJ· <·ak<>H l'ight '? How <lo<•s Enlali<' II all in ll<'J' liH'll '! Dot>s bt>ing out of doot·H mak<' )lm·ion .\l'i<''! FJ·<•sh i<• :- ''\\' hat aJ'<' you I'<'<Hliug'?" .'oph :-"\\'hy, thP .l/aroo11! llavpn't yon got Oil<''! in ( 'hampaign 1Iigl1 l:·kl10ol Hhouhl." FJ·pshi(' ( PX('it<>cll~·) :-''I>o you g<'t <:J'<'<li t for it'?''

Ev<>t·y :-;tu<lPnt

)lr. <'lippiBgeJ· (noti<·ing Boh Bramble's i<ll<'n<•ss): ''BI·atnhl<>, tiH• <l<>vil al\\'ays finds som<•t hing fo1· idle hands to do. <'om<' hPr<' au<l IPt Ill(' gin• you SOilH' work.''

Dean BroW nell Harold )Ii<'H eal RaY Dobbin GeorG e B nnetl Omat· Bolli nger .\l'thuR 'l'emple )laxwelL Adam )lm·tin <'olliS on

• ·a than BL ack \\'illiam E lwell .John FrA k<>s Earl V an 1)orpn FrE d :\1 aj<n·:o:; .ro~wvH

Fn·<l<•;·i<· kson J O lm <'lm·k Cha!'l<•s M d'ullongh .J ('t·omE <'ope


)lanl'itw (at hall O'HIII<') :-\\'hv do ~


tiH'V ~

<·all that a foul'?

any feather ? Art (on spur of th<' moment) : - I O'Ue 121

its a pi<.:k d nine.

I <lon't

THE STORE OF QUALITY Complete Assortments Reasonable Prices Intelligent and courteous service. To shop here means complete and Ia ting atisfaction - money saved in the long run.

G. C. WILLIS "Quality First, Service Next, Price Last"

A. S. Nelson & Sons Chandler, Raulang



and Milburn cars

Republic, Goodrich and

315 N. Neil Street


Brunswick tires Auto accessones

I llinoi

Nelson Bldg.


20-22 Main St.

)fiss • ar~ent :-''.Tos<>ph, what do<>s 'Alter <>go' mean'! .Jospph :-''Otllt>J' I." )I iss ~m·~pu( :-''Put .\ltt't' P~o into a ,•pnt<>m·P." .Tosppli: "liP winkt>d his .\ltPJ' <'Wl." )Jiuna Libman: "\\'hy <·Pl"iainly I <·llll fi.·h." .T<•J·J·y ('opt>: "You <·<lJI! "'hal <·an you <'atch '! nows) '?"


•')linua· .... t min-


I. at within a Htndy room I .'at an<l only .. at sa ( ] ikP lllOSt thP Ot hPJ'S di<l ,Just sat and sat an<l sat. I sat and lookP<l an<l look<'<l and sat .\n<l Haw thp othPJ·s look And :v I sat an<l looked I ·aw 'l'hey lookP<l not at their hook.

:\fi. R Boyd :-"l>ean, when ( 'olum hus discovered Amerira <li<l he eros.· th Pa<"ifie or Atlantit oeran." ure did double cross GerDran :-"I <lon't know, t acher, but h tna11y. ''

)[. B. :-"IIow many stu<liPs at'<' you canying?'' D. B.:-" I'm canyiug one and drag-ging thre ." 'f ache1· :-'' .. ·ame three :utirle.· containing E<l~ar ~Pl tIps:-'


Two <"uffs and a collar."

\\'p kuul O\"('l' th<> hand emhroi<lt>l'P<l g-lass eopy of th<' l!Hf> .llaro6n to th<' FI'P.'hman, who on thP first <lay of H<·hool-inquiJ·ed of au np))('t·<'lassman "wl1at floor t hp Freslmwu WPl', on!" )fl·. "'ikox :-(to Bnfm·<l Purdy who ha<l ju.·t rp<"itP<l). ")lr Purdy. with that voi<·P yon will he in the spnate <·ham her somp <lay." B. Pnr·dy :-( dsihl~· tlattPrP<l), "Thank you si1·." )Jr. \\'iko.· :-( ('ontiuuiug), "an<l there from the gallpry you will hem· gJ·pa t mPn .'p ,ak.'

• ophomor :-"I . uppo. e Omar Bolling r will take to 'nokin()' now that he's got th 'flu'". 123

WLewis i1 Co. "Champaign's Leading Dep't Store"

give you the best erVIce The Home of San T ox Remedies

in town


(Qu-estions nf a J}ir.eshntan to a


''\\'hat il" that 1-'0\IJHl, Oh Papa ntilll', a-t·iup;iug in my Pat·N'!" "'Tis hut thP lwll a-t·iugin', d1•at·, ~-'O drin• """·' ,rout· fl'at·s." ''\\'hPl'l' is that kitty, )lama tlliiH', that falhPt· sp1•akN alHmt '!" '' '1'is itt th1• gant(' that fallti'J' pbtyN "IH'II ltl' is playing out." "\\' lty is it t h1•,r look dowu o11 1111', wh1•n I pa:-;s t l11·ough t h(• h;JII'!" "''l'h; ~·ansi' you at·(• a Ft·pshtll<lll, dl•at·, tltat i:-; nothing- at all." ''\\"lty is it that 1'111 'ft·;tid of ('lip, a11d .\lot·t·i:-;, ~witzPr l~to'!" "'Tis I'HUN(' you't·(• n•t·y young, nty dpar, an(l don't know "hat to do.' ' ''\\' hat i.· tIt I' noiNP, <)It Papa utiJH', that 1·at I II'.' in 111y hPad '!" '' ''l'is nothing! Oh Ill,\' lit tiP Olll', (' hi'Pt· up, yom· l11·ains at·P dl'<tll." - B. Ht·atllhiP. )I iNs 'l'tn·l'll :-('l'o EloisP Eat·ni'Nt \\·Ito is J'('l'itiug ), "I 1·an't !war yon ." )I iHN E.:- "'l'ltPt·P a I'(' too many of hf'r JH'O]liP whi:-;p(•t·inp;.'' (jpot·gl' IL :-''1 want you to uud('t·stanll 1'111 a hig gnu!" )I;JJ·iau t: :-"\\.(•11, wlty do11't I lwm· h1•t (pJ· J'I'JIOrts'!" Yi\'iau Ewing :- "Oh, dol'lm·, I !tan· a tPnihly t ir1•d fpplinp; all th1• tilll(•.'' 1 )odot· :-"Let 1111' NPP ,nm t· t ongu1•." ~hf:'l1lou

\\' pan•J· :- "\\'hy iN )1 i:-::-;


'artnpy thl' fa:-:(pst

l'l' •atUI'l'

on Parth '!"

-To Xate :-"Dunno, why'!" R. \\'l'a\'PJ':-" Bt>('HliNI' limp flip:-; hut wh(•tt )liNN )[('(';IJ·tnl',\' h•:.ulN t hp mnNie :-;hp lwat timP." )]j:-;:-; ~<IJ'g(•n(: ")(aXWPII, just ]JOW lll<lll,\' (illiPS do you SUppOH(' tit(• \\'OJ·(l l'Oll('l'dO OI'I'UJ'lo; ill l'f'I'.'Ji[! )lax .\da111N :-"1 don't know. l'tll not takiup; a l'l'liNll~-'."

('. 'l'tu·kpt· :-"Do yon play I'Hl'ds fm· mom•y'!" Hol;llld ~Ill it h :-" YP:-<, hn t I IH'YPJ' gPt HJJ,\'.''

I \\'<IN walking- down on Pvairip To t hP II ip;h ~~·!tool mu• ti Ill' (lay \\' hpu l not ii-Pd dop;N all(] 1·lti1·kpu:-; ~hl•ddiug tl•at·s a loug t hl• wa,r 12;)

Saving t1me and mon y by eing all th f ature in clothing

b st


Foot note: we are sole dealers in Interwoven Hosiery in Champaign


Start Your Savings

Moorehead Sells It

Account in

It's Good

thi strong Bank

<loo<l sPrVil·P, pl'iee.· always a · low a. I!OO<l hwirwss will JWI'mit, satisfaction Ol' you!' morwy back al'P tlw pl'ill(•iph•s that wP solicit a eontinuance of your patl'OIHll!l'.

Get Our Figures or You Lose

Illinois Trust and Savings Bank


Moorehead Furniture Co. Neil and University



Mrr. Snines Dept



I qui<-kly :-;uwlle1l the r>a.·on ..And donnf'd my rpad,v mask ''I' was th<• onio11 NtPw at I I igh , 'dwol If HJI,YOII<' shoul(l aNk.

)li:-;s lhlllhar:- '' .'atllall, wl1at hook an• ,\·on taking to rppmt on :t))(l who iN t ht> author?" • •. Bhu·k :- "'l 'hc . lutobiofJI'aJJhy of Hour rt H. IA·r. I <lon't know \\ ho \notp it." H. )l'('omwll :- (looking out of' thl' windo\\ ), "Oh ~ th<•t·<· go<'s poot· Hill Eh\'(•11 through thl' J'Hi11." )Jr. ('lippillg<•t·:- " -·<·n·r 111ind~ llt>'ll dodgP th<· drop:-;.''

)!iss )lonis:- (iu Euglisl1 \'Ill aftpt· Bill P:u·khill had d<•:-;nill('d tlH• ~t~· gian <·an• in whi<·h a1·<• nlall,\' honihl<• <·J·<•attfL·ps). ")iow, <Jop:-;n't that sound lik<' IIPil '?"

Jfimtricks 'l'h<'l'<' is a young s<·uior JJam<•<l <'ollip \\'ho t l'it>s with th<' git·ls to he jolly. liP stl'in•s to hP gay, But th 'Y all run away, Tht>u <'ol Jison dt>:n HP<'H hi:-~ folly. FrC'd Knight i:-; a little dPhatOt·, ()f tlu• fair i'\l'X )I(• think:-; ]1(•':-; a hatt>L' Of t h<> girl:-; ht> k<'PP~'~ Hhy, .. \ lHl II<' hh!Hh<•:-;- hu t why'! \\' hi'H a prPtty girl :-;ay:-; "IIH'PI you lat<•r.'' 'l'hpn• is a <l<•m· gil·] 11<1111<'<1 (}pl'trwlt>. \\'l1o llt'\'('1' waN known to lH• l'tlll<' . .. \nd w)l('n th<>t·<•'s a da11<·P .\11 shp wants iN th<• <·hmH·<•, 'J'o whit·! an(l to glid<· \\ith HO!IIl' dudl'. )lat·gi<' l>il'kt>y, th(• phy:-;i<·:-; :-;hal'k, OJH'Ill'd hPJ' mouth and :-;:111k likP a lark. ~h<' warhlpd :-;o lond ~Ill' (]J·<•w quit<' a <·J'o\\·<1 .\nd i'\]H'II·hOlllHl til<'.'" :-~tood until dnf'l.;:. 127

P A R ·K



A Place For the Whole Family

'OMFORT: ]•'or ,·our eom fort larg-1• room~ ~Pat~ a wntilator . upplying- thP auditorium with 10,000 cuhi1• fed of I< RE~ll .\IR pet· minut1•.

Now bowing the bet production from Mutual



( 'ourtps~· is inst ilh•d in our attendants . •\n.'· al't of disrPSJWC't should h1• report •d to the nuumg-1•r.

Pathe Universal Vitagraph

Q ALITY: (~nality and XOT Pidut'Ps and ~1 u ic.

(~uantit~· - the

Best in

At an admission price within reach of everyone.

hool IS now out and Buy your n t chool book of u . \Ve buy you will have time to ee our your used book~ at good fine line of pnces.


TALKING i\lACHINES that "ill play all record Can't You Call?

Watson faulkner

Eggleston's Music House

L. W. Faulkner, Mgr. :!0, :\. Xeil

Champaig-n, Ill.




.\ <l<'Hl' nan~hty hoy 'l'ommy Lan~, For "wimmin" he <'<ll'<'d not a dang. 'Till he W<'ll t lo r l'lmna ~\11(1 tnel a "vamp" ....\nna .\11(1 now what a 1·as('al is Lan~ . •\ nk<' lit t I<• hoy- Panl Wills Il<' dressps in tHstP and in fri lis II<• l't<'HIHH down thP sfl'<'Pt, IlUtlllllill' ditti<•s SO S\Y<'<'f. ~\nd llH'y call him al home- )lr. Wills. ildt·(•(] ~ ortmt'H a mai<l HO <l<'tlllll'l' must ]mow a lot, of this 1 am sut·p ~he helon~s to a quaint, ~omPthin~ <'<lll<'ll ''Wi~ HJHl Paiut." Honor's ltt>aped on this maidpn <h•ntut·('. ~~


)IJ·. H<•nnl'tfs H ft·inllons lHd . Though IH's foolish J'm sut·<• h<'s not lJ:td 'l'o C'\' 1' 1'." fair lassie Onl' (l('m·ge <l<•at· is sassy. But <lou't think that that lllakes th•nt nta.l. ~\

1·ig-ht (']('WI' g-it·I-EsthPI' (JipHe, Th<•y say sh<' is som!'lHJ<ly's ni<•<·<•. ~It<' OIH'<' atlOl'l'<l (Klnight Bul 110\\' sh<' s<'PH light. Ihu·ku •s::; nuw hns llo t·hunn for )liH>' <iil'Hl'.

)Jr. ~ tkinson' real name i JoP 'Ti aid he i not Yery slow. ~\n

1 n th a. aphon He i. surel~· at home. Ht• pla~·eth so hig-h an<l . olo. Fl'I·dip )l<'tTPl' om· baskPtball star 110 OIH' do<•s har. lip's a <·entpr so tall II<• outjmnps '<>m all. liP's famP<l both neat· and ;~fm·.

In haskPthall

Hoss 'l't't'\'<'1 t : "I lH'Ii<'\'1' in plPn ty of physit·a I <'XPtTis<' a II of tIll' tim<'." )ft·. \\.il<-ox :- "1>o you nsP <lmnh-ht>lls'!" Hoss :-"~ ·o, I'ut \rinding a dollal' watdt." 12!)


Newest Brightest Cleanest


Try Our Candies and Soda 3 I Main Street

Champaign, Illinois


Liggetts Chocolates








H. Swannell & Son ~\ rp

tlw pt'OJWI' thing-~ t'ot' hot ~lllll­ day.. \\'p haYl' thl'lll in all IPatlwrs and at n•asonahll' pril'P~. lllt'l'


The Rexall Store





('ham paign, Til.

Ilm·old ~ ' oglP :- " 1 h<'t if 1 did a good llt>Pd tomorrow tllp pHJH'l'S woultl JH'V<'l' lll<'lltiou it." .Jop l<'J•t•d<>l'il'l.::-;ou :- ",Just diP aud spt• if tilt •,\' don't." Liml<'l ") likp'' to ('onk .\lypJ·, ·: "\\'hat ht>< 'illll<' of that dol-!, you to )J;tVP'!" ' '<'onk": ''<iot killt•d in a J·aill·oad Ht't'idt•JJI. II<· was kill<•d hut I waH HH \ ' ('(1. " ")Jik<>": "\\' hat a pit,,·."


"J'yp of'(('ll \\ OlldPJ'Pd," a 111aid l't'IIIHI'k(•d, " ((O\\' 1111)('(1 (IJp ('Ofl'PP lll'JIS." ••.\:-; llllH'h,'' sai(l I, "as t ht> f'lwl t'OstH 'l'hat a fii'PIPHH ('OOkPl' Jnu·ns.'' "But wh,r," sh(• askt>d, "\\hPn it': full of dust IH a Yat·mlm dt•mwr '!" "\\"hy that's just tlw :-;amt•," I thc•n PxplainP<l ".\:-;a fat gi1·J who is Lt•na.'' For quit<' somt• time I •·amhled 011, \\'itll daJl'odils fm·loru. l'ntil, ala('k, I tu•·up(J arou11tl ~\nd found tht> 111aid had goue.


J IPit•n P: ")Jy ullii)J'Plla i:-; J·pligions.'' \\'nynl' " ' :- "Ilow so'!" llt•lPJl P :-•·It J;:eep: leut all ye<.~r.'' ~rr. Ooouin Tubb~· ~Jik

Jar, I


:-"\Yhnt ar ear fol'?'' :-"1'o 1..:, ·p u , lim man from Klippiuu• hrou




f; ."

Earl Yan or n :-"I ou h a rea a1. '' Earl '!'odd :-"Try rubbing your throat with gaHolin ·• Em·J Y.-·•Hull




aH i'oon tough aH honk."

.Jaut>t . \sppt·u ( whilt• at til(' modt•s 1-" \\'l1y d11 yon pPt·sist i11 lH'at illg t imP with yom· fppt '!" Hill Ehn•ll :-" >h ~ It's tilt• musi<· in 111,,· solt', l gul's~ ...

•\ t·ant ions look at•mm· lit' stoh• His oag~ of t'llink 11<' <·hunk . \n' many wuz tl1t> l'lllil<'R ht> smole, .\n' mtllly tht> wink.· h<' wunk. 131

Champaign's Largest Store

F. K. ROBESON'S Wonwn \ Readyto-\V(•ar

Ewrythi ngfor :\I(•n


C'ham paig-n 's La l "g"Pst , 'ho(' , 'tore


"~YB The

nclerprie(•d Ba. Pmt>nt

. Finest of \Vool and Hilk Drt>~ Ooods

Tlw Larg-e. t ).lillinery

CHURCH and RANDOLPH The Busy Corner



e Schafer Co. are the

ENGRAVINGS Largest Distributors of


FOOD In Champaign County and you can always get what you want


• ~t·il-nJtnt·(• lu~ti'IJ('(OJ·: ".\]] plant~, as yon <II'(' H\\Hl'(', ('OIItaill PI('JIIPllt.'. ' '' h<'t'P is pho~pltol'tl.' found ·t" Hn~~PII . \mm t nh~Pllt tllilldPdlyJ : "On thP h<·nd of a makh ~ ..


J{aylltO!Hl Jloot·(• '"'~ ~Pnt to tIt<' hmu·d in g~• ontPt t·.r r. (to thP da~s) :- "lias anyonp p]:p a ti~III'<' lik(• Hny mmHl's" '? Jli~~ lhtvi~

If <I J>Pl'~Oll who ~IH'lHis i~ a .')H'IHlthrift, \\'ou](J a ]J('I'SOB who IPIHI~ hP a ]pndtln·ift "! If drinkin~ too llltH'h 111akes a drunkard , \\'ould thinkiu~ too mudt 111ak(• a thn11kard'! But wh~· pi I<> on tlH• (·onfn~ion '! :-;;till I'd likP to a~k in (·ondu~ion 1f a dtap from • · "". Yot·k'~ n • · P\\" Ym·k(' l' \\' ould a fp]]ow ft·otn <'ork IH· a ( 'ork(•t·'!


B (' ])


F <l



•T K L

is for all of om· hi~l1 :dtool so gTmHl \\'hkh ha~ tltt> lH'st t<><H · hpt·~ p'pr fomHl in the ];IJHl. is fo1 · BI·Pit~t:Hlt, h(•lo\·p(] of nr,.; all, \\'ho mak(•,· ll]J om· pngPant~ and lwlp~ n~ play hall. is fo1· ('out<- hiP, tit<' lw:t (·oa<"lt w<•',·p had, For all onr opJHllWIIt~ \\'P hPat prPt t,r ha(l . i~ for l>ad~ a t pa(']t(•t· in "Jiath," l ' nprppm·p<] h·~HOII.' will ~tit· up hPr wrath. is fot· Eat·upst who doPH snpet·intell(l, .\tine huudt of :tud(•nt · turn: out in thP Pnd . for Frank ( 'lippin~<>t· whom, you all know, I~ n jolly go od fpllo\\· alHl not v ery ~low. i~ fot· <looding who ~ut·<'ly tnlks fast, Yon't·(• 011 t II(• tin;t ~<'ll!PtH · e, hut hp'~ on 1lip l<tHt. i~ fot· IIHI'l',\' ,J. \ \'ilkox, of ('Olll'.'<', Fot· t11akin~ u~ piny~, hP'H hP~t ou tit(' fOI'('(' . is for I ut<•t·Pst, th<• !t>a('hpr'~ all take, 'I'o t11alw ('hampaigu High , th<> hPst in th<' ~tal<• . fot· out· .Janiton.: patiPtt! and kiwl, \\'ho pi<-k up all not!'~ thnt thp "kids" IPaYP hPhind. fot· out· kikh<•n, nnd nil thP (·ook: fiiH', Out· Iligh :-;;('hool'~ !IH• hP~t pla(·p in t 11Wll to ditu•. is fot· L(•ntz, a \"(•t·y good man, But play iu a stndy, all(] ·on he will ('<lll. 133



Your tww •'ru·ing'

Grafonolas and Records

this slot'!'. \'ff'P<'ts

There is no question about the quality of the Columbia Grafonola. ~o doubt but every lover of music will appr elate the exactn ss of tone and no reason why you can not buy a GRAFONOLA from us esp cially if it i · a matter of cr dit for giving this service is a part of our business.



• ·!'w waist lin




with high school lads. A~K


Walk-Over Shoes & Oxfords

Complete Outfits for Newly Weds We invite you to look, Won' t insist on you to Buy

Stern Bros.

Lillard & Getman


Champaign's Busiest F urniture Store

Main St.




Woolte -Tailor d Wah Skirt

2-1-26 :\lain 't.

Champaign, lllinoi.·

TlH' wa>ih kirh, from thP ·wooltt>x . hop~ of 'l'he I L Black Company, are madr. of carefully ·t>lrcted pre-shrunk fabric . o that the largPst part of tlw sln·inkag1• haH h!'Pll PliminatPd. The belt ha · abo been pre-.·hrunk and stayed . o that it will not cnrl. The ~->ame pains-taking tailoring haH bern put into t h i.. kirt as that whi<'h ha mad<• a nation-wide-reputation for \Yooltex Coats and • uits.

B!'ll Pho rw 151. ~·\lr to P ho rw l ~n \ 'ictrolaH and Rt>cordH, Pictun•H and Franws, l<'urnit11rP and Rug-s.

G OD W T H For Boy or Girl the kind that giv s Ia ·ting satisfaction for a life time· the n w thin mod Is are to be had at th reliabl Jeweler wh o has sold them to your par ents at the time of thei r graduation

Murdock Bros.


"HAL L~1A R K"






for .\loni.· a


of ''Lit," p;ood every whit. i~ fo1· nons<·n~P,-it'~ found in all .·<·hool.·, But tlw t<>a('hel'~ tt·y hal'(l to pufm·<·<' th<' p;ood •·niP~. 0 i~ for Opi<', our teadH'l' of <·ooks, \\'Ito <·lpm·ly Pxplai!l~ thp tri<-k~ in <·ook hook.•. I' i~ for Pl'in<·ipal wisP all(l .·o kind,~o p;ood to forp;iw n.· whPn w<> do not mi1Hl. <l i~ for <ln<·~tion~ tit<' t('<H'hPt'H all ask, 'J'o HII~W<'l' th<•m •·ip;ht i~ ~m·<>ly a ta~k. H i~ for Ha<·hpl-.\Ji~s ~;n·gPnt yon know, \\'ho tPadH•s our tongup,• with ('a<>~ar to flow. ~ i~ for ~~ iu~ou ~o h<>lpf11l aiHl wisP, .\u<l ~he a.· a IPtH'h<'I', our Hip;h 8dtool <l()(•s prbw. 'I' fm· 'l'm·<'ll, ,,·ho iu good Eug·lish dap;, :\! adP up a plan whi<-h would nn·p our hall way~. 1· fm· l'wthlt• that \\'<>Nton <·an't :tand, l>on't n~P it in his da~~. m· ,\·on may grt <'Hllll<'<l. Y iN fm· \'oNN<'N, tl1<• two sistPI'~ thw ~<.>winp; and typP\\Tit inp; m·e in thPir lin<'. \\' i~ for \\'il~on whom Pa<·h mw know~ w<>ll, \\'h<>n <·h<'<'I'ing for tP<IllJ.' you ('llll Nun• hPat' him ,Y<'ll. X Y an<l ~ thP nnknown quantity, 'l'hpy takl' in th<• 1PadH••·~, who h<••·<· nwy not lw. ~h<' pl<>aH<'~ n~



('J'hf' followiny SJW('(·ft ll'os writlf'll a11d df'lirf'rf'd 1Jy ./1-rOmf• ( 10Jif' ttl fhl' "JWJI" llll'l'iiii,IJ }JI'{'(·cdin[J tl11· ('htiiiiJJfliyn rs . . Ilion lkbatl' mcf't.)

Four ypm·.- and ~PY<'ll month~ ago, our fathPJ'S lll·ou~ht forth upon lo<·ation a 11<'\\' lligh ~<·hool <·OJH'Pin·<l in int<'llPd and d<>(lkated to 111<• JII'OJHlNition th;tt nll .\mPl'intn~ lllll.'l lw P<ltl('aiP<l. ~·ow we m·P Pllp;ag<•<l in a p;I·<>at d<>hat<• t<·~tiHg wh<>t IH'l' t hi~ Iligh ~<·hool ot' any Ilip;lt .\·hool ~o dPdi<-atpd a1Hl ~o <·mH·<>in•d, <·an long <·omprt<•. tlti~

f thiN \\'<' m·p Ill('( in tl1<• .\~NPnthly Ilall-mw of thP lJattiP-field: llip;h ~<·l10ol. \\'<' m·<• mpt hPJ'<' to m·onsP th<' ~l<'<'pinp; pnthu~ia.-m of th Ntnd<'llt~. It i~ altop;thPI' fitting and ]H'OJ><'l' that we do thi~, for the ~oul.· of tl1<• <h•hatPt'N JH'<>d in~piration to Yi<·tOJ·y. Tll(' ~dwol will little note nor long J'('lll<'lllhPr what \\'P ~ay hPt'<' hut it ('aunoL foro·>t what we do ltere. It is fo1· liN to NHpport tlJP unfiniNh<><l work which thPy haYe tlmH far nobly a<l\'an<·<•d. lt iH fot· n~-; to lJp h<•re at·ou~ed to the great taHk Ii'maining h<>fm·<• 11~ that onr J'<'<'ord ~hall not h<> inf<'l'ior to tho~<· h<'fm·e ll.', that thi~ Iligh ~dtool ~-;hall lta\·r a HPW ,·idory to rpgis!Pt' and that <'ll· thu~iaNm of tlw ~tud<•ntN, hy the ~tud<•nt.- and for the Htnd<•Ht ·.-hall not peri ·h from our .-chool. ~o


\Y<• pnhli.'lt tltl' following I'm· tliP t>Xpl'<':-::-; IH•nrtit of :'IIi:-;:-;, argc•nt and h<•J' Houri:-;hiug Latin <'luh and a:-;k th<'lll to tJ·au:-;lai<' it.

't ]s ( 'hipC'I'O (ltpJ·moN dioxygPJJ, (('Ill('() l'OilOl'a ( UXPilO Hp:-;inol tint ha('m·di, <·nnH•t·a an:-;<·o wiiPalf'llll: .\ntiskid ])('ht><·o <·alox, oiP t~·<·o h;u·omeit•t· Po:-;tum ~·ahil'I'O! Pt·<•Ntol itt> ai'<·o <·ongoiPlllll, ka1·o aluminum kJ·yptolN <'ris('o ha Iopt i<·oJI ly:-;ou, jello hpllou.-, <·al'IHII'UJHlum! •\ mpko <·ly:-;m i<· .'\\'ohoda, pn uta sot<' IIP<·<·o hri ta nn i<·a En .Y ·lopedia '?

,']Jp)tpl'ing Ho('k'' ................... 'l'h<• Offi('<' Alone" ........................ Alke 'mith "\\'<ll·king, \\'atc·lling, \\'ailing" .............. , 'pnior:-; "Oh Happy I>ay'' .................. <lra1luation Day "~at i:-;tied" ................................ ;•pniot·:-; "'l'll('y'll 'l'ltank {':-;Bye and H,r<'" ........ 'l'hp Fa<·ulty ''I'll <let You" ...................... )fr. Clipping<'l' "0asolin<' Ou.- and IIi.• ,Jihw,r Bu.-" .... Wayne Waitt> "I'm a :'IIPmh<•r of th<' :\Iidnighi ('rew". Oorclon , 'tpwart "~igh .·o )lor<', La<lie.-" ............. <leo1·gp HPllll<'lt "I loYP t h1• Laclir.-" ................... ''Conk" :\fypr:-; "1 <lot the <lrandest )fan" ............. Huth Ilonn "Yon <'an't Play EYPJ·y InstJ·umPnt in the• Hanel'' .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Elwl'll ''011 Yon ll<·ant ifni Doll" .......... D01·othy J)obhius '''l'h<•y <lo \\'il1l, .'imply \\'il<l Owr :'lie" .... P<•ggy B<•ll "lip's tllp HJ·mulpst :\I an" ............•Jc><' Fred<'t'i('k:-;on "l'o01' Bultprfly" ...................... Eclna Wat·<l "~tuil<'." ............................... :\liss Boyd "l'nt Looking- I'm· ~OilH' OlH'' ........... II. :\li<·heal.,, 1'111 in Lon•" ......................... Boh HJ·ant hlp "IIonH• , '\n'Pt Home" ...............• 'ma.' \'a('ation "That ~yn<·opat<•ll :\lplody :\f;lll" .........J<•romP ('ope "~hp's <lot tiH· <litnntip:-;'' ......... Katherine Ba.rliPS "Oit! Ft·Pnl'lty" ......................... .'lli.·s Haah ")ligltty Lik<· a l{osc>" .................•Janet Asppt·u "Yon Don't ILl\'<' to ('oiiH' Ft·out II·pland to 1 e Iri:-;h" .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :\!iss )!('( 'artlwy "Oil .'IIi n" ............................ .'I fin Lihman ''Loti~ Bo~·" .......................... Ft·ed .'ll<•r<·cr "'!']!('



atontrihutc"h ~lu""' 713u'b'binn.... llounl\ ~


1;Elotfs anb lJotfessts \\'IH•n I, a FI'«'Nhman th«'ll, \\ol!ld 111111"<' on all til<' lll ll ll<'Y lH' opl< · lo~<' wlwn thPy m·<· \Utlkin~ down tll<' ~tl'PPt - I'<l li<•a1· til<· mon<•y 'npath tli eiJ· fp('(. I'd look in Yain (~OIII<' JH'opl<' thou~ht J \\CIN iHH:tliP) till OJH' day, I <li<l "~kin· lh<•-<·at" on til<· hig har ,,.11<'1'<' l)l'otli<•J· .·at; and lookit114 down - what di<l I ~"PY'! ~0111<' IIIOIH'Y on til<• ~round did li<•; I lookPd again, aJHl tiH'll I found a dint<' a-lyin' ou th<• ~J·omHl. .\ly hroth<'l' :-;aid "\\ ' h<'J'<''~" thp t<•n <·<·nts that Fatli<•J· ga\1' .\ou to fix til<• f< ·n<·<''!" I told hint that I lt:ul that <limP, too, allll to\\·m·ds lilY )HH'k<•t my hand tiP\\; I felt m·omHI hut 't\UlN all in \':tin Ill,\' JHH'kPt \\UN a]] torn in twain . 'J'I1Pn Ill,\' llliNtak<• I di<l J'l'alizt• · 'Ti.· fuuuy ho\\ th<• lltollP_r lliPN ~ Hu.u1 BLE.

''JJ1lus'' 1'11<'1'<'':-; t h<• lin that ~iYPN yo11 til<' h:u·k;l(·]H•, 'J']J('l'(''N (lip fin that ,\'011 g-<•t in lh(• h(•;lf) 'l'h<'t'P's t II<• flu 1hat k<'<'JlN yon \\'id<• a \nil;:<' ''l'ill yon "ish that you \\'I'J'(' d<·:ul; 'J'h<'l'<''s th<• tin tl1at gin•s,\'Oll th<• f•Ye1·, Ot h<'l' 11us yon'Jl sm·ely r·<•< ·all, But tll<' flllPN that smokp for<'\'1'1' ~\.1·e the Yery \\'Ol'Nl Jlm'H of alL -~ -.\TII.\LIE J)ollm:.

.\ly Yanity <·as<' Ho pl'Ptty alHl hllle

\\'ithollt til<'<' whaiPY<'l ' ('Ollld I <lo, -J11st IH'fm·p I go to <·las. · I Ill liNt look iu my looking gl:t. ·s. .\ly noi'P IN<'<' has a littlp shilH' g 11 t 0\' ('l' t hiN I ll('YI'l' I>iiH' .\ly pntr I takp f1·on1 its ns1wl pia<·<·

.\ lHI it I I'llh o'<'l' my slliny fa<·<• .\ly J·:~zm· I tak<• if an <'_,·p])]·o\\' do<•s NIJ·ay, .\n<l it do I stl'ai~h((•u wit ho11t <lPiay . .\I y <-IH'<'k. • I .'<'<' a I itt Jp 1'0111!,<' do IH'<'d, \\'hich, wli<•u I dab ou, I must take heed.



.·ow all iH cloliP <tncl how fait· [look Oh, lllll<'h h<•l tl•t· 11ow I can H( tHly Ill,\' book . ~o 1111\\' tHy fl'ipnds, I t hi11k yon can HPe ][O\\' UHI'fn[ Ill,\' \'Hnity !'HSP iH (O IIH'. I\:.\ Til EH I X E '[' E~II'LI X .

H)fust l\atrin'" 1.\pologiPH to E. .\. PoP)

llt th<• Latin <·laHs so dt·Pat·y, wltil<' 1 potHI<·t·<'d wpak atHI \\'<'<ll',\', 0\'<•t· tnany a qnai11t and <·m·ions pagp of sooll -foq . ~·ott<•ll lot·<>, \\' IIi l<' I twtldPd, m•a t·l.'· 11a ppi11g, sndd<•tily t hPl'<' ca Ill<' a t appi np;, .\s of sonH'OIH' p,'<'lllly l'<l}l)linp;, J·appinp; hat·<l upon tlw floor. Th<•ll 1 k1ww it wa.· t h<• ntaHIPt· wanting ntP to t·<•a<L a !'hapl<'t·, Head atHl traBslalt' jnst onp chapt<•r of Book III all(] nothing ntm·<•. \\"hpn yon't·p drP<Illliug of tlH• snnligllt or thP tinl!' ~·on !tad lm;t night \\' hpn yon •·Jtpld tliscmn·s<•" \\' ith yom· 0\\·n, and !'HIIPd ltPl' olh<•t· than L<•llot·e; Roon ,\·out· t'<'\"<•t·iPs at '<' IH·okPn by yont· name Ho lon<ll,r spok<•n That ,ron lOH<' your tH•t·n• atHl say ''LPsHon not pt·t•p<ll'P<l today." Th<•n your l<'achPt' kitully (p\ls you oh ~ ItO\\' nil-Ply .·hp informs you That yon stay for make-up wm·k. Ouly litis atHl uothing mme. \\' hpn ,ron Hlay up 1warly all night stndyiug with all of yonr migltt .\tHl yon't·p p;<'tting wt·y tin•<l , all(] yom· <'yesigltt's p;Ptting pO<)l', Th!'n you hop<' th<• tl'nl'h<•t· aHkH you ahont tlw l<'HHOII whi<-lt you know ~h<• !'all. · on the oth<•r.· to rel'il<', and SP<'IIL ' to <lo it just for spite; .'he <lo<'Hn't <·all upon yon all that day, all(] wh<'n (lip h<•ll t·inf,!;H ILtHtPning towar<l th<' dooJ· yon nnu·nHn· to ~· om·H<'lf, "1 sltall Hln<ly ll<'H't'· Ill 01'(' ~.'

• · ow tltPn, tPlllll<', f'p\low snll'<•t·<•t·H, wlty it is that wlt<•n th<' tPal'ltE:'t's ~<'<' yon <ln•aming, lost in slumhPt'H, ahntyH aHk yon to l'<'<'itE:''! \\'hen you'J·p <lrpaming of th<• futm·<', ahont hint, and <·v<•t·,rthing. 'l'h<'n yon ll<'al' th<• \'Oi<·<' of I<'Hl'li<•t· in thmw qnPst ions Htat·t to l'ing 'l'li!'l'<''H 110 HJIS\\'('1' to (liP q lll'Hf ioll, an(] f ask fot• SO lit(• Hlll!:P:<'S( ion, .\Hk ft·olll yon for mH• Hnggpstion that will put nH in th<• l'ight. -


Tn sprinp; a hoy iH apt to Hll007.<', <l. ' in thP ~whool li<• !-;its. liE:''s likply to ambition lo. ·<•, hiH mo .~ <l no l"ln<ly tits. liP look~ at tliingH with Ya<·ant .·tm·c• hiH tlionglt!H ]H•t·ha]JH afal'. JlpJ·<·lian<·<• about a mai<l<'n fail', ot· 140

hlood~· :·wenp:-; of war·. liP g('(~ :-;o til'(•<l of hooks :111(1 walls, and oth('r kindr·e<l lWS(H. ~oon h<• to (pmptatioll falls arHl "skips" a <·onpl<' test!'. "·hpn h<' l'<'t m·ns on<·t• 11101'<' to s<·hool, a notp is s<'nl to lrirn. It's I<'Bgt II is :-;hor·t, it~ JlH'aiJiBg nuel, its portpnt sa<l and gl'irn. liP lpaw:-; til<' r·oom with t·rpakillg tt·t>ad, a}l(l shamhlPs down tlw haiL II<' fa<·t•:-; IIEI: with usual dr·t•ad, with <',\"<'s upon I h<' \\all. 'l'hPt'<' is 110 11~"<' to gin• <'X · t·usP, ltp kJH'W it wouldn't do. Fr·on1 hPad to sllo<'s, wit II words profns<•, ~ll<' made a <·urt J·<•vi<>w alJ(l said, "If yon do this agaiu "t•'ll han• 110 llt<ll'(' of you." .\Jl(l thus it is 'mo:-;t P\'<'I'Y day, for· hoys will sm·p h<· hll,YH .\hout til<' first of <'\.<'1',\" )Jay all l1olidays HI'<' joyK • 'oL ~ • EW.EFFBLt.


3fn QLonclusinn The J/ a roo11 is out! Our wm·k is ovpr-t hP Ja:t frenzi<•<l <·a II fot· fa<·nlty pidur·ps Ita: IH'<'ll <IIIHW<'I'<'d, Ill<' Ja:-;t :11·ti<·lp ltas ])ppn hand<·d in and m11· task i: <'OIIIpldP<l. \\·p await 110\\. Ill<' r·psults, hoping that our· Ptfol't, to makp th<• 1!11!1 Jlaroo11 r·<•pr·<•spntatin• of('. II .• •. lift>, haN ht>PII H\l('('('H.'flll. Onr ta:-;k l1a~ h<'<'ll a long a11d hm·<l Oil<' arHl many t imp:-; W<' ha\'<' h<'<'ll l<'Jlrpt<•<l by diN<'OIII'<tg<'IIIPllt to quit hut \\.<' <·arr forg<•t thi:-; if \\'<' know that you appr·pt'iat<• tlH' out<·OIJH'. Om· whole hpar·t and :-;oul ha: gmw into this Hlllall volmn<' and \\' <' :111xiously wal<-11 to N<'<' wlwtlwr it :-;(and:-; m· falls ir1 thi~ la~t (p:-;( it':-; lli'<'HPntatioll . Onr lllll'f)O!'<' ha:-; hPPII to rnak<• a hook wh i<-h wonl<l <'Y<'I' hP a plPasant JllPlliOl'." of ~·our TJ igh ~~·hool days. If W<' <·an hP :-;m·p this has h<'<'ll al·<·omplish<><l I ll<'ll W<' \\·ill not think mu· work was donp ir1 vain. Of the ~tnlf too mud1 <·nnnot h<• sai<l. You \\·ill perlwp: littlp 1·eaJ . ize the tim(' and ('ll('rgy th('~· haw :]wnt on tlu•iJ• <liffer('nt <lepartnH•Bt:--. 'rlre hour. you have . p nt in h:wing a lowly lnzy time tlt<>~· haw spent toilin()' with head bent low over their del'lk w rking-in order tl1at tlwy might plea ~-ou. It wa only thr ugh their co-op ration and the geuProu h('lp of our ~\.dvLor, ~Ir. <'lippiug-er·, that the pnhli ·ation of the .1/aroon wa~ mad(' pos~ihle. "·e are nl~o espPl'ially gnttefnl to Byron Bramhle, ('al'l'oll ~<'hmallhansPII, ])pan Hl'mnwll, Kathpr·inp 'I <'mplill and ~ol • •pidt'fl'pJ· who hn \'<' so <·h<•<•t·fully lip( p<'d rrs o\'PI' t·o11gh pl<!('('S wi Ill no thongl1t of gaiuiug honor. .\II l'<'<'<'in• onr lH•m·l fl'lt thanks alld \\'(' hop<' Jlo\\· that with all tht>s<' thi11gs in 111ind yorr will l'<'<Hl 11w 1!11!1 1/arooll and not h<• too a11gr·y h<'<·aus<• .'·our llHIIH' i:-; spp((p(] with an f ' ius((•;l(] of an i. 'l'llE EDITOH.



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