1921 Maroon

Page 1

.+4+To 44&. Minnia

E11an Morri~


W. W. EARNEST uperintendent of Schools



rr:=;;=~ HI

i · the 1921 Maroon. It i · not the work of only a few per ·om, for the taff could not do a ~reat part of the \\Ork, which wa !->hifted to the able shoulde~ of tho ·e to whom we g1ve the utmo t than b. The burden \\a greatly lightened by the anonymous contributions which were turned in; and the: chool re ponded nobly \\·ith snap hot . The teacher were photographed by Bernard Hollister, and the Art De, partment, under the guidance of Mi Kremer , furni hed all the drawings, cartoons, and layout . To athalie Dodge, Juanita Robert on, 0 wald Horn, Le ·lie Miller, and Floyd Henne we tender our incere thanks for variou · feature article ; and till more de erving are tho e who labored without hope of reward,,Eloi e Earne t, Eunice Cunning, ham, Lillian Hitch, Pauline winehart, Ruth Higgin , Rena Auld, Thelma Wile , Helen Rugg, and William Elwell.

Our work i done. We incercly hope that the taff of next year will profit by the mi take we have made and that it will follow the precedents we have et in trying to make this Maroon the be t ever.

Pre ident R. t1pes, Mr :D. Enoch , Mrs. Picknell, Mr. T. R. Hopkins, Dr. chowengerdt Mr. H. Howard, Mrs. T. Ogden, Mis Katherme Bu ey and Mr. R. Dimmer


The Faculty


Mts:l. Kremer-S



Mr. ..Sh.affe r

Mr. G\over

The Faculty


Mr·. Moore

MIS).Md.ddcn Miss. Presi o rL


Mr. Fa.u.l k

Mr. Keppl e


M1ss. Geyer

The Faculty

Mr. Anderson

Mr. 51mon



M15~. Fow /er





"Twenty . . One" ~\

, '0

. ET

LD Fatht>r· 'l'illll' has \1 inkPd his so]pnrn P,\'t' ~\nd t•hw·klt•tl in hi -.IPt'\"l'. "Ila ha." quoth he. ··I rt alollt' and wat<·h tlw \\'01'1<1 go hy. I am as \IT l' a man as t ht'l't' t"<mltl ht>.


E11<'h .n•ar of Iif'P Im mndhill!.! nn;· and od<l. Nixt<>Pn is Yl'l',\' ..,,,·ert. dPIIIlll'l' aml -..implt>. ~\nd Sl·ventt·PII O\lll -..twh a t·harming 11nd; Hnt a. for Ei!dlt<'t'll! () ht'\1 it<·hin!! dimpll'! Y<>t what'. tlw year that l'l'0\1'11 the <I"C of yonth. The yt>ar· whrn is thP i-.<:hool of lifr he!!llll. \Ylwn one ma.'· vote and rule hi-; life in truth? The world with onp <l<'t·or·d a~·-; Twt>nt~· -onl'. , 'o her 's to Twenty-onP, l sHy again. Thr clas. of 'l'wl'nty-onr of oltl Champaign. ~1.


OL.\DYS ri.L.\ .\KERs Pageant '17, '1 . '1!1; Red

ro~~; A. G. A A.; Glee Club; Art Club; Gennan C'lnh. ''.\11 "''Ps ,·on <Ira\\, nncl "·ith the <'."<'S thP ·h<'ar't."


• 'nH\'IJ.U; .) \ 'n;:-; .\1 I.E)!\. '"T'h<' force o[ his own merit makes his way"

Jh:.- \ (: H.\CE

• \ l Ln

Honor Roll ·~11. "IT r oven>o" rin~ pr<'~ence 111ade ~ou fe I It would not h idolatry to kneel."

:\f \HI.\~


Pag;eant; Art luh; Red Cross; G. A. A.; A. A. "Hea v n bless thee: Thou ha~t the sweete>~t face I ever looked on."



B \HR \


Football C·'IH, '20; Track C-'20, '21; "C" lub; Opera '1 ; Glee Club '1 . "I prof ss not talking: onl.Y this, let ach 111an do his best." F~t '"'('EH ::'lhRY BL.\N('"'l'T ''.peak of me as I am, nothing ex-

tenuate Or set down aught in 111alice."



Senior Play; Wig and Paint. " 'Tis he, J k n the 111anner of his gait."




''I'll 111ake al;surance doubly sure."

Fmntt. n


\I{(, \Ill:'!' BHO\\ .•

A. A. '1!1. "J t ll'arning'. fountain it is sw et to



' J('f,;


F.\l. 'LIJ,

H. "J:TT

Honor Roll '1!1; G A. A. ; Art Club; Latin Club. "Sir. a I have a .·oul, she i. an angel "

Yt:H. () .. Lt:>'LIC Ht



A. A.; Wig and Paint.

"Bl gsecl please."





:\[ \IH I. \'toi.ET ( '.\1{'1'1<:1{

" 'Tis a pleasure nalll in print."

:\T II



ure, to see one's

('\SST EVEN'-,

"She was our queen, our rose, our star"


~ l tCllE.'ER


Honor Roll '1!l; A. A.; Ass't. Editor of Molecule '20; • enior Play; , tunt Show '21; Good English Pia.' '21; Latin Club; Boys' Glee lub '21; , ocial cienc lub. "Url'at ntl'n an• ahutys of a nature nwlanc•holy. 11 l( E. C'\ETll ('I..\ I'I'ER

"Att lll{)t the end, and never stand to dou ht."


('oF FEE.·

A. A.; G. A. A.; Pag ant '1 ; Latin Club. "The Ct'illl. on glow of tnodesty o'l'rspread Her cheek. and gave new lustre to her charrns."

t'<Hot.I·:~II u .r, Stunt , how '15; :tage ~cenen '17, '1 ·; .\rt C'luh ·~o. "I prophec.l b forehand I 1dll win."

\\'1.. ·o.\LL T \ YLOH

\\'iLL!\" ](J

II\ ( '01 (,lfl.f ••

B. A. ,\.; Stunt Show '1.'. "Fain 110uld I cliuth, hut that I fear to fall."


II·: lh.ln.. · lcJ : ('ox

G. A. A . : lla.·ket hall '1 : Pageant 'l!l ; Good Engli. h Play ·~1; Latin Cluh; Junior Pin C'o111rnittee. "Oh, sh 11ill ;;ing the ~a1agene~~ out or a bear."

Et •

ICE ( ., • . 'J , '(;Jf.\:\1

Spnior Pia~; A. ,\. ; Good English Pia.' ':!1; \\'ig and Paint; \rt Cluh; French Cluh; Latin Club; Junior Pin Conti lit tee; Heel Cro~s. ":\o mortal tongu can half the hPaut.l tell." ( '11 \HLES



D.\. 'fELso. ·

Honor Roll '1!1, ·~o. ':!1- Flnal Ilonors; Honors in Histor.1: "C" Club Football C ':!II; A. A. Vice-pre ident ·~1; .\lolecule Staff '21; Maroon Staff '21; Stunt. ho11 '1!1, ·~1; Latin C'luh; Social Science Club-Secretan and Treasurer; Good English Pla.1. "And ;;till the,1 gazed and wondered too, That one sumll head could carry all h knew." ('OIL'Ef,f\ ,\,"1'\\ D.\\1'-.i

"I never saw an eye HO bright And yet so soft as her . " ;\ELLIE


Fresh111an Editor of ":\laroon"; La· tin Club; Wig and Paint; Honors In Mathematics; Girls' Glee lub '211, '21; Sophomore Pin Co111rnittee; A. A.: G. A. A.; Honor Roll 'lH, '20, '21-Final Honors; Ass't Editor Molecule '20. "Constant in her incon. tancy And faithful to unr st."

Eo\\ IN ::'If ERR ITT DE:.t LOW enior Play; Honor Roll '20, '18, '1!); A. A.; Stunt Show '1 ; Pageant 'Hl; President Junior Class; Junior· enior Reception Committee. "You hear that bo~ laughing-~ou think he's all fun; But the angels laugh too, at the good he has done." IXtet.n

(h! \R ; \! ,I.E .• D !.\\' lf!HS'('

B. ,\. A.; Honor Roll '20. "The 111an who blushes is not quite a brute." ELL ·ol{

'!'I L\Lm

:\loTH Donr.E

Honor Holl '1X, '20, '21-Final lion· or~; Honors in Latin ; Senior Pia~ ; FrE>.·h111an and Sophouwre .AHs't Editor oF ")faroon"; Serr tar~· Junior lass; Junior Social Couuuittee; G. A. A.-A . . ; Good English Play '20. "I never darE> to write As funn,\ as I can."

II \ZEI, II l<.f,E••


Senior Pia~; Latin lub; G. A. A. "The rising blushes, which her rlwek, o'erspread, Are opening roses in the Iii~ 's b d." .\HTIII'R


A. A .; Football "C" '21; Basket ball '21; Capt. Senior Track Team. "He learn'd the arts of riding, fenc ing, gunn n·. And how to scale a fortress - or a nunnery."

,J E:-:>'E

LowE Dom,E.

A. A. '20; Basket ball '1 , '20. '' l'urly lo<· k:;, <'u rly lockR, wil be mine?"

:\L\RG.\RE'l' FRAN E



Honor Roll '1 ; enior Play; Pageant '1 ; Opera '1 ; ·wig and Paint; G. A. A.; Latin lub; Orchestra; Gle Club. "Is there a heart that music can not melt?" REA FIE DUFFLE

"Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever."


A. A.; Honor Roll '18, '19, '20, '21Final Honors; Honors in Latin; • enlor Pia;\; Latin lub; Wig and Paint; Basket ball '20; G. A. A. ; Junior-Senlor Reception omruittee; Junior Pin Committee; Good English Play. "Her voice was ver soft, gentl , and low; an exc llent thing in woman."


Wig and Paint; S nior Play; n. A. A.; Art Club; Orchestra '17, '1 , '1!1; A s't Dir ctor Orch stra '20; Pageant '1 • '1!1; • tunt Show '17, '1 , ·w; Stunt Show 1Iusical Dir <'tor ':?0; Junior s nior R ception Connnittee; llurnh'llll Prize ong '20; Art Editor "11aroon" '20; S nior 1\I moria! ommitt e; Chorus Op ras "AIIIIOIH1 E~ s." "Drum 1Iajor." "Mu~ic hath charms to soothe the ~avage breast." DoRoTHY



Latin lub; G. A. A.; Art lnlJ. "Of 111ann r.· gentle, of aff ctions mi I d ...


R.\ y


"A 111an convinced against his \\ill I of the san1 opinion till."

]h.. \. FI{.\KE" Football '17, '1 , 'l!l, '20, '21; Basket hall 'li, 'l , 'l!l, ':!0, Capt. ':!0; Track <'apt. ':!0; ~panish ('lnh; "('" Cluh. "'Tis till' l'!Prnalla\\. That first in beauty should be first in might."



"SIO\\ ly provoked, sh gives."

easily for-

LE. LIE P.\rr. Umm .\ . A. '20; Honor Roll 'l!l, '20, '21; Honors in cience. "For science is, lik virtue, its own xce ding gr at reward." BmL·IcE IT.\HR!ETT nR.\nY

G. A. A.; A . .\.; Art lub '20. "A corn of flattery and a zeal for truth." :\L\R\' ~\vERY GRIFI•'J~

Senior Pia~ ; A. A., Honor Roll '1 , '1!1, '20, '21-Final Honors; Honors in Engli b, Latin, 1Iathematics; Latin lub; Art Club; Art Editor of "1Iaroon" '21; Good Eng Iish Play '20; Invitations Committee. "To wake the soul by tender strokes of art."


Tumr \.' IT \RRJ

·nTo •

Football ':?0 Capt. '21; Basketball C ':?1: All State Quart rback '21; A.

A. !~

"Short of statur he was but strongbuilt and athletic."


't•" BERL.\. ·n


Vi<'e-pre:-;ident Wi~ and Paint ':!1: senior Editor of ~Iaroon; senior Pla.1 ; Jun iur-S nior Reception Connnittee; \. ,\.; G. .\. A.; s nior Honor Roll; Honor Roll 'l!l, '211, '21-Final Honors; "llibliothecaire" Fr nch 'lub; Good En •lish Pia~· '20. "But 0' i'he dances such a wa~! • ·o . un upon an East r day. Is halt" so fine a sight." .:\l\!W\IU I ~\H\ HEDILICJJER

(,, ,\, ,\ ; llasketball '1!l, '20. "Well I know her 0 easy t rnper, nalurall~· ~ood ,\nd faithful to her word." H\\" Lot Is 11ELBLI.·a ... , h~- anns pursue P,tths of renown, and clinrb ascents



( '11 \HLE;-;

Fr.orn II 1. •


Honor Roll '1 '. 'l!l, ':!0, '21-Final Honors; Honors in En~lh;h, Science, Histor~ ; Good En~! ish Play '21; lloys' ,'tunt Show '21; :\Iolecule • taff '21; ~lenrorial Con1111itl e; Junior Vic · pres1dent; A. A.; ~Iilitan· '1 . '1!l; ~-wnior l'la~·;

"The price rubies."

Invitation.· ('ommith•t>.


wi ·dom




G. A. A.; A. A.; Pageant '1!l; R d Cross; Basketball '1 . "Her sunn.1· locks Hang on her te111ples like a golden lleece." • ·1-~TTIE :'\] \RIE liE'-'.

Spanish Club; , nior Honor Ro11; G. A. A.; Honor Roll 'Hl, '20, '21. 'How happy could I be with either \ ere t' other dear charm r away." FH.\.


Hl"Tn II1m;L~

Honor Roll '1 , '1!l, '20, '21: Honors in Hislon; 'enior Play; B. A. A.; G. A. A.; Wig and Paint; Girls' Gl e Clu h; :\f olPt·ulc HPport(•r; "Drum :\!ajor" Oper tta; Basketball '21; Latin Club. "B war of her fair hair, for she excels All worn n in the magic of her locks."

L1u 1\

. \nu.1 'E ITIT<' II


and Paint; S nior Pia~; Honor Roll '20, '21 ; French luh; Honors in French; Good English Pia.'. "D auties in vain their prett) eyes 111ay roll Charn1 strikes the Kight but merit wins the .·oul." ELK\ . ~ on~; LoRR.\ 1. ~ y.;


"Is she not mor than painting can express Or ) onthfnl poets fancy when they love?"

\Y \LTER Hoy Mol cule Staff '20; Stunt • how '1 ; A .•\ ; Honor Roll '17. "II 11 as a man, tak him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again." UL.\IlY

:\I \RY linn:

ntennial Pageant '1 ; Girls' Glee lub; G. A. A.; Good English Play. "Grac 11 as in all h r steps, h aven in h r eye, In ever~· gesture dignity and love." <'L .\IHE ,Joll. · ~o.•

"He, above the rest In shape and gesture proudly eminent tood lik a to11 r." J<'ER~JE



J ().'E.

enior Pia)·; Orchestra; Glee lub; A. A.; lunt how '20. " 'Tis ever common That men are merriest when they are from home." • ' .\R \II :\L\DONNA KABBE

Honor Roll '18, 'l!l, '20, '21-Final Honors; A. A. "Earth's noblest thing, a woman perf cted." :\L\nG.\RET



Capt. nior Girls' Basketball team; G. A. A., Centennial Pageant '19; Spanish Club. "Her glossy hair 'vas clustered o'er a bro\ Bright with intelligence; and fair and smooth."

11 hlWER'l' SPnior

FHEE.\1.\ • • L_\HRY Pia~;

Opera '1 ; Stunt Show seer tar.'· Sophon•or ('Ia . ; Basketball '21 "C"; lub. "Thoug-h I hop not h nc unscathed to go \\'ho conquers me . hall find a stuh · horn foe." '1 ,



l\ Lllt:H'I' LEE A. A. "His e.'


am v ry fond of hand-

SOIIIe e~ e.·)

\\'a· large and IJiue."

'l' II OR\ h

.\HELLE LEE A. A.; G. A. A.; Junior-Senior Re-

ception Co111mittee; Fr nch lub. "If to her share so111e fe111ale errors fall. Look on her face and ~ ou'll forget then• all" ~I\\ HIC'E

\Yr LLI.\ 'L LEE

A. A.; Orchestra.

"Deep subtle wits, In truth, are mast r world."

pirits in the

(h H.\LDIXE )L\RJE LE.\D!OX Gl lub; Op retta '1 ; Wig and

Paint. "Tho~e

dark eyes so dark and deep!"


'll.\RLE:-\ L~;WJ.'

A. A.; Gen11an lub; Track Class Basketball '1 . "! am a g ntl 111an of blood




ELIZ \BETH \?.\LE. 'TI. 'E LEWJ:-;

Good English Pia.' '::?1. ". · e "hat a grace was !leated on this brow."




Lon. ·<:Fo;.;~

"I<'riendship has a po"er to f\Oothe affl iel ion ,in her dark<'HI hour."



B. A. A . ; Latin Club '15; A. E. F. '17, '1 • '1!l.

"Oh! there's nothing in making love." lTELE. •





nior Play; G A. A. ; Wig and Paint. "In sutall proportion "e just beaut! s see." .\\!BROSE ~lcl)J., R\JOT"r

A. "Look. he 's \\inding up the \\atch of hi \\it, By and b.' it "ill strike."


\RO .\Rt·;T



::\lcDo. ·

' J•;LI .

Spanish Cluh • ec .. '21; Wig and P,lint Sec .. ':!O; G. A . A , Basketball '20. "Goodness is b auty in its best <'state."

HoY Enw.\HD .:\1 'n:s Honor Roll, '1 . '1!l, '211, '21; Treas. of Junior las~; Treas. S nior Class; Tr as. Wig and Paint, '21; Latin Club; ~tunt ~how ':!1; A. A.; .Junior Pin Com· mit tee; Honor Roll, Final; Honors in :\Iathemat ics. "Oh! bless d "ith temper whose un· clouded ray, Can make to morro\\, cheerful as to· da~."


0'. 'E.\L


Bo.' 's tunt , how, '17, '1 , '1!l, '21; Op ra '17; Op ra '1 ; "Pageant or Ag s", '1 ; Maroon , taff, '1 ; Foot Ball "C", '18, '1!l, '20; President of " " Club '21; Vice Pr s. of "("', '20; Wig and Paint; Latin luh; Gl e luh, '1 , '21; A. A.; Honors . . . '' Harr <"Om pound of jollity, frolic and fun, Who relished a joke and rejoiced in a pun." LIO:\El. BERTR.\:\1 .:\IJC'IJ.\EL

, cretan "C" Club; Football" "'18, '1!l, '20; Track " " 1 ; Class Basketball Team, 1!l, '20; A. A.; , tunt Show '1'1; l'ag1•ant Orl'hP:tra, 'I ; OpNPtta, '1.; Wig and Paint; Latin Club; Frrnch Juh. Orchestra, '1 , 'l!l, '20; Gle" 'luh, '1 . "Hi. violin.· proclaim Their j alous pangs and desperation, For the fair disdainful dam ." Eow \HD :\IlLLER S nior Pia~; A. A.; Editor-in-Chief of :\Iolecule, ':!1, Secretan of ~;;enior Class; , tunt . how, 'l!l. '20, '21; Good Eng! ish Pia~. '21; Wig and Paint. "Thine be the laurel, then; support the stage." LEsLIE

.JoiJ. ·




A. A.; Pageant '1 . "Light!~ from fair to fair he flew."


\S \\TII.LI.\:\I


Football "C'" '20; lub. "The brave man se ks not popular applause."

, '\om Rt ' TI! • ·EL.·o. •

Good Engli h Play, '21; Wig and Paint: French Club. "Lt>t ever~· man enjoy his whim, \\'hat'" he to me or I to him!"

('OR:\ ELl \


enior Pia~·. "None but the noblest passions do inspire." A. A.; G. A. A.;


A. A.; Hi-Y; Wig and Paint. "l\1,\' known virtue is from scandal


• \ " EL (} 1 ·T .\ vcs OsTH \. ·o

• tunt how '17; Orch stra '21. "For ''hen a lady's in the ca:e, You know all other things give place."

M.\R r

:\It . L


Football "C" '20, '21; Basketball " " '211, '21, Treasurer of " 'Club, '21; Track '21. "But flat! ry never seems absurd; 'l'h!' tlatfi'rt'd all\ay~ takl• your ''ord."


Honor Roll '211; Senior Play; G. A. A.; Latin 'lub. "Her Jllodest looks the cottage might adorn, . weet as the primros peeps beneath th!' thorn."

Hl''I'II ,J,\.'E P.\TTI:Rso.·

Honor Roll, '1 . '20; Final Honors. "Th moon and stars bear \\it ness to the truth."



P\TU:. 'T

Honor Roll, 'l!l; . A.; Latin Club. "Patience is a plant, that grow: not ;n all gardens."

.JI)IJ .

\\'ll.LI .\ :\1 J>JCKE. ·.·

Football" ", '20, '21; Dask tball" " ':.!1; " " lub '21; Track '21. "In all th~· hu1non; whether grave or 1nellow Thou art uch a teRt~·. touchy, plearant fello\\'." .\LFHED

R \Y


A. E. F. '17, '1 , '1!1; Football " ", ·~o. '21; " " lub '20, '21; Track '20, ':..1; A. A.; Spanish Club. 11 On their O\\ n merit. mo<h•. t llll'll arc <lnmh.''


ec. '21; G. A. A.; Pageant,

'1 ' 'l!l.

"\Vith what a graceful tenderneRs he loves And breathes the softest, the sincer st vows."

.J c:SSIE LOl 1. 'b


A. A.; G. A. A.; • panish Club; Girl's Glce lub '21; Senior Play "A daughter of the gods, divinely tall, And lllost divine!,\ fair."

II 1-:LE.- FR.\. '('ES l,

PHETTY.\1 \.-

A . A.; G. A. . : Dasketba II '1 ; Paant '1!1; Latin 'lub; Red Cross.

"1 n each cheek (•niplt•."






naskethall '21. "I lir:t adYcnt lll'e - follo\1 list."

Ill(' "ho


ELLIE ..\Lbl·


Qt \ YLE

A. A.; French Club; rt lub. "A smile that g-lo,,·ed celestial red. loves proper hue."


HoBERT\ ~I J:TH Ih:coRn

Honor Roll '1!1; G. A. A.; A. A. "Sits she in her stud~· nook, With her elbO\\ ." • 1- \L

Ih. L


~lum 'I ; Latin ('luh. "Asked if in hu bandry he aught did know, To piO\\, to plant. to reap, to SO\\."

.\. A.; Stunt

JE ·• L·u,; RILEY \Vn .. ·o.· Ro,;E Senior Pia,,· ; tunt how, '1(1, '20; Gle-e lub '1!1; A. A.; Latin Club. "Men dream in courtship." Ht'TII (tWE. '()()L). •


CK:\1 \.'

G A. A.; A. A. "What wonder then, thy hairs should fe I The conquering fore of unresh;ted steel." llELE.· (' \ROLY. •


G. A. A. Vice-Pres. '211; Senior Play; Latin Club; Pageant of Ages; Girl's Basketball team, '17, '1 , '1!); French Club, Vice-Pres.; Senior ::\[emorial Committee; Junior-, enior Reception Committe ; entennial Pag ant; A. A. Honor Roll '1 "As full of spirit as the month of :\lay." :'lfiLDREO .\. ',\ST.\,;1 \ ~('11\\".\RTZ:

Honor Roll '1 , '1!1. '20; Final Hon· or:; Good English Play. "Thou wert Ill.\ guide, philosoph r and friend."


·~-, LoHE'I'T\ ~~ \TO ·

French luh; Art Club '20; Roll '20, '21; Final Honor. "How I have loved~ :cuse tering tongue."

Honor Ill)




.\ x.·.\.


"A sn1ile secures the wounding of a frO\\·n."



"Call in sw et 1nusic, I have heard soft airs Can charm our senses and expel our cares."

• 't E ~\JJTJ!

A. A. "A thou::;and rupid.· in those curls do ·it."

FR \.'('J:-;

..\ LLE'\

S•r \Hilt


A. A. ", hall I go on ?-Or have enough.·



DoHOTII \' D~\RLI. ·o ~TEH. •

Latin Club; G. A. A.; A. A. Four Years; Pageant '10; Wig and Paint; Girl's Basketball Tea111, '20; ~ l olecule Staff '20; Honors; • enior Play. "Trul' happin<•ss (if unrl<•rstood). on:ists alone in doing good."

.Jo11x LYLE fhot'1' A. A. "An hone t man may take a knave's advic ."

I'\ t

1,1 . 'E :\f.\R(;J'ERJTJ·. , 'wr 'EJI.\HT

G. A. A.; Pageant '1 . '10; Pres. Latin lub, '21; Vice-Pres. Senior lass; Treas. French Club '21; Contributin; Editor of Molecule '21; • nior Honor Roil; Enl!lish Honors; Honor Roll, fou1· ,\·ears; Junior-S nior R c ption Con11nittee; Honors in French; D. A. A.; Final Honors. "lf ladies be hut young and fair, Th<'Y have the gift to knO\\ it." . \ \ ' EI.LI.'\ FH.\l\.'CE!-i '1'.\B.\K.\

A. A.; Honor Roll '20. 'Tan any mortal mixture of <'arth's molds, D1·eathe such divin enchanting ravishment!·· T- .,,/l•·s·


Honor Roll 'l!l. "Fron1 thing particular, She doth abstract the kinds."

univer al

lub; Latin lub; A.; French Honor Roll 'l!l. "The wish to know- the endl ss thirst." hy quen ching \Vhid1 <'Y<'n U\\aked." EDJ'l'l I

F .\ yg \V \ T.KER

Honor Roll; G. A. A . ; French lub. "Her looks do argue her replete "ith modesty."

l Il



A. A.; Honor Roll '20. "Il<' knC\\ \\huts' what, and that' as high, As 111 tap h.' sic wit can fly." Ht '1'II ANNE \V.\H\\'1 K




lub; Pageant

'18, 'l!l; Freshman Honor Roll; Gl e Club, '21; G. A. A.; B. A. A.; Wig and Paint; Art Cluh ':?0; Good Engli. h

Play. "So swt>et the blush of bashfulnes , I•; 'l'tl pity R<'arr<' <'an \\ish it l<•s .. ''

EnN \ C'oR. ELlA \Y.\ .· IIER "Tis virtue makes the bless, ·where' r \\ e dwell."






"I am as com;tant as the


star." RJJELDON ~\rxmm \\TE.\\'ER

English Pia~ ':!ll; Iolecule Sport Editor; Boys' Stunt Show, four years; Orchestra 'l!l, ':!1; Social Scit>nce Club; Chainuan Junior·S nior Reception; Pageant '17, '1 ; B. A. A.; Latin Club; Invitations committe . "To get thine end, Ia~ ba,;hfulness aside, \ ho fears to ask, doth teach to be d ny'd."

FH L ·K ('noK \\'u:K: Stunt Show, '20; Good Engli!-\h Pia~ ,\. A.; Honors in Science; l\Iilltary Training. "• •othing's , o hard hut search will find it out." ·~o;

1\1-. • 'ETJL


Latin Club, four ~ears. "Though he'.· bashful and he's shy, lie "ill get ther bye and bye."

f)OR ITIIY IRE. E \\'!-;~]'


lub; G. A A.; Honor Roll '1!),


"\Vho mixed r ason with pleasure and wisdom with mirth."

( '!ILBERT \V.\LTER \\'Ill'l'E

"I \Yas not born for courts or great affairs I pay my debt , bel i ve, and say my pra,Yers."


Centennial Pageant; Latin Iub; Basketball '20; '21; G. A. A. "Music do 1 hear? Ha! Ha! keep tintt.'! " ('.\TilER! 'f: \\~n.cox

Good English Pia.\ '2tl; G. A. A.; A. A.; Senior Basket baH Team '21; Latin Club. "Frame your mind to mf'rri men t."

T 11 EUI





Honor Roll '1 . 'l!l, '20, '21; secret an· "Fr nch Club"; • enior Honor Roll; Honor;; in Busine:s; Honors in :\Iodern Lan~wages. "A 1110dest hlush she \\ears, not IOI'III('(l b.' art." \\'\H[) Y\LOHI'~ \\'11.1.1 \W-;

\Yig and Paint; Stunt , ho\\ '1 , 'Hl, Pageant 'l!J; Latin Club; lloy' · (~lee Club; B A. A.; Good English Pia.\· '211. "He could on either f;id dispute, conferte Chang hands and still confut ." '211;

n \\\TO. ' [)

ELr~--\YORTJ[ \\"JILl \\f. ·o ••

President Senior ~tanager


('la~fi; Bu;;ine~~ Bu~ine~!; .lana"er

:\JolecuiP; Honor;; '1!1, ':!O; Final Hon· Wig and Paint; Latin lub; A .•\. "\n e~ e's an e~ e, \\ hethPr black blue, 'Tis no matter, so 'tis in r quest."


( l1 1n: ~~ · \. · \\'oon Art Club 'l!l; G A. A.; n. A. "In simple manners all the secret lies."

..\1 ICE



"Her air, her manners all who ad111ired."



. A ; Latin

tub '1 ; Pageant

'1 • 'l!l; Good EnglLh Play '20.

"Grace ''as in all her st ps, heaH:n in her eye."


"How sweet the roses in her che ks, the sunlight in her ey ."

Et 1'\J



Good English Pia~· '20. " ome and trip it as ye go, On the light fantastic toe."



President A. A. '21. "It's a great plague to be a handsome man."




Final Honors. "I love my husband still."


Honor Roll Class 1921 L\ vera~e "~\''and

Daniel ·on,

'harle · Bo"·en "rllie E tlwr Dod"!'. Elinor Xathalie ~loth Earne L Eloise Rpark. (J t•itlin, :'liar.' ~\. Vt'l',\ liarQ, Lois 'umhrrland 1T emH'ss, Chal'les Floyd IIr s, . \•t tiP }fari!' lliggins, Franre. Ruth IIiteh, Lillian .\ dPline DcLon~.


Kablw , Rarah ~Iadonna ~ l ayt>s, Hoy Edward l'att!'r~on, Ruth ,Jane ~~·hwartz. ~Iil<lred

R!'aton, Irene Loretta 8winchart. Pauline \ \'p I. Dorothy Wih•s, 'I helma William. on, Raymond Ell worth \\' intPr, Leola

E. "GLI.'II Orinin, ~Jar,,· .\wry •'" irwhart. Pauline II rlliP s. C'harle Floyd

l.J.\ 'l'L

:\L\. TIIE:\L\ TIC. DPLong, • "ellic E thcr Ot·iftin, :\Iary .\.very :\Iaycs, Roy Edward SC'IE.


Dodgt', Elinor • ·athali :\Toth Griffin. :\Iary ~\.very Earnest, Eloise Spark.·




Le.lie Panl I fcnne . , Charh• Floyd \Ye k., Frank TIL TORY

Wiles, Thdma IJite;h, Lillian ~\.deline • \\in hart, Pauline

Dani l on, 'harl<'s Bowen II enncs. , Charlc Floyd Ir iggin , Frances Rnth

Bl: r.·E Wile. , Thelma

Who's Who In 1935 Al'LI>, HE:\.\ UR.H'K 7/:l-t "\Y<• tcl'll .\\<'.,Los .\ngPl('., l'al. :\Io\ ic ,\ctrN;s; llllliTi!''l Il<·rh<•J't :-\ilk<•y; originat<•<l ({pna '' hoh '' typ<' of hainh·<· sing . •\1\EI{:-\, UL.\l>Y:-\ l"LL.\. };J Lang .\H., Winnipt•g, <'ana<la. Pot't<·s.; no ir11por·tant '' o1·ks; rnarTiPd KPith L~ r·la, hrr· forlll<'l' lmtlr.r· . . . \LLE}LL", XO\"ILLE .LUIE:-\. ;)..J. :ith .\n>., \. Y.: nraJTil'd Tlwlma \Yih•s; <ashit•r· in his '' ifP's conf<•ctioncr.\, TTIE WILE.' :-\JIOP. B.\DDELEY, }L\.HL\ ·. ~I'll<' Ed11 ;ml Y II, Paris. Jk ig-11<'1' for ('ond<·. ·a.t; h• HI d<•sigrl<'l' J'o1· YOCH..JE, Y.\. "ITY F.AIH, tc. BAHIL\('1\:-\, .LUIE:-\ BL.H'K. Tlw ('hal'llt :-\chool, East Ostahlr, }las.. 'l'raclll's <lancing at l'IL\lUl :-\l'llOOL; n1arTiPd ::\Iadonna I ahb s. BL.\ ('E'l"l', Jt'R.\:\('1·~:-\ }L\HY. L'Ecolr <IPs Bonnes Fill<'s, Rantoul, Ill. Jnstructrc s in mo t £a.-hionabl chool in l\Iidclle "\Ve.t, ncar aviation grounds at Hantoul, 111. BOICE, ED "A THEXK Y. W. '.A., Zion City, 111. Author<'.. ; compo. rr of l'('ligious and classical ongs, as "llol<l thr l•'ork for l am Coming" and "You Didn't LoY<' }[c "\Vlwn You Had }[<•, "\Yhy Do You "\Vant "Jfe Xow"; marTi<•cl Waltt•t• Iloy. BHEI<:.'E, J\.\TlLEHl:\1~ EY.\. Windy ('it_,, Kan.as. Po<'t<•ss of wondrous fanw; \\Titer of "CuJT<'nt.· of .\ir Through the Dark, Dark • "ight." BHO\\"\, ::\L\HCL Willard Ilotrl, Washington, D. C. C'ongJ'<' . ''oman from lilt I• di•t r-iet; intro<lncrd famou Brown Bill, aboli hinrr nicotine. BCI{). ETT, Hlm.\H'E FXCXEIL. ~·avoy Hotel, avoy, Ill. l\Icchanic; head rhauiTt·tll' or Y<'llo11 ('ah ('o. of :-\a\'0). Bl'HHO\\':-\, YEH . ·ox LI~:-\LI K l~r·< '<lllls Bld.r., \Ye. tern Court, London. 'l'aill<·ur; :-\<'!ting . t~ l!'s f'or mrn in London. < '.\ WI'EH, "JfABEL VIOLET. L' Ecole des Bonne Fillr , Rantoul, Til. fn·tructrc.-. a!-isisting Fr·ancis Blanc!'tt at Hantoul. C.\.':-\TEYE. ·:-;, "JflLDHED TIELR:\. 77:3-l l fa,, aii .\ v<'., Uar·quo Hal a, .\riz. Ncienti. t; t'mincnt ,mthor·ity 011 th<•r·r11odynamics; author· of voluuws conC<·r·ning Taxonomy of' ('ormophyt<•s. IIILDN, BOOXE "Jfi('Ili~.\ER. Acldrc!-is unkno"·n. Political agitator; sncC<'~sor· of' L!'on Trotzky. ('01-<'FEEX, E~TIIER. R. F. D. Xo. 1:3, Tuseola, Ill. Pe. simist; kidnapped by fond lo\ rr and madt• happy in Tuscola. C'OOO E~TL\LL, "\\ EXDELL T.\. YLOR. Champaign, 111. Grol'<'l'; a .·ociatrd >lith }f<•tzl<•r & Nchaf'!'r'. COX, BOX:\ II'~ BEH.\H'E. Dall\'ill<•, K~. ~pirituali!-it: latrly appointrd tc ·trr for White "Jiulr Whi. kry C'orp. fT\. '1\fiTLDf, EC'\H'E. , 't. hal'lrs Tlot<•l, _\pw Orl<•ans. "Jft>ITY widO\\"; Qu<'rn of • Iarc1i C11·a · at X<•w Orleans. DA:\1 EL:-\0.\, C'IL\RLE:-\ HOWE.·. .'t. Fr·ancis Tlotrl, ~an Fr·anrisco. Editor; puhlislwr of "Brauh Tlints to "\YonH'n" in PAC'IFT "JTOXTITLY. D.\ YIN, ('OR:\ELL\ .\. -.·-.\. Thr BfLLBOAHD, C'incinnati. Danseu. r: 1H'adlin<'1' in Krith 's Yall<lC\ illr C'ir·cnit: app<'ar. \Yith Ed<li<• Demlow in "Follies." Thirty-


Who's Who In 1935 ontinw:d DELO\<:, 'ELLIE E:-;TJIEK S!t>\<'lls Bid~ .• :-;prin~.diPld, Ill. <l<•olog;tst; taking a cout·sp in rock hl'eaking fot· the 11('\\' Illinois :-;tatl' Highway. DEl~).!, DI<H:E'\E. T<·not·Yilll' lli~h School, .:\Jontana. ProfPs.ot· of Yoie~ <·ttltut·p in 'l'l'not·\'illl' high . chool. DE~lLOW, ED\Yl. ).IEHI~ITT. '"l'lu• Bt·Pakers" .Atlantic City. Dancer; fii·st aprwat·<•cl in filn1s of L.' k . 'tout ).lo\'iC ('o.; llO\\ "ith ('ornPlia D;n·i.; in t lw Follie .. or·:WJIJH:-;'1', O~L\H .\LLI•: ·. KP~ WPst, Fla . •\ninwl tt•aitH'l'; alligator sp<•cial ist. DODC:E, I•~LI:\'OR :\'.\TlL\LJf<j ::\lOTH. <II·<'<'n"ich Yillagc ~\partmcnts, •. Y. .\ uthot·e~ ·: famon for . pi<·y ~'Pi o<l<·s in BREEZY STORIES. \Yrot the bPst . clkr ".\11 Lost Pot· LoY<'." D Il~IE, HAZEL IIELE. ·. San DiPgo, ( 'al. C:oYCt'll<'ss; at pr<'s<'llt tourinrY '' ith Hohl'rta l{pconl. DOOLK:\', AH'llll'H. <'hica~o AthlPtic ('lul>. Athlct<'; stat• forward on A. Club B. B. t<'alii. DO< LK:\', .JES,'E LOWK ('h:unpai~n, Ill. lnY<'ntor; JH'rlccting plans tJ malH' canoc riding lwt"·<·<·n ('ha1npai~n and UonH·r· peactical. DO~~. ).L\IU:.AHET FlL\ Tl<jS. Ilon<·ynwon ('ottag<•, Oh (losh, \Yis. llou.e· wif<', 111arrird • · Eg~il''' 01.-<m. Authority on all . uhject con<·<·rning "J;~ggi<•"; wrote "l\Iy Famous Husband." DUI<'FLE, HI~APIK Baraboo, Wis. Perform<·r·; app<'ars with I abelle Lee in Ringling Bros. sid<' ,'how .. BAR.\" I~. 'T, ELOJ~g !:::iPAHKS. Champaign, Ill. Onttor; noted for ·tirring 1 cturrs on "Di,·tauc<• Lrnds Euchantm nt." ELY, DOROTHY M 'CDE. .Montic<·llo, Ill. Farmer<·tte. :B'ERG E.' OX, FRBDERT K RAY. Champaign H. 8., Tll. R<:>formrr; cau. cd dropping of 3 min. p<•J·iod betw N'll clas '<'s. FRAKE~, JOII:\1' DEA. . Los Ang<•les, Cal. Actor; plays oppo ·ite ue, mith in lwr f<>aturc films fot· thr LYLE ~TO 'T l•'lLl\1 <'0. GEIP, .ESTHER BLIZ. Place de Ia Concord, Pari:. Partner of Martha Lovingfos. in their Pari. icnne B auty Establi.·hm nt. GHER, LE 'LIE PAlL. 17 Ore•~on AYe., \Va hington, D. . Private ecretary to th Prcsident; b<.'st kno" n typist in th city. GOEBEL, }<j .\"IUE. Bondville, Ill. Journalist; known for h~r advice to the lov<.'lorn in th Bondville TTl\1g.'. GRADY, BER:\'H'E IIAIUUETT. Tiffany pts., • T. Y. Married Harold Le" is. ORI l•'FI \', ~IARY \ 'EHY. Black ('at Apt.., Or< enwich Yillage, • '. Y. rtist; h . t work as scenic dcsigll<'r for ::\lessr .. ~huhcrt "'Winter Garden Rcntes. IIARRL 'GT0:\1', GEORUE THOMAS. hampaign, Ill. oap.box orator; be t in giYing picy talk to hampaign hoys on "Th Evils of rbana Datr .. "

Who's Who In 1935 Continued

HARI{.Y, LOI. ' CC~IBEHLA:\D. La 'oiffmc, 5th A vr., • •. Y. •'ale." oman; own<'r of La Coiffure in'\. Y. Carries bc•st lin r of fals<· hair in thr . .'. JIEI~JLT 'Imn, l\JAJ{(L ~AHA. Lukt>svillt•, lnd. Economist; dat<'d up for :-;urnm cr to cook for thr<·shers. fuch in d emand hy busy farmwivcs. IIELBLL ·o, HAY LEWJ~. .'alt Lak(• City, 1 tah. Prc·achcr in th formon Tahcmaclc at f'alt Lak e City. IIE. •. E~~. C'IIAHLE~ FLOYD. <'arc <:<'n. Del., maha, • "ch. Ot·ator: g1 aduat r of Han ard ; married IrctH' •'eaton. JII~HRIC'K, HAHRTl~T. GOl Right f't., Lopekrwillr, finn. Hou.·cwif ; organi~St and choit• lcadrr in lwl' husband's church; marri d Ray \Villiamson. liE~~ • . ' ETTIE ::\TAHI E. Holly" ood, 'al. ctrr. s; left stage for movie ; " econd Pickf01·d." IIWW · ~, l<'RA . ' ('E~ H TII. Drakr Hotel, Chicago. Actre :; national .·cnl'ation singing and dancing in the Ed<'h\ <'i. : Garden. , C'hi., aid d by her four jazz kings, \Valter Hoy, llcrhcrt , ilkry, F<•rnic ,Jones, and Keith Lyrla. IIITCII, LILLI A~ ADELl:\K 700 Hiv<'rsi<le D1·iye, X. Y. To dancer; noted in England, France and America fo1· he1· charm and techniqur. HOPPER, ELEAXOH I .. ORRAIXE. nwrican Emha:.·y, Taharan, Per. ia. Diplomat; at present mini. trr to Per. ia. HOY, WALTER l)(•l P1·ado Hotel, ('hi. 11usician; has. oon player in Ruth Biggins' orclwst1·a at thr Eclelwpiss (lal'(l<'ns. HYDE, <:LADY.' M RY. Buckingham Palace, London. Lacly in waiting to (~uren of England: married cout·t j(•ste1·. L'GLE, ~IILB't'RX. Hitz-<'arldon Hot< I,\. Y . •\rti t'. model; hi· face i. lntO\\ nand ado1· d hy all women; lH'tt<'l' knO\\ n a. tlH• ".\RHO\V ('OLLAH )fA"\. " JOH:\'~0:\, ('LAJHK lps\\'ick, :\la. s., box 5 . Pt·eacher. ,JO J. - ~~~. l•'f~H:\'IE MO. ''rEI... Chicago Bl'aeh Ilotrl, ('hi. ~Tusician; l<·acling Ruth Uiggin 's or·chl'st1·a at Edel\\'Pi ·s <:arclrn . . F ABBE~, RAHAII MADO. ':\A. 'rh<• ('hat·nr ~chool, E. Ostahlr, ~lass. A sists lwr hushan<l, ,Jam<'S Banack., teach <lancing-. LA .. '(l, ~l.AIWAHET LlTILLE. :H )lilitant An., London. ~uffragi.t and promot<•t· of women's right.. Tlw woman who kidnapped the prime ministel'. LAHRY. IIERBER'l' FREE)L\. •. Rookwood Club. Albany, . •. Y. Bach<'lor; helrwd make famous thr "<lood . ' ight Boat" parti s. LEE, Til ORA L 'ABr~LLK Baraboo, \Vi:-;. P(•J·fonnc·t·; "ith Ht>afie DuJTlc• in Hingling Bro .. . id . hows. LEE, .\I.Al'HIC'E WILLIA::\1 and AL ERT. ::\Ii. ionarir. to the inhabitants of th Plateau of Tibet. LEMl\TO~, (lERALDl.:\"E ~IAHJE. BUI;~:\'0~ AlRE~. Kindergarten t<'acher. LI~WI~, HAROLD CII.AHLE~. Tifi'any .Apt:., :\. Y. )J illi(Jn;'il'<'; mani d Bemice Grady.

Who' Wh

In 1935

Conci nued

LK\Yl. ', ELIZ~\BETII "L\LE:\Tl ·g_ 40(} Ot·chard ~t., ..Atlmtta, Ga. •'ociety hdh•, al o distin~nished in !..!Will~ to nnmeron.· charity or!!,arlizatwn . L YL -< lFO.'~, }L\HTIL\ BELL E. PI act• de la Concord, Pm is. . otcd ht•auty doctor; partn t' of K tlwr UPip in the P~\J{J. 'IE.· 'E BE.\rTY ,'HOP. LYHL\, KEITH IL\HOLD. Lang .'t., \Yinnip t•g, Canada. Married Glady ~\kl'l'.'.

:Jic 0:\IB, IIELE:\ PLL\DIET. Bel'her, ~o. . \frica. Teacher of physical training to the ~\ft·ican cannibaL. ~IcDEIDIOTT, ~DIRHO. 'E. Hutht•rfonl, Yt. •'alt man; ha: pilt•d up mmty ,h •k 1. by u. in<~ his h •ad in th • marhle husine. '. l\IcDO. ·.'ELL, ::\far~. ::\L\RY. Car Cl Pn. Dt>l., ::\Ian fi<'ld, Ill. Farmerette; ori~dnat •d compul. Ol';\ bathiu~ for duck:. MAYE.', R Y EDW.\HD . .'ci<'ntd's ( 'luh, Kalamazoo, l\Iich. Di eonr<'d m thod of soh·ing equation · inYolYing the . imultaneou · tran ition of algt•hraic log': to :~::!° F. Official ct•ll-keep<>r of Kalamazoo In. titute of Domino Player . • II IIAEL, L1 . 'EL BERTR~DI. Cap Town, . 'o .•\frica. E .·plort•r; ·urpa · e. all h;\ rea. on of his holdnt s. in pa t adnnture. in t"1·hana . ... II 'IIAEL, HAH LD '- 'E.\L. Bord<'rville, T xa . •'heri:t'f; own. ~eneral . tor<'; o" ns pool hall, etc., best ·hot in T xa .. l\IILLEH, LE~LIE ED\Y~\HD. :3:2 Ontario AH'., 'tica, • •. Y. .lanag<'r of noted toe dancer, Lillian Hitch. l\1 . - I EH, .JOJI . • L\ \YHE. '('E. Tlw Orphanag<', Kith·ille, . 'cot land. Kreper of orphanage left to him and Tom. [ono,,- h~ the latt Roht. ::\IacKt ndrick. ~I RH \Y, TIIO::\L\..' WILLL\::\1. The Orphanagr, Kithillt', . 'cotland. PartJwr of ::\Ionier in their joint att<>mpt to run an orphana"P -the world'' lar"t'. t. ~ 'EL!-10 ·, . '.\DIE H 'TIL 30:> Poplar Driw, Birmingham, ~a. Philanthropi t; " I';\ popular in tlw socit>ty of .\tlanta and Birmingham . • - HTH, COH ELL\. Hutt>l <'omodor<>, • •. Y. Puu:ili t; "·orltl championtldt att•d Dor.. 'tt'l'll in ::\Iadi on . 'quarp C:anlPn in 1930 . .'BOH -E, HOBEHT TIItnTP.'O. ·. '\t "- :Jim ia, .\riz. Pro pProu nnd "utlth~ Jm,inp . nan . rlt•m . lwf . TH.\ ·n, .\.\.'EL (;l'.'L\Yl' '. IIotPl (1rune\\ald, _- w ori!!.inatl'tl nPw ('rt>oh• Pralin catHlies. oach of thP 20th YEHT< L -, :.\L\IH l'!-1 }lr!-IE. <'. II. .' ., Champaign, 1ll. 1000 p1 r Ct'J t (. II .. ' . football tt•ant. P.\HKIJ ILL, BEH ' f( ' E ETII I·:L. .iOO Oc1'an Bt ach, PasadPlta, <'al. "P rltu' 1 t: b •...,t ,, d 1 1 n•liahlt> mt~dium in tl e \Y1 t. P.\TIE. T, EDITH :.\L\E. Kankak t:e Tn titutr for ·1~ En"ltic, K .kake , 11 . Th only JWr. on kno" n (up to date) to lw succt st1l in Jtcn.orizin~ l1alf tle l'Linc. t' alpl alwt. P.\TTEH~o. - , Hl'TTI .J.\ E. Y1111 ('ollt'!!<', Cal. Proft''- or of atronomy; al"'~ t.t-~.:azinu: in tlinlro" balcony. T IPIJ f


Who's Who In 1935 Contmued

J>Jl'l\.E N, .JOIIX WILLLUI. C. II. 8., Champaign, Ill. Trainct·; largely J"Psponsihl for thr 20th cons<•cutiY<' 1000 p<•r c nt football tPam and th<· J;)th c•on. <'Cuti\t' 1000 p<•r C<'nt ha. k<'thall t<•am of '. II. , '. start<'<l by Co;wh Yan Lie\\; a·. i. 1<lllt to :\Iar<·n. Owrton. PL ~LI<~H, ~\LFHED IL\ Y. H. F. D .• 'o. 6, 'hampaign, Ill. Farmet·; keep· in conditwn fot· his athl!'!i \\·ork h~ hunting <•gg .. PORTER. IIILDEG.\RD:E .n.:~L Flanigan, Ill. Parmcrett and hon ewife; di COY<'l'<'d "smooth-fac<·d "lH•at "-th kind without the heard. POTTEH, ,JE~~IE Loer:E. C:al<'shmg, Ill. IIrad mathematician of I nox <'ollt>g ; "orld 's grratr.·t authority on the Einst<'in Theory. PHETTY:\TA. ', IIELE~ FHA.'( 'E '. 1:3 Charm , 't., ,Jaeksonvill<•, Ill. In truetre. · · in blind . chool for girl.-. P 'HDY, BPFORD LYLE. ~heridan Plaza Ilotrl, Chi. Illu.trator; fir t contr·ihut<•cl to ,JUDOE and LTPE; now illustrate: stories of. 'athalie Dodcre. Q ..~.\ YLE, • 'ELL IE ALEE::\'1<~. Prairi 'ity, • '. D. 'trike-breaker; ·ince ht•r ahodr in • -. D., it ha. excelled evrn 8. D. HE 'ORD, HOBERT A l\IIDA. Pasad na, al. Tourist; discovered the old t rouhl<· "ith ,Japan in her vi. it to th Ori<'nt. REY 'OLDN, ::\'E.AL. C'ar CIIICACO TRIB '.-E. artooni t; better than any of his pred<•ce. sors. RO.' 1.:, ,JE::\'. 'L- lN HILEY WILSO. '. • 'ant a Barbara, 'al. Biologi. t; married Huth Short. RlTlOJAX, IU'TII GWE. "DOLY. •. , 't. LukP's Hospital, C'hi. 1 'ur:r; v ry populat· with the internes and doctor: wher·e . he work:. 'Cll\YART~, ::\IILDHED A. 'ANT.A.'L\. Champaign, Ill. Husinc:. "oman; handles overflow from tlw city's husin<'s, colleg<•s. S.EATOX, JIU~XE LORETTA. Omaha, X Ph. llouspwif<'; marri<·d Floyd Ilentwss, fo1· pastim<• is agent of Pho<•nix llosi<'Q. ,'IJOHT, Hl'Tll A.·.-. Santa Bal'lwra, <'al. IIousewifr; marrird Wil. on Ho c . .'ILKI~Y, IlEHBEHT EARL. D<•l Pr·ado Ilott•l, ('hi. :\fusician; onr of Huth Tlig:o-in. ' ,Jazz Kings at tlw EdPl" cis. Uard<'lL : manird Hena Auld. 'L\HBl'l'K, Fl{~\. TI~ ~\LLE. -. Knickrrhock<•t· ('luh,. ' . Y. La" yrr; handling ('oughlin-\\TintPr divor·c<• cas<', ,,·hich is likP tl](' ~tillrnan ca <' <'f 1921. N.JIITll, ~r1.:. lloll~ wood, <'al. Film star: first apprared "ith .Jack B<' sey ~to('k ('o.; now \lith Lyk ,'tout Film C'o. ~TI~H\', DOR DAHL I. '0 . ( 'oop<'r-('a r·lrton IlotPl, ('hi. Pu!!.ili. t; fonn r "orld champion; dPi'<'atPd at .Jiadi!-ion . 'quarp <:anl<•n hy C'ol'llelia . ·orth . • TO{'T, ,JOTI LYLE. Hollywood, <'al. .Jloving- pictm·e producer; 0\IIIS famous L~ )p ~tout l•'ilm ( 'o. , '\\' I EIL\HT, PXCLL 'E ::\L\IW. Fintr~, ~cot. ~\utho1 ·t>'- : ~ . I'Cond "Bani<•;' just conlplet<·d '' Tht• Pt·p <'llt Da~ ~\rcadia." rl'~\HAK.\, A\'ELLL'.\ l•' RA .'(' f<~S . .'P~mour, 111. Heform t•r; at pre.Pnt trying· to aholish ch<•\1 ing gum. fEHHY, C'YH!XTIIL\. Champaign, 111. l'lulmoman: hrlongs to all cluh in to,,·n al o aft>\\ morr. T.


Who's Who In 1935 ,onrmued

TIIOH. 'HILL, \Y .\LTER HO< l EH. ( 'hampaicrn, Ill. om mi.·. ioner; famou fo1· h1·ing-ing- ahout tlw pa' in" of 'hurch . tr ct. W~\LKEH, EDITH :F'.A Y. ;)07 w. rni. AY ., Albany, • T. Y. Homr girl; one of the mt•mlwr of thr fmuon. "0 D _'H~IIT B .\T' partit· ·. \VALKEH, Hl"BEHT BEH ·.\RD. _·og-ale , Ariz. Innntor; perfected ey . rn·<•ns fot· g1·apefruit rating-. W.\Sl'IIEH, ElL·.\. 'OR:\ELL\. Jllinoi. Bldg-., Champaig-n. Denti t; un. uccesstul; i!!ll on door l't ad , "Tl11• Yank .\rt> Coming." \ .\.Tl'HOH. ·, LlLLL\ · Hl'TII. Addn•. unknown. Demonstrator fot• \ l'J<rlt: HIHl ( 'o. \ .\H\Y WK, Hl'TII .\ ·. ·. Borg-< s. Colony, ~lilan, Italy. .'culptre ·. ; her mastt•1·pit cr ".'pirit of Champaig1, '' famou tht• world OYI'r. WE.\ \'EH, !-~llELDO . •\L\'OHD. HPno, .. <'Y. 0\\lll'l' of large priYat lunatic as: lum in "'1 C()m,in. ::\Iarrit•d and diYOI'Ced three time -incompatibility of t t'lll p< ramen t.

r. of ( 'al., Bt•t·kPley, <'al. mall'i<d and di,orctd .\lict• \Yoolery.


Profr or of Eronomy.

WELL.', KE ·• 'ETII. BachPlor ' Hotel. White Heath, Ill. Bachelor; ad <ltl<l hanult> . sinc·t• tlis;lppointt•d hy ::\Ial". \Yhitr. \VE. T, DOH. IHE:\E. <:onht•r Prait·it', ::\linn. ~Iilkmaid; run dairy In ( .oplH I' Prairit•. \\'RITE, ~L\H<l. ELlZ . •\lcaza1· Ilotl'l, )fadri<l, !-~pain. II~>a1·t-hr aker; xl'l I 1 Y< n tht• nati\ I' . WHITE, l'OLHEHT, \Y.\LTEH. ". fl,HT HO.\T DOCK,'' .\!han:,.-. Y. Captain of tlw .· luTIT BOAT; matTi<d .\lict• \Yoollet~. \VIL<'O. ·, L\ THE HI · E. Bi.tmol'<', _ . Y. HPfol'llll'd . ociety hellr; no\\' a t I llt'IIH J, t \\'lll'kl'l. WILE.', THEL)L\. TilE \YlLE . . TIOP, marrit•d ,Jost•ph .\lh11 au.

. Y.

Owll<'l' of WILE . • H P;

\YILLLUIS, \\'.\HD Y.\L<IHC. ~L.c' Boardin!! Ilo u, lil~ l:.i!!ltth .\.Ye., . Y.; proJ <'t·t: m.m ot· · · D<n 1 aud Drmlm\·'' in ll' Folli1 WILLL\::\f.'<l. , H.\ Y)IO. ·n ELL. WOHTH. 1)01 Wri!!ht . t, Lop< kr n le, ::\linn. Baptist minist< r: marrit>d Harri t Herrick. \YL ' TEH. ·, LEUL\. Htno, e'. . ui1!! ;\·111. ( ou!!hlin or a diYorcr. WOOLERY, .\LICE ,J l. EPIIL ' E. (.ood _ ig-ht Bo;,t Dock, .\.lhan:, • ·. Y. Bath in!! ht•aut: "ith .:\lark • <'llllett; diYorcPd F. \Y ek ; marri <1 oil ert Whitt•: atttt d. "I,Ol D _((,liT BOAT" partie .. HH,HT, .I ILDRED REH. -.\DL 'E. Rockfo1 tl, Ill. ·nmanit•d, althoucrb tng<H!< d . t' ''rnl tillll' and C\'l'll tl) t'\'CI. l m n.



History of the Class of 1921 yrar of our Lord. one thousan<l nint' hundred and . eventPen, two I e'· the ruts of importance happ ned. Tht' nit d .'tatr. entert•d the great war, and the cia ·s of 1921 enterrd its nam on the roll of 'hampaign High , chool. 'l'ht• class did not organize-such a thing was mtnecessary, as ther<' was no busint•ss to h<' transact rd. Thrrr wa. "ot·k along a gn•atPr' I ine, how rver, all<l it is with pride that \\ e tt•ll of tlw "ode thi. clas. did dur·inu thr war. nclcr thr suprrvision of l\h.. Capron and )Irs. Burnham, RP<l Cro ·. work was don<' in the High School, and the Fr shmen were oft<'n st•en busily rolling h.mdagrs. "Thr Pag<•ant of thr Agr. " wa. pr<'srnt<'d, und<•r· thr dirrction of ~ lls. Bt·<'itstadt, and tlw procreds fr·om thr tir·.·t pel'formance werp given to the local Ht•d Cr·oss. Anothrr per·formancr in which nH•mbrrs of tlw class of '20 took pal't was "Thr Ihum fajor," an opt•r·a sta<7t•d undrr .:\I i ·. Denoweth' dir<•ction. In tlw fall of 191 , the C:r1·man Kai. <'J', rralizing his danger fr·om the coming citizt•ns in thr class £ 1921, got cold ft•<'t and rnn, it is said, went to bed with chilL and fever whrn he heard of its prowe:s. A . oon as hi hand wa. ·teady enough, he :ig1H~d th armistice, on • •owm ht'r 11th. Y.,eeling encouraued hy thi., the cla .. organized. The-officer clectPd were: Pr·r. id nt, Byron Bramble; Yice-Prt'sidt'nt, Eloise Eanui t; .'ecrdal'y, Dorothy Dobbin. ; and Trea. urer, Herbert Larry. The Pagea11t uiwn thi year wa called "The Illinois Centennial." fisH Br·eit·tadt dir·ectrd thi. one also. In ~fay the Girl·' Athletic A ociation wound up the year's entertainments with a most delightful party. . Then xt year, feeling till more encouraged and a little mor·e sophisticated, if that b po. sihlr, th cla. . lected a pin. The new officrr · were: Prr. ident, Edwin Demlow; Vic -President. Floyd II nnes. ; Reen•tary, ~ Tathalie Dodge; and Treasurer·, Roy faye.. At the beginning of tlw yrar a gr· •at rvent came to pas., TirE ::\IOLE eu:, "Bigge.·t Paprl' for lt: .'izt• in the \Vo1·hl," was creatt•<l. Contribution wen• made hy :rvrral twrnty-onrr., one of whom won the Hhort 'tory Contest. From timr to tim s mixers were ~iv n. anrl . o well did th cla . mix, that the . tudrnt. for~ot tlwy wpr·e almo t senior., and romped mo. t promi. cuou. ly. To cap the climax thr ,Junior-. enior recrption was given, and a fin r ception it wa:. Ah! t last camr tlH' Srnim· Ymr·. Ray \Villiamson, Pr·rsidrnt; Pauline , \\ iurhart, Vice-Pre ident; Le lit' Mill r, ' cretar:J ; and Hoy :\faye.·, Trt'a.urel', capably handled the work of the cia... The work begun hy the preceding cla . wa eontinu d-TnE :\fOLE t:LE wa nouri. hr<l and kept alive during tlw fir t emester, as h forr. Lr.lie ::\fill<•r wa the Etlitor-in-Chi(•f. During ' uwrican , peech \ e k, the , enior public :peakinu ela.-scs pr·r:ented a play,

Senior Class History Continued

"The on. piracy," under the dir ction of lis ,eyer. Thi. tra"'edy, which ended happily, wa to show th dang r pr<'valent in too lavish u e of uch expre ion a, ain't, goin', etc. \Ve must lift up our h ad proudly a we ay that th Boy ' Ba k t Ball team won the district champion hip and the Football t am wa 1,000 p r c nt all four y ars of our hi"'h chool life. 11 good thing mu t come to an nd, o now come the graduation of the cla ' of 1921. L t u hope that th m mory of th<' cla will liv in the hall of C. II. . a long as the memory of our dear old chool live in our heart !


lltE.E;IN.4LD DIR&I::T&D &Y Mill reT

Thirty -eight

Junior Honor Roll Burrell, Gaylord o bran, Dwiaht Gulick, Margaret Hathaway, Ro alie Horn, 0 wald Leasure, Aline Lenox, Lillie Robertson, Juanita Wah•horn , Rachel

JUNIOR CLASS Tlort)' nwe

Junior Class Roll !sip, :!\fary Bcrk<'ll'y, Doris Barnhart, Lola Blaine, Louise Bradley, inclair Broom, Allee Buckley, Roberta Burr, Iuriel Burt, Leonor:o~ harne , Edith Chester, Dorothy ook, Jewel Coub rly, Ruth Delaney, atherine Doolen, Nelle Duffy, Helen Fleming, Edna Fry, Donnabelle Gray, Dorothy Gulick, Margaret Gu Iick, ![argaret E. Harmon, Gladys Hathaway, Rosalia Helmericks, Ruth Hines, Jes ie Hoffman, Mary Hollinger, Ruth Hollister, Helen Hyde, Phyllis Iungerich, Hazel Jackson, Lucille Kinsey, Elizabeth Kirkman, Mabel Larson, Marian L asure, Aline Lee, Alice Leemon, Helene ~-eernon, Mildred O,enox, Lillie L~·ons, Winifred Madden, 1;rrtle Metz, Ruth :\liner, :!\Iartha i\fitchell, Ethel lollett, Barbara Mott, Doris Nichol , Frances


Pangborn, Esther Parr, hristine Patient, Aari Pattengale, Treva Paul, Marguerite Pilon, Opal Pott r, Leona Rasmussen, ![abel Robertson, Juanita Sand rs, Mildred Rcoggin, Alberta haug r, Marian hepherd, Genevieve hort, Margaret hutt, Gladys om rs, :Ruth Strode, Margaret St;ran, Dorothy Tignor, Marguerite Tucker; Bernice ¥.'ascher, Louise Wasch~r. larcella ¥.7atchorn, Rachel ·watt, M;abel Webb, Lorene \V bster, Ma Whipple, Beatrice Alpers, John Ball, Dwight Bernhard, Erwin Blaisdell, Frank Breese, John Brown, Walter Burrell, Gaylord Burt, athan ain, Victor ant r, Vernon lark, Donald ochran, Dwight Coffeen, Harry urtls, Walter DeLom~·. CI ifton Dollinger, Francis Dryer, Charles

Dunlap, Roy Dunn, R ginald Fisher, Robert Fitzwllliams, Albert Fitzwilliams, Francis Fl teller, Hazen Gault, John Grylick, Raymond Guard, Junior Haines, Harold Hart, Fred Harrison, arter Hazleton, Howard Hinds, font Hirschfeld, Julius Horn, Oswald Jackson, Frank Jennings, Kenneth Jutkins, Raymond Leu k, iles McKee, William Maxwell, John Moore, Raymond ::\loorehead, Henry Parkhill, Earl Reid, lifford Sabin, George chowengerdt, \Villiam olon, John omers, Ralph ted m, Harold towe, Wilbur trode, Harold toltey, Kenneth Trev tt, Ross VanBuskirk, Verne Wait, Wayne Walker, Russell Walters, Ernest Ward, Ted Warren, Howard \Veeden, Roy Williamson, Vernon Wis , Carl Wohlfarth, William Yanos, George

Who's Who ll PLD you a:k me, Who i · greate t! Who it is that towers highe-;t, With the greennC' s of the FrC'Aunan, ·with th urn<lg<•ry of the, ophor~10re Far lwhind upon the' jonrnr.v; With th saun of a parting Far to forward on the highway? I honld answer, I honld tell you. From thP glamour of. 11 '<'t'ss<•s, From the whirlpool of the' riwr, omP he with his tlaunting fPatlwN, C'<mH•s tlw Junior. lw the mighty.


He it is that takP. tlw high :C'aL All tbt'" others. looking to him, .. .. Wish that the'~' m•n• great· n h' 1 . • enior · envy what'· ])('fort• him A they dwell upon tlwir la:t days. Oh. that the~· might liw thl'm ovC'r! And the ,'ophomor<', as he glance.', Hope. to . ometime have nch honor . Th p or FrC'shnwn, . triYing upward, Know their grc>atn . lie in number . And each, far into the future, Longs to some day be a J unim·.


The Wise Class of '22


thin<>. compat·eJ with twenty-two plain and dull and mall. The tat" them ·elve.· are pale and few; Tlw eat·th is hut a hall; 'l'h sun giYes ~wan•ely half tlw light That their great wi dom hed And glorie. of the gods are bright In halos round their heads. \Ver it not for them the univer e Would go to ruin quit!:', The constellation would di per. e, The moon forget it light. The world would fly off into . pace, The un cool to a tone, 'I' he stars with cornets madly race, All order be unknown. I;{;

• 'l'lll

C. P., '22.

We'll Remember, We'll Remember remember, w 'll remember, W E'LL Whim we're far from . H. S., How we used to like to argne In And r:on '. Engli. h rla. s . • ome felt !'iO full of knowlNlge, then; didn't like to . how, (A i alway true with people,) 'l'hat tlwy didn't rPally know. \Vp '11 n•nwmll!'r, W!' ']] l'<'llll'lllhet', How our hear·t most eea. eel to beat \Vht•n, '' [s it, now, or i~n 't it.'' :->t~ddt•nl.' \\ okt• u fr·om om· slrcp. 'Within o11r minds wrr·p bright ideas, Om· purpose to rPiat!', But ere tnmsportrd to the tongue, Ala·, it wa.- too latP. G. •. 'Forty h<'o ..


Sophomore Honor Roll Barrett, Helen Cain, Mildred Doolen, Paul Edward , Florence Fi her, arah Kelley, Iary Lierman, Adeline

Luther, Lillie Pfiester, Breta Rankin, Helen airs, Leonard Showers, atherine Fnlaub, Carl Walker, Pauline

\Veston, Janet




Sophomore Class Roll Ahrens, Gertrude Applegate, Mildred Barrett, Helen Bates, Opal Beem, Votetta Blaine, Marian Bowsh r, Ruth Bo~ er, Jun Buch, Dorothy Burdick, Gail Burke, :nary Burt, Flor nee ain, :\lildred henoweth, Ruth Christie, Jean lark, Bernice Clark, Dorothy racket, Orpha u ter, Frances Delane~- . Hazel D mtow, Anna Dixon, Margaret Dixon, Ruth Dodds, Audrey Ed n, Josephine Ed wards, Florence Ehler, ~largaret Elliot, Blanche Ewing, ~lary Faull in, :\Iargretta Finch, Helen Bess Fi. her, Sarah Forcum, Eula Forsh ~. Mae G elan, Ruth Gilmore, Lenora Graham, Iarissa ray, Effie Grindley, Neva Hartford, Virginia Hartman, Ruth Haven, Alice H aly, Very! Hegman, adie Heimticher, Evaline Heinz, Edith Holderman, Jes ie Howell, Jennie Jackson, eva Jones, l\Iaud K efer, :\larie Kelley, Mary Kf'sler, Opal Koogler, Dorothy J .ang, Irene Lierman, Adeline Lierman, Dorothy Luther, Lilli :\1cNeat, :\lyrie ~lc eill, tara Major, Marie ~Iarktand, Ida ~lead, Iary Minor, !arab lie :\looney, elestine Morrissey, Melissa Forr) ·[our

Murphy, Leota Myers, Effie Nofftz, Gertrude 'orris, Mildred O'Donn II, Iargaret Percival, Mildred P rgande, H len Pfi ster, Br ta Rankin, Helen Reynolds, Ethel R ynotds, ~Iary Robertson, Juanita Rodgers, oble Shepherd, Mildred Simon, ~lari , 111ith, Alice • 111ith, :Martha 'mith, • laurine Smith, Ruth nyder, P art t dem, Wilha VanBuskirk, Leita Villard, Leona VonHolten, Yourth Vredenburgh, B s ·ie ·walker, Alma Walker, Pauline Weaver, Mildred \Veston, Janet Wilcox, Dorothy \Vilske, Alma Wilson, Hazel Winters, Florence Wisthuff, El ie \Vitwer, Thelma Wood, Helen Wood, ha1·Jotte Woo lie), Louise Young, Madge Younglove, Kathryn Allen, Joseph Allen, Norman Bash, Elmer Bayard, Hymen B rbaum, Kenneth Boots, George Bowen, Bernard Burke, Harry Burleson, Edward Busch, Hubert 'apel, Jam s arper, arroll onkey, Yat s Conover, Francis Dabney·, Theodore Damm, Elm r Dewhirst, Paul Dillman, \Vatter Dodd , Raymond Doolen, Paul Eichhon;t, Bert Elwell, Henry Fergueson, arl Fisher, Ellis

Sophon1ore Class Roll Continued Fosnaugh, Dan! 1 Gahri 1, Frank Gurnble, \Villiarn Greenman, Royal Grierson, Charles Grindley, :\!erwin Hampel, Fr d Ilazl ton, Walter Howard, William Hudnut. Harry Huff, G orge Hyland, Edwin Karih r, ullen Kirk, Alfred J.ayumn, Lyl Layman, Harold I c • Alb rt l\1. Lisenby, Harold Lunceford, Kenneth :\lc own, Hugh McKa)·, Robert 1anle~. Addi on :\htllllna, Max ·ash, Lyle orris, Otis rorton, Gardiner 0' eal, Leslie

Pedersen, Jens Pric r, James Raute)', Richard Reynolds, B rnard Re~·nolds, Edward Sairs, Leonard Schardein, Orville Sedge\\ ick, Ed ward Sloan, Harold Smith, Tnnnan Solon, James Souder, Robert Spencer, C~TIIS • tevens. Charles • tipes, Royal .'ullivan. Harold Thompson, Patrick Thornhill. Clarence Thrash, Edward Travis, Jerome Tucker, John V. Turrell, Frank Unlauh, Carl Vinson. Don Wade, Willard Wooldridge, Victor Woolery, Todd Wright, tewart

The Twenty. .Threes


'DE R thr ahl guidanC<' of Paul Doolen, the . 'ophomon'. haw . pent an unu!iually succ<•ssful year·, <'YCn bett<'r than tlw pa. t onr, w·hich wa: fairly good. \Ylwn thr old administl'ation st<'pped out of oftic' and dection "<'l'c lwld, tlH' . 'ophomort's placPd th<•ir confid('nC<' in Paul Dool<•n, also el<•cting th following: li e! en Be.. Finch, vice-pre ident: .:\1 arian Blai nc. etr<'tary; and \Yilliam llowa!'d, tr·ea ·urpr·. \Vith tlw r administrator, who rank high as cholan; and an• popular and wrll-known in school, nothing . hor·t of the ph<•nomettal could l<<'<'P thr clas. fr·om haYing one of the rnost ucc<•ssful y<·ars any cl<vs eY<'l' had. Almo. t imm<'<liately a. ocial committee" H'> appointed, composed of JI(']pn Bes: Finch, chairman: :Meli.·sa ::\1oni. s<'y, and Ilenr·y Elwrll. This committrc alon justified thl' Sophomor<' in their ehoiee of plY ident. Immediately plans werr put und<·r ·way for· a social mi.·er·. This mix<'r m. terializ(•d and 'YH-' hrld in the ~ynma ium D<'C('mber 3, 19~0. Uame,. "('l' in ord<'r thr fir t part of the aft<'moon and dancing- the latter part. Thr affair "a · a howling ·uece ·.. Th , ophomon'. were well repre;;entrd at all hig'h sl·hool social function . . la • emblem· were ·('lect d thi ypar·. The committr<' m charg\ wa chairman Royal .'tip s, Marian Blaine. and C:atriHl<' . 'oil'tz.

The Twenty--Threes Continued

The ~3 's pr<' ent< d a "ell balanced tt•am in the int r-cla.-. meet and cam off with •cond honors. The Girls' ba k<'t ball team took third place in the intu-cla .. basketball meet. The . 'ophomor w r " ·ell n•prc cnted on all the chool teams. To say the h•a. t, the :4ophomon•. had a "on<l<'rful year indcc·d, a y ar "hich will tcn<l to poil them in the futurr. But next y ar, being .Junior:, tlwy expect to be Yen b ttcr. ROYAL A .• TIPE ·.





HR. -








WI !5oH
























n HR



:m H R

3 Ml~. LAPSE








WITH APOLOQies ~:r::;:;::::::::=;;~;J - To 'BRIG~


If tliE:SI ft1 E: r\1..1 Freshman Honor Roll Ball, Be· ·ie

)lartin, Her ehel

Bt a<•h, Yirginia



Paul, Zelma




Broom, Ruth

PinkstaJl', Prance

Di<·k<•rson, Bernice

R<>id, Leota

<l ul i<·k, R nth

•'<'hro<>der, Enwr on

lli<·kman, \Yaltcr



Iron!. .\rchie

Teare. Donald

Howe. Lucille

Tlwlaner. Leo;,lie


rt\:·SC't t'U

Freshman Class Roll All n, Opal Armstrong-, :\lildred A!<man, Sibylla Baker, Julia Ball, B ssi Barnard, Ruth Barto, Edna Bash, Dorothy Bayn , Edna Beach, Virginia Behrens, harlott Berbaum, EloiRe Blai dell, Dorothy Blank, B ssie Boots, Ellen Bostick, Ada Bowman, Leah Bradley, El•·i Breckenridge, Lucille Briney, Elsie Brining, :\lercy Brooke;, Muriel Broom, Ruth BrC',vn, Lotti Buckl y, Florenc Durke, Grace Burke, Mabel Burnett, Ruth Burrows, Le ta Butler, Romaine Carter, Iona Conn, Avis onover, Mildred Coulwrly, <i<'ncva rathorne, Mary Crawford, Bernice Cro lin, Marie ust r, :'llary Dickerson, Bernice Dool n, Mildred Eg-gl r, L ona Eldridge, Alice Ervin, Arminta Ewalt, Virginia G hrke, Miriam Geip, Vivian Gerdes, Elsie Gillman, Zelia Goben, Mary Louis Goodman, Grac Graves, Georgia Green, Eunice Gulick, Ruth Hall, Franc s Hall, Ruth Hampel, Dorothy H inz, Od lia Hitch, Phyllis Howe, Lucille lngl , Dorothy Irle, Catherine Jamerson. udellous Jeter, Ruth Jones, Lucy Kitch, C il

Klein, J an tte Konradt, ' lara Konradt, Eda Konradt, :'llartha Koogl r, Jan Lake, Geneva Lauder, Eugenia L ece, G rtrude l.egue, Clellia Lenox, Ruth Leuck, Dorothy Lierman, aotni Llo~ d , ConRtan e Lloyde, :'llarjorie Long, Edna Luttrell, Gertrude Luttrell, Pearl McArt,\·, Inna McCaskill, Eva McDonnell, Helen Martin, Edith filler, Elizabeth Mitchell, Florence :'llittendorf, Anna esmith, Evel~ n offtz, Alma Ogden, Ruth Osborne, Edith Osborn , Lois Owens, Ethel Padgett, Ruth Pag , Fr da Parkhill, Villars Patrick, Floric Paul, Zelma Payne, S,\ I via Pinkstaff. Franc s Plotner, Ruth Presle~, Dorothy Price, Helen H. a, Mary Elizabeth Reid, Leota Rising, Mary Robin:;on, Lillian Robinson, Margaret Rock, Reva Rose, Laura Rose, Thelma Royal, ::'\Iarguerite Russ 11, :'lladge Russell, :\1iriam Schultz. Dorothy Schultz. Velma Shauger. Gwendolyn . hell,\·, Helen . ichler, ::'\1arian Smith, Lois Stanford, Dorothy Stephens, Della Steward, Lois Stoner, Dorothy Stuart, Margaret Stumpf. Helen • turd~· vin, Marie Styan, Irene

• umtners, J an Surber, Martha Templin, Doroth~· Thorpe, Aletha Tuck r, Leota Turner, :\Iary '\Vardlow, Edna '\Vascher, Marian '\Veaver, Ruth '\Veils, Minnie \Vh atley, l\farian '\Vi II iam . Doris Wilson, Opal \Vomacks, Ruth W omacks, Sabra Zinnnerman, adie

Alleman, John Allen, Dwight Anderson, Arthur Anderson, Kenny Bailie, Robert Baker, Ern st Darker, Francis Baxter, John Baxter, Leo Bell, Louis Bennett, Charles Berryman, William Blancett, Emerson Broshar, Stanley Burdick, Howard Burr, Arthur Carothers, Olen a:;ad, '\Villiam asteel, Edward Chapman, Covel Clark, Kindred Clark, '\Varren Cochran, Donald ummins, Ralph Danielson, William Davis, :'\ l orris Deahl, Leo Deahl, Ray Deakin, Charles De 111, Eng ne Demlow, John Dewhirst, eal D yo, Marcus Dowling, Walter D\\·iggins, larence Evans, Roy Faullin, Redmond Finical, Kenn th Fisher, Gail Flack, Milton Fleming, Herbert Fl~ nn, Alvees Forshey, \Valter Fox, Raymond Fraley, Harold Fral y, James

Freshman Class Roll Continued Frederickson, David Gallion, William Glandt, Alb rt GroveR, Noel HE'nsler, Fr d HE'vron, John Hickman, Walter Higgins, Norris Higgenson, William Hines, Fred Hoffman, Harry Hoover, Scott Hord, Archie Horner, George Howell, William Jackson, James Jackson, Wayne Kammerer, Low II Keck, Richard Keller, Guy Kenny, Edwin Lake, Gayle Lange, Ralph Larr~, Lloyde Lee, Kenneth Leuck, Harold Luttrell, Floyd ~IcDaniel, Donovan ~lcDerrnott, Cecil McWilliams, Paul McNeil, Neal Magee, Ed ward Mank, Ennal Martin, Herschel Meskimen, Carlyle

Miller, Ross Paul Mousel, Fr derick Mulligan, D. C. ~lullliiJa, Flovde :\lumma, Pa~l Neideffer, Archie iblack, Hubert orrnan, Hartw 11 Oakes, Forr t O'Donnell, Donald Oehmke, Elmer Ogden, Jo eph Olson, Ever tte P rry, Theodore Pickens, LeRoy Pratt, Frank Pulliam, Russell Pyle, Mitchell Rackham, Donald Randolph, Robert Rankin, Dwight Rankin, Ernest Raymond, Lilburn Robinette, Willard Roland, Donald Ruckman, Talb rt abin, Wayne chardein, Benjamin chmidt, Herman chroeder, Emerson cott, Gene aton, Melvin edgewick, Charles ~litchell,

Sedgwick, Edward • hort, Clifton 'hort, Ralph • ims, Maurice omers, Joseph tout, Heath Strode, George turdyvin, L onard uggs, Roy ullivan, Arthur Swearingen, Virgil Tabaka, Francis Tal mage, tewart Tanner, Clayton Teare, Donald Terry, harles Thompson, Max Thornley, Eug ne John Tucker, John Tummelson, Orville Vaky, Theodore Van ura, Raymond Waddelow, Floyd ·wagner, Andr w ·wainscott, John Wascher, Fred 'Vheaton, Leslie White, Glenn Whittington, Labon ·wmiams, G orge Williams, Roy 'Villlamson, K nny 'Vilske, Julius

Freshman Class Prophecy


''TIIJ<J 1<..,~\ IRY :\IIRROR'' li, me! how times do<·s fly! It se<'mNl lil< only ye terda;\, wh n w wer hut Frt'slmwn in ('. IT. 8. But now, nine long year. have pa d . ince

those never-to-be-forgotten day .. l\Ja,·y ('rathorne and I sat in our rozy littlr eottagr in alentta, the capital of tlw grrat or W()Il(lerfnl land of the Orient-India. ewe both had decid d to tt·avPI and we had found it altog<'tlwr <lrlightfnl, so far.) "\Yhew!" )Jary whi. tl<'d thoughtfully, for you . e .-he had not lost her worHlerou-., art of whi tling, "wouldn't you :imp!~ low to . re what .omc of oue <·lassmatP of the days of 1~~1 are <loing!" BPfo,·e I had tim to reply, a small. fairy-likP <'l'PHtnre appPar d, sa~ ing, '' Perhap. I <·an lH'll) yon.'' \Vith thi , apparently from nowhert>. :he prodnced a rr;\ ·tal mirror anu lHHl<' u look into it and sr!' what we had wished for. EagPrly \\C JH'<'rc>d into it·. my. !<•rions <lrpth., only to find it to he clouded Fort


Freshman Class Prophecy Continued over by a flcc<·y, white mist. Oradually this clcarPd away, leaving a reflection of a circu · panuic. At 1he !wad of thr paradr, in a larD'<' gild<>d eil'C'us wagon, stood :onl<'on who ap1warrd to hP shouting at the top of his voi('('. Huddcnl,\', he faced our way; we both gasped, '·It is Olen Carothers." quickly tlw mirror again clouded O\'Cr and rqually qni<•kly it cleared, leaving a husy street : '<'ll<' in the world'. monry-way, Ol' \Vall .'tr<'ct, • T<'W York. \Ve noticed a . mall, glass- nca. ed . hop, over which hung this artistically paintPd ign: ", TOP!! r~ooK!! rjr. TE . T' ', W.E DRAW, DJ<~.'IG. r, .A . . TD P 1\ L T'l'!!. BRL TG YOCR WORV TO 1'.'" l\II.' 'E ' :EIJETIIEA Til RPE AXD GRACE BPRKK ~\crain th mirror elotah•d over and clear<•d; thi · timr. instead of th noi y, clamoring city we saw a quiet, paPtoral rc iden •e. But i: it a rc idenee? ro, it i: not. It is a large brick building, cmbrac d lovingly by closely clinging ivy vines. Over the quaint little gat •way in large and hold letter - was thi 1gn:

"OLD 1\lAID', IIOl\IE" 1ADGE RC EL, MATRON We then no iced a group of people on thc old-fash ioncd porC'h. We drew nearer, for th y all looked rather familiar. " h!" I cried, "there is Irene tyan, Villar Parkhill, Gwendolyn hangar and Ruth gd n." It wa almost unbelievable! ot giving u time to contemplate the que rne · of thi · sc ne the mirror clouded and clear<•d leaving the reflection of the "White lion e." Around the tep we aw that ther wa a great crowd a. semhl d. A the s ene drew nearer we di cerned a man tandincr on the step who appear d to be talking to theo people. The <'ene continued to draw nearer, then-, we saw to our great astoni hment that th :peak r wa none other than onr ba. hfnl Fre ·hmen Pre ident, William Dani l on, now President of the nited tate . lo e by we aw itting hi timid wife, Ruth Hall. Words are inadequate to xpre. s our surprise, o we will not try. We both uppo. ed that thi a tounding. C'enc would b an end to our adventure, but we wer mistaken for thr wonderful mirror held . till other sights for our wondering eye.. It wa a bas ball diamond! \Ve knew in an instant that it wa. at Harvard. A the piC'tur drew n an•r the ccne of action, we thought the umpire looked very familiar to u.. RealizinO' that he wa none other than Jack Thornely, we recalled the good old day. when our amp-Fire Team, .Julia Baker, , ylvia Payne, Berni<'(' Dicker. on, Virginia B cch, l\fary and I u. cd to play ha. <'hall on the Armory ampn., with famou. Jack Thornely for our youthful umpire. ll of Fifty

Freshman Class Prophecy Continued the fonn<'r participant· are now teaching in collegPs, <'XC J)ting Bemie Dickeron, who wa · disappointed in a love afl'air and retired to the convent, where slw l'XJW<'ts to sp nd th rest of her life in se ·lusion. 'p\.t w lookNl into the va t :ea of f~u·ps gather d to watch theit· favorite port. ''That fa<'e <'t'rtain ly looks vagn<'ly famili:u· to nw,'' said :JL1ry. ,, YP . anu I know who it i·," I replit>d. "It i. Loi. ,'mith. and tho. e two gil'ls l>Psidl' hPJ' an' Marian Wheat)('y and Dorothy Stanford!'' "This will lw the la t scene that I can show yon," said the o-ood Fairy Hh,\IH<'. '·.·o doubt J')ll will!><• a.· .nrpri.Pd a.· I am." \\Tt• looked into the mirror again; this tinw it wa. not clouded by the u ual white mi. t hut by a brown one. 'l'hi. :oon cleared a\\ a,\· and w .·aw that it had hct>n dust that had :o comph•tely coverNl it. \Ve Wl're gazing upon the place of a tl'tTihlc acl·i lent. In tht> distanee appeal'cd anoth r ear, th' ambulance. It .toppt>d and a nnrs<' and two met got out. In many ways th nurse looked like someone we had known sometime or oth r. ''It is ,Jall('t Klein," said ::.Iary quietly, " he ha. gone into the work he loves.'' "Oh, oh," I erit•d, "do<' n't that doctor and his as. istant lo0k like-oh ye, the doctor i. Everett Olson, and the a. sistant i. Kenneth I;ee. '' '' Bnt, let us look at the driver,'' , aid ;.Iary. "Don't you know who it i, l\Iary?" I replied. "Why, it i David Fredrick!ion." ''I suppose that i hi. wife in the back . eat. It i. Dorothy Ingle I am sur , '' aid 1\lary. Before w had time to sec who tll<' wounded p rson might be, the kind F ail'y I hyme took the mirror and departed aying'' I hope with all my h art, That you have enj yed thi ve, I know that I have done my part, But now must take my leave." FRANCES Pr KRT.\FF.


Football .. 1920 ilE cleft•at of tht• {Trbana t'lt>Wll on Thanksgivin:,r l>a,\' t·lo ed mw of tiH• most succ<"-;sful and difficult football . <'ason thi high . chool ha. <·ver had. Th<'rt' '' <'J'e I wo tPams to be playpd which '' t'r't' reputPtl to he th<' h<'.t in the state, and which had n<•n•r· hdm·p Pncotmtt•n•d a 'lwmpaign t<'am. 'l'ht>st• "PI'<' Stt·<•ator· and Lant' TPch, and tlw pfficiPnt and ati factory lllanrH'I' in '' hich they wPr' defeatrd came as a complt'tt• . ur;>ri. e to Champaign rootpr·s, for· 1lw matpr·ial did rrot appear· PXC<'ptionally good at the beginning of tlw sPason. The total scorP, J 9 to 14, i'i not nearly a: lar·gp a in former yt>ar·s, hut this year· tlw tPam md exceptionally str·ong tt>an1.. Four· of the :<·ven tt•ams playrd wcr·e defl'atcd only hy our plev<•n- rcola, I ankakce, StrPator·, and 1 rhana. Tlw :-;tat<• championship for· this yPar has h<'<'ll concrd<•cl to Champaign hy Bck<•r·sall, of the Chican-o Tribune. It w·a indeed a championship :<•ason!


The first tw·o game.- wet'e rather hard, hut just thr kind nrrdrd to prepare t\.t<' team fol' th<• lH'xt ••am . Str<•ator· "as rcputcd to he a vcr·y strong tram, but in the fit·st thl're qual'tcrs out' hoy. pil<•d up 27 points. In the la.·t, howcvcr, the 'i'iitot·s ral]i('(l and ran up 14 points. Te.·t came the game with lJane T<•ch,-the fir. t we have had with a nol'thrrn t<•am for ycars, and <'Specially important IH'cau. <' a .''<'t no hicago team had ddPatcd hampaign. In . pite of their rrputation thry crawled out on the small <•nd of a 2 -0 score. Th<' victory cr·eat<'d much int rest among tlw root<'rs following the record. of thr school, and rvet·yone beo-an to wonder if th<• "impos:-;ihle" really would happ<'n anoth r 1000 percrnt team. They didn't have to wondrr long. Dam·ille was ea. ily per·suadr<l to go home with the small <'nd of thr 63 to 0 scorr, and th next wt'ek Alton found out that it couldn't run up a .-ingle point on our boys. Thr 33 point held hy out· team '' r·e all made in the fir·st half. ft<•r· thrir rrturn fr·om Alton thr l\far·oon and \Vhite put in two wr<>ks of hard practice upon the fundampntals of football, for only hy usc of the fundamt'ntnl pr·inciples could thl'y hop<' to ddt>at such a tram a. rr·hana had. Thcir practict• was wdlrPwardt•d, too, for in one of thr hardest and best g-ame, thi. school has <'Y('r' playPd tlH' ht>st tpam rrbana }laS had for ycar'i llld its dt'fcat. 'l'hc victory "as w·pll par·npd, for· tlw Urbana Pkn•n fought hard and wrll Pvery minute of tlw gam<'. That "a tlH' rea'ion the g-am<' wa tht lw ·t \\ P h:n-c t'l'n for a long timt>-hecausc hoth team gaY<' all tht>y had and rt'fusPd to quit. lt will hr look<•d hack to with mingled pride :rnd J'<'!.!,Tl't, for such a victot·y comt' · only once in a gn•at "hilt>.

I 1/1} f< ur

The Fifth Consecutiv Thou and Percent Team Dr\\"hi1·. t, right rncl right tackle Dooll'n, right guaJ'([ lh PJ'ton, C<'Jll<'l' !--\cho\1< JJg( J'dt, ldt gual'(l B:vt(']', l!·ft tac·kl<' , \ ]p('l'S 1 )!'fj (•Jid Pi<·kPlls. right halflnH·k I•'J·al<Ps, fullback Bal'l'ackx, ldt halfhack Il al'l'ington ( •aptain), quaJ't!'rback ~IichaPI,

The "C" M n .\ lpPrs, Barracks, Haxti'J', f) p" hi1·st, Dool<•n, Fox, Fntk s, H anington, ::\ I iclJac•l, Prton, P ickl'n s, P ixl!'J', • 'c·ho\1 <·ng<'rdt.


cond T an1


lludnut, \Y ooldrich, . \. L<'P, ~('haJ'(IPin, Danil'lso

1,. 'oudl'J"s, ll o\\'dl, Yano.,

.A .• f. LcP, } l cK a.', Fo.·, ·ol'l·is, DP<'Jll, \Y altns, Lal'l'.\ . .Alft'('(l P ixiPr \\<IS Oil tJ,p first li'Hlll dUJ·in/4 tiH· fin.t }l<ll't bt>C<Iltl<' ini'Jigib]p


or thl'



of his ag(•,

Schedule For 1920 I I. ~ . .......... 1:1 ( ·. 11 . ~ ........... 10 ( ·. 1I. ~ ........... :!I

< '.

<'. II. ~ ........... :2 <'. I l. . ' ........... ti:l <'. 11. : ... . ...... . :n c. ll. !'-\ ..... . ..... :2-t


. \ n·ola ............ 0 l 'ankak<'P ..... . ... 0 . 'tr·l'ator· .. . ....... 1-t L.lll<' Tl'ch ........ 0 D all\·ille .......... 0 • 1t ()Jl • . . . . . . • . . . . . 0 t ·r·hana ......... . . 0

1-t h/tJ

fi• c

Football P rsonals

0EOIWE ll.\RHI!'\<JT<V: Permit n to intr<><lu<·e you to the on<> and only J)ps. II an·ington: ma~ ht• ~on 'n• hPanl of him beforP. lle was eaptaiu and qm1rtt>rhaek of that 1!)20 football t<•am. Do you rpmemlwr ahout DPss in that ohl Thanksgiving gam<> on lllinoi.· Piehl ! Oh bo~· ! lie ·ure wa.· rem·in': wading around there knt'<'-det>p in glory with his shirt torn of't'. \Vt>ll: h<>n•\ a f<'w otlwr little things about him: he amwxc1l two ''(''s" in football; play<>d in <'very ganlP for· two yutrs. halfhal'k and qwtr·tpr; and to cap the t•limax he wa. named for all- tate quarterba<·k in 1920.

P\l'L DEWIIIR, ' T: \Vcll, W<'ll, i.f h re isn't Paul D \~­ hirst. In addition to hi other accompli hmt'nts, Paulic i a football player of the first rank. This and his h<>ing a good fplJow acl'ounh for tlw fact that he is to he c·aptain of tht• 1!l21 tpam. DPspite thi.· being hi fir t football ''C." he made a name for himsplf holding down right erul. Hc>rc 's \\ ishing you and yont• tPam good luek ll<'Xt yPaJ'. Paul!


Football Per nal

Lio.' cJ, )IH' IIH: J, : \Ye ha,·e with u · ''Youn~ ~lib>." an all-at·ouiHl foot hall far. I fp <·an pia~ fullha<·k . halfh;u·k, ta<·klt>. and end with equal d'fi<·it'n<·y. and i. · Oil<' of the d<·adli<•sf f<H·kiPrs that PVPI' pla.Hd for('. II. N. )Jik<' i 111<' po~s< ·. sur of t hn'<' footha 11 "(' \" and has hPPU a big- f<t<·tor in makinl.!' that liw -yrar·s-without-a-dr.J'eaf rr<·ord that \\C haw. ln addition to thi he "·a, fullha<"k on .Jack's all-state fpam of 1!)1 !l.

,J DfK' B IHH \CK ·: Gaz<' upon the . mnry <'OlllltPtHlll<'<' of .J irn Hatt'a<'ks. This I O,\ i>; omc !'cot hall pia~ <'I' awl that·.· no kiddin'. l ie has gathrt'Pd up two"('\" in that sport. ThP way h<• pla.1 ~d fpf't half <·onvin<·<•d cvPryhod~ that he Pat'rH·d thPnl. -li1n i OIH' of the hPsf-11aturrd oul alive hut 1hat do1·s not hind<•r· him from g'<'f tin(.!' in d<>ad Parnrst wh<>n hP '<'<'"' a j ob in front of hi!ll, SIH·h as do\\ ninl.(' a nmnpr or· lllakint: a foll<·hdo\\ 11. )Jr. Bat'l'a<'ks ;tlso ;u·hit'Y<'d the hmu I' of h•inQ" pla<·<•d 011 the all- tatP tPmn of l!l:.!O .

•lou PJ<'KE . : "\ h \'('"'· aiHl lwrp i .Johtlll~· Pi<·kPns . 'orne halflHt<·k 11a -Jolunr.~· . Ilt> wa · a fa. t OJWII fi<·ld r·tmncr· and <·ottld hit thP litH' . OJIIP awful li<·ks whPn II<'''"" ary. -John i a 111<111 of <'Xfl!'t'i<·IH'C, havint:· won two " (' · ·' in foot hall. Tfp 11'<1-. a 1.:'< od t:l'O\lll<] gainPr' and mad<• hi o.;Jrar·c of' the totwhdmrn.. -Johnn.1 \ ahilit~- <·onYim·t>d tht> <·riti<· and land(•d him a pia<·<' a all stafp lralf'ba<:l;: in l!l~O l'i<-1-\ tl<'<'(''"'or· \\'ill have to uo '-'OilW to fi!llri o,;ho<· in tlw h;H·I·fi<·ld.

I 1 I)

<1 •

Fo tball Per onal . \RTtti ' R Dow.~-: .· : \Ye han• tlw honor of IH'<',·<>ntiHg to yon .\rt Doolc·H. Esq .. football playPr. Tlw tran!!e thin!! about .\rt i. that he had st·an·PI,\· en•n ('<'ll a football ganw bd'nn• he c·ame to ( '. IL :--;_ thi · yPat·. .\nd now c·onw the stt'HII!!<' part of this ta]p list<'ll c·losp]y; .\rriYP<l at afot'<'aicl ( '. II. :--; ..•\ r·t takPo; to foot hall a a l>ntdnnan takt•s to ·anerkrant. ancl prot·e<>cls to make a noi ·(• likr a :tar t'i!!ht t <H·Idt• whit· h he was. •\ 11<l t h 11 rnd our· \\'OtHlron ua rr·atin• with.\. Dool(•n. the proud possps.or of a football "C.''

~L\R l s OYERTOX: .\ncl now appear tlw smilin~ fate of '' Dook" ()ypt·ton upon this bt·i!!hl pa~c· of faJll(' , I low doe hP !!et }J(•n•! \\'h~ a~ ~ :\Iarl' is the llllow that inY< ntc·cl tlw job of c·Pnt<>r. That· a fad~ . 'urP. and he pia~ ed t•tHI Jwforl' that. 'l'hosC' \\'C't'(' tlw pn ... itinn \\ ht>re ht> "< n hi two foothall "(''." .\. piYot man he tore 'pm up propt•r; in f<H·I, ht• "as thP all-state t·t' llll't' of 1[1~0 .

•Joii . FR \KE:-o: .\ a plunging fullback .Johnny Frakt• · was a howlin!! sttt't'<' s. .\nd at halfha<·k ht• \\'a: somdhing a !!noel clt>al likt• that. The• truth of thi matter is that ht> lws takt•ll 1111to him t>lf font' ( .f ) " ( '' ·'' in football. .\11cl nlllt> ntott' tl'ltl h j.., that hP ''a. all-,.,tatt• t'nllh:u·k ot' '1 and ·~o. Tlw l'ad is that .John is an all-arotmd athl<'lr . •\lth< ugh inPli!!ihlc• for· h;hkethall and tr<H·k thi ypar he has madt• a JlaJIIt' fot· him p]f in them. lit• ha :H'quin•t! thrt•t' IPitt'J'" itt h;hk..thall; "''"' t·aptain 'l!l a11d ':.!0: and was all-di trid r\lnllill~ guard tlw allH' ~·par·.... Irr ha eot'ttrrl'd t\\·o trac·k ldters and was (•aptain of the l!l~O tl•atll.

}· jf t)


The 1920--21 Basketball Season JL<' anyonr

should happrn to ask you, t ll thrm that this wa.· an rxtra-"'ood y<'ar· for basketball at ('. II. ~- Onr of th hrst t am.· m y ar; wa.· produced and the credit goes laq.~<'ly to 'oach Van Liew. Out of a total of twenty games played, :rvrntecn wei'(~ won and thn•c lost, which is a rrmarkahly high pcr·c<•ntage when the anrage ahility <•t' the oppmwnts is consid red. Thr first defeat, a minor on , about tlw fint cf the srason, was w'ben Paxton spilled the beans on her home floor by .1 19 to 17 count. The next comr<lown occurred the middlr of the ra. on whrn th0 bO)S stubbrd their toes on Lrxington and came out on thr small enc1 oi' a 29 to ~4 score. !<'rom tht•n on th Tm·oons "'<'rc unheatahlr until put out of thr state tournamrnt by '<'w Trier, 29 to 28. This year's crew has mC't and downed sevrral of thr ·trong teams of th" stat<', among whom are H. V<'rnon, C'rntralia, Danvillr, ('linton, and rbana.

Part of thr credit for th<•sr d<•cc1s of valor must crrtainly b confel'l'e•l upon the econd team. A good many schools would be proud to b repres nted by a quintet of it. calibre. Jt playrd Champaign's entire . chl'dule in the district tournament with the xception of the last game. ln fac·t the . econd t<•am numb red in its lineup the high . t individual scorer of tl1c tovrnament, 11 Swede'' Olson. They wer rewarded, a. well as the fir. t team, by b ing pre. en ted with a coveted "C'." This year th old Maroon and \Vhitc walked off with the distr·ict tournament for the foueth cons<'Cutive time by playing a schedule of four game hampaign had to go to the trouble of beating rbana wit bin thirty hour.. in the finals, which made the third time of the . ea. on that the Orange and Black f 11 before the attack of . H. ". C'oach Van Liew i. a gn•at fellow to train a big hun h of boy. and had four distinct teams on his roll call thi:) ear. Th following WC'l'e th m mber: of tho. C' team. : Third Team Fir. t Team , loan 0\'<'rton ( apt.) Fox Harrington P. Doolrn A. Doolen Rchowengr1·dt Picken. \ illiamson Lruck Dewhirst Pourth Team .'<•cond Team A. Fitzwilliam SulliYan -:\fax"·ell Olon Lisenby Ruckman Larry Hain es Punly \ onis -:\fcKay

The 1920--21 Basketball Season Contmued

These are the teams, unfortunates for the most part, who bucked the ·team roller of the ~Iaroon: and the re ·ult: of their bucking: 'hampaiO'n :ti vs. Paxton 2:2 - lwrp -:n " ~~ aho1nt>t(i - herp - 1 ~I " Paxton " l!l -thrn' 1 -:~.) " l'rbana 2 -lwn' 0 " C'Pntralia :w -lwrc " - :~:2 " \Vabt>ka 2:~ .._ tlH.'re " 1.) ·ht>n' -:3. '' ~\rcola" :2!) hPI'l' I u " LPxingtou" 1!) " Danvill(• 17 h (' l't' " -17 '' l'rbana 1 ther·c ;) '' Amt>r. 1,pgion- :i- lwrc " - :2:{ " ,\r('O)a1;) - thPI'(' " :2:3 '' \VatsekaL>- hrre " ;H) " Clinton 1:i-lwrr 'l'IIB DIS'IRIC'l' TO( RXA:\IE. 'T llELD A'l' PRB.Al T,\ Champaign-:3 vs. Philo1:5 " 7 " Hoopeston 1() '' 1 '' IJongview- l 0 " -24 " l 1 bana- 11 PtA>YD lTEN E. ~. '21.

The State Tournament


ilE vi('toriou :\Iaroon and White, champions of thi. di trict for thr fourth con eeutive year, entered the . tate tournament with the firm re olve to make a nam for themselve . Their first game was against the :\It. Vernonite., . tate champions of 1fl20, who appearrd with practirally the am team a. lru t ~·ear. How vrr, after the ganw tartrd, it soon became evident that the,\· were outclassed in srveral ways b~· the rampant . II. , . 'ers and were enabh'<l to , tay in the rnnning only b.Y tlw '('n~ational work of tlwir . tar forward, ::\tiller. Champaign won hy a tenpoint margin-:n to 27. In the evening of the same day, . II. , . wa billed. for a . cnffie with the • \•w Tri<'r aggregation. one of the. tronge:t tParns in hi<'ago. ThiR game turned out to be what was afterward termpd the best and hardest fought game of the tournament. Both team maintained a killing pace through the who! battle although IJPither wa. able to gain a decided advantag<'. Putting on stt>am to th la t notch in the final quarter the 1.\Tarllon: w(:'rE' ah iP to ~H·<·umnlate a thrrepoint l<'ad. Th<'n • ·ew Trier seored and 'hampaign' · adYantage wa~ rednc <l to one point. IIow(:'ver, with only a f w . econds to play, it looked a though . IT. 8. was the victor; hut, instantaneously with the final gun, one of the So.rt. lttn

The 1920--21 Basketball Season Contmued

vi. ·itors <lropp d the hall through the ring and the victory wac:; snatched away. Thr local 'inpporh'n; were stunned by the ratastroplw. • ' ew Trier won third plac·e next day. . It was a bitter pill to take hut thC're i no lt. <' <•J'ying ovrr spilt milk• .Although Champaign High , C'hool did not placP, it won fame that will not be lost in a day. These are the results that made that fame: Champaign :n v · ~It. Vernon 27 - 2, '' . ' ew T1·ipr- 2!l " }'I.oYo Ih~ ~~Es:. '21.

Basketball Personals l\L\Rcu. OvERTO : This man was the captain of that '20- '21 ha. kctball team. IT e is known as "~fare" and "Duke" and "our fighting captain." Thi. is tlw second season he ha won a " " by playing <·enh'r in that inimitable way of hi . lie i a tall, lanky bird (a. you know). and in the tate tournament game with 1\lt. Vernon he paralyzrd their offense by getting th tip-off every tim . Iarc recl'ived honorable mention for the all-state team thi season. IIi ho s will be hard to fill next ~·ear.

PA L DEWlliRST: Thi good-looking chap i one of the be. t tanding guards Champaign ha: ever had. Paul i the captain-elect and it i. mighty fine that hr will he back n xt year. IIi· playing wa: worth looking at at all time.. Bven iu practice games he was sure to pull off . ome brilliant work. "Paulie" wa picked for the all-di trict team this year.

Basketball Personals ARTin R DooLE : Yep, this i "the gentleman from KinmurHly.'' Poor boy, he eau 't help it h cau.· lw i~ a ba~ket­ uall .tar; just remember that his nam i · Doolen. This wa Art's only year at C. II. . but take it from u.·, he gathered up plenty of glory in tho!oie . hort nine months. li wa: named a' a forward on the all-di ·trict t am and earned honorable mention for all- tat<• team by hi. work in th . tate tournam nt .

•Jo11 PICKE .·: \Vithout previous experience in the art of basketball, Johnny eame out thi year, cinched the job of running guard, and ('arned hi first and la t " " in bask tball. lie wru a hard fighter and played a fast, steady game. Ile must have b(•en good becau. e he got honorable nwntion for th all-state team. which i. quite an honor con:id<>ring the number of good player. to pick from.

rEORGE IL\RRI 'GTO T: Permit u to introduce to you Mr. George Harrington, otherwise de. ignated a. "De .. ," "Little • · Peasda,'' etc., etc. 8om<' p<'ople cv n have th t<'nwrity to <·all him "the fighting Iri.hman." \Vdl, that'· not far wrong, for De.·. i: orne fighter, all right. Thi. wa. the first y<'ar he played ha. kcthall for . H . • . Oh ye., he· copp d otr honorable mention for all-state fon\ anl too.

~utv jour

Ba ketball Personal

llJ:HnLHT L\HitY: \Veil~ WPII, hPr<•': our olcl f'ri<'JHl ''Tau" LatTy. Ill' had a tead.'· job at forward alternating between thr first and se<·otHl tPams, you must remrmbrr. Urrhrrt did sonw g-ood mll·k all ri!!ht. both hefor and in th distrid totJJ'Jl<lliH'llt. liP was a fast floor man and could <·over his man as well a · make hi . share of the core. Thi \Vas hi· fir. t ycm· out for ha. hthall.

Ah ha! .'o it is you, i it Buford~ Y , it i. Buford. He wa. a member of that redoubtabl cond team. the runnin'"' guard in fact, and a good one, ·o good that he wa frequently een on the fir t team. This wa hi. first y<•ar at th game of ba kctball. Purely covered him elf with glory in th . tate tournament game with .1\lt. V •rnon hy maki1w a ringer almo t a. oon a. lw got in. BuFORD PuRDY:

The "C" Club T


"('"Club wa.· org-aniz<•d in the fall of 1916 hy our formcd'oa('h('outchic. Its member:;hip is honorary. con i, ting only of tho. e who have won major "("'·''in om branch of athleti<·s. The c·lub promote. clean portman. hip. school loyalt,\ and hmw ty in athh•tic r<'lation. hip . Its offic<•r at prPscnt arc: Harold ~Iichacl, presid nt; ,. •orgc Harrington, vi<·e-prc ·Hlent; James Barrcwks, secretary; and lllarcu Ov<>rton, tr asurcr. The mcmlw1· · now pr<'S<•nt in . ehool are Lionel ~Ii ·hael, .T<•s.·e Dool<>n, ~\lfr d Pixler, 'harl<'s Deakin, ,John Frakt>s, ::O.Iarcm; OV<•rton, Jam . Barrack, Harold :\Iichael, Thomas :O.Iorrow, Charlr Danielson, Geor'"'e Harrington, ,John Pi<'hns. Ha~ mond ~,ox, ,John . :\ lprr<>, John Baxt r, Arthur Doolen, \Yilliam Rchowrng(•rdt. Paul D<>whirst, Ev('r<•ttv Olson, Glen Bell, Robert l\T<'Kay, Ilcrh<'ri T;any, Buford Purd~ aJI(l l farold , 'ullivan. Si.rty·fit·c


J.\~tE~ B \RH.\CK~: This is a pidun• of the wPil-known faee of ,J anws Barracks, captain of the 1!)21 tra<'k team. lie i. a hurdlt>r and relay man. Oh yes, he's CJuite ·orne rela~· er·. He wa on that C. IT . .'. rrlay !Pam tha broke the rer·0rd for the half mile. Thi ~Par make.· ,Jimmy' ·ec·on<l "("'in this branc·h of athlPtiC'.


Track ill.' ~PHI ' has h1't'n thP 1110st sue<'tssful trac•k ,\!'HI' that ( 'hampaign lw . 1' \ ' l' l' \\itnl'"st•<l. ThPr< • was a gTPat ahtlndan<'P of mat t>rial. as has ht•t•n tht• I'll,, d m·in!! all of' tlw -d10ol ~ t'ar, and what i JnorP. tlw mat<•l'ial was !.!<od . ThP first llll'l't, tiH• Bntdlpy Polytl·<·hni<·. on i\lay 7, was !'Hsil,\• won by 0\11' hoy . Pit·k<·n <'I a Ill'\\ l'<'<·ord for thP 440 ..' a!'(! da h. and tht • r!'lay t Pam low<' l'<'d the Jli'<•Yious l'<'<·ord forth<' half.Jnil<• rl'la.'· h." thi'P<' s<'<'OlHls. Th<' JH•xt lll<'t't. on ~Ia.'· 14. \\Hs hl'ld hy tlw Ea tl'J'n Illin01 . Ol'lllal . '<·h nol. at ( ' hcuh·ston. ('hampaig-n \\as <'XJH'l'tt'd to win, and this slw did l'asd.'. \\inning)'.ix fir t and totalling .J-;) points. Ovprton broke the r<'<·ord for thr ~~O.yard low lmnll<' ·,running tlwm in :2!i :01. Tlw hoy al o hroug-ht homp tlw <·up whi<·h wa present<•<! to the vidor in the !'(•lay.


For tlw nrxt nH'<•t the <·oaeh *'<'<']>tP<l the im·itation of the new ~lillikPn JnteJ'sl'holastie ~IPPI . •\. a reward to all thww who had worked hard in tlw tra<·k aud. spring- football pradi<·e, tlwy \\'f.'re taken to De<·atnr to se the nwd. ~\ · u ual, the .·hield award<•d. for first place was presf.'nted to tht• Champaign team. Both tlw half-mil<• and tlw mil rplay were "on by our team. too: aud a. thi. wa the first year of th meet all of the boy: who won fir.-t plaee.· st•t record·. Then' i · one more m et in which the team will partieipatt•-the Int<>rseholastic :\J<>et at Illinoi.· and for the first time hampai:.,'1J has a prPtty fair C'hane • of winning. Th team doe.· not on i. t of just one . tar thi. year-there are . everal, and "ith Overton in the hurdlrs, Baxter, Dabney. Picken and 0 '.'pill in the da. h<s, and Dooh•n and BPII in the <listan<'<' runs, th <·han<•e for hringin~ home the shwld are un.·ually good, for it doe not tak many point to win a big- mePt like the Illinois IntPr. eholastie i this year. The tra<'k . ason <'lHl.· the athh•ti<· .'ear at 'hampaign. and it <'HI! well h<> .·aid that it ha.· heen one of the most .·ne<·e ful year. the ·('}wol ha. <•ver had . •'he has heen hh• ·s<•d "ith two thing whi<'h rare I.' come togrther-fir t-('la. · mat •rial and a fir t-<·la.·s <'Oal'h . •\nd a. for n xt ycm·- a good part of the mat<•rial will lw hal'k, and if it is in the J)O\\ rr of the ehool authoritie ·. th eoach will II • l1a<·k.


The m<•mhers of thr tra<·k tPam who havp hr<'n takrn along on th<' variou · trip, arP Overton, l'ieken .. Dabney. Baxter, Bell. Dooh•n. Tnn•ll. 01 on, \Yilliam:on , Dewhirst. ~\lp<•r .• 'orton. Ll'lnnan, Barraek. and 0 ·. \•ill.

The State Inter chola tic M et

)lay ~1. for the fir-..t tinw in tlw history of the ehool, thP tra<·k t<·am \\'()1) thP Illinois lntt'rs<·hola tie lll<'<'l at th<• 1TnivPrsity of Illinoi . The total umnhPI' of points a<·<!uir<·d wa. :3 -1~ morp than tlw team which won . eeond pia<·<'. ThP hoy al o won tlw half-mile rPiay. The phPnonwnal howing of the rcu·k l<'~lln thi y<'ar is duP to tht> fad that thP t<'am ha an unu.·ual 1111111lH'r of ~fOod lllt'll. In fa<·t, 1~ of tlwm won their letters in track thi. year . T

.S...-t ~

n g/ t

Minor Athletics WDDIL'U :\"DER the rxcell!•nt coaching and I adership of [r. C'harl!'S Crook, wimming !'O<H'h, that art has progrt>ss!'d by !Pap. and bomHb this yrar at ('. H. ~- ('oa!'h Crook"i has, in a systPmati!' way, gonr about the instnwtion and training of tlw hoyli and has done worHlrrs. ~\ -;wimming team wru organized and two meet were :t• heduled with {' rhana. Tiow!'\'!'r. for various rpason., thi. plan was abandoned and the t!•am dishandPd. ;\lr. ('rooks tlwn broa!'hr<l tlw snhjc!'t of an intnl-mural homp meet and hi"i I-ingg stion was n•<•t•ived nthusia-;ti<'ally. Evrry bo.' in "i!·hool who could . wim wa.' to h' Pligiblc for entry. TIH'S<' ho.' s W!'l't' to be divided into two ()'roup. , a· ordin.,. to ability; ea!'h group cntit·!'ly separat from the other. The plan materializ!'d. In the latter part of ~lay the meet wa. held with great SlH'l't'S.. Hup1•rvised b.v the coaehing cla · of the 1 niversity, everything \\'l'llt off smoothly and the ribbon w r duly awarded. Event included dash of various length and stroke, and the plunge for di ·tanc . It i hoped that Mr. Crooks will b with u next year to k p up the good work and turn out ome real water-dogs from hampaign High hool.


lncrea ed interest in golf has been . hown thi · year at C. II. . Thi intere. t was fost!•red by the home me!'t in whieh golf wru included. In it Royal ,'tipe took fir;;t plae , Cullen Kariher econd, r~yle :\"a.·h third, and William Rehoweng(•r<lt fourth. in addition to whom was Vpmon Williamson, who did not place. Tlw hoy;; k<•pt on working and ~tipes and Kariher were taken to th ~lilliken me t at D1•eatur. The sanw men w!'r euteeed in the Int!•rselwlasti!' meet at the rniwr. ity.

~\lthough tlwy W!'l'!' handi!·apped for want of a convenient plae!' to praf'tiee, the tenni. enthnsia. b; got together and decided to play anyhow. ~o thp~· proeerded to pradiee, genrrally on the lTniver. ity courts, in preparation for the home mePt in whirh tennis singles was to h!' an item. After some stitf conqwtition the nwn who plaeed prowd to h1• \Vard. Pnrdy, A. Fib:william and • towe. 'l'he r!'st of the squad who work!>d luu·d but did not pla!'e eonsist!•d of Og!l n, }'raleY and ~·ash. I.t i hoped that the time is not fat· di'ltant when C. II. ,'. will have lwr own court· upon which lwr t!'nni. pla~·ers may dev lop thpir prowes'>. l•ntil th('n it i. lik •ly that this great ooame will remain a minor . port at hampaign High H<•hool. FLOYD liE

E. R,



a k tball T an1



Girl ' Basketball T earns




I R .\ct 'I • "'"

Girls' Basketball Tournament


HE athktic gamr of tlw year afford1•d the <Yirb of the Jlioh School i Baskd Ball. Thi. · ~car tlw practic Pxh•ndt>d O\ l'l' a pcr·iod of . C\'Cll week . Its popularit~ "as shown hy th' con. taut ath•rHlancl' to r·pgul:u· practice by cightJ -ih·" girl:. Estlwr (leip and ,Jpnuie Howell coaclwd the Fr·eshmcn: Hazel Iungcrich and Maur·inr Smith, the' ~ophomorC's; Doris "William· and Yol •tta B 'I'm, the' Junior : arul Trent Path•ngalP and ~l;ll'lan Blaine, the ._ eniors, mHl<'r tlH' UJH'n ision of ~lis.· ,Jorws. ThPre "as hPatPd r·i,·alr-y bet \\ l'<'ll tlw , 'ophomon's and Juniors up to the Ycr·y end of the coutPst, but thr ,Junior ·, \\ ith their rxcelknt team "·ork, finally \\on thr tour·rramrnL which wa. held .. 'o> mber the sen•nt\'enth, ei•Yhteenth, and twrnty-. Pcond. ~

R. K. :M. l<'RE, 'Ill\IA ... Tl'.:Al\1

ln•n • tyan, 'aptain fal'ian (l hrk<• Vi vi an C: eip ..

C:enrYa oubrdy Lois ~mith Dor·othy Templin OPHO~fORE


Vol tta Becm, Captain Dol'othy lark :\Iarian Blainr fildr·ed Arm. tron<Y Pauline' \Valkrr Adeline Lirr·num

Yrryl HC'aly fary M<'ad J<•ss ip IIoldrrman Helen B. Finch Doroth)· Koogler ::\Telis. a :Morn~scy



faurinr , mith, aptain Dor·othy ,...;tyan Tr·e\ ,t Pattengalc Ruth ouberly Elizahrth Kinzie

Hazrl IungPrich

M alwl "\Vat t Mari<' fajor·~ JrnniC' Howell

,'E IOR TEA 1 Margaret Lang, ornelia orth Rober·ta foorc


ath nne \Yilcox \Vhite Ruth Higgins


Eloi:c Earne. t






Mol cule

HE ~loiP<:tdP \\as puhlish<•d ttlldl'l' \'1'1'.' 111an.' difficult iPs tlli .' C'<ll'. Prohalll.' til• fit-.t l'f'al dtftit·Hlt.l· 11as tht• sPlt•f'tillg of a .·tatl' 11ili<·h \l"<ndd 1101k and hf' 11 illill!.! to spPnd it spat'<' till!<' 011 th<• JHIJH'I'. Durin!.! tiH· <'111<•-.tt•J' th<· tall' \\a <·hHII!..<'d J'('Jl<'.tl<'dl.'·· 1111til at Ia t th<· papPI' \\its put out b.1 thP 1ollowlllg fc11 JH'oplt•: Lt•-.li<' .\lillf't'. Ho Ill' ('hild. ('hal'lt· l>auip] . . on. Fl< 'd llt>Uilf' . ~hPldnn \\'t':tl't t'. I lol'flt il.1 ~t•·t·n. Haymond \\'illiau1son. l'anlin. ~~~ w•lwrt. () 11ald I lorn, Hoynl ~tip<·-. nnd .lttilllita Hob< rtson. \'pry t't•\\' JH'opk J'hlliz,. tiH• .mwuut of work it ta ,,. to puhli It a font·- ilt•t•t paJH'l', l'\'f'n hi-\\'<'<'kl,l. and llllly those 11 ho \\ot·kPd 011 the . . tail' •·an proud!.'· -.ay 1\'hnt tilt'.'' ha,·,~ a<·<·ompli l~t·d. It 11 a . aid h.1 soli I<' that th<'.' dol!htPd \'<'1',\ nnwil if 11 <' <·otdd nt.tk• a sw·•·<• s of thf' papt•r, \\ hi<·h "<h not a n•r.v <'ll<·out·agin!.! ha is on whi<·h to start. ThPn too. 1ht• ad\'all<·t•d <·ost of printin!.!. at l<•a,;f .)() P<'l' <"<'Ill int·n•ns<' ovt•t' Ia t .' utt•' · l'att•, Jl<'<·<·s it at •d a hi!.!ht•t· suhs<·t·iptiou pri<·f': though Wl' will '-'HY that th<' tu<knt body di<l <:OJlll' <l<'l'o sand upport it loyall.'·· To ..\It·.. \ndt>rsoll. without a doubt, lH'Im1g· tll<' honor of makill!.! tlH· ~lok<·ttlP a U<'<'P "· It wa. tllr·out:h hi untiring· work. kno\1 lt•d!!<' of .ionrJw]i..,Jll. aud !!<'llt•ral managt'llH'Jlt, that th<• .\lol<·<·ul<• <·ontilllwd its <·xi tl'JH·P. Hay \\'illimn on dt''-l'l'H' pntisp for th<• <'."<'f'll«"nt au<l <·ffi<·iPnt mamH•r in which lH• . olif'ited a<lnrtising. and th<• lwlp whi<·h it g"<I\'C to the fi11an<·ial rnd. The ~IolN:ulc ha<1 an PXt<•JJ. iY<' <•xehan~e throughout the state, and rankr<l high, m·pa spd only h.' filii<' oft]](' lal'!!<'. 'or·thPI'll hig-h. <·hool, in hoth mak<•-up and uhje<"t matter.


\Ve who haYr workt>d for 1h<' ut'<'l'"s and fntm·p of the ..\folf'<'Ul<' in<·<'r<'ly hop<' it will he <·ontinu<'d n<·xt .'car·. that th<' s<·hool will suppor·t it. mrd that it "ill h <'OJne a hi~g<'r. h<'ttcr and mon• wid<'l.' rpad pap<'r. "f4n<•t·• tt) th<' :\foi<'<'Ull' and ih <•ditor and stafl' of ll<'Xt y<'ar."

L. R :\I., '21.


tfuruo r Rol>e.,. t

:X.ntor [qrtor Lors Ha.rr2:j

Ecmor--m Chte..f Chdr/e.s lJo.ntelson.

Art f:dttor MAt:.:J G.,.tfft n

SophomoYe. Ed ,tor Ro_ya.l .St•r~a

Fresh l'nd.'t\. Edt tor F'rlt..nce.s Plnk.st~~of'f .

The Athletic A ociation HE .\ . ~\ . in this last year ha, taken one of the mo t important plat'' m hig-h chool. due to tht eontiuued \ ietorie. of our football. ha. k •tball and tr·ack h'am" It mt>mlwr hip i uppo ·ed to ron i t of thP wholt .·rhool, aJHl it not onl~ pa~ for new athlehe apparatu · and equipment. but al o pay quite a um toward the coaeh \ "alary. for ~oach \~an Liew i worth n.neh mor than the ·hool hoard ean ,lf1ord to pa,\ . The a "emhl.'' puiod i often tnrnetl over to thi · or..!anization. and it u e.· them to cn•att> enthu ia.m and to ~ 't b, ·kinrr for tht. ··hool team .


Tht• officers for thi · l,l t .''ear were: :\I ilhurn In!!le. pre itieut: C harle Dani •I 011. Yir -pre ident: IIJ!fla Porter. ecretary: :\fr. Yau Liew. trea ur r.

The Latin Club


th fall th !Jatin 'lub organized and wi. ely elect d the following offic<•r.·: PrP ident, Pauline Swinehart; vic -pr :ident, Hobert Pi.·her; <'<'retary, Howard \YatTen; and trea ·urer, Clifton DeiJong.

'l'he :enion; .tartNl the entertainment. with an inter ting program, during which the audienc' wa. tran ported from the rosy region of th worlJ. to the dark, damp region of Hade.. • Text the ,'ophomore.· ang ·o . weetly a. to <·onjure up the Elysian ield., with Orpheu: amid the weet flow N and balmy breez<·s of :pring. .At·ound the natal day of 't. Valentine the .Junior· pre ented a play, and althoutrh those not <·og-nizant of the Latin tong-u<' may have thought the ct'JH' was laid in Hades, the Latin ,'l'rih lm ten to a.·sure them that it was a "horne life" sl'etH', rendPI'ed in pl rfr< t Latin. 1\ fterward: everyone acl,journ<'d to th<' mu ic room and Pnjoy<•d g-anw · and food. of whieh latter th re would have hl"en a great plenty if the Fre hnwn had not been pr<' ·ent. The club also houcrht a lm t of ae ar and a statue of tlw \Ying('(l Yietory, whi<'h were to decorate the cla .. room and . erve a. inspiration to all future Latinish. rrhey wen• ehos n by a committee composed of :Jli s Beach .• Ii · :\los . Ruth Iliggin. and Tathalie Dodge. _\ gr at deal of tlw credit for the su<'<'e ·. of the eluh g-O<''i to :Jii~ B('aeh and :Jiiss :Jio s, for it JS only through tlwir untiring •fl'ort · that the dub ·ouh1 acl'omplish a.· mueh a it ha . 1.




El Circulo D


_CJR(TI:O D~ E::-IPA. 'OL is a strono- breeze in th<' whid of or·ganizatlons at (. ll. ::-;_ \V<' ar·t• , 'paniar·ds of th<'. chool, and a. :uch W<' ft><.'l that W<' han• madt• somC' rt>al progr·<'ss. Thi.· is thC' fh·:t year th<'r·e ha. en•r be<.'n a .'pani~h Cluh at C'. II . .'. and thus far four me<.'tings have bt><'n conduct('(! and t>njoy<.'d in Dccemb<.'r, l<'ehruary, April and l\fay I'C'Sp<.'ctively. ThesC' m <'tings havt> includNl son1e vC'ry intt>r'<'. ting pro<>'rams, consi. ting of light Npanish play - Iu.·ic by our· "own" or·chC'stra, , 'pani. h costum(' dancing, and of cour. <' "cats." Food plays a lar•gt• par·t in th life of a Hpaniard. At thP heal of thC' club ar·<' :omc v<'ry <.'fficicnt officer·.-as presidt>nt, Lyl<' Layman; vice-pr<'siclPnt, Paulin <' \Valk <'r; S('Cr<'tcu·y, Mar·gar<'t McDonnl'll and Ployd Luttrell, who has chargp of the vast . um: of mon<•y in til<' coffers. Tlw comlllitt<•e which is r·psponsihh• for the pr·ograms has a its chail'llwn dt>linc Li t>rman, assistC'd hy ('lam McXt>ill and the pre:id nt and viccprt> · icl<'ll t. 'fhp memlH•rship committ<•c is anothC'r· important group. 1t kcC'ps intact tlw list of lll<'lllht>r and is can•ful not to allow anym1<' with an avpr·ag-P ht>low .) JH r CPllt to join. .A lma \Vilsk<•, chairman, is assistt·d hy J<' ie Holder'lllall and Yi<'tm· \Yooldri<la<'. La t, hut far fr·om lPa. t, Lilli<' LutlH•r· pr<'. id<·s ov<'r that part of th<' program "hich is not stJ·ictly , 'pan ish " thC' rcfrc. hmcnts. '' Ilt>r pffici<•nt coworker·s arp ::\farip .'imon and LylP . ' a ·h.

The Wig and Paint Club


CYcry group of propl<', lar·gt' OJ' small, thr1·e is in,·ar·iahly dramatic or musieal ability, and it is obviou. that Champaign Il igh S<·hool i. no exc ption to thi · rult>. Therefore the \Vig and Paint dramatic . oei ty was organized a few year. ago for the pupil who show ability in this direction, choo. ing a.· it member. people from the thn•e upper cla. s '·. The officers for the second srmester· of thi.· yf?ar are: pl'I'Sidrnt, Rohf?rt Fi. hf?r; Yicf?-pre. id<'nt, Lois Harry; srcond vic -prrsid<'nt, Florrncr \Vinter. ; . f?cretary, Iargaret McDonnell, and trca. urr1·, Roy )1ayc.· . Of th various plays and sk<>tchps pl'<'S<'ntrd throu(J'hout the yrar, the pantomime, ". 'prinklc and Dust," dir<'Ct('<l hy )li.·.- <l<'Y<'t', with the a ·si.·tanc of )liss .Jonc., is worthy of sp cia! m('ntion. 'I his act display< d clenl'llr ·. a: wrll a· artistic skill. Tlw play <>ntith-<1, "TPn P. )1.," anothl't' conlmPtHlahle ntunlwr, chamctrriz<'d mo.·t viYidly the quart'< I of npwlywrd ·. A portion of this :pac<', how<'\'l't', nJUst he gin•n to tlw social artiviti of the cluh. A n•r·y succ<•s.-ful vaiPntinP party "·as hrld in th<' music room. But tlH' great<•:t social rvPnt of tlw yt>ar "as tiH' pal't~ in tlw gynlllasium on April twcnty-:<'COtHl. Balloon. of variou · colors, intrrmingl<'d "·ith ribbon. of crepr pap r, "·ere uspendcd from thr ceiling, tim. makiug a mo.t attractive tran.-formation of the ha k<>t hall J'Oom. Tntly vcryonc a(J'rrrs that it pays to h<' a mrmhrr of tlw \Yig nnd Paint .


·'·"IT' RoRERT;o;<L·. Sr::ttzly


The Girls' Athletic Association Pre ·idcnt .................................... l\Iabel Watt Vic<•-Pr<•sid<'nt ............................ Dorothy Styan ..• cretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hristine Parr Tn•asu n·r .................................... l\I iss Jones O organization in th school is so beneficial to the majority of th girl· as the <lil'l.· Athletic Association, in that it reaches every girl in the ·chc){)l who d<'. ir·es to become a member·. This has bren th third year that Champaign lligh •'chool ha.· fost<'red ·uch an organization and rach year it JH'OV<': it <'If a nrc<•ssary factor in tlw <1 nrocracy of th<' girls, hesid<'s affording oppot tunity for physical d<•velopmc•nt and gam spirit. Th<'r<' have• lwrn sc•vc•r·al ·ocial din•rsion · throu~h the yea!·· In , '<•ptembrr the old mc•mher·: Pnjoycd a picnic at rystal Lakr Park. Th" annual party of the year·" a. lwld in. larch in tht> fonn of a priz<' coshtnH' party, .Iarg-m·ct '\Yhitr, dr·rss<'d a. i~ust<'l' Bmwn, winning the prize·. Aside fr·om dancing, r •adings all<l . olo <lancrs "ere• gin•n hy a f w of the mrmhrr:. ::\Iarian Blaine• and Comrlia • ·orth. owing to th ir Hli<'X<'<'IIP<l skill in leading- ch<'Pr., "c•n• votc•d a: chc•c•r ]padrt·: and \\·ere vc•ry succrs:ful in upholding th!' spirit at sc·v<•r·al football g-am!'s and a ·scmhlic•:. Thi . ."<'at' th<' a. ociation sold IIoll~ at ('hri tmas timr fot· tlw henPfit of the hildrcn's ~hmi<·ipal . 'hoP Fund. A fc•w da~ . hefore vacation c•n•t•y . tudcnt wa wcarin" a sprig of Holly, in keeping- with the Chri. tma · ·pirit. Th~ procc'<'cls fr·om t he• sale amouut1•d to one hundred and . ixty-onr dollar·.


R. K. 1f. lrg/l y

The Boys' Glee Club 'DER the abl l ad rship of Mr. Glover, the Boys' .Icc 'lub organized for the first tim in three year.'. At one of th tir.-t meetings the boys ~;el<'CtNl Rob rt I<~i . h<'r a.' pre id nt. It. membership wa nev r a. larl!e a it Rhould have been, although the material was V('ry good. ::\Iusic was furnished to scv ral a. emblies and the program were enjoyed very mu •h. Later in th year th lub wa divided into two divi ion., and th e fir. t divi. ion wa made up of some of the be. t . ing r. in th .·chool. It ha. furni. bed mu ·ic forth Parcnt-Tt'a •her. ' C'lub and on several other oc<'a. ion . .


l . iyht y

o u~

Th.e Girls' Glee Club

L I theTEN!air? From whence come those melodiuos sounds that vibrate through Reader, to ati fy your curiosity, it i one of the bi-weekly practices oi the Girl ' Glee lub in the music room. These .trains are from various types of elections, some cla i'cal, other popular, and all directed by f1'. Leonard Glover, the mu ic in tructor of Champaign Iligh chool. Each year the club i, reorganized, a. . ome of it. members graduate and new one. are added to the organization. This year it numbers about t hirty members, with Geraldine Lemmon a pr ident. In thr fall it wa drcided that the club appear in uniform, consisting of dark shirt , white middie , and black tirs, whenenr it appeared in public. 'l'he organization has sun.,. at several assemblie. and va 1'ious teachers' meetings throughout the year. \ Vith the talent of its members and under the ahle supervision and lrader ¡hip of ~1r. Glover, the public may yet bow to this or~anization' future. JuANITA R oBERTSON, '22.

The Orchestra

T HE orche tra wa · or"'anized with more enthu:ia ·m thi

year than ever before ·w ith ~lr. Cl-lover a director, it eould not help but be a ·ucce , and it i he who in. tilled th large amount of "pep" in th beginning. Thi:-; year',' or<'h . tra, whieh i.· abont th . ame ize a that of la. t year, ha. mal1t> an enviable rt'<'ord. It not only play. at the a ·emblit> , where it ha made it~elf indi~pen. able, hut it also fnrnishe. music for the meetings of organization. connected with the s<·hool, sueh as the meeting. of the Teaelwr ' A ·. ociatiom; and of the Parent-TPa<·h r ·' ' lnh. The music for all the school plays and other a<'tivities i: al.·o furni hed by thi. · useful organization. In fact , chool life wouhln 't he the same without th' or •he tra.

1-ia Jo o -tlorer

The Captain of Plymouth th v ning of D cember the third, hampaign High chool aw the OXfourth annual production of the boy , which bore th name " aptain of Plymouth.'' Th play i deriv d from Longfellow' '' ourt hip of Miles tandi b," and tell the tory of a boa tful bluff swashbuckler who takes a pa ing fancy to the fair and d mure Pri cilia, who . urpa es in pulchritude all the maid n in the colony of Plymouth. .Although the din of battle and fearful carnage in pire no fear in hi brave heart, Captain Mile tremble in hi boot at the pro p ct of wooing the g ntl heroine. Whereupon he a. ks hi ecretary, John .Alden, who is him elf in lov with the much b ought heroine, to a k Pri cilia for her hand. .A John find hi po ition on the "born. of the dilemma" rather uncomfortable, he propound to the heroine aptain Mil ' propo ition and receive the well known an wcr "\Vhy don't you peak for your If, John?" aptain Mile i. ummoned to combat the f rociou avage , though he impart a portion of hi wrath upon John .Alden before departing. In the m antime, John ucce fully wooes Pri. cilla, and aptain Iii , on returning, sanctions the wedding "and they live happily ever aft r." Th play pre nt. an adroit mingling of the comic and humoron , which di ·p II · what ver loom exi t . It i al o appropriate, a the year 1920 commemorate the tercentenary anniv r ary of th landinoo of the Pilgrims. aptain Mil delighted the larooe audience with hi. interpretation of the ·wash buckler, while John and Pri. cilla were portray d with prof('.·. ional t clmique. • · or mu:t Bra mus' freckle., I rcy' · . au cine .. , and Katonka '. ·inuou · grace be for ott n. Th ex client upport of the chorus add d the fini.·hincr touch to th<' production, and ,, er~ on in th chorus ·ciutillat d, making a galaxy of ma~·ked brillianc l . rghl\• fou r


Captain of Plym uth Continued

'l'lu• nH'rit or th<' production illuminatC's the careful supernswn of Mi · Geyer, atHl the terpsichot'<'an and Yocal abilit~ of tlH' charactt•r w<•t·e ht·oucrht out bJ )!iss ,Jones and Mr. <:loYcr. The ca t "a. a. follo"·s: :\Iil<'s , ' tandi. h, \\ ho is wonderfully likC' CaC'. ar - Floyd Il<•nnc . . John Ald<•n, the diligt•nt .· crilw- \Yalt<•r Brown.

Elder Brew ·ter, who heliC'Yes life i: only . orrow-Boonc Child .. Erasmu:, )Jile · ' right bO\\'('r- Donald Clark. \Vatta" amut, chit>f of tlH' Pt•quot. Harold )fichaC'l. Pt>cksuot, an lndian llH'Sst•ng<'r- Franei.· FitZ\\ illiams. Richard, ~ten>n, <l ill><•rt Lads of the Colony-CharlC's Danit>l on, Hohert Fisher, Ho,\ )fayes. Pris<·illa. th<> fail'<' t mai<lPn in PJymntLth llow;ml Ilazdtou. )ll't'e.', an <•arl,\ .\nu•t·iran ~-tirl . 'lwldon \Y t>an•t·. Katonka, an Indian Princes. Leslie )lillt•t·. ('!JHrit,\ Bet•twnl Bo\\ ('II. PatiPnC<' ~\ lfred Kirk. )hu·y ,Jam<'. ('apd. )fartha-Donald 0 'Donnell. Ht•st<•r-.Ja me. , 'olon. Huth-Lt•slic \Ylwaton.

The Captain of Plymouth Continued

horus, maiden ¡-0 wald Horn, Arthur Burr, arl F rguson, Lyle 1 a h. L onard turdyvin. Men- Joe Ogd n, Wm . Howard, athan Burt, Frank Week , Fcrni Jon , Hymen Bayard. oldi rs--Jobn olon, Edward Burleson , Raymond Jutkin , Reginald Dunn , I cott Hoover, Addi on Manley. Indian - -George Yano., 0 . wald Horn, Edward Burlr on, Leonard air, John olon, Frank Week, Wm. Howard, Hymen Bayard. Director, Glady K. eyer ; Dance., Hazel Jone ; Mu ic, L. W. Glover; Piani t, Florence Edward ; Violin , Kenneth Jenning , Edward Thra h; ello, John faxwell; axophone, Nile L uck; Drum , Victor Woolridge; o tume , era Turrell; Bu ine s Manag r, . R. Ander on; Stage Manager, George Harrington; A istanL, Thoma Morrow, Buford Purdy, Lion l Michael, Alfr d Pixler.

a orge ya no

eenery prepared under the direction of ::\fi ment, a i ted by Mi Hick and l\Ir. baff r .

\ .~ (lfiffilrf .


Kremer of the Art Depart-

The Senior Play ROMANTIC comedy, "lllice and Men," was chosen by Miss Geyer for thi year' enior play. It is a very fa cinating portrayal of character, abounding in d lightfnl and unforese n circum tances and clever plots.


The main plot is an old Englishman's theory of rai ing a girl to his ideal of womanhood and then marrying h('r. Mark Embury, the old Englishman, i coff d at by Roger Goodlake, hi friend and neighbor, for hi, crack-brained scheme, a he call. it. However, Embury de ·ide to adopt an orphan and this nece sitate a review of a dozen foundlings who vi it him accompanied by the Matron and Beadle. After due que boning, Embury decide to take "Little Britain" and call her Peggy. After ufficient lap e of time he finally realize that he loves his intended bride devotedly; but he i till cholar, scienti t, and philosopher. And so it is (as the play go on) that when at length he mak s hi proposal to her, he make it o d licately that he imacrine h is a king h<>r to marry his capegrace neph w-the young and joyous soldi r, who is her ideal, even as she i his. Who does not for ee the nd? The middle-aged cienti t and philo opher walking slowly down the garden path, opening the wicket, and turning, before he withdraw him elf, with an almo t happy smile toward the house-the hou e that was to have been his and her from which are wafted the strains of ")fy love i like a red, red ro e," ung as a duet by the two young people. The play ha a vari ty of . cene.. The etting for the first act i. Mark Embury's study; a low raftered ungainly room, a ca em nt window at the back with craggling vin . trailing around the out id . In act two (nearly two years later) the . cene is in Ir. Embury' living room. It contain a pond rous cbe t of drawers urmounted by curtained helves, fireplace and writing de k. 'fhe cene of the third act is the masquerade at B 1 ize IIou e. There i a view of delightful garden., a card room and a ball room. Thi i a very charming and d lightful act and i very characteristically and reali ticaUy carried out. In act fonr (six we<'ks latt>r), the . ct>ne is laid in the garden of outh ottage at IIamp. tead. There is an ar •h('d tr lli and pathway. lead among the flower b d., ju t the right place for romanc , and so it turn.· out to he.


The Senior Play oncmued

Tlw following <'<1St, eledPd hy the Engli,;h fa<•ttlty a. .indgrs, and wry ably eoaehed hy ~lis. G<•yer, will, withont a donht, main• this Yl'at·\ , euior Play the best C'\'C'I' produ<'<'d in hampaign Ili"'h , <·hool. ~fark Emlmr.' (a eholar .. eientist and philosoplwr ) ... Floyd Henne s Ro~<'t' Uoodlake ( !lis ft·i<>nd and nt>i~hhor ) . ... ..... . William Elw<>ll

'apt. <:t>orge Lo\rell ( II is neplww ) .................... Le lie ~Iiller , 'ir Harry Trimble ton<' ............................ Edwin Demlow Kit Barniget· 'a fi<ldh•t·) ............................ IIrrbert Lar.ry Pet<'r ( Emhury' . ernmt) ............................ Wilson Hose .Joanna lloo<llake wit\• of Uoodlake ) ................... ll<>l<'n Hug~ ~ll'o;. lkhol'ah ( Emhnry\ hous<>k<'<'per ) .............. Ruth Hi~gin Peggy ( Little Britain ................................ Lois Harry :\Iatron (of the Foundling Hospital ) ................. :\fm·garPt Do .. Bt>adle (of thP Foundlin~ l!o. ·pital ) .................... Boone ('hild ~loll,\' (a kitl'hen maid ............................. Dot·oth.\ Nlt>m Tlw Foun<llitt~s ...Jes ie Potter. Eloise Eal'!le t. Irene Boiee. Enniee l'nnningham. Xathali<' Dodg<', ITaz!'l Dohmr, l\Iary <lriflin , Lillian IIit<·h. llelen ~le( 'om h. ('ornelia • 'orth. Bemi<·P Pat·khill, Loi llatTy. Ruth \Yat'\\ i<·k. (;uPsts at Belsiz<' ~Iasqll<'nl<l<• - I<'emie ,Jones. Ro,\ ~I a,\ cs, \Vilson RosP, Ha,\ Ft>t'lntCsmr, Frank \\'<'<'h. ,John Frakes. Hoh<•rt Oshornr, • 'pal Reynol<l'l, FratH'is Ntar·burk ancl Bocnw Childs, Berni<•r Pal'ldtill, Cornelia • 'orth. Huth \Varwick, llrlen ~IcComh, JJillian Hit<·h , ~\Iary Ur·iffin, Ilaz<•l Dohnw, Jr'<'ll<' Boi<•r, Enni<'<' Cnnninghan, EloisP Eanwst. Xathalie Dougt> and ,J<•ssie Pott<•r·.

L. B.



The Conspiracy D

I'HI U C:oo<l Eng-ltsh Wl't>k tht> N1•nior· puhlil' "peaking <·lass('S ofl'cred a littlt> playl<'t rntitiP<l '"Th<' ('onspit'H<',\'," \\hi<'h was in the form of an all<•gory. The ditl't•r·<•nt \ron!. \\ hi<·h <ll'<' popular!,,· misused were personifh•d, and tlw pr·itwipal <·haradrt·s \\'1'1'<' King (:nod I 'sag<'; EnmH·iation, tlw hpro; l'r·in<'l'S. Pronunc·iation. tlw lwroitw; and Ear ·. Te<'th, Tong·ne and Lips. thr villiau . 'flw tiny (ll'odnetion wa. \\I'll adrd throu~hont, thanks to the ahilih· of ~li s Geyer· a~ <'OH<'h. Th1• s<·enc•r·y wa · fttrni lwd by the .\ rt D<'JHtrtnH·n·t.








M105 G[YER



I,,-, ,


Literary and Otherwise

The Dreamer study room you'll find him I N the Gazing off into the air, Or perhap within a clas -room Lounging idly in hi chair. Thu th dream •r idly passes Hours of th dreary day, 'fhinking, doubtle , ly, of someone Who is very far away. Or mayhap he's huildin~ eastles, Fairy castles in the air, Castle: which Imagination Build. for ns so wondrou. fair. Thus forever dream. the dreamer, Alway.· happy, never blue; Dreaming dreams and hoping ~;orne day 'fhat hi. dream will all come tru . \Vould that we mi~ht all be dream r And from rrv 'rie ll<'ver wake; Live our whole live through just building Dream ca tl(•s that tH•ver break.

E. E.

The Beckoning Aloft in th drifting twilight, As th moon pe1•ps o' r the hill , Wr live in a world of imaginings, Where cast] s stand tall and till; \Vc mould with tender makings Th aisles o grac ful and white, Th tow r , with :fairy-like po tures, Hold ambition of our delight. \V c watch the tar· in the heavens, That hine on these castle-like walls, And wonder long at their brightne s, Which i a dawning guide to u all. Ala ! we look in the distance, And behold a b autiful ight, A field of gold n trea ure , An ev rla ting li ht; Be:fore th preciou entrance, A , hining :face we ee, A beckoning hand of w lcome, " , loriou arne, 'ti non but thee!" \Vhen our fantasy i over, And back to earth we come, \V c apply our fairy ymbol To our thoughts that daily run,And there, we find those ca tle \Vhich cau ed uch great comment, Ar non but lo:fty chool rooms \Vhere w mu t b content; Tho. e ai, le which were moulded o gracefully Ar . tudie we gravely entwine, Tho tow r. with fairy-like po tures Are r cord. we hold ublim , Thr :tar: of hining brilliance Arr honor. we g<'t fo1' our task, The fidd of golden trea. ure: .Ar(• what we r c ive at la. t. Ah! but the thing that impr R. ed u , Tlw hand that welcomed us in, Lirs beyond the gray walls of labor, \ ith r ward. for u to win; \ hen, at the call of the beckoning, Cll·eat banners we shall have won, The world will . tand ,\·ith much won ler t her cla. : of '21. ELIZABETH LEWI



A Sonnet


ilE'\ oft I think of ho\\ Ill.' time \\a.· ·pent. Full half lll,\" yt>ars I'd g-iw to liw Oil<'!' more, To r<'all.'· undt>r:-;taJH1 "hat it all nwant To he amid t thns(' hapJl.'" day of yort'. \Yh<'n often I re<·all tiJO. L' frietH1s so kind, I "i. h that I \Y<'l'<' ha<·k in Champaig-n Jli~h. ~\ mHlst tlw \\ Pll known <'<'Ill' that l' 'C'r \\ill hind ~1<' to th<' ehool fnr whi< h I often ig-h . •\ s tinw P<'t:.l omrard, othC'r-, takC' our plat'C. \Yho too shall tn•ad its halls "ith mirth and joy; Bu tlwy hall know. a-, ypar·:s roll on apae , That Sl'hool ht·oug-ht happinf'. s without allo.'·· \YhPn tir<'d of tests and ta k... at 'whool. jut mil<', For you will he re\\·arded aft<'r a while .

• 1

rt:r two

Pink P arl and Jasn1ine I

Til]<} :-;enior dane' was past

Ion~ ago-and now the graduation program ·,;as O\Ct'. Il<•nry's lH'ad \\H.' still. oaring \\ith thP high-sounding platitmlr. of tlw valPdictorian, and hi C) <'s "<'l' . till dazzled from thr alarc of tlJC brilliant lights in the auditorium. ~rat hilda "all{(•d alon~ hrside him, ilrnt, musing upon thr triumph. and the glorir of th(•ir fa ·t ~lad ni~ht. 1 'ow they slowly approached her honlf', wherr ma. sr: of ft·agrant jasmine madr a <•clud<'d nook of h r ft•ont porrh . • Iathilda hrok<' th Jon~ silence. "\Vasn 't it all wonderful?" . he . ighc:d cc.tatically, "and wasn't 1 Tat han Jones' . P<'<'Ch ·imply arcat ?" "I '11 ·ay it \\a·! And, fathilda, .·ay-why-" "Ye -?" "Do you believe what he said, that any one could attain anything if he ·trove-I mean striv cl hard enough?" "Well, athan ought to know, con. iderina how awfully cl v r he i .. " "\V 11, now-say-that is, why-" ''Ye. ?'' oftly. "If I trived, I mean strove, hard enough and got-I mean attained a cla sy littl bungalow and a spiffy little Dodge edan-why-I-" ''Y ?''more oftly. "Why-I-you and me-that-is-". Already Mathilda wa. killed in the artful ways and wiles of womanhood. h broke a pray of ja mine in two and placed one prig in hi coat lapel. They were very younO". Kindly cloud hid an all too-beaming moon.

II He was a combination of Raffle , lim Jim and the Artful Dodger. In the lang of the day, he knew hi tuff. ar fully he pried the window open-not a sin,.le , ound. With infinite precaution he hoi. t cl him. lf throu"'h the window into the luxuriou · room. 'teadily h approached th ma.·.·iv<' d . k-and rai. eel th top. "Henry the Bat" wa about to mak anoth r . nee . ful haul. He tri d all th drawer . Only one wa locked. imple p ychology taught him there would be loot therein. To lock up her trink t in one drawer and l ave all other. con. picuou.ly unlock d-this wa. one of woman'.; typical tricks-and H nry the Bat kn w wonwn. H e open d the clraw<•r-sure enou~h-a v lvet jewel ca. , and opened it. In.·ide ther wa. a . trin"' of pink pearls, almost flawle.·.. A :trange elu. odor . pread through the room-a familiar odor-poignant and heartbreaking swr!'t. H e inv<•stigated; it canw from th<' r<>cently open d drawer. He took it out-a littlf' sprig of witlwr <l ja:mine, it. hranty long lo.t, \ant'l -t,,rt:

Pink P arls and Ja m1n Continued

but till maintainin"' it ineradicable odor, a flowrr of rtemity and the tuff of dream . IIi throat ached; his <'Y<' · ·martrd; his hrar·t (.-tupi 1) "as hrayy und r the burden of happy mrmorics-of Jun in Fairdale; gr·aduation; youth; ja.mine; Ma thildc-and . piffy Dodge , '(•clans. The pink pearl· . lipp d unheed d to the floor. H wrapprd th crumblin"' flower in hi;; handkerchief and leaped li<>htly out of the window. Th coolni"'ht wind ·t(•adiNl his nern•s and ch ckNl the throbbing of hi temples. H('nry the Bat had reformrd. Tomol'l'ow he "·ould get a job-he could attain anythincr if lH' tr·on•-stri\' •d har·d rnou"'h-tlwn }1t' would go back to )fathildc. 'Yell, maybr he did. fayhe hr brcanw a diplomat, ot· an oil magnate or a mayor in hi. own home town. At any ratr hr reformed. nd, mranwhil , fr .. 1 'athan Jonr., nee Mathildr ~[artin, wondrrrd and wondrred what my . teriou force oprn d her windo\\, b ·towrd her jewel on an unr ponsive floor-and tole her pri"' of jasmine. P. M:. S.

Xi net~ ·four

"Things You Don't Know Abuut People You Do Know" (Apologirs to Xru·.·-Gazeltc) Author 1!1 fore" ord-For , omc timo there has h<'<'n an apparent and a c·rying n<'cd for unknown fads ahout 1<ome of the n•ally gn•at men and womt'n of he world and particularly of thP l'nited :c;tatcs. The author ha., at an immens<• outlay of time, lahor, and money, and <'-' t<•nsivc travel, <·ompilPcl th<•:<' mu<'h nt•eded fads and faithfully recorded them in this volunw. .Muc·h thanks is <lu<' tlwsc <'<'ll'hrities for thir kind and willing roOJH'ration. Thi.- "ork is <·<•rtain to he a boon to mankind. <'lwrish it; keep it always with vou so that you may lw nl'n•r without it.- valuahlp information. , 'inc!' the r<'n0\\11 of the follo,,ing p<•opiP is 'nation -wide, it is urllll'l'(';vary to give their addrp:ses.

:Jir. Earnest-The amazing faet ha.· come to light that :Jlr. Earne-'t wa involved in a daring crime in his yotmger day. . It i. · statNl that he locked hi. principal out of school one mornitw. )lr . .Earn<'st ay.· that tlw con. ·equence: are unnu•ntionahle. Miss Switz<•t·-It ha, been discoverecl that l\li -~ Switzt•r:- was an extremely mi ·chievous •hool-girl. She wa alway a top-notch scholar (obvious faet), but "ad to relate she wa unable to re ·i~t the temptation of puttin"' the long curl.·, belonging to the "'irl in front of her, in the ink-well. :Jli · · , witzer ha reformed . ince then and ha. climbed high upon the ladder of .·ucce s as you all know. It may b> added that, he is a graduate of . II. '.and wa. valedictorian of her cla , . :Jl iss Morri -After ome diffienlty the investigator ha found out that Mi .. he wa rai ed on a l\forri wa.· formerly a bar ba •k rider of no mean ability. farm and early acquired the knack of ticking to the bare back of a fiery teed. Sh i at pre ent a port:Bwomau and athlt te and hold. the world' walkinO' r cord for around the park. Her time i 7 minute 9 3/5 second .. 1\Ir. And rson-1\lr. Anderson ha~. by honorable and upright livi:ag, overcome the tigma of being in r form school at~d penitentiary in hi. earlier care r-that i , he vi it d them both on day. 1\Ii Jone -A deep, dark, almost black ecret has come out of ~Ii ,Jone ' he admitted that he had at one time run a .·hoe .·hininO' parlor. :reyer-LookitJO' at :\li~s Geyer's comely face, one would never . n. pect that he wa in the pre. enc of an ('XP rt oda-,jerker, ~·et . uch i th ca. . , he worked at it for a w(•ek and admit.· she r<•fre~hed herself rathet· oftt>n. ~Tr. Yan IJiPw-:\lr. Van Li('W. th(• greate.t athl tic director in the world, i. a gr at lovt>r of dog. . He likes them almo. t a. well a he likes hoy . oa h ha a dog. ju. t a dog, he . ays. that he daim· i. the <>martest, . weett> t, prettie t. darlinge. t canine ever ereated. i\Ir. Tozier-'Ihe ·olution of clifficnlt problem involvPd in the . cience of ~lath matl(:s i. not ~It·. Tozier'· oul,\· ;weomplishment. lie is Yery fond of nm i(• and i. him. elf a mu. ieian and. ingPt' of no nwan ability. lie ha had quite a little experience in mn ·ical and dramatic activi tie , profe . ional and oth rwise. ~Ii. Turell-Yon never can tell; beneath the milde:t exterior ma~' be hidden the . eed of daring and adventure. • 'ow take Tnrell. for in tance. , he ro1le a hor.·e and herded cattle in , Torth Dakota Ja.·t ummcr. The logical thing for thi. seasoned c•ow-girl to do next i~ to q 11 it teac•hi ng sc•hool and join a wild-we t how. l\Ii: Hi ck. Evt>ryone knows that :Jliss Hicks i. a •7 ood tt•acher, hnt not Pvcry,.,.,.,,cty·fi:·c


U.' Y<W DO

''1 K 'O W .\BOt'T PEOPLE YtW DO K. ·ow" Contrnu d

on<• kno\\ that h<• i a tattim!· <'xrwrt. •'lw <·an it dow11 and 1'<'<·1 oll' c.:ul'lyetH's and <·uly<·ttrl hy th<· hour. ;\II'. <looding--t'IH•JlJistr.' is too <'<IS,\ for .:\lr. UoodiJlg'; it doc· not g-iw hi· b1·ain <'X<'I'\·ist' <'IIOltgh. Therpforp lw mis<'s fnll-bloodPd chi<·k<•n. on thP sidt>. If • . a~ s that lw ha;.; . olll<' of tlw tinp"( Hhod<• lland H<•<l in tlw <'0111Jtr.'. :\Ji.,s Fowl<'t' :'IIi., Fo,Yler <·laim that slw us<'d to lw a h<'aYyw<•ight. ~h<' ·a~ sh< w •ighL•u lu:J pound at orH' timL'. II •r ni<·knanw is .. Pandw," "hi<·h he thought wa. a "<'eret until he found it writt<•n all OY<'r lwr hlaekhoard. ·. :\lr. Bradl<·.v :\lr. Brad!·~, h<·. ide: h!'ing a tatiowtr~ enginee1·. i. an a<'eomplished furniture huild<'r or cahi1wt-maker. lie is making now a morris-<·hait· whi<·h will ·ur·pa all othPr in comfort and lwauty. :\lis :\loorphead-:\lis:· .:\loorPhead is at the head of a back-to-natur<' mo.-ement popular·ly known as D n. <'endtrantali m. ~h mov<'d to the country and 1s making great inroads on th vi iblc :upply of foodstuffs . .:\li .. · Vo. :-.:\1 is· V 0. ·!>;, instrndor in sewing, c.: an t <l<"h oth rs how to make beautiful clothe: but prefers to buy her own ready-made. Mr. Richter-It is und cid d wh ther l\Ir. Richter rai. e full-blood d chick n for a living- and i. a . tar janitor for fun, or vi· versa. However, he know how to do both to perfection . .:\li · · 'o I y-~lis ool y u. ed to have a pro ·livity for builuin~ mud-pie , to the de. pair of h r mother. It i. not known wheth r . h ha outgrown thi <:hildi h t ndency or not . .:\Ii : l\ladd n-.:\li ::\Iadden i. a ~raduat of hampaig-n High chool and onr repre en ted it in an extempor . peaking c.:ontc t. , he i al o an ard nt tenni. fan. fr. foorc-Mr. Moore rc eiv d his fr bman year of college training at a mini ter'. training . chool. It is not known whether he wa, expelled or became 1ir d of the exciting life. lie ha. sp nt . ome year. in hunting and trapping hi~ game in the wild. of Rock River. 'om piled by FLOYD liE. ·ER, '21.

.\ "' rl) si.t

Jokes • 'otr · <;rern to br a n<'<'e:-;;..ary eviL Home are good and som of th<·m ar<> indiff<'J'<'tlL In making a valuahle eolledion thi.· became over;,to(•hd. 1IerH·e W<' ar only ahl to ofl'<·r a few reading publie. If tlwse mePt with your approval, W(' :hould h<' appointment and . how yon mor<• of our stock.

an• had. }lo t winter. we . oon . amp] s to our glad to mak an

"Ph•as<' appr·e<·iat<' this notP, a I am taking valuahlc tim<· to write it. Did you pvcr find out who wantp,] a date with you? \Yould you giw mr a snap :hot of yourst•lf lwfor<• I go <1 say ! Do yon think Bill D. would ]pt nw tak his pidur ? I want onr ht•<•atN' lw is a fr<'sh man officiaL-;ours almo. t always." (Dop<' t·n•dib thi Pfl'usion to ('hai'!Ps and .Julia.) ")lildrrd. I think .'on are divint• "-(rest is hlurr d. }lildr<•<l will <·!aim thi>-!

\\·ondrt· if all the

( Ed.-'l'hP followin~t Is from otH' fair young thing to anotlwr·. thought. \\P hrlirw tlwir initials are T. \V. and C. \V.



''Hello. ~,,.<·l'tn.-- ~ I hawn't anything to tudy >-o I will write you on all the pap!'r that I ha\·t·. !law• you '-<'l'n RPid a~tain! • • I have a datP with P .. '. a~tairr \\'Pd. and [ lorow what that mrans. I want to get a lll'W man now. I will tr·.' to find out wlwn )!iss MeLain start another (•Ia. s, and we 'II go up togPthPr and pi<·k th<•m otl' if tlwy arc pi<·kahl<•.




how thi to anyone.

(Ed.- .J<'aJH'1t<'. you >-hould tr·y for gr·ammatiral <·orrPetnrss.) ".\ t'<' you ~oing to thl'tll doin!!s JH'Xt \H't•k! \Yho HI'«' ~ Oll !!Uillg with 1


Ill<' all about it. pll'a ·

.. tnct

se: en

( Ed.-.\nd now Edna and Huth hreak into tlw linwlight.)

,, r am g-oin~ to flunk algt'hl'a just <l \II'(' a anything- thi lllollth. I\'(' on],,· handt>d in ahout lin• papet·s sol might a wplJ look for tlu• wot· t." "Cht•et· up, girl it•. you t•an takl' it a~ain li<'Xt yeat·. 1f !Jill! titmk. tlw~ 'll drop me t•nt i I'ely." "Yon ai't' onw ('ht•<'rfttl pt·t•varit•ator. Tahng it li<'Xt y1·ar i. 1111f a ati fadion." (Ed. \\'p han• lu·anl ft·om angus( s<'nims to lowh· frosh. SJH'ak. Thi !t'Patis<' j.., ft·om thP Jl<'ll of out· llttl<' ~lalwl.)

• 'ow tll(' jnniot'.

'·I am ju. t o happ,,. 'l'hP main reason is that T didn't gPt tnn}('d down wlwn I a kPd two ki<l to go to th<' \Vig and Paint part,\· with C:- and I. ancl I am going to get a new or~andiP dres.. • • Lao.;t night :'\- o.;aid that ('-and B- got pePwd at D- for running awa)· with ntP on Sat. ThPy told hPt' that tht>y were mad. It til'kh• me. )fayh<' they 'II learn som<'thing." ( Wt' hopr Ruth enjoyed thi: a. mueh a. we did. Donald 0 'Domwll:

Thi. i.


't half of it.)

I lwt yon a dime!

Tell me not in joyful nnmbel'. High S1·hool lift' is sttr(' a . nap, l<'or tlw man i lost who slnmhN·s Thmtt~h his daily eighth hout· lHIJl. With the <rnizzps on thr motTO\\'. All i · not a ra~mal dl'eam, ,'oon he learns-and to his sorrow, Things an• not as tlwy may S<'<'lll.

G.,. Edwin DPmlow is a niee young hoy, Who act. sometimes the <·lown, If ,\OH \\lllJt to sP<' him full of joy . •Ju. t look when , ·etti<' 's round. • Pnior (pointin~ to 01. on of the basket hnll l<'am): best man I](> X t year . •funior: Oh, dl'at', thi Is so . uddt•n.

That is going to he our

ThP tH'. t thing on thP pt·og t·nm \1 ill he a song hy the solid gPonwtt·y class entitl1•d: :\1 iss , '\\'itzrt·! Tozi<•rs 1lone gone ma1l! :\I iss Fow I P t' : WhPn did tltP t'PYival of )parning h<•gin! .John ~\ lrwr : ,J 11 t hPfOI'(' ('X <tillS.



, rty r.rnc



11 ,




I am makin~ no t·lairn to Jwing a HPau Hr·umntel. for I hrliPV<' that tht• tnw aristtwr·at',\' is that of' br·ains r·athPr than that of farw.\ vt ·st and YPlwtren pat . [ abhor· a lllall \\hilS(' t•hjpj' OI'('UJlation is hUl'l',\'illg' fl'Olll IHIP tPa t•arlliva] to anotht•r·. and \\ ho. P mo. t ec. tat it· thrill is that whi('h c·ome from c·ont:u·t '' ith a dan!'ing- floor. • ·<'\l'rthrlP ·.. I am n•ad.'· to undPrl!'O the rrfinin~ Jll'O<·rs of ()(·ial lifP arHl to clo my lwst to pron• my t•lf a ma. !PI' of mall talk. The 1I'OUhle i that o fpw yon Ill!' I>Popl<•' par·tir. pa,'l· [H'O[H'r n•sJH'd to Ill<'!'<' t·hap<>rorH•. ·. '' itlr \\hom on ot·t·<t. ion 1 lravP nt!IHhPrPd my Plf. I n•nH•tnlH·r with sonu• distr·c• s one a\\'ful night I spPnt a lonPl,\· monitor at tlw .Junior . • 'c•nior I'Pccptiutl, at whit·h I s\\ung- my Jrpp].., all c•vening iu a garden \\ill!!. One girl! ktww !..ll \ l' me a luwcl of gt·e<'ling. The other . \\ rpt ml' h,'l· a. if I were some tottpr•in~ ruin. Ont•t• wlwn l tiertl of tlw . <'Ptll'l',\ from Ill,\' vantal!'P point in tlrr win!!. I amhletl to a mall upper· to virw the c·riminal:, in !'harg<' of tlw ha. s drum a!l(l bras fomHlr,'l·. On tIre Wet,\' I c•rwonntpr·Nl ome t·ouplrs t·<qwrirtg- in thr mo t mts<>Pml,,· nuumPr. so that I dosed one P,\'e and fonncl my ·elf blushing ftu·iou 1,'1·. •\t lwart I <lin a mtHl!'. t ma11. ) I han• walked home from C'haperoning- young ppopl<> partiP in the midst of a. now storm. I have h\ icldiPtlmy thnmh as au innoct•nt sppl'tator and hnng-ered for human c:mnpanion. hip; onc·e I ht•c·anw thP target for s<·ornflll c•ye · when I , topped a dance "hid1 tm'ted out to he a moonlight Pxhihition all(l endl'<l in a total PClip e. \Vlwn the ~,mmger l!'t>nera. tion pau:e to :a,\·. " rood evening." I am the happie t man alive. But ala . alas!\Vp aw<ll'<l thP silVPI'·(·oatP<l ('Ough dr·ops to LP .Jloor<' the <•nrw of vibration for the shimm~· .

:Jiillt•r· "Ito a k<'<l :Jir· .

..\Iary Ewinl!' 1akPs tht• hrtTie whrn he remarkt'd: I n't it . trang-e that all tlw fpllnw · ' fa('<'s l!'<'t rPtl a bon• tlwir c•ollar·-. ~ Don ('lark (•lint·hPtl his po-.itinn as a philo oplwr wlwn lw an.\\ r<>d: \Yh~· hluslt llllst'Pil . Om· pr·ivatc• dPtP(·tiw ha hPt'll trying to find the methotl of g-t•ttin!::" free passa!.!r to thP movie..,. <'an ,\on help him. ,Juanita. ITonH·r Park is 11o"' out of the nmnin!!.

Danville now rate

the patrOIHl!!<'.

Dori ant! Tr·pva sa.'· that t ht• tPst of trnt• frit•ntl. hip i-. wh<>n you pas ytnu· fl'llow h;wk allll fort h. \Ye wondPt' to whom :Jlildrrtl \Y right " ·ill lwqueath her acrobatic eyebrow whrn he ]paw <'. H. S. ~ Yt's, Rolwda.


are ·orr',\' we eouldn't run thr tramp pictun• . Onr ll ru ulrcd Vnr

Classic Junior Od s "To Hoy'' 'l'lwy hid me for~t·t him as if I eoulcl tear From my lwart the dt>ar imagl' so long eht>ri. heel tht>re, Likl' a rose 'in the wilderrwss, blooming and free, Lik' a fount in the dl'sert. that love i to me I brood in my thought. · in tlw stilln ss of night; I ean not forget him, would not if I might! "fis the. tar that illumines my de olatP way .And give. it th glory and bri~htnes: of day.

"To Allen'' .All 'n i · the one I seek, Evel' into tnrth indint>d, In his marmet'S mild and meek, .\ nd of more ('IH:hanting mind. }fany tinws I round him . igh, But he coldly pas es by. Pan e oneP, ,\ IJpn; hl'ar, I pr·ay, At thy feet this heart I lay.

0 ~~~

II owdn d


EDITOHL\T1 Our <·aft>teria, '' hei'Pin lunl'IH•s P\ PI',\' noon tho~c "hi<·h <'Olllprist> some of the 1110 t ill11 trion. s;nants of this !,!anl<•n pot of l<•aJ•niil!.!' and lahor, i Yt>ry proud of ih !.!rrat 111cn. I .,at at llH'al today with tlw <ll (lll!.!'lli. hP<l math<•nJati<·ian, :\Jr. TozicJ'. l am not <'OilY<'!' ant with all the <'rnditt> \mrd Jw n·('(l, among· tht>m ''pill," "hka<·h(']'s," '' \\'hite Nn.-," "hinglt>," "home-run.'' an<l "fan." I <•ould s<'P n !.!'IPam of <•ntlwsiasm as hr livPd ovpr again his mathematieal IPXi<'Oil and <·onrwd thosp plll·as<' assm·iatl'd with su<'h an aneiPnt stud,\'. I n•!!anl }1!'. Tozit>t' a one of thp mo. t profound tnd<'nh l haYr mPt h<'l'<' in t h<' <·afPIPria. alt hon!!h hi. languagp oft<•n hordc1· on t ht> i nd<'l i<·atP. I shall lit"n to him after thi with gTPat ea!.!'PI'll<'s . and JH't·hap pas him tlu• ·alt-<·PIIar. Ouc ltlH.)' lt>arn a gn•at <h•al f'r·om Stl<'h J'HI'P souls. ('.\X YOt' FE.\'ITI E . •\ !.!irl without a pow<l<'l' puff! <h•ol'!.!<' llarringtg-on a an orator. Tozi<'r not kiddin!.! hi· 1!-'<'0lllctl',\' f<'ltllnint> pupil Paul De\\ hit· ·t pas. ing h,\' :>O~ N. Handolph . \\'hat :\li. s Fowl<'l' \\ onld do without lwr llHHl<•t·n history <·las. fourth hour? \\'h,\· ",Jimmi •" Bal'l'a<·ks makes so many trips to l'rhana! \\'hy Hay Fox gOC'S to Bonclvill<• ! Bill •'<'hO\H'llg rdt \\ith a da!<•. 'l'om }[orrow a.· a high ·<·hool in tmctor. Baxter getting- <·ang-ht wh<•n he is frightPIIPd. What :\Iam·inc Smith pull's hC't' hair ont with. :\!iss Ellis r<'<Hling Capt. Bill,\·'s Whiz Bang ! Ullian Ilitrh hC'ing bois!Prous? Mi. Tnnell going to a \\T<'stlin!.!' Jllaf<oh . • ·<'ithC'r <'an I.

, r~ .



ll '






Fn r

Dori. Molt: \Yhat did I ~et on my ".\" parwr! we haYPn 't th' heart.)

Yon tell her, eel ry,

<•t'Oill!'lry a.·sig-nmPnt: 'l'omonow yon will makt' a ·tudy of th propo. ilion of how to take the hate out of woman-hater. You ''ill 11se th librm·y ex tensi YPl,,·. 'l'uhh.' : \Yhat have you in the sl••qH' of automohilr.· tire ? , 'tord;:<>eJwr: Funeral wrt•aths, li t'r pt't''-'rrvers. and doug-hnuts. ~\L

"T IT TilE 'PRPfir.

, 't udt•nt ' faults ar many Instructor'. only these; The.' ad j11st a. the.> want to, ~\nd just .·ay what they ph•a e.

YillH~e ~o.-~-;ip h:~c· it thHt Fn·d 1Iart wa.· a calle r· at the Pillon home on We t Chnreh :trcet led Friday night. Why doe· a g-ir·l

hut her ('ye · when sh(• i being ki.·. ed .

• everal wt>ll-known authorities have ('OtHk eended to answ<'r thi.· qur.-tion for us. Our well-known authority and hi-;torian, Mis. Powler, says," It probably differs according- to the ease. l'ndoubtedly in orne ca. r. she eouldn 't tand it if he didn't shut lwr ryes." On Hw other hand ~I iss E. Vo ·~-; t lis 11: that it makes it mon• pa. sionatc to do thi . :\Ii.·. Vo . .- find. an ally in Helen Bes Finch and II\'len Ru~g. who bcli vc the . arne way he doe .




............................................................ . .

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AN-PE Company






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Eat at


Th Home of the

Chocolate a la Bo ton

M tzl r & Schafer · Company




. .......................................................... .. ~


Oue lluudrl"d St


thl' eig-hth (H't'iod and four o\·lo<·k. B ET\YEE Wh<·n the ni!.!ht i-. lwg-innin!.! to 10\H'I'.


a patts<' in the day' o<·<·Hpation. That i known as dl'tl'ntion ho11t'. I hear my 1l'a<'lwt· ll'lling- Ill!'. In a Yoi<·<' both Jowl an<l <·rnel. "Rt>port to 11iuht to <h'll'lltion; You haw di ohl'.n< l the r·ttiP."

I wandl'r into <h'tcntion \Yith '' ('ae:-;ar" ttnd<'t' my arm; I rPall~· int<'tHl to st11d~· To keep me ont of harm. I takl' lll,\' JWU an<l paper, ~\nd oppn my book with a ~igh. Bnt hefor'l' one mml I \·p Iran. Iated, ~\ window arrp t my <',\'l'. I <'l' out of th<' windo\\ lH'forp me, ::\f.'· pa I · goi 11 g do\\'n the ~t rei'!, La11ghinu·. and joking, and \,\'ing \Ytth <'<H·h othl't', to a<·cmnplish some fl'at. In m~· !wart. I loll!!. to hl' with thl'lll. I wi h<•tl I'd oh,•yed tiH· t•ttll'; 'l'h<'ll I <·onld h,• ont t hPJ'<' h<",idl• t hl'lll, Jn,.,!t'ad of ta~ ill!.!' at ·!tool. ~\IHl


thr hour is O\'<'t'. I l<'a\'<' with m~· "<'al'-..ar·" and (H'll. Thl'll and th<'t'<' I dr<·id<'<l that l lll'\'l'l' \Yill go to d<•lt•ntion again. .\11d




f oq/il

WE OFFER YOU SATISFACTIO you know the meaning of the word; satisfaction is all any man wants; it's enough. If you buy our wares, you must be satisfied with value, quality, fit, price, service; you wear 'em to find out if you're satisfied. If you're not, money cheerfully refunded.

J.M.~U!!M (I N C 0 R P 0 R A TED)


Kodak Candie Sporting Good

Harry Herrick (HIM


= 120 o.

eil t.

HA 1PAI Main 4554


= Tire , Tube Acce orie


25 lain Street H :\1PAIG , ILLI ' OJ

.. On,• Hltndrrd \one

P.il.:L.' P.lf'L! :\lildrcd. \\hat ar·c you doing- out there? Looking at tiH· moon, Motht'r'. \Yell, tdl thp moon to go horn<' and <'OJllP on in ott' the pon·h: it's past ele\'<'11 110\\.

\\·p']] pn>.ent the harhed wire hair· IH't to thr prr:-;on who ean trll us whrn Dr Hanington and .Tohnnir, pPnc•pr lrft ('lark\ house Thur clay night during Ea. ter vacation.

WE :\W, T . "0'1 FORGET TE.\C'IIER Mi l\Io.s: Don't lidc• tlw chair. aromJtl; it sound· like thunder·. l\Ii · · l\Iadclcn (in GPom.): How long is your· givrn ]pg! l\Ii: IIiek (seeing Don 'lark coming in on time) : Have• yon a new alarm clock at your house? l\Ir. 'l'ozier:

I ne,•er .·aw a woman', ryes that eouhln 't knock me cuckoo .

• 'rllir ner~ong lc•ft her grade c•ard Oil tlw dP:-;k. next hour .. ·he aid, "DHl;ou get my eard?" l\Ir. Tozic•r: Yc•.. \Vlwn did .\'Ou call!

Whc•n she eame in the

'l'he memhers of a certain upper cia.. arc seeking to a. certain the apparent change of attitude evinced hy a eertain henefiriary of a latr mite collection. It wa expe ·ted that aid beneficiary would carefully and wisely depo. it aid . um, living off the proceed:. IIc•nce thry wrrc vexed and diflappointed whrn, rontrar·y to exp dation, the fabulous um wa · wast d in "setting up" variou. friend.· and companion ..

The fate \Yas .'he first And

of Lot'· wife all her own fault; turned to "rub her" thrn turnrd to ·alt.

l\farc•ella think· "that the little green rap~ the univcr~it~· boy jnst too <•tmning." \VIwn t\\'o r<>cl lips ar<• uptnl'llrd to yonr· own Wit It a wondpl'f'nlrwss all ahont it, Do ~·on pray for C'JHlnrarH·e to lPt it alone? \Vell-mayhr yon do. hnt 1 douht it. \Vlwn a shy littlP hand yon HI'C JWr·mittt>cl to ·pize, With a vch·ety oftrw·. ahont it, Do ~on drop it and leaYe it "ith ll<'Yet· a sqm•c·zc? \Yrll-uw.'·he yon do. hut 1 donht it. Onr


7 rn

wear are

Lillard -Getman - Hughes Furniture Company 44-46 Main St.




We Furni h the

105 S. Neil Street


Quality Meats

If you are thinking about furnishing a home don't wait till you save the money to buy your furniture, that day may never come. We have a payment plan that will appeal to you. We will appreciate a call from you.


= Ph ones:

G. Garriott & M. Stumpf, Props.


Reader of the Maroon for their g nerou patronage during the pa t year and to re~pectfully sof li it a c ntinuance arne. If ur good and our service pl a e y u, tell your friends






Main 16 { Garfield 1116

Students end your Laundry and

Dry Cleaning to the

White Line Main 406

S e that Dad do too.


1/ undred I


WllO'.' WllO L

C'. II. '

Be"t A thlrtP: Ewr.' one <·!aims thr honor. :\Io"t popular "irl : 400 vot <'s <'<t."t . ewry gi 1'1 voted for lwrsel f. 'ute.t s<>nior gir-l: 1\in't r1o sieh animal. l\Iost .u<·er~ fnl tinan<·irl·: ('ashH•r at <"af!'t<•ria. Biggest liar: El<•<'lion managl'rs <'Ofl[H'd the votes. :\Io t harnll<·.·s dr'tHig<>: :\larom1 tan·. Bt·st Lmgnist: • 'ot out :n•t. ('. II. l-1. <·hauff<·ur. : ('lnwk D('akin .• 'rva .fa<·k ... on, Hay \Villiam·m1. Bigw·st talk!'r: FPminine r·n ·h mobbed the polls. '. H . .'. down: • 'ot ywrforming toda.'·· Human Interro!..(ation Point: Onr in Pa<'h <·las~. :\Io.t g<'nerous girl: II ihrrnatPd for thr winter. l'glie.-t girl: ( 'lo. ed for· ht<·k of candidates. Prd'e<'t pupil: In :\lemoriam. :\lis l\lorri. ru. hing into the room time rninut<•.· lat ) : will plea!'>c rai. <' thrir hands.

.All tho. e ab. <·nt

'l'IIE IIIUII .'('110 L IH'BBLE Thr high . !'hool girl ha. lot · to do, •'hr studi<•. hard and dan<·r. too, :\Io.-t every day shr ', on a t!'ar, •'he\ alway. wondering what to wear. Or 1'1 r-- 0. l!irl.. I 'v<' 11<·h a eat'! I nevPr • aw a nobler fa<'<'! . 'ow hasn't hr dark dn•amy ry< s? .\nd . pl!'ndid tastp in <'hoo ·ing tiP. Tlwn . con "h<' wrar· a <·luh pin "mall. Ile takes her to the senior hall, A month thl' <'HM' i of tlw pa.t, Por high school eru h!'s nevPr la. t. Home l!<'llls from <•xa111. papcr·s. and maybe not.)

(:\layb" tlw·r ar·c from frr hman papc•rs

l!olnw wa" bol'!l in luxnr.'· whilr \\'hitt i<'r wa. born on a farm. Por \\H. t<HJ<•hPd by dPath ·rypr·al tinw whieh a<·<·onnts for hi· poPm · on death. The pir·at<· · knitted yarn . . Nquir·p Br·a<·phridg-t• wa · thP mini l<·r· who IIHI!Tie<l Ho. alin<l and Or·lando. 11<• I!Hirwd his hPalth and dit·d in 1 :3~. I am enl'lo in!! two dollar for a ~ uu· \ pl'<"'<·r·i pt ion to your· llta!!azine. (h'org<' \\'ashington \\Totp tlw rmarH·ipation prm·lalllation. Our



r 4c

- .-.. ._., - ·· - ~ .- _ l,._.. - · - · - · .-,. .._.. - · -




:' I

I I .

. I




i j


- ·-

- ·-

- - - ·-

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• ,t i


'\\-' omen' s and Misses' Suits Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists,

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Qttality First, Service Next, Price Last

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Silk Wool Dress Goods, Cot'o1 W;s':J Fabrics, Household Linens, Ch · Ina, Glassware,

Millinery, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear, etc.

House Furnishings. Decorative Furniture, Draperies, Bt>dding, etc.




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1 .

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I t ·· ~ · -· ~ ·~--· - · - ..-..>- ·- -· - · - ~ - · -· ~- ·- - .-.- ·- ·- - ·- - ·- ·- · - .... I



T. M. BACO &



I l








I 1


I I1





I I i i I I Ij


Corner \\'alnut & Tavlor treet








·=· .-. .-..- ·- - - _ .,._. ·- - - .- ·- ·)-~- _ ...._..- ·- -·- ·.._..,__ - ·- - - .... O•c llu01 rc



•'u': llow dar' you ·\\ t•ar he fore m ,Jps : llO\\' did I know you wantt•d to swrar. Re~inald Dunn: If<n·e yon !ward my lat('st jokr? .Juanita Hoh('t·t ·on: I hope so.

You can't drivt' a nail with a spong(', no matt('r how long yon . oak it. Yon c•an push a pen. hut a pencil mu. the lead.

L. }I.: I am g-oir,~ to kis: .'on wlwn 1 go hom('. ,J. E.: LraYc thi · hon.·<' at Oil<'<'. \Yhat do yon eall a man who think: he know everything. pt·ofe. sor.


C. IT .•. myster·y-\\Tho hrokc tlw ('ggs m Ra~- Pox's ear wh('n it was parhd at ;)0 ~mrth l<'ifth .·tn•et?

Rooney •'tipe : }lay I s('(' you apar·t for a minute? Yietim: You mean alone, don't yon? Roorw,,·: Exadly! I want the loan of a dollcw. Paul Dooh•n: I t•au 't make out your <·omment at the end. Tt>ac·her: That ·ay .. "I c•an 't read your writing." Dear Editor: Tlw otlwr aftcmoon in th(' tud.Y room, a fre. hman, El.-ie Bra<ll<'.''· bobbed hair· and ('Y('r'ything. ,·pnt a not<• to a sophomore, J_,y](' • 'ash, asking: him to tak<• her to a dan<'(' that the Ex Bazumps were giving. Reports ay that he wa ha hfnl and rrfnsed tlw datt•. )like:

~ilkt'.': • 'witzer.

What i. inHm•twe!

~OnH'thing :ron think ~011 haYe till ~·on try to use it on ~\Ii-.·

Big i\lih: .\w, -.hut up, Littl<• Mike: You 'rr thr higg:P.t fool around lwn•. )li . GeyPr: Bo~· . lw.,·s, you forget J 'm het'<'.


'Iifton Dei_,ong:, or ·hall we die, Thi loud . elf-adv('rtiscr, But another ,\Par ht> 'II qualify For faculty advi cr. llnr




......._...._.. ,~.._....-.<~~,._.•._...~~~~,._.~.:·






Re ources Over $2,000,000.00


A Growing Bank For Growing People i !


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i (;_ R. <3 Q u I3 J) &j ~ .

c 0.


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•!• -·~.-..~~

•!• On~

llundrrd I- .jt rr •

Makes no difference whether it's one pound or a hundred, \\e will fill the order.






eil treet





Meat , Provision Liv Stock


.. Th e R exall Store


THE FRAT Wholesale and R etail 3 M ain


= T he Up-to- D ate

Confection ry = G. D . VAKY

Th e Champaign

NationalBank : hampaign, Illinoi , 000

Active Capital Over zoo,000 000

P roprietor



EDW. B ILEY, Pre . ·

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llu ·ndr~d





<e> • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • <tl

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If It' New It' at Lewis' If It's at Lewi' It's NEW.




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.. .. .. CHAMPA! N'S LEADING ... DEPARTMENT TORE ... .. ... ... .. - BUY YOUR N XT T HE ... CHOOL BOOK OF .. u. w BUY Y R . . UsED BOOKS AT . I N M A N .. GOOD PRIC S. .. .. .. = .. - :.. . The Leading ... .. Hot 1 In .. Watson Faulkner .. hampaign L. W. FAULKNER, Mgr• ...

W.Lewis &Co.

.. .. ... ... .. ... .. ... ... ... . hampaign, Ill. ..: 101 S. Neil . ... .............. ........ .... .................... .. .......... (





\11C'ICC' J

fly I'm/. 1\'uyulthuy. f), 1'. n.

:\ly tlt•an• t l't·of'fpssot· : I also ant in trouble. I han• thP tllo t lH'autiful P,\es. thP tllo t wondt•t•ful hait·. tiH· ntost su[wrh ('OlltpiPxion (too Jlltlt'h), tlw tlarltng-t· t mouth and tht• t·utt•st dimplP, I am \'Pt'.' intt>llig-Pnt (taking ('it·t•ro), I t•an hlush '~"t'.' prl'ttil~ just \\att·h llll'), and ,\'Pt 1 <·an 't ·et•m to attl'lll't an.'· !!t•ntlt>nH'n ft·iPtHl'i. Plt•a. e adYise lll<'. M. L. ~\n .. : Lin• on 1'.\'t' ht·t·ad and water fm· four yt•ar . practise puhlit• speaking-, lral'll to datH'P and go talk to :\lis.•}ml('s.

Prof.: Plea. e ath•isP me of ·omp difl'erent way of eomhin:,r m~· hail'. I hare trit>tl all thl' \rays that [ know. 1'Pd \Y. ~\ns.:

Tam aft-aid that 1 <·an't lwlp you any r1 heodore .Jehosaphat.

I am

bald. Dt>ar Editot·: Can you tPll llH' . cmwthin" that will make my hait· Ia.'· hac•k. I haw ltst•d up all the bandoline. ht·illiantint• and oliw oil in tlw twin t•iti<'~. Yet·non C . •\ns.:

.\xle grrasr or a hair net.

Drar Editor: onr. • \11 ...


tt·anspol'!ation to Htvsia.

Drar Editor: Plrase tPII lll<' how to kerp so many hairpin: out of the Pat so thP,\' will not turn up in tlw morning \\·lwn papa \\ants tlw t•at·. Ralph .' . •\n ...



( 'oultl you rPfer llll' to somr strong man, a r<>gular c•aye P. \Y .


. \11 of ~·ou "iit

7 ttcnly


tlw front


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• <!>






56 Years


... : :

... .




~ ~ ..


.: .. .. :

..~ .• 33-35-37 MAIN TREET CHAMPAIGN ..• . .. ... .. .. ............................................................. .. .. .. .. .. ... . . .. ... .. . .. ... .. THIS SPA E . DONATED BY ... . ... ... DUNCAN ... . PHOTOGRAPHER ... . ... ... .. ... ........... .... ...... .......................... ......... .


Jos. Kuhn & Co.

Therr are other· we would gladly name,

If only they'd show , igns of , hame, Bnt thry won't, we fear, ~hed ~o

even a t<>ar,

we'll leave them out of thf' game.












- - - -



A GENERAL BUSINESS COURSE Added to your public chool training will help very much to make your training a ucce . Get a cour e now. vVe can help you get it in the hortest po ible time.

Brown's Business College "The Accredited School" Swan nell Bldg., Champaign, Ill. II


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Everything for Men

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Finest of Wool and Silk Dress Goods



THE Bu y Corner u ltlll

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llrlllllllllltlllllll I

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Ill IIIIIIIIIOIIfiiiMittllllltlll--









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