1922 Maroon

Page 1


Q.o ihl' ,....~Hl'lnsous---..iHiss JHaril' ;4.ttl'lcrsolt, I!eal'l of t!!t' ?.rt .Depart-


ment auo 'JHr. <Chester facultu ul'luisor

lL ,...~uorrsott,

of p~tltlirntious--­

in uppn¡ciatinn of tl)t'ir infttt!uable serf1ice, ful' l'lel'licate


Mr. C. R. Anderson

iiss Marie Anderson


19 -

T 11 E

If .l H 0 0 S

.\LIUIJIEHE ll.\ .'TE ( 1:!li.)-1 :::! 1 This yPar lll<lrk tht• -.,ixth hundr<•dth Hnnin•r-.,ar~· of the death"" of thHt tlltSlll'Jlas·pd jH)('t of ltHI~· .•\lg-hi<'l'i ()ant <', \\ho \I'll'- hol'll in Flot't'tll'!' in l:!ti:i and <liPd in thP littl<' villag-1' of Ho\n•na itt 1:::!1. LittiP is known of hi. Pari,\· lift', <'Xt:ept a. ftp hitn..,pft' thrmr li~rht mt it in his \\Tit in!!. It i-., kno\\11, hmrt'\'t't'. that h!' s!ttdit•tl at • ·ap]p.., a11d Bolo"na 11nd <'\'<'II <hfonl. In his earl~ tuanho()([ he ht'l'alll!' a pofiti<·af !' ·i]t' all!] dnl'ill!.! hi-.; \\'lln<f<•t'lll!.! ht• \\'!'Ott' hi-.; litO ( faltiO\l poems. IIi t:hildhood IO\'(', BPatril'l' PontinHri. in-.,pin•d him to \\Till' thl' .. nh·inc ('ont<'d,\'." his intllllll'IHI !.!ift to lltankind. In 1t lkat t·it·•' a""lltll<'" tlw <·har;w(Pt· of thl' hProinl' and it is soHtPtime aid that ht• Ita JHit'trayPd hiHt plf in onH' of the lesser ro IPs. This y<'at· WI' mourn tlw pot't 's dPath L<'! us stop and hopt• that Oil<' from this elass of ·~~may IH• a not her Dante . •\s this ,\1'<11' t'- a IIH'lllot'ial for f)allt<' , thi-., uhiPd is nst•d a-., a h;wk!.!t'ound forth!' .:\I.\ two. . Thl' ltalii!tl infhtt•tH·!' t'llll'- t ht·ou~rhout th<' hook. <1nd is found in lettering all(] c]p-.,i:.rn mad<· hy tlw .\1'! J)ppar lllPIIt.

1!l -

1 II


1/ .I H 0 0 S -

W. W. EAR E T uperintc:ndent of chools





T 11 E

.11 .1 H 0 0 ,\








JJ ..1 R 0 0 S


IE ELLEN MORRlS Vice- P1 incrpal


Yan Liew, ~loorehead, Cook, Beach, Slatten, :\1 Voss, Goodman, Finnigan, Sutton Erhart, :\IcKinney, :\Iadden, Kra.emen, Turrell, Schoenbeck, Gaynor, Bamberget¡, :\Ioore Shaffer, Gooding, Briscoe. Crooks, Kelley, Cooley, Gresham, Anderson, 1<~. Voss, Keiler Tozier, Jones, Geyer, Preston, Anderson, .\loss, 1\Iay, Ulrich, Yoder, Baumunk




FACULTY .\lie ( '. H. \ ,\lis,

IJ!Ir!ltslt: Pu!Jlil"rttions

.l~I1"s <:n \CI: E. }1 \I>DL Jla/lit moths


.\lis" ETIILL

I>EH 0.



rt 111111 l!r.\lf/11

.-\11. .•\1.\1..

\ II\\IBI·:H<:Eit

.J \

L .\[ \Y


.\J Hs. E. .) . .\[ \


,"lf'tmlli 'ng (Girl:<)

J!rttlu uwti1•s: Boluny M11. l{o..;s ••• B\1'.\11'. K ('IJIIIII!t 1'1'/ltl


~\JI.'s A\IY Ik.\<'tt /,at in: Frnll'h

.\In .•\1.1 r-:x H. .\IooHI:

.lll Is: ELJY..\Bt:'l'll BHI:coE

M1:s Bt. \TIH<'E .\Iomu-:111. \1)



.1!1111111/llllit s


.\Itt. (h:o. II. CooK



(,1/lll'ltl.'Cil'/1('1 ,' Jfll/hl'/1111/li'S Mtss \'1m:-> .\ ( 'ooLlbY



ERH \ R'l'



.\I1ss IIELE::-.: I. Nrum:. 'BE('K En{llish

l<'z 'w \. -

\1{'1'11 \




Euz \BE'I'II U.\Y::-.:oR JliS/01 !I

.\ltss OL\I>Y,.,

i\TI{. C'li\HLJ·..;


.JJ1ss }I \IW \HI''I' ~I \'I'TI·.

Clot 11 iII{/ <IIIII lJt sll/11 }fR.

JJot/11 IIIII I if'S; ('01111/11 I f'ia/ (;t'IJI/1'11/IIIy

.\I H.


.\ltss. ·,



\ZI:J. E ..Jo Es Pll}lsiru/ Traini1111 (Girls)

('rmf'!t : Pit s



tl 7 /'Ill ni11[1

Y1 I'"'

Comnu l't'lltl

Clo//tu, If


.\IR. P

• Jill IIi '11



.\I1.·s .\J \Til II D\ \'o:,;"



l 'LHI('II

}fH .•Joll::-.: L. \' \





)I Is:,; El.lZ.\BETII





.\I 1::-s ( '1. \H \ KEI LEY



.\{Iss .\1.\HY

.\!iss II


L'llfll "''

\ OBESII.\\1


.\I 1{. ,. 1("1'01!



BY. 1: ( :ootnt \ IJ is/OI"]I

~1 -TTO.




F. , 'I! WFFB

J!antwl 'l'mining JJt•t·hanil·(l/ nmwinf'/


Enulisll: Pu/Jlic •'JH rtl..-in[l



.\IISS EH.\1.\

Fn 111'11

.\Its. .\1


.\I1ss A LID\ II . .\loss

S11 imminr1 (Boys)

:'I !ISS .\I I LI>IH:D A.



l'icc-Principal: J.;llf/llsh

1-:t·rmom it's; Ci z·ics: If is lory

i\ltt. ('!L\HJ.Es


IH.\ .\ .

Ktt .U:.\IER

Frnlf'll: Ills/Or}/: Com lllt'rcial (; 1'0!1 rrt Jill !I

\I 1.

P. Yom R

Com men tal



T 11 E

1/ .1 H 0 0 X



FOREWORD E PH E:-; E. 'T to .'<HI a not IH'I' .'I'll !'hook, t h1• 1!1~:2 .\I 1 Rl 10 • Tilt• .\1 \Hoo is th1• on I,\ I'P<'OI'd of the high !•hool. It ha he<'ll our purpo." and endl'aYor to pia\'!' in yni!l' hands a ··ni<'Illory" honk that 11ill gin• .'Oll a t•lt•at·, <'Oillprdl<'nsill•. and ti'\11' S\llllllllll'." of o\11' t·hool <'YI'Ilh. \\•(' IIHY<' t1·i<'d as far a-., po. sihl<' to llaiT,il<• thi · yt•ar·.., hi tor.\ th1·ow.dt th!' llH'diunt Of photogl'lljlhs and SII;IjJShols, hPiit•\'illg· thi to ])(' till' n1o. t <'tlt·<·tiw m!'thod for thi typ<' of joul'llali 111. \\' <' ha\'<' <'lldt•a,·on·d to !!i\'<' d<''-'1'1'\ ed I'<'<'O!!Ilit ion to tho "1rho I ;111 a-..-,i tt•d on th<' .\1 IH<l!l . hut 11ho ''"I't' not on th<' stan·. on thP •· .\uxiliar.' • t.Ifl'" pa!!l'. Our nap pag-<''- iiH·ludt• aln1o t !'1'<'1'.' pie'url' tlll'IH!l in. n \\<' pa. that · ' hll<'k" to th<' stllllPnt hod.1·. \Ve han• ti'il'd to do justi!'!' to all and injustil'!' to 11011<'. YPt 1\l' l'<'alig!' that ··to !'IT is hunlHII. .. Our ta k is t·oniplPt<'d, and with a · ·Jw t o · ltH·k · · to fut\11'1' puhli<·ation . \\'<' !'lo I' tht• hooks for th<• 19:2:2 .\l11mo ·.




1! l - T 11 I~

11l .l H 0 0 ·' -


FI:H. FH '"{ !';.; .AI.LI,.· ",'/Olrly anrl Jll'llC( 11/ly slzr 1rr nrll'll hr r 1ra !I rllong."





''From lalio1 111·allll. from tentment s]lrings.''

Ag Club;

l11allh con-

tock judging

.:\mnr \.- Enw \HD


".l 1111111. 111· srrms. of chcrrful <la.lls a11rl co11jirlcnt tomon·ou•.~ ...





l'lll'Y 110 /11(111 that kllOU'S 11!0/'C than myself. but ]lily th1 m that k11ozc less.''


Football '20, '21; Ba ·ketball, '23; Track '21, '22; " " Club President '22; A. A.

:\I11.mn:n :\Iu;

ARBoc: .\,''1' nn .' then 011 .' 11'111 11 rlut 11 .l!y ('Olli'SC' Iii' 0/lll"lll'll still"


ir'ar/.~ .

Glee Club '22; Opere! ta '22; A.A.

I h\"i<aiT




"Kil01cl('(/qr comes. Iiiii H'isrlom lin{lcrs.''

A. A.; "The President's Dream;" Class Hank ; Business Rank 1

Lor. \


B \R.


"Do 11'1'11 tllr rl11ly that lie.~ ln/Orl' you."


'L \HE. "CE



"n'llrn all things lltl!'l' tllrir trial, you sl11lll find nothing is consta11t liut a virtuous minrl.''

A. A.; Pr






1/ ,l HO () ,\






Fumr~ <'r·: Enr·r•fi Bu. rt.\W ",'rltllCt' is lilt• 111 rfcl'tion llll'llltl of jo11: I ll't'rt ' /Jilt lift,. hii/1/IJ/. if 1 t'Olllt/ stl)f /tOll' J/llll'll."

G.A.A.: Latin Club: A A.

IlLr.E. · L<wrst: Br..\1. 'E •· I /ort/Jf c·oun/t'lltllll't is lilt' jtti!'lst of all siullts." G. A.A.; Glee Club; A. A; Latin Club;

Good English Play; Senior Invitation Committee; Senior Play

Fa\. ·K

R.\Y Ik.\JH)ELL "'f'hc·rc's 11 prourl morlcsly in merit ,I!'CI'SC frO II! 118klll(f, (Ill(/ rc·solv'r/ /0 ]HI!J 'f'tn timc·s /lu· f!i/1 it a.~l>s."


Br.rss Bo\\ snLR

"Then is 1.~


llltiJ' s/tf 111 simp/it ily wlli<'lt

far ai.Jr,n /111 fJiltllllilic s of wit."

( Sr

\ Sr:\<'1. \IR Br{ \lli.EY .. Is unpn It ntious r1s 1111' 11 ilrl rost·. French Club; Latin Cluh; G.A.A.; A. A.; Pageant '1.




''RI'JJOsc 111111 U

Brn:T·::->c l'lu·c rfu/ncss an tilt' !JIItlfJt'

1/1 111/ I /Ill II

/'I JiiiSI


I ill

Ar.rc~<: Er.rZ.\BETil BHoo\J "f>IIJ']}()SI is 11'/111/ IJi!'< S lift

G. A. A.; Play

Latin Club;





Ullllllilll/ '•

Good Engli::,!t


"Willi 111/ li'Olllt II ]II /'SIIIISI/'1

1/1 JI//Cilo ss is /I!C 11/0sl llilf/ JiOII'I 1'/111 III'!Jll/111 /II."

Pageant '1 ; G. A. A.; GlPe C'luh; French Club; Gootl English l'lay


JI iROO ...Y -2 ~

..\li'HJEJ, GL\JH'" Hnm ··r;l'llllr llf'SS anrl aJ]a/JilitJI conquc r last."


Fr!.'nch ('Juh; G. A. A.; A. A o1w Eu \~ BnmJ:LL "l\'i/11 mirth anrl /rl!t{lhlcr It/ olt/ lt'l'illk· lr s I'OIIIt'.''

<i \ Yl

Honor Roll, Hank :l; "The President's Dnam;" Op retta; Orche tra ':!1; Glet> Club; A.A.; S nior Play

LE. '()(( \ I> I' .. , . , ,


L .\P Bt H'l' lli., ('rtn, IIi.,· ho}lr. a111l /tis rlc-

li!/111. J/118/

ltis 1/lllll!fll/. 111111



l'U' Ill hi~


G. A. A; A. A.; \\'ig and Paint; French Cl u h; Good Eng! i. h !'Jar; Senior !'lay; Or<·he tra •


BJ:I :<'I lbH B I'H'I'

'',I /11 Ill/It /JII

1'111/, IIIII/

Ill I'll'

Sfllllff /0

r/ou/J!: Xofllln[!'s WI hrt

rl lmt SCIII'Ch 1rill fiilfl

it (II// ... Orche:<tra; Glep Club; .\ A.; \\'ig anrl Paint \'I(''I'OH

..\f \ •

I'(, ('\1

''Tilt• 1111111 WI o IJ/usltt s i., 1101 IJI/i/(' II lntlt."

lo\\' \IW


o. ( '.\.

TLH, .}H.

"l·'iclo:ltilf'Ss lias alli'II!/S /Jt frit nrlt 11 lllt' Ill'filii iful ...

I )oiW'I' II Y


1m ( '11 E:o-'I'LJ(

· Hlllthl IJs /111 s1111 ltr r 1}/1 8 1/11 1/•tzu· 8/1


1/1(/. likt 1111 alikt•.''






Latin Club; G. A. A.; Glee ('tub; Second \'ice-Pt·esident ·w ig and Paint; A. A .; Op!.'retta; Senior Play

l>o. \ I.J) E \ 1..\. •

( 'L.\H K

".\tn·r II'/ !fOUl'


intrrf1rc u"ith


Latin Club '1 , '19; tunt how '1 , '19, '::!0, '21; Wig and Paint; A. A .; Junior-Senior Reception Committee



1hnwrr M. ( 'u

'IIR.L ·

"!Jut sun• 1lc's J)/'01111. but t1!1 11 l1ig Jil'illt /JI('OII!CS him."

Cia . Rank 5; Basketball "("' ':!~; "('" ( luh; Chairman Executive Committee; Senior !'lay: Good Engli h Play ':!:!; A.A.

Ht 'I'll

Ltll l'-'1' ( 'IWBIWI,\"

":'\'t r1 r 1111)Jfhlllfl Cllll 111 11111iss ll'h1 n Sllll]ilWit_l/ 11111/ !lu/lf (111111



Honor Holl. Hank 13; Spanbh ('luh: Bw<kethall ':!0, '21; Orche ·tra


\\. \I.TLH "Thtlf


11'110 jlll'ffil'l'

1/liJS/ S/1111/ IH




\Iti.L:-- ( '1

•· 'TirJ ( 'J/utf





I h:Lo (;

l'fJIII Ill Oil


IHUIJ/ jrftll

1/IU'/'j( S(

If lilt/




//UI/11 ,"

Chairman Junior-Senior Reception ('ommittee; Stunt Show; Opt•retta: Wig and Paint, Latin ( luh; .l!ol1 utl1 Stall; .:\1 \ltoo Staff; A. A.; Senior Pia~; "\\"hy tht> <'hime>< Hang"


\l'L .JoY 'E fh.W IIIJ{:--'1'


lrl1111 11 /lttl]t's


fl 1 11~1


thtnrts rtir• pl11n.'' Football ':!0; Captain. Football '21. Hasl<eth:-~11 ':!0. ':!1; (':,plain. Jlaske h· II '2:!; Track ':!:!; "('" <'lub ':!0, ':!1, ':!2; A. A.; Honor Roll ':!0 111/ 11/lur




\1(1() •

] ) l.\:0 .•

".\'of hill[! fft'l'l/( 11'1/S I I IT ltl'llit /'I'll 11'111 IIIII 1 111/lll.'ll/.~111."

G. A. A.; Basketball ':!1, ':!:!

Fn \

·c 1~ ALBEH1' DoLLL ·uER


is tllt ' Ill fill lrllO ill!'l'lltl'll sln fJ .,

"C" Club; Football '21 ~

·u.LE DooLE. "TIIt'l'l' is


lllllji'S/]1 ill Silll]!lif'itlt."

G. A. A.; A. A.; Glee Club; Latin C'luh



19 -

1' 11 b'

JJ ~1 R 0 0 S -


( 'll.\HLE~ Ot:Jc(:!li!Y DHYER "! rlan• do all tJw/ IJr·r·omr·s rt mrtn: lrho tlan·s rio 1111111 is nonr ...

HoY \.EH -

Dt·. r. \I'

"/ am not in tJtl' ,·oil of r'III/1//IO!I 1111 11.''

llolr c11lr Stalf ':!0, ':!1 hi..\. 'CIIE E.\IILY EI.I.JOT'l'

is llfllllill{/ frir nrl ill 111 r rl."


11101'1' f!'ll!llll!f



Glee Club; I<'rench Cluh; Operetta HoBEH'l' El'<;E. t: Ft:-:llEH

.. I /Otn·,· of s/ rr !If// h

H'hil'lt slruu1s four squf/n 11 illl1s /hal IJ/ou :·

/o rtll 1/u·

President {'lass ':!0; Editor (jt·.) :\J\. HOO:\ ':!1; Editor-in-Chief of llo/1'1 1111 : \Vig anrl Paint; lloys' Stunt Show; Operetta; Seniot· Play, "Why Chimes Rang;" "S que!;" Goo(! English Play; Junior-Senior Reception Committee; A.A.; Glee C'luh; Latin 'luh; Senior Pin Committee .\I.HEH!' El.·. 'EH FtTZ\\ 11.1.1 Ul

··Tllcsl' s[liri/ua1 .wu1 s1 qul'ls .,


rtn rlU1/f(t1 IJ!I 110

Orcht>stra; French ('Jub; A.A.; Good English Play; "("' BaskHball; Track ':!:!; "("'Club F1n.

·c·r.· .J t'Lit'.·


"J!ySII'!'iUUS 101'1'! 11111'1 r/aill /1'11/SUI'I.





])([ill or ]1111/SIII'I'."'

Wig anrl Paint; A. A. Ell

\ ALl 'J: FLE\IJ. '(;

··,'of/ 111 ss of Sill i/1 in1111 11/1' I'll h 111 ss of

clwral'/r r,''

Spanbh C'luh; G.A.A.; A A.

,J o:-:EPII II \ZI:. ·


"/I iS I !JI'S ( f'l!l /'1 I'!J fo/111 Of }lt/1111-<IJII/1 1'1/1 s) is 111!'1/1' 1//lfl dark.''

"l'resi<l nt'


1!)-7JL F:

Hosf:,ro. ·r E Do.· · \BEI.LE



"'1'11 n11 mon rft"ar. I'IJ11fJulial/1J 11111 h• art 0111' 1wfir1' 1 harm. /111111 all 1111 !/lOss of


Cia·: Rank 7; 'Vi~ and Paint; French Cluh; G A. A.; Commercial Cl11h; First in I>i trict Typewriting Contest; Sen· ior ,\ctivil\ ('ommittee; State ('hampion, T) J) ' " riting

Jon · (, \l'L'l' "LOll!/ rlrauyhls of sit 1 JJ Ills lim/'s , II·

slat't :· DoH<YI'IIY .:\1.\Htl: GtnY

·•J-;J/1 s slit litiS wllil'lt shall• r 11/l 1111 ~~·~ fl/111 (}I//' ••

Wig and Paint; Gle lub, G. A. A; Pag<•ant '1 ; Operetta; Senior Play; As. i~tant Art Editor :u \HOO'H..\Y;\fO. n Enw.\lm GRYLI u "Tdf/ts /111//ISI 11'1'.~ 11/T ClC{/1111/



Football '21; Latin Club; A. A.; Dusiine~,; :\Iana~er Senior Play ALEX.\. 'l>EH Gt'.\HD

"011 ll'llat a plll{Jill' it


to /Jt a h11111l·

·omt• m1111." M.\1{(;\JU;T Gt'l.J(K






nu nt

wins flit' soul.'' Honors 'l!J, ':!0, 21, '2:!;

Clas~ Hank 1; in :\!athematic.·, Rank 1; lion· ors in Latin, Hank 1; Honors in Sci ence, Rank 2




ll.\l. 'E


"True llapJJillf ss. if zuulr.rslootl. consrsh alone


riMIII/ 1/00II.''

Latin C'luh; Good English Play, "President's Dream" FHEI>EHH'K (J H.\. 'T

"Lt t us lon youth,

II \H'l'

IIOIC, in this 0111' fain sf

·wlll'rl' lore 1'1111 ji111l a


full 111111 frmrl



19- T If E


'{JHGI. 'L\ BIRELEY IL\RTFORD "Variety is the very SJJicc of life."

Latin C'lub; Spanish Club; Art Club; Glee lub; Operetta; G. A. A.; A. A.

H.o.· \LI.\


\Y II.\TIL\W.\Y '"TI'll me note t7l('. time of day. Our clock strikes uy Algr.!Jm."

'lass Rank 3; Honors in Mathematics, Rank 2; Honors in ocial Scienc , Hank:~; Honors '20, 21, '22; A.A.; Latin Club; Good Engli:-h Play

llow.\RD II \ZLETO. • "BVCI'J/ man is like Ow com]Jany hr is

1cont to keep."

Boy Stunt Show '17, '1 , '20, '21; Pres· ident lass '21; Senior Play; A. A . F.\Y II1.·o "Urcat in his trium)Jhs. in retin•ment m·cat."

.Jlo 'T

A. A. '21, '22

,J l


,J \)IE liJR

"Can OIH tlling .'''

CIU'IELD desire too much of a good

A.A.; Latin lub; "Pr sident' Dream;" Assistant tage :\lanager tunt how '21


ELIZ.\HETH IIoFF)I \. · "Faithfulness all(l sinu nty first of all."

Wig and Paint; Operetta; Senior Play; A. A.; G. A. A.; Glee C'lub


Ln.\ 11

Rr 'TJJ lloLLL ·or:R


nlucation forms 1111' common minll; ,Jlt.~l as the flci[l is !Jcnl. the trct•'s inclil!e(l.''

A. A.; G. A. A.; Glee ('luh IIELE. · M.uuE IIou,r ''l'EH "The common growth of Jloth• r l:a.rth Nuf!wcs me I 11111 content."

Latin lub; French lub; G.A.A.; A. A.; Pageant '1 ; Girl ' Glee Club

T 11 F:


M A H 0 0 .\ -

,J 'm:. ·

BEIL ·.\HI> lioLLI.'TEJt "Push on - ki'CJJ moriny ,"

Latin Club; French Club; Jloln•111r• Staff '21, '22; A. A.; :\1 \IU)(J taft; Art \.1 ub; :\Iii itary '1 , '19

0:-o\\' \l . ll



" I'U r }JOS( is 11'1Jaf f/l!'I'S li/1 ' rt



Editor-in- hief :\1.\HOO '22; Cla.·s Rank 2; Rank 3 in ;\lathematics; Latin Rank 3; Rank 1 in English; Honor Roll '19. '20, '21, '22; Latin Club; Wig and Paint; Stunt Show '20; Moll'culc Staft '21; Sport Editor '22; " equel;" VicePre;;ident Class of '20, '22; ecretary las· or '21; Pin Com mitt ; Senior Invitation Committee; Junior- enior Reception Committee; A. A.

.J.\. ·r.: Ho~KI. "I'll /JC a UU/11'1'/l!f. /JOI'II ill II /JOU' I'I'. n ' 1J1 t'l rOSI S IIIli/ lilit 'S rt/1(/ l'iOlf' /S

M .\HG .\HET


BEH. ·rcr.: Tn:KEH Iln·c11r:->:;ox ''Ill r 1JI'art is not in ht'l' !COrk; it is SOIIIIlChCrt clSI .''

Gle Club; Operetta PIIYLLI!'< CL.\Y'ro.· HYDE

"0. thou art fain r tJum the t-rcning air ltHl in the bl'auty of t1wus11111l stars."

Pageant '1 ; G. A. A.; French Club IL\ZEL E. Ir. "GEHI II "Lon· anrl you shall lit ' loved.''

Glee Club; Wig and Paint; Ba;;ketball '1 , '19, '20, '21; G. A . A . ; G. A . A. Arm-

band; Latin Club; A . A.; FH.\. 'K ALLE .-



nior Play

,J .\CK>'O ••

J.·no1r t' I'I 'I'J111lint/."

Lnt \ Lr·crLE ,J.,cK.·o. "For


/1111/ OIWt'




n·cr yn at."

G. A A.; A A.; French Club; Pageant '1. ; District Typewritin~ Team



1!l -

T II J.;

M , l R 0 0 .S

K~o · to know 1111 r1 is 1111 tJfl' will

H<niE • 'Lv \ ,J.\ "'T1s sw11



Our r·om ill{/. a/Ill look bri[lhtcr 11'1!1'n /1'1' C'OIIlf'.''

KE. •• ' ETII


K. (),.

,JI.:: ._ .,_


.. lnofJu r morn risf'll on mirl-noon."

H .\ L\w. n Eno \H ,J U'l'KI "f-'orlllll! ·s llllJUS/; slit IJrat'l', ,\nrl llim wllo should b1


oft thf!

l'if'tur. maT.:1·~

the slav1·.''

Stunt ~\LEII) \

how '20; A. A.



"l'irt111' woulrl nut go flU',


L'llnity rlirl

1.:1 I ]I i/ COI/l})ll!l!f." G.A.A.; A.A.; Glee C'luh; Operetta


ELIZ.\BJ•.'l'll E1n 'l'llL K1


"I }il'llll!l for your tltOUI/ht."

A . A ; G. A. A.; \Vig and Paint; Latin Club; Good English Play; Basketball '21 LonJ~K .\ L \H~o. "Of softest ma11111 r.~. unrl{fi'C'/r rl millfl; Lon r of Jif an anrl fn< 1Ul of hlllllfltl·

.:\L\n1 \

kind." Jlol1 r·1!l1' Staff; President Latin Club

'22; Wig and Paint; Senior Play; Pageant of '1 ; G. A. A.; A. A.; Good English Play; Senior Activity Committee Yl\'1.\. .

~\ r.L E

LE \Sl'HI:

"'l'lu most 1[fr·r t1t:1 l'IHJIICtr 1 h


r·nH·c.'' Class Rank 9; Latin l'lub; G.A.A; Pageant '1 ; Opentta; Senior Play ~\ r.m:nT

.:\I('( 't HDY LI-.1;

.. Is in smooth oil the ra::::or best is wlll'/.

No ll'lt is by


sharpest sl'l.''

Football '19, '21; ''C" Club; Ag Club: <'las· Basketball '1 , '19


1': L~.1; not too much to

• Ll( b JosU'lll "Tn1st

1111 1 nclwntinrJ

fal r•." G. A. A.; A. A.; French C'lub; Art Club; Orchestra; Qpez·etta; Glee Club

M \RI.\. • Funn:. ·<·E ''I/ 11111111 n


/lOll' lOll!/ 11'1




Latin C'lub; Glee Club; G. A. A.

Ih:u:. 'E Jk.\ C'IIE LEE :'ITO.· ",1 t•rry o< nllt' maiil anrl ot

good con·


French Club 1\IU,DRED .T.L ·r: LEE:\10 .. "The valzw of a thought cannot br tolil.''


"To hurry



to rio


{lrcat Jn·on{J.

Class Rank 9

TILES '\<VILLI DI LEl:'CK 1 kinrl 1'1 jl'l'.~hiny sl< rp is fall'n upon him.''

A. A.; Orchestra ':!1; Senior Play IL\ROLD Rno \DES LisE . 'BY "My only books JC<TC 1com rn's look.~. And folly'. ull tl1cy taught me."

A. A.; Fr«:>nch Club; "Pr ·ident's Dream"


'IFRED li.\LI.\



can say."

Lvo. ·s

can <lo. 'tzs but tile sari


1!) -

T lJ /;'

.11 A R 0 0 S -


)L\xL ·E ELiz \llETu )lcCoR~ncK "H(T air, lH r manners . • Ill !CliO .WIIC (l([ll!irnl."

G. A. A.; A. A.; Glee Club; Wig and Paint; enior Play; French Club; Good English Play; Senior Play; Senior Invitation ommittee; Ba.·ketball '20

\VILLI.Dl liE. 'RY :\IcYE:b .. 1 t:oi([ c.l'frcmcs; ancl sllun the tnuzt of such tcho still arr• please([ too littlr or too IIIUCI!.''

Stunt Show '20; Orchestra '21, '22; Senior Play )lYRTLE


\I. ·y

)1 \DDE~-

"But tllcrc's a {I!Ulc tinu r·oming.''

panish Club; Glee G. A. A.; A. A.

lub; Operetta;

P .\ 'Ll:\E )L\RKL.\. 0 "Farcu.:cll: But not tor cvt r.''

YEitX .\

Girls' Glee Club; G.A.A.; A.A.; Pageant '1 liOW.\ IW \VILLI \~1 )L\R. IL\LL

"If thou clast ill. th( joy /nclcs. not the JJains. If tccll, tile ]Jain cloth taac, the joy rrma i11s." Tno~r \ · )1 \X WELL "His r ycbrow ([ark, and rye ot fire. Shou·r·rl spirit prou<l anll prompt to ire.''

,J ouN

Senior Play; Wig and Paint; OI·chestra '20, '21 Ht 'TII



".l tnu ,., noulr·,·. truslir·r lll'art.

More lovill{l, or 1/l(Jrc loyal n'ithin a human urcast.''



G. A. A.; A. A.; Good English Play; Operetta, "Pierott and Pierette;" Glee Club; Jfoll'culc Heporter '21, '22

)f \R1'1I.\ )Il. 'ER "Martha is quiet ancl unassumintf."



1!J- 1 ll E

11 .1 H 0 0 S -

( 'L.\H \ BELLE ~II '()It ··J,auo/" cOIHJlll rs all tllitl(JS.'' A.A.

E'I'III:L ~I \HU: ~I!'!'(' II ELL "Tlll" J)OOrt sf SliT iCC i.~ rcpai 1l Hill! tlwnks."


\Hil.\R \ AHTY.\11-;."1 \ ~IOLLE'l' "Wily 1cis11 fol" mon·! Wi.~hing of all l' lll}ilOylllllliS is tl11 li'OI'SI.''

G. A. A.; Basket hall '1 , '19; Pag ani '1 ; A.A .


\Y MooRE

"l-ift• is not so short but that thl'rt' ;., al1cays ti lilt'

1 nouyh

for courtcsy."

II~-:. 'HY SToLTEY ~IommrrK\D "Sil", I tt"Oulll rather br right tlwn 01 ]Jn·si<lcnt."

Latin Club; A. A.; Senior Play

J>orm; lV.\LOl' ~IOT'l' "Woman. at lint. is a I'Oillradiclion still.''

Junior-S nior Rec('ption Committee '21; Spanish ('lub; G.A.A.

} H \ . 'CES Il .\lmll 'l' • 'rCIIOL "l11r roic1' ll'llS lt'IT soft. (/Cilllc 11111/ IOIP- 1 J't'l lie Ill 11/ill(l ill I! !COIIHlll."

A. A.; French ('lub

,J.DIE.· ll.\HOLD • ' OGLE "In f't'CI'!/ <It ul of mischief hr hall 11 1H·art to n·soln·. a head to contrirt a1Hl a hrnHl to t'J'I'Clllc.''


19 -


JJ • 1 H () 0 .Y


L. E. . . 'oHHII-'

"Fast as his ton[JIIt r/irl mttf.:r o!Jnnt•, 11 is 1 yc. (lirl ltt·al it 1111.''

Ag Club '21; Latin Club; Football '22; A. A.; "('" Club EI-'TIIER EDIT II p \.'(;!lOlL • .. I rouna 1!1'1' sllon,. '1'111' 1!11/lll'li'SS 1'11111"1/tS llll/IIIU'f.:'r1 1111 1!1'1' 1110111' ...

Glee Club; G. A. A. E.\1{), Rt•u ELL P.\RKJIJLL "Ht• may bt· silt•nt. but llocs not lllcay his Stllit'll<'t s in rain.''


Orchestra; Latin Club; Secretary Class of '20, '22; A.A.; Good English Play; nior Play }[ \RJE


liRI, TL 'E



"Hyt•s that arc fountains of thought anrl song.''

Class Rank 4; Honors in Social cience, Rank 2; Wig and Paint; G. A A; G. A. A. ecretary '21; A. A.; Good En~lish Play; I<'r nch Club; Latin Club; Pageant '1 ; enior Play; Senior Activity Committee J[YR'l'I.E :\L\HIE P,\T!E:'\'1' .. '7 is sairl tltt' lion will turn 111111 f!tt' From a mair1 in tlu· prirle of llt'r Jill rit !!.''

C'la::;s Rank 4; Honors in ocial cience, Rank 1; Honor!-! in :\Iodern Language , Rank 1; G. A. A.; A. A.; Good English Play THEV.\ P ,\TTE

G \I.E

"Low sllr 11111!11!1('(/. but a jolly ltlllf!lt. laugl!t·rl slw."

Basketball '19, '20, '21, '22; A. A.; G. . A.; Latin Club; French Club }I \IWI'EHITE ELIZ.\Ili'TIJ J>.\l'L "/ IIIII ((


G. A. A.;




Of all tllat I lllll'l' llll't.''

pan ish C'lub


:Ill'~. E..

"I II' II'S a ft'tltllrr, tllili a l'llit fa rot/: In llont·st mtlll's tltt' noblnt 1corf.: of Uotl.''

7 11 E



11 "1 H 0 0 .Y -


"Tiu 1111'11/lY thl' hcat'I'IIS Jlil'/rl must lw cmlinH·r·11 anrl not llf'fl/(dcrl.''

.I r \,'I 'I' .:\In: HoBEHTl'o. • •·,'udz

1 .VI'S



hl'rln 11, but 111 11cr 1u fun!''

lun·1 WI

looker/ from

rr· raiser/ to it

('Ia s Hank 6; Honors in English Hank 1; Honors in ::\lodern Languages, Rank 2; Senior Editor of l\Luzoo:-.; Senior J.Jditor of Molecult·; Wig and Pain. Secretary '22; G. A. A.; A. A.; Latin Club; French Club; Girls' Gl e Club; Good English Play, "Why the Chime Rang;" Pageant '1 ; Senior Play GEOIH:E PHYOR



"C'rgc your success; deserve a lastinrt )l(l?lle, .She'll crotcn a grateful anfl a constrmt flame."

A. A.; French Club; "President's Dream" .:\IIl.DIU:I> CL.\RETT\' \ "OER.'

"lf fine manners an so rulmimbil' ill ?lten. 11o1c muelz mon• c[fcclivc they Ill



11'01/W ll. ..

\Vli.LI.\:\1 liE. 'RY , ' Illl\\"E:-\GEHDT

'"I rue

irtur s. 1rith 111Hlourlcrl light. all royal. shine divinl'ly bright.'' t

,l/1 great.

"C" Football '21, '22; Ba.<;ketball '21; "C" Bask tball '22; "C" Club Treasurer: " " Club '21, '22; A. A.; Latin Club; Good English Play EmTJI ,\LBEHT\, 'cnGGI.'

''It 1s qentll' JIWI!Ill ''" l("hit·h prun irn•sistalilt' ill a !1'0//ltlll ..


G. A. A.; A. A.; French 'luh .\f\HI \ •. II'.\ BELLE , 'H \1 Gr·.R


Sill' llfTI'I' r 1lllll(fl' l'.rCI']J( ill IIIII/I('.

Pageant '1 ; G. A. A; A. A .; Latin Club BL\'EHETT \ ~llf.I'IIUW "7'1ll'rc bucls tile ]Jrom i.~1· of ('l'l('Stilll !COr/h.''

Gr:. 'E\'JE\'E

G. A. A.; French Club; Latin Club; Gle Club; Operetta; Basketball '1,



'1' 11 E

.JJ .1 H 0 0 X -


,JoHx BERX.\RD OLO. ··Quality. not QUIIIIflfy. is my


Pr sident of Class '22; Honor Roll '19, '20; Wig and Paint; French Iub; A. A.; lass Pin ommittee '20; Cia~s Social ommittee '22; Class Invitation Committee '22; "The Sequel" '21; tunt Show '21, '22; Circulation Manager of Jloli'CIIlc; Art }]eli tor of :\I \HOO~ ·~2; C'omm rcial Club; Senior Play StagtJ :\tanager; Operetta; Glee Club

H \1.1'1[

ARTllt'R • 'O::IlER.

"Jforlcst d01tbt is called The beacon of tlu• u:ist•."'

rat:~TL'S • 'TEDE:\l ..Bt• not thy tongue t1111 ozcn shanu·s orator."

II' 1wr.o A.A.

KE:-;. ·~:Tu Yot. ·o ~TOLTEY "Tilt• II'Orld knOlls 011111 tlCo Rome an1l 1."


Il.\RoLo \Vn.LL\::11 • 'TRonE "GOO(/ Sl IISC an(/ {IOOrl IWt urc an: 1H 1:1 r SI'J)aratl'll, though 1111 ignorant 1corlrl hilS ti!OU{Ihl Otiii'I'!CiSI' ...

A. A.; Club




O·rvLT \

Dream;" French


"1rl/11 mi.r/1! caul /ltlllf/t/t r let old 1crink· Its I'OIIlf'.''

Pageant '1 ; G. A. A.; GI e ('I ub; Spanish ('Jub; Op r tta I>o!WTII Y ETX \ , 'TY \. •

... 'lit lookc d anrl as slu !/aZt II tht' lCOr/1l /I'll at llcr jf'ci."

Class Rank 2; Latin Club; G. A. A.; G. A. A. Vice-President '21, '22; A. A.; Glee Club; Wi~ and Paint; Wig and Paint Vice-President '22; Basketball ·~o. '21, '22; Sophomor Editor :\1.\Hoo~; Society Editor .'lfolrcu/1' '22; Pnior Pin C'ommitt e; Oper tta; Senior Play li.\ROLD FR.\X I

"lrc 1corkccl by 1cit, all(! not by tfilchl'raft, .11111 tcit


on dilalo1'y tim('."

"C" Club; President A. A.; "C" football '21; "C" Basketball '21, '22; "C" Track '22

HI -

T 11 E

Jf A H 0 V X -

:\1 \H<il EHITE .ALI 'E '1'11;. OH ••Rqiri!O/ on l!C1' lip. Iilii ( J/1 :·

\'Jo:;J(. I·:

FH \


Sllllll' in lu'l'

CI.' \'.\.. BL'KIHK

''llumillly and resignation arc his prime t•irllti'S."

Latin Club; Ag Club Yot'H'JJI , 'EUL\



z.~ QUiet (lllfi IOWSSUIIlillg, anrl by in!! .~o places l!c.rsclf ncar the l!catl



of tlH" list." Good English Play \VILLt.· \V \Y. 'E \V \IT "When ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise:•

Uc. ·.ELL

FR.\. · c1 \VALK ' P "Fazth, that's as zn ll said as if I had said it myself."

En. ' EST

G .\HDI. 'ER \V.\LTER "Ilat·r· I not manag('(l my contrivance !I' I'll To try your lOt:<' 111111 1/UlkC you aoubt of mine!''

Football '22; Basketball '22; Track '22; Captain Senior wimming Team '22; "C" Club; Spanish lub; Honor Roll, Rank 6; Rank 1 in cience; Class Rank 6 'TEO .Jon. ' ,'TO.' \V \RD "ll'uulrl you so dot e upon your first (/t sire .1.~ not to rntcrlain a nobler fire!"

Tennis; A. A.; Latin Club; Wig and Paint; Treasurer 'lass o[ '22; Assist· ant Joke Editor ':!2; Good English Play; " 'W hy the ('hime Rang;" enior Play; Operetta IloW.\RD R~IER o. \V.\RRE. • All, me! - for aught that I coul(l n·cr rca <I The course of true lov · never dill run smooth.''

Clas!; Rank 10




Ill\ Lot I.'E \V \.'{'lll:lt •·J woulrl 111'1/1 o/111 rs. out of rt fdlow-

1l'l'li 11{/." G. A. A.; Latin ('luh; Basketball '19, '20

.\L\H('ELL \ \\' \f-(;IIEit

"Fril'nrlsllip is 1111 wi11r' of lifl .''

Gl e Club; G. A. A.; A. A.; Good Eng. !ish Play; Operetta .JE.L ~l.\BEL W.\'1"1' "•'port that tcrinkl('(/ mrr rlcrillcs . •111fl lauglztl'r /willing Votlz its sirlcs."

las: Rank 11; Honors in l\loder11 Languages, Rank :~; G. A. A.; G. A. A. Pre!ii<lent '21; A. A.; Wig and Paint; Fr nch Club; Pag ant '1 ; Basketball '20, '21, '22; G. A. A. Armband; ('lass Social Committee '20; Senior Play; Senior Activity ('om mit te

Gn \C'E

LonE:-. E \VJ<BB

"'1'1/{ liluslzin{/ umul.tl of rt molll'st mai1l."

:\Lm Lt'('JLI,£


"Smoot II run.~ tile wrtlr r wllrTI' 1111' urook is rlcrp."

W \l.'l'l<H HoY

\ \'u.JH:. · "IIntt'l'n ucstows

<I I







ltl'l'rls." BE \'l'HI('E



",'/tr is u('!st wllo 1s lntsl spoken of 11111011[/ lnl'll. 11'111 /ltr I' for f/OOrl Or for ITil.''

G. A. A.; Girls' Glee Club

\'ERXO • . (}!n:W>RY \ \'ILI,T.\.\11'0 .• "'l'lzr rnd must justify llw mr·a11s.''

A. A.; Senior Track Team: Track

1 ~J -


J/ .~1 R 0 0 S -

FumF "(' t: :\I .\H(; \HE'l' \VL "TI-:H~ "1rlit•n sill' U/H'IIetl hn- mouth to ul/('r


worrl, /Ill stars slooll still to hem·.'' l'a~eanl 'lS; Wig and Paint, Secon•l \'iCl'·l'resi<lenl ':!0, Vice-Presi<lent '21; Guocl I<;n~lish Play; Senior Play; .1 unior-Senior Reception Committee;

G. A. A \\'J;-;1:

,f\\11·.' ('.\HI

t 1111 ltc is o t //I( 11

11 iscsl man

ist at all."'

\V!I,I.I ,\.\1 \Vr:n;;TER \\'OIILP.\HTII "Tht' stron{lcsl ]lassion tllat I llan· lion or.''

A. A.; "President's Dream;" French Club Y.\:'\o~ "Sits 1111' wind in tl!at corner.'"

(h:mwt·: Enwt ·

('he r Lead r '20, '21, '22; Junior-Senior Recepl ion Commit tee; Treasurer Class '21; A. A.; French C'lub; Stunt Show '19, '20 .) E~;;l I· API' I >EO \TE

.:'1ft LDHEil "lit r

mor/('s/ /oo/,:s till' I'Otlrt{/t' mi{lllt rulorn.

Swt ct at tllr ]lrllnrosr· )H'I')Js bl'llr'llt/1 tliorn."




.:\1 \HI I·.


1 .\\

E "llLH

"1\'i/110111 1/H sill ill f,·om )Jilrtwl bnwtv 1/"(}/1,

Uh. 11'/l!l/ wcrr fl

()p \I,




1rorlrl 1ritlloll'

81111 ....

,J I

I.IE'I'TL Pti.O •.

"I-'m illy. lily 11111111 Is 1ronwn !"

Ht''L'tl H{)j

Ev \ ma


::-;miEH;; j



q ajlutivns mild."



1!! -

T II /<.:

JJ A H 0 0 .X -

GLE. •••




"A man's a man for rt" tllat ·• Track " " '20, '21, ':!:!; "("' Club; A. A

E1nn. · H t• J>EWt' BI; H


"l ]JIIOJJIIcclt bl'forl'lllt11r/ I 11 ill 11 in."

A. A.; Latin C'1uh; Operetta

\VILBUR A.LLE•• STOWE "1 lion 1c110 is strong amon(f mn1. mul tun1cth not azcay from any." (' \ IDlE:\ TAYLOR

··.ts mar

as a pearl.

• lnd as pct"fr·rt: a 110bl1 r1111l innocent {firl."

F. HARRY COFFEEN, '22 1904-1921



M AR 0 0 X-




,Jou. · B.

o. ·



l'in-Pn .~ir/1 nt rr tnr!J

Osw.\LD ( '. lloH

H. P .\HKII II.L TEn ,J. \Y \IW



, 'N


Tn u.·11n r

SE lOR H O OR ROLL (Genpral AveragP for Four Years


" ,, "

" " "






0. ·w.\LO


DoROTHY EL \ ~TY \, •




Ho:.\LL\ ~L\ y

E . T G .\IWL

Hos.uw. 1 f . -

9 9

Eu\s BnmELL II \Til\\\'\ y .:\J.\RIE 'IJRISTI::\E p \RR 4--~lYRTLE ~l.\RIE p \'I'll·. '1' i>- DWJGIIT ~I. ( 'oCIIR \ •. 6- ,J I \ .. IT\ ~I \ y R< )IH.R'l'S() 6- EH.


'. liOR'\



\ '1\"L\).; ALI." E LI::.\.THE


'· 10--Ilow.\HD E)IERso. ·

'' 11 ,, 1~ '' 1:3 .. 1

,J£.\X :\I .\BEL

·RI ·Tn

Hos \LL\


0. \\ ,\LD

Lon. E Cm·nr:RJ.Y

llow.\Rn YicR"-O




Hank l-~1 \JW.\RET Gt·LrCK


\V \HHI::. •

\V \'l'T

--.\Til\ •• BEECIIER Bt'RT



Do. . .\BELLE FnY B .\1.1.



1-0 ·w.\LD <.'. IloR. · 1

~I.\ Y

IL\TI! \\\ \ Y C. IloH •.

.}1 ' \ . Tl'.\ ~hY

~ -DWIGHT ~1.

RoBI:wr:-o .· 'o II H.\ •.

, OCL\L • CII::. CE



1 -~I \IH; .\HET






C. IloRx llo\\'.\RD \ "ER ll

(' \ ''l'EH, .}H .





:'If \RJE ( 'nRI. TL I· P .\HH


Hos.\1.1 \ :\I\ Y II

P \Til·: . 'I Houtxr;,;o.·

- :'IIYHTLE ;.balE

,JL '·'IT.\ ~1 \Y

Hank 1





\Til\\\" \'

D\\'I<Oll r Kun!IT

B \1.1.


FR \ Y .\L'l'EH.

U ("LI('K ~f. ( 'o('IIR \ .'

:! -~1.\R(, \IU T

3- D\\·)(; liT

;{-,JE \ .• :\1.\BEL \Y \'l'T


\TIL .,,

H'IC." 'E

• lODER •. L \'\ Gl' \GES

Rank 1 " :!




19- T 11 E

JI A R 0 0 N- 22

DO YOU REMEMBER? Do you remember that day, and year, Tlw most thrilling of days in all your career, That 'n n<l!'rful day wlwn yon a:pircd to lwlong To a modt>l school which was :;ix hundred strong Yet I rememhl'l' that <lay so m•ll, It is lwyond tlw powt>r of my words to tt>ll Of tilt> pranks and thP ,jokPs that w<•n· play<•d on llH', For I was as gn•pn as a fn•shman <·otll<l lw. Four long yPars \n' han• lahon•d ottr lwst, ~lakin:.r

( 'hampaign Iliglt thP IH st >l·hool in the West.

Do yon rememh(•r tlw ••. 0 . .'.of twPnty-two, \Yht'll ioonoranep mrt it.· '' \Vaterloo? '' • 'o l<•t 's give a cheer for evrry year That we have spent in thi. dt'ar old st·ltool. )lay tlw ~Im·oon and White forever fly For tlw chool that ran nevrr (lie.

p \1'1.

\\ \

w~~lkcv 1


\ \ \\ \ c.u.,. "" - z


19 - 1' 11 E

.11 • t N 0 V S -


A HISTORY OF THE CLA S OF 1922 0 t'Olllt', ye n1u~<'. atHl aid this nlllld, ~o fitful in its wa1Hkrin!.!' ways, ])p i~lling- to <ll'h'l' ill pa~t. oh~t'III'C l\1~ stPriou,.,, hil'ldL·d fad~ ahout Our g-lorious I'IH""• whit·h shoultl ht• brought To li!!ht ol' human r~ co,.,, to pro\'e That this, our t·lass, dt'st•t'YC's to han• Its Jti,.,tor.' put ill "lll'h a fonll That all who t·ollll' hPI't' at'tt•r 11s, .\Jay sc>P how WI' ohtaint>d ~n·at fame .\ mong I hP Ill's! and hi!.dtt•sl ht•n•, .\nd o han· t·aust•d out· plat·t• to he 01H' whit·h Oil!' ntall,\" follom•rs \Yill 1'\'1'1' wi It to rt>at·h ancl hold. It \\as durillg- that period" hich will ahn1~,., Ill• n•nwtuht•n•d in world l11stm·~·. tl1t> titllt' of thP <:n·at \Yar. that tht• t·las of l!l~~ Plltt•n·•l 'lwmpai!!ll IIi!!h. \·hool. It ltnd amon!!· ib numlw1·s. as all pt•t•t·Pdill!! t·lasst•s ltavt> lwd, alltl pn•-,tnnahl~ as nil lll't'L'etlill!! o11t•s "ill havt•, tlltll'nls of all ,.,izt>s. vario11 amhitioth atHl tlilft•rl'llt ahilitit> . Tht> t•las llllllllll•t·t'd ollt' hllndrt•d ninl't~·-niliP pllpils who, l'or tlw most part, Wl'l't' as !!J'l'l'll as a 11~· <·Ia s of frp hllll'Jt all,\'\\' hPre.. B 11 t t ht•y tl id spt•m to haYt' a !!TI'at <llll<ll1llt of dPIPrlltillation to 1llakl' somt'thing out of tht• fo11r ~·pars of !!l'illd ahead i11 01'dl'l' to IH' filii.' p1'Ppa1·t•d 011 thPii· ati\'Plll i11to tlw hi!!h •r hnlltt·ltt•s of t•tltwatioll OJ' i11to tht• a<'liYt' husillt•ss world. Tlw fir t .n·ar Jl<'llt h~· tht•-..,t• 11ldt•ll1 ill <'ltau1paigll Ili!.d1 wa llol otlt' in \\"hit·h tht>y !!aillt>tl Jllltt'h llo1it•t•, hilt tltp~· did hllild fmm a u·ootl fotllltlat ion th< t• tnlltlanl \\hit· It haYt' 1 ow lt>d I ht• t·h s ton l'o1'Pillo. t plan• ill lti~..d1 t·hool \\ork. Tltt•rt• \\as littlt• t·lass m·~<tnizatioll as is usual with a nt•\\' <·lass. ~om e lllf'llllH·r. lto\\t \1'1'. t•aJilt' to tlw front t•arl~, and tht>st• p1·nv<'d to ht• futun•lt•atlt•rs 'l'hl' hi!!!!l'sl t'\'l'nt whit·h lotlt'lt!'tl !Itt• t·lass at this timt• was tltt• .\nnisti<·t' ot' o \('Ill hPJ' lJ, 1!ll . In 1!11!1 tlw t•la-.s n• Plltl'rtl . t•hool \\ ith lllllllt'l'llll. old Jllt'lltht•r allst'IJI. hut also a fp\\" llt'W st utll'llls to part]_,. till thl' \'ilt'l\11! l'Hllks. 'nnw of tht• sophomort•s <'11!1'1'1'<1 thl' Yariou hrall<"llt' of ath'Piit·s. \\hilt' otlll'rs !!ai1u·d lll<'lllht•rship t 1 or!!<lllizatiolls stwh a-. <ll<'<' 'luh, Lati11 ('Juh. anti \Yi!!' aml Pailll. ThP ~·las-. t'lt•t•tP<l Rolwrt I<'islwr a· prrsidrnt. 0 \\·aid Horn as Yil·r prrsitlt'nt. Earl Pnrkhill as l'l'l't'tat-y, and F1·ank Blai-.<lPll as t1't'asur<'I'. Tlw main i slit' of this !'lass as an oru·anization was thP mattPr of a t·lass pin. Tlw on" t·lw pn wa 110t p]ahorate hilt fitting-. Tht•ll <'all11' tltt• thi1·d .'Par, \\hil'h was 011e of rapi<lrist• to fallll'. Tht• .n•ar of 1D:.?1 found Howard Tiazlrton Ol·eup,'l·ing- tlw position of l'lass Jn't•sidt•nt, Dorothy . 'tyan ot' vit·t'·JI1't•sidt·nt. 0 \\aid Ilot'll of st <·rPtan·. a lid (;t'OI'I!t' Yauo of lt't'a lll't'l'. Por hoth ou1· elass and thr high s<·hool, this was a year of t•onqul'st and :.rl liT Tlw s<·hoollwld thr taft• t·hmnpionship in football, t'Oillpll'tin:.r tts fifth t·<m"" ·utin srason withont a singlt' dPft•at; it ht'ltl it· fourth strai:.rht Distrid eham-


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pion~h i p in ha. kd hall; and it won the state track llH'ct at the uniwr~ity he. ·id1· winning- 1'\'cry other nH•et in which tlw team parti<'ipated. Our <'lass was wei l'I'Jll'I'SI'Il!l'd on all th<• victoriou~ tl'ams. Dt•whil·st, Alpl'l's, Ll'l', • 'onis. Yano. , ulli\an. Hl·ho\H'n:.tl'l'dt, and \Valtt'l''i \\'1'1'1' llH'mht•l's of' tlw football I'll'\ I'll; 1>1'\\ hirst and Sullivan Wl'l'l' among- tho~c of tl11• ha~kl'thall fiw; • 'orton and Bl'l were tral'l{ men. D1•whirst was giwn t"·o hard jobs for thl' 1wxt ~ I'HI'. lie wa l'kdl'd <·aptain of hoth th<· football tPmn and the haskl'thall squad. Tlw mai n liOl'ia I l'YI'JJt of t IH• ~·par was t hI' ,J 1111 ior-. rn ior rt'CI'Jll ion g-in·n h~· llll'llliH·rs of t hi I' lass forth • drpart ing- st•niors. At last thl' OJwning- of thl' fourth ~·~·a1' rolll'd around . ,John Holon was Pli'I'IPd Jll'l"'illent; Oswald llorn, vil't'·Jll'l'sid,•nt; Earl Parkhill. st't'l'l'lar.' ; and 'l'Pil \Vard, tl'l'a lll'('l'. .AsIa t ~· par, most of th<• oilii'I'S \\'1'1'1' filh•d hy llll'llliH•I's of this <'lass Hohl'l't l•'ish('J' hl•t·allll' l'ditol' 111 1•hil'f of our Jfo/u·llli, \lith .John Holon l'in·ulating nranag'l'l', .Juanita Holwrhorr enio1· I' litor, Oswald !lorn sport t•ditcll', Clifton Dt>Long- jok1• l'ditor·. Dorothy St~·arr so<·il't.'· 1•ditor·. \'prrron ( 'antpr I'XI·hang-1' ~·ditor, Hill! Ber·nar·d Ilollistl'r, .:'.Iar·ian Larson, llo\\anl \\'ar·r'I'JJ, and Ho.'· Dunlap 1•on trihuting ((litors. All of tiH'SI' \\'1'1'1' Sl'lliors, "hil1• tiH• f1•w J'I'IJiaining- of'fil'l's W('l'l' fill1•<l h,\ lo\\1'1' <'lassnl('ll. 'l'IH• ~I \IWO'\ as \It'll as thl' 1/o/rc/1/r tlairns the follo\\ ing s t>nior· as llll'tlll)('r of its tatl': editor-in l'hil'l'. Oswald llorn; I'JJior 1•ditor·. .Juanita HolH•r·hon; ar·t l'llitor· .•John Kolon; and photograph1·r, lkrnanl Hollister·. In football <'aptain J)p" hirst, ai<kd h.'· Alpl'l's, Wallt'r~. :\orris, Yanos, Dolling-1'1'., 'dto\\'l'llg'<'l'dt. Lt>l', and, 'ullintn, of th1• s1•niors, \\l'llt throngh a ucc!'ssl'nl ·1•ason. l ' rhaua, our ancil'nt 1•nern~. "as not dmnwd, hut was lwl<l t•n•rr. In hask!'thall, too, ('a pta in D1•\rhir~t \lfts aided h.1· th1• follo\\'iug ~enior·s: A. Fitzwilliam. Wa]tprs, Hullinw, Alpt•rs, and Cochran. Here <~gain the kant mt't. Ollll' of thr ltanlest contl'nd<•rs that tt>arn of this s!'hool ha\'l' !'\·er played . ..~.\.ud now ~ince all good thin~~ must l'lHl, jnst so the ~~·nior class of 1n:.! lllll t cmtw to tlw close of its school life. \Ye ~o out hopin~ that Champaign Iligh Sdwol willn•mpmber Hs a. long and as kindly as WI' shall hold the nwmorit>~ of the d1·ar old sd10ol. HoY

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'l' \\,\ 'a .June evrning in tlw yrar of 19-tZ (though onr mi:.rht ~u~peet from tlw t•lnlly ''"ratlwr it \\"a. Ap1·il) that l sat almH• in my living-room, gazing into the lirt>plaer. Tlwre was 110 light in the room saw thr burning emlwrs that flwkPrP<l an<l eraekell as the tlam(•s madr their wa~· up the <'himney. i\Iy thought,; \\t'l'l' <·HJTied h;H'k to anotht•r .June nig-ht, thou~.dl rnany year lwfor<•. "It sPt'ms hut ~ Psterday wlwn all tlw m<•mhers of the da~s of 19~~ wt•re lookin:.r forward to graduation. But, alas," saicl I, thinl,ing- aloud," it was tm•nt,\ year~ ago tonight that [,with all tlw other member of n1~· da~s of ('hampaign Ili:.rh f.lehool, reeeived my diploma. Oh, that I might 1-i<'e tlwm all again~" "Perhaps I <'Hit lwlp ~·em,·' . aid a voie<' whieh tartle<l IIH'. for I thought I "a al01w. I lookrd intent)~- ahont m<>, hut l eonlcl diseowr· no one. l glanerd ao·ain at tlw tireplaet• and thl'l'(' a. <·rndPd a. if out of tlw tlamrs a ht•antiful figurl' earr.' ing- a handsome prayer rug upon h<•r should<•r·. '' l'n1 t h<• fair~· of tlw tlanll'S,' · sh<• said. • ·I haw hen• a magi<· rug- whieh \\ill <'Oil\'l',\' yon any plaeP that yon dPsirr. I IH•ard ~-our" ish and thoug-ht that h~- thi rug- you might . ee tlw liH'mhrJ' of your (•lass of Champaig-n Ili:.rh Hehool." Bl'fol'l' l had time to thank hrr. hl• vanislwd, hut I had the lwautifnl magie rug- ldt in my poRsession. The nt•.·t day I pr<•pared for my journey. AH I stt'JlJH'<l upon the rug- it imn1ediat<•ly h<•g-an to risr and :.rlid<• through thl• air, though I knew not when• l wa-, going-. ln a short tinw [ pass!'d owr thl' business c-t•ntrr of Tolono. Th<•re in tlw ht•nt·t of till' distrit·t \\'<IS a sign ahoY<' astor<', SolTis d· SIJrri: OrOI'f'I'!J ('oiiiJIIIII!J. I J't•<·ognizt•<l thr partner of tlli eon<·rrn a. Oti • 'orri. and his \rifl', fonnrrl~1lazp] I ungeri<"h. On t hP <·d:.r<' of town I \\'as su rprisrd to ·t•t• a !argot• fal'tor.'. :\lahPI Watt. thl' 1\rl'nty-tirst <·ow.. in of .JaniPS \\'iltt. tht• inn•ntot', inlwriting- -.onll' of his inn·nti\'<' g-Pnius, mad<• and patl'lltl'd a Ill'\\ t~- IH' of tl~- trap, and hil<l pstah li!<lu·d this l'a<·toQ· \lith ('ht·istin<· Parr as llHlll<lgt'l' and part owner. From thrre I tntYelet1 at•J'oss thr country to a nail to"·n in we~tern \Vyominrc llt·n· I '-'H" Shl't'ifl' Huth Bowshrr al'l'<'st .John lp<•r. · for riding- a horsl' fa. trr thnn a walk through th<• to\\ 11. Ilr was brought brforc tlw justice of tht• rwa<·e, Ilarol<l H!l'O<k. found gnilt,v and fim•d thirty-t\\'0 <·enh, irwlucling- eosh.


Pa,o.;ing on to l'alifomia, l Yisitl•<l the moYir eolony at Hollywood.

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ml't Doroth~· Gra,,· . .Aiiel' L<'<', an<l ~largan•t Hoskin, all lrading ladit•. ; Opal

Pilon. a dirPdor; and Blmet· Bash, eanH't'anu\11. I lookl'd do11n the stred and sa11 :\lnl'it• l'atil'nt. anotlwr moYit• .-tar, ent<•ring the 'flfltll, Chrstrr and ('omptllllf t•xt·lusin• ston• for \\OllH'tl. I, too, <'ntt'rl'd the stoJ'(· in order to buy a 11<'11 Pari,.; go11'n, and found that the proprietor Wl'J'l' no other than the hn> Doroth:· . :Jr,,- rug- tht•B earril'll mt• oVl'r till' gTeat Pal'ifie to Peking, ('hina. Ill'l'l' I nwt tlw Allll'l'iean couns(•)or, Ho.'· \\'<•l'dl'll \\ ho introdne<•d me to his s<•t·ret;u·ies, :\larg-ar·t'f Guliek and Rosalia Ilathaway. They escortl'<l me to a firm that exportc>d tht• fin<' t qualit~· of ('hinP'i<' silks. I hook hands" ith the proprietors, who \\l'l'l' Hoht>rt a Burklry, Edna Firming, and llo,rard ::\Im·shall. All of thr ·e were a lllll!'h surprisr<l to sre m<• as l to sre thc>m. I has!<•Jwd along- the crowded Chinrs~ tn•pt, thinking that l woul<lmake my departure; hut thrre, to my utmost amazr-

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lll<'nt, <'Hlll<' :\Iarc<•lla \Vasch r, . . rcva ,Jack~on, and :\Iari<• Ke<'f<'r, \\Hiking- arm in arm. Let me ay that their ryr · protrudrd an ineh ft·om th<•ir sockets wlwn tlwy ~a\\ Ill<'. Aftet· all ha<l g-airwd <·ontrol of thrir seattpn•d ~<'II <'s, .Jbtr<·<'lla told lllf' that he h<Hl becom very wealthy after her inv<'nt ion of thl' <'l<•ctri<· JHmdPr pnfl'. ~h<' had <'Oill<' to PPking- as an adn•ntur·<•ss; lh<' oth<'t' h\O g-irls, howPn't', \H'I'<' d<•votin~ their liw>~ to mis ionary work. I later l<'arrH•d that. ·<'va an<l .Jim·i<' had h<'<'ll eli. appoint<'d in love, for <'harles Dry<·r and • 'il<•>~ LPtH·k h<Hl p)opl'd with :\largtH'rit<• Tignor· and .JlaiH'I Ha.rnnss<'ll, n•sJwdiv<'ly. It wa. with ~n·at rdudan<'<' that l l<'f'l the Ori<·tll , hnt I n·~nnwd rll,\' jonrn<',\' and in a hor·t tin!<' I was in sunny Ital,\' , in th<' <·it.\· of \' pni<'<' IIPt'<' .J ohn .Jlax\Y!'ll and .Junior <lnard had lw<·onw quit<• prospPI'Olt. a~ \\·ell as noted. ThP t't'ason for thPir prosperit.' was th<' fad that th<•y ran a hns lin<', the first of its kind to h<' l' tahlislwd in \'pnic<'. .\t Home, who should [ s<'<' hut K<•nndh ,Jenning. <'Oil. trnl'ting- a tand for· the sal<• of the national dio.,h, o.,pag'hl'tti. K<·ntwth, a · all l'<'llH'Illh<•t·. had a tast<' for tlw <·ar·p<•ntl't' trad<', <'Y<'Il ha<·k in his hig-h >a·hool da: s wlwn he o.,awed on hi>. \ iolin in ass<•mhliPs. [ rnust not tH'g-IPd to stall' h<'l'<' that this tall(l \\ hich our· earp<•nt<•t· \\·as tnakinu- \\'a I'Y<'ntually owtH•d h,\' 0<'01'!!<' Yanos and Ha~ (;,.,,lid;:, \rhosl' Italian spag-ht'lti IH'<·atlll' thP talk of th(• !'Oltlllr~. I saw, too, in this fatnous ()]d !'it_,.. Eth<·l }I it<·lwll and .Jlarian Lar on, \rho \\"!'!'" goon lll!'~''<'s of tl•l' king-\ <·hildr'l'll. TIH• latt<·r. ho\\'P\'1'1', had l'!•sig-npd hPr JH sition and \Hl" soon to r·<'furn to h!'l' natin• land to IH' unit<'d in tiJp honds of nwtr·inton~· with Fran<·i Dollilll!.<'l' . .JJ_,. rug- t'Oll\'<',\'<'d till' to Pat·rs. I PlltPI'!'d l"/'11/rilrr rlr J>oris, th • IPadingOJH'ra hous<' of th<' FrPJH•Il <·npital, 1\IH·r·<· }Jar_,. llofl'rnan was rnaking· ll!'l' ddHtl as a g-rand opera sing<·r·. "\ fpp]ing' of prid<• <'<lllll' on•r nH' to know that [ \Hh prrsonall~· <l<'quaint<•d \\ ith OIH' \\ llo o <·api,·at<·d I!Pt' atuli!'n<·( •s. .\!·r·o.·s til<' str·pet \\as til!• <•stahli llltH'llt of 1\l'JIIH'th ~tolt<·y :tnd llPI!'n!' L<•Pnlon, rnak!'l's of a sl'IP<'t hran<l of' hair oil. JHI\Hl<·r·s, JH't'ftlllH's, and oth<·r· <·osnH'ti<·s. ~atuttl'ring· down til (• ,.,(J'!'d was a familiar· figurl' wlli!·lt pron·d to IH• I )onald ('lar-k,\\ llo ll'ft ( 'llantpaigll to forgd his low at 'air·s. lit• still l<.ok!•d sonh'\\ hat pale and \\all. tlll,ll!!'h ht• told me hf' \\'a: a patiPttt of Dr. 0 \Yald llorn, mll·ld fanto11s for· I! is ability to <'Ill'<' afrairs of tile IH•ar·t. It \\HS r·ttnton•d long- ag·o that Dr. Ilorn \r<ts also a sufl'erl'r from a hPart dis<'H <'until hl' finally eapllll't'<[ Dor·is ..\lott. [ 11!':\t J'an a<·r·oss two othPr JlH'lllh!'r of tlw <·hrss of 1!1:!:!, \\ ho \\l'l'<' li<•nry .Jioot'<'hl'ad and ('ad \\'ise. Th<' fornH•r \Yas touring- the \\ orld and ,;topp!•d long· <'noug'h in <'H<·h eit~ to takto anotlwr dt•gT<'<'. <'al'l \\' i"<', his s<•<·t·<•tary, <·at'l'il•d th<• dPgT<'<'s ahout in a -.uiteas<'. [ ll'ft Paris\\ itll a f<•Piing of satisfadion at !'Ping- so ntany of Ill,\' old ft•it•JH!s. a11d IH'al'<'d London with <l sirnilar anti<·ipation of finding· oth<•t· nH•rnhpr·-, of til!• class of 192:!. In tlw Honse of Lords, I n•cog-nized our old friend, Boh Fi lwr. I a krd him how hP happened to lw th<'l'l' an<l hr rl'late<l this 1tllllsttal story: Phyllis II~·<lc, aft<•r hPJ' r<'turn to England, fell hPir· to the title of ('ount<'ss d<• Boys. In hi. trawls h<• met h<•r, fell in love and lliHJTicd h!'r, wh<•t'l'liJHlll h<> h<' came Count de Bo;~·s and now sits in Pat'liament. Jlp also :-;aid that Ln<'illP .Jaek. on\ hook on "Tlw AttractiYrness of Gum ('hewing-" had cause<l llllH'h dis<·us~ion in the House of Lor·<k I was OY<'rjoyed to leam that hoth Boh an<l Lucilll' ha<l hec·om<' so n•nown<'d in Bt·itish pohti!'s. Bdm·c 'i>.iting tlw honH' of ..\It·. an<l ~Irs. \'i<·IOI' Cain, [ \\'!'lit to a ma~nifi<·Pnt <'af(• whi<·h \I'Hl-i l'stablisht•d h~· !<'rank

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.hwk~tm and AIIH'rt LPt'.

I fl'lt hig-hl,v honorPd wht•u 1 was n hpn•d into the g-n•at mau ion of .Jir. <'ain. thP satirist. to find that his 11·ife. .Jiiltln•tl LPPlllOII <'ain had Ill\ itt> I a lllllliiH'I' of London' t·PIPhnttt•d t·itiZI'Il to lll'lt·onu· IIH'. .\Ia int• .\It:. ('onnit·k \lets thP fir t gut• t to t·I.tsp Ill,\' hand . .Jliss .\lt•('oi'Jllit·k. a \\1' all kill'\\, <' ·Pllt•d 1'\'t'll .._\llJII'tlt' KPilt•rnwn in hPr s\\inuuin!.! fl'!t• . .. ·,. ·t in lint• \\'PrP .John , ' olon and .\Irs. Lolli t' Blaint• . · l ion. notl'd d·nJe(•r. and Ha.1 111011d ..\lool't'. who ••ailll'd fanH• l'o1' hPing- till' husband of Lo!'l'lll' \YPhb ..\loo n•. thl' g-realt•. t eomPdian ot' tlw !lll'll!ll'th t·eJ!ItJI'~· Tlwn t'<lllll' <:t'lll'lil'\l' ~lll'JHI I'd ant! :\lal'fha .linor. hoth t'lll ious of the otlll'r·-.. l'auH· as a lloll'li.... t. Ruth l>ixou t''<JII'l'......., •<l Jq.!'lt't tho~t hPJ' hu .... bnnd. l>r. \'l'!'lloll \\'illiam .... rll. ll<t'- unaldt• to ctllt•nd tlw l'll't'ption heea\1'-1' of tht• .rn•at muount of sit·knt•s-.. in the I'll~. lit• wa-.. a \'l'lt•rinHQ ! ! .\la.io•· Hal ph :-; lllll'r and his 11 ii'P. Lt•onora Burt ~omt•r-.. ll'l'rt' a'-..o :tliiOII!! tht• h IIOI'I'll !.!\11''-l Jll'l' !'Ill. I lt•ft London and it wa hut a hm t time lH'fon• l lauded in . · ,." York. 0011 l'lllt'rPd tlw ··(: Joht· Tht•atrt·.·· noll o\\nPd h,\· Ern· t \\' altt•r-.. 111111"11 wa f'll''-l'•lting· ""Tht• \ ' antp ... \ ' irginia llartford 11as till' katling- lady: Ed11in Hyland. leaditl!.! ntan: 1>1 nalll'lll Ft',\. tlw motht•r: and \\'altt·r ('urtis. the dukP. There was abo a t·horus l'OiliJHlSI'll of Ilaro d • 'og-ll' . .John (;ault, ::\Iont Ilin1l . .:'11,\ rtlt• .\laddl'll. \'pt·na :\Iaddand, Lillit• Ll'llllo-.:. and l uth !-lonwr . .\noth1•t' on ret' of t hi' entertainHH·nt wa a t•omedy. '· Oh Alit·t· · · f, atunng- Ilo11 ar,l \Yarn·n as thl' lol·t·r an1l \'t•rHon ('antl'r thl' rival. In thl' on·hpstra I n•eo)!Hizt•d Huth ('ouhl't'l,,·. tlw dil'l'dot', aml t11o or thn•P oth1•1' fm'llll'l' t•la-.. Htall'"· Frank Blai-.dt II, \Yilliam ~~·IHmt•t gPrdt. an1l <ill'tlll lkll. I t·an!.!ht a )!lilll]N' ot' _'at! an I:ut·t. lllll,\'01' ol' • 't'\1 York, and ,Juliu-.; llit'St·ht'l'ld, ttlinisll't' to l~ng-lantl, sittin!! in otll' of tlw ho-.:t''- on tln•lt·ft. ln th1• m··t IHI'< lll'l'l' <:.t.llord Bun·p)( 11itl his 11 tft· ( <'al'llll'll 'I"·' lor ) . E. tht•t' Pall~-chot·n. and .\lint• L1•a...,un• .• ·I'll' York Ot·il'l,l lll'llt•s. with their t'Sl'OI'h, Hus I'll \Valkup and .\lht•t·t l•'itz11 illiattl. Front tht•t't' I went to ('o:nmhia Cnin•rsit~· 1dwn• I 11a.· introduee<l to thl' Jll'l' i<lt·nt. {'litfonl HPid. I wa · ph•a I'll to ]parn that lw had among- hi fat·nlty, Earl Parkhill. prol't ""01' of EntonJolog-,1·: l·'lot't'lH'I' Wtntt•J' . i11. trudor in art: Ilarold :-,ttlli1·an. din·l'tot' of ath!tot i1·s; and :\'Pllt• DooiPn. a i t<lllt in hou Ph old tit•net•. :\l,1· nt•-.:t stop 11as in PhiladPlphia. l ask1•d a polii'I'Jllan. 11 hotn I itllllll'diatl'l,,· 1'1'1'1 g-niz1•d as ( 'Iifton Dl'Long. to din•d nw to a n· tau rant. lit• point1•d to a t•orn<•r hop 11hi1·h had 11rittl'n inlarg-••lt>ltl•rs ahon• th1· door-... \\·ait HPstanrant, Ft.ml ( 'ookl'd WhilP You \\'ail. I l'lltt•rt•d and thl' Jll'opt•it•tot·. \Va.1 Ill' \Yait. finall,1 found a plal'l' for me in thl' t•rmnlPtl room. lle informt•d llll' that a wedding- dinnt•t· was ht•ing- st•rv!'tl. l nee1l. t•areel,\' ad1l that 1 felt my 1',\'Ps tll'el'il in~ mt• "'hl'n I found that I ktH'\1' praetieally all of the wcr1tling- part,1·. ~\t tht• l11·idl' 'stable 1\'t'l'l' t\11• hlushin!! hridt'. Huth )ll'tz; the g-room, Fratll'i. FitZ\\ illiam: the ministl'l', Paul J)p11·hir t: hrith• tnaid-... :-;indair Bradll',l' . .Jiarian , 'haH!!l'l', Barbara :\follt•tt, )lar)!arl't ,'trod!' .\1\wrta !'-lt•og-g-in, and Bt•t·nit•t• Tut·kt•r: and htst but not h•ast tlw Ill's! mau. llarold List•nh~. .\mong· thl' g-w·st-. \1'1'1'1' lh1 i!.!hl Ball and his wifP. ('htt•abl'lll' .Jlinor: Dr. \Villiant Wohlfarth and .J!r..... ~\lit·· Ht·<,ollt \\'ohlt'arth. Fn•d Hart. of thP !'-lPt·t·l't :-;et'\ it•P Btlt't•an. Tt•d \Ya1·d. of. t'\1 rork. 110\\' t•ditor of "LifP ... and Flon•nt'l' Belsha\\'. pn•. ident of tht• lin mane . <wid~·. ~ly rug took llll' to \Yashington. n. ('. I t•allt'll at the \Yhite Ilo\ISI' to '-t'l'


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old da~>,matL•, lhri~ht l'o<'hran. now pn•sidt•nt of th(• 1'nited ~tal<•s. As l approached the vpranda I noticed thl' prt>sident and SN'r •tary of state, Roy Dunlap, playing a game of dominoes. :Standing about them, intt>ntly watt•hing th' game were tlw other members of the eahiJH't; He<•n•tary of Treasury Howard Hazelton, secretary of \Var-~Iae Wrbster, st•c•retary of the Xavy Erwin Ikrnhard, po:-;tmastPr gc•nera 1 Tn•va Pat t<'ngalP, st'<'l'<'t ary of agri<·td !ttr•p Ila r·ol<l IIairw:, S<'Crl'tary of intt'rior Ilel<'n IIollist<•r·, and HP<'r<'tary of labor ~lildrcd ;-;and<'l's. Tlw presidt•nt and his cahind wen• so ahsorlwd in <leciding- tlw outcome of thr game that tlwy did not sN' nw standing- ht•sid<• tlwm. I ft•lt that lm11.t not di·turb thrm in such a eritic•al mom<'nt . o l ld't the White How;<', d<'!Prmined, howevPr. to rPturn wlwn therr wa lt·ss impor·tant h11sinc~.· to ht• transact •cl. I thereupon looked around for a brauty parlor in order to have my hair marcelled. It \1 as" ithout mtwh difficulty that I fo1111d thl' Oil<' opt•ratrd h.'' F<•r·n .\llt•n and Loln Barnhart. .\s I was again g-liding through tlw air on my homeward fl.i~ht, I wa: hailed by a cop, who threatened to fine me for :-;pe ding. But after my explanation that my rug wa: magic he de.-istcd from taking- me lwfore ,J uclg-<' Harold ~tetlem. \Vlwn I pa..,st•cl over a small tmm in Indiana I notit•Pd tht• pidun• of . 'm·1na11 ,\11<'11. lion tanwr, who wa appt•aring- in the famous ~ahin-Bn•<'"<' eirt·us. l t•ould 11ot l'l'sist from vi.·iting tlw circu. g-round.· af't<•r· kno\1 ing that so ma11y of my cfa-. mat<' Wl'rc there. I had sc·ar·cely ent<•J't•<l the g-ate 11 h<'n J saw .Jost'ph ..\llpn anti his 11 ift•, Beatrice \Vhip]lh•. Tht·~· told IIH' that tlw_,. O\\"ll<'d a l;uw· farm IH'HI' Indianapolis, h11t had thp intPntion of H<'lling it to Hla11eiH• Elliott, who tksir, d to t•reet an orphans' honw tht'r·c. Bt'hind thl'nl \\"t're }lr. and }Jr·:-;. \Vilhur· !")towt•. ~Irs. titow • was fornu•rly Huth liollin~<·J'. Wilbur was a rt'por·t<'l' for tlw indianapolis Ou:zrftr, and was, of eourst•, mueh illtl'l'rstl'cl in th<• ~ahin Bn•<'st' <'i J'('\1 . It wa: uot long bcfon• I was on my way to l'hampai•YII, to tlw place which ha had many change within the last twenty yl'ars. 'l'he Burnham hospital is still in the .·amc old pla<'e though lar~t·r and much improved by the untirinocfforts of Youth \'on IIoltpn and ~Inrit•l Bun, tlw lwacl unr:<•s thPrl'. .1Iildre<l .\ rhog-ast. tlw wifr of \T<'I'IH' \'an Buskir·k, is 11ow tiH• pl'<'"idl'nt of tht• \\'a hash R. H. \Villiam 1IcKee has long been an in:-;urane<' agt•nt in thi:-; eit,\, in:-;uring people again.-t unluck."l· marriage:-;. It must be n•memh<'rNl that \Villiam would not haw attained such SUC'C<'SH had it not h<•t•n for his inspiring wif<•, }<'nllH'<'' Xichols. I han• often passrd tlw old . ehool whrn• p<•t·haps tht• happil'st clays of my life were .·pent. Thi<> too, ha: had chang-c.-. \Vp now find . om of the member· of 1ht• <·Ia -, of 19:?2 t<•fwhing- there. .J<Jnws IIollist<•J' and Ilaz<·n Flt•tt·hPJ" ar.· Physics teachers, Elizabeth Kinsry i a g-ymnasium tNwher, ~Iarian Lt•<•, a hi.tory teachet·, and Haymond .Jutkins, a matlwmatit·s tPa<·h<•r, who thoug-h famous the world over for having found the fourth <linwn:-;ion, :-;till remain:-; in tlw school where he spent his high sc·hool days. \Vith the assistanc·c of the mag-ie rug, g-ivl'n llH' hy the fairy oi' th<' flam<', 1 havp maclc> my tr·ip ar·otwd the world, st•t•ing- <'\'<'!',\' JH'I'i-ion in tlw t•lass of l!l:!:!. "\ll are scatten•d 110\1. but though it lws hl'<'ll twt•nty ~Pars sincp this elass passt•d from the page. of hi~h . chool life. each nwmlwr looks hack not without a tear and a slllile to thos<' clay:-; wlwn his elassHratt•s and instntdor \rer<• nnrtuall~· onl'.



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JUNIOR CLA S CL.\. ·:-; <WFH'EH. · ,) \ \JI:s l '.\I'll

f'rrsidr 11f

11 \ \J<). lh.LE • ' oHTO:\ •• \H \II Fl. IIEH •

l ' ir·1-l'rr sirlr 11/ '., (,., fiii'!J 'J rr 11s11 rr,.

.\1 I('E

HON R ROLL Ba !'I'd t. 11 !' l <'II Bli(·h, Dorothy Burkl', Harry DoolPil, Paul Edward . Flor!'ll('l' Faull in, .:\lar:trdta J<'i . .JH•r,, 'a rah Unthant, Clat·i sa

I Ia \<'II, .\li!·t• KPI!t-y, .:\lary LuthPI', Lillip • 'ortou, liPlPn Ha11kin. ll!'kll :-;tip<' ,Hoyal \\' pston. ,Jand \\'it \n•r, ThPltna

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THE CLASS OF '23 Far up in th • a11nals of fame Out· l'. ll. 8. has had it JHillH'; F1·on1 nwny so\lt'<·Ps sll<· · g·ainP<l glory. ThP honors \1 oHI<lmak<· a long·, lo11g story. ThP work of athiPtPs. tall and stron~, lla IJI·on~dlt h\'1' lll<tn.'· a \idol'·. song. WhiiP insid<• halls our minds haH• strinn To soh<' t IH· prohl<·ms h,\· wi . <' lliPn gin·n. In musie, in art. in dmma. or IPHI'llittg, If hunting· for tlw hP ·t yo11 nPP<lnot hP tul'llin!! A way from t lw p I<W<' <·all<·d ( '. 11. N. ThPil look at thP lads and look at thP lass<"> .\s .''Oll see tlwm :.ro hPrP an<l t lu•rc to c 1a ses: Yo11'11 find P\ PI'.'' ol.<' will hPip you agl'l'<' That the finp t of all an· in class ':!:3.

"THE UH T OF THE T\YE_ 'TY-TIIHEE. ' .. \\'hat has happ<•ned at ( 'hantpaign high school in the past thrc<" .'' Par Ill which tlH• •' twe,tty-tltree 's · · han• JJot taken a leading part? 'J'hp l!OjH' Of thP juniors \\'('1'(' ably HSSUl'('<] when the.' eleetecl the following da...,s oflic<·r·s: .Jmn<"s ('a pel, IH'esidPnt: "\li<·e liaYPll. vicL•-president: Ile\•n Xorton. S('('l'Ptar.' : aml ~a nth Fislwr. tn•a ur('l'. Tlw e stu<l<•nts carri(•d oft' the affair of tlw ,itlllion; in gn•at style. ThL• "t\n•nty-threp\" \\' Pn' H'JH'es(•nted h.'· a fine array of football players. On·ill(• "Tarzan" Nehankin a nH'IllhPr of ou1· (·Ia s. i eaptain-l'IPt't of till' tPallL and g1'1•at thing. are <'XJH'ct<•d of our hoys llPXt .'ear undpr hi. leadPrship. ln ha kl'thall, the juniors had fonr pla.'·(•rs, ::.Id\:ay, Fox, Doolen, ~loan, who hPlpPd lllakt• thP season a sll('('l'ss. .\!so in t IH• ot ht>r sports of s11 illnning-, tt·ack, golf and tpnnis, the junior~ c<nTiPd off' many honors. 'J'lw girls, not to he ontdmu• by tlw boys. wt>re hard work<•rs in tlwit· lin of atlth•tic. Dramatics arr saf(• at Champaign for anotlwr )·ear bt>canse there an• seYeral juniors who art• C'apahll' of taking l<"<Hling roles. 'l'he ''hn•nty-thn•t>'s" scored hig hih in the stunt f..how, the OJWrPtta, and otlH•r plays. ·or lws tlw soC'ial side of our <·Ia · hP<'n owrlooked. ln this kind of aetiYity, as in all others, we han• cxcPllt•tl. and onL' das. \\·as always \n•ll n')H't wntl'd at social affairs. Tht' enthusiasm and ahilit~· of the ''Twenty-Three\" sJWak,; well for the f'oming srnior year, in whic·h we PXJWcl to set a shining rxample for tlw t•la.·. es to


P .\1 ' 1.




19- 1' II .E JI A R 0 0 ' - 22

JUNIOR BOYS Bayard, Hymen B rbaum, Kenneth Bogard, Rueliff Bowen, Bernard Brownfield, Harland Burke, Harry Burleson, Edward Burr, Arthur Busch, Herb rt Cap I, James Carrothers, Donald Conover, Franci.路 Damm, Elm r Dillman, 路walter Dodds, Raymond Doolen, Paul Eichhorst, B rt Elwell, Henry F rgueson, Carl Fisher, Ellis Fosnaugh, Daniel Gabriel, Frank Gamble, William

Grierson, Charles Grindley, Merwin Hoffman, Harry Howard, 路william Hudnut, Harry Huff, George Kariher, Cullen Keller, Guy Kirk, Alfr d Layman, Harold Layman, Lyle McCown, Hugh McKay, Robert :\lanley, Addi on :\1 u m ma, Max Xash, Lyle Norton , Gardiner O'Neal, Leslie Pettit, James Pricer, James Ramey, Richard Raymond, Lilburn Reynolds, Edward

Herbert chardein, Orville Sedgwick, Charles Sloan, Harold Smith, Freeman Solon, James Souder, Robert Spencer, Cyrus Starr, Donald St venR, Charles Stewart, Judson Stipes, Royal Stewart, Judson Sturdyvin, Leonard Thompson, Patrick Thrash, Edward Tucker, John V. Turrell, Franklin l:nlaub, Carl Vinson, Don Wade, Willard Wiley, Joseph Wool ry, Todd Robin~on,

JUNIOR GIRLS Ahrens, Gf'rtrucl Allen, Opal Armstrong, :'llildred Barrett, Helen B em, \'oletta Blaine, :\Tarian Buch, Dorothy Burdick, Gail Burke, :\Tary Burt, Florence 'ain, :'llildr d

Christie. J an Clark, Bernice lark, Dorothy uster, Frances Delaney, HazE' I Dixon, :'llargaret Dodds, Audrey Edwards, Flor nee Ehler, :\largar t Faullin, :'llargretta Fisher, Sarah Geelan, Ruth Gilmore, LE-nore Graham, Clarissa Grind! y, 'eva

Hartman, Ruth Haven , Alice Healy, Very! H gman , adie Heimlicher, Evaline Holderman, Jessie Howell, Jeanne Irle, Cath rine Kelley, :'11ary Koogl r, Dorothy Lang, Irene Lierman, Adeline Lierman, Dorothy Luther, Lillie !\TeN a! , Marie :'llcNeil , Clara :\Tajor, :'11arie :\Tarkland. Ida :\lead, :'llary Nofftz, Gertrude Norris, J\lildrf'd Norton, Helen O'Donnell, :llargaret Percival, :\iildred Pfiester, Breta Rankin, Helen Rankin. Lucille Reynolds, Ethel

Reynold~. l\ladelene Rodg rs, 'oble Shepard, :'llildred Shipley, :\Table Shrid r, Evelyn Simon, :\1arie Smith, Alice Smith, :\1artha Smith, :'llaurine Smith, Ruth Snydf'r, Pearl Stedman, Wilhtt Van Buskirk, Leita Villard, Leontt Vred nburgh, Betty Walker, Alma \Valker, Pauline \Veavf'r, :\lilclred \Veston, Janet Wilcox, Dorothy \Vilske, Alma \Vilson, Hazel \Vitwer, Thelma \Vood, Helen Woods, Charlotte 路woolley, Louise Young, Madge Younglove, Kathryn

19 - T 11 H

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.\I \HY ('!{ \'l'IIOH:\ E . Fru :-; cEs P 1x KsT \FJ·'


AL\'EES FLY:\">.

l'rrs idr 11/ l'icr-l'rrs irlr 11/ Src'l'r lory Trurs/11'11'


Ball. lk--sit'


Beaeh, Yirg·inia B<'Jlll<'tt, Chark Broom, Huth Bn<'kle~·. Flm·enep ( 'ou hel'l,\', G<'IH'\'<l

Ilcl\\ <', Ln<'ille


(}prdc•s, Elsic•

L<•nox, Hnth .\I(•I>ani<'l. Earl .\1<'-,killl<'ll, ( 'arlyh• Pink-,tall', Franees Heid, Lc•ota l-;<·h1·oed<'l', Enlt'l''-0!' l-;c·lnrltz, Dorothy

(1oodlll'll1, 01'H<'<'

Ntnart, .\Jaqra1'<'t

01·c•en, Pauline

Ntnrd~· vin, Eal'l Styan. lr<'nr

CratlrorJH', ~Iary Fi·ilH'l', Gail

Ili('kman, Walter l':immrruum,, 'acli


T If E

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YEA. '24! liPn' 'i'i to t ht• sophomot'("i of ohl ( '. II. S.! \\'<> 'n• equal to any old <·lass, I


ThP prid<' of our teat•hprs, our JHll'l'llt and more; Tlw idols of fr·ps]nnt•n; the',\' simp!~· adon•. Sonw think 1\e' 'r·p l'OIIl'PitPd, hut rpally 11 <' 'n• not; \\'<' 'n• t•le'\'l'l' a ntl sh l'l'Wd; intll'e'd sonH' <·all \Is '·hot''! I'll ad1nit 11·<' haw faults. sJI<'h as tPasillg- the• l'rosh; \\'e• hall our shan· last ~·e·ar·; it\; o11r tul'll to josh . •\ sPIIior, whe•n tln•aming- of st·hool ~·eat·s g-oJH' hy, H<'lll<'llllH·rs thP soph days, (a te•ar iu his e·yc). Tlw j11nior·s HI'<' Jll'OU<l thai lhPy onep W<'I'P Olll' buddies, ,\ ntl se·e·r·l'l ly l'IIYY our r·c·a ll~· "soft ·' t ud iPs. ,\ltog-Pthl'J' I'm sun• ~ ou will haw to atlrnil, .\sa e·h!S" II'<' suc•t•t ssfull.1 make• a hig hit. Xot 11·anting- to boast. I '11 say nothing- mr.r<', Exc•ppf, " Long- Iil'<' t hc· e•la"s of 1 !J~-1-!"

. IES !ERA, THE i\IEDIU 1 ()II.\RI.ES Jh: .. ET'l', ·~ 1 BE<HX with, I mtl'it state that lllt'\'Pl' put a11.1' l'aith in thP m•t·ttlt, although thPI'I' 11as a strangP faseination ahnut it 1rhil'h finally hrrt•el me into tht• ·lutcht'" of firn1 helil'l'. lHPsiiH'nt opt'n<'d h!'r "pm<ors" on J)pepmlwr niriPteenth, nirlt'tt•en thirtyfour·. I saw lwr fo•· thl' fir·st timl' two days lat<'r, anel immPtliatPI~ madc· an appointnwnt. 1 admit slw 11as I'<' IT !want iful. Yon will know this to hl' a fad wh<'ll I l<'ll ,l'llll I diseo\'l't'l'tl at'tl'!'ward that slw was JlOllt' othc·r tha11 cn1r own Lc·l'ta Bun·mrs, undc•r an assnnH'<l name. Dn k wa falling' on a t·olcl 11 intt•r da~· whPn I al'l'in·d at ~IPsllH'ra \ r·omus. ThP on<· in whil'it shl' worked was drap<'d entirely i11 black, and dimly li!!;hte<l. ~f<'siii<'I'H was seatP<l at a small tahk in tlw cpnh•r of till' room, an<l slw motiorwd Ill<' to tHkt• thP t•hair oppositl' hPr. ShP m•nt into a tt'<llll'l', an<l tlw l'ollm\ing <'f IIY<'I'"at ion took place: :\1.: ''You want to know what your hig-h ..,ehool J'ri(•nds of t lw l'lass ol' ninetct'll t m·nt~·-fm1r an• <loin~ now.·' C. B.: "II ow did yon know?'' ~I.: "Si!en<'<'! I know <'Yrrythirrg-. I s<•em to ~<'l' a small dnrrd1. Yl'S, and within it Sunday st•hool is in spssion. Thrn• arp two dasse.., tlw tPachrr of oiH' i. a hlond woman, and tlw othrr teaclH'r i ·a dark man. Both at'<' staringowr· thP hra<l. of thr pnpils as if th<'y "'l're lookin~ at at-" <'. B ( mePkl~·) : ".\t rach ot hrr?" ~f.: ''.'ilrneP! ()f' <'OII!'sl' tlw~· an• looking at Pa<·h otlu•r, an<l tlw "·oman\ first IHlllH' is Dorothy and tIll' man\; last IH!lll<' is Flynn."



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JI "'1 R 0 0 . -


. B.: "Yel, and tlw woman's last name is 'tanford and the man's firs t nam i , Alvee . '' ;.1.: .. , 'ih•nel'! 'J'he \\'Oillall \last nanH' is also Fl,1 m1. • 'cl\\ [ st't'lll to hl' in sid • a large tent-a circus tent. A man with a megaphone is shouting, ''l'wo great featur s arc going to take place at the same time. The cross-eyed arp lueky. ;.mt•. Irene ~tyan will walk entirPly around tht• tent on her haml·.. while Mlle. Loi mith will slide np and down a wire on h r head.'' C. B.: "rp and down!"

M. "~ilenee! Y(•s, up and down. You'vp rnint•d that seenc. • 'ow I sec the interior of a large tlwatrl'. The famous Ht•d-llea<led Hrxt<•ttt• is singing. It i · •ompost•d of Carrothrrs, fihanger, IlrYron, Flaek, Hos >, and Biggins.'' C. B.: "()lpn, (hrPndolyn, ,John, l.lilton, Thl'lma, and :\orris." ;.I.: ··~ih•net•! • 'm1· l ·min anotht•r theatr·t•, appan•ntly on tht• or·l'ul Or·ph('lllll t'ircuit. ~\.woman i. on the stage and a man is announcing that ~IIle. ,Jeter t'halleng-es all t•onwrs in a eontest to ddermint• who t•an sing the high(•st nott'. • ·o one go s on to the stage.'' ( '. B.: '·~he'd h(•at t ht•m all, Hlty\\·a.L" I.: '' ~ilcnce! Of eourse slw would. That's why she CJUit grand opera, becau e nobody will ('YCr aecept thi vcnHh•villc challenge. and she Hewr has to .ing a notr. Anotlwr act is coming 011. lt is a lightning artist, and his name is Lowell Kammrren•r. '' C'. B.: "Only two er 's. ::\1.: '' f)ilen('t'! Thank ~on. • '01r somp t Ol·-daneer·s arP eoming- on thP stagr. It i~ tlw Pinkstall'-CratllonH' Co1npany. Oth(•t· lll<'lllhl'l'~ ar·p l>orotll.' ln~d,•. Doroth~- Blai dt>ll, Empr, on Blam·Ptt. and David Fn•<lrriekson. " C. B.: ...\stonishing- ~" )[.: "A~trmishing-, but true. The lig-hts arp being flashed on. and anotht'l' annouJH'l'llH'nt is ht>ing rnadl': 'To11ig-ht Olll' patrons 1rill han• tht· piPa~tll't• of wittwssing a most n•ntarkahh• sig-ht. 'l'lwy ll'ill st'<' tlw world's tallt'~t and shol'll·st woml'B at otH' and thP sallH' limP.· ThP ('lll'lain is goino· up, and thPn• stand Ruth l3um•tt and Ilt•lt'n :JlcDonnl'll, ~ide hy sidt'. I'm afraid I <·<m't s<·e any more. Yt's, here is mw more sct'JH'. I am 011 a stn•P! at night in front of a dingy huildinl!. 'l'lwre is a ~il!n whi1·h I ean hardly make out. I think i~ sa~·s. ·nail llall. · Yt·"· and underlH'ath that it a~·s, 'llall & Ilall, Prop~.' ..

C'. B.: "That must he Hnth and Ft'HIH'<'s. ·' ~1.:

.. 'I ht' \('1',1 ·anH·. On tht• top floor· " ,I'!Htng- lady is looking out or tlfl• \\'indoll'. 'l'hP lllOOlllight sh<ms ht't' to[)(' \ ' illar·s J>;n·khill, and she is t·r·~·ing . ~Ill' ha: dromwd onwthing from bet· hand~. It i>~ an old, S('('OJHl-hand violin. hut not old enough to h • priceless. The poor p;irl was not ahh• to make an~' mon<',l' with her playing.·' C'. B. (sighing):" ~\.nd she ha<l so much talent, too!" ;.r.: "Yt• , it is too had ... At this I looked closl'l~- into l\It•smrra 's face. he. ermecl to b' really aslrep, :o I d cidcd to tip-to out without awakrning- her. I had uot takt>n three steps, howeYcr, hefor a sharp cry called me hack. I paid her, a that wa · apparent}~ what he wanted, and left her sleeping pral'l'fnlly.

19 - 1' 11 E

Jll .1 H 0 0 .Y - :.!:!


SOPHMORE BOYS Allman, John .\lien, Dwight Barker, Francis Ba.-ter, Leo Bell, Louis Jlpnnett, Charles llluncett, I<;mer:>on Boots, George Ilroshar, Htanley ('mot hers, Olen Casteel, l'~dward Chapman, Covel Clark, \Varren C'och ran, Donald C'opsy, Halph DcPm, Eng ne Dewhirst, Neil Downs, .\ntone Evans, Roy I<'a ullin, Redmond l!'inical, Kenneth l!'i ·her, Gail Pi·her, Glen Plack, :\Tilton Plcming, Herbert l<'lynn, ,\1\·eps l<'olt z, Del hert Forshey, "'alter Fox, Ray I<'r<'<leri<'kson. David Gallion, \Villiam Glandt, ,\lbPrt Gr!'enman, Royal Grove. No<'l Hampel, l<'recl Harwell .•John

Hazelton, Walter Hensler, I<'red Ilevron, John Hick man, \\'alter Higgins,. 'orris Hoover, Scott Hord, Archie Horner, George Howell, William Jackson, James Kammerer, Lowell Keck, Richard Kimmel, \Veber Lake, Gayle Lee, Kenneth Leuck, Harold :\IcDaniel, Earl :\IcDermott, Cecil !\lag , Ed ward lank, Ermal :\Tartin, Herschel :\Teskim<'n, arlyle l\1 ill:;, Ross :\Iitchell, Paul :\louse!, Frederick :\Iullil-(an, D. :\Tumma, Floyd :\Tumma, Paul 'eidiffer, Archi Niblack, Hubert • 'orman. Hartwell O'Donnell, Donald Oemke, Elmer Ogden. Joseph Olson, Everette l'cder:-< n . .Tens

Pratt, l!'rank Pulliam, Ru,sel Pyl<>, :\Iitchell Rackham, Donald Randolph, Robert Rankin, Dwight Rernolds. Bernard Robinson. :\Iaurice Rn<'kman, Talbert Sabin, Wayn S<'hroeder, Emerson Scott, Gene SPclgwick, Edward Somers, .Jo~e!lh Spencer, John Stout, Heath Strode, George Sturdyvin, Earl Swearing n, Virgil Talmage, Ste11 art Tanner. Clayton Teare, Donald Terry, Charle Thompson. :\lax Thornley, John Travis, .Jerom Tucker, .John E. \'aky, Theodore \'an ('ura, Haymond \\'addelow, Floyd \\'ells, Enloe Williams, Roy ·williamson. Keeney \\'ilske, Julius \\'ooldridge, Victor

PHMORE GIRL Antlrews, :.Jar!on .\!!man, Sihylla Ball, Bessie Barnard, Ruth Barto, Edna Bayne, Edna Beach, Virginia Berbaum, Eloise Hla is!lell, Dorothy Blank, Be<sie Bowman, Leah Boyer, Jun<' Br<'cken ridge, Lucille Briney, Elsie Brining, :\Iercy

Brcom, Huth Buckley, }<'Iorenc Burk, Grace Burk<'. :\label Burn<'lt, Ruth Burrow;;, Leeta arrother ,GP!tha CartPr, Iona Chavis, :\Table Conn, .\vis onover, :\Iildred Couberly, Geneva Crathorne, l\Iary Croslin, :\Iarie Custer, :\lary

Di<'kerson, Bemice Doolen. :\lildred Dubson, Bessie Eggler. Leona Elclrid~e. ,\lice Ervin, Arminta Ewalt. Yire;inia Geip, \'ivia n Gerdes. Elsi Gillman. Zelia Goodmann. Grace Graves, Georgia Gray, Effie Green. Eunice GrPen, Pauline


19 - 1' 11 E Gulick, Ruth Hall, Fmnces Hall, Ruth Hampel, Dorothy H inz, !<~<lith Hitch, Phyllis Hohart, :\ladelin Howe, Lucille Jet r, Ruth Jones, Lucy Jordan, Dorothy Kesler, Opal Kitch, Cecil KIPin, .Jeanette Konradt, lara Konradt, Eda Konradt, .:\lartha Koogler. Jane Lenox, Ruth Leuck, Dorothy Lierman, Xaomi Lloyde. C"onstance Lloqle. ,\I a rjorie Long, Edna Lore. (lporgia .:\TcArty, Irma :\lrC'·t"kill. l''va

- 22

.U ..clll 0 0

:\lcDonnell, Helen .:\lartin, Edith :\litcbell, Florence :\1 ittenclor[, Anna Ia ire .:\lurrell, Xina :\lyers, Effie Xofftz, Alma Ogden, Ruth Osborne, Edith Osbome, Lois Parkhill, Villars l'atridi, I<'loriee I'<,ul, Zelma Payne, Sy!Yia Penn, Ruth Pinkstaff, Faye Plotner, Ruth Price. Helen Rud. I &ota Hobin son, Lillian Heck, Heva Hose. Laura Ro e, Thelma Royal. \Iarguerite Hus:ell. :\Tiriam Sl'hultz. i'orothy Schult", \'<'lnl'l

.S,.~ .. I w>f~ h&l'f'

~ •••

A~J Trt"'



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Shang r, Gwendolyn Siehl r, :\!arion Sides, Gertrude Smith, Loi'> Snyder, :\lildred Stan ford, Dorothy Stephens, Della Steward, Lois Stuart, :\Im·gar t Stu rclyvin, .:\Iarie Styan, Irene Summers. Jean Surlwr. :\Tartha Taylor. Helene Templin, Dorothy Tucker, Leota Wardlow. Edna Wa~rher . .:\TariaJl WeaYer. Huth \\'ells, Sn;;ie \Viggins, Grace Wilcox, Dorothy Williams. llori,; Wilson. Opal Womacks. ltuth Zimm rman, ~:Hiie


-1 r•H1&fc





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19 - T If E

.11 . 1 H 0 0 •



19 - T If fiJ

.11 .1 H 0 0 X -



J DIES .\L\,JOR D \VID ,J \COB~ .\1


. .

\RY HoBEI{'l't; .

CL.\HE:\ CE HUE\\' \l.'l'ER

Prf'sidt nt I' ife-Prf'sidellt 8( ('l'('fiii'!J


HONOR ROLL Bow('ll, \ ' iq.dnia Brtlll<', llazt>l ('arl. l•'lm·(•Jlt•e ( 'a,st<'\ ('llS, Do1·othy <'lark. Lam·('[ ( 'I'Osl in, H11 h,v DaHghpr·ty, ( 'har·l" · Foot<'. ( 'onst HJH'l' UalH'l, .\lary OarnhlP. Doruw]l(•y II an is, .\lei ish IlHdllllt, Edith IlHt<'hinson, Yera .) a<'ohs, David .J n11e, Hal ph l\plley, Hoher·t .\lt·Co\\ n , H11th .\I(• Deamwn, A11gnsta .\I i 11('1', .\Ia ri"

.\I inor·, Eal'i .\loll, H11th Oshom<', .\I a rg-a r·pt l'<ll'll<' ll, Tkrn il'l' (~Hinlan. IlrlPil HolH•rts, Mary N(·hmidt. Lillian Nt·ot t • .\l<n·ion Nt•aton, Mar!!arl't , hi'\\ a ltt•r, ( 'lan·nl'l' Nolon. Anna Songer, Agrws Strd('m, Esthl'r Ntil'grmry(•r, Barbara Thnt-.h, Ida Yandrv(•utt•r·, I~Yrlyn \.Varn•n, .\Iar·,\· Wilskr, Lina \Volfl', Lrnor(•

19- '1' II E



Jl A R 0 0 .V- 22

LASS OF 1925

On ~Pptt•mlwt· 12, t ht• ft·t•shlll!'ll wen• intro<lnl'ed to " ( 'hampai)!ll High ~t·hool. IIH'Illhl'r-, of thl' fat·ult~·. and fpiJow-studt·nt . "

Likt• all trnt• ;nnatPnr:-; WI' atl!•mptPtl to all.' onrsdves with t'\'t'I'Y availahlc orga111zation t'ort11natl'l.' for -,aid <•r:.wnizatiml. \Vt• wen• I'<'Jll't'"t'ntt·d h,,. good!:· nlltlllllt" in thP Latin, ~pani-,h, atHl Ft'l'tlt'h t•lnhs, both athll'tit· a""oeiation..,, HJHI tilt· (;l,•t• t•hth . .Jlnny m •nt in for athleti<·"· Tlw girl..,' haskd-hall team, ,,·ith <:rae!' Parkhill as t•aptain, had a \'1'1',\' . llt'Ct'ssful -,pason. In a!l dri\'<'" tht• fn·shmPn ha\t' n·spondt'd g<•nprousl~ with tlu•ir t•t•rtain patriot ism tl111t \\ill dPw~op in tht• ~- l'at·s to ('Olll<'. 'l'ht• rt•-,ult of thl' elass Pl<·rtion hPld at the IH'ginning of tht' first St'lllt'sl!•t' \\as: prpsidPnt, .Janu•s }lajors; vi<·t•-pn•sid<·nt, David ,Jacobs; s<'l't'l'tm·~·. Mar,\· Hoht•rt s: t n·asun•r, ( 'lart'ncc ~ht'\Ya 1t <'1'. Tht• <' offit'l'l' Ita \ 'I' pt·m·t•n n•ry <·ompt't<•nt, and tiH'it· elass ,,·ill long lH' rememhrred for its nohlP ,,·ork and g-oo<l hehaviot· d111·ing ih freshman ~·e;tt'. \'Ell\ lit T<'lll. so.

THE FRESHMEN A freshman is a Jowl~· worm, . . \s throug-h this world he crawl To him lift• is just Ollt' grand sq nirm,

A round of .torm · and qnarrd ·. Bnt still by living long enough, . . \nd listt•niJW to the Prof. Ill' might absorb . uftieicnt And g-t·ow to he a ~oph.



Fn·shnwn an• "fim• and dandy,'' But I can't say I like tht•m mnl'h \\'ht•n they roam thrmtg-h th<• halls t'ating- eantly. ~\IHl Eskimo Pi1•s hy thr bmwh; 'l'h<·.'· a<·t lik<• small two-yt•ar-oltl ('hiltln•n, \Yho, having- hP<'n lpt out to pla:·. \\'ill sud<lt•nl~· tumhlt' in mnd holt's, Or will onwtinH's run far away. But lH'r<' 's to thr innO<'<'nt fre. hmrn, Young-, old, short, tall, m· lH'l W<'l'n, For how eould W<' g-rcm to he juniors Ot· S<'tliOI''-', 'tltout first !wing g-r<'t'n.

G. P.

19- 1' 11 R

.U A H 0 0 N -


FRE HMEN B YS Ackerman, Lubby Allen, Clyde Allen, David Anderson, David Appl gate, Louis Baili , Rob rt Beck tt, Robert Berryman. \\'illiam Bial schki, Vernon Bogard, llamvton Borah, Leonard Brown, Louis Bullod>, William Burt, Chari s Carson, Ro>;s Ca ad. William Christie, Robert Clark, Kindred Collins. George Curtis, Eugene Daughtery, Charles Davis, George Davis. Juliu~ DeLong, \Vayne Dobbins, Leonard Dowling, Walter Dunn, Harlan Erwin. Travers Fromm, OJ nn Gamble, Donnelly Gray, Louis Griffith, Clarence Grubb, George Guncllock. Raymond Gunning, \\•aJker Hall. Cllenn Hall. Robert Harris, :'IT Ji h Has:i;1ger. Darrell Haugh e. :\Tax

Higgenson, William Hughes, Paul Hyland, Fred rick Jackson, veneer Jacobs, David Jameson, Lester Jervis, Roscoe Johnson, (leorgP .John:on, Richard .Johnson, \\'illiam .John:ton, Edward .June, Ralph .J u rgelonis, \'ladm; Kelley, Robert Kenney, l<'arrell K nny, Edwin Kilgore. Paul Klein, Cel stl' Lange, Oscar Langhoff. Elmer Larry, Lloyd Lee, Arthur Leslie, Daniel Lierman ..John Louis, Fred Lutz, David ::'II<'Daniel, Donovan ::\lc:'\eill, • 'eal ::\lc:'\eill. Thomas ::\1<·\\'illiams. Paul ::\Tagie, Harry ::\Tajor, James ::\Tartin, William :llaxwell, George :\Tiller, Fred ::\lills. Erne t 'ITinor, Earl . '!'smith, Ralph Oakes. Forrest O'Connor, .John

FRE HME Am:hary, Winitred Bak r. Pauline Barber, Louisa Ba) ard, Edith B hrens. ChariO>tte Bienhoff, :\'orma Blank, Ruth Boots, Ellen Bostick, Ada Bowen, Virginia Braclll'y, Elsie

O'Donnell, Jos ))h Olson, Gilbert 0':\'eal, Keith Pankau, \Valte1· Penny, Arthur I' rry, Theodore Peterson, L ster I'hilli))s, Cecil Picken~, LeRoy Hidenbaugh, Lloyd Heeves. Orval Hirhman, Harry Schardein, Iknjamin S!'hreiber, I<Jrwin Sd1wartz, !<'rank Seaton, :\!elvin .'hewalter, larence Short, Ralph 8Jingman, Elmer Souder, Luther Stickrod, Chester Stout, Dale Stout, Cleorge Strohl, Forest Suggs, Hoy Sullivan, Arthur Turner, I<Jimer Varnardo. Homer \'riner. GE'orge \\'agner. Andrew \Vae;ner, Robert Wainscott, John \Veaver. \\'ren \\'E'eden, Georg€' \Veils. Burdell Whipple, .John WhitE'. Roy '1\'oolley, Brooks \\'right, .John Young, \Villis


Brady, Josephine Brookbank, Lois Brown, Helen Brown II. :\Tarian Brumley, Edna Brune, Hazel Buckner, Pauline Burgess, Oliv Put1er, Roma·ne Cameron, Stella Campbell, Bernie

Carl, Florence Cassteven~. Dorothea Chambers. Phillis Charnes, Esther Chatman, Lillian Christner, Ruth Clarke,Laurel Conn, Gladys Croslin, Ruby Day, CharlottE' Dillman, ::\Tary

19 -1' II E Dillon, Lillian Donlcy,Louis Doolen, Gladys Dowling, Flor"nce llubson , ~lcrriam Dunn, Cecile Eagan, ThPlma J•:a;.;tman, Clara l•:hler, ~lildrcd En•rPtt, \'erna Fi~rus. ,\nnabPle !•'leming, ('ath •rine l•'oot P, Constance !<'rison, C ene\'i!'ve <:alwl. Mary <:ehrk~>. Louise <:erschwiller, Opal C:illum. :\Iargaret Ulenn , :\lary :\largaret Goodman, Alice U unning, \'erna Hall, Pauline Ilamer~mith, Dorothy Hazleton, ~I ild r d Hoover, Rachel Houl:iton, Goldie lludnut, Edith Hutchinson, \'era Ingle, Dorothy .Jamerson, udellous .T<•ssee, Fay(' .Johnson, Genevieve .Jones, .Josephine .Jones, Lu Ilia Kirkman, Gladys Kirkman, Helen Lachrnm y r,l\Tary Lake. Cladys

JL , 1 H 0 0 .\

Lang!', Gertrud e LasnPr, :\lildr<>d Lee, Bernie Long, He! n :\lcCarthy, Kathryn :\lc own, Ruth 1\IcDearmon, Augusta .\lc(;Jade. Dorothy :\Iallory, Lili · :\Jaxfield, :\Iargaret ;\lilwr. :\Iarie .\littan. Joscphinl' :\loll , Ruth .\Julligan. C\Iare;aret Munson, Louise • 'esmith, Evelyn Xorman, Doris Osborne, :\Iare;ar<>t Paige, Freda Pangborn, Ruth Parkhill, Grac Parks, Ruth Parnell, Bernice Percival, Paulinr Pfi ster, Lois Pow II, :\Tary Purdue, Evangeline Quinlan, Helen Reeves. Leota Rex, Hazel Richanls, B ulah Roberts, :\lary Royal, Ilus Hussell, :\Tadge Schmalhausen, :\lyra , chmidt, Lillian Schofield, Emily Shott, Loui e

T\-\E WA'( IT






.. L.

Scoggin, Dorothy Scott, :\lat·ion Seaton, :\Iargaret S itz, Ruth Shipley, • Iarguerite Rhipps, Dorothy Shoaf, Cleo Hhurtz, Hheha Smith, Lucille Rolon, Anna Songer, Agnes Spitznagel, :\Iary Rtanner, Otntl StE>cl m. Esther StiegemE>yer, Barb.tra Strode. Rogene Tannehill, Bernic·e Tannehill, :\Tinnie Thorpe, Aletha Thrash, Ida Tuck r, Harriet Turner, :\Iary \'aky, Alpha \'andevcnt<>r. Evelyn ·wanen, :\Iary \\'atkins,. ·aomi Webster, Roberta WelL·, :\Tinnie Wheatley, • I arion Wibel, Dorothy Wilcox, Priscilla \\'illiams, Hazel Wi!Rke, L na Wilt, Effie \\'olff. Lenore \\'oodin, Elithe Young, Eunice

19 -

T ll E

Jl .t1 H 0 0 N -


FOOTBALL 1921 \'ndl'r lh<' (·ard'nl tutplage ol' ('oat:h .John \'an LiP\\, the ~Iaroon and \Yhitt• t'oolhall lt'HIII t'. JH'I'i(•nt:etl anolh(•t· of lho>-t' >-IH'l'l'>->-1'111 .L'ason>- \\ hit·h han· huilt ll]l o11r pt't"'ent reputation and pn•stige. ~\l'IPt' t'\'Pral \\'('Pks of pn•liminary pradil't'. th(• tl•am tart(•<l tlw ('a on iltvt•rah ;; h~· walkin~t 0\'('1' ~\r(·ola, to thl' tiltH' of GO-O. Tlw Yisit i Ill! p]('\'l'll was rPportt•d to he a tlanp:erous eontt•tHl<•r, hut lht• )lat·oon had littll' difti<·ulty in ntnning ttp a lat')r<' s(•m·e. Th(• following \\'('l'k tlw ( 'hantpai~n pi~,kin art i>-t ,iourm'.''l'd to ( 'hi(·ag-o for a ganw st•ht•(lttlt•(l \\it h Oak Parle Thi t:onll'>-t wa>- long lookPd t'on\'<ml to. and till• tl'Hlll point(•d ('SJH'eiall~· for 1his ('tH'OUIIIPt' with tlw Chit:ag-o (']tampion.. In till· first half of tlw g-anH'. th(• ~Tctt·oons g-ot oil' to H had start ctnd hl'forP thp~· t·ould pull thl'tlls(•'vps tog-Ptht•t·, Oak Park had t'llll up threP tOill'hdm\'11>-. In thl' Ia t Jll'riod. hm\ ~'' Pt', tlw tPam showPd tlw rig-ht >-pirit hy coming- hat:k tt·ong and pla~·ing tht• ('hi(•ago aggn•gation to a stambtill. But the ()(ltb \\t'l't' too largo<' to h• o\'PI'l·onll·. and <'hampaign rl'lllt'Jlt•d honll' thl' lo t't', hy tlw (·o11nt of ~:l to 7 . • 'tdl -.marting from this l'l'\'('t's('. the }Iaroon and \Yhitl' pasil.'· dl'ft·cttl'd .\!ton, -tl to 0, and with t•qnal east' erushl•d ~tn·atot', pilin~ up a s(·on· of :il to 0. Th,•n ('hantpaign met anotlwr "\\Tat(•rloo" at :dolint•, losing- "ito 0. }lolitH'. · >-olitar~· toll(·hdown rp-..ulted from a hll l'k,•d p11nt. 'l hi>- \\a>- thP cl!tl,,· I inll' dlll'lllg' !Itt• !!<11\ll' that thl' Plowho~s approaehl'll out· goal litu•, whilt• on two cH·c·a inn· <'hampaign aclvatH'l'd to within a ft•w yanb of tlw goal p 1 t . hut hll·kt· I ht· punl'lt to put 0\'('t' a toul'lulown. Itt thl' hril'i' tinH' that n•mctitH•d, the :-.Iat·oons workt•u hanl to pt'l'JHII't' thPill· sl'ln•s for thl' HllllllHI eonte:-;t with l ' rhana, play(•d on tit,• G. of I. fip]d. 'l'hl' n•s11lt of thl' batt't· \\Hs a;~ to:~ ti('. 'l'hl' only eorl's \\l'l'l' mad(• in th(• fit· t half. "lwn l'<H'h t(•am put m·t•r a plal't' kil'k. Durin~ the n·nwindt•t· d t!H· tinw. tht• lcu·g-e Thanksg-i,·ilt)r lht~· erowd of :i,OOO rooll•t·::. ~aw l'a ·h idl' t'tHI(•avor to St'('llt' • th(• vi(•tot·y, the tidl' of hattll' now going otH' way antl now lh(• other, until final!~ the whistle ended the ganw. \Y(• an• llrond of thi:-; yPar's fpam he('aU~t· tlwy fo11g-ht hanl and g-ave a' I thl'y had in spite of s tbacks and tlisappointments. \Vr met two cl wns for th fir>. tinw, Oak Park and )1olitw, and although we lost to both, \\'(' made a good howin~t. llt•r<>'s the best o' lnek to next yt•ar\ team.

0. II.



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~ 10:. 10:.

\'an Liew, Travis. 0':\eal, Ilolling<>r. Lee Schowengerdt, Finical, Deakin, ..\IcKa~- . Schardein, :\orri, Sullivan, Walters, Dewhirst, Alpers, Haymon


JI.iHOO.Y - 2~

SEASON' ( ' hampai~n _ _______ _ ~ ()d. ( ' hampaign 7 ( )("j . :;n ('ham pa ign ----- - - · .-!1 Champaign _________ :)1 1 0\". -! _____ _____o • "m ·. 1 ~ ( 'hampaign ________ _:I ov.:!-1- ( 'hampaign (j ~)





RECORD .\n·o la ----- - -- - - --- - ____ __ ()

Oak Pat·k - -- ------------ --~:: .\ Jt Oil - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - () ~~

rPator __ __ ___ ___ ____ ______ ()

:\T ol iiH' --- -- - - --- -- - ----- ___ 7 l • rha na ____ _________________ :!

16:2 LL En•

Paul Dt>\\ hirst. <·aptain ______________ l~i:.rht <•nd Williatll ~l'howt•ng-<·t·d t_ ___________ Hi!!;ht ta<·klt• Rol)('rt ~IcKa~· - - - - --------- ______ Hi:.rh t g-uard ( 'harl<·s !)pakin_ _______ _ ____ ( 'l'll!t'J' Kt>nnet h Fini<·al_ ____ ------ __ I ig-ht g-wll'<l Orville • 'cha nlt•in __ __ ________ __ __ __ Left taek ]p Otis Xorris ___________ __ __ ____ __ _ ___ _ Ldt <•nd .John .\lp<•r ____ --------- _ _(~uart<·r-IHt<·k Walters -------- _ _Hig-ht Ilalf-h<wk Lilhnrn Haymon<L __ ____ __ ___ __ Lpft Ilalf-h<H·k Ha,\·mmHl Fox ____ _ __ _ Pull-h;wk


'·C" MEN IN FOOTBALL J>e\\ hi1·st. • 'orri. }lt·Ka~·. Fox, Alpers. \Valt('rs. , 'chardt>in, ~nlliYan. Dolling<'J', RehO\\'<'llgt>rdt, Ha~·mond, Finical, D<'akiJJ, 0 ·. "pal, TraYis, and LeP .

.'E('O. ' !)


llt>\Ton, Pankau, B. Reynolds, B. HeyJJolds. TraYis, () 'Xeal, Yanos. Ilwlnnt, LN'. I>oll ill~l'r, •'towe, rrylil'k.

··Pan lie·· had a douhll' r<•spon'iihilit~· this :<•ason not on]~· was ht> rig-ht PlHl 011 thP t1•am. hnt h<• also had tht' honor of <·aptainin!! thi";. car's Plt•n•JJ. \Vith la . t ~·par\ P\.pt•ri<'JH'l' as an adYantagt•, ''l'anlit• ··played a g-ame at the wi1w position that m<Hll' him a dn•<uletl opponpnt of thP Yisiting hacks who wntun•<l armnHl his end. It will takl• a might~ good man to fill hi hoot ne.·t yt•ar. DE\\ rTTR::-;T



19- T 11 H


II A H 0 0 X

Dou n<.tH - Big "Dolly" earned a po ·ition as right tackle on this year·'s Ieven, and won his first Jetter in athl tics. He was a consiHent player and helped to make th line a stone wall . He also played half of the gruelling Turkey game.

St u.t\ \:'\ "Sully" got hi · fin;t letter 01 1 the gridiron this sea~on by making a backfield position . "Sully" proved to he a goo<! man in the backfield, his speed ano cl v rness enabling him to break away frequently tor good gain~ . He showed up especially well in the Thanksgi\·ing Day battle, and helped to s tve the :\Taroon an,! \Vhite from defeat. 1>011 I '\I. til

St uowE t.nnn "Bill" \\' On his secon,J "("' in football this year, holding dowu the tackle position. Hts tight and ability made him an ideal tackle, and he was on•• of the mainstay: of the line. "Bill's" de termination an<! grit, which he slwwe<l on the gridiron, will not soon be forgotten.

\V \t.n.us In hi: last year out for foot b ·tll, "Ernie" ~ame through in fine Hhape :~nd developed into a halfback. Although he was not very heavy, he made up for his Jack of weight by his gameness and ability to carry th ball. llis graduatioH will cel'tainly I ave a gap in the backfiellt .

\\ .\I.'H liS



No1m1s "Otie" is anoth r of the graduating clas~ who earned the merit d rl.'· ward of a letter by his nard and persistent work. "OtiEl" showed himself to be a sure and dependable end by his knowledge of the position atHl his aggressivene.·s. II<> tried hard and fought every minute h e was in the game.

AJ.Pf ns- "Johnnie"' won his :~cond "("' in football by earning a position on thl.' team as quarterback. He pick d his plays well, and u~ed strategy and field generaltihip to advantage. "Johnnie" gained a lot territory when he carri d the ball and w~~ r a hard man to stop. . \1 Pf:Jl'<


S< 1!.\HJH"l'- - "Tarz:111" ct •livered t h ,. good!; thi:s year a:1d lli'Hle left guard pos·tion on the elev n . "Tarzan" has been giv n the honor of being selecteJ! captain ot next year's team. He b a player of high alilH·e, and should lead the boy.- to auother succe ·sful sea> on.

Lu·: Although he didn't win a permanent place on the elevea, or shine as an ·ndividual sU 1·, "L eko" desen s the r · ward of the c:H·eted letter. His "C" rep r sents several y ars of hard work an1 f.1ithful servic .






-.-. .......



:::;: ~


~ 1.:.


BASKETBALL VanLiew, Cochran, Doolen Sullivan, Alpers, Schowengerc!t, l<'itzwilliam Sloan, Olson, Dewhirst, Walters, ;\lcKay

19 -

T 11 E

Jl A R 0 0 N- 22


BASKETBALL 1922 This year's basketball S!(Uad, though it did not win any championships, and l'aih•d to enter tlw statt' tour·mtmt'nt, nwrits praisP fot· ih flashes of hrilliancP. Our vipwpoint of the sl'HsOJl is also favonthly infiuenee<l whPn we tloti<'t' the tina! total of tlw scores for the sixteen ga11ws which eonstitute<l tht> scheduho. In the initial <·olltPst of tht> spasoll 'hampaig-11 droppt>d a pradi<·P ganw to tlu• l<'islwr fiw, ;n.:w. This g-anw spr·w<l tlH• IHlt'po l' of te ting- tlw (•alihre of tlw ha..,kPI hall nwterial. The tPam d<·WI!l(Wd ... tPadily aftPr 'ol'\'l'ral wePks of hard <'oaehing and shO\n•<l thP pi'OIH'l' ... pirit hy taki11g Lexing-t011 into <·amp, rolling up a count of -l0-16. Thi vi<·lor,l 11as !' pP<·iall,l' gratif,,·illg to ('hampaign rooter·s, as tiH· visitor had in tlu• past hecu a IH'tliPsis for our s<(uad and boasted of four· Slll'l'('ssin• vil'lot'i!"i owr the .iliaroons. ('hampaigll 11a1k<l through the remaining thirt<'Pll ganws s<•heduh•d, 1rith 1atying stH·epss, <·halking up on its slat!' tPn vil'lorit•'o, and thn•<• dPft>ah. Tlw )laroons split Pl'<'ll 1rith their old riYals, l'rhana, losi11g tlw first :ranw hy tlH• elo. l' score of 18-~0. and 11 i11ning tlw s!'<'Olld hy the d<•<·isive s<·on· of ~!l - 1!1. 'l'hl' cont(•st 11ith Oak Park II"HS hy far thl' lwst of till' sl'ason. The tP<Illl.., llf'l'l' PI'Pnly mall·lwd and fought l'\l't',v min niP of tlw g-anH•. Champaig11 \<·los!' u-uanling Jll'OI'Pd to h1• thl' do\\'ld'all of th(• hoys from th1• north, hoiH'I'Cl', and tht• vi-.itor.., rl'lurnl'd home with th1•ir first defeat r<'<'Ol'(h·d against them. 'l'lwn ~tn•ator, Dallvilll', ( 'as1·~·. Lmw TPeh, Hllll Trhana fpll l'Oll~et·utin•ly lll'l'OI'l' the doug-hty )laroon fivt>, which !tad stnu·k a 11 irming strPak that lwld g-ood tmtil the di trid tmll'llanwnt. In tlw 1listrid tourtHlllll'nt ('hampaig-n, aftpr taking- a eomparati1·ply pasy g-amp l'ron1 Hantoul. ~.-H. fpll in dl'l'<•at at th<• hand. of thP \'ilia Ur·mt• ag~rt·!!a ­ tion hy the count of ~-l-16. whil'h of <·onr l' eliminatl'J. tlw )!anum from tht• toumamrnt and any possihlt• ehanct• of making good in tlw statP tonrnanH•nt. On(• of the outstanding fpa(ut'Ps of this s<•a-.on was tlw <·ntr·ane<• of onr dwol into tlw <·ompan~ of thl' IPading institutiolls of tlH• -.tate. \Y1· ml't and dt>t'PatPd four· new OJlJ)()ll<'llh, whosl' ttanws apppared on om· seheJ.uh• for tht• fir~t timl' in our haskl'tbctll annals. Oak Park, }padt•t· ot' thP ( 'hil'ago 'uhurhan L<·ag-uP: LatH' 'fp(•h' ('a r·ly t•ham pion 0 r ('h i(•ago; ~t n•a tor, ll'hO~!' shll\1 illg ill last y<·ar \ ... tat I' tout·nanwnt arottst•d <·omnlPnt; ctnd Cas1·~. a highl,1·-touted fhe from thl' out h. ThPs<' vidoril's -.how th<' "<•la-.s" of onr l!l~~ haskPthall team. Tlw quad this ,\Par piiPd up a total of -t.).t point. to th<·ir oppmH·nh :l():l. Thi is t iH• lat·g-<•st s<'Ot'l' that has l' l'l'l' IH'Pll r·un up h~· a ('hampaign haskt>thall 1CHlll. In summing up the ,.;pason and hala rwing out·. n<·ec <'sand l'l'V<'l'sPs Ill' t•an rt>adil,1 <·om•lttdt• that tlw l!l~~ quintd will g-o on thl' rPcord a-. having Pn.io~·~·d a Slll'l'f''-'sful ypar·. an<l dP'-<'t'l'ing J'avor·ahiP JIH•ntion in our ha-.kPthctll l'l'<·ord..,,

BA KETBALL "C's" Pau l DPII'hir'it, Ernt•st \YaliPl''-', Ewn•tt Olson, Harold ~loan, Hohl'l't ~Il'Kay. William ~ellOII"Png-<•rdt, Dwight ('ol'hran, AlhPrt FitZ11 illiam, H arold ~ulli\an, ,John .\ l pl'r-.. H a~· molHl Fox. Paul DoolPn.

19 -

JI A H 0 0 X -

T 11 E



F orll'ar·ds_ _ \\' altl•rs, Nullivan . Olson, F ox ( 'ent!'l' _ _ __ ,' loa n, ( 'o!·hra n. Fitz\\illiam C:tHll'ds _______ lkwhir t, }11'1\a.l , N<·hmn'llg'(' l'dt. \Y 011 1~

Dee. ,JaiL ,J au. ,Jan. ,Jan. .}an. ,Jan. ,Jan. ,Jan. FPh. FPh.

10 G 7 1:) 1-1~0 ~1 ~1 ~.

:l 7

Feh. 10 F<'h. 11 F<'h. 17 FPh. ~-l ~Iar. ·> ~far. :l

( lwntpaig-rr ' hampaig-n Champaign Champaig-n Champaig-n Champaig-n Charhpaig-n Champaig-n Champaig-n Champaig-n ( 'ha mpa ig-n Champaig-n Champaig-n Champaig-n Champaig-n C'hampaign Champaig-n

________ ;,)() ____ _ __ _:.!~

_______ _40

-------- ~0 ________ } ________ ]..., ________ } _____ ___ ()() -------- ~()

_ ----- ~1

__ ______ .,_ __ ______ :).) .)

------- :):!

__ _____ _:ll ------ - ~!1

_______ _ l(i

A l p!' ! '~

Lost .> Fishpr _____________________ ;Jl Paxton ---------------- --- - 3 Lexington ___ ____ __ _________ ]()

h.ankakee ----------- - __ l l Watseka ___ -------------- -~.) Crhana __ _ ------- - ----- -~0 Dan ville __ ------------ --· _];; Paxton --- - -- - -- - --- - --- - - -1-l Oak Pal'l;: - ---------- -- ---- ·>·> \\'ats<•ka ------------------- ~~ Ntreator ----- - - --- ------- - -- H Dam·ilk -- - -- - -- - -- ------- ~;) ( 'asey - ------ ______________ ] !l Lane T!•<·h ----- - -- - -- - --- -- -~7 lTrhana _______________ ____ _]!) Hantoul ------------------ _l-1Yilla Ur·ow ------ ----- ---- -~(j

lh:Wl!IH:--T- :\ot onl.1 1\CI ' · Paulie .. football <·apt-lin thi · .n·ar·, hut h!• also lw'd th(' sanw hmwr in ha-;kpthall, and sh<nn•<l himsp)f a g-ood l<'a<l<'t' as ll'ell as a fini-dwd haskPtha 11 pia,,·!' I'. TOintnl-. th e (•nd of 1h!' sPason "Pauli!'" dPY<'lop!•<l a ll'i<·k<'cl <'."!' for tlw hask<'t 1hat s<'<'HI'<'d him an <·nviahlP l'<•pnta1 ion. This II'Hs "Pauli!' "s · · last ~·!'ar· in (' II. N. athletic. .

19 -


Jf A R 0 0 N- 22

., G,,

Ht LI.IV.\:-. \Vp n·nlemh(•J' what thp:· aid of ", 'ulJ,,·· · 11 hen IH• was a sophontoJ'(' •· II(• \ !itt](• hut hP sur·p ean play ha~kct hall!·· That appliPd mol'(' than P\'1'1' t hi y(•ar, "hidr \Hls his last. liP pla.n•<l fonYal'(l for part of tiH• PH ·on, until hP wa. fol'('t'd out 011 a<·(·<mllt of illrws. ",'ull:·" was fast and J'ull o[ fil!ht, 1rithont IIH'ntiouing Hoon1ork.

W \l,'l'I<:H~-' • Brnie" won his fir;.,t and lao,t "C" in baskethall this y(•ar. 'l'hi. was "Emi(• 's" first tinw out hut hr made g-ood and war-; giwn a forwanl position. II hadn't had much ('XJWripnce but lw learned fa-,t and den•loped into a compct<•nt player, tosr-;in~ in Ht'wral sinkers rYcry I!Hmr.

CocnR.\X-" Dike·' is anothc1· senior who was awardt'd a "('''in basketbalL Ill' alt(•rnatl•d at ('('ll(('t' with ''.\ 1" Fitzwilliam, helping to t•an·:- thl' C. II. S. t•olor·s throug-h another good . (•ason. This wa hi first let t('l' in athldit•s, and a well merit(•d onr.


19- T 11 E

JI ~t H 0 0 N -


Ft'l'Z\\ ILLI Dl ...\1" was one of th<• dws<·n ft>\\ \\ ho \\'Pl'C taken to the distri('t tournament. His particular position \\as et•ntPr, wh1•n• his !wig-ht how<•d up to an advantag- . Thoug-h JH'rhaps not a brilliant JWrf'ot'lllPr, "Al'' was a <·onsistpnt and rPiiahl<• JIHlll, who eouhl he t rust<•!l to "<•omc throug-h.··

, 'CIIO\\'E:\OEBD'I' ··Bill" til Ill!' into his 0\\'11 this ,\'l'<ll' as . ta]](ling- g-mtrd, and is one of the g-ang- wparing- a " ('" 'i\\'!'at<•r this year. "1 ill" was a hal'(l worker, fig-hting all tlw tinw and playing tlw gam!' to th<> last minntP.

~\LJ>J·.Bs -".Johnnie" \\"as II!'\\' at the hask!'thall g-anll', hut his football PXpt>riPII!'(' hPiped him to d<•wlop qui<·kly and to g-Pt a pia<·<' on th<• t!'<llll, and <·onspquently a l!'ttPr for hi· hard \\·ork in t hi sport. ".John11ie' ·" pPt>d shmn·d up \\'Pll at running g-uard position.

19 -





Jl A R 0 0 }.'













l'l'"ERO TO


NOT PER!'\\11! 0 ON



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1!I -

7' II /;'

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Jkt.L- Pia,\·ing in aiHiltt tile tought>st hwk pos;,ihle, BPII, ··tar t•tih•t· on th<· squad, \\as t'or<·t>d out fot· th<· sPason \l'ill'n ill' pullPd a tl'tHlon in tile fit·st nwt>t of thP ;.Pason at Brad!<·~·. Jnjur·ing ilint>'l'll' in tilr half-milP ra<'<' \\'ililP yPt :300 ~· anb from tlw finish , h<• put up a gamP fight and fini lu·d tlw ra<'<' in third pla<·<·. IIi l<'g- \\'as ilnniPdiat<•l.v put in a <·ast and h<• finished th<• si'HSOII on l'l'lll<·hes. UIPilll's tiiiH' for tlu• half mill' and milt> for thp Pal'ly easou \lets IH'ttl't' tha11 an~· of till' nH•Pts wt>llt Ht with th<' ex<:Pption of tlw stat<' nteet. Tile fiw to ten points that ill' <:<'rtainl~· \\·ould han• add<•d wollld ha\'l' dJ;IIlg'l'd th<• n•sult of thP entil'l' s<•a ·o11.

Hl -

T 1/ E

JI A H 0 0 X


TRACK TIH' tr;wk '-t'a-,on OJH'Ill'd \\'ith thl' BradiPy Pol,,·tl't·hnit· Jlll'<'t on Ap1·il ~!1. ( 'hall1paign \\Oil l'<'olld plat·!' with 171:.! point-... 21:.! point lmn•r than thl' \\'illlll'l'. Forl'<'st. BPil, star milt•!'. pnlkd a tt•IJllon in tlu• half-1llilt' ra<·l', \\ hil'h hpt him out the n•st of thP l'a on. llad IH' ht'l'll ahll' to <·onlpl'tt• in tlw 1llilt•. the rpsnlt ot' tht• Jllt'l't \\'ould han• hl'<'n t·hallg-t•tl. TIH• l'ollmring \\Pl'k at thP ( 'hal'lt•ston llH't't. ( 'ampaig-11 won fi1·st plac:<' h.v 1u11ning- up a <'OJ'<' of:~~ point . lt·ading- tiH• nt·xt tl'alll hy thl' nanow Jll~ll'!!.·iu of <IH' poiut. At tlw .Jlillikl'll Inter t·holasti<·. hl'ld on)};,~· 1:~. ( 'hatupai:.ru was awardrtl the . hit•ld for -,('('OIHI plat·l' hotlOJ'"· .A gain thl' tPallt was P<lgl'd out of til·st pla<'l' h~· a [ '\\ point-... thl' final st•OJ'<' !wing :~-1- to :!!-i. ( 'IHII•l]l<Ii!!·n \\Oll hoth rl'la~· rat'~'"· sl'! · tin!!· a Ill' \\ J'P<·onl in tht• half ntilt•. Tlw last nll'd of th<· ~·ear was thl' Intt•rs<·holastie. on .:\Ia~· ~0. mult•r the stlpt•r\'ision ol' thl' l'ni\'l•r-,ity of Illinois. .A lthough thl' ll·am did not rank fir-,t. 1t gaJ'Jlt•n•d nilll' poi11h h~· plaeing in tht• following l'\'l'nt : :JO an<l 100-yard dash , f-;ulli' an: ~~0-yard lo\\· In milt• . Fox: -1--1-0-y:ll'll run. 0 ·.'pal: jaYelin. ])p\\ hirsr <•J d . t·hankin. Thosl' who \\l'l'(' a\\ a rdt•d · ' t' 's .. in traek \\'l'l'<' : ~ull i ,·an, \Yile~·. AI pers, II. Layntan. 0 ·.'pal, Fox, .:\1!'1\:a.'·· Ikwhir t, •'t·hanlein. Turrl'll. and Bt•ll. Otht•rs on thl' squad "ho t•aJlll' throug-h tht• st•a on and \\l'l't' Pntt•rpd in tht' • 'tate llll'l't \H'l'l': Damm. Huekman, \Viky. \\'illiamson. L. Layman. Dowlh, Obon. ~loan .• 'orton (('aptain ) . ( 'oat·h \'an Lil'w startl•tl tht• st>ason \\'ith onl,\· a fp\\· Yderans from last year's t·hatllpion..,hip t<•a111 Out of thi grt'ell matt•J•ial ht• form •d a s<ttlHd that ha-.. llla<ll' an t•xt·Pptionally fin<' showin:.r. A large munlwr of thr squad this year Wl'l'•' julliot·-... and "ith thi a a llue!Pus for nPxt sPa o11, thr pro. pt•ets look Yery good.

WIMMING 'l'ht• hoy of thl' hig-h school hdd their st•t·ond annual swimmilll! nw<'t tlnrillg the latter part of till' st•hool ypar. undl'r tht• tlirt'dion of <.'. ,J. ('rooks. Tht• fn•slmwn a11d sophomon·s met iu the opener, whil'h re. nlted in a Yietory forth· lattt·r. :~6-:l~. tlw rrla.' dPl·icling the l'Ontt•st. In tht• ,J nnior-~enior l'la h. the furlllt'r wmt t•asily, 47~~ - ~01,~, t ht• t•nim·s taking onl.' OJH' first plat<'. The championship tilt lwtwt•t•n thP ,Junior-, and. 'ophomore pi<H·t•d thl' .Jun ior-, firm!~ in the wimming sun hy the t•mmt of -!!J l!l. The swimmi11g llH'd this~ t•ar was mm·h l'astpr than last ,\'Par and it sl't'llls aft• to .tat!' that swimming will soo11 hl'l'OllH' <ml' of tht• most t'a\'ot'l'tl -,port 11 high sl'hool. Tht• following tPams took Jl<ll't in the t•onte t. Fn•shmt·n: Dave .\lldl•rson, ('apt.: <'.' Eth\CH'ds. Ilan.' ston Bogard, \\~altt•r Dowling, Frank • '<'hwat'tz. ~Iax IIan:.rl'. Lt•onard Dobbins. , 'ophomores: ,John Ilevron, Capt.: Tlwodor<' \·ak,\·. DonoYan ~Il'Danil'l, BPn Sehardein. ,Junior: OrYillc 't•hartll'ill, ('apt.: \Yaltt•r Hazelton. Cullen K<ll·iher, Oeorg-t• Huff, Gt•nrg-P Horner, R<'dmon<l Faull in, Hobert ~IeKa~· Frank Tnrr ll, Ray Dodds. ... enior: Ernl'st \Valt<'rs, ('apt.; Paul Drwhirst, Harold, 'trod<'. IIm·ol<l Sullivan, • 'orman ll<>n. Dwi ..ht \Yilliam·on. ( 't LLE. K \RIIIER


T J1 E

.11 .1 H 0 0 .\

THE GIRL ' BA KET BALL EA ''l'onw ou, hutT.'' up. ~hoot, shoot. ~hoot. Oh, why didn't you ... hoot when you had it ! I.Nt \ Ita\'!' a not lwr ha,..,kd ~" Klll·h \\Pre tht> t•ril' that ran~ out in tht• u:yntna illlll on. o\!'lllbt•t' t'\'l'llth. lt \\as the fit·,..,t :,ramt' of tht> g-i'rls' intt•r-cla,..,s tournanH•ttt. ami in spilt• of ht•a,·y enliiJWtition, and nunty rind rootPrs. thP spnior~ wo11 ~-l-11. ThPII itntllt'diatt'ly follo\\ing this ~anH', eri<'s ot' "('onlt', Ft'!'. htllt'll, let\ how ·.. m \H' ean ht'at 't•nt P\' t'll if \\'t' an• ~l't'!'ll, .. and \\t' knew immt'diatt·l~ that the n·nlant frt'shnwn \\t't't' g-oin:,r to lllt't'l thir riYals, tilt' sophomon·s. Yes, the~· 1--(0t heat, but only U-!l. On • Ton•mlll'r ~~. the t•nior atHl sophomort' played for tlw ehampion. hip, and tlH• st'niors won 1!l-1:L 'l'his tottrnanwnt was the t•ulmination of weeks and \\'t•eks of han! pnll'tiet' on tht• part < f all tlw pla~ ers. Tht>~ wen• eoaeht•tl hy tlw fo!lowin:,r girls undl•r the supel'\'isio11 of .:\li. s .Joncs,- IIazel Ilungcrich, .:\!aurin • Smith, l\Iary ~lead . .:\IalH'l \Yatt. and Tn·,·a Pattcngalt•. Fn•shmen (:rae<' Parkhill, ('a pta in Pauline BakPr Florcnc<' Dowling Ruhy Cro lin Ooldil' Houston Pris<'illa Wilt-ox .:\Iarian Brownell Mary GalH'l (1 adys Kirkman

,J Ull iOJ' Yolctta Bt>Plll, Captain .:\Iildrt'd ~rmstrong Dorothy Clark Pauline \Yalkt'r .:\Iarian B'aint' ).far~ .:\Ieatl Y cry! II •aly

Sophomon•s Lois , 'mith, Captain Uwcndo yn •'ehauger UPtwYa Coubt>rly \'iyian Ucip 1rt•nc 'tyan Doroth.·• :·Hanford \'Prlla Gunning

Senior Dorothy Styan. Captain Tn•va PattPngalP .:\Taurine , 'mith Ilazt•l Iun~rerit'h Ruth Couherly ,Jpnnie Ilmwll Malwl ·w att .:\!arion Dixon




J' 11


J/ .1 H 0 0 .Y

nu;sn.m;-..; P. Bakel'. P. Percn:al, :\I. Brownell, :\1. Gabel C. Kirkman. C. Hom;ton, C. Parkhill, P. Wilcox, I<'. Dowling, R. Cro~lin

SOPHOJ\.IOhES C. Shauger, C. Gunning D. tanfor<l, V. Ciep, L. Smith, I. 'tyan, C. 'oub rly

19 -

T fl E

.ll .I H 0 0 X - ~~

Jl'KIORS A. Lierman. Y. Beem. :.\1. Arm:trong V. Healey, P. Walk r, :.\1. Blaine, D. Clark, :.\1. :.\1 ad

E, 'IORS :.\1. Dixon, J. How II, H . Iungerich T. Pattengale, 1. mith, D. tyan, R. Couberly, :.\1. Watt



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:\IOLI<:Cl'Ll<~ ,'TAFF .\. Haven, :\1. Larson , C. D Long, C. H . AndE·r•on . 0 . H o rn. 11. Styan, F. J. Rolu: rtson, H. \\'anen, H . Stipes, R. Fisher, J . Solon, S . Fisher


MOLECCLE Tht• 19:11 :1~ .llolt1 11l1 lllark. thP t'Olllpktion of th P third st!l'l'P siH• and Ill.: · ccssful Yl'ar of journalism in ('hatllpaig-n llig-h Nt•hool. Two Yl'ars ag-o, the initial publication made its dPhut undt•r tht• ll'<HlPrship of ~Ia ! colm Bryant, aiHl la. t year it. taff wa. piloted h~ Lt".:liP ::\Iillt>r. At the ht•g-inning- of thi-; year, tlw rww and inexpt•rit•nced Pditor-in-chief was indPe<l loatlw and . haky to think of what " ·a-; lwfon• him aml thl' re ults that mig-ht occur if any mistakt•s "'l'l't' madt> in tlw managenwnt of "Tiw Big-g-Pst PapPI' for it· sizt• in thP \Yorlcl. '' Ilm\'P\'('1', with the aid of a very t•omrwtt>nt a1Hl Pffit•i(•nt tatl', HlHl with :.rr. AndPrson to 111old it into shape, tlw .!loltl'ltf, madP it. wa~ throug-h tht• yPar in a vt>ry sati. fat'tory manner. For tlw fit'. t timt' in tlu• histor.v of thP paper. the initial issue caHH' forth as a i-iix pagP edition. IIowt•vt·r, owing to financial difficulties it was IH'CPs ary to limit thP f aJl owing · ·suP to four page . ..:\ SJH'l·ial wonl of prai t' should lw g-ivPII to Royal , tip<'s, ,Jr., for hi. l'ffit•iPr .t·,\ a · husitws. · manag-er. Edi t orial • 'tafT' HolH'rt Fishl't', t'ditot··ill -<·hil'f; Hoyal Ntirw. , .Jr., husillt's manag-Pr: .)1 hn ~ol on. l'irculating- lii<IIHl!!.t'l': .Juanita Holwrtson. sPnior t•ditor: Francl's Pi11k tafl'. sophomon• editor; Os\\'ald Horn , sport editor; Clifton J)p]ong, jokt• <•ditor; Dorothy Ntyan, s 1 wiet~ rditor; \~l'rnon C'antt•r, ext· hang<' P<litor; FlorPIH'<' Ed\\'ard , nm. it•. Contributing- Editors- Alit•<' IIaYrn, Roy Dunlap, Bernard IlollistPr, f-;at·ah Fi ht'r, ::\Iari:w Larson, Ruth ~Ietz and Howard '\\~arren. RoBER'r FJ;;IIER





A5~1f>TANT ART £o1













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!'resident Athletic Boanl :\lnnl,er Athletic Din•ctor Assi:tant Director and Coach

li\HOIIIS!Ill\.\'i . .

• !11. H D. How \IW :\Ji"'i LOTI II S\\ ITZI H :\!11. JOII'i ' \ L!~.\\ .

The athletil· 11'-'S<ll"iation has a hig-h ranking among- tlw s<·hool oq.ranization. all(! alway. !•njoys a laqn• lll<'lllhership of 1ht• sludPnt body. ThP purposp of this as <wiation is to Jll'olllllll' <•lt•an athleti<·s and a spirit of loyalty to our st•hool. ~\th'eti<·s plays a vital and ps <'Jltial part in. ehool lift>. and con·eqtH•ntly this or~anization t'OJH•crns t•veryone. The ~\thh•tit• ~h. oeiation t•ontrols PY<'r~·thini! JH'rtainini! to athletics neh ?Is "]H'p" asspmhli!• . and ha. h<'<'ll of matPrial assistaJH'l' to foot hall, basketball, a ntl t nH· k. Tht·on:..dl tiH· pfl'orts of thP .\. A. Pight<'<'n n<'W hlankPh mad<• tlwit· app<•arHil!'l' this ~car. Thl'~· an• hl'a\",\' wool hlanht of first <tnality, of an <'XCPllcnt )laroon. had!•. with a larg<' ''('"in the c<'nter, and thP munhcr of the hlankpt 111 On!' COrnPr.

"C" CL B Tht> "('" <'luh is an honorary organization, thP nH•mh!'l'ship of whi<·h is limitl'<l to thosp "ho haw \\'on major·"('\" in athll'ties. This <·luh was or·ganizpd forth<' ]HII'po e of pr·omoting <'!Pan ('Oillpetition, s<·hool loyalt~·. and intPgrity in athleti<· rp)ationship. Thp olli<'l'l's of tlw dub HI'<': presid<•nt, .John Alper·. ; vict•-prt>sid<•nt, l'harle DPakin; secrptar~-. Ewrctt Olson; treasurer, \Villiam Nchow •ng<•rdt. Thos<' \1 ho \H'l'l' tak<'n into th<• duh this ~·ear al'<': KPnu<'th Finieal, On·illl· fil"lrardPin ..)prOHH' Travis, Fntn!•is Dolling-<·r·. L<·sli<• o·~<·al, Oti .• ·o,J·is, Ilarold Layman, EnJ<•st Walt<•rs, Lilburn Haymond, Hoyal Ntip<•s, ~\lhcrt Fitzwilliam, Harold, 'loan, D\\ight C'ol'hran, Paul Dool<'ll, and .\lhPrt LcP. ThP old m<•mher. of t h<' dnh an• .John .\lpc•rs, Gardin<•r • ·orton, HohPrt ~I!'!Cay, II a rold .Jli<·ha!'l, Haymond l<'ox, Paul ])pwhi rst, llarold Null iYan. Evl'n•tt Olson, \Yilliam , 'eho\n•ng-<·rdt, and Charl<>s D eakin. The principal social function of the club was a dance held in thl' gymnasium during- the st•cond scm<•stcr. Blaborat<• decorations and. nappy mmsic by ''Bill'' Elwell\ orelwstra mad<' thl' dan<'<' a f!•atnr<' of the ehool y<'ar.

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OFF! 'EH.S 111Lilll~

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:\1 \It\ .'.h

'TY .\.'\ \ll

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President \'ice-President 'ecretary Treasurer

Committ<•cs--Clwer up-Flon•nee \Yint<•rs, ('hr., , 'arab Fishrr, Il<'!en • ·or ton. Huth 0:-rd '11. Hiking- :\lalH'l \Yatt. ('hr .. Oe11 •view .John on. Doroth: 'lark. Hocial 'l'r<'Ya Pattrn:-rak, ('hr., Alhrrta Hcog-<•in. IIazrl Iun"<'ri<·h. Early in .'eptPmiH'l', the fir-,t nweting- of tlw U. A.~\... was lwld with the ·hid' lllll'posl' of t'xplaiuing- th<' -,taudard. of tht• ~\..s. ociation to · · Fn• lum·n· · au I ". t'\n:omers." Later on in HeptPmlwr, tlw g-irls were again the lions of an a. semhl:· at which the pmblem wen• awarded h,,- :\Ii. s ,Jone ·for the winning of ont• lmndre<l and fifty })()iJJts undt>r tlw point s:·stt•m of tlu• G. •\.A. The r<'eeiwrs of t hesP honm. Wt'r<' :\Iild n•d ~\rm t wn:-r. ~Iarian Blaine, \' o 1l'tta Beem. ::\I a r~ CrathOI'IH'. I llth lli:-r:-rill .. llaz<'l Imq..reri<·h. ,Jan' Kooglt•r, Dorothy Koogler, ~Iary i\lpa<l, Hnth .:'lietz, Tn•va Patteng-alt>, Della Htt•phells, :\label \Yatt. Doris \Yilliams. Paulin • \Yalker, ~Iadge Young-. lrt'IH' Htyan, Gwendolyn ,'hang-er. RPalizing- tht• need for social life. the s()(•ial conunittPr aiTan:-r<'<l a dancing party ill tlw gymna. inm on Decemht•r 10, forth<' g-irls antl their guest. The arrival of !-~ant a and the ein·lt> h\!1-si<'Jl!-. t•allPd h~ ~Ir. ( '•·ooks wpre fpatnn•s. To . how that tlw G. A. A. was not for s<•lfish interests, the g-irls . howed tlw real C'hristma. pirit when tlwy sold onr hundred dollar worth of Ilo11: for the brnrfit of th<' C'hildn•n 'Municipal ,'hor Fund. Later thr~· ans\\<'t'<'d the l'all from the rniversity \\'0111<'11 to help .-elJ tit•kets for a lllOVir to rai.·t• llHIIH',\' for rollt•t' skate for the rmor_,.. La t, but not least. tht> g-irl oltl poppit>s to aid '''l'he Yrterans for Forrig-n \Vars ... And so rnd tlw wide activiti<s of the G. A . A. for 1921-22.


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COM 1ERCIAL DEPARTMENT TIH'l'l' \\!'t'l' t\ro hllndrP<l anf tift,\ stll<lPnts t•nroll!•d in thL' ('ontlll!'t't•ial ll<'partnwnt this year, the lat'l.!l' t numhPr in tltt• hi tmy of the hi:,rh t•hool. This im·n·asL' in lllllllllt'r is dut• to thP fad that people an· IH·ginninl.! to t't•allzl' till• many opport11nities \\hit·h tiH• hi:.rh st·hool t'OtllltH•rcial departmPnt otl'Prs Itt• , tude11t of to-day. Tht•n• an• eig'ht suhjPl't inl'luded in this th·partnwnt: BookkPrpittg-, Commt•rt·ial Law, Commerl'ial Enl.!lish, C'ommpn·ial .\ritlmwti<·. <'ommen·ial Ut•og-t·aphy, Et"onomit· , and :-;horthand ant! T~-Jlt'\1 riting-. Mul'lt t'l'Pdit n111st hP g-in•n .Jir. Yodt•l', !wad of this <lPpartmPnt. for his t tlit·iPnt handling- of tlt1• \\"ork this .n·at·_ Bt• idt• :\lr. Yodl't', thl't't' \H'I'<' :\li " \"o-...., and :\It·. Baullltlllk, who \\'<'l'l' l'lJilally Sllt'l'"""flll in thi lin!' of \rol'lc The sdwol mig-ht well he proud of its shorthand and typt'\\Titing tla e . This year, eig-ht .-tll(lPnts from the advantL'd clas entered the di. trid toul'llament whieh was liPid at('. II..·. or 1:0\li'St' th<•y won. Tht• winm•r. of thP district to\ll'namt•nt \\l't'l' Plig-ihle to entl'r tlw tat!' t•ontt•st. Fo11r of tlH• Pidtt !!iris: DonnabPlle l•'r~·.• -PiliP DeLong-, Dorothy , 't~ an, aml .\line LPasun>, entl'rl'd the . tate t•onte tat Xormal. Donnalwllr Fry \\on the individual t,\ ping- test. a\'l'rag-ing- 70.6 words Jll'r nlinutt• for tiftPrn minutt•s. The team won S<'!'O!Hl plarl' in thr all amund pwnt . This is thP fit·st timr that ('.II. ,'.has P\'t'r l'ompett•d with otht•r sl'ltool in this lin!' of \\ork, hut thPrr is 110 n•ason why it cannot win the tat!• !'hampimtship in .-tf'nog-raph~- and typewritin~t as it clof' · in athletic. . Ft

ORE. <'E

Enw \JWs

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WIG AND PAINT That ( 'hampaign High ~ehool i. nnt without talt'ut in dramatic lines i'i . hown by the al'livity of the \Yig and Paint ('luh, whieh rrpre'i!•nts the histl'ioni<: elt>ment in the sehool. The aim an!l purpose of this organization 1s to promote and stimulate an interest in !li'Cillla(i('s for the \)(•lldit or all (ll(h•nh ill(('!'(' tl•tl. .\nyonr. in. ehool is eligihk for tryouts, hut the memht•t·ship of the club i limited to fifty. Thesl tQ·outs an• held undl'r the SUJH'rvision and direction of tlH' faculty advi:or, ~Ii. s Gryer. This year so many talented candidatl•s tried out that a junior club wa · organizPd, HH'llliH'rs of whil·h will ht• admitted to the regular \Yig and Paint club next y ar. .A pia~, " Wh~· tlw ( 'h imPs Hang," was giwn by some of the memht•rs of the club at an a. sembly just before Xma . After a sucres. ful semestrr undt•r the h•adership of Hobert Fisher, pre. ident. new offierrs were rlrctcd. Those <'hOSl'n wrre Paul Doolen, pn•sident; Dorothy , 't.' an, first vit·P·Jli'Psidrnt: Dorothy ( 'lwste1·, set·otHI vi!•t'-]ll't'sident: Lyl!• • 'ash. sP<·rdary: arul.J;nnPs Pl'ttit. I rea lll'l'l'. ~Pwral pal'!it•s \rt're gi\t'n during the st'hool yeat·, tlu• annual party in thr O'ymnasium bring one of the best s()(•ial functions of the year. It is eer·tain that the club enjo;n-d one of its mo. t suece sful yt>ars. However. twxt ypar \Yig and Paint. by having mort' plays and partit•s. hould do rvrn lwtter. •To11:-.. ~OLO'>

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LATIN CLUB nder tlH• guidance of ~Ii.". B!•ach and ~lis. ~Io ·s the Latin ( 'lub ha had an !' XCe('(lingly profitablC' _v('ar. At on of the fir t nwC'ting-s the club C'leeted Marian Lar<;on, presidC'nt; Paul Doolen, vice-pre.·ident; Kenneth Lee, treasnr r; and .Jame: 'apel, . •cretary. ~\mong the a<"tivitie. of the ·lnb were the regular programs, three of which w<•re present<•d during the year. The s!•niors pantomimed variou sr<•nc. from ··The Tragedy of Dido,'' while the story wa · read off-. tage. The juniors illu trated ·· Thr Con. piracy of Orgetorix. ·'and the sophomor<'s entcrtai1wd the dub at a Yalentine party. the only defect of which wa that the refreshment. were too frw and far betw en. Truly, there is at lea. t one r<•compen for the dru<lgPry of karning voeabnlarie an!l de<'leu ion . .:\1.\RI \ . • L .\R. ·o. ·

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LA CERCLE FRANCAIS Th<• fir~t French dub wa. org-aniz •d thi year und r the able g-uidance of Erhart. ~\11 those who wcr' studying- or had studit>d Frt>nch wcr<' <'lig-ih~<' for membership in this org-anization. In this ·lub <lues w<'rc cor1. picuou. b.) tlu•ir ab. <'nc<', which, of course, all the members ag-n•ed was an attractivt> f<>atur·t'. 'l'hc~ II<' •c. ·sary fhran ·ial support was g-iYen by voluntary <:ontributions. Th • mrmb<•r. hip this year wa: rather larg-e, the dub roll reading about two hundred nanw. The org-anization of thr French Club has filled a need which has loner bePn felt. lt had b<'l'll proposed before to establi~h a French dub but it was not until this .nar that it was a tually or~auized and commrn<• d it· carc<•r·. ThP prin<·ipal a<·tiviti< s of La C<•rde Franc;ai ,,·rr·e an ent<•rtainnwnt giwn in :.Jan·h, and a pitnic dating- about thl' sr<·orHl we<•k of :.lay. Thu · 'n' fi<'<' thP g-ood tinll's pnjoy<'d by thosl' who porltr fntll('lliN. With thl' iee wrll broken this yeal'. th<• French ('Jub . hould take an rven more important phwr among the high . ehool organization next year. ~I iss


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EL CIRCULO CA TELLA '' El Cin~ulo Castellano'· wa. . elel'ted as a name for the ~pan ish ('lull of nineteen t\\enty-two. It i. one of the youn~rest organizations at tlw pre-.(•nt time, this being only the . eeoncl year that a Spanish Club has existl•d in ('hampaign High chool. The club was benefited thi. year by the suggestions and liberal •fforts of th' .'pani. h in trnctor, ~Iiss Kcilcr The fir. t nu>Pt ing was called to onler l<'ebrnary 2:~. 1 !)22 for the purpo>.p of reorganization. The name wa: chosen and th' foll<l\\·ing officers were eleet<>d: Pre ident, Elmer Bash; viee-pre.·iclrnt, Harry Burke; S('t'retary, \Yilliam Howan!; tn•ct'-'lll'er, Ra.'· Fox; sPrg-eant at arms, Ernest v-.~altt•rs. This ~· par the club ha. been r,;omewhat larger than it wa>. last year, there lwin~r a membership of forty. The members have be •n entertaim•d eYPry two w •ek-;, on Thur. day afternoon, with a s)wcially arranged program, plan1H'd hy a committPe of four. Th • meetings have b en in a . hort business form and the most of tlw timt ha: beC'n .JWnt in enjoyincr a program of 'panish f:>OIJgs, feature daneC's, music. and ocial functions. ::\I em hPJ's of 1he club only arc allowrd to takr part or· attC'JHl the m etings unless other are voted in a crue.t: of honor. The .'panish cluh was not only orrranizrcl as a. o<•ial and entPrtainmcnt <'lnh, hut for improvin~ and cnlar~ring the Rpanish thought and voralmlary of l'n'ry llll'lll he!'. ::\1 YR'rLE D. ::\I\()[)];

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ORCHE TRA Tht• on·he tra under the ahlr <lirl'dion of ~Ir. ~lcKimH'Y ha comp! •ted one of the mo.t sncc<•s. fnl yt>ars iu t h<• hi. tory of the school. • ·ot one not • of ",Jazl- ··has heen play •d by th<• org-anization thi. yt•ar, and th •reforc, it · andit•Jwt• has lH·anl only th<• lwst class ol' lllll'li<· available. For this rea on, the nwmhers of the orche'ltra f •pi that tll<'~· have done a g-reat deal towards raising the standani of mn. i<' in tlw high ehool. This org-anization has play<•d at a gr<•at many places d11ring the pat ~·car. Tlwy hav!' playt•cl for a Jllllllllt'r of ( 'ommunity Ning-s, mel'tillg-. of the Pan•nt'ft•at·her· .\s O<·iation, a Labor Cnion meding- at thp H.ia 1to Tlwatn•. aml 'arion-; hil!h 'lthool adivitil's. :\Ian~· time thi. ~ !'ar a mall g-ro11p of pllt~·t•rs has ht•t•n sel<><'tl'd from the orehestra to fnrni h mnsi<• whPn there \\'a not. room for the rutin• org-anization. This g-roup has play<'d at banquets. ltuwlwons. and high wlH.ol t ntt•rtainmt•nts. s\l(·h as the otH•r·P!ta. The lll('llllH'I's of this m·ganization arc a~ follows: 1st Yiolins : Edward Thrash, E<lith Ilt•inz, .rae<' (loodman, Rnth B1·oon1. Flol't'lH'l' Bnl't, .\lice Le<', II~ nwn Baird. Ralph . 'l'sJoJith ..Jot' , 'ounner ·. (~a~ lord BlliT<'Il, \Yilliam Uallion. ~n<l \·iolins: Fay<• Piukstaff, Yillar Parkhill, Cecil Kit<·h, Berniee C'amplH'll. ( 'ellos: • ·at han Burt and ,John ~Iaxwl'll .'axoplwm•s: Kenneth Berhanm, Harry Hoffman, Prank Blaisdell, Paul Ilnl!hcs, Elmer Ot•lnnkl', Forn•st Oake .• 'il<•s Lcuek, \YaltPr Brown. Cornet : \Villard \Vadt>, ('harlt•s , 'tevens. Gene .'cott. Trombones: Ralph l'opsy, Earl Parkhill, John Tuckrr. French Horn: IIarry Burke. ('Jarincts: Geneva ouberly, \Villiam Danit'lson, Kenneth , toltey. Drum. : -..eorg Iaxwcll, \Villiam a. ad. "'rylophone: Leonora Burt, lb rt 'B'itzwilliam. Piano: Florence L. EthYarcl·, 'ellie DcLOIJO'. FLORE 'CE Eow.\RD





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THE AGRICULTURAL CLUB • Tear the end of th' tir:-.t senwstet· a meeting wa. hd<l hy stn<lt•nt · in the department of agricnlturp and, mHlPr the dircctimt of .:\lr. Kelley, drew up tentative plan. for an .\crricultural ('luh. At thi. time the following officer. werp electe<l: ,Joe Allen, JH'<•sidPnt; ,Jo. eph •'onwrs, 'iee-pn'. i<lPnt; Ellis Fi.·her, . e rctary and program lt•ader; Donald Teare, treasurer; and ,John Baxter, serg •ant at arm·. \'arious <•ommitte<•s wet·e appointpd and at the hPginning of the . econd eme ter the club work began. An hour program of four or fivp short numb rs was held every two week . Practical topic.· wer discu. sPd by club mt•mlwrs and student t •aehers with special attention being given to n •w articlPs on agl'icnlturc and farm work of the day. ::\ight programs were ginn from time to time for the pnrpos of entertaining relative interested in practical agriculture and to brincr about a clo. er and more complete understanding betw<'<'n country peopl and the work of the department.



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'.\ ~T

J a1·k I >oogan _____________________ lfo\\ a!'(] Hazelton Nt•ll -------------------------- ___ ( ' ha rlt•s Bemwtt :\In•. ( 'arr _________________ --------- Cullen Ka ri her William ('arr ___ _____ ____ __ __________ ,}amp,; P t>ttit Joan ( 'arT _________________________ ,)ames l'apt>l Carol i JH' ('an ------------ _________ ,) ohn \Y rig-ht :Madg-P ('arr _______ __ ____ __ ____ _____ Alfred Kirk :\Ir. ,Jamison ________ _____________ Bernard B owen Janws Cluny _______________________ Donald Clark Dr. Willoughby ________ ___ _____ ___ Robert Fisher Ht•v. ~Ir . Np1• vin ______________ Lt•oJHll'd ' turdyvin Joe Thompson -------------------\Yilliam Howard Neqr1•ant of Poliei'----------------IIarold :\IichaeL,; Polic<' Officer Clani'Y-----------------•John : olon Polic!' Offict>r 0 'Rourk ____________ ('Iifton !)('LongPol ic<' Officer 0 ':Jlall<',Y --- - ------ __ Il~· men Bayard Poli •e OffiCI'!' :\lcGuire __________ Fran •is Fitzwilliam Poli1•t• Officer 0 'Bripn _______________ ,J o. eph Ogden A (•hauft\·ur __ __ ___________ ____ _____ ('lifford TI1•id ~\ farc t> eom1•dy entith•<.l ' 'Ntop Thipf'' wa pre pnted by the boys of C'hampaign High School on Decemlwr tlw second. The erook Doogan and his pal, ll (in disguisr as a maid ) arr trying to rob the housd10ld of Mr. \Yilliam Carr, a forgetful old man. X ell slips artil'll's of jPwelry, which are l\1adgc ', wrdcling [H'Psrnts, into tht• pol'kets of the soon-to-be son-in-law, ,James Cluny, and also :Jll' Carr. Thus tht•y think that tht•y are kleptomaniac:. The crooks find it "soft" i11 making a clean swerp, but it is a harder job to make a get-a-way. Just when thry think they aJ'P saft> thr polil't' walk in and takr charge of things. Bu t T



:\1r. 'arr for~iws tlu• two and tht•y ~l't ''tie<lup"' in a douhlt• marria~e "ith Cluuy and :\Iadg-c aJHl everything end · happily for tht• t•eook and • 'p]l. .Jack Doog-an intPrpreted his pat with n•al dramati<.! ability. while his part ner.• 'ell was an a<·<·omplieP of sph•Julid t•alilwt·. Tlw forg-<'tfulnt• s of :\Ir. Carr and :\Irs. Carr's <'ar trunqwt will lcmg- ll<' n•nu•mh<•n•<l. Th<' produdion wa \Wll tag-Pd hy tlw t'Xl'<'llent support of the eat and throug-h the untiriug- l'lfort of )li Geyer. This is thr first time tht> ho:' s han• en•r. tag-<'d a phi:'" without tl~t• he'p of a chorus hut it wa. not miss<•d as tlw "g-irl ·· Wl'l"r tht> hit of the evl'ning as th<·~· walked g-nH·I'fully about in thPie Frl'nt'lt h<•t>ls. Tlw beautiful deawing- room t'urnitur<' was loanrd throug-h the eoul't<'sy of .1. )1. Patt<'t'son ~·- ( 'ompany. and tht• palms, fprns. and How<·r h_,. Thos. Frank and • 'ons. ThP l'lt!!s alHl dnqwei<• W<'n• fut'tlislwd h~· \V. LPwi & Co . .. \H \II FI.'IIEH



The Pan•nt-Tl'al'ht•r 's ~\ss()(•iation oh. <'rYed "Father· Xight, · · at Champaign lli!!l1 ::-;ehoc ;, Frida~ 11ight, .\Iay 1:2, 1!l:2:2. •\ few Plt•c·tions W!'rt' g-iYPII hy tlw on·hl'stra, a(t<'r which a play <'lltit ed "The Ilig-h ::-;dwol Clotht• -Line,·· wa pn•sented hy the pupils of the clothing elas e . which. howed tht• e ·onom~- and \)('tter ta. t • ohsern•d "·hen Oil<' had knmdt·d~t· of making dotlws. Thl' east indudecl till' foll<m ing g-irL : Ada III'it•n Quinlmt, Uelll'\'iPV<'- Paulin<' P<•reiYal, Ilelt•n Ut H<'<' Parkhill. Dorothy- Hht'ba Shurtz, :\lar,\· ( 'on;.tant·<• Foot<'; l\Iodl'ls Edith Ilndnut, Huby Cro. lin, l\Iyrtle :\Iadden. Bt•tdah H.iehanls. llazt'l BrnnP, lll'll'n Kirkman. Ilaz<'l H<•x. E. th<'t' ( 'hat'llt' . l\lildn•<l Ll•<·man, Pri. t•illa \Yilt-ox, :lfat·~ • 'pitzang<'l. Uol<lil' llou ton, Euni<·t• Young, Ilarridt Tw·ket·. l\Iary Ilotfman. '\<•Ya .Jack on . .\Iari<• , 'turdyvin, .\Iil<lr<'d La IH'r. •\nna ~olon. P<tn lint• Bak<•r, Lois Brookbank, \ . <'rlla Uu11ning-, Huth Parks. Pronwnadt• of alll!il'ls W<'aringo <lrl'ssp · mad<• in till' <·lothing- lahoratoril' . ~\ftpt· tlw play. the goyntllasiunl l'Xhihitiot" \\l'l"l' g-iYen hy th<• fn•shHIPn atHl ~ophomorr girl. . tlw main fl'at nre being "Tlw ('!own Dane<' .. hy Fa~·~· Pinkstatl' a11d )fadg-r Young. '1 hl' art ··xhihition itH·lndl'd l!<'lll't'al art . .it'WI'lr.'. thc·or_,. of dt •sign. JH'll and ink work. <·rayon tudit• , all<l <l<•<•orati,·<' !!anlen cencs. Otlwr departHwut whieh <·xhihit!'d work \\·prr: l\[anual Training. Fomb. flll(l C"othing. El.



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"THE TREASURER HUNTERS" •• Th<> 'I'n•astH'<' lluntPt's,'' a t•omi<· op<•ra, was prP~cntP<l hy tlw ('. II. , '. Chm·us in thP high school auditorium on :\larth ~-!. An <'Xl'PII<•nt tast was s<>lPc· trr by :\lr. :\lcKimwy and :\liss Oey<'t' and un<l<•t' tlw ahl<• <lit't•dion of thPsP tPachers, assistP<l hy :\li s ,Jon<'., and :\!iss An<l<>rson, tlw play wa ·a gn•at snttPss. The s<"<'IH' took pla<"<' on tlw g-rotmds of tlH• (}o\'Prnor\ P. tat<>, II()(•n-, Pocus Jsland. Tom Blah, AnH•rican inwntor of a patcut diving-snit, had hcl'n ddt'HlHIP<l of his pat<•nt t•ights hy .). WintH'J' Lu<"P. Lu<"<'. to do this, had mad<' llSP of .Jimmy s(lttabs, a mastpr-drin•t• and ('ortlatHl \'an Pri-,s~· . to whom lw had hPtl'OtiH•d his danghtPr, ~IadPlinP, whom BlakP lowd. BlakP )pft for Singapm·p and Png-ag-Pd P<>dt·o and hi~ .:\Talay to go with him to tlw ls'and of Ilo<•us Po<·us, on<· of tlH• PhillipitH' g-roup. BlakP knP\\' that a

trPasut"<•-ship of gl'(•at va!u<• Ia:· 011 th<• bottom sonwwhcn· about llo<•us Potus, but Ln<"(' had takl'n from him tlw chart showing tlw lot"ation. B'ah, <lisg-nisP<l as a pirate, wa: known as BencvPntc. Lne<' with his daughter and h<'t' eha}wrotH>, arri,·cd at llotns Poens i11 \'an Prissy's ya<·ht, but \\'('I'<' shipwr<·<·ked hy tlw pirates. At about thr sam<' time thr 1'. S. ('ruiser "Oklahoma,·· i11 charge of ('ommand<•r Boomday, arrivNl. After various advrntures, Luce was forced to hand the t•hart to Blake who proved his patent rights to th diving-snit and all t'JHled happily.


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The <'a t wa a~ follow : Tom Blake ------------------------ _ 'harl!'s. 'It'\ en~ Blakt• \ .\s~i~tant Piratt•s, Pt•dr·o and lla~irn, -John \\"rq.dtt and lhlplt ( 'ops~· .J. \\"lltnt•t· Lttt·t' ___________ -- ----- - - _ -lamp Pt>ttit .JiadPiinP Lli<'P ------------- ___ _ nutlt .JI'ft•r· ('ortlandt \an Pr·iss.'·-------------. ('har'<•s B<·nnt'lt ---- ---- -· 'p)Jit' l>t'Lon!! .J!t . \\ tthPrspoon ------ __ .J imllt,\ ~q uahs _______________________ Harold .JI idtaPI . 'pta ph ina. ''lll'th ----------------------------~ar:~lt Fi hPr .\tafttr·a _ --------------H11th :\T .. tz Comlll<tnd<•t· Bootnda_,. -------------------- __ Holll'rt Fishl't" Dais_,. Boomda,,· ----------------______ Don>t It~ • 't~ an .JianttPI .JiandulP.' -------------- ________ _Cul't•n Kariht•r· Dos~. hi-.; hottsl'kt'I'(H'I' _____________________ Fa~-p Pinkstafl' Tt>n Lit tit• Brmntit> .Jlt>n: L!'otta Yillanl. Fa~ P Pirtl;:~tafl', Lois Bmok· hank, Lcmi P (lphrkt', .Jiary :\l!'ad. :\Iadg-P Yottng-, Dorothy Koog-h·r·, Doroth~· ~tan ford: lkllt>s of llo<'u Pocus: Dorotlt~- (J r·ay. Pt•arl Snyd<•r·, Ruth Geelan, .\lice Lee . .JI<u·~- Hoffman . .Jiarian Blaim•, IrPnt•. 'tyan, and Dorothy ('ht>ster. ,'ailor :.John \Yain. cott, Edward Thrash .•John E. Tuchr, \Yil!iam IIcnnu·d, Erwin BPrnhanl, Ted \\'ard, ('Iifton Dt>Long-, Lponard Htur<lyvin. :\Ialays: Hyman Bayard, Ralph ('op.y. Hulmond Faulliu, HatTy B11rkt'. .\ntone Downs, .John Solon, C'he. ter ~tiekrod . . . 'atives: Ralph Xesmith, Gen(' ~cott. Carly]p ::\I<•skimen, Elnwr O!'mkr, Gaylord Burrell, Robert Kell('y, Harold Haitw . Pianist: Floren<'<' Edwards, accompaniPd hy Etlward Thrash, • 'athan Burt, John Maxwell, and Kenneth Bnuaum. Ft.OREXCE L. Enw.\Rns

THE TRIAL OF BAD ENGLISH During Good Erwlish \Vt•ek thr ~wnior pnhlie speaking classes pr!'sented an appropriate litth· playlet entitled "Tlw Trial of Bad Enrrli. h." The high .·chool stacrp took on an austpn• aspect in thl' form oi' trial in ession. Tlw set'n(' was very r •ali. tic and trut' to lift>-shown by the many teat·s shed hy the juror·. The ('a. tin the play wa :Bailiff-Ted \Yarcl, C'lerk-\Villiam Schowengerdt, Lawyers f<,r d('fentlant- Earl Parkhill and :\lab l \Vatt. Lawyt•r. for plaintitl" Dwig-ht Coehnm and Ll'onoJ·a Burt ,Judg-e Howard \\'arren, :\Irs. ,John Ilt• Louis!' Blain<•. ::\lis \'o<'ahuhu-y- Florence \VintPrs, .Jiother Tongnt' :\Iarian Lar on. Good Grammar- ('hristinp PaJT, ::\liss Hp('lling-- Ruth )lctz, Careless Writing l\Iaxine .Jicl'ormick, :\Iiss Cultnre- XPiliP J)pLong, Dr. C'. E. Spet>ch Robert Fislwr, Bad Engli h Harold Haines, Forl'llHlll of the jury- Hosalit• Ilathawa~, Guard ·-.\llH'rt FiLm illiam and Hoy Dunlap; .J nry- Rosalia Hathaway, Edith 'hame., Alie(' Brown, Robnta Bucklt•y, Yourth Yon Holten, Elizalll'th Kinse' l\Iarcella \Ya chl'r, .J nan ita Robertson, Carnwn Taylor, l\Iarie Patit•nt, K, i . .: Mit ·hell, Bernie Tuek •r .-... F.

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IN WALKED JIMMIE A comedy entitlNl " In Walked ,Jimmie" was .-uccessfully JH't'sent ed hy the , 'enior class on the ewning of ,June 7, in tlu· hi~h school auditorium. The plot ha<lmainly to <lo "ith tiH' bankruptey of ,John Tl·ellevan 's business which was tlw manufacturing of baby shoes. l::;incr it was goin~ to t lw wall he wanted to shoot himself when 'In \Yalked .Jimmie." This young and hopefu l gcn tleman wanted to put th business on its ft>et again and, since he had only ·-t 7 to his name. Tn•llevan hired him. Th • fit"t thing ,Jimmie did wa. to hire a force of JH'w offiel' gir's who "<'rt' particularly helpful in putting up a smilin~ front so that \\ht'n the creditors came in to colll•ct the~- saw that tht' concPrn was doing large l'Xportin~ to all parts of tlw world thus tlwy Wl're put off for a while. But the factory pro. Jwre<l and they mow<l to a larg rr building. The day that •· ,Jimmie Walked In" thrn' wt're thn•p robbers that lwld up a train and th .-uspicions pointed to ,J immit', who by this tinw " ·a dC'eply in lo\'e wit h Kitty, tht• bookkel'JH'I' at tlw factory. The brothC'r of Kitty mC't th <• two otlwr robbe1·s who " ·pre impli<•ated so that he was suspcctl'd also. ,Jimmi<• got tlw brothC'r released but had to go to jail him ·elf. Finally the n•al robber was found and ,Jimmie wa .. ct free, xct•pt that hr marri<>d Kitty. 1\li);S Rogers was a typieal old maid and the office girls wpre particularly h<>lpful in puttin~ thin~s across. 'l'ht> creditors and landlord were ext1·emcly hard ht•arted, aJHl Bohh,\ Day as th<' shippiug ckrk hom•d gl'l•at charac.t<•r ~ro wth throughout th play. The followincr ca. t was . el cted and coached by Mis Gey r: ,Jimmy, who walked in ___________________________ _ Ilowanl Haz'l'ton ,John 'l'rrlleYan, owner of 'inderplla factory __ ___ ____ ___ _Rolwrt Fisher Kitty, bookkerp •r at the factory ____ ______ ___________ _Dorothy Htyan l\Ii.·s Rogers, factory's forelady __________________ Maxin • :\Ic 'ormick

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h •autiful Christmas play pntitlP<l "Why the 'himes Rang," was g-i\· •n hy t h \Vig and Paint C'luh on Friday, De<'!'mber 24. The sel'JH' for th • play was laid in a peasant'. hut on the edge of a wood near a cathedral tower. The story is that of a perfect gift- n ot that of wealth or of pridt•. but of humility alHl charity. The IH'antiful <'atht•dral window set•nwll a rl'ali ti<' as any profe .. ional et The art d!'JHirtmPnt SJH'nt JJUIIJY hour of hard labor in giYing the finishing touch1•s of marvelous beauty. The (•ast \\as ex<'l'!'dingly \rell halan t'l'd and wPll adapted to the parts. They were as follows : IIolgar, the JH'Hsant ho~· _________ __ _____ ____ Robert Fi. her Hilda, hi ister_----------------------- __ -- ~Iar.\· ~lead Ikrtl'L tlwir lllH·It• ----------------- -__ __ .James Pettit Old woman - - - - --------------------- ~Iaxill!' )ltC'ormiek The P1·iest ----------------------- ________ Frank TIUT!'Il Hieh man ____ ___ __ _______ ____ _____ ______ ______ Ted \Van! Rich wo11uuL _----- ---------- - ----- -- ----- l)orothy Koogler Sag-1• --- -- - ------------ ________________ {)Iifton J)pLongYonng g-irL __ __ ____ _____ ______ ___ ________ Fayr Pinkstaff The (~ul't'JI __________ _ ________________ .) uanita R olwl't on Tlw King ________________ ,: _______________ __ __ .Joe Ogden The .\ngp} ___ _______ ____

-------------- -• ·Pllit' DeLong

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''. •othing i-: too go()(l for tht• boys an1l girls. '· Following this thPOI',\·, ~lis; • 'witzt•r arrangt'd a fa!·ttlty p1·o:.rram that \\·as prt• 'l'lllt•tl at assPmhly ~lay 1~. PPrhap. neq•r hd'ol·e had ninl' hundrt•d pupils listt'IH'tl o attt•ntiwl.' for an hour to a leather as at this l'lltertainnwnt. A quartet, eolllposed of ~ll''"-1' . ~l1·Kinne~', Tozirr. Yoder. and Brunl'mryt'r respondrd to rvt•ral PllCOt't's. ~~ 1'. Tozit'l', \1 ho has ht'('ll in <·hautauqua work. gav·· hnl l'XI'tllt>nt t·ornet solos as wl'll as sollll' \'Otal nunlht'I'S. His two loY!' ballads WI' I'!' particular!.'· ·· l'atl'h,\-. · · ~I iss Ut•: !'l' \ l'l'Jll'('Sl'lltation of tlw two lon•rs patl'hing- tlp tht>ir difl't>l'l'llt:l's 0\' ('1' 1ht• tPil'phont• was au l'Xl'I'PI ion all.'· good pil'l't' ot' t·haractt•r portra,,·al. Had the live 1nousp in tlH• hack of the room bePn on tht• . tagr, it would han addrd thl' 11th dP~rpe to the rl'ali. tic atmosph<•n•. .;\lr. ~I ·Kinney's piano solo. afforded thr fir.t opportnnit: to really judgr tlw nrw baby grand J)iano. The lwautit'ul toni's brought out by ~11·. ~lcKinne.'· ': skill gaw C\'Pl',\'011<' a IH'W n•srwct fot· that typ<' of in. trunwntal musit•. 'I'hr facult~· prog1·am was a Slll't'Pss. Lt was apprt>ciated. Let's havt' another.


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HILE a tudPnt in th<• nniwrsih·, I \\H. nntth intPI't'stt•d in thp stntdllt'<' <lt' rock. and so often Yisit<•<l thos<' lol'ahtH' far and Jl<'ar whPn' thr vanou · typ<'s of stone lay rxposed to vir"· on the h•vp] surfacr or proj<•tfpd from tlw sid<•s of th<• han•, ru~ged <'litl'. }Jy ramhh• lt-d nH• morp than on<'<' to a eavp of whil'h I now have the ~reate t fpar. I haw not alway been aft·aid of this undrr~rouwl aho<lr, with its massiw room. and slimy tloor; in fact, I ne\ er f<•lt the least drracl of it until while gropin~ about in a ~~·<·at vanltt•d cavity,. •arching by a dim tli<·kering light for th<' JtaJTO\\ archway by \\ hich I had entl'r<'<l, a friend- Ghoul Eric<•son-eallecl my attl'ntion to a hu~r eoffin-sha1)('d rock, which lay athwart the subterranean chamber, totally concealing the entranc<'. · · Th Giant's Coffin,'' he remarked, and through the wavering light ancl hadow, hi: voice sounded dull and d1· ary and far away. ''The Giant' Coffin," h repeat d. "There· an old story, really tradition no\\, of the man who lie· ther<', the man for whom this cav<' was named. He wa. a giant in stature; brawny and trong and ·oura~eom;; a lov<'r of adventure; on whom nothin"' daunt<'<!. He wa. lured h r<' one night by a letter purporting to come from his . \\'e<•theart, but w·hi<•h in r<•ality wa.· the work of hi. bitt<'re.t <'n<'my. At the mouth of th<' cave he pau.·<·<l. . usp<'cting tn•achery, but .-udd<•nly low<'r d hims<'lf into th dark rec sse.·, for h<' heard th voi('(• of hi loved one calling, and in lwr cry wa a note of terrible di. tre... He hurried along the .-lippery pa . a~e-way, th voice alway. b<'fore him- ·alling-calling, o plaintively that h<' grew excited and ran stumbling and sliding over tlw damp, rough floor. At last the cry smuHl<•d ll<'Hr at hand, and lw crawkd throug-h the narrow pa sag into thi. room. •'uddcnly the interior wa. lighted for a mom nt by a tcrribl light, and the man . aw her who had been calling himlyin"' face downward in the ccntct· of thi. caYity. He rusl1<'d to her .-ide, hurri<'Clly li"'hted a tap r, and held it trcmhlingly over h r qui t form. •'he wa · dead! And what a trangc dt•ath! .. 'o mw was near; ther wa. no mark of viol('llCC about the body. The giant stoop<•cl, liftNl her t nderly in his arms, and began a ·ear •h for the passa~c by which he had entered. The pa. ·:age he never found. ar where h thou"'ht it !ihould h<', h di ·covered this great stone, op<'n and hollow likl' a coffin. ·w hen T

• First place, !\Iaroon

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his stn ngth began to fail, lw laid his burden ,,·ithin this natural vault, and then trett·h<•d him:-<'lf at full length beside hrr. Such is the tory, a it ha. hee11 hand!'d dow11 from g"!'ncration to grJH•ration for centurie . Ilow so many dPtail qf thl' in<·ident eanw to he kno\\'n, no Oil!' know for sun•. though it i.. uppose<l that thP t•ncmy who dt• troyt•d the two liw ·prcad the JH'\\' in a t<'alth~· way. that hi · tl•sirP for 1'<'\'!'llg<' n1ig-ht he fuJI,,· g-r·atitied. \Yht•n JWOplt> first found this stolll'. it ,,.,,s no longl'l' OJH'll. hut as ~·oil <'l' it now, olid throug-h and thr< \l!.dl: · · and IH• tappt•d on it \\'ith a piet·<' of iron hP <.:arrit•d in hi. hand. But in t!'ad of g-i' ing- ofl' tht• sonrHl of solid rock. a sound with whieh l \\H. f;uuilial', tlw g-reat tomb <'l'lll<•d to .,,allo\\' tiH' dnll thwat·ks of th<· ir011. all(] th<'Il Pnd thPrn to <'Vt·r~· part of thl' t•avl'rn. t hl' wall of whid1 r<'tHrn!'d them to n in a hollm,· Hlo<·king- \\'a~. I fl'lt Ill~ self grow snd<l<·nl~· <.:hill; tlwrp wa. a pricking- Sl'll ation a hon t t hP roots of m~· hair: l tried to p<•ak. hut m.'· mouth was so dry I <'Ollld not 11tll•r a o\IIHI. 1 <·rt'pt ilt•ntly ll!'hind thP great t·otlin, allll <.:ra\\kd through th<• lllll'l'O\\' pas ag-t•. BPhind ll)(' I <·ould !war Uhoulnluttl'r'ing: '· .\ trtTiblt> death - a h•rrihle dt•ath." Out in th<' sllnshinl' I felt Ill.'' t·ourag-c rl'lurning until l laugh<·<l at m~ fornH'!' fears. B11t Ghoul wa. despondent. All the long \ray hom<' ht• had nothing to ay. Oet•asionally 1 could :-t'l' his lip" move, t•ould clis<:Hn a slight twitehing- of the face, but nothing more. I had a grt•at deo,;ire to n•,·i it the cave and gratify my enriosity in n•g-ard to tht• ston<' sepnl<:hr<', o,;o OIH' Saturday aftt>rnoon I eone<•aled a chi Pl and mallet ben<.'ath my coat and set forth. I r ached the cavern early, swung into tht> .mall opening, light<.'d my eandle, and made my way ·lowly through tlw dank 1>assagc ways. Bats, fright ned by th light, loo ened their hold on th dripping roof. and flitted into the darkness; a drop of \rater, ice cold, morr than onec sent a ehill to my heart as it :truck through my warm . pencer. I had littl difficulty in finding the room which contained the Giant·· Coffin. and I was . oon at work chipping out a hollow in it: flinty wall. I wa: ·o interC"itt>d in my work that I forgot my ft•ars and misgiving: and gave no attention to what wa: going on about me, until suddenly my light \\'a. extingui:hed and I was <'nvdopcd in a terribl darkness. I mu.·t have owrturnt•d th' eandl with my nHtllt•t, for the tap r ,·tood dose by. I began groping for it, but <:ea. ed almost instantly, and ·rouchetl beside the tomb. I heard voices-one of a man, the other of a "·onum·-and they drew nearer and nearer. I recognized the tones of both. One was Ghoul Erieo,;on, the other was a young lady who roomed next door to me and with whom I wa. but slightly acquainted. I lay quietly, half secrt>t d, and they pa.· cd by me in the darknc s only tlwir dim outlines vi ible bt•twccn me and the ·moky lantern Ghoul carried in his hand. 'l'IH'y HPJWared n1stly largt•r than when I la t saw them tlwy wer • gigantic in figure. Tlwy toppt•tl ju. t at th' center of the cave. 'omcont' t•l ·e entPred the room, breathing ht>avily as if from great exertion. ..'uddenly thl' girl gavp a picreing scream, the lantt•rn era ·hcd again.t the roek, the offin besidt• which I lay trembling, moved away, and in the palpable darkness . omcthing hurried past me \rith great . tri<k. I was :o frightened I caree could move, but at last I cnndcd slowly for\\ a rd. groping for tlw open in g. tart led b~- e,·cry


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.·onntl, bearin~ still th el'hoes of the t rrible <l<•ath cry. Without a light I <'I'Ppt along for hours through the darhst of dungrous. t last [ rrached the l'lltranee The moon was high in tiH• IH•awns. I hurried rapidly awa~· and reached home in a state of great nrnous a~itation, and ther!' I .lippP<l, . till trPmhling, lwnrath thl' cowr of ~~~~- bed and toward morning fell into a fitful slumber. I "a aroused at . unri. e hy a great clamor without the house. I ros and pulled a shad . light!:'· asidt•. £\ great asst'mhlage of p<'oph• wrre gatht•J·ed round the thn·lliu!!' Jll'Xt door, and from their <'xcited talk I lrarrH·<l that tht• girl who liwd thPrl' had not heen home during tlw 11ight. and that tlw~ \\l'l'l' organizing a t•ar<'hing party to go in quest of her. :Jiy tet•th chatter!'d and I shin•red Yiolently. I crept hatk ht•hn·en warm hlankrt a11d closrd my ryt•s a if I wrrt• a. lt•ep. Nonwonc rlltt•n•tl tht• J'OO!ll antl thl'll hastil~· dPpartt•tl. \VhPn thr l'htmOJ' without l'Past•tl. I arosr a11d drt•ssl'd a11d walk<>d forth. Th<• first JH'r 011 to g-n•t•t !liP was Ohoul Eriet· ·on. Ilt• put out his haml, hut in tl'ad of gra. ping it a· \\<IS my <'nstom, I starrd at him for a ft•w momrnts. then turn!'d and fll'd. Tlw hod~· of tht• girl \\as found a t•ouplP of <la~· latt•r in the room of' th,· Gia11t '. Coffin, ju.t \\·herr I ha<l seen hl'r fall. , 'he was discovrrl'd lying fat'l' <1cmn. Iler body wa. carrfully exa minrd hy the mo. t COlllJH'ten t ph~·sician s, hut no mark of YiolPnC<' ('Ould he found. Thr Giant's ( 'offin had disapprarrd. At thl' funrral. Ghoul Ericcson ('ould not l'ontrol his :,rrief. lie is now a11 inmate of an asylum-a maniac-and hr talks in •rs. antl.v of the Giant's Coffin, mut•h to the hl'\\ iderment of his kt>rprr, "·ho dors not unclt•rstancl.

19 -


Jl A H 0 0 .X


T H E DOUBLE 'R' LHE. E. IJ.\. 'G,


ERC'Y IL\PPYDA Y Hl'TIIEHFORD "·a a hashful young man of t\\Pntythi'<'<'. Ile wa · a 't'll. ihiP you11~ t·hap, though. a11d trovt' h;n·d to l<'al'll from C'on ·in ~Iary, his ideal as a t•oJI\'PI' ationalist, th<> pO\H'I' hi' o adly l;H'ked. Ot t•ourse. there was another idPal woman in the tory, not a t·ou. i11, hy the name of Lm·ille ,Ja<·k. on. BPt'au <'of hi· nwuy likablr qualiti!' ·, J>Prey wa. iu hi!!h favor with her parrnts, and his prosJH't·ts of m·et•ss in his suit for tlH• youug lady' · hand st'<'lll<'d very pmmisi11~. (hlP da,\, aftt•r Jllllth d<'liht•J·ation, Pt•J't';\' wt•nt to visit .:\Jr.•)at·kson, ,\lld askt><l his prrmi sion to lllal'l',\' his daughtl'r. In defen ·t• of his i11din•ct llll'lhotl of attaek. lw t•xplainetl that he ''as too ha hful to propose to Lneille ll<'r elf. and wantr<l her fathrr to ad as ~o-ll<'tm'<'ll. 1 his was\\ here PPn',\' made his mistake, for th<' old l!l'lltl<•Hwn rcfnst•d to ht• a party to stH'h mHl!'rha11d work. and di ·mis ed him with th!' \rarning not to eall again until ht• hatl .l'ttll'd thr. tliftit·ulty


ont•t• and for all. It \\as a di eonsolah• e\'t•niHg that Pen·,\ pent with Lueill<' at the movies. A the play advaneed, h<' ht•eaJuP nmmnH•r mHl mummer, till finally. to hrt•ak up thP agonizing JHIUSt' · in the slow tonv<'rsation, Lneillt• asked him about hio.; ( 'onsin ~Iary. Prrey was rl'vin•d by this question and e\·t•n ron ·ed to a point or t•nthusiasm. Ilc insist<'tl that Lt!l'illc must meet ht•r next \\'Cl'k dnrill!! her short visit to HoekhuHI. On the appointetl day Con in ~Jar~ al'l'iwd. and Perey . pent the mot·nin~ tom·in~ the do\\'ntown dt']Htrtnwnt stores \\'ith her. About noon, whilt• the~- were . ·tandin~ on a torn!•r waiting for traftie to move on. P!•rt·y ltappt•nctl to mention LtH·ilk \; nanH'. Of t·om•st• ( 'ou. in ~Iary wantrtl to nH'c t ht•r. 1 !'minded by thi, of hi. promi <'to LlH'illl', P!•t't·~ dt•eidl'd to tell'gl·aph to hl'l' to t'Ollll' in on the lll'Xt intt·ntrban, a "he liVl•d too far out for them to ~o a1Hl retnrn in tim • for ~Iary' train. Plan· \\'l'l't' JlHld!' fo1· a ltnwh at t\\·o at the AmH·x. .\ -., onn a .:\Iary and P<'r<',\' \l'!'l'l' inside t ht• lobhy, t lH• lattt•r h urril'<l ovt•r to t hP \Vt>st !'I'll {'nion d<'sk a11<l t·t·ihhll'd this IIH'ssagt•: ··Plea'-<' IIH't't me and .:\lary at ,\ nnP ·at two o 'cloek. Pt·rt·y." At thP othPr e nd of thP lin!' Lneilk took thl' tl'IPgratn front tlw boy . • 'he read the mt•s ag-t• aud t lll'n \1 it !1 an <'Xt·lamation of joy I'll hP<l i11to th<' house to find ht•t· mothcr. \Vhl'n mothPt' n•atl th<' nwssage he smiled and ki sed her rlaughtt•t·. Togl'th< r thl',\ \\TO!t' an an \\'l't', and after llllll'lt t'O\llltin!! of \\·onl-,, finally :,rot it d0\1'11 to thi": ··Of <'Ollt' I': motll!'r will t·oul!' \\'ith me. T<'l<'phon•• dad. Lm·ille. · · . \ ftt•J' Per<·.'' read tht• an \\l'l' in It'll plain \l'o!'d. Itt• left the ,\t•llnw slip in Mar,\·\ hand to go to a phon<' booth to invite .:\ll·.•)at·k 011. lli fit· t qut•-.,tion \\'a whl'tlwr the ot hl'r matter hatl het•n 'il'l t led. \Vhen Perey answl'J'ed in the Jtt•ga. tin•, :Jlr. ,Jackson replied\\ ith a t·urt ". 'o ", antl hun~ up th rt•t•t•in•J'. It \\a. a downlwartetl P •t·ey that returned to the parlor, hut when two hour. • Second place, :\l aroon C'ont ·t.


19 - 1' II E

.11 ...1 B 0 0 ' - 22

later h<' . aw befor<' him Lucille herself, his spirits b<'gan to revive. Wlwn .·he rushed up to him, threw hC'r arm: about his n<' •k, and ki.·sed him once-twic<>, Ill• thoug-h himst>lf in r><'rfe ·t bliss, hut "a.. o taken back that h could only .taud there and .tar in wonderment. Finally he worded out a feeble, "Lucille, tlti i. Cousin ::\Iary." Befor he could go any farther, ::\Irs. ,Jackson gasped, "Who but you. l\Ir. Rutherford, would haw thought of proposing by tt>lC'gram? '' From thi. out bur ·t P rcy surmis d noug-h not to h•t out a "·ord that would . how hi ig-norane . He aw lig-ht only wht>u Lucillt• . natclwd thP tt>h•g-ram from ht>r mother's hand and read the following- to the astonish<'d Cousin :\lary: ··Plea.· meet m and marry at Annex at two o'clock. Per •y. '' A flood of light now acted on Perey ': bashfulne:s, and banishing it all, h" took Lu ·ille in hi. arms and ki sed het·. A st• •otl<llatt>r lw rushed to the telephoth.:: booth to call l\Ir. Jackson. '' EYerything fix(•d up,'' he said. '' 'ome oYer to Annex and bring mini. ter and maniage license.'' On hi. way back to the parlor, a. he pa:. ed the \Vt'.tern ·nion desk, th<' operator said: "I'm afraid I mad<' 'l mistake in that trlegram of yours." Percy smih•d. "'l'hat 's all right," he said. ''Yon only had on• lt>tter wrong-," and slipprd the astouislwd clerk a fin-dollar hill.

Classical Signature!;- Rec ntly found on H. S. Literary efforts

19- 1' II E

M A R 0 0 . - 22

UN POEME SANS TITRE I sat alone in the darkn ss, By the ~:~ide of a mm¡muring brook, The shadows were growing deep r And long since, I'd closed my book. I thought as I sat by the brookside, I heard the tramp of feet; And it seem d no other music In the world was half so sweet. I

aw the marching column And that re tle s moving line; Then far away in the distance The chim s were striking nine. I heard a merry whistle, And as his comrades all broke rank, I felt his arms around me, :\Iy head on his shoulder sank. Ah! what joy to be with him th re And to hear his voice again; Then far away in the distance The chimes were striking ten. I thought that we sat on the bank th re, By the sidr or that whispering stream, And tired by strain and worry Slept and dreamed a dream. I dreamed I sat by a fireside, And a 1 ttrr was in my hand; That told or death and destruction And the ruin or a wondrous land. I thought as I sat through the night ther , I heard the roar of guns; And the cri s of many wounded. And the steady beat of drums. I dreamed of shrapnels and bullets. And ro<'kets afl('ending to He:wen, i\n<l dimly T heard in the distan<'e The chime strike just eleven. I roused mvself from mv slumber, Yet n letter was in my hand Th~• told of death while fi!!ht;ng-. Fighting for a wonclrous land. I sat alonE' in my griPf there. I heard a tolling bell: And far away in the difltance The chimes were striking twelve. 1 \ RT '


L.\ R. 0"


19 -1' 11 E



H 0 0 .\



5 ij htS

I Yl

(.1--j, S. ~·ou

.:\lis. Kl'iler (as. ·orris rist• to watl'h a passing- auto): Xol'l'is, you hig- ovt•t· t! t•own ho:\, won't yon ever ~row up .

Mr. Tozil't : . 'tipt'"· why don't a .k t•ivil qttl'stions! \YP 'll hitP- \\ hy do!'sn 't he.

~\s tht• old editor said, ''You ean g-et tlw mm1 out of t!H• c•onntr·)· hut yon ean 't ~~·t t hr country out of the man.''

~,waking- of out· homelike t•at'l'tt•ria, ditl yon s<•t• Doris :\I ott a. ·sisting- in th t·anin~ of .John \Yri~ht ·. meat a short t' me ago .

l\Ir. Oootling: If il'e contra<:tt•d "·hen frozen it would kt•ep sinking to the bottom during wintt'l' and kill all the fish. Aristotl• (.J. , 'tewart): Tt wouldn't ht• hard on tht• sawfish. \Yanh•d: ~\. vocabulary. Apply room~~~. Eighth hont·.- Elsi!' BnHllt•y. ~It·.

Tozit•t· (explaining- pt·ohh•m ) : • ·ow even·body watrh the hoard clo.·ely r.nd T will run through it. , omc of our athlett•s work harder to get " 's" on their grade card. than to get th min athlrtir ..

I :-at on tlw porch at midni~ht And the chapt•rotH' IH•anl the noi.-e, .~ow I haw to. tay in. ide Far away from the naughty boy. .

•'prin~ i here~ Our Reginaltl hoot a bolt from the blue by announcing that he has nwt the en my and it i ltis'n. •rnderneath th , onthern moon, the1·e': goin' to he a wedding .·oon, etc. '-maybe. heer up, girk Donald 0 'Donnell (.peaking of a .·ct•ne from the Iliad): 'When he came back, if he wa. n 't dead, the king . nt him on another rrrand.


19 -

T 1I E

JJ ..:1 R 0 0 X

II •ar y • ~ Heat· ~ e, brotiH•r ! ThP secret i · out at la t! The late~t addition to the c;vualit~ li~t notw otht'r than our own, inimitable, irn• i. tihlt> Lyle ,Jamc.· • ·a~h . .\ftcr a hrave fi:,!ltt w • find him at la~t biting thr dn t. a \'ictim of Cupid' dart ~cnt all tiH• way from . unny Tenne-;sec. 'l'ht• latP-;t hnllPtin s<'llt from his hrd i<l<• wh<•t'l' he liP in mortal pain rl'ads: Offil'ial . ong-Tenne-; 'l'C Hos<'; offieial tlmn·r Tcnnr ·:rc Rost'; latl'st and onl~· drl'Hlll -T<•ttnt·-,~P<' Ro-,<'; n h.i<•d of ra Yi 11~ -Trnnr sl'<' Ro. r; .·uhjel't of rational ronY<'tsation- 'l'<'lllH' ·ser Ros!': Alpha Rnd Omr:,!H T<'lllH s <'P RIN'. • 'o mot<' i1 lH'. . \ llH'll.

Information want<•d: 1f r don't "O t} high schooln<·xt y<'at·, what <'all I d11 to while away the tit!H'? .\m still ~ oung- and attractiw.-Ilarold )Iil'l :wls.

T£ you wa11t to h<• in faYor i11 .\11dPrson 's clas. <'s, lcav<' th chair· tlu· \ray yon fincl t lwm.

The Truth Will Out! ::\Iiss )fay ( IIi tory YI : Paul, wh~ (!id thr • ·<·w Englan<lrrs pr<'f<'l' tl11• goods of thr Prench to that of thr

Emdish? Paul D.: ThPir rum h<Hl a hl'tt<•r fl a YO r.


It BoY.s SMOVl.D C:ll/IRY




I 923


\\'p wi~h to nominat<• Bill Ilmnml <h c.tli<·ial fre~hman ma t·ot for tIt<· following reasons: hohiH'<l hair!'d ft'f•shuH•Jt a pecialty: <·hie£ fro. h ent<•rtain<•r in thl' l'Hfcteria; ('\'I'll 'iitting ill (•hait• of watPr dot•. not damprn ardor: hig frog in freshman l'las · picture. But thl'll tlw littl dl'ar-; must hr entPt'tainl'd!

Our priYall' d!'tl'l'li\'<• is still wot·kin~ m t ht> cas<• of l-iwl'de 01-,on, \\ ho \\a <·t•n :,!ning dm\ 11 Un•t 11 • 'trl'l't OIH' . '1111 da,\· uig-ht with ".Ju-;t }Iarrit•d" on his <·at·. BdtPJ' wat<·h that l\Ii. antll!·opp Ol'iP1 ~- .. \n•dt•. hnt don't hold out 011 n.·.

Old Kpain was lll'\'t'I' likP thi"! )Iiss KPil<•t·, \\ lwn g-iwn a numh<'t' to <·all 011 \\·. (' ark, eo~·ly n•portPd that ·he lookPd all tht·ough tlw dirretor~· autl thrrr wasn't a'' \V. ('laek '' listrcl thrt·r. })path! W h<•rr is th~· tin~r?




, 'pt>akin~ of <'Orrupt politi<·ians


an~eli<· L~·h· • 'ash, of Temw "<'<' famP,

"·as a pprche1Hlecl whih, passing the follm, ing- <·ard just ht>fm·p mw of hi. cl •hall's: "\'ott> for tlw • ·e~atiw-Pn•e Beer! Thank yon!" ( Ye.', he won). Florpnce Bnrt, "'avoy \

pride and

jo~·. tells us that the old fashioned one


hos-, -.,ha.' is not ohsolPIP in her fair nlPt ropolis. \Ye bdicw<l IH•r, for we drme thron~h there one • unda~· evening.

Society for the Promulgation of Advice to the Lovelorn

, 'onw peoph• are just naturally 'jiner-.,. The latPst addition to the high s<·hool rost Pl' of Ol'id iPs is known as We Don't Know Who Wrote It thP "::\li anthroJH' ::\Ii fits." nder (. "ote found in the hall "I can play Pnthnsia tic lP;Hh•r:-.hip of thP oqran'Tlw ~lwik' and 'L(•aw )Ie with a :izer·, Doroth~· Clark, this clnh made an , milr,' no\\. C'lara had her music rnot·mous splash in tlw quid pool of ovPr to m~· hem e and I memoriz< d them Hhoollif<'. 'I h<• following offi('ers wen' hoth and sOJIIP of' Bimini Bay· in about nnani mons]~· appoi ntecl : JH'<' ·ident, }.) minut<'S. Adam'. <·omin~ ovc•r he!'(• Doroth~· ('lark; Yi('<'-prcsident, Dorothy Uti. P. )1. I ·uppo P he '11 .·kip. He Clark; een'tar~·. Dorothy lark; treasaiel to wateh for him about 10 till :3. \11 <'r, Dorothy Clark; f;wnlt~· ad vi ·rr, T('t'! II<'C! '' }fartha Fi11ni~an. IImn•Y<'r, thi.· sociPty ha thP followTubby: Why do tlwy call them GIN• in~ JWople unclPr con icleration: DoroClubs? thy L<'ll('kl'. :\Iil<lrrd P<'l'<·iyaJ, Leonora Edwin: Becan. c it'. funny how . omp Burt, .\lherta • 'eog-g-in, Rnth Og<lf'n, fellow. rrot in. (;prtnr<l<• • 'offtz, Brda PfiPstPt', ~\l ie<• L<•e. \ 'illars Parkhill. Loi Brookbank. C. H. ~- imitation of the ~ianw <' ,Lois ~mith, ::\Iargarrt Dixon. twins • "cliP Coug-h nour ancl Eclwanl For d<•finite information inquire of Bm·lr on . tiH• prr ·idrnt or . eeretary.

......................... ,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,, ..... .......... . GOTO








arne Pur on Your Pen Barrel in Gold L af 612 E. GREE

ST .

• • • • • • • • • • .. + • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • + • • • • •


T 1I


11 •1 H 0 0 .\


trj ~


















Ev rybody


Eat at


M tzler & Schafer

Home of The

C hocolate a la Bo ton

rnpany WIJ () I.J( S.\L ~:



•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •



T if F:

.11 .1 H 0 0 X

Notice! Notice ! n Anabel h>


•'ha u~n·r atl<l Franet•s Fay<• Pinkstatl' swear \\·ith rig-ht hand 011 thP Bih ~ t·, on thi · ~7th <lay of .\pril, 1!!22. to lw "manhatt>rs" for <HlP "holt' mon I h (all hu I mw . ( . 'ig-ned ) l•'ayt• Pinkstaff. <hn•ndol.' n ~hau!!Pl. ( Editor\ notl' ) -Tht• orig-inal of th<• above will he on exhibition at an.' tim<· for th<• . akt• of Y<'rifieation. \V<' should lik<• to know whit•h OJH' of th<'m addt•d the part in pan•nthPsis. \Y<' 'rp "Ol'l'_\' , hoy . that it had to <·omP to thi . hut WP fep] it our <lut.'· to k<'<'P you inform<·.! on all <·unPn t ma tt<•rs.

S;~h Ts

Advertisement 1n


(Too Ia tt• to classify) For . a ]p : ::\Iy latt• t hook, ju. t off t h • prp-., , on How to ,J ugg-1 Three .\dm i r·<r·s and KPep Them All in a Goo<l linmol'. B.'· a self acknowl<•dg<•d manhat<•r. Operations eaniPd on llll'r<'l." for t lw purpose of l'XJWriment illi!..Juanita Hohprtson . . '<·nior ( in r .. ·.History : ::\Ii.. ::\Ia.', han· a lcmw foot to<la.'·. so I can't get 1 p to n•eitc. 'Jfi-.; )[a.'· : I think yon can stan<l on nP<' foot long Pnongh to ·a~· all you know.

.\nnomwing- tlw famous <'lg-hth ho111• lihmry triunl\·iratP- Lang-, <:raham. a nd IIavPrJ. \Yith anothpr· YPHI' for 1 radi<'<' t hPir ml'l hod for· <'Xt rad in:..r lihrar·.'· lips shonl<l h<• faultl<' · lfamltl Strodt•: ~Ii s ~Iorris, how is .T< 1111 Bat'leyeorn eonnccted with 'l'a1 1 o · ~hant<·r? ::\Iis.· ::\Iorri:: Perhap.· you had lwttPr look that up in Brewer·· Handbook.

::\I is-.. C:a.' nor 111 IIi t. YI : '' .\nd, Ttal~· i"i a won<lPrful pla<'<' of


lJl ()(Jll'ihill<' . . ' Oh: ~fi-.; C:aynor. )fis )fa<ldPn ha<l .in t finishr<l n thirty minutt• l'Xplanation of Prrsidl'nt (Ja,fit•ld's TH'oof of the Pythagon•an ThPOI'('Ill. Jpnr • 'c·ott (with a disgust d look): , 'o that i.· th<' rt'a ·on Prt' ident Garfil'l<l wa · . hot.


19 ·






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I FOR THIS TOR Champaign High chool First, Last and Always. We \\ant every fellow to make this store his loafing place "hen he is CO\\ n tm\ n.


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Harry Herrick (HL\1




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The 100 o-o

EFFICIE T TYPE WRIT R We rent, or ell on small monthly Payment

Tires, Tubes Accessori 7 ~lain St.

( lwmpnign, Ill


19- T !I!:.'

.V .1 R 0 0 X

Forgot to brirw it to rlas ·. Lost my k son on the way. Used up all my paper. No. I r!'ally . tudied it. Kn!'\\" it, hut for~-rot it now. (lt :pell'i it ewry time ) Kiplin~-r for dinner, Kipling for :npJWr. Kipling for hr<>akfa t tim<>-f.:;u<·h P<'lll'i to h<> E<lna Fl<•ming \ di<•t at prP <'n!. Oh. yt>s. 'l'hpre \ a I'Pasort. . omr sa~- that Kiplin::r i'i thr hobby of a ('('rtain r. of T. frr.·hman.

.Ta<'k: \Yhat an• yon goin~-r to clo tonight? Elsi<• (<>:witt>dl~- : Xothin~-r. why? .Ta<·k: Oh. I jut wondered.

\Yhat<•n•r· trouhh> Adam had, • ·o man in days of yore ('onl<l 'ia~- when he had told a joke'' I 'y heard that one lwfore. '' '' \Yhere did you do mo t of your 'ikating- when l!'arning-?" '·I tl1ink you're horrid." LiYe. of 'enior · all r •mind u \Y can . h·ive to do our best, .\nd ch•parting leave behind n • ·otebook· that will help lh rrst.

WlH•re dill this <·ome fmm ? '' PlPa. l' exeu. e Ray from .\lg-cbra a.· he has to practi'ic in the Htyle HIHJ\\'. ·'

This Section is Dedicated to 'Bee' (Thi adwrti'iing oug-ht to hp good for a flock of E kimo pie. ) Our high . ehool , unheam pulled thi'i c•np upon . t'l'ing- her motlwr puttin:.r \lw stomwr in a fl'r'ih hottl!' of milkw:\Iothpr! :Motlwr! You shouldn't put that in now. \Yh~- wlwn the <'rl'am ris~'" that milk will he all oYer the floor." :\Iiss :\f<Hli'Plwad (Pnt Prin:.r :\Iiss :\Jorris' offie<') : Miss H\\·itzer lO<·ked lll<' 111 my office jn. t now. :\I iss Morri. : Do you \Yant out 1

W"hile takin"' au intcn. ive com-. c in cookin" under mother·. carl'ful tutclag •, Be attempted to produce an \•dible di;;h of sweet potato<•s. Aft<•r \'arcfully washing and ;;eraping them in a wa~- that would make a soutlwrn mammy's heart warm, she plaet•d thl'm on to cook. One hour-no re. ult. 'l'wo hour. -potatoe. still hard. Three hours--desperate; no vi. ible improYrnH•nt. Potatoes di:appear ont the ha<'k ,door. Mother returns and i soon . <'<'11 srarching for . omething. '' Bre, where arc thosr dahlia bulb. I put in the cupboard 1'' Exit Bee. She . till wondrrs ~1ow long you have to cook dahlia hnlhs Lefore they will get . oft. Coach (seeing- Bee ) : Hello. HingPs. Office , nnbcam: ·what did yon call m that for? roach : .\ren 't you something to 'adoor 1' "

It must he wonderful to live m the country!

19- T l1 E

Lillard- Getman -Hughes Furniture Company 44-46Main t.


Makes no difference whether it's one pound or a hundred, we will fill the order.



We Furnish the

HOME If you are thinking about furni bing a home don't wait till you save the money to buy your furniture, that day may never come.

We have a payment plan that will appeal to you. We will appreciate a call fro m you

WE WISH TO THANK THE Reader of the Maroon for their generou patronage during the past year and to respectfully olicit a continuance of arne



JJ .1 R 0 0 .\

ROBERTS &GRANT I 13 South :\eil treet


M eat , Provi ion Live tock







Whi te Li ne Laundry 000000







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eil Street

Millard &

nyd er

E lL ST. M A I . 406. T

• • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


19 -



Tlw follo\\ing- ehoiee bit of literatnr was loeatNl in the halls of C'. H. ~. ~\ftt•r reading- the entire production ean•full~ wt• haw <'Ome to two conclusions fir. t. that the lett<•r was writtt•n in study hall, and Sl'l'Ond, aft<•r eonsidrring- th<· SJ>Piling- and pnnctnation of the rntire work of art, that th \Hitt'r woultl ha\'r lwrn hl'tter off hy SJWnding- tlw time on Eng-li. h, if uothing- el e hnt lrtt<•r writing-. Dear \Y----: Thi. i.· the . t•eoJHl tinw I w writtrn you thi. ,,-eek why didn't ~-ou answpr m~- last lettrr. \Y---- yourt> not mad or prewd ar nw are yon? etc., etc. There. a nut sitting- aeros the Isle I !!ne ·s trying- to rrad this I hope h . lH'<'P('(]s Ill tt•ll yon what he n•mind: llH' of--t•t<·. Toda,,- i. · thr nuluckie ·t day in thr yt•ar did you rl'ad it m•ll I did an<l Im g-oing- to wateh m~- strp. l ·ta~ l'<l homr last uig-ht aud made candy oh T workP<l a\\ f'ul hanl. Tt · almost timP for tht• lwll \Y---- so Irlt• hettrr top <lont ~-on think? rt<'. rtc. " ·it h lon>, D--------.


R 0 0 S - 22

Mystery. \Yp really would like to know ahout the joke on l•'a.n and hick at tlw ' Club danet>, whrn II inie mounted a chair and loudly ydh•d, "Chiek Flynn on t hr floor?"

.Tni<·~- : That\ a filll' ring- Ilaz<'l ha · ~praking- of library rt'fieieJH'~· . .Jl iss Finni~.wn allow.· no ont• in \rithout P<'l'mih. \\'h.'. <'WII .Jlr. l-'utton harl to s<•Pk other pastlll'es last fall ju.t aftrr t·hool startPd.



haYn 't SP<'n tht• prof who t•onhahs a piPe!' of ehalk in hi. hand with that distiud 'se\'<'11 eonw <'IP\'('11' motion, drop around to 22 . tinuall~·



A hP


l<•t Ill<'?·' sai<l thP st ndent doffed his cap But thr maiden with a rig-ht hook IIandr<l him an awful . lap, AJHl tlw studrnt ·~ fa<'f' wa crim. on As he stood hcforr thf' la .. , But he fini. hed ont hi· rntence, ''Will ~-ou kin ell;~· let m pa .. ? "

for graduation. Oti<•: YPs, but slw had lwtter take it bar·k hy .June 1.), OJ' I '11 hP ])l'oke all s llllllll (')'. ''The B. Y. D. orche tra is tlw latest thing in music.'' "What\ that?'' '' Ont• pir(•c. '' ::nary \\~arrrn want. to know if she was rPa 11~· i 11 011 t h<• day of t lw track lll('(•t .

Fa~·e: (at tlw last g-amr in which FloreJH'<' 's team play d ) : What ·s the scm , Florence? Florence: Fiftf'rn to nothing, hut we nav '11 't been to hat ~-ct.

19 - 1' 1l E

J/ A R 0 0 X -




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••••••••••••••••••••••••• + •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Mlimo . ma·rno pin

a ro.se on rne. .


Fo'Yc 'W'cnt "to

..Svnrloy~choot ·

19f' f t


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H 0 0 .Y


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19 -1' II E

JI A R 0 0 K

The more than n. nal la ·k of int •II igt•nc<' among th<' students that morning- had g-ottrn undt•r Mr. Yoder's skin. "Clas>. i.· di. missNl," lw .·aid; "don't flHJ) your ears as you pa.·s out."

Bill Howard: Yon 're charming, du you know it 1 Ma t·ie: I 'm sorry I can't sa~ t h(' ~amc of you. Bill: Oh, that's all rig-ht! One of th may as wl'll he truthful.

There on<•e was a g-id from Lee, In water up to hrr anklE', (This do!'~t1't rhymt•, hut It will "hen tlw tide t'01M. in.)

·~~: How nuuty men are there in tiH• fn•shmmt <·lass? A!·o: About four. -~~: Is that all? A l~o: Yt·s, hut thr n•st will g-r·ow up cwntnall:·.

\\ ho JH'\'!'1' to himst•lf ha. said: -~ome . hape! - I '11 lH'Ye1· pla.'· anotlwr hand a. long- as I liw. -From now on 1 'm going- to 'it ndy hanl. - How ditl lw <'WI' g<'t a '(' '? If tht•n• is, lP1 him 'itep forth and rN•t•i\'r tlw t•la. tic <•t·owhar.

Bob: Say, Doroth:·, yon didn't kno\\ T misst•d my cal J in g. Dorothy : How'. that~ l~oh: Why, last night <1 t Koog-lt•rs' tht• fwe burnt•<l out. Out·s~ who fixt•<l it. T wa. an t>h•etr·ieian.


Doroth.'·: Huh! Yon 'rp 110 PlP<'trician Opal's littlt• hrotht•r: If I wasn't hrn• ,thP ~·onng man would ki'i. you. Opal (hot·ifirtl): Yon imperti1wnt ho,\'! ({o <1\\HY this n•ry in tant.

.nm 'rt• an idiot. \\'hat nH•n likt• in mnnrn: Look,;. brain,, looks, mont•y, lool;:s, flatt(•ry, looks. responsin•ne"'· looks.

Incident On a Canoe Trip. 1st hom· Han:· triPd to ki ~ lllP. ~ncl hom· llarr.'" trit•d again tD kiss

l rPfns('cl. Ill!'.

I again


Paul to Mildred? "You had to hold llH' up to do it," ~aid th!' swept young thing aftt•r the hig tall man had .tolt·n a kis.. Em it• : You know. T eou ld diP dancing with yon. Ruth 0.: If it wasn't for tlw )mhlicity, I wish ,\'CHL would.

:lrd hou t' Harry . ays if I don't ]pt him kis. mt•. he• 'll tip ovrr tlw t•a not•. 4th hour • ·a,·p<] tht• t·anot'. hrtwh. and both oc·cnpants.

Height of Impossibility. A ehance to n•<Hl tlw Trihnnr or Tllini in thr lihrar_,. thr sixth hour.

19 - 1' H E


Jl A R 0 0 . Y . -







Illinois Trust & Saving Bank V. W.


HN TO , Pres. DWI 1 FILSO , Vice Pres. GEO. R. HAWHA , Mgr. Savings Dept.


The Champaign

Whole ale and Retail 3 Main treet

National Bank CXXl

= The Up-To-Date

hampaign, lllinoi

Confectionery = . D. VAKY Proprietor




v r

$200,000 CXXl


= CXXl





19- T 11 E


"Papa, is that a wild man." "Xo, little Lilbum, that is Xile Lt•uck with his hair musst•<l up." \Yomen Yotr, tlwy smoke cig-arettes. tlh•y <ut thrit· hait·, hut lwaYell fm·hid that tlwy start g'r!'llsin~r it. Oily to ht•d and oily to ri. l' I: tlw fat!' of a mall wlwll IH' bri liantinl' huys. Rain Is wl't, Dust is dry, Life is hot't, And so am f. Yit·g-iuia Rmr!'n.


R 0 0 S - 22

Ilt•nry ~foon·lwad : Tlw tl'<H·h<·r i sick in bed today. Earl Parkhill: .Thasso? \Yhat's th eomplaint? . Heury: Xo eomplaint; eYeryhody' satisfircl. Oh, her nanw wa · Jn•nc .\nd she wm·p t:n'JH' dl' ehilll', You <'<mid srt• mon• lrelle Thall you <·oulcl <·t'<'Jll' dr l'h itH'. Otie: You ate tlw . nnhint• of my hrart. You alolle rt>ig-ll in m~· hPart. \Yithout you lifP is hut a dreary t•lolHI. Ilaz<•l: Is this a proposal or a weathc•r rc•port?

J!) -

T If E

JJ .1 R 0 0


X - ~~

If it' ew It's at Lewis' If it' at Lewis' It' NEW


"Should old acquaintances be for ot? In thi case.,-1 should say




Jeweler and furnisher of Timepieces for the graduates and those de iring a reliable Watch 'fhin Model Elgins

Ham &Icons and W althams as well a wonderful stock of Bracelet Watche


The Leading


Hotel In



The Hallmark Store CHAMPAIGN

•••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••


T 11 E

.11 .1 H 0 0 .\





Jos. Kuhn & Co. 33,35-39 MAIN STREET



1922 l\IAROON

Drop in and See U Any Tim




JI ~1 R 0 0 !-.' -



A timid litth• l<''reshie 'l'o tht> :\Iar·oon box did come. She dropped a JH'nny in the slot .And waitrd for the ~um.

B;~ Ralph Homers. Last Sunday I took Ill,\ ~i 1'1 for A ridl' In my ne\\ flivl'r. Slw ~aid that , 'hp was cold , o wp stopJWd ...\ndGot a robP from the arrirr and Bnndlrd her ...\II up.

Does t ht• fl'ont row makt• ''A'· :t II· drnt . Don C.: Haw .'·ou an oprning for· a high school ~radnatt> ~ Boss: Yt>~; and don't slam it on the wa;~· out. bri~ht, <'rH•r·~<·tie

IlPath K: l hav<' a cold or· sonwthin~ in my head. T<'achrr: It rn ust h<• a cold.

This , nnclay • he '\\~ nt riding __ With , 'omronr p]s('.

wedr: Dorothy, anything you goe .. Dorothy : E~~y.


::\I is · Erhart: Onlrr, pl asr. E<l Ilylcuul ('-.l<•<•pil,\· ) : Ham, an· in a hurry.


I a ked her if she rolled them, , 'he . aid she never· t rit•d, ,Ju. t th •n a mous • ran swiftly by ...\nd now I know he li d. II doesn't smoke 1\1y pal named :U.like, II<' says it's too Blanwd ladylikP. Dori~

Cr<'pt into thP houseThe cuckoo clock struck four. Dori crept h<'hind the cloc·k ~\nd cuckoocd <'ight time mor Rooney: '\Yhy <li<l you give me the cold shoulder? Yillars: '\Yell, it's your fault it' cold.

.:\I iss l'lrich (in Botany) : WhPn <lo th lrav<•s hrgin to turn? .Janws P.: .Just lwfore rxam . It se<>ms that Ilp](•n Bal'l'rtt wears a .trang-<' U. II. H. pirc<' of jP\\·elry. Famous :\lovit> stars: Bill Ilart-:\loo. <' :\lcKa,\·. Wally Rrid- ,James Pettit. Ben Turpin Variou srnior hoys. \~iola Dana-Any girl. Fn•ckl"s Barry-Red C'arTothers.

0. II.: ,John, that's a sw!'ll suit yon got for ~racluation. You're a cn•dit to your tailo1·. .John '.: X ow, l \·e got the ·uit, I 'rn a <h•l>it to him. ::\I \RY Wno? .:\Tary had a little skirt, 'fhr latt•st styli', no donht; But every time she got in. ide, Nhe was mor·r than half 'ray out. E.r.


'l II/;'

J/ .I H 0 0 S





A GENERAL BUSINESS COURSE Added to your public school training very much to make your training a a cour e nO\\.



ucces .


\Ve can help you get it in the hort-

e t po ible time.

Brow n' Bu iness College "The Accredited School'' Champaign, Ill. Swann ell Bldg.,


Alma: What did you do last ni~ht ? Wilha: 'othin~. Alma: llow did you know whrn t o1

~Ioosr ~IeKa_,. is qualifying for the racr: at Indianapolis nrxt yt•ar. Get out of tlw way!


KPnneth: How can that math tt•ach t•r giv me a flunk~ How doe'i he kno\\ I don't know thP COIH'sr? I haven' t handed in an.\· work. l\Tartha: But you will admit I han• a JH't•tt_,. fat·e. Bill: E\'1'11 a ham looks ~o d wlwn it is pai11trd. ''You're a dumhhell.'' "Wt>ll, <lumhlwlls always patrs... E.r.


I ll

Ken: I flunked that quiz cold. ,Joe : lt was t•asy, I thought. KPn: Yt>ah, hut l h:ul va'i·•line on my hair· and m.'· ntind -.lippt' I.

' ome of tlw :Pnior loehr. ~ot clt•am•d up for the fir-.t time wlwn sehool \\H. out.

---"A skin you hatr to touch, .. mm·murrtl Bo\\1'11. as ht• tt>p]H'd on th e banana pee 1. Ro~·: llul'l'ah. Fin> <lollat·s for my latt•'it stor~· . llt>rbett: \\'ho fl'lllll ? Ro~· : The I'XJH'(''-'s company. They lost it.

('lwmi try dt>posit "OIIH'time illustratt•s the la"· of dimini hin~ return-.;. This line ts dt> lieatrtl to Evaline ll<·imlicher, of Satloru-; f'amP.

........................................,................... 19 -

1' II R

.11 ~1 R 0 0 X- 22



~ l




Watson Faulkner L. W. FAULKNER, Mgr. 101 S. N il Champaign, Ill

The Rexall Store

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nori · insists that tlw por ·h . win:,r :-crat<'IH•d hrt· ann. B<•ttt•r g<'t a nrw chain. Bill :'ll<·Ke<': I'm a t•hump ~ l tol<l that :.rirl llikt•<l hrr thin, and now .·lw ';; "'tartPd raisin:,r anothrr om'. A KI~S ,\ kis>. i>. alwa~· a pronoun IH'eanse it tan<''- for it. It i>. masl'ulin<' and ft•m~ in ill<' !!<'11<1<'1', t ht•J'Pfon• it is l'OllllllOll It i-., a t•onjnndion hPl'H\lS!' it t·onm•d '· It is plum! in lllllllht•t· ht•t·au>.<' it t•alls fot· anotht•r. l! is usuall~ in apposition \rith a hug-, at h•ast it is Ul'l' to follow. .\ ki>.s may ht• <·onjugatt•<l. hut li<'Y< r dt•<:lill<'<l. Tar Rahy.

The horn l'ope ha ren•alt•<L littl<• . im·<• tlw alanning dis<·oY<'l'Y of our math<•Jnatie"' tradwr and librarian at Fads ancl F<IIH'i<'s.

wonurr drek out in all mad<' man in down in Tcnn \Y

"hy Lyle • 'ash can't thr :.rl01·y of the tailorChampaign as \rl'll as ·srt•.

Tom: Harry ate onwthin:,r that poi ·oned hi111. Ditk: <.'rocpll'ttt•? Tom: • 'ot y<'t: hut hr 's n•ry ill.- R .r. Ed. Btu:lt>son is a g-oOll a fter-d i mwr "'P<'akt•r, hut thP hrst spr<'<·h he l'Yrl' made ''"'' wh<'ll Ill' said. "\\'aitCJ', g-iw llll' thl' l'IH•ck. ..

Tuhh. · : Tht•-.t• !!.il'ls l'<'lllind Calif< I'll w oratl!!l'"· ,John W. : \Yh,Y . Tu hh: : Son-ki>.-.l'<L



'l'lw higg-e~t joh of thr ~· car 1. ~o lH•ar sniiH' propll' with a · · '·' <n·era"'e try to gl't out or final .


l!l -

T 11 F:

JJ .1 H 0 0 X


19- T II E

.11 A R 0 0 S -


Should auld ai'IJUaiutanl'r br furuut, A ud 111 'r r brott,<Jhl to min'.' Should rutlrl 1/I'IJIIaiutrmn IH foryol, fu days of rutlrlltut[J syur .1




19- T II E

111 A R 0 0 N- 22


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