1923 Maroon

Page 1



(lRSS :rJ9.23 fhHlltJ'flllbl~ 1{]£~2





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1Cip! JHaroon

DEDICATION In appr'P\'iation of his YaluahlP work. whidr Ira platPd ( 'Iwrnpaig-n llig-h Nt•hool on t•qmtl basis with t ht> hP t \'hools in tlw tat1•, thP 1·lass of ':!:: dt•dicate this l!l~:l .Jiaroon to ('0 ,\('Il .}011:\" L . \ ',\ .. Ll EW


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( h ).!H!Jization-

111111101' -




Finl' . rt



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FOREWORD ThP fourtePnth YOIHHH' of the l\Iamon is now pt·pseutt•d to yo11. The 1!1~:1 annual ha ])(•pn mad!' a full stlmmar~· of tlw sl'hool adi1· itiP~ of th(• ,\'('<11', for tht·oughout its pagPs an· . ('HIIPt'Pd pidtlrPs and H<'('Oilnt of tlw day of this wondt'rful ~·t'ar of high sdwol lift'. ('ntlsual eoiipl'rat ion has IH'('JI H('('OI'(it-d us h~- t hi' \\'hoi<• whool. \VP '' i h to thank <'s!H'<·iall.' th(• Prin<•ipal and \'i(·P-pt·in<·ipal fot· <·riti(•i-.m and sn!!gPstiom. \\'!' realizP out· <h·ht to tht' s11h. ct·iption tPanJs. 'l'ht' 1\rt lkpat·tment i l'PSJH•n ihh· for th(• dPwlopnwnt of thl' . 'oulht'rn ( 'olonial art s<·ht'nH·. With thP ('lass or 1!1~:3 lllall,\ of ll'i l<•a\'(' yoll. W<· HI'(' pl<·aspd to hal'(' S('l'\'l'd yo11 in thi way d11ring this ~-Par. and, if \H' (Wrhap. han• plPasPd ~·o11. our eontant dt'sit't' has hPPll n·alizPd. Till


IF THE (;()()[) OLD TI:\IE:-; ('()l'L[) l'O.JIE B.\l'K If tht• ~oo1l old tiuws t·ould t'Oilt!' hat·k. "hat t hPu. \YP wouldu't lw o !!lad to PP thl'm ag-aiu, For of' all tht' t imPs of' t ht• g-lorious pa t. \\'p t•an• tl1<• most fm· tl11• OJH s \\'!'had last. But other. lou~ past st t'lll o t•hildi h now \\'p wondPt' and wondPr and wotHIL•t· how \YP rpall.'· t•at't'!l fm tlwm. tht•n. Ilow oftpn \\'!'thin}· of tht• old t•atHllt• dip . .Jloldt•d with t'Hl't' hy tlw fin~Pr tips\Yt• \·p rt'plat·Pd thPm now hy p}e\'lrit· lig-ht lkamin~ from atli<· to t•t•llar so hri~ht. _\~aitt \\'!'think of thP s!'\\ill~ nuH·hittt•, Of thP phonograph. and t ht• tl,,·ing- nmt'hitwAnd \\'t' 't·t· glad to hP living- t•ight now. \\'ht'll Jlt'O]llt• t•ot!P iu a Ollt• hot's!' shay • ·o doubt tht•.'· Plljn,,·t'd it and fpJt quilt• g-a.'. Tht•y \\'!'!'!' mi!!ht,,· glad a slow path to \\'t'tHI To 110 thoug-hts of spPt•ding- tlwir tlltllds did trt'tl!l. \Yt' rush madly now up aut! down tltt'\1 tlw trP!'h, In automobile with nit·!' t·nshimwd sPats.\ud think of' how tintl's haw t•hattg-t'tl. In clrt•ssing- and mallllt'l' too. tlwn• sa t·hang-t' Ft·mtt IIlli' erazt' to anotht>r we ~ail~ do ratt~P . •\II old tit lit' dattt'P rPplell·Ptl h~· llt'W \\'hieh at't• dant·t'd h.'· all PXt'P[lting· a fPw. I r old t iUtt'S t•ottld t•()lllt' h;ll·k '-ll,\' what t hPll, \Yould tht'y fintl lwltPt' \\'Oillt'll. worthiPr tttt•n? Pt>rha p-,-hut I doubt it. don't you? .1111111



'tbr ,.

,_\ 'btninistration







--,:::::: .-:.



"1 0

-.... -:.

BOARD OF B:DlTATIOX From left to right :\lr:-;. T. Og<ll'n, .\Jr. T. H. Hopkins, :\Irs. D. R. Enochs, Supt. 'W. \\'. Earne;-;t, Dr.\\'. L. Gray, prc~ident or the s·dtool hoard, :\Tr Schultz, ~upt. or school groun!l::;, :\lr. H Dimmer, Dr. \Y. E Schowenger<lt, :\Iii;;; Buser. clerk, :\Tr. ll. D. Howard ah!st.nt.

~\~tninistrati on


i\JR W. W. F \H. ·EsT SupPrintl'll'lt·nt of schools

Q:hc ll~aroon '

:\IISS LOTTI.!!: SWITZ!<;!{ Principal of Champaign lligh School

~\~min istr~ttiott

:\11.', :\II. .:'\IE .'llOH.Hl.' Yice-J'rincii•al or Champaign H igh Sch<,ol

BY:\"E GOOD:\L\.. (II 1'1


nify of

rsil)l. llrun


('o/1!//IIJI(I (Ill· I. H. a nil

.ll1t1rr ('ollU/1:

I. l!.

Instructor in History

ALLE •• R . .\IOQIU; I nirt rsily of lllinoh.

I. H.

Instructor in Physi<·s

GIL\('!'; COOK



ni/11 oj Illinois. II.,...; 1111rl .ll. •'-'·

Instn1ctoi· in Botany

\'ElL 'A COOLEY !lno.t

I nit'l'nil 11 of 11/uwis, JI .. 1.


n. t.


Tnstru<·tor in Histury and Civics

AHTIII'R (' LB.\IKJ<; ( 1111'1

rsiliJ of n'rsconsill.

Instructor in mercia! La"

n . .·.


ancl ('om·

A:\TY TI'RIU;LL Ro1/t-llff1

ll'o1111 n's ('111/1 (11 : \\'1 s/ l i1·· ('o/orwlo • '/a/( I /1. unci Pel. JJ.

!/I IIIII I 1111:1 rsrt11: Tllll'lllt's' ('ol/11/1',

Tnstructoi' in English

<rttt~ 1~acultn

I \HUAHET 11::. STt'RGEO.' L 1111 u rly of 11/Ni.Ois, ,1. JJ.

Instr·uttor 111 En~li.h f'IH'ult v .\d\'1'-'er or l'uhlitatiou~;

LI~!:''I I~H

H . .\lOYER l un·r rsrl y uf /Jr s Jloinr

Instructor· I tics



II. Ph.

, lat!rematil's and


JJ \HHIET l'J<,HHY , 'IIIIJISfJII ('fJI/t '''. ('/lictt!l'' .\ uruwl

lnEtructor in p;rysical Tr·aining

GIL\( E \",\,' DYKE :\lORE 1111.,

t\il!l ol Illinuis. B ..llus.

lnstru<"tor in :\lusi

'Oin.ST SIIAI<'.FEH. / 1111 CIIIC I nil 1 I'SI/1/, /ntli'lll!l ,·trl/t .\11 IIIII/, B .• ·.

lustructor· in :\Jant;al Training

I \HJOH.IE KElLER J. u h ln~trtult, n. ,; lnstnrf'tor



KA THEHI:\'J.J H ('J.'J.' 1 11 i rt'I"SI/It o llli noi v: B r]ln Jlrii/T ColIt!''· 1. n.

Instructor in History

.\1.\HGAHET SLATTE. T'nirtrsillt o Illinois. H , .

lnstructo•· in Sewing

.\II LDRED EIUIART f'nil't'I"Sily 'Jf Cllit-a!fO. Ph. JJ.

Instructor in French ancl Spanish

ROY B. TOZIER I nirt'J sl/.rt of Illinois: Park Collt't/1. I. H.

Instructor in :\lath matic:-:

.\1.\RTIIA FL ·.'!GA •• I nin·ni/Jt of Illinois. I. JJ.


LOIS DETWJLEH 1\'i/lunn a111I l'asllli l'oll'''''. B. , 1, I llll't rsi/y of l\'isconsin . .lt. I. lnstru('tor in Latin ani FrPnch

l'fl!/1 'f'U'Ifl·f

.JOlt.. VA. ('IIi-

1//(JI(/ttl 1 i'?'SilJJ

In truetot· in l'hy;;ical Tntiniug

1\thletic t"oat'h

Ai\1 Y BJ•;A('Jl 1 llit't 1 ~ill/ of


I. U.

I11"trurtor in French and Latin



llilliJ.:1 11 I nin nily; ( nirl'rSiiJI of C1n 1'111/U • • 1. R.

Im·trudor in :\lath malic·

('IIAHLJ•:::> Sl I



on/11 of lllinr11s.

u .......

rn,..tructor in :\Iathematics

ETHEL JA="E :\lAY l·nit'l rs 1.11 111 Sor/11 Dttkola. ll . • 1. ani/ .11. 1.: ( llirt'nilyof Illinois

ln"trnctor in Hh;tory



('I n/ntl \ onwtl ,'/•lit' Tt'f/1'1/l'rs' ('ollt'f/1.

H •• ·.

)11)-;trurtor in Bookkeeping and lliHOr)

/''"'' I hirlt,


1thc Hhtroon l

CLA!L\ l"t-.LLEY !Jdotl ('ol/t'f/1. JJ.

Jn;;trut"lor in English

• 'I.'\


T 1111'1 ,·sify o} llltllllh.

1. R; I. JJ.

ln.·tructm· in Englil;h

CHAHLES GOODI:'\G 11/ill()is l\'1 s/1 1/1111 l'ol/1 f/1.

I B.

Inxtructor in Chemi.lry

DOHOTIIY KRII'I'. 'I~H .ld lns/ilu/1 of Cltil'ltfiO Ins ructor in Art

ALYE. 'A BA.IBl'HGEH I nit•t ntltJ of 11/llwls. II •• ·

Jn,.,trudot· in Uotall\' ancl Alc;ehra

('HHISTL 'I•, IIOSil.\ W { ltilti'Si//f

II/ ('illf'i/11111/i. ,\(11/1/II'ISftt'll

{ 1/ll(t'.~i/JI

,'-;/'lui{J/ of,/''""

Jn,..trnctor In Engli h .md Dramnti1 s

Q:hc 1facultu )

I>OIWTIIY :\11' I 111 n il]t uf

Instructor in Cooking

IHA B. :\1< Kl. ·• '!<;\' l IIi I



of l'lllloi,. n. l!rt



Instructor of Band

E:::;s II•; L1 !:WIU; I nirt r. if !I of ('llicu!fo. Ph.


Instructor in Latin

G. ('L \HE JA \II<;S I nirtlsil!f u ( ltll·ttftO.


Instructor in General



0\III,IJHED A .• L\ G I LL ll11kotu WtsltJftllt I ninnitu:


, ., luml. ('}/ II"• I flO

In-.tnH•tor in Hhorthan<l

fl !<;~,~<;, HCHOE. "IH:<'K flrt 11111111 ('ol/t '''. ll. I. 0

Instructor in J<;nglbh






Instructor in Swimming

ELIZABETII VOSS f lltl't rsity of Ill nois. B .• ·. In.·tructor in St(•nography and Type. writing

:\JATIIILDA YO S f'nit'I'I'Sit!f of

Instructor in

Illinois. A. B. ewing.

CE('L J<j '\IA:\'LEY

ln"'ru< tor in Swimming


rs!IJI of llllllois. B., ·.

Instructor in Agriculture



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I'Ht/(. •" ' l' f Ult t U



Enter<>d, first grade •• [ /111"1 ' /1 i/l/ f/[flll/11'1;8 JJII I'Sf/1'1111[ ,'oft smil1·s lJy llllt•.lt/1 /.:inlltHss IJI'III.''

II ELl<~:-\ R \ Yl~ BAH.HJ:<;TT Entered, first grade ('las~ Hank :!4; Honor Roll, 1, :!, :l; French ('luh. :l, 4; French Club :\lixer ('ommitt('e, 4; Glee ('luh, 4; G. A. A., 1. t, a. 4. "lflli'J/l()/1!1 /1'1/h ('l l ./'!f (//'11/'t. Pla!fs in 1111' fair J!mftorliti/1.~ of Jut· fttCt' ...

HY:\IAX DA YARD Enter d. first grade Latin Club, 2, :l, 4; l•'rench ('luh, 4; Wig and Paint, 4; Glee ('luh. 2, :!, 4; A. A.; Orchestra, 1, 2, :l; Qppretta. :l; En~ mhle, 4; tunt Show,:!, :1. "Ut•llint/ II /mll'llill!/ J)/'IJI'irltllt't' lit • llit/1'.~ a smilill[l /ttn ...

('IfARLES VOLETTA IH~E:\I Enter('d, fit·st grade Spanish Club; A. A.; G. A. A; Arm Band. 2; Girls' BaskPthall. 1, 2. :l; Captain Basket hall, 2, :!. ".I tlllll!lhfrT of 1111' Uorls. rlirilll'l!f /ttl/ . • 11111 11108/ llil'illf'l!f fair."

KE. 'Xl:<~TH Al'Gl'ST JH<;RBAl :\I Entrrerl. first grade Orchrst ra. 2. :l, ·1; BatH I; Boys' G IP • ('luh; J<~n~embiP. 4; Wig and Paint. .. I


of rlt't

!Is. not words:·

ELI:I.ABI:<~TH BLAIXI<~ l<~ntered, fin.;t grad<>


Latin C'luh, 1, :!, ::, 4; SP<:retar} Latin Club, 2; ('lass !'in ('onunittl'l', :!; Wi<:; anrl !'.tint, 4; Operetta,::; \'pstal \'irgin Drill, 4; Girhi' Ba kethall. 1. :!, :l: G A. A.; Armhanrl, 2; ('hel'r LP'trler. :!. 4. "To 0111 f'/ass slu,.s 1111 ru/rlnl rt//ntf'//011: lil'l/lj {/ir/ 1/'il/t [()/' IJj 'JII p' llllfl ttl'l ion:·


• HI> \\'ILLL\:.\1 BOWJ.;,. first grade ( la·s Ha :.!1; Rank 1 in Hl'ienct>; llonor Holl, 4; Latin <'luh, l. :.!, :t 4; \. A.; :\Jol Ill' Stall. 4; Boys' <lie • <'luh; Stunt Show.:.!,:~. 4. "lilt 1/11/s filii for Ills J!inl.· t'l/11/..'s."



EntPred, 1 ighth gracl~c "\ A.; Fn nch Cluh. 4.

·•t /u llv/11

.~/ uuut Is /h1 kin,1 r/ mr n."

llOHOTll Y I<~STHEH. IHTH hnt rP<l. second grade French Club. ", 'o Jl<tlir nl. t rut .''

I<~WI<;LL J~ntered , first






gradl' Latin Club. :.!, 3. 4; G A. A .. 1, :.!, ::. 4; A. A., 1, :.!. '', /11

ll'r/S liS 1/IJIJI/ liS Si/1



.\1 \H. Y I<'lL\i\ ('I<;S IH'H.Kl~

Entere<l High School, I<'re.·hHJan Spani h ('luh. :.!. :1. 4; Glee ('luh. :!. :!, 4; !::'ecretary of Gl<•p ('luh. 4; G.,.\, A .• 1, ~~ :L 4.; .A ...A .. 1, 2. "1!11]1 JJiillt' Ju Itt'/ lu

1 l't r 1/IIJ/."

11,\IUtY LI~HOY Bl'RKE Entert>1l lligh 'chool, FreshnHJu Class Hank, :.! ; Hank :l in Hpa111sh; Hank 1 in :\[athematic.·; Ilonm· Holl, 1, ::. -t; A. A .. I, :.!, :l, 4; Latin ('luh. 1; Sp.ulish ('Juh, :.!, :l; \'iC'P·I'rPsi!IPnt Spanhh Club.::; Wig <Wil Paint.::. 4; S c. \'i<'P·I're.·hJPnt or \\'ig anti Paint. 4; <1l~P ('luh. :l, 4; Baud. :!, -t; OrI'!Jestnt. 1, :.!. :J. 4; Senior ;\lemot·ial Commit tee. 4; Boys' :tunt :how, -t; Operetta, :l. II 1 [1rra/1 st truths 11/'C /lit sliiiJI/1 sf.


s11 111'1


1/1'1 rt/1 s/





iut /1'


i!:hc fl.htroon l


J<;DW ltD ALBEHT LJ<;E lll'J~!.l·~SO:\ Enterecl, tilth ~rade A. A .. 1, 2, 3; Latin ' luh. 1, 2; .:\Iaroon Staff, 1; Ae;ric 11ture ('lub; Program Leader of Agri ultnrP Club. 4; Boys' Stunt Show, :l; Adverti:.;ing ancl Bu~d­ llP~.· :\Iana~er of Boys' Stunt Show, :l, and pnior Play, 4. ·'lft 111/k('(/ 111111 lrt1kt 1/ I llfl !ft ' l lit' kilt II' 1101 11'11]1."

ARTHl'R XATHAX Bl'HR Entered, sixth grade A. A., :l, 3; Latin Club, :l; Pre:-;ident of Agriculture ('luh, 4; Boy~· 'tunt Show, 2. ··.1 mew must rule llwnrlf for yuorl or iII."

FLORE. TE ED:\ A Bl'RT Entered, . econcl gradt' French Club; \\'ig and Paint; chestr·a; A. A., :l; G. A. A .. 2, :l. ".l .·o

1111lill1'11 /() 11'110111


of 1'111'111. so


11'118 {til't'll


of llt'tl!'tl!."


ARTH 'H Bt' TH Entered, tir·st grade A. A., :l, a, 4. "/lis 8/aturr· 1111111111. Tlli/11 111111 toll.''

\'lOLA :\liLDHJ<JD ('AI:\ Entered lligh School, I•'n' hman Lati-n ('luh, 1, :l, :l. 4; ('ommercial ('luh, :1; G. A. A.. 1, :l; Shorthand and Typing Team. jOI/ of )10111/t 111111 ill ttlt/ 1/1.\]ll•tl/1'1/."




t ]IC'

J,\:\IES LEWIS ( APJ<;L EnterPd I!ieh Sehool, Fn·shman Latin Club, 1, :!, :l, 4; Wig and Paint, :l, 4; A . A., 1, :l, :l, 4; President of Junior C lasH. "1 Iii/It IIOII8tl18t' 110/1' fliiCI ll!t 11 l8 rrlislltrll!l lllf lt'lstsl lltrtt.'

/ 1flf/l

') u~f



EDI'III I• bit,. ('II l~ntered,

first grade French !'luh. :1; Goo<l l'~n~Iish Pia~. :1; C. A. A., 1, :!, :l, 4. ''/ m· ~~~~ wet' jus/ /Itt quit'/ 1\inrl."


H.t'TJI cm.;NOWETII Enlt'rt'd High School, l•'r<>shman "'/'/It

llli/lit'Sf I/I(I/1111'/'S 11/lfl fill' f/1'11/11 8/

Itt art.''

JEA • . IARGAHET CHHISTIE Entpre<l High School. Freshman Cla-s Hank :!:! ; Honor Roll; Latin ('luh, 1; French Club, 3, 4; G. A. A .. 1, :l. "H'/111/ sill' Ulllll'rlook. slit aitl."

DO HOT II Y ('LARK Entpre<l, first grade Latin Club. 1. 2; l''rench ('lub. :1. 4; Girls' Basketball, 1, :!, :l; G. A .. l, :!, :;, 1; .A. A., 1, :!, 3, 4. "''/'is IJfllilfl to /JI' has 11111 lll'tlrf."


1:<1 nior. !Jut



JOliN :\1 \l'RI('l'~ C'OOPEH. Entered II igh School, S n ior Fool hall Squ:ul, 4; A. A .. 4. "(;uiJI/ sl'/wlarsllip 1/ I I 1/ll/11 I ...

WI!!! /11111'.~ /lis



FJ,()JU;. !'E ('HA WFOH.D

Enten•<l lli~h School, Senior Lat ill <'lub, 4; Glee Club. 4: G. A. A. 4. " .1

Jill tlSIII!I




stlt nt

1'01111111 111/11/ iOtl."


'/ Wf uiJI


l•'HA. TJ<:~ BAHBAlL\ Cl loJnten•d, fir:t grade


··,'oflly S}lf'tl1.: 111111 .~zc1' IIJJ \1/lllr.'


JOH:\' DAi\DI J<;nt<'rNI High School, Fn•shman Foothall, 4; Tra<k Squad, I, 2. a. 4; \ A., 1, :!, :l. 4; French ('luh, a.

"Uooll natun is Olll' OJ tlu 111 st lrtlils Of 1/11/11 J.;i !Ill ...

CLETl S • IARGAHET DA YIS Entcn•<l High School, SPnior ",'/u Ita\ so 1/llt/l]J lit'luts jltlllls art llllrtl to /illfl."



HAZEL ~IARIE DELA. ·gy Enter€<! High School. Freshmau Latiu ('Iuh; Fr<'nch ('luh; ('omnwrcial ('luh; A. A. "If to /11 ,. slt11n /.r)()J,: 'ill ht flu Ill all.''


Slilfll j1


mult t 1'1'111'8 full.



jortft I

\\'AL'f!<;It ED\\'AHD I >ILL\IA ..

EntPrP<I High





Fre hnJUu

'I' nit llltl/1





ELLE •• lll. ·o.. Eutl'rPd. lin;t grad!' 'ft•p Cluh; G. A. \.


"t:onni• /tl f • It

/Jrrncn , Y' \ an tit





,\1 lllm\ 11....: ''l,IL I>ODD::i EnteJ·erl, fif h ·acle "• lozd11 Jtl'lll ""'''· .,,, tl/sllJI fr!lpirt s.

H \ 't 10. 'll LI~HOY J>Oili>S Entered •• \'Pilth ~rude ''I tf ?IIY tl11 (/

·'/IIIII> fur 1111.

I Ill' IIIII 11"111"1"11 s ltfl


ft ,,._ ..

1'1. I>WIGIIT DOOLE .• bntl'recl, E.'ighth g1·a<1e ('ILl Rank :~; Rank in Sor·ial Science: Hank :1 in I~nglish; IIonor H.oll, 1, :!, :l, 4; Basketball "C", :~. 4; President Sotlhomore ancl Senior ('lass: Junior Editor of :\Iaroon; :\lolecule Staff. 1. 4; I<~clitor-in-Ch pf :\lolecule, 4; A. A .. 1, ~. :t 4; Yi ··el're:idl'nt Latin Club, :1; Treasurer I<'rench Club. 4; "("' C'lub. B, 4; Wig and Paint, :l. 4; Presiclent 'Wig and l'alnt, :l; Senior Play; \\'inne1· Il. A. H. Prizr>. •· I ll'ill to win; 111111 win /It' will."


TE LILLI A.' EDWARDS Entered, fir:-;t gracll' Class Rank il; Rank :1 in Latin; Honor !toll, 1. :!, :1.; Latin Cluh, 1, ~. :1, 4; Treasurer Latin C'luh, ! ; :\larwm Staff. 1, :1. 4; Fre~hman Editor; :\Tolecult' Staff, 4; \Vig and Paint. :1. 4; Pianist of Operptta, :l,'and Stunt Show, ~. :1, 4; Orchestra. 2, :1; EnsemblE.', 4; G. A. A., 1, ~. :1. 4; Gold \le!lal ancl Certificate in Remington T) pewrit ing Conte't; Typewriting TPam; lnd ividual honor.· in Di:-;tri<-t 'I') P<'\\Titing ('onte.-t, SE.'cond l'laC<'. St>nior Play. ",Itt

1111'1/s 1111 lllfi'IJI/Uf'lillll,' 1111' 1111/Si• llf I' /-;/lf/IC/1 (IJ f !'f r'JJ IJ/11 .''

/titS l/lf/1/t

,\JA IWAHET \LIC'E EIILI<~lt l•:ntE.'t'ed lligh School, Freshman l'lu :-;Rank 14; Rank 1 in :\lathPnllttic:-;; Latin ('luh. 4; G. A. A., 1, :!. :~.

"t;u,z {1"11








\LliLit'l .\1 \{'It!('~~ J-oj[('IIIIOIUiT h.ntere·l lli~h School. Fre:-;hman ,\ .A., I. :!; .\gricultnn• ('lnh, 1. :1. 4. ''/-'1 II' It is l'lfllfll ontl 1111111' lt1s SUJII rior. ·


l1r• niJI thrf




HK:\'RY SI'ALI>Ii\G E:.'-'.'i<~LL Entt>red, fourth gracle A. A., 1, 2. 3, 4; Cileerleader, 2, 4; Latin Club; Fr nch Club; Orclw~tra. 1. 2; Jazz Band, 1. 2; Chairman Senior :\lemorial Committee; Sophomor :\Iixer Committee; 'cnior :\lixer ('ommitt!.'e; Stag!.' :\lanager, 4; :\lusician or tunt how. 2. "Ura('I'/Ulltl Ifill


!'I'I'JI 1(/SJ/ to fillll."

:\lOLLII<J :\IARGH!<.TTA I<'ACLLI.' Entt>red, fifth grade. Clas" Rank 12; Rank 4 in Fr nch; Latin Club. 4; French Club. 3, 4: Comme1·cial Club. 3; G. A.A. 2, 3. 4; Christmas Party C'ommittt>e, 4 "(,luill·lmsltful. shy. IJlll so 1"1/llltrl; .11/o/ht'l' lik1· lll' r is lwrrl to juul.''

RI<JI>:\10. 'D CLAYPOOL FAl'LLL • Entered, fourth grade French Club; Glee Club; .A~ricultu re Club; A. A.; Operetta . .. I shy fac:i' is lH'itl'r than ll1art."



Fl<~H.Gl'ESOX l<~ntPJ'ed High Sc·hool.


Latin Club; Wig Stunt how, 2, 3.

l<'reshman and Paint;


"llis lttli1' is tlu· I'll!']/ of 1111 ll11• {Jir/s; •ul'lt /JI'tllllifult·olol'. rutrl olt. /lu · r·urls." I0:-\1<~

FIELDS Entered High School, S(•n1or Class Rank 16. "'l'lll'.l/ whom /ru/11 rwtl wi.w/tn/1 /1 arl {/lt/l/1 I' II0/11 !I )1'0111 II //'(I II."


SAHAH JA:'\J<J l<'ISHER Entered, first grade Class Rank 4; Hank :1 in Social Science; Hank 2 in l<~nglish; ll onor ltoll. 1, 2, :l. 4; S!.'Cr{'tm·y Junior ('lass; :\1aroon 'tuff, 3; Editor-inChief or Maroon, 4; :\lol c ul e St<Lff; Senior Editor; Latin Club. 1, 2. 3. 4; President Latin Club, 4; Fn•nch Club, 4; Glee Club, :l; Orche~tra, 2; Secretary G . A. A., 4; A. A.; \Vig and Paint, 2, :1, I ; Open~tta; Senior Invitation C'ommittc•e; Senior P lay. •·, 'Ill lOt'l's 111 r IJooks lot•t s to Ill i11rl. I (lirl likt , 'anti! is ltarrl to j1111l.''

, 'Ill'



!>,\\'!!> Ff, lER EntPrt>d II i~h Scho '. Fr·eshman A. \., I, :!, ~. 4; Lat 111 Club, 1; Pr·esidPnt ,\Kr·icult ure Club. 4 "'/ hr ml)~/ t·t rlrtin si{ltl of wisl/11111 crJI/Iilllltl/ clu r rfulllr ss:·


GLI•,.. ('llAHLES f<'ISIII•m Ent<>red I lig-h School, Junior Latin t'lnh: YicP-Pre:-d<lent Ag-riculture <'luh. I. '''!'Itt n ·~



In rn·r· fr 11011!

'l'llr·n·s rt 11111/l

fl[ll! /;. ,'"

1),\X!Jo.L ALIH~HT f<'OS. 'AT:GII EntPre<l, t>ighth grad!' A ,\., 1, 2. :1. 4; Latin ('luh, :l; Spanish Club, 1, :!. ''Ill cont}Jtt/11! a /'f'ry Jill rtSil/1/ jt/1011 :·

<'LA HE. Tf.~ GABRIEL Entered. Jin;t grade A. A .• 1, :!; Latin C'luh, 1. :!; Shorthand anrl Typing Team: In <I ivi•lual honors in Shorthand and Typp\\'ritine; in Di.·tri<'t Typc\\'rit ing C'ontPst, First I' lace.

FH,\. T

"llun for flu sturlious sllllllr· · 1\ lllcl Jlfllun jorm1 cl,"

WILLIAi\I LO"A ' GA~IBI-E EntPn•d, fifth grade Basliethall "('", 4; "("' ('Juh. '' l [0//fl/ /I'll 1/(f, It/Ill II lf()OI/ fl'//011 :·

Hl"l'll Tlf<~LI<;x GEEI..AN Entered, first gr·a<le FrE>nch C'luh, :l; \Vig ancl Paint; G. A. A .. 1, :!, 4; Glee ('luh, :!, ;:, 4; pn ior <'oundlm· of CIPc Club; Operetta, :l; Senior Pla~. "/,/j)S 11'111'1'1' fllll!fli/1 I' ll/lfi('I'S f-'rtl/111 1111' Sll'l f'/CS( SOli{/ ."

LEXOIU: AGXES r;u,:\IORE Enter<>d High School. Sophomore French <'luh; G A. A .. 1. 2, .l. r troys on triii/S of JI/1'1/SIIIIflll ss. 11/lfl 11 II 111 r ]HI I II s 11 n JJ('I/1'1 . "


('LARISSA :\IAHGAHET "HAHAi\1 I!Jnt(•red, lin;t grade ('lass Hank 10; Hank '' in Social Science; Rank 4 in l!'t'<'ll<"h; l!'rt>nch C'lub; G. A. A., .:\IolecuiP Staff, 4; Treasuret· \Vig and Paint, 4; Senior Play. "Nllc'8 811'1 1'/ ll'hf'n s1!1··s llltluntl. s/11·'8 llltfuralll! 8/rl'l'/."



Entered High chool, SE>ni01· Spanish C'lub; :\lolt>CulP, 4; G. A A., 4. "Quid. 1\inrl. om/ lil!ltf·h('(tr/1'!1 FII!JI'. X rver rt fricnrl would sltl' lw/ my."


CHAH.Ll<JS :\IA YNAHD GRII<mSON I<:ut<>red. fir~t grade .. ln ltoni'SI lllft/1'8 I 111 nolJ/1 s/ ll'orl\ of ( ; (Jf/, ..

::\EYA BCRXI!JLL GHIXDLI!~Y Entered High School. Freshman "'l'r111' 11/t]IJiillf ss 1/ until rstoorl. ronsists ttlon1 in t/ointJ !/Ofll/.''

WJLIH H TII0:\1.\S GWIX. l!~utered

High 'chool, So1i01

lton< sf I/. lllflltltoot/ ff'//tnrslt iJ) in i1u 1 "

"'l'lit·n 's

ttntl !/OIIf/


JIEIUH•:HT IIA<.TIL\H I'll Eutf'l"ecl I li~h !:-khool, HPII ior :\Taroon Htan, 4. "1/fl/1111' /irs ill llfii/I'S/ lflil''

Hl 'I'll :\IAIHL\RET l!AltT:\TA~ EntPn•d. fir~t ~rade Latin Club, 1, :!; Latin ('luh Play, :!; French Club, :~; G. A A., 1. :! ; A. A .. 1. :!. ''/,auyllintl

1 Ill'S

anrl a llf'l!rf of yolrl.""

ALICE GE. 'I<.:YII<~VE HAVI!; •• Entered. tir~t grade ('lahs Rank , ; Rank :! in Latiu; Rank :l in Soria! Scienc ; Rank 4 in l~ng· li>'h; Honor Roll; Vic ·President of <'las~. a; SecrE-tary, 4; Lite•·ary Eclitor .:\laroon, 4; Society J<Jd it or . Iolecuh•, 4; Latin ('luh; \'e!Stal Vir gin Drill, 4; A. A., l, 2, 8, 4; G. A. A., :l. 4. "Ill I.J'('I'l/1 II/

81'/1()/((/", rt/H"IIJ/S l"l'fU/]1 /01

{1111, YITr r r·on/1'111 till 111 r work is tlOIIf'...

YJ<mYL HEALY Entered. tir~;t grade Latin Club, :l. 4; Wig and Paint, 4; G. A. A., :l; Girls' Basket hall, ' 2, :!. "lin· tru·1 brtokcnnl all tllinos





VIRGI:\IA HEG;\l 1'\ Entered, first gntde

"lflllf !Jamr• 1-'orllou· nr with .11011 rTr'l'ylrllnT."

!<:VALL 'E I!:LI)';AUETII IIgiML.I<'lHJR Entered, first grade French Club; Wig and Paint; Cooking Club; G. A. A., 1, 2. :l; A. A., 1, 2, a. ",[l/ 1']/1'8 !/Oil 111"1111'. 111111 ll'it/1

/111 71 ('fl./" I'"



'[It~ >



HARRY EARL HOl<'l!':\lA~ Entered, first grad<' A. A., 1, :!. :~. 4; Or('hestra, 1, 2, 3. 4; Band,:!, a; Wig and Paint,;), 4. "t finn 8/IOh:c

in 1111' 81'1/ior 11'111'1'/."

JESSIE FH.Al':C'IS HOLDERMAN l<Jnt<'r<'d, first grade Spanish Club, :!; A. A .. :l; G. A. A .. 1, 2. a. 4. '''l'lu·n,.s


hmrl )I'll of joy,"

WILLIA:\1 CASPER HOW AIW Enter<'d Hi~h School, Fre•hman A. A .. 2, :1. 4; A~sif"tant Senior Ch<'('rleader; Latin Club, :!, 3, 4; Wig and Paint, 3, 4; Spanish Club, :l, 4; Glee Club, 3; Treasurer of Class, 3; Circulation :\lanager :\Iaroon, 4; Boys' Stunt Show, 2. :1; Operetta, 3; Leader Molecule Winning T<'am. ''TIIi.~ 1111111 ll'll8 0111'1' l'llllf/111 811111!/1111!.'"

HARRY POSEY Hl'Dl':rT Enter ed, fourth grad<' Football Squad, 2, :1, 4. "In sim}l/1' 1/llllllll'r.~

all 1111' 81'1'1'1 I Iii'S."

GI'JORGE ALEXANDER HUFF Enter d, first grade A. A.; Vice-Presid!:'nt of A. A .. 4; Swimming, :l; ('a ptai n of Swimming, 4; Latin Club, 1; Stunt Show, 4. ".!

1111111 H'lllllll j)I'Oilr/ to

, t II(/

all ICI'I'I ]1/I'IISII/ to l;now 1'111/ II ]l'il'l/1/,"

:\lAHY CATimRINE lRLl!J Ent<'red, first grade G. A . A., Fr<'nch Club. " . ! !WOOl I ruth.''

l'ayt ·r,.tnltt fiyltt


jtiii/I'I'J/, IIIII/





JIAIU{Y ('l'LLE. ·r \HIJJI.:R Entered, first grade Clas Hank l:J; Hank :! in Scit•ncr; A. A.; :\laroon Staff, :.l. 4; :\lolt>cule, 4; Oprn•ttn, :!; Stunt Show. :1, 4. "/Aft


Jt .\(,




I fllllllllhl ~~~ IJ/It'l, IIIII 11011' f



l•tlllll it."

:\1.\itY , 1.\LW,\HET KB:LLEY EntPrt'tl, first grade ('Ia~ !{ank t); Hank 1 in Latln; Rank 4 in Spanbh; Honor Roll, 1. :!, 3; Latin ('luh, 1, 2, :l, 4; Latin Play, 2; Vestal Virgin Drill, 4; pani~h Club, 4; G. A. A., 1, 2, 4. "I

)/i, tt'J/


flu II• sf of I'OIII/Jtllly."

Gl'Y \'EJ.o:H KB:LLER Enter<><!, eighth grade Jazz Band, 1, 2; A. A.; OrcheHtra, 1 "Tilt,., . 1s no st'l'rt'f of till' llnrt'l wllitll ttf'IIIIIIS riO lliJf lliSt'/IJSI ."


FA.·. 'IE OPAL KE LER Entered High chool, Freohman G. A. A., 1, 2. "0/1111

.\1'1 /1,

IJI/f St lr/0111 1!1'111'1/."

.ALJo'HED J<:DWAH.D KIRK E:nteretl High School, Sophomm·p A. A.; Latin ('luh, 2, :~. 4; \\'ig and Paint, :!, :l, 4; Glee ('lub, :1; \laroon Staff; Boys' Stunt how, 2, :l, 4; Opt>retta, :1; S<>nio1· Play. ''Oft! tlun's notllllll/ in lift likt• llltlh'intl lu n·.''


IJOROTHY KOOGLER Entered, H!'cond grade Latin Cluh; Wig and Paint, 'icePreHitlent \Vig ancl Paint; A. A., 1, 2, :.l; G. A. A .. 1. :!. :!, 4; B·t~kPlhall, 1, :!; Armband, 2; ChristnJaH Play, :l; Vestal Virgin DriJI, :1. "1'111

IIIlis II ts 1111111/iful. IIIII Sllllllli 1111 s it'll(.''

ll"UIII't I!

IRE:-\E E TELLJ<J LA. 'G Entered, first grade ('lass rank, :!0; l{,mor roll. :!, 4; Latin ('luh. 4; COJ.tnH•rcial Club :!; Trea"· ur('r or class, 4; ('opy Editor of :\lolecule, 4; Senior J<;clitor or :\laroon, 4; A. A .. 1, :!, :l; G . A. A .. 1. :!. :1. 4; Pr·ogram Committee, 4. "If 11"1 ' t'OU/rl Slllilt • 1/.~ 1/1111' /t liS Slll'. l\'T1111 11 lorl'ly world litis woultl lit: ·

HA HOLD I•'LET('JH~R L.\ Y:\1.\X Jo.nt red High School, freshman A. A .. Track "('" 2, :~. 4; "('" ('luh, :l, 4; Span ish C'lub. 2. "1ft • 'swtun· his rr1r1' . 11111 11'011 it ...

I,YUJ Hl'SSELL LAY:\1A:-\ Entered High School, freshman A. A., 1, 2, 3; "("' in Track, 4; l'r('sident of panish Club. 2. "J/onor to lhl' 1111111 wllo liriiii/S honor to us."

ADI<JLIXE: l<JI\1:\IA LIEIUIAX Enterecl, first grade Rank 1 in Spanish; Spanish Club, 2. :l; Glee Club, 4; A. A .. :1. 4; G. A. A .. 1, 2, :l, 4. •· I 811'1'1'/. 8111/. 11/0IIt•s/ 1111/ill IS sTu. Tllo' II 1/ilifiC'/1/ ICOrJ.:t I' Slit• I 1'1'/ ll' i/1 Ill'."

DOROTHY GRETTA LIEIUIA.' Entered, first grade Spanish Club; A. A.; G. A . •·.-;o I'I'IIIIJ! to lw p/t'lt8ttlll ant/ 811 T•intl."

EDXA GE:RTRt'DE LOXG Ern r d High chool, freshman Spanish ('Jub, :{, 4; GIN• Club, 4; Wig and Paint, 4; A. A .. 4; G. A. A .. 1, 2, :l, 4. "lft·r roit't ' 1ras all so t/ll'ful 81111111, ,<.;o rrry small 111111 slim ..

I,O!Jt ThirfJI


LILLI\. I'OH:-.:I'~LLA lXTimlt EutPrPd. eventh grade ('las rank, 9; Hank 2 in Spanish; Hank 1 in Busin s~; Spani'h C1nh, 1, !!; ('omnwrcial Club. :~; G. A. A., 2. :1, 4; :Shorthand Team. that is lorn/ is sltfl'."


HALI'H Bf<~('K i\Id'ALLISTEH EnterP<I High School, senim· i'l;t 'H rank. 2:~; A. A.; I<'oothall "("', 4; BaHk<•thall "('", 4. ''l'onnt·(/







f/OOf/ 1//1(/ /Jrtll'f flllfl f/Otrlll'i!lltf 1/0ilf'St Ill fill. ..

Hl'GH :\10. 'ROE :\IcCO\\'X

EnterE>d High School, sophomore A.A., :l. "I flf'nnt friends.


•'-'llt·f'I'('{/S. Ill!([ 1111 ntis."

f l'f'll

fl'fT fl






HA:-.:KI:-.: :\1< KAY Entered, eighth grade A. A., 1, 2, :l, 4; Football ''('", :~. 4; ll<t"kethall "("', 2. 3. 4; Captain I a~kethall, 4; Track "('", :~; "('" Club, 2. :l, 4; President of ."C" Cluh, 4: Spani~;h Club.

"/It is llftlflt









/ltf 'llt."

:\!AI~ :\1<:-.:EILL l<~ntl.'red. first grade


Spanish Club; Spanish Pia), 2; Art Editot· :\Taroon, 4; C. A. A .. 1, 2, :1. 4 . .. ,.,,. ts 'J'JtOSI

our artist. faillljul atlfl lrllf'.

11'110 Sllt'JifiSS }/1 /' (1/'f' /JUt jl'/( ,"

l'A l'L 110\\'J<]LL :\It \\'ILLIA:\JS

Entered, first grade 'l'ulit1 /It



ss to 1/0 flllrl in flu• kinl/1 sf

81/l/ flu way."

l.'i111/1 sf

l 11lf/l 1/til, ll



RCDOLPH :\IA. ·1u~ Entered High School. Senio•· "1-:nTJJ man h11s l!is flllllt is his ."




Entered, first grade Fren(']1 Club; A. A.

·-rn. • tnrl

llf' 1111.~ his sh11n · of ll'il . o{ll'n l!ntr him usill!l it.''


IDA :\lAY :\lARKLA. ·n

Entprecl, first gmde illllf/11.~ 11/ 1'111'1' ."

"1 1111 tT.IJ lwart tlut/


Entered. sixth grade Treasurer J<'reshman Class; Latin Cluh, 1. 2, :1; Wig ancl Paint; Operetta. :l; Senior Invitation Committee; ". A. A .. 1. 2. ::. 4; Arm hand; Secr<>tary G . A. A .. :l; A. A ., 1, 2. :1, 4 . .. 1 111·i{lhl tl!'I'OIIliJlislul/ loss ts sl11. Full of fun allfl of f riro/i/JJ ...

IIU~XE 11ILLS I~ntC'red High School, Senior


Commercial Club, 4. "Of mannt rs ur·ntlt', of tt/)tTflons milr/.''

LYLE JA:\IES :\ASH Entered, first grade A. A., 1, 2, 3; :\Iaroon Staff, 4; Spanish ('tub, 1. 2; Wig and Paint, :l. 4; Secretary \Vig and Paint, :l; Stunt Show, 2, 3. "Bli'SSI'rl an• hum or.''




st·nst · of


Jl.LIA. 'OI<'i!'TI\ J•;uterPrl. first grade Lntiu ('luh, 1, :!; Cooking C'luh, 4; ::lenior l'in ('ommittPe: G. A. A.

"I /tray.~ f/IIJI tl/lrl lla}J)JJI, n if /1 a 8111 ilt I /Ia/ llt'!'l'r ftult'8."

:\IlLDl{lo;D ;\IAHGl.H.I<;TTJ<; :'\OHH.li:l l!;ntPred, flr;;t grade i:lpanish C'luh, :~. 4; G. A. A., 1, 2; A. A., I.


muil/1'11 lll'l'IT 11111/ IJllil'f."

lwlrl; of spirit still


RHOADES :'\ORTON I<;utPred, first grade ('Ja~s Rank 13; Vice-President of Clal-;S, 4; i:lecretary of C'lass, :~; Latin Club, 1; ('ommcrci:Ll Club, 3; French Club, :~. 4; A. A., 1, 3; G. A. A., 1, 3, 4; S nior Play.


not quantity."

GAIWI:\'ER S('OGGIN 'ORTO:'\ Entered High School, Freshman A. A., 1, 2, :l, 4; Secretary A. A., 4; Track "("' !l; C'aptain Track, a; Junior ('las~ Track Team; Class Basketball; "('" Club. "'l'l11· mrt!l lila/ lot·< s anrl lau[llls must surl'ly lio zcl'll."

:\IARGAH.ET JOSEPHINE O'DON:\ELL Entered High School, Freshman Latin ('lub, 1, 2; Spanish Club, :1, 4; A. A., 3; G. A. A ., 1, 2. ".lfllr{Jarl'l is bollt kinrla1111 true. 1/ntr/ Of (Iolii 11111/ ll'ill of Y< II'."

JOSIWH AHTHl'R OGDEN Ent red, fifth grade A. A., 1, :!, :J; Wig and Paint , :~. 4; Boy~· Stunt Show, 2, :l; Glee ('lub, 4. "IJrm/ of 111'111'1. mat/llllnimous. <·ourll)l. I'Oll/'111/I'O!IS."

LESLIE llA Ylll .\TAH:SlL\LL 0'. 'EAL Entl•red High Sl'hool, Fre,.lunnn A. A.: Football "('", :1. 4; Tmck "("', :!, :l; "('" Club. "I

11 o}il•r r y



orrlu nr/




..\IILDIU~Il LOl'ISI<~ I'I<~R('l\'

\L Enten•<l, fir><t grade Spanbh Club: Seuior ..\Iemorial Committep; G. A. A., 1. :!. :1, 4; Pre:-;ideut of G. A. A .. ::.

"8/u• h'IIOII'S /ltr' ll'll!J tort /!IIlii's ltl'llrl."

JA..\IES WTLL.\lUl PETTIT Entered High School, Junior A. -\, :l; PresidPnt Wig and Paint. 4; GleP Club. 4: Senior ..\lemorial Committee, 4; Operetta, :l; Stunt 'how. :l, 4: Won ScholarHhip in Soloi><t ('ontest; SPnior Play,


1/llllllf/, so li<lllliS0/111.






llHETA ELIZABWrii PFTE:STEH EntPn•<l High :School. I<'re hman Honor !toll. :! ; I<'rl'llCh Cluh. :1. 4; C'ookiug <'Iuh. 4; ,\,A .. 1, :!, :l; G A. A., 1. :l. flti/11/ /1'( s/11111 Ill/ 1/!f/'1 ( /11 l<f/11 111111 '''111</l'llilll yirl is s/11 "

"'f'll IIIII


.J.\.\11<:.' IIAHYEY l'HICEH

Entered High School. FrP hman 8Puior Pla~. ·noul. s 111 rt r uotlu r nH mtu h: I l'k• 711111stu· s rmr/ ltf tllr m con 1 1/11 y //lily."


ItT<'!! \IW ..\!I<~IL\HHY HA..\ll·~Y Entet·e<l, fir><t gr,tde Treasnn•r Fre hman lla s; :port r~ditor of ..\lnroon. 4; Sport Edltot· ,\loll'<'Ule. 4, Latin ('lub, 1; l'rP><ident l•'n•nch ('luh. I; <'hairnwu :Senior lnYitution ComntitteP, 4; :Senior Pin ('ontmittee. "1-'ou,







"'Jil Ill.

On worl.· 1111rl Jl[l'•tSII


rl/wuys IJ< nl,"

III'.Lg, • .:'IIARGAHET H,\. 'KL. l<~lltPrecl II igh School, Sophomore Honor Holl; Senior .:'llemorial ('ommittel'; I•'rench Club,:{, 4; Yice1 n• iclent l•'rPnch ('luh, 4; A . A .. :!, :1. 4; U. A. A ., :!, :1. 4. "\/11 {II/. }/1/JI/IY. 1//II'IIJ/S {/fiJI . i.~ luuuliill[l /lu lil'tlong !luy,"

• 'lrf

LI'<'ILLE ETHEL'\.' HAXKIX l~ntc rerl High Sehool Junior Latin C'luh, ;{, 4; \'e,tal Virgin Drill, 4; ,\.A., :1; G. \ A., 4 "('ltnr. m(J(/nt, full of fun '1'/iu' llliiiiJ/ fril'llrls s/11 /Ia.~ won."

LILIII IL' PAI'L H.A Y:.\10:\'D l•.ntei cd High School, ,'ophomore Football "("', :1. 4; l'n•sident A. "("' ('luh; French Clul>.

., 4;

"I /ol'l'l' of sport. 11 lorl'l' of action. o/1 ltis jri1111ls 1111 w/1/1'(/ ul/rat•tion."


1>0. ',\LD .:'II A. "WJo~LL IU!;. '0

J•:ntere!l High School, Senior Orche:tra, 4; Ensemble, 4; Gl -1; Wig and Paint, 4 .


"/lis l'lfll iII Jll'l)('/f/ i Ills 'f'/u ji'U/0/lS /11/llf/S 11111/ cli'SJ)CI'flliOII. /.'111' 1/u fuir 1/i.wlainfu/ 1/um1 ."

l•:'l'llEL .:'IIA Y H.EYXOLDS l<~ntered High School, Senior Class Rank 17; IIonor Roll; G. A. A., 4; Orchestra, 4; l•'rcnch Club, 4. '','Itt• i.~ lttl/1/1!1 111111 fl'it'llll/JI flllrl llkt•tf 1 rr ry 0111 ...



I•;Ttll<.L RJo;Y. 'OLDS l•:utered, eighth grach llouor Roll, 4; G . A. A., :1. ·• \ quiet I'OIISI'il'lllious lass. ulii'U!/S on lltc jo/J."

JOH.' EDWARD RK\'. 'OLDS Entered, fir;;t grade ··JJis ryq full of mi.·rlti<f

1111rl /lllll!f.

H.I<;YA :\lAUDE ROCK l!~ntered, first grad<' G. A. A., 1, :! ; Gl(•e C'luh, 4; Club. "HI'r


fairr st dol'S 11/I)H'III' . lwr lfllr r n of 1111 1111 yr ,,.:·



FLORE:--:CE JA::-.:E H.OIYiERS Ente•·ed High School, Senior ··'Ill' 1/rwsn't say 111111'11. Uut lilT sm ilr s srllt all.''

:--:OBLI<; ELIZABETH HOI>GI!~HS Entered, fourth grad<• ".'o 111111br l'lr rl. so r·oiiiJHIS!Il in minrl; .'o fair. so slnlll!f. yr/ w1 nji!lul."

ORVILLE: SC'IlAHDEL' Entered High 'chou!, Sophomore Football "("', :~. 4; Track "C", :l; ''C" ('Jub; l!'ootball Captain, 4. "H'/111/1 rr·r lir' tar·k/1 rl. h1 /111'1.:/r r/ llarrl."

<'HAHLE W!LLIA:\1 Enten•rl, fJrst . arle



f/llfi/1/IJ IS lflilll }IIIII t/r ·irr






\'101....\ Hl!!.;l'ARD

1-.ntl'rl'•l, eighth grade Hnnk ,~ in :\Iatlwmatics; Hank :: in f<'rPndt; Latin <luh,l; Frenc:h ('lull. :1, 4; <:irl · GIP! Club; Operetta, :~. "/-'o111 111 ars' f,, sf."

'I 11'11'1.


l11 r

rr I'JI

EVELY.. ELIZ.\IH~TH SHRIDER Jo;ntPrell High School. Junior :Shorthand Team in District Contest. "(,Juit I


most girls."

J()J.;L At'Gl'STl'S SIJoJFKE •. l•;ntcrecl l-ligh School, enior Wig and Paint; Glee Club; Cluh; Senior Play. "II•

1w~ l'fl/11111011 81 IISf

pan ish

ill II ICfl!/ /1/11/'s

111/f'(JII///IIJ/1. ..

;\IAH.lJo; A:\:\ SI:\10:-.'

Jo;nl!•rerl High School, Freshman G. A. A.; Span ish ('luh; A. A.; ComnH•rcial Club. "I Jlf•·riSilt!l r·otnVillll/ion oj kinrlliiii'Ss 1(1/f/ lfO()r/ 11 IIIII OJ'...

lL\HOLIJ ItJo;()~IE:\' 'LOA.' En t et·ecl II igh School, Freshman "('" llaskethall :1, 4; "('"Club; A. A.; Latin ('Juh; Fn•nch Club. "I 1111! no/ IJ/1111 lfii/Jf in IIIJJSI'lJ, /Jut t1u· uws1 of 11'11 111 otllr r 1111 n.''

. JAR\' ALI('J~ S~ll'l'II Jo:nt••t·ecJ. fir,.;t ypar <•• A. A.; A. A.; French ('luh. "'Tts 1 irlur a 1/111 i rnl."

/1111/ rlu/11

n111kr' 1u ,. most

.~lye Jlhtrnon ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;~;~:

.JE!::>HIJ•: IU'TJI H:\IITII EntPred, fir:;t grade G. A. A.; A. A.; Glee Club; Spanish Club. "To /11 lllt'l'ry lws/ lwt·fJIIII'S you,"

Tltl':\IA::-\ ::-\ATHA::-\ JAi\11<~8 Si\IITH Entt>rl'd High School, Sophomore Band; I<'rench ('lub; Armistice Day Proe;1·am. "ll'h11/






/11/kill[/ IIIIIJIII."

UOLOltES PEARL S:\' YDI<~R Entered, first yea1· Latin Club; G. A. A.; Operetta, :!; A. A; Glt>c Club; l•'rench Club. "."Wit/

/1 ' 111/Jt r('(/.





Slj IIIII 'I';

1 }finul to /!arc 11111/ 1-.·r·I'J! torc'cr."

JA:\IE:::> ALOYSil'S SOLO.' J<~nt en•d. second gradl• Boys' Stunt Show, 1, 4; Auxil iary i\Iolccule Stan. 4; A. A.; l<'rench C'lub; <'ommercial Club. "'I'llollllh small 1n s/11/llrt' l!c is llf'stincll I o /11 f/t'l'llf."

ROBEHT IIALL SOl'DER Entt>r<>d. first grade "('" in Track, 4; l•'ootball Squad, :!, 4. "r'Or Ill

IS II ]01/IJ [1001/, 1'/IOIC."

llO:\ALD ALO:\'ZO STARR Entered High School , Junior :\Iolecule Staff, 4; :\Im·oon Auxiliary Staff, 4; A. A . ; Commercial C'lub . ... tau/ anti stcallJI. Jll I 11111'11!/8 n 111l1J to han 11 /Jllnch o} fun."





\\ILl!\ 1"1 < II"LE ~TEDK\1 li:utl rP•l. tlr~t grade G \ \.; A A ; FrPIICh C'luh; { IIlli· 111 r<'ial < luh. "fly dlllf/llllt silt 11'1118 /111' u:11y, lnll 111 I Itt I /!I/ ,, II ill Jill,, ...

<'11 \HLI~~ \\'ILL! \:\1 ~'f!<;\'1•;, ·~ Entl'red lli~h School, Freshman OpPrPtta, ::; Orchestra, :!, :1, 4; Band. t; <lh·e ('luh, 1, :!, :1. 4; Wi~ a111l Paint; Spani~h C'luh; A . .A.; C'omllll'l'l'ial Cluh. 'l\ Itt


h /1'1111!

ill 1111'1', ill' IIIII

~11!1' it. /.Jut s!lor; s it."


DO:-.:ALil .I I nso;-.; i:::TJ<;WART EntPn d, first gra<IP ,\, A.: Latin ('full. "/,tl fools 1/11 slru/IIJIIS 1/n}lfsl'. '1'/11 n's 1!01/tin{l lost /iJI Iii ill !I ll'iSI.

HOY,\L ARTHI'R STIPES, JR. J<;ntl'rt>d, first ~radp Class l{ank 1 ; Rank 4 in i:ipanish; Honor Roll; "('" in Golf, :! ; "('" <'luh; Prt>si<lt>nt of <'las~. 1; .\laroon ~taft', :! ; Ilusi1wss :\I~r. :\Iaroon, :1. 4; llu5inPss :\l~r. .\loll'CUie, ::, 4; ,.,\. A ; Wig and Paint; Latin C'luh; Stunt Sho\\', 1; ~pan ish ('luh; <'hairman !'in ('omnlitt<'l'. "/,'nr/1 tii'IJI 1/t 111 usr all /1 11 ll'lirl/s 111'111111 /ill .'

(II mak1 s 11 '''""' int}ll'l ssio/1 )"

\\'1 LLI,\.:\1 LIW. ',\IW S1TH()) \'I.' EntPr€d, fifth gnulP <'hePrlendt•r, ~; Op!'rPtta, :1; L·ttiu < lnh; Boys' ~tunt ::lho\\', :!, .1; \\'i!' and Paint; ~pan ish <'luh; ,.,\,.A. ''/, /.11/ lilt /111 /or/irs. I 1/lfl/11/ tltl

1/11(/ f/'1'111 CIIIIIJI•IIIlf


Ell\\' \IUl TIIH \SII Enterel. Pighth grariP Orchestra, l. :!. ::: \\'1g a1Hl Paint; O(Jerdta, :1; IIane!. 4; FrPIH'h < luh; \ A. 'I •I cln'l Cllli!t /11 /t IIIII. I a 1 £ to lallrJh .''

l'll!J' 7/urtv """

FRA:\"KLI:\' :.\IAHJOX T 'HHELL Entere<l High School, Sophomore ''('" in Tra<"k. :1, 4; 'T" ('luh; :.\lo!Pcule Staff, :1; Swimming Tl•am, :1, 4; A. A.; Latin Club; Wig and Paint; "Why the Chimes Hang", :l; Boys' Stunt Show, 4. "ft's 11 !/'1.1/ ltft' /111' first llunl/rt•l/ !fi'III'S II/'(' (}II //(/rt/1'8/,"

<'HARLE GRISWELL l::\'LAl B Entered High School, F'reshman ('lass Hank 19. "I 111'1'1'1' worry so wily IJo/lltT."

LEITA :.\IAI•~ \'A!\ BCSK IHK Entered High School, Fn•,hman G. A. A.; Latin C'lub. "Ill all ll!ill[/8 /rill' llllfl /O,IJUI."

LfW:O.:A .MARGl'ERITE \'ILLAHD li:nterecl, fir~t grade G. A. A.; A. A.; Operetta, :l; :.\laroon Auxiliary Staff, 4. "J!t IT!/ as a cril'/.:1'1. s1!1·'s


liusy 11.s

(I /)('( ' ,"

WILLAIW j<jLf,IOTT WAD I<; Entered High School, I<'reshman Orchestra, 1, 2, 3; Band, :l, 4; Latin Club, 1. ".t liri{lhl. Iilli quir I /ar/."

AL:.\JA J EA:--1 WALKER Entered, eighth grade Ba~kethall, 1. :l; G. A.A.; A.A.; J<'rench Club; Commercial Club. ··.tllll lll'r 'IJt's' sair/ 0111'1 to l/011, ,'/wll lw .,,;.s· fort't'I'I'II!Ot"l' ... ·


GH \!'!~ ALTIJEA WATTS butt n·f! High i:'ichool. Senior "'flu 11 who fin Jilt u/Wtllfs pit ost ...




lr1 s mu ~I

:\llLI>HEI> C'OU~ WI<~A YI<~H Eutt>rc<l, t!J·,t grade G A A. "• II /1'01111/11/Jf, SO /)('1/i[/11. (Ill([ 80 /Ill I k.~·

WILLIA:\1 HAHOLD WELKER Ent<'r<·cl High School, Senior

"/lis mind llis kill!frlom, n.nrl hiS tcill hi.~ !II If.''

JANI<;T LOl'IHI<; WESTO ' I<;ntPred, fir~l grade ('Jass Hank 1; Rank 1 in Eu~~:lish; Hank :! in .\lalh('matic.~; Honor Roll, 1, :!, ::. 4; ..\lolecule Staff, 4; L.at in l'luh, :l, 4; G. A. A., 1, 2; French Cluh, :1, 4; Wig and Paint. ",'Ju riot.\ 1111' lilt II llliii[Js us It-art unrlcnu ."

/lu1t most


I>OHOTJJY I<'HA;-.;('IS WILCO •. EIIIPred, si. th grad(' Gh·l' l'luh. 4; Cooking 'lub, 4; S ere· tary Cooking Club, 4; French Club; G. A. A.; Latin Club; A. A. "t fJUit I ltlH. lllf'n' an· 11111 }nr l\'lw knou tlif' 11'1'1/Slll'ls ltir/ in you."

JO 'I<;l'JI HOBEHT WILEY Euten•cl High , chool. Junior "{" Trac·k, :1. 4; "("'Club; A. A.

"II• f"''ll't tl 0111 of fir /fl. '


/.Jnt 1111 n 111 the

AJ,:\L\ "\DR I. 'l~TT WILSKI<: Entl'rc<l. fir,l gnulp (:. A . .\ ; HJmnish <'lnh; A . .\.; ('ommereial ('lnh. "'!'lit· miltll'sf 111011/IITs. 1/11 !lt'lltll'sf lit'l/1'1. f /iJ.·, r/ ht r from 1/11 1'1 1"1/ s/111'1.''

IL\ZJ•;J. OHAL WILSO;>; J•;ntere<l. lint gra<IP G. A. A.; Shorthand Team. ""()} 11/1 111/1" ]lllrfs. f/11 I !JI S 1".1']/fi'SS, 'l'li• swt' Its: 1!11111 uf lmsll}ullii<'Ss."

Til J;;L:\L\ ELIZABETII \\'IT\\'1<;!{ J<;nten:<l, first grade <'lass Hattl< 7; Ranl< :l in Hcience; llonor Holl; fl . •\. A.; L:1tin Clnh; \.A. "8}11




('/If'!' I'{ IIi tiS


/o·illllf ...

liEU•;,. Ll'<'ILLE \\'OOJ) l•;ntPrPd. H·n•nth gnult• t:. A. A.: J•'rt•nch <'luh; .\. A. "XIIItt J.·111 .\'11111

H 1/111 /Jill /11 IOl"l lhn . //IIIII If{ fllr I {!Iff fiJ ]ll"lliSt :·

('JIAHLOTTE I<~L!ZAHETH \\'OOl>S !<:ntered, fifth gradtLatin ('lnh; G. A. A.; Spanish C'luh; A . A. /Til(///, ll/11"111/S /tlft, J:ut s/11 Sllllln. 1111cl sr1 ll'r 11•111.

" " \ I l'l'/

TODD LL TOL:\' \\'OOLfo;RY bntPre<l lligh School, J•'reshman ",\ willlll!f /i('(trl 11111/ 11 n rlll!f Ill ill(/."




\\'001>.\RI> YOL 'G

l<::ntcn'cl, fit I grade

l'hePriPadt•r; G. A. A.;.\. A.; Armhantl, 2 . • ; ! ommercial Club; Wig ancl Paint; "'l'ienot and l'ierr<'lte"; Oper· etta, :1; Glee Club; Fn•nch Cluh; SI'Him· l'la~·. "! /II ill I. It Ill /11 I" 1 1/1. 11111/ II ht~· /tll, . · JOlly II 11///t 11/11/1/t II (1.\ lilflll f ' " 11/ltl."'

/WI//1.'/t J/011



VEIL\ KATilH),' YOL 'GLOYJ•: Entprecl, first grade G. A. A ; .\ A, Spanish ('luh.

''Titou 1trl fain r /han /lu• ITt tlill{l air. lkrwtifu/. lol'ill!l 1111tl willtout t'tll't' ...

:\min\' I:--: Rl'SSELL GHL 'DLio;Y En tend High School, I<'reshman Spanish Club. 1, 2; Agriculture Cluh, :1. 4; Band, 4; A. A., 1, :.!. :l; Judging Team. 2, :l "Till' .\111/SIIlllt' !l'lttll it /f/111'111'11 his 1rr1s ,., rl"


JOSI-:PH lln{:--:ARD ELL[QTT Enten•d High School, Seniot· "H'ilo

llli.t'l't/ 1"1'(1SIJI1


]J/tt/.\1/n' 11/lt/

1risrlo111 tCillt mirth."

.\IAREE ALLEGRA .\IAJOR Io'nlE't'('tl, lin;t grade •· Is full of s]liril


/Itt ultillllt of Jfr1y."'

HEGL 'ALD C'LYllE Dl'. ';-.; EntPrecl, first grade .\. A., 1, 2, :l. 4; .\Tolecule 'taft, 3; l•'rench C'lul); Latin Club; Boys' Stunt Show. "lrlllinl.'s I ltttll'rl a roitt t•r·y: "Sitt'JI ntJ IIIOt·t .'''

loJl>WI.. J .A:\IES IIYLA, ll Jo..ntered, lin;t grade "I/ crt '" 11 nuut 1111 slloulf/ l.'nmt :·


~I E:\IORL\~1

TIH'I't• an• lllOIIH'llt. of lift• that \\t' lit'\ t•r forg-t•t \Vhit•h hrighlt'll, and hrig-ht('ll, as t i Ill<' • It' a Is a wa.'· ; Tht•.'· gi\'t' a Itt'\\' <·harm to tht' ha ppit• t lot. .\11d tht'\' shin<' on tlw gloom of tilt' lt;n<'li<: t da~·. - I. <:. Pt•r<'i \'a 1

:->E . 101 ( ' LAN:->

OFFl< ' EH~

Paul DoolPll ------------------------------',1'£sirh nl IIPIPn ' or·tmr __________________________ ~·lf'r J>J'( sidt nt Ali<·P lla\t'll I r't'llf' Lang_ -----------------------------


iary In asu l'lt' , '1 <'1'£


((;eneral average for four years) Hank !tank 2 Itank :! !tank 2 Hank :l Hunk 4 Hank :i Hank li Hank fi Hank 7 HankS Hank II

Janet Louise \\'eston Hany Lt•roy Burke Paul Dwight Doolen Sanl11 Jane Fislwr Florence Lillian l<~dwards :\Iary :\largaret Kelley Thelma Elizabeth \Vitwer Alice en dev Haven Li II ian Corn<> 1ia Lutlwr ('Iarissa :\.largar·et Graham Helen Margaret Rankin :\.Iollie i\1argretta Faullin

Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank

10 11 12 H H 14 15 16 17 17 17 1

}<;ugli..,h Rank H.ank Rank Hank

1 :.!

Hl'len Rhoad " :\'or·ton Margaret Alice Ehl r llany Cullen Kariher 1om• l<'ields Ethel :\lay Reynolds Royal Arthur tipet;, Jr. ('har·Je, Griswell l nlaub Ir·pne J·~ ~telle Lang Bernanl William Bowen J<•au .\Targaret Christie Halph Beck McCallister· Helen Ray<' Ual'l'ett

:Hat lwmati<·..,

Janet Louise \\' ston Sarah Jane Fisher Paul Dwight Doolen· lie Geneviev • Hav en

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank a Rank 4

i\1argaret Alice Ehler Janet Louise Weston Mild r<>d Viola h pard Harry l.A'I'IlY Burke

Rank Hank :! Hank :1

:\.Iary :\.Iargaret Kelley Alice Geneviev<> Haven !<'lor nee Lillian b~dwanl s

Rank Rank 2 Rank :l

Bt•rnanl \Villiam Bowen Harry ('ull<•n Kariher Thelma gJizabcth \Vit\\er

Hank Hank Hank Itank

Paul Dwight Doolen Clarissa :\.Iargaret Graham ,'arah Jane l<'isher Alice Gt>nevieve Hav n

:1 4

Social Sd<'n<·<·

1 :.! 3


Bu..,in<•.., .

R :wk 1

Spanl..,h I tank It nJ·


Hunk :l Itunk 4 It-Ink 4

Adelizw l<~mma H. Lierman Lillian ('onwlia Luth r Harry Lt•roy llut·ke Hoyal Arthur :Stipes. Jr. :\hu·y :\TargarPt Kelley

Lillian ('onu.Iia Luther


Hank Rank Hank Rank Rank



:l 4 4

Jan< t Loui'e Weston Hell'n Raye Barrett l\1 i 1<11'( d Viola Sht•pal'll ('lari•sa :\targart>t Graham :\!ollie :\Iargretta Faull in

./ 11111

i. h r n , a 111/

\1'1 11'011 't yo


.i 11" I I hi n/, d 1 ar.~, k to school,

For u·r 'n r;oin!J 1111: and out of sir;l1t lr1 ·,.1 /! ft thr hook 1111d rulr.

1'/u Unuls, to !JOlt, r/111' )11111or slurlr nls, \rr II' ish thr br .'I /1'1 knoll',


Ifill/ takr


ll'a!J to that far



() 'r r tlu road 11'1 hod to [JO.

, 'o r·otu·aur, frir lllls, tho' thr way sN/11. hard .tnd 111 t•r r 0111 bit fast: nut it's u•orfh it al/ 11'111 II flu roll is ca/ft r/, On thr school rlay th11! 's your last. 1'hr rr '.· a hutp oj .·afi.fol'iion In urruluatiny,-lft s, that': trur,

.1JI(/ f!rffin[J !fOil/'


!Jut has if not s/t'lll'k !filii

That tho' /('(ll'ill!f school is thrillulfJ Th1 rc 'sa sadnf.~s in that thrill, .l11d a f(('/inr; .'JOlt can 'I dou•11 Tho' you strit•r ll'ilh aft your will.' }'ou think of thr tral'lu l's, and of ]lOIII' [t'l'nul.<:; And t/11 nooks !JOII {ol'r flu mo:t; . lnrl hou•, u-hr 11 Iuter


'II fJO bw·k.

In flu nru· croll'rl you 'It bl' lo.'f. , 'alj, IS II 'f it stl'llllf/1 hoi!' t/11 II .'fOil fllliii[Jh t Thr time. o lrill!J 't!l'ollfrl IICI'I r ])(l.<:s;


!fOil ll'll'l

doll'// in tltr loll'll' grarlts

Lont;iny to br i11 lhf' uraduatinu etas:.' nut ll'hCII ,11011 flO/ flurr and sfarf1 d \\ '1/h flu· work and 11'111'/'!f, too, }'our id1a.· .·o,nr /11m• .·r 1 111rd to duulf!r: A nrl thinfJ.'

u·r rr 11 'f !l'hat flu !I :rem{'(/ to yu11.)

f:ut /1011' that /li!fh .~(·hoof days


pas/ and

If IJOII ful thr II'IIIJ T do, }'ou 'd hr /11()/"( than ulad to f/0 ()'('(')'again, Thr work and II'OI'f'!J, too.




CLA S WILL-1923 "I.. 'I'll!<}. ·A.\IJ<J OF C:OD


" \YP, !Itt• (']as" of l!l:!:l. IH•in!! of fl't'l' and . . ound 111ind do ltel't• d (' \ j..,p all<l t]fi.., ou1· Ja..,t \\ill a11d lt•..,tnnH·nt: all our !!OO I trnit and nobl e l•ahit \\hit·h art• lllill1.' ) and ;tll oll1' t•t·<·t·ntl'it·itit• an<IJW<'tllia ritit• ( 11hi('h a1·e t' \1 to olll' llC'f't' so1· . in t hf' folio\\ ing- Htnllllt'l': IJ '(Jilt ut h h.'

l•'it t: It i olll' "j..,IJ tl1at thP Fn• h111a11 t·ln"" of l!J:!:l pa~ all om· jn..,t tlebt f o r plf'lt lll'f' ,. pen r,..,, a" ""on aftPI' out· !!nlllllation a Ilia:: ht' <'011\'Pilit·nt to th!'lll . • t't'(llld: \\'t• 1.!1\'l' :111d lwqlll'alh to tllf• (las of 1!1:!-l all <·apital. knmdPdgt•. •wd pt•i\ il•ge kilo\\ 11 and dP..,<·rilwd "" l'ollo\\s: Th<' <·a pita] l't'lll<tillillg- afiPr all t I" n < a1·e paid. all 0111· kno\\ !Pdgt• of hi..,tol'.'. En~.dish \·111. Ph.' i<·. and all 11th£'t uhjn·h \\lli<·h till' t·las of l!l:!l lws 11ot .'' 1'1 IIHislt'1't•d, and Oll1' pri,·ilP!.!<'" n . . dignitit•d . ·E.'I<>H. ' . tit•· \\innin!! of fa\ors in the<'."''" of tht• Fa('lllt,\. and hro ing t hi' lm\ PI' t·lassllH'll. \\'p gi\'t' a11d IH'tfllt'ath to tit•· opltolllOI'<' ( 'Ia.., all tltt• ht·alth and pro..,(IC'1'il1' It!' IIIII,\ 111'<'11. \\'1' !!i\'l' to ltt•l' all IIIII' \'at·ant '-'!'<It . (11'0\ idPd shl' -,]tall l'f'llllt'l' tlll'lll due n· JH't'l and 1'!'\ <'I'I'IH't'. To tlw l'llllll't' Ft•t•shit•s, \\!' lt'<l\'l' all thP g-um. l'll!Hiy, !'t<·., l'ound on . tait·\Ya.' s, tlt-sks, ol' a11y ot hl't' lllllik<·l.'' pla<·t•s, l!'!'t h.1· n and lo11g l'org-otlt'll. To tht• f.'a<·tdl.\', \\l' IH·qut•ath thn•t• ll10ilths ol' pt•a<'!' a11d qui<'lndt•. In thi iult' \\l' hop<' tht•,,· \\ill gatll slt't'll!.!lh t•noug·h for til!' t•oming .''!'ar. for \\t' ft•at' 1ll.t1 tit<'.' \\ill lll'l'd it. 'l'ltird: .\ftt·t· !Itt' pa,\ llll'lll or ..,,l!'h jnst dt•hts \\(' !.!'1\'(', dt•\ ist•, alld ht•<,llt'alh unto ('hi<·k Flynn cmp ol' oll1' words that whi<·h IH' ltlltst \\allt im·p Itt• hath Ill 1'1' kt•pt <Ill.'' ol' his 0\\11. · ·,, :.!'ivt• nothiug to Hit·hard Kt•t·k and \\'t' do makt• thi l<'g-a<'.'' willingly hL•t·all ,. \\t' kilo\\ that lw \\ill faithlttll.' distrihlltl' it lllllo the pom·. l'olll'lh: To th!'. <'\-\'1'HI indi\ id11al indivitlnal . \\!' lt'H\'t• Ill!• l'oll<l\\ ing- )l<'l' ·onal lt'!.!<l!'it•s, and\\(' trust that thP,\' \\ill ht• \\t•ll dt'st'1'\'!'d h.'· tlw l'l'<'!'iY!'l' : (il'l'll'lld!• .\lll'<'lls h•H\'I's lwr longitndt• to \'irgi11ia Bm\t'll. C:l'ol'!.!'t' Jlufl' l!•a\'t•s his matt·hl's to Bill Oalliotl. llazPI lh•lanl',\' lt•a\<''-' H11th .JI'!Pr t<'ll !!allmt.... of g-as \\ith \\hil·h dri1" ht·t· """ 'ash si'\. \\ hi!·h "a~ won in 1Ill' Herald ('ampaign. l'l:n·issa (inthmtt IPaYt'" hl't' t•ul'l-. to .\lildrt•d ~fartin.



Lilli!· Lutlll'l' lt•a\t's ltt•r rolltalltit· disposition to \'!'1'<1 llHI<·hithotl. ,J,•aJl ('lu·istit•lt>an•s ht•r dig-11ity to Prist·illa \Yileox. I<'l'<llll'<'s l'llsl<•l', t ht• s<•u.iur lli~>(Ot'.'' shark, I!'H\'!'s ht•r kllowkdgt• of ..:\na•r.icau 1Iistol',\' to Elsit• Bntdlcy. llt•lt•Jt Hankin ]paq•s ht•r l'O<!ll!'tt ish t ntit-.; to Gt>n vit•vt• !•'rison.

,\lildn•d Pt>n·ival lt•a,·,,

ht•r · · fin.., ot' ambition·· to Paulint• Bu1tt>t'\\ot·th .

Pt•arl , '11~ dc·t· lt•avt• hc•t· p<wkag-e ot' \\'ng-h·~ ·..,to ~\[ary ( 'rathortH'. Hyman B<t,ntrd ll'avt•

his lt·islt ('ont'Ptti to Uc•ot·gp Kaplan.

,\udrt•y Dodd lt>a\'1' ltt>r ahilit.'· to sltPd tlt!' salty )))·ine to Ooldit• Houston "hit·lt ..,Jtt• emt put to lwttc·t· atl\'antag-t• . •Jim Pt>ttit Ic•a,·c·sltismu-.;it·<tl <llld tltc•atJ·it•al talt>nts to ('harlt>.., Betmett. t)oroth~· (')ark lt>an .... hPJ' quid attitudt• to \'illars Pcll'khill.

H 1y 'tipt•s lt•avt·s hi.., kncl\\ lt>dgP of \\'t>hster. oratoric·al ahilitie ..... and hlufl'itt~ disposition to ;\eil l>c•whirst. arah Fi ht>t' I!'H\'t's ht>r \\'iuning- \\'ay and ''(lift of Uah'' to Huth Og-dt>n. Lt>OJHII'd , 'turdyvin lt>a\·P <'a roth<' rs. 'l'ht> Layman hrothc•J'

his c•xtntonlinary t·hc•c•r-lt>ading ahilitit>s to Ht>d

lt>a\'!' tht>ir trat·k .... kill to tlw Noudc·r .....

('ulkn KariiH'l' aft!'!' mueh dPlibpt·ation leaves his di~nity, symnt<'try and indiYidual wag to ~lilton Flack. Ilt>nry Elwell leH\!'s hi

t•xtra a\·oirdupoi-.; to Ost·ar Langt•.

Dic·k H<IIIH'~· lt•avc•s his tl't'Cisttl'<'!-. old and tl<•m·

to Huth Parks.

Tht>, Pllior football pla,\!'1'.., IH'qut•ath tht>ir lliHi\lt'flas..,c•d t'oothall skill to the squad of ·~:!- ·~-t. . Willian! 0<1111blP lt>a\'!'s his nH•ek and IHunhl<• disposi1 ion to Don. Boh ;I!<·Ka~ giH: H"d


ron thc · pri,· ilt•gp of going" 1th Toot ·it• BI'Ooklwnk.

,J i Ill Prit•t'l' lc•a vc·. his hask!'! ha 11 a hili t it•;; to .'" t'd(' Olson. , ' hank • 'lomt g-ivt•.., Bill 1~<'1'1'.\'Jllan tht• honot' of n•pn•spnfittg ('. II. N. 111 l'id<tl.\ W1nks tH•xt ,\'!'CIJ' and in futlll'<' dt•t•ad<'"o until \Villiant gTaduatc•s. Lily Haymond lc•a<'<'S his \'alentino trousers and <'OllPg<' airs to ~It·. Hwindt>ll. ~larian Blaine leaws hPr col]('g-c dat<•s to Georg-ia Lot·e .

•Jop \Vi]('y gin•. l111y , 'tyan th!' pri,· ilc·ge of clatwing pigt'oll-tot•d at all t iliH'S.

Ed Bul'lc so11 1<'<1\'t•s his tllllsi<·al tal!'nt as a dt'tllllllH't' to \\Tilliam ( 'asad . •}udsmt Ntuart, thc· philosophc•t', IH•quc·aths hi. · want it.

kilO\\ lt•dg·t•

of the dcu·k past to

.111~· ftttltt'l' hi tcn·ian \\Ito uta~

Lastly: \Vc· ltc•t·c·h.'' llOIItitwtc· and appoi11t 1ht• .Jtlllior ('lass to IH' t'Xt'l'\ltl'i · nr thi' 0111' Last \Vill and Tc•stHIII('llt , hc•J'I'h,\ 1'!'\0king all forliH'I' \\ills h~· liS 111:1 , 11 ·.

l n \\ itnc· s wht•J'Ptd' \\'(' han' ht'l'<'llllto sub <·r·iht•d our llHIIH'. and affixl'd our . P<tls, this t<•nth clay of Mart·h in th<• ~' <'HI' of Our Lord, OtH' Thousand • '111<' Jlundt·l'd and Tw!'nty- thn•c•. ( sE\1. ) ( . r:.\1. )

BPrnard Bo\\ <'II Hal ph ~Ie.\lli. tt•t•


;..... ClUOt'S

SENIOR CLASS STA TI TICS En•l',\ oiH' I'Paliz<•s tlwt N<•nim· as 'n·ll as ttnd<·n·la. snt<·n ]ll'l'ft•l' 1:1 n·ad roru.tllf'<' rathl'r than 111<'1'<' l'a<·ts. Httt in ou1· work Wt' han• found that tht• IIH'ntalit.' of tl11• <·Ia s of ':!;~ i so !.!"!'Pat that all "ill ht• ahlf' to appn·t·iat<' this f1wt. "do>tails , n tht• hasi of I'Oiltan••••... Thtt ""<' fl'l'l that tht> \\'OJ'k of the '('omlllittPt' on tatistit·s'' "ill hi' g-r<•atl~· <IJIPI'I't'i<ttt' I. Tilt• lllt'tnht•r of th<· ·· ( 'ontlllittt•t• ·' l11n 1 ttsl'd n11H'h tiltH'. l'fliH'<'lltntt<•<l thottgltt, a1HI <·arpful <·onsidt'l'atiou in fi;..nlring- out thP umtsllal t·haral'lPristi<·s of tit<• ,'pnim· ('las-; of ":!:~ . •\ftpr a I'OIT<•d t·otmt of tit<• t·lass n•t·ords \\"!' find that (j() of 11 • haY<' IH•t•n "" "~'II hiPssPd h~- tlw kiudn!'ss of .. Fol"tnne" that tiH',\ h<ne h<'<'ll allo\\!'d to :.rain thPil· <'lltil't' Pdu!'ation of 1:! y<•ar·s in Challljlaig-n Ptthli<· N<·hook As "~' slmd~· prog-t'<•ss<•d throu;..dr th<· <•ight g-r·ad<' of thP ··01·arnnHn' N<•hool, ·· we add<·d :!1 faithful sailor-; to our .. Nhip of Kno\\·lP<II.n•." Eat·lt y<·ar of mu· school ~<'al' wP took ahoa1·d a f1•w Ill'\\ llH'IItht't's, until \\"('now Ita,·<' a total of :i "·Ito '-tO()(! th<· tonns and trial of tiH• vo~ age a11d are 110\\ sailing- smoothly awaitin:.r 11H•ir diploma.. Of tlw 1:ib menrlwrs :-.:3 at'<' girls and /() an• boys. Th!'l'l' ar!' :~6 of thf' g-irls" Ito an• hlondt•s and -l-7 who arP hrundtes, ra11ging- from tht• amlwr 11't•s <' of llmwl lklmwy to tlw jl't hl<H·k loeks of {'Iarissa Ontham. On<• lll<'lllIH•I' of olll' t•lass has th!' honor of IH'ing th<• on)~- g-irl "ith n·d hair. That ]H'I'son 1s Edith ( 'hanws.. ( 'ardul a11alysis show that :3 of our· rn·tst l'<'llO\\ npd '11101' ho.'s haw distinc•tion along this lim•; lHIIIH'ly Royal Ntip<'". Bob ..\I!'Kay awl Lyl<' :\ash. A ftt•t· mut·h c·a kulation attd tigut·ing- eau ing- t lw "·aste of mnch ti Ill!' and papPI' all(] mall,\' pem·il. wt• fou11d tht· total h<'ight of tlw <·Ia -.,to ht• !Ill:! ff'Pt o1· .HJO.Ij yard'-. Tit!• ( 'onlmittl't' "'"' afr·aid that till' H\'t•rag-!' ltf'ight wmtll he n•t·y lr,w. But on a s!•<·oiHlthonght \\'!' dt•t·idl'<l that till' h<'ig-lrt of ll<'lll'.' Ehn·ll, and Bill Howard "·a· snft'it·ipnt to makt• up fot· tlw many who "<'l'e . tnnh•d during thl'it· Pad.'· g"I'Cmth. A-., a l'l' ult tlrt• il\"l'l'ag"P, work<•d out fairly \\f'll, h<'ing :> fi'Pt and (j ineht''-· 'I'll<• talking- a hi lit~· of th1• <·Ia -., nH•mh<•r <'Xl'<'<'d any otlwr t•la-.,s \\ hil'h 1 l•aYt• <'Yl'r st'l'n. Ill this natural a1·t. ,'anth Fi~ht•r rank. first. ,'arah gains this position with no t•ompetition worthy of nH•ntion. The ( 'omrnit ti'P thinking- that t hi'~ had lwttt•r lc:l\ e faeh ntot'<' wol'tlr~· of I,P•·onring· th<• <·h1ss of ':!:~. d<•t•idt•d to -.,tart tllt'ir n•st•an·h in allo1h<•t· dirPdion 1 autt•ly th\• twly of out· IIH'IItalit~·. 'J'hf' brip;fttp-.,t JH'I' on in th<• <·las;.; is .Jalld W1• ·ton "Ito graduah•d with an a\'t'l'ag!' of 9:>.7 for thP four· years. Among- tht' Ito.' Paul Dool<·n h<'ads tlr!•li t. In addition to thi". hi' i Pdito1· of ~lol<'<·UI<•. and \dllll!'l' of tire D. A. R prizt'. \V<• do 11ot likl' to t•nrban·a. s thp winn<·r· of th<· c.th•·r· priz<>, hut \\!' do kn1m that "itltout the aYt'l'<lg"<' of H<·ginald l>ttllll, the IIH'I agt• lllf'lltality of till' <·lass 1s P<Jilal to a student of :!0, hut wh<'ll his g-r·adt•s a1· • aYPI'aged in, tht'.' n•tht<'<' 11H• rPsHlt to that of a !'hild of l:i. \\'p han• a


l'f'stlt•s-., pxplor·pr·-., 111 otll' !'la..,s.

Nonu• of th1•nt haq• ht•t•n 1'1'-

,·anl<'d this ~·par·. Bill lio\\al'(l has dis<•onr·pd \'<•ra llut<·hirrsoll, and Halph ~Ie­ l'alli. tPr f01111d PPg- ~tuart. Tht• ''('ommitfpp'' <·.-tPIId lH•art.'· <·ongr·atulations t<• hoth. \\'p ha\P not hil'!-rt•d in athlPties. In f<H·t wp haY!' s<•m'<'d more points th<'t'<' th,m all~·whPJ'<' Pis!'. Our l'PJli'PsPntati\'!'s in t'oothall \\en• Hay Fo.·. On ill • ~t·lrardl'in (<·aptain ) . ''Lill~-·· Ha~·morl<ls. Halph .:.ld'allister and Boh i\IeKa.\. Tlr<·~· hPlp<'d put a('l'oss a 1000 JH'l' t·Pnt football tPalll. Tlw haskl'thall star·s \\·Pre PaulJ)ookn. Halph .:.ld'allistPr, Hay Fo.· and Boh .:.Jd\:ay ( <·aptain ) . 'l'ht•rp HI'<' "o ma11~· intPt'!'stirlg- thing about this <·la-s of Olll's that tlw ('omlllittl'P I'OU]d !JOt hop!' to llll'lltion all or th<'lll, hut\\'!' <lo fpp[ that tardirwss Hlld ahs<'n<'<' should ill' in\·P,.,tig-att>d and dist·us. Ptl. \\' p fi11d that Fr·a11k UahriPl had .1 JH'J'f<'l'l n·<·or·d. Th<• rPmaining Li, \\Pr<' ahsPnt for JH'l'iods rarwing from ] hour to :3() day . .\ ftpr l'iii'Pful inY<'sti!l,·ation \\'(' found that th<• :H) <lays ah'('lH'l' was <·aus!'d h~ si<·kness, lnrt as to thP many Olll' hour ahst'lli'Ps \\<' ha\'1' our <1ouhh. At tlw fir t of thP ~-pm· .Janl<'s Pl'i<·<•r· \\·as tanl~· morP than an~·mH· p] <.' , in fa<·t so Jlltll'lr that :\lis~" itzPr gH\P hint fir t hour oft in ordPr to g<'t ht>r!' in tinll'. But .Jauws has tunwd on•r a Ill'\\' ]par and has PlltiJ•el.'· rpformt•tl. \\'p lll'<' \\'OJHh•ring: if this is till!' to dl'lention. \\'e might tatt• hPJ'!' that OJH' of our memhPt's .:.IariP .:.Ie. ' pi] dP<·id<•<l hcfnn• tlrP s!'I'Otl<l PliJ<•stt•r·lwgarr that shP prd'Pt'I'Pd tlr<• \\'Oll!Hlrl.'· art of housPk<'Pping rather than that of flirtatim1. 'I'Ir<· "Bo,\s' ~trmt ~Ito\\" wa a gr·<·at stl<'<'<'ss. ma<1P up alrnost \\!roll.'· and !'lltir<·l.' of sPniors. .JallH' Pl'!tit. om· drarnati<· lt•ad<•r took tlrP part as lt'<HiinglllHll with g·n·at <'\ id<•JH·t• of natunll ahilit~· <l!Hltalt•nt. It 111ig-ht h1• int<•t'<' ting to kno\1· that ,

fJf Illinois, Ito ot ht•r I'Ollt•gt•s . ..J. tPHI'IH·rs. :) post grad .. !J rnHlPl'idP<i.


sl'JIIors ill'<' g:otll!! to th1• { ' niyrrsit~· of'tit•p \\·ork. fa nn .). ..J. mu·st•, (i honH•,

'I'hl' arti<·]p would lw in<·ornpiPt!' \\·ithout th!' !Ja!IH's of thP <·lass of'fi<'<'l's: Paul I )oolP!L ___________ ----

__ ______ __ __ J>r·<·sidPnt

.\lit·<' II a\ <'11 ----------- ------ _ liPI<•n ~ 'ortoJL _____ ___ ___ __ _ __ _ ----- - \'iel'- PI'<' i<lPnt _________ _ __ 'l'n•aslll'l'l' I l'!'lll' Lang ---------Jn tun1. thP <·haral'tl't'istit· . ahilitiPs and al'tiYities of th<· ~!'!Jim· <·lass of ·~:{ llaYr. h<'<'ll dist·ussPd. Tnlly wondPrt'ul t·lclss, don't you tl1ink! lJll(·ill!' Hcl!lkin


The Onlv Newspaper m Central Illinois With Complete Assassinated News Service.


The Movt Popular Weakly Outside of Savoy


\ ol. (;,) aa:!IO



Champaign, Ill.

R\7 E)_y I> 1{1 .,ER IS .._ ~


G. 0. P. J>HE IDE


('. H . H. 'li..,..,io narit•s Aid Th•·t•t• E"-'lm·oo n.., in j Al'l'iC'ans ( 'abint't Sp< cia! report was r After an exciting camceived today from Africa paign, the rt>turns of the where ~Iary ~lead and CulPledion were announeecl at • l n Kariher have arrived to the city building this eve• start their work as misning. Harvey Pricer won ·ionaries. The e two young with unanimous vote over people, both well known the Democratic nominee, graduates of the Champaign Herbert Hackbarth. High School with the class It was n•ported that ~lr. of '2 :~, are believed to be tlw Jlaekbarth is l)reparing to bPst l:'ent out on this work retirP from polities to go for some years. abroad with his wire ~Irs. It is hOIJed that all tlw Dorothy Koogler Hacklwath ns will want to bebat·th on a Illeasure trip. conw Christians under the :\Jr. Pricer has announ<· cl dire<·tion and teaching of whom he selectt•cl as hil:; cabithese two ahle helpers for nl't members. Among them the good of humanity. are: .Judson Stewart, who was al)poin ted Seer tary of Rtate, Jamt>s Cap I, SecreHun· Filt'-, P Ptition l'tw Banktary of \Va•·. and HPrbert Old '!aids' Honw OpPnPd l'Uill Law Bus<·h as Postmaster GenThe well known millionPhilo, Ill., Feb. 2!l, l!l:H>. Pral. aire R. :\1. Ramey donated - The Hull grocery store at $50,000 for an old maids' Philo, managed by ~Ir. Huff ('h•an-rt• \\' t-.•k home to be established near and hiH wife, fonnerly Tlw annual clean-up week will he launl'hed in Cham- Homer Park, Illinoi ·. Owing :\larian BlainP, has ml't with paign lwginning tomorrow. to his sympathy for ·ome of financial di,;aster. .\ petiThi!> is for the benefit or the his old high school friends, tion for voluntary bankpeot·le or this eity and it is hoped that thev will take he decided to give them a ruvtcy was filed by the Rumors have been 0\\ nera of the store. .James llroper interest, and CO-Oper- home. alP with th<' workers in the cirC'ulalt'd that Br ta Pfies-~ Solon was appointed reclri\·p, ThP m n who will tPr, Dorothy Clark, :\Iildred cpivPr. It is r,robablP that havP charge of tlw cleaning ot the street!> are: Heinie P rcival, and Lillie Luther :\It·. Solon with his able asJ.~Jwell, Squits Doolen, and are the first a!)plicants for' sh;tanl, Pearl Snyder, will Ba nwy Bowt>n. pennanen t residence. 1 rany on tiH' business.


TIIE BL('E .J.A. Y Staft'

How to l\:1 <'II \\'<•11

Ht>IPn Rankin ('lari~Ra (:raham HPien • 'orton

Price Per Copy

;-.;ons mw.

All rpspectahl membPrs of th As a sinated ws Service. l<JDITOH.IALS !"ouncl. l'nsounll

\\'e <'annot a~r t> with the learn d scientists who ltvt we k made the statement that "the earth is a matter m1 rPiy of physi<'al relativity." It is admitted that

ThP notP!I fashion critic, .Joe O~clPn, and his wifp 1 .\lildrt>cl \Veavt>rl are desi!,\nin!!; tlw Jat st in \\'onwn's Fashion: for the "Nifty Dud:-; Shop" on :\lichigan Avenue, C'hkago. Carl l'nlaub and :\I rwin <:rin<lley, th proprietors or this salon will display their chic style.· on the model!i, :\Tadge Younh, Gail Burdick, and Tone l<,ield-', at th ir sprinl!; opening Rtarting :\lar('h l.·t.

By Dr. Harry Hoffman Qut>stions 1wrt i nen t to sanitation, and l>rPserving ot d is<'ases \\ill be answered in this <·olumn. \\'here the subjt>ct is too >;UitahiP, letter3 will be rwrsonally answ~>n d providing the inquirt>r' !ietHls his own stamp. I'

1. \\'hat cau.·es h adache? \Villiam Howard, Lick Scillet. Illinois. Answer: ,\1 odern flapper.



( '() II('I'J' t

('om pa II) ( )J·~a 11 iz<·<l

2. \\'hat's tltP best ('Ure for mumps? Edward Thrash, Oblong Square. Inc! ia na.

Th new Saxophone Conc rt Company, COnli 03 d Ol I<Jlmer Damm and Alfrt>d Guy KPiler and KPnneth Kirk are among thP wol'ld's . Answpr: l!iat a vickie. . . . Berbaum, was on.:amze<l last . ror most phvsH·rsts, but we k t t .. · . wee ac<·on1rng o repor re:-!. \\'hat's tlw be<t remwonder rf they realize the ceive<l todav. These two, magnitude of theil· stat -~ . . · edy for falling hair? ments. pr·omrsrng youn~ men are Chat·l(s Stevens, 'hamassured of national fame. The earth is physical, we 1 aign, Illinois. Thf>y will appear here the truly think, hut we do not latter part of Apr·il, tr·avelAnswet·: \Vear a wig. believe in its relativity. The in~ on the Or·pheum cir·<·uit. resolute scienthts Harland 5. Kindly tell me th I>P.-lt Brownfit>l!l and \\'alter Dillm tho<! of preventing moHman have ably rt>puted the :tuito bites? \\' Pat hPt' Fot·<•<·.rst argument. ";-.;o matt •r how ::\larie Simon, Chicago, mn<'h thP spiritual relations Addison ::\lanlt>Y, fon•lllinoi.. govPrns t h '' orl<l. we know C'a:ter at the wPathPr hun•au .\nswPt" SmokP a PiliP. it to IJP tru1• that the Parth dPI>arl ment, prpclicts that Ira· no relatives; t hereforP the theory or physkal relativity is unsound.

WP will have tail· weathet during the <·omin..\ wePk if i t doe•n't rain.

"o' it Colon~ t<;,lahli,hl'd

l'opula•·ity of


is gn•atly diminished hy the

establishment of a nPw movie t·olon) b) Reginald Dunn nt (}reen Valley, Illinoi. . Jot> \\'iley will star in "Ben 'l'urpin" comedies. Bob :\IcKay will Ill' the H.udolph Valt>nlino, Thelma \Vitwer tlw • lary Pickford, and Dorothy \\'iko.· the • 'onna Talmadge. Others aspiring to lw<·o:ne. movi:· s~~rs ,ar~.: Ruth (,eel.tn, ( letis Davis. Leona \'illar<l, an<l Edw<nd Bur!Pson.

• li s Anna l<'aye Greaber, noted poetess of Salem, ~lass., is visitin11, at the home of ~I r. and :\1 rs. Don Yinson (formerly ~Tildred Armtrong). Donald Starr, editor of the "Bloomington Starr" was a busin ss caller in hampail!,n on :\Ion<lay. ~!iss Clara .\1<·· • il will demonstrate work done by her art classe: at eight o'clock \Vedn sday evening at her ·tudio. \\'ork hv tht> ~lis;;e>! • •pya (]rind ley, ·:\lary Burkt>, \'oletta Beem, and HP.!Pn \Vood will be on dis-


Jo'Jo :l.iegfield of the FolJips announced vesterdav that lary Kelley '~·as to b~· his 1\I'W <lancing star.

'I('( 'all b·t t••·-' ofl't, \\' t•dd ing Ht iJ·, Ht. ,J o"<'Ph Hodl'tr

A very elaborate formal wedding was held at the St. .Jost•ph :\lethodist 'hureh, at eleven o'clock last evening. The brid is the daughter of ~Jr. and :\Irs. K. S . • 'offtz, 44:l Daniel Av nue, Ht. Joseph. The groom is the :on of the late R. V. ;'lieallister, 2:H ~Ii1'11igan AvPnue, Sidney, Illinois.


Hodt•ty Jtpm, Governor and ~Irs. Hloan (formerly LPonore Gilmore) of Ohio. entertained at a formal reception honoring .!iss Irene Lang, bride elect of Harry Burke, the noted artist. Sturdyvin, the Sloan butler. nH't the tli tingubhecl guests at the door that included Ethel ~lay Reynolds, !i'Culpturist, Lul'ille Rankin. novelist, and Hugh :\I eCown, physician. ~!iss Sarah Jan J<'isher, principal of the Deaf and Dumb School at .Jaeksonville, Illinois, spent last we k end here with relatives.

The nuptials were r.erfonnNl und r an arch of lattice-work, covere<l with R verend Ardan del ions. Among the newcom n; of T he thur Burr officiated. bridP was attendt'd by Jean \Vashington sociPty are, ~lr. and :\Tr ·. Elliot ( formerlv Christit>, maid of honor, with ~fargar t O'Donnell l, :\I!:. ~Iildred :\'orris, Edna Long, and :\Irs. ~Iaurice Cooper Ruth Smith), \'io!Pt 1 ills, Dorothy and (formerly Acleli nP Lierman. The and ~Jr. and :\Irs. R dmond Faullin (formerly Ida ~lark­ ushers were Robert Souder, land). ~I any social vents Frank Turr II, Paul ~lc­ have heen planned in their \Vill iams, G orge ~1 an k , hono•·. Truman Smith, and I<Jllis Evaline Heimlicher has returned from her first visit FisheL to the Philippine.·. bringin~ Tlw bride en tprecl to the with her many bt>autiful strains of "Loh ngrin's trophies. Her engagement \Vedding ~larch" played by to \Villiam Gamble has just Don R no on his violin, ac- b€en announced. ~T•·s. Lily Raymonds (for<'OilllHtni('(l by ~!iss Edward" on the piano. Little BPtty merly Huth Plotner 1. entertained at a 1 o'dock SUJ,JJe•· StipP~. five yea1· old daughhonoring C\largart>t ]<'aullin tf'r of \lr. Hoyal ~tipes was of Hollywood, California. l<'ollowing the 'oven; were laid fot Frances rin~ lwa•·pr. Custer, atherine Irle, Haz I l'eremony a reception was Delaney. Professor Fosheld at the home of the naueh, Dr. Fer~ut>son and Cha rips (1riPrson. hridP.

1'11!1• 1

if I 11 II• n •

'I'll E BIXE ,JAY .-\thl<'tl'-. Lt•a, .. l'ot· En;.:.lanll 1' .'e\\ Yorlc l<'<'h. 2 . Before a <'rowd ot cheering peol)le. t n of tlw greate~t athletPs or th<' country boarded tlw l'. H. S. \Ia ryland to go, to gngland to represpnt America in the Annual Tra<'k and l<'ield :\Ieet. This :'11 et is to be held just outsidP of London on . larch 14. The t n athlete.· repn•senting Anwriea Wt't'e: Or\'ille • ehardein, !<'rank Gabrit>l, Joel SiPfkin, \\'ilbur Gwinn, \\'illard \\'ade, Harold \\'PIker. J<~ddi<' HI') no Ids, Tod \Vool ry, Haymond Dodds, Be1·t l<~ichor.·t.

\\ant Ad-.



\\'anted. A young gil·! for gE-nentl homwwork. AiliJiy at :'\ash Insurance oflice. lO:ll X. \\'alnut. C'hanl!Jaign .

Tlw IJasket ba II team of thP \\omen of the faculty of Cham] aign High School played the sam<' grour> from l ' rhana High Sehool in tlw \\'ant< d: HP<·ond hand C. H. S. gym last Satur<iay For<! Call ClPn I<'ishPr, 11 evPnin.l!. Aft<•r a v ry ex<·itHiekot-y St.. 'hampaign. ing time the game ended \\'antPd: A capable house- with a score of 2:> to 0. The k PJH'r. 'all Hudnut's Pea- lineup was as follows: nut Stand. 20 ('hur<'lt Ht., ('ha 111 pai gn Champaign. Dorothy Budt, .\li<'e Smith. (; Rfva Rock, G \Vilha Stedem, I<' Sadie Hegman. F Barrett and Ahrens BPauty Parlor Pt·icPs-u nt·easona ble


. I

I rbana Cra<'<' \\'att. C Ruth Chenoweth, F Jessie Holderman, I<' .:\Iare:ar<'t Ehler. G \'eryl Healpy, C Adn•l't ist•nH•nt'l

Last tintP to-da) Jim Pettit and :\Jari Spring Ha lch in g .6U JlPt' dozen





in ''SWEgTHEART,'''

CardinE'r . 'orton


A .Jospph \\'iley Comedy

B'lappt rs haircutting a spPdalty LAY:\1.\X BROR 10 \V. :\Jain bt.

\\' ston

e . cl usive

for girl. HpPcial rates.

Announdng the nt>west and lat·g<'st <'<>rn cu rP. This new business whieh' will Pstabli~h itfwlf in Champaign is going to nwan a new RPd ucing HPCOrtl.· .·chool area of pro:perity for the mi<llll<• \\'Psi ThP olli<'<'t's Flon•n<'P Burt. aclYt'rtising agt>nl are: Pn•sident. Leita \'an Btl';l<irl'; H<><'retary, :\lildr<'<ll Roheson Bldg. Cain; Treasurer, Char)ps I ,'edgt>wick.


1. 2. \H~.~




In tiH• lw!!iuning tlH• ( ilatnpaign lligll :-;,•ilool \\a Preatl'tl. ,\nd 11 <·amc• to Pll"" in til<' .''{',11' of olll' Lord. 1ll1ll, tlw mi!!hty <·In" of

IIJIJII'al'<'ll. ~ .\lultitudt" <'111111' out of tltP ,,j}dPI'II<'"

and !!alht•rt•d at til•• 'l'aht•t'llolt'lt•


<ln tltt• fir t da.'. tilt'.' g-atht•t•ed in tilt• H ••mhl.' I'OOIII a11d .\li " .'\dtzer llllll• tl11•tn \\hat tiling;, tlw.' ,...Jwuld and ... ilould 11ot do . ••. llu tiiP IIH.J'IIing· of tilt· ·•·nnd da.' tilt·.'· ar•""' and a \Oit·t• pakP unto hem a~iug-: "(ro ~P 1111to ~li ".\lot'J'i,... .. atHl till'~ \\l'llt. ll. ~\nd silt' said: •·or ;dl till'"'' <'<lllr <' thou nt<l,\'t'sl partak•· fn•l'l.'·· hut of thi one. Latin, pat·takP t thou" ith t·an·: fm· in tltP da.'· tlwt thou partaf·p,...j thl'l'l'p.d


<f, thou ltalt t•at'l'.'' n hPaY.'' hurd!'tl. 7. \nd olllt' of tltt•lll t·ho"" tlll'it• tudit•" '' itil \\ i dotll. Til11" it t'Hilll' to pas;, that on tltt• lit'. t day. llt<lll.' Ill'\\' trial nnd tt·ilntla 1 ion hPfl'll t h••nt, for 1 il<·.'· \\ t•Jit \IIIIo t Iwit· <·Ia""''"· !l. TiiP pt·opltt•t pa h· 11111 o t lwm ... 1\:t'<'Jl ileJH·c· lll'fOJ'('. 0. Fn• .... lnnl'n. fm· ,. t' "ill J'P\'I'al unto you an ahundant'l' of ll'antin::. · 10 <>n thP fourth da.' tlH·.' <'111111' a!!ain unto thl' taht•J'II<H·h-.

11. \nd tlwy otTt>n•d up "hat tlw.' had doll!' on thl'it· Jt•,...,...oJh, alltl it wa pt·onottllt'l'd 1\'ltoll,,· had h.'' t Itt• prophl't . 1~. ~\nd tht• F)'(• . . hJIIt'tt',... \\t'ath \\11 kindlt•d agaitt....l tltl'lll. so afll•t' till'.'' had

got II' out t it•'.' otq.dtt n·dn•-., . 1:l. llttl till',\' fottlld no lwlp. hl't'<llt"l' thl'." 11'1'1'1' not of th<· <·host•ll Jlt'opk. hut \ 1'1'(' l•')'(• ... lttllt'll. 1 L .\nd it <'<lllll' to pa"" that loll thl' lii'Xl tllnl'llill).!. till·.' ).!.·atht•t'l'd th<'lll Pin•,.. togl'!h<'l' i11 a t'<Hlllt, and l'it't'tL·d thP tni::htit•-.,t of tltt'lll :-;ttpl''-, Burkt•. and Hatn•'.'' fot• of'fit·< ""· 1.). .\ ...a It to t Itt• ht•t•ad of IPa\ t'll. ollt' girl. .\lt•.t I•·. "<h t·h<ht'll "'·rihP for thi,... gt·t•at t t·ihe. Hi. TltPII I hi'.'' t·amt• fot·t h and tltP ll(ljll'l' t·l;l..,,...tllt'll \lt'l't' pt'tl\ okt'd at I hi' illlplldt•tH·t• ot' thi" ltli!!"ltt,\· Ito;,!. 11. Tht' .' quittPd thP sidt•\lalk .... tiH· t·mTidl.l'". and th1• !t'P"'· and hid tht•lll.,. h t•s in tIll' (·Ia's t·ooms. 1 . ( >n the -.,ixt h tl<t.'' tht'.' \\"Pill tot lt!'il" <·Ia . I'. in <·Olll'l'it of tit Pit· )111\H'I'. 1!I. •\nd it t·anw to !l<l"' on tht• t'\'t•ning- of tltl' ;,ixth da,,·. thl'.'' tlt•pal·t••tl and to tltl'il' honH•s.




,, '('l'P


On thl' . l'\t'lll h da.'· tIll'.' l'l'"''''l. .\ntong- thl'it· numht•r \\H Ed\lat·tb. Ft·p;,ltman Editor of thl' :\lat·ooll. "\notltl•t' g-t•otq> of satPIIill';,, \\Ito pl<H·t•d tht•ntst•h't•s in the !tall of fanH'.

tl~t• lilt' Ill hl't' ol' t ht• ha-.,k<·t ha II t Pall\ "ho dd't•a t t•d tIll' ...,,. hool <ll·ros-., t ht• '"'.''· ~:l.

\\I l' lliPII.

Tltu. t ht• tit· t y<•ar "il" P"""''d and lllHll.'' of tht• Ft'l'"htllilll Triht• ht•t•alllt'

.JOB . ' OPIIO:\IOHE ) 1. TIH•rp was a da,v \\'IH•n thP <·hospu mws dn•11 npar to thP Tnl)('rtHH·)p to ht•l'Ollll' SopholllOJ'Ps. •> 'I'IH•y a!'OSI' Hlld S<IJH•tifh•clthPllJSPh'P and jlJ'a~·P <l aud ofl'<'I'Pd ttp burnt of'll'l'ings and t·hosP ]padeJ·s. :t Tht> \\i,..,Pst of thi mighty Jw,..,t "lll'rl' <·ho,..,Pn, Paul J)ool<•Jl, llell'n gp,..,,.., Fim·h, ~larian Blain<'. and \Yilliam Ilo\\ a rd. -1-. , 'o11 tiH•y found thPJlls<•h·<•,. , hlPsst>d ll'ith llappln<•ss and g·atlH•J'l'd fo1· a ;!I'<'Ht t·t>h•l11·ation, up<'J'VisPd hy Il<'h•n BPss Fi1wh, ~IPlis. a ':\loJTisst'y, and lll'nl',\' El\\'Pil. :>. It t·anw to pa. s that tht>y felt gr<'at Jll'id<' antl took H ll'orth~- Pmhl<•JIJ. t'hosen fi'Om a grl'at munh<'r h~- . Ro~·al ~tipt>s, ~larian Hlaim•. and U<•rtJ·n<l<•. 'ofl'tz. 6. And it <·HIIH' to pass that th<• trongest went fo1·th against the othi'J' t1·ilws of tlw Tah<•rmu·l<· and pl<H·<'d set•ond in th<' int<•rt1·ihal haskdhall nnd tral'k lll<'<'h. 7. And, lwhold. tht• girls pittt>d thl'ir stn·ngth against thPir <'JH'Jlli<',..,, hut \I'Pre m·<•rpoii·Pr<'<l and <'Hst into third plac<' in haskt'thall. Tlwre wa silPlll'l' and out of thl' silPnc<' t·anle a ll'is<' man, ,'tipt•s, ll'ho h~­ his stJ'<'llgth rost• unto th<• high plal'<'s in tlw sl;lh' golf tournanwnt. 9. Al. o th<•n• W<'l'<' JJHin~- ll'ho 1'0,..,<' to fanw h~· tht>ir JlOII"<'J' of imitation in th<• ~tunt. 'ho". 10. Again tiH•n• eam<· a day whpn the mighty Stipe gain<•d honor fo1· him:-Plf as Sophomore <•ditor of tlH' ~Iaroon. 11. Thus with JJHin~- t1·ials and tribulations tJJp~· snrl'il·ed th1·ongh tiH•iJ' :<<'<'olHI Y<'<ll' 111 tiJ(' promisPd land . ACT.' (.JL 'IOR 1. And it t'HlH<' to pass tht• trilH's on<'l' lllOJ't' :,ratiH'l'Pd tog<'thl'r in tlw Tah<•rn;wle of th<'iJ· fathPr .. th<•n>, IH'l'<' not. :{. ~\nd wlwn the.' inquir<•d <IJ'OilJHl t lwy fo1tncl that gJ'<•at nnmh<'J's had allen hy thP IIH,I'sid<> as th<' road had l)('l'OJIIC <liffi<·!Jlt with st11diPs. -1-. }!any, aho, had migntt<•d to f'orPig-JJ lands an<l IH'I'<' lost to thPir fJ'i<•n<k ·>. One<' mol'<' t h<• lead<•r · W<'J'<' dJt>s<•n from thP strongPst amm1g-. t t h<'lll, lHtmel~- ,JanH' . ~\li<•t>, liPkn, antl ~arah, nrnamPd ( ';qw1. IIan•JJ, • 'orton, mul Fi hPJ'. (). <hH·P mon• th<> str<mg IIH'II ll'<'llt out aJHl slli'Pt'i»<'d thl' oth<•J's in tlJ<'iJ· ,..,tJ'<'JJJ,!Ih in foot hall, ha,..,kdhall. mHl t J'Ht·k. 1 . •\IJ(ltho»<' 11ho lin•d hy til<' II'Ht<•r outsplashed tht•ir riYals and won the intPr<:1a» s11 innning me<·t. ~.\n<l it <·HJJH' to pa,..,,.., that tho.<' 11 ho ll'l'l'<' skill<'d in thl' al't of ading· 11<'1'<' h<>ld lJigll in th<• reg-ard of th<• lllllltitHd<·. 9. Into thl' fip]d · of litPraJ·~· W<~rk VPiltnrPcl many led h,1 StipPs, B11 inc•s :\Ianag-<•r ot' the ~JaJ'OOll and ~Iol<·<·HI<•, and h.1· Doolen , .}uniOJ· Editor of th<• . I aroon. 10. And so endt>d the n•ign of .]aJII<'o..; ( ';qwl.

· ·cniors HE\'EL.\TI<L :-;

• E. I<IH )

1. \~min t lu• har\'l'~t t·ar•ll'. Tht· gn•,tt ~~·nim· Tr·iiH'. '' hit·h h~· pm\'idt•rwt' nrad t• gr·t·at. llll'f 111 arr as l'tllhl~· <·<tiled Ill tht• Tahl'I'IJ<H·It• of LPal'lring ; a rHI l l' adl'r·~. l>ool!'n, ' orton, Ila\'1'11. all(] Lang- Wl'l'l' t•host•n . ' ll~

'l'ht•n .1 \'OII'I' pakl' unto thl'm a~king i'ol' nron· . <H·rilit•t• ,\nd man,· of tlrPir· llll' ll \\ t'l't• t·alll'd upon to fpsf thPir strt•ngth as i11 fonrwr ,\'t•ars. Th<•y llll't iu ma11.' hat tiP · and i11 t'\'1'1'.' l'llt'OIIIIfl'r' wt•r·p vil'torin11. . Tlnr~ tlw <·ham]'ion 1r i p \\a . won. '1

:t ~fan.'

Thr11 t•anH• a t imP for rt•t·koning- and t'\'t'l'.'' urTi\'Pd and \H'l'l' happ~·.

tndPnt wa. put to a tt•st.

-t Ag·ain t·anH· thl' ,·oice of \'an Lit•w ealling for sat·r·ifict's and again the • l'I'Ht :-; .. nior Tr·ihl' l'I'SfHHHll'd \\ ith rnan,,· 1111'11. In thPs<' Pll<'Otulft·r~ tht' tt•ams \\'t'l'l' \' it·fori<Hrs until t ht• last. :>. Again tht• g-n•at senior tr·ihl' ''as pnt to a tt> t. <;ntl \\ !'!'{' honot'l'd hy the other triht•s.

~Ian_,. wpr·e


(i ~l.lll,\' of the t r·ih<•smt•n \\'!'!'<' happ~·. 'J'hp~· rnade jour·rw.' and raist•<l thl'ir vnH't's in ~ong. Thi. \\a~ pt'OllOliiH'ed good and tiH•y wen• happy.

T. Thl'r't•at'tt•r· tht• tr·illt' worke<l diligently and \\'l'l't' <nnu·ded many gifts aJHI grt•a t honors. c . The11 tht·~- gatht•rt•d togt'thPr' with all of thPir· fril'nds for· thl' pr·cst•ntation of tlu•ir· t·r·oll~. whit·h \\'l'l't' trnthfull,,· won.

!1. ,\fter this thl'.\' lonkl'd and IH·hold a \'Oit·l' said: ":-;pek ye farther. Conw hitht•r· and I "ill show tlwt• thing~ that thou shalt know hercaftl'I'."

10. iJH!


And many HH'mlwrs li~tenl'd and wen• inspired. 'l'hrir period of lt•arnto hi' lt·ngtht•nl'tl, :mtl tht>ir knO\d!'dg'l' \\ <h to hi' madt> grt>at!'r. ~Iaurice Cooppr Georg-t• II u tf

\Yt>drw. day. )Jay ~;~: •'t'nior On·]l('stra playP<l ~lan·h -'· l'll<lt•r Fir·t•." • 'pniors nlarcht•d into Auditorium double file. \V<'lcoml' - Paul Doolt•n. pt'Psidt•nt. (~nartPt - t·ompost•d of' 1 ay Dodds. Donald 1 t•no, ,Janws l'!'ttit, lla n·~· Bur·ln•. D!'dmnation ( 'harlt·~ St!'Yl'n. Ht•ading ~larian Blaint•. :-;axoplrone Solo Guy Kt'llt·r·. {'las~ Prophl't:,\-Dorotlr~· Kooglt·r·. ~olo l>alll'<' ~ladg-P Ymrng Pot'lll .\nna Fay<· OntPht•r·. {'las. Far·t·\\·p]] -.Janl't \\'P~ton . 1'11!1< I ljt J1 ·" t'< 11


JU NIOR CLASS OFFICERS l h>whir·t \'illan. Parkhill \'ir:.rinia BP;H•h .Jaek Thornh•y , 'pj]

------ ______ \ ./('( f 'rt .·itlt 11f -- - - - - - - _ -•'ttTifl/l"!f _____ f'rt 1/SI/rt I"

JU lOR CL. SS Jfo11or Noll

( 'hal'l(' BPmwt t_ _______ (;!'Ill'\· a ( 'oulwl'l:• ___ _ \Yaltt>r' Ili1·kmatL _ Lm,t>ll



______ l l points __ 11 points Hi points 11 poinls _____ 1(; point.

Huth Lt>nox ( 'arl.dt• )]pskillH'll _ 11 points ZPlllla PauL _______________________________ ] (i points Eal'l :-;1 IJJ'(lyvin ____________ ---------------- 1 points






Ill ~Pptt•mht'l', 1!1:!0. ( 'ltampaig11 fir t oJH'liPcl ih <lool' to Oil!' of tht' Dill' t tlw t·bt'-s of ·~-L E\'t'l',\' nH·mhl'l' \\as dPto•t·mint>d to t>lltt'l' .io.d'nll,\' and ''illingl,,· into thl' \\'ol'k and pia,\' of tudt·nts . 'J'IJ, .•, ht'g-an st·ltool \1 it It t Itt' dt>tenninat ion to do tlwit· best in 1'\·erythiltg- \\ ith "lnt·h th(',\ t•atn<' in t•mt1111't. Tcmard this aim and ambition thP,'I' haY!' lahot'Pd , and this tiH'.' ltaYI' 1wltiPVPd thus l';n·. J)ut·ing: tltt• fir.t and st'I'OJHl ,\'Pal' thl' f'l, s \1<1 pnnnilll'llt in both -.ot·ial and athl1·tit· g-roups, allll mad!' a ret·ord fot' itsl'l f.

,.1;1 "''" t'\t'l' prodw·1•d \\'ithin its \\Hib

Tlti. Jn·inl!s u-. up to thP third . m·c:essful ,\'I'Hr of tht• 1·lass of ·~-l. It t•ems that tltPy h<JYI' all ht'Pn workinl! hardl'r than 1'\'1'1' thi .'ear. lHlth for st'hool and 1·las.. If you want to st't' a 1·h1ss \1 ith a supply of sl'hool loyalty . . imply 1-!lanl'l' '\'1'1' the 1•lass of ·~-l. At all football 1-!Hlll<'S and haskpthall 1-!allH's, a larg-1' JH'l' <:Pnt ot' tlw audit'Jll'<' \\as c·ompost'd of juniors. Tht•y t·anH', not to O\'!'l's<'<' and <'rit il'iZt' I'YI'l',\'tltinl!. hut to upport tlH·ir tt•atn. \\'hptiJc•t· tht'.' \\"Oil m· lost, th1• t~'atll knt'\1' that it wa · supportt•d hy tht' c:lass of ·~-l. This is -.ehool Joyalt,'l·. l>111·ing thi

_'ll'al' tlH• t·lass of


has IH't'll WPllrt•prt•sl'lltl'd in all hi'HJH'h1•s

of athll'ti<·s. In football it hoasted of sut·h playl'l's a .John Ill'\'l'Oll. aJHl F•·aneis Tahnka. In hask1•thall -.u<·h hoys as ··:-hn•d1•'' Olson, Gail J<'isher. and Enw1·son BlatH'I'1t hroul!ht in tlw honor· fm· th1• ,juniors. In traek al o, th<'rt' art· st'\'l•t·al \\Ito ditl l'XC:I'llt•nt work; among tltt•se \\' ('!'(' Foltz, Ill'\'l'Oll. nn\\'IIS, Olson. lll'ath . .tlltt K< t·k. Tht' junior arP ju tl,'l· prmHl of tlwir athll'tP . fot· from tiH'SI' thP Joundatron fo1· n<'.'\1 ,\'1'111'·. ti'HlllS will hP 1111Hk. It is Hot only ill athh•ti1·s that thP t•lass of ·~-!is l'l'Jll'<'sl'ntl'd. If yon \\'1'1'<' to glatH·t• 0\'1'1' tltt• various oth('l' Ol'l!lltlization of thP Thool, you would find a lat'gl' JH'l' l'l'llt of' thP tlll'llliH'rs \\TI'I' in tltl' 1·lass of ·~-l. Bnt thi ('Onld lwrdl,,· hi' ,,th<'r\1 ist•. for. im•t• this 1·las has alwa~ s hl'l'll o promim·nt. and im·t• it int ·nd to sl't a brilliant 1':\ample for· thl' e las. es to <·OllH'. it i-. mlly JJatural that it hould tak1• a lt'ad I'Olt• in 1'\'1'1',\'thing-. • 't•xt yt•ar. tltP Ia t otll' fot· th1· •·Ia . t•. JH'<'Is to put forth its IH'st I'll'< t'ls to kt'l'Jl up with. o1· 1'\'1'11 surpa s, its fOJ'IIII'I' sllt'l'l'-c l's. En•t',\'Ollt'. \1 ho has \\lltt·hPd tht• pt·ogn•"s of tht• 1·lass of ·~-l dnl'ill!! its thn•p .'Pat's in ( 'ha!Hpai!!H lliglt, <·an altHo ·t. hut not <ptite. t'OJ'I'SI'<' \\hat this 1·lass \\ill Hl't·onlplish 111'.'\1 ,\'1'<11'.

Yon Iota,\' \\lllll to kilo\\ \1 h_,. thi" 1·la.·. is Hlllking '-'lll'h a splt-ndid ll<'l't''-"· It h('I'HII (' ot' thl'it• lt•adPI's. Tlu•,\' IH'g:tll thl· third ,\'I'HI' h,\' thl' t'll'l'timt or tht• <la ot1it·Prs <'HI' I,'I ill tit<' fall. . \ ftpt· a do. I' <'OJttPst. tht• following oflit'l'l' W<'l'l' . 't>il l>t>\\'hir·st. pn•sidi•Jit; \'illars Parkhill, Yii·P-Jll'P idt•nt; \'ir:.!"inia <'IPI'tt•d H('llf'h. l'l'l'<'tar.\, and .);H·k 'l'hornley. tt·t•asun•r·. ('ndl't' tlH· ahlt' <lin·<·tion of tht'SI' Oflil'('J,, thl' t•]as. Of ·~-1 has had tiJPir third Slll'l'l'. fui _'l•l'ill' Ill ('halllpaig-n lli!!h eh,lOl. H II t h B 1'00111

JUNIOR CLAS BOYS .\llt>ll. ))\\ight Ba!'i\PI', Fnuwis Bt>ll, Loui:-. Bt•llltPtt. ('harks IHatwdt. EnH•rson ( 'hapman, C'ovd ( 'ono\'l'l'. Fra neis DI'Plll. Engetw I )1'\\ hirst .• 'pi! f)o\\lls, AntOll(' Evans, Ho,\· Finnil'al. Krmwth Fisht>t', Oail Fllwk, ~I ilton Flnm. Alvl'l's v,;Jtz, f)plht•rt ForshP,\', \Valtt•r ( :atlian, \Villi am Uland, AlhPt'l Ilanrt>ll, ,Joint IIazPltoH, \\~alt<·r il<·ath ..John II l'llslt•r. Fn•d llt'\TOJJ ..Jolm II idunan, \\~alter 11 ig-gins. • •on·is llot·d. An·hil' Jlonwr. (h•ot'gt• I In t t' hi nsou .• •onnan .) ol111 OJ I, Lim <l KatllllH'I'Pt'. I ..owl'll 1\ <'t·k, I it•h;ll'll 1\ ('S)P 1', \' i l'g'i I K11nn<'l, \Villntt' Ll't'. Gt>orgr Lt•t>, KI'IIIH'th LPm·k. Harold ~I<·Dani<'l, Eal'l ~~ e Kl'l'lllott, ( 't•(•il ~I<'Kl'l'n, \Villiam ~I ag<'l'. E<hnu·<l ~lank. Enna I

~I art

in, lll'rst•ht>l :.ll'sl-int<•n, ( 'arh·)(' ~liiiPt', Hos · ~I ill , Fnmk ~lit<·hPII. Paul ~IOIIS('I, Ft·l'dPI'it•k • 't•iddl'er, .\ n·h it• • 'ot·man. Hart\\ I'll 0Pmkt•. Elmer PPdt•t·son ..J ('liS Pratt. Frank f>ulliant, Ru sPII H;t<·kham, Donald Randolph. HolH'rt Ra 11 kin. Dwig-ht ]{p, noltl, BPt'llHt'd Ri~·hntan, ('lwstt•t· Hw·ktnan. TalhPt'l !:·kh rol'dl'l', Elllt'l'S()Jl N<·ot t, Gpnp 'pdgwit·k. Ed11 ani , 'olllt'l's . .) Osl'ph Npt'lll'l'l'. .John • 'JH'IH'I'I', KPlllH't h . 'tt·od<'. (;porgp ~tunlyYin. Earl Nw1•a t·ingPJl. \'irgil 'l almagP, NtP\\ art Tanttt·t·, Clayton TPa n·. J )mudd Tt•t'l',l', ( 'harlt>s 'l'hmn pson, .:\Ia. · 'l'hot·ttlP,\'. .} oint Tuekt•t·..Joint E. \'ak.1·. 'l'hl'odot't' \~PI'IH',\'. La" t'Pnl·t• \Villiatns. Ho.' \\'illiamson. Kt•Jl,\' \\'ilskP, .) ulius \\'oolt·idgl'. Yi<·t OJ'

((]asses JUNIOR CLAS GIRL \ lllllll, ~ih,,·lla Ball, Bt•s . . iP 1\nl'lla rd, }{ 11 I h Ba 1'1 o. Edna 1\;1\ lit'. Ed 11:1 Bt•;lf'h. \'it·~inia Ht·rbaum. Eloi t> Blnisdt•ll. l>ol'ot h,\' Blanl , Ill' -.it• Boot . .\1 a nra rl'1 Bcm lllilll, Bl't·tha Bo\1 Ilia II. Ll'ah BoH'I', .J 11 Ill' Br;1dlt>~. Eli" Bl'illl'\', ElsiP lll·i 11 i ;I!!'. ..\I PI'!'\' Bl't•t•kinl·id!!l', L1willt• Bmmn. H 111 h Burkl', <:rat·t• ..\lm·it• Burkl', ..\lalwl ..\Iaric But·1·ows. Lt•Pta ('anotht•r. <:Prtha <'art !'I', ..\1m·~· I Olll' ('lark, Bl't'nic•t• ('mill, \vis ( 'o!IO\'c•l', ..\liltlr!'tl ( '01dH·1·l.'. Ut•IIPYa <'t•allwl'lll', ..\Ian· ('u \PI'. .\h1n' .\1111 ();1\·is . ..\laq;,m·t E. I lit·ki'I'SOil, lkrnil'P I )u hsoll. Bl' . . sil' E!!·g]PI', Lt•oJia Er\1 i11. ,\J'Illlllla <lPip, \'i\'ian <;<'l'dt·"· El-.it' ( loodlllllllll, Cntt'l' (;ra\Ps~ (;t•or·gia

( lrt>PII. Eunit•t• <:111ic·l·. l~u1h llall. l•'l':lllt'l' I I.tll. Huth lla!lllll<'l'sllli1h. Dorothy I Iii Ph. I'll\ IIi· lloo\·1'1', [{;lt•ht•l llo\\t', Ltt<·ilP llo\1 Pll .. J l'llll it' .J ('I\' I', l{ut h .Jot•dnll, I )nrotll\· 1\aplall. ({phet·t;a Kitt-lt, < 't·t·il KIPill, -ll'lllllll't1P 1\oogll'l, -latH•

Konnult, <'lara honratlt. Eda 1\onradt. ..\!art Ira LPnox. Hut h Lc 111· k. I )orot II\· LiPI'Illilll, . •a01;1i I.Jo,·dt'. ( 'otht a lit' I' Lot:l'. (; POl'!!ia L.\ 1111111 . .\I cmic·a ..\I('-\ J't :·. II'JIHI .\It·( 'askill. Eva ..\It· l>omwll. Ill' IPH .\lartin. Edith .\1 itt·lwll. Florl'Jil'P ..\I it IPndorf. A ttl! a ..\Inns. Lola .\ltll'l'l'll .• 'i11a . 'ofl'tz . • \lma O!!tlPn. Huth () hOJ'Ill', Edith ( lshoi'Jll', Lois Parkhill. \' illars l'att·il'k. Florit•l' Paul. ZPlma HPitl. LPota Hohi11sott. Lillian Host', Laura Host'. Tlwlma Hoy a l. .\I a l'!!llPI'i It• :-it·hultz. Do1·ol h\· :-it·hultz. \'l'lnw · :-ihau~t'J', (; \\'t'!ldoly11 ~h··pllt'rd. hat ht•t·illt' , wltlt•l'. \lano11 ~ It-s. ( lertl'\11 It• ~~~ 1 h. Loi ... ~II\ dt•l . ..\1 ildt't•d ~I,; 111'orc I. I)oro! h.' ~IPJlhPIJS, I)PIIa ~It'\ a I'll, Loi'> ~ t 11 art. \I a l'!!:t t'Pt ~I' an. I t't'llt' :-;u.lllllll'l "· .J Pan 'l'a\ lor. I l l'lt•n TP;Ilplin. l>orotlt:· Ttwkl'l'. Lt•uta \'t•t•dPIIhtll'~lt.


Ill' I'. .\I at·ia 11 \\'t>ll\ t'l. l{utlt \\'igl.!ills. U1'1ll't' \\'1l-.on. I >pal \\TOJllllt'lts. Hill It \Y :1


l'uu• • tort 11 IIII'C<


,Q:hc lUaroon )






J>r( sH/(


l ' i 1 ' J> rr . HIt


, 'u;rtlary


TNasi!N r


11 i



\·irginia Ila;.wl

lludnut. Edith IIut<'hin on. \'t•ra

Kaplan, 0l'orge Kell<•,v, Rolwrt 0-..t<'rhui', El1• e

Ostl'rhur, ThPa Quinlan, lll'lt·n

:-;(•aton. ~Iar!.!<II'Pt • 'ltt•awaltl'r. ( 'larP!It'P

:-;olon, .\nna \Vilsk!', Li11a \Yoltf, L1•non•


THE CLASS OF '25 ()ll ,'eptP11ilH'I' 1~. l!J~l tilt• t·las of ·~.)a \'PI'dclllt t'n· 111111'11 fillt>d till' corridor \\ ith t·onfu io11 h.' t hPir pn• 1'11t'l' and -.t•t•ntill!! iHIJlOI'taut·P, llltll'h to thP tli piPll 111'1' of t ht• hau).!ht,\' IIJliH'r-t·las. 1111'11 ..\ t'tt'l' t'\'t•ral \\l'l'k ol' ha1·d sought knm\lt>d"l' and 1' . Jll'l'it•nt·l' tilt•,\· bPt·antt• Ht't'llstotllt'd to till' hi!!h s<·hool standanls and rt•quin•nlt'nts.

In (JI'tohet• thl' t•b!'- oq.wnizt•d undt•t• tht> t'ollowin~t t·las.., oftiet•r : .Janw .:\l<l.iot·, l'n•sidPnt: ));1\·id .Jal'ohs. \'i<·t•.PrPsitlt•nt: ~Iar,\· Holll'rt . :-;,.<·rPtar.\'; antl <'lnretl!'(' .'ht•:t\\ altPt', TrPa 111'1'1'. • 't•\ t'ntl 1111 t'till).!s \\l'l't' l~t·ld dut'lll).! t ht• yt•ar at ont• of wi1H·h tht• ~laroon (']ass pt<"tlll't• was discusst•tl. ~Jan,\ of till' ho,\s in tht• fn•sllltll'll ,\·par \\'l'Jlt 011t fm· athlt•tit• antl amon~t thPsl' \\'1'1'1': < 'lat't'JH·t• :-;IH•awaltt'r, .}amPs ~lajm·. Ut•ot·gp ~laxwt·ll. J>a,·id .\ndt•r 011 and DonnPII.' (.amh 1P. Tht• <·Ia showpd good prospe ·ts fot· smnt• ut·ees ful at h ll't t' •

Ba. kl'thall \\'as the most popular sport amm1g- tht' ~tirls. Th<•i1· !!'am nwt with llnllsllal llt'l'P sin tilt• t·lass toHrnalllt'lll. Tlw llll'lllht•r of thl' tt•am Wl'l't': UnH·e Parkhill ( ( apt.). Pa11lill<' Baht·, Flot't'IH'P Dowlin~t. :\Iar:-· Ualwl, Ulady Kirklllan, H11h,\· ('rosin. Pri t·il a \Yilt-ox. <:old it' II oust Oil a11tl ~lario11 BrmnH•ll.

TIH• oflit•t• of t'l'!'slnnan t•ditOI' of the .:\laroon \\as aw<ll'dPd to \'era IIntchi11~Oil •

•\nwng thP stH'ial atl'air of tlH• ft·p hlll<lll ,\' t•ar \\a a girl..,· 1111xer. In this and man.'· othPr l'llll't'tailllll!'nh ~tiYPn h,\' tilt• Lati11, :-;panish and Fn·neh dubs and G . .~\. A. tilt• stnd!'nh ht•t•anH' IH'ItPt' ;wquaintl'<L Thl' III'Xt fall tlw <·lass of ':2,) as t\\·o hmHln•tl and tw\'nty-thn•P ...ophistieal\'(1 '-ophomort· hPid an l'll't't ion at whic·h Thoma ~It·. ·Pi! \\a l'it•<·tl'd pn•sitlPIII; Brooks\\ ooiiP,\'. \'it•t•-pr!'sidPnt; Gral'P P;u·khill .. t•<·retal',\': and Ut•Jip\'it•n• Frison. tl'l'l 'ill l'l'L .\t thP latti'J' pad of lhl' ,\'Par tlw ~ti1·ls pl<l,\'l'tl \·olll',\ Ball-a n!'\\' ganw at ( 'halllflai!!n Hi!.!:h ~c·hclOI. It oon hP<'alllt' a popular port. tt·anh \H'l'l' organizl'd and a totii'IIHJnt•nt hl'ld. 'l'IH· , 'ophoiiiOI't' tl'alll int·lttdt•d · Hht•ha :-;l!ut·tz. <·aptain. <:rat·t• Parkhill. Paulin!' Pt•n·i\al, Louisa Barhar. Opal . 'talllH'r, l>oris. 'orman. llazt•l HPx, ~I in nil' TannPI'hill, Ill'lt•n Long. P1·is<·illa \\.ill'ox and :\lat·ion B t'o\ntP II. Tht• , 'ophoJJHil'l' hoy \\'!'1'<' \\'I'll J't•pn·sl'nlt•d in till' \'Hl'IOIIS hrall!'IH' of hll'tit· this ,\"Par: Fn•dt•t•it·k II:- land and ,Jauws ~Ia.ior \\l'l'l' awanlt•d "('"' nonogra111s in foot hall \\ hilt• DonnPll,\· (lam hlP, Lui ht'l' :-;oudt•r and Lt•stt•r .l,tlllt' 011 madl' !.rood showi11g. a11d HI'!' l'Xfll'('t<•<l to lw a11wn~t tht• · · (' '' lll<'ll JH'XI H

. ••at'..

'!'his t•lass ha \'!'1',\' suc•t•t•ssfull.\· l'OlllplPtt•d it ,\'1'<11' as :-;ophomorp-; antl ,.., llo\· n•ad.'· to plungt• into th<' unknown n•!!ion of tlw uppt•n•'assllH'II.


\ . 'or.o. ·

~ J1 C

1\lar0 Ott llllllllllllllllllllll!lllliiTIGiiiL:::.ic:::::::::::::::::!:::llllllllllllll:::::::::::::;:::~:::::~:::=:

SOPHOMORE CLASS ROLL GIRLS A rill. bary, \\Tinifn•d HakPI\ Panlinl' Ba rht'r, Lou i a Bayard, Edith Bit'nhoff.• ' orma Bmn•n, Yiq.rinia Bntdy, ,Jost'phine Brookbank. Loi. Brownell, ~!arion Brumley, Edna Bnlll<', IIazl'l Budmer, Paulim• Blll'diek. Yiq!inia Butt<•rmJrth, Pauline ( 'hanw . E . t lwr ( 'hatman, Lillian ( 'lll·i.·tJwr, Huth ('lark, Lanrl' l ( 'OIIll. (; Ia ely ' ( 'roslin, Huby DaYis. I a 1>ay. ( 'harlottP Dilllllan, ~Iary Dillon. Lillian I>oolt-n. i lady · Dow] in:.r. Flor<'JH'I' I >uhson, }li'JTian I hum, ( '<·<· i k Ea:.ran. Tlwlma Ehler, ~lildn•<l En•rdt<', \'<•rna Fis<·ns, Anmthd Flt>min:.r. ( 'athPrim• F 00 t ('. ( 'Oll.' t <llH:<' Fnlllz. ~\lfaratta Fri on. GPilt'\' iP\'f' Funkhau. PI', Doris <:anison. TIH·lma ( :f'l's<•IJ\\ illt>r, Opal (~ill \llll, ..\I a 1•ga r<'t Olt>nn, ~Iar.v }lan.WI'<'' (: oo<lma 11 •• \I i<·e (otllllli11". \'o •rna

Hall. Pauli}](· Hazelton. ~Iildrrd ll<•il'Plfin:.r<'1', l;ois II i<·ln·nwll, I r<'ll<' IIou ton. Golcli<' IIuclnut. E<lith Ilut<"hinson, \rcra ln:.rl<', Ilt>l<•n Dorothy ,Jesse, Fay<' .Johnson, GPJH'Yi<'Y<' .Jmtes. ,J<n.• phinr -T01ws, Ltwlla Ki1·kman, Gl~Hly Ki1·kman, IIPI<·n La<·hennH',\'<'r, ..\Iary Lak<>, G<'JH'Ya Gladys Lauw., Gt>rtrude Lasner, ~Iildred LPP. BPrni<'<' L<•nam011 .• 'ina Lloyd<' . ..\[a l'joriP Lon:.r. lit>lt>n ..\le('Jp)]and. BlanehP .\ld 'o\\'n, Hut h .:\I('( 'ullough. Eliza lH"t h }l<·D!'armon, \ug·usta }]('(~lad<'. J)ol'Oth,\' ..\lallory, Lilis }laxfield, -:\TargarPt .:\lin<'r, ..\Iari<• .:\loll, Hnth ..\1 ulligm1. ..\larg-ar<'t ..\11111 on. Louise .\1 11SSOll, Edith })_, er . Efli<' • '<'!Smith. E\'(•1,\·n . Ol'll1Hl1 , I )OJ•i 01'l1Jan. Eug·<·uia CI hol'll<' . .:\lat·:.rar<'t C>stPrhir, Thea l'aigP. FriPda 1':1llghOJ'll. 1 11th Parkhill. Grace P;u·ks, Huth

Panwll. lkrni<'<' Perei\'al. PanlinP P<n\'<'11, ~Ial ',\' Ionp PrieP, IlPl<'JJ Pri 11\JUPl', A lh<•rta (~uinlm1. Il!'lPn H<'<'\'<•s, .\1 a ri <' H~·x, Ilazel Hi(·hard , BPtdah Ho,\ al , Tlus ~<·hmalhaus<'Jl. ~lyra

• '<·holti<·ld, Emily • 'ehott, Louis<' • '<"Ott, ) f ;u·ion . 'paton . .\Iaq.rarct 'pitz, Hnth ~hmlf. ( 'l<•o ~hu1·tz. Hlwba • 'mit h. Ltl<'illt• ~olon, .Amw ~ongcr. Al!llt's ~pitznog<'L ..\Iary • tanHcr, Opal HtPdPm, Estlwr • 't<•pht>lls.•\dplt• '-'t i<'l.!<'lll<',\' <'1', Bm·ha J'a • 'trod<'. Ho!!<'IH' TnmH'rhill. BPrllieP Ta nnPrhi ll. ..\I inn i<' Tlu·ash. Ida \'aky, ~\lpha \Vcbst<•J'. Holl<'rta \\' <·11 S, .\I i 1111 iP \Vht•atky. }Jarim1 \Y JiH·l. Dm·ot lty \Vi l<·ox. Pt·i Till a W i 11 iams. I Iori \\'ilskt•, Lina \\olf<'. Lon·tta \\'olfe. LPnort• \Yooditl, Elith<' \Yyatt . .\Ja iw· Young. Euni<·e

illlasscs SOPHOMORE CLASS ROLL BOYS A 11 t'llla 11, .] oh n Ba. i PI'. Lc•o Bl'l'l',\ man, William Borah, LPmla nl Hlli't, ('hm·le. ('a rot lwrs, ()]pn ('ar m1,Ho s ( 'asad, \\Tilliam <'astrPl, Edward ( 'l11·i t ir. Rolw1·t Co 11 i 1l .• 01'01':,!<' ( 'opsy, Hal ph ( 'urti .. Eug-PIIC Daught•rt~\ ( 'ha rh•s Davis, (lpor~e I )p Lon:-. \V <IYIH' Dobbins, LPomtrd Dum1, Harlan En\ in. Tntn•rs FIPtll i ng-. II Prhel't FI·a!Py, IIaroM Fn•c!Pric·kson. lhl\·id <lanthh>, l>omH•ll.'· (l int.r, Arthur Ul'tlhh, (lpor:,r<' Uunning-, Walhr llan·is, )lPlish llassing('J', Darrell llin(' . F1·('d lloo\'Pl', :-;c·ott

JlcJ\\dl. \\'illiam lam!, Fr('clc•ric·k ,J a t• kson, ,J a mc•s .Jac·ohs, I ht\ id .J a IIH'. on. LP. tPr ,J rrvis, Host•Ot' ,Jolmsmt, Hic·hanl ,Johnston, Echrar<l .Jmw. Ralph Kaplan, Oc'OI'I!<' Kc•Pling-, Ellsworth J\('1](>~·. HolH'rt K ilg-on>, Paul Lah, Oa)·k Lutz. I> a vicl )ld 'allist<•r, Frank )lc:. '<'ill,. 'eal :\Iajor, .TanH's .\lartin, \Yilliam )laxm•ll, Gc•oJ'g'C .\lillc•r, Fred .\litH'J', Earl .\lullig-an, Daniel . 't•smith. Halph . 'iblac·k. llulwrt ( 1a kP-.. Forc•. t 0 '('on nor, ,John 0 'Domwll. ('let 11 0 'Donnc•ll. Donald 0 'Dolllt(']l, .Jos('ph II~

Oli\'C'l'. Thc•oclore OJ on, Evc·rl'tt PadfiC'ld, Eal'l P('tc•r on, LP-.tl'l' J>)·l<', .\Iitc:hel H('('n.·, Orval Hiclc•nhau:,rh , Lloyd Hit·hman, Harry Hohinson, .\Iaurice :-;ahin, \Vaync• • 't·hardein, Bc·njamin , 'c:hult;r,, Ilarolcl •'<'hwartz. Frank :-;('at on, .\I('l\'in , 'lwawaltc•J', 'larencc , ' ling-man. Ehn<.'r 1..\onclc•r, Luther :-;p('JH'C'J'. Thom<L , 'tic· krod. ( 'lw tc•r :-;1 rohl, l<'OJ'('!-it ~

·Hg-g-. ,



'nra, Raymond \'andc•rmark, \V(•JJdPll \Tarnado. llonwr \VacldPiow. Floyd \\'a~·m•r, "\ ncln•w \\'(•l'c!Pll, ( li'OI'I!l' \\'p]]s, Burc!C'!te \Vhite, Ro.'' Young-, Willi

' (C(aS5l'5






l'n sirlr 11 t l ' i1 r-J>n sidl'nt • ' 1 1 rclar!J Tn asu n r

J)()f{). '\

Bot mu \t .

Bl.T'l'Y PRI·.'l"l'\'".)1.\ .. ~1.\RY , 'pf<.. ' UER

FRESHMAN CLASS HONOR ROLL Anl<m, Uoldic Auld, A,·is Bak<•r, Paulin<' Bi<'kel, Frt•da EhPling-. lrl'll<' Edward., \'irgiuia IlanqH'l, r•·sula

I lo1·d, Elsil' .Johnson, Fa.'l' . ' ash, Lois • '<>id<'fl"<•r, Edith PattPr. 011. \'irg-inia ~tii'J.!'I'IIH'Y<'J", Loui <' ~toohllaJJ, Elizahl'th BOY. '

('olP, Harry Flowt• rs, )1 a .· lla1Tis. \Van<•n .M ayPs, Lt>sl it' ~lorehon l',. 'orton

~lul'llPr ,

Willia11J C:II'IISOll ;-;oudt>r, Eug-1'111' W<•hh<'J', Hi<·hard \\'iII'_,•. 'l'arsm1

.\[,\ t't' ,


£MESTER THE FIRST Tht• day IH'g-innill!.! thP I1 ig-h . '<·hool .'"<'HI' of HJ~~ ~:~ found ntan.'· llt'\\' fa<· •.· in 1h<' plat'!' of mon• familiar oJH' ·. 'l'hP 111'\\' arrivals \\'Pl'<' i11 most t'Hs<'s hoy. an<l g-i1·b "ho had :-.n<•t·Ps full.'' <'Olllpldt>tl tht• <lrn<lg-Pr.'· of Pight :n•a•·s in the "l'<tdt• t·hool a11d \rt'l'<• kPPping- on tht' tlowPI'.'' \\'a.'· to kno\\ lPdg·p hy <'ll<h•avoringto \\'ork thPir \\'ay tht·ong-h foul' yt>HI's of mon• atlnmc<'d and dreacl<•<l stntliPs. ThPs<· JII'O!.!l'('ssivP Jl<'nwns l'Psoh·<·d tht•msf'ln•s into tlw so-<·allPcl Frt>shmt>n aTHi cl<·etl•d as thPiJ• olli<-<'1' tlw fol]m, ing: Da\ id \'an Don•n, pn• i<lPIIt, ::\Ielha Boncl•·pau, vi<·<'-pn•sidPnt: Betty Pn•tt.' man. se ·•·rtary: ::\Jar.' •'penccr, trra. nrcr. 'l'ht• Class of' '~() intlliP<liatPl.' took tlwir pl:we in thP <·hool rout int> and ag-gn•ssin•ly <•ntPrPd i1tto all th<• activitiPs to \\'hieh thl'_,. ha<l a<·e<•~-;s. The first vear tudPnts \\'t'l'l' \\'ell J'<'JH'l' PlltPcl i11 all t!H• <·lnhs. ancl in spn•ral offi<·Ps "hi<·h may hP hPld h.'· l•'reshnH•n. RPpt·esPntation \Hts not lc~t·king in athktil's, for thP "imming- tPam was dPfPatt·d h.v thP ~ophomon•s in a <·lmw llH'P1. and sP\ <•ral fpllows almost gainl•d placPs on th<' football <liHl track teams. Th<• g-id athl!'tPs \\PI'<' nunH•rou antl skillful. Th<' voll<'.' hall t<•am. with Edith XPidPfl"<• •· as <·aptain. giving th<• ~oph­ omot'<' t•h:unpion plt•nty of WOrk to do in \\inning thP tourllaiiiPnt. Tht> IH'W . tude11ts "Pn• not \vanting in scholastil' ability. as thPy had thP laJ"I!t' t nunJhPI" of nantPs on th<' llonor I oll. 'l'lH• knowing onp , aftpr looking thPJII 0\"Pl", <·on<·lllth·d that on t hP "holt' t hP first . <'lilt' tPt" pupil <·oul<l and would ht• a <·rPdit to ( 'hampaign Iligh •'<·hool, "hi<·h thought is not denied by the ( 'Ia of '~G. T '!{so. \V u,gy



BOYS .\ lkn. ( 'lydP .\ndl'l' on. ()aYid ;\ll!lrt•\\·s. ( 'harlit> .And l't'\\·s. Haymond 1\ ppl!•ga11'. Loni ;\n·h!'t'. Paul Asman, Halph Badd1·h·.'·· Philip B1•l hcl\\. Lt•\\ is B!'tz. llat·ol!l Boots. Paul Borah. Orin Bnuldh•y. l )ani!'l Bnuly, Arthur Brad,\·, <.'arl Bridgham, F!'llller Bmom, Yirgil Brown, Horace Browu, Loui'> Hunty, Ilarr.'· Bll!'lt, ( 'il<IIH'('~ Bu<·h .• )aiiH's Bullm·k. \'JIIiam Hurk1', Hoh<•rt BurkP, Hnss!'ll Btli'H!'tt. Manri<·<' ('arp!'l', ('lydt> ( 'asad, Pri!'!' ( 'hristie. B!'rnard ( 'ol!'. llarr.'· ( 'onO\'!'t'. Ri<·hartl ( 'n•ighton. ( 'urtis ( 'tmninglta111 .• ·!'\\tOll I kn11tan. Arthtu· I h'rlll!'ll1, llur1'n I )l'.''O, ~lal'<•us I>old, ('alvill Edwards. \\'alt1•r Fahcrt, Elwood Fish!'t', ,J. H. Fisht•J', Ha.vmorl!l Flo\\'!'I'S, ..\lax Fore!', Howard Fn•cman, Ellward.

(: ihnan, \Yllliam tOd !',\. llatT,\' (; I'H.'' · Louis <Truhh. ('arl (iundlo!·k. Haymond <i ''inn. E1 hut n I <l\\'im1. Ed'' in Ila 11. ( 'harl!'s lla II. (; h•nn Ilall. HolH'rt llampl'l. Elnwr Ilanittgton, \Villiam Harris. \Yal'l'l'll HaughN>, ~lax IIPimlid1er, Fr<'<l Il!'inz, Franci. Hill, Albert Ilolli tPr. Harold Hopkins, ( 'al'l Hopkins, Thon1as Ilou. ton, .\ frPd .}a!·k on, ( 'orn!'lins ,J <!!' kson, ~ 1H'lH'l'l' .Jal'ohs, 0 t·ar .J ;wohs. Thomas ,John on. ~].'· olin .Johnson. \\' illiam 1\:Pnlll'.'. Ed,,in K!'llll.'' · Fat·ell Kirh.''. ~la · wpll Klt·in. ( '!•<host(' KIPin. Louis Ko<·h, Hamlin Lafl'PI'ty, \'irgil Lang, Os1·a1' Langhofl', ElnH'I' La 1'1'.'' · Llo.''d<' L!'S('IItan, .J anws Leslie, ));mid I...!'\\ is. Arli!' LiPrntan .. Joltn Lindsl'y, I h·ivt'l' Long-. ..\1 a urice Louis. Fn•dPrit·k

Lung-l' t', II I' I' t·ltPI Lyman. Thontas ~Id 'allistt•t·. 0!'01'!.!!' :\It·( 'h•lland. Roh!•rt ..\lt·lhaint•. \\'aynP :\1!'1\:1'1', .John :\ld(illop. Alht•t·t ..\lt·\\'illianls. Hl'!'!l ..\I ag-!'1'. II a IT.' ~Iarkland, \'on ~lal·shall, .)os!'ph ..\Iayes, Lt•sli!' ~I Pad,.} ohn ..\1 ittl•tHlol·f, .John ..\Ior!'honsl',. 'orton Mu<•llel', \Villiam ..\Innhall, \\'a.'·•w ~1.' !'rs. Glen on Olson, Uilh!•rt Pankau, Louis Pankau. \\'altPI' Pat tPI'son, LPo Pt•nn,,·. 1\ rt It ur PI'ITy, Frank Phillips. ( 'p<•il Pol't!•r·. lloward Pott !'1', Hog1•r Pt·imm1·r. L.'-ll' Pyl<•. \Valtet· Handolph. Thoma. I {'!lO, Paul Hi!·hal·ds, Otho Ho hh ins ..\11 gus Hoy. Lloyd ~alllU!'isOII, ('harll's ~allltl!'l on. <:lt•nn ~a nsone, ./ osPph ~~·lll'!·i, \\'altl't' , '<·hreiher, Erwin · hool·. Ga rYi<·e ~innott. Paul ~lag!!',\ ' , ( 'lio ~IIlith. (i!'OI't-('1' ~IIIith, ,J(•J' il' ..\1('. Tt•il

Ol:lctSSl'S ~oudt•J',

EugPilC . _ palding, Halford ~pringti .. ld, Fll'tt·lu•r .:tout, I >all' '1'1·ot lt•J·, Iluht•J·t 'l'tll'lll'l', Elnl<'l' 'l'tlrrt•ll, \V<'h tt•J'

Yan Don•n, 1hl\·id \'t'st, HolH'J't \ ' I Ill(' I', (;I '01'/.!('

\Ya lk<•l', A n~h i<• \V<•avt•r, \Vrl'n \Vt'bh<·r, Hit·lHll'<l \\'hipplP, ,'hpridan \\'il('y. Tal'son

\\'illiam ·. Elmo \Villia!llson, Edgar \\'Jison, Atl('n \Vilson, BPI'! \\' i] Oll 0 POl'J.!t' \Voh],•r, F.-rdiP \Vooll•·.'·· Brook·

GIRL .\llt•lt, :'llildl'l'tl E\'l'rt'll<'<'. E\'a .\ nton, (~oldit' Fa h<·,·t. I rn1a Fit'<'!', .\liltlrl'd ~\ hl'rat't, :\l;n·ian Fish<•J', Hutlt .\uld, Avis Bal <'1', Bt•rnit·l' Fluek. Doroth<•a Ford, ('lara B;!l'k('l', (lt•rlni<IP l•'o. llH 111.!11, (lladys Bl' II, .\I ;n'.iot·i <' Bt t•l;:<·d. Fn·da Uanllt . Hilda Blaint' Enna (~arri 011. H<m·IH'na Blank, Huth Unmd.', \'iola Boots, Ellt•n <:n·in. PParlt• Bond 1'<'<111, .\I p] ha Uro\'1', If<'l<•n Bo\\ man. Lola lJ;H·kharth, Panline B1·ining, .\lai'Y Ila<·li:<•J', Opal Brooks, Lll<'.' IIanlp<'l, l'rsula Bnl\\ 11, Frant•Js llann;dJ. .\laq.!,'IH'I'itP lialTI'II, Hut It Btll':.!<'l', Oli\l· Ilu1·d. Elsit• ( 'hapnwn. M<ll'tha ('!Ill ppt•llt•, }I a hPI 11utlnut, llazt'l Clint', .losl'pltint• .J Hltlt'l'. oil, ( 'udPllous ( 'o!I0\'1'1', .7\Iiltl!'l'd .7\largarl't John 011, ElizahPth ( 'o , :'II a 1·ga 1'1'1 .J oh nso11, Fnyt• ( ·, •·i "h to 11, <>pa I 1\i,·hy, .\lar.'' ( ·,·idl'l', \\ill it• K lt•i 11. l>oJ·ot h.'' I >ale, \\' e-..a K !'liSt'. llt•lt'll I>nni(•]s, lloJ·tllt•a La llstlt•n. Host' l>emlo\\, Ida La''''."· 'i 1·~i11 ia I >iekf'y, El<•a11n1' L.m h<•ad. p,.a r. I >illnl<tll, Ft•J'II La.' ma 11. Lt•Ofll' I>uh on, Pt•al'l Lt'<', Fl'aJI<'is I >uulap, Ef,•annl' Li ""''N'll, Flor<'lll' l•:a tnwn. ('lara .\I l' . \ rt ·' . "\ 1111 a Lulling, ,, ... ,w .\l<'Crl'\\. Bt>tt.'· .\1<·.\Jull<•ll, :\lildJ·t•tl Et "11nls, I >oro I hy Ltl\\.tJ'd , \'i1·ginia :'llahon, ('lara .\lt'l't:l'l', Fl'alll'('S

}I ills. }f<Jl'J.!<Il'< t

.\Iittan .. Jt .-phin!' }littelldol'l'. }Jar.' .Jane }loul'llall, Ill'll('Jl • ·a h, Lois • 'l'itldl't•r. Edith • t•l on . .\I innH' • 'Jt•hplson. Flort'Jll'<' • 'offtz . .\Iaril' 0 · Br,\·a 11. Loi Paris. .\Ial' Emma Patt<•J'son, \'i,·g-illia Pt•<l<·rsOI1, )largarPt J>l't t.' jol111. Ellt•ll Pfit'stt•J', Lois Pilon, ( 'orim11• P r<'tt .''lila 11. BPt t .'' P_, lt' . .\I a rga I'd H.llll·in, l"at lll'Yil Ha.' burn, llt·l<'n Ht·Pd. Fa.''t' Hit·kPth. ?II ildl·<'d Hobbins. loll<' Hohinsoll, .J a11et Honghton, PhoPht• ~t·h ul<'l', E, t•l.' 11 ~t·ott. Mal'.' • 't•t>bt'I', }!cu·it• ~hl'l'\'t'. Hut h • 'pt•llt'l'l', ,\Jar,\ • tPpht•n,.,, Pt•al'l 'It'\ ·ani. Ill'l<•n 1<'\\art, lola .....,t t'!.!l'llll',\'t'l', Louis<' "'toolman. Elizaht>th

• 'tont, Lois Ntump, Huth , 'ullivan, ( 'atht•rin!' Htmlh-rland, :6t>ta Thomp. on, Dm·oth~· Tt•cht•Hor, ~Iaq,rnl't'ine



rf ''' 1/HI.r

'l'twkPr, 1 [arri!'t 'I'~ ]Pr, Kat hpt·yn \ "p-.,t, Huth \\"adt>, Loni t' \\.alker, Bel'tha \\·asehl't', ('atlwt·ine

\\.PinhPinwr, Lillian \Vhitt>, lklt-ina \Yilliatns, PhoPhl' \\'il. h, Bt>rtha \Yilson, .:\fajel Wilt, Etlk


LL TEH i\loYEit

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SEASON'S RECORD ~ I' ]It !'Ill I){' I' ( )pto]H'I'

:m 7 1-l: ~1 •)


·on•tnlwr 11 1/'i :lQ

7 ( ' ham paign 1!1 ('niver it,\· II ig-h. - 'onna l :l Ka11kahl' 0 ( 'hampai:,!n Wiley Hig-h. Tern• Haute 0 Champaig-n ~!) 0 Fone'it Champaign 119 .J;wk'iollville D eaf & Dumb 0 ( 'ha.mpaign :n ~ ., 0 ~Ioline ('hampaig-n 0 :\I o 1't on of ('h i<·ago ('hampaign :>:l :3 (· rhana 7 Champaign 10

\YO ••


1000' ~

LINE-UP <'aptain On·illP ~dtanlein __ _ ____________ Left <'IHl FnllH'<'" 'J'ahaka ____________ _ ____________ Lpft 'l';ll'kh• LP'ilil' o·~ ·pal_ ______________ _ _________ __ Ld't Guard K<'lllll'th Fini<·al ______ _ _____ --------- ___ ( 'PIIt<'l' Halph :'lie ('alli'itl'r____ ____ _ _ __ ___ _____ Hi:xht Unard Holwrt :'II<· Ka,\ ------ _________ _____ Hight Taekll' l<'rl'd II,\ la11tl, BPnjamin N<·hanlein ________ Hight E111l .JallH''i :\lajor·.•Joh11 lll'\'I'OIL-- -- -- - -- -- - -- <~nart<•t· Baek Ha.' mo11d Fox ___ _ ________________ Right Half Baek \YaJtpr Pa11kan _____________________________ Full Baek Lilburn Haymond -- -------- ----- -- -- - LPft Half Ba ·k

"c" MEN apt. 0. Nl'hardein, 'l'ahalw, O'X<·al, Finind. :\Ic('allistl'r . .\I<·Kay. ll.da111l, B. <·1 ,u·dl'lll :\Iajor·, IIP\TOII, Fox, Pankau. Haymond.

HONOR BLE MENTION I>. Oalllhll', l{. 'olllll'r. Damm. KPnll,\", LPu<·k. Hi<·hnHHHl. DP11nwn, Thor11h•y, L . :-.olldl't', Pulliam, llig-:,!ills, lludmrt. E. l{<',\' llolds. B. Rt•.nwlds..Janti<• on. ('oop<'r, 1111 Olll', \Vill',\', ( 'arsou, \VadlPow.





( hampaig-n High St·hooJ':., l!l~~ toothall tPam i plat•t•d on a lt•\pl \\Jth \Vait e nd. 'c·ott high dwols of Tolc•do, Ohio . •\lthough no post sra on gam!' \\a playrcl 'hampaign 's JHl\YPrful !'lCYl'n wa. ratt•d with the• ht•st JH'<'P tc·mrt. in tht> middlt• west and harP<l with \Yt• t _\m·ora the t•hampion hip of lllinoi .. \Vol'l~ wa ·slow ancl ('h,rmpai~n met ih first disappointnwnt "hc·n Oak Par]-


h~wkc•d out Oil her t'Oilt raet fm· . 'l'ptPmhPr wiwn thP last of a rPturn g-auw ag-rePlll!'ll t wa to lw played on :\It• K inlc·~· fiPld. II owc•vc·r-. thr> :\I a roons OfH'IH'd tht• sea. 011 that da~· with a 19-7 Yictor~· OWl' l'rriYPI'sit~· high sc·hool of • 'orme:ll. )f<lll.\ . uh titutions \\'PI'!' nuHil' during thc• t•onll'st. Haymond st•OJ'Pd t\\o tom·hdowns. two goal. and a field g-oal, whilc· the r·t•maindPr of tlrP pla~l'l' hmn·<l up well for tlw fir· t g-am<'.

\Yith th1• loss of four rt•gtdars thc :\Iaroo11 tran•lc•d to Kankakt•l' on thP next winning- :l to 0 h~- Haymond·· fil'ld goal. Primt•d fm· a rl'al fight, thc• tPam and onp htuHln·cl root<·•· · \\'('lit to Tt>tTl' Haut<·. Indiana, whc·n• \Yilt'~· high was pasil~- dt•fpat!'d, ~!l to 0. Champaign wa in tnH· form an<l it goal was 111'\"l'r thn·atc'Jll'd. "Lily" Haymond again was in 1lw limt>light, St'Oring thr<'<' fit>ld goal-; and a touehdo\\11. Ilt'\'l'on an<l Fox also c·ro secl the opponent's lin!', li<•vron '-.; touchdown r('sulting from a run of fort~ ~an! aftc•r· intt•ret•ptin!! a forwar<l pa s. } OtT<'st showPd 110 oppo. it ion on thp lH'Xt \\'t>t•d Pnd. EVI'I'~' liiHn on thl' 'quad had a <·hanep to pia~-. Elml'r Damm' i · tonehd<m 11 hPing tlw fpatun• of tht• game. \Yhl'n tiw <·ontl' ·t PJH!P<l till' s('orehoanl shmn·d that ('hampaign had won a 11 !I to 0 vi dory. Thl' .Ja<·k onvilll' S<'hool fm· Dt·af and Dumh ft>ll IH'fon• thl' :\Iaroons :n to 0. lmt hO\n•d good . pirit an<l sportmmrship . •\ftt>r six wel'ks of pla~ Champaig-n's rPal tp t t'HIIH' wht•n ::\loliJH' inntdl'd tl1is part of th<• tatt• with a <'l<'an slatc•. Tht•st• • 'orthl'rnPrs had a high!~· a<l\·erti ed 1t•am. having dPf!'atl'd thP ht>st tPam in thPir . PC'tion h.'' largl' s1•on• . '-'till a piring- for a. 'ational titlc>, tlw Plowho~·s JH'l'sc•nte<l a j)O\\t•rfulph•n•n, hut thl' ::\Iaroon Wt'l'<' just four tou<·hdown too goo<l for· thP vi. itors, so .:\loline 's hopl' \\'PI'l' shatll•rPd. Fox and Haymond IPd the :ttta<·k for· ( 'hampaign, led h~· th • cloug-ht~· (;prwral ~Iajor. ( 'hampaign \ team was in its best form. and aftt•r the fir t half W<h in no dang-<•r·. ('apt. S<-lnnidt and Tolinc· \\'1'1'1' no douht thP ·-tat-s of tht• !!Hill<' and too llllll'll l'l'l'dit I'Ould not gj,·pu tht>m h.'· loeal r·ootPr . 'fhp Thanksg-i\·ing day hattll' \\ ith l ' rhana on Illinois fiPid turnpd out to lw ~. swimming- lllPPt. Thc· wl't fiPid k1•pt tlw fa t ::\Iai'Ooll ha<·ks from starting; t ht• n• nlt \\·a a poor howing. ~i\. thou and fan facl'd thc· Wl'ather alJ(l saw lTrhmw takp thP short Plld of a 7 to:~. <·orl'. Pankau :-.<·orl'd thl' winJJing- touehdow11 ... hortl~- het'm·p tlw ha If l'ndl'<l. 'l'h1• Pnd of thl' l!l~~ t•a on hrou!!lrt ('hampaign' lifl'tillll' n·t·ord to 1~7 vietoril's. ~7 dl'ft•ats and Hi ties. In tht• past sen·n yr•ar-., 1l!Hi-1D2:~. Champaign ha. lost hut two out of fift~·- orH• g-anH• on tlle !.!Tidimn and ha alway hl'<'ll a dreadc•d oppont•nt to all high sc·hools. ~aturday.



l>it·k Hamc•y

l\tl] lctics



Captain Orvill<' ~~·hal'(ll'in had tlw honnt· or lt'a<lin~ th<' n'fll't' <·ntatin· prep l'le\'<'11 or the middll' \V!'st for til<• ~· <'al' l!J~~ and .'lll'(•(y <'<llllt' llJl to thP l't'Cjllirelllt'Jlt . ~ 'ot mlly was h<• a 11'\ll\\orthy and l'OIIIJlt't<'JJt <'clptain, hut he \\Cl" an <'lHl of no 111<'1111 abilit~·. IIi. JH'<'d on <'0\'l'l'in:.r punts. hi· ahilit.'· to hox thf.' opposill!! t;wkl<'. and his hard lllttmg"011 him a po ition on the ,\11-. tat<• t<'am. Pl<'dPd hy the Pt•oria ~tat·. "Tarzon" <·amP to ('hatn)Htig-n from Ln1i \'Jill'. Kt>ntueky, during- his sophmnor<' ~ Ntr and soon IH·<·ame kno" n lweaus<' of hi" Athlcti<· abili1i<• . Jlom•ypr, lw <li<l not make the 1Pam in his first ·' <'ar out, but made a nanw for him (')f at tackl<• 011 the 19~1 t<•an1. Popularit~· among- the majorit~· of the ··('" uu•u \ron him the ('aptairwy for the 19~~ team. A· on<' of Champaig-n' g-rPat ~rid tar..,, as a t•onsi'i1<'nt traek man, and a . a good fpJlo\\. Tat·zoJJ "ill he mis..,pd lll'Xt ,\'t'Hr.

O'.'E.\L "L<' .. ag-a1n "·o11 a t'Pg'· ulat· po. 1t io11 at guanl and playPd a Y<'l'· atilt• g'Hill<', both 011 oJl'<'llS(' and dl'fl'llSl'. ·'Mot h!'r · · was g-i n•n honora hle lllt'ntion hy t hl' PPoria , tar. and i · t ht• "l'\'<'nt h man lost hy g-t'a<luaticm 011 th<• 1 !J~~ t<'alll.

Q:hc 1Uaroon )

One Yard From .\loline'::; Goal

R.\. YIIO 'I) ··Lil~·" is no douht 011<' of thP g'l'l'atPst half IHH·ks that has c·\'Pr playt>cl 111Hlc•1' thP }laroon c·olm·s. IIi. ofi' tad:Jp cll·in• and <'lit lnu·k. \\·pn• ah\ ays g-ood for a g-ain. whil<' his pbtc·p kic·king is thP hPst that has ht•c•n sc•t•n in hig-h ·c·hool c·irt·lc> for omt• timt•. Lilburn is ( 'hampaig-n · PemJd rt'JH't' ·c·ntat in• on t ht> Pt'oria ~tar·_ honorar:'· All ~tat<' tParn. FOX ·'Felix·· was th<' mo ·t PXJH'I'iPJH"Pd man on thc• 19~~ tt•am. Ha~· ha "on fom· lc>ttPrs in foot hall <llld has hPt'll a g-n•at a. sc•t to Champaign's Slll' c•t• ·_ on thc• g'l'idi1·on. Ilt• i. an opt•n fic·hlrumH'r of gn•at ahilit~-: fast. akrt. antl qnit·k in pit·king hoiPs. }lc K .A Y "}loo. <' .. has hPPn a mai11 ta~· at tatkk fo1· thP pat two ~-Pal's and playc•d up to. tandanl throug-hout thP I'H"Oll. (Juit·k to . <'list' tht• attack anti g-if'tt•d \\·ith . izP, Bob wa. thP hatkhmll' of' thl' 1·ight icll' of' thP line and horc thP hrunt of thc• oppo.·ition.

Raymond l<'inh;hes


Yanl Rnn

FL'I(' \ L ''Hi!! Tint'' tini-..lted Jtj,.., high t•hool !!Tid l'at·eer ,, one of the dt·PadPd <lltd ],p,..,J t·t·llll'l'. i11 thl' ,..,Jat••. liP '""' a)!gt·e,..,-..i\(• 011 otl'en P, Hll aet·tli'Hll' (HI"'~'''· a hllhuu·k ol! t!. r,.ll P. ,tnd "'"' tlw thin! mtd lu t \luroon 011 th • 1!l~~ .A II ~ " tt•a Ill . llw ... t

.:\1< (' \ LLI~TEH ".\1;1<'" pla.Hd hi-.. fit· t .''f'lll' fot· <'halltp.ti<YII lith <Yt".tl llt·ce,.., . ~al·t·ith·ing- a <'OI(ltaitw,\' at ( 'anni. Hal ph t•allll' to ( 'ltawpnign to ·hool, but hi plat·t \\'a-.." a it ing- atul ht• fittl'd in at ~twt·d n,.., o11 of tht• mnin eo~ lll thl lnroon Ili<Whitu•. H.' l>il'l HamP.'. 1'

f !1111






E .' F .

0 bon -------------- F ~h·Ka.'


--- -

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_____ F

\Y. Oamhle --------- F

:-;Joan --- ----------- F Bl<uwPtt ------------ F l>oo h• 11 -------- ____ u D.Uamhk -- _______ (} J lyl;md ____________ ( ' (; Finil·al _________ (; Ml·( 'alii tPr _____________ n Fi .... ht•t·


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TOl'< ' II ()()\Y . · :-;

HayntotllL _______ L.Il.B. :\Iajor___________ (~ . B. Fox ------------ lUI. B . ! >anka11 - - ------- F. B. 1htmtu ---------- H.. I I. B . lll'\TOII - - - - - - - - -

Wilt·.' __ --- -- HP,\'IlOid - ·-----

(~.B .

G G (j



-1: 2

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11 ig-:..dns __ ------ L.II.B. 1)('llJll<lll

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ORING- 1923

UOAL. ' WL\LS FIELD TOT.\L, ' Kl( ' h.EI> \ll.'.'El> UO.\ L. , POL ' T:-; 1;) ;) () 1 1:{ 4 0 4lJ () 1 ~ :31 () () 0 () () ;3() 0 () () 0 ~-I: () () 0 1~ •) 1 0 () () (i 0 () 0 0 G







l'fl!fl J; iy/1111 fir'•

.\Id'alli.·ter·, <'o.tC'It \'Hn Li<>w, Hylancl. \\', naru!JlP, I>. <,amble, ::-;loan, Blan< ett, l'i ·h<>r, Doolen, 01 on, < aptuin . lcl·a~·. Fox, l•'ini<:'al.

BASKETBALL SEASON'S RECORD I )t•t'l'lllhPt' , ( 'harHparg·n __________ - ~;3 ))peP Ill h<•r 1 :> ( 'ha 111 pa ign ____________ -t7 .J HllWll'.'' ;; ( 'h<unpaign ______________ -t-~ .Januat',\' 11 ('hampaign ____________ ;l;~ .J a nnar.'· 1~ ( 'hampa ign __ ----- _____ :26 .) am tar.'· ];J ( 'ha 111 paig-n ------------ ~9 ,J Hllllill'.'' 19 ('ham paign _____ ------- ~ .)aJJWII',\ ~0 ( 'hanr pa ig-n ____________ :ll .) all\Jal'.'' ~6 ('ha 111 paign ____________ :l-l .)anum·.' ~7 ( 'hampaign ____________ :l:l .Lrnuar:• ~~ ( 'hampaig·n ____________ :l7 Ft>hr·nar.•.- :l ( 'hampaign ____________ -t-;; FPhrnary !J ('hampai:.rn ------------ ~1 FPhl'llHI'.'' 17 ('harnpaign ___________ ~ Fl'iH'JHII'." ~:l ( 'hampaig'JL ___________ 1:l :\lar<·h ~ ('hampaig-n ___ ---------- 1~ .\Iart·h ~-1- l'hanrpaign --------------~:l :\Ian•h ~-1- ( 'hHIIIJHllg'll ______________ -t-!) ::\lan·h :lO ( 'hampaign _____________ -+:> ,\pril G ('hampaigu ________________ :l!3

Homer ________________________ ]() Hump ----------------------- --1:3 Kankak<'P ______________________ ]] . 'treator _ _ __________________ ;n :\Iolirw ------- ____________ _____ ]..! La ~a liP-Pt>ru ___________________ ];; • 'tn•atoJ' -------------------- ___ 1-t\ ' illa Orow ---------------- ____ Hi rrhana ----------------- --- --~9 Fish<•r· _ ----- -------------- __ ;3~ .\nH•riean LPgion ----------- -- - --~;~ Bata,·ia ___ _ __ --------- ____ ·-1-:l Will'.'·· 'l'<•JT<' IIautt•. ln<L ________ l~ Tns<·ola -------------------- ~;~ l ' rhana ------------ ___ -----~1 'l'ust•ola _ ----------- ______ :,!() KilPr· Kooties ---------- ______ ]~ ,\nH·ril'an Le!..dmr __ - _________ :,!() llydt· Park. ('hi<·a~o __ _ ________ :.!~ Pirw Blntl'. .\ l'i,ansas ___________ ;n


LINEUP FIH. 'T TE.L\l E\'l•rl'tt<• Olson I Ln·old , 'lmm Ha.' motHl Fox ('apt. HolH'rt .:'II<·Ka.' Paul I )oolPn Kl'111H'th Finit·al

Forwanl For\\'a 1'< l For\\'ard ( 't•nh·r· <:uartl ( juat·tl Cua nl

SE('O. TJ) TE.\:\1 William Uamhl<· Erllmt•rson Bla rH·t•l t Fr0<l Ilylan<1 1 )olll'li,\" ramhh• Gail Fi hPr Hal ph j)('( 'allistt•r·

HONORABLE MENTION E. HP,\'IH>Ids, (:Jant. Ha.' nrorHl. B. Ht'.' nolds. F. :\lt·(';dlistt•r, \Yt•lhr.



.<l('l 111

1!:hc ,_4llaroon ..,. . . . . . . .,. .. )

REVIEW OF 1923 SCHEDULE ( 'ha111pai~n 1111-th ~wl1< ol ' 1 !1:.~:~ bet kl'th;J il ll'HIIl is ratl'll as tlH• ~l't•atl·st qnintl't m thl' histor.'· of th1• s<·hool. .\lthon:,rh 110 toHI'IIHllll'llt \\PI'l' \\' Oil, ('hampaign llll'! and dt'l'l·all•d rh1• trong<· • tl'am Ill Illillois and adj;~t· c nt tl'JTitol'.'' · winning ~·ightl·en anti Jo. ing hut t\\o ~am<·s . • 'tal'ling the <'asoll with fiYl' P ·pl'ril'lll'l'd ll'ttt'J' lllt'll, \'an Lil'\\' hnilt up a tl'am that wa rank1•d \\ ith t ht• strong·t•st in tht' st<ltl'. llollH'I'. Iltlllll' and K.mkakt•P \\'l'I'P l'Hs.'' prry for th1• ~laroo11 in thP fir. t \\l'l'k of pia.'· : a11d thPn <'a Jilt' <'hampaig11's inYa ion of th1• \nth. ,'tl'l'ator \\'a dt>t'l•Htl·d h,\ l\\o poi11ts in tht• last minutP of pia,,·. but ~lolilll' and LaSalll'-P<•nt \\1'1'1' I'll ily dispo :1•d of on thl' m• ·t two 11ight.. ('hampaig-11 gai11Pd stat1• \\ i<ll' r1·t·o~.mitim1 1111d l'l'tlll'll<'d hon11• to takP a tay on thP lol·al tlom· !'01 <\l'll :,ranu• . .Among tht•st• s('\'l'n \\l'l'l' sOllll' of thl' fa tt· t tt•am. in th1• !"taft•. • ·l'VPI'thdPss. th1• ~laroon wo11 thl'lll all. ln·i11ging thPiJ· total to thii'!Pl'll straight \ it•tol'i(' . Tlw big gllllll' ot' thl' midsPasmJ Jli'O\'Pd to lw tht• hat tiP with "llap" Collins' fa. t BataYia fin·. whi<·h <·allll' hl'J'l' with a l'll'<tll slat1•. .\ ftpr two hot O\'Prtime J•t•riods ( 'hampaign <'lll<'l'gl'd with a gn•at Yidor.'' · During thl' honll' . tay \Yill',\" high of T1•rJ'P IlautP. Fish<•r, and t'rhana all fell hdon• th<• ~laroon ea!!t'r "ith <'H <'. .\hon• all. thP Yidory O\'<'r Yilla Gron~ stand out .1 a JlOhll· <l<·hil'\'l'llll'llt. Pia.' mg m tiptop form, <'hampaign donhll' pointrd tht•Jn with littlt• t ronhk. I 11 th<• stat<' touJ'JHIIIH'llt this ~a me \'ilia (:eon• t<•am \1011 thp ~tat<• titll' from H<H·kfm·1l. .Joul'lll'.''iJJg· to Tus1·ola ( 'hampaign lllaJlag·ed to "i11 h1'l' foul'tl'l'nth gan11• <dill J'l'llll'Jll'd to Jll'l'Jilii'P for th<• <·ontPst \\'ith l'rhana. l"rhana pulh>d th1• II!H'XJH't·l<·d h.'· <ll'I'Pating tlw ~Iaroous. :21 to 1:3. '1 hi HJl!-.l't ,,.a just \\·hat ( 'hantpai~n lll'l'dl•tl. hut it Jll'o\·t·d to IH• uwr • than an upsd, it \\as tht• hl'!!inlling of a slump that PIHll'd too late . •\long \\ ith thi

slump siekm•ss had in\·adt•d thP :::\IanHm l'HiliJl.

Dool<•JI, 'aptaiu )lcKa.'· "a" out long <·nough to break up the 111ooth running <'omhination. Th1• loss of. l< < 11 in mid Pason I ad <·<Ill I'd .1 hift in tlH· linPilJl <lllll grl'atly weakt'n<'<l tht• otl'<'JlSI'. To top all th<• l' thin:.! , \\'t•dp 0] 011 lost his t'.'' l' for till' hoop and titlt• hop<•s \\ l'l'l' Ill' a 1'1.'· gmll' runnin~ guard. \\'a. out for till'l'l' \\·peks and lll'\'l'l' full.'· l'l'<'Hperate<L

\'an Lit•\\' pl't•st•nll)d hi pat<·ht•d up tl'an• in t liP di tt·i<'t touJ·nanwnt and lllll<·h to till' urpt·isl' of . Jllll'l l'ollm\ l'l' Tu 1·ola Pliminat1•d ( 'hawpaign in their 1ir t !!Hilll' of th<• tout'Jil'.'' · lll'h a dPf1•at llllll'kl' I faihll'l' to a IH•rt•tot'ot·l' u ·(·(•s • ful sPa on. lloWt'\'<'1', t hl' dPt'l'<lt ot' sul·h a st t·ong !l'ctlll in a dist ri1·t tourJlHIIIPIIt did uot just if.'· it po it ion in prt•p ei l'l'lt• . I 11 Ito pi' of a l'Oilll'h;wk tiH· ,;\Ia roon kl'pt in training t'ot· th<• cttional llll'<'t at ('hit·<tgo. Latl' Hl'l'l'Jlt<lll<'l' of tll<'iJ· inYita!ion kPpt thlnl front PJJtl·ring, hut during tlti · pt••·iod of training thP American Lt•gion and Kilt•r \, Kooti(· · \\'l'I'P hot h d1·f<•atl'd in fa t ganws. ll,vd<· Park high 1·hool. ent•·ant... and Yil'tors 111 mw galll<' of till' ~ 'ational totll'lllllll<'lll. l'Hilll' to ( 'hampaign for a po t- PH 011 g-anw hut thP n·jnypnatl'd

,_\tl~ldics .\lal'Otllls pla,\t'l i11 old tiiiH' fol'lll a11tl tht> l't'slllt \\ll !It'\ t'l' Ill q liP t im1. Tltt> l'lllllll'l' · up in thl' ( 'hi1·a~o 1·ity ll'ag"tH' Jll't'St'lltt•d a fast tt'alll httt had to ht> t'olltt>ntt•d "it h t ht• ·hort t•lld of a -1:! to :2:2 st·ol't•. , To hri11~ thP st·ht'dlllt• to a t·lost•. \'all Lit'\\ arrau~t•d ll g-a111 · \\ ith Pint' BlufL .\rka11 a, \\ho \\"t'l't' 011 tlwi1· "".'' IHllltt' fi'OIII thl' ('hil'a~o totll'llallll'llt. PiliP Blull' had pn•\'iottsl.'· \\'Oil tht• !·hamplonslllp ot' .\rkansas h.'' \\'innin~ from Littlt> l{!wk. Hnd Jllatlt> a g-otHl Ito\\ ing· i11 tht' 'at ionallllt'Pt. Thl' .\la•·oons took an Pctl'l,\· l•11d a11d \\t'l't' IPadill!.! h.'· tt•n poi1th \\it! si · 111i11tttt' lPft. Tht• outht•rn /;Phnh tht•ll ta1·1Pd a J'ally that lll'arl.'' ti1·d tht• st·on• httt tht• g-1111 pndt>tl tht• !.!alllP \\ tth <'hampai~n kading-. :~:{to :n. "\l'tt>r tiH'SI' vi1·torit•s 0\'t'l' 1\ro l't'prl'st•ntati\'t' tt>all~'> t'I'Om t!Jt•ir t'l'SJH'l'tivl' ... r!'tio11s, tht> ~lar·oon \\'l'l't' t•OII\'irH·t'd that thl'.' I'OIIId t'OJH' \\ ith tht• tr·ong·p t in thP I'Otllltr.'·· Be idPs \\inning Pig-hteeu games the tPalll prl<'!l up (j:{:2 points. ~•wn• than an:v otiH•r CIHlmpaig·11 tt'<llll has t'\'t'J' st•on•tl.

SE IORS I OBERT .\IdC\ Y ('aptain HoiH•J't .\l1•Kay led Ollt' of th1• strmJg-t• t pr!'Jl haskPthall tPams in tht> conntr,\', hut dill' to slwt•r coiJwidt>nee. \\as unfortunate rnoturh not to \\'in any tit IPs. '·.\Ions!'·· lt•anwd his ti1· t haskt>thall i11 tlw Eg-yptian di-,trid of soutlwrn Illinois and aftpr a t't•\\ years of traYPl t·anH' to ( 'hampaign from \Vaeo. Texas. In his sophor11on· .''!'HI' hP l'al'JH'tl his ll'ttt'l' a a guard and 111 ··>·> playP!l as a rt•gular th•·ottghottt thP sPason. In his ophomon• ,\l'at· he ear'JH'd his l!'ttl'r a" a g-ttard and in ':2:2 playl'd a a J't'gnlar tlll'onghottt tiH• st•asOJJ. {'poll tht• forming- of thl• 19:2:~ lt'<llll ht• \\as a\\'anlt>d tht' 1'0\'l'tt•d !'aptaint·.' and fultilll'd tht> position in g'l't'Ht st~ lt•. llowl'Vt'l', his la-,t .'·par found him at tlw t't'lllt'l' po. ition. ('hang-ing- t'I'Om had;::..?:ttard to a tloor man in onp spason is lo\\ \\ ork, hut Bob impro\ I'd qttll'kl.'· a11d \\·as t•t·oml only to Olson in total points. .\[d\:a~ was a h;ll'd wod:t>l', qnH·k in t·hang-ing- from olft>llsl' to tli'I'Plls<'. fa-..t in ~t'tting- t ht> hall down t hP tloor. aml \\H · a t•haral'll'ristil· .\[aroon ha k!'thall IIIHil. By I>it+ I a1nl'~·


I I!Jhly ni11n

SE IORS IHH>LE ... • Althoug-11 hll'king in siZt' ··:--.quit , .lllHIIH~ P d to pia:'· \\ith tlw lw t of t llf•Jll IH•t·a list' of Ills "ond!'rful d t•ihhling- ,IJld tioor work. . 'idmt•ss in tnidst•ason k<'pt him from pla:' 111g- for neal'ly fht• Wt'f'k. llf'\f'l'thl'lt• Ill' \\;IS Olll' of tJ P main stays of tht• team . Thi \\<1 his st't'CilHl YPHr as a''(''' 1nan.

F<LT Ra.' wus a tln'<'C' y<>a•· man in ha-..kethall awl nJadl' haskeh "ht•n tht•y eonntPd most. .. Ft>li. · " playl'd a t•lo <' dd'pn-..i\'!' ~anw. atHl \\a fa. t in taking th!' hall down tlw tioor.

(L\}IBLE- AftPJ' \\orking- hard fot· four ypar Hill lolanag·Ptl to land a .ioh on th<' fit· t quad mHl put up a good gan~t• at forward. Altt•rnating with Fo ·. \'atl LiP\\" lll'Yt'l' wmTiPd ahout ha-..kPt hootill!L fm· Bill was a at•t·tu·att• a th<'.'' IIHidt• tht•m.

• U) \ . · ··I Imina·· playt• I hi Ia t yt>at· of hi!.d1 st·hool bet kt>l ball in fitll' foJ'Ill and \\lh an irnportant fador· in tht• )farOOII ofl"t•llst•. llmn•\'('1', fht• lllll(' st•tnt·stt>r la11 h1t him i11 Ft'bt·uar,\· and t'oJTt'd \'all Li e11 to filltl a Jlt'\\" man for hi plat·t>.

Fl '1('.\L '"Tim's" l't'Oil<l yt•at· out for tltt• team found him at tlw standing guard po ition and his . izt· enahlt• I hint to with tantl tht• att;l!'ks of thP sfi'Oll!!t'St tPalll ill fltt• ('ii'I'Hif.

.\lct'ALLI:-,TEH- Tl•is 11<1s Hal ph "s fir t year of basketball fm ( 'hampaign hut ht• nwna!!f'd to win a ht•I·t It on tht• tit· t s<tuatl a a !!Hard and pia.' ed 11 ith plea-..ing- snet·t•-..s.

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April 2 , Lombard C'olleg Intenchola tic Toha·a ----------------------16 Champai~n -------------------11 lj11 Peoria Cen. ------------------11 Forrest ________________________ !!

Galesburg. La Gran!{e ---------------------4 lfll Peoria . Tanual ----------------4 Williamsfield ------ ·-----------4 lfll Oneida ------------------------3 ljll

Ro<"k Island -------------------Joy ---------------------------3 lfll FayettP --------------------6 1fll La Halle-P ru ___________________ ;J Table Grove -------------------5 lfll Griclle.} -----------------------3 :\lay 5, Eastern Il l inois Interschola.·tic ('harleston.


SpringfiPid --------------------2 C'hampai~n --------------------1 !J Danville ---------------------1 1j2 l"rbana -------------- _________ 15

Chrisman ----------------------6 Hillsboro ----------------------5 Atwood -----------------------4 Tu-cola ------------- __________ 4

:\I attoon ----------------------1 !

Slwl hyvill ---------------------3 Pari· _________________________ ;{ :\okomi _______________________ ;{

Olney ------------------------12 Oakland --------------------- 9

\Yinclsor -------------------- ___ 3 Deland ----------------------- !l l<~tfingham -------------------- fi lj2 ('as<>y -------------------------2 .:\lay 12, :\lilliken l'niversity Interscholastic· D catur Springfield ____________________ 3fl Atwood ----------------------- 5 .\s;;mnt.tion ------------------- 4 Forre;,;t -------------- _ ------- _2 :J Cal·linville ---------- ------ __ 22 lj2 Saun min --------------------- :J :\Jinonk ----------------------- 3 l'rbana -----------------------17 1/2 Champaign ----------- ________ l ii Shelbyville ------------------- 3 .\lattoon ---------- ___________ 13 Stonin~ton -------------------- 2 D<>land ----------- ___________ 10 DPcatur ---------- ----------- 2 Peoria :\I annal ------------- ___ _ Blue :\lound ------------------Oakland ---------- _ --------- fi ;\Jay l!l, l"niven;ity of Illinois State Inter;,;chola.·tic Oak Park --------------------25 2j:Li l"niversity ll igh ________________ 24 }<jvanston ---------------- _____ 1 g Henn -------------------------17 Rock Isla net -------------------1 fi Rockford ---------------------1 1 2 l"rhana _ ------------- _____ 11 Danville ______ 14 Benton __ _ _ ________ 12 1j2 .\Tattoon ____ ____ _ ________ JO lj2 Hpl"ingfiPI<I ------- - ----------flycle Park -------------------LaSalle-l'Pru -----------------Fr<>epon ------------------- _ Frankfort - ----- -- -- ----- - __

!I tij7


ti ;; :1;7 ;; 3 7


l)(-'Kalb ----------------5 Englewood -----------=-------- 4 1/2 Champaign -------------------- 4 Kankakee --------- ----------P<'oria :\lanual ____ ----------P(oria Central :\la1·ion ----------------------:\furphyshoro --------- ------Proviso ------------ ---------~~a ... t St. LOttl~ - - ---------:\lolinP -------- -------------.JoliPI ------ ---------------:\IC'I\:inlPy -------------------Lindblom ----------- --------

' 4 l

3 3 2 2 2 :lji I 1/5 :lji 1/!i

1Lh~ )


REVIEW OF TRACK SEASO <'hatHpai!.m high

<·h ool, ah1 ays <I fot't •mo t c·ont Pn d 'I' i n Intt•t·s t·ho la t i<' JPtl'h. H!!<llll ho\\·l'd ht>t' \\orth on the· l'intlt•J' path h_,. pla1· i ng P<·otHI in tl 11· Lotnhard aud Ea tt•t·n llliuois Jill l' h. and fi f th i n t hP :\I i!likt•n lll "l' t. ( 'on id PJ'ing tl)(' t'at•t tlwt tilt• :\laroon !Pam \\as madt• liJl of onl.'· t hrt'l' ot· fo nt· <"<lllsistt•nt poiuts winut•rs it j-., l't'IIIHI'kahll' that stwh a g·ood slum in!! \\H m ati P i n ti ll· fi,·,...f 1h!'l't' t'ollt p-.t . Tohlt'a. a t·la B l'lltlol. " 0 11 t l11• Lo 111 ha I'd ll lt'l't h ,'o fh ·t· points th1·oug-h th<• iJJ<liYidual [Wrt'ot'lltall<·l• of .)op I>i<·t·n zo . ThP stroll!! • pnngfit>ld ag·!!l't'!!Htio!l c•aust'd th t' 1110 t tt'ollhl t> at ( ' h a l'! t•ston \1 ith -.t>t'O!Hl pla<·P a!!ain. 1\ t th<• ..\l illikl'll lll<'l'l Fm'J'Ps t ,( 'al'!in,·iiiP. and l ' rbana slippl'd in h!'t \1 t'I'Jl . ' pringfi Pid and ( 'hatn pai!!n. IPaYill!! thl' ..\]a,·ool!s i11 fifth pla<·P .

and tht• :\hu·om1s I <ttl to h<• t•olltt•ntPd

. J<H' \Yilt•y. :\likt• La,\·tnan .• /ohllll,\' Ilt•ath. I>11tt·h La,'o' tllan, a nd Lt•o Baxtt't' '' t'l't' tht• on~,\" t·ort•rs in 1ht> e t•ontt•st and \\ ith h11t littlt• hopP tht> :\larocms t·Htt•J't•d tl11• annual . tat<' lnlt'l' dtolastit· Jllt'<'1 011 Illinois fiPltl. :\Iik<• Layman \\Hs unfort11natP t•nollg·h to pi1·k Ot o lwillit' i11 thP prPlilllilla l'i<'s of th1• ~:W aJI<l did Pot <•n•n qualif,'o' . llo\\' l'\'1'1' .Jot• \\"ill',\' won both of hi tl·ial ht•ats in tht' ,)()and 100 yard dashPs and was ill thl' finals of hoth. taki11g· fourth i11 thP .) ()hut fallin!!' I! • 'on tl c . wift Oood\\'illit' a11d ( 'alllt' J'on in t hi' <"t'llhll',\ . Ba ti'J' al o showt•d hi" ntt•r·its h_,. pla<·ing- fifth in th<• .)0. ('halnpaigll's Olll,\· othPJ' point <·Hill<' in the 1~0 .' ard high hnrdlt·s wh<•n IlPath manag,·d to st·raJH' up a fifth in a fil'l<l of th r ht> t hurdh•t·s of tilt' :-;ta1P. ThP :\Iarcon . \\'PI'<' <' JH'<·iall~ 11'011!.! in thP rl'la.' . .\t thl' Illini indooJ' t·arnintl. <'OH<·h :\Io,\'t•r's ]H'Ott'g"Ps took fourth pla<'<' in tilt' ntilt• J't>ht,\' "hi<·h \\'as ''on h,'o· thl' rt•<·ord h!'l'aking qmu·tl't fro!ll l ' ni\'t•rs it.' hi!!·h . ( 't•daJ' Hapid . Iowa. \\its '->P<:ond and La ll'Hllgt' third. In thP outdoor Jlll'l'ts \ ' an Lil'w's 111<'11 ran in 1t'tt<' fonn \\ inuin!!· hoih t!Jt• Jllilt> and 0 !'Plays at I )p(·af\!1' and lakin!! s P<'OJH! at l,omhard and ( 'hariP tmt. Tht> 0 quartt•t ",..., t·olllJ>OsPcl of \Yilt•.' . :-;la!!-lt•.'·· , 'out!Pr. aJtd II. La.' lllHll, "hi!<· tht• mi]p P\' 1'111 wa J'tlll by I r. Layman. 'l'tlll'Pll. L. Layman. and . t'h\\·artz.

TRA,..,K-1 . · .\:\IE "\\"ill',\' lfPath II. Layma 11 L . La.nna n Ha 1<'1'

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GOLF ('hampaig11 faill'd to hH\<' an,,· dmli :,1;oll' lll<'<'h i11 l!l:.~:~ hut rnad<' a -..trong hid for tir· .... t ho11or in tlw ~t.ttl' 'l'cnu·mmH'llt. Ho.ntl ~tipl's and Ot>ol'g'<' \V<'<'<h•n <·ompo-..1'<1 the .\le~r·oon t<'am, hut hHd had going tiH· fir t round que~lif~ ing "ith '-=.) •• IlOWt'Y<'r', 'tipl's lllCH]I' a gHIIH' COIIIPhcH'k in the af'tPr'llOOII hut ('Clllld not 0\'Cl'\'01111' th<' hig lead. • ·<'H'rtlwless h<• fi11ishPcl in i. th plal'P out of a tidd ot' 61 Pntrants. \V!'Pdl'n di<l1lot fi11ish in th<' first twPnty. HPsults: ..\II'I>ollough. PI'Ol'ia .\Ianual. :!:{~: Fr·aJit•i ...... 'tr<•ator, ~:~:>: :-:;tutti<•. I><'l'l'fi<'l<l. :2:Hi: T<•wk ·hm·_,.. LaCln11lg'<'. :2:r1: Whit<'. Lindblom, :2-t.O; , t ip<•s, ('hampaign, ~-t2; ( 'ourtn<'~-. LirHlhlom. :2-1-~: Pe~ttl'rson, Ilydl' Par·k, ~-1-:2: RPmw .• <IJH'l'\ illP, ~..j.;{; llot<·hkis . P<•m·i;l ( '<'1ltnrl. :2-1-:~: Hit<·h<',\'. lly<k Par+. :2-1-!1; \\'rlkirr 011, ~tr<'ator, :24;): B!'alre~m, II~ d!' Park, ~..j.(j: .\1<·< 'r·a<·k<·n. Pt>oria .\fanttHI, :2-1-< ; B<•st. II_,·dc Parle :2-l-'-: Dunl<l~. Pro\ i o, :2-1-9: Baldwin, Blooming-toll, ~;)(): Toh<•J·t~·. P<•oria .\lamwl, :2:il; BimH'y, Engl<'\\ood, ~-11; Giuner,. 'apcn·illc, :2:>:~.

TENNIS 1 H:2:l ha.· lw<•n mon• than a pl!'asing Y<'Hl' in AthlPti<·s and snch \\'as the c·asc evc•n in Tcn11i . Intramural tl'nnis a<'ti\'itil's for tlw ~-<'Hl' haV<' heen con<lnl't<•<l hy Cocwh Ilem·~- ..\Ioon•lwad in the for·m of an !'limination tonr·n;mwnt . •\ftl'r lll'al'ly four \\'PI'ks of plH~ I.,~·h· • 'ash was awanl<•d th<• singl<• l'hampionslrip aft<•r· <h'fl'ating th<' lw-..t pla~ <'1'.' from a fi<'ld of fonrt<'l'll pntrant ·. Ilarol<l V{elker \\as rum1rr· up in tlr<• meet an<l with • 'ash was th<' 'llaroon <'ntrant in t IH• ingll's <'ha11rpim1. hip of tlw stat<' in th<· ammal int<'r'"'·lrola. til' nu•l't hPid at th<• l'11iwrsit~· of Illinoi:. In th<• ,'tat<• tonnHIIIl<'Jlt • 'ash took th<• fir·st Sl't, G-:l, fr·o111 Lupton of Dt>('atur ln1t lo t thP ll<'Xt two. 6-~. and fi--1-, thus l'liminating him. \Vl'lk<'r, tht' othl'r' .\Jaroon <•ntrant. lost two stntiglrt S<'t'i to i\Iahoncy of Errgll'wood. II0\\'('\'<'1', in the douhl<• • 'ash and \\"p}k<'r manag<•d to "in thPir fir...,t mat<·h, taking two ..;traight sl't . 6-:3 and 6--1-, from • '<•whurg high s<'hool, hut lost. G-1 ancl 6-:2, to Lott illl<l ('an·~- of l'niypr·sity high. Tlr<• otlwr ('lrar11paign douhl<•s t<·am lost two straight . Pts, fi -:2 and 6-:l. to Blair· and llahl'J'llrl'lrl of .\It~r·phy .... horo.

1923 :::-;\\imming \\Hs Ollt' of thP lt•adin!! indoor. pori of l!l~:l athlt•tit• in ('hamJ'Hi!.nl hig:h ~·whclOI. ( 'mu·h ('rooks was fot·t tlllatt' in ha\'ing man~· fast atHl l'IP\'Pt' uwn, and had an~ intPt'st·hola tit· lllt't't ht·t•n t•Jltl're<l tht• ~fat·omts would ltav • giYt'n 0111!' l't'Hl C'Ollljll't itiOll. Lo<·al intt-rt' t wa t•t•ntt·rPd around tht' annual intt·n·las nH·l't and t'<l<'h <·onlt· t \\as witm•ssl'd It,,- m·t·r 1.)0 (H'dator. Tht>. 'ophomot't•s dPft•att•d tht• Frosh in tiH• opetting lliCl't of tht' tournL'Y hy a small tnargin. ''hilt' thP :->t•ttior ('l'<l<·k tPam took tht' t'l'OlHl nH•l't h.' ontplnng111!! tht -Junior. Tht• \\innt t's of thP "IIIIPt thennu·t for tlw titlp of tlw .<·hool, hut tht' ,'ophs t•ould not<· llllpan• \\'itlt thP :->t•niors atHI tht• IIJlflt'l'l')as tllt'll l'OJl(H'd th honor in ra ,\ st,,·lt·. -Hi to 1:1. ('apt. llntl'. :->pPtl!'t'J', llorn t•t·, and Kariltt•t· of thP !'ltampiotl'i at'l' all t'Xl'l'fl· tiona! switlllliL't's. \\'hill' l·l~·nn, Edward . Yaky, ,\:h\\at·tz and llP\'t'on howt•d Up ,,·t']J fill' th1• undergraduatl' t•lassPs. :->nmnta ry of t·hampionsh i p tnt•t't: 68 yard relay: \Yon It,\ :->t•ll ior (II onH·t·. Ilntl'.

1~<1 ri hPr .. · flt'IH't'l'


Plunge for distance: \Yon h.' :.1!'1\:a.' (:-.Pnior }. 10 ft: St'l'OtHI. :->pt'llt'l't' . ;~!) ft 11 iu.: t hrid. Ethumls . 'lph . ~(i ft.

· 'pnior

68 yard free style: \Yon h.' Npl'IH'l'l' ( :->t·niors :. <'<·on<!. :->\\at·tz thit·d .•\ndt•r on



68 yard breast stroke: \Yon It~· Ilornt't' (NPuiors \: st•t·on<l. l!ntl'


thit·d. \YhitP (:->ophs). 102 yard free sty:e: \Yon b.' 1\:;u·iht•t· third, Tnt'I'Pll :->Pnior ).

. 'pniors

St'l'Olld. !--wat·tz

!--ophs );

68 yard back stroke: \\'on h_,•. 'pt>tH·t•r •'pniors): -..t•t•tntd. llonH•t· !--t•J ior-. \' thi1·d .•\ndPrsntt

:->ophs ).

Underwater swim for distance: \Yon h.'· Ed\\ard lltd' • 'pnJOJ' ) . !ll ft.: tIt ird. :.1 illt•t•

:->oph: l . :l" f't.

!--ophs . !1/ t't.: '>t't'Oilt I.


Hoh<·t·t ~IeKa: - --- ---- - -------_Pt'<"-.,idt•nt LP liP () 'Xpil_ _____ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ____ \Ti<·t>-Pn•si<l<'nt Harold La.' man - --- --- ------ -- _______ - ~l'<'rdar:· <hvilll' . \·hardPin -------------- --------- _ TrPasur<'t' Tl11• •· (' .. Clnh, '' hi<·h i. an org-anization for all tlw "wParl'J' of th<• (' , " is <'Oili]>Os<'d of thost• who haY!' <•arnPd a lt'tt<•r and hH\'P sun·i\'t>d tht• initiation. ThP t·luh tands for <·)pan athlPti<·s and th<• hig-IH·st i<ll'als of spor·tsrnanship . .At tht• heg-inninJ.! of th<' y<'ar. tht• Jll'<' Pnt oHi<·t>t's W<'l'<' Plt><·tpd and i11stalled in thPir \'ar·ious offit·<•s...\!though th<' H<·tiYitit>s of til!' t•luh at'!' hut fl'\\, it ranks t·ontllWtHiahl,\· Hllloltg 1 ht• otht>r org-anization. of tht> . f'IIOol. Tht> most intPJ'<•stingtrH•!'tiitg· of th<' .'"<'ill' was hPid dur·ing- tht> Ea t<'r YH<·ation at an initiation h<JJHpH't at tht• lntnan llotPl. It \\'as follmn•d hy tiH• initiation of all rH•w lll!'llth<'l's, that i , all 111!'11 who had l'<'<'<'i\'Pd ]ptf<'t's this .'·<'al' in football and hask<>thall and in<·luding thost• \\ ho n·<·Pi\Pd IPttPr· i11 tr;H·k last Yl'<ll', hut \\"l'J'<' too httP for· tht• initiatio11 in lH~~. Thosp '' ho \\PI'<' takPn in thi y<'ar ar<': Frank 'l'III'I'Pll, (,ail Fi hPr, .JanH's .\lajor. Bt'II.JHlllin ~~·har·d<·in, .John ll<'\Ton, \Valtt•t· Pankau, Frt•tl II:·lmtd, l>on UarnhiP, \\' illiam <:amhlP, and EnH'r on Blall<'l'tt. TIH· hanqul'! \Uis an infonnal affair with HoiH·rt .\11'1\:a.v adittg- as toast mast<•r·. Ht•spoll l' \\'!'!'(' g-i\'Pll h.'· .\It· . .\lo.'' PI', .\Jr. \ ' an LiP\\', Hoyal , 't ipPs and Paul Dooll'll. 'J'hp initiation was a tPst of tiH• <'fli<·iPn<·iP , ahiliti<•s and g-ood . p ort tllan hip of th<' <·;utdidat<•s. \Yith thP los of Ha.'· Fox. 011!' of tht• oldP ·t adin• lll<'lllhl't's, tiH• t·luh has lost a hrothl'J', an l'X<·PIIPnt athl!'tt>, a good por·htrtan all!! an all around g-ood ft>ll<•''. \\'ith a total tn<'miH•r·ship of hn•ltt:· 1\ro, th<• <·lnh i 110\\ thl' ];IJ•g·t>st in its 1r ; tor.\·. R\Ll'll .l\Jc('\ILI . TIR


WEARERS OF THE "C" 1922-1923 FOOTBALL ('apt. Orville S<·hanlPin

Lilburn Raymond



I aymond Fox \Yaltrr Pankau

J amP-.


Le lie 0 ·.'pal Halph }f('('alli tPr' BPnjamin S<·hardPin

,J () h 11 II CYl'O II FrP<l II,daud Fnrncps Tabaka KPnrwth Finical

BASKETBALL Capt. Rol><·rt ~f<'Ka.' Paul Dookn En•rct te Olson \Villiam Gambk Haymon<l Fox Kerm<'lh Finit'al Donelly Uarnblp <:ail Fish<•r Fr<•<l II,\·lan<l Emmerson Blall('<'tt Ralph


t<•r Harold Sloan

TRACK .Jo eph \Yiky ,John liPath Harold


Frank S<·hwartz

Ly ](>


Frank Tunell I obcrt Soud<•r L<•o Baxtt>r Clio




,,,I, ,. 1I"'·

1!:hc l




VOLLEY BALL t•ndt•r thl' 1'\.I'I'IIPnt tlJli'I'Vi ion of ~Ii"" PPrt'.', ph~sit·al ti':tiiiiJtg 111 tntdot• f o t· girl, thl' sport of' \ ' olll'y Ball h<h ht•l'n g-n·atl~ en.io,\'Pd !,_,. thP !.!il'l of ('hamJ'Hign lligh dut·ing thP ,\Pat· 1!1~:~. ~illt'l' thP l!",\"lll \HI.., too oftl'll in use. two outdoor· t•onrt. I'IIHhll'd thl' g-il'l-; to prac:tit·l' tht•t•t• night-; out of thl' Wl'l'k. .\t thl' lw~rinning of tht• YNil' -;quads \\ 1'1'1' ot·ganiz<•d in t hi' !.!' 111 1·' a sp . .\ftpr thl' gam!' lwd hl't'll thorcmgllly lt•aJ'JH'tl a tonrmmH•nt "as ht•ld . In tlw Jll'l'lilllinaril' , ;•II hut two tl'alll \\'t'l'l' l'litninatl'tl. In thl' finab tht• • ' ophotnm·p tl'am l'asil~ won 0\'I'I' tht• Fr!'shnH'n hy a s('OI't' of 1.)-fi. Tht• tl'ants <'Ollsl'-'tt'd of':




<l. Parkhill

1 <'ap't

) ----------- - - E .• 'l'idl'frt·t· < 'ap 't ) K . S ttll i ntn ___ _ P. Dulisoll II. Long ------ - ---------- - -- - L. )Jailor.'· ___ _ __ ___ ___ __ __ __ _ ______ _ _____ }<', )Jpn•er ( '. Eastntan __________ ______ ______ ______ ____ .\!. • ' otftz ( '. Dunn - - -- -- - -- - - --- - ---- - -- -- -- -- - - --1!. Hayhnrn

F ..Jt•sst' - - ---- ------- - ---- - -- - - _ - - - --- - <'. Pilon II. Tuckt•r --- - ------------ --- ---------- - - -- K. Tyh•r Latl'r on in 1hP st•a-;on two aiJ-star· 1Patns \\'t•n• pii'IH·d h\' )lis Pt•tT~. and thl' ( 'aptains and a nta1t•h gan11• hl'twl't'n tlw l\n1 \Vas playPd. Tht• l'llthnsiastit• attd hard \\·m·king Fn•,hil's finally\\ on. Tlw all star-lt•ants at•t•:

F. ,Jolm on ( Cap 't ) ___________ __ _____ H.


( ( 'ap 't )

D. Edwards ---------- ___ _ II. Ht•x E. .Johnson - - -- - ------------ ________ (;, Parkhill .\. )ldhty --------- - -- - ----- - -- _ ____ P. PPn·i,·al H. ~ht·l',.,. ---------------------------- .\1. Br.,\\tH·Il P. \\"ilt·o:-.: I l. Ha.' horn I> .. 'orntall ( ' . Ilatii)H'J -_ L. Ba l'lwr E. . . 1'1111'11'1'1' ----( l . . tannP r .\f. TantH•rhi lJ II. Lon!!

J:y (: ntt'l' Parkhill.

I .y

fi ll•


II tll d J'o d 7 111'


l\thldics •

THE POINT SYSTEM OF THE G. A. A. The boys HI'<' cl\ntnl!'d with hig- •• (' \., for tlwir work in .\thl<>tit·s and it t·t-ms om!'t imt•s a if tlw g-irl an• ]pft out ht•caust• tlle~· t·annot pia.'· football hut tht>y do hav!' tlw opportunity of !'al·ning- ];)()points in U. ,\ .•\ .and thus obta in ill:! a 111amon and "hitc- armband with JliiiiH'l'al . Tht> point \\stt>m is diYidt•d into tim•!' g-ro11p~ Health, Outside .\divit.'·· and ~t·hool .\diYity. l · nd<'r ht•alth, o1w may t•arn :20 point hy not !wing- ah. t•nt J'1·om .... <·hool for two month and 1;) points if ~on HI'!' frt•e from t•old for thn•p <·on .... Pt·utiYP <·hool months. One of tht• hank t twent.'· points in tlw IH•alth g-ro11p Is tllf• OIH' whi<·h says: "You JliU t abstain front ••ating- lwtwt>en lllt>als for two lliOllt hs. ·' Outsidt• adi,·it~· i1wln<lt•s \\ tnlllllng, hiking-, horsl'ha<·k riding·, bit·~·<·ling-, ...,kating. This year man~ of th!' girls \\on points in swimmin!!. ~Irs. }[anIPy has (·oiiperatl'd with tiH' g-irl and !wiped them in Yario11s \\ays, s11eh as npt>l'\'lsJng- mel'! . In a nH'<' the g-irls who \\ins I'P!'I'ivcs 1!'11 points, thl' Olll' taking'il'l'OJHI piHl'!' .) points. and third piHl'<' :~ points. llikin!! i lplitt> populat· also. 'I'hl· hikt> an• taken in tht• ord!•r of; thn·e :2 mile walks. :2 four-mill• walk. all(] :2 !h·e-111iiP walks, \\ithin t'ou 1· \\'l'<'ks tim!' then];) point.s ar!' !'lll'lll'd. :UHl

(;jl'l who pla.n•d Yolley hall eaJ'lll'd :2;) points h~ attt•nding- !l0', of the pract il'Ps and playi111! in a mateh ganH·. Tlw sanH• nmnlwr of points n1a.'· lw .·t•t'UI't•d Ill ha (•hall.

• ·o\\. yon st'l'. thl• g-irl have n•ally put forth au l'fl'ort whieh is worth \\hilt· i•1 orde1· to \\PHI' a U. A . A. ar111hand. :\fa I'!! a rd • 't ua rt.

/'U!/f O U t

1/ lllttfn d J it't



,/ /





/ 1( /















. '...









GIRLS ATHLETIC ASSOCIA TIO IJ'<'lH' !:-;tyan ---------------------------- __ Pn•.... ident L< ,is • 'n1ith - -- - -- - - ---- - -- - - -- ----- - _ \'i<·<· pl·e . . id<·nt • 'and1 Fi . . hl'r --- - -------------------- ____ !:-; <·<·r·l'tar·~· .:\Ji..,s P<•r·r·y ------------------------------ 'l'r·pastll'l'l' 'f'hp following <'Olllmiti<'Ps \\l'l'l' appointed h,\' th<' pl'<'"'d<'nt: • tunts- }fa<lg<· Young. ( 'hainllall, .:\lilcln·d P<·n·iYal, AdPiiJJP LiPJ'lllan, Huth (lppfan; IIiking(lnt<•<• Pal'ldtill. <·hairntan, liPil'n Long, E\aline ll<•imli<·ht•t·, }larian Bt·mrnt>ll. 'l'hP first JJJ<•I'ting for the.) ear 1!1~~-~:~ \\il" hl'l<.l <ktoii!'L' -L Th<• spirit of •·o<ip<'l'ation \\ils. ho\\'11 from tlw \('!',\' fi1·st and <·ontinu<·d throughout tlw y<·at·. :Uiss Pen·,,·, th<· t'aeulty adYi. 1'1', was thl' onp \\'ho had a gr<'at dPal to do \\'ith thi . TIH• girls W<'l'l' not to h<• outdmH• h,\· tlw hoys \dH•n it <·ani!• to organized <·hPPJ'ing. Thus, th<• •• !:-;hrieking Nist<•rs" plannl'd ll\ \'illaJ's Parkhill. <'Hill<' into exist<'ll<'P this y<·ar. .\t tht• .:\IolitH' football ganw the girl bought ean<'s and tied tht•iJ· <"olors to tht• handlP. This was l'<'fH'alt•d at the l "rhana gauw also. Thp (l. A .•\. dli•<'J' lead!'!'"· .:\Iadge Young. Huth .Jl'tPI'. }larian Blaint•, a11d f{uth O!!dl'n, d<•spn'<' mut·h JH'illS<'. Tlu•ir pftieiPnt leading did IIIJH·h to lwlp the hoy. ha\'p a 1000' 1 !<•am. Nl·Yentl ntix<•rs \\PI'<' gin•n this ~Pat'; amm1g th<·m \\PI'l' thl' Thankgidng. (' hn I mas, an<l (lpor·g<' \Yashington par·ti<•s. 'l'hl' nwst U<'<'< ..,,.,fnl wa-.. thP Clll·i tnra Dan<·P, givPn D<'<'<'lllhl'r' Hi in th<• Iligh . '<·hoof U\ lllll<l imn aft<'r "~'hoof !'or th<· u:i!'l-. and thl'ir· gut•sts. 'l'hP gi1·l. flowed th<•it· r·pa] spirit wiH•n th<',\'. old holl~· t'or th1• IH'nl'fit of thl• {' hildJ'<•n' }luni<·ipal Nhop Fund. Loi-, , 'mith and Huth Ogd<•rJ.

ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OFFICERS II . J). li<mard ______________ Atlll Pti<· Board ~l!'lltiJ<•r }lis-., LottiP , ' \\itZ<'I'- _______________ .\tlllPti<· Din•<·tor ~It· .. John \ ' an Li<•\\ ________ .\ -.,i-.,tallt I>ir<•<·tor a11d ( ' oa<·h Lillnu·n Ha~' lltmHl _____ _ _ _ _______ _______ Pn•-.,idPllt <l<'OJ'I.!'<' I I utr ____ ____ __ ________ ___ \ i<·<' Pn·-.,id<'lll ~Jr.

<:anliliPr . · m·ton -------

:-\!'<'1'<'1 at·~·

Tilt> ,\tJtlPti<' .hso<·iation \\' <h rP-organizPd on all Pntin•ly ditl'Pn·nt plan ft·om pn'vious yPar \\it It a ha. is of "<'t'Yi<'P. Thi ~ <'Ht' lll<'llllwrsllip W<h gntnted onl~· to thosp who t 1ok part in the thool' athlt'tie adi,·itiP. or who t ri!'d to furtftpr the <·hool':-. intPn·st by "·ot·king for tllPnt. Pat·t of the work. howP\'Pl', wa. a paying propo. it ion fm· 1Itt• iH<li,·iduals \\ ho -.,old 1 iek!'b. An~· nwmlH'r who . old fin tiekPt to foot hall or hash·thall gamPs was givt•n Olle ft•t•t• t id'l't. Anotht•r phase of tht• work W<h advt•l'tising for thP gam<' . . distribution and making of post<•rs. Th • t·llrollnwnt tlli-.,;. Par \\a tutu uall~· largP with ;1 total of ~GG. l\Ia11~ girls. Jtot to ht• outdonp h~ 1Itt• hoys took a11 adivP part in tlw orga11izat ion foe :>6 git·l -.,i!!nf'd up cllHl \\'OI'kP<l. Tlw <'~Pdio11 of ofti<·t•t· for t ht• past tPrm \\a. ont• of grPat illtl't'Pst a11d was ltotl~· <'olllt".;lt•<l. Lilhut·n HaymmHl S<'t'VPd a V<'l'.'' :stH'<·<•sst'ul ;.·l'ar as pn•sitkllt and \\a in <·hargP of Sl'\'('t'al assPmhliPs . Tht• <'alldidate that ran for tht> nu·ious uffi<·P '\!'l'!' as follows: Ra~ mond Fox. Harold Nloall. On.' Kt>lh•t·, Clll<l .Janw-; , olon, JH'<•sidl.'nt; E\'!•t'l'tt Olson. G:t•orgt• llnfl'. Lt>ollar<l , turd;. vin. vi<·P-pn•:-.idt•nt: ({arclinpr • ·orton, .J anws ( '<qwl. s<'('l'Ptar~·• 'ome •vi<lene<'. of tht• .\thl!'ti<: ~\. soeiation "s good work wa sho\\ n in the titw l!Pw snih whieh hoth our foot hall and haskpt hall t<'allls won•. '!'hi· organization bn~s all tlw atlwtil' apparatu. and <'<Jllipnwnt and also pays a lat·g<' sum oil the . alarie of out· eoal'h<•s. /'tlfJf



/,, iyltt

@ rgani.:;afions

WIG A D PAl T OFFICERS ,J Hill!' J>pjj it ----------------------Fit·,.,t \ · it·l'-1>n".. idt•n t I )orotlt,\ Koog·lt•t' ----- -----~('('fllld \II'<' J>n• idt•nt IIHt't',\' Burkl' -------------. '<'t'l'l'tar.'· ( 'hat·'p-.. B<'llll<'ll -------------Tn•a lll't'l' ( 'lari.,.,a Uraham ------------------------\\' ig- and Paint. tltt• ('hampai!!ll High ,'t·ltool dnnnati<· t•lnh. ha hl't'll Yt'r.' a<'livl' during- tht• pa-.;t yPat·. This org-;utization. \\'bO'il' t'undamPnlal purpt>-..<' I" tq further dramati<· \\'Ot'k in tlw s<•hool. <'ll('Otll'Hg'<'" al;..o 'it)('ial al'tivitip;.., ~\t tlw fir,.,t liH'Pting- th<• ofli<·<·r. \\'l'l'l' l'lt•t'lt•d. ,\ ft>\\' \\'t't'b latt•r. h·.'·-out fot· Ill'\\ nwmhPr;.. \\1'1'(' hl'ld. ~\lmo-.;t all of thl' <·<lJHlidatl' -.;ho\\'Ptl finp talt•nt along- sn<'h vari<·d lint';.. a t'<'<·iting-. p!aying mtt'iit·<d in;..trunwnh. ing-in!!. and datH·ing-. Tlw t•hth m<·tnhpt·;..hip limit of pt·t•viou-.; .'ear \\'as t·ai.,Pd from thirt,,·lin• to fifty so a to <H't•omtncHlatl' tltl' laq~l' numlwr of -.;u<'<'t'"· ful eandidatt>-..

A mixl't' \\'a lwld tht• latl't' part of Ft>ht·wtt·.'·· to whit·h only liH'lllht•r-. ot' tlw l'!uh \\' 1'1'(' invitPd. ~\ g-ood orehp-.;tra furni-.;hpd lllli;..Jl' for the dant•in!!. '' hil'h ft•Htlll'l'(l tht• aftPI'liOOll \ l'lltl'rtaillllH'lll. B,\' ('lt;u·lt•s I <'lllll't t. ':2.J..

1Lhc )





OFFICERS ~arah FislH•r -- ----------- - - - -

---- -- ___ __ PI'<' id<·nt )lax\\ PI! Kirh,,- -- - - -- - ------------ ---- - \'i<·P-PrPsid<'nt Hohel't KPlly ------------------------ - - _ -- ~<'c•rptary Floi'Pnl'l' Edwanb - -- - -- - - --- - - --- ------ _'l'n·<tsllrPr

t--.P\'Pllt~ Latin studPnts md on th1• third of Odoh1·r. and Pll'<'l<·d the ahon• <'flicl'l's of thP Latin ( 'lub for 1!1:!:!-:!:l. E\'('1',\ ,\'I'HI' e<H·h da fl!l'lli lw th<· Pllft•rtaillll!Pllt for on1• lll«'l'ting. Tlw ·· \ ' p tal Yiq!in Drill" wa giwn hy the .Junior and ~~·nio1· girls dm·ing tlH• first "'l'lllP.t1·r. Th<· long " ·hill• rolws, the burning I'HIHlle.., and tlw digllit,\' of th1• girls mad<' the intPrprl'tation \'1'1',\' impressin•. Tho P who took part \\'l'l'<' \'irginia BPa1·h as ~.'hi!. )Jar.'· CmthornP, )Jar,\' Ann ('nst<•r. )largHI'Pt Boot.. BPrnil'<' DiC'k<•t·son. )Jarglll'l'itP ::-;tuart, Flot'<'ll<'<' Edwards, ~1<u·ian Blain<•, Ural'<' <:nodman, .\lii'P llan·n. Dorothy Koogll·t·, }lat·y KPII,\·, LJJl'illl' Hankin and <:ail Bn1·di1•k. )lildrPd <'aiu a1•eompani<•d at th1· piano. ancJ Frank Tut't'<'l gav<• a short Pxplanation hPI'ot'l' th<' drill. Th1• Jll'rfonnan<·P wa" ~o llt'I'Ps. t'ul that it was r<·Jll'a t<·d at Op<'n II onsp on DP<'<'Ill ht•t· :-.. Th<· nt•xt big- 1'\'PIIt of tlw ,\'<'il I' was t h<' part: wh ieh tlw ophmllot·<·s u:a \'I' t o 1 he Latin ( 'luh m1 'l'hnrs1la:-·. FPht'll<ll',\' fit'tP<·nth. A pl<'asmg· Pllt<'t'tainnwnt wa plamll'd h,\' -land \\'pston , a spnio1·, I'Ollsi ting- of' a l'P<Hiing h.'· )l<ll'ian , \•ott. a dan<·P h.\' L<•no1·a \Volt' and 1'\'l'l'al PiPdions hy tlw Latin ( 'luh on·IH•st t'H. '1 hP ~ati!Ps \\' <']'(' planl!l'd h,\ <:o!diP Ilouston. and th<' Pat h,\· LPna \\'ilskP. as l'hHil'llll'n of theit· ('0111llli1tPI'I'S. l ' IHIPr thP dit'Pdion ot' }liss BP<II'h, )li. s lkt\\ il1•t· and }lis" LP~Ilrl', thP nH' tll hPI's ot' thP Latin ('luh have ai'I'OIIlplishl•d IIIHn,\· \\'Ot•th\\'hik things. Tlt1• a1·ti,·iti1• ot' tltP <·luh douhl<•s thP intl'l'P t of thP Latin stud1•nts.

Lll(•illP Hankin. l'tU/1

tJu' llruuln d 'It n

LE CIRCLE FRA CAIS OFFICERS H ie liH nl H a m l',\' -------------- - ------- - ----- ~'~"~" i<lPil t !II'lt>ll Haukiu ------------------------- \ ' it·t· -J>n• idl'llt Paul Doolin ---- - ----------- -- ----------- Tr!'a un•r \ 'i llar Parkhill --------- --- - ---------- -- • ' p<·r·l'lar~·

L<' ( ' irde Francai. . always a fad or m 'hampaign High , \·hool a ctivitie ju t complt>tPd one of thP mo t suc·c·e ful and pmfitahl<· ~ l',trs in tl u• hi tory of tht• dub. t •ndPr' thP faC'ult~· l!'adPr hip. of :\Ii . t' ~Iildr·<·u Erhar·t .•\Ill,\' Bt•aeh and Loi D e twil•r·. a :,rrPater intt·n• t Ira bi'Pil takt•n b~· tlH• tudt•nts. Th<• IH'l't' o t hP t·luh wa clouhl~· a un·cl. whl'll, at tlu· fir t lliPPt.in)! <·allt•d OetolH'r 1.). l !J~~ thP ahove officer Wl'l'<' Pl<'ett•cl. At the !'COnti m<'l'ting, th<• Jll't>sid<•nt appoint<'d tltP follo11 iug- o1·ial c·olllmittl'l': . \deli 011 ~Ia11lPy, ( 'hair1nan, Evalirw li Piml.iehl'r', Doroth.'· ('lark, ('leu·'' (,,·,dram. Hic·hard HanH'Y and Wilbur· Uivinn. ·1 tl<l ~·on go to Hoom :1-1-0 you would PXt·laint "Oh. how Fr·<·n<·h.'··" \\ hit·h .11 t 'ht> way it appPar to all who <'Pit. Tlw hnllt>tin hPip to :,ri\'1' thi prPdominatin:.r atmo plwre lw<·au <' impor·tant annotliH.:<'liH'llls, a I< r·Pnt·h Flag, pi<·tun• of fam o u Frt>Jl<·lulll'll all() liP\\' paJwr· dipping:. ar'<' 1111 it. OpPII Hou <• wa <Ill important P\'t•Jtt for th<• <·lttu. Tht• following Fr·Prwh Ollg \\'('1' • un:,r hy tlH• lllf'lllht•r : '· ( 'adt't Hon-.,PII<·, · · ' ' 1\ 11 ('lair dP Ia LmH·, ·'and " .\ Tr·o i Ill'nr· du .Iati11. ' ' l>i-,<·u iou of rnu1• <·un·<·nt <'VPllt or Fr·<•nt·h prohlt•m-,, srwlr a ~1. ( 'lt'lllt'JlP 'u· , .j it. the· Ruhr ituation, Pt<· ., lw id<•s darwi ng, ~ing-i n g- and m usi!· is a !Jr·ipf 1 (' ume of e<wb lllf'l't in g . \'illar·s P ar·klrill, '~ L


E L CIRCULO CASTELLANO OFFICERS 'l'hollla .:\h· · Pi I ----------,-----------___ PrPsi<lPn t DaiP :-;tonL - -- - -- - ---- -- ---- ---- - - __ \.i<·<•-Pn·si<ll'nt D. ('. )lulli~an _______ ____________________ - ~ <'<'l'PtHL',\" Brook

\Yoollp~·---------------- --------- _ 'l'l'<'asurPr

'l'hP fir t lllPdill:,r oft hP ,\·Par \\a .· <·ai!Pd for thP Jllli'})O <' of n•orgallizing tlw <'luh, ancl tiH• ahovp ofli<'<'l's \\'PI'<' Pl<'l'tPd. :-;<'\'Pral lwrt husinps liH'Ptin:.rs Wl'l'l' hPld to build IIJl a lar:,rPI' and lwttPr <·hll>. .:\Ian.'· d!'li~·htfnl partirs \'PI'~' l!iven at whi<·h thP timP \\'as sjWilt Plljo~· in:,r :-;panish l!anH•s, songs and <lan<·ing. 'l'lw most sll<'<'<•ssful of thPsP \\'Hs a miX<'I' :,rivPn ill thP g-ymna ium Pal'l~- in the y<·m·. One of thP fpatlll'('" or OpPll IIou..,(', \\hi<·h \\' H" lwld ))('('l'llliH'r !l, was til<' j)l'O!!T<llll giV<'II h~· tiH• \ariou <·Ia" <' ill . ' pani..,IJ. On this P\'l'llincr s('\'Pral \'l'l'Y S\H'l.'l' sful Cllll' <l(·t plays \\'Pl'l' s!H!!Pd. TIH'"<', \\hiiP PII1Pr1aining to listPIH'rs, 1<'1HIPd to Pnlargl' th<• vo<·ahulai'Y alld illlprov<' thP pronun<·iation of thP stml<'nts. Th<• llH'tnh<•r..,IJip of thP eluh i lai'IH'l' this ,\' Pal' than that of prP\' ious yt>ar \ hi<·h how a lllOJ'P pronoun<·Pd int<·n·"t in tlw idiomat i<· languagp of old ~pain . ThP ltHtin l'l'a on fm· tlw II<'<'<'" of·· EJ ('in·nlo {'astPllmw'' wa KPilPr. tlw instJ·udor.

thl' dl"ort

of f.l i

Thoma .:\le 'e!ll LPOJIHI'd •'•ur ly\ in

1'"11' OHt lluudn d 'lrr t In


a littlP work ha hPt' n dont• clln·in:,! ti lt' p,r-.t -.t·hool ,\t'H I' hy t hP c·la -.p in ~hor·t hand and 'l',,· p P\\Titing·. I 11 thP c·las ('S or 'l',\')1('\\Titing- a lllllllhl'l' ol' tudenh ha\c' won a\\·anb olf<•n•d h,,. tilt' H<•rnington T~' JH'\\Titl't' l'ornpan,,·. ThP JH'izt• HI'!' offPJ'c•d for profit-it'JH·~· in t~· ping-. .\ pr·irnar.'· <·t•rt ifieat<' is awardc·d to an~ stndl'nt who writ<·-. t \\·c·nty-fin• 1ret wor·d . for It'll minutt·s with not mon· th<lll ll\l' t'I'I'OI's, or· JJJOI't' than ollt' hundr·ecl and l\\t'llt~· honr·s of Jll'a<·l i<·c•. Thirty-fiyp twiPnt ha\'c' lw<·n givPn a cPrtifi<·atP. Thc• econd H\\ ani was a hla<·k leather card <'a-.p for \\Titing forty-tiw nl't \\·ord · a minutt' \\ ith not morP than fiyp errors. Tho. <' who rc•<·Piwd tilt's!' wert•: :\lildrt'd Cain, \V!lha ~tedem , Hazel \\' ilson, and EffiP ~lyprs. ThP thit·d award \\'as a g-old medal for '' ntingtift,\ -fiYt• JH't \Yords a minute with not nron• than th·e <'1'1'01' Tho-.p who r et·Piw<l g-old nwdals wet·c•: Flon•m·<' Edward . Frank Blai dPII. and Frank OahriPl. 011 ~atunla~, April :21-i, thc• Distric·t ~horthand ami T~ JH'\\TitiJlg' Toru·na lllt'JJt was lll'ltl at our high school. The -.dlOols ft·om this distrid that \\'CJ'e l'l'Jll'Pscntl'd het'<' \H'I'l': Decatut·, BPnH•nt. :\lonti<'Pilo, Long\ it'\\', H<llltoul, 'rh<llla, and ('hampaign. ( hampaigon won first pl<l<'<' with a n•t·ord of 1\n·nt)·fin• poinb: Dt•t·atuJ' won sc·c·mHl with twPH!) point ; and Bt•JJJPJJt \\on third with thirtt•en poinh. Jncli\'idnal honors goo to Fn111k UahriPl. \\ho \\' Oil fir t pl;l!'t' in two e\·ents, tlw eig-ht)· wot·d !H'I' rnimJt<• didation test and tlw onp lnmtln•d \YoniJH'r rninntP dic·tation t< t: BessiP Ball \\on first plm•t• I'm· th<' h<'ginnilll! "hOI'thand di<·taticm test, thP -.ixt.'' word r·ate. 'I ht• highe-.t g-radt• of any indi,·idnal in th<• ~horthand dit'tation tl'st wa ~J/.0:!, madt• h~· BPs-.iP Ball. FlorPJH'P Edwanl,., took st'<'oJH! pla<·P in tilt• indiYidnal t,\' JH'" rit i11g e\'t'JJt. Th • IPHJII \'ic·torie-. for ( 'hanrpaign \\t'l't': first pia<'<' in OJH' hundt•t•d W<ml dit•tatiou tC' t, tl'alll: M ildJ·t•tl ('a in. Lillil' Luth<•r, llazt'l Wilson. and Frank }abric·l: first plal'l' in typing- tl'st, foul' lnmdrl'd hour of instrut'l iou. tl'illll: Flot·enc • Ethrard . :\1 ildrl'd ('a in, Frank Blai. dell, and Frank Uabril'l: st'<'O!Hl plae<' in J t,,. \\!)J'd 'horthan.l tt•st. t<•anr: Bl' sit• Ball, 1-'lon•Jlt'<' ('t<l\\ ford. Evelill<' ht·tdPt' and Edith() hot'llt'; -.l'<'OII<l plat'!' in eig-ht.' \\oJ'(I ~horthand tl'st, tt•am: ~lildred Cain, Frank Uabr·iel, Lilli<• Lutht•J', and llazPI Wilsmr: and thir·d pla<·c Ill l'ypt'\\Titing tP:,t "ith two hundrt•d horn·.· of instrtl<'ticm, t<•arn: Bl's:-.i<' Ball, ~lat·:.rr< tta Faull in, ~Iildt·<'d .\nu trong-, and Ll'ota I eid. ThP tt·ams plan to g-o to thc• ~tate Tmtrnamc•nt held at ol'!nal, Illinois. By llcl<•n ort on.



E ll i Ftsht'r_____________ -------_ Prl'si dl'nt .Jos<'ph , 'olll t'l" ----- _ --------------- \ ' i<·P-Pt•psid <'nt Gt•orgP .\lax\\·.. ll_ _____ -------- ------- ___ Tn•a u rPr l)p)lwrt Foltz __________ _ ~ t·erl't a t·y J)onald T t>at·p ___ _ _ _______ J>rog-ntm L Pa d <•r • ' I I'IJIU/ • ' IIIII .\ fr


Hun·____ _ _____________ Pn•sidPnt (;)pn Fisltpr_ __________________________ \ ' i<·t>-Pt'(' idPnt TaliH·rt Huekman ____ ____ ____ __ __ ______ ____ _Tn•a un•r ~\rtllur

Fntnt· is Ba rkPt' ___ --------- - - -- -- - --- --- - -- -8<•erl'ta ry Ed" ani Burkson ______ _________ ______ Prog-ram Lt><t<lPr Tlw ~\l!t'i('ultut'(' ('luh had a ·ueees ful ,\'Par and OW(' much or ih U<:<:PS. to ::\lr. l~Pll<'.'', faeult.' advisor. The most important t•vt•nt of thP ,\'l'ar was til • demonstration. gin•n h.'· t hl' <'lub at • • OpPn House. ·' 'l'hP boys hrou~rht live. to<·k sul'11 as l'ltit·kPns and l!<'<'st• fot· an Pxhihit io11. Tlwn dift'Pt't'lll variPtiPs of St'Pd \\'('!'(' . hO\\ II. ThP JH'OI!t'ant t'm· tht• nwding- wt>n• n•r.'' intpn• tiBI! lwin~r eomposPd of illu. tratP<l talks 011 Ag-rieultut'<' . uhjt•eh and dPbatP. on t!latl'rial whit•h intt'rl'sl 1 ny promi iBI! young farmers. Hegular llll'l'ting wPn' ht>ld durin~r thl' eeond s<'me ter on \\'ednt• day Pvening of CV<'ry oth<'r wePk. This plan r<'stlltPd in a lwttl'r att •ndanee than tht• previous method of <·alling a liH'<'tin~r at any time. Thl' dub had a lm kt>thall tPam whit·h pht.''<'d st•vt>ral ~ranws thro111!hout thP y<•ar. La. t ,\'<'ar C'hampaign Ilig-h • 'chool wa rPpn• Pnt<•d hy a ,judging lt>am, <·ompo. t•d of Donald TPat'P, Elli. Fi. ht>t', atHl Ra.' mond .Jutkin . at th<• .\nllu,tl .Judgin~r <'on!P t of the \ ' nt·ational Department-, of ~\gTi<·nlture of thP Ilinh ~ehools of lllinoi . AlhPrt Foltz


(Jiu 11 unlln tl I fJllrln n.

Q)rgnn i~ctfions

THE COOKI G CLUB OF F ICERS I I <tz~·l B rm11·----------------- -------Evalinc• Ill'indic·hc·r· ____________ -------- \'ic·P Pl'f idPnt l>orot h,\· \ Vih·ox _____ -------------------- __ . 'pc·rpt a ry .Junc• Boypr _______________________________ l'rt a urt·r·

Tlw <'ookin!! Club wa. oq.raniwcl undt·t· tiH· !!Uidanc·p of Mr. ~lilt-hell. At th .. fir t mc•l'ting-, oftiec•r-., Wt'J'C' !'lt•c.:tt'd ancl c·ormnittc·c· Wl'l'4' appointt•d h,\' the pre... ic!Pnt. Thc· CH'ial ('()IJIJUittc•c• (•()JI i tl'cl of thl' followill!!: c:c·rtnrdc· • 'offtz. El iP BnHllc•,\' aJHl Loui c• \\'ollc·,\·: tht> prog-ram c·ornmittec•. \'pr·rra Everett and Ilal'l'ic•t Tnc·kPr: adivit,\·. EntlinP li Pimlic·kPr. ( :rat·•· \Yi!!!!ill , nd P aulirH' Butfpr·worth. l'lrc• JIIII'JH> (' of tiH' dnh is not orll,\• for· c·HtPr·tainnu·nt hn o th. t the !!irl \\ill he ·Omf' morP intl'n' tc·d i11 tlrt• \\ork. ,\ l'Oil lltution wn clt·a\\ll up h,\ h · ollit.:t>r . It wa clP ·idecl that all Jwr· on who had tak<'H. or \\l't'e tnkin!! food work \'f'n' Plig-ihlP for mt>mllf'r hip. Tht> !!irl macl .. ancl old arHlwil·he , c·aHtl,\· a11d pOJWOt'll hall a orw of the football !!/llllf' and orw of th<' ha kP hall !!illlll' , makin!! enOII!!h moue,\· to buy ·ur niu for· t hl' lahorator·y, a r·ug-. ..n·in!! tahll' ancl lurrdwon ·t or th<' din ill!! room . 11 • \\a on . \ t t•vt•ral of the meet in!! iult't·c· tin!! JH'O!!ram ,,·er • !!l\ 11. th • "E,·olutiou of ( ookin!!. •· aucl at other· im · . l\Ii ~re ham and Mi (, 1PJan tolfl ahout thl'll' tr·avc•l iu Em·op . .\ mmJ!!' he oth ·r ~nod im of th • <'luh <'!'(' n t~df~· pull. \ 7 aiPutirJt' JHll't,\'. a par1y :.\lr .• Iitc·hf'll !!,r <' .rt her hom au 1 very Ill'·· ful pic·nic· !!'h I'll iu :.\I a,\·. E,, lin II imli k •r



"Jiim"" ~"JPe 1't "W;ga ..J~:rf ~u.rr

.Ji\~ Q;l .. b



--------------- E<l it ()J'-i JH •h il'f I n•JJt'

Ed ito1·

H11th BJ·ooJII _______ --------- - -.\11na


__ -Tunio,· Ed itor

_________________ _


Ed ito1·

Tar on \\'il!·y ______ ---------------

Fn· hman Editor

H ;t•ha nl Haml',v ------- _ ___ __ _ __ _____

-~port i n:,r

Ed it or

I n·ne • 't,\ an _________ ______ - ---- - _ (; i rl;, · .\ t h let ie Ed i tm·

.\lit•t• Ilawn ________ _________________ LitPJ'ctry Edito1· L,dP • ·a h __ -------------- _____________ .JokP Edito1· 'ullt•n Ka ri ht•r ______ --- - -- - -- __ ----- --- - __ _ <'a IPJtda ,. I Ierlwrt I I at· kha rt h ___ ------ ____ ___ Photo:,rraphPJ' Ed i to1·

Clara ~Ie 't•iiL _________________ _

- - -- - -- ~\rt Edito1·

Lt•OJJ<l \ ' illanl_ ___________________ .\ sistant \ ' t•ra IIutt·hinson ____ -------------- .\1 t'l'Pd Kii·k_ ______________ _



• 'nap. hot Edito1· ~nap

hot Editor

Ho.' al ~tipP __ --------- }lt>lli h Ilanis __________ __ .\ssistaJJt BusJJJPss :\Iana:,rl't' \Y i1l ia m II ow a rcL _________ _____ ___ ( 'It't.:ulat ion .:\1 a nagt'I' Fr·ank Tunpll ___ ------- ~\

istant ( 'ir·eulat 1011 }laiJag'l'I'

Bt•J·nanl Bowt•n -------- _1\ssi. ·tant ( 'in·ulation .:\lanagPr .:\Jj,.,,., .:\Iaq!arPt E. . 'turgt•oll ____________ Fat•ulty .\th i er

:P uhlications

THE MOLECULE Tht• Ia t issup of tht• 1!1:!:!-:!:~ :\lolt•t·nll' t•omplt•tpd tlw fourth llt't'Pssf'ul yl'ar of llt'\\siHIJH'I' \nn·k in ('hantpaig-11 lligh . 't·hool. .\t thP lwgillllillg· of 1lH• y •ar, tlw outlool· for a tlu·i\'illu- papPI''"' not hr u-111. IH't·ausp thi'J't' \\l'l't' mtl,,· thn•t• tafT llll'lllht•r who hat! had prt•,·iol! " pt'J'it•Jit••• with tht• puhlit·atioll. 'l'ht- fir t pnhlit·ation t•ln s of tht lcw,tl t•hool \\a t·rPatPd undt•t· IIJWn·isioll to lwlp in thl' ;\Joll't'lllt• \\tll·k. and t·oltst•qut•lltl.'· to l'tll'thl't' thl' ilt(l't'l'st ill jmll'llalism alltong tht• t111le111 ·. ThP uhst•t·iption prit•t• was lowl'rl'd from thl' dollar of pn•viou year to eYI'IIt.' -fin• Ct'llh, a11d O\'t't' tlll't'P hu11dn·d snhscriptions. whil'h l'.. t'l't'<ll'd thl' uhseription li t of otht•r .''t•at·-... \\1'1'1' n•t·Pin•d. ,'pn•ral things. lll'W in tht• hi tm·.'· of thl' papl'r \\1'1'1' t·ompl!'tl'tl. Tht• initial Ill' t•.ttTit•<l lht• onl.'· dl'tailt•d <JI't•ount of thl' I'XJlo.urp of thP failurp of Oak Park Iliu-1 . 't·hoo] to t•arr.'· out hPt' part of thl' football I'OIItl'at•t with ( 'lnnnpaign. Fom· hu11dn•d eopit• of thl' JHIJH't' \\PrP ..,"pllt to dilt't>l'l'llt high t•hools in thP .Iiddlt• \\'t•-..t. .\sport editio11, tht• only P ·tra \'\'t'l' printl'cl hy tht• ~Iol!'t'lllt>, t'HlllP out aftet· the ('hampai!!lt-{'rhalla football t·la h. Th\' first Pig-ht pag-\' that thP pn JlPt' had ,.,.,.r kumnt rnmP nt1' t hP pn·-.. a a ( 'h t·i-..tma JWeial. Is

\t tit• l'l'OIItl an11ual IIH't'tin!! of tht• lllinot . tatt• Ilig-h ~~·I no] Pn• .\o ·iation !Pid < t the {'uiwr it.'• of Illinoi . ('h;unpai!!n had tit lar!!t t <lt•lpg-ation "ith thirt.'·-tin> dt•lpu-att· . In the puhlit·atiml t•ontt> t t•arriPd ou hy till' a tll'iation. tht• :\Iolt•t•ult• WOJI Pt·ontl plat•t• in ( 'Ia Ill. \\ hit·h inl'llldt•d st·hool of tht• S<llllt' t'll!'O]lJtll'llt.

~~·n·t·al IIH·mht•t's of tht• stall' illtt'tlll to t•nntinnt• i11 llt'\\'»]Hl)H't' work, and m.t.Jor 11 journali m iu Collt>u-t•. This illt't't>H \'d intl'rt'»t in jonr11alism will l't't't, iuly IIH'an the hl' t of rt· 11 t 't r II<' ·t ,\'Par' :\Iolt•<·nlc.

lJ uh lications




THE ORCHESTRA l<'IRST \ IOLI:\.' EloisP Berbaum Huth Broom Edith Hl'inz Geoq~e Kaplan Donald Reno Georgp \Yilson EC'O. 'D YIOLL '8 Alic<' Goodman • <·ott Hoov r Cecil Kitch Hal ph • '<'~mith EthPI :\lay Reynolds CLARL 'ETS Elnwr Hamppl Ho~s :\!iller ::\lELLOPHOXI<JS Harry BurkP Driver Lindsay \\'ebster Turn•ll ELLO Loretta \Volt'!' PI\ '() - DPII<'ina \Vhitf'

TH.0::\1 BOXJ:<iS Ralph COJJsy HobPrt Kelle) .John Tu('ker SOPRA. '0 SA.· Al'HO. 'E :\lax Flowers ALTO SAXAPHOXE Harry Hoffman Elwood l<'abert C :\lJ<iLOI>Y SAXA I'HO. 'E <:ail l<'ish<•r Virgil LaflPrty Elmer Oehmke TE. 'OR SA.· APHO. 'J<i \Valter Srhrei DHT::\IS \Villiam Casad FTHST COIL 'J:<JTS Cravi.· Shook Cha rle.· Stevens SECO. 'D COIL 'ETS H.aymon<l I<'isher F'rank ,\!ills J>lHECTOH (;rate Van DykP ::\lorp

Champaig-n Hig-h • 'chool i. \'('!',\' Jll'OII<l of ht•r on•hp-.;tr·a thi-.; :Vl'Hl'. endt•l' tht> abk manag-emPnt of ).Ji-,-, ~Ion• it ha prog-t·p-,-,ptl rapidly and Ita. app<•arl'd 111an~· tinws dnring- tlw y<·ar. This lli'!!Hllization ha work<·d on a widt> J'HII:!t' ol' lllllsit• itH·lnding- "(lraJHl .\Jan·h l'mrn .\ida." · E\l'lling Ntar from Tamlltauspr". and Li zt · .. Hako<·z~ -I<u·eh. '' B" ick thP r spledion llHllll'd. uitahiP man·lw and :pP<·ial 11\llllht•r,.,, '·i!<·h as .. Bm·<·arollP Tak fr·om Ilofl'man" Ira\ I' IH"II pla,\ Pd i11 asst'rnhlir-.. During- thP year tht> on·hP. tra wa invitl'd to pia.' at tlJP Distril't 'L'I'<ll'lH r · .\ sot'iation, and thP Pan•nt 'I'Pat·hpt·s· ~I1•P1ing. ~In it· fot· the "Op!'ll lion •'' prog-ram \\'as al. o furJJislu•d hy thi org-<mization.


THE BAND Th1• hand, mtd1•r th!' ahl1• dll'l'l·tor~hip of }lr. Ira .\ . }11'1\:inn"~·. madl' an tnviahil' n·<·ord duri11g thl' year .•\~ thi is th<' fir t or!.('anizPd h;uul in th<' hi tory of th!' Iligh ~ehool. it is to h!' IJO(Wd that tilE.' Jll'<'<'l'dl'nt p-,tahli. IH•d will hi' follmn·d in futun• yt'ar.... Th<' on.ranization i imlPhtl'd to ~Ir. Tozi1•r fm· tlw tmJH'I 11 g-i\·1·n hy him during- tlw fir-,t "l'llll-.,tt•r and to }lis ~'' itz1•r for lwr lllltirin!! uppol't and haeking-. Th1· hand hPipt•d to t·n•Htl' t•nthu~ia-.,nt in athldit·~ h.' playittg- at Jlt'P a~ l'lllhlit' and football <liHI ba~kt'lhall gatn<'"· .\-, a dt•monstration of it ability, tlw org-anization g-HYI' a short prog-ram lwfon• till' .\ssl'mhl)·. On }< Phruar~· Hi a Yl't',\' pll'a in!! t'otll·Prt "as l't'lldPrl'(l. Individual llll'lltlwr shmn·d t lwir talt'nt HJl(l all lht• nuntlwt' \\'t't'<' t•xtn·nwl.'· \\'!'11 pla:n·d. Tlw JH'r~ollll!'l of tht' org-mtization is as folltms: Hoss ~Iil'Pt', Elnll'r llt•tntw • Frank Blai~dt'll. Ilarr.1· (lodst·~, \Yillanl \Yadl', (it•ne 't·ott. ( ' hat·I,•s ~lt'\'t'll . <inn , 'hook. \\'t•ntlt•ll \ 'atull'nnark. Ha.1 montl Fi lwr, .JI.1 !'lin .Johnson, Tar~oll \\'i!l'~, .JI< rvin Orindll'.l' , Frank ~I ill-,, Harold Bl'lz, IlarQ BurkP, Drivt•r Linda~·. \Y I'h tPt' Turn"!. Floyd .Johnson, Lt•wi. I~PI-,haw. Hal ph ( 'op~~- . Eml't'-;oll '•·hi'Oe<lt't', .John 'l'tl!'kt•r. ( 'h;u·(p-., Daug-hl't'l~, l~olwrt H. K!'llt·~, K t'llll<'l h Bt•t'Fio\1 pr-,, \\'allt'r , 't·ht·l'i, Lt• lit• h,nun, Han.1· Ilotl'ntall, ElnH't' <)pfltttkP, ~Ia 1

..\la.l'l', Elwood Falwrt, Ed11ard 'l'ltra. It, llo11ard l'ot'IPJ', \\'tlltatll ('asad, TrutHan .'Ill it It.

THE GIRLS' GLEE CLUB ThP <:ids' (j]pp ( 'lub has a <·omwil <·ompo;,P<l of a trirl n·pt·p Pnting t•ach <Ia.· in ;,('hool. R ut h (}pp)an, s!'niot·: Huth .}Ptl'l', junior; 0<'11<'\ it'\<' Frison , ...,op h omon•: and Fran<•p;, LPP, fn•shman. l\Icu·~· Burk • acts as '-il'crl'tary of the dnh. Tlw UlP<' ( ' lnh has hPPn quit!' a . llet·t•ss during- the pa. t yPat· tutd<'l' th<• lPadership of :\I iss Ot·aeP Yan ()~ kp :\I on•. EvPry Tul'sda~· and Frida~· montingfrom ' to,' :-1-0 thl't'l' is a rl'IH•arsal lwld in thP musie room. ThPy haw• ung in ~\s'-iemhly SPV<'ral times and they ang- for Op!'n Hous<'. Tlwir sPlPdions at 1 hi· apJWaran<'<' \\'Pre: "Th<• Dan<'<' of thP Buttprfly:·i ' - l\1<•ypr- liPlmnnd. "Twilig-ht"

.\ ht.

· ·, 'ing- On·· - DPIIZ<L

On Thut·sday. DP<'<'lllh!'t' ~ 1 th<• (tiP<' ( 'luh '-iang ( 'hristmas ( 'ai'Ols at·outHl tlw Twin ('itit•. Eig-ht alltos W<'l'l' llt'd to transport thP g-irls ft·om pla<·t• to plae •. Tht>~ \ Isit<•d t hp :\lt•n·.'· llo. pita], Burnham Hospital, ( 'ount~· Farm, Tuhen·ulo. is ~<l!litarinm, Cmnting-ham liomt•, ( 'arlp .'anitarium. l ' nivt•t·..,it,\' ITospital, and Count~· ,Jail. \\'hpn tht•y W<'l'<' at th<' ('mmingham II omp tl11• <·hildrt•JI tht•t'l' ang- for tlwm. ThP.\' are hopi11g to make this an a1111ual atl"air of 1 hP Uirl.., · (;]pp ('luh.


\ \'tth a Jll!'tllht•t·ship of fort,\-l'ight stud<'ttt ·. th!' st·houl and <'OIIllllllllit.'· should hP pmud of lH'h an org-anization. Huth .JPt<'I'


THE BOYS' GLEE CLUB Tht>rl' an• a g·t·Pat nwn.' tudt•llts i11 tht• I I igh . 'rhoul, who ht>t'ort· 1!l:!:!-:!:1, uid not kilo\\' of th!' t•xi lt'lll't' of a ho,\ s. IIIII it·al t"luh in tht• t·hool. :\lis )Ion•, tht> i11strudor ol' mu it•, has brought thi-., or:.tallization hpfot'l' tht> puhlit· t'\'Pral tinH· , i11 H'>st·mhl~· all() at tlw hand t·OtH:Prt . ThPir pPrl'onnanet''> \\'t'rt' •nthu iast it·all.'· t't't'Pi\'l'd PH<·h ti11w. ThPI'<' \\'t'l'<' only ahout fift<'t'll ho~.., in ten· tt•tl wlwn th<' t·luh wa orgaHizP<l. to thP halt' t•t'Pdit t't'<'Pi\'('{l for tlwit· work, tlw t'anw. or JH'rhaps tlw Jllll'l' t•njoyllH'IIt of it, tlw lll<'lllht•r hip Ita inrn·a Pd to twt•nty-fivP. Owi11~

l'ndPr )lis )Ion•' din·<"ti<lll. th<' (:Jt•p ('luh ha · at·ltif'Y<'<l a reputation \\orth.'· of it \\ork. ThP hoy JH'adit•t• t•wt·y T11t·sday and \\'Pdnt• da,,· nights aftt·r st"hool. fot· forty-fh<' minutt•:-.. and on \YPdllt' day morning. at Pi~ht o 't·ltwk It i this t·tHI)lPI'ation \\ hit·h Ita PllahlPd thr t·luh to Itt• so ·tH·<·P-..sl'ul in it soli!! . At tht• ~111 it· !'tl!ltl' t lwltl at ( 'harlt· ton, ~\ pril :! , thP Boy · (;1<'<' ( 'luh tmtdt· a rt•t·ord wlw·h it i hop<'d \\·ill lH• maintainPd h.' tht• uet·ps-..in• <:lt•t• ('luh ill ~r·ar to t'Ollll'. ThP_,. wt•rP awardPd fit· t prizt•, t·otlSi ting- ol' a ih'Pt' lo\'ill~ t·Hp \\hit·h Ita ht't'll plat·t>d amoll!! thP man,\· otlwr trophit·s. Thi-. i till' tir-.t trophy to lw won in thi mallll<'l'. Tilt' hoy had 11ot onl_,. to t·onqlt'tt• H!!Hill t Boy 'C:ll't' <'luh hut <:irl · <' luh-. a \\'I'll, and o tlw~· f<'lt till'.' hatl t•arnt>d lu·ir prizl' in full. Tlwre \H:re 111 addition two oloi t Plltl'l't'd ft·out t'. I I. ... l{uth .Jt•IPt' a11d .J,nnt> Pt·t it who wt•rt· al o ::iYt'll fir t pritt· . 111.tl 1!! thl' con!P-,1 a mo t profitablt-. rllld \\OJtJty p\"('111 fot' thf' l't Jllllatioll of j)lt' Jljg-Jt t·hoo) aloll!! IIIII it·al lillt'"· .Jamt•s l't·ttit


lJu t llluulrt 1/ 11ft ut y st



1finc ,_\rts

THE CHARM SCHOOL "Tiw ('harm S<'hool" wa. pn•spnt<•<l in tlw Champaign High t-lehool ~\udi­ torium , .January l~th, h.'· tlw Boys' Stunt Show. lt \\·a a play, abounding in t'!Pwr . ituations and ading. which inspirP<l fn•cjuent hurt of laughtt>r fmm the mtdi<·neP. ThP <·onwd,,- involvPd thp variPd eXJH'l'iPn<·rs of ~\u. tin Bt>vans, an automohilr sale. man, who inherited a girls ' school from his aunt. lie procer<l<•cl to n•vist- th<• wholt- dwol along entirt>ly original line . for he lwliPnd a girl should I P taught to he charming. though . lw lParned Jtothing t>lsP. Elise BPnt'dotti, a popular, sprightly and itH·onsidPt'ate girl of tlw ~enior cla. s fell in love with Austin, and his attempts to rs(•arw hPr and thP rest of thP <•namorcd girL and trach<·t·s, afforded man.'· amusing monwnts. It would lw a hearth• s man who could p;;cape h<•art-\\·hole from all their wiles, and so hr became a vidim. Austin would allow no other per. on, e. pccially a jealous commercial teachrr, to accompany him in the search for ElsiP, who had run <may from s ·lwol bt•cause he beli(•ved her low for ~\ nstin was not retunwd. Of <'OUt's!'. he found her, and \\hat i. mon•. hP snrn•tHl<•t·l'd finally to hPt' "dwrm." th<• faseination he h<Hl tanght her him.,elf. The int<•rpt·etation of ~\ustin Bevans, salesman and teacher, h,\' ,Jamc" l'dtit, dPlightpd the largp audiPncP, whilp Elis<', by Charles Benllt'tt, was portt·a.n·d quit<· prof<''>sionall,,-. Tlw nen·nu an<l tearful :.\!iss ( 'urtis wa'> tlw hit of thP P\'Pning, and Lillian·~ sinuous graeP in her Eg-,\·ptian dam·e will not he for"ott<•n soon. ~lis. Hoshaw\ fin<' din•('( ion wa. ('\ id<·nt. not only in thl' acting, hut abo in the make-up of thP "girls." 'l'hcir Spanish ('Omb~. dangling earrings and l>orins \\'PI'l' small ddails, yd it madt• thl' play a hat·moniom; wholP.

THE CAST Au tin Bt•vans,-- ------------------------ -'Tames P ettit David ::\IacKenzie, ________________________ George Huff George Boyd, _______________________ (.'arlyle :'lie kimen Jim Simpkins, _______________________ Franklin Turrell Tim impkins,___________________________ Ilarry Burke IIonwr .John, ____________________________ Ralph C'op y Elise Benedotti, _______________________ Charle Bennett :\lis: Hays,---------------------------- ullen Kariher ~1 iss Curt is, _________________ --------- ____ Dale Stout Sally Boyd, ___________________________ Bernard Bowen Ethel --------------------------------- arl Fergueson Alix, _______________________________ Halford pal ding Lillian,------ ___________________________ ,John \Vrigh t ::\Iuriel, __________________________________ Alfred Kirk .Jladge ·--- ______________________________ ,James Capel Po. tman, ______________________________ __ ,Jame. 'olon ~tagt• :.I~tnager ___________________________ Henr)· Elwell As.-.;istant 'tage ~Ianager, _____________ Waltrr Hazelton .\<lwrtising .Jlanag('l'.---------------- Edward Burle on , 'tag\' ( 'arpenter, _________________________ Lro Bradley El\'etrit"ian, _____ _________ ________ ________ , ·cal ~leX eil Director,-- ___ ----------------- ______ Christine Ilo. haw BY ALICE li.WEN

Jfinc J\xfs

Th~· Twin s H Burke.'2S f . Turr~ I ';n



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l'llfll' 011!' llundntl 1'hirty-ou



NOTHING BUT T HE T RUTH .\n PX<'t>Pdingl~· t·h•q•r t•OJJH'd,\· r ntitkd ·· . ' othing But Tlw Trut h '' wa" pl'P· "t·nt<'d by tlw ~t'lliOl' ('la " on Tnt> <la~· P\'Plling, ~Ia~· ~9. in th t• h igh . t•lwol a udi1m·i um .

Bob B e nnt'tt. th e lH•ro of th e play. makt•-, a h Pt with hi busi tw lHll'tlwrs that ht• t•an tPll tlw ahsolnh• trnth f o t· twt>nt~·- fonr h ours. And th t•n tht• tt·onhl<> bt>g-ith. ~lr. Hal ton. a brokpr with un..,t·rupnlou hu itH' ·<; m l't hod . , a nd h i t \\o partJH'I'", Dit·k DmlliPII~· Hll<l ( ' larPJH·<> \ a11 ])llsPII , a g rt'<' to pa ~· B<>llnl'tt . '10,000 if ht• a<•t•ompJi..,hP tiH• f<>at of t<>llin!.! nothi11g hut tlw truth for thP spt'eifiPtl lt•n!.!t h of ti11w. ~I r. Halst011 has an attnu ·t iYP dan).!htC' I'. ( hn•tHlol,\ n "~ h o is <·ngagPd to BP1llJ<>tt. NhP i-.; intt'rrstt>d in l'harity \\'OI'k, and is aidi11g Bishop ])onlll in h11ilditw a liP\\ h onw for t·hildn·n . Il<>t' fatlH•r agn•<>s t o douhlt• an~· llntOIIllt she rai ~'" aiHlH' .·10.000. Uwt'lHlolyn st>eks tlw hPlp of Bob. who sP<'t'l't]~­ .. imP h" tht• 810.000 "hi<·h lw ha alr<•ad~ rai <'ti. in tlw lwt w i th ht'l' fatlwr and hi.., two partnt•t'"· ~Ian~· t'mhanas. ing ... ituatimh ot·t·m·. in whit·h Bob i·, lot'<'Pd to lw trllthflll. II <> in..,Hih ~I'" ( ' lark. a "<)('i<>t~· girl, and a fri<>nd of (hn•JHlolyn and thPn·upon gain.., th<> di apprmal of ~It·s. Hal. ton, a YPt',\' t·lll· turpd <H·id.' lad~· . B11t Boh llHllla).!<'s to" tit•k" by hi.., lwt, a11d at't<>r :.r<·tting hilll"t'lf into a lot of tro11hl<>. ht> <>nd.., inni11g tht• .·10.000 mHl (hn•ndolyn.

It_,. ''

Tht• t·a t "<h <h follow : Holwrt BPIIII<'tL ________________ .Jallws P<>tti t I al ton ___________________________ .}amPs PriePr


Dit•k Donnp lly - - ---- - ----------- _________ .\ lt'n•d Kirk Clar nee Yan Dn-.;st•n ______________________ Panl Doolt•n Bi. hop Dorall ___________________________ .ToP! ~idkt•n <:wt•lldol~· n Ral ton __

---- - ----- - ----- , arah Fi..,Jwt· Ha I. toil ____________ ------------ Flot'PilC't' Edwards Ethel Clark __________________ ( 'Iarissa Uraham


~laht'l and ~alwl --- - ---- ~ladgt' Young antl Rnth Ot•t•lan ~Iartha ____ ________________________ lft•1Pll • ' orton

1finc ,1\tfs ~t


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OPEN HOUSE n Friday evening, D C('mber ' hampaig-n Hig-h 'ehool lwl,l its thinl annual pen llou . CY<'ral thowmllll nowd(•cl th e halls and class rooms to . l'C the inter(•sting .·hibitions and dt>monstrations. The evpning-' · •ntertainm<'nt beg-an with a program in tlw ~\uditorium, in charge of th Pat·,•nt-T(•aclu•t·s' ~\.·sociation. 'flwrp th girl':-; Glee Club ang, followed by the "Vetal Yirgin Drill," given h.v th Latin lnh. 1\Ir. Wu•tman pre.·ent d. to the . chool a ·ilver football- to the " 'inner of th e Thank ·giving gam. t ::~0 the building wa. thrown open for inSJ)('ction. Each instru tor, a. si ted hy pupil.·, d mon. trated the fa •ilities of hi department. !any intere ting exhibitions gre<'ted the . pectators- ('veral of the depat'tments di. playing exceptional work. On th<' third floor the , \·i!'nc•<', ('onun('t' •ial, l<'ot·<'ign Languag<' and part of th IIi. tory di. pia ' W('re . hown. The attraction. in th Phy. ·ics room proved to b a model . tre t car, a wirel(':s, and Yariou. xperim nt . ay balloon. in the General Science room demon trat d cientific law along with other intere ting exhibits. In th(' foreig-n languag-e class rooms typical l-Wngs, dance. , co.tume: and picture. of their r pectivc countrie. were given. The econd floor exhibited mathematic , English, and mo.·t of the . ocial sci(•nce of the school. :\laps, chart: and diagram>; of tlw differ nt countries were found in th history d<'partm(•nt. 'fhcme>; and repr<·~entative work of the English classe<; were found in their class room . . All the manual arb-. were di. played on the first floor. In th manual training room, many finishrd project;; W('l'(' shown. 'l'he domc;;ti • s •iene(' room. were always crowd d. Ill're clothing, ma<lt> hy the pupils, wa. on di:play. h;o in the kitchen, girls wen• pr<'paring food which thry . crved to tlw gu<'i-it ·. In the art ection were found cartoon , commercial io-n. , and ill u tra tions on exhibit. In the gymna. ium, basketball was played all the evening. However, the rl•al game was the one between Uomrr and Champaig-n whi •h ('hampaig-n won with a score of 2:3 to 10. !together, Open Ilou c thi. year prov d to be the be t we haYe ever had and one of the gt'<'att>st sue • •ss('s of the y •ar.

Page Onr llund•·•·tl Thirty Jour



DAD'S NIGHT •· Dml's • -ig-ht, ·' held on Friday, ?~Iay 11. was a g-rrat . ucc ss. The event \\Hs plamll'd by member of thr Parent-T<>a<:lwrs' ·. ociation. The fir. t part of the <·ntertainment took place in the auditorium. ?II~. B. F. Ilarri ·, pr<'sident of the association, w<·lcomed the guest with a hort addre. :. Followin~ thi.·, the Girl.' Gl<• 'lnb sang "Hark! Hark. The Lark!'', by .'chulH'rt, "\Yhen Dawning .'pringtime, '' by DiC'apva, and '• ~\.. l\Iay ?~Iorning," by Dcnza. The Boy ' Gle<' Club :-;ang "\Yhrn Day Fade~" and "The •'tory of a Ta<·k, '' hy Parl.·s, and tlH'ir C'harle·ton contest-winning number, "?liar ·hing ?lien," by .\. hford. ('ombin d, the clubs sang "Italia, Italia Beloved," by r>oniz tti, and a vocal arran..,.em nt of the trau s beautiful, '' Blu Danube Waltz." After everal lection. played by the high chool band, the gymnasium brcame the center of attraction, where the ..,.irl. in l\Iis Perry's gym cla s s d<•mon tratcd their splendid training. 'ophomor gymna ·t. were followed by fr shman gymnast., the latter eon<lncting their own clas. in a professional manner. The individual cia. :e. n xt pre.ented folk-dance. "Jumping Jack'' wa .pccially plea ing bccau.e of the bright co. tume. and the hand. prings <•xeeuted by one of th dane •rs. " 'tars ,md •'trip •s'' was al o v ry well received. Aftrr the dance· cam • relay games, and human pyramid . :Mu ic for the dancin" and marche wa furni. h d by members of th high .·chool or •he. tra. There were di play of tudent ,...-ork in v ral room . Of the , th art drpartm nt, und r :\lis. Krippn r, was noticeable. ne lar"e tabl wa · entir ly nil •d hy painted wooden toys of all kinds. Anotlwr table eontained mor us fnl article , uch a pottery, brightly colored boxe and attractive door stop . Jn other parts of th room wer rugs, bask<>t.·, and jewelry di. plays. Th latter eon ·ist<'d of ring , pendant., brooches, paper knives. The wall. of th clothing departnwnt w re almo:t covered with eire·. s of rv ry description wh i(·h the girl. had made. \Tariou: material· werr u rd and th styl<•. incln<l<>d . port eloth • ·, tailored middy :uit ·, aftPrBoon and s ·hool clr .. es with a f •w elaborate ''bet'' fro ·ks. The exhibit of furniturr madr hy stu<h•nh in th manual training cia . e "as YHY iBt<•r • ting. It containc·d lamp p<'<lestal·, writing <l<• k ·, ·edar eh • t:, library tabh•s. and other n:<•f'ul and ormmwntal ohjectc;. Thu " ad' Ni..,.ht" prov d one of the most . ncces:ful entrrprises of the y•ar.




BE. .. 'ETT


1/ullllru/ Tllirll/ fin

NEWTON ALONZO WELLS Thl.' work of the arti t of th l' mural d<·<·ot·at ions in t hi' f ro nt <''liT i l ... I'I'OfPssor EmPritus. '<'\don Alonzo \\'plls, \\'<I IPrtninatt>d h.'' his . 11 ld •n dl' lth ,J <IIIII at',\' 10. 19~:~ . P t•ofps ·or \VPlls "a. dl'pi<·t i 11~ l'l'IH's from t hl' I I iad and was to haw l'Oiltplt>l<'d the g-t·oup for ( 'hampaig-n llig-h ~l·hool. Thl' tor~· of hi life is an iniPrPsting- <llll'. Profps.·ot· \YPlls \las horn in Li bon, . 'p\1 York, April !), 1-.,:i~. ll<• l't'· <·t•in•d hi. eolll'g'<' pn']Htt·at ion in Franklin Aeadl'm~, }Ia lotH', • 'ew York and the11 PntPI'l'd thl' ~:-raeu ·e Cni\l•rsity. liP "as g-raduatl•d from that in titution in 1 77 "ith the dt•gTt'l' of B;ll'IH•lor of Painting-, and in 1 , 0 ht• n•et•ivt'<l hi · }Ia ter's dPg-n'<'. Ill.' st11dil'd in till' A<·ad<•nt.'· .Juli<•n, Pat·is, undl'r Bl'njamin ('onstant, ,J. P. Lauren. and Adolph BonguPreau. After l'<'lunting- to tht• l'nitl.'d !:-Hall's ht• iwld sP\'<'ral tPal·hing- posit ions he fore h<• ht•t•anlP assoeiatt•<l with tilt• ~\ rt Departmt•nt of thp l'ni,·l't'sity of' lllinoi.. lit• was Profl•ssor of lli tot',\ and Pral'li<'P of Painting- from 1 !19 to 190:3. In 190:3. iH• ht'l'allH' Profl•ssot· of An·hill'l'itlral Dl·<·m·ation and hPld that offi<'<' until ht• rPsig-nt'<l in 191!). lie wa. l'tlli tl•d as a t·ivilian without pa:· in till' l'nit<·<l '-'tall's Arm.'· ~ig-nal ( 'orp. from .}ctnwtt'y 191. to -Jatluat·y 1 !ll !l, "ht•n• hP "as Pllg-ag·pd in painting "HI installing- militat·y maps for ;1\·iation sl·hoob. Ill' hPIOll!!'<'d to tlltlllt>t'oll honorary org-anization. for arti ts. His ·ystt'nt of mosail• making i. thl' gT<'atpst \ml't'iean contribution to aneient art. For til<• last thr<'c years iw nHtdt> his honH• in (.'anne , France. He died .January 10, 1!!~:3, "hill' making- a trip aeros. th<• .\ lgerian de crt. lll' t'X<'~Iltt•d tllHil." works of hoth puhlil' and pri\ atP t·harad<•r. llt• has 1'\:hibitr<l in tht' larg-p national t•xhihit. silll'<' ] , , -1-, in lilt• Paris ~alon 1 96-9:-.. and the Columbian Expositioll, 1~9:~. IIi-. mtu·al paintillg-s or mosail's may lw found in thr fO,\l't' of till' t•niwr it.'· Lihrary, hl'fot'<' thl' t>nlnl!ll'<' of I il'iH•t· Library. ' thl' ~ang-amon ( 'ounty ( 'ont·t Il omw. ~prin~fiPid in <~.1 ,. ,. • ( 'olonial ThPatl't' l ~oston and in Englt•wood llig-h ~<·hoot. ( 'hi<'ago. liP dPsi:,rm•d ~ol<liPt's · }JmtllllH'Jlt at Tus<•ola. I llinois also. 1\ ~l'llttp of Pight pidut'<'s \las m·iginally plannl'd fm· ('hanlpaig·n Il igh • 'choo) hut hO\\'l'\1'1', Olll,\· 1111'('1' Hlltf a portntit \\'t'rt' finish<•tf. ()f thl' two in titf' fo,\<'1', Ollt' pm·tra,\s ll mlH'I' invoki11~ thl' }Ius<' and thl' otiH•t· Apollo Sl'l'king l't'· ,·rn~e on th Grr •k. 'l'h O!H' in tiw main conidor sho\\'s a l'Olllll'il of tht' (,od on } l mtnt Pal'lwsstJs. A pm·trait of Agam<•mnon i sitnatt•d on•1· tiH• <·<•ntt·al t•ntranee to the Auditorium. Pre ·idl'nt .Enwritu. ,Janws donatpd this g-roup o~ pit·tun• to till' Ilig-h ~ehool. Ill' JHN'<l for till' portntit of Ag-anwtllnon a \\t'llll sOill<' of till' othl•r ('hara<·tl'l's pot·t t'H,\ I'd in th<•s,• \\'orks. \ \'p should a lid do, nptnte thl' e pil'!tll'l's a. a <·onstaHt inspiratio!l and as a \\Ol'k t t a t IL\ HitY



r· -





up on the office wall .'tall(b the <:loek both grim alHl tall, The hand aero it large white face, ~Iov • m rrily 'round wiftly apace, nd from its . tatiou on the \\·all, 'l'hr faithful timepie •r . ays to all, · •Late a<~ain. again, again!''

The old clock hear the old e.· ·use \Vhich stmknt. makt> at truth's alm e, '·It wasn't my fault , th dock was slow.'' H e . mile. , 'twas Yer . o That he and his hrdhrt>n the whole world o 'cr The alms •s of mankin(l must t>ndnrt>, .Again , again, and again!

The cniors go, t hr Freshmen come. He ·tay. \Yith patient martyrdom, And to hi. ta k doe \\·ell attPnd, For time'. l'('ward is hut the end. An(l still h • . ay. to tho. e who arc late, Yhile he tieks a\\HY at a mdhodieal rate, · · Latt· agaill , again, ag·ain! · ' 'L

EV \ ( 'Ol'BCRL Y


\Ve t Yirginia at the foot of the Blue Ridg :\Iountain ', 1 · a. mall 'illagp callrd lloneyt·n·Pk. lb beautiful old avenue· an• lin<•d w·ith wi<lt• sprrading- p]m . "hilt> far hack hom the trert tately "hitc home can be seen. Ilo\\ <'' Pl', it i.· not the. well-kept home. vi. itor wi. h to . <'<' o JHU'ticnlarly, hut a <' •rtain cold, dilapidatrd old hou.·e, long inc dpvoid of all hmnan ]if<•. 1l odd ]O\'' tory, handed down hy \\'Ord of mouth from \Va hington '.· tim cling-s ahout tht> old I,laee.

• • • • Back in th<> day of the Revolution, when America \\·a battling for her frc"flom from Enn-land, in thi. am old man ion, th n youno- and b autiful, wa on·ow for tho. e who were dying and . uffering within it. wall.. Thi. home 1 ad been turned into a ho.·pital an<l wa dedicated to the <·au <' of th wounded Am riean oldier . One who had givrn her <·lf up to care for the <' unfortunat m<•n, wa. a youu:.r girl. .:\Iar_,. Louis . , 'he wa. V<'r.'· small in staturt>. \Vavy, light brown hair urmounte<l her face, pale and b autifnl with blue mournful cy ·. That ~Iary Loui e "a in Ion•, was plain to . <'e and with no otiH•r than , 'auuny L e, a womHlPd oldit>r in <·ot numlH'r thirtN'n. To d<• ·rihc , 'ammy i har<l to do; h "a tall. broad- honldrr '<1 and manly. His hair wa hlaek but hi rye.· were like ~Iary Loui <' -.,_ ex<·<'pt that tlwy "<'r<' fillt•d with horror and . uffcring. n a ramy v nino-, th day b fore ornwalli · . urrendered at Yorktown, :\Iary Loui e wa Y<'ry tit·e<l and weary. Th<' hoy. had d!'rnan<l<•d IH'r presence ·til day wantino- her to . ing, read, and ent rtain th m. It wa. after ·upper , nd lw \Hts itting with • 'ammy trying to dim thn horrihl<> thought. of that Ia b"ttle. ••• <till Ill_\" d<·ar. ju t look into tlw futm'<'. ('an't yon ·ep n m a pretty eott<.I!P .. way haek llonw in Oeorgia . ·' .. Ye-., \\('PthPart. hut nod only know if I willlw with yon th<•re .. , "\Vh.' .. 'am. don't hP fool i h. bract> up. J)on 't think of . uch Hnr<'a ·onabl thing . \YP \\ill oon win thto war and th<·n-Oh! you mak' m<' hudder! f cour e. you will b • ther . " ~ Iary Loui e <·<·me< I to be rather nervou to-night. · Hold my hand, , 'ammy, ju. t for a minut<'. Ilark! \Vhat i · that noi I · the heatiug of drum ! ·ur<·ly. it' not our hoys." ~Iary Loni p' wor. t f<•ar \\'('!'<' lat<'r rPaliz<•<l, hut 110\\ ,'am trie<l to comfor her. ·· I>arln g, pltoa <'he <·alm, if tlw wot·st <·OUIP , r<•m<·mh<·r our .·<•<·I'd to- ." '· Iln I, <nn. tlwy ar eollling on the Y<'I'HJHla. I trtu. t go an<l ke<>p th<•rn out of her . · ~ Iary L mi e rn hed <·x<·itf·dly to thP hall just in t.iuw to . t><' the I <'<lc·oaL'i ent r th door. Their <·ommaucl<·r wa coar r and :.rnlfl. ·t out (J£ 111y way. you hu . y, aTHl l"t me in th('t'<'." '· yo. I 'lluever let yon in.'' But ala . \~hat can a woman do again. t a r<·"irrH•ut of :-;oldi<'r. . By /'1101 0111 II twfln 11 1 hirtu nittf

their action , they showed that tlw_,. had not ht•rn wanting- in liquo1· on tlu'i1· overland march. ftt•r a short, harp strugg-le, tht·~· filt•d into th!' "H]'{l, taunted thr hrlplt>~~ ~oldirr~. pullt'<l at a brokrn kg- or arm hrrc, kick<•d somr of tlwm tht•rr. ~Iary Loui t' eon•n•d hrr face with he1· hands to kerp out the horrible sig-hts. They oon tired of thes amu. emcnts and left the room to seck othrr enjoyment. Tlwn ~Iary Louise hurrit•d to her room to g-l't a eloak and ha •k dow11 to thr pantry to get proYision. [n a hort tinH• she wa · hack in hrr con,·ah•s •rnt ward. "llnrry, boys, \\J'ap ~·our bl<mket: about you, and "e '11 Pscap<' tho <' brut yet! Follow me elosely and as quietly as possihh•. You all know what would hapJH'll if tlw:'· IH.•anl n . " The few boy who could follow trug-gled after hrr as Cinickl,\· as po. ihlt•; those with broken lt>gs hopping along- with thP aid of crntelw, whil<• thosp weak with wounds lemwd on pal · not a. had ofl' as tlwmsel \'(' . . :\lary Loui e <·ross<•<l thr room and entt'n'd tiH' hall <•autiously, then she he •kon d th m to follow hrr. They ditl and imm diately regarded lwr ,,·ith amazpnwnt. Had shP lo~t her s<'nses, tanding- ther<' l<•aning again t the wall \\lwn the:'· ha<l so litth• time. NuddPnly tltt•ir <':' t's eaught . ight of a panel disapprarincr noisrlt•ssly into th<• wall. In a tri<•e she ha<l tlw men in the narrow dark passag-<'way, with the pand in plcH·P again. ThPn slw lit a !'andiP and kd the wa:'·· Perhaps fifteen minute latpr she extinguish d the light an<llwlrwd thPm out into the damp .·tarlight. , 'lowly, for the men wnr wpak and tire<l from thP PXeitcnwnt, th<'.' <HhmH·ed. B:'· da:'·lig-ht, onl:'· tlll'<'l' hours later, thr.v wen• aft' in \\'ashington '. eamp. 'I hat afternoon, a: yon all know, 'orn walli nrreJHlPrrd at York to\\ n anti Anwtiea ha<l ecnrPd ht•r imh'IH'JHI<•nu•.

• • • • 'l'lw old tnan ion "a. giYrn to a Jlllt'sl' \\ ho had hel1wd her womH1Pd Anwr·i· can. to e:eapt' into thei1· 0\\11 lines. and\\'(' find that sh<• di<lnot li\'1• alone, hut \\'ith an ex- ·oldier, who had b en decorated for braY •ry. The o-irl 's name wa ~l<u·y Loni <' all(] tlw 1><1:'' 's. ~alii IllY Lt•e.

T HE DETECTIVE OF UTOPIA ~1.'· lwlovPd wife and I, lwiu~ n•ry fond of dumb crPatnr ~ had in our pos..,pssion a very ran• bird. a parrot whieh was of a <listindin• typ<'. hein~ d>OIIY blcH·k and having <'OIIH' from the m,,·sterions land of the sun-"orshiper:-i of .Afrii.'<L It had an uncanny memor.'· and a knowlPdg<• whieh eonsi.tNl of mon• than instinct. I wa an habitual <lnmkard and dope fi<'IHl and, although I ·ontroll d my aetions, this grieved my wif<' sorelv. Th r fore sh cone •ived th i(h•a of teaehIllg the parrot to r proach me for my wron~doing., thinking hy this harm!<''-·

nwt hod to make mP ashamed of m,\·sel f. At fi 1''-t t hcse rehn kt•c; s r <'llH tl as j 1 kps t o nw. hut lat<'r. aft< I' th<• tPrribl<' !whit hatl ~ottPn a fit'llH'r hold on Ill,\' person, tlwy t nng nw to the quiek. \V<•<'k aft<•r Wl'<'k l gn'\\ to hatP th<' parmi mo1·e an<l mort•. Th<'l'Pfort• I foi·med a hid<•ous plan with whi<·h to 1·id m_v..,plf' of this areh d •mon. One day as my wift• \\as shoppin~ [, !wing in a half-<lninkt•u ..,tate of mind, dPeidP<l to t·arry out Ill,\' plan..,. .At•<·ordin~l.'·· l eaught the parrot and [H"O<'<'<'<il'd to di '-<'ct tlw sahl<' wing.., fl'om its hod.'. 'l'ht• hird 11'1 out Y<'l',\ "il'l'd. pipreing t·t·ies, eallin~ nu• all orh of ltaliW. Thi onl_,. maddenl'd nw. and l h<•t•amc d1·moniac in my purpo-;e. ,J u . t a. I had fini;..hed eu t t i ng ofl' t lw '' i ngs. Ill."' '' i fp

."t<'Jll)ecl into t lu• room. Aft<'r a ~hol't strug-~d<• slw suee<•Pd<>d in freeing the bird, whieh qui<·kl~· ~<·<·rph•d its<>lf <lP~pitP its injur·ies. .:\1~· wif<• hi<l her face in horror of my deed. s her fae wa. hidden I r<uscd my knife to make an •ml of her life al o, but before the weapon could de cend the fi<·nd left me and I fci!mcd deep orrow for my d ed . .At . upper· t imc I <·nmring-ly slippr<l a ~ll'<•pin~ potion of l'<'llJarkahlr power into her tea. A he drank it he quickly became unconsciou. . Immediately I ,·ummonrd a physician who prononnepd h<>r death a n•sult of heart failurP. Therdore, 1 ent<>r<>d a stat<' of mourning and h,·o days lat<•r huri<'d my ,,jfe, pretending grPat sorro"· all the while. A a e<•lehration of tlw compl<•tion of my carefully laid plans, I became c.·. ce ively drunk. In the mid t of thi. a great fear izcd upon my oul and many vision.., danecd b<•forc my swimmin~ <'yes. As a climax, the brdraggle,l parrot apprared lwforr me and rpstated it formrr rebukes. s midni~ht was near thi made me more afraid. 1. her fore I d<•cided upon a plan to dear my consci •n · . Having sN·ur·cd a shovd I pro •ecd<•<l to the cemct<>ry " ·hc>re, in the clear moonlight, I quietly uncover d th coffin of my wife. I rai d it to the . mfacc and <pri<·kly threw off tlw lid. ThPn' lay my brautiful \Yifo apparently dead, being under the influence of the powerful drug I had given her. A I . tarted to ~ar<>ss IH•r I ~an~ht sight of tlw ~hastly parrot standin~ on the brink of th graw. .:\ly evil natnr<> instant!~· cnntrollrd mp and I rou~hly let my wif' fall ba~k into lH'r ~offin in an attempt to seize the bird which I knew would betray my ~rinH'. But it t>hHI<>d me as if guided by som hi~her power, and finally di. apprar<>d am on~ the tom h. tones. After a prolonged sear~h I returnrd to the grave, rpalizin~ that I must chan~c my ta<'ties or be apprehrnded for the <·rime. As thr dPmon JWSs<'ss<•d me I cho c a very cruel plan by which I might e. cape th penalty. I raisP<l my knift• to lay the one I ha<l almost caressed onl~· a . hort time b<'fon•. A: the w apon <l 's<·ended, her cyr.· open<>d and :-;h<' called me an endearing name. It wa. too lat<'! The eold . tecl phmgrd cle p into lwr heart and slw di d iwtantly. At this time a dark ~loU<l hid th<> moon and evPrythin~ bream<• inky bla<'k. Strangely, I felt no remor e bccau e of this. I r placed the lid and dropped the coffin hack into the ~rave. Th n I shov<>led the dirt in pla<·e very <•arefully. o ver.\ card'ully that all of my marks around the ~rav<' werr obli tPrat ed. huekling- at my cunning, I ft d from the •emet ry and hid mysPlf in a distant part of the country. 'fh<•re, by r<•ading the IH'WSJHlp rs, I karnrd that tlw story of th<> panot, which had evidrntly watched me, was bcliev<>d b. , a few prople. ccording-ly, when the grave was reopcll(•d, they clearly :aw that a foul dre<l had b n committed and rioohtfully accu d me of doing it. Right now the officer. of the law arc clo ·c upon my track. Th refore. a.· J fini-11 the la t word, th gun "hi<•lJ I arn holding shall prevent mortals from puni hing me. ItonEwr R KELLEY. l'ag< Out· lfutHlnll l'ot·lll /tro

THE POODLE AND THE CAT • '\Von 't you step into m,Y kitcht•n. '' ~aid tiH' poodle to the C'at; ' ' For dinner I ·n haYe chicken And 1 'll feed yon till ~·on 're fat.·' That poo<ll<•'s mi11<l was hu'>y A-thinking on that cat, \Vhil'lt lw was planning to dcYonr Becan'><' ..,]w wa'> so fat.

But that <'at 'ras truly feline nd. h1• kne" "hat he wa. at, So for th<.' door she made a bel'-lint>, Pinning on her lH' W .pring hat. Th<•n she aid, ··I ·m soi·ely temptt•d, And it· mighty sm•et of you, But 1 must decline y<Hil" chicken And ooo home and make ome ·tew. '' Then -.hp winked h1•r <',\"<' and giggled, A. she sa\r that poodl<• sly Gril'\ ing 'eause 'l\ra'i all so dift'erent From the :-.pider an1l the fly. A~~ .\ F .\YE Gtm .\llER.

l'tro•· O>Ji' llllntln tll'ortv


T H E M AD MASTER IE S. H. Olylllpia was on lwr maiden YO,YH~<'. It "·as just past midnight and tht• uoat "a-. peacefully plowin:r the \\ ai('J's of thl' mid-Atlantic. II the passl'nl!<'rs \\'('rl' \\Taj)JH'<l i11 slulllher and tlw stars g-lowing in th<• <·l<•ar d<u·k sky s<'<'ml'd to ht• \\aitin:r t<•nst•l,\. 'I h<• \\'in•lrss OJl<'rator·'s 1111<'<tsill<'s. had pr·pv<•nted his sl<•<•pin~ and so IH• had <·limbed drO\\sily out of his hunk, feeling that sornethin~ "a.· goin:r to hailJH'n. He had nHHl<• his way to the radio, and had sat down, absently turning in distant for i~n . tation 'trangcly there "ere no hip.· andihll'. , ndd nly the night'.· . tillness was broken by a clatter of feet on the <le<·k and th<• door of the radio compartment burst op n. "\\~p ar·e lost! 'l'h<• ship i-.. going do\\'n!'' shont<•d the <·aptain, for it \\'HS he. ·'Send out th<• H. 0. H.. h<•r·<· i-.; our latit ud<• and long-itud<•. ·' Th operator immediat ly fulfilled hi-; duty whih• the sparks from tlw cqnipnwnt light<•d tlw r·oom to a faint g-l<l\\. As h<• \\ork<•d tlw k<'y, h<• \\'ond<•n•d how fast the .·hip was sinking. After his H. 0. H. had split th<• <•th<•r, lw li t<•llcd anxiously for a r<'ply. "Luck i~-; against us,'' lw murmur<•d to the captain, but that worthy wa,; already giYing- ord<•rs for th<• IO\\'Pring of life-boats. Tlw alarm had spread and the <leek was ra])idly b <'<>mingo <'l'o\nle<l. A he received no answ<'r to hi· first .'. 0. H., the op rator tri d again, hut to no avail. H,(•alizing- th<• llsPI<•. sncss of his attl'mpt, sill<'!' apparc•ntl~· tlrPn' \\'PI'<' 110 lillt'l's within ran~<'. ".'parks" des~PIHIPd into tlr<• intPrior· of thP ship as rapidly a po sibly amid tlw growing- confusion. Almost JWtrifi<•d uy astonishnl('Jit, lrt• g-azpd about him, for if his ('_\'('S had not de<·<'i\'Pd hill!. not a drop of \\HtPr \\H in tlw hold. Ill' tnn·<•r· Pd tlrt> lt•nl!th of the . hip and found no appt>ar·am·Ps of' "·atc•J'. (~niekly lr!' as<'Pnd<•d tlrP starr-. and nrshPd into Iris <'OillJl<ll'lnwn1. \Vithout ccr mony h • g-rahh<•d tlw hor11 fr·om th<' l.Jagmt,·ox loud speakc•J', all<l retunwd to tiH• d<•t·k. Putting- thp horn to Iris lips. lrP shonl<•d Iris g-ood m•w . ThP work of lanm·lring- tlr!' lit'l'-hoats was stoppt•d for· an in tant a1HI ",'pmks" <'xplainl'd hi di t·owr·y. Il<• had littlp tr·ouhlt• in Jll'l' uading- tlw pa. st'lll!<'l' to J'l'tur·n to th<·ir c·ahins anti tatc•roon1s. as tlr<'.'' did not r·Plislt n life-boat cruise . .Aftpr· all tlw pc•opl<' hac! c·IPar·pd tlH• d<'<·ks, a s<·arc·hiirg- par·ty for tlrc• c·aptain was m·g-aniz<'d, hut Ire \\'a· no\\·lrc·n· to h<• found . ·· <h<•r·hoanl. ''said a sailor• ancl he \'Oi(•l'd tlrc• thong-hi of tht• entire hod_,. of' sparclJPr..,, for th!' eaptai11 hnd . uclclenly hPCOllll' a mad mast •r. l!.E.ItSCUEL ~I \H'l'l, •

HENRY IN THE OFFICE Wh<'n you 'r<' not at ~-;<·hool on timf' nd you 'rc f'<•<'ling- sort a hlu<', If you aim to sJH'<•ad tlw anw old line, .And hop<' to g-<'t hy, too, rrh('n t<·ll it to the one \\'(' trust, Tlw on<' w<' all adore, \Vho in th<' \\Om<'n 's h •arts is ju. t 0 ur II cnry in t Iw offic<' . • ·ow Henry is a hand. onw chap, Thi. no on can deny, And he slat<'s us for <l<'tention \Vith a teardrop in his <'.YC; ,'o wh<'n " ·e g-et to t·ai~-;in' ('a in And stir up quite a rumpu. , Our te:wll('rs say we must r<•main \Vith II •nry in tlw offi(' f-lo wiH•n we 'r<' at ass<' Ill hly And are so mute and still, The sp<'ak<>r g-ets quit<• tr<'mhly, A~-; you know tlwy so met inH's will, Our <'O<H'h will up and ~-;ay W<' must Enthus<' tiH' 1<'am to win, or bust, tten<l t lw g-anw, and JHI,\' tiH• bill To Il<'ttry in t hP ofli<·<'. Our ll<'lll'.\' took hi sist<'l' 's phwe, Althoug-h it was hard to <lo lie handled it with l)('st of g-r<H'C, And . olYe<l our probl<'ms too. Ye ! .All th<• world's not fill<•d with hli J\n<l Ill' ma.\· think to scoff ns. Haying· that tim<' ma.\ <'Olllt' "lwn \\'C' will miss Out· Ilt>nry in th<· ollie<'.

B.v Hit'harrl Keck, ·,·al Dewhir,.,t



1r:Ire )tila roo n


1!1utnor 'EPTE.JIBER ::\Ilss , '"it zcr ord r. the door.· nnloekecl. 2..3 'row<l. of tndPuts swarm ir1, caeh ~lcl<l of th rPopening of tlw sehool. A.· usual the FrP hmen gPt . malkr <'Y<'lT ~ear. G. All mix-up· settl<'<l hy :\li'i. ::\lorri ·. En•ryonc turn.· ovPr a ll<'W Jpaf. To everymw' dt>li~ht the rPport that .'arah Fi her had lo'it her laugh is found to be untrue. 9. 11 'lwmi.t tud<•nh regi.t<'r in upper north-\\P.t eorn<'r of recitation room, 12. The .·hakin~ kn <'" of Oak Park arc reveal d hy a lrtt<•r from a. Oak Park principal ~ tatin~ that no :.ranw between the .·chool will TER.IA be played this year. 13. Why did the Orche. tra have to pick today to make it <lehut. :\Ii :\lor . ay. sh is not .-uperstitions, and now we b lieve her. J.t.. Our student body hrcomr ·o .·tndiou · that they unanimou-.1~· Yote that ehool take up forty-five minut<•. earlier. 16. .;\lPli h Harris walked to ·ehool today, just for exerci e, h . ai<l. 17. ,Jan<'t \Ye. ton had all hPr lessons today. How .trangP 1 1 . :\Iolecule driv start. with eminent :>.




1 !l.

A Fr<' lnnan was tt·amph•d on in the cafdPria. .'<'v<•ral :.rirl w<•ar . "eat<•r.· ,,. suppo <' they won in knittin:.r. 20. Irene • tyan had her fit·st date la.·t night. 21. Ha1-r~· Colr won a prizr as th<' ·rnall1' t hoy in . chool, hut wa'i <•ver<'ly pr<•s. <'<l at

n1 h for th

S t>pT· ~I


22. The 1922 :Mol<'cule omes out. \Vas it tnw that .Jir. Crook. bought . om<' Pt thin to mu. i<·" re<·ords? 2-l. L~ lc • Tash was in rrhana on lmsill('.'S la t night. 2:>. Mary ::\l<>a<1<• learn<•cl how to da11<:c from G<>org<• II u ft' today. 2 . Ali<·<· Ilavpn . c·t a 11rw l'<'<'<>l'(l of thrc<' rninutP. from {Tr·h<ma to C'. II. , '. thi ·noon. 2!). • Tohodv <·mn<• to . clwol today <'XCPpt ll<•nr~ in the offi<~P. It wa. Saturday all day. 30. One month of sc·hool g-onr. l'aqt 0>11 Jlttndrc·d Fm·ty·BI t'< n





O<.T. ii





G \


~ I




1. Tlw first month is done and only twrnty frrshnwn have lwrn sent to g-Pt the ke,v to th roof. 2. ,Joe Og-den had a IH'rft•ct recital ion in Physics. 3. Gr·ade card;; out. ::\Iany horwst men find out that ig-norance is not always hlis.. -!. Officrrs of tht> G. A. elt'Ctf'd. The candidatt•s wot· sw<'rt look for P\'<'rybody all thru thP day. 3. Tom , 'pen<•er g-ave the school a treat and wor<' a sky-blue pink shirt to school. 9. Thr g-irls g-ive a R<'tter Home <lemon. tration. Does anyon<' ne d a bett<•r home? 10. ElPctiouet'ring !'or sig-twrs to pditions at la. t minute. 12. Clas. Elections. Each person who g-o •s to the J)Olls i'i in trnC'h'<l against stuffingtlw ballot box and tlw penalti<•s arising- thrreof. 1:~. Tryont'i for th \Vig- an<l Paint. ::\lany an• called hut fpw are ·lw en. 1-!. Gr<'at dispute ov<'r th<' Jwst looking ho~· in . chool watch for conh"-;t ht'ld in Dect>mher·. 17. Champaig-n Hi gh ]; oothall team dct·idPs that thP silver· football offt•rt•<l hy ~Ir. \\T uesteman, would look good in t h<• trophy east•. 1 '. Onr nohlt• cia .., prcsid<•nt · give their inaug-ural addn•s'ie. wrthont a stammer ot• hiteh. 19. ::\lolecnl<' imitates C'hi<'ag-o Anwrican. Comes out with ge<'cn color d sport sht'ct. 20. 'hampaign mauls Forrest. Priscilla \Vileox and Hal , palding g- t much pleasure fr·om rac·ing around the fiel<l and making much noise blowing tlwir horn.·. 26. Hallow en is closr. 'l'akc in your front porch furnitnrP or you will have to huy lll'\\. ~7. lPHSOll

,.JanPt \\7e. to11 did11.t have her J>hysi(•s


1ftuntor ·ovE~IBER

1. The clreari t month, according to the ports and the hest month of the year according to the football h•am. •> How often these little premonitions of evil force us to tiH• crimt• of forgrry and make us lie to our parents for lo. 'I oday grade cards are out. 3. hampaign plays ,Jacksonville and takes ach"antage of their condition and <lr feats them. 4. Today's unday, 'hurch Y 5. l\Ir. Ijemkc lecture on '' ~Ianners m ·wisconsin." 6. '·Brains to lPt- William Howard'' \\"Hii the sign 011 the bulletin hoard this morn in g. 7. Ed Burleson giws a fluent speech on the evils of cigarette smoking. vVith illustrations by Henry Elwell. Ruth Guli •k created a panic by shouting this morning. !1. Dorothy Ingle u . c1 . om pmwler this morning. 10. Big PC'p meeting for the .:\Ioline game tomorrow. 11. We have' m t the CJH'my and they are our-,. 13. George' Huff went hunting and got cold feet and a <·hieken. 1-l:. Rtunt Show tryouts and a clamor for the 210 door to fin<l out 'vho made th parts. 16. ~Iargaret Dixon receins a visit from \\yalter Brown. 17. Pep merting for tlw .:\Iol'ton gamt' and an unusually long talk by the coach. 1 . Champaign griddrrs are po. itivel.\rudt• to their visitor. antl \\·alk off the field triumphant. 2-L .:\Iany tudents atte11<l the ,Journalism onft•renc<' at the 'Cnin-'rsity the last part of the week 2;). .:\Ir. Gooding . prings a new joke in hemistry. 29. Pep meeting for the 'l'hanksgiving ganw. Be<;t of all Tomorr<nY Y AC TIO. •. 30. Champaign adds one more Frbana calp to its long list of triumph OYer its next door 1wighbor.


H OV 14



.. . -



1'11!/1 0111 Illlll!in·d FOI"IJ1 ·11illt'

DECK\IBER 1:" Th ' ~Ioleculc extra out. Tim Finical finally get. hi. picture in it. 3. Barney Bowen won the ·out . t for the hC':t looking boy in .·chool. Il<' had two votes, his own and Ruth O~den' ·. 4. Another :\Iolecule out. Ruth ,Jeter bought two dozen because h r pi ·tur wa. · in it. 6. Girl sell holly for shoe fund. "R~d" tip<>s wants orne of the hoes. 7. Th gos.-ip ay that Guy KC'll<'r i · thinking of disputing Bowen\ title a. be t :t>e c.. {, . looking boy and it i . aid that Dorothy tanford back. him in thi . . . Piri>t Ba. ketball gam . 01 on . how hi worth by making a basket. 13. Ev rybocly wa careful not to walk [ nnd r ladder or let a black cat eros hi. path ,I today. 14. G. A. A. party in g:nn. )Im·ion Blaine got in fr<'e for helping Dorothy Koogler dish out the frappe. 1!5. Op<>n IIou. e. Th<' Phn;i('. d<'I1artment took a rest, not. :\Ir. Gooding mi: d ·orne alcohol which one of the boys wa. distilling out of . omc pat<>nt medicine for the .·how. Doe an~·one know who took it 17. hampaign High giws an ovation to Elsi<> Bradley who find. and r •turn · lo. t Red 'ro. .· eals. 21. The Girl·' Glee club . ang . evcral pice s. It was said that G<>nevi<>v<' Fri ·on CH'RI5TMAS VACATI ON . sang louck·t of all. Can ~·ou imagin it. 22. ''Bill'' a. ad tun<>d his drums much to th C'njoymcnt of the rest of th<• hand. 2!3. 'hristma. Ya ·ation. :\Ii. s witzer begg d to ke<>p . chool open by the 'ophomorc cla.. but .-he hard-heartC'dly r fu. e<l. 2-l-. Last minut purcha.-cs. It wa. aill that Rus. l'l Park<>r. on's d<'parturt' for the . nnny outh wa. mourn d by Jane Koogler. Oh Rn.- '<'1, How could you? 25. ) l <'l'l'Y hri tma.. 26. •'Jeep. 29. )!iss Findorff tak<>s the fatal t p. 30. ·watch th oltl year out. o loug, I .STYAM. 1922! :Dec . Jl..



1. ~ 'ew Year' day. .'o thi i the end of a p •rfc ·t Yacation. 2. The fit·:t a .. embly of the~ 'c\\ YPar . a\\· }.lr. l\IcKinncy and. hi. band on <luty. 4. ur .tar fonvard "a- out to Dorothy 'lark·. hou • last ni~ht. 5. '· wcct and low" "a.- the ~eneral ·omment \dH•n ~rade cards came out thi. month. 6. )liss .:\]orris and Florence Bdwards engagl'<l in a "alking match around th park in which ~lis. .:\IotTis Jo,vercd her record made two year. a~o by ' 'H of a second. 7. Frank Turrl•ll .tarted to l<•aJ·n his lim•. for the •'tnnt • 'how "·hich " ·ill he ~in•n next we k. Day hy day the elas.·e: are hein~ calh•d to th auditorium to n•rri ter for the eomin~ ;.;em· ter and to hear the .·pl'<'eh which ;\l i s .:\lorri always give to her young hopdnl. at this time. 10. The foothall team was a\\anled thei1· " '':-,'' at assembly today. J.lan~· took ~'' atet-.· and '· '' '' together so that the lrtt •r would. he on the . "·eater . traight. 11. The first :plashing contest of th' -;ea on "·a h •ld after . ehool toda~ in which the Frosh \vere drowtwd h~· th • oph .. 1~. All thr student hody came to .·ee th boy a ·t funny anll girli h in tlw Bo;· ' Htnnt ·how tonight. Don "t he jPalou , girls. 1:L Dick RamPy ·lipped on the ice at Crystal Lakl' this aftl•rnoon a111l he ide cral'king thl' tee he h<·l'amr some\\ hat '' crackl'<l'' himself. 1-1-. How in the \vorld did "Henry in th ffil'e'' get hi. name? 1:>. .:\Ionda~- . \nl h <la~·. so the OJlg' run . 16. Clayton Tanner made a m•w piece of wirele · today. 17. All the teachers an• ~iving their monthl_,. qnizz -; tollay; th<•r' "ere many a b. ·en '<''i recorded. 1 . Exam. .-tart. The hanlwar . tor'· are . old ont of midnight oil. 19. • 'othing hut work today and the re t of the month.






One Ilrmlln II l'ifly-onc

'll]c !Uaroon FEBRrAHY 1. Aftt•r a 111\H:h nredrd rr t the ovcrwork<•cl . tudent body rl'turnrd to enjoy the seeond <'Ill<' ·ter. r----.f. Thr girls ht•gin to put on sumlll<'J' furs. 6. . Tohody made any bn•ak . !). \Vt• t·otmt •d fiftet•n girls and only th·e hoys on the front tt•ps this noon. \Ve never k1ww how many ba hful vioh•ts therr wen•. Ftb 1110. \Ve ought to ha V<' an Inquiring report<'!' to ask what thr most popular JHLtime of fiY!' pl·omin<•nt hoy: and girls of thr . chool is, maylw wr will. 11. Ilo! Hum! \Vho said det<•ntion, or wa: it only an idle murmur of th<' wind? 12. Aft r year.· of striving "Bud" ~Tor­ ton is finally going to graduatP. 1:3. Too had it's 11ot l<'riday. 16. Tlw hand had a concert last night. K<>mwth Ikrbanm found a mouse's nest in his saxaphmw hut th<• moaning S('arrd the' hmTi<l things out. l7 • 17. Huth Ogd<•n showed she "ain't afraid 'a nothin' "and pichd up onr of the lost mice' and took it to <·lass to s('art• the boy!-i. 1 . )Jary )!Pad had he1· first '·<late·' lao.;t night. 19. TIH• stal't of tlH• we<•k's dri\' for the ~faroon snh eriptions. On your marks, Oet . rt, GO! ~0. Today 's TtH•sday, Tut•sday o.;tring hC'a ns. 21. \V<• ta1·t using ou1· JH't'f<•ctly goo<l papPr for JJOtP · on the s('t'iP: of B.u1king lPctun•s whi<·h start tcHlay. .'.to ~:L FrPshlll!'ll JH'l'form at 0 ..A. A. pa1·ty




1 n g~·n1.

~.'). TPam thrPr won tlw ~lm·oon .·nh. cription driY<' an<l ll<'ctl'l.'· hmk.- Evaline IlPimli<·hC'r\ ]wart ht•<·au.P lu•r tC'am lo.t. ~(). )lm·h sJ)('I'Illation ahout the distJ'it·t tolll'lla m I'll t. ~7. It is too had that thi i. not !Pap-yrar. ~' . .Ass(•mhl,,-. Ranking lectun• numhl't' two. )[ H<·h pt•p for t!Jp district tournanwnt. FPhi'IIHI'.'' is donr at last and "'Chop<' wintt•1·' ·old hlast. al'e past.

J(}umor ~L\H(' H 1. ( 'hanqwign had toug-h ltwk at tht• di-.,. 11'i<·t tonnwm<'Jlt. \Vall'h t'or Jlt•.·t yt>a1·. •> Fa<'<' an• pa111tt'd a11<l th<• \\'ig a1Hl Paintl•r-., dmwP at mixture !JPld in g~ m. :l. ('h;unpaign Iligh 111il<• n·la.'· t<•a111 -.,IJO\h IIJI \\(']] an<l I'OJI" f'OIII'th p]al'l' HIIIOII!! :,titl't·onlpetitiml at tlu• {·.of I. l'Pht,\• <·m·nival. t-i. \V;htt't it too h;ul ('hampaig:n <·onldn't !,!o to thP ·pl'tional tonrnan1ent at Dt•<·atur. 1~. \Vat<·h fell' thP lnq11it·in:.r Ht•pol'lt•r. lit• i~ <·otnin:.r -.,oon. 1:l. • ·<'xt month will haw a Friday tlw t hi rter1.t h. 1 I. .\not hPr Banking- k<'t lll'C ancl th<•n ~I r. \'an LiP" hP-.,to\\ I'd t hP Ba-.,kt•t hall : · (' · .. with his i>l<"'"in:.r on tlw n•<·Pi\'1'1'~. 1.:l. Th<• I Pportpr 011 fiq• Sll<'<'<'ssin• day-., " ill a-.,k one• girl a da,\· th<• qm•stion indit•atrd la.·t month or "\\hat 1s you1· fa,·orit<: pa~tinw. ·' 1G. ~lildl'<'<l P<•r·cintl H)s. ''Writing to Nt. Lou i is a hou t t hP h •st t hi n:.r I do, a!though it i~ nwre than a pastinH•." 17. lrenr Ntyan rl'plil'<l that, "~fy favoritt• pastimP is :.roing- to ('oliPg-c <'Wl',\' Frida,\· and Nat 1mlay night.'· L. Doroth.'· Edwanl" sh,\ ly li ps, "I'm not old t•nong-h to haw onp y<'l but I'm goingto ~tl't oJH'. · · 19. llPlPn Hankin said, ".\laking thr ... enim· play." ~0. .And , 'arah Fish<•r muttt>t'l'<l, ··To mak<' th<• ~Im·om1 tlw Imw•st and IH'st 1'\'1'1'. ·' 21. \Yat<·h for a nr" lit next month to h<• H'-kl'd of t h<• boys on t h<• sa llH' q uPst ion. ~~.And in our hastt> W<' pass<•d 0\'1'1' the Ntate tmtrnant«>nt and n<•:rll'<"l<'d to state that \\e all \\'Pitt on•t· to the 0.' 111 . \ mwx and.' t>llt><l our <'ln·s hocu·..,p fol' th<• ntliant littl<• \'illa Oro\'<' tP<llll. ~:~. The spnior wcwk han! hcfol'<' Exam to makP snrt• of :,rraduat in!!·. ~-I. 'fht> senior "tlls and propht'(',\ an• h<•ing workP<l on in tlw st'niot· En:,rlish cia st's. ~.).

rrJH' IHOilth dJ'Hgs ~lo\\·ly Oll.

\\'on't Bullcwk ('\'Pt' ~row up! ~9. 'fh<' tn1dition that ~lan·h :.rot's out likP a lamh is a:rain dispron•tl. •>


i!:lre Jlhn~oon



1. It\ Easter. nd April. And t he "' ~ world\ all righ t again. 2. Ed )lagee ~-;trained his neck looking fo r a balloon y e.-terday morning. 7. And again the R eporter thrush; himA .... r z . df upon yon m11l this m onth we have th e following on the afore stat<>cl qu0stion. )lr. Paul Doolen, ")ly favorite pa. time. arc> . tudying and playing bashtball aft0r " ·hich com0s Ticldle de Win h.·' 9. Jame ap0l . ays, "I d0arly love to ~ study my Review A lgebra. I have every problem ewry day." \' \ 10. Don Gamble. '' utside of Dramatic I like to particir)ate in athletic cont .-ts.'' '. \ 11. Lilly Raymoncls, ' ' I beli<>ve that on \, Ae..i I '! · " consideration my favorit occupation and , \ ' \ \ \ pa. time is kidding the girls.'' \ .., 12. Red tipe. . "I lik to play golf and \ , beli ve that if you find the ball the . arne day you hit it you win. Quite a fa cinating game ' \ with many idio. yncracics, I a ·nrc you." \ 13. T his i. Fridav the Thirteenth and be, • \ .J .. · , •/ ·, \ cans of it . chool was dismis. ed and every··· v one went to bed to pr vent being hurt. 1 . :'lf any eas<>s of . pring fever reported to the office. Doctor D et ntion . tands ready with a .-urr rem<>dy. 20. " he love me, ·he love me not," cri d Dwight R ankin, a. he oulfully p l uckrd th p tal.· from a dandelion. 21. W had another cold wave la.·t night and D wight's dandelion froze . olid. 22. The track team leave. for Galesburg next week. ~:3. 'I hr wireless hound;; had a meet in~ r 1 " ' tonight at Harris place but :'II lish had gone to Danville so could not receive them. 24. The student;; arc co unting the days till .June, ''Oh yon YA('AT fO. ·.n. The all important cpH'~-;tion of the da~· is ·· Do th .-eniors g<'t a J unior-l:knior reecption. '' ~~-~Al~-;o, \Vho ·f-i to he queen of the )fay On t' ltistot·y teaelH'r. ~9. Let's go Champaign, take in Gal burg and win the mC'et. :30. Another good month gone wrong. y






'· '·

Pagr Onr Jlunrlrrd J"ifly-four

T. ' '

1J.1untor :\IAY 1. Assembly today. The track t am "·a. awarded the medal· for the first m(•ct of the year. 2. Iren • , 'tyan rec •ind a beautiful l\Iayba. ket la.'t night. 3. Detention has stopped for the pre. ent. \Von 't Ruth Og<lcn 's parent. b surpri ·eel to ee her come home before four o'clock. 4. The tt•am gets ready to go to 'harl '.ton. ooclluck. 5. hampaign got . econd place at Charle ton. 7. A . embly to award medals. 8. How. wiftly the days fly till the first of June! 9. The April . howcrs came today in l\Iay. 10. John IcKee will w ar lonct trouser· next y ar if he i · larg enough. 11. Get ready for l\Iillikin tomorrow. 12. Score of meet. 14. A.. embly. Isn't it funny how Joe Wiley can run? 15. Insert onr day the name of the man who gets the track captaincy. 16. The ,Juniorn are giving tlw . niors a reception this year, if they can get any one to come. 17. The heat is getting !':ome of the boy. clown every day, now. Too bad! 1 . All rrady for tht• lnh•rs •holastic at Illinois. 19. The tra •k meet, baseball game and Inter. cholastic ci rcu'>. 20. It is. aid that. omc of the boys traded tickets for the <'i reus. 22. All the teachers ar running around giving monthly exams. 23. All the . tudents are running around finishing up tlwir stu<ii<•s fot· the ;.·ear. 2-!. All the seniors ~u·e nmning around ~'t their last day at school. Frank Gahri<•l boasts of his prrfect attendance for four y ar.', with no tardy slips issued to him. ~.) - ~!). Exams in full swill". :lQ. ])proration cla.'·· ,J u rw 1. ( 'omnH'll<'<'rnent. Yaeation.

0 .__;--

l'au• Out· Hundred PiJty-ftrc

CHUCKLEBERRIES :-lllOOT TilE WHOLE ~H'KEL II.~ ·orman to man at gas station ) : <:imnw about half a ~allon. ('honts (from young folks in <•ar ) : I< or goodtH'ss sakPs, • "onnan, ~Pi some gas! What do yon I h ink yon a n• buying- corn whisk!'y. II. ~ ·orman with abandon ) : ~\ll right, pnt in a whole gallon. }I!' I Harris: How <'OJIH' ~on left Park!'r \ hoanliJI:,! hon P? R. Pal'IH•son: \\"!'11, the first Wl'ek th!' old <'O" di!'d, and 'H' "<'n• fl'<l nothin' hut lw<'f, IH'<•f, beef. 'l'IH• IH'Xt \\'l'Pk t]H• o](] pi:,r diPd, and We had pork, pork. pot·k. ~londay, }lr. Paekpr's gmndfather <lied, and so 1 ]pft. }Ii s KPily: \\'h.\ i · }Iinerva <·allP<l tlH• <:odd<•ss of \\'is<lom? DaY!' F.: lluh , that\ pasy. She ll <' \' <' t' man i ed. \\"O~DEH


\\•ith th<• adwnt of the automobile, manufaetnn•rs of fi'Ont por ·h<•s " ·ent ont of hnsitH•ss. Karilwr: \\'hat\ that? Olson: I s!'Z, is a t'PIIPt' wot <·alls 011 his g-irl i11 a thntHlPr shO\\'Pt' a rain lHl\\ ! IT l:-1, J.·~·T TT? Ex<·ttt·d Fm. h: \\"hat IH'll is I hal? \Yi. P :-loph: 'l'hP oJH' ri~ht up thPrt• on th<' \\all. .\I~'T

IT :-10? "Li 1<'11, .\h<', .\'0\1 do11't \\Hilt to Jttarry that girl. \\'h.\·. pveryhody in town kiss!'s ht>r. '· "\'PI I. tl1<• t mn1 ain't so bee g . " I'll!/< 011r 1/uur/rr r/ J'ifllf •i.1

H. ,J der: Don't yon think Tosti's

· · Uo()(lh."l e · · is thrilling. Frison: \Yhy, my dPar, lw has IH'\'l'l' <·alkd 011 nw. LILLIE RAY~I<L . D Tlwn• \\'a on<'<' a goofy .\'0\111~ swain. RPg-anled hy girls with disdain, Till at football he played, KiekPd a goal while J'am; prayed, ~0\\ h<' k<'<'PS '<•m <1\nty with a cmw.

o.· Tim .\lUI, 1\ •• Y\\'AY .'\\l'<'t Young Thin~ ( driving throu:..dt -.ubut·h : \Yould you like to S<'<' \\'IH•re "as va<Tinated? Ill' ( with <·nthusiasm ) : Nun•. :-1. Y. '1'. ( pointing toward hons<' whi<·h lhl'y just pass<•d : \V<'ll, right in thl'r •. .\ 000]) :-IPOH'l' II<'V<'L' lH'liP\'<' IH• has playP<l his lwst. liP JH'V<'L' quits. liP has 110 alibi. l.lt> smilP whpn IH• losl'S. lit' is a qnid willlH'r. liP pla.' s fair.


Loi B.: .John\ a nic!' <"hap, hut h<' \ too t!'tTibi,,- t i~ht. H. :-ltip<•s: lie is11't tight, Ill'' simp!,\ saving for a rai1ty da_\·. Lois B.: Hain.' day! Il<· \ H\ in" for a Flood. Bl BLE (i('O'L\TlO~ ·:-; .\dPlt': Fath<•r maintains that .' ou hould do unto otlwrs a you \\ould haY!' tlH•JIJ do unto .\'Oil. \Ylwn·npon th<' yonn~ man kis'-t'd hl'r.


II is <•ig-arl'tt<' ent ont a fiami1w arc in tlw darknpss and sank ,,·it h a hiss into thP ri\!'l'. • • Yo11 know,·· tumin:.r to hPr. • ·it's hanl to pi<'k a girl in • ·!'\\ York. Ev<·I·yon<• I 'vp h<'<'ll intmdtH'<'d to this last month has hl'<'ll pr!'tty. · · II<• frmnw<l a little in ab tract ion. .. Y<'s P\'!'11 h<•a ut iful. ·' .. \\"!'11, hm\ do yon Jikl' Ill<'." l--11!' said. in a oft fiu1tPr. "Oh- you 'n• so <liffrrent!" Paul D.: Il<•y, hmv'<l ~-on get ~·our hand hru is<•d ? ( 'h i<·k F. : Oh, 1 "az <'Olll in· IHllll<' from Ot!J' hanqu!'t last nig-ht and some !'lnms,\ : ap -,t<•p]Wd on my ting-Pr'>.

\YIL\T .\ LL "E I waited patiently a1Hl <'X]Wdantly. ~I.'· pulse \\as lH'ating- lih trip hamllll'l's. :-illr<'l,\ slu• \\ ould 1101 n·fust' l\w. ~Iy linl' had IH•t•n workin:,r finl' lwfon• this. It <·onld not fail niP nm\·. I !'Ould not <'<' hPJ', yl't I kn<.,,. he Fivp minutPs of '>im 11. t lw t h<'l'P. IPIH'l'. \Yould lw-at Ia t "XumIH'r. plt•as<'. · ·

, 'ilent \\att·lws of tlu• 11ight HI'<' thos<' \\1' forg-f't to wind.




Dwig-ht .\ll<•n (debating-): Ewry hoy ho11ld ]H!Y<' a l'olkg-<' PtltJt•ation h<·t·aus<· it lwlps him in aft<•r lift'.

\\'IL\'1' \Y .\N THERE

BEFOHE L.\ST \VEEK (Joldie II: \\'lwn I \\as a hahy l swallo\\\'d a lll'P<lle and thn•p months lat<•r it g-n•w out of m~- !'lhow. Hal :-i: That's not h in:,r. La t \\'l'Pk l swallo\\l'd a tal'k and now l have a nail in my to<'. .\."()TilE::\ TilE Fl'::\ BEO.\.


)lis Hoshaw (g laneing- owt· <·las ctlHl missing ,Julius DaYis): Doe any Oil<' kilO\\ \\ h<•n• .Juliu is? ('lass: ,Julius who? ~!iss IloslH!\\" (ahs<•ntJnindedl~·): .J u ius ( 'a•sa r.

.'.\ Y • "OT :-iO .\woman is an institution that <'Hil ask the most unn·asmwhle qtH•stions in tlw most n•asomthh• way. ( '0::\\' EH:-i.\'l' I 0::\ )liss KripnPI' (art) : • "o\\, p!'ople, don't use any mon• of this woo<! than you ha \'(' to. 1·S<' your !wads!

\YIIERE 1\HE \YE. "()\\'. ~lr.

L!'Jllkl' (<·om. g<'og-. :\\'hat p]sl' h<•o.;id!'s t'OJ'Il and oats mak!'s good hog f<·<·d? ~lal'g-Hr!'t P : Dish wat!'l'.

How Somt Clmes Must Arpear to Their Teachers.

:\11. ·~ BE.\('ll 1::\ Tl ( PBLE .\UAL Iiss Bt•a •h (to pupils eopying \\Ol'k off th hoard ) : I am . orry, hut I ean 't h·t you . tay in hen•, because I have to go to ddention. T.

HE LOOI\}.; TilE P.\.RT Geo. Kaplin: Bring me my coat. Jean•tte: \Vpll, 'rho are you? Geo : \Vho, nw? \Vh:v 1 'm the an wer to a maidt•n ',· prayt•r. D.\.. ·n G LDEX Rl.LE D.\Y Hwetle 0 !Son Dorothy Clark John H evron LO.s Brookbank ROyal tipe. Yillar. ParkhiLl BuD Xorton Helen BArr<'tt GuY Kell<'r Dorothy Stanford

cox.n·oATr XH Littlt• Boy: What drw · V ni, Vedi, Yici mean? Fath r: Oh, It'; ju.t one of those college yel!s.

COLOR BIJL Tl)! 'arah F.: Docsn 't that girl over there look like H<•len Brown Y Aliee H.: 1 wouldn't -.,ay that her dre:. was BI"own.

'l'IIE:\1 D YS ARE 0 . TE p RE\'ER Ruth ,Jet r (at the show ) : l\Iamma, when are the Indian. 'muing on? .Jfr ·. Jeters: Hush, th!.'r• an• no Indians. Ruth: Then ·who scalped all them men in the front row? .\D\'EXTPRE.' OF .\. 'E. T TAKER '' Hav you any brothers?'' ''One.'' ''Do<'.· h liY h!.'re?'' " 'aw lw goe. to collt•ge." "Any i ter ? " ''One.'' ''Doe.· he work ? ' ' ''~aw, he don't do nothin' n it her." T

OLLE TIO~ PLATE PA One of the he. t joke around school is 'lari sa Graham trying earn stly to collect due. from member of the Wig and Paint. BXTRA.EXTR Wh n .Jlr. l\loore was a.·sig11ing .eat in the auditorium, he i quott>(t as having said: "We havt' 27 seats in the auditorium and th re are 26 in th • cla. :, thi lean' only on!:' for Ill<'.· YERY :\IPSH'AI; Do you like music? Il<'lrn R.: .'ur . Ed: Tht'n just listen to the hand

Ed Thntsh:

'l'RCTII ALWAY.' Guy K.: You're a h<•autiful girl, and I hopt> you think I am sinc<•re. Dorothy ~.: 1 can't ht>lp thinking you ar<• sinc<'L'<' when you talk like that. PX::\ECE •• 'ARY QPER1.'ION.' :\Ir. :\Iom·e: lla. anyone rise a qur. tion ! James olon: Yes, what tim i it Y l'ng1 0111· lltlllllrt d f'i/I!H iqltl

at·omHl my hat. NIG~H

TOP, LOOK, LI 'TE.' Dick R.: A hedgehog on th ground is a sign of late winter. Bright Boy: Yes and a banan<• JH'Pl on the , idl•walk is a , i<>'n of a11 early fall.

r----·- --·- -----r r~--"~ 1 Ben Long's I ' I I I ' SHOP FOR MEN lI I I I ' for those ; I I "Sheik" Haircuts I The









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I Roal<a T"'' "' BoildOn,









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dressed if you buy clothes here


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Athletic Equipment of Quality Catering to Both Individual and T eam


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We are the only Exclusive Sporting Goods Dealers in the Twin Cities Dutch Clarno




DonStoops :

tj 16 1

HE (L\ \'E IlDI •ELF



'l'h • lil!hts Wl'l' turned lo" in th eoz.'· libntry. ~h«' . at in tlw hil! arm ehair, her heart a tluttPr and her brain in a whirl. Bozo wa. to visit h<•r that night. \nd h<• would tak!' ht•r in his arms. P<•rhap.· th<•y would ht• maniPd ..... The lll'll ..... Bozo enterPd, hi. hair . licked hack. and hi. bow tie on an ela:-;tic band. ll<· advanced toward th!' table, an<ln·movPd thr·ee cil!ar from his vest pockPt. 'I lwn lw tunw<l with outstretdwd arms. ".'top ... she sohb<'ll. "You have lovP<l hefore.·· Gather Y<' kis.<'s \\hilt> ~e may. Tinw only bring-s orrow; For the tiapper·s \\ ho tlap :-;o frpe]~· Are the <·hapet·ons of tomorrow.

"llow .Janr has l!airwd tn popularit~ latl'ly!" ··Yon :-;aid it. Hhe bu~ .· twiee a. many h a i rnl'ts a:-; sit<• used to. '·

L\'I>EED Last W<'l'k a man ''as heing- lltarri<•d and wlwn the pt'<•acher· said, "This i.· your la\1fully w<•ddNl wifp ·' thP dumb hnttp turned and .-aid, "Glad to know yon.''

An <'astl•rn hick went into the far wt· t. 1'pon arriYing- in a bot·dpr town h<' dt•citl('d to paint tlw town r d. lie uot ie<'d a . i!.!'n on a saloon, '' Billiar<ls and Soft Drinks ... "L ·n haw a hilliard." he said to th<' har1PtHIPr. Tht• hartetHler puzzlt>d made an Pxit to the hack whPrc• lw fill<•d a g-lass with <lislmatl'r. ''Do ~·ou know.·· Jw l'l'llHll'kt><l. ''If I wa 11't an old and hardl'tH•rl hilliard drinkPt' I'd -;wrar that was <l ish wa tPr. · ·

to<la~· ,

Ht•ally now ''How beautiful'' Girls And then lsn 't it Find that II<• \; n•ally Awful Looking- at To he \Vatching 'l'lw suns<'!. A Sllltsl't \\'ith llim. and hear· him '-<1.''


1st. DEGREE '')fy fathPt' was one<' principal actor at a gn•at function when the platform ft>ll. ·· "Horrors, did lw fall to t IH• gr·otuHl? .. "Oh. no. Th<· l'Opt• stoprwd him."

( '0. -~OL.\T LO.'

• 'o mattPr ho\\ poor a coll\' il't Or how little is hi gai11. lie can ah1 ay g-o to priso11 And g-Pt a wat<·h atl<l (']rain.



A tPrtain collel!iate young- 111an c•ntcrrd a haherda-;lwn· and ask<'<l to IH' . hown H hi!!lr c•lass hat. A ~hapeau was hroul!ht to him aml tftc•r can·full,,· in. pecting it lw askt•d tht• prit• · '' T\\·t•nty-two dollar '· was t h<· rpp].'·· lie al!ain turned his attention to thP hat turning- it O\'l'r and over in his haw! .... \\'hat's the matt r ... ask<•<l th<• dt•alt•r·. "I'm looking- for th<• hol<•s." atts\1 t•rwi till' ('ollPgoiat<• Kiddy . "Th holes! \\'hat hol<'s?" '·Wit~· the hol<•s for thP jackass t h.tt \HHtld hu.'· this to put his ear-. thronl!h ...


TOO TIH'E .. \Vhy, m~· drat', yon· n· g-ot your· shoes on t hi' \\TOng fppt." ··But. llPHriPtta. thPrr the onl_,. f't•l't l've g-ot. .. 162


Jlpard the 11('\\' go] r Dro,·<· :\I.' Ball in the '\Vatt>r Holt'.· Yan LiPw: 1 'o. , 'tip<·s: It i n 't out .''<•t. ~tipps:



'II Buy your next schoolbooks 1t II


i of us. We buy your used books j J at good prices. i -~ I


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We can make anything you


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Watson Faulkner L. W. Faulkn er, Mgr . 10 1 S . Tei l Champaign, Ill .


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Pho n e u your party ore1er .


Berryman Bakery

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'ElL T.



·=·-~~-~~_..._,_~--- ·-..--·:·

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f the tor ~s of Illinois

·- W.Lewis~&Co.Champa ig n 's LE'adin g D e p a rt m ('nt

t or('


~--·-·----·- ·- ·-··c:--·--·- ·-·---.._ ,_ .--.-.

··I didn't do not ltin. · · ( This from .. Did you hPar \\hat I said." Exit. hoth. ~onH' morp sikn<·< ' ( C. II . , ' . Bra]](l ) , tlwu \\'hi l'l'IT!'- 1'· r -r-r-r. ·A", look at t h · airplane ! Two of '<'lll ! '' · ·.'a\\. thPr<'>. three.'' · · Yes.si1·, ThrP<' ~ ., .. Plt•a-,<• t•alm down. yon O\'Cl' h~· th • \\indow>.. A nymll' would t bin k ~·on ha<l m•n·r S<'<'ll an al'l'ophllH' h •fore. · · A litt ]p IIIOl'(' tH•ar-silP!H'<'. · · Pil'k up the papPI'. Hl'Oil!Hl your «Jpsk,," <llHlBnrrr-r-l'-l'-1'-l'· l' r-in r! Biff. hang-, <·rash, t·utflt•, slam, boom, ZO\\IC Pt•H<'f' rrign~.

Lt·mkl': "Tht'rc\ OlH' thing tht• pmhihitionists ltaY<'ll 't pre\ t•nt<'d yd.'· Lillie I : "What':s that?'' L<•mkP: •· ThP ~->trel't <·ars from g<'ttingfull"

Bnrrr-1'-I'-r-r -i ng-! DPad ilPil<'l' for h\O mi1111h's and fit't,,·- t>ig-ht s~<'ond. . Thrn Biff. hang-, <'rash, .-cnfrle, . lam. boom, zowit'. ·'Yon mu. t not take so mn<"h time g-etting into th<• tudyroom. That la-,t s<'\l'll or Pig-ht may goo to tht> otli<'P and l!l't -,Jip. . Ye .. yon too, Bernard. Xo\\" gt't to work, <'' t·r~·ol!(• of you.·' •'ih•n ·<'.more Ol' h•s , for ix lninutt•s, and"ll.n-, Flynn.'' ( this in a thuJHkrou · "hispcr.) "Yt·ah ''. (anotht•r t. \Y. ) ··.'ling m that tht•r hook.·' "'l'h is 'n ! " '·. 'o, th · other 'n." The hook i;. slung. "\\'hy, ~\ lw<· !'' in a sonwwhat tartl<'d \'Oi<'t' from the hig desk ) .. Yon and Dm·id may go to the otlke at om·<•! TPII Iwr .iust what yon did."

GHAFT! .Jlom·t·: ·' \Vlutt i: onlinarily nse<l a: a t•onthtdor of <'ll'dri<'ity . '' 'l'tlrrl'll: · '\Yh~·. <·r r - '' ~loot'<': '· ( 'orrl'd, • 'o" tPll lll<' "hat i-, tlw unit of t•ledric power.'' Tnrrl'll: "Th<•what,. ·i1·?'' :\loot'<': ''That will do; \'Pry good.'·






5tires, the d,tc.h -d •g1,e-r.

--"RAn "




·i··- ·-·- -·- -·- ·---·- ·- ·- ·- -·- - l




'I1 i 1 '


i 1-

I' I

I I'


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t I I






Drug Store

I 1


!I I .






. i 1 I I I.




H. Swannell & Son




Finest Fountain in the Twin Cities


II ! Victoria




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Quality First, Service Next, Price Last





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•!•,._.,.._.,_ _~-· _,._._~--~- ··=·

~~ I Radio Receiving Set 1




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I I i !




The Champaign National Bank Edward Bailey, President Champaign, Illinois


Eastman Line of Kodaks and Films




'' I

', i


'Ii I I i

Martha Washington Candies

Cunningham Bros.

I I i I j


25 Main Street


· - ·- · .-..·=·t


THE WELL DRESSED MAN JT' S the well dre ed man that find hi ne d in thi Big Store for Men--5 year ucce ful clothing e perience ha plac d it a Central Illinoi ' great t. H re at all tim you'll find the lat 't and be t offered at the lowe t pri e .

Carrying 14 of the country's Best Known Makes of Clothing

JOS. KUHN & CO. ·-

33-35-37 Main t., Champaign, Ill.


- · - - ·- ·- ~- - ·- ·- ·- -··- - · - -··- ·- ·- ·- - ~·-··- --·-·~ 167

I I I i i I I 1


·=·I _ ,._ ,.._,..._...._,.._.__,_ ,_ ,._ --·-



i i I i

li i i I I

'i ''I I I


'' ' i

'' ' ·- -·:·'• I

TOO 1L\D Wall, ho\1· yc ft•t•lin' .Jed.

ha n• known yon. you\ e alterrd so

Ill II<' h. "

''For the hett<•J', or for the worse.·' "Ah, madam, ~·on eouhl only <'hange fm· th

Oh. purt~ ~ootl. \Vhat! Purty good, aftPr ntc \\alkin four mih• to sre ~ !'.

hl'ttl'l'.. '

IIeadlinr: ··Lightning- Kno<·ks a ~Ian ont of lk<l ''\\rt• Sll]l]HlS!' he aid, ··All right, drar, I'll get rig-ht up.''

WE EXPE<'TED .A ' }I{TII II •lrn R: .\rt• the hl<•aeht•rs "l' hrar mrn talking ahout. peroxidt• blond!' .

liard ·working- • •eg-ro: , 'a.'. boss, has yon gat my nanw on ;\·our pa,\ roll ! Ye . It's , 'ampson, isn't iU Xo, snh. }lah name i. ,'imp. on. I 'se lwrn wondt•rin · why you 'all makt•s me work so lw J'<l.

\Vooh•y: \\>·hat, going- fh,hing with a nwusp for bait! ( ';qwl: Yeh, I'm going after eatfish.

'· \Va .Tack hrarthroken ·wht•n ~·on jilted him.'' "I hould :a_,. not. lie wa· prrf•ctly


A L•'ISll

"Wa,., ,Jack hrartlJroken whrn you jilted


"I should say not.

··What did h do.'' "\Vhrn I g-ave ha<'k th ring he took a littl• filr out of hi.· pocket alHl made a nott•h on the insidr." "What wa. · horrid about that?" ··There were five not<'hrs in it alr·rady. ''

lie was pcr·fectly hor-


, 'enior: Boy, this "ichool sure take.· an intere. t in yon after you graduate. I . re here in th ~Ioh' ·ule that tlw~· will he g-lad to hear of thr dPath of an~· of thr alumni.

''Pon my word, madam, I should hardly

fAMQ U5 5EK10l\) No . '2.


T hj $ dee~ r-~ r I e ) j ' f.


M i~ s



You.v.g 1 f/,-e

j-e o._ e.t t 1 Sh<i-r/{. f'o.,. cJe.ta,/_,, J< e. h-er . 16




i ' nal Bank ,\. .as thP pion cr bank :

I1i in'"rhe .F irst . . ~ati Chan1pai >n. 1 Nearly 3B :.ars aoo, ,v·hen this ·oun1y ab ut I I onP-hv Hth its pr s nt ize, thi Bank 'vas organized I I1 tom t the local ne "'ds for such an in titution. f _"F 'or ov r a half of a century it has gro,vn apace 1 ,\~as



i ,\.,.ith the progr ·s of the community, always 1uindI ful of it r ~ponsibility as a pione r 1o th city and J the conn ty 'v hich it rves. 1 ,.rhe Fir t ational Bank invite ~ you to make u I ot the iaciliti s -w"hich it offer .


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I ~~l~S. ""'"~~~IA}~~f~~~~~A?~:IA~ ' N


. ....







II i







I I 1I I I I



T'he Piet ur s in this Maroon 'verc 1nadP by II. 1( DUNCAN & C(). Proft•ssional Photog raph e r Hll Jo~. Gree n St.

I 1 Ii



I1 i

l-Vhen Better Pictur<:'s are rnade we ll'ill make them



I I I I i I


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I ~ I





Her i the place to g t th gift 1 mo t uitabl f r GRADL\TIO . I







ar al l ready forth






; I I I


Champaign, Ill. i

7 Main St. 171

Wll 'I' 1.' IIEH ,\I>DHES" \Yhat would yon think of a g-irl who told 'on the only chanet' ~·on had of kissing- ht•r " ·as to eatch h<•r wlwn he wasn't looking-; and thrn haw h<'r . it th<'rc fm· the rest of tlw ('\'t'lli ng- w i I h lwr t•.n•s dosed ?

PO)JE in tlw harn.\ ard, h•cpy and , 'lit·k, BGy "ith a t'O<'klPhurT on a . ti<"k. ('r·t•eps up lwhind him, quirt as a moust>('rt'JH' on tlw door of tlw lilll<' boy's hou"<'. ~I niP

XO WO. 'DEI~ I )on 't you know why 1 \ <' refusetl you? I <·an 't think. Yon g-w•ssed it.

XO WART X ~Iiss K<'llr~·: '·In hakespear<''s tim<', wlwn any one hong-ht a tickPt to the th<'ah•r, r·l'lig-ions JH'oplr "on lcl say, '1 hey a rp buyinga ti<·kd to h<•lL' " Elnwr J): ··I'll h t tlwy ·old a lot of tit·hts."

• ·oT !HI. 'II? .. Hay, g-rand pop, arc "(' dt•scrn<lant: of th(• monk<•y ?'' • • \Vhy g-raeious no, onr· folks canw fi'Om \\.all's.''

BrT now cA. woon l·R1J T

Teacher: '' E\'{•r·y new faet that you learn adds a crinkle to your brain.'' ~aomi L: "~Jy hair will . oon be <·urly." TIIL'

r .. To


Fatht•r: · · Thr rH•xt tim<' that young- fool conu•s around her<' l'll sit on him." Daug-htt'r·: '· Oh. Papa, !caw that to m<'.''



IIo.·haw: (Eng-. 6) '' \Yho wa. a g-rrat dramatist who prreedrd hakrs)wart•. '' Scott IIoowr: •· Ac. ·op. ''

) ! iss Yoss (.'horthand): ''Pmt'ti('<' thrre lines of each "ord.'' "·aomi IJ. ··~lay we us<' ditto marks?''




"fdUO ~ ote. <::am

ll'll."""l i c. ial\·



BRUNSWICK Phonographs and


11 Main St.

Champaign , Ill.

'i·- ·- ·- ·- · --·- · - -··- ·- . - ·- · - · - ·- --·- ·- ·- ·- · - ·- ·- ·- ·- ----·- · - · - ·-·1 i



! i

I ' j 1 I



"As Yott J:ike It" ha been running for more t han ten vear ;

at th c

! I I 'i 1 I I



FlantPan-Pearson Qo. C.


i ~

I I ou e on l hester r. C A 1P I G~r


Wlun• Good Printi11g i.r D one





I I '

·:· ·~~~~~.._.,,_. ,_~.--.-..~..-..•..-. _.,_ ,,_,,_,_.~..-..-~~·..-..--.......-...-~i-·:·



AILYEN!AWAT'IID G "You 111 'atl to ay that a

('lnll'k B: · · L wish 1 had monP,\', d •at','' ill' aid. "I'd travel.' lmJntlsivE>I:~. h<' .lipped her hand into hi ; t ht•n, rising- swiftly she .JW<l into the houst•. Ag-hast, h • looked into his haml. In his Jlalm Ia:· a n it·kd.

Burg-lar • 'tole tlw tnarhlt• C'loek Ft·om t h<• mantelAn<l the dog\\""as in thP vpr~y scunr roon1 . " ~ • \ 'r"(.. S. But yon se Fido is only a wateh dog . Tht• little <h·at·."

KEEP TO THE HLGllT • ·ow, mine ·on, ju ·t turn tlw <·ornct· aiHl folio\\ your nos<'. Oh, hut fa<l<lPr. I'll ~~·t ln.

t. \ 'ERY DEEP ·· bn 't this a11 ful \I'Pathct· for Dt'<'Pllllwt·T" "Don't.' on lik<' hot wl'athPr."

AXI> XOW LE\'Y IL\ 8 TO IWY ,AN L<·,·y, :·our unclp w·as sun• g-ood to you to sPtHl :·ou that Rolls Royce car. Good! Uc ent it with the fr<'ig-ht pa,nthlt• at this <'IHL

llo yokel. <'aJLt tPll me the wiH•r • ahont of the Fit·th of P'orth! Ilo thy elf, hast srarche<l between t h<' Fil'th 1f Thir<l Hltd tlw Firth of Fifth.

"Tlwn g-o to Alaska." '·Do you likP hot weatlwr. '' "• Ul'<'."

"Thl' llPX( JlCI'sOJJ \l'hO int<'l'I'IIJlt'i thl' Jli'O· <·t•<•<ling-s will h<' .-ent honw." deelat'Pd tht· irate .i udg-<'. · · Ilurra.1·!'' :·<'llPd th • pt·ismwr.


I I I i




THE CORT T he Ideal Place for Gentlemen


I1 Tourn aments I I I I


18 Billiard Tables 18


Billiards for Recreation and Brain Fag

I 174

r-------·=i 1


Graduating Gifts








have a meaning---it ynchroni::e

~ 1 I I I1

quality and friend hip--plea ant memorie of




" hould auld a:qaintence be forgot?" In thi ca e, " I should ay nN!"



I II 1 I I I

I 1 I I I1











i t i I I



I Victor Record



Picture Framing








I I If

! I


'i i

I j

R )osour es Over





A Gro,ving I-3anli for

I i I I I i j

I I i

i i ! t i








i1 A. ~1. Burke I


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...-i)- · - -·I·=··- 1

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·i·------------·- -'1"

E. I. Burk Vi c<•-P r <' id <:'nt and Cu shi e r·

Pr e~ id e nt

I i I i I i ij i

I 175

Old .:\laid .:\li. ll'<"'s (impr<'ssiY!'ly): • 'ora, that paint in~? is oY<'t' a ltundn•d ~·pars old. _'ora: .And did y<•z paint it ~·om·sp]f. nt tnn ?

\\'JI Y LEO.'.\ I{ I>!

.:\lis. BamhnrgC't': ( To Leonard, in otan: Yow· g-r·adl' is low h<'<'alls<' you forg-ot som of: our dal<'

"How num~· ears ltaYc \\'<' on hand?" "l ('Olll<ln 't t\'11 you ofi' hand."

WIIA'J' I ' TillS?

".:\Ian. I said on hand ...

)]iss L<' .'nn·: ". ' m , DaYi<l. yon just ld Os<·ar alorw, I'll t<'JH[ to him!''

"I I'OU]cln't S\'l' a \\'OIIIall tandin~ ll}l whi](' "as ittingdo"11." '·, 'o ~on !!aY<· hPr ~our spat ! · · '·. 'o. I <·los<'<l IllY l'~'<''> and pret!'tl<l<•d to lw ask<•p. · ·

TOO 'l'HT E! TOO THl'E! '· ,\-.. idll' a . a painted ship upon a painte<l o<·Pan"- "Bill" Ilm\1'11. '· Ik ht• tall: or he h<• fat a man·. a man for a· o · that.' ·- Ehn·ll, Pulliam. llowar·d.

Ill': I that ~·o11. dear. I ju. t <·alh•d np to ay that I ·m aft·ai<l I won't he hom • to din11<'1' tonight. as I am d 1 •tainl'd at tlw otlh-1•. ~h<': You poor dl'ar, 1 don't \\'on<l!'r. IIo" ~on g-l't an.' thing- dmw at all, "·ith that ori'IWt n1 playing- in your ofli<·<·. is nton· than I <"all <'<'. U(lodhy!


110\Y ('O{'LD YOT

E\'ll>E. 'TLY A .Jl'. 'lOR'S COXTH!B (']a~s<'

of C. II. Om;


19~:~ HJ~


'la. s . 'as·


Ora ·s


rII English I (Lad,\· of tllC' La kc) If .:\lah·mn UnH·nw lll<ll'l'iP Ellt•n what would Hhodt•t•it·k I )hu !

<'00-E. · \'irginia Bmn•n: "E\'\'r~· da:· in l 'm ~fl'owing talll'r and taller!''



:-;TOP TII I EF. WE IIA\.E B0%0!

•· llnnna" \\'h.' <lid .:\Iartha t'hase that nwd ira I stud<•nt horn tIt!' lihrar.'· y<•st<•rday! ''HPda''- Bt•<·ans!' hP \\a" trying to 1'\'1110\'t' tlr<' appPlHlix f'rmn .Juliu ('apsat·.

f Af'\OUS


?lit·. ToziPr: (<'xplaininl! prohkm 111 tont• !' a t·a t·ni' a l lllHll.) <lt'll<'\'i<•,·p F: "A11<l. in th<' 1wxt lt'nt!"

1eN 1an 1


Lyle /VJSh 1



e~u.e.>t..-•a.., .

., . ,._,-··- ·-·-,_,,_,_,,_.,_,__, _.,_.,_,__ _,_,_,_.,_,_,,_,_.,_,,_,_,___,_,_.,_."1 Special 3 Months Intensive Course



Open ALL Summer---ALL day or HALF day Sessions




Champaign Commercial ColleRe




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0 pposite L ewis'


Your Booklet, " Business Courses That Win" Sent on R equest -,-~,-._,._. _

. .....








II I _

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orner W aln ut and T aylor

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,_ ,_ (.._,.,_..,_,_


'_"1. I






1) Ill . •'l' <:ET 1'1' I.'\ '1'1\1I::.

}lr . ('ook (Botany) "i\lushrootll." and pull' halls l'Ollll' under tlw Phycomycetes group." ··I )on·· \': · · \Vhat group do mothballs l'Ollll' UIHJ 'I'? •'

I.. TilE ~TATE OF WA.'Ill:\GT0. 1 ! .'ollH' one pleas(' •nlightl'll .}Ol' Og<h•n a. to the whcn•ahouh of \Vashington, D. '


.JIORE! }[()HE! ~l·IHH'llhe·k: (To "'wed•'' who


whistling , That is a pt·ctt~· tmw, hut w• won't tak<' the l'lll'Ol'l' now !


E:\TEHT\1 'Ell'· ll <'01 l.ll·. T



TO HAY TilE LE .'T Kl'llf•y: ".Josl'ph, what 1s a sooth-

<'I'. ,}Ol': Y<'·, ooth. ayl'r is onp wol·ds ~ ''



(){ H






\\ \

"IW. '(; .

NE\'E I{ 'l'JIOI'(ill'l' 01<' 1'1'.

Too SLEEI'Y '1'0 , "I' I I \\' \S L ••\ II I IWY

llY L.\;.;T . Tl'E. \ ' () IT . "I,II'I'Eil .\1 y



Ot''l' \\'!'I'll Ol''l' Lb\\'1••.

No Exct-..:E. The fond mama of a <'<'l'tain suhdl'h, <·]aiming Palm Beach for a honll', has det<•dpd tIt· odor of tohac<·o SIIIOkl• about her dau:,rhtt•l'. All(! the 111ot ht'l' knmrs that t ht• :,ri 1'1 d1w 11 't . moke. A . a matter of plain fad, the girl do(' n't ·mok<'! Htill th<• my-.,tl'I'Y remains.

}!iss \'os : (<·xplaining chamctcr in :!torthand) You han• t ht• gl•nt ll'num upside down.

}I iss

<a·:T ~JY


('0('IJD liE OX

~L 'DAY~!

,J iut l'ri<·l'r: Drink what you \\ill the \\hole \\l'<'k lon:.r. but you can't gl't dnmk on Sundat•s.


oh ah- cr-oh who says soothing-

,JOII:\. ' Y L' 0. 'LY A


.J. :\littendorf: (t·opying outlin' fro111 board l :\1 iss Bamhurg<•r, i. thi.· outline rig-ht Y

A pK



SA\' E () 1s A p E. '~ y

u A I.



What shall \H' awanl }loose :\1!'1\:a.'. l{,d CatTilth<•l's and Toots liP\TOII, "ho, aftl't' th show Batul'(lay night. askt'd to <'s<·ort holll( threp of our wdl known girls of till' <·las. of ·~;; who \\"('!'(' stag-ging- it ?



If I "l'J'P prPtt~ - just like you, I eoultl Ill' pop11lar too. If I had <',\"l's so like the sky }faylH', I. t !l'o, t'ould g-!'1 hy Antl if my kin w<•re · · P<'at·hl's and t•rt lllll P<•opl could Ill'\ t·1· <'a 11 nH• a s<'l'l'am. Instead -I '<1 haY<' :,!0\\ ns of goldt'n hw• . }I ulti-colOI'(•tl- sonw n•<l some hlm• llat · that o 'l'r th<• wat<•r eanH' ('lotlH•-., that'd n•ally bring- me famP. But a. 'ti.', I'm hom<'l~- a ·in, :\Iy hair is u:,rly - 'hout th<' t'Olor of I in .:\Iy clotlll's arl'u't nice-in truth thC' frig-ht And o tlwrl'fon• l 'm ah\Cl,\ s honw at 1 ~Jaylw



:\1 i · Bamhlll'g"<'l': (Botany ~) I'd I ike to ha\"<' omp mw bring HOIIH' horse\ tails to <·Ia s. .JPaiH'IIP: \\'ho PY<'I' <loPs ha<l lwtter han' hi !iff• inslli"P<l fi1·st.

WilY • 'OT A WHOLE 'E'l'. Dooh•n : " I>o yo11 klHm Tenny. on': poems l'arry Ill<' <·ompll'tl'ly away. Huth 0.: • · Rl'ally. l 'm awfully . orry WP han•n"t a volunw in the hous<'." 178

II. B.



·=·-·---- -~:~:---·llU.Ia;.G;t~--;.-H~hes-1










Furniture Co.



Leaders in Furniture, Rugs and Draperies




HarryH,mli~rrick ((Herrick


. 'i Champatgn, I I ...... ...-...-........

PHO. 'E Main 45~ 5'1 -



•!• -·~,.._,._4......................._.~..._ ......~.~·---·..-.·~·:·




Il I


Ill'lllOlS . I I


.,_,_,,_.,_,__, _,_._,_,_,_,_,_,___,__,__,__,___,_,__,_,__,_,_,_l I

: I II I I 1 I I

I i






A General Business Course




added to your public chool training will help v ry mu h to make yo ur training a ucce G t a cour.e now. W can help you get it in the h rt t po ible ttme.




"The Accredited School"


1 I







Champaign, Ill.




wannell Bldg.

·:·' - ·-·-··-··-~ ~, -·-·..._.


.....·-'~"--·-·- ...........:.i

TIIE .J('. 'lOR DlAH.\ OF A .'E. 'lOR 1!121: Ye. t!•rda~· \Ia. a Earnie aiHl I "'l't'e together all da~·. Eami<' talkt•<l ahout tht• ,Junior Pt·om. I really like him awfully m•ll but he shan't know it. I gue~s he i~ all right now hut W<' ta~·l'cl up until hn•ln• o '<·l<H'k tt night and auntit• did not like it mueh. B.n·. hye. 1'owmht•r :!1,

\l'otHlt•t·ful day.

Xovt•mlH'r :!:!, 1!J:!l : I ha \'l' n•sol vr<l not to ht \1 ith Ear11ie so mtwh. Dt•<·t·mht•r :!:!, 1!1:!1 :

] don't know what I hall do ...._"ma. without my Earnil'.

,J mll!ary 6, 1!l:!:!: IIt•llo

J~u·n ic.

I low


.Jam tar~· :!0, 1!l:!:!: I wond<'r if Earnie only fooling mr.


:!.), 19:!:!: Last night Earni<' saw ~I ildn•d at th<• Hhow and now he is mad. .Jamtal',\' :!G, 1!J:!:!: I am c•J•azy ov<'l' Earni JH'\'l'l' wtll tin• of him and I hop(' he dorsn 't of lilt'. I love him.

1-'l'hl't!Ht'~' (i, l!J:!:!:

Oh d('HI', I hatl' to "0 tf s<·hool hut 1 am going for my Ea1·nit•. l•'<·hl'll<ll'~·

1•\•hruar,\· , RA.N.


Ean;i(' i



You Hl't• so thrilling

J•'('hrua ry !J, 1!):!:!: Oh, IH'l'l' \ hoping on <lrt'ams all t•omr true. Fchrnary 10, 1!!:!~ : i. llllt(l.

Earnil' is 111ad. En•r,\


Pchrua t·y 11, l !l:!:! : I gtH'ss ou1· d rl'a ms haw gone ·l)]ash. }('hruary 17, l!J:!:!: Eami(' said ht• 111'\' would he a f1·il'lHl of mint• again, to<ht)'.


)far •h :2, 1 !J:!:2: I <lo hop<· Earni<' hmTil's an<l grts out of tlw hospital, l ant so lont•sni!H'. )Iarch G. l !1:2:2: h<· good.

I o5 t-1•., ·~·

1 0




)farch 7, J!J:!:2:

Bamit• and

r HI'(' go ill"

\Ve c·hangt•d om· mind.


Jrrnr K: \Vho Pwr sai<l ·· IJO\'P to man i· hut a thing apart. 't i · woma 11 's whole• r"isIPIH'P," c·<·r·tainl,,· k11rw what lrt· was talking about. .)amPs ~I.: If that' appli< s to you, I \l'mHlPt' \\'hat you ha\'P hP<'ll <•xist ing on .

.Jim P.: "I lid yon notie·P that g-irl \rho just pa . Pel ? " Did-: H.: "Tht' o11r with thP IH·ight hltu• s\\t•akr. ilk sl<wki11gs, spor·t shews, skirt about :-i('\'t•n ine·ht•s t't'OI1t t hP tioot·, hohhPel hai I' ancl

•J i Ill : "Yt•s." I >i<·k: ''. 'ot


(JOOI> A D\'1 ( 'E

i<•ttlarl,\'. '' ~l<'l.

lit• tollk ht•r out for an II is Jll't'l ty hhlt'·t·~·<•tl Sal But faintt·d whPtt he c:;a\\ " ( 't't•am. ninPt~· et•nt: a

m~· lwst girlwhat is a <"lP\'t'l' P. N. to add!" Lyle.·.: "PI<·ast• hnr11 this at 011('('."

ic•r rt·r:un tr at ;

II. : " I'm "t·it i111! to

tlw sign, PLI~. TTY! PLE. ''I'Y! Miss )fonis: "IIa\'P somP tmnhiP." IIerlH•r·t II.: '·. 'o, 1hanks; ju t had some.''


. TILL <'lL\,'ING "You arP always hPhind in yout· stndi<•s. ·· ~It·. ~loon·:

WIL\T Kl:\)) OF E~y.UIIX.\'1 IO. T? Jh\·ig-ht H.: '· \Yhat 's tlw mattPt': you're

.J ot• Ogdt•ll : "\\Tell, yon src•. it givr. mr opporttmit~·


a lJ

to pUt'stH' tht•m."

S('H l'l'Ptl II ]1?.'

Bud Dump: Sa~. <"HII I hor·r·ow youe hat again? Cui: Nur·t• \\ h~· the• formality. Dump: Oh. I ean 't find it.

·1:,·----::~:;:;::;:;;---··1· I I

\\',\. ''['E ]) NOJllt' goncl slt'OI1g' t'lh r gas to makp pupils tell the truth about tardillt'. s. Ilt'nry 1.

I 1

\\T.\ . ''I' r. I) , \ g'Ood fi r·st -t• lass <'Urling imn to put kinks in my golden






}Ia ry Hpt'ncer.


Metzl r &

I I I ·


i \\'i h to apJwal to my dPar lJPit·n throul!h thP Im·oon. Oh IIELE . ·com(' ba<·k to me.



Bud • 'orton.


gooe I 1lOOI\: 011 S!)Ot" t SlllHllship o that I may Jpaen to take dt'f'pals in dPha1t• likt• a gc•ntleman. Dick Keek.

\ \' . \

. ., ,,

r. I)




•\ 1a" i dri \'t'l' with good car to run doleeule errand . ,Job opt·n i11 St>plt•mhrr. • 'o



Finest Equipped Grocery tore in Central Illinoi


I \\'.\. 'T E I> I





"1 f<'ll tlown on an t•x;unination.''

IL\HI> BOILED Coaeh \ 'an Lie•\\ (at ('hal'IPstou): "How diel I onlc•t· my Pggs?" Waitrt•ss: "\\'pll, yon \\'Pn·n't mry too politt' ahout it."

Hnth Og'dl'll wa11ts to know if ars<'lli<" ts ]lOISOll.




!·-·-·- . -·-· -· -·-·=::::.~::.~.:__,1



Your Patr nag Alway Appreciated







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