1924 Maroon

Page 1

l='ur tuor~



Champai{5n Hi8h School

Published by


Vol. XV

Fidelity Jlonor. Jlmis,. ''11'1 ad,nimtion. 1\'r will [til'!, ('/wmpoiyn. to th r l'ou tlt.·tl'l't o11r orlontfion

.1nt/ oltr fitlilil'l· Hall.' Roll.' Roh.'

.lloy uootl fol'fllllt fllll'f' !fOil 111 1·n· . Inti you,. ylory llf l'r r 11'11111. ,1/rnJ ,1/0ill' frirnt/.~ br follhful, f~'1·n· tl'lu to !fOil, ('hrtm}utign. ('/f0RC8

a sony for ('/utlll}>aiUII, l.rntdfiJ shout lur JH'III.~r. \1"1 'II loyrtf bt j'on 1'1 r . • l11t/ fol'l fit I' rtfl IIIII' t/rt!JS. Holt.' Rrth.' Rrth.' ffrul, thtn, our duu· oft/ ff1Uh 8thool, 0/lll'rtl'lf 11011 to j'rtmt.' lr1 'II rtlwoys slri1•r, oh rl1111' ('homJutign, To honor your 11111/lf. ''Ill!)

GIIIJ moroon rnul wlulr rtrt slwwing Just for 111111. ('htiiiiJIIIi[ln. IN knou•: Pur]Jlr flrunltfi.· ort yrowill[! Hctoust flu !I fol't you so. Roll.' Huh.' Roll.' Jlomr of ll'istlom, truth, rtlld pfcrtsurt, Jfr mol'il s 11'1 hold so drar, .1(( rtl'l'r]Jf thr Jmtisf'.' Of !JOIU' j'ri1 ntis rt/tn· and ncar.





.,;;ffP' ~·



-y ..


Droir.tfiou -~····





ch rs




"Then to the well-trod stase anon, If Jonson's lenrnt>d sock bt> on, Or sweetest Shakesp ore, Fancy's chtld, Warble hts native wood-notes wtld."



1 - - - - - - - - -- - -¡


"What I>.reater or b tter ~ift can we offer the republic than to teach or instruct our youth?"

- Cicero

" - -That place that does Contain my books, the best compamon , IS To me a t>,lorious court, where hourly I Converse 'vith the old sages and philo ophers."


"Tht! purest exercise of health, The lcind refresher of the summer heats." Thorn. on

U:l!~ llicr lJrincipul's O)fficl'

"When any srcat desisn thou do~t intend Thmlc on the means, the manner, and the end."

- Denham




CJ3oard Q/ Education

Q/ Champaign Public Schools Dr. W. L. Gmy, Pr•e idt'nt Mrs. D. R. Enochs, Seal'tLli'Y Mr. Robert Dimmer Mr. H. D. Howard Mr. T . R. Hopkins Mrs. Thomas Osdt'n Dr. W. E. SchoenserJt



Mr. W. W. Earnest .\s SllJH'rin!l'lHh•nt ol' thP ('luunpaigon , 'ehool.. ~Ir. \\T. \Y. Ea t'nt•st has d il'l'l'tl'tl t hP pt·ogorps. of most ( 'hampa ign II ig-h ~~· hool st utlt•nts t h t'Oltl-dwu t t hl' st' hool s~·slt•llt. II r. has t akl'll a tllat·kptl intpn•st in tht' High ~ehool. .\It·. Eartwst l't'l'lflll'llt ly adtln•sst•s assPmhliPs. anti la~·s t'lll phasis upon training for latt•r lifl' as 'wll as ·rholar. hip. .\II st tldt'Jt!s n•mt•lllhl't' his t'aYoritt• l''i.Jll't'ssion. ··Till' Jm,.inPss of tht• st·hool is to ht'lp hoys antlgoirls to got·ow up to hi' the bt•st llH'll allll t l11• fillt'st WOlllt'll t ht•y t'Yt'l' l'H 11 Ill'.''


Miss Lottie Switzer • o OJH' JH'rson has a grt•atPr infiHPJH'<' on t h<' st Hdt•nts or· h!'a1·s a gn·att•z· responsibility in th<• Iligh, 'ehool for its IIHI!Iag'<'· lll<'nt. its tan<lal'(ls. and it.· a ·complishments, than th<· priul'ipal. ~Ii s Switzpr has hP<'n principal of Champaign lligh ~khool for man~ yl'ars and it ha. h<•<•n lar·gp]y thro11gh lwr gui<lmw .. I hat st ud<•Jrts "in uccess. ~Iiss Kwitzpr has always takpn th<• int<•n•st of the stn<l<•nh into <·mrsi<l<•J·ation an<l has dorw <'Y<'r~· thing \\ ithin lwr powPr to makp <'hampaig-n High Kchool stand for tlw lwst in athlPti('s, dz·amati<·s. social aC'tiYiti<•s and scholarship. In latPr y<'ar·s. whPn looking hack upon Olll' high sc·hool day . . . h<• who \\as our· gui<l<• will continuP to <·onllnantl cnrt· n•spl'l'l and admiration.



Miss Minnie Morris OnP should lH' a senior taking English l;iterahLJ'(' und•r :\Iol'l'is to fully apprpeiat<' 1wr. 'h<> always has something \'Pry intpn•sting and Hnustwl to say in a nunmet· that t•ommands tlH• attPn1ion of her ela.·ses. ~\s Yi<·e-prineipal, ~Iiss ~Ion·is is ewt· rea<ly to offer advic on stwlPnt pt'Ohlpms anll lwr aim is to ar·r·ange schedul<': that "ill both please and hPnl'fit the boy or girl. St tHlPnts ol' ('ham paign If i~rh Sehool appreciate ?~Iiss ?llorris' PYI' r· '• he I ping hand'' and a how a II. ht>r personal intere ·t in their "ork and s(•hool <H'1 ivit iPs. ~Iiss


EXECUTIVE :\!J>·.;:-, L!riTIL ,'\\II'ZI.l!

:\IJ". :\JI. .






.\lis. \I l1l H' E . .\!oJTi .\fi·s. pJJit• .\Jikl'st'JJ .\lis· 'Ina llrt' ham .\I iss ('lara KPilt·.' .\I iss .\Iarg-ai'Pt ~~ Hrl,!PO!l .\Tis Olin :\I art in .\lr:-. .•\my 'l'titTI'Il :'III·s. IIPIPn ~tark

.\Iiss .\Ill,\" lk<t<'h \!1. · \lat·.ioriP K!'iiPt' :\!Iss Blmwlw ('hPYillon :\I iss E:-.sit' );p, 'urP .\lis Elizalwth Hart



:\I iss Et lwl .J <Ill!' :\I a.'· .\liss B,\' IH' <:oodman :\lis:-. \'pnJ<I ( 'oolPy .\liss Katlwrint' IIHIT :\It·. Hn,1 B. ToziPr

:\Tis. ('harlottP FowiPr :\Jr. ( 'hariPs ~litton .:\Tr. Harold Oshomr ~\Irs . .:\IariP );;n\·son



:\I r. <'ha riP (:noel ing .\I r. {lporg<' ~lwnmod :\II'S. (l l'CH'I' ('ook :\I iss .\ h·pna Bmnht•rgrr :\I iss ( L ('!at'!' .J a Ill!'· .\Jr. Bnrti · ( '. L;mson

:\!iss .:\fatild,t Yoss :\lis· .:\IargarPt ~lattPn \It·.. Doroth,\ .:\litt•hpJJ :\II·. Enwst .). ~imon :\I r .•\ rt hIll' LPn t z



:\Tiss Elizalwth \'oss .:\lr .•\rthnr LPmkP :\!iss .\IiltlrPd :\Jatrill .\Jr. Roy ~~~ indPII

.\Ir. Ira .\ . .:\JI'Kinnry .\I is Dm·ot h.' Kri ppnPr



.\Its :\lartha Fimwl,!an

.:\lr. Lt• t l'I' .:\loyt•r :\I iss J I atTiPt Pl'ri',\' :\I iss Dorothy K ripp!H'I'





To Spanish Explorers Why r!lrl you INJt'('. your 011'11 lnllf[, Jlrn of ,'pain.> 1\"hy did you build small ship.~ And plod sloll'lyarro.~s dim !fl'll!J srns To dim !fl'll!f shon s/

"I fiOll!rht for ~rolcl. and fonn<l I lw way \\as hard, Bnt ~till I thought m~· 11gly, lPaking <•raft "Tas follcmin~r a rain hem. I \\as \\TOng-. Therr '"as no gold for nw. no pot of golcl." "I\\ ant('(l youth.

TIH'y tolcl ml' of a fountain Onr dranghf of whirh \I'Onlcl srncl m~· sh•Pping blood Throhhing- and lraping- throu~rh m~· worn-out franw; I fonncl no ~·onth. 'l'hc>y li!'!l to mr; tlwy lird!"

" 'Twa. fame I sought. Although I journeyed west. T krpt my ryrs tm\arcl, pain, ancl harclly rar('(l l'pon what land I raisrd thr .'panish Hag-T raised it high. hnt clird nnknown, unsung."

• 0 mr11 of , 'pain. 1f you tould Iii'('. ar1ain And look upon thr uay nfir: And thr long wa1•rs of grain H'hirh rm•1 r thr lond u•hrrr !fOil mrf Disappointment and drfrat. llrn of, 'pnin. you 1/'0IIIrl rr.ini,.r! C:. II. B.



Class Officers Pr·psidPnt \' i<'P-PrPsi!lPnt

..\I \Rn



\Rt :T





'I'll ,JJ:'J'I'R



' Kt •

The Passing of Twenty-four Yon halls "ho know onr l'oohtPps. and yon rooms \Yho"P "ails haw lwarcl onr Yoirrs fonr long yPar. . •\JHl. nHH'king-, smilPcl at <•htms~· J'<'eitations .\h. yott ar·<· g-lad onr g-rMlnation rwars. Yon "Ntry of ottr Yoirf's. \\~r arr old. W P t if!<> laughs, anrl looks sophist iratrrl. ) ott know that \H' arP throng-h. that WP mn. t go Yrs. yon '11 hP glarl wlwn wr arc ~rradnatt>rl . •\ fr"· arP wr·y firw. Sonw act: somr sprak: Sonw fi~rht tlll'ottgh mttcl a~rainst a frirncll~· fop; ~onw striYP for honor" on a <'inrlPr t rark: Yon think you will not mi.·,. thrm whrn thry go7 .\ fpw ran sing'. inspirrrl h~· joy of ~·onth, .\ n<l sonw thtHl swrat ing- down a ~ria ring floor To arl'h a clull lmmn hall high thr·on~rh the air.\h. WPPJl, olcl walls. thry soon can c•omr no morr. lint this i. PJHllrss. :\Ian~· rwmrs filr past mr ~Ian_,. that rYrn yon. "alls, <•an't for~rrt. Oh. W<' 'II n•nwmhPr ymr. "ails. wr 'II r·rmrmhrr· It is to yon \H' owr onr grPatPst drht. ('IIAI{t.I:s

BEx. ' ETT.


Senior Honor Roll :'lk ktlllPII. LPslil' ( 'arlyll' .............. l. ~~ Brnttl'lt. <'har·l" llodgc-s .............. ~.:n Uo ;wh. Lama \'ir~inia ................... L:~2 ( Otlill'l'l,\'. ( lPtlt'\'H .......................... ~.2 Ilic·kman. \\'altl'r ........................... .J-.2,

D;ill. BPs il' .\lartr .................... .1.27 1\t·oont. Hnt h .\llH'rla .................... l.21 l'anl. ZPima ~Iaria ........................ -!.07 <lsi Prhnr. 'l'lwa ................................ -LO-li--'<"ht·or•dt>r. Enwrson l•'r·anklin ..... .-1-

\l \'1'111·:\l \TIC.

\It> kinw11. Lt>slit> ( 'arl_\"IP ............ .-1-. ~ [\;ill. liP· tP ;\larir .......................... -Uifl

nrarh. Lanra ,-iqrinia .................. -1-.2 J)PnnPI I. ( 'harlrs IIodgPs ............... L2;)

1\r·cullll. Hnlh .\11H'r1a .................... ..J..fi() llo 11111'!!. ( 'hal'lc·s IIorl~rs ................ -1-.:'i

<'on hPrl_,.. ( lpnrva ............................ -1-.12 ;\[pskinwn. LPslir ('arl.'·lc-............... -l-.12

l'aul. ZPlma ~laria .......................... -t-.:-1


lrPtw \\'ilma ....................... L12 SO('!Al, S('ll


I lic·kman. \Yaltl'l'........................... A...l-

( 'onlH'rl.'·· 0PnPYa .................. ...... A. Williams. Ho.' ................................ -1-.71

l~c·IJtH'1 t. <'hariPs llocl~Ps ............... .+.:l:l

lkac·h. l;Hitt'H \'irginia .................... -l-.66


kinwn. Lt•slic> ('arlylr .............. .--l.6fl

1\allllllC'l'C'l', r·~rhrarcl lJOwrll ............ 4.:l:l 1..\TT'-.

Bl'a<'h. Lant·a \'tr~inia .................... L)7

Ball . nrssiP :\Jarir ........................... .-l-.6

llroom. Httlh .\lhPr1a ...................... 4-A2 1-'HL'\(l!

BPnttt It. ( hal'lc>s llorlgrs ................ t:l~ l'attl. Zdma :'llaria ......................... .-l-.:3:3 <'arlc>l', ~lar.' lona ......................... .-l.\lilc·lwll. I•'lorPneC' :\Iarir ............... .-1-

('nnhrl'l.'. (lc>nP\a ........................ ;) Jlir·kman. \\'altt•r............................ -l-.7.) ;\lc>skinH'll. ];ps[i(• ( 'arlylP .............. -t-.7.) i--'1 Hrdy,·in. Drllwrt [~al'l ............... Ui(i

I hnoiiT Br.woon .\ r,u:. · ~khool, l•'rpshman ..\grintltu rt' Cluh, ·• a.

EntNl'<l llij:th

''Oil, what a ]IIII[JIIr is lurr.''

.JTrr.nnr:n LOHb:\L .\rntsTIW ·<: ".Jlillil'" ~~ntl'rl'd (;id'


B il ... kt•thall

first ~-:r:ull'

Tt•nm, J, ~ . Ci , \

.\., :1: Cnmnwrrin.l C'luh,

Typt•writing TPHffi!oO,


:t ·

\ . 1, ~.

1; Hhorthnnd and


•' Jfr 111"111 surh rhnrms dtrl lr 111/ lrr r, Thill·''" mi!lhl arlmrrrrl '"· ''

Br:ss11: }1.\HII: B.\LL .\ . •\ , 1: Shorthnnfl ICnnk, b : Bnsinp ... :

Entpn•rl s!'n•nth ~-:ratlt• Lntin f'luh, 2: CornmPn·wl C'luh, 1. nnd Typt'\\ riting- Tt•am , 'L t : ('In Hnnk :! in \Iathrrnntic· ; Hnnk 1 in Jfonor RoJI, 1, :!, 4

'• ff1 r ry1s lib sf11r., of fll'llillhf fa ir. Lib I wilitllil '1<, too, hr r rlusk!l hrur. '' F'H\'\< 1s ,Jolt'\ BAHKt-:H l·~ntl'rl'll II i~-:h !-;!'fwol, l·'n•shman .\grit·ulturp ('luh, :! , :J ; ~Prrrfat·y nf \grirnl

tnrr• ('lnh. :1



'' /11 11'1111 r ril.< I r·hr)()." nrilhr r. lllfl!'rlll two f/Omls l1·hr)().w lmth.''

'' Edcli<' ''

Ell:\'A }fAY BA\"\E ~~nt('r('(]



.\ , 2, :J ; .\ f'luh, 1

first j:track .\ , :! , Frf'nrh C'lu h, 1

::! ,

( ' otntni'I'C'IRI

''.\mi.· ami IH f'i.·s anrl l!'l'llltlll rl ·'""'' ·'· ' ·

~:ntrrrrl righth grad!' Srrrrtnry of .Junior (')a" ; J,ntin ('Jnh, 1, ~. :1, 1: l-;pnior .\lemorial C'ommit!t•f' : Honor !loll, I, 2, I ('Ia ' Hank. :1 : Hank 1 in Engli h; Hank l in Latin: Hank a in Sorial "'c-if'OC'P

''Eun rirf1u 1s 11111rr fair ll'l1111 it apprars in a llffllllifu/ ]II rsrJII''

Entrr<'ll fir ·t .\~rric·ultur~


('luh. 1. 2,


'• (,1111rl I'OIII/)1111,1/ and f/OIIrl riiSrrJI!rsr orr 1/11 l'tr!/ siiiiii'S of l'irf111"


Jlonm:s ~~nt<•n•d




first grad<•

SnphomnrP Editor nf ?\ffJroMJ: ,JokP Eclitm· o( 1!ftrflon, l: l<:clitor·in -C'hu•f 01 )foh•rulf•," 1: A. \ 1, 2. :1. (~uill ('luh. 1: l'n· idc•nt or (~nill l'luh, 1. Frt•nc·h ('luh, 1; St-c·n•tnry of Fr(>nrh Cluh, 1, Hoy.' .·tunt Hho''• !?, a, 1; Oppn•tta, 2, 1; (;ltn C'luh, a. I: Latin C'luh, I, ~: Wi~r nnd Paint, :l,

:1, 4; St>rrt•tary of \Vig nnd Paint, :~; Hf>nior :\111 morinl ('nmmittc•P : ('lass J{nnk ~: H.nnk :l in Mathpnuttir•s; Hunk ~ in ~:n~rli~h; Hank :1 in Rri· (>nrc; Rank 1 in l<'t·<'nrh; Honor Holl, 1, :!, a, 1, Rt•nior Piny.

'' 1 am nothin!J If

110! r·ritkal.''


E1 oi:;I:

Euh·rP<i Crt•l






lii:u:. • BERB;\1 )I ollt·~






a: n . .\ . .\.

1, ~.

.\ , 1, :! ; On·hf:>stra, :1; Pn)nrh Cln h, 2,

c omm<'rrl ll c~lnh, :l, L • • 1 on lo """ t'oj]in wlr/., 11 nail, 1111 rloltiJI, fur/ £'1'11'.'/ !!rill Sf/ 11111'/'!f lfrlllf, IIIII 111/(,"

I•' HI()({((

\\'II 1.1 "''

K BERH\ :.tA .•••


I·:utt•n•<l sixth J{I':O<lt• \ \, 1, 2, ·:: :-.ita~.. )tannJ:••r Bo) ' :-aunt hO\\, I " fll ojlllllliSI 1. II 1111111 11'/lo.w lrrlllfJ/t., llllflhl lu 1/"fl/'.~( • I I




B l'RKI·:

\I{ II·:

Eutt•r<'d Pighth gr:odP (t



omuu rr tl


'' /1 i" uflt



c.It-e C"luh. ~t: ,'pnni h C'luh, !.!, :;, Cook in.~: C'luh. l

lnh, l

t'llll-'llllll'!f to

Lutt n•d


I fir 111i11tl.''

st'\'PIIth gr:HIP

I ' l'fqh, .1, I: Bnskl'thall "('," :1, I, ,\, \ , I,!!. :1

''If ow 11111 w·flitl'f'llltlll-' I //'(// f/11 /IIIII ' " '



1/1, ' '

HtTII .\t.BI:wr.\ HROO)t l·:utt•J't'd first gr:Hh' .Juniot' Editnr lffrnwu: Orgunizntion J<:Oltnr Uarnou, t; \tnlt·c·ul•• Staff. I; c; . . \ ...\ ., 1, Z. fltdiP t'u '.!, .1, J,atin C'luh. I, ~. :~. l; (~uill f







:!, I: <'Ia s Rank, <i; l{nnk 2 in \rat he·

Hull, 1

n1ntit : Hn11k :! in Lntin.

"Nnl'l/,11 '·' 1/11 f/l'lal l'iltll'lll of d!Hfl/1'1/1'1,"

I·:ntPn•tl fir. ~r:IIIP f'op~ )lnna~•·r .lf,rnnn, t ; Cop) Erlitor " Molt~ fllh\'' 1 (; \ \ ., I,~: .\ . ~\, 2, :l; Quill ( 1 luh, t l'n·nd1 Cluh. !!, 'l: <'omm+>rrial Cluh, 1 ~ !-;hort

huntl urul T~·l'''" rit1n~ tpam ~ 1 : Tndi\"irlual hon o in Shorthurlfl anti TnH'writin.ll. 1 : OniPr o( fiiPJ:J: \rti t , 1

''Fur wlu11 11 /at/tli! 's 111 I fir ras1' .Ill ol/11 r lilillf/-' flil't pial'!',''


,J \ , 'E


BRI'\1 .'(;

'' Pt>t'!'ic"

l•:ntN<'<I first gr:lllt• n. \ ..\ . t. Jl/t({-'lllf/ otlur., ,,lit• 11111'111'11 i11 r.w If to pltll.<l'.''


<ior.n1L Bow \lA '\

~'rpshman l.ttin <'luh, 1, :!; Fn•nrh (,lnh, 1, ~: Cmnnwr·

EniPl'l'tl ll1gh :-i•·hool,

,. ul Cluh, !!.

11,11 mint/ /o 1111 a kin,qtlom rs, Sul'lt JICI'[II'l jo,11 lltr/'1 in 1 find.''

'i. \?"('(' ,,

Enlt•rpd ~\ . t, ~. :J, ~pani~h ('lnh, :.!,

t; .\

fir t gnule

t ; \ , \, 1, !! , :t: J,atin C'luh, ('ommrrt"ial ('Jnh, J .


"!It r ftll't ' if is tlu fain sf, Tl11rl r lilt' s1111 silo111 ""· ''


J'At Ll. ' I: ]}J:J •.\11('1.\ Jli'TTI:tl\\ ORTII

''Bob'' l•;ntNPd <•ighth grad!' ~tafT Urportf'r, ")f<)lrnalr,·• 1: (; \, 2 :1 , t : .\rmhurHI. :;; (,II'P ('luh, ~ . :': J.,utm ('luh. :!, ·;, 1: \\"i.l:' Rrtfl Pttint. '1, I; (.Jui11 <'luh, 1 ; ('nttk mg ( ' luh. I.

''Is slu

11111 111111'1' 1111111 ]lllinlill[f 1'1111 r.rJirtss Or .'flllllilful Jllll'ls flllll'.'f w/11 11 1/11 !I lt~rr ' ''


E11tc•r·pd llrgh


PPgg',\ '~

~<'hool, ~ophomnrt•

!'nmm~n· ial

('luh, I

'' 1'/11 first flrt'lll !lift ll't t'llll 111slo1r 1111 111//f/',, j,, II f/flflti


"Onir ''

lo:-\.\ ( 'AitTEH


Entl'r!'<l lligh ~c·hool, l'n· hm:r11 Fn•>wh ('luh, I: ('nmm••n·ial !'luh, :J, 4 ' ' ('11/l(ll!fiiiiiS





( 'IIAitLEI' ( 'on;L ( 'IIAI'~IA:\ ~;llll'rPd



c•ighth gra<IP

I , ~.

:1, Lolin ('luh, I,:!; !'pani h !'l•>h, \' it·P ~ PrP idt•nt, 1; Pin Committ••e, ~\ftmn·

:: . t: rial CommittP~

"Tilt t!u·t! I inltnt/ is .'11'1111, Rut wi111f it is, I !:now 11111. ' '

. \\1:-;

('o'" l•;ntt'rrd fourth gratle

(; , .\ , .\ ., 1, ~: A . ..\, :1; LRtin Cluh, t , 2, 1, ('ommrn·inl Cluh, 4.

•' Slu ·'fllllks, l11harts, and al'fs, just fj/;( s/11 llll!fhl. ''

(: 1;cmra:

I•'H.\'\ <'Hi

( 'o:-o;o\'ER


l':lll<'n'!l fin;t grad!'

A A ''.I lid It I "·' mi11tl, f11i11t htarl 111 't r u·o11 a fatly fair.''

<lE:\'E\' A ( 'O t 'IIEHI,Y ~;nl<'l'<'<l


lligh f.;!'lwc•l, Fn•shma11

~{lnior Editor 1farnnn, Litrrar) Y.;ditor, ".\tole •·ult>,'' J; (;irl ' Ha. kt•thnll Tt>arn, 1, 2; (f \ \, I,~: a\ rmhand, ~; Or('hf' tra, 2; 'ViK And Paint, a, I, Quill ('lu h, I ; <'omm~rrial Clu h, I; St•nior l'il'tu rr Committr(.); Ilonor Holl, 2, :1, t; (las Rnnk, I ; Rank 1 in orial Rci~nrP; Rnnk :l in En~tli'h: Rnnk 1 in Spani•h; , ~nior Pia)

'' Xr l'fl

put off 1111til lomorroll', ll'lral J/1111 put off 1111til tlay aftrr tomorrow.''



" at an"

.\1.\R Y , \ ..• ' (' t'l"TER

J·~ntPrrll fir. t gradt• fo~Ut1U ('}ub, 1, !!, :J: f'omnwrdttl (~ltth, .J,

'',/tu·d lrt nu

'J hi' rif!ht., uf


1/'rl//11111 Ill Nit ·"IIIII

<11/tllf/1111, 11

•• ~1 ('l't ,

'ur. ('r •.\RK DE\\ HlHl"'I' Entt rl'tl fifth gr:ult•

Pn•sidt•nt ,Juuim· ('lu .\ . .\ , 1, !!, .l: I.atin l lut., t. \\ ig uud Paint, -1: Bo) ' Htuut Sho''• 4; ~ t•uior Pia) ''

~ 0 IJ/11

11111 I

ll'tlll/tf /<II.,Jit l'f it, nalllra/ly IJII,,hful."


:\L\Rn \HI:T Bt:R


'H J:

''Dicky'' fir~t



I,~. :1, I ; Ilouut· Roll,:!, ll'tltl tlu u•lwt wad I lltJ/, Fur 1/rt ,ml:t "' .wm 'lmdy!''

I.Hiiu l'luh,

•• I

.\ . ·. '.\ l•



EutPn·d 1:



Hl'lwol, Hpnior

.\ ., 4, <'ooking ('luh, 4

'•I'll ad ll'itlr Jlrllthnct a" far'., l'111 a/Jlt. ''

.\ .'To. ·c KEt.r.ts



Entpn•tl st•t·ond grad!' :'; Spunish ( luh, :!, a, Opt'r·tta, :1, 1

\ .\, !!, l.lo·t• l'lulJ, :1.

• • FrtJIII tlu la/Jit tJj 1 'II ll'iJH away all

my 1111 nwry,


lh::-;sll: M .\t: lh nso:-. r: ntt•t·t•d lligh !'·khool, f.lophomor(' ''I f,,l· IIJitlll intloltll<'t' as 11 .wrl uf ."iUll'ifi~.''


·A l<'EHN


Ent!'r!'d !'ighth grath• (;


.\ . .\ , I: Coukiug Cluh, :1, 4. tlll.tt

d n


with plnuntrt, and

wi."lum ll'ilh 111irth.''


Lot •tsE





(' .\ .\ , 1, ~; .\ . .\ , I ; l"uuking ('lub, J ,

"Ill thy [at't 1 .w·r t/11

gr:t1h• ('omm~rcial

C'lu h, 4;

III!IJI of ho11or,

truth, all(/ loyalty.''

RoY En.·:-; Entered first grade A. A., 1, !l, :1.




1/u roll of




t'0/11/IIOII 111111,"


Enll'l'l'tl lligh :-;,·hool, l•'n·shman Bu kt•tlmll "('," a, tit-Ill ''("' Cluh. J' \



<'lull, :J,



Pn• I

.\I I, ~ ••J. Ort'lu•stru, a, l · Band, :1; Latin ('luh, 1, ~. ~.; \\ og oud l'aiut, t, Senior Invitation Committt·t•: .St•Hior Pia). 0


/1( I




11111!/ff, /1( Sfllal' [111'

lti IIL'IIj.''

'.<'hi(', Enl\'l't'd ti1·st gradt• 'I'n•a.sun•r Hophomon• Cl.t s \ \. 1, ~. Cluh, I, :.!; \\"igo uutl l'niut, 3 1



''P urity

I lLLBE!t'l'


t/11 aim 11/ 111,1/ s11ul.''


Entt•rl'd ll igh :-;..Juool, :-:ophonlon• \ ., :t, \l{rinlltun• ('Juh, a, ~t'CI'l'l ny of \g.


rindtnn.. ('Jut.,

'' 1'/11



11{ a/{ {at'II/11/'S IS






''Walt" Enlt'l'l'tl I ligh :-;t'lwol, Fn·shman \ . \ ., ~. !l: 4\"' istaut C'lwt'l' t·ulturt- Cluh, :J

•' I

·"11'1 can 's


1111 1




:t, 1; \gri

of llfr.''

\\TtLLL\:\1 ( 't.A"\'ro~ (L\J.I,ro~·


Enlt'l'l'd lligh :-;,.Joool, l•'rl'slllll:tll \,


\, :1;

t 'lul,, ·l.

'Tis Thall

\•I\ lA.


tra, I,

I; <:Jpe

r to hat·r lor11/ 1111rl lo.,/, /11 hart 1111'1 rl at all.''



.. \Tid"

'1'110~.\ <lt:ll'

lir"t gra1lt'

~;dillll' or .1/nrlll>ll, I: , :! : (;. \ ~\, I, :!, :1,

'rt'IUll, I :! ; (~uill

Operctt o,

lit 1'1 I'




c:id ~ :

llashtl>.tll J,utin ('Ju1t, I,

I : Cmutnt-ITinl ('lull, t.

'· . L~ fJiwrl In 1111/ of tl11 11'11r/rl a., IJII/ uf fashiun,''

Et.:->1 E DoiWTII Y Uuw1:s EutPn•d I I igh :-;,·lu~tol, Lntin ('lulJ, ·1 ,


Fn·~hman C'lnh, i; Honor

l!oll, 2 '• .Yo111

Iiiii l11 r~t If l11 r paralltl.''



.\1.111 H'l'



.Enterccl lirst grade \ \., 1, ~. :1; Agri<·ultun• ('Jub, !!, :1; Da ket· 1.111 .. ('/' 4; .. (,'' Cluh, 4.

"Tht famt tltat 11 1111111 is IJ1 st.''

ll'in.~ him.~tlf

I!H\<'1' K\'l'lltmi:'I:E UooD~IAN:'I: hntt·n·cl st·n•nth grade t.



\, 1. 2; Lnt111 <'luh, 1, !!, :1: \\pag anc.l 3, 1, Commt•n·lal ( 11ub, 1.

• • 'lou·/ !I tlltd JUlin fuli.IJ, s/11 /1< r rcuy alung. ''


111/t <I


J:ntl'rl'<l High



Fn·ru·h Club, :l. 1111 rry tllitl ll'iM, to lit' lttiiii'St and /rut,''

''It's f/Uid to /11 It·~ flU ttl

Et·. 'H'l: .JLu:


Enf\•n•cl first gr:uh• (;


.\., 1; J·'n•nrh Club, ' 1

's .~uclt a rh11r111 ill 1/ldlllll'lwly, 1 11'011/d IIO/, if I l'lllllti, /JI' !I•IJ/.''

'· T/u


•• :-; hol'ty'' Entpn•cl lligh U




, t•nior

l; Fn~udt ('luh, .J, .~t•nior Pia).

'' Smi/1, and 1/u

wurld smilts



Rt 'I'll .) E.\. "\ETTE Ut'LI('K

Entpn•d first gr:ult• \, I,:.!; Cornmt•ITiul ('luh, I ; llouor Holl, 1. ·' (;tl'l

thy lholl[!hls

}•'H.\, '< l·S . \ . OE\ l:'I:E


tong lit.''

If \ 1,1.

Entt•n•cl st•n•nth gradt• (;


.\., 1, :.!; Fn~ndt Club, 1, :!, :J .

'' (:ood hlll/111111' ts 1/u htalth of lht Mtlll. ''

... TOI{ t \

H.t"'fll l l.\ LL

Enlt•rt>d <:


\, I, !!.

I n 1u h <'lub, '!!.

'' .1 maidtll

111 !'t


a; .\ .\ ,


1, :1; Latin ('luh, :1;

r IH•Irl; of .~pirit .~u .~till and

quid tltat it lilu.~ltt's at ilsdf.''



Entpn••l 1Ii!{h :-;,·hoot, .Junior 1; Truck C," :J; '' ,., Club, 2, a; Lutin C'luh, 1. • •. 'uil the action to thr tt'ord allll thr Foothnll ''P,"

wurd to


tll'll<ill, ' '

\VAL'l'EH IliCK.\1.\ •.

Entt•n•d si. th !PUd<• \ , I: St•rdor InvitutioJt < 'llrtlltte(l Hull, I. ~ . .1. I; <'Ins l{o nk, I; Hnnk 2 t·Ht:t•; Itank ~ in Spanish

•• ll'tt, uuulud,


I In nor ~ 1


tiJ'J'td jfower."

llJ<aa ·::,

'oHHI: .Jo11. ·

Enl!•rPd til· t !{r:Hi<'


\., I . ~.


C:lt•t.• <'luh, 1

I; Ba,hthall ''l','

Bo~s· ~tunt Slw~

l; "('" <'luiJ, 1

'· IJ'hu 111 r11 said ..dnd lit n r dul 11



th 11!1·

11'1." ' " " · ' '

PIIYLLIS EI.Ih.\llE'J'II lliTt'll

Ent<•n•d <'i!{ht h gradt• (;Jt.t' <'lulJ, Hull, :.!




< lub,



till 111'/llll/11/1( (II !/IIII(!J,"


. \}{( '1111: Bl HKL llOJW

l·:n tt•n•d fourth g-1 111<• Fn·ru·h l~ull,


\grkulturo <,luh, ., •

:! ,



· '.111

apriyht, d()lflll"lflhl man u•a,q hr.

Of raft and n yn/alltJII,''

uI:OIWI. Ll·.\\'1..

llOI{. 'I R

Enft•n•d II ig'h \







:1, l; (,11ill l'lnh, 1, 'J'rea Uler (,!UiJI Spanish Club, :J, 1.

' ' lf'/11 II


II'IIS .1/11/1111/, J 1/'11., Slll'f 11{ 11'1 I'Jitlllllf/ •••

Ll 'l'll Ll·: . \.\tLLI.\

llo\\ E

Enft·n·d fifth gradl' (,


\, I. ~



~. ·';



ub, 1

'• t ; \\1g atlfl l'ai111, a, I; Jlouor Holl, 1,.!


''. '/11 ',, all /hal's '""" ,,/, hvnuraUI, 111/d /Ill(, ••

.'\oR\! A~

D.\\ 111 1I\ "1'<'111. · ~o


Enft'rt'<l II i!{h •'••hool, .funior 0Hlu· ... tru, :J,

Cluh, l;



l··n·ndt Cluh,




o( VnmnWITial Cluh, L

'• Loft, lil:t a t•ough, t'<!llllol In hid.''






'' ,J ersry"


En!rrt>d fir t gradt• \ ore l'rr ••lent of

( lnss,




'\lolu ult_•," J; U \ \, 1, 2, S, 1 . \ \, 1, 2, <hrls' Chter l~eadtlr, :J; (,Jt•('t nJnh, 1, 2, B, 4; \\ tJ: nnd Pntnt, 2, 'J, 1; Viet Pn•sidt-nt of \Vig and Pnont, 4; <lnill I hoh, 1: Pr~nrh Club, 4; ( i I < lub, 1· . enior .\1t·morial Commitft e


ul'a, .:

I, , emor l'lny

' ' / httP' h11·



I hull hu· tllflrlll



Lm\ LI,L K 1


ful bini.<,



1 \1 un.H

Ento ro•d liJ·,j grado• I ~nd

11111 (



1/11 f/ltlllll

Huu < < 1




lulo, 1, 2, lloum· Rull, :1 lmn u 11iunll ali 1s1,


111111/11111111. ' '

·· Kappy''


J:nto•ro·d lliglo



\, I, I ; I

\ , :1 \l'iK und Puiut, :1, 4, lur) of (;t•rman ('lub, '• I lu, rf tl loul.~ /hal 11111b tl't rp rlish II /• llsl.'' mo


(I Jh,



I:11 11 \l!ll .\I< ('t T<'IIJ:o.· KE< 'K "I>i<•k" l•: nto•ro·d '''\'Pnt h graolo• .Tokt ld1tor, ":\lolt(Uit•," 1; \ \, :!. '1, t ; ltln < luh, 1. 2: \\iJ: autl Pniut !!, :J, J; Prl:'!li cl·nt of \\ i • HIHI Pniut. I : (~uill (,lull, i; St•nior B 111 ('omrnilft·e· Bn kPthull ··c," 1, ''('" C'lnh, 4

'• I rt l/11


or/t/ s/ c/,, It I l/11 worlt/

l fit! fur a


( '1 I JJ, , \)ll 'l.l


and a /1!1 j'1n' a Wtn.''

I' l\:1'1'1 '11

J·:utt•n•d first gr:tdt' ()rdu







~ xn far from tluillt/ so. I" rl~'( nu1u.''

''If hu , nafart


( 'I. \){\




I kWI' II.\ 1\ ():\ IL\ ll'l' l·:o It ., I tloo rd gr:trlt'



.! ,

< IUI1,


1 ('uch ('Ju h. C'lnh, I


:J: ( 'omml'n·ml

•' It! /Itt t(,. what I t'llll, I t'o'tllttd tf, uwn.''

Ell\ .\ 1'<.1 :-.'1 \



J•:ntt•n•d fourth gr:ult• <

• ·II


:JHUPI 1al < luh, tl! nl

"j /11 art

l: C:t•rman ('luh, tUtti





\I{TII \ .\ ':\ \ I\o:'\H,\IlT

Euto·ro d t hinl gmdP I rt" h ( luh, :.! ( omnwrc·i I Cluh, ·l, (Jt~rman c luh. I , ~horth.111d nud T~pt'\\riting 'l't'lltn, -1.



sail/ htti'J'!I ''

,J A


En tt•n•d fi r~t gr:ult• ~taff lttoportt.•r "~loleculr," 4: 0 \., 1, 2, :1, 4, .\rrnband, 1, :l; J,atin Club, 1, 2; Wu~ and l'uint, :l, :l, l; Quill Club, 4; Commercial Club, l, OJ•t•rt>lttl, ~; . 't•nior Ball Cormnitteo.

• 'Sllc is a quit I ttirl

11.\Hor.n L \. ·w: Entpn•tl S!'\"l'llth grad,•



'' .J

somt lu11t ' · ''

.\' 1, 2 .

of c/tt I rfu/ !I' .~(1 OlllJ/S and confillt 11 I lunwrrull'• . ''

IIIII/I /11 S(l/118

U1.0tWb \VJLBl R


Enten•d lligh



Agriculture Club, :l.

''Htsu/u/( lllllllilllrminrll, /11 fl,,, his In .sl.''


Til LoH \ LE:---ox

}<jnterl'd scYenth gradt> G. A . .\, C'luL, 1.


Lutin Club, 1, 2:


''.Yor 1s 1/11 ICorltl itfiiiJfll/11 of l11r wor/11.''





Entt>n•d t'ighth grad!' ,\ . \., I, 2, :1, I; ''('" Club, t; C"omm<•rdal Cluh, a; Football ••c," 4



is at all

li1111.~ 1/'l.sl."

' ' • OlllC'

Entl'rc1l tir .. t gmuc



(i . •\ . • \., 1, 2, 4: A. A., 1, 2, Olt·e Cluh, \\"i~ und Paint, .f; HpnniRh Chth, 1, !!, :J; Com Pr~ ident o{ Commo•rciul Club, .J.,

mo•oTiul ('luh, 4;

" Tlir ltardrr I I ry Tlu lnlltr to lit·, Tilt tror.wr I am.''

( 'o:-. 'l'A. ·<·E Tr,~r.EY LLOYD!·:

'' ( 'onniP'' Entered first grauc HiatT Reporter "llrolecule," 4; Gh•n Club, 4; Quill ('lub, ·1

'' Jl'umtllt' s at U18l a t'olllradit'/iiJit still.''


'' OcorgP''

Entereu High f:khool, Sophomore (l. A \ 2, 3, 4, Wi tion ('ommittl:'e.



and Paint 3, 4; Imlta·

in all hu

1/oirtv four



"~rae'' l·~nfPI'l'l!

II igh H<'hool, f.'rPshman

n \ :\ '' Th

J: l!omrnrreial Cluh, 4

l..uul 1rhos• nalun flP.I't ,. rnrit

,, E,·'' Euterc•d sP\'Pnth grad!• 1, ~. a. \rmband, :.! .\. \. :1 t (~uill ('lub, I .. pu111 h ( Jnb, !.!. l; ('umnwrciul <'luh, I: St•llior Mt morinl Committee. (r



I. 11111 !'lub, I; \\ ig anti l'aint, 4:

'• 771 mo~t 1/llt r/11 lo,<l of all da!J.~, i~ that ill 11 luch I/UU hart not nncr ltlllllhrd ' '

1 (

11 \HI.!:-;

E \HI. MC'D \


l:nt u•d II igh Sdtool, Prl'shmau \ \' 2 J.,rt•nch ( lub, :t. ''II hy .-lwu/tl /1{1 all /almr In '' a

< '1.1

11, .Jo;.;l.l'll L1.o .\klh:H\IOT'l' .. .\hl<' .. Enft•n•d st·•·out! gr:td<•


hPer LPndt•r ''(","





!"paui h Clnh,

1 ::!

' ' f• I'll.'/ IIIII

.\ , 1,

Ita.< a {all' ( U/'11


a; L:ttin

to /11


f/l't at a., Itt pit ast .-.''


III 1.1.:"\

·. '1.1.1.

Eutpn•d first grath• (;


I , I: Latin !'luh, 1: Hpnni h ('luh, l ,

''.I lllft'f!/ lual'l


tlu In,,( of compa11y.''

\\'u.I.LUI lh:x.J,UII'\' ~IrKt·:Ex


Eutt•n·d II •ldt sdwol, .) uuior I,

I: ('omnl! rcttl <'luh, 1; Quill C'luh, I;

St:lff Rf'JHlrtf'r '')[o1£>c ult•," l; Boy.' ... tunt Show, t; \\~ig .uul Paint, t ; Ht•nior Play

'' 1

11/l'ol:t Ollt rlay anti {111111tl 111)/St/{ {111111/IIS,''

'I' 111:onoH1. En\\' \lW

JL\<JEI·: " j [ agogoiP"

Entt•n·d first gr:uh• \. I., 1, 2.

"lit {tilt'.' tlu ll'ilt .< of lllttitl111 ·.~ smilt .<."



.\1 \ . 'K Eut< n•t

'' ,J

IIIII/I t'lllllltd

st't'Otl!! gratlt• /ii/fl his {ti/ill!f.~. ' '

lll:R!-iCI!EI, BRow.· ~I \RTI. •


Entt•n·•l first grad< ,\ .\, 1; llonor Holl, I, 3 ''lit II'<IS /l'allt to Sptak p/tll/1 IIIH/ to



Jl<lf JIOSI , ' '

('ox. '1',\

'<'1: .\[ \HTI." "..\Jyd"

Entt•n•d II igh ~duwl, .I tlllior <:. \ .\' 3 ''Thou art a11 art1.~1. l't a, 1 l'llt to t lltlf't 111111

11 ELEx .J o~EI' 111. ·,: ;.r 1.1{( c1t Enlt•n•d II igh :-;l'hool, Sophon1orp \ ., :J, J; (ilt'~ <'luh, :.!; Latin Cluh, 4; \\·ig and Paiut, 4, Opl·rt-ttu, r, (i


• • ll'l1111 ·''" lllay/t,,,


all ltrttt/lt. ''

".\[<·skiP" J•:ntt•rpd st•n•nth gr:ult• Publi(•ation l·~ditor of Jlni'UCHI, ·l; l.lnunKing Jo;Ui· tor o( "~JolPt·ult>,'' I: A. A., I, :!; \\"ig and l'uint, :1, I , <~uill ('luh, I; Bpnui h ('Juh, I,:!, •1; Boy:-.' Stunt Hhow, a; Opt•rettn, ~. l; ~t·nior Pic lun~ Committt•t•; lluno1' Hull, t, :!, :J, l; Clns l{nuk, I; l{unk I 111 .\latht•mati!'R, Rnuk 1 in Sl'i t•nn•, l{unk :J in En Klish; Hank :.! 111 Spun ish; Henitu· Piny

• • lit· 1s tlu wlwlt· tlll',lll'lopu/i,, of {al'ls.''

Ross M11,1 ER


l<;ntpn•d first gr:ulP .\ . .\., 1, ~; OrdH'Htru, :J, 4


Bund, :J, 4; En


"I'd try anythi11,11 tllll't."


Hos('OJ; ..\1 n.r.s

Entpn•d ll1gh :-;l'hool, .I nuior \ , ..\, :J; Ordtt>. trn, :J, 4; Band, :J, t; Pn•ndt

Cluh, :J

·'It is trlllll{ttil



lll't'IIIIIJI/ish 1/llll'h. ' '

~I l'l't'l!I·:I.L Entt•n•d llig-h , 'dwol, Fn·slnu.111

!•'LoREX< 1·: ..\1.\Hil: .\

.\ ., 1,


Latin Club, t; Pn:>ndt t'luh, 2

•' Tlu fairt ,,t


11[ tlt1



L MI'l'<'llELL

r;ut••n••l lligh :-;,·!tool. Fr.. shlllall 1-'n•nl'h Club, 1.

"Bryv11e, dull care, I'm 1.111 !I·"



•\ ('I,\IHE .:\(I'ITI·: 'llOHF

Ent<'fP<l fir ·t I:!,~.

A 1' (





\, 1, :!; Latin ('1uh,

rtuh, 1; Cookin2 Clnh, :1


• 'I l'llrr not for l/11 II'Or/d.''

l•'HLI>I HI! h. WII.LI \\1 .:\lcli':-;LL ":\lozl' ''

Entr.n·d Pight h gr:11lt' \

•' 7 he



1, ~t ·~


1111111['.~ /111 .<lantlanl

of /hr.


II I' ( • II \ H 1.1 ::-. · " ' 1.1.1 <; .\ •

E1 t••r<'d first g-r;HIP \, 1, 2. :1, J,ntin C'lnh, I: Spanish Clnh, 2, ( IPtRr) pnrd h ('hth, a; rommf>rrial Clnh, 1.

'• h'rin flrJ hra!flt .'''


Lor.\ .Jr:\


l·:nft•••·d II tgh c,


l'a1111, I




Latin ('lnh, :l, 4:

•• '1'/11 ·"~''<lt.,f lltilll/ that 11'11' n(_,.,,,,, (l ltllntrlll d;u,r.''

,\1 "\



1; , I'll or :\Ji t•r ('ornmittPf!; 0Jrr ('Juh, i. f/1"111'

EI.IZ.\IIE'I'It :\cll<'FTZ

l•:ntl'rl'd first


l'n·nd1 C'hah, ' 1 • Commt•JTIIII Cluh, 4, (lprmnn

c luh,

1 ' ' 'f'/11 I' I



Sl/'f I/

pft r/S/1/'(' in

1'1111 I 1 Ill fila/ inn.''

1f \ HT\\

I I. I. ( ):-IIOH' L \' 0101 \ ,'\

Eut< n·d hrst ~radt' tnnt Bu lllt~ss ~\lnnn~Pr ··~tolt•rtllr," 4: .\

1, ~


a, l.ntin ('Juh. I; <1uill ('Juh, 1,

h f uh, 2,

''If I 11111 so !11'1 nt 11'/11 It !tnt will I !Jt whr 11

Eur I.!! Frn \ • ~.




\gri1·tlltun• Clnh, 1.


11 11




·'I 'mps''

'K 01:11\1 KI:

Enl<·rpf! first ~r.llll' 0tTl1PSf1'U 2 a, t: Bnnd, :.!, •;,


< omtnnr• in I <'lult, I; Opt•n tta, 1.

•• 11/ts."tl '"





sir r fl. · '


'I'll . \L(( L ( )<;f)b

En I pn•d fomt h g-r:ulr fr .\. l, :!, '· 1: Pn• iciPnt o( (;_ A \ , t; \nnhnnd, ~: \ \ , 1, ~. :l; (~irl·' C'ht>Pr· I ad1•r, ·1: (ill'l' f luh, 1, ~; Lntin f'luh, 1, 2, 1 ;

"'ulll 1 luh, I : :-<n11111 h !'lnh, ~. I, I ; Pro••idl'nt ( ( ~pnui h f nh, 1; ~··nwr )1ixt>r ('ommittr<'.




id"' uf

/tlflllf/ )fOil/' .\/tulirs in <l'llh Jfnllr ·"wial tlulil.\."



:'II \Y


Entt>n••l first gmd!' G . . \ . A., 1, !!: l~~rrn<·h Cluh, 2; CommBrrial \lu h, I , Cooking Cln h, 1.

• • At'tfiWinlallrts I ll'llllld lwrr, Inti whrn if rltptnds nul 1111 fltr numlur, but

tlu clwit-r uf fril'nrls.''

Lm:-; :\f\y ()


Entt•r!'ll fourth gr:ule \ ·ollt•yhall ff'lltn, a:(,, \ .\. 1 2, 3

Fn•ndt ( lnh, ~

C"ommt•t'f'iKl C'lnh,

• • ,( fail ltful frtr nrl


hr /It r





gu/rl. ''



Entt•n•cl IIJgh 1-'I'IJOol, !-;nphnlllnre L.ttut Cluh, 1, Gt•rman ('lnh, J. "lfflllfl/1/',,

w·ltitrrrl far r.rrrrrl I hal arr· r'l't aft r/. ''


TilE.\ O~TEHIWH ~-'•·hclOI,, ophomnrr 1, (;P.nnan Cluh, I.

EnfPrPcl lligh Latin <,luh,

• • (,o11rl sl'itolarsitiJI, ll'li!t I /tnt's ltrr mit/11/t llflll!t.''

Etd{L Ift'C:Il


EnfPrrcl HI'I'OJH! grade • • Tlu [11rt't 11[ !tis 1111'11 lilt nl nwl.;r,q his 11'11,11.''

\~ILL\H~ .Jost:l'III1\"E P.\HKIIIJ,L

EntPrrtl sicth graclt> Fn•,.hmnn



.Junior ClaMs,






\rirP·Prfl"iflrnt ~ Orrh(lstJ·n,

I. :! : ('luh, :!, 1: \\'ig ancl Paint, 1, Quill ('luh, t; Staff HPJlOt'tPr ")lo]p(·ulp," l: (L .\ • • \., 1, ~. :J, l: \ \ .. :!, :t: t•rt•nf'h Cluh, ~. :J; ~rr ­ rf'fa rr FrPrwh < luh, :J: Commerr·ial Opt•n•ttu, :.!, I ; ~··nlnr Pluy

'' llrr smilr




·'"'Ill, l11r '!/'-' ll'tl'l ln·ipltl,

ff1 r fmtl'!t was fairylrl.:r onrl lr[!ltf,''

l<'l,()f{l('I; :\J.\B\'1. P.\'fl{l('h.


[•;ntrn•d eighth gr:tdP .\ ., 1, 2:.\ .\, 1; Frenc·h Cluh, 2, :l;

(; , \

CommPrcial Clnh, 1.

''ForiUilf' t.~o; mttr1/ .

• I 111/


1:1·1 :\1\



1/lltrtrl ll'l/1


[lirr "" tlll!tlltltlfT.''

P.\1 I,

EntPrP<l fir ·t grad• \ .\ ., 1, !! , CornmPrdal (Huh, t; Honor Roll, 1, :1. l, Clnss !tank, 7; Rank :lin .\!nthematir<, Hank l in Frenrh.

lit a.,urt s, not

111111, lwrr 1111/ 1/l(ll'/:. '.

alwo,lls /111 n


,J L


Pcnr·:HsJ:. •


Enfl'rt'<l fir. t gracle 3; Frt•rH'h C1uh, ( lu , t, • t•n•or Pia)

I, 2, 3: Commf'rria1

"/ 11111 Inti II [lalhrrtr 1111d disposrr of ollut' mrn 's .~tun·.''

,\lu;ro · <hn:. ·

''Bust PI'''

P[('K. ·r·:u.

Enft>l'<'<l first gr:ult• T Pasur.. r I·'n hman Cia s; f'ircnhltion ~Inn· nger :\lolf'ru1t•,"' I; ..\. A. J ; C'hrflr LPR.df>r, . fu kog t Oklahoma, ~. (J; Qu11l C'lnh! t; ~~pan ish 1 In b. ~~ ko~tt•t•, Oklahoma, :!. a; Boy·' Rln nt ... h \\, Opt rt•tta, I: !-tPnior Play; c;h•e ('luh, 1.

"!It sll/11111 a rh1 r11l1, who hwl/o.~t his 11'11,11 and U'lllllltrtd hilhtr.''

( 'r,\HL. ·cr:

l' .. o·rsr:R "PPtr"


hufpn•<l lligh fo;dwol, i'il'nior Or·t'lwslru, 1; Bnnd,


••Salt not altrtllf.' what '1"11 1.-!ww, Inti


,;·hal you 'sa!/.''

Ht'TII llr::\'Hli:'I'TA PLO'r'\LH

l•:ntl'l'l'<l first gradt• f.



1, :.:; Cmnnwrrial Cluh, 4

''On with 1111 dant't, It I jo!l /)(: I(J/('0/Ifil/(



I-'lL\ . K ~I '10:\'TO'\ Pll.\TT

l·;utt•n•cl \, I, :.!,




gra<lf' ('lnh, I : C'ommPrrinl

('fnh, t; :--;ttnior Bnll ( ommittt•t•.

"T/11 r'III/St'lll/1'1 of !tim ltslillflll'try.qfrokl', To mal:t /:is d11 1/ llu 1111 IISIII't of a 1111111.''

Ht·s:-;L·:r.r. ~<'OTT Pt I.LI.UI

EriH•n•<l lligh ~~·hool, l•'rf'~hman ~\ . .\.

Fnothnll '('," I : "('" ('luh, I , lr nrh <hrh, 1, ~.



has hi:' IS







~. ;l;

turd lwllrsl!l




lli~th ~ .. hool,

Tr~IUHII"I'r .'t>rdnr (')a..,s; .\ \ . (~uill ('(nh, I , C'ommt•r'f'ial

I luh, :1:


Fn•. hman 1. 2, :1; IJRtin Cluh, I ; fif'nior

Bull <"ommiltt'P

''Too ofll 11 with 1111 nlmosl carr, . lli jllslul lll'lt't 11 Slllfllt itl!lr."


lo:s 1. Hun

Ent!'rt•tl J lnt1or Holl.

lli~th ~<"lwol,


1, ~, Frrnch <'luh, :l, CommP.rcin1

C'luh, ·1.

''I -'II!/ not 111/lt'h lnrl 1/trnl.: I hr. morr.''





"!Irrh" Ent!'n•<l II i~h l"l'llool, .Junwr l•'re'nrh Cluh, 3.

'' /,rl mr. /11 I lint I 11111, 1111d RCU. not

to a/lrr me,''

LII,I.J \ • ~1.\1:

Hnlll ·:-o

Eutt•r<HI fir,t gr:lll<' (,

\, 1

( Juh, :.!, :1, \;

1 ~ Qmll r'1Hh, 4, f'renrh rJuh, ~

:!, 3


• • Ont rosl .~11/Jslanllol

'l'liLI,,J \


m lr.''

'' Trdd~·''


Ent<•rP<I fir I grnd (; \ \. 1, (,jp,. ( lub. 1, 2, ('Ju h, I, :! ('otnmt>rrial C'lub, 1.

'' Tl '·'

, <1

Spnnt b


To lr iltf/1/1 II lo /111 /a. I, II 81111111/ 1110rul.''

\\T\Y. ' J; .\ll()I,J'Il['S ~\Ill.'

Ent<•n••l fir t \

'' ~ 'nhr''


Pn•tu·h Club, 1, 2, Sr-n10r Play

\, J, :!

''lf il ll'rrr r/unr, ll'ilrll 'lis r/uur, llir/1 11 !1'111,

11'1 /'1


11'1 Tl

rltlllr tfll>l'i.:/!f,''

E\IJ:HSO'\ FH\ ."KLI.' ~('IIIWLill H ~1'1111< l(uronn, 4; Bu 1n• 'f n R~(l't .. \lolt•rnlP." l; .\ .\. 1. 2, 1: Harul. :~. 1: Quill C'lnh, I : !'-ipuni h Clu h, 1, !! : St•rdor· Pidu rn ('ommittt•P; C'laK Honk, H. Jtcmor Hull, 1, :!, 1

l·:nt<•r<:••l fir t




''Solul, lJroad ilfwldrrrrl, .ol•rr r111d loll, l'riiHI• nu f/ wr/1 /u f,rr ·I'< a!. 111f/ at 111/."


·1: :\Tn.·TFI.L ~( o't'I ~radt•

EntPn•<l fourth

\ , :1: 01'dll•stl'n, 2, :1, I , Band, :1, I: Frenrh ('lnh, :.! , Opr:rf'tt'l, :.!. ,\

'· Urilllf lilt qnru/ old b>lti/l, /JOIJ.~.''


Lt ( ILLI:


EntPrP<I hr t ( 1 1uh,

( ornrlWrTinl

Ita nd lt·nmx,



'J) JH'\\ rillug nncl

'' Jnrln· irlualii!J '" rl'rl'l/11'111

a., /he '" I






to /J

f/lllll'rlr rl

all !fOOd.''

I " .\ ~~ \HY ~~ Ill lii'Z

Ent<'l'<'<l first gra<1P ( ommrrrial C'luh, I ~hnrthnwl tr~m 1 ''fAlll{lh 1111( (rw lllllt'fl, lilt' Willi/ IIIII I! ltlllff/ts /u"l."




•11 I


Jl \>.!OH


Il•gh ehool, •nior •' To all uulrgwq, !I I rr~rn·rc/ lu oil.''

(I\\ I


ItO '

~ ,


Girl · Bo rm I, !!,

t/1(), r lor' "'"' tdw

111 ,.,

lvrrd brforr.''



f:F.H'l'll \ • '1CKI,I'H


Ent• red fir t f;!rn<l•• (,

m n ( lub. t

1•/ hI' t. not n plo11t of has/•1


qrorr /11. ·'

(;EH 1 Hl 111. .\[ \R, \HI. I' • 'mr:l'

'. •f'l'l "

Ent. rc I lltl!h . 'd1ool. • ophomorc 1. \ \ 2. I ook n.: ! lui, 1

•• 7 h




2. 3, l'rf'nrh Club, '1,

to 11/f




:\[ \1


but<>rPd fir

•• I

n1u 11


k th II ll m 1. 2; ('ap arn, 2. I , \ IC l'rP Jdent of (, \ A, \ , I , 2, 3; 1.1 ... Club, 1, 2, 3, (.Jtnll !'luh, I; 'eer~IBI') Commerc1nl ( lub, . (lperetta.




1 l'



t: .



,J Oil





G ~:

-· of :?

', r lltlrtl.' ·



Entl'r<'d Ht::h . ·hool. (,

nrrocllr. ·'




rt'n h I luh, 3; ('ommrr inl I lub,

cd all 11 ""~'" 11 th of her lorls.''


mo,q c

".fohrmi •'' f;!rnd


\ • I

(, mnu t



all r

r cr





K\Tili:HT."I·:. T.\


Enh•n••l Hl'H'lllh gJ·n•lc c:irls' Btu-•kt}thull t(lHffi, 2: <: \ ...\., 1,

!!, :l, 4; \ .•\.,I.:!; (;lpp f'luh, :!. (~ui11 C'lnh, 4; OpHt'ttn, :!; ~<'nior Jn\itntion Comtnittc•, '

""'t lhitlfl of luaul!l


11 JO]I


Lo1~ LI "<'ILJ.E NTL\\'.\Hn

l•:ntPrl'd l11gh S<'hool, Fn• hm:m ~;.A.\,

c.. \ . \ , 1. nu·n·inl C'ln h, I.

1; Pr••neh Cluh. 2; C".om\ irt-·Prt\ idt•nt f1omrnpreial



''flolltsl!l· t'OIIJIItrl to lunllllf, 1. to hare ho111 .1/ II S/1111'1 Ill Sllf/111".''

:'II \!{(;,\HI:'I'

E~! \1.\ !-''!'P.\H'!'

Entl•n••l lligh



Pn~~idf'nt St~nior

C'ln s; Litt-rnry J·~rlitor .Unronu, I St·nior Editor '·)tolt•cult•," I; .Junior Editor "'.\lolf>c·ult•," a: (; \ .\, :.! 1 , 1: J..ntin Cluh. I, :! : \\.iJ.: nnd Patut, 1: Qtul1 CluL, il: C'ommPr· .-in! ('Juh. I: l!onor l{o11, I, :!,

''.\"r1111 i;nrlt' 11111 Inti lo iurt tl11r, Or 11111/lltll/ttt Inti tu JII'IIISt."

lh:r.BEH'I' E.\HJ. • '·11

Entl•n••l ll1gh

rwn·1. · '· !-'turcliP''

~<·hool, ~ophnmnn•

,\, .\. :1: Latin ('luh, :! ; \\'ig nnd Paint, :1, I; span1sh ChdJ, :;, t; Hank .J in Spani h; lTnnor Hull,:!, 3.



t•rtl/ul 1111'111/. Inti I Ita !'r t'hiii'IH'Itr luhi11rl '"'· ''

:\l.\HIL .\'\

\ l-''l't'Hil\'\'1 ."



~rad1 I; r \

1-:nll'l'<'tl fifth (;ids'

.\ \ ., ~ <'luh, l;

Ba kt•thall tPam, \ , 1, 2, t: c;Jt>t• ('Juh, I; Latin <1uh, I,!!; .·pRni h Opt~rPtta, :!.

'' Sht hath


1111 1'1'!/

lullf/111, [or.w111lh. ''

In1: Entnl'tl fir t gnu\p \'in• Pn·l'idt·nt J.'"rcshman Cluss; 1-:chtor in Chirf 1: \s i tnnt \rt Editor lfnrnnn, a; Ho· i•·t:. Editor· ''\loiPf'Uit•.'' 1; <firl ' Ba. kt""~thnll tfl'nm, 1, !!: ('nptaiu, I; (f ..\ .\., l, :.!, :l, t~ PrP. idPnt 1: \ \. :l; \nnhantl, I, :!, .1; J•:mhl••m, 1: ,\ \ , I. !!. a; c;l(>f' C'Jnh, 8. l; l4nt1n C'luh, 1, !!; \\'i!!' and Paint, :!, ~'. l; \'ict•~PrtosiciPnt \Vig anrl l'nint, I, (~nill C'lnh, 1; l'rt• i<l••nt Qni11 ('lnh, I; OJwr .. tta, !!. t ; Pin Cnmmittt>e; .Sl'Dior Pirturfll Cnmmittf'f>: llonur· Holl, :! ; Hnnk .l in Engli h; , 'pninr Piny. lfo,.oon,

'' 'Tis sill l<'H \ '\ ( I',.

I 1.-t

,J 1:.\'


i11 r iiJI Itt r pail.''

Nl ,, \1 l:H,;

Entpn•tl first grai!P Spani h ( luh, 1, :.!, C"umrnt-rriul C'luh, 1; Fnst 1'!. ll)' ("outP t, J

Pltu·t' T\\ in c~ity \\~atPr\\urk

"Tiun 's


nut lllilltls

a lmunit l1irtl /hal sill(/-', n' Ill !I ,[(((/I, ..


\'mwr. \'I;Rr.:.: • '\\ b.\HI. ·ca·:. ·

'· Bwl ''

Entl'l"\'d first gr:ulc ''If siltt!Ct 1l'rrt• goltltn, I'd be




}lEI L.


l~nt Prt•tl (r t






II igh !:'t•hool, Sophomon•

:.!, 3: Lntut ( lnh, :.! ; Hpani h ( lub, lu h, I: Pn• iclcnt <'ookuu:- t'luh, 1.

ell tl.:


llflfllllrs 11 prtfl]l 17111lfl/1."

· · Don'' I:ntt ll'<l Ill,::h St·hool, Fn· hman Hnnnr Holl,

'• I



111 1 11r111


I-' liS

1, 2.

!I""" a.

11 .

I"< l'h,''

DotWTll\' hLl/.\Bt:TII TJ:;\li'I,L'

'· I )o n•'' Entt·recl fir);t graclt' f

f,lrl• !1.1 ko [hnll IPIItn, 1; 1<. uh I, ''


I; Latin

pallt ll'ifil ,,mills in






jllll('(/",,, ' '

!.(II l:-> .:\1.\X 'l'110" 1'~0.\'

l•:nl!•rt'd fir t gm<lt> \


1; Lntin ('luh, :!.

"1o ,,IIIIi!/ II'OIIftl /ir II 111 id 11 i flltl oil. ' '



~I.\"" 1: TI'('KCH


l·:ntpn•tl first gr:uil• (;

.. Oil.




.\ • :J. I.

111111'1 "· 11'1 I'( 1111111 IIIII ('()IIS/(111/, hi 11'11'1 Jlil'[lcl . ••

(.()I)() I{ 1:



y \ Ky

1-:nt t'rl'd first gr:Hlt' \

' ' 1 lit l'l

.\ • 1.

r li1d






L\1 Rr..·l'!; \ '1 HilEY

Entt rP<i II igh Sc·hool, ,Jnnwr l,ooth.-11 1- ff1n h.un




1/1'11111 r f/1111'!/ Ill


Ba kt•thnll


111'1 l'l'llllllllfl

1/u it.''



l·:ntt•n•cl first gra<lt' ' ' l1111 ft111'1

.\ \ ' I /1'11/.:t <f Ill(' f(HI -'Ill) II, J IIIIiS/

s/um/Jcr a,qain. ''

''.Manic'' c; . . \ .\, I, J,ntin ('lnh, 2, C'omm£'rr•a ('luh, 1 ·'Tit ,II 11/rultsfJ/ is a 1'11111111 to 111!1 llll'l'if. •'

"Bill if'" Entt~rPd


\, 1:


fir..,.f ,J.rr:ult'

\, I; l.ntirl ( lnh, I, !.!

• • ~t t'fl/1/}ltll!lflll I !tot r.· t•ltrrrful. ' '

l•;llfPrPd ~('f'OIIff gr:ldP !.!, "l ~paul h < luh, C'luh, 1 : Hnuk 2 1n .. ·or~~tl ~ru•ntP \.

'' 1/1

sitt/t(l/ for 1111111 !I /Jul frn·






hr /1 rrd


\Y11.Lt \:\r~o •

Entl'rl'rl fourth ~r:11lt ~pnllifoih

C'luh, !.!,


' ' IJflillfl llflfltlllf/ /I'll It 11 lira/ of sl'i/1.''

...rnd,\·., Entt•rprl first ~rar!P ~

\ •




' ' I Jinrl that IW/Ist list is, 111 1111/t.\, .\illf/Ulor/!1 rr frt hill[/.·'

( )p

\L MAHII: \YrLso. EniPrl'd f!i~h Mt·hor>l. Frp hman Ji,r .. ru·h C'luh. !!.

''It ·" 1111.\ to



'lis oniJI ""lilt fu /11 !/find,'·

~ ~

\\.()()f,f)f{((;( ;




\ ... I(' , '


\ \ , I . 2. :4; Hnnd, ~; <~IPP Clnh, a, J,. pnni'h ('luh. I , :! •' f'l't

tfof 111.11 own ;r/, as anti oJHJIInn .... 1 nrl I !fill ss I w1/l 1'1, 1' 1/11 111. ' '

Lon. 1:



r;ntPrl'rl first grad•·

c: . ..\. ~\., :!, :!; Cooking ('luh, n. 1/y tllspositio11 sta11ds ill lhr tn• Ill!/ ( ffit'il ltr}/ •••


A. ·nREW

\YILLI \.\1


( 'AsAn Fntl'rl'<l first gr:ult•

A \ , !l, lln·ht• lt'p, :1, t: Band, :J, anti Pn1n1 '1, I Spa1d h ('Juh, , i



•' (JIH' ho11oU1' wu11 '·" a .... an IN for mort.''

H \1,1'11

\\'11,1,.\Hil ( 'ol'. Y l~ull'n

\ ,t_.

.t ht st gT:Iflt•

.l: <ht'lle tnt, ~. :1, l 4, Bu} • Stuut SltO\\

\\' \L 11.1{


B uti ·'· l: (ift•t !l, 4: ()pert~tta, l

" Dunt p"

\ZI-:1.'1'0 .. l~niPn·d



\ti.Jt tu Lll1t01' lforuon, t, Sports l·~t.litor ··~tolt• tthc" U, I \ \., I, ~. :J, 4: Quill ('luh, l; 'It til 1r1•r <Jnill ( luh, l , Hpani.·h ('luh, :1: Stugt• tun • •c• Bo) ~tunt l"'how, :1, ·1

"/lool. llf If r /wlh11' 1111 IIUII'h; I Ill. 1 Jl/ul., ll'<:< ami J, I tlu "' ''""" as tlu .11 may.''

!{I) c 01. \\'11,1.1 \Hil

J·:ntnt•d Jligh ''/Ji"'l'tlioll

,J I:H\'Is ~.·lwol, Pn·~h111an

i11 SJiftt•h is ifu1 itt 11 Ct • ' '




('11\HI,C~ J<'H.\ '('Is ~~\~Kl-.


Entt·n·d II igh !-iduwl, :-;t•uwr ''/,,/, '" 1111/ "" short, !Jut that tho·•· is alll'tllf.~

E\ 1 HI:'I'TJ:


fur I'Oilf'lt·s.IJ ''

l•'ltos'l' <)r.;.;o. • Enll'n 1 st'\t'nth gr:cclt•

l: Bn kt•tlmll "('." 1. !!, a, I : I,:!, '· t l•'t·Pnt'h Cluh, ~; "('" Cluh, I,~, ( ommt•tTial ( ltth, &

I ootlmll '"(\" \ •

\ t;

'· So1111 art '""'II f/l'f at; ,W/111 tlf•hi< 1'1 f/l'talllt .., ; and"""" lwrt f/l'ftllltt'ss lhru~/ upo11 1/u 111.''

,\11'1( lll:LI. 11.\Y::" PYLC




('ommt•tTiatl Club, .J

'· 0 this It

('Ill". 'I'EH


~I \HIA .•

what a lhin,q it ts.

HH'IL\1.\ ••

Enlt•n••l lligh ~..Iwol, ,Juniut· '' I It'll., '" l't I' It"" Ill""' I hun cdu 11 cril h ntJf-'t




R.\ l.;ORRAI. ·g l~nten•1l



(;, .\

,\, I, 2, :J; • -:&, Commt~rciul Cluh, :J,


, 1, 2;


('luh, 1,

"A light lll<lrt ill'tS loll[/."

,J()~EPII HO:\lLH:--i


l•:utt•l·l•d lligh !-'<•lwol, 1-'n•shlllllll \ ., !!, .J; On· h.- trn, 2; (tlee Pluh, 1, 1-"r·r-nch

( nlJ


Commetcial Cluh, S.

• • Hart t·ompotuul of rultlil!/. frulit• awl [1111 Tu rr /ish a jul.t, anrl t't )lllr'l at 11 Jlllll.''


~~ \ L

H'll-.1' II E. :.;

Enlt•n·•l (,


.\. 1,




.\nnb uti, 2; l ..ntlu Clnh. 1, 2:

('omnwrdul ('lub, 4.

'' .\fa/;t•

11'11.1/; II Nt l'iUIIS IIIII it/ IIJIJII Ill'S.''

,J Oi l~

'''l'tf(•k'' Enh•n•<l tlrst grad<•


.\ , '!!,

I; Orctw tl'n, 1, :.!, a. t ; Hand, 1, 2, ancl P1\iut, l; . 'pau

~~. -&: Boy.' <;lt•t:~ Cluh, a; \Yi? 1~h Clu IJ, !! ; Opt.•n·ttn, I, ~

• ·JI'hat t'llrt I !1'h111 lt'tlll li1· anrl rrsl . l11rl tab li/1 at 1ts 111.·i, sl ''

. \LBEH'l' ~IIL'J'O . • • L1[1,


EntPn·d fir ·t ~~·at(p lwl/'1'1'1 1', is 11111rlt still shorlr ,. b.lf II'IISII




Senior Assembly Nl'niol' Prl'sid(•nt 's .\ddn•ss

.\1 \IW.\lU:T N'l'l'\1{'1'

Sa lut at ol'.'

('II \1{1 1:::-


Non go



Til .j I:'I'ER

('lass llistm·y

<h:oiWI.\ Lmu:

( 'Ia. s



111:L \I A


H .\!,1'11 ( 'o1•sY U.\11. Fl ~IIL:H, Hll 'll.\1{1) KL( 'K

J' J'O]l] )('(',\'

<li. 'IX.\

l{1•ad ing


~I liSil'

('lass Will







\ .'f)

DE\\' llllb'l'

ML. !OR ( l IHLs


Ya It•( l i(·t o1·.'·



.\HI,\ LL }[C. Kl \II:.'

Jin, \:\"1>

HPI'Pp1ion of ( ' m1dl1'



• '1. 'lOR ( 'L.\~::5


Class History Discovery and Exploration

( )n • 'pplt>llllll'r .i. l!l:.!O. a largt• t•lass was dist'O\'t 'I'Pd at ( \• ntral , ' t•hool, t ht> lllt'Jtlbt•rs of whit·h \\'t'l't' dt•sirous of P ploJ•in~ ( ' ham paign Hig-h ~t·hool. 'l'ht> inhabitants of t ht> 11 j.-h ~t·hool ~a\'e to thest• young- and in ·. ·pel'lenccd explor •rs the namc- Fr •shmt>n. '1 h e l•'re:-;hmt•n t'Xplored in the halls and t·lass rooms and by obsen·at ion dist'O\'t•rt•d mauy iutert·stiug workin"s of tlw laq.!l' i11stitution.

'1' ht· m •wt·onH•J·s n•t•og-n izt•d 1ht• di n • JH•t•d of au or~a u izt>d g-m·t'l'lllllt'llt and took 1hi' fir·st stt•p to\\ <ll'll !'illt'lt in tht' 'ampaig-n oi' Hl20. ~ 1ominations " 'PI'\' :mbmittt'd awl l!l't'Hl t•xcitt•uwnt was n·gistt'l't•d at the polls \\ ht>n all t•lass Jllt'llllll'rs vo1t•d. R<'tllrn. · fi'Om 1ht' elt•<·t ion 1'<'\'t•alt•d t lw folio\\ ing as lt·adt•J's : \Yilliam Dani t>lsou , prt>sidPnt; Ir·t•nt• ~t;\ an , \' it·t' · Jll't•sidt•Jrt ; i\lilton Pit·knt·ll, (J't•astii'PI'; and \'illat·:s Par·khill, sPt'l'Ptar·). Var·ious IIIPlllbPr's of tht' t'Xplm·t·r·s hP<'HlliP iutt•J't•stPd iu tht' activities of' th<• in -t1tution and E\'l'rctte Olson plctyt'd ou t hP st'<'ond team iu haskt'!hall; otht'rs madt' st·holasli<· honors and a ft•\\' took part in dntmatit·s. }<'ayt• Pinkstafl' \\as Hamt•d Fn•shman Editor and hPipPd to publish tht' book kJI(l\\ n as tht• • L\HOO. •. Exciting Campaign of 1920-21

The Second Year of Occupation

'J'frt• t• .· p(OJ'('I'S, fra \'illg' d ist'O\'t'l'Pd Ill OS( of 1frt• llt'('t'SSit iPS aho11t ( 'hm11paig-n 1Iig-h St•hool. ht•t·amP kno\\ 11 to 1ht• student l>od) as Sophomores.

Presidential Campaign It \las an t•stahlisht•d nrlt' 111 this tl<'\\l,\· oq,:-auizt•d ~0\ of 1921-22 Pt'nHJt•nt for offit•t•r·s to st'I'\'P rot· oJJt• yPat· only so again the r·t•spmtsihility of :·wleeting- leaders ''a. <·,·idcnt. On election day at :3 :10 the , 'ophs assembleJ and \'O(t•d John liC\'1'011, pn•sident; ~Ia!',\. ('rathorJH', Yi<'P· PI't•sid('Jlt; Fa,\'1' Pinkstatl'. S('t·r<'lal',\'; and .\lYt•t•s l•'ly1111, trt•asurcr. 'l'hPs<· otl'it•t•rs stii'J't•d up t•nthusiasm aiiiOJig' thPir· JH'oplt• and as a l'l'sttlt, .l<'a)<' Pinkstafl' ht•t·amt• ~ophontOI'(' Edito1· or 1ht• ,l!of,,·ult a11d ('har·]p, B<'lllll'tt ~ophon!OI'<' Editor of th1• ~1.\Jwo:-:. In dramatit·s. H1rth ,J('tt'l', l•a.\e Pmkst afl'. and ( 'harlt•s Ht•llJH·t t lwt•a Ill<' loJ0\\'11 hy t lwi r at•t•onr pl islllll('n t s iu 1nastll'l' llunftrs. ''S\\Pdl'" Olson \\'as hig-h -st•m·p IIIH!l iu baskt'thall in 1~l~~ and n·<·<'iYPd a"("' as a n·ward . A Year of Adventure and Prosperity

•\s tht• intnrd<•t·s or l!l:.!O ht•<•aJII<' ht>tt<•J' kno\111 and bet tPr st'ttlt'd in hig-h selrool lit't' th<';\ ht•t•anH• prosp<•J'0\1 and adn•nt11rous .J11niors. Ir·pnp ~tyan and Hnth B1·om11 \\OJ'kPd 011 tlw ~1.\HOo. · as .\ssistant ,\rt Editm· and .Jtmim· l•~ditot·. ~Iar~arl't ~tual'l help<·d as .JuniOl' Editor or th(' Jlfo/t('l/[{', Class Election


111 t lw ( 'ampait..CJl or 1!>:2:2. ' t•il ])p\\ hir·st was t•IPt'tt•d prt'sidt•Jlt; \'illa1·s Parkhill. Yit·P-JH't'. idt•nt; \'il'g'illia Bt•;tt·h. s<'<'l't'lary; aml ,Jar k 'l'hornl<•y, t n·asi!J'Pr.

Organizations Chose Officers

~II('('('SS ('Oiltillllt'd \\ h<'ll SO lii<IJl,\• ,}IJlliOI'S took rPS])Ollln•Jip ~tym1 was PIPt'lt•d pt'Psidt•ut ot' the siiJiJiti('S, (; i l'!s' ~\ t h lt·t it• ~\ssoeiat im1. a11< l Lois ~Ill it h. Yice -presi clent; Villars Parkhill, secretary of L<• 'ercle l<'ranca is; D. ( ' . .:\1 ull i~an, seer •tary of El 'irculo 'a tcllano; and <.'hades Bemlt'tt, s<'<'J'etary of' \\Tig and Paint.



Athletics Important

,John IIeYrml and l<'rauc1s 'l'a haka represented tlw ,Junior Cia s in football. In basketball ''Bwed<'" Olson, Gail l•'ishcr, and Bmct"Oll Blancett hrou~.dtt honor to the famous class. A number ot' thP track llll'llllwl·s \\t'l't' ,Juniors l•'oltz. liP\Ton, Do\\ ns, Ul.·ml, Ift>ath, an<l Keek.

The }H'l'sidt>ntial campaign ot' 19~:3.~-! was markPd by a l;u·k ot' Pllt husiasm, hut finally :.\Im·gar •t Rt uart wa: !'lt'l'tt'd JH'Psi<lent; Ruth ,JPtPr. Yi('c-pn•sident · \"illar. Pt~l'ldtill, sf'<'l'Ptary: ]),, ight Rankin. trt'a.·urPt'. ( 'ommittPP ·. as thP Picture, Ill\ itatiou .•\li t'l', 1\JpmoJ·ial. and ~Pnio1· Ball comnlitlet's W<'l'l' appoilltt•d by the Jll'Psidt'nt. 'l'ht• l'Oilllllittl't's \\Ol'kt'd faithfully a1lll tht• yt•ar p1·oved quite Slll'('l'S.'flll.

Presidential Contest of 1923-24

1\Iany ot' thl' prominPJlt football ho~s as ,John Ilcath, Husst'll Pulliam, Harold l..~<'uck. and ''. '\\ede" Ol·on were from t hP <·lass of '2-!. .\ lar"e percpnt of the ba. ket ball ho~s. int·lnding Captain "~\\Pdl'" Olson,. orri: Higgins, Hichard Kcck, HaymmHl \'an ( 'ura, Gail l<'ishpr, .\llwl't Glanut, and Emer:on BhuH·I'tt wt•t't• ~Plliors.

Seniors Prominent In Athletics


'l'h<· two important office.· of Editor-ill-chief of thP alHl ~I \IWo. • Wl'l'l' filled by two prominPnt Henion; lh•nnl't t a111l I rene Ht~ an.




( 'harles

.\fter fout· ~ l'Ht's of t• ·ploration, clis '0\'l'ries, and battling. the member. of t hP )-;pmor \'lass stH!eet•dt•d in conqnerin" thl' rudiment. of kncl\\ lt•dgl', sueh as tlw prohlpm· of matlwmati<•:, tlw variou: and sundry \\l'iting-s of !'l'IIO\\'tll'd authors, awl tlw mHlerlying principll's of sc•ielH'l'. ( 'al'l'ying with thl'lll tht• spoils (ilH•Iuding diplomas) the ('las-.; of ·~-!. \'ic·tors to tht• last. d<'ll<ll'tl'd from ('hampaig-u lligh School.

Class of '24 Conquers

~I \IW.\HJ;'t ~'1'1 \tn.

Au Revoir Aftt•t· four ,\'l'at·s of toil and pl•asure. \\'p IHt\'1' t'Paehecl thl' hi!rhest rung, ( >u t hl' laddt•t' of hig-h school )parnill!.!; ~o Jlow. out' \\'ot·k ;s dotll'. \\'p 11•;1\ l' 1 It is d<·a r old h i;.dt st' hool. \\"it It l'l'!!l'l'h, ]Wdtaps a si!!lt. \Yt• at'<' anxiou. to g-o onward. yl'!,

It's hard to sa,\' good-h,vl' . • ·o. \\t•'ll just takl' a lea\t' of ahst•llet•, Or solllt't h ing of 1 hat kind. But still hl' sOilll' of ht•t· c·hildt'l'll l ntil thP <'ttd of timt•. 'l' Ill. I."


I{< )SJ:.

Last Will and Testament of the Class of 1924 \\~P. the , 'l•nior cia.. of nint>tet>n lnnulrl'd and t\\ t•nty-four of the Ili~-rh ·hool of ('hampaig-n and ~tall' of Illinois. !wing of fn·<· and sound mind, hut mindful of the mtePrtaintiPs of human lift•, do Jllakl', publish. all<! dt•l'lan• thi. to he our last "ill and tt>stanll•nt. hereby n·,·oking- any and all foruH•t· "ills all< I codieils thereto. hy us ht•rptofon· tlHtde: ~

~Ll TIO ••








J. \\~l' dil'l'l'f that aJl dPhh iJH'lll'l'l'd for p[pasUl't'S during OUl' [i\t'S shall he promptly paid. II. \Ve lwrehy appoint HolH'rt KPlll'~· as administnttot• of all otu· \\ol'ldly po:-.. ·e:-.:-.ions. ~LVJ'!O.. I I. I. \\"e he<llll'ath to the 'las:-. of 19~;> all di!.!'Hity, "istlom. and pt·t•ro:,.(·atiH•:-. kilO\\ II aJHI <ks<•t·ih<·<l a:-. foll<ms: a <•[pat· Ill't'l'eption of' all fa<·ts of Unit<•d ~tat<•s History, En~-rlish \'Ill. \'it·gil, and all otht•J' subjP<'Is ht>t'Ptof'ore unma.terPd, and our pri\ ill'!.!'P:-. as dignifiPd ~Pnim·. ·. the "inn in!! of t ht• <Tood "ill ot' the Faculty. and tht> din·l'l imt ot' tlw undt•rclas:-.tnt•n. I I. To thP :-;ophomorl' ( 'Ia:-..· \\ P h•<t\'l' all out· <·mmtH'tHlahl · habits allll nohh• tnuts (in whieh Wt' abound) ant! all th<· health and pt·os(wt·ity she may need. l II. To tht' Fn•shmt•n "<' ~-riYe mul hPqu<•ath all our <'<'Cl'Htri ·rttes and JH'culiaritit's (few in number) and all our \'a<·ant s<•ats. providing tlll'y will llsl' t h <'111 \\'it h n·s 1wd . 1 \·. 'l'o the l•'a<•ulty \\'<'do h<·quPath our apprl'ciation for tlwir abl· instruction to us in all our diHi<•trlt it•s.

~EC'l'JO:\ I I l. Item I. L \ 'irginia B<•ach, do h•an• my fondn<•ss for matlwmaties to Corinne Pilon. ltt•IJI I r. I, ('harh·s B<•nnl'tt, do ll'an· my natural blushing to ,JanH•s Buell. ltl'lll Ill. I, Ct•t•il Krt<·h. do lt•aYt' my \\inning :;mil• to Oladys Conn. Item 1\·. I.. 'pil Dl•\\hirst, do ll'aYe my dramatic ability to ,John \\'right. ltl'm \'. \Y<•. ~Iargarl't Stuart and Berni<· • Diekt•rson, do ll'aYe our ('hampaigu lli~-rh m•n to i\la.·in<• \V~ att. ltt•m \'1. I, l'on•l ('hapman, do b<•qu<•ath by prceisPn<•ss to llel<•n Kt·us<•. It t'lll \'1 I. \\~<'. Hidtanl Ke<·k and \\~illiam .:.IcK<•t•n, do h·aye our knowh•dg<' of \\~ebster and oratorical ahilitil's to E\'a ~Iae Ot•rdes. ltPm \'111. I, lrt•JH• St~an, do h•aw my po.ition as g<litor-in-('hil'f' of th• ~I \IWO. to an~ Oil<' who will apprPciate its trut• valu •. Item L~. I, Lola ~11111s, <lo h<•quPath my popularity amon~-r ('.II.,. ho~s to\ <'l'a II u tehinson. ltt•tll \\~e, ~litton Pickn!'ll and ~Iit<·lwll Pylt'. do h•a\'1' to th • l•'a<·tdty the lasting- m<·mor~ of our foolishness.

SE(''rwx IV. 11!'111 I. I, ('arlyl<· Mt•skinH'll, do hl'tllll'Hth my IH'autiful and flo\\ing- hand-\\riting; to him \\'host' \\TiLing llt't'd:-. impr·o\ ill!.('. ltl'm I L \Ye. ~Im·ian \\·as<·her. Ruth Broom , and Ruth \\T•ayer, do h·ayp our retiring and quid nwnnt•r to Flm·<·n<'<' Dowling, Pauline Percival, and Myra , '·lrmalhausen.


ltPm I I I. I, Hnth O~dPn, do sOJTO\\ full~- IPaY<' my NtrPfnlly pt·<'parcd Public :-;peaking a. signnwnt. to Btl<l II~·land \Yith admonitimt · to Pat·efnlly prt>sen't• thP sanw for some futnrt• dt>st•rving pupil. ltPill 1\'. \\'e, .Ah·t·Ps !•'lynn mHl \Yilliam BPI'I'~lllan, do lt'a P L'\t'l')thing Wl' don't want to anybody \\ ho ''ants it. ltt'lll \". 1, Uail Fisht•r, tlo lt•a\'t' to my hrother Ra~mond, my old lo\t' ll'tters. ltPIII VI. \\'t•. l>t•IIH•I't l•'oltz. \\'altt•r l<'orsht>y, and Lt•ah llcl\\lllan. do lt•a\'P our t'ondlll'ss t'o1· ag-rit•nlt Ill'!' to <lPOI':,!P ( 'ollms and Elsit' !lord. ltt'lll \'I I. I, l{uth ,Jt'ti'J', do lt'a\'!' my \'tH'al ability to l•:dith l\lu. smt. ltt•nl \'Ill. I, Elsit• BrinPy, do IPa\'1' tht' llll'lllOI',\' of my S\\Pl't st>lf to my fond lo \'Pl'. Item L'. \Yt• ,Jmw Koog-lt-1·. \'illars Pal'ldlill. and l>o1·othy ~tant'ord, tlo leaYt' ou1· heart-smashin~.r llll't hods to Opal t 'n·i~.rhton. and Pt•arl Urei11. ltt•lll ••. \\'e, • 'orris Ili~.rgins and Bill C:allion. do lt•a\'t' tht• tt•IHler lllt'lllory of our "inning ways to .\lr. (lootling. Sio;("l'IO .. \'. ltt•nl I. I. ('e<'il .'.I<"Dt•rmott, do leaH• my position as <•ht'!'l'-lPad r to Dale. 'tout. ltt•m II. I, J. orman Hutchinson, do lH'qnPath my HnPJH'Y in l•'rt•twh to .:\lax Flo\\ ers. Item III. I, <li'JH•va ('oulwrly, leaYP my Ion• for ('ht•mistry to an~· ttHknt \\ho \\ill ll t' it to fnJ'thrr the atl\'HIJ('t' of St'i!'JH'l'. Item I\'. I, Dwight Hankin, do leaw thP part in thP mitldlP of my hair to Donnelly Gamble. J tt'lll V. 1, lPrt rndP , ides, clo ]pavP my position in thP t•ai'PtPria to ~\nnalwl I•'tS('llS.

ltPm \'1.

\Vl', Elisp and Thea Osterbur, <lo lwqnt>ath all our t•xtraordinary


ot' 1'. S. History (exc<•pt that " ·hit·h Wl' may haw forgotten) to Ilt•lpn Prit•P and }.JOUise .\hmson. Item VII. I, Hnth inlick, do lNl\1' my well-worn clas hooks, \\hit·h T have so dilil!t•ntl~ ns<'<l. to Opal .'tamwr. ltt·m \'111. \\'e. ~\IIH'rt Glandt and Earl,'tur<lyv.in, do h•;l\'t• our Pnhltt• ~peak­ inl! ability to David ,Jacobs all<l ,Joe 0 'Donnell. l1t•n1 I.r. \\'p, Florl'lll'e }litdwll and Lois Smith, do ht•<tll<'alh Olll' ttnieknt• s and bt·ightlH• ·s in answering tdas.- rPeitations to lrPJH' Ebeling and Eva E, t•rence. lll'lll I, OwPtHlol.\n HhaugPr, do h-ave my love t'ot· m~· art w01·k in the English <lt'(Htrtnlt'nt to llalfortl Hpalrling-. Sn no · VI. In witllt's. wht>t'l'ol' \\'t' hereunto suh·t·rilll' mu· Jtalllt' and cause this instnmwnt to lw attPstt•<l at ( 'hampaign, fllinois. by two witnps t'S this sixth day ot' .Jnne, A. D. Hl~4. (Sea I ) ZLL:O.J.\ P.u 1. JjJL!'ill: Q EIU>f:,.;. \\' P, t Itt• untlt•l·sil!llt'd. do ht'I'Phy <'PI'! d'y that we ha.Ye Ion~ hwwn and have bt•t>n aequainted with thi;; Ht•nior <'lass of 192-! \Yho.-c seal is attached to the fore~.roillg instrnmPIIt <·onsist ing- of Sl'\'<'ral JHigl's of printrcl matter. \VI' lwlil'\'l' her to be of somHl and disposi11g mi1Hl and lllPlllory and in witm ss "ht•reof \\ t' h<n e upon rPqtu•st and in th' JH't'S<'llt't' of t•aeh oth •r si::rnl'd onr Jtamt•s as witnt sses t ht•rt•or'. Datt•d this si. th day ot' ,June. A. I>. Hl~-!. (• 'eal) L. ~" 1 7.1 R (~t•al) l\!1. IE K ~loHIUS.

Radio News ST \'l'IOX




9::10 P.





AI.l ;\1.'1 •


FmnAY, ,Jt·x~: 6, 19:~:1.

This is Station ('II.'. Champaign, Illinois. Our entirP program thi. evening will he giYI'll 0\ ('l' to t h' Alumni .\ssoeiat ion or t hl' ('lass of 1!)~ l of 'hampaign High N<•hooL \Y< hopt• that this will provl' VPry t•ntPr1nining to all thP alumni. \Yc \\'i.·h to Introdu<'l' \Valter 1 lazl•Iton, orator of' nation-\\ Hie prominPJH'<'. \\ ho happen. to IH' one of thP alumni. ,Just a monwnt. please---"I have somt• g-ood news to tl'll you t•lassmates whom I kno\\ are listening in f1·om all part.· of th • eountry. 'l'he eoming of thi: unusual program has h<•t•n broadca te<l for numy week.· .·o \Ye feel conficlt•nt that many are tuning in and t•njoying a g-ood laugh on tlwir old friends. ''Do auy of you rt•mpmJH•r the t \r<> t•nt-nps of the class-' Dick' Keck and ·Bill' Galliou. 'l'hP e boys haw trietl mighty hard to mak<• a finan<'i<tl sll<'<'Pss but they hav • met tlu·ir • \Yatt•rloo' :inc!' t hPir ( 'ork :-;erP\\ and ( 'an-OpPlH'r Fa·tory has failt•tl in thP thriving c·ity of StalPy, and they have been foreed to tak<· t ht> hankrnpt<'y law. 'l'lwir frit•nds around lwrP have f •lt mighty hacl ahout this, so they havt• organizt•d in ord<'r to giw a <·arnind forth • b •nefit of Diek and Bill and their wive!; .Avis l'onn KPck and Loi~, 'mith Gallion. ~Ir. ~ Torman Hutchinson, ne·wly elected mayor ol' ( 'hampai~n. great!_,. <'JH•ourage~ thi;; plan. 'l'hP 'gang' han•. tay(•d tog-l'tlH'r m1d sho\\n tlw old loyal spirit to thPir friends. Emerson :-;c·hrocdt•r will makt> tlw t•otton <•ancly for the children. 'l'ht> liall si .. ters-Huth and Pranec., \\ill read fort mws t h rou~h t ht> curling gray stt>am of the teakrttlc. 'Reel-hot hamburger' \\ill be the tune of Julius \Vilske and his cook Loui c \Vooll<'.''· Opal \Vilson, Ilt>lt>n ;\JeDolllll'll, HJHl Gt'll<' ~<'ott will displa.'· their individuality in 'l't•nt umlwr l:l. La t. hnt not lPa t. the mot outstanding fc•atm·p will bP bashful little Pegg.)- ~tuart as a toad eharmer. "Ancl oh yes, as well as failure in lmsines!; we have those who have been succe ... ful ! Covd Chapman has re<•t>ived a largP fortune since he .. uceeeded King Bt>11jamin in thl' lions<' of Davicl at Bt•nton IIarhor. Harold T;euek has also <·onsP<'ratNl his lift• to this faith. Covt>l has now givPn Lenek tit<' position as manager of the strPC'I t•ar lint> in BPnlon Harbor. "Humor lUI\'!' h<'<'ll confinut•d hy th<' amwtm<·PnH·nt that appPat·cd in tlw Tu.w·ola Htt•it u· ot' tlH• marria!r<' of ~Iiss UrPtha Carrotlwrs to ~lilt on Pi<·kncll of 'l'useola. 'l'ht• \n•clding took pla<'l' in thP ~Iethodist ('hureh \\ ith tht> Rt·n·n·IHl IT. 0. ~ ·onnan ofl'i<'iat in~. 'l'ht• hri<ll', eltanninu-1.\' attirl'd in a gown of \\ hitl' t i. ~ue gingham a11Cl <·arrying a hriclal honquet of dandPlions and blue ro. <'s. nu1rchrcl to the alta•· to the strains of ·.Ttt. t BPforc the Battle, 1\lotht>r.' 'l'he maicl of ltonot', 0\\'t'IHiolyn Nhau~<'J', \\"OI'P a lwallt ii'Hl cln•ss ol' plaid muslin and <·arried a howp1et of sht•t•p shmrpr and pinks. .:\Iisses Elsie Brine~, \·i, ian Uc>ip, El ie Gcr<ll's, and Loi Oshot'JI<' HdPd as hridt• 's maitls, \\'parin!.! dt'l's.·es of hlue aJHl \Yhitt• dottecl swiss. •-' ( I 00--.-.. -.•••••!! little boy heanl a hig splash and htrning aroHncl saw a hidPOIIS looking alligator jnst re<Hly • 'l'lw groom \\as assistPd hy Iris lwst man, .\ntotl<' Downs .. The u het·s \Yere Archil' Ilord. EvPrPttP <llsml. En11al .\lank, and liPr. t•ht>l .\I art i11. .\Irs. and .\It·. Piclnwll will lw at homP at thP Pala<'<' apartments, 1104 ·orth Jlic·kory stn·et. 'l'us<'ola, Ill iuois, aft<'!' SPptPmlwr tlw first. "IlaY<' yon heard of thP promotion of ~Ir. ,Jpns PPch•rson a· .AmhassH<lor to .\fpxico. liP \\'ill lt•a\'e this <·mmtry with his wil'l', 1\lrs. \. Parkhill Pe<lt>rson .

to takP np his clntiP.· in :l\fPxiro. , oriPty thPr<' C'Xtf'tHl: a rordial welrome to the i'f'dPrsml . '·.Jndi!P .\Inlli:ran ha · just l!iHn his tll'C'ision of the divon•e case of l\Ir. :tnd :\It·s. I•'ishPr. ,;\Irs. l•'ishc•t• has hPPII n•storC'cl tht' rir.ht to n.·p hc>r maiclen n.utH'. Ennic'<' <lr<'<'ll. 'l'hP plaint ifl'' lawy<'t', KP<'n<'y \Villiam ·on. won the ca:c ·•::a in 1 La''~ <'I' P,viP.•\ tnontr thP .int'.''lllt'll of tht> f'H c· \\<'1'<' onr old cia ·smates. \\Taltt>r II i<>hHan. (lpor::e IIot'IH'r, Hllfl Ilt•r!H'I't Hohin on. "<>f thP many lint's of hu:-.int• s thf' alumni havt• C'hos<>n. JH'rhaps thl' most into•t'C' ti11l! j,; that of clraftsnwn in thP I•'it·,;t • ·atimwl Bank of • ·orth Dakota, c•ho r>n hy ( 'lwl'!t' · B<'lllldt. "ho ha won hi· fame Ojwnin!! ancl C'lo. ing windows, ot·that c•host'tl h.'· f:pon:ia Lore and f:por:rtn nraYP.', who arC' C'recting monuments to c•onllll<'lllot'aft' Uc•npnJI HhPrman\ man•h thron:rh the state whose namo t IH·y ltt'ar. "\\'p nnclt'rstan<l that sonw of thr hr:t sc•holars of '24,-Geneva Couberly, \'ir::ini:t BPac·h, Rnth Broom, ancl BPssiP Ball, have c1Pvotecl their livrs to the tndy of inspc•ts ancl PlPphants in tiH' Ila\Hliian Islands. ".Jnst a monwnt. plPas<' Earl :-;turd.''\'in has bt•t•n impatiently waiting to "i' P a sam piP of mw of his l'Nluc•mg ]pssons ·o" that yon havt• all !ward :\Jr. Htnt·d.n·in 's l!'s:m1:. I will gain prOCf'Nl \\'ith my npws item.. For th<' lwnPfit of thosp who haY<' tmwcl in late. this is ·tatinn GIL. Champrti!rn. Illinois. tri,·in!!' thP alnnmi tJOIP ot' tht> clas: of Hl~-t ot' C'hampai:rn Hig-h . 't·hool. · · Tht• rPlt>asc of mmomH'C'lllPnts for thl' C'lass of ':l.) has bern clPiayecl hec·:tttst· of tlw larl!l' orclprs gi\'1'11 h.'' .Johnnie • 'pPncPr ancl \VaJtpr I•'orshey, so I 11 ppo:t• that man~· of tlwir friPncl · will hf' ·hocked hy n•ef'iYing- im·itations to tlJt• I niHrsit_,. gnHlnaticm C'XI'rl'isC' ·. It has hPI'n rnmon·cl that their ability to a<·c·omplish this feat " 'a:-; aiclecl b~· pnr<>hasing the Yaky blotter factory, ther by soakinl,! np a snftic•ient amount of know]l'clg-r. ·' .\ hanqnet "<IS gi\'!•n last t'\'c•ning for Dwight Hankin. a nPwly c•lectecl ·pnator from tlH• state of California. Thosr pre. rnt wc•t't' the sPnator and hi. "ifP. formPrl,,· ThPlma Hos<'. Oovt>rnor Georg-e LI'P and his wifP (fm·mcrly < 'onst anc·t' l.Jloyclc•), Dr. and l\Irs. Lt't>ta Burrows ,J en· is. I.Jawycr :\Iax 'fhompson and his wifl' (fornwrly D01·oth~ Stanforcl). Mr. ancl :\Irs. ,J. Heath. the latto•r fornwrly lrf'IH'. t~an. "B.'· tlw hill hoarcl I src that \Iilton I•'la<'k i. nwnagrr of a nrw Orphenm c·omtHill~ "hic•h is staning Phyllis Hitch :mel lwr <·horn .. Imcillc Jim,·f'. ReIJ,.c•t•<t Kapla1t, ('eeil Kitc·h. Irma :\Te.\rty. !<:<lith Osborne. Lillian Rohin.·on. Zt•lma Pan!, ~\lma • 'ofl'tz. ancl tlw Konraclt triplC'ts. ·' ( ·arlylt' :\1 pskimt'Jl was alwa~ s fond of hPlping ot hPrs and now hr is cloing his ht>sf to aiel thP \V01·lcl of Homancc hr ronclnctin:r thr IIon.·p of Dreams, wlH•rt> h<' holcl.· tlw position a~ lH'at·t mrnclcr. • 'ome of' thosr mo:t h<>nt>fitrd are Flort•tJC'I' ~Iit<'hPll. Fn•dt>riC'k :\Ion Pl. JTp)pn :\lrt'Cf'r. Archil' !IOJ·cl. and Hnth LPno ... '·For latPst fa hion. tlw \Vast•ht>r-Taylor ,'hop on :\Iichi!!·an aYcnnc e.·c•l. all. For thc•it· . prin:: otwning :\Ii sps Huth \V •aYC'r, \'clma ,'ehnltz. Marian Hic·hlt't', ancl I•'rNla Orons will aC'I as mo<h•Is. \Ve know that :Jli:se Jane Koo:rll'r :111cl :'IIC't'<'Y Bt·ining YisitP<l this shop l>Pforp h•aying this <'Ountry for tiH• Fiji blmlds, \\'ht•r·p t ht'.'' will "ork as mi sionaril's-connrt in!! th cannortht>t'll sprin:: <'. i. f. track. 1'~'". York, <lnnwstic 1 :.f41~: no. ~. har<l winter f. o. h 1.:2()1:!; Corn no. 2 yellow<'. i. f. tr:H·k all by rail, 9!J%; Oats; spot, quiet; no. :2. white, i5 c. "You all rC'memlwr what a sympathetic hoy I.Jowdl Kammerer was "·hen

in hi!!h . c>hool. Tt SI'Pms that thi. charac>tl'ristic has drvclopl'rl a. he was Sf'cn Ia ·t wrrk up in a tree hnilfling nr t for the hirrl .. "~Iiss Ruth ,T<'t<'r again won faml' as a hC'anty whC'n . h<' took first prize m thP .\11 \YPstPrn BPauty onh' 't. winnm!! a 'ash ·cvPn-pa ·:pngcr .·erlan aml an Pntranc>r into moviPlaml at Jioll~·wood. • 1H' is c>ontcmplating more serious}~· 011 H<'l'eptin!.! an offer a· prima donna in a notrcl oprra compan~·. ".\t prc>sPJlt. the nott>1l RP\'Pl'C'lHl ~Ic>Krl'n i · lrading cwangeli ·tic liH.•rtin!.!s in ('hampaign. His rlocpwnt srrmons comhinNl with his aclmirahlP prrsonality arP winuin!! many onls. Assist in!! him in his !!I'PHt t•JidPavor ar·p Frank .:\I ills. tlw 1·hm•istPr. and hi "ift•. 1\mw ('lan· .:\JitfPJHlnJ·f :\Tills, "·ho <H'I'Oil1JHllliP · hi Ill at thP Or!.!an. ·' T havc> hPcn tolrl that Rn ·spl Pulliam is still happy and single aml i: the (lonstahlP nt ~ H\oy·. ,,,.. ' .. - ..... Rta1ion T~T,.Z --.:\liss ,.Hon1i T~iPrnH!n will now IIomP Fi1·es Hn1·ning! -Tust a monwnt. plPase. ·'The announcPment has hPPn maclc that the A mc>ric>an rrprpspnf at iv!'s in tlH' Ol~·mpic ganws at th<' lsland of Bornc>o arc> Yirgil , '"·raringc>n. lightwright <'ham pion of ho ·in!!. III' will lw ac>c•ompaniccl h~· Danic>l Ro ·s :\TiliPr who will l'aJ-r~· r ·tra spongP ·. aml Frank Pratt who has a rrc>onl in high jumping, also ( 'larPlH'P PlotnPr alHl his no. 2 harcl "·intrr f. o. h-.·x '"'•••• ~---known to u: as 2\Tary .\nn ('nstrr. A party of four <'Onplrs, .:\Tr. F. ('onovPr ancl hi· wifr( formrrl~· Dorcthy , C'lmltz , l\fr. aml Trs. Ro~· Evan., prr.·. RYans was for·mprl~· :\I ilclrl'tl ~n~ <kl' . Dr. Ho~· \Yilliam and his "·it'P. ':\Ir.. Lni . fr'wart \\'"illiam., all<l La"~·rr ITiggin· ancl his wifP. Rloisl' Bl'rhanm IIi~!!ins. who havr hP<'n SJWlHlin!! num~· months ahroatl. will att<'ml thr lllPet. "If yon arP womlPrin!.! whrrr to sencl ~·onr chilclrcn for finishing :chool J "i ·h to J'('<·ommrml the Ranclolph • 'pmimw~·. Thr~· havr an r.·c>pllent facnlt~·. thJ·c•p mPmhPrs of which are graclnat<'s of thr class of '24. :\!iss Rnth Plotn r i.· Dean of \YnmPn "·hile Mi. · Thra Ostrrhnr i · an instructor in mathrmatic . TTPr si.·tl'r ElsiP has C'har!!l' of thP Physical Train in!! J)ppartmrnt. '' . im•p you haY<' h<'arcl ~·om· history rPlatl'tl, if yon will tune in to . 'tation ( T . .fpffprson it~·. :.\Ti.· ·onri .• 'tat I' Pri. on, ~·on will lwar thr jazz orche:tra of tlw prison flirrl'tPd h~· Alvr<'s Fl~·nn. who was imprisonNl for hi~am~', and hi as. i tant ·. ,John Tn<"ker an<l Bill B<'rr~·nwn .Tn t a momrnt. plea· ! I ,ilL t rr<'Pived a trlrgram from Eml'rson Blan<'rtt. who i. now in London . . aying he enjoy c1 the program this evenin~ very much. Tbi. i. , tation GIL . hampaign Hi~h ._ chool. Champai~n. Illinoi., now si~ning off until :4f> tomorrow ni~ht. \\.,. e hope yon havr l'n,ioyed onr program this ewning. Goocl night. T;or,A l\h . ·s Rl Trr Oone. ·

,Jr:\ lOR


StxTn Row: White, Bullock, .:\lannin~:. Burt, Schwartl, Borah, ~1iller, Ounrllo••k, h.riiPy, \'an <ium . }'n·nt Row: Rirhman, l,i.,rman, (;ounLlo•, ::ihewultor, Bog:~rd, Carson, SdoofT1t•ld, <'urtls, )!c('nllistcr, .Tneob;, Oglt•tret', \\'ool..y, Brinhnca, Stout, llylolnd, l:.-erett, Kinc:~id, ~!inor. . Fol'K1'll Rnw: ::ioudt•r, Collins, ::itickro•l, Royal, Smotll, Hughes, Davis, ::IIc:\eill, O'Donnell, nunniog, Brady, Funkhouser, Stiegcmey<•r, llunne, <Iarrison, )IIttau, Ht•itz, ('lark, Bl:ork. THIKD Row. )lull, ,Tesst!t', lluwling, Browndl. l'arh, Houston, B:1k11r, D uhsun, Songer, Oshorne, .\Inlligan, Powt•ll, l!ammPrsmith. !"Et'OND How: J.nsner, .\lunst•n, Fonte, l!ut~hinson, :Schultz, \\'yntt, Brookbank, Bowen, ::icott, Wolfe, Long, \'uky, Stro•k .\!ussen, .\le•llock, McGinty, Schott, !'unn, Seaton. Barber, Tucker. FIR'T How: :Sten.us, Baker. )!c<:ruuul! .•n, <:It•nn, S•·hm:•lhau•e'l, Frison, Parkhill, Wilcox, Pcrct.-al, :l!d'owu, lloo,·er, Stunner, EhlPr, Brumley, Go<lll man, \\'ilske, Qniulun, :Soluu, l.ec<h

Junior Class Officers FRED


Iln \





\·tc•p Pn•sidPnt

:-\E \TO;\'

LE. ·oRE \YoLt'F

~t'<' I" PI a 1".\·

!{oht>t't KPllt•y


Junior Class Honor Roll fiazPI BakPr

FnmrPs )fprrPr

llarolcl Bc•nn<>tt Ka nna Uolrl<>n

\\'mona :\Iori!Hn :\I arg-a rl't OshonH' IIPI<'n (~uinlan

.Ina ll it a II a mnw •· Edith IIndnnt I>a' icl .Jarobl'; Rolwrt Kl'lley ~Iat·ion Kincaid

)!arion . '<'ott )Jarl!ar<'t HPaton Anna ~olon Estlwr . 'tNl<'m Barbara HtiPI!Pmt"~·t"r .\lpha Yak~ JJI'llH \\•i]skP

~Iar.'· Lal'lwnmy~r

.\lic•p ~Idlint~· LonisP :'.f<'Granahan Wolff

The Class of 1925 Th<' <·las. of 1 !J~.) <'OJlttllllC'S to lw sn<'<'<'SSflll hc•c•atJ. ·<· it has always hP<'n !!OY<•nwd h.\' Pfl'i<·i<·nf offic•Pt's . h1 Oil!' f'rPslnnan yPar. tlw ofl'ic· ial "<'I'<' .TanH• :.\Ta.ior. j)I'P.· icfcont: D;n· id .Ja<•ohs, \' i<'P· Pl'PsidPnt: ,\Tat'.'' Holwrfs. S<'I'I'Pfat',\ ': and <'l<ln'JH'<' ~hP\\alfPt', trPasltr<· r. !•'rom fh<· :w.> f'n•shnll•n, t\\<'nt,,·- <'ig·hf \\'('l'P. on f lw honor roll. For tlw y<'ar 1!l:2~ and 1fl~:l, \\!' Pl<'<'fPd Thoma · :\lc·. Pill. prPsidPnt: lhtYid .Jarohs. Yi<'<'-prPsidPJlt: GnH'<' Parkhill, S<'<'t'dm·~· ; ancl <l<'J1<'Yi!'\'<' !<'rison , tr<'asnrc•r. Tlw c•lass mtmh<•n•cl ~~0. '!'his ;-.<'ar. Olll' 17~ llll'llllH•t·s \\'PI"!' !.!'OYI'l'lll'd h;-.· Ft·l'd IT;-.·l:md. pl'PsidPnt; :.\I:trgarl'f ~<·aton. \ ' irP-prPsidc•nt: LPnOr<' \Yolff. S<'<'r<'tary: and Hoh!'l'f K Pll<';-.' rnliPc·tPd o11r dim<' for thl' :\htwo · pi<·tlln'. Fmn·ti'Pn of thi Jar!!!' !!l'Ollp maintainPd thPir high standarcL· and a!!ain J'<'<'<'iYPcl a <'O\'Pf<'d plac•p 011 thl' hwto1· roll. <'lass pins WC']'(' s<'l('(/•<'11 h.'· a rommitt<'<' ronsistin!! of 0<'01'!!1' Davis, c•hairlllllll. Lois Bmokhank. Panlin<' P<·t·l'i,·al. ancl Thomas :\I<· · Ptll. .\notlH•r r!'ason for thP popnlarity of thP. <"lass liPs in th<' fa<'t that a hll'!!P Hllmlwr of onr mc•mlwrs ha' <' PntPrPcl into Yarions srhool activit iPs, most of tht>sP J1f'rsons lH•!!inn in!! tlwir <'HI'PC'I'S in th!'sC' <•nt<'rpri c•s as frps]unPll. For p ·ampl<'. Holwrt Kc•ll<·.'·. who is no\\ Pclitor for onr class 011 th<' :.\f\fwo. · staff. lwg;m his lit<'r:ll'.'' wm·k in his fir t ,\'<'HI' in hi!!h s<•hool. \'<'t'H Ilntc·hinson \\as th<' -Tttniot· c•ditm· of tlw .l!olu·ulr ancl hP i. no\\ a ·so<"iatP Pditor of tlw :\J uwo. ·. ancl th<' JH'Psid<'nt of thP Latin ('Jnh. \Yhil<• sjwaking of <•lnhs. it mi!!ht h<' saicl that Yir!!inia BmYPn ]H"Psicl!'s OY<'I' thP Fr!'nrh Clnh. \\ralt<'r Pankan. 1 fl24 foot hall rapt a in. al o r<>pt'P Pllts tlw .Junior <"las. as a IPadPJ'. 'mnPJ'Oils othPI' offi<'<'s HI'<' filiPcl h.'· .Jnniors in difl'c•n•nt or!!anizations. Onr rlass is W<'ll rPpr<•spnfP<l in dnunatirs. \\~p at·<' sixtPC'n strong in tlw \Yig aml Paint ('lnh. DalP Rtont and .John \\"right took prominent parts in last yl'ar 's pla~·. '' Tlw Charm • C'hool. '' an<l \H' ran hoast of having S<'Pil tlwse .Juniors in "('har]py's ~\nnt." \\ hi<"h was JH'<'S<'nfpc] in .Jmmar.', 1fl2+. T;P.nOr<' \\~olll' \Yas tlw SIH'<'Ps fnl ~<'t·polPttP in tlw opera • · ( 'hinw.· of' 'onnandy.'' ~\nd too. then• are .Tnniors in the Banet .Tnnior. in the OrchPstra, .Tnniors in th<' Glrp Clnhs: to hf' ln·i<'f, .Tnniors arf' PYPr~·wh!'r<' . . \thl<'tic•s 11111 t not h<' mnitf<'d as if plays a laq.!P pat•f in tit<• livPs of Olll' !!I'OliJl. Onr foot hall t<'am was strPngthPnPcl h.'· \Valt<'r Pankau. ('Jari'JH'f' • ']1(' '"altPr. Ross Carson. DonnPll.'· GamhlP. I;Pst<'r .Janwson. I<'rl'cl Hyland aml Eclwin Kcnn<'y. 'l'hf' hask<'thall fPam is proncl to fl(•<·laim thrPP .Juniors this yl'ar. Dmnwll.'· Oa111hlP, l•'rPd TT.vl:llld. and l•'nlllk :\Tc•('allisfl'r. Tlw first '' (' '' that was giYPn in ('ros Connt 1'." 'l'rark .:\fppf \Yas :nntr<l('(l to a .Junior. ('lwstPr • ti<·krocl. .·Pxt ~'<'Cll'. as ,'pniors, tlw rPsponsihilit~· of SPiting an <'xamplP forth<' yonng(•J' rla.·sps \\ill lw plarPll npon onr shonlcli'J's, hnt. with thf' f' 'Jll'riPnc•p nf fonn<'r .''l'ar.·. we intPIHl to lw prPparPcl to JWrform this duty. Ht Til .:\Ior.I,.


Junior Statistics ;),1.

n o~ s

irl ll o nol' • ' t ucl .. nt. <' l;t .· \\.01'1'.'' < ' Ia s l't P \1' Offi<'t' l' · of { '. IT. , ' . ('!nbs \flli!'t t•d \\ PHI'PI'.' of tortoi . I' Po. pssors of l'lll'ly lcH'k.




nHlPs .\hwtH'I' Nltps ( 1

10 Pc pul;tr opinion non<• \•arit>s "ith wt>athPr


hoy ;\lo t a1 hlPt i1· g-irls <'lass I at it u<lP ('las · longitndP Book worm <' Ia s hillgP

.TamP. :\Ta.int·. Frrd Hyland ;\f;n·ion Bro\\ rwll. P1·is<•iliH \\.ili'OX Ba1·hara . 't iPgPnwyc•r \Ya.'' lll' Dc•Long c: .. org<' (,ruhh Ed KPlllll',\'

l\I ost popnla r hoy

nporgt' lhn·is \Yalkt•t· <:unning Lois Bl'llokhank :\Iat·y Louise l\£1·<: ntnahan Dmwll<'.'' <:amhlt• \"pt·a llttl<'hinson E. ·tlll'r {'hanws Rolwrt Kt>lll'.' Helen Quinlan. L<'l1<1 \\"il . . kt• Dalt> • tout

~\ 1h lt>tll'

11 anclsonw t ho.'· :\lost popular girl Prl't t il'st girl PPppiPst hO,\' LiYrlirst girl ('la .·s Poctrss ('lass • 'hark Gold -dust Twins ('lass Talent 'APE

. harlottr DaY { Ralph ,Jun<'


}<"'orl'st OakPs

TrPPs \YatPI'


1 Gladys l;ak\> - ~ Brooks \Yoollt•y :\linnic \Yells Rnth Parks { GracP Parkhill Frl' l Ih land Earl Pa~lfiPlcl BcrnieP Tanncrhill

J l



J;orptta \Yolfc

) Che ter Ntickrod - 1 !Jamar OgletrPe

l Loi


.JOKER <'Ia. sl(• f<>Pt ( 'Ia s 1w·simist ('lass opt inu t TP1H'IH•rs' jokP ('lass giggiPJ' ('lass gossipPr

( 'orrst aJH'P Foot P I•'ntnl· .:\l<'<'allistpr· l>;n·id .J ac·ohs ~r.' ra , 'c·hnwlhaJL'<'ll \"11·gi 11 ia Bowpn Opal <lprs<·h" ill<>r loldi<' Houston

( 1

('lass ri<'llPs

IIar'l',\' W<•hman Kar·ma OolrlPn Lt>st<>r .Jaml' on Hnth Pan!,!horn

I Pst-rwturPd ))1),\' BP. 1-natur<>d girl

Cia. s ma. cot

IIazp] BnuH~ A g"II<'S Nong-PJ' Pauline Bak<>r Loni ·a Barh<>r l•'n•cl :'IIi liP!' .{ llPlPn TuckPr Mari<> :\Iirwr

('lass Yocalist

('las <'raftsnwn

• \ . ••. \

• OJ () •


] unior Class RoZZ GIRL. Amshary, \Vinifrerl Armstrong, ~filrl rP<l A"<man, • ~-billa Baker. Hazel ·Bak!'r, Paulin!' Barnarrl, Ruth BarlH'r, Loui:a Blaek, Irma Bow!'n, Virginia Rr:uly, .Tosephin!' Bn~·kt'Hri•lf.{!', Ltll'illt Brookhank, Lois Browrwll, :\farion Brumley, Edna BruHl', I I:tzl•l Burk, (; rac·c ~fa ric <'ha rnes, E ·t her C'hatm:111, Lillian

('lark, Laurel Conn, (; l:ulys Dillman, :\Tar~ [lowlillf.{, l·'lon·nc·P lluhsnn, ,\lerriam Ehlpr·, :\!ilrln•cl EllrH's, .\I a rga rPt EYPrt'tt, \',•rna i''is•·us, Anna hPI Fh•minf.{, ('ath• riru• Fontl', ('on:t:tli!'P !~.,rison,

(;( 1 Jlt'' iP\'f.l'

1-'unkhotls(•r, !loris narrison, Thelma (lersc•hwillpr·, Opal (;Jcnn, )fary :\Targarct (;ol<h•n, Karma Goodman, A li!'P

1 21

l'l'nn, Huth l'pn·i,·al, l'anlitH' l'o\\ I'll, ~Iary lonl' l'rit• , liden Quiulnn, llt•h·n :-;..Juualhausl'll, .\1~ ra ::-;cJwfield, Emih !-'c holt, Lom l' • 1-'tott, :\ludou :,;,.atoll, .\lurgarct :,;pifz. Huth !-'hurt z, Hlu•hn :-;ntilh, Ltu·illt•

II ammPr, .J nan it a llanmwn<mtth, I>orothy II azh•ton, ~fild rPcl llcfl\•lfingt'r, Lob II ic•kprucll, I rt'tH' lloon•r, Hacht•l llndnnt, Edith II n!t'hinsoll, \'pra lng-1 , lloroth) t'C, Pn.y .lout;;;, ,Jo. t~phiue


,Jordan, lloroth' l'int·:ud, ~lano.11 1-irl,nt:tn, <tludys L.ll'h• nm~ t•r, \I a r~

!-'olon, .Auua ~ollgl•t·, .A~up~

:.--;pitznag-l'l, ~lary :-;tannt•r, Opal

(,,, ll<'r, ~liloln•tl

Lel', Bl•rnit·c Lo•cd., (;]ad.vs I ,Jo.' olt•, .\l:u·jorit• Long, lll•l(•n \le< 'own, Hut It \ld.iHty, Alit·(' \ld.Jadt•, llorolh\· .\Jp(: ran·than, Lo;tisc \lallory, Lilis ~lnrtiu, ('hristinc \I int•r, .\laril' ~loll, Hnth .\lorga11, \\'inona lulligaH, ~largarl'l \lun~ou, Luui .,. onuau, !loti (hhorll<', ~largarl't l'nnghorn, Huth l':trldtill, <:rat·t• !'arks, Huth


'tPclt•lu, g,.ther

1-'t l'phen. ·• Acldc • 'I it•gt'IIH')'et·, Barbara ,'trodl', Hogcnc Tlmt. h, Tela 'l'tu·kt•r, llt·lcu Vaky, Alpha \-ric.:kruy, (ieue\ a \\'t·hsiPr, Hoherta \\'p]] , ~linnit•

\\'ilwl, l>orothv \\'ilt·o.·, l'rist"iita \\'ilskt•, Lina \\'olff, Lenon• \\' olft•, Lord ta \\'om:H·ks, Huth \\'oodiu, Elithc \\'yatt, .\laxinc \ oung, Euuit-e


l'\ilgon•, l'aul .\ld'allistt•r, Fr:tnk ~It•. 'pill, Thomas ~lajur, .Jamt•s \Ia. "Pll, Ut•orgt• ~lt•nifil'ld, Hannoud .\1 illt•r, I•' red · \linor, Earl • t•sntith, Halph () '( 'ouuor, ,John ( 1 'I louut•ll, I>onaltl () 'llonn<'ll, .Josl'ph Oglt•lt<'t', Latnat· Hidtnt:ttt, llarn :_..;,. h" a 1'1 z. Fr:u;k :-.ht•\Htltl't·, C'lan•ttt·e ~ptlJH'l'l., To1u Nt il'lnod, ( 'hl's!t•t· Ta lm:ulgt•, !-'tt•\\ :t rt \'au ('ura, Havntotul \'a udt•nua rk. \\' t•udt•ll \\'wlolt•low, Flcn tl \\'a i ns<·ot t, ,J oh;t

A llt•tu:ttt, .Johtt ,\ ppiP, \\'alkl•t· B:t. lt•r, Lt·o Bt•nnt•tt, llarold Borah, Lt•onn nl ('a not ht•rs, Olt'tt ( hri.·tit•, Httl>t•rl ('latk, \\':tiT('n l>aulo{ht•rty, ('ltat·lt-~ I lads, Ot•orgt• I la \is, ,Julius llt•Long, \\'ayttl' l•'lt•tttittg, llt'rlll'l'( l•'ntilt•,·. lla rold Fn·d••i·it·k. ott, l>:n id <.:tttthlt•, I >ounPih l;rubh, (;t•orgt• ~ (;ltuttilllo(, \\'alkt•r llarwl'll, .John llpu ·lt•t·, Fn·d lluon•t·, !-'<·ot I II~ laud, l•'rl'd<•rit·k .Jat·ohs, lla\'icl .Johnsott, Edwanl K:tplatt, Ul•orgt• l'\l'llt•v, Hoht•t·t I t·slt;t., \'i rgil

\\'pt'dPn. Ueorgl'

\\'hill', Hoy \\'isl', Lt•o \\'no• I ruff, :\lariott



SOPIIO:\lORE .::-;~;n:'\TH

How :

LnffPTty, Lh>)·dp, H. lii>hH, llurh, E. (,


\\ rbbt•r, H


Burke, Colt-, l'•n 'ont•, :l!ittt·ndorf, C:onowr, Shnw, X

::uuL ('arJcH·k, Burtu~tt. lrwiu. :,;axTH How · Christi!\ J.ind~ay, Harris, H . Brown, Flowers, Mayes, Derment, ~'nb~rt, Bel<haw, <

)!.,yer, Fisher, McCiel

!'nrpl'r, \"est, Anolrt•ws, l!oltl , Gruhb, Burke, ('unning

hnm, Boone, Arrht•r ~'H'TII How : 'J'yl..r, }', L<·e. Cnnl~r. Kruse, Lan<den, Neid~ffer, Hampel, Pat!t•"on, Dunlap, Cox, BennPtt, Lit tit•, Gnrmes, GwJDn , ForttTil How. Nicholson, Huston, Mittendorf, Shreve, Spencer, l'rettyman , Rnnkin, l>anit•l,, l'~ttyjnhn, Brooks, Lawllt'ad , \",•st, Fo,naugh, }lord, O'Bryon, Stie~:t·me)'l'r, X. Kirby. Tli!RJ> J<,-,w Stumt•f, Sunderland, Cooper, Edwords, Dale, Minard, Weinheimer, l:beling, Steward, Barn<, Noonan, P. Lee, Robbins, Meyers, Hay, Gerdes, Biehl, :0.1 Kirby, Brid!!ham St:coxi> How : ('lnqomnn, P. Brown, Reid , Stoolman, Boudreau, Nash, Ashcraft, Tichenor, Clin~. 1'1lou, Fluck, Dubson, Peterson, Stott!, Grein, Blaine.

T\ll'kftr, ~C'hrE>i . Fnts1' How ,\\\t•n, ll«q·kins

Di(·kt•y, :\founhun, Auld, Stah•y, Conover, '\Vilson, Brining, Larry, Srott,




Hacker, Mc.A rty,

Ri cket1s,


Sophomore Class Officers Jt \Y\10

President \. icc-Presidcn t

[) J;'JSIII:I1

Ht " l'll ~IIHEn:

I )()J{()'IIII '[' \1{:-iO


~l'C n•t ary 'l'rcasun•r

I h . ' JELS


Sophomore Honor RaZZ "'laq!art't ('ox \\.t'sa I l<tlt• Hu·hard lhllllap ll't'llt' EhPiillt:" \'irg"inia Edw;IJ'(Is i\lax l•'lm\Prs J<'a_\ (' ,J oh II SOli I) 1'1 \t'l' Li ndst'.\' ort o11 .:.ron·hotlsl' Ull'IISOJI .:.ll'yt•rs Edith . ·l'ldPil'er

.\liec Eug-enia • Ol'llHUl \ ll'g"inia Patterson .:.r ary H<w Pl'l prsou ,Jp siP :\h· · l'il, 'mith Ettg'l'llC ~oudt•l' Louise St it•g"t'lllt'.\'l'l' J;jlizahl'th ~tool111all Ralph 'l'odd \\~t'hst l'l' 'l'lll'l't•ll Tar. on \\.ilt·.v <ll'OI'g'l' \\.dsoll Doroth.\ \\·or,.;ham

Class History <'rl;n.·: Thl' IIigh Nt•hool 11•:-;torian of tlw \gp:-; a11<l II is A·. istant. 'l'DIJ.: \Vhen thl' histoQ of thl' most famou. Iligh N<·hool of all tim!' is being "1·it ten. PL <E: topia. 11 \H

Ili.tOI·ian: l haV<' <'mupiPtPd my hook I'm· thP l!l2-l .A. D. with th • P.·ception of a ;~ophomore class-the OIH' whieh graduates in '26. Can you give me the nanw of a rpprt>s<'llt at iYP :-;ophmuorP <·la:-;s? 1.\ i tant ('' ho ha:-; IH'l'll «'lli!Prly n·ading '' (lreat P<·oplt> of the Future"): Oh, ir, I would uggest that of ( hampaign High 'chool, by all mean.. I have just IH'<'ll reading this hook, and it ~-;ays that l'Vl'll a.·. ophomon•s, many stndPnt of('. rr. 8. havt' l'Ollll' into :,rn·at Jll"Olllill!'l)('('. It add that SOil}(' of tlw gr•atest llll'll and \\omen of tomorrow will gradual\• with that elas. liist.: How many memhPrs has it? \sst.: T" o hnlHlred and sixty. llist.: \\'ho arc the past and pn•spnt offi<·ial leader·! .\s ·t.: Durlll:,r tlw fir:-;t year Davi<l \'an Don•n was pn•sidt>nt. }Ielha Boudreau, Yice-presid •nt; Betty Prettyman, s •crPt~u·~·: and :\la•·y Spencer, t rea nrer. In tlwi r :-;ophomor • year Haymond Fi:-;hcr was p]ected president; Hnth hrev Yi<'e-prt•:-;ident: Dorothea Daniels, :-;ecretary; and Tar. on \\'iley, trea nrer. IIi t.: Do tlu·y takl' clll a<·tiVl' int!'rl'st in th<· afl'airs of the sdwol ~ .\s.·t.: I fill< I t h<· elass of '2() l'Oitlpletely n•pn•s<·ntP<l in <•very high sdwol or:,ranizat ion \\'i:,r and Paitlt, (~uill ( 'lnh, l•'on•ign Lan:,rnage ( 'lnhs, ( 'ookin~ ( 'lnh, and ( 'omlll<'l't•ial ( 'lnh. \ \'hen ( 'hampai:,rn play: anotlwr :-;chool ': t<•am tht>rP i always a hu·gp JH'r<'Piltagp of '2() then•, 'rooting for the tPam, and supporting- 1hl' st·hool loyally. llist.: Do mmty of its lll<'llllH'rs go out for athletit•s. As. ·t. . Yes, ·ir. They ha \ c seY •ral '' '' men even now: Arthur Denman, Hay 1<'1. IH·r, .John Lierman, \VehstPr TmTPll, mul Tarson \Yiley. ThPn• an• . m1w go<Hl pro. JH'l'ts among tlwm for the t<·ams ll<'.·t year. In the haskl't hall SpePdway 'l'ntn·mmwnt. t hP sophomm·p t pam. taking t lw naJIIC of NtllllPhak<•r, t'HlllP through as wimH•J's. Th<· hmw•· of playing tht• · ·•\ll-~uu·" Fat·ult y t cam t lwrpfon• dt•volYed 11 pon t lwm. The boy. \Yon hy a S('Orl' of' } !J t 0 1-l. 'l'hP girls at'<' JH'JlJlY and t•nerget i<• aud al\\ ays l'<'<Hly to join in some new pro.i<'<'t of the 0 .•\ .•\ . •\nna }lc.\rt~ 's YOll<'."·h:tll team was Yi<·toriou 0\'t••· all otht>r ophomort> Hll<l freshman t<•ams t hi. y<•aJ'. llist.: ..:\h! Yl'l',\' well, so far; hnt "<' mu t not forgl't 1lw most YHluahle asset of all good s<·holarship. A:-;st.: Yon haYc nothing to fear, :-.ir. In their fr shman year they maintain!'<! 1h<' hi:,rhp.·t aY!'rag-r amm1g tlw classp · h~· placin~ t\\'t'nty-five mt>mher. on t hP honor 1'011, and 1his yea1· t Wl'nty-font· . t ud<•n ts ga i!le< l that honor. Jlist.: ~hHl do yon IH'rsonally heli<'Yl' that this class surpasses all other . ophmnorp elassl's of tht• past yt>ar? .\sst.: Yes, ind!'l'<L That is my opinion. liist. · .And I , the High Ndwol IIi ·torian of th ~\ ges. agree with you. E,.Jz.\BITII • 'Toor,:..r.\.·. Sl:rtv s


SophomoPe Roll BOY •.' Awlrew .. ( harh· '' Oh, cry out lom1. '' Arl'ltPr, l'anl- ' •. nre, I gone . o. '' A man, Hal ph ''. 'ot here.'' B:ul<ldt•y, Philip • • Think sof '' Bakt•r, C:h•uu '• llon 't !.1'-'k nu•. '' Bl'l,Jmw, L '' i ''That' ~ood euon~h for lit tic I.'' Bt>t z, IIaroltl '• Yon It II \'Ill." Bl:u·klnlrll, :-;UIIIIH'f I . lim\ a 'ja likl' it '' Bo~anl, Ilnmpton '• Ilurry up.'' Bomtl', !:'nmmit • • I will aft• r ''hill'.'' Dnuly, Arthur-'' \ly ~oochu· '' Bridghnm, F 'IIIH'r "\\'h,•n I wn ·in Italy-" B1 i11kema, Hobert '• II ow clo ~ ou ~t't hat \\tl) , ,

Broom, Yiq~il 'I !lot clog.'' Brown, Bora •"--' • Hight uwuy.'' Bro\\ 11, Louis • • \\'ht•ll ,•an you '' Bu h .•J mue ", hall I ~l't n lip " B111 k, < haune•'Y • • \\'••11. for •·r~ out lotul.'' Burk•·· Hobert •' Forg•'t ahout it.'' Burkl', Hu..sl'll • • I lallo! '' Burt. <~harJ,•s 1 • I <lOll 't. '' Curlo,•k, L('(' 1 • \\hat ,Jj,J you get in IIi.· tor~ <'~np~.:r,


< l)'dt' '' I 'II t r;-· it. nn,yw:1;>.'' ('ar·on, Hoss ''That's all.'' < offcy. \\'niter • • Hm~ off.'' Colt•, Ilnrr: • • lll'llo, !"tar.'' ('ollill'-', (;COl'!!<' •' I forgot.'' ( 'n ighton. <'u rt i,., "< 'omc on." ('nnniuglcant. • e\\ton •' 'J'lwt '· what thou~bt. '' <,nrti""~ En~eue. '~ Ilo"· i~ it '' ll,•nnl:lll, .\rthu1· • • You tdl 'em. ·tn tc:>r. '' TlPrmPnt, llnn•m ••(;olJ~· o' Fish hooks.'' I lo)cl, <'ah in • • .J u t 011 mon•. 1'1• c1. I Inn lap. Hi,•hartl • • Timt•. plcast•. '' l~r\\~iu. 'l"r:l\(•r ~~~ . . ot ~uilty.'' Fahcrt, Elwood • •. 'ot ary CHil'. ' ' Ft•rgu on, <'har)p,., '•. othing diffl'rent.'' l'i her, Hnymoncl • • 'I hat' m~· drl. '' !'lower,., :\[a. • • Ab so lull' I~·.'' <·ihnau, \\'illiam ••. Parl'11mc.'' <•inz, ...\rtl1ur ~'Let' ~o nn.'' <.od-.t·~. llnrQ " .. 'othing- PI e prc,·iou " (;rubh, Carl '' I~Pt' l•at.'' <>UIHllol'k, Ha~ JUOIId •' \\"lw ' the IJ,IIlJl llall, ('JmrJe,., "That don't <'lit :111~· i•·P." llall, (,Jt 1111 "<.ot your <ho111elry " II amptl. J:Jmer · • \\',•11. tlmt' tou~h luck.'' Ilnnh' h•y. Colonll '• That's all ri~ht." llarri , \\'arrcn-• • lion 't "k lll<'.'' Ilou~hl'l', ;\[a · • • I'll bill'.'' !I ill, .\ lht'rt • • Quit 'ot.'' II in co.:, Fr('d-''. 'nrc.'' Hopkin , Thom. •' lime ou go )OUr Lati11f''

llu;.!h l'nnl "<:oo•ln " .Jn<·k on, <'ortll'liu "~ure, g'O nh acl." .J aJIIt'sOII, L<' t t'r "L '11<1 mo n uickcl." .Job11sou, \!~ rli11 • 'II clio, Buld:-." .Joltn ou. Hi,•hanl • • Yon wo11't hn\'1• to t II JllP.''

.J olmsoll, \\ Jlhnm • •. oJ•C'. '' .Jum•. Hnlph ''You tl'll 'em. kid.'' 1· Pnnc~. Ft!" iu • • I 1 •n 't h• o low.'' KPuHey. l'arn•ll ''<.oh.'' Kirb~·. :\ln. w II • • <:nod ••uougb. '' Ko h. llallllin • •. ow, ~ou.'' La11;,:, 0 1 ar • • For •· r~ out lour!.'' La11;,:hoff. Ehul'r Pardi me.'' 1.: 11 ~. Llo~·dp " II uh " Lt•slit•, ]):lllil'l '•. 'ar~ a hit.'' Li I IIIaH • •John • • <•ood m~ht.'' Liluba~. llrht•r "Oh'" Llo:·tl . . John ''(:o alll'atl.'' Lou~. :\laurit•c • • Bo~·. '' .\ld'll'llaud. Hobert ••'J'hu·c slu i '' ;\l<·llwaiiH', \\'n.''lll" • • Bi;.: hc·1rt<•d simon.'' :\lcl"ll' . • John "Bush\\all h"' ~1,· .. '9"piJ). t~tl '~I '•l a~'!'' :\Ia~•·•·· llnrr~ • • I t'olll•ln 't ~~ t it. 1 ' ;\lar"hall. .Jo, ph • • llnw <i 'ja figure it ;\I art in, \\'illia111 • 'lim\ should I kilo\\ '' :\Ia;> ... ),e-..lit• •• \\'hat d 'jn say, bo~ I' :\IPITifiPhl. ll••11r~ • • Bt'l'll to the offiCt'. '' 2\IP: t·r-. .. n' il'l" '' Y"on tt•ll 't~nl. '' :\lit tcndnrf .•John · • Oh, ~·ou u·otlld. '' :\lorPhou c, .. 'orton "I h·nc nil thl' bn•l lut·k. '' ;\lucllcr. \\'illia111 • • Tilue for tIt<' hell '' J._

\1 ~ t•rs, (.J I 'llsOU • • T ~\Hs..,. . 0.'' (l'lloHnl'll, <'h•ti '')Ph.''

Ol on. <:ill•t•rt • 'llor e t•oll,lr. '' l'a11kau. \Yaltl'r •• \\'til. that' tnu~h.'' l'l'llll~. ,\ rt hur '•. ot 11111~ • lsc hut.'' l'itkl'n. LeHoy "llunll~." l'nttt•r, Ho~· r •• Oh, I 'm 110 s(l Ill'('.' I J 'rilllllll'l', L~ h • • I '111 not prl'pnrec'l.'' Haudolpll, Thomn~ • • \\'hat do ~ ou know '' Holohins, \ug-us • • \\'p]) HolJcrt . \\'1IIiam ( o~luPI t • • t:osh, no.'' amucl m. C'harh s • • I it that '' 'amul'lson, ( .11'1111 • • ..\II ri~ht. '' . an,OIH', .To"• ph •' I '111 not n IHt ha hful. ·' rhrei, \\'alt••• • •, uthingo c'lsc hut.'' St•utnu, .\lt·hin "I'll ay n." h·1w, .John- • • You tell 'em, big- bo~.'' Shook, t~nr\ it·t~' ~:---:a~·. kicl. '' mill• •• Je,-.e :\h•. ·,ill '•. othw' but.'' SotHll•r, J~u~l'H ~'.\fay have n libmr.)

.lip " !:'olllh•r, Luther ''I •lon't kno"·'' tout, llalc "\\'b••rp the nut c:>omc from." • Ug'J::s, Ho)· '' L•••ul lll< some dough. ''

192·1 --------------------~----~

"T •lirln't gP.t it." Tnrrl'll, \\"phstl'f '' (;ot your ~pan ish 11 \ 'lilt, , I lonald '' I tlon 't nwn 11 may h1•. '' "an Doren, ll.n·itl "l likP that. too." \,1r11.1do, lloniPr ''\\'hat •l'ja g-et?'' \ e t, Ho1 l'rt '' \\'ht•n hl' laughs w know he' there.'' \?1 ir t r ( ~f'ot·gr·· ''~una.'' \\ alktr, \rl'hi '' 'l'hiuk o. '' \\, Ill', \\"rPII '' <'au 't lu lp it. ''

•roil I, Rnlph

\ • hh<'r. Ric·hnrd "Right now." \\'p]J, Bnrclt•ttc ''Of t·onr·f'.'' \\"hipph•, !:'hPri•lnn ''llo ltll!'' \\'il··~·. 'farson '• B~ gum! '' \\'illiamson, Etlgar '' '\ly ,\uunlu I!'' \\'il ou, BPrl '' l don't l'nrt:•.'' \\ril..,on, (~(·nr~(\. ~' ,.\ gnod nrgutneut.,' \\"noll<'~·. Brook ''!'au't rlo it.'' \\"ri:::ht, .John ''I lon 't kip it.''


\'l!'n, :\llltlrPd ''llurry up, Lul'ille.'' 1\ultl, \1 i " I , an <In a11~·thing an) bo<ly f'l (' 1':111," Blil<~. lo:tlith "C:ollll gosh." B·1k!'r, lkrni f' '' l,i ·tpu, kitls.'' BarkP•, !l!'rtnult ''I hop<' so.'' Hell. i\l rjorie- ",\rf' yon rpally." Ht•ln It, LUt·illt' "l.ot an p·fniiH'II<'Il." Bil'kc I, l·'rPtla ''Yon 'cl Ill' snrprisl'tl. '' Blain!', lrma ''l'n• forgnltt•n.'' Boot , Ellen '' T shonl•l say 11of! '' Bondrl': u. ;\IPihn ''Holy •·ow 1 ' ' Hcmcr, "\fnry ''For .Johu'· sake.'' llo\\ rna 11, Lola " Tl ot tlog-." BradiP), El·11• '':,\lay I p<'ak to llorothy~ '' Briniug, lnr.'· "llitln't kip '••r." Brook ,


'' Oh.

(;pp! ' '

Bro\111, l·'r:llwi "T should hopr." Burel irk, \"irgiuia '' Y!' , tonight.'' Bnrgf'~s. Oli\'1 "I'll rl'llll'lllhl'r." !'hapmau, :.\lnrlha ''I thought -.he wn. t rnzy.'' C'hnppciiP, :\!a hiP ". ":lfurally!" < hri tn<'r, Ruth "(.o aht•n•l.'' C lint•, .J o ·t>phinP ''I'm l111.·~·. '' C'onl<y, Huth ";\fnmma!" ('ouon'r. ~lil<lrt'tl :\f. "ITPy what tim!" i~ it , OOJH'I', Jo..tlifh '' l'a~ yon h:11·k tomorrow.'' Co , :,\fargarPI ''~w£'t1 t E'"'<'lll"t' of T~ini JnPnt.''

f'ri<JI'r, \\'illit 11 :,\Jy go01liii'S.', 11 Dnle, ""l'sn ''I hnn• nn i<lf'a.'' llnnit•l. llorothPa ' T saw III;\! torl:1~.'' nf'mlow. I •In '' f'ome on, IPI ' go.'' Di1 kP~. Elf'. nor ''I 'n• got it. '' llilhnnn. Fem "\\'Pll. what aJ.nnt it " lluh on, l't arl ''('an 't I I'll 1111' nothiug.'' I >uulnp. Eh•anor '' T wmult•r if T t•oultl. '' llunn, ( t•cil "IIt••·k!" Ea tmnn, <'lara ''I '<1 rat!H•r not.'' Ebeling, lrPII ·o. huh uh' '' l~•h1 nrtls, llorotl1~· •' I :t 111! il'tl t hf' \HOng'

one.'' E<h\nrd~. \'irg-inin

''I 'II a~· h1• •loP ·! '' !;\'1'1'1'111'1', l-:\':1 11 ] hop!' fn tf'Jl )'OU! 11 P rgu 011. f'hri fill( ''Oh, dory!'' Flon•ut·f' '' ('nnw on.'' I 1 h r, Huth "1-'or Pat'· sake." l luck, Dorothea-•' • I c , ' a~·· th' hlintl



l'o·nnngh, <.1:111~~ ''<'an't prn\'t' it by mf'.'' C::rnn , I11ldn ''You eoul•ln 't '' <:nrri ·on, Howhena "\\'I'll, I 'II hP!" <Of'rtl!'s, E1·n "Yon wnnltln 't g1u•s · it." (;rn111ly. Viola -"\\'piJ, 1s that o " <:n•in, Pl'arl "How :IJ'I' ~·on." Jfa,·khnrth, Pauline "Alway: ·tt~~ly llf'\'er "·orry.'' llal'kl•r, Opal "\\'piJ, l'rl hnpf'." Hall, Pauli11e- ". "ot now." HampPI, l r·ula ''Dnmh!'' ITorcl, El~i<' "Oh, Hf':'I\'Cn.·." TTou:ton, l.olclif' "T 'm taki11g my Yirgil home.'' Hurl nut, Jlazp] ''It wns :well!'' ITn.·foll, LP11orc ''Hurrah! for yon.'' .Tohn on, Elizahl'th ''I 'II 11•11 thP <'Ot•kp~·e•l 11·orld.'' .Tohn·on, Fnyc ''If it don't kill lllf', I 'II try ng'ain." .Tohn:on, (,enf'dl.'\1' "You might a well." Kirh~-, :\fary " •Pf'!" Kirkm:111. 1TPII.'n "An• ~·on " Krusf', II!'lt•n-' '. "othiu' l')·p hut!'' Lan~clt•n, Hosf'-" lfo\\ rlumh!" Larr~·. Yirg-inia '' Yl.' gnrl ·. '' La when a, Pearl '' \\"pll-how '. r,·cry· thing-''' La~·man, Lponp '' I 1lon 't mi.· it.'' L!'flhctter, • faurl ''\\'a it a min niP.'' Ll'!', Francps "H.'· .TOY!"!" Let•, l'aulilH' "Oh, sompf inw ·." Lingrec11, Floren!'c-''. ·o\\, let'· rlon 't get <;arl'asfi<'.'' Littlf', ... "cya-" 1 gnP. c;;o.'' . fr.\rty, Anna~' • Oh l Ro~·! '' :\ft·f'nllongh, Eliw hl'l h '' l 'm going to try it.'' :,\(,·:,\lullen, :.\filflrf'tl '' F 'c,·!'n 's sake.'' .\fnjor, Ruth "\\'hf'n " .'\Ianning, Lu<"illc '' 'l'ry it.'' Ia ·fif'l<l, _ farg-nret ''That'· gootl.'' :\lt•tllcH·k, Kathryn "\\'p h:11l a J.!OO<l timr." \l!'n'Cr, Frflli!'CS ''I shoultl hop!" o. '' ;\!ills, :.\fnrgnret-''You tlon't mtnn it.'' :.\Iinanl, Huh~·-'' '!'hat's kC'f'll. '' :.\IittnH, .Tos phi11e-". "othin~ hut." C\fusson, Edith "\Yell " \f y!'f:, Orc,·n-" .\II rig-ht. then." ch, Loi -''-or . omcthin~ lik that." "eideffer, Edith-" Eck "

-offtz, • fnri "I i!on 't know." -oonan, .To~C'phinc "Oh, hoy!" • 'orman, Alit•t• Eu~C'nia "Do it ngain." 0 'Bryan, Loi.· '' Oh really! You don't say!'' Paig-1.', FriC'dn-' '\\'orHlr.rful! '' l'atlt•r.·cllt, Virgini: -" lit>y! - You with tho tin cnr! '' l't'tcrson, :l\fnry HaC'-'' Insi~nifi('ant Pin· hC'tHl. 11 PP1t~,john, Ellt 11 "\YC'll, nrt.' you going " l'ilnn, orinnn-'' I 'II hit e.'' l'rl'l t yman, Ret ty '' LC'n<l me some rnon<'y, SOIII('hofly. 11 P~IP .

.\largar!'t ''I'll hi.' g-oo<L'' Hankin, rathryn "\\'!'11, I'll hcl" Haylnnn, lid!' II ' ' HnYr. on 1 ' ' Ht'l'<l. l':tyl' ''.-ow, I 'II t I'll one.'' Hc•x. Hazel - ''I '<1 r. tiH r tlllll<'P than cat.'' Hil'ltanls, Beulah ••,·onwltn<ly got nn e.· t rn JH'nci11 '' Holthins, lOJH "Oh, g'<'\'!" Hohinson. Dornt h,\ '' (.one! night.'' Hohin·on, .fan('t ''Ilclp!'' !"\'ott, \lary "It <li<ln't skip 'cr." St'\'h<'r, \£: ri1 '' T lit'\ <'r thoug-ht T t·oul<l. '' Rhrt•YP, Huth '' Oh, pooh!''

Rp<'IH'Cr, fnry "W<'Il, Funny!" :-;tt.'w:tnl, Helen "I'm just ro:r ting." :-;tpwart, Floren\'\' '' Somt.'t imc 1 do, omc· t imc I <I on 't.'' Rt!'wart, lola "I don't ran•." Rti!'g<'nw~· l'r, Loui:c- "< an't lr:n·c that ort of thing.'' Stoolnum, Elizahcth- '' Oh, you would.'' Stout, Lois- -"Shoot!" Stumpf, Huth ''She won't rnin<l.'' Sullintn, Kath!'rint.' ''It's : ~real ltfc if J ou don't weaken.'' Rtul<l!'rlancl, ;',pta- '' I'll knork clown your cars." Titnlli]IS(In, norothy ,, You'd he .·urpri. ('cl.'' 'l'tu•kt•r, llarri\'lt " I <lon't think ~he'd (':II'('.,,

Tut'k<'r, .T1":it "Shoot!" 'f'y]pr, Kathryn ''That':-; goofy.'' \ ' pst, Ruth "B\'g panlon." \Vl'inh!'imcr·, Lillian "Tsn 't th:rt pathcti<''" \\'hilt•, J)p)J.·inn ''Got any ntoii<'Y7 Let'.

Pat.'' \\'illiams, l'h!'b\'- 1 ' I woulrl if I <'Onld, hut l c·an 't. '' \\'il ·on, :\Tajp] '' •l'<', whillikin . '' \\'oculrufT, :\lil1ll'\•d " .rc:rt ('!<' arl"

The Poor Sophomore You 'yp hrarcl 1lwsr worcls full m:my a t imr E . ·prrssrd '\ ith smilP sarea.·t ic: ''lip's only a 'OJ)homore, yon knmY"

(Thus ments cen nrc drastic.) Thr Prrshy may hr green as grass, \Yithont sophistiration. Bnt that's thP thing that makPs him "takr" (Fre h YrrclnrP is goocl ration.) ThP Rc•niot·. ancl thr ,Juniors hotl1 )Ja~ think ns , 'oph. lH'nightPcl . •\n cl that th<' rarth "as maclr for thrm (.To sense' in hPing slightPcl.) Fm·, 'oph make .Juniors of Ilr. ·t yPar, \Yhat honor coulcl lw kPew•r! E c·Ppt the cro" ning one of aliIn ':26- a, rnior! -





..: ;


l<'HESIL\L\ \ C'L.\ 88 Oil ('ox, Brown, Emhlf•n, rorter, Jlerriek, I>avi~, Hagerman Brown, l'tlo!st•·r, Wo•hsl~r. Johnsnn, Dilla..-ou, West, Wiley, Wascher, l! a r FIFTH How Stultz, C'nrsou .\lcnown. Brown, ~qulro·~. Trtwblood, :ilCVI!IlS, Lee, ~lurphr. Wallace, narlton, ( Osterolock, Brune, Evcrrnau, LeWl },'ot'llTll Ho\\ Rosemter, Demnnn Showers, " 'illiams, Haines. \'owlko•l, Thompson, Lee, llickot, Hobinson, Ameshury, BialPschki. ~lonohun Tlllll.) J(OW :,;Eco:>n nnw. \\'il8on, Rayburn, \'.on S~oyk, Da,·idson, flpyuolds, Medlock, l'ndficld , .\lclJumber, Wright , .l>uwhng, J>ixon, lbll, Lenox. Burr K'in \\'ohl nt~r, 'l'rucbloocl . ~·msT !tow :'llcLo:an Pawling, !'arson, I>oolen, Terry, Klo•mick, )!urphy, Houston Ea,tm;ul, .\lc.\lullen, Blancett, lhhh, Burdick :'lolon, Shell Cl .. rk, John son, 8turdy..-in, Boyer.

( \TO '

\\' \




l>f Lf, \\ Ot.:

Freshman Class Officers \\.!!

Pn•sidPnt \.tCP-Pt·psi <lent

Ll\\1 ('ATO ..

Hl''l II \\' \LTJ:R,.;


S<'<'rdar.'· Tn•a nrPt'

BE:\ .· bTT

\\' \IW ])u I \\ Ot'

Freshman Honor Roll Irma ~IanthPr IIazPl )fay Kathrine Osterhur Connie' RP~· nolfls E1nma, 'a.·s Doroth~· • hp,yaJtpr EthPl • 'phar Yir~?inia • 'quirt's .\ nna YOPlkd Rnth \Yalters Rolwrt w·('Sf \Yhittemorp Wright

Rnth Ball A IH'P Blan('('ft ~lax Brown Doris Bnrd i<•k \Yilliam Caton \\'anl Dillavon 0PnP' iPYP Dixon EIPI10l'('



Huth !Iylan<l Edna L<'P Edna ~TaP Md'lpl]ancl Bnu•p ::\Ie<'own



The Freshman Class History Two hunclrPd and fift.''

tnclPnt · l'PI!i tPJ'l'<l at thP High ' <•hool latr> in .:'ITa,\·.

l!l~!l and in Pal'i.' , P(ltPmlwr of that .''PHI' th<'.'' <'HIIIP to takP tlwi1· phH·P · 111 ('hampai!!n I fi:.rh ~<·hool a frf'slmwn. Tlw <' ho.'·s and !!iris qni<·kly H<'<'llstonwd

thr>m ·p)\•ps to tlw \\H.'s of tlw institution of hi!!hPr knowlPd!!P and wr>rP so llf' <'r> ful in thr Pnt<>rpri c• that hYf'nty-fOlJr fr!' ·hnwn '\1'1'<' pla<'<'<l on thr> IJonm· Roll. ThP dnss wa organizNl with thf' following offi('<•r · · Bill.'· ( 'atmt. Jll'l' idPnt : Rnth \Yalt<>r . Yi<'<'-prf'siclcnt: Don B<>nnPtt. f'f'l'f'tar.' : \ Yard DillaYon. trl'asnrPr . •\ U<'<'P · f1Ji mixPr wa hl'lcl in thf' gym in 'mf'mhcr. 0Y!'J' OJIP hmtdJ·pcl mt Ill her · of tlw <·Ia ·s •tttrJHl<'<l. , tnnts. gam<>s aml clanc•ing "en• <'Hjoyt><l. uncl!'r 11w . IIJWrYi ion of .:\Iis IIarri<>tt Perry and .:\Ii.·s Clare .Tam<''i. Girl· ancl hoy· alike W<'r<' prominent in athlrtics. Tren<> Dool<>n wa · captnin of the Frl' hman Tf'am which \\On all ganw · f'XCI'pt tlw final again t thP 'ophomore Tf'am. .:'linn.'· frf' hmC'n ho.'· l'<'portl'cl for foot hall. haskPthall. and t J':tl'k . and althongh thf'y Wf'r<' not on th<' first tl'ams th<'.'' show promi ·e of :.roocl matrrinl for the rw.·t .'' <'Hr. The Fr<>. 1 man ( la · i wdl rf'JH'<'. Pnted in the many organization in ('hampai!!n If'!!h ~C'hool. \\Thitt<>mor<' \Yright "as rho Pn drnm-major of th<' Band. Yin:dnia . quirf' wa awarded tlw .:\Iaroon . hort-. tor.' prlZ<'. Man.'' fn•shnH•n an• entl 11 ·a til' mrmlwr of the Yarions <·lnh in the Il1gh • chool. \Yith this lwginning it i prohahlf' that in thf' fntnr<>. this <·las will Jli'0\'1' thl'ir WOJ'th in nil sort of high s<·honl al'tiYitiP <·holastil'. athl1•ti<·. lit •ntl',\' . Llra m.tti · ami musil'al.

Freshman Class R oll BOYR ndrf'W , noak \ruin''' , Hnynronrl \ rm trong, C'ah-in Arrington, Bernarrl llrker, William H:rrrrf'•t, Elliott BPI'khnm, ,\ lhPrt BPII, II O\\ a rd Bt•nnPtt, Don Bl:r iII!', Ed \\"llrfl !lor rh, Donnl•l llor·:rh, Orin Bra•llt'y, naniPI Brown. :\fa· Brown, Hnymonrl Brown. \\'illinm Bnll1ll'k, \\'illiam Burgf'ss, ,\ r]pn Burke, G<>orge Burnett. :.\f:ll!rir!' ('a rl~on, .Tal'k f'arson, nonalrl C'a r on, Yerrw f'artrr, TTowarrl C'a.·a<l, Prit•t• f'aton, Billy C'h rist il', B<>rna rei <'ollOY!'r, Ri!'har<l C'ook, .John <'o:tn, :.\fi!'hacl C'nx, Br:l!1forrl C'nrzon. c:,•org!' C'u:i!'k, Fre<l n:rYis. Carl lknman. t•il l>i!'kt•Y, lin riPn Dill:n:ou, \\'a nl llillman, Llnnl Doolen, nah; nor ·, E<lga r llrakP, f.;yJy:mns Tlunn, Hi'<"har<l l:ast, (;porgc Ehl!'r, Edwin ~':nwPt t. ('ha rl!'s l•'isiH'I', ,J. R. ~'rant·i:, El<h·n 1-'n !'man, Erlwnr<l

c:illl'spil', .1:11111' l:ilhnn, Rn I'll C: r:r.'. FrP<l1•ri•·k C:rirrsnn, Ll'slif' c:" inn, E<l\\nrd c:winn, E<lwin I Ill gprnran, IT any llarri , Ralph Hart, Edgar Hart ..Tim Tlpirulit•hrr, Frr<l ll<•nson, Yirgil lTPrri!'k, HohPrt IT przog, L1·ona nl TTi<l~· ..Tohn TTrnry TTiruls, Lloy<l TJ nu:ton, ..\ lfr!'<l .T:wkson, Rp!'nl'!'r .Taroh., Os..rrr .Tnnwr ·on, L!' liP .Tan!'s, TTarol<l .Tohnson, C:hnl'lPs .T ohnson. Dona 1<1 .Torilan, Harolrl Kuhl. .ToP Laffprfy, Yirgil L!'SI'Illnn, .Tnm!' Long, Elmer \ft ( 0\\"11, Brll<'l' ~fi'Killop, A lllPrt f<"LNin, Lewis ~fr:.\fahon .•Tohn ~r.·\\'illiams, H<>l'rl :.\lallory, HarrY \fan n i ;1g, ll :r r'olrl :\farkl:rml, Yon :\f:n.·hkv. TT:rrolrl :\T:rrtin: Romain!' :\f:rtthcws, .Tohn .\ Tiller·, Kenneth , 'elson, ITownr•l 0 'Connor, C:!'r:rlrl Pnnkau, Louis Patrick, Lvnn T'l'tT~·. J.'r:ink l'fi<·~t pr·, Yil'l or Phillips, C'larrn<·r l'i<·knell, C'hnrlr

l'ortrr, Fr!'drrirk l'ort<'r. TTowar•l l'nt trr, I lonal•l Pylr. \\'a ltrr HPi<l, 1-\prrnit HPnn, l':rul Hil'hnnl. Otho Hnlrrrhnn. \\'illin 111 Hnhin.·nH, ... 'p]son Hn•lgcr~. ,fohn [{owl', IT own Til Hny, Lln,,·tl ~:rmuplsnn, Iran St !lgwi•·k. Varl • hafTPr, TT:rrol<l ~hatt~PI', Donalrl f'how<•rs, Rohl'rt Rhnrtz. \\'rnrl!'ll Simp~on. C:eorgt' , 'inuntt. Paul . krlton, Krnnrth f.;l:rglPy, ('leo . pal<ling, lTnlfnTil ~pringfirl<l. PJP!rh!'r St i•·k r!lll, .T OS!' ph Rtultz, E. Doran Swinrhl':r rt. ('r<·il Thompson, FrP<l Trot tl'r', IIerhl'l"t Ttu·krr, Ru .. rll Turn<'y, \Yillar<l Vallall!'nttnl ..Tohu \'nrwe, Harold \\':rgnrr, .Tohn \\':rs!'lrrr. E<lw:r nl \\'a ·t•hrr. ITa rnl<l \Yatson, L~·le \\'rh.-tPr. ('l:rnliP \\'r. t, Hohert \\'ilry, Lo!'kwoo<l \\'illi:rms, H:rrr~ \\'ilsnn. Elmrr \\'il. on, Ilnrris \\'ohlpr, Frrrli<' \\'olfram, C'l:rrPnrc \\'oolrlri<lgr. Kl'nnrth \\' Orf hY, (; UY \\'right, \\'J;ittcmnrc

Organizations ~\ceompanying the incrcasin~ t•nrolhllt>nt in l'hampai!.!n High •'dwol, has be<•n a propm·tionall• gTo\\ th in the lltlllliJl'r of <'ill h.'. l•'rom fonr in UlLi, ther • an• !lOW e)pn•n a<•tivc org-anizations in this school. Three of these ar • mainly int<>rc tC'<l in athlt"tJc ·. The Girls' ~\thldic ~\ ·sociatiou i · an org-anization for hct t ct· he a It h and more ou I -door sport · among girls. The " ('" Club is composed of ho~ s who haVl' been awarded letters for participation in some sport or the ,•hool. 'l'he Athlct ic ~\..ssociation is open in memh<'rship to anyone in hampaign High chool. Althongh it was not formally Ol'g-anizetl this year, it ha carri d on it: "·ork of haekinll' every !Pam prodnce<l hy this school. 'l'hc members arc respon iblc for advertising games and selling tickets. For many year: thi · Ol'"lllli;.:ation has in truth been tlw moral and iu some casl'S, the financial backing of at hlctics in Champaign IIigh Hchool. Fonr or the organization· an• compost•d of twlent ·taking foreig-n lm1g-nage:. 'l'hP Latin Club is the ohh•:t a1Hl lat·g-<•st of tht•s<'. El ('ir·ulo 'a ·tcllano is th · Hpani:h In h. mHL Le CC'rclc Prancais, the l•'reudt Club. 'l'he German Club is tlw smallt> t onnmization of the ·rhool, h ing <·ompo ·e<l of twenty mcmlH"rs. Of tlw t'onr rt•maining organi;.:at ions, h1 o are relat<•<l to the En~lish Department. \Yicr and Paint I"l'IH'e ·cuts th' dramatic interest of the school. 'l'ht• t~uill <'lub is compose<l of thos!' :tudenh who ar' incline<l to"·anl journalism. 'l'he ('om mercia! <'lnh \\as organi;.:ed for stud •nts taking the business course. lJast. hut not least, i.· the Cooking ('luh. This organization COIL i t ·of !!iris interested in the eulinary art. i\Iuch c•rcdit is <hl!' to th' faculty advisers of th •s' ot·ganizations. Ble\'!'n eluhs means that there arc at lca:t that many in ·tructors "·ho have dPvotetlmuch time and thought to the social activiti!'s of the sC'hool. Each of the organizations haYe given at least one party <luring tlw s!'hool year. and these have ahvays been ·well att ndetl. Because of so many org-anizations, eYery one interested in social time· as much as in busincs:, ( 'hampaign lligh -.chool is never lacking in social t'Vcnts. ~\:nearly every department of the. chool is rt'IH'l'sente!l by ome oq.mnization caeh student ha ·an opportunity to hclong to one or mon•. 'l'he eomhine<l purpose of thPse clubs is to incrcas!' intPrest all(lt•ntlnt. iasm among the stutll•nts an<l make l'hampaign High Nehool as a ·t ivc a school as it is pos ihlc for <lll~ s<·hool to he. l~U'l'll BR00\1.




.. .::· ~





SIXTH How: Kirby. Archer, Grubb, Squires, Martin, Majors, Blaine, Funkhou•cr, Hart, Patterson, LeSttr~. I>anids, H"ach, Xeiddfer, Ihker, Carleton, Lee, Hrown, \\"e>t, lllcLain, Stults, Waddelow. Apple. FU'TI! How . Llovde, (;odS~•y, )lorgnn, C. Ost .. rlmr, L. Ostcrlmr, Stcigme)·t·r, Gnnm, ,Johnson, l!ylnnd, lli.xon, llo••· Hehltnw, llillavon, .Johnson, C'arl· son, Mtlllory, )lcCown, \Viley, Mays, Baker. r'01:RTII Row: Wilson, Howe, Amsbury, Mercer, Shrev!', Ebeling, Cox, Conley, Hecker, Tyler, Kline, Kaplan, RPynold•. Reno, Dunlap, Mey"rs THIRD Row: O'Donald, Mueller, Voekcl, Dunlap, McCown, Gerdes, Cooper, Burdick, Md1ullcn, Shell, Houston, Medlock, WeinheimM. VanDoren, Carlock. SECOND How: Bridgham, Fisher, Padfield, Lee, Stevens, Finney, Brining, Jo:astman, Dowling, Muns, Lorretta Wolfe, Lenore Wolff, McGinty, Tucker, Ball, McGranahan, .McCalli•ter, Buch. Jo'IR~T Row: Wilcox, Brownell, Bowen, Kirby, Allen, Bennett, Dale, Johnson, Parkhill, Ogden, Brookbank, Scott, Quinll\n, M Scott, Hutchinson, Ham· pel, Klein, Brune, Schott, llopkins. Writ~ht


HUT HI . o

I o I.E



\I,Ll :-<TE f{

Latin Club \' CRA

1! ! ' 'l'('J I L -.;ox

Pn•sident Vic President Secretary Treasurer



\HI\ , ' f-\('()'J''J'

l•'!U. 'K



'l'h1· Latin ( 'luh. nndi'I' th1• stqwrvision of .:.I iss Amy BNH'h aJHl i\11ss Essie LP. 'ttJ'I'. OJ'g'anizl'll for the t1•nth year at a llH'eting held • 'ept1•mlwr :27. ~\t this tinw ofTiCl'l'S wen' elected and plans nHHh• for a memlwrship campaign. About one httndn•d 1\\('llf,\·-fi\'e llll'llll)('r.· at'l' l'llron •d in the cltth this year. <In 01·toh1•J' :2.). ahont OTH' hundt'l'll llH'lllhl•t·s Wl'l'l' Plltl'rtainell hy thP sopholllot·l·s ot' th1• l'ltth. Slidl'S illttstrati11g l'lassil' myths wpn• shown. Uue.ssing gamPs l'OIH'l'rn i ng- mythology wpn• played, in whi<' h Huth Ball and \'irginia HPal·h I'PI'I'i\'ed p1·izPs. Hl'frpshllll'llh of doughnuts and l'i(ll't' Wl'l'l' Sl'r\'t'll. Tht• \'irgil l'lass. with a (•ommittt•(• eonsisting of Loui:e .:'lfeGranahan. Yirg-inia l>P:ll'h, and Da\ id ,Jacobs. had ehargt• ot' th1• nH•Pting on Dt'l'Plllh!'t' 1!l. ~\ pantomin!' of Pyramus anll 'l'hislw was giYl'll by Louise )J('(lranahan. Da\'id .fa1·oh.s. Hoh1•rt KPiky and U!'ol'gt' Kaplan. LPllOI'l' \Yolt'l' (•nt!'rtaiJwd \\ ith a danl'l'. l'opulaJ' songs Wl'l'<' sung by th1• senior girls. 'l'hl' pidll!'!', l'ic·cro's Oralio/Is, was pn•st>llll•d to )!iss Ll'~tln' hy \'irgi11ia • 'quire·, at tlw nH.•l'tin!! lu•ld .:.I arch 1 . This lll!'l'tin!! was in chargt• of the 1'1'1'. hmPn. 'l'hl' lil'l• of ('il'l'l'O was gi\'l'll in a s!'ries of talks by thl' llll'llllll'rs. •\ play. Ill1tslrating a seene in class room of a Roman ~ehool wa.· JH'l'Sl'lltl'll. This <'Oll is t>d of oratorical eontl'sts in whil•h PompPy won. Uam<•.s and rpfrpshnli'Jits elo ·rl th · meeti1w. :\fARlAN lSCO'l"r.


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~;i:·;~ ~


How: Koogl1•r, limn•, Lierman, n. Kaplan, Oglt>trcP, ~~ rs. ;\Iikesell, Hutt-hin~on, Lon•. Tli!R.D Ho\\·: Long, .\ Inns, <.'ouherly, !'ark hill, lknnett, Stout, Xorman, l'owell, .\l1-t~inty, t;or><lman, ..\h·Caskill. SEco:-;n HOI\': Brink1•nw, H. Fisher, Sturd:yvin, G. Fisher, Stuart, Brookbank, l'arkhill, Wolfl•, Wolff, Quiulan, :\lary :Scott, .Teter. .FIRST How: O'llonald, K1•<'k, l'rin•, Tu~kcr, :-)tyan, Bouclreau, Fmh·ri1·kson, !'arks, l:itoolman, :\f. ~~·ott, Con11ely, H. Kapla11, Bowen. J:'Ot'R'l'II



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Wis and Paint 1 !11

Hrn1 \IW KE<'K IRE. L '''l'Y\.·




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\ ' ER.\

Pt·t>si<lPnl l<'tn..t Ytt•<•-prt> i<lent Spc•mHJ \"i<'P·Jll't'Sid<•JJt • l'l'rt>tary 'i't'l'HSlll"l'l' St•rg-t•an t at arms

'!'his year \Yig- and Pai11t. tht> dt·mnatie l'lllh or <'hampaig-n Hig-h M<•hool, lllltlt•J' tht• g-uidalll'<' of ~Irs . . 'pllit• ~Iikes•ll. has a<'t'Olltplislu•d llltlt'h 11101'<' than in prt•\ious yPat·s . •\t tht• first nJ<•l'!illl! ot' th<• yeat·, a <'otJStiltttion \\'HS dr·a\\11 ll]l and offi<'PI's t>fP<'!Pd. Tt·youts \\PI'(' lwld t'or all sl udents \\Ito Ol'sir·pd to IH't'OIIIt' lllt'llllH'rs. ~\s lllt'lllilt'rshtp is limit<>d to firt,\, onl,\ a t'Prtain 11\JliiiH'r \\t'rt' . t'lt>l't<'d hy th<' jnd!!<' ·. The boys ,,·ho took part in th<> Stunt Show, aiHl who \\'t'l'C not alr<'ady membprs. \\'<'1'<' takPn into tlw <•luh "it !tout tn outs. Thost> joining- i11 tlu · \\'ay \\'<'1'1' 'pi I l>l'\\ hirst, Ralph Copsy, Ilalt'onl Spalding-, all<l \Villiam .\h•K<'<'ll . •\ lllllllht•J' or short plays\\('!'!' giY<'n hy the nwmht'l'S at till' llll'l'ling-s. One ot' tli<•Jlt, "Th<· .\l<>di<·in<• 2\lan" h,\ Stuart \\'al k<·r·. proYe<l so sll<'<'t•ssful that it \1 as l'<'(l<•att'<l at a <'OJH't'l't g-in·n h,\ tlw lligh tkhool band. I il'hanl KPt'k. l'hal'lt•s B<'llliPtt, ('al'l,\·lp 2\[pskinwn and Elizahdh Stoolman took part in tlw play. ~lPmhPt's of the l'inh pr·ps<•ntl•d a pantomilH', ''S<·ellt'S from th<• Lif<' of a Soldi('J'," at tiH· .\rmisti<'<' Iht,\ .\. s<>mhl,\·. TlHN' taking part ill this '\l'rt' .\li<•t• . I<•< :inty. Ilt•l<·n Long. lrPn<' , 'tya n . \ 'pra Ilutchinsmr, Uail Fishl'r, });n i<l l•'r<'d t'l'it•ksmJ, Lamar Oglt•tn·<>. RoiH'rt BrinkPnJa , and ('arlyl<' ~Ieskiml'll.

,J \. ·c KoooLLit.




.t. "



k'IRST Row: Prettyman, Rankin, ~itanford, Parkhill, Manning, Brookbank, Percival, Wilcox, Butterworth, Brownell, Bowen, Ogden, Styan, Wilske, Quinlan, l!'ahert, Everence, Klein, Kaplan, Little, Parks, Boudreau. SECOND Row: Burrows, Stoolman, Spencer, Larry, Scott, Terry, Klemick, Bickel, Scott, Schmalhan~en, Burr, Blancett, Petersen, Cooper, Hord, Stewart, Babb, Allen, Yanos, Hyland, Jo'inney, Monahan. THIRD Row: Geip, Harding, Lee, Wright, Dooh•n, )fittendorf, Nash, Houston, ~fcGranahan, Van Scoyt, Pawlin~. Carson, Reed. Conover, Chapman, Minard, Stout. Vinson, Kirby, Bennett. Fot:RTH Row: Mi~s Perry, Jeter, Muns, Brooks, Garms, Lierman, Stiegem~yer, B. Stiegemeyer, Shauger. Steward, Patterson, Murphy, Trueblood, Pluck, )!c:\lnllt•n, \\"ascher, Yoekel, l!ul'''· ~quires, Down··~-. l'l'denon, Brunt>, Barn,_ PIJ"TH Row: Houston, McGinty, Lee, Sulhan, Truclock, Dixon, Mercer, Neideffer, Daniels, Pangborn. Bahr, Parkhill, Shurt1, Richards, Hudnut, I>ale, Hacker, Osborn!', L.lchem~·t•r, Hall, Everman, Xnrman. SIXTH Row; L. Sturdyvin, Clark, Kruse, Lansdt•n, Brinine:, \'reden!Jurg Sen;NTII How: ;\lonahnn, L•·..man, ('haJ>Jot'lll'. Olt•nn, .\1 Sturdyvin, llug••n!Jart \\"or:;ham, Shewaltt•r, Brown, Hl'id , Bradley, Gold""· II :llerrer, Hord, D.-e. J.awhead, Bla!nP., Pettijohn, Hnine~. }; , Lee, Ray. ----






Girls' Athletic Association 1!)1!)




~lARI \. · BIWW. ELL

I<}Dl'l'H • 'EIDE~'r'ER ~I1s::; PERRY

Pn•-;ident \' ic·P-Prc•sich•Jlt SP •rc>tary 'l'reasu rer

hi Sc•ptemlwr a sppc•ial asS('lllhl~ '"IS hPI<l for all thP g-irls or ('hampaig-n High ~chool under the direetio11 of ~Iiss Harriet Perry. ~\t this time the standards of tlw Oirb' ~\thl!'tie ~\ssoeiation and the point systc>m "·t•re explainetl. After the ele<'1 ion of ofl'ic·c·rs the following- connnittePs wpn• appointt•<l: campaign committeP Grace Parkhill, ehairman, ~ll'lha BoudJ·pau, .\nna .:\h·.\rty. Ruth Shreve, and Ill'len (~ninlan; social committee• Yillars Parkhill, c·hairman, l1ois Smith, and J1ola :\Inn. ; c·heering- c·ommittec• lll'lt•n (~uinlan. c·hairman. Helen ~lonahan. Edith • 'eidpfl'pr, Ruth ,Jt'ter, PauliiH' Percival, aml Elizabeth • 'toolman. By th • poi11t system, whic·h is depcnclent upon th1• alllount of swimming, hiking, health, aml folk-dancing, I rene Sty an and .:\Iarian Bro"·ndl rceeiwd monograms for earning thn•e hunclrc•cl poinh. Tht• follmving- girls Nll'HI'cl armbands with on hnndn•d fifty points: Louisa Barlwr, Pauline Butterworth, E-;th •r ( 'harHc·s, Alice Uoodman, l 'rsula Ilanqwl, l<'ayp Johns011, UnH'<' Parkhill, Louise • 'chott, ancl :\Iarian ~eot t. Among thl· so •ial ac•t i,·it iPs was a 'l'hanksg-iviug dam·e "hit·h "as h •lu o' Pill her 17, in the lligh Sc·hool gynmasium. ~\ larg-e mm1her or memh ·r~ ami their guests attended. ~\ Jmmber of yoeal selections wc•re given hy Ruth Jeter, and \'ivian Ueip, ami )Jp]()a Bondt·pau Pntt•rtainP<l "·ith solo datH't's. ~~·ypral hikPs "Pl'l' takc•n <luring the year. One lnmclrPcl dollars " ·orth of holh· was sohl at ('hristmas time by the U. \. A. girls for the bent>fit of t hi' ( 'hi l~ln•n 's :\Innieipal Shoe Fund. Forg •tllll'-Jloh Wl're also sohl for disahll'<l "m· Yt•terans on Dad's Da~. EDITH 1 Tl.IDEF!>'ER.


II \ZJ·,I.'l'<l ·

\I'M\ .

EZ CiPculo Castellano 1!I:!()



OonL •

( 'o\ 1-.L ( '11 \1''1 \ ~IILDHLD JL\ZELTO.'

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PrPsiclPnt \'i<'P PrPsid<'n1 ~<'<'rl't ary '1'1·<'a nr<'r l-i<'qn•an1-a1-arm.

El {'in·ulo ('as1PIIano, s]HlllSOI'P<l h:• '.\[iss MarjoriP KPil<'r. mPt <•arly in ()(•to])(•J' for oq.wnization and p]('('tion or ofl'i<'Pl'S. Tlu· cluh had about sixty actin~ lll<'lllh<'rs this ypar. BnsinC'ss lll<'<'1 ings "<'1'1' hp]d tlw first Fri<lay of <'Yery month. Th<' following C'Ommitii'<'S W<'l'<' appointPd: lhH• - .\nna Nolon. DPII<'ina \\"hit<', i\Iildt·P<l IIazpJton, Pri. ('ilia \VJlcox. Don BPJm<'tt, al1(l DriYPr T1inclsa~·. EntPrtainnwnt liPl<•n Long-. Yirg-inia BPrryman. EL ic Bradley. owl < 'hapman, (jporg<' HornPr, .Tohn :\IittC'ndorf, a1Hl Hnth \\~altC'rs. RPfn•shnH'lll r,·is<"illa \\~ii<oox. ::'lfargarpt Mnllignn, .\(]p]aid!' \ "an Cnrn, ,\Iildred IIazlPton. Hoy W'ilhams. aml ,Jos!'ph '.\Iarshall. Pin - Philip BaddPI<'~' FH,\'1' ,Jp S(', Karma nolclt'll. \\"illiam .Johnson, .\una i-'olon, '.\Im·ian 1-i<'ott, alHl '.\lax IIotJgh<'<'. "on•mhpr !) an intprpsting program "a. giY n nnd!'r thr <lirP<'tion of the folio" ing <'ommill<'!': '.\Tarian Nc•ott, ( 'ham1<'ry Bn<'k. .\lpha Yaky, Howena (lllnis<m. and \Yilliam .Johnson. Tlw program wa. a clr<'am of .'pain, " ·ith Ilden Long a th clr•amer. ,\ mong t hr S<'<'llC'S W<'n' a hull fight. singing s<•noritas and a shol't sk1t. ( 'mnpetitn P . inging aml playing hetwepn two spniors for tlH• fayor of tlw lwantifnl SI'IIOJ'ita in lwr hal<'ony high ahOY!' "as thl' gpnpral thrnw. Thosl' who. took part in tht• <'lltPJ'tainnwnt "<'rc IIrlrn Long.•\lpha Yaky. Priscilla \Yilco .. Loui.· ·'<'lwtt. '.\TargaJ·l't '.\lulligm1. "\nna Nolon. ~lax Jloug-hl'l'. DriYrr Lindsay. ('haun!'l'J B wl·, and Don Benn<'lt. Dam·ing- and taJl'y appl<'s emwhuk<l th1• aftr.moon 's eutectainm nt.

'.\I II.DRI:D II \ZLF.TO .••

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Le CercZe Francais 1 fl~l YIRGL ·rA BowEx

,J O"'EI'II 0 'Do .





Prf'sirlf'nl \'ic•p-Pr<'.·ic len 1 • ' reretaJ'.Y TI'PHSlll'PI'

Lc ('t>rclc• Franeai., a elnh for students of French, hegan it. third year un<ler tlw supPrYision of ~Iiss Blanche ('h Yillon. At th first m<'eting, hel<l in room :l-1-0, tlw offir<>rs wprr <>l<>ct<'cl ancl various committe·<' appointed. A memh •r in Pac•h C'las <'Ollc•ctecl cltw. ; nearly en•ry c>lass paiclup one hnnclred JH'r Cl'nt. Tlw first rommittec to aceomplish its pnrpo:e "a. the one appointed to clt·a\Y np tht> <'nnstitution. It was compospc] of Ma.· !<'lower:. Frecla Gro\'l', ancl ('harlPs BPmwtt. This is th<' first ronst itnt ion of th<' club. It proYidPs for th memhrrhip of all stuclc>nts "ho HI'<' taking or haY<' taken French . .i\Ia1·garet Oshorn<' .•Jeannette Klein, Rnth ~Ioll. members of the pin comlll i ttc>P, sell'ctNl cliamoncl-shap!'cl pins, on whieh arc the initials of the eluh . • \ Y <'r~- <'nlertaining program, arranged hy thr program committee. Helen !\rust>, I•'nmc•c•s Lee', ancl ,Jmwph () 'Domwll, "a: giYrn at one of the meetings. Al ic•p Blanc•Ptt gaY<' a hnmo1·ous rNtcling ancl ~Ielba Boudreau entertainecl " ·ith a ft alttrr> clanrr. \ ' II{c;t. - ,\ BowL.·.



"' .:;· '~


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··-·-··- ···-··



C'OOKL\U CLliB FotJinn How: Bel·kdt, ~Irs. ~[it!' hell, ~li~g Perry. THIRD How: l:>un•lcrl:uul, Prin', Bower, Blaine, Lee, Dowling, Thomas, Ewrctt, Osbornl', ::-;ill\'~. H~:co~D How: Barnanl, Asman, Lasncr, Lan~clcn, Trul:u•k, Lutt rcll, Ilanling, Downing, Brune, Ewrman, Wilt. }'JRSl' Row: Br:ullcy, Tueker, Eastman, Wnsl·her, llorcl, Brown, En~ rrnt·c, Brook~, Ticheuor, Enstmau, Barker.

Cookin8 Club Pn· ic!Pnt

II CI , E. ~ 'I' AYLOR llEIE.~ PRI('L

Del\\ Ll En:tn:. · 1 L



\"i\ c• pn•sic!Pnt Npcr!'tary 'l'n•asl!l'Pl'

l "ncl!'r tlw ~np!'rYI~Ion of Mrs. Dorothy .:\Iitrhell, th • ('ookin~ ( luh hi'!!Hll its sproml ypar of or~anization. Tlwre an• forty~ninc nwmlwrs Pnrolh•d. or an in!'rPas!' of mor!' than OJH' hundn•cl fifty JH'r<'rnt OYPr that of last ~par. .:\l!'Piin~s \\!'n' lwl1l tlw first and thit·cl 'l'li!'Sclay of !'H!'h ninnth. This ypar th!' pin !'ommitt<'!', with Ho~!' l;aJHls<'Jt as !'hai1·man. !lPsi:rlH'd a small iln•r pin in thP hapP of a spoon. as thl' !'mhlPm of tlw !•lnh. 'J'hp first nwPtin:r of tlw month is :riYPn oYPl' to hnsmP ·s or in trnetion . •\t OJIP of tlw JlH'!'Iin~s .:\I iss ( 'lwYillon tol1l thl' ~iris ho" thP Ft'!'JH'h JH'OpiP pr!'parP and s!'J'Y!' tlwit· foods. :\Itss EstPIIa .\clams. of Nt. Lo111s. gHH' a dl'ntmJstration nn c•;tkc• dP!'Orat in~. NhP also ~H\ !' tlw lll!'ll11H't's man.' iclPa · for N11nda.'· sup]Wl's. 'l'hP 'l'hanks~i' 111~ party ~i,·pn h.' tlw eluh. "as a dP<'ic!Pd . IH'!'!'ss. .\t tlw IIH'Ptin~. :\lareh ~0. a sm•ial tim!' \Uts !'njoypcl. Eu~Pnia. "orman !'ntPrtain,·cl with a f'Pat lll"P clan!'P aJHl .:\Iarian Ki1waul ~a' t• a rParlin~.


.,__ t.Q


'l'HE Qrii.Jl.J l'I.JIJB Dillavou, ('olt•, .\lt•skimen, Bennett, Koogler, ~lis~ Sturgeon, Parkhill, ~ft•Kccn, Kelll'y, Kt•l'k. Jo'oott>, Bni tt•rworth, Brinl'y, t'ouhcrly, Beach, Broom, ~tuart, ~l<:Gaskill, Geip, Carrot her~. Hankin, Frc,ll'iekson, l'il'knell. H•:coxu Row: Lansdcn, Hohinson, Ogdrn, Jo'rison, .\Icl'allbtcr, IIutl'hin~on, Horner, Dolrl, Randolph, Xorman, Hdu·octler, 0 'Donnrll, ~tyan. Jo'IRsT How: l'ioltm, ,Jt•tt•r, Dale, Stoolman, Scott, :::idunalhausen, Bowen, llolhln•;ut, Brook hank, .\lrGranahan, :\"t•i•lt•fTer, l':ltt•~r~on, O~letrcc, ,Jat•ohs. POURTII How: THlRil How:



. ' J·: T 'I'


ST\ \ .·



The Quill Club • rconrl , rmrst cr

First • 'rmc:frr lim.·E HTYA. ·


('II \RJ,}';.; l<'RA. K



President \'icc-president Secretary Treasurer

('II .\RI ,E .




IRE. E f-'TYA .• LOI;.;



Thr nill C'luh fM all students intcrc. ted in publication " ·ork was organized this yrar. under the stqwrvision of ::\Iiss ::\Iargar t turgeon. ::\Icmhership is based upon merit- that is th • sen·icc which an applicant ha: dotH' for tht" J/olr ntf l or ?ILmoo. •. Tlw offices of pr sident and vice-pre. idrnt art• honorary; the MAROON editor takes the prpsidcncy for th first . mester and h<'<'onws vir<' · president during thr srrond, wlwn tlw Jlol cculr rditor is prPsi<lent. ::\Tr. Elmo 8rott 'Vatson of the Pniwrsity of Illinois, addn•s. e<l thr elnb at orw mPet ing, spPaking on thr make-up of newspaper. ::\lis Rosamoncl Y. Coles, soeiety P<litor of the Daily Jllini, <liscussed that t~ pe of nPws at anotlwr nu•C'ting. Through the courtesy of the editors of f'hnmpai[JI' .Vr!l's-Oazctt c, the rlnh visited the prrss rooms of tlH' <•ity paper. Htncl nt. also rracl aml <lisen.·. rcl thrir o"·n articles.

~ocial lllPPting"s ar<' abo held. In the fall, a weiner roast was givrn ncar <'r;. stal JJake Park. During the Illinois •'tat' High , 'chool Pres .\. sol·iation

('onfPrcnce, cluh memhrrs assiste<l in nH'<'tin~ <lrlr.gatrs ancl also entertainrd ow•· a hnndr <l delPgatt•s "ith a ·tunt show and tea. In this stunt show "'Yhat 'sin a ' amc , " variou: papPrs "ere repres<'nlcd. IJater a YalPntin part~ was hrlrl , .lll<l th elnb ent rtaincd "inners in th :JIARoo.· drive. I...o1.

N"I'I' II.




.... \!)



('()jL\fER('L\ L <'LIIB

How: Stroch•, Barnanl, Hose, L. Oshornc, Ntrwanl, Nhaugt>r, Berhaum, ~f. ~n~·clcr, Amshary, Lt•nox, \\'asc·ht•r, (:cnles, Arm· strong, GroYc, Ernn. Fot:RTI! How: Dillman, (~ilium, Brumlt•y, )f. ~tuart, Ehler, l:'umnwrs, Cu~ter, Ilrffcltinger, ~fcCarty, Boots, E. OshonH', <'arrotlll'rs, Br:uly, Duhsou, ~lc•Gill. TmRD How: St•aton, ~[d'askill, Lt>inuan, IlooYcr, Xofftz. ~!. Komarlt, Kikh, ('. Konr:ult, Burk!', E. Konr:ult, Sitz, BI:H·k, \'us~. ~ECO~D How: llutc-hiuson, Baker, Pratt, Frcclric·kson, 0 'l>onn!'ll, Kite h. Paul, (~enle,;, (iulic·k, Bowman, l'artcr, Ball, Sc·hultz, Swiwh•ll. FIRS'!' How: Spenc•cr, Paughorn, l'l•rl'intl, Parks, Kooglc•r, Parkhill, :\h•l'own, Gooclman, St:mncr, Hohwson, G. (iooclman, ll. Schultz, Brune. FIFTH


LH: JDI.\ .

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Commercial Club . \0\1 l JJJER:\1.\X



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Pre ·i<lent \ ' i<•t> presi<lt>nt St>crl'tary '1' n•as nn•r

In Septemht>r, l!l:!:~. tht• . tudt'llls of the ('ommPt'<'ial dt•pHI'tlllt'Jl( \\ Cl'l' oqranizt>d lllHI<·t· the SIIJH'n·ision of ~Iiss I<~lizalH'th Yoss, ~I iss ~Iagill, ~lr. Lt>mkt>, :md ~lr. S\\indell. ~\t the fit·st meeting ofl'it•Prs \\t•n• l'll'ded all!! Yarious t'Olll · 111 itt l'<'s appoi 11 t Ptl. En•ry stiHient in tht• dt'JHIJ'tnH·nt had an oppot·tunit,\ to j oin tlH· t•luh, due to the '' ork of t!H• membership committ<•<•, <·ompost'<l of \'pra llntl'hinson. chairman, .Mm·gar!'t Stu:u·t. Dcmald Haekham, and l•'rank Pt·att. .\ COJlstitution was drawn 11p h~· a <·onnnittc<' l'<•nsisting of ,John Spl'!H'Cl', <·haiJ·uum , .\rminta En in, .Ialli' KooglPlll, aJHl Stt•\\art 'l'almadgl' . .:\f<•Pting-s \\' 1'1'!' lwl<l rpgularl~· thl' fil·st \\'pdnt>sda~ of l'Yt'l'.)' month. .\ pro gram <•ommittl'P, with D. ('.Mulligan , t·hairnJan, .\lit•t• Uoodman. ~Iit<·hPII Pylt>, and Edith Oshol'lH'. pro\'ided int en•st i ng programs aJld Ol' ial C\'<•nh. •\ part y \\a · gi\' 'll Det·<·mher· 1:2, i11 ~Irs . .Jlikt•spll 's room. DarH·ing was t>JJ.io.' !'d dur·ing t hl' aft prnootl. .JI usi<· was !'urn islu•d by Elmt•t· Oemke. U race Uoodma n , and ~\ lit•t> Goodman. \() II LII'H .\1 \:-.:.








GEIOL\X t'LPB TmrRD How: SEroxn How: l'iRl''l' How:

O~tcrlmr, C. OsterLnr, f;eitz, Beach, I. DcmlO\r, E. Wasdlt'r, Wm. )fueller. L. ll('n;og, E. OstcrLur, btiegcmcycr, )!amtcr, Gn•in, Xofftz, Kaplan.



Hass, Konr:1dt, '\offtz, tiicklcr, E. Konrad!, )!. Konra(lt.





0 "l'EBClt

German Club I;ot·r~E




\1'),.\ ••

KATIIERL L O::>'l't:!Wl'lt

P r •sitl •n t \Tice-pn• ·ident Secretary Treasur •r

..Althou()'h the smallest or~amzation of ('hampai~n High 'chool alHl one of the nc"cst, the G •rman Club is pntitkd to an important place in hi~h school activities. It has heen Pight y<•ars sin<·c (h•rman was int'ludt•tl in the curriculum of this school, but this year it was reinstated in the course of study. At the instigation of :\Iiss ~\my Bt>ach, instrm•tor of the language. a clnh was formed to inerPase th intcr<">t of the studt>llls. ~\ccordingly a mcctinO' was lwl<l in Octoh •r, at ,,·hich tim offict•rs were l'lt>ctt•tl a1Hl a <'Onstitntion dntwn up. :\Ie •tings hel<l once pach month undt>r the snpt>rYision of :\I iss Beal'h, W<'l'l' c•oJHlucted. a.· far as possible, in Ot>rman. ~\t ead1 mrt'ting. onw <•ertain mPmber of the <'luh was rt>sponsihl' for th' program. Ya1·ions pOl'lllS allll short plays wert' giYen, among "·hich was "Ich E..,;.;e :\Ieinr ~uppe • Ticht,'' in whidt Emma :-iass, \Villi am .ahwllt•r, and Katlwrin, 0'>tt•rbur took part. .-\ t thr meding in .\ pril ~moth •r short play, '' Das H' ·I men •xemiH'l, '' was prest>n!t•tl by Barbara aml Louise Sti •gemcyer, Bda and ('lara Konradt, Alma~ Tofftz, and 'l'h a Osterhnr. REBECCA KAPI.A••.

1 '1------~~-------


/~------~~-- --~~=-======------/

Coach Lester Moyer ~Io~ <'r, a ~raduate of Drake l'ni<•amp to ( 'hampai~n High School as as i. tant l'Oal'h of athll'tics in 1!122. 'l'his YPilr liP has full ehargl' of all athleticR. His tParns haY<' prov<•n th<'msplve..; abl<• to ke<'P up ( ' llampaign's good n•pntation a.· Oil<' of t liP t'm·<·nwst st·hools in athll'til's in Illinois.


wrsit~· .

('0 .\( ' 11 )IOYgR

Harold Osborne Ilarold Oshoi'IH' has hP<'ll an able assistant to ( 'oaeh ~Ioyt>r during thl' past yl'aJ'. I'SlH'Ciall~· in track. ~Ir. Oshornt• is a formet· l ' nivcrsity of Illinois athh-t • aml holds the "·orld 's indoor and outdoor I'econl: for t hP high jnmp.

-. s= ~.








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19Z l

Football 'hampaign Champaign ('hampaign <'hampaign ('hampaign ( 'hampaign ('hampaign ( 'hamJ)aign Champaign

........................ G ........................ :~:> ........................ 10 ........................ 1;) ........................ 17 ........................ 7 ........................ 3 ........................ 0 ........................ l:l



'('IJS('Ola ............................. . Kankakee ......................... . .J a(•ksmn·iliP ..................... . Bloomington ................... . Wiley High ..................... . Pana ................................. . ~Iolint' ............................. . ( 'arlin\'iliP ........................ l"rhana

0 0 0 1 14 7 :33 27 0


116 Lost :3




Hight End- l<'red Hyland 'Right Ta •kle Luther •'ouder Right 1uard Russel Pulliam ( '('nter-llarry Richman LPft .nard- Edwin Kemwy Ldt 'l'ackl ' - G 'Orge Hooper Lt>ft End-Don amble (.Jnart 'rba k- ,James ~Iajor LPft Halfback-John Heath Fullback \Valter Pankau Right Halfback- Ewrett Olson

,, C''


Hyland. NoudPI'. Pulliam, Hit·hnran. Kenney. IloopPl', UamhlP, ~Iajor, Heath, Pankau, Olson. Denman, Y. Carson. D. ('arson, Leuck, \Yil 'Y, Lierman, Turrell, . _ hewalter.

IIo. ·oRABLE i\IE. 'Tro. · Caton, East, E.

ouder. \Yadlow. Ncharth'in. ,Jameson. I<'oltz.

*Owing to the fad that oral in pf:u:e of written guar!lianship was obtained for George Hoopt•r, the games in whid1 he played wt>re gh·pn the s~ore of :.! to 0 in favor of the oppo· nents. Tht> game in,•olved wt•re Tu~t·ola, KankakN•, ,Ja~kson\"illt>, :mel 'Vi ley High • 'chool.

Review of the 1924 Football Season IIE" • Coach ~lover eallPd for football nwn for thP 1!1:2-1- ~Iaroon t>lt>Yt'Jl. m•arl.' sixty hoys l'I'S)lOJHlPd and I'<'JlO. rt I'd for Jli'HI'I 11'1' two \\'PPks IH' fm·p sc•hool OJH'llP<L ~\ftpJ' thJ'PP \\'I'Pk ot' <'ttttinu- 0111 thP !!J'PI'IIPr lads tht•rp wert> tht'l'l' full tpams ]pft to J'PJll'I'SPIIt <'hampaign lligh. Tlw first ganw with 'l'usc·ola pro\'l'd to h1• quitP a tnssl<•. thl' ~Iar·omJs c•oming ont on t lw long PlHl of a () to 0 si'Ol'l'. ( 'm11·h ~IoyPr <l!·illPd on dt>f1•n:t>. which had IH'Pn \\ 1•ak for tlw 'l'ns<'ola ganw and this proYP<l a d1·1·idt•d advantagl' "hen tlw ~IarooJJs ran r·ough shod OYPl' Kankak<'l' for a:!,) to 0 vit•lory. ,Journeying to ,Jacksonvilk tlw m•xt \\'PI'k-t>nd tlw ('hampaign h•am d1'f1·atP< th Deaf and Dumb PlPYen of that c•ity hy a 10 to 0 s<'on•. This ganw was· playt>d in a spa of mud \Yhich ma<lt> goo<l football practically impossihh•. Bloomington, who <'anH' 1wxt on tlw seiH•<luh>, mwartlw<l one of the gn•atPst sm·pris<'. rv<'r known when th1•y <l<>fPat1•d tlw ~Im·oons L to 1:>. The ganw. thP fir'it the ( 'hampaign tNtm had lost on ~l<'Kinh•.'· I• il'l<l sin<'l' 1H1:>, \\'as slo\\· and unexciting. \Yiley lligh of 'fet-rr Haute journc•yt>dto Champaign for the next cneonntpr·. ~Tot much was known of tlw "lloosic•r" t<'am, hut the l\Iaroons clef ate<l tlwm 17 to 14, aftrr ,Johml.'' ll<•ath ha<l ma<l!' a lwantifnl pia'<' kick in the last minntP of play. Pana spr!'ad gloom ov!'r the :\Iaroon <'amp til{' follo\Ying w<•Pk hy holding the Champaign team to a 7 to 7 ti<•. oach ~!oyer then h<'gan to drill his men for th<' ~Iolinc game, which pro\' •d to be the hardest game on tlw ~Iaroons' s<'lw<lnlP. .<\fter scoring a fiPld goal 011 the 'l'ri City boys in tlw first two miHutPs of play, the ('hampaign tNtm went to pirct•s and allo\\·ed tlw ~Ioline Plcvc•n to "<'Ore at will, until the final scorP lwcanw :l:l to :1. This was the \\Orst drnhhing the ~Iaroons had snfl'Pred since l!JL). 'l'h • Champaign boys <·ontimw<l to fall wlwn <'arliiJYille clefpated them ~~ to 0. 'l'his gam<' wa: Jllayl'<l with a t<·am of' num.'· S<'concl string men, as t 'oach Moyer hacl most of his n•gulars out of tlw lineup hP<'ausP of injuries. \V'ith tlw annual 'I hanksgiving ganw with l·rhana hut tl'n days ofl'. ('oa<'h Moy<•r wa.· fae<•<1 with tlw problem of <leYPioping a new tackh• an<l half hack for that game. IIow!'Y<'r, \Ylwn tlw gam<• \\'<1 <•allpcl tlw ~Iaroons, although slightly wt>ak on tlw right sid<• of tlw li1w. wt•n• rPad.'· to k<•t•p up tlw string of victorips already pil<><l on lTrhana. Rain had ma<h• tlw fiPl<l a young lakr. but thP .Jiaroons playp<l a trong <h•fensin• game and s<'Ol'P<l two ton<'hdowns on the lTrbana t<•am. whic·h gaw tlw Champaign Plcwn a 1:3 to 0 victon·. 'l'his yc•ar might havp hPPn eallt•<l a constrnC'tin• s<•ason as sev<'n nwn who ha<liH'YPr l'<'Jlrl'sPntP<l ('hampaign on the gridiron \H're in the• lin<'llJl of the final ganw of tlw s<•ason. "Tith thc•st' sc•v<•n hoys ha<•k Iwxt yt•ar an<l with many ahlc substitutes of thi. year's squad. ('hampaign High Sdwol should he ahh• to JH'O· dut'<' another of hPr famous 1000% tPams.









Speedway Basketball Tournament (L\( 'Il ~Io.' PI' lwld what was known as a NpPP<l\\'a,,· t onrnanwnt rlm·in~ 1lw JattPr part of tlw baskPthall sPason. to look OYPI' thP ma1Prial for tlw l !l~.) squad. This 1otll'JHllllP111. <tlthottg-h ntn on a <'lass hasis. \\as <'aliPd a Npt>Prl \\a,\ Tont·nanwnt. and <'<l<'h t<·am \\Hs g-i\<'11 th<' JUllllP of an aHtomohil<' . Tlw ~Pn iors "pn• known a .· 1 hP ~axons. tlw ,J nn iors t Iw ,J !'\\'PIts. tlH• ~ophonHll'<'s t lw ~~ 11dt>hakPrs. and tlw J<'rpshmPn \\'!'1'<' c·aliP<l tiH• l<'onls. This tounwmPn1 hrou~rht ont q11i!P a hit of ~ood mat!'J'ial for n<'.·t y<'ar's !<:'am and prOYP<l YPr~· int<'t'Psting ancl <:'xcit it1g. 'l'lw, 'pniors stal'tt><l out fast an<l " ·on thrP<' g-anws. cl<'f<:'ating the FrPshmcn, f'ophomon• a1Hl .Junior jpams. hnt \\']H'll tlH',\' start('(] thP St'COJlcl l'Otlllcl the l~,r('sh ­ llH'll aJHI ~ophomon• pac·h handPd tlH•m a dPfPa1 whid1 pu lwei tlwm into Pcond plac•c• \\hiiP tlw ~ophomot·ps won <'Y<'I',\' ganw after thc•i1· first cl<:'fPat and <:'nclccl lParling- 11H• fo11r !Pam· hy fiyp Yidori<•s and onp c]pfpat. TIH• tonrnanwnt was "p)) s11pportPCl h~· tlw s('hool ancl shonl<l hP<•ome an annual afl'air at ( 'hampaig-n 1 Iig-h N<·hool.


• ' o]Jllfllllnrr • ' rf1tllrl

./1t11ior ,'(j/lllrl


1~' r<'ClPrie kson

Po11<'1' \\'i lson I )prnwnt WilPy Hurkt> •\ 1·c lwr

I{ i t• h man Stickrod

~Iaior .:\k~\pi]


Sr 11 wr , 'r11wrl

.Tame ·on Cox DillaYon Wright Danss East Caton DaY is

L<'nck Gallion Ilonwr Il<'ath P,,·l<' £\ pp)p


T. 0 lson

\\'on .... ... ........................................ . Sc>nior .............. ......................................... . J<'rps)unan ............... ....... .. ......................... . ,Junior ....................................................... .


Fl'( . 'hH/11/l' (jiiOd










Basketball ('hampai~n ('hampai~n ('hampai~n

( 'hampaign ('hampaign ( 'hampaign ('hampaign <'hampai~n <'hampai:,rn ( 'hampaign ( 'hampa ign ('hampai~n

Tuseola ................................ ~1

.... ................... ... -!-.) .......................... :{() .......................... 1 ...........................)() .......................... ] :~ .......................... ~~ .......................... lfl .......................... ~+ .......................... 1!) .......................... :!( .......................... 11 .......................... 17 DI~THl<'T

La ~aiiP- I'Pn1. ................... ~1 Kankakec• ............................ 1 ~ .\n·ola .................................. 11 l'rhana ................................ 1-l( 'pnt rali;l .............................. ]~ Pc•oria .\I anua 1. ................... ~-l])pc·atnr ................................ 17 Wih·y IIi!.!h .......................... ~o

<:arfi<'ld I Iigh ...................... 11 \'ilia (lro\'P .......................... 1! l'rhana ................................ 1!i TOI'J{. ".\.\IE

Hantonl ................................ !I 1 r han a ................................ 1 !i

( ,ll~llllJla ig11 .......................... ~:)

( 'hampai~n .......................... ~:~ ( 'hampaign .......................... 1 ( 'hampai~n .......................... ~:~ ~E('T



( )gdl'll ................................... )

LOll!.!\'il'\\' ........................... "

I 0 ...\ L TOI ' H. ',\.\IE. '1'

(, ha Hl JHl ign .......................... ~.)

Bl't hall,\' .............................. :?1

( 'hampai~n ......................... .1 :) ( 'hampaig11 .......................... l:l

.\ thPn · ................. ........... ...... 1!i \Ya\'(•rly .............................. 1-1-

-1-/(j \\'on 1-l

Lost ·>

LIXI-:1 '1'

Fu·s/ Tr11111 En•rpt t Olson Frank .\!('( 'allistl'r I<'r<'cl Hyland

Don ( :Cnn h h· Haymond l•'isher


Forward I •I' ft Forwarc l ( 'pnt l'l' Hight ( l uanl L<' f' t Un :m l

Sr 'OIIfl Tr11111 Enwrson Blanc·pt t Hay \ 'an ( 'ura Hi1·hanl Kl'l'k .\llH'l't Ulanclt • ol'l'is Ili~gin ·

•. ('" M I;'\' Captain Olson, .\Jc('allistc•r. Blancc>tt, \ "an ('ura, Hyland. Kl'<'k. OamhiP. R I• islwr. 0. F'islwr. GlalHlt, lli~~ins.

Jio. ·on \BLE .\fJ'. 'TIO.'

Review of 1924 Basketball Season ILUIP.\ H •. · Iltg-h , '<'hool \ 1!)~-t. hask<'thall t<'am. led by Captain Olson, prove•d to IH• OJH' of tiJC• hP'it qnintc>ts PVPr producrd at this school. They e·aptttn•d tiH• J)istr·i!'t ('hampionship at l'l'l>ana and PniPI'Pcl the> ,'r<'. tiona! Totli'Jl<llll<'nl at ])pe•:tlur whe•n• thP.'' we•rp dPfPatPd hy .\thrns m t hP sc•mi-final. ('oae·h ~!0,\(']' h:td thrPC' strllar playrrs: Captain Olson. Gamhlr ann U. Fishc•t·. around "hie·h to huilcl his tram. In thP fit·st !.Will<' of thP <'H ·on. 11w ~[m·oons ]11'0\'Pcl thrir rPal worth by clPf<'at T!ls•·oln 1.) to :.n. La :--\a liP. KankakPP. ancl .\ r·c•ola follmn•d in Tus<'ola 's foofsfpps mtd \\<'1'<' ]pff hy thP \UtysiclP \\hPn tlwy fail('cl to sho"· anything which I hP <'hatnpaig-n tt•am e•ottld not IH'at. ThP ~Iar·oons lllO\'Pd to 1 'rhana for th<' nrxt g-anw. whrn• ovrrronficlt>ncP pt·o,·e·lto he• t lwir downfall. and aft<'r an ovPrt im<' JWriocl "·as playPcl, tlw I 'rhana team won 14 to ]:L ('<'nlralin t'Oill<' tH·.·t on tlw se•lwclnlP and tlw ~[aroon: avPng"P<l th<' l'rhana d<'fPal h_,. trimming- tiH· "Eg-.''Ptian '' tNtm ~~to 1~. Th<' ~Im·oon .iollt'JH',VPd to PPoria tlw following \\'C'Pk-e•ncl. and struck a sl11mp \\ hie·h n•lltain<'d with tlwm 11ntil tlw ])i:-;triet Tonrnanwnt. Aftl'r losingto P<'m·ia ~Ianu:tl :.?-t. to 1!1 in a rough and tumhk g-Hnw. ('hampaign moYrd on to J)pe•afnr "h<'re• th<'.\' clPfPatPd that qnintl't :.?.J. to 17 in a loosp]y playc•cl game. \\'ii<',Y Ilig-h of 'I'Pt'l'<' llant<' fnrnishP<l the• next npsl't "h<'n thc•.v c]pfpatrd tlw ~Iaroon" :.?0 to 1G on the• fornwr':-; floor and tlw ~Iat·oon:-; <'Ontinn<>cl to drop wlwn \'ilia <:r·o\'<' in a slow. listie ·s ganw. 11pspt lh<' elope• hy winning 14 to 11. < 'o;wh }lo.''<'J' e·hang-Pd his line•np c·onsidPrahly for tlw 1wxt g-ame'. ThiR ~ho\\Pd to a dPe·ickd adntntag-P whPn thP }far·oons drl'e•at<'cl (lal'fiPld Ilig-h of 'l'c•rr·e· llanl<' :l( lo 11. 'l'hc• hoys \\'OJ'kPd hat·cl tlw ne•xt \\'I'Pk for tlw 1·rhana g-anw and at'tc·r· the• most <'X<'iting game <'\'PI' se•pn on tlw ('hampaign tloot·, tht> Mar·oons <'llle'l'!!Pd Yie·tors 17 to 16. DINTHH'T 'l'Ol'H. '.\:'II:E~T .\t'tc•t• a \\('('k of the• hardpst kind or pn!C'IiC'P the• tPam Pllt('l'('d tlw District Tont'JJalll<'lll <tl I 'r·hana. cll'tPt'minPclto win. Hantoul. I he• te•am whie•h the• ('hampai!!n boys had drawn fot· thPir fit··t g-amP, pt·o,·c·cl litt]p or no opposition forth<' fighting .:\far·oons. and had to IH' sat i-.;fi<•cl with a ~.) to n clpfpat. This hron~ht ('hampnig-n and l 'rhana IO!!Ptlwr for thr third tim<' of lhP S<'ason. Pach tpam having- \\·on mw ot' I lw first h\'o gam<'s. l 'rhana wa-.; c·mwc•cled tlw hPst C'han<'<'. as thc·,v \\PI'<' pla,,·illg- on thPir honw floot', hnt this sc·e•nwd to make• no clifl'pre•ncr to lh<' ~Iar·nnn .. \\'ho sla·hPcl thPir way through tlw l 'rhana fi\'<'-man cl<'f(•ns<> for a :.?:l to Hi ,·i<'tnr.v. 1.'hi~; IPI't on!~· OgdPn. who was c]pfpatrcl 1 to .) in tlw S<'mifinals. and Long,·ip"·· who hacl to he contcnte•d with tlw short <'ncl of a ~.) to



NE< 'T I O~.\T1 'rOt · n~ .\:'IIE~'l' ('hmnpaign l'lll<'l'l'd thP Npe•ti(mal 'l'ountampnf thP twxt \\'P<'k-Pml at DP<'atur \\·hrrP. at'tc·r dPI'P;tlm!! Bl'lhan.'· ~.)to ~1. th<' ~Iaroon w!'rP matc•hpcl "·ith th<' fast .\thrn. !Pam. "hie·h lal!•r pt·ov<'el to lw rnmwr-np in the Stat<' Tonrnnment. ('hampai!!n pla.n•d ra~~Pd haske•thall in tlw fit·st half. g-iving- tlw ~\thc•ns tPam a 1 t to (i lc•ad. hut in tlw S<'C'OtHI half tlw :\Iaroons (•ompll'lrly otl!clas-.;pcl AthPns hy ring-ing- upnill<' points whiiP thPir oppmwnts \\<'1'<' \\·orking- hat·cl to g<'t a Ion<' ha ·k<'l. The• g-nn e·nt t lw ( 'hampaign rail.'· short wlwn th<' ~Iaroons "'£'!'<' still trailing- hy <me• point. 'llw final score• \\'as 16 to 1.). ThP Champaig-n te•am shO\Y('(] t he•ir rc•al form wlwn they (lpfpatecl the \Yaverly team by a !.) to 14 se·orP in t h<' play-off for third plac



1 :2

Track NE.\ . '0



rHBA •• ,\ I. 'TEH.'C JI()J.,\STIC'

Xanu II Path

!Ieath II• ath 1\a ·tt·t· ll.t "ft•t Ba Itt' KPt·k (:a nll dt• \It- killlf'll !-'lit·lo-od :-;t i( k rwl :-;l'h\\artz 'l'tnrt II

llt•at h llt•ath

1'/11('1 First l•'i r t St•t•otul ~'i r ·t 1-'i r,t 1-'i r t I 'i r t First I 'i rst l·'irst !"t•t·olld ~t•t•orHl

'I' hi rd

.i.i POI.'T!'l p,j nl.~ R1'111l ;; ,J:tn•lin :; :!:!0 \'II. hnrdl<·s II i~l; .inmp .ill "'1. dash lOll. vd. •lash :!'!.II ·\d. <lush lli~l; .illliiJI Shot pnt ('ro: t·oulltn (:1 :1/lll tllil<•s) (l \'II. 1'1111. .i 011<' .lllilt' r\111 :I ~.JO 'd. rllll :l lllll ;-d. da:h 1

7 'l/111 "r f)j,,t,wrt I 1!1 ft. !I i 11. .i :\/,i St'l', Ill '!./.i "''· :.! l St 1 t' . :; ft. 7 1/'!. ill. II ft. !l 1/'!. in. ~~~ Jllill. ]/.i 'l'l', '.!. mill. 1 I st••• . I 111i n ..i'!. .... , .• .iii J /.i Sl'l'. J () ~ /,j S{'l'.

.... ..-.

J.i l ft. .i ill . I i :1/.i SPI', :I 111 iII . .i:l S('t', I 111 iII. :l 1/."i

•Jan•li11 l'!.ll yd. hunllt•s

l·'irst Fir ·t l-'l•t•OIItl l'i rst

;.1 "'"'''' n·laY

-.-.o y;l.

~/.} . t'('.


:; ft. (i 1 /~ ill •



B IL\ I >I, E\" I. "I' EH:-;< '110!,.\i-;'1'1 <' '1'1111(1) 1'1. \(

:-:;t i<·krod S..Jt\\ :t rf z llt•al h lit ath

1'!. l'o 1. ··r,..;


First :-;,.,.01111 :-11'1'01111 Thin!

1 mi11. .i'!. 1/.i

0111' lllilt• I'\ Ill ~-W ~d. I'll II 1'!.0 \'II. hurd It•,; •J a n;l i 11


:l 1

:-.:l ~/."i



I i Sl't' . l.i.i ft. i ill.

:.J lLLIKE 1'1

Ba tt•r lla lt•r na tt'r llt•at h Ilt•at h llt•at h Slit·krod ( .ambit• St·hwartz \1 a. \It'll II path l·'olt z 1 (

H rsoll


.... ..

F'irst First l•'ir·t !·'irs! l·'ir·t :-;t't'Olld l•'ir t


:; :I r; :I



S\'<'Oild Third J.'ourt h Fourth Fourth Fourth First First

l:i 1'01

\t I·


I l

1 1




.i .J/.i Sl'l'. Ill 1/.i ,.,,.,.. '!.:l 1/.i "t'l'. 17 1/.i St'<. :! :\/.> St'l'. J.i ft. II in. I Ill i 11. l."i .,.,.• :1 ft. IJ iII. .i:\ ;,!/.) St'l" . :.! uli n. i 1j;; ~et•. I ft. 11 i11. ,iii :\/,j St'l', 10 ft. :; ft. .-. ill. I mill. :1!1 :!/ri st••·· :1 miu. ~ 7 4/:i ,.,,.,..

.ill vtl. dash I ll(l ,.d. dash :!:!0 ~d. dash l:!ll ·.nl. burdlt'~ :!:!11 \d. hunllt•s ,J :1 \'t' j iII Ont• mi It' run Shot pnt .J~l) Ytf. l'llll 1'1111

llro:;d jun1p 14(} \'If. rUil l'oh: \:lUll l l igh juutp ..., 0 'd. n•l:t\' 011<' ·111ih• n·iay

''1'1-:H:--;<'IIOL,\ :-;TJC' \II·;E'I' J:t (}. II I' I. \I ~-

JIPatlt ll<•at h :--;1'11\Hirtz Sth·krod lkt ·t••r lpt•t•k

)•'i rsl :-;t'l'llllll :-;,•,·oll<l Third Third '!'it• for sl't'Otlll


....4.... '.!.

.Jnn·lill 1'.!.11 yd. hunllt•s ~.Jil Ytf. rllll Out• ·mill' run 1110 \'II. <Ia h l l i~l·t jutllp

'!.I 1'01. "!',.; l '<l ft. !I iu. IIi t/.i l't".

-··)I, ..


Sl'l 1 •

I Ill iII. 1:1 st.•t•. 10 :1/.i Sl\t• • iu. ft.

C. H. S. TPack RecoPds .iO- Ylu·d Dash ...................... 1<'. Major, IJ. Baxt <'1', • 'nil ivan .................) :!.j.i 100- Yanl Dash .................... L. Baxter .................................................... 10 1/5 :!.'20- Yanl ])ash .................... l•'. .:\Iajor .................................................... '2:3 1/;) -1-10 Yard Dash .................... Brudpr· .........................................................)} :~;;:, , 0 Yanl Run ...................... LargPllt ...................................................... :!. ::~ :~j.i 1 .:\lilt> l{ull ............................ J>. PPn·i,·aJ .................................................. 4 ::Hi :!. .:\1 i IP l{ull. ......................... Brow11 ........................................................ 10 ::!.!1 1'20- Yanl Iturdh•s .............. F. .:\Iajor· .................................................... 1G 4/.i :!.:!.0 Yar·<lllnrdh•s ................ l•' . .:\IajoJ·.................................................... :!.7 BnJHd .Jump ........................ Brall('h ................................................... .... '21 ft. -1 in. Pok \'ault.. .......................... Bro\\'ll<'ll .................................................... 11 ft. !I in. lligh .Jump ......................... Uantz ............................................... ...............i ft. s 1/:2 in. J)isells .................................. 1\:Plllp .......................................................... 11!! ft. 7 in. ~hot Put .............................. K<'lllJl .......................................................... -17 ft. 1 in. llammPr Throw .................... '\i<·kpJ·son .................................................... 1.is ft . •ra,·pJin ................................ IIPath ........................................................... 1'-~i ft. !lr;r. .:\lih· ){play ............................................................................................... :{ :4:!. :!.j;) :!. .:\lilP RL•lay ............................................................................................... :-l-7

Review of' 1924 TPack Season liE 19:!.-1 track season giY<'s promise of being om· of tlw most suceessful that tlw .:\Iar·oons haYe had siJH~<' 19'21, wh<•n the Champaign team ·won PYery ll!Pet in whit'h it ellt!'red, inelu<ling tlw , 'tat<· Interscholastic ~h·et.

'l'hp ( 'hampaig11 tPam OJH'Il<'d th<• s<•ason at l'rhana wh<•r<• they pi It'd up ,j,j points, wi1111 ing- easily. The i\Iaroon'i gathered nine fir 'ts, tlu·pp s<'<'OlHls aml <me tuird in this meet, and slwwe<l that they" onld be dangerOils ('OiltPnd<'l'S i11 l'\'el'_'\' lllPPt. <>n .:\Iay 2. ('oach .:\Io.'<'r <'nll•n•<l fiyp mPn in the Knox rPlays and again gathPt'<'d tlw lion's shal'l' " 'hPn Il<•ath " ' 011 thC' jaYPlin alHl hurdlPs and tie<l for first in tlw mih• rPiay aftpr ~tickrod, the .:\Iaroon's an('hor man, ha<l run into a post w hi IP r·e<'<' i \' ing t Iw hat on. 'l'he lH•xt day the ( 'hampaign t<•am entere<l till' Br<Hllt>y Inter-;cholastic and gathPJ'P<l P11011gh points to finish in third placP. Tlw .:\Im·oons Wl'l'l' plai1dy off fm·m at this llll'Pt a11d tirl'd aftl'r tlwir long driY<' from ('hampaign to Peoria. ('hampai~n r·m1 It'll<' to form and \\On first pla<'l' in thP .:\lillik<•lJ .:\Ieet with -l.) points at DP<·atllr' tht• t'ollowillg' wt•Pk· Pild . .:\lml.'' r·p<•ords W<'I'P hrokt·n hy the :\I m·oons i11 t IH•i r dash for· fir·st pia<·<·. 'l'hP ~tatt• lntPt's('holastit· lll!'Pt was tht• lH·xt t'\'l'llt thP .:\Iai'Oolls participated in. 'l'ht•y sho\\'t•d t ht>ir· t't•al \\orth wh!'n thPy finisht•d s<'<'ml!l, aftpr Oak Park had <'ill'l'i<'d otl' fir·st hmwr·s. In this lll<'PI .John llPath. th!' .:\[at'OOJl jaYPlin tln·ower, h11rl<'d thP SJIP<U' }1-;;J ft. !J in., j11st nine ill<·ht•s short of th<• \Vorltl 's lntPrschola ·tic HPeord.

Minor Sports Cross Country Champaign has had a «n•at year in athletit•s. Our tPams in tlw major sporb of foothall. hask1·thall and tnt<·k haYP lll'l'll I!OOd, hut no lwttPr than our ('ross Country t<'alll. This is a t•oming spol't \\ hieh will grow P~lt'h ."<'HI' in po]mlarity. This ypar's tpam. IP<l hy ('aptain ~ti<'kro<1. nwt awl <lPfeatpc] two worthy oppmwnts in DP<·at ur mHl I>anYilh•. 'l'hr Champaign tPalll c]pfpatP<l DPt•atllt' ~:~to 1:~. wiH•n ~tiekro<11P<l thP runnPt's O\'Pl' tlw t\\ o-mih• <'OIIl'sl' in Ph>\'t'n minutPs and twl'nt.' 1\Yo st•eonds. The men finislw<l in tht• folio\\ ing ordPr: ~tH·kt·od. ( 'hampaig-n: Hanks. lkeatur: Emblem. ('hampaign : ~lax\\ rll. ('ham paign : .John ·on, Champaign: \Yhceler Dt·<·atur: Turky, ])peatur. and :\lillPt' of DPt•atllt'. On • 'oypm])(•r tlH• s1·n•ntPPnt h, t hp .\Iat·oons met and <lPfPatPcl DmwiiiP 2" to ~7 in a Yt•ry c.·<·iting t'<t<'<'. ~ti<•krod al!ain hPid tlw limplil!ht wht>n lw jum]W<l into thl' leacl at tht• fit·st milt> aJHl \\·as nP\'Pt' JHtssPd. IIow<'Y<'l'. had it not been for Emhlrm and ~chwal'tz. \\'ho finishP<l third and fom·th. thP l'ham]Htign tPmn <'olll<l not haYe won.

Tennis 'l'!'nnis has grown in popularity this y<'at· as was shown hy tlw largo<' nllmlwr of <•ntrips in tht• st•hooltoll!'llllllll'nt whit•h \\as playPd 011 ~lay G. 7, and !l, mHlcr tlw suprr\'ision of IIt•nry ~loon•ht•ad. • 'inl'tePn hoys sign<'<l np to ]>lay off a tout·nampnf. tlw tht·t•t• "imwrs to hP PntPl'<'d in tlw Stat!' Intpr.·cholastic mPet at l'rhana on ~I a.'· 1 () and 17. 'l'hl' nitw1Pt'll hoys, Ha.'· <ltttJ<llot'k, Eal'l St tll'<ly\'in. Ost•ar .Ja<·ohs .• Jpns PPdl't'S!'Il, \\'illtam .Johnston, Hoss ~lillPr, Hay ~lt•ITifi<•ld. Rog-t•r PottPt', <:Porgt• ~ld 'allislt•r. \'it·gil KPsll'J', \VaytH' D!'l.Jong, llalfor<l Spalding, Ralph mw, Russp] Bnt·kr .• ~orris II il!gin .... Frank Pratt, Pnmk ~le( 'alii.·lt•r, Lamar OglPtl'<'t' and • 'orman I lnt<•hinscm. playt•<l an Plimination tournanwnt. "·hit·h pro\'Pd to IH' Y<'l'.' itltt•t•t•st intr and Pxt·it in g-. HlHl wh!'lt tht• last ganw wa' OYPt' it was t'omtd that IInt1·hinsmt, lliggins. and Burkt• would t•t•pn•st'tlt ('hampaiu-n in tht•. 'tat!' MPP!s.


Golf 'l'hc•rt• wc•t'<' only tht'l'C' ho.'·s "ho t•at'!'d to try tlwit· skill at golf forth<' l!l~-l tont'llalllPnt. 'l'h<'.'' "'<'t'l' f:pm·gp \\TC'PdPn. Halford Spalding. all!l rthnr ]) 'll· mmt. 'l'ht• lattt·t· two h<·c·amP inPlil!ihl<' shortly af'tt•r thPy wc•n• c•ntprpcl so thi:left onl.' \\'pp<Jen to dPi'Pntl ('hampaign in the• ~tatP Tournament.

lluwlre I 1


CECIL McDER~lOTT, 'heerlead<'r

<'ham paign. ( 'hampaign! Halt, Rail. <'llampaign! ( 'llampaig11! Hall. Rail! Wlloo nth, \\'lwo rail. ('llampaign lli~ll ,'(•hool. Halt! Rail! Hall!

L,UIAR O<:LETHEE, ~i tant Checrlt•ndcr

Fig'ht 'em. 'feam! )<'ight \•111! l•'ight 'em, Team! F1ght \•m ! <>skt·l'·" o" -wow, ~kimwy


F1ght \·m. Team! l•'il!ht 't•m!

WALTER FOR::;HEY, As btunt hecrlcac.ler


The "C" Club ( L\ 11,


l•'1:-;11 Lit · cr.LY (L\.\1 BLE

Pn·sidPnt T t't•aslll'l' t'

'l'lw ''( ' '' l'luh. "hieh is HJ1 or~anization fot· all thP ''wPal'Pt's of tht• ( '.''was first hrou~ht into PXistPtH'<' nndt•t· thP sllJH'I'Yisim1 of Cmwh ('oul!·hit• in 1!11 -J..


is <'Olll)Hisl'd of thosp "ho haY!' <'Ht'nPd a l!'lt<·t· and haY!' .1\1'\ iYPd tlw initiation. ThP <·lnh stands for e!Pan at hiP! i<·s and tlw hi~lwst i<lPals of port manship . ;md its Jlll1']HlSl' is to hrin~ t lw athlPtl's into <·los!'!' fpJio\\ ship . •\t thl' first of tht• y<'al'. thl' Sl'\'<'11 old t1H'HliH't's Pankau. IIyl<md. <:amhlP, Olson. 0. l<'islwr. Blam·ett. and )Jajot·s nwt and t>lP<'I<'d thP pn•spnt ofl'i<•prs. 'l'lw a<•tiYitiPs of tlw <·lnh at'l' f'Pw. hilt dnt·in~ its histor.1· it has h<•l'n mor!' a<·tin• l'<t<•h .n·at· \llttil it now ranks <'0111lllt'tHlahly "ith thl' otht•t· m·g-a11izations of the s<•hool.


intpn•stin~ llll'Ptin~ was lH·ltl I•'riday. l\lan·h ~ . at an initiation haJHJill't

lwl<l at the Beardsl<'~ Ilotl'l. .\ llllllllll'r of t hP oltl ~ntdllatl' Jllt'llllll'J's "l'l't' haek to hPlp usher in t ht• twt>nt~·-hnJ Jll'\\' nwmlwrs. Coach )Ioypt· ~a\'1' a short talk and SI'\'I'J'al of thl' Ill'\\ lll1'111hl'1's sail!.!. 'l'hl' in it iat ion "as a tPst of ahilitil's, l'fl'i<·il•JJeiPs. and ~ood sportsmanship of t ht• l'atHlidatPs. 'l'hP 1111'11 "ho l'l'l'Pi\'l'll ll'ttt>rs in football. haskl'tha1l. an<l tnwk, who l'l'l'l'iYP<l tla•ir "C's" too ]at<• to Ill' initiat<•d in]!)~;~ \\l't'l' takPn i11. 'I hi' Ill'\\ <·omJ·ad!'s Ht't' ·, \·IJ\IHI'tz. Plllliam. lligt.:ins. \an ('lira. Lit•J'lllall, R. l•'ishPr. \\'ill',\. \'. ('arson H. ('arson .. 't i<·krod .•\. 1h·mnan. K<·<·k. Hi<·hmm1. KPlllll',\. ~la~1t'.'. f1Plll'k. ~1H•\\ a1tt•J'. 1•'. ~ld 'allis!l•J', Oland!. L. ~olldl'r. and '1'111'1'1'11. 'l'h<• <wtilt' nH•Jilhl't's now 11\lllllwr twent~·-pight. .\ dall<'t' 1s plantH·d fm· t ht• al'l ivt• llll'll1hPr-. ol' t ht• ·' <'" <'lnh liJ1dPr thl' anspi<·<•s of tht• "('" ('luh alumni. at th<· llln<' <loo-.p dan<·t• hall. on l•'1·iday. May


''))ood1P'' ()'Dolllll'l1 a1111 his six - pit•<·•• on·lu•sti'H \\ill pia~· . .\hollt sixty

t•onplt•s at'l' in1·itl'd, itH·Ilu1ing- -.milt' ol' ( 'hampaiu-n'-. athll'lt''> for yt·ars h.1ek. 'I' hils the'· (' '' ( 'lnh <·losed ot1<' of its most sm·epssflll Y<'Hl' · in its histoQ. U.\11. Ft:->IIER.

The Trophy Cases l<'or OYer h\Pllty-fin• ypa1·s ( ' hampai~n lli~h :-id10ol athlPtPs haw provpn themsPlYt>s V<'l'Y succ<>ssful as is h<n\11 h~- tlw ~n·at lllllliiH•r of tJ·ophil•.· in our <'HS<'s. stwh as shit>ld . Jll'llllallls. all(] <·ups for tra<'k, football I'm· that sport. HJI(] haskPthalls fo1· haskl'thall. In thP trophy 1•asP Hl'l' twPIYP l'oothall. It'll ol' whi<·h an• l'or th<• stalt> <·hampionship of Illinois. Thrt'P silvt>r lcl\· in~ l'UJ)S for wins on•t· I ' rhana at'l' also on <lispla~·. ( 'hampaign \\OJl ht>r fit·st . tall' <·hampionship in football in 1 ~!l7, an< I sinCP tJH•Jl ha · Hlllli'XI'd tht' tit II' nillP limps in 1!l0-l, 1!ll:2, 1!Jl-J-. l!ll(), 1!Jl7, ]!Jl , 1 1ll!l, 1!1:20, alHI 1!!:2:2. For fi\'1' ypm·s, !'rom l!ll() to 1!!:21, ('hampai~n Il1gh , ·~·hool football tPams did not los1• a ganw and rt>pPat1·d this JH•rl'ornlaJH't' again in l!l:2:2. In haskt>thall ('hampai~n has Jlt'Yt't' hPPn statP <·hampion. hut has won tlw di . tri1·t 1·hampim1. hip fiw tillll's in tht> last 1·i~ht ~~·ar·s. In tlw wason ol' 1!ll!l a111l 1!1:20. tl11• haskt>lhall t1·am qualifiPd l'or thP stall' tmlr·naHH•nt and l'HilH' through thPir first ~allll' h~· "i1min~ !'rom ~It. \'1'l'llOJl, h.'· a largp s<·on•. hut \\'1'1'1' han· I.'· 110 I'd out hy mw point in t lw l,!HIIH' "it h . · 1'\\ 'J't·il'r. In thl' s<•ason ol' 1!l:2:l all(] 1!l:2~. th<• tl'alll a~ain \\"on th1· Distri<·t 'l'ounw IIII'Jit at I rhana and I'Jitl'rl'd t lw s<'l't ional I'Y<•nt at DP<·at Ill', "irmi11~ handily fl'Olll lh•thany in their fil·st ~Hllll', hut losin~ to ~\!hens by 0111' point. In all thPt'l' at'l' fh·e shil'lds repn•s<·ntin~ five distril'l <·hampicmships. On thl' <·indpr·s Champaign has amassl'd Ple\l'll shit>ld . fjyp pPnnants. sl'\'l•n !I•PJl <·up. Hllll two l'llwks. Thl' tr;u·k 1Pams haYP \\on thP stall' intPI'SI'holastil• llll'l't onl'(', ill 1 !1:21.

E nn::.

L ~or llt:H.

~<>PllO~IOHE 'l'E.UI <\ H llORD II U STJo;, ;\l cARTY BOUI>REA U







Miss Harriett Perry ~Irss IIanil't t PPJ'J'.'' · a ~rad11atP of Nimp. on ( 'ol )pgp and ( 'hicago • 'ol'lnal. <'Hill<' to ( ' hampaign High N<·hool last ,\'<'HI' to h<' t h<' inst I'IH'tor in Physi<·al tJ·ain ing for sophomor<' and frpslllliPII girls. .\t that t inw slw intro<lll<'Pd YOliP.'' hall. and thP gir·l · haw l!l'Patly l'lljO,\'P<l til<' gH!IH' lllHI<•I' thP <•apahiP lll<lllilgPIIH'llt of tlwi1· c·om•h. Jliss P<·J·r·,,· also has c·har:.!'<' of a lii'P sa\'in:.r elass for a<lnllH'Pd s\\'illllli!'J's. Nlw has ere• . at<'d hPttPI' sportsman hip amm1g tiH· girls in <·las. <'s and throtrgh hPr inflll<'JH'P in tiH• <:iris' .\thl<'1 i<' .\ssociation.

Volley Ball Yollc•y Ball lweanH• onP of thP major sports of thP :.rirl 'gymna inm ria · ·es of Champaign Ifigh School in tlw ,\'PHI' l!l~:~ ~+. Jliss Per-r~·. th<' physieal train ing instructor for girls. diYidP<l tlw elassrs into sqna cls. and in tlw tonrnanwnt "hieh was lwlcl at tlw elosr of thr fh·st <•nwst<'r all hnt mw t!'am in hoth the sophOlllOI'(' all<l frpshman C'lassps \\<'I'<' p]iminatP<l. rrJJ<• fr<•s}llll<'n dc•fc•atrcJ the sophomorrs h~· a score• of L) toll in the final gamr. The linPnp follm\s:

, 'ophonwrr.:-~ .\. ~f<'.\rty (<'apll-l in ) J.J .• 'ash l.J. II m;t c•n E. IIorcl ~I. BmHln•a11

Pre. hmrn I. Doolrn ( ('apt a in ) D. \\'aschc•J' :-.r. .Tohnson M. Bnrr ~f. Pa<lfirlcl ~I. Oillrspi<' E. ('linr

Two all star fpams W<'l'<' piekPcl h~· ~lis Prl'l'.'"· aiclrcl hy thr eaptain playrcl a mateh ganw whi<•h tlw sophomorrs won 22 to 20. Thrall star tPams ar<' as follcl\\s: • 'ophoHWI'l s

.\. ~Ir.\1·ty (<'aptain ) I'· , t irgpnwy<'r E. :\ Piclc•ft'c•r II. Stt•war<l 0. Bnrgrss U. Fosnaugh ~f. SprrH'<'r ~L Bondrra n 1•'. r.J<'r


F rrsh 111 rn H. II,,·lancl ('apt a in ) JJ. \ \ ' al l<t<'<' D. \\'asc•lwt· I f. Shantz ~T. Do\\ lingT. ~Ic~IniiPn <L Dixon H. Valf<'rs 11. ~fay

Thi.· ~·par's all star sophomor·t· tt>am \\Hs <ll'ft•atrd h~· tlw all star .·ophomore tram of last year, 21 to Hl.

.n ·

·1 on



Rt:<'O. ·n How: • 'orman, Brownl'll, l'arkhill. FIRsT How: Osll()urn(', Lon~. i'<'n·i\'al, \\'ilt-o.-.

IndooP Baseball Ba. ehall for the girl of Champai~n High was takPn up mm·p enthwia ticall~·la·t y<'ar than C'\'c•r hdMP. }lis.· P<>ny clividc•d P<-H'h of thc• gym c·lassps into four sqnads. and t hPsl' tc•ams c•omJH'tPcl Ill a tournamPnt cl111·ing sc·hool hout·s. The \Yimwr. in I'Heh class nwt aft<>r. c•hool HIJ(l finislwcl tlw tollrnamPnt. ~quad IT of tlw s<'<'OJHl holt!' c•lass "as tlw <'ham pion of tlw l•'rl'slmwn. whilc• ~quad I of tlw thiJ'(l hour c·aml' at tlw top of thP list of, 'ophomorP IPams. Th!'sc• l\\o pla~pd tlw final ganw of tlH• intPJ' elass eontPst. It "as HJJ PHS,\' Yi<'lm·.v t'ot· tlw ~opho­ morps \\hO clPfNttPd ilw l•'rosh h~· tlw sc·orp of twenty-on<' to ninc•. Later on in 11w sl'ason .\11 Star l<•ams \\('!'<' pi<'k<•d hom all the l•'rPshnwn and ,'ophomorp tPams. ~\ ganw \\Hs phtyPd lwt\\<'<'11 thPs<' two which \\a.· OJH' of tlw hardc•st fought gam<>s of the .nar. Tlw ont<·omp was doubtful mttil. h~· tlw PX<'<·llpnt tPam work of tlH• FrPshnwn. the gamt' PndP<l 17-1,") in favor of 1lw lattPr. 'llw "\II , '!ctl' lineups WI')'(' as follows: D. Eel\\ arc!. p P. Ila<'kharth. rs }I. Brcm JH•ll. p }f. <lhonw. rs K. , 'nil ivan. <' .\. }l<'~hty. I· P. \\'il<'ox. c• }f. IIazPlton, Is I•'. LP<'. ~nd c· }f. ('mwvPr, rf <L Pm·khill , lh 1'. ]>pJ'C•ival, rt' ( '. \Va ch<·r. 1 b \\'. DalP. If E .• 'onnan. ~b JI. Long, If L. ~ti<'gemPyPr. ~h B. }h•Ur<'W, cf lJ. Barber, :{b .\. \ 'ak,\·. l'f E, Pr<'lH'P, :lh !<'.\ \' E ,J 0 II. ':::;0


Swimming Swinuntn~ has hP<'Ollll' a Yl' l',\' popular tndoor· sport HlllOlll! tlw l!tl'ls of ( ' ham paig-n Hi~h S1•hool thts ,\'I'Hl'. and thl' s\H'<'<'ss <whi<'VI'd has hl'<'ll lar~<·l.'' dttP to tlw \\Ork of tlu• t\\o instrtt<'tm·s . .:'lliss IIanil'tt Pl'rry and :\lrss J>or·ot hy Kripplll't'. 'l'h<· l!il'ls \\ ho t'<'tristPrPd at t lw hPl!innin:.r of thP ,\' <'HI' \\'1'1'<' di,·rd<·d into 1 hn•<• <•Jass('S: till' ]ft•gimlillJ.!, intPI'IliPdiatl'. and ad\' Hlll'l'<l s\\illll111'l'S. :\fiss Kripp111'1' \Uts tlw tl'lll'h<•t• of tiH• IH'gimwrs and intl't'llll'diatl' . and through lu•r· inst 1'11<'tion thl',\' ll'<tl'l!l'd tlw !'ttndanwntal . trok<·s alHI nwthcHls of float in g. Thosl' \\hil'h th<·lH'g-itllll'r mast<'r<•d in good fo)·m \\1'1'<' tlw ht'<•ast strokl'. Pl<•nwnt<tr·,v h;H·k strok<·. d11<'k pacldll', and dPa<i IIHIJJ 's float. ThP first Sl'llll' tl't'. tlw adnltH'<'d swimnH•t·s IPat'lll'd t hP t nui~Pon .•\ ttst ralian <•raw), ha<'k. trok<• !'or sp<'l'<l. o\·prhand sidP st rokP for form. ancl tttHkr-\\ at PI' swinunilll!. Thos<• who \\'PI'!' int<·r·pst<·<l in diYing- \\PrP :.ri\'1'11 instnwtion. httt sin<"<' t lwrP is 110 hpri 11~ board for t h<· pool, t h<· s<'OJH' of t lw \\Ork Ill diving \\'CIS Jimit<•<J. .\t t lw lwginnin~ o!' SP<'OJHl sPnwstl'r tlw majorit,\· of tlw <Hh an<·l'd swimmPt's Pnt·olll'd in thP <'OttrsP of lifl' sa\·ing. :\Iiss l'l'l'r,\' had 1•hargl' of thts <·la'is .•\tnong t hi' intpn•st ing fl'ats \\ hi1·h t IH• girl l<'<ll'tH'd to a<·<·omplish 111 onlPr to lu• a hiP to pass junior and s<·nior l{l'd ('ross lii'P sa\ in:.r tl' ts \\'1'1'1': ~" im ~.) yard dn•ssPcl. undn•ss and c·ont inlll' s\\ immin:.r :i() yanl": 1'\l'l'ttt<' sttrl'a<'<' di\'1•: bringin~ up six-pottnd oh.i<·<·t: c•ontinttl' to s\\ 1111 10 ,\ani with oh.il'<'t on hip. I'Xt'<'llll' !'out· difl'l'rl'nt hn·aks 111 di'I'Jl \\<ll<'r: I'X<'<'IIt<• • 'hal'l't' nwthod of n•slls<·itation. Uirls pnrolll'd in this <·lass \\1'1'<' .\lie<' Uooclman. Doroth,\ Ed\\ards. Opal U<•rseh" illl'r. FratH'Ps Ll'<'. E\ a :\Ic·( 'a kill .•\ li<'<' :\!('(lint,\. Louis<' ~~·holt. Lutill<• ~mit h. JIPll'n (iuinlan. <lr·a<'<' Parkhill. ;\!arion ~~·ott. ·.. ,a Littl<•. ancl Louisa Ba!'lwr. \'ttWI "lA J>.\TTI:ItSO • .


JlundrPd 1 rruty ou

:\Iiss .'llarl-!arl't E. ~tur~n·on, a gra<luatt> of th<' niYt'J'sity ol' Illinois, t'HlllP to ('hampaign Iligh ~~·hoof t \\O yt>ars ago as .i 1111 ior English in. ·t l'llt'l or and l'at·ulty a<h·isPr ol' studt>n( pnblieations. ~ht' has takt•n tlllltsual inlt•l't•. t i11 journalistit• t•nt!'rprist's mHl sponson·d thP on.ranization of (Juill ('luh . .'lliss ~ttu·­ g't'Oll at•t·onlpanit•d thP t\\o ('.II.~- dPIPgatPs to tht' ( '. I. P .•\. ( 'oni'PI'!'!H't' at tlw l'ninrsit~ of .'IIadi on. \Yist•onsi 11. Bt•t·a liSP of t lw int !'rl'st sht' has shown 111 hi!.dl st•hool jountalisnl sht' \\as appoirttl·d a HH'Jllht•t• ol' tht• P ·t·t·uti\P <'OJtttnitiP<' of tht• Illinois ~tate Iligh ~t·ltool Pt'Pss .\ss<ll'iatiou t'or 1B~.). • ll!:lS



Maroon Staff IRJ

'L ~-,, \:-.'

Vuu lit 'l't'JJJXso · (}!,; . b\'.\ HoBERT


Lot 1s1. :-;'IIE<iL:\IEYEH YIHm ., \ • 'Qt IHEs .\Luw \HE'l' ~'IT \H'I' Lm JsE .'lldlH '~ \11.\. ( '.\Hl.Yl.E

.'Ill ,_KI \1 EC\

,,. \L'l'EH IIAZEL'l'OC\

EDI'I'JJ . ·umFI''LR ( '11.\HLJ·'" Bl ''\'LTT ,.l\1\


U\\ L. ·noJ.\. , 'u u·t:EH E :\Jl:HsO'\' ~I' JJJWt:DEJ<

'1' II 0.\1.\S .\J (' •• EJ I. DA\'11> ,J \COBs Er.sJE BHJ'\'E\' .'III'-· .'II \Hc:.\HE'J' E.

~·11 Hm:o . •


Editot·-in-( 'hit•!' .\ssociatt• Edit or , 'prrior Editot· .Junim· Editor ~ophontOJ't' Editor I•'n•shman Editm· LitPn!ry Editor .'llu-.i<· and !hamal ic·s Editor Puhlil'al ions Editor .\thlt>t ic•s Editor Uir·ls' .\thll'tit•s Editcll' ,J okP Eel i I or .\rt Editor .\ssistant .\ rt Editor Busirws-. :\I ana!.!t'l' ( 'it·t•ttlat ion .'IJmwgt·r .\ti\'I'J'ti-.ing .'IIanag<'r ( 'op~ .'IIana!,!Pl' F:H•tJit~ .\dyi-.t•J'


Illinois State HilJh School Press Association • 'p' pnty-fivl' llt>ll'gatt•s from ( 'hampaig-n Iligh :·khool attPtHlPd thP thin! annual <'OIIwntion of t hi' Illinois Nt at I' II ig-h N<· hool Press ~\sscwiat i<m at tlw l ' nivPrsity of Illinois, ' ovpm}wr 2:3 and 2-L 'l'wo hundred and fift.' dt>IPgaiPs from mw lntJHII·I'd and font· sehools attPtHlPd this <•onl'<•t·l'Jl<'P. ThP (inill ( ' luh assi. t<•ll in llH'Piing- otlwr dt>ll'gal<•s aml Pnll't'lainl'd tlwm \\ ith a stunt show aftpr t'l':,!ist !'at ion. Professot· l<'t·ank \\' . :-><·ott. IH'<Hl ol' t h<• Nt•hool of ,Journalism, \\'l'l<•omed thl' dt>ll'gatl's. ~It·. Elmo N. \\~atson am! :\Ir. ('.B. Davis. instrnetors, ga\e instructtalks and <·riti<·i Ill. fll111i stall' llll'llllH'r addl'd lwlpfnl sug-g-est ions. .\ jamhot'l'l' providt>d om• <'YI'lling-'s l'lllt•rtainmPnt. 'l'hl' ,1 /oftt'llft l'l'('l'i\'l'd th1• H\\anl fot' IH'\\S[HlJWl'S in <'lass I I l, a division made up ol' schools having an I'Jl rollnwnt ol' .)()() 1000. 'l'h1• Jftu·oon took third place in tht• saY<' diYision in \\ hi<·h tht• East .\ttrot·a , ' ptcllllllll l'l'<'<·iwd fit·st pla<'l'.



PLA C),;


Central Interscholastic Press Association ::\lis. Tn•Jl\' , 'tyan, Jfaroo'l Pditm·, ( 'arlyh• :\[pskiuH•n, and :\I iss :\largat'l't St11rgPmt. fa<·ulty <HhisPJ', rP[)]'I'SPJJtt>d ('hampaign High .\•!tool at th1· ammal <·mtf'<•relH'e ol' th<• ( 'pntral Tntt•t·seholasti<• Pt·pss ,\-.,so<•iat ion at :\Iadi-.,on, \\~is ­ l'Ollsin. , 'pypn hundn•d Hllll fil't~ <h•lt•gal\•s from high sehools all OYI't' th1• l'nited NtntPs atii•JH!Pd th<· <·mtft•t'l'lH'<'. N<·hools at'\' d i' idl'd hy Pllt'olhtlt'll t. and ratings g-i \'t'll on has is ol' lllt•t·it. 'l'hl' .llo!tt'lllt l'l'l'PiYI'd a SI'I'OJtd t·atin:,r c<·t·tili<·all' a<· l'Ol'dl'd to su[wrior pnhli<·at ions. 'I' hi' J/an11111 rP<·I'iY<•d hotwrahh· mention. Addn•sS<•s h~· jotn·nalisnl inslt'tH•Iors in tiH· I ' niYt•t·sity ol' \YiS<·mtsin and hy lllt'll adiwly inl<·n·siPd in high s<·hool puhlil'at ions, alon~ '' ith indi,·idual crit i<'ism hy g-rad ua It> st udt•nts :,ra n• inst ntet i n• sug-:,r<'sl ions I o t•d i I or,.,. .\ sl nut show, hanquPI, mHl dmH'P providt•<l <'lllt•rtaillnwnt for <ll'lt·:,ratPs. ~ runwro11s p<qll'rs \\t't'P adtlPd to tht•Mo/1 cul1 exehan:,r<' list, and Hta11y i<leas obtained for the Jlal'uun, as a re~.ult of this conferene<'. l'AHLYI.l~ :\1 I::-. h. I \11-,. • • Unr llu.ndttd 1 tCt: JilV

s et'tll






11 tlflrlrrrl T I' MIIV PitJ/It

ilnlerul-r ..



t-------------- L9 ...[ ------------·Lo

Molecule Staff (~II \HLL~ } ~b'\"


)JAIWARE'l' :::JTt ' Alt'l' YFIU


'l'CI!I. ~0 -.

IlAmn l'oLE ED!Til • 'LIDEFFER


HrciiARD KEcK GL!\I:;VA ( 'oeBERt,Y

l'o~~'l'A!\ ('E l•'OO'l'E



\('()BS, J[ARTWl: LL . ' OIOIA. '

~111!1'0'\ Pt(' KNEL[, 'Al{I.YLE ~lE:->KI:\1 E .




'I'll BIWO\I

..\~~A Ho1,o~. 'l'AHso~ \VtLEY

~Its~ .:\IAtW.\RET


~Tt ROEO. •

E<litor-in-( 'hief ~enior Editor .Junior E<litor ~ophomon· I<Jditor Ass 't ~ophomon• Editor Sports Editor 'oeiety Editor Humor Editor Literary Editor l•'eatures Editor Business ~Ianager Ass 't Business .:\lgTs. 'irculation .i\Ianag •r ~Ianagin..,. Editor C'opy Editor Proof Editor Exe ha1we Editors F'aculty Adviser

'l'hP Mol£ culc haioi eomplPiP<l its fifth su<·cessfnl year as ('hampaign High :::lehool's first spmester publication. 'l'h<' paper \\·as lwtter aiHl bigger this year than eYPr lwfore. Ont of seYPJl issuPs, four eontaine<l six pag<•s mul t hrec were compost><! of four pages. 'l'he salt>s of tiH• special sport isslte put out at th' 1 ime of th<' Thanksgiying ganw reachc<l almost eight hundred. .An entirely JH'W system of n•porting \\·as tried this year. and pr·ovl'<l suet'<'ssfnl. The b~tild­ ing "as organized into sp('(ions ot· "heats," of two or thn'<' rooms each, mHl OJH' or t\\ o reporters \\ere assign<•<! to each sect ion. ~ T<'"' nwt hods of pu hl ie ity \Yen• intro<lucP<l, and t h 'se, JH'rhaps, accounted for tlw <'xtpnsiYP saks. Post<•rs ('Onsisting of Jlo/((·ulc pag-<>s \\'Pre placed in the dift<•n•nt rooms, and on pa('h "as past<'tl clippings <'OJH'<'l'll<'<l "ith tlw a('tiYities of that })articular room. An pffort was also mmh• to centralize <'aeh issue on o1w particular ·uhjt•ct. such as tlw ( 'luh isstH'. t IH• Vi<·tory issu<'. and the Holiday i:stH'. The organization of tlw (Juill ( 'luh "as an important fad or in the pnhlieation of this y<'ar's Jlo/(('1/ll. It sen·<·<l to lH'<'P up a journalistic int ·rest in ih m mlH'rS and also in tlw rPst of tlw stnd<'nh.

( J 111

l ~1- l

1/u tt1l ,.,.11



111 1 nill~


011e llundre<l 1' hirty-tu•u

Music )lr. Ira .\. )fd\:mnp.'· !'amr to Champaig-n Jl ig-h two _YPars ag-o as inst nH•tm· of musi<•. La t y<·ar lw oJ·g-ani;wd a hand outsidt• of srhool hours whilP )[iss )loon· had dwrg-p of tlw Orelwstra and Ens<•mhlP. This ypar lw has !'ontrol of all musi!' ae ti\ it iPs. i1wluding- dirf'<•tion of Band. OrehPstra. Ens"mhlP. (:]pp ( 'luhs. and wm·k in pt·odnction of mnsi<•al pmg-rams. sueh as <'OlH'Prts and thr Op<•ra. Thmng-h his untiring pfl'orts intrt·<•st in musi<• has hPPn itH'l'<'ll'iPd nnt il now about six hundrrd and fifty studPnh ar<' Pnrollf'd in this drpartm!'nt. ~~·hoot

The Orchestra '1 hP lar~rpst and lwst or<"lwstra ('hampai~rn Hig-h ~d10ol has rYrr hacl. appear<>d this y<'ar nndl'r tlw ablP numag-t•nwnt and <lirrdor-.;htp of Mr. Ira A. Me Kinne~- . . 'umlwrin~r thirty-t hrPP m<•mht>rs last .\'Par, nn in!'rt•asr hns hP<'ll maclr until nmY this org-anization consists of forty-six pi<'<'l's. ('oopPrat in~r with thr hand. tlw or!'lwst ra has fnrnishN1 mnsie for our asscmhlir-.; throughout tlw ."<'HI' and dPalt with an t•xtPnsiq• ran~r«' of mn it•. including: "1 1H• Ilnnting H<'<'JW'' (Bn<'alossi): "PriPst\; ) lareh'' (:\Ienclelssohn): "PoPt arHl P<•asant" (Snppe ) : ''Ra.'·mon<l Ch·prtnre" ( 1homas: ".\ide" (YPrdi). Lot'l. ' E Mt UH.\. ',\IIA . •.

T'inl in.~ (;('org(' Wil. on o<•org(' Kaplan Ro h('rt \\' ('St Halph ·N1mith Arthur J>lotn('r Anna Yo('lk<'l J r<'ll<' Eh<'ling Lilliam \\'('inh('im('r Alit•t• (;oollman Yirginia • quires Ha~·mm11l .unrllork William Oallion Louis :\ft'L<'an ('('t•il Kitdt '\ormau JI utl·hiuson .1 oseph 0 'Donnell

rnrnrts (;prH' l-;t·ott Hannonrl Fi~h<'r TJ:irolrl B('nrwtt Frank \fills Tlarol1l B<'tz T:rr. on \\'il<'y rlarinrts ElmN JI:unp<'l Ro~~ :\li!l('r II arry C:orlsc>~· \'i rgil Lafferty

, a.rnplwnrs :\1:r . }'l!IW('rR \ \'alt<'r Hehr('i Elwood J'o'ah('rt Lpslie \Tayt•s

TromiJnllrs Rohrrt K<'llc>y Ha !ph ('op~y .John Tu<"kl'r ('har]('~ naugh('rty Flutr (;('orgP Collin.

Crlln Lort'lta \Volfe Barifmlf Dri,·N Lin1l. nY \fyrlin .J ohn~on

Trt/}(1 r:lmt•r Qp]unke ])rrtm.~




Altn \\'l'hster Turrell

l'rHtlla !Iampl'!



The Band ( 'hampaign High f-l<·lwol i <"haractrrizrd by thr !-ipiPJl(lid <•nfhiJ'iiasm "·ith "·hil'h it atfa<·k!'i a II prohiPms of i Ill Jli'O\'!'llll'nl. 'l'h is \'l'HI' t hP Band has h<·Pn an illustrious PXampJ;. of thi!-i Jll'iJwiplt•. . ·umlwring thirty·OJJ!' piP<'P. at th<· lwginning of t lw s<·hool .'Par. t hP Ol'l.!'anizat ion :,!1'!'\\ to SP\'Pnf,,·-l'ollt' studPnts h.'' tlw addition of a ~<'<'OJHI Band. .\t thP PlHl of tlw tPI'Ill sixh·OJH' of thPs<' \\'!'t'l' un1forn1Pd. 'l'lw mPmlwrs a~·p gratd'ul to tlw Pat'Pllt-Tt•<l!'ht•r .\sscwiation for thrir c•ootwration in !'iP!'tll'ing thPs!' nnifonns. and to :'If iss N" itzPr and :\I iss ~Ion·is. \\'OI'kPJ's in thPir lwhalf. 'l'hP Band's aim is to st•rYP tht• t•onllllllnit.'' as \\'I'll as thP s<·hool. BPsi<lPs playing at football and haskPthall ganH•s Hnd assPmhliPs it l'llmishPd thP m11si<' I'm· many l'i,·i<' PYt•nts. •\mong thPSP \\1'1'<' th<• HotHl'.'' pi<·nil'. Es-.;ington Politi<·al ~IP!'t ing. a hPnPfit U . .\. H. JWrfornWJH'P. an<l tlw OJH'ning hasP hall ganw of tlw <'ommPJ'eial LPH:,!ll<'. .\ <'OJH'Prt '''a giYPn 1<'1·ida.'·· 'on·mh<•r 1 li. to in<'l't•ast• tlw f11nd for 11niforms. It was a WHITTE~IORE WRIGHT spl!'JHlid sue<'Pss both finHn<"iall.'· and mnsi<·all.'·· Drum :Major This was thP sP<'mHl ann11al <'OIH'l'rt an<l it is luqwd that tiH· Jll'<'<'PdPJlt t•stahlisiH·d "ill lw follmn•d. Tlw organization madt• fiYt' trips to othPr <·itiPs. It llJlJlOI'tt•<l thP hask<'thall !Pam in t IH• NPet iomtl 'I'o11rnanwnt at l>P<•atnr in add it ion to t hr<'P appParaners in l'rhmHt. 'l'hr <·limax of tlw .'·par <'allH' in tiH• lm1g <lllti<·ipatl·tl trip to .Tolirt. ~Ia.'· 10. Th<•n• tlw Band t•ntt•rpd tlw Illinoi ~tatP Band ('ontPst. This Pxtraordinal'.'' gro\\·th of tlw organization i d1w to thl' untiring "·ork and <•nthu-.;iasm of it dirt•<•tor. :\lr. Ira .\. :\1<'1\:inn<'.'. Hnlli:HT R. 1\.I.J.J.L \.

The Chimes of Normandy ( 'harlt- Bt•nnPtt [{Jtth ,J l'lt'l'

lfl'lll',\". Jflll'lf/IIS of ('ol'lll/'1./lt Ut•rnwinl', tl11 lost .llarr·hiollf ss

Lt•non• \\' oltl' Ralph ( 'oJl~.'­ ~Til1on Pit•ktwll ~I ax Flowpr.

~l'l'JlO(t'11!'. t/11 !Jflflt/-ftii'-IIOffliii!J

.Jpan Urt'ni<·ht'IIX. 11 ji.·ht rmtlll (la~pard, //11 //liSt/' Tlw Bailli

( !J·l'nt• Hty an Il<'h•n PJ·it•<• Karma Uolden Lorl'tta \Volff

-i l

\'ilia:!<' }faitl<'n

R<•~!i~t rar

,John Wright

.·otary Dalr ~tont Yillal!<'l's and .\ttPJHlant. of tlw :\Iarqni~: \V!'sa Dalt•. Clc•JJ<'\'i<'\'<' Di ·on. ~Iar.'· Nc·ot t. IIP!Pn Lon~!. \'illat·~ Parkhill. ~lill'.'' ~Jl<'lH'<'I' . •\nna \ 'o!'lkt'l. ~TIIdrt•d Hi<·k<'tts. 11!'1<'11 ~11'1'1'1'1'. \Vill iam Oallion. Thoma~ Hopkins. ('art DaYis. .\r<'hiP \Valhr. O<>org<' Kaplan. lhl\·id \ 'an Dnrt•n . Paul Hn!!llt'~. }fanrH'<' Bnnwtt. Holwrt KPll<'.''· and ( 'arlyll• Jl1· kinH'n. • 'pu•J \I TY

I h . ·c·1·:~

Br·:T\\'EI : •


nansP H li~·N' A11ha<IP PrintaniPrP

}fp lha

Boncll'<'all \'irginia Howpn

r 'I'Slll a II a Ill Jlt" l. .\('('()Ill pan ist }Irsl<' 0Pm'f.!t' Wilson. Elnwr lfampPl. 0Pnt' lh·iY<'I' Li11<lsay

::\b. ·.\m::-.n;



Ntal!(' L('o B1·acll('.''· Harold Lt•tH•k. ('pl•il }f<•Dt•rmott. .\ntmH• Do\\n ·. Prop('rt i<'. ,J O<' () 'Donnrll. Elt><·tric•ian" \\Tarcl Dillayou . ('harl1•s .Johnson. \\Ti lliam ('asad. Nt'<'lll'l',\ }liss Dorothy KrippnPI', }f1·. El'llPst ~imon, Hoh('J't Brink<'lllH. Enn ic•p On•Pn. Po. t er.

Fnuwis C:ono\·<'r.

011r Htt mlrrd Thirl]t·~••·



OI• . 'OIL\IA. '1>1

"Tlw Chi mrs of • 'ormandy." a c·omic O!H'ra hy Rolwrt Pia nqnrtt P. " ·as snr<'Ps. full~- pn•sPntPd in tlw Ili~rh ~<'hool anditorium on ,\pril +. Tlw play was ably clit'I'<'IP<l hy ~Ir. Ira.\. :'.l<'Kimwy. mnsie instrn<·tor: :\lt·s.• 'PiliP ;.Iikl'sPII. clramatie instructor: and ::\I iss IIaniPtt P.-rry. <lin•<•tnr of tlw <'ast in tlwir Yarions rlmwPs. In tlw first ad. liPnri. ~l<ll·qui. of ('ot·tw\·iiiP. rPtnrns unknown to hi.· honw. from whi<'h he has lwPn t•xilPd sin<'<' <'hil!lhood. liP finds matt<•rs rathrt· <'0111pli<'atP<l among t hi' !H'OJll<' of t IH• YillagP whi<'h <lPriYPs its nanw from l11 <'hat Pall. Gaspard, an ole! mis<'!'. wislws to nutrry his ni<'t't'. (:prmain<'. to tlw magistral<' of th<' clistric•t. tlw Bailli. 'l'hi · arrangPnwnt dews not ·nit (JprmainP nm· a .'·oun~r fishPt'llHll1 nanwd <ln•nielwnx. who pt·Pt<•ncls to haY<' ~-;aYP<l (tprmaiJH' from dr0\\11 in~r. A gl'(•at !<'air is ])ping plamwd and. in ord<•r to p~-;ra!H' tlw po\\Pl' of <:aspare!. OP.rmai1w ancl Ot·Pnic•hpnx lwronw thP sPJ'Yants oft lw :\[arqnis. ~<'rpoiPttP. a Yillag<' good for- nothin~r. also Pntprs his spn·ic·P. In thr sc•c•oncl act, IIrnri inw~-;t igatc>s his ehatc•au "hic•h is saicl to hr haunt<•cl. IIr lill(ls tlw ghost)~- appParaJH'P to lw no mOl'<' than thr \\Ork of (la-.;pard. who nsPcl tlw <'hat Pa 11 as a h icl i ng pla<'r for his t rPastll'<'. II Pn ri toils t hr <'hat Nlll hrll. whic•h has lwc•n ~-;iiPnrpcl for ypars. and ,\lwn Uaspm·rl !wars this it driYPs him c•razy. 'l'hr ::\farquis finds somr paprrs "·hic•h rk !'rilw t hr lost :\Iarc•hionc•ss. Thr <lPs<'ription SP<'ms to fit ~rrpolPttP. \\ho immc•cli<ll<'l~- c•laims tlw honor aml proc•rPcls to a!'t lwr part of a gn•at lady. It is in this act that llrnri's icll'ntit~· heconws kno" n to t Jw proplc•. Tlw sc>PJW of tlw last <H't is a grrat }<'air giY<'n in honor of tlw rPtnnwcl ~rar­ qnis. lfpnri discowrs that Orpniclwnx rlaims to ha\C' sand (lprmaint>'s lifP ancl latrr trlls tlw fishrrman that lw is an impostrr. for it was n•ally hr. Ilrnri. who sav<><l lwr. Tlwir <'Oll\'c>rsation is O\'Prhrarcl by Orrmainr. ,\t thr fair Oasparcl appc•ars ancl, sin<'<' his memory has h<•c•n rrc•o,·rr('(l, he• sucerP<ls in pt·oyin~r (lprmainP tlw lost ::\larchimwss. liPnQ· matTH's Oprmainr. to tlw rrjoi<•in~ of thr Tno~r A. B. ~Ic. · LILL.



Jl!a rtu~,, . ,.n

Charley's Aunt Tlw Pighth annual Boys' , 't nnt ~how was prPsPntcd 111 tlw anclitorinm on Frida~ night. ,Jannar,\· 1 . 'l'lw plci,\' gin'n wHs "('luu·Jpy' · .\unt." a fan•ial eonwd,\· in thn•p a<·t ·by Brandon Thomas. tlw plot of" hic•h t'Pll· f<'t's around an impPrsonation. Tlw <·lrn•r and hnmoron~ t•on Y<'J'sat ion J'<'<'Pi \'Pel hPa rty applansP HlHl lan~?htPr fron 1 thP lHrg<' aucliPJH'<' .•\lthongh th<' pia~· IHHl no main lt'ad . Dale> . 'tmtf rPall,\· had tlw most clitfic·nlt part. lit• sim JH're>cl ancl ftirtP<l as the> snpposPcl annt. and was Nlsil,\tlw hit of the> shmL ,John \\'right's '','panish Dancp'' \\Cts \\PII I'<'<'Pin•d. Daw FrcclPrit•kson and ~Iilton Pit•knPll pla.\'Pd to Jll'rl'<•<•t ion t lw parts of Ion-sick c·ollt•g<' boys. llall'ord ~palcling, _'c•il DP\\ hirst. and l'hal'lps Bt•mwtt \\PI'<' "pt•rft•t•t ladiPs." Halph ('opsy. ForrPst Oakc•s. and William ~Ic·J\:pc•n also clt•st'l'\'t' pntist• for tlwir work . .:\Irs . . ·PiliP ~IIkt•spll's <'OIH'hinl! HJHl <'Hl'll('st pf'forh \\(']'(' indisp<'IIsahiP m making tlw St tint ~hO\\. a sneePss.

Drama tics

:\frs. . 'pllit> :\Iikf's<"ll. dramati<' coach and instrnrtm· 1n Pnhlic ~~waking. is nrw to ( 'hampaign Iligh ~<·hool. ~lw "as formerly on tlH' ll'gitimatl' stag<' with t lw l)pypranx and l<'1·itz Ll'ilwr ('ompanif's. having n•c•pi\'Pd hPr training mHl<'l' Donald Holwrtson of ( 'hic•ago. and in • York. .:\Irs . .:\Iihs<'ll tanght at Hammond. Indiana. last ypar.


(' AST

Ella l)p]aha,v .\m: . 'p!'ltign<' Kitti<' \'pJ·dun Lord Fmwonrt Bahlwrly nonna Lu<'ia ,J ~\('k (' IH'SIH'Y ( 'hal'ips \\.ykPham ~ir Francis ('lw IH',\' ~t<'plwn ~JH'I t i:,r1H' Brasset!

,John Wr1ght Ilalforcl , 'palding • •pj} J)pwhirst Dal<' • 'tont ( 'harlPs lkmwt t I )a Y<' l<'l'l'cll'ri<'kson .:\Iilton Pic•knPII Forr<'sl OakPs .\ Yilliam :\lcKPPII Hal ph ( 'opsy

S enior Play 1IE plot of'· .\clam ancl g, a'' <•c•ntPrs arouncl a " ·paJt hy and rxt raYa!!ant family who cl!'Jl<'lHl on fathrr to c•arn tlwir Ji,·ing-. I<'atlwr at last rut clown thc•ir allcnnmrrs ancl rl'fttsc>s to JHt~· sonw of th!'it· hills. B~· a l'lPn•r rust>, tlw~· mmHig"!' to g'Pt him out of tcm 11. But hP h•avp.· in h is pia!'!' as fathrr a ~ oung- man inPXJH'ric•JwPcl in fa mil~· lifP. Et·o. tlw ~·oung-Pst daughtc•r, is trying to clPC'iclP \\ hich of hro sttitor. to matT~. Onp is Lorrl. t nrlnu· Gorrlon, titlc•cl hnt JH'nniiPs. and tlw otlwr is thP young- family physi<•ian, Dr. Drfrnnrlfr r. ~lw flnall~· lw!'onw: c•ngag-Nl to Lord .indrrw. hut . oon fall. · in low with . idam , 'n11fh. hPr snhstitutP father . • 1dam . tHlclPnly annmtn!'Ps that lfr. Kuty. the• rt>al fatlwr. i. · financially rninc·cl. The famil~· moves to a farm n<>ar XP" ark. wh<>rc> thPy take up chicken rat. mg. Manual lahor improYPs thP charact<>rs of all of tlwm. ancl th<>y r<>arlily forgivf' . 1dnm "·hpn J/r. King r<>turns and announC'Ps that hP is not rninPcl at all. The play Pnds with Arlom and Et•o in <>aeh othf'r's arms. ('.\ ,'T OF NE.'I OR PI.1AY ,Jamf's King. a rich man C:orinthia. hi· parlor maicl ('linton TkWitt. his son-in-law .TuliP D<>Witt, his elcl<> t clanght<>r EYa King. hi youngpr claughtPJ' .\ nnt Ahhy RockPr. his sistpr-in-law Dr. ,Jack DPimnatPr, hi. · npighho1· IlorarP Pilgrim, his unci!' .Adam , 'mit h. his business manager l;ord ~\ nclrPw Gordon, his \\·oulcl-lw :on-in-law Lncillc•, a F'n•nch clrps:makrr Par. on:. bntl<>r Detective J onrs

Gail Fish<>r Villars Parkhill • TPil DPwhirst Ruth ,Jptpr Irc•nc , 'tyan Orneya ConhPrly C'arlylp ::\Jpskinwn ::\Iilton Pi(•knrll William ::\IcKe<>n Charle. Bcnnpt t Frieda Groves J ens PPclersen \Vayne, 'abin

Dad's Night liE" Da(ls" of ('hamp~ugn IIigh • 'ehool WPI't' Pntertaint•<l hv tht> Parent'l't':H'ht>rs' ,\ssoeiation and thl' studt>nts of tlw Ili•dt ~t·ho~>l on l•'rida,· t'Yt'Jl in g. ~I a~ ~:3. ,\ t this annua I ewnt. Da< l 's • 'i;ht. Dad was a !lowe;! to t>njoy himst>lf and to kPPJl his ptii'S<' dost>tl. Tlw ~Iotht>rs, l'aenltv HJHI st udt>nh workPd togl'!hpr· and furnisht•d the follow in~ progr·am <;f four parts: ht tiH· .\uditorinm at 7 ::W. thP musit•al organizations of tlw High ~chool tlltdt>r tht> din·t'liOJl or :\lr·. Ira.\. :\lcKinnt•.'' g'<l\1' Hll t•XIt•nsi\'P program. ( 'lt>\'Pr t•ostnming addPd to tht> t't•stl\t' Plfe!'t of the program giYen by two hulHlred and fifty girls, sUJH'l'\'ised h~ ~[iss llal'l'it•tt Perry in tlw gynlllasinm. 'l'he progr·am l'oll<ms:



I. Sophomores l<,reshm •n l•'rt>slnnen and Sophomores Fre:hm 'n Sophomort>s

<lynmast i<·s ( lynmast it·s Pyramids '• lim\ -DoYou-I>o" Zouaw I >rill

P.\R't' I I. '',Jumping .T:wk" Preshmen '' ( 'ht•rr,\ Bios. OlliS.. "Dutch Dam•p" J '' ~It•dlf'~ of l >aint~ ~It>]>" '' ~[azurka" Sophomores "Board \\,.alk" '' OaYottt>" J '·:\I ay Polt•'' l•'n•shmen ~panish Dmwt•. ''La ~lcuwha'' Sophomor•s 'l'lw i\Ianual 'l'raiJJing and FinP .\rts !)ppartnwnts had displays on thP first flom·. ~tudt>n!s tmdt•J' dirt·t·tion or ~11·. E. .J. ~imon. tt•<H·ht·r of ~Ianual Training, iJwltult>d mm·p than sixty finisht>d piPet•s of rnrniturP: daYt•nports. tahlPs, footstools, t'P<hu· t•ht>sts. t•hairs. stands. piano ht•JH'ht>s, t•ahinPts. in Yarious dt>signs. Tlw~ \\"<'!'<'all madP h~ tht• studt•Jits t•Jn·oiiPd in this dPpartmt>nt and W<'I'P dispia~ t>d in tht> \\OJ'k shops. 'J'hP t•lothing pxhihit \\'as in tht> Donwstit• ~t·it•JH'<' J'ooms. }fpn• \\'PI'<' displ<t~·pd dainty ar·t it' IPs ol' lingPJ'i<·. latl'sl st~·Jps in hlouws a1Hl s\\l'alt•J's, and <ln•sst•s that \\'PI'<' 1101 o11ly modish. hut also fit \\'Pll. 'l'lw stt(H'I'\ isors of this intPr't•sting dt•J>arlmt>lll art• ~Jiss ~lathilda \·oss an<l Miss ~largart't ~lattl'n . •\ JH>tl' of t·olor nwt tht> Dads as tlw~ Yit'\\l'd tht• 1•xhihit in tlu• .\rt Dt•JHU'tlllt'lll. ('ttl JHlJH'r piet nn•s displaying historit·al t'\'t'Jlts or nnr·spry rh~·mes, painlt•d woodt•n toys J'l'Jli'PS<'lll ing t•harat•lt>J's in fair~· talt•s. t it>d and <lyL'<l ·<•arfs. pillow tops . .it'\\Plr~. ( 'hristmas t•anls. lamp shad1•s. \\'OY<'ll rag- rugs. hookt•d rugs in lwautit'ul <ksigns, hatik \\all hangings aml pastt>d masks, n•prt> t>nting fael'S ol' Egypt ian Jlltlllllllil•s, tpmpt ing t•vil spir·its and ri<lit'nlous old lli<'JJ-this g-ives only a faint idt>a ol' tht• attntt'lions of this dt'[llll'lnlt'Jll stt(H'I'\'ist>d h~· ~Iiss l>orot hy Krippm•r. Tlw Donwst ie St•it'lH'<' Dt>(Htrl nwnt provitk<l light rPfl'l shnwnts for tlw Dads an<l ~IothPrs latt> in tlw t•wning. ~Irs. Doroth~ ~litl·ht>ll \\as in l'harg-P of this pal'! of tlw pntPrtaimm•nt. Thus thP l!l~+ Dad's. 'ight \\'as (•hm·at•tt•rizt>d h~· tht> s<wiahilit~· and intL•re t whit•h allllltall~ marks this l'Y<•nt. Lot'Jsr. ~IdlH \X.\11.\. •.



0111 1/untll't'd f'ol'ltl OHt'

Open House liE fourth Hlllltlal Opt>ll lloll!'il' or ( 'hampaig-ll High .'chool, lwld Friday l'Yt'ning. Det·t•mlwr 7, 1 !!:!:~. d i fl"t•rt•d from pn·vion:-; one:-; in t Ita t t ht• regular st'\"ellth and Pighth hour elass n•citation.· W!'n' in :-;pssion from 7 o'clock to" ::lO in:-;tpad of f1·om 1 ::W to;~ :00. 'l'honsa!llls of tit·keh, to ht• pre. t'llt<•d upo11 entt•ring tht• building, " ·re givt•n to pal't•nh. ~li:-;s Bl•ach 's Latin I t•lass \Uts particularly in t en•st i ng as t ht•y hi' ld a t•outest ou n•rhs and nouns. The cia s was divide<! into st'dions. and "hen given a Latill word. thl' Jlllpils attemptl'd to giYe its nwaning. .\ft!'l' tlw <·ontt•st the songs. "Hail to the Orange." a11d "l•'idt•lity," "en• ·ullg' in Latin. Tht• • 'pani. h t·lassPs. undt•J' tht' din·t'lion of :\lis,., Kt•ilt•J', g"H\1' st'Yt•ral play-; in the lang-uagt• of Old • 'pall!. 'l'ht' pupils taki11g l<~nglish. Get'lllHll. and i<'t'l'lll'h recited as in a rcgnlar school t•ssion . •\ grpat d<·al of att<·ntion was attt·al'lt•d hy tht• Seit•n<·P J'oonls. J>hy,.,it·s pu pil t·eviPwt•tl qnPstion,., that had h<'<'ll asked on ,t l'<'t't'nl <'xamination. 'l'lw ('hemJstr.' !'lass Jlt'rfot·nwd a lahontto1·~ t'XJlt'l'inwnt. .\ modt'l airplan<• was displa~ Pd and de. criht•d in till· 0l'JH'I'Hl ~cit•Jtt:e dcpal'tntt•nt. 'l'alks cOJH'<'rning th<• city's JH't'd for tn•t•s. Pt'onomit· supply of Iumht>t', and ntriotts ttst•s of wood \\'t'l't' giH•n in t ht• Bot an~ t•lass<'s mHl t•xperiments W<'n' pt•rfot'lll<'<l. Tlw gil'l. taking cooking madt• candy and sandwieh filling whit•h the visitors W<'l'<' invit<•tl to sample . •\dYmwetl t~·1wwrit ing elassl's contlttded sp<•t•tl tests. In mw of tht•sp classt•s a girl wrott• two hnntlt·etl aml ni1wt~ tht·ep word.· a mintttl'. using tht• ditl'icnlt . t'!ltl'lll't'. "l am to go to st'e if it is to he as ht• :-;ays it is to hi' and if he is to do it." • ' tutlPJlt: in matht'matics wo1·ked prohlems on tht• hoard aftt•r whieh they t·ori'Pl't t•tl Pat>h ot lwr \ work. ~Ir. ~Ioyt•J', ph~sit•al trainin~ instrul'lor and athktit• eoach, hatl his ~ym prolt'g't's show what th<'y had lt•amed ahout kt•eping thpm·plws physieally fit. ~Iilitary drills and vigorous PXI'n·i:-;<•s "<'1'1' in<·ludt•tl 011 his pro~ram. \nwn tlw <·lassps wert• t•xensPtl at ::W tlw visitors wt•n• allo\\t'<l to inspt•ct an~· room t ht·~ "islwd. ~\ movit• t•nt itlt·t!. "ThP P1·in<'l' and t lw Paupt>r," was . hown in the ~\ ntlito1·ium. 'l'ht' :-;<·hool hantl in nnit'onn. and nntlt•J' the tlin·l'tim1 ot' ~fr. ~fl'l\:innt•y, played a fp"· !'i!'lt'ctions in till' main halls. Pop<·orn ha II . it' I' t·n·am and <·andy "l'l'l' sold h~· nH•mbt•rs of t ht• Pan•nt 'l't•at·ht'l'.'' .\.·soeiatimt antl tht' prot'l'l'tl!'i amountt•tl to twt•nty-fiyp dollars. 'l'he Jit'ty-fiYe JHH!lHL of t•andy wen• madt• hy tlw eookin~ l'lassP.'. 'l'hl' JIPW s~ slt·m ot' OJ><' II houst• i11t rodtH't'd thii'i yPHt' sremt'd to ht• \'ery stw· ct•ssfnl aml plt•asing hoth to st ntlt•nh and visitor-...


1!>~-------------- ll .... - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Interscholastic Contests The ~Insic an<l Drama DPJHtrtnwnt <'OOJWratetl in holding- a District 'onte.·t at 'hampaign Hig-h Nchool on .\ pril ~li. Hantonl, t•ruana. UgdPn, Rankin. am! Champaig-n were repn•sentt'tl hy <·ontl'. tant ·. This is thP first conte t of it kind to he held at ('hampaign and this pt'l'<'l'dent will IH' followed in eoming- ~·eat·s. '!'his lll<'!'l was a preliminat·y to tht• Nta!t• ( 'mttt·st at ( 'harleston. 'ot·mal. to which the first thrl.'e plaeing- in l'~H·h !'Yent "I'll! on :\Ia~ lOth. ('hampaign stutlellts "·ho pla<·!'d \\t't'l': \·oeal Nolo, ('harl<•s B<•mwtt. first: Ruth .JPt<•t·. thil'(l: Piano Nolo. l't•sttla IIamp<·l. thu·d: .\lpha \'aky, fottt·th. Utrl \., Girl's Uil'l' Clttb, t'hampaigoll, first: \'iolin. U<·m·gt• \\Tilson,tirst: <ll'OtW' Kaplall. Sl'CO!Hl: Oratory, \\Tilliam :\leK!'I'Il. fit·st: Platform Ht•ading, Elizabeth, 'toolmatt. fourth. A similar contest. hut mw ill whieh ( 'hampaigll has part ieipa!Ptl amltutlly for some tim •, was held at ( 'harlt•stott, Illinois. on Friday. :\Iay ~- ( 'hampaign nplwld her high record of last ~·<'at· hy wimtillg t\\·o fin;t places and three s<·<·onds out of tlw fiyp pn•nts contt'st<•<l. ('harh•s Bt•mtett l'l'ceiwd st•cotHI plm•t• itt t ht• Boys' Nolo, singing" Tally-Ho," b~· l.Jeon i : and Helen PricP, S!'COJH I plat<' in t ht' (l i 1'1 's Nolo. singing "'l'he f:lweet of the Year.'' In•tw Ntyan. \Yt•sa Dalt•. :\liltlt·ed Ri<·hts, am! Rnth .Jct<•r mad.t• up the Oirls' (~uartpt!t•. which sang" Lioll l>tt Bal." by liou. ely. an<l won first plac•e. 'l'he Boys' (~ttartt'ltl'. Ralph Cops~·. :\lax l<'lowprs, Charles Bt•mwtt. and Ut-orgt' Kaplan. not to bt' outdmw. plat·t>d first also, singmg '·. 'urh\'1," b~· \·an dl'l' Watt>t'. 'l'lw ehorns. t•onsisting of the mixl't! 01<'" ('luh. sang "0 ltalia. Italia BeloYed," by DonizPtti. and plaer<l st•t·mHl. As a reward. th<• <•horus J'l'l't'iYI'<l a silwr lovirtg t•up. aml the quartet!t·:; !'aclt a shit>ld.

Winter Long- l!l'a~· days pa s slcl\\ ly hy; Dusky !';now fields fade away: ('aim clark cloutls are in the sky; \\"int!'r 's passing-: t•an it die 1 <'an it die. I.· there a Spring. < 'ould t hPI'l' hP a pl<-asant da~ ' .\rt• skw hlu<'. ancl can hirtl-; -;illl!! Yt>s. I question t>wrythinl!.

I. \\ho had a lH·art ·o lig-ht, Hain ancl sormw made me gay; Laug-lwcl at wrong and t'~lllt•cl it right. LaughPcl in da~·timt', laug-hed at night;

Lauulu rl at < l't 1.11 lilllt thing . ... Winit I' t'alllt: is il11 n a , ' priny.'

Quien Sabe Out of the turquoise hhw of tlw o<•<•an rose , 'pain .. till mi. ty in the di ·tam•P. Lying hPtWe('n two of tlw most imJlOrtant sPas and yet inert, she is symboli<· of the dPpartP<l supr<•maey of the Old \Vorld. In former days when, a· tlw :Jli.·tr<•ss of til<' Seas, vast .·tores of plunder wer • brought h<'r from the 11P\\' eontinPnt, C'a<liz was a fl.oltt'ishing <·ity of a prosJWrous nation. -ow, it is an ob.·ctue fortified naval harbor striving to regain the commercial importance "·hich "as hers in the gol<l<•n past. An American liner about half a league from shore was headed. for this port. On deck "·ere Americans and ,'paniarrls, tourists and bu. inc. s men, and parti('nlal'ly ,J osPph Bar<lPII, a :. oung ~\meriean. All were Pager for a first glimp.·e of Cadiz and as thl' dock "as reached the voyagers throngr<l into the city. ,JosPph was OJH• of tlw first to r<•ach the shor •. .Aftpr srcuring a room at a hotel lw st artt•d out sight-seeing. lie chanced to tak • a crowch•d str •et which lP<l to the harbor. Joseph sanntPre<l on until he was accosted by an old panish b<'ggar. ''Will y o u have your fortune told, cnor ! '' he asked enticingly. ,J os!'ph was about to refuse, "·hen reflecting that Spain is the home of fortmH' tt•llers, he consente<l. '' B u t ~enor <loes not want me tor •veal the future here before all the passer·by," ohjPcted the ol<l man. '' IJ<'t us go into this win<'-shop." ''I suppose like other fort mH' t cllers, you require to have your palm <•rosse<l with iiilv<•r in advance," Jmwph said. The otlwr bowed. ,Joseph thrust his han<l into his po •ket, then suddt>nly jUl1l]H'cl H]l.

'' Look lwre ! '' lw cried. '' :Jly pocket's been pickPd ! I'll mak<' out a 'l'ravelrrs' Check. 'l'ht•y wert• fortunately in my brpast pocket, so that scoundrel of a pi<•lqw('kd di<ln 't get much.'' and ht> pt·ot'Pt'dl'd to writ' the


U11e Hu11dred J'ortv·aertn

chrck. It \\'a a cm·iou: fact that, in writin1r his nanw. ,Jost•ph inYariably pan ·ed aftt•r the fir t four l!'tt!'t's, makin1r his signatnn• thus:

··Why did you stop?'' ashtl the lwggar. markin1r the pau: •. "That." replied ,JosPph, handing th!' check to the waitt•r who immediately witlulrt'\\', ''that is for you to P.·plain. Ewr sine!' I haw learm•d hmY to write. my hand has inYoluntarily stopp<•cl after writing' ,JosP '-a name common enough in your country.'' ''It i· .tntn1r!'." remarkPd the otlwr. "J_,pt me sec your palm." At the first 1rlanee at .Tosl'ph 's out.·t rPte!H·<l hand the old man cast at him a look of such . harp imptiry that .To Pph, tat·tl<•d. \\'as foreP<l to ask," Is anything the mattPr." "It is:-;trang<•; it i· more than strangP; it is miracnlon~!" muttered the 'panianl, .·cwtinizing tht> .\uwriean 's palm. "But what." queriP<l ,Jo. eph. t·ather indined to laugh at th old man's apparent serious1wss. "Listen. in thP fo1trteenth l't'lltltry there li\'e!l a .'pani:h nobleman. Don .To e. "·ho had hi. fortmH· tol<l hy mw of my forefath!'rs . • 'o\\ his palm forl'told many and gn·at ('\'l'nts, hut t h!' lit'<' line was cut short so that all thl' gn•at things prediete<l coul<l lll'Wr lw H<'l'Olll)llislw<l in his life. ~Iy ancc,.tor thought this :so inten•sting that h<• m<HI<• a JJOtl' of it alHl that account has been handP<l dO\nl "it h thl' family papPrs until now in the tw<•ntiPth century, I find '' Her • the old man broke ofl' aJHl fpl] to <•xaminin1r ,Joseph's han<l with mOl'(' minute attt•ntion. ''\Yhat do you find?'' a>.ked the young man. "\Yhclt do I fiml. I find that in every !h•tail your palm is ident i<·al ' •itll that of Don .Jose. the ~p~wianl." "It is a yon :ay. morp than stran~e. 'l'o me it is im•xplicahk How do you acl'onnt I' or it " ,J osPph ask!'d illt<'lls!'ly intpre:ted. ''Heincarnation." .Jos!'ph smiled. "You don't bPiie·w in it! \\~ell. few £\merieam; <lo, but h<•t'<' an• tlw facts. Your palm i.- the same as that of a man living some . i.· et•ntnrie · hl'l'on• yon. "ho "·as Jlren•nh•<l from carrying out tlw lift> dt>stinP<l for him hy an Parl~· d<·ath. Yon wt·itl' the name of this man as llll!'Oll.l'iou.l~ as 11' it W<'l'!' ~our <mtl. In all ~our life so fat· you eanllot lll·eak this habit. RPally. ~Pnor. h<m elsP mar this he explainrd than by r incarnation 1" "It almw do<· <'<'lll to :oh1• thP tll~.tt•t·~." admitt!•<l ,Jospph. ''But tl'll lll<' morl' of this Don .)os!', ''he proposed, "for I \\'Otlld lik(• to know what kind of a man l "'a· in my fornwr I if!'." The old ~palli:h lwggar h•mH•d ha(·k in his ehair, and slowly sipping th • ''"im• he~an the folio" ing narrative: "During tlw n•ign of P1•dro tlw ('nu•l, King of ('astih•, tht>re lived a ~panish nobleman, Don ,Jose, who had a sOil of t Jw sanw mtmP. \Vhen war broke out lwtWP<'ll liPnr~- of 'frastamare and his hroth(•r Pt•dro, Don ,Jos<'. fparing the <"lntclws of Pedro. fl<·<l to Portugal. 'l'h<·n· hP liw<l almw with hi.· son, thPn fifteen yl'ar: of agp, "Orw night a. thP two sat talking about th(• gt·eatne:s of Henry of TrastmnarP, sol<li!'rs of thP King of Portugal e~mH• in to arrest Don ,Jos!'. ''.\·Don ,Jos<' "a <lraggi'Cl from his ho1·s, he hadP his son 'good-bye,' ancl sai<l. 'Go to the l'orePs of ll!'nry of 'l'rastamar<'. I have given my life in his . <·rvit·<· all<! lw "ill :.rivP you a commission in his army.'

"ThP ~Par 1067 fonlHl ~ oung .To.·c in Fran<'<'. a fayoritP c•ommaJHlPr' nnclPr \Yhi]p hPrP. hP nwt Y\onnc>, thP clanghtPr of a Fr·prwh c·mm1. Ifp fpll ma<ll~· in lovp \\·ith hPJ' alHl \\hPn in l:l{)f) II!'nr~· again im·aclPcl ('astilP, .Jos• was rPltl('fant to follow him. "ThP first pneountpr was on fhP Plains of ~IonfiPl. lhtrin!! tlw hattll' . •Josp IPcl a chargp against Don f.ianclwz. a favm·itc• ot' Pc•clro 11w ( 'nu·l. and finall,\· took him prismH•r·. Don .JosP JH'oc•c•pc]pc] to thl' c·amp almw "ith hi · Jn·izP. hut lwfm·<' hP n•a!'lH•cl thcrp NmiC'hl'z stahhPd his C'aptor·'s horsP ~tnd PS<'liJH'<l . JTpnr~·.

"In tlw ramp of IIPnry of Tr·ast a mar<'. Don ,J osP wa PH!!Prly JH't'nsing a lPttPr fi'Om YYonnP. '' BP<'IlltSP of lwr anxiPty for· his safPt,\· shP hacl tolcl him Y<'l',\' littlP ahont hprsp]f. .TosP. wishing to hPar morP ahont hPt', cpwstimu•cl BPr·trancl. thP lackry who hacl c!PliwrPcl tlw IPttPr. liP gainP<l Y<'l',\' littl!' satisfaction fr-om hi· c•onyprsat ion "it h BPrf rancl rxC'rpt to n·c·PiYP t hc• tokpn SPnt h,'l· YYonne- a ring of golcl with a rm·ions clPsign pngraYP<l upon it. 'MaclrmoisPlll' tolcl mr to :a,\' to yott that shottlcl .'ott lw kiiiP<l itt batik to fon!<'f h<'r not: P\'c•n afl<'t' cl"ath. for in a fnturr lifP hr wonlcl mrPt ,'I'Ou.' .Tosr assm·pc] him that hr need not frnr of his forgrtting. "It "·as nrarl,'l· miclnight whrn tlw two wnlkPcl ofT towarcl the roacl whir.l1 lrcl to Fnmrr. ,JosP. Nq!rrl,'l' asking numc•rous qnrstions. walkP<l hrsirlP BPrtrancl'. horsr. \Vlwn th<','l' rParlw<l tlw roacl .•Tosp looking longing].'· toward FranrP. rrtrarrcl his stPps. '' ""l'hr moon is bright tonight.' hP saicl to himsPlf. 'I c•an rPacl h,'l· it.' Ilr took from his poc·kPt YYonnr's lPttcr. \Yhile hr \Yas Y<'l',\' ll11H'h ahsorhecl in what lw was r!'nding. a s1Hldc•n gust of wincl hlP\\' thc• lPttPr' from his hand. Turning to r!'C'OYPr thP ppistlP. ,Jo. P sa\\ a group of hors!'mPn. among \\hom hr rr<'ognizrcl , arH'h<'z. ~\s tlw ]pncJpr of tlw party tnrrwcl his l1Pacl .Tos<' .·aw that lw wa.· Pedro th<' Crnrl. \Yait ing for nothing p]sP. th<' ~·onng nohlc•man ran at fnll SJ)('Nl towarc]s t]w eamp. rpon l'C'Mhing his <lC'stination. 11<' lo.t 110 tinH' in aronsing tlw solcliPrs. ancl }pacling OYPr a corr of mrn, proeeP<lPcl towarcl l\IontiPl. Il<' or·clPrNl S<'YPt'al groups to start in clifferent clirertions. to cnt off all possihle mrans of rs<'apr for tlw King of astile. " ', eno1·s.' PPclro criecl to his C'ompanion. a: thP,'I' rPac•hrcl tlw highwa~·. '\YP arr safr !' "At tlwsc C'onficl!'nt worcls th<'r<' rnshecl in from amhush on all siclps tlw solcliers of Ifpnry of Trastamarr, "ho surronnclecl Pc•clro. allowing • 'anclwz to rs<'a pe. II p had JWrreiYecl that ,Jose "as the }paclC'r ancl nnshpat hing his cYerrra<1,'1· sworcl thrn t it into his sicle. Wlwrcnpon .•Tosl', maclclPlwcl h,'l· the hlow. tunwcl furiously em his opponpnt and \Yith his sworcl strurk him \\'ith snrh YioiPTl<'P th:~t , anrlwz fpll cleacl to the ground. ".Tos<' "as too clPlightrcl oYer the sncc<'ss of his rnterprise to g-iYr an,'l· affpnfion to his \\onncl nncl lH' lecl tlw wa.'· hMk to ramp in triumph. On his arriYal lH• \\ Pnt to th<' t!'nt of Ilc•nry ancl aftpr cleliY<>ring np his royal prison<>r to his sOY<'rPig-n "·as carric•cl ont fainting from lo s of hloocl. "Thr 1w.·t cla,'l· hP clircl from tlw clag-gpr-thrn ·t aftrr Pntrnsting to a ·c•nant tlw ring spnt him h~· Y\onne. liP unclonhteclly wislwcl to haYr it rPtm·nC'cl to hpr·. hnt tlw sen·ant heing nnahle to grt any information n · to when• . he liYecl in Frane<> gaY<' np the SC'areh as nsp]pss. , 'o tht> young Spaniarcl \\a. grpatly


lllOllriH'<l hy hi <•omra<lrs. hut a· to YvomH' nothing was known and. he may even no\\' hr waitinl! for ,Jo.p to find lwr in this lif<•."

Tlw old Span ish IH'!!ga r <'<'as<•<l 1alkllll!. For a momrnt t hr silrnce \Vas nnhrokt•n. thrn .Tos!'ph B<ml!'ll ask<•rl. '' .\lHl do yon rPally think I nul~' hr Don ,JosP n•incarnatpd ?'' Tlw othPt' no<lckd his lH'ad, "I think so ,h11t who ran trll." ".\n<l do ~on think tlw gil'l. Ynnnw, is "ailing to he founcl ?'' .\gain thr Spaniar<l no<ld<•d his lwacl. ''I think so, h11t who ran tell." "What <lid thr SPrYant do wtth tlw ring?'' ask<•cl ,Jo.·pph. '· Tlw sPrYant "·as my anc<•stor." rPpliPd tlw ol<l man. "Tlw ring was hand<•rl down with otlwr <'Urious things and I haw itlwrr." ~\s hr spokr he clrcw from his ragg<'d garnwnts a nwtal box and took from it a goldc•n ring t>ngravNl in an intri<·atc pattPrn. ".:\light not Yvonn<• hr found with this?" askrrl.TosPph. "Slw snrrl,v wonlcl rpmpmiH•r it.'' "Again, I think so. hut who ran tr111" "I . hall!" crircl ,Joseph, j11mping to his fret. "I Iran' tomorrow for nortlwrn Npain and then 1!0 hack to .\mrrica and I will fincl hrr."

,'ome months later itting on a street c•ornc>r in old Cadiz the Npanish lwggar wa rrading tlw following letter from ,Josrph: ''I haY<' found her! On tlw stPamhoat ailing for • Trw York I found Yvonnr. \Vhilr at <limwr ont• l'\ rning I aw hrr gazr so intrntl~· on thr gold ring I won' that I took adYantag-e of t hr rarliest opportunity to sJwak to lu•r. Nlw had rrmcm herc<l the clPsign on tlw ring-, and . t rang<' t hou:rh it ma~ srrm I wa Cf'rtain whrn I first H\\ lwr that I had known her int imatcly in somr pa.t life. Thr "holr circnmstance is incrediblr aml yet a. you :a y , '\Vho can tPII?'" Ymor:-.:IA • 'QriRE•.

One Hundrnl Fiftv

The East Wind Hand T"\ '[)I '(l at th!' rail of tht• stPHlllPr /)onull, honll(l into tlw harho1· of, 'patti<'." as '1'10 ~an, danghtrr of Li , an, promi Jwnt Hongkong mt•J't•hant. Her ·!ant ing l'~'es wen• . canning thP small dm•llings along PHgPt Nonnd. On<' <'Otdd not h11t noli<'!' that her mind was not on the sights which '"en• 11!'\\' to hPt'. hnt rath<'r on thr past OJ' tlw fnt11rr. I. liPnry PaJT. was a pa ·spngPr on tht• samP hip whi<·h "as hParing nw home\\ an1 f1·om a t1·ip to ( 'hina on som~ pngim•t•r·ing husinPss. I hac1 "at<•lwc1 this Iitt I!' ( 'hinc• ·p girl all through tlw tin•.·ome jounH•y. TIH' longing look in hPt' Pyt•s puzzlPc1 mr. am1 I '"antN1 to know it · c·an ·e. yet I fpan•d to appro:H·h lwr. It "as on thr Ia t lap of tlw jonrnt·~· that I "·a· noting lwr intPntly as :hr stood 1war thr rail. sPidom shifting ht•r gazP from the c1istant shorr-linl' of tlw Nonnd. I was ahout to approa<'h hPr 011 somP pr!'tt•nst• 01' otht·r wht•JI I not i<'P<l a grizzlP<l <'reatnrr rrouC'hing lH'hi11cl onr of tlH• fnmwls. Ill' "a looking sqHarPl~· at m!'. IIis gaz!' hrlcl a <'l'rtain c·olthws. aml rnystrr~· that l t•onlt1 not fathom. I am not a ('Owanl. ~·t•t thi · ugly <·n·atHrt• . l'l'lll!'d sonwhow to fright<'n nw . •\ hJast of till' stPHlll!'l''s whistlP J'Piit•YPd t}H' . it11ation, awl [ (H'OI't'!'d!'tl to w hprr t hr girl st ooc1. I hacl Hot rParlwc 1 t hr placr "lwn tlw mystprious i nd i \'iclnal OY!'rtook nw. Tie was a Chinaman ancl <'<'lll<'<1 to lw H<'<'Oll1JHI1l~ ing th<' littll' Orit•ntal girl. r stop]Wd ancl fa<•t•d him qttHI'Ply. ·' \Yhat. pn1~· tt•ll, is tlw m:lttl'r with ~·on?" T inqnirNI. ''.Jim·h." ht• rPpliPcl. ''.JIP take• <'HI'<' nil~· finp lad~· hrn•. '.JII'Iic·an man stay lnq1~·.'' "r nwan no wrong." T said. "Pl'rhaps T haY<' lwrn a littlP iJHpJisit iv<'. hut that j 0111' 's priYil!'gt•. [ llll'l'l'ly intl'THlNl to ask thi Jacl~· whrrP .·hp wa bonncl. :-;llrPly tlwr<' is no harm in that." "Yon Hrnli Parr. makc•P big clam at IIongkong in ('hint'<'. ('hiiH'lll«'ll no likl'<• clam. ('hong 110 tt•ll<' ~ ou. Jlc·nli Parr. \\'ho rnns this. • ·o tPII<'<' lii'nli Parr why littiP Tio, 'an c•nnw to .Jll'liea with ('hon!!." TIH• Dornrll had dcwkrcl. T tJ·ar<'rl thPir d!'stination to a small clirt~· shop in ('hinatrmn. I c•opiPcl thl' mlmhrr of tlw clw!'llinl! aml rlelt•rminrcl to rPtunt to follow thPm. .JI~· f111ll pnginc•pring C'lll'iosit~· was aronsc•cl as it hacl not hPt'n in ~-c•ars and 1'\'rn my siP<'P "ns ha11ntrcl with clr!'ams of Ori<'ntnl opimn d!'ll aml harhnrons tortnrr.. \Yith thr c•oming of tlw nrxt cla~· I srt out again for ('hinato\\'n. wh<'n' J took llJl mr post a short cJistaTH'l' from tht• Pntranrr. :\(y pati!'IH'!' Was ·oon r<'\\'ardrrl. [ followl'<1 th<'m to thr door. " ·hrr<' thr olcl m:ln tnnwcl aJHl fa<'r<l Ill!'. fi1• glarc•tl at nw allll spok!' in hissing tom•s. "'Yh~ ~·on follcm· ('hong-?'' ''A Jim\ mr to lwlp yon.'' I saicl. '' T "ill clo all" ithin m~· powrr to lwlp yon.'' "LPt ns takr him into om· eonficlt•nrr. <'hong," saicl thr girl in plain En!!lish. II!' s<'l'IIINl to rc•;H1 my wry thoughts and T gr<'W afraid lw might ·pp th<' fin• of rnriosit~· hnrning within me'. ''TlPnli Parr promisP?" ht• 11skrcl. "I clo." J saic1 solemnly. '' C'onw long. • 'o tPll an~· othrr ':\IPiicans what Chong shmr.· IlPnli Parr. Chinaman's claggpr Yl'll~· ·harp for 'M<'li<•an \\hO no kP<'Jl ·l'cl<'t."


Iff' hliTHlfolrlNl mf' anrl lrcl mf' thron~h . rYrral pas a~f's whi<>h Sf'f'mrrl to !!O far into thP ground. \\Tl' oon al'l'iwd at our dP tination. Ifr took tlw fold from my «>ye ·. I was in a largp room. ahnnt tlw walls of whirh W!'rr gn•at imagps of ~ods. I was lt•d to thP <'PntPr wht'l'l'. seated ahont a lar~P ma ·si\'P tahiP WPI'I' fonr oriPntal ·. "Bt>hol<l,'' !'riP<l \'hong:, as hf' <·losPrl t hP cloor. ''~If' hlin!!P<' 'MPli<•an llHlll. .\risP! Ifp !!Ood ·~lt>lit•:m man. Pt·omisP h~· hi': anc•t•stors to no fpiJt.. hut to hPlp Chon!! ai!Cl little Tio .'au. lie \\TitPe \'l'll~· fin!' storil' · fM big nPw paper . " Tht•y arosp ft·om tiH•ir <·hait·s fO!!<'fh<·r alHl as I lonkPd at thl' gn·at tahlt> lwfon• thPm I aw .-qwu·ps of \\·oo<l with ('hinPsl' lt>ffpt·ings upon thl'm . •\t Ollt' PtHl "as lnnwhPd a grPat sheaf of papPrs <'OYCI'l'<l with myst ie \\Tit ings. 'l'io ._'an tlwn intPrntwd in my lwhalf alltl sho\\l'd h~· hl'r spt>e<·h that tht>y h:11l inYP ti!!atl'd m~· l't>t•ortl. , ht• addt>tl that I " ·as a fm·mpr ne\\.J>:tpet· man and intPI'<'s1t•d in pnhli<·it~· and a<h'Prt i in~: Chong no<ldt•d his h<•:Jil mPanwhilP. ~\ silt•tH't', \\hilt> tlw !!t·oup of Chinanwn <'Onsidt>r<>d lllt', f'ollmn•<l. Finally. a st a!l'ly old Chinaman laid dm\ n his opium pipP and. aid." His ton~tH' i · fh·klt• and ht• does not sprak thP trnth with I'P\"t'rt't1<'P." ''But fm· Li • 'an. and Tio f-;an. '' ( hon.., intPrpospcl, '' :m<l our mission , hP YPIIy ~rood." .\ ll nod<lrcl in asspnt. "\\hal "ill you ltaYP Ill<' do." I fail'ly . houtPcl. I fpJt J c•onld stawl tlt<' train no lon!!Pl'. ".:\lake ~Iah .Toll!!!! tht· most popular pastinH• in .\nwrit·a." . aid ( 'IHlllg'.

.\s T 'nit<• this. T I"<'Yi<·w tlw lul!'<lships I wr•nt through. HathPr \\ould I thmk of thP faith of ('hmlg in my ahility. and of tht• nHm~· kirHl al'fs of thl' !!PntlP Tw . 'an ft·om tltt· far !:mel of lhl' my. tic Oripnf. .\gain. as I w•·itP. r think of thP fic·kJ,. puhli<' of tlH' l·nilt>el Ntafps :mel of how many timPs I 'w <louhlr<l 111.'· wPalth a a n·snlt of it <•aprit•t•.



!II. ''• .....



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DEDICATION /11 aJJ]JrU'iltfillll of his unri!Jiny rltl'olioll o11d loyally lo his school llllll of hi.~ .·f1 I'll srns1 of d uty u•hith impl'fs hi111, 1111 1111tl/1 r h11U' JJrrlly flu yirf may bt ll'hll 1!11ns jJlr11rlinyfy 1/I'J'IJ.·.· his r!t.·k,/11 ulttr/hll.'t U'llrrls, ' ' Rq)l)t'( at lllnr o'l'lol'l>": for thrsr; thinus u·t lulu una/ ]Jftltslln i11 dtrlil·afi,IU I!II' l'J:2 f Pink

7' 0

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7' 0 /, '1 E l .

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n DC\\


Hoi! of Dishonor : ~Itt Omri<'on Epsilon. ".1 lion rnnonu larlir s i. 11 mo.·t di'Cadful lhiny." .\J.YEEs .JoY~TI.LY Dr,IB FLY

TuldiPy-Winks: Ticldlc•.' \\'mk. "("' 1111111111 rs gr ntlr , of offrl'iions mild."



~IILI . E:-.'11 ' " Kr:C'K


Mah-,Jongg "('" "• its th r ll'inrl in that I'OI'IIIr?" \\'r1.• 1 Ul Bm~TEHot ' s ~Ic

K1- F'\

,\ch ispr of ~fn Oml'icon Epsilon "!lou• fur that littl r rundl1 lhrnll's his /Jr IIIII.~!"


,JO\' L\L ~II' . ·s

~fah - .Jongg; ~Iah-.Jongg


".111ft !fl ll'lrt a~ 11 finhmnd Jllur·krd out of l/11 lmrnina. '' H1 Til .\ PPI E~.\ 1 n:


TulcllP~ Wmks; TiddlP~ Winks"( " ' "Cntn thr purr all thinus orr purr." En:RJ:'I r ~~ \


\\ IA. • OL~o. ·

.JI n Om ricon Epsilon "lrhrnl'r i.· thy llarninu? lwth tint toil () '1 ,. hooks I'OII •. Il/11 'rl thr miiiiii[Jhl oil?"

E \I ER~O:-.'

l<'LO\\ EHI,I KE , 'c•JI HOI-Ill H

Tiddlr~- Winks; Tidcllry-Winks ·' (' '' "fir 1/'lf.'J)(rfunlld likr 11 mil/inn·." DOROTIIY KrTTL:-.'Isll ~T\ . FORD

Ticldlry-\\'inks; TiddiPy-\\'inks '' (' '' ''I rarr frn nobody, no, not I, If 1111 o 11 r l'lli'CS for 1111. ' ' M

\Rc:.\HET ExcFPTIO. AL :-iT I \RT

Holl of Dishonor; . 'llJWI'intt>mlPnt ·enior c•las~.


''To ytld l'ljinul gold, to paint lite ttly.


u•asfr ful 11 ntl

ridiculou.· 1 .rrr ss. ''

.JL 'TOR. \\'e .fnninr c•on id't' thi. ~Par· \\H.' quite a Slll'('t'SS, Our J>rPsidPnl "as not only onr· l'n·sidPnt. bnt also a finP up-standing hoy and a splPnclicl athlPtP IH'side•. Jlp \\'011 I\YO ''('s,'' hnt tlti. has not afTPelc>d him in any"'"-'"· as hP ean sttll \\Pflr hi· Ia t yt>ar'.- hat and i still thP hi!!. sintplt• ho,\ \\hom nil his l'l:hstllatP · I o n•. Thc•rp an• oh! so lllcln,\ ot hPJ's \\ ort hy of . pt>e•ial nwntion .. tH·h as Tom \It• c•1l. thP elas lwro: Hnth ·':-;tori' .:\It''' Parks, 1han "hom fP\\' an• mon• !want ifni: Louis!' ~le·<:ranahan of thP hunting hhw p~·ps: ,fop () 'Dontw!l. clist ing1tishahk anywlwrP h,,. his pink hair: ;mel Hobert KPllt·~·. kno\\ n no mor·p for his artistie playing of <I tromhonP than for his impPceahle grammar . . 'OP!IO~IOHE~ 'l'lw ophomon• PlltPt'Pd ·e·hool last yrar a fn• hnH'n. and no\\'"" ar·e sophomon•s. \YP ar·p surr glacl to lH' sophonton•s. It sc•e•ms so muc·h morr kind of' h i:.dwr· than hPin:.t fr·pshlllt'll. 'l'lw sophomon•. !'lass has not hPPn qnitP apprP<'iatPcl. \\'p 'n clmtP a lot for t hP ·clwol. thong'h. mHl if I clo ay so. \\'1' rlo111 it \\'PI!. Look at out· Pn•sidPnt. for ins! am•c'. Bemg' 011 r Pn•sidt•nt \1-a-., quite• sotlll'thing (lll!l tJwn ]H'SI!]Ps that look what IH• rlont in ha ke•thall. lie• was .·om1 little ~ruard. that's what '· :-;hort~ '' "·as. Bnt "p hacl ot lwr !!oocl memhPt's in our c•lass. olllP s!l'l If athletPs . ll!'h as <lPnP •'on clPr. ancl 1 l!ll!'ss snnll' of om· !!iris \I'Pl'l' rraf popular. espPcially ~lPlha Hondr·pan. "ho had eollP!!I' clatPs. >\ncl tlwn thPI't' "·as Hl'lty :-;toolman. \l'ho \\ih at ]past half t hP t•lass he•rsp)f. FHE:-;JDIE ••

1 "a· sort of . rarrol tJw fir. t tmw T rnmr to hig-h sc•hool, hnt prrtty soon I wasn't quite• so si'III"I'Nl, nnd I aske•cl a !!l'l'at hig hanso111 man. ""\rp ~on a ft'P ·hman." hnt lw said no. :mel tlwn I rl'nlizl'<l my mi. tctkP. I think thr t'n•slunan elas: hns lweonw qtutc• an import:mt factory of tlw high school this ~·ear. Sewral of o11r boys an• \"PI'~- athlPtil'. snch as PrPsiclc•nt ( 'aton, ancl \"<•rne• ('arson. NomP of o11r girls know how to dance. aJHl Eleanor ('lark hacl I\Hl <latPs. \Yhittemore \Vrig'ht was .-omP kinrl of an offi<•er in tlw han<l. and he walkrel ar·mnHl in fi'Ont of thrm wlwn tlwy walked aronn<l. \\'e may not hr so mneh no". hut Wl' an yoinu to 01 t mor<' important ancl more important llllfil !l'l!Cil we gradnate \\Ht('h out for 27.


.TO. "GG

l\Tnh -.Tong!! promi.l's within n few ,v<>nrs to riYnl hn ·ehall as thP mo.·t impm·tant major spol't indul!!rd in hy C. II. ~- students. Lola l\Inn · and Hi<'hanl Kr('k WPn' thP only nwn to win t hPi t' (' 's in t hi· hranrl1 of athldics. Anot h(•t· mPmlwr of tlH• sq nad. "Hal'' Npalding, rPms to lw a <'oming En t WitHl. His PXCPIIPnt :hmring t h rouahout tlw yl'ar and his faithfuhwss in attc>ndin!! pra<'f irP rat'nPd for him tlH' Plection to tlw )(eel< a'llcl. owr MA-'t'l Jongg 1n~.i en pta in r,v. T1X\\( ox'r Y1\05rH. \5 Onl~· one game was pla,vr<l during the season, \ Ov e. -r '\" t hP st t'<'lltlOllsnpss of' t lu· sport prohibiting an~· nwrP. Tlw lmw ('OiltPst took phH'P on tlw hotllt' floor "ith l ' rhana a oppmu•nt. Th(• wPat't't's of tlu• Orang-<· and BhH·k appParPd O\'Pr-('onfid<'nt. and tlw ,·ietory \\t'llt to Champaign. About the midd](> of the 1 th rack, Champaign's star play(' I', KPck. caug-ht a hnd cold from tlw ('XJH>sm·<'. no d01tht. to I 't·hmw 's st 1'011).! 'ort h WitHl. Npalding suhst it Itt Pd. and ht' and .\hms played to a Yietoriom; finish. Final . corp: Champaig-n-10,:>4 ; l"rhana


- 7.6!14.

TIDDLEY-WL "KS \ \"hpn s<·hool opPtH'<l in NPptPtlliH•t·. ( 'o;wh .\Toy(' I' ,,.<'Jlt to .\I tss N" tfz<'t' with a graYe exprrssion on his face. ".\Tis. .'witzer," sai(l he. " \Vc must haYc a Ti(ldle,v-\ Vink: team . .Almost cnr~· other h ip:h school in Illinois i: inclncl ing TiddlPy\\" ink in th athiPtic <'Hrri<·llltun." .\li. . "ttzPt' Jw it at ing1_,. aid ... ~Tr . .\IoyPr. ~·o11 at'(' <'Oit<•h in this st·hoo); if you think TiddiP.\"-\\'inks a Jli'O]l<'l' spot·t for high . ehnol st ud<'HL ' and ym f(•pl Pqual to (•oaehing. go ah<•a<l.'' T lw Pason "as sii<'<'Ps ·ful. and tht• .\Taroon Pntt•t·Pd thP stat<• tOll l'IHIIll<'llt. Iff'!'(' til<',\' pJayPd a fa r a th<• finab hnt wt•t'<' d<'~ ft·atPd hy :\lolinP, d11P, prohahJ,,·. - to oYer-confidenee. The line-up for the big- game was as follows: Ogden, lrft tiddle; l\fc .ranahan, right ti<ldle; !<,lynn, forward; ,'chroeder, ha<'kward. Ogdpn was knocked out during- the eig-hth cnp, and •'tanford substituted. Flynn missPd 13 out of 2 1 free flips. Final score: Moline, 19; Ch ampaign, 11.

C. ::Burt He'fCl.ILes

U11~ /lu11dl'ttl








\Yell, it'. likP thi!'i: Bill ~lcKeen ~ot the bri~ht idt>a ot' organizin' tlw f!'llas "ho ust>d pretty bad ~rammar, into a clnh. and then impartin' to them a little of his own rt•cord-holdin' meahnlar~·. I 'II admit it was a good ideat\ but pretty impractical. and I'm a-oin~ to show ~a why. \\Tell, at tlte fir ·t meetin '. Bill made a swell. Jon~ spet>ch, 11 ing all the big w<mls ht• eonld ~et in. and it didn't .·p 'lll to me he gaye a snap whetlwr the thing- made Sl'llst' or not. Tht•n Itt' nan It'd four or fh t' \\hom ht> "antt•d to do tht• spt•aking-. i~~t·lndin' l an<l ·I'll ()pwhirst. ~WI'dt' ( llson ~<IYl' tlw first spPt>t•h, and t lwn llll'. and g-osh. hut IIi II Slll't' did a lot of eriti!'izin' aftpr ,,.e \\·as dmlt•. Tht•n it \\as DP\\hir. t's turn. lit• startt•d ofl' J't•al fon·l'i'ul-likP: · · l<'Pilt·r llll'lllht•r ot' this here )1. 0. E., I un• am g-hHl to he ahlt> to look down into your brig-ht and shinin ' l'a<'t's this ·• ht> stopJH'd IH'l'HIISl' lw had ht•t•n intt•l'l'ttptt'd h~· a kind of a thud. \\'t' all julllJlPd up and looked around. and what dja s 'pos!' we saw! 'l'hl'l't' \\as Rolll'rt Kt'llt•y lyin' on thl' tloo1· in a dt•<ul faitll. \\Tt'll. hl' was lu!'k homt•, and wht•n lw t'OliH' to a !'OIIJ>Ia days latl'r ht• said that ht' had .it·st sii'Jl]H'd i11sid!' thl' door for a St'I'O!HI, not tno\\ ingwhat hi' was g'l'tt ill' into, and t ht•n hl' didn't l'l'nlemlwr any mol't'. I g'llt'ss yon can st'l' now wh.'· :\I. ( >. E. hustt•d up. and \\ hy l don't think the itll'a "a. Jll'al'l ical. lwcaust> of 1ht•J't' hPin' too llltH·h l'haJH't' of fatalitit•s . .\n Ex ..\f. 0. E.

THE ,':\I.\LL ('JXIl

( LI't lll<' hastil~ stall' that th1s 1s 11ol 11 poldi('([/ Ol'ffilllization, and has ahsolutPly no !'OllJH•ction to llOl' rPiations \\' llh an.'· <Hlministnttion whit·h thi · stall' may haYe had. 'l'ht• JHillll' l'Pt't•rs to 1hi' sizP of the Jllt'lllll!'rsh i p.) The ~mall ( 'luh wa org-;mizP<l with t·x<·hl i' Pill's as its aim and purpost•. 0111' notl's. aftt•r can•fully emmting the nnmlH·r ot' llH·mhPl' \\hit·h appPar in tlu· <·hapl<•r pietnrl' (to ht• fomulto tlw IPft of this pag-1', that thl' aim has ht•eH carefully followed out). ~\. Lo~E. U11e H undod 1 •ltv iuld

Queen Sabby Que!'n ~abby "·as a wry beautiful woman. B<>antiful as a cow pastut't' on a spt·ing moming with the littll' calfh•ts playing tag among tlw ·hrnblH'ry : ]c,,·p]y a.· tlw silYPr moon-dawn which occurs :-;o lliH'XJWCteclly eYery e\"Pning: gorgl'o\ls as .... hut IIH'I'l' "ords at·t• fut ih•. Ll'l lls now I'Onsich•r a few statistics. II(li~l1t


Diaml'tl't' through waist ......................................................

-!-' 7" ·l' 7"

'o! Can that bt• right? ltH•t'Pdihll', and :n·t figut·t·s tH•wr lie: at least, her's 11 •yer did. Being sphPric·al. I ask you. how could it.) But to gPt on with my story, 0111• cla.v tlw (~m·t•n was sitting in lwr homt•grown Yt'!!PtabiP gard1•n. darning tlw King's so.·. , 'lw clanwcl ancl darned and darned and dat·twd. "Dant it," shP oat lwei, a. sht• pric·kPil her finger. 'l'lwn .-he profaned some mort'. "Dam it. Darn it, Darn it!" Although her \'OCabulary wa.· small sh1· gaitH•d t•mphasi. hy rPpctition. \Yith . unsl't canw tlw King. "Darling, darling." he sohhPcl passionat ly. · • I'm s-s-sorry my l'PI't an• so big.'' "•'o! 1'o!" slu·ieked (~llt'l'll Hahhy, prott•stingly. ".'ever. HeYer!'' .\nd all the home-grown YPgetabh•: echoed faintly,''. 'ewr, newr !'' "\Yhy not?" shoutPd thl• King in uni·on. "liaYe I the right to dt•ny my wife all the plPa. un•s which HI'<' Pnjoyl•d hy the other women of her . !'X, just !wean l' l haw hig fppt atHI slw has to stay hom!' all the tinw dal'lling my sox! Have I? Haw 1 ?" ~\nd in tlw excitt·nwnt he lwgan t" i.-ling lwr ar m until it aimed came oiL "PPrhaps not," clPnil'tl t lw (~u(•t•n calmly. "'l'omorrcm you ma~· Ita Ye your rl'l'l "hit tlt·tL' • F'or King Nahhy had \\"llOtlen legs.

'!'() .\ HP .\. 'INli 0. I 0. T

Long hot days "alk slow!~· hy, Bt·o"·n nnHI -puddk ch·~· away: Oasping birds flit t hrou!!h t lw sk~· HttmnH•r makl's me almost diP. Will I dit•! ls thl•n• a fall!? ( 'oulcl t ht•rp he a snO\\}" 1lit~· ! ? ? .\rl· thpn• il'ehPrgs, (•old and tall !.!! Y ""· I qul'st ion almost all. I who had a siPcl so light Hooking strc1 f-l'ars madl' nw gay. H\IPat until I am a sight. Nweat in clay-tinw, s\n•at at night: 8u·1 at 1111fil I almo.~t IIWI'I:

,'unwzu cum£: wlun u•ill illun•l.'


( 'anying out tlw Npanish Intim•twt• ) l'nfpp]ing. ttnpityittg Olll', IIow could you lw ~o t'l'ltl'l! :\[~· l',\'!'S with ti'HI'S brim 0\'et·, Tho you n·main quilt· l'ool. JlltllPd you ft·om t lw (•old. t·old. sod, I C'arC'cl for you !t•tHl!'t'ly. But yon with yotll' ingnttit111l!' !law distui'IH'd my Pquanimit~·. nut I 'II haY!' \'('Tl!!t'Hlll'(', ('J'lH'l Olll'. Your hasl'JH'ss I 'II rPpay. l•'or l'Yt·r~ tear l 'yp shl•d o 't•t· you, I 'II boil yom· st n•ngt h away. - G.'. On• Huudreol l'iiiJI·IIillt

+·-• -• -••-••-n-u-••-••-••-•-.._..,_"_+

RENPE( ''l'l• I LL Y TO D. (' . .JII LL!(L\.




ThPr!' liYt's a man h_,. the namP of " Dt•t•." .\nd a mighty man. the.\ sa.\. is ht'. .\ t't>llow that hails from Nhamro('k 's hon• \Yith a slttnnillg t'orm on a datwing floor.

II is hnl\\ ny an11s and ·lni'W_\' hands 011 a sttpp]p fnlllll' ot' iron lll<llld: Is thP typl' to \\hi<'h allmt•n aspi1·p Bttt on!_\· hP tht' I!Ods at•<ptil'l'. Tht· rttdd.\· hair that parts in l\\ain ~\how tht• stntr that lw ealls hrain ls ollly mat<·hPd hy thosP hlttt• 1'.\l's \\'h1eh l'H'l'.\ sPriotts tholll!ht defiP . '· lll'l'l' · to I n•land," he ays. says ht>, "Tht> honw ot' t ht· hntw. till• land of the 1'1·ee." .\L\ J:E. Lll o

t -• -••-••-•-• -• ! 1s6s

FLL •.


IIJH, '['

i Roberts & Grant



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Poultry and Eggs Live Stock


113 South Neil Street




United States Food Administratton License umber G 37338


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1924 f

i i i i i ir I

I i

i i

The First N ational Bank B\

i i I

-•-•-•-•+ I

Thl' Fir t atimwl Bank \\a. till• ptmlt'PI' hank in ('hampa ll!ll. • \•al'iy (i() .\'l'HI' <1 11'0, Wh!'ll this ('Ottllt_\ \\US ahottt Olll'· twl'll'th its prPst•nt sizt•, this Bank was Ol'!!alllzed to lllPet tlw ]()(•al nt•t•ds fot· StH·h all inst it HI ion. Fm· o\'l'r halt' a t'l'llt tii'Y it has l!t·own apael' \\ ith the prol!l'l's of lhl' l'Oilllllllllit~· . alway. mindful of its l't'sponsihility as a pionPI'J' to thl' l'ity and the l'<Hlllt_\' \\hit•h it st'l'\'l'S. Tht• Pir ·t 'at iomtl Bank invitPS you to makt' liS(' or thl' t';wilitit• \\hit•h it ofl'prs.

. ·. ~I. I 1.\Hitl:-;, /'n sidtnl B. B. 11\IWI . , l'in-J>nsitltlll


• ! I




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( '.\J>JW. •• l'tt't-l'rcsidt nl

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A D l .\ '1' E •' oj thr

Champaign High School MAKE GOOD in ou,· !i


TIL'' NE<'HE'l'.\HL\T; <'<WHNE

~raduaii'S of Ia. I year an• Ill>\\" 11111kiny yoorl i11 dPsirahl1• positions, al't('l' taking Olll' (i :.Ion I hs' , 'een·tarial ( 'om·sl'

• 'pn•ral

Nhorthan<l (<l l'Pg'l! or Byi'IH' ), 'J'yping a1ul Bookki'Pping. (' \1 , 11


\\THITI· FOR (' \'1'\LIHil 1:

(Oppo. itt + •-1111-ott-u- ... -o-••-u-••-.. -

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Le\lls Stort'J - o - -o-on-••-••-

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'fluPorlntils of • 'turlr nl.~ 111 tlu s Book u•t n · 111(((/t by




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1'111 1'11'111 ( 't/1( .· • lA culiny l'h otoura fJhtl '.

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'l'IIOSE :-;TEl''

Harber: You look talented. Daw \·an D.: 'J'hat ': "hy I want my hair c tt.

A l' ,


('an yon llo the '·Coot ic

liop." I•'t't•shlllall: o. mothet· said that I must ll'arn to d,tnt'l' IH'fot·t• 1 ht•!!Jll to t•njoy mysl'lf.

(1>1\'A 1>1\'EH) !"'I:.E

,\It·. ~Id~illllt'Y (after ht•arin~ l{uth Jeter \\arhle): ~Iarvdo\1.'. ~Olllt' lay ~·ou may l>t'<'Ollll' a gn•at diYa. Huth: But hut l don't know how 1o swim.

l>IS('OHI> \



Parkhill: Ymu· l'Oil\'t'J'sat ion is e ·act ly likP thP mHsit'al seale. \'illars: Ilow 's that, fat hl'I'? .\lr. Pal'ldtill: You start \\ith doHI!h and yon finish with <l<>H~h.

Stanie: lie's ju.t bashful. Why •lon 't you give him a little 'lll'Oura !!l'lllen t . •Tane: En<'ouragement? liP neells a l'he rinO' section!

,\. 0'1'11 EH (H'



1' ....

Bolshe\·ik • o. 1 : \Vanna goski 011 a sleighing partyski . Bolsh •vik _ 'o. ~: 'ureski, who. ki at·t· \\ L' gmma slay.

Perhap: you dropped ome ·uppo:ed 'vittici:ms in th contrib ho.·. atHl Jll'rhaps, after scanning tlw:e pa~e , you have failed to fincl them. But plea." remember: The editor won't always take a joke.

l•h'll1iliention C'on1c· t

t -·--..- - - -·- - - ----..-··-··-+ t- - u - u - -u-11•-• -••-• - • - • - • - • -t .



A. ('. COOK

\\'. 1•'. <'OOK


: I

! I I


Cook's f I Apparel Shop : li04 1·~. <11UE.' • TRY.t.T

• I I




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I 'I .I


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1 •


A L TJ K I ( '11 tom tailormg knmrs no limit. Yon can order any kind of . nit yon want, any kind of fabric, any kind of modPl and all kinds of pri<·t•s from ,'·;~.) T



I •





Pitsenbarger & Flynn () 1:.!


1 I


! I l

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t () ... r·o I .



Out' slojf i r'oiii}JOSt rl of !JOIIIIU 111111. 1'111!1 hat•r t/11 .·tl//11 tdt rr nf r•lntlu s o: ,11011 ltat•r.


K\"'1' (: HLL . ~TI{l t:'l'

('11.\\11'\((, ·, [I,L.






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t-o- -u-u-11- -••- -••- -u-n-n-+





l i


"Your Shop"

I l


"Should old acquaintance be (orAot1 lrz thiS case-we should say not'"

\\' U/111 ll ·.~

Fnl' lltn



i n " omc haek'' i again hcfore you :uul n Jr<'ntlc ri'JIIinder that if it' nnythin • in the .Jcwclr~ line, pertaining to \\at• hcs for eadt :wei •ver.) on of you Emblems and <'Ia~ · Pin~. Hings, Gift· in gold an<l . ihertht• plac to find good: of c·har acter is at



I I We sptcialize



•·wg.\ TI<JR. ', llLO




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llO 'lEHY

W uesteman 's








:\ly po. ition n


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nruu· ll'lin



'('J,t"SI\'B llUT

( 'hamp;ugn 's l1Pa<ling ,Jpweler 1-l i\Iain Stn•('t

- 'OT


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i . \. }1. Bt•l{KJ:


E. F. Bt RKL l'i('(-FI'Isirltul 111111 ('rt.·hitr

+ •-..-•- - - _ .._ - _ .._..,_ - - - - - - -

- u - -o-••-u-

•I • -n-u-n-••- +

t hi' wind snateht•tl t ht• words from my moll t h aml flung t ht•m along to lwr. • · Yt>s, '' sht• g-asped. ''I'm doing Ill,\" oHtside reading!''

K "0\\'LEI><a; BEI·'OHE IIE.\L'l'II

It was many, many <legTPl'· lwlow zpro. I "as hnrrying honll' through t lw park \\ lwn uddenly r a\\' a figlll'l' h11ddled on a hl'tH'h. It was almost eOYl'l'l'd by th • . "irling snow.

l'UBLH'l'l"t FOH \\'.\U. I·:H (II:uuh-<l m hy \Vagnt•r ) .Jlr. Lt•mkt•: [t 's a gay lii'P it' you

don't w ·ak •n . •\ndt'e\\ \Vagner: 'l'hat 's funny, that's \\ ht·n 1 ht·gin to feel gay . .Jl iss ( 'oolt';> : ))phs will undou htPdly he tht> soeiali.·t candidate this ,\'Pat' for the ]ll'l' ·Hh·m·y . •\ndt·e\\' \\'agtH'l': Uee, is he o11t of jail again ? .Jli · .Jlay: Uiw lilt' a duty of the Pn· ident. .\mire\\ \\'agnt>r . \\'ell. play <roll', I g'llt'SS.

hut something about tlw position J'l'S, it wa ·• ft'lha Boudn•att. ~ht• was rPading a hook. Iler t',\'t•s must haYe ft·ozt•n in t lu·ir . oekPh, hP<·au.t• slw had to kt't'Jl mo\ ing t ht' hook from ldt to right and haek a:.rain. ".\re yo11 studying!" I yt>IIP<I, an<l

t- -


.Jlr. LPmke ays it is ht't lt•t' fish in" in shallow watt•r ht•(•ausl' t ht• old fish hring th • young Oll<'s up to tt•aeh t hl•m how to swim.

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Bl Y Y<H'R . E."T :-i('llOOL



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hii!J !JOIU' 11.~£1/ books r_ll yoorl





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Cable Piano Co. <' '1' U R





Watson Faulkner' L. \V. I• .\l 101 ~-

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m. llyr.

( 'ham Jwi:.rn. Ill.

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Beautiful Cut Flowers For All Occasions of


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.Tl'.''r \YII \ T nm TIE :'lm.\ • •

:\I iss Fimwga 11 : l•'J'Pd. yon a I'P. talking again. \Yh~· clon 't yon top whPn I look at ,\'Oil ! Fred : 1 'm no t' lock.

TO:'If A ·n c 0 · .·IE, AL\fO~T \Yhen Cupid hits his mark, ht> rl'ally :\Irs. it.

Tilt' · TilE LOOI.



,JanP ( noticing .Jit1wy stancling motionlP ·s in a tPrrihlP tlmntlt>rstorm ) : Haven't yon srns enongh to come in out of th rain? ,Jttm·~ (saclly): I can't. NonH•hocl~ \ takinrr ftashlight picturPs of

F\C ' E

}l<' 'pjl: Ilow clicl yon learn to hrc•ome a grl'at orator. ).ft'KPPll: Pin

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I hPgan hy aclclrC'ssing



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Women's Apparel Dry Goods


Quality First i Service Next i• Price Last I

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('hom pa iu 11


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15 - 17 -u-u-11-u-








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COhe RexaZZ : CDrus Store =



\\Tl I E.·

yon . 1'1' a II i!!h ~c·hool studPnt yon c•an n·st ass11l'l'd that his !'lot hP c·amP from this yo11ng man's store. '\ Pll




yoorl t!J'II!f sf on


u lwndy plur·t

H. Swannell & Son





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A General Business Course

l I i•

addt>cl to your public· sc•hool traiillll~ \\ill help H'l'." m1wh to makP YOIII' training a . H<'<'l' s. <lt'l a <'0111' ·p now. c·an 'lwlp ~on !!1'( it in tlw shortc•st possible tim<' .






.\c c HI.I>TTJ:n

a1111Pil Bnilcling.

+ •_,.._,.._••-••-u-u_,.._,,_.. _ .. _

Champaign. Illiuois. _ .. _ .. _ .. _



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.\ PO I. "T 0 I~ ET I <W I·:T'I' E jJitt·h: Wh~· did yo11 tip yo111' hat to that !!il'l! Yon don't hHl\\ lwr. do yon ! Em: o. hut Thomas dot>s. and I'm wparin~ his hat. A 'I'

Ll'ona: 01' SOil Jl


Ill' LI~H ':-; ~on

What did

ltaYP. <·hili


. 'tudPJit: I dmt't kno\\. it tastt>d lih llJt>dit•iJH'. LPmJa: ThPn it \\Hs <·hili. Our sonp tastt• likt• di II\\ atPr. ,\ \1 \TTEH OF !"I'ELLI.·<~

BPI'llit•t• B.: '1 ht•y t't>llow in s<·hool likt•s Host• L.: YPs, I'm hi Ill.

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that JH'W hnuwttt>s. dyPill~ to nw<•t


Huth l mogt'JH' hurst. ag:tin into )li'Olllill('ll<'('

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Schuler Bros. It Must Be Because We Lead in Quality and Service Tlu I I 111111 of flu (),,!JIIIUI ('fiiii'IJ{ofl


F1111111/1.' ll ii}J·Lilii'Srlf

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The Champaign N ational Bank



() 111



<:RJ-:.17 RH :·;foil.~ of Illnwi~!

Edward Bailey, President ChampaiAn, Illinois


W.Lewis &Co. j

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M. LOWENSTERN & SON .\ ~ton• ('atPI'ill!! to the . 'ppds of tlw Youn:;r l\Irn ot' Toda~. FPatttl'ill)!








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Ea1•h Lint' Part i<'nlal'l,\' .\rlapte<l to tlH' \Yr11·rlrt>ss<•<l F'rllow

.1 Trial 1\"i/l rrnn·inrr rnu

M. LOWENSTERN & SON .,..,_ ~-... -

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l~HT .\'l'\10~!'!! Ell!~

Tom: \\'hat do you sllpposp all this . and 011 t hP da 11!'1' floor is for . Louis<' (hri lliantly ): P1·ohahl~· o that yo11 and all tht• rP t of the slwik. "iII fpp] at honw.


l'IW!L\BL\' Til \T BHO\\ ,· IJHE~~ ~Ii ·s Morris: lrPII<\ <lid yon laugh

a lon(l? ln•ne: YP ·. h11t l didn't mpan to. ~Ii ·s )forri:: Di<ln 't nwan to? Ir ne: • ·o, I laugh!'<l in my sl!'evc, aml I <licln 't know I had a hole in my PI how.


D. Jacob. : Dad. I pa.· cd Vir il today. Mr. Jacobs (rea<ling paper): Did h<• SJlPak .

+ -•~-

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<a:. 'E\'1 E\'E

Y<•s. lll)' hank-roll is thin. B11t my d!•ar, :-;o an• you. ll!'rr 's t Iw p)arp : l!'t 's go in : Yes. my hank-roll is thin. Drinking malts is a sin! But they 'rp fattening. too. Ye:, my hank-roll is thin. But m~· dPar. so arr yon.

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+ •-o-11-"_,.._,.._.. _,,_~•-•-n-on-on-~•- .. - .. _,.._,,_,,_,,_,, _


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Stadium Sport Shop 110 \\'.



Sports (~I·.\


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: Qlorr£r± J'-pparrl


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HiAh School Man





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Cunnin{5ham iI Bros.


f~r the











:i:lO E. Grt'Pll, 'I. ('I L\:.\1 p .\I (l




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+-- - · - - - - -·- - · - - -

t- _._,_.,_, _,_,,_ - - -- The Style !I Hi8h School Students i: Want

Your Dr)H'JHlahiP ,Jp\\·elcr

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\\'IIERE <lF\Il' \ '0 <iOLll





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('/ass Pw J cll'elr.rs


First rloor north City




Ql. t3ofuntan


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The Snyrlcr ,


ha · pai<l ·p<'<'ial attl'ntion to the styles for 11 i~th S!'!wol sllulents. A l•<'autiful liiH• of th11 !all· ·t styles in ,;\{iss<'·' .·lipp<'rs I'SJH' •·ially thr Sandal st:· It·~ that arr so mut'11 in vogu!" for summ<'r. Anrl th(' o.·fords for high t•hool boy· arc ri~ht in line 'l'ith thr eollr~tc styles. \\'c invite thP high Rt•hool student· to visit our n!"w store.

Snyder & Bradley



Br:Hil<'y Bonl!


!' ('11 \\!P\10.






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orth • 'ril :-ltrret




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You'll be the receiver of wonderful values when togged up in one of our suits.






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I I 1-l- Famous }fakes arP 'l:eprPsl'tllt•<l. Hart , !-'hafl'nt•r & }fat·x. ('amp ns To~s. !-'oeiety Brancl, Etc.

! I

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Jos. Kuhn & Co.

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M- u-u- u- ••- -••-••- ••-+




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Look Your Best


Mollet & Woller


'I 'I

•I I

Tn sc•hool, :nul aftt•1' gradua t ion, you should n·alize th!' im portan!'t' of heing well dn•sst•cl. (,ood elotht·s will ht•lp you gain





'!'he hettt•r kintl of appan•l for young men is Zom 's spec·ialty.



S Eil , 'Ired at ill £ ll wd of Jlalll S in ct +-u - ..,-•-~• -






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Th e Idwl Place for G£• ntlunen

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To,u ·na m£1l is

18 Billiard Tables 18

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l'hat ho.\· 'n• ht•Pn !!'oin~ \lith is a had l'g~. Huth "\lit•t•: r kno\1' hP IS, lllallla. j11st at'raitl to <

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