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APRIL 1, 1J24
APRIL 1, 1925
Champaisn Hish School
Class gf 1925
Volume XVI
CopJriAht, 1925
By Vt. ,.,, llttt~h1nsan Editor G or C" D.zviS, Busin('SS ~ian
As a means of' exprcssrnA our sincere apprâ&#x20AC;˘eciation of his characte1' and his work at ChampaiAn Hit,h School, this, the sixteenth volume of' the MAROON, is respectfully dedicated to MR. CHARLES GOODING. His hearty cooperation in all student enterpPzses, as well as hzs kindness, have established for him a secure place in the hearts of Champa iAn Hi8h School students.
CONTENTS CAdministPation Classes Orsanization CAthletics Fine AN HumoP CAdvePtisements
As pcn,ils and pens were about to be laid down , for the last copy was ready and proof sheets were betng read . there came a hadow over the production of thts book for on May I 0 , I 9 2 5 . there occurred the death of George Gage Davis. As Business Manager of the 1925 Maroon, his tnter est in journalistic work and faithfulnes~ to duty were marked. Prominent in other acti\'ities as well. his genial presence is sorely mi sed by all the students in the halls of Champaign High School. and particularly by the Staff in Room 222. Especially. as this book i~ presented does the Staff feel this sorrow. "Out of siAht at desk or school-book, Busy in another room . Nearer than my •on whom fortune Beckons where the •tr<>nAe lands loom: Just behind the hanAinA curtain, ServinA in another room . .,
... ··::.Robt.•rt
"_I mid1n.~tt I'll city thut: is - a city of progress, of lti!Jit idt als dt rotul to t/11 t•au.~t of youth anti its education. From all parts of tills lnautifttl t•ity 1'1111!1' Itt r .'/1111111 to partal:t of tltr thiltf/S lt'hi<'h .~hr off't rs. Tilt !I I orr hrr, and pledge allt'!lianct· anti dr.rotion to the city of lhtir l11art l'ILUII'.\W.'
· · ('ll'cliuq hi!lh alwl't tl11 I'll!/ of ( htllll/ltLitl"· tltt whitt willf/' d w ~'"l'ltlllt is 1111 1/lll'lllll/111111 st!lltl. Lool."lllf/ tilt/, tltt pilot ,11/imp.w s tlu rision wltil'it 11/IJittll's to tl11• you/11 of CiltLIIIJIIIif/11 to 1/ttil'i:tll if., itltals of tltin!fs illltlltl'!llal T!lh
Ot' ILJ.l.'OI>;
'• Ort r/ul:t 11 /J.il u 8ttulrslorm Ulltl ,,lt'IIOJI i11!/ fur down uf"lt r u thril/111!1 lui/ spw. t/11 w rotltiUI !'lilt'S u Iii/It "Lilli of Ut uuly, llittlii!'UI !Jy tl11 itltilr sllolr. T/11 1Jru11;ul 1111 stands /11 fon t/11 Jlt18.w r/Jy 1111 hi.~ lfll.l/ to .w·lwol 111
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J.noll'luft/t. fftrt, ton . hart lu111 spent sum• of /11., hiiJ'fdtst hu11rs with lit.,
tltt lmu/:.,
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f/tlt ""'
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/Juiltli1111 tlu ,., . .1 !11[1 to t/11 !I" lith 11[ tlu rit Jf, you say ? Pilot, I urn a/mill, 1 untlt r.~ltulll ('11 \ .\ ti'.\H;.\'
I lwn
• · '.I st'lwlar In·, a/11.
r, a dollar, a /111 "'dot•/, I lllllrly Ius/ 111.1/ l'tl/111 1/11/t'll s11 l'ltfiidly. So
Jl'lult'! !filii
this is (.rtll Strut.' .llosl l.tt•iliny trip I 1 r1 r lou/.. 8111111 lw11• 1 'I{ lib IIJ slay /11 1'1 /I'll/, [111'11'1 r and a day. You/It is /11 1'1 11111/ OJIJIIII'fllllif!/, 11111/ II'/ it ll'htll J, as a S< ui11r, too, It art, I shall lir /u 1'1 in 11 s< nst, for 1 shall 111 l'< r forti' t my ,\ 1.~1 I ~I.IH:R''
CBoard Q/ Education Q[
Champais n Public Schools
H. E~O< ""· '·, (
;\ltl. HOBERT llDt~ltR
..\Itt. 1!. ll. llOII'\ttll
;\Itt. T. H. llOI'Kt:\>'
..\IH>'. 1'1!0\1 \>' 0<iDf~"
I> H.
S!'tt0\1 r. · a:HDT
Th<' st:tnding <·ont n titt<'<'S of tlH• hoard an• c·cllnJH>. <•d of th<• lll<'llllH•rs nanwd in th<• following li. t, tlw nanw of th<• <·hairman l>Ping gin•n fit-st in o·ad1 <·onlmitt<•<•: .\thll'li<·s lloward, ~,·hollt'n!{<'nit, Enoc·hs. Builclin!{ · and (;rouncls Sdwlll'n!{<'r<it, l>irnnu•r, llopkin.·. Finunc·<' :1111\ .\uditing llopkin.·, Jlmlan\, Sc·hnw<'nl-(<'r<lt. llo·alth and Sanitation .·dwll't•ng<•r<it, lhrnmt·r, l!owanl. ]lorn<' ·ti<· Sc·l('tll'l, Art :111<\ ;\fu·ic· Ogclt•n, Enm·hs, Jlopkin 1-'upplit·s
llirnrnPr, Enodt , llopkins. Training llowarcl, J>irnrnt'r, 01-(<lt>n. Tt·adu•rs and lnstrudion Eno<·hs, llimmPr, Ogc\pn, Yi.·itttJg Ogd<•n, Howard, Enm·hs. (;<'n<'ral 1-'dwol Ach·arw<'nH'nt llopkins, SdH>II'Pngt>rclt, Ogrlo•n. \l;~nual
~~~~ [hr fRuruuu ~
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MR . C. S . DALE P r>incipal ,\lthou~h lli~h ~··lwol.
this is ~Jr. l>alt•'.- first .n•ar at C'h:nnpai~n hi' ha aln•ad~· won a st•t·un• plat·l' in 1111' hl'arts of tiH• s!tull'nts. llt• is inh•rpstl'cl in H<·hool at· i\"iti<·s :nul in .·<'holarship. Through hi: ilt'lp an<l :uhi<·c· ht• :-;tudl'nt ('ount·il was organizt••l. l [ p was also in "runl<•ntal iu or~aniziu~ th<' C't•ntral Illinois lntt•rst•ho Ia. tic· Lt·agut•, thl' purpost• of whit·h is to IH·ing thl' nwmht•r ·dwols t•lost•r togetlll'r, not only in athll'ti<· hut in all loranl'ill'.· of st·hool adiYit it•s. Ilc wa: sponsor of thl' lllini l'iwph•r of tlu· Xational Honor :-;ot·i<'t~·. in t rO<lnt·t•<l in th<' High Sdwol to promo!t• hi~ h S!' holasl i<• ""k nnwng nil tho tmp;b.
~ .., 1
~~~~~ 1925 ~~~~~
MISS ELEANOR CHAFFEE Vice Principal \li .. Elt?anor ('haffPP, \"1('!' prindpal of tht• ('hampaign High 1-ic·hool, c·:tllll' hc>rc• from :\[u. t•atint', Iowa, whc>re ·ht? wa: the assi. tant prinl'ipal, ancl tht? lkan of (;irl . ~hP i.· a gracluatc> of Oh!'rlin Collegt•. In hl'f JlO. ition a· Yi<'l"prirwipal, ~ht• ha: gin·n gc>n · c•rn11s ach'il'l' to most of the ~tudl•HtM in th arrangc>mc>nt of tlwir sc-heduiPs, ancl in genl'r:tl questions of t·nrrit·ula. IIC'r tac·t fuhwss ancl t•harm of ]ll'l' onality ha,·e won :tel· miration arHl rt'SJH'c·t. Hhe is tht• friencl of l'\'I.'Q stmh•nt of the 11 igh ~l'hool, ami hrr opinion :lllcl <ll'<:ision arc mul'h aclmin••l.
FIR~T Ho\\ : (rootliug, E . \·o , .Fo\\lt·r, )tacill. Kt·il••r. S1.cu:su Ho\\ : Lt·mkP. Turn"ll, ~wiudt.•ll, Fillnt'g-an B(•·1d1 . TntRh How • .h':t'llt•y, 'loyt•r, I fun·, l.p :-\un•, ('ook, Fot RTH How : , tark, (' ourwllt•y, Stun~eon :.\tnx\\1'11, . mith. FU'TII ){ow. :.\tikt•"Pll, '1. Yn""· ~lt·Lnnclrt•"'"• ~till. ~1. TH How )lay, ('ht•villou, ('oolt•y . 't:\ F•• ·Tn How . ,lumP , (;n· ham, Sutton,
~luth·n ,
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Student Council !)l<'FI<'EHS Holll HT Kt· LT t: Y
'l' .\HHl'\'
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.\fargarl'l Ennps
·anc: .\[rail<• Lonist' Hi<·kanl
Tar-,on \ \'rlpy \ \'all<•r Sl'ht·<'i Donald Borah Lon i. .\Id. . Pa n IIPI<'n l lopkin .\Iag-dali'JW P<l\ding
. I fhtt Itt's ('o11111111f11 .\ rtltnr· ])pnman \'pt'JH' ( 'ar.-on Tommy .\f<'".\lnlll'n Earr11•st \Yih·~· ".\lax Wright . l s .·r111hlirs ('o1111111ffr r
Rohp r·t KPIIP.'' .\I;u·ian Kincaid Olt•nson .\I~· pr-, .\I HI',\ Ki I'll~' IIazPI .\l ay ''furltnf ('rmrlul'f ('o1111111ffu
.\ nna Solon I... on i'il' • ' t i<•gpnw~· <·r (:Jpnn BakPr Rn PI 'l'n<'kPr
l ' isilors ('rn111111ffr r
Edith IInrlnnt
I> 1'1111111 I i1•. · f'o1111111 It rt L<'nor·p Wolff'
~~~~~ [ltl~
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CCJhe n,, L1
!Haruntt ~~""" '
S~udent Council
\\' tt."KL
\ . I\:1. <.\m
C'hampai:,rn High !-;chool \, fir t !-;tudPnt ( 'omwil was organizt·<l Odoher 6. l!J2-t. each of th<• thirt~· s<'Y<'n .\<h·isory (lroups ha,·ing PlPd<•<l a l'l'JH'I' Pnlatiw to tlw ('o111wil. (ll<'llll Bak<'l' rppn·s<'lltPd ~!iss ~Ia,,. ·..., group: Donald Borah. .:'lliss L<• !-;m•t•'s: l{oy ( 'arson and KPlllll'lh !-;Ianford, ~!1· . ~~o~· pr\; \'pl'llP ( 'ar on , .:'IIi s Kt'll,\ \; llan·~· ( 'niP ami Eug-Plll' !-;oudt•l', ~lr. Oshorn\: <:<'01').!'<' 1);1\is, .:'lliss Un• ham's; .\rtll\11' Dt•nman, ~!iss !-;turgPon's: ~lal'g'<ll't'l Ennt"i, :\!1·. <lrlOding-\; D;n·id Fn•dt>ril'kson. ~!iss ~Iartin\; Frt•d liPimli<·ht'r. ~!iss \' oss\ ; ,John lli<ly . .:\Jr .• 'utton' · ; I!Pit•n Hopkins . .:\Irs. ~lark's: Edith llwlnut. \Iiss Bl'ctt'h's; Holwrt Kt>ll<'~. ~Irs. ('ook's: ~Iarian Ki1waid. ~lr. ~Iom·p\; ~Jar~ Kirh~·. .:'lli. s <'oolt·~ ·...,: .\rthnr L<•a lll't'. :\!i s Blair's: IlazPl .:\Ia~ . .:\!iss PPrr~ \: Lon is . l<·L<•an . .:\Jiss ,)alllP!oi'; 'l'ollllll~ ~[<•J!JJIII'll, ~)iss 1\:t'ilPr's; . <Ill<',\ :\[t'adl', ~l1·s. 'l'lll'l't'll\; Glt'llSOll :\[yprs, .:\I iss Bamht•rgpr' : .:\[agdalt'lll' Pa\\ ling and Domth.'· Pt'lZt'l'. )lis Frmlpr's; ('harlPs Pi<·knPll, .:'llr. ( 'omwlly's; Lonis<' Hl<•kanl. ~[iss '1'. Yoss 's; \\·altPr , 't'hi'PI . .:'llr. LPmk<• ·...,: HohPl'l • hom•r . ~I iss ~]at It'll' : .\nna ,'ol<m. )li ·s ,' till's: \ ' irginia ,'onrlPJ' and ]rt'nP Bo~·<'l', .:\!iss !-;mith\; Lonis<' • ' tiPg'l'llH'~·er, .:\I iss ::\[agill's; Etl ~t nlts, ::\I iss ( 'hPYillon \: Hnssl'l 'l'twhr. .:'lftss .:'II<·Landrt'ss \: .:\Iil<lrPcl \Yil<•ox . .:'liN; llnfl''s: Eal'll!' t Wilt·~· and :\largarPt ~\lll'n, .:\Jr .• 'winddl's: '!'arson \YilPy, ~Irs. ~IihsPll's; LPnOJ't' \\·olf1', ~It·s. . ·c\'ill<•'. : and .:\Ia · \\·rig-ht, )Jr. ,'imrm's. Onr of tll<' first mot ions or tlw 11('\\' organization \\'Hs to t h<· !'fl'<·<·t that letters he 'nitte'n to oth<•t· ~twlPnt Councils inquiring ahont thPir school go\'<•rnnwnts. The an'iwt'rs to tlH's<' ll'lt<•rs W<'l'<' dt•t"id<•<ll,\' lu•lpl'ul. 'l'hl' ( 'omwil was thPn diYi<lP<l into st•n•n connnitl<'l's with ahout six nwmht•l's <'at·h. 'l'lw <•ommitl<'<' on ~<·hool ~l<nit•s. with tlw aid ol' fh·t• t<·a<·lwrs : ~liss Yt•l'lla t'ool<•y, )!iss E:atherinl' lluJl'. ~li. .:\ina Uresham . .:\!iss <L ('Jan• .Janws, an<l .:\!iss Essie LP ~lll'l', Plt•dt•tl antl m·<•cs fnll~· <'OJHlH<·tt•<l tlw sail' ol' tit•kds for the following moYi<•s: "'l'hl' Littll'sl Rt'lH'l.' ' "Lil'l' of' !-;hak!'spPar<'.' ' "l ' nclt•t' tlw ,'pa." an<l",Julins ('al' ar. " Tlw .:\Iusit' ( 'ommit1<'<' joill!·cl thl' .:'lfu il' .\ssoeiation in . pml-.;oring- musi<·al <•nl<·l·tainnwnts. Tht• ('ommitl<'<' on Yisitors at l<'lll]ll · to . <'P that 110 strangt•r comPs within tlw wall of' ( 'hampaig-11 lli!!h :-:7-hool without !wing Jli'OJH'rly spokt'n to and dil'<'<'tl'd to his dPsin•d dt•st ina! ion . .:\Jcmhers of tlH' Dramatie ('ommittt•<• haw sold ti<·k<•ts and 11 lll'rPcl at Wig and Paint pla~·s, alHl all mnsit"al ent<·rtainnwnts. It has ht•<•n th<' <lnt~· ol' tlw ~\sst'mhly ('ommitt<•<' to JH'O\'itlt• and introdll<'<' spPakt•rs for tlw as Plllhlil's thi'Oilg-hout tlH' ~· par . •\numg tht• SJH•akt•rs \\t'l'<': H<·,·. B ..J. HrinkPma, RP\'. ~- E. Fislwr, (llad,,·s Pt•nnington, RP\' ..J. ( '. Bak<-1·, Rahhi B. Frank!'l and Dr. O'Bri!'n. Tlw ('ommitl<'<' on • 'tnclt•nt ('ondnd has 'ilriYl'll to promolt• h<'lll'r spirit. a hig-lwr d<'g"l'<'<' ol' honor aml to t'osl<'l' a right attitn<lt• in tlw high s!'hool. ~\lthongh tlw ( 'ommittl'r' 011 .\thll'li<·s has not h<•<•n parti<·nlarl~ PYi<lPnl, it too has dmw its pal'l. 11' tlw . ·tudt•nt ( 'ollll<'ils in tlw future l'lllwtion a t'fl'i<·ientl~· as this pimw<·r or:,ranization has, ('hampaig-n Ili:,rh • '('hool )!O\'t•J'IlnH•nt houlcl liY<' and grow. 1
, ,
~~~~~ 1925~~~~~
1-'llHlt·nt: • • (;oO<I mornin~!
An• ~·ou a stran~Pr to ('hampaign Ili~h 1-'dwol "
'rsitor: ''Yt•, I just t•allll' in to \ott• an<l noth·P<I tht•sl' hu~·s in their· work hop.'' ~tu<h·nt: "Our :.Ianual Training <'lass makt•s arti<·ll'.· of furnitun• arHl many otht•r us •ful tlun~s. Arlll, han• you st'Pll tht• l>nnH•stit· S<·it•nt·l' llppartnH•nt Tin• girls n•t·l'i,·c pradi•·al instrudion in tht• art of •·•wkin~. :u11\ thl'ir laboratory work i. most inlt•n·sting."
!loom '' , tmh•llt: '• y,.,, wonl<l ~·on .-an• to go ill :tllcl "''!' whnt the gul. arP making''' Yisitoi': • '.\1~· <l:111ghtl'r took :-;,•wing wlnh• Ill was dc11\!l hPr!' 111 lligh :-;,·houl. n•all~ surprist>cl at th!• loYPI.' th1ngs sh1• m .. ch• llst·fnl too.''
, l'C'
:->tuch•nt: "Oh l Look in the art room. )!iss .\lc·Lancln·ss is c•on<ln.-ti1 g a lit',• t·lass ill art. tht>ir moclt>l? 'l'ht•,,· clo llt'autifnl !'l':tft :ulllllll'tal work, too." for <'hn t 111. s.''
,'tuch•nt: ••. 'ow, ll'l us 1-(0 up on the 'l'!·ontl tioor. Thi. room right ht're at th1• head of tht' .. tairs is the home of tlw l'ubli!·atu•n -Hoom ::!::!::!, thl'Y •·all it. l f ~·ou look in thl' tloor yon may S\'l' th1• .l/aroo11 staff at work.'' Yisitor: "Th!' !'<lit or is at the• ch•sk, J supposl'." ~hult-nt: "In this roo111 :\I iss Blair is l'OlHludinl-( a st'Hior c·lass in Enl-(lish Lit!'r:thtl'\'. ller sttuh•nt.· cil>rin• lllll!'h pll>asurl' from tin• ·tncly of tlw !·lassic·s. ''
~tndt·nt: • 'II Pre ~·on ,.,. a l'uloli•· • pPakillf' t•las ill sPssiou. !11 thi. J·oom lllt'<'h \\'igand J>aint, our <lramati•· <·In!.. ThPir short pla~·Jpts an• st:lf'C<l hnt• prior to lht•ir Jll'l''l'll(ation in th1• a.·s<·mhl~." Yisitor: '',\n• th<•n• any hi tory t·las.·~s whil"h I lllif'ht Yisit now 1 l:illf'hl history for st•n•ral yt•ars, and am inl\•n·st<•d in that tlt-partnu•ut, l'SIH'<·ially. '' 1-;tu<lt•nt: '' ~Iis. ('oolt•y will he plt•asl'<l to n•n•in• you in ht•r llistory \' I t·lass ill this room. But pt•rhap.· you would likt• to st'<' 1non• of our st·hool a1ul n·turll to \·isit :JIH>thPr t·lasc in th1s samt• room nt•xt hom·.''
~!tt<ll'nt: ''Hen· on tht• thinl floor, are tlw ('olllllll'n·ial, • 't·icnt·l', an<l Lan~tna~l' DI'JI:lrt-
:\riss C'hl·Yillon is t·orulnl'lin~ a Fn•nt·h t·las in this room at tht• ri~ht.
::-.rr~. <'ook 's Botany •·las.- is, no <lou lot. pxaminin~ thl' intrit·atl' nut lint's of a tiny plant l'l'll
tm<lcr thl' mirrOHl'OJH'. format ion, too.''
Tlu·~· takl' ('Xl'Ur~ion: into the "·ntH!· an<l obtain sollll' fir~t harul in-
:--tw!Pnt: "'l'ht• ( lumi~tr~ <'lnss i. ht•n• '<'I'll tnkin~ 1101\'~ on a lt·..tun• <IPiin•n••l h.'· tla•ir instrudor, ~lr. (~oo<lin::-. l'Prhaps tt i suhsPqu<'nt to tht• Liqni<l .\ir lt•durt• whit·h Wl' h:ul Yon wonl<l do wl'll to r..turn hl'rt', if for only a
nwmt•nts nPxt hour, to walt-h
thPir laboratory \\ork. • • From tht• mil111~ t·oun!t•Jiallt'l'' of thost• Fn·slum•n, I shoul<l say thl'~ had just t·onqlH'I'I'<l anntht•r Lntin n•rh. llt•t·Jpnsions :11111 t·onju~:ilinn~ an• IIi!' hall!' of tht• Frl'shman, hut ~[iss Ht•a..Jl mak<'
t ht·m 't'l'lll tint•.''
~hulent: "
typing- room.
Throug-h tlll' g-lass partition, you ma~ st•c the Trans.-ription <'lass in the That t•la.-s i t•oJnpos<••l ••ntin•ly of S\'llinr g'irl . .\l1ss \ oss has produt'l'<l sOlll<'
winnt•rs in that •·las .. "\\\•11, wt•'n• h:11·k on tht• st•t·ond tloor ag-ain. I'm sorr_,. ~·ou han•n't tilll<' to sP<' of our t'lass<s in adion. The room to th<• rig'ht That is ~!i . .- .\Ia~·· llistnr.v \• ('lass."
Yisitor: ''!han~ t·<•rtainly Pn,jnyt•d this Yi<•w of tht• x<·hool in :u·tion.'' ~tutlt•nt: ''Thank you. l'lt•ast• <'OIIIl' ag'ain.''
U:I1r fUuruutt
~· ~
~ ...,
-~ .....,________,_.,...._...,., ~
l>o. ·. ·cu .Y <: .\\IBII
FH \ .' K
.r o11. ·
( . \1,1.1'-'1 LH
\ ' I<'<'
1L\B1n l{r<
PI·<'~ I! !t•nt ~t't'l'l'tar,\'
La1n1.\ . ·
11 \L\
Farewell, Champai8n Hi8h! /:!f 'I'III.OIHliU 11. Jh11. · t ; Y
() :,rrmul and nohlt• ( ' hampai:,rn Ili~h. ~Io 1 "ort hy ~t·hool of fauw . It i~ \lith IH'il\',\' ht•art I si:,rh. \\'hPn now I t•all th~· mtm<'. For ll0\1 OIII'ltapp,\' days an· o 't•r . . \nd WI' 11111~t part for t'\'Pl' mon•. Four .Hat·s I tmd thy tatPiy halls. Four Y<'HI' t lu·~· <'<'Ill hut ont• \r ithiu th~· loft.'' l<'al'llt'd walls I !Parnt'd tht• jo~· rd' d111,\' doru· : Tho~<' joyfnl da.'· haY<' passt•rl too soon. Tlw Ollt' dark hlot on lnYPI.'· .J 1111<'. 1~111
thou art dtt<'. () ( 'hampai:,rn IIi:,rh . •\ nohll't' ong- than min<'. 'l'lw \\'ords I Jwak ton non will dit•, To prai~<· aright th~ \rork tliYill<'. ~o <'Olll<'. Y<' st>nio1· . <lrt'ss<•<l aJHl <·rm,·n<'d Jn wisdom\ sa hiP <·ap and g'Cl\\11. LPt \ mah a piPclgP to ( 'hampaig-n 1lig-h, To do Otll' \l'tll'k what <' 't·r it lw , .\nd llt'\'1'1' IPI t lw spirit diP. That \\'(' ha\·1' IPHI'IIPd, ('hampaig-n from th<'<'. To ht·a' PI~· fi~h t 11<'\'<'1' wa Hr .\nd knm\· that On111i11 l'iiiC·it lalllll'.
).l.LH.ti.LHJ\: 'll<liH·l~ l[)!LJ~( ')llll[lll]( .\!(10.10(( '![ll!Us.!.Hllli!HJ ( ll! ll !.il.t!.\ 'U,L\IOH 'i,l[.llll[,) '.l·p.ll[.tiliH([ ,l.!OI!,l'[ ',lJ[O.\\ .\.!HJ\: ',[,).\,Hlllhll[•lll'J ![IIIH '[[OI\: ~.l.!H.ti.l!?J\: ',Ht.IUqS()
Olrt OO't
oo·t oo·t oo·t ~:t•t
9!rt ()()'~~
,l.l()l!,l'J ',lJIO.\\ Hl!Olll,\\ 'tll!.<i.IOI\: 1-l•H[O}J ' .\,l[[•l)I
L.!. t
[olZI! I
S,I!IIIIJI/IJ.I:if .111/IJ lf
H.IUq.LHl[ 11/1111 I I,')
',l,l.\,l(U,l.ti.H)•' '.lllll.l~(
Oll't (](rt
1!.1 HAi.lH~( ',I,L\,l[U,lil.ll)~
pfo.w J I "II,Htll.lH
()<;:. t
Uol[,lJI 'll![•l.\H,l[,) J.l•H[OH \,l[ I·l~I P! 1 I! (I ·sqo.ll! 1'
H!ll!<l.L!.\ 'U,liiOH
Hl[d[\' ·\~1!.\ l!llll \' 'UO[O~ llll!.II!I\: '[l!I!.Hll )[ ,},)l(,l.IH(,) ',(,l)[l?.\\ol!['-; p.LHAi.lH)\: '!!111([1!)
Olrt ()()'t <;:(:'t <;:(.'t
Hll!'[ ',l~S(!.\\ llol[•l! I '!!H(ll!ll?> Hlli.IH~[ ' [!,l[l[O!)
u:·t !:l:'t
1nw .1 If/ ,, 1
.\.!H]\: 'll•l.\\(l<£ llol[ollf 'll ![•l.l ll•ll,)
(.(.'t ~:l:'t
Hll!'l ·,nl"'l!.\\ LW!.IHI\: ')IO.l~ ,l!.IHJ\: ',!.HI!]\: HUll\' 'llO[O~ Hq.nm ·z).llll[-.; HI!Oll!.\\ 'IW.il.lOI\: Hlll.IH~[ 'LL.l[l[O!) .lll![llHd ·.l.n[I!U plll!(l ·sqo.Hq• H.l.l,\ 'l!OSilll[·lJII[ I ).L.H[O}[ '\,lll•l )I
::i:'t (Jt'f• l>t't
(Jt't ()t't
on· ()S't -
~·s 11u~·nu
llll!'l ·,nl"'l!.\\. .~.1!
If ,I II ,1.1 ,•/
).l.!H.ti.LH j \: ·uo I H.l~ .I.H[I"'a '!U.l[J•ll~ [l[O.IHJI ')l•lllll.lH
Olrt 9L't
/,11/ 1/.1,1.,' /11/.IIJ,"
,l.ll)ll,l'J '.lJ[O.\\ I!.IH<[.IHH ·.!.l \,l(u,l.il,l! )~ l!llll \' 'UO[O~ ll H!.IH (\" ')IO.l~ llol(,l)( 'LIII(ll!ll?) .l.lH.l!) 'll!l[~-11!([ l[Jll}l '1101\: 1111!.11!]\: '[l!l!.lll!~l Hl!!.ll!~f ·u.lp[D!) llol[olJ I 'll![ol.\ll•ll,) H!li!Ai.ll,\ ·u,LIIOU ll•l[,lj ( . \,l[olSI.\\ I!LIO!ll.\\ 'LW.ri.IO]\: ).I•H[OH ·.\.l(( l~(
Olrt ()()'f
Olrt ()()'t ()()'t
oo·t ()()'t
otl't ()()'t
()()'t ()()'t
sc.·t (:t't ~-s·t
If-''! II /1( I ,• •
If X! Jfill
11111 .1/l}j '/1 ,1f1fiJ:)
Jl.lllfi./11 fl.
'I/O I Ill .....
.!.CJ't .!.lft .!.O't
IIIII'{ 'l .y~p .I\
I.IIJII.I'f '.{/JII.\\
J.l.l/1/i.tllfl '111 ./II(JS()
/IIIII)' 'ilflfiJ,'-.,'
/l_l.lll(j 'S(/fl . /11 f'
tl't l(. 't L(.'t l:.!.'t -
/111 1/ UIJ\ 'II Jl{j.f!J }\ /1.1 1, \
• II OS 11_1 lf .IJIIff
/l.lf!O,lf 'ft 1/11.\f
'H nL\ H. IO..t HO,•l C>IDVH:L\ \ . '1\. mi.'\':W
u.ouoH dO!UoS
unn.ttl}}J aiJjl
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
.\LL J·:.\1 \\" .Ul,..ll.\ln II B.\BBJ·:J1 I. IH :'\\"Wl'T BIW\\ \"t:l.l. BHOOh:B\'\K BH .\ I>Y .l,
:;, 1'.\l 1.1'\ I \\•1'\IFHEil .\ \1,..,11 .\H\ Jlo11nr Holl 1 •l, ~· l.tt n ( uh. 1, ~. Cnokiu:;: Cluh, I , 0 (;.\,I;\,.\,~;<;. I . \ , I,~; Cnmtnf'IT:tll ('In h 1. HI('II.\IW \\.\I.KI :It \ .\. Latin < h. I
1\(l\\ !-::'\
llB l'.IJ.~;y
<'lull, :1,
Tn·n-..•trt"~r·, l•'p•nt·h < luh. t: \\'iu: und Paiut, :!. t ; \ it·•• prt• ... itl<'nt \\'i~ 11111 Pnint. S : I ..M.tlll ('luh.
I,~. ()uill I,~. ~-1. t:
(lnh . .1, t
\ ,I,:!, 1 ; (,
J,jf,-. S\\111"' <'ln?t, t , Ch ..er I ..eaHII'r, 1
St·niot· l'la.'
('onkir•J,!' C'luh, 1; lo, I
11.\ZLI. .\ \11:1.1.\ <, I•·•• <"lul
II \ K 1; I(, I'
II \ K IW II J:(l(l'J'~
\di b .., 1
( tJIIlllH'f(
Loi:-; l•'it \:\"< 'I:" Bit<HJKII.\. ' K
l',\1 ' 1.1:\"E LILI.I.\ .• B ,\KEH T~ pi .... lfol, ,.,,, t : \.irr . . Hn .... kPthall Tt•am, 1, <firl' llof'kt•) Tt*nm, t: fi1rl" \ ollt·~ Bnll Tt-nm, "1, I; l.>tllll l'luh, I, :!; l~•oill <luh. I , <1. <:. \. I .\ .\. 1, 2, i (, .\.\.I,~ . .1, I , ~·hortlu111d :t: Comm~•tTial ('luh, :l; Sl•Hint· Pia); Seuinr luYit ~twn ('ummittt•p
()pt•rt•tlu, 1 ( olort sqtw <'luh. 1 \it r piP lth•flt ( olort (ill•• < )ulo. I 1 1tin <hob, I,:!, 3, I, !~11111 C'luh, s, 1, \\ 1.! llltl 1'.11nt, :.!, :1, 1 : \ \, 1 :!, 1: (, \ \ 1. ~ ., t: l,endcr < 1 llmkP~, 1 , <rirl' Y'ollt) B·" Tt 111 l 1
:\L\HI.\. · Lo1:-- BHm\ ~1:1.1. Sc("ret tl") \It• ( Cl \chi orr <JrOlll'· I : 1/11/r I{Pportt•r. 1 (, Baskt>th.lll 'fp,lfn, I; <•1rl' \ollt•y Ball tft•trn, :!, 1 ; <iirl' lloc-kt>\ Tt>nm 1 , \ , I, :!, 'l, t . <.irJ".., Btt!t>t•hall Tt•um, !!, I (,. \ \~iC'PJIJ"IP-.Hie-ut (; \ \. 'l: (,lt•t~ (~luh, 1 : L'liu ('lnh, !1. 1: (Juill <1 luh, I : \ \, 1, :.!, 'l, 1 (, \ \ \rrnlmnd ,, \lm1o r,m
Lot ' l ....\ (;
(i1rl'" \~ol t')" \ \ ., :!, >
Ball, 1, .!, :1;
Cooking- Cluh, :; ,
I I.\ HOI.() Ht:. •• 'ET'I'
llonor ~oc·it•t~, I , ".'P\t'IIIP+ 11", Band :l, I . 011 lH ""trtl "J. I : <:lt•t> Clnl,, 1 ; \\·i~ urtd Puiut. I: .\ ,\ , I : \Jn...,it .\ .... oriatiou, I , Bo~ ·.,. (~ll;_u-tt•ttt•, I ~t'JIIUI' Pl,t~ 0
:.r .IHY
\~moL ' I.\ Bow E.llnnnr Hull. 1. ~.: \ssi tant ~uap hot E1lltor of ""'"""'' • 1 , ~taff Ht·]•tn·t~r 1!ol~·,.,lt' , a: \r;;:.si tant ( irculution .\l;uul~t-r, 1, •·:..;cn•ntt•pn", Operetta,
En:-.-.\ lh.BLl <· '
BHI \ILl:\"
fllt·P C'luh.:! Fntl h <luh, I,:!, .l, \rt1st"' I (iirl' \thlt1 ti \ "'twlatioll, \thlt·ti \ o ·, t1o11 1 1
ll.\ZLI. l. L.\ B HI '\ L I rmwr Hnll, 1 :.!. :' ( ookinl! ( 'Juh, :.!. "l, Pn· ... t (;n·a:~ \rti t, I : Trt•a llt't'l' tii'Ht ('ookiuc ("Juh \ , 1, :!, I; ('ommpn·ial (;rf'!!l! \ rt i 1 • J (: Cluh, 0
11\'I{K ll \ll\"1-:\'
1[ELI-::-> (JI·t~.::
\rri t,
\ it·t· p t•,idt'Hl (fl't•"'g
I : ('nmmt'tTiul <'h1h. ::, (; \'ullt•) Ball, ~. 3.
\ , ~\., l, :!,
\rt F.dlt <'luh, I; (i
(;\II. ( 't.E.\YEI.I'\
\rti 1,
OirJ" ...
( i L.\DY~ Lat
<'IIHISTII·: C o\'\ ll,\\'IS
C'II.\T.\1 \ \ C'I.E \\ I·:LI \' ll.\l'C.tii-:J:T\'
C .\IWTIII·:I{,.;
<'1..\ 1:1..:
<'II B I sT . 1-:B <'B \\I FOI!Il
LLO'\ .\ ( 'o. · ;-.;
Cluh, 1, \ ..ountwn,
\ ' ·•
lJ,,nHnl Latin <'lub, 1: Quill \ , 1, :.!, ;:, I, ('ulon•..,((IIP ('luh, I
Kun11T Ft.oYn ( 'tL\ \\FoHn \ • I
Enw" Ou.;-.; ( '.\HOTIIEib ~I a 1 j,h ( Itt h, :!, I.Pnch·t·, I, ., ,;
L1 11.1 \. •
fi rt·urh c
\ , 1, -, 3, 1 , ChPt•r
KLI.\'1:-o; ( 'IIIUSTIL 1
'l'IIEODOHE J) \1!:\I :Y
:\1.\Rll: .1.\:->t D .\111.
Lm'J.\ ( '11.\'DI.\:--;
1. tliu f'luh,
:1, .\
( uh, .1
('ooklllt! Cluh. :.! ,
\, .\ • I, :.!, 'l.
( '11.\Ht.Es '1'110\1.\s D .\l ·<.IIEHTY
lltHWI" Ho11, 1, ~: Fo· ·h.
I; B uti, 1, :.!, :l, I ,
Pn·ht>,tru, J, :.!; J·'r~ru·h (luh, I,:.!:"('" ('luh.
:\I II.DHEJ) H l"l' II
(rlt·t• ('luh, ': Latin <'lul :.! 'l'n•,1 lllt'l. of ('ookins: ( luh, 1 ,
Cuukin~ <,luh, (~
t •
.\, 1, :!, .L
L .\l.Hl:J. :\1.\H(;,\HE'I' ( '1..\HKL Fnu h ( luh, I,~; <frt-~ ('luh, l.
.\rt ... t
,\ .\, t, :.! ; \tu ... it• \ ...... o(•iation, 1.
1; r'omnwrdu.l
<lnHWE <: .wE
D .\\ Is
Bu ... itws ... ~Jnt~ngt.'l" lf,trtwll, S; ~1Htlt·nt Counril. )fp.:-. (,rp•luun· .. (;roup. I : \ ... j,tunt Bu iHt''' :\tan· agt•r _lfo/, rulr, :! t \dn•rti~lll,C' ~\tunn "t·r, l ; . 'pan j,h C'lnh, I,:.!, :l; <luitl Cluh, 'l, 1 ; .\ ...\.I,:!, :J, l ; ColurestjUt' t'lub, I.
ll \\
1~ •. 1.
llll.l,".\' I•:LB II 11: I•: E \\I·:~ Pia:Ili-:HI< !\:;;()\
.Jpur~ f)\\'" ~·tudt•nt
IHl\\'1.1 '(, I·;\ EB I·:TT
1:111.1-:B I· I ~<'l
(, \\1111.1·:
\'1· H:->.\ Lt '<'Ir.r.c En:HI:TT
Cou11dl, ('ulon• ...,pu• ('luh,
'p:uti h C'luh, J Frt·udt Club, <'lu h, ~, 3: (; \. \ • 1.
I, !!; ('oo'king-
\ .. \.\lli:I.LJ: FI:--<'l';; Fnothull, I 1-'rfuch <'luh, 1, :!, :1,; ''(" Cluh, .t: .\ \. 1, :.:, a, 1
\ '
( ',\'l'III.Hl:'\L J<'LE\11'\Il
Freru·h Club, 1, !! ; HrP~g- .\r1i...,ts. <'luh, 3
h Hu..,krthnll
,,Jut.,~. Tt~nm
3. I, (; .\. \. 1, ~: fr1rl'..,. 1; f~ir)-, H.,,t>lmll 'Tt•um, !!.
} rt·llch ( luh ('olo ·• quP <'lull, \ m·i dion, 1, 2
. tudtllt ( OIIIH'il, I ;~ C'l"t•tRI") \thi or) (rrclll})r I , Bo). ~tuut Sho\\, :.!, fl: ··~e\t'lllt"ll," J , (;ft·p Cluh. 3; Fn•uo·h <'luh, 1, I ; (Juill C'luh. :1, I· \\'u: nrul Pnrnt, ~ :~. I ~ ('ommpn·in' <,lnh, J: Trra -.;nrt•rCumnH'IT'd('lull, I ; \ \ l ,:.!,'l, I
<lLXL\ IE\ b <ltHTIH'I>E I•'HI;;o.· Houo
l{o L\ r1i...,ts, I; (,
I, :.!, :1: C:rt>gl.;'
\. \ ., l, :!, Comnwr·rinl Club. :1
UHIS\ ILL!-: ELilHID<a·: Tt'nni!ll., 1 ,
Lat11 ( •th, :! 1~
('In""'• <;lt"t> ('luh,!!: Lat111
a, 1
\ , 1, :.!,
a, 1,
DotH. · I:--; LZ Ft 'X KIIOl '~L H
\, t
Tn·a nttr
<'lnh. 1 :! :; Quill <'luh, (; \ \ , I, !.!, ;, I
:--;tndt•ut ( ounc·il, 1 (;tr: ·s Jlo<·kto) , 1 ; <ilt•t• <'luh, 1; Latin C'luh, R; ~pauish ('luh, 1; \ •• \ ., I, ( i . .\ ,\ l, 1
('ooking Clult, I.
ELI,\' U.\.\1 BLI:
I Ia Pn·-.i<if rd. I . ··c .. <'luh Pn•sidPnt, 1 Foot hall, 1 :.!, :1, 1; Ba"kPthull, :J I 'rl'uc·k, ~~. I : \, ~' , :.!, .1, I
<;[J.Lt \! nr,r·::-;'." !I.UDJJ·:H:-;\JITII II \1(\\"1-:LI, 111<'1-:l·:lt:-;t:LL JIOO\ 1:1:,1:
01'\l. ELIZ.\BI·:TII (:EI{:-;('11\\'ILLER (,:rl' llmkt·~. I , Lntu~ <'luh, 1, !!; (;reg~.: .\r tist, I ; \ \,1 :! (i, \ . \ , 1, :.!, :1, I ;•(; \ .\ ..\rml,.uul.
E.rz.\BJ.l'll (;ILIX.\f (, ·I' lfutk•·~. I ; ~pauish (''lull, J, :.!, 3: Gn-:t!:lt \ rti t ... , 1 <, .\ \ , t, :.!, ;~; ('omnwrctul Club,~L
L.ttirl ( l1 l
.. Piper' Pny, I <:1r - \ ollt·_ Ball, 1; (;)pp I, '.!, ~~. 1: l·'n•ru·h. <'lnu, I, 2; (~nill <'luh. I ; \\"i~ aud Paiut ·~. I n .\ .\., 1, :!, ~~. l ; \thlt•tll '''0('intiou, ~. I
l, t
DoHoTJIY .\lll.llHt:n lL\\DIEH-;\Il'l' ll } n·nrh Cluh. 1, :!; <'tokiug Club, 1 1, -
( 'or.o. · 1:r. II .j ()fl •.
< luh,
(,(li.lll·:'." (,()()}l\1.\\" II~ t'l·'l·,l.l"l '(,P,i: 1100\ EH, :-; 1101 -;To\"
I l.\HWI:l .IJ
~pani h < luh, 1 Fn·uch ( luh, ~. <'ornnwrcial <'luh, ~; <.~rl' \thiPtic ocintion, J; \rt Cluh. I
FHEIH:HH 'K .• \niH~(). .
K.\R\1.\ E1.1.E. • (;or.nE. · .\tu~ic Ellltor 1fnrrwu : <'!.1 ... H u1k, ti; llollm" Ho11, J, I , llorwr !'-'o it't), I \ 'icl' pn• idt-ut, )(i!';s Bt-nch' \chhwry t;rou)'; '( himt>~ o( Xormandy''; Bnutl, 1; Ordw tra, 3, t ; Eu t•mlJlt-. 4 : (tit·~ <'In h. 3, I .'paui h l'luh, '1, I ; (~uill ('luh, 1 ; \\ i~ nrul Pa111t t ; (, \, \, ·;, I ; !"t>nior ClaM~ lll.l~ < ommitiPf! \lu•dc \s odation 1 ~~en• tary, I
,\ '
II L. II I<'Kl'H
!a1: xr: .\1 BEH'I'\ \"oll~y
Ball, :! ,
,.;I I·:R 1 1.1.
\ ' I.
.\"oH_\ H.\I'IIEL lloo\'1.1{ I .jt n Club, l,
( Oil lllt'f(
\ • 1, :! :
\\'\LTLH ,'('OTT lloO\LH
1, Clr bt tr•
3, I ; !. tin
( luh."!
Ordw tnt I :!, 3, I; r4n t'lllhlt•, t I Lntin ('Juh, 1, ~, Cfrt'C't!' \rtif.ot , I , (;, \ .\, I, :!, ;J; .\Iu it• \ sodatioll, I : ('omnWr{lt\l ('Juh. a' <f. \ \I .\rmu.u•tl; T)·ping nnd ~horthnnd Team-. :J.
Uo1.nn: .\L\a11: II ot':--To:"' Ba .... kt tball Ttam. 1, J.ntln Cluh, 1, !!, 3, Qu ll <'luh, :J; (~ \ .\, 1, 2, 3.
JH'Tl TT ,J()lJ:\~o.·
·:-;u •
HYL \ .1011 ·;;To:\' KE:-<I.EI{
EnJTu \\~J;;J : Ih IL ·r T Honor Ho 1, :.! •.'toclt•ut <'tntudl, J ; Frtlndt ('hth, J, ~. l~ Ci:n \rti t , I ,~ crPtHv Gn•:;g .\rli t ...., J ; _\ . \ I 1, 2; c; ..\ .•\ I 1, :.!, :i l<ditur·i n ·dtit~( Jfu ruuu, J , ( Ia s I{ u1k. :.! ; Hnnor 1, ~. a. 1 ; ..\ ~oeintt• F.ditor lfanmtl, :J; • H&JI· .... hot Ed1tor, 1fu roou, :.! ; ~·n·-.hman Ed1tur .lforoon , 1 ; .llollr~tlr. ::-;_t:\ff, :\t•ws Editor, i ; Juuior Editor. a; ~ophomon• Editor, :.! ; Quill Clu 11, :l, 1 :
Pr1• idt>nt (Ju1ll Cluh, t : \ in• pn• nl•·nt, I ; Latin f'luh. 1, ~. :l, 1 : Prt"si dt•nt a; ll niiOr Soc·it•t), 1 : Pr(l..,idt ut , I : \\'ig aud Paint, :!, ;1, 1 ; 'rn•asurpr, a; G • .\ • .A., 1, :.!, :1, t ; c; ..\ . \ , .\ rmhan d , 1; .\ . A , :!, :1. J ; c:lt·t• Cluh, l : Cmnmt!rl'ial C'ln h. :J, 0 . (f. ..\ , l. Opt•rt>tta, I ; :-;tt-uogr,lphy 'I't•am, a, 1 , T) p writiu~ Tt~un, J.
Tllo~L\~ liYLA. · n
Prt·,idl'llt .\cld ... ory c;nmp: Prt' itlt•ut .lnuior ('J" Fnolh.dl, :!, ~. I ; B:~<kt•lhall, :!, 3, I ; Frt•urh <lull. 1. 2: •·c"' (Jnb, ~ ••1, 1; ~\ thle'ti~ 0 hl· tion, 1, :!, 0, 1
Fxn; li ELE. • ,J E;;~EJ:.: (;irl' \ ·ollf') BalJ, !! ; ~pnnish (')uh, 2, ~\ , ' ; 0 \ \ l ' :! .
a; o <:.
DAvm DoYLE .JA< oB. Class Hank. :J: Jlnnor ~ocit>fy,' 1 : Pr~sidpnt '\tr . C'ook's . \ch·i,orr (;roHp, I ; \ itf"·pn• idt•nt 1-'rt· hman ('Ia : \ ·in•·prf" Jdt•nt ~ophnmore Cln (Jtull ( 'lnh, ~t, I ; \ft~l ert~IP Bu !Sirtt• )IUIIR~t>r, I , I.» tin (In h. I, :!. ·J. a: \Vitr and Pll.int, :! :l, I · \ \ 1, !! ; !"t\uior Pin).
\VJLLL\:\r ERI<'K ,JoHx;.;o:-;B<l 1\t>tball Tt•nrn, t ; Spard h (~uh. 2, :J; l'n·nrh c•uh,); .. 1 " <'lub, t : ..\, ..\ ' 1, ~.a,
.n;;;,'EE .T,\('OB~ .J() #1·: .. p .10 R ll I 1\ ((.( ;() I! 1•: Kl '\<'II ll
EniY.\HD (l \BRIEL .Tnllx:-;Tox ln·ncl ( ul I,~:\ \ .!,
• \ !>.\ 0!-'EI'III. I: .) 0 . Es Latin C'lnh, 3, I DoJWTIIY .)t '.\.'\. 1'1'.\ .)oHD.\ fdrl' \'o11t·' Ball 2 · Latin ( uh, "· I , .\
\ '
<lEOIWE K\l'LA:'\ " J)u 1 nf 1lu· H ~·;,cl :l, I ; En t>mhlt·, ;j, t , C'lub, :!, l, 1 . \\'ig lltlll a. l. Hos·-- (Juartt.•ttt~. !l, . \ ist·t11t <"ht•("r Lt•ult•r, 1 . "t•nim· Pia~ ~.
Baud, 1 , t : On·h flstrn, <:tt•t• Cluh, :!, :J, I , Latan Pnint, :!, a, 1 ; .\ .\., :!, I I .)lu sit• ..\ ... ocintion, I :J; llt•.ul Chl't•r l'"'t>:Ult-r,
HoBEH'I' Ht:En KI.I .L J·:Y ("la-. Hn11k 1; Seuior Editor lf rur~tnt: lfouor Ho:l, l, :!, :J, I : ~tudpuJ. ("ounl'il Pn• idPnt, I ; \th·isory <iroup l{t•Jn·p-.put 1tin•, 1 ; Cia Tn•.t ur· er t; lfll rUtl14 .Junior }~tJitor, J: lfufrrll(t• 1{(-port•
r·, n; l·.. ditor· in d1il'f, J ; Opt>rt·ttn, 1, :J: Buncl. !.!, ::, I ; Ordu.. ,t,·n. :!, :J ~ En ... t•miJita, :l; Lntil1 ('luh,
1, !!, 3, I : Pn• idt•nt, t , (Juill (•Jnh, B, t ; Pre i· flt•nt, I , \ irP prt· ltlt•ut, 1: \\'i ~ unci Paint, :J, i ; 'l'n•u'"'urt•t·, J ; C'olnn• q It\ I ; .\ .\ l :J, I ; Jlorw r , nc..ll'{~, I
\ ' mmL
DAWLb> KL:-;LER Hantl, :1. l, P .\1 L l I\\ \\",\HI) KII.(;()J{I;
~l.IJtJ.\" .) LSSH. KI.'\( ' AJD llorJC · Hoi :J • . · 1dt.>1tt Count"il, S, " l'ipt•r' Pa~. ~~·· r't•tnr. !'-i'ndt·n t ( 'ouudl. t; (jJt-.e ( tuh, I ; ~pnui h ( luh. :J. 1 : "'i~ azHl Puint, 1 ; ( 'ookint: Cluh••.J; (, .\ .\ • l, J ; )lush• \ oria• tion, 1
1..\1'111·::\.\1 YEH
\X 1.1.0\"11 )[('('0\\':-i
1.1 t:\1: ~I('(;
.\1 ,c; I \''!'\"
L \It I·:
1.0 \'E 1.1. \1 ,. 'E ILl.
,J.ul E>'
r.n:Jnr.\ \.IOH
\J((ll{\\'\11 \
:\L\J OR
B• kt-thall. I \ ullt·y Ball, :! ; Latin ('luh, 1, ::! • ~pnni~h Cluh, t • Ordt>r o( (;rt'gg ~\rti.,.t l!', 3 • ~wimming; Girl' \thllltit- .\ ... sot'intion, 1, :!.
Prt·•dd.t:nt l-1 reshman ('In" , Fvuthal1 'I't• m, 1, :!, :\ I; f'llptaiu I Trud~. l; Spanh·h Cluh, 1, ~, "C'' Clu h. ~. :\, 1
Ji'HEil 0:C.\R I\Rl ~1.\1
Til I I ARRIET :'lld 'o\\ x Latin Cluh. 1, :! ; 0 (, J . \ , I, :! ('(~rnnu Tl:ll l'luh, ~s
EI,E.\~()1{ LAC!IEX .\ !YER
,Jo:-;EPIII:-.:E .\!,ICE )fcUIXTY
llunur Hull, :1 Latin ('luh, 1; l·'n•n .. h :.!, :; • ('nok111'"' ('Juh, J (;, ~\ \,, l, :.!, :t
<lLAil\',; El'DOIL\ LEED::; <;I••• < luh. :1, I; Lat111 !'luh, :J, !'luh,
,j()JJ;-o; \VII.LJA:\1 LIL.:R:\L\.
(flt't' Cluh
~t n•t:n~ ~t>uwr ('Ia~ ; l-'notl1:1ll :t, t : Hn kt•thul, 1 . . ·paui"'h ('luh, 1; ''( ( luh, U, J ; \ .\ , J . :!, a. J ;
:\1.\R.JORIE LLOY!JE :.! ;
Clu h,
Puhlic ati•1r1~ 1-.dltor .J/n ruot• 1 llurwr Holl, :1: Pt•r ouul .Editor 1Io/Pf'IIIP, 1, _ ·t·n~rtlwlt• "·" 1; \rmisth·e J)uv Pro~nnn, :i; Latin ('lub, ~~. -l. Quill ('lub.•1, '1;, e<-rl'hll'Y Quill !'luh, l ; \\'ig an.d Paint, 3, I ; .\ .•\ I a, ' . (t, \ . \ ' :J, 1 ; ~(11"'1' \Jo<o)oo.O iutiou, 1 , s.·nior Pia~·.
FH\XCEs :\ldlLAnE 1, (, ~\ \, I, :!, :\,
~porh Editor. lla runH, I Prt>..,.ideut .\thisory (;roup, 1 ; Pn'-·ddt~nt ~ophmnort> Cia ...... ; Circulation \laual{t'f .lfuroou, a. lfolt'rult> RPJIOI'It> r, :1; ('i r<"n~ lation :\lRBilJ.:t•r, I ; Spani h <'luh, l, :!, Pn•sidpnt Spun ish ('luh. :.! (Juill <In h. :~. l; \ . •\ , l, ~. I ( .. Clnh. I.
:'lfARY Lonse :\IcUru.- \IL\:\ OpPrt'lta 1. B: (;irJ', Ba t>h.11l Tt•tlltl, :l: \ ·nlh•y BaH 'l't•am, :! : <~lt·t• <'luh, 1, :.!, :l, t; ~pani h ( 1luh, 2 a; \\'ig und P1lint, :.!, :t, 1; .A . ..\., ~. :1, I (~ \ \ 1, :!, J, t ; :\lu i(• .\ .... sm·iation, 1
S \HA 11
rmu: Lor ELL l
\ .. sOt"ll.\h'
llmwr So4'1t'ly,
lfan•<~ •1,
I; S
1 [onot Ho11, ', $ , (;roup, I ;
)lush• und I>rumatks t·:ditor, a: Seuiur Edito.• 1lul,.rul,., t: ~tafT HPporhlr, ;l: ··~~·vl'nh•t•n," -t ; <firl"s HodiP~, I , (;)t>P <,luh, t ; Latin Cluh, .l, l ; (Juill ('luh. a, ·l. \\·i~ Hlld Pnillt, l: (,. 4\ • ..\ ., .J, 1: ('Hlon• qut' ('luh, 1 , )lu ie A'sociation, ·1; SPnior l'h1y.
[hr £Raruuu I
.\1 o I ,L '\0101 \"
.\II" 1-: ll , ~I "f:s\IITII
~' 1.\"01(, g '\ 0'1111'\'"I·:LL ..J
~!()Jl(, \ \
0"1111'\ "1•.1.1., II
Ht'TII 11.\zEL ~1.\.JoH t
IloW.\Im l~cn:-.· \Hil ~1.\t '<' II
<;lt·t <'luh, I : ~pan1 h <'luh, l, 1· \thlf'tif' \ o tn1inn I ; (iirl's ~\thltl'ltc .\ "ociatiou, I, 'lu ic \"'sodatron, l
I.ttln <'lt1l1, !!
Lntin ( l1h, ) 1; ('ooklllt,: <'luh,
\ ~.
l, 1 , .·par11 h ( uh, (olras ~thutc \
I ; Orch•• Ira
\th1etit' 1,
H .\LI'II E\1 LH,\I.Il 1'r,lt k, '• I
B 111tl !l. I. Ordtf'
l s\11'1" II 1
' \ :1; SpH11l"'h ('Jult
DoHt.· • ·oH\1.\. · 11otwr Holl 1: Lat111 Cltth, :!, "· <'ooktug < luh, 1; <:irl \thlt•tit· \ !"orintiou, I ,,
i•'oHHE."!' 0.\KEs
l>o" .\L1l .}oiL' () ' J)o""I:LI,
Ilnnur Hnll
\ , I
:.!; Stunt !--iho\\, I,:! Baud,':.!; (;)pp L ttin <'lnh, :.!, ~ t \\Tig unci paiut, ~\ . I, !!, :, I : <'olon• .. qu~ Clu h, 1 <""ornmt·rTial Clnh, :l. ()pttrt'ttn
<'luh, I, !.!, :!, .1 I ; .\
Rt-TII .\ZALI:.\ ~loLL Latin <'luh, (~irl
1. :.!, :~. t , ~·r·1•n•·h ,.,. .. u,·•utwll, 1, ~. a
.)o:-;I:t'II En:\IOXIl < l 'Do:-.: :\"LLL .Jokt• l·~ditor .llulrt•ulr, I ~t.•vt•nltlt.'n.'' 1: Or du•!-.tl"n, :;, 1 ; ~·rt!ndt ('luh. l. :!, ''; Yic·t•·J)f't'l'iidt>nt Prt·ndt Chll1, :1 (Jui11 ('luh, ~~. l : \\..he nnd Paint. 1 .\ \, 1 . •, ('olort" .. qne <'lnh, I : <•onun~rcial tluh, :;; ~\1u it~ ,\-..odatiou, 1
1'.1\"<illOH'\ 1'0\\l·:l.l. ~<'II OTT
.\1.\H(l.\HI:'I' IIU .LX 0:-;BOH 'b <'Ia .... Hauk I ; llono1' Holl. I, :1, <:it·l's \·ollto\' .\thl~tu ,,,odatio,;, Bu11, a: Fn·ru:h <"luh, ::, I -· I• <t~rl' .\thlt•tit.• .\~scu·i.ttion, 1, :!, ~~. I ,
(iirl"' Ba t•l,nll, 2
Ht"TII I•;r.IZ.\BETII 1'.\X<liiOHX lf.,l,,·u/' ~tatl \s~i-..tnr1t T)pi~t. t , L.ttin ( luh, 1, :..: (Judi <,luh, I \tllt•tu· \ .. ot·ution, 3, I: (iirl'~ \thh•tic· ,\ oc·1atinn, 1, ~. :;, t; ( ommt•t· , ia I ('fub. I
<:rncc E:-;TIIl.l{ I'\HKIIILL ....,.n tnr~ Frt•!ol.lnn.tu <'J.t,s, 1; :-..;. 'Hwr ('];a, ..
''Sen·Htt•t•rl,' lb-..kt-thall Caplaiu, 1; <tid'.., \·ollt>~ Bnl ~ 1, ~. :J ~ Latin ('lnh,
Jim kt•y, t; (,rrl' I, !!, :1, IJ •ill I lnh, I, \\'1,: null l'.dnt. :1. I ; Ciirl" \thlPIIl' \ socintion, 1, :.!. :l, 1; \"irt- prt• idtut. I' c·ulnrt•wqnt', I Bol t>hall, ~; ·~uior ( CIIH llWIH't'lllt'llt ( Olllllllt1t•t• Rt "l'll I \lo<:r·:. r: P ,\HK:-. 1fn rmnJ ~tan·, T~pist I: llol,,•,lt· !-'t1ff, Typist, J, I ..,,tlll ( 1lub. 1, <Juill Club, I; \\'i~ :nul l'aiut, I, I (;rt·g~ \rt1st , I <fir) \thlt•tir ~\,!O.ocia tiol 1 :.!, .;, 1, c--ommt•rc·i.tl Cluh, 3; <:irr, llw kf'\" 1
Hnlr' :\l\1.
x. ·
B.l .... kt-'thn~l
(iirl'-.. \'ollt'y Hall. ~. !J: Latin ..\ !o!.OCiation, 1. a. I; (fjrJ's \thlt-tie ,,\s O('iatiou 1, 2 :r. I; B:l,t-'hall, ~. J; ('ommcr·r:ial ( lub. 'J; Cia s 1'111 Committt•e 1, :.! •
~L\HY Io. · r: <.Jt·t> ( lub, I ,
t>mn.1.1 . Lutln ( luh, 1, ~
· \\"i!: uud Pnint,
.\tldt~til· .\ oc i.ttion, :!. :1, ' : (:trl', .\thlt·tit· odut1011. !_!, :1, \Jn i1·Hl .\ .... !i.oeiation, t
JJr~LE.'\ JL\IW.\HET 'l'lll:IH:s.\ (~l'lXL.\::\ (rirl'-.. \thlPtic· Eclito1' lluruo11 , I ; llonor .·w 1 ; Houor Hull, 1, :.!, :J, 1 : Proof Editor
1: o HI·: wr:-.
:-; 1·: \ '1'0
1!ol,rul,·, I, (;irl' \lh1t•IIC \ soci.t 1011, Pn• i de-111. 1 : \\~IK .uHI Paint, I ~\\ imminr, Lift• ~~n iug Bach~P. :~: (;Jt•t• <,luh. I,!!; l"tiu ( luh, 1, :.!. ~:. I, ~pa11i"'h <' uh. l. I: <Julll ('(ul•, I \\ 1~ anti l'aiut, :!, 't, I; \thlt•ue \ssodntwu 1, ~. a. I, (;irl's .\th1{'tif' ,\ o.-i.1tiou, 1, ~. ·:, I, Cht•t•l' Lt>aclt>r. 1: (;, \ \ \rmhnrHI, 1, ~, Elllh1t·m .s.
Pt· \H~o .
H.1. ·nol,l'll
ILIHHY E1·nEXE HH'Il.\LL • \·1e·e pn· iclt•J.t \d\isor) (,roup, I; Trt-a un•r u( :--;:t nior ( Ia' • Fontlmll Tt•am, .l, I, sp1111"'h <'luh, ..! I: ''(''' <'lub. l Tn·n urt r .. ( '' < lub, I; \ \ I, ~. "1 I \"if'£> urP idt•ut \ \
\\'rLLL\\1 U11 rnHT Rormwr:-. J[\ H \ \'II{<.! XI\ ~< ll \l.\1.11 \l':-.1:. lloc·~t•\·,
!'luh• .! {;
I Q ·.II <
LOI •~s t.
( lui.J, I, ~, ~)Iaiii h \ \. 1, 2, a, t.
. \I ( .t ':-.T \ • ( II OTT
.!"namm 11; J~Jft• """ 11.: Tttun, a ctil"l lloC'ke~, 1 J.,,tin <, l,. "l, 1 si ,,,, h < luh, 1. ~. ~. I, .\thlt•ttc ·'''0<"i.1tlOrt, 1. 1, (,irl' \thlt"ttc \ 'oc.·ta l101l, 1. :!, n, I• ('olnrt IJ'It' I; (, .\ .\ .\rm l1a net; (,
ll.\t{()L[) El)\\' \H[) • '< 111'1./.
P11 LISE .\r.r<'L l'r:IH 'I\'\1, ('Juh,
1'\Hidiii.T <~ l I\" 1..1 .'\ :-;<' fll'l.i'.
T·.•·l\. Orcht• S udh <,luh. 2 JL\Hl.\:\ ( 'IIHI~TISL :--\(OTT llo110r Ho:l. 1, 2; Un~· lf tht• Ho.ttl,"
ITnd.;.t•y, I : l,ntiu < •• h. 1 2. !J, I : St~e,·t• 3; ~paui'h Cluh, ~l. I : <Jnill C.,luh, .J, l ; \\"i~ nud P<~iut, :!. :1 I \till •ti1 \ ot·iatwn l, :!, a, I : (;jr)', \thlt•t1, \"o \lio1 I, !!, 'l, t (,Hr ...
.Jf.\HC> ,\HET
Jl \L
('In s Hnrtk fi llouor Holl. :!. :1: \d"\i or~ (~roup se fl'la.1Y, \ Jl·t· pn ult·nt .Juuior <'1:' : F~t.•ndl ('luh, I, :!, a; Orct:~ .\rt1 ... t , 1, Pn:• i
dent, l : Commert'ial l"luh,
Hll E\\".\ 1.1'E 11 :o;<ll'lli·:H H'l I·:P Ill·:'\::->
SIIOOI\: l'lll'HTZ 1'01.0'\ SD:\<:1-:It l'i'ITZ'\ \(:1-;1, :-;T \ ,'.;'\i·:H .·TI·:Ill·:~l H'I'I<'KHOII sTII•:<;E::III·:YEH HTHE'I'<'III•:It :-;TitOIIE
( 'L.\JU:.. "('L :-;llL\\',\L'I'ER Honor H:nH, 1 :! Trt>as.un•r of Fn· ... hm:tn Class. '{ ('lub, :1, l, \ \ I I
Uus. ·
c;irl" J lockt·~. J (firl' Club, 1; ('ookiug ( lun, 1
(L\H\'I< I· :-;HooK
B.IIIU, I, :!; ()·tl ·-t•• ('Juh, 1: ~pani'h < .u , .\ "'0<'iat10II,
1: F.u PmJ,Jt•, 1; (,]~fl' \ ,\ t J 1 :J f )1n ... ic
~wimm1n~. 1, 2, :~. <i i r \'"o11t·~ Bnll, 2: LHtln <'lnh, 1. :!, .1: ..\thltoti1· \ ...odation, 1, :!. :i, I ; (,jr}', .\thlt•llt' .\-. ... od •tion. I, :!, I, I ; Color· t'!'fl11P ('luh, l ; U . •\ \ \rmhnucl.
1-.ditnr: <'Itt's Hank, .>: I , StudtliJl ('ouru·il, I: .\d Yi~or.) (rroup. Prt'1'ildt•nl, I ; !'-ioplwmorP Editot·, llnnwu , lfoiPrul, :tun·, ~. ·'· I , Latin ('lull, a, 1 : Spuui'h !'hoh. l , ~. 3, I ; (Jnill Clnh. :1, l ; \thlt~tit• \s!"Ot'idt ion ·:, 1 ; (;, ~\ .\, 1, :!, !l, 1 ; J I nnor ~odt•t,y 1 .lfarurul , Or::.:aniznti011
lfortor Holl, 1,
llunm Hull. I. (oirl' ll<wko>y, I , (:lt•t• ('luh. 4 ; Latin ('luh, I. :1, I, (;•·•·man ('hob. :1, I : .\thletic .\!>."'Ot'httinu, 1 : (;iJ·I's ..\thlt·ti•· .\ ...... oc·iution, :!, :J, I, )fu i<' \ ..,cwiation, J
E:-;TIIEI{ ELIZ.\BI:'I'll ,'TlDDI Jlmwr Holl, 1, :l, t 1- n . n h < luh,
~f AHY ~f I LDRED NPITZ:"\,\ClEL \chi ory (;1'011)1. . ·t·CTf't,li'Y :\fj~ ~till'.., (;l'(lUJI; (irt>~~ ..\rti t • 1, <• 4\. \ ., I; ('orntnt'l'<'inl Club, :.S; UttsPLnll Te.lm, 2.
-· .l; (i.
\ • I , :!,
.\DE' E
1:--.\III.L ,
Fn·u('h Clnh,
'·r LI'IH::-..":-;
:!, !1.
( 'IIE:-;TER IIAHOLJ) :-;'J'f('KHOJ) .Jokt~ Editcn· .lf11ruu11, J Pn~"'idPnt ..\d\"i f'OI') 1 ; ,.\s-.istant ~port Editor l[u/,t•ulf'. l : Opt~n·ttn. 1: 'rnu·k 'rt~am, .1, J ; Latin ('luh, I, :!, :1, Frendt < luh, :1. (~uill ('hoh, I; \\'ig and Paint, 1 : \t:" ('Juh, 1 : ~t!l'rt•tnr~ \~ Cluh, 1 • ''('" ('luh. a. 1 ; \ , .\. I, :!, n. 1 : ('uptuin ('rm• ... ·C'Olllllr') 'fpam. :1, 1 ; ('Ia"' Ba kt~thall Tram, 1, ~. :1, J. (iroup,
] ~.\HII.\HA ( 'L.\HA :-;TI UlE'I E\' ER llnuor Holl, 1, :1, t (flt·t• <'luh, l: Latin. ( luh. 1, ~. :l, t : (;prrnau < luh, :J, t ~ ..\ ••\ ,, I, t: 0 . \ .\ ., l , :!, :1, t ; \lu~i4 · ,\s...,odation , S.
Lt ' TIILH N\:\Jl'LL :-;()( DER '( "' < llo, '1, I \ \ 1 ~. a.
\ 'ulh·y Ball, ~, Lalm \rti..,t , J;
,\ •
\ , I
Hom.:-.: I·;
Opt·rt'tla. I (:lt•t• ('luh. I , :!, ~. I : Spanish Club, 1, ~ •. ~ t ('ookiliK Cluh, t : 4\ . ..\ ., t : (1, \ . .\ ., :!, l ; ( 'omnwn·ial ( luh, a; )lu it• ..\ sot'iu~
tion, t
1I LI.L:'\ ()
\\'ELLS \\'ISI-:LY
Honor l~oll, 1: J,.ntiu f''luh. I, ), 1 , (., , .\ . .\, 1, ~. ;L
:1, .\ . . \ , Z,
\ thll'tic•
\' \ <h··ht tr \[ u .. l
llUOI.\HK Latin < luh, 1, :! ; o ;ntion, 1; !"' nior
•Joll:'\ ~Id 'n,.\J. ~ \\'_\1'\"s('OTT c.lc•e <~uh. I ; .\ ( )perPtta :.! 1, :!, :~. L
PHts<'ILL.\ \\'n.cox ~t•('rt•tar~ \d\1'-nr.r HrnuJ», t, (;irl' Bo kt•t hall, 1: <rirl' \"ollt-y Bn11. 2; Latin Club, 1, ~: Spani h Cluh, J a , . \ . \ , 1, :!, t; (; .\ .\,I, :!, '1. I, Co~rl' lla t•hnll ·1, J; c; \ . .\ \rm• boucl, :1
Latin ('Juh, c·iation, I, '
J.atin ( lllh,
I ; ( ouk
( lcch, I
\thltot It'
1h, 1 , (;
. ';
LoHETT \ EltZ.\BETI! \YoLI·'I·: Opt•rt"ttn, ~~; "PipC'r·~ P·1y,' 1, Ordlt'stra, -· , • nlt•t• Cluh. J, I: l.;:ltin <In h. 2. :t, I : " 'i: nud l'uiut, :!, a, I : (,, \, \. :!, a I ; )ftt ie .\ ~cH'in. tinn, t
\\'mt-:r. (t
Fdilor llu,.o'"'• I, ( IR!<i H tul-. llonor Ho:l. I. :.!, •; I : I Jormr ~ocwt , I : t·:ditor of .\tult•('\lh'. I: (;h•t:" Cluh, 1, :! . Lnlin ('Juh. I , :!, :t. 1: !"'pani...,h ('lnh, a, I : <luill <'luh, 1; \\'ie- nnd Pni11t, J, 4\ • •\ , 1, :!, J; Cl , \ ,\ I, ·•, .I, I ·
CIa~" Hnnk ; ; SttHlPnt C'oHJH·il, t : Pn•sidt•nt .\d\'i,or~· (iroup, I, St't'rt'tury .Junior Clnss; •·chimt>"4 of ~nnnnndy,'' "~t·vt."ntt'Pil." t; Frt>IIC"h <'luh, I, I , Prt".dd~nt Jo"n•ru·h C'luh, I:
\,; C'luh, I
J.'rt•IH'h ('Juh 1 o), t omnwrdal t'lt,lh, ·,~·
\\'0 I.F I·:
IloilO I' HoJl. :; ; St•c·rpf 1ry \chi ..nr) (;rnup, f: Opt•rt'tl<l, 1; (llt•t-> ('Juh, I, :!, ;;, I : '~!'n!'h ~'luh. I,:.!, J. 1: (:t•rman ('Juh, t: \ \, -· .~; (, ~\ \. I, :.!, :;, I; ~Ju..,it• uciation I
~ ~.
\'.\:\llEI!.\1 \I{K \\'II.('OX \\ OLFI·'
.; ,
. \I.I'IIA ~IAHc;t•l!t'l'E \',\K\'
ll•IHI 3 \. .\ ' 1, Pluy.
'ft'C ' KEI{ .\ ., l :
\ ' .\ \\'IIH: L
'1' \L)f.\!d-: Tllll\~11 W.\ 1.'\SC'O'I"I' \\'IL~KI·: \\'lsi-:
1, !:! :
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},ntiu ('Jul., 3; Quill ('lui., 3. I S•rr~t lr) (~ nil! ( luh, 'l. t : \thlt>ti r \ ... -.ocratiou, !! .l 1 : Pn• iclt•nt \ thlf'tu• \ sod,ltion t : Bn~eh 11l, t : 'f't·nuis, a. I ( 'hnirmnu S {l'IJ1Ul" B.\ II Com <1 luh, 3: .. <'"' rnittP+', I
Class History J:y Do'\'\ LLLY
\\IIH . r.
Followin:t a lon:t Jli'<'Jl<lt'at ton to tttHIPt'!Hkl' a <·at'<'PI' in ( 'hampaig-n I I i!!h SOIIH' (\\·o hlltHii'Pd and sixt~· fn•shlllf'll Pllt<'l't'd 1!11• halls. g-azt'd l11·n· and th<•t'<'. not kno\\ ing- " 'h<·n· to "tart. and lll':.ran at otl<'<' taking- th<· foolish ad,·il'l' of tlws<' dig-nifit•d st•niors. ThP first ~· <·ar tlw ( 'lass lfi'HSJH'd thl' opporttlllit.'· <tnd ohtainl'd a foothold in all hrmll'ht's ot' H<'ti' lty. ThP follow in!! .'·par tht• <' intPIIi:t<'ll1 ft'<•shnH·n <'HIIlf' h;wk 1\\0 hnndn·d and twPnt,,·-thn•p 11'0111! as "ophomon•s. I lt•t•t'<'H"ing to otw hlltHlt'P<l and SI'YI'llt,\·-two in tht• .i11niot· ,\'<'HI'. tlw ('i<tss 1'1'1tlt'JH'd. In athldit•..,, dntmati<·s. lllltsit•. p11hli1'ations. and othPt' <H·tiYitit·s. nwny pla<'<'s \\1'1'1' fillt•d h_,. this I'll 1l'l'(ll'i"i Ill! <·lass. ( 'omin:t hal'k fot· tlw l'ollrth and last ,\'!'ill'. tht• <·Ia s t·hosp f)oi!IIPII.'· (iamhlP. pn•. id!'tt1: Frank ~II'( 'allist<•t· ,·i<·<'-(ll'<'sidPnt: .Joint Lil'l'lltall . .'-I'<'I'Ptary: and Hart·~ Hi<·hman . 1t'<'il'-tll'l'r. Tlw Jfol!l·ult \\as Pditt•d h.' HolH'rt 1\1•111'~· and thP .lftfl'flflll h.' \ 't·t·a 1fl!t<·hinson . hoth Jll'l'\ iol!-.1.'· pt·omint•nt in jottl'lllllism. "Tht• :\1·\\· Poot·." h~· ( 'osmo Hamilton. wa" pt·t•st•ntt•d a th<• . ·~·ntor play "·ith L1'llOI'<' \\'oltl' mul ll<•org-1• Kaplan ahly t'at'l'ying- th1· lt•adin:t rnl1•s. 'l'ht• ti'Hlll. \\ hit•h "as 10oor·, itt foot hall and Ntatt• ('ham pions. t•ontainPd 1hirII'Pn spniors. with ,Jam!'" ~lajor a" l'aptain. 'l'h<· haskt•thall tt•anl. of whi<·h FrP<1Prirk HylaJHI "a" <·aptain. won '-I'<'O!Hl plat'<' in tl11• ~tat<' 'l'onrnanwnt antll·on tainr<l six sPniors. DomH·II~· (lam hlP. FrPdPt'il'k Hyland. and Frank )f('{ 'alli.,fPt' \\'Prt' t•hosl'n on thl' .\11 ~tat· Tt•am 011 tlw Distt·i<·t. ~<'l'ttonal. and ~tat<' Tonrnamrnts . •\ftl't' four yt•ars ol' plt·a..,ant \\ork tlw ('Ja., ·of 1!1:.?.-1 ha-. had tht• mo. t notl'<l snrrt•ss in thl' hi-.tot',\' of ('hampaig-n Hig-h ~~·hool. It is hojll'd that tlw elas"<' to follow will profit b,,. ""<'han Pxamplt•, On lt•a,·in:t thi g't'l'at in tit11tion thl' <·lass I'XIt•tuls tht• lw 1 wish<' for Slll'l'l'ss to thl' fntltl'l' sl'ntm· <·Ia ps and h<•reh.v l'lost•s t hi' n•<•ord-. of t ht• llH'lliOt'ahlt• ('lass ol' 1 D~."i. ~t·ftooJ. Oil ~PJl!PIItiH't' 1~ . 1!1~1.
\\·,.. tlw ,'pnior ('lass of 1!1~.). of ('hampaig-n llig-h ~-h·hool, :-itatP of lllinots. hPtlll! in full pos pssion of out· fat•tdtit• and dt>sirous that thP good'~'~' han• dont• lw pas. t>d on. antl tlw ''pyi)" lw inll•tTe<l with our hmws. <lo hi'I'Phy mah Olll' Ia ·t \\ill and tl•stanwnt. :-iH TlO'\ f.
I. To tlw tPal'hPI's, Olll' P!l't'nal g'ratitndt• for tht• thing's tlw,v O\'t'l'lookt>tl. I tl'm I I. Tot lw juniot·s. t lw <•haiH't' to Pllltdat<· us. llt'm Ill. To tlw sophomon•s. tlw inspiration of Oil I' t'XHlllplP. It I'm I\'. To tht• frPshnwn. tlw nwmory of our slliH'riorit.' and all our dt·hts. just ot lwrwi. <'. :-it:CTIOC\ 11.
\rt>. tlw indiYi<luals of tlw ('lass of ·~.i. do makt• tlw follo\\·itt~ lwqtu•sh: ltPm I. I. Rolwrt l(p]lp~·. makp an t'tHlmnnt•nt of m~· honors, pn•sident'it•s. and otht·r· <ffi<•t•s to tlw Pntin• .junior ('lass. tlwi'P hPin!! no sinl!h• indi\ idual of ufti<·H·nt nwntal or ph_,·sit·al<•alilwr to Wt•ar m.' mantlt•. ltt•m 11 . \Yt•. :\lyra :-i<·hmallwu ·pn and ( 'lwstl'l' :-it i<·krod. do ]pan• a htnwh of "hrlls and t•nos" to BohhiP and l'rsula. :\Ia.' t'upid dt•al kind!,,· \\lth tht•nJ. ltt•m Ill. J. Panlnw Bakt•r. do leaY<' Eng'PIH' :-iondt•r to anyOJH' who l'an manHg'<' him. Item I\'. I. Dan• Fn•derit·kson. he<pteath my unl imikd sttppl~· of knm,·lt·d~r<' to LPst rr .Janwson. NLI'TIOX Ill. ltt•m I. \\·,.. LPonard Borah, Nt·ott lioon'l', :-it<•\\art Talmadgt• alHI Lt>o \\'rst•. do lwqnPath our illustrion. mtmt•s to XaYiPr :\lt•yt•rs.• 'orton :\Iort>hons". Wehst<'t' Tnrn•ll. \\'illiam :\IuPIIPr and Louis Brown. ltt·nt II. \\'t•. l•'lon•twt• Dmdittl!. :\Iildn•d Lastwr. Louisa Barht•t', Hut h Pan~horn. Ro~PJH' :-it rod<•. Opal. 'tamwr and LorP!ta \\'olf<•. do lt•an• our eompads and ot hi' I' c•osnwt i<'s tot hi' mws most IIPI'd.'. :-ii::CTIO'\ I\'. ltl'lll I. I. Louist• :-it·hott, It'll\'!' my Hpanish \Ot'ahulal',\' to Lttt'lla Houston. ltt•m II. \\'l'. :\lat·ian Bro\\ nPII and Eug-Pnia Xorman. do IPa\'1' ou1· "Tit ian" lcwks to KathPrinP :-inlliYatt and Hilda <lann . lt<•m J II. J. <:Porg<• Kaplan. do h<·queath my wrsatility. t'. !H't'tall~ my ability to h<•at tlw hig hass drum. to Loekwoo<l \\'ih•y. I t<•m 1\'. T. Barbara Ntit•gt•nw,,·<·r. ]pan• my "\\idm' 's JWak'' to .\udt·t·y Bailt·.v. ltt•m \ '. \YI', ,Janws :\Iajors alHl Earl :\[inor. hrqnNtth our s('a]y qualitit•s to :\Ir. ::\fl'Kimwy for n-;c in his harmony cla ·s. It I'm Y I. I. \\.inona :\Im·gan, lt•Hw my.\ pi usps to :\]piJw BotHln•Htt. ltPm \'I I. I .•\li<•<• ::\IcOint~·. SPPing Raymond l•'isht•r is lat"king in qnit•t dignity. do IH'qnt•ath him minr. ltt•m \'Ill. I. \\'alker <:nnning. do l<•Hw tlw g'lll11 that I fnnncl undPt' my (](•sk 111 ~~G. to .\rthur Denman.
~!.;( '1'10.
ltPnl I. I. <lPJH'YiPw l•'rison. do hPqltPath a datP a \\PPk fo1· mw ,\'PHI' to LtH•illP BPllJH't t. ltPlll II. 1.11l'IPII. do l<•a\'1' thP "Lon:.r" of IIIP to Lois Nto111. ltPnt Ill. \\'t•. H11th ~l<•('m\n and Dorothy ~l<·<:lad<•. do l<•an tlw ")lt•'s'' to Lillian \\'pinhPilliPJ' and Ruth. 'tumpf. ltPIII 1\'. I. \ 'irg-inia Bm\'<'11. do l<·aw with ntany admonitions for good nsP. my llHHit'st.' to ,Jolm ~litt<'!Hiorf. ftpm \'. I. Opal <:I'I's<•hwiiiPr. do IPa\'1' my fon<hH''-' for ela s gossip to \'ir:.rinia f> HIt I'I'SO!I. II Pill \'I. I. .\g-nps Nolll!<'l', do l<•a\'1' my lo11g-it ud<• to Bt•rni<'<' ( 'onwr. ltPlll \'II. f. Ol<•n ('anotht•J's. do l<'a\'<' th<'lll<'lllOI'Y of my sWPPt sl'lf and studiolts ways tom~ patit•nt l<'aeh<'I's. ltt>m \'Ill. I. Priseilla \\"ileox. do ]paw to Whitt<'lllOI'I' Wright m~· pictun• and diar,\ of 011r <'Olllpanionship. lll•m IX. r, .Jost'ph ()'Dmuwll H!Hl DaYid .Ja<·ohs. do ]paw 0111' \Yallace rt'('Ords to HussplJ Burh and Dorothy Bahh. ltPm X. \\'t>. L<'non• and Uoldit•. stll'IIHmt'd \\'oltf and Houston. do lt>a\'1' onr plat•t• ·in thP first row of thl' Ult•p ('lith to P1·arl <lrPin and I>orothPa I• l11ck. 11<•m X I. \\'1•, (lnii'P Parkhill aJHl Marion N<·ott. do l<·aw ottr pi<'lttrl's to lw t'nlllll'd mul hun:.r in tlw front hall. It Pill X II. I. l{hPha Nhtll·tz. clo ]paw m,\' quiP! "ay to I 1'1'111' Boy<•r. ltPill XIII. \VP. Don <lamhiP a!Hl };'n·d llyland. do l<•aw onr athll'tic prcmrss and lllllllPI'Oil lllPdals to an,\'Oll<' who will <'HI'll tlwm. NE("J'IO'\ \'I . ltPm I. I. Karma Uoldt>n, <lo ll'a\·1' my posit ion as aecompani. 111 assr.mhly to D<'llt·ina Whitt•. It<·m II. I. Hamid Frail<'y. lt>aw my dPhts at )fulli:.ran' to Holwrt <'he trt· and UaitH·s ( 'olt>. I tPm Ill. I. \Ya.' Ill' ])plong. do lt•aw m~· lwi:.rht to \\'anPn Banis. It Pill l \' . \\'p IPH\'1' to Louis!' Nt iPg-Pnw:·er nothing h<•<•athl' slw can I'H. ily tak<• \'an• of 1111' afOI'I'IlH'nt imlPd gift. Jtpm \ ' . I. Frank Nl'lnnH·tz. do l<•aw m_,. tnll'k ability to l•'<'lllH'r Bridgham. Item \ ' I. l. .)ltlilts DaYi . do I<'H\'1' nothinl! to anymw. sin<'<' l hall IH• ahiP to tah " ·ith nw 1'\'Prything I haw. ltPm \ ' 11. I. Lamar Og-II'II'PI'. do lean• my plastic lwad -han<l to )fax l•'lm\l'l's. \\'p IPano to Orin Bonth and .John \\.l'ig-ht tlw wol'k of PX<'eutin~ th1s last will and tPstmnent. (Neal) B.\RB.\R\ ,'nim:~IEYER ~\Lin: ~IdhxTY.
\\'p, t lw mHlPrsi~nP<l. do lwn·h: cl'rt if.' that '' <' haY<' lon:r k!l(nrn ami hepn Hl'qttain1Pd with thi~ NPnim· ( 'lass of 1!!2.1 '' hosr spa] is attal'lll'd to thP for!'g-oin:r instnmwnt. <•onsist in:r of sPWI'HI JlH)!I'S of printed matt(•r. BPiiP\'ing it to hP of sottnd mind and nwnwr.'. in wit ness \YIH'r!'of, '' <' sign our nanH's. Datl'cl this ;)th clay of .June. l!l2.i.
('eal) C.
19:5 ~~~~~
~~~~ [hl\
~ ~ p
A T Pip
B~ck to ChampaiSn ancl DoHOTII\
LE.\:-;E. .\unti1• Paulitll'. !PIIu-.. \\hat lutppPnl'<l to yotll' l'l<tssmatPs ai!Pt' yott gTacluatl'cl." 'l hus clid tlw lll't!!lthorhood l·hilclrl'll 1)(•-..PI'I'h .\until' Paulitw J>pn•ival. who \\a. a Jto!Pd . tor~· tPIII'r. to c•ntPrtain thPm fo1· awhil1•. :-;o. to pll'as1' t h!' <'hildrl'll. ~I iss Pauline• hi'~Hll: "Onl'l' 11p011 a timl'. Inn~ ago in !Itt• 1·it~· of ('ltampai~n. lllinoi>.. 1h1•rl' \\a a high s1·hool. and in t lw high s1·hool \\as a grad nat in!! l'las . Tins \\Hs in 1!1~.). thl' ~- !'at· of the• tornado in :-;otttlwt·n Illinois. That \\as m~· 1·lass. and \\' 1' ~raduatl'd \\it It II~· in!! l'Olors. Tlu·n sonw of us \\l'llt to l'olll'!!l'. and sOml' of tl to \\Ork. and \\'(' lost tradi: or ()]](' anothl'r lllltil Ia t yt·at· \\ ltl·n \\c' had a <·la-.s n•ttnioiJ ancl 1'1'111'\\l'd a<•quaintHlH'I' m·t•r auain. :-;,·ott ll oon•r. th1• prpsiclc•nt of th1• I.( '. railroad, s1•nt ft'l'l' tidu•ts to tts all. hut as I happ1'11Pd to hi' li\'ing in ( ' hit•ago. LPonard Borah drm·1· a <·arload of u-. down. i1wludin!! Ilarolll Frail!'~-. :\liriam Duh Oil and euth \Yoma('k>.. \Yiwn \\"(' arrin·d \\(' dt'O\'(' 0\('1' to tlw llP\\' high s<·hool hnilcling. and \\'l'n' nwt h.\· a t'c't'<'Piion t'OJllllliltl'l' of Don <lamhlP. noroth~ Ilamllll'l'S'llith. :\Jar~ Dillman. H:t~ \'an ( 'ura. and Latll'l'l (lark. and \\C \\1'1'1' thl'n tak1•n to thl' hott 1•s \\ h1'l'l' \\I' \\1'1'1' to -.p •nd tlw night. .'nnw of us \\'l'llf to thl' housp of :\lr. ancl :\In..•\ppl. hut all of us \\'Hnl!'cl to t•all :\Irs. ~\ppl. Huth Park. :.\Jr ..\ppl wa-. lwad ol' a hot -clo!! tancl in ( 'hamJHti~Jl. I lwarcl latPI' that th1• oth1•r of our part~· \\l'l'c' sPilt to th1• hom!' of ,\It·. and :.\Jr-. . •John .\IlPman: :\lt·s. •\llc•nwn \\H>. fot'llll'rl~· :\Ii-.s J>aulin1• Pc•t'l'i\·;tl. That ni~ht \\1' \\l'nt to 1111' tlwa!Pl' and -.aw ~[iss :\[;ll·ion Ht'O\\' tH•II with lwr tt·ntlJH' of a1·t·ohat \\lti<·h iJH'ItHIPcl :\Ii · Huth Pan!!hmn. :\Iildr!'cl La-,twr. lrl'nP Ilidi:t'l'll!'ll. ancl LPnorl' \\'olfl'. On thP \\H~ hom!' \\1' . topJH'cl at a lm·pf~· lit til' fpa -room. nwna~1·d h.\' :\It·-, .•\liec• :\l<·<:int~· (l~l!'tn•l'. \\ho had h<'l'll 11'1'1 a \\idow ancl \\as fot't!'<l to makP hPt' livin!!. :-;]w \\a-. making good. and putting h1·r t hn•1• ehildt'!'ll thron~h <·hool. ''Till• lli'XI nwr11ing \\!'\\Pill shopping and -,i~hhPPin:,r in tlw ~n·at llll'frnpoli of ('Jwmpai!!n -l ' rhana. \\'prod!' on thP tt·c·pf l'al' and paid ottt· fan·-, to l{ohPrt KPII~·. tlw <·onclul'tor. \\'p >.tnp]H'cl i11 front of tlw llHl!!llifi<·Pnl .Jat•ohs huilll in!!. \\lwn• ottr old t'ri!'JHI. Dan•. was making a forlttlll' at -.piling tltHII'stnH·tihlP ll!ltton holc•s hy tlw yard . •\ftPJ' vic•wing th1• tllhtii'PHssahiP an·hitPI'fttJ'c ol' tlw .Jat·oh huilclin~. \\I' amhll'cl 011 dmnt th<• s!J'I'I't \\ hic·h tlsPcl to hi' Pil. hnt whieh 110\\ a hus~· honiPvard . •\o.; \\1' \\1'1'(' \\'alking along. a <·at·l'll'" \\inclow <·II'Hlll•r .•Jol' ()'l)nml!'ll . . plashl'd watPr all o\'l'r our >.hoc•>.. so \\f' thnn!!ltf \\I' had lwtfPt' -,fop at th1• JH'Xt shoe• shillingparlor. 'l'hl' tiJ·-,t mw \\1' t'<lllH' to \\' CJ'- m1 up-to dat1•. <•]pan. pt·ospPt'Otts-lookin~ pi<H'<'. rnn h~· \Y!'lHlPII Yandl•r·mark. II1• \\a Y<'I'Y :,rlall to S!'l' tts and shitwd 011r "hoP for nnthin:,r. aml it \\onld lHt\'1' hPI'n a :,rood -,ltinl'. too. if h1• had not gofll'll PX<·it('(l and put hla<'k polish 1.n our hnmn lippc'J's. \\'p tlH•n \\1'1'1' fot't'l'd to Jllll'<'hasl' som<• JH'\\' sl i pp<•rs. .\ t t lw shoP sf 01'1' of lla role! BPlllll'l t W<' hottght '-I'YPral pair· of ~1'1'<'11 andal \\ hi<·h \\!'!'!' \'l'r~· pop11lar at tlw timP . •\s \\'1' l'allll' OHI \\'1' nwt (lporgP Kaplan. who \\ih making ll'il' of hi I'XJlPriPJH'I' a. a <'hi'Pr-li'<HII'r h~- adwrt isin~ an a it· t•ir<'H'i whi<·h \\ <h to hl':,rin at mw o ·,·]o<"k. lfp hand!'d 11s a hill \\ith the• pi<·fttl'l' of fh1· a\·iatrix who \\;ts .\nna ~olon. \\'p wonlll likPd to ltll\'1' gOJH'. hnt we• dl'l'idc•d to yi-.it tlH• :\ational Prairi1• <:rass Pt'!'S!'l'\'1' instPad. It was ]()(·al<•d Sl'\'l't'al mill' from th<' tcmn. so WI' tonk a p11hli1• htts. \\ hi1•h nJadP t t·ips to and from t hi' park. \\'p \\'1'1'1' sllrprist'd to.,,., . •JinnniP ~lajors rtnming th1• h11s. antl tlw nw<·hantt' \Yho ahu1y tntwllPil with
(ihr fi\turuuu I
him \\a~ ('lat't>IH't' Nht•\\altt•r . .Ju~t as tlw hu" was n·ad~· to tart. \Yalkt·t· <hmnin!! rn. hed up. t•lo t>l~· pur tH·d hy hi wift>, who was Ida Thra ·h. .\II tlwit· rt·il'lld" \\t'rt> snrpri~t·d at tlw snddt>n mania).!t' '' hit·h had .in t takt•n plat·e a ft>w \lt't•ks ht·fon•. \Yt· had a jolly ride to tlw park. hut just lwfort· \\t' aniYPtl solllt' ont• "tartt•tl sill!!illg' 'Fidt'lit~·.' aiHl whilt• ''" Wt'l't' all stalltling-.•Jimmit• Majors ran t ht• htt into a tt>lt>phonp polt•: "e wt•t't• all t ht'O\\ n to t ht• floor hut no damage 11a" dotH' to thP t•ar tons. .\t Ja.,t \\'t' at'l'ii'Pd at tht• pal'l.: whit·h t'0\'1 t't'd a g-n•at lllany a('l't's of ~roUJH!. \\'p passt•tliH'atltifnl hPds of pt'pJlt'l'!!l'as-,, astt·t·s. tlaisit's. and lllillnrt't'tl. \\'(' saw great quant it ip-, or prait·il' !!!'ass ('\'t'l'Y" ht•]'('. Toward tht·t·t·Hit•r of thP park \\t' dit·m·en·d a hng-t• watPt'fall rnll hy l'll•t•tricit,l'. ant! hesidP it tht• statll(t' or its ill\'t'll(OI', ,Johll \\'aill ('0(1, \\ ho had ]ost his Jift' ill !Jjs pfl'ot·t to ht•Jwfit lht• ]lt'oplt• of ('hampai!!ll-l'rhmm . •\-.. \\'!' \\t•rp strollillg onr 1ht> pat·k adtnit·ing it •nan~· all nu·t ions "t' nwt Panlillt' l~akt•r who wa · ill eharg-t• of a nnmht·r of mall t·hildt·t'll 1rho \Yt'rt' !!iYin:.r ht'r a gt't•at dt•al of trouhlt>. Ont• of tht> littlt• hoys was proYin:.r as tlaJ'ill!! as his notahlt• motht•t', Karma Uoldt'n .\linor, a11tl lwrot't' <111,\'0IIt' t•ottld stop him he had jum]H'tl into the basin of the l'oulltain. t>olit•t•IIIHJI llyla!ld pt·omptly pullt>d him out and hantlt'd him owr to his l'ranti(' Jltll'st•maid. "H~ this time tht• hus \\Hs I'I'<Hly to:.ro haek to tm\'11 so \\'t' had to lt'aW. Tht• ridt• hat·k was Ulii'\'I'Jitful t'Xt•t•pt that \H' wt•n• al'ntid that \\t' would ht' late for t ht• n•t•t•ptiml. hut \\'t' arrin·d just a~ the l'lass :-.eeretary . •John Lil'rman, wa:-. l'ht•t•king- up oil t lw pt•oplt' 11 Ito \\'t'rt' Jll't'sl'nt. EYt·r~-ollP "as soon Pn:.ra!!t'tl in talkill!! owr old timt's and what they had ht•t•n doing sinct' gratluation. \Ye hatl to stop soon. hmn•n•J', a: 1lw pm:.rram \\its lwginning-. Tht• fir 1 numlwr on tlw pro:.rram was a llOit•d quai'!Pttt• t·ompost·d ol' <:eorg-P .\laxwt>ll. Frank , 'e lnrartz. I )ot·ts Funkhoust·r. and Loui-.;a Barlwr. \\ ho t'<'lHlt•retl · ~\ultl Lang , ·~Ill',' with 1<Htt•hing- Plll01 ion. Flon•nt•t• Dmding- g-aYP a n•atling- from Opal Uer.,clnl iller's nl'\\ hook.· 'l'o\\'ll 'l'alk.' \'irg-inia Btmt•n 1ht•n sang-, • .\ll .\Ion!', ' ll'hi<'h ha<l h<•t•n a classit· in 1!l~-> . hut whi<'h \\'as praelit•ally nnlwanl of at this tinw, alltl was n•:.rardc·d h~· 1ht• yoHng-t'r g'Pill't'at ion as an old rt'lit•. ~\g-nt•. Nm!g'Pr who ha<l hl't'Oilll' a famous <'Olll]Hlst'r. \\'as induced to play one of' her mastl'rpit•eps on tlw piano. IIer t•la mall' Wt't't' ·o t•nt h11sast ie aho11t ht•t' playing that slw \\as fot't'Ptl to pla~· an t•m•ot'l'. "l~u11lw Jli'OJlle had o llltl!'h to sa~ to t'at·h otlwr that the prog-ram hatl to l)(' cliseontimH•tluntil t•\'elling-. During- tlw aftt•nwml l mt'l Olatlys Conn \\'Ito told lilt' ahout ht•r thriYing- hairdn•ssing- shop in ~Iahonwt. .\lso l talhtl \\'i1h ~liltlt·l'tl Ehler \\'Ito had \\·on f'anw as a priYatt• st•t•rt'lar.Y to llan·y Hiehman. tht• g-n·at dill pieklt• nwgnatt• of t lw l ' nitt•d , 'tatt•s. l ht'artl Ut•ot'g't' Oruhh t<•lling- .\layor \\Ta~- 11!' DeLong- about his f'armillg trouhh•s. ".\ftpr talking- "ith a ft'\\ mon• oltl f'rit•JHis \\t' prot'l'l'tlt•tl to a larg'<' hotl'l mnwcl h~- Edward ,Johnson, whl'n' a hanqut'f was st•t'I'P<l. ::\[ar:.rat•\'1 NPaton, as toastmi ... tress. ht•g-an thP t'Yt•nitlg' sjH't't'h makin:.r hy calling upon Hal'111'l llooYCt', .\lpha \'aky and Louist•, 'l'hoott. who spokP ahout tlwir trawls and of tlw t•lass ma1t•s t hPy had nwt. 'l'hpy 1old tiS that \'t•ra H u tt•h iJ1sm1 antl Lma \\. ilskl' had Pstahli..,lwcl a sllt't'l'ssf'ul g-il'ls' sl'lwol and that .\l~Ta Nt•halhaust•n hatl ht•t•n sPnt to thl', 'onth, 't•a Islands as a missiomtt·~· with hPr husband. Ht•\. ( 'hestpr ~tiekrotl. ".)tt. t as thP stot·u·s "~"l't' g!'lting- in1et·t·:-.ting- I J't't'Pil't'tl a lt'lt•g-ram from my motht•r t•alling- llll' honw. I Yl'r~· mtH'h n·g-rettt•tl to lt'a\'l' H'> I wisht•tl to hPar \\'hat had ht•t·omt• of .\larg-arc·t Ennps, Hog-t•nt• ~t J'Otl<·. Barbara ~t il'gl'nw.'·et' and <loldit· Houston. llmlt'\'1'1'. I lwartl latl't' from ~Iarit• .\Iim•r that tlwy Wt•n• <til happ~· homt•makt•r:-.. \\Tt' misst•tl man~ or !Jlll' ('OIIII'Hdt's sorel,\', (''iJll'l'ially Louisr .\lun ·on. \\'ho had het•n hil!t•n hy a mad dog- and had dit•tl young-. .\lso ~lar!!at·!'l
Osborn an<l Ruth Moll "ho ha<l ht>t'll snal<'ht•<l a" ay in tlwir ~· m1th h~· slt>t>pin~ sicknes.. "In spill' of this sad<IPning n<•ws. howt>Y<'l'. l had a n•ry good timt>. On tht> way ha<·k to ( 'hi<•ago Wt' passt>d through tlw lit tit> tm111 of Kankakt>t' whPt't' st'\'<·ral Of my llllfOI'{ltnafp CIHs malt's who had )osj thPil' Jlli!His during tlll' ('l'OSS· 'rord pnzz]p crazp \\'t'l'l' still sht'IIPI'l'<l- a <'ro.-s-wonl puzzlt', ehildrt>n. is a laJ'g't', squarl' llHHh• up of small hllH·k alHl "·hit!' squat'<' . and yo11 fit ll'ttPrs into tht> white. quan•s in enh a way that tlwy mak<• \\ords. '' .\t the stat ion in ( 'hieago, RhPl>a :--ihnrtz \\ ho had IH'<'ll nnahlt> to ]paw h<•r ladies' rt'ady-to-\\t'at· shop. nwt lilt' and a kt'd all ahout tlw l't'llnion. I toltl ht>r all the Ill'\\' ·. alHl tht'n drOYl' honw. rpsoln•d to Jll''<'l' forgPt this rt>union or my dassmates. who had ht't'OllH' . 0 famon . "\\'t•ll, ehildn•JJ, that is all for thi tinw. 'llw llt>XI timt> I \\·ill It'll yon mot·t· abont tht> funny things \\l' did in high sehool." 'l'uE Exn.
How: (
F.IH~T How: mt)t'r . . · r"t t• TII111H Ho\\
Bak r
\ ... muu, Pt r n~or1, :-o;mith, "'t•!Oot, .\litlt·r~elorC, l·'i,IH•r, ~ll!ldt-rlalld, ~ullhan, ~tiP.~tt'"
Cuunin::luun, . ·PI ou, llompel, fantl1l, <'olf', II rris, BnrrtPtt, \lar ... hnl Pottt>r, llt·unuu, Bn rkt•r Fnt HTII Ho\\ · ~ rnut-l,on, Buck, Burke, \'un (}o 11, llt·imlu·hf'r, :""·ott, l~nukiu, ~hreYt', . pt•H('t'l"o ElH•lin~:, Jlatn)•t'l, \\'"iulu•imPr. Flt'TH Ho\\ \\'il 011, I·)O\\t•r, Bro\\11, llunl1p, lh•hha\\, ('oatf' ... , :\t•Hit•fft•r, Pi11tt•r on, Ed\\nrcl, J), 1 it•l' . . ·toulntHII, Boudrt•.lll ~~ ·111 How· llill. Troth•r, Li11cl ....1). \\il on, ()'Xt•ill, \lclhnirw, Bll"inin~. !"'tt•\\art, !"'·•t•ht•r, (ox
~t:\ t.,TH Ho\\ Coli Til ){O\\
II 11,
Long", PJ 1tt lltl.
B ld<i
H:Hth• t~ Sp
ldin ....
\"nlll't.._ S; II
Chri-..•jp Ill
II r
\tnp• .... ~rhrpi Bt>tl, Broom . \lc Kt•t l lu t, Ht-110
JUNIOR CLASS HISTORY /Jy I~LIZ.\BETII . 'TOOL\!\.' • · :\1 ightl't' higPI' laHJHin·<· !'Ollll'l' in todfl,\ from ( 'pnt ral t•hooll'!'." •· \\"p workt'<' \"Pill' longt'l' 011 this \\Hsht•t•. Ln ~ang. 'l'ht•n• an• hro hm1dn•<l and tift~- pit•<'Ps.'' 'l'hi-. !'OJlY<'rsation took plat'!' in tht• fHII of l!l~~ ht'l\\t'l'n thl' joint proprit•lor of a la11ndr~- OJll'rat ing t!JHI!-r t hi' tit It• of ( 'IIIIIIIJHiiflll If Ifill , 'l'llonl. Tlw piP<'l'S finislwd fir,.,t wPn' tlw <·lass ofl'i<'l'l' : J)a,·id \ "an Dm·t•n. prPsidt•nt: :\Jplha Bolldn·atl. 'it't'-(ll'Psident: :\lar~ ~JH'nt't'l'. trP<tslll'l'l'. and HPtt~- Pt·Ptt~·man, l't'l'Ptary . •\ littlt• latl'r Halford .·pauldtng \\Hs shot thro11gh tlw wringPr disgtlis<•<l as ~\lix ot' "Tiw ('harm, '<·hool." 1!l~:l l~oys' . 'tunt , 'ho\\·. "\\"ho hPlongt'<' to this(''" askPtl Lu ~ang. tlwn thi \\as di <'O\"l'l'l'tl to hP writtl'n on thP haek. "('Ito ~lagPly-traek." 'farson \\'ill'~-- ft•t•shmmJ t'ditor of tlw J!aroo/1, \\"H'i <·host•n from an honor !'Oil of 1\\l'llt.'· fiw. Tlu·it· lt•adt•J's for tlw <'t'OJHl ~'Par WPI'l': Ra~ mmHl Fi,.,lwr. pn•sident; R11th ~hn·rl'. Yi<·P-pn•si<lPnt: '['arson \\'ilt•y. tJ'Pa'illl'Pl'. and Domtht•a Danip]s. st't'l't'tar~·-
tarch 'illl'I'PPdP<l on .\rth11r Dt•nnlan. \\' ph-.;lt•r 'l'utTPl, 'l'ar-.;on Oil Ha~"lllO!Hl Fi'ih('l'. .\-.;a J'('Stdt or rnhhin:.r with joni'Jlalist i1• oap Edith ~PidPil't•!' and I lal'l·.'· ( 'olt• lH't'Hilll' sophonlon• l'<litors of the .1/olll·ull. and '!'arson \\"ill·.'·· l'X<·hangt• Pditor. LPIIi'iP ~1 it'l!l'Jt\P,\'l'l' "·as -.;opho!llOJ'P t•ditor of thl' Jlomon and Edith . ·Piddl't•t·. Uirh' .\thll'li<· Editor. lha mati<· hlning took 011 fo11r sophomon•s. 'l\rpnt.' four nanu·s \\'l'l't' in-.;<·rihPtl on the honor roll this y<•ar. Wilt·~ and hashthall
J.•rH'T Ht•W: \\ 1b:ou, .John on, ~ 'lajors, Bn11oek, )Iarina. ~ UO :\ ll Bow llord, Fo HIUJ:h, E'tt tile,
Fnh I·'
llt•mlo\\, ll
.... ... \\,tl·t,
Krl \
Jlo Jston, .'1c·\lullt·11,
\\'nr'h m, I,nfTt•rt), \ld ulli,ft•r
Tnrnu Hn\\. Bn irk, Bnne. Fluck, Pe•ti-ohu J..a\\hC.tl \\o drnfr, 'fho111p on, ( t~tghton, C,tr un ~I < William', (;o<i t'), 1-:irb) FntHTII How· Pilon Bt>ll, Bo\\man. llulo-.on, La)lllHP, <.ro\ts, llnffl. llitrh, TurkPr, \\'nnl('~. I.t•,£>111:111 1'11-'TII Ho\\: !'-itumpf, ~tout, (,:Inns, llndd•nrth, t~~tlllrt, Pt1 h'r on, ('hn))ll'llt>, I>nh:~. lltltdap, \\ Jlt·~. ~l arklautl. (;riffi(h. ~1\.TII How· Hobin 011, Huhhlti', B11·k I, Littll•. ).PP, "I 1111d T~lfl, \·,·~t . .\11ld, \l)Pr', .lohn n11, St.\• XTII Ho\\ ( ordo•\ Ki1b), B 11111 It, lin kt•r, l't•r:::u 011, B \\ ll ..on, \\~alk.-r, !"!lft\\, Brithrhum, \lort·hou 't'. .\ n·ht•r, Bu rkt• · }:uoHTII !{ow : \\.t>hht't·, (r \dnu, (.wiuu, ( .. llull, llnpk.u ... .\trt'l.._, (',\'lUI, \ndcr .. ou, 0 J)nllrH•Il,
\J q•r!-., ~('JIIIOtf . ·
Ho\\: Hold , 'lo rft·~·. Brafl~.
\ud l't'\\ .. , )fll t•llt•
ILuulolplt, Hohh111
··~[p thinkt•P \It' I'Pitit'lH'<' thi.., wa-,hPP on till!('(' ... <II' ('OIII'sp tlw~· will. I'm· this i.., a nHldPIIatttHlry and an l!lll!sttal \lash. \ralkin!! into th(• laitlHIIT I Sil\\' thP """h or':!() dr·,,·in!! in tlw \\"in d ol' Exj)( l'H'll<'P. On thP fit·..,t IInP \\!'!'(' foot hall ttits lwiOJt!!in!! to .\rthl!r ()pnman . \\'phsl!'t' 'I'I!!'I'PI. Tai'"< n \\' iiP.\'. ( lrin Honth. :111d IIPnr.'· ~IPITilit'ld. ThPn I "a" tlw hask!'thall ('\ lh•lon!!ini! to Ha.' mond ,FishPI'. llttl'('lll Dl!t'lllPllt. Htf'....,p] H11rk!'. and Orin Borah. (In iiH· M11111·111t litH• h11n!! HPtt.' ~~oolman. j11nior Pditm·: <:t•tw ~nl!dt·I·. ")Hll'h (•ditot·: lfarry ('nl!'. httmm· !'ditnr: \ 'irginia PaltPI'son. tl!'\\s t•ditor. Frorn thP l!rtronn litH' <l(•np ,'ottdt'l' \\its stt'>]H'IHit•d in thP t•apa<'ity of j1111ior t•ditor·: Lnnist• ~ti!'i!t'tll!'~·!'r. lil!'t'ar,,· (•ditnr: \ ' it·l-!inia Patt('!'sOJl. snapshot (•di!m·. and HPtt.' .·toolman. dt·amatit• (•ditor·. ,'fi'ilng't' ll!llsit• t'<llll!' tom~· t'HI' and as I list(•twd I n•<'OI-!niz!'d it to lH' t IH• tH'\\' <·om posit ion" rit !Pn h.'· C:t•nr·g-(• \\.ilsmi. TIH• prPsidPnt of' thP ll!llsit•al ass<H'iation \\ch lhiY!'I' Lind ... a~·. and C:t•org-P \\'IIson. \'it•t•-prPsid(•nt. Tlwr·p an• j11nior nwmlwrs in tlw hand. on·lwstnt. Boys' <:It'(' ('lllh. and (;jr]-,' (:lpp ('l11h. ~Iany j11nior·s W<'l'<' pi·nmitwnt in dramalil's thi . ."<'<11'. Elt•Yrn mad!' thr honor roll. Edith X!'id!'fl't•r·. ~Jar.' HaP P!'tt•rson. ~It•Xt•Il ~mith. Tar·son \\'dt•y. HPtty ~toolnHlll. \\'psa I>al!'. ll'( 'nP EhPiinl-!. Halph Todd. IIPni'Y ~lt'ITifiPid. Lollis(' ~ti<'i!t'lllt',\'('1'. and Elsit• I lord\\'('!'(' lll!'Jlll)(•rs or tlw lllini ('hap!Pl' of till' Xational Jlonor ~(Wi!'ty. ~Jan~· jnnior·s lwld ofl'i(·t•s itt hig-h school <·lnhs: in f'a<·t. !'\'('!'~· \\Tinkh- in t IH' jtlllior \\'ash" as irmt!'d 0111 in [ll'P[lar·ation rm· tlw d!'li\'<'1'." in 1!l:!6.
l l I .IFI.'i
-.c o TT
Prt"'idl'nt \ . i('t'· Pn·-.idl'n t
DoHoTIII . \ D .\:'\II: I.....
(II. ' I
Til ~IIHI:\'1.
~('(' I'I'Iat·.y
BL. ·. •t:T'I'
JUNIOR HONOR ROLL Dall'. \\'(' a
Li JH bay l hi' l'l'
Elwlinl!. IrPJH'
)lon•hon-.P. \'orton )(orfl'~·.•\mo-.
~"id1·11'('r . Edith
,' mit h . ~tool man.
Eliza hi'! h
Flml'('l's. )I a"
:.I~· ~!'ill
\\' ilPy, Tar-.on
JUNIOR CLASS ROLL ,\rnlstronl-(, ~lildn·d Auld, A,·is II a rkl'l", <1l'r! rndt• Baughman, Olin• 1\pll, ~larjorif' ill'nnl'tt, Lllt'ilil' Bit·kt'l, Fn•rla Blaint', l·:nun Boots, ~:lh•n Bow!'I', :>I a r~ Bowman, Lo:a Brining, .\far~· ('happt'llt•, •• l ;lht'l <'lint', .rost'phint' ( 'o nll'y, Hn II ( 'tHIO\"t'r, :>lildrt'd ('ooJh'r, Edith ('ox, .\largarl't C'rt'ighton, Opal ( 'rid,• J', Willi!• Dnlt', W!'sa llanit'ls, llorotlll'a lh·mlow, ltla llit·kt•,·, Elt•anor llililn;\11, f't•rn I lnh~on, l't•arl llnnlap, Eh•annr I >nun, Ct't·ill' f-:ht•ling, lrt'IH' J·:tlwal'tis, I loi'Ot ~~~ J·'t'l'gl\SOII, ('hrist ill(' Fi. ht'l', Huth Fhu·k, llorotllt'a l·'osnaugh, <11:1tlys ( ;:mn('s, IIi Ida (;rl'in, i't':Jrit• ll:u·kharth, l'nnlint• II:H·kt'r, Op:li llall, l'anlint• II:JIII]lt'l. rrsnla lli!t-h, 1-:tlith llord, ~:lsit• I il1tlnnt, II nzt'l llnston. Lt'lltlll' ln~-:lt•, I lorot h.' .J!'s t't', Ruth .Johnson, Eliw ht•t II .Johnson, J<'ayt' .Johnson, (;(~JlPYiPn.'
Kirhy , .\far.'' K rust', Ill'h'll
Lany, \ ir~-:inia l.awhC'atl. l'l'a rl I ~t.'t', l',r:IJH·t.·s Littl!', ~ •. ,-a .\ft·Arty, Anna .\I('( 'nllon~-:h. J·:Jiwllt't h \I,. .\! nllen, .\IiI<I n•<l .\lt'n·t•r. Fnlllt't' .\I ills, .\I a rga n•t .\lin:\l·cl, Hnl"· \lyt'rs, On·,-:; \a.·h, Lois \t•itlt'ffer, Edith \ offt z, .\I a rit' :'i oonan, .J ost'phint• \orman, Alit·t• Engl'nia l'attt•rson, Virginia l't'tt'r ·on, .\far~· Ht'a l't't t~·.john, Ellt•n Pilon, <'orinnt• l'rC'ttvman, lkttv l'~·h•.".\Targar\'1 • Hankin, Kathryn Havhurn, llt•lt•n Ht•~. IIazt•l Hohhins, Ionc Hohinson, ,J anC't St'lunalhau ·t·n. :-r~·r:1 St·ott, .\far~· St•l'ht' l', .\larit• l--t'itz, Ruth l--C'rwise, .\farguNitr Shrt'\'C', Ruth sm.th, Lu .. iliP • ·pt'llt't'r, .\!ary Stt'warcl, llt'lt•n Stpwa1·t, lola . 'tit.}g'<'llH'yrr.
Stoolman, Elizaht•th Stout, Lois Stumpf, Huth i"ulli,·a n, ('atht•rinr Thompson, lloruthy Tt~t·kt•r, Jlarrit'lt Tllt'kt•r, .Tt•. sit• Tylt•r, Katlwryn \'t•st. Ruth \\'pinllC'imrr, Lillian \\hit!', D!'llt·ina \\"il·on, .\fajt'l \rootlruff, )lildn•<l
.A IIPn, <'I~·,Jp \ ndl'rson, (;t•orgp .\rulrPws, ('harlit• .\n·ln•r·, Paul \smnn, Halph Bakpr, (;h-nn BPlsha w, Lt•w is lkt z, II a rol<l
Bl:tt·klnrrn, l-iunllH'r Bogan!, Hampton Boorw, 1-'ummitt Br:11ly. Arthur Bri<lgham, 1•\•nnt•r Brinkl'm:t, HohC'rt Broom, Yirgil Brown, llora<'l' Brown, Louis Btwk, ('haunt·l•n· Burkt•, Hoht•rt · Burkt•, Hussl'll Burt, ('harlt· · ('arpt·r, ('lydt• ('arson, Hos. ('offl'.''· \\'alter !'oh•, HarrY ( 'ollins, C:t:orgt• ('rpighton, Curtis f'nnningham, • ·,·wt on Curtis, ~;ugpn llt•rnwnt, T1 un•m ])olc1, <'ah·in nunl:rp, Hid~:tnl ~~I"Yill, Tr:tYPl"S
Fahprt, Elwoocl f'prguson, ('hark· Fisht·r·, Haymon<! Flowers, .\Ia.· (:ilman, \\"illiam (iinz, Arthur (;Odst•Y, I! a IT\" nollos·. X orm;m c:ruhh, ('arl C:urullot·k, Haynror11! IIall, ('harh·s Jlall, mrnn llampl'l, Elml'r ll ani·, \\':IITI'n Hill, A lhrrt Hoon•r, R.. ott llopkin.·, Thomas Hughrs, Paul .Jamrson, Lt· ter .T ohnson, Hit· han! .Junr, Halph Kenny, Far<'ll
Kirhy, .\laxwPII Kol'lr, llamlin Lang, Ost·ar Langhofl', Elnwr l.a rn, Llo,·d l.t•wi.s, .\ rlit• l.irHlsay, llrin·r Long, .\lanri<·P .\l•·<'ll'lland, Hoht•rt .\! .. llYainl', \\'anll' 'dl'l\:1'1', .John · .\lagl'<', !larry .\larklarH!, \'on \I a rsha 11, .J OS I'll h .\!arlin, \\'illiam \l:ru .. h, llowanl .\laY('s, LPslil' .\lp;·rifil'l<l, lien rv \lpn•r·, X:n·i1•r · .\liih•r, J.'n••l \loon·. Tn·in .\lorl'llllu.·p, Xorton \lorft•,·, .\m('s .\lnPlll:r, \\'illiam ,\[~·prs, ntl'nson Olson, (:ilht•rt 0 'X1•ill, .John Pank:m, \\'alt1•r l'Pnn~, \rthur PottPr, Hogl'r H:tt·kham, Donal<l H:nulolph, Thomas Hohhins, Angu.· Hoht•rhon, Franklin l-iamnpl. on, ('har]p · samupJson, C:lt•nn • < hn•i, \\'altl·r haw, .Tohn 'inllth, .ft•sst• .\It·. "t•ill l-iotult•r, Eugl'lll' stout, llah• st mdt•, (lporgr. Todd, Halph Tu rrpll, \\' phsll•r ,.aJH•(', nonalcl \'an l>orl'n, n:n·i·l YPst. l{oht>r·t \\'alkl•r, A n·hi1• \\'phht•r, Hi1·hanl \\'i l1•y, 'ra r ·on \\'illiam.·on, Eclgar \\'ilson, Grorgc \\'ilson, Paul \\'ooll'y, Brook \\'right, ,John
1-rR-...T Ho\\ lit< oma, J,rull 1 Trutbl od, Le\\t, llt.nr orr, ,John"'ton, ll)lurHI. (ldt•ll, \1t·\Iul1r, :\Ief umhPr, I )f)Oh•n, Baaltt~. SffO:SD Ho\\, 'l c<leltrul Sp~mour-. 'l fdloc-k, El~, Ht•ll. <orl'm, )lurph), Bolt'r, Bnll Jlo, ~lmrtz, ('o THtHP Ho\\: Fiutu), ( l,lrk, < JPa\t•lin, Blanclo\\, )),n·i!!, 'In~. 1.,1\\I'I'IIC't', Fi en~. i.C't', .\1 ll otr toll, l.tuox, ]',a"--nJHII, ButT Fot HTH Ho\\ ; \\'altPt'"• BPtT) n au Hnhinsou, (.oodt>u, II \\'nsdwr, St,tllll 1 FIFTJI Ho\\ IJ Bnhh, Solon, .\l urph), llo\\ 1HZ, H·t), \ Hll Sto~k \111 on, Ht•)Holcl, llt'..!'t'lthnrt, lfall, l!aint•, llnr•lin.:. JlP<htt ~l-1'11 Ho\\ l..:uhl, llilhnou, Btnrtttf, <rnult, Lt•{·mon, S!tJiun, )lnid,uu, .\l onn•, (li:\llll, B rnnP, l'a<lfit>l•l, I.e~. ~l nuthcr S•\t 'Til H)\\ ltickP' ( .Joh1 011, :-...kt lton, :-....tmltel o11, 1: If art, 'hattt:t•r. Boruh, stult. \\11 urr
· ()'( onllo'"
.Ioiii "'011
\1• \J ahun.
HPrcl. )lar· hk)
SOPHOMORE CLASS HISTORY Tlw ('las" of ·~7 <'llt<'r<'d i11to its "<'<'OJHl ,I"<'HI' in ( 'halll(HJign II igh ~('hool 11ith an Pllt·olllll<'llt 0\1' two llltJH!t·!'d mtd fift.1·-fin• stltdPnts, most ot' 11hom had <·ompris<•d t lw ]<'r<•shman l'la"" in 1!1~:~ -~+ - This <·lass had distinguislwd itsPll' i11 its first yPat·. !lot o11ly h; th•· distin<"tiu• lllPrits ol' i11dividuals. h11t hy th<· <H·hiPYlllPII!s ol' thP <·ntit·p hod.' lllldPr tlw administratio11 of thp follo11ing otfi<·<•r : Billy ('aton. pt'Psidt•nt: Huth \\.alt<•t·s. vi<'<'-)ll'PsidPllt: I>o11 l~<'lllH'tL sP<'t'P!Hr.'· : \\· ard Dillavou. tt'<•aslll'<'l'. ~f<·mhPrs of tlw <·Ia <·ngagpd in athldi<· .. alld al though th<•y did not mak<· tlw first tPams. tlw;· sP<'IIrt'd tht' l'<'<pti. it<• training a11d <'X(H'rit•JH'<' to Pllahl<• th<·m to h<•<•OJ!H' pt·omitH•nt latPr 011. ~<·holast i<"ally t liP elass was ot' high rallk. 'l'll<'nty-t'ont· JJHlllt's, Jlt'ctr·l;· t<•n Jl<'t' <'Pill ol' tlw ··ntir<' <•nrollm<•Jlt W<'t'P on tlw l lm10r Roll. alld 'iOIIl<' of tlw individual av<'J'Hg'<'S \\'C't'<' a mongo t h<· h iglwst in t h<• s<· hool.
!"f:!'TlO .. ]) J.'llt. T
Ho\\: \'111 ( 'unt, <'.11·
Blaiut•, ,Jord,lu SJ.:( 0~11 How· llou~loll,
How .
'fholllJHHIII , \\' jJt·~. Fot HTII Ho\\
1111 ,
11. Bahh, \\'allnn~, East, .\rrington, Co tn, Phillip!-!, .J ru•,
Poltt•r, ('arJ,mJ, ~\l t·LPan. ~l. Brown, \\' .\msha ry, Klillt\
Brown, (;ripr,on, <"'artt•r, Hoolt•n, Bt>1·kmau,
llnrd, Ya11os, Pa,\liug-, F,t111liu, <'ook, \\'oolrid gt•, Jla~t.·t·nutn,
llillma11 sa ......... \\'illiams, ~t·hultz, OstPrlHII", \\'atson \\' H.obiuson, !-'ot.•<h~\\ it·k, E. \\·a,<·hPr, Harn·tt . "tolson, .\lillt•t'. )I .Johtt....on, 11 . .Johnson, l£ampton, ,lotH's, Ht-~rwltJ .... , )JartJJt, f'u1on ,J. llart, Ptit>stt·r.
H. ow
. 1 T il
.\fd'o\\ 11,
St Y~.~·TII I{ ow
Elfill'l'll How
\\'a~npt·, \\', Bakt r, llt•rzo.l!, Ua d .... , Sho\\ Prs, Portt•r, l>t•r1man, II id) , \rri~ht, Jlt'rrid.: . \ush·k, Patrit·k, Bt>ll, " 't'hstt>r, <'unon, ]f \\"'"asdwr, \ 'ann•, 'l.lnnint:", Ehh•r
Tlw Y('Hl' l!l:!-J.-:2.) "a well lwfrun hy tlw Pled ion of \\~;IJ'(] Dillan111 as Jli'PsidPnt. Don B(•mwtt as Yi<·(•-pn• ·i<l(·nt. l l<ll'lan Di(·kpy <h SP<'I't'tm·~-. and Bru<'P }[{'('own as tn•asul'<'l'. In tlw Jf ol! C'llll popularity COJJtPst. ~:h•aJHH' ( 'lark and Billy <'aton \1('1'(' honm·pd with tlw ,'ophonwn• a\\ar<ls. <hw of tlw statt' wimH•rs in thP ('haml>Pr of ('omnwrr<• <·ssay contest was Yir~inia Squii'<'s. Fonr sopho11101'(' hoys n•(•PiYPd IPtlt•l's for tlwir ahilit.1 in foot-hall, 11 hil<• sPYeral oth(•rs mad(• tlw tra<·k t(•aJIL In ~i1·ls' ports the ,·oll(·~·-hall tPam with Lawna \ \'aii<H'P as (•aptain won the. 'ophm11on• (·hampionship, tlw Freshman-. 'ophomol'(' tonrnanwnt. and tlwn 11as filially dPI'PatPd hy tlw .Jnnior teanl. l'n<lPr thP stn•ss of S('('OJHl yPal' work th<• Honor Roll dP<·n•aspd in IPn~th hnt not in qnalit~. 'l'IIPI\'(' ·tudPllh rP!ain(•d thPir nanH• on this li t. :\o !)I'Ojlh(•ty for tlw futnn• is madP: it IIOIIld mHlonhte(lly ht' a failul'(', for tlw Sophomon•s exp(•et to surJ>elss en•n tlw most san~uine hopt's and ambitions. that 11 (' han• fo1· our junior and s<•nio1· Yl'al·s.
lllt'Kl·, \
H .\IU •.\X ])(( ' KE\"
' I'I'P<I'illl'PI'
SOPH MORE HONOR ROLL Ball. Huth ( 'lt•awlin. Hut It
.\fd 'I Piland. Edna .:\faP
)) i lla nn1. \\'a l't l
:\[('('own. BnH't'
~~~~ [111\
Strictly Fiction
~ ~
WhittPmort> \\~rig-ht EIPanor ( 'lcu·k
Bt>l10ld This Dt·t•amt•t· .\ Pair of Blnt• Eyes Tlw \\'pii-Dn•sspd \\'oman Tlw llappy Baby .\ Frit•tHl of ( 'at•sat·
\'irg-inia Berryman Louis }!cLean Huth Ball
.\ Knig-ht on WhPt•ls Tlw }fpt·maid
,John llt•nry lli<l~·
ThP :-;aint of tlw :-;pPt•dwa.'·
~ ~ ~ ~
Harlan DiekP~· Hobt•d Ilerriek
:-;o BigTlw Whitt' .:\Ionhy
Ward DillaYOll Tommy .:\IC'Jin!Jen
JEdna Ethd
Tht• Tt•tTihlt• '1\,·ins \\'hpn a }fan ( 'onws to llimsl'lf
Let• LP!' Billy Caton
~ ~
\ ..\<lelaidr Yan ('nm ,Jack ('arlson E<lmnncl Stults
~~ ~·
('t•rt;tin J>Poplt• of lmpol'tance
Rnth IIylaml ,John ( 'ook Bratlforcl ( 'ox
The E:.:oist l<'lamill)! Youth
\\'pndell Shurtz Brew (pr FreelaJl(l Ot·in Borah
Tlw Tt•nth :\Imw Latl'ly Spring-s l 'p ln .\mt•rica ..\n ..\matt•nt· Ut•Jlt lt•mmt
Lockwood \\~iley l<'redl•riek Porter KPmwt h \\~oolridgc
'l'hn•t• Li\'!' Ohosts
Our .Jiutual l<'J·it•JHl
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..,
in l d lt•nt•ss
}[pn of Ll't tt•J's
Lass 0 'Laug-hter Tlw Pour
Oh -:\I at·~·. BP ( 'an•l'ul! l•'onr· of a Kind 'l'hl' 'l'argl'!
\ 'prn' ('arson ( 'lar'l'JH'l' \\'olfram .JlichaPl ( 'osta ( h•org-t• East lial'l'il't Pawling (Ut•org-l' .Jld 'allistl'r ( 'harlps ,Johnson IT arn· \\~ilson l.J amt.'._ Lt•s(•man
' ~
.Jfary llall Edward \Ya.·cher Haroltl \\Taselwr CatherinP \Yascher Dorothy \\~ ~l'iclwr Hobert \\'pst
~~~~~ 1925 ~~~~~
SOPHOMORE CLASS ROLL (;ilk pit', Am ·h:n~, Bl•rni•·e Ba hh, Dorothy Bahh, llt•h•H Baih•y, Au<lra Ball, Huth Ba nil· , En•ly11 Bt•t·kett, It·holla lkll, Etlll'l BPrryman, \ irginia Blall<low, ~larg:tr!'tlt• Boas, Y1•ra Bmulreau, .\I l'lha Boyl'r, lll'a ry11 Brooks, LIH·y Bru11e, ~fall!'! Btmli<·k, Doris ButT, ~lyra
llailles, Lorrailll' llall, ~l:ii'Y llampto11, EYola Ilar<lillg, ~lyrtl•• llousto11, Ltll•lla lloustoll, .\lild n•d llul.l', llt•h•H llylan<l, Huth ,J:JIIll'rsoll, ('tul!'llous .Johllsoll, llarri!'t .Johllsoll, ~laria11 .Johll. toll, :\lary
('aJ·soll, Barbara ('J:trk, l~h·aHol· <'Ia rk, En•ly11 C'lark, l't•arl ( 'h•anoli11, Hut h C'h•nw11., L1•ila
La:nnan, Ll'OJH' Lt>!', Etllla l.t'l', Etht•l
('onlit•r, • ·:uli rw ('ornt•r, B!'rllit·l' ll:n·is, lh-rtha
Lillgrt'l'll, Jo'lon•nt·•• Luttn•ll, Alht•r!a
Ostnhur, K :i!hl'riiH' 0 t••nlm·k, ( 'h•atis
l':ttlfil'l•l, \lar,J<Hit• Pawli11g, ll:nril·t 1'1'1111, Alma Put Ham, Pauli II<' Hay, L!'olla Ht·~ Holds, ha Hohi11so11, lloroth~ ~ass, Emma l-'dlllltz, Huth ""YIIIour, Katlu·rillt' ~hl'll, Lut·ih• ~ht•waltt•r, llornthr ~olo11, Ellt•ll ~phar, Eth!'l ~quil·t•s, \'irginia l-'taH!i:, Jlph•H ~
Lt•wis, Eulalia
l>ixon, Gt•nt•vil'\.t' I )ooh•n, I r1•nt• llowli11g, ~I il<l n•il l>m\111'.\', • 'ora l>ufTh•, BPI'Ili<'l' Eastman, ~lahh• Ely, IIarrirt
Tommy :\laHniHg, Lul'ih· ~lantlwi, lrma :\[arkwl'll, Agnt•s :\lay, ll:tz!'l
Fa hert, Irma Fiiiiii'Y, Ell':tiiCil' Jo'iSI'US, • t•IJi!' Cault, :\larit'
~loorl', (' hristill!' :\loon•, :\[argarl't :\!urphy, E<lna :\!u1·ph~·. \'i1·gi11ia .t'lsOII, \\'ilia \Ia<•
.\I•· ~Iullill,
'tt•plwn:, B(•s:··iit•
, 'It wart, r'lon•Ji<·t> ~UIII!!'rlarul, Z!'l:t Tt·rry, :\f:llulc Thompson, :\laht•l 'l'nwl>lo(l(l, Fr:tllt·!'s Yan ('ura, A<l!'lai<ll' \':ur H.. oyk, IIPh•ll \'i11son, Paulin!' \'n•d!'nhmj.('it, Opal \\':ull•, Louist• \\'all:u·t•, J.aqona \\'altt•rs, Huth \\'asdH•r, Dorothy \\'hilt•, Hos!' \\'illiams, Bl'nl!'lla \\'illiamc, :\lari1• \\'ilskt', Cora \\'o rsham, l>ornthy \'a11o., ThPima
0 '( 'mu11or·, ( •t'r:dd \ nd n•w ,
() 'llotllll'll, ( 'lo•l i
l'ankan, Lours
.\ rrust ron g. ('ainu
.\r·rington, B rn.rr.J Edward
l'tio·st ·r, \ •i..tor
Bako•r, \\'illi:llll
Ba rr11·t t. Elliott
(;llillll, J·:d\\ill
l'io·knell, ('h:rl'lo·s
Barn tt, (oo•rnld
11. I{Prm:nr,
l'lntt. Bo•ujamiu
lh·ll, llowalll
llart, Edgar
l'orlo•r, Fn•<lo•rio·k
1\o•Jilll'l t, !loll
II art, .Ji 111
l'orto•r, llow:rrd
Blaillo', J·:dw:ml
llaug••r, .\Ia x
l'olll'>' , llou:r I <I
Ho·iol, J\:prmit
Bomh, llonnld
Ho·uo, l'aul
Borah, Orill
Ho·. lo•r·, llul,.•rt
Br:rdh·', I >;uri ...
llo•nio·k. lloloo r
llro11 11, ,\lax
Brown, \\'illi:rllr
llid,,· . . Johll llo·ury
Hoht•rtson, William
!lou toll, .\lfn·cl
.T:H·ksoll, ('orlll')in
Bullo.-k, \\"illiarll Bnrkt•,
BurliPtt, \lauri•·••
.J:wk. oll,
.Tant•c, ll:rrold ( ':r-..:rd, I' rio·•
.J olllrson, ('Ira rh·
( ':r!oll, Bill."
.Johnson. I lon:dd
,Josl'ph Hoi.Prt
Shurtz, \\'o•rlflo•ll ~innott,
\\'il on
I..;IJ:r Ul{<'l', I lonald ~howl'rs,
('a rison, .T:u·k ( 'artt•r,
l'aul Ko•nnPth
i--nrith, . il{al '-'pal.ting, llalford
('Jn·islim•, Br•rnanl ('ono\·o•r·, Hi,·h:rrd
Kuhl, .loP
<'ook, .John
Lfl'o•rty, \'irgil
"tnlts. E•lnrou<l wiut•lr:nt, ( \•o·il
1.4''-'l'lll:l II, .J llllll's
Tlromp.-ou, Fn•d Trotto r, llul!l'rl
('ox, Bmdfonl
Ttll·kpr·, Hrhst•ll
('\II ZOII, (:t'OI'J,!'t'
('usio·k, l·'n·d llahl, <'IifTon! ll:l\·is, <'al'l llt•nman, .\,.,.]
.\ld'own, BnH·f' \l..llanrt'l, llonoY:llt .\1.-1\:•·llop, ,\ lh•·rt ,:\]..J,pan, Louis
llt-nlllall, ,\rlhtll' l>io·k••.', llal'lau llill:l\·on, \\'a nl l>ilhn:rn, Lloyd llooh•n, llah• I los., ~':olga r llulln, Hidwnl Ehlf'r, Edwin Faullill. Znll<'
.\I o0:\1 :tlton, .J ohu \lo•\\'illrams, Ho••·d \Jailor~,
\lanniBg, ll:rrold .\l:rrshky. ll:rrold \lartin, Homailll' \lo·lhy. ll:tl•• \I i ( ll'lHiorf .. Joint .\lullh:rll, \\'ayrrt•
\'an•·•·· llarold \\'agrll'r, .John \\'aso·lu•r, Ed11ard \\'asdrt•r, llarold \\':rison, L~·]p \\\·:n !'r, \\'n·n \\'phsl\'r, ('lando• \\"psi, Hohl'rt \\"iJpy, Lo.-k wood \\"illi:rms. llarry \\' i Isoli, II a rry \\'oolr 11lgl', Kl'lllll'th Wright, \\'hitt.•llton•
~i a or, llunla11, l'.. u ttnlll, fulfer snr s(ltu•, Thmnt• on, \\hUt.•, Ho\\Pll, .Jnhw~ou, J)olllrll', \l C',Jilton, ,JOIIl' 1 ~u 0~1~ H:c•\\" ( to hu, Bnrnatd, Bt•Jitu·t , llopkiu .. , Ponr, lliltnll , Ht•yuoltls, \\'nltt•r , \llt·n, Ho1un ou,
1-u: ... T HO\\
Ht•neh, (;rO\t'"'• 0':-\t tl,
\\' illi uns
THIJ:U l~ow Ptltitl"t'\\, Butke, \\'i rtdu•st~r, l{t>ynolcl , Hro\\tditlcl ( ' tn 1',\\\lill!!, ('oht•n, Bultlncl rt•, l'.tbt•rt, \\ 'hht>r, .\lt~nclt•tlh tll Fot RTII Ho\\ : Cnbf", ( iill .Johu"ton, H P~IIolcl . n .• h•, llnrn•l, Jlog-au \lurph~ . ()'~t·al, ~ (h\\t>ill }, rg-, J)tmlo\\ (,uhlt•r, Bn"'t'll f'IFTit How Ht')nulcl, fht>rmt·yPr, Spri~~tit•Jcl, \Jd,t't>, Elliott, <'uo }•t't" ~~ Til How. lnglt• Colt•, ('ht Itt·, Slallfo d , Lt•a un•, \\ ilt·~. PhlllipJ·t•, Shaw, ~·o~na ugh, l{idun:tll \ nrnntlo, Blac·k, J)j ·mt. \\'ill'lkt•. !-\ •. , ... :\Til J{o\\ · Fttukhon,t'r. J:ull\oll Hutll .. ~. l·'n.,, .\tc·l)onaltl , ·"'lu•ll For· .... c-tw~·. <'u, .. t, ~lathi , \\'ildt·Hradl, BtHktH·r. Stnltt., ('a,lHl ·
Elf,JITII Ho\\
.Jnhll ,
Bt•rhnu m I'TII How
llt'J,!Illon ·• ..,J.,t
J·•t•••·t•l1 l-, u ....
llt•l'kP-1', C't11tn, Loll!!, C
Jlurtl (;,littt•
'ru ,..kror
\ld'ullou •h, suulh
On ~<·ptPillhPt' Pig-hth thl' hig-h sehoo] ,\'<'HI' OJlPlll'd and. a IISIIHI, t]H' ft•psh \\PI'<' th<·n•. ThP <·]a..,.., nnmb<•rpd tht'<'<' hntuln•d and thn•<• tndPnts. 'l'hP fn•..,hnu·n Jli'OYPd tlwir s<·holasti<· ability h~- haYing- tw<·nt.'· nam<•s 011 thP IImtor· l{o II. In thP .lf olll·ul! popnlarit~· <·ont<·..,t. hPid <'arly in the first sPnwstl'r. LylP .Ja<·kson aJHl '\;nH·y :'11Pad \\'l'l'<' YOtPd th<· most popular hoy and g-irl in th<• fn•shman <'lass. 'l'lw t'n•slmwn \\Prt' WPII I'<'Jlt'PS<'Illl'd in all of thl' difr<•n•nt sports. hut nonP ol' t h<•m lli<Hl<• tlw I Pam' owing- to tlwir inPxpl'riPn<·P and siz<•. ll owPYPr, i11 s\\'itnming-. Pan! Dixon was a rPgnlar and \I'Pnt to all of tlw llH'Pts. Tlw frpshnwn md on Ol'lolwr 2. 1!1~-1-. to l'hoo. I' t lw elass offi<·Prs. 'l'hP I'<' nit of tlw PIP\'! ion \\·as: :\laxin<• B<·a<·h. prPsidPttl: :\atH',\' :'IIPad. Yi<'P·Jli'Psi d<·nt: :'ll at·g-at·Pt Blal'k. s<'l'I'PIHI',\': \ 'irg-inia NondPt', t t'<'asnn•r. 'l'h<• Ft·<·shnutn :\l ix<'J' was hP I<l on :\fat'l·h tW<'tll iPlh in t lw high s<' hoo l g-ymna inm. <ianws Wl't'<' play<•d nndPr Sti JH'n·ision of t h<• physi<·HI trainingdPpartuH·nt. .\ ft<•r th<> c·mwlusion of sn('h a y<'ar thl' l•'rpshman ('lass may own onp of th<• Ill's! <·lass<'s whi<·h has 1'\'t'l' <'OJlH' to <'hampaig-n ll ig-h N<·hool. llll'll
\lit 11, 1 II er t l horror ~ 1 h, \I 'ul r 11-:'T 1\IJ\\ Jlud U, K q lat \\I <OX !-'oudpr )lu rtlu. ( ampbt•ll Kru £', ~u o~o Ho\\ ~ llu.rlH . h.t'), Bol!'anl, l•t'IIO\an, (1u ,.J t•r, Bur~in, t-'ulft•.., l,t\'t>rll\\,1~, <luiu i.nl, llopkiJts 'I'IIIHII Ho\\ Pl'lzPr . .)I t Kt·HnP, II all, t'il of! F'rtson (, rnlli.!f'r ~h pp}uorfl, Bo) t>r, )1 Bl.1 k, Ht) nolcl , .\ mnn, Dchnu\, l.o\\ 1'), ,Johu 011, B.t•) nnlcl" FttlHTII Ho\\ , t:rvirl, \l11rn•ll, \\J ),.on, ~orton, Ba""rH,, .·t•hn)\itz ( 'olt• Huft)·, Hn hur;., llop}•Pr Brook F1 .. 111 Hn\\ Ba rrilk, ll ollltn d llarRI llammt·1· rn11h, \\ria:ht , Ptlou , .J:u·k on, l..t nwn, !'-ltt1T) , ' ' acldPiow, J{ohin on :--;1 Til How Dcwll'~, lfammt'r~mith \lillt•r , ~.1nforcl s• \1 ~Til
Jill I'd~
Bu rl14'1 , 'fu c·kttr,
Ht it·htu~.
H du~. \\ armlrit-r, \ ri11t>r l·:lf.IITII Ho\\ . .Tutkin~. (i ll'•';I\\U ~ . !'-111110rt. \J catlt•, .lanu·"'oll, P ·o\\11. P :111l, 'alb , Kink, Thom 't"', f) •mlo\\ ~1:".'1 11 Ho\\ : J.lo)tiP, Smith \rridll , J<:ic·hhnr:--1, Bnl\\lltit•lcl . (iotlfn·~ . \t c~ ~\nl;trH", tiln ud t f'arllllllt'.
( O)lt'l,ltlCI T•~TII
MY EXPERIENCES AS A FRESHMAN Tht• t'XJH'I'H'IH'Ps that I ha \'t' had I his ·' t•a r. as a frpsh ma 11. a n• rna ny. ~[ost of tlwm ha,·p hPt•n \'PI'_,. fttnn.' . •\ftPr "onwthing- has happt•twd that makt• mt• fppf \"PI',\ foolish. Ill,\· emf,,· t·onsolat ion is I hat t hP st•niors too. \\'PI't' ont'l' frPshtliPll . ~onw of tht' hoys in tlw HJlJH'I' t'las..,t•s thottl!ht tlwy would pia.'' a jokt• on thP fr·t•shmt•n .\t somP of tlw fir-..t as-..pmhliP 1\t' had. tht•.' -..toot! at thP dotn·-.. and dPIIlil!Hit•d tht• tit·kt•h of frp-..lmwn " ·ho " ·antt•d to t•ntt•r·. \rlwn thP ohjt•t•h of thi.., t't'tlt'lt.' said tllt'y had nmw. tht·.'· 1\'t'I'P told to I!O to a t•t•r·tain room and I!Pt onl'. In sonw mystl'riotts 1\il.'' I hl'ard (It' this and kt•pt out of tht'ir· \\'ay. Tht• first Wt'l'k was tlw 1\0rst. I am surt• that I t·ould not lin· thr·oug-h anotht't' stt'I!P of it. J kt•pt my t',\'t's g-lul'd to Ill.' st•lwdnlt• and fail'i.'' flup to thP t·lassPs. •\ftPr I I!Ot thPn' I fotltHl that it was not ,\'t't tinH• for lllt' to hP in that t•lass. so I \\CHild hlll'l'." off to tlw rig'ht room. J r \\"(' had ht•t•n fint'd for g-oing up and dol\ 11 tht• \\'I'Ong' stairs I Hill afraid I would hP in t ht' poor-hntlSt' h.' no\\'. I \\'Onclt•r ho\\' t ht'.' t''<Jlt't'tt'd us to t't'mt•mht•t· "·lwtht•r \\'l' 1\'Pl'l' to I!O np till' south stairs and down tht' north. }[y simplt• n1ind t'Oilld not ~trasp it all at first. 'l'ht• mw thin~t I look fot'\\ard to Is twxt yt•at· "ht'n I shall ht> a hil! sophomon•. \\'on't I laugh at tht• fn·shnH•n ~
BE .\ (' !I
. orTn:Jt
BL .\('K
Jh:.\(' 11
- PrP idPnt , 'rer<'tary
:: \IAH(;.\RET BL.\('K
FR.ESHMAN HONOR. R.OLL .\IIP!l. )Jaq.!Hret < l ':\pal.
{ 'ook. Yi rg-in ia
Philippi. ::\Iarg-ar<•t
I{Pynolds. Goldie
(: I'Hilg"<'l', ] (p ]pn
l{ohinson . Flon•nr<' ~otul<-r.
Holland . • -<'Ida
'l'homp. on. Grorg-ia
Hopkins. Ll'lia
BOY,' BtH•kiPs. Heni('k ('ole, Oain(•s
Kammerer, Hohert
FRESHMAN CLASS ROLL (,(1{1.!-> \ I• a111lrr.• Pltl1 \ llt•n, .\1aq.rarl't \llt•n, Etlll'l ,\ llpn•ss, .\\is
<.alt•, Knthl<•Pn <:i .. slo•o·, ThP]ma
..\ .... nloll, F,lort~JI\'t'
BaIt! rid!.(<', .\1 a ria 1111:1 Barnard, 1-:tlna Ba rill's, II< ll'n Bartl<·.'. Huth
(: ro\1', :\ ''" il' <:nhh•r. Hnth llall, lloroth: [J:tillllll'rslllifh, 1.<'11111'1' llarrl'l. En•lyn llt·al.'·· <;lad~' IIPnllrit·ks, Hnth llt•rsh h:t r)!l'r. l•'o·ru !lilt, Trl's:l Tlogaus, ;\[ar)!:trl't lloll:nul. X•·ltla Hopkins, Ll'lia llopp•·r. llazl'l l!owl'll. Eliz:thl'th lltulson, Bl'rlli<·<' l!nghl's, l'<·arl Johnson, :\liloln•d .Johnson, lloroth~· Johnston, l·'loiTIII'I' ,J Ollt'S, TJ('Oil:t l'aplan, Anna Karr, Huth Kt·~, Eh•anor 1( I" liSP' T... o rt'llt' La \'t•rnwa~· ••lo t·phino• Logan, C:laoly Lowny, f'atlwrillt' l.,,·on., Frau<·t•s :\fajor, :\fa ry ;\[arlin. Lonis<' :llattis, . !ollil' :\fa~·. Fr:llll'i :\ft• .\ rt y. :II :ul)!l' :\fdit•t•, I!nntas \[,.,] ilton, .Tun<' \fd\:l'nzit•, Bl'rni<·t• \l t·Xt'il, EngPnia \ll'ad. :Ill<'.'' \ft•ndPnhall, \farit' \I illt•r, A nnal>t'lll' \foon•, A tlllrPy .\f u rphy. ('a rlt•a n \fuiTl'll. E,·a Xall'y, lTI'll'n ·,·smith, .\!!ill's
IIP:u·h. \Ia lnl' Jknndt. Edua Bl:tt·k, \largnn•t Bl:tt·k. Loni. <' Boots, KathPrin<• Bo)!ar<l. , 'a1ull'll Brooks, 1T t•h•n Brown, .\fary E. Brownfil'lll, 1\·a Bnntin)!, ,\una Bnr)!t·ss, \\'ilma Brn)!<'SS, En•lyn Bnrkl', !•;dna Bnsl'h, Hnth <':ult•, JTph•n (~:tin, Ci\n•rulolyn
('amplwll, lll'h>n ('ohl'il, (,(:uly~ <'olt•, .\,]a <'mulit, Odl'lla <'ook, \'ir)!inia ('oopt•r, Yl'lllla ('ornm, .\ hna Croslin. Corn llar·t, Enni•·<· ]ll'ii'YI':IIIX, ,\1111:1 I ll'mlow. ,\ lma ]lohilll', ( :latlys llonnYan, J~nth llnnlap, Yinla Eastntan, , 'ina Edwanls, Eh'Prll Elliott, ;\[aril' l+~n·in, nr:u·r l•'alll'rt. Ltwillt• Fo.-naugh, \faril' l·'ilsnn, Kathh•rn F,rison,
l'nlfrr, B<•ssip 1-'nlmnr, nothyl
•II'""' in. ~:n1 <:r:,ngt•r, lll'IPn
\ .. t>hll:t
orto11, lloroth.' ())son, Fay•• <) '. 'o·:ol. Elmira ()'. ' pi I, .\1 a I)' Osltonu•, J:nt h O·tproloo·k, Tlu•hna (),·,·rnu•yt•r, \'l'lllla l'awliug, .\fagd:d 'II • l'o·lzl'l', llt•rothy l'o·t tit· ro \\' , .J a 11 it·l' l'h iII i pp<', .\I a rg:trt•t l'oon•, .\I a ht•l l'rirt•, .\lay Quinl:nr . .\fnry Ha: hnrn. ~'pry! H<'~ 11olob, !-'am HP)'IIIll<l~. (; T:ll't' H··~·noi<ls, c;Ia<lys Ht•ynoltb, (;o]tli•• HPynol<ls, '\faxin~ Hit·k:ml. Louisl' Hi<·hman, Hnth Holtinson, Flon'llt'l' Host•nl>ary, \lay Hoss, ;\[:111)!1' Hnftr. lotH' ~ansoiH', Host' '-'o·hwartz. l't•arl !"<·hwt'ill ill'rg. Hnth !"<·li<·m it z. E. !t'r !->haw, Hnth '•Ill pp:-trol. :lf:try , mith. Opal !"Ill th, lit'h-11 !"on•h•r. Yirginiu Spt ingfit ld, .\fnrgar\'1 !"!t·,·t•ns, .\[a rit' !"tt•wart, ;\f:nian Tho1npso11, (jt1 0r~ia Towlls<'llll, .Johnnit· BPII \'arn:ulo, \\'illil' .\fay \\'ast·lu•r, .~\ nita \\ t•hlll'r, lfl'h'n \\'plls, '\lattil' \\·ilo·ox, \l iltln••l \\' i Iso 11, I'I'a rl \\'illiams, l'ko \\'illis, QtH't'nt'lla \\ lf>t•lu•st.•r, '\[ary \\ >utns, .Juanita
BOY I" BnyJH', \\ SOil Baylor, 1\t'nnl'th
(;Hint's, (hn•u
Bt•dunal. \ll .. ·rt BPhn•n, Fn•d Bt•ll, Pari Bl'nt, .T:u·k Bt•rl.aum. \\'a llat•t• Browutit·ld. Thomas Btu·h, \\"illiam Btwklt·s. Henit·k Buq{t'ss, Yalgt•n• Btnlll'lt<', , ... rJ ..
(;Jandt. L0111s llamnu•rsn1ith, Paul llnrris, .\ rt hur lltTkl'r . . John
I '<'IT.', Flo."! Philips, C'lan'llt'l' l'llon, c;ahrit•l !'lowman, (liTII Ha ilh. ( 'Ia ndt llny·. \'t·nu•
lll'nslt·r. llu·ha1d IIPlm, ltohrrt llt·gmoll, .Jan11·s lluub, Llo,\1[
HPiil>Prg, .John Hi l••r. ,\ l•lPu Hohmson, .J nli:lll lind, (~ortl:llld
II opki lis, .) :11111''
Hudd, ('lifl'onl Hut' ti•·k. ,\ndn•\1 Hunyon, <'arl :-;anford. Lnthl'r "•·ht'dt•nh· lm, lin st•l ~t·ltllltz, I·:dward !:-'t•dg-wit·k. \ ':til !'-Ill'II, 1\ llls('y !'-illlllll, ('h:trlt•
l'arlton, llohl'rt ( ':1 I'll j 11(1,
.J IH'
( ':1 ruin!'. ( 'harlt s ('arson, Hoy <'a1 on, Haymond ('asad, Eugt•nt• ( ':1 zd, II en ry ('!u· ... tt•r, Holot•rt < 'nit•, <~aiut· · !'oll'nwn. Kt'llllt h ('otH•!:IIItl, llarnl•l l 'oH•nt ry. \\'illi:nll ('nun, Ho,,· llan1n. ('a rJ l l:l\·idson, Os.·ar l l:l\'is , ( 'ha rhos !lad·. Fmnt·I. llt·mlo\1, Halph I ll\on, !'nul lloolt·.'·, I! :1 rold ]lmkl', ~.' h·:ntus llrown, \\'illia111 E:11!. llowanl East. nt·orgl' Ei1'11horst, Llo,\d I•:,·ans, \\'all~ I•:n·n·nt·t', Hoh!'rt l'aullin , Earl I<'Prrt•ll, ('lcml'nt FPitig, Fn·•l Finlt·y, .Jamt· For ·ht•y, Lloyd•• Fr,Yt (rt.'OI"f.{l' Fnllkhousl'r, I·:ul.(t'llt' c;asawa,\·, llarry 1
(;t':tl'll, II a rold
llo"""· \lnrk llmd . . ) t'n is lug-It•, .) oh 11 .J:It•J\"HHl.
,J:Jliii"OII, J•:nlllll'tt ,John, .J:JIIII'S .Jord:1n . llarold .lutkius, !'harlt K:~nlllll'rt•r , HolH'I t 1\t•nllt'dy, .John KPnnly·. !>all' Kink, \\"illi:nn Kirhy, ('ullin 1\ row , Fr •d 1\nslt•r, Edward I ~a tHdPr .... on, Lt·sl it !.:1 \·l'l'nwn.', 1':1nl Lt'a un•.•\ r hur Lt·t•, Xonuan Lt•t tnotl. ThoiUHs
L11ul It·.'·. B yt I • Lit'l"lll:lll, 1\tlllll th Ltst•r!y·, I >on: d .\lnthis, llnrold .\1•·< 'ulloug-h, ( •I'OI'gP .\l..!lanil'l, l>onoY:III .\ I,·l•'n rlan!', I lonn:tls :\lt•ad, .J:u·k .\1 i llt'l', I{ a.' .\I<H>I"t'honst•, I ):II<• '\ "llt•y, Enu·st '\ ,. hit' ( :t.'OI"J,{t' • \•!son, 1111\\:11'11 Olss<'ll, ,\ rt hur !'au!, Frnnklm
illlp..,.ou, (n·org'l'
!:'mit lr, .\I ilt•s !:-'nJith. Floy•l•• !:'tnnner, l.owt•ll !:'tl'\\itrtl, <•arland !"t .. n·.'· Eal! !"j it·k rod, .J OSI'Jih !:-'1. .John. Louis !"t nit . c; lt•n 'l'at<. Audn" Thonl:ls, .\It on Tntl'ltwk, !'hnrlts Ttu·kt•r. ( 'lmult• \'an llin·ntl'r , (,j, 1111 \'on lloltPII, \\'altPI' \ 'rin••r, \\'illiam \\":ultl<•low, I.,. Ho.'· \\"alt•·r, l'rallt·is \\' :nulu•r, l•'r:nu·is \\" t':l\ I' I', l'h:1 rl<·s \\"ild<·nradt, linn•·.'· \\'df'.'"· I·:anu·st \\'i llsk!'y, Haymond \\ olfram, ( 'lan•n•·<' \\nod ward. Thomas \\'right, .\lax \\'right. ,J illllllil'
French Club Latin Club Spanish Club German Club Or8anization of GreM Artists Coloresque Club Cookin8 Club Girls' Athletic Association Wi8 and Paint Quill Club Music Association Honor Society "C" Club
HO\\: \"nn (·o~·k, Bo\\t'n, ~toolman, !-\p•rt("t•r, \\"oiiT, Eb.. liug, Bnilt·y, (lark, Uoolt•n, Cnht•n, Trn!'lclnncl Ho\\ H (hho ue, llt·~t·nhart, )Ii!-:-; <'ht·villon, )Jay, P,t\\lin~. Corulit, Burr, KlirH', ... ~ Fi"'cns, \llt•n. T Trurl.luncl Turnu Hen\ : Lt•t·mnn, Handolph, l{ohin,on, Brid!.,:'ham. Stan(orcl, .\1 0 horiH\ Brumit·~, Bt-11, Hu ton,
\In rrt•l,
• }CO:\U
LH\\ rt'Jl("('
Le CePcle Francais By LL'\OHC \\'oL~ 'F
\ "nWI:-\IA BowE;-.;
President \'i('!'-Presid nt NPcrrtary '1' I'CaSlll'l'l'
L(• ('Pr<'l!' l<'rHJH'ais lwgan it>. fourth ~·(• at· 11ndl't' the >.ll[ll'l'\'J>.IO!l of )li-;~ Blanelw ( 'lwvillon . 'l'lw eluh i,; compo>.ed of tho,;l' who haw tak(•n, or HI'(' lakin~ fhl' study of l<'r<'JH'h, and its IHII'JlOS(' is to t·n·atl' g't'('<ll<'l' interp-;f in th<• -;fucly of l•'n·mh and a lwtt('l' understanding of thl' histor.'· of l<'rall('(' and I 'ait· l'ran<'ai>.. 'l'IH• roll of th(• (•luh is OJH' of the larg(•>.t of tlw high s(•hool eluhs, nnmlwring sixt.'· students. This is du(', pprhaps. to tlw fa(·( that a (•ommittpe for a membrrship drin• "a · appointed at tlw first nwding with Elizalwth Ntoolman as ehairman. NIH• ''as to sPIP<'t on(• aid from ('<H'h elass. Otlwr nwPtings of th!' chth W('l'(' mon• of a soeial nature. "ith <'nlcdainlllPnh p]Hll!lPd hy \'al·ious ('Olllmitte('S. .\11 ]ll'O\'!'d \'!'1',\' SII('('!'SsfuJ, /111(1 tJw af fpn<JHJl('(' \\as proof that <'~H'h part.'· \\Hs inl<•n•stin~. .\mong otlH'I' things l•'I'I'JH'h songs ,,.<•n• sung in chorus. an(l JlO<'ms and SJWP<'lw· in l•'n•nch Yari(•<l t hP programs . •\t onp lllPI'tin~ of tlw ypar. all th!' lan~ua~(' (']uhs. ('omhitw(l HJHl ~a\'C a pa1 · t~·. NPYPral from P<H·h t·lnh ~aw dan('l's. songs an(l sjlt'('('hl'.. " ( 'hristma · Ew." a pia.'· ('OH(•Iw<l hy :Jliss ( 'h(•Yillon. was JH'P. ('111<'<1. 'l'hos<' who took pal'f \\'1'1'!' Domth~· ]>plz<'l', .Julian Robinson. and :Jianri('(' Bemwtt. "L<• ('antiqn<' d<• Xo<•l." din•<'f(•<l hy :Jlr. Ira :JicKinnp~· \\'Hs >.nn~ hy a ehon1s. In :Jliss ('ht•,·illon's room. wlwrl' tlw llH'!'Iings a1·r hdd. thpn• is a hulletin hoard on "hi<•h an• post(•cl pict nr(•s of fa mow Pn•Jwhnwn, huil<lin~s alHl places of ini('I'Pst in ]<'ran('(' . •\ program was hpld in OctolH'r at "hieh JJ('IlOl'l' \\'oltl', prpsi<h•nt. >.an~r " . \ 11 ( 'lain• <IP la Luna. " :Jiary Ha<' PPte1·son ~raw a dHJH'P tn•s eharmant. an<l a biograph,\ of ~\nato](• l•'ranee was read. Alto~(·fh<'J' it has hPPn found that therr is a hcanconp of fnn in b(•longing to L(• ( \•re](• I•'1·an<•ais.
~ 1!12.5 ~~~~~
~ ~
FmsT How· ~!. ,)nhll'<>ll, ~le!ldt', \\"ulter-, Olson, :'\ortnn, B oyt•r, :-;,·ott, \\'il,kt•, ,\ , . '.>Inn, \lutti,, Blat·k, E . ~ 'olon, P Johnson, \ 'inrPnt, CoOJH r ~.:cn~n Ito\\ ~ Burktl, (iolth•n, Hnukin, Kaplun, ~rhuh1, Brown, Jar\' I"', ~fd;int~·. \\'oliT, Krusf', ~h('p}wrd, Blnint•, T,H·kpr· THJRII How: Yint·<•nt, ~l rKt'nlit', !lull, .\uld , )lo r~nn, O' llunatd, <'lark, ~ inh•r. \"n tH·~. Brookhunk , Jlou ton, S tonlman, Cumpht•ll, Hopkin"', Baril(' .. ForRTJI H.o\\ I>hon, Phillippe,. l-'tuart, (rrangpr. Kf.ltlllPCly Brid~ham , " 'ndlo\\ , Haus..-, Hf.lnnfl'tt, Kirby, ('ox, 11. t·kt•r •. . . . .. :rn~Tll How: (Juiulan. :-\ht.•ll, ~lt•lllOt'k , Stt·n•n ... , \\ Js(•ly, ~tu·~t'tnt•p•r, ~nrH~Pr, :Stltdt•fft•r, Pattl!rson. bappelll', Finlpy, Sqnin•s, llampt'l SI'I:TH How: )lis B~ach. Barm• . Bu irk, Fil•on Jlale, Bm·kh• . )lallory, )!d'own :-;r.n:~nu Row: Brown, Harrr , La \"t•rn" a)·, G. Cole, 'h<· tl'r, Caton, ~JcLean.
The Latin Club H!J Eo ST\ r:rz HoBLHT KELLEY E [)!'['II •• LI DEl" FER
}L\.xc..;E BFTT1
) 'TOOL)! A ••
( 'onsnl - ( 'onsnl Censor (.~narstor
That tlH• <·lassi<' da~·s of tlw ]{oman Empin• may lin• ani'" is e<•rtainl,\' !"h0\111 h,\' tiH• proJ!t'ams of thl' Latin ('Juh. \lhit•h is not onl.' tlw oldPst hut tlH• lllt'gt•st of tlw dubs in ('hampaign High ~<·hclOl. l•'our-s<'OI'I' atHl <•h•vi'Jl Roman politi<·ians nwt \\'<•<llwsda~· 1'\'Pning. Odohl'r 1. in }liss L<• ~Ill'<'\ l:<'ot·um and l'l<'t'tPd Holl<'rt Kt'lll'.' and Edith. 'pidPff<'I', t•mNtls; :'llaxirw lk;u·h. <'Pnsor·, and Bl'tty ~toolman. qual'stot·. Tlw appt'llations <'On ul. <'<•nsor. and qnat'stot· in this :\1'\1 Ronw \ll'n' l'<ptintll'nt to tlw old IPI'Ilh of' prt'sid<•nt. \'i<'I'-Jlr<•si<ll'nt. s<•t•rt'lary and tn•asnt'<'l'. I'<'SIH't't i\'(•ly. Tlw t"·o t•onsul. shat·t'd t•qual honors in tlw administration of' tlw affairs of stat<•. Tlwirs \111. tlw p<n\PI' to t'Xt'l'l th<' hrillmH'I' of' that old Homan Empin• in tlw :\t•" Rome alHl ~·d. to awrt a rl'pl'lition of that m<•morabll' tlownfall. Tlw duty of tlw t•pnsor· wa to cli,·icll' the nwmht•t·s into thn•p gr·oup~. ratt•d aeeording to tlwir Latin gt·adP. Thl' !-'<•natorial group \\as eompris<•<l of .\ aiHl .\ -plus studt•nh; tlw Equit<·s. tlw middl<• class of ol<l Ronw. <·onsist<•d of B and (' pupils ; tlw Plt'bians. t lw <'OllllllOJl JWOph>, thP ]) nH•mb!'t's; and l'atiline's I!I'OIIJl, a lll<'JHH'I' to soeil'ty that tht·<•at<·ns tlw stability of the t'lll]lin•, "·a~ tlw "fh1nkt'rs. '' Tlw quat'stor "as guanlian of tlw t•offprs. 'l'hP ~l'nat<' had tlw at'lual go\'l'l'llllli'Jtt in ih hands. Y;u·ious ;u•dilPs. who \\t'l'<' to ad as
Ho\\ · Lr.ul ... .
:\t nrtiu,
. ·•('o~u How. ~mJth.
l> ixon, ThotllJI!oiOil, \\'ise, Poor, Pt•ttkrt'W, \\~int·lu·stt•r, Hnhiu 011, He dy, Bt•a('h, ~mul1•r, lloJ ~kin ... ,
( oh•, I>ono\nll, Jlarn•l, Clt'\f'lnnd. En tman, )loon•, llollnud, Kaplan,
\ld 'oma~.
How · i-:mith, :\1 •·.\lulh•n TIIIHII
Bl'll , Eh••ling, \\'pinheimer, Hl'ynolds, Ball,
~l ajor-,
Ll'!', Padfit'ld, J,enrwx, \\'nsehPr,
ForRTil Ho\\ Hny , .. \rulprsou , BoonP, (; tuhh, Cain, Kan·, l>ohmP, Frison, Fulmt•J", (;unuing, Ju.t·ob, Brunt> FO'Til Ro\\ i-:ennott, ( 'ru m, Brady, Burdi<·k , ~ oore, Johnson, Slwll, Hyland , Carson, .'chott. Sl Tlf How ~ Brown, ,Johnson, Dillavou , " Tt'st, Ilutf•hinson, "[i .... LP l'-\nrt•, ~'1-. \l.!\TH How : Bnkt)r, )ft•yt•r ... , ~\luellt•r, Ht·no, .\n·ht•r, )larklin, ('hri tit•, Jamt• on, ('arLon.
<'Ollltllitl!"' t•haintwn and provi<lt• Pntertainnwnt for tlw monthly a'i t•mhli.--,, Wl'J'<' appointt•d h,v thi-, ho<ly and notiee tlll'r!'of postt'tl in tlw ma1·kd plat•<• \\"h<•J'e all mig-ht read. ~fi-,. LP Hurl'\ third and <'ighth honr ela'i'il''i \\Pn' tlw first hundrr<l ]Wl' <'Pnt room in tlw nwrnhership driw "hit'h ll!'((<'<l OIH' hun<ln•d and eig-hty lliPmlH'rs. lmnwdiatPI,,· al'tH tlw oq.wnization pieturP had IH'Pn takt•n for th<• llaro()/1, a sO<·ial mPding- was ht•ld in tlw aiHlitorium. Xowmlwr .J. ~\ Homan program \\1]. Jll't'S('n t I'( J. ~\ftt•r t lw pi'Ogram. gam"" \\'l'l'l' play<'d and rpfn· hment of apple-, and t•andy \\t't'<' s<'t'H'<I. Thi-, program wa ag-ain pre. Pn!t•<l lwfm·p thP meeting of th<• lllinnt'i :->tat<' llig-h • ehool ('onf<'J'('IH'l', at th<' l ' 11in•rsit.'· of Illinois, X o H' ml w r :! 1. ".\dp t<' l•'id<'lt• 111 Uallia." a one od pia,,·. undt·t· th<' "llJH't'\'ision of ~Ii-, Bt•aeh and :\lis-, Lt', ' tii'P. \\a pn•s<•nted hy memh<•r-, of tht• Latin <'luh at a joint program of tlw la11g-uage t'lub. Dt•eemlwr 17. in tht• anditor·ium. l'all(ly t•ant''i and -,nwll prog-ram· in tlw form of ('hristma-, tn•ps Wl't'l' g-iv!'n th<N' ]ll'(''i('Jit. "ThP HlitH' Uirl." a l'otu·-a<·t play typit'al of tlw lifP and <'ttstoms of tlw l{onHtll pt•opl<'. "a-; st;tg-Pd i11 tlw hig-h st'hool auditorium. 'l'hursda.'. :\Iart'h :i. E;u·lr ,\'Pill' it has hPPll tlw ett'itom to ww all sut·plus funds forth<' purehasp of a pit•tllt'l' for tht• Latin <'lc\'isrooms. 'L'hi-, ypar "Tiw \'<• tal \'i1·gin." \\hieh hangs in :'II iss Ht•at'h 's room. wa-, pn•st•ntt•<l h~ tlw elnh.
FJH\oil How~ .Fosn~Ul!!'h, l>uul,qt, Stiritz, Bo~ard, Elliot, \\·t·hlwr, \sm.llt, lhllavou, Bt•rrym.ln, fnglt·, hm ulhau ... t•n, ~ ott. 'E('O. IJ H.ow ~ t~n tman. 1-:n•rt.•tt ..\llt·n, Jt.· .. :-.:e, CoOp('r, r:ruw llanit>ls, E4h\t\nl' Qniuht.n, La , .. t'rlk\\ll)", Yak), Kinraid, \\'illiam , Faht•rt. TI!IRD Ro\\: Trott~r. Ca nd, "'il~y. Jack-on, Car>on, )fd'l~lland, \\'ool~y •• 'alley, lh•rhnum, l>avi , Burnett, • 'hook, Ru rke, Cox, Heimlicher, I.affert). ~.
EZ Circulo Castellano I•'HlDEHH'K li EDIII('KLH
DonoTm:\ l )A::-.:mLs
Pr!'si<lt•nt \ 'ice- Pre.· iclPn t :-;pc• rt't ar~·
• • El ( 'irculo ('a. tellano •· sponsort'd by :Jliss :.r arjorit• KPiiPr and :Jliss .\ lit'!' •'mith mPt on :JlmHlay. :-;pptt•mlwr ~!l for n•-org-anization ancl p]p('f ion of ofl'it·Prs.
By a Yotr. of tlw duh • • El ( 'irculo ( 'ast!'llano'' at• •t•ptPcl an inYitat ion to join tlw national :-;panish 'O(•it•ty aJl(l aclopted the pin of thP national org-anization. whi<'h i of Ut•rman sih·pr in thr shapr of a tO\wr with tlH' t'llg'l'H\'ing- of a lion on tlw snrf<H'<'. Thr pin eommittec• eonsi !Pel of ~Iilcln•<l Ifaz!'lton. ('hairman. Olin• Baughman and ~Iarg-ar!'t :Jinlligan. ~l !'eting. W!'l'C' lwld the first l•~ri<la~- of eYC'L'Y month. 'l' lw nwmh<•r hip of tlw t'luh incln<lecl onr hnncln•cl ancl twl'nt~- fiw adiYe m<·mlwrs. 'fhi. inl'l'Pa 't' in mpmll<'rship O\'l'l' JH'l'Yiom; years wa aec•omplish<•<l hy t h1• !'fl'ol'l · of 1he nwmlH'r·ship !'ommittre with ~! arion Scott as t•hairman, ancl liC'lc•n (~uinlan ancl P ri <•ilia \\Tileox. Th!' cltH'S \\'!'I'<' fift<'<'l1 c!'nts a Hl'llli'S(!'l' . .Among the . ocial I'Yents of th1• organization <luring- tht• past y!'ar was a party g-iY('ll in tlw g-ymn asium on \V•<ltwscla~·. Octohrr 20 ....\ n in t<' l'!'Sting pro gram was gin•n in which the following participatrcl: ll dc•n (~uinlan, Lina
Hu) lmrn, Brook s
. r,('o"n How: B<•l"kt'lt, llanlillg, i''tantz, C'ole, Yrcedenbu rg, 1Justo11, H.pynolds, Lowry, h~walter, "d'lt•lland, (;uldt•n , ~li • . 'mith, :\!i ' K~il<•r . THlkiJ Ho\\: Ut~rmt"ut, Hall. ( unninghnm, ~'kt>Jton* \ndll•W , Portt>r, ~I ,. Du11ald, Cn rwn, Wagner, .~;\nso rw, Faht-rt B t>n nt•tt , Hornh , PottPr, Pankau
Wilskt', ::\Iar~aret Mullig-an, ::\Ic. 'eill • 'mith. ~\lpha Yaky. Helen l;onrt. Loui r Sehott. Anna Solon aJHl Karma Oolden. J{dre~hments of doughnuts and eider were . erwd hy t lw entertainment committee which in •luded. ::\fyra • 'chmalhan~Pll, ehainnan, Loni~l' ::\Innson and ,Jo~ephine I;aYPrnwa~. On De<'ember 17, tlw Spani~h Club gave a program in connection "·ith tlw Latin, C:crman a!l(l Fr!'nch ( 'lnb: in the auditorium. l'l·v ·r prog-rams in tlw shape of Christmas lt'C('~ wer!' made by memb rs of the diff<·rent organizations. l'andy emw~ from a beautifully d<·coratetl 'hri~tmas tr •e were presented to the mt•mlH'rs. ThP following program was given: "The Story of Christmas," "The 1·nfortnnat(• Dodor" and a • 'pan ish DaJH'(' hy lllPlllh(•rs of tlw Spani. h l'lub. ".\<h•. It> Fi1lt>lis In Oallia," a -;hort · play. wa. pre.·ented by the Latin ( 'lnh. "('hri-;tnul'i Ew." and '·L(• Cantiqtw dn X<H'l" were rtiwn by th Fr zwh ('Jub mt>mb(•r-; and ··o 'J.'annenbaun.'' ··,'tille Xacht,'' an(l ''Friday Before ( 'hri-;tma " hy tlw UPrnHm ('lnb. 'l'lw Spanish l'lnb pidure for tlw J/a,·nnn "·as takt'n in • ·owmbcr. Fred lh•imlil•kl'r, pn•sidt•nt of tlH• organization was tlw first <'luh JH'e-;idt>nt to rollect tlw monpy for his group J)ieture.
\\~a ('ht•r, (;r('l'llt', lh·mlo\\, (;uhlt}r, Bll"'f'h ~a ~Ianthai, ~:h\\£l'iu ... herl(, .\ mau, S•;coxu Hnw ~ )luPIIE"r, L z.;ttigt.•nu•yt>r, 1 utnum, o~t~rlJUr, H;u·kharth, (;armto~, ~ht)plu•rd, :--;~tllwr, Gr~in, Blaudo, :\Iiss Bt•at·h . THIRD How· .FPrtiz, Bus('h B ~·e-i~t.mt•ye.· Song-Pr, LnsnPI', Yuky, Ht.'rzo~. RPifstie-(·k, lh·mlnw
PtR.T now : <:olio'
The German Club Uy Lon:--L Snr~nDIEYER
IrnL\ .:\L\::->TIIEI ~\nxE:;
\YEXDELL • '('lll'HTZ
I~":\[ A • '"'~~
President \ • i<'<'- President SPcrdar.'· 'l'rPaslll'Pt'
Hmall in llllmher. hut great in achiPn>mPnts tlw Oerman ('luh . ponson•d by .:\Iiss .\my B<•ach. lt has a membership of only thirl,\', to he pxad. all(] most of these an• freslmwn. '!'his is lwcause O<•rnwn has been hut l'PCl'Jitl~· reinstatl'<l in tlw sC'hool cuniculum and is yet mw of the new suhjt>cts. Early in tlw ,\'('ell'. a pin <·ommittPe, consisting of .:\Iildn•d La.1wr, :\onnan <lollos, . \lpha \'aky and Kath!•rine Hl',\'lllour, <·hose tlw dub <•mbh•m \\hich is of black enanwlle<l gol<l. in thl' shape of an old (Jpnnan <·ro. s. Otlwr committee· which haY<' h<•Pn appointPd Wl'l'!' Program: Barbara aiHl Louise Sti!·g<•nwyPr, alHl A~nps .·ongPr; Oaml's: .\nnita \\'asdwr, Ruth Hclnn•insberg, and Huth <Juhler: Rl'freshnH'nts: Hilda <:arm. Paulin!' Hackbarth. and Pearll' On•in. An !'lltPrtainnwnt giwn in :\owmlwr <'OnsistPd of Sl'\'!'t'al short dialogups and (Jprman folk songs g-iYPll almost Pntirdy by tlw ml'mlwrs of tht• German r class. 'l'lw <•luh took part in tlw combinecl Lan~ua~P ( 'luh '. ( 'hristmas Pro~ram, in which an pffol'! was maclP to show ea<'h <'OIIll1 ry's dwracteristie <'l'IPhration of Christmas. Tlw (}prman ( 'lnh pn•,entP<l '· I•'riday hd'ore ( 'hristmas," a play -;hemin~ the custom of children g-iYin:r thP tradprs ~ifts on tlw last day of school hdon• thr Ya<·ation. Those who took part in this \\'ei'P: llilcla Ual'lm;, .:\Ia!'i!• N<•l'lwr. Ruth <:uhkr. ~\Jma Dt•mlow, \ ·elma On•<•n. Emma Sass, \\Tilliam B!'l'<·h, \\Tilliam .:\Indll'r, LPonard IIc•rzog, all(} Xorman Gollos. •• Still Xacht '' and " () 'l'annerbaum," t"·o olcl German carols. W!'r<' sung. On tlw Pwning of 'l'nPsday, .:\larch ~.f. tlw eluh ml't at tlw honw of Bal'lwnt and Lonisl' , 'tiegemeyl'r, and werr <•ntertained with a playlet in OJH' ad entitled "Der Kaff<•P-Kiatseh:" giwn by Barbara ancl Lon ise Hti<•gpnwy<'l\ a "Tragic Story," hy Katlwrin<• OstPrhur, ancl piano seh·ctions h~· .\gnPs songPr, Alpha Yaky. ancl Loui !' • 'tiegenwyer. • 'hort · • poPms'' were writtPn in German and read aloud hy c•a<'h JWrson.
I 1 1R Buq" .
. 'Eco"n Jto,, . 1'1111:1>
.Jn tlan, s--aton
ll dnut, Hutt·hin on, {,~r rhwiiJer, Park , Bakf'r, :--;pitznag1eo, :.\IrCown,
(;ilium · anner, Goodman, Bntmley, Ehl~r. J~ spe, \\'oodin, Bntne Ht• , ll ntl,· ll .. k 'Ii. • Yos, ('lork, I>uh•un, Dillman, Am hnr~.
OrdeP of GPe{j{j APtists Hy :\fAROARL'l', 'LATO'\
BnrTJL IIrnxrT lf AZLr, Brn :-; b
EDITH Ill ' O::\l ' 'l
Pn•si<h'nt \ Tit•<•-Prpsi<l<•n t • \•cretary Treasur •r
'l'lw ll<'<'Pssit.' t'Ol' a shorthand l'luh was fit· t r<·alizP<l when thP stnd<·nt in I lw ad nmeed st pnography dass('s, un<l<•r t hP gul(lam•<• of .:\I iss El izab<•t h \ Toss, hegan to r<•<•ei n• <'<'rl i fie at <'S for artist ie shot·t hand writ in g. ~\ meeting of those pupils" ho had h<•t>n awanle<l eertifical<•s was hl'id and plans for tlw organi:t.ation of an Order of Uregg ~\rt ists l'luh wen• ma<le, tlw t'ollcming ofl'ie<•t·s !wing eiPl'l<•d: :\largat·et ~Palmt. JH'<' i<lt'nl; Oliw Burgpss. \'i<'<'-pn•sid<•nt: Edith Jiudnnt. <'('l'l'tat·~·; IIaz<•l Bt'lllH', trpasnrPr . •\t tlw first monthly nwt>ting of thP Or<lPr ot' Or<•gg .\rtists ( 'luh tlw constitution w·as n•ad and adopt('cl and tlw organization immPdiatPiy took it place in tlw rank alHl fih• of organizations of ('hampaign High • 'l'hool. .\t thi mel't ing t hP follcm·ing new nwmhers wen' in i tiatPd alHl their namt•s ~ttlded to tlw roll of th<• elnh: Elitlw \Yooclin, Ill'l<'n 'l'uehr, .:\Iary Dillman. Opal <lt>r <'hwill<'r. Paulin<' Bak<•t·. \ -t>ra Hutchinson. an<l Opal , 'tamwr. The pin aw·ar<kd h~· tlw Gn•gg Publishing Company for snJWrior shorthand 'niting was <•hospn as tlw emblem of the t'luh. This pin i. a small gold tt·ianglt• with the l<•tt<•rs, 0. H. A .. in:cribt•cl upon it. Tlw stndl'nts in both tlw lwginning an<l adnmce<l shorthan<l ela st' <'llt<•t·ed thP .\nnnal 0. G.•\. ('on test whieh is eondnl'lt'cl by tlw Uregg \\Tt·iter, a stPtwgraphi<· ma~azitw to w·hieh all shorth<mcl Indent . tth. <·rilw. 'l'lw purpose ol' this ('Olll<•st is to dpn•lop . npt't'llHit'Y in rapid shorthand writing skill. The im•rpasing i m portane<' of acqn iring a good sty lP ot' JWnmansh i p <luring tlw formalin• JlPriod of lt•aming shorthatHl is anotlwr n•ason fm· tlw importance of the eonte.t.
How ~a"'"'• liunkhou,t~r. ~ t.tuuer. U1n·i ... , ("hri tutr. Lloyd, H:olancl. ~trnd t•, :\lt·rt•t-r. How. "\\.illin m~. FulmPr, Brady, B . ...\.mshary, J[ardin~. .Stumpf, (fnrms, llumnn'r"'mith .·tark, ~ pchr, Bruoks, )IinPr.
~.:c ·o ~n
THIHIJ H.o\\: Uow1ing, J.;:\stman, " ...\msha ry, )Jrs
H ome Economics Club l:!f BEATRH' L HmYLEX }}rJ!Ef, , 'I'OllR BLR~l( 'E . \:\!Sll.\RY
HrTTr ( 'llm;;TXER
ER:\1.\ BL\IXF
Pr<'sidt•nt Yic<•-Presidt•nt 1 ('CI'l'taQ 'l'reasnrPr
A small silwr httle with lh<' lettns II. E.('. is \\Ol'll by tht' thirt~· nwmlwrs of tlw llomp Et•onomics ('luh, und<'r tlw SHJH'rYision of illt-s. liPi<•n Ntark, l<'oods instrnetor, as thP rmhlt•m of thr club for this, its third yrar of club " ·ork . •\ sal~Hl drPssing dPmonstration "a ~in•n lwfort• tlw nwmh •rs of tlw eluh on .)antHir~ Pighth hy ~!iss Edna ,'ulliYan, C. II. H. 1!11.), 110\\' of thP ('om Prodn<'h Hefining ( 'ompany of ( 'hicago. During tlw st•<'mHl st>nws1l't' the elnh was t•ntt•rtainPd at thr<'l' partil's giYl'll at th<• honws of nwmll<'r of tlw organization. 'l'lw first "as giwn at the honw of _\fr . I lt'l<•n , ' lark with Doroth~· IIamnwrsmith, Bernie<' .\m bar.v. and B<•atri<'<' Hcml<•n as assistant hostt•s <'·. I<'ram•e -'1<'1'<'1'1', "ith :\lari<• _\litH'!' as a:si tant hostPss. <•ntPrtaiJwd thl' other members of tlw cluh on _\lareh 1 . 'l'ht> thir<l ]Hll'ty wa. giwn h~· Jiilcla Garms, Emma Hass. _\farir \Yilliam~. and Dorothy I<'nlnwr 011 .\pril 17. 'l'his yl'ar tht> mpml>ers of the Ilonw Economit•s Club Sl'l'\'l'd both at a tt'adwrs' met>ting and a nwetin~ of tlw Pan•nt-'l'eachPt'.' ~\s ociation. ( htt' of till' most important ac·c·ompli. hml'nts of t lw organization "as tlw play. '' .\ Tribnt<· to thl' YitaminP.'' hy ~Iignon (~uaw, which "as g-in•n hy till' mPmhl't' of tlw el11b nndrr the <lirection of Bratrie1• Howlen. 'l'lw ehara<'l<•t·s of th<· play im·ltt<lP<l all tlw dift'prent food-. tuft's sueh as prot<•in, fat, min<•rals, t•arhohydnttPs, HJI(l tlw Yitamim•s .\. B, ( ', and D. This play , <•rwd to make tlw part of food. whit·h is c·allP<l YitaminPs. and whi<·h has jnst n•cl'ntly h<'<'ll <lisi'O\'Pl'l'd by s<'i<•nti. ts, mot'<' familiar to tlw nwmh<•t·~ of this ol'ganization. l<'atlwr 'l'inw with hi. rl'cipe book prot'Pecl<•<l to makP a human lwing by putting into a kl'tth• tht' Yarions ingn·dil'nt 'rhich ·onstitntl· footl. . \ 1 tlw tlosl' of th1• play, _\fr. Fat lPcl a c·h<•<'r, aft<•t· whit·h tlw t'H twas sl'nt'd tlw dainty food whieh tlw~ had lwen portntying-.
PJHST How Brookhnuk, )fj,, ~f t·Lantlrrs:--, J>nthlrsnn, ~hurtz, Xormnn, Boudreau, :\Jd;ranuhnn, Burke, llt·nlt•fin.:t•r, ~·F.('OXIJ Ho\\: Jlnrt. Huhiu on, Parkhill, l'~terson, Xash, Fl~ming-. \•unCura, ~mith Tllllll• Hnw · J{ \\'hilt•, <'nno,·er, Brinkerna, Buck, O'llonnld, llnld, (;, ]J,"·;,, Kt•lly, J. llR,-;,
The Coloresque Club ( 'IIArxcEY BrcK J..c>I:-; BHOOKB.\ "\ K \' 1ROIX tA
President \' iet>-PrC'si<lPn t l':;ecr •tary 'l'rt'asnrer
,J IIJH' the first ('JHh•d Colorpsqne 's first .nar in ( 'hampaig-n Hig-h • 'chool. and a wr.' sll('t'('ssi'Hl yt•ar it \\Hs. for sincp tlw <lall' of org-anization, Octolwr th(• eig-hth, tlw nu•mlwrship has rt>aehed tlw total of thirty two. Holwrt BrinkPma and Lois Xash wprp Hppoinh•d by ('hann '('Y B11ek. pt·t·~i dent, as th(• constitution committee. and on .Janna1·y twentieth they presented tlwir n•port to tlw ('Ill h. Tlw ehartt•r e_xplainP(l that ( 'olon•sqne i an honorary oq?anizat icm. and that only tlld(•nts who art> no\\ making a gradP of B or a bow. in ~\rt. or those who. c g-rade were not lwlcm (' in fornwr yt•ars, may be admittPd. It statPcl also that the dub's J1lll'JHlSt' is to ai'OII'it' in ('hampaig-n Hig-h Nehool a ~-trcatt•t· intt•n•st in thing-s arti~-;tic. Otlwr t•mmnittt'P appointt•tl wen•: Social Committt•e: Loi Brookbank; Pin ( 'ommittcP: HIH•ha Shurtz and Donald 0 'Domwll. 1'ht• lattPr t·ommittt>e Plt>elt'd a pin shapt•d likt' an artist's ]Hllcttt•. whit'h has small daubs of t'Olot· HI'O\IJH] tJH' (•d~-tt'S. Jn oniPr to \'HIT tlw hi -monthly nwt•tin~-ts . .:\liss Ilden .:\Icl...andrc~-;s, tlw fa<'ult,\' achist•r, appoiJJ!Pd nu·iou. mt•mlwrs to g-iw n•ports upon suhjt•cts of artist it• intPrt•st. 'l'ht' first of these was a talk upon tlw lift• and works of tlw illustrator. ,Janws .:\lontg-ompry ~'Jag-go, hy ('atlwrim• l•'IC'ming-. 'l'ht• St'I'OJHl was a rt•port on tlw works of anotht•I' pi·ominPnt illustrator, :\ornum l{<wbq•Jl. giwn hy Oract> Parkhill. Tht' FiPI<l .:\Ius(•um of ( 'hi!'ago ful'llisht><l tht' topit• for tht• Ja ... t I'I'J)()rt. whit•h was giwn hy Lois • 'ash. In this account a ddailed dPsniption of thp interiot· tlesig-n and dt'('Orat ion was g'IYCil.
FIR:T Row: Huston, E
Barnes, ('arson, Clemans, Hylnnd, Johnson, Ennes, :\funning
Brookbank, Punghorn, Perl'h·ul, .M t·CHnt) . ~~(·o:s~u How: S<·hmalhnu!oof.'U, ~<·ott, Phillip!'., 1>aiP, PetPr~on, Ch:t]lpt>llP, \\ :.\s(:ht~r, Eastman.
Xu h,
THIRD Row: \\'ilske, :llullign~ . Ebeling, Hampel, \\'~inheirn Pr, Wilson, II Barnes, Rt•ynolds, :\Iurphy, Babb. Pudfield. Lee, Pawling, Rohmson. FoJ'IlTH Row: llrgt'nhnn , Buker, lluzt•hon, \Yikox, ,·Joolmun, EvPretl, Burdick, Fist·us, R . o,horne, Olson, 1 l ud.,.on, Rost'nhu rg, )J iss ~mith Fu~Tll How: Yauos, ~ld 'lt1 1lnnd , .'ht•wulh•r, . 'c-hott, ~trod t•- Browtw11 , Ooldt•n, :\1 o . . honw, 'lunson , .. "'eidt•fft.>r, Haukin, (;lt>nn , Finne), .Frisun
Girl's Athletic Association 0RA('E PARKHILL
I RE:-n. Door.Ex
Pn•s i <1<'n t \Tit'<'-Prrsi<l!'n t NPt'J'Piary
Dut·ing this yt>ar gil'ls' athlPtie. \\('I'P wr~· pt·omim•nt in s<•hool aetiYitil's. 'l'he annual \'Oil(•y-hall tm11·nam(•nt \\Hs . ponsorl'd hy this org<lllization aJHl intPrP.;t in thP ganw im•rpast>cl " ·ith Paeh time two tl'ams nwt. .\notlwr \\ay in "hieh spol'1s aJ'P (•nlcu·gpcl and stn•ngoth<•n<'d in th<• s(·hool i. th<• Uirls' .\thll'tie .\ssoeiation camp. 'l'lw JHII']>Os<' of this is to avmhll' tlw memlwrs of this organization from all owr tlw statP. In this way, thP advispr may obtain nc•w ideas. Last ypar tlw camp was at tlw \\'ankPgan Country <'luh for OJH' W<'l'k. Tlw gil'ls " ·ho attpncl<'d \H'J'P: :\lary Hall , Yirginia B<'I'J'yman. AlieP Jl('(linty. lren<' Elwling, Ild<•n Quinlan. Lois ~tont, .\ndra Bailc•y, Mary ~eott. .\clplaid<' \ 'an Cura and :\Tiss liarriPt Perry a. chapl'l'On. Early in • 'owmhPr tlw IIH'lllh<•rs asst•mbh•cl in the g"ymnasium for a frolic. TlwrP wt•re various form. of entertainment hut folk clanct• fnrnislwcl the g"reatPr pol'tion of t lw afternoon's entPrtainnwnt. Lall't' in t hP pt·ogram t lw girls who went to \\Tauk<•gan <•ntertaiJwcl "·ith a Light-house pantomi1w . •\11 t hrongh tlw year tlw girls haw lwlpPcl otlwr o1·ganizations. In 'JfHJ·eh thp~· lu•lp<>cl the Musie .\sso('iation Pll tiekc>h !'or th<• ('on('PJ'I. .\gain , tlw club gaw a ht•lping hand and lwlpPd t lw .\nwriean LPgion sPil poppiP.; on Popp~· Day in :\lay . •\nothe1· party was held tlw fir!-il W<'Pk in .\p1·il in 1lw High Nt'hool gymnasium, and was a Jargt'r all'ait· than the first.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
FtllsT How: )lis P~ny, Hopkins, SlPvrns, )fay, Lppmun, Hall, Cl.nk, Buil~y . lloolt•n, FulfPr, Kaplan,
t ' lton .
S~co~ 11 Row : llhon, Houston , \'ak), Long, )lnjo rs, Huss~ll . \\'ult~r. \'nn ('ur3, };, Solon, HeliC'ovitz, ~tunrt , OrePn, P. 'fru~blood . T. Trueblood . 'flflllll Ro\\ : Condit, A Solon, BnyPr, )!padP, :lfattis, <'umplwll, Holland, ~ay , Bartlt'y, Boots, Brook , Kiruy. FontTH Row: BnldridgP, HPnly, Indn, \\'il•on, ,Tohn:on, Son~:Pr, B ,'tiegeme)·er, L ,'tiPA'~meyer, Strott'ht'l", J<'ssee, J>uniel!'., Edwards, Lowry Fn~·ru l{ow : Bur~Pss, \\"rhht'r, \\"ilt·ox , II. Quinlan, TA'fl, ,· }Hart z, :\'orrr.nn, tlonPs, .\mshnry , )[ Quinlan, La Yt'rnwa ~, ~hrt·vP, Bt1 <'kfltt.
~ ,.,
~ ~ ~ & ,.,
Tlw g-oal for whi<•h Pach nwmber str·iq•s is tlw rmhlPm whi<'h signifi<•. thr nnmhc•r· of points shP has eanwd during the ,\'PHI'. Tlw first symbol is tlw armban<l. whieh may hr aequir<'<l if om• hnndn•d and fifty point. haw lw<•n <•ariH'<L Th<•sc• point an• <·ompantt iYPl~· t asy to makP. Th<·n· Hl'l' Sl'\"l'l'al diYisions in tlw physical t rainin~-t 11·ork "hieh giw opportnnitiPs for !lll'l'its. Onp of tlw <' is IfygiPrH' and at Jpast tift~· <'I'Pdits ma,1· lw aequin•<l in that sed ion. I•'or instalH'<'. sh•<•ping 11ith th<• 11indows OlH'll for thn•p <'Onspeutil'<' months would makt' o;-rP-thinl of tlw fifty points . •\notlwr II H)' is to ah tain from c•andy. i<·P <'t'<'Hlll and tlw likP . This. hmrPwr·. is not a popular part of tlw s~·stc•m. S11imming plays an impol'!mrt part. for nHlll,l' of the g-irls s11im. Di1·ing points may amount to fift('(•n, whih• ra<'<'S mak<• many mol'\'. Life aving, too. is popular, ev<•n though tlw girls clo haw to he wry etfi<'ient. Rolh-r-skati ng and horsr-hack riding prow to lw good in tlw fall allll spring-. and many girls gain <'rPdits in thosp fielcb. l<'olk <lancing is ano:her easy mt'thod, <'~lH'~ially for tlw g-irls taking physical training. Like' all other <'X!'reisP it may lw clPwlopPd into more ditfienlt steps. Tlw regular stPps, hoii<'Wl'. an• <'rrough to enahlP a gil'l to g-et tiw points. \'oll<'y-ball and baspball tonrnanwnts furnish mon• mat!'rial. for if a mpmlwr Jllays all thr 11·ay through a tonrnanwnt and 11 ins slw would have about fift~· points. ~\ny game which mw tPa<'hPs <'<Hillis an<l. of <·oursP. mot'<' points an• giv<•n to tlw nHm• clifl'ienlt ganws. 'l'o PnCOlii'Hg<' hiking-, tht• club had S('l'<'l'al pienies in tlw fall an<l this was don<' in the othPr spetions of tlw point systl'm, nntil all thp girb b<•t•anw intl'l't' ·tpd in some• parti<·trlar phast• of athletics. 'l'lw main id('a is to hal't' sonw c•anr t lw Stat<• Lt·a~tH' A wartl, which r<•qn ires four hulHln•d and fifty point . antl tlw Ntatt' l,t•agut• t•mblem, wh;eh rrtpdn•x ,;, lmnth·t•tl po;nh. '
~""-1~~~~ 1!1;!5 ~\!%&~~~
Frn~T Ho\\ : Park ..., ~<·ott, Lurry, YanCurn , \\· olff, Bowt· n, '\'ilsk P. Onld t~ n , J)alt~ . ~J-:< ' 0' 11 Ho\\..., ~ld ,pan , Hopkin ... , B t• nn t'tt, ~tnolm.\n , .Fiowpr .... )ld;int) , (,luinhtn , :\'urman , Bailt•)·. Jlall . TntHu How K t•llt>y, O :tkt· , O ' J)m uld , 1\apluu , ~oudt>r·, OglPtn•t•, Ju 1·ohs, Bri11kt>mu , ~\lu.p•" ,
The Wi8 and Paint Club DALE
~TOl T
\ ' HWI:\1.\
Bm,· £:--'
K 1.
Pre);i<lt>nt \ ' ieP-President ~<'Cr<>tary
Onp of thP oldt•st and most firmly t•stahlislwd eluhs of ('hampaign H igh This elnh " ·as o t·ganizt•d. primarily, for th«> sponsor111g and pmmotion of dramatic taiPnt in lhP high school. Dlll'ing- tlw pt'Pst•nt s<·hool yt•ar tlw \Yig- and Paint <'luh has ht'lpt'd to build st·hool spit·it. t•hit>ft~· . through tlwir SIH't't'ssful pn•sentation of mw-act play-,. OnP of tlw tit·st of tht>sP ont•-aet plays was •· The Obstinatp Family," a farce pr<•wnlt•d in <'OJlllPt'tion with a band t'O IH'Prt at tlw lwginning of th<> fit·st st•mp l<'t'. .\t ( 'hristma t inw anotht'r short play ... The Dust of tlw Hoad." was giwn in <·omH•t•tion with a (Jiet• ( ' lnb program. ''Xt'\'Prtlwlt>ss ' ' wa ont• of tht• most amusing of the shortt•t· plays whieh was pt'<' Pn!t•<l in as t•mhl:, \Yig- ancl Paint lllt'!'ling. an<l also at a nweting- of thP Pat'Pllt -Teat'lwr '~\ s Ot'iation. " P ip<'t''s Pay" was t•oat·hed hy D alt• ~toni and "Tlw Xeighhors'' b:· ..\lie<' .Jlt•Gint~. Th!' other . hcn·t plays prt•Yiously nwntioned "er• all directl'<l hy .Jl!·. XPIIP .Jlihst>ll. pnhlic sp!'aking- in. tntctor at ('hampaign IIigh , 't:hool. .JI!'mhPt' of thP \ \'ig and Paint also took pa t·t in tht• long<'l' plays amongwhit•h "~"~'<' "~t'wntPen" and " \ \'appin' \\'hart'." In fact. in !'\'Pry play in { 'ham(Hti~n Ilig-h , 't·hool some mt•mlwrs of thi-, dramatie club haw partit'ipat!'<l. Tht• nwt'!ing of this eluh haw ht•en \'Pry mmwt·ous anti suct•t•ssful and it at tltt•sp that tht• fit· t showing of the ~hol't plays occur. On!' of til' club': ~d10ol is t lw Wig and P aint.
Futst• Row Boudr~nu . 'E('O~D
Row· Parkhill,
tirkrod . THIRD
RO\\ :
(;t~nu ,
'ol~. "'il~y.
Long, C'onuPly, '\"nln', Foott•, \\'nlk~r, \\'ri!(ht, Fred<•rirksou, .·paldinl(,
,Jnhn,on, f'i·h~r. Whit~. "'o<>lt'), llillnvou , Wright, , tnut, O'Dounel.
most succes. ful soeial lllP!'tin~s was g-in•n at ('hnstma-, trnw. Thrs nwetin~ \\H. ht•ld jointly " ·ith tlw (~uill ('luh of ('hampai~n l!i~h :-;t·hool. 'I'Iw nwmlH'rship of tlw Wig and Paint ('luh is limit!'d aiHI only thosP who arc tall'ntt•d in dramatirs or in stet~<' work arP admittP<l for nwmlwrship in the rluh. 'l'ryout. and st•rYic!' an• the ha-,is for admit tarH'P to Wi~ and Paint mt>mbership. During" tlw first spnwst(•r tlw followin~ \\'t•n• initiated: ~[ar·y l!all. .\udra Bailt>y .•\dt•laidP \'an ( 'u r·a. ~larian Kirwaid. Doroth~ \\'orsham. Karma Uolden. Louis(' ~leUnmahan. Lina \\'ilsk(•. Lucill!' Bemwtl. Opal lla(•hr. \\'psa Dak. \ 'irg"inia Lany. ~t·\·a Littl!'. Eu~t·rw .'oudt•r..Jospph ()'\)omw\1. ( ' \wstPr ,'til'krotl. llcu·old B"nrwtl. \\' hittPmon• \\'r·ight. Brooks \\'oolt>y. L twkwood WrlP,\' . •\rehie \\'alk!'r. ~lax l•'lmn•rs. Lt>slit• ~Ia~·ps, Louis ~[d,<•an. and Thoma Ilopkrns. Th!' dimax of tlw t•luh \ soeial aetiYit iPs was a hanqtll't gin•n at tlw :-;outlwrn Tea Hoom. <•arly 111 ~lay.
Fu:sT How:
('ox, .\ldrint~ . <luinhtll, \\~ilskt•. ~('Ott, Bo\\t>rt, )td;ruuahnu , Ho~t>r
~J-.('0:'\U Row
Hn(·k, P trtr.ltnrn, . tit•~t-mt>~l'r, Pattt•r on, Hankin, 1-:th\ard , Park, Hrookhnrtk, (ilt•nn. . 'tnrj;('nn, llrimlic·ht•r, .\le('allistt•r, l':nkhill, llav:s, Slol·krod, Kt'lll'~, t:ntden, Baker.
Tuum How: .\!i
The Quill Club RoBERT KLLLEY \'ER\
.\1 1< E ~Ic
T< Jll '.·o:--;
\\' \Ril D11! \\' 01
Pn•sident Yi<•P-PrPsiclPnl NPe rPt a r,\' Tn•astH't'r
Tht> (~nill <'lnh ol ( 'hampai11n Ili!!h Nchool in ninrtren hundn•cl and twenty fin•. tlw sPt•orHI ~- Pill' of its exi teJH'<'. includPcl fift,\·-fottr· nwmlwr·s. Tlw pnrpo.·p of tlw organization is to irH't'PHSP int1•n•st in journalism. 'l'lw posit ion of prrsi c!Pnt nnd Yi<•t>-prP:idl'nt arP honorary and arr fillrd dnring- fit· ..;! sPnw.;tpr h~· tlw c•clitors-in ·<·hil•f of tlw .Jluroon and .lJof l'ltfr rc• 'J)(•c•ti\'t'ly. Dnrtng- S<'<'Ond S(' JIH' tC't' thP ofl'il'P or Jll'('sicll'llt is lwltl hy t lw l'clitor of thP .\loiPt'IIIP. ancl that of Yicl'-]ll'<'. ic!Pnt hy tlw ~Iaroon t•ditor. The othpr ofl'it•c•s arr pJt•etin . •\ mong- tlw so<"ial ac·ti,·itiPs of tlw c:rganizntion dul'ing thc• Y<'HJ's in nirwtP<'n hnncln•d t\\·Pnt_,. fonr and twl'nty fiw was a ('hristmas Party g-iwn in t lw g-ymna:inm on ])p(•pmiH•r· hn•nty-sp(•oncl. Gene• Souclt'r ahly took t lw part of Santa <'laus and clistrihtttPd g-ifts to all Jll'l'sPnt. Tlw \\'ig and Paint joitwd with tlw (~uill ( 'luh in tlw finmH'ing- of this soeial. ,\ hout thn·P hnnclrPcl dPh'IWt!•s to tlw Illinois NtatP High St•hool Pt·1•ss .\s. oeiation ('onfPt'l'll!'(' Wl'l'l' PntPrtainecl at H mixc•r lwld 111 tlw ('hampaig-n lligh. 'l'hool g-ynmasittnl. .\ program \Yao,; pn•spntt•cl <'Onsisting- of a play. ''The
FIRST How: ~t'hrnulhnU!-it'll, Houdrt)au, E. Solon . Johnson. Blat·k, l>ohme. (;rnn~rr, Frison, llutl·hinsun . !'F:CO"I> Row ; ~!Pad~. llumpt•l, Krows. Dolcl, .T;u·ksun, ('IH'sl!••·. ('ult•. • ·tnnforrl. Row htoolman, .\ 1:-'olon, '\ ,1sh, :\IPyPr,, Jat·ol>', Wright, Dilla, ou, Hrownell. llale.
( 'n panlonable ('nnw." <>naeted hy ( 'lwstrr Nt ickrod. Gcor~c DaY is. DaYid .Taeobs. Thomas )lc. 'pill. \\Tar<l DillaYou and \\Thittcmore \\Trig-ht; a <lane • hy ;\fplha BOII(lr<•au. and a reading-, '' ( 'rossing- the J<'prry," by )!arion , 'cott. )fusic was played by th<' Champaign High ~chool Ensemble. 'l'he g-ymnao.;inm was <l<•eorat<'<l with hlaek an<l \\'hit<• <'r<'JW pap<'t' and r<>fre. hmcnts of punch and "·a f<•rs 'n•n• s<'I'Ye<l from a liP\\ SJHI prr hoot h pn•<•t<•d in OIH' eon1er of t lw ~ym!HISI \llll .\t a lll<•et ing- of tlw eluh on DP<·<·mlwr p]pn•nth, )Jr. ( '. W . f)ayio.; of tlw De partnwnt of .Journalism spokl• on ''good nP\\'SJHIJWr \\Titing-." )Jr. E. D. ('oath of tlw "Daily lllini" g-an man_,. helpful sug-g-Pstions for lwttPr adwrti in~;. In :\Iareh ..Jaek BPI!. sports-Pditor of the ''('hampaig-n ;\e\\·s-UazPttP." addn•s,ed thr l'luh on sports stori<•s and fmnt pag-<' makr-up . Latrr :\Jr. Burton 0. Smith of ,Jallll & Olin•r Eng-raYing- ('ompan~· <'xplainrd the production of <'uts. On FPhruary t\\enty-sixth. Rolwrt KPlly. editor-in-<'hiPf of tlw lfolu·u/1', \\as im;taiiPd as president and \'era Ilutehinson. editor-in -ehid of tlw .llaroon, as Yi(•p-presi<knt to s<'l'Y<' during tlw st'con<l senwster. ~\ demonstration of liquid air \\as g-iwn h~· :\Ir. I•'. n. Rug-g- on :\Iareh :n. undl'r auspiePs of tlw (~uill ('luh to inen•as<' funds. ~\ committN• eonsisting- of )Jarg-ar<'t Blat•k. <'hairman .•\nna ~olon. :'ll<•lha BoudJ'<'HII and Ell<•n Solon. sold ti<'kets to t}l(' l<•etllr<'. ~\t mw of the last mt•<·tin~s of tlw ,\'l'HI', !ll('lllhet·:-. of the Puhlieations ('las·-; famous Pditors. Plans w<•n• al-.;o mad<• for a pienic a tlw l<ht
C'happt>llt•. Pt•tpr\,011, )ft.·(;rntluhnn. )[t·(:iut~. llopkin~. Kuphtn, Bt·JtiH'tt, \\~i]!'-on, Lind ... a),
Wil~y. Flow~r,, o: F.CO~n }~ow~
Rnnkin. Bukt>r . Lou", Y'aky, Hngt'lthnrdt, Strodt', Hixon. liampt>l, Fh1ing, (;m.dmau, \\'hitt\ ~ ~t•idt.'ffrr, \\•It•), llnl~ . 'FHIRO How· Boudn·n.u, Coop~r. Finnt.'~, )fullignn, Powrll, H.t•ynold , (;oldt'H, (;lt:nn, )fr )lcKinn~y.
Plulhppe, :\Iurre-1, Conn, ~tl{lgfmE>yer, Songt:'r, Fulfer
The Music Association By
Loxn Pt·<•sid<•nt \'i<·<•-Pn• idPnt ~P<'t'Piary and Tn•asurPr
The }Jn iC' .\-;soeiation oq.raniz<•d durin~.r s<'l'Clltd sPnH•stet· und<•r th<• 'iUill'l'· Yi-;ion of }Jr. Ira :\ll'Kimwy. sponsorpd man.'· sm'<'t•ssful musi<'al pro~.rram-; clurinl! t lw y<•ar. 'l'hP Boston Opet·a ('omiHlll.' "hid1 ~.ran• a pro~.rram 111 the auditorium on l•'ehruat·y sp<•ond. IH'l's<•ntpd sonl!s and musi<'al sket<·h<•s of' -;onw of' the forPmost operas and <·Ia si<'"TIH· Third .\mlllal Hanel ('mH'<'l'l lwld on ?llan·h l!l wa-., ttrHIPr thP joint SIIJH'I'Yision of tlw ParPnl-'l'Pa<'lwrs' . \sscl('iaticm and thl' }lusi<• .\sso('iation of Champai~.rn Iligh ~<'hool. 'l'h<• one-al't play gi\'l•n in <'CllllH'l'tion "ith tiH· ('On ('('I'( wa · · Tlw Lost ~ilk 1lat.'· h_,. Lord Dnnsan.'. and four mnsi<·al llltlllhPI's h_,. (}irls' <liP<' <'In h. "Blm1· B<ilm,\ Br<'l'Z<'" \\"arn•n . " ( 'oiiH' \\'lwr1' th<· Bltu· BPlls Hing-" (Brakt-tt). "I \\~<tilt•d for thP Lord'' {}IP!Hll'lssohnl. "Ol1l Folks at llonw" (l•'os(<'l' ... l<~l'<•nti<lP'' .:\larg'ialo). Tlw Untck ~l·hclOI Band <lir·p<•tl·d hy }Jr. Ira }f<'Kinrwy. pla~·pcl "Exercis<•s." hy }lc('och. ".\nclanll' aJI(l Waltz.· h~ Haymon1l. and ·· Eminola )Jarl•h. '' hy Ililton. Th~ part of tlw pro~.rram. g-iwn hy t lw s<'<'OJHl cli1·ision of th<' hand. ('Onsiste<l of thn•e numll<'rs: "}Ian•h .\etiYit,\·." " I <liP Fane,\· St>n•mHk" allll ")Jilitary Escort." h~- B<•mwtt. Tlw IIi~.rh ~<·hool (~nartPt gaw two nnmlwrs hy O'Hara "A (~nartet RPhearsal '' Hll(l".\ 'l'nii'Pst.l· on ('omin' 'L'hru' tlw H,I'P." "}larch . \mhassador " ( Bag'ley ). ''\Valtz \Vpdding' of the \Yincls " ( Hall ), "~uite .\tlantis" (~afranek ). "}larch l Tnder tlw DonbLP Eag'l<•" ( Wagnpr ). WI'!'(' ginn by th<' first cliYision of tlw band. )l<•etin~.rs of tlw organization WHf' lH'lcl ewry two weeks and talks 1\'l'r<' g-iY<'Il on composl'rs. in.trnments and diffprf'nt phases of mn;:ic . ThP purpose of tlw orl!anization is to hring tlw sl'110ol in closer touch with good mnsie hy tlw .-ponsoring of opera.· ancl otlwr musical program:, in the auditorium. The nH'mlwr-., in till' orl!anization are member. of the first or ~<'<'Oncl cliYision of tlw hancl or of tlw hoy ' ot· ~.rirls' gle<' l'lnhs. tlw ehoru: cla:. e. or th<' music thPory class.
I· 11~:-.T Ho\\ !'I f'O:\P Be\\: Till tO J:o\\
llutt·hiu"oll, \\"olff. Ptttt•r,ou. (;olden. \\'il-..k~. ~~·ott, ~olon . .ltinnr. ~lorgnn (}11111lnr J>.ilt . !c ,Jrn 11. \'r•itlt•fl'tor. EIH"Iint:', 0 l ur111 . 't igt·mt> t•r, lford Ht 1 Jlf'u h.t It·~ .Jat·t , \\ It·~ Tocld, ~Ill th 'It fit tl
The N ationaZ Honor Society
])!'(' td<·nt \' i<'<'- Pr!'sid I'll t E nn 11 Lilli Ff'Eit :-.t'<'l'PI at·~· }f<. "u1 r. . '\IITII 'l't·<'a un•r In ord<·t· to pt·onwtP hPtlt•r sdwlarship in ('hampai:rn Jlil!h , <·hool th!' lllini ('haptPJ' of thP '\ational Honor :-;<H'il't~ "as m·:.ranizt><l. Tlus so<·iPI,\' has l\\l'llty-six llll'lllh<·r·s, as Jll'rmittPd h~ th1• ('011 titntion. Pll'nn of th<'SI' hPin:r jnniors and tiftPPn sl'niors. }lpntl)(•t·ship in this ot·g-anizat ion is ha-.,ed upon <·hara<'ll't'. scholarship. IPad1•rshrp. and spn•it•l'. Fiw IH'l' <'Pill from tlw ll(llll'l' fourth of the juniors and !I'll Jll'l' 1'1'111 frorn tht• tl)l)ll'l' fourth of tiH• spnior class an• <·hos<'ll. If a llll'lllhl'l' fails to maintain his s<•holasti<• standin~r. lw t'ot·f!'its his l'lllhiPm. and is di'O)l)ll'd from t hi' liii'Jilll!'rship li t. ~\ siH'I'ial as l'mhly wa caiiPd }lan·h 17. to honor tho.!'" ho \1 on llH'llllwrship in tlw orwnrization . .\t this tim!' Dr. Kl'tHir·il'k ('. Balw(wk. D1•an of tlw Lilwral ~\rt.· and :-;<•it'IH'I's ('oll<'l!<' at tiH• l'nin•rsit~ of Illinois. addn•ss!'d tht• a-.,spmhl.'· and honor stnd1•nts on "Tiw lrnportan<'l' of :-;('holan.hip." Dr. Uray. Pn•sillPnt of th1• Boar·d of Edtwation. th1•n pn•sPIII!•d thl' pins. Th1• pan·nts of thl' llll'lllhPr's \\PI'!' ).!liPs! at this ass!'mhl,\ . •\t tlw sPI'OJHI IIH'I'ting ol' tlw soeil't,,· .\pril 1-J.. lh!' t·on trtution \\its Jll'l'· st•ntl'd for tlrP appro\·al of tlr1• assol'iation. It \Ills adoptPd hy a unanimous \Oil'. Tlr<' 1·onstitt1tion proYidl's that tlw llll'llllll'rs an• to h1• sPIP<'IPd h~· till' fat•ttlty. Tlw poi11t ".'"tl'lll i nsl'd i11 nrnkill!.! tlw UJ11ll'l' fotll'llr of tlw junior and sPnim elass('s. ThP eonstitntim1 also l'l'quin•s that a eomJnitll'l' of fh·1· II'Hl'h!'rs ht• ap· poin!Pd to \l'l'ify tlr1• n•rords and to n·t·omllH'lHl to thP l'a,·ult.'· tlw pupils \\ho, in tlu•ir· !'stimatioll rank1•d lriglr1•st. 'l'lrl' l'lllhii'IIIS of thl' or:ranizatio11 ill'!' in t\\o styli' a eharm and a pin upon \\'lrit·h i th1• ins<•t·ipt ion '':\at ion;ll J !o11or :-;(Wil't,\'" \\'itlr tlrP IPtl<'rs (' .· L :-;at tlw hasP of an l'lllhlaz!'lll'd ton·lr. whi<·h is ~ mholi1· ol' !'lwlarslrrp. Thl' pins <11'1' l'nl'llislwd hy tht• selrool and ht•t•omt• tlw pt'OJH'J't,,· of t h1• Ill Pill ht·r· u poll :rrad nat io11. proYid!'d t lw pn pi I n·t ai ns his lll<'lllhrrship hy makin!.! th1· n·qttir'I'IIH'llh pn•st·t·iiH•d in th1• l'Ollstitutiml.
\\'I 'dlX \ }fOB(;\ X
F11:sT Ho\\
E tst, llt>Hmuu,
h\\ trLt., .. ·tiC'krod,
.\lnjor~ ,
IJ~·Ia ud ,
Pa11kau , Fhdwr . .\l r('alli!'o.tt• r, :--;ouclt•r,
<ramblt• ~I
. 'Fco'n Hc1w '"~11. TurrPII. THIHH
Ho\\ :
\\~olfra m ,
( ont'h
Hnrkl', 'rurt111, Huu:;:lll'rty, Dt>Long, .\h•tTiflt•lcl, ( 'o Ia , Brlukt•mn , .Tanw
The "C" Club 8 If ,f 0"1.1'111~ I Do. · x
I:LL Y ( Ln1 nr.r.
Fn En lf \'! .,\ x n
PrPsillPnt \ ' ii'P-Pn•si1 h•n t
.Jo11 .· Ltt:H.\t.\ . · JL\HHY }{1('11.\L\.·
''('" lliPn lll<ln~· of tht'lll (•Jad ill lli<II'OOn S\\l'<ltt'I'S dPt'OI'HtP<l \\ith tJH• <'hHrcH'tl'l'isti<· whitP "('": strolling along thP halls of ( 'hampaign lligh: m· ru~hing madl.'· ahout in tht> thrt>l' minut1• intl'rmissimt lwt\\-I'Pn <·lassp. ThP ''( '" ,.Jnh is on•· of till' p!·omittPnt or:..ranizations of tht• ~•·hool. It wa~ oqranilH•d in l!ll-l. lltHlt't' tlw ~li]H'l'Yision of ('mll'h <'ont<·hiP. :'llt•miH•rship is onl~- attainahlt> h.'· tho'-t' "ho an• l'ffieil'nt I'!Hllll!h in athlt>ti1·s to Parn a ll'ttPt', <t!Hl thiN' who ar1· "tnmg Ptlollgh to liYP through th1• ittitiation. 'l'lw (llli'JHN' of thi <·ltd> i to promntP till' intl'n•st of athiPties in thP s1•hool. aJHl to hring tht> athlPtP., in l'lnst'l' fpJJm\·.,hip. Tlw goal to\\ards \\hil'lt th1• ''(''' lllt'n strin•. it to I'IH'Ollt'ag•• tlw hight>st id1•al~ of sportslllil!lship. and play all ganws in a l'll·an. fair wa~· Tlw '' IfomP<'oming'' ganw. Thank giYing Da~· . was inaugtlt'atPil und1·t· th1• auspi1·<'· of th•· ''(''' l'lllh. :\[r. Dalt>. and th1• ,'tudPnt ('OII!H'il. Tht> Hl't iYP lllt'tlliH•rs spmtsnrt>ll a ( 'hristma. datH'I', an annual atl'air, J)p. <'Pilllwr '27. at Bradlt>~ Ilall. .\hout fort~· <·nupll's \\t'I'P JH'PsPnt. 'l'hl' <'hap!'l'mls Wl'l't' :\I,.. and :\I, ..... Lt>st ('t' :\I o~· ,·r. Harold Oshot·l'n and gut>st. a 111l FrPd :'If ajm·., alHl g1w t. Tlw in it iat ion oft h1· liP\\' nwmlH'rs "a lwld in t lw s1·hool g~·mtHt. Ill Ill. TIH• amnwl initiation hanqul't heinf! ginn at tlw Inman hnh•l. .\pril "· 'l'hP (•luh annuall~· gi\'1• a ... prilll.! dmwP. Tlw lHl~·~ who Pl!l'llPd lPtll'l'" thi ~~·ar. atHI \\t'l'l' tak1•11 into th1• l'iuh \\'1'1'1': L<'stPr .Janwson. {'lat'PlH't' \\'olfram. Orin Borah. Thomas :\It·. ' pill. .fohn LiPrnwn. (korgl' East. ( 'harlt>s Dallglwrt~. Hollt'rt l~rinhma. \YaynP lkLm1g. !II'lll'Y :\IerrifiPicl. \\'illiam .Johnson. \\'illiam :\lartin. Husst>ll Burkt-. (lporg1· :\[axwPII.
~\ ssisting ('nat·h :\loypr· in his d11tiPs "ith tht' football !PHlll wa Fn•d :\lajor. ('aptain .JimmiP\ oldt•r· hrothPr. Fr<'d was OIH' of tht• gt·t•att•-,t athlt'!P t'Y<'I' sPPll HI ( 'harnpaign 11 igh Nt·hool. for hP madP tlw ,\ 11-Ntatl' foot hall !Pam tm1 YPHJ's .•\II, 'tat<' haskPthall !Pam Oil<' yPar. and holds t'Y<'I'HI -,printing l'Pt•ords t'i-i!ahlislwd at ntriolli-i llH'<'h. llis t•hiPf la'ik Hs a-,sii-i!Hnl eoal'h "·as tlw instrnet ion ol' t lw hat'kfiPid nwn and t ht> t}p,·p}opm<'nt of t iw I!<'JH'I'al !t•Hm pia.'·· 'l'ht• tnH·k !Pam \\as t'O<tt•ht•d h,,. llarold OshoJ'Il. holdt>r of tiw \ \'m·itl 's and Olympit• r<•t•ords in tlw high j11mp arHl dPt·athalmr. NirwP Oshorn ha lwrn t•nat•hing h<'l'<' ht• has dPYPiopt•d SPYPral good l"lllliH'l's, and his !Pams haY<' "·on tlw majority of' lllP<'h "hit·h th<'~ t•ntpr·Pd. 0 horn also tartPd a cr·oss-eoHnlr~ i<•am. aJHl jl!dging from tlw nttmht•r of aspirants 'rho t•aml' ont. it will probably ht•conH' an t•stahlisht•tl spor·t. :\Ir. ~\rthnr ~'llorsP assi-,tt•tl ahl~· as hasl'hall eoaeh. while Ikan Brmnwll aml ,J. '1'. Collins t'Oat'ht•d 'i\\ rmmrng.
~_.,.....,. . . . ~~~
[lJr• fiiaruuu
\\ olfr m Borah Tu r~ll D~l..on r, Merrtd d \ r n, J m on
1 or
PER c). t'. B rah H..1. Brink •ma H. E. Car,.. 11 \·. \\". t ar-.. 11 ~I ..]. I' ... a t •. '1'. nau!!"h •rty w. w. n Lon!!" .\. L. I mnau
R hm n
EL OF THE FOOTBALL TEAM 1;. H. Eat 1'. n. Gambl(' F I' Ilyl, wl
\\'. H.
\\' . .\. Pankau II. J:. H una n L. H lC'r
L" .Jam•-..n .T \\ Lwrman 1. B. )}(-.. ill
1.\\ rll T.RWil·y
.1. L. 'l\lajor
c·. 1'. \Yolfrnm
L rmnr,
han1pai!!11 hanapai!.!n harnpai!.!ll
.............................. ~:~ .............................. ]() .............................. :~ .............................. lil .............................. l.J.............................. :~; .............................. :n .............................. :21 .............................. a:~ .............................. 1!1
< 'harupai!!ll < 'hantpai!!ll < 'ltaHtpai!!ll
( 'hautpai!!ll 1'hampai!!ll < 'hampai!.!ll <
•\ n·ola ... .............. .. ............ ....... I) 'l'tP.;<·ola .................................... 0 Lindblom ................................. 0 <'linton ..................................... 0 l~loomiu!.!l<lll ............................ 1-J• "onnal ..................................... 0 Enms\ Jill' ................................ 0 Illi111 _. . ..._,.J ool for J>c>af ........ li Drc·at 11 ................................. 7 l"rhana ..................................... 0 c Jppmwnt
Tit·d -1
Pt>r ·c>nt agt• 1000
CAPTAIN ]AMES L. MAJOR <'aptaiu }l<a.t<ll' lt•d OJJt' of tht• trolll!t· t f<1othall tt·arh on tl11 field that I'Yer I'PJll't'si'Hit•d <'ltampai!.!ll Ili!.!h 'c·hool. ··,Jimmy'' wa a grPat lt>.tder, a captain who play"d tht• !.!allll' Wl'll. and alway kPpt hi tPam-nt.tte at thl' top of tllf•ir !!<11111'. II~ p htyf•d t h•' qm11·t r>rhal'k po-.i t io11 and dit·t·t·lt•d hi tPalll from lht>n•. l11 hi oph<!IIIIJI'l' ~·ear lw \\a-. on his fir I P]t•\'t'll, \\ hi<·h madl' a 1oooc, r•'l'unl. I u lu jmtior yt•ar hP \\a "''lt·dt•d a all -.tat· qtlartPrb;u·k hy the I'L•oria .. ··, l'... Thi Ia t ~ l'ar ht• pro\·l'J t< ,, a !wad~· lt·adl•r and a l!rt•at opl'llfi..J<l ntnm·r·. lt•adin!! Ju t<·amHtall''> in -.rorin!.! "ith ni1re totlf·hdo\\ ll mill ... ix !.!Oal nftr>r totwhdown . makilt!.! a total of ixty poinh.
Review of Football Season 1:_,
T. B.
_. [t_
.IL •.
Fat" ill!! one of t ht• )ott!! • t and hanle 1 . ('hPdult> P\'t'l" dnt\\'11 up fot· a lli!!h . 't·hool t t ·, 1. < 'oach L. H. }[o~ rr i twd lu fir t t·all for football l'a!lflidat<· Pal'iy in ·,·ptPlltht·r. 'l'hi l'all \\'cl'> alh\\'t'I'Ptl hy fifty-two hoy . l\\l'l\'t' of\\ hom \\l'l'" t 'I• r neu from tltt' ]!' ' t• ts yt>ar. Til<' opPilin!! !!allll' of thP t•a on n<·t·urrPd 01 "' ptt•mbt•r ~0. \rhen thP tl'alll tr·a\·P]<•d to .\n·ola wht•re the~· dt•fNlt•d tit• local till ~::1 to fi. Tlu• !!alll• was a ralht•r loos .. Jy t·ontP It'd affair with <'ha HI]llll!.!ll haviu!! the a1h·anta!!t' from tht• < 'haHlpail!ll
IIYJ. \. "ll
c; \\tllLE
start to lht• ti11ish. Flaslws of :.!Ood form \\t'J'c• di. playt•d hy tht• ~Iaroon · a \\t'll a· mall~' t>arly spason mistakt's that \\otdd haYt' to lw t'OITl't'lt'd if hopt• of a 1000 ]H'l' !'t'nl tt'Hlll \\l'l't' to ht• entertctiJH'tl. On thc• follo\\'ill!.!' ~alnt·tl<t~· ('hampaign l'l']H'al!•d with 10 to 0 Yi!'tory owt· 'l'nst•ola. This !!anw \\Hs mort' t•lo"'Ply t'Cllllt•stPd than that of thP pn•t•Pding ~atnrda~· . tl~t• st·on· at tltP t'!Hl of tht' half lu·in!! 0 to 0. Early in tlw third qnartc•r. hm\t'\<'1'. DPnltt<Jil hrokc· thc• dc•adlot·k \\ ith a fi!'ld goal. Tlw two l!·am then fon!!ht 011 c·qnal ll•J'IIt until tht> last t't•\\' minntt•s ancl tltt•n .Jimmy ~Iajor stHrtt•d t•allin!! pa plays h.'' "hic·h ( 'hampaig-11 adntJH'l'd tht• hall to thl' 1-yard lint'. ~lajor !lt>ctkPd thron!!h !!IHtrd for a totl!'hdo\\Jl. ))pJtJIIHJI kit·kc•d tlw !!nal and tJ11• g'HIIIt' !'!Hlt'd 10 to 0. In tlw first quartPr of tht' Lindblom ganw tlw Mat·oons \\"Orkecl tht• hall down to thc• :20-yard lint' from "hl'l'!' ··~qnatty'' ]}pJlJtJan kit•kl'd a fkld g'Oal. Th • I\YO teams tht•n hattlt>d on t'\"!'ll tc·rm n11til tht> thi1·tl <lnarl!·r \\hPJ Lindhlom threalt'lH'tl to sc•oJ·c· on two ditft•n·nt ot•t•asions \\hen .\ntonidt>s. flashy qnarll•rhat·k. got loose for long rnns. Ont'l' during thi <!ll<lrll't' 11 \\as first down goal with tlw hall 011 ( 'hampaign 's OJH• -yanl line. They hPitl for fonr down .. tlH•n • o ider, standiJt!! lwhind his own g'oal liJte, ]HIIltt>d to mitl-field. I'\
K \I
ll 1\'I.JIJ<:I!TY
lltsn :--·
'l'hl' n•st of th<' ~tanw was mon• m· lt•ss a punting dtwl lH't\\"l'!'ll ~ondt>r and .\ntonidt•s, with tlw fornwr haYing tlw lw t of the argument. The work of ('hampaig-n 's lin<'lll!'n in thi. ganw was es]H'cially nott>worthy, most of Lindblom\ gains IH'ing mad<' on long- e1Hl runs. I lyla!Hl <'Ollt inually hrokt> throug-h and tht'l'\1 tlw opposing- ba<"ks for los<' . This was indeP<l a gn•at Yi<'lory. for Lindblom latt>r won tlw hi!!h school championship of ( 'hicago. ('linton pro\Pd an pas~ fol'. lo. ing a (}] to 0 contPst to .Jioypr' peedy tPam. Tlw plunging of Pankau and tlw open fil'l<l running of )fajor and \Yilry fPattii'P<l tht' ganw. 'l'ht> big- up Pt of tlw ,·pason t•anw thP folio\\ ing- wet>k whPn Bloomin!!ton ti •d t lw )[aroon 1-J. to 1-J.. Trailing 1-1: to 0 at tlw half. Bloomington nHtdP a grPat <'onwbaek, opl'ning up \\·ith passp,.; whi<·h ( 'hampaig-n ':-; si'CO!Hlary dd't•nsl' sppmf'd muthle to stop. Tlw tit' nuu lP t hP mtly blot on t ht• season' n•cord. 'l'lw tPam awngP<l thPmsPlw · in tlw next game by dPfPatin!! . "ormal :n to 0. \\'ith a \\'I'll din•<·tP<l attaek of lint• plays and pa se . Following this ,-idory t'Hllll' the big intPrst•etional game with Enllls\'ill!•, Indiana. For st•wral ~·pars Central llig-h :-;ehool of that <·ity has had tlw reputation of !)('ing- mw of tlw strongt•. t pn·p tt•anh in Indiana. 'l'hl' .Jlamon. how1'\·er. nwna~tl'd to .eon· four touch<lo\1 ns, ki1·k a fiPitl "oal anti makt• all point g-ood aftpr touchdowns. \\'aym• ])pLmJg, playing- a "'OJHlt•rful g-ame at ri~ht <'JHl. taddt•d )J('[ntosh h!'hind his own goal lirw for a sal'l'ty, hring-ing tlw st•orl' up to :~:l poinh. ~\ ~1 toG Yil'lory \Ia tlw n·snlt of tht• <'IH'Oilllll'r with the Illinois ·chool Bl!l.'KE.\1 \
Hl!'IL\1 \
for lkal' of ,Jat•ksonYillt>, and a wt•ek latPr lkt·atnr i'Pll la•for·(• ( ' hmnpaign lli~..d1 •'chool hy a seon• of :1:1 to 7 Tlw team tht>n went into the final week of trainin~r in JH'Pparation fot· thP am1\la] 'l'hanksgivin~ hattle with l'rbanao ~<·ither team woa a hPa\oy favoritP hdon• I lw ~ranw hnt t 'hmnpai~rn was giwn a sli~rht P<lg'P <lnP to t hP I' ad that 1lwy hac! not lost a game, whih• lTrbana had lost tw oo 'l'lw two tPams sP<'lll('(l \'('l'Y evenly mat<•lw<l in tlw first quartl'r, the st'OI'P h<•ing ()to 00 Bnt early in tlw S('('O!Hl wriod tlw ('hampaig'Jl !<•am hPg'all to OJl!'ll II}> an<l play the football of which they \\PI'!' l'apahJPo Jkmnan star·t<•d t}IP . coring with a pla<'l' kil'ko .\ few minntl's lal!'r ('a plain .Jimmy ~lajor l'!'<'Piwd a pttlll and rP1tll'liPd it 60 yards t hroul!h t ht> ent irP l orhana tl•am for a toul'hdowno Dt>nnwn ki(•kPd ~rem I. 'l'hP ot IH·r s<·orPs \\'pn• made hy Pankan ancl J)pmnan. t hP forolll<'l' s<·m·ing a tonl'hdown and thP latt(•J' ki<·king anotiH·r fidd goal. 0
~l r
[It I.O "( '
Co:1£" h 0 bn rn, .. ·d l\\tll'tl, ~ til' k rod , Hart, ll illn\011, P ortt•r, Hrid .rh:un
The Cross-Country Team /:ij \\• .\IW DILL.\\' Ol '
( 'oa<·h Oshoi'll \ l'I'Oss-l·ountry ll'Hlll lliHllH)-!t'd to "111 only onl' of tlw llll'l'h in whi<'h 1lwy "t'l'l' PntPl'l'<l. In thPst' fiYt' nwpts. howpn•r, ( 'aptain ( 'hPstl'r ~li<'krcHl \\as m·wr lwatt'n . hut tlw inability of hi~ tPam -nJatl's to plal't' hpt tlw :\Iarocm rttJJJH r·s from winning mon• l'ontt•sh. In thr first llll'l't of tlw ~- ~·ar. Jwld at Ttl\\ a ('ity. Iowa. and stagt'd undt'l' tht• anspil'l'S of tlw l ' niwrsity of Iowa. ('apt a in " ( 'hpt" took first pbtt·t'. t•stahlishin~ a lll'" Iowa ~tall' Tntl•rs<·holast ie l'l'l'Ord of ] 1 :~".!l. On Octolwr .). ('hampai:.rn was dl'ft•alt•d hy Dl'l'atur in a dual mt•l'l h~· a ·eon• of ~0 to 1 G. Thr following \\"l'Pk t lw :\Iaroons lost a not lwr l'OJltl'sl. Dan Yilh• winnin~ 1~ to~). , 'til'krod ran this l'<ll'l' in 10 :.iO. till' ht•st timt' n•eordt'tl hy him during tlH' st•ason. Till' only vietory for Osborn' harrit•rs was o\'t'r l ' niwrsit~ High ~t·hool. who Wt'rt' Pasil~- tlPfPatl'<l. 1-i to G. Dnring tlw half of tlw Thanks~iYin~ )-!HllH'. a trian)-!ttlar lllt'Pt wa stagl'd lwt\\'l'PI1 ('hampaign. Dam illt• and ])peatur. DanvillP won tlw mPl't "1th ~:2 point.. ( ' hampaign \\"CIS st'l'OJHl and lk<'al ttl' third. 'l'lw four ( '. I l. ~ - rttllnt'rs who \H'I'P t•ntl'rl'd. ~tiekrod .. '(']nntrtz. Portl'r lind Br·idgham. pllll't•d first. fourth. ninth aiHl PIPYl'nth 1'\''-JH't'liYPiy. ('llptain ~til'krod and Frank ~l·hwartz an• thl' onl:· llll'tllht'rs of thi-, yPat•':-. squad \\·ho will graduatl•. With ('llptatn l'll'd Porll'l'. DillaYou. Hart. Brid!!ham and l{t'id h;H·k. ( 'cHH·h () hol'll hopt•s to turn out a wmning lt•am nPxt fall.
ToP Ho\\ : JohHJo-011, roal'h ) f nypr, ) f urt i n :lllllt>LI. J{o\1': Bnrnh, Li~rman, l'ott~r. Bn rh . HUTTO" Huw ]),•rment, ~Ic('uJii,ter, Capt. Hyland, (:amble, n.her.
t' . Bora h
F . '!'.
II~·l a nd
ll. H. B urh
\\· . E. ,J ohnson
Il. E . Dernwn t
.J . \\' . LiPl'lllllll
H. E. F'i her
F. \\'. :.Id 'allistpr
( '. D. UamhiP
W. (J. :\laJ·tin
BASKETBALL SEASON RECORD ( • ron• ....................................... :.!I llccntur ......................................... ti 1\:aukakt·t• ................................... 10 t'rhaua ..................................... 1-! Bloomiu:..:tou .................................. 1!1 ~t. Vintors ..................................... I:i 1\:au kakt•t• ......................................... :; l't•ntralia .......................................... :.!1
Cha mpai~.:u .......................................... lii Champai~-:n .....•................................ :!4 ( ltampai~-:n .................................... ~:! Chnmpnign ...................................... :!-! ('ltampaign ..................................... 1~ !'hampai~-:n ......................................... :!I ('hampai~.:u ............................................ 1 ('hampai~.:u .......................................... :!:~ !'halliJ>ai~.:n ....................................... ..... :~o l'hampaij.!ll ............................................ 1:; ( 'hnmpa i~-tn .......................................... :!!! <'hampa i~-tn ............................................ :~~ ('lwmpai~.:u .......................................... .-!! l'hampai~.:n ............................................ !!) l'hampaign ............................................ ~~ l'hampai~-tn ........................•................... 1!!
JIIRTHH'T <'hampaign ( 'ha mpa ign rhampai~.:n C!Ja mpa i~-tn
\ lila
rl'us<·ol:t ................................................ :?:! l 'rhana ................................................. IIi llanYillt• ................................................. 17 llt•t·atur ......................................... .. ....... :.!0 ( 'hri:man ............................................... 10 ('linton ................................................. 1.1 Illinois • '!'110ol for lit-a f ................... 1 i 'ft•rre Hault .................................... 1.1 TOl'H:\"'A~fE:\"''f
'fust•ola ........................................ 14 Farmer ('ity .................................. 1 :l Long,·it•w ..................................... 11 ~[ahonwt .......................................... 17
......................................... ~3 .......................................... 31 ... •··············· ....................... ~0 .................................... . .. ~:.!
:-;E 'TIO'\.\L
( 'ha lll11aign ............................................ ~!) <'halltpnign ........................................... :.!:.! ('h:unpaign .. ..................... ............. !.!~
Jh-,·atur ......................................... 1 i Pn11a ................................................1.1 AtltPII." . :.!!) 000000
HTATJoJ TOCR'\A~IEX'f ~[arion .............................................. 1.1 ('hampai~-tn .. ..................... . ............. ~3 Elgin ................................................ :.!.1 ('hampaign ........................................ 17 ('hampaign ............................................ ~1 \\'on ....................................... !:! l
l'rhana .... . .......................................... 7
Lo:t ..................................... :;
Captain Frederick T . H y land ·'Bud''" as the typ • ol' lt•adPr whom all the play!'r l'l'SJH'<'(Pil and his elutratterist i(• fi:.rht an<l JH'Jl inspin·tl tlw boys to do thPir ])('-,( for him. ~\ s <•t•niPl' lw \ras t lw main eo:.r in offt•nsl' and \Ylts t h(• st'('OJHl hi:.rlwst s('OI'· 1'1' on th1• tt•am. li1• \\as s!'lPI'I!'Il a l'l'n!t·r· and 1·aptain on both tlw all -distri(•t and all-sPI'Iimwl !Pam.· and W<h rankPd a" tlw '-"'I'OJHl hp-,t in tlw stat1• at this position. • ·Bud·' "as always I'Ool tllldPr fin• and was as -.;{Pad.' and l·on-.;istl'nt il'-' a playPt' ('otrld IH'. IIi-; position will lH' hard to fjJ1 lH'Xt _\'PHI'.
I't•rt•t•ntage .................... sOT %
[hr fUaruuu
Review of the Basketball Season J:,,
'1'. I:. . It .
I .1.1,
II E ha k"th:dl t'il 1111 ,,f 1!1:2t-:2:i IIW~· lH• <·lrt Pd a O!IP of thP iJ • t that f'\' ·r· r·<·pn• t'llll'd l'hrtlliJiill~ll lli:..dt . \·hoiJI, fot· thi ea 1111 mat·k<'d tht> fil· t I iiiJt• fo1· a (' h:trupai:tJJ lt'HIIl to pliH'f' :Jillllll!,! I Itt• ti1·st fonr in th<• ,'fHit• 'flllll'll:JIIIf'llf. _.\ftt•r \\illllill" l\\t·h·t· of th,. i · tt'f'll t·IH·dul"d !,!alllt', tht• lt•HJII t·apiJJn·d tht· di trwt a11d . e<·tional l'h;nnpion hip hnt \las h<•ai<•JI in till' fillHI g:11u<· fot· tlw statt• titlt· hr El!,!in. In pitt• ol' th" .. n·ort of ('o:wh .\Io,\'1'1' a11d I'J•iJwip:d IJ;dt• to oht<~in 1111 i11\'itation to tht• . •ational 'l'ollntamt•ttf, ('ham p:ti"ll \\11 11ot ;dlo\\t•d to< 1111'1', tlw nJatJ<I!!t'l' of that tounlallli'Jtl ... ayitr:t that tht' dP!t•:Jt by Elg-111 \Ill too dt•<·i in• to \\aJT/Int a11 invitation. 'I'll<' fir t ~/IIIII' of tIll· t'/1 1111 ,.,. nlt<·d in 11 :21 to 1li dl'i'Pat at t hi' ha11d.., of \'ill:t l:J"O\'t• h11t foll<m ill!! this l'hamp<ti!!n won thJ'I'I' strai!,!ht \'il'lot•it•s. lllollluin"ton tht•JI \IIIII a ht•Ht'f -hJ·I'akillg afl'ai1· hy a t'Ol'e of 1!1 to 1 . th" wimlitt:t l111 kt•t lwi ng- t•orl'd a t ht• \1 h ist II' hlt•\1. 1111 till· l\\o dii,\' tt·ip to 1\ankak<'<', till• ,\laroons I'Hsil,\· dPft•a(t•d Nt. \'wft)l's .\<·:Jdl'lll,\ 1111d l\a11kakl't' I I ig-h • 't·hool. 'l'lw twxt \\'t•t•k l'lld ('pnfralia won a :..!t to :2:1 dl'tory from .\Ioyi'J'\ lltl'n lmt fill' IHtl<'l' l't'<'IIJH'l'/ltl'd h.' \\inni11g- 0\1'1' 'l'llst·ola on tiH· lii'X( 1'\'l'llill!!. l•'ollo\1 ing- 11 1() to 1:i <lPft•at at tlw hauds of l'rbana. tht• f<·auJ \\'011 ix . tJ·ai~rhf \'i<·torit•s and \las iu tllf• lwst of for111 \\hl'n tlu• distri<·t llllll'IIHillt'lll opt•Jit•d .\1 :ll'<·h li. 111:-i'I' IU<"I' 'l'OI I{ .\.\IE 'T
' l'tls<·ola \\11.., dl'lt\111 ns tht• fi1·st oppoll<'llf 111td aftt•J' dl'f<'atin:.r tht•IJl :2:1 to 1 t ( 'h:1111paig-n "ns nlaf<·ltt·d to pin.'' l•'arntt•J' ('if,\', \1 hit•h g-amP pt'O\'t•d to ht• thl' t'/tsit·st of t ht• t OIII'IIH II It'll I. •\ ft I' I' \1 i1111 ill~ t h<' t'lll i-fi n;il.., frmn Long-\'il'\1', t ht• \It< ' \1.1,1 TI,H
< \ 1''1' \ I ' L I.F.< "J'
I. Ill
(, \\1111.1:
.\Iamons nwt .:"llahonwt 111 t lw finals. t'eatin!! tlH•m :!:! to 11.
<'han1paign \\'Oil t hP <·hampionship h~· dP-
:-;E<"l'[II •••\L TOI It .UIE T 'l'hP dra\\'ings in this toiii'IIalllt'nt pi<H·t'd < hampa1gn H!Hl l)p<·at ttl' a · oppont•nts for thP third tintt• in thP spasott and thP t'ornwr had littlP trouhiP in winning. !'ana lost a:!:! to 17 gantt· to tht> fat .:"llaroon quintl't in tlw sPllll-final. lt>a\'ill!! ('hampaign and .\thPn itt thP run for tlw titlt•. In mtl' of tlw most <·losp(~- <·on1Pstt•d ganws of tht• ,\'<'HI'. tlw tit!P \\'as \\'on h,,- ('hampaign. hut it took an O\'PI'timf' JH'riod to dt't•idt• it. ThP st·ort• \\as:!:! to :!0. :-;T.\TE TOI H
Tlw four IH"st l't'Jll't•st•ntatin• tPHllts 111 thP stat!'. ('hampaign. Elgin. }[arion and ('anton \\1'1'1' mat<·lll'd to pia~· for tlw stat!' titlP. Tlw Jlarnmts \\'011 tlw first !!aiiiP from :"~!arion. thP s<•on• IH"ing ~:l to 1--l: hut in Elgin tht'~· lllt't OJH' of tlw st I'OJigPst of inl<•t•.·t·hola t it• t<•ams aJHI \\'1'1'!' dt't·isiwl.'· IH'Hl<'ll :!.) to 17. In a post - Pilson gam!' "·ith l'rh«mt. till' prot·ppds of \\hieh \\'PI'<' Hst'd for tht' rPl iPI' of t ornado-st rid-:Pn honw 111 out ht•t·n Ill innis. ('!tampa ig 11 playPd 11 p to ht·t· t I'll!' fonn and won a :!1 to 7 \'iet or_,-. That this ~·par's tPant "as a J.!I'Ottp of wt·satilt' playt'r ma.'· ht' inft't'l't'd from tlw PIP!'tion of thP difl't•n·nt all- tar tPHllts. <·hospn h_,. tlw ofl'it·ial · of tlw thn•p tollrnantPnt . }[{'( 'allistt•r. 1lyland and <:amhiP \\'t'l't' t•ho t•n for t !wit· n•spt'!'li\'t' posit ion of fm·ward. ct•ntt•t' and g11ard 011 hot h tlw dist rid and spc tiona! all-. tat· tPams. Fish!'!' \\'a plat•t>d a g'ttcll'tl on thP all-<listrit•t st•t•mHl tPam. }[{'('allistPr and UamhiP also mad<' tlw all-statP t<•am. \\'hi](> Jlylan<l \\'as gin•n t•ent<'r and eaptaim·y of thP s('t·ond t!'am.
)I.\ HTI '
Jill!. ·:-;o ·
I.H. I!\1.\ .
1!12- ~~~~~
Inter-class Basketball
.\'E of tlw funrl<lllll'ntal n•asm1s for tht• stH'I't'ss of ('o;H·h ~Ioypt•'s hakt thai! tl'ctllls 1 · dttl' to the f;wt that almost nl'ry hoy in high sehool gl'ts training along that litH'. T ht• t•oat· h llt'\'1' ,. I'll ts a ho.\· from his
squad. tho11gh it usual!,,· ntllllhl'rs front thirt.' to si\t,,·. and in addition to handling sw·h a largl' ntllllhl't' of a pinlllh lw dit'l'<'h an anmwl <·las· tnttt•namt•nt hi'!WPI'1t hi-.. physit·al t rainin:.r elas-.t•s. 'l'ht• <·lass tottt'IHtlltt•nt this ,\'l'ar \\'as <·aiiPd ''Tht• ~flt'l'th\a,\' 'l'ottl'lll'.'"· ''for tlw s!'niors \\1'1'(' t•allt•d "~ltttz": tlw juniors, ",)1'\\l'lts"; tlw sophomnrt's, ", 'tnrlehakl'rs"; and thl' ft'l'shntt•n \\t'l'l' t<·rnwd "Frankl ins." 'l'he <·ontt•st \\'11:\l'd hot atHl ht•ay~ for a \\'t'Pk. at tht• l'nd of \Yhit·h tht• tournamt•nt dost•d an<l it was fouiHl that the s<•nior. had won thrt'<' ganws and lost nonl'.lltaking a 1000 (WI' 1'1'11( Tht•, 'ttHkhakPt's..Jewl'th an<l Fnl!lklins fini..,fwd in thl' onlt•r JHIIIJI'.! ~\list
of thl' team ntt·mhPrs follow
.J I~\\' E'l"l'~
F IL\.\'1\L 1 .\'~
.)ami' on
('a r-,on
, · t iekt-od <:nthh . 'nuder
!'ott t•r
( 'o\
. 'hu rtz Dtlla\'!nt
Doolt'y In gil' J\pnnl'd.'· Bro\\ nfit'ld :--.I. ,John
<'at on
1I a !!I' t·nw n
Following I his tottt'IHlllll'nl t lw <'OJJ(t' ts lwt \H'I'n I l11• gym <·lasst•s started. 'l hl'r<' \\'1'1'<' -..ixt<•t•n lt•ams <'nlf't'l'd. 1Willt'd aftt•J' Yariott stall's in th<• l'ninn, and it was pt'l'sllml'd that tlwy \Y<'I'I' pia,,· in)! Ill a nat tonal tournanwnt. Eal'h l<•am pla~·l'd four ganw-..httt th<•t't' was on],,- ont• that <'Hill<' tht·ough ttll<ll'ft·att•tl. That t<•am "'~"'from 1\ansas and "a" t•ompo t•<l of ( 'ox..Jamt''iOJ1. Yan<·<'. Long alHI PortPr. '1\Yo otht•r tPalll pttllt•d thmtt!!h with tlm•t• Yil'tori<·· and mtt• dPf<•at whill' tlw otht•r thirlt•t•n tt•allh wt•n· o.;<•attt•rt'd throughont tht• Jl<'I'I'Pntct!!<' <'Oittmn. The Yalttl' of thl'st• minot· t•nn!Pst i l!l'<'at for it gi\'1• many hoyo.; a :.rrt•atl't' kno\\'lt•rlgt• of the g-antt'. it JH'omot<' ... a grt•att•r intt'rt•st in the ·port and it gin•s tlw t•oat·h a t•ha1JC't' to look m·<·r ftttiii'P matt•rial for hi t<·am Tlw pnpularit,\· of thP'i<' int<•r-elaso.; pot·ts has assnrt•<l tlwm ol' a pla<·t• among tht• minor ath!Ptic t•onl<' ts of tlw l'hool.
FrHsT Ho\\; <'o.iC'll Collin~ J)j t·kt•y, ( .nJ.,.nn, ('unniu~::hnm. Llt·t·man . . ·1-.COSD Hfn\: ll1.·on, Bro" n, ~~ 1ntz, J)os,, !"\haug-Pr, .JohtP•on.
Swimmin8 n!I
E ()( .AH Doss
:-;wimming-. a . port liP\\' to ( 'hampai)!n llig-h . 'chool. " ·a introdtH'('<l th1.., yPar. , 'iiH'<' tlw !Pam won thn•<• of tlw fin• dual nw<•t. in whi<'h th(•y <'OillJWIP<l. tlw . NhOn may lw <'Hlil'd fair!~· su<·eps:ful for t lw fir. t ypar. I'IHl<'l' tlw )!uidam·p of ()pan Hrmnwll and .f. T. Collins, hoth (•oa('hin)! school :tudPnh. pnt<'liel' was lH')!Iln during ('hristm:h Ya<'ation in preparation t'o1· tlw first nw<'l with l'rhana in tlwir pool. l'rhana won this ;lH'<'t. ·eortngpoints to ( 'hampaign 's 1 "· 'l'lw JH'XI <·ontPst with l'niYrr... it~· Iligh :-:<·hool in tlw ('niYPrsit~· pool "as a <l<·<·idP<l Yidory. for tlH· jfaroon natators \Hill -J..i to l:L ('ham]Htign "·as st·lwdull'd to nwl't Dam·ill<• in a <·ontPst to dPdi<·att• tlw Ill'". pool at tlw lattPI' sehool and manage(] to win a hard-foug-ht Yil'lo1·~·. tht• <'OI't' !wing :l() to ~fl. Tn a rPium nwl't D;un-illl' t•mt•rg-Pd on tlw long- <'!HI of a :11 to ~~ S('OI'('. The final nw<·l was lwld with l'rhana in tlH• ('hampaig-n pool. The j!aroons won tlwir third Yidor~· of th<' ~-~·ar. hy clPfl'atin)! th<• Orangr and Bla<·k smm llll'I'S, :l-J. I0 :!(). \\Tith <'wry nwmh<•r of this ~-~·ar\ t<·am Plig-ihle for <'Oill]Wtition 111 lfl:2.i. tlw ('oaelws should hl' ahll' to tnm out a !Pam that " ·ill 11phold tlw sehool's stand:ml of athlpties. :-;Jn1rtz. .Johnson. Diek<•:•. Dixon aiHl Doss HI'<' all good sw llllllH'I's anc1 shoulcl ckn•lop <'llOll)!h to g-i n• t IH• Iwst t <'Hills <'Olll(WI it ion JH'Xt :l(i
Ho\\. ~\ ....... istarLt f'o,u·h :\louot•, (;tlllllill~, \t1dt>r~n11 , Dt• J mt·tll , Uo~s. \\rilt·,, )[c·Cullistttr. HO\\ . l·'j ... Jwr. Shaw , ~1c 'pill, \\'oolt>y, !:"•·h1·~·i, .luHH'i'-on. )lt•rrifi~~ld HPtt , llylaucl, ,Johth·, J)a\"i ... \\'t•lls, .John on
Baseball Thi .'<'ar\ hasPhall tPam is th<• first orw that ('hampail!ll Ili~?h l-'ehool has tttrnPd ont sill<'<' l!ll.) and it i. prohahl<· that th<• sport will in lat<•r y<·ars h<'<'OilH' onP of thl' major l'or·rns of athiPti<·s in this s<•hool. Followirtl! a f<•\1 pral"li<'<' galiH's \\lth t'rat<·rHit,v tl'allls from thl' l"Hi\'l't'sity. th<• s<'<tson "<ts formal I.'· OJH'IIPd on .\pril ~:l. tlw day of the 'l'nseola l!allH'. }layor <:<'01"1!<' Bahh t lm•w t IH• first hall "ith Dr. \\·. L. On·~·. prpsi<l<•nt of tlw -.<·hool hoard. al'ting- a <·at<·hPr. ('hampail!n won tlw I!Hme by a s<•on• of 7 to :1. I n spitP of th<• fad that tlw tPam was almost wholly mad<• ll[) of inexperi<'IH'l'd play<'r. th<'y w<·nt throul!h a fair!~· sm·e<•ssfnl pason. Onl~· fiw mPn on thl' sqnad \\ill l!radnatP an<l with ('aptain \\•it<'~. D<•rml'nt. Fishl't' aJHl a fpw othpr-.. l'iil!ihl<' 1wxt y<•ar. ('oachP-.. }Joy<•r and ;\[orsp hop<' to tum out a g-oo<l hasphall tPam. 'l' h<• s<' h t>d nle f oll<ms : <'hampail!n Y . '1'11 <•ola
( 'hampaign ( 'hampaign < 'IHtmpaig-n <'hampaign ( 'hampaign ( 'hampaig-n <'hampaign <'hampaign <'hampaign
Ys. DanYilll' Y . Tn-..<·ola Ys. lk<'alnr Ys. \ 'ilia <:ron Ys. Hantonl \' .. Paxton Ys. I )real nr '"'· DanYill• Y • 'l'n. cola
Fu:sT Ho\\ :--- h\. lltl, \\"ih;on (rrL;,hh, I. ffprt~. llu1111p. Turn•ll, ~lit·krwl , (rltnbll• . J:ow !"h~\\llltt•r. t:ld 1d ''• [l,;lH.\CJU, Borth, :\1 utin, llu·t, ( rumm. ~111<l•r, :\lo~t· Tu u:n Ho\\. :.\t elf', Ih d \\right < .-, 1~1ttou , (a ton, < n
:--.tc o~u
1925 TRACK SCHEDULE •\ pnl 1"
.\ pril
:\lillikin Trcl<'k and FiPid :\Ir<•t
:\lay 1
:\Ia~· ~l-- ('('111
:\Jay l.i
ral Illinois ( 'onf('I'<'IH'<'
:-;tatt• lntcrseholast ll' :'IlPPI
, 'tal!~. ·ational lntPrs('holastic
Review of 1925 Season Itt! T. B. ~f<
Tht• indoor tr;wk l':t. on \\a" OJH'lll'd at tht• lllirHIIs .\thlPtit· ('Juh ~fi'Pt hPid at tht• ('oli"l'lllll in ('hil'a!!o in Ft ht'IJ<Iry. In th<' llll'dlt•.'' rPla.'· for high ('hool. ('han1paign pla<·t·d third. ln1t "a" di..,qualifit•d ht•<·au "onp ol' thf' m<·mhPI'" of tlw tt'11111 I'PII hdon• finishin!.!. 'l'ht• l'ollcl\\ inf,!' \\t'l'k I'IHI. ( 'oa<·h Osborn took thl' tt•anr to tht• .\rnatt'lll' .\th lt·ti<· l'nion ~lt•Pt. and t h<• llH·dl<•y tPalll a:.rain pla<·Pd third. .\t t h<· . 'at ional Indoor· ~lt•l't thP 111'~1 day. <'hP·tt r· ~twkrod took fir·..,! in t hi' rnilt•. his t iniL' !wing- -t ::! . :-;<.:h\\ariz also took thin! plat•t• in till' -t-W .'ani da.,h. On .\ pl'll h at t ht• I rhana ~l<•t•t. ( 'harnpaign t·ompPtl'd in ht•r· first 011tdom· nii·Pt for tlw ~·t·ar. and lllilll<l!!l'd to plat•l' Jll'Xt to tlw \\'PII-halarH·t·d l>anvilll' "<fllad whi<·h won t h<· llll'<'t. ThP ~I a 1'0011 r·unnl'r. broke• 1h<• l '1•bana l'l't'cll'!l in t ht· mill' rPla,,·. ( 'hampaign did uot fan· "o W<•ll in tlw .\1 illikin llll't't: hcmn<'J', t h<'.'' \\'on thP lllt>dll'y r·pJay. and phwl'd st•t•otlll in two othl'r n·lay.·. .\ t t ht• Knox HPia,n; (),born\ J'llllll!'l's pi<l!'< d "<'l'Ond in t hP lll!'<'t. ha\'inf.! won t hi' nlllt• rPia.''· and plat·Pd in sp,·pr·al ot hPJ' . ~'lw Bra diP~' lnlt·r· t•holast it·. IH·Id 111 Pt•oria on ~Ia.' ~- markPd t ht• \'it• tor.'' of ( 'hampaign . a:.raiu in 11w mill' rt'la~·. Pcllll \\'il on plat·Pd third in 1hP half mill' run 111 t h l'i lllt'l'l . •\1 tht• l 'niYPrsity of Illinois lntl'r~ehola-,ti(', ( 'hampaign \\'On onl~· t\\'o poinh by 'irtuP of ~tit·kt'!H I'-, fourth pla\'t' in tlw 111 i It' ~lost of t hi' tt•<Jtll \\ill hi' ha<·k JWxt ~·pa r·. and \\'it h t hi' t•. Jll'ril'll!'<' gaiu<·d this spason. will doubt lc• s makP a lwttPr sho\\'ing. 0
(g I :\1. .\:\
Bll\\"1·: .
Or8anized Cheerin8 . hortl~· llt'fon· tilt' football s<'a"ml. tr~·ont \\l'I't' lwld in tlw auditorium for Th<•st• II'.' onh \1\'I't' <·arriPd ont l<·adl'rs \\1'1"1' sPII'<'It•d in proportion to tlw amoiint of I'l'sJHlllS!' g-i,·t•n hy tht• ·tndPnh. Ut•or!.!P Kaplan and Lamar Og-IP!rt'l' \\' !'1'1' <·host'll. a11d from that l>nring" a JH'Jl ass('lllhl,\' llt'i'Ort' OIH' of !hP g'allll'~. Pari,\' ill lht• S\'il"On. ~Jr. ))a)p alllJOIIIH'\'d that SOil\\' g-ir) \\Oil)d Jli'OhaiJ)~· Jw )ll'l'Sl'lll !hP Ill'"! da~ . at !hi' g-anw. to lwlp tlw ho.vs in )p;uling- tlwir <"IH'l'l';-;. l•'ollm' ing-. a <L .\ .•\. nH•t'tin~-r '"'s hPld and ~lis llal'l'il'l Jlprry appoint<'d IIPIPII (~11111lan a11d \ 'tq!IIIIH Bo\1-PII as t lw g-i 1'1 t'I'Jll'P"t'nt at i \'Ps. For thP t't•maindPt' of thP foothall s<•ason tht•st• l'onr \\Pt'!' sPPil at !'\'PI',\" !.!alll<'. IPadin~-r t•ht•t•t· . Tht·.'· \\ on• maroon a11d "hit<' 1111il'orms and kl'pl np t lw "nthnswsm ol' tlw sp<·<·tators . •\t tlw ThanksgiYillg- g-anH· in thl' :--tadiunl. tlw~· workt•d harder than at any ot lwr I inw. LanHit' )p<] tlw haskPthall fans throug-h nwn_,. Yidorit•s and also lht·ough tlw tont'llanwnh. many tinw as this .'<'at·. Tlw ho,,·s W!'t'l' al\\a~·s I'P<Hl,Y to g-i\'1' P\'1'1'~· otw a :n•ll. whetlwr tlw~· had <H'!'OII!pli~lw<l sonwthing in athlPii!·s. plthli<·ations ot' <lramatu•s. \'i\'toriPs an• of!Pn timnlat<•d h,\· th<' untiring- pfl'orh of tlw !'hrPrlPa<lt•rs. If thry di<lnot strin• to k!'l'Jl tlw school spirit in lhl' minds of tlw t1•am h,,. l<'1Hl-
Gymnasium Classes \'aril'd Jli'OJ.!I'<tlll~ of \\ork and partil·lpation in the ~port. that a1·e of in tPI'Psl to I'Yt'l'~· \\·idt>-awakt> g-irl haw mad!' tlw Phy ical Training- dt>partment undPI' th•• sllJll'l'\'ision of ~~~~s llal'l·il't PPI'I'Y 0111' of thP mo~t Pnjoyahh• COIII'Sl'S in ( 'hanlpaiJ,!II Hig-h ~dwols l'lll'l'ieultlnl. 'l'\ro ."' ar~ <'I'Pdit in J>hysieal Training- is l't•quirpd for g-raduation HIHl S(H'eial (')assl'~ Hl't' organizt•d for IIJlJlPr <·lassnwn \\ho \\ish to p)p(•t g-ymnastie \\ork. Tht• LP<IIII'I'" · ( 'Ia s llll't otH't' a '' l'l'k and \\'as <·omJHl..,t'<l of juniot·.., and ·pn1or . lloekp~· \\Hs tht• sport takt•n up most l'nthu..,iasti<·ally during- IIH• fir..,t s<'llH' ll't'. h11t '' ith th•· adn·nt of ..,pring and \\al'llll'l' \\·,·athl'l' thl' g-irls adjolll'lll'<l to tlw athlPti<· J.!rOIIJIII 011 the \\t'st sidP of th1• s<·hool <'alll(lll and l'll'<'t!'d hasPhall allll s< llll' yolll',\' hall as till' major spring- sport. l<'l'l·shman and sophomon· <·lassl's an• lwld l'l'g'lllarly twi<'!' a \\'l'ek. 0JH' da.' i dnotl'd to formal drill and appantllls \\'ork. in which militar~· tactie-.; ar<· -.tn•,; ·p<l. Oftt>n :\Ji..,-., 1'1'1'1',\' chon.~'" g-irb fi'Om the t•las-. to din•<·t thl' l'XI'I'ti ""· afl'ording- raluahlt• pntl'1i<'P to tht•m. \'olll'~· hall Hnd othl'l' gamp-. \'Hr~· thi-. prog-ram at t imPs. Tht• ..,l'I'OJHI pPriod of till' \\!'l'k is uually ~-rin·n on•r to dmwing instruction and Jl.' ramid \\ork. Folk dan<·Ps and <·hantl'tl'r dan<·•· al'l' ta11ght tl11• g-ro11ps. p, ramid \Hlrk tarts ahout mid -sl'Ull'..,ter and is eontinHe<l throug-hout tlw ren;aindet· of tlw ~-<•ar. \'arious formations ar<' h11ilt up knmrn as "lsns<'Pil's," "T\\o and Olll' half 11p." "~tar J>,\Tamid." "Hridg-<•," "'l'hn•<• Tm\l'l's,'' and · · P11sh and P11ll." '1 he pa-.t ~- <·at· a ladder" a. <td<led to tiH• eqllipmPnt. to t>nable tlw g-irls to form laddPr p~· ,·amid-.. From fo11r to Pig-ht gids O<'<'llJlY tl11• laddl't' at 0111' t illll'. lntl'I'-<•Iass tournanl!'llh in hasPlwll <l!Hl Yollt>~· hall an• held Sl'llli -ann11all~· for \\ hi<·h )li'HI'I il'l' is hPid in <·lass and aft!'l' s<·hool. BPsidl's till' t\ro hours of g-ymnasium <·lass \\Ol'k rPquit'P<l. an hour a week
PnH'til't' 1s startt·d ahont mid -sPnwstPI' in Jli'!'JHII'ation for Dad· amH1al P\'PJlt hl'ld in tlw hi~h . t•hclOI, this .'·Pal' on Frida.'· ('\'Piling-, ~Ia.'' 1.>. in \\hi\'11 t•n•t·y frpshm<lll and sophomon• g-irl and an.v othl'l' ~irl taking- physic·a t l'allllll~ is n•qllin•d to takt• a part Tht• folio\\ in!! pmg-ram \\ Hs c•atTil'd 0111 in t lw ~ynlllasinnl. P.\HI' I. Fn•shllll'll \'olll'y hall g-anw (:ymnast ic·s Py ra Ill ids \\it h laddt•l'
.Juniors \'s.
~OJlhOlliOI'I'S ~0 Jl h 0 Ill 0
~ophOiliOI'I'S J>.\HT
II .
, 'ophomon• ~0 Jl h01110 I'('S No ph omo l't'" .)uniot·s Fn·shllll'll Frl'shnwn. I£ I lour Ft•t•silllll'll. II [ 1 lour - FrPshnwn. 1 \' Honr
• ·ailor\ IlornpipP Dant'l' D:lll ish Danc•p Ilansl'l Hml UrPtPI DaJH't' Npan ish Dant•t• K<'nt ntk.' Bam nmwt• l )mwin(r on t h<' (: l'l't'll Irish Lilt Hn tic ('onrt hip
P \H'l' Il l. Nophomon• · .Zouaw Drill This prog-ram is lookPcl fonnll'tl to hy thP girls and is thl' c·tilmination of the yl'ar\ \H>rk in thP g-ymnasium l·lctsst• .
(;r a ll~t · t·,
l)o JI O \ U II , ( 'oo pP ,
Volley Ball YollPy hall has hPPll a wr:· popular sport in 1lw girls ' gymnasium classps of ('hampaign lligh , '<•hool, und<·t· tlw dil'Pl•tion of :\Jiss l larriPt PPt'l')', physi!•al tnuntng instru!·tor . •\t thP lwginning of tlw )'PHI'. thP girls tlsPcl outdoot· courh. \ ' ollP,\' hall prac·t ieP for t lw frpshman girls ''as lwlcl after s<·hoool 011 :\londay aJHl \\' <•dn!•sda.' P\'l'nings, whih• tlw Sophonton• pla:·pd 'l'll<".;day aJI([ 'l'htll'sdays. On thPsP sjweial !'\'!'!lings ahout OJH' htmdrPd g-irls playPd on tlw eourts. This pnwt ieP madP t hP girls qtlltP t'tl'ieipnt. \ \' lwn it hP!'Cll!H' llPl'!'ssal'." for the girls to play in till' gym. tlw !•las'iP.; in P<H·h hour \\l'J'(' diYidecl in squads. .\ class totll'!HillH'Ilt was t lwn lu•ld . with upfH'l' !'lassllH'II ac·ting as rl'i'Pl'l'P . •\ t'kr tlw fn•shnwJt squads pla.1 Pel Pa!·h othPI', 1h<• l' ham pion squads for <'a!' h [H'riod met . Tlw sophomm·<·s 1oo, clP!·id<·d upon thPit· hPst tl'am hy Plimination. \Yiwn tlw Yidorious squads from P<H'h !'lass mpt. the Sophomon•s defPat!•!l tlw Ft·esllllll'Jl h:· a scOI'P of l.'i-l:l. Th<• .Junio1·s also had a YOllPy hall 1Pam whieh playe<l 1hP Sophomon• in the final ganw of tlw 1ottrnameJtt, and ch•fpatP<l t lwm hy a sem·p of 1.)-:l. LinPll[l. of tlw tPams
as follows:
·::w ~ladgl' ~I('( 'arty
lt'PJH' Boyer :\IanP Fosm1ugh (;lad:·s IlPah•y
( <'apt. )
L!•l·ina \\'allacP ( ('apt. ) ll elPn Bahh l<'ni!H'<'.· Tn1Phlood Dorothy \\"'orshPr
( 'apt. ) El'<'lyn Bat'JH's :\[a bPI ( 'happp[[(• \\' p a DalP Fa.n· ,Johnson Edith • 'eidd'l'er ~I ar.1 I{ a<' PPt <'rson er Louis<' :-it i<'"<'IIH'I ....
[tu~ I
£R aruun
Girls' BasebaZZ Ny lit·.
J:'\ (~t'J'\L .\'\ .\'\J)
HasPhall is tlw sport lwst lihd hy tlw girls of ('hampaiun lligh ~<·h<)()l. JH'rhaps h<•t·ausP it is tlu• sport IH·st kJl(mn by most ol' tlw girls. Tlw ~~· mmtsium t•lassps "Pl't' Pal'h dividt'd into four squad ..; whi<·h t•om(H'tPd during <'las hou1·s. 'l'hP "imH•J's of <'at·h \'lass t lwn met aft PI' st·hool on thP fidd 011 tlw \\Pst sidt• of tht• s<'hool building and finished thl' toUJ'mtnH'lll. 'l'lw \\inning frPshnwn kant playP<l tlw winning sophomon• 1Palll in tht• Pllli finals. 'l'lw ,·it•tory \\'I'll! to the FreshnH•n. The . 'pniors defeated tlw .Junior., in th<' s<·mi -finals "ilit·h hl'Ought about a final gamP lH'tW<''n tlw ~Pniors and FrPshnH'll. Tlw J•'rpshnu·n \\'PI'<' vit·tors a s<'<'OtHI t inw. 'l'lw linP-ups \n'J'<': /•'n sh 1111 11 Yirginia ~oudPr ( <'a pi. Edna Ba nwrd 'l'lwlma UPi.lt•J' EIPillHll' ]\.p~(: lady. Dohnw IJp]pn Hopkins Huth ~haw IIPIPn Brooks Dorothy lla II La,.,t .''<'HI' all -stal' tt·ams \\PI'<' pitkt'd from a1llong tlw Fl'Pshnwn and ~opho mot'<' girb and a game play<•d hl'lwepn tlwm hut this ypar bt•t•aus<' of thP dela:· in stat·ting tlw pr;t<•ti<'<' thPt'<' \nts no tinw t'OI' an Pxtt·a gamt• to ht• pl:ty<'<L
:\larian BJ·ownPII ( ('apt. ) <:nt<·p Parkhill Louise :\l('(:ranahan Paulin!' Pt•n•intl Huth Parks Prisl'illa \\'ileox Opal Ul'rsl'lmill<'l' Lois Brookbank
MISS ALICE SMITH ,\Ji-,, .\lll't' . nttlh. a UTadnaiP of lhP ( nin•r-,ity of I llinoi>-. and a '-llldPnl at ( 'hit•Cig-o \nl'IIJal . !'hool <:f l'hy>-i<·al I~dtl<';ti ion. <'Hnll• to ( 'hampai!!n II ig-h ~<·hool Ja,t ~·<at· In h1• .\-,;i tant Dtn·<·tor of' <lirl>.' l'il.' i<·al Ed ural ion. . 'hp took up hPt' \\'nrk <h in'-il'lll'tot· of thP gtt·l · ~\\ in11ning <·la.;-,p-,, .\ltlHllt!!h .\lis.; ~ntil h i · al>-o a lang-ttilg'<' in t t'tll'tor sht• dP\'OIP·; !'out· at'tl't'JHlOJlS a \\'t'<'k In \ltntmtug. ll,\ ht•r intt•n•,t and <·apablt· in tntl'li<:n lw ha dor11• llltH•h to prOlliO.t' au illlt•t'l'>-i Ill >.\\llllllliUg allHing tht• git·ls.
Swimmins For lll<lll,\' Y<'Hl' ""·imming has bt'Pll a popular ~port \\'ith tlw :,ril'l athlt-tt•.;, and undt•t· tht• t•apahl<• iJJstnH·'illll of llw t•oa!'ht•>-. .\lissp, llal'l'it•l Perry and .\li('P l-'mith. it h;h bt•t•n t'Ptl'i\'t'd l'S(H'<·iall.' \\l'll this .'<'111' . .\lis-; l-'mith has had <·IHtl'g'l' of' t hl' hegim11•rs. intl'rnH•diatl', and ad\ HJH'l'd <·l<t~~<'.., nwPt ing- dut·i11g t hP \\'l'l'k i11 1111' aflt•r -;('}wol periods. \\'hilt• .\Jj..,, l't•t'l',\' dir<'<'tl'd tlw 1< riday da-;st''i. ln-;tallation of lhl' sprin:.r boar·d and lhl' llt'\\' Pll'l'!rit• hair clr·~·pr· <'Hill!' ill thP !'all. 1~.' tt'i<' of tht• >-pt·tug- board di\ till!\\ a l'al'ilitatt•<l. Ont• or tht' acl\'il!H'l'd ('leis~(' ... U!Hit•J' .\1 iss J'pr·r<~ SU(li'I'Yisioll ]ll't'(Hil'('S gir·ls to tak<· thl' tP h for .Junior and ~~·11ior Ht•d ('r·o Lifl' l-'a\ing honors. Throug-h ht•r <·arl'fnl in.·tnH't ion. mw grl'l ha · aln•;Hl.'· ohtaiJH'd t hi. honor. as mon• shall latPr. 'l'hl' sPn•nlh hour <·lass is <·ompost•d of' tht• follmring- g-il'ls: Lul'lla J[ouston. Elt•anm· {'lark. lt·<'ll<' l>ooll'll . Lu<·illl' Nlwll. Fomtht•a ,Johnson . .\lary ,JolmstmJ, Ll'lla .\IPdlrll'k. { 'lll·ist in<· .\Ioor·l'. l>oroth~ llabb. Fn·ida Ll'\\ is. .\dPlaitle \'an { 'ura. Ill's-,il' FnlYPl' . .\Iar·!!arPtla J:landt•att. Tho. P t•nrollt•d in till' Pi:,.dtlh hour or Lift• ~a\'illl! !'lass an•: llt·l<•n {~uinlall . .\Iarg-ar·l't Elltll's .•\li<'P .\IeUint,\', \ 'irginia llo\\l'll, 'l'omr11y .\1('.\Jull<·n. 'l'lwlma Yanos. .\Jar~ Hall. llt•r·nieP lludson. Huth 0-,hornl'. l'rsula llalll]H'l. Eh•allor Finn<·~. Elhl'l BPil . .\lahl'l <'happl'lft.. \\'psa ()all'. and Ut•r·al<liJH• IIPg't'llhart.
1- JU ... T HO'\
11 h
L htlilu~. Btu '· (~ u r ' n \ 111 \1 ( uh :-... \1 s Pr rr \
Camp Bowen J:y llu.t' (~t I'\U .·nmllli'J' ('antp. undPt' -;tall' athlPtit• dirP<"tion """ lu·ld ]a-.;1 ~Pal' forth!' lllPlllht•J'-.; of tlw Uit·b' .\thleti<· .\-.;-.;()(•iation at Ho\11'11 ('onntry <'lnh. \\'aukPgan. lllinoi-.;. during th m•pk lwginning .)un<· l:l. ~t'Y!'ral st•hoo]-.; throughout thP -.;talt' sPilt <Jp]pgalt''i. Oak Park . .JoliPI, ()p 1\:alh. }lorton. }lain!' To\\'n-.;hip. El!!tll :111d <'hatHpaign \\PI'<' n·prP'i<'ltlt'd h.1 a to(a] l'lii'OJ!JtH'Jlt of fori,\' g-irb_ ('hampaign lliglt ~t·hool \\lh n·pt'<'""''t<·d h.1' nin<· girb.•\li<'<' }ldlint~·. Loi-.; ~tout, \'irginia B<•t'J'~·nnm. }lary ~t·ott, lt't'JH' Ebling. }lar.l· llall .•\dPiaiciP \'mt ( 'ttl'll. IIPIPn (~ltinlan a1HI }Ji.,., I! ani PI i><·n~ a-; t·ounsPlor. I>uring tlw 1\<'l'k thP t'ollmlilll-! t't -.;<•ht•dtdt• wa follmr<• I hy all tlw t•alllJH'I'": 7:00 Hising IH"II 1 ~ :00 Lun('h II our 7 :1.) }forning dip 1 :00 l{p-.;t PPriotl ~ :00 llandi('l'at't \\'ork 7 :.f.) Hn•akfa-.;t s ::HJ ('[paning-tip Tin11• :l :00 'I'Pllllis !I :00 \'oliP~· Hall .f :00 . '11 tntming10:00 Bast•hall (j :00 I>imwr llour 11 :00 . '11 imming Lii'P. ';l\ 7:00 ~t tlllh ing ( ' la-.;s OJ' 'l'P!tllis !I :00 Lighh 011t 'l'<• Is in Ht>d ( ' ross lift• saYing \\<'1'1' lwld. \l!HIPI' tlw snpPt'l'i-.;ion ot' }lis-; Ph<.Phl' llt•JHlt'I'sOJt. Sl\illlllling t·ottnsdor. LPola ~nuth of Oak l';ll'k and IfPI<·n (~ninlan of ( ' hampaign l'<'t'Pin·d ht't• sa\ ing hatlgp-.;, 'l'\\'o hikPs WPI'l' tak!'ll h." tlw girls. mw. a fiw-milt• hikP to Zio11 ('it,\'. \\'ht•n· a \'isit 11as paid to thP Hadio ~tation. tht• llott•l and \'HJ'tous ,[top-;. 'l'h<• otlwt· hik<· 11as to tlw tlrl'at Lakt•'s. ·antl .\cad<·my. Thl' ]Htrpos<' ol' thi-.; t•amp. to -.timttlatl' gn•atl'J' -.porhllllllhh p ammtg tlw gids. \\as t'tdfillt•d to a largo<· <'XIPlll dttrill!! thi-. \\PI'k ol' <·amp Iii'<· t)
~ Uii~
\rillirtln .
\'andPJllark. \\'. \\"il".''· T. :-ihool·. (: . I [PJ'ZO!!'. L. Bt•tz. I I. I: ro\1 11. :'1 I. HP1111Ptt. II. I !opkins. '1'.
. I ftos ( 'lll'SIIll, ( :.
\ 'a llt't'. I>. \'mwP. I I. \\"a t·hPI'. E. J:on'lo111
Lind "·'. I>.
I I.
:'11!'1\t•t•, .J. I los . E. Lon•r, .\ 1. lhd-:t•]', \\'. . r·llJ't•i. \\'.
1\11 hI . .J. Ilal'l'i. \\'. t•,mit h. It
'.'1 ·'
\\"11 Oil, (;, I ;,.Jsha". I'·
• ·1/.rliJillll/11.\
Flo\\'t•rs. :'II. . kPlton. ]\. I Alii/.! .• J. f'lori111
IIampt·l. E. c:ods"·'·· II. c:oldt•ll, 1\. Latft>rt~. \'. Pit·knPII, ( '.
'l'nnllhollr' 1\PIIt·.'·· B.
l>anuhPrt.'·· <'. ({ .. no. l'a11l \\"atson . L. /) /'IIIII.\
:'llt•ll\'<li llt', \\'. Dillman. L. Kaplan. ( L Nho\\'t'rs, H.
lp.~ it{ a r1 11tt
The Band Tlw ('.II. N. Band. lltHit•t· tllf' IPadPr.·hip of ~Jr. Ira.\. ~lt•Ktnllf'_\'. is l'JJtitlt•tl to an important plat•t• in lli!!h :-whool af'li,·itif'. 1>111' to ~Jr. ~lt•l\rmlf'.'' Pfl'or·h. ('hampaig-n \\lis ahlt• to t•Jl!t·r·t;l.n tht• st t'"IHI .\nnttal N'a!P lli!!h Nt·hool Band ('ontP:-.1. ilf'ld .\pril ~..J. and ~-i . . ·inf'ttPll -.vhools. from ntriolt parts of tlw statt par·tit·ipatt'tl. ('harnpaig-n's First Band l'f't'l'i\'f·d honor·Hhlf' lliPlltion. \\·hill' tht• ~<'<'flllfl Band won tlw tir-.t plat'" itt !'Ia ('of thl' t·ontt··t. Tlw jltd!!P of tllf' hHnds \\1'1'1' .\ . •\ JJar·dilll! of tllf' rninrsit~· of lllitJOis. \'. (i. (iralwl of till' \\'p;tpr·n Elt•l'lrit· ( 'cmpany of ('hit·al!o. and ~Ir. Ilamwh of tht• ('orm ~fltsi<· ( 'ompany. ( 'hi<'al!o. \\'ith tht• aid of tlw Parl'nt-Tt•;lf'ht•rs .\sstwiation and ol' tht• NtHdl'nt ('olttH'il. !Itt• ~lllsit· DP]HtrtrnPnl aidPd thP ,·i-,itors in finding- lodg-ing-. •\ftn lht• t•ontP-,t all of tllf' hands paradt•d to \\'1'-.t Nrd<' Park. "ht•rp t Itt• \\ innt•r-, \\'f'l'l' annoHIH'I'tl and \'ariolts pi<'<'<'" Wf'l'f' plct.\'l'd h~· the a s('mhl~· of hand . .)oli<'t. tlw \\ rnntn!! organization. lt•d in this paradt• a!lf] t'Oilt'l'l'l. Tht· El!!ill <:ir·ls' Band goa\'!' an l'\hihition mtmlwr at 1hi' t·onl<' t. and \\as a popnlar g'l'flllJl. Tllf' Band Ita a<·t·ontplishl'd mort• stllt'l' tlw \Hlrk is 1akt•Jt 11s a l'<'!!tdat· stth.iP<'I. .\ t thl' hPg-inning- of tht• ,\'f'ar tlw hand was di Yidt•tl in 1\\'O . t•t·1tons t Itt• first llll'l't i ng- da il_,.. and tht• st>t·mHl mu• t ht'l'<' 1inws a \\'l'f'k . •\ t•OJH't'l'l \\as gtn•n 111 ·m l'lllht•r to Ill· t·n•ast• tlw mtt-.,it· I'Hntl for in-.,tt'lllllf'lll Jlf'f'tlf'd Ill tlw st·hool. In ~lat·t•h a <·omhitwd t'OIH'I'l'l of tllf' llllt"ll' dt'(litt•tn.t•nt wa-.; llf'ltl. \\ ith tlw hand taking- a lt•ading- part. lk idt•-; pla,,·ing- for 1hi' JlllllH'I'fllh foothall and ha <'hall g-amt•s of tlw spa-.;on. it pla,,·l'tl for man~· t•i \'it· organization-.,. stl<'h as tlw 1\i\\·anis ('lnh and thP ('hamht•J' ol' ('om llll'l't'l'. Trips \\'I'J't' madt• to Dan,·illt•. l'rhana and , 'pt·ing-fiPid.
'l'lw Bmtd t'lllf'l't•d t hi' t·ontt• t at ~pnng- fiPld. ~Ia.'· and !1. and \\'fill :-.l't'O!Hl plat•t•. Tht· ~pa-,on has h<'t'll markt•d IJ,,. g-t·t·at <H'I i,·ity and ]ll'Og'I'!'SS. a \\ t•ll as or "l'l'\'it•t• to tIll' st·hool.
The Ore hestra /J y I\ \101.\
Tlw ('ltantpaig-n lli:,rh :-l<•hool <>n·hpsft·a. altlwtt:,rlt tht' oldPst lllttsi<·al Ol'h<"'lt IPss a<•tiY<' than sonH· of th<• otlwr !!I'OIIp.. This. lto\\<'\.<'1'. is not du<· to a latk of mttst<·al taiPttt. hut rath1'l' to a diff<'l'<•ttt and "idP t'all!!<' of musi1·al :,rrottps fro111 whitlt tltt• studPnts lllltst l'hoost• I'm· trainin!!. '1\rPnt.'·-fin· IIH'llllwrs llll'<'f for praet i<'l' \\ itlt :\fr. :\11'1\:intw~· on 'l'tH•sdays at llOOJl. .\moll!! sonH· of tlw sPI<·I·tions playt'd an·: "Li:,rht (';1\·alr,\· <h·<·rttll'<'." ":-l<·<·mul llung-arimt l~ltapsod,\·." "LP!!t'tHI of a Host', " and "Prol'<'ssional :\I <ll'<·lt. · ' Tit<• On·hPstra has aid<·d tit<' \'arious otlwr org-anizations in tlw s<·hool. OtH' of its lll<'lllhl•t's, (lPorg'<' Wilson . PtttPI't'd tlw :-lprin:,rfi<·ld <'Ollt<·st in tit<• Yiolin solo t'Y\'111. Holwrt KPllt'y <·ompPtt'd in this lll<'t't in tlw tromhmw solo. Pint 1-toftlls 8 (('!Jill{ r iol/11 s ( l t'OI'g'<' \\" dsmt On iII<· IIH<·knt't' .\!itt' <:oo<lman ( 'urt is ( '1·pighton (lpoq!P Kaplan Edwin EhiPr \'irg-inia :-lquir<•s Llo~ d El'(·hoist .\ rt hur LPastll'<' ~\rthur <lritfith • 'arah LoYPII :\Tary Hall ,) OSt' Jl h () ' ]) () JIJH' lJ Husspl] :-lh(•dd<·nlwlm Lmtis :\IcLt'an Holwrt \Yp t ~anization in tht' s<·hool. Ita
Elm(•t· llampl'l Karma Golden lfarr.'· \Yilson ( 'harlt>s Pieknrll ('onll fs
Tat·son Wilry LPonard II(•rzo~ Harold Bctz IIarolcl Bconnrtt 811 .r o p l/fJII r
Elwood Fa bert
The Ensemble Th<•rp han· h<·Pn man,\' o<·<·asion durin!! tiH• past -.<·hooi y<'ar \\ h<•n it wa · JH'<'rs ar,\ to ha\·<· Pnl<'rtainmPnt h~· a I!I'OIIJI "hi<·h should h<· both small a!Hl of tlw IH•st qnalit,\· of nlttsi<·. It \\'as for thi J'P<I on that .\It·. Ira .\Id\:tllllt',\' saw fit to Ol'l!alliZ<' a I!I'OIIJl of llllt'd<·ians <'iHN'll fmm till' s<·hool ol'(·iu·st ra. Thi · l!l'Oilp, <·all<·d thl' llil!h !-;<'hnol EnsPmhll'. has pla,n·d for all tlw pia.' Jli'<'S<'ll1Pcl hy the '-<'hcol. Th<• EnsPmhiP aidPd in making 1hi' 11lo\'i<·-. a sii<'<'<'Ss h.'· l'nl'llishing- musi(' thi'Oll:,!hont thl' shmr. This y<•a1·'s En l'lllhil' has 111'1'11 \'1'1',\' stH'<'I' ·-.t'ul hP<'Hil'il' of till' Pctl'IIP-.t Pll'orh of 1h dit'P<'tor. <·omhin<•d \\'ith tlw intPJ'<'st shown hy it. lllPll!IH'J'~.
In t rnl111'11t at ion: l'tnlill ·
(;POI'g'l' \\'tlson .\I i<'l' (l nod ma 11 <l<•nJ'I!<' Kaplan • I I'II/II/
\'i1·!!inia !-;quir<''~a I'll h Lon·ll .\rthlll' LP;I-.111'1' ('onll{s
l>ri \'1'1' Lind-.a,\' ('flll'illt Is
El11wr llamJll'l Kanna (:old PH
!J inf'l,,,. fllltl P11111i.,f .\Ir. I J'a .\ . .\Jd\:JHIH'.''
'I' a r-.on \\'tiP,\' L<•onard Ill'l'ZO!!
l- 1R ' 1' Ho\\
'l t'JHI , l ~a
c hnppt•lle, .\tu:ard c ooJ,£>r J:obln on
Pu'' llHJ:' .\1
!'--hf"\\nltt•r ~ E.f'0 \: 11 l { o \\ . I>.lle, E n ui-., B t~)nol d "', S trolit•, ll Jxuu, Lon~. \ ak), TJU RIJ l{ cn\ · ~ liH'ai •l , llud o tt, llopk1n ~l urrt>ll, J,oH•ll, ~ oug
l' u w l iu ~,
II . >;hpll,
F tn ·n.TH H o\\ : .\l r<;rn na han \\ olff Hampel, B IO\\ ll t II. <:olcl n
s W"~ '
Po\\t>ll, .\l ulh::mn, ( I IH'. )t•r, .. cl fft <' tr on
t'ux, Ynno, li e rul .. rt, \l r ~I < Kiuue>, lJ
ll• ko•,
GiPls' Glee Club Nt'JHlratP gl<'l' t'lllhs for t Itt' boys and g-irls \\'t'l't' ag-ain Ol':.!aJiizetl this yl'ar. aftl'r a yrar' trial as a <'mllhiJwd org-anization. Tlw <:iris' Ult't' ( 'Juh. \\'hieh eon ish of ixty llH'IIlhPJ's. llll't'h t'Yt'r~· Tm· tla,\· a11tl Thttrstla,\· and has a<· · <'ompli lwd much in lllllsit·al t•irt·IP-... This !!I'OII)l aJtg- a JIIJlllhl't' of son!!s at tlw hantl emlePrt \\ hi<·h \\t' rl' !!i\'l'n in . ·oY<'JJihPr and on .:\Ian·h 1!l. Tlw t•lnh furni . lwd IIlli il' f or st'\l'l'al a-..-..pJIIhltt•s. antl sang at thP .\It•thodi t ( 'hHn·h on tht• .\ nniYI'rsar~· of tht' \ ' ols!Pad .\ <•!. .\ tlonhlt• qlll~'lt·ttt• eomptN•d of <lnldiP 1IoHston, LPIIOJ'I' \YnltY . .\Jar~ Pm\t•ll, .\lary .\laq.raJ'l't <:ll'llll . \\Tt'sa Dalt•. liPIPn Long, .\ lpha Yak~·. and LorPtta \ \'olft' \\as m1 tht' program at tht• installation of thP. ' ational IIonor N<H'it·t.\·. 'l'lw group t•n!Pn•d tht• tat<' <·ontPst liPid at Npringfi Pid . .\Ia~. :-; and !l, and su<·et'Pdl'll in pla(•in:.r st'<'Oll<l. .\l ary Pmn·ll l'lltt'l'l'd tht• :.rtrls ' olo COJltl'st and phH'l'<l t'Con<l in thi <'Yl'llt. hwlutlt'<l amon:.r tl <' pi l't'l''- un:.r tlHring tht• ~· <'aJ' an• : "Blm\. Balmy Bn•t'ZI' .. ' h~ \\'al'l'I'Jl; .. ( 'onlt' Whl'l'l' t hi' Blll{' BPlls nilt~ ... Bl'ill'htt; .. I \\'aitl'd fol' !ht• Lord,'' ~Il'lHlPI ohn : · · ( >ld Folks at IIouw, '' I•'o. lt•t·; and · · Ewntidl', · · :\Iarzials.
..,11\ST l:o" (rollo . <:uJLrlloc·k, Kn}.Jl.tll, \\.OfHhurr. JJnt•kill , 11 Bt•llllf:'tt, ~amud ..on, n. Bt•JLllett, \\.alkPI", FJowPrf' . . ·•.c·o:"\0 How. ~tult , Tofl,l, BurnPtt, I>n'l, )fr. )lf'l\innE"), ~loort•hcm P, \\riiPy, ~ 1 pfr~, Tu,·kc'r, (,u :1d.
Glee Club
Tlw ('hampaign Ili:.rh .ehool Boy-.' <liP<' ( lnh "a" formP<l thi year, un<l r the S\l)WI'Yi-.ion of thP mn-.i<' <lin•ctor. ::\II'. ::\It·Kimwy. .:\nml){'ring twenty mcmher-. thi-. y<•ar. tiH• (;[pp ('ltth ha ~H·<·omplt. hP<lmn<·h alon:.r mn-.i<·al lin<'s. From tlH• (;[pp ('lnh. a quartPt <'Oil i-.tin:.r of ::\Ja\. Flcmer. lfarol<l BPtmctt, Thomas Hopkins. and <i<•or:.r<' Kaplan was -.,p]<•<·tP<L During the y<'ar the quart t has go tH' to nPig'hhot·in:.r tm,ns to tak<> part in <·iYi<' pt·o:.rt·am· lH'si<k. sin~in~ for thP ('hamhPr of ('omlll<'l'l'<'. Ki\\ani. Hotary and Elks ('luh in tlw city of ('hampai:.rn. Jn tlw mnsi<'al concPt'h giwn during the year. the qnartet fnrnislwd hot h a<·t'<·d and humot·on-. ntunlwr .... ::\Ia'\ Flom•rs t'<'P~'~'"<'nl<'d tlw s<·hool in thP hoys' -.o!o at the ~pringfi ld <'on test. '1'" o nttmlwr-; -.nn:.r t hi-. ~·par \U'I'l' '· \·a:.rahon•l ~on:,r. ·' and '' ~ea 1<"\•yt•r.'' ::\lt·mh<•t·-. of th<· ('lnh an·: Pirsl 1'1 nors .:\Ia'\ F lcmpr·s Louis ::\lt• LI'an Ett:,!<'IH' ( 'asad '\orton .:\lorphons<' ''t /'IIIII! Tt 1101'S
llarold Bt·nnl'tt L<H'kWo()(l \\'i](•y H arold ~t<'n·<'~ ('har]p-., Ttt<'k<'r I ntn ~alllttl'l-.on Don Bt•n 111'1 t .\ rehiP \YalkPr
First Hass Thomas ] Iopkins ::\Iarion \ \'oodntfl' ('a rl D<n·is }fa mil'<' BPmwt t Raymoll( l U ttnd lock ...... , f!/111/ nos:; <:<·or:,rl' Kaplan . ·orman Gollo. Ralph Todd
~~~ 1925 ~~~~~
The Conference Contest J:y K.\H.\1 \ (lm.llL.
Tlw fir-,t annual t•onfl't'l'JH'l' of thl' ('pnfral Illinois Ilig-h ,'l'hool t'onfl'l'l'll<'l' ''a hPid at prin!!fiPld. :\Ia.'· and D. 1!J:.?.i. Tlw otl'it•t•rs of thi-, 111'\\l,\ fornwd nr:.ranizat ion art•: :\lr·. J). W . .\It•( 'o.'' of ~prin~fil'ld. Jli'Psidt•nt: .\lr·. W. ( '. llaPr of Dam ilk Yit·P-Jll'<' idt•nt: .\lr. W ..\. (loodit•t' of Blooming-tmt, st'<'l'l'l<ll'.''-frpa""''l'l'. Tht''-<' otl'i<·iab \Y<'I't' Pl<"t•tpd h.'' a \'Ott' of tlw pri!l(•ipals of tlw ~whoob of th<• aso.,ot•iation. Th<'s<' s<•hool \\<'l'l' Bloomin:.rton. ( llillllpHi:.rn. ])p<•atttl'. Dam ill<·. l'rbana. J>Poria ('pJttral. Pt•ot·ia -"lm111al. Lint•oln . .\lattoon .. Jat·k onvillt•. and . 'pt·m:..dil'ld. <'k<•tl'd to t lw ( 'ont'Pl'<'IH'l' on t lw hasr of lew at ion and enrollnwnt. This ,,.a tltt• fir-,t <'o!lfl'rl'n<·l' of thl' org-anizatron: 1t has ht'<'ll plmml'tl to t•ontimt<• thPsl' in!Pt'st·holast iP lll<'l'h annual!.'·· ~pritl!.rfiPid. hy llli'HIJs of lwr P;ll't•nt -Tt•a<·ht•rs .\s-,m·iat ion. st'<'lll'Pd roon~o., for all t•ontl' tanh. Tlw <iirl. \·o11t ot' that t•if.'' t'l'\'t•<l as g"llidPs for thr visitor. and maintain<'d int'ot·nwtimt lnll'<'<tlls in thP hall-, for tlu•ir h<'ll<'fit. ThP Bo.'·
Thl' solo t'\'t•nt of t ht• lllltsi<· ''PI'(' hPI<l Frida.''· .\Ia,\ "· 111 ~ ::U) P . .\I. 111 t hi' J li~h ~t·hool . \ llditorilllll. In t lw ~irl \ solo . .\I at'.' Pmn·ll, I'<'Jll'l''-t'llll'<l ('ham pai!!n: ht• sang" .\pril. .\!y .\pril" h.' .\!illi!!all. ~hl' \\fill st•t·ond plat'l' in this c·ontPst. \1 hilt• thP -l<l<'k onvilll' t·ontt· tant plat•t•d first. In thP piano solo. in whit·h Pi!!ht t•hool t'Ollllll'tt·tl. l't· 11la li<inqwl of ( ' hampai~n PlltPt'l'<l. playl!l~ Ba<"h 's · · 'l'\nl Part I ll\'l'llt ion" 1111d Bart l<"tt 's "<: ntnd Pol !sa dt• ( 'on<'l'l't." . '1'\'l'll .<·hools partit·ipalt·d in tht• \iolin -,olo. (lPorg-P \\'ilson l't'Jli'Psl'lltin:.r ('hampai:.rn lf i!.th . ·t·hool pla,\·f'd · · Lt'!!t'!IIIP" hy lloll!l. This t'\'Pllt \1 as \\'on hy LitH•oln lli!!h . ·,·hoof. Hohl't't J\p]]t·.'·· i't'OJll t hP ( ' haHtpaig-n II ig-h ~t·hool Band. playl'<l ''Tiw .\lt•sst'll!!l'r" "·' Bmok. H<'t'OIIl(Htllit•d h.' tht• hand 111 tht• slid!' tt·omhmH• olo. in whit·h font· -,<·hools t•nt<•n•<l. .\lax Flo\\ PI's. from tht• Bo.'·s' (l]Pl' (']uh took pHrt in t hP Iloys' ·olo 1·: \'I'll t. si ng-i 11~ ··~<·a l•'t•\'1'1'. '' l'rhana \1'1111 fit· t pfct<·P Ill t hi P<'l ion. ThP g-t·oup 1'\'t'llh of tiH· tllllsit· t•ontt•st \\t•rt• hP!d ~alllt'da.' .\ . .\I.. .\Ia.'' !l. at th<' lligh :-;<·hool at . prin:.rfiPid. ot <·Oilljll'tin!! 111 tlw mixt•d t·hont. lloys' (;]pp ( 'Juh. or lll'l'hl's11'1l ( halll(lill!!ll '-Ill( th1• (;jrl-,' (;]t'l' ( l11h. ('OIIslsll!lg' of tltil'l,\' llll'lllht r for t ht• !!l'Oil]l ,.,·,·nt. ThPit· song-. \1 l'l't' '·'!'hi' , 110\\ ' ' h.' 1•;1!!<11' and '' (lid Folks at I Imilt'.'' ~pringfiPid and -la<·k onvrl]p Itt d for fit·-,t plat'<'. ('hampaign t'<'<'<'i\tn!!· sl't'OJHI plcwt•. 'l'lw ('hatllpai~n lli!!h ~<·hool Band Pn!Pt'l'd tlw Band EYP!l( playing- ".\ t Ianti-, ~lltlt • ·' and '· Yt•h <l. '' <'hampai~n took 'ii'<'Olld plct<·t• in tht• di,·ision. a-, thl' first \\a-, \lOll h,\' tht• ~prlltg"fiPid !land . Tn .ind~ing- all of thl' 11111 it· t'\'l'llh. ~rading \\a ha-.t•d 011 TmH· (i ndttdrn~ f]llalit.'·· ct<'t'ltra<·.'· of pit!'h. and halaJH'L' in <'Oll<'t't'lt•d Jottlllhl'rs) t'Ollllting- :lO points. Tt•<·lmiqllt' (i rH·Illding- ttll'tttory and <'llllll<'iat ion in Y<H·al numlll'rs) :l() poiJtls. and lntl'l'fll'l'tation (i Jl<'lndin!! l<'llliHl. phrasing- and !!l'lll'ral t•xpr·pssion t'Otlllt in~ -Hl points . •\ftPr tlw <·ontt•s1. \l'l'r<' hPid. a final (li'Ogram was g-in•n , atnrday 1'\'l'ltingin thl'. ·tall' .\t·spnal hy till' wimH•I's 111 mnsit• and pnhlt<· '-Jll'akll!g t'\'t'llh. Thr· Jllinois ~tall' HPg-i-,ft·r· lli'I'St'lllt•d a !-;\\t•t•pstakl' Trophy to ~pring-fil'ld. 1l11• .t·hool \1 inning- tht• hig-ht•st Jllllllht•r of' points in th<• nttt i<· <'OJI!Pst.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Summary of the Dramatic Season \Yig- and Patllt th1s year d!'t'Hkd to JH'P"I'lll at h•ast mw pia~ l'at•h month : til' plan was carried out fully. for tlwir ha\'P hPPn t\\PI\'1' pla~· s giYPlt i11 tht• cours<' of tht• sehool term. •"'' c1' 1 /1/(( II \\CIS )ll'!'Sl'llt<'d Ill ()(•foher ; tht• ,)Jlllior play, II'IIJI}Jill' 1\'/11/lf , Ill February, aiHl tlw ~~·nior pia~ . Tl11 .\1 u· Poor, in :\[ay. 'liH' l't'OlH] HllllUa] hand ('Oilt'l'l'f. dil'<'l'l<'d h,\ }[r. }Jt•l\illlll'~·. iJl(•]ttdPd Ill its program a pia~. The Obslinalt Fa11tily . •\t till' ('hri I mas <'OiltPrt. Du ,'f of the Road wa. pn•sentPd. and at a latPr <'OJll'I'J't Tl11 tosl , 'ill, !fat "a g'l\ I'll. Plays giwn at asspmiJiit•s \\!')'(' Fourl1tJt, \lt'trllultss, I>u .~t of t/11 Roorl, and Tlu Ptpu·'s Pay. Jfmlcrn ant! llulit t•ttl Hal/ad of Jlnr!f ./atll allll 1\'lltn But in .lnu ril'a \H'rt' tlwsP giwn at mel'!illg'. of th<' dnunalit• <·ltth. \\'tg- aJHl Paint has sl't Sl'\'Pral ]ll'l'<'Pdt•lJh this ,\'<'Cll', th<· stt<'t'Ps., of \\hieh JH'OYes their Yahw. This has ht•Pn the til·st ~· par in whidt a ,ittnim· play wa-.. pt·•.,pnf<·<L Dah• , 'tout. Jll't•sidPlll of the <' ltth. and .\Iii'<' :'lld:int~· t·hosp and <lin•<·f<>d <'ash of T/11 Piper\ l'atf HJHl T/11 .\ttylll111rs, J'PS]lP<'Iiwl,\·. PPt'haps thP most comnH'IHlahiP fpalttn• of all, IIOW<'Y<'l'. i-, th<' fa!'l that 1warl~· t'\'PI'~· lllPllllwr of th1• <·luh was at 'OliH' tim<' g-i\'1'11 a rolt· in a dramalit· prodtwtion.
''Seven teen ,, nu Euz.\BLTn
IG aJHl Paint pre. l'lll!•d · · ~t·wnl<'<'ll." a fottr a<·t pia~· of yott t h an<l summer! inw. h~ Booth Tarkin~ton, F1·ida~. • 'on·mht·t· ~1. at t hP Champaig-n llig-h, 't·hool .\ttditorittlll. Dale ~tottt \\as \'1'1')' realist il' ill his ro]p of a "~'\'l'lllt•Pn ypar ol<l 1ril/u B11 r/11'. \ ' iq.rinia BowPn \ a<'l ing- \\'as natttnd alHl fn•<' from , elf-eon <·iousnt•ss. LottisP }fdlranahml was quit" profp simwl in hPr intcrprl'lation of tlw afl'P<'tl'd <·it~- g-irl \\"ho Hst•d haby talk. Ett!!<'lle . 'ottdPt' 1'<'cein•d mueh faYorahlP applause hy his excPll<·nt portrayal of (Jc tllsi,..;, tlw a:,r<'d lH'g't'O s<'l'YaJll. ThPy \\'l'l'l' a<lluirahly suppol'IPd h~· a wt•ll tt'aJ!lPd <"ast. }IJ·.,_ • ' pJlp ~Iik<·sell. din•ctor of drama! it•s, dt•spr\'l'd lllttdl praisP for t lw en·ditahiP JH'O<l net ion of · · ~PYI'lltl't'n.' ' Willi1 I:or/11' is fin·d \\i t h loft~· i<lPals hr rl'a<lill:,! rmnantit· nowls. Hi faYoritP , tor~ is ( harll' Dit·ki'Jls '. · · .\ Tah• ol' ']\, o ('it it•...;," and it is tlw hi'J'oism of, '.nhwy <'arion whit·h i11 pil'Ps him. liP j...; a ~il'i - hater nntil lw HH'Ph prPtt~· Lola Pratt. who is Yisiting- }Ia~· PaJ'(·]wr at thP tinw. , ' Jw i a <lPtitll'd hlrmdl' with a mamw1· whit·h <·aptiYatPs <Ill of the Yillagp lwaux, i1H'ItHlin:,r }[a~\ friPlHI. .fol11t11 i1 1\'ol.wm. l\'i/li1 fpp}s that lw <·amwt t·all 011 /,o{n unll's, Ju• do<'" it in 1hi' PY<'llin:,r and \\'PHI's a dJ'Pss sttit. I [p triPs to JWrsna<lP his 1111sym pa 1hPt i<· fa 1hPr to hu~ hi Ill one. hnt Jll t'. J:n .r/ 1 r rd'nses. Jlfr,~. Ro.rlf r mHII'rstands hPJ' son mHl triP to pPrsna<lP lwr hu.,hanrl to ehangl' hi mind hut is nn"oll!'<'<'s.,t'nl. (,'I til sts fp]]s Will if ahont a fri<•nd of hio; \\ ho is a s<'<'OJHl-hanrl r!otht•s <lealrr. The n ext day \rtfli1 takP. all of hi clotlws to thi, man. tlw monp~- thus r<'<' <'h ·Pd to lw appliPd on a <11'1' ,.. , snit. forllwt·ly lwJonglllg to a forPJg'IH'l' no\\· i n jail. Tlwt'P is a ddit•it of thr<'<' dollln·s aJHl sixt~· cents. To clrar this 11p, II ill if g-oes to \Hlrk. I'Ount in~ shin~r!es. Ut 111sis tPlls .!alit, \\"ifli!''s littl<• sist<·r. and shP 1t•lls this to lwr motiH•J', who io; hol'l'ifie<l. , 'hP imnw<liatPiy sPnds for ll'if/i1, who Yl'l'ifiPs the tal<·. and. as a COJlS!'Illl<'lH'I',
~ ~ ~
~ ...,
~-rool.\1.\ . -
:--;. T \:\ O J:\1 •' Fl o \\t~ r·, Ho\\ t> ll, ~ out ,. oucl ror S ITT I~ u· \{r n rana hnn, 1- rt>de-rif k or., \\ olft
ts l'on·t>d to ahondon tlH· "holt> afi'air. l•'itwll,\ h1• WPat· hi falht>r\ clre s snit to thP dall<'P hut an·i\·l' too latP to /.!PI a sin!!lP da!H'l' with J.ola. .\.-; h<' dri\'Ps ofl' to tlw station \\ith (;tlil'f/1 ('mn}JII', .fohnnit 1\'alson's sophisti<'alecl <·ousm. \\' ill it ima!!itws hi-, "hole lii'P hli!!hiP<l hnt his mothPr . hows him that hP i on I,\ "~t'Yl'lltP<'ll."
CAST \\'illiam
lntnus Baxtl'r
- Dale
.\1 r. I: a x!Pr
.)osPph () 'Domwll
,J olnm it'
DaY<' Frl'd!'riekson En:.rcne , 'oudt•t' Brooks \Yoolley :Jiax Flow ·t·..;
\\~a tson
( lt•twsis (;porgP ( ' t·oopt•t' .)cll' l:nllit :Jir. Pareht•r \ralliP Banks Lola Pratt .\Irs. Baxt t•r ,J mw Baxt H
llarol<l Bt•mwtt - Thmuas IIopktns Louise ..\fcGranahan Urac • Parkhill • \'irginia Bowen
:Jiay ParehPt' E t lw I Bokt' :Jim·~ Brooks
- Ll'nore Woltr ElizahPth . 'toolman :Jil•lha Boll(ln•an
PropPl'l,\ :J[ana:.rPr : liPlt·n (Juinlan. :Jim· ion ~~·ott an<l .John \\~ri~ht. .\.t!n•rt isin:.r ..\lanager: Domthl 0 'Domwll , 'tal!!': :Jir. ~imnn . .\lr. Leo BracliP,\' , Ho~- \\' hill', 1);1\·icl .}al·ohs, ('harl<•s .Jolm'ion. Ward DillaYon. ()
"Wappin Wharf'' ny
\'tRUI . " l .\
For thP fil·sl tinw snll'P 1!!1"'. tlw jm1ior !'lass of ('h;llnpaign lli~th ~c·hool a play. · · \Yappin' \\"hart''' "as pt·est•nlt'd h.'· t ht• ('lass of '~li. 'l'hHI's· da.'·· Fehntat·y ~G. 1!!~.). at the high school auditorium. It was a t:ll'\'t•r pia.'. \H•ll pn•spnt!'tl. .\ largt> part of its stH't't'ss "as dtH' to the work of ~It·s . . \•lit• ~IikPsl'll. \\ ho t·oa!'IH·d tlw pia.' . •\n t•ntit'P IH'\\ sPI of sc'l'lH'I'Y wa em1st l'll!'ll'd and ust•d in <tn llllll tllll \\'H.'"· .\s I hP dt•sit·Pd Pf'i'Pt't was till• insidP ol' a fi hPl'lllHll \ l111t sitnaiPd 011 a lmwly. "inds\\Ppt c·lifl'. tht' haek id!' of thl' s('t'lll'l'.'' was paintt•d hrcl\\n. pnahling tht• front sidP to hP llS!'d for futun• plays. ~ta\'\'
this, not hPc'allsP hP \\as of' tiH· nobility of England h11t ht•c•ausP h<' \\Hs the lt-ader of a ~tan~t of pi rat t'. . Tht• part "as t'sJH't·ially "t>ll I akPn and most clilfienlt ht>ca 11 se Dukc h<t<l a woodPn lP!!. Etti!<'JH' ~oH<lPr "as t hl' hero. R1 cl .TcH. ThP romanlit• PlPmPnt in tht• play \\as intPrpt'!'IPd n·;tlistit•all.'· h.'· him. ~far.'· Rac• PPI<'t'son lli<HI<' a s\YP<'t littlP girl. who \\ashPd tlt<' disht•s and ,;HJll! lnllahiPs for thP pit·alt•s. t•hannin~t all h.'· hPr simplit·it.'· and l!<'lltlPnPss. Lois ~Iolli as D11rfl11 PlllPrtaint>d hPr audiPJH'<'S h.'· hPr ttnttsHal dialPt·t ancl c•haral'IPr ac·ling. 'L'Iw sc'<'ll<' of t lw pht_,. "as laid in a l'ahin otr \\· appin' \\.harf. n!'ar J;OJHlon. Thc• c·haral'lt•rs HI'<' thP thr<'P old t·nmiPs of Flint. hanl -h<'at·tpd pira1Ps. ,,·ho now lin•d h.'· \\Tt•c•king thP ships that ]Htsspd Jl!'at· h_,.. hiding thP li~tht in tlH• li~tht holts<' atHl hmtgill!!' tip an old ship lantPt'n at 1hP sanH' t inw. t·atJsilll! thP ships to go on lit<' l'!'!'i's HJHI tht• llPxt da.' t•ollPt·tin!! thP spoils: /)cflll/1, thl'ir !'ook. l:tlsy, tlw littlc•~tirl \\'ho washPd tlw dislws. 0/rl .ll1{!. thP fortmw tPllPt'. Hcd .fo1. an·· !'<'111 addition to tlwir lllllllh!'t'. sup]H>sPdl.'· a ship \\TP<'k!'d piral<'. From tlw IH'!!innin!! J)u/,·1 sttspPt·h R1 d ./IJI of IH'illl! a sp.'. H1 rl .Toc is too politP Hll<l lwsidPs /)11/. 1 is jPalo11s ol' BPh,\ 's t'\' idPnt afl't•t·t im1s !'or him. .\ l'tPr tlw f!.' psy fort Hill' 1<'11<'1' alat·nJs nu!.-1 hy prPdil'tin~t had ltH·k for him and his Onr ni!!ht soon aftt•r it is plmmt•d to \\Tt•t·k thP "l{o.ntl !Tarry" hut tlw 1hn•p fi · t tiP !.'ul Jot 11 p. IIi INI!!<' of' t'OIT<'t'f E11!!l ish a11d ot lwr ill<'idPIIls ]pad tlwm to lH•liPY<' that hP is 11ot tltP ship\\ n•t·kPd pi rat<' that lw t•laims to llf', hut a py. lmnwdiatPly af't<'r tlwit· dPpat·turP for tht• lighthotJs<'. J:dsy c·omPs to thP l't' <'lH' of Jot, who shoots tlw light out just as tlw ship tli'Ops HJH'hor. In thP midst of a hPatt•d al'!!lllll<'llt OYt'l' \\ho \\ill h;l\·<' !Itt• honor of killin~t H11! Joe, tlw soldiPt's lt•d h.'· Old lllfl, tlw 1!.' ps.'. PlltPr and . aw him. 'l'hP f'tt}JIIIill tht•Jt amJOtllll:t'~ that tht' Kill!! of En~tland has dit•d anti it is tlwn J'PYt•aled that Hul Jot was tlw Print'<' of \\Talt•s. now th!' Kill~-! of En~-!lantl.
\~lll:\1 •.
l't·tt•r"'-oll \I •
~toni, Btlllllll,
fit imlirht'r, \·au l>o ..en oollt·y .
~ • .Tanu• oil, \\
( ' .\~'1'
Eu:.r<'llt' . · Ht<lt>r
HP< I .J <<' l>uh
- (~II'IISOJI .'dyl'I'S ( ';t
Lt> 1t•t· .) amPson
pl <I i 11
- Ltwillt• lkmwtt
( >ld :'ll<·:.r ~ailor-.: < 'hattll<',\
\\'altt'l' :-wht·<'i. l>a\·id \ 'a n l>ort•n, Fn·d llt•imlil'ht•r. Htt<·k.
Elizall<'t It
~tool man
.John \\'ri:.rltt. \\'t•sa Dal<' ~1<1:,!<':
])alP ~tout. ( IIHrlt's .)oltthon. \\'an! Dilla\'llll. Driwt· Lindsa,\', :\lis IIPI<'n :\I<·Landt•t•s. ..\Jr. Enwst ~imon . :'l l r. Lt•o Brad It•,\'.
~ .-.."""-;~~ [111'
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
& &
~ ,.,
"The New Poor" '''l'ht• t'\1 Poor'' hy ('ostllo llamiltml. \\as pn• t•ntPtl h~· st'll!Ot's of tht• gt·atlu<tting- t•las" of ('h<tmpaign llig-h ~~·hool on :"~Ia.'· ~~-in tht• lligh ~t·hool auditorium. 'l'ht• l\'dlh!f's at't' ll fantily of t hi' nt'll 1.'· rit·h who ha\·t· gn•at t!ifl'it·ult~· in kt•t•pin!! a "tall' of sati fit•tl spn·ants at tlwir I'OIIlltry honH• during tht• sulllnlPl' month . . .\ t·rhi ari ,., \\'hen all thl' s .,.,·ant tl<'plll'l \\'ithout notit·P, ju t print• to a hou t' party: t ht• t \I'O pt·l'tt.'· tl<tughtPrs. ('oiJ. ·flll/1'1 and /J1 lltJ, '' ho art• t hi' .l/i1' 1. t hi' Pldl' t dan!.dt!t't', i pt·otltH·ts of a fashto11ahll' ,.. ·hool. """111 lwlpiP illfll't' Pfl'it·it•llt and !!lit'" to thP ,· ill:t~t· ,,·ith tht' promi t' to l't'lllt'll 11 ith hPip a11d in t'I'Jll.'· to thi atl\'t•rti-.t•lllPilt: ...\ Htl" ian <:nmd lhtkt•, mil' of thP Ht•d rPtrintt·. <' t•:qwd from !11 llllfot•!nllatt• t•o untr~. \Lth not hillg- hut hi, lift•. will takl' up a11 hmw t ot•t•upat ioll ill t• ·,·han!!t' for a liYill!! \\'a!!t'. liP i, to hi' foulld 1'\'t•t·y da~· IH'I\\'t't'll I\\Pin· ant! ont•. stantlin!! oll thl' ,..j,•Jh of thl' post ofl'it·t• i11 a pait· of Oll('t'·\1 hilt• "llllh." brill!!" honlP to hl't' astoni,..Jwd family t hi' (,'mud /)11/. 1 /Jon\ lyot il·ilr•/1. l'rilltt." !oJ/tl l'rft'ul'/111
~ 1-
• 'ho'wrsl r/tf!l, l'ritll' l
a11tl ('oul!.' lt'tl/1 .l11tlri1 1'111'!1 Sto ··l!f/11'111 t'tt' /111'1111/skiJ . •\t first tht• famil,\' . .1/r.·. 1\"i'lhj!. ht·r sOil. . I Ill"-' 1\'il/hy, .lli1·1. ('n1111i1. J:t!IIJ, <'<Htsin . .lfot'11 .lloud.-/1 If. a IITilt't' of tlt•lt•t·t i\'t' storit•s. and .11 i/11, ('. Uul/r ,·iti!JI. a ~·otlllg httsitlt'"s IIHIII. \1 ho is a frit•tttl of .111111-', art• O\'t•t'\1 hPitllt•d: hut !Itt• Hussia11s t'OII\'illt't' t ht•tll I hat t hi'~· art' t hP "llt'\1' JHHII' " alld. h;l\· in~ ollt't' rPig-llt•tl on•t· otht•r-.,. ktlll\1 how fo ohp~· tht• t'OilllllaJIIls of otht•t'"· HJHI tlwy wotoltl makt• I'Xt•t•I!Pnt St'r\'allls. .\s a mat (PI' of 1'011\'t'nit'IH't', t ht• (,'!'111/tf /)uf.-1 IS l't•llanlt'd ".Johll 011" and \\ ith this namt• ht• hPt'OJllt'" hutll'r. Likt'\llst'. ('ouul !I'II/I lit' t'Oilll'" thP footmau. flr /11'1 l"lod/1/llr. ··Hogpr-.," thP t•hauf'ft'llt': Pri111'1ss fruit/, Ho111hiu .. tht• maid. Tht• onl.' t•Jltt•rtainmt•nt thl' (,'m11l J)lll.t ""k" i-., to t•opy tlw tlll'l'l' painttll!! h.'· old ma-.,tPr. whieh .IIIIo.· ha t·ollt•t·tPd and now h<tn!!-., in tlw r<Hilll. It i tHIII ,.,·idt•nt tl HI ('111111it j,.. infatuatt'd \\'ith Print•t• \ ladinllt'. ot· \'lad_,. a -.,!Jp Ita-., nit·knanu•d him: that .llit'l ;,.. \\ ild ahout tht• (,'r1111t/ J)llf.t; that IJ11f1J fill<]., f'1111111 lt'l/11 ".·111' ·J dit·i111 ":that ~ l11111., in1ag llt'" hllll"<'lf in lo\'1• th tiP bt·autiful l'nnn.·.· lru111. Th{ l\"illln(s lllt'<'l tht·ir "<'1'\'anh "<'t'l't•tly and tht· (1/lllltl /)11/.1 dot• not appt'0\'1' of titt'"l' loYt• atl'air . .:"~Iat·.'· i-., doubtful ahout tltt• llllt·gt·it.' of thl' "tit'\\ poor." a-., tht' Hu-., ian-., ha\·t• -.,t~ IPd thPlll pfyp-.,, all!! itt't' "li"Jiit·ion-., an· t'Oilfit·mt•d h.'· a pit·turt' in a llt'\\,..llHP<'l' of tlw (,'mud J)llf•l. tllitllt. hi-., ht•ard. und<'t' whit·h ,,.a writtt•n "Tiw King of ('mok-.," ~lw 111\tiP Kirk ()'J<'atTt·ll. a dPit·t·ti\·1'. to po.t' <h hl't "~'t'rPtar~· and thu" sp~ on thPst• .·t·rYanh \1 hom ..,fll• thinks an• IIHhtPr t•rook .... \\"ht•n t hP git·l' low~ do not 1111'<'1 t hPm a-., t ht•,\' had an·ang-Ptl t hP~ t•ollt•t·t in a group to di t'll"s it \\'hl'n llory t•ntt•r-.,. ~itt' thi'Jl t•xplains that Jllr. O'Fal'l'lll i ·a dt•lt·t·tiw. that hP ha. thl' impostt•t·, lot·kt•tl up and arn·stt•tl on tlw ehargP of "pit•tut·t• thu•\p~" hl't'attst• thP,\ ha\'t' sto!Pn tht• orig-inal pit•ttll't's and suhstitutt·d tlw Um11d lJ1tk1 's eopws. The family an• t•nt·ag<'d at .llllr!J. 'l'hl' (/rand JJuf.1 fon•t•, tht' l'<'al thil'f. .11!1/t r ('. (,'11/f1 ridu1 ( suppo. Ptlly a good fril'JH! of tlw family ) to t•onfpss. .Just whpn it look. a though t'\'t•rything: ,...,flllsfl rol.\hy.
&\ &
~ ~
£itaruon ~~~ . . .,. . . . "'". . .
~ ..................,
l-IR..,T Ho''
~•'o ' D He )\\
a ndt~rmnrk,
Knpln u. \\"h i tfl, 'lr ... M1kt t"ll, Cl ' llor111t ll, Rt•n Jwtt, .l a.cob Parkhill \t t ( iint), Bo\\t~u, \ \ oliT. \l dr llllt.IIL B .k,~r
wa · I.!Oin:,r to t•nd happ i l~· .l!ory l'o n·ps th1• hu-.;simis to t·onfpss tlu·ir .\ml'ricau idPnt ity. lt is thPn \\'1' ]pam that tlwy HI'l' a group of <·ollPgl' tudPnls. working their wa~·. \\ho had failPd in an amall·ui' show. ''ThP King of ('moks.'' Nti·anded, without rood 01' IIIOIH'.\' tlwy l'('HSOIH'd that till' Hussians arotlsl'd JllOI'(' sympathy than any othPr <·lass of till' "'Ill'\\. poor," and -.;o tlw~· had tak<•n this role to earn tlu•ii· li\'ing. ( '.\NT ( lt•oiW' Kaplan
Ura11d Duh
\\'PIHlall YandPrmark [);n id .Ja<·ohs Lt•Jwn• \\' olt[
( 'ouHI !Yan PriJH•p \"1, dimir Print•t•ss Irina
Panlin<' Bakl'r Harold BI'JillPit
)Irs. \Yillhy .\mos. h1•r son
( .\licl' ~[cUinty - . Louis!' )JcOranahau \ ' irginia Blmt•n
.\I il' • ( 'onst/IIH'I' }- hPr daughlt•rs Bl'ttr Mary )laudslt•y. an authoress )Jr. <luttPridgP. a gut's! Kirk O'FaJTPII. a dl'll'<'lin• ~~ .\:\.\UE~I
<:ra<'P Parkhill Ho~ \\'hill'
- ,J 0('
(). J)oJJJH'
- .John \\'right Ntag<· PropPI'f it's: ~Iarian Nco! I. )Jary )[aqran•t Ult·nn. Donald <l 'Donald .\dn•J'I ising (J
~~~~ [111~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
@ ()
"The Obstinate Family" f: :J :\1
\Ht. \I I
Dalt> ~to11t. tlw hHtlPt' . ./onu ,,, and .\l t· ll~;t Bondt·t·an . tlw 111aitl. /,1/l'lf, his "''<'l'lhl'aJ·t an• lhl' pritwipal c·harad<'rs i11 ·· . \n llhstinatl' Famil,\ ," \II c·h \\H pn•sc•n!t·d at tht' <' hantpall,!ll Iil!!h . ·c·h ool aud itorillllt Frida.\ . lll'fohc•t' :!1. It \\as uin·n in t•ottllt'c·timt ,,·ith tht' Band Ht•n l'lit l 'ntH·c·rt. :.riYI'II ttnd•·r th<' a11spic·•· of thP \\"1!! and Pa1nt and tilt' .\lnsit· .\s tH'i;t ti on. lllldt·r !Itt• .ioin t '-llflt'l'\' isiotl ol' ~Ir. :\!'Ill' ~Iik<'sl'll and .\Ir. Ira .\11'1\: irnl!'y. Thc• part of lfr. l!unr111111 ,,.a takt•Jt h.' .Jo,.,t•ph l)'f)onJtt•ll. a11d hi . \\ ift• h,\' I•:lizaht•th :--toolrnan . TltPtt' dan!!hlt·r, .lft,.!lt tii'!Jflllf'[ ()/'1/ \\a-., Lt•JtOI't• \\'oltl' and hPt' hH-,hand \\H lla\·id l•'rt•dt•t·ic•kson .
"Rourteen " J:y .\f.\J;U . (
11 .\I'I'LI ,LI :
\t Y<l LittiP's c·lPY<'l' portra~al of .1/,·,. l'rit~yl1. a t'\\ Yot·k t)('it•l,\' \\olllan. matll' ''Fourtt'l'll'' otH' of tht• mo-,t llt't'l'...,sful mH· at'l pl<r.'" (lt'!'s<'ntl'd this _l'<'ar·. ] IPt' pfl'orh lo giYt' a '-llt't't'" ful dinJtt•r par·ty to" hic·h fnur·tt•t•n !!It<' h had ht't'll imitt•d and to int<'l't''-1 \\t•alth_,. .., til•n·s 111 hPJ' dau!!hl•·t·. /;'loi111, form thl' plot of this -.,lwrt pla:· h.' '-'tnart \\"alkl't'. ThP pat·h of hoth /)11nl111111, lh<' maid. playt>tl h.' \Yc•sa Dal<'. and l'.'foin1 f',·illylt. pla.\'t'd hy \'it·!!inia Lat'l',l' \\t't't' \It'll dm11•. ~I any <·nntplic·atPd tlualtoth dl'\'l'ltl(lt'tl \\ ht •ll a storm HI'tht' \lith tltt' t'Oil st•qtlt'llt "t'lt'\'<'lllh hotll'" r,.fusal . l!r ·. f',·illlfl'. hl't' dau!!hlt•t·. artd tltt• maid rnsh arotntd l'nl!ltic·all.'· : first. la,,·in:.r t'O\'t•rs fol' IIIOI't' lfiiPsh. thPn t·c·\· i~inu thPit· entir(' tahlc• ar'I'<Ill:,!Pntt•nt. E\'t·r:·thin!!' t•nds satisl';u·tcn·ily <h thl' l'otlt'ti'Pllth g'lll' t. tlw J>rilll'l of Wol1s, t•ntt•r thP nulln.
UNevert he l ess " :\nrsc·r.' rhyntt•s. pink hait· btms. Hnd d!ntpiPd ktH•c•s takl' tis hat·k to <"hiltlhootl cla:·s in tlw on<'-<H't play. · · \PYI't't hPIP s.'' by ~~ nat·t \\'alkl'l'. \\ hi!'h was prt• l'lltPtl in tilt' anditorinnt IHsl I•'t•IH·nar:. ";\. p \'-t• ·r -t-h-t·· l-1'-s-s ·' said /Job/nJ ('It l't s (.John \\'ri:.rht ) • ·is a l'nmty WOI'tl." to his -.,i,.,tt'l' /,o11i. 1 .\lit·•· ~lc·<:int,\ . 1:,\' tltt>ir c·onstant c·ltattc•t· 0\'1'1' this \\'!H'tl \\ hic·h in t lw did ionary Jtlt•ans, ··not wit hstandin:,!. :Pt. ho\\'1'\'t'l'," t ht• <·hildn·n l!lH'OJis<·imhl.'· t'PI'onn a hnr:.rlar ( Pric·t• ( 'a-.,ad ) . Ba<·k ol' t hP hi:.r llllt'st•r:· rlt.' 1111' hook . . \ lic·t• and .) oll!t tl<'t•t•t•d in prt· 1'1'\'in:.r tlw illti'-IOih of <·hiltlltood for tiH·ir audit'JH•t•. f>rit•t• ('a ad a tht• huq.rlar. likPwi c•. lookPcl .inst a a hnt·!!lar ltonld look. .\ IIl!ht. <'niPI'tainin:.r t'Olllt•d:·
uDust of the Road" Holwrt KPliPy\ intt'l'(ll'Ptatlnn ol' Tlu Tnunp 111 .. Dust of thP Road. ·• hy KPmwth , 'a\\}1'1' Uootlman. \\as nnnsnall: :.rood. ThP pla,,·. \\'hit·h ish:· fat· thl' lllo'it ditl'ic·nlt prodt~t•tion (ll'c•sc•ntPd this .'·t·ar. \\a g-il·t·n at thP ('ltristma~ ]ll'O~ram 011 Dt'l'Plllhl'l' ~~. 1!1:!-J.. nndt•t· tlw an-,pit•Ps of \\'ig Hnd Paint and tlw ~lu-.,it•al .\ssnl·iat ion. Thl' a<·tton Ol'l'lll'~ in tht• li,·ing mont of tht' l'al'llt ho11 !' of 1'1 f11 8f11l1 aho11t OJH' o'clc)('k on ('hri tmas Jllornilt!!. 1s. 0 . .\n old tt·antp Ill a lll,\sll't'ioHs \\'/1~ awakl'lls t hi' dot'lliant I'OIJS('j!'nt•l's of t ht• Ot't'IIJHlnh. 'l'ht• l'hlll'<lt'tt't's W!'l't': Plfu , l11l1, (:poq~l' Kaplan; J>nuf, ltt't • f11l1. hi~'' it't•. ~l;tJ'ian ~~·ott: .!11 Old lftlll, PnHlPJH.~I' \ mwl<'. BPlt Pratt, and Tlu TntlltjJ, HoiH"rt K<'lll'~. 1J
~~ . . ~. . .~. ~~ 1925 ~
liThe Lost Silk Hat" f:tt <;a\<
''Tiw Lo-.;t .·ilk Ifat." hy Lord Dun all,\' "a"' prl' PlltPd in tltP ('halllJl<ll!.!ll l!igoh. •hool a iltortlllll :'llan·h 1!1. l!l~.i. 111/ldl' llp ol' tilt' l'ollo\1 Ill!.! <"<hi: .I ('fllllt', ITarold g<'llnl'tl: .I l.alffff'lt', 'l'honw-.; llopkin-.;: .I ('/,rk, .\n·hit• \\'alkPt': .I Poll, Holwrt KPII<·.': and .I l'o 1ic·1 IIIII It, l{alph ( 'op .'. ( om pi <·at ion-.; m·i <' <~'- a rt• lilt of t h<· ah ent-mind ·d <·allt>r i<'<l\'ill!.! hi hat in tlw ltoml' of hi"' lady l'rit•JJ<i. Tlw poPt tmplc l't's tlw <·alii'J' not to l'l'tlll'n for it. and \\hl'll hi' do<·~. th<· l'm·nu•J' lolldly h<'l'Hk th<• \\l':llow-.;-.; of llll'll to tht> ''"i it'"' ot' "olllt'll. and i t ill• man \ -.;ani t ~·.
I(The Piper's Pay" ''ThP PipPr\ Pa.'. ··a onP ;u·t pia.'. \ra. Jll'<'"'P"!Pd in a Pmhl.' .\p1·1l 7. Tt dir<'<'lt•d hy Dal<• . 'Iolli. pt·p-.;idPnt of \Ytg all!] Paint. ThP -.;ta:.rP sPttm:.r \\H. Y<'l',\ Piahoratl' and harmoniz<·d with tlw lon•ly 1!0\\'ns worn hy tlw :.rirls in the pia.'. o ad\'l•rsP <·riti<·i-.;m <'ould hP g-i\<'11 to all~' nwmlwrs of t lw <'H t. hut Lot'Pt ta \\'oltl' a-.; .llrs. P1 flfllf J:ur/on dP'i<'l'YPs sJH'<'ial mPntion. :dar~· :'llat·:.rarl't (;iPnn as .lit.·. ('/wr/1.· ])o/'11' l'l'<'Pi\'l•<llllaJl,\' laughs for lwr l'le\'l'r imp<·t·.onatioll of a llPnou .. <'Oil<'<'tll'd. ~o'"'!.! O<'iPt~· matmn. Jfr.·. f>lf/{/lf n111 fflll, JikP ma11~· of Jwr frit 1His. IIHidl' a I'OIJP<'Iion of spoon from th<• dill'< t'l'lll hott>b and ,., •.,tanranh hP 'i-.;ill'<i. .\s shP stt'iJH'<'I<•d lwr maid. l\ali1, of thPft hP hin·d a d<·tl'<'tiYI' a a s<'<'mlll ntatd. hut this \Yillllan . .lfclt'lf ('/or!•. had iJ<'<'Il pn·Yiou I~· hin•d h,,. t h<' lll<lllll!.!<'l' of a hll'gl' hot I' I to l'OJI\ i<·t and pl'O'i<'<'lllt' a pt·omin<·nt \\"Olll<lll as an t•xampiP to stop 1hP'i<' anno~·in!.! tlwfts . .lfis.\ ('fork l'<'flOI'tPd hPr mi·tr<' s' t·oliP<'Iion of stl\"<'t'\\HI't' a111l it \\H on]~- h,,. tlw 1imPly intl'rfPr<'n<·<' of 1/ r.·. //1 1'1 ford ('an that ht> a11d hPr friPJHls \\"(')'(' 'i(l\"('d fi'Olll di'i!.!l'<l<'t'. \nh
liThe NeiAhbors" '· Tht• :\t• !.!hhm·-.; "a <'OJII<'d.'· h~ Zona (;alP. ill(·ltulPd in ht•r '' \\'ist•onsin Plays·' "a pn• .,.,,t<•li at \\'i!.! and Paint "'''"t in:.r 011 .\ Jll'il 1-1-. ThP plot of tilt' play <'l'llt<•J's arou11d .1!1.·' ('orry EII~II'IJr/!1 (Huth <'on]p~) who~" istPJ' ha dit•d out \\'t·st an' th<·,,.·,.t' <'!Hltn' lwr littlP ho~· on to }[j ' Elb\\'orth to lug up to man\ t•statP." In tht• <'X<·itPHH'llt <'allst•d h.'' thP liP\\· .. tlw "npighhor " t 1'." to hPlp h,,. l)!·illgin~t old t•lot lws 1o lw mad<• 0\'1'1' and h,,. plmmin:.r '· a11 H'<' <'!'<'Hill and <·akP party.'' to ht• IH·Id "ht•JI t hP lit 1(p ho,,· al'l'in·s. \Ylwn <'\'1'1',\'lhin!.! is rPad.'· }!i ' Ell \mrth 1'1'<'<'1\"1' · th<• lH'\\'s that hPr Jlf'j>hl'\\ isn't t·omill~t. In till' sad monwnt that folio\\ file_ Karma (;oldPll) rPaiiZP'i that slw n•all,,·lon• f'1l1r D;nid .Jat•ohs) and thP play Pnds happil,,·. Jfi.' .lbd tLina \\'ilskP) and (,'mndlftrr Dlar.'· J>o\\t•ll) an• thP <·hief <'Oil. pirator~. Tht• othPr IIPi!.!hhoJ's, 1/i.' Tml L\d,•laidt• \'an ('11ra) .•lli8' Moran (ll<'IPn Lmlg'). an<l R,m 1\'illiallls ]{o~ \\'hitP) hPip th(• hPsl th<·.'· <·an and ('!'('HI<• ll\Hny ia11g'h h,\' t}H•ir illJIIIOI'OIIS ('011\'t'rsal io11. f111 Z and f'1 fit' Hl'l' tlH' "gro\\'llll)l. <·hildhood 'i\\'PPtlwarh" of tlw ". ·(·tghhor."
Toflcl, (,
-'lyt•r. (,riffith, X )l~t>r ..'II
!"H'O:SI> ){o\\. Flo\\l"rfo;,
!"atlllll'l'on \furtin, \\·111
CJJebatins For thP fir·-..t tlllH' -..iJH't' l!ll/. ('hampal:-!11 l11~h :--<·hool ha" hP<'n rPJH'<'· PIJIP<l in tlw ('pntral Illinois Ili~h N<·hool .\s. o('iation hy a dt•hatin~ tPam. Tlu• original plans W<'t'<' for a t riangnlar dt>hal<' lwt \\'Pt'n ( 'hampai~n. l 'rhana. alHl Dan' ill<•. hnt as Dall\·illt• <lid JlOI dt>sirt• to <'OlllJlPIP ('IHIIllJlaign ancl l 'rhana nwt .\pril /. 'l'lw qnP-..timJ dPhatt•<l was "Hpsolwd that ('ongl·<·s-.. Nhonltl .\uthorizP tiH• Jmmt>diatt• ('onstt·u<'fion of a <lrt•at Lakt>s-:\lissi ·ippi Dt>t'(l \\·alt•nray." It wa a:.!'t'<'Pd to intt•rpi'PI "imnH·diatP" a within th<· pn• I'll! administration atHl that lht• propo. <•<l <'hamwl haw a minimum dPpth of fonrlt•t>n fppl. Tlw atl'irmatiw l<•am from l 'rha na I I i~h Nt•hool dt>f<•atPcl t hi' JH•gat in• 1<·am from ( 'hampaign 1I igh Nt•hool :?-1. at ( 'hampai~n l'rhana 's twg-at iw 1t•anl dt>t'PatPd ( 'hampaign \ atrirmat iw :l-0. Tl](' jn<lgt>s at ( 'hampai:.!'n Wt'l'l': :\fr. 0. F. \\'phhPr. :\fr. :\1. E. ll<'ITiot. antl .\fr. E. ] I. BPIIllH'I'. Tlw .iud:,rPs at l'rhana \\ t'I'P: :\lr. E. \\'. Doh· h. :\lr. ( '. W. ()'])pll. aJHL .:\It·. ,J. .\. ('lt•mPnt. .\11 of tlw judgp-.. \\.t'l'l' from tlw ('oiiPg<' of Edueation at 1hP l'ninrsity of lllinoi-... Npringfit>ld a !HI Peoria "<'I'<' t hi' "lll!H'I's of t lw l't' JlP<'t iw triang-ular llH'Pis Tht• final llH'P1 wa-.. ht•l\\ <'t'n Npru~gfipld. ]>poria. and {'rhana. I 'rhana 's afl'innatiw <ldt•atr<l , 'pl'ingfi.Pltl' JH'ga1iw antl 1lwir twgatiw "as m turn dt'!'Pat<'d h:· Pt•oria '. affirmati\'P . •\s ]>poria also th•fpatt•d. pri11!.diPid\ JH'g'Htiw. ]>poria is tlw "im1ing dt'hating- tt•am of' th<' <·onf't'l't'IH't'. Tht• nwmh<•r of' ( 'hampaign 's atfirmat in· !pam \\l'l'P: Ul<·n . amnelm1. .\rthm GriJfith. alHl Oh•n on .:\Iyt•r .\ltl'l'llHit'. Halph Todd. Tlw mPmhrr-.. of IT
tiH• JWgatiw tPam \\"PI'I': Elizalwth :-;toolnwn. Pan! \\'illts. and .\lax Flmu'rs . •\]ft'l'JiafP .• ·a\-it•r .\JypJ's, .\ln('h llllt•J't' tin dPhatin!.?. was sho\\'n and a dPhatin!! <·lnh \\Hs or!!'anizt•d .\I iss ( l]jyp Edl'n .\I art in. dPhat in!! <'<HI<' h. \1 as t'at•tdty adYist·r. ThP ofl'it• •rs ot' tlw t•ltth \\'1'1'<': Elizaht•lh :-;fool man. Jll't•sidt'nt: (;]Pnsnll .\l.nrs. vi<·P-Jll't' H]Pn1. X;n·it•J' .\lyt'l's, (1 ('1'Ptar,\ . •\J·thtll' nrifl'ith. St'l'!!'t ant -at -al'lll. Tlw Jllli'Jlnsp of t hP <·lnh i to Jll'omni t• intPI'<' t in dt>hatin!!' at <' hantpai!!'n lii!!h :-;('hool and to IH' 1111 Ol'l!anizat ion t hi'Otl!!h whit·h intPr t•la · dPhatPs <h \\'PI! as Yar..,lt.' dPhatP'- ma_,. ht• lwld . .\IPI'till!!' ai'I' Iwld 1'\'er.' fi1·st and third Ttl<''da~· of <'at·h mont h. Holwrt 's HuJP.., of ( )J·d •r an• t•nt'm·t·Pd ri!!idl.'. Tht> total lllt'lllht>rship j.., limitPd to t\1 1 nt,,·- fonr and not Ilion· tha11 Olll'· hall' of tht>st• ma_,. lw takPn from tht• .Jtlnior and sPIIior t'l<h'-<'". It i-, plamwrl that th<· llJlJl<'l't•las nli'JI PHI'h yPat· should train tht• ft·t•..,hmt•n \'Pt'.'' t·at't•ftlll.'· ..,o tlwt \\ht•n a lll<'lllht•J' !!'l'aduatP tht•rt• \1 ill lw a t raint• I lllldt't'·t·la tHan to takt• his pia<'<'. Tht•n• <·amwt lw mon• th<lll t'i!!ht g·irlnH•tnbPrs at ont• tin11• . In t lw fnt Ill'!' yPars llll'liJllt'rship Ilia,\· Ill' !!'a i ttt•tl by t ryotlh. t's(H'<'ially for that purpost' ot· h.' t'Pt'o!.!nit ion of work in t ht• p11blit• pPaking dPJHll'tnwnt. Tlw <·harftol' IIH'lllltt•J's \\t't't' thP Pi!!ht lll<'tllhPt's of th<' dPbating· tPaln and Kt•llJJPth, tanfoJ'tl. <:aillt'" ('nit-. HobPJ't ('ht•..,tl't'. "\lildt·Ptl \\'ilt·tL\.. Hnth \\'altPr. ancl II arriet Pa" I i ng.
Oratorical Contest ! 'hampaign \Ia.., I'<'Jll'<' Pntt•tl 111 I'XtPIIIJtttranPntl.., "Jl'•aking b.' .\rthnt· <:ritl'ith and b~ ElizahPth. toolnHtll in inrt'l']ll'Platin· n·adin!!' at tht• ( Pntnll Illinois lligh :-;,·!tool ( onfPt't'llt'<' . .\Ia_,. "and !I at !-,pt'lllgfi<'ld . ])p<·atttt'. :-;pringfit·ld. Dall\·iiiP. l~lootn i n!! l t 11. l' rhmw . l't·oria ( ',•ntral. .\!at non. Lint·o!J,. and ( ' hanlpai!!'n \\ Pt't' t ht· sc hools l't'JH't's<'ntt•d . ,\I i , tool man wa a\\'aniPd a !!<lid lilt dal fn1' first plat'<' in intt•rpt'<•tat ivP t'Patlin!!'. DPt•atnr pla<•t•d st'l'mHI in this t'\'t•nt. l't•oria ( 't•nt ral \\·on fir-;! plat'l' in PXtPlliJlnraiH'Olls spt•akin!!'. TIH·ir n·prt'"l'lltati\·1' ..,pokt• on tht• ( ' hilt! Labor qtlt•stion.
Maroon Review By
::\Id.lL .T¥
liE Jforoon of Hl2.) is 1lw xixtrrnth year book of l'hampai~n IIi~h ~ehool. This yt>ar an Pfl'ort has ht>t'll mad!' to ~IYP t hP st udPnh ol' ('hampai:.rn High . 'l•hool a lwttpr and <'ht•aJH'I' amHial. .\n innt•ast>d eirt'nlation of from fht> hnndl·t•cl t\\t'nty-fiYt' to xix hund1·Pd t\\t•nt~fiyp hooks and a largl'l' ad\'Pl't isin:.r st•t•t ion han• madP possihiP a 011!'· hmttln•d Pi:.rhty-fonr JHI~t' hook. "it h lt•atlwr t'O\ PI' and nwn• pil'1111't• than t'\'!'1' lu•fon•. itwludin:.r P\'1'1',\' studt•nt in ( 'han1pai:.rn Ili:.rh ~chool all at a prit•P l'Onsi<lt•rahl~· IO\rt'l' than last ypar 's pa JH'l' ·l'O\'Pl'Pd hooks . •\mon!! t ht> pnhl i<'ation. of ot hPr hi~h s('hoolx owr t lw country, t ht> .l/11 roon stand. YCry hi:.rh. .\t thP (\•ntral lntrrseholastie Pn•·s .L. oeiation ('onft•rPncc. hPid at ::\Iadison. \Yiseonsin. tlw Hl24 Jfaroon. of which IrrtH' St~ an "·as t>clitor. \\·as nanw<l. "ith forty otlwr hi~h ·elwol amtuals, a an .\II .\nwri<'an publication; and. at the Illinois , 'tate IIi~h , 'ehool Press .\s ·oeiation mt•t>l. thr Jfaroon phH•p<l sP<'oncl in Class TT, in whirh s<•hools haYing an rnrollnwnt of from 700 to 1.)00 wrre rnt t•rr<l. :'11.\ H< H >. . • 'T.\ FF
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Editor-in-( 'hiPf .\ssoeiatP Editor . 'Pll ior Editor - .J 1111 ior E tlitor ~op homot't' l•~d it 01' Frr hman Editor .\elm in ist rat ion E tlitol' <>r:.ranization Editor .\thlt-til'S Editor ( : i !'Is .\thlPtit• Editol' Pnhlil'at ions Editor Drama! it• · l~d it m· ::\Insit• Editor Humor Editor Litt'I'HI) Editor .\ rt Editor .\ssist ant .\ rt Editor ~napshot Editor - .\ssistant ~nap. hot E<litor , 'tafl' 'l',qlist Bnsin<•ss ::\Ianagt•r .\ ssist ant Busint•ss ::\Iana~Pr ( 'it·t•ttlation ::\famt!!t't' .\ rt Stall' .\chis<' I' l<'acnlty .\th·is<'l'
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
How : "~ it .... ke, Quinlan. (fol(IPn, ~tit>~t·mt~yt>r l'i>;('O"I> HOI\: ~1<':\eill, ~Jdlinty, l'itoolman, di!'krod Ti!IHil How )ft·Cnllist('r, :--iuhm, Burk, Jat·nh"' Fot UTH HO\\ : \fdirunnhnn, llutt·hin ...un, lhnis
J-'u Til Ho\\ : K.:llry, ~ouder, ~ctuin•:--, Colt'.
Molecule Review ,Januat·~- l.'i. l!l~.'i. tht• ( 'hampail!n Ili~h , 'ehool J!fl/11'1111 eompiPit·d lh ixth Slll'('('S';I'nl ~·par Of puhJieatiOII, {)f j]](' !'ight isstH'S puhlis)ll'<J, six "t'l'l' si: )Htgl'. mw. a four pag<'. and mw, an t'ight pag!' pap!'r. Ear]_,. in tlw y<'ar a hi~ snhs<'ript ion <lri\'<', in th<' form ot' a popularit ,. <'OJt!P t. "as lwld. Priz!'s I'm· tlw willlH't's \\"l'l'!' dmJatPd ll\· lcwai htt inps 111!'11. E;u·h snhst•rih<'r l'l't'l'in•d \\·ith his .l!olll'llil tths('l't)lt ion. a hal lot upon whit•h lw wa to" t·itl' tlw nam<·s of tlw mo. t popular girl and th<• most porntlar ho~ in his class. a1Hl tlw nanws of tlw mo.-t populcll· girl and ho_,. in tlw <·ntit'!' s('hool. 'l'h<' eont!'st \\·as a d<•<'icl!'d sut'I'Pss. ~IPlha Bondt·Patl and Dmllwll.' <Jamhlt> W<'t'<' Yoted thl' mot popular :,!irl and ho~ in th!' st•hool: ~larian ~eott and FrPd JI~·IalHl \\'PI'!' willlwrs in tlw ~t>nior <·las·: ~[p]ha Boudn•a11 a11<l Ha' mmHl FishPr. in tlw -lttnior ela · : Elt•anor <'lark ancl l~ilh· ('at em in t ht• • 'op.ltomon• elass: and X am·~· ~[pa<lt' and L~·h· ,JiiJ'kson. in t h.<' Fr·pshman <·lass . •\ mot'<' Pfl'il'tPnt dPiiYt'l',\" systl'tn \\as t•stahlislwcl and atl'ordPd t hl' suhs<•rilll'r a <'011\'t•niPnt \UI,\' ot' ohtaininl!. ehool 1wws. •\ddl'tl 1\•atnn·s. in tltt> \\a_,. ot' Ill'\\' <·olnmn \\t'l'<' mad<•. lhw. '''l't>a<•hpr' Talk." a <·olnmn in "·hit•h short informal <' · ays hy llll'tnlwrs of tlw fat·ult.'· \\l'J'(' pri1t1l'd, with a <'111 of tlw tNH·hPt'. \\ host• art it•lp apJWarPcl. :,!ai1H'<l Jlltl<'h popnlarit~· from its first ap]waranet• . •\nothl'r. ''\Yhat 'l'lwy .·a~.'' a stnclPnt opinion t•olumn. t•otHitH't!'d hy an inquiring reportt•r. wa .... inan:,!nratl•<l. ('ttrrent qtH•stion ..... ]Wrtainin!! to thP sl'110ol and it aet j, it it•s. \\'1'1'1' askt•d of four st Hdt'nt . mw from P<tJ•h t•la s. and a tPaelwr. for P<ll'h issltl'. <'uts of tlwse ppopll' \\l't'l' ntn with tlwir ans\n•rs. Eat•h is~nr of tlw J!olll'l/11 \\<Is cll'<lit·atPcl to a (l!'<'ial a<'tiYit)". Til<' fit·st paprr of thl' <'a on hoo t<'<l tht• .\thldie .\sscwiation nwmlwrship. aJHl .1/o/11'1111 suhseription.: tlw .t'<'OJHl. class pirit and cn·:,!anizations: and so all th<• r<'st !'mphasizl'd a JH•<·ial ft•atun•. Tlw ( 'hristmas isstt<'. an Pi:,!ht pal!<' pa(H'1', hacl as its .-p<'<·ial fpatnr<' a page <'alll'tl "The ,JJ.'rttsall'm . 'p\\·s," print<·<l th<· day aftl'r thr birth of Christ. •'pN·ial art i<·lt•s pertain in:,! to tlw hirth of <'hrist. Homan rPgi ·frat ion aJl(l taxation. tlw story of tlw shPplwrds. and artielPs shcl\\ ing tlw <•nstmn of thr tim!'s, Wl'l'l' writtPn h~· ·tan· mPmlwrs. 'l'lw stall' of thP papn and ~!iss Nt11rg<•on. tlw a<hisPr. fp]t tlwir pfl'orts. in a nwasut'<'. rewanlt•<l. wh<'n tlw .llolu·ule wo11 first place in <'lass C. at t ht• Illinois State llil!h ,'(·hool Pn•s· ~\s.oeiation ('onfPrPn<'<', lwlll at thP l'niYt'r ity of Illinois on 'oyt•mhl't' ~0. ~1. ~~- 1!l~ L Papprs from sehool haYinl! an t·nrollm<'1tt from ;)00 to 1.000 Wt'l'l' Pnten•<l in t 11 is clas . Thrre wen• many trong <·ont!'n< lt•t's for fir. t plat•t• in this elass, hut t ht• .l!o/(('1111 "on first plae<'. Tlw willlH'J's of the fiw <·lasses. ~\. B. (', ]) and E. ~radt• at•<•ording to Pnt·ollment. nll't in till' • \n•t•p takPs eontPst ThP .l fol1rlll1 rpeei\'l'd s!'<'Oncl pla<'l' in tlw Nw<'!'(l takl's . •\11 point of a }Hl(H'r makttp. lH'W tcn·it•s. ori:,!inalit~·. an<l so fort h. an• t'OJ1sillerP<l in this eontl' 1. In addition to thl'st• two hono1·s. tlw .1/olll·ulr \\·as a\\ardPd tlw ofl'ie!' of Yit•P-prl'sidPnt of tlw 1. ~-II. S. P .•\.for tlw ~·par of l!l~:l . •\t the ('entral lntt•rseholastie Press .\ ssoeiation ('on,·pntion. hl'l<l at thP l'niY!'r it.' of \\'iseonsin at ~Ia<liscm,. 'o\'l'mh!'t' ~-- an<l ~fl. tlw .1/olll'ltll rl't'!'iwd a peond <·Ia ratin:z. an honm· :,!iYPll to puhlit·ations. not for t•hool <·nt·ollnll'nt. hnt for sn]Wrior makl'ttp aJHl appParancl.'. as a whol<'. of th<• ]HlJWl'.
Ftn:-o~T Ho\\: )ld.int~, )(d;runahan, Park , \\'ll .. kt>, ~oudc:'l", )IC'Xt·ill, Bo\\t H. St.( o~H Ho\\: L, ~tit.·~t:mt•ypJ· ~quires, (Juiulan. Pan;:horu, Bakt•r, Stoolmnu, solon, Hutt-hin ..on. 'rutun How )lis .. ~tnn~t-on, .Jnroh... , O'J>ounell, Kt•llt.•y, B nkt·ma ])avi .
:JIOLE< TLE , ' T~\FF H. Kt:LI.CY ::\It (lH.\ ·.\11.\~
Edit or-in-e h il'f , 'enior Editor ELrZ.\BETII ~'1'001,:\TA'\ ,Junior E<litor \\•.\HD DILL.\\'01 , 'ophomort• Editor ::\f1~~ ::\1 \HcL\HI:'r E. , ''1'1 IWI:o.· Faculty ~\ch·i l'l' Bl', 'L 'E~N TYEP~\H'l')fE. 'T ]),\ \ ID ,J.\('OBS Manal!<''' (l EOIWE D.\Yl~ .\<ht•rt isinl! MmHli!Pt' TrrmrAs )fc~LJLL <'ircnlation ::\Ianal!er \ 'JJWL\'!A Bcm E:'\ - ~\ssistant ('irenlation )fanal!t'l' D EP .\ H'l'::\1 E. ''1' ED l'l'OIV .\:-.':\'.\ ~()(,() ~oeief,\ Editor El'ULXL ~Ol DLR •'porh Editor }fARL\X l~IW\\ "'ELl, <lirls' :-;I>Orh Editor ,J o~LI'II 0 'Dox xu.r, Humor Editor \ 'IIWIXL\ ~Ql IHE~ I< t•ature. Editor . \J.I('L }l< (liX'I'Y Per:-;ona L Edit or Lm·r~E :-;'l'r E<m~r EYER Ew h a ng-p Ed i I or L!X.\ \\'II.~KE - ( 'opy Editor liELE. (~! lXI .\X Proof Editor Ht'Tll P\HK~ Head Tn>ist RoBERT
.\xx .\ \'E!U
Pm. 'T PLOOR Neeoml Ploor 'l' rrrrul Fr.ooR
, ''1'~\ l<'F
Illinois State High School Press A ssociation FivP hunclri'Cl and twPnt~·-mw <lPlq!HtP-.; from man~· Illinois high school publications assPmhkd at th<• l'ni\' Prsit~· of Illinois. ~owmh<•r :W, 21 and 22, to attend tlw fourth am111al <•onwntion of tiH• lllinois .'tate IIi~h • \•hool Pt·rss ~\ssociation. )lpmh<•rs of th<• (~nil! ( 'luh. assis!P<l hy those of thl' l'rhana High • 'chool Echo aJ1(1 Ro. 1 mury •'taft's nwt tlw tleh·~ak. 11w (~nill ( 'luh PntPrtainrcl thrm in the• ('hampaign High . 'chool ~ymnasinm. The pro~ram eonsi. tl'd of tlw "'1'1<-omin~ a<l<lrl'-.s hy \'pra Hutchinson, Jll"<•sidPnt of Quill Club; a hanchihakin~ ~ritHl; a reading h~· Marian Scott: a <lanl'e h~- ~l<•lha Bouclrrau; ancl a pla~- . "1'1w l ' nparclonHhlP ('rinw." b~· sPYPnll nwmht•t·s of the Quill ('lnh. At thr first sr sion. "hieh was hPlcl in tlw auditorium of thP l ' nion Bnihlin~. Profp · or Prank \Y. S('ott. DirPI'Ior of ('mtrsps in .Journalism. and lwa<l of the J)ppartmrnt of Eng-lish at th<• l ' nivPrsity of Illinois, <·xtl'tHlP<l a "eleomP. Later tlw roll was callrcl ancl tlw clPll'gatPs n·sponclc•cl with a minntP rPport on tlw outsanclin~ aehipwmrnts of tlwir vHriou-. pnhli<'ations during th<• past ypar. Amon~ the s]waker ·who adchl'ssNl thP st•ssions was Dirpctor H. I<'. Harrington of the :\[eclill Rchool of ,Journalism at ~orthwrstrrn 1' niversity, Evanston, lllinois . .:\Ir. C. B. Davis, instruetor of ,Journalism at the l ' niwrsity of lllinois, gaw some advice, while sewral nwmhrrs of the lllini staff adcll'<l sng~Pstion-.;. Champai~n was wry fortuna!<• in this eonwntion. pla('in~ in both politics and publications. ~\It hough ('hit•ag-o . ehools fillP<l all nthPr ofl'it•(•s for the <'11 suing year, our :chool was elPete<l Yic<>-presicl<·nt of the a:sociation. 'rlH• .llolctu/1 receiYecl the first award in ('las: ( '. a division mad<' n p of :ehools with a .JOO to 1000 enrollment, and . econcl in thr SwPP]lstakl•s contest. tlw t•onl<•st of l'las.· winners, "·hilr thr Jlaroon placed second in ('las B .
Central Interscholastic Press Association With pnhlit•ations from all <·onwrs of tht• ('nitt•<l .'tall' as t•omp•titot·s. itwlndinl-! ( 'alifornia. \Yashilti-!IOJI. ( 'mtJl!'<'lieut. a!l(l Oklahoma. the Jfaroon of ( 'hampaign llil-!h :-iehool I'!'<'Pi\'Pd an .\11-.\mpriean rating. and the Jlolt..cuh· a ~~~ st'l'OJlll <'lass rat in~-! at thP ( 'pntntl lntt'rs<·hola. tic Prpss .\sso&-.}f'-~ t ion ( 'onwnt ion hPld at )la<lismt. \\'is<•onsin Xowmbcr 2 -29 ;;~A~~ Rolwrt Kt>l!Py, P<litor of the JlollCIIlr; .Yera IIntchin. P<litor of tlw 1!!2.) Jlaroon: ('onstane!' l<,oote a!l(l :\Ii·.· .:\Iar1-!Hl'PI E. :-illlt'/.!<'Oll, l'aeulty <Hh is,.r. l'l'Jll't'sPntPd thP pnhlieations of Champaign High N<·hool. Mon• than onp thousand dPIPgatPs attended the conference, in tlw int<•t•t•sts of HJ)JH'oxima!Pl~· fiyr hunclt·t•<l npwspapPrs, magazines. and anJlttals from on•t· forty sta!Ps. 'l'hP publications"'<'!'(' <livi<kd at·<·onlinl-! to the t•nt·ollment of their re pe •1iw schools and snlHliYiclt•<l into classps or honm· ratings. These were awarded with rPsJWd to tlw quality of tlw finisht•d jH·odnct, taking into consitleration Pngr·a,ing. printing, photography. and olht•r salient points. .\s many as eight ot· ll'n t'l'Cl'i\'l'<lratings in each <·lass. This method was deemed " ·iser than merely awanling first. s<•cmHl. or third to one pnhli<'ation. ( 'hampaign lligh School was plat•t•d in DiYi ion I I, school. "ith an enrollnwnt of from 700 to 1.)00. with sueh schools as .\m·ora. Illinoi-.;: Eni<l. Oklahoma; and Lafayt'tte. Indiana. as competitors. Pt·of'essor \Yillanl G. Blt>yt•r and Profpssot· 0 . .:\I. Ily<le, of the J uomalism ])<']Htrtnwnt of tht• lTninrsit~ of \\'is<'onsin. wen• thl' chief speaket·. of the <·onwntion. Both are eminPnt in th!'ir j)roft•ssion a!l(l lJaYC 'uittl'n t •xtbooks on lhP Yarious phast• of journali ·m. ( 'lwl'rs for Kansas. Ohio. Illinois, and Yarions other states r!'nt the ai1· durin~ th!' banqud, Friday l'Wlling. NPetions were rpserwd for the in<liYidual stall's as far as possible. Thompson's fiw piPec orchestra of .:\Ia<lison fnrni~hed tlw musir, whil!' Ow gHt•sts, \\'l'aring gaily <'Olon•d JHlJWr caps, sang familiar national alHJ ]lO]llllar songs in th!' int!'rimJwt\\'t•en CO\ll'Sl'S. 0\\· ing to the enormity of tlw <'l'Oml it ,,·as necessary to hol1l the hanqnet in three different halls. 'l'h!' han<ptPI was follow<'<l by the ('on\'ention Y<HlYil. an annual featnrt• of tJH' l'Ollf!'l'l'llC!'. :-i!'\'l'l'H] Sl'hools who\\'('!'!' llll'111hl'l'S of the association j)l'CSl'llit'll stunts. Sllhst'l[ll!'llt to tlw \'odYil. a dancl' was h!'ld in the gymnasium of Lathrop Hall and a mixl'r in anotlwr part of the building for thosp not caring to llam1'.
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Four or Fourteen
III•: Emppr·or "as dt>ad. .\ lon:,r and pr·osJH'I'Oil. rPi~Jt of a wtst' man had j11st hPPn <'tHlPd . .\s he Ia_,. in stall', in thP main hall. dr·p, Pel in tlw ma:,rnifi<·Pnt r·oiH's in whi<•h l11• \\as to aptwar· in JladPs, tlw fi!!HrP of a man s!PJlfH'd throttgh thP shadow of !Itt' dt' Prt Pd roont. It ap Jll'l la<·itp<[ t Itt> wall. tou<·ht>d a spr·tng, and a P<' rPt (HIIll' l O(H'llt'd. d i-.,. l'lo ing- a J'l'l'l'ss in tl11• solid masmtr~· . Fmtn this it took a lll<l!Jlls<·ript whi<·h it Hnfold<•d . In a fp\1' min HIPs it t'P111nwd 1hP roll to ils pia<'<'. <·lost>d tht' panPI, all\l J'l'tired noist'IPssly. IPaYin:,r th<· room Plllpt~· saw for tlw <·or·p ·p of thP dead Emrwmr·. Ott th<· foll<l\\in:,r da_,. tht' fHnPral \\·a to IH' oiPmniz•·d and tlw ll t'\1 Eni(H'I'OI' was to hP inn•stPd \\"ith thP ~Pllow. 'l'hl'l'f' W<h di-.,<'lls~ion antOll!! thf' lo\1<'1' <·lass<•s a..; to who th<• stl\'1'<'-;sor wotlld ht', fo1· tht' E1npP1'or had foHrl<'l'n son..;. 'l'h<· ( 'ottlll'ilors. ho\\l'\'l'l', had 110 do11ht. 'l'lw 1\ing's fo11rth sm1 \\a \1 I'll known to hP 1h<· fa\'or·itt·. 'I' hi J>rin<·t'. tlllfor1ttna!PI~· . "as in .\lmrgolia. and l'Otdd not arri\<' in 11111!' for his fath<·r\ fllllPI'al. o1· for tht• n·adin:,r of his nomination. !lis hrotlwrs. with thP traditional ( 'hinP ..;• l't'SJH'<·t fol' thl'il' fathl'l', \\Otlld 110( ditl'l' displl!l' itts JIOlllinations that Was tJW l'llf1• of tlw ro.val fanril~· <ltw \las an f'Xl'l'p1ioll. It is said that l'hildn·n hol'll wht•JJ t l11•ir p<ll'<'llts an· \\"\•11 adraJI('l'rl in lift•. pos<'ss kt'l'll!'l' in i:,rht und h•s fr·intlity than ot h<•rs. This prored tnt<' witlt tit<• four1 ('('Ill It son. y ttng-('It itlg'. Th<· t inH·t·amP" h<'n 1h<• hillt't of Jtomina1ion "a.· to IH• t"<•a<l. t h<· l;:lll(H'I'OJ' \ eorpsP had lain. \\as tht• hid ing- pial'<' of this im port a 11 1 doeHnwnt. 'l'h<• ( 'ottJJI•ilors prodtH•t•d it front lwhin<l a sl'<'r\'t (HIIt<·l in tht> wall and rpad alo11d 1Itt> \rill. "I. 1\anghi. on of ~h11nehi. of 1he Tsing dynasty. Enqwror of t hl' great dominion of ( 'hina. IJpr·phy nominall' my fourll'Pnth on to sH<'<'<'<'<l nw in ndin~ ( 'hina, at tlw tPrmination of my lif<•."
~~~~~ 1925 ~~~~~
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Xo\1 on th1• fifth dii,\' ol' thl' fifth month of tlw Ill'\\' ~·l' ar l'alllP th1• l•'PstiYal of tlw Dt·agon hoah. alHI thl' EmpPt'ot' d!'i!!tH•d to enl<•t· tlw spot·t hy going h,\ boat to a littll' island in tlw YPIIrl\\ ,'pa. This i...,Jand. lik<• many othl't's. wa· of Yoltoani<· orig111. In faet. it l'Oll ist1·d only of a ,·nh·atw. pn•stunahly <'xliill'l. Tlw royal hargp W<h moon•d in a litth• hay \\ h!'t'l' an unohstrucll'<l Yil'w of tlw I'<H'PS eo11ld IH· had. :-;udd<•nl~· th<• FPstiYal \\as int<•rt'll]ltP<l hy a littll' junk paddl!'d furiously al't'oss tlw \\111<·r hy a man \\ho nil'd, ··~Iak<• way! .\ Jllps-;age for t lw Em Jll'l'Ot'! .:\1 ake "ay!'' Tlw EmJH't'OI', antit·ipatittg thP "~'en•t natnt'<' of tiH• ttwssag<'. motimwd to the man to land on thP island. whih- hl'. bidding hi attendants sl:t,\' ahMml. a!. o went ashon•. Th<• hro mPn WPI'l' st'!'ll ...,Jowl,\· to disapp!'ar aro11nd tlw opposil!• . . idP of tht• lllOillltain. "hPI't' thP~ n·mainP<l for somp tinw. Nuddenly there "·as a ll'tTific Pxplo . . ion. ThP l'llll<' ...,JtapP<l summit ot' tlw Yoleano hurst into a thou . . and pit•<·t·. : tlw hunting lina f!o\\Pd dmut tlw sidPs of tlw mountain SWl'PIJin~ all IH'for • it and t•ollPd hissin~ into th<· . ea. 'l'h<• attPtHiants, on the royal hat·gl', . hnni<•cl thP yps-;p[ a\\H,\' from thP rlPstnH·tion, fOJ'I!Piting tht>it· lll<hl<'t' and kcl\·ing- tlw unfort11natt> man 11pon thP hunting island . •\fter lw an<l th!' lll<'sst•ngpr had I!Oill' nfl' togt>ther. tlw EmJWl'ot' h<Hl hl'l'll t lw fir t to . Jll'ak. ··You <'Olllt' from Pt•kin ?'' · · YP . ~lost High.'' ··Yon bring nPws of t lw prin<'<'? ·' _\gaitt t ht· man answpn•d in t hP afrirmatiw. his agitation attt'<H·ting- thP ttolit•P of th<• Entpl't'Ot'. · · Dan• yon com!' to 1111 with ha<l new ! \\That ha~ hapJH'tH•d ! lias thl' prinl'l' !''il'HJH•d from pt·ison ?'' "Xo. ('Pl<•stial ~lonan·h. hut hi' is clPa<l. '' '· Oh, yon relit•w Ill<'! llow <li<l lw d il' ! '' "lll' Wl'Jll long at "hat hi' pn•snmPd to c·all your .:\lajt• I,\\ ingratitnd!' and each day lw grt'\\ mon• "·pak and 'i<Hl lllll il at Ia t lw wa · fcnmd dead. Aml. II<•ayen hol'll, this is what worri<•s nw. an<l I pr·ay you will g-11ard ~-mu· life wpl], h<•c•ansl'. <·arn·d on tlw wall of his <htngpon "ns a !'ttr·sp ealling down th<• wrath of tlw UrPat Dragon on Yo111· l!ighnp-;~!" "l'i that all? \\'hat ...,ignifi<·s a c·urst•? 'l'ht• fal't that tlw prin<'<' has died prow. that "hat I han• dmw wa-; mwtimwd hy tlw Ett•mal. for thn-; all PYid!'lll'l' that <·onl<l injun· nw is ell'. troyed. .\s to tlw C'lll''il' yon so fpar, I <l<•fy the• Ot·l'at Dt·agon in all hi.· agt• and glory to t•oh 1111 of my impl'rial powt•r !"
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.\t thi instant th!' t•t·uption Ol'<'llt'retl: and this was tlw n•ason: l'mll'r tlw Yast domain of China. thPn' li<• . as OJH' ~lrmgolian cosmogony maintains. the On•at ('hin<'sl' Dral!on. 'l'hroughout the PtPrnity of this parth lw is <l<·~titwcl
Yungehinl! canw fonranl. k:wlt, H!Hl ho\\P<l nnw time.; hefot'P his fatlwr'. tom h. Tlw ( 'om!l'ilor "<'l'l' dnmhfotnHlP<l. Tt'Ul', Yungehing- was t lw fonrlt>t•nth s< n and tlw Empl't'or' "ill "as indispntahlP. hut tht•y had t•xp•eted th • fourth 011 to lw thP lwtt'. 'l'ht>,\' t'<'lllHi111'd mull• with astonishm<•ttt. <h th<',\' assistPd th1• Ill'\\ Empl'I'Ot' tht'Oil!.dt thP loll!! Sl't'il'.; ol' pt'<htt·ations and bowing, whi1·h fornt!'d t lw inaugnral l'!'t'!'tll011,\', nnt il at la.;t lw had as<'PndP<l t ht> imppt·ial throrw ol' UPnh in th<· J>a];wp ol' I'PHl'l'. 'l'lll'y th<'.'' rl'tit·Pd, and whi-,]wn·d aHwng th<•lll Pin•-. of thP ah <'llt prin<'<'. and tht> Ill'\\' monan·h \ <·unning, mHl tlw po ihtlity of t lw fig-llt't> font· having IH'<'11 <·hattgt>d to fonrtPI'll: hut in a l't>w. days .t hPit· \\ hi'>]H•r·ings l'l'as1•d t hro.ngh l't>al': t !!Pit· s~t'>pi<·ions \\!'I'P .<'Oil · \'l'Hil'ntly lorgottl'll. On hts t'l'tttt'n. tlw lont·th so11 ol thl' l'..mJll'l'Ot' was qtuetly impri mtl'd itt ]>,•kin. and Yung-1·hin!! hl'l'Hllll' t hi' absolute ruler of th • empire.
[hr ffiaroou
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to n•nHun 111 his nhtt'I'I'HIH'an d\\PIIinl! and !war 11ot only tht• physical Wt'il!ht of ( 'hina hut also t ht' hunlt'n of it. s1ns. ·m, snt•h a rt'spmhihility grows irksomt• at t inws. and about t'\"t'l'.'' 1hl't't' lumdrPd .'"<'HI' tlw ]hag-on manifP ·ts his displt•aslll't• by movilll! his tail fmm sidt• to . idt• in a tin II sOJ"t of dt>,·il 's tatoo. a JH'tt.'· thilll!. hut \\ht•n t'Xt't·utt•d hy tht• <ll't'at ('hint'st• D1·agon it is attt•JH!t'd hy tht' utmost haYo<· to tht' fa<·t• of tht' t•arth and to tht• habitations of man. 'l'hl' wit•kt'd al't' pnnisht'tl in tlw tlt•stnH·tion by dt•ath .. \11 l't' i tall<'<' is futilt•. for no JHl\\('J' in tht' IJ!li\"t'I'St' ('<Ill san· tht•Jll 1'1'0111 tht' \\l'ath or tht• <:n·at ('hint•st• Dra!!tlll. 'l'hP Enq>t•ro1· rusht•d to tht• shol't'. and was ahont to fling- himst'lf into tht' st•a, wht•JJ ht• fp]t a <·hilling- \rt•ig-ht on hi. shoultlt'l'. lit• t nrnt'tl. Bt'hin<l him lw dist't'l'lH'tl tht' shado\\)' lint'am<'llls or his bmtlwr's g-ho t. 1ft• stl'lll!g'kd. hut it \\as or llO avail. Tht• inYisihlt' hand lu·ltl him do\\ ll ant·hol't'd him to his ratt•. II<• lookt'd armnHI dt•spairing-1.'· and Jl''l't·Pin•d t'\'t'll a grt'alt'l' hol'I'Or than tht• flaminl! riwr of laYa. 'L'ht' ";ltt•r \\·a-. t'l't't'pinl! np hil!ht'l', hight'l', hight'r y<'f. 'L'lw island \\as sinkin!! into tht' -.t·a! .\gain lw t'lltlt';l\·m·t•d to l!t't'. and a!!ain lw "·as UJlahlt• to mo\'t•. Tht' watPr l't'<lt'ht'cl his waist and qnit•kly rost' to hi.· shonldt•l's. Tht• island W<L sinkinl! fast 110\\·. 'l'ht' impt'l'ial -.ash of yt'llo\\ was no !Olll!t'l' Yisihlt'. 'l'ht• "Empt•ror" "as gont• and only a !t'l'l'ifit'd, panie strit•kt'n t'r<•aturt'. n1on• animal than human. n·maint'tl. lit' st'nt up a gn•at pra.' t't' for merey. hut it was too latt•. 'l'lw wrath of t ht• Un•at Dntgon t•otdtl ht• apJWH P<l only h.' his dt·ath. Yun:.n·hing had dt'fat•t•tl hi fathl'r's will. mtu·tlt'I'Pd hy t·rnt'lt.'· his hrotht't', and dt'fit'tl tht> Un·at Dragon. 'l'ht'st' tt•rrihh• <·rinws wen• atoned for in a g'l'tu•sonH• wa.'·· as tilt' waiL'l' elost'tl O\'l'l' his head.
The Dra'/Jpn Boat Festival .\long- stn·mn of hoats . . \s at! twilight falls. :-;kim through tht• \\Hit'r; .\ntl man_,. inquiring t•all-. Et·ho H<'l'oss t ht• wan·-. ''('h'ii Yiian; ('h'ii Yiian!" Hut no sou1Hl i · hl'artl . . \ s t'\'t'l'." man listt•ns . •\JHJ. (UI'IIin!! SOJ'J'O\\ full,\ hat·k . . '!owl.'· glidt• from sight.
J:y ~I \11<,\HLI' l'ox
a :It'
This is tht• tal!' of a tral!it· lon•l'fl'air. thP sPttinl! of whit·h 1s tlw pit·tlll't' qiiP town of ?~ling- K\nmg: tlw t\\o parti<·ipanh of this sad afl'air at'!' a .JapmH•sp maidt•n and a ho.'. a nat in• son of ( 'hina. Tht' t ra:.wd_,. li<•s in thl' fat·t that. altho11g-lt all day long- shl' wa' tht't't' in his ight. tantalizin;.r and IH'l'kmtin;.r. hl' t•onld Ill'\ t't' rt•at·h hPt'. for shP "''"' hut a ntaid on a fan. and hP. a lnd 1111 a pal·kof t l'il.
Om· ltt•t·oitw had a l'l11·istian !tanH·. ln1t ·hl' lmd ah\.t,\' ht•t•n t•allt•d Lotti l•'lowt•r h~· ht·t· plil~ lltatt•. -.;o "·'' that nalltL' "'' 'ihall hto\\ ltt•r. lndPt•d. lw had not IH•t•n so l·alll'd "itltont jut l'HII t'. .\ltholl:,rh slH· \\as \'l't'.' slllall allll jll't itl'. likl' most of ltt•t' t•onnt 1'." \\'lllllt 11. shl' had <1 \'1'1',\' di titll't i' • ht•<lllty of hl'r < "11. I ll't' hair wa a tin ·k_,. hlat·k. hnt .. t I'Hllg'l' to ay. hl'I' "·''~' \\l'l't' of a snrprisin:.rl.'· sapphil'l' hltil'. aJHI thoti!!It hl'l' fPatUI't' Wt'l't' far fmm stlttlll' qtll'. tltPy \Yt'l't' t't'!!ttlar and alto!!t•thl'r piPa in!! to tl11• ".n·. I h1r hPl'!l. dt•spitt• hi l;wk of indi' idwtlit~·. Jll't' t•ntt•d an att l'<ll't ivt• apjll•arant•t• in hi trili!!ltt ~Iandarin j:u·kPt: 111'\'t•rthPit· .... tltt• t·a tt<tl ohst't'\l't' \\'ollld havt• fonnd it difl'il·ldt to dist lll!!tlislt hin1 ft'Olll an.'· of t liP ot ltt•t· lull'-; 1'11llg-Pd alm1;.r thl' slu·lf. It \\as in tht• nHntlt of .\pril. \\hPn thl' pPal·h trpp, \\t'l't' a pink froth ol' bloom. that ont· ltt•t·o.. ·n:.r-<'han. fit·st sa\\ Lot11 -Fio\\'Pt'. and. sitll'l' in thP prin;.r a yonng lll<lll \ fant·y is t hl' silnll' in ('!tina a in any ot hPt' l'OIIltt ,._,.. 1 1 hl' fpiJ in Jon• at fir. t si!!ltt. lndt'Ptl. if you might haY!' st•t•n Lotus- C l•'lowt•t· that da,,·. ~011 l'Oitld s<·an•p[y ha\·t· hl<lllll'd hint. :-;It" was at- A. tin•d in hl'I' \'t'l'." IH'st nlimt·nt. "hit·h l'Oll istPd of a silk kimona l'lll· hmidt•t'l'd in silwt· ilnd g-old. tiny hl<u·k silt in Silllllals. a fan. a11d a C'omh. ;\o" . ·n:.r-< 'han wa · not a man of filint ltPart. "hatP\'I't' p)sp mi;.rht han• hPPn. so hl'. 1 raightway ht•g-an :-.uit for tht• !wart of his lad_,. lm·P. It wa mo.st fm·tniHIIP. or JH'rhap llllfortnJtatP. int·P tlti · is a tnt:!l'd,,·. that h1• did not lal'k in t·onra:,rt•. Lotns-Fio\\Pt'. \\oil "·'' his stl·aight l'ot'\\ard Jllallllt'l', found ltt•t' ·p]l' as dt'l'Jll.v i11 low il ht•. lndt•l'tl. if Fall' had not tilkl'n pit~· on thPst• t\\o. sad \Hlltld !tan• ht•t•n tlu·ir plig-ht. llo\\t'\'l'l', sltl' dl't'l'l'Pd that ft·onl tht• tinu· \\hl'll tltP t·l01·k in tlH· old pa:.roda st nu·k t \\'l'l \'(' 11111 il t Itt• hn·ak of da.'. t ht·.'· "o1tld "" rt•lt•a t•d from t lwit· hm11lagP. and slw <·o11ld l'Olllt' drn~ 11 from hPJ' fa11. and hi' fl'Olll his JHH·kagl' of lt'il. to ht· likt• ot hPr h111nan h<'in:.rs during t hilt t illlt'. , 'o ni;.rht aftl'J' ni;.rht. thP,\' \\onld Jilt 1'1 and Yainl_,. atTt·mpt to <'J'o\\d a day full of happint• s into st.· short hou1·,;. 'l'ltt•n. at tlH• d<t\\ ning of thl' 111'\\' ~ Ill'\\ da,\', thP,\' \\Ollld l'Pltl<'tantl,\' j>HI't to l'l'slllllt' tlJPit• old JlO· " v~ •\ sitim1s IH'fOI'I' th<• shop-kPPpl'r' arrintl. ' ' But Fat!' has no <·rn1trol OY<'I' tlw al'tirnl'i of hnman lH•in~. so t h<· gn•at t ra:,rr d_,. of Oil I' . tory loom" aht•ad. It is now t inw for t Itt• low. moaning- lllllsit· of tlw ha. \'iol Jnill:rl•·d "ith thl' hi;.rlt shriPki.ng notP of' a ( 'hint's!' violin. <hll' da_,•. \\ht•n latP sltlllnH·t· wa · llll'l'g-in;.r into alltlllllll, a littll' .\nll't'it·an ;.rirl happt•Jwd into tlw shop. "IH'l'<' ~ 'n:.r-< 'han and Lot lls-l<'lowt•t· lin•d. and. sp~·in;.r t Itt' fan 11pnn "hi<· It our ht•roirw so daint il~· t ripJWtl, imlllt•d iat Ply spt hl'r hPart IIJHlll it. :-;h<• i nq 11 i n•d of t Itt• shop-kt't'Jlt'l' t ht• pri<·P of tlw fan. antll'l'<Jlll'."tPd that h<• sHY<' it for ht•r until thl' lii'X1 cla~·.
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.\lthou~h • ·n~ f'lwn faill·d to hPm' thi c·om'<'l'~at ion. Lotn -Fio\1'1'1' clid. and hPr hc•a1·t s;mk "ithin hPr. That ni:.rht. a~ the· c·lcH·k stnwk 1\rPlw. and tlw t\\·o lowr,.. nwt at thc·ir t 1',\ ~tin~ plat·c•. Lotn-.-Flm\·t·r I' I' It'< I. · · (I h. • ·n~-( 'han. a-. tlw bloom of t lw sllllllll!'l' is fad111~ ; 11d d,\•in~. Oil I' lo\'t• Ill liSt aJ 0 fadc• a!IC! diP on t hi' IIIOIT0\1. In tant]_,. alarnH•cl. ·ng-('han inqnirPd as to thl' c•al!.l' of thi and he I'Piat<'d in a sad ,·aic•t• t hc• t•m 'c·n-at im1 lw had oYI'l'lward that mm· in:.r. lfcl\\ fast 1h<' ho111' ·liP\\ 1111til the hn·ak of da_,.• ·<'\1'1' had tlw c·old. :!1'<',\' light of mornin~ hi'Pil mol'!' cllsmal. and Jl!'\'<'1' had tlw ri in!! sun hc•c•n lliOI'I' tln\\l'lc·onw than on that day. Tht·.'· tarri!'d so lon:.r that onl_,. tlw foot.-t<'ps of thP shop-kc <'JH'I' c•attsPd thPIII to bn·ak from what th<'.'' knc•\1 to hP tlu·ir la~t <'lllhnH·P. It "as not long 11ntil t hc• lit t It• :.ril'l c·anH• ~II'Pfnll.' in to ptll'!·hasc• hc•r fan. littll' n·alizin:.r thl' s;11lnc•..;· hPr mc mc·ntar_,. plt'<hiii'P \\'a~ c·o·tin!.! tht• two littiP JH'opiP on tin· sh<'lf. . 'hp lPt't t hc• hop happil.' \\it h hc•r fan and 111 a fp\1' da,\' sail!'cl for lwr homl' in .\nwric•a. It so happc·n<'d tlwt a load of tc•a '""' . hipped to .\nH·ric·a on th<' salliP ,·pssPI. ThP ho:--: on "hic·h ·n:.r-< 'han JHN'd "a an1on:.r t h<' <'iii'!.!O. and oJH'<' ~ again hc• and Lo'll Flmn·r \\'l'I'P nr;lr nnP annthl'r. \\'hc•n thP ship ~,Y dcl!'kPd at .·an Frmll'il'o. Lotlls-Fio\\PI' wa takPn to thP honw of mist 1'1' ·s. and \n.r.( 'I Ill II \\a .-<'lit to a small stOJ'I' in ( 'hi11ato\\ 11. ~<'\'I'I'HI month~ latPI' .. 'ng-( 'han's pac·ka:.rc• of t<'a \\'ih pttn·hasPd and c·al'l'il'd to a WI',\' lar:.r<' apal'tlll<'llt hottsc•. It sPPnH·d a· tho11:.rh thP littl<' ('him· c• :.rod~ W<'l'<' \\·atc·hill!.! thP I' t\\o. althott!.!h the·.'· \1'!'1'<' far fl'!llll tiH·ir 11atin· land hi' <'ails!' lw \\H takl'n to no othPI' apartnH·nt than that in \\hic·h thP mistrP~s of LotH. -Flcm!'l' lirPcl. ThP tPa \\Hs ~non 11~<'<1. tht• fan h<•c·alJH' old and hattPr<·cl. and. a-. i~ oftc·n the· !'asP \\'hl'll thing, :.rnl\\ l'ithPI' I!. I'll's. Ol' HI'<' no longc•1· on1anwntal. the•.'' \1'!'1'1' disearcl!'d . •\s the• littiP gil'l's motlH'I' thi'C'\1' thc•m H\\H,\". slw rrnuu·kl'cl. '' .\h Wl'll. thc·sp ('hillc's<' thimrs HI'<' ahray~ fragil<'. ·· ~oon at'tc·r t he•_,. had ht•c•n t hl'll\\ n ""a.'·· a 1·a~ man c·alll<' HI'OIIIld ancl c·oll<'<'~l'cl tlwm. togPth<'l' with mm~,,- otl~~·r ch:~·n·pit-lookin:.r arti_c·k · ~ \\ lw·h ar<' c·omnwnl.' c·allc·d ",JIIIlk. \\ tlh the·<' c•oll!Jl<llliOJJs tlw.' \\'l'l't' takl'n to a hll:!<' hmlfil'l' and \1'1'1'1' hl!rlH'd to:.r<'1lwr. ,'c•JHir:ttl'd in life•. in dl'ath the·,\· la,\· side• hy sidl'.
Dras ons p,,
ny r .\nc 111.1~ l>ra:.rons. llo\\' symbolic· th<',\' a1·c· of th<' lost <'him· c• po\\t'l'! Tlwy tl'll a story allthc·ir own. 'l'hc·ir d!'lc•rntinl'cl and fc•nH'iOII l'acc•s takP 11s haek throttgh tlw ~-<'HI's to th<' time• "·lwn ( hina "·as :.rrc•at in litPI'atlll'l' ancl military thill!!.. 'l'hl'n a glanc•t• at thl'ir cli'Ooping- tails It'll lh hem lh<',\" han• lost that jl0\\'!'1'. Yl't th<' ,. clra!!mts J'Pi!!n sHprc•JII!' . . 'onwtinw. Jl!'rhaps. tlw OriPnt \\'illrc·c·m·pr its fm'lll<'l' :.rlor_,•. lint 11ntil it clol'. th<• drag-on 11111st tl'll tlw stol',\' ot' tht• ('hinc"'<'. l hagons gl'<'al 1.'' I'<' Pill hiP tluJs!• lll,,·~tl'riotl'i OriPntals. ThP,\' an•. JWI'Ililps, ima:.rinal',\'. h11t HI'<' not thc· ('hinl'sc• tht•lllst•h·ps so m_,·stic· that <'\'c•n today WI' somPtinws <lonht \\hl'tlwr thl',\" art• not !11<'1'"1." l'l'l'HIIIL't's of f'am·.'·· LPanwd lllt'll 1<'11 us that th<•J't' is 110 slll'h <lllilllal a" a dl'a!!Oll. It i . thl'n. so llltl!'h til<' IH't!PI' s,nnllol of the· <'hill<'''· \\ho .<'<'111 to lir<' in a fantastic· lancl. far n•IJJOYI'cl from this pra(•f ic·a I \\·nrld of mn·s. II
1!125 ~~~~~
Bt ( K .\:\Y hundt·pd ~· t'at·s Hg'O. in an HJH'i<·nt pai;H'!' in PPkin. ( '!tina. tlwrl' lt\!'d an old in\·Pntot· It,,. th<• Willi!' of ~nnu- - Lo. "ith his dattl,!htPr 'l'tng'-Ling-. ~lllli.!· Lo " ·as a Yl'r.\' 111.\ st!'l'iou -looking- indi\'idual "it h a hntll'h lta!'k and a hotTihl<• looking fa<'<' ; for hi nos<' wa long- and t nnwd down at tlw Pnd until it almost md his protrnding <·hin; his hair \Ills almost whit<•. " ·hill' hi 1',\'l's " -<'1'1' slant in~.r and sunkPn. In <'hina. for PYPrything- is npsidl' dmnt tlwn·. likP h<'I.!Ph nnlikl'. alHI <'OilS<'Ifii!'HIIy. althoug-h •'tmg--Lo "a honwly . his daug-ht<•r \\'a · hPatll iful. Ting'-Ling"as as g-rat•pfnl a tlw wan "hidt swam npon tlw pai;H'<' lak<•. Endmr!'d with th!' dark<'."<' and hair of h!'t' motlwr "ho. poo1· soul. had di!'d at h<•r <lang-htPr'.· birth .Ill' g'l'!'" up in this lmwl.'· pahl!'l' whPrl' hPJ' fathPt' had h1·oug-ht lwr. I hat lw mig-hI <·a tT~· on his \\'fll'k without h!'i ng hot h<•t·!'d h.' t lw 011 hid<• world. Tlw lahonttm·.v of .·un~.r- Lo wa in tlH• hig-hPst room of th<• pai<l<'l' and was <'qnippt•d for ma11~· kinds of <'XJH'I'imPnh. fort h1•n• "!'I'!' <·alttnl'ls and sh<•hl's full of hottl<'s and tuh<· · !'ontaining- almost l'Yl't'.' ' kind of !'lwmit'al kno\\n ill that tinw. and in mw <'OI'IH'I' of th<• room. thPJ'<' \\!'1'<' many skPIPton . knlls and hmH'. •'nng--Lo had for nHIII,\' .'·Pat's h<'l'll 1':\Jll'rinwnting- "it h <·olors. and lw ha<l prodm•t•d twarly !' \'1'1'." <·olor of tlw rainho\1'. Eal'l~· on!' da,,·. as h<• "as mixingsonw r!'d ]Hl\nl<•t· "ith fitwl.' <'l'ltsh<·d hmH''· Tin~r- Ling- <·amP into th<• lahot·atm·_,. ~llllg"-Lo "a o ahsn!'lwd in his \mrk that "lwn tlw g-irl l'llt<•r!'d. it frig-ht<'JH'<l htm. and h<• jHmp!'d. kn<wking- tlw mixturP on· thP tahll'. "\\'hy do ~·on <·onw hPt't' no" ! " ('l'i<·d tlw fat h<'l' ang-rily. "You knm' don't likl' ~· ou to hot h<•t· nw at m~· work!'· ··Fat lwr. fat lwr!'' hq.!gPd Ting-Ling.'' I do not llH'an to tmtthll' you just c•onw to "·ish you good morning'.'' ~hl' I lwn walk<•<l ttp to h<'r fat hPr a1l!l ki st>cl him on tlw t'h!'Pk. ''(lh. Ting. '' hP said. ''I 1<)\'(' you don't m<•au it "lwn I hP<'Ollll' an~.rt·~· ; forg-iw nH•!' Tht>n Ting- and , 'ttng- Lo hoth stoopr·d to th<• floor to g-athl't' IIJl th<' pmrd<•r. J:y( ' ll\1
(' ! y
~~~ [111'
ft{arouu ~~~~
.' n.J <h•n 1;- " 'I' i<l<·•· t h" t 1un1 h<•<·n nn t 1«' t "h1,. f <'11 on ""' "i ..t •, ch<•<'k , he s('t:~·<~J.lH'cl, hnt lwr fatl~<·r on]~· lan~hP<l <~nd hrt1lwcl tlw ir_Jspt'f ~fl' ' .r ith his h<!m1. .\r1smg-. lw put ont Ius hand to lwlp l11s daug-htPI', and Ill donrg so. lw notH·Pcl that slw H]lJH'Cli'Pd nwn• IH'ant ifni than lw had <'\'('1' lwfoi'P SP<'Il lwr. "Ting." lw said . " you an• g"!'tting- mor<· h(•atltifnl <'Y!'J'~ da~· . \\'hat makPs \ ' 0111' <·h<·Pks so l'lld(h' this mm·nirw '" . Bnt on looking ·<·losPr. hP dis(~~~·!'rPd that in hrn hing thP pidPJ' ofl' lwr <·lwk. lw had appliPd snnH' of thP r·pd pmrdPl' - That was what madP lwr so hc•attf ifnl! Ilis ry<'s lig-htPd "ith jo_,.. ".\h. Ting-Ling. Ill,,. d!'ar·. '' lw c·t·iPd. " a 11 <' for my l'aYorit(• r!'d powdPr! shall makP ton and ton of it! .\ll ('Irina sh<dl liS<' it - tlw lady of tlw pala<'('. th<• hag of tlw horpJ. thP maid!'n. thr agP(l. ITuzzah !'' !<'or. as ( 'onftH·itls many hnndr!'d ypar·s ago r<'lllarkP(l. •·I I' you han• knowi Prlg<•. IPt otlwrs li~ht tlwir <·and IPs h~· it."
Tea From China J:y TnmL\'-' IIoPKI. ·
IIEX wr think of 1<'11. \\hat is o nat11ral
lh to think also of ('hina? 'l'ra is tlw wr~· s~ mhol of this arwi!'nt part of tlw Or·ipnf. It has he!'n tlw dri11k of all ('hill<'SP from JH'asant to .Jiandarin throng-hont thP ag<'s . .i11 t as ri<'P has h<•(•n tlwir prin<·ipal food. Tlw otlwr clay. whil(• I \\'as r·oanlillg ar·onrHI thP atti<·.'· in a ratlwr moorly l't·am!' of min<l. T <•anw ll])()n bright 1~·-<'olm·<•d hox. <·m·Pr<'<l "it h ('hines!' charat't<•r·s. I J·akP(l it out frrm among a dozpn oth!'r . hrus]w(l tlw dust from thP highly cl<•ror·atecl g-lass <'O\'<•r. and found it to lw an Pmpt~· tl'a hox. f lift('(] fhp Jid and JH'!'J'('(] in. ft \\'as <•mpt~· of all matpt•ia] ('Ollt<•Jlts. hnt what wonls can tPll of thr myst<•ry arHl ori<•ntal pidnn•s<piPn<•ss of th<• past centnrie. that aro <' in fhP aroma of ('hinrsP tPa that <•am<' to my nostrils? I ~a" qnaintl_,. d<·sigrw(l ('hinPs<' junks. loadPcl with t<·a. ail Jowl~· hy "tth laz~· grar<'; T saw nan·ow str<'<'h. owrhung- \\'ith gail:· d<•<•or·atPd bamwrs an<l lant<•rn~; I saw tPa shops, \\'h<•n• eustompr·s bought !!Oods from <·otmtPrs huriPd in honqnPts of hng<• ~-plJow <'hrysantlwmums: in t lw rhop sit<'.'" hops. I sa\\ ::\Ian<larins slm\'ly <•ating. and IW('asionall:· takin!! a sip from thPir <·ups of tPa . •\11 this, and mot'<'. tlw mPI'<' aroma of <'hint• P t<·a hronght nw: m~· int<•t'l' t m all things Ori<•ntal " ·as arousPd. aJHl 1 wishPd that I mig-ht kno\\' that fat·a" "·'· country in r!'ality. that 1 mi~ht unrawl for mysp]f. tlw Ill.''" <'1'." that for<'\<'1' shrond~ China.
Chinese junks n!l .JJ <. ·ur.L ~,.ITII air of myst~ry al\\ays IHn'Prs arotuHl thosp ('hirws<• ship -of-all-tradl'. <•ommonly kno\1 n as junks. l'rohahl~ no 1\Yo of t h<•s<' Yt•ssPis an• of tlw sanw huiJd. hut alJ haY<' onp ('OllllllOJl, distinguishing fpatllt'(' t]w rattan sail. If f shonl<l S<'<' a ('hirw <'junk \\hos(' sails \\Pl'<' mack of eommm1 and unromanti<• rarl\'as, all m~· Yision aJHl mu in!!s emH'Prning tlwm " ·mtl<l hP hlastl'<L lt is nnclouht<•<lly that rattan sail" hi<'h l<·n<l· tht• sma<·k of OriPntal m~· l<'tT \Yiwn 011(' thinks Of a junk, OlH' ill\'Hl'iabJ,\ thinks of l'OO]i<'S. laboring and S\\'('llt in~ ~\ n
~ ~
<1111' ~Uaruuu
in thl' fitful shadl' af rattan sails. and. of <'ollrsl'. "ith th<'S<' :.!0<' that q11alit:· ton<•s tllt<•t't •st lllg' mystl'r,\ . 'l'hl' l'<'ilson th,·tt mysf<•r: is al\\'<1,\'s asscH'iatl'd with jlmks is h<'<'Hits<• in oldl'll cl11ys th<'sl' hips plit•d l111<'k <!lld fot·th in t•astt·rn walt'rs. JH•arl.'· ahnl,\'s \\'ith tlw ptrpost• of find ing pParl . \\ hit·h !!1'111 hcl\l' ot'tt•n lwPn tlw <'<IllS<' of dt•ath strallg'<'. inPxpli<·ahlP d<·ath to tho. <' \\·ho soug-ht tlwm.
@ \\ hil'h mak<•s
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~ _.,
~ ~ ~ ..,
Solitude Ru
D\B ' f.Y
r. Solit1ul<'. thon art s\\<'Pt. 'tis It'll<': B11t for thP pn• <'11<'<' of a friPJHl Long- triPd and fonncl tr11st:· ctnr.\\'. Thy ;;nhst it 11t ion <'Hnst 110t anwncl.
~ ~ ~
::~.,a;,~ ~~~.e~~•..~,~ ~~~:~'
Ill•· .', ll•m ,,., "' 'l'hPr<' i no t'lahorat<• of'fi<'<'. h11t j11st a lit tiP lm)\\ 11 <'OIIIttPr it h roll . of hmwn pa JH'l' and a ha II of twin<' m1 it. and a row of shPiw. with Jl<'at Jl<l<'kagl's ha<·k of thi . I low a ( 'hinPs<• <'<Ill r<'ad thP llaJlll' ht• has writt<•n on a hill is a '' orHil'r. 'l'h<' lllOr<· 011!' triPs to dl'<•iphn if. t ht' lllOI'<' difl'i<·ltlf it hP<'Cllll ''· hut SOlll<'hO\\' ,\'011 ahYCI,\'s l'<'('Pi\'P : ·our cmn hnlHII<' of <•ollar · or· aprm1-;. ·t<'Hlll ts <'\·l'r.n\'IH·n· in tlw air. and it 1. so hot that it is no " ·ondl'r 11 ( ' hrmtman i small and '' rinklPd hP is !wing- hakrd <·on.·tantly. ( 'himllll<'ll ar·p g-oin;.r hPt'<' <llicl thPn•. hnsil.'· ,,·orkin;.r. and it is \'<'~'.' st'ldom that thP,\' arP to hP sP<'ll talkin:,r. :\P\<'1' od thl'.' smiiP a .\mPri<·ans do at \\ork. Do thP,\' so dislikt• tlwir o<·<·npatrons that all amnst'nwnt and intrn• ·t in ]jfp is g'radnall.'· hP<'Olll ing- forgot t <'11 : <:r·<·at ,·ats HI'<' fill<'cl to tlw hrim with <·lotlws and ar·t· tnnl<'d for half an hour: th<'ll larg-<' imni11g' slwi\'Ps arP hrou:rht into nsP h.' tlw sil<•nt nwn. The 110is<' of t lw ma<·hinP is monotonous fon'Y<'t' g-oing-. it Sl't'llls. The• hPat i tlltPnst•. sntl'cwatin:,r and till' 11ir· i foul \\·ith tlw odor of th<• soaps. powdpr·s. stt·am and lwat. 'l'lwr<' i-; littl<•lig-ht in thp workroom an<l all tlw <'ornc•r·s art• shaclcl\\y. lllllst,,-. ;;ppming- to hid<' ;;onwthing' \\'hi<'h <'l'YPs to link thosp hrig-ht -l',\'l'd sm1s of th<' Ori!'nt "ith tlwir <'Oil!ltr,,·. ( ' hina.
~ ~ ~ ~
II. • ·onwtmw almlg' lifP \ \\'!'Hr.'· ''"ay. Solitlld<'. thnu art clPsir·pd in . \\'l'l't spn•nity: But wh1•n thou lwst hrou~ht <·ourag1• for dismay, HPturn thou to th:· haunts of PtPr·nity. II I. .\n d l<·t Ill<' to my fri<•JH] so dPar HiP, to sh<ll'<' thP ~il't ol' lit'!', l'nclPt' a sk\ that\ hlu<' ancl <•]par. FreP f~·om <·loucls of ~loom and strif1·. ''
~~~~~ 1!125~~~~~
IJ !/ J I \ Hoi.n I hx•n:a, ( '. 1I. S. ~-
I'll IH•t thPrp' t\\o o1· thl'('(' hnndrPd JH•opl(• h('J'('. r ml'! :\1 r. DalP and Ill,\' tP<ll'h(•J' toda,,·. llad a lot 'o ti'OtlhlP \\ itfl Ill." liP\\ lr)(•kPI'.
11. (hlP <"lass is <·allPd ''as. <'Ill hi.'.'' I\·(· IH•<•n as ('lllhlin' all hy mysPlf l'o1· l'onr days hnt toda,,·. the wholP s<·hool <:anH• in and "<' sang song-:. 1(). .\not lwr Jl('\\ I' lass! I•' rom t lm•(• to f'om·. f{olland g-aYe it to nw h<•<•atiSI' I s[Wnt tlw fil·st tht'<'P hottl's in tlw atti<·. a tryin' to find tlw pfpyator. ~0. f'op fpt lllP I'OIIIP into to\\'n this al'tPI'lloon to s<'P tlw t'ooihall g'lllll('. \\'p \\'Oil; ('ham pa ign ~() .\ n·ola (i. •>•> :\Jr. Osborn. m.' algPht·a t<'a!'lwr, g-al'<' ll lltlk on Pari . :\It·. DaiP told t hP st•hool that hP had hrohn a n•<•m·d and t lwy all g-ot mad Hnd yPIIPtl. I don't knrl\\ \\·fwtlwt· it wa a 111'\\' mw 0 I' !lOt . ~:l. 'l'hP.\' \\Ottfdn't l(•t lilt' t ,._,.out for a Wtgand PHint hPt·anst• I "as ll t't·<•shman. \\'ish I had start <·d a ll s<'ll iot·. ~7. \\'p \\'on Hnot h<'l' football g-anw from Tns!'ola todll,\', 10-0. I t•ottldn 't go ransl' pop madt• nw sta,Y honw and do t lw !'horPs. ~h. ~o s<·hool 't if :\londay. I '11 lw glad to go hac·k t ho11gh hP<·a 11sc• no\\ I set next to X an<·~· :\I Pad.
<H'TOBEH :l.
:\Jpfha Bondn•an \\on thP popularity priz<· today. didn't YotP fm· ht·r lH'<'Hit. <' slw run-;" ith the g-uy that sPnt tll<' to thP attic to find thP hy to tlw root'. -+. Pop and I hoth \\t'nt to tlw hig gamP. Lindblom 0 and ( ' hampaign :l. Pop got excited and lost his Nunday hat. :\Ia do<•sn't kno\\ it ,\'Pt. hnt I snt·t• want to h<· amoJlg' tho-.;t• ah ent "·lwn slw finds it on t. 10. ~o sc·hool today ht·<·atts<• tlH• I<'<H·lwrs ga\'1' an institntc. \\'p kids \\'PI'<'Jl 't inYil<·d. so l stayt•d to honw all(] di<l tlw ploll'in '. 1:l. 'l'lu·,\ t riPd 0111 t'ot• a play <'alkd "17 .. toda.\ hut I didn't hPcatiSC r am only thirt<•<•n. 1.>. J glli'SS r 'm g'Pttin' a<•quaint<•d. 'l'oda~ \'irginia Bowl'n told llH' that it' I'd bring fil't<•t•n <'Pills shP 'd get mt• into tlw l•'t'PJH'h ('In h. I alway:-; tlid "ant to hPlong to a l'ratprnit.'. 1"· Our <'ross ( 'onnt t·~· !Pam W<'nt to Iowa today and mw of tlw guys got in tit·st. I saw his pit•tni'P in thP paper on at'<'flltnt of' it. ~1. In tlw auditorinm th<•y g-aw a piPe<' <'affPd ".\n OhstinatP l<'amily. '' Tlwy n•minded llH' of tlw tt•am of mul<•s that W<' just hroke. ~4. Ont· hand ga\'1' a <'OJIC<'rt so as to g-et somp lllOJH'Y for lH'\\ . uits. .?11om \\ants me to l<·ar·n to play till' <'Ornct. ()
. ·onDnmn 011!' foothall tPam hPat E\an. \Ilk :~:1 0 . •1. Hooray. .Timnw .\fajnrs, onr foot hall cap tain. spokP to llH' toda~·. lit• \\'<Is t•mning liP tlw tairs and lw said .. ( :d ont of t ht• \\'a~·. kid." '- \\'t• hPH( .] cl<'kSOJl\'iffp ~1 -(i. 1:l, \\"ish that I d H In 't haw to g-o homt' so Pari.'· aftt•r . <·hool t' Y<·r~· t'\'t•nin~ ht•<·ansP I kno\\' lot of l-ids no\\'. 17. Thi:-. i, Edtu·ation WPPk. hop<' tht•y don't <'Oill<' aro111HI to st>t> IHJ\\ Ptlllt'atPd I am. llltlllllttiUtttltttuu•t~~tlllttuttllllllltut\Utllt~~\),111 ~O. Yat·at ion ,IJld a lot of 11\'\\ kind 111 tel\\ n. :'lfut IH' sonwthin' ht!!. hPt'aiiS<' I saw thl' 1\'ttt>rs "I.~- II.:---. P .•\.at 1'. of I." all oYt•r tel\\ n. ~:l. ThP1'<'' a 11<'\1 ~il'l in my English t·lass JHinH•d \'il'1,!111ia ( 'ook. ltain't g-ot tlw milkin' dmw for (\\o \\'Pt'k'i 11nt il a qiiHt'tPt' past st'\'t•n on at't'Oitnt of thinkin' ahont her. ~(i. ~\s t•mhl_,. today. ( lnr !Pam i ~oing- to pia.'' our· old ritJp, l'rhana. at tlw • 'tadiunt. ~7. \ ' a<·ation. tnrk<'~·. pumpkin piP and \\'t' lwat l ' rhana El-0.
~ ~
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
DE<'E~IBEH ~\sst•mhl~·: ~Ir. \YIW1t>lllan told 11 somp fltttll.'' stori<• anc l g<l\'t• 11 a hig silwr <'11]\ for lH'atin~ out· rifles. -!. Tlw <:. ~\ .•\. ha<l a t'roli<·. lt 's ju t lih tlw l<'n•1wh ('lith onl.'· it'· a girl's fratrrnity. 7. ::\Iy <'onwt <·anH• tnda~· att<l Mr. ~h-Kimwy had so lllll<'h <•onficl<•Jl<'l' in lll<' that lw p11t llll' in tlw thinl hand ri!!ht oil'. 11. )Jr. Dall' \\!'Ill to .'prin~fip]cl and fol'tllt'<l a stat<• high st•hool asscH'i at ion. 17. Tlw langmtgl' l'llths nwt toda.'. I drank fin• !!lasst•s of c·idl'r. Tlwn• wasn't <•nongh to g-o 'round an<l ~I iss Kt'iiPr got mad. ~0. . 'atnnla.''· .\ll of 11 . <·anw into to\\'n. I ~ot a Ill'\\' s\\·(•atPr. ('Ost thn•p dollars and ninl't.''-t•i~ht <'Pills. ~-i. . ·o s<·honl 'rans<' ('hristma, is lwn•. got a whol<' lot of stnff. had a \Y<• had Do<' \\'alton <'OIII<' out today. ~ti. ft>\1 pains in stom;H'h. ~h. ~nn• has IH•<•n a filw ('lu·istmas. -L\~1'.\ RY
1. \Ye all .tay<'<l up Ia t ni~?ht alHl listl'tl<'<l to th<• \\histk. Pa sa~s I ought to mak<• somt' • ' <'\\ Yt'ar 's rl' olnt ions. hut l ain't ht't'alts<' T hawn't Jts<·<l up tho ·<· I m:Hlt> Ia t ~- par. :l, Bac•k to sl'hool toda~· . 1 lw:ml Don <lamhl<• ancl ('lwt ~ti<·kr·n<l a talkin' ahout a''("' <'lnh dan<'!' ancl tlwy saicl tlw~· \\'l'l'l' twt•nty fiw dollars in thP hoi<•. I'm ~oin' out Hftl'r s<·hool ancl lcll'al<' tit<• holt•. G. :Jfiss Cool<•y gaY<' 11s a history quiz to<la~· and I sai<l Danil'l \\'phstPt' wrotf' thr clit·liomu·~·. Ill' clicln't, thongh, 'l'mts<' no\\' l know it wa Em·yelo JWclia that \\'rote it.
~ ..,
G:l11' ffiarunn
~~~~~ 1925 '-"'-"""",-,.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[11r itiaruntt ~~~~~.,_
!l. i\Ir. Kirk talhcl to 11s in assembly thrs moming ahout \\·m·lcl Pc•ac<'. di<ln 't staml np whPn he• a ke-el liS "ho l><'lie\'l'cl in IH'Ht'<', h<'<'HliS<' ,Jimmy }lajors didn't. 1-1. \\'1• had a rllo\'ing pit•ft~n• shO\\ <·ailed" .\t th<• Bottom of tlw .· .. a.'' I llHd to IPHY<' h<'<'HIIS<' all tlw \\'orms and insP!'Is in thl' pict Ill'<' rc•mindc•<l Ill!' of pi<·kin' tatPr btt!!s.
w .. lwat o11r old rifiP · ( l'rhana ) in hashthall 2.f-l-l. I "i. h I c·rmlcl of ~<'<'II it h11t tlw right whc•PI wa · otl' tlw lntgg-:· nn<l I <'OHidn 't <'Olll<'. lli. 011r t rac·k l!•am \n•nt to ( 'hit·ago ami sa\\ • '11rmi r'HII. liP' prl'!t~· good. -I:H·k BPII said that why lw always wen wa · h<'<'HliS<' lw \\a · alwa.n. in front at t h<' "finish." l.'i.
2". and
Took m.Y final <·.·ams toda.'·· I think I pas <·d nnd nwyhr for!'ig-n langttag<'.
hnt alg!'hra
:lO. Didn't haw to go to s<·hool today h<·<·an <' I didn't Pop aJHI I \rorkPd down 011 th<• south fqrt.'.
IHt\' 1'
any quizzt>s.
FEI~HI ' .\ HY
:\lis · Blair was hHl'l in an aeeidPnt whil<• lw was ont J•iding-. :l, .lfrii'!IIJ/1 dr·iYI' s'artPd. I sHhs<·r·ih<•d to \'pr·a llHit•hinson for thP .Jirtnulll hut I don't kno\\ ho\\· I'm !,!onna <·hoke• a dollar ont o' Pop. -1-. :\!iss :-;lttrg<·on ga\'1' Ill!' a pa1wr· to tak<· to th1· Twin ('it.'' · I thoHght tIll',\' \H'I'<' <'ooking I'I'<'Piph and took th<·m to thP Twin ( 'ity ( 'at'<•. 7. ln·ru• Bo~·pr\ got tlw mnmps. :-;he went to a show with :-;lwrty Fi. her and tlw JH'xt da.'' lu• !!Ill 'em too. l'. Wh<•P! :\I~· pic·tHn•'s gomta he in tlw Jl al'oon. I was staJH!in' in back of a lot of kids wlu•n .\lit·e } fdlinty took tlwir pit·lnr!'. 011r hask!'thall t<•am d!•dit·at!'d tlw Dan\'ill!' <:.nn aml our s\\imming tPam splaslw<l tlw tar· ont of tlwir team. l.f. UH!'s. \\·hat I got. The mHmps. kni'W it wonlcl hapJH'll aJHl JJO\\' I don't g<'t to go to st· hool for a W<'<'k or 1\\!l. 2:~. I'm all owr the llllllllp Ot•org<' :Jia:nn•ll. Lamar Ogh•tn•c•. an<l :Jiax Brown had '<·m too. 27. \\·<· lll•at 'l'PtT<' I l aHie 1!!-1.>. :\lary Hall tolcl 11s aho11t it in as pmhly. l gtw s !'YeryOJH' play<•<l a goo<l g-Hnl<' h11t B11<1 a!l(l h!' at1• too many hananas ancl it mach• him sick. Pit·at!'s! I 'll set' you m my <lr<•ams. •>
:JL\ H('li .f. \\'p had a raclio ass!'mhly this moming to Ii ... tc•n to Pt·PsidPnt ( 'oolidg<' act•t>pt hi offie<'. I g'lH'ss hl• cle<·idP<l h<• " ·onldn 't he prpsic!Pnt 'til after dinner . .). } Ia wrot!' mp an excns<' ancl Hollancll!'t Ill<' go owr to I' rhamt to s!'<' 011r gam<• "it h Tnst•ola. I conhln 't find t h!' g-ym hut f l'<'H<1 all ahou I thp game in tlw papers. 6. \ \•!' h<•at Mahnnwt and \\Oil 1lw Distri<·t tonmament. t•ans • Pa wanted Ill<' to lwlp sekt't sPed corn.
.\PRIL 1. .\pril .fool'da,\·. I fooh·d 'pm and st a~· pd honw t oda~· . \ ' irginia ( 'ook \ had;: in sc·hool. . ' ow I \ron 't ha \'<' Ill,\· Eng! ish J,.ssmls an.nnon• . 10. I wi h I c·otdd dPhatc• likP Oblong . . ' o sc·hool 'c•ansc• its ~nnclay ancl Easter. 1 don 't 1~ . lwliP\'<' that tlw rahhih Ia~ Pgg-s an~·morc• hreans<' now I know its C'hiehns. l.i. , ' pnior pla~ t 1·~·ouh tonight. T lwarcl Louis!' :\Ic• <:nmahan. ay that she onl!ht to makP it. ~0. I wc•nt out fort nt<·k tonig-ht and :\lr. :\lo~· pr said that if I sta,,·<'d a ronnel hPn' as Jon:.r as J Im·old l•'railp~· ha · l c·cHdd run fm· <'onl!rc•ss. ~.i. <'al Dolcl aJHl nw \ndkc•cl to J)pc•atlll' to spp tlw trac·k mc•pf. \\·p didn't haYP an_,.,, hPr<' to stay all nig-ht so \\"(' wPnt to a sho\\· and tlwn sat in a ( ' mw~· I land joint all nil!hl. ~~Got an awful c·old hom l)pc•atnr. }[a has t iPd a rc•d ral! a ronnel m.'· :.rozzc•l. ~--. .Jimm~· :.\Iajor lookC'cl <mfnl hacl tcHlay. liP must of hacl anotlwr fil!ht with :\laq.rat·l't [[p]pn <010 Emws. :w. HainPcl likP tlw clic·kPns tocla~· ancl l I!Ot my fr.Pt m•t. aJHl a B in Eni!lish.
:\L\Y Last month of sc·hool. hadn't ]panwcl so muc•h 'c·an c• I'm i!C'!tin' D's . ITacl to g-o hom<' at noon hPc'athP 1 ton• m~· goocl pants on my loekC'r. !l. ~Ill'<' a lot of kids g-oi11g to Nprillgfh•ld. I sa\\ at !Past a dozPn kids \\'Hiking-. .Jolmny :\IittPlHlorf roclC' a hiC'yelc•. 11. Big ass<' Ill hly today. Pat ,J amesm1 JH'a t·l.'· hacl to makP a spc·rc·h. plannrd to tc•ll how to sc•p C'hicago on a quarter. 1. .t.
J:i. Hairwd! Lost both ruhlwrs ar11l half a . hoe on wa~· to sehool. By tlw tinw I g-ot honw I eaug-t P\'t•rything- from a li<'kin' to a <·old. 20. I asked ,Jimmy :'llajors to <'Oillt' ont to tlw qu;Hlrillt• at BmHhillt•. He didn't know \1 hat I IIIPant. liP s11n• don ' t know tht• lastP t dant'Ps. .\nyway it\ Sat tmlay night and ht• <'<Ill 't <·onw 't·ausP ht> ·. working- in his Jll'Pssmg hop. ~:~. :\t•\1 1\'t'Pk \ !'Xams. Took all six of my hooks homP last night. '1'110 of tht>m art' millt'. a.nra.1·. and thP t'<' t I pi<·kt'd up ar·omHI t•hool. 1. Exams. I t•ottldn 't g't'l 111 to takP m~ English Pxam 't•aHst' Pop madP lilt' pit·k potato h11g again . .) . ( 'ollllllt'lH'PilH'nt tolli:,!ht. Wt'nt hnt <'OtHldn 't gPt a spat. .\notlwt· kid and lllt' \1 Pill to tl11• \ ' ar ity. t. Uot Ill.\· <'anls yPsl<·nla~·. J didn't pass nothing hnt ag-rieultun•. I don't <':tl'l' tho11g-h, I got a lot 'a tillll'. I'm gmllHI t•lost' I his dair.' nm1. 'l'hi,., sun• Ita h<'<'ll a gootl Y<'at' a11d I'm 01'1':' to lt'a\'(' till' old st·hool. .\ny\1 ay r I'XJH'<'t I'll ht> ha<'k aftt•r the fall plowing.
!'HI \( ' 11'.\L'
( 'lan'IH'P Sht•\1 altPI': ··Do you think I van hew i t lw prineipal eharaelt'r!" Harold B.: "\\Th:·. I don't knoll'." ( 'lan•n<'<' : "\\'t>ll lw is. ht>t•ausc• his !Htllll' is on a II I he pagt>s. '' 1·',\\IILY I'HII>E
''Bt>e" Bttllm·k: '')I~· brother\ a cll'tll!l!ist I 1'1111 g'Pl clt·inks for noth i llg'. Boh BrinkPnta: "That\ nothinl!. ··my dad\ a Jll'l'aeh< t' aJHl I ean gt't ~rood for not hi llg'.'' 'I'LIE
!It•: ··\\'as ~·our granllmothn angry ht>t•anst• :·o11 didn't g'l't honw nnt il :~ .\. )f.!" She: "I didn't wait nnt il slw got 111 to fine! ott!.'' <a:TTI \(, COOLEH ~Irs.
,J anwson: •· Lt".. tt•r. what <lew· this (j.) ml'an on your phy. ·it•s papPr !'' l•'at: "I g'tlt's' that must llll'an tht• tt'lll[ll'l'Hlttn• of tht• class-room.'' fir t." n•markt•cl t ht• doetor\ son as ht• llonm•tl ruhhl't' g'lOYt''i to raid till' jam <•lost>!. "Saftt·~
TIL\\ , P,\HE\'1'
Yt> humo1· Pditot· t'P<'PiYt'd mw of tlw tiro shoeks of his life a · the eont rih box "a OIH'JH'cl in mm·ninl! and amm1g ot ht>t' hlank lwl'ts of JlHIH't' tlw following were found: ('h;h. Sutton ( making- assig-nnwnt ) : "\rp \1 ill han a quiz in prohh•ms sinular to thosp on JHli!P 117 all<l sim ilar to tlw mws WP havt•n't had lw fol'l'. '' '
TO\'(; IL
"Whit Wrig-ht talk in hi slt•t•p." ··That so!' ' · · Yt>s. lw l't't'i!Pcl in histm·~· . ,\'1' ll'l'· cia:.'' )[iss :\lay: "Uilht•1·t. what 11as tit~• t rouhlt• in Florida!'' Littlt• .·wl'cl<•: ''TilL' llHlians hat! a hig masqtu•r·adP. So .nH·kson .Pnt dmrn an ann~· to p11t dcmn thp masCJIH'I'Hclt•.'' :\Iiss ('oolt•y: ''\\'hat eollrgt• in tlw 1· .• ·. pt·otltl<'<' tlw mo t pt·t•,.,idt•nt '" \'il'g'inia just lH'ginning' to n·~ris ll'r : · · Tht• EIPI'toral eoll<•g<•. '' (}
dt>hris \\'Pl'P honw to our pars: herP. This i as far as " ·e go.''
ph'a. t>, hut yon 'II haw to gd off 1J
~~~----~ 1!125~~~~~
·• .\lalwl. " I ('hirpe<l, '·haY!' you Pl'll m~· shirt ' '' ~h1• dumhly shook hPr' head. In d!'spa ir. dinrhPd on Ill,\' l'aiiiPI and rod!' ma1ll.'· otl' in all dirl'l't ions. l<'otll' days lall't' I hit PPrsia. 'Ph1•n• on a door· tPp say :\lar.'· Ha1• Pt•dpr·spn and lwr dog. · · 11 PIp.'' I g'l'O<IllPIJ. "lfayp PithPI' of ,\' 011 S!'l'll Ill,\' -,hirt !" Tlw,\· ( sht• dumhl~· . tlw dog in tt•lligPntl.' shook tlwir· lwa1k FP•u· staring t'I'Om my I'Yt's, I 1·aught t lw tag!' eoaeh and in a t•oupll' of WPI'ks n•aehed ( 'hina . •\t ]Iongo Kong I a\\ ('lwt and .\f~Ta standirtg mrdl'r a pilll'appl<• t J'l'l'. ·'Haw
lit• IH'Id
Ollt' ll(l .
.. Is thi yottt's ! ''
I g'H ZI'tl. tt•flr, filll'd my 1',\'t'~ . my h" art t hrohl)('d so t hilt Ill,\' h;tt·k al'hPtl. ~lo\\'ly I t llt'llt'd my h;tt·k. hid m_,. t'at'l'. and dttnthl,\· shook Ill,\' IH'Hd . ( '. ~ II E !JOES:\'T H.\TI·: SO \\"ELL
:\It·. Uooding: " I>HIP :.rin· ntt· th\' amollttt of pho.· phor11s fo11nd in t ht• 11\'t't'H!!<' ma It• skPIPtott. " ]);tit• ~- : .. 1-J.OO :.rrains: 1:l() grauts in his nl't'\'t'S. and 1:? :.rrains 111 his bra in. Bright ~tlldl'nt: "1-l-00 min11s 1:? Pqllals ));tit• ~to11t."
1{1<:,\SO\:-. ~oap :
:II \Till \10\ Y
· · \ \' annah11y an Pllg'ilg'l'llll'llt
t•illg' ! ', ~11ds: "\\' assa matll·t· ! Yo11r :.rirl thro\\ yo11 dmnt !" ~oap : · · :\ o : W<' :.rot ma l'l'i t•t I. ''
Honwo Dolt! lwlo\\' \\'indo\\' \\·it h saxophont• ): " Jl ist. ,JulP. OJH'll the " ·intl<m m· I 'll him\ tlw dam thing."
))par . 'ant a ( 'la11s: wish to thank ;. on in behalf of my boy fri<•tHl and mysPif for tlw llt'\1 :.rla'>s fin is lwtl "Kazoo" that you bt·o11g-ht 11s for ( 'h rist mas. • 'incerPiy yout·:-;. H\Y \ ' A . ('t R.\ \XD lit.
Frank ~ehwartz ( in ( ' hieago, \\ at<·hin:.r yl'llow t•ah pass ): "Huh! that' thP !<•nth tinw l'\'e st'<'tt that :-;anw <•a t· to<lay. "
'l'hpn• an• some "ho lau:.rh at all t hes<' jok<•s. 'l'lwre must he a rl'a on 1lwy must haw prl'lty tl'Pih. lit
Mary: Why. we'r~ down town already' While I'm here. I believe I'll run up to the CHAMPAIG OMMERCIAL COLLEGE and arrange for a cour e this summer. Don't you want to come. too?" Jack: "You bet' I've alway heard a lot about that s::hool the capable instructors. varied curriculum. and rea onable rate . but I've never been up there. my elf. You know. Leeta Burrows. M:ugretta Faullin. Rose Hrssler. Helen Taylor. Richard Keck. Walter Dillman. and a great number of other Champaign High tudent have attended. there.'' Man;: "Why. hello. Georgia. How long have you been up here?" Georgia: " everal weeks. now. I'll soon be in line for a position. Lenore Burt. Laura Roe and Junior Guard arc all here. too. Harold Leuck ha just left for Chicago. where he ha an excellent po ition. Yes. you'll feel right at home here." Mary: "Jack and I are thinking of enrolling here ju t as soon as school is out." Georgia:
" ay. why don't you do that?
urely like the
work here."
! i ! f
I i
+---..-u-••--•-••-•--••-••-••-••-••-·-..- - • • - - • • - n - • • - - • • - • -..-•-••4 (I
~~ 1925 ~~~~~
Murtf: "Oh, yoo-hoo. Marian: Going ea t? Come on. Jack. hop in . I was going over for my senior pictures and I thought perhaps you would let me ride with you." Munun: "Of course; but I hope you won't mind waiting while run into LLOYDE' for some theme paper. Mury: "LLOYDE'S BOOK STORE: Why. that's where bought my school books and my brother's sax. too. Alice Goodman. one of the enior girls in my shorthand cia , works there Loui e McGranahan and Jitney Bowen JUSt hurried in and there goes Karma Golden. I bet they're going in to hear the latest song hits - everyone does both on the piano and Edison phonograph." Juck: 1 hey have cross word 1 hey have know how hand class. as those arc
"That' not all they have- ju t school book . I mean. games. radios, kodaks and supplies. and the very latest in puzzles and dictionaries. LLOYDE'S i an old boitSl' dealt with the high school gang for over fifty years and to uit their every need. Well. I must hurry for my hort I'll expect to see you here on June the eighth or fifteenth. the pccial enrollment day 'Bye"
Man;: '' He 's had his picture taken . too. for I saw it at- why right at WEBER'S . Thanks a lot, Marian ." Jach : ¡ \VEBER' have the bus111e , don't they ~ They have the contract for both the group pictures for the 192'5 Maroon and the senior pictures. too . You ' ve seen the senior pictures. haven ' t you~ Aren ' t they good looking ~ With all the rush of businc s ( you know they arc doing the Illio and Urbana pictures as well ), the utmost care and attention is accorded the minutest detail of every picture The customer's ati faction is their goal. A pleased customer IS the best Mary: " There's Marian colt looking in the show ca e at the college sheiks Marian won the prize as the most popular senior girl in the contest last fall. " Jach : " You ' re going to trade picture with me. aren ' t you ~" Man;: Of course. I'm having another dozen finished; they just go like hot cake , don't they ?"
U:ht' ffiaruuu l
i 1 !
!. 1 . 1
Alary : JO . KUH
isn ' t that Champaign '
leading men 's clothing store ?"
"Yes. and boy: but that store is flouri hing .
Their long
record a a successful busines firm has established their slogan: matched in 118 1 2 mile ...
They carry fourteen well known makes of
I .i
new styles arc o snappy and rca onablc that I'm going to have another
j j
new outfit oon .
chool boys get their suits there.
George Kaplan. our cheerleader. will help them find what they want.
They offer a broad election of graduation uits.
Belie\'e you me, you get your money 's worth there. Many of the High
i +..- ··- ··-··-··-·-·--·-·-··-··-··-..- ··-··-··-..--··-·-··-··-..-·-..- · - - -·+ II
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a). :\lary. hurry up. won ' t you ? I have to meet Ward .Juch . at LO DE Jach: "Yes. I promised to meet him at 5: )0. He had to take !:orne proof for the Maroon back to LOUDEt ·s. You know. they arc printing the annual thi year" Mary: "That is the store with the large book above the entrance i n't it? I buy all my typewriting paper there. I find they arc quite reasonable and one gets such prompt service. They carry all lines of student upplies looseleaf notebooks. pencils and p~ns. and. 1n fact. an ·thing one may need " John: "Let' walk a bit faster. I almost forgot that the fellows \\-'anted me to look over LOUDEN' dance programs and get a sugges tion for our spring dance They do a great deal of that sort of thing. you know."
•I ;
* * * * * Mary: "Hello. Ward:" \\'ard: "Hello there. Mary Don't go on Wa1t a econd with us and we'll snatch a bite at the DE LUXE" Mary: "Gracious. Ward: We ju t had our Schulcr- malteds. pon second thought. though. that brisk walk d1d make me feel JUSt like a pimento sandwich."
i i
· - · · - - • - - t l - t i - I I - I I - 1 1 - 1 1 - I I - - - I I - • 1 -. .- N _ _
Mary: "Melba Boudreau 1 never cc
and Ruth
hrcve without
Melba: "This is some very super-special kind.
It came from
i i i i i
Ruth : "Yes. we just went in and laid down our worldly posses ions (amounting to twenty -two cent . all told J and MR PRICE himself gave u a generou amount of thee chocolate creams. nougats , and caramel . " Here. folks, won't ¡ou have mme?"
John: "Gee' Those arc good' I gues I'll go in and get some for my little sis She always expect something."
Melba: "Yes. tell her about it
Mary: " I expect mother would appreciate some, too.
John: "Say. can't you let me have a quarter? haven't a cent Thank a lot . old top.''
I came in here and
I i
i i
! .;.. _,_,,_,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_.,_.,_,,_H_O,_.,_,,_,,_,,_.,_,,_.,_,,_,_,_H_H_.,_,,_,+ I
Mary : " The way high chool boys and girls flock to the DE LUXE for their after school lunch certainly speaks well for their food and service. There go Gatne Cole and Bobby Che ter for their daily chocolate short and pimento chee e sandwich.
I :
l I i i i j
John: "" You ' re right there- they urc can make nifty pimento sandwiches. Everything " delectable. for that matter. Mr. Sarri , the proprietor. has set a high standard which all employees maintain'Clcan food , well crvcd .'"
Mary: "That reminds me that we promised our elves a 'delectable.' How about it ?" John: " urc thing' Coming. \Vard ?"
\\'ard: "You bet' my finances arc low."
That's the one luxury I allow myself when
I .,.,._,,_ .._,,_.._,,__,._,_,,_.._.._.._,,_,,_..___,,_,,________..__,,_,_.+:
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IH>I'f:<'T1'1' LLY Til H
G:l1r iRuroun
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()f all the jokPs that are hand(•<l Jn WP 't'l' in dt>spait· ~-on lwt. .\Ian.' of tlww \\I'.YP st'<'ll ht'l'on• Oth!'rs. "p'yp not sl'<'n ~-pt.
~"~ . . -.. . . . . . . . . . ._. . _
'l'h<• 'l'yp('\\l'itin~r dass not \\ot·kin~r at't<·t· (•hool ! ~tttd<•nh walking- slo\\ ly to httH·h ! l·'rank ~\'h\\artz as a ladi1•s' man! L<•Jtot'P Woltl' stllthlnng Boh Hyland! .\!iss Pprr.1· a si!'kl.1·. dPii\·at<· girl! .\ hundr!'d ]H'r !'I'll( \'ltth nH'Ptin~r at l<'IHlatH'\'!
OH I•'OHI·:\'Eil IIOLil \ OI'H I'E \l ' l•: !
DaiP ~tout. at Wi~r and l'atnt roll t•all: "\\'ill all .1011 who HI'(' ah ... <•nt. l<•t till' , \•('I'I'IHr,l· kno\\' ?"
"I fittnkPd that q11iz flat. .. thOIII!ht it \\'CIS l'lh_\'." flo/: .. YPah. h11t I had \'HsPiin<' on 111.1· hair and m_,. mind slipp<•<l.' ·
( ' lllh dll<'s all paid! I n•np Ho.Y<'l' wit ho11 t \' h1·\\·i ng 1!11111 ! .\IPiha Bondrl'a11 with hlond <·nrls :
lfo l:
/)1/1'1: " (
.\t't<•J' ind11lgin~r in .\It·. ( 'ontwlly's JHH•tr.'" in thP .ll o/((·ult wt• know \\hat Yoeat ion it W<h lw mis <'<I.
.\!iss .\ll'l,andn· ·s ( In .\rt (']Hs;, looking at a pi<·t Ill'«' mad<• h.' U illll'rt Olson ) : "That's tin<'. \\"hat is it ! "
'J'h<· ll1111101' Editor ..,111'1' IIH"n't fpp]ing- t'11nn~· "lwn b<• "I'Ott• thi ....
+·--··-- ··-··-··-··-··-··-·- ·-·~~-··-..-··-·-..- ··-··-·-··-··-··-··-·-··-··-··- ·+i i The Store of Qu.1 lity
The Store of Qu.1lttv
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Quality First Service Next Price Last
Ii i
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CJ lA . IPAIC,. .
i J
+ •-••- ••- - • · - - - • · - •- ••-••-••-••-••-n-- ••-••-••-..-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-•-•+
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Gifts that leave a good taste in the mouth are gifts worth while.
iI r
Try Our
I i i i i
V a k y's
Light Lunche
J he tyle Headquarters
I t
for the Campus"
I l l I i i I i i
I f
i j 1 =
offer the high school student and graduate the same service that it offer the univer itv tu · dent. Latest style and finest clothing in Men's Clothing and furnishings . It will pay you to buy your clothes here
Cook and Ki ner 604 L3St Green
. i l +-··--··--·--·---·-··-··-·-+ +-··-·---·-·-·--·--·-+ r I
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Stadium Sport Shop
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"hat Rolwrt Kt>lll·~· ·s faYoritP maxim I~ , 'l'o qnotp Holwrt. "~\n omithilol!i <·al unit <·ontaim•d in thP human metaearpns is of infinitt>ly mon• \'alnP than a <luo of thP sanw spPeiPs "hill' in thP h.ntlot>lasmi<· zont> of tlw shnd>ht'ry." t l•'or all thosp who an• not Pqual to thi ) "~\ bi1·d in thP hand is worth two in thP hnsh."
.\ ftpr a spirit<•d ('OIJ(ps( tlH• judi!P'i dPeidt•d to awanl t ht• prizt• of howh•ggt•<lnPss to tlw sttult•nt "ho. upon mounting a hors<', foun<l that Jw had hoth fppt in tlw Wl'ong stil'l'ups.
l !
Acquaintance Be Forgot ? In Thts Case I hould
~ ..,
For o ver a quarter ce ntury we have enJo yed the reputat io n o f sellin g the finest d1am o nds that can be had .
If w e CJn be o f service to H . S. please g•vc u~ a call
\\ ue
14 ..\1J1n St
+-··-·---•-n-n-•-•-·-·--•- +
!! l
Your horthand . Typewriting. Bookkeeping .1nd other business course in our
u ;\1 LVI E R c LAs
No subjects will be worth more to you even in a Univer ity course.
You can enter here at any time and be sure of getting the best in Bu ines Training.
!= j
Br<)\vn' Btl 1ne
1 IJ I :
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Loi' ll<·ookhank hound'' 1s a do~.
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"Bt•a-,tly "l'atht•r," t•alml~· n·· markPd .:\Ir. Lt>mkt>. as hi' sa" it raining eat and do~s.
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Tinw to
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"intl'r fri'I'ZI's.
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lwl':·t•t•t it't'Zt's.. 1 of ('lHlllpalgn t•hattt·r.
Vtctor Records
Ptcture Framtng Furntture Rugs
. 'tudt>nt (\\'Htt·hin~r }It·. Lt>mkt> it'l'katt> for tlw first tinw): ··You tah to it likP a dul'k to walt•J'."
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}h. Lt•mkt•: "Yl's. 1-iitting do\\'ll."
<'O~II'L.\ I '\T
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TO ll 0
Oh. <'hl'lllii-ih -;killt>d. in\'l'st ig-Htt•. ~\ns\\'1'1' this quiz ot' lllllll'. think I know ''hat t•arhonatt•.
: .1
1 1
+--··-·-·-·-·-··-..- ..--··-·-·~
But whl'l'l' did iodirw!
1 he First patgn.
ational Bank was the pioneer bank in Cham-
ixty years ago. when this county was about one -twelfth its pre ent size. this Bank was organized to meet the local need for such an institution. For over half a century it ha grown apace with the progre of the community. alway mindful of it responsibility as a pioneer to the city and the county which it serve .
! !
1 he Fir t ational l3ank invites you to make use of the facilities which it offers
The Fir t
Tht· Hums Bunk
ational Bank
01,\MJ>AIG. '.
!':. \11, HARRIS, Pr~s1<imt C. GII ..\IORI. Casht..r
11.1 I. 'O f<; II
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BRUNSWICK Phonosraphs
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Roger Z mbro
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are proud to wear"
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II Main Champaign
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Allen Green
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The Rexall Druoo Store
Edward Bailey. President
Champaign . lllinoi
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A good drug store in
a handy place
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H. Swannell & Son
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The Ideal Place for Gentlemen
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18 Billiard Tables 18
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lllitl<lrd, l or R,·,n·utwn umt llruin I"''
I i +---••-••-·----- ..-••-u-••-••-••-..,-••-•a---••-••-••-•-H-H-••-••-•-•+
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Beautiful Cut Flower For AllOcca ion
i i j
111 West Church Street
M 41 00
i +-··--H-ttH_I___
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\Ve buy your used boohs ut good pnces
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+·-·-·-·- ··- ·-··--··-··--··-··- ··-.ft t·-·-·-··-··-·-·-·--·--·--··-t ~ i : I I BUY YOUR 'I XT SCHOOl, i I i
~ ~ ~ ~@
One of the
Ii ''at on Faulkner L. \V. FA I0 I ,
I I' 'I R.
Champaign. Ill.
+_,_,,_ _.._,_,._,,_,_,_,_,_,_,+
of Illinois
iij WLewis &Co. CHAMPAIG
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<•o,.-f:l" ' This .JOkt' s!'<'tion "'"' dt•dll'at!'d to fll'l'llll't' ( 'm·nt'l', of li:,rht \\t'il,!ht f<tlllt', hut upon findin:.r that BPI'nil'!' dl'· rott•d lliOI't• ol' h!'l' t illll' to L·wk\rood Wilt'.' '· ( ·. l !. JHll't. tIll' stall' in dt•sp<tir dedi<·att•-.. Olll' s<td hnlllOI' to th<· Jli'I'JWt ttat ion of .. !)"Ill<' ( 'mllt'dy." IT .\1 .\ Y
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CANDII S _ __ ,._ .,_ , - • -
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"Jahn and Oilier Again'' HE largest personal service school annual engraving hou e in America. More than twenty years of successful experience in Year Book designing and engraving. Three hundred craftsmen, specially skilled in Annual production. Over 40,000 square feet of operating space in our own fireproof building. A specially organized system of production that insures individual attention to each Annual, efficient manufacture, and on-time delivery. The personal co-operation of a creative and t¡esearch service department with a reputation.
Tt"~ I S
!.NO A A Y tO
JAHN & OLLIER ENGRAVING CO. C'p!JotoRrapners. Artists, and .M.ak.ers of Fine Printing Platesfor Black. or Golors 811 Washington Boulevard -Chica9o (COR. GREEN ST.}
0'. :.t. .,
........,...."-, 1925 ~~~~~
~...d. C:.8tfl..-d - J..L ~ -~~A9~ .
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