··:...... . .·..·. .. .·
c(Jr(aroon of
HAMPAIG IIIGH IIOOL Champaign, Illinoi Published by
OF 1927
Volume XVIII
T.\FF Editot·-in-('hiPf ____
_ ____________ BILL\
( '\TO.·
.\"i"tant Editol'------------- ELI .~: FH \. < f s ~01.0 . · • 'tllHII' Editor _____________________ Ht Til \\'\I n.H
.J ttntot· Editor
----------------~ Luu; \HET PHil Lll'l't:
.·ophommt' Editor _______
----- ~liLilHEil
()nranization Boy,.; • 'penh ------------------------BILLY ('\TO~ !:il'!" !-;pcn·t __________________ Loi u 1.\ llol'sTo.
I )nmwt it·-.
_ -------------------·
-~ \ '><'Y
~I E.\ll
~llt,.;it· ----------------------------- _!{oBI WI \\'E."'' Puhlit·at ion-. _______________ -------- Lot'IsE ~I \HTI'>
L itt•rat',\' ------------ ---------- YIH(;t:-., I\ !-;(ll I HE.· J>n•c r H<>adPt' _______ ----- _______ OJ-:J.I \ ( 1 0:\lll'l' llttlllOl' ------------------------ _EL~IIH \ () -~L \L ,\ssi,.;lant Humor ________________ ))oROTIIY ~ORTO\' ('hiP!' Typi,.,t_ __ ________ _ ____ II \HRn;T P ''' Lt .· o J<jTIIEL ~"" \H, En..\ LEE
BU I:\E Busint•-. :\lmutg'<'t' ____________ \\'llt 'nDIOHE \YHI(Hl'I' ( 'in·ulation ~lanag-t•r ________________ BH.\tWoim ('ox .\-.,..i,.,tant it'('ttlation ~lanag-Pt' _____ HtLLY <lt"''\1 .\ .\dn•t·ttsing- ~Jamtg'Pl' _____________ RoBEH'I' ('IIE,.;TEI~ ,\ si,.;tant 1\d\'E't'l i"ing- ~Janil~t'l'- ----- \'tR(;I. ' I\ ('ooK
RT:\lE .~.rT
.\rt Editm·------------------- ____ .\t nH\ B\ILEY A-.,i,..,tant Editor --------------- \VILI.I \~I ( 'm L THY ~na pshot Editot·----------- _________ lHE.'\ E DooLE.'.'
.\rL ------------------------------ - ~II.,.; :\lcLE \-:-.; Editm·ial, Fir-.t ~<'Ill<' tet·------------ ~ltss ~TI Hm:o. · Editorial, r-;t'('OJHL ,'pnwstpr ____________ ~IIss UIBso.'\
In-.tnl<'tor of Latin." hoI' \\HI'Ill inlt'n"-.t in thi -.<·hoof and ih idPal-. an· t'llJhodipd in ht>r· motto or ( 'haradPI". II pr·oi-.m a rH I !-'<·hola r-,h i p. \\·E. T II E , ''IT I> E:'\T!-' 0 F ('!L\.\JP.\IU .. Il[(Jll !-'('l!OOL. I:\ !--'1:\('EHE .\PPHE<'L\TI<L\'
ot·n 19:21 .\L\1 00. '
PRE ACE I<~vtâ&#x20AC;˘n a.- !at as 1 3 a band of bloodthirsty pirat s led by the crafty John ilvt>r Hash d before the eyt>s of the world. However. th y were not of a m nace to the public as other pirates bad b en because they lived to murder and murdered to liv in that glorious book known to all as "Tr asure I land." ince this book is known to those who read i~ as the :\1\Hoo:--. the staff sincerely hopes that you will not be 8tranded upon a single barren and desolate s ction. nor s t upon by a band of tough athlet 8. or murder d by any of the ruffian dub . But the staff does hop that you will thoroughly enjoy this book and look upon it as your own little tr asure chest, in which many interesting and exciting events are logged. Bu I.Y ('\TO:--, 1;'(/i/or
CO TENT ).'\'l'Kl HH '('TIOX All.\11 "I>'TH.\TIO ..
( '1 \1-';.E:-; OJ{(; .\
IZ \'110:-\.
â&#x20AC;¢ \ ll\'EHTISI
"This is 11 f11111dy cOl'C," says he, 11/ fl'llijlh,
plwsanf siffya/nl yroyshop . .1/ uch com-
fJII II .1/, Ill (( f C.' "
l'llf/1" J:iflll t
"()II,'' sl/ljs 111, "this 1111'1 is 11 .\1/'lrl .']Jot , I IIi.~ tslrtntl. rt stl'l 1l . p11l fur 11 lrtd I 11 !JI I osllot'l 1111. ,,
"A full moon H'fls be[Jinninu lo rise and pcerul redly throuuh the pines."
"Tlze Chiifs got togetl~t'r in a comer to discuss our prospects"
BO RD O F 1:<-DC ":\ T IO)J
OH.\ Y,
Pn sui! 11/
) I m;. :\ EI.Ln; E :\ oc 11. }Its.· C.\Htm:
)1 H~. TllO~I.\S 0GllE:\
)II!. T. H.
, 81 I' o Ia ry
Cit rk )ln. D. L . DH. \V. E.
)] H . . J.
ll l ' XT\BLE
Y. II \\Ill'\
The l;tanding committ <>s of the board are composed of the m mhers named in the following li. t, the name of th<> chairman being given first in each <'Ommittee: Athletics Hamlin, S<'howengerdt. Enoc·hs. Buildings and Grounds ehowengerdt. Hamlin. Huxtable. Finance and Auditing Hopkins, Hamlin, chowengerdt. II alth and anilation 'chowengerdt, Hamlin, Huxtable. Domestic Science. Art and :\lusic- Ogden, Enochs, Hopkins. upplies· Hamlin, Enochs, Hopkins. :\Ianual Training- Huxtable, Hamlin, Ogden. Tea<'hers and Instruction- Enochs, Hopkins, Ogden. Yi iting- Ogden, Huxtable, Enochs. General <·hool Advancement Hopkins, chowengerdt, Ogden.
/trt /rt·
::\IR. \V. \ . E RNE T .. Thl' husiJH'ss of tlw ehool is to lwlp hoys and ~!ids to I!I"O\\' up to ht• th' ht> t JlH'll and tlw filwst \\OllH'll that tlwy ewr <·an lw, ·· is thl' faYoritP ayinl! of }lr. \\'. \\'. Eat'JH'st, SIIJH'l'intenrlent of s<•hoob. ~lr. Eanw t is a familiar aequaintaJH'<' of tht' hil!h s('hool students atHl is rt'spPdPd a tht>ir partieular l!uardian whiiP tht'~· art> in sdwol. }!Jo. Eanwst \ businrss is to cl<•al with s('hool pt·ohlems and atl'airs HJHl ht> has a<·eom pi islwd t ht• soh·inl! of t ht>s<' as no one hut }! r. Eanwst eould possibly do. l>urin:.r tlw timr that lw has fillpd tlw ollie<' of ~UJH'J'intPJHi<•nt of tlw ('hampai~n Puhlie , '<'hool, }fr. Earnrst has madt• an t•xtt>nsiw snrwy of them for the put·po (' of as<•t•rtaining if tlw s<'hools wen• ~tiYilll! tlw pupils tht> ht•st traininl! and Pdneation that tlw <·ommunity <·ottld afl'ord. ~lr. EartH•st has also ht•t•n intt>r<'stl'<l in all hnmeht of hig-h school work which fa<.:t has \\·on for him a plaet' in til<' hearts of all of the tndenh in Champaig-n lli~h ~<·hool.
:\IR. C.
. D LE
"Xt•n-r ht• 'iatisti<>d \lith It'"" than yoHt·lw-.,t," i-., tlw motto that ~It·. ('harl<> N. Dale, our pritwipal, de-.,in•'i <'V<'ry -.,tudPnt to adopt. Xo otlwr JH'l''iOn ha. a ~r<>atl'r infitwnt•t• 011 tlw student-, or !wan-. a g-n•att•r n•-.,pon'iihility in the hi~h sl'i10ol for ih nHllla~PllH'JJt than .Jlr. Dal<>. Durin!! tlw thrt>e year-, he has ht•en with us ht• has always taken an al'fiw intt•t·t·st antl part in making the sehool stand for thr lw-.,t in athldies, dramatie-.,, so<·ial adivitiP-.,, and st·holarship. Xot only ha-., lw sponsOJ'<'d tlw Ilonm· N<H.oit·t~· and the HtiJ(l~·nt <'o111H"il hut he has !wen in trumental in organizing- thr ('pntral Illinois "Big 1~ ( 'onft•n•JH't'." .:'llr. Dale ht•l it•vt•s in uni \'t•r-.,al h i~h sehool train in~ as an idt•al, <llld to thi,., P!Hl, ha-., inclntlt•d into the program of :-,tutli!'s .\uto .:'llt•ehanit·-.,, Bn iIH'i-is Tl'ainin~, \'oeational ('hoiee, and Industrial Arithnwtie, antl at the same timt• ha. rt•tained all the eollegr preparatory subject . This rxpansion of the program he think:-. will prO\·i<lt• t•very boy and girl an opportunity to t•omplete four yrar of " ·ork. .:'llr. Dalp has bt•t•n sneees-.,ful in his administration and hi-, etl'orts and ht>lp a1·e apprr<·iatt•d hy l'\'t•r·y mw t·omll'l'fed with tlw st·hool.
/'aut I 'tntrlt' n
•• 'l'lw tnw nwa,.,un• of lifp is not length hut honest~·.·· is tht> finn I><• lid of Elranm· B. (' ha fl't•t>, our ,. i<'<'- print•i pa I for tlH• pa-.t t h n'l' yt•a r-.. Bt>,.,id<'s bPing vier-principal, ~]j,.,,., ( 'lwtf('t' Jut-. lw(•n an in-.trudor in tht> -.oeial -.eiPner d ('I Hll't JIH'll t. ~\ graduatt• of lkni,.,on l·ni\'Pt...,ity, Unln\ilh>, Ohio, ~li-.-. ('hatl'<'<' taught at ( 'olnm hu-., \Vi-.eon-.in fot· t\\·o yt•ar . ~ht• ''"'l at d i tf<•rrnt timr-. dean of girls, as-.i-.tmtt prin<·ipal, and IH•ad of the ...oeial ,.,<'it•n<'l' d<•]Hlrtnwnt at ~lu-.<·atine, Iowa. ~lw ha,., prond her ability t<'aehing two ehtsses in Eeonomit•.., th<• first t'IIH'lt>r and h\0 das"('" in ('ivit•.., tlw ..,eeond "<'lllt'..,t(•r h<•,.,i<les offh·iating in lwr ro](' of Yi<'t>-prin<·ipal. ~]j.., ( 'hall't•t• also ha<l t•omplt•tp t'harg<' of tlw . tud<•nt ,.,<·lwdn](' and ... he early arnmgt><l tht'"<' ...o that l'Yt>t·y ont' wa ... sati ...fied. In lwr pn•..,t•nt po it ion ... ht• has always h<'<'ll rPady to otft•t· assistam•p on tnd<'nt prohl<'m.... Tlw tudPnts of ('hampaign High !-i<•lwol HPlH't'<'iah• ~lis,., ('hafl'<•t>\ lwlp and ahow all h(•t· p<•r,.,onal int('r('-.t in tht>it· work and ,.,<'hool adi\ iti(•s. ~I iss
fOJJ nnr : llif-k:-o. lluhhs . .f amt•s, .full thou, KPiJPr, KPII,\. KlinUPI', ·"tTtJntl rorr . ('uuniu!.!h:tm. Fuqua. t:ilnmn, (:oodirH!'. (.riPIIPr, t:n•sham , llardin,e.
Til ;,-(/
Hnmh••r!.!t'r, Ba,sPt 1. Hat Ps. Bt•nc·h . HI air, Bttlll'r. ( 'ht•villon. ('ouk .
.\LYE'\ .\ l!nl:tll~~ . I
( 'II.\HLE~ Oooni.'.G
;lUtl 'Iatht•matk:-.
nin•rsity t.f Illinois
H. !"\., Illinois \\·t·siP,\;tlt
\' EH.\ \ •. B.\~~ETT ("It rk .\ B .. l nh"Prsit ~ pf Illinois )1, .\ .. l nin•rsit~ of Illinois
or llliuois l " nin•rsit~·
.\ . B .,
~~ Pllllg'T/1 )lh,\
nutl Ycwntious l"lliYPrsit,\" of Illinois
~- ·
(;Put·ral :--:.f"it•JJC·t• H
L. CooK
I uh·t·rsit ,\ of
..\ . H. UrakP { ni\'Prslty
Rotnuy ~ -·
l ' uh·.-rsity of
llliuoi ~
()p \L ( 'L.\HE ('IS:\ 1:\GI LUI )fntlu·mutic·s
\H.!OHIF. . \ . KElLER ~IHlllh•h
.· .. Lt·Wi:'<l lustitut••.
('hic ·a~u
.\ . H ., I uh·f'rsity of Illinois
( 'L .\Hb. " ('f• • •. Fl ' lll ' .\ :\lntht·mntic-s und .\ssbtaut ('oac·h B. :--: .. ( " uh·t'r.lt~· of llliuois f:E'\E\H .\
'I'Puc·ht•J'S ('olll•:.:p
,Jtlii:\~<1'-. :\lathPIIlHtic·s arHI .h•sistant ('o;u·h
H.:--;. _ t 'arthHI.!'P Collt•:!f'
awl )I
G. ( '1. \HI·: .J.ui v:
ELJ-.0:\0HE ('IIEVII.LO:"<
llblury .\ . II ., { ' uln·rsit~ of Illiuois
( 'ivk:-. :111d Ec·ouomks I' h. n.. Ut·nison ( ' nh· Pn•dt~. (:ruuYillP, Ohio.
~- ·
Bt:wnu E.
ELE.\. ·oR ( '11 .\Ff'EE
lk.\ . "('liE
of lllitwls
OH.\('E litCK:
(it •o~Taph~
'1.. I nh"Prsitr 0I.L " II \IWI'\Ci
lli ... tury (;ri'PII\"illt> CollP!!"+' )1. .\ . t ni\·t•rsity of llliuois
of Illinois
LI•Lt :\I \E Jk.\IR I;n::Jbh .\ . B .. l'nnlnP
0Hl·::·;ll \~1
En:.!'llsh autl .\ .
.\ H
A:\IY 1\[).\T.l "E BE.\('11
llttsillt''- La11 unci llonkkt•Ppinl! .\1 T :llttl .\ C't·ts.
~1'-. \ \'t\'H.
• 'ELLIE Jt\ 1'1:~ Lihrarian .\ B., ( I in•r:-.it ,\" Latin .\. II ant! .\
Enc-lish a11d Jluhlif·at iou~ .\ B . { " uln•rslt~ of Illinois
( 'L \R .\ KbLJ,Y E111.:lbh ll . •\ .. llt•loit ('ollt'J.:I'
E.\ HI. L. K l.L "(;Ef{ t•h,,·sic·~
.\ . B ., Iutliuna l "nh· .. rsii.Y
1 '''' rt1tr: ~turk ~till. ~\\ lndt~ll, Turr .. ll. Plymntt·, Tltru' I. \ +·H~+·r. • u·r,nfl rorr OnJ,!. Pt>hwn. Pottl'r. \lurt111. l}uarlt·:--, ~imon. :--.tnusPII. Tllinl 1'11rr: 1.1'~111"1', \Ja\\\Pil. \l<·lnt o~h •.\lt· KinnPy, \Jt·LPnrt, 'lt·JH)I'IIhnll, ~Jo~•·r.
\I{ IE II I J \ \\'~():"\ llistor\ ttJHI Cnllllll+'t'l'iHI Euclish \ B. ·.1. Jllt·s \lil1ildu t •nht•r-..it~ 0
() · 11 E
of ( •ttic·n.uo
)1\HTI. ·
Eon.: I Ish \ B I Piv•·n-dts of 111111ni:-.
\\. ( '. )I
\lathl'l II ic·' B. ~ .. 'orthw+·stPrn 1 Jth't·r ... ity
I H\ ,\ , :\ld\1 'fl:si< B . .\1 .. l
of Illinois
llu.r:~ FR.I.'\0:-i )IC'LE.\~ .I I' I
·' · n.. I llhPtSit,\' nt' Illinoil"i F \Y )ll·. :--.llE'\11.\LI.
11 . \II B
L1:s'1'1 11
t uh·•·r-..it ~· nt' l!linui'
('ullth awl I h,\sifonl EtllH'atic ll IL Phi .. llt·s \loiut•s t •rliv •·r ... it~
II\ HllLil H. () '(; \uto \l ..du nic·:-.
H \(')(Fl.
PEl :-iF'\
I list on· ..\ . B., 't'nl'lll'll ('oii+'~P. \ln11111 \ ·t·rnnll, Iowa
.J ll>'l,l'll
Ht '('Kt.R ( 'rops g =-' .• t 'hPmistr~ llli11ub t'niiP;.!P, .Jat·ksonvillP, Ill B ~ ..•\~rknltnr• •. !". ol I
.J. 'nw:--
\ianual Training-
Wll Ll \\1 H.l\' )JrhTO>'II
E11Z.\BE1ll (~l'\HJ.t,;
l'h.\ sit·nl lth·t·n-dt~
PllTTEH Euullsh :111d llbtnf\ B ••\ .. t Jdvf'r-..its oi' llliu• is
E:-::-:11: LLSl HE Lntiu l'h. B .. 1
DtH{()'l'llY Bt'('IC\1 \,
PLY ~1.\'J'E
of Pl'iflt'ipnl
Ll '('ILLt ST\'\>'1:1.1. :'!•W II!!
B. !'. Br;ullt•y
tPt·h'llt• Jn-..titutt•
Ill~. I.E'\ K. '''I' IRK ( 'ookin~
.\. B .. l nh·+"r-..ity • f llliuob
I\' \ :'li.IHG \HET !-'TILL lfistHT\' \ B, · \1 illiki11 t nivt•rsil ~
Hm W.
,'wi'\DELL \Iutht•matic·s :tlld J!usint""'' :\IPthods B. :-.:. ('pntr;tl )Jj,...,unri !'taiP 'l"f'Ht•lwr· .... ('ollt•)!f>
.\~IY 'l'l'HHEI.I, t:u~lish
..\ . B . ;nul Pd. ('ollt•,!!f\
t 'ulurado
=-'t H tP 'l"t•adlt'rs'
J>Hm:m·: T 111u wr. ~p:tnish
4\ . B. Brndl+",\ Instit11tl'. P+"oria
Bt EL\11 Y!o:.\(;EH l'uldi< ~JH·nkinu ntHl l•rnu~:ttks .\ B. lh• P·ttt\\ l'nhet ... it~
1'"!1'' J.;rqllll'tll
l'nQt· ·' iru It<,.
Tw• 111 •l-Oll<
IIIII llrtl
3Jn jfflemoriam Bol'JI Xo\'PllliH•r 9. 1910 Dit•d .\ugu-.,t ~ .. 19~7 ~IPmht•r of ('la-.,-., of ·~!J
l'tl'l' 'frrtntujour
"Tlu 'voyage "LL¡as a fairly prosperous one one, t!te slup pro'L't'd to be~a good slnp, t!te cre"Lc "Lcere capable seamen, and thtâ&#x20AC;˘ captain thoroughly understood !tis bzuiness."
·wal'd J>illam11 _
Elt·anor· l•'iiiiii',Y--------------- ---------
\"it•t• Pr·p-.,idl'nt
. PiliP Fr I'll ------------ ----------- ------\-\'I'IHIPII , ' lrlll'tz --------------
---------------- Tn•a-,tll'l't'
\ ' il'g-inia ~qllin·---------- - ----- u;~ ;-, Kat Jrpr·iuP 0-,tt•r·hllr_ _______________ ..J..:ll:! Ht'll('t' .\ld 'o\\'n _____________________ ..J..:! ."i
_..J..:!'>."i H11th \\'altPI''- ------- ----- _______ ..J..:!7:! Huth ('lt>a\ Iill _________ -----------4.1:!7 Edll<llll11t
)!('( 'l t>llaml ------------
EthPl , ' phal' -----------------------4.11
\\'a I'd l>ill;l\ 011 ---------------
___ -1.107
Elt'HI\01' Fillllt',\' ------------- ______ ..J..071 H11th B111l _________________________ ..J..(l."i Ed''" Lf•t• __ --- _____________________ ..J..OOO
GE. TER L HO::\OR ROLL :\lATIH;;\lATI<' S (a y ear~) J<:leanor Finney ___ ---- ___ 4. Ruth ('leavlin ------- ------------Hobert West ----------------- ___ Ward Dillavou ---------------- ___ J{uth WaltPrs -------------------
Fin;. TH (2 y arsl Kline Connie R Pynold · -----------------Ruth WaltPrS -- --------- - -------l{uth Ball ---- ------------------GenPvint> IlL on ------------- __ • J<;dnan.ae :\1<"( 1elland -------------Iva Ht>ynolcls -------------------- - J<:tlwl Sphar ___ ------------!Iaz I :\lay ____ ---------------- _ IrenP Doolen --------------- - _ ~:<:dith llitch Knoth -------------~:<:st her
SOt' IAL SC'IE:>:C'E 1:3 years ) Brun :\1cC'own nrginia Squin•s Ruth Walters __ _ I~dnamae :\!!·Clelland -------------· Kath rinP Ost l'rhur ------------- -Ellt•n l•'nuwe Solon ---------------Ward lliJiavou ------------- --!'Pari Ila!lden __ -------------- --Virginia Leod -------------- ----Lenort> Wilson -------------------GEIL\L\. • (:!years ) Ka th e rine Osterhur
4.:33 4.16 4.00
:>.00 4.66 4.50 4.50
4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
SPA:>:ISH !:l years) Ruth Waltt•r · -------------- 4.:>0 Edith Hitch Knott __ _ 4.:33 Alberta Lutre ll -----------~------- 4.00 J<: dnamae :\Jcf'l€lland -------------- 4.00
4.50 4.50 4.50 4.25 4.00 4.00
CiO 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.16 4.00
B L I:>:ES (:! year: ) Esthe r Kline l~thel Sphar ------ --------------Ruth Ball -- - ------------------ - -J<;clna Lee ------- ---- ----------Irma :\Ianth!!i ------ -------------
LATI:>: (4 y pars ) Virginia Squin•s __ ----------Eleanor J<' inne y ----------- ------Ruth Cleavelin ---------- -- - - -- -Edna L e --------------------BniCP :\lc('own ----Robe rt W est ---------
4.:!5 4.16 4.16 4.00
4.4:! 4.:! 4.14 4.00
4.00 4.00
EXGLISII ( 4 year:) \'irginia 'quirts -----------Ruth Walters _ _ -------------Ruth Ball ________ -------------Huth ('leavelin ------------------ -\\' ard Dillavou -------------------P earl Hadel n _ ----------------- _ Ednamae :\!<·( 1elland ---------- __ Kathe rine Os t e rbur ---------------Ellen f<'ranc s Solon ------------- _
4.2:l 4.:?:? 4.00 4.00
:\lA. TAL AHTS (:! )'('Hrs) Ethel Sphar- home e conomics ______ 4.00 \'irgila lJ pn : on manu a l training ___ CiO
4.00 4.00
.CIE.TE (:! yt•ars ) Bru p :\1<'( own ------ -------Ward Dillavou ---------- --------\'irginia Squires ------ ----------Ednamap :\lcC'Ielland _ ----------Rclwrt Wt·st --------------- - -----Holwrt Bisson --------------------Gt•org! BurkP ___ _ ------------
Il elen Buswell Ruth C'l t!HVPiin Pt>arl Hadd!!n Charles John~on _ -------------- -Virginia Leod --- --- ------------Ke ntwth Ske lton _ -------------LEnore Wilson ---- ___ -----------
5.00 4.50
4. 5 4.1:?5 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00
J h ;, f }I
I'"!IC Tllirtv rmrâ&#x20AC;¢
1'"'1' 7 hltl!f
1'11[/1 Tltllly IIIII(
Pllf/ 1 1"hirlrffour
1 hlrfJI
J ltir(lf
.~f t"f,.
1'11(/1 11/il'lydgllt
I r.r/JI on•·
.'tit'<'<'~~= Thi~ \lOrd <'lllillWfp~ a~ tlw rP-..ult of fotiJ' ~'<'HI'" of fnithfttl toil and han! lahoJ· put forth h~· th<' ~Pnior ('Ia~-. of Hl:!7 to a<·hi<·w thPiJ· g-oal. .\s FJ·p-..hml'n th<•y ]ookl'd tip 11ith alii' to !Itt' Jll'<wlaimPd sophi. ti<·Htion of tlu·ir in tt>llt•('ttial "tiJl<'l'ior and YO\\t•d to makP for thl'JIJ-..pJ\·p-., a nHill<'. fanHHt-.. fo1· it t•holar hip. adi\it.'·· lt•HdPJ',.,hlp. and all tht• lint> thin!!,., in thPir Ili!!h • t•hool ('til't'it•tiltJill. Wilham ('atoll bt>!!all thi-. Pnthti-.ia-.m a-., Pt·p idPnt 11ith Hnth \Ynltl'r-.. al'fin!! a-. \'it·t>-Pt·p,idPnt: l>mt l~t·mwtt. • '<'<'I'Pfar.'': and \\'<tnl l>illanlti, Tr<•a tit'<•t·. :\Ian,,- n•nturt'd out fo1· football. latt>t', ba~kl'thall. track. and ultimatt'l.Y, ha-.plwll. and thi~ l)('gan thl' late•· stanlom of thi~ amhition-. g-t·oup. Tlw -.<·bola til' itll'litwt ion rost• to t ht• l'.Xt<"nt that hrt•nt.' -four nwntht't'-.. of tht'ir l'illss ilPJH'an•d 011 tht' Honor Hoi!. ,,·ith many pt·omist' for tht• f'tiltil'f' \'it· gima . 'qtiin• ht•g-Hn lwr litt't'ilt'.\ t•ar<'<'l' a-. FrPshnHin Editor of tlw :\[ \IW<~ • \rinnin!! at th<' anw t illll' t ht• .\I \H!Hl:\ ~hort , 'tor~· prizt•. '!'he JH'xt yeHr fpp]ing- a littiP IIIOJ'P -..t•li'-<·ontidt•JH'<' tlw~- a-.-..<'J'tl'd tht>m-..t>l\'l' \'t'J'~' IIPII tilldt•t· \Yard l>illaroti. Pn•sidt•nt: l>on Bt•Jlll<"tt. \'i<·t•-Pn•-.idl'nt: llal·lan l>i<·l\1'\', ~<'<'I'Ptary: and Brtil'l' .\]('( 'o\ln. Tn•a 111'<'1'.•\lthotigh tlw Ilonor Hoi] wa-.. dt•t•t·pa Pd to (llt'h·p Jnt•mbPt'·. thP -..<·hola~tic· -.tanding- of thosl' honm·t>d on<'-. madt• tip for thP dPtit·it•JH·.' in qtiantit~·. EIPano1· ('lark and William <'aton \Hill h.' tht• \Oft• of tht• sophontoJ'<' tl11• .llof(( 11!1 poptiiHt'it.' <'Oillt•st of thl' ~ophoniOI'<' ('];'""· :-it !II dt•yp]opillg- hPJ' litt>J'at·.' qtialitit>. \'ir!!inia :-iquin•,., 11a,., 0111' of tht> ,'fait• \\inllt'l'" of tlw ('hmllht>l' of ('Olllllll'l'<·l' E sa~ ('on!t•st. In tht> athlt>ti<· dt•paJ'tllH'Ill ('htl'l'lll'<' \\'olfJ'HIII, \'t>rnt' ('ar-..on. <lPot'l!<' Eat. and .\lit·l~;u·l <'osta 11011 tht>ir 11'111'1' on thl' football tPCJlll. I Psumin!! tlwit· dutit•s in tht> f;lil of 19:!.) aJI(]l!J:!(i tht> anH•I'ia s with a f<·11· addition:-. and <'H'J'a] ,·acan<·ip-., at·qllil'<'<l Jllan~- indi1idual honOJ's "ith ( 'lal'<'lll't' Wolfram a-., Pt·P-..idPJJt: LPila ('lt•mans. \'i<·t•-Pn•-..id<•nt: Huth II~·land. :-it't't'l'lat·.'-: and Elll'n Fnm<·ps Nolon, Tn•asllt'l'r. Tlw followinl! hoy-. l!aint'd H foothold in tlw futur<' of thPir footh;lll lt'am' sm·<·e.. : Bill~- ('a ton, \'<•J'JH• ( 'm·son, ( 'lan"'IH'P \Volft·am, .\lil'hat'l ( 'o-..ta. <l<'OI'!!<' Ea t, Hnd IJany llag-<•rmml. FrP<IPri<·k Portl'r n•<·Piwd his lPtter and honor in track. wh ill' \\' Jllimu Bmwn \\'on th<• :-itatp lli~h , '<·hool Oolf ( 'hmnpion~hip for 1H:!fi. In th<• pnhlit·ation-.. ciPpHt'tlllPnt \\'al'(] Dilla\'Oll aptly tillP<l tht• position of .Junior Editor of tlw .1/o/((·t'lt; Ell<•n Fran<·p-., , 'olon, .Junior Editor of tht' ~I.\ Roo:-;. :-itill dt•en•asing- in quant it~- hut not quality, Plt'\'Pil tu<lPnts HJlJH•an•d 011 tl11• Honor Holl. l•'ot· tlw first timP tlw class ct<"hi<-'V('d rl'nown in clramatil' hy tlwiJ• display in th • .Junior play t•ntitlPd •· Tlw ( 'hri tmas <'arol," g-iwn at <'hristmas titll<'
with l;Piand Lair pla,,·in~ the IPa<l while the!'(' Wl'l'l' twPnt,,·-two (Wakin~ part-.. all(] a lltllnhl•r· of' nmH.p!•akinl! roles. l.;ikP th1• athletes who r·Pet•iwd n•war<ls for tlwir· toil, so the cholars of tht• ela. s \\t'l'l' 1'1'\\HI'<II•d hy IH'<'Omin~t .Junior mt>mlwr-.. of an on.wnization JH'wl:· Pstahlislwd in tlw Ili~th H<'hool <·all1•d the Illini ('haptt•r· of thP :\ational Honor· HcH'il'ty. Those nwmhPr-.. \\ ho wpn• cho en from tlw fir t hi~tlwst tiftet'n per cent of t lw <·Ia ...... to r·epn•s(•nt ( 'ha ntd<·r·. Heholarsh i p, HPI'Yi<•t> and L<•adPrshi p, the motto of the• -..cH'iPt:· \\'('1'1': Huth ('h•a\Plin. Wan! Dilla,·ou, Elpanor Finne:·. Ednamac• ~lc·( 'll'lland, Br·u<·<• ~le( 'own, Katlwri rw Osterhnr, J:<:thl'l Hphar, \·irginia HqnirPs, and Huth Waltl'l'S. vVanl ()illa\'011 J'('('('ivecl tlw honor of being t>lel'lt>d \'wt>-Pr·psi<IPnt to this I'XHltP<l oqranizati011 \\hil1• Hnth ('ll'awlin h1•eam1'
tlw . 'rcrPtary. Back ag-ain to tlw last and most sig-nificant yrar of all, tlH• cia of ''27 r sumP<l tlu•ir dntic•-, as st•nior-.. to contintLI' tlw rl' pon-..ihilitil's "hieh 1'1''-ted upon tlwnr to ad wisrl:· as an example to futurr (']a-,s<''-· Therpforr, with \Vard Dillavon a-.. Pr·psiclpnt ; El!'ano.. Finnl'y, Yier-Pr!'-..i<IPnt; • 'pJlie Fisl'll'-, •'t•crrtm:: and \VPndell , 'lmrtz, Trpasun•r, the am hit ions of its various vo<·atious hrcanw realized. B1•sides his re-,ponsihilitic•s a. Pr<•-,idl'nt. of the Hl'nior ('la;;s ·ward Dillavon eapahl:· oc·<·Hpie<l tlw position of Pr~id1•nt of tlw , 'tndrnt Council. .\-, Editm·-in-ehipf of tlw ~!AHcXl:-> William ('aton elwt•rf'ttlly performrd all tho~r dutiP~ which eonstitntr a publication of lasting qnaliti<•s, while Yircrinia Squin•. hl't'<lllll' Editor-in-Chief of thr ('hronlclc, tlw .nc<'<'s"or to the J!olrculc, and a mrrnlwr of sPnim·s ocenpiPd ntriou-.. po-,ition.., on tlw two publication staff'>. Etlwl , 'phar r<'c·ein•<l the honot· of" inning both thr Bt·ooks-Bryce Bssa: ('ontl'st and tlw ~Luwox prize .tory contr-,t. Tht•n• HJl(lt'HI'Pd on th1• Honor Holl t<•n JJH'mber~ of tht• (']as-,. The followin~t ~~·nior-.. attain!'d mPmlwr hip to the • ·ational Honor Hocit'ty: Ellen FnuH'E' Nctlon, Huth Ball. GPJH'\'il'\'l' Dixon. Ilazel DrP\\. IlPI<•n Bus\\ Pll, Irma ~IantlH'i, Edna Ll'<'. E-,tlwr Kline and Holwrt \V<•st. Etlwl , 'phar wa~ ph•ctpd Pn•-..ident. ,,·hile a IH'\\ mrmhrr· of this .'ociety. and a senior, Hazel Dn•w, rect•ive<l the po it ion of Treasun•r. The anti-t•limax of the year wa-, J't'atlwd when tlw • 'enior Play "Tiw Boomerang'" wa lwld ~la.'· '2:>. Carlo Phillip-, took thr lrad whilt> Ellrn Whitt• played oppo-,ite him in th<• part of tlw lwroinP. 'l'h<''-l' ehanteh•rs npxt in imporUmc·t• \\l'l'l' Whittemor<' Wright and Huth Walters. '' hilt• the otht•t· spPaking nwmbers of the cast \\l'r<': Harriet Pawling, ~htr·y Eleanor \Vade, LyrPll Hutton, El1•anor Finney, Donald Sprnl'rr, ('har·Ies .Johnson and .lo. <•ph KuhL But tlw mo~t impol'!ant P\'l'nt of all was comnH'ncenwnt with its pn•Yailing ft•attu·c hcin~ that of rq~n·t of the knowlt><ll!<' that thE',\' were pas-,in~ through tho t• portals for thP la t time. 'fhi cia-,~ nwt togrtlwr for the last timP at tlw, 'enior· I all whieh was lwld in the gymnasium on i\Iay 24.
\\'\HI> llll,l \\Ill
,\I.I'Rf II
I rnt11 Jrnlt
.\1 Hit.\ H.\li.F.Y
El â&#x20AC;¢.\\:IIH
t'l \HI\.
~I'll \H
Jil I
' ' Hope, horne on the wind at c\·entidt• 's hour· ; Falb on the heart like the de\r on thp flowet·, ~\n infinitr es. en<·e from tropi<' to pole, 'l'lw fountain, tlw sout·ct•, and tlw hean•n of ~oul. IlopP g-lad(lens lit'(', at ·omtlH'llCl'nH'nt hour, Ancl loost>m; the fptters of pride and of ]>0\l't'rs; It shinl's thron~h our tt•ars, as tiH• soft snmnll'r rain, To heautif~·. hle s, and make ,jo~· fnl a~ain. TIH' har·p of thP min. tn•l. tlw trrasun• of timP; rainho\1' of rapture, o 'et· arch in~. diYinr; Th<• God-giYen nunHlate that speaks from ahoYr, Xo plat'<' for parth · idol.. hut hopP thou, and low. " ~\
Fori/I ·Hi.r
"We IIIZIJt go on becmue
·e can't turn back"
J'irHf rort•: ('o\·t·utr.\, \Ic·J)onuahl. LaYPrnwar . .\1. .Johnson. ('ampiH'll, \\'ii('O\, Frbtnt , ('rum. ()shorn+'. Ptlsou , \\"i lliu ms . rtJII'." Bb ....nll , ('ohPII, llixon. ~lnrtin . n~·twh. Hohillson , llf'rrintt . Hohhiu:-;, HP.ntold~. FnlH'rl , II. ,Johll""llll, 'JIIinf rtJH'." ltalrtt·~ J'. :\orion. Funkholi:'·H'I', lhu·kp, Brotlwstou, ~Impson, \\'ilson, Jlpr~hhnr;.!' PI', HHITPII. Ot•win. Fourth rott': llopkius. \Ynddl'low, Pt>t t ic·rp ·,, . \\ indt+'~tl'r , .\lurph~ . llollarul. 2\lt•KI'ItY.iP, l•'osuHUJ-:"11 , .\luiYan,v. \lf'l.t•nn. Ennb. l'1/tl1 rolt': TtwkPr, ~imon, )la(:pt•, llammPrsmith. Harnnnl. tJuinlun. llu:.:ans. Fult'PI', Bur~in, J-:ynns, Obt•n. ·""i.rth ro1r · Httl'lll'tt l'f't'I',V . ('lw~tPr . .:\Inns. Eic·bor~t. B a,\'111'. ~c·hooiP,V. Btu·hlP:-t. \\'oodwnrd. Paul, ..... , t'OIId
1\:t • lltH•d~· .
fa<'<' in tlw g-lo\\·ering- tl'('\\ \\'as intc•r('st \rith thl' husint•ss of tht' lllOIIH'II t eiPd ing- a lNtdt'r. 'l'lwn OJH' of t lw g-rim hand J'OS(' lwsi ta ting-1~· and mtm<'d a man fo1· captain . :\o sound an \\'('I'Pd tlw qua\·pring YoicP. Anoth!'l' J'OsP, spoke hril'fly, a11d droppt•d to his s<•at again. .\ tiny murmur of approntl aros(', tlwn di!'d. Hudd<'nl~· a man leaped to his fe<'t, houti11g a nanw, and instantly half tlw <•J'('W \\'l'l"<' {'rying. "llph•n Hopkin,.,~" · · {' p ''it h Danw Hopkins. " "llPIPn fm· ('a p 'n ! " Pmtcll'lllOlliunh n•i~tJH•d; thPn as sudclPnly as it ha<l h!'g'Ull th<' !'Oar <'<'<tsPd. Hlmdy and silPntly tlw gatlwrill!! di,·iclPcl into g-roup. . WhPn th<• Ia t man had ntadP his dtOic<' a rotmt was tak<•n. 'l'h<' majorit.' of tlw pirat<•-. had tast tlwir lot with lJl'lPn. · · .\ ntst, .'"<' lnhh<'J's! ·' <·•·ipd th<• honn,\· lh•l<•n . 'l'ht> \'OYCig'(' \\'HS h('g'tln. "All hand,., to ~·on1· port hoh·s. liP!'<' you, ~~a~ l'ri<·<•, takP th<• \\'hPPI. Huth OsiHH'n<•. kPPp tilP lo'.!. :\[ i ld n•d Wil<'o ·, stow aft t lw t l'!'astll'<' <'h('st. .\ ho,\· E\!'l'Y
J'ir. t ,.,,,.. ~tults Dohnw, l'rkt•, Haldrid~P. llt•ni .L ~hH\\. -'ld'art~· . \Yn~wiiPr. H P,\"Ilnl tls. Ervin~ ln ll , .\ llt•ll. 'l•· '>••ill . u ·ond row. '1111'1'1'11. llopkins. J'ost+ ·r. Puulnp, :\1 FosiHtll~h , -'lt •ntlt>nhnll. .Johnston , ('a in, K a r l', '1. .\11<'11, K ,\IIPn, Flbon . Th :nl row. (~t'Hilg't'l' , .\loort', 11~ - ~-. Husc·h. ~c·hwi4 · 11shur~. (;rPf'll , ~H·fT~. ('onk, ])oolt•y, ~w .. arint.!'t'll Ht>,\"llolcls . .JH<'k~oll
/'ourt/1 row: hirhut. ('oiP, I.Pt•. <'Hfl+'. )1. \nrton. t 'ntHli t. l'l'l>wr. ~f'ln·umpf . .\lt•\HiltiPr . LPasu n•. row . llop;wr, lln).(h<',, Harth·~ . Hoo t s. ll<'h' <':tn\ , ~I ll'.\<'11. ,\smnn . \\'t'hht·r, Olso n , ~lf'.lil ton ,
r i/111
.:\lt•PhPnmll (:c•rlliOIL
... .-i.d II row : Hn ndy. Phillipp+',
Bog"H r tl.
K•·., -. ~It Ill rt . Llo,\ lit •,
Tu <"kt •1', \\' u It 1'1'~ .
then•, m,,. lad-.., pull anchor and away! And with a roariu~ ··Yo! Ilo! Ilo . tlwy hNl\'('d up the HJ](·hot·, and sl't thcit· helm for di-..tant ports. ~\ fort night it wa. tlwy ailed. aJHl thPn si!!hting- a rich harhor the.' s\\·oop('(l in hawk-lik(•, rohhed tlw pPaeeful unsusJwetin!!' eitizt•n. , mHl saih•(l oil' a~ain. w lwn t lw~· ll'l't th1'.'' took a seon• of royal prisOll('t's \\ith thPlll . 'l'ht·cc ot' tlw-.(' h~· !HIIllt' }Ji..,-., lJi(·k-., }]iss YPa~l't', and } l r. }l<1xm•ll \H'l'P made to !!Hide them throug-h ho<ll-. and tradt> wind.... \Yith tht• rest thl·.v n•-.oln•d to lw,·c -.port. .. If tht•y amu-.p u-..," t•t'iPd tht• IJU('CHIH'(']'-.,, •· \\T(' 'll frt>l' tht'lll, if they di .p](•as(' US, t lw<ll \\'alk t lw plank. Yo! llo!" 'l'hP first to '-ol'l'lln' his frp(•dom \\<IS }lt·. :d o~·(•r. Lining- up thl• ('l'l'\\ into two ..,jdl'"· he g-an' them a hall and told hem to ki(·k and to..,-, it about. From pia~· thl' (·Otttl•-.t IH•(•aml' an intPns(' g-anw. Fat· into tlw night it ('tllttinUP(l, and \\hen thl· tropital moon r<N' from tlw s(•a only Ed . ~(·halk , }]ax Brown. Gahril•d Pilon. Ho,\' ( 'ar-.on. and .John Kl'lliH'tl~·. m·n• ld't mHieft>ated. Tlw-.P rau qui1·kl.'· to :\lt·. :\lo,n•r and lo<N•d hi, hond-.. "'l'hl'!'l' ('Jt('l'I'S fot• .\[o~·pt· ~" t!Jp~· (•ricd. rp Jli'Hilg !IH'
t of t lw en'\\'. . .•\ Yo~ llo ~ Ilo! for :'dO,\'(')' .• thl'y shouiP<l. .\li-.. , 'tnq.!l'OJI l'P-..oht'd to t1·~· for lwr fn•Pdom in <lllothPr uwmwr. \VJth Jll'll and pap<•r, -..lw -,hml·<·d lhP piraiPs ho\1 tiH•y mig-ht \1 ritP of thl' doing-s of thP hip. NonH>, int<•rpstt>d. joi1wd her, eall ing- t hPm Piw-, .. ThP ( 'hnm i(')p.. and .. ThP :\la1·oonpr-,. ·· and it \\·as a g-oodly hand that -,JwniPd hPr praisps. But 'twas a du-,k.' 1'\'t•ning- \1 ht'n thp pi rat<•-, had g-atlwrPd for hlood~ tal<'. .\lis Ntuq.!<'<Hl <'seapPd all(l \\Hs IH'\'('1' aft<'l'llard found. Nom1. hmi<'I'PI', .\!iss Uih-..m1 1\Ch captnt·ed to tak<• h<•r pla<·P. On<'!' dm·ing- dt'<'HI'Y I'O,I'H!.!:'<' son!<' of tlw t•n•w, intltll'll<'t>d by :\!iss Y<·Hg-<'1'. !!arlH·d th<•m-,t•hp in tlm1 ing roht•-, and 1rig-,, and ht'gan to <lllti<· ahout tht• Y<''-st'l. 'l'lw \IHI<·h in his amu-,t'llH'Jlt forg·ot to '-<'Olll' the. PH for ship-, to plund<'l' . •\t la-,t hi-, lau!!hter gt'<'\1 '-O loud that all lht> <'1'<'11 <'Hill!' tumbling- out on d<'<"k to <'<'. 'l'h<• a<·! or-, 11<'1'<': ~mwy :\lt>ad. J)m·oth,l ~orion. \'ir!!inia ( 'ook. ( 'aptai11 Hopkins. :\lax Brmrn, Halll'i<•l Pilon, .John h1:..d<'. :\1 ildrPd -lohn-,on. Holwrt ( 'h<'-,tPJ'. .\Icu·ion • 'tmtrt. .Jos<•phin<' La \'pm11 ay. Fl.l'tln Elliott. Loui .'.I<·Lt•iiJJ. OtH' sultry aft<•t·noOJJ 11 ht>n tlw <·ahin-, had <'I in and all hmHb IIPrP on d<·<·k. music \las lw;ml <l!lwng- th<' prisonPrs. "It' .\Jr. :\ll'KillliP~-- th<• f<·ll<m II'(' t·apturt•d ~ <'stt>nla~·- .. -,aid ('apt a in Ilopkin-,. "Bt·ing- him up. my lcl<b. \Yp 'll hal'(' a homspipP and a -,nHH·k o' l'lllll all 'round... No up tlwy brought him and non hi-, skill dn·w a ('1'0\1 d or 1\0lld<•rin).!' hli('('Cilll'!'l'-., about him. who, \1 ith tifp and hon1 all(] drum and sPHIIHtn's dP<'P I'Oi<·P soon hlP1r -..w·h a blast <l'- madt• thP n•r.1· ail-, to fiHIIPl'. l't'
JL' 1 ~ lOR
I ijly
NottdPr, \'ir).!'nia -------- -------------• '\\PHI ing-<'n. Huth _____ ----------'l'a11 IH'Y, Pliny ____ _ Phillipp<', . larg-arPt
-1-..)0 -1-..)0 -1-..)0 -1-.:{:l
Ika<•h, :\laxinP ___ -----------------------l'PIZ<'I', Dorothy _ ___ ·--------------------Hohinson, Flon•n<'<' ---------------- -------N<·hool<·.'·· Eu).!'PnP _ ------------------------.. \ 11 Pn. :.rmwtt·pt _ __ __ __ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ __ __ _
( 'ook, \'iq.rinia __ -------------------------l<'t·i on, ElPaJtOJ' -------------------- ------Untng'PI', I IPI<•n ---------------------------Kantmt•rPr, HolH'rt ------------------------:\lutTPll, Ent __ --------------------------N<·hrumpf, Fr<'d<'ri<·a -----------------------
-1-.00 -1-.00 -1-.00 -1-.00 -1-.00 -1-.00
~:) -1-.~:5
-1-.~.) -1-.~.)
GIRL' Alexander, Nelda Louise Allen, J<;ffie Allen, Margaret And rson, :\larie Asman, Florence Babh, Helen Baldridge, Marianna Bandy. Audra Barnard, Edna Barrick, Helen BN\Ch, Maxine Blaudow, Marguerite Bogard, Nahdell Brotherton, Thelma Burgin. Wilma Burk , Edna Lorraine Busch. Ruth Cad , Helen Camph II, Helen l'ohen, Gladys Cole, Ada l\lae Condit, Oella Coop r, V lma ('orner. Alma B rnice Croslin, Cora Demlow, Alma Dohme, Gladys Dunlap, Viola Ed wards, El verne Erwin. Grace I<'abert, Lucille J<'ilson. Kathleen Iâ&#x20AC;˘'osnaugh. Marie Fost r, :\lary L one !<'risen, Eleanor Fulfer, B ssi Granger, Helen Green, Velma Hall, Dorothy Healey. Gladys Hemingway, Dorothea Heriott, Dorothy Hendricks, Ruth Hershbarg r, F rn Hogans, Margaret Holland, Nelda Hopkins, Helen Hopkins, Lelia Hopper, Hazel Hoy, U1vena Jackson. Frances
Johnson, Harriett Johnson. l>'loren<'e Ka1Jlan. Anna Karr. Huth Key. Eleanor Kruse, Lorene La\'ernway, Jo;; phine IA'e. Erhel McJilton, June McKenzie, B rnire McPher~on. Elda lank , Verna 1artin, Loui:se May, Frances lead, Nancy :\lend n hall, ~larie Moore, Audrey 1ulvany, Genevieve Murphy, ('arlean turrell, Eva ' !son, Willa l\llle Norton, Dorothy l\1. Olson. Faye 0' ¡eal, Elmira Osborne, Ruth Owen, Jeanette Pauling, Magdalene Pelzer, Dorothy Petticrew. Janice Phillippe. Margaret Pric , May Rrynolds, Gladys Reynold::;, Grac Robinson, Florenc chrumpf, Fred rica Schweinsberg, Ruth haw, Huth Louis Simp~on, Virginia ouder, Virginia tiritz. Frances t uart, Marian Swearingen, Ruth Tabaka. Leona Wasch r, Anita Webber, Helrn Wilcox, :\lildr d Williams, CI o Wilson. Nellie Wilson, P arl \Vinrh ster, Mary Zirhut. Helen
Anflrt:w!<, Raymond Bayne. Wilson Dthrens, Fn•d Bt·t baum, Wallace Bbson, Willi!< Borah, Donald Bori m, Carl Brown. :\lax Bll(·kles, Renick Burnett, \'eriE' Burton. Ha) mmHI ('ar!'on, Ray m< nd Car!'on, \'ernf.' ('he ·ter. Robert Coleman, Kenneth Coventry, William D nman, Acel Dixon, Paul Elliott. Flinn Ennis, John Fin!Py, Jame.· }<'raker, Guy C. Funkhauser, Eugene Gernon, William Hammersmith, Paul Hen~Jer, Richard Janes, Harold Kammer r, Robert Kennedy, John Kennedy, Dalt• Kink, William Krau~w. \'inc nt L•asure, Arthur L rner, Harr) Li rman, Kenn th Lindley, Blyth Lloyd . ('J iflord Long, James Lowery. Eugen
/'"''' I ijl •1 llffl
Lynch, Hobt•rt :\lclJonald, \'emell :\JcLean, Loui~ :\lagee, Paul :\Iart in. Romaine :\Iorchuuse, Dale :\Tuns. Halph Olsen, Arthur Paul, Franklin Perry, Floyd Phillip~. WaltPr Pilon. Gahrit I Hains. ('laud H id, Cortland Reifst€<'k. Andrew Robinson, Julian Robinson, Wilson Roy. Lloyd ailors, Frances School y, Eug ne St•dgwi('l<, Vail Shaugt>r. Donald Simon. C'hnrlt>s 'la<·k. Wilbur milh, :\Iiles tanner, Lowell tefly, Earl 'tulls. Glenn Doran Tuckt>r, Charle: Tuck r, ('laud!' \'an llolteu, \\'alter \\'addelow, Le Hoy \\'allPr, Franct>s Wascher, Harold Wilson, Harry \Voodward, Thoma: Wooldridge, Kt>nn th Wright. Janw
Fin·</ row. Li.-rmnn, H!•t•n·s. lJowt-11, Taylor, 'l't>mplPJ~. n. <'o)P, ltH,\'Jilftllfl. Haill•', H. \\'illi:un~. Hu(·krtt·r. \'on llnl1t•n, Lnwh1·nd. :-.:•·hultz . . ·u·ond rtJrr. Parkhill. llarpPr, llut·kins. II. lhn·is. ('orhiu. Hlaisdf'll. lll'lh1in:.! J) ~\rms.trmH.", E . .\rm trou~. <~at+'~, I.Pouurtl. \\'itiiiiH·r. ~nmnu·rs. J)nhl 'lltinl row· 'f(•Kt-t•, H . .lohuson. 'lurtin. Hairtt',\' , ( '.\:t·al. .\, :\orion. 11. Hnyhurn ~iliiiHI'ls.ou, lin,\, Hifldlto. l'HJilt·, Hoht•rts. I oudlt rtJtr: l'ummil1. Thuma:-:. \'t·r::nn . . \, .lohn:-:on, L~·m.tn. llunkt•, EhlPr. Fu•ldhindf'l', llt•;u·twk. !'tusst·r. Evt·rill,~tton, En:.dt•ton, ('ollins. I itth row: Parkuu, .\lnj!na, \\'olfram. J)PiliHHII, \\'ilsnll, l{ohinson. l~. ))a,·is. Hnullt•y, ('atoll, B .lohn:-.:nll. Flaui~iiJI, Fln\\~>rs, Yilllf'l', Pnfifif'ld . •'i.rl/1 rtJir: Hw·dc·k, J)ot,\, (.jflhs, !'hun·Pt', Pullum, \loi'L:"illl. Pnrll'l', J)j)Jor·, 'l'ltorton, Ht•oom, Bn;.:ar·d.
Til ''l'\\'Hs in tlw ,\PHI' lH:!:i that som(' t\\o h!I!Hll'<'d and ninPty-1\ro piratl'" land!'d from tl11• ..,pa faring- \'<' "1'1 " ( 'pntral. .. and on !-'l'pt<·mhPr . of th<' sanw Y<'at· altPmptl'd to pl11nd<•r thP g-ood ..,flip .. ( 'hampaign Iligh N(·hool. · · But .\las! t lwir motely <:1'1'\\" \ras <'<L t in iron bonds of Eng'lish . •\lg-Phra, La tin and many ot ht>r tPJTi f,,·itlg' 11 h.iPI'Is. Tht>y strllg'g'l!'d and tori' at t hPir bonds 11nt il tlw~· ~'"<·appd at ''"hat thp~- !'allt•d tlw fir..,t month of tlw YO.nlg'<'. "\ ft>w \\ ho <·ot!ld not rid th<•msPI\'<'" of thP tn•a<·h<•rotJs iron.., \11'1'1' fol't'l'd to walk thP plank with th<· point or an .. F" ... ti<·king- in thPir h<H·ks. ('Htlass<•.· ml<l \\OI'ds \\'a\'l'd abO\'!' tlw l'<•al'lpss h<•ad, OJH' dH~· and \Villiam (:pfman "as pnH"lainwd thPi1· t·aptain. ln <·asp \\'illiam sho11ld at sOIIIt' tinw lw for<·Pd to \ralk th<• plank, thP.Y PIPd!'d ('arl Dohnw, mwthi'J' f<•ar)(''- piratl', to takp tlw wh<•t•l. Huth l·'rant'('s Uutkett g'llHI'd<•d thPir tn·a. un•-('IH'sl and \Yillimn ~f<.Graw, was g'i\'l•n tlw J'<'s]Hlllsihilit~- of thr "hip·.., log. \'o "OOJl('J' had tlw yoyat::t> IH'g-an wlwn tlw~- eanH'
!'"!!' l'i/1•1 four
1'irxt rorr:
'f('( 'ullott,L!'h. :\ormau. \\'hitt·, lloll. :-\lw" alt t·r. KPnnt·d,\. ( :ot~ltnau. IHIIJ!t•ric·h, ~:uulwt'll,
.\((') )pfJoHII I, .\111 llo~.
,...,.t.,.oud ,.o,r: ('Iiiii'. ('lurk. (;t·lmlln. Blunk. \\' ildt•r. llnrt, 'I \\"at:-.on. lluc·kPtt. ('nrsnn. 11Pss, l[ylnnd, Third rtJir.· \ln,.:-nuli•r·. Blunk. ~hntH!PT'. Pa('o~ta, Frumptnn. l .Niflt·nkt•r. t'rosli11, liU.L!'Prmun . .\r m st run,~:. 1·;. ( 'nok
r ourlll
('olt', '\or·ton. 'lltl!IIIISOil, Ynk,\". \\'olfP, ~illllflt. ~lf'fll, ~HIIlllt'l~on. Hussl'11. !-\impsnn . Kit<·h. Bln<'k. (':tnnon. Jlpft'plfin)!<'r . .\lallor,v, (,imz. \\' halon. 1\' pl<-h. II . llad,, l'l'i<·Pr. P. Eic·horst ..... i.rlll 1'fJlr. !"n,·at:P. llowpll, Fraut:t.. \\"illi:~ms. HPHIIPtt , lnskip. (iaiut·s. Ludlow. Brown .
roll' I i/111 mw:
upon tht• island of Athh•ties. A :.rn·at hordt• of Jll('ll, eall<•d athletrs liwd th<'l'<'. On :.roinl! ashore a mimhl'l' of the <:n'll' dP<lieHtl·<l to abandon pinH·y for the tim!' and h<•t•ouH' athl<•tes. Or·,·ill<• :-Jtrodr took up tlw IITll kno\\n g-am<• of football and madl' tht• first learn during- his fr<'shman y<•ar·. l~d\\anl ::-ihalk an<l :\ll'rlin Kirmsy also pro1·pd eapahh• in that 'i]>Ort. Fr<'dPrit·k .\rm. tr·ong, \Villiam Bru<'<' Xorllag-erman. Hoh<•r·t Hh<·"·altl'l'. atHl ('ad DohnH' lweanw haskdt>l'l'. man with Iris fan<'.' dil'in:.r and ht·Past st I'Oking- mad<• hi-, 1ray into tlw s\\·immin:.r team. 1\·~·ton .:\ieOrud<•r· an<l \VilhPr WlritP hoth (lid tlw haek stroh. WhPn tlw <·aptain <·allPd for YOluntt'<'l's to land on ihP !siP ot' J>uhlieat ion , \\'(' tl~· , 't ip<'s hP<·anw ad\'l'rtising- mallagPr. \\.illiam Ut>tman and Carl DohnH' \H'rt' eopy ho~·s for tlrP piratt• papt•r, the ('hroltil'li . Latt•r \Villiam arosl' to tlw nlllk of a. ,.,istant <·in·ulation mana!!<'t', and ('arl n·l·Pii'P(l tiH' of'fi<'l' of assislilllt husinp..,,., ntanager. :\Iar:.rat'l't ( 'a ton lnts Pxt·han:.re editor. ::-ilw wa aho ,'ophomon• p(]itor of th<• ('hronici G hpr 'it'eond ~·par·. Brn<:e • ·orman not onl~· s11am hut \\its lrtllnor <'ditor ot' th<• papPr. :\Iildt'l'd Parkhill lwld the po-;ition of ::-inphonwn• editor of tiH' i\1.\Iwo:-;, tlw ,.,hip'" Io:.r hook.
1'11{/1' 1 i/111 /11'0
Jt 11 as 011 a halmy .'eptt>mber morn \\'IH•n tlw <'1'<'11, loung-ing- IPisut'PI,I· about t hP boat in pi ntt <' fashion, 11 t'rt' hPII·ildPt't•d to ht•ar sln't't mPlod ious musi<· and Yoi<·<•s floating- out Ol'<'r thp till \\Hiers, from an island IH'Hr hy. 'l'ht• i;.lt> was known <h tlw 1-,Jt• of :\lw.. i<·. Boah \\I'I'P lmn•J't•d and a IHI'g'<' Jllllllht>J' wPnt a-,horP nt'l'<•r to retltt'n ag-ain, for tlwy had h<'<'n strurk \\'ith th<• musit• and <ll<'<' ( 'lub fP\'Pl'. In thP umnH'r of 1~)~(), tlw eoJnmaJHl<•rs of the fin.. t yt•ar \\'PI'<' maromwd 011 thc• bland of <Jood \\'m'k antl so it hapJH'll<'d that tlw <'I'P\1' ag-ain stood at thp Jli'0\1 and pt'<wlainwd Brii<'P • ·orman skipp<•r. Tlw pinttp-, -,ppnJPd to ha1 <' full ""ay of piratp politit•s that yt•m·, and so Lueillp ('arson 11as madt> \'i<'P .A dmiral . ~\lht•rta Kahhes, was plaet•d on g-uard duty and ('onstant•t• Ilt•ss '-Ut'<'PPdPd \Viilimn :\l<"Ontll as thE'\\ ritE'r of sc1·ipts. 1t must aJ-,o ht• addPd that t•lt'\'t>n nwmhpr of thP Cl't'll IH'l't' takt•n into tlw Wig- and Paint, a t·luh \\'hieh ent•om·ag-r<l the dramat it• instinds of tht' pinttt•s. ~o PJH!s tlw histot·y of tlw first two year of adi\'ities of tlw matp-, of ·~~).
IIO OR ROLL Ehlt'r, Lois UamhiP, Catherinc• -- --- - -- - -- - - - ------Kim•aid, Lorntine --------------------BhtisdPII, ('alia - - ------- -------------( 'ook, Eleanor ------------------------llu<·htt, Huth - - - - ----- ----------- - -l'adfiPI<l, Wilma ----------------------( 'cll·hin, .JJaxu1e Uah•-,, I r<>JH• -------------------------li<'<H'O<·k, ( 'lwrlottP -------------------lung-Pril'h. Dorothy ------------------:\li'DPrmott, IreJI!' --------------- __ __ _ •'c·hultz, ~\linP ----------------------- --
-l.7:J -J..7:J -J..•)() -1-.~.) .t . ~:J .f.~.) .f.~.)
.t.OO .t.OO -l-.00
.t.OO -J..OO .t.OO
\Vhrn Captain Bruer Xomutn \\Hs eaptun•d by th<• \'Psst•l .. Peoria Central."\\ hit·h had -.et ail from P<•m·ia, Illinois, tht• t'l"<'\1' wa;, o owr-wlwlmrd by tht• hoek that a new ( 'aptain IY<h not PIPt'tPd until ~\pril 1 . lt was thPn that thPy assembled in tlw auditorium to Jli'O<·laim a JJe\\' leader. Ballot wPr<' ea;.t and first matP ~\IIH'rt LeidrndPk<•r was :,riven the mtmt' and honor of '" ( 'aptain. ' ' The Cr<'\1' 1n•ll 111'11' that Alh<•rt had work<•d faithfully and earPfull,~· fo1· his mate. and the :,rood tlt•<'t " ( 'hampaig-n 1J igh •'<·hool." .\r , L.:rrn
\lll: h.EH
GIRL Armstrong, Dorothy Armstrong, Edith Bartley, Ruth Blaisd II, ('alia Bogard, Mildred Boots. Katherine Bowman, Huth G. Bradley, Charlotte Brinkema, B rnice Brinkley, :\lildred Broom, :\lildred Buckner. Dilila Burden, l\lary Edith Cain. Gwendolyn ('arson, Lucille Caton, Margar t Cole, Doris Collins, l\largaret ('ook, Eleanor ( 'oop r, Wanda Corbin, ~laxin Dahl, Pauline Davis, Harriet Day, Hazel Delvaux, Anna Dillon, Hazel Donavan, Ruth Doty, Dorothy Eagleton, Opal Ehler, Lois Eisner, Janet Elliott, l\larie Ervington, Gladys Love! Fieldbinder, Eva Flaningam, AI ta Flowers. Dorothy Gamble, Catherine Gates, Ir ne Gibbs. Lenora Gillespie, D lla Goodman, Leona Green, Vivian
Hanke, Dorothy Harper, Lorayne Hea('OCk, ('barlott E. Helbling, ~largaret Herndon, Emma Hess, Con!Stance Howell, Kathleen Huckett, Ruth Frances Huckins, Helen Hughes, Pearl Hurt, Hildreth Hyland, :\Iary I ungerich, Dorothy Johnson, Alma Johnson, Barbara Johnson, Dorothy John!lon, H len Johnson, ;\lary Elizabeth Johnson, Mildred Jones, Eunice Kabbes, Alberta Kincaid, Lorraine Kyle, Phyllis Lawhead, l\linni Lee, Jessie :\lae Leonard, .:'\aomi Lierman, Helen Lyman, Frances ~lcArty, Madge :\lcDermott, Iren :\h'Kee, ~lary Ellen :\lc;-.;"eill, Eugenia ~lcPherson, Elda ~!alloy, l\lary ~lartin, Jane :\latteson, France :\Jill r, Anna Belle ~Ioore, Barbara :\!organ. Lucille :\louch, Lucille :\lurphy, l\larjori Xorton. Alma
o¡.:-.;eal, Reta 0':\eill, :\lary ('ath rin l'a<lfi 1<1, Wilma Parkhill, ~lilclr d Payne, Goldie Porter, l\lyrthle Pulliam, Pauline Pummill, ('leone Quinlan, :\lary Rainey, Evelyn Rains, Burci Hayburn, Dorothy Hayburn, Thelma Raymond, Winifr d R eves, ~1ary Riddle, Faye Hohbins, Gladys Roberts, Kath rine Samuelson, Lola ?11. and well, Gertrude San!:'one, Rose Schultz, Aline Elizahetb haffer, birley Sluss r, Katherin pri ngfield, ~largaret Summers, Gret<'11en Taylor, Mabel Templin, Marion Thomas, :\largaret Thornton, Marie \'ance, Edith \'arnado, Willia :\Iae \' rgan, i\iarion \'onHolten, Henrietta \\'atson. Frances ¡watson, ~Iary Ellen Webb, Wilma Helen Weeks, Louise Well!<, Gwendolyn Williams, Bessie Evelyn Williamson, Aline Wimmer, Dorothy
BOY Ahn•ns. 'Valtt>r Alexander, Francis Armstrong. I<'rederick Bat .·. John Ban·us. Elm r Bell. Paris Benham , Hany Bennett. Date Benn tt. Virgil Black. Orval Brink! y, ~larion Brown, ;"~;ewell Burden, Johm;on Burton. Edward Cade. Wayn Cannon, JOi:Wtlh Casad. Eugerw Christy, Harold Clarke, Charles Claypool, tantey Cl in . :\lax Conover. Donald ( ook, John Corum. Herman Croslin, Edward DaCosta, Gordon Davis. C cit Davis. Francis Davis. Hymen Day. William Dohme, Carl Donley, Walt r Dooley, Harold Dunn, Richard Dunn, Wilson Earl. Howarcl Eichorst, Lloyd Ei<·hon;t, Paul Ervi~-;n, tanford EvaJt.-. Walh Frampton, Gl nn Frantz. Kieffer Gain!':, Owen
I ij/lf· llffll/
Harold Gassaway, Harry Gates. Glen Getman. William Ginz, Edwin Grindley, Glen Gulick. :\Iarion Hagerman, ·william Hall, Howard Hart. Frank Heffelfinger. Harry Hegmon. James Helm, Robert Iletmrath, Xorman Hughes. Paul Hi! Ingle, John In kip. !<'ranch; Jackson, Clifford Jacobs. Russell Jameson. Emmett Keagle. Edgar Kennedy, James Kirby, Colli Kirmse, ~lerlin Kitch. Henry L idendeker, Albert Leseman, James Ludlow, Daniel l\lcC'ullough, John :\IcGath. Lloyd lcGrew, Robert ~Iagnuson, John :\lagruder·, Peyton ~Iallory, :\lorris 1\larktand. Frank 1\larshall, ~Iaurice Martin. Romaine ~Iay, Raymond ~lead. Berne ~1. ;'l;eshilt. George • 'ormlUl, Bru<'e O'Donnell. Jerome
Patton. Eugene Pedersen, Paul Phillips, Clarence Potter. Donald Pricer. Charles Reichman, Alfred Rodgers, John Russell, William Hunter SamuelRon, Franci: ass, Carl a vage, Waltt>r Schalk, E:dward chroeder, H.ufus Salt-jan. Fr d haug r, Charles 'hedenh lm. Russett Shell, Kinsey Shewalter, Rob rt impson, !<'rank Sinnott, 'ValtPr Smith, Fohn C. Sn~· der. Marsden Stearns. John Sticher, I~"twrence Stipes, Wesley t. John, Louis Strode, Orval Sullivan , John Tate. Andr w Tawney, Pliny Thomas, Alton Thomai:i, Taylor Vaky. James Russell Vallancourt. John Visson, Leslie Vriner, 'Villiam Washer, Clarence 'Vetch. ;'l;orman Wh alon, Charles White. Wilbur Wild r. GentWilliams, Dale Wolfe, heldon
"With lo'lc, uneasy heart 'lee set jorth''
r irxl row :
~\\'I'JIJ:I'l. P:trkl'r. :\lutliJ.mn. H:u·on . l'nrkhiJI , (:ill t>~piP , .\J)ft}P,:.!atP. l·~nnb . Brandl . l'nllod\., \\.PhPr. llarclin. HnuJ,!'ht>riJ, .Jolln~on . rotr <~nrrnrd . HPdmond, !'khmidt . ..\u~tt'r , Burton, ( ' ovPnt r~·. ~nwt • k , (;riPtHI . K f'llllist•u , .J nrtlnn , Handy. Hrt•\\f·r. '/ hird ,.,,, . \\'nlkPr. Sf'ltrumpf. \Vootb. ('a,·nnnug:h, Larr,\ )lp\\' it t, !-\tPward, .T HnrhPr, 0 . HarhPr. linn tou , l'hilliJ•JH'. (;amhiP, l"htg-t•r. I 'ourt II r tHf ThotuJ)sou , HPifst Pt'k, l'orlt•r . :o-:.t Ultlpf. 1\: Irk . Hohhilli-i, Tn 1t', \lunt hPi , ()sf Prhur. ( 'o\ , Ho~s . Bt·owut•ll J'i f tll ,.,,,. ( ' .lout's, llnitws. ~P\\Itrtl. \\' ithPrPll. SmallP,V . llnrtlymnu. L:tkf', Hratl,, ·, Flbo11 , OwPus.
·' f t·ontl
Findl'r. .... i .l'tll
row :
SIUIIII',, Jl n~· f'~ .
Hn ilt•y Lo\·Pll. ('lur·lc Jlnl1.
~l:t,l.:ll4'snn .
'l' rw•hlootl ,
\loo r·t•, .:\lould t'l', ('nldwt>ll.
t. <'onths .
Til E
OF '3o
Th l• s · hoolt>r " E l<'llU'll t ary .. wa. no lollg'<'r st>a \\'Ort hy, for had it not <'t'\'Pd t lw das of ·;30 long- P!HIItg'h ! B<•sidP>-, it <·ould no long-PI' hold tlw hust I in go, husy ('1'0\\1] or ho~· and :.rirJs \\Ito thong-ht tiH'Ill'iPin•-, ('XJ)('I'i('!H'('d PltlliPn, ahh• to handiP a llll'g'PI' \ ' p-,,.,p( \\'ith tiH• ad\'i~(' and assi'itf!IH'(' or }I iss l>m·oth~· Pottt>r. }l r>. . •\ my 'l'lt!Tt>ll, }lr. Ho~· H\\ indPII, HJI(I tlw pilob of tlw thn•<• lat'I!Pt' ~o,hips in tlw " Ll ig-lt Hchool' · flppt, Th<• Frt'.,hman craft ( \\'ith Alh<•rt Ilall, captain, .John H<>dmond , helmsman, )lary Kr0\1 s, logsman, and Ali<·P ( 'ampiH'll, g-uardian of tlw tt'<'H"un• ~hest ) t'al!<'t' to h<• ott' on th<'ir nP\\' qll<'st , <·arpfull~· ohspn·<•<l tlw ll\O\'('nwnts of tlw oth<•t· <·t'('\\'. in tlw flP<'t, so that th<·~· mig-ht 1<'<'1' a smooth ('Oll i'S(' in this, t lwir first \'Pntlll'(' 011 tlw HPa or ExJlPI'iPIH·e . •\ nd so, aftt•r thl' first f<'\1' da~·s of hl!t'l',\' and <'x<·ih•mpnt, }fr. )l~Kinnt'y g-atlwn•d about him a g-ro11p of mHi<·ally inclin<'d FrE'shm<•n, along \\'ith th<' mH.,icians from tlw otht>r hips, to form his JH'\\' hand. The <'IH>-'i i pt·otul II \1,1.
l'irHt row: ..\11t•n, BlnkPsly, ~titdw~. ('artPr, \\.hitP. :\lallny, ('ook, Krowl", .:\lnt>Kt•n:t.iP, Coultas. Hlou,eh. J\.inmw, ~t'IKon. ~lorton. Pn~·rlt'. ,...:,·t·onfi row. :--:.urHh. Pummill. (;ahri+'l. \\'ist•hart. Haldritlg-P, .\IIPn, (;j)kp~·. ])ut,\·, Knm,n~sf'hrnt'tll'r, .J~u·ksuu. ~•·yuwur. Orlwrnnthy Thin/ nllr: J\:t•nlll'~·. \\'imiH'ri~·. Holish. 1\:irkmnn, ('umpht>li. Bri;.:),!~. 'ludg-1', ~\ttPhur,\, Lt•\\is, Fultou, .:\Ior.can ..Johnson. King-. t'ourtll row: Hush. HPII. ~Pfl,epw{('k, Hawkins, \\'n.-wlH•r ...\111'11, \\'aldo, LJarl'is, Cnnntln, J)ufft•y, ~illi'.
I i/111
\\"ibon. llnrriort. lfHonnPII.
rou•: FnlwiiiPr, I'Nkisl'r.•\la!!na, ~c·oll.
'lyl'r~. ~hnw,
~ti'Hrns. Bnrkt•, Jlunstun. Hrto\\11. nuilP~. JlrookPs, Bnflplt·~·.
HoiH'l'ts, ('ullin~, Unl:-lawa~·. \\'alkin,.:ton, Kil~on•. Htu·hPI', nu~t. O~tPrhur.
l'ro .•\lpt•rs, ,J cn-1<.
to say that it has Thomas lJ<llll!l', Robert Baron, Leonard Hayes, Carl Kortkamp, lsacu· WalkPr, and Albe11 :\Iom·e in the first band. 1n sinl!ing the praises of the Freshmen, \\'C' must not forget the Fre-.,hmen, who sing- for tlwm elws. H<lhert Bacon, :-;tanh·~· Baih•y, ,)a<·k :\lulligan, C'al'l Kortkamp, Bugt'IH' Casad. Cht•ster Parkhill, Guyneth Gillespie, Helen Bu ·her, La Donna , 'titcher, Lorena ~White, and }I a udenp BIOIII!h \H'l'E' also aicled by :\Ir. :\IcKinney 's PXJH'rt I!Uitlanc·e and -.,oon took tlwir plat'es in th<' Glee ( 'luhs. Otlwr aspiring Frt•-.,hnH'n received appointments on tlw statl' of tlw ('hl·oniC'll, tlw weekly n('wspaprr of the fleet. pu hi islwcl to kt•t•p eYet·yone infornwd of t hc• exad JH'OI!l'l'"s on the YOYHI!<'. Loi-., Larry, Chester Bro\\'nell. ~\IIH'rt ~onwrs, ('al'l Kcwtkamp, Roht'rt Ba on, ,Janws Lake. and Holwrt Oarrard allmatlt• uccc"'""" in this \\'Ork. Three acrobatic Fre;,hnwn with Yery good lung,, ( 'hrster Parkhill, Orri-., Parkc•I', and ,Jack :\[nlligan, \\'l'l't' PlPt'tt•d to kPl'Jl tl11• eomJlan~· from l!l'Cl\rinl! dull, and to presidP during athletit' e\·enh.
Page :,<i.rl]l UllC
Blough, }laudt•n<' --------------------------Phillippe, !•'ranees ------------------- ----BruPr, Winifn•<l --------------------- ----OilkPy, \'elm a ----------------------------Lakp, .JanH's _ ----------------------------. 'ti<'g"<'l1H'J'<'I', .\nna -----------------------Allen, Eloi e _______ ---------------------
:i.OO -J..7:i -J..:iO -J..:iO -J..:iO -J..:iO
DP\1 hirst, L~·m1 ---------------------------Pollack. Loi. ----------------------------Porl<'l', Fntn<"<'s ---------------------------~IHI\1, }lac<•l ___ --------------------------, 't<'\'PllS, .Ag'IH'S ----------------------------('amphPll, A lie<' ---------------------------<lamhlP, Louis<' _ ·-------------------------Woods, William -------------- -------------
-J..~:i -J.. ~:i -J..~:i -J..~:i 4.~:i
-J. 00 -J..OO -J..OO
VOY GE OF THE GOOD IIIP '3o \Vlwn W<' arp thP h•<Hl<•rs of tlw swift high <·h<l01 flePt, \VIwn ':30 is l<•ading tlwm on, \V<• 'II think of tlw .,hip that quit<' disH]lJl<'arNl; Of tlw hip. that haw ll0\1' pass<'<l all(] g-onr. \Ylwn we an• the Pniors; haw traWJ's<'<l the hlu<'; llaw gainrd rwrything that \1'<' sought; WP 'II think haek o'er time" ht>n we fir t put to ... raIIaw we d01w Herything that " "<' ought? lla1·t· \\'E' l<•anwd to hr sailors in tnw sf?Hlll<lll style. llave wr <'OlH!IH're<l the waws and tlw g-alt• . HaY<' liP lrarnrd to look foJ'\Ianl and gin• of onr he-.;t, Hin<'<' tlw t imP that we first ;.;pt our sails? As \\'(' look hack at \'l'lltures on st•a-., or SIJ('('('SS, .\nd our fpar of those watrn; i-., g-onr, \V<• know that \\'<''II strivP, all our hat11Ps to win, Whil<' tlw prOtl(l ship of ':30 sail on!
FRESHM Abernathy, Alice Alagna, Angeline Allen, Edith Allen, Eloise Alpers, Mildred Applegate, Pauline Atterberry, AI ne Bailie, Elizabeth Baldridge, Lillian Bandy, Irma Barber, Julia Barber, C1eta Bell, Ruth Blacker, Bessie Blake lee, Elyse Blugh, Maudene Bolish, Margaret Bowman, Aleda Bowman, Margar Brady, Pearl Branch, Maxine Breuer, Winifred Briggs, Elizab th Brook , Constance Brown, Margaret Bucher, Helen Burke, Rachel Burnett, Oleta Burton, Fern Campbell, Alice Canada, Iloha Carson, Irma Ca,·anaugh, Marion Chism, Margaret ('lark, Allie Cole, Doris Collins, H len Cook, Barbara Coultas, l\lacin Coventry. Haz I Cox, i\1argar t Cummins, I<' rn
Daughhette, Opal Davis, Helen D witt, l\Jarjorie Doty, Emma Lou Ducey, Opal Duffy, Eth I Dust. Elizab th Ennis, Aldine l<'iiHier, Dorothy Fl tcher, Doris Dean Ford. Ruth Fulton, ldabelle l<'ulwid r. Pauline Gabriel. Dorothy Gamble, Loui e Gandy, Elzina Gasaway, Martha G aren, Mary Gilkey. Velma Gillespie, Guynith Gore, l\1arjori Grant, 1 ellie Gray. Martha Green. Dorothy Grein, Opal Hampton. Audrey Hans ns. E ther Hardin, Alice Hamberger, Bernadine Harri . Flora Hawkins. Marjorie Herriott. Virginia Hitch. Helen Houston, Gladys Huston, Viola Jackson. Carolyn Jervis. Helen John on. Dolore · John on, Josephine Johnson. l\lary Jordon. Beulah
IRL Jordon. Maxine Kampschrader, Virginia Kaufman. Gretchen Kenney, Leona Kilgore, C'harlotte King, Olive Kinnison. Gladys Kirk. Mildred Kirkman, Doris Kirmis . Rosalyn Krouse. i\lary Larry, Loise Lewis. Vena McGath. Jessie McKinley, Bernice McKinl y, Louis McKenzie. l\laryb th Malloy. Jo ephine Manthei. Helen Max don, Lucille Moran. Thelma Morgan. Lois l\lortRn. Elma Mudge, Margaret Mullins. Viola l\lyer . i\Iarjorie l\lyer ·, Reva Nelson. Loui e Nofftz, Helen O' Donnell, l\labl Ogl . i\lartha 0 terbur. Anna Owens. Blanche Payne, V na Phillipp . France;; Platt. Betty Pollock. Lois Porter. Fran<' H Pro. Lenore Pummill , Thelma Purldser. Juanita
Pyle, Ella Mae Reifst ck, Ruth Robbins, Ruby Roberts, Nellie Scott, Alice Jane chrei, Florence edgwick, arab Seymour, Anna haw, Marcel mith, Freda mith, lone mock, Mildred Stearns. Genevieve t vens, Agne8 tevens, Agnes Stevens. Flossie St ward, Allen St ward, Virginia tewart, Lois Stiegemeyer, Anna Stitcher, La Donna tumpf, Mary Tate, Orpha Tignor. Dorothy Tucker. Viletha Van Buskirk, Dorothea Varnado. G orgia Von Holten, Alta Wakefield, Ennly Waldo. i\Iartha i\Iary Walkington , l\1argaret Warmhier. Catherene Wasch r, Charlotte 'Weber. Catherine W therald, Blanche White. Lorena Wildenrath, Liola Wi!Hon. Phyllis Wimb rely. Marie Wi~;ehart. Frances
FRE Ill\1 I'\ BOY Alagna, Augustine Alexand r, Eugene Anglin, Eug ne Bacon, Robert Baddely, John Uailey, l) an Bail y, Stanley Hal s. G orge Barcus. Floyd Beeker. JoHeph Bell, Raymond Bell s, Frank Bennett, :\Iaurice Boraker. Kenneth Brady, Cecil Brady, hris Brown. Andr w Brown, Fritch Brown, Paul Brown II, Ch ster Buch, William Bullinger, Charles Burge. Paul Burton, HerHhei Bu ch, Arthur Busick, Harlan Busick. Russell Calahan. Oscar Caldwell, Jack Calhoun. Jack Carson, Roy Chapple, Raymond Charn s, Walter Chas . K nn th Chism, Lawrence C1ark, Frank Clark, Le:li 'ol , Eng ne Combs, RusH II Comstock. Herb rt onnor, Chester
C'ory, \'irgil ('ruj, Roy C. Curl, Roy CustE'r. Hob rt Davis. Paul Denman, Zene Dl'\\hirst, IJ)nn D xter, B hr ns Dexter. Emmerson Doi<I. James Edmundson. Lyle Ehler. tan! y Ehrlart, Fr d Ely, Jo ·eph Fabert, :\Ion telle Filson, Jame Fisher. :\!orris Garrard. Rob rt Gorden, Marion Gearen, Harold Gill spi . Francis Goss, !\Ianford Grant, Wilbur Guthrie, Eugene Haines. 'harles Hall, Alb rt Hall, Ralph Hardyman, Clarence Harmon, Howard Harry. Lloyd Hay s, Leonard Heacock, Mac Henderson, Leonard Henley, Keith Hill, John Hill, Wilh rt Hinds, LeRoy Hinote, Wm. Burnell Hitch. Franklin Hoffman, Allen Hollinger, K nneth
How II, Howard Hugh s. Bernard Jaekson, Clarence Jochin, Lyle John on. Ellis Johnson. Russell Jones. Clarence Jones, Irving Jon ;;, Lyle Keene, Donald Keller, H nry Kelly, Joseph Kenney. Roger Knudson, Ove Kortkamp, Carl Krouse. Frank Krouse. Fr d Lak . James Lovell, Franklin l\1cArty, <'harles :\lcDuffE'e, Byron :\lcKillop. Harvey 1\lagnusen, Dick :\tal ) . Edward 1\larkland, Ben :\larriott, George 1\larshall, Owen l\lartin, Walter .!ere r, G orge :\Iiller, Bennie l\liller, Harry :\loll, tewart :\loore, Albert .lorehouse. Th odore :\!orris, C'harl s Moulder, Robert Mulligan, John :\lurphy, Rob rt Nesmith, Jame .:\esmith. Thomas • 'iswong r. Richard
Norton. William Edwa O'Connor. StaniE'Y O'N al. Joseph O;;terbur. Herman Pankau, ThE>odorE' Parker, Orris Parkhill. ('hester Phar s. Carl Hains, l'~verette Hedmond, John Hobin~on. Earl Ross. Marvin RO!<S, William chamel, Joe Schmidt. GI n Schrumpf, Benjamin cott. John Seymour. Curtis inger, Harry Smalley. Ralph Smith, ('Jayton Smith, Johnnie Somers, Albert pang, Ralph Staton, George Swerinsky, Samuel Taylor, Lowell Thomp on, Lawrence Vrine1·, ammy Walker. Isaac Webb. Alton \Vehster, Donald \\' Ich. \'incent Whelan, William Wib I, James Williams. Harold Williams. Ralph Wolfram. Benjamin Woods, William Young, Everette Zackery, l\lellen
Jlnrt. (;mos . .Juc·hin. <'uri, J)11n11, :\Jar~~wll. \·h1s11J 1 \\"usc·hPI', LhHllf',\', l)pnman, Cnr...,on, \\'t•IJ"IPr. \lr. On)!. (;pnrt·n. l{pjf~tt•c·k. ()'~iPI, lluJ,!IH"s, \\' lllinms. ~l·tl!.!'wkk, Olson, East. ('ntll·, I' Bro\\U , ,Jont•s. llill. ~HIISfliiP. I.Psl'llltlll, Zac·h.-r,·. BtJIIom row : Yon IJolt!•n, \I<·Killot•, ('hur:n~, lhthl, .\. Brown, Cla,qwul, .Johll!-iOtl, ~mith, !"<·ott, F.
('hrisl~. l'lllf'.
HI'H\\11 ,
(. \'1'0
:Jlany liP\\ fac<'s app<'<ll'<'<l on dt><•k "hrn tlw yo~·age was he~un in the fall of the year ':27. Tlwir ]pad<•r was a man of g-ood qualitit>s and led his moth•y crew through a hlaek, and oily yea1·. Ilis nanw \\ct. On~, and a mot'<' d!'xtPt'Oll lead<•r l hall m·,·n hopr to :-;er. Thi:-; hand wa:-; a mrddlesonw one and \\'{'!'<' for <'Wr tinkerin~ aromHl on d!'ek. BP<:a nsP of t lw:-;e dull·aet<•t·ist ies t lwy \\PI'<' <'m ployt-d as ship llH'<·hanics and with sCI'<'\\ driwr and monkey \\Tt'lH'h th<',\' mad<• tiH'HL p]w usPful. Tlw ri~~in~:-; wt>re O\·erhault>cl, the :-;ail n•<·am·ass<•d, ami rollPt' hNtt•ings were plac<•d in tlw :-;t<•Pragr g'<'<'l"'. Tlwn• JH'\'<'l' wa. a mor<• industrious, or <•nrrgt>t ic hand ol' piraU•s. \Yit h ~rpa:-;y hand aml fa cps tlwy s<·onr<'<l P\·ery cornpr looking- for a pi<'<:<' of hroken mpcha n ism and t'V<'ll stea I i 11~ t lw <·arp<•nt<•rs \\ ork and pat('hing up tlw ship's Jpaks. This hand i:-; ~un• to g-ro\\' \\ith thp P\.<'t' im•l'<'asin~t populcu·it.' that thry han• er<>at<'d on hoard. In future y<•ar. tlwy may eY<'Il hrl'omr so JHl\\'!'rful as to eont<'n<l \\'ith ih<' <·onneil or honorary nwmh<•rs illlllmay <'\' I'll pia<'<' on<• of th<'ir nnmhPr a~ first OJ' sP<·ond matp of tlw ship. \lit. (ht;
Top t' Oir: \\' ilp~·. Lloyclto. <:ri1·r~n11. t:ohPrtson, IHllman. l.1•a surt>. Uottom ro1r : \\'a~·wht~r . J'ic·kn1•ll. ('nrzon, !"kt•lton . Kuhl. \Vf'~t.
B. TO Bv
LlJB Br.·:-;o_
Tlw fortunate nwmlH'rs of tlw piratt• instnlm<•ntal cr<•w who landPd on till' island of honor. handPd tog-PtiH'l' and <·hart<•rP<l an org-anization to IH' known a. tlw Baton ('luh. This ('1'<'\\' is pun•ly hononu·~· . and is to thP hand what tlw "(''' ('luh i to athh•ti<·s, IH'ing- <·omposPd of thost• han<l -nH'Il who han• ohtaim•d tlwir lettt•rs in this \\·ork. This ~rroup is d<•sigm•d primarily to JH'Omote thP musit·al adiYitie" of thP . chool. During thl' past :n•ar the crpw suce<•ssfully superYispd the manc1gement of both thP Fall, and Npring- eonc<•rh, in " ·hieh tlw memhet-s in the yarious d<•pa 1·t nH•nts of ~lusic partici patP<l. These cone<•t·ts proYidt•d ent<•rtainment for all thP memh<•t· of the cruiset· C. II. S., t lwir parents, alHl hi<•tHis. Tlw Panwst worhrs of this hand al o fornwd a eode of id<•als an<l r<•gulations for tht• Band and ~lusie ()ppartmrnt , and assist<•d in tlwi1· pnfor<·<·nwnt. ])p<•emher ~0 , \\ch n•eordPd as a nwmorahle dat<• in tlw lit'!' of thP Baton ('luh, for it so happ<•ned that on this dat!' tht• gt•t•at<•st achiewment of the instt·unwntal en''' dtu·ing- th<> ya!-it yl'at·'s . ojoum on th<> island took plae<>, in tlw form of a hanqn<'t s<•n·<•d at the Inman llotPl to tlw Band m<>mb<'I'S and tlwir parPnts. The J)irall•s plae<•<l tlwir destini<>s in th<> han<ls of Captain ('harl<>s Picktwll, Ass 't ('a pta in E<hntnl \Yaseh<>r. and Log- KN']H'r Hoh<·rt \Ypst, '' ho kPpt Ol'd<•r.
Top rtHr : ('nrlxou , llull. Coxla . Nf·t ·tJIId , ·tJtr ."
~c · huiK .
.IH1lll't'xon, .JohtlJoOOJI.
( 'nl·xou, IIUJ:Prmnu . J.nir, Kt ·tllll'cly. Bro wn . :-\lrodP.
Bottom row : ( 'uton, Enl'it , \\' olfranl , \ "
( 'Hrl'\.oll.
" " BY
PorJt·r, \1 . Brown , Pilou ,
WlLLI.Dl (' .\TO:'\
Fiftt•c•n of tlw roug-hest pirak on det·k handecl tog-ethn and fornH•cl the .. C" ('luh . •\nd, oh, what a rcmd_v huneh tlwy WPI'e! Long- \·enw Cat-soli was ehosen eavtain, Blctt·k Dog- Caton "as awardt>d first mate position, and Da ehund \Volfram st>h•dc•d to guard tlw trPasun• of the g-ang- upon tlw vahH• of his lifP.
Thl' most important t'\'Pilt during- thc• reig-n ot' tlw duh wa tJH' initiation of SI'\' ('Jl JH'W llH'111hers. rfhe new boys \\' ('l'l' rt'1-iOll!HlJ,\• paddlPcl and tht•nl'<' eamp tlH'it· til· I c·omwction \\ith tlw .. ('" ('] uh. TlH' outg-oing- memher of JH'C\'ions yt•ars, jealou of tlw ahility ot' the haskt•thall nH•mht•t·s of this g-ang-, dwlleng-ed tlwm to a g-anw to bc• played del\\ n in t hc• hold, and to c·harg-e a !'arthillg' for any pirate who -,oug-ht admission. The former •·('" 'lnh nwm hers tastecl s\H't't l't'\'I'Jig'e h~· dei'Pating- tlw basketball tc>am mw point in an owrtinw JH'riocl. The prOl'I'Nls from thP g-anw went to ]lay fot· tlw pidure whieh tiH' g'<lllg' kindly cmN•nte<l to he put in tlw ~I uwo. ·. Tlw nwtnhPt's plamwd to throw a -,hindig- latt•t· in the yc•at· tllldl'r tlw kt'en -,u pen·ision of LP~ ~r oyPt'.
\"E}(\t ( ',\tt~ll
rr11r: ('olo·. llnrshlutr).:PI'. l·:tlwl .\IIPII. \.111 ~<·o,lk. II \111,1, ~,,.,.,.""· \\'hit,., .\lo•ollowk. •""lf'OIId nH,,: JlnnkP, .\lltl"··snJI. II. ( ollou~. J)rP\\, Hall. \\'ilsnn. \1 llou~ton Third row : Lt'H!-illrl', DH\"i"', J)illmnn. \1ur~hhy, ~winPhart, IIH). LaYPrnwn)·, Yatuts, ('ur:-;on. J IPg-Pnhnrt. Bro\\ n, l~'osiHHJJ!h, \\'ikox, t •unlu)J. lh•al).
\1 .
1'1111rtll •·ow. ~Jr. (:r<'itwr. ('nrl'<lll. H. Hurl«•. FulfPr. l'n<lli<'l<l. K HurkP. \ld'tllllhPr, L<'ll k /'ift/1 mrr : \lr. \laxwo•ll, \Jr ~witt<IPII. H:tkPr. Htl<"kiPs. Hltltt<l•"'· Ho~:nrol. Hur).:itt. Hnl<lrioiJ.:<', \\'PloiH•r, .)ttblt~lflll
Uotfom row .
:-;.\l((llll .
('arson. Pottt•r. Pnrt.-r, HuruPtl. l't•tll't'SI'Il, (:winn,
~an~onP. ~llnrtz.
IIHJ.:'t'flll:lll .
Tlw ··Commercial Cluh" under tlw surwrYision of the captains .Jliss Unt('l' llic·ks, .Jlr.. .:\larie Lawson . .Jlr. IJ. E. On•inc•r, .Jir. W. (' . .Jiax\\·(•11, an<l .Jir. R W. •'"indt>ll, set sail -,hortly aft(•r tlw opPning- of school in the• fall-st>IP<'Iing- th(• following- mat<•s to sail in tlw log- hotN' and g-ui<l(• tlw cou1·sp of thP i--.hip aJHl ih ('!'('\\': Huth Hyland, Pn•sidt•nt; Etlwl , 'phar. \'ic•c•-Presid(•nt; llarl'ic•t Pawling-, ~('l'l'<'lar·y; and .Jiary ,Johnston, Tr·eastu·er. Thr " ( 'omnwn·ial PPp" an <•ig-ht I>Hg'<' monthly IH'\\ "PH pPr wa-, o1·g-ani;wd, ,,·ith tlw JH'<·cions old -,ea-(·alf \\'. ( ' . .JlaX\\Pll a ad,·isor, for thp pul·pos<' of building- up (•nthusiai--.111 in tlw ('onlllH'I'<'ial l)ppartnH•nt. and to g-iw the yonng- huc•(•an('<'r-, matpJ·ia)-, and ('XJWri<'lH'l' "hi<'h could not be ohtai1wtl in th(• rPg-ular ship duty. It was composed chi(>f]y of inspirational mattc•r g-iYing- only IH'\\"s of commPJ'Cial interest. 'I his JHlJH'r was P<lit<>d hy comnwrc·ial da srs with Paulinp \'ilNlll piloting- the fir t cruis(• and Edna L<'<' the S('('OlHl. '!'his paper, whi ·h ]H'OWll to be wc>ll "·orth ih salt, took tht> plat·e of dub mN•ting--, dtu·ing- tht> first part of tlw ~-(•ar, hut se,·pral mPP1 ing-s \H't'(' ('Hll<•d aftc•r the ('l'P\\' had one·<· mon• il""l'lllhl<•d aft<•r
TOJJ row: Y. \lnrphr, II. P·n\llng-, :\1. Ptt\\lill.!!. F. Trtlt·hlootl, T. TruPhl~u~d, ~lun\. ,-.:.u·tJIIfi row: llopkiu~. \IuiYIIII,\. Dnhl. <'ns•·, ~phnr·. \\'itttlllt'l', F. \lay T/linl row: El,\. ~IIlith. LPouurd. ~HIIIUPisnn, .\mshars. \-n·dPnhur::h. Hnhinsnp, \lbs llid;.~ , Etlun Lt>P. :\lauthPi. J'IJnrtlt row: Etlll'l Lt·t•, \\'nsdwr, ~\la.cun, Brook~. Jlo,L:IIIIS, Ht•,\'lloltls. E . .\IUI'[Ih~-. HitltliP. \\'illiams. ~n~~.
J'iftlt l'f11l'." O'lh·ll. 1\.llnP. :\It·llPdtt. l'ostPr, Band~- . ~Wf'4lrillJ.!Pil, \lt·l.•·•~fl, :OC.dl\YPillslu•rg-. UtJltom l'flfr. «'l+·llH·IJs, IJ~·Inrul. Balli•, L. llou..,.luu, Fillllt',\·. CoHk, 1\.l•·mid\, ~tnntz. \lc·.\rf.\.
tlwi1· Christmas lra,·r. 'l'lw pirate. madt• nHIIIY plan for diffprent rn•nt to <'11tertain th<·ntsl'lw>. amon:.r whi<·h \l'clS a Ol'ial part~ :.ri,·<·n on ~lareh ~-l planning to mak<> thi~ a rar<> treasun•; enough :-.o to make any parrot sin:.r ··Fifteen men on a dt•ad man· eh<• t. · · "hrt hrr t hr '-<'a hr ealm m· rough. The hookkerping- en•w wa>. pn·s<•nt<•<l hy tlw \UJrth~· erui:-.ing- Board with a new Burrou:.rh Bookkeeping ~laehinr adding to thrir rquipment of a Bnl·rcHJI.dls .\clding ~lac·hinc>, an Edison ~Iinwograph, and an Etli 011 ~lim<•oscopt•. This eleetJ·ie motOI' clrin•n nuH•hine \Ills a>. finP a g-ift as <'Wr ole! .John ~iln•1·laid his two<',\'<' on. Captain ~lax\\Pil c•stahli:-ht•cl a JH'\\' systc•m of typing for his mates l'allecl tlw Hh,,·t hm • '.n;trm of 'l'yprwrit inl!. This is mrn•ly writing- in <H'COlll paninwnt with rhythmecl 111.11'-it' played on a phonog-raph, \1 ith s(H'l'ial nwd<• J't•t•orcl-;. Tt•n JH'\1 Hc>mington typrwrit<•r m•re also add<•cl to the t•qnipmt•nt of tlw ~·whomwr.
~Ji-,s Hid's pilotrd he1· shm·thand <'l'l'\1 hy swoop.., and claslws. gaining a great amount of pral'tice in that tlwy 1na<h' a t ho1·ough study of JH'Het ieal short hand and t yprcl t lw asst•mhl,\' speeeht·~ for pu hi i>.lmwnt in t he• ('h rrm il'li and filing- put·po>.<'"· Thry abo n•eein•cl training in eourt proe<•c•dun•-. h~· pradi<·t• trials ancl hy ,·isit ing- tlw ('ourt Ilou <'.
'J'o]' row ,...,f.,.fJiltl
\\' ilflPr, ( 'us:Hl. ( 'oq•n t r,\'. l'ortPr. Hu~-~~r. Hn rt It~,\ Fbc·u~. ( 'hn-.. .., l'a w liii,L!. 'If•( 'umlwr. lltu:hPs, Fosnu tt,l!h . \lartln. Frbou, ('HmJ•Iwll. l't>lzt~r. HaiiP) . .\liss \Jt·LP:tll. !'lmpsuu ,
/lotlom ro1r .
On .'eptPmher 2:~. 1926 the erew of the :.rood schoont•r Colol'<''-(jll<' again , l't sail " ·ithin tlw mills of Champaign High Hchool. l'nd<•r tlw supl'J'Yision of :\lis-, Helen .!:<'. :\IcfJran, art instmttor, and the trong g-uidancr of Captain • 'rlliP Fi-,cth and .:\fatrs :\Iahle BruJw, Ileayn BoyPr and Peal'l IlHg-lws many 11'<'astll'<''wen• found during- tlw year . •\ mon:.r tlw most important of thr-,<' was the Al't Exhibit in 11hich prints of famou-, pidHn's m•n• shown. With tlw monry gaine<l fi'Om thi a<ln•ntUJ'<' thrP<' good pit'tlli'Ps W<'I'P Jllll'<·hased for t hr -,(')H ol. •'cwia!mP<•ting-" wert' hPld at intl't'\·al , and in Fehl'ltat·~· tht> <•ntin• <'I'C\1 joinrd 11·ith tlw hips .. <tHill" and "Wig- and Paint·· and 1!<11<' a \'alentiiw dam·<' in tlw g-ymnasium . •\.ide from this. holll'Y<'t', at Nlt'h lll<'l'ting- Mis. :\lcL<•an g-aw in-,tru<'tions on ntrious thing-s of artisti<· natHn'. Also, a was donr la-,t ~-par, mw of th mat<''- I'<'Yi<'ll'l'd tht lit\• of sonH• famou . artist. Thr CJ'<'II- of this good -,hip was org-anizr<l two yl'ar-, ago fot· tlw p11rposr of -,timulating- an interest in art. To ht•eOllH' a memlH'J' a matr must pl'O\'e his 'a lor by making- an a l'l'J'<II!<' of '· B'' or ah(l\'e in that subjel'l. Durin:,! th<• pa-,t ,\"PHI' tll't'llt~· haw pt·m·p<] thl'll1'-t'IYl' worth~· .
\'JRGI'\1.\ • '<~lIRE."
With thl' affirmatin• team \rinnin~r the . econd hil!lH'st of the ~ix :.rrad s awanll'd, the most quarrplsome group ahoar<l tlH' ~chooner "('.II. S . " was JH'\'I'r-tlw-le". lh•ft•att•<l hy l·rhana and lhtm·illt• in the triangular eonft•t'l'll('l' dl'hall•. Tlw nw<•t was lwld .\pril 1, on tht• qm•stion: He"olwd that tlw Philippine blands should hr :.rt·antl•d their indt'IH'tHlence within a period of five years. 'l'hP affirmatin• lt•ant, composed of Yirginia !-'qnirl's, Eng-t'JH' Schooh•y and Hoht•t·t Bisson, nwt tlw l'rhana nrg-atin• tt•am aboard"(' . II.!-'.," whik ('arl !-'in"'lnts('h, Paul :\!agee, and Carlos Philipps uplwld the m•g-atiw sidt• of the qtu•stion, in thl' ship ··[)cnwille. ·' ::\lr. • ' ichola. ,J. \\'pras of De Pam\ {'niwrsit.'·· "ho was judgP at tlw Dan,·illp-('lwmpaig-n dl'l>atr, g-avt' tlw teams ~-tra<ll's of L 6 and 76 and seot'Ps of thn•e and two. respedirely. Fl.nm Elliot aelt•d as timr kt>l'IH'l'. At the l'rhana-( ' hampaig-n dt•hatl', :\lr. Earl T . •\pprl of Illinois \Vt·~lt·yan (' nin•t·. it~· a]-.,o ad,iudg-t•d tlw tt•am thn•t to 1\\0, and g-raded l'rhana !l~ and Champaign 90. Yemall ::\Icl>onal<l and tlw altt•rnatt• of the l ' rhana tt•am krpt time. Thi-., eonft•rt'll<'l' triang-uhtt• dt•hate was tlw <'lima · of tlw st•ries of pradi<·e IIH'l'h, intt•n·ie,,·s and tt·y outs lwld dnt'lllg' the months of Fehr11ar.'· and :\lar<'h. J)peatnr aflirmatin- nwt tlw ('hmnpaign JH'I.!Hiirt• s]wakt•r-., in a pntdit•t• dt•hall• on tlw ('Onferl'tH'<' qH<•stion, ::\lan·h H. OtH' " ·eek latt•t· tlw ( '.II.. ·. tl•am-., \\l'lll to DN·atnr for a rPtnt·n <l<•hate \\·ith the Decatur ll!'!!'atiw.
Ttl/) rmr.: cn~nfl. llt·j,!t'lllulrt. ('Hr!"Oit, llul). ~olon . .John~OI\, \\. \Yhitt•, _\IH.L!'Il\ISflll, Ua\·is, \\~t·hh, Hruoks, \\"tllinmsou, Prn. Kahlu·-.. \\'nltPI':oo; 1"\tt'OPHI rOlf'. llunla)l. Fosnuug-h, \lis~ Kilt·r. I.uttrPII. llh.ou, l'ric·P, V. Jlt r·riott. ~milh, Uahl, Fhwu~. Burl, Jl. Hnvi:-:, .\lf'\.lliHIPr, ~ltO:\Pil. ('nrnPr. Tllirtl rtnr: Lf'tt, l'ummill. lloy, \lc•KPuziP, Jlolland, :\lurphy, ('Hr!-inll, \\'otHI\\HI'd, ..\lag-nn, \lnllory, llavis, llnpp<•r K11n11, Kio~<·ui<l, \\'llllurns. J'ourth ro1r.: ~lwll. ~~~~·dt·r. \\'ilc-tn. La\'Prll\\H~·. Snnsont•, \\'imhPrl~·. \\pt·Pk~, ll. Hot,,, E. L. Jlot,,·, HrtuH·h, )lt·Cashill, (;UtPs, HPP\'I'S, <:niuPs. Botto111 row: 0~1 ... \\ allt·r. \1. Haldritl~"· E11intt, \\'n:--;f·hPr, St·tl~i('k, \\'rPrl, \lnnrt•, Zirhut, ~tnntz. 0<1<'11, \\'illiam>, II. 11Prrin11, \\'hit<', II. llall.
BY :\lli.DRED \Vli.COX
Tlw Spanish Ship, Bl ('irl'nlo Cast<•llano, "as mallOt>llV<'I'<'d h~· :\liss KPilPr, a11d :\lis. '!'hrend, and set to -..ail, lP<l hy tlws<' sturdy offi<'<'l'-;: Thoma. Woo<h,ard, <'a pta in; Irma ('ar·-,on. Fir t :\IcltP, and ~\ndn•y :\Ioon>, , 'erihc<·arpfully landing- in thL' year of 19~7 with many tr<'Cl!o,lll'l's to r<'!H'PPnt tlH'm in fut un• year.. One of tlw-..c trpa lilY "a. a Spani. h Flag- which was pn•scnt<•d to :\lis. :\larjorie KC'iler by Edna :\[a<• :\Ie( 'l<>lland in tlw nan!(' of th<' crew. \Vith the proceeds from the sale• of tick<>ts for· a motion pi<:tnr·<· gin•n Ia t ycm·. in the ~\.uclitorinm, hy the foreign languag<' l'l'<'''"· a not lwr lot of booty wa-; J>nrchas<'<l. Th<>. <' tr<'a-..un• consi-,t<'<l of a silk hand-paintPd :\[<>xican Flag, pr<'s<•nt<>d hy Ell<•n Kirby, and a Yi<·trola rpcor·d. •·La Paloma," a national Spanish song. Thos<' who chartPrcd tlw mc<>tings of tlw <·r·<•w thi-.. ~·par WPI'<': • Telda Holland, O<>raldinc Il<>g-<•nhal'!, O<•rwvit'vP Dixon, an<l Louella Houston. In th<' Christmas pr·og-ram of' t hP com hin('d lang-nag<'<'~'<'"' , Bl ('ir<·nlo C'a t<>llano pr'<'sPnt<'<l .. La :\ina :\l <'JHl<'y. ''
'/OJJ rorr· •"• f'OIIfl
(;n·t·Jt. KnJ•Illll. llt•mlow. Ostt•rhnr. ~in~lnn·wh. llarth·uwu.
row: -'lh-~ HPac-lt, Frnmptnn, -'l.tutlu·i, ~··hwPinshPr,~.:. I' (h..1Prhur. E . :.:as.s, ~ .. hultz. ~+'\\Hnl.
Bottom row: \\·usdtt•r, Hu~t'lt. Yt>l't!llll, ('. ~a~~. Btu·hPr, HPif~fH('k, \\·a rmhit>r . . \ . OstPrhur.
IIEV R L ., r:
Aft<•r· cruising- Hl'OIIIHI in I ht• sontht·r·n \\"Cttrrs for >.onw tim<•. tiH• pircttt•s dPt·ided to take a trip into nOl'tlwrn \\'atet· aJHl pick<><l Ot>rmany a . their ohjt>etiw. Tlw crt'\\' ''"'~'- asked to join tht• "Drr Dt•ntelwrvrrrin Club. There. mrmher t>leded a.· thPir officl'rs Anita Wascher, Pn·sidt•nt; Emma ~ass, \'icr-Pn•sidt•nt; Huth ~ell\winslwrg-, ~ecretar~·; Elda ~lank!>, Tn•aslln't'. Tlw dub has <lone much to accomplish its purposp of fnr·tlwrin:r the intl're t in the O<•rman lanl!uag-t'. 'l'lw follo\\·ing- t·ommit!t•es \\'en' appoi111l•<l at the tirst nweting: Pr·ogram ('ommittet> Emma ,'ass, ~Icu·ion \'ergan, Anna Kaplan, Olt>llll FrHmpton; l't>fn•shliH'nts Ydma UrP<'n, Bt•ssip "'illictms. Katht>rin<• Osterhur, and Ruth • 'ell\rt'illi'IIWqr; gaml'. Katherim• Ost l'l'hnr, ~\nna o~-~t ('l'hlll', Husst•l ('om hs, Hlld ( 'arl ~ass . •\t the nH·Pting- \\'hich \\'as lwld in • 'owmlwr. srYrralnH•mht•t·s of t lw ('1'1'\\' pt'<'sl'lltl'<l a pia.'· <'ctllt>d "Dt•r Luz." Tht> elnh did not takl.' part in tlw ( 'hristmas prog-ram of the <·omhinP<l lan~tHig"l' l'luhs this ~·par, hut lwhl a nn•l'tin~ of its o\\'n I )p('('lllht>r t\H'Il(,,·-first . •\. pia~· pntitll'd "Dl'r \Veihmn·htsmann" '"~'- gin•n . Tht• participants of tlw east "<>n• ~[arion \'<•r·gan, Hn:--st>l 'omhs, .\nna 1\aplan, Kathl·r·im• Ostprhlll'.•\nna OstPrhur·, and (llt•nn Frampton.
\\'I·., IIY.R
--------------.-~===-~~~~--~----------------------------------~ 10JJ rorr · •"ft'011f/
Bolis.h . J)ohnw. KPilllt'~ . Coo~, \\"n..,dwr. :\luort•, ( ' oulta:-:.
rorr: .\I. PhillipJH", \\·alflu, Broom. ~tunrt . ~tumpf. IIH\\kiu-.;, \\'ntson,
~··<1~1\kk .
. F . l'hillippt',
Tlli,-tl rou~: .fohuson Kirk. ('ayunnug-h, Hnvi"', Lymn,,, llurfl. lloJ•kln~. ~lorton , Parkhill, lhtvis . .\lutl~:o · . .\I<·Ko•f', l(t•if,lo•<·k /lti/lf/111 rtHr: ~t'\\ltr<l. \\", l'a<lllt·lol. " · l'aolliPid . """' ·'" · llou,looo, \1 , Jlall, 111'11, .\11'" l~unrl•·'· .Johnson, Flauiu~am. \\' hitt•, PrkP, Fil-..ou.
. A.
BY Lon;LLA Jim · ~Tn.·
"All hand on board" "a. tlw ordrt· gin•n by Captain Daisy QnarlPs of thr Girl'.•\thl<•tic Association Piratr :-\hip and und<•J' tlw dir<•dion of ::\Tm·~- IIall, fir.t mat<•. assi. h•<l hy Gladys ll('aly, s<•cond mat<•, tlw sails wrrr hoist<•d and thr <'J'aft slid quickly ft-om tlw eon•.
" .\11\
Elranor Cook took •har:.r<' of tlw nwp~ of tlw trpasnt'<' fot·merly g-atlwt'P<l, whilp Eleanor FinJH'y took thr mmws of th<' <'!'!'\\', prrparatory to tlw rrcor<ling- of thr dPr<b of valor \\'ith \\'hi<·h thry wt>r<' to hp <·reditrd. The fir t nrnt \\'as a nwPting- with anothrr pirat<' hand, thr rrhana G . •\ .•\.. on hoard tlwir· c·rat't. Tlw ('I'('W " 'Hs <'llt('l'taiiH'Cl hy a swim, a rolli<"king- dati('(' and a Iwan sup)Wt'. And now pint<·.' IH'g-an in <'Hrnrst, more trNtsurc•s \\('!'(' <·oll<•dc•d , and the• t•aptiv<•s w<'J'<' gradually <'onwrtt>d to pirate's. •\ dam·r g-iwn hy thr pirat<'s in ord!'r to PlltPrtain thr huceaJH'<'t's of otlwr . chomo<'J' on tlw sea was Yrr·y slH'<'rs:·Sul dne to th<' <•fforts of thr <·onnnittPP that was in charg-e• . • 'ear tlw rnd of thr journey th<' nwmh<'r~ of' tlw en'\\', who haYP work<•d faithfully an• 1'('\\anl<•d hy armbands and pmhlc•ms g-i\'<'n to tlwm t'or intpn•st shown "hiiP \\'orking- on hoard.
row: Hlakt>siPP, 0. HariH'r, :--inmttPh;on, .r. BarhPr, 'lorJ,:nll, ~tPwart, Bailp~·. Pro. llonston, Brown. J). llt'rriot t ( :n~aw n~·, Brook~. J )u~t Nf·t·onfl rou•: .\lurphy, (;I'PPil, .\lnnthPi. Lf'wb, .Johnston, II. ('olli11s, .\lng-na. )lis~ ~tnn~Pll. llustnn, \lisH ~I<'Jlfl<'llhnll, II<',L:<'llhnrt. \IJ'"· ~turk. ('HI'"""· J'llirfl rorr: <:nmhlP, \\' llt>rriot, ~IIU\t•k, <:rPt'll, (;runt, B ...\111•11, FulwidPr, <:uhriPI, ::'\Pl~on, ' ' Collins. )lnrtnn. Jlurt, Larr~·. l'tno·lh rmr: <:rPPil, Hnin~. :\hlxPdon, Holwrt~. \\..armhiPr, 1\.Pnttt•,r, Hitldlf'. (;, Pnyru•. O'Dt>ll. \\'i~• · ht•nrt, Enui~. \\'t•hlwr, Cox, Purkhis,•r, Y. PnynP. /ltd Ioiii rorr: Flanin,L:IIIII, Flowl'rH, Hnillt',r, 0':\t•lll, Lnw rt•fl<'<', :'11. ,\ll<'n, \\'illinmson, \\'""h'. \\'ill ill Ill', HH,\Jl\OrHl, Hud\IIPI', PhillipJH', IIIIPJH'I', 1\.uott, ~orton. To/)
Of ronrsr, 'mon~st so many and sueh Yaried g-roup. of pirates there must lH' a g-roup int<•n•sted in ways and means of dothin~ and f1'1'ding- all thr en•w, or ''hat w<' modrrn of today t•all, limn<' E<·onomies. And so with this idea in milHl, a number of g-irls or:ranizcd und<•r tlw suprt·vision of ~lrs. , 'tark ~Iiss ~tans<•ll atHl :\liss ~lendenhall. ln ord<•t· to h<• disting-uish<•<l from tlw others, "<'WI'al m<•mhcrs of this band put thrir ]wads to~ether to select a pieep of je\l'elry to lw tlwir offieial in. ig-nia. 'l'lw I'l''illlt pro,·<•d to he pin of hlue enampl and gold h<•aring- tlw ldteL'" II. K ('.,\lith a .mall blue teakdtle 'illl' mountin~ a gold haekg-roun<l. 'l'hr Pirate ('hid, Do1·oth~· FlowN·~. has pro,·r<l an !'xcrll<•nt l<•ad<•r, and tog-ether with h<•r ahk as istants, Fa,\'(' Hid1llr an1l Kathrrinr R{)brrh, has ~ainPd a g-rrat <h•al of notoriety foe her erP\\'. ('andy salrs and also >.ales of popcorn halls have h<•<•n earri<•<l on ai'Ound th<' >.ehool all(l tllll" ntu<·h has lH'rn ad<l<•d to their loot. During- the yNll' the mot hrrs of mrmhrrs haw lw<'n Pntertain!'d lhutonn at tl•a; thrrl' lHl\'<' he1'n roll<•r o.,katin:r JHil't iPs and \rl'ilH'J' roa ... t-.. Fl.o\1 nts
row :
l'fll r '
Uottom row :
Lt•P. ,\IJton . l'hillippP, Klint•, JIJ'P\1, );olltlo•r , I'PIZPI', llho n. );phnr. ( ' Jpn\· lin. ""'' 1'1'11, );wf'UI'ill~l'll , "t'( ' own . lllllnn•ll . \\' pst , "~'~ ' '""""" · Hull . o.tl'l'hllr. ~quirt·~. l•~inrw~· . Frbon . ~ulon , B1 ·Udl , ltohluson . llt>als , (l':\ Pnl, HHSWPII.
IIO OR 0 ~\.nd
now\\'<' takr up our Jwns to record thr doing-s of thosr tmsty pinth•s,
who by . nrpassing- all tlw rrst of the motlPy <•rew haw won for themsehrs the honor of wraring- the key. tone and flaming- ton·h. and lul\·ing tlwir nanws imprinted upon tlw scroll of honor. Threr yem · ag-o tlw offieials of Champaig-n lli~h School, lwli<•Ying it to hr only rig-ht I hat thosp who <'X('t.'llPd in scholat·ship should ht.' J'<'Wanled <'qnall~· H'thost.' who <'X<'<'llPd in othe1· li1w-,, turnrd thPii· mind-, toward thP fixing of somt.' sn<'h honor. Th<• Illini Chapter of the ~ational Honor SoeiPty of SP('Ondary S<·hools ]ll'O\'P<l to ])(' tlH' fmit t h<•i ,. t.' fforh. 'l'h i-, so ·it?ty i-, to Hig-h St'hool what Phi B<•l a Kappa is to eollt'g"<'. Jn this org-anization 1.) ]H'l' ('('Ill of thp Up]H'l' ~;)]WI' ('('111 t h<' S<'ll im· da-,s in t h<' Ilig-h St·hool may hold nH'lll h<•t·sh ip. Fi \'(' Jlt.'l' c<>nt of thp a bon• nctmrd l:i p<'r e<•nt IllH,\' lw s<'l<'dt•d ''hilt' t hr c]a-,s i-, ~-l't juniors. At an ~hs<•mhl)- on April ~~. 19~7 tiH' nin<' nu•mbers cho <'ll last Y<'Hl', Ruth (']pa\'lin, vVard DillaYOU , El<•anOI' FilllH')' , Ednamae .JicC'lelland, Bruce .:\Id'own Kath<>rin<' OstPI'bur, Etlwl • ' phar, Yir·ginia Sqnin•-,, and Huth \Vallet . wpJeonw<l into tht• hands of tlw . oti<'ly t'lHE'n junior-, and ninp spniors <>l<'d<'<l thi ~~~ T IU~ J. ~-~·at· h,,- th<> fa<'Ult)-, to memhrrship. ~l'IIAH.
or or
"HJ:t'l', lluJ,:hl's, .'tt'\"t·IIS, llurt. \\F Patlli••ld, BrnfiiP,Y, Cntun. l'nrkhill. 1·,_ Lt•wis, :-\utton <:asnwur. Hurkt•, lluston, Fibun.
'I'OJJ rtJU'"
B . .Jnh11snn,
Nu·otul rtnr: J{ltf'h, ------<'niP, C. Dohmt•, <:illP~pil'o J{irk , ('HYHIIHUJ:h, ('o_. Jlll\\klll~. :-\haw, 1 ( HI1lpht'll. l{l'ows Flaniug-am. Ht·.nudfls. E. Lt'\\i~o HradoY, ~lis~ HPnc·h. 'llss LP~urt' Thin/ nnr: :-\ti'HI'IIs. ('unnor. ('lark, Clint~. JHIIHYUU, Bn:·wh, ('uvPntr~·o J). ~·ortun. Olson. Stumpf. Jlyltuul. Ll't', \ ·inson. Dillon. \ltHIC+', 'IeKtoP, BJouJ!h, Ch•avlino H;trrt•tt, Fulwidt·ro l.,~ucllo\\, \·ak_y , l'tntrth rorr: \\·nlkiu;.:tono (;PtlllHII. \lurPhnus+·, \\"f'st , Ostt•rhur. (l'l)uulwll. (;ran;.:t•r, L. \l or~un. H. ()"\PHI, Sc·nt t 0 B . ,Johnson. ('arson, (;wHlmnn, llt•s:-. 0 II tH'ht•t t. I laclflnno H. ~\ llf•n, HriJ,:,.:s, Eisnt'ro 0
.\. ~11'1'<'11"· L. \fnr~:nn , \J. l'hilliptH'. HPal'lt. ~111ith. Knuftunu. Fijl/1 rotc: J{ninP.I. ttur<l. ('nst•. '1. l'aflfiPfol. llou,follt . Finn<'~. K ('nnk, ~tunrt, K ()':\pal. Band~. llnpkin, IIPafy , Hnhin"""· \\'a ffpr". ~Iurtin, Jin,.kin". ~titdu•r. HfakP"k"• .\ . :'\orton, Il. Honk<', Brook~. I•t .. \IIPII , <:iJkp~·. llnrn~IH'r~Pr , F. PhillippP. f'(Jtf'.' ~f. .lohn. \Inll. Jloll, l'arko·r. HPollllond . (;prarol, ~··hrump. I{Pidtlll!lll , HlH'nn, HuHsPI , Hulling-Pr, ~t·hoolPJ, Fislwr, J•,rantz, Hlllt'k, .\ruhtrun;.:. \\~nods,
n .. rmon.
CL ' B
The httins diYided into thret• g-ro11ps fm· tht• ~·par of ··n, the Fn•shman in ont•, the Sophomon·:-. in a not ht•t·, ami the .Junior. and , 'enior:-., less mmH'rons than tlw othrt· hnt more vowerful, eomhinr<l m another. 'l'he '· ayt•s ·' of thr Ft·eshnwn were gi \'t'll in faYor of .J anw. Fil-,on, pre idt•nt ; Lynn De" hir t. vice-presidrnt; Albrrt Ilall, secretary, and :\!orris Fisher, tt·<•asun•r. 'l'he Sophomore:-. chost• a:-. theit· leaders, Bruce • 'onnan. pre:-.idt•nt; Ruth Fnmees IInekl'lt. vice-pn.... idtmt, and Betty .John. on. st'<'t'l'l ary and t n•asurer. 'l'he pi rat<':-. selected as the one to lead the ,Junior a}l(l Senior ~roup were, Ruth ('lea,·lin. president: Eh•anor FimH·~·. Yi<•t•-pr si<ll'nt; Rohert ( 'ht.... ter, st'<'rt>tar.'. and :\Ia. int• BNteh, tt'Ntsnn•r. 'l'he Latins closed their <·aret•r until ·~' when they will, in all J>t'Ohahility, OtH'f' mon• takt• up their raYi:-.hing of th<' high seas.
llinnto•. .\luns.
I'IJJr :
H . Hbsou , 'lurrt'll , HrotlH'rton , ,I,·LPofl, Lyman , P .
~\\t • arillJ.!'Pil
~· ,,·ond
,·ow . :-o.phur. BnJl. J.unri'IH'P, Bornkt•r. " ·
frJ/ird rorr :
llou~ton. ~tipt'~.
('oudit. liP,I!Pnhnrl, Ynnos . Hisson, Filson .
!"\. Hnilf'y . J'IowPrs , :\liss ('ht>Ytllun, ~hntfPr, I. Ht>ynolfiN, Flt•ldhillflt>r. \\'
\1.-.Jillon. /lot tom nJtr
\lf·KpnziP ('o ult ns. l )ohnw, ( •., lllJIIH·II , Friso n. H Pa ('h , Hohin:-oon . .\ JIPihlin~. Blai ...tlt·ll.
Hn ilt · ~·. \\'a lt"r""' , ( 'ouk,
\ ·rRGJ'\ 1 \ ( 'ooK
The crrw of tlw . tannch ship •·Le ('irclr Franeai ··met in pilot Blarwlw E. Che,·illon' l'ahin, .. 'o. :HO, on , 'eptrmht•r ~:3 of the ~·par 19~7 to elrct h'<HIPr-, for their sixth annin•r'-,al'~· YO,ntg-l', and to appoint t•ommittet's for tlw making of plans t•oncerning- tht• projectP<l ('XCursion . Sinee t hl' mmw-, of h\CI of tht• faithful f'ollmrrr-,. hrn•tofon• made offi(•t•rs for t IH' ~· par Hl~7. had h(•en droppt>d from th(• rostt>r ahoard,- Skipper ,John Ilt•ekt>l', who had tlt>t•itlt>tl an owrland trip to. 'rw .J iexieo was morr to hi-, liking-, and Kt>nneth Standford who hoisted his ail fo1· l'rbana.- it \\'as m•ee" ar.'· to plt•<'l offict'rs to till the Yacaneit's thus en•atrd. Hoh•·•·t Bisson was rlt•t·ted t•hirf buct•anPE:' r to ht• assistd h~· ,Jun .Jlt•,Jilton, Huth Ball. and \ · ir:,rinia C'ook. Tlw ship t•mharkt>d on what. 110\1' l't'llls to han• het'll a Yl'I'Y -,ucct>""ful 'nya!.!t'. for tlw pilot eonsidt•n•d tlw rrtnrn of the ('Xeursion considt•r·ahly rieh socially. Hiner thi-, was the for('IIIOst ohjt>ct of tlw l'l'ui-,e. it has IH't'll t •·nly profitahlt• . •\ftPr t\\·o months of st('ady toil , it lul\·ing- hl'<'ll ag-n•t>d that the erPw \Ia in JWt>d of sOillt' form of r<'neation, ilw chit>!' huecaJH'('rs a-,semhled and tl(•cidt>d upon a (Hirt:,· and dant'l' as the diwr ion. Xowmh(•r -l-, was !'lwrtNl as the tinw for thi-, jamhon·t>.
row: ~quirP~ . .la<·k~on. JIPrzo;.:. l'ic-knPll, \\'a~<·hPr . llard~·mau, (;ritHIIPy. lla,,· P~. JiarnPs. (;iprson. l{ohin:-;on. I )a( 'm•t a . rfJrr : <fulic-k. Jlu:.:tw~, .lard~. H. Hi ... ~on . ~tult~. ~tunrt. Lnn,~:P. \\'11•·.\', Jlpffplfing-Pr. ('tntnor . . \rmstron..: ~~ rarn~. en ...... :\lt·Plh•r..;orL 'f ilinl r111r ; :>!r. \ll'li:innP~ . El~·. HP~nultb, Jlupkins. :-.urtun. :--titc·lu·r, KurtkiiiiiJl. HaiiP~. l'ndliPid ,
• 't'f'OIIIl
(;ittPspiP. Br:ullc·.' . FianinJ:IIII. La \'Prll\\11~.
J'ou,·tll r01r: )lf•,Jiltuu, I.awrt•ru·P. \\' hitt•, .\Iuqlhy, Ht"i'\·t·~. :\lt·~Pil. ~t·hu1tz. \\'u~wlwr . .:\loorP. Laplnn. 'I<'KPnzil', llupp..r. \lurrPII, HPII. Fisc·us.
Uottom ro1r : ~utton. Oflt~ll. Lt•wi~ . .Johu~ton, llunl. l>it.un , l•'lowpr~. llt',l!PHhHrL t 'nrson . IIPg>Pnhart. ('nrson, ('nlnn, .John:-oon. l'ri<·t•, llouston, Fil:-;on. \l<·lh•I'Hiott .
l\1 USI
BY ~\LET\ FL\ _ 1(;.\\l
'l'he pirates of hat·mony nwt (\\'il'e a month in th<' auditorium with most honorahlr aim:-. to p"{tpnd thl.' interest in lllll,.,i1· to a g'I'Nlt1•r lllllllhl'r of pllpil-,. Tlw president elt-ete<l for lh<• ,\'('C\r wa:-. Ed\\HI'(l Waseher, \\'ith ('harlPs Pidnwll, Yil·e-pt'<".,ident, and El<'HllOI' Finney, eerl.'tary1rea lll'l'r. ~\t NH'h HH'I'ling- a eommiii<'P of four was appointc'd to fur-
nish thr prog-nun, at their m•xt a""<'mblag"r, whieh wonl<l proYide mud1 ('Ilt<•t·tainnH'Ilt for th<• !'\'t•r <nerg-eti<· musi(' pit·atl's. Thosl' appointr<l to Sl't'\'(' on ,·ariou" <·ommitl<•<•s \\' ('!'(': Elda )[ePlwr on, ~lar~· Ilall, .John :-;tearn.,, ~lar!!aret ('aton. Eufrc•nia )le:-\eil. Eth1•l Bell, llat'l',\' lll'fl't>lfing"<'l', .Jmw ~[e.Jilton ~tan· R<'<'\'l's. \Vil :-.on Robinson. ( 'hal'IP" Pieknell an<l l;Ponat·<l Ili'I'ZOg'. Thr et'I'W \\'ith tlw aid of tlw P. T. ~\. eommandPerl.'d the fall hand eon<'I'J't on • To\'l•mhrr 17, and, al:-.o :-.pring" <·oneet·t on April 6. in th<' andilot·iunJ. l'ndc•r the eat·eful g"uidatH'<' and dit·edion of ~!1·. Ira :\lt'Kintw,,· tlwir pirate dtiPf th1•y md with mneh "IH'<'P'- in tlH'"<'. a-, \It'll a-.. in tlH'ir -..oeial atl'air-,.
B. C"ntou, l'rit•tor. Broorn. (;rnnuPr. ::\lurrPll, Flnnin;.:am, Ht·adl, Hohin~ou, ~tip•·~. \Inrtin . ( 'larkP. Hut·klt•:-o . .\lt·L•·nJL ,...;, t'ttntl rtnr.: \I b~ ~~ Ut'J.:POII, Phillippt>, ~phar, .Johlll-'oll, ('onflit, (:.-t mnu, \ l d'ulloug-h, 1\:PUJH'fl.'. ('u\·t'ntr~·. \lt·llnnald. \\'p~t. ('. J)ohmP, ('hp.·tt•r. I>illavou. ~f'hoolt•y. /ltJIIom row: llurll. (;. DohnH'. ('ouk, \l<·('lt'lland. ~olon. Bnilt·y, ('aton, ~quirt·~. Jtpt•n·~. J)avi~. Jlollarul, :\lurph~·. l'ur·khill, \Jprlfl, \\"ultt'rs. TOIJ ro1r:
rm~t ron;.:.
li E Q I LL CLCB Thr .. Plundering
a st•mbll'<l its
togt>tlwr on tlw :30th
or Srph·m-
hrr, alHl Pl<•t·t<•d for t lwir 11<'\\ <'Hptain and mates, ('a ton, and Squirr>., "ho "as su<•<·rt•ded hy }lc('Jplland during t lw latlt•t· p~ll't of tlw yPat·,Ontngrr, and Wright. At tlw rcond assembly tlw chairnH'Il of tlw folio" ing cmnmith•p an<l thrir hand. wrre appointt•<l fot· their duti<•s: Initiation, Program and •'ocial Board .. Thirty->.ix n<'W hnc<:mwer w<•n• lwld prisOIH'rs at the third a <•mhly on • 'on•mher 10 "·hich nuulP a total of forty-.·ix pirat<•>. on boa rd. TlwPirate>. of thr •· Pltm<lrr·ing (~uill," nwt thrir <:o-pirat<•s of tlw Illinois Statt• High Stat<• Pr'<'s>. .\ >.sOJ'iation at thr hor<• and took tlH•rH to tlw Illinoi>. 1Tnion t:ahin for th<• <·onf<>r<'lll'P OdolH'r :!!J-:~ 1.
YIRf.l\1 \ ~(JI'IIH:S
Pilot (J(•ral<l }lill<'I', of tlw X£ ws-Ua::f'!fc, g-ave an int<•n•>.tiugtalk on ",Jonrnali>.m and its Hrlation to LitPratlu·r,'' on Drt:Pmhrr 2 . •\ nang'emrnt:-, were macle for a tn•w >.hor r l <•ave, in form of a picnic, a.:; the la>.t rntertainment for t hr <·rrw d nring thrir :-,ailing of the y<·ar of 1927.
ToJJ row : Hillnvou. Cunm11 . Yak~- , IIPITt>ltiHJ.:t'r. rorr:: ('IPan·lin, ('umpiH'Il . PortPr, J)ohnw.
l"'itTOIHI Third 1"fJif' :
,'oiiH'l"~ . (~amhlP, 1.. (;umhlP, ])avb. ])n ('ol-OtH . Ho~. Hr4tWII. Hr4t\\BP11. ('IPtnt'n~. JI~· Iand , ( 'ar~un. ( 'oultn .....
Jlopkius, PPb~Pr, ('
Bottom rorr:
DE T BY FLORE?-.< 1-,
OUNCII, Hom :-:o:-.
To maintain ordPr on tlw <'raft of ·~6- ·n. a eouncil wa. or~?anize<l. \\H~ ealiNl tlw "Htudt•nt ('ouneil." ga<'h group, other\\i!-,e known a~ Ad Yi~or·~· 0 roup!-,, eiHN' one from tlu•i r Humber a~
th('ir otlkial n•pn•,.,entatin•. Tlwn, of <'Olll',.,t'. tht• eourH'il needed a leader. \Var<l Dilla\'OU wa.., t•lede<l to thi~ oftiet> at the fie~t llH'<'tin~. l{,uth Hyland ami L('ila Clemans "pr·e also <·hos<•n ~h offil' r..,, Hut h to take \Yard\ plaer in hi!-, a h. ene<'. and L('i}a to rN:ord t'\'('t'.dhinl! that tlw eoll!wil did. Tlw purpose ol' thi!-, I!I'OUJl wa~ to ~ponsor and promote partieipation in high ~ ·hool adiYitie!-,, to proYi<l(' <'Oill[l('tent !-,JH'akrr for a. srmhlit•!-,, to Jli'Omote stu<lt•nt honor, an<l to int'I'<'H~<· Joyalf,\· to, and ~upp01'1 of tht• hi~h ~ehooJ. In addition to act•ompli!-,hing- tlw tasks allotl'd to tlwnt, tlwy haw raised funds to !-,('tHl l'Ommoditi!' to tht• Dwig-ht, 'oldi<•rs' IIo!-,pital and eolleti('d old doth in!! for tiH' ('ro!-,snort• Hehool. 'l'hi!-, rompiPtP<l tiH' Htudent ('mnwil's work for tht• yoyag-('.
\ \ \RII
J 111.1 \\01
('arl~on . .fohn~on.
Ill lin nm, .\la~o:rn<l•·r. ,...:.,,·ond r01r: ('o\, .\lb~ '•'UJ.!Pr. Kaplnu. llollan~l, :\t,rtou, t'arr, .:\1 . ('aton, Parkhill, 'TPmplln, Hn,\ · moud, Flow•·r~, Hrinkt'IIIH <:t•tman . .:\orma11. /lo/ltllll mw: l'hillit<'. l'nwlinc:. llall. \':111 l'nra. l'lark, Hohin,on, Balks. \\'all••r,, ::llt•a<l, \II'Lt•au. Pt•lzPr, ('ouk, \\'ilt•,y.
BY li \RRIE1' p \ WLL 'G Tht• I'I'<'W of the" Wi~ and Paint" d -,ail !llldPr Captain DillaYon, to~t•ther with hi-, ahl<' mate , ~\ udra Baiky, • 'mH:y }!pad, and Billy Caton. , 'pvt•t·al a-,-,pmhlil' \H're held in "·hich . epm·at<• mat<•-, w<'t'<' t>lecte<l to make art·an~emenh for tlw cr<·w~-.' t•nl<•rtainmt•ttt, "hilt• thry \\'('!'(' on ~-.hon• l<'HYe. Tlw annnal ~-.hip\ eonferent'<' "·a. hrld on FPhrnat·y 10, in form of a \'alrntine <lane<' in <•onjunetion with tlw harharou. ships, "The (.~uill," an<l tlw "Barbarous ('olorpsqn<'. '' Pirat<' \'an ('um ~a\'1' tlw u. <'of lwr l'ahin for an assPmhl~· at whid1 th<• foliO\\ in~ 11<'\1' hu<'<'Hrl<'l'l's WI'!'(' in it iat<•d: ( 'arlos Phillips, Dorothy • 'orton, Bradford ('ox, Ft·t•dpriek Portl'r, Xl'lda Holland, Dorothy PPlz<•r·, Ilarril't Pawlin~. Rolwrt ('hester, Earl Stpff'~·. Florence Hohinson, and Huth \\'alters. Thr play~-. dit·ectly sponsorr<l h~- the cn•w Jun-e hl'<'n: "Hollo'. "\Yil<l Oat," '·Station Y. Y. Y. Y.," "Why the ('hillt<'' Han~" (a ('ht·istmas ·elehnttion in \\hidr tlw youthful pmhation piratl'-, took part); "'l'h<• Exl·hangt•;" "Come } l i<·h<l<'lmas:" '',Joint Owtwt·s in .'pain;" and "})omhhilll'." . Sinel' th<' ('1'1'\1' was gradually dYin~ and h1•<·oming too old 'to h•ad, new pirates were C'aptun•d and 1on•d away.
OA H MOYER Pt·ohahl~· no oth<•t· <·oach in th<• tate <·an daim a auspicious and remarkable a n•('ord as ('oac·h ~Ioyer. llis football teams hav<• won ot· tit>d for the Bi~ '1\n•l V<' ('on t't-n•tH'<' ( 'hampionsh i p . int'<' it has h<'Pll oqranize<l. Only two .\laroon tl•anl.'i have <'Vl't' reach<'d t hr state finals and t IH's(' durin!! .\Ir . .\Io,nr 's rr~im<' as coach. Cnder hi spon orship has<•hall i. fast attaining<lll illlportant pla<'<' in tlw athlt'ti<· curri<'ulnm of the s<•hool. ll<• also sponsnt·<•d tlw dt>vrlopnH'nt of intramut·al spot·ts in tlw hig-h sehool.
('o_\f 11
IL :\lo\ F.R
.\It· . .\1 oyrr 's dut i<•s as h<•ad <·oach wrrr divid<'d among two wry able assistanh: .\Ir..Johnson and .\lr. Fuqua. ".Johnny" as he was known to til<' bo~·.., had charg'<' of the hack field, and was !wad coa ·h of -.wimmin~ and trade .\Ir. Fuqua was eoach of frrshman football and baskrtball.
~l1t .
Fr<~t ' \
l'ngr Eiglllr!lllrl'l.l
'I'OJJ ro1r: ,Johu:-;ou, u~sl~tnut <·onc·h ..Jnmi~on, Lair. Pottf't', H. Cnr~c'll. ,'\lo,YPt'. hPncl f'CHH·h . •...:u·,,nfl rtJW.' .Jauwr~ou, lloll. Ynnc·p HJ'n\\Jl, !'lrofiP, :-:.f'Jwlk. «"atoll. 111inl f'Jit:: \'. Car·sou, IIHg-t>rmnn , \'Hilt·tH·ourl, \\'olfrnm , l'ilo11 , t'ostol , East .
~1. Brown R . 'ar on \' . Carson w. raton ~I. Co ta 0. Ea. t II. Ilal! rman ..\. IIoll L. ,J 3lll<'l'SI111 B ..J 3111<'S0J1
1'11(11 J:iyllty -jour
lJ. Lair R. )lay.' G. Pilon D. Pott<'r E .• 'c•halk Htrod<• J. \'all<'ncourt II. \'anc C. Wolfram
C;\I::\1:\R Y
FOOTBALL EA 0 ( 'lutm paig-n ____________________ 16 ('ham paig-n __________ ---------- 0 ( 'hampaign ___________ -------- :H ( 'hant pa i~n ____________________ 6 ( 'hampaign ____________________ 10
\ ' iator\
~\<·ad t>my ____________
Lindhloom ___________ ---------- ' .)a<·k onYillr ------------------- 12
Proria ------------------------- 0 nanvillt' ----------------------- 0 Bloontin~ortmL _____ -- ____ -------- 0 • ·ormal ------------------------ 6 ()p(•a t 111'--- --------------------- 0 rrhana ------------------------ 0
('ham paign ______ -------------- 12 ( 'hamJHI ig-n ____________________ 20 ('ham pa ign ____________________ 17 ( 'ham pai~n ___________________ - :3 TotaL _______________________ ] L
B<'llH'll t ----------------------- t Ilrt'<' ) _ ----------------------:-4<']!1 emh •t· 17
LiJHl bloom _____________________ ( Thrr<' ) ----------------------. 't•ptrmher Dam ill<' ________ ---------------1 Th<•n• ) ------------ ---------- Octolwr KankakP<'---- ----------------( Then' ---------------------- Octolwr P<•oria C'entraL ________________ ( 'flwrr ) ---------------------- Octohf'r :\Tat toon__ _ _ _______________ ( 'fh<'t'<' l --------------------- O('tolwr Df'('Htnr----------------------- ( lff'rf' ) -----------------------· ·owmhf'r l'rha m• ----------------- ______ ( ~tadi um ) ---·----------------· ·ov<>m lwr
H 29
11 2-l
w. 'entraL---------------------- :3
L. 0 0 1
P('oria .JlanuaL ______________________ :3
rrhana ___________________ ------ ----· :3 Lineoln _______________ -------------- :3 Dt•<·at ur _____________________________ ·> llattoon _____________________________ 1
1 2
Dctn \'ill<'----------------------------- 1
3 3
Cham paig-11 -------------------- ------- 6 Pekin _______________________________ ;) Peoria
.J H(' k-.onYillt•________ ---------------- -· 1 S prin g-fit>ld ___ ----------------------- 0 Bloom in~ton _____ --------------- ----- 0
:3 2
1'. 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 0
PeT. 1.000
1.000 _750 _750 .667 .600 .-!00 .:3:33 .2:>0 .250 .000 .000
c.~ PT. El.l:(
)I \X HHO\\'
1'11(/1 l.lf!hly
FIR T TEA:\1 ALL CO ' FERE · cE (in•(•ll, Pt•oria ('pntt·al __ II'. Pntsl. Dan\'illt• ________ ]!, ~\yrP, , ' prin:.dit>ld ________ lg. N('httmak('l'. l ' rhana _______ ('. ~Id 'aht>, rl'lwna _________ rg-. 1Iag-t>rman, ('ham pa ign ___ rt. ('arson. ('hampaig-n ------ ''('. Hollins. Pt>kin __________ qh. \Volt'r•, Peoria ~Ianna!_ __ lhh. \Vol !'ram. ('ham pa ig-n ___ ,·h h. BrudPt', Pt•kin ______ __ ___ fh.
" J)1 "Tt 11""
\\" O I.l"H. .\\1
EA '0
('hampaig-n ag-ain attaitw<l thr hig-lwst rungof t hr ladd<•t· "lwn shr t iPd "ith PI' kin fot· the Big- Twel\'1• ( 'ont'Pt'PIH'P <·hampionship. ('ham paig-n mig-ht \\'I'll IHts<' lwr daims to tlw ( 't>nt ral Illinois championship dtH' to lwr rwrf<•<·t n•<·ord in thl' eonf<•n•JH'P . • ' in<• nwn "rn• lost from tht> squad h.'· graduation this .''I'Hr, sPYPll of thPth t'Pgulat·s, and .'·et ( 'oal'h ~loy<'r OY<'J'<'HllH' this g-n•at hand i<·ap and hu ilt a ""OtHierful t PH 111 at·otuHl ('aptain Wolfram and his n•nutining ]('( t l'I'Jil('n. By thr la\\' of H\"l't'ag<'s Champaign should \\'in tlw <·ont'Pt'<'IH'P otH'l' in P\·ery hn•ln• .'Pars. But Champaig-n llig-h ~ehool athlPtie tl'ams. PspPeially tlw foot hall t<•ams, arr quit<• a<h Prst• to tht> law of H\'l't'ag<'s . •\hont sl'\'l'll!y-fin• boys t'Pport<•cl for prat•t i<·P ~<·ptl'mher !l and ~lr. ~Ioyer was l'Onfrontt•<l with the task of putt in).! a pres<•nta hi<• ek\'<'n on thl' fit>ld h.'· ~~·ptpmh<•t· ~:> . In ordrr to JH'rfp<•t a tPam as soon as possihh• tht> squad was di,·idt>d into two t>l'tions, the heay.'· 'n•ights and the ft·<•shman di,·ision. 'l'he lwayy weights "l'l'e (•omposl'll of the most promising matl'rial and tht> frt>shman squad \\'l'J'(' thosp not a<•quaintt>d \\'ith the fundanH•ntals of tlw game. Coach lllo.'·<·r pla<·r<l assistant l'oaeh ".Johnn_\· " .Johnson in <·harg(' of the ha•kfipld "hilt> IH' worked 011 tlw lin(' nH'n. ' ',Johnny" <·Prtainl,\- did a n•markah](' job in shaping up tlw haddi('l<l with onl.'· t\\·o l<•ttermen l<•ft from the prenous year. '·Dutch·' \Volfram 's sU('('<'ss a an open field rumw1· is a direct rPfi<•etion on •·,Johnny's ' ' eoaching ability. One of ('oaeh ,Johnson' <lntil's wa. that of . cont and his repot·t were H<'('ut·att• and Y<'r,\· beneficial. C. X. Fuqua had ch<H':,!l' of the freshmen and though they lost most of tlwir ganws th<'.'' Wl'l'l' n <•n•r lacking in fight. Tlw freshmen squad will
"Hli.J, JIOLJ."
( ' \ T O\
a~. et to CMH·h :Uoyc•r next ht><'H II~{' they haY(' quit e t hO!'Oilg'hl.'· mastert'd the fi r·~t pri nei piP~ of foot ball, mlmPl,\·. taeklingo, hlo<'kin:r and eharg-ing.
IH• a nllnahl .'('HI'
Champaign g-ot otl' to a flying- start hy drfratingo tlw phwk.' St. Yiator dt•wn lG-0. ('ham]laign's playing- a. a whole• "as rag-go d alt hou:rh in a few . pots . hr di playt>d hrr pow<'r a1Hl ch·iw. Tlw line phmging- of Wolf'ram acldPd to thr g-rPat work in the linr of Car on. Hagerman, Costa, and East '"as too mueh for , t. \Tiator \. 'l'he most plrasing- fratnrp of the g-mue was the forward pa . . attaek with Bill lloll passing- ancl Y<•rnr C'aeso 11 r!'('(' I \'Ill g'. 'l'lw following- , 'atnnla.'· thr pla.'·rrs rosr br·igoht all(l rarly and rocle in a hus to Lindblom, Ch ieago, one h nncln•d fift.'· miles away. ArriYingo there at p]p\·en -thirt.'· the play<•r·~ ate theiJ' dinn<>rs, jonl'lll'.''<'<l out to the fiel<l. rrst<•d thirty minutr . and tlwn <Ire. rd for thr g-amr. 1Tnd<•r· sueh eonclitions no tram <•an display tlrt>ir lwst form, yrt Champaign h<•ld Lindblom, the ·it.'· ehamps to an , -0 core. 'rlw ~Taroon linr wa outweig-ht tift<•<•n JlOmHls to thr man but fig-ht <'Ouplrd with thr rrmarkahh• punt ing- of Stt·o<lr kept Lindblom from . eor·ing- tinw aiHl time ag-ain. Harry Hagerman, cr<•org<' East and Yernp Carson playecl a \\'OJHlt>rful clPfensiw g-anH' fm· ('hampaig-u. :\1an.'· timrs "Hap" slipJW<l throngh the hNIYy lJindhlom line to smrar a plcl.'' lwfon• it was hardly started. "J)nteh •· tnnwd in orw of the fhw~t g-ame. of his hig-h sehool <'arerr hy making- pra<·tieall.'· P\' ('1'.'' hH"kl<• that <"<IIJH' owr his . ide of the lim•. Champaig-n had Yt'l',\" g-ood <"hances to score. OIH' in the thinl quartPr " ·hpn tlwy
(;}~ ORC.}!
E \S T
'' ,\IIKlf " ('0~\'1' \
JI lito I. II Y \ "' r
advmw\·d to tlw tiftN' n yard linp and an att!'mptNl plac•c• kid' wc•nt wild and al!·ain in tlw fourth quartC'r wlwn the• }lat'Oons advanc•c•d from tlwir 0\\11 thirt,\· y<ml litH' to 1lw oppmwnts twc•nt,\· .'·ani linP on passps, Oc·tolwr ' tlw }lai'Oons nwt .);H·k~ml villP at :\leKinlc•y field in tlwit· first ('onfc•r\'IH'<' g-anw and had litth• tJ·oullll' dt>t'Pating tht>m :34-1~. :\l1·Dc•nnith of . ' prtug-fil'ld ~eon•d all of his tC'Hlll points. llis ~P<'OJHl tonehdowu bC'ing a fift,\·-fin yard run due to tlw c•arp)(·~~n<>-;s of ('hampaig-n. 'l'lw whistlt> was hlown for an off~icl1• plcl,\' and Champaign ealml.'· . top(Wcl in thPiJ' trac•ks and \\atc·hcd :\leD rmith trot 1lm1n th<> fic•ld for a tonehdown. •'t rodp and \Volfram han•d th<> . coring honot·,., "ith two touehdown apiec·<>. 'l')W IH'Xt \l'('('k a\\ Oil(' of t]H' lllO"t l'Xeiting- g-ame~ in tlw history of ('hampaign II igh ~·k !tool football. Champaign motored owt· to Peoria and administrr\•cl to tlwm a H-0 lic·kiul-!. 'l'lw ganw \\·a~ not a~ <'lOs!' as th(• s\'Ol'\' indieatrd, hOWC'I'('t'. l'ot· ('hampaign did mnch a th<'y piNt 1•d 11ith tiH• Pt>oria <'t-ntral t am. Playing- lwfon• the largc•st hOJllP \'I'OIHl of 1lw sl'ason and in on\' of t lw hanlp-;t foul-! It 1 g-anws of t lw y1·ar Dan vi ll<' w<>n t clown 1o dc•t'<>a t lwfore t h hon<> c·rush ingfonl'th quarter :\Im·oon alt<t<·k 10-!1 .. Throughout th<> first thr<>e qnartrr. of the gam<> nPi thc•t· t<>am could scort- hut in the "lnel;y fourth" Champaign l<>t loo~p and rani-! n p t<>n points. ('ham pa ig-n ov<>ream e a not lwr ha ni<>r in its rapid stricl\•s towal'(l th\• \'Oili'Pt'\'IWe ehampion hip wlwn slw ht>at Bloominl-!ton 1:Z-0. The g-anw was exer<>dinl-!1,1' slm1 and 1111intpn•st iug-. ( 'hampaig-n " ·ould ~·arry tlw hall thirty or t'ol'(y yards at a timt- on!,,· to hi' p1•naliz1'1l .
Bloomin~ton Xorrn,al <·am<• up nrxt \\'l'<'k and pnt up a rpal ti~ht . ('hampaign plcty<'d tlw "or·~t foot hall of tlw yNl!' \\inning by a ~0-6 -.<·or<•. Th r Xonualit<' show<>d a r·<•al pa . ing attack whit'h \\<IS dir<•dl~· rPspomihh• for tlwir -.(·0 l'(' .
( ' hampaign jounwyrd to D<>cahu· tlw following Thursday <llHl ruirwd a JWrf<•t't armisti<'<' and dl'dit•ation day for· ('har·l<'y ('r·ook\ aggn•gation 17-0. It might haw hrrn a might~- rfl'ort to redt'<'lll their poor ~ho'' ing of tlw prr,· iou~ \\'l'<'k or it might havp ht•<'n th<> climax in tht• ;.,pason for ( 'hampai:rn. hut at any rate tlw~· played wond<•r·ful football in bNttin~ D<><·atur. On tht• tir·st play of th<> :ramP, Enlil' Rri'VI' , D<•<·atur\ star half-ha<·k, IH·okl> loos1• for a thirt_,. yar·d r1m. That sprint \1'<1~ just what ('hampai~n lli'<'Ued and npvpr· again did Rern•s brl'ak away for rnOJ'<' than fivp yar·ds. Dr<li ·ation clay ''as nothing hnt anothf'r Wolfram day for "Dutt'h," who s<•or<•d all of ('hampaign \point.. 'l'hl' gam<• ''lis fast and i ntl•nsl'ly int <'n•sting markf'd hy lon:r runs and pas~<>s and df'an, har·d tacklinl!. :--;ueh stellat· work as di~playrd in the lirw h_,. Ea t. Iht)!l't'man, ( 'o~ta . .Jameson, \'all<•neotut and <'ar-...on \\·a-. liiH'X<'elled . A glorious s<'ason <'los<•cl with thr annual Thank..,l!i,·in:r hattlp hrhH•t•n th<• two ancient t'i\ als. ( 'lutmpai:rn and l'rhana. rrhana displayed mon• ti:rht and Jl<'Jl than . hE' had ewr d<•uton ... tratrd lwfon>, and on!~· a thirty-ti\'(• yard pill<'<' krt'k hy \\'oll'ram sa\'(•d ('hampai~n f'r·om a t ir g-auH'. Tht> ~Iaroons playNl thr game in a ort of dazl'd and horrd attitudr as thought they only had to apppar on tlw fiPI<l to brat l'rhana. ~lax Brown <·amp thmu:rh in this l!<llllt' and playrd so ~np<•r·hly that h<> won for himsplf tlw ':17 <·aptaint_\~. Billy ('a ton "as forcrd to lraY<' tlw :ramc at th1• I'JHl of tlw first hal£ with a bt·oken nosr. .\11 in all it wa . a " ·onderful sea-.;on f1•aturing ·· l>nteh" \Volfram. "Hap" llao-('l'lllan aiHl \'pt·nr C:n'Hon .
J)o\ l'oTrnt
Cnal'h \fnyt·r. lln11.
llull. H.
Lair, .rauwr:-.on, lHIInvuu.
( 'oa('h_ __________________________ L('sf<•r R
Captain _____________________ ------- Yenw
Y. ('ar. on \V. Dillavon II. Ilag-<'rman
A. Hall
l'llf/1 :\illfly·IICO
EL .\. lloll L. ,J anwrson .J. K<>mw<ly L. Lair II. \'a rw
BA KE BALL E.-\ 0;\ ( 'halltpaign 'hampaign ( ' hampaign ('ham paig11 ( 'halltpaign ('ham pai:.rn <'hmnpai~n
( ' hampaign ( 'luun pa i~rn ( 'hampaign ( 'hampaign ( 'hampaign Champaign ( 'ham pa ign ( 'hampaign ('hampaign ('ham paign
lligh High lligh lligh High Iligh lli:.rh ll igh lli:.rh II i:.rh IIigh 11 igh Iligh lli:.rh High High High
, 'c hool _________ }7 N<'hool _________ :n •'<'hool _________ :n •)
, '<·hool -------N<·hool _________ :{9
~ C~IM .\R Y
• 'adot·n. ·--------------------- ______ 1-l Dan \'ill(·--------------- ___________ ]() J)rcatur_____ --------------------31 ____________________________ 33 ~lrl\'in
at t oon _________________________ -- ~:3
N!'hool ------- - ·> School _________ 26
( ·,·hana --------------------- ___ -~ 1 Harrison 'l'<•<·h. --------------- _____ 21 , 't. \'iators __ ---------------- ____ ~{j • 'adorns·----------- _____________ ~:{
N<'hool ---------~· N(•hool _________ :3-t
~lrh·i n ·--------------------- ----- ~:l l·rhana __________________________
--------- ~1
I><><·at nr _____ ------- _______________ ~:3
, '<·hool --------- ~:) N<'hool _________ 17 •)-
N<'hool •'dwol N<·hool . 'chool School N<·hool
_________ 2-l _________ :{:) _________ :n _________ 17 _________ :33
Kankak<'<'---------------- __________ ]:{ __________________________ •'pringfip]<] ________________________ ]7
DanYil 1<·-------------- ____________ 16 P<·oria ('<•nt ntl _____________________ :{.t,
.'TilE.\ TOR Ix\'IT.\TJo.
('hampaign High School _________ 26 High , ehool _________ 19
• 'onnal --------------------------~0 , •trea tot· __________________________ -~1
Dr~TRH'T Tot H. ·,Dn:. 'T
Champaig-n lli~h , chool ('hampaign High Sehool Champaig-n Ili~h •'chool ('hampaign High .'chool
_________ -!-! _________ 3-l _________ :37 _________ 29
Farmrr City ______________________ 9 ~~a nsfi<•ld _________ ---------- ______ - ~1 Tolono ____________________________ 7 ~font i<·rllo _________________________ 19
, ECTIOXAL Tot ' HX..\)JEX1'
<'hampaig-n High .'chool _________ 3-l ( 'hampaign lligh School _________ 29 ('hampai~n Iligh Sd10ol _________ 26
Lo<la- ---------------------------- ~0
W<•stti<'l<J ___ ----------------- _____ 21 l'niwrsity High __ ------------ -----~2
ST.\TE Tot' H_. L\IE:\ '1'
Champaign lligh .'chon! _________ 3-l Champaign High • '<·hool _________ 2-l
~It. Oli\'C- ------------------------ ~1
Champaign High , 'ehool _________ 20
gast St. Loni ------ ·-------------- ~:)
( 'arnwL _______________________ 3;)
1'1111' \ill! ty tllre<
,.,,.,, Eu:. r HO\
(.\II SO'
C\I'T. ('\HSO"i
Y. ('arson ----------------------- .\ll- tat<' t'l'lltl'r Bill BolL ____________ , 't't ond t<'am distri ct forward Ll'land Lair ---------- _______ .\ lJ <listri<•t g-uard ll<u·ol<l \ ·an ee ____________ , '<'('OJHI I Pam , state g-uard
'' I.I:J'T \ •• J..\llt
'l'wr nty Yictorie~ and only :-.<•n•n def<•ah! 'rhat is Champaign's basketball :-.t>etson wrapJH'<l up in a nutsht•ll. Running up a string- of Yidori<•-, oYer thr h•ading high sehools in tlw <·onf<·n•n<'<', ('hampail!n won s<'<'OJHl pia<'<' honor in thr Big Twt>lw ( 'onf<•r<'lll'<'. 'l'hi is all t h • mon• n•markahh• whrn ~-ou stop to think that \ ' <•nw Carson was tlw only lPtkr man lPI't ft·om last ~·<·ar\ squad . Champa iu-n swt>pt throug-h t hP <·mtf<•n•tH'<', stopJW<l only h~· thr mig-hty P!'oria ('pntral t<•am :3:3-:H ancl by Dec:atur 21 -2:3. Tlw .Jiaroon hrnshecl <L ide> all opposing fact ions in thr Distric t Tonl'l1anwnt at :\font i<·<>llo, winning <'Yery gamr haJHlil~· . \.<'t'tH' ('arson \\as pasil,, the !-;tat· of tlw totll'IHIIIH'III, hut Bill Iloll whos(• fight alHl passing- "<'!'(' un!'xcPilrd, and L<•fty Lait· and llank \'mw<· "hos<' airtight gnarcli11g grc>atly <·ontrihutc•d to tlw sncerss of Champaign, wt>r<' not fat· h!'h incl. Tlw next \\'N•k-rnd saw four morr st t'<'Jlllons hattl•:-. at the f)eetional tournanwnt \rhieh was ht>ld in rrhana. Thr .Jiaroons <lid not ha,·r a hard timr winning from I..ocla, hut \V ('stfkld and rn i High Wf'l'(' 0\'('I'('Oill(' onl~· hy thr gallant playing of \'rnw ('arson and .. Bill'' IIoil. lt lookrcl had for Champaig-n clurin:.r the fonl'th quartc>r of tlw t'ni lligh :.ranw, hut "Bill, ., " ·ith hro timt>l~- ha-.k<•h. saved thr :.ramr. In tht> opinion of many, Champaign hurnecl them. t>ln•s out in thr .Jiount OJi,·p :.ramr which th<•y won 3-l-21. At an,,· rate• in tiH• nrxt two gamrs it was a tirrd hut fightin:.r tram that fought for C'. II. R. ('hampai:.rn hPl<l thc•ir own ( 'arnwl <luring t hr en tit'<' fir t thP l!'ad at thr hrginning of tlw ancl ll<'Y<'r wrrP ablt> to cateh thr outfit. IlO\\'l'Y<'t', Champaign L.\IR
with :\Iount half hut lost third q11al'l<'t' fast soul hl'l'll \\'as greatly
<·ri pplrd by the los. of Yan<'P via til(' }H'rsonal foul l'oute in the . ccond quartrr. Tlw effects of a strenuous sPason could be plainly seen in the fael of tlw tired \Iaroon squad and they lo t to East ~t. Louis ~0-~;) in a game whi<·h they otherwis~ should hav<' won. Old man jinx visitt•d ('m·sml during the ganw, for rppeateclly his shots would roll around the basiH•t sneral tinws then flop out. );ewl' lwfore did a crmHl s<•r su('h hard luck a. \'prne ha<l all evening. Champaign was more than satisfied with tht• splrndid showing of the ~laroon fiw, who incidentally, wa. the second Champail-{n High ~chool basketball team to eYer n•a ·h tlw state finals. Enough praise •an nrv<•r IH• "ritt<•n about \'erne Car. on, 'hampaign \ captain, and All- 'tate choice for the c<•nter position. Yen1r was to tll' basketball tt>am what · 'Dutd1'' Wolfram wa. to tlw football t<•am.
SEA Baskt h Play<•r \'. ('arson, C-------------------- 129 6:3 lloll _ ------------------------· H. ( 'al·son ______________________ , Lair ___________________________ . \' HIH't'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.) amt•sml. L--------------------· II. Ilagerman, l!----------------· Hall. g ________________________ _ KPnJwdy, C--------------------Dilla vou, l!- __ -----------------\V. llagPrman __________________ .
.l .\\1 t:HSO \
FrrP throw.
I:i '
6 10 G
CO ~
('a l'lson
Fir:--t mrclley rc•lay __ ----------- l Third n•lay i'l'<'(' . tyl<' ----------- -t. First h<H·k stroke> ________________ ;; ~ ('\\ I'('('Ol'd ( ] :] ' )
Fir:--t nwcllt>y •·Play -------------- t-1 Third r!'lay fl'('(' tyh·-- ---------- -1S(•eond hrrast strokp ____________ 6
First mrcllt>y rt>lay -----------t> Third rt>la,\· fr('<' ----------------- -l St><'ond haek -,tt·okp ______________ ;~ 'fhi•·cl rpla~· _ ------------------ 4
Foul'!h cliY('s
TOT.\L POI:\T PER MA ('a!'lson ------------------ 76 ,Johnson ------------------ 7:2 ~hlll'tz ------------------- ;)!J LiPrman ------------------ :~0 , Torman -----------------Pottt>J' ------------------- 6 ,Johnson, Don _____________ 1 Hill, .John ----------------
----------------- 1
T'''' ,.,,,.,.
SwinPhart. K . HPi<l . E . Hf'ill. I loll! . \\'O(Hh. Er\"iu. :o-:k t•ltou, PortPr.
,,, t·ollfl row :
Old lllan jinx shadOII'Prl t lw }[m·oon harriers all s<'<tson a1Hl <·ons<•qnently tlwy lost PYery m<•rt. Xot that hard luck wa. the cause fot· losing tlw nu•et hnt it might haw had a lot to do with it. Porter was the on!~- letll'l'llHtn Jpft from tlw ·:w <·ross <'Ottntry team and lrd his cohorts. name!.'· : Hkelton, Heid. Hwill(•hart Dolcl, Woods ancl , 't•lajin through a hard ancl un fc!l·t una t e sea~on. Freel P011 <'r h(•acl<•<l tlw team s<•oring- by placing seeo1Hl at Danville Oetoh<>r :?:~; sixth in the r<>tnrn me<>t with Dmwille tlw m•xt 11c•ek <'IHl; sP<·ond at Del'alu1· ancl ninth in tlw ..,tatr meet. Billy Woods surprised every OIH' hy finishing- sc'\'l'llteenth which wa. a remarkably good finish for a freshnwn eonsiclc>ring t h1• ('om petition. The squad mls coached by }lr. Brainard from the coaching school at th<> 1Tni,·er ity of Illinois. Thc> sc>a..,on marked ('ham pa ign \ third yc>ar in ('ross ( 'ountry eompetit ion and it Jli'O\·es to lw an exe1•1lent eonditimwer for Hpring 'l'nH'k. ( 'hampaig-n \ (•)o..,et mcl't \\'H. with DHJl\'illc• whic·h they lost :?L to :?6. Portc•r, Heicl, , '11 inehart ancl Knud..,on pi<H·c•cl in tlw onlPI' mmwd.
im I !1 Hint
:\p~hlt, \\'. \~rinPr. l.t•wis ..Juhn~on , ))old, llnrt . Ht~if•hmnn l·~n·in. ~C'hurtz. Bort•n. ~lwwnltPr. Dunu, l'Jnrk. Hmu~. ~tiJH'~. \\'nod~. Lnn~P. ~winPhnr·t. ('ox. ('ondt ,Johuson. ('npt. l'ortPr, ~l-d•lton, HPifl ,
'J'op rtJlr.: Fo\, KPntdP, BnrrPt
•"n·mul row. 'loll.
Captain Porter Carbon Co.· Dillayou Dold Dmm llall Hart Iloll Kirmey Le\Yi Reid , 'kelton ,'trod<.> f1\Yinehart \Yoo<ls ('(1.\( 11 ,)011\SO\
lint 111111tln d
('\PI'. Fltt'll PoHTF.R
TRACK 1926 !LLL ' OJ.' WEHLEL\ •. :\1 EET \Vil-.on - Tit• fir·st, one half milt• run; st•ton<l, high junrp; sPeond, mw-hall' milt> r·ela,,· ; st'l'OJHI, milt> rela~· . Porter· , 'et·orHl, 'lll!'-halt' milt• rdar : Ptond. ont• milt> rp]ay. Dunlap , ' P<'OIHI, on<•-half mih• rrla.v; st'<'OJHl , on nrilt' rt>lay. \Villiams HPtOrHl, one-half milr rrla~· . G l'llhh , <'t'OlHl, mil<• rp]a~·.
('OXFEHEXCE A'l' , 'PHL ' G\'lljLE \Vilson Fi1·-,t in one-hall' milr run; st'<'OIHl in on<•-half mile rela~· ; first in hig-h jump. Pol'!t•r l<'irst in hroa<l jump; sreond in half mile relay. Dunlap- Ht•<·mHl in half mile relar; srcon<l in 100 yd. da h. Dahl Second in pole va nlt. TmTPll , 't•emHl in ~~0 low hurdles. Williams-. 'pcond in half mile r lay. Hon<lrr· Pir·st in jawlin throw; fourth in shot.
Dl.' TRICT MEET \Yil on Fir-,t in half mile run; s<•con<l in hig-h jump; s<'t'OJHl in half mile relay. Por·t<•r·- Fourth in ;)0 yd. <lash; first in hroad jump; sPt·ond in half mil!' n•la~· . Dunlap Fomth in 100 y<l. <lash; , r<·mHl in half milr rrla,L TnrrPll- First in ~~0 yd. low hnnlles: fifth rn 100 y<l. d<hh; econ<l in half milr rrla~· . Williams Fifth in ja\'din. , 'TATE :\IEE'l' Wil-,on
Fir-,t in half mile run. 1~)~
TRAC'K H('ILE I H'L l~ l'rhana. ~\ pril ~;~ D!'eatnr :\lillikin Helay Carnin1l. } lay 7 ('onf<'t'l'Ir<•e nwl't at Dctatur. :\l aY 1 Di-,trict- Watsrka. :\Ia~· ~1 - lntPt' ehola-,t i1·. April 16
Fo1J rtJlr: Eif·horst. Pt•rry. Enrl. .Jo<·kirr', YrirtPr.
Str'OIHI rorr l"fJlr
~trt~tiP. \\"ahtors, V. ('ur...uu, L.tir. ]•iJon . llaJI, IL ('ar:-.oll , Ltmt.: ..Jac·k (nuts(·ol), .Johuson, \l('(:rt·w, .:\lunu:-o, J)i\.1111,
VAR ITY B. PER 0 \'. ('a! . on, p.
G. Pilon, r. R ( 'c!J'sOil, 1 h. F. Waltrrs, ~ 1). P . Dixon, ss. ~\.. lloll, :3h. L. Lair, If. ~\. .• 'tro<le, d' D . .) ohnson. d'.
II,,,,,., d
I 1ro
.J. Batt's, p . N. \' ri IH'l', <·. K . •'IH•II, 1h.
H. ~(I!JlliS, ~h. H. ~ld.rr". ss. ,J. Long-, :~h. F. P<'l'l'Y, lf. F . Chln<·y, ('f.
R ('happrl, rf.
April1!l~\pr·tl :!:3 ~\pril :!6 .\pril :!!) 1\pr·il :30 ~la,\
\ 'i lla (l!·ow ht>r!' l>am·iiiP- then• ~lph·i n lw n • Jllinois DPaf - tht>L'C :-;pringfit>ld th!'l'l' ~pring-fip\d - ht>t'P
:\Ia,\' 1:3 \'ilia (lron• - thPn' :\lay 1-t Dall\·i llP - ht>n' ~la,\ 1!l- 1 rhana lwrl' ~I a,\ :!0 Ill innis Deaf - hPI'(' :\Ia~ :\Ia~·
:!7 :!,
)fpl \'in
1926 BASEB.\LL
( 'hanrpail!n ( 'hampaig1 11 ( 'hampaign 7 ( 'hampaign 6 ('hampaii!P 6 ( 'hampaign :!0 ('hampaig-n 7 ('ham paig-n 7 ( 'hampaign ~ ( 'hampaign Champaig-n 7 ( 'hampaig-n 6 ('ham paii!I• 7
Kappa !-iig•na l.lansfidd erhana . ' pt·ingfi<•hl lllinoi: I)pa f \'ilia TI'O\'l' Dreatlll' Decatur Illinois Deaf :\[t>lYin S pri ngfid<l l ' rhana Ihm \'ill<>
pradiee l!atne
(li'H<'ti(•(.' ~!Hill('
3 ~~
]:! 10 -t ;{ ;)
pt·adiC'e game
GOLF Bill Brown, 'hampaign High ' chool \ ol£ tar won from the large t and clas. iest field "hich <'Yer f.'ntered thf.' . tat<• meet. Bill traverst>d the · rbana ('ount•·~· Club <·ours(' four times with four ('xcellent carcl totaling ;3;~ ' . Bill led all the "ay with a card of 167 for tlw fir.t :36 holes. His nearest opponent finished thre<' stroke. hehind. ('halllJ)Higu High ~chool i. \'l'l'Y proud of Bill, who incidentally, is th • fir.t Champaign hoy to \\'in the tate championship.
" HtLI .'' HttoW'
Tlw cheerlea<ling this year under the SllJWr\'ision of ::\Ia.· Bt·own was Yery good. :\lax had a. much pep and as nuln~· peculiat· tric·k. in his l<•ading a. .. Boh" Brinkeu1a, ('hampaign ·. fomwr ehrerleader. .\ gr<•at honor is dur to ~lax ancl hi thr" freshmen t(•ammat<•s: .Jaeky ~Iulligan, lloracl' Parkrr, and <'h<'t. Parkhill for thrir loyal " ·ork and eooprration in whil·h they carri<•<l the sl'ason through .
::\I iss Daisy Quarl s, a ~rracluate• of • 'pringfil'ld Ili~rh Hchool and ( ' hieago :\'ormal Hl'hool of Physi<•al
Education, came• to ('hampai~rn High H<·hool to he• <'aptain of thr ship ot' Physical Train in)!, w hosr ('I'!'W consiste•d of sophomore and t'r·eshnwn girl-.. Throug-h lwr effort .. lw "ikillfully pilot<·cl the• <'I'<'W to a succ·e•ssful anchorage in soc•c·er, football, haskdhall and swimming. Friday, ::\lay Ia, tlw ship was launched and tlw cn•w rxhihitl'd thl' ac·c·ompli"ihnwnt of their journey. <'aptain (~ual'les has taken an unu ual int<•n•st in thr sailing of all athletic -.hip and through her influc•nc·r tlw cn•w lH'came inter·e"ted and joined the Girls At hletie· .\s"iO<'iat ion .
~ EY
BY Lon:LL.\ .::\I.
Kic·king-, sqtwaling, pas-.rng- and th<• pirates had start<•d tlwir· first game ot' soec•er football. 'l'he ('aptain , Daisy Quarles, demonstrated to the crew the playin)! of the nc•w ~rame ancl also explainNI the rule•s. Tlw pirate" were int<·r·r.t<•d and <licl not like to ]raw this game for otlwr activitirs, but thr weather on hoard was disagr·N•ahlr ancl so it was JH'<'rssary for them to plily their games of baskethall and vollt•yhall on thr inside of tlw ship. This wa" wry interesting- to tlw c·rc•\1· wlwn tlw tom·mtmrnts ot' hoth games were play('(l. 'l'he third jonnH'Y of tlw crew wa. quite• ditl'er·t•nt from any of the other.... In the first place• the nwmlwrs were all on dt•ek ancl the crew was taught g,nnna..,ti<'s and difft•n•nt stunts and with praetic·c• they IH•<•anw very skillful. ~\ftt•r making a stop at thr con· thE'y werE' tlwn shown how to make human p~Tamid-. and wc•r·e ]Hlt on <l<•ek ancl with thE'se pyramid-. all tlw hoi ting of thr sails <·ould easily he do11r. ~\ftt•r all this hard \\'Ork the ere\\ w<•n• allo" eel to participate in dancing. 'l'lw main featun• which tlw.Y Jll'<'"<'lltt•d \\as eallc•cl tlw ~ouaw Drill, eon-.isting of thirty-two of the errw alHl threr fiag- hearers. Other... took ple•a nr<' in JWrforming various dam·Ps amOll)! whit·h wc>rr the Parade of the \Yoo<len , 'oldier'i, Ostendaisr. Hlavok Danct•s, ('lo~g-in~. Gn•<•k Dant'<'. Hhh•ton lhmces, ('ountry DmH·e ancl \'irg-inia Rr<'l. \Vhilc• \H' \\Pn' on de•<·k we sa\\ land in thr distanep all(] throu~rh a ... torm " ·e found our \\'a~· to an islancl. \Y<• wrn• busy hunting for trP<lsUI'<' and another -,port was introclne<'d hy ('apt a in (~uarles \\·hich was t·alh•<l FiPl<l ancl Track.
'I'Iw l'l'l'\1' t•njoyecl thP jumpin~t and running- and th1· l'OlliiH'tition of otht•t· llll'lllhrrs of t lw 1'1'1'\\'. On this anw i land hasPhall wa. introdiii'P<l as anotiH•r tww port and thP.'' found it \His a much ht•ttPt' HlllllsPIIH'IIt than t ht>y had thoug-ht. Ball has always het•n a fayorite sport among tht• nwmhrr~ of the l'n'". Thi.., j..,Jand heeantp \n•ll known to thr hands of PiratPs for tht' annttal <•n•nt. "Dad\ Xi~tht. and th1• followin~t prog-ram """" ~ti\'1'11: J>.\Wl'
Flag- Dt·ill Ft'Pshnwn Danish I )ays Ordt>r Sophomot'l's TCI lllt's Frt>slmwn Pyramid.., • 'rniors. ,J 1111ior~. and Sophomorp-. P\RT [
Paradl' of \roodpn , 'ol1lit>r , 'ophomm·p group Grerk D~UH't' St•n ior ~troup Folk Dmwin~t -Freshmen 1. OtPndaiP ~- • 'laYok Dam·p 'log~tin~t , 'ophomon•s 1. , 'krletmt Danee Hig A .Ji~t .Jig :l. Waltz ('lo~t -J.. ('ountr~ DHJH'P ~\nwriean ( 'ounh·~- Dance Frr:--hmrn 1. ( 'ire]p ·> Old Dan Tuekl't' Zona \'I• Dt·ilt , 'ophomorrs P .\RT l[ [
BY Lot ELL.\ Ilm:.-To. · Tlw piral<•s had h<'<'n di,·idt•d into four g-roups, t•a ·h group <:omposl•d of HH'lllhers of tlw <·n·\\· dassl'd act'ording- to leng-th of srn·i<·p on board . Tlws<' groups engag<•d in four bloody battles fot· tlw Besht hall ( 'hampionship. The se<·OJl(l yNll' g-roup "PI'<' Yidorious ovPr the FrPslnnan l're11, the •\•nior over the ,Juniors and finally "on from the Rophomores the coveted treasure of championship.
llnnkP. ~ht:-o:-~t•r. FiPidhindt>l', llPat,,· . ...... ,,.,HHI row: .\lc·J)prmull. Yin:-;oiJ, ('nr~on, KnhhP~.
THh VE GEA CE OF TilE" EVE BY lh.LI-:. ·
£\. hold and bloo<ly fig-ht was "H:.!!.'d in the g-ym and all for a tr·<•asur·<· held the chief of all tlw athlt>tic pirates. For a \ ·hilr tlwn• was a grnrral scramhi<• for tlw loot, hut soon they di\·ide<l ofl' about ninr elH'h and ('hosr a name whi<·h would trikt> fpar· to th<• hearts of tlw otlwr pirah•s. In tiH• first hOill' chhs thr ''llard-llitt<•r-.," "S<•n•n <·es,'' aiHl ''ButtingGoats" s<'<'llH'd tlw strong<•st. so a final skirmish took pia<'<' lwtw<'<'n them and tlw Sen•n Ae!.' won out. Jf!.'amrhil<• tlw s<•eond hour hands, "Li~thtning-, •· "S!'\'!'nty-S!.'Y<'ll," ''\VingF<•Pt.'' and "\·an('ura\ ,'lips" had a tPJTihh• .crap and from the smok<• and <ln-.t th<' ''S!.'wnt~·-s<'Y<•n" and •·van C'nra\ ,'lips" <'lll<'t'grd hloo<l,\' and torn, hut victorious. The '' H!.'\'!.'nty-s!.'Y<'ll 's'' W!.'J'e almost on•r<•ome hy tlw fornu•r hattie and were dE>featNl by" \·an C'ura 's, 'lip . . " "'l'lw Parkhill .·ewn," "Champaig-n," ··o·x<'al Sp!'cial,'' and "The ( 'hamp..,; · · tlw third hour uroups, drew tlwir word.., and daggers and rush('(] into the fray. · · Th<> Parkhill Sev<•ns" and tlH• '· ('ham ps" " ·E're tlw last to fig-ht. hut with <•aps away an<l saslws g-one tlw ''Champs" massa!'red thr "Parkhill Spr<·iak'' "Pepprr ,""Big- ('hiPf,'' " IIigh .'<•wn," "Luck~· S<'\'('11 ... all(] '· In jun" \lt'J'<' thr terrif~·ing nanw of tlw fourth hour raid<·r"i. As onr would t'X]Wct from thost• namr"i, thp fig-ht \I' H'i t<•rrific. ~\mongo tlwst• pi rat!' hands t lw '· Injun"" and tlw ··Big- ('hit>f.., .. appPHJ'ed to he thr ... trong<>.t and then thP hattJp "·as IH'h\!'<'11 tlwsP two ti·iiH•s and the" lnjuns ". <·alpt•d thr "Bi~t ('hi<•fs." b~·
i11111tfr1fi IIQ/it
To}J 1'0lC: F . Ntf'fHtd rotc:
l"tPY+'IIs. Ytu~on. \'. I.Pwi:-o. \\'plwr. HlnuJ.!h. l"ti+",.:mt•,\'t>r, Ht'l1, Finnt'~
TilE ATT:\ K OF TilE
OLLEY- :\:\1P
BY GL.\DY. Ih;.\LY
The tw<•nty-one hands of B. B. Pirates of Ft·eshrnan classes compt>tecl om•t• ag-ain for tlw loot of t'hampionship. In the first hotll' class the ··,\·,·en ('om<' Elewns" and tlw "\'olley \'amps" w<•re the winners of the JH'<'liminHI·~· ganws. Th• "\'olley \'amps" conqupr('d the "J:<'rps]nnen King-s" and then tlw "\'oil<': \Tamps" " ·ith hlood in tlwir <'Y<'s fought . uch a <lisa trous hatth• \\'ith the •·,'(•\'<'11 C'ome BleY<'n '' that as a rt>sult they t'<'t'eiwd t lw loot which their opponent had taken from th(' oth<'t's that of ('hampionship. The , '<•n•n hands of piratl's in hour t\nl, fought tluring the ent ir<' . easmt. Nt<'h one trying- pithet· to O\'t'l']lO\\'<'l' ot· onhrit the otlwr. The ''Xig-g-s<',Y-Hlatt('s .. and ''l;ncky St>n•ns" at tlw ('nd of th<' season sN'ntPd to h<' equal in fHl\\'('1'. and tlw former \\"011 the hattie hy on<• point. "The Dusty •'e\'Pn, .. with no tmuhh• and \\'ith ypry fpw <lPsfH'rHI<' atta<'ks rantg-Pd tlw otlwr pit·att>s · ships in tlw Third II o 11 r 8Nt, an <l hl'<' a nH' "i ct or ions. 'I'h<' "T. L. E.\ \\"ith tlu•ir <lynami<· fort'e soon rPaelwd out and utt<•rl:· ruin •d tlw "R<•d Hiding- Hoods" and t h<• "l;ass('s." Then front all <'Ol'IH't. of tlw seas saiiPd the four class <'hampions. But how many mot·p brt•aths " ·onltl thn•p of tlwm ht> IH'rmitted to takt• ~ 'l'ht• ·· ~i)!g- e~·, 'lath·· had lwen stt·ong, hut no\\' the~· \\'Pt't' \rt>ak. Tlw ··T. L. E.'s" \\'Pt'P " ·eakt•r still and tht> loot lay hPt\\Pt'n tlw "Dusty, 'pwns" and tlw "\'ollt•:· \'amps." Tlw lattt•r elt'Ht'Ptl tlw sPa ol' pintt<'s, and \\l' list thPm as ·('hampimts ot' Fn•shman \'ollpyhall ."
(; llou~tou, O'UolltH'I. llnillt'lo;, Briukt>nw. \\'11liam~on . 1·". Phillippt>. ,\lis~ tltwrlt ·~. ,\lis~ Potlt>r. \\'illiams. \\' imnwr. \\' Phil , Lt•f', 1\"f'llllt',\" , ~iBIJlson . LPunnrtl. ..\ . \ ' nn llollt'll. l·'i~f·tr~, Hlou~h. \\'t •ht•r . llunkt', <~illt>spit', -'1 Phillippt', Hains . .luhnson . 'loran . 1\"rows. -'lnt· 1\"pn z il'. ('ook . PumntPl. \\':tldo. J'in<fl rotr : ~dwft'pr, LHWt'I'I'Uf'P, Ball , PollfH'k, KIPIIlit·k. 2\lurphy , (~oodmnn. Taylor, \\'n~hPr. FiPid hinllt•r , II \'un llultPn , llulll, D . .lohnson. Hurkl', Kaufman. \1<-:0.t•il, .\lpt•rs. '1'11/J rtJir :
,, ,,.,nul rorr
::\1.\RIAX f:h'l '.\R'l'
Last Septemh<•r " ·hen tlw Champaign High • 'chool swimming room O[H'nrd its door, to ,tudt•nts, my hnddie "Red , " and I "<'rr the first to si~"ll np. Of eour-.e Wt> couldn't -.wim hut with peC'ks of <·onrag<' and an excl'lll'nt teach<•r we pt·occedrd. Oh, that fir t 1<•-.. on! Tlw water mad<• my ry<'s ,mart, tt·an•l<'<l up m_,. nost> and out my ears. It " ·as then, hecan,<' of thr insoh•nc<' of tlw "·at<•r or l)ayy .Jones that I Yowed l "·ouid ~ret ewn and learn first how to hl'(•atlw. Tht• ('aptain told w; ho"· to do tlw "dead man's tloat" ahont our fifth lesson . I choked, tran;.dt><l, sJH'<'Z<'d, all(] eong-lwd, hut I wa~ ]pa rnin~r to float. 'l'he sidP stroke followP<l; e\'l'ryone h•amed to do it. .Aft<•t· that eame tlw ~\ustralian crawL Thi wa a litth• more ditlit·nlt. Tiwn tlw ct·isi. canw. We wer<' to s\\ im the l<•ng-th of the pool for our b!'g-inner \ s\1 imming- hutton. .Just as l "as to start I had a qu<'Pr fet'ling- in my throat, hut aft<•r \\allowing- hard I Jlll h<•d oil' and swam as hard as I <·onl<l until I n•at·hed t lw opposi!<' end. And no\\·, as I am spot·tin~r m~· hutton l ft•<'l sati-.fi<•d that l haw <'OlHJtH'r<'d l)ay~· to om<' <'.\.t<'nt and <'<Ill hard!~· wait for tlw sumnwr to pass -,o I l'<lll g-o IIHd;: and join tlw intPrnwcliat<' c-Ia~-,. \It ss Porn:n
~tuart. l'rh·•·. Filson ll1•nl~· . llouston . 1-~ . . Johnson. FinHP~ llnJtkin:-t. \nnns, llnll. \rhit•·, .\liss l'ollf'r, \lb.,. (}tl:trlt·s .
nnr : H . .JohnsoP, PortPr, l'nrhhi11
•u·ond rorr: (·oultn:-o. B••ll. J'it·~t n11r .
TilE , 'IIOO ER l\L
X one, sailin:r in tlw >.ehomwr .. :\laroon." nN•cl PY<'J' fear the tPrrihk fat<> of dro\\'ning, for" l' han>, ahoanl. a pel'f<•ctly traine<l pirate relief hand. \Vhen OIIJ' ne\\' ehid, l.li>.>. QuarlP>., lwg-an to work with her Crl'\\ of \\'imllli'J' la>.t fall, sill' org-anized tlH•m into dili'<'J'PIIt hand>. mw of "hich "a. d<·,·otP<l to Life Saving-. In this hand, meeting- (\\'ice a week, on 'l'ul'sday and ThnJ·,..,da.'· aflt•r s<·hool, inst ru<'l ion in t lw ntrious met hods reqni red in tlw R •d ('ross Li fp Sa\ in!! T<•>.t>. "as g-i,·en to all g-irls intPr<'stPd. l.Iany fit· t joined tlH' hand, hut litth• by littll' tlw numht'J' st'<'nled to <1" indh•. Som<' ol' tlw nwthods \\'l' ]parned "~'l'l': thr ntriou>. hn•aks and <'HJTiP>. b~· \\'hieh a dro\\'ning- person may h<• re>.cued and brought to shorr. a rt•liPf <'at'l'~' for tir<•<l >.\\'immPrs, mHln•ssin:r in \\ateJ', ohtaininp: objects hy nwans of surl'aee diving-, and resu>.<·itation. By FPhJ·nm·~·. thirtPt'n of thl' <'J'<'\\' g-ained the covett•d tn'<hure a .Jnnior Red ('ro>.s Lil't' , '<l\'ing- t•mhlem, pin and eertifkatt•. ~\. Lif<• HaYing- ('orps \\'as organiz<'<l, ('0111 post'd of si:d<'t'll st n d<•nt memhPJ'. Barbara ,Johnson, FrHJH'l's Pol'ter, l.Iildred Parkhill. :\larian , 'tuart. :\Jay P1·ice. Kathle('ll Filson, l.laxinp ( 'ouJta,, Ethl'l BPII, Glady>. IJpa]~·. Louella Houston, Bett~· ,John>.on. Eleanor FinJH',\', llPien lfopkins, Thp]ma Yanos. J.l;n·~· Hall, and Lon•na \\'hite. and t\\0 IIH'llllwrs from tlw faenlt.'·· :\li"" Daisy (~ual'le-., and :\liss DoJ·othy PoltPJ'.
"All tlte time lze "Leas jerking out t!tese phrases !te "Leas stumpi11g up and do"Lcll the tavern 011 !tis crutclz, and gi'l-•ing suc/1 a sho'lc if excitement as u·ould have convi11ced an oft! ".Batlt!)' judge or a Bo·<i' street , run11er.
l'fl!/1 0111 l1111111n rl joud1 " '
ROLLO' IIavin~ tak<•n it upon
WILD 0 . T
>-c•lf to ~riw an m·<·ount about tlw findin:t>- of ~li ·. Ikulah Yc•ag-c•r, in>.trudor 111 drama til'>-. who, upon opt>nin:t hn che ;t of II'I'<ISUI'C's, found n1rious taiPnts hPI'Ptofon• hiddt>n, I take• up my JH'n and go lnH'k to the t inw wlwn ' ·Rollo\ Wild Oat·· "a >-IH't'l'""fully JH'l'sPnt<•d to ( 'hampai:.rn lli:th .'chool. I remt>mlH'r tlw playc•r,., as if it " 'PI'C' y<•,.,tenla~·. ( '<u·los Phillips, as Hollo WPhstPr, t hP tc•mJH'I'anwntal ~·outh , whosp one amhit ion in life• was to a<'t in NhakP>-JW<Il'P\ "llamlPt," wa>. the• outstandin:t eharactrr, "ho intl'l'prt>tPd hi" rol<' \\ith comph•tp under. tanding. Thi. was the fir·st trNtsun• un<•m·tht>d !'rom thP hu~c· clwst thHt stood in onp <'OrJH'I' of th<' dramati<• room. Drh·in~ a:,rain into this C<H·Iw of man~· . urpris<'s. ~lis,., Y<•a:,rt>r found Yirg-inia ('ook, who took t hP part of Goldir :01<· Dutf, tlw lwroinp "hom Rollo cho e to play Oplwlia in ··uamlPt." •'eattPring- thing-s hrn• and th<'l'<', looking for a humorous note, thP s<'Pkrr slowly pull<•cl out Don Bennett, who as Ilew ton. Rollo's man-sPI'YHlll, disting-uislw<l himsplf as tlw usual staid, Eng-lish t:qw of a ntlrt in a most r<>alist i<· nwmu•r. .\ IH·ight piN'<' founcl in a large <•OrnPr how " '<'ll I rrnwmh<'t' Lydia Webster, sister of Rollo. vi,·idly portrayed hy .\udnt Bailey. Nlw fplt it was lwr dut~· to protc•ct her big brotlw1'. llParing a quawring old voice, out· instmctor carefully broug-ht forth CharlPs ,Jolmi-ion, " ·ho actecl thr part of lwllo \ g-t·aJHlfatlwr, llMatio \Vebstrr. Close at g-randfathrr\ hc•ds came Aunt Lmw his sistc•r and grrat aunt of Rollo . • Trlda Holland in thi,., part c•asily ac<·omplishc•d tlw IH'C<' sary ptfects hrfitting a s\\·ect old lady who triPd to makp thr best of lwr foncl nephe\\ · ambition though ~lw di~likrd the id<•a . Fu1·tlwr adwnturin~ hroug-ht to lig-ht tlw .Jrwi,.,h thratri<·al nuuutger. ~fr. St<>in, played hy Btadfonl ('ox; \VhitPmOr(;' Wrig-ht as Georgp Lnca~ was found ; Anna Kaplan as :\frs. Park-Gah•s impatiently pushr<l h(;'r sophistieat<><l way to tlw top; Ead HtPtl'y and Fr·pd(;'rick Porl<'r as \Vhartlry ('amJH•rdown and 'l'homas Skitt<•rling, 1'<''-JH'Ctivc•ly, b<>long- to :Olr .• 'tein 's orig-inal cast. CANT Rollo \\\•h,.,IPr - - --- ------- _____________ ('arlo Phillips Ill,\
Golcli<> ~lcDutr ----------------------------- \'irginia ('ook IT rwstOlL--- - ---- -------- - ----- _____ __ ___ ___ Don Bc•mwtt Lydia \Vc•ihlt'l' __ ------------------------ _Audra BaiiP,,. Horatio Wph,.,t<•r _____ __ __ ___ __ __________ ('h;u·h•s ,Johnson Aunt Lane ________________________________ :\'elda Holland l\Ir·. Ntein _____ ________ ____________________ BI·aclt'onl ('ox G<'OI'g'<' Lucas ___ ---------------------- \Yhitt>mo1·c• \\'ri:tht ~[r . Park-Oah•s ---- - --------- - ----- - --- - - --~\mHI Kaplan Whortley ( 'ampt>nlown ________________________ Em·I St<•tl'y 'l'homas Skit t Pt'l ing- -------- ______________ Ft· •d<'l'iek Pol'lc•r·
Paor 011t httndrcd ft/ t t·m
On }l<m·h 2, the third higoh<'st clm;s in Champaign High N<•hool lannchPd their g-ood play "Bah·· ])('fore as full a hon:--e of t>nthusia;;ti<• ~->JWt·tators as <'Wl' ~-><'t foot in Old Bailey to :--ee any huecarwer from the s<•,·en s('as cleprin•d of hi wo1·thh•:--s head. TlH• cr<•dit for the :--ucces.· of thi:-- voyage is larg<•ly dne to :\Iiss Beulah Yeager, as " ·orthy a captain as pver directed a crPw of actors, who so skillfully pilot<•d h<'I' :--hip that shP wa:-- abh• to make the first big- .Junior production a g-n•ater treat to view than any jew<•l in DaYy ,Jmws' L<wkPr. , 'lw was ably assist<•d by the g-ood mate;; :\lis. Grac<• Hicks and }lr. W. <'. :\laxw<'ll. Tlw l<•ading' rol<' of Bah was Pxceeding-ly w<•ll portnty<'d hy • ·aiH·y :'ll<'ad "holed th<• ('!'('\\' ;;o wPll that non<' of tlwm thought of mnt iny, and th<' onlookprs \\('1'<' cmTiPd away h~· her i11h•rprPtation of this ultnt-nHHlern . ub-<l<•h who insist<•d on hPing mature and <l<'aling with tht> sPrion matter of lit'<•, and gan~ litt]p thought to u<·h as raiding any sing-lp mast<•<l sehoone1· sh<• might chan<'<' to com<• in contact with. :.\lax Brm\'11 was wry good in the prin ·ipal mal<• role of ('art<'r Brook · who was chiefly engaged in wooing- and winning the fai1· littlP lwart-pi1·ate Bah. lie indeed lahOl~<'d nndt>r difficulties for the teal<'r of hi atfedions was under tlw impression that she wa. being- lt>ft behind and had st<'l'l'<'d her plf far out of the run of lwr usual CUlT nt, and it required no g'<'lltl<' rat<• of rowing to reach her. Doroth)· Xorton as .Jh .•\.rchibald , moth<'!' of Bah, <lid full ju~ti<•e to h<>r tnH• and lif<>lik<> imp1·ession of a micldl<• agt•cl soci<>ty lady who
was succ<•ssful in <•aptaining lwr family throu:.rh .tormy wt•atlwr and rou:.rh pas, and dropping mwhor in a <·ozy harbor \\'IH't'l' Pn>rything was JWH<·eful. ~Ir. Archibald wa. well interprptt•d hy Oahriel Pil!-.On who h·it•d to kt't•p ou tlw good !-.i<l<' of all tlw Cl't'\\', hut dan•d not oppos<' his wif<' 's idea" of s-trict discipline. ~lil<lrr<l ,Johnson in thp part of Leila, t hr can. <' for mo. t of the trouhh• on hoard, was \'ery :.rood in her t•oh• of a !-.Ophistieated dPhutantt• who kPpt lwrself in th<• for<•castle IH'<'ans<' she r<>l'tJs('([ to lw annoyt•<l hy thr childish prank of lwr )·oung. ist<'r Bah. :-iht> wa wl'll supported by .John Ingle a. tlw lion. ('linton Ben•sford who \\Hs k<•pt at his wits' PtHI hy thr fast adions of tlw Am('riean nwmh<'l's of tlw crew, hut who starth•d the shipmah•s in tlw pnd hy hi \\'inning HJHl rlopment "ith Leila. Gtl)' 0 ros\'('1101' "as play<•d hy RoiH'rt ( 'lwst('t' who add<•<l spN•d to the trip, and inYoln>d Bah in a complieate<l low affair with himself-which can ed no littlP trouhl<' to all cont•prned. Tlw <•omrdy on board this jolly-hoat \His wt'll suppli<•<l hy .JosPphine La \'<•rnway a~ ,JanE' Raleigh. an<l Louis ~IcLPan as Eddie P<•rkin. ~hu·ian Htuart and Flinn Elliott a" Hannah and \Villiam W<'t'e the faithful old deckhands ot' tlw en•w. Those who <·ompo. <'d tlw working staff did much to makE' th<' cruist• a suect•ss and tlwit· work "as a gn•at assPt in tlw Yrnhu·t•. 'l'IH• staff t•onsistetl of: Promptt•r, Dorothy P<•lzer; :-itage ~lanager, Ilarold ,Janws; Assistant, Richard li<•nsler; Prop<•t·t if's, lit• len Ilopkins; Assistant, Wilson Ba:nw; Pt•rsonal Pro pert iPs, \'irg-inia ('ook; ~lake-up ~lanagt•r, Florrncp Hohinson; ~\ssi tant, Helen Oranget·; Adwrtisin~. ~<'Ida Holland and .\nna Kaplan; Tickets. Lawna Iloy and ('harl(•s ~imon.
TOJJ rou:-: ::\lnllor;L ~Hill\11'1:-~on, )Jj~~ YPHJ!~'r. Bi!'\~un. Kuhl. Nt•t·ond ruu~: ~utton, Ynn ('urn •.laryis. ~J)har, .Johnbon. Fhwus. 'l'llird rotc: Wall••r". WJ'i)!ht. Whit!'. Phillip<. l'uwlin)!. :-;IH'll"<'r,
\VJXCIIELL H:\tlTII .\NO \'tCTOl{ ~I \I'E~
Wi-,hing- for .let•p and finding- only an apple harr<'l for r fug-r, I climhrd in. ,Jn..,t beforr pa. sing into a deep 1-ilumber I heard voice-, out. ide di..,cussing ~Iis. Yeag-er's Senior Play. "Do tell me all about it," one said. "Well," replied the otlwr, '·it was like this. •\.bout the last of )lay the Neniors, hoping to he '"ell remrmben•d, put on the splendid play '· Boomet·ang-." This pla~· crntered around a learnPd young Do ·tor all(] the sickn ·s of his fir,t patiPnt. )!iss Yeag<>r cprtainly ha<l perfect ..,ettings fot· ''Boomerang-," especially in the doctor's office. Young- Dr .. 'umner had 1-ituclied abroad fo1· seYeral years, but upon a request from hi. father he came home and established an office. 'l'he hardest hard,hip the doctor had wa, g<'tting any patient , only at fin;t you would hone.tl,v haYe thoug-ht (';u·los Phillips was really a clodor, for h<' played his part so natm·ally. l\Iost of th<' tinl(' lw aded as a middl<' ag<'d, Yery busin<'ss-like do •tor, hut when tlw occasion occutT<'d, he "·as quit<' a young man. Virginia Xelva, Dr. Hnmn<'r's nm·se, was a sweet 1-iedate youn..,. girl about twenty-on . Virginia had left h<'r home in Switzerland to find her g-randmother, who was dead. he therefor had to work. Having always "·ished to be a nurse, thE' young girl chosE' to apply at Dr. Sumner's office, and was quickl~· ace<'ph•<l. Ellen Whit<• took this pal't p<'l'fectly. She "·a~ the particular occasion for Dr. , 'umner.
l'll(lt' Om 111111tlrnl l'iglllt'l'>l
Wh ittrmot't' \V r·ig-ht as Budd W oocl hri~e was t lw life sa \ ' l'r for tlw doctor·, ht•causl' Budd was his first pat it•nt. 'l'h<' dashing- young JWrson was seriou 1,\' snff<•rinl! from jt•alous~· . Il<' ,,·a. in love with a g-irl, who had mon• to do with anotiH•r fellow than shr <lid \\ith him. As usnal, in the <>n<l thin~s tnnwcl out tine. Preston De \Vit t was a hnsinrss man, hut IH'Y<'t' too bus~· to postpone any so<·ial eng'HI!enwnt he mig-ht have. This En~lish lookin~ ~entleman was tlw otlwr man in Budd's <•as<'. ('hal'l<•s ,Johnson is <'<•rtainly to lw conmH'tHlNl on the way he <•arri<•d this part. Emile, tlw l:<'!·ench valet. phly<•d by Don HpPns<'t' g-ot morr than orw laug-h from thr audirner. lie "as a faithful srrvant of Dr. Hmnner. Harry ,Janis was tlw staid En~lish hutlrr, llartl<•y, of thr \\~oodhri<l~rs. His t~'JH' "as just what the• part requirr<l. :\lr. Stonr was the pat i<•nt with a broken arm . .Jew Kuhl took this part with unusltal rasr. Huth \Valters took the• part of Gr·ace• Tylrr, tlw lwartlt•ss vamp. Harriet Pawling- sn<'erssfully portrayP<l tlw charaetrr of _jJarion ,'umnrr, the doctor\ siste•r. _jfrs. ('J'(•ig-hton Woodbridg-e>, Budd's motlwr was Eh•anor l<'innl',\'. G<•rtrnde Ludlow and Betty _jlarkland wrr<' n•s]Wctiwly _j[ar~· Eleanor \Vadr and Lyn<•ll •'ntton. .Jmw \Voodhridl!<'. Budd's sister, e·ouldn 't haw hren g-in•n to a h<•tte•r JH'rson than. 'pllie• Fis<'us. Th<• recpption g-uests ,,·e•rp takrn hy Etlwl , 'phar, jlary Hall .•\.nd ra Baih•.\', ln•tw l>ool<•n, Adt>laidr \'an ( 'ura, EIPanor ('lark, \' ir~inia Hquir·t•s. Le•land Lair, Braclfol'<l Cox, I \'an Samuelson, Harry :\I a llor·~·, !:<'red Pm·tt•r· and II a l'lan<l Dieke~· . The r JH'Opl<> compl<>te<l th<> play and cast of '·Boomerang-.·'
0111' llltlldl'fll llilldt " '
TfJJJ rorr: (;Ptmnu, J)ohnH', HPIIIH'tt . .....,.,.,nul l'fJlc: Pa}.!'Ut', ('ntou. Tt>IHJllin, Parkhill. l'lowprs. HriukPilla .
\VIIY T ilE ' IIIME R. i\ 'onw d<'n>r aetors werr clamorin~ to hr allowrd to put on t hr Christ 111as play in OJl<' ad hy Elizahrth Apthorp :Jld<'adden, "Wh~· tlw Chim<'x Rang-." illiss YPagPl' ~nl<'ionsly favOJ'<'d them, granting as a srtting fot· this portrayal, a pea ant\, hut on the <•dg<' of' a fon•st nNtr a eatlwdral town. The fumishings in thi..., hut "<'re f<'W. It wa a dark, low raftt•rpd room lightNl only by tlw ~lowing wood fire in a great fire-pla ·r. \Vinift·<•d Raymond suec•es....,fully playr<l the part of Ilol~er, a peasant hor of fourteen. Vc•na Payne was for thr timr being, St<·Pn, a lw~· ninr or ten, Ilolg<·r·..., brother. Tlw boys, although ea~e1· to atteJHI th<> Christmas service's at the c·athedntl, rt>aliz<•d tlwir wi. h l'Ould not hr gratifiPd. Don Bemwtt took tlw part of 1'11(•1<> BrrtPl, who. hapwning in, took .'h'Pn with him to tlw ('atiH•clral. .Just as tlwy "Pl'<' leaYing an old h11ly <•mer~<·<l ft·om out of tlw dark. illildrr<l P;nkhill was this patlwtie fig-un•. IIolz<•r, the g-<'llPt'ons, clcelin('(l to leaY<> thi..., c·an' nerded woman and ~an• lwt· his untouehed howl of porridge. KPnnt'th Borahr W<h the prie...,t we saw kne<•ling. Xot until Holzer gaw hi.., all, a few penni<>..,, did tlw ('hirn<>s ring . .An angel, :Jlargar<>t Caton, ap)warP<l to hh•ss Holzer. \Vorshippers, Bru<'<'. 'orman, a;; the ri<·h man, Billy Getman as th<> cou1·tieJ', Doroth~ Flowrr..., as th<• ~·oung gil'l, .Jiarian 'l'(•mplin as tlw ril'h \\"Oman, \'inril Brnnrtt as th' paO'e, B<•t·nil'e Brinkpma as tlw qu<'<'JJ, all{l ('al'l Dohmc as tlw
I !('Ill I II
" JVc could l1ear ti1e buccallt't'rs J¡i11gi11g a11d roaring . j;1r into ti1e 11i<rl!t" ...
l'O/J nnr \\"t·st. Ht>UHt'((, ('urutnn. 1~...\rms(rort~. Curzor \\ Hohin:-;on . .....·,t·ontf row: \\'nlkf'r. \\". Hbsnn, H. Hi ....... ••n. :\lt·Pht•r:-;un .J l:ohitl''llll. Finlt·~. llnhtf's. J'llinf rtJir: llayt·:'<l. Kinnisuu, Hus:-;Pil. 'lullikt·n. lltollll'lii.J.!t'l', \Vii+',\. Hnlwrt:-;on. llillmnn
:-;.tt·;trn .....
I ourlll row: Kuhl, (;inz, h.nmlllt'I'Pr, ~HIHHPbnn. HPifstt-(•1.,;, Ht·nm:tll, Lan~t', Yilll('t', \\'n~·wlll'r, Yon J loll on. Hac·on. l'i/111 rorr: Bntltllt•y, Jlnwf'll, \'nky, (' ~\rmstrout:. l 1 ic·knP11. ~ .. smith, Llu,vtlt>1 )lonrt', KnrtkamJ•,
l.;t Hslll'l', J)H('o:-.tn.
BY HonLwr \\'Es'!' Thi.., yt>ar thl' hand· tn•asun• chPst ha IH'!'II loadPd. Trips, (•ontPsh. and <'OtH·ert hav!' ht>Pll most pnjo)·ahle. ThP ea oil :--.tartl·d out with fair -,tn•ngth, thP \'H('<IJH·ip-, l..t't hy :.rraduat(•s lwin:.r fairly well fil!Pd. ~\ftpt• thP pt·diminary pradi<·in!! thP hand IH':.ran furnishing- nmsi(· for s<·hool a:-,-,pmblit•s. Thi <·ustom \Ia-, continu!'d tht'0111-d10nt tlw yt•at·. BP-.i<l<•s tlw nutl'<•h<•s at tlw brg-inning- ancl <·los<' of thP JWI'iod ~IW<'ialJillllllwrs \\'!'l'l' fn•qllentl.'· played. a SJW<·ial as. <'lllhly lwforP pa('h <·On<·<·rt and <·ontPst wa. g-iven. and oloish, S]lOll ored by tlw .JIIlsi<· .\ sO<'iation. played Oll S!'\'Pl'al 0('('chiOIIS. Ont> of the ohjPctiw. ha. IH'Pll to <·OOJWratt• with athlPti('s to thP fttlh·-,t extpnt po. sihl<'. During- the football spa oil th<' hand attl'tHlNl all the honH' :.ranws and \\"<'lit to D(•<·atnt· and Lindblom ll ig-h Hehool. ( 'hi<·ag-o. Dtt<' to limite<l sPating- spat·!' t\\o divisions altt•ntal<'d at haskP!ball g-auw-,. 'l'lw hand \\Pnt to tlw Danvillt• g-anw, and Pntt•t·taitwd t lwir or).!allization on tlw rPtum <·ngagPment.
huudntl ltrfiiiJt tu·o
Two <'Oil<'Pl'h \\'t'l'!' g-in•n during- til<' yt•ar. .\t th<' first. on ;\on•mht>r 17. tlw ""l"c·tions piH,\P<l \1'<'1'<' "PiorH't'l' .\lar·t·h." "lht\\11," h.'' Bt>llllt'll. ·· .\lar·atana" h.' \\"allcL<•t•, "Tht• \Yt•dding- of liPinit• an<l Katrina" h~ .\lford. and " ·<'\\ <'olonial .\fan·h." On thi" rwt·a,ion tiH· hand \\H. assisll'tl h~· tht• Bo~s <:It•P <'luh. tht• <Jirl UIP<' ('Juh. a nwal solo hy .\lhs (;t'IH'\'it'\'t' Dixon, ".J upit<'r Polka." J'Pildt•J't'd on tlw <·or·npt h_,. LPonard Ilt•rzog-. and t\\·o OIH' ;wt play. "Tht• IIIIJH'rtinarH·t• of thP ( r·paturl' ... and "At tht• .\)o,·it'"·.. Likt>wi <' \lith tlw l~t·lp of tilt• Ult't' ('luh.. •'t•t·nnd Bantl. and thl' <:r·adt• ~<·hclOI Band. a sN'OlHI t'Oill't'l'l was g-ivPn on .\pril 7. 1 !l~7. "Pr·int'l' of Piisl'll. ·· "Prilll'l'ss of India ... and "Piqui lhtliH'" m•J'<' giwll h.'· thl' Balld and I\\ o Jighlt•r· lllllllht•r.... ".\1 ut illy ... and " l~lilld .\Ian's .\loY it' .. \\'t'l'l' pia~ t•d. Onp of till' t·limaXl'S or tht' S('ii,Oil \\11 l't•a<·lwd \l'ith till' initial hanqul't l!iYt'll ill Dl't't'lllht'J'. ThP pr·pt•t•dPnt t' tahli. ht•d \\H quitP a "lll't't'. s . .\Ir. .John on. of thl' l'nin·r-..il,\' of Jllillois .\Iusit• ~drool, wa tht• print·ipll' Jlt'Hkt•r· or lht• t'\'l'llill!!. Earl.'· in tlw t'<hOJI thl' hallll tartPd \\·ork on "Piqut• lhtmt•," "~t'mintm idt• ... " ( 't•ronat ion .\lcll'l·h." " II uld ig-ullgsnra r·sc·hl'," and ot ill' I' st' It•<· I ions for t ht> t·oll!l' t to t·omP. It \\H.., tillaJI,,· dPt·idt•d that \\l' \\ould pia.' "E Plurihn. l'num" l\Ian·h. a all opt•nill!!. unjudg-<'d nnmlH'r. "liuldig-ung- nuu·... t•ht•," a tht• l'l'fJUin•d pit•(•('. and .. Piqnt• Dallll', .. or our ()\\ 11 Pkl'lioll. Throughout tht•st• thL· llt'\1' Fhll'!!l'l llorn found man~· us<' as its tnlll' qual it,,· J,IPnd" \l'l'll with rnan.'· irht rullll'llt . lll·inging- up \n•ak parts. \Yith an illsll'ltlllt'lllation of. ixlt'<'ll t•'al·inPt. tm1 tlutPs. Cllll' ohru•, mw alto t·lctt inl'l. onp has oon. t\\·o alto "axophorll'"· Olll' tPnor axophont', Oil<' has . a'\ophont•. Pll'\'<'11 <·onwh. ont• fiuPg-<'1 horn. two fn•rH·h hol'lh, two alto horns, ont• haritorH·. Oil<' t•nphonium. six tromhoJH'"· thl'<'l' hast's. two JHII'l' drunh, arHl thP I,\ mpani. thP hand t•nl!•rpd thP t'<'lltnd st•<·tional t•ont<•st hPltl in ~pring-fil'ld 011 .\pril Hi. In this c:ontl'st ('hampaig-n \\as awardPd first plat'<'. ~pringfit>ltl and (~uirH·,\ \\PIP also wlmittl'd into till• stall' llll't'l from thi, sP<·tion . • lilt' oloist from ('halllpaign lligh ~t·hool l'lltt•J'l'd thP spdional l'Clllll'"t. ThPsl' \H'I'<' ( 'hal'i<•. Pil'im l'll. and Holwrt Kamnll'l'l'l', elarirwts. Ll'onanl ll<'I'Zll!!. and Ed\\anl \Ya <·hl'r on <·ot·npt. llarr.'· lll'fth•fin!!<'l', and .John .·tl'arn. on tromhotll', llunlt·t· Ru s<•ll. and Holll'rt Bat•on o11 hat·itonl'. and Robert Bi..,son 011 a. ophonl'. 'l'hrN' plal'ing- in thl' llll'l'l \\'l'l'l' I Ial'l·,,- lll'fliPfing-<'r', first, LPonal'(] Ill'rZO!!. sPt·ontl. and Roht•rt Hissnn. "l'l'Ollll. This allm1 tlw P to t•nt<•r· tlw "olos at tlw tatl'<'Ollt<'t. ThP hand and :-.oloists may Piller an<.thn eontest 111 DP<·allll' on l\Ia.'· 7. This <·ontt·-.t j-, limitl'd to thl' <·onfl'l't'll<'<' hand . Tht• hand may also Pnll'r tlw stat< fair t·ontt•st to ht• held in till' lattl'r part of tht• unlllH'I'. ln the fair <·onll' t tht•J'e is no ..,o]o <·omJwtition. Fir·...t or·. l'l'Ollll in tlw tate <·ontl' t would admit thl' hand to th<• national <•ontt•st hl'ld in ('mrn<·il l~lufl's. lo\\;l. \Yith all ih adi\'ilil'" thl' hand ha not for·!!ottl'n its puhlit· sen·il'<'. It pia~ etl at thP rPYintl "<'''' i<·ps of tlH· PJ'l•-,hyterian ( 'hun·h. at t ht• Knig-ht TPmplar· EasteJ' s<'l'\ i<•Ps in .\fontit·l'llo, and for thl' .\nni. tir•p da,\ paratll'. ]!l~li.
~quirt·:--. ~tunrt. Ho~·l'r. \\"t·sl. Pi<·knl'll. Yak~·, (,rindlP~. IIPa<·tu·k. Ht·t•\"t·~. J)H)I' "nrph,\ ·, ~HI loll. ~f •ntt. Kit<·h, Lt':IStii'P. I ll'ZIIII. ~kl'ltt 11. l{obinsun. Hussl'll. J;bsoll, 'lnol't. ltnh+'r1">~111, J)H('osta. <;uJi,·k., \\'us,·ltt•r, ~lt':ll"l s, :--;.\\Prir,sh:~, llt·fll..tin~~·r. ~t'IHUPlson . l'iunixt: Elt•anur Fiuru·~· .
llht],· rtllt ·
~\lthou:,rh thP ( 'lwmpai:,rn
II•STR lh:E\ E.'
II i:.rh N<·hool nn·lw t I'H
~anization .... in tlw sdwol, ih d<•<•n•a...,ing importan<'<' i
tiH' oldP...,t of musi<·al or<ltw to thP fal't that thl'
hand i..., d!'lllHIHling mot'!' attPnt ion. llcl\\!'\'!'1', thl' on·h<•stra h<h !'Oittimll'd it .... wOI'k to provid<· t'or thP violin tal<•nt in tlw chool. It t'umi .... IH•d 11111 i!' fen· th!' thre!' most important s<·hool pia~ "Bah." "Hollo\ Wild Oat." and "'l'h!' BootnPrang." ~\ . JWcial or!'ll<'tnt contposP<l of \ 'ir:.ri nia Nquir<•s, liPayn Boyl't'. EIPanor Finnp~-. Clwrlps Picktwll, Holwrt Bi ........on, Ed\\ard \Ya dwr, and llat't'." Jlpftlpfing-Pr PlltPrtaim•d at ntrions conmltmity uH•l'ting-..... Thirty-mw m<·mll!'r..., nw!'t for pradil'!' with }fr. Ira ~\. }ld\:innp~· a .... tlu•ir diredor on }Iondays at noon. ~\mon:,r . Olll!' of thp <'ll'dions played an•: "Prill<'<' of tlw Nun,·· "\Yar :\Ian·h of th<• Prie. h, ·· "Tiw For:.!<' }fa t!'l'," "lntP:,rrit,,·... ". '<•h!'rzo ·' an<l "Lo~·alt~- }lan·h. '' 'l'hP instnmwntation <·onsists of !'V!'II fit·...,t violins, !-iCV!'ll !-ii'!'OIHL violin ..... otH' tint<'. two ('lcll·inl'ts, four <'Orn!'t , OIH' alto ....CI'.Ilphon<•, one• has .... axophotH', OIH' hariton<>, OlH' Fn•twh IIm·n, cmp has oon, two tromhonPs, trap dntms, t.nupan~·. and a piano. ThP sm•t<'" thP on·hP...,Int has pnjo,n•d ha ... h<'<'ll <IIH' to th<· killfnl art of }Jr. }fcKintwy.
TIH· wild pirat!' musit·ians an• most llnusual l'or tlwy kl'!'Jl hold or thl' IIH'lll IH'r of h•ss p:qwrit>JH'I' in a st t•orHl hand . Tlw n•plaet>nwnt o£ nH·HniP in tlw fir t hand may thus h!' taken <'<lr<' of. DtH' to this t'cl<·t this oq..ranizHtion has h<'<'ll hPld Hs H training- sehoolratlwr thHn as a plael' for play!'rs \\ho ean not he ttsl'd cis<'· \\]Wn. In this hand. lPHrllt'l's on unu ual instntllH'Jtt Jll'P<le<l in th<· ht'!tPr !!t'Ollp IIHI,I' l'('('!'il'l' JllOI'(' (H'I'SOJlal tntining- and 1\l]('Jl adYaiH'Pd thp~· HI'(' a ]H•Ip rat]H'I' than a hindntll<'<' to th<• first hand. J lo\\'('\'1'1', tlwy 11'('1'<' not <·ompldel,l <'t·lips!'d. As th<• mu i<·al pinttes \1'1111!! to hort• at tht>ir t•ont•Prt, tlw '-Pl'llllliHri!' took tl11•ir tum at tlw 1rlwPI of pt·ovi<lin!! Pnjoyuwnt for· tlw audi<'lll'l' and p 1 PHsing-l~- I'PIHh•rpd llandl'l \ ··Larg-o·· Hnd "L<ll'!!lwtto ·' I' rom Bl'Pthov<•n \ ". '<•ecmd , 'ymphon~. ·' 'l'hp,;p ro11g-h Hnd t'<•ady hne<'Hilt'l'l' hl'ld pntin• s1n1~ o\'l't' the sPH ot' ('las ]) hauds in tht• s<•dion and undPt' full ail ·wppt to tlw stHIP nwd 1riH•n• thPy ml'! hands of thPir o1rn rating- from th<• <•ntit'l' !Htt•. Th<• g-mwth of tlw Hhilit~· of th<• hHnd i I'PlllHrkah!P. Beg-inning- with im ph• hand instrlldon; tlwy workt>d throu!!h tlw irH•J'PHsing- g-radt•s of mu-,it· lllltil till',\' ll't'I't• HhiP to hHndle tlw mu i<· n•quit'<•tl hy tlw tall'. 'l'hP g-roup reg-ule~rly nwt on Tue da~· and Friday Jtoons. , 'udt H<lntnet•meiit t·<•llltl not ha\'l' h<·<·n adtit•Yl'd without t·oopPration. l~oth tlw din•dor and tht• mt•tnhPrs \\1'1'(' \\illing- to a('J'itiee tinw at noon and at't<·r <·hool to attain tll't'l's.,,
'I'OJI n1W:
I I• ::••ulmrt. Ca r... on ·'tf'Onf/ tiJU:
\\' a~..twr.
Ht>,\"ltnllb, llur·d. Padlit lei
:--;dt u l tz. /lollom ,.,H,.. "'Hwh . .\luqth ,\" , ~~~H .
Fillllf'~ .
Hohbin .....
~tit«· hPr . .l:u·kson.
~tuart ,
lloJ•kin..;, FluWI'l"~. 'I•·KPnZil', \lt·.Jiltnu . '1•·Pht'I'Soll ,
Ilall, .:\l('lli'I'IIH•tt. Pri•·.-. .\Joot'+', \\'hitP, (:illPspiP. Hahh, Fii -
K P,\, Briukt•ma
GL E ' LGB HoBEH'l' \\'E>;T
Challtpai!.!:n pri\·atP han· found on thP rou~h . ea that l"l.n;sps · \\Otl<lt·otts tales an· not -.,o -.,tran~('. Durin~ tlw Ia t pprio<l of tlw chool clay tiH• ~in•tt-., pntdit·P tlu•ir nwal eharms. \Yh <•n th<•y fppJ thPm..,l'ln• sHfficiPntl,,· \\Pil trainPtl at till• ar·t tlw,\· eonH• forth in an assemhl~- and strand the g-ood ship for a whill'. 'l'lu·it· my tie pnw<•r-., arP not <'OJtfitH'\l to th<· sehnol, hmrl'\'<'t', as thl'it· fon•p 011 ouhi<lPt' ha tau-.,pd tlwm to sing- at t hi' ~IarquPtt<• an<l Li1woln • 'chool, Pan•nt-TPaehPt' ~\ oeiation llWPtin~-., as \\I'll a. -.,pwralnwdin~ of that or~ani zation of mn· o\\·n <·hool. Th<•y al. o <ll'monstrat<•<l their tal<•nt at hoth han<l <·oncprt. \\"h<•t'<' thPit· nnhi<· wa highly appn•<"icttl'<l. Tlwir pn•sPnt ptforts arl' h<•nt npon obtaining suffki(']]t ~t·a<'<' to turn tlw !wart of a judg<'. Thi is dup to tlw fad that their eJwhantt•d roeks nHl\' (' to J)(•<·atlJJ' in ::\Ia~· for a ('onf<'l'<'ll<'<' ('ontP t lwtw<'t'tt ~irens fmm othPr sehools. It sePms that "Dawn" must hi' a mo t fittin~ pie<'<' for tH'h nnl..,i<·imt. to ..,Jww the hrst of t hPir dtann . . Th(• inn!'ase<l tH'<·<•ss of this group thi y<'ar has he!'n law<'l.'· dill' to thl' <'Xpanded tim!' allot<•<l to thPm . F'orm<•rly thP_,. had alt<'t'natPd da_,.., \\'ith tlw Boy' Ole' ('luh hut 110\\ th<·y d<•vott><l the pighth p!'riod dail~- to this work.
llundnd twrnfJJ -j( f.l'
'/ 011 ,-tor • (:rilullt·y. IIHt...ht·'· ('laue·~·. <:nrm~. Fo\, Ehlt·r. ~1+'111"11.', \\'pl.sll·r . •-.:~ffOHI rou~ . .:\lulliC'Uil. ~ava.c.-. J)i\ou, <'anllnn. \Viii'.\'. llf'tllt'fin~··•·. Korlknmp. :\lr. :\lc·Kiur11·;\". Uotlton rtJW: ('asad. :--:.litdH•r, Knhl, :-\tults, :--:.ailors.. lanis.(.aiJh·arl.
This :war tlw boys Uh•l' Club ha lwen pradi<·inl! daily durin!! tht• se\'l'nth JWriocl. This ha. het•n <lue to tlw fact that lllOI'P tinH• wa. JH'Pded allll thl' ril!hth (WI'i()(l on whi<·h thl'y had formprl,,· Jlll't wa oe<·upiNl h,Y tlw <lirls (llt•t• ('luh. This ~!roup has ·nnl! in asst•mblit•s and at thP two mu ieal emwerts pon-,ot'l'd hy tlw ~Iu-,ic ~\. sociation and Baton ('Juh. At thp fir t l'Oll<'Prt tlw~· pn•st>ntetl "Blow H i~!h. Blow Low," h~· Hohet·h; " ( 'omtit>l<l )fplodiPs," by <lah•s: "The BPll·," hy t'lnwr: and ")ly Litth• Banjo," hy Dickmont. In the spt·inl! eone('l't tlw~ JH'<'st•ntt•tl "IlPid('lherl! ~tein .·on:,r. ·· Lud< t' : "Tiw ('ollPI!<' (:an:.r ... ('al'l': " H ast(' to th<• Bower ol' Hohin ll ood," )lotl'att; and ''l Doubt It,'' h.' Pat·ks. 'l'lw ('luh willPnll•t· tlw ( 'onfert'IH'l' ('onkt lwl<l in Deeatur on )Ia.'· 7. The -.;ong rP<ptirP<l that tlH'.'' ;..in~ is ")Jarl'ltin:.r )!Pn." 'l'lwy al. o sin~! "lnYidus" for th<• mixPd ehm·u in eomhination with tlw C:i!'l-.; UIP<' ('Juh. "C:ih·ia" is tlw -.;olo mnnlwr.
\I Alexander, E. l:!ri .\rmstrone;, ('. 1:!:! Arm.-trong. F. 1:!:! llaeon, H. 1 2:! Uaddely, J 12:! Bailey. I>. 1 :!ii Bailey. . l:!ii Bennet. Y. 12:!, 1:!5 Bisson, H. 122, 1:!4, 1:!ii Bisson. W. 12:!, 1:!5 Bradley, <'. 126 Brinke ma, B. 126 Cannon, J. 12:!. 1:!7 ('arson. B. 126 Ca~ad, E. 127 'aton. :\1. 1:!6 Clan<'Y, J . l:l7 Cohen. G. 1:!6 Cole. D. 1:!6 ('urzon. G. fili. 1:!2, 1:!4 Da C'o:ta. G. 1:!:!. 12·1 Dale. ,'. 1 :!4. 1:!ii Dewhirst. L. 1:!ii Davis, (' 1:!;) Davis, P 1:!2. 1:!:> Denman. Z. 12:! Dillman . L. f)fi. 1:!:! Dixon, G. 12fi Dixon, 1'. 1 :!7 Ehler. E. 127 l<Jlnhart, f'. 125 Faulkner. K 125 Flannigan. W. 1:!2 Flowers, D. 126 Filson. K. 1:!6 Finney, I<J. 1:!6 Finley, J. 122 Fox. J. 1:!7 f'ranfz, K. 1:!5 Fulton. l. 1:!:) Garms. H . 1:!7 Gearen, IT. 125 Gillespie. G. 1:!6 Ginz, E. 12:! Grierson. L. 66, 12:! Grinclley, 'l 1:!4 Guliek .• I. 1:!:! Tlain "· C'. 1:!:!, l:!ri Hall, :\I. 1:!6 Jiampt•l. R. 1:!2 !lays, L. 122 Hea<·ock, (' 1:!4 Heffietinger, H. 1:!:!. 1:!4, 1:!7 lleg€nhart, G. 126 Herzog. L . 122 Hitc·h. F. 125 Hill, J. 125 Hopkins. H . 12:>, 126 Houston. Y. 126 Howell. H . 122. 1:!5 Hoyt, W. 122 Hue;h s. P. 127
' IC
I ~ D E .. Hurd. P. 1:!!) Jackson, 1·'. 1:!6 Jacobs. H. 1:!7 Kaplan, A. 1:!6 Kammerer. R. fifi. 1"'"' Key, 1!~. 1:!6 Kinnison, T. 12:! Kortkamp, ('. 12:!. 1:!7 Kuhl, J. 66, 122. 1:!7 Lake, J . 125 Lange, T. 12:! Leasure. A. 66. 122. 1:!4 Lewis, 1-J. 126 Llo~·cl<', C'. 66, 1:!:! 1\larshall, 0. 122 :\lariot t, G. 12:!, 1:!:1 :\1<-DPrmott, I. 1:!6 :\lcJilton. J. 126 :\lcKPnzie. B. 1:!6 :\Icl'hpr,.on. 1~ . 1:!:!. 1:!fi :\ler<·Pr, G. 1:!fi :\liller, H . 12:!. l:!ii i\toll. G. 122 :\lonr . A. 1:!:!. 124. 12:> :\lnueh. L. l:!G 1\luq>hy, 1:!4, 12fi :\luller. 0 . 1:!:! i\Iulligan. J. 12fi, 127 \lulliken, W. 122 • ·esmith . T. 122 Parker, 0. 125 I'a wling. :\1. 126 Picknell. C. 66, 12:!. 1:!4 Price. :\1. 126 H dmond, J . 1:!:1 Reev<•s. :\1 . 124 Reifsteck , A. 122 Reynolds, J. 1:!6 Robbin~. H. 126 Hohinson, J. 12:! Robinson, \\' . 122. 124 Robertson, iN. fifi. 1:!:!. 1:!4 Ro.-s. :\1. 1:!a Rus.-pl, H . 122. 1:!4 Savagf.', W. 122, 1:!fi SamuPlson. l. 12:! Sailors, F'. 1:!7 S<·hultz, A. 122. 1:!6 Scott. G. 124 Skelt<ln. K. Gfl. 1:!2. 1:!:i Smalley, H.. 1:!5 Squires, \'. 124 Stiritz. F. 1:!6 Staltz. G. 12fi Van<'€, H. 122 Yon Holton, W. 1:!:! Walker. I. 12:! Wa:eher. A . 126 WasC'her, K 66. 122. 1:!4 West. R. 66. 122. 1:!4 White. L. 126 Wilf.'y, L. fiG, 12:!
I ' "-'C got my
. pu'Ct'
The ~L\Roox and Cllroniclc , 'taff wish to <•xt<'JHl tlwir thank-. to the a<lvrrti-.pr-.. who ha\'p mad<• our annual and papl'l' sm·<·<' -.t'ul. Champaign Ice Cream Co. Reliabl Plumhing Kaufman's Ladies' hOJ> Johnston's port hop D. H. Lloyd<.' Johnson Bros. Jos ph Kuhn · Co. Brown's Busln ss Colleg<.' Citizen's tate Bank Flanigan-Pearson H. A .• ims Rose Shop G. C'. Willis Illinois Trust and SaYings Kaufman's G. R. Grubb Virginia Th ater Souder's First :'\ational Bank Weber Studio Rex D. Ryan A. E. Wuesteman Lillard Getman-Hugh<.'s Allen Green H. wannell :\lar ·hky and :\!arlin Commercial Bank Long's Barber hop Percival Hardware C. W. :\louch Cunnin~ham Bro!i. ('hester and O'Byrne '. A. Kiler Wat~on Faulkn r Do lei :\IcConn ick Champaign r>:ational Bank R. E. Zombro nyder & Bradley holem's hoe t re "\\'. A. Carp nter
W. Lewis & Co. Your hop liller's Polly Shop Apollo Federal Baker~ Hal hack's E. Ch rislian :\Ietzler & chaef, er Porter Baking Co. Rialto Theater ·walter Savage F. K. Robeson Pitsenberger & Flynn Ray Stam1er T. :\1. Bacon How<.'ll .Fuel Co. Stt·auch's Photo hop Bullock Bros. A. G. Kirms Ye Olde Clock Shoppe tiritz Eisner Groc ry Co. A. E. Strode J. Y. Hamlin ue's Inn Shadeland Dairy l'niversity State Bank tandanl Electric n liable :wurniture ('o. B ers & Beers G. K Ba<"on D. S. ( 'ondit A. P. :\!eyer 0. H. Hurd Paris Dyeing and ('leaning 0. W .• 'orton Cora LaiTcrty Gehrig'.- Cafeteria Kennedy's Kandic
I'OJI rou : o·~Pil, ('hP:-;tt•r, Lnir. \\'ri:.:ht. ('ox. l'nrkhill. )(j,.,. (;111:-;ou. ·'u·ond ,·otr: Plul1iptu•. i'I'IZI'r. )IPHtl. (;PtlllHil. ('atuu, .\laniu. ~quin·"'· Fllinl n11r:
\\"HIIPJ':-i, J)oolt·IJ, I'H\\liu;:. :-;u)ou, ('oHk. Fin1w~·. llou:-;toll,
Tlw .:\1 \Roo~ Stati' of Champaig-n Ilig-h .'ehool has "orkPd t•spP('ially hard to makP a better annual. Ideas from RolH•rt Louis StP\'<'nson \ 'i't'Nlsure Island at'l' the art <lP ig-Jl. that havp hP<'n <'arried out hy .\udra Bail<•y, art P<litor. under thl' sUJH'l'Yision of .:\I iss ll<•l<•n .:\lt•L<•an, art ad \'isor. }!iss ::\larg-aret K t)turg<•on, no\\' teaehin~ at .:\lorg-an llig-h Sehool, ('hi<·ag-o, t'ornwt· faenlty adYisor for thr first s<'llH's!Pr was follo\\·<·<1 by .:\lis G<•npna Bush Uibson, \\'ho carri,•<l th<• "·ork tht·ougoh the. <'<'Ond s<·nwst<•t·. Bradford ('ox, eirculation mamtl!t'r, lannch<•<l the suhscript ion ram pa ig-n in tlw second hout· cia. s<' . .\. priz<' wa. awarded to tlw <·aptain of tlw room 1111\'ing- tlw most suhs!'riptions. LPland Lair won thi award. By nutnhering- tlw subscription. and drawing- for tlw lucky JHllnlH'r .\llwrta Luttr ll also won a priz1•. 'l'lw numll!'r \\as dl'awn h~· }Jr. Dale at a spreial .JJ \JWO ass<•mhly. A senior populcu·ity t•ontP. t \\H. a!. o !wid and conducted \\ith tlw ::\1.\IWO:\ driw. Ea!'h JH'I'son sllhs<·rihin~ to thp ::\1.\two:-; had tltr pt·ivil<•g-r of' voting- for tlw most populat· sPniot· g-irl and s<•niot· hoy. ~early ..,j;.;: hundred subscriptions wt't'<' ohtainPd. Roh<•t·t ('lwsti'J', adn'rtising- 11Hl1HI!.!<'l', \\'H. stH'C('s;,ful in g(•tting 1Warly a thou;.and dolhtt';, \Hirth of adn•rti. ing. Billy Caton, !'ditot·-in-<·hid, has provl'd himsdf a wr:· <'OlllP"I l'nt ed i tot·. Ill' ha-; mad!' spP<'ial Ptrm·h to mak!' t lw 19~7 .\1.\noo:-; I hi' hl'st .\1 \tmo ·('\'PI' puhlislwd h:· ('hampai!.!n lli gh.
l'au• Ullt' luuuln tl tltiriJJ '""
\"it·!!inia ~quit'('" Ednanl<IP .:\ll'( ']pfland
____ Editnt·-in -( ' hiP I'
.:\fi.., .:\laq.rat'PI E.. ' tur~<·rllt .:\[i..,.., 0l'll('\'J'a Bu ... h (:ih;,oll
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\I · ( 'l"t'r"
\Yard Dillannt, Rt•nit·k H:]('k[p:-. ___________ Bu ...itH'>..., .:\lanagr•t· .:\It·. William .:\ll'lnto... h ________ __ Bu>.inp..,.., .\<h·i..,r•t· BC ' I:\E.'~ DEP.\1{'1'.:\IE. ' T Wt-..,Jey ~tip<' _____ __ __ ------- __ Adv!'rti ... in~ .:\lanag-er Huth \Yalt<•t·..,, ('harlr•.., .Jo(m..,on _('in·ulation .:\lanaget· :\an<·~ .:\lt•ad __ __ _ __ --1"'" 't ( 'it·r·ulation :\lanag-<' r _ Ex<·hang-P Editor 1\ldah ('a'-<', Oella ('ondit _
E ()I 'l'OH L\ L I) I~P .\ H'l'.:\1 E:-\'1' _________ ('opy l{padPr .:\larg-arl't Phillippr• . .:\la:--;ine Bea<·h ()plla ( 'oJHI iL _ ---------------------- ________ Proof H<•adet· EthPI ~phar_ ____ _________ __ _____________ ( 'hi<"f T,Ypi ... t XEW~ EDITOR~
Tommy :\ll' :\1 nll<'n, .John .:\lt·C 'ullon~h ____________ ]<'i r>.t Floor Loui..,<• }[arlin --- --- -- - ------- - ------ - -- - -- ~<·cond [<'loor Edmtmae :\lc( 'IPiland. :\Jaq..:-at·et ( 'aton __________ Thinl Floor DEP .\H'I'.:\1 E:\'1' E I >l'l'OH:-; __ ----------- _ _ ~or·iC'I.' Elll'n ~olon _ Eu!!'<'lll' ~dtooll',,· ----- __ --------- -----------~pot·h \' irg-inia ~oudt•r. Bru<·P :\ot·mmL __________________ llumo•· . ' p(lfa Ilolland ______ ------------------- - -- __ Per>.onal.., .:\1 i ld I'Prl Broom _________ ------------------ __ (J irl ·.., , · porh Pa ulim• IlurcL _______ ------------ ------------- -- F('at 11 rt'" :\laxinP Bpaeh. Eva :\IurrelL ____________________ Interview
l'fl(/1' 0111
rorr: Kortknmp. I.lo,nlt•. Lnir. ~t .. try. Jlohnlt•, Kt>lllll'd~ ..Johnsou, ~ t ipl's . 'lurJ lh~-. Hrownf'll. ~phnr. ~t·h• tt dP~-, ('nt o n , Condit. ( 'n mpiH'Il , J)ohlllf', \lf•lHI th i n/ ,., ,,: Htwkll':-1, ~omt • r:-1, lltt\'is , Slu-11. Ta~ lor. ( 'ns••. Pllillippt•, \lurrt·l. Fourth ,.(Jlr : Hut·on , \\' ikox. ('lark, \\'altl'rs. (~f'tlllHII. ~l('(')(' lland. Hruum. Ht·t \ ' I'S . rtaniti.L:HJI . Pa rk hill. J'iftl; row : H null•·~ . :\l a rtiu . '''''11111+'n. :\I iss ~ t ur,~.:Poll . ~quirPs, Hohinsou . H Paf'lt , ('oo k. ~ol ou.
'/ OJI
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Tlw ('ham paign Ch ronirfr fornw1·l:· kno\\'n a:-. tlw .ll ol(('u(( ha. for tlw fir:-.t tinw in ih hi:-.toi'.'' IH•conH' a WP<'kl:· in:-.I<'~Hl of a hi-\\<'<'kly papl'I'. ThP "tan· \\H':-.IH'CI'""fnl in pnttin~ out fift<•l'n i :-.UP" during- thl' fit·st . t'BH'"!t'r. Thi:-. ineln<l<'" an t•xtra ('hristnHI" <><lition and abo a fn•l' papl'r \rhieh wa:-. distributed in a "}W<·ial ass<•mhJ,,· to 1'\'Pry mpmlwr oft ht• high school. .\ t tlw hP~inning- of tlw speond st•mestt•r tht•n• \H'r<' several thangp-, madP in tht• sraff. Rt>nitk Buekl<•s sut<'<'Nh•<l \Vard Dilla,·ou a:-. hn:-.inl'ss nuuw~<'I'. \'iq..rinia •'oudt'l' diseontinut•<l lwr work a. humor t•ditor an<l \\as followed h.'· Bnict• ~onnan. ('harle-., .Johnson tc ok Hut h Waltl•rs pia<'!' a-, l'irl'uiation llJ<lllHg'l't'. During- tlw first >.<'llH:' ter there wen• 11101'<' subscription:-. . old than !'\'<'!' llPfOI'I'. 'l'lw Ch,·m1irl1 eampaig-n startl'd with a on<• act pia.'' l!iYPn b:· mendl<' I's of tlw stall'. T he s<'l'OtHl st•nw"tt•t· dri\'1' dos<>d at the sJH•c·ial as!'l'llllii.'· at \rhieh Lois Larry, \rho sold thr mo:-.t ulu·riptions, \\Hs a\\arded a :-.ilq•r JoYing- cup <lonatPd hy ~lr. ,\ .E. \\'upstt•nul n . B llen ~olon \\' Oil st•eoll(l place and Irene Dooll'n thinl prizr. \'i1·~inia ~quin•s, editor-in-<'hief of the C!tronicft, ha. tlw honor oi' h<>ing- th<• first g-irl to hol<l this position in Champaig-n High. v . 8</tllns
\Vith tlw uwthod of rating- chang-eel thi ~· ear, Champaig-n llig-h , 'chool won ddingui.lwd rating certifi<'at<•s for both tiH• y<>arhook and tlH' sehool papH at thr sixth annual eonferenep of tlw Illinois State lligh S<'hool Pre. s ~\sso<·iation hrld at thr l:'niwrsit~· of Illinois. This Y<'<ll' fir. t, s<'<'Ond an<l third prizes \\Pn' dmw away with, swPepstak!'s priz!'s a\\ard<•d to on• s<·hool, Hohin on ll ig-h .'ehool, and distingnislwd rating- <'<'l'tifh·ates to l:lO sehools. \ 'irginia Squirrs r!'pt'!'s!'nting- tlw Champaig-n ('flnmi('fl', whieh was pt·<•sident of the ass<wiation for th<• past year, aet<'d as ('hairutan at tlw mm·ninl.!' st>ssion and nHtd<• a spereh <•mphasizing- tlw lwnPfit that had he<'n dPt'in•d from th<• org-anization. Hilly ('aton "ho rPpn•sPnt('(l tlw )!.\Roo' and Ell<•n Franet•s ,'olon who l'!'}H'<' <•ntPd thr ('hampaign Cllronicl! told of tlw ~t<·hit•wmPnts of th!' publi<·ations during- tlw year. 1Tt·hana llig-h S<·hool 's m•wsJlil!H'l', Tlu Ec /10. sut•<'reded the ('hampaign C'hroni('ft· to tlH• presidrlH'Y and tlw ofli<·e of s<•et·dary was \\'On hy t hr )1 \ROOC\. The pnt·pose of th<' association is hn>-fold; first, the lwttrrnwnt of high sd10ol pnhli<'ations and se<'OJHI thr er!'ation of friPIHl hip among high s<·hool journalists. The fit t e\'ening of tlw ('Onfen'JH'<' was spPnt in H<'complishing tlw second pnrposr at a jamhor<'!' g-iwn in the ('hampaign Ilig-h Sehool gym. Thi \\as sponsor!'d h~· 'l'hPta Sig-ma Pi and JH'O\'!'d to IH• one of tlw lH'st that had PWt' hePn g-i wn. Thr <·onf<'l'PtH'<' dos!'d with a hanqupt whi<·h was lH'ld in th<• has<'IIIPnt of tlw Fir-.;t ( 'on~t'<'g-ationa l ('Jmr<'h. .\t thi-.; hanqnet Prof<•-.;sor L. W. )lnrph~·, dirc<'tor of tlw t0\11'-.;<•s in ,journali~m at th<• l nin•rsity nuHIP th<• a'utnl
(Jnf h.nulrt rl lltirfJI jour
( 'Ll ' B Pl{.l%E NllOHT N'l'ORY BY ETJJEL • 'pJJ
Ur·ay !'YI's, with I,!T<'l'll lights iu tlwm, a strOll!!, tl'l'll , 1\\isted, ug-1~· month , t nhhorn, ag-gn•s. i w e hi n, Ia f'l!!', sl igh tl,,. hook!>d nos<', bushy, black. low!'ri ng hl'(ms, and dark, lllll'llly hair· added th1• la-.,t detail IH'Pd<•cl to mak1• instant the impn•ssion an.' OIH' '' ho lookPd into th1• fa<'<' <·ould not fail to haw - that h!'re \\a-, a ulan r p]pntlPss, implacable a-, steel, rut hlP.., a1Hl without nwrc.'· in draling with lll<'n -.,o uufort11nat<• a-, to !'Olll!' into his )lO\H'r or und!•r hi control. .\nd thi first impn•ssion wonhl h!• cmTed, hecaus<' in DaYid Ilauh•.'· 's h!'art then• lurkl'<l 110 -.,lightp-.,t t I'll!'!' of pity, not a Y!'stig!' of tPJHll'l'IH'"s 1101' low of any Ji,·ing thing . •\dirty r!'d shirt- on!'!', fH'l'haps, it had gt·acPd the body of a mor!' fmwiful !!Pntlrman than it now adonwd a fiounet• of lac(' at NtCh wrist, a pair of dark hltH• Y!•h·pt t r·ou-.,rt·.., pnslw<l into hi!!lr )pathPr hoots, and a l)l'(lHd YI'IIO\\ ..,a-.,h ti!'<l gntt·f'fully at t ht> sidt• com plPtt•d the cost unw of thi sPa-master. DaYid llanlr~· was in tr'tlth a mast<•r or thP -.,pa. ~o monareh \\H P\'!'r morP ah-.,olut!' in hi rPign than \\Hs this man ahoar<l his pinttt• ship, th1• (}ny Oull. II • Wlh -.,uhj(•et to no man' onl<•r·-.,. 'l'lw (•n·w of tlw Urry Oull, rough and crul'l and saYa!!P though thr.'· w<'t'<', ... too<l in mortal ti'ITOr and feat· of tlwir eaptain. A look, a !'Ill'"!' hom Hanley, and thry jnmJwd to do his hiddin!!. for w!'ll tlw~· lnl!'\\' that not for· nothing· was Dan• Ilanl<•y so physicHll,,· po\\·erfnl, not in Yain di1l hP poss(•ss mus(•l<''- hanl as iron . II!' wa. tlw superior in hodil~· stn•ngth to any of thr cr!'\\', and !'ach man kn!'\\' that lw lowclnothin~ better than to punish onw man for disoh(•dic•JH'<'. ~ot a few had felt tlw iron trPngth of his arm. s\'1'11 the cru!'lt,,· in tlw gray-Q:J'l'!'n !'~'!''- and tlwy \\('!'!'not slow to learn. Only orH' in th1• en'" of the (;I'( !1 (hdl -.,]10\\'!'d that lw did not f<•ar IIanl!·~· . This "as an Englishman who had hepn on tlw 01'1 !J (lull fm· on!.' a hort whilP. lit> offpn•d no orwn detian(•e to thr captain. hut wlwtlwr it wa. lh\\ id Ilanley or another of tlw er·c•" \\·ho look!>d into tlw <1ui!'t hhH· p~·e.. th p~· fourHl thc•n• no \I' ti!!!' of fpat·. ('almly. hut" ith an t•ffieiPnt nutnll!'r that l!'ft no <•ausr for (•omplaint in his "ork, he \\'Pnt ahont his clutit• . IIi ... lHlllH' no onr ha(l !.'\'!'!' lward; hP had nwr!'ly said. ,rJwn 'iOllH'Onr ha<l inqu irPd. that JH'Oph• nsua l~· <·a liP !I him ,Jt•tT,\'. .\nd ,J Prry lw wa to all t h!' t·r!'\\ . But hr "a. hound to ('OllH' to g-rips with llanlp~· 'iOOII!'r or lat!'r. for it \\'Cis 11ot in th!' eaptain' natur!' to ha\'!' a man in his Cl'l'\\ \\ho did not t'!'ar ancl hal!• him . lie " ·aute!lllH'll to hat!' him. It made his hour all th!' sweett•r when th<·~· "er·p in his pow!'l'. .Jrrr.' did not f(•Ht· Ilanl<•y. \\Tlwn he rasprd an onl<•r. all . pran:.r to oh!'y; ,)err.'· oiH',\'<'d al ...o, hut lw did not jump as it' in l't•ar· of his life. Ilanh•.'· r!'ad in his attitiHh• tlw nttPr Jcwk of the terror lw had ('ome to ff'f'l as hi.., d ur. llan h·~· t O\\'('t·ed a h0\'1' ,J !'rt'.'' a full six i neh(•s; "h!'n' t lw 1·a pta in's body \\<I'- (Hl\\'Prfull.'· musdt>d, the Englishman \\Hs strai~ht and slender·. The ('!'('\\'
t•ould S<'<' thP g-athPt·ing storm and not on<• had tiH• slig-ht<",( doubt as to \\'ho IIIllS( bOW. Thr skY "H IH'Hutifull~· brig-ht Hnd hhw ctnd thp st•H wets <·aim. hut just ahow the horizon a group of (']ouds mart'Pd tlw hhH•nt•ss or the hra\'t'ns. Captain Ilanh·~·. standing- at tht• rail, "a" too \\isr to h•t snt·h a warning- pass 1111h<•<•<kd. Too nlHIIY ~· ears had lw sailt•d tlw sPas in fair WNitlwr and foul, 110t to t'<' •og-nize tlw g-athering storm and pn•pan• to nwet it. 'l'ul'!ling to th<• <·rrw. lazil~ sprawled about tlw d<•<·k. lw g-aw harp, <'Urt ord<•rs. By tlw timp tlw hat<·lws \\('t'<' all do\\n and <•,·erythiJtg- fast<•n<'d tig-ht!~·. tlw tra11 formation in <'H and 1-y was <·ompiPtP. .\11 ominous, IPa<l<•n-gl·ey rPpl<l<'<'<l tlw dazzling- hln<' of tlw sk.'. and tlw mtn•s, so lcttel.'· <'Him and llnt·ntllPd. \H'l'<' no\\' mountain-high, tlw wind l'humiJtg i11to "hit<' thP tops an<l dashing- tlwm \\'ith fpro<·ions i11tP11 it~ liJlOII th<• stun!~· \('sspJ. Fot· 1\n•IY<' hmn· tlw t<'lllJWst ragpd; and whe11 at last th<• sky had <·IPart'd and tlw -,ea wa. ag-ain partiall.' l<•n•l. it \\ih found that tlw G11 y Uu/1 <'Ht'l'ie<l t \\' O IPs souls than hefon• tlw storm tlwy had g'OJH' to tlwir last rest. Tlw~ "rn• hnrie<l as OJH' "Ito knew lhl\ id llanle~- would <'XJH'l't mpn to ])(' buried on his ship. "\Vnt]lJH'd in <•oars<' sh<•t>h, tlw hodit•s \\PI'<' sli<l into tlw sea. " ·ith no Oil<' to sa~· <'\'('II a wonl of pra~ <'l' fot· tlw two souls rntrring- PtPrllit~· . thei1· hodiPs to find n•sting· pla<'<' in tlw toma<'hs of thP men-Pating- shark that infpst the. 'outh ~<'a. Tlw <'t'('\1 s<'t abo11t tlw ta;.k of t'Ppait·illg- thr rantg-Ps nHldP hy thP stornt. DPcks had to h<l s<·t·uhh<•d, rig-ging to hP lll<'JHlPd, and und<•r llaniP.' \ ..,harp onl<•t·.., tlw work wa ... pt·o<'<'Pding- with ala<•rity. ,'ndd<•Jtl.'. llanlPy\ form stifI'Pned. hi bod,,· prang <'t't'<'t. and, rnnni11g- his <'Y<'.., on•r th<• <'!'<'\\' on<'<' again to makP '-lll'<' hP \Uls not mistake11, hP ra-,JWd out an ngly oath. ,JpJ'J'Y was 110t on dl'c•k. ''\Yhrn•\ that d----el Eng-li. ·hnH\11 ? " ll<mh•y <h•nHitHIP<l. Xo Oil<' ans\\<'n•<l. As a matt<>r of fal'l, no onr had mis-,<•d th<' quiPt ,Jprry until tlw ('aptain·.., \\atch fnl <'Y<' haclnot<•d hi. ahsPIIC<'. llr trod<• to\\anl thp cahin tair\\'ay. ,Jeny was ill. Ill' had h<'<'ll <iPalt a o.,]Htrp blow ll[H>n th<• lw<Hl \\'ith a ht>av.'· <·oil of ropp during- tlw ... tonn, hut in tlw <''<·it<•nwnt and <lanl!<'t·. h<' had kPpt ltp \\'ithout noti<·ing- til(' injm·~- \ ' ('!',\' mu<·h . \Vith th<' aha1PmPnt of tlw \\'ind. ho\1'PWr, hP had IH'g-un to fePl dizzy and si<·k. and <h tlw nig-ht \\atch \\Hs not his, hP had l'OIIPd into his hunk and Ia.' all nig-ht in a f'PV<'t' of pain. ThP da,,·li!!ht had hmug-ht him 110 rPiiPf; indtt•d, hP \\il'i hart>l,\ <'<llts<·ious and so Itt• had 11ot <'\'<'II h<•ar<l tlw o.,hrill <·all to 1-i r . • • Cl\1 1Janl<•y <'<lllH' striding- do\\ n t hl' st Hi nray <'tlrsing .) PI' IT \VhPn hp sa\\ him lying- in his hunk. hi>- rag-<' almost hlindecl him ('\'<'n \\hill' an <'<'slat i<· o.,pasm of joy tlashpd O\'<'r him that now hP cotJld tak<• hi-, n•wngp upon tlw man lw hatPclmoo.,t in tlw \\·ol'lcl hPcaH-.P hr did not f<•ar him. A 11101'<' hummw ot' emtsideratp man \\'ould havp SP<'II th<' \\'hitt• t<•nsPIIPss, tlw litH'>- of pain. the ha!!g-al'<l <•xprl'ssion of' t lw ;..i<'k man. B11t Il<mley <·onld not. <lid not \\'<lilt to:-.<'<'.
1uuutn ff tllirt !f
:-it riding- m·pr to t hP hunk. lw ,jPrkPd ,)pt't',\' out onto t h1• tioor, <·ur-.,inl! him all tlw whih•; thPn g-HYP him a brutal kid~ that PJJt him rPPlin~ tcmanl thP tairs. llc fplJ to his low<•s at tlw hottom of tlw stPp. and Ilanl!'.'' · prin~ring- orc•r to him, eatt!.dtt him hy thP <·ollar and dra:.rgPd hint up thP stt•p . Fling-in~ him in a h<•ap upon tlw dPek. lw -.,polw only a !'1•11' 11ords to tlH· mPn, 11ho 1tad ~ath!'t'P<l to sPc 'rhat would happPn. "'!'hi ntt is a litth• si<'PP.''· Wl''ll sPP if a hath will wakp him up." • 'o tnot·p 11 ot·ds \\'l't'P llPPdPd. E;wh !Jill' \IIHh'l' tood th<• form thr JHinishnwnt \\'H. to takP. Poor ,J ('IT~·. still only Ita Ir ('0liS!'ious. \I as d t•ag:.:-<·<l to t lw ra iI of t lw ship, a I'OJH' 11 a tit>d 11nd!'r hi ar11ts, and ht> was !'H t 01 PL' into thl' -.,pa, For half a minut<• ht> ""'"' drag~r<•<l throug-h tlw watPr, th1•n hault>d np -.,o h<• eould eateh his breath. and plung-rd in a~rain. 'l'hr third tim!' hi' w<•nt 1111<1H thP look-out <·all!'d his 11arnin~r: ",' Jun·k. Ito!" lht\ l' llanll'y, too, an in-.,tant lu•fon•. had <·au:rht tlw tiash of tins and instantly ImP\\' tltp dang-<'!'. liP g-aw tlw order to haul in and it 11as wiftly oi)(',\'Pd. ,Jpt'I'Y 11·a. fully eon <·iou-. 110\\·. Ill' had aJ-.,o h<•ard tit<• look out's <'IT. had P!'ll thP ominous fin and n•alizPd that dPath lay in tlw 11ater \'!'1',\' JH'ar and eon1ing swiftly tmnu·d him. Ill' \\"CI ,jPrkPd from tlw waiPt' and ros<' n1pidl~· into tlw a it·. Too httP! A dark body tiaslwd from t ltp watPr, thPn• was a snap of t rong- jaw-.,, a scn•am of Hg'Oll,l'. and .Jprry was pnlkd o\'('1' th<• -.,idl', 11 ith hlood stt'l'<lmin:,r from him. Ilis ]pg had hP!'II amputat!'d at thl' kiH'I'. as tlt'Htl.' as thoug-h a -.,ur!.!I'Oil · · latH'!' had pc>rfor·mpd t lw OJH'rat ion. I lan]py imnwdiah•ly s<'t to work to do what lw c•olllcl. During- his t11any ,\'I'Hrs UJlOII thl' SI'H, lllldl't' thl' hJcH•k flHg' 11itJt it-., skull Hlld l'I'Oss-hOJH'S, hi' hH!l of JI('('('Ssity piekt>d up t'ragnwnts of skill in llHill,\' proft•s-.,ion.... Onp or tlw (' "'CIS -..m·gpt·.'·· and Jtp 11011 top]Wd th<• tlcn1 of hlood and !'l'lHIPI.'· bound tlw "oun<l 11 hill' ,Jprt•y utl<'rl'd oHths ltol'l'ihlt• lwyond dt• eription HllCI YO\\Pd YPngPanct• upon It i m. Ft·onl that da~· Ilan]py wa-., a (·han~rt•d man. El"<•r·~· hour of his lifp hi' liwd in fpat· of c!Path. llis 1111'11 !'Ollld sPI' thp chang-P, hut from what sout'C!' tlw~· W<'l'l' ttnahll' to dPlt>t'mim•. lit• was still t'l'lll'l, at•t·o~rant, hullyin!!·. hnt somrthing "·as gone. ll<• clar·pd not for an instant wh<•n almw tnl'll his fat·t' to tlw rail. Ill' wa. afraid to Ill' alonl'. 'LIH• g-ray-gn•pn l',l'~'' \\'PI'l' haHntPd nmr. thPy !'ould '-!'!' som<• hon ihlt• thin~r ~·on1ing. hut what m· wlwn or how tlw~· knP\1' not. Ill' wmtlcl not nwet t h1• Eng-li-.,lullan·s p~·t•s. liP lnww lw would s!'l' thl'l'C' thP anl:tt• look of a t igt'r about to -.pring upon a dot• ·.., hade flp fou11d it almost impos. ihlt• to h•t•p. and mw ni~rht wlwn the sk.' was clarkl.1·, plaeidly hluP, th<• stat·s "hining", It<• stole out of hi-., eahin and "ent on d1•l'k. liP t•ould s<'<' thl' 11atch 's head at his post and all hi-., l'Hution lt•ft him. Ill' wand<•n•d to t hi' rail and stood looking into tlw dark watPr lwlow. 'l'lwn, suddt•nly, a Ii~ht root trp hPhind him. j ]p -.,tartl'd tot Ul'll hut in anothrr instant lw " ·as plunging- O\'l't' thl' rail into tht• <'H. llt• ImP\\' that .Jprry had tak<•n his rl'Y<'llgl'. Ewn a-. hi' -.truek th<' wat!'r lw felt th1• dt•prp-.,-.,ion of tilt'
Ia. t ft>w da~ s IPH\'1' hi111, 1hl' st'Jht' of dt·c•acl g-one•, and ht' knP\\' hP \\as !.dad it \\11 owr. It hatl hPt'n inl'\·itahlt-. In front of him, stal'tlingl;• do:--r. a Hash of solltt'thing- hrig'ht t'IO\P the• \later. The• moon 011 the• watc•t· . •\g-ain his P,\'t's eaught tht> g-lPam . •\nd 110\\ his n•ason lt>ft him and hP sc•t't'HIIlt'tl \\ilclly. Tlw (JI'(y 0111/ was t'\Pt·al ~~arcls awa,\' no\\'. Tht' long- rows of whitt• slutt'ptw:-.s '' t'l't' upon him now; hP c·ould st'P t hP gkam of anti<•ipation in tlw t't'Hd little• c•yc•s. .\g-ain ht' sc•rc•;ntwd, wildly, fu tiYely. The• \\HtPr t•lc>st•d OY<'r his head.
BY .Jon:-. B \1.1-:!:' Tlwn• wa. onc•c• a piratp hold. \\'ho . ailt•cl tlw tlt•c•p hlnt' sl'a, .And huntc·cl aud fo11g-ht for g-olcl . IIi" nanw \\as ('aptaiu Lc·c•. liP \ra:-- a trallant daring knight, \\'ho. c• mig-hty ht>art sc•t•nwcl nc• 'c•t· to dir . llc• always t'Hlllt' out of a hlood~- fig-ht \Yith his c·olcn·s pro\ld on hig-h. Thoug-h an c•ttt•tn.'· to th.- Ho.' al ht·pd; A gt>ntlt• l'riPnd to tht> poot· \1 as Ill'. For ht• it was who g'H\<' tlwm hrPacl; .\ nohlt> c·hantpion of tltt• sPa.
Out l11uu/n II thirty t I !Jill
,.,,,, 0111 lllllrtlrnl tlllliJI-tllllf
/''"'' (}, ,. liuurlrul jorltr
/'uflt Out
d jortu onâ&#x20AC;¢
/''"'' lin e lluntln â&#x20AC;˘I j!Jrtv-tu:o
1111111/n t1 juri II 1111·• •
l'oyt Out hundn 1/ forty /'Jilt
PIR TE AI,\\'.\ Y .-\ PIR.-\TE Bv Er.:\rw,
o ·x,
Lon!! .John Niln•r, htll'<·arH'<'I' and !!<'llfl<•rllall of forttliH', sat thought 1'111'.'· smoki11g i11 th!' t'on•<·astlt• of thP g-oo<l ship "\Yalt·11s." Loll!!" .John \\a. fifty a11d <Ht<·<·l>a<·k fro111 this h< t'<' nuisP hP'd t't IIJI !!"< ntlt•mall ill PHI'IIP t. II<' ha<l pl<·llt,\' to do if With too OIIH' fin• OJ' siX thn11sa11d JlOlllld !OI'Pd awa,\' in diffpJ'I'III hank.. IIi old mis. is had a· 1'\'ad,\· hon;.rht a pia<'<' out Bri to] wa,\·. an<l \\ h<·n hP got ill. th<·,,· ·d r!'tir<', so to Jll'ak. .\lid Zound . hut \\'Otrltln't h<' show th<•llt land-lnhh<•t· hem to lin• tlwn! liP and tlw old lad,\· \\'OHI<l drin• around th<' <·ountl',\' in thPir <·oadt and Jllayh<• hP 'd !'\'l'll d<·<·idt• to go to ParlynH•nt likt• a lot of othPr ;..r<'tlf l<'lliPn h<• kill'\\' \\as do in·. B<' idPs it \\H. g-<'ftin' 11101'<' dan;..r<·roll" <'\'1'1',\' day. thi IH•t'l' piratP joh lladn 't h<· <'<'II 111<111,\ a tall "'"P laid a hoard and hadn't h<' . P<'ll nwny a hri"h lad s\\·in!!in' in <·Ita ill" with hinb about him, "<'<lltwn p 'intin' him out a. thP,\' !!O down with tlu• tid•>, and hadn't hP !ward 1h<· <·lwins a-j;lltl!lin' as hP stood h.'· to ;..ro ahout. Xo. it'<'l'. not fm· hint! ]lp wa" quittin' t'or hi' g-ot too <·lo <' th<· g-ihiH't. But. h.' 1ht11Hlt'r! Th<•nt " '"" tlw da.' . • !any a tillll' hl''d hl't'n withi11 hall' a plank ol' d<·ath. alld ,\"t•t. h,\· fair nwa11 or foul. lw 'd <·OIIH' tht·oug-h all ri!,!ht. \\'It,\. had11't th<·y taken this \'<'1',\' "hip h,\ muti11y. Tlu•ir \\holt' <'l'l'\\' had ship]Wd 011 h<•r a11d \\ h<'ll slw \\·a. \\'l'll out. had <·Ill 1'\'1'1',\' hon!'"t throat a hoard and lnou!!hl h<•t· hal'k to port thpmst•h·e..,, lad<•ll with ridH'" and <·rim('. Nplit hi, sidt• ! But that <·aptain a11d IIHII<'. \Yhat had dt·mp \·m at·otiiHl lik<• dog-:-. tlw who],• trip. !!Of \\hilt' about thl' <·ni\\'Htl't'. whPll thl'y found what thl'.'' had o11 hamk Ila! That \nts a prl'tt,\· joh. ThPll thl't'l' \nh that tinw wlwn. half way IH'tW<'l'll .\nwril'a and tlw .'pani:-.h .:\fain, tlu·,\· 'd oYl't'takl'll a g-all<·on, loa<iP<l dmnt with ti·c•asnt'l' t't·mn tht• 11<'\\ <·oun11',\. TIH•y'd <·nt theN' ~pani;mls down lik<' that mtwh pork a11<l when tlw,,· ·d takl'll Oll hoanl th<• blunt. had l'nttle<l tlw :-.hip. Ol<l P<''' had lost hi dpadli!.!hl · in that Pll<·Otlllh·r- g-ot slu<·k with a poniard hut lw \\H:-. tlw olll,\· Olll' had hurt. On<'<' "h1•11 pid;:in' \\H. poor tlw~··d hoardt•<l a pa. Pn;..r<'r ship and madP <'Yt'l'." man. woman. HtHI <·hild on het· walk tlw plank hlin<lfoldP<I. whih• tlw t'<'"l looked ott. Notlll' of th<• l'l'l'\\' had \nlllt<·d to put 'tm a..,JJOt'<' lik<· HHtroons. hnt Hot Long- .Jolllt. ll1• '<l \'OIPd for dl'atlt l'\<'I'Y tim<' 't•au <' \\ hPII h<• \\'as !!Oin' to Pat· l~·me11t. hl' didn't \\Hill any of th<''-l' land lnhh<•t· a-<·ontin' hnllll' unlook<•d for. lik<· tlw dPril at pra.' PI's. It had hl'l'll bad hnsitw "· bnt <loot,\· \\'H . <loot~· . •\nd th<•n. whPn th<'.' took tlw ·· \'11'1'1'0,\' of tit<· ltulil' .. out of (:oa. That had h<'<'ll hat t ll', mnnl<•t·. ctnd :-.udd<•n <kat h. .JIPII, might,\· uood m<·n. too. wh<'ll <lown on ctll . idt•s. and 't\\'a:-. th<·n· ohl Flint. thl'ir ll'<tdl't', had g-mu• ont and lw himsplf ha<l -.nt'l'l'l'd<•d to tlw <·aptain<·y 1'\'l'll \rhilt• till' poor d<•Yil hl,\' rollin!! his<',\'<'" in tiH• la:-.t agon,\·. That was tlu• 1 imP IH• lost his I<'!!. too. and solltl'tinw:-., wlw11 it kt•pt him <l\rak<• at night he'd fight tht• hat tiP owr and o\'<'1' ag-ai11. a11d
Ont ""'"'~"~ '' j1o·t, jlrt
IH• 'd IH'HI' tho <' "ild, lon:,r-<lntwn, <h·at h-yl'lls a rin~in' out OJ II'<' llHll'<'. But t hPH, the gold th<•y got was worth all tlw niPn thPy lost and it mad<· just that man~· h·ss to diYidt> it amongst. Oh. ,Y<'S! If <'V<'l' a rough hand \'HllH' into port. it W<h .John .'ilwr. \Vh~. hP 'd grappl<'d with four and kJHwhd tlwir !wads to-gl'tlwr him unaJ'llll'd . liP 'd '-'P<'n th\• t·ol<lJ' of llHlll~- a man·. in. i<ll'-., and lw 'd '' ntn~ thP <·alf-lwads of tlH•ir ho<lics with tho. P hig !HuH!-., of hi . . J)pad uwn hung amu1Hl his JH'<'k likP milltonPs, and souwtinw -.,onwt imP in tlw dPad of night, hP 'd spp 'ell! JHll'H<lin' up and down. up an 'down tlw. '' ayin~ d<•<•k-.,. \\'pll, that '""'all dmw !Hl\\. .\ 'rpady tlw~- w<·n· 111 -.,ight of land, and "lwn thl' ''\\'alrn-," "a" in thi limP. lw thl'Ough. Il<•'d jinP th<• old nus i... and thP~ 'd li' t' tint' the rp-.,j of thPi1· days. '','hip ahoy to tlw Jlm''ard!" shoutt'd tlw lookont. Long .John junqwd. "\\'hat fla~· ?" ht' eaiiPd hat·k. "Tiw l'nion .Jaek!" liP tumed to the mat<•. "('hang<· thP <·our P to duP \\1'. t! \\'p'IJ outrnn that man -o '-war yd . 'l'lw \\'alrus \ HeYer hPPil m·<·rtakPn -,nH·<· J'yp lweu lwr <·aptain. and -,hp \\' 011 't hi' 110\\' not hy aJI~' man-of-\\·ar.'' '' .\yp! .\~·<·! .'ir!" ".'hip ahoy to \\(•.;!ward!" . ang out tiH•man on wat<·h. ··.\nd -,Jw fliPs thP (~H<·en' flag. ' ' "D-- ! ( 'hang<• tlw <·ours<' to south and Jll'O<'<'<'d full sJH'I'd alwad! ·· yl'lll'd Long ,John, as lw began tlw CJ'-,\'1'111 to thl' lookout. Onp morp thP now thm·oughl~·- <·xeitPd lookout ..,houtPd down a \\'at·ning: "~hip ahoy to tlw ·onth 'ard,- atHl and sh<· flips tlw l'nion .Ja<·k !'' lt was tnt('. Tlu• "\\'alnt"" wa hPlllnlPd in on thrPt' sidPs h~· Engltsh JIH'Ilo 'war, any OJI<' of whi<·h <·otlld takP hPr sin:,dP han<IP<l. IlPr only <·han<'<' of afPt~flight- wa. now go11e for slw <·ould JH'\'('1' turn about quiddy eJJOU:,!h to :.tl't out of rea<·h of tho.<' hig t<•n -inl'lwr. au<l no -.,hip afloat c·ouhl stand up mHlPr tlwir til'<'. Lolli! ,John ancl tlw "\\'aln1s · · \\"<•n· dmw for. But hy tlw JHlW<'r ! The~~ 'd not nrn•rHIPr and lw tak1•11 hat·k to Eugland to . wing on Ex<•<·ntion Do<·k. Xo, tlwy 'cl go out fig-ht in'. ~\ hot fnnn the outh l)I'(HJght elm\ n tlw ".Joll_,- Hogpr"; anothpr· from tlw 1101'th tlw main ail; Olll' !'rom the W1•st <·nt thr·on:.th thl' icll' of tlw "\\'alnr . " Tlw fin• \\H. rl'tUJ'Ill'd hut to no atfPd. ~oon it IH•c·alll<' apJHli'Pllt that thP Jlit·atP hip C'onl<l not sta~· ahov<· wat<•J' morp than fiftl'l'll minul' , aud it was th<'ll that Long .John g-av<• tlw mat1· <·ontJ•ol, "ith <)J'(IPI'S not to go undPJ', HJHl lu• hirnspll' m•nt into tlw t·ahin. 'J'pn lllinntl' latPJ', wht·n Davy .JmH's opPnl'd his loel-:<•r and allmn•d tiH• ''\\'alnrs'' to ink into lu•r last rPstinl! pia<'<'. Lon:.t .John ,'iln•r· was still in thP c·ahin-<·ounting c·Otlllting- tlw golcl that had hr·oul!ht him onJ_,. mi PI'~· tlw l!old that had <lln•ady eost ..,o many lin•s in tlw <mJas-,ing, and whi1·h \\'<"- 110\\' <•ostin:.t hi. own life.
A New
GYM for
C. H. S. Get behind every project for the betterment of athJetics. Don't wait for the rest to start the ball rolling-Talk it up! GRADUATION GolfClubs Balls Bags Knickers Hose Sweaters
UGGESTIONS Tennis Rackets Jtountain Pens Pencils Leather Jackets Pennants Fishing Equipment Swimming Suits
Phone 535
Seely John ton, '20
huudntl jorly
For Men and Boys an inten ive tudy of tyle and the buying W HERE trength of a four floor tore bring together the utmo t of valu apparel.
and de irability in men' and boy '
33-35-37 Main St.
F:VL\ "
On«' aftprnoon whiiP Captain } lint and his motl1·~· l't'P\\' "·«'t'P tntV('rsing th<· i-,Jand in sPan·h of t t'I'Hsun•. tlH'.' happl'll!'d onto a "Pll t rodd<•n pathwa~ <·alh•d ~Iain. ,Jim Hawkins, always n•ad~ to makP a timp]y sug-ge lion ·aid "\Yell mat1•s, l<·t us S<'l' what tn•a.\lt'l' await us down yon' path.'' .\ftpt' tlu·~ all had amhiPd dmm tlH· path onw fpw yl'anls th<·~· l'an)(• upon .a largo<' pn(']osun•. "lla, what haV(' W<' hl't'l'," <'.'(•]ainwll Blaek Dog-. Being- of tlw rpal, uni'Paring-, pira!P t,qw tlwy dan•d to PntPt' throug-h a om(•what dang-ProtJ. s\\ ing-ing- apparatu-, to tlw intPriot· of thP tnH·!ttt'l'. 'l'lwy WPn' sOilll'\rhat sttrprisP<l at si'Ping- no onP npar at hand to g-uard tlw phH·t• from intrudPt's sll(·h a. th<·_,., and lwg- otH• to pxplore. l'pon n·aehing- tlw top of tlw stain·a. I' tlwy venhtrPd into a dPpartment whi<·h 1-;I'Plll!'d to hi' ~'"JWeially for ladi!'s ht•<•au:-;<• CY<'I'Y wlwrc tlwy lookP<l were ladiPs, -,onw t t·~ ing- on most adorahlP hats, ot h<•t• · daint~· 'ihOI's, aml t i 11 otlwr w •n• parading- them p]w in dres-,e tit for a pritt(•t•ss. 'l'IH• Jadi<• , howl'\'1'1'. <lidn't hig-htPn tlw piratt•s ;nnt_,., oh m~· no, nor <lid tlu• awful piratp-, s<·an• tll!' ladiP awa~ for upon !wing- oh<•rv«'<l a ehanning- litth• lad~ eanw to t hrm and a:-;kpd, " \ Yhat may I do for you to-day . .Jim IIawkin. said, ''Oh. ,,.<,'rp just out .1•an·hing for tr<"asm·p, and f gur-,s 'w'yr found it herr for<' •rt<tin.'' ( 'aptain Plint addl'd that IH• thoug-ht tiH'Y had mad<' a great find also, and said that his wifl' earPd mon• for st~·]p than for worrying- about m,,. improuniosiyt, and he ,,.a sUI'<' slw would lw happi1•r with thP tn•aslll'!' tlwr1• than \rith any whieh <·oul<l lw 111H'a t'! lw<l 011 the island . .Aftl't' this <'\'l'rything- w<•nt fitH' and tlw l'l'l'\\' all dP<·id<'d to takt• ha1·k ·ouw of t h<• finl'ri<•s to thl'i r wiws and S\\'!'d-IH•arts. :-iho<•-; <'ailed DuBarry Dl'hs Wl'l'<' ho11g-ht l'ot· som!' dainty girls and Dr. Livl'sa~· ]>ttn·has<•<l two most beautiful Parisi!'lllH' model hats from tlH• millitH'I'~~ d<•-
partmrnt fo t' his wit\•, and a Yl't'Y <·hie Yisea one for his clanght<•r. Bill~· Bom• d<•1·ide<l to tak!' his wif!' sOllH' st nnning- party g-owns, a lt1• rPI<ttPd. ":-ilw surPly <lo<·s lovP to dn•ss." " \\'pi] I g-ups all \\'Olll<'ll do" sa11l BhH·k Dog, and aft<•t· a fp\\' more ]mn•has<•s W<'n' m<Hh• tlwy dt•eitl<•<l to leaY!', hut with mm·h as-,uraneP on tht• part of tlw ht tl'<'anl'l'l' that anything- milady wanh <'Hll lw fot1nd.
• • • • • •
At Kaufman's p,,,,,
htJHtfnd ' ' " '
Class of' 3
ORD LLOYDE Class of '93
B 0 0 K
It ha been our pl a ure and pride to have erv d you for 6 uninterrupted y ar .
7 MAl
l'fl!l' Oot huntlnd Jtfltl
Take Home Some
Champaign Ice Cream Today/ â&#x20AC;˘
Jc ream- the univer a! de ert! And when it i hampaign ice cream frozen from deliciou rich cream in our anitary plant, you know that it i mor than " ju t Ic ream. " You know that it i a health food, ad ligh t to children and grown-up alike, that nothing i mor tempting to the palate. Champaign Ice
ream i a tonic to the
y t m.
There i a Champaign dealer in your neighborhood who 11 brick and bulk ice cream.
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
(} Iff 111111111"1 (/
.flfl !I Oll f
Be Independent of Outside Ice Next Summer and Forever
Install Frigidaire now CE Frigidaire is installed in your home, you are forever free from the need of outside ice supply. The m'nute the connections are made and the current turned on you have automatic electric refrigeration-you have the permanent convenience of direct frost-<:oil cooling -you have Frigidaire.
Frigidaire makes the most perishable foods easy to keep When you put fresh foods in Frigidaire they stay fresh- fresh until you are ready to use them-fresh as when first delivered at your door.
And your refrigeration costs will be lower too. You will reduce expenses because you can buy foods in larger quantities-because you can keep all you buy until you are ready to use itbecause Frigidaire's operating cost is less than the cost of ice. The Frigidaire name-plate on the electric refrigerator you buy means the proven dependability of a product of General Motors, and the endorsement of more than 300,000 users. See Frigidaire in actual operation. Inspect the new models now on display. Come in today.
Johnson Bros. 402 N . N eil
0111 lt11111iru/ fill!! IWIJ
Why Take Chances?
WHY not eliminate even the possibility of loss b y
renting a box in our fire and burglar proof vault?
l 'll(lt'
lluntl rul ji/111
Paying Positions Plentiful Th bett r paying po ition are b gging - a u ual- for p ople properly qualifi d. ollege graduate - High chool raduates- Undergraduate and Teacher - who have our bu ine s training find it ea.y to ecure good po ition becau e they are prop rly qualified. tudy and become an expert horthand W ri ter- Typi t- Accoun tan t- Filing pecialist- A Real Private ecretary or Office Manager- tudy now- Thi pring and umm r. Our school i alway open. Time lo t i opportunity gon to a more alert comp titor.
BROWN'S Business College SwANNELL BuiLDING
011c llund rul jrf/IJ j(Jur
Reliable Plumbing and Heating Co. Contractors and Engineers WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR GOOD PLUMBING AND HEATING INSTALLATIONS
Boilers Radiators Thermostats Pipe Covering Incinerators
Plumbing Fixtures Bathroom Accessories Water Softeners Water Heaters Sump Pumps
We Are Agents for the Iron Fireman Automatic Coal Stoker-A Device Which Will Pay You Big Dividends PHONE
109-111 W.
W e Should Agree RIXTER , th am a buyer of printing, are men of habit . They do thing in certain way b cau they hav that habit. n printer may have the habit of thinkthing ev ry job i ch ap, o h jam ev rything through without care or thought. And if the buyer ha th habit of liking only nice thing , they won't agr e. Anoth r printer may think all printing hould b deluxe _tyl . And if th buy r who call him in think only of pric , they won't agree. """"''""""'-'
Ther ar a few printer , how ver, who hav formed the habit of getting th cu tom r point of vi w-and they give the cu tomer what he want . \Ve com in that cia .
Flanigan-Pear on Company 10-12
he ter , tre t
/''"'' 0111 illlllllrul }1/ll!â&#x20AC;˘i.r
hampaign Illinoi
First National Bank
.:\Ir. Dale. :\I iss ( 'hafl't•t•, \ ' irg-inia •'quires. and otlwr of my friPtHis havlltg" asked Jilt' to write thl' whole par·t it·ulars of 111~ t'XIH't'iPtH'<' 111 ( 'hampaig-n High ~drool. from IH'g-innin~ to Pnd, kt•t•ping- nothing- h<H'k hut my gr·adPs, 1 taiH· up m.1' JH'II in the ~·pa r. l !l~7. and g-o hack to tlw time when I 1i r·st I'll I ered.
CHAMPAIGN (The Harris Bank)
I rPnwmht•t· it as if it Wt't't' Yl' tt•r·<lay; J t•anw plodding- in the ft·or;t door with m_,. hooks nndt•r· m~· arm; a tall, ovpr·gro\\ n ho~·. cln•sst•d 1n an oh. oll'tt• fa hion and with no lmowiPdgP of what lay lwforP him. Then it wa ·. that .:\Ii ·s ( 'haffPP, (good angPI that lw is ) spit•d nw and took mP undt•r her wing. I had soon told m.1· . tory and lH'gan to look about. 'l'h i. onl' glance told nw that I had <·onw to a wonderful building and furtiH•t· im·pstigat ion hort' this out.
IIt•n• .:\li. s ( 'hatft't' intPrrupted my sighlst•l'ing hy tl'lling- nw that slw thought that I could Plltl'r tht• . enwt· elm;.. According-ly. she tunwcl mp ovPr to .:\Ir. Pl~· nratt• who took nw up to m.1· fir:-;t <•lass. lit• introduced mp to the teal'hcr and hen rdurtH•d to his nwny duties .
.:\I iss Blair. tlw teachpr, "edgt•d m<' in lwtwt•en two otht• r· lads HJHL th1• en'\\ ktopt right on \\·orking. Pretty soon a lwll rang anti t•vt•r·yorw ton• out. I thou:..drt ma.dw it was a fin• aJHl that 1\'t' would Jut I ' <' ome ex ·itement my first day on hoanl- hnt it was only a sig-n to pa. to t lw tH•xt class. lien• my JHtllH' 11 as ag-ain takt•n and agai 11 I was made a membpt·. Then another hell rang- and otH't' more evt•t·~· ont• ntsht'tl out. This routine kt'pt up Hntil JJoon, when all hands went off dut,\· for tlw <lay. ~o--m.1· anchor wal> shot·t up. and hangin drippin at tlw hows. and J. on board t IH' g'OO<l ship ( '. lL ~. was hound for th<• i.land of ( 'ommt•t)(•pnwnt Ill tlw st•a of Edul'at ion.
)'11!/1' ()111 lllfllfln tl JifiY·IIt rul
You CanBuy with
Confidence at Willis' ( 'onfiden<.:P in tlw tyiP, rightnes. and dt>pendahility of it merl'handist'. in its . rvi<.:P. and ability to giw you !'PH I valUI'"·
Tt splls satisfadio n. a nd is a good plcH'I' fo r yo u to tradt•.
G. C. WILLIS The Store of Quality
Exdusivt• B ut Xot Expen-.ivc (t ua lity fo t· Q nality \\·e Will • ·ot B e C nd1' '"'old
W. A. Carpenter Co.
i I
AETNA-IZE Telephone 5022
l ' flf/ 1 On•· l•unflrnl 1•!1.11 'if/lit
316 N. Hickory
Women's Ready-to-Wear for Those Who Care
THE MAROO Jack Y. Hamlin and
C. A. Kiler
The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company
Victor Records Picture .Framing
LowEsT NET CosT Phone 9573 or 4780 CONSULT US
Champaign's Most Popular Stores and Style Center for Men 2 Stores
l 'trgt U111 llrt rltlnd JifiJJ ll iiH
GEORGE STROD .-\. :K STHOI>J<~, J•t·opl'it"lot· Tents, A,•nings, Porch Curtains, Hay Stack and \'\'agon overs, and Paulin!'. Ev rything :\lad of Canvas
:!OJ "\". \\alnut St.
Always the Best
Established 1866
luutdt, fl xi.d 11
PHONES, 4900-3725
THE MAROO ON FOOTBALL ~o tiH• da~·s and Wl'l'k. pas. e<l on, till til <llll' finp da.1, th(•t'(' ('HilH' a football g'<lllll'. ~Jr·. ~10,1'('1' allllOUIH'l'<l it in asC'tllhly; lw ·.· no c·omHtoll man, that LC'st(•r. llP had g-ood sehoolillg ill his yottng'l'r clays, arHl ('an JH'ak like> a hook 11hc•ll so mindc•<l. .\nd ('all lw t'Oac·h 'I \Yh.1 h.' t he• pmrpr·s! I 'yp '-'<'I'll him makl' a tatt'-<'hampion IPalll out of what loohd like nothillg. \\' t•ll atl,\'Wa,l·, II' (' II l'l'(' haYi llg' a football ganw and as I'd n v•r seen otH' lwf'ot'(', I houg-h! a t iekC't. At two o 'c·lock ~atunlay I . howd off for ~It'1\ittll'y fil'ld alld 11as soon ill m.1· lH'rth The• halld 11 a out thl'n' pla,l'in' tlw Fidc·lity 011~ 'l'hc•n herP ('<IIlli' thP tPams all dt'(•ssl'd up lik(• kllights of old, ex<•ept that their . uits ll<'t'<' made· of IPathPt' ins!Pacl of ·tt'PI. Tlw,\ ki<"kl'd a littlt• P~g-shape<l hall arot!IHI for awhile' and thc•n, all of a smlclPn like>. a ft•llow ill white• knickPr·s hlc•\1' two long- blast· on a whistll'; at this, tht• hoys all ran toliard him. lie• g-rahhed tlw hall and, aftl'r making- the two team,; line np ag-ainst l'<tCh othpr·, put it dml'll lll'11'<'<'11 thPlll. Hut I noti<"t'd hl' g-ot out of the 11ay. 'l'hl'll Bill~ ('a ton, who . too<l hack of tlw r<'st of tlw en•11· be~ran to n•ll <,Ome c·razy 1rords and pt:l'tt~ 'iOOll ~onw fl'l loll np ill front thn•11 that hall hack to hint. Billy grahlwd it and startl'd to run, hut somP how or otht•r·. the• other· idP c·onlcht 't sc•t• it that wa~· and Ill' hadn't mueh mor·c• than g-ot startl'd 'fon• tlwy had him hit in' tlw du. t. For a minllt<' or two it was a fr·Pt' for all IIH'II \\'Pill clown on all siclPs hut tlwll, hc•t'<' eomP that little• chap with tlw whi t I<' and he madl' 't'm all pill' on· thl' hall. Ill' lilll'<l tlw teams up ag-ain a1Hl ag-ain tlwy st·rimmag-t•<l. l•'inally, ·onwhod.1 ..,aid that 'hampai~n had thrl'<' down and tlrn•c• to g-o, hnt I 'll he hang-<•d if tlwy wasn't all dm1 n ('Xcl'pt orw, an<l lw wa.·n 't goiu' so hhtml'<l good. \\'ell, this hpt up for H Iongo tinw-
( ontinue d on Page 163 l
C heckin g Savings Loans Investments
E])\\' IX FIL.'O. •. Prt'si<lent
I I. K
~fcXI<J\" JX,
Y.-P. & ('ashic•J'
EMIL A. STIRITZ REALTOR Farm and City Property-Exchanges a Specialty PHONE 4331-GULICK BLDG.
10096 High School Students Use MILK AND ICE CREAM for Brain Power SHADELAND ~tands
foe tlw la:t word in
and Purity
Shadeland Dairy Co. BRING HER
Where to Buy the
Graduation Gifts
_\ftPr tho r hot of
and 1-.wt Oil<'
rPfl'<''-h in go malts or ·un<lat>;,
and tlw Ia t word in <·ont'N·tim~;,.
THE APOLLO Confectionery
Come here to Sf'lect gifts for boy and girl graduates. Th re are innumerahl , practical, us ful articles youngfolks want, at prie s not too much to pay for grad nation gifts. Each gift is put in an attractive box bearing our imprint, which t lis your friend, in a manner conforming to good taste, that you chos th b st of its kind for your gift.
ay :\Towk" Ji<j\\'BLI<;H
Champaign, 111.
132 W. MAIN
l'llflf Onf · l11111dlfl/ xi.riJIIU''fJ
\\'h<' l'!'
is High("l' than Pl'icc
THE MAROO Twin Cities' Leading Photographer
ON FOOTBALL (Continued from Page lGl)
with fin•t mw team and then the other on top. But at last onr t·n•w g-ot down h~· Olll!' ro~ts thl',\' ('allt•d tlw goal. T lwn Billv s\'l tlw hall down on tlw "I'OIItHl at;d •· D utt·h · · kiekPd h<•r ri"ht ,... h<'twt'<'ll the posts. EY<'ryotw \n•nt wild at this- yPiling- and jumping like hlazt•. ; the' said we had madt• thn'<' poinh. But. of eoursP, that fool reft•t·<·e had to spoil t h ing-s and what did lw do but takP that hall rig-ht hack to th<• middlt• of the field just as. if out· team hadn't worhd tlw whole ganw to !!<'t it down to tht• t'tHl. I g'lH'ss this sun• must havt• nuHl!' the team mad, 'eaus1• the~· simply took that
hall <md in two or tht'l't' <'tH'OIIlltet·. ha<l hPr right ha •k when• she was. Tlwy didn't stop to kick this tinw. but ju.t walked right owr the line and made a · · tou<•hdown' '- \ Yt•ll, dash my huttons! 1 t•ven yelh•d that tinw ( a thing( seldom do sine • the rpisode of the apple ha rrt'l ) for \H' had mad<' st'\'l'n points mo1·e. [ .lmdclt>t' to think what the s('ore would lun·e ht•en if the~· had just l!'t us ket•p on playing-, hut no sit't'l'! Home otlwr fpllow h<ul to butt in and ruin PVt•r·ything by firin · off a gun. l g-m•s it must have seat·t•d both teams prett~· had ·anst• the\· both tiii'IH'd and ran fm· tht• drr si;Jg' rooms and wouldn't (•onw bat'k an~· mo t·t• at all.
0111' IIUIIIIrnl •i.rl j!· llin r
THEM RO G. N. Bacon
G. N. BACON &CO. 107-109 North Walnut Street PI< "lTH E 1< H.\:\I 1.
Phone 5944 114 W. Clark
Wm. Sandwell
High School Students
Betwen Sparks' & Flatts'
The Rexall Drug Store .\ g-ood drul-!' ston• in a
This is the place
handy plcH•t>
to get your Shoes Shined Suits Cleaned and Pressed
H. Swannell & Co.
Allen Green
Neil and Main Streets Where the Cars Stop
THEM ROO C. H . S. DI GS FOR TREASURE I'm in , 'tnd.1 Room ~~G IHit ing- thi 1 hopp I'm not t•aug-ht. II 'lld IH• rPall.' too had . J)ooty is dooty. ar1<l :\Irss (:rt'shiiJHn 11iiJ (Wl'i'OI'IIl it.
Polly Shoppe
It s<•Pm as if thP,I' <·an nwr god t h I'OIIg"h asking fell· IIIOIH',V arotliHl ]H' I'('. It un• was a happy <·oint·idPnt that WI' fonnd this ti'P<l. \ll't' lwt'on• I <'Olllt'. I ju t <·an't rPfu <' anyorw. and as it is. 1 'm g-P!tin!.! thin as a rail doing- " ·ithont my dinnPr I don't dan• g-o clown into thP ba I'IIIPnt at JHHlll for fpar ol' !win!.! ovet'<'OIIH' h,1 thosp tPmpting wi<'IH'I' an<lwi<•h(•s.
Permanent Waving
I IH'IIt to tlw hig- fall " \Y ig ancl Paint" pia,,-. "Hollo's \Yild Oat." It was fair to middlin.' Ewr,,·onp else spt•nwcl to lik1• it firw. hut I ean 't imag-in1• a n•a I good play without somPoll<' haYing a dagg-pr· plnng-P<l into him. or !wing fon·Pd to "alk tlw plank. or· hdtl'l' _vet, to he UUil'OOill'd Oil <I ([(•. Pl't island. That's the trouble amund this sd10ol. \Y I'IH'\'1' r a gnn <'Oilll's into -.,ight, all tlw git·l-., run, and the hoy-, gl'l rid of it as soon as po.'sihlt•. Tlw .Juniot' Pia.'·· "Bah, was a litth• ht>ttPr, for thP g-un '"'·" nse1l oner. hnt it s1·a r·pd tlw a('tors so that tht•y fm·got thPir lines, an(l !'\'I'll the s<'l'll('l'.'' almost ft>ll down, it 11 as shaking o. F. B. Hon<.so' Res. Phone 7- 2 3 7 5
0 . \\'. ?\OilTO'\ Res. Phone 34!1
pecializing in E ugene
E xperts in F inger Waving Before Having Your P ermanent Talk To U s
209 N. NEIL PHONE 4558
NoRTON & HoocsoN R a! Estat . Loans and InsuranC'e Farm Lands and City Prop rty l' Jl()'\1
( ' hampaign , Ill. ( Hamilton Bhlg.)
'I Pi I St.
Howell Fuel Co. 16 E. SPRINGFIELD AVE.
The Best in Coals At All Times Let Us Quote You for Your Winter's Supply PHONES 5100-5109
University, Library and Elk
Sue's Inn
Brand Food Products
Corner Hill and Prairie
Eisner Grocery Co. CHAMPAIGN
llu iHind •irtu ••.~:·
!le <!&lbe ([lock 18 TAYLOR ST.
W . F . LUETH, Prop.
PITSENBARGER & FLY N TAILORS Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing Suits and Top Coats Made to Measure, $3 5
629 E. GREEN ST.
ToiLET GooDs
'ompl inw nh of
F. K. ROBESON Opp. Jn tr mrban Hta t ion
D. M. Bullock
R. W. Bullock
CHAMPAIGN's LARGEST DEPT. STORE Quality, Quantity, Value
l '<IQf 0 111' lllllllfnli Hi~·l!f · Xfl"l II
Delightful Store in which to Shop"
Onp da} I WP111 do\\'nlmur, and houg-h I modt>lin:.! <·lay at Kn•sg-t'' . I modd<·d art t'l' I hP Jltodl'l'll st.' It•. \\'Ol'k<•d all ~HtUI'!lH,\" HIHl ~unday, Hll<l \\ll!'n I !.(Ot throug-h I eouldn't tt·ll what it was. so J loww it "a. a ma.s!t•rpit•<·e. and <·allPd it tht• "Bathing- (lirl." To an 1111arti tie <'Yl it probably l'l'JH'l'Sl'ntPtl a ran opener. ~\nyway. 1 prePntPd it to .:\lis. .:\IeLt•arJ. "\ ftt·r· stnd~ ing- it awhile, slw thoug-ht that it \\CIS a pa I'I'Ot sh 0 Uti II g' " p j t'('('s 0 f Eight!.. 1 tol<l lwr to g-u<•s again. and siH• said, '' ~\ pi rat<• \\Hiking- tlw plank!" \ VPII, she \\as g't'tting- Wal'llll'l'. so I told hl'l\ and lw ur·p was surprist'<!. ~ l w . ai<l I hat sh<• would IH' \'t' r' hav<• g-upss<•<L At Ia. t I 'd foun<l someOil!' who HJl]ll'l'l'iatl'd Ill('.
• • •
205 W alnut Street
.:\I r·. Dak g-ot r t'al nuul at uw orH· <la~· Ia t \\'!'ek. l got m~ directions mix<'d up and wa lk<•d into the g-irls' d n•s. i ng rooms. I really don't 1hink they tn•atl'd nw right, for wht'n tlw~· <·aug-ht ig-ht of llH'. tlwy g-rahlwd me and pitchrd me into t lw pool. .:\I_ ,. lwavies sh n 111 k, and thl' r l'd fadt•d into the wat<•r·. 'l'lw g-irl. g-ot cart'd, . o I mad<' heli<•w that I was d~· ing-, hut .Jliss (~ua rl rs l'l's<'lll'd Ill<'. I had ou a brand nt'\\ suit, too. I t wa. a lig-ht g-r<·~· . no\\' it's a fadl'd pink. I 'rn orr a' l'Pd hl'a\'i('s for l it'P.
Your Life You r II o 11H' Your Car
Good Values in Properties All Parts of the Twin Cities
$1.00 Per Share in the
/''"'' fJnt · ltundrtd xi .d!l nyllt
D. S. CONDIT Realtor 204 N. Neil St.
For Party ,Jpwplry .\rt Uift :\owltil's Pt·n~ and StatioiH'I'Y Kodaks Pi<·lnn•-, mHl Fntming}lusi('al I nstrunwnts Orthophoni<· \ 'it'! mla · and RN•ords Kodak Finishing and Photog-raphy
Attractive Wares at Attractive Prices
101 N. Neil St.
STRAUCH'S At the Campus
625 S. Wright
In this case I should say not Studious, Wide Awake, We are here to serve the students of C. H. S.
Young M n Who Have Formed the Savings
Habit, Are in
Jewelry Store
D emand
14 Main St.
Kirmse CAMPUS JEWELER 612 East Green St.
22 Years of Service
Phone 9362 ( 'ome in and sec u-. for <•la. s ring-s a n<l pins. ,. •ovclty jPwt•l ry, watc lws. bracplets. r ing-x. fountain pen and JH'Il •il.·. hucklPs. compa •ts, hrout·h<''>, nN·klds b<•ad . .
Supplying Better Quality Foods to the Parents of C. H. S. Students
43-45 Main Street
Jewelry Repairing of All Kinds
\\'p a lso ex<·hang-c npw Fumitnt·e for your old.
abou t
om· ('Xeha ng-p stor·<·
MEN AND WOMEN Across Neil from W. Lewis & Co. 114 N. Neil St.
DRUGGISTS Martha Washington Candy
Radio Parts
Displayed in most up-to-date
show room
Special fixtures to order
STANDARD ELECTRICAL CO., Inc. 64 Chester Street
Phone 4839
F '2 E. Green St.
Phone 2158
ON BAS KETBALL Onp thi111! I do enjoy thon:.rh. is tlw ha kPihall ganH•s. EvPn if tlw hoys an• a litth• imnw<kst, th<·.'· mNin \n·ll. and :,o it· alri:,rht. What I don't like ahout the :,ranw, though, is that tlwrp \ ahHtys a man who t·uns arotttHl and hlows a whi tiP. On<' night, hO\\<'Vl't', Ul'<' got hot and IH•anl . Olll<' thing ahout m~· g<'nPntl dtara<·tpr that I'd nP\'('1' kilO\\ 11 !Jpforl'. You <'<'. it wa. towards tlw end of thP ganw and tlw boys h<Hl almost d<·· <·id<•<l to quit, \\'hpn that man \\'ho <"ha. <'s around and blows th<• whi. tiP. said OJW of our· hoys was foul. • '<m I'll nPv<•t· stand for a thing- like that. so 1 <·alh>d him a liat·. and h<• got so mad that ht• g-avP tlw ball to the oth<•t· side, and tht>y made a hask('t. Th('n a gun went off. and tlw boys ran off tlw Hoor. and the othl'r sid<• won. \Y<>ll the whole ( 'hampaig-n sidP jump('d on Ill<'. L was \){'at up so, that <'VI'JI my O\\'ll little parrot didn't know Ill<'. From this <>xperienee. I take it, that I shouldn't haw eali Pd that man a liat'. Xext tinw, I 'll <·all him ·mtwt hi n:.r \\'OI'Se.
Dr. 0. R. Hurd Quality Service Values
Osteopathic Physician HolH• on
l ~ l dg.
Champaign, Illinois
THE MAROO E . CHRISTIAN. JEWELER Official Watch Inspector Illinois Central R. R., Wabash Railroad, Illinois Traction System
W 213 N.
Champaign, Ill.
eil Street
PAUL T. BACON, Sec'y.-Treas.
T. M. Bacon & Sons, Inc. Distributors
GLASS Champaign, Illinois
Cor. Walnut and Taylor Sts.
Achieved! The Store of Today W ilh a Touch of Tomorrow! ~hn•wcl
huyl't'- pa;,il,,· n•eog-nizc the
advanta"l' of lHt\·itw f~otll 11<.; • r
Furnit11n• That· (lood Priep-; the Lowe.t "That\ tlw rpason \H' an• g J'() \\"Ill g
Dold-McCormick Co . FRED S. BAILEY, President Champaign, Illinois
Fir. t ;-.,ton• Xorth of B;whman Bros.
Jttf I' I Ill I
/lin r
THEM ROO Buying a New Car?
\\' ht'tlwe you aeP huyi ng a ear or lWPd otlwr insu t'aiH't' ('0111(' in and get t lw facts and Jpt us help ~- o u i'lt'led t h t' kind of policies you nerd. 'l'lwy a r·t• deIJPnda bit•.
almost wt•nt out for· tht• dt>hatin:,.r tt•am, hut 1 ditln 't likt• thr suhjt•<'t. It ''as at somt>hod.\· Plst• 's su~orgPstion that 1 1'\'t•r thou!!ht of it. In fact, it was :\Ii~s LP Hurt' 's. • 'ht• and I are always dt•hating as to my gradt•s. I generall~· loose. hut still it'· good pra<'tice. I 'II probably nt•Pd it wlwn 1 ~-ret oldt•r, and start dt•hatin' with thP hill collector. I 'II wot·k up sut•h a lint• that lw ·n go a\\ a~· in I Pars owt· Ill,\· sad fatt•. jwt lih thPy clo in tlw moviPs you St'P at tlw \'m·sit~· T lwatt• t·. Yt's, it 'i-l a gay lift', if you know ho\\ to liw it.
W. R. HIDY INSURANCE 21 Main St. Champaign, Ill.
I 've leamt•d lots of things sinee I 'vc . ta eted eomi ng to th ii'l ht•n• .·ehool, and ont• of 'pm is t hi · : The naughty boys makP diee out of eulw of sugar, and whPn tht•y ht•ar anyone coming, they swall ow the . ug-ar, and make belit•ve tlwy'rp saying tlwi t· JH'ayt't'S. This . nre is a pion :ehool, and how! That's a llt'W slang ph t·ast' I piekt'd np. I gm•ss I used it all right. [ had an awful tinw undt>rstandin' people when r fh t come, but it's l'asit'r now. \Yell, Mi'is Gn•shmn i · looking at me Ol'ta' suspiewus-likt> and 1 gurss I'll quit for t his tinw.
Registered Beauty Culturist
( itiz<'n ... Stnt<' Hunk Uldg .
Fashion Boot Shop Cor. Neil, Church & Main St.
l'fi!J• Otll luuHin 11
Phone 3298
Room 200
THEM ROO Brevity Is the Soul of Wit. We Won't Try to be Willy But We Will Be Brief .\ ll that you Iongo for in 1.' lP, all that you . trong- for in
qualit.''· all that you demand in fit, all
Chester & O'Byrne
thong-hi a man ·s . nit
Yellow CaiJ
oug-ht to lw- Zomhro \ ~nits at'('.
Percival Hardware
Corbin Finish Hardware WE BUY YOUR USED
MacGregor Golf Clubs and balls
Lawn Mowers Garden Hose WATSON FAULKNER 109 N. Neil
Champaign, Ill.
L. W. FAULKNER, Mgr. Champaign, Ill. 101 S. Neil
/'flf/1' 0111' lllllldl'fli Sl'l'l'l/11/ }11'1'
THEM ROO AND LAST-COMMENCEMENT This was our last doing in ( '. II. ~ . BPforf' thi>-, had \\Tit tPn ott I' sl·nior (':\Hills ancl mo. t of tts had mad" hig-h PllOIIg'h gradPs to pas.. ~o at last. Cllll' tin!' .June nig-ht, WP \n•ig-h1·d mwhor. "hieh "as ahont all \\'(' l·onhl mana!!l' in out· caps ancl g-owns, and marl'hl'd into t lw auditorittm.
"0, wad the Pow t· the Giftie gie rs, To s Our I' as ithers SP!.' us."
_\nd thi-. hold. tme in Uift-gi,·i ng. Ilow ph·a-.ed mw is, to know that the <:ift is ,iu t rig-ht, and tlw mw who n•ct>in•s it thank· !'\'l'l',YOIH'. \Ye havp tried to bringto yon thP newe:t allCl lw t for gi f'ts. Pearl-. lon•ly ::-.hintllll'l'ing- strands of them, ahn1y · th1• JH'I'fpct ~ift.
I mportecl jewpiJ·,,· in JH'l·klacP-., hrae1•h•ts, and ring->;. Oift glass.
leathl'r -
Gifts for Boys and Girls
Jl. ········· The
\\'p had a g-ood sJH'Hkl•r on board who pointed out a gn•at llHillY in1po1'tant fa('ts for u::-. to n·nwmber. tlwn Olll' of tlw elas. gave till' valedil'tor.' <HidrPss. Bttt thP hl• t pati of all was\\ lwn ('aptain Doetor Ora~ l'<llll<' on d1'1·k and g-ave u-. our diplomas. lt sun• was a rt>lief to reall~· han• OIH' in ~·onr hand. ~\ftl'r this, wp laid our heads for the nparest coliPgl' and, for thl' Ia. t tinw a· studPnts, ma1·t'lwd front ( 'ha1npaig-n Iligh • '('hool. \\'p east anl·hor l'ady tlw next fall- but that i JH'ith1•r lwre now and must wait for anothPI' tinw. ~\ nd
so, each of us wpnt ou1· own wa.'·· ancl though as a whoiP, l had l'lljoypd my .Far in this institution, oxen ;md wain-rope coulcl not bring- me hack, and the ,,·orst dreams that l han•, an• when [ lwat· tlw tanly-bell ring-ing- through tlw l'OITidor . or '>tart up in bed, with the sha1·p voil'l' of !oiOllle tl'al'iwr 1·inging- in m~ - Pars: ''Pleas' l'l' llll' aftPr sd10ol! '' '' Oo to the offiet'!.. RPport to dl'tl•ntion for mw \\'('('k!''
consists not so much in sitting up nights
Champaign's as being awake
in the daytime
313 N.
growing interest account
with this ban k is a sure sign of your succ ss.
University State Bank Champaign, Illinois
Telephon :
Beers & Beers Real Estate Loans
DR. ALBERT .Foot •' nitr
,) 1~
~ ))l'(·i al ist
Bltl ~
Champaign, Ill.
Complete Lines of Insurance
L i!H'Ol ll B IIi ld i ll g" Cha mpaig-n. 111.
Our New Location
1 '11(/1
M ' fl 1111/
rt II
The Home of Good Music
Modern, Fireproof
' .- - ·-----·__ . ......_-s_. . . .
. -...A----
/ntllflff ({ HI I"( llf/1 · 1 i{J/11
New York Life
Your Lunch In the
(afeteria OUR NEW HOME OFFICE mH]('I'
(•onst nwtion,
in!! (•nti1·r city blo ·k. o\'l'r onp and on(•-half hlock<.; in lwig-ht, (•apa(•it.'· nparly 6,-
000 occupants.
On the Famous Madison Square Garden, New York City
OvER $5,750,000,000.00
REX D. RYAN l , if<' lns m ·nnc<' Con ulnr, f<'nturlng Trus t s l'hOII<' 23:31
105 South Stutc Sh· Champnl~"ll,
l'allt Unt lumdrul •u·nlllllllllf
Carry On just because some good friends are graduating don't think the good times are over. Ask Mother and Dad to buy a new Hudson or Essex so that you may carry on those good times during the summer. In order to better inform your parents of the good merits of a Hudson or Essex, we want you to call and see the new cars on display in our show room.
204-10 S.
illllllfrt ·fi I
of' C. H.
WEsT's Music SHoPPE