1929 Maroon

Page 1



929 ;\L\ROO.


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1 ~"'' " (Charler "" r )Membnr' ' - - - - - \ \ A .,,1 c '" ~ ~ :9(~ASSOtl~,\1)~






Stajj Editorial Department Editor __ --------------- R !'TII F1 ' · ·cEs li t· K ET1' :-le nim· Editor· ________ -------- ___ :\I n .nRED P \ RKIII LL Cia .. Editor_ _________ __ ________ .\.Lr 'E ,L,:-. E , 'coTT \\'I L:\1.\ p \Dr' IE L!l ------------------ ~ Er.oi~E ALLE '\

. .

\ \Vn.UA;\f


, 1 \I . RI C E , 1 \HSl! \I.L 1 , 'port... ________________ ________ EIHTII Y .L · E

.\thl e tH·~-> ----------------- - -- .

Girls· Fin<' Art



Editor· _______ __________ FR \:\ C E.' PoinEP.



Bu. ines. )lanag-pr_ ___ ______ ___ALBERT



tant BusirH'~->~-> )Ianag-rr ________ ('n \RLEl:-i ){ORRIS l'ir •nlation )lamtg-er· _________________ EDITII YA:\ CE; . \ <h·ertising- SalesnH'n ___ ___ __ _____ Dox.\LD DoBBI. •. l<'HE'\ (' ll FH \KER, 'f0;\1 (~l ' IGLEY, \ . I) How \RD . \.LL XA DER

cArt Department rt Editor· _________________________ Hn;sELL \'.\KY Snap- 'hot Editor· __ __________ ____ ___ _,J.\.·E )1.\RTI. Assi-;tant , 'nap-Shot Editor __________ ,JE.\ .· )J cLE.\.·

Faculty• Ad-..:isers Editorial an<l Bnsines. ------ ----- - ---- - - )[HR . ALI CE


.\rt_ _____________________ __)II.-s

:-;E:\D IlELE:\'

R \HI.<>W )h Lr:.v

PREFA E That this hook may liw in th\' futnn>, a-, \\('II a thP pn•-,pnt, th\' Editors haw a tt\'lll ph•d to

11n fold

IH'fore yon your schoollifP in YiYid panorama, ag-ainst a ha\·k;.rrmuHl fntnri-,tic in th<'lll<', mod<'rnistic in dPsign. Editorial, art, and hnsi IH''-" statr haw coiip(•ratPd in th • attainment of t hi-., tht•it· goal- th\• ~I a roon oi' l ~)~9. l~t " 'l'll FHA:\CEs



.. . . . .__



~\IL\11 . l>iTB .\TIOX

I l ( '1..\>i>iE,;

I I r Socii.TIER [\'


\ ' F1. ·E .\H'rs \' f



We, th' da


of 1 ~9, dl'<licat thi




\\ho has


an achi er,

counsl'lor, and aboYC' all- a friend.



.'Ol'Til E:\TR.\:\C'E



:'11.\ l~ ( 'ORR! DOl{,

BoTTO~I -A l T[) I'l'ORir~I



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.:.: ... .... ·. ~




1'r11J rtJfr: LiPrman . BPilll+'tt . lht\.t:thll'. J'ir1ttl rtJW: lin mlin. O:.:flt·n. Bu .... •·.'. \lu t t b. \\'ri:.:h t.




J>. \\'.


J>n sir/1 11/

}lH.. (h;OI{(,f. }! \'I'TJ,;, 8( ('/"(

}Jr. .,., ('


B1 . f: Y. Cfuk 1>. L . }!H . .J. Y. }[J{.

}IR:-;. Tll!nl\" ()(,[)J-::-\

}lH . .J.



Bt·::\:\ETT MH . •}.


lll ' XT\IILE


LlEH:\L\ .

0:\L\IITTEES OF THE BOARD Athletic-Hamlin , chairman; Bennett, :\lattis. Building.· and groutHhl Hamlin , chairman; Huxtable, Lierman. Health- Lie rman, chairman; :\Jattis, Ogden. Domestic science, art, music-Ogden . chairman; :\I at tis, Huxtabl e. Supply- Huxtable, chairman; Hamlin, Bennett. i\lanual training-Li rman, chairman; Bennett, Ogden . T achers'-, Jatti s, chairman; Ogden, Huxtable. Visiting t•ommittee-to he appointed from tim to time. General ad vancement-Ogd n, chairman; l\lattis, Lie rman.

Pa{Jf' / 't111r/1 til


X .• -EULE. ·, uperintcndent

This marks the close of }lr. Xrulen \ first .Har a. sllJH'rintendent of tlw ( 'hampaig-n Pnh li(' ~chools. lie ha,., prown him-.t•lf mo-.t dfit'i!'nt in ;ulmini~tration and ha-. introdm·l'd many improYenwnt in th1• lotal t•dm·ational -.y-.,tem.

1'110('. l'i/lffll



,V ..



Tlw tapahle admini. tration and tonstant improwmrnts in om· thool, rath a stPp in tlw Jn·og-n•.. of learning-, we owe to ~II". arl W .•\llison. in thi. - hi. fir t year at Champaig-n Hig-h , 'chool.







For thc• pa-,t fin• yPHl''-, :.tiss ('haffl'l' IHh fulfillt•cl thP t'\Hdin:.r dutie of ,·it·e-pl'irll'ipal and ha won tlw dt'PJll'"t admiration of the st udt•nt hotly.

l'agr .

t t" f

utt t n

TOJJ rtJlr: FtHIWI, Ht•nc·h, !'.t>ymour .•\lli~nn. Cook. (;n•sham, (;ot•tlill;.!

ButlPr, llt·rshhadt , Ba:-.st·tt. Bnmht•r;!t'l', Cuuniuchnm, KPIIPy. Coh·iu. Jlarfliu,::, Clark. J'iod row. Ilic·ks, (;lt·Hn. llnhhs, Harlo\\, (•allh\t·ll. ('oJiins. Batt> .. Lt•:urP. •"-ff·tnul rtJlr:

~\. LYE. .\

B DIBEHGLH l;ot an\ :nul )I at llt'JilH tic·:-; ")•osit.ion ...

~\.1 ICE


OucE L. ( 'ooK Bot;IIIY

''Thus;• projt·c·ts nrP tlllt' llf'Xt \\Pf'k •·



Enclbh :nul :\t'WK\\ ritin~ ''Ht• SJH'f•ific•"

Y EH \


this timt•'!''

• ·n.LlE B .\TE:-;



XI'\.\ GREslLDT 1-:ll'(lish "!-\iJU)IJifojf~

Ln.l Bum




11.\am. o

Latin HtHI Jli:-.;t or,\ "I h,Jtf' to tHkP drast ic·

··.Ju..;t likP n fn·..;Juuau !" Bt ' TI.ER


( ·j,·if.s and Yw·u I irms

tht• f'+'tlora from


LLOYD OHLI 'L){ Hortkkt•t•pin:: ··HalaJl('P your hook .... "

('ttlllltH·rt"ial f;f'ftj.!'rttphy ''.\J~· tlu·sis kt·f•Jts UH" hus,Y."'

" I:PIIIII\'1'



''\\'h+'ll I ,l!+•t m.r




)latlwmatic-s :11111 .\ssbt aut ('oaf'lt ··J)own lht• otht•r stnir ..... '·


. \ \IY \CI! ( tt•JJilHII ; lit I 1.:1 till "~m·h t·ooJwrat iou ~ ..

w n.LI.\:\1


('u \HLE.' GooDJ 'G

I hY ic·:-.; l';·rh:q"' this wuu't work:·

L . .J.

1:\GII .\::11

( 'L.\HE:\Cr. Ft ·<~ll

B.\:-;sE'I"l' 'Jat ht>mal ic·s

''\\'hal's your


.\latlwmntic·. ··~it down und



Ell'(lish " llld<'t'd



I!J..HsiiB \CII tlo."

\\'11.1.1.\\1 ( 'L \RK \I; tht•uwtit·..; and Trut·k ··) tll'rt- in hi'I'P to s.twl~.''

BEI{TIL\ l loBBH 11 is tor,\ "Tht• rult•s of stud~· hall applr ht•rp."

Jh.LIGTI'f ( 'or.Ll. ·.


J'nhlif- :-.:.J,f'Hkiuc- a1ul ))ramati1·s · Oh I'm . " tirt·d ·



\'1. •

(,J.,t· ( 'luh urul Orc·llf·strot · ~~~ tnlki1 . ..., cluriu~o: rt•h•·ar .... nb."

,J E.

Et·ttJWIII u·s

1!''1'.\ u nd II ist or~

"B• still ..

( 'L.\H \




··You ou,L:hl to."

'/'li/1 1'1111'." Ou,~r. \In X WI' II, ~In II 'I'll. ( 'hn n·..... .\lf'l'illllt'~. " ' :1 rk. ~imon, \\.Pf'tl. PPhwn. Turrl'll, .\lt·tHIPnhall. :-\till. Thruwl. )lajort'i. J'ind row: Humhlt•, .\lc·J.p:ur, (]tiHrlc·s. \lflyt•r, \\"PiulwimPr, ~wicart, ~wiutlt>ll.

,...,f t·fJtlll rorr:

L \ \\', W\

~I \HI!' \'.



.. .\:ow if sou Wt'l't' a stt>nog-raphPI'


EH~ L~'l'

Lnt iu



\\·owbhop HtHI Drawin~ · l'lnnP thnt flown··

]IU ~lCKL ·. EY Band din·c·tor

I..!TILE ,''f\'\~II.T.

llo~s. 110 tl:tlt•s,''

\ 'n\\


(;PIH'I'HI ~dt•JH't' Hlltl .\ssistant <'oac·h h\ly ,t!HIIIt·, IllY sf't, .\lis:-; (]uarlt·s !'


"Thotoit' st Jlc•hf'~ arP too lctllt!,"

IlEJ,I:. • :\l<'LE.\. • .\1'1

\ ou'vp hatl tllllP to sf'ttiP cl1W11."'

W. ( '.

~~\X\\ FLL

T,\pillJ! ".\t·t·trrnc·,\· lu•fot't' spt·Ptl."

l 1..\ 11

llnnu• )Taua~t·JJH•Jit and ('Juthinc • J.i\"t' within ,\"PHI' lltlfl~Pt."

Bf I

L.\H ~Wl(L\HT

~JIIIIIbh "l:t•\ it·w

.J . L. .\I omu: Hu~ill+'"'"'

l'oods aud t'lnthill~ "Jlon t t·ali it ·c·oukinc." ··

]y \ ~l.\IW.\IU:l' ~hiLL I Iiston \\'hnt' n poor lt·s ... on ~·ou had tutla~·;

· rn:.:\' 11 \ 1.1.


IlU.E:\ , ''1'.\HK




Yt·rh .... "

".'top talklll!(. llnrnltl. "



HoY , '\\ 1 ·nELL ( olllJHf'l'f'iHI work aud I I tl ~ I ...


..\ t h IPt it· Din·t·t or

.\s~i:-.. tant


''Litlf' up:•


11 \I!IIJ.n H. Cho ..\uto \lf'C'hilnlt·s "Hon't ht• latl' to

Til H.\\\ L

Frt•Jlt'll )0111' llt'\t


"Eu 1-'t"illlt>nis. s'il vuus plait."


]) \I::<Y (JI \HIE~ l'ln sknl Trni11in:: ··uh. I just Jon• to tlHII<'t> :"


II. .} . I

F.\'\:\IE \\'J-,J:I) Ell!(lish "\Yh~· an·n·t you


~ \rdmnl


llushundr,v and Crop~ rt·J~••rts :11"1' <hiP."'



··Tnl\t' it Hllfl run nintH=-."

Jlrt·JHll't•t1 :··

Pnyt 'illfittll

'f''JJI nnr: .\lP\UtHlf'r. l"n~w. ]lu:-ot . ~Plson . Lt•a :-ourP. ~anH!'P . Lall!!f'. '/hint I"IJ!r: Frnk1•r. ~litt·ht•r. Ktthn . (~oodirn:. ~ti+·,Ct>nlt'~- .. r. Fblu·r. ('ozar1. ~t+'ill. ·"fTtJnd row: ~tf'illi,&:Pr. <:or·mnu . \ Pwton. Hlnu ,... \lurph,\ , <'ovt·nlr~- . Plntl. Ht'PII+'r. BPrl ·a um . J'ir~t nHr . :\Inr~tt'llllr , H. <'nrsoll, Hri:,:~ .... 'lartin . L. ('arson . Hlntt!!h. LiPdf'IHIPkt·r. \\'nlkf'J",


n lft'HI'fl.

cou TCIL

Thi~ oq.wnization, comJHl,ed of "tnrlent repn•,(•ntati\'l'. from ('\"('1'."' ad Yi-..ory ~rroup, i~-. th(• admini-..t rat i\"P body tht·oug-h '' hieh laws of splf-go,·pt·n mrnt are introdncNl and !'llf'orcPd. Amon~r tlw most outstandin~r of the Ht'\1 r<'gnlation thio.; y(•ar \HI . that rr~rardin~r tlw patrol of the corridors. ('onneil nH•mher" \H'n' d(•sig-nate<l to ad as monitors in th(• hall dnrin~r thP thr•'(' lunch hour, and \\ere 1'<''-JHllhihle for any Yiolations of th!' rul(•s. Tht• Htndent <'onneil W<h also tlw sponsor of a numh<·t· of matin<'<' hops and holida~· dance-.. On Oetolwr ~6. a lar~rr munher of tndenh and alumni attend<·<! a IIallmn• \•n .:\Jasqtterad(• dane(' ~rin•n in the ('Ot'l'i<lors. ( 'IP\"t't' pro ~ram. \\'t'l'(' ma<lr by the art clas-.!'s, and noist•makers \I"!'I'e g-in•n as fa\'ors. Hanta ('lans, OJH'ning- a hng-r nowhall bursting' with hnndt'(•d of small eotton halls . furni h!'d mat<•rial for a hilarions snow fig-ht with both ~tudt•nts and faculty partieipating, at th1• ('hri,.tmas dane!' hdd D<'l'<'Inhl'l' ~0. On .Janum·,,~-) . a poo.;t-exam dance \\"as g-iYrn follo\\"ing- th!' ('hampaig-n -P<'oria haskl•tball ~an1e


•\nothPr innonttion this ~·par \\,h the st•ri<'s of \\'l'l'ldy ht•alth and <•tiqll<•tll• h•-.,ons. Tlwst' \H'l"e formulatl•!l h~· a faculty committi'P an!l tht> mPmlwrs of thl' Etiqnt>tte ('luh, and prr,.rntrd to tlw stndt>nt at ad\'isor~· g-roup merting-.. . . Il(•alth, thrift, dn•ss, and ('Ondnet wrt't' ~om<' of the topies.

l'a(lt ' 1 ·1rt nt JJ

THE OFFI ERS A D COI\1~IITTEE OF TUDE T OUN IL Ln ·illt• C:u·-,on _________________________ Pn.>-,ident .\lh<•t·t L<•idl'n<h•k<•r__________

_____ \'i<·P-Pr<· id<>nt

1-.aae \Va liH'''---------------

_, 'ecr<'tar,,·-'J't•t•asur<•r


If all ('nm mitt cr.

• 'ol'ial

Lorraine Kineaid


KathPritH'. 't<>i!.!:<'lli<'Y<'l' E\'!'lyn Gooding LH\\T<'JH'<' • 'titdter BPtty Platt

I-.aac \YalkPr Holwrt Ga tTard Huth Knltn Frpneh Frak<>r IIarri rt :\Inrphy

Eug-<•n<• •\l ex a ndPr

~I ildre<l

A. ·M·mbl'J Committee

.Janl' :\lcu·tin Lonisr X<>lson Hog-<' I' ( 'ase BPtt~·




l'aor Tu•ruty-tlart('

I'll!/<' 'J'rrr 11ly-jirc

l'oyt 11r, '' t 11~ f


•• Hath

drnJ 1s

flu .w·holar of IJrsl r uloy."

Puhlius, ' tf/'11~

"'':::===================~ll~~<Ij) ~ f'(/f/1 'Jrr1 11111 1 iylf I


• \1 ,

J .. to!IUY.:\IH~K•:tt, PrtJ<titif


.:\lii.UR ..;IJ P\llh.IIIJ.I..


it·t ~ Prt.'(ifillll


\~E '11\Rf l ' • l'rtfl.''(Urtr

Ht:I"T ' .)OII,StL\" , l<tfTt/fll'//


'w.\Y B.\CK


Willian! (lPtman, Carl Dohnw, William :\Ic<:raw, and I uth FnnH'l'" IluckPtt wen• el1•cted as fn•shnH•n oflicpr ? ~\lso ho\\' ('YI'l'Y OIH' of u wa. tlw uhjPl't of ridil·tde hy tlw up]wrela. snwn ? It st'l'llll'd as if thr~· lookl•ll up to u-, lllot'P after hn•nty-thn•t• of tlw ela -.. madl' till' honor roll. 1\nd l'l'llll'lllhl'r ho" Hlan~· of th took part i11 thP htng-ua~e cluhs. hand il!Hl orl'h<•-,tnt? \Yt• \Yl'l'l' l'\'Pn r<'PI'('sPntl'd in th<• Bi~ T"Pln• ('ont r st at • 'prin~­ fil•ld hy :\lildrPd Broom, ~\linl' ,'hultz, .Jane .\lartin and E,·a Fit•ldhindPr .' HO\reYrr, n•uwmbrr ho\\' tho \\"(']('OIIll'd .


tlll'Pl' month

of -,umnwr Yacation Wl'l'f'

\Yt• eanw baek the IH'Xt fall a-. ophomon•s and PlPet<•tl Bruce ~ 'orm;.n . Lu<·illl• ('ar-.on, ('onstanet• liP'- and _\ lherta Kahht•-. a,., cia-, ofticPI's ? Thirteen of the elass made the ~ophomore Honor Holl! Ed\\'ard •'t·halk. Onctl ~trod<• and :\lerlin Kirm-,p [ll'OYPd capablt• in foot hall, \\'hilt• Hobert • 'hewalll•t·, Carl Dolnnp and Frederiek ~\rmstt·ong­ bet:amt• ha-.kdt•er . Wilbur Whitt• distinguislwd him-,p]f in "" imming-! W e-,ley ~~ i pi's, Hobert ~h<•,ralter and ~\ I fr(•d HPichman wrre out for tral'k! .\Ial'g"rl't ('ato11 \nts l'aptain of the girb' haskt•thall tt•am that won tiH ehnmpion-,hip! t'arl Dohnw, \Villiam Ul'tman, Dorothy FIO\n•rs, .\Icn·ian Tt•mplin, .\liidrPd Parkhill, .\Jaq.tl'l't Caton. and \'irgoil B1•nnl'tt, made Wig and Paint! Th1• ('hri-,tma. play '·Why the Chime. Hang," "as olely a Wi~ and Paint -,ophomon• Jli'Odnction. \\"1• ratPd in puhlil·ation :\lar~rl't ('aton """ -.opholllOI'l' Pditor ol thl' ('hronielP, Wl•-..]py ~tipP'-, adwrti-,ing manag"t'r, and .\lildred Parkhill opho111on• Pditor of thP .\laroon. WP came hat:k ag-aiu in the fall of

·:n H'>

junior !

Fr·PdPI'it·k .\ nn-,trong", ..:\lh!•rt LPidl'IH'kt•J-, William ({ptman and \\'(•. ll'." . 'tipp-, "'l'l"l' Pll'cted a . .Junior (']a-,s offict•rs, and how "mad" the "irl " ·erl' that tht• ho~., took all of the oflil'l' . . . 'iJH' of tlw das-, madp th1• honor roll, whilt- LotTainP Kincaid. ElPanor Cook, Hnth Francl's Il uckdt, Loi-, Ehl<'r, Ilildn•th Il urt, ~\ line ~t:hult;­ HlHl .John .\ ld'ulloug"h \\l'l'l' initiatl'll into thl' H onor, 'ocil•ly?

l'flf/1 1hirty

''Th<• JfottPnlot ., \\a>; tlw <·Ia s pia~· \\'ilh :\lar·tin Oorrnan and Lneille C'ar on as th<• ]pad .. J3pr·ni<•t• Br·inkPnla, .\]pta Flanin::ran1. Wilma PadfiPid, Hnth Frane<>.~ IInekt'lt, and :\lildrP<l Parkhill WPI'<' initiated into (Jnill alHl , \·roll . .'Pnral .Jmriors \\'Pre tahn into thr "('" l'lnh. Tlu• ::rolf !Pam \\'hit:h irwllHIP<l Boh .'n~ dPr', Eug'PlH' ('olP. Charles •'hang<•r, Wilhur Whit<•, HolH'rt :\Inrphy . .Allr<•r·t Hall, .Jat'k , 'nllintll, and ,Jim K<•nnedy \lOll tiH• Big- 'fw<'l\'<'. \V<• hPgan to Ira,·<• that qnePr fpeling- of l'Palization eome O\'<'r u: to tire effed that we had only one more y<'ar hefor'<' us. Tlr<• fall ot' ·~, da'' rwd upon U>; and \\'<' <·anH' ha<·k for tlw Ill t time to rr>;nmr onr dntie a , 'pniors? The g-irls took almo. t all of tlw dass offiee ? ~\I IH'l't L<•idPrHleker ''as the only <'X<'<'ption, for lrP lwld tlr<• offit'P of p.-Psid!'nt, whiiP :\fil<lr·rd Parkhill \ras Yiee-pn•sidPnt, .J arw Martin, seer·etary, and B<•tty .Johnson, tn•astll'<'l'. ~\I da Flimin::rarn \\as elrospn as Pditor-in-clrid of thP Cllt'o!llcl Huth Fnrn<:<'s llu l'kPtt, Pditor-in-ehi!'f ot' th<• :\1 \tWO:\.


Edith \'ane<', :\Ianriee :\Iarshall, Wilma PadfiPI<l and :\Iil<lrPd Parkhill al>;o h<•ld important positions on tlw yc·ar hook? Lorrairw Kineaid


thP Broob-Br·itdrl Essay <'llJl!

Ten of tlw <·lass llHlde thr honor roll and :\[arion l•'ilson, Fn•<lPrick ~\nn-.,tron::r .•\Ida Flmr i n::rmu, Eni!<'IH' ('ol<', Wi Ihnr Wlr i t<•. E-.,t lr<•r· Bot tenfit>l<l, :\lildrP<l nr·oorn, Fnureis Karmwlson, Wilma Pa<lfiPI<l, Edith Yaner, Hns t>ll \ 'aky,. 'orman llPimrath, llenr·y Kitl'h, Opal Eag-ll'tmr, and E\'elyn Hain<•y \H'l'P o.,enim· initiatPs in thr Honor ~Ot'iPty~ .J ohn :\lc('nllongh, LorraitH' Kim·aid, Edith \ 'an<:<' and :\Iary Ellen :\leKee \\l'l'<' tahn into (Jnill and K~:roll! Th<• athlPtPs honorrd by rrwmlwr-,hip in tlw :\ational Athl<•tic , 'cholar:-.hip soci<'l,\· \H'l'(' FrPd(•t·iek ..\nn tron::r, \Villiarn ll al-!'l'l'llHill, :\lel'lin Kirms(', ArehiP :\IcDomlld, .Jerome 0 'Dolllwll, lluntPL' Rus rll, Ed,rard ~chalk, and HohPrt ~h!'\\HI!t•r. 'l'hP football t(•am with E<h,anl .'dtalk


(•aptain \ron

'William Ila::r('L'llHill and Fn•deriek .\rnr-.,tron!! tlw ba,.,kPthall t(•am! W P ti<•d "ith P<•oria 1n tlw Bi!! TwPlw, and 'tate tonmanwnt !





both captain: of

"<'<'ond placP in th•·

~11~~~/,--------------l Page Tllirtv-ouc

'l'h<> following s<>nion; W('l'(' in th<> ''('" Club; Fre(]Prick Armstrong. \Yilliam Hagerman, .:\lax Cline, \Yilbm \VhitP, ('harlc'> ~hangt>r. Franci amu<>lson, .:\lerlin Kirmsc, Hunter Ru. sell, .A rchie MacDonald, Gus Alagna, :\Iamice :\larshall, Ed<li(• .'halk OrYal .'trod<>, Ro~Pr ('ox, Bob , he'ralt(•r·, 'fim :M cGraw, Ilt•nry Kitch, Carl Dohnw, and :\lord Dixon. William • ·orton, Dorothy Iungprich an(] Ruth Franc<>s Iltll'k\'lt took the ]pad in "('larenc('," tht> class play, whil<> other nwmh<>rs of the cast wert• Wilma Padfield, :\Iildrt>d Parkhill, ,Jack .'ulliYan, R(•ta 0 'XI'al, Ilunter Russell and ,John :\lcCnllough? 'fh(• ,Junior- \•ni01· hall, ('Ia. s Day and ( 'omrnetH.'Pm<>nt brought four of thl' happiest y<>ars of our lifp to tlw gn•at climax? \Vith all tlw fun and work in the ''way hack wlwn,'' ,'eniors, JH'\·cr forget in tht> future the h st thing of all, ~·our friends! - - LOHR.\1:\E Kl'\ (; \ID

P1J===================~~dl)~' ~ l'flfiC

Til irfy.f ICO





nE~EHAL A YERAGE FOR FOl R YEARS Ehl e r . Lois --------- __ 4.607 Filson . ;\larion ___ _ ----------Kin<'aid. Lorrain e ----------------- 4.:l57 Huck e tt . Ru t h Fra n <· s -----------Sc hultz. Alin e -------------------- - 4.2 5 Cook. Elean or --------------------Rottenlield. Esthe r _ ------------- 4.:!66 Hurt. Hild reth ----------lllai~d e ll, Ca lla --- - ----- ~. O:l 2

HO. "OR ROLL BY MATHEMATICS 2 YEAR InskiJl, Franc is ___ H eacock. Cha rlotte ---------------Hyland, ;\lary __ ----------------SdHtltz. Alin e -------------------- H e lmrath, • ' orman ---------------:\l<'<'ullough, John -------------- __ Blaisdell, Calla ------------------ -Botte nfi e ld, Esth r _ ____ _ --

4. 3 4.61 4.40 4.40 4.33 4.16 4.00 4.00

SCIENCE 2 YEAR Cook, lt~l eanor _ __ -------- -----Helmrath, Norman -- - ------------ Yaky, Russell ---------- -------- -- Bla<'k. Orval ---------------------Davis. C'e<·il ----------------------Inskip, Frances ---------- --- - - ---Ludlow, Daniels ----- - -----------l\1('Cullough, John ------------ ----Samu<>ls on, Fran('is ---------------\' an('e, E<l ith ---------------------White, Wilbur __ -------- __ ------

4.33 4.:3:! 4.25 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00

LA TI ' 4 YEARS Bottenfield, Esthe r --------- ------ 4.50 Schuitz, Aline 4.42

4.214 4.0 5 4.071 4.0:H


EXGLI H · 4 YEAHS Arm stron g. Fred er i<'k __ _ Bottenfie ld , E sthe r ----------------Filson . :\Iarian - ------------------Bla isd e ll, Ca lla -------------------Broom . l\lildred ------------------Cook. Elean or --------------------Hurt, Hildreth - - -----------------Padfie ld. Wilma ------------------c hultz. Alin e ---------------------

4.2 ;; 4.14:! 4.14 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00

OCIAL ('[EXCE - 3 YEAHS Ehle r, Lois _____ --------- _____ Filson. ;\laria n __ ----------------Corbin , l\Iaxin e _ __ ----- _ ___ Armstrong. Fred e ri ck -------------Davis. Cecil _ ___ -----------Schultz. Alin e - -------------------Cook. El an or ----------------- ___ Huck ett. Ruth lt' r a n c s ----------Kitch. H e nry - -- - --------------- -Ludlow. Daniel _ ----------------She walte r , R obe rt ---------------Yaky, Russell __ ----------------' ' an('e, Edith ---------------------Ward, He! n ---------------------·

5.00 4.61 4.4 0 4.20 4.:!0 4.20 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00

4.33 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4 00 4.00

GERl\lA~ 2 YEAR H e lmrath, Xorman -----


FRENCH- 2 YEARS Ehler. Lois _ __ -· __ ___ - -----Blais dell, Calla -------- - --------- - Bottenfield. Esther ---------------· Day, Hazel -- - --------------------Filson. Marian - ------ - ----------- Iungerich. Dorothy ---------------:\lcCullough, John _______________

5.00 4.:?5 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00

SPAN! II 2 YEAR. Ehl er . Lois - --- _______ ----- ___ Cole. Doris ------------- ----------Hanke. Dorothy ------------------Johnson , Alma -------------------Padfield, Wilma -----------------· Pollock, Lois -------------- - ------ Rainey, Eve lyn -------------------Roberts , Kathe rin ----------------

;\lA::'\l'AL ART -2 YEAR \'aky, Russell ------------------- -'\'ilder. Gene --------------------Martin . Jane ---------------------:\lurphy, :\larjorie --------------- ---

5.00 5.00 4.33 4.00

Bl' L'E S Broom. l\Iildred ------------ ·------ 4.1 1 Blai. d ell. Calla -------------------- 4.00 Wimm e r . Dorothy ----------------- 4.00

l'ag• Tllirt y .t/tn c

Awu:xs, \V.\ L'l'ER

liE' ttY

Cllronid• Stall'. I: EtiqHPit<• t'luh. ~. Latin t'luh. 1. :! : Hotnny <'luh, 4. .. ",. IH 1/l/1 tl '" 'tl rli ...·loX< 1111' nam1· of flu· tailtn' who mtlllf h iH do flu.'( ..

~\I.LXA. 'DEH,






\YilE .•

I Ion or· Hull. 1 : Hanel. :!, :L -1; Hatem ('luh, :L I: "f<:nst i~ \\'t'sf." c·;n.;.t, I: ••J[o(tf'Jttot." c·:tst. :t: "\\'hy 'I' hi' Chimt·s H:tll,a:." ~: '''l'hf' EXf'htliH!'P.'' :! ~ "'l'hP ElopPIII<'JJt," I: IIi Y. I: )IUI"ic· .\ssodutioJI, ;; : \\'i.t.=" autl Paint. :.!. ::. I. " t fHJitl, lmtl, mou."


Otux Yif·t pr+'~.. ,.\,h·isor\· (;roup. I: Baud. 1. :!. ;;, Hat on <'lull. I: l'panbh ('luh. 1. :!, :;: .l,li \', l: \Ju~·df• ..\ssof·iation. :!. •h l. " [ filii Sir 01'01'/f, 11111/ J('/it II J IIJJI



/,1 I

A ..

li/1~. ntJ tlou


1wl'1.- !"

Bt \I.ES('IIKI, <;irl< <~I"" ( "('fOIXfflll/ ill



luh. I.

llf 1' llll'fJIIK/fll/1 p, I ur/ Jrrilhfnl frr ,,.,., ~I."

Ll~<H.H, Lt '('ILE

('lwrubtrs ('luh. I: Ent••rPtl. :;. from \It \ '.-rnnn, Jll. llh:h

:-o\t·huul. "1/r/f'l

.~ t




it ,,flit! /1111

oft • lrtnnan'.\( llfl!f tltJIII I/IJ11ffhf.1 ''



Bl . ,'(). ' \VILLI. . .. ,,uf"ll





ht• 1H nt ,.,,. ttl 1rhilt th' ~~ lnlltJ/tl

" ynaltt" Ilion tllfJUittlrr."'

.\tni."''IW. 'G,

Em'I'II N \lUll ( llron ;df' Staff. t: Pl't-s. Book kPPJiiiiJ.' ('luh, I: 'I',YpinJ! ('luh, I: ('oiiiiiiPI't·inl ('luh. :': llomp E<·onomif'S ('luh. a: Shor·t hand 'l'PIIIIl. :1. I: Typinc: 'J'Pnm. I: HoukkPf')Jilll! Tt>alll,


•·fJ, I , ,., rn "'"" , ujo!l IIi>~ 1rltim. \1 hof'H lu to 1111 or I to him_, ..

.\IOI.TRO. (;, FHEDERI('K .J[oHHI. Jlunor Hull 1: \ 'kt• J•rt·s . ('lass, ::: Fool hall. ~: Bnsk+'lhall. :L 4: t'11 ('nptain. I: Prt·s . •\tl


BL.\('K, OH\' \L SI'EI.l, ~P<'\' Tr·,.as .\ch·i~ot'\ (,rout•. :1. l; l;h~·,;,., t'luh.

"II• 'II jinr/ "

1 ·



(;roup. :! : Hand, 1. :!. :t, I: Orf·h.-strn. ;; : Hnton ('luh. :L I: "l:'mllln' Thrn" •·nst. :1: "E:l~t b \\·l·st." f'11~t. 4: "lintIt ntot." staff. .{: "Tomm~·." stnlf. I : " llisp:tt<·h••• f11r \\'nsh inctnll." :t: ('/lronidt ~taff. :! : l.atiu <'lnh. 1. :!; .\ . .\ ., :L ~: IIi· \, ~: l'r<·, .. I: "('" t'lnh. ::. I: Prt>s .. 1: 'lnsic• .\s!"odatinll , 1. :! : \\'it! nnfl Pnint. :L -l: Hoys' (;li'+' ('luh. :! : ('np antl (;own ('ommittPt', I. "II< xlf/llf/., ill 1/u m11kH fl.f /fll'r.





llnllnl' Hull, :!, I: f'hnniH'It ~tntf, ::. flctttnr ~w·it•(\·, :t. I: 1-~rt•IH'h l"luh. 1, :! : ('oinnH·rf'inJ ('lnh. :;, I : t: ..\ ..\ . 1 : T~·pinc: 'f<':tlll, :;. I: l'rt·:-o. T,,·pin.L!' ('lull. -l. .. Tlu f·om nu rdal world i."' }u r jlr/r/ for· fr/1111'."

UlfJXf Ulfll,"

n, LE~ ••:!,Toll' E :\II{\ a. I: C'ro!-Os Country. BH~Phall,


Bn•ul. 1. :! : .\IIPiphlun t'lnh. I : ~pc·y. arul ' l'n·n~. I : .\ . .\_, :J. I : "( '" t'luh. a. 1 : "u•l•·

.\ssoc·in t ion, 1, :!.

" t man ix not i'fJil'"'

rxal ion .. ,

Page Tllirty·four

IH lit t'

I /ian


Boo \HI>, .JI I LI>HED •• LE~ c\ II CommPrc•inl Cluh. :~; llomP E<·u nomic·~. 1 : Ph~·si<·s ( 'luh. t ; <~. .\. .\.. 1 : t:iJ•I I(PSI'J'\'O'S, 1 : <rirhol' ltlf•p ('ltth, 1: EntPrt•tl :!, from l"uin'l'sit ,\· I I i.!!h ~f'IH10l. •. ,..,.,, knt lC 1('1/at rcax 1rliot."

~' \""CY

B.-c.·K. 'EH, Du.TLL\

l .. r,.ndo l'lnh. 1 : (;o·rmun l'lnl1. :1; 1 ('lull. :;. I. llunuEt·orwmit s ('luh. :.!. :; ; llP1:inuin:::- ~horthtuul Tt·anl, 3; 0. <1. ~\. :-\m·i•·t :.·, I. "'1/tr ,,,,. rflfflfdJ(f.'ot thut fl jlamt. ·• • ('ollllllfiJTH

Btx>T:--. K\TIIEHI. I·: DELITH \ ('nllllllPI'f'ial (')uh, ::: l£ollH• Ec·o· nnulin• ('hah, :! : (,, .\ ....\. .. t, :!. ~·It JJI~II U"IJU{d IH {tJL'Id, /~oft ond /11 lortiiJlt ''


(' .\DL, \V\Y."E

BoT'! L:"\ FIELD, E:-:;·nu-.n

·"'' ritJit}o( m indt fi

" t 111

.JI 'y

n r irllt ·"' (ltrnu

110111 II




Fn•Jlo·h l'ltoh, I: J.alill ('luh. ;:, I: <~irl · Ht·:->Pf\'t•s. I: Entl'l"l'tl :L f1·nm ('ommunit\' llh:h ~c·honl .)PIII''ilorn,



lllllllllt r8 g1 111/1', of llf!< t·ti'"'" Ill Ill/ ...

('.umno. , P.u·r, BoYn, Fn \::'\ 'E. lim. ·E llnllnr Hull. 1: :-;punl'h ('luh, 4: (; _ .\ . .\ .. I : Enl<'l'o•<i . l. u ' till' Ill' I tlu ln·un (/f.'(f ,.,., flu


Intra \lnrnl , I: l'ilrollil'lr :-;tnfl', 4. ··Tiu fuuu tllot a lllflll trill>t llimxo If ix /11 x/. ''


C.L •• ·o. ·, BRI l{g~J \, BEIU\ I ('E ::'\. Prt'' .\1h·bory (;roup. :! : "~milin' Thru" ''"''· :) : " En't i' \\',.,t." I. "llirol'' ('hri,tnuos ( 'arol." :; : '\Yhv 'J'hl' ( 'himP~ l(nn~r." :! : ('Jo m'n il'i< :-;," n·. :1. 4: l'hiPt' E<iitorinl WritPr. 4: llo•hnt<' l'lnh, :! . Lnti11 ('ltoh. 1. :!. :; : lluill 111111 :-;,·wll. I: .\<11'1 phinn, 4: Prl'~ .. I: Colort's(}tll', 1, :!. :1: WI;.: 111111 l'nint. :!. :1. I: <;iris' <;ll't' Clnh 1. :!. :;.




maid of fJrfl('l lllfljf HIJI."

and ('tJmplt if'



Hn111l , 1, :!. :l, I; Or<·hP,trn, :l; Jlntun ('lnh, :J. I: Latin t'lnh, 1. ~: .\irplanP ('luh, 4: Colort·sque Cluh. :~: )lusic> .\s.,.oc•iation, 1. :!, :;, 1: Boy,· t:IP<' t'lnh. :!. "/II' /111/'X



Wi/1 .•



H, "

'.\lL 'J:;:-;, '.\LL\Il ELIZ \BETH l'rPs ....\thisory <~rouJ•. -:l: YkP PrP~., :~; " ~mil in' Thru" ('Hst, :: : "J·~nst i~ \\'t•~t." <'H~t, l ; 4


BIU . 'KJ.EY, ::\1.\HIO •• 1'1'1'111'11 t'luh, :1. I: Lutin t'iuh. 1. :! : ('ntnllll'fc•Jal ('luh. :; "1.<1 tlu rrru·fd xlid<, I'll IJIIflflc· '"' inf'l1."




:-;twrt h:1111l ( 'luh, -!: \\'i~.: nnd l'nint. :1. I ""'" 'x n/1 1/w/'x 1111111 xl. llonurnlilc a11tl fair.''

11111 (' \R:-io. , Lu ILLE ,J '- ·r: Yi(•f• Prt·s. Class, ~: Prt·s. ~tudl'llt


.JI 1LDHED Honor Holl, 1. I: ( ' 1/mlli('/o l'tnff. :! . :-;punbh l'lnh. :; : Latin ('lnh. 1. :.!: ('umpn·ial ('luh. :.!, :{, .t.: (; . •\ . \ ,, 1. :!, :;, I : .\ . ,\ .. :! : (; irl Ht'~t>I'V~"~. I : 'I 11!-.ic• ..\ .... ..,.of'illl inn,

~P<'Y .•

I :

1 : (; irl:-i' l:to•p t'lnh. 1: :-ilwrtlullHl To•am, :.!. a: rrypint:: Tt•am. ;{, •; Huuk kPPpin~ 'l'PHtll, I. 4', 'JH· U'fiX 1J I ""tun ]JII'/t t·t/}1

CourH·il, 1: Prt>~ . .\dvisors (;roup, t; Trt'tl:-1., 1 : "l·~ast i~ \\'l''t ' l'll'l. I: "Jiuttl'ntut'' (•nst, :4: "0nP <:ift .\hovt.• ..\n · ut hl'l'," ! : "\\'hu Kiss<'< I B:tr· harn." I: ('h,.mbtr~ l 'luh. :1; l·.. rpn(•h Cluh, :;, I: Lntin Clnh, 1. :! : t'umm<'rl'inl l'luh. :l, 4: t:. ,\. .\ .. 1. :! : .\ .\., 1, :! : Colort·sqttt• Cluh. -1 : \\"il.:" nud l'nint. I ; C:irl< (;),lp Cluh. :.!. "•"lrt rt "·"~ 1• • r 111111 c Vf 'x xaury xmi/c•,'J

{/f)()(/ littlllfJI"fli."


Tlrirt 11 fir<

C.\ ..\n,



lulra \ltoral. I: :-:paulsh ('luh. 1 : t'nlort•stiiW ('luh. I: B~'.•~· t:lt>P ('Juh. 1. ;{: ('u f'lH•Prlt•lltlt•l". :;, -t: Frt·shmnu. :--;nt•hoJ.worP l'nntltn 11 Tt•H Ill "llni,((_ n.~ xi fill fl.'< 11! qm ·'< IJII.'''


( ',\ 1'0. , ~f.\ HGHET .} 0 \. :\ E :-: •• ,.~ 4\th'isory (;roup. :!. a: ('u~t. .. Enst is \\"t"••t." ' I: Cn~t. ·:-:.mil in' Tru.'' :; ; '"\\'hNl t h • f'himt""' Hnn:.!';· ··HhlP BP·Irtl .. Op.-rPttn: ('/orrmil'lr :-:wff. 1. :!. :L Ext·hnn~P Editor. 1 . :-:.oph. Ltlifnr. :! . Latin ('lull. 1.:!: (;, ,\ . .\ .. 1. :! . .\ .\ . 1. :.! : \lotsi•· ·'''"''intiun, 1. :.!. \\'i:: and P:tint, :!. :l. I. (;iris' OIPt' t'luh. 1 :!. :! : Quill ('Jnh. :! : ('hrmu. .Jr. ltin,es ('nmmittPP: ('hrmn.


~r. Hull Com mil tt·t•, ••J '11111111 to llnt'f mu mru ~~""''in ' , . , 1 '' thin(l '"'" wll11t'x uun:,. I 1rill too!"

( 'LI. E, M \X ,J \('Oil 1-"uuthnll. :; • 'ic·1• l'r1·'o!. k\ d\"isnr\· 4; ruu )). 1. ., . :-\4'('.\ 'rn•lts.. a.: "lint !l•ntnt" :-;tuff. :1: l'llrrmidt ~tufT. :! : Tru,·pJ ('luh, J: PrP!'O., I: Latin ('lnh. 1. :!, :1. I: .\ .\., 1. :!. :1. ~: "("' <'lnh. :1. ~: 'In 'ic• .\ssuf'iation, 1, 2, a, I: Bonk

<'lnh. l · ·f ,,,, not in flu

roll of t·om ulfHl

U/flll. ''

CoLI·., D01n llELE. · (,luh. :J: llontt• Ec·o <'luh. -1: ('olorP~fltH' <'lnh. :!. :1. I: <:irl H,.s,.n·t·s. 4: 'lttsi<• ~\~S IH'iHtion, :.!, a, (;jrJ~' <;lt·P ('luh. !!, :;. "1/tr fm·t it i• tlu fnirrxt .·.,ani!-ih


'/ ltnl

t ·, 1


Htlll ~<IUIIIf

011 .,

('ll .L\IBEHI \L', llEI E'. IHI~ Laliu <'luh. :L I: ('umuH•r•·i-tl ('In h. :~: «"nlon·'tlllf' ( 'luh. :L -1 : <:iris H1·sPr\"t>s. l: EutPn·d. :! : I lunur Hull. -L

•·4 t mnidt n "' ,., ,. 1HJ1d: fJ/ !~JJirit Hfl •till 11111/ rtuir t tltnt it IJ/u.,lu• nt tt-•rlf."

( 'o ·ovEH, Do. ,\T,n 1~'. <'•~ml!lt>n·inl Cluh. :.!. :!. 111 ,.,,. >mid 11 joolixh tiling, lit n ,. did a wixt· ont .·'

"\\Ito tnd

( 'ooK, Er.E\:\OH. l~'HAKC'ER ( 'L \. CY, Enw \lm ··nu worlrl '" ltmo-• 111 Ill• !Jtlit•"



lluuur Hull. 1. :!. :1. I : l'r"'· .\1l \"isor,v (;I'0\1)1, 1 : Ylc·p Prt·~ .. I : ~"''·'·· :t: •' JiottPUtot ~tuff. :t: llonor ~o<'it•ty, I . Yii-P l'rt·~ .. :; : l•:tiqnPtt~ ('loth, I: l'r""·· I: latin ('luh. 1. :!: Commpn·inl ('Jnh. :1: .\<ll'lphinu <'lnh. I: <: . . \ . .\ .. 1. 2: ~('(',\" .. :! : nirl~' (;),.,, <'lnh. :1; T,\pin~ 'l'r•am. :! : "BinPiu•nnl " "II"~'"""· :1: Basi' l•nll 'l'••oun. 1. •·n orm of lu art nnd ,.,,a,· IJf



('L.\HKE. CII\HLE.' fltrt,nidt ~tafT.:.!: Latin ('luh, 1. :! . .\ .o\ •• 1. :.!. :t; 'lnsic· .\s '" ·iolt it n. 1. :! : <Jutll ('loh. :.!. •• \\ hJt I(IJ Jill It ,,,,1 trflll, fond ltJf( ,.


1'r/ .'lit I

( 'ooi'ER,

~lnff. I: "Tom :1: ".\II .\honrtl," :l: FrPn<·h <'lnh, :1, ~; L:tliu ('lnh. :!. :1. I trtrr lllrrr·tu/ r111rl 11 dtrfl'


m.v ·


\V \. ·o \

( 'Lf;:\II·:. 1'1. E is \\'<·,t " ~tufT.


.to;iHff t'."

( 'L.\ Yl'OOL, , 'T.\. LEY •• t

"'"~'· 1'111111


tf jtn

" rratdt ;."' ltJ 1Jt 1/i."( IIUII/111 I' IJ/ !/fJ

11/!f ,"

( 'oHBI. ·, ~f \XI. ~E ~I \E ll r•llor Hoi I. 1. ~; ~t~c·~- Tt'l'll~ ...\tl \"burr (;roup. :!. I . T1.,rP11c·h ( 'lult. 1. :! : Comm,•rda I <'Itt h. :~. 1: lloml' Ec·tiUomks <•luh. 1: <:. ~\ . .\ .. !!. :l: 'lnsic• ..\sstwla1iou. :~: (;iris' Glt'P ( 'luh. :{. "lou xlroultl 1u lit rr fJJH word in }OdJI

l'ngr Tllirt !f H<.r

//rat fl



I)\\ IS, 11.\Hitll;'l' ~[1:\1-:H\'.\ ~tnff. :! : ~JHlllish ('Juh. 1. :!: Fn•nd1 <'luh. <'nmmPr C'ial ('Juh, ;:, I~ f)nill nnd ~~·roll. :! : (; .\ • .\., 1. :!, a; T,qliiiJ.! <'luh. I . " /'1u· trllfn '' la,fdi' ·x in flu f•fl.lu Ill othu thiua• .,;,., tJI<II'<,"


( 01H ~I, If ElL\I.\. Banfl. :!. :l. I: \lu~dC' 1


,,,, ..

.. '/ lu

mint!H llu



14/tuldon/ of flu


I> \ VI. .• li Y.\ If:.. ~:

11111'11 "HI HI.

( '1wsr.1 , \\'11 Ll.\.\1 Enw \lm \"ic·t Prt·"'· \th·isnr_\ <:roup, ., • ~I' 1nish <'In h. 1. :! : ( 'nlll111+'rf·ial ('luh. a: \ , .\., :!, :; : ('olort•s qllt' <'luh. ;: : 'lu:-df" .\ssodatiou, 1, :.! ; Hn_\•·; (;)., .. ('luh. 1. '''/ hi."f

IIIII II ~tllli}Jillfl."



Prt·s . •\11\·isor~

(~InuJ•. :! : Hand. -1: Orf'lu•strn. 1: ('ht·mistry l'lnh. 1: .'p:t11ish l'l11h. 1, :.! : Etlqll<·lt<• <'lnh. 1; ('ollliiii'ITial l'lnh, I: .\ . .\ ., 1. :!, ::, I : IIi \. J. ·•rm frH' 1rtn·.'"


1)\Y. IL\zEL D ,\('{)S'f.\. OOIWO:\

Frt·nf'lt <'luh. 1. :! : ('ouunPrdnl l'lnh. I: Bllsl'hall. 1: 0, (;, .\.,


l'rt•s. Advisol'.\' (~roup. :! . Bnnd 1, :!, :;, -1 , ( )rdH•st I'll. :.!, ;;_ I : H:o1n11 ('luh. ::. I : 1"11111 ('luh. 1, :!. I : \lusk .\sstwin t ion. 1. :!. :t I. Pt'l'~ .. :l: Bop•' (;)t•t• ('Ill t, :1. '· / 111 n r tful ntJIIIin' /o nolun/JI."


P\l ' LI:\E L01s -1: ~panish ('}uh, :!, ('nllllllf't'('ittl <'luh. 1. :!. ::, I . (; , .\ .\ 1. :!, :1. I : \lusi•· .\s soda t ion. 1. :.!. a. I : ~hurt huud ('luh, ~. •• t nrl Jdt fiJ'fill(l o/lu rx it.llf /1 flrnt d /11 ~""'If to 111• "·" " ()rt'hPs(I'H, ;J, :~.

I. "'J' I11 n r.~· }llwiiJI."



, \\'ILl. I.\ :\I ~fOHEL

<'t·, ...... ('ouutn·.

1ra ~floral.· I

" \11

( 'ECII.

lh\ls, ·1 lu n ·l't mintf'Jtt )tifT."

OE.'E\'\ 110 art ftJ xhtJir rollxfrudion in





I :


midiiHJII/ ml do I"''",,,,.,, I


Hnud , 1. :!. :;. -1. ('ht•mistr_v ('luh. I: l'pn11ish ('lnh. l. :! ..\ .\ ., 1. :!. a: IIi Y. 1 : 'Iu)o;u· .\!'O!'OIH'i I lou, :!. :!. I ··J.~ "' tolkillfl "!!'lin. or !f' I.'"



DII.LO:\, I l.\ZEL ~L\E Latin <'luh. 2: ('ommPr«·inl <'hth, I . (; ~\ .\. 1 : (:irl Ht·spn·l's. I "'/hut I'IJuld 7H mond to IWiilt nt

I> I. ·o.

D \\' Is,

moj1 HI !I






I )OlDIE, C.\ HI,


\'i«·•• Prt·s . (')n!'O ... , 1 : Foothnll. -1; llnsk••thnll. I ; lu lrn \lnrnl. 1. :! : \'kt> Jirf~-s . .\cldsory (;roup 1 : ~ ..c·~· :~: <Juill ('Juh. 1. :.! : "Enst b " · .. -..t.' c·nst, I. " \\'hr th•· ('himP-s ltauu.'' :! : "Ex dtn llg't'," ;{ ! ''I lt•sJHl t f'IH•s fnr \\·ashiiiJ!Ion," :~: ('lironil"if ~tntr, :!: ,\sst . Bus. '1,~-:r . ~: La till l'lnh. 1. :.! : .\ .\ . 1, :.!. :1. I: lli·Y. ~: ··('" ('lnh. ~: :\IHsif' .\sso<'intion. :t: \\'ic nnd 1'111111. :!. :1. I. " ...;olill, lo·mttl :"II oulf11 rnt. xoiJfT 111111


l'oudt ritlt/



It IH/fln


II/I ... .

1'"11' Thirty




DoTY, DoHOTHY )I m !"punish ('lnh. 1. :!, :1; l'olllllll'r· <"In! l'lnh. I: IL .\ . .\., :!, :l; ('olort•stJHf' Cluh. l; (~irl Ht' t-'1'1'\'P~. I. •· J,·ifllfi.•/liJI ;., "''/ a iJIIIIII of '""'!I !lrrJirl /1 ."'

DEH, E\ .\ LE ...\ nt·oup. 1 : Frt•Jldl t'luh. I. :! : ('omnH•rC"Inl t'luh, !1, t . llomp Ec·ouoru if•s, :!. "1/fl _tl .~Itt llf l"f'f f>llflllf/f f ./TI }It in.



.\ ( 1\·isot·~·

llflllll , ''

E.\(;LETO.:\, 01'.\L ~\I.l'll \ Lalin l'lnh. 1. '' IH 1111n n.l( fl JHflrl. IIIII "" /lfl"frl"t : 11 IIIJIJir 1111ri ill not·t nt girl."

Fll !"()"\' ~I \HIO ELIZ.\ BE'J'l [ Frt·uc·h t'luh. !~: ('olorP!-ifiUP <'luh, ::: (;jrl HPst~r·n•s , a: Entf'rt·fl :t, from .J nc·ks1111 \' illl' 1 I idt !"t·honl . Ill.

rr ill.

' ' ltJr If .'<Ill tnt ' / , "

111111 lllflJI dt/HIIl

]i L.\:--' 1:'\(;.\'\1, liELE

EnW.\Ril:-;, EL\ ElL ' E •·(,'om/ iH IPH nut/ fi'HHI nntun an Utnr xtJHirfll,tf, thmtyli tlu iy nort~llf world IUl/1 thouylll

otJu rwixt·.''


TrPHs ... \d\'isorr (;roup. :t; "llol l<'ll(o(" ••nst. :1: ('/lriJIIII'Io ~tntr :!. :1, I: Etlitor in c·hkf. I : l<'r<'lll'h ('luh. :!. .J: \'i<·<'· Prps .. I: Lntin Cluh. 1, :!. :~: llnlltl' Et·onomic·s. ~- :; ; Quill nn<l !"<·roll. :1. I: n .•\ . .\. 1. :!, ;~: Colort•sq111' f'ltth. I : :\1 m•it• ·'"'"''winl ion. :!. ;J: <]uiJI <'Juh, :!. :t : ('oiiiJllPIH'PIIlPIIt ('ollttUit• I<·<': lll'll')!ll(l' to I. II. !". !". 1'. \.

~ .. , ..,.





"1/u· ,.,,,x an ll"tlt/H of JJ1ut~flnt ­ nt HX, , 1 Jlfi fill llf r 1Ht/IIH fO' f ]If tll'f , "



J lonor Holl, 1. :!. :L -1: lltlllol' !"o <"iPI~·. :1. I: !"punish l'lnh. :1. ~: Fl't'IH'h ('Itt h. 1. :! : I lumP Ec·o Jlolllif•s

l'lnh. ','-lu ix



,, ,




/II(' lll"flrl


"""·"~ Unllllf/.


and IJ!I (/tJiU!I 111 Ill'

( ' oJOJ't'St(llt'

HIJ 11/


lu nu lf /Ill tj.,( ,''



FLO\\' EH. ·• l)()HOTIIY



·:-<mil in' Thrn" I'll st. :1: "En t 1.· \\'pst" •·ast, I: "Why th<' l'him<• l!nn.:." "J)ispniC"IIP' for \\'nshiu~ton: ~JutHish ('luh. -l; FrPH<·h ('Juh, 1. 2: Colllllll'ff•inl <'luh. ;~: llouu• Ec·onornks ('luh, 1. :!. a: PrPs .. ~: 'luslt• \s sodntioll, ~. a: \Yi!! nrul Pniut, ~: :L I : <:iris' (~lf'P ('Juh, 1, 2, .. 1'11ir "" fill

/111 •j lorcrrH.'"

\VrLT,LDf lln-o•lulll. ::. ~: lntrn ~lurnl. I: Fr•·uf"lt ('Juh. 1, :! ; "t" <'luh,

I. '' l

IIUIII'."( II llltlll



(l \lOIS, II \HOLD \V. lntrn :\lnrnl :1, I : GPrlllllll ('lnh, :~: Latin Cluh1 1 , :? : Ho.\·s' (;)t'p l'lnh. 1. 2 . "/ ,,,.,, uo man tliat klltJrr.-t mon 1/11111 111/IHI If, IIIII JJi/ !1 tlu Ill /IIIII know ltHH"

tltaf .''

HET:\L\ '\' \VII.LLD[

Eow_\RD Ein'l. · , .J.DILs , 'T \ '\ ~'OIW " /Itt l'dU ik'x l&ix fJWil

Ullt"lldf ~ 111"1

tt llilllf , '




Prt•s. ( ')uss, 1 : ~PC''f" .. ~t·t·:V· Trt•ns., Aflrisor,\· • (;roHJI, •·~<:ust i~ \\'Pst" •·ust, I;. '"!'mil in' Thru." ~tafT. :t: ' ·Hut· l<'nlol" <·ast, :1: "\\'h~ th<> ('hinu·s Hnn,t:." "E ,.lutn:;:..," "\\'ho Kisst•ll Hnrhnrll," ('hrotJ· il'i<" !"tniT, 1. ~; '1.\IWII\ 1-'tniT. 1. :! : I 'h<·ml"t r~· Clnh. I : Lnt In l'lnh. l. :! ; IIi Y, ·1: \\'1.: 1111<1 l'nlnt. ~. :!. J; Gulf, :;, I, !!ulll ('luh . 1, 2.


•· t man "''"' H/H ak f()O mut·l, upon Ill• IHHI of Hubj• f'f.,,''

<:ooini \ , LHl \ TIILIII::--E "llol H·nlol · :-<tnfl . ::: Lit in I 'lnh, t. :! . But :Ill,\ ('luh. t: (;, 4\ , .\ .,

I: \lusit• .\sstwi~~:tioll, :! : <:iris' 'luh. :!. •· •J'qJ' tho mldtlf, "''"'~ lumlfl IJI ..

lbGEIDJ.\. •• \VILLI " I LEO l~nnthall , :!, :;, I. HaskPthall, ~. a, I: Cu ( 'nptain, ~; Ba~t·llall, a. -t : ('ross c·nuntr,v, 1 : lutra\lnral. 1, :! ; Fro•nf'l> l'lnh, 1. :! ;

~'· .\ , 1 . :!, =~. -t : "(''' ('luh, a, f : :--;"'') TrPa~ .. 4. "lltJW I llorr. lonll ! 1:.rr·1ou my Jrrltt l"lllf/ ltJ11fllll."

(;)I'P t

DoRt. Cnm. ·E ('luh. a. J: llomf" J·:f'OIIHBiif'S, l. ···rr, 111/ ollliyiuy, yrt nxrrnll to II.UJJ>To::--,

OoiDI.\:>:, :\1 PrPs .



":-\lllilin' 'l,hr·n. l1'1tlnt."



llHE\\ .

:; : t'nst.






ff/1.' '

., ,

l'lnsic-s ('Juh. I: 1'1'1·sidt•11t. I: \\'i~ anti Pnint :;. I: l'r·•·'·· I: ",\II .\honnl," ::. :-<tnlf. ' 1 fllf /Jitllf'!t4 f/1111{1, tf/U 1'1 IU h1


Ita .... tlu

t·rm.'(t'l' lll'f



kiny . '

lJ \::"\ KE,


~pan ish

('luh. :~. 4: Lntin ('ltth, 1, :!. ;;, l: ('umnwrc·inl ('luh, :1: 1: . •\ .•\ . :!. :1. I : (;irl l!t·· , .. n-t·s. ~ : 'l'n·ns., 4 : :\l11siP ...\ · sudation. 1 : PI')) ('luh. I.

Oonm:, HoY Bt'II. ' ELI.


Foolhnll. I; llnskl'thnll. I: 1'/ir"ll it It :-<tn n·. I : .\ .•\ .. I. •·J/t flfl

think .... t1m


..... ,,.,

i., ''"'HI


lfl."(f, fl Xtlllll !f

lr·nq/lu 11



/11()(}({ , "

ou ''

dUUIJit'f)IPt ,''

lL\RT, J<'H.L K ELI.,'\\' OHTII ('ltlh. 1. :! : ('tHIIlllt·r('ial <'luh, ::: .\ .\., 1. :!. :;, I.


" t jr ,,., It r I .,IIIII I l11 .''

~\I.L. E • 1 am ,

/Hid of oil tho/


Iliff .•

11 E.\CO(' K,

(' ll.\RLOTTF.

En:I.Y. ~ }HJ'\DLEY, {:u:'\ _\ DIH:W Intra \lunll, I: Orf'IH·>II'n. 1. :! ·:. I : ( 'lwmist r~ t 'In h. I . ~pan ish ('lull. 1. :! . \I u;..i<· .\sstwia lion, :t, I: H••s-.;' (;)I'P ('Juh, :!: :-:.trill~ (]IIHT"tl't I would I'Oihtr 111 tlwn xttllt to IH."

lit nor Holl,

;.! :

On·ltt·st rn, 1, :!, :t 4: (; , .\ . ~\.,

:; • CoJHml·r(·inl.

I. ··\or i.>< tlu trorld iynortlll/ oj lu r rnnlll.''

llE~'I•'t:UT'\O~:n, IT.\RRY Dt·. · 1,.\P l'rP~ . .\lldsur~·

Ot LI('K, Jf.\1!10,

(hi \I!

:'.. ,.~- • .\ch·i..;or,\ «;rotiJI, :! : Band. 1. :.!, :;_ I: OrdH·~Inl. :!. :;, I: Baton ('loh. ::. I: \lnsit· .\s sof·iatlon, 1. :!. :;, I : :\lusit· li hrarinu, :;, ''Bring tilt fltJ'Jfi 'Jltl IJiffllt dol}-'(,''

(;roup. :! : Bantl, 1. :.!. :;. I : Or(']wst ra. 1. :.!. :~. ~: Hulon ('luh. :; , I. ~olo ('ltth, I : :-;JHlllbh ('luh. 1, :! . IIi Y, I; 'lnsif· .\s..;of·iation. 1. :.!. :;, .J; Hn\s· (;Jt·l' ('luh. :!. ' 1111 !. 1'111 n ·, not/rill!/ in 11/1 likn makioy lo ·r.''

llEI BLI. <:,

"Jl \IHl.\HJ-:'1'

.:\1 \HIE Frl'nl'h l'lnh. 2 : Commt·tTin I ('Itt h. :; : Holl\11) l'lnh. I. •• 11 (I I l\ 1!11 xlumltl n d

,,,,,.II'', ... I :




\TIII.I<.F •

llnnor Hull. I : f'ltmnil'/•



t: 4\ssc l('intt• .\d\'l'rtisilll.: \Inn ll!!f'r. I: l~ iftlll'll<' ('luh. I : Fn•nd1 l'lnh. I. :! : llnlan.v l'lnh, 4. "./u.•l Ill 111r 11111lllfJII 1/1111 1/u ri!llilx ol womtu mtril !HJJII(' at· ltuliou ''

llEL:\IIUTII, • TOlD!.\



llonor Holl. 1. I . ('1/mtw·l• ~!all'. a. <'lwmi~tt·~ ('luh. I ; <;,•rm:llt, :1: Latin. 1. :!: .\lrpilllll' ('lnh. ~.

.. Oofu/ ~<t·ltolnr:'(liiJJ. trlut thnt'x hiR middlt 1111mt"

llt 'CKETT, Rt 'TII FR.\ " Cl<:>' llonor

Holl, 1, :!, :;, I: 'PrPas. ('Jnss. 1: 'l'r·pas. .\dvi~or~· Croup, 1. :! : !'horthnrul TPanl, :;. -t: ~Pninr \IPmorial ('ommit IPP: Liru·oln EssH,\. a. f111roni dt ~tatf. :!, :; : \1 \ROO\ ~tnff. FitH' .\l't~. a; Editor ill (~hiPf. -1 : 11 on or ~tH'iPt ~. I ; L•t tin ( 'ltth, 1. :!. :; : Tr ..ns., 1 : \~h-P l'rt•s .. :1: l'nlllllH'I'f•ial. :t; (Juill and ~('l'oll, I: ('olot't•HqUP. L "('111'1!1 fot·kR. ('111'/Jf /IWb, t('i/1 thou In mint!"



IlEIL · !)()'\, E:\Dt ' ('omm<'rf'inl ~l'rrt•s,









tlwl lu·



jirxl If


l/1'1 111 ma!f




trur. ·•

Ilt 'CK IX.', IlELE:'\ ~' · .\ .. 1, ~. " /It,. lu art iH ,ot in llf r work: it

Latin. 1, :! : (;

;.~ .WJIIltll'llfn


Ih::.:~. ('o\' . 1'.\:0..CI•: l~tn"rllE Class. :! : Fl"t'Jl<·h ('lull. :~: l~atiu Cluh. 1. :! : t'omuwrf'ial l'lnh. :1, l: n . ,\, .\ .. :! : l'olor Pstpu•, I: \lusit• .\s~oc·iH1ion. :! : (;iris' (;),·.- ( 'luh. :!. ''Sill IJi< tl 'Ill it I !fir/ iotOIIIf flmt ,"f.'' ~PI'\.


CL \HA HP·rtl

G •.\ . .\ .. :1. Entl'rt•d :1. from ('r h:lll'l IliL:h !'-\l'llflfd. ·•JJ ff rit 11 ix flu fin at dun 11 11/ f /IIIJUf llt'f

p \I I. ('luh. I . .\irplanf'. I: IIi Y. I : Bo~·,· ldt•t• l'luh. :!. :J. "//orr m11 udtit ,., uu nix mot·l.: nu .' I trill !lfJ mttl 1/um.'' !Jt 'C ;IIE~.






K .\'l'lU.HL 'E ll1 nor Hnll. 1. ::. -t : ~P<'. Trt'ns ~\drbor_\ (;roup, -4 : llonor ~o ­ c·iPt\· :; I: l.ntiu. 1. :! : ('om nwr(·inl.' ::: 11om" Ec·onomic·s <'Itt h. :!, :;, I : ~··•·s =~: Vi c•p PrPs .. I: Hook ('luh. l'rP~ .. I. • {))If ' hfJnour in /1 arniny iK ''


;;urf'l!l fot· 11HJn ."

Ilm\'ELL, \VILLI \)I Ilo\\'.\IW Lnlin t•r, .. 1: B•n<l, :!. :1. •·Th• dud I i11l111d ix {lnlll. But wllnt it ix. I kiiiJlr lltJI

Pagf' l'IJrly

liYI..\:'\1), ''



llonor Holl. 1 : ~P<'\". .\ch·hwn· (;roup. :!, ., . Yi(·p PrPs.. -(~ l ' lwuri,lr·.' ('luh. I: Elif(U<'IIt• l'luh. I : l·'r~•u• · h l'luh. :1: T.ntlu , I. :! : l'onllll<'rf'lnl ('luh. :1; 1; • .\ . .\.. I : "I'Pp" l'luh. 4 . " "/ ;., x/11 I ld 11 /11 r· by lt1 r !/U it."

,J o. ·g~, E ·. ·rcE i•


gt 11111




FR.\ X


HoBI .. ox








rroman .''

11.11111. 1 : l'hl'llli,tr~· l'lnh, I; l.ntin l'lnh, 1, :! "(II/ 111111 1/llx IIIII, (IJII Hllfill }IIHII would mt II!''


l1 '\(,ERJCII, DmwTHY LOI'I, E \ it·P PH·~. ~4'f',\ •• 1,

..\fh·i:-;ory <:roup. :~: :!, I, llollttl' Hoi I, ., •

iK \\"Psi" f·ast. I : "'l'hl' llottPntot'' f·nst. ::S: ('1/ronil'lt .'tatf. 1 : ~odt•l.l 1-:<litor. I: 1•'n·nf'h l'lnh. :1. I: Lntil1 t'lnh. 1. :! : Botany ('Juh. I: J•n·s., I: <:. .\ .\.. 1. :!. :: : \\'ic urHI l'nint. I: \'il't' Prt·s., "PPp "I•: st

t'lnh." "II 1111x1 Iiiii• IJIIrl!l lllfflilllf lllillll."

1•111'1• II


.) \{'K~O"", ('LJFFOHD "If 1111111 rtoxl ill. 1111 j11.11 /ll(fiH. ,of flu IHiillH, "/f Ifill, fill IJIIill llof/1 /IIIII. fill joy n mainR. '

Trt·ns. ('luss. 2; :--;pan ish ('luh, 2, :!: Lntin C'luh. 1. :!: ('ommPr· f'inl l'lnh, :l, 4; •. A. A., 1, 2; .\ . .\ ,, 1, :!. a : ( ' Jtronwlt ~taff, I. '' lnfl




Ju J'

''' llow hair.''

K 1.. ('\I 0, ::\f.\ HO.\ H ET LORH.\ l:XE llt.nor Hull. 1. :!, :;, I : l'rl's, .\11 \'H~nr.r (:rottJI, I : ~1'1'.\ .. a: "bust b \\·,.,, .. .'I niT. I: "ll o t · t••ntot" ~tntf. :1: ('llnmil'lt· .'tntr. l: llouor ~ t wit·ty, : ~ . -l ; ~pnni'h l'lnh, 1 :! : t; • . \ .\., I,:!. l'rpnth·•· \\"rltlnJ!. I: (:irl HI'Sf'r\' I'N,

«"hrmu . " flnu·f

\\'i~ lllld I'Hilll ,





l'ntrol. -L

in all lu t'


px . ·•

KtRM~J·:, :JIEHI.I~ ll AIWI.Il Fool hn II, :!,

.l.\('OB~. J'oothnll

Ht·. l<EI L Do"' \J.D '\nnll•rlll.



)Jural. 1. :!. I; Hnnd. 1. :!, I: Or('(w,trH. 1. :!. :1: .\. ,\.

.\ In sit· .\s..,.o<•int ion. :;. "/.if• ix 11111 XII xll11rl IIIII 1/lf n

ix nlrratJx limt


a. a:


I : 'l'I'Ht•k,


I :

PrPi'\., .\dvbory <:roup. -1 : ~l'c · y., :! : ~p · 1nish ('lnh. 1 : .\ .\ .. 1, :!, :1, I : •·( , .. f'lnh . :1. I. "11111 II• llfmntlul ,,.,,, ,,,. to f air "" i/ 11 rabiJil . "


nouylt for

t·ourlt ><!f.''

K11'('11, \\·n.LJ \:\1 II• 11ur


1 :



:; ;

~('f';\' . . .\dri~or~

~PC'S Trf'H~ .

EL1Z.\BETII ('luh. 1. :!.


"If fint mllllllfr.'( an xo otlmnaiJ/t in mtn, lwrr. miH'Ii mon tffn•' /Ju 11 on



Or<·lwstra. 1. :!. :1: Lntin l'lnh, 1. :! : ('nlllllll'rl'inl l'lnh. :1. ~:

.) ()11'\~0'\, .\J.:\1 \



lntrn \lnntl .

.. t



4. 111(111 ('(llflt()t , ,

IJJ IIi:'("

t lillf/H.''


L.\ \\' llE.\D.

.Joii""~O;\, ::\) \HY


Er,JZ.\BE'rlr ('la:-~s, I: Pn•s . . \thisol',\ dronp. ,, . \'k•• l'n·'.. 1 ·•' <'hPmi~tQ· ('lull. -1: u;l; <'luh. :t -l: Tn·:ts .. :{: Prt·s .. I : Latin ( ' luh. 1. :! : Prt·s. ~oph.


t·; •.


('luh. :! :


I. u rlun



1. :! :



;."( 11 xrrttl t·ontt mJJiation . ··

Ec·o· t'luh,



~Pc·tiou, :!: <: . •\ .\., 1. :!. :': \ltl!'dc· .\ssod:ttion, 1, :!. "Ill 1111· 111 out of flu rcor/11 /hall 0111 of fa.,lliou ."

l'ag1 Poi'IU·OIII


,Jy~~IF ~I \Y

Ot'l'ht•stnl, 1. :.!, :J, ~: ('hilo, I ''II .\tf IIIII• It~ 1111 'ti."l '"'''' lJr !JIJOd~ '



.\1.\RKL.\:\ 1>, to




Bn'l'h:ill. ::. I: Intra \Jural, l: Yic·p t•n·~ ~\dvi,or) (;roup, ·• ::: J:and. 1 : Cltt 1 111bt n ( 'lnh, 4 • \'it'.- l'n·s .. I: Lttt in ('hth, 1, •l • .\ .•\ ., 1, :!, ::. J: •·(, .. Clnh, \lusi t• .\sstwia tion, I , \ r ,., 1' /r I 11011r .'<~fttdir ... ittlr r/t n



II u



Lot •~•

Pr•·'· .\fld..,.orr <;rnuJI, 1 ; ~pnnish <•Juh. 1. :!: t'omult•rf'ial t'luh, •). (; . \ . "' ·· 1: <"olurt·sqllt' ('luh, ~. •· 1\ ,,,/d tltnt I JUiyht lin ''' 1 ''·"'. lm/ not l11 lumud to think."'


nCKEIC • \



('lass. :!. I : ~pc·y .. :~ : \ Tic·p PrPs, ~tiHlPilf ('n11JH•i1. 4. l'rps

.\dvisor) t:roup, :~. I Yif·t• PrPs .. :.! : ~t·c·r .. 1 : "ThP lint lt'IHot'' t•ast. :; : ··TJu· ~c·ar•• f•ruw.''

•• .



I: Frt·ut·h C'luh. 1. :! : IIi Y. I: Yit'P·Prt·s., I ; \YI~ anfl Paiut. :J, 4: Yit·f' l'rt·s., I : Boys' (;)Pt• ( 'lult, 1. "1/11 IJIIIJI look~.


.lllrl ./''1111'•





~I \Jl, II \1.1.,

:::\1 \llll('l~

( 'ollBET'l' Foothall. :1, 1: lntrn 'ltornl, 1, :!. I: Pn•s . ..\tl\'isor,y <:roup. :l: · EHsl is \\'•· t" •·nst, I: "llotlt•Jtlut'. t·asl, ::: \1 \Hoo:\ :-\taff, .\:-.st. ~JHII'IS l!ditnr. I: ('hpmb II'.' ('luh. I: .'pauish l'luh, I. ·•· \ \. I •>" I• "('" ('luh ~.' 4.: \\'i~ :\n~' I : FrPsh~ lll:ttl Hasi\Pthnll. 1. •· 1// tJnttl 11/(11 an 1/tod, I'm 'not /41 tiny wdl 1111/xtlf.''




1 dur·flfHnl."




~[ \HTI '-., ( \TIH:HI 1

I> ,) .L 'E llollol' Hull. I. Trt•Us. ('J:tss, -1; Pn·s . . \d\·isor.' (,roup. I: Yit·P· Pn·s .. 1 : ~l't·y., :~! Tn•as., :! : ,:\1 \Hoo ~tan·. :!. I : ~nap ~hot E4litoo·, I: Latiu ('luh. 1. :! : Colllllll't'f'ial ('Juh. :L I: c: ..\ . .\ .. 1. :.!. :; : .\ ••\ .. 1 : ('olort·~ · qtl+' <'lull. :!, :;, -1: \lttsi t· .\..., SIWiillioll, 1: (:iris' (;JPI' ('ltth, 1. :.!. likt , ( 'fJtlf/11, t'fiiiii(J/ IH

.. ,1,,,.,.


LEOX \1{1), • '.\0:\11 Lt ' ('II.LI<: FrPndl ('lnh, I. :! : ('ommPrc·i·J l ('luh. :.!, :1, I ; Tn1in~o: TP;tlll, :.!, :1. -t: ~· ·•·y. T,vpiu~o: l 'luh. ~: ~lwnhan•l ('lnh. l. '' /)r~rk and .'<~llfOII. rrith an '1'' for 'JIIif'I•UfH.~.··



I, I'll




II omP

E•·ntHilllic·s, :;.

• I

r,·, . ·wi"I'IE Lrw ..\

'·Jiax l(ht· not

F1u. <T:

I>OIW'I'IIY ( uJIIJHt·rc·inl Cluh.



who hux jrir 11ffx •1 "

xlt .11.

fiiH'fl[l,. 111

,,,., I ,II. ,., 1']1


X,.,, I •••

~lcl't Ll.tWOll, .Jo11:-. llollol' Hull. 1: Foothnll lltlllii'I"Hh, -t : lu t rn \luml. 1, :! : ('// nHiil'l• ~tnft. :!, ::, I: ~ports l·:ditor. I: IImHH' ~•wiPt~. ::. I : Frt'IH'h ( 'luh. ::. I : l.ntln ('luh. 1. :! : l)llill noul ~l'l'oll, I : .\ .\ . 1. :!, :J. I: (}llill Cluh, :.!, :l: ~t·uinr .\IIIIUIIIIC'4'B\I•Jlt:-; f'OIHUiittl•l', .j

'·JJH !/l'ffl/tHf ll"til/1."( fll'f Hint}Jff."((, and HfJ an tlu ynn/t."(/ 111111.''

Ll'lll 0\\~, f)\"' I EL A I. FilED Intra \lur:ol. :! • "lhll•·u!ot" ~taff. :1: Latin ('luh. 1. :! : ~Pnior ~IPmorinl ('om mit tr•t•. '' {,, f'x lmnixll lntxinrxx; lmni:-tll

xorrorr; To tlu fi'JIIx IH lmt!l lomorn11r •·

~[('KEE, ~L\RY ELI.E •• "JiottPIItot" i'tnfl'. :1; ('l/rollid4 ~taff. ::. I: .\sst ~OI'il't,\' J·;1li · tor. I : Lntin ('luh. 1. :! . ('omllii'J'I'in I <'lnh, .• . .\dl'lphian ('ltolt, I: (; .\, .\. 1. :.!, :1; .\ . . \ .. ;;; 'ltlsk .\SSfH'iHtillll, a: Ha-.whn11 Tt•nm. 1 : 'J',\ pin~ <'lnh,


••tnt/ lhot HflllfJI tiJJtiltttiiJfnH.''


I ort II I II'()

.'I)('LI'L ',

.h:\. Lo1.·

:L from llartliu~ High ~t·hool, 'lnrion, Ohio: \I \HOtJ:\ ~tan. I: ~unp !"\hot Editor; (;, .\ .\ . I : t 'olot·•·-optP t 'lnlo, I ; (,irl ltPst'I'\'I'S, I: .\sst. Chl'l'T Lo•;uiPI", I: l'Pp t'lnh. I . '' Uon f'IIIUJHJIIIId of )IJ/Iit 11, jnJiit• I·:Jttfll't•tl

"· Hllllrl Ito n' "li~<Ju t1 a job ill fl JWII."


:\"owro. ·, .\1,,1 \


1.111 in ( 'luh. 1 , :! ; ( 'omu~t·rt·inl ('lull. I: Irnuw E(·or~omk"". :;, 4 tulkM rrith a l"flJJid· ' '1 i.ot lfflid ~/u ill/ ,,, ·'I" f d."

n jtJin tl

• 'owro:--, ::\hRc: \HET "/'ritlt XIJtl{


B \Hil.\1! \


I. "J'u/.;t


, , • juHt



1•::\riLI \



"·" ' ' "


trf n


to lu r fJnltJ



I flm."


l.ntin ('luh. :! . ., . ('ommPt'(•ial ('Juh. :; : Botan~ ('hth, 4; (; .•\ • •\., :! : ) I Hsk .\ .... stwiation, ;; ; (;iris' (;)f'P <'luh, 1, :;. 4


Botany <'luh,

0 .\! oRo \X,

and fJfl~l(;,,n ll1l/dl0lf"ll .'




'Do~. ELL, .LurE~

. ft-;IW:\IE Fool hall. I: !;panbh ('luh, 1, :! ; .. , ... t'luh. I •·If• llttH 11 •oli!l lmM ltuiJHI"II·




ju,,l /iko Hll4 IJilf/ltl."


:Jl ot'<'H, ::\h HY JJr·c·n.I.E t'ho•tnislr_v t'luh. I; l·'t·,.udt t'lnh. I: Latin ('luh. 1. :!: .\ . .\ ., 1: "usif• .\ Hsodation, :! : (;iJ·ts• (:Jpp ('Juh, !.!. "llf illy !JI~Ud i.'f fl lOilf .~o:()utf jtJIJ . .,

ElltPrPtl ::, from ('I'IIHIIIl lli~h :-;o·hool: ('/tmnif'lt :-;tuff. .J.; Fro·nf"l1 ('Juh, :1 : IIi Y. :1. I. "II hot, ldof/11' flo/It IIIIi/ from H iJwon in.1 ''

0 ·•

.\1t•J.J,I(; \X, ;_1 \IW \HET •·, ·,' rrlwt a gnu·, ltll-'< xt aft t1 ''" ht,. lnorc.''

"1-.'riu go brag Ia " 1 PADFJELD,

V\'n,::-.1 \

I lmwr Holl,




Hl'IIY, .\1.\H.JOHIE

Bt.IZ.\BETII Or(•hPstra. 1. :!. :1. l: GPrmnn <'luh, :1: Lnl in l'luh. 1. :! ; l l onH• l·~c·onomi(·~. :!. :{: Pl'f'~ .• :1: <: .•\ .•\ ., I , :! : ('olnl't'SIIOIP Cluh. -:1: :'\I usk ..\ sso<·iation, 1. :!, a, l; Girls' (;)pp <'hth, 1, :!,


' ' lli1u i• 1/11 inrontirm of tho f'lwrmintl lun: •'Wttl nott·~ ruul /uartnly , , , .. bt r~ I inxpin. ''


'E.\L, RET\ \"it•f PrPs, .\ fh·bor,r (;roup, :~; .. llolll'll!ol" :-;taff, :1: L:rtln ('luh. 1. 2; CommPr<·ial ('luh, :{: Hom.- Ec·onomks ('Juh. :!. l; Yit't'- Pn·s.. !! . Prt•s., I : .\dl'lphian l'hth. ~



I RE. ·~-;

~P('Y . .\ dvisory ('hronkft ~tufT, :! ;

~ 1.\HOO~ :-;tuff, :l. .J.: t:irls' ~ports Etlitnr. :l: Org-nnizatinn

1-:dltnr. I: o'pnuish t'lnh. :1: L:ttin f'luh. l. :! : ('ummPr('iUl ('Juh. :l: Quill un(] :-;,•rull. :l. ~: <: . •\ . .\ ., 1, :?. :l. ~ : Yk<'· PrP~-. I: ::\f usic• .\ ~sot•i:ttiou, 1, :! : <:iris' <iiPP ('luh. 1. :!, :l: LiftL~nvin~ f'luh, I: BnsPhnll 'l't·Hm . 1; Chrmn Ha,·c·alaun·atc ('ommittH•. "·"'" '" 11 lfiR. of 111 filth fllld


Pao< Fu..tv titre

P.\ltKIIILL, :'IIIL[)({E[) RlTTll







~·.bot,, .. <;r~H~IJ. 1•. ~tuff:. ·:~milh.' Lhrn. .1. I a st. 1-Atst ts \l't·st.·· l : l'ast. "llottt•ntut." :1: " \I'll~ th•• l'him•·s Han)!," :! : ~<·nrt><·row:



:': "ThP Ex

:! : " \\.h o

1\.is~wd Bnr harn '!," t: 'I \ltOO\ ~tuff. :!, :t, 4: :--ioJthornon• Editor: !'4t>nior

Editor: L·qin Cltth, 1, :! : t!nill untl ~t·rull, 3, 4; .\t!PI· phiun l'lnh. ~. 1 • •\ .\. 1. :!. :1. I: .\ . .\ ., 1: \l'il! nntl l'nint. :!. a. -1 : Tri'U!'., :~ \ 'h•f' l'rt•!-i , nnd l'r-Ps .. -l: (;iris' (;Jpp ('luh. I : l!nlll l'luh. :!: .Jr. l'in ('om

~DIILI., CLEO:-. E ·• t ,,;,,, 11 ,,.,., r IJolfl of XJJiril ."



milll't'. !'4r. .\pJH . «'ummitlf'P

"1 rultt. trt ]JidJik f'lurradf rx lion a /1111!111 tiulf of tl "

P ,\1'1., llAZET, A:-.'\'.\ (;I'I"IIIHII




t'luh. I . ••UuHII on mad lrorld. ll'll11 l11n/ I )101/r ,.,,., x.''


R \1'\'LY,

EVELY ::\'

}[ \H!l.\HI-:1' llnnor ltoll. :; : ~P t ·_v. (~roup. :! ; ('ust. 'l'hr·u." !1: "Bird's


"~militi '

<'hri:-~t 11t:1:-; I )pparl+"tl. ~JHlll

( 'nrol." "))pnr ish ( 'luh. :~: Latin <'lull. 1, :! : llouw Ec·unomi<·s ('Juh, :! ; \\'i:,: arHI Paint. :;, I. •·Jf'x ffiHII 'lirf~<. if !fOU ()tf/!1 llnrt tllf· , uf · ~<.·.,

~-:, OoLnlg EvELY .·

Fr••nl'lt t'ltth, 1 : t'ommPr<·inl <'luh. :~: lloml' Ec·onomic·s ('lnh. :!. I : l't>Jt C'luh. ~ .

•· \lodutl and ximJJlt and xrru t. till' ru·u fliP• of l'ri ..,·il/u ."








<'luh, :!, ::, -1: ('ommPr f•inl ('luh, 1 . :! : llonlt' J ·~f'o nomit·s ('Juh. 1. :!. :;, I: (; , ~\. ,\ , 1. "1/()(/! N( ant/ Ftllll ~~~ fl I'UII i~ H}lf ,''


L\\\'HJ<;XCE ~PC'S Trt-n~. .\dvhwry

<:roup. t : ('·st. "~milin' Thru," :l: ('nsl, "East h \\'t•st," ~: t'ast. "'l'lw llo1tt·ntut.'' :~; ··ThP l)pnr UP JlltrtPoi." :l: "\\'Ito Klss.•tl Bnr h:ttn." I: Frt•nt·h l'ltth. I. :! : ('umm+'n·inl ('luh. :{: B4•IHII ,\ t'luh. ~: \\'il! nntl l'ttint. :1. ~. •·1/u n mtu4t lu hart/ work in J,;m, fiJI" 110111' f ,., ,. , . , , ,

0111 ."

H .\'I'I.WF, .\ un; Ont:TT.\

I·;ntPrt>d , a: ()phntt' <'luh. I : ('om llll'r<'ial l ' ltth. :1. .. \ uootl nputntion i>f u /flil' f,"(/flll .··

PoLl o<·K, Lms PE.\HL ] luuur Hull. 1. :! . ( 'hl'llli~t r) t'Iuh. :1: l:'()ttnhh l'luh. 1 ; 1: ,\ .\ .. I. :! : .\ . .\ .. 1. ntxl ~<rtlJ."flflutiul Hlllilt.' '




"Iiiii II 1111 1'1 iH IIOIIIill(/ fiHf IIi fill lx. I Hltlllf/."



Pt LLI.UI, \l 1.1:\E }J \I{Y t'ummi•rf·inl Cluh. :;, -t; Botnns t'luh. 1. ··J~,,,Ihu oft rritll on.rioux f'flrt. tdju,..ft d trru·t n xin(llt• hfli1-.··

H.\Ylll'HX, 1'IIEL~I.\ Lt '(' II.E •·f'otit ,,.,

1/t illfJH."


l'oriJ/ }'mr



f'OIIIfllf tH



S.\" tTEL~-:ox,


Yic·p Pr.-s.


-1 :


Ordll'sl rn, I,:!; ('ilrrmiclr l'lnff. :!; ~-\punish l'luh. I.:!, :J; l~li qut~ttP <'luh, 4; IlomP 1<;eo noJlli<'' ('lUll, :J; l)uill ('lnh. :! ; <:_ ~\ ...\ .. :1, a; Colorl'~qllt' ('luh, I : l:irl H<•spr·n·'· I : ~lu,i<· ,\,

II nnw

LoLA ~1 \BLE





('olor<·stllll' ('luh. I. "/It lriHI rlrfr r."



/llflf/111 XX


:-;oC'iation. :! ; (;, ..\ ...\ • .\wnrd.

:!. ''•''"





."1111' i!o(


In•• of Jur x1111jrtl."




Vi<·t• l'rPt-l.

.\fh·isors <:roup. 1 ; (;prmun Cluh, :!, 3; Latin Club,

HEICII \1 \ • ., ALI-'HED

1 : ('t!lnniPrr·ial l'lnh. :1.

·J: f'hront Husint•ss :\Ian:tJ,:t>r; 1,:!; ..\ . .\., 1, :!, a,

I'Jt·s . .\flv1snrs <:roUJI, ~tatr. I : ~.ntin ('luh,


",l/11}/ /lOIII' ifHH. ''


114 1'1 I'


"1/1 /1111/llr' with urlixli<· 11111/lll'fl nlf nl trf ar tllf ir llflir thix lCfiJI.··

S.\V.\GE, W .\LTER .JR. 1-\wimmln!'. I; Bnn1l. :!. :1, I: Or ('hp:-;tra.

HlllDI E, .I<'AYE £\.LLJROX :-panl'h l'luh, :! : l•'r<'rl<·h l'luh. I. :! ; ('onrn~<•r<'ial l'luh. :1, I: JlomP gc·onomi«-~. :!. :3, l: G. .\ . •\ .. ;! : 1'<'!> l'luh. 4. " / om no/ a;rairl of work I <·on fir rilllfll rryllt fly it 1111rl !Jfl tr1 x/r 1 JJ ...






Lntin l'luh, 1; ~l u,i<·


tion, :!, a, -1: Hoyt'\· UIPP ('luh, 1. :!. ·'.1/uxir' hath rl111rms /o sooth tlrr xura{/r' bra st.''


SCHALK, EDW.\R[) £\.. Foot hull. :!, :l, 4: ('nptnin. Yi<·(• PrPs.



.\d\'isor~ <:roup, ::: \ 'i(•t• PrnL, _. :'pan ish ( ' ltth. :{: Frt-n<"ll ('luh. 1. :! : Collllllt'l"('ial ('luh, :{, I ; llonw J.;c·otwmic·!-i l'lnh, :!, :!, 1 : 1: . .\ .•\., :1; l'••p l'luh, 4. '• \ow xllf will, tlun xlu will not/'

SCIIROEDER, lll'X'l'ER l'ool hull. :1. 4 : 'fnH·k. :!. l : 1-\wimmin!'. I: lnlru ~lur:rl. I: Yi<·" ~t\ldf'Jit

('oUJI(•il. a~

.\d\·hwry Oro up, :!. :~: Or<•hpstrn.


.\ ••\ ., :1,

.. I


\Vn ,LJ.\M

Ht 'I'RI<:LL, Wli .LJ.DI



Cluh. :! : Botarn~ l'luh, l : ,\ . .\ .. :!. -t; l'r"'·· :i, 4: "('" l'luh. :!. :!, I "l'arr. flirt "" a nkktl, I ~erwt to IH touylr.'' ('ommPrdal




:l: (;prmun ('lnh. :!. :1: l'rPs. :! ;



U r·oup.




2: Y kP PrP~ . .\tl · \"i:o-;nry (:roup. :! : Hand, 1. 4.

"'flu f}n atnd man lllfl!l axk " foolixll t/lltHfio1l nolf' an(/ tilt II.''

Harul. l. 1 . :! ; Baton L•llin l'lnh. 1. :! :

I: I ; IIi Y. I: "('" l'luh. 1. :!, :).

~(Ut-;iC' .\t-l!'oiO('iation.



of rlu dx not



S.\ ~ll"ELSON,



WILBI 'R llonnr Holl. :l: Foothnll. :l: In Ira ~lurnl. I : OrdH•sl rn. :!, :1: ('hPPr LPrHlPr, I : Lntin l'luh. I, :!: :l .. 4,;,!:rP~ .. 4: . . \ .•\ ., :l: IIi) , 4. I ( luh, .!. I. "'/ /11





llnrwr Hnll. 1. :!. :1. I : Bnn<l. 1, :!. :l; Balon ('luh. :1. 4: llonor i't><'iPt>·· I : Lntir1 ('lnh. 4: \lu Hie• .\~SO('iHt ion, :!, a; Oirls' <:J<•p <'lnb. 1, :!. " I'll xpwk to Iliff ill Rilt ncr."

riy /41


Pagt rortv·ftt•c

,'ll.U'~'EH, • IIIHLEY N\JUII \ it·•· l'n·s .\tlvbor~· (,roup, :! : ~ .... ~

.. 1, :), ~tmnish ('luh. :;: Fn·rwh ('luh, 1, :! : <'niiiJHI'rf'ial t•luh. 1. :;: Hotuns t'lnh. &: llolllP l·}c·onomic·:-o. :~: (;. ~'· .\ ..

I. :!. ~. /ltlllf'f •

lflll!/11 anti IJI

N'I'II'[·S, \\'!'SLJ.\' ALBFitT Pn·"" ( lu ... s. :; . \~i,·p l're•s . • \th <~roup,



::: ('nst. ••Jint tPlllot." :; . ''ThP t:t~nst ~tor~·,''


('llronidt ~tntf. 1. :!, :; : .\clvt•t·~ ti..;iu:..=- 'lallat!••r. _, Bu~illt'"'s :\htlln~··r. ::: J'rPildl ('lnh, 1, :!;

IIIII ,.,,, ••









<: I•·•· <'luh. 1 ; t)11 ill <'l11h, 1. ·:!: ('hr·mn .


"'"· I.


"/It• dir/ hflff'






l111t rrhot 1/'11'(

fl WOI/ .


I . !"\\\ immin.~:. .,, I: Intra \Jural. I. I. <:ulf, ::. I: L:.tt.i.n.. ~'ll,th.J..:!: .\ .\ .. 1, :!. :1. 4. < < luh . .l. I. "/Jo,·t JJifl!/llf lllf 'rilh --<fllditx. I hort rrtiylllitl' motltrx ''" Uti/ <'rt1 ..... c·otJIII r;r.


:->TIT('IIt:H, I.L\\\'HE:\'('E .\. llono1' Hull. 1 : Pl't·s. .\rh·isory (;t·• np, I: Hand. I: Etiqtu•tte• ('lnh, I: .\o!Pit•hiall <'lnh, l: IIi Y, I: Bu.',· (;lt·P f'luh. :! . .,, "Iff lllu:;lud wi/11 /lu ttlxt of a f(JXI,

''11~•. \H, E\ELYC\ •1/irl/1. witlt tlt11 I 11111111 ltJ /irt .''

, 'T .•J011. · , Lot ' ls HoBEHT lut!'illlllll'a_l,. 1,: Trf'a"':, .\f~d"'"}'.' (,runp . ., : hand. 1 . . , . ( lu·JIII~


<'Into, I : La I in t 'In h. ::: Bu Bo.'·~· (;Jpt~ <'lull, I f'IJJl)S I t'H1Jl, ''lit,,.,,.,, dtttl o.f mixdlit/ lit had 11 ftJ f'l.'(oln., lltad to !.a.n~. t 'lu.h, .~:





t·o"'"''" ,.,,,,..

anti a lurnd to , .,.,.

N II EW \ LTER, R< IllER'!' ART!Il'R llouor Holl, 1: ('llronidt•

Erlitor. •\ . •\ .. <'luh. ~. ' ' } f/11


. .,

~(atf. I: .\sst. ~pori~






.. , ...

:->·mom:, 0RY.\I, 1-'oolhnll. 1,





tftnrn :·

I: I:

PI'~'' ·•


, ' . YllEH, .:\1\H~OE:\" (l EOIWE \leT Foothnll Tt•am. I: )IL:"r. Bo...sktilhnll TI'HIII, -4: Ollie-in I of IntramuraL -:1: Prt·s . .\41\·isor~ (;roup. :; : ~JHlnish ('luh, 1, :!. ; .\ . .\ . 1. :!. ;). -1. •· I nd ltnx ht· n lint! /'flod. 'fix"


to luar.''



0 EO I{(, E I: Ba:-okf'thull,

Ba~Phnll. :!. I; Tr:u·k. :!. :~. ('Hpl.. ;~: ('hi'THislr~· ('Juh. (,PJ'Illilll ('Juh. :t, I:~~·~·~·.,

Hkt '' lllfltlt


I : "C'' <'luh, 1. :!, :L I ''J'Jk at "'' I a u ·"~f If


:->t LLI\ \)..,.Jon~


lnlra \luruJ. ..t: l'rt·s .\ddsot'\ <:roup. :~: ChPmistr~· r'luh, 1': l 1rPs .. I: ~pnubh ('Juh. 1. :! : I 'untnll•rdal ('lllh. ::: .\ . .\., 1. :!. ;t, I . 'rusit· ~\~stwiat ion, :!, ~~: Bo~s' <:h•t> ('luh. ;t, "/~rtmt i~t·uouxlll IH·xtmrt t1 fJxt·ula 101"!/ fit UlfJU.~frflliOII, llf l'f 1·!''

, 'TE.\R!\:-;, ,Jonx Lt"l'IIER J lou or Holl, 1 : I'I'P!-1. .\d\·isor,\ (;roup. 1 : Tlnnd. 1, :!, :1, I : Or f'IH'sl rn. 1. .:!. :L J: Baton t'luh. :1. -t: <'ast. ··:-:miliu' Thru.·• ;{: Frton<'h ('luh. I: Latin ('luh, l, :! : 'ltl!-!ic' .\s~o c·intion. 1. ~. :~. -4: l'n'!-1. J: \\' i~ 111111 l'al11t, :l: Bny,· (:Jo•p <'hah, 1,:! :l. t•OJ lllf ;,. tJirn "'' t·itx moflt Jtfl mt 11


11r1 llum!J."

Pttflt l'tn·l 11 xi.r

S.\XD\\ ELL,


( 't:n:l.l \ ('omme·rdHI ('luh. I: llonw Ec·o llfllllic-s. :!. :; : (; .\, .\., :.! ; Btts ko•thnll. :! . •·J jintl 11111!/ltftr 1111t1 jo!l ill l'rti'J/ thiny''

, ••\KY, Rt.:.'.'ELL .J.DJC lltHtol' Hull. 1 . :;, I : Pn·~- .\tl· \"isor.' (,roup, 1,:!: Banfl, 1, 2, :; : Or t·lu·~tra, :!, ::: Hat on ('hth, ·•. ('ust . ··~milin' Thrn .'' ., . <'nst. •·Jlotlt1 1llot." a: "Birtl'~ ('hristma s ('nrol,'' :; : ••()par J)p.

'1' .\ Yl.OH,


,J l

,,.. I




:! ; ('omnu·rdnl t'luh. :; : :o;hnrl lla•ul l'luh, I . •• 1 hiiJII'.'' {tuut ;.1( slu. I non ttl/ ,.,,., """ tnmiJlt 'l"il' Ftt·twh

:; :




-.;jc• .,_\o.;soc-iat ioll. 1. :.!, :; : \\'"i;.: nucl Paint. :; : .Jr. Pin Commit ft•t•: ~1". ..\tliiU\IIlf'CIIIPIIIS ('olll •



•·f:n nt


mt 11 an af rnuH oJ ,


\·.L 'fE:IJI'gl,, rHIL\


l: ('OIIIIIIt'J"C'ii.ll ('ltth,

I: EntPn·<l.

" I



Rt'.'KIIlK, l>oJW'I'IIY


lllii'H \Junll ,


1: .\rt Editor. I: !.at ill <'lnh. 1; ('olorPs((lll' ('lull, :t, t: \111





<'lull. I: IJolliP J~c·onolllit· ... . :!, ;L mtrl"ll lunrt mnktfh 11 l'llttt'· /HI t·tnllllt llilllt"t'"


"/ "' itlur f'OUl!Jlain




1111r flo I /1'111' 1/u fulun ...

Emnr DoLOH \~ :; : l'rc·s , .\tl\"ison· a: ~t·c·f , :!: \1\HC)()\ :;. -1: l'hi,.f 'l")·pi,t. a. 1:

\. \). CL, llonnr·



Tl· \I I'Ll. • ~[\HI\ . \VILIL\:\TI. ('a..,.t "Eu~t b \\ •·st," I. ('a st. lln(ll'lltnt." :; : "\\"h) I hi' ('hillll"'' Hang-,'' :! : "ThP Elupp IHPIIt." I: '"(:t·or:.!t•s <:}lo:-;t ~tot'iPs," :!; Lntit1 ('ltth. 1. :!: ~.: }· .\., 1, :! : WI~.: and l'aint, -· . ., I "II hal I lllillk, I 111/IHI Hfllllk,"

:-;tan·. ..\ .... st . Bnsillt·o.;s )l;tll:l.l.:'t'r, l. ('irc·n lation Editor. I: <;irl ~ports Eclitnl', I: (;, .\ 4\., 1. :!. :;, .j : Y'. Prc·s. , :; : Prt•s., I : .\ • •\_, :;: ~1'('_\., : ; : ~lusit• .\s s whttion. :! . (~ir), ' (~It-t• r•Juh. 1, :! : Lift· :a\"illl! <'luh. 1: (;. .\ .\ ••\1\ ltrlb. :!. :1, ~ . ••. "lu 'H II'Jt , jforn ,., not " JH 111"1, ,ftJxf II JIOIJ{f, a/1 flfiJIIIId 1/it"/.''

,.1:\i'O. TIIEI:o;:-;, p IIYLLIS llm'EWI' llrd11•st m. ~ : l.:tt in l'luh. t I, ~\ . .\., 1. :! : (;irl l{psf'l'\'t•s, :!. ;~: Yit•P PrPs.. a: 'lusic- .\ ~ soc·iatiou. I: <:iris' <:IPP ('luh. I. :!. ;L t . " ( fill/ !lir/ i.< 11{1/"11{1·< {IJIJkl I{ 11/1


'"i'IJI"!/< I lli!l 11/J/H·'· 11in tliy


/o winfl.''


\·o IIm:rE:\,

liE:-. HIETT.\

' \ :\ :-.. .\ Spanish ('Juh. 1 . .:! • ('nllliHt'l't·ial ('luh, :t ! : .:\Ju...,it• .\!"sndatioll,


'l'II<L\1.\.', \HE't' BELLE ~pc·~· .•\ ddsory (;t·oup, 1. I : ( 'olll lllt'l't·ial ('ltth. :; : I Ioiii+' Et·onolllic·~. ;; :



••Jfakc !~"1'· n /H fii'H .

Ht riottH

maitl fiJJ·


"l mil/i1111 tlol/111' H111il1 for all."

\ \ ' \IW,

'1'110,1.\.', T.\YLOR LEE Fool hall. :~. I: lnlm ~lnnll. I. :!.


l: C"at•t. -l; ('omnwrdul l'tnh. :!. :1: .\ ••\ .. :!. :;, I.

Ih:r.E. ·

)f.\ HIE

EniPrl'll. :; : FrPnc•h l'lnh. I: .\cl<•l J•hinn ('luh. I : B:H·t·nlnurPnt+' ('ommittPP. t. "In



nothilltl llf r." .



"('IJUIIIJIJII ~H llXf ill fiJI Ullt'OIUntOII t/1 f/1"1 1 ;, u-llot 1/11 u-or/11 """"



Fortv·•n• ll

\V_\>;CIIEH, CL.\IU. '-CE ('~-:c.r. lntJH \Iur:tl , I : .\

.\., 1. :!. :1, I: 1, :.!.

'Iu~it• ~\~sfH'iHtioll, •f dan tlo all that

man: wlitJ

"'".II rlanH rio





ll()Jij •••

\YILDER, FREJ)EIHCK Et (;(<;< E \'ic·P - I'I'P~.

.\d,·isor~ (;ron)), l; ·' " ' .\rf E<litnr, \1 .\ltot" :-Inti', I : IIi Y, I : ColorP:-;quP Cluh, l; TI'PII' .. II I Y, I. " Ill jollou•inq "rtixtx, ""' llatll

I hi• t/('('1'('( d;

'/'o lllflkt X(J/1!(


W.\Tl-;0:\, FH\:\'('J-:1'


uootl, IIIli ollltrx


.J E \ '\ LTT.\ Yif'P l'n·.... .\tlYisor,\ (~rouJ•. :! : ('a st. "lint tt•rHot." :~: :-\)Htllbh <'Juh. 1 . :! : ('ommPrc·ial ('lu''· a: B•u kkPt'JiillJ.! <'Juh. -4: <; .\ \_,, 1. :.!, :L 1: <:irl H+'"'t'n·t·s. I . \\'i:: nnd Pninl. ~: (;iris' (;lt>l•

( 'luh. I : l'o•p ( 'luh. ('ho•pr LP·HIPr. 4 . '' \ ;,. 11111/ /H'f x.o.tirt

#111111111 /'X






f .t'

than lr'Jrtlx,''




~\fl\·i sor,y (;roup. a: n .. rmnn ('lnh. :! , :! : ('nllllllo•r.·inl ('luh. :~. I: llouw Et•nuomit·s Cluh, :!. :1, I ; l'rP. .. I ; (; .\ . .\ .. :1; BnsPIIItll To·:llll, 1 ; 0 . (; , .\., I. "'/ lwt wllil'll ;., II'< II rlo11r ;., /1Cir1 ~l'f',\

t/()llf , "

WEEKI', Lon~E E. :-p:~uish ( 'Juh. :1. I : llolllP EPo nomif•s, 1. ~. ;{: (;, .\ . .\ .. 1 : <;irl HPsPrYI·s. 4 .


11011/lt trt







'\\'n .LLL\1~.


l'onthnll '\umPrnl. I: ( 'luh. :!. a: .\ . .\ .. :1.


•· H ,.



ynJlr tJif/,"

Enw.um ]) \l.E

"/It 1ra.rtH dtxJHrnft na/ifnl.''


with imagi~

\VELCH, :\oJL\1.\:\' ('T.YDE l'h\'sic-s ('luh. I. .. ,;1/((/ lri/li (I ·'' " " " ' ' " ' ' " · " ' ' }1/'1 "' }/fllt/li. • .~ 1 iH'tJnl of rrrnn!JitUf/. ll' I a z, ol ft~r truth .. ,

\VIIITE, \\'li .IWH '\VILLI\)J llnnnr J(oll. 1 : :-wtunnln),:. :!. I : (':lpl .. I: Klnff. "l-:11'1 ;, \\'Psi," I: ('/ironif'lt :-tiff. :1. ~: ('o :-\t,ort~ Editor. ~: ~punish «'lull. 1. :! : ('ommPr<·inl ('hth. a: Ph~ si<-s ('In h. ~ : l'rf's. I : .\ .\ . :1. ~: IIi Y. I : "('" ('luh. :!, I: Hm< (;l<'t' f'luh. I : :-r \Jp mo'rinl ('ommillt'P.

••4\ t n r jfltl!l' a 111011 IJ!I hix flu xl mt ax11n. it malt IJI ji.llt d tritli hot air.·•

\VIGXOH. }T\D(;l \'II.I...\ t; .. rman f'lnh. ~: ('ro·ntin• \\'rlt in,Lr. 4 . "~-t nad!f

wit ant/ f'llttr/ul .l(mi/c"


\'ic·p- Prf'~. .\flvisory (;roup. a: FrPilf'lt ('I nit, 1. :! : C"ommPrl'inl ('luh. :!. a. t: Jlomp E(•onolllif'S, :~: HookkP"J•in~ (,luh, I : :-\hort haud Tt•Hm. ! : T,vpinJ! Tt•nnl. :!. •·Jian I xaitl tnough, or mliHt I (/(J l)ll !''

'\\'or.FE, , 'nELl o . •


"/H "' lwrttl nr iH hf' Hh!f. ('rill'/ '" lfllk tn· 11'011'1 llf try!"

('OLE, Et'OE. ' E ' T .\RR llollor Holl. 3: l't'PN. .\1l\'l"or.1· <:rnnp. :1: C lwmiNil',l ('lnh. I: Lnti11 (,hth, 1. ~. a: Counlwr l'ial f'lnh, !l: .\ , .\ ., :!. :J: III Y. I: Hookko•<•pht).: TPHlll, :1: t:olf TI'Hill, =~.


•• 'J'nltt r than tnoxt 1JO/IH

Page Forty-clgllt


lntru "urnl. I: PrPs . ..\fh·isor)" (;roup. a; C'ommPrf·inl Cluh. :t: Fr·t·slunnn ~ophomorp Foot hnll Tt·nm. 2. :t


• 'oRTO. ·,

\Yn.LI.L\1 Enw.\IW

\"it·P Prt·....

.\Uyi:-;or,\ <:rn11Jl, ., • 4. Latin ('lull, -1: .:.; :. l'h~·si(·~ ('Juh, I: .\ . .\ ., 1,

:-\pt·~ Tr•·n~ .•



l'n·s. .\thisory (;roup. ~. :~: Trpa:-;., 1 : ~pnnish C'hth. 1, :! : Comm..r<·inl <'luh. :I: ,\, .\., :;. "(;in 111 )11<111/1 of ltull 111111 f"/1

•· t

- · .l.

lwr• /1111!/ltl 11 !l'llltl Ji!lltl, jllliHIH r/ IIIII l'OIII"Ifl, tttil ]I link< tl ."

/ lion

I ltnrt

t·ouu tliroug1i.''

~:\11'1'11, \\'ALTEH 'l'II<l:\1.\' 'If iH

GI:\Z, Enw1. · R.

fiJI UJ'iOm With mt· that U() lf'IPf ',., r wrillt 11 0111 tJ/ n Jlll/ttlion ~ul 11!1 lliltt•tlf."


Yic·t• Pn·s .\dvisory (;ro\1f), t: Bnn<l. I. :!. :J: l·:tiqtlf'll<' ('luh. I: ;\Iusic· ,.\SSI H'iHtion. :L '' /JI'tr}l Ulflll iR /ikf /111 f'OHI/JIIIIJI llf i>f wont to knl'···





llowAim FH \).KLI'

~panish ('luh. 1: ('olllllll'rt'inl ( 'luh. 1. :!. :3. •·1ft• lriiH tllr llli/(/tHI 11/f/1/1/ll'<lf


!l. 4: ~panish ('luh. :1: ('oiiiiii<'I'Cinl ('lnh, :1. '/'11 Jill/ fila/ in Ul!f ('IJIIHifft rl»{l ('tlfJ.··


'/'IIIII 1 ,.,,. xrutllt tl xlliJJ Ill' /llrottl''

1"111 II

HARPER, liELEX LoRAY:\E "East is \\'pst" c·n't. I: "llottl'll tot." "tniT, 3: "Otl<' (;tft .\hoYt' .\not twr," 4: 1 lumP I.;c•onomii·K ('luh. :! : (; . •\ .\ .. :!. :J: \\'i;.: nncl l'aint. I: ~r Ball ('ommit {t'P, -l: l·~lltPrt·d :!. from l'nivt'r sity lli;!h ~<·honl 1 ','.:/11 l!>f n jorial t'Omnult awl :au{lliH wlun ,., r xlu !JOfH:'

TIIOH.'TO:'\, :.\1.\HIE ~ELI.E ~ll'llliHh ('hth. :!. :1: llollll' El'o nomic'~ ('ltth. :!. :; : (, .. . \ . .\ .. :!. :l. •· t nH1rt r ,,. in ou• rronl.''

:\I.\G:\l :-;ox..Jo11


Intra \lnrnl. 1. ~: ~pnnbh ('lnh. :! ; .\ . •\ .~ 1. :!. ;;, I : ( 'olnrt•s

KmnY, ('oLLt:->~ ~p·ttti"h


('luh. 1.

").111111(/ 111111

tlii11k 111111


·· J am


old mtu know JI'Jllll!/ foolx ...

LETT, .\LM.\ ('hPmht I') llf:JHI(•S





a jut/fJt .''



liLLl::."I'IE, DELL.\ ELI Z.\ BETH


('luh. I : ('Juh, :{;


llnlll<' (;jrJ:.•'

l•:•·n (;}pp

t ,omnwrda l Cluh. !l.

"'/'rouiJit an(/ I ltor• "' n t' mt t.''

C'luh. :! : J;~ntPrPtl from 'lont I Jlig-h ~c-huul,

c·pJlp ('IIIHIIIUilil~-


"Inti mixtn•• of lltt'xtlf 111011{111 ('/1 ill II ftt/1.''

Page Forty 11ine


III!JMif in nothing d.w so lw}JjJ)I, in ''soul n 11111111)( rinu lilY yood friend .. ''



- 8h akr spco r .

L----------~ 1l~~~t===r' Page J'ijty




l'rrHilit 11t ~ l.\1 Jn;.\E

BJ.on: u,

l ict 路 r'rflfitlt ut

...\ :\":\E ~Tn;o~~,IE\Eit ,

,,'tt路ntary C.uu

K nnn路 \\1 P ,

'l'n uxun r

P11gt l'ifl V路 IJIIV

TotJ Nm~: Ht• id. Kort k nmp. HrowtH'Il, LHkt>, lhn·b . Larry, FIPtf'llPr , !-=tiP,L!'PIIlP)"Pf, ~ t O ill J) f. l'if fll Now : llll.'"'. \ll'llulllo•. ~O'Iunioll. l'oonn oo r . ~l'lll'lllllpf. ~O'Illlnwl. \liiiPI' , KPII~ . \\' b O'hO':ll' l I ourt/1 /tfl/1' ." Bno·o11. IIPII'I<O' .•\IO'Xlllli)O'I', 11110'1>. llll•<'h . ~<·ln\O• n;.:o•l. \\'nr·ol. ( 'r 11111 , ll u i no·' · ~mnii P.L Thin/ Now : .:\lnrrintt. LovPll. .:\l o rris, ~omt • l'!o> , J.;JIIPr , .Ioiii'S, llampton . Jlarrnoll , (;rt' i n. Osg-tuHI. ,'o\ft·oud /tfllr : :\Jnr!-~hall. LPwis, Hoss, \\'nods. \\' ilso n . E . .\llPil . ,J pn · is, Hlnc·"-pr, B o wman . HPII , ~t •dt!Wi( • k ,

l'irHt N01r :

2\lullignn. \\'nlkPr, FishPr. 'I (' K PnziP. 1\:rows. Clark. <'lark . .\lnJ,:nn. \JorPIHHISP. \l:t ,l.!' ll U:-oou .



\Vith the thou~ht, "Xcxt :-·e•at· I'll he a srnior" 1'\·rr prrsrnt in thcit· mind'i, the junior camr back to tlwir thil'(l y1•ar of. ehool with Pa~PI' purpO'iPS. Onr of the• first (•n•nt. "hich took place wa. tlw 1•h•dion of ela. " ollicl't's quitr rarly in the :-·par. }forris Fisher \\'<l'i Pll'c!Pcl presi<lc•nt. In 1927-2, lw was Jlrt>'ii<h•nt of thr same• ·lass, " ·Jwn the mrmh1•1's were sophomot'l''i. }laude•nr Blou~h " ·a: vicr-pn•sich•nt, Amw StiP~em:-· c•r, 'i<'crdary, and 'arl Kortkamp, trea'iurer. little latt•r on the committe\' which \\'H.., to haw char~e of ohtainin~ junior pin. and rin~s " ·as appoint<•d, with }land<•Jw Blon~h as ('hairman. On }larch sixth, thP .Junior plct,,·, 'l'omm,\·, a couwdy in thJ'<'P ad'i, was ~i\'1'11. EYeryonr enjoyed it gn•atly, dtH' to the capability of the cast and of thp <•oaC'h, }lis: Deli~ht Coli ins. }Iawlc•Jw Blon~h and ( 'hr'itt>J' BroWJH'll had the lNul in~ part . The othPr c•haracter \\C'l'(' .\lie<' Campi)(']!, Franklin Loq•ll, Lrsli<> Clark, Xeal Rrid, .\llwrt Ilall, liC'IPn Buclwr, <lllcl William Woods. Athletics haw an impo1·tant plaee in cnu· hi~h . chool, and tho. <' juniors on the Yar'iity football tram were: Sammy \·rinPr, Emerson Dexfpr, and ,John L wis. On the varsity ha. kethall tPam wc•n• .\llwl't Hall, EnH•J·-.,cm ])pxtrr ancl •'am my \ ' rinc•r. In the Baton Club, a mn. ic or~anization for juniors and t•nior only, the junior initiate · wrre: Geor~e }lprriott, Carl Kodkamp, Eu~rne AlexarHlrr. Owrn }Iarshall ancl Ralph Ilrich.

I'llVI l'ifiJ/ t l('f)

1'0/J Norr: Hlnkt>~kP, BIO<·k, Jln\\kiw·•, ~(·ott, llnrns.hpr,:.:Pr. ~tPw:trd. lluiP, GrPPn, GorP. Portt'r, ;\luf.I~P, Kirkman . I if/11 Ntllr: Burkf', \ '. iiou,ton. Brandt, KPpp, ~haw. l'nmmiil. ~Jyprs . •\ . !-\II'\'''"'· llust. .Johnson. \il·('nllough . i'fJIIP'fll Row : Hullin~Pr, .\IJH'r~. Snuwk. ILtnlin. <:.tiH'I. llot , ·. )ln1lo~· . . Jordan. Canuulu~h. \\"ns<'lH•r, ('ox. I 1HYIIP. 7'/unl Noll': Fulton. ~iorgnn . 0. Barh..r. .1. Bnrhf'r, F ~'"''"""· (btPrhnr. Hntuly. Hn•wf'r, Ctl\'l'lltry, J(prriot. 1\:irm~P. U. Jlou~ton •'H'OIIfl Now: ~tPwHrl. .Johnson ..Jnc·k~on, \\'alkiu~ton. Kih:ort•. B twhPr, \\'hitt•, .:\lnntluoi. Yon lloltf'll, O' l>onnPII. ('ummins. l'ii'H/ Nolf' . ('nmHtnl·k, l'rn, <:iiiPspit•, Kirk . . ··· bon , ].;, .\ilf'n, Blnu):h. ('nmplu•ll, llnu~:hlwttt•f'.

JCXIOR Cia.·. \Vorries __

T :\TI TI "

----------------------------{~radets ..,,pmes <'r E"xam.

. l

TardY Bell

('lass Pren•s ---------------------------- -{ lktentwn Rooms Tr:ll Hrid

Class 'l'alenL-- --------------------------·

Bill Woods Ft·an('('s Phillipp Eloi. c .\lien .\nne 'tiegem •yer

:Jlary tnmpf Clas. Gossipers __________________________ -·{ :\Iarjoric Gor Charlotte ·wascher Barbara Cook

lass C'raftsmrn ------------------------· _

,Julia Barbrr Gladys :\lilll•r 0\\'!'n Marshall

\Yinift·pd Bt'('U<'r

l'ng•· Fi/lv·thrcc

JC.~.'IOR Adair, Louis Alagna, Augustine Alexander, Eugene Bacon, Robert Baddlt'Y, John Bailey, Dean Benham, Harry Bor n, :\lerle Brady, Chris Bullinger, Charles Burton, Edward Busch, Arthur Clark, Leslie Combs, Russell Comstock, Herbert Connor, 01ester Cox, Hoger Crum, Roy Davis, Paul ]) nman, Zene Dewhirst, Lynn Dexter, Behrans Doh!, Jam s Donley, 路walter Dunn, Wilson Ehler. tanley Ely, Joseph Filson, James Fisher, i\lorris Garrard, Robert Goodwin, Ce<路il Haines, Chari s Hall, Albert Ilall, Howard Hall, Ralph Hampton, Cre d Handley, John Harmon, Howard Hays, Leonard Heacock, i\Iax Ileicke, Ralph Hensler, Richard Hill. John Hitch, Franklin Hoffman, All n Hollinger, Kenneth Jackson, Clarence Jochim, Lyl Johnson, Rus ell Jones, Clarence Keene, Donald

B y Kelley, Jo eph Kennedy, James Kenn y, Hoger Kirby, Collins Kortkamp, Carl L.o1.ke, James Lewis, John Lovell. Franklin McArty, ( 11arles :\IcGraw, Timothy McTaggart, I~1. \\Tence Magnuson, Dick :\lagnuson, John :\larkland, Ben :\Iarriott. G org Marshall, Owen :\filler, Bennie :\1iller, Harry :\loll, Stuart i\Iorehouse, Theodor Morris, Charle.路 i\Ioulder, Rob rt Mulligan, John Murphy, Hobert Xesmith, Thomas N'orton, William O'Connor, Stanley Parkhill, hester Penn, Otto Pricer, Chal'les Rains, Everette Reid, Xeal Ross, \Villiam Scham I, Jo chmidt, Glen Schrumpf, Benjamin Schwengel, Stanford Seeber, Georg malley, Halph mith, Walter om rs, Alb rt Swerinsky, amuel Swish r, Harlan Thompson, Lawrence Vriner, Sammy Walker, Isaac Ward, William Welch, Vincent Whitnah, Ervin \Vilson, Larry Woods, William Young, Ev r tte

"'[:::========================~~({])~@]) ~ I'ngt路 l"ifty four



Alwrnathy, Alite AllPn, Edith AllPn, J.;loise Alp<'rs, :\lildred AppJp~ate, Paulim• Armstrong, Dorothy J'.alc\ridge, Lillian Bandy, Irma Barlwr, .Julia BarlH'r, Oleta Bell, Ruth Block. I<~IPanor Blacker, Beosie Blak<•slee, E:Iyse Blough. :\laudene Bowman, OJeda Branch, :\Iaxine Breuer. Winifred Briggs. Elizabeth BudH'l", Helen Burke, Rachel Bunwtl, 01 ta Campbell, Alice Canada, lola Carson, Irma Casey, Ir n C'a vanaugh, :\larion C'ook, Barbara Coventry, Hazel Cox, :\1argaret Cummins. Fern Daughettee, Opal D Wilt, Marjorie Dol~. Emma Lou Dust, Elizabeth l<'inder. Dorothy Fletcher, Doris I<'ord, Ruth I<'ulton. Idabelle Gabel, Elsie Gandy, Elzina Gearen, l\lary Gillespie. Guynith Gore, Marjorie Grant, Tellie Green, Dorothy Grein, Opal Hardin, Alic Hardyman, Lavaughn IIarnsberger, Bernadine Hawkins, Marjorie Helbling, Margaret Houston, Gladys Huston, Viola Jaekson, Carolyn Jervis, H len


IRL Johnson, Dolores Johnson, Josephine Jor<lan. Beulah Jordon. :\laxine Kampschrader, Virginia Kepp. \'pra Kilgon>, Charlotte Kinnison, Gladys Kirk. :\lildred Kirkman, Doris Krow:. :\lary K~ IE'. Phyllis Larry, Lois :\l<·Cullough, :\largaret McKenzie. l\lary Beth l\lalloy. Josephine :\lanthei. Helen Miller, Gladys :\lorgan. Loi: :\Judge, :\largaret :\Iullins, Viola :\Iyers, Marjorie ~elson, Louise O'Donnell, :\label Osgood, Ruth Osterbur, Anna Payne, Vena Phillippe, Frances Platt, lie! n Elizab th Porter, Frances Porter. :\Iyrtl Pro, Lenore Pummill, Thelma Schaede. D Ell Schrei, Florence , eott. Alice Jane S dgwick, arah haw. Mace! Smith, lone Smith, Iris Smo<·k, l\lildr d Stevens, Agnes tevens, Flossi Steward, All en tewart, Lois Stiegem yer, Anne Stumpf, lary Tignor, Dorothy Von Holten, Alta Wakefield, Emily Walkington, Margaret Wascher, Charlotte W therald, Blanch White, Lor na Wilson, Phyllis Wisehart, Frances




Phillipp<', F •·ance Breuer, \Vinifred

4.640 4.3.)0

.\liPn, EloisP ----------------Porter, !<'ranee<> --------------Blough, l\faudcne -------------:-;ti('g-em<•ycr, .\nne -----------Bucher, lie! n ---------------Ht<•v ns, .Agnes ---------------Shaw, ::\facd -----------------Wood , William ---------------

4.2 5 4.2 :i 4.272 4.250 4.150 4.150 4.090 4.04.)


lime, Ida -------------------- 4.000



C===================~"\ ~dp~~ ~





FlU~:\f II


l'n Hidt 111 \\"\lol \I·F. )Jn.I, !KI:", I ic< l'n •itlt 11 t

GI:Oiti.F. L\'<(;E,

Nrcn tary

Jor. 1"1 OTT, TnaHunr l'ngf' Fifty - ft'CII

\I+' \lldPr. Zlllllllt'lll':tll ...\lit II . Llstt·r, T1wkt•r. Bt·rl num. /ttJJf ('n, ... Ouu, E. \lulli::an \l .. rt·t·r. ))t•rrouu:h, \I. \lttlli.!.ltt. ~owt•rs, !'-iulli\'an. :"\Jd:ath. Blai1 "· 1\"t·u ... iuk. 1\:. \\'hitt• I\: in!!. I i/111 Ntor ll:uulh1 .:\lullikt·n, Frank~. \I,YPrs, l'aul, \\'il..,uu, 1·: . Ht~rhnum. TriukiP, lroJII ins. L•·asHrt•, I lit·t·kJJtHn. \l11rrPII. l'tJIII"tl Nt1tr: :-.:tPillillt.:f'l', Brad,\·, \\'orkmnn. llillon. llf'Ctnhart. <:. (:illt•spil', llarris. 1.. lht,·is, (' J); ,-is, 'I fiJJ NtJif




Third /ltJtr. ~~·ott. Frak•·r. \.t·:-.hit. '!arn. ~\\ uiJp~·. BI·Jlflt·r. B;H.!ll',\" \\hit I'. ,:\t•\\ton. ~allatla,Y, '\ortoll ·"""'""/ Ntnr. 'lillurd. <)ni:.:lt·y Pulliam, IIPr:-o.hllan!'PI", ~11'\\:trl. "• lson. Tr·uutt. T:u.!'::nrt. _\I('Kiu~t~.r, \1 \lc·Kirl~•·~· Firu}pr·. Hdukt•. l'itxl Nt11r. Ttll'kl'r. Hu~if·k. Bo::urt. Bro\\11 , \'ill"'f•ll, .\~Pi""". ('ollius. f•wld111, I.it•rnwu, (;PiiPr.



Earlr in . 'rpt<•mhl'r, 11w sophomore. l'llll'r<•<l ·<'hool, to oncr mon• hf'<'Olll<' a<'<'ustOJtH•d to the rout itH' of <·hool lifP. \Yiwn 11w~· Pl<·<·t<'<l thrir ria s offi<'crs for til<> 1\ro Pmest<•r , Fn•rwh 1<'ntht· wa. !'ito <'11 pr<>sid<•nt: \\~alia<'<' :\Iullik<•n, \'it·P-]ll'<''-idPnt: Geor:.t<' Lan~<'. <'<'r<'larr. and .Jop N<·ott. tr<•a.·nrer. ()f th<• thl'('(' Jnmdr<'d illld t\\Pilt.\ Ot' thirt~ sophornorPs. a g'l'Pat lllHil,\" n•pn•st•n(<•d tht>ir cht s i11 thP s!'hool orwwization-, this ~·par. :\la11y of th<>m join<>d tlw fort>ig-n lang-nag-<• eluhs nam<>ly. Latin, Npanish, Fn•twh and (Jerman: th<! lit<•rar.' <·ltths, and 111<' :\Tusic• . c\sscwiation. In \\~ig and Paint. 1lw clnllllati<• org-anization to whieh fpw -.;ophomor·<•. are j)l<•dg-<>d, at'<': Frpneh Frakrr, Ilarrirt Bradlnu·~-.•Tor , 'cott, Tom (~uig-h•y, and Hall :\Iillat'cl. There arc a nnmhr1· of til<• mc•mh<•r· of tlH• <·Ia sin tlw hand. Ol"<'lwstnt and <:iris' <llr<• C'lnh . •'onw of the g-roup parti<·ipat<•<l in athlcti<'s. Early in thr yrar a few of tlwm l'('])()rt<>d for football pra<'t i<·P on the fre-.;hman-sophomorr h•ant. LatPr on, h<hhthall w<•iglwd lu•avily on thP mind of a g-n•at many of tlHN' on tiH• frrshman-sophomon• ha krtball team and intra-mural teams. Girls of the C'la . of wl'r'<' also interPstt•<l in athlcti<·s. and a g-ood tntmiH•r tnrnrd out to swim, play haskethall and volk~·hall. On tlw pnblicatiolls staffs arr ,Joe •'cott, :\larie Fill(]er, PParlr Croslin, :Jia~' Phillip., \Vallace :\lnllik<'n and Ro~<' LPC' Brown. Faculty ach·is<'r~ WPI"<' :\I iss Es'ii<• LPSUI"P , :\lis. llah :\l<•ndPnhall, ~lr. William ButlPr and :\lr .•Jos!'ph }loon•.


l'uvc Fifty., iqilt

Top Nou,: J)a,·idsnn. llh:on. Hil'clmnn. Sf·hriP. ~tt•\·t·ns. Swan:--oll H,,,,,,. Hn\"i:-;, Brt•WPJ', F \\·PtPnk:unp. BPitou. ('t·oslin, L \\·Ptt·nkalllp. En:.!IPton, ~liflillt!'Pr. H!l) htll'll, .\rmstrcm;!. HrlnkiPy , \Yumsl+"y, llopkins. :'\. Hn:.:l•·.' I if IIi How: 1>uhsnn . KuhiPmP~·•·r. 'laYi:-<. ~ltt~:-;Pr. f{pss!Pr, )lorphPy, (;ihlin. ~pr,\, Hkhards, Filson, HnssPI. \1<-Ku<•ll.r, ('nrnl's. I IJIII'Ifl Now: l"hnltz. Frantz. Hl'ifstl'l'k, 'l. BI'Own, 1', l•'i'f'IIS, .Johnson, Jlnxt:thll', Ll'l', 'l'olh<•rt. H. \\'lllillltts, (;o)<hh~-. Lnn~<'. ('oil'. 'J'hinl ltfJlr: HoYPI". ~pi\·py, .\llPn, ])if'kPy, Bahh. l'. I.t•P. Botkin, Horn. ('hapmnn. ~(·llrf'iiH'r. ~"i.rth

'rh,,mpstm. :\I urph~-. Sn~·fiPr . .\ rmst rnH,L! . .\s.mnn. f}uirk. 1 hntlap. Hohhin~.

, ·, t'fJIIfl Noll':


Find Now: P . LPP. 'I(•KtoP. BrHflhurs. :-::n·a.L!'I\ (;lo\·l•r, H .

Hrownfil'lfl. Lord au. \\'ikox , 1-: ..Johnson,


llo;d. Dohhins, \\·uxll'r, HnsPIIstiPl.

Johnso11, Uur·:-;t



llepzihah ________________________________ .\nna Ruth Hopkin Pho<>hr ---------------- ---------------

_Yirginia , 'avag •

::\Tr. Ilalgran~ ------------------------------- Wallare )lulliken Pyntmus ---------------------------------- __ Hall )I illard Thishr _________ --------------------------- _ Kathrrint' White Tit an ia ----------------------------------- _ Doroth~ )I 11 rrrll Bottom ___________________________________________ .Jor , eott Elainl' ________________________________ .\nna )lary .\rnts!rongLanre lot _____________________ -------------- ___ \'ern on ~n tto11 King- .\.rthtu· _______ ---------- __ _Donald Dohhin .\ lil'l' )IoJti'OP _______________________________ Blatwhe )forphey

Ila\\'I<Pye ___ _ __ ------------------------ ___ Ut'Ot'g'P Lang-e Ho!!Pt' Dr Co\'el'ly ____________________________ Tom (~uigll'y



1 1/fY·IIIIIr

OPII0:\10RE BOY Adams, Lillyn Adams, Raymond Alexander, Howard Alexander, Xon Allen, George Armstrong, Maurie Atchison. Lor I Babb, Richard Bales. George Bales, Teddy Barker, Thomas B rbaum, Edwin Blaisdell. Robert Botkin. Emory Boyer, John Brady, Cecil Brown. Albert Brown, Fritch Brown, Paul Brownell, Chest<'r Broyles, Glenn Burton, Enfer Busick, Harlan Cain, Ervin Caldwell. Jack Carnes, Jesse Cas . Roger Chapman, Gordon Clancy, Francis Cole, Leonard Combs, l\lel Cox, Joe Cooper. Bert Custer, Robert Davidson. Eugen Dexter, Emerson Dobbins. Donald Doty, Robert Drake, Andrew Dunlap, Francis Dye, Wayne Fiscus, Herman Fraker. French Franklin, Roscoe Franks, Thomas Glover. Lewis Goldsby, Alb rt

Grant, \\'il bur Gray, Clar<'nce Grossman. amuel Grunder. Albert Hamlin, Jack Harlow. Donald H gmon. James Hixon, George Horn. Russell Hott, Reece Houston, Russell Hoyt, William Hurst, Maurice James. George Johnson, Eldon Johnson. Gordon Jones. Irving Jones, Lyle Jutkins, Charles Kink, Henry Kinneson, Thiell Knudsen, Ove Konradt, Edward Lange, G org Langhoff, Harold Lee. Paul Leonard, Edward I... indsey, Lawrence List r, ( 1iiTord Livett, William Lordon. Robert :\lcDuffee, Byron :\lcKnelley, Joy McLeod, 'orman :\laley, Edward :\lason, Vernell l\1attingly, John :\lay, Eugene :\lerc r, George Meskimen, Daryl :\lessinger, Lee Millard, Hall Moore, Harold :\1orfey, George :\lorgan, Harry :\Iulliken, Wallace :\lurchison, tewart

Murphy, Chari s N'<'shett. Rozell Noecker, James Nofftz. Boward Norton. H<'rbert 0' <'al. Joseph Ong, Chari s Osterbur. Herman Pi<·kens, Glen Pick ns, Orville Quigley, Tom Quirk. John Robbins. Fred Hos nstiel, Joe Ross, Marvin Hussell, Albert Schaede, Paul chott, Charles chr i, Donald Schri<'h r. Lester S<·hwartz. Emmerson cott. Joe S<'eber. George Seymour, Curtis Smith, Johnnie outh. Eugean Squires, David , taton, G<'orge Steininger, Waldo Stiritz. Gordon Stitcher. Herman utton. Vernon Swanson. Keith Taylor, Charles Thompson, I...yl Tucker, Paul Valentin<', Gerald Var am. Georg Waller, Robert Waxler. John West, Jam<'s Wlwlan, William Wil('ox, Lewis Williams, :\Terle Williams. Hoy Wh;egarver. Gerald Zimmerman, Theodore


OPll()MORE lagna, Angplin Allen, Rosemary Arnu;trong, Anna Mary Armstrong, Dorh; Asman, \'E>rPna Ayers, Verna Bag)(•y, Inez Bagley, ::'\elle Barker, (;enE>va Belton, Imogen<> Bend r, 1...1.ura B rhaum, Esther Blaine, Mary Blo!'k, Edna Bogard, Aileen Bolish, :\largar Bradbury, Harriet Brady, P arl Brewer, Dorothy Brinkley, Opal Brown, .L\Tildred Margar t Brown, Rose Lee Busick, Pauline Carlson, Charlott Castor, Clara ('ole, Helen Collins, V rna Croslin, Pearle Davis, Genevieve Davis, Mildred Davis, Nettie Davis, Lucill Dentinger, Gwendolyn Derrough, Betty Di ckman. Dorothy Dickt'y, Kath ryn Dillman, Ro mary Dillon, El anor Donley, Juanita Doty, Virgie Dover, l\larvine Dubson, Helen Duct'y, Opal Dunn, Ruby Dy, Huby Eagl ton, Adda Ebert, :\Targaret Ellis, Iren Fab rt, Thelma Filson, Katherine Finder, Marie I+'iscus, Th lma ForshE>y, Alma


Frantz, Ellma Fro t, Melba Giblin, Mary Gillespie, Gretehen Gille:pie, Pauline Cr en. Irene Green, Winifred Harris, Aline Hegenbart, Helen Herndon, Wilda Herriott. Virginia llerschbarger, Thelma Hill. Juanita Hitch, Helen Hopkin~;, Anna Ruth Hopkins, lara Grace Howard, Juanita Hudgens, Minnie Lilley Huxtabl , Katheryn Jackson, Mary Esther Jochin, Juanita Johnson, usan Kantuer, Amelia Keusink, Virginia King, B tty Kirmse, Rosalyn Kuhlemeyer, Mildred Leasure, Frances Lee, Ruth Lee. Phyllis Lierman, Janeth Lowman, Helen McGath, Jessie McKe , Margery McKillop, Evelyn McKinley, Bernice McKinsey, Edna McKinsey, Cynthia McWethy, Elsie Mabis, Opal Mabis, Helen Mank, Verna Mara, Pauline Mercer, Agnes Meyers, June l\lontgom ry, Wilma 1\lorphey, Blanche 1\lortau. Elma .L\ludge, Frances 1ulligan, Eel n Anna Mulligan, Mary Margaret Murphy, Harriet

Mul'(lhy, Helene lurrell, Dorothy Nelson, Dorothy ::'\esmith, I+'ranct's • ·pw ton, C'lt'ola • ·orrtz, Helen Norton, Esth r Jane Paul, IIel n Phillips, :\lay Pulliam, Flossie Rayburn, Dora RE>ifste k. Ruth Reinke, Katherine Ht'sl r, Lavanna Robertson. Lola alladay, Esth r avage, Virginia , cott. Erma Shoaf. Elizabeth Shoecraft. Chari ne hultz, Lorolive liclinger, Ruth lusser, Loueva limp, :\lad I ne Smith, Lillian Sn II, Vivian Snyder, Kathryn Snyd r, Marian Sowers, Frances pi v y, :\larian Spry, Dorothy Stearns, Gen vieve Stuart, Nellie ullivan, .L\tary wadi y, Rach Taggart, Pauline Tolbert, Tennys Trink! , Edna Troutt. Alice Tucker, Annab lie Turner, Erma Vinson, Margar t \\ almsley, :\Iarian \Varmbier, Catherine \Vamer, Cordelia \V tenkamp, !+'lor nee \\'etenkamp, Lucille White, Helen White, Kath rin Wigner, Wilma Wilson, Gladys Workman, Imog n


s l.rl y-0111



Lre, Paul ------------ - ------- -1-.70;) );('"ton, ( 'IPola ---------------- -1-.:500 Do\'l't', }Ian·inr ---- - -- -------- -1-.2:>0 ~pivP~~. :\Iarian --------------- -1-.2:50 ('asp, Hog-(•t· - --- -- - ----------- -1-.2;)0 Fibon , Katlwrim• ------ -------- -1-.13:~ •'liding-('1', Huth -1-.000 Bntdhttl',\' ,

IIaniet ------------

-1- . 0~:l

. 'limp, :\TadPIPitH' -------------- -Ult :l .Johnson. Eldon --------------- -1-.0S:l ~Iillikin,

\\'allaer -------------- -1-.m..:l

~allada.\. EsthPt' -------------- -1-.0 0

\\' ptpnkamp, Lu('ilh• ----------- -l-.000

'--------------4.11~~~ t::==:r' Pagt •" i.rf ll



"11.11111: 11 l'llilll:lt,


l=:TIF:< , niE\ r.R,

l'tTHit/• II(

, ·,(·ntory

Hn·u Kt ' ll",

.1\\1: Hmn:

l'kt ·Pn xidt nt

1'nfl.urtr PtlUI

.~i.rt [J

lhn <

'ftJJI l.'orr. ,\ IarstPII:tr. llnh)'ll"· ~dtruth. Ilall. ~<'l'OI!!!PII , I:u'<·h. ·"nr"hnll. ~t<·lrt. Ilill. 'larkl:tll<l, \lull l'if/11 1.'1111': l'n)!llllll. llarn'it. FulfPr. ,\ltt<'IIPr. ()uulnp. Ifolrmnll. Ht·n<IIP.I', l't·ntt. ()ulllP). \\'ill') , l'ortr/11 /tt11r: ('Jnnt•,\. Hnyhurn. l·:i,·hor~t. Hut'J!t•:-os, .I;H·k~on, J)ahl. ~I iPJ!t•mt•,n•r. ~\rttlrPHJHtkis, HnJH'f, BPbha\\. Hi<'hmotul. Hlnc·k. Thirl/ Hmr: ('a~qwr. \\'ntPrs. BPrhaum. E. !"mith. (;, ('rt•il.!hton. Z. ~mith. Y. CrPi~hton. \\'at,·horn. Kt•IIJ. ('alinw~P ..\ltorrymnu. 1...,,,.,,,tl !.'IJlr: Phillips, ~torH·hrnkt·r. ~tortzum. Youn,l!. .\rms. Fnrrb, ('hlort>, Clnnc;v. (;ihson. llPrring-·

ton. (;rovl's. rirHI ltolr: )JoorP. <"hHflli'S, Bn .... st·tt. Hwlc•·r·s.





E. Tnylor.



PhilliJ•IH', ('JifTord,



razin~r around tlw unfamiliHI' t'Onidor-., with ratiH'I' '"'~' tnH'k <'XJll'!'.·sion. last f-iept<>mb<>r .f, tho-.,(• ho~· and l!irb. who make up the cia.· of 19:32 hel!an tlwir cag<'r qu<>.t for hi~hrr knowl<><ll!('. ~\ft ('l' . <'Y<'ral W<'<'ks, wh<>n th!'Sl' frrshm<>n lH•(·amP lwtt('l' a<•quaintPd with onp anoth<>r, tiH'.'' <>lN•tP(l th<' ela.-s offic<>r~. 1\lildl'<'d Fish<'r "a-; t•h<N•n ]ll'<'si(lPJlt; Ruth Kuhn, \'i<'<'-P I'!'sidPnt; KathcrinP , 'ti<>~<·nwy<'l', -.,e<:r<•tar.'·· and .J Hll(' Ho-.,e, h"P<hllr<'r. To he! p I!UidP t lwm in t ht•ir work a. a cia. s, th<>y <'l<'<'f<'<l :Jii-.,. LPola IIanling, :JTiss Opal ('unningham, :Jir. Roy , 'wind<>II. and :JI r. lit>ht>r HumlJit• as facult~· a<h·is<'l'S. ThP freshnwn \\('1'1' l!l'('at (•nthu~ia.t-., all(l took part in numy sdwol activi tie.. ,Just before the ('hristmas holidays, <'at•h class <leeol·att'd a Christmas tree in the t'Orri<lors, and t]H''i<' tr<>es wen• us<'d as <l<'<'OI'Htions for tlw f.itu<knt 'ouncil Christmas dan<'<'. 'l'hP freshman (•lass \\'Oil tiH• priz<' of fi\'(' dollars fo1· fixin~r th most attnH'ti\'(' tn•<>. 'l'ho. e boys of tlw ('}a-., of ·:t~ intcrc-.,tr<l in athh•til's went out for football and ha. kethall. :JiemlH'r-., of the frr-;hman-. opiHlmOI'(' football team from this <·las. W<'r<' ..William LiPrman, ('lan•n<'P IlPlmrath, :Jlal'\'in liout, Otto ~imm<>r­ man, Ed win R<•i<l, and HidHird \Va I k<•r. Playi Ill! on t lw l'n•shman-sophontOI'<' baskethall t<>am w<'l'<': Burt Shauger, Edwin H<>id, \Villiam Lierman, Clarenc<' IIclmrath, Thomas Brad!<'~·. an<l \Villiam Sp('ll<'<'. A gl'Nlt nHln~· mon• ft·<>shm n played on .·omc of thp llllllH'l'Otls intra-mural light- and Jwavy-\\'('ight teams.

1'11(/1 ' lriJJ-/11111"

<:ri'Pll. 0 . ~mlth . ~nrulwPII. Buttita. Ht•f',·Ps, Haum, Pf'PifPr. Thtn11as. Bartou, .J. llnrmun. Hrowu . I'ij/11 NfJ/r. llurmon . . J BPitiJf'tt. ('oug-ht·nor. l'ord. <'ain . .\loon, Hurkt•r . EI~·, Bhlt•r. Tahttf·n. 'l'nrman. l'ourlll Now . .\J('( 'IPll nn tl . .\lt'llnniPI. (;o,~lw in . <;uthrif', \\'. l'ri t·P, K . Prit'l', B. llt•ruu·. Ht·J.!'h•. (;illt•s· pit•, \I llt•t'lllt'. :-\ummPrs, ~hunks . 1 llinl Uo,. HPI'fl. ~ass, Ba• •nJJ. \\'P~tt •rht•t·k ..lt•IJIJi nJ,:s. B. :-\mi t h. ~t ·hiof l t. PadtiPlcl. ()'('onnor. H PltrPns. Brt HPr ,...;n·ond Now .Jat·kson, <:ra\·l's , .Jorflnu . Ost Prhur·. l'ro. :-\p r~, .\lt·TH!.!!!H rt. Kuhu. Fislwr, ll twkins, Ht st Frison. J'ir t !torr \\"orkmnn . !'f'llrif'h\11'11 . .Johnson, :--:,.,.k .. r. :\loHlfli\ , .\lf'Houaltl, .\rsPut•att. Lakf', (;ouflint:. Eisrtt·r. Kt·Pnnn, .\latti"' 'J'op /(ow


L :L ' D


.J (').'E L Lanl"a ~L\L\Lim~ .lal'go

Time: __________ ----

I .Jnlia \\'at<'r :_____________________________

:\lildrrd L1\KE


, Wanda WELLS I (J( Ol')ll'


( Ilt>IPn :'1100 •. ~t'('ll('l".'.

: ________________ - - - - - - - - - - - --·

BackgTomHI :__________________________

Ii~i:i:i:;:;I~:tf:;~;:~ \· l

( ' lun·lt'" \Yakd•'IELD



YuDELL Kruhing-t>r Foreg-round: --------


D<'lon·" OHOl' XD \ ' prnon C'L.\ YPOOL


·' i.rl/1-/il"f

FRE II:\lE. Adam.·. Raymond Anderson, Frank Ba I'll hart, !<'loyd Baum, Jack B 'asley, William B< ckett, Roy Ik:ore, FPrd Bor n, Ralph Bradley, Thomas Brady, Chari H Broshar, \\'ilbert Brown, David Brown, G orge Brown, James Busch, Harold Busch, Roh!'rt Buttetta, Dominick Cagann. Arnold ('arper, Byron Cayton, \VendPll Chatman, IIonu·e Clancy, Jerome Claypool, Ve>rnon ole, on rtney 'ol , Jew tt Cole, Paul Connor, Harry Cook, Erne:'lt 'oonrod, L wis Cozad, Donald Dani l on, Raymond Decker, EldredgE' D Vor . Paul Dickey, James Dobyns, Frank Dunham, Donald Dunlap, Donald Ehler, Harris Ehler, John Ely, Robert Ennis, \Vayn Faulkner, I<~ugc•n Faulkner, Harold FitzGerald, William Flanigan, \Valt!'r I<'oote, Wallace Foster, \\"altE'r Frizzell, Harold Fulfer, Harold Fulton, Glen Funk, Cbarles Garms, Richard



Gilbert, Harold Green, George Green, Jack <: l'l' n, Oscar (]rounds, Lor n Hall, Richard HampPI, Roy Harmon, .John Harrison, George Helmrath, larence Henderson, Paul !I('JTiott, :.\1 rl Hill, "\rno Hillemeier, Byron Hout, :\Tarvin Trle, Louis .J enis, :\I ervin Johnson, Donald Jone:, Delbert Kagann, L o Kampschrader, G raid Kink, Albert Kirby, Francis Kirby, Richard Kirk, Harold Kleinsmith, Alvin Kreager, Sanford Krutsinger, Yudell Larry, Harrison Leach, Francis Lerman, \\'illiam Lindsay, John :\TcGuire, Paul :\lcKinl y, Albert :\IcKinsey, Lawrence 1\Tc" ·eil, • ·orman 1\Iarkland, Joe :'1-Tarshall, :.\Iaurice :\Iarsteller, \Villiam :\lelahn, Paul :\Jere r, George :\Iessing r, Georg 1\leyer, Lynn .Miller, Sam :\loll, .To . :'lloore, \\'alt r :'llorris Jacob :\Iuller, Oscar Nagel, \Villiam Nesmith, Claude 1'\orton, William Pfiefer, Benjamin

PfiefPt. Walter Pinkerton, Paul Provart . .TanH'S Pugh, H.olwrt Quirk, William Ray, gJmer Ray, .Jamt•!'; Rayburn, Paul Rayburn, \\'alter H.ec•v!'H, .John Hi chman, Philip Reid, l<~dwin Ri('dman, Cene RobinHon, Jam s Roughton, Robert :>andwell, Georg<' :-;vhafl'r, .John Schroth, Lewis Scoggin, Charles Shauger, Burt Shed nhelm, Byron Shirley, Howard Smith, Oliver Smith, Otis SpPIH'<', \Villiam Stein, James Stephens, George Stock<>r, Lonis ::;tolt<>y, Robert Sullivan, Harold Tabaka, Edward Tarman, \Villiam Tat!', Floyd Thomas, Lenzie Thompson, Robert Troutt, George Turner, Lauren l'tley, Rubavent VanD v nter, Francis \"aughn, Russell Wack, Ih>ber Wak('field, Charles Walker, Richard \Valtrip, Harry \VaHc·h<>r, Karl Washington, James Watts, Albert \\'hit , Darrell \Vinslow, Edwin \VoHram, Raymond Zimmerman, Otto

tot==:::==:::====================~1l~~ap ~ Pugt •' i.riJJ Hr.r

FR Anclreanakis, Maria Arms, Helen Arseneau, Mary Ellen Ashby, Dorothy Bacon, Anna Barker, Margaret Bassett, Marjorit• Behrens, Mari Bell, ;\lildred Belshaw, Emily Bennett, J an Bennett, Violet Berbaum, W1lma Biale chkl, Mildred Block, Eleanor Blum nthal Sylvia Boyd, Dorothy Br uer, Eleanor Brown, Bertha Brunn, Maxin Buckles, Marjori Burgess. Ruby Cain, lola Caldwell, Betty Calimese, Ruth Carls, Mary Elizabeth Casper, Margaret Charnes, Margar t Chase, Virginia Chipman, l\lozel laney, Margaret lements. Leona C1ifford, Virginia Clor , Maxin Coleman, Jessalyn ondit, Lucy Coughenour, Norma Coventry, Opal Creighton, G neva Creighton, Viol t Dahl, Luc!llc Deck. Edith Dexter, B tty Lou Dillman, B ulah D nl y, Katherine

liM. 1\ GIRL

Jordan, Mary Oliv<> Duncan, Dorothy June, :\largo Eichorst. June K enan, Barbara Eisner, Regina Kelley, Vera Farris, Wilma Krow!<, May Edna Filson, Beth Kuhn, Ruth I<'isher, ;\lildred Lacey, Dorothy Frod, Eloise Lake, Julia Mildred Fraley, Ruth Legue, Lucille Franklin, Dorothy LeVernway, D lia Frasi r, V ra Lunger, Elzab th Frison. Helen Jane Lynch, Wilma Gabriel, Sylvia McClelland, Beulah Gale, Hel n McDaniel, Frances Gandy, Elnora McDonald, Ruth Gaston. Ella McTaggart, Lucille Geiler, Eleanor :\1 Wethy, El~l Gibson. Edith Mack, Mary Gill spi . Joan Gooding, Evelyn Madden, Rosemary Madix, Dorothy Goodwin, Etta Matteson, Ruth Goss, targuerite Mattis, Elsie Graves. Martha l\leir, Irma Grav s. 'orma M rryman, Beatrice Grounds, Deloras Miller. Zudora Guthri . B rnice Mink, Ileen Guthrie, Eunice Mink, Katherine Hall, Angeline Moon, He! n Harman, Elberta 1oore, Francis Harshbarger, Ruth :\elson, Mary Louise Helm, Carol O'Connor, Mary Herme, Blanche 0':\eal, l\Iargar t Henna, :\Iary Osterbur. Helen Elizabeth Padfield, Alta Herndon, Wilda Herrington, Velma Patterson, Candac Hopkins, Guinevere Phillipp , Elise Horr, Mary Kathryn Phillips, Mary Jane Huckins, Clara B th Pratt. Edna Price, Wilma Ingram, Helen Pro, Leone Jackson. rystal Pulliam, Flo sie Jackson, Glenadine Ragle, Reba Jennings, Dori Rains, Lucy Johnson, Glenna Reel, Evelyn Jon<'s. Lois Reifsteck, Christine Jones, Mary Anna Rhode , Ev<'lyn Jordan, Martha Young, Juanita

Richards, Marjorie Richman, ;\lary Hob<'rts, D rothy Rodgers, Lillian Hoper, Florence Host•. Jane Hyan, Dorothy and<'rs, Ruth Sass, 1arie chiodt, Gudrun chrieb r, Mildred cker, Rosemary Shanks, Grace She han, Betty mith, Bernie mith, Doris Smith, Esther Jan Smith, ona milh, Huby Rai Smith, Wanda Smith, Zelma Smock. Lois Snyd r, Ida Spry, Verna Stewart, Helen ti gemey r, Katherine Ston<'braker, Alic trode, Helen ullivan, Louise Summers, Laura Taylor, Eva Taylor. Geneva Varnado, Alma Wahl[ ldt, Edna Warters, Mary Watchorn, Maurice Well.·, Wanda West rb k, Louise W tenkamp, Flor nee White, Ruth Wil y, Winifred Will rup, Margaret Wilson, Kathryn Workman, Cleone Yortz s. Dolor s

/'age l'i.rtv·•t'l'l'll



:\Iatti . Elsie ------------------ :i.OOO BPlsiHl\1, Emily --------------- 4.500 Kuhn, Huth ------------------- -1-..)00 0 . t<•l'imr, ll<> lt•n --------------- -L)OO Wii Py, Winifred -------------- -J..:>OO .'tPin , .}am p. ------------------ -+.:JOO Ba >WIt, :\larjor·ip -------------Bn•twr, Eh•anor --------------C'lift'or<l, \ ' iqrinia -------------Pri<•P, Katlwrinr -------------Rorwr, l<'lon•ncP, -------------Sti t·~ t·nH',YPr , Katherine ________ \VesterhPek, IJOuisr -----------Busch , Hoh<'rt ---------------:\Inll<'r, Osc;,r -- - -------------Donl r y , Katherinr -----------Duncan . Dorothy -------------Eisrwr, R<•gina --------------- _ Goodin~, E\·elyn ______________ .Jennin~?s, Doris --------------.Jmw, :\fargo ----------------Lak<>, .Julia ------------------:\loon•, Fran<•r --------------Phillippr, Elisr ---------------Colt>, .}p\rPtt -----------------Hall Richm·d -----------------

-+.~:>0 -!. ~50

-!.2;) 0 -1 .:.:!:>0 -+. ~:>0 -+.~:>0


-!.2:>0 -1. ~:>0

-+.000 -!.000 4.000 4.000 -+.000 -LOOO 4.000 -+.000 -!.000_ -+.000 -!.001)

L____--------~1l(f])~~~ PII(JC

.~i.rt y- cigllt

1'011 -~t

I"Oir. " "oods, llt'lmrnth.



llrPUPr, Huc·hc•r,



Z'nmutols•~n. Kit<·h . ~\llt~n . ~tiPJ.!t'lliPS4'r, Portt-r. 1 'h illippt>, Ynru•P, . \rm~trunJ! . l'il"xl 1'011': J·:n~o:l .. ton, l'l'ltultz. llurt. Flanin~o:nm. Cook. lltu•kPII. BlaisdPII,

t·onli nJir:


lll o u~o:h.

Hott(•ntit-ld , Flhwn,

Yak~·. ( 'o l~' .

<:amhlc•, Khwnicl. Ehl..r,


IIO OR 0 'IETY J;;,·pr since the foundin~ of tht> Xational Honor Society in 'hampai~n .'chool it ha heen a •onstant inspiration for . chola tic effort and attainnH•nt on thr part of thr stu<l<·nts of th<' school. 'fht• pnrpo. e of tlw Honor ociety i:-; to reward tho. e pupils who have distinguished them elve. throuO'h thrir scholarship. Bli~ibility for membership in this society is ba. ed on the maintenance of a hi~h .-cholastic awrag-P, and thr ·howing- of markrd qnalitie · in leader hip, character, and . ervice. Fiftern senior and ten juniors n•cein•d • Tational IIonm· , ociety pins, J)ril ~3, in an impressin a sPmhl~·. ThP formal rect-ption into the soci •ty '"as hPld as a pag-<>ant with tlw stagr lwantifnlly set. 'l'IH' fiftppn sPnior initiates "t•rp .Jlarian Filson, Fredrrick ArnL tron~, Aleta Flanin~am, En~<'JH' Cole, '\Vilhnr Whit<', E.th<•r Bottl'nfi<>ld . .:\Iildrt•<l Br·oom, Francis •'amnPlson, Wilma Padfield, Edith \~ance, Russell Yaky, • orman Irrlmrath, IlPnry Kitl•h. Opal Eag-h•ton atHl Enlyn Hainry; juniors, Frances Phillippe, V.Tinifred Brener, Franl'<'s Porter, Bloise ~\.ll<'n, )lauclen<' Bloug-h, nn Ntit·~<>nwyet·, Ilt>len Buclwr, .\.~ne St •wns, .:\Iaccl 'lum·, aJI(l '\Villiam '\Voo<ls. J.Jois Ehler is Yalt,dictorian and Lorrainr Kincaid. s;tluta1m·ian of tlw class, both h ing mt·mhl't's of th • ·o(•iety. l.nts EIII.ER Ili~h



TOJJ row \\·owl~. \I<·KPP. ~\11t~rt. ~tiPg>PHif 1 JI ' r. <:orP. PortPr. Hrinkt•mn . .\l<·<'ulloug-h. l'ir•l r01r: l'nrkhill. l'a<ltit'lfl , l<'lnnill)!lllll, lltwkPtt. Kinc·ai<l, l'hillip(ll', Ynn<·P.



Fifteen .tudenh of C. II. •'. are mnonl! tlw fiw thousand . tndents in the rnited 'tates " ·ho wear the had~e of the national honorary society for hi~h .·chool journalists, Quill and Hcroll. 'l'his society was or~anized at Champai~n Ili~h .'chool in 192 and it i OJH' of three hundred chapter: whose purpose i.· to C'JH•onral!e and reward incliYidnal aehicn•ment in journalism amon~ hi~h . chool .tudeut.. The local chapter has not lH'en an actiYc' cluh this year as the achis<'r has chosen to consider membership purely honorary. Requir ments for mcmhrrship, are thr followin~: student. mu t be of junior or c.; nior standing-, must be in the upper third of their clas. in :cholastie stan din~, m nst haYe done . u peri or work in some phase of journalistic or creatiYc cndeaYor, must be approwd b~· the Xational Council. Those who haYe met these• requirements this year are eniors: Edith Yancr, :Jlary Ellen :JlcKec•, Lorn1inr Kinl'aid and .John :Jlf'Cnlloug-h. 'l'he juniors who haw IH' · l'Ome member. of this ocidy are: France Phillippe, Eloi c ~\lien, ~\nne .'tc•i~tenwyc•r, :Jlarjorie GorP. France-; Portc•r and \Villiam Woods. )fpmlH•rs chosen last year are: :Jlildred Parkhill, .\ lrta Flanin~am, Bernie(' Brinkema, Ruth Prances Un('];:ptt and Wilma PadfiPld. The nt•\1·-pledg-c•d journalists were initiah•d prot•c•din~ the annual Publication~ hanqlwt held early in :Jlay when thP gold J)in , .ymholical of nwmhership in the society, W<'n' pre~en ted.

/'ttflt •"''t'l't nl 11

I•;idton~t. Ynullt•,·t•ntPr. l)tmn, ~nmuPhmn. ~nnlgv. Tllirfi row: \It·. ('lurk ..!IU'him. ))1\on, io>Pf'llf', O'lhotlllf'l. ~1!'1\:110'11,\, lln<·oll , ('litH•. BnlP~. J)pxtPr. Yrintor, ~lc·lhmnld . ('ox. Lewis. Ilnll. Hm·~~·wll. J'ind rorr: .\la~na. \\'hitP. Kntui~Pn. ~trodt• . Jla;.n·rman, .\rmstroll$[. ~('halk. Kirm~P. )larshull.

Top row: SlwwnltPr. \\"ist>g-nrvt'r.

,,·n·ontl row. Comst()(·k.



'l'hirteen athlt>t<•s who had bl'<•n awardrd lett<'r" this yNlr at sewral as. emblies for football, track, swimming and basketball were initiated into the " "' ('luh in :\lay. ..\s a part of thPir initiation, the a1hletes wert' <ln•ssed as smail hoys wearin~ ilk hose, blue :hirt·, red tie» and short trousers. Each one carried a ]laddie with which the •lub memll<'r. swatted them frequently. Initiates "·ere Ro~<·r Cox, H<•rbl'rt Comstock, ,Jprome O'Donnell, Donald Kren , :Morel ])ixon, Lyle .Jochim, Walter , 'avage, \Vilson Dunn, 0Ye KnudHen, len Yan Deventer, Gerald \VisPrrarYrr, Robert ~lwwalter, and Panl Eichorst. The club sponsored a pep assembly in February with the aid of several members of the school band which gaYe a group of . clPctions. Le-;ter :\Ioyer, Willimn Hagerman, and Frederick Armstron~ gaw short pep talks. The old memhrrs also managed the ticket . ale for tlw Dmwilh• haskethall ~rame. Ten nwmbers of the "('" Cluh \\'t>re admittNl to tlh' :\ational ~\thletic Scholarship i-iOCiety, a new honorary or~anization. .\ candidatt> must earn a ldtt•r in a major ;,port or in two minor . port., and mu.t haYe three con ccuti n• s\'mPsters of a \·era~ • ~rades a bow that of the school. Those boys ele •ted \H're Fr<•<l<•riek .\rmstrong, William Hagerman, :\lt>rlin Kinme .•\rchie :\IcDonald, ,J <'I'OIIH' 0 'Donnell, Hunter Russell, E<hrard chalk, Robert Shewalter, Sammy Yriner, and ..\lb<•rt HalL Officers for the year wen• Frederick rm. tron"', president ; Allwrt Hall, Yict•-president; \\~illiam Ilagprman, N'J'etary and treasurer. Fn.:u .\n\JSTitO\to

l'llg< .'itt'< lltg ·UIIC

'1'1111 rrw ~l<·uru,, ~IUT'hull. IIPIIIII'It. Korlk:IIIIJI. •"tt·ontl rorr: 'lnrriott. E . .\IPxautlt•r. I•' .\Jt•,nuclt~r. lhtvb. J'ir•l t'Oil'. t;uli!'k, Cn11non. ~lr, ~IPKinnP>· · Jlt'ffpllin~t · r. llnl ' osln .



'l'hose ''s and lyrPs which the pledg- , of tlw Baton club receiYed in ])t>et•mher as a .·ymhol of memlwrship in that musieal club, wt•rp earned aftPJ' \H'<'ks of g"l'illing- initiation. :\luch knowledg-r was !!aint>d hy thr pledg-rs, u·h as tlw nnmbrr of slabs of' blackboard and number of windows in the high , chooi. building-. Inten. e conct>ntration " ·as used in counting- tll(' t•rat•ks in si<lt•\\'alks and eolumn.· in the ,' tadium. For a mu..,ical test, tlw.'· wert> rt>quired to play thirty-two mea. ure of a solo. The formal initiation took pla<:t' in Dt>c<•mh<''' with Gl'org-e \Vilson '~6 JH'l''-iding at thl' Cl'l'Pmony. ln ord<•r to b • rlig-ihle tiH• hand nH•mlwr must ht• of junior or senior rank, must haYe acquired points by community band work, partieipation in four rontP ts and four concPL'ts, hy a satisfactory attitn<ll' in and out of hand and by maintainin!! a B a\·pr·agp in that adi,·it,\· for h\O y ears. At pn•spnt therr an• thirii•Pn hoy who han• gained th<• honor of memht•rship . This dnh is a school within tlw hand ha,·ing for it-. purpo <' tlw dnclopmcnt of ]padership tog-ether with thP qnalitiPs of obediPn<:P, loyalt,\·, <lPjH'lHlahility, al<•rtnP" and pundnality. Tho. <' "ho arc in the <·lub arp Ilau.'· Iletfelfinger, pn•sident; .Jlarion Gulick, Yicc-pn"-,id<•nt; .Joe Can11011, S<'<'rl'laJ',\'-tn%mrer; ,John Stearns, Go1'<lon DaCosta, l<'rrdPriek nnstron~, \Ti1·~il Bennl'tl, Francis ~\.lt>xamh•r, 'arl Kortkamp, 0\\'Pn .Jiar~hall, Halph liPid<<', 0Pot'!!P .Jiarriott and Eug-Pnl' Alt>xandl'r.

L.____------------...\.11~~~~ l'rtfl• .'irrrniJI-IIro

TrJJJ rorr: 'lit"~ I'Phwn. Spfl;.rwkk. llnrri~. I>uhl. E . J)oty. ('nlinu·:-;P, llt·riHlon . ,·,,·onfl row.• J)llrtt·nn. Filsou. l'arlsou. Kiru·nid. Bt<ndl'r. Bad~>~. ('olt•, J)oiJ, ('hnmlwrlain. J"ind rorr: Filson. Os,:ood. Hurkt•. Ttu·kt>r, HPII. Jlunkt•. Broom, JHIIon.

G I RL R E ERV "To find and g-iYt' tlw he t "-with this JHirJ)(l~<· beforr them thr Tirl Rcserws of('. II..'. hPg-an th<• year with a prog-t·am fnll of hoth social and more s<•rions adivitiPs. The rrcog-nition . <'rYiC<', as thr initiation into the Girl Hes<'l'Y<'s is <•allrd, was lwld at the Y. W. C. A. Tlw IIH'mbrrs, chw. Nl in white, a11d paC'fl <·arr~·i11g a lig-htrd candle. formrd tlw Girl H<•serve mblem, a triang-le. 'l'hr <'<Hh' and flltt·posl' wrn• rPJH'alt>d and tlw pins \n'r<' JH'<•srntc•d to tlw JH'W m<•m bet·s. Tlw s<'rYiee was follo,,·ed by a tea . •\ n importaPt l'\'C'nt of thP yt•ar was tlw joint Oit·l Ht>-,l'l'vt>-Ilig-h-Y hanqtwt attrndecl hy nwmlH•rs of the r or:.ranization from l rbana, l'11iwr. ity a11d 'ham]Hlign Iligh Sehools. Each g-ronp prrs<•nt<>d a stunt, thr local xirl Hrs ne giving ".'ehool Da~·s," a eomieal sketch of a countr~· 'chool. .\ Oroq..tl' \Vashi11g-ton party hrld at OIH' mt•mlwr ': home was a spN:ial feature in February. The G. I . and ll i-Y al~-,o Pntrl'lainl'd '' ith a snpprr in tht• eaft't<•t·ia follow<•d hy danein:r in the gym. 'J'lw <·luh is not mad<• np of all social-, hnt thr mor•• srrions snh.i<·<·ts \\l'n' introducrd in the rrgnlar llH'rtings . •\ pnic<' projl'ct, -,pnding- Sl'Pds and hooks to a t•omnnmity in Kpntucky, \l<h workPd out. Th<• snbjt•ct for di. eu-,-,ion at OIH' of th<• most inten",ting lllPdings was •· Aclmirabl!• ( 'hat·act<•ristie in \Vomen." Offie<'t''i WPt'(' Katlu·~·n l<'il on, JH'l">id<•nt; Huth Osgood, Yi<'l'-Jll'l'sid<'nt ; Dorothy Ilank<', trl'asur<•r and :\Iilclred Broom. srcrdm·~·. 1-\:.\TIIIt\' FII.SO'

'I'OJJ rmr : Faulkrwr, Hulling-t-r, ~t't'IH'r. \\·ood~. ~linlp, ~H\'HS.:t'. Th~•iss, (;ofHlint.:. Hrown. ~hnuJ,:Pr . <'lint',

Cng-nnn. ro1r: Antlr,•nnnkis. ~tPig>PmP,vr , HPhdutw. Bns~·wt, Phillip~ . .:\loort~, l'rkP, UrPill, ~c ·ott. Ht•rhnnm . l'hnmht•rlnin . Hlot•k, PhillipP, ~lnlllkPn, ('nsP. 1-'t·oll, IIPII'I;mnn , J)on•r. Ho p..r. ('JIITortl. Kuhn , lhtnt·nn . 1-'dtnltt.. t'nn tmlll.


1'/urtl rOll' .' \\'ilt·~·.

• 'l·rond rmr : \li~s Jlnrding-. Lt'll~UrP . Brndhury. )I<•Kf'P, Ht>inkt', Hottt'nfi Pid. lJankP, :\I;rPrs, ~JliYPJ. H. ..\11Pil, KinJ,:. )Iiss Lt'~Urt•. Pint/ rou•: \\'hwhnrt . E . .._\ 11Pn , !"t iPJO:"PillPJPr, :-\tPillPt:t'r, <:rt•t•n, Bort>n, llowt'll, :\htrJ)h~, ~HIIHit'lsou , :\pwton , Fihwn, 'l'ng-g-nrt.



'l'hr Latin Club, whi<•h llH'<'h reg-ularly t>wry Ttw day nnder thr clin•ction of ).Ii's Es;,ic• I .'ure and ).lis. r.. rola Harding-, is compos •d of tlwsr stndrnt · \\'ho are intprested in delYing fnrthrr into the eYent of classical times and gaining a greater rnjoyment of the Latin langnag-r. l•'rancis HamuPlson wa;.; (']p •tpd JH't•sidt•nt; Anne Stirgc•nwyrr, Yice-pn•sid<•nt; ).lcu·ian • piYey, srcrptary; and KathPrinr 'tiegemeyrr, tJ'Ntsurer. During the first -,<•mc•stt•r, a pictnn• <•ommittc•e, and pro~ram and puhli(•ity <·ommitteP, all aided in tlw or~anization 's work. A trip to Lincoln Hall and Janfl'l'll 'ilides W('J'(' fpatnre Of thp S('COnd S('nl(•stPL' \\'Ork. JH'Jl a:-;s(•mhly IH'fot'P one of the l rhana hashthall g-ame was :-;pOll'iored hy tlH• Latin Clnh durin~ tht• sc•concl Pmrster. \Vill iam Wood , Elois<' AllPn, Phyllis Thri-. , l<'rc•nch Frakr1·, Tom Qnig-lry, a hand compo: d of I..atin students and a talk hy \'c•rne Carson, former at hl<'tt• furnished thr program. Til(' Latin ('luh is OJH' of thr oldrst, most sur<·rssfnl and si~niticant cluhs of ('hampaign lli~rh School, ih origin dating back to tht• year C. II. S . it elf was rstab1i;,lwd in 191 :>. l·ll.\ :\t' JS !".\ \lt ' EI.SO~

l'n(lf 1'-if'rnJ/JJ-/nur

TIJJJ .-otr: Bus<'lt. Wns<'lwr. llunlnp, ~tl'ill. ('rum. \\"illinms. ~tt•rn. "n~. HnHl~ . .'t'ltrt•i. 'J'Iiinlt·otl": .\lis~ ~wiunrt, LP\\i~ . .\la.,:na, \lnrtin. \VnkPtit>hl. Boyd. llnmlin, 'Inuit·~·. Cnlim1·sP, \IJt•rs. ,"if't'IJIItl row.· J.~hlt'r, JHilmau. llopkins, ~Pdgwit-k. Covf'ntr), ()"J)oJlnPII, ..\shh)·, \lnc·k, Brunn, \\~t•pks, LflWilllln.

I'irHI rotc: ~ullivnn, llnuk,•, ('nllins.


Cul"iP)' ...\ .... utan, \fiiiPr. DnuJ,!hhPtfPt', J)c•\\'itt,



Undt•r thp sponsorship of :\liss Beulah Swi~rart th~> Spanish Club thi. year has studied Yarious phasc•s of Spanish Iii'<•. 'l'o supplement the cla.-s \Hll'k is the stated purpose of thl• dub. This y<•ar in '· E! Circulo Castellano'' th y ha\'e .tudi<•<l the histor~·. and tlw ~reo~rraph~· of ~pain, and tlw eharaderistic. and thr t•u. tom of the, 'pani. h prople. lllany thin~rs w •re h•ar1wd about tlw old , ' pan ish h•~r('!Hl while the feast days ancl hoi idays ~howNI .·ome of the , ' pan ish sot·ial lif<'. Hp<ll ish art had al o h<•c•n taken up. This indndes musi<•, architecture of old .'pain and paintin~rs by Hpani h ma. ter.. Alon~r with the mor . eriou. study tlw pro~rram. <•ontained many Hp<llli>.h ~ranH's, plays and contests. Beeausl' of thr many memlwrs tlw eluh "a>. compel! d to diYide into t wo ~r·oups, the Tuesday and the \Yedne. da~· clnhs. 'l'he offi(•<•rs of thp Tur-,day Club tlw first s<•nw ter were: Trent> Casey, prr-.,iclent; \Terna ('ollins, Yiee-president; Emily Wakdield. >.<'CI"Ptary-trc•asurc•r. 'L'IH' \V l'dnesday club oJlicers Wl're: :\Iarjorie Dewitt. pn•sident; ,Junior , 'tearn. Yiee-pn• ident; Roy ('rum, s<'('rrtarytreasurer. 'J.'he OffiC('l'S of the rruesda~· club th1• -.,('('011() S('nH'stpr ,,·ere: ('arl Was<•hcr, pr<'sid,•nt; Anna luth Hopkin:, Yic -pre. ident; Donald Dunlap, seer tary-treasurer. Thl' \Vedne:day cluh "·as led the sN·on<l senwstr1· hy: Yerena .\.man, presidpnt; Ila7.el ('oyentr~·. Yic<•-president; and ,Jame. .. tein. secretary-treasurer.

Top ,·orr: ~~~~·flpr, Flnning-um, ~c·hwi'HJ.!t>l. HrinkiPy, HPid. ~JC'('ullou)!h. ('om~tm·k. >"t'('OIHI nnr· Cur~on. ~all:ula~·. Croslin. !"<•ott. :\loudl, l)u!o;t. Hrown. \\'il~on Bottom row: .Johu~ou. lung'Pric·h ~wncllt>y , ~tuart, \\'ar<l. Fil~nn, BottPIIIiPlcl.






En~ry two weelu; durin~ the year all of thr Fr nch lub members recciYe<l ''J;r Pt>tit ,Journal" publish<•d hy Alice )J. Dielu;on, <•dito1·, in Oanl<'ll C'ity, 1Tew York, for thr us of Anwrican students of Frrnch. This affords opportunity to the mrmhers of learnin~ to read easily. 'l'hus they can expr •ss themselws mon' fluently and fr ely than clas.room work allo,,·.. :tudents become deeply intPresterl and rt>ali?:t> th • adYantagc.· of a stn<ly of thi language and that French i. a ~reat plea.-ure and not a drudge. ~\nother t•lement that ha. aided student. of French in gaining an authentic accent aml a more facile rxprrssion of thrir thoughts is tht• oral report in French giYt>n by crrtain nwmher. from ''Lp Petit ,Journal" at l'\'('1',\" mrt>ting. 'ommittet• for thi "ork were appointed hy Bt•tty ,John. on. Pr<' i<ling offieers for the year were Betty .Johnson, pr ,idt>nt: ~\lrta Flaningam, Yice-prrsident; Pearl Croslin, tn•asun•t·; :\larian Snyd<•r, . t>cretary. Chri. tma. tree \\'ith prizes \\'as the main fpatnr of the Christmas party. ~\ ftPL' an rxchange of gifts, candy <·cuws, and pop-rom balls W<'l'(' pnjoye<l. ,'tnmgc enY lopes with a<ldresses in a foreign-looking hand, picture. of handsome dark-haired Fn•nch boys, an'l JH'<'tt.'· <lark-haired goi1·ls we1·r n•<•<>iYCd hy :\Tarian nyder, • ·Pal R<>id, BPtty ,Johnson, P<•arl Croslin, • ·ellie tuart, Haclwl , 'wadlt>y, and Glady Wih;on, throngh tht• aid of :'IIi . Pho he 'l'hrawl, faculty l <h·iser " ·ho st>nt thl'ir name to a Fr •nch chool. BI:TT\ .1011\SO\

l'II!JI Nll'lllly -HIJ'

'l'OJJ 1'01(": Cug-nnn , Konr:ult. HaitH· ~. )lis~ H P:H·h. Ht•\\h irst. I.. ~<·hriPIH'r, ~ t·lut t-<lf' . '""' f'OUll t'tJtr : ~wt-rin~ky , '\ofTtz , A . OsiPrhttr. Bltwk , l'rkt•, <,uin . ~ t rmlf •. J 'irHt rtJir : 'I. ~(·hrPiiiPr, ~tiPJ.:t 'lll t')l ' r . Jl. OstPrhttl', \Yi;.:nPI' , BPhrl' ll~ . ~nss, :-.:.<·hut·d(•,




l'rman as a lang-nag-P study still holds fa\'or at Champaig-n llig'h .'ehool. 'l'lw G<>rman Cluh had .Miss Amy Brach as faculty a<hiscr; n ·al ,' tro<le a pr1•sid1'nt; .A rnold ('ag-aan, Yic<>-prrsidPnt; lkgttr Schaede . <>cretary; and llPlcn Osterbur, tr<>asur<>r. Th<• clnh me<>ting'. in gt•neral were ns1•d in prodncin~ erman play . All of the nwmbers Wt'rt' gi\'l•n tlw oppot·tnnity to participat<> in at lea. t on<> play. Yocabulary drills wen• lu•ld frequently in ord<•t· that the memh<•rs would het'Ollll' morp thoroug'hly at·qtwinted with 0PrnHm word .. 'l'wo clnh sessions of the first . <>m<>stl'r wrre featured by l<>ctures g-i,·en by ~ l iss Lt•ola G. Harding- an<l ~Iiss -:\ina Gn•sham, members of the faculty who haYr both traYeled in Ot•rnu\11)'. ~liss Uar·ding- :--poke of many intpre.ting' in t·icl nt.· that oc ·ur "lwn ~\nwrieans tra\'1'1 in a fon•ig-n eonntry . ueh as .crnumy. ~he described tlw Lorelei and pictun•d many ht>autifnl s<'I'JH's on tlw Rhint• Hin•l', ll'iin~ pichrrc-.; to illu-.;tratc her talk. ~fany JH'rsonal int·iclenb d alin~ "ith hcr Yi. it amon~ the natiws of 01'l'many were toncht•<l on hy ~Iis. Ot·(•sham. 'fht most llll\t'ittal (']pment of tlw talk \\'aS a dPscription of the Passion Play given in rrmany once 1'\'l't'Y tpn ypars. Durin~ the :--Pcond .t•nw tt:r the members wel'P divided into four ~ronps. Eaeh g-roup made a notr hook which includPd German scenes, . torie. in German about the liws of t~•rman author ancl pictures of them. ~\ prize notehook was .-t•lt•dt>d and sh0\\'11 <htt•in~ Spring- OJH'll honst•. 011\ .\1, ~TROI!E



rl 11ty SITCil


t'Oir :


Ilnpkin,, <:lhlin. BPII, !'mutt, :\li'" <)uarl"'· ('nldwo·ll. Findl'r, l.il'rmnu , )lpr('l'r,

.\ .

llic·k,.r. Tllird ,·orr : (


t ' f/tr:

Hhtt•k .




.\~· t•rs,

~tunr1. \\~p~ft\rhPPk, !'-iHmmt·r~ . .ltHlf':-t;, 0 '.:'\t>nl. PhiliiJ•~. EhPrt. BP1ton . )Julll~-:nn . I. )lulll;.:nn , Hra<lhury, )I ('Kt•l'. llt"lnhll', ,Johnson. I'm, ""'' kc•r,

Toltwrt ,


rotc: Burris, .Jn<·kson , "mith , Hrnom . llank<•, llnll, Xhunk,, ('rctsliu, ('. llnpkins.






'l'he Girls' Athlrtie Association with a mcmb rship of one hundred and .·eyen girls is one of thr largest clubs in the high school. 'l'his gr<•at organization, with the purpO!W in mind "to .timulatr intrr<'st in girl:' athlrti •s and to standardize and promote idrals of health and . portsmanship," \\'H. led by Edith Yance, the president, und('r the dir<'ction of :\Iiss Daisy Quad<'s, physi •al education instru •tot·. Oth<'r offic<•rs of th<• cluh " . •re Yicr-prc id<'nt, \Vilma Padfield; . E'Crrtary, :\lildt· •d Fishrt·. and tr<•asnr·pr, Ilarrirt Bradbury. In .Janmtr~· this association gaye a party for tlw m<•mhers of thr rr·bana G. A. A. , 'wimming was followed by a dance in the Gymna. ium. ,'pecial f'<•atmP. of thi. affair w<'n' songo,; hy Eil <'ll and Kath<•rint• ~link and piano :olo by ·wanda Coop<'r. At :-;ix a up]Wr \\as s<•rwd in the caf<'trria. Other social and athlrti<· function. can·iNl ont h)· tlw .. · ~\ . £\ . " '<'l'<' hik<'s, ie<' skating and rollt•r·-. kating- parlit•'i and a spring dancr. Nonw m<'mb<'rs of t]l(' so ·iety al:-;o gain('(] thpir four ct\Htrds this year: first lol'al award, old En~lish gi,·rn for 600 point ; . N·ond loeal award, JH'I':o;Pntl•cl aft('r tlw <'arnin~ of 1~00 points; kagn<' award for 1()00 points gained and, finally, th<' highest a\\'al'(l, thr l<•agm• ('lllhl<•m, j)l'(''i('llt(•d upon th(' attaintn('n t or ~000 points. EPITII \~ \''f.

I========================~~€!1'~~ ~ /'fl(lf' • fl'f'ltly


Top r01r : GrirHIIPy , lln hlf·s. ~lnrshnll. t'n"'• ~tt•nrr". Ilt•ti'Pitin):Pr , llillt•m PyPr. ~!tll!P~ . llo tt. Troutt . Hou~:hton . ~t'llloth . 1'. lln,·l•. \\'urtl, )1. ,\rm•tron~r. Flnnin~:nm. l>nvi•. Fijtil rotr: IIPit-kt•, Kortknmt>. llnmlln. )lillikPn. Tho nHl,, flu~· " · O•~:nnt l. ,\rm<t ron):. ,\IIPn . (:to nr • .Juhn~on, JludJ.!inK. Unhl. Lnngv, Enni~ . 1.; . .!..lf~xarulflr. (' o rum . J'ourtil rmr : )lr. ~11'1\:lunf'~·. Ilt•rshhnr~:t•r. t;nhrit•l. G. ~tt•nrns , (;ntlt·k . 'for~:nn . .J ohnson . ~u nl):P, :\!'Rmith. ~tlt•).:t' nlf'yt• r, BPII , '1. \lurph~·. fl. ~lurph _,.. Lortlnn , )1 . \l u r<hnll. Kinn ison . ('n iP. Tilio·d r01r : .\dum•. \\'lllt•ntp, )!, )]('Kpn z lt•, C. ~l tKI'IIZi e, .\r..•npnu , llu . tnblt•, 'l'hl'i8<. Kll).:n rt•, ::St•l son, ~UV"UA'f~. Fi~hPr , 1·' . ..\lt'XHtHit'r. Flt•tC'hPr. L . l>nhl. r.•.nng-do n . Ncron1l rotr: l>n Costn , BlH'klt•s. HPnnf'tt. \lorFPy, L . \\' hltt•, Bnt•nn , Bt•lsllll\\ , R op!'r. l!. WhitP. HlumPnthnl , )lnrn , FnulkuPr, K. \\n«·hl'r, ~hu•llpr, Ttlf'kPr . Fio·st o·otr: )lnrrlotl , X . "'"''"Hlt•r, ~lt'RRingpr, )lilll'r, ~mlth , ~lt'l>nnit'l , (; oss. ~J p rrymun . ~llllt•r , Brt WPr, nunhnm , ~<·hntt , 'l'ntP. 1






Of th fifty-two mrmhen; enrolled in thr :\fu:-;ic .\.ssociation , forty-two or this number wrre in the band and sewnteen in tlw ot·chp-,tra. .'ix of th<' ~roup were student. in mn-,ic tlwory: nin pecializr<l in piano : fin• in Yiolin : eight in cornet; fiftt'('ll, in clarinPt: three in picollo: -,ix in tromhonP: three in has(• in.trnment. ; two in haritone ; and one in French horn . In ordt'l' to promotp competition among tlw nwmbt•r a st•rit•-, of contest. in different instrumrnts "('rr ht•ld. Of tlw six contPstants in thr piano contl•si IJorena \Vhitr wa judg-ed fit·:-;t: Qporg-P :\larriott, cl;n·i net: :llarion Gulick, ('Ot'tH't; :\larjorie }fnrphy, Yiolin : (lporgt> Lang'<', \'Oit•(•; and .John ~t!'arns, tt·omborw. On Octoht't' 2-! a IIallowPt'n }lasqneradt' pc.rty "a held in thr hig-h sd10ol g-ynma..,ium. Lorena ·w hitr lwadt•d thr committt>r in charg-t' of tlw part~·. i:-lhe wa. a-,sistt>d by ~\.nna :\lary ~\.rm trong-, Ralph Ilt>ikt>, ,Jot> ( 'ann on, and Phylli Thri-,s. At thPir first llH'ding- tlwy t>lt'dt•d .John St(•at·n..,, Jll'(' I <lent; IIary Ilptfplfing-er, YtC('-pre ident ; and HutL 0:-;g-ood, st>erptary and tl'('<hur·rr.

~ll~~~ t-------------____1, P atlt ·'' tT fll f/1 niut




:\lc·KP~~. lh·!"!", Havis, :\Iartin . .r. Harlwr.

0. BarhPr, '\:orion, ~lulli~nu, Haldrillt:'t',


l'oto·th nnr. J(itt•h, TPmplt', Pnul, ~nnsnrw. Hu<·knPr, 4\ rmstrou;:, Lnwht'IHI. Hoht-rt~. \\.illiam~. Fil'ltl hindt-r, Hitl~llf', \\'ntson. Third rorr: 'lr4 (;rt'illl'f, ('orhiu. llt•HI'n<·k, Hill. Hay, \\'imnwr, Lt•orutrd. Hlnisflt-11, Kil~orP, liPrriot, ~hll\\, ~Jr \III.WPII. 1't'(01Hl rotr: )lis~ lli<·ks, )l:ttlison, '\'n~wht>r, Hoty, l-ord, llawkins. Pro, Unlll. l{nirH 1 J, ('arni'H, :nntl wPII. ~~·hnPtiP, Kirkman. l'irxt P'(Jl(',' ...\rmstrou,L:, Co\, Hrnru·h. llouslon, Pttrkh·H-1', (h.;,~.:owl, ,Jpryn~. (:orP, c:rl'ill. Jlarflin, ~tt'ward.




The Commercial Club thi;. year includes three section·; the Shorthand, Typing- and Bookkeeping- clubs. The g-eneral purpos<' of this society is to promot<' interest in th business "orld, t•arrying- out this pnrpos<' yarious ways in tlw diil'<•rent g-roups. )femory games, short plays depictin:r office life, alHl instrnctiw 1m ine s talk ha<l their part on th<' , horthand prog-rams, besid<• tlw taki11g Hll(l transc•ription of dictation. D nrin:r thr SPCOtHl s<•me ter hoth the beginner. and achance<l team. entered contest.. including- a practise contest at Rantoul, the Big- T"'<'lYe Confrrence mePt and tlw •'tate Conte t at . 'ormal, Illinois, on :\lay 17 and 1 . Tlw bookkeeping Club in addition to their busin s. sp . ions had a . o ·ial meeting- once a month. Christma. and \'ah•ntinp\; Day parti<'s \\'Pre among- tlw rnt<•t·taimtH•nt fNttnre of the 'lub \ program. ,'horthand officers were ~\lice Hardin, president; Helen ,J an·is, Yiee-presidPnt; and ~Iarjori<• or<', secretary-tr a."nrer. 'alla Blaisdell led the T.~·ping- ('luh a ·sisted by ~Iar­ g-aret ~lullig-an, Yicr-prcsiclent and Naomi JJeo nard, sc •retary -treasurer. 'rhc actiYities of th Bookkeeping dnh "·c•re directc•<l by Edith Arm>;trong-, Katherine Roheds and Henr y Kitch


Top t·ou•: I>Pntiu~Pr, Huyhurn, .\rm~trong. llnmptou. (', .J:u·k:-.:oll, Bnr,!!t·~~. Pro, (~. Jac·k~on. Ashh~. )lr•. ~tnrk. 1-'or•lw~·. ,\li" )IPrHit•uhnll. 7'11inl p·ow: .lordnn, )lis~ :-.\tnll~PII, J)pif·kmnn, LPH~HrP, (;ihlin, E. 'l'rinklP, :\luri"PII, (;purPn, HohPI"l!-1, IIPJ'IIII', Brr11IY. •''fcontl ro1r: .:\1. ~mo<·k. 11urt. lJPriiH', ltu,!!IP...\r111stron~. I><H'i~. <:rPin, :\lollt,!.:oUH'ry. \\·nrnPr. lhtin .... l'HJIII', (;. llnpkin:. J'irHI rorr: \\"illlnm", .ltwhill. FiJJiiPr, Lil'rlllltll, Hn;!llnl, l'oiP, O':O.t•nl. J.. ~m•wk. \\'"11'. llnpkill<. I. HnJ,:IPy.


0 ..



'l'he Ilomr Ec Club has rrnderecl mueh ns<'fnl S\'1'\'iC<' this year. ~\t Cln·i.tmas tinw the clothin:r sect ion of the or:ran ization aided tlw Family Welfare society, pit>c<'<l a comfort for a needy family, and maclP tuffecl toy-., for ·hildn•n. In the , Jlrin:r they sent contributions to thr Baby Fold at Bloomin:rton. The plannin:r of hedroom wa · studied, t•mphasizin:r furniturp anan:rement, rug ..... drapt•s, picturrs ancl rdinishing of old furniture. Jn thr food: srction, by mrans of lrctnr<'s, rradings, round tahk discussions. field trip., and demonstrations, facts r<':rarding- thr• production, mark!'tin:r, pn'· paration and . erYin:r of food were noted. The girl. l'njoyl'<l h•arnin:r more about the (•on·ect kind, size. and amount of eqnipllll'nt n<'l'('ssary and desirable in order that tlw kitchrn and its sUJH'n·isor play thl•ir rol<•s in the prod net ion of h<'al t h~·, happ~'. and peaceful family life, the foundation of the ~\nwri<•an home and th<' idNil which pach and <''·ery trtl'' honw economi ·t alway. striY .., to obtain. 'l'he l!l'nrral officrrs of the clnh were Bt> sie Williams, president; .Jlildred .'mock, Yice-pn•sident: ~larie FindPr. se ·rdary-tr<•asurer. 'l'he clothing srction was directed this ~·ear· by H.eta 0 'XNtl, Katherine Holwrts aiHl Dorothy lkickman, \\hill' the officers o£ the foods s<•dion were Inez Bagley. llildrl'lh Ilmt and .Jia1·y Giblin. BF.ssrF \\'11.11.\\IN



\\'at"nn, BrnrlhnQ·. :\Iiiiard, FrakPr. ('anon, I:Ptman, llaJ'p<'r.

I'liirrl row: Hur·hpr, .\IIPn. Bar·on. Kinr·nid. 1'Pmplin. l'ortPr. Brinkpma. HornkPr.

,O..:,·f·ond rorr: .\li~~ ('ullin~. <)uhtlP,\', ~t·ntt, ])ohnw, Flcnn·r~. Hnint>y, ('nniP~. Burton, ~wi:..;lwr, )fnr:-;hall. rorr: 'Ic·Kpnzit•, LPidt•rulttc·kpr, I'PdPr!-'un, Hlnu;.:-h. (~ormnn. Purkhill, llnll, \\..ootls, BPnrH'tt, Ji'ibon.






'', 'ucces~..fnl Plays Our Aim'' Few thing: :o stimulate the imagination, the knowledge of men and their motiYes, of people and tht>ir ways, of the· great stage life, as the tudy and ]H't•sentation of gootl ])lays. ~\nd so "·e haYe at 'hampaign Ilig-h School a group of energetic workers known as memhrrs of the Wig and Paint Club. The club's "·ork was h·d h~· :Jlartin Gorman, first emester president; :Jlildred Parkhill, :eeond ,;emester JH'esident; :JfatHlrne Blough, seer tm·~·-trea urer; and Bwlyn Rainey, ])Oint chairman. It i-., thr object of this society to promott• intrn•st in dramatic art, to t•ncouragr appreciation of bt>tter plays, to aid as many students a. po. ible in indiYidual exprrssion, and to clewlop excellencr in play procln<'ing and acting. 011 atrcnmt o[ the lmw· enrollmrnt of thr chool only a limitt•d mtmhPr of . tuclmts can he giYen such cpportunity a.· thi. club affords. At the g-eneral tryont;; hrld at tlw beginning of tlw st•hool yNlr eig-ht sPniors, threr juniors, and fh·p sophomorp were added to tlw roll. The werkly Weclnrsday mrrtin~rs were e<lncational a-; "·rll as entrrtaining'. One of the noYrl programs of the yeal' wa furnishrd when :Jlls. .Janni · Barry instl'ucted the mrmhrrs on applying make-up for stag(' pnrposPs. ·· Ea.t Is \Ve:t" wa. the big production of th year coadwd by :Jiiss Drlight ('ollins. "Elopement," "Who KissNl Barbara,·· and ''Will 0' the \Visp · · were the one act plays giYrn in assembly period.


'i'OJJ row: \II"' ('nllill,, !lull , Ynrl'lllll. NrciJIHI roll': ( 'nzntl, Kil):nl't•, Hut<'lifl'. !'n1111.



Eat:h member of the Dt>bat e 'luh has as hi. purpose lt>arning- how to acquir·e d<•ar thinking and sound judgment; how to stat<• exactly what he means and present that meaning to otht•r· people as he :<'<'S it; to distinguish between truth and error; to speak extemporaneous]~, and to appreciat<• tlw art of debating. After haYing !wen disband d for a year, the Debatt> ('lub mL re-or 11anized this year by )lis. Collins, pnhli • speaking in.tm ·tor. Donald ozad ·wa. ele ·t tl pn•. ident; Hiehard Hall, Yie(•-presidt>nt; and I y <.'rum, seen•tary-treasnn•r. ('harlott(• Kilgon•, ~ordan ('hapman, Gt•orge \ Taream. Odt•tta Ratcliff. Charle. 'chott, and Ah·in Kleinsmith are the other nH•mh"rs. Although the members are for th<• mot part ine:-..perieneed, tlwy are eanwst1~· trying to build up as good a n•eonl as tlu• dub of l!J:.n lwld. Aftt•r th" election of officers at the first m eting,tlw nH•mlwrs discus ed (pro and con) tiH• statement why .\1 Hmith should haw lH'en elt•t•t<•d, trying to lt>arn the application of tlw real principles of debating. Pa1·tieipation in dchat(''> g-iY s excrllent trainin!! in self-control. 'l'h good drbater must school him. elf to keep his trmpcr and to oyercome ditridene<' brfore an audit•nce ; hr mu ·t forget h irnself and kcl'P his mind 011 the points at is ut•. Drhating trains OJH' to meet enwrgt'IH'i(•s JH'omptl,\· and to think <iUi(•kly, and thi: in turn cl<.'llHllHis JH'Pparation. Tho,.;(' who hrt•onH' practiced in dPhate lPaJ·n to <'XJH't's. thPit· idt•as in elrar and e.·a •t language; their jmlgment is trainrd, and their faculty for eonst ruet iw thinking is dr\·elopPd. J)o. \1 .)) ('OZ\ 11

~~~~~t------------____1, l'ugt Digl!ty llll'tt

TotJ row: PhilliJI))P. , \ .i;.:uPr.


Kt>IIP,\, Blnitu•. llo\\HI'tl.

rorr .· Kiru·nitl, Jl \l('kill!-i. :\Ia t t i~. I )ohhin!", Kt•tn.;iuk. Philip:-.. Firxt row: (~oodmann, EbuPr, (Jui,.dPJ, f,'rakPr, :\lnrstPllar. ~ti~>,l!•·mf',\'f'r.

• 't ('(JPHI

REA IVE W RITI G ~Iany organizations werr . tartrd for the flr.t time in the hi:,rh sc•hool thi, year and one of these infant actiYitie: is the Creatin> Writing Club. It was mack up of stn<lrnts 'rho arr ambitious to write either prose or po try and who, h~· mean: of this organization, could work toward thr realization of that ambition . ..\.ceorcling to 1\Ii. s 'lara Krlley, . pon. or of thrse youthful authors and JlO ts, thr purposrs of thr Cr!'atiYe Writing •lnb arr "to apprr ·iatP litNaturc• and to write.'' Durin:,r tlw rarly part of the yt•ar the apprc•ciation of good literatnrr "·a. instillrd in th m hy the reading and discussing of moclPrn . hort stories "'·itten by such authot·s as 0. Henry. Then, wlwn the good points atHl <lc•fr<'ls could be distinguislw<l in thrs shod stories the mpmhc•t·:-. thc•msr]yp-., hacl a chance to write soml' original '·masterpiece's,'' which wrrc• read and discnso;ed in the meeting. followin~ thrir completion. Thr o;tudy of tlw tructun• of poetry was then introducecl. ncient, medicYal and modern poem.· w re read. C'ritici.·ms "·c•re nnmrrons hut whc•n the mrmlwr: thcms!'l\'C' undPrtook to writP omc• orig-inal pcwtry the·~ ap prPciatC'd the prodnct~ of tlw fornwr poets. .A numhc•t· of Yer~· intc•resting ]lO<'m W<'l'<' \\'rittrn hy some• of the nwmlwrs. Fr<'nch Frak<•r \las pr<' i<ll'nt of tlw ('rpati,·p Writ in):! Club this ypar. II was ably a sistc•d hy Tom (~nigley, the YieP-prC'o;idPnt and Donald Dobbins, S<'CI'('tary-t r!'asun•r.


TOJJ r()lr: ('ns:Hl. Eh!Pr. ~ln):'nllsun. ~IIIHIWPII. 'lt•skinwn. \!Iss \ld.t·lln, \\'ilciPr. ltPitl. Ynky, :-:t·hnnwl. 1'1/irtl rotr \J('('J,.Jinntl. Jo'llsun, l'ult•, l'hnmlu·rlnln. l'urtPr, I'Intt, lbtPrhllr, Hlut·k , ~tt·IHirt, Wnhl · fPitlt. l.iliPsJIIP, l'm·•·ntrr. Nt·t·ontl t'Oir: \\'alms.IP~. Hng-IP~, ])unu. ])oty, Kt·t-nnn. BnlflritlJ,!t', llnrnsiH'rg't•r, .·orton. ))prrou~h. \\'hit<•. Blll'lll'r Fil·•t rolf': llnll, Flnnin):'nlll, lltll'kPtt, llt•ss, l'nrsun. "nrtln, ~lt•I.Pnn, Huhhins, LiPrmnn. \lllrr~ll.



Dm·ing the "int<•r, mmwrons student 'I of Champaign High ,'chool were , een in the conidor" wearing smock. and tics and carrying a palette and brush. They n•mindcd on of Parisian artist or htHlding gl'nins<>s. 'l'hc e " ·er the pledgp. of the C'oloresque Club who were obeying th<• instructions of the oltl initiate" in regard to th ir <•onduct on that particular day. The purpo. of "Coloresqne" i. to kn0w the principles of art, ro .tu<ly the artisti • resonr<·e.· of the community, to giw art scnicc to other organization: in the ehool, and to enjoy fricnd:hip on thp ha. i of hi"'h ideal.. The <•lub mad<' field trip which wen• int<•n•stin:r ancl instru<'li,·e to th art students. ~\mong the place. Yi. itcd were S('\'Cl'al art exhibit at the rniYersit_v of Illinois, and Oru hh ·, Bn:rraYin:r , hop. ~T any of the nwmhl'rs also mad a trip to ('hi<•ago thl' latter part of the chool year to Yisit the Art I nstitute•. On ~larch ~;; thp club pre ent('(l '' 'l'hp C'olorcsqtll' Caper"" bcfor • tlw high , chool students and faeulty. Tit<' program snggc-;ted the cln b ': idea of the painting, "Tlw 'torm," awl a!. o included a dance hy uynith Gill<•spi<', a human raclio. one that not only could he heard, hnt -;eetl and la t hut not ]past, a honH•-talent jazz orclw tra. Tlw offi<'crs of the 'fncs<lay section of tlw clnh w<•rc• Rns. ell \ 'aky, pn• id nt and Frauci Porter, e('retarytrea. nrer, "·hilt• the Jll'e i<ling officc•r of thp \VPchws<la~­ clnb wa ,Jane ~lm·tin, as-.;ist<'ll by .Jean ~fcLcan. Hn<SEI.I. Y.\KY

l'ogf' fJigi!IJ/ jin

;l'OIJ rorr : (;tuz. (;niP. ('uuk. llurn~hnr~t'r , JlowPII. H:l\ J..;, )lis~ J"irift rou·: .\hrPu~. Husic·k. 'J'tu·kc>r, Krow~ , llylnntl, 1\:irkmnn .

~till. ~tilf'llf'r~

ETIQ_U TTE ·' Ilow ~wert and ~racious, ewn in eommon sprr<•h, Is that fine sen.· which men call courtesy! Wholr~Onl<' as air and genial as the li~ht, Wrlcomr in l'\'Pry climr as breath of flowrr~ lt transmutr. alit•ns into trusting fri<•n<l~, And ~iws its ownrr passport round thr ~lohr. '' Eti<fH<'lt , howl'Vl'l', is mort> than formal ob~t·r·varwP of soeial t•ustoms. It is founded on kindlinc s and con. ideration for otlwr~ and trn<' conrtP~." of thr ht•art, qualitit•s that .Jamr. F. l•'iPlcls <lrscrihes in thes<' words. Thr wrll-hred tWr~on i. tlw on who un<h•rstand~ thpsp requin•nwnt and who put~ lhpm into practice with naturalne. ~. ~raep and ea~e. Good manners arr of eour,,. indisJH'n ahle in society as well a our ewryday school lift>. 1~-tnor·mH•e of the rp qnirt'nH•nh of good form has oft< n can. t•d a young man stPrlin~-t qualities to he OYerloohd. Etiqudt<• pamphll't. COY<•rin~-t ntl<•s for a('tions in a semhly, cafpteria, clas. room~, corridors, t lw proper food to <.:hoo. <', and <.:orrect clothing for <.:lassr·oom w<·~lr, werr written h~· tlH' Etiqn!'tte clnh and passt•d on hy a eom · m ittee of teacher·s. The ]HI Ill phh•h 11 Pn' giwn out for· study in ach·isor·y ~ronp., for fift<•<•n minutes eY<'l·~· .Jion da~· and 'l'lmrsday a ft<•rnoonfi. El<•anor C'ook " ·as Plect<'<l prPsidPn t ; B<•rnadi IH' llarnshet·~-ter, Yi<'e-pre.,icl€•nt; and Kathl<'<'ll llowell, st•<·n•tary . .J(is I\ a, 'till ll[H'l'Yi €'d tht• \I' Ol'k Of the ('hlh.

To/) ro1r : llu.l't. ('unn un. 'Jr. Sllnun. Wilson . Hn"""'til'l. Nn•o,ul ro1c.a ~wun~on. ~«·hmidl. .:Xnfftz. ('Jnrt<'J. llt•lH'U(·k. IIPimrn th . l'irHI rr11c : Tnrmnn , Wurot. \\' iku\. Ong. Bullin~o:Pr. Ht'l'\'t·s. Smulll'y.




Do s a question ari:-~(' in your mind as to what kind of a club this could possibly be 1 o, don't g-uess; we'll t ll yon. It is an org-anization which has a scientific purpose, namely, the creation of interest in aviation and airplan(' modeling-. 'l'o find a suitable name for this new •lub was a puzzling- task until .:'llr. ('harh•s Keck, OIH' of the advi. ors of the aYiation club, sug-g-t•st d the unique name, ''The pinning- Prop. ·' These a.-pirants to ~H·ronautical fame were ably h•d hy ,Joe annon, pre. id nt, a. sisted by Larry \Vilson, vice-p1·c. idt•nt, and Kt>ith Swan on . . ecl'l'iar~·­ treasurer. )lr. E. ,J. Simon wa. the faculty advisor. In order to have t heir nanws inscribed upon lh<' sPCI'<'tary's book as an actiw member th hovs wt>r•' r<'qnired to huild air('raft model and enter th<'m in conte t The first two \Vt>drw. day lll<'t>ting-s of Nt('h month w('re drvoted to working- on individual planes; the third, to hnsines;.. and tlw n•ading- of artich•s 1wrtaining to th<' t'it>nce, and tht> tl~· ing of tht• airplanes Ot'cupied th" fourth \Y (lnt> day. ~\.leading featUt'(' of this org-anization 1\H;., the• month ly t•ontest wlrrn prizPs \H're a11·anl<'d to tlw winn<'rs. 'l'ht• ohj(•ct of fir<' t'OlltPst wa;., th1• t'On;..truction of an aiq)]ane 11 lr it'h would tly for tIre long-est period of tim<' po. sib[(•. 'f'hp aircraft <"Ould h1• (•nt('l'<'d in one of thl'<'<' t'l<t-;ses, the H. 0. G. or risP-off-g-rouiHl class, th tractor dnration , eel ion and tlw ('OlllllH'l'<'ial dnrat ion g-rottp. .Jm; (''""n'

Pllgt f:iqhf lf· Hf ,., II

nJlc: Jlolfmun. Kt~nuy, .Torw~. 'l'olhPrt. Kinni~on, BlnkP~lt'f', ::\l:vPr~. Xdwlk. :\loort•, .\hrPII~. \lorrl~. 'J'Ilirrl ,·ore: \lr~. ('ook, \Yihwn, :\Jnutlwi, Dust. Hrt•tll'r. Banet~-. 11ou~ton. ~orton. H. :\loorP, LPI', \ti:-;s Bnmh..rg<'r. ,...;, t'IJIIII rorr: ~lilkr, lluty, Buwmnn. Knmp•<·hrn<'lll'r, Blnd<<'r, Ynn Bu•klrk. Fultuu. L. \lurgan, \lutlgt•, TO]J


J'irJI4f ,·orr . \lalloy, FindPr, Ca,·annug-h, )lullit:an, Ilclhling.



(;oodman. Cook, ::\lorg-nn , Pullinm, llowPll,


'l'hr Botany Cluh wa. or~anized this year with Doroth.'· Iun~erich as JH'('SId(•nt; Thomas Franks, Yic -president; and Dorothy FindPr, sccretary-tn•asur(•r. ThP ohjPct of this . cience ~roup, which is to create an interest in plant study, was fulfilkd by most int<'r<'stin~ m<'etinrr,. Cont sts, im·oh-in~ plant .tudy, liYen<'<l the many fidd trips, whirh tlwy took durin~ warm weather. 'l'he student: <'xplored 1h<' depths of Brownfip](] woods, .Pan·hin~ for ra1·r botanical treasurrs. The "'reed'' .tndpn!s also gained much practical lmowledg ahout the state parks of Illinois, spie(•s, JH'O· duct. of tropical plants, . hruh. and tree., :ugar and corn, by means of reporh ~i,·<'n in thr meetings. Th '·:'.Inm" show was Yisited and ·<'wral ~roups o~ slides were . hown durin~ the club tim<•. As a cliwrsion from the study routine, . o •ials and r<'ft·eshnwnts had tlwir place on the program.·. These ·ciPnti ts were fortunate in ohtainin~ three . prakprs for tlwir club, Professor Otto .'haff(•r of the 1'ninrsity of Illinoi · who ~a" a talk on "Land cape arclPning," Professor F. R. \Vat.·on, who spokr on the suhjPct "~\.constics" and :\Ir. L(•slie l<'aulkner, a ]o('al clrug~ist, "·hose . nhject "·a "Plant· ancl tlwir lation,; to Pharmacy.·· A· a whole this year wa. an amazin~ly . nccessfnl one for an organization established so rl'('('lltly. ])OROTII\ li ' '"•ERJ< II

L----------~1l(J])~<ij)~ Pnoc l:iolrt y -ciglrt

Dnvls, (;rlnclll'y, Henhnm, l'trcul~. ('nell', lln\"is, 'Jr. (:ooclln)! Jto~s. llt•whlrst .•Tut•kson. \lntl('h, .\n•linl!..r, J,ptt. IIPimrnth. lrl'kip. J'il·•t 1'011": ('nit•, Pnlln<"k, Ut>tmun, \lurkland .•John,nn, ll~·hultl. Kruw•. l'ullinlll, )IUIII'J.







The Ch mistry ('Juh limited to thirty member~ was l d by ,John ... nlli,·an, Th • second . emc'iter work was carri d on hy !.Jynn Dewhirst, pr<>sid<>nt; Frank :\Iarkland, vice-pre-.ident; and Glenn rind ley, secretary-trea:nr<>r. • Tor man Helmrath was pro~ram chairman. Having as its sole pnrpo. e the aronsin~ of inter -.t in chemistry, field trips wen• mad<' to local industries and sci ntific program. were eonduct d for methods of fulfilling that aim. The programs con i.-ted of a number of talkN or papers on various .-ci ntific . uhjech. 'l'he Chemistry 'luh and th Physics Club vi. ited the l'niwrsity power plant on :\lath ws Btr t, ~larch 23. Th<' purpo. c of this plant i-. to supply heat and electrieity for th • niversity. l<'i1·st the stnd<>nt visitNl thl' furnace room and sa\\' tlw pres-.un• !-('au~e , an<l how coal is puh·<>rized. 'I h<' r<>,·olvin~ gate. were also pointt>d out. • 'ext they visitt•d thP room "her<' tlw rlcctrieity is I!<' JH'ratt•d. Tlwy also saw an pngin•• "ithont -.park-plu~s triC'd out. A vi it to tlH' Smith It•e hon'it', and to the 'fwill ( 'ity Icc and Col<l ... torage Plant wPrc also planned h~ the thrt><' hran ·hC's of thr .'eiC'BC<' group. • ewral other trips werr propo. ed during the year. Thes wer xpretrcl to in •lu<lr Yisits to thr srwag(• di~po!->al plant, th<' waterwork~ and the ga hom;r. pre~ident, Hymen Davi~, secretary-treasurer, the fir~t :emcster.

l'ag< Biglltynine

1'0/1 1"011': Wilson, )lar"hall. Btt"<·h, BI:H'k, ~<·hwt'll!:'<'l. Tltir(/ t·ot.r: Larr;r . . \ . ~tP\'t'll~. LPwis, Bo)!ard . .\li~l'i HatNt, F'. ~lP\'Pils, JIPikP. JJill. S( t'Oilll rorr: ~<·hmi<lt. .Ttulkins. l·~hlt>r. Hnilc•,r. Kt>lll y. ('lurk. Xorton. \lc·Tn~g-art. Fir~t I'!Jtr: ~fotth!Pr, !Iays. Whit<', l'rkl'r, \\'<'11'1>. Filson, ('onnor. ~omPrs.



'l'he Ph~·sics 'lub "·as organizpd only this year, hut through thr int re .. t and enthu:-.iasm of it'i members and sponsor, .Jliss Nelli(' BatPs, it had h(•conw a wry actiYe and wortll\rhih• society. The purpose of the club i: to learn mon· about the practical side of Physi •s and by mearu of unu. ual featurr<; introduced in the m eting, to make :tndpnts more interested in thr . tud)' of thr science it elf. During the pa.t yrar, numerous trip~ haw been made which arc intr.re. ting to stmlrnts of the department. Tht> T'niYersity power plant, tlw tadium score hoard, the trlrphone office, the water works, the high school ycntilating system, and a local icr cream company were Yi. ited. nbjects, . nch a., airplanes, radios and automobil s, wrrc discw.;s<•d at different meetings hy the nwmher . On .Jlarch :> a motion picturt? was sho"·n which told about the making and the operating of telephont?.. The thn•<• .. cience dubs held a joint meeting at "·hiclt Professor F. R Wat on of tlw Ph)'. ics lkpartnwnt of thl' PniYPrsity of Illinois talked upon the subject, " onn<l." The of'ticprs of the Physics elnh the fi1·st S<'mester wrre: .Jlartin Gorman, pre,..ident; ,John Redmond, Yi e-pre~i­ dent; and Kenneth Chase, secrctary-tn•asurer. 'l'h(• club was led th(• second srmestrr hy Wilbur White, assi:-.ted by tlw Yiee-presidt?nt, L(•sli<' Clark and the S('Cr<'tary-treasnrce, Le(manl Hays. During tht? year Alhprt 8omcrs was chairman of thr program committee. :\1.\HTI.\ (;OH\IA\"


.\ill I ty

'I'OJl I'Olr : Hnii'H, Wlwnlnn , ()' :\pnl, '""" (;r<•Hil:llll, StltC'IH•r, lln~·t. l'flll': l'nrkhill. Brlllk!'lllll. ('uuk , ~lc·K ""· BriJ,:J,:,, \\'ur<l





Onr o{ the most distinetivp featnrr~ of tlw Adelphian Club is the heeping of a litprary :crap hook which is to he JH'est•ntP<l to the school librar.' at t lw <'rHI of thr yt•ar. This book include: picture: of authors who haY been tudied hy the club ; clippin~?s from modern nrwspapers and magazines, copies of Current Litrratnr and m·ticl<• on ShakespNu·e 's life in 'tratford. The Adelphian ('lub is one of the n e,,- activitie · add<•d to the li. t of or ganizations this . '<'Hr. :\I iss • ' ina Gresham aclt•d a .· spon or whil<• B<•rnic' Brinkema and ,John Bales were elected pn•sident and . crdary. n'sJH'etin•ly. The purpose of this eluh is to stimnla!(• an intPrest in the finp t literary productions of all time; to study the lives of the best authors; to rpcognize the Yarions forms of lit<•ratur<'; and to enltiYate a tastt• for th<• IH"if in all literaturr. Programs during th meetings " ' r Yariecl and instructive. HtudiPs " ·t•n• made of th<• various author:, and their writing. , forms of poetry, favorite poems, and hook reviews. Tht> clnh its<•lf offers an opportunity to stud.'· the creations of •lassie and contemporary "-riters. This soci<•ty took eharg<> of the a. st•mhly h<'l<l :\larch 11 \\'hen slides on ''The Lady of the Lake'' W<'L'l' ho\rn "ith Elranor 'ook manipulating tlH' <•lectrie lantern. B<'nlice Brinkema pt·t•sided. The explanation of thl• slid<• , whi<•h consistNl of a ununary and quotation from .'eott, was n•ad by :\lildred Parkhill. Br11~11 F.



Xi111 111·0111'

X o man is 1d llwu t som (Jillll if y, by t 11 c d 111 application of which h might dcs1 n c u·c/1 of flu world; and lchocvcr i1c be that has but lif/1( in his power should b(• in lwslc to do that lillll, lest IlL be confounded with him that can do nothing.

IPC=========================~1i~~<lj) ~ l'agt• \iutly




Athll'ti •s during 1!)2 -2!> in Champaign High .'chool haw he('U ,·ery ncCPssful. _.\n undef<•ate<i s<•ason was enjoyed in football; our basketball h•am was rnmH'r up in tiH• stat<> tonrnam<>nt and all f the otlwr tpams haYe mad(' comm<>ndahl<' r<•<•ords. 'l'his snccPs was <ln<' in largo<' part to tlw pfl'ort of our eoache .

' II LE TER R. MOYER ('mnpiPiilJg' his sixth y<•ar as athldie diirector of ( 'hampaign Iligh School. Lt•stPr :\Ioy\'l' has a r<>eord held hy few high chool coache.. It is not PYPry eoach who ean den•lop ehampionship tPams in tlw two mo.·t important high s\'hool sport, foothall and ba;..kdhall, m tiH• samP :n•ar.

:\lon;a "'" IllS Il<u;

l'IIQI ,\illlfJJ-1/irt('

TOJJ 1·orr: \\.bitnah. H~~t. m:.rr., 'lnjors. asst. <'llaf'h, Lpwis. llnhnu. :--u:nlt•r, mg-r, 'loyt>r, c·otu·h. Third ntlc. Yrhwr. Comstnc·k. HPXIPr. ~t'lwwnlt•·r . Dunn. KPPIIP, \l<·Kw •llf',\ rorr: .\l ng-nn, ltus!'·wll. ()'J)onllf'll, Thomn ..... lln~Prmnn, ('o\, .:\lc·(:rnw. Klr111~P. Firxt rr,w· .\rmstron).:. Ehrhnrt, ~lnrshnll, i"<·hnlk. 'll'llonnld l"tro<ll'. t:onollo• ~...,·u·fnHl




Goucli<• . 'trodc• :\It' Donald :\larshall




L<•,ri ('om tock Kirms!' lia!-'(C'rman Ehrhart I Dnnn i RnssC'll Nchalk


Pn(lr' \inrl•l1'"'r


KC'C'Il'' ::\I cKnelly Dexter ()'I )onn C'll



a de


Thoma'> Dohnw





L 'I



•\ nn strong

1928 FOOTBALL ('Ita m pa i~n- _________ ---- _______ l..J. 'ha lllJHI i~n - __ ------- __ __ ____ __ 1!J Chant pai~H -------------------· 1 l'ha Ill pa ign ___________________ . ~..J. ( 'hampa i~n _____________________ 12


Lindblom ( ( ' hit·ag"o ) ------------- i) Ill. J)paf' !-khool --------------- 0 Dan\'IIIP _____________________ ]~

('ham pa ign ___ ------------- ____ - ~-i ('ham paign ____________________ _26 Champaign __________________ ·-- 6 ( 'hampaign _____________________ 7

hlllis\iliP, K~·. ( Mal<' High ) _____ 13 Peoria ( 'entral ------------------ 6 lllattoon _ -------------------- 0 Pekin -------------------------- 0 . ' pt·ingti<•ld _______ -------------- 0 rrhana ------------------------- 0



Won 9; Lost 0; Ti('d 0. 1000 !)er e<'nt



\Yon 'ham paig-n __________________________ ,) )fanua] _______________________ 4 P<'oria Lincoln _____________________________ ..J. e rhana _______ - ----------------- ----· 3 Peoria '<'ntral _______________________ 2 Dam·iIll' ____________________________ . •)

lJOSt 0 1



Pekin _______________________________ 1 )fa tt oon ___ --- _·_ --------------------- 1 pringficld-------------------------- 1 •])peatur _____________________________ 0 _________________________ 0 Jaek~onvillc



Ti<'d 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 0

1 6

3 0

1 1

1 2 3


Pet. 1.000 00 00 .7;)0 .666

.500 .250 .2;)0 .200 .000 .000

/'1101 :\'i111 I !l)l n





The l!l~ football team, one of the he t in the hi tory of Champaign High R •hool, rnjoy<•d a season of' unintC'rrupted vidories. Some of' th bPst teams in th' liddle wrst fPil in their wak<•. ~\mong the,.,e may b<• listed :\1ale High Sehool of Louisville>, Kentucky, and Lindbloom High School of 'hic•ago. 'l'hc•ir season'· record i. c•ontainecl in the following pages.

<'. II. .'.

vs. LI:'\DBL0211

('hampaign toppNl the crack ('hicago c•lewn by a margin of 14- points on , 'c•ptrmher 22. Kirmsp madr ( 'hampaign 's first scor • early in tlw game aftc•r • 'trod<• out-puntrd the Lindblom hooter . •\ safpty brought two morp points to Champaign when tlw vi it or fell hc•hind their own goal lin . Kirms . corNl again IH•ar tlw end of tlw ganw whpn he crawlecl through c<•nter to plaeP the pigskin O\'t'r the opponent 'x goal line. 'l'h<> trie,., for goal ll'ert' both mi .... <•d, OIH' hy. 'trod£' and on by S<·halk , 'chalk, Strode, Rus;;pll, l)pxtpr, a]J(l 21Iarxhall, playNl wry w<•ll in this opening rncounter.

('. II. S.

• ·( 11.\LK

1'11!/r ,\inti y Hir


J. '. D.

Champaign took tlw Illinois Sehool for Deaf to a goocl mudding .'Pptrmher 2!l in a drizzling rain. 'fhe .Jack:onYillc boys put np a good fight hut snpPrior playing and a heaYiPr team took their toll in a 20-0 Yidory. Th<•n• wc•n• no outstanding play<•rs in the mud hattiE', on tlw contrary then• \\·ere SC\'Pral noted poor tactic: .

. II.

. v:. D. II . • .

'l'ht> ~Jat·oons took DanYillt• through th e mill in an <•xeiting- game Odoh<>r G. 'l'lw seore l '-12 . how<•<l th<> <lifferenee hetw('<•n the DanYill(' and Champaign elnem;. Sehalk s ·ored for ( 'hampaign from tlw two-yard lin<' after a -1-G yard mareh do\\'11 tlw fh•ld . DanYille . eon•d on a eomplete<l pass. • ' hortl~· aft pr the kiek-off, Seha Ik eanw haek with a fh·e yard entsh wh id1 put t hP ball owr thr line for anotlH•r six points. Sehalk made tlw final sc·on• for ('hamp<ugn wh n he plung-ed through th<• eenter for :30 yar<l-;. DanYill t• sc•ored again a-. a r psnlt of n']lNttNl penalties on Champaig-n. Sehalk, •'trodt•, Ehrhart , Hn .. r ll, Dt>xtpr, and Kirmsr showp<l exceptional ability in this ganw. ~h·Graw, and Goud il' looked good for hPg-inner .

'. II. S. v::;.



Champaign foug-ht for Yietor~· from the ~[alP High tt•am and obtaint•d it to th • tunt> of 2-!-1:3. In tlw 2nd quarter, Kirmst• int('repptr<l a pass and ran 6:) yards for a touch down. A few minutes latt•r Ehrhart intl't'et'pt <•d anotlwr and ran ;);) yards for th t• econd tonchdo'' 11 . ~!alP thl•n scorNl on straight football and again when tht•y intt•rcppt e<l a pass and ran 6:> yards for a touehdown. Bd Sl'halk lwcamc rather riled and retnnH•d the kick-oft' 9:i y<uds fot· ,t core for Champaig-n. Th(' ~rm·oon 's Ia t score canw a. a n•sult of a stt>ady nuu·eh dmn1 the fit•ld with .'ehalk plunging- the final (\\O yards to put the pig-skin OY<'r. ~\.11 "<'rc star and . tar. of a !!rcat magnitude, no on(' player stall(ling out.

Page \ illri V· HfT fll

C. II. H. v•. P. C. II. S.

Tlw ~Iaroom, a~ain justified tlw faith of fan. on October 20 when they defeated Peoria entral 12-6. In the early minnt . of the ~am chalk carried the hall around end for 20 yards and a touchdown. P oria then played hard and fast and on a long pa s ti d the core 6-6. Russell then came throu~h with a 40 yard ~ain after the kick-off, and a~ain from the 22 yard line when he W<'nt ovrr for a touchdown and tll(' scorr wa~ 12-6. 'l'hr final whisth• C'tHlrd a ~amr that r srmhl<•d a tornado and hurricane comhint•<l. Schalk. Rus ·ell, illcDonald, Lrwis and :\Iarshall played smar·t, hard football thron~hout tlw ~ame .

. II. , . v.. ":\L\.TTOOX Coach ~Ioyer ·.- boys topprd ":\Iattoon b~· a score of 26-0 ?\ovrmber 3. It was not a particularly hard ~am<' and th<' pntirc fir~t squad was nsNl at yariom; timrs durin~ tlw fray. Hus:pll, Com. tot'k, Ehrhart and Schalk mad(• tone hdowns and thr otlH•r two points •a Ill<' as a r·psnlt of a safet~·. Dextet·, Ehrhart, Schalk, Kinns<', Ila~erman and \"rim•r played very well whih• they wcr<' in tlw ~amc.


C. II. . v:. PEKIX Ed •'ehalk and the hoy,., hr captains humhlrd tlw Pekin ag-,rre~ation by a 26-0 score. , chalk, ~lcDonald, Kirmsr, Ehrhart Rnss<•ll, Hagerman, DC'xtPr, an<l Htrod(• werr the outstanding playpr. in this ~anw !'ach in his particular po. it ion. , 'chalk mad<' two touchdown , Russ<•ll onr, and ])px!Pr one. Schalk and Liwtt pach made a point after ton ·hdown.

1.---------~ll(J})~~t:===r' l'flf/1 \illlll/·li{/111

('. II . .'. v,; .


.I n a gamt• of \1 ater· football, plentifully interspersed with mud ('harnpaign <h•t'<•atpd Npring-fi<>ld on XowmlH'r 17 h~· to 6-0 seor<•. .'chalk s<·orPcl the lorh'

ton<'hdo\1 n a!'t!'t' many muddy minutt's of scr·inuuagP. Th!' story ot' thP gam • is told hy the first do\\ ns, Champaig-n 1;), Hpringfipld one.


11. ... v .. rHBA. ·~\ T lw .Jl aroon d<>f<•at<>cl thPir· orang'<' an(l hlaek riYals in the final ganH' of the .cason by a seon• of 7-0. Ed Nchalk \\"<'Ill owr for th ~· only coun!<•r· clnring the last quarter and then kickt>d goal for th<• extra point. It was a hanl fought game t'Ot' tlw honor of Champaign and tht' boys came throug-h . •\·halk, Ehrhart, Hnss<>ll, D<>xtt'r, .Jfc ra\Y. .JI e Donald, l J!'wis, .Jfar hall, ('om tock, all(l all tlH' n• t who play<>d for the .Jiaroon and White playl'd as if th<•ir wry live-. dt•pt>rHled upon it. \Vinning thi game g-aw 'hampaign the onl)· 1000 JH'l' c<>nt team in tlw Big T"·eln ('on fpreJH'<'. It . <'<'111 <1 alrnost too g-oo<l to he true, and it "as. ~\ s<•niOl' who "lh a nH•mlwl' ot' thf' squad was ~ 1 years old and that cau:etl th~ ehamp. to forft•it tlw nine g-am<> in whi<·h lw playpd.




tll!ll \ItT


'l •

llo~ \1, 11

l.___--------~11~~<!_!) t::===r' ,,,,,,

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1t u IHI n d


~~ \lt.•ll \1.1 ,

~JU:\\ \f 'H:H

'J'JIO\f \S

BIG 12 CONFERE E LL- TAR TEA \1 (: ond iP ( 'IHtmpa ign ________ LE Nmit h Decatur_ ___________ LT :'lie Donald Champaign _____ L< 1


Pt•oria )]annaL ____ (' Fn•t•ma n- Prhamt __ ---·--- H< l

Ntro<le ('ham paign ___ -·- ___ H'l' Pag<' Peoria ______________ HE :\I a I Pric h- Lincol n _____ ·-- __ QB Husspl] - ChampaigJL ______ LTI Cash rrhana _____________ l II , 'ehalk-Champaign ________ FB

Jt.:x n:n. l"npt:lln Pl!•cr

'1::=:====================~1ld])~' ~ l'fl!/1 0111 111!111/n d I rro

'Fop row : Fuqttn . t·tmc·h. llout. "'hitnnh . T>oty. Ht~i(l.

Third row : Hnt·oll.

• 1 Cf1Ud


~wPrin~ky .

J:rownliPid. JIPlmrath Zimnwrma n .

row: Hr:Hllt•y, LakP, Lit•rman. HrownPII. BaiiPy , H.ussl'll. row : ~uttou, \\'illiau1s. Fisht•r. Lh'Ptl , .\tdti~ t· ll . \\'nlkt·t'.



The n's<•rn• squad was tom posed of ft'<'l·,ltmcn, . ophomon";, juniors, and M'nion;, TIHls<' \\·ho showed tlw mo~-,t promise in tlw re~-,<'n·c ~ames \\·ere promoted to the first squad. In this mamwr the bo~·s always had somcthin~ to ~a!n . •\ sehednle of eil!ht ~anws ,,·a-. pla.n·tl by the n•scrv<' squad of " ·hid1 they won five, tied otw, and lost two. The sron•s were as follows: ('. II. , ' . Reserve-. 6, Uihson City 0; C'. II. H. Reserv<·s l:l, Deeatur Central .Jr. 0; C. II. S. H<'s<•rves ~6, Han toni Serond team 1~; ( '. II. S. H<·serv<'. 1!l, D<•eatnr C<•ntral .) r. 0; II. S. Reservp 0. Hindsboro Fir.t team ~6: ('. H .• '. Heserw•s 0. Crbana He •ond tPam 1:3; ('.II..'. Hes<'l'Yl's 1~. (lihson ('ity 0; ('. IT. S. Rescrw 0, rrhana Second team 0. Twenty-six hoys eompri. <•d th<• squad ont of \\hich future C'hampai~n tt•am. · are to be ma<h•. Some wry promisin~ candidates for IH'Xt year are: ends, Brownell, BrownfiPl<l. C. Ilclmrath; taekh•s, TOOdman, Lah, Fi. her, .\tchison, ~uards, LP\·itt, A. Hn~;sell, S\\·(•rinski, "\tehi~-,on; renters, Heid; quarterback, Bailey, Bacon; half, llarlow, Zimnwrman, Ilelmrath, Baile~·. \Yalker, ::\Ia on. Harold Garms and ,John .JlcCnllongh, taekk, and Dale "Williams, ct•nter, 'wre s<•niors and will not he haek. For the first tinw in the histor~· of the . chool, lJnmerals "·en• giwn. To tho. r of the res('l'Ye s<!n<Hl who play d 40 per cent or more of tlw time, this form of reeo~nition wa» a\nl)'(]cd. 'l'lws • nnnwral. were rec<•in•d hy ~0 of tht• hoy. in this !!roup. 'lar<'JH'e • Fnqna, coach of the n's!'nes, . howell great skill in the manner in which lw rontrolled his prote~e. Xo matter what sort of conditions preYail('(l Jw alway-. l'anw throug-h "ith a team of \Yhi •h to he proud. T.


011 1 illlllllrul I lin'

• tundinr1: Kitdt. Hnhnw, liH~t·rman, ('o llnll. ~IIYtlPr. m~r, HPXtPr, :\I('(: raw. Couflit•, .\rmstrou~, \la::nuson, \\'hilnuh, :tsst. m~r., 'lt'llorwltl, Yrill+'l'. ( f lilt,·; )lo,rt·r, t·ondl.

VARSITY BA KETBALL Tlw l!l~ - l!l~!l ha hthall ~c·ason \Ills wry sHtet'ssfnl. l'ndt't' the <'n;u·hin!!' of L<' ::\Ioy<'l' and thP eo-eaptainship of Bill llag-PriiHlll and l<'rP<l1\rmstrong- thP i-qHad fini. hrd the• SNhon rc•ond only to thr , 'tal<' Champs. In the ('ottf<•n•net• Holiday Tonrnanwnt at Peoria, a thinl plaer ''"as won. Jn tlw halanc·<· of th!' c·onf<'l'l'llt<' g-amrs PPoria ( '<•ntral had tlw only tram strong c•noug-h to do mon• than c·omp dose to dl'i'Ntting- cmr tiv!'. In the tit· t g-amP hPtwc•c•n thr Maroon and tlw PPorians the hoy· with ont· tolors won 27 to ~6. In the last g-anH' PPoria Jwa<lt>d tht• c·oring- ''"ith a fonr point lc•ad, winning- ~..., to 2-l. Ont of thP nin<• non-eonfc•n•nec:• g-attH's play<•cl, only OJH' was lost, this to tl~t• • 'httl' C'hampion. of 1 !J~ .. ('anton dd'eated ~lo.Hr 's hoys h,\' an 1t to 17 seot'<'. Champaig-n won th • Di trid 'l'onrnamrnt at ~lontiePIIo clt'f'eating- such team-; as Farnwr ('ity. ~\twood, llammoncl, and ~Iontic·C'llo. In tlw sectional at DanYillc>, lhmn•rs \las <ll•f<•at<•d in thP tin.,t g-amr, Og-d<•n in tlw sPnti-finals, and in thr final ganw tlw ~Iaroons dcnnwcl P<•nti<•ld :3~ to ~0. ln the State Toumament, playrd in the men's 11ew g-ynma. ium at the• l'nin•r,;it;"~· of Illinois, the . c1uad <lPfeatp<l ~It. 'amH'l in thr fil'st g-anw ancl FrrP[)()rt in thr sl'mi-final.. ln the final g-amr ,Johnston ('ity won, :30-~1, g-iYin~ ( 'hampaig-n !'t'O!Hl plaee.

l'uor 01, luuutn d




BA KETBALL RE ( ' haHipaign __ ------- ·>·> ( ' hampaig-n ______ _ ___ :37 ( ' h;1111 pa ig-n ____________ :ll

Honwr_ ____ ---------- ~ Hm1ton l ------------ ~1 Hanlon!_ _______ ---- 1-l-

( 'ha 111 pa ig-n I anton] ( 'ham pa ig-n

<'0 .. FEHE).TE IlOLII>.\ Y 'l'<WH. ·.ul E. T .\T PEOI 1.\

( ' hampaig-n -l:{ ( ' hampaig-n ____________ ~1 ( 'hanlpaign ____________ ~l)

lhtnYill!• ____ _ bi1woln ------------ -- ~ I )p(•at nJ· _______________ ll)

( 'hmnpaig-n __________ :21 ( ' h;llnpaig-n _________ _ A-! ( 'harllpaign ____________ ~/ ( ' hampaig-n ____________ :3-! ( 'lrampaig-n ____________ -!0 ( 'halllpaig-n ____________ 24: ( 'haliiJlaig-n __________ -l-! ( ' Ita 111 pa ig-n __________ ~:) ( ' ham pa ign __ _ ____ ___ :2~ ( 'hampaign __ --~~

<'OXI•' EHE. TE (LUlEN DanYiliP 1:3 .\lattoon _____ _:2() Pt>oria ( '!'nlra l _________ ~() l'rhana ----------- __ ~0 , 'pring-fip]c] ----------- ~0 (>poria l'Pntral _________ ~_, .\lattooJI _______________ ::2 l'rhana __ ------------- U [>pki n _________________ 14 DanYiiiP ______________ 19

, '<• Jni -fimtl Third Pi a<'<'

lhtn\·i]]p ( ' hallll><t ig-n }>poria .\) pn' flym, 1'. o f l. ( 'hampai gn ( 'ham pa ign .\I a ttoon .\l l' n \ (;~·m , l '. of I.

( 'hampa ign Champa ign

XOX-COXFEHEX<' E OA.\1 EN ( ' lraHIJHiigH __________ 17 ('anton _ - 1 ('hampaig-n __________ :2-! :-lpalding lnstitnl!• _____ 16 ( 'hampaig-n ___________ 2 \'illa Gron• ________ 27 ( ' haHIJlaign ___________ :30 Paxton --------------- ~~ ('hampaign __________ -!M Loda _________________ 22 ( 'hcnnpaign __________ :~1 !>axton ____________ -- ~ l"

<'anton (>poria \ ' ilia Orm <' Paxton Loda ( 'hampaig-n

( 'halilpaig-n __ ______ _ __ -1,:) ( 'hampaign _______ _ __ :n )( ' hampaig-n ________ - _/ ( 'hampai:.rn ________ _ :2q

.\Ion t it•I'IIO .\lonti<·Pllo .\Ion! it•< llo .\lonti<·Pllo

Fal'l1wr City__ 1-l ______________ II a mmo1HL ___ __ __ ____ ~-! .\!on tie PI lo __________ --- ~:) ~twornl


• ' E("l'!OX.\L TOl' HX.\.\IEXT ( 'hampai:.rn ________ _ -!0 Dann•r :H <' hampai!!n ___________ :m Og-d<·n ________________ :..!9 ('ham pa ig-n ____________ :3~ P!'n fipld - -- ________ ---- 20

('Ita m pa ign ____________ -!:l ( 'haHrpaig-n ______ _ _-!0 ( 'h:n11 pa i!!n ____________ :21

:-IT.\TE TOn X.\.\1 EXT .\It. ('amwl __ Fr!'t'JlOI'! -------------- ~-1 .John-.,on City __________ :lu

( 'hampaig-n __________ l034

Oppmwnh ---------- 6. .)


2~ ;

Jo-.,t, -1.


I >am·ill e f)all\·illP Ih1n ,. i Ik

.\[('11 \ n.nn. 1'. ofT. .\1<•11 \ <i.nn. l . ot' I.

.\( pn'-., (l.nn. l ' . of I. 2nd Plat'!'

P<•rePntagP, .. '7:2.

~n~~~t..----------------1 I'll !It 11 11 < lluutln tl jrn


.\H\1;-., 1 HO\f;

II \I L,

(,ol IJIF!




llo .\


Co . h.I Tf II





Hall: ~!Hl 011 Di tril't, ~Pdional,. 'tatr, ( 'onf<'l'l'11<'<' Ilag-<'J'Illall: bt 011 Di~trid, f.;et'!io11al, ~tal<'. ('onf<'J'<'Ill't' OoudiP: 2nd 011 Di~t t'il't. 1st 011 . 'e ·tiomtl, ~nd on Htate, ht on Conf<•renc ('ox: ht 011 Di~tri<·t, ht on ~~·dional, 1st on ~tal<'. 1. ton ('onfpJ'('Il<'<' Drxf<'J': ht on Hediona l, ~nd on Htatr, 2nd on C'onfen'lll'<'

;\(< GR.\W


1'"11' 011< illlll<irul ~H ul

7'ot' rotr . l 'irxl row



IIPimrath, LiPrmun . HrnfllPy . Comh~. HumhlP. 'JI•,kinlt'n. HPIII . Bo)"Pr, ~I"''"""· Burton .


('OlH' h ,


'l'h<• ~'reshman-sophomOt'<' bask<'tball tt•am won t•ight ont of sixtP<'n games in it. 192 -29 t'hl'<lnh•. Th<' ho~·s playl'<l S<'\'PI'Hl .}Hnior High t<•am and tiH' fir t and spcond sq11a<ls of some s<•hool fl'om twighhol'ing to\\·ns. .\ rt'sllllH' ot' t lw spa. on shows t h<' folio\\ intr st'on•s: Champa igtL _____________________ ];) Champaign ______________________ 7 ('hantpaign ___ ___________________ ll ('ham pa ign ______________________ 10 Champaign ______________________ ];) ('ham paign _____________________ _ Champaign ______________________ ] :2 ('ham pa ign ______________________ 16 ( 'hampaign ______________________ l7 ('hampaign ______________________ Hl ( 'hampaign ______________________ } 0 ( 'hampaign ______________________ l:{ ('ham paign ______________________ :2;) ('ham pa ign ________________ ______ :w ('hampaign ____________ ______ ____ l6

Ht. ,Joseph _______________ -------- H Tolono _ ------------------------ _:27 l'l'hana ________________________ }.) Dl't'at llt' ----------------------- _:21 Tolono __________________________ :2.) 1'rhana _________________________ ];) Philo ___ --------------------- ___ ] :2 T hom hHI'n ________________ ----- __ :2!l Philo ________ _______ ,_____________ 11 Thornlm r·n _______________________ :2:~ Ht . .Jo. l'ph ______________________ (i ::\T. E. -----------------------~1.

E ______________________________:2:l 1:2

nan "i llt• _________________________ :~o DanYillt> _________________________ ];)

PI[:::=======================~~~~'~ l'"fl' 0111 llundnd liuilt

1'op rolr . ('onuur·. llays, Yrillf'l', \lag-nuson, Fisht>r, J)ttllll, \\'olft> , ( 'omsttwk, \\'illiams, Balt•s, .Jat•k son . .\tkirtson, \\'u\lt•r. ~tl'iniii,!..'Pr , Bro:-;hpr·, ('um••ron, t-.olt•, 'l'tWkPr, (; uJhy , \Ius , :-\tPrritz, Ha lt·s :\on·tz, llnrloll . nurl/ I"IJII' : Humhll'. ('CI:ll'h, .\ . Kink, ~lurshnll. )'fpi f Pr, F . llunlll)l, \lc·LI'o<l , KPI'I'~ . •\l lt·n . )), Hu n lup • .\lulli,ean . lli\on . ll. Kink. HiPdt'JJHlll, Bullill;.!t'l', \\..nllt-r. ~hnug-Pr. ~outh. :\l t·ski mf'n, ( 'oom h:-;. Lit•rrnnn. Hn,\"t't', 1·~ . HPid. Burton. lll'lmrath, z;imnu•rmnll , Brnflll'y, 'l o yt'r. f'Ootdl ,o.;n·onl/ row. !'ntith, Huttittn. llnl"i,, lloyt. HnssPII, .Jnc·ohs, :\Psmith , .\ln~:nn . KtmdP, \\' nsl'ltPr, \l u rk land. ('rmdin. Ht·IIJH'tt. ])a('ostn, .\larshall. ('nsad. ~ . HPid ....\ortou . ~im o n . J'ind row. Fi:->f·us . .\l:trstPilar·. Lnrry. Jlarmo11 , Lf•wb, Comhs. Clnypool. \\..nrd . .TOf·kim, ~t .J ohn, Half•:->, ~ulli\'HII . 1\"irmsl'. II. J)a\·is. ~uJdt>r, liPffPlfinJ.:Pr, <;ulif·k . 'lnrr·io t. 'lf·lhtfl)·, "ug-nu:-;o n, 'l'horrws . .Johnson , J)i\on, .J. .:\loll, Kirk



Final -;tanding'>. of tlw g-roup. in tlw "intPt' tont·namPnt liE.\ YY\YE I WITS








1.000 .777

.\ viatm"-- -- ------·---- ,)

:l :l 1


-------------Bat·ht"lor ---------· ----


( 'owboy-, __________



:Olon k<'.' ---- - --- -· - - -- 1 Dolphin._ ------- ---Baton>. ________________ .\('(''o .

('lark Band

------------------------ ----





:l 6 6 7

.6~.) .<i~.)

..)00 .:500


a follow>. :

J, I ( lliT\\'I<J I (l I ITS \Y. L. Pd. licmks _______________ 10 0 1 .000 .7.)0 1('('II It'll ------ --- ---- (.i ~ Baboon -------------- ..J. :l .:57' ).):) ..J. \Y not!<• hop] >t'r' --- ---- ,) ..j. .•)()0 Bla<·kha\\·k,_ - -------..J. Tt•HIIIS


Batons _____




. ~.)()

)of H l'i ll('S --- --- -------- ..j.







( 'uh.·- - - - -------------- :l Eau-h• ___ _________ - --- :l




Habhits -

G 7

.1 ~3




'l'mnt·a f'i ___ __ _ ___ _ _ - - - _





.~ .)()

lluntln tl nint

TOJJ nnr · ('onc•h ('lark.

J"in"t rorr.


~haug-Pr . l.utllo\\. ::\lc•.\r1~ . .Judkins .

()olcl. Di\.oll. BaiPs. \Yoods, \"anDPvt•ntPr. \Yi~Ptwrvt·r ..

.... n·on(/ row : KntttlsPn.



'l'h<' ::\lat·oon harri<'r S<'!'llt'!'d second phH'<' in the Big 'l'wPl\'!• Confet'<'nc•e for th<• s<'<'OlHl eonsecuti\'1' s<•ason. 'l'hroug-h the pfl'otis of' ('mwh ('lark and a H<[ttad eontaining- but few Yeterans, a \\'inning team was developed \\'hi<'h won four out of fiye dna! and triangular m<•ets. Tlw fir·st eont<'st was run on ~l'pt<•mlwr ~!l at De<'atur. ('hampaig-n <'llll'qred 011 tlw lwt!t•t· ClHl of a 16 to ~0 !oiCOt'C with thrP<' men in the first fin• pl<H'l'S, Dixon, \'an Den•ntcr, and Knud I'll. On O<:toher 6 tlw Danvillt' harri<•r. trailed Champaig-n to a 10 to ~6 dpfpa(. Dixon, K11n<ls<•n, Yan D!'\'l'niPr and \Yispg-arv<'t', all of Champaig-n, tiP<l fot' first phil'!'. Tlw rwxt meet \\'as a triang-ular Oil!' whidt ( 'hampaign deei iYPly "'011 over Deeatur and .Jlattoon. On Octolwr 1!) the 011!,\· defPat of the season \\'a . uffpn•d at P!'ot'ia. The Ia. t nwet of tlw <'ason lwfon• Thanksg-iving "·as on Xo\'l'mlwt· 10 lwl\reen Champaig-n, Pekin, and Crha11a, with thP .Jlaroon:-; coming- out on top. Ball•s, \\'is<•garv r, Yan DeYPnl<•r·. and Dixon all pl:tN'<l among- th!' first. Champaign <'IOs!'d tlH• spa:-;on on Thanksg-iving- da~· by winning spcond phi!'!' in th<• Big '1\n•ln• ('onf!•n•n<·<• lll!'!'!. .John Bales, Ove KntHben, Gerald \Yi cg-arwr, .Jlprl Dixon, and Wenn Yan Dewnter rceeived lctt!'r .

\-----------~ ~6J)~<ij)


rtJW : 'lullikt'll , ~ 11 \"ll g't' , ])ohhins. SwintiPII. (•ond t. fiJ I("." ~loll , Hn"•·ll . \\'hi!P {1' ) , ( ' hUlll!<'l'. B U<"flll.

'f'op r;, .,,

SWI 1 11


, 'wimming ha-. almo. t eea-.Pd to lH' a minor -.port in . II . •· . For the pa-.t few years the Maroon "" immer·s have been improving very noticeably. ThL' l!l~!l tNilll seorrd a munhpr of points, far· g-rNitt• r· than that of their oppo11ents. (heat er •dit is dttt' Hoy !-;windPll, eoaeh , and abo tlll' hoy-., .

• 'EA. · ox·~ .' ('ORJ.\'"G White _____________ _______ ____ ______ l 0:3 ,'hanger ____________ ________________ !l~

Dobbin: ____________ -- - ------------- 6~ Baron ________________ -------------- :36 I ttsselL ______________ ______________ -ll Ravag-<'------- - -------- -- - - --------- -lb 31oU _______________________________


Total ___________ ________ ______ -l06

\\'BI TE

!'11 (1<

O tlf

111111111'< II I II T IIl

1'0JJ nJW: Pit·kPn~ . .\ tl'lli~on. ~hHHC'f'l'. • 't

Ilaf'low, 'ld;uir.•. Y:uii)Pn•ntt•r. ZimmPrman. KntHis4'11, "'il Jium~. Fis.t·us. ro11d rt11r: Balt·s, Col4', <:ooth\ ill, P. Hit-hltlHII. ~tro1lt•. Lt•\\ is . . \. Ht>idllll<lll. ( 'lli,YJinol. \\'ist·g-arn•r, Clark. t·naf'lL

J'int mw: lli\on, llart, llall, Kirm-.• (('), :<d1alk. (





Uou<liP I! all

LP\1 is Ball's \ ' an D (•n•nl<•r

Pi<·k('Jh ( 'Ia~· pool

l'ayt Out ltuudnrl trrflu




h JH\ISt



.%iumH•rm a 11


TRACK 1928 ( ' O~FERE.

TE .\T DE< '.\ 'LTR

. 't•l·otHl Plm·p Drakr ____________ _________________________ First, hrmHl jump ( ne" rt'l'Ot'<l )

First. jaYl'lin , ' trodr _____ ________ ___________ ______ _____ __ ~Pl'Oll<l. di en s , 'reond. sh ot put II a I!_ __ _____ __ __ ____ _______________________ T hi nl, hig-h jump Tied fourth, poh• vault Drake. Hall, Lewis. Pil'l\Pns __________________ .F irst. half-mih• relay

DL'TRI( 'T .\ '1' GEPRGETO\YX , ec•ond Plat•r D rakr _____________ _________________________ First, broad jump HalL _____ ___ _______________________ ____ - -~l'COJHl polr vault

Tied fifth . high jump

L •wis--------------------------------------~econd, :>0 yard llash Fifth, . hot put Russt•lL _________ ___________________________ Fir t. ;)0 yard dash FiL"st, 100 ~·ard dash Pick •nq _________ ____ ___ ____________ ___ ___ ___ !<,ourth. 220 yanl dash Strod<'------------------------------------- Fir. t. shot put Fourth, di. ens Kirms<'------ - ------- - - ------ - -- - --- ----- --~l'l'Ond. 220 lm\ hurdh• Drake, Hall, LC'wis, Russt>ll ___________________ , 'l•coJHl, < 0 relay


l~'I'ER~(' li OL~\ ,'Tl( '

RusselL ___ ______ ____________________ _______ Fifth, 100 ·' ani da h


Out lluutlrt tl th ir lt' 11


1 irxt

nor: \\'hitnah , m;.:r.. Hlaisdt•ll. I I PJ,:Ui u ll~ !"out h. rtJtr .•

H:~ilt ~ , P ikht·r, nsst. c·onc·h . ,)fl('him, Halt's, )Jc·H onnld , \'riH t'r, Eic·h ors t, ~trodP,




( ' hampaign _________ l-l ('hampctign _________ 7 ( ' hctmpaign _________ 10 ('hampaign _________ 6 ( 'IHnn paign ______ ___ ..J. <'lwmpaign _________ :2.) ('hampctign _________ !l ( ' hampctign _________ ..J. ('JwmpaigJL ________ !l ( 'hctmpctign _________ 7 (' hctmpctign_ ______ t. ( 'IWIIlpaign _______ :2 ('ham paig-n ________ _ ( 'hampaig-n ________ 6



Yilla Um\'P ____________ 4 Budd<'Y- -- --------- --- 6 Dctnvill<' ----------- - -- 7 ~ pring-firl<l ____________ 15 P<'Ol'ia ( 'pntral ------ -Ilin<l horo -----------l'l'hHllH --------------Danvilh• ------------ -l Trha11ct ___ --------Illinois~ - ]) ___________


6 2 :2 7 1

P<•oria .;\lallual _ ----- - -- .> ___________ ]:) lllinois :S. }) ____________ l ~pl'ingfi<'ld

(' r·hana - -- - -------- --- :3

\I • llu;ur.u

I====================~1l(!j}~«j) ~ P11gt Ollt 1111111/rul / (Jttrlu 11

GOLF The ( 'hampaign High , 'ehool g-olf t1•am pnjoy<•d a '-llt'l'<' sful -;ea on in l!l~ . Only two dPfrah WPI'!.' irlelll'l'('d in <·ompari-,on to omr half dozen Yidori(' owr ome of the b('-,t (('HilL in th<• Big- '1\n·lw ('onfen•ne<'. Xot satisfi<•<l \1 ith thi-; n•<·ord til(' hoys eapt ured the troph~· l'l'Jll'<'s<•nt ing- tir-,t plaee in the annual tourJH'~ held hy tlw -,dwols in th(' Big- '1\relw. Earl~- in th<• l!l:2!l -,pason sewral Yietories had h<'<'n attained aJHl no one had defeat('<l the :Jlaroon g-olfer to date. Golf i~ rapid!_,. g-rowing- mor<' important as an inter~!'lrola-;t ie sport in Champaig-n Ilil!h • 'ehool. ::\Ion• and lliOI'<' ho."' ha1·e bt><'n r<•portinl! a. eandidates each y<•ar and a gr('at dPal of Jll'\1" interPst has been taken in it.

~n~~~l---------------l 1'111/< 0111 llun<ln <I fifln 11

/ .t / 1 /o rt'llll : llupkiu,, ~•·• ·kf'r, (:nthri••. Htu·klf',, \ \ ' ultPr,, ~11r~·. l'hilll;l', Lnk••. (J''\ P:tl , lluukf', llt'ck, ( 'nlimt·sp, (;uhrit~l , \\'Pit•nkUIIIJ), 1'-uhn, Jlnll. J\.ru\\~, \YiiP,,.. l'ro. Burl!t·ss, J1iPrmnn .



~\ft<'r a s<'a.·on of bas<'ball du rin~ th<' fall of thr y<'at·, the ~iris' gymnasium da . . e praeticed voliPyhall. ~I iss Quarle. patiently tau~ht them all the fnnda nH'ntal. of thr gaml'. Thry h•amNl to S<'rve the vollt•yhall and to rPtnrn it owt· tlw nrt with ('ase and d<>xterity. Thl' girls had . onw trouble learnin~ to bit tiH• ball on th return with two bands but t hry eventually )parned that this was tlw hP t way. Tlw girl also had difficult~- leaming hO\r to hift from on po ition to another hut after spveral detailNl )pctures on the snh,jl'ct they ]parned to rotat\' dock" i. ·(• in one position when ''Hide ont'' was callt•d. .\ ganw wa won wlwn either team scored a two point l<•ad with 15 or morP points. After all the numerous instructions wen• received and re •ord\•d in the minds of the girl. the fonr cia ses W('rl' dividrd into t<•am. (•onsi. tin~ of six or eight pla~·erR. An elimination tournanwnt \\as tlwn played and any team losing OtH' ~ame wa. dropped from fnrthrr comp •tit ion. 'l'lw champions in the ditl\•rent t·la .· s were a;; follows :- Hour I, ,Julia :\lildred Lake, eaptain; Hour II, .Jan· PhillipR, captain ; Hour III, Billie Hall, t·aptain; and Ilonr I\~, Hnth Kuhn, taptain. Before taking 11p th next ~->pod of tlw season, hashthall, tumh lin~ " ·as a new activity intro<luc d in the ~ymnasium <• las e · with ~lis;, Eh•anor Parmal\'t' of tlw eniwr ity of 1llinoi. coacltin~ the ~irl~->.

a-c========================41l~~~ ~ l'11q• On•· llun!lru/ xi.rlnn

l~ ' ft

to riflltl : Ht•rhnum. !'4mith . . \yl'r~ . Fil""oll , Trout , BriukiP~ . Jlif·k• ·r. Find1·t', ('ro~lin. HPituu . 'lurn·ll, .l :lf·ksou. SaJiuday, Hltwk.


~l OR E

I luh:-;oJI , (;rPi n . "~o rkmau .


\Yith one ,\ear of Yaluahle <'XJWri<'IH'P the Nophomor<• launched enthu iasti<·ally into thi year's <'a on of volle,\ hall. Tht•y pral'ticed on ser\'ing the hall and trying to pia('(' it in tlw oppositt• eourt <nnt~· from tlw opponents' eagt•r hands. 'l'hl'y also "·orkcd hard on returning the hall owr "hat s<•enwd to tlwm an <•xtn•Jnely high nt>t. IImn·v<'J', wlH•n the~· r<·memlH'J'l'd thr axiom "two hand for beg-imH•rs" t hl'y de\'l'lope<l mon• kill in t hi phase of the sport. In cath <·leis. krrn <·OlllJH'tition was prPYah•nt and eath pla~· l'J' tro\'1' her utmo t to outplay hH opponent. \\1wn the time <·ame for tlw tonmanwnt it was dt>cidP<l that a. ea<·h tPam '"' dt>frated tlH•y would he automaticall.'· eliuJinat<•d !'rom fnrthe1· tompl'tition . Th<• g-irl . kn<m ing- that they would haw to win their fir ·t g-anll' and l'VI'I'Y con'il'<'lJiiH• onl' if tlwy l'XP<'cil'd to ta,,· in tht• tontest play<•d all the hardPr an<l l!Hll'l' killfully. \Ylwn the final em·tain wa rung down on thl' totll'lll'Y the folIo\\ ing trams \lith th<•ir taptains in the l'l'S[H'l'li\'l' elassl's wen• found to be Yi<·· tor>-: II our I, captain, . \ lit·e Troutt: Hour I I. captain, Emog-ene Belton: Ilonr I l l, <·aptain, Xl'll HrinldPy; and Hour n·, taptain, Pearlp Croslin. ~\.flt>t' YOII<·.dmll s<'<L on the girls took up the gauw of ha kdhall and they enjoyed this pot·! equally <h much and if not mOJ'l' than Yoll(·~ ball.

l .f}t to t'iflll/: llnnkt•. LiPrmnll. ('nin. L<wkl'. \\'ill')·, l.:tkl', l'hn11ks. \Inti<• , Con)!hPnonr. t:rnn•s, ))ah1, llt•ruu.•, Ht~nnl'tt. \\•PtPnkump . .:\lara, CulimP~t·. (;ihson.





Tlw most drli~rhtful sport of thr "·intrr ;wason and thr one which tlw girl-. most enjoy is haskt'tball. Tlw past r<hOil \\·ao., eharal'tt'riz(•d hy many an ('Xeiting moment as 01H' tram o1· the other made a l)l·illiant play or \H'l'l' c·hampioth owr thPir foes. The girl. practicrd long- hour;., for about thn•e weeks trying- to pel'f(•d tlH' difl'(•rPnt ways of pa. sing the hall and of shooting hao.,kds and free throw;.,. Thr elwst thro,,-, tlw underhand toss, the two-hatHl owrhNtd throw, thr mH•-hand O\'Prlwad throw, tlw loop tln·ow and tlw shot put tlu·ow " ·rre all h•;u·ned and Jllll into usr whilt• th(• girls \\'PI'(' playing tlw n•~rnlar game. Aftc•r· this pract it(', thP girls in each ·Ia. s \\PI'!' divided into teams and allo\\'ed to seh•ct their own ·aptain. Th clifi'Prent team. played a Round Robin tournament. In the Frt'shman classrs tlw Yictors \\'('l'(' as follows: Hour r. Winifrpd Wilp~·. captain; Hour II, .Julia .Jlildrrd Lakr, eaptain; Ilonr III, Blanche Ilernw, captain; and Ilour I\', ,Jpan Iknndt, captain . . . \.nother sport which was takPn up hy thr gil'l.' ju;..t this ypar was t(•tmis . ....\. tournament was playrd otl' (lm·ing- April and .JJay at thr Stadium tpnnis court at the l'niversit~· of Illinois. .JI uch intprest mt;.; shown in thr new spol't and it is hopP<l this will continue nrxt yrar.

l=:===================~lldl)~~ ~ l'fl!l< On• II untln d fiyli I< fll

14t)l /o ri!lhl: EHJ:IPioll. ~alludn~. Hlnt•k. BPlton. 'lt>n·t>r. (:Pilt·r. llankP. ~mith. H. Hopkins. <:n·in, )J(•l\:pnzi~· . (;tlllin, &\. Hopkins, Firult·r, ( 'ros1in, l>t'i,·kmnn. LPasurP. \\'orkmnn.



'l'he , ophomores, of t•otn·-;e, did not ne(•tl the JH'aetie which the fre hm n did at the beginning of ba. kt>thall season. Instead their old form in playing jn. t 1weded to lw renem•tl. The t•lasses wet'(' diYided into teams con. isting of ·ix or t•ight members eaeh and a Hound Robin toumament wa. playt•tl. The Yictoriou. temm; wer captained hy Eleanor G(•ilPr in Hour I; ~\gnes ~l(•rcer in Hour II; Anna Ruth Ho11kin. in llonr I II; and Marit• Finder', in Hom· l \'. After . chool hours ~lis Rt•atrit•e . 'loan and :\lis. Eleanor Hout from the Fniver. ity of llliuoi. eoaclwd basketball practict' for the girls interestt•d in organizing cla. !-l bask tlntll tPmns. They helped dewlop the basketball skill and th spirit of . por·tsmanship among tlw girls. ~\. fn•shman team, a sophomore team, a junior team and a senior tt•am were OI'ganiz •d and a tournament was play('{l off. The . t•niors won the champion. hip by defeating the ophomores. who had previous]~· ckf't•atcd the freslunpn and aftcn,·ard: down d the juniors by a 26 to 12 score. The junior lo. t the final count, and th' seniors downed the ophomorc. "·ith an 1 to 11 yictory. Thi. ·eric of game~ wa. wry interesting and tlw girl arrived cYt'ry mot·ning- they wet· to play at eig-ht o'clock, a. the boys pnwt il·ed in the gym aftet· . chool hours.


On1 lunltlrt'rl uint lrt n


nor :

.:\lb~ <Jtlilt'lt ·~ . instnu·tor, Pla tt. ~lattox. Trou tt. Hu f'k iPs, Bt>Jltlf•tt,

\\' nt(•horn .

....;, t 'OIIfl row. 1 ·~ .. Johnson . LiPrman , )I'J , :-.:.t11HI'I. Ft'/11\IZ. ~t ' ( ' kPJ' .

J'irxl ,·orr. ~JH',\" , VHtH'I', I.PP, F \loor+>. (;oss, ..\rm~ t ron g.


.Joh n son , (;n) P, ('nin ,

H t·lt on . Pudli+'ltl. l'ot'tPI', (; , .J o hn~on, ~ u mmPrs . lJ tL tnhl t>, ~w:ul

\\'P tt·ukalliJI, ~ . \\' ~>t~"lll,a mp , :--:.han ks, .\nsl i n ~Pr , Knntttsdtn\fll'r, C ook,


ER '

W l l\ti :vr I



The girls' b<'ginnin~ swimming elass<'S \\1'1'1' hi~hl~· pat roniz1•d 111 th<> fall of so mnth . o that the~- had to be diYided into thn•1• ela s<>s "ith the total m1mher of gi1·ls enrolled being 1:25. ~\ s i to lH' ex)wded of h<>!!'inners, tlwy knew wry littl<' about "imming and ::\Ji-.;s (~narks began hy tl'aehin~ tiH•m th<> fnndaml'ntals of thi hl'ndi<•ial and intriguing sport. 'l' lw.\· fi1·st ]paml'd to float and wlH•n th<•y had mast<•n•d thi diffkult frat "fPI't" wouhl JWrhaps he the better word, for thi .· part of their anatomy persisted in inkinl! to tll<' bottom thpy attempt1•d to leam the fiutt<·r ki!·k ancl the overhand or ('l'CI\d . troke . •\Jt<'l' lea rninl! to s 'rim suffh•icn t ly, they \\' I' l'l' allowrd to ad vmw • from t hr hallow end of tht> pool to tlw <i<'<'P rnd in order to hi'I'OIIH' at~·ustonw<l to .·wimmill).! in d<'<'P wai<'J'. The IH'g-imwrs \\l'l'e also tau~ht to do plain front diving, surfaeP diving-, the side strokl', and tlw ha •k stroke. About the middle of th y1•ar some of tlw girls pa. sed the Be~inners' Test " ·hit·h required thP l)Cr. on to wim 50 fe<·t u . in~ any kind of . troke, with tlw Rrd ('ross Beg-inn<·r·s Button as tlw award. For th<' S\\·imnwrs · Test, a R<•d ('ro:s Swimmrr ' Button wa awarded. Tlw r<'!Illil'l'llll'nt \\'('1'<' swimming 100 yard fre1• tyle, all() :>0 f<•et ha<'k trokP. plain ft-ont diw and Oil(' urfae1• diw. S1•veral of the g-irl pa. sed thi te t al o. l!l~h

'''"'' 011( llllllrlrt (/ llrt lll/J


to ri[11ll: PtHifif'lfl. }o;tun•·t. PortPr, OtwrlPs, l'lntt. .J. John>on. BPll.

in~tnu·to1·. E . .Juhn~on . Yallf't',






Gnrgl , Gurg-lp. Blnh! Bluh-h-h ~! Xo they 'n• not just lt•arning- to .·w1m, Just being dromwd. Neitlwr is that a very logical statement in comwetion with th I.~ifp 'aYing ('las>,<•s, if one do sn 't mHlerstancl the ituation. Yon >.ee it· Jikr this. }liss Dai>.y (~narles ha a crew of <.,wimmer. training- to pa.: their Red C'ros. Life Navi ng Tr<.,t . Anyone will rral izr that to . ave a per. on, someOJH' mu t be in distre<.,s. 'rhl' patienh in-.ist tlwirs is the hanle-.t trial and <meetly repay the rescuer by an ''I 'cl hate to lHn·e you save me!·' • Tl'Yertlwh•ss, tiH•r·t• is no\\· qnitr an adt•pt group of ~?irb who haw passNl either the Junior or Ht>nior Lif HaYing Tests. :\Iiss Dorothy Potter who hold;., her examiner'. hadg't' aclt•d in that capacity for the ~?irl of Champaign Ili~?h chool thi · spring. 'rht•re is a good ch•al of traininl! nt'et•ssary to do a lock-arm cal'l'y, or for that matter, any of tlw otlwr carry and approaches so :'IIi. s Potter won't olenm1.'· shak her head. \Ylwn OIH' has brokPn :\Ii. s Quade ' strangle hold .. he i a •andidate for further tests . •\nd R ·n citation. ":\lis-. Potter, could yon hear her !!asp that time?" And so, from OJH' thing to anothee, tlw ~-ril'l \\'Ork their way tO\Htrd an in ignia for thrir bathing snits, and the titl of "Life , ayer.'' Brtty Platt. BrrniC(' Brinkrma, Iktty ,Johnson, and I•'ranc s Porter an' now N(•nior Life Nawr.. The ,Junior Life ::-;aYinl! t >it wa. pas ed by ,Janeth Lierman, lmol!ene B<'lton, and Laura •'tmlmrr.. Thr e test. art> to lH' g-iwn ag-ain t h last of :\Iay.


0111 1111111/nd lti'UIIY·fJIII


Tlj :\L





On }qwil 1!1, OIH' of tiH• most ouhtandin~ Pn>nb of the year, thr ~\nnual C:,\lll Drmon.tration, \\as lll'ld in thp auditorium of tlw hig-h sdwol. Thl'('(' hnndl'(•d ancl fifty g-irl·, ill(•lnding- all tiH• l!irls taking- l'r!'shman or sophomOJ'(' g-,nn elassp , partieipated in tlw t•vt•nt. Thr clrmontration was divided into thre<' part ; in the fir-.,t only the freshm<•n took part; thr Sl'COJHl \\as prrfornwd hy both ftY hlll('Jl and -..ophomon• girl. ; and th!' third part wa Pnadt>d h~- ophomon• girl. ::\I<m·hing tadil'-., Indian duh-.. Dani. h Day-..' Onh•r, \\'and-. and <lumhl)('l!s, and tumhling- wt·re featnrP of the tir.t part, "hilt• tlw st•eontl part eonsi ((•d of a Nwt•dish Daner, Yirg-inia Hrel, Nport ('log-, Folk Dancing, and a ('onYict DmH'P. ThP third part,'', 'pring-, ., wa. mad(• up of a Dance of tht> Nt•!'ds, Dan<'P of Hain and the Hainhow, DaJH'l' of tlw Nun and tlw Snnlwams. Old Fa himH•d Dane(', and Danee of the l\foonlwams. The two olo danep in thi. part ·were g-iwn h~- Ewly1J I ainey a. Hain and Edith YaneP a.· Nun. Th!' stH't·e s of tlw d!'mmJ. t 1·at ion \ra c1 uc to the tmtiring- l'fl'or·ts of :\I iss T>ai y (~uarh•s, phy il·al training- instrnctm·. . 'hp has eompiPtt•d IH•t· third :n·ar of skillful in, truetion not only in g~ m work hut abo in swimming t:lassPs. , 'he wa. also instmnl(•ntal in org-anizing ,Junior and NPnior Lif,•-N<n·ing- ('orps and the Life-Saving- 'lub in Champaig-n lligh Sehool.

l===================~ll~~<ij) ~ I'll!/

0111 luuuln rl t1rr 1111/·1 reo




l"o}l n11r ~t·t•ht·r. Ht·ic-hmurr. :--.hf'\\1\lll·r. \ld'ullouJ.!h, .\hn·11~. \\'hit••. •'''''Jilf/ rmf'. ~c·ot1, I.nrry. Phillippt•, KiJH'Hifl. <:on•. ~lit·g't·mt·,\t·r·. \Irs, Harlo\\. r;,-.. . , nnr \lc Kt·l', ('HiliJIIu•ll. rtuuill!.!HIU, IHil!.!t•J"ic·h. Br·it::.::-.., Hriukt•IIHl.

IIRO I LE R EV IE\V The ('flampoiun ('hronidl' hC'gan tlw ~·\'Hr with a dP!pnnination to mak\' thi-., tiH· mo"t -..)l('('('"'d'UlJ>PI'iod in tiH· hi-..tory of tlw JlllJH'l'. rn<lPl' Al!'ta J•'l<ming'cllll, editot·-in-(·hi<'f, tlw -..tatf wpnt fat· tO\ranl aeeomp)i,.,hing' this !'n<l. In tht• lllinoi ll igh .'chool Pre-..s .\ ssoci;ttiott ('onfPn'lH'<' lwltl in. 'owmlH'l', the ('hampaion Chro11i1'11 for l!J:? \\as orH' of the t'ort.1·-six high sehool JHIJH'I'S in lhP tal\' to h!' g'i\'t'll "Distinguishpcl N\•n·itt' Hating." .\lso 110rd wa 1'<'eeiwd this spring that tht• papPI' had hePn giwn a "J•'ir~t ·\'lets'-" honor rating in th!' Xational Pr!'ss .\ "oeiation. In tlw subs ·ription eampaign, ,Jo<' 'cott old the most the first seme ter with EJi,.,p Phillipp<' seeotHI. )Ji Bamlwr~r<'r· <Hh'i ory g'l'Oup and )Ii · Bate.., an<l ::\Ji,.,s L\'Nun• 's st'tOJHl hour elcts,.,!'s l'PC<'iY\'d prizPs as hundt·t•tl JH'r ct•nt groups. Necond s\'IIIPsl\'1', thP llH'lllll!'r of )!iss IIieks' and .:\!iss Ilohhs' adYisor.1· ~rroups \\ Prt' all uhs('l'ihPrs. Fnmc\'s Portpr was 11 imwr, \\hi I!' Elsi(• .Jlatti came in a elm•<' <'\'Ond. In addition to tlwsP tlw foll<lll in:,! l'<'t'<'il'(•d fr·<•<• ('llronil'll s for· the '-<'Ill<' tPJ', Bob Oarral'((, Ed N<·halk, .Jop Ntott, }lar·g'aret 0':\pa[, and Halph Bort>n.

trr===================~1l~~<!J) ~



;\IP .\HJ ~

CIIRO . I Lh ,'T .\FF , \ u:TI Fr.I~J\1,\11

_ \ Jus . B\HI.o\\

.\ 1<'1 a Fla n ingam ____ ____ __ ___ ______________ Editor-i n-t· hid

BPm it•<' Bri nkt'lllH -------------------------- Ed itoria 1 W rit<'r .John :Jid ' ullough __________________ --------- , 'po rts Editor \\~ilhur Whitt> ---------------- __________ ( 'o-sport-. Editm· Harlan , 'wi-.,lwr -------------- ht :-;eme-.,!t'l' Bu inl's-., :Jianagt•r Alfl'<'d Ht>it'lJJrJan _____________ ~nd :-;<'llH'"((•t· BusinP. :Jiana!!l'l' (lpor·gt• :-;P<'IH·r· ----------------- ___ __.\dn•rtising :Jiamlg'('l' Lois Larry _____________________________ ( 'i rcula t ion :Jianager :Jir-,. Alit•<' Towns('lld Barlow_________________ Fat·ulty Advi PI' HOT.\'1'10~ ,' EC'TIO~

Domth.'· I ung-t>rit·h :Jiary E II Pll .:\1(']\:pp BP!t,\· Brigg\\'alter .\hn•ns Franct•s Phillipp<' LoiTainP Kirwaid

I uth 0-,good ('0( t

,J ()(' '

Alice Camplwll .\nn , t ieg>t'llH',\'l't' Bnh , hPW<JltPr :Jiar·jorie Cim'('

Rt'porter-, : .Allwl'!a Kahlws. :Jim·ip Findpr·. Pt>arle ('ro lin. Eli P Phillippe. :Jia~· Phillips, Hosp Let' Bro\\'11 , Ho~· Uoudit>, \Yal lael' :Jiullik(•Jl antl Llo~·cl Olt'son. 'l'ypi-.,h: Paul Campron. Edith .\ nnstrong-. Il<>lt•n Liprnuln, .:\Iarg-art'! Thomas.

f' nyr 0111 lwnt/r1 tl trr1niJI


1011 l'fJir· ~•·ott. .\llt>n. PortPr, )lrl"l. Harlow . • ·,f·tnul rotr: )lc·L•·an, \ ynky . .\lorris . .\lnrshall. \\·ooch. -'lartin. I ;,·.,t r111r • l'a<llidd, l'arkhill. LPid•·n<l•·hr. lltll'k<-11. \'an•·"·

M R ON R VIE\ 'I'Iw tw<•ntit•th ,\Pal' of th<• ~L\ROOX ·s <•xist<'ll<'<' lwgan \Yith a most C'tH'OUI';~:,ring- rr<·og-nit ion of last yt•ar \ annuH I. 'l'IH• 1!l~M ('ham paign II ig-h )'<'at·-hook "as onr of tlw t<•n annuals of our class to n•cPiV<' an .\11-.\mPrican stan<lin:.r in tlw Xaticmal Ili:,rh School J>rpss . \s. CH·iation. This is tiH• hig-lwst award g-ivc•n h~· tlw or:,ranization and in<lieate a" UJWrior" tandin:,r. \York on tlw book, howewr, heg-an mHll'r cliflkulties. Thrn• \\as sonw eonfusion ancl clPia~· h<•eaus!' of tlw t'hang-<' of faculty aclvi <'t's a. ~liss Uihson wa. forcPd to n•sig-n he ·~ms of ilhws.. Of the oli!'itors sell'et!'d from each advi'iOQ' g-t·oup in tlw t•ampai:,rn, Marg-ard Thoma<; old tlw mo.t ~Lumo. ·.· with ninety-one to lwr erP<lit. Eug-etH• ('a ad <•ame JI<'xt with sixty-fiw. Tlw <' r<'eeived free• )L\ROO. : a.· prizes. 'fhel'e were Pig-ht who n•<·c•ivecl down pa~·mt•nt-, for selling- t\\·c·nty hook. Thes!' wer!': El ic ::\latti-,, Eloise Alh•n, ~Iar,jorie ~lcK<•e, .Jean ~lt'Lean, Rrg-ina Eisnel', Frances Port •r, Ilat-rirt )lnrph~·. and Evelyn Goodin~. l·nder the leadnship of Hnth Franc<•s Ilu<.:kett, editor-in-<.:hit•f, and thr asistanec of the faculty a<lvi. er, ~Ir . Barlow and ~~i~s )Id. . ean, art din'etor the memhl'r of the staff have woeh<l hard to put ont a hook which will nH'( t \rith tlw approval of tlw students of Champaig-n Hig-h Sd10ol and thl'it· fril'lHis.

e========================~1l(f])~Gj) ~



Gt'tW Wildl'r

{'atht•t•itll' Uamhl<' ( 'on>.ta tH'P lip-.;, Lucile Car on Rn-.;. ell Yakv I<'; u r"('JH' ('a ;t <l

.J anw X Ol'l' k<'r Iri {'hamlH'rlain Xral H<'id

Dm·ylt• ::\It> k im<'n

.JatH' ::\I art in

Hnhv Robbin

Dorothy l )nty

Bet6· Platt

RIP • far~art't Thomas <lrnt> {'a ad F t·an<'<'s Portt•r Eloi-.;1' •\ llt'n Eh>i<• ::\Iatti" E\·p]yn Unodin~ Ei 1wr


:\Iarjorit• ::\IcKt>(' Harri!'t ::\Iurphy ,J !'Hl1 ::\Id.J<'Hil :\pllir , 't n<ll't Alict> ,Jane , \·ott Do rot h;'l· I mtg-erieh Al Lt>idl'tHlekl't' Theodore Zimmerman {'harle-.; ::\IotTi-.; Katl!l'rine Stie~euH•yer


OLI I OR Doris Flrtdt<'r \~iolet B!·mwtt Lor('na "\Yhit<' ,John ~tl·ams

::\Iary ~tum pf Ura<'l' ~ha 11ks ::\Iar~ar

•t 0 ·.'pal

Yirg-inia Clifford "\Yinifrrd Bt'lH'r Ann ::\Iar;'l· .\ rm-.;tron~

"\Yallaee ::\Inllikrn Harriet Bradllllt'\' Ph~·lli Lt•t> • \\~ilma

Padfit>ld KathPrine \Yhitr

B<'tty Bri~l-!" Roger ('<be

~11~~~?-------------___l Pay• 0111 lwnfiru/ trrflllll--'' r• 11

s, ftinu rl!JII'Il in faslinu 1111 mary.

writinu. is a Picfdin{l

I==================~1ltip~~ ~ Poq, ()u, luulflnd llrtu/J/1 iyllt





• ·East is W t'st,' · a m•i nl and thrilling ('hin<'sl' lll·ama was the fa II pro <lul·tion thP Wig- and Paint ('Juh. }!iss ])plig-ht Collins l'Oal'IH•d it - ht'J' fit•. ! play g'iwn at Champaign Ili1!h , 'chool, and it wa" hailed a. a mot llCl'l".;sfnl aceomplishnwnt for coach, cast, and stag-e staff. In the Prolog-ue, a 'hin<'s Low Boat on tlw Yang-bw Rin•r g-an• tlw charad<'t'istic Oripntal <'1tin1!. Thi wai-l difficult and unusual sel'n<'ry to con . trud for which thP stag-e "·ork<'r'i are g-r<'atly comm<'nd(•(l. Ill•n• we m<'l tlw ~ing- ~m1g- g-irl, .\liee <'amplwll, Lorayne Harper, Dorothy lnng- rich, lmcille Carson, a n<l Dorothy Flowers. Thl'Y "·pre undl'r 1lw po" H of t hl' rl'll'lltl('ss propril'IM, Allwrt llall. At this time }ling- 'l'oy wa. broug-ht in for 'iale h~ hl't' ernl'l supposed fatlwr, Ilop Toy. Thi inister part wa'i playl•d hy William \V oods. )ling- Toy, an animated and loYahle C'hitwse )laiden, " ·as )l<u·g-rl't Caton ~Ill' g-ain!'cl th<' affl•ction of an .\nwriean Yisitor in ('hina in thl' ]H't'son of Billy B<'n on portrayl'll hy Fred Arm tron:r, who took his part l'XC<'ptionaally \\ell. Latl•r sh<' actPd as maid to Bill~· 's i tl't', )lilclred Benson. This part was wry n iel'ly tak(•n hy )] an<lene Bloug-h. Billy Ben on wa prpsent ,\·hen )Jingo Toy "as hroug-ht on to the Lon• Boat and prentiled upon La ~ang Kee to hny h<'r. K<'nnt'th Boraker (•.·cl'lll'ntly rPJH'esent •d thi 'hinaman who hefri<'nd d )ling Toy with his d pth of f<'eling-, "isdom, and kindne . Tlw first al't shom•d th • .\nH'rican honw of Lo ~ang- K<'l' whpn• )ling- Toy liwd. But whrn ,Jimmy Pott<'r, Billy Getman in hi'> eapaeit,\· as l·ity missiomu·~· sa<ll.'c told Lo. 'an~ KPe that .Jiing- To~ mtd go hN:au P of IH'l' tlil'tatiou. \\ay, he eoncludl'd a bat·~ain with Charlie Yong- for )lin~ Toy.


&rJ======================~1i6]}~~ ~ l'ilf/1 0111 luou/rul lhirl/1

Maurice 1\larshall in his role mahs this self-satisfied Chinaman s •em most life-likr. He lows Charlie Yong- a. none othH and con. ider. it th duty of Min()' Toy as his future wif to . how the same . entiment. \Yith the aid of ,Jimmy P otter Mingo Toy rscap d and went to thr Benson honw a. a maid to lildred, Billy' :ister. 8he is aL o ,Jimmy·. :-;weetheart and here ,Jimmy appear. a.· a most humorous and ardent lover. Mildred Parkhill playrd the part of ~It-,.,. Ben on with her characteristic poi. e. Paul Pedersen portrayed the deci. iYe, intelligent busine · man as 1\Ir. B nson, and Edward Burton wa. tlw lofty hutler. \Yh n ,Jimmy Pottrr b g-an to allude to a romancp b tween ~ling- Toy and Billy, the family wa. g-reatly troubled, for while she had endearl'd herself to each one of thrm, this brought ur)permo:t the idea of her race. Billy firmly refu:ed to g-ive her up and the family stood e(gtally well to tlwir dt•cision. ~I •anwhilr, harli Yon()' wa. greatly angered at thr g-irl's ('Scape. He, with his tong men, had promi. eel to pnt Lo 'ang Kee to dt>ath unles: he produced the girl. Chadie Yong " ·ent to tlw Bt>n.on home and aftrr 1\Ir. Benson lward his plea he promi:-;('d to deliwr ~ling To~· . Lat r, when only )ling To,\- r•mained down .tairs, Charlie Yong with hi. tong man n•tnr·nc<l. Tlw :tag-P was (]arkt•twd and their knives g-1 amrd wlwn the Chine:e maiden turned around. ~\t her cry tlw family <tnickly gathered and Lo 8ang Ke(' also canw in. As th • tong man wa. told to ·trih th • dt>ath blow he refused, ayin!! he had no right to kill her for . he wa. the daug-hter of a famous American missionary and lw, Hop Toy, ha<l stoleu her. In this new;, everyone rejoices. , 'inc(' the one obstacle hl'lween them ha. be<'n r emoYed, ~ling­ Toy and Billy are happy. ~\nd so th(' final cnl'tain clo.·e. on the \ri:-;e and nndt•r tanding sp<'('<'h of Lo 'ang Kt•e a. he says, ''In the lnfinitt'. ~Iin~r Toy. whene all thing come. th r' is no East. then• i:-; no \Vt>st, \Y!'st is East, HIHl Ea. t is \Ycst."

~11~~,!------------___l l'ng c One illtntfn ·fi tllirl lf·O IIl'

"TO~I:\IY" ''Tommy'· may nO\\' lw addP<l to the h i!!h >;(']wol 's 1ist of su<'<'<'ssful plays. [t \Hls }ll'<'sPntP<l hy tlH• .Junior ('lass, :\Ian·h G b<'fOI'I' a larg-p and t•ntlm iastic audiPnl'l'. 'L'h<• play is a modpm and <'Omparatin•ly lll'" prodtwlion. Tlw I IH'lll<' deals with thp modern girl who is lll'si<'g'<'<l by two ~mitors. BNwt hy confiiding ad vie<' and plans of artion on all sidPs, . h<' knows not '' hi<·h "·ay to turn and thinks nothing- <·ould h<' ni<•Pr than a rhanl'<' to mal\(> up h<'l' O\\n mind. :\IaHd<'ll<' Blo11g-h took the ]pad as the . W<'<'l but wilful :\I;u·i<• ThurlH'r. Tlw family was <l<>tprmined to "get h<•t· <•ngagt•d" to Tomm,\· YPI'~· soon and tuml'<l I'Yer~· sp<'<'<·h into praisP of '['ommy. \'l'l'y naturally :\Iari<• t'l'h<'li<'<l against -.;neh ear<' all(] dl' in•d to work out lwe own life for lwrs<'lf. Tommy, hee mo>ot anlent uitor, and the "little gentl<•nHlll" of tlw town was Y<'r.'· m·ll play<•d h~· ( 'hl' tPr Bt·owncll. lt was h<• \rho brought )Irs. Thneh<'r a hox of soft <·andy ' 'on a<•<·ount of l11•r tPdh " and 11<'Y<'r forgot :\It·. Thudwr's <•igHt' "h<'n h<• eame to <·all on :\Iari<'. lit• was newr too oeeupied to help :\lr. Thul'lwr solve a pal'li<·ulal'ly knotty eross-\\·onl puzzle or to run and get )lar·ie 's mothn somt• more pml11·oid<•ry silk. Jn -.;hort, he firmly lwliewd in obtaining the suppmt and help of the t•ntit'<' family in hi. uit. ('ontra ted to him wa Bernard. He " ·a :\Iari<•' · otlwr uitcw and a hustling and . <•If-as. nrPd young hu im•ss man who hl'liPved in going- aftt•r ''hat lw wantP<l and gl'l t ing- it. '!'hi role was most t•ffieit•n t ly eani<•d hy LPsl i<• ('Ia rk. 1i<·<• CampbPII and Franklin LoY(']l deservp the hig-hest of praisl' for their sneePssf'nl portrayal of tiH• hrroine 's fuss~· and <h•terminrcl pan•nts . • lr . Thueh<•r with h<'r desit'<' to S('l' :\Iari(• and Tomm)· IHIJlP.'. tog-l'thl'r did all sht• <•otlld to help. fr. Tlmrh<'l' wa . . rather t•ee •ntrie, and man -like had JJot a gn•at dPal of u c foe his wife· mat<·h -making . ehenw . IIi . on<' pa. sion wa. eross-" ·ot·d puzzl<'s and until

l'a!JI' Out· iltlllllrul tltirllfiiCo

Tommy t•mnr to Jwlp in tho. rand bring- him a cig-ar. he wa-. mo. t miserablt>. Both of the e charadel'izations were very well and humoron ly done. Uncle David Tuttle was the chara •ter portrayrd by Xl•al Reid. Ile wa. a jolly and debonair fellow. hut abow all a crafty politieian. In both honw and eity cirl'l(•s his kl'l'll diplomaey and in-.ig-ht into human dlaractpr made him most outstanding-. To praise 'l'<'>mmy, he said, worked ag-ainst their· Pnd; and he took ewr·y opportunity to laud Brmanl lwfon• ::.\Im·il'. ln Tommy's one dnnuatie strp and final eonque.t of ::.\Iarie \ affection..,, it wa. lTndP Dave who sug-g- •stl•d it and saw that it had the dl•sin•<l efft•d. £\!bert Ilall wa-. thP dig-nifil•<l .Judg-e \YilSOJJ. Ile \\·as a cr<lllY of D~n·e \ and the two worked tog-t•tlwr in the communit~ politic;;. ::.\Ir-.. \Yilson wa;; pla~·Nl b~· Ile!Pn Buchrr. .'h<> wa. tht• typical mall town neig-h hor-tlw kind who "ju t runs over" to n•tnrn thi. or that. Her son. \Villit'. Wl' !war rather than . l'l'. In thi eapacity Bill \Yood \ \'Oit•r i tlw wr·~­ eeho of impudent childhood. Orr<> noticeably . upe!'ior· feature of the production wa. the <•ast as a working- tmit. During- the entire play thl' halant•r of tlw t·ast to each other in both action and appearanee 'ra. excellent. Ouynith Uilll•spie and ~Iaryht'th ::.\IcKenzir entt>rtainrd with -.ong- and dancing- between the acts with \ \Tand a 'ooper accompanying- on the piano. 'l'o the .tag-e workers, too, crPclit must lw g-iwn. ::.\Ii . :\IcLean a. art <lirpdor was responsible for the cenery desig-ning-. :.\lis. ThrH\\ I took charge of tht• tit•kt•t . ale. ~\ bo ammrg- the faenlt,\·, :\lis. (~uarles, ::\Ii,.,s ( 'oh·in and ::\Ir. ::\ItKinnt·y HI'P to b • thankP<l. ~\mongo tlw junior working- .taff are:. tag-e uuuutg-er, .Jot• .'dranwl; a. sistants, Hobert Garrard, ::.\Iorri Fisher. and Billy Hoss; rh•dril·ian. Fn•<l Al'lmtrong-; publicity, France. Porll't'; assi-.tant . \\'illiam \Yomb. arul 'arl Yortkamp; per-.onal propcl'ties. Franl'es Phillippe; stage JH'OJWt't,\' nwnal! •r, Anne Ntieg-enH•yer; prompter, Eloist' £\llt•n; a si. tant. Betty Brig-g-.. Final honor;; go to ~liss Dt>light Collins for tlw sm·<·(•.,s of tlw produdiorr.



llulllirt·ll tllirltl lllru

"CL RI:J\ E" The ·enior class pt·t•sented "Clan•ncP ·· a tlwir play this ~·par. It is a fonr act comedy by Booth Tarkin~ton-a comedy with sueh a eombination of leads an<.lsupportin!r characters as only ht• eonld produt·e. The plot centered around ('larent•e, the young rt•tut·nt•d soldier. This JHlt't was taken hy ·william Xorton. Oppo. itl' him played Ruth Frances Iluekdt a'> Yiolet Pinn y, th govenH•.· .. ~laking- a sng-g-t•stion of a triang-lt• affair wp found C'ora, tht> young dau~htH of lw 1Hmst> pla.' t•d hy Dorothy hmg-Pri •h. The JHll't: of her parents, ~Ir. and ~Ir.. \\'heeler, Wl're tahn by Fn•d Armstron~ and ~1il­ dred Parkhill. ~\.nother membt•r of tlw famil~·. Bobby, a "dud ish" sort of peron, was the character played by .Jat'k. 'nil ivan. Other JWt'. om; in thi: play were, Wilma Padfield, playing tlw role of :\Irs. ~lartyn; H<>ta 0'. 'eal a.· Dt>lla. th • elev r maid; Hunter Hn. sell as Ilerht>rt HtPttl. an nnsm·eps. ful suitor of \'iolet \; and .John ~IcCullongh in the character of tht> hutlt•r. Din\\ iddit•. 'lan•nee \ position in the \Yhel'l!•r family was that of the Nlu •at •d handyman. He tuned the piano, he played the saxophmw, typNl and repaired the hathroom plumbing all as a part of the day\ wMk all done with equal grat•t• and equal, if any. kilL He also fitted into the soeial life of the famil~· very sueeessfully a. he wa.· in turn gnid<>. philo. opher. and fri<>ml to tht• variou membH.· of this disturbed and disordt'red ~roup. Tht• four set•nes took phH·t> in 11r. \Yh(•plpr\ Xew York bu.-ines. offiep and in hi-; suburban home. To ~1iss Delight Collin. aO'ain go prai. e for another . uccessful d ramatie prodnetion in Champaig-n High School. Ilt•r work with the .tudents ha heen notably sue 'Pssfnl.

Page One hu111lrcd thirty-jour


El\IBL Y 0:\E-




.\lrss ( 'oi .Ln >;

Lr ·c ILI,E ('.\RSo-.;




This "a a mH•-act play Jll'CSPJJt('d by \Yi~r and Paint nwmlH.> t' durin~ an as'-t'lllhly JWriod in ~larch. Th . tory i · of a couple \rho work by intrigue and und(•rhand llH'Hlls to ~d tlw motH'Y of a foppi. h ~r(•nt](•man, who i. in fact a disgui~-;p(] dPtediw. Thi~-; part was tahn by \ ' irgil Bennett. The otiH'r h\·o part: wen• tahn hy William Wood. and l\larian Tt>mplin. ~Iaudene Blough " ·as coach of this play.

"TilE \VILL-0 -TIIE-WIHP" This was a w<?ir<l tragt><ly pn•s<?nt<·d hy \Yig and Paint memh<?rs <?arly in April. It was most enthusiastically received by th<? assembly and wa: haikd as a real su<:C<'ss with t'ast and coat'h d<'sPrYing a gr<?at d<?al of t'rNlit for this production. Tlw . dtin~ wa!-> that of an English moor where the one inhabitant wait. for th<• "Pod" to rt>t urn to lodge tlwre and as ociate with tlw \Yill-o-the-wi.·p and other sprites of the moorland. This old woman' · part was very well taken by Bernie<? Ht·ink<?ma. Tlw p<wt ·.• \rift>, ~Iildred Parkhill came with h<?r maid , LoraytH' Ilaq><?r, to vi it. Both th sc parh wt>r wry vividly portrayed-the haul!hty •it~ "·onuw and her . ophisticated maid. rpon tJwir arrival at the cottagr th<?~· find a whit<•-fat'Pd maid<?n OCCUpying the hearth. ,'he is mute and after all but the poet\ wife hav retired he do . a mystit:al dant' , <•nti(•ing the woman ont into the moor in . pite of th prot sts of her maid and tlw old woman. The rol • was well played by Dorothy Inngerich . • •ev<•r more does anyone hear of her. WIG .AXD p ~\.IX'l' PL


Lueille Carson was the winner of the pin which it has been th custom of \Yig and Paint. clnb to pre. <?nt to the member recriving the mo:t point: for the year. Thes<• points ar gained by work done in dramatic line both a cast and taff of Jllays.

l'ag•· 0111 111111{/rc d thirt/1·/it'<

A passion for tn dl'lullafic al'l is inhi n nf in the nature of 1 1'1 ry 1111/11. - EDWL


L-----------~11~~({_1)~ l'rr(lr Oil•' /llllllll'l'li thirll! .<i.r


1'0JI rorr: F .•\rm~tron~-: ..Johnson. :\IullikPn, Xt•,rnith .

·"i.rth r·orr: :\Jillur<l. llnmlln,


l'i/1/r r·orc . (;rounds . .\1. ,\rmHtrmt).:, BuH<'h. X. AIPxnntll'r. Lnkt•, :\1. :\Jnrshnll. .lat•oh,. Kinnison , Hlul' <11'11. Bro~hl'r. ~toot<•y. ('11"111, HPid. l'ourtll rorc: ~<"hroPdt• r. )ftwiiPr, liPi<•kp, ll(lndt~r~un, C. ])clvi~. lnni:-;, ( 'orum. Cnnnnn, llt'ffPlting-Pr. Stt•urns. 1·"" ...\ 1Pxnru1Pr, Knrt ('fimp. 1'/rirtl roll': \'ttrPnm, !'olt•. ~ullh·nn, 0. )Jar8hnll. ~avn~P, :\lp:;~in~-:l'r . \\'uxlpr, (;Jn•· .. r. Rnu~hton , Barn· hart, HuHHt•ll. 'l'nll'. Jlillt•nu•ir. St•t•rmtl rrnr: Ht•nrwtt, \\'IJ('o ., 1'11'1', E . \JpxarHlH, llott, 'l'homn , 'l'ut·kPr. Trou tt, ~<'holt Ftllrll;npr, Hnum. l'lnkPrton , .\Jr. :\I<•KIIIIH'.I. J'h·Ht rou•: l+'lnui~nn , Jln~· PM, ,:\Inrrintt. Pft•ift-r. I.~. )lps~lngt'r, Flu('k, 1'. UU\'i H, KPPnnrt. Oull<•k, llu ('oHtll. \\'uHdwr, Adum,.

BA D La.t fall the band, directed by ~·Ir. Ira ~\. 1\IcKinn y, JH'es<•nted two .·ucce. ·ful concerts, on an outdoor affair ~iven at the hig-h . chool, and tlw otlwr with the rbana Hig-h .'chool band. Tl1es bands abo t'O-OJH'rat<•d by playing togethPI' at thC' stat<• basketball tournam nt and at tiH' annual Thanksg-iving foot ball l!ame in the Illinois stadium. In the district tournament at Spring-fit'ld ('ham paig-n placC'd second which made thC'm t>lig-ihlP for thp state t•!mh•st at th<' L'niver. ity of Illinois, JH'il '27. Here tlw haJHl won sixth honors. The .·oloists ])lacing in tiH• cont<•sts WI'I'!': Frederick ~\rmstrong, ba. s, fifth; l\Iarion Guli •k, comet, ninth; Harry Heffelfing-er and .John Steams, tromhmws, eig-hth and ninth re. JWctiwly. 'l'lH• band ha. co-operatPtl to a laq:('P <·xtent with ath!Ptic by playing- at the football and ha. kethall l!ame.. On Odober HJ they went to .'pring-field to back tiH' football t am. 'iYic org-anizations have also bpen <'nh•rtaint>d by thP hand throughout the year. )ln. :\Id\:1:'<:\E\

l'Ufll' One llllllclrul 1/lirl!f·riy/rl

Bru·k I'IJW Os:.:ood, Ht•ll. \II" l'olvin. ~!t•ar•"· .\lnlllkt•n, Thl'iss. \lnrslt•llnr. Kinnison, lll'lfl'ltingt•r, lln ('ostn. «:nlkk. llil'kl',l. Lor<lnn. llnnhnm

row. Zimnwrmnu. lluti;,:-PII~. Portf'r . .\rm~trnii,L!'. 'luf'lll'r. )lnrriott, Willl'rup. ])nhl, TholliJ""" (~orl', ~tit•,l!f'Bif',Yt•r. :-\t·ott. (;riudlt·~·. Ou,:.:. 'luurP.

...... f{'(Jtld




Find row \lurph)-. Lt·t•,

ORCIIE TR Thr orehestt·a has eentl'rl'd iL· att<•ntion this Yl'ar on the "Big- 12" ~:ont1' tat Peoria ~lay-!. Tlwir t'ollll' t numht•r W<'l'l': fir.t mowment of '',Jnpit t' • ·~ mphony," h~· ?IIozart, "hi(']I "a: jnd•rrd, and "Eg'yptian Ballet·' hy Lni~ini, unjud~NI. :\Iarjorie ~Iut·phy, Yiolini t. wa~ the onl~ . oloi t. Ilt•r lllllllher wa ".\ndantc Tranquillo ·· from ('on<'Prto Xo. l I I, hy ]) 'Brriot. l'nder tlw ll'Ctdership of 1\li. ~ ('Iron ('ol\'in. the orehestra HI'<'OIIIJHillit•d thr Uirl · Ult'l' ('luh OJH'retta, ":\Iis~ C'arntht•J'S R<•tums... Pi<'t'PS .·ng-g-t•.tiw or ( 'hina were pla~·<•d h1•lwt'l'll <H'h of tlw fall play," Ea. t is West. .. 'l'lw. ' ineludPil ":\Ionwnt :\1usical," "China," and "Fall1•n Leaf." On1' of the ouhtctnding public JH'rfonllllll<'t'S of tlw ordwstra was at tlw Lottit• H\Yitzer Memorial assembly, • 'unday. ~\pril ~6. ~p)e('(ions W<'l't' "~on~ Without \Yonls ·· hy T 1•haikowsky a1Hl a part of th<> ",Jupitl'r Nymphony ... Althoug-h tlw ot·ehe~t ra ha. been handicapped hy ha,·ing- to p1·adie1' aftPI' sdwol in tlw all(litorium, tlw~· haw aeeomplislwd mueh fo1· the music drpartnwnt of Champaign ll ig-h. \liHS ('ol,\1:'<

Pnyt On•· lwmlrul tllirtyuilll

To1' row: ])otiU!hPttPP, HinlPsc·hl. Lt•+', Hruwu.


Ht·ll. Hndu•r.

,.,.,,,/ mw: .\lis• <'oiYin, Hopl'r, J)illmau. \lt·KP<'.


\lnrph~. \1,

BurkP, ..._\



\lullkau. Hra<lhtll·~. "'""""'· \\'hit•·

llopklns. Tu(•kt>r, K. ~IIP,I!t'lllt'~-··r. I irxt rou-: .\IorfP,\, ~JliYt'~. ~mit h. \\"hitP. E. "ullh!all. Kinu. Fi"'f'liS, .\rnhtrun;!.

Fisht•r. Hlnuuh,


GIRLS' GLEE CLUB On ~\pril 1, th<' (lirls' Ul<'<' Clnh Plllt•rtainPd in <·onjuJH'tion with the or<'hPstl'H during a "P<'t•ial assPJHbly. Tlw girls han· al. o Hlll<l<' many puhlit: apJH'Hl'aJH'<'s throug-hout thp r<•ar, sing-ing- for tlw Pat·t•nt-Tt•<wh<•t·s' ~\ssn<'iation an<l various wonwn's org-anizations. Om• of tlw onstanding- prP'iPntations of thP Ult•p ('luh wa'i tlw OJH'rl'tta. ")li"" ( 'aruth<•r H<•t lll'lh." TIH• nil!. ic wa dit't'<'IPd h)' ~Ii " ( 'l<•on ('oh·in, while .:.\Ii " ])ai y (~uarlP'i taug-ht tlw <lanee and ~Ii-..., ])plight ('ollin" <·oachNl the '-JH'aking- part.. ~\II nwmht•r took part in tlw play. Tlw pri1wipals "~'''<': ~\nna Huth Ilopkin., l\li'is .Jon<''i; liPIPn B1wlwr. ~Jar)', or Th)'I'ZH ('aruth<•J''i: ~lar.'' l\larg-ard , 'ullivan, Dt•'idt•lllmla; .\nnahellP TnckPI'. ~\nn; Lon'Jla \Yhit<·. IIenriPtta: Phylli'i Tht'i s, ~IPrlin; Flor<•nce HnJWr, Pa1t.'·; Opal Dang-hettee, Haphaela; IIarriPI BJ'a<llmr,\·, Ho-..r; ~\nn ~tiPg'PIIH',\'l'l', EIIPn; ~\nna ~Iary ~\rm­ 'itrong-, ,'ar·ah; J>hylli · L<•<•, ('lara; and ~Iildr·P<l I• islwr, Bridg-t't. 'l'h<• play <'<'lltPn•d around the \n•alt hy Th~ rat Can1t ht•rs who <li g-ui'ie<l her·elf as a maid at an exl'lusiv<· g-irb' boardiHg- >,{']wol to leam >,omething of the school <·an <'l' of D<•'idemmJH, hPr ni<'<'<'. \Yiwn ~li'i'i C'al'llth<'l''i n•aliz<'<l that hPr chaqrc \\<l'i n•<'klt'ssl)· di. posing- of hPJ' largo<' allm\allt'<' and \\a. planning- to elop' with a young- man "ho lowd lwr for h<•t' IIJOJH'.'·· '-h<• n•v<•aled h<•t· ident it,\'. This . ettl<•d matt<'!' and <·verything- ended happil.'··

I======================~1l~~Gj) ~ 1'11!1'


ln11111n II /llrlft


Page Ouc htmdnd forty-two

l'ngt 0111' huutln tl forty-1/lrl't

Pagt Otlt huttdn d forty-jour

Page 011( l1 11111in tl foriJI·/il •


0 Ill lnnrrlrlll /fJrtu -•i•·

PliO< One 1111111/rt (/






llltllllrcd furty -• iyltt



We are confident that the School Board, Mr. Moyer, Mr. Allison , and Mr. ulen will use their influence to secure Champaign's admission in the Big 12 for the coming year as well as

"Build Our Gym for 1930"



PHONE 5358


l'aQ<' 0111 1111111/nll jorty -ninf.'


You Can Buy With Confidence At Willis' T h e !-oitot·e of Quality

SENIOR SLAMS AND SLURS OF WAS AND TO BE P.\l'L PEDEW-lE. T is running on th<• I. :\I. :-ip<'Pdin:.r vandevilk <'it·t·Hit. EvPr.\· ni:.rht lw apJWHr'l Hfl '"l'ht> FacP in tlw Banoom \Vincl<m·." Ll'(' l LLE .:\IOl'('II, a famou. vibrator :.rirl, has jn,.,t ori:.rinatP<l a new danl'<' .tep ealh•d "The Y<'liO\\' Pig •'l11mp... :-iht• dances for tht> . 'alvatwn Anuy 011 :-iatunlay night . ALBEHT LEI DE. 'DEKER i. ht•atl administrant of anal•stheties for the "Jns<'l'l ('Jub" in Podnnk ('pnt<'r. ED IT II .\Hl\1:-iTHO. '(l Jw.., inwnt<•d a nt>w prol'l' " of makin:.r a princes.. lip on a banana peel. \Y.\ L ·g <'ADE ha. bePn t>IP<'Ied Chid BolllH't'l' fm· tlw. ·ational OnH'r~· :-ioeit't.' f<H' lion <' D ef etive.. ~L\HOHET ('.\TO. is the famous <·hiropnwtil• ;,oprano-she sing.· in all tht> joints. PIIYLLI. ' TIIEI:~· ha!> just opPn d a "Bnty :-ihoppP. '' Sh<' sp<'eializt•s in ''Pain It' s EyP Plu!'kin:.r. '' IL\:\ 1EL IXDLOW i!> studying oratory he is a<ldre ·. ing env<'lope .. ,JOII •• :\IeCFLLOT'GII i. a hig draft man in th<' C'hampai:.rn . ·ational Bank. II <• takes <•an• of th' doors and windows. DOROTHY WDDIER POTTER has rpnt d t h<' famous "Ilouseboa t on thp Styx." \\'lLBCR WlllTE has made a name for himflelf as a "Iloo<'y Peddler" on tht' Centerville Tim .. ,LH' Y :·H TLL l\T~L T is the famous ~-<•ll king. He calh; out stations f•lr the Waba. h Railroad. ~L\BEL TAYLOR, becaus of her most perft>et set of fah' tePth. is po.-ing for Pep.-odent Tooth Pa. te ds. ''P ..L TT,''' D OLEY has just finished his latest book entitl d '• fy Ji'irst .Four Years in High School. '' T

Strauch's at Campus

Give A R eal Service lll

~\.rti .tie

PietHI'(' Framing ExJwrt Photo Fini-.hing and in Complt'!e , 'toeks of Gifts and Ureet ing ('ani For all o • •asions Fin<' Stat ion pry Yietrola. and i <'<'Onls Kodak. · and :-iuppliP'l ~IajP tie and \ 'ietor l adios


HousE At U. of I. Campus 709 S. Wright

l'fiUt OIH· hun!lnli jlfiJI

THEM ROO His JH•xt vol1tnw will lw a (•ontin~tation of thr JH'evion.· onP. .\L~L\. ~OH'l'O~ has j11st h<'t'n clt•dPil a ~l'('I'Ptary of • ·o lnh in Partieuhll'. \\'A~IL\ ('OOPEH ha. just cmnpo. r<l a lll'W ong an1l cllllH'l' hit rntitll'cl, ''Eit•phant On thl' hor·il's." :\IAX ( 'LL ·E ·~son has just won the Latin Pon~ nH'l' at ( 'hampaig-n High • 'chool. IIELE~ LIEIUIA. • ha l'l'Org-anizecl tlw "Oirl Prpsprvt•s" at ('hampaig-n. F.\. YI<~ HI DDLE is doing- tlw big tlow<•r dan<·t• from Pillshur.'·· FlU~ f) 1\IUL ' 'I'HO. ·u is ~Ianag-H ot' th<' ~Iaj!'stic Radio ~hop of ('hampaign. BILL C:E'DL\~ is a moclrl for • 't~·Jish • 'tout ~lieker. dPsig-ned by LlTILLE C.\H~O~. LEO~.\ UOOD~LL. is a . teeplt• ja!'k. ~hl' is a !ways up in the air ovrr omething-. ,JOE ( '.\~~0~ is a man11facturcr of portable air·planr . LLOYD OLE~OX i. · running- a compctitiw junk shoJ) ag-ain!it B. Brown, wlwn• hr s<'lls old cars fnrnislwd by IIO\Y.\RD HOWELL. COLLI~~ KLHBY ha just e:tabli lwei a fi \'!' Yl'H r t•oll<'W' conrs<'. He maintains that the first four years are for <'<lu<•ation only; whih• tlw fifth year i. ncc<•s. ary to g-ain that masterful poi t'. XE'l"l'll~ LOl IH is playing- in the l1<'W \\·alnnt ~t. Prodnetion-"The Mammoth ~It'at and Breakfast Food Female.'' BILL ~OHTO. ·is th' n•ason for the axiom- '' \Yher' ther \; a Bill th re '. a maid(•n ! ·'

:\IAIUOX BRL ·KLEY 1 head veterinary for <·r·abs that inhabit crabH!)ples.


Th • • ·orth,n•s!Prn ::\Intnal Life Tn.lti'HIIC<' Company

Sell Life Insurance at Lowest Net Cost Phone 9573 or 4780



P. & F. Corbin Finished Hardware


109 N. Neil

(Continued on Page 153)

l'nu• One

l11mtln tl

Jill 1/-0111



mue jfraternitp


RINGS PINS STATIONERY CoLLEGE j EWELRY oF EvERY DE CRIPTION E. ]. Cizek, Mgr. T . ]. Sherry, Sales Mgr. What Champaign Builds- Builds Champaign

Universal Bleacher Co. HIGH QUALITY PORTABLE SEATING 606 South Neil Street Pngr. One 1111111ln d flfl!rttco

Champaign, Illinois

THE MAROO IHT~ <'ILDIBEHL.\TX i~ pn•si<lrnt of thl' "llollll' llt•t•k <'luh" of TocnwrviliP. EDW.\HD ('L.\ . TY is tnn·Plin!! in tlH• Zulu l~lmHis under thP a~. un.w<l nallH' of I I i<·. Kot·~ . · uhk~. WILLI.' BI~~O .• has in\'Pnt<•<l a Ill'\\" lamp post \1 hil·h emll'orms to the l'lll'\'ahm·s of the hm·k and is tlwn·fon• wt·~ <·omfortahlt' for h•anin~. 'IIAHLl~~ ~IL\l.GEH, h<'l'HllsP of his hand ontP apJwaratH'P, i~ po~in~ a~ a model for <'ollar Ad . LA\Yl E.TE ,'TIT('IlEH ha a lifl'tinw po~ition in a livrr~· ~tahk. (l 0 LD IE P. \ Y •• E ha~ h<•(•onw thr. fif'tidh vi<"e- pn·~idPnt of the • ·ational .\ssoeiation of '1 iddkwink players. OR\.1\L BL\(T i. <·arrying on a profitahlt• husin<•ss in Jli<·kling lHlg\. kmH'ldP, in a big way and putting I hPm on tlw ma rkl't. IIEI .JL\X C'OHL\I has become a wm·lcl famous sknl h. '1\•dmieally he i. knmrn as "llonwle ·s ~hylo<·k, tlw Def'eeti\'1'. ·' :JIILDHED P.\HKliiLL Ita. finally n·alizPd hPt' highl•st ambition, to he on I hP stag<' .• 'he is employed h~· the Bi!!. \ill· Op<•ra llou <', as ofli<"ial ('Hrtain pullet'. DOX.\LD ('OXO\.EH i giving b sotL in the ('Ot'l'Pl't tel·hniquc of beggary. 'l'ht'. tud<•nt hod~ i~ hu·ge a. the

.\ t'rang<• !'or an .\ ft prnoon




311 West Hill Street

Champaign Phone 5982


Opposite Beardsley Hotel

(Cr)lltinued on Page 155)


Phone 9582

118 S. Neil St. I


11111 lllltlfinfi ft / IJI tllnc


HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES You can double your capacity--either in direct earning power, or in ability to do college work- by taking our courses during the summer months


10 Weeks' Terms




June 3, 10, 17


Commercial College


l'flfJI 011t lwmlnli flfi!I/OIIt


THE MAROO ineomr of thr awrage mrndicant is higher than that of th 11n:killed labor(' I'. IIELEX IIP< ' KfXH, :\L\HY IIYL .\XD, LOI.' POLLOCK and RETA 0 ':\EAIJ have tctrt(•d Hll old maid\ honw thP mo. t wond(•rful institution in tiH• • ' m·th End of C'hampaig'n . IL\ZEL IL\ Y took a correspon<lt•nce eoHrs(' in eartooning and is 110\\ drawing tlw famon t'artoon callrd P. '. ( Potato , 'a lad. LOIS EHLER is a mrmber of the famou . Eta Pri. on Pi fraternity at tlw CollPg'<' of L. ~\ . and f-3. (Long-leggrd ~\n ts and 'ucker . ) BETTY .JOIL ·so. ha. join d a ide how as the living skeleton. HARRY liEF FEIJFTXGER ha. tartrd an in. titution for kleptomaniacs. Ile rralized tlw nee s. ity of establishing on when a suppos d kleptomaniac :tole his chrrished :tuffed beetle. ReHSELl J ,J A OBS has won th international championship in 217 yard sprinting. II r ec ived hi. trainin"' as an entomologist •hasing butterflies. liAR IJD OAR~IH runs a . ubmarim• liM under tlw Bon(•yard from the town of Crazy Ilor. e on it. . outhern most hank to th eity of Oinny Pi"' on its northern most bank.



uoon nmTG .'TOHE L T ILL 'DY

PL~\ C' E

" Rexall Remedies''


( ontinu d on Page 156)

H . SWAN NELL & CO. Neil and Main Streets Where the Cars Stop

Start a Savings Account $1.00 P er Share in th<'


Congratulations Kaptain K lean of the White Line Laundry does congratulate the High School on turning out an annual ~1.\tWO'\ of this high character.

Your Lif Your IIonw Yonr



WHITE LINE LAUNDRY 42()(; & 4207 Ha•···~·

J. )Uilat·d

WALTER H. SAVAGE 205 Walnut Street

l'agr Onr /lrwdnd fij t y·fln

THEM ROO ~L\H<L\ HE'l' TIIO~L\ ~ and El ·U E . ·E ( '.\ .'.\ I) at'!' s!'lling- tii'WsJ HIJH'r ott a eonH' I' stand in till' 1•it~· of l~t'I'I'ZI' . TIIP,\' l't'l'l'i\'l'd tllc•ir training- i-i!'lling :Jl aroons \HIY ha1·k in 1!l:?!l.

MEET THE GA G I SCHOOL AND OUT for music, books, paper, radios and refrigerators

P . \ rLIXE l L \II L is d ining- on <'arrots. , ' lw lHlJH'S to h!'I'Olll!' a j!'wel!•t• SOlll!'dH;\' · ~L\ HT I X

<lOIOL\ :\ is till' ll1•ad windo\\ "a hl't' I'm tlw \Yoolworth Buildin:.r l neot·pida!!•cl. " I ~erub Yon Trnly. Trnly ('l1•ar" <'II'.

FIL\ :\( 'L' .\ LEX.\ XDEH is 1·hiPf Pl!•dri1•ian for h1• L ig-htning Bttg- Powl't' Plant . .:\L\ HIOX UCL I< ' K has just writtc•n a ne\\· popular hymn ·' Lau:.rh. ( ' Iown, (I il!g-1<'." II<• n•c·<•iwcl hi . trai11 ing- in litPratun• sc·ratc-llinl! his tHIIIIP on study room d!'sks.






liiLDl E 'l'll IICHT i .~ tlw worldn•no\\·npd " H uhh1•rski X P<'k ki" of tlw ( 'i r·ens.

P .\ 1'!1 IllTU IIES h as cl is!'OVPI'l'd a 11<'\\' way to mak!' a cig-arl'tt<' li:.rhterl'l'lllOVI' a ll t lw t ohaceo. D O R O THY II A. · K E i. a typl'writcr oih•r for Un•pt in:.rs. 1!11•. HOY UOCDI E, t lw fa m ous " L eo, tht- Lion TanH't'," has appl'alt>d for p r ott>ction a:.rainst hi wift•, tlw former DOHI S C OL E, w ho :.r<m' h im a bla1·k !'yl'. (Continu< d on Pag


Champaign's 0 Wn Enterlainmenl Center

l'fiO< 0>11' /11111(/n II fi/IY -•i.r




One of the most important assets of a successful man or woman is a good banking connection. This can only be developed by long association and mutual respect. The sooner you make the acquaintance of the officers and employees of this bank, the better your start in the busi~ ness world.


!'II{/!' 0111 111111111"1 d flfiJI¡ I I" I'll



·~· Serve if Some Way Every Day


Champaign Ice Cream Co.

First National Bank THE HARRIS BANK


N. M. Harris Pre.·ident

l'agt 011c llundnd jifty. fiyltt

H. S. Capron, B. B. Harris Yice-Pre. id nts



Wilson a. hier

THEM ROO Ul.JE~" • URI~J)LgY started a Komf,,· Kah Kar Korporation hut hi.· onl.,· Kab was ruined thP other day when a t•ouph• of patrioti(' pas. Plll!l'l' stood up when tlH',\' ht•at·d thP , 'tar:-;Jllllll!h•d Bamwr and therPhy JWrforatl'd tlw top of tlw Kab making- tht• vPnt ilation systPm perfl't·t hut \\'ht'll weather t•onditions \\('n' unfavorabh• it wa. rathrr leak~· . don't yon know.

II Z::EL DLLLO~ was being purstH•<l by II E~RY K ITCII. IIi affrct ions cPa. ed IHm t'v<•r when . ht> pointed out to him The Gr<•at Divide. The sofa 011 one half of tlw linr hrlonged to Henry and on th other side it wa . • 'o l\1an 's Land.

C'IIAHLOTTE HEACOCK ha: rit ten a new pia.'· called '·.'table :\laid:." Hhe nsPd the appropriate fictieions name of" Alfalfi Ilorsko. ki. '' .J E~\X McLE.L • ha. . tarted a gardrn but thr only thin" .Iw grows i. ''~rrow tired."


TAILOR! G Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing

629 E. Green Street Champaign Phone 5967

608 South Goodwin


l<'R~\" T

I H 8.\::\H ELHO~ has made known his ne,,· thpory to tht• effect that zine oxide is used in galvanizing iron and is also u:ed in lady·. fa<' • powd •r; tlwreforr female galvaniz<> their face to take the shine off. LtTILLI<~ :\IOR(L\X wa: the object of his n•sNlrch. MERLL KIR~IHE play· dra\\ back on the famon. fectball team of Yas. ar 'ollege. B~\RB.\RA ::\IOORE has started a '• Hl<•ep \\'alking , 'chool'' in ordt•r to tea<'h sincere Stay-out: the art of ", 'omnambuli:m.'' ln this way th y can r t while they run and never go to bed. ~\mong tlw first OJH's to appl)· for admission to this st•hool were LOTTI· HT ..ron" T. FR.L T IIAR'r, ~L\RY ELLE" .:\IcKEE, RG::5 'ELL \ 'AKY. and l<'RA. TES \Y T.'OX.


Urbana Phone 7-4355

Res. Phone 5754

Office Phone 21/6

THE PRICE PAINT STORE D. W . Price, Jr., Prop.



(Continued on Pag


\\·h o l <'SH I<' and R<'tail D a){'(·

Y:u•JiiSh<'S, '\'all rap<'l' and Glass

120 North Neil Street Champaign, Ill.


l'ng( O•u 1111ndrul ftfl•l nill('


Tim Says: If ~·on 'n• not g-etting- my '' Htyl<• oaeh" mag-azinP <'Yt•r·y month . . <'IHl ~·out· name in to Kaufman·~ rig-ht away. '('anse some mor e style tips that a1·e plenty hot will be ont ~oon and you t'an 't afford to miss them.




The Flower Shop of Distincfion

George C. Barsch jflorist Quality Flowers Service As You Like It.

Phone 5800 113 W. University Ave. Champaign, Ill.

If It's Music You Want You'll Find It At the

TAYLQR,fiSHER MUSIC SHOP AT THE CAMPUS Records- Sheet Music- Portables-Ukes Entertainers-Dance Orchestra

THEM ROO :\IAIW.\HET :\Il'LLI<L\. • ha mn·ntl'd a lli'W proc<'!-i of makin:.r !-iaJHlpaJH'l'. , 'hp ha hin•d a <·hol'lh ot' IInlalinla Dancrr to shak(• the natural sand from lnllwlws of :-ipina<·h onto sqnan· of l!llllllllP<l JHIJWl'. J n this way lw has t n•nH'IHlom.l~· n•volu t ion izl'd this vast l~ important indus! ry. J. IL\. T :\L\HKL.\. ')) ha "ritten a on<• act play eallPd "'l'hP :-ihot-<hm :\Iy !Pry.'· Tlw lrad. Dai!-i~ .\ir <:nn i. takPn hy :\L\H.JOH!E :\ll'HPIIY; Pop <:un, her nne] stPp-fatlwr is taken h~ ('AHL N.L':-i; LE:-iLIE \'L".'O.' play thr part of Buck Nhot, Dai y' · lov<'l'; mHl Ramrod, tlw haiP<l rifiP. is pla~·pd by XOIULL T WEL< 'II. The play is a hu~l' siiCCPs. as it was first pn•scnted at the Colonial Tlwatn• in lTrhana and tlwrefOJ'<' ha,; attntde(l connty-wi<le attention. .JOIIX , "l'E.\H:\,' is a notP<l polar !'XJliOl'rr. He :.rained hi I'XJH'I'i!•nce b~· climbing telephone poles to s<'(' has!'hall games. ('E 'IL lL\ \'IN i.., bringing home the '>hekPis by promoting- ki<lcly-ka t' races from co a. t to coast for men lwhreen the ag-!'s of 30 and 70. Tlw latP t winner: "<'rc W~\LTEH :-i.\ \'AU E. fir t; Hl'F1 t; N('lllWEDEH. :-;pcond; and UOHD • ' DACO, "L\ , third. Tlw fir. t prize wa. a rattle and the ~wcond and third '"ere rubber toothpid<..,.

Graduation Caps and Gowns

( 'hampaig-n Ilig-h Sehool

Supplied by



Co .



(Continued on Page 163)


Keep Your Hair Trim


This Summer By Visiting

J J() X. \\'alnut Stl'<'<'t


Champaign, Ill. l'hOll<' 8(;!)8

Pug• Un• IIIIIHin <I •i.rllf-OIIC


The Way of the WIS E If you are wise and want a bright future you will be~ gin now to make plans for your business career. Of course you expect to make the most of your op~ portunities. But how are you going about it? To sue~ ceed you must get ready. Let us suggest one excellent way to prepare. When the school year is over many forward~ looking young peo~ ple enter Brown's and take up intensive special business training. They don't wait until Fall and lose three months valuable time. Many graduates and also under~graduates get a busi~ ness training now during the summer months. It is surely a plan that will bring results. Come in as soon as you are through the school year. You may enter here at any time. Call and talk the mat~ ter over as many are now doing.


Business College SwAN NELL BLDG.

Page On r hunrln rl xi.rl!l ¡ltro



THE MAROO ALETA FLA~I~{L\:\1 1s a model for f<H'<' lifting operations. II<'J' employ<•rs hav<• only lift<•d cmp elw<>kthus OIH' sidP . hows a fa<'<' of :50 an<l the oth<>r in<li<·aeh only :w. Truly it is a gTeat adv<>rt ising s<·h<•nH•. 'l'lH• latest song hit, "Cud Nlw, , 'he Certainly <'ud," b~- l:,rot .\. ('owP, was inspit·<·<l by :JL\HL\. • 'l'E:JIPLL •. W.\LTEH .\IIHE. ·s 1s an ath!Ptc who 1s playing on thc• shrub team at tlw eollc•ge for Tn•c• , 'urg('on·. SliELDO. • WOLFE 1 a pradi<•al <·hok<•r on tlw stall' of tlw Pinc•ville ... II is Ia t four victim. ·w ere his wivC'. l<'HA~<'EN :JL\'l"l'ESO.· has <l('vis<'<l a JH'" prod 11dion sc·henw of bring-ing- <'h<'<'S<' from the moon and has t hPrl'h~ nHmopol izc·d tlw l'IH•!'s<' ind tiStry hy sPlling- at a cut -thl'Oat price. ::\.\O:Jll LEO::\AHD has IH•come a seeond • 'hak<>srware. She ts noted for this wond<•rftll lin!' "All th<' world's a s<·rc<•n an<l thl' men and '"OJlH'n arc llH' I'<' 1.' hra~·p r . · ' .\LFHED HEH'JDL\~ i out to save mom•y. His wil'<•, th<• fm·m<•r \Vilhelmina Biah•schki, a snakecharmer, wanted a Jll'W f11r JH'<'k piP<'<' so .\1 11 e.'i scmJe of Dr. Pickl<•hy \ Ilait· 0l'Ower on the snakt' and "hPn lwr pet hoa constrictor lw sutlh·i<•nt ''fuzz·· on it \\Taps it HI'O\IJH[ Jwr llC<'k. \Vhat a wonderful mind he ha. ! DR. II.A%EL P1\lTL IS ('\ll'lllg' di!->C<IS('S hy raising thc• temperature of paients to 110 dc•g-t·c•c•s. Sill' g-uarantees that tlw t•xee sive heat kill. the g'<'t'llls and if not it kills the patient. .JIAl{(L\HE'l' ~ORTO~ 1s an ins! t'tl ·t or of g-lass blowing in Kewpie Ko II t'g'<'. )L\RY lU~E\'ES is <lirel'tor of the "LuckY Still"' Ot·c:hPstra "hieh broadcast: l:rom . tation I. C. C Tlll'il' fa(Coutinued




313 Neil St., North

Buy Building- & Loan NharC's





S. K. Hughes, Secretary Neil & Clark Sts.


Builders of Quality Monuments Since 1880

Page 16 ·1)

1'11!/1' 01/f IIUIHinrl xi.rty-1/ll'tC

THEM ROO vorilt• rel!llition is "You're the in ~Iy Cal'load."

Where ~ Drink are Cool and Sandwi che are Hot




LOHIL\ IXE KIXC.\1]) has startPd a <'OtTl'. pondenee marriag-l' hun•an . •\1rrad.'· the JH'W projl' ·t is a sn<•ecs.-. Sonw <•ouples shr has maldtl'd an•: .\1 BEHTA KABBE.' and OLl<;XX Y.L' DE\'EX'l'ER; ('0~\"l'A. '('E: liE~.' and XOIUL\,' IIEL~IIL\TII; and C'.\HL DOII~IE and FH.\XC'ES BOYD. l.Iay Lorrainl' l'V<'t' eontinue ht>r good srrvi<'l's to humanity. \' IIWIL BI<JXXETT has joitwll , 'aint P<•ler in tht• JWal'l~ g-ates of lwa Vl'll. , lwd a t<•ar for the lh•ar man who. r wifl', 1ltt• fornwr DOHOTIIY DOTY. hit him "ith a rolling- pin. JOIL • BALE~ ha. . tartrd a Roa<lsidl' H<•tHh'\'0117. fot· the Hambling- Rah bh•. FRA~Tl .' 1XSKl P has joined th 'I hutHlPringIl<'t'd of IIappim• .. Il untcrs. 'LAREXC'I<J W.\ ~('IIJ<m is a ~reat an·hih•<·t for modPrn, nwdil•val, or ancient dt> ig-ns of do~ houses . .JOIIX ::\IAO. T~O- • and HE.·l l l<JT'l'.\ \'OXIIOLTEX an• orwratinga very sueee. sful business for pleasure Sl'Pking- imhl'(•iJli(• ('l'NltUI'('S. '['Jwy <•all their eorporation the "Dent a Fon1 (10. ,,

The iJly 'TIO E R Y

Mou Yios BRos. 119 South Neil Street Champaign, Ill.

E1'Xl('E .JOXES nwt with a terrihi • ae<·ident the otlwr day. She <•ontracted hydrophobia wlwn . he boug-ht a hot dog- and put too mtH•h hot'Sl'ra<lish on it and it bit her. \\T.\ LTER S::\IT T II is in the mininghusiness kalsomining-. ED IT H \'.\ XCE i. br<'eding- whit<' fipas for u. e on whitr dog-. so Yisitor of th<• possessor of sneh <'HilllOt easily <let ct the aforesaid. C L1EO. 'E pn,DI ILL is a JWdago~ue 111 tlw "Little I ed School- IIou <'," (Continued on Page 167)



lulll!lr('(/ xi.r/Ji four

THE MAROO Jos. Kuhn & Co.

Jos. Kuhn & Co.

Young Men's Clothing Headquarters


The largest and most complete selection of Prep Clothes in 118Y2 miles

Jos. Kuhn & Co. ILLINOIS





"Everything for the Home' '




PAINTS Phone 9278

105-107 N. Neil St.





Give Us a Ring 4900



Power and Light Corporation

IN ILLINOIS There are over 700,000 owners of public utilities. More than one-third the population of the state have a financial interest in the utilities. GEORGE STRODE Tt>nh. Awning-. . Pon·h Curtain . H ay •'tack a nd \\~a~on Con• r·s, an d P aulin. Everything Made of Canvas 201 N. Walnut St. Champaign IO:E 'l' 'S B

l'fll/1 Ont·



d xi.rl 11-xi.r


There are more than 34,500 owners of preferred stock of Illinois Power and Light Corporation in the state of Illinois.

THEM ROO "hi<' h yon oft I'll r<'a<l a bon t bnt srldom 'ier. Yl\'I.L • 01 EE. • ha · jn t taken new stati tie-, on the <lisea. e of phorrhra shr finds that 6 :>6. 100 out of ev<•ry 1:3 tH•eomh to this terrible .·ocial clang-cr. ELE.\. ·oR COOK, a well-known arti t, . ay. that EYELYX R.\.IXEY has a gift for painting. , 'lw . ay · he eould s<'<' it in her face. EYA F IELnBJXDER had all her teeth JHllle<l .·o she could sav toothpa. te money. BEHXICE BRlXKE.MA is hrad of tiH• strr t cleaning departmrnt in the De ert<·<l Yillag{'. E~DIA IIERXDOX, the first woman pnginrr1·, has . tarted on a g-rrat pro.i<•et. that of dredg"ing the great . tream Ye l<lr Boneyarde, so that watPr carnivals and eanoeing may takP place tlwre . •\L~L\ .JOIIXSOX i. eatehing insc<'ts on a hasrball team at \Vellesle~- . \LlXE , C' Il PLT~ is a poet. , he sPnt two of her poems to the publi her and hrcamc vpry much tlust<•rt>d when in rct11rn she ree!'ived three. . \L. IA LETT is in a quandary. Reg-ar<l l<•ss of the mmlrt'Ott.· ch•batc she ha. promoted on the subject he cannot <l ·ide the question "Do ·w omen



14 Main St.

Champaign, Ill.


(Continued on Page 170)


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are thrl'(' sug-w•·tions that ar'(' eertain to plras('. L(' us show you

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\\.ILLLDI IL\UEH~LL. i. taking gym work-he is daneing with a lot of dnmh-hells. Once walking :stop]Wd (']ainwd,

DOHO'l'l l Y 11 LOW .~<m~ wa. thi'Ongh an art mns<•ttm. .'he in front of a mirror and ex" It uutst h<• Lady Diana?''

,J ERO.liiE 0 'DO.·. 'ELI; is running a ''"·hi. per low" in th(• big eity of Bigsvilh>. '' ~ h!"


Parkhill's Tours 32 Cheser S t reet


OP.\1; E.\ OLI~TO:\ i a d10rtt girl in one of th late t produetion.· entitled "~hr Oot \Yhat .'he \Yanted '' hy '1'. T<'rtattght('J'. DELli;.\ Bl.T('KXEI wond •es if hy rai. ing ('0\\'S in t ht• hlu(' grass conntr~T ht• will g<•t eolorrd mille :\1 1LDHED B (L\HD has inwnted a JH'\\' kind of \ Yest(•t·n sandwich(Continued on Page 172)

Corn Belt Butter WHOLESOME- PASTEURIZED It contains the vitamins needed by every growing child




1'"!1' One ilulltlrt·tl •• rtnltl




Low PricesMay make a sale but it takes real quality to make a customer. We are constantly striving to furni~h fine printing at reasonabl pnces. The great number of custom rs on our books who turn to us when in need of real printing service prompts us to believe we are gi ing them what they want, when they want it, the way they want

it. We are proud to number among our customers THE M ROON of Champaign High and have enjoyed working with them in the production of th 1929 MAROON.

FLANIGAN-PEARSON CO. Printers for Particular People 10 CIIESTER ST.




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617 E. Green Street Champaign, Ill.






two hunks of hr<>a<l "·ith wide open }HI('('S in h<>t \\"('{'n. P ~\TL ('.\ l\IEROX i. doing research "·ork in th<> fil'ld of Bedohugology. He is said to ha l'<' begun at honw and cnhtr•Yc•d his fip]d unti l he has lw<>n Cfuit SllC:<'CSsfuJ. MARl E 'J' IIORX'l'OX has c•ollectrcl a c·ompany of puppets and is trawlingarmmcl tlw <•ount~· di playing- h<'r 11·ar<'s. ~Jw always wa.· so dramati<'! \YE~LEY ~TIPES and KATIIEIl.\" E HOBEH'I'~ an• <•xhihiting a P<'rfot·manc·<• of "Honwo and .Juliet" lmt it's just "Love's Lahor Lost'' bc•c•aus(' "Two (ie ntlc•nH'll From \ Trrona." IWBEHT •' II E\YALTER and ~L\ R~­ DE.\" S.\"YD EH, with thrir ".JlPrt·y \Y iws of \\' inclsot>, .. LOR.\ Y. 'E IL\ HPE H an<l II ELE. · \YAR D, cl<·c·idl'd to g-iw t ht•m '' .JIPa. un• for .Jlc•a urp" and after ".:\Iud1 ~\do About .\"otlting" (Continued on Pag


SHADELA D DAIRY PRODUCTS upply Vitamines for Youth, Health and 1oorr Efficiency

Shadeland Dairy Co. pASTEURIZED MILK


MRS. TILEY SERVES Wholesome Foods in an Appetizing Manner in the CHAMPAIGN HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA

I ' IIU•

flnt• llundrrd u••en ty-ltro

THE MAROO tlwy suc<·<·<·dPd 111 tlw "Tamin~ of the •'hn•1r. · ·




0 0

Reddick's 12 MAIN Jack Lawder Tailoring


LOLA ~A~HTEL.'O. T ha. 11ritten a prizt• <' a.1 on thP uhjPct ··The .\clYanta~e of BarlH'd \Ytn• Ft•n<'l'S a. a ~leans for Flips to ('om mit •'uiei<le. ·· She received a. a priz<· a mlluatun• bronze tl~ 11 ith a ni<•k<'l plat Pel knifP stm·k throu~h its !wart.

IL\LE WILLL.\1\I~ has p1·omo!Pd a VCI'Y thriving husinpss in tlw mannfacture or (•ombs. lit• IIS('S tlw eomhs from harn~·anl fouls. lJlTILLE .\. T• 'L L T(JEH has. tal'tecl thP "\Yorld \ First .\ i 1·-Pianr ('a ft•tPria , 't•rvicP · · ~\nd How~ .JIOREIJ DIXOX has invented a snh. tance which will c·hange the ·pots ou a leopanl'. skin. Tlw~ 'iay in onw instan<·es it chauge.· tlw 'ikin too. .JL\XIXI<; COHBL •. a gn•at phy ieian. ha. discovPI'Pd a hl;wk salvr 11·hieh 'illl' say. is so nearly perf<•d and has sneh wmHlerful h<•aling pmr<•rs that it will heal up a t•rat•k in a fener. \YlL.JIA P"\lH IELD is IPdnring on a . nhjrd whieh is puzzling all the t•mincnt s<'i<•nti t 's of the <la: "\Yhat wouhl happen if an irresistible force md an immonthh• ohj<•<•t? · · ".JIOSI<J .. :\L\HSIL\LL i. eonclucting a campaign to ciPan up tht• <lirt:· politi<·ian>- in • -<'II York ('it~·. lie i (Continued on Page 17 4)



M ROO nsmg an ancit>nt horst' tt·ongh for th<' Jllii'JWS('.

l'IL\HLES ('L,\1 K, thr husband of .J,\XE ::\IAHTI. ·, i. a wry famon . tt·ainer of a tmup of .Jngo SlaYian llPd hug "hi<·h an• traYPling on thP \"arsit.' ('ireuit.



K.\TIIEHL "E BOOT.' is a maid in the homp of <'ALL ,\ BL.\ ISD ELL <'L.\YPOOL and ST.\:-\LEY <'L.\Y POOL.


\YILLI.\::.\1 ('HO,'LlX i in tht> rt>al <•stat • lm inPss IH• i · digging dit!·h.- .

Largest Dept. Store

"::\IE.\T"" • 'IL\ LK is Pmployl'd h.'· the Swift ::\Irat P<H·king- ( 'o. liP l'<lll I he sq11eals fro1n pigs . . TAXFOHD EH\' 1.. has :,!1\'l'n up smoking- he <l<•<·ided lw ''a . too .'' Olin!! to lw playing "it h mat t·lH•s. IIY::\IEX DA \'IS has takPn up thP pa. t-time of farming lw is t r,,·ing to soh·<· a wa.'· to k<'<'P thl' dnst out of potatoes' <'Y~' . PAlL El('II()I{.''J' want-; to know wliere peop](' hide wh<•n hul-ru. lw ont. ('Lll<'FOHD .L\CKSOX is a soap hox orator for tlw I. \Y. \V. ( IIIinoi. \\"or trd \\"ookns. ) OR\ ".\L STHODE hecanse of hi ma t<•rly form i.· posing as a model in a1h· •rtis<'nH•nts for tlw .Jantzen Bathing Suit'>.

Quality, Quantity, Value

W. R.


I :-\S l"H,\ :-\ <'E- BO. ·n.' LOA . ·s

Phone 9689

21 Main St.

SHIRLEY .'IL\EFFEH still <·hewillg' \\"riglPy's Speanning as a form of ('Xl'l'Ci t'.

( 'onlplimPnt of



::\L\HIAX FI LSO:-\ has tahn up dt>tt•ctin• work. Shp i. planting gard<'ll plots.


Exclusively Wholesale

E~TIIEH BOTTEXFIELD has just ma<lt> an addition to the six sl'n e · • hors •'' sense. UE.:\E\"~\

D .\ \'J.' is a famous musician. ~h<' beat a hongo <1 rnm in tlw ( 'on go rPgion of Afrit•a. ( 'ontinued on Pagl' 175)


(}tu huHtlrnl

HI,., nlll -/'lltr

THE MAROO EIXERXE ED\L\RD.' ha,., jn.t r endered a g-rrat . m·Yi<'l' to hnmanit~· she has inwntr<l a portahl<• parkingspace.


1L\RCL\RET IIELBLL '<l, w·hile traveling-, <1 rank too lllll<'h in Y eni<'l' and then trit•d to lit• down in th r. g-ut ter. Rr'l'II IIEt-;TEH ha jn. t writt<•n a \'Pt'Y sm·e<•ssfnl pro<ltldion Pntitled, "It'. The . · 111 ~" K.\TIILEE.' HOWELL take the part of Filbert. the wayward son and her·o; Kernel • '11!, tlw fathet· of Hazel, i very well Jllayed hy DOROTHY WXOEHICII; Ilazd • 'nt, the ht>roine, Is taken by Hl'TII FR.L TE.' IICCKETT; the part of the threl' .tranw•rs with larg-l', bristling-. hlaek pi taehio i tahn h~· 1\IIIJDRED BHOO~I. EL IZ.\ BETII ('.\RXE. ', and ~IIXEH\-.\ DA \ 'I. '

Dependable Store

W. Lewis & Co.

uQuality for quality we will not be undersold"




"Exclusive but not expensive' '

FOR SALE OR RE T Xew or r .·e<l Royal, 1'n<1Prwooc1, Reming-ton, ot· Corona Portabh• TyJH'Writt•r. . - .\dding- :'lfaehitH'


Phone 3225

T. M. BACON & SO S Paints and Glass for every use Walnut and Taylor Sts.

l'llf/1 .

Unc lt1111tl n tl XI


nl y



Patronize the

MAROON ru1"dvertisers THEY




: O.I any n•liahle firm haw pla<·ed their adwrtisl'llH'nts in the JH'l't'l'dingpag-t's, ('Ontrihuting mneh to tlw sncel'ss of this yNtrbook, t lw l !I~D ::0.1 \ROO!\ . List(•d below an• oth(• r patrons of the volume:

John 0. Smith, O.D. C. H. Radeke Dr. C. H. Irvin Charles T . Alexander Herbert A. Busch, D.D.S. Leslie L. Glenn R. L. Pettit Lloyd H. Wise, D.D.S. R. W. Hulett





01u lunuln fl

Xf f f

n t JJ -x;,,


JILLliNOli §

THE MAROO This play is very <liffen•nt from otlwr dramas hreause all thr <·haraders are pOL'tray<'d hy g-il'!s. IIGXTER Rn-;, 'ELL, a war vet, was shot in thil'!~ -two place<.,. DOH 1.' IIA::\IPTO. • is pra<•ti. inghanditry as a p!'roxi<lP blond!' in thr uninhahit<'d i land of Stnmhut om.

::\I! X. 'IE L.\ WIIE~\D is trying to eomHH'r<•ializr tlH• use of firr-fiiP. as artitieial incaJHk l'<'nee bl'cau. e it i.· predid •d that in anothel' hmHh·ed thousand million ~·cal's the supply of elect rieal l'IH'rgy will lw Pxham;tecl. :\I DGE \VW. 'ER is a life-. aver at then wand exelnsive (for mosquitoe ·) nmnwr rrsort on the Borwyard. Thr Prinr!'ss theatre is offering a wry g-n·at program of vaudeville for th • next six monthH. DOl OTIIY IL\ YBt'HX and TIIEL:O.IA H.\YBCRX ar doing a Sin-Twister ~\ct. ,JENNIE l.I Y LEg i · doing the "Danee of the H<•ven W!JHl<•s." LO(']SE WEEKH and Bl<~R('JE RAlX.' an• doing a big.. Fumbling- . \ et." OEXE WILDEH i: doing "Lig-htning Drawing" in ~Iod­ <'l'll . \rt in ordl'r to edneate the ignorant public. BE.'SIE \YILLL\l\18 and EDWL' UL ·z are doing a big organgrinder and monkey aet. The former i the organ-g-rinder and Ed is the bahboon. IIOW~\HD IL\LL is

a scribbler. His

lat<•st work is a treati. <' on '' 'l'hl' Cse of <lasoline h~· the \Y a~ ward Younger (ieneration. ''

ODETTA HATLIFI<' has started a sanitarium for per. om; . ntferin~ from ing-rown toP-nails. ~\t the end of i.· months treatment you an• t>ither· ready to lPav<' or n•ady for the undertaker. DELLA UILLE.'PIE i · promotin~ ant hattk lwtwe<'n n•d ant· and black ants in the ".\nt C'oli:!'um" of PinkrH•yvillP . •\dmission <·harg-e is 2:5c for adult·; lOc for infants and 5c for illiterat<'. and d<•af mull• . DORO'IIIEA \'.\. T Bl\'K!HK l'i playing the J)art of" l.Iorphen. " in the play '', 'lc<'P Xo ::\lore'' and a Iso ha · the minor part of 'Opium.'' EYELY~ •

•'IIE.\R i a rrfonncr. , 'he i out to . top the parking on country lam's. The <'an.<' of the reform wa. said to be lwr inability to find a JHlrking plac for l1cr rlf.

T.\ YLOR TIIO::\L\.' i. Rtill looking for the plank whi<•h was droppl'd from the Repnhliean platform eight years ago. ECGEXE <'OLE haH ju. t inventt'd a shock ah. orher for irons, rolling pins, etc. His wif<' P.\l'LL ·g PlTLLL\::\1 wa.· hiH inspiration for tlw inwntion. 1'RBAX TE:0.1PEI;, who is nm,· livilw in Kenhwky has jn.t written a noYel which sJWaks of swallow. ne. ting in the rye. It . hows <!nitp elparly that hr i not a native of Kentucky or he "·oultl haYe known that in K<•ntucky it i pr eisel~· the re,·ersr the rye rest in the swallow. EDI'l'II \'~\ . 'CE ·~n -::\IILDHEP P RKIIILL ·~!l



IIUIHII'fll HI I'II/I !I· I l'fll




l'fi!Jf One llull!l rnl "' n 11111-• iyllt




011t lllmtlnll Ht t'tllly-llillt





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