1935 Maroon

Page 1


Presents Its Twenty-Sixth Annual


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BOARD OF EDUCATION l'•·olwbl~ tlw B 1,1ru o .. dtwntioll i11 ( 'hampaw11 t hi :01111' ha 1111der taken Ollt' of 1 he 111!'"1' 1 projl'l't o am ho:u·d IIH't 191 :i. 'l'hP\ hnH· p~11 o•·ed th1 1 rt'etio11 of' a Ill'\\. ju11ior high ·hool \\hi1·h "ill do H\\11~ \dth the ero\Hle I t•ondit ion ound in tilt' Pnior high building It i 11 mn iH· t ruet uri' hmlt 011 thl' old ~h 1 nu · ite on t ht• <'OJ'Il ,. of l' nh 1 r it~. Purk, nml L.' 1111 . r<"et md lin all tlw lllOI} 'I'll •OIIH'Ilil'nl'f' of' fill~ Up to dnh• ju11ior hi"h •hoot. 'l'hl'rt• are mnn. eln room , ll e<~fetPrUJ. , nd largt nuditornnn and g~ 1111111 ium. Till' jumor high. \\ill tnk · ea1·c of nll tht• tudPnt \\ho nr<' 111 th· l'\ •nth eighth, nnd mnth •rude • l1 a\ irw appro imat ·I~ m1c thou ami tudPnt i11 the Pniot· hirrh hml<lin••. .A 11ot hPJ' ol th•• hi•• pr·oj••et of t h • :01111' i the n \\ fi ltl hou t \\hieh i lo ·ntul out h of .I<' K inlt':O Fil'ld. 'l'h · football hoy <' p ·<"iall:- look for\\ nrtl to tin buildin". 'llw 1'\<'n mt'ml)('t' o tlw board o edueat ion nrl' IN! '" I >r .• r. <'. I >nlltnbaeh dth committt·<· , ppoint ·d to

tnk • c· m of till' tldTt n·nt pha · o tlu l'dUecltJOnal :0 ((•Ill. 'l'h1• at hlt·he eomuuttee eon i t of :\It·.•John Lu t'lllllll. ·lwinn 111, I >r. \\'. h. :--ehO\H'tWenlt, und .lr . E. L. Ca\ n · ; tht lnuldinJ.r and ground eommittt•t• hcl 1 .It·. J>. l.J. Ilu table, eh.tirma n, Dr. .'eho\\ ('11 •erdt, ami • Jr. )_;it•rmaH mtmh ·r· ; Mr. I. P. Tur11 'I' i ehnil'lllclll ctllll .Irs. \\'. E. Hu ell 1111 I . tr. llu t.Jhl \\t rl' m mhi'J' of tht finan<'l' nne] auditing commit1l't'; Ir·. '1\Uil'l'. ehainnun, .lr. I u ell and • l1·. 'J'urnt·r mndl' up th · in true! ionaJ c•om1mt l<•e ; a11d In t hut not It n t. . . I l'l-.. Hu I'll. d111irmm, ~1r· Hu I'll, au I 1r Hu tnhho <"Ompo ed the Jllll'<' IIll

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.\II <'hampai~n Jlirrh l'l'llH'lllh ·r Frfllll'i Ke 11'1', \\hoI' untimeh 1le.tth (pft.a loop hoi 111 thP lll'll\rl~ \\all of Chnmp1ti~n lhgh ,'C'hool and of Bon<h rile, hi hornr•, \\ hi<•h hP, and on I~ he. I'OUid (•to t' up. In Bo~ , cout \\ork at BonchiJlf', l•'mnei rPlll'llld th• top IIJ aehii'H'III('llt \\t'l'l' f.!IIIIJPd throtwh har·d !.thor· dwpr·full~ fulfill, I an I r·e ulted in 11 rm·r·rt hnd"l 11 h \ rth t\\Pilt~ l'lght b,rdcre \ urther proof of In INHh r hip, thi E.t"l' ·out \\II t•l"tf'd .'uuor P.rtrol h·n1l r· o Iii Ho111h 1liP troop. I' r,lJlf•i tnr·ted hi~h ('hoot \\ith a flf'\elophw in~Pr't' 1 i~r mu it•. Hi lrf' 111111111 • •rr hP pl.r~PJ thml ·hmr lwntonl' iu tl11• bnHd, hut lri 1eo111l .' e.rr lu• luftt d tn a olo eOJ'JJ('1. • 1111'1' t ht• l'Pal purpo r· of Fr·mH•i K1 ler·' d. il~ tr·ip fr·om ).omhrllP \\II to C'quir1• 1m Pdueation, IIIPntron nm t lH• made of In drol he n \ ·r·agt·. Jl i IIIII IlP \\ .t nmong tho (' 011 t hf' honor roll in thl' ~I'll I' 1 'J:~2. nnd hP had 11 totnl of thir·tr· 11 a11d a hall' t'll dit nt tlw f'nd of hi ju11ior· ~ l'lll' oil(' nr11l onehull' morl' thnn i ('ompul r·~. to t of Fr·nrwr ' iut •J'I' t iu tl11 port \\ orld \HI'I ·eutend nrou11d fontb,dl mrd h. k ·thnll. IIi int ·r·t t "n o gr<·at that h · r·, rt•l~ if f'\ r m i I a pra('tie . ;\ • 11 l'tlll on th1• footCLASS hall tf'tllll mrd a guar·d on the OF b kl'thnll quad, Franci l'OUJI] !Jp <J•p 'llfh•d 011 to rriv • 1935 a r·eliable ho\\ urrr, puttirw all lw had into thf' gam('. Wht•n the (•Hior ·In of 193:i IHallth · e a ·ti\'itit I· ran·le ·t •d 1 1 orma .Jean Oillingham (' · KI' )pr wa kilO\\ 11 to hi (top ~irl on the rig-ht , pre icompnnron o11e \ rth a df'nt of th ir t•la , gllg'l'nt' Li rlikf', hit• mrd pl 11 inr• perrnuu ('<'011(1 hoy on right . 'i<' onnlit~ nntl n o11e '' ithout pre id •11t. Amt Knapp peo11d a11 Ill' IllY in t h • "odd. J{irl on ri •lrt , t l'r(•tnry. nd Hobert ~toore (third bov on rirrht , trPa Irf'r, th ~ put· four y<•ars' e p riPn('e in ·ot ing for d, ollie r i11to thi importnnt •lect ion. ~ t r th • elu •le ·tion, \\ork \\11 t rt •tl on th · Pll'l'tion of till nior umrotmet ment for u <"Ia \\ltich de Pr\' •tl n fittinf• r •minder of thi imp rtant ev ·nt. The •ommitt " <"On i ting of \nit Knupp 11 dwirmnn ami ·irg-inia Cnmph II, Eugerll' !.Jil'rlll<lll, hober·t . 'hot'mnker, Bt•tty Woller, and Hohf'rt K ~ n hPJ' nhle u pport(·r· , m •t, talk ·cl. !onk1•d m· ·r ' riou a nnolllH'lnwnt , ur •u I, and fin II~ pi ·kt>tl onf' ''hi Ph cnrrie in ih r emho irw a rf>JH'odu('tion of the a! on tlw auditorium curt iu. Their \\Ork \HI donf'. Th • \\ ork of noth r cmnmitt f' \\ lJprrun. 'I' hi com mitt <'Olllm 11 ·l'mPnt ('OmlllittN ernldine .. 'J<'kt>ll, ·hnirmau, ,J •nn kin . (;aurnb II hutt, Pntty :-;ouder, 'tanh~ Buker·, Ed\\ard Eh rt. Chari ... 1 omin • and Billy Wie . Th ir \\ork eonsi ted of plmlllin • l'la d y, bue,•alnurf'nte, und the eommem·<·ment t•rei 1 \\ith their thrm· ef'nter<·d around the fact thnt thi i til(' te•· ·rnt"JUJr\ mrHiHr' mT of tlw foundin<Y of the publi · chool y tPm. 'I'hf'~ did n fff'ct h f' pi(•C ·'of "ork. TJw t' ul'th iti ri11~ do'' n thr curtnin of four lrnppy ~ f'ar" of f!Oo l timP nl hurd \\ork. the memot·~ of \\hi ·h the Pnior (•1, of 1!13:i \\ill nh\ ny ·h ri h.

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\lthou)::h tartlng and ftnl h lng high rl10ol "It h "nrk in •lrnmatk \lnr. .In ne \l<•xan <11.'1', n l'tng•• !'torm<'r, 11 \\ h~ lind l'nlnt<'r 11 lt•a•l In "Ton of ~lnJw~" h<'r junior ~· nr. nod tl11 nul~ r:lrl In tb•• "Yillh·nt" thl ~ Pllr, \\II al o lnh•r" 1<•<1 In jnur nnll m. acting 11 ''" editor of tb•· ('llruntrl• ht'l' •·nlur enr

\\']1 IU:RT A' "" \\"lllll'rl \~t>r hn l'f'lll<'rtd hi lllt!'rt st tJurht):: b( fOUr JPRr Ill Champ.tl n lllgh :--.. 11 ool on font h II, "lmmln •. 11 n d trn<'k. ":<pud" \\on hi l<•tt!'r In f<H>th til for hi •un rtllnr:. bt omlnr: a lllf'lllht•r of thl' .. , ... l'luh :-<pu I' hohhlt• of pin pone and hunt In • al·o folln\\Ctl ultm~: tht> port lin

Gr.on .E B \IR t.eorge lt11lr 11\<'(1 n llfl' of mu It· n t high chool "" took part In the band and or<'ht•8trn. tlu Hoy • t:lf'<' l'lub, nn•l thf' Bat• n t~luh. G•nrr:•• l<'nt hi hn · \nlet• to thl' 0111 n•ltn of 111 .:1 nnd 111:11. To o •·I Ills mu lt•nl nethltlc. ,,..or.,. frt•Qut>ntetl tbl' aturnl • <'it nt <'luh.

H \It< IT D B \ Kt It


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Ill 'nlnr pnr. llurul!l 1\nkf'r 11d•lt <I •I•' trlc •I nrul run trurtlon \\ •rk on tngl' t•rolul'tlon to hi II t of Jia I h11f' • "lmmlnr:, ten nl , •·outlnr:. and 1 amplnr: I th<•ur:h murh of "link• · ' tim•• \\a '"'rupl d ltb hund and It linn <'luh, h• pnrtklpat~>d In lntramurnl purl 11· 11 lu lnr: • Ira• k man bl juol r )• or.


. tnnh•J: Boker, "D \ f ", In the banl for t\\o Ytnr nod In . In ••• :<torml'r bl fr• hmnu y!'nr In the J.lfe "a¥1n;: <'luh, In trnmurnl, lin <'lutll nnd lin kl't hnll nt Tarlou lnt<'nal . 11•• pl11n to l'Dtf'r tb<' l'uliP ,, of J:n glut rln t thP I niHr It~ In tit!' hot• of ht•eomlo • on olr plnn d I n r THtlt I\

B Bll

llnrhnm' acth It I<' D pnrtm<'nt or I hnmpnhm lllr:h <'r<' bound 1111 • u J•hOJtf' pit~ In~. "Thurm," 11 b• I potmlarl~ <'1111<'<1, Ita a •ll'finlt•• Inter• t In t111• t•ort \\orld a 'f'l! 11 tb• mu It• \\Orld. ll<• trio hi lmnd nt (iltehlng for tit<' Ion <lonll te un nnd make "lmmln hi bobb~.

HoRTE t, n.~RTIIOI 0\1 l15 p ntlln • moo a cln lil'rlod drll\\lng k••tch • \\orklng dill l'ntl) In \rt l'la , and join In thf' l'olor<' 1\11' 1 luh, llort<'n " Bart hulo\\ hn dt•\ •·lopl'll hPr lnltl11th" In tylln~: nnd kPidt lnJ::, "BIIrthl.." ha hPitl 11 kt•eu lnt .. rt:' t In th 'kotln~: nutl lloo ter l'lub nnd In her grntl" , lll· n~ maintaining hi •It 11n·rages.

1 "' J





ll• foro• f'Otnln • Jllgh , 1 boul I hi to nd~ol th< f'lllur Chit ngo • h•• I <IPnt ..r b<'r hom• t.lrl H• l'nP uno! nl • ll m• mbo r nf th•• Trn\1 I !'lull IIPr !a\nrlt• h• hbJ I I Ito• • nil• • tin • nr • It• nl Jlllpt r anol rlt• Ull about h< r <'hnol

Bet rE nr 1 m:::r r II• I'IIU •• ur hi lnt<'re t In mu h, llrne•• df'\ ot d m • t • t hi p ro• tlmr to th<' Hntnn f'lub, lin\ (,(. ,. { lub thP Mu lr \ "'lotion, llnnol, thP l'nJmi r Or dr• t rn, n nd tlu l onl't rt Band In thr cnrnnu r lal fto It! b<• gn\ hi nttPntlnn to IJ ping, rurlnr: t hP I'" It inn of nit• runt<' In hi junlur J' ar.

1<:1 17. \ IIETII Hoi f \ l'.ilz.'lht I h. llnh , n girl "!11 • quit t uno urnlnr: rnnnno r "Ill r <all thr nld liJinr: ' till \\liter run olup, <'(•nflno•d hor nothlti• tn tho• ~·.,no It l'luh urul tlu 1_,(. I' I 'lull. 0 furl Itt r r \ Jdo nc If h• r luto r< 1 lu the I renr It Inn ·ungl', IIPlt y m~tde It one uf lu r maJor uhj,.et . ('rr RI Bit \Dill RY ('bnrle Brndbury, Cbul'k," \\on reuo•nltl~>n In tbP port "orld hy hi "re tlln and foot hrll nehii'\PIIlPnt for I' ll. :0:. bl junior 11nd rnlur Y• ar 'Brnd , ' 11 m mlu r nf \\'~ nnd l'nlnt llnd troa ur•r of thl duh thl 1Hidr•l olramatl<- ncth ill port cnr t r

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l'r" idl'nt of '-'tudPnt Poun ell nf Champaign II lr:h :<ch ol durin llt'r -f'nlor y<•ftr, VIr lnln 1' tlllJtb!'ll, "1'<'1<'," ba bc<•n an t<'lh•• \\Orkt>r during all of h<'r hh:b Pbool I'Rr•·•·r. "JinnJ" \\R n nwmbPr <•f tb<• Chro1ricl tall', tilrl ' Hhlo tie \~ uclatlnn. and Ctlqu tt•• t'lub a \\ell a nn honor tud<'nt.

JOF {'JlJt K




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II• I• 11 'h"' makf'r nmhltlnn I tu 1.. n t• 11cho r In thl' Kt'ntuck 111 Hllltaln In nrlll'r tn h•• o nun \4r atilt tt tf"lu•r •. ut'.., J •hu •I th• \rt ami r ft • t 'nlnr• <)Ill', Jlnta113, l'rulf b, and t.lrl H• PrH t'luh nnd tonk up r tlln atlfl • nih <'ling oltl book , tamr , t•r &Ill 11r• tt3 ph tur



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GIRLS CAPTURE '35 HONORS ( 'liuw 111~ hPJ' ac '' • <'nior y ar 1luritw \\ hieh hP '' n pn idPnt of thP t•nim· el.t . prt• 1dent of \\ i.. and p.dnt. pr1• HlPnt of J!irl' hfP a\ ing, lm i1w IIUllllgeJ' of Cht'OIIIrlr, took on<' of the mnjo1· part in t ht• en im· pin~. mul \\H a JJH'IIIIWI' in . 'utionnl liOJJOI' . 'o<'iPt~. • at imwl Th · pinn . and ~mil uml . '·roll, • 'onna .J •.Jn (:illingham hn til(' di tin·tion of nttnining the hi"ll t 'ul ·dietorinn n HI' fig· fol' OH'I' i ft'l'll ~ l'fil . In hPr four ~ p,u· of high ·hoot hp cnrrietl thi•·t~ uhjPrt:s nnd madt• t \\ eutyei .. ht .\ plu •s und 1\\ o ,\ · \\ hit•h a' l'J'HO'P up to .<t:~:t • 'ot I'm· hl'hind Hl'l' Barh. ru .loort• '' ho "ith au H\PI'agr of .!1 i alutntorinn 1111 (n•rnldiw· • ·i ·kPJI, the Iutter lun IIW e.Jrri ·d thirt~ -fh e uhj ct in "'I'll 'lllP t(•r mtl mnde 1 totnl II\ t•rng1• of :1 • •\nitu Knupp \\ ith drmnatie and tlw .I HI ' on her· Ell'thit~ li t folio\\ "ith 2:~. The 11 t in lim· i Lnuralwll . <·hutt "ho in .Jouru.Jli m ;md drmnatie ha total HHJ'll!!<' of · 7. I.Jookilw on 1lo\\ n t h • h t \\ ·onw to Julia Prnnklin \\ith an aHr<Wl' of . J20, Elrnuo•· • \\PllP\ <· •nft•r·in" lwr Jntt•J' t on pt•eeh. and puhlil·ution mad· a .5:11. <'hl' tPr llou ton. 0111' of thr t\\O ho\ 011 tht• honor roll made un H\<'l'll"P ~f .:10; Huth I>PIIIl\, 4.2:1; Huth F(ll'!l(•y. .:..t I ; .Jean' J in kin on \\ ho ha \\Oil rn. n\ hono•· in hpr· art \\ork. .166, .Juilt •'tr·ingf •llo\\, .107 · l el'lllldine llr>tting<'r, .0 4; .}pnn Ilo kin , rnnnaJ!ing e11itor of th1• f'hronirlr, .0 ..J; llorten P I .artholo\\, .031 ; .:\1 nr~ .) llllt' Ba Pit and I oht•rt ho ·makPr, .00 ('H ·h.

/'(lu< Ttr: nt


nrt :

<: ·r·nl-

dim•. 'iek1 II. Elt•arror . '\\em·~ .• 'orma .Jt•;m Oillm •h m. Bnrhm·u 1oorP,

.\nita Knapp. Lnur tilt' II .Juhn l•'rnnklin, I>olor·p <irN·nmllll, Jpan llo kin, Huth )>PIIIIY, llelcn . 'hoernnkl'r', .l\llu·.' .Ja~ nl' \lp umlPI', Ma•·~nret <·•·nhnm, I 'he ter· lion tou, Ht•l•H 1\uhu, ('harte Homil){', l'atriein . oudPJ', Aunabt>l • \\ il·k, Allll'rta Y. n Pettl•n, and I 'urroll \rorIP~.

..r\ftt•r h1wli h couJt• tlw oei I tudiP "hieh inellllll' hi tory. l'l\1<' , l!t'O<•r·a ph~ , •con om ic , m•iology. mul hu ine hm. Tho " \dth four point m·e•·a~e or ahO\ c lll'l': 'onna ,] an flilliugham, Bnrharn .loort•, Gt•raldint• • 'irl-c-11, L,llJr, lu•ll • ·hutt, El nnor .'\\l'llP~,. nita Knapp, B·ru dint• liPttiug ·r, .Juli. I' rankliu, Julin • tri1wfPJio\\ llorten ,-. B11r·tholo\\ • \'u·ginia I 'amphl'll. llt•nry Jord n Hohl'rt . 'hol'mnker, l'ntricia . 'ollll ·r. Annnl){'l . ·,\irk. und BPtty \\'ollPr. • 'e t com1• malhl'lllltic \\ ith uin<' t udt•nt . ('OillltH'I'<'lfll "it h l'\'<'11 tutlent , 'pnni h and mu i • "ith fh·1• ~·~teh; arrd art and dr i~n and eiPilC<' \dt h four each; nud <lerman nd Indu trinl \r·t \\ith ont• npil'·e. ThP forPi ... n larwua<• honor roll nrr mnlll'r thi \'('.Jr than u ual b cnu e tJre~ f1 rt• h,t {:d On tlJrcop ~Pill' in fl'ad of t\\0.

I.V \\TR ('Lt. , OPI'JCRR. Junwr : • ruff, p1

tr a : lrlt•i tr

; (rllb rl. t'll'C-]>rl .; llt11 f.


• 'coil and 1/r..



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I II 1111

llt II, 11/IWII, 1JirlCr 011, Ill, ]1Uilr , cond rotc: llakc1. /Jako, Jla1ku. /Jrll, lltz. 'II trd rou: Ularkcr. lllandoz , llo!C rr. Broun, /11 ()!OJ, 1: fmutl1 ruu: llurn tt. t'rlltJ•r, t'ann. t'lan(y, C'ona1d. } zftl l'liiC: Conrad, liirk 011, /J lu•Jrtl, ]lor t, Dragoo. i.rtl rou·: Druu m n 17 lnp, Durst, Jam , ;:van


f II t 1au: f 1 11 1,} lt nfn{l. (,arb r, (, nrmg, (, lb 11• • cronif 70it: (Jray, lla1171lon. Jlank~. Hannagan, liard mg. 7 hucl rotc: llallo r, lla1 . /Jail, Jla~or. Jllll. 1-'ourtll torr: Jlonn. Jlott. Jlug1 t , II nt. It k p, } •111 1011: Jwkur on, J 1 n on. li rla1W11, Karbv. Ktrk l:rtl rou·: KlOJJf n tru1. lA ton11. J.Arali , 1 rn ay, J..ou



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,-tv t~eo

Fit· t t'O\\ : . 'hol'mflkl'r, 'houk\\ill't', . _ 11~ dl't', ·ond ro\\: 'pt·y :-:tt•\ l'll • tilhnnn. tOIIl'. tt·nu . 1'hird ro\\: .'\\fill 011. Thurp, 'l'rumau, T\\l'll trup. \·mt Brundt. 1-'ourth ro\\: Wul h. \ 'nrner, \Ya rher, rhPutl ·~, Whit ·hi.'ad. Fi th ro\\: William , <'. \\'il on, 1. \'il on, \\'ins]O\\, \\'i ~. \'ith r . . 'i ·th ro\\: Woll·r, <'. Wood, Woodin .•J. Wood. Wyatt. Yaml II. • t'



Th rtg tit


MONDAY SOPHOMORES Fir t rm\: I dd • Bnmn r, E, an . I , id~, 1 chd k, llar·d~ rnnn, .1njor· , .lr.lnlln\\n~ .• 1c.lnht', Lip ·omh, Louk , .John 011 . • PI'OJHl rO\\ : Bur·r·oul!h, Br· '\\ hnk ·r·, ~\pplt><•ntP. Brn\\ nfi('ld. Lil rmun, .lond). Lip eomh •, .lorplr '),. trmte, l\larti11, .!\liliP\ ille, llarnll. Third ro\\: .fer tz, LP\d .. Jmn• , .ladiz. l >•• loor·e, I . loore, l>olnn. Enl'lwrt. YourwiO\ P, \\' nr· ht't', .\ l'lnu:klf' ..J. . ·a, lll!l', .Joan , ·a, Wl', !.Jnlre~. Fifth ro\\: •'tmnpt', Britt, <'o . WoriP) .•\r· erum, I >uftil'ld. H. Htt) hurn, Wit 011, Pett) ho11, Lht>tt, Ilalll'). Yutg('r . . i th ro\\ : • In (' . We lPrh •Pi\, Bt'Il, William . <'hi Pill, I.Jitt•, II ·r·nltl. IIi ·h 011, Bnr hbar •t'r, \\'i ·, Ho ·11haurn, .Jn per . . 'e\'f'llth l'O\\: l'ortt•r·. \'on l lolte11, 'fn) lor·, \Yillinm 011, 'l'utllmel on, Bnrk('r, I•J·t ·h·r. \\Tilfi, Or·<··nrnnll, Flmricram, <'agn11, Fi htr. highth ro\\ : \Yr·i~rht. ) IPwlri • llorllkohl, Wil on, L · airi , .. lnr lr II, .lnr·i • %,\b('Il, Edmon 011, Bo.t, .John toll, K II). , inth r·o\\ : Bur ot, • Ior.w, 11 m·r·i , \\' t'lt t•rwamp. FiPld hind{·r·, •n l'lll'l'. W n lk .. lt'llarr). But'), Hood. 'l't•n1h ro\\ : \\'t't (1, I loodirw, Yo ·hum. ] urk . 0 · (('r, I' irwhum, l•'orlo) d.

l'aur l hn-tvfour

WEDNESDAY SOPHOMORES Fir t ro\\: O'R~ru•. rerror~ •• tra\\ll, .le~et·. Coul·~. llo km, Hut thlc. l>i••J,:"in , Broad tl't{ t. rud,\, Co , (' 1 ~~, Di 011 • • 't ·oiHI I'O\\ : , 'honf, C'tii'ZOJI, Horton .•\wier on, l'nrd . I) •11tt ~ ·r, J •unt t. 1hum, \run'\\ ri••ht. J lonw. I ··~ tnu, (~uinl,m, .I. Quinlan, <'urti . 'J hird l'O\\: ) t•inheq.~ •. '1(•\\Jll'd, !lldlana\\,1~ .• ll'C'Iain, Pil'I' ol. I ,. • ton, Pl'tt r·on, . 'tt·eteher, < hin, • \ \\(•11, Hnm . \\'hill', Berbamn. Fourth I'O\\: ))allt>nlmch, Hn~ hul'll, :--tit btJt r. Olig-t>I', t. .Joh11, \\'uekt'I', \'nu"hn, ~olo11, L .. 'mit h. Pnrkt·r .. '\\t•t·in k\ ..1. mit h. Fifth }'()\\: h t'll}ll'l'i • llohnrt. \'. u;,ltlt II, I. llnll. • tokt< Jlunt. tl'l't'll, La\\•1'11\\ 1~, l•'lmw,llt. ~tn·t, Jlunt, B,tiP. E. Bt•ll,, ktlton, .'hul•r. , 'i th l'O\\: • 'mmwl on, l'ett·~. Hm·(•n, • 'agd, . 'p<'tH't'I', H ·nnald • Clark, Hood, Pot I(•t•fip]d. :In ttl' I'.". HPinhm·t. l{(•i r tnek •.. I I'Oh I.• 'l'hl'O(•tll'r . • 1'\l'llth I'O\\: llendf'I' on, llnll. Edhlnd .• lnntlrnll, Hohprt , \\\•tht•t·for·tl. Jlur t, ] larwuho\\. I'Ntlc·r,] hot!!' • (' .. hultz. Blum. l•:r •ht h ro\\ : 1Inrtrick, I furl, Pt•IPI' , Boetlel'k(•t·, . 'lllid IPI', Popt>, -..:tpn on, 111'0\ 1', 'fhom p ou, . 'no\\ . • 'inth rrm: ._\ther, l.Jid t ·r·, H. :--p·n•tr, 'r<''ll, IJarri, .·\utrtz.


T triJI /h

MONDAY FRESHMEN Fir t rm\: Brr\\baker, B trrett. Ei ner, Bro\\Jl, Brndl·y, 'fimmon. I>. Haktr, Burr•in. Pfidr1·, Bt•a J, ~, Brhern , Her ·baum . .'eemu] ro\\ : Hue kill r. F . .'mitl1, 1 olt ·u. Bun·. I >ilhl\ on, .lint•r, u tin, Btwklr , .I. mith, BelL 'l'hin1 rm\: Faulkner·, FitZ"Prald, Bur·npy .leeker, )h•<'ltling. Buhmun, . . lorri . E. Black, Bla kP~, I. Brmm, F. Cloud. Hall. Fourth rO\\: I I 'loud, Grt•<•nt•. Fifth rO\\ : II mnphr~, L1•gmlon, 1>i on, Fo nmwh, II Pl'llll •, I 't•d u ky, .;\ld\ iHn), Lueth, Lf'ack. l\1 iller, C. rea\ f' , Sullh au, I• oil, FaulkJH•r, I .ier·tz . ."i th rem: ll)dP.llall, Blaf'k, Lung-t•r. Ht>n l<'y ...\.I' du k~. ll•rd. Lundy. La\\, .I. L '\\ i , Bateman . .'PH•nth rO\\ : • 1 aldin:,.: l'ndgt•tt, Oenm1~, I lJ·i('r on, h ··~, L~ on , Fr·t•em 111, .1 ·· t~llf't n, .). L£'\\ i . llall't'nt·r·. I :n•a\ · . Ewhth rO\\: Hill'~ . . Inn . Lll\\h •,111, FrizPll, l•'m· et1, Brook , t:ohin, Hood, 1lod••r . . . 'inth 1'0\\: .John ton. Oillogh~ .• 'urTf'l, ( :arlan, (reh in. l.Je\Ptt, llmnil, • Jn~ , Hiehurd on, Grolln. Oillinghmn, F'l£'mi11", Ur·pgor·~. J:nuiz. llm·t. 'ft•nth rO\\: Ilonn, 1. Lt'"lll', IlinP, JIJrm, .Jor·duH. J. B, h·r·, .J. Jlmnlin, Good\\in, c~ru~, \!'It•, '" uey, Bnmhur••er, .laek. l'.lt•\t nth 1'0\\: IIPat<'r, ll<'n on, •'li •\<'II 1', .Jmw. I> (, .,, i , 11gliu, ,J. Fitzgt•rald, llnlhf'J' tnt. Km·t, Fulft•r.• It•( 'lnin, .Ju tic·, . . I<'Kinlt>~·, .Jnck on. 'J'\\t>lfth rm\: 0 t('lll.l. 11. ~ . Bi ·kt• .•John ton, 11~1\\kin Krahh1• Ko ·h, Elliott. 'l'hiJ'1£' •nth ro\\: I 'amplwll, lie • BottPnfi •ld, • 't•l on. l'uu• Til



WEDNESDAY FRESHMEN Fi1· t rO\\ : llmnmoll!l, Blninr. H id. Porter, .'imp on, l'ndg tt. Pratt, Oli"lH·r. nt't'('f', H ·iuhnl't. M IIH'I', I), lli(•l . Hichmoml. ,'<COIHll'o\\: Ballb, HPII, Fo unu~h. (ht>l'lll~ 'I' • t1·ohl ,'her\\i<·k. D. Haim·~. :-; HnunP~, ) t>t•d •• 'ofTtz, El \\ltrth, Enger. Third I'O\\ : Ha~, • 'tm·tk .John on, I 'oole~, :hii'IP~ ... lonnlum, .I. .lor<'n, l l'i<•kt•n . ~\\fill on, I>nlr~ mpl ·. Fourth rO\\: . tonP, I 'hn<lPrn. hultz. llaH•n • pi<•Pr,. hnunon, llemlo, II ... loran, ro teplum, 1\or\Hlll, \\'elk •1·, ofTe . 'l'hrn her. l• 1t'th ro\\: \'ai .. h, Curti , smith, Can , \"<'mit, C'url, 'I rip adi, I iedel. \\'olf. . _ i th ro\\: . Iuter, Houuld, lloflling-er, 0\\<11 , I oil, • \d ·k, Ehler, ll<ll'H'~, 1 II('('~, 'n)engno, .. I(• rl'll\ . . · •\rnth ro\\: , '<·I on, II II .• 1iPr. \Yhih•, :mith 'l'homp on. Ei<•hth ro\\: .._tit, ('r·eek, Holwrt . 10<'0\ itz, ] larri .lr~ er, Cnnmnl, l\1ill ·r·, Buch, I I~ e rPek . • inth ro\\: C'ngunn, .John tonP, 'J'\\ in trup, C'o . \\'•·i ... ht, \\'il on. h Wit on ( ra\\ford, Bu her, ('n ~·~. li1wr. 'l't:•nth 1'0\\: I 'r·ny, ~t>ltl', H~ 1111. , ht mt. PPtrrs, \\?nldi1wton. \\'elek, };!'"II·, .. 'rlon, l'okt•, \\'p(·kP11. 'l'nhnehrdk. blt'''<•nth ro": Bm·d. Ol•ltl\mt. n·. 'eil, Peter·, llinele~, \\'nlf 1dt. 'I \\elfth ro\\: llihh . l'oll, \\'ilhtrcl, HurgnPr. 'l'hir·teenth l'O\\: I ('110, ] lonnl on, \\'i (', tnrk. 1hmlnp. nuthrie, ..\ldtn, ~undet·­ mie, l'rghott. Fout·t "nth r·o, · Bn~ , ('ook, Bus ·tt. Fo ter·. Ehlet·, <:ihliu. P<l\\dl. .luuhall. l'au



.] l711or Pi1 t t·ow: Ru·hard • 1/oll. llr/{rmroJ. tlrJa. l:ta ~rr. • 'rom/ row: 1\11·~. Bow tr. Jour. 1\rrby. 'J'hu·d lOll': Uou ·, , 'lwplm d,, colt Jfa::(n, 1/unf • Pir t row: H.•/o11r. lrar lrfl', 01('uhr. Jlo /.111 • oplomorc ()'J:r rn , Lid I r • 'cruml t'oll': Bla ~ • • 'amu I 011, • lwz . f'larli. tpplcgafr, J:ur 11. r'rc IIIII 11 P1r t to 1': ];(11(', J.undy. 1 alwrlnuli. !rna. Rudie . f,'llcr. •' rrmd row: ~Yoflz. f;u!Ju. /,ruth • ./rn·i. f'hming. Bditl Ehler. 'II ird rorc: 1JiJ'fn. Rru I. r, IAyttt. J:al.cr, l'cl 1 • U01·land. Uotf.

l'aoe Th1rty lullt

G OVERNING GUIDE For ~ 1 111 JM t, till , twit: nt ( 'ouu<•il lw h«••• n "maiu ta~" to 1ht> t>ll tin ('h, mpaign llil!h • ·hool, mul thi ~<'Ill' i h~ n medii fill I' <'I'Jllion. l'mhr tlw <' <· ·ll·nt INHie•· hip of it pr< ill('nt. \'ir~inia <'mnplu•ll, tlw eluh h. II •f•n nhlt to p ·•·form it duti • ; mul \dth 1111' "llidf' of it )lOll OJ', .Jr. ~Jil 011 rllld .1i ('hafTI'I', t}H I' I'£'Jll'(' Pntilth (' h,l\(' hu•n ahll' to fol'ln n ~ tun of h11ll J!lHir I . n tmhl~ flo nnd 'ohm tar~ fir<' pt~t •·ol. I'hi "'0\ <ruing hod~ indor ul rtll ''ortll\dlilP und rtakiug of th ehool. 'l'h • out · Ill<' of till "a t h<• lm.' in~ of a lit'\\ mo\ it• cn·en and thf' pon m·inl! of 11 hPnt•fit for Ill'\\ h.md uniform . the planning of home-room IP on . holditw tl.m('itw <'In < • trimmin" of a l'ltool <'hri tm 1 t I'('·. and pi <'Ill"' of ink in thP otlie · for Jl 1111~ rPfill . Th1 P lll'<' onl~ n ft '' of tlw numprou doincr of thi or••anizntion. ] mninin • otliee•· nrt• 'i<·P-Jll'l' ifl •nt, GPraldinP • 'iPkt•ll; t•t•rpt,•r~

fir t m • t r • 1 olort l1· •mnan. <emu] <'Ill<' tel' . lt'l ne g, •Ill ; and h·t a tll'<'r, E<h\ .I I'd Eh ·•·t. 'l'ho e ll·ntli'J' 'it h t hP he! p of a ft•\\ other <·otdd h.n <' Ill· •11 <PH on one aftt•rnoou ltaJuug out of "iudo\\ , ·lt>nnouu· ill"' pmnt from tlwm. for thoul!htle had gnrb1•tl tlw dwol \\ ith phrn t' of oot lm II pirit. lu tlw fOJ'Ill of tlltl'J'tniuuwnt fol' th1· ehool P\ ern} F•·itlaY mo' it> and matilll'l hop ' •J'<' put ~Ill undPJ' th<' <hr<>(•tJon of tho P \\orkeJ' ''hil<' ll<•mw~, th<' magician, PIIIIIP to the Phool undPr tlwir nu pi<'<' Fir t J'O\\ : Jl'<'l'lllllan, Bak<'l', .)om . .tillt·,-ill<'. Bort•n. Wood. EHm , ('hamhe•· , <'nmphPII. eeond t'O\\ : (, riedt•r.•J. llu tnhlf', • · .• I illc' illl'. Turnf'r, m~ tht•, l.JOuk . Third ro" : Bonnl'll. llo d. llumphre~. \\' t•ek<'l. Fl1•ming. .lel'itmey. Honnol I Fou•·t h ro" : I nun. B 111'\Hl h. Homkohl, ~Inn !Prl'll. Edmund on, liPn<'ho('k. Fifth ro\\: KPlahau. LO\inc•f< . Ehf'rt, .I at h1·n~. imp on, ~~ r. \ lli on, .li ('hnfTt <'.




SCHOLARSHIP WINS \ Tulking up the nudit01·ium ni I "ith n 'if'tor~ rin~iug in tlll'ir l'al i lt'l'll <'nior and thirtf'l'll junior dainll'd ri••ht to lilt mlw1· hip in t ht• • at ionnl II onor . · Ol'iPt\ honorirw eholnr hip. lt•ad<'l· hip, cl;arneter, and t•n i<'l'. \\'rth a ••roup of t 11ior \\llllting <'lf'etion, ('hol1r hip \HI mad<' t h(• 1m i for the finn I <'hoil't' "ith I ut h I) 'llll<'~, Hf'l'nndin<' lit tIm • •r, .1 r~ .)nul• Bn Ptt. I>olor<'s .r<'<'llllHill, Flor·pne llea1·on, \'ir "IIIIa 'mnphell, l\lm·gnr<'t C:rnhnm. \lll1nh 1 • "ick. 'nrroll \\' orlt•\. P.ttriein • ou IPr, 1-:d\\nrd bh l't: Joa11 'u hin"'. Bl'th \\~oller. Ht•n I'd 1" Ol•hnern. 1111, ] 'ohPI't I.J.• toore, nnd I uth Englf'ton detnriou . In the junior eln nil thirh•l'll nomin c \\ erf' •lt•l'lt•d: .Jnmf' Blnf'kt'l', I Inn Jlazl•n, I>nndn K irh~. Hobert Hnrry

.loor , .John .torri , Wm'l"f'll Ht ·hnnl • I oni .'·ott, .John ."h.tplnnd. John "'o d , BeH•rl~ Oenllll", ('hm·lottt .lf•hm-r~, and Mnrthn .I~ t>r . l'he I\\Pilt~-uine ueoph~te 'e1· lPd to th<• trw<> II\ 1 olwrt •'hot mnkt•r m1d ( 'hp It I' I lou' ton. I uth I' o1' ht•~ mtd ,)(• 111 .Jinkm ou folio\\ d tllf' initintP . \\'hen (.Jt rnldi1w • 'iek II fiui lwd hf'l' Jl 'l'<'h on le.ldt•!'!-;hip, • 'ormn .)(•fill C:illin~h llll di eu d hPr chnract<•l' tnlk; ,J, 1111 llo kin di ell ed ,., 1 •t•, l...aurahl'll 't•hutt ehola1· hip, m<l nita Kn1pp, pre id ·11t of thi ~~·nr' O<'i<·t~, ga\t' tlw p1· · itle11t • JH't eh, th · nforPillt>ntiou d hHIII\-Iline l'"eh d th ir pin . •Julin f·r·mklin aud Bnrhnr1 .:\loo1·e holding tilt pro\t•rhial · 111 die .


're not uper ti 1011 • ( II thi .I r<·h 13, thirt<'<'ll p •r II marched into tht' n f•mhl.' nnd tlutifully li lt'lll'<l to ~\lilt a K nn 1 p. pre i<IPIII o (Juill nnd . eroll. plain th J't pon ihilit~ 11<1\\ laid on th ·ir jourrwli tie boulder . \'hen .I i (.~ibon. JHHI or, and )li .1nrion . 'tuart. ·hnrl<'l' nu•mh •r pokP, l'\ l'Q'OIIl' rt•nlize<l the importanl'e of tlwir· or~nniznt ion. '!'hen lh·tt~ \\'oil 1', t hnt able Editor-in-chit•f of th · .I w , • nnd hu y-hody .}e.m Ho kin , Tt:'l'O~­ uized a .lnmwirJ<• Editor of th f'lron'fh, introdu·t:'d tlwir \\Ork•r. 1 att\' . oud<>r, .I R ..\ i tnnt .\rt Editor, l.Jnlll·nlwll • ·hutt and gl(',mor • \\ ney, n p • ·iali t on the f'hromf•l initiati1w .lary .Jnyn •


1 ortv

• '" htlltor of tht f'lrrouiclr; IIPJII'Y Jordon. aler·t pit·tur •- nnp1 er of tlH yt•arhook: • 'ormnn .Jean Gillin .. Jrnm, not onl~ nn ml go-gt tt r hut nl o 111 editori.d \\riftl' for tlu Ill'\\ pnp1r: Bill Gt'llllll£•\, \\ho "1 1ht• <'\e nn<l <'Ill' of p;•rt ; • ' tt it• lln.rt, the thorou ..h and lll'Cill'Htl' M \ROt rt \ i tant; llt•l••n l"uhn. "l•'atima" and 'ir<·Hlntion .lnnag•r to ~on. n•r~t!Pr: .far~ IJOu J,arnhtt', .Juuior \ 1 taut 011 tlw paJ t'r no\\: bileen Mn~ <'1', the· inf'r ·n PI' of 1 he . I lUll cit·culation 1:..1::! 1 ereent; ( 'hnl'lf' I omilw, lwtt••r kno\\n n '' hdul'' on t h<• pu hlieu t ion : l.~ou i • 'l'Ott, El .J u mor .\ i tnnt: .I ill' • ~~~ dl'r, J 1111ior l'hotogl'ttph<·r·: Bill Wie , th f hronirl ' . Pnior ~\ i tnnt \dJO g('f hi tip : :u111 .John Wood . \dto ha pietur d Chnmpai<rn • port for the nnuual.

WORTHY MUSICIANS At thf' I)('JrinuinJr of chool m ptt>mhpr·. tlw Plll'ollment of tlw Bnton C'luh t•on r tPd of teu mcmln•r From 1he •, H~ nnr·d hof'hrwmnnn "11 <·IPcted JH'P idc•nt, llm·old Huki.'r, (' •rt tnr·.' -trt•n lll'Pl', and • ':-1<' Bani~ man 'ieP-pl'l' idt>nt. 'J \H'h<' piPd<Y(' "~"''~' thl'n admitt ,J. 'l'hi C'lub i for· tlw J111110r mrd .' ·nior· of tlw ('om·t>rt Band \1 ho m·p l'l't:'t•h ingo a ttr·nde of not I· than B "hen t hP~ lll'P ndmittPfl. The mem her mu t Jlll n 11111 i(' theor:- tl' t and an onrl iu trmnent ft t h · id pa irw a 100', ott of thP IIH rnb ·r·. Thi ~ t•ar· tlw Hnton I 'lub pon on•d n \ra hirwton Bu·thdm Ball, 11 tu<Yp ho\\, nrul <'' er·al mati;, • hop . .\n orr•:mizPd t'hN•rinJr ·1 ion for th<· h rrrp.ricrn-l'rbann hn k1 thnll ~ame \\ 1 nl o pon Oi'etl h:- thP Bnton • 1

('Juh. l'l11• l'opuln r· Ol'(·h · I rn u ndPr' th tlir·(•('f iorr of fr·. HriP:- "a (•ompo ed of Hulon <'luh wemh!•r· . The:- pin~ l or· II the matinrt• hop . P\l'l'lll 1\ · nin" (IIIII<' · . nnd n rnnnlu r of pine· out Ill{· of elrool. lt JH'o\ Pd to 1)(' hi~ hoth finnnrinll~ nnd IIIli iC'HII~ . •\ thP prim.rr:- purpo e i to et n "(HH] l mnph• or the I'<' t of thr !mud mrn. tlrP Ol'<YIIJtii'.atiou i <·on 1iuuou 1:- net iH' on 1 rohl ·m 1o h t 1er t Jr,. h,md. Fir t rm1 : 1turd,\ nwn, ~ Ic.lullin, Barr, Blais!lt•ll. lu l·ip, Bei'. B. ker·, l\o<'llllf'lllllllll. .'tol'O!Hl l'O\\: l>nllu , lli 011, Fi her, \\'orle:-, 1\ny, Birkl'l, A 111ler on. 'l'lrinl 1'0\1 : .lr·. J ilf·~, \\~it <', \'illimn . L,,,, l'l'lll'l. lJOdugfo , 'il on E\1 iu •, unci Hu l'll.


)1111' of irrn·ti\it:-, tit I hJ!h ~chool <"lwpt<·r. troop 10 '·of, ·,,tiomrl The pwn , thl• 'ntional honornr:- dl'llmatie oeiPt), 'HI tnrt ·d ngain \\ ith the initiation of eig-ht ll<'\1 memhPr : IJaurahPII . ehutt, Eilt•(•rr :\ln~<'l', Gt•rnldinP • 'i('kf'll, • 'ormn .J •:111 llilling-lt rm. Hobert ?IT oor· · I Ia I'\\ 111 Kirh~, H •rwrd KoPhnPmnrm, and J lenr:- .Jor·dan. At tiH• time of the initiation Boh Kn:\\n the onh tlldt nt lllf'lllh r. heincr n trau fer f;·om Pont in· lli"h • ·hool. 'J hP m mhPr 1IPt'lt d Boh Kn~ Jll'l i(lf'nt anrl Oernldiu • • 'il•k<'ll (•cn•tnl'\ nnd tr •.r urer· foliO\\ ing thP iuiti. tror;. I lt11·ing tit t corul Pllll' tPr i morl' tud nt h •, me mpmh rs: B tt:- Jan· L:-m. 11. Pntt:- . onder·, liedl\10



furtv tu:o

'j ... hro:- l'l', ('Jrarh I omirw, 'h tf•r llou ton, nnd .Jolr11 Wootl . l\lembl•r hip to the t•luh 1 hy irn rtation. OJll'll to \'rg , nd Pnint memhrr \1 ho lun l' doue out 1mrdinJr "O!'k in prod uetion pi u ont of tIll' follm1ing qunhfieutions: n 111ajor P• rt in 11 Iorw pia:-. n mnjor pnrt i11 t\\o mrnor pia~ . minor· JHII'1 in thr<'r ullkngt h pin:- s m· four· onr-act piny ; or t•qual \\ ork a hu irws lllllllllgPr, taJr -mmw~<'l', or· <Yt•llt raJ prod net ion mmwger·. \II of thi r·t•or·••.mii'.iHg rrPdit YO!' to tht• pon or, • ti l\lar·iau . 'tunr·t. Fir 1 l'O\\ : • 1 it•kt•ll, Kot•lmemnrm, • 'hro:- ... ,., ~In~ l'l', •'ouder. <.~ilhugham, L.' 111011, I omiue. eeo11d 1'0\\ : llou ton, Ku·hy, \Yood . ~li • tu. rt. • 'ehutt, Jordon, a11d H. 11. ~ loor· .

PATRONS OF OPERETTA 'fh1• publi<· hn tlll' ~\ll1•"ro ('}uh to thank for tht• fin OJ PrPttn '• .'outh in • 'pnm·n" JH'I' entt•d to thPm In t fall b) th<' mu ic and 1lr·nmnti<· tud<·nt of ('lwmpuir•n Hig-h :-;ehool. It nl o hn ~Ir·.. 'o} ( 'oh<•H. pou or of thnt org-nnizntio11, to tlumk for· th nppP11rnm·<• of ~1r. ( 'hm·Jp Wak£•fit•lcl ( 'aclman. 11 ut hor of t h<' OJWI'l tt a n ud a ppr,.onnl friPrHi of l\1 r. I 'ohPn. .J 11 t In 1 ) rm· l\lr. • lonnc•h""i or·r•uuized this rluh \dth tl11• JHll'JIO"" to "prornol<•rHusieal 11ethl1it• .. n lrPrH• E\nn . pre idellt of tlri ) Pill'· rrr·oup Ia ted . • tmiPnt '' ho tun(' doll<' <' l' ·ptioHnll.' firw \\m·k iu OJ1C'rr•ttn lui\!', in mot en <', 111<'1 tht• I'P<prirelll 'llf 11('('<' HI') to heCOIII(' cl llll'lllbc r of tht• or·g-n11ization. .l\bm) of th<' nwmbPr' <Ii phr) ed taiPnt hy 11('t izw or irwincr, \\ hilr 0111<' t'<'Ur<'d mem-

ht'r hip into thi honor· oc·ic•t) h) t•otnlllt>ll<ln hiP "or·k on the product ion tnff. Thi 'enr .lr·. ('oh<•n hn he<'ll thl" 1 flil·il'nt • pn11 or· of tl1p \ IIP"l'O C'l uh \\ith lr·pm• E\nll tl'\ing nt thrt IIHl t llii]'Ortnnt Jl 1, IUIIIH'I) the pr·" i lt>nf • l'irni r. l' 1rol) n • I) 1 r, 'it>l'·Jll'l' idt•nt. "n nl" fi) clo <' nt hnnd. rt>nch· ton i t •· :.\lndmn Chairman,'· "hfiP H •flnrd 1\o •hrwmau11 at IIPHr h.' tnkinl! 1101<' of "hnt' J!Oitw on nu I mnki11g u li t of (' JWIIditurP mrd w·h fort he t'luh. for,) ou 1'1'. 1r • tlrt Per·rtnr') tn n urPr ol' 1h<' or "<Ill izn t ion. l•'ir t r·o" : .IP) PI', Hohpr·t • .I r·. ('ohell, J inki11 mr, Wood, I.J) mmt, EY<Ill . . 't'<'Ond ro\\ : E r·ha rt, J onp , Wor·ley. Hon. l<l . Hiehnrd Third 1'0\\: nuu·. 'agPI, 1\ot'llll 'Ill IIIli, Ho mi II<', .J or(lnn.

FROM CATS TO LOVE "I '"m't t.) hrr<' "ith that cat.., I >on't he nlnrnwd. Thi i onl) a line from th<' annual full pill) po11 orerl h.' \Yi•• mrd P.rin1. t•Hdt>r lht• dri'C·et io11 of. li • lnrinn • 'tuart. "'fir<• ( 'ut ( 'nm<' Hack'' on • ·0\ emhPr ;;, 'l'h ot ht>r big prod uet ion of t lr<' ) <'Ill' ponort•d h) thi club \\11 "!'lay- hop ui••ht'' lu•ld in.). nu.tr). ,\t tlli tim t lr r ·e on<·-aet play "err hPid : tlrr r "<'l'l': '· 'J'Iw 1JO\ r · of Liont'l' ·, ".\mrt .\"!!ie · l•'or1•ig-n E l·luuw · ", 11nd "The \'nliPnt". <'\!'rul 'PI') int<'n' tin!! JWakPr from tht• l'ni' rsit) \\l'rt• c•n.io)f•d; Oil<' h ing- I >n,·id PPtti!!r'e\\, "ho pokP on piny·\\ rit in:,r, and ;moth •r l•'lo) <I Kerr \\ho lro\\<'d thl' llHmhPrs n model tagr "ith a model ct th.rt he had mad .

Pagr J urt

jo ,.

.\II of t ht r p1·o••rnm "Pre plmlnNl h) PormuittP<' made up of th ofli<'l'l' \\ lro '' Pl'l': Pr·t• ide11t • 'onnn .fPHII lhlli11gharu, \'it•t•-pr·e idPllt ( 'hariP Hornirw, :' '<'l't'hu·~ Kuthr) 11 H~Jot, Tr·t·n ur·<'r ('hnr-!1• I r<Hlhur), nnd Poiut ( 'hairmmr Eilri'H 1n' 1'1'. l<'ir t ro\\ : Homitlt', H{·ihnh~•t•g, .loor·e. l\irll), .'phP), .·a"PI, Wood. <iillillg"lrmn. :-;eeo11d ro\\ : . 'hro) Pr, • oud ·r . .l\ln~ t>r, I.J. Gr·ppmnnn, llt'<'ker. 1>. nr 'Pllllllln, I oot. Third ro": I.Jar·ahP<'. • "Pill'), . 'dtutt, 1\ol'lmemarm, Lyrr1nu. Fourth ro\\: Kuhn .. 't<''<'" IP Hlltlr•r, ~1. \'nn I'Pttllll, ,Ja p·•·, I 'onley .• link in on, . '" erin ky .• IP) er. Fifth ro\\ : ('. Lt>" i , Whitehend, l>ol.m, \Yorle.', • ?ic•kt•ll, Chambpr· , Knnpp, II. I r"i . .'i tlr rrm: Kn), Jordnn, .1eyer· , A. \?1111 Pettan, .li .·tunrt. Jlou tmr.

CLUB SKETCHES It· rut II.' mo t m·pr·i uw \dtnt intt't'f' tiw• I <•I ·he 'fill hf' mndt• from ('Pitt' nromul ·hool u "PII a \\ hnt "0 I munnPklll \\t' hnH· in out· tnitl t m·em·diu' to ( 'olot•t sqtt<• t'luh uwm Uf•r "ho Jun l donl' t•harcoul kt•tdrirw of hoth t hi 'tilt'. 'l'hP u·ti t hu' · found rt lt't•t;wh int •t'l' tiiw ... incf• tht it· t•llo\\ eluh IIH'IIIbt•t· l'onld po r• or tht•ir dra\\ in~ • and nnull.tr wht of l'l10 I lt'ntled to t ht ba ·k••round for· lo ·a! t't'tl(' . 'lhP I' nt·t· onh 1\\o of the proj•·t \\hi ·h th • pr·p .itlPnt. I •11.' Whitt', pl.llllll'd for tht' t•luh. ltltt•r \\trt' 111 IIH• form of 111 •lltl "or·k, \\ oo lt•n hnH'l'lt•t , ''•ll'it•ut un• of 1 t'O(llt' out of \\ irP, mono •ruml'd tat iotH'l'.', i~n:s, awl elm \\ot·k. \II of tltl' · \\t'l'i' indh 1dua'1 Jl'ojt•t•t \\hill' for· furtlwr


"l'oup \\ ork, pit•hll'(' and lit ig-n out of \nriou llll11f't'il11 11 1 npPr, tiu and l'Orl. \Wrt• madt•. \t nnothtr IIH't'llll" l'ctl'lt ()('I' ou broug-ht u flmH•t·pot \\ hit·h hf' pnintt d and fit t•orntNI. .Ji )Jihh, pone!', liJI'I'\itd thi \\OI'k "htlt• the other ofhc I' 'I!'P·pr·e td<•llt, Willi m .lo · ; tal'\ mul tt•t a lll't't'. .\ n .,., i<·t• to thP l nt irP eltool lllt•mhPI ol the elu h 11 JlJ)('HJ't•d ht orf• homt> room and •a H' t11l k on rt nppr('<•int ion. Fit· t t'O\\: .lo 'onnet, .. I. .liuJ-in on, J ..Jinkiu 011, • 'n\ W<'. \\rhift•. , tl'OtHI rn\\: 'urzou, Kt•mp, II art, Pc· ·k, I I, .. loot· •, llood. 'l'hinl JTJ\\: .Jnhn 011, I .. loot·t·, Bm·tholo\\, 'J t•mple, • izt•t·, ( ' .• '1n 11"<'. Br·igg- , .1el lint.'. l•'out·th ro\\ : I I •mltl\\. ~lou 1.', .\11wm• ••1 Ill' , nit Hihh .

GAY BRACELETS lndu trion ....\rt nud ('nt t ('lub lllt•mbt rs hn' t' hlo om •tl forth iu ·lwol tlu lu t Plllt ter· "ith llll't.tl bra ·elet ornnnwntPtl \\ ith iutt•it•<IIP d(' ig-n Otltet· nrti ·I dtieh hn\ · nttrnett•fl at ·n ion urt• bri •Itt ly 1 • iut · I cardhoard pluqu · mtd dN•ot·, tl•d flo\\ ('l'pot "hi ·h Ita\ t> ll' 11 111 thl' l' hihition \indo\\. Llltll' tin animal l'nt fr·om old tin can hnH f•Omt• to lif • fi'Om t lwir f' ort . ( 'l,n model and oap (•an in ...,.. ' hich n1·~· 1110 t rl'nli tic hnH· al o htt•n madl'. 'Po li\'!'11 thf' pla 't', )lfljll'l' n•)i(' l'UI'tOOn lllflll,\ of 'hieh \\ l'rt• tmn 11111l.' l'iPH'r. IHn • heen (' l'cutt•t1. I utdoor ketching and fig-urt• dt·.m iJw l'Oillpri t•tl tlw ctunl dr.m iJw '' ork. Tht• offit•t>rs for both t'lll(' lt•r \\ ith th• }lOll 01', )1i Jlihh 1 Ul'g(' th


for-tv lz

llll'lllbcr to tnk<o cll't the folio\\ iug\('lit'. I liffet· ·nt otlit•pr \\ .,.,. t'tl'l • ·tl'd for f'lt ·h t'llll to•r to dh i It• thP \ twk 1111d honor 111or· ., l'lll~. For th · fir t Nile t('r th ., con i ted o : Prt> id('ut. Bdt.' 1•'1 ui~mn; \'ic '·Jll't> id 111. lnr dt•l \\'<• ·k"l · •'· ·t· tan .I at'\ Fr·, <·r· · Tt'l'fi lll'l'l', ' 1 l>a.' ton·.'.' • Pine ' lt•r offie<•r difTt•rt tl in: \•it•P-J r id nt . arn \nn I.Ji)l l'otnh ami , ·, l'I'PIIIt'.'. Lt non• L '" i . Fir t t'O\\ : Flanif•flln llodtou, LP\\ i , Hall l't' tnclt, Op.tlk.t, E. Crt'ek, \\' eekl'l. • ' · owl ro\ : • 'lwrri •k, I Jt•nd.'. llotnj!otH I, Lt"'liP, 'l'n11nuu, 1 :ihlin. '1 hir·d 1'0\\ : )• i h('J', ] lnldt•n, Ft',\'l'l', Bu ·kle , l-'11ulknPr. l•'our·t h r·o\\: .lillt·r·•• J. l't'(•ek, l on11ld, 'l'ah.tcknik,. ip ·onlt>, JOUill. l•'ifth t'O\\: <rillit•:,rhnm, l~uoeh , Flemin", Knott, .. li llibh.


TRAVEL ABROAD "'l'lw • \ uwr·iC'a 11 nr·e or·t of n jokt• to Europt•aH h · 'dU P tht·~ haH' ueh qm•t•r· uotiou . Jlo\\ t'\ t r. I think 1 ht• 'prm1ur that eo11 idt'r • ia~ura Pall '\\<1~ out \Y t · n r·nthl'r' uni11fonued thl'm Pht• , " tatt•d l'rof<' or· Pnton of the l'11h l'l' it' of I lliuoi a he pokt• bt•fort• 1 h~· <'m·r'<'llt E' eut 'l'r11\el C'luh nud its ~ut:>St . the Fr•t•neh uml nt'l'lllllll ( 'luh ' Oil the uhjeet of '· C:t•rm. n~." 'l'hi i 1111 t• ample of the t~ pP of JH'og-r.mr enjo~ ed b~ t ht· ( 'm•rt•llt EH•Jit -'J ra\ ·I ('lub \\ hieh hn au •11 rolhu(•Jit of lll'llriY thirt\ ml'mhpr• . Oli\l• llt•JI It·~· prt• icit•d 0\<'1' till' f•r·oup \\It h lit' It'll Ht·r'l'iott nh\ a~ rt•ad~ to tnk<' O\t•r· tht• l'ein in C'l1 P of thP fornwr' uh Pllt't'. I l roth\· ~tt•\ t•n ·,lllt•d the r·oJI and \\ I'Oft• tl;t• llli11ute l'aeh "t•t•k. "hilt• Pnul l'ot t erfleld kc pt n n nt· ·omr t of ull the mom·~ put into nml tah-11 out of the

trt n ur·~. 'J'I)(l tnt irt· pon or· hip '' 11 tlt Jumd of ~li llnr<lill!!. 'I hP Jli'O"ram eommlftt•e, of ' hieh Opnl (~ua~ le \ <•hairman, plarm •d the pr·lwr·mn in ueh a '"'~ n to ~iH• t•a ·h memh •r· n chnue to partici1att• in nt lt•a t out• of tht•m. 'l'he (•lub I' <'lll't•d mall~ JH•akPr' from th uni' er· it' ami el .,, lwr·p \\ ho took th ·rn on in;n~imu·~ trip thr·otwh ', riou eolol'ful t•otmt r•ip til O\'t'r the ' orld. h·pm• .1onaha11, n <·inl (•)r rirman, planrHd a pnrt~ for CMh mont h. 'J'\\o pic11i(' nnd n Vnlt•utiu • nnd C'hri tma pnr·ty \H•r·e JWt•inl f •ntur·(' of th 111

~ l'•


l·'ir t rm\ : llt•rriott, .. lonnhnn, Owt'JJ , HI ck toel·, . hmrk\\tler, llnccy, llt•n h•Y. ~'eeond l'O\\ : .'II'\ Pll , .1urra;·, .'tr·etc·h<•r·. Fi her·, 'l'<'tllpt•l. ~nn~ It'. 'l'hird ro\\ : ] a~­ hul'll, ('oi'JieiJ, llunt, ~I. ll<•n ll'), <'r·ni". J•'our·th ro\\: <'ur·zon, ... li llm·diu~ •.Jl'ni .

QUARTETS PLAY l•'iddlirw i llll 111'1. 'l'hi tat 111 nt, nlthon"h oundiu~ cnrdt•, hn h •en JII'OH' I to h<' quite trut• hy the violin l'luh, 1111 org-anization meetiu~ h\ it•e n \\ t'l'k, on 'fut 1la~ mrd 'I'hur da~ . l'Hdt•r the e ecll ·nt I ·nd ·r· lup of i pon cr·, ~lr_ ~ol <'oiH'n. 111111~ thuw Jun l' been n ·compli hcd lurinrr thi I a t ~ ('ell'. \ mr c mnpl · of th · t' a· ·ompli hUlPIIt the tl'incr quartPt ma~ h u l'd 'J'h i ha l~t•t•n forrm>tl by fnu r (' lu b llll'mht·r \\ ho an·: . Jnrj(u·it· Hoh ·rt 111111 Luth 'I'll Ehl'lrart on ioliu, .larg-nr·ct I >rug-oo on viola, .md .Jean .liner· on tht• l't•llo. Th l' girl ha\ • madf.' l'\'t•ral appe.rr1111ee IH•for· · th • public: a11d hl'ltind cPu . too. for they 1laycd in th · junior pl<~y, "'l'h · '\\mr. 1'hr oth ·r· quar·t •t all iolin dutifully pr·netict'd to aequir· · t hr ahility

l'nu Fort


\\lrieh lru 1 u h ·d thl'm on to plry on pro~rnm at lll•h pl!H'e a : 1 he erhana <'ountry <'Iub. the \mrrican l•t'"ion. th • I lt•ltn I lou r, and 0\t•r the l'niH't' it\ radio tation WII..h 'J hi <tunrtl't ·con i tin~ of . Jnrjoril' Hob ·r·t , l..uthern Ehdrurt, l <'hccea .1 on · . md lmo~i'lle 0 r·ol111 \\ n i'lltPI'l'd i11 th "Bi•:r 12 ·' ·ont · t t hi ~t.·Hr.

'J'Iw entir • l'lub ha m.rd a tudy of fnrnou compo t'l' and many of tlu ir· ·onr1 o 1tion . • lar·joric ] obl'rts \HI pr idi'Jit, mlfl hc·r· ft i tmrt \\ere: \'ic ·-prt· iti·Ht. };utlwra hhrhnrt, nnd <' .,. tary, We lc~ , 'dr\\ •JI~1'1.

l•'ir t

Ehrhart. alet•ncr·, .]one , Grolla, Hober·t . • 'ccond ro\\: • 'mllh, .In~ r, .Jollf.' .• lulJicrmr. 'l'hird ro\\: \ 'nrd, 1 r·ook , • Jr. 'olt ll, Bo\\ l'l'. \\'lrentl~,


~lim r,

G IRLS TURN TO TOOLS 'l'hr'l'l' mouth of \dnO', plnnin(l', ·hi t>ling, nndirw, poullllirw, and cut ting P\Pr~ 'J'hur· dn~ in thl' \\OOfl hop turnt d <lir·t~, r·ou"h hom·d into mooth, hining. cPdar· <•ht• t or" hatnot for mPmbPr of thP ! lome Et•onomic <'luh \\ho turnrd Pnr·pcntt•r·. l' i1w th Jrnmmf'r and 11\\ <lid not makt• t hf' l' "irl for"l't t hl'ir· needlt• and thrPad .. l'nrf . bt flt·oom lippi'r • ft•ll from t\' o knit I irw l)('Pdl . hall of ~ nrn. uud \\ it't finfl'£'1 . "hilr collar ,md culT l'ame from n inglt-. 11('(' 111' nd hour of 'or-k. Bt•nut iful cut\\ or·k "n hroid r·ed mrd ome <'<llllst I'<' l' fpd pi•y • do.... . or· tt•ddr ], •, r<; for 'hri tma pn ent . t\" mim ·o"ra) h tl hP<'I puhli lud told of the e pro jed . 'rh • llome lwonomic do\\ n t )J('ir hmnnwr aliCI ·nt1•rtainm •nt e\ l'l'~ lllll't in a \\ lllll•. Thl'' r·oasl<'<i \\ f'itu•r-; unci Ill Ill' hmnlhm · .tn(l pluye(l hall nt l it• ·I l'ar·k ut thP lw(l'innin" of tlw. f'lll'. I > urin~ ( 'hri t111a time a J>lll'IY "n held • t the home of IJoi au I Loui t• ... lmm. Ench wt•mhf'r brcnwht ,, tt•11 r ·ut rrift

and m t' <•h Ill"!' "a ht•ld In h•r i11 th Hnin~. ~\ tf'I' <•uttin~ n to~ fr·om CI'Cill' papt•r, th<·~ 'r·ott• a four lirw pot m about ( 'lu·i t11ut 1111 I trr d to unt III"IP IPtter· to form \\ord . .\ ftpr· the part~ mr "'Om· <:nng ('om Pd~ " 'Ht thro\\ n on a mall l'rl'l'll. 'fht•ir ·hrh hu ahHt,\ ht-lpl'd till' poor· nt <'hri t11111 tiuw. a111l thi • Par· \\a 110 f' <'Pption. l\lar·ip <jrppn md .1 ildr·('(l :--:rhr•it•rtler· hP.tdP(l h\ o ~r·oup "hich Pill clothing to fumih · \ ith fh e <·hildrPn. c·•·np boo]· c·ontainin« t\\ 111~ fh<' IIlii' Pr~ rh~ me a11 I pic·tm·p to illu tr· tlt• tl11m ''II prf'pnr('{l b~ Loi .!ann, I arhnr .1oor . nnd l {) e Dilmau. l..mrralll'llt• . 'ehutt mrd H ic WPthPt' ld ponorPd prfwr, 111 tt the 'ount~ F 11'111. Fir t I'O\\: I nyhurn, ). ·if te ·k, \ \'eathprald .• lnnu. \\'f'rHit, Bu ht•rt, I >i 011. Ioiii'(', Hu~ hurn . ._ •collll r<m : I Haudm\. • I ann, La\' <'I'll\\ n~ , (1 l't PH, I >uulap. Thir·d rm\: .1e. \•il, ('el under, Fi her, \\'nekt>r, <'lli'Jlt'l', Flnnningnm, ~pnldin", , 'ehroPder, 11 <•1 tingf'r. Fom·th rm\: <'a h .• 'chutt, l>illmnn, ... ti tnlll'll .• 1i11Pr, W ·lkl'r.

BIG PLANS MADE Or·i•yiuat in<Y •vc•rnl nr 0'0 in the \\ood \\Orking hop', th Ilmtdieraft C'lul, tudii'd the r dio, boat huildirw, the hi tor~ of a ronautic aud tlw mnking o \\Orkin., modPI of a •roplam• . 'fhe club m. de lror enmpin" trip to furth .,. the knmdf'd"P nnd intPrt t of th • bo~ . •\ftl'r £'·tinction or e\ rnl ) f'<ll' , 'l'llle('n boy igned c1 l'Pqu t for· "ork in 1 u '\\ l'lub of thi ort thi ) ear 'I h1• on)~ l'l'quirt•mt nt "n t hut a lllPlllbPr mu t Ira,·· n emc,trr o \\Ood hop. .\mon« th nrtr ·le mad· h~ th pn nt \Orker· nr•: till all liiPttl drill pt·e . potato JlPler and hreddPr, table , rolling-pin , O'(lYt•l . nrHl \arion odd pil'f'(' . l'nd ,. th able dil'(• ·!ion o • Jr. , 'irnon, hrokt n ful'ltitur · ha hP •n rep, ir d al o. .\II of tlr · • 1hitw hlnP b('en mnd~ in the



'\\ or-1-iwr rn "t irw " \\Inch ·on i t of llll ('ntirP pPriod of plnninrr, ll\\· mg. and uuilirw. B • ide thi t~ p o m f'tirw th I' \ll oftpn held , di ru ion •roup in th • l'rond fl or "ood "orkirw eln room. 'fhe topic o tlu ,. di ru iou \\PI'i' the l'luh problem , \\ork o th pr ent time, nnd uturt• m •etin::,. and proje ·t . \ \ al u.t hie ntlr \\ll mad • duruw 011 of thl· nwPting to the ·ffl' ·t that "l~t•n Olll' of th • 111£•rnh .,. ah ent ))(' 1 aid a fiv nbcent fill{' mrd \\ hf'll llll om I' I' \\ Pnt h£' '' ,, fot'Cl'(l to pa~ th eluh ten cent . I• i r t I'O\\ : .' Plu·o •d£'1', \' ood . \ \' •tf'neamp. Bt>rhaum, EhiPI', • tou t~· . .'l'l'oml rm\: \\'illinm on, li m· t, Barlo\\. rl'O\(' • l'nrkt•r. 'l'hird 1'0\\: 'imon. Clruy, Jn kip, Hrnz ·lton.

W9'S TUNING IN \ til''' org-amzation thi ~ enr i the Hadto Club o Ch llll}lflll!n lli••h . 'l·hool. It ''a tat·tt•d h~ a g-r·oup of rudio a11wlt>ur and other illH·r·e tt•d ill I •trmrw mort• tboul radio till or·~ mrd in htl\ irw aetual con tnretuw a11tl opt•t·ntiw• purct i<'t>. Bo~ \\ ith little ktHl\\ lt>d••t> of r·ndio and Inter ted ill lent'llirw about it \\ ·r·t· tnken into tht> l'luh t1 \ ell a tho t furthPr ad

<'hiPf PIWIIH t r of th






d. \\.. 9 (F. ('hnrlt• ~t•ba trnn; yc B1 Y. Wnrner Bamh : \\ 1 •t n:;, Wilhur Hdtl'l'll ; Ulld w9Jit' .I, Dan llazt n. art th · lie ·11 t><l memh ·r· of


the ·tub \\ ho took ehar"t' of mPetiul-{ a11d di •u ion <hu·i11•• tht> fir· t •rn · t •t· of th • t•luh · (' i t 'llt'l'. Durin•• the fir t me lt•t· th • lor· t• t'tHlt• " 1 t nwht to tho e iutt•I't' tt•cl ill ••Pttin" n nmatt:ur' li 'l'll 1', n<l ar·iou e hort \\II\ • trnn mit t rs ami rt eeiH•t· "t'l't' carri ·d out h~ oth ·r· lJl(•lllher of the l'lub. \ i it \\U mnde to tlw l'ni\ r ih Halio ,'tatio11, WILl;, \\hil'i1 <11' l't·ibed tt•ehnieull~ h.' .. It·. W. E.


\\a "i' en a pr.tl'tre.tl dt•mon trat ion of pro t' ional phonocrraph n· or·dbw 'quipme111 at tlw t udio of one of 1 h<' dub meml1el' . l>nn Ilaz ·n. ln thi tl ·mon I r·ut ron a r· • •ol'(l \\ u uutd<' of 'ott•c• o \ nriou ·lub nwrnh r· . Fir t 1'0\\ : B IIIII), ~I illt•r, Bur· rough . ('mnpht>ll, Kin", B hr·en , Burt. llazPrt. . 't•em11l ro\\ : I {'eht I . 'ha pla11d, llur I. Bez, B1'0"tlton. 'J'hir·d ro\\ : .1ur·r·i , • \•1 on, K \I• ander, .Jr. l{umhlt•.

ARE THEY BUSY? Bu ~ . that i the out~ En"li h ord that d · t•t·ibt• tht> 1 33 Photo •r 1ph~ ('Juh. E'er~ W edlll du~ f1·om thr -thit·t ·until i o'(•lo I· tht m mllt'r \ •rt>· to bt> ound iu tlw old mime ••ra ph t·oom mi ill'• ol ut ion , dP\ ·lopin • film , printing- 1 ietur • nd tud\ in" ho\\ alld "In l'amera \\ork. Tit· club \\a fom;dtd t•arl~ 111 IJt cemb •r at the U'"'~' t ion of )), n IIEIZl'll, .John . hapland. nd .till' • n. d r. • I i Bat • . Ph) ic in I 1'1ll't h ~ \dlli ngon r. mn11l r eontribut •d fift~ el'nt to urni h the rapitul n •ee u·~ to huy th • t•quipml'nt. By tlw middl• of Jnnunry, th elub bl'•an to • •t a r ·put tion. good. not p or . llll 1 h~ the fi t of .1 nrl'11 it \HI \\{'II kno\\ n to fneulty and tudl'nt alike. \t tlw •ntl of tlw • <' r th · fift~ t•t>nt "a rt imbm· e I to eaeh m mb(•r uud th<'

l'aor Fifty taro

\\a 11 ed to bu~ mort equipment Thr· •p-fourtlr of th • t•luh · lm in \\a I ul'lli hed h~ the fueult~ IIH mh ·r \\ ho pro\ t><l to Ill' bt ttPr patron .\ltlwugh the )'hottwr·aph~ ('lub \\ u II{'\ ·r· large at llll~ tim , it mem bet· \\et·e ah\ ~ t•flident nd \\ill i1w. I ten \\hen a .1 \R pnu •1, minu ·• pit'lur·(•, \\II dut' nt tht e11 gra\ r' • tht club hud th fini hetl pichll't• iu th(· hand of the al't i tunt "ithiu ort~ mmut • .tfte1· tht~ lwtl he 11 llotifilll. 'I h<' Photo•• rat h~ <'luh i the onl) ( hamt, if•n Hitrh ,'ehooJ or•auization to" \01'k'' it \\fl) into th· I\U< . h<'c.u th club de' ·lop·d 1ll the club a ·tion pit• hu·e n \\ell a n t'\\ f cult~ por tr. it nud nap hot . Front ro\\ : .1 i ( 'upp~. •'peon . lrtplmr, .IotTi

MEETING OPENS "La Pllll<' • <' t Oll\<'l't<' ( 'omnwnr·on 1 Fnitl' ,Jtlt•ntion!" With thi 1,\ pic·.tl l'uri ian phrn f' BPtt~ l'it rf'f', JH't idt•nt of t ht• l•'reneh club opt'll •d t h · lllPt>t 11w. 'I' hi \\ n part of the l'Olltint• of t)Ji 'fiH da~ lilt Ptin:,r. 'I hl' • ·n·tar·~ and tr· ·n lll'l'l' of lht• l'lub, Bt tt~ \\T{ tPI'Iwc k. rPatl till' minull und nl o \III'Iltd, "))on't for~<·t \Our clu' , " fllHl in thi \\II~ tJit' Ill •tin r :.rot " II uudt I' "a~. l•'or OIH' 111 Ptincr lr·. •'ol 'olwn pokt to th<' Frt•nt>h dub on SOillt' of hi intPr'c tin~ Frf•nch t> pel'iPIH'f' ~\nothpr· tiHH· .li ('ook rdntPtl to t ht <'lnh hfm onP ~ot· nhout prPpnr irw for· trip to Elll·opp hi' hO\\Pd ht r Jl• por·t to t ht dull und o11w of th • mnn~ thing he hnd got ten in l•'rnrwt. .\ JH'O<rr·,m• )II' ·pan d ),~ , t'er·tuin <'mmnittcP 11 unlh follo\\Nl ne t. .\t th fir· t of tlu ~·enr n nurn h •r of t•ommit h" \\it h tlrt'll' c·hnir-

men 'en (•lw rn to plnu n JH'O••rnrn r·r peel h 1I~ '<~f•h \\ l'l k. 'l'h pro"rnm \\('r'e 11 twll.' prnt in pi ~ irw Freneh gmn<· or· .rn Ot'l'•l wnnl .\m rieun g.mu• m·h ~~ lot1 o or· t•a 1'(1 u ~~~~ Fr·<·rwh 1t•r·u1 . np of th · projc·<·t of th · eluh " 1 mnknw a ·r·aph ok, the· route11t h ' ing to do "ith I• rnn · • md thr lOH'l' htirw de i"n d h~ Ho t•rnnr~ O'l)on nPll. \ t't•\\ l1111t th drffrr nt m m h ·r· of th • <•hrh lu·mwht ,.Jipplll" o ""oirw on" iu F'rnrlC' 'l'ht el11h ul o hMI it h 1rt o pur tit•. l•'ir· t 1'0\\ : BPII, . ' uiu k;\. , trlll ... t't>llo\\, Yt'll"t r, 't nu11 •, \Yood, :.\loor·r. Pt>lll'('l' . tcond ro ' : • trr· ht•Pk, . J('klr. Thnrp. F. 't I n, I 011 rwll. Ell \\Orth. 'J hrnl l'O\\: <'ot 1•, II <til, \'n rlu r. <: 'cll'OII, 0 'Donnrll Dtml,\. Fourth r'n\\: llob,rrt. ,'ho· ru,tker·, .1 i 'ook, ],Jar·kl'r·•• 'el ou.

PIPER AWAKENS 'Hi" 1'111 • hr•tn\n~ rnt , httlr r·at, c·r'U\\ 11~ rnt ~" II of' tht• I' ' ' rrP ho\\ 11 nt n lt>11th hour t>111<'r·taillmrnt .. j, I'll h.' th · I h rmnn r·luh onP l•'rHLI.' nftrrnoo11. ( 'ni'OI \\'il 011 nuHil' tlw mur·ionett "hirh portra~ t d o \H•II Brm\ltin~· )'Ol'lll, '"fhe 1 itt! l'itwr of llamhn. · .It mht r of tin ·luh manipulnt •d tht> dutl·.u·tpr· \dnlt tht \'i:,r 111}(1 l'uint mrmbt r "•' • thP )lP.t k iII~ Jlfl rf l'hi \\, 011 of thP pi'OjPt't that t hi Ol'"flnizntwn mHh•r t ht• lend ·•·hip of C'hc~r·lottr Ca"mtn ,, )II'<' i«lc·ut mHI I i 1•('nc·h ,, f ~t•ult' ndi or. 'I'h · ofli "rs, • \ ttiP llnrt,'Yiee Jll'l' idl'rlt, nnd I roth~ , ifmnu, t rrt tnr·~. doll" "ith ot ht r ·1 uh JJH 111 h ·r· \ork d hnr·d to uUikt till 1 m·Thl' pro~rnm "I'I'P tukt 11 nrt• of ·~r·o11p p.rrtieip.ttioll." 'l'hr f'luh lllt>llllwr '' t rt <lh ided iuto four gr011p : 'l'hP fir t erne· t1•r .Julia Frnnklin hendt•l) thl• 11ulrnt pnrtic·iJl•ltiol1, 'ormn ~ lrlh illr l·d thl' group "hic·h \\II re p n ibl • for thl' h~

l'no I t/1 Juur

pP.!Kl'l' , .IP.In J,<t. Pill' \II l'hnirm.ln of the gr·o11 p "h if·lr pl.urned the o cut I . .md J.inn l'<•trl' h ·ndt'll t hP projt ·t ••r·oup: tliP l'<'OIId m tt r· .John . haplnnd, Linn 1'<•1 ·r· . l\lnr jorit • mith. nnd .Jar·.' Lid t r I d tht• r (rr·oup rp peethrl~. l\lr .• ttlt'hlt• .• I i 'ool. anti l'I'O ft• or· Gt• ••11dor·fpr "t rl' thr'('i' nf t ht• JH'lll f'l' "hi1·h tIre· club r •IJred . •\rwther· 'er·~ intt'r'c• tirw Jnt>Pti11g \\ u I'll jo~ t'd \\ ht•u <'llt•lr of' t lw t uill'rtf tr·it•d hi nhilit' to r·t>nd n "ell a "r·itt Gt•rlll.lll , ·r·lpt. .Juli Frnnk lin .md .J,I\ n.• Jit nhnt•h l'l't'l'hed the ;mnrd or ;.('.ulirw tilt hf' t md. '('ttil' llnr·t "<1 II\\ 11l'tl d tht• pr·iz1• for '' rtt in" tlu Iw t ~t rman err pt. Fir t r'o\\ : < 'ugnn. E 'lllll'it •'eiflll<~n, Frnnklin. ('.lr\er. l\1il1t r, Chotl('r·n. II.rrt. ' ·ontl r·o": •'•elu•r, l ' rtrr , .lith ill(', I h<•r'IIIC,\ <•r·, •'•h ·r·tigpr·. 'l'hu·d ro\\ : \ \'nhfc·ldt, BPneh, ll~ dP, Ki 111'1", Bl'r·hnum, Lid trr·. Fourth I• iPldhindPr, I lnllc 11bneh. ro\\: l'lnrk. • 'hnplmcl, . 'ppn er·, Bu eh. L•. 'ell, • 't bitt.

S. P. 0 . R. TRAVELS Off for· n fit>ltl trip. Thi ~roup of L.tl 111 lm Ill" tudt nt madP "' Prnl UC'h tr·ips to Lineoln llnll on thP l'ni \1'1' it~ of IJhn01 l'dllliHI \\hPJ'(' lht~ Jratht rc I IIIIIC'h int<"r · tmg mntt rial t•one£•r·nur~ \\lll'k th '·' lu11l tnktn up in their t•ln ,-. n \\l'll n in the <·luh. 'l'lw~ fouud t.rtm• of mnn~ o tht> Homnn ami I; t'Pt'k (·hnrn ·t<·r· 111 •n tiorwd in tlH•ir· Latin rt•<ulinf!. Lt>. lll't' pokt> ht•for•t• t\\O of' .l\li thP llll'Piiu • ftllilw of ht•r· tr1p tnl <"n fi\t ~tnr· ~ro .tlong tlw '·r·.' tr·ml .\<•nen lutd t I'll\ f'llt>1l thou and of ~ f'<ll' h<'fot·l'. . ouw 111 •mht r thntwhl tht " t tlk 011 tht> Yit·"il.m trml •om 1 rJ <'d tht mo,.,t int r(' tinrr llli'<'till!.!s. Th · Lntin l'luh lwd mnll\ Ol'ial ac t hIt it• PI'Ob hi~ 1IH.• 1110 t out tnml ing 111 •tine. of thi t~ pc \Ht the ('Ju·i hnn pnr·t~ plnnnl'd in honor of ttw old Roman holidn'. ttw .'atur rutli •. 'JIll cluh ,uw Cirri tmn on"

in L.tw nnd tr'!lll lltl<•d L. tin tori£> nhout th1' corn in~ of ('hri t. I >uriu • ot hrr llll'l't i ng of thi orgnn izat ion, 1hf' tiiPtnlwrs ori!!i nat ·d t h ir o\\ n gcllllP , l'lran"illg OlllP of tlw Etl"li h •uc iug gnrnf' into L. tin ont . .\lthough thl' Latin cluh i onl' of tlw oldt t lnrwu rre <'ltth kilO\\ n to l'hampai"n lligh .'<•hool, thi i tlw fir t orgnni:zntion of its kind ineP thP 19:~1 :l2 ter·m. 'l'hl' •roup of thirtPen m<•mhcr i lt>d h~ I 'he ll'r lion ton n pre i<ll'nt ; E' t·l~ n Bnr·kc·r·, 'it·,•- pre td nt: 'tnr·gt llmrt, terl'tnr~: nnd ott K<·ll~. tr·tn urPr tnnd • up th rf' t of t hP c·.r hiJJel. • I i }. ic 1..<" • 'm·t i t hl' pon or of thP or.,:urizat ion. l•'ir I r·m\: Bark<·r·, •'mnu 1 011, J .rkt r, .1 i J.,p.'un•. 1\t>ll<·~. HI ek. .'t>c•orul rm\ : Ifni I. Willinm .• 1urrn~, 1lmrnngnn 'J'hirtl t'O\\: \\'nlk. \\'oo(l , llunt. roller.

BETWEEN PICNICS El I 'irC'ulo E 1 onnl Cir ·ll' hf"'llll 11 me •tirw "itlt n pie me at II PI Park "ltPt'P I lw memhPr ('njo~ eel ttw autumnnl pll'ndor· nnd l'ltd d til(' ~ n r dt It n not hPr pil' nie, thi tirnr <•njo~ irw tit b dUt~ of IH'irw. I et\\('('n pienie Ruth For·lll'~ nr11l ht'r ·ommiltt•c plnnn tl mnny p.trh• a \·nlr·ntiH(•' P• rt~. ('hrt tmn part~, nnd JU t plain pnrtiP . lf ~ ou \\Pre n kt>d to <'Oill<' nnd join tlrl'm in f!ll 111 o " El I rin ·i p d · Pnr·i h, PPrdid · u • ombr·pro ", • ·ou \\ ould proh.1hl~ !rudder· at th thought of it; but i ~ ou 't>rt• n kP I to piny "Tlw l'riu ·p of l'nrt lin Lo t lli llnt ", ~ ou mil!ht think thnt th 1'1' i 11 p ihilit~ of~ our len ruing IHn\ to pin~. 'fh i "n onp of t h1 f!l'oup' ftr\ oritt f!lllllP . :\li Cook nn<ll\lr. Cohl'n ·neh told of hi intere t in . 'pnin: th1 lntter pokr on ". pnni h :\lu ie ". lr· .• ll' ·icker , n prnel iC'e pPnk •r lllHl r· .ti . \\igart l\\o yNrr ago, \Ht al o a •uc t peakt>r. Oftl'n 1im,• tIt i


f. ijty lz

\ n~ 1'\ Pr~ on · <Jllll'l'd to !IJIIWHI' hefot'l' th I<H I OIH'('. Fir· I rO\\: g,.lll, \\'elhrrnld. IJord, \' l'l'Ol'k, :\loort>, l\ll'\ rr, IJh ~~~. W lt. •·,,f•ond ro' ·: Louk , l o Pnhnum, l lo kin , IJong, Jone , Ynh r. 'l'hir·d 1'0\\: J>.tlrimpl , P rr·iHtl, I..~.uH•. l·'il o11, For hl'~. Fourth 1'0\\: ,JMhim, I >illm1111, l\li . '\\ ir•nrt, ('. l>.tll'implc, J o\\l!lnd.


SLIDES OF FISH ruder tlw dirt•(•! ion of ~lr . ( ook. poll or. nnd ( 'nl'l·oll \\'il on HIHI Oolort• l\lilh ille, p1· • itleut . fir t aud l't'OIIfl l'llll 1l'l' I'(' JH t 1\ l'l,\ t ht> 1111 tiii'Hl l'i(•llf' • <·lnh h 1 had mnn~ inttrr.... tm!! pro••ram it 1 th ~till' of (' i lt•Ucl'. •t hi Ol'"clllizatiou \\ci fo11ndNI in 1!1:!!1 hll\ mg- u it ohjrt•t to l~rt'llfl' lllld fo ll'l' clll lllfPrt• t Ill thl' nat urul eiener . \l'l' it.) of lllinoi , atlt•Julmg th<• Th<• p•·ogt·am <'ollllllltt • • for thP t 110 tlllt~ tl•r pt'O\ 1dt>d intPrt• tuw pt•tw l'cl 111 b~ u 1'!11 it1g n•pm·t thn t \H'I'(' g-in•n h,\ tht~ IIH'Illhl'l' of thP rl11h. Thr tir t rf•pol't \\ et·e on \\hat l'cl('h t udPHt had don!' on nmm!'r t l'i Jl' 'I'ht• Ill' t l't•pot·t \\ t'l'< Oil noted ·it>nli t uJI(I twtut·nli t ; tht l' inelud!'d J<'abt•t•, \udnholl, H(1o <'\ elt. J urrough . • I till', Pn It u•·. Li It r·. nut! l e d. ( th!'J' J't•po1·t \\t'J' ·on migrator.r hnhit of fi h. N·l , nlld hirf!...., ho\\ to t•ollt•t•t. lllllllll t, mul Jll' • ('1'\l'

m •ct t•oll('(·t im1 • ho\\ to m.tke , nd 1n kt• ('<II'<' of t <'I'J'lll'l um • t lw n Pt nt d i ('O\, riP of eiPIH'<'. 'l'hP memht>r


ell II r I\ I' l't'\ it•\1 of hook that I ht ~ thought othPJ' nught <'IIJII~ 'J'ht' eluh ollif' .,. fol' thl' fir 1 tt r indud1 d (',nToll WJI on, dPnt ; Don .\IIi on, dt•t prt tdent, <,, ntldm • Zimmt•J'Illllll, • •n tal') ; lllld 1nn Wil on, '' lw took m 1'1' th · du Itt• • 0 t rut Ill'<' I'. , l't'OIHf 'Ill(' tf'l' oflit'PI' \lt'rt Dolor• 1tlh Ill<'. \Ito Jll'< tdt I m Pl' tht• t•hth a I"'· u!Pnt. I hek ( 'onrad, "ho tool O\ I' tlw f'luh in th • nL neP of I >nltlJ'I•, .lartin llarrt , , l'<'tlll·~. HJHI Emd I ad n \\cl Pit l'lt•d to til(• ofli<•t• 0 ll'l'll 111' '1'. Jo'ir t r<•\\ .\IIi on, Lt Ion, I >a' tel oil, I>ilh\oJ·th. . 'hoPmakPr. Or· •11 11lclll, P •lt•r , Wil II • •('OIUI 1'0\1; Wil on, \'oodm. lllllll>l'l, Lwnn.lll, Bro\\ n .• lt•h,u···~ Thrrd ro\\ : Conrad, l'lat t .• I ill., ill·, llur t. Fourth ro' : llnrri I P ·h r, :\11· <'ook, •'lnlt<'t'.).

WORK AND PLAY Bon tinl! of tlu lnr"!' t numht'r of lll!'mhtr of an~ t•IHh m th· t'lwol, tlw . 'twi.ll . eiot 't' eluh tnrte 1 th •it· l'OIInd of H<'li\ it it• . Bt i1w illlt•r • h•d in Jll•npll' of ot htt' n. t ion . tla l'luh "n nddrt ·d h~ ., era I fi11Pnt JWfl kt 1 on uhje •t of thi" ;,ot·t. )Ji Batt 'II\<' n ' ·•·.' ill tPl't' tin" and profitnhl;o informal t.dk Oil ll'l·lnnd, h.l\ itw tr;nded thN't• ~~ 1£'11 1\P)~ he1· If; thi m,d;o 1 ••ood lllrt Oil thP Pluh' tud~ of JH oplt of ot ht•J' COil ntrie . Tlwy i1le- tt>pped from tlwir t11d~ of JWople nnd pine· to ha\ t~ n .) ollllg m 111 from t lw l nit rstt~ of lllinoi 1 t•nl on tlw hi to•·.' of .\rt all(l \rl'lutectur b!'g-ining- \\itlt pt··hi torie tim!' lliH) \\ot'kill" lip tO lllOd 'I'll ell'! and llrC'hift et urt . \ fl'\1 \\eek lnltr th<' ._'ot•inl •' •il'lll'( efulJ \\11 ill\ itPI) lt~ th • riJ'l It PI'\<' to hn•·e tht>tr t'luh JWriful "it h 1hem nml li t!'n to n 'Oltll" C'hiJH• • ho) pt'ak on l11 m\n · ('ountr~. ('hina. •rJai talk \\H Pon i(l•J'<'Il



ltv< ght

'.dun Lit h) I lw mc·mhl't' of both luh . ( 'hmwing- to 11 tud~ of 1heir O\ n C'otmtr~ l\11· . .'mith, the p n ot· of tht• <·luh, •nH• n ft•\\ talk on h •r trip to Yf'llo\\ ton· Pnrk. The • talk \\ l'l't 11111 tratt•d lith li<lt· of piC' llll't oLtaillt'll \\hilt• 111 thi re.. ioJJ. \ I ht·~ \\ l'l't• an ind u t riou group. 1 he memhPr of tiH• el11h plannt'<l lUI a t mhh t·on i 1incr of mu iC' nd J'l'ctdin•r' for tht' f•lltt'J'Illilllll('llt of th • rt• t of t lw Phon!. Fir.;t ro\\: Li rmnn,] il'<l. . 'pPII · •r, • h•t•kling-, llnmrllotul, •rru blood, lom·P. ('nn.td~, • IParll . 'p ond rem : I rehard • FnulknPr, La\\. I i<·hmond, (,u,Hl~. Bait • Ltp t•omb, Wi l'. 'I hinl ro\\ : • '<'heuriek, Oa r<lnt 1', ."nut h, l'lo\1, H ·inhm·t. Iii'< r, I'Hrtt hmrth 1'0\\: Helton . • 'r •ktll, .lf'ar • 'ulli m1, • 'honk\\ il< r. . ' ·h•·oedPr, J.'oree. Pifth ro\\ : •t'\H n t •·up, Fo nough, Hl'it)P), I >ufli ·ld, IJt' ('lllclll, Bro\\ 11, Hnm .• i th ro\\: Barb<'<'.• 'uulllll'J' , •'i' i<·l •• I~ Pr , 1lamml'l. I o~, '•·nig. l

FUN IN FORMULAS "\Yt p11t on thl' fir· t douhlr fenlurr In!') ol Cham pai••n ) li••h • l'ltool ", htllllll'tl \Ynr·r't'll IJ • •m, pn idt nt of I hr ( lumi tr) el11h... \Yp took iu hH•11t~ <·i .. ht dollllr , lllOJ'(' than nn.' othl't' <·luh hn l't'<'eiH•tl tlti ) f'HI' 011 1111) ueh a pr·o .1' rl, nnd "f' art• :.roing to Jt'IHl pnrt of 11 for,, pit·nie nntll<'l' <'J'('.tlll pnr·t). Y 0\1 ) nO\\ \\ t' bo) II I' • 1 I') •J' '<I tl~ inl<·r· · t ·d in our lomaeh , nne! the girl "ill ('.Jt if thP) 'rl' Ul'"l'd to. H.tt•l to th(' 11hj!t•l, lht t h\o hcJ\\ thut a11t'llt'tt•cl o mut·h all ·ntio11 fr·om th · tudurt hod) "rr· • ''l'h .'ophouwrt'' mrd '1 )r . )'J'(•ft•r Brmr ·t t ' '' 'l'h tudt'nt lih fil'ltl tr1p ' ·r·~ mHch. nrul tlw) had 1\\o 'l'l') ('11jo)ahlr onr : on" to thr ('hnmpaign I 1'1' ( 'l'NIIJJ ('nm pa II), "h •rt• 1 ht•) "Pl't gh <'II iet <'l't•n 111 h.11· , and 1h oth •r to tht• \\~lute I.,inr Laundn. \ eontinuo11 gt·oup of inll'•h and t pi io11 rt'i"ned o\, r t hi' n t•mblie mm it' I no\\ n in t hr hi


lureh :!:Jth md !!ith "h n tlw l'lnh (•lilt rtninPtl th ••roup . 'l'ht JH'O"I'•llll, o\ t r "hirh Wmttn pt't' rdt tl, \\fl n )It) ' ith Boh hn) portr·n~ irw l'rofl' or \ n <'IIIII nutl ];U"l'tli' LH'nn 111 tnl itw thr pnt•l of I l('t'l' Toll it' Enrlirr· in tht ~ 1 ar· durtu•• l•'u·e Pn' ntron \\' tl lht• ( lll'm c·luh "rlh th(• h ·lp of the Ph.' tl' <·luh • 1\<' 11 H•r·~ urt r till" nntl t•ntt·rt tiuing u t•mhl) 11ht•lll fin•, it •nu JH't'\ c•ntion. fhe el11b Jw onh thr· •f' ollie ·r· : \\·ar'l't'll I 1'1'111, pr·p ;t), nt ; ) id Fri on, t ·r· ·tnr) , nntl \Yrllinm hHn . tJt·.r Ut'I'J'. . I r. Goodlllg i t h fii t'l ·nt pon or·. Fit t r·o,,: Lr£•r·m.tn, ~11inn. le tr , ( 'm·p •r·, .'hPafltr, l'IIJ>Jl.', Ht rm . • 1 <'OJH} r o" : llllli":lll, .II' 'I'. ergo rrt, l'ortPr, ( hH•n Jo'ri on. 'l'hir I ro" : lr. (.oodin••, to c , \\·iu lo" Ful fl'J', •'hopmakt r. <'hrmi 1r·~

TRIPS IN TOWN lien·· n c·hth th.tt rPnlly ''goe plm•e and thinf! " a \\ II n <lop thin<•. \\•hl'n E\Pl'tlt .Tel on mrd hi •ommittrP planr11 I th procrr·am for· tht• ) l'.tr·. th ·~ rl'lllt'lllh rt"d o "f'll ho\\ <·uriou bm "nut to htO\\ ho\\ eH Q thin~ i · ()on(• that th('~ plannPd or th memh •r· of tlw duh to 'i it lllllllY plart• o intt l'(' t in ( hnmJ nif!n-Prh,mn. om of the lo nl fir·m ' hit•h nt tr·nct('d th •m mo t " ·r·e th K\\nlit\ B.tk r·~, C'lifTor<l mrd .Jneoh for·rring plant, lllinoi BPJI Telrplwnr C'ompmr~, \\ntcr\\ork, 11nl ei£'ntifi· nppnratu rom pan~. Tnking n h anllw of ttH' l·uiH'J' it.' bPincr c·lo ,t hand, thi inqui ith grou1 \\Pnt thl'rt• to l·.trn all the~ eoultl fr·om the hroad<"n tin~ tat ion, \rJ LJ '· t hr rl ·trie plnnt, mat(•r·ia] ' tP tin:.r lnhol'lltor·~·. ftnd thr <lPpartmPnt of li •ht Pn~rine l'irw. 'J' h(' J11'0•• nrm cornmittt•c• ,tl o ft'll bark 11 pon t h ruiH•r lh for· it penkt•r· \ ·II n for· it 1om· . <'-


lrt 1

eordincr to .Jmrior llornl,ohl, I r·. 'nlm, "ho pol P on tht 'i it 'hirh he mndt• to .. 'or·\\n) thi mnm •r, \\11 the rno t inter·< tin" of the p hrs. l'ht \\ork of thi or«ani~ation 1 , r r·.tngt•d 111 unit , urh a h at, Jr ..ht, omrd, mrd lllll"'lll'ti m. 'l'h" unit nrl' t'lll'l'il'd out n fnr ,, po thl m nn order <'Ol'l'<' pontli Ill! to 1 hnt of tlw ph~ ie te t hook. .\It hou~h crirJ (•)Utled fr·om the• cluh. rt · m th,rt th m m h ·r· {'<Ill hoa t of n ' no ~rl'l'' Ol'g"llni 7.ution. .Junwr· llol'llkohl lend the c-rr·oup\\iththehPipo hi rnhinttc·on i tin~t of .John Krnhbc a 'i(' pr·e i <1< nt, tnnlc) .Jnmt n 'l'l'l'l, r·~. ,J olm lltwht n t I'Nl u rer·, mrd • I i

THINK OF OTHERS Bt-l'<IU <' t h 0 i rl I t l'n P })('Ji ., t d t lu old n~ in,.! .. \II "orI nntl 110 pin) m,tl <' J nek a dull ho.' '·. t hP~ an " •rt d tht c til to t-n iet mul tht> t•nll 10 l'f'C'rPution \\lth f'qU,tJ l'l' JIOII '. Ylwn Ll'1 ),ouk and hPJ' '1'\l('l' c·om1uittee plmml'tl to Pnd a ('hri tmns lm kPt to a llf't tl~ fmnily in ( hnmpai •n nnd 11 bo to l'nnt~ 'r t•k ( 0llllllllllit~ 'en I PI' in J' ('II{U!'k~, l'Ut'l! nll'mher \HI t'll"l'l' to eout 1·ihutl' hl•r bit to tl1 · Ul'l'l' of tlw proJect. 'llw (•hth mad<' rt·nphook for thi'Pt' differl'nt lw pi tal and PUt girl to 'i it an imnlid Jnd~ 11nd to takl' 11. hlintl lad~ out \\nlkiu:..r Pneh \\tel. t thl fir t of th• ~(·,•r a ~·t tocr·th·1· or ft•e !mum frolil' 'n lwltl in th · !!'~ m for t Ia• frp hnwn g-irl . EIPanor ~ '' lllC~ "n r•hnirm11n of the JH'o~rram f'Olmnittel' "hiclt plan ned tlw iut l't• ting tli l'U ion th 11 "t'l'<' held nt thl' ditl'('rt•nt mr Phng . • II·. Yu . 't to .li Dot·i ('mTnn nud Mi om of tlu Jhclkrr 1

lm·.' IJOU LnrnhP• \HI JH't idt nt, \het .'hol'llltku·, 'it•P- prt idl•nt, Flot't'll 'l' •'it•l l'l, l'CI' •tell'~. and Hl'tt) \\'t tt•rbttl, 11't'cl Ul'tr, but \\lll'll tht t·lub g-rt" o lm·"e that it \HI imp 1hlt• for· thl• dt i1·ed nrnount o Ut'lll' fit to lu• <It t·i, pd ft·om a lilt Ptin •. the or·c•,miz.1t10n \\ll plit, and \lie· • hot mnl ea· hll'Hilll' Jll't' idPnt of th lit'\\ "I'OIIJl \\ hit•h met Oil 'Jilt' dn~. l•lot•ll Blacl tol•k "•• •le•ted tcre tur~.

Jo'i1· t t'O\\ : •'hoem. I r, ,Jon , l\1inl'r, PetPr on, ~~~n~ It•. L.rraL . .'l't ond t'O\\: ]), llu tubl , \\1 1 t ·rht>t>l . Bln<'k to •k, Fmnklin. Bt· •man, l>t ntill•'t'r, .' \t•riu I~. 'J hirtl I'O\ : Ln .Ion, llu tnblt•, Wendt, H~JI L '\\ i . B. Blum. Fourth ro\\: FIPmitw, Jo:. Bt II. Coni ~, l.Jouk , llerriott. • l' hi It. WnlfC'lt, Fr·~ l't', (. 'o . I' ifth t'O\ : , 'tokP , L. , tt 't n . I>. , 't \ n . HPn I·~, \\'oodin, llohart,. '' 11e~, H.r {'It, li f•ott . 'i th ro\\: .\il· ·~, ..\, tt o"l . .1. 11£•11 1 ·~. ll~ tiP, .'hoemak •1·, •'it·kl•l, I Jolan.

FRIEND TO ALL ('hip . ~ 1rn, paint, mad lllOI' l'lllp . 'J'hi can be nhh u d to d ·rib· e\('t·al of thr 'fu 'dn~ ni,.ht mcetlncr in eoutiu~. for h11ndie1',1ft prm Pd mo t inlet·· t i1w nn l 'nlunbl · to t lw irl :eout of 'l'roop ] 0. J l'\\ Plry !10 e . plMf(llt' • Jllll' l , tit• lid • , CIIJ I Innyard l'ompo d the objel't of 111 t of thi o- ·,tiJ ·d l'onfu ion. \loner \\ith pi ·n ur eam \\Ork J>m·incr thl' 't':U' h\ o \\ ·t't' in\<' It d • tcndPrfoot ~md t'' o a fir t cia . All of the tf')' of ad\ an 'l'IIH nt r ·quiJ'('(I t iml' mad \\Ork in troop me t i1w on hndgt• mainly. .lr . 1 akt•r. of thP I 11h l'r 1t~, pl'llt one llll' tingof •.t('h month helping n c •rt iu rrroup of the ~irl on "._'tn1· Find ·r' Bad~·". Thi \HI th (•au e for ~'' e•·nl l'\ ni1w fiPid trip in thl' prin~. I• urthf'r fi Jd trip \\ erl' in tlw form of map-mnkitw hike . Bt or·· Chri t ma the ~irl ol I



u t ll'O

('h ri I tnn ·, rd from t h • profit o "hi ·h th •y ' ·n nbiP to bu~ uh l'rrption to "Th .\me1·ienn Girl'' for t hl' ·hool Jibt·m·) nud to hold a t'hr1 t ma purt~. 'I' hi pm·ty ''a prl'c •t•tl·rl b) n 'i it to <~at'\\Od llonu• dJC'l'l' t h 'II' I Hug ( 'hri t mn 'nrol a11d ]II'· nttd c·a ·h of thl' latlie \\ith n bo of hom· mndl' eantl~ aud rookie \\hieh they held made. The g-raml finnll• of the ~Pill' \\11 n Ia\\ 11 part~ at "hich tim· one o t IIf' lllt'tnh .,. \\a manl d ht r <:olth•H J~ag-Jpt pi11. • 'o" tIll' rout an• look in • for\Cll'tl to cl IIIOiltJt iu ClllllJl. Fir t rou : Hoot, G r •ene, La\' Cl'll' n~, Fl<mi"llll. .IunJwll, llnrw~, I' it r nl. . \•(•ond ro\\ : T..~a" .. lonnhan. < "Pn . Eno ·h . );('\\ i • '1 hi 1·d ro'' : I< irk, J..~. Le\\ i E1wPr, \Yilli, m . I I ill \\orth. Fo11rth 1'0\\: Lid t r, <•f'UI'oll, • ln~ t r, • '<·ht•IJ(•I .



ag· th. )'('

to of


SWIM TO HONOR \\illllllet·' earr~. Lath· mu t "immPr <'lilT) tlul'l) ft•et, pl'l'et•(hd b~ n thirt~ foot "bn. Tlw mt mh!.'t' of t hi orrtnniznt io11 hu\P h•m•Jt•l th · 1111-'tho I h~ \hi ·h tho · i11 p ·l'il of drO\\lliu • m ) b re ·twd \ ithout po ibl ri k to the l'l' euet·. The~ hn\e nl o learn ·d nt·tifici<~l respu·.1tion. rndet• th. dir t•tion 0 J 0~ dell, \dmmin•• in tru<'tor llll I of th "immincr tl'am th bo~ \OI'kld thrmwh ut til' )tnt· on th ·it· rt•quir •m •11t for thl'ir :final t t 'hit•h \\a g-i' ·11 b)· th!.'ir iu tru ·tor. Tht> l'lub ·lt•<·ted only one otlit•l'r thut of pr id ·111 "hi ·h ''· ul:fill d l1y Bol1 Bail ·y. "ho "a d o eo eaptain of ttw "immiug tl'am. Fir t t'O\\ : E trid" •. l t•zz, t~·. Datt •ry, \·,dk, . 'pt·~. Fi ht•r. ~· ·o11d t'O\\: ~In~ l'l', Hnir, 'J'\\ ttl trip. ) •it•kel, .\loot·e, llraw, .h. \\indell. 't hird ro\\: Bail<',\'. Hu t>ll. John ton·, I il y, But·t·otwh , 1'" ell~, I rut· 011. tirt•d



lrtv Jour

1ht• t in·d

MOYER AND COMPANY \Yiun ('wH'h IJ(' .lo~tl' t•anH' to ( hnmJHti"n lli1!h ,'(•hoof t\\eht ~ear .1 •o, hl• \\ .t told I hat hi joh d 'JWildt'tl upon lw.tlilw l'rb.mt. tl11• trn1htion11l r·nal. In tlw pn t L · h.t mort than bt t n nee ful lien\ \t'l' Ia t • l'.tt' '. II. , '. lie I l'rh.tu.t 111 foothnll mul lot tlll'tt ~.:anw in ha kt•thall. '!'hi . P,tr .lo~ t•r \\ 1 out for l't•\ t•Hg . In loot hall tht luroon tr.tmp]{(J O\ f'l' the Or.uwe nud Blaek '' ith t'•l •• 'I'll· 11.1 kl'llwll tt•am al o t uruPd tltP 1 id · .t•.tin t th • in tJtutiou .t·t·n \'ri1!ht • !J'(•Pt. ''inning 1\\o gamP ft·om them 111 t h • t•e.. ul a,. •n 011. Lt turn d out .t foothaJI 1 ·am thnt lo t onl~ h\o g'llll(' till ~(,IJ'. Tht•. <• Jilt. hO\\t'\1 r, \\1'1' • u •11in t t\\O of the trotWl' t t .till m llh11ot nud lndinnn . ._ pring fiPitl \11 Big 'l \\ t h · dt.unpimL \\'hit Ill" t ht ot Itt r \ ll'lot' \\ 1 r111111t r up to thP • tntl' ('!tampion in ludwua. 1h La I Pth.tll h·.tm hatl onh 11 Ill diO<'PI' J'('g'llltr a on, \\inn in•; 2:1 g'clllle in tltt• t' '"lllnr t•a on, \ hilP ing P\Pn. JIO\H'\ 'I' .1 lll'fii'HI 11 1'11(1. tl11· qu.td and \\Pnt throu~.:h the ]

on 11 tounwml·nt nnd on to thp qHmh•t• final 111 the • 'tntt•. I ~~ E \\or·thy dC' ne ertdit for protlttellt" onP of tht> lu t Pony team 111 tltt Ia t ft\\ H.u. In al o . i ted 'oat'h l\to~ t·r· in · t•o, <·hirw ( 'hnmpnign' \\itmiug foot hall tt•am. h) d ll'e<·IJHg t lw J,,u·k-fit~ld. l'o I o~ ._·,, indPII goP the honot· of 1'1'\ n irw 1he lm·oou ._ '' iuunin" 1t nm. 'J Itt• fuc•t tlwt it \\a not alt•)"dht•r a "imtwg tt nm e.m lll' t' t il) f' plnitwd b~ tit· fat't that ('hamJHti"n h td uo te.tm lc1 t ) t•ar·. (' trl KIPu\er· tUI'Il('{l out tIll' Ia t ft· • hmnn- ophomot·e tPam ('\I'I' to hf' 1 ut on the fiPitl htllriw• t hl' t•mhlt>m of ('. II. . · .. t·ompld i1w tit· t•n on \ ith 11 't:'Q !!OOd t·e •ord. H11I Clurk finalh r n ·h ·d hi l,iti n thi • tar ·hi temn \\on t hl• Big 'J "l'l\'(' Cit mpionhip for· the fit· t timl' lltt'l' he ltn h 'l'll (•o,l('hin)! at ('humpnign. Clark al o tur·r~t•d out H t't' •ditahle trnt'k qu ul. 111 the pi ·tur nt th • hottom of t ht 1 fi"l'. reatlilll! from I ft to ri~?ht : ( 'o.tt'hc • 1o~ l'l', h "ortlt~. Kl ·m ·r. . '" itlfll'll lllltl Clark. • ·, (•f

f'ar·t rut : Bat ·, l tate, Bradbury, ('O ta. f'a]Jtam .Mdlotwld. , IZ 1 • .Muon. Ru~stll. • •cond rotc: f oach lloy ,., l'tlty, 1J11~Ion,. hoafJ, ,•aatlwlf, J. L'mllh, c.'<lll<Ulay. JJ •• n Jtfl llarlou. I htant f'oa('h J: worthy. 'llnrd ro1r: Jlammrl, llodg, J>arkn, .hcl/I'JI, /.,. ulftli, 1'. '1111111. «IIIII<, 11. lllau. J'uurth 101r.' t;t/but, L'hufJtllt. J. 1l/('ll, Komcy, 111/tl, 1\'a ·<111 r, 1/tll.

THIRD IN BIG 12 A ·ht•f•r "Of'" up from thr ( 'hamp .. ,:.!" (•heer·in!!' -..ect iou, a "I'Oan frum the oppmrellt ,r maroon l'lad \\ arrior· got• da-..hing do\\ n the fit•ld opponrnt aft(•r· oppor!l'nt i t~kt'n 011 t hy ulmo t flit\\ le -.. iuterf<'J'('JH'e, mrd ( 'lwmpni.-rn ~ot• over for· n to11elulm\ 11 , 11d a vi<•tor~ that i,., ex<'t•pt again t , 'pringfield, Bi!! 12 ( 'o-champiou , and ngnin t Whitin!!, 1'111111 ·r·11p a tall' ehampion in ludiana . • 1ot onl~ did they tini-.h third in th • Big 1~. lo i1w o11ly two !!am· nil ea 011, but th •y hnd thr ho11or of hn,·ing thr· '<' men placPd 011 the" .\11 ( 'onfl•n·m·e team'' uaml'l,,·, ('aptain .Jim .l<'l>ounld nt tnekiP, ·' ( '11riPy" .\loor·e nt C<'llt ·r·, aud l'nl'l ( 'amrday at hnlfhack. Beid .,., htn·ing tlu·ee rn ·n 011 tlrP fir· t team. two ~ Ioyer·m<'u, Pet • ( 'o ta mrd ('Jurek Bradbury, r·et•t'h rd hoHor·nhl · mention. ~ 'inetePH letter· \\er·r H\\ arded nt HH• clo f' of tbt• Nl on, four·tet•n going to enior . TJrrn.;p '' lro n·N·inl l<•tter \\en• ('apt~tin .Jim .l<>l>onnld, ('aptain-el<'ct .Jprry Mor·phPy. ( 'Hrl I 'mUtd.~y, "('tu·lt•y" l\1oor<•, ('huck Br·ndbur·.r• . Jack . 'mith, Bob I' ·try, .Jo ·


• l.rty ugl t

)t'"'• Cluu·lps ::--nuth, IIO\\Hl'd hu ell, .Jo,..uah l'nrker, Llo~ d ~r111th. I lil'k ~izer·, !'Pit• ( 'o tn, .Jolmny . o~nt­ lwtr, I >,m . 'mith, Hoh Batl' , l >mutld :-;}wiley, uud !..eon ~houff. ('Jrampaicrn Oj)t'IH'<l thP Hl::l;j foothall Pa on \dt h n 3~-1:! 'iet o•·~ OH'l' l'ui\l•r-.ity Iligh of . . 'ormal. . . ·e t t•amr tlw tu ll' ''ith the hig ft•nm fi'OIIt :-;pdrw Ynlll'.'. ('hampaign l'Or<'d the ouly tom•hdO\\ n on n long pa"' to .lot• Yul\\. l11 tht· fir t !!IIIII<' fl\\11.)' ('Jrnmpai"n '' "am" to Yil'tor~ O\f'J' :\lattoon 1!!-li in a drt·Hehillg- rain. ( 'uri ( 'aun<lny. in hi u-..ual fol'ln cor·pd both touehdo" 11-< fm· the :\lni'Oon . :\lid\\ay iu tl11• game t IJ(• r·ni11. '' hiclr lwd het•ll <'ollrirw do\\ 11 iuce •nrly iu tht• ('\ e ning tm·npd into n c·lrJtrdhm·,.,t. 'l'hP game \\fl-. h ·ld up fo1· a hort time and tlrPH the •· \\immiug mPt•t" hedo\\ 11Nl g-all. .. e t tl11• ... llu·oon • tr·Pator ttlldt•r thP home light :! 0. I 'a•·l ( 'anaday l'orrd l\\O tou<"hdcJ\\ n . llo\\nnl H11 Pll tlll'lll'd iu the mo t brilliant play of the <'\ening, <•ntPhirw n :·10 ~ nrd pn and <'lll'I'Yillg- it to thl' 30 ynrd hne. The • lo~ l'l'lll ·11 t·on•d

\ '1'.' ((ll<ll'lt•r. \Jtog>Pthf'l' "L1 '' u ·d thi'PI cmnpll't · tl'lllll in til£' <·om· £' of the gnmf'. C'lwnrpni"n m ·t it fir· t c]pfpaf of t hP Pa on nt • 'priu~fiPld on I I tob11' 1:.?. 'I he l,Jorki1w of .lnck • mith and tlw punt inr• of .) i111 l\lc Dm1n lcl '' f'r<' out tandinrr. lrnmpair•n 'OI'Pcl it ole touf'hclO\\ 11 011 n long- pa from •'!wafT to I 'nnadn). ThP trn ]itional riYal. t rhana, \\a til£' 11 t fof' of thP .lo)'f'rmen, fallin • h fore thf' .lnroou 1:3-0. hampni~tn \\a on tlr · off<'n hP mot of th "lllllf', <'ll'r)illl! th ball to thf':. foot litH' imm •dint ·1.' ft ·1· thP OJwninl! kickoff from \\ h r£' thf'.'' Nt ily ·orNl. ('anaOil.' ·OI'f•ll the ·rmtrl ton hdO\\ll on n t\\O·. ar·d phlllj!£'. llamill<' \\ll nf' t on tlti' ictim li t lo ing- 1 0. .lorphey eored fir t on a :. • ard phuw aft ·r a 20 .' nr<l print h) ( lllliHln.'. 'l'h£' •cfmd tnll.' \\ H rc''' ·1· ·rl. ( 'mlflday c11niNl tlrr hnll O\ 1r from the 1 foot 1iII£' nft cr 1'1111 1'.' .. Ior·phPy. 'l'h .laromr' II£' t "1'1111(' \\(1 pin) I'll in t hc• Hftc•moon nt Bloomington. hnmpairrn returm•d hom<· on fhl' loner <'lid of n 15-0 <'Or<'. 'ham(llllrm' linP clt thP lo of "(']mek' Bl'lld hul'.' \\ ho \\ n n m· i n~-r a 11 1n.iu 1'.' • 'IIJP uc t tu I<• \\Ith ."paulding tul'll ·d out to hP n trn<'k met t forth<' .lm·oon \\ith Cnl'l Cnmulny doing mo t of tlw priutinrr. ( mradn,\ do •d Ill

tl11 l'h1dul<•d "' on of hi l'nior .' 1ar in 11 hlaz1 of glor.', coring :1:.? of th 33 1olllt . L.rte in the• "lllll . 'paulding fiually Jlll hed mer a touc·l11lo\\ 11. hut fnil1 d to com crt. ln 11 po t 1a on game on '!'hank •h ing day. ('hamp.ri~n ero ed into ln<linnn to pin') Wltiting, rurm r up to the • tnt ('hmnpion of lndimta. 'l'h1 J!llnlf' tm·n('(l out to U£' d i ru 1 ·r·ou for thP .laroon lo iu~ 1!3-0. Althou~h ouh\<'ighrd :.2 pound to the man. th • lnroon line }rpJcl ' Ji(•ntl~· all aftrrnoon. hampnig-n made only t' o tht·i•at , both hciur• topJ Pel hort of tonehdo\\ n . ~ r t .' Nlr . I O) i'r e Jll'<'1 to hn H' a pr<'tt.' f!Ood hnekfirld dth Capt a in . lorphP.' at fnllhack, I lc1n mith and Hill llou ton at halfhnPk, and Morri Hnrlo\\ at quartf•r. Jiou ton, a ophomore thi .' rnr. und thP m11in tl1rrat of thr fn lnnan- ophomorr tPam had JH'O\ d to Uf' a u1·~ fa t and good ha II hnndlPr. I;P "ill al o han• a good rrotHl trhr~-r fullhnek in ];('on . hoaf. , lettPr \dlllll'r thi-. yi•ar, \\}JO pla. rd good football 1111 Nt ou. .Joh11ny . ·n, thoff. 1 r •~tulnr la t fnll \\ilia! o hr hnrk 1md ntfl\ fill in nt Oil<' of ti1P lwlflml'k post . The line i not quit<' o \<'ll ofT. 1 ctP Co-.ta "ill h hack at gunrd 1 'i•ll n" Doh Hate . Hill I .ilbrrt "ill tuke clHll'J!C of th · N•nt11' p ition. \h·n ]lannn£'1. t 'harl "Kenn~. John \lien. and 'lar•ucf' Fo te1· "iII 1 o be lmek. l'ao<

l:rty nin

AS OTHERS KNOW THEM ('\J L (' .Ail\Y, h<thr kno\\n to In friend and t amm.11t n '')lank" or") nhhit,'' rf'af'lu•d tlH· peHI of hi hi~h <·hool football cal"f'f'l' in hi 1'11101' ~1'111' llf' \\11 not on I,\ <·lao f•n a hnlfhaC'k 011 t h • 11('ouft>rt llC't tf'nm hut rnnkt fl f'eond in th lJUIIIhel' of point C'Ond in the Big 1:!. ('al'l nl o recdH•tl honorahh• mf'Htion on tlw "All ,'tate· Team." C'. H •.

C'omi1w to ('lutmpni~n from a<'ro \\'•·i •ht . 't l'f' ·1 in hi ophomo•·c· ~ <•ar. B<~B "('urlt>)" .IO<~HE htt>IIIIIC' an out tantllllg nntl .\11 l'onft>rt'TH'P C'PntPr on tlw l!J3l ~1nroou quad. "Cur I ~" didn't pin~ l't gular!) until hi PllittJ' 'tar n he \\a llll umlt r tud\ to Diek ('agann iu 193:!. · ('. H S.

IJO. • Ll > .'ll ELLEY aft<·•· ''orlinl! hnrd on the quncl for thrPe ~ ,., r 11\\flrdl'd hi )ptfPI' nt ftw Pllfl of hi final . C'lll', \ltlwugh Don did not J,!Pt to pin) Jlltl('h tlurinJ.! thl' f•a on, he pln) Nl Cl'f'tlitnhll' foot hall tht• gnmf' thnt h · ~ot in \HI


.\noth 'I' of ('oach .lo~t·r' ahundnnt hut \1'1"\ finf' e11d \\ll ('11.\IU.E.' .'~tiTll. ''Wltitf'\ " a hf' \\II kilO\\ II Ul'OUIHI thf' •}IO'Oi, did not <·om· out fo1· t )I(' quat) until 1hi ) t•nr. IIi <'0111111 ·ndnh1 · pia) in 1h lint• \\on fm· him til(' co\ •t •d " '", ('H. llo1 ing to equal OJ' po ibl~ urpa thP nchil'\ 'llll'llt on thf' g'l'idil'flll of hi t\\O ·ldf'r hroth ·r \\ho hC'lpl'd makf' foothall hi tor~ nt l'luunpaigu llil!h II OW .\HI> Ht". 'ELL ·omplPted hi final ) Nlr at ('. ] I. :--. n an !'lid Oil th' fir"'t tf'alll. C'H


nnother of tlH' group of piPJHiid ('lltl \dJO pin~ Nl t'o1· ('hampai<?IJ thi I'll 011 . .lo<· al o pin) t•<l 01111' in the lmekfif'ld th fir t of tiH ~ tHI' hut lntt•r \\fi \dh•hl'tl to mi. Jnt• "n out taudin!! n a pn I' Ct'l\ f'r. \\II

C' H. • .

•\ 7J' •nt dt•nl of tht• fi• 7ht and pirit di pin~ etl in the lint came from

l>I<'K. IZEI, \\Ito pl.J)td

~unrd 011

th< footh,dl qund. J)i •k \8 lnt'lltion •d on tht .\11 ('onfei'PIICI' t nm Ia t ~Par· fo1· hi fight nncl pirr1. '.H.S. ('JI


BHADB1·1 Y plnyel

ta ·kiP dtu·ing the \\ holt• eu 011. In nhout tlaf• middlt· of tht' n 011 "l'huck" \HI aflhl'ttd \\ith n en of \\ 11ter-on-t he knf'l•. 'l'hi ham pt'red him thl' l't t of the yec~r and pr '<'lit d hun from ),ppomilw a11 outtnnding 1nr hut 11 '\l'rthd1• ht kl'pt ri .. ht in thrre. C'. H . .

I' I K EH, tall •·nn!!) Pnd i nnoth •r of th<• ~roup oi pnior .11!. T \II

\\hieh fornwd one of tht• mot outtnndin:r football qund ('hnmpaign hn had 111 om I' time .Jo uah ~mnf'd PIIOII''h qunrtf'I' for a !Pttt•r "'I'll t hotwh 1111 inJIII'('(l \\ ri t kPpt him frnm pia~ i11~ the clo t' of the •a on. <' H . .l \l'K ,'~1)'1'11, from hi quartPrha<'k position. direded tht• tc>am I lu·ou~h n Pa on of onlY t '' o dPfeat . .Jack <hrl much of the 1;,, in:r on th quad and a out talHiimr in runn ilw in t <•rft renl'f' or the 111 •mht'r of tht' lllll'kfi •]d. It mi!!ltt I)(' nott•d nl o that '' ht•n in ti~ht p]ac( .Jack u ('(} hi ltt'nd e cet>duwh "Pll. H~ .

Follm\ in~ i11 the oot tPp of hi olde•· hrotllf'r. I 'lwriP , \\ ho la t " nr pia~ .,) qunrl<"l'Ual'k nn] cnptn.in rl tht• ~ lnroon qund. BOB PE'I'l Y n i 11'11 in dil'tC'till~ the 1!18-l ·dition of ( '. II. . . foot h, II pia) f'r from thnt po it ion. I lp pitt' hi-. mall huild and n hould1•r i11jur~, hf' \\ n eon idt'red IIIII' of tht' b£':oit t, ekh·1· on tht' qu, ], nn I ahuty h d n fighti11~ pirit. C'. H


LI.tiYI> • .:\IITll \\ the thml of t lw t h J'et• Pll ior on the q untl '' ho hort'

t lw

Ia t



:mit h.

·' 'I 't'JlY" mndf' 11 p fm· hi lack of p<•£•d \\ith lu "l"Nit ,..izP and natural nhilit). 111111 hi' played tlt entirl' " aon nt r•uarcl n11d tn ·kl · and at th elo c• of the I'll on \\11" 11\\flrch•d hi \\ell e, rn ~d lettl'r.

l'ngr • •

ntv Of

P1r t 1ou·: J .• m tl,. kflton, Nol.~t 1t ·. Itt tt. /Jolluk• 1. 011d 101r: llay , Pdry, llt111, 1/anu 1 Ly(m. 1-11/1111. lo . \ulan. Tl11d 1mc: Ugr. ltlf'l t, Gtal •m, 41 , nu1u, Ilunu, 11111. ('l11n, (,cnutJg Fourth tou: Coach KltUtl/·, \tl on,/Jmlum B1otcn, Fo trr, JlumtiiiiV.


THE LAST PLEBE TEAM I >n\\ 11 into tht• pngt of hi tot·~ go the frt h 1111111 ophmnon• t enm of ( 'hnmpai"n lligh :-;e}wol. • ro more "ill 1hr •lf'nt of the undt•rcll1 srnrn' 1<·11m It· d upon .If' Kin! e.' Field I• or th In t time mtmrt·nl lutH hrf'n n\\, rde] to Indent for pin~ in" on I 'hmnp.Ji ..n · frp hmnn- ophomorr 1PI1m. '1 o tm it all up, th r "ill IH'Yet' h · nnother pl•hf' 1 •am 11t I hamp11ign High. Th • ne\\ .Juniot· lligh :-; ·hool \\ill hou-.r thP frtoshmen. nnd th<• ophomor(' "ill mo' P up to tltl' l'f' t r\ e tt•nm. 'J'h · In t frr hman- ophomor • te,un hll'IIPd in a '1'1'\' nti fncton· Nl on inl'IU<ling- thre<' 'tie . three ".in . mtd two lo r . 'rtwy drd not •1£• ·t a }lf'l' rnanent <'npt~lin, hut in t ·nd ('onch 1\ lt>m er )('etNI one bm 11ch \H•ek to enptnin thf• 1e, m for th;1t gmne. I >nring tl1e f'll 011 tltf' folio'' ing hoy neted 11 cnptniu : J .ill llo11 ton, .1n Hnmi h. EddiP llnrt. nnd !'nul l'et t·y. Out of thi team I 'oach . . Ioyer hould !?Pt omp u •ful material for t h · 1 •, m II(' X! and thP folio" ing year . ('lwmpnign opPned tltr pa ou "ith thp t•rhann )l)(•hP . and pl11~ pt) a lwrd !?nme to n ·or·p)e ti •. Hill llou ton pin~ ed \\ell, hut the tenm \dth o littlf• prnetirP "11 Ullltbh· to cOt'(•. In

the •eoJI(I gnnw \dth .John Hill 1h em·<· hotll'd t iII rt•g-i 1end n goo • e•m for each team. Ed<lie llnrt etin .. enpt11in fot· 1lwt gmne ju tifi('d hi po it ion hy pla~ itw one of h b t gnme of hi pl('he enrPer ln tltr <•e<md gnmP '' i1h 1•rhnn11 the (•ore l'tfH at <1 it <>If for thP third 1111<l final tim·. In thi gnm · Paul P<'try eted 11 captain. Th n th ... 111roon hu•an H \dnniw• tr 11k hy fit· t dcfenting 1 oo \Pit of l>e·11tur. a tPam thnt <1<'ft•ate<l lmth John llill and I'Putenni.tl ,tl o of J>"e.thll', b~ a eorP of 1:3 7. Th<• folio\\ ing t k undf't"ln slllt'll ag-11 ill "on hy n d ·ci i' e 'ietot·~ mer ] >am ille, H r~ deei iH•: in fnt•t. t Itt• f•ore \HI :Ja 0. From tlH•n 011 the lughPr eon· " ·t·e uot Ulldt'l' I 'hnmpai .. n' \\nrtll~ lllllllt', hP<'llll e fir t I >am ille appart•ntly nllgered hy their he,n y PI'('\ iou Jo <'Hill<' h. ek nnd no <'<I out the plelw b~ one point. i -fi, nnd thPil iu t hP lu t gnnw of 1he t a on, I '<•ntenninl lllcl h(•d l'hampai"ll · 1wto1·iou l'Peord by tt·ouneiu.t hf' ( 'hnmp.1 i"ner 1 fi-0. ·mnerul \\ <>l'f' fl\\ nrdf'd II\ I 'oa<·h Klem r to William HoNit·k;.,., William I 'hinn, ... 1a I IHrm h. E<l<lie llm·t, 'J homn llcl)e, l'm1l I'Ptl'.'"· 1 ),IJ"\\ in Hobert • J ,j}] :-;k{·ll'tOil, nob LiH·tt, \\'nr·nf'l' .. ·el oil, m1d \\'atTl'll


\'o .

land ug: I 11 1t1, Jlo lg•, /'arl.•' 1 oaf, l tau. I) I'• lli}ou f tor.). /Jru11. J. m II, /late. lo01c, c. Uould. 111 trout: Coar11 ltov rand "'loot~"


1 1 1 11

29 22



Hi 42 5 20 24

Farm r 'It\ P rl Onar a lllit Tu cola Tolono

3Z 11


1 1

2' 13

3 2 7 1J1 ~~~I C'h mpalgn 31 'hampal n 31 C'h mpalgn 21 ' ( tlonal Tournam1 nt 11



Fi her

24 15 22 (,'or.) 21

24 20 17

30 31 • tat•

('h IIlii 11 hamp. I n


25 16

('onf('renc Gam • 'on ConfaE'nr

2 ~'on 5 Won 1

Lo t 5 CiOO I..o t 3 57 - ________ ,; 41

11 all, m1t'h.

TOURNAMENT DOPE En ·on TIH fhl' I thrnHn Llo d mlth "Curl ~" loor Ch rl 'mlth, Jo hun 1' rk r, nd Jnt k , rnltlt, nnd Joe '\ Nl\ , n en lor ho la!'kcd only n (e\\ qunrtt r , ho nr plctur d on tit OJII>O Ill pa \H rt nil It tttrmln in footh 11· con qu ntlv their rlt UJI r· uu that pag 'rlt nforl' It hn 1111 d ld d to d \~t tltl p, l'.to th to 1rn 1111• nt in \\ ltfch <harnpalgn E'nt o far Ju11 \\'oon , J!Ort~ d1tor.

,, ha1·11 •Uilll' to lo P th. t one lwain t prin"fiPlll. E\Pr) oni' ad1111t I hat hO\\ I\ 'I' thl'l'l' i OnH' emt oint ion in t h<• fMI I hat tl11 .'olon \Pill .lh<·nd to" in tht· tatt <'ham pion hip. If tht' 'J hornton FI~Jng 'loud couldn't liJl PI thP t ·nm rom tht" cnpitol t•ity, t ht> .1nrooll houldn't f('(') 110\\11<'11 I. • •1\HihPIP it rr mnin that it \fl n hnrd f.{alllP to lo . •\t thP 1 111l of tlw fit· t half it Jook1d a if ('ham] aign hiH1n t·hmtcc to" in; hut OJIP IIIII til 't fOI'g'l't tl111t .'prin~­ :fic•]d hn nh\lt~ h1 rn 11 trotw eond lwJf d£'11'~-rat iou. 'l'h1 ~ hm\l'd that in thr In t hnlf of neh gnmP thl" .1n roon t 11 le \HI no I' t•t•ptioll. ( hnm 1 aign luHl no • '•h ·fll•r, but thr\ did ha\ r n I loci~ •. \'hl'n Jru·k fo1lo\\Nl . c·lu•tllt'r out of thP •nmp da th£' foul rout(', F£'mu, 11, tnh\ m·t •uar11 of IIH•. olou . t't•mnt·l c·1l that lw" ju t a hnpp) to ('.Jack go out n h · ''n ot'l'O\\ful to 11•. <'IH'fll1r go out. To 1£'11\ th ._ tntc 'l'om·nnnH•nt and go to tlw •'P<'Iirmnl nt nloomington, on emmot h£'lp hut n• ·• ]) the t llnr gnmr (', l'h man on th qu <I pia~ Nl, (l£'t•iall~ ~ 'aptmn Plr•1•t B h l at . ThC'rc· r1 nih i 11 't n 'holf' lot thnt c 111 h aid tl1 • ctionnl or th ))j tri<'t 'l'om·namPnt at fonti • llo. In the • rtionnl ( h mp. irr11 complt trly <•llfiJWt rl their t~ lP o g-mn from th fa t br nk hm\11 throu~hout tlw eaon nrl in 1he fli t rirt to the In\\ r ~p· of '1111' ho\n in thf' .'('•tiontl nnrl in tllf' • tntP 'J'ourn lll('llt !!nin t Th rfiPld-. hit'ltl nnrl ngain t • prin":fif'ld. 'l'o •o h <'k to th1 I li trirt nt .1ollt i<'f'llo. 'lwmpai~rn "on it fit· t gnm from 1llf' homf' l<'am, <•oach<'ll hy 'Huck" .'hro, th. • "p I <'HID(' the 1 Iammond tlt h·<•,tt ion "hich f •ntur 1 1he \ k 111 hrot h r . 'I'ht .1 n roon m t





Btnwnt mall, B('IIJf•nt had not lookNl pnrticul, t·l~ •ood in }ll' ., wu f.{IIIIIP . Ho\\ ., r·r in the finn! th1~ JWJ>plrl up m1d f.!'•l\£' 1h • .:\1o,\erlllrll 11 good fight BPfOl'l l1 II\ inrr 1onticl'llo it mi~ht h m 11 tinned that tltf' lo ing !(•,nn "" ni\\H~ 1'1'\\arlll'll "ith a "im in thf' high chool pool. not h<'r t hin•• t h t \\II uotic •11 at .lnnti1'1 llo \II th •ir r~ nicr pin~ 111~ floor . '1'111'11 to 1111' Bloomin~to11 1<'tiona! \\h('t' thf' .laroon tfl"<'d their fatiiOII <l1•ln~ g.un • agnin I Fi hf'r. . IJ . •. hl'ld t hr h,tll for JWI'iod of t'om· ami fh I' min uti' at n tinH The Fi het· fll en "n finall) hrokPn up awl the luroon c·on ted to 1111 f'll ' Yii'IOQ. • ·l'xt El l'n o fpll lwfot•c tl;l' .laroon in a rather li tit• g-nm· In tl11• l'hampio11 hip gamf' \\ith ~lnn­ ual. th · Pl•orin tP.IIIl jumpPd off to an enrl) IPnd hut hf'ramf' O\ <'1'-t•onfid('nt, mul h~ u ing p ~ eholo!!y C'hnmpnig-n O\ rcnuH• the IPad nnd \\On their ,,a,· to tilt' . 'tat . · 'I'IIf' fir g-amP fot· the .ltr 011 in the tourntmeHt lu'ltl in t]w • ·e, "a a •nin t I> rfi ld . hi1•ld l li.,hland Pnrk. 1n thi !!tllllf' tht outtandin" p ·tneiP \a thr h, rphootitw of .Jo lma Parkt r . .Josh took oul~ our hot durirw thr ...amC' nd m dt tlum nil. 'I h1 n came th d£'f at from prindi ·ld "hieh end<'ll ( 'hnmpni~n • rlim h to t hf' t hro11 In do itw It mi ..ht h1 aid that 'hampai"n hn not c ·11 udt pirit ho\\ n In· hl'r folio\\ ('J'S in om • 'tar 'l'hr • la~oon fan o1lo\H cL th • t mt; 1 hJ"Ouc•h nil of thE' toumnm •nt . ho\\. iJw I hat llllJOU old Champaicrn fi ..ht and pirit. • •o tlouht th1' 1t•nm "a, rncourli"Nl "I' •atl~· b~ thi nthu,.,ia m. nml thf' l'. II. . rootrN lwuld r · .• , u YOtt• of thunk . "•lllll'.

\ idP from h(•ing


l'ngr • '


Ftrst roll': , !.·elton. f:(lmun on, \\'a lH r. ,'/udr r. Jlart. Houston. 'crond row: llyr. !Jillaruu . .1. ,'mith, \I'll itt, /I ann It, llatl'kins, on, !'oat 11 J: u:urt lt y.


, Gtar-

PONIES LOSE ONLY THREE GAMES In thPir In-.. ·'ear· of P '"'''" -e, , Ill· Ponir \\rn• Yietoriou-.. iu thit•fp •n of tJrpir· -..ixtN'II !!aHil''-, to makt• a final perel.'nbtl.!l' of ."-1:2 for tl11• 1!1:!4-:l:i <;ea--on. 'I'o ( oach Hny E-..\\ or·t hy g-ot•.., dul.' l.'redit for ... ueh a -..uet•e..,...ful enon. Thr ho111P -..ehrdulr, con ...i-..tiH!! of 11i11e zamt"·· opent•cl "ith tht• Tu ... ola R .... r\ e.... who "ent down in a :21-1-t defl'8t. • •C'Xf the lllltlt•r·c·la ...... mf'n jom·liP\'M to I>reat ut· w hf'r t hC'y mf't their fir-..t rlef!'at at the hnntl of tlrt> Hoo ...e\'l'lt .Jr. JJil.!h .."elrool ~11-1!1. 1'lrt•y 1il£•n turned nrouud niHl hall(lrd -ToJm, IIill. al o of Dl.'t•atur·, n ~:i-HI cl(•ft•8t on t lrt' home ftoot·. 'l'lrt' next week-l.'ud l1rOu!!ltt th • Tolono R<'f'l'\'t'" to C'lrampail.!ll wlrl'l't' thP~· nwt a 1G-1:! rlPfeat. The 'f'<'(lltd clPfNtt of the f'ttson ('8111<' at thP halltl-.. of I'll· fPJlllial wlro 11-..ed tlrl'ir up •J'IOJ' lrri!!l1t to Plw out a ~:~-~~ J l'i-..iol! o\'et· tlw Pouit•-... 'Plrrn the winnin!! ,.,fr·l'ak hi.'!!an. '!'hi-.. startl.'d \\ lren t lw '( ll"· rol8 ... quatl fell i11 dt'fPat for the econd timl.'. :l:i-1-t . . ·e.-t 011 the Yit·tim li t \\8-< the fre"hmnn- ophomot'f' dt'h'l!rrtion from I• i-..het·. Thi ft>nllt fpJ] heforr tlw Ponit>" ~4-~1 'l'lrP impor·tnnt !!fllllP of tl11• en on wa next on tlrr• -.elrl.'dule of the Poni •-... In this the ITriJann -..ophomon' \\t'l't' dpfentPd l:i-1~. ln tlrt•" cond g-amP with the Tolono


c1 • 11ty- lx

H{'-..el'\t' , he Ponil.'s again howerl tltPir· po\\er· hy \\inniug ~!1-:!'i. ,\ rr\'Prtgi' fot• till.'ir fir"t lo t enmr tl11• "a me wt>ek-r>11d wheu the l'onit' won fr·om Hoo-.;t'n·lt at-~r;. <'ontinuing tltl.'ir \duning -..tl'(•ak, the Poni l!aint>d nnotht>t' yj ·tor·y O\'t'r th t•rhana ...opiloHJOJ'I.'" in a hurd fought O\'t't·tillll' hattlt', \\inninl! ln· n hHl point IIHII'l!ill 1"--1 fi. 'l'hr 101;1! liue of YictoriP-.. iner·ea-.,e] wht>n thi• .\Jahomet He-..Pt'\'1.'-.. \\erl.' defe8tt•d ~-t-11. In thP '-'PCOntl game-.. with tlw Fisher frr ltlllllll--..ophollwn• tt'/1111, .Joint Hill. and thr .\lnltoutt't Ht'-..Pt'\'Cs tlH' ('hamllRhm quillf(•f Plllt'r!!erl with Hi-1-t, :,!s.:!O, :ll-1 ::i, \'il'!rrrif•-.. J't'~JH~t·tiwly 1'o t'OHtpletP tht>ir· ehedult• tltP POJtiP" nl!nin frruwl tht> trong I>Peatm· 11'8111 I no tliUt·h for thPIII a-.. tlrt>\' went rlm\ 11 intn tlrl'it· third tleft>at tht• hand" of tire tall (\•ntPnllial 1Palll i11 tiH•ir final l!fllne. C'oa •h Ha\' E-..\\'orth,· a\\nnlr•d )pftPr ... to Eddfl' llar·t. ll;t!!h !::'ludt•t·, La , ..l'l'lle Wa-..hPr, William Skt>lton, Willimu IJu,ton, .\lax lla!'llish, ,John EdIIIUJHI-..on, and .John \\'lritP, and nlllllf'J'als to Hnlph Il;rwkin-.., Harold f:rpr 011, Torn J•'itzl.!PI'ald, Hir•lra nl Wainright, and l•'nnll'i .\Jill . \\Titlr the ah-..l'JH'e of tht> t'n•,Jrman fi'Oill tht• lril!lr '-t·lrool nPxt Yf'111' it \\ill not lrl• po ihle to IIa\'1' a Pony tt•atn, "!rich in tIll' plht Ira-.. ht•Pn tnadP up of untkrc·la "'n ·n.


d. Purft r,

1'11111 ,

uult, f'u to·,

ller, 11. J:ullum, 'Utumbl•l,"'


prrnklt, Jlall. fAlmun on, JJunn,

"1m , Jla.ron, G/111 ·on, Pd1y.

UNDEFEATED IN BIG 12 <'ompetition of thl' kt•pm• t t~p· \\ ·n thi pn t ~ l'cll' in local and Big 12 cirdt> . 11 n chnmJHOn hip in tlw lnttt•r eit·cuit \HI nckno\\ Jpfl.-.pd for t ht• fir 1 t nne in rt> f'nt .) Pill' . 'I' hut Chump.lig-u "ru to h1• \\ell r<•prt• f'ntt•<l und \HI till ha •hall m1mll'd ''a · t'IIIJllifil'd "ht>u lll'ltrly tift,· bo.) 1111 '' 'I'Pcl <'on ·It L ~lo.) t•r'• eall fo1· (•andidnll• . Among- tht• P pott•n1 ial rt'"lllal' \ f'l'f' H'll let 1ermPn retm·n ing f1·om In 1 •, on. The latt I' !!roup nrt• t l11• un h or o1· I, t \'t•m·' tt·nm \\hi(•h fiui hl•cl a t'Q t~t'(' ful •, on by \\inning t•le' en out of fift •f'n tm·t . 'J'h • only team that ubdu ·d 1h · ~ lo~ t•rmen \\l'l'(' Hloomin!!ton nJHl Clinton: l10th of thl' t t<•nm took h\0 d~ci iou from thf• ... lm·oon . 'l'lw dun 1 of 1hl' •a on e. me ~ It'lllOrinl I lny \\hen ( 'hnmp ir•u UJhl't all the dop • b.) drubbi1w the P ·01·ia ('t•n11'1ll tl•am by n 10 to 2 eore. Bl' id thi ('. II. ·. rang up t\\o Yietorit•, from <>m•h of tlw follo\\illg: O••den, Arm trong, l'nin·1· ity lli.-.h of • 'ormal, 'I riuity of Hloomitwton, nud • 1 houwt. .At tltt• nuuual bnnqnl't of th• fJlUid, held at the con ·lui'iion of th

o11, th · L •ttel'ltll'n llllllt'd Hnt·ry n tit" <'nptni11 of tht 1!13;) t<>nm. B •1\\ e 'll t lwt time ~md thf• opf'niu.-. of thi .) par a 011, Le\d left ehool. lA•\\ i Hout. H'l('l'lln outfipld ·r, \HI ·ho en a llarry' uec or. 'l'lw enior 'ho r ·cin•d I ·tter for tht• 11 :34 t>ll 011 \\t•rt•: <'nptnin ,Jot' <'hi ·k, Boh <'a tt•lo, . 'talllt•) t.at •mt•n, ( h\ ell 0 ilhPrt. and I >i ·k <'llf'llllll. llaJT) lA'\\ i , ('harte slluth. Harold Gruut, \'al'l'ell Bu \\<'II, 1 t•\\i llou1, Carl <' a11adn.), nnd Jo hu, P1rk•r I'· tht• meml)t>r of the da of ':33 "ho n•ccin·<l chl'\ ron for t h •ir \\ o1·k. 'fhe li t of "( , .. \\i111wr plPted hy J l'J'l') ~ lorft>) . 'hoaf; a ophomore nnd fre,.,Jmum, n• p '<'h n·ly. B!' idP thl'SP 1· •tuminc• \l'tt•rnn , tl11• qmul of tlH• cUlT ~nt Pa on \\a hol·..tl'rcd b) the pn· ent•e of uch lJoy n .John AIIPu, Lloyd .:mitlt, ('Jar •nee F o t{'l', Tom Wurmhit•l._ Bol1 .Ioort', • tnnll'~ Bnkcr, Hoh<>rt , 'prink] •, c111d )tilton Broek. 'l'hl' l' caudidutf' , t hou~h uot all playing- ellllU!!h Ulllillg' to \\in ]<•1tel's, JH'OYNI \'ita) for the long- and JIUmerou gmm• whil'h art• nl'ee ,.,ary iu tlw turning out of au.' nood uthktie t!.'am. Nl




t 11t11



PRESENTING THE TRACK TEAM Dut· to tht fn(·f thnt the La ke1hnll qun<l pt oH>d to he• 'PI'.\ t uhhor·11 in ht Jilt! elimi11atl•d from the· ._'t, It• 'lolllllfillll'llf pia~, th• 1t'tl•k quad \\a (' fl'l mel~ )att' ill orpftJIW fcll'ted. The lut~ had o11l~ n '' l'ek of praet iet• hl'fot·t· tltt• fir· t llll't'l. H••t!ardlt• of thi m•t, thl' ll'cllll did t• (' •t•<lillgl~ \\1•11, pl.ll'irw t('OIHI in the mel'l In tJrr IJH•t•t Olllt Ullt)i i'O\t l'('(f 1 tlt>llf "a hr·otwht to lr~ht, 11amel~ Wn1tt·r· Burr·otwlr mrd Eur·iru 'I a~ lor, \\Ito t'tlltlrrhutl'd r a11d 11 hnlf n11d point I'<' JH't'l n (')~ . In tlH' fir· t llltt 1 of thP Pet o11 ltl•ltl \ ith I l'llclllcl, I clll1oul, nrrd .Iahomet \\lth ('nptain .Jnel , urith out. Pcllll Pi('kt•JI , C'<tptarn of tlw Cro Count r,\ qund nnd Eru·in" Tu.' lor, a! o n IIIPtnlwt· of the hurriPr , pla('t cl fir t cllld t•ontl I'(' JH•t•ti \ p)y. Both Pi('] t'll mrd 'l'a~ lor al o rmt t lw mil('.

John \linn, n nP\\ comt r to thf' qu.1d \\Ill .tl o r·un the miiP. In tltl' quart<·r mil£' <'arl , 'huh7., \\ho \\cl out t.md ing o11 the < '1'0 ('oulltr~ (om t•, \\ill he t hi' out tanding Plltr·~. Jot' Y 'cl\\ \\ho mna ul 1Pn poi11t i11 tlw fir· t Ull'l'l \\ill ht• c·nuutt•l ou for point in thf• 100 ~<11'11 da h and tli t'll tlii'O\\. J>n11 , mith, a junior· \\111 al o lw " }ll't'ft•tl to "ather· quit· a fe\\ point in the hortl'r' nut . In thl' }lil'tUJ'I' 011 th • nppo t1l' pa••l· rl•atling from I< ft to right: Fir t ro\\ : Light. .Jnp . 'mit h. ] lt'JIIIr'il·k . Pt•tt•r , Da,\ ton. 1-'l'<lgUP, Ligmr, .James, Britt, , 'hultz. • '<•('ontl rm\: Fulf<·r·, \~ t'l' , Pl.tft. I• 1 hl·r·, Flannignm, \\~ai11 \\l'ight, llal'l'i . Bt·ig-g , l'iekt n , (rould. Thu·d 1'0\\: .Jr. 'lm·k, II. .'mitl1, ,J. .'rnith. Y (',1\\ • .'honf. \ 11£'n, Euh,mk. • 'hPlle~, Clark, Hiehanl on, Tu~ lor·, ...\llt•n.

BIG 12 CHAMPS l'hc~mpai~n· ('ro ('ou11tr~ t • m ",, om ·thin~ of '' hieh l'om•h Bill ('Jnrk, 11111 for th,tt m.ttiPr th • "hole ehool, \a proud. 'fhe • I nroon l' ttll'twd tltl' 'it•lot 111 th · Bw 'f\\ ·he mel't n11d in 11w PPkin lm itntionnl: "lule lo i11g onl~ to Dam ill£'. Th · fit· t I\\ o llli'Pt of the e.t on \\ l're held ' ith tnhouwt. '1 he .laroon hnd lit tit> tr·ouhlt• '' imring hoth mt• t , the £'on h ill" 10 :!9 and 1G 3D. .. e 1 ( ..,] ·n '' n O\ ·rcomp h) 'hampmg11 . •\ me •t "ith Tolono mrd a ri•tm·n t ngaf'PliH'IIt "ith ()«d(•n re tH' t 011 Chnmpni••n' card. 'l'lw ('llll·k m£'n \\l'J'e tht' 'i('1ors in tl11• furiiH r mp t 17-41 a11d the lattpr


• • t cam£' tht PPkin lrn itnttonal i11 \\ hil'h thP .. lnr·oo11 l·d th · fi •ld \Hth :!2 1 oint . 'J'hpn camP the couff'J't'll · · m (•t, tl o l~t•ltl at Pekin \\hieh tht' .laroon \\Oil. Captain

Pil•kl'n \\fi tht 111di\ idunl \\ innPr, fini hing 200 ~ nrtl nhPnd of .my otlwr eompl'titior. ''Pick' .. tim· \HI ] 2 :03. 'l'ht• final lllP •t of thc 'cl 011 a11d thl' 011h tll'ft•nt of tht> H'.Ir \\ll held \\ith ll~unillP, tht l.ttt : .. \\irmi11g b~ till' mnll mar·••in of 1 -19. .\t th · elo ,. of the t•a on lcttt'rs \\l'rt• .mnrt!Pd to 0\H'Il I la~ ton. \\'a)liP L~ tP, Hn~ Peter . Cuptuin Pnul l'i ·kt 11 • I iC"hartl . nllntln~. all(( EurinP 'fn\ lor. ( 'ht t r I l'\ nold , .Jack I o , m;d <'arl • hultz \\t.l'l' "iH·n nulllt'ral ; and 0\\l'n lla~ton \\a cl et('d captain for Ill' t ~!'Ill'. ln th pil'ture 011 tlH• oppo ite Jlll" • rt aditw from left to l'i,.ht ; l<'ir· t ro\\ : Taylor, L~ tt•, I l,t~ ton. ] ieke11 .. 'all ada~, hf'~ nold . . _ \'Pond l'O\\ : 1I tum, Pop<·. l't•lt•rs.•J. ~mith, .. luth , II ·ndri ·k , 'oaeh 'lark. 'I hinl ro\\ : hultz, ll.rrtrit·l·, Ril·hnrd on.

SWIMMING REVIVED Winning n llll'l't OH'I' Pt>orin < pntl'ltl, "inn<•l' of tlrt> Big 'J'\\f'ht' mPet, in thl' home pool and lo ing hy only tlu·t•e point to tlrf' po\H•I·I'nl I >am ille q11nd, in tlH·i1· pool, tht· .lni'OOH tm1kmen fi11i h('() tlu•ir l'll 011 II\· plneiuJr third in tlw H1g '1'\\t•he lllf'ei, nJrnin onl~ thl'l'l' pomt lwlr111d l>an \ illt·, in tire Y.• I. C. \ pool at I '• Ol'l I. ('oiH'h Ho~ ,'\\iiHIPJI' tt•um "n ut n •t't•ut di .uh;u1tage in •p tlH' did not Ira\ e tht• 1 ool 11t tlrf'il' u ;. l.1 t ~ l'HJ', and only OIIP lettel'man rt•tur•nt•d thi '('Ill'. 'flri tt•nm did \\ell undt•r (' i ti~rg condition . 'l'ho I' pl11t•iug in tlw Bi" 'l'\\l'hl' IIH'l'l nt Pt or·ia \\Prt HcJ\\ard I 11 ·11 third iu tht· tift~ ~ nrtl fl'et t,\ If', I o .In,\ ·r· third in tl~t• h1·pa t tr·okP nml Boh Batlt•y nud l>on \IIi on, thir·d nnd fourth l'l' J)('etiH·I~ in the huudn•cl. nrd haf'l· trokP t'H•Ilt. I otlr thP frc' t\·1.-. nJH) lllPdhtY rehn temn pin •t•tl third. 'fire fret· t~ I· r·~·la) "11

rll.tdP up of Boh Bai!Py, Don IIi on. .\JIPn l'lntt, nnd llm\,trd Ru ·11 \\hilt• tlw lll('(lla\ rPia' iuclude I Boh HaiiP). Ho .:In) f'r·: and llo\ nrd Hu Pll. Hou .\IIi on nud \lien Platt \\PI't' eiPeted <'O eaptnin for ne t ) par' 1t·nm. • 'ormnn T\\ill trip nnd Ro .Ill~ PI' \\ill al o return to Jwlp f'OinJHI P n · t ~ t'lll' tcnm. 'Jiroc· \\ho I'Pcl'i\ed lt'ltt'r at the t•lo t' of the ('II on \\ I'I'P llcl\\ m·tl I 11 PI I, l o .Ia~ l'l', ('o-Ntptain Boh Bail ..~, .\llt•n Platt, Do11 .\IIi on, l'ot·Hptuin Bob l't•tr~. and Dcrmont E trid(J' . "hil · .. 'or·mnn ')',\in t1·ip, 'harlf• Hit ..~. nurl ))pan clnl'lantl l't'<'PiH•d Jlllllll'I'HI . )u t)l(' JHCtUrP 011 th' IIJII 0 itt' p.t~(', l'l'adiuJr from left to right: 1 t l'o\\. C'o-eaptnin 1\•tr~, 1 u t>ll. Co-captain HuiiPy. E t1·id~l', .\IIi on, Plat. 2nd 1'0\\. • Ill~ er, 'J'\\ in trtp, llorukolt', l'or·te1·, HiiQ. 3r<l ro\\, I 'oaeh \\indell.

ALL STATE CHAMPS 'l'lr.-• Chnmpnign Jlirrh • Phool m t tPnm, thl~ eon ·hed hy .Jolmn~ Watt, l'nher it~ of lllinoi conehiu • tu d nt nud pou mwl h~ .1t·. II , Plldt•d it: \\J'p-;tliug ·hetlul· hy \\ l't' th1w the tnte elrampion lup ero\\ 11 from l'rbauu nt tht lllllllllll tatl' tout'IJ<tnH•nt, IH•Id nt .It·. 'nhh. 'l'hi i thl' · ·ond t iuw inc thP ))0\\ll • 't,lfe w·n· tlin~r 'fourn Ill ·nt mntlt• it debut thrt>e )l'.tr ago th, t "'hampaigu Ira "on the champion hip. 1 l hnnr Fi1wham, ]·rank Brc\\1, kc1·. ( 'arl <'nnnd~. C'o-1 'a pta in I >ick ._'izl'r, nnd l.;n Hu · • h nk \\On ·hnmpiou hip in their 111dn i lu tl \\eirrht . l'o-l'nptnin Boh l't>try und hi ln·other Paul \\Oil econd plnec, \\]rile BPnton Bale enmf' tht·ou~h \dth a third pia 't'. 'I'IH• onlY m I' on t h • r • •o1·d of the \'attmt•n ·cmne in mid- •.J on nt tht• lumd of l'rbana, but tlw .laroon \\l'eaked thPir· ' llg't'lliH'f' hd ·p )at r b~ tl'OUJH'illO' t h • l'rlJana .,rapp} l's in

tht co11d dual lllP t and in the tat • tou rnmn n t. In dual m ~b ('hampaicrn \\On ttn and lot onh on·. l>uritwthe ••a 011 tlwy t \del'· deft•ated by top lr •, ''Y cor·e I >am ille, bibson ( ity, Cni\t'rslty llwh, nml John. \\llliE'Y High of .1<'. 'abh. 'l'hf'Y eauw out 'it•toriou mer .lorton IIi~h of ('iC't'ro and l'rhann. Otlt·r poi11t \\imwr forth t.te t•hampion \\er Kim Hill. Hay ]' •ter· , Ori F leteher, llo\\ard Ru l'l, aud PPt<' Co ta. Oth r \dro furui h('(l competition for t lw re~ulnr "PI'(' \\'lll'l't u Ht't'\\ bakf'l'. • lar·t in lltrri , \\'nit Burrough--, Bill <Jilh •rt, nnd Bob \rst•ncnu. lu th )>l('ture 011 t}l(' oppo ite p. "£', l'C'adin" from left to ri"ht : 1 t ro\\ : 1'. l'etn·. ( 'nnnd'. C'o ta .• 'iz ·r·. B. PPtry, :·hank . ]:'. Bl'f'\\bnk •r. llill. F'ineham. 2u<l ro\\: Atl\'i or lie \\'. l.re\\ hakt•r, stt·ohl, Bnrri . ],urrOlt"h , KennP), Bait• , ( 'oach \\'att.


ltf1h ty on

GROLLA'S TEAM WINS If a lot of noi e, \\Ors" than your nci:.rhhm· at th.. hrt'akfast table t•r·mH·hill!! gr·.t pe-Hut , is heard f•omiug from the g~ m. it i probably tltt> !!irl \ •ym <'Ia ·-,e playing- 'oi!Py-ball. Eat•h l'ln ., "a" clivided into l\\o pal't nr11l tlw wiuncr wn-, Plltt•r· ..d in the tour·uamt•nt. The vidor· of tht'se fir· t !!Hill I' ar·c ho\\ n ht•r·e \\ itlr 1heir· captain : Ht>etn I>uulop, lmogent> Orolla, Edith Ehler, !•'lora Black-,toek, llt•len .\lar·y PPoYier. ~yiYia ~p. !din!!, and Luclln ~tout• who di-,hed out <'IIOlH!h J>PJI to Paeh member to giY{' thPrll a !!ood appetite for fir t pl.teP. Thl' t•i!!ht winuin!! team-.. uwt on thP ni!..dtt l:lppointt•d to try for t•hampiou-..hip. They were dh·ided into rouplt• : <>li!!er played again-..1 . tonP, . 'paldin!! a!!ain-..t I >uulop Pf'O\'ler ll!!nin ... t Orolla, and Blaektock a•~ahht Ehlt•r· and \\it h h !'-like !{'Hill "ork t ltl'y t r·o\'t' to gt'l t ht• h.tll in th ·opponent'-.. !!round. To tht• ... '1'\t'l' crr:l\·itY "t'{'llled to h. Oli~t·r,

sl•t•pin:.r. for· th:• J>, II 1~oppeJ up likt• au 1':.!!! iu a fryirw )Hill aud IH'\'er hmdPd iu tlte r·ight plaet•. <>li:.r~r \, ~paldin!.( , <1rolla 's, and Bl:ll'kstoek'-. tt•all~'< Wt'l'l' Yi<'torious. ( >li!!PI' .tud ( .r·olla ca11te out alwacl in t ht• lit• ·t I'OUlld, aut! (1 I'(JIJa fllld ht>r' fo!loWt•r• took thP l'h, lllpionship aud \\rut lw11H' iH!!ill!! likt• tPa kett!P .

GIRLS EXERCISE MUSCLES ~·hile there t of tht:' tudC'nt '' r~ C' C'rei in~ th ir brain in cln or tud) hall , tht• •irl iu .I i (Jtuu·)(' ' ") 111 ('In '' en• e erei ing 1 hl•ir 11111 ,.Je hy playing bu ketball. Each elu eiPetC'd n C'aptnin "ho iu turn eho P <'tnt ·r , cruur·d , nwl fon,nrd for their team . •\fttr praetieing to hoot at the ba ket from tlr · frPe thr·o\\ lint• and fi'Om (liiTl•I'Plll pnr·t of tht• !!) m nnd pn ing the hall from one to 111oth ·r, thP tt•um turh•d to learrr t}J(' gam . B t'OIIllll" more nnd mor· · flllnilinr \\ ith the rult• thl'\' ],•cam• mort• inter·· tt•d in pla~·ing~, nd oon the "YIIl ''a r·ingllt" \\ ith tll('ir t• eitt•m ·nt. 'rhe t•nptnin of th£' "inning tt:'am nrt:': Eilt:'t:'n Ilerrison, I l rothY ." •liCO\ itz, ~ 1nry u tin, (•o-captai;l IJoi HPt·tl 1111 .Joan :--I udder, Bett~ f o lhrugh, Bett~ brt:'"Ory, .Jaequline TJe\\ i , YOIIC'y ball enptnin ; I.JUella .~tone and Harhnl'fl 'fabaehui(•lt•. Br idt• pin) in•" ba k •tlmll, th" g)m ela t lt•ar·u ·d ha ehc~IJ, c. erei e,, mar1•hnw •yrnn, -..ti • tunt , and nl o hallroom daneincr. 'I'h · ela (' \\ r• more inter ted in tap daneing than tho e of Jll't:'\'iou,.. year nud many IC'arned to tnp dnlll·e w•ry killfully.


"SOUTH IN SONORA" W1th n final burt of ouud the f'hol'll '' ept hnf'k, 1hP <'UI'Inin elo d, tlw li.,ht <'lUIIe 011 and anoth ·r· <'ham }IHI"n 1hf.dl , 'l'110ol ( IJWrt•ltn lu11l IH•t•mrH hi ton. 'l'hP oper·etta \\a ''. 'outh in •'ouor·n '' t h!' mu ie for \\hieh \HI \r·ittPn In l\lr·. ('hal'l1• WnkPfiPid <'adman. ~ t ht• .nulilllCP lllO\('(I trl\\nrd tlw P it onp of thP mo t ati fipd JH•r· 011 in the er·mHI "n


a me l\lr. ( 'ndm.rn.

lie had

II. .'. a th · bue t ol' llonor· for tlH' £'\l•ning to 1 !' for· 1hP fir· t time hi OJWl'Ptt.t ''.'outh in cOIIH'

to ('

. ,.oJlorn. ·'

'I'h · en 1 ineludPd l>o11 Hieardo ( r('OI'~(' Hail', and hi four dnughtPr : ) <•IJpf'f'll .}OIIP , Carolyn .le~ "'' , .1nrgm· •t Honald , and [ I'PJI(' E\1111 ; n J!I'OIIJI o minin~ e11 f!liH 1 I' : ~· n~ ne .J ordn n, l 'm·ol \\'or· )p~. <'h,u·lt• ) .omin1•. H.tl ph Bit•k1•l, nrHl thret• <·olle"e bn~ . Hoher·t bi 11(')', OIPmr l>onnld 011, a11d Bob 'phe~; n ha11tl it ('(Jipftnin, W nrr<'n Hi ·hnrd, 111111 hi a i tnnt l\Iilton ZihPl; n rOilH'Z,

dan(• r, ho t•nwry < )'Donni'IJ: lwr part IH r, I enar·] Kot>hnemann; , 11 old lml imr 111rr • Y Pldn .'n pp; n priP t,

IIPlll'Y .Jordn11: a maid, .lnrgarPt Yan thn•e Pn1ertnliH'rs, .lnrjorif' Hobert . lmo<7('JH' ( rrolla, and Luthera l~hrhart. I'PttPII: and

"THE CAT 'I'he 1110 t '' idely ought nft r actor nf the Wier nd Paint llllliU I ~ dl !'In~. "'l'ht• C'nt C:unc· Bnek ", \\a Mu olini, the eat. l'p until tlw fill) of thP pi ) n 1'<'"111 r fl'lin netor hnd n 't 01'1'11 cured lll f'H 11 t' o t lw au tic of the fll'C\ wu oue . ~\ fe\\ hom hPfort• t lw hpginu iug of the plu~ .lfwk •'mt ih · t•nt \\ n ht·ought forth for n t. g<• tl' 1 nnd \\ ,, employ{'() \dth a alnQ of n ho\d of milk nud om· lh PI'. 'I'he U<'l'l' of ttu 1ln~ i du1•, ton rrr•ut e tent, to ~1i ~lurion • tunrt, (lrnnwti(• coneh, nnd form r ('ham1 nigu lligh . '<·hool tu ll·nt. Thi \\ll ht•r fin;t e periPIIl't' in (hrcctitw a thn•<' net high chool pla~, aud the t•utirf' tndPnt hody n~ hf' i \\OJ' th~ of ntuch prai c 'l'he production, "'l'lw <'nt <'nnw Hack", n fm· '<' in tht'f'P nC't by .1. < '. ~lc.\lulll'n, \\ll'i gh· •11 "ro\'Pilllwr Iii. 1!!:14. in tht• high chool muhtorium. Oer·nld <llll'dll<'t', plnyed 't'Q' \u•ll hy He11nrd Ko<·hllf'llllllllt, \\ll n YO\Ilt • hritl<' gt·oom '' ho ''a Joe ked l11 hi rnod1•rll gar'fl"l' b.'' hi dmninl'l'rin(J' mot hl•r-in-hm, \\hom I anrnb1•1l :-;f•hut t pot·t t·u~ Pd \\it h t h · t~ le of u trm• 11C'f n• s, IH•t·nu l' Ot•rnld \\ otdd not tnk1• the eat .lu olini on hi honP\ moou "it h hi bri Ie. I;Ponn. pln~ t:d h~ l\1nr~ E111ily <'on II'~, a ophomon·.

CAME BACK" Peter· PP!Pr , LPon ' father, \Ht ed by I oh<'rt II ..M oorf' \\Ito \\a an e <'t•llrnt hPHJ>rf·k ·d lm hand. In ol'(fpr· to nid (Jprald in rlll'eting nn old t'rreJI(( of th family, \lfonzo .Jnck on, pht~t'tl \dth gn·nt poi e hy ('he ter· I lou ton, Hob Kay, "ho deJH ·trd Tim llaller·.,er to the hei~.rht of pPrfe ·tim1, brought I>ori KPlly the "llru-c•ht>\\ i1w, '' i e-<'rac•king cigar l<ll't gil'l to tak • the part of I lrrald' \\ rfe <hu·iug tltt• \ i it of • lr.•Jaek on. 'l'hi pnrt "'' plnyed by gjlt•en la~rr \\ ho nlong- '' ith ( leraldirre . 'iekell, tht• good-nntrrrrd lr·i h ltou <'kf•epH, fur·ni ht>d many henrt~ J.nrgh for· thf' audience. 'I'ht• hou ekt>eper· ' a i taut wen• IJil~. till' maid. Jo I~ lieu •'tt'nrr . \\ ho urni hNI n gl'(•nt <Ira! of t•nter·tainuwnt, nnd 'I'annka. the .Jnpnne e hutlt>r of the Oherknmp , llf' ·t cloor nPi"lthors, pla~ ed hy Boh • 1 agel, anof hPt' ophomor·e \dto kept r peating" "I hem fr·om un· tomaeh ". \\'hiiP Tanaka \\H helj1irrg hy furni hirw (rpr·nld \\ ith rwt·e itiP during hi tay in the gnragt•, l\Ir·. llber·kamp, pht~ l'd b~ 'ornw .}Pt\11 Oilliugham. come homt' \\ ith IIPr 1\\0 dntl"htrr . Patt\ ."onder and .1arv l>olan. Billv ~ear;lorr, the grMPr' ·hoy and ho~· friend of J>ori Kt>lly, '' n portra~ d h~ J>ar·\\in Kirb~. pht~

JUNIORS PRESENT •· Bn•nkfa t i f'nt'd." Whnt llll ,llJti-<•lim for th · ophi tirated, r·o man he eontPd~ of eourt I if·, · · 'J'IH• ~\\an", dirl'<'lf'd h~ .1i l\lnrian . 'tunr·t nnd JH'<' PlltPd h~ mtmh r· of tlw junior eln to u 1 neked lwu e iu tlw Champnign lligh ~drool audi tor·ium lat·t•h :i. HPfot'<' om• of t ht> 1110 t tllltt u.tl ,..fnge PI ('\ et· u P<l in a l'hmnpni:.rH lli~?h ~ ·hool dr·nmatiC' IH'OthtC'tion, .. The • \\1111" port rn~ t•tl 1h(• Ii fp IPd h~ n ro~al l'amil~ (lf n mndpr·n, m~­ tlrtenl European kirwdom. Th · topi · that Inter· ·nu •tl n :.rn•nt deul of 111 iPt~ \Ut that t h£' an iou lll'ntriee, JIPtt.' L~ 1111111, \\ hf'n altt•mptirw to for· •p h<·r· da11•Yhtt t• '·the pr·oud \ hitc• \\1111", .Je~lll \\'olll'r. to matT\ I riuer ,\lh(·r·t, n di tiugui hP<l mpmlH•r of n Jll'ominrnt ro~ al l'mnily, 1 ohf'r't II. .:\loorP, hr·mwht the hr·illin11t 'om1, tutor-. Loui . 'eott. into 1lw 1;i ·tur 1o m.t kt> lhrrt j<•a lou , PPitw 1hn t a mert• tutor· \\II int<•r·· ll'd in AlP lllldrin. I lut at thi tlllll' it uddrnl~ apJWart•tl th.tt thl' profp or n•ttlly Pnred for IP andria nnd l1i atf ·etion \\ 1 r·eturtH•d. 'l'IH• rhnr·tu•tt•r roll of l•'ntlu.•r· IIYn·iuth \\II pluypd b) I>Hn\ill rit:b) .Jr., \diO kept tht• audi •nc· · in latJ<•h-

"THE SWAN" fpr·

through hi

hot h for· mtd



ugg 1ion

t the tutm· m11l

the manner· 111 \\hi<•h he ·• l'l'i<•d lu port I) form. Th • fllll't of • ') m ph oro a, \\a npt I~ plu~ Nl b) .'ue f.JIII'• heP, \ ho, 111 JH1e of twin!! rulPd und ordt r uhout h) Be.ttrit•<•, rnnn ngc·d 1o t1eh!!h1 the audi 11 · h) her popprng 111 .tt thP mo 1 unu u.tltimf' . Prr m·<· •\ lhrrt \\ n 11 i t e<l h) J oh 11 •'hnplnlltl, .Jolm \\To(l(l , l\lariun .leKf'llll£'.', arul I a urn Li\1 a~ "hill' tht• Jlltrt o I lporgt' and \r f•He \\ •r'P taken h~ Hob :-;piH) nnd Lcounrd lh·t Plllllllll. l'riucP • I aria I lominicn awl hPr t r1n l'lling l'OIIIJiflllion. 'ounEdr>rl.'. \\ t rt por·t I'll) e<l h.' 1lorn P 111ith nnd l'ol<'ln l"ir·J,. \rar rt•n Hi<·h ml , Cal'l·oll Wil on, I >irk I 'onrml, and Charlottf' rood pin~ Ptl lh<• pnrt of tht Pl'\11111 • ('np .tr, .\1 frtd,Bu m·. wlth•uHtid,\\hrl th• J!IIP t tt tltP hall ' r lr nr E\ . rar·.' II ott, I inn J'pter . C'orirm • .l\ln11. nnd • tnnlt \ .J Ill(' . •\ftpr· HNttri·;.• plnn for .\)p mtflr'in to marn I r·irll' .\ lhert hnd rdtleu I~ gour ;, tnt~ mtd '' hr11 gi, the proff' or·, lwd 'Pillirwl) \\on thr )Hart of IP an lri.r, lw uddrnl) ga\1• f'ddPIH'l' that he lwd n littl pr·idP of lu 0\\ n and depar·tul immedinl<·l~.

"THE BLACK WPird !tri ],irw from flreplne , ''ord fi"ht , n n in ('mt •ht "ith tluggpr· rai !'d, nnd c·r· , miner \\Oilllll. :'lh ten mPlodl'flllla in it lu• t form th~t '~a "TIH• llnek l•lnmuwo" "J'lff{'ll h.' , '.rm .Jnn ·:- nnd Jll't l'lllf'd h:o th• Pniot·eln on .\pl'll :.!1 md 27. <111 thl' J'Ontl to YieiiiH' Lt <'hntPan J.tdltlllf' Bodit r. 0PJ'flldiuf• • 'rc•kf•ll a11d Philippl' Hodu•t•, 11{'111') .)m· lnll \\t 1'1' the proprietor of n 1111 lf'J' iu11, f•nllt•tl thP Blflf•k I• lnmirwo. t thi 11111 IIPtl\\ i:,r ~ hr·o:- er \\II <'lotild~·. the 11111id of all \\ork. U11 th!' nig-ht of .Jut:- 1 , 17, !l n :.rr·t at tonn " ,.n.,ing in Frmw .uHl llmu·it n, pin:- Pd h:- IlmHtrtl Hu II, ('IIJIIl' to th iun \\ith th 111" of thP rP\olution in l'111·i Hotlif•r· told lknu·iPn of n •l10 t, a "(•ird lu·ipkitw \iolin, OIIIP\\Iwre up thP t•himn ). Bom·ipn fpJl l'l'enming out of th<> firf'plnt'l'. Wht nth • li.,ht \\f'l't' lit, n hPII\ ily (•lonked ficrur· •, 'I ri •mHl, Ht nnrd Ko ·hnl'IIHIIlll, tood in thl' door \\11). \ ) ounrr oldiPJ', Frallt'OI J)(' lJU Ill', Hit•lull'll I 'lnr·J·, r('(Jllt' tl'd n room nt tlw i1111. ThPII hi father < 'onnt de IJU silt' C'he t1 r lltnt to11. fl11tl hi h\O

FLAMINGO" daughter I linnn, • ·m·ma .lf'an Oillin •hnm, aud ('hal'lottf', hf•rH~' i H' (;nlw~, ought h Iter n they fled from lnl'i . ..\ceompan~ ing thi ~roup \\n a prie t, ('hnl'le Bominf', '' ho lntf•r r 'f'ah><l hi111 plf a <'ount Cllglio I ro. J'opo, I li k BunHr 11, thP fop pi h ) omw court iPr then arrh·ed. :,\iftly the pl<~y pil£>d elimn : f r·nrwoi fli apJ)('fil' d up thP •himJleJ, 'l'ri •und di CO\ Cl't d the door in thP fireplacl', aud a \\ ither·t d old mall, Bo an~e. < nrol Worl y, tumhlNl out and ft•ll fleatl. \ rnoh 1 } by (_,rn\a ·h ' n 01' •(' 1 nir·. and co11 i tin~ of Hobert B('('htol, Hob Pt•try, .. lary .lny11e \le andt>r, Kathr·,·n Hoot. Th(•lma .'\\Prink), nnd .J~·nn Jiukin on, burst in to tht• room, aud a 1 hnntom 'iolin appe. r(• I in th balcony and frirrhtPn~d tlw moh , ' uY. <'a •lio tro · tlrpn r·ptril'H'd the 11 ·klaN• from 1h · tO\\ er nnd l'opo carrird <'lotildl• off a th ·curtain fell. 'I'hu c11dP I the fine 1 dramatic prod U('tion of th ) <'Ill' nt . II. ., indt•ed a plell(lid clima · for ~li . tunrt' fir t ~ ar • a dramatic dir ctor.

ANOTHER WIG AND .\nothrr I'. H . .'. dr. mntie produe gorw do\\ n in hi tor·~ u lH i11g u lll'l' • . 'l'hi timP it \Ul n trio of one net Jill~ JH't' £>111 •d b~ llrt' Wr r mrd l'nint or:.:mnizntion nt th ir an nun I l'la~ 'hop • Tjcrht. B~ the out romP of thi prrformmree the 111 dent proH'd tlwir uhilit~ to cltr ~t <r \H•ll a to parhcipate in pin~ . Herurrcl l'ot>llltrmann tarrrcl in I hP fir;t pin~ "'l'ht> Lo' e of Liont>l' ', tlir· • ·trd ln ~\lh •rtn \'mr Pett(•n and lnr\ l~mi.h I 'onle\. n thr mrh mnlt t'hlll:,.tf·r·. ·('nr·ohri .le' r· nnd.lleltn Kuhn. In cm;d nrui thir·d \\1\C, \\ ith I lolol'i On i'mnan, tht• lratlirw l uh of thP iher· (·r· •e11. maJe the II oil~ \\ood romanee morr eomplet , \\hill' Li11a. tlw h~ littlt maid hrcl\\ 11 to 11 n Bt•rllie · :'\\ •r·i11 k' • addPd tlw final toueh to tht> atiri'enl t 1011 hn


Eilt'l'll .. 1.r~t·r·, \\itlr th(• 11 itnrwl' nf l'.rtty . 'oucler·, d1rrctrd 1hP eeoml fe.rhu· , "Aunt Am•ir' l•'or('icrn E <'lutngP ., \\ lri<·h tr·mr t'Prred thP amhPJH't' to a l'ar·i hotPI \\h •r'l' 1\athn n Hoot 1111d Lnurahrll<• . 'ehutt imp~r­ nnatrd l\\0 uppo •tll~ titled Engli h lnclic• ,,}ro \\er·e nhout to prr uade . . I i llo\\ 11rd to hu~ n fak dimnoml

PAINT SUCCESS '' h£•n .Aunt ~1-!ie Hpptar on th<• t'l'nt' .• luQ Loui t• Dolan \II a Jli'M' t1eal hut 111'(•\\d nunt \\ho \\II uhlt> to me h<'l' meee, nita Knapp, from t hP f1'1111d. llechdg .'hro~ r \HI tltt• h UIIIOI'Oll J•'n•nf'h maid ·'The \'ulia11t" \\a ttuitf' a eontJ'H t to it JH·ede('e 01 . Hou Kn~. "ho had tllkPJI a part i11 the prodtll'twn at mrothPr ·hool, \\Ill the uhiP <lin•etm· o tht• plu~. l\1nrr-nr<•t \'an J't'ttt 11, \\II hi a i ta11t. ('hrtJ'It• Hornillt' pla)t'l \\PII thP pa1·t of H bo~ \\ho \ould go to th£• ~nllo'' \dthout letting hi motlwr h10\\ of hi mi take. ami ..JnQ .Jaynp .AI• ancl r, "'' the att(•lldnnt nnd .John .IP in•Ter the jailor·. llnrold .Jordon, portra~ d Futhpr l>.t!Y ''hilt• John \rood el'\'l'tl u t I;P u •n ou , but effieiPnt \ nnll'lt . ..r\lthotwh the tutl •nt di1·e·ted ami produt•el th• pin~ . • 1i .larion.tuurt\\a ah\,~ nt hun] to w.h·i t• and help n piurh. • TOI'IIIfl ,}PIIII (riJiiiWhlllll \HI hu il!P IIHllHWer nnd < la • te1· I lou ton, GPI'nldine • 'irk II, Hll(l < 'arol Worl·y "l'I'C prod uet ion 11111 nagpr of till' thrf'e pln) .

THE CHRONICLE GOES TO PRESS ( 1) .\1 ungin(l' f'ditor, .J · n llo kin l'lll't'king (•op~ "ith rf'portt•r· \ l'if'u h .:tone ( t left .\1nn· I >ohm, Hill Wit• e, and ~\lh~rta \'un Pt.•tlen. (:!) 'l'lw humo1· (_•olumi t t \\ o1·k. <'harle HominP, en•,, tor of \ bdul, \Hitin"' hi eohtmn \\rth • 'c\\ t•ditor • Inn• .Jn\ IH' .. l and PI' (at left) ~lid cir·eulat ion man1WPI' Illcn KuhrL {:~ L.IUrnlH·Il Schutt, fcatur editor, "ritilw Ollt' of her nlllliCI'

ou fpuhll'" tm·i£' . ( Vir~inia ( 'n•npbcll typing copy \\ ith typi t , Eloi · :::- 'hroP<IPr' (at left an•l WinifrPtl Wurrwr (nt ricrht) \\Htt'ilirw. (fi Bill <tl'llllll!'y, port editor demon t rnti1w h.-.ndliuP to 1\\0 rPportcr , Henunl Kot•huemunn (ri<Yht) and ,Junior Ilnrnkohl (JP!'t). {lil I>ol'i ( onnet, 1u-t editOJ', dra\\ilw ,, ('Ju·ot~icl ig11 011 the hom·d. (7) • 'orma .I PUll Oillingham, 1m inr mnmwc1·, gi\ iug 1111 lHhr•·ti i1w n ignnwnt to .John lla1'1'i . ( ) :-;iJwh• copit>-; being "iYt'll out for elling hy t•in•ulation lllllllll'YPJ', IIPIPu 1\11 h 11 to rP portt•r ( rPacl i ng fro11t Jpft) .r ·nnllP ~Iurrny, .Inrthn ;.\lytr . Boh llnnk , John liard , I >on • I illnge. Flon•ne!' ~'ickel Huth nlwr . Hlld (1 nevi ·w Lahey. {~I) Su .. Lm·niJPP, ,iu11iot· Ill'\\:, Pditor, •lling inglc copit to Willeta SpPl'I'Y ( <'Piltt•r·) n 1111 tl11• l•'orsht•y t \\in . { Hl) He port •r Linn P!'tl'r, Flor<•nee <1t•nrou, l•·cn · E' llll • nnd Bernie· \\ t•riu,..ky (rendilw from ll'ft) mnili1w f' elumgl' . { 11) El • nor . we..uy, l' ehangf' etlitor, I'P.tdin, o11c of tht' Ill'\\ p<~pt•r from a tli ta11t high ehool. ( 1:!) ( •l'll£'\'l'H Bu h Oih~on, f teult~· uch i or. Pxplninillg ouw mi take in th · flltrullic•l, to .\lmtagiu!! t•ditor .lt'llll llo ki11 (•·iuht) anti to Bu inc s malla~t·r • 'ol'lnu ,JI'ftll <lillingh,un (lt'ft).


W()llt r Bu llll'


Bttt~ ('o

• 'or ,J olm


•ht•H iu ort!Pt' to JH' • t'nt to th tn nml adult of < 'hampnign tht> a· ompJisltllH'Ilt of tiJi gt·oup of tudPut . 'I'ht• L. 11d pin.) t'tl befor • th · 1'. '1'. ~\. nnd for thP uumProu JIPP emhlie }J(')d ill thP ehool. 'I hPll' put·po • in pia) in" for the JlPJl n m· hlil' \\U to 'l'l' tt 11 g'l'l'lll('J' lllllOUnt eit ·m ·nt ill th • tutlPnt b) plnymnrchP tll'h a tho f' of



)a ...t

Page • l11ttv lz



Jt'<'inl band o 1\\ nt) fh \11 ·ho I'll to folio\\ th · hn kt>thnll 1l'nm m·otmtl. \\hilr· thP •ntit· • bnntl pllt)'NI fnl' th • hom gam • .

ORCHESTRA PLAYS FOR FAMOUS COMPOSER Ellter·in~; th.: orch mor·t· than the 11 11111 IIJIJH'I' 1 it£•rn<•nt, nnd tunin"' the1r iu truIIIPIIt "ttlr prof iounl e wtu • , tiH• llll'llllwr of tJr or(' Ill t rn Plljo~ t•tl tht JH'i,ilt•ge of n lif£• tim· \hen thP~ furni lwd th • n<·e mp.suiuu nt for tht• opt•rt ttn ". 'outh 111 'onor.t' dueh '' 1 attended b, the ·ompo cr, <'hnrlt• Wak •field. 'a man, one of tlw eollubol'fltor for the ehi 1 • nnd u )WI' mwl fril'nd of • fr. Cohen. lr·. ('udmnn fm·u1 h •d 11111 ie for 1i ('on tmu:l' Elwrhm·t, 1 'hi· wo l'h tc OJII'I'I itl'' r, dto f11rni hul enter tmnnH•ut for th · nudit n •t het\H' ·n a ·t at t lw p ·•·for·m.mc . hr nddition to thi out tmadirw pro jPct of hi fir· t ~ un· 11 a hi •h hool orC'ht tr·u drr·etor, .lr. ._ol B. t'oh•11, n J't•JIO\\ n •tl 'rolini t, int rotllll'f'd ., -


C'lll hi ie

H K ohu m nn

lort'<lllll 1111


I 'clu II


lulll•nu II




llll trth I

Jll 11





II ld('


t<lor <II


inc I





Benefit By Our 70 Year Education



1 fi;) "'' 1111\,. h •t•n t'l'\ inl! thP .lt•n .11111 \ oun' .It'll of thi (_om IIIUHit) \\ ith l(Utlit,\ dot hill". You profit h) 1111 lotw t' p11 H'llll' Ill l'\ll



madt at Ct'n t ml )Ilium ' hu "'' t Bn) ' \'tar.

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F. ". W ADDEI.OW '24, Pro!). Phon

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I I. W . R OZ E


E, P rop.

Champaign, Illinoi

Spalding Shoe Store Ill 19 Main St.

1'110< ldt1' t 11 igl t

'II Telephone 9782












• U. OF I. SUPPLY STORE Gre n at Wri ht


Cham pai n,lll.

Illinois Commercial College ''llliuol '

70 011 thl




llu ila

C ·ollt•:.,f'"

t., ('h mp I 11


T •lcphon



SULLIVAN CHEVROLET COMPANY 347 North Walnut St. Champ i n, Illinoi

67 Year of 7


ervice Phone 9716


!no tv nl •


Phone 2113

24 East Springfield Ave.

kelton' ILLINI DRUG STORE 617 East Green St. Champaign, Ill.

UNIVER ITY PHARMACY 505 . Goodwin Ave. Urbana, Ill.

Johnson Bros. Plumbing & Heating Co. 402 NORTH NEIL STREE1 Phone

3 3






11 <.1



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W. A. CARPENTER 113 We t <'hurch "\\om n'

\\ • r J.'or Tho

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rlptlon nnr

lain • t \\ lnut

Oppo Ill I t

' tlorral Bank

WATSON FAULKNER, Dru gi L. W. Faulkn r,


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101 •.• 'I'll

Champal rr, 111. Compllm rrt



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MORRIS L. HECKER CO. ontr te Phon


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W. LEWIS & CO. !<'a hlon Fir t

CLARENCE A. LLOYDE \, I . I lck ('u 429 Rob

on Bldg.

lim o raph \g nt Champ I n, Ill








C. W. MOUCH-Say "Mowk" " \\'Ju:•r


Qu lit\ Jl v. elr~ nd old nn rl b ll) h Ill(! I •n, Ill.

old ..

l'au 011 Jl u 11dr£d On



ft eber·


Located at 606 E. JOHN On th



evcnteen Years

"\G\\" N !'OOl


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/'n • On

II mdr• d 7 w.o





\\'h{•n .' ou arp plmwirw a crrou p pn rt~ 1110\ ('111('11 t


You Can Buy With Confidence


.' .• 'eil


at Th

Phon<' 4 4



Cha111pai"n, Ill.


t or

of Qualit



Complim nt of



& co. Champai n, Ill. TEN



FLORIST AND NURSERY 120{! Nor1l Good\\<ln, Urbana, Illinois


Onr J/111 drcd I o 1r

he Champaign ational Ban CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS



Baukirw Bn in

1•'. .'. Hail ) . l'r· i<ll'nt

118 E. Main St. Urbana, Ill. Phone 7-3 002


.J. IJ.

nid r, Yicl' Prl' . ·

a hi 'I"

• "att H cd, .\ i taut ( a hi r


Flanigan-Pearson Co:s Superior Printing Service The Unique Cover was made and the book was completely bound in the bindery of this firm

l'II(JC 011

Jlu11dr d } it:

RE I B F ttrJlittl}f!



Trea ure-Craft Jewel r and TATIONERS Hilw



< 'mnJtH'llt'CIIIC'lll

In vi tat ion


and l'I'Ophir

Ea t l·ni\'{•l"l'ity ..\\'(•. Champnir•n, Ill.

1-' ctorlt' Owatonn.. linn. 235 K Ontario • t C hlcago, Ill.


Coal and Building Material CALL

This is the new 11 H'' model Royal Standard Typewriter Sold by


ALPHA COAL & MATERIAL CO. 25 E. Springfield Ave. P hone 2421 T. E. "Tom" Gorman, Mgr.


Ot1c 1/undr d lllz

119 W. Church

Phone 3225

H I<~, 'T \II mnk of tandard tJP \\ Tit r nnd port bl . ( H nted In nr t cl condition and w ith ervlc .

F< H


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'orth \\ alnut

PORTER PRODUCT "Tht Bak• r on 1h Corn r" Tel phon~: 22)4


'\our I' trondg and \\'1 h• You \\' II ('ham palgn, Ill.



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."ttod • Prop.

201 • 'orlh Walnut Phon 5451




J.umbr 1111 ork-Roofin Quail I) • n lr Phon nd John • I .


C'omt•lhn nt

3 3


ILLINOIS WATER SUPPLY CO. I.. H' ' I RYlonda) ' 'cnln .



Phone 4206

WUE TEMAN-W ALLACE, Inc. J \\ tl r


tal n • t.


tb. In 1




llundn d

1 1

R to R i it


G t

trauch' AT CAMPU

70'1 • W1·ig-ht • t


Coli now in


uppli ,

Gift , Gr tin

Card ,

Photo I• ini hin , Pictur


nd • r min ,

Ho , Handk rchi f , Ba , ] welry.

" uperior Training Pay ''

Photo Fini her for th Maroon.

eely Johnston'




Commercial Bank

( ,() 1.1 IH\< ' h.


\..,I ~ B .\


of Champaign





""" 1\DII (; I 00'1 B \1, 1,

B.\Shf.TB \I.IJ

<;," Ill '

t;(Jn 1'~11 ·

'I I

Se ly Johnston '20


Om 1lu11dr d light

flit 'I

Hlld l>ii'('(•IOI

mazin ly

ew! Different!


3 Wa

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Safe C 0 L D under 50 The right H U M I D I T Y Constant A I R P U R I F I C AT I 0 N






PHONE 4104

l'ao• Vr

llllndrod 7tr

om pan



• • •

Support not only your school but your child! Know what your child is doing in school. Come to P. T. A. We meet on the first Tuesday in every month in the high school. Congratulations Seniors!

ar 11t

ach r

. . 1at1 n

/'ave Or

1/u dr d F.l

AMONG OUR FRIENDS Alexander Lumber Co.

Kw lity Baking Co.

Atkin on Monument Co.



Pari Dyeing

. Bacon



Br ec Bro . Cl aner


Davi Bak ry

F. K. Rob on

Elite Sweet Gr y




]. C. Smith Rooney Stipes

Hu h s-Krabb


Carl Dieckmann

Yellow Cab


. Kre e Co. (2 store )


Cleanin Co.






. L.






Champaign, Ill.

111 Wet Hill St. Smooth Freeze Ice Cream


011• 1/u d1 tl 7 wei

Champaign, Ill. Phone 8111

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