Maroon Staff 1951-1952 Co-editors- Betty Keene,
hirley Trueblood
Bu tness Managers- Patrons : Kathryn Kesler: Subscriptions: Esther Phillippe Bustness
emor Eduor
Joan Kamerer. Carol Merrifield. Betty Wingler. Nancy Monier Mary Sanford
Actn..'tty Editors
Mary Jane
tark, Judy Munnis
Underclass Edttor- Alice Van Dyke Administration Edttor
Dotti Lu Picken
ports Editor Fred Gleason Assistants- Bill MacDonald. Phil Matteson Photographer- Jerry McKinney Art Edttors- Evelyn Lampkin . Judy Peterson A sistants Marilyn Berbaum. Tom hannon Feature Editor
Ola Bundy
Jumor A ststants Bet y orman. Pat y Dcmlow . David Norton. Dori McCown. Sarita Alexander. Lloyd White. John Wilson. Virgin1a Percy, Carolyn chloz ophomore Asststant Alice Patterson , Carolyn Miner, Judy Simondson . ancy Tyner. Barbara Tyna, Pat Hagan. Barbara Farrell. Sharon Chaplin. Pat Coffey . Isabel Burgess. Ethelann Cole. ancy Kernodle. Mary Anne ogle. Erma Knupp. ancy Wisely, Paula Bresee. Sharon Dexter. Margaret Guiffre. Margaret McDermott. Phyllis Warm bier
pon or-Mi s Betty Woller Art Aduiser
Mr. Harold Alexander
Credtt to- Mr . Alice T. Barlow, Champaign -Urbana News-Gazette and Champaign Urbana Courier for some pictures used in the book Printer- Twin City Printing Co Enqrauer- G . R Grubb~ Co.
J> hotography- W alden -Fletcher
T'ht! / '15.? Muroon
)) 0. ,, tth o Iorge Memories '' Collection of ond the onother Ye close of or, We, the Stoff, Wish to Moroon of songs Present our book . ~ Pored for e hove PreYou 0 Pictor ¡ count of th to/ oce Post Yeor A Poge throu h . s You h g the book ope You Wilt , We h recott Oppy events rnony Present the
songs o f another Yeor.
.... : :·.·::: :::··.. ·.·· .•.
"Memories." This year the editors and members of the Maroon staff ded1cate their book to a member of the faculty who has been outstanding in the makmg of our school. The help, encouragement, and training that Miss Essie LeSure has given many of the students that graduated from C.H.S. make her an unforgettable friend . M1ss LeSure who came to Champaign in 1922, th1s spring completes her thirtieth year here. During these years she has taught Latin, ancient history, and mathematics. Before coming to Champaign, Miss LeSure taught in Petersburg, Siandenville, and Virden, Illinois.
EDICATION As another successful year at C.H.S. comes to a close, we, the Maroon staff, speaking on behalf of the students, both present and past, want to take th1s opportunity to thank Miss Essie LeSure for her wise and sympathetic guidance and for her excellent instruction .
DR. MELLON Or E. H Mellon. Supcrintmdent of Public Schools of Community Unit District o. 4, supervises and helps make our schools a success. Mr. Mellon presents our problems to the s:hool board and recommends changes. Through his keen understanding. he works to provide the best teaching te~hnique pas ible. Through our teachers he encourage us to learn how to study. to think, to adapt our materials to take care of individual differences, and to help develop desirable character traits that will make us a credit to our neighborhood, town, state and nation.
Dr. E. H. )lellon
BOARD OF EDUCATION Again this year. the Board of Education was faced with the problems caused by the everincreasing enrollments and the lack of facilities.
It is the duty of this Board to provide the
be t education possible, which they were successful in doing. This group consi ts of nine educationally minded citizens. headed by H. S. Dawson as President.
F1rst row-A. R. Troutman, Tom \Vhctzcl. H S. Dawson, Albert Tuxhorn, Dr. \V R. heeman. Second rolL-1.. A Colbert, John rault..ncr. Dr E. H. Mellon, ,\1. R. Grindley.
MR. McCONNELL Every organization need
a leader and Mr. McConnell. with his friendly
manner. very capably fills this position. His ability to manage and guide has been responsible for another succe sful year at C. H . Mr. McConnell haws hi interest in C. H. S. students by his active participation in these activities and the help and support he gives them. All the students wish to thank Mr. ~1cConnell for his understanding attitude and invaluable aid.
The 1952 Maroon
MISS ZEHNER With her wisdom and incere understanding. Mi
ell Zehner ha helped
many of u enjoy another very successful year.
If a student has a difficulty. she first think of Miss Zehner. Whether it be illness. schedule trouble, or advice on any subject. our vice-principal always ha an answer or uggestion. We. the eniors. want to thank her for all the help he has given u during our past three years and wi h her ucce s in the years to come.
The 1952 Maroon
.MATH TEACHERS :-Ir. Clarmcc I uqu.1 Sits, Opal Cunningham .• !r. \\'t!lt.1m
E GLISH DEPARTME T lrrst rou.-:\liss Bettr \Voller. Robert :'vlcvcr, :-.1r~. Alice Barlow. :-ltss :-larian Stuart. econd rou.·-Miss r:ranccs \Vced . Miss Vera K.1den, Mt~s Leola I lardin g, .\1iss Grace \Vtlcy
LA GV GE TEACHER !tnt rotc-.\liss l.ssu~ LeSure, ~11ss Dorothy \\'dcoxrn.
Sl'wnJ rotl -,\lr. Ralph I:ltoff, .vllss Marpri
!>I r ng.
HI TORY TEACHERS rott', ll'll /o riqht, .st//tnq \Irs Hul.1h B Sm11h. ,\l1ss B~tt)' .'v1rllor. Sewnd t\lv.ln I aylor Mr . .John l\'crs. f'tr.s/
J"he I I) 52 .\furoon
COl\1 IERCIAL DEP RTME 'T ,\ r I I r n q
i s ~ I1 ~ I e n
Slandrnq-.\lr. I rank Sotk,l , Dorothy Mung~r ,\Irs . •Jcs,ica Clark.
l ir;l rou., /d 1 to riqhl :-..Ir. Jam~s Johnston ~tr C [· Summcn·illc. Second rou.• Charlc\ Gncst, ,\lr Herman Lind r I\ .'vltllard Berry. Thrrd rou.'-\h. Wallace Abcrnath1c Mr. \Villard S1\ tlk .\1r. William :-..targravc .Vlr. II. \V. Wick, Russell G~1st. :-..Ir. Robert Bokcnkamp.
The 1 1J52 ,\furoon
S<'ience Department Mr. Claude V. Myers Mi\s , ellie Bates .\1r. Burton Block
11 SI left to right-:" \ ' 1ctor Self :--.1r. \ crrollton C
T he JQ5.!. Maroon
Shaul. .\1r Don 11.1machcr, Mr. James Gnggs.
.\tr J. Anhur T\\ Jrdock
V1 r DonJid Pittn1Jn
The 1952 Maroon
LIBRARIA Miss Margaret
PE FA ULTY f tr.\1 row- Roy Swtndcll. :\frs. Melba Rete hard.
Second rou:-Harold Jester, I·red
tajor Sr.
Thtrd row-Ray Grierson, Mrs. ,\!ary \1\aJOr.
OFFICE HELP .Mrs. Dorts Stewart
Walter Dillman
~Irs .
,\1ary Jane Latch
JA ITOR Kermit Reid, George Schutrich , Orvis I:skndge, H.ury Flkins, absent w hen picture was taken
lla ~Cl ll. S
I . Da\'is. :--1r. Patterson wa~
f rou.·-Ger ry Ltght , Jean Machin, C) nthta Guthnc Sf'wnd rou. Jim Dodds , Mrs . Melba Reichard , Mr Robert Meyer.
Class of 19 52
• • • • •
The class of 19 52 has attained its goal: For a year now they have been the undisputed rulers of C. H. S. A they progressed from sophomores to seniors. the leaders of the class were. in 1950: Richard Shelby. president; June Judy. vice-president. Jean Machin. secretary: and Cynthia Guthrie. treasurer. In 1951: Mary anford, pre idcnt: Esther Phillippe. vice-pre ident; Judy Munnis, secretary; Marianne Schrader, treasurer. In 19 52: Gerry L1ght. president; Jean Machin. vice-president: Cynthia Guthrie. secretary; Jim Dodds, trea urer. In their fir t year at C H. , the cia s was kept busy being little green sophomores and learning the ropes of their new home. In their junior year the cia felt some of their newly acquired importance when they got together to elect class ring and to plan for that dream of dream . the JUnior-senior prom. Now is the final year and they are working to make it the best. Ordering the announcements, planning the Class Skip Day, giving the class gift and finally practicing for the day of graduation have kept the happy senior occupied Their days come to a close at C. H. S. on May 27. 1952. Then they can truly ing the blues of "After Graduation Day."
The /952 Maroon
Aberna thie, D o na M "For All ) cw 1-.notl '
'at tOnal Honor '>octet y ~. 4 . Concert Choir 2 Baton Club ~ . 4. Treasurer 4 ; Orchestra 2. 3, 4 Stnng Symphonctte 4 .
Ale'\.anrler, Richard Bn·ezrnq Alonq \\'11h the Breeze
Ad a m ~,
Ru --••11
" Luughtnq l :'tl<'s"
I ootball 2 : Wrestlin g 2. 4: " C " Club 2. 3 4 : I .I'. A. 3. -l : Class Memo rial Co mm 4
Arm ... trong, Jo M'J)h ' Truve/tnq l .t ght"
f..F.A. 3, 4 ; Honor '>octety 4 .
Gone ftshtng "
tudent Council 2 , 3 . Football \llg r. 3, 4 : Basketball ~l gr 2. ~ : Golf 2 . 3. 4 Captain 4. Disc ussion Club 2 Class ~lc mo ria! Com m. 4. Jr. r Prom Com m . 4 : Honor Society 4.
llail(•y, Beatrice ' Cheuful Lillie Eurf ul'' Chronicle 3 , 4 . Concert Choir
3 : Office Helper 2. a Cappella Choir 4
Baine, Dc,on " Stand By for I uture announcement .\
Band 2, 3 4.
Baker, Donalrl " Gee I \Vtsh I
Kne~.~.; '
Baker, Rieharrl ' \Vhy Am I Happy "
T rack 2 3. 4 : \Vrestling 2, 3 : C ross Co un t ry 3. 4 ; "C" Club 3, 4 .
Barham, l'h)' lli" tars "
A Handful o f
G A.A 2. Concert Choir 2 . 3 . Commemal C lub 3 : a Cappella Choir 4 .
JQ52 Maroon
Bt•rbuum, )laril) n ''Pwn/lnq the Clouds \V11h ·sunshrne" Beightlt>r, Harold "Keepin' Out of Aftschtt'f Sot~"
Bermingham , Ph ) lli~ Rtdtnq on a Rwnbou.,' Junior Red Cro~\ 2 Secmary 2: Office Helper ) , 4
Bingaman , 'lury Lou "Thrs I title l .ady Wtg 'n Paint 4. Llstaff 2. ), Secretary 3.
Blaek, Robt'rt "Bashful
I. ibrary 2, ) . Projector s Club 2. >. 4: C lass Skip Day 4 fu ture Distributors C lub 4.
Br)unl, Janw~ "I'm in tht Mtddle of a Rrddle" Football 2. >. 4 ; Track 2. ); Wrest!tn g 2. 3, 4. "C' Club ), 4.
ThP J Q52 Maroon
• 'ational Honor Society 3, 4, ' f rcasurcr 4, .\faroon 4; \Vtg 'n Paint 3, 4: G A .A. 2. 3, 4. Stunt :--1gr. 4: Art Club 3. 4, Pres:dent 4, Jr.- r. Prom Comm ~.
Biale~dtki, Joann e "Stars of a Summer Nrqht"
.\faroon 3, \\'ig ' n Pa1nt 2, Commcmal Club 4.
Bi~hop , Mikt> " \1/ho 's I aktnq You Home Tomqht!
Football 2. ), 4 : Track 2. 3: Wrestling 2. 3. 4 : "C" Club
), 4.
Bradle), Doroth)' Please Take a Lettpr" Wig n Paint 2 G A.A. 3. 4 f·.H.A. 3: Commercial Club 2.
3. 4.
Burl..t>, Larr) "You Lucky Peop/p, You " Basketball 2. 3, 4 : Ba eball 2. 4 : · C' Club 4.
Butler, Colleen ''Lrttle Anqel Transfer from Rankin.
Campbell, Elvira Our v~rt! Ou:n tudent Council 4; Wig 'n Paint 2 G.A.A 2 1 4: Con cert Choir ) ; Vocalettcs 4: Ba ton Club 4. Class Sktp Day 4, a Cappella Chotr 4
Carlton, Norma 'One rn a Mrllron '
"Boots and Saddle'
r\ flt·art
Carolyn of i.ol'e"
r ull
G.A.A . 2. 1: Library 2. 3: Elstaff 2. ),
Carrington, Charle You Jhrnh oi [L·erl!thrnq"
Transfer from Monticello 4; Chronicle 4. Wtg · n Paint 4. F.H.A. 4.
at tOnal Honor Sooety 3, 4, Chronrcle 2. Wig n Paint 3, 4. Band 2. ) 4. a Cappella Chotr 4, Troubadors 4: Baton Club 4, Projectors Club 2. >. 4.
Chapman, Ilenr,So Far, o Good
Cla;,ey, Bob 'Stout Heurted Men"
F.F.A. 2 ), 4. Future Distrib utors Club 4 .
I ootball 2. >. 4: \Vrestling 2; Baseball 2, "C" Club 2. 3, 4.
( :olbert, Richard Gooius Clayton, hirle) "We II Remember You" Future Distributors Club 4.
Wig 'n Paint 2. ), 4 VtcePrcstdent 4. attonal Thespians ) , 4. Cheerleader ) , 4: Concert Choir 2. ) a Cappella Choir 4: I .r A. 2. >. 4. Troubadors 2. >. 4. Class Sktp Day 4; King of Plow Boy Prom 4 .
The JQ52 Maroon
Cook , (,en e "Ho, /fum, Its Sprrnq" I .P.A. 3, 4. Projector Club 2. 3, 4 Rtfle Club 4 , Prcsi dent 4 .
Cr awford, La D o nn a Just for Au.hlle ' Chronic/!!' 2. 3 : Wig ' n Paint 2. 3: Elstaff 2. 3.
Curtis, P a ul I arthful Fore..,w"
Davi ~, J oa n That s for Me
1\:ational Honor Soetety 4: Ma · roon 2, 3: Chronrcle 2 ) , 4 , Bu mess Manager 4. G.A A. 2. Junior Red Cros 4. Class Memorial Comm . 4, Jr r Prom
Cooley, David "What's What" Concert Choir 2, 3.
C urra n , P a tricia "There's Lovern Your Eyes" Wig ' n Paint 2: G .A.A . 2, 3.
Danison, Jay " I Hope , I Hope , I Hope"
D eP e w, Joe ·• Dedrcated to You' Chronrcle 2, 3, 4. Quill and croll 3 4 : Football 2 . 3 , 4; C " Club 4 .
Derb,-, Ru~~ell Runnrnq Wrld' Wrcstltng 2: Golf 3 . Cia s Sk1p Day 4 : Class Ring 3.
The J95Z Maroon
Dodds, Jim I Loul.' Grrls" Class Treasurer 4 : football 2. ) . 4 . Basketball 2. 3: Baseball 2. 3 . 4 C" Club 2. 3 . 4: Class k1p Day 4 : Jr.· r. Prom Comm 3.
Do r,.Nt, Dona ld 4tn t \\!1 Got Fun" Track 2. Cross Countr} 2. 1, 4. Captain 4: C Club 2. 1. 4 .
Dunca n , Bru<'t' So lrred Honor Sooety 4 .
Eichhor~t , Jo Ann Orchrds ior Remembranrl''
Student Council 2: G .A. A. 2. 3. 4: Concert Choir 2 3· a Cappella Choir 4: Vocalcttes 2. >. 4, Baton Club 1. 4 Sccrc tary 4 · F.H A 2 3 4 Prc.i den t 4 Junior Red Cross '\ : Jr Sr. Prom. Comm . ).
l.htatf 2 . 3 : Commercial Club 1, 4 , Vice President 4 .
FahrnkOJlf, Ruth ' Dream On
Farnwr, Edna :\1at• " I'm 1/o/drnq tht> World rn My .Arms"
Chronrcle 3: Band 2. >. Jr Red Cross 4. Elstatf 2 . ) : Co m memal Club >. 4.
Elstatf 2. ) , 4. Treasurer ) , President 4 : Commercial Club >: I 0 0 A. 4 .
Fleming, Patricia "\Veddrnq Bells · Co mm ercial C l ub 3 . G A A . 2.
Ezra, Dorothy " You Can Depend on Me"
Cates, Judy ·•M usr c Jfaestro, Please"
·r ran
fer from Harrisburg 4 . ( hronrcle 4 \Vig ' n Paint 4: Thesptans 4 : G A A 4 . a Cap pella C hoir 4 : Vocale!!es 4 : F;.H A 4 Jr. Red Cross 4.
Getz, Ralph ' NeL'er Took " l .esson rn My lrfe Gillen, 'Iaxine 'Oh , H e Lor)es Me ·
Maroon 2 . \Vig 'n Patnt >. 4 : ational Thespians >. 4 : W res tling 2 : Band 2. ), 4 : Concert Choir 2. ) . a Cappella Choir 4 . Troubadors 2. >. 4: Baton C lub ) , 4. P resident 4: Madri gals 4: Orchestra 4. Boy~· Oc tel!e 4 : Honor Soocty 4 .
The 19 52 M aroon
}' red " l t'.s All OL·er Rut Memo ries"
Maroon 4: Chronicle 2 f'oot ba ll 2. ), 4 Baseball ), 4 : "C" Club 4 Concert C hoir ~-
Goodma n , R o b t•rt " Younq .\fan W tth the Ho rn ' ( hronicle 4 : \Vig ' n Paint 4 Band 2. ) , 4 : Baton Club 4 : Junior Red Cross 4 : Cia s Sk1p Day 4 , Dance Band 2. ) 4 , Photograph y Club 2: Orche tra 3, 4.
Guthrit•, (.,_ nthia Sltqht/<1 Terrdic"
" You 'r~
(,rubb, Gordon Robt•rt · Stu<! \Vtth the Happy Peop'e' \V restlin g Com m 4
C lass
.\1 cmonal
Hamilton , Da"e ' Readtnq, \\' nltnq and kh<~thm
C.-inn, John 'You Can Count on
Hampel, Otto (Bud) D o I \Vorry > Transfer fro m h lto n, C al ifo rni a. W ig ' n P aint 2: l·oot ball 2 Wrestl ing 2, 3: Ba nd 2. 3: J r Red C ross 2. 3: Art Cl ub 2 r uture Distributo rs Cl ub 4 .
Hampel, Fred m tles ' Fo o tball 2, 4 , \Vrestlin g 2. Baseball 2: "C' C lub 4 . Dis tributive E ducat iOn 4.
The 1952 Maroon Treasurer 2 : Class Secretary 4, Maroon 2 3 , 4 : \\'1g ' n Paint 2, 3. 4 : G .A.A . 2. 3. 4. Bowling Mgr. 4 : Junior Red Cross 2, 3. 4. President 3 , Cia Skip Day 4, Announcement Comm . 4 : Jr. Sr. Prom . Comm . 3: Christmas Play 3 .
Band 2, 3, 4 : a Cappella Choir 4 , Troubadors 4 , Orchestra 2 . 3, 4: Dance Band 2. 3, 4. Sym phonette 2, 3 , 4 : Madngals 4 M odernairs 4 .
Hammel, Rozella Sht .< a I ad<! ( hrontcle 3 4: Jr. Red Cross 4 Treasurer 4 : l: ht.ltf 2.
Ilaml>lon, :\-lar)' Lou Smtle, Smtfe, Smile" Chromcle 3 . 4 : \ V1g 'n Paint 2, 3, 4: Hall Hostess 2 , Commercial Club 3.
llan-.en, Jo~ce "EL·erqbody's Bubq '
Ilatl'•t•n~, Eloi~t·
Transfer from \Vard-Belmont, ashville, Tcnn Stud~nt CounCil 2: Maroon 4, Wig n Pawt 2, 4: G .A.A. 2 4 Spnng Plav
I lst.tfT 2, ~. 4 , President 4, Club 1, 4 Prcsi dent 4: I 0 0 1\ . 4.
"Remember Me'
Haus~crntann, 'a nd) You Must HuL·e Been u Beautrful Bubq
Transfer to C. H S 2 W1g n Paint ~. 4 : The p1ans ~ 4: G A.A 3, 4: Maroonafins ~. 4: Jr Sr Prom Comm. 3.
Henrick~ ,
Janicn o Dream" G.A A. 2: Commeroal Club ).
"Thrs Is
Hix ~o n ,
Danny ' After You've Gone"
Football 4: Wrestling 2. Baseball 2, 3, 4: Concert Choir 2. 3: Troubadors 4 .
Howland, Joann "Candy and Cake"
Chronrcle 2 3, 4 : Quill and Scroll 3. 4. Wig ' n Paint 2, 3. 4: G.A.A. 2, 3, 4.
lla.,call, Albt•rta " Keep Your L'~JeS on the Stars'
G A,\ , 2 1, 4.
Ilt•·r, Juck "Cui[ \.fe Durlrnq"
Wrg ' n Parnt 2 ~. 4, football 2, 1 : Cross Country 4 : I'cnnis Z, >. 4 Concert Choir 1; a Cappella 4 ; Troubadors 3, 4.
HolTman, LaVonne Hd/o, £3, rutrlul'
Wig 'n Paint 2. 4 : G .A .A
Hubbard, Leona " Isn't That Just I .rhe I
Chronicle 2, ), 4 , Ass't 4 , Quill and Scroll 3, 4, tary 4 : Wig 'n Paint 2. Thcsp1ans ~ 4; G A.A. Discussion Club 4 .
I·duor Secre3, 4 3, 4 ,
The 195Z Maroon
Hurd , '()(•) "Slap llappv I assie" I ransfcr from C nt \'erstt y II tgh 3 Maroon 4 Chrome/!' 3; Wig 'n Paint 1. 4 . G.A.A. 3, 4 . .\llaroonalins 3 4; a Cappella Choir 4 Vocalcttcs 4: J r Red Cross 4: Class Ring 1: Jr Sr Prom Comm. 3.
llu~kin~~on , Belt) "The Moon in Your l:'llt'.l ..
G.A A. 1; Concert Chotr 3 FH A. 2. 3 4: Commercial Club 4.
Jaek~on , Bob "\Vhm! Do I Go from Here?"
II ur~t, Ro bt•rta '.r\ \\'oman l.rhes to Be Told"
J r Red Cro 4 , Commercial Club 4 : Jr. Sr. Prom Comm. 3.
lluteheraft, \larian " Goldm Farrrnqs"
Jodtim, Lila Rambow Gal "
Wig 'n Paint 2. Football 2. 3: Tennis 2 1. Band 1; Projectors Club 2: Jr 'ir Prom Comm. 3.
Wig 'n Patnt 2. 1 : G .A .A. 2. ) , 4 : Commercial Club 4.
Jolliff, Richard "You Don't Ha~, to Tell Me'
Jud} , June "Cinderella '
Band 2, 3, 4: Baton Club 2. 3, 4. Vice-President 4 Otscussion Club 4; Projectors Club 2 Jr.Sr. Prom Comm. 3; Photogra phy Club 3; Orchestra 2, 4 .
Student Council 4 : Class Offi ccr 2; \\'tg ' n Paint 2, 1. 4. ecretary 4. Thesptans 3 4 · G .A.A 2, 3, 4, Concert Chotr 2, 3 . Office Hclper 4 ; Jr. -Sr Prom Comm . 1; a Cappella Choir 4 : I Ion or Society 4
Kanterer, Joan ' I f You Onl11 1\neu_.''
1\.eagle, Ra)' " It I Had a Maqtc Carpet"
Transfer from Sacred Heart, Springfield, llltnots .\ faroon 4 .
Football 2, 3, 4 : Track 2. 3 : Wrestling 2, 1; "C" Club 1, 4 .
T he 1952. Maroon
K t•t•nt•, BNt~ ' )'ou (ant ·\rqu" \\ tth I
,\Iamon 4, Co l dttor 4: Chromrlc 2 Qutll Jnd Scroll ~ 4 \'tc~-Pr~sid~nt 4 \\'tg n Paint L -!. G.A.A 2 ~. -!.
1\.t•ll('rhal•, Kt•Jint•th I he e Great !ltq lkauttl ul I:' yes"
l ·ootball 2. 4. Baskrtball 2. "\, 4: "C' Club 4. I .1;.,\. ~. 4, President 4 Class Skip D.1y 4
Kt••lt•r, r\land Su.'eeptnq the (/owls Au.all '
T hl' ,\umhtn .. of Your Smtlc' Student Cou ncil -! : Maroon ~ -! Co Bust ness Mgr 4 · ( hron trle 2 · G.A A . 2 3. 4 Badmin ton ~t gr. 4: Class Sktp Day 4 : Jr Sr Prom Comm )
at ional Honor Society 3, 4, Secretary 4 : G.t\.1\. 2, ), 4: Concert Ch01r 2, ~. a Cappella Choir 4, Vocalette~ 2 ), 4. 1
Knott, Carol I oot I tvo'
1\.in•<'l, Dalt•
T ..ll .\fe Why'
'altona! Honor Soctcty 3, Vice Presiden t 4. Chronicle >. 4 . AssociateEdttor4: G.A 2, >. 4: Concert Choir 2 a Cappdla Choir 4 .
4, 2, A. 3;
Ku)rkt•rHiall , Anna Krutzing<'r, Don -\m t Gotng"
S.. nttmental M" I !staff 2 CommerctJI lub 2, ~. 4 : Office Occupations ,\ssociatio ns 4.
1-'l n~<' ,
Lamkin, E"cl~n " ophtsttcated Lady '
Maroon ) , 4 ; \Vi11; 'n Paint 2 3, 4 , G .AA. 2, 3: Junior Red Cross 2 . 3, 4 .
Darlt•nt• ( htna Doll''
M aroon ) : Chronicle 2. 3, 4, Associate I ditor 4. Quill and Scroll 4: Wig ' n Paint 2 3 4 . l'\ational Thespians ), 4; G A A.) 4. J unior Red Cross 4, Junior 'ienior Prom Comm.
T'he I 11 5!. .\faroon
Lang<', Don "t\ Man \\'tth H1s Dreams'
Lf'aeh, Lort•n ( Bt•rl) "There's a Chapter 1n My l.1te (ailed Alan/' Basketball 2, 3. 4, Captain 4. (,olf 2. 3. 4, C' Club 3, 4 Ktng of Vtce Versa 4, Jr. Sr. Prom Comm. 3.
Lf'hmer, Nancy "M C'mor(J ol a Rooe"
".\mall fry ( hrumde ) 4: Wig 'n Paint: G.A.A. 4: Concert Choir 2, ) : Office Helper 2. ) : Commercial Club 2 >.
Lt>nrlrutn, I'Nt• · Gonna I urn You Loose' Track 2: \\'rcstling 2 2. 4. 1\rt Club 4.
( hromcle ), 4: Wig 'n Paint 2. 3, 4: 'ational Thespians 4 : G.A.A 2. ), 4: Concert Choir 2, ) : a Cappella Choir 4: Vocalcttes 1, 4: Baton Club 4 Office Helper 3: Class .VIcmorial Comm. 4; Jr. Sr Prom Comm. ).
Light, Gerry 'The Best Man Class ), 4, 3. 4 ), 4 Class ment
Linrl~t·~ , Don · A 13ache!or's l .de"
President 4: l·ootball 2, Wrcsthng 2: Baeball 2, Captatn 4: 'C' Club 2, Class Memorial Comm. 4 : Sktp Day 4: Announce Comm. 4
Lo"ry, Bob "R1qht or Wronq" f'ootball 2, 3, 4: Wresthng 2: Baseball 3, 4: Club 4 .
i'\laehin, Jean "Jeame \\'tth the i.1qht Brott.'n Hair" Lunrly, Janet "On /I,J /'on.'tW Our.s Wtg 'n Paint 2: GAA. 3, Band 2: Concert Choir 2: Vo calettcs 2
Class Secretary 2 · Class \'iccPresident 4. Maroon 4 \\'ig ' n Patnt 2 3 4 Secretary 3: , 'ational Thcsptan 2 3·. 4: GA.A. 2. 3, 4: .\1aroonatins ) . 4: Concert Choir 3 Class Memorial Comm 4 . Class ~kip Day 4. Clas Ring 3. An nouncement Comm. 4 Jr Prom Comm ) : Honor octet\
'J hC' 1 Q 52 Maroon
:\lnrlmH', Dt•lorc~ "All 7 h:"s and Jf£'aL'en 7 oo"
2. 1: tors Club 4.
:\In), Robert "\\'a.m't I I hen>" Football 2. 3. B.mball 2, 3.
:\1a r~hk)',
:Fred rick "Is rt Possrble'
lcCord, a r olyn "Perhaps' \Vtg 'n Paint 2, 3, 4, at10nal Thespians 3. 4: G.A A 3 4: \tiaroonafins 4: I!lstaff 2, 3, V 1ce President 3: Future Dis tnbutors Club 4.
i\lcDon nld, Bill You re Danqerc us · Student Council 4 ~attonal Honor SoC!etr 3, 4. Maroon 4 Chromcle 3. 4: Wig n Paint 3. 4. 'ational 1 hesptans 4, Concert Choir 3. a Cappella Choir 4. Troubadors 4, Pro jector' Club 3: Cia s Sktp Day 4: Debate Team 4, Con test Play 4.
1cKinnc) , Jcrr)' "Don t (ha Go Au:ay Afad" Maroon 3 Basketball 3. 4: "C' cert Choir Comm. 3.
4, Football 2. 3. 4: 2, 3, 4: Baseball 2, Club 2 3 4, Con2, 1: J r Sr Prom
i\'leFarland , Pat "\Vhat a mtle Can Do'
1e\\'ard, Way ne "Af e/ancho/1/ Mood
J·ootball 2. ), 4: Basketball 2 T'rack 2, ), 4, "C" Club 4, F I·.t\ 3, 4.
l\'lcane)' , Joe l o Them There F11e.\'
Chronicle 4, Wig 'n Paint 2. 3, 4: G.A.A. 2. 3, 4, Golf Mgr 4: Concert Choir 2, 3 Class ~1emorial Comm. 3: Jr.Sr Prom Comm. 3.
:\lc i~lahn ,
Rit'hard ( hrcaqo
Football 2, 3: \Vrestltng 2; Golf 2, 3, 4: · C" Club), 4.
The 1952 Maroon
\1Png(''• Barbara ' /.ot'!' of .\Ill I If•
~terry, Helen "/ Sau.• You Frrst"
Chronicle 4. G. A A 2. Office Helper 2; Commemal Club 4.
\tiller, El.-in (Rud) Gueo~o~ I ([ Soon R< On Mll \Vall" \\/tg 'n Paint 2: I·ootball 2, Band 2, 4: f .r.A. 2, >. 4, Vice President 4: Office !Ieiper
)liner, Donna Mll ,\-fan" f· H A
Mills, Gary "A Guy and Hrs Grr/s" Chronrcle 4. Wig 'n Paint 2. 3, 4. ational Thespians 3, 4 : football 2 3: a Cappella Choir 4: Troubadors 4, Madrigals 4: Boys' Octet 4.
Mitchell, Nolan "I'm Lookrng Over a Four Leaf Clover"
Football 2, 3, 4: Wrestling 2. 3, 4: Baseball 2, 3, 4 : "C" Club 3. 4: Band 2 3: Class Skip Day 4 .
Moody, Fear) 'Hrqh, \Vrde and Handsome'' 'lonier, 'lan .-~ ',\'ancy, \\'1th the I auqhrnc; Face
Transfer from Chic.1go South Shor~ High ) ; Junior Red Cross 4: Maroon 4, Quill and Scroll ), 4.
Student Council 3, Wig n Paint 2: Football 2: Track 2: Cross Country 3: "C" Club 2, 3, 4: Concert Choir 2: Distributor Education Club 4, Pre ident 4.
lunnis, Judy ' There'll Never be Another You"
'1 ullt•r,
Margaret Suppo.1e
Wig 'n Patnt 2: G A.A. 2. ) : f.H.A. > 4, Treasurer 3: Of. fice Helper ) : Commercial Club
The 1 Q 52 Maroon
Student Council 2, 3, 4 , VtcePresident 4, Class Secretary 3: ational Honor Sooety 3. 4: Maroon 4 Activity Editor 4 : Chronrcle 2. 3, 4 , Feature Editor 4: Qtill and Scroll 3, 4 : Wig 'n Paint 2, 3, 4: ational Thespians 3, 4 : G.A.A. 2, 3. 4. Treasurer 3: Maroonafins 2. 3, 4: Concert Choir 2, 3. 4 : a Cappella Choir 4, Jr. Red Cross 3, 4. Treasurer 3. Class Ring Comm. 3: D.A.R. 4 : Girl ' State 3: Jr.-Sr. Prom Comm. 3.
;\lurdoek, Rodnt·~ Done ,\[y \\'orh"
a .. h, Gt'orge ''Gee, I \\.'1sh That I Had a G1rl"
Transfer from Galesburg 4: 1 'ationa! Honor Society 3. 4: Wig 'n Paint 4. ational Thespians
Nt•ill, \ erdean :\loll~ "\V,· Cun l.IL'l' On l.oL'r"
Concert Choir 2. 3, 4. a Cappella Choir 4. Voc.1lettes 2. 3, 4 Baton Club 3, 4. Pre idcnt 4, Orchc~tra 2, 3, 4: Concert mistress 3, 4, ymphoncttc 3 4: Discu sion Club 2 Jr.-Sr Prom Comm. 3: Honor 'loci en· 4.
Donald I Can't lmaq1ne
Art Club 2.
Ohl,, Riehard Eugene "M1ster Touchdoi.Ln U.S A ~el~on, Euniee ·I h1s Is No Dreum''
Overman , Carla Eillen Thmh1ng of You"
Student Council 2, 3, 4, \Velfare Chairman 3, 4: \\'1~ 'n Pa1nt 2. 3, 4: G.A.A. 2, 3.
Football 2, >. 4. All State Team 3, 4: Basketball 2 1. Track 2: Baseball 3, 4: ··c" Club 2, 3, 4
Q,ermeyer, James George "HaL'e Mercy'
Painter, John "I L1he to Smq ' Paeker, )1adonna and LoL•ely
f.H A 2 3, 4.
W1g 'n Paint 2. ) 4 atlonal "I hespians 1, 4 , Pres1dent 4, Dramatic Board 4 ; Concert Choir 2, 3, a Cappella Choir 4: Trou badors 2. 3. 4 : Madri gals 4: Boys' Octet 4 : Mod ern aires 4. Baton Club 4 : Boys' State 3; Jr r Prom Comm. 3
The 19 52. Maroon
Parkhill, llc•rg•·n "'[hut's ior .\[, '
Pea r,o n , " That ·.~
Ca rol ~ n
.\.!If Grrl '
I ootball l . 1 4 Wrc lling 2 , 1 : ·c · Club 4 Jr Sr Prom Comm . 3.
"I ransfer to C.H .S . 4 ; C hron tcle 4 ; Quill and Scroll 3, 4 .
Pe n·hal , Joan · I'd Kno w Yo u Ani!U.'hcre"
P e ter•on , J err~ ' It .s All tn the Game"
Junior Red Cross 2 ; I !staff 2 , Commercial Club ) , 4 , Trcas u rer 1. 4 : Office Reporter 4 . Occupation Association 4 , Choir 3.
Chromcle 4 ; Basketball 2 ; Con cert Choir 3; Troubadors 4 ; a C1ppclla Choir 4 ; Boys Octet 4
PNer,on , Judith ' Oh 1 o~e Your Spell Is E~·ery~·hrre · .\furoo n 2 3 4 ; Chromcle l . ) ,
4 , An I dttor 4; \Vtg ' n Paint 2 ) , 4 Nat tonal ' ! hcspians l , ) , 4 , I reasurcr 4 · Dramatic Board 4 ; G. A t\ . 2 3 4 Class Skip Day 4 ; Jr Sr Prom Comm ) ; Honor Soctcty 4 .
PC'tihak<", , Antoinette' " You Are the One"
G. A .A . 2. 1 , 4 . Health \llgr 4 ; F.H .A. 2 , 3, 4, Histonan 4 · Junior Red Cross ) . 4 ceretar}' 4 , f:lstaff 2. ) , 4. Office Occupations 4 .
Pit-ken, Dori' Loui•t• I l.o~ a Parade i'hillipJW, E'tlwr ' Just .\[y Btl/'' Student Council ) , 4 , Prestdcnt 4 ; Cia s Vice President ) ; },f at von ), 4 . Co Business .\tRr. 4 , \Vig ' n Paint 2. 1, 4 , '.Hwnal I hc\pians 3, 4 , A A. 2 , 1 4 \'icc Prcstdcnt ) t\rl Club 4 Class Ring 3 Star Queen 4 ; Jr Sr Prom Co m m ) ,
Student Counctl 4 · \furoon 2 , 3 4 . Admimstratton I ditor 4 ; Chromcle 2. 3. 4 . \Vtg n Paint 2 . 1 , 4 . GA.A. 2. 1 4 . Ma roonafin 2.1.4;Band2 . 1 4 ; Concert Choir 2 , ) ; a Cappella Choir 4 ; Vocalcttcs 2 , 3 , 4 . Baton Club 4 Orchestra 4 ; Symphonctte 4 Head Majorette 2. 3. 4 ; Junior Red Cross 2, 3 , 4. Discussion Club 3 ; Art Club 4 Secretary - Treasurer 4 . Jr Sr Prom Comm . ) ; Honor So CICty 4
Pie'rre, Diane · Pretllf Bab(f Picken , Pat Sch >Jl Days '
!'he Jfl52 Maroon
Student Council 4 attonal Honor SoCiety 3, 4 Pre ident 4 ; Chromcle 2. 3 4 Feature Editor 4 ; Quill and croll 3, 4 : Wig ' n Paint 2 . 3 . 4 G A .A 2. 3 4. Treasurer 4. Maroona fins 2 1. 4 . Homecomtng Queen 4 ; Jr Sr Prom Comm . 3 .
Pittman, Frt•d I t'8 u \\'onder/ ul \\'orld'' \\'rcsthng 3, 4
Pruitt, Shirle~ Let Me Dreum" \\'is: ' n Paint 2. 3, 4: Com maCta! Club 2. >. 4. Corre~ponding ecretary 4 .
Rankin , , tanle) · I Knou.. Now'
J>mH•II, Hop;t•r . 1/e'.\ a r ouqh 1/o mbre .
Tr.1cl.. 2 \\'rcsthng 2. ) , 4 . Captain 4 : Cross Country 3. 4 . Golf 3 , 4 : ' C' Club 3 , 4
Quirk, John " I auqh Clou.n l .uuqh Wig ' n Patnt 4 , 'l rack 2 , 3, 4. 'C " Club>. 4: Concert Choir 3 Troubadors 2, 3, 4
Hc•d h ecl, Da,ifl All s \\'ell ' Basl..etball 4 : Tennis 3 . 4 .
Reif~teck, ~alla ee
Reifhteck, L) dia • L ovable Sort of Person ' Commercial Club 4.
'Contented Chrontde >. 4 \d\'crtistng Mgr. 4; Qutll and Scroll 4: \\'ig ' n Paint 2, 3, 4 1\:attOnal 'Thcsptans 3. 4 ; Jumor Red Cross ) , 4 . Prestdcnt 4 .
Ridenour, Carol My Truly, Truly Iat r"
Chromc/e 2. 3. Wig 'n Paint 2, 3. 4. G.A .A. 2, ). 4. Maroonafins 2. 3, 4. President 4. a Cappel la Chotr 4: Vocalettes 3. 4, C hristmas Play 4.
Rooh, Robert I \\'tsh I \\'uz
'I he I Q 52. Maroon
Sanford, Martha You Go, Sunshrne Follo~ You
Ru~~ell, John 'Unforgettable"
J·ootball 2, 3 4: Track 2. 3: "C' Club 4,
anford, 1al") '!ft•q, Good Looking" Student Council 4: Class Pre tdent 3: Maroon 3, 4. Semor Editor 4: Wig 'n Paint 2, 3. 4; G.A.A. 2. 3, 4 : Jumor Red Cross 3: Class Ring 3. ViceVersa Queen 4: Jr Sr Prom Comm 3: Modernatres 4. Stunt Show 2. 3; Girls' Quartette 3. a Cappella Choir 4: Honor Society 4.
Student Council 4, Wig 'n Paint 2. 3, 4, Prestdent 4, ationa! 'I hespian~ 2. 3, 4, Dramatic Board 4: G.A.A. 2. 3. 4; Reserve Cheerleader 2; Concert Choir 2. 3, a Cappella Choir 4: Vocalettes 2. 3, 4; Baton Club 4: Discussion Club 2. 3: Jr. Sr. Prom Comm. 3; Maroon 3nd \Vhite Teen Age Tune Time 3. 4, Modernaires 4: Speech Team 2. 4: I·rench AwJrd 3; Assembly Commtttee 4; Gtrls' Quartette 3 Stage Show 2. 3: Drama All State Cast 2, 3; Contest Play 2 3 4; Pall Play 2, 3; Honor So ciety 4
ansone, Henry .. Srttrnq On The Moon" Concert Choir 4. Future Distributive Club 4.
t>hneidt, 1arjorie You Redhead
chlat>hter, Donald Gotta I rnd Somebodq to I oue
'chradcr, Marianne "Drmples and Cherrq Cheeks" Class Treasurer 3. Chronrcle 3, 4 : Wig n Patnt 2, 3, 4: G. A A 2 3 · Maroonafins 4 ; Class Rtng 3 Announcement Comm 3 Jr Sr Prom Comm. 3.
a tiona! Thespian 2. 3. 4 ; Chronicle 4: Wig ' n Paint 2. 3, 4 ; Concert Choir 2. 3. 4 ; Class Sktp Day 4. Jr. Sr Prom Comm. 3: Fall Play 3. Spnng Play 2 3: Mid· Winter Play 3. 4: Contest Play 2: Christmas Play 2. Student Welfare Coun· cil 2.
ehweighart, Marion \V e'll Remember Junior Red Cross 4
hafer, Jerald · Rugged But Right" elit>o~it.~: , Jat>k Saqrng Goodbye''
The 1952 Maroon
Football 2. 3, 4 . Track 2. 3, 4 . Captain 4. \Vrestling 2, 3. 4 ; "C" Club 2 3, 4
ha~, L~le
' Complwmn'.' ' I oothall 2, ), 4; Track ~lan ag~r 2. ) ; Wrestling 2, 3 4: C ' Club 4.
'heahan, Jim ' I auqhmq I nsh l tit'S
Slwahan, Eug('tH' A G ood Sco ut" Wrestling 3 4 : Bascb.1ll 2. 3
Shedt>nhelm, ·
Wtg 'n Paint 2; \\'restltng 2, ), 4. Cross Countrv ) . 4; " C' · Club 3, 4 ·
Jam e~
\ o ' 1\ o.' \ o' V a t That "' Baseball 2 . 3 , 4 : "C" Club 3,
SheiiJ~, Richard I'm Just Drrftm Alonq"
Student Council 2 ) . 4; Class President 2 : football 2. 3, 4: B.1seball 2 · " C' Club 4, Con cert Chotr 2, ) 4 : Troubadors 4 J r Sr Prom Comm. 3: BoY Octet 4.
Sholem, "illiam I Got Shoes C hrontcle 2 3 4 Quill and Scroll ) , 4; \Vi~: ' n Paint 2 1. 4 Ba ketball Mgr. ) , 4: Ten nts 2: " C " Club 4: Concert Ch01r 3 , a Cappella Choir 4 ; Clas Skip Day 4 .
iut~, Lorenz ' A Man and Hts Dream" r:.F.A. 2. 1 .
hi[>ley, Don School Day.\ An Ol.'t'r
.Fiorenc(• " fmaqtnatwn
G A .A. 2, 1. 4 . Volleyball Mgr. 2 . 3 : l'lstaff 2, 3. 4 , Secretary 3 : Commercial Club 4 . Class Sktp Day 4 .
mith, Bob Hot Rod Race D istributive Education Club 4 .
Thl' J95Z Maroon
Smith , Carmilita " Sing and Re Jlappl./ '
'm ith , J a nw~ D. ' Yo u n · a Luck1.1 /- el/ou.•, .Hr .S nu th ·
(, A.A "\ : I·.H A 2 : Ollie~ Hclprr ) ; l.lstaff 2. ) . Co m mnci.ll Club 2
Smith , Jo}ee ' Y o u re ·\s Pretty A s u Ptcture"
S mith , Re ggie " fie .\ a Great Amencan"
S tark, 'far)' Jane ' Who Do You Knou. In Heauen' Af aroon 2. ) , 4 ; hronicle 2. 3, 4. Co l~ ditor 4 ; Quill and Scroll 3. 4: Wig · n Paint 2, 3, 4, ational Thespians 3. 4. G A A 2. ) , 4 , President 4, Maroonafins 2. >. 4 Concert Choir 2 ; a Cappella Chotr 4
S tenge r, Joan ( Pe nn y) Slo u.po he NatiOnal Honor SoCiet y 3, 4 ; Maroon 4 : Wig n Paint 2 . >. 4 ; G .A .A 2 . 3 4 ; Maroona fins 2. 3, 4 Secretary Treasurer
torm , Pauline In the M ood ' le\\oart, .\farion 'Shes FunniJ That \Va1.1" Af aroon 1 ; Commernal Club 4 .
Transfer from Bloomington 3; Af aroon 4 ; C hro mde 3 . 4 ; \Vig ' n Paint 3 , 4. National Thcs pians 4 ; Comm~rcial Club ) ; Art Club 3 : G A .A . 3 . 4 : Jr.Sr Prom Comm . 3 ; Baton Club 4 .
'fa)' lor, Richard
Ta~ lor, Thoma~
" I Hate to I ell a 1 tc '
" Here C omes the Clo u.·n "
roorball 2 . Baseball 2. >. 4 Basketball 2. >. 4 " C' Club
Football 2 3 4 ; \Vrestling 2 , 3 : Baseball 2 . 1 . 4 : " C " Club 2 . 3 . 4 : Jr Sr Prom Comm . )
f 1J5.!. Mc1roon
Thoma,;, Lou "I N etâ&#x20AC;¢er Thouqht I'd l.ot'e a Girl" Student Council 2 3 4 Treasurer 4: Chrome/~ Z 3 4, CoI:dnor 4: Quill and Scroll 3 4, Pre ident 4: Wig n Patnt 2. 3. Ba eball 3: Tennis 2, 'C" Club 4 , Class Memorial Comm 3. Football Mgr. 4 : Honor Soct cty 4 .
Trinkle, Allan ''Crazy \Vorld" Band 2 3. 4 , Baton Club 3, 4 , Art Club 3; a Cappella Choir 4 tring Orchcst ra 2. ~. 4 : Dance Orche t ra ) , 4 .
Valentine, Emil) " ! Hear MuM< Concert ChoH 2. 3. a Cappella Chotr 4: Vocalettes ) 4 . Class Sktp Day 4
an ehoyek, Darlene Mtqhty Lthe a Row Commercial Club 4: Announce ment Comm . 4.
Todd, l\orma Farly Btrd'
Trueblood, Shirley ''What a Blue eyed Baby You Are Maroon 3 4 Co-Editor 4: Chronicle 2. 3 4; Quill and Scroll ), 4 Wtg 'n Paint 3 4: G A A. 2 3 4. Concert Ch01r 2. 3: Vocalettcs 2: Jr. -Sr Prom Comm. 3; a Cappella Choir 4.
Van D}ke, Alice 'Su:eet A/tee" auonal Honor Society ) . 4 : Maroon 3 4, Underclassman Editor 4. Chromcle 3, 4. Asso ciate Ed nor 4 : Quill and Scroll ), 4; \Vtg n Paint 2,) 4 1 ationa! Thespians >. 4 : G A.A. 2 3. 4 , Badminton Mgr. 2. 3, Secretary 4 Office Helper 3.
Wakefield, Joe "! l .the M ountwn Mustc"
Basketball 2: Track 2: f f A 3, 4 , Vice-President 4 ; Jr Sr. Prom Comm. 3.
Wah,h, Margaret Star Dust' Wakefield, l\tiekey " What Dtd I Do>"
Chron:cle 2. 3. 4: Wig ' n Paint 2. >. 4 : G.A.A 2. 3, 4 : Jr. Red Cross 3, 4 .
The 195Z Maroon
\\ ' a ltt'r~,
E d"ard " Bud'' " /low Soon? '
\Vr~stling 2 . tr~ 4 . I I .A
>. 4 ; Cross 2, >. 4 .
Warmbie r , K e nn e th I m a \\'o man's Afan"
ahon , Dan D .
e e d e n, ancy Prrncrss"
.\fl/ . What a Gut~ ' Distrihutiv~
I du,,ltion 4 .
\\' hNtlon , Patrit•ia Thrnqs You Ar/'
" t\[/ th~
C'hronrdt• 2. >. 4 , hatur~ I d aor 4 ; \Vig 'n Paint 2 ) 4 , at 10nal ' I hesptans ) , 4, V iccPresident 4; G .i\.1\ . 2. ) 4 Concert C hoir 2 , >: Vocalette~ >. 4 ; Cl.m Skip Day 4 Jr. Sr Prom Comm >: a Cappei!J C hoir 4.
\\ olft•, ' I:'arlll to
W i~e , Jacquelin " But Beauttful" Studen t Council 3 . \Vig ' n Paint 2. 3 , 4 . Office Helper 3; Jr Sr. Prom Comm 3; Con cert Choir ) : a Cappella Choir
4 : G .A A. 2, 4 .
I arll/
Rr ., e"
.\ 1ad rigals 4 ; Boys' Octet 4 ; .\!lode rna ires 4 ; Jr.-Sr. Prom Comm . ) , Class Skip Day 4; Baton Club 4 , Troub.1dors 2 , >. 4 ; Concert Choir 2, ), 4: Dram.llic Bo.1rd 4 : , ' .1tion.1l ·y hcspians ) . 4 ; \ Vig ' n Paint 2 . >. 4.
Wright, Charlt·~ 'Grt Happl/ I· I•.A
hro nicle 4 ; Commercial Club 4 : G .A.A . 2 , >. 4 ; FHA 2 . 3, 4.
2. 3 4, Treasu rer 4 .
The ! 952 M aroon
W' ood, Barbara June Ota the Ra~nbo tt ' I·. H . A . 2 . ) , 4 ; Future Di trib utors' Club 4 .
Wright, William Lloyd A f ellott and Hrs Gtrl
T·. F.A. 2,
~eko fT, John Alu.'citi.S !.ate"
Yo ung, "la rli n Dt•an!' \at urdatl Sr!lhr'' I oothall 2: Bascb.1ll 2: 1·.1 .A. 2 3, 4, 'I rc.l'lrra 3 l'rcasurcr Reporter 4: PrOJl'Ctors Club l.
Young, '1arla Jean 'Too Man:dous for \\'ords" G.A.A 2, 3. 4: Cheerleader 2. 3. 4: Maroonafins 2, >. 4. Rifle Club 4: Elstaff 2.
l' oung, Ronald D .
'I \Vanna Make \Vrth tht• Happt/ Trmes Basketball 2. ), 4: Baseball 2,
Young, Jun e Pa ttt· r~o n "Our Love Story"
'I I
) oung, \'\ illia m ·t .\1 t1 lft·urt to June"
I .1· A l. 3, 4, V rcc President 4, State I armcr ),
>. 4.
"'leCit•llaml, \ida "Our l3uddt~' Zeller~ , Raymond Paul He Is the Lrqht of the World"
Football 2. 3, 4: Track 2. ) : \ Vrestli ng 2. 3; "C" Cl ub 3, 4. Vice-Prestd en t 3, Presiden t 4: C lass Skip Day 4 .
Maroc n 2: \Vig 'n Paint 2. 3, 4 '\latronal Thespians 3, 4: Dramatrc Board 4 C A A. 2: Hall Hostc s 2: J r Sr Prom Comm 3· Debate Team 4: Class Prophecy Comm. 4: Honor Society 4.
The /9 52. .Waroon
LanrlrNh, Loi~ · Habi.J I ace' [
from Htll, lllinui~ 3. 3 4. Commercial
'I· I H J\
Club 4.
Camera Shy AJt•.,.umlt•r , B. E~ther ·A Smd< \\'til Go a l.onq, I onq \\'ai.J
Jorw~ ,
(; t•orge Jon.•s"
)f<·Gaughey, Dan "Dappl!r Dan"
Bo.' er, Bt•• erl.'
' A .\I tilton Drewm · Brill, G t•orgt• "Smt!tn' I hm,.qh"
Bro" n , D" ight "I az~,J /~ ones"
Bro"n, Kenneth 'I'm Sattsfied \Vtth Yott'
:\lar,h, Da•id "So Far, S Ge< d'
)[ullin~, Kenneth "Somnthen. Somehow, Someday'
Pfit'•ler, 1\.ay l'f!l I I lilt y Ott
he/ \fan
"'J h, \
Fi•cu,, }t•rl')
"7 he \Vorld Is \\'wtinq for the Sunrise" · J.1t·~her,
:\lc(;uire, La" renee ''\\'hi.J Blame It All On Me''
P.'t'r, Da•id "\Vhy Am I Happy~"
o~~, Da,id "I \Van/ to Be Happy'
"hipJlle, Tom That Gtrl o; Mtne"
Fralt•y, Alict• "One l.tttle Smile"
Gt•orge, le"y Someone to \Vatch Otcr Me"
The /952 Maroon
Zeitw, I'h) lli~ You Bundle of Joy"
CHAMPAIGN BASKETBALL GAME row, left to riqht-I.outse Smtth, Betty I o'u Baker, Dtck Colbert Barbara Gnerson, Julia Clark Mary I.ou \Vilson Jean Young. Ruth \Voodworth. Isabel Burgess. Juhc In gersoll Cynthta Guthne, Mananne Schrader, Mary Sanford. Jocelc Meaney Martha Sanford Sharon Chaplin Second rou., left to nqht -Barbara Syler. Irma Knupp. Four Junior High Kids , Dottte l.u Picken, Lavonnc Hoffman Judy Munnis, Kauc Kesler, Joyce Hansen , Jacque Wise. Evelyn Lamkin , Esther Phtlltppe, Pat Coffey Thrrd rott', ldt to riqht-Mtldred Rich , Ruth Bulkley '\laney \Verden . Dorthy Bradley Shirley Haussemen, Lots Smtth, ~bry Frances Hays, Esther Pittman , Rita Warmbter Betty Stillwell, Janien Hendricks , Phvllis Barham, Mary Lou Hampton , Pat Curran, Barbara Foster, Ellen Johnston
fourth row, left to right-Toni Ctsnc Nancy Shubert, Barbara Batley, Virginia Percv Donna Keene, Carolyn Scholtz, Dons \tic Co\\ n Two Junior High Ktds , fifth rou.. left to nqht-Roberta Hurst, Darlene Lange, Two Jumor Htgh Kids Carol Sue Stahl, Ronnie Knudson. Sixth rou. leit to right-~ancy i\1omcr, Evelyn Bishop Paula Bresee. Carol Jo Caldwell Nancy Pennington, Judy Dawson, Joann Rasmussen Marilyn Jolly, Jean Hayes, Margaret :-.1cDermott , Vcrdean l\:eill. Don Abernathic Secenth ruw, ldt to nght-Five Junior High Kids. Bonnie Benson . Ethelann Cole, Mary Gray, Emily Valcnunc. Barbara Hines. f:'rqhth rou.•, left to riaht---Stx JuniOr Htgh Ktds, John .\1iller, Bob Stewart, Donnie Kemp . ·. , Robert 5 Williams, • I .Jorde White John Painter Doug \\'olf
j unior Class Officer Ftrst ro u.. - Sharon I.apptn , Betty Sttlwcll Phll Ma tteson . Second ro u.. - Mr Harold Alexander, Helen Worsham . :\1rs. Al ice Barlow.
Class of 1953
• •
• •
To become a enior i everyone's ambition . Junior are just one step away from attaining thi goal. Next year these tudents who have performed dutie which require too much responsibility for sophomores and not quite enough for ·enior will be the school leaders. As Juniors, their main duty is to pon or the annual Junior Senior Prom . This is the biggest dance of the year and therefore requires much work which the Juniors usually handle very nicely. All the planning tarts at the beginning of the year. oon after the officers have been elected and continues throughout the remainder of the year After the dance everyone agrees that Juniors are pretty nice and pretty good to have around. Another duty of the Juniors i the election of the class rings. The committee mu t select the one that the most tudents like. This selection often presents quite a problem. The Junior class may be an ordinary class, but the extraordinary job they did on the Junior-Senior Prom will be remembered for a long time to come.
The 195 2 Maroon
0 RS 1\dams. Bob Alcxand~r.
Santa ,\hop, Robert Althaus. Jack Althaus Marjorie
Anderson ,\1artba Anderson. Olivta 1\ppel. Ted Apprrson, Bob Armstrong. Donna Jean
[htlcy Barbara B.1kcr Betty lou Bales Jo Ann Barrett. Barbara Beck, Carolyn
D" tght Black Susan Bowen. Mike Bowles. Quenton Brawner. Barbara
Brown. Phil Bruggeman. [ary Jane Bruhn. Linden Buckles. Bill Bulklcv. Ruth
Bundy, Ola Burgess, Pat Burk Clarence Burton. Janet Bu-.h Marjorie
Butts Stanley Cannon, Allen Carlton, Tom Carter, Donna Camdy, Francis
Castor. [ddie Clabaugh, Margaret Clark Bobby Clark. Julia Cochrun
The 1952 l.faroon
J Cochrun, Mary !:lien Conley. Carl Cook, Barbara Cooper. Ronald Corbett. Betty
Cremeens. Randall Cruthers, Sharon Curti Joan Cox, \Vilma Daugherty, Jane
D,w1s, Charles Davis. Donna Decker. Jean Delong R1chard Demlow, Patsy
Denman, Joyce Ddlavou, Jack1e Dorsey, Carmen I:rickson, Jon Everman
Evers, ,\llarilyn rvcstone, Jerry l¡anning. Phil Farmer, Bill J cldk.1mp. Roy
J"incham, Gene f'lem1ng . Bill I letcher, Carolyn Garrett, Tom Geriche I eona
Gray , I ouis Gray Mary l ouisc Cm fT ct t. Ray Grubb Shirley Guy Russell
Hahn . Dale Haines. Dick Hammersmith. 1om Hansen, Rita Hanson, Virgmia
The JQ52 Maroon
0 RS
0 RS Hatch, Hank Hausmann, Sh1rl~y Hayes. I r.1nces Heinicke. Mary I"llen I !ill. I red Hill, Sh1rley Hines ,
House, Jim Hud~on , Terry Hull. Wendell Jackson . Ouida Jobe, Jackie. John , Fdw.ud Johns. Gene
Keene, Donna Keller, Harold Kelly . haron Kemp Donald Kesler, Kay Kington , :-.tary Klopfen\lcin , , ann
Knupp. Erma Koch, Dick Koch , Ronald Kofoid, Carokc Langhoff Mary I appin Sharon Lassen <;hirlcy
l ee, Ronnie I eGrande. Allen Lewis. Dale l cwis, Tom I ichtenwalter, Phyllis Lindeman. Don I uce, Jackie
Lynch, Bill l ynn . Mary Jo ,\!larkland, Judy ,\btteson Phil !vlatteson Sonny Mays. I ou1s McCormick Joyce
The 1952 Maroon
0 R S
,\1cCown, Doris McCrea , Bill ~lei lenry, .\f.Jrgaret .'v c.'v1ullen, Charles ~tc\Vethv , Treva ~1eeks , Carl ,'vlerrifidd Carol
,\1cycr. ,ene Michael. Dich ~1illagc, Virgie .'vloore, \\'illiam .\lorrill Charles .\lurph ·. !\Llrth.l Murphy, 1 ' ancy
!\1yer\. Carol :\'cal. James , 'clson, Jtm "esbttt. Herbert 'esmtth. Dick Newsom. Shtrley Nogle Barbar.1
orman, Betsy , 'orton , Da\'id Oltger Charles Olt\'er Billy o· etll. Terry Paris. Claudette Parkhill. Gay
Percy, Virginta Peterson T resa Petttt, John Phelps . . orn1.1 Phens ShirleY Philltps. Jimmie Pittm.ln , I sther
Pi?Cll. Delores Pope lawrence Price Shi rlcy Reifsteck. Ha?CI Rtch. Mtldred Richardson Shtrley Rohr. Otck
The /952 Maroon
0 RS
Top rcu,-Roper, Martha Ryan Dick Schalk Ra} Schloz, Carol}n Schneider. Bernard· Schubert. 'ancy Scott Don: Scott, l orella l'(• nd rnu, Selvidg( Ron me. Shannon I om Simpson Joyce. Smalling D~an Smtth l OIS Smith, louise Sondcrskov Mollicbcth Sphar, Roger Thtrd rou:- Stacy :VtarJonc. Stahl. Stahl \llary Ann, Stayton, Charles Stevens, Leonard. Still well. Richard. Stilwell, Betty Sttpes, Don. fourth rou,·-Tatman Dick· Taylor. Jeanene: Tipsword, Judy; Townsley. Dick: Townsley, Jim; Tummelson, Pat: Turner, Judy: Von Holten, Pat. Fdth row-\Varmbier, Rita : Warnock, Dave; \Vaugh , Jerry, \Vhite, I loyd ; \Viblc, John, WilliJms, Bob, Williams Robert Williamson, Ramon . Sixth rou:- \Vilson. John: \Vilson , Paul; \Vingler, Betty; \Vise, Raymond, \\'itherspoon , Dave, \Vitte Velde Ruth; \\'oodworth, Ruth; \Vorsham Helen. Sen•nth rou.'-\\'yninger, Dick,
The 1952 Maroon
( .amern Shy Barham , Jerry
Harm. ,\1ddred
R1"crs, D1ck
Britt , George
Harris, f'om
Royse, Janet
Butler, Jim
Hart. Joan
Clark . I ucille
Hc1ntnn . \V alter
Russell. Bobby
Co\'entry. \Vilm,1
Cruse Dick
lluhe. Bob
Dalhaus, Bob
I ewis. Rose
Dillman. Dean
,\ 1artin. Marilyn
Dixon . Jack
.\1axwell , Don
\Vatson, Dan H .
ford. Arnie Chipm.1n
,\ 1ccks. Tom
\\'httcd. Kctth
Gravitt I ouie
Primmer, Myrna
\Vood , Rex
ThC' / 95.! Maroon
I Jrry
Sl,1dc, Bob Tesman , f¡ rcd Thorman , Gerald
first rcm:-Pat Sm1th
5erond rcnt-Mr
Chuck Schrader Russell f-oster. Claude V. Myers ,Jack 'Tucker, Miss Marion Stuart.
Class of 1954
Eight o'clock in the morning on September 5, 1951. On street corners and at houses all over Champaign. little groups of frightened people arc meeting. ow for o. this i n't a new ecret society; today is the opening of :boo!. orne fortunate people. uch as high school junior or senior . there is nothing to fear. But for sophomores today is the start of a week of torture. This torture con ist of reciting the sophomore creed at an uppercla sman's wish. wearing green ribbons. and for some people. performing in the auditorium. Finally the week i over. The ophomorcs have gone through the initiation and now arc ready to face life. In a hort while they learn where their classe arc, how long the periods arc. and when school is out. They experience the thrill of belonging to the high chool whtch rcpre cnt Champaign in sports. dramatics, music. and many other activitic Soon the end of the fir t semester arrives. Event such as dance . football games. play . and conte ts have passed. Time i flying fast and at last it is commencement time To thee sophomores the year has gone quickly. and they begin looking forward to next fall when a new group of frightened sophomores will arrive and face life at its worst.
The [Q52 Marnnro
p H 0 M 0 R ES Adki sson Myrtle Alcorn . Jim Alexander. J"ricda Alexander. John Allen , M.ugaret
Ammon . Bc\'erly Appl. .\1argaret Arend . Im B.1ile\· t\ol1 Ba1n Marilou
Baker Bill Baker. Chuck Baker. Dan Bales . Jack1c Barcus . Ronald
1ta Baum . Jack Bayliss Bctt y Beals. Bett \ Beatty
Bender, Jerr\' Benson Bonnie Bishop . [ \'elyn Bishop. Jim Block Fdwin
Blue, Jan Bonwell. Tommy Bowden . •'v1ervin Bresee Paul.1 Brown Ronald
Brown , · rom Burge, Darlene Burgess . Isabel ButtJt.l, Ida ,'v1aye Caldwdl. C.1rol
Ben r Carl. Gerald1ne Chaplin Sharon Cisne. Max Coffey, Patricia
Cole. Fthelann Cook r rank Costa. MarJone Cox Sandra Ct~~.:-:-~
s0 Current. Nadine Dantson. Delores Dawson, Judy Day. Bill Dean, Joe
Denton, Patsy Dexter Sharon Dtxon Geraldtm Dtxon. Shtrley Dodds 'cwton
Domick Jackte Dorsey Shtrley Dow Chloe Dowell. Judy Drinning, Dale
East, Bill Edwards. Harold I:lliott. Thelma l:mbry. Gerald England. Shu], v
Evans, Donald [vans Ray I vcland Lee An I arrcll. Barbara f路iscus. Barb.Ha
f路iscus. Irvin roster Duane l路mtcr, Russell haley. Roena freeman, Jim
l路urr}'. Patricia Gaines. Alice Gannaway, Jim Gard, Bob Garrett, Margy
Gates, Marilyn Getz, Lionel Gillogly, Pat Gutffre. Margaret Gleason, Bever! y
Godfrey. betla Goode. Patricia Goodman, Mary Grant, Erma Jean Grant S. L.
p H 0 M 0 R E S
SOPHOMORES Gr.1y, Pde llacssl y. Bob Haessly. ,'v1aq~aret Hagan . Patricta Hall, Patncia
ll.lnafec, Jim I lansen. Jim Hascall. .'vlarion Hassell , Lillian H.1uerspcrgcr. Regina
ll.lys Jean Head Harriett Henke. Jim Herstrom, Glenn Hicks, Bob
fl til
I arry ll ill Robert Holmes. Dorothy Houston . Rosa! ie Huddle, Ona
Hull, Sandra llunt, Albert Ingersoll, Julie James . â&#x20AC;˘'vlanlce Jochtm, Marlene
Johnson, Dale Johnston , !: lien Jolly. Marilyn Jane Bob Kamerer,
Kearns. John Kell}. Peggy Kennedy , Marcia Kernodle. Nancy Key John
The 195.! Maroon
Kington :\larg.uet Knb \\'.1nd.l Kobel, K.ul Ko s D.1le
K ru~gcr
K rut\ingcr, Peggy I
I d w.ud I anc, Pat I ,JW,
I echna, Jerry I cmmon. O.w~ I cwis. I a\'ernc I cwis Reba I icrnun, Rtchud
\1aase, Don :\lac" Bc\'e rl r ,\1.1ndrcll. Darla ,\larkland Jo Ann
John :\laxwell JaLk ,\Ia}. Oat :\lcCoy Ch.Hics :\1c0crmott,
,\lcGuirc Tom .\lc:-.lullcn, Henry ,\tc\lullcn, I om ,\lc\\',~rd Pat .\1c\Villi.Jms .John
,\lcrrifidd, James ,\terry \\'endcll .\!tchacl. Carol ,\tiller Don .\ltllcr, John
The /952 Afuroon
0 p H 0 M 0 R ES
Top rou.•- 1\.!tner, Carolyn , M1ner, Danny ; Mnchell. Carolyn ; Mitchem, Jo) ; Robert; Myers. Marvin Second rou. 1 ash, Dorothy , Roberta: OsterholT Charles.
ogle, Marianne ; O ' Kelly, I cor.1 ; 0
Third rou.• -Paden, Jim. Palmer George ; Pf efT er, John .
J1m ; Parb. Ja.:kic , Patterson
f'ourth row - Phinney, Beverly ; P1ckett , Arlene ; P1erre, Don ; Pope Quick , Betty. Carol
ldth row-Quirk. I arry ; Rasmus en . Joann ; Reed . Mozcll Roberts , Vlike
1unnis, Daw , Murdock,
cdl. .!ern·. Orb.1n , C.1rolyn : Osborn, Carole ; Pennington
, ancy ; Pcuhakes ,
Jerry ; P o well. ,\lo rg.ln ; Price 1\'ancy .
Rexroad , \Yanda .
Jack ;
Richards .
1xth rou. - Rob1nson , Cora Mae . Robmson Lucretia ; Rodgers . Jerry : Roedl. Bette : R o ettger, Marjorie ; Rogers, Barbara Rohr, June
The 19 5 2 Maroon
0 p H 0 M 0 R E S
Itr t ro w- Rollin~ . J\tartha , Royer, Jon Ohvc!la Schrada Chuck Seco nd rou. Stmmons. Roger
Schrocda, Bill
Th ird r o u.'--Simo mon , Judy Stalter, Bill . Fourth rOIL tarkey , Darrell Carol: Taylor, Monty Ftfth row- I'aylor, Ted bar a , Tyner Nancy
Sandwell , Ted
Sebum, Donna Smub , Jim I
chum, Jack
Sa\\ ycr . .\1ary Beth Schwabe, Pat
Smub, Jim R
Temple, Helen , Terry,
Somers. Jean
Stblcy, Barbara ; Spencer
haron :
urn mer , Gary , Taylor,
htrlcy ; Troutman , Evelyn, Tucker, Jack ; Tyner, Bar
Stxth row- Upton, Barbara, Van Gorder, Eddie: Vaughn , Juanita ; Wa hington Marlene, \Vatson, eva
The 1952 Maroon
Seyler Barbara
Smttb, Pat
Stewart , Bob , Stipes, Em my , Strong
(),hlaC!cr, Jack
Phyllis :
0 p H 0 M 0 R E S
Fir.~ I rou: -\\'hclan. Barbara: W tiber Sharon : \\'illiams. Hazel : \Villiams. Lela : \\'ilson .\tary Lou.
econd rou. \Vim mer , .\.1aur~cn : \Vinston , Gilbert, \\'iscly Jtmmy \\'rench Robert .
Nancy : \\'ithrow ,
Third rOLL' -\Vright, Dave \Vnght. Myron. Yeargin Sonny ; Young, Bob.
A y rc <itanlcy
Braswell. John
Mans. Ronnie
Burmmicr Charlc'>
Montgomery, Bill
Darnall , Gene
Morton. Ken
Patterson. Alice
The J95Z Maroon
Honor Society !trst row Carol Knott, Mar\'el Kesler, Dtane Pterre, Penny Stenger, Judy Munnis. Manlyn Berbaum. Sewnd rou.â&#x20AC;˘-Aitce Van Dyke, Joan Da\'tS. Charles Carrington, Don Abernathie, George Nash, Bill McDonald
,, , , , "His brain was so loaded he nearly exploded" well applies to the members of the National Honor ociety. Only ten per cent of the en ior class and five per cent of the junior class can be taken into membership. Seniors must have the following qualifica tions for eligibility to the group: a paint average of 4. '5 and al o a high rating in character. leadership. and service. The only difference in junior qualifications is a point average of 4.75. Last year the Exchange Club entertained the seniors at a banquet and it was voted to make this an annual occasion.
The 1952 Maroon
, , , A money raising project is undertaken each year to pay for a reception for the new members. This year it was a candy sale at a basketball game The officers for this year are, president. Diane Pierre. vice-president. Carol Knott: secretary. Marvel Kesler. treasurer. Marilyn Berbaum. The re t of the members thi year are Charles Carrington. Joan Davis. Don Abernathie, Penny Stenger. Alice Van Dyke, Judy Munnis. Bill McDonald. and George Na h. who is a transfer from Galesburg Mis Wilcoxen is the chapter's span or.
Srttmq-Pat mllh, Judy Daw on Jacque Parks. Standrng, first rou:--Mary Ann Stahl. Julie lngersol. Emrly Sttpes. Pat Hagan Paula Bresee Susan Black, Diane Pierre Isabelle Burgess, Marilyn Evers, Katie Kesler, Barbara Bailey tandmg, second rou. Sharon l appin, June Judy, ;\1ary Sanford, Dotti Picken, Don Scott, Phil Matteson, Bill ~1c Donald Richard hdby, I arry Hopkins. Betty Sttlwcll.
The JQ5Z Afaroon
To give students an opportunity to aid in olving thetr own school problems and to promote good wtll in all school relationships is the purpo e of Student Council. the student governing organtzation . Composed of ten repre entatives from each class. the tudent Council ervcs the school in any way it can, alway striving to do the grcat c t good for the greatest number. Cooperation with administrators. heads of departments . and community representatives makes this group a valuable asset to our school. 1 he Student Council also acts ai: a coordinator for the many school activitie carried on by C. H S A few of the many worthwhile project spon ored by the Student Council arc sopho more oncntations. and annual " ritual" which not only includes an assembly for the benefit of the ophomorcs. their kneeling before upperclassmen and wearing the traditional green ribbon, but also help in getting the sophs ac-
quainted with C. H. S .: homecoming dance. which is attended by both stu dents and alums : selection of a queen from a group of enior girls is made, and Diane Pierre reigned at this year's " Fall Fantasy ." which had to double for the u ual "Tri High" dance Other services of the tudcnt Council are the organization of the activity tickets. which are a real bargain for the whole student body, and include a special ticket, in troduced this year. for the benefit of athletic partici pants and band members : class election . in which all candidates mu t secure a petition from the Student Council before entering the race : and school supplies, which are available to the students at reasonable price . Room 340 is the Student ouncil room where you can buy anything from typing paper to erasers. Miss Marjorie trong is the spon or.
!he J') 5:!. Ma roon
C Cluh First row, left to rrght-I'om Taylor, John Armstrong Roger Powell Bob Clasey, Coach i\1ajor, Jerrr Shafer, Jim Bryant. Ray Zellars. Lyle haw Jerry McKinney econd rou., leit to nqht-Carl Meeks, Jtm Shohan, Dick Taylor 'obn .\titchell, Kenny Kcllcrhals . Dick Ohls, Ray Schalk. Don Linderman, Bobby Slade, Gerrr !tght Thrrd rou.â&#x20AC;˘, left to right-Bob Dalhau . \\'ayne \1c\Vard , Jim Dodds, Rtchie Meislahn, hed Hampel Ray Keagle , fred Gleason. Ronnie Koch. Terry 0. eill Gene Sheahan Fourth row, left to right-Terry Hudon Darell Starky , I arry Hopkins Jack Tucker, Bob Lowrey Dtck Baker. John Quick. 1ike Bishop. Keith Whited, Bergen Parkhtll Joe Depew, John Russell, Lott Thomas, Richard Shelby.
,, I
Rough. tough. and hard to get along without are the many member of the C Club, the athletic honorary. Qualification for becoming a member of the club consists of earning a "C", either by participating or managing one of the eight varsity sports. It sounds easy. but little do most people know of the hard work put in by the e boys to earn a "C". Every C Club member worked, sweated. and strained to give C. H. S. the fine athletic reputation it now has. The many plaque and trophie in the front hall prove just how true this statement is. The C Club members participate in and sponsor many of the out ide activities during the school year. orne of them are: sponsoring dancing after some of the home basketball games, ushering at the basketball games, holding the rope between games and at the half. giving out programs, and taking tickets at the home basketball games The annual spring C Club dance is one of the biggest and mo t popular dances held during the school year. Thi year it was a dre s-up affair held on March 29. with Wayne Karr's Orchestra providing the music. Fred Major served as a very able guiding light for the muscle men in helping to plan their activities. Ray Zellers was elected president to preside over the meetings which were held after school or in the evening. Ronnie Koch was elected vice-president, and John Armstrong was elected secretary-treasurer. These officers and their sponsor combined their efforts in leading the C Club this year. 1951-52.
Junior Re d Cro f1rst row- M1ss Krumsiek . Ro7Clla Hammel, Ph yllis Bermwgham . Wallace Reifstec k S eco nd rou: - Jud y Munnis. oel Hurd . Poll y Storm , Joan Oav1s. J hud ro u: -J R1chard Stillwell, ' ancy Momer Mary I an gho ff Ruth Bulkley.
Junior Red Cross is a very important organization. It is the students, who take an active part in Junior Red Cross work. that make the Red Cro the solid organization that it is today. Champaign High supports an active chapter of the Junior Red Cross. Setting their goal at $75 this year, the Champaign chapter, through class drives and a dance, surpassed their goal by collecting $90. Other than their annual drives. the Red Cross members also gave a party at Chanute once a month for the veterans at the ho pital. and taged a party for the County Home. Once a month four council representatives attend the Junior Red Cross county meeting At this meeting close cooperation with the other chapters in the county is obtained. Larry Quirk. Mary Langhoff. Wally Reif teck. and Richard Stillwell served as representatives this year to the county meeting.
T'he I Q 52 Maroon
\Vig 'n Paint-Senior lu'' rou. '''' ~o nqhr { .uol Knott ( .uolrn ~ 1 c( ord \1Jrg.uct \\'.1hh. \1.uiJnnc Schudu ( .uol Radl."nour. Jouh· \tunv Belly Ketnt Shalcy I rurblood. Jan1e St.lrJ.., Jo~n I l.1vas Polly Storm \oco"d r u
lrft to nght
Judy G.3tts, Dotta Pa{ken
\It« \an ()ykr
Jo.wn tl( "land. Ju !y Pl 1 thn Ptulhppc Daane
'orm.1 (.alton, P.u \\he Ptnn) Stt ger
bn. Joycl' lbns("n
I htrd ro~<> IO'It r nght 1\tll ~lc!'l n i H.tlph (n·tf Bob (H.JOdOl,lD Cn•orgr ~.1 h \V.3Ilv
Rrlfstrd. ( h.3rlr Dt<k ( olbo rt loary Jud) Doug \\ olfr
Jad. Jlr sltr luth• San! rd June
It lis.
" ig 'n Paint-Juniors I Itt t to rrvht Jud)' I LJrn r J.Hklt l ucc-, ( J.toh n Schlou, \ 'arganaa Percy, Sharlcy Crubb. Sharon Kelley, ( arol Su.: St.Jht lou1se Smith B.ub.ara !\.ailey !ltuv I ou lhktr I ou Sn1 th, \ l r.ancts flayts '.ancy Shub .. rt 1\cll\ Sltlwrll .\rcond
r u,
Donna DJ\'IS, R.Hb,ua 1\rawnn
w•ltrr, :l.lildrrd Hulk!ey. ·~ncy b.1ugh, Robot
Rteh, Brtty Klopfl'nStltn,
S. \ \ '!J,
.\1arilyn J:vers, I •ten llu~·n~i." Phyln I <httn \\'mglrr Ruth ~hrg.uer ( Ia
I hrrd row ldt to nqhr Ch3rlrs I >.n.s ' John Wthon. I lo!d \\'hilt Sharon (ruther Karo I c 1\ofotd.' J•nr 1\ruggrm•n lrm• nu?p Gay P.n khill. S.uiu \lo;andu 'hry I .Jnghoff. JJnc D urcght ·• John P etit 1 con;ard Stev~n~ .
• opho m ore W ig 'n Paint I t r• tt dt to •11ht I lll·n Johnuon. ( .u ohn .\tuchdl. .\ hrgte Rottrgtr, Jad.. h· P.Hk I ns tl'nJ. H.Hold Edw.ud , l thd.ann <ol(', Jo.annt Rasmunen Bonntr n. . ., ·.a.,cy I yntr ~hrg.1rct Guztrrr Su:ond rou.. Jud} DJ.w'j:on, . I \'l'lyn I rnutman. Jut7r In ~ttr oil P.u Smuh. I ab I Uur ess B.uh.u:a I o tcr, :\1.ul,annt ottle. Ida 'llt Buu u Sh.t ron (hap! in Jott :\hrldand J\·.1n C.Hrs \1,uy Hcth S.t w yu, Judy S•monson. I hrrd r u. P~t Schw,abl· [ )onna• Schum ·o~ nq· Pt"nmngton t\ 1 "" Partu on :'\"ancy 1\u nod IE" Shl"1l1 Godfrty Bub.1u StyiE"r, L ucrdu. Robtn on. l'tggy 1\tllv !lttty Qutdo. Rat.l I t'\\ '1 , SJndr.1 Hu ll , .\brit.trfl \ 1c()l·rmott 1-ourrh rou. Urol \\ad.E-1 1\arbuJ I •rrtll, l'•t ll•g•n I ury I! til l\ob Sti:W.trt Paub Brc tt' RouhE" Huuon. Phyllu \Vo~rmbu·r I ury Qu1rk, D.tlt Johnson, I 10nd CJttt ( hud. HJf....:r son.
Wig ' n Paint, one of the school's largest extra -curricular activities. directed , produced , staged , and took part in three major plays during 1951 - 52 . Fall play . mid - winter play . and a spring play , plu a ontest play and a Christmas play made up the program . o unds like quite a job for on e organiz atiOn to tackle, but under the able leader hip of the pre ident. Martha Sanford : the vice-president, Dick Colbert ; the secretary -trea urer. June Judy : and the advisor. Miss Marion Stuart : the organiz ation n ot o nly produced plays, but held a potluck supper. and participated in the exchange assemblies at Urbana , D ecatur. and Uni High. Champaign took first place in the district speech meet. which was held at Champaign , with five firsts . The contest play, King Henry the V , copped second place. tudent at CH are proud to say, "I am a member of Wig n Paint."
The JQ5Z Maroon
'''} IJet 'Jdeeu ''
Dehate Cluh J~r~t rou.•. 11'11 to nqht Sharon Cruthcrs. Vida :\fcClclland Y'larJorie Roettger , Carole Lee Kofoid . Sewnd rou.·, 11'1/ tu ·rtqht Phil l·anning Terry Hudson. Bill :V!cDonald, Dave \Varnock . Charles Da\'is :VIr. Meyer.
The Debate Team. a comparatively new extra-curricular activity in CHS. is coached and sponsored by Mr. Robert Meyer. In order to interest the student body in, and acquaint them with the members of the CH team and how a debate between two team progresse . an a sembly was given. In this as sembly. an actual debate was carried on between opposing teams. the "pro" team. and the "con team. During the school year. the CH Debate Team participated in many debates with other schools, and proved themselve to be very good, and able debater
Drama Boanl I.dt to nght- Doug \Volfe. :V!artha Sanford , :VIr Alexander, V1da ;...!cClclland . Mr. Mevcr .\liss Stuart John Painter, Judy Peterson.
Weird shadows across the fireplace , screaming women. authentic sword fighting . mysTlw Bla('k Flamingo tery melodrama in its best form was "The Bodier . John Wilson Black Flamingo," written by Sam Janney Diana DL I u ac Barbara Brawner and presented on November 15 and 16. Madame Bodier . hirley Grubb On the road to Vienne Le Chateau. is the Tnguad George Nash Black Flamingo Inn owned by Madame and Popo . Lloyde White Philippe Bodier. assisted by Clotilde, their Cagliostro John Painter maid Bourier . Ralph Getz On the night of July 14, 1789 , a great Charlotte De Lus ac . haron Kelly torm was raging in France and Bourein came Clotilde Donna Davis to the Inn with the news of the revolution in Gavrache Bill McDonald Paris. Bodier told Bourien of a ghost, a Eugene. Duke De Lus ac Bob Goodman weird shrieking violin somewhere in the Inn. Upon investigation Bourien fell screaming out of the fireplace. Then Treguad arnved A young soldier. Francois De Lu sac, re quested a room at the inn . hortly after hi father, Count de Lussac, and two si ters . Diana and Charlotte. sought helter as they fled from Paris. Accompanying this group was a priest who later revealed him elf as Count Cagliostro. Popo, the foppi h young courtier. then arrived. wiftly the play approached a climax~ Francoi disappeared up the chimney: Triguad discovered a secret door from which an old man, Bossange, tumbled out and fell dead A mob led by Gravache burst into the Inn , and a phantom violin was heard in the balcony and frightened the mob away . Cagleostro retrieved the necklace from the tower and Popo went off stage with Clothilde in search of food as the curtain fell. Thus ended one of the most unusual dramatic productions of the year.
(;A~I;\lER (~
Barbara Brawner Larry IIi ll Judy Dowell Martha Sanford Georgl '\lash John \\'tlson John Painter 1 loyd \Vhtte Sharon Kelly Judy Dawson
Tib Master Bailey Gammer .urton Dame Chat Doctor Rat Hodge Dtccon Cock Doll Student Director
Donna Dav•s
:Vtrs. Harper
Barbar.l I arrell
Mrs. Tearose
Carmen Dorsey
.\trs. Cunliff
.'v1ary Lllen He1neke Shirley Grubb ~targtc
Judy Peterson .\1olltcbcth Sonderskov Judy Peterson
Mr~. llarp(•r'~
1 rft to ru1ht
\hrgn• Schn adt, ~tolll.:bcth Son
).. ,\.
S nrlt:
:V1rs. Spindlen Suzan Dale Honey \\'alters Jay Ellis Mrs . Gwyn-Williams Student Dtrector
Ba.taar D.-·
1\ubuJ hrrdl, .\luy l·lltn l!t1nk< Judy Pttason .
Gammer Gurtou'~ '\t•NIIt• On th< flwr I orq IIIII. Judy Dow<ll Grubb, Shuon Kdl). lloyd \\'hur
T hl? 19 5!. M aroon
\ rr:
rdl to nghl
J :1hn \\"ilson . \hrthJ So~nforJ. Shulc)'
I trM rou:-Judy Peterson, John Painter, Pat \Vhealon Sharon Cruthus Doug \Volfe. Second rou. -Jean Machin, Judy Gates. Vida ~tcCielland Molliebcth ondcrskov, Judy Turner. ShJron Kdly, Kar olee Kofoid. Thud rou. Nancy I chmer, ~brtha Sanford , June Judy, Jante Stark, Allee Van Dyke . .\largic Schncit. Fourth rou. Mr Mc}¡er John Wilson lloyd White, George ash W.11ly Retfstcck, R.1lph Gel/ ,\!iss Ste\\Jrt
Contest Play Practice Srtting. front-John \Vdson On stage¡. left to nght-Lioyd \Vhne George ash, Alice Patterson, Judy Dowell. Martha Sanford. Ellen Johnston, Barbara Brawner and director, .Vlarion Stuart, absent from ptcture, Bill McDonald.
The honorary for dramatists ts the 1 hespian Troupe o. I 06 at HS To become a member of this organization 100 points must be earned and accepted through the Wig 'n Paint club. Initiation for new mem ber take place three times during the cbool year. This year the club sponored the first Wig 'n Paint play. and also sponsored. with Wig 'n Paint a potluck. Member of the troupe can earn membership by points from being in plays or from work on committees. Points are also earned for any appearance on the radio.
"Annie Gt>t I ront row, lt:it to nght-Hcrman 1 indcr, spon\or. Jtm • -clson , Gene Cook . Jc.1n Young. Mtddle rotc, left to nqht-Jack Maxwc'l. Donna Armstrong , Jacktc Jobc , Rtta Hansen , Kay Kesler, Dave lemmon . Burk rou.'. lett to riqht-Dtck Lierman . Bob Apperson , Don :-.1axwell, Gil Max well Glenn Herst rom .
Lights, Canwra, Action Stundtnq-Charlcs Morrill , Charles Da,·is. Bob Black
Phtl Brown Rtchard Sttllwell
euted-:-.1r. Alvan Taylor.
Chronicle !trst rou.
Jame 'itark. l ott Thon1.1s
Srwnd row-:VIrs. 1\lice Barlow, Joan Davts.
Chronide As oeiate Editor Si//mg, lrft to right-Joann Howland, Joe Depew Stundtng , ldt to nyht-Carol Knott , Alice Van Dyke, \\'al!Jcc Reifsteck, Diane Pierre, Judy Munms
The 195?. Maroon
Chroniele 1-trst row , left to riqht-lm Ar~nd Polly Storm , Dorothy , 'ash :Vlary !.lien Cochran , Betty Lecd\. ~bry Ann Stahl. Carol Sue 'itahl Carol Ridenour, Emily Sttpes , 'vlarilyn Jolly 5ewnd rotc- Judy J\larkland , Carolyn Pe.uson J ean Som ~rs, Martha Sloan, ewton Dodds, Julie Ingersoll. Margaret \Valsh. Barbara H1ncs , Peggy Kelly . Bill J\1cDonald. Thtrd rotc-Reba Lewis 'ancy Lehmer. Bob Goodman , Max Cisne. Dolli Picken . Rozella Hammel Bill Sholem , Don Scott. Working in harmony with the many other extra -curricular activities, the Chronicle staff stnves to report accurately all school news and "if they arc 1n doubt about a fact. they don ' t print it." 1ary Jane tark and Lott Thomas. first and second ~cmester editors. n: pccti\·ely, together with their adviser. Mrs. Barlow . led th1s publication through another successful year. \Vhile the editorial staff was writing the stories, the bus1ness staff was kept busy selling ads, ending papers through the mail, and keeping the money stra1ght . To publish this paper. the tafT and members work every Monday and Tuesday nights in room 128 banging type writers. yelltng for copy and pasting dummies while they prepare to send the paper to pre s. ot only do these ambitious workers put out the Chronicle, but also sponsor a potluck supper in October and pre pare the programs for all the basketball games. They take the copy for the programs to the printer and in order to earn points for Quill and Scroll the members of the staff pass out programs at the basketball games. When a member of the staff earns one hundred points, he gets his journalism
There are three special issue of the Chronic/t'--Christmas issue. Semor issue and April fool's issue. A subscription to the Chronicle is included in the activity ticket, or students may buy it one issue at a time for ten cents. Some of the featured columns thi year were: Punch 'n Judy. Ala Pierre. Pat's Profiles and Herbie Hollers. Those responsible for getting the work done on the Chronicle are : first Semester Editor, Mary Jane tark; ec
and Semester Ednor, I ott Thomas , Associate Fd1tors. Alice Van Dyke. Leona Hubbard Abelle Carol Knott : Bus1ne s .\1anager, Joan Davis , Advertising .\lanager \\'ally Reif ted: ; Circulation :Vbnager. Joann Howland : Co feature f:ditors , Diane Pierre, .Judy .\1unnis Pat \\'hcalon Sports Editor, Joe Depew · AssiStant Sports Ldnors, Bill .\1cDonald . Jack Tucker Bruce Duncan, Don Scott, Bill Sholcm ; Cartoonists, 'J om Shannon , .Jud) Peterson Polly Storm Bcs1dcs being such fun , membership on the staff IS very worth whtlc. The members of the staff learn how to make up a dumm\·, wntc and count headline . write good news \tories and meet deadlines.
A a ong lingers in your mind and reminds you of some events of long ago so the staff hopes the Maroon will bring back "Memories" of your chao! day It will bring back memories of those long hours spent in ) 14 working on the Muroon . The word "long hours" are no exaggeration for many a Maroon worker has been seen coming out of school at five o'clock . The JOb of selling pa trons takes many hour after school and on Saturday. But don't let the c word di courage you While performing the many task of selling patrons, taking pictures, arranging pictures, writing copy, identifying pictures, drawing division pages, and mounting picture , a Maroon worker con tantly thinks of the day in the future when the finished product will be presented to the teacher and students. erving a co-editors on the '? 2 1\J uroon
Betty Keene and birlcy Trueblood with Kat ie Kc lcr and E thcr Phillippe, (0 busmess managers ; Mary anford . cmor editor : Alice Van Dyke, un dercla smen editor . Mary Jane Stark and Judy Munnts. co-activity editor ; Fred Gleason , sports editor; Ob Bundy. feature editor: Judy Peterson and Evelyn Lamkin . co-art editors: and Jerry McKinney , photographer who wa assisted by Phil Brown The faculty advisor was Miss Betty Woller There arc al o many other hard working qaff m~mbers who have no particular title but offer thctr ¡ervtcc whenever needed When at Ia t the book comes out in May , every one realizes the hard work put into it. The long hours are soon forgotten and excitement reigns as squeals of laughter and shouts of " isn ' t that the dumbest picture you have ever seen" are continu ally heard. Everyone quickly agrees the Maroon i a great success and that it will certainly be one of their treasured po es ions.
Maroo n Joan Kamerrr Mary Ann Stahl , Barbara I arrell babel Burge~\ Lthclann Cole Sharon Chaplin , Ruth \Voodruff , .\larsha Kennedy. Carol Sue Stahl. Virginia Percy Shtrlcy Hau m.1nn Second rouJ -Robert S . \Villiams. Pat Coffey . Mary I ou Wilson. Jud y Simonson . :-.largaret Guiffre. ancy Wisely, Carolyn Miner. Marianne Nogle ancy Tyner, Doris McCo wn. Carolyn Schlo7. Mary Jo l ynn . Thrrd row- Phil Matteson, Phyliss \Varmbier , Betty \Vingler, Margaret McDermott ancy Kamerer Ida May But. titta Sheila Godfrey. Barbara Tvner, Alice Pattcr~on , Judy Dowell , Pat Hagan , BetS} 1 lorman . Bill McDonald . fourth rou. David , 'orton , Joyce Hansen , Lv y Lamkin Barbara Hine;, Manlyn Berbaum, Cynthia Guthrie, Jean Machin, Penny Stenger, Helen \Vorsham Sarita Alexander, .\lary 1 an ghoff , l: rma Knupp , Donna Keene, Patsy Dcmlow, John Wilson first ro w-
)faroon Editors I ron/ rou.
- Shtrley
Trueblood, Kat1c
manager: Iippe
co editor co busincs\
I sthcr
co business
ager. Bach rou.'- Bettv
co editor:
\Voller, advtsor.
Maroon Heads !tr.;t rotc-l·rcd Gleason Judy Munni~ . Jamc Stark. Second rou.·-Oia Bundy, Mary Sanford, Ahce \'an Dyke
Quill and
Ftr~t rou:-Blll 'iholem, Joan Davis. Shirle\ 1 rueblood , Bett) Kecm Second rou:-l ott Thomas. Jo.1nn Howland , Diane Pierre, Jamc tark, Carolyn Pearson , Carol Knott. Third rou.- \\'ally Reifsteck , Joe DePew , Judy :-.1unnis , Alice Van D}kc
One goal of hard workers on the Maroon staff and Chronrcle taff is Quill and croll. the journalistic honorary ocicty. When you come to ehior High as a sophomore you have a list of all the ac tivities and honoraries you want to be in while at Senior High. On any Maroon or Chronicle mem ber's list. you'd firJ Quill and croll. Mrs. Barlow, c¡ ronrcle advisor. is the sponsor of Quill and Scroll. Lott Thomas co-editor of the Chronicle , is president: Betty Keene. co-editor of the Maroon. is vice-prestdent. and Leona Hubbard, associate editor of the Chronicle, is secretarytreasurer. It's a happy day. for the taff members of the Maroon and Chronicle, when they receive their in-
vitations to a banquet which is given each year for the initiation of the new members. ot very long after this banquet a meeting is called for all members of Quill and Scroll. It i time then for them to elect the officers for the coming year. Those who would like to become a member of Quill and Scroll must get out and sell ads , identify picture or type copy for the Maroon. Write tories, sell advertisements, work on the circulation staff, write headlines, type up stories for the Chronrcle. The e are just a few of the many JOb that these journalists have to do. On! y juniors and seniors are eligible for Quill and croll.
The 195Z Maroon
Library Staff l.tâ&#x20AC;˘lt to nqht Ann Pcuhahrs. Carol Merrificlci . Carolyn McCord . Tresa Peterson Patsy Denton , Wanda Rexroat , Rita !Ian en .uolec Kofo1d , .'vlarg\¡ Garret , Marg.uet McHenry, Carolyn Hetchcr, Ruth \Voodworth , Mary Kington , Geraldine Carl Martha Roper , Lumcc , 'clson, Judv T1psword.
51. in which is tatcd that officers crvc for the period of one year. The officers at the present arc: president. Edna Farmer Powell ( 1 t emcstcr) ; vtcc-president. Eloise Hanscns ( president 2nd semester) : ccrctary. Florence iu ts: and treasurer. Jackie Jobe. Mi Glenn is their sponsor. The project for thi year is a books recom mended shelf. If a student reads a book he thinks is exceptionally good, he informs Miss Glenn of thi and she will put it on thi special shelf. This way everybody will have a chance to read the exceptional book and increa c his knowledg_c in a particular field.
Elstaff Officers .Jackie Jobe l lOise Hansens. r:Iorcncc SlUtS.
To become a member of the "Elstaff" you shou ld have a keen interest in books. There is no limit to the number of members on the "El staff" and no due arc collected. The constitu tion for the "Elstaff" was drawn up in 19 50-
The /052. Maroon
The Library taff, which ha~ been under the upervi ion of Mis Glenn for many years. was officially organized as the "Elstaff" in 1942. The purpo c of the "Elstaff" is to erve the chool through the library . (The systematic arrangement of books and the card catalogue help you to locate a book.)
F. F. A. ftr.\t rou. Joe D~an Ru~s Adam\ , Kennv Kellerhal~. Joe \\'.1keficld Second rou. .\1r. Twardock. Bud ,\1iller Dick Colbert, Karl Kobel Paul Curtts. Jack Moore. Myton Wright, Don .'v1axwell. Jack .\laxwcll Thtrd rou.â&#x20AC;˘ -Gene Cook. Bud Walters . t\l\'tn Wright, B o b \\'alters. \\'right
"Old McDonald Had a Farm ... with this song echoing through C H . . halls our F.F.A. ha had a very active year. Acting as pre idents were Kenny Kellerhals and Bill Young. first and second semester re pectively . Farmer Bill Young .. McDonald" took first place in the district speaking contest. Bill also was awarded the State Farmer Degree. the first one for Champaign High School. Joe Wakefield. a sisting as vice-president, did a "Splash. splash here and a splash. splash there," with his fir t place in the fifty -ya rd dash at the State F.F.A. wimming ante t . Crowing around in the poultry contest. Wayne McWard and Dick Alexander received blue ribbon . Activities of the Champaign Chapter in the past year were : hosts for the Section 17 Livestock Fair at the Champaign County Fairgrounds. August 25. Also included on their fair schedule was the
Dc.1n Young . Otck \lcx.1ndcr Jerry 0 ~edl. Joe Sp.t\er. J.1n Blue Stan t\vre , Danny Miner Sonny \l.lttcson Roy I cldkamp. Ted '>and well. ¡y om f orshey. I ee Etchhorst. Bill
Section 17 Grain r:air, December 8. They span ored an Agriculture R oundup supper where Roe Bowl motion pictures were shown. Other mam event were the donkey ba ketball game. Cowboy Prom, and square dances at the Hensley School with the F.H.A . The J Q5Z Maroon
Future Homemakers of America, under the direction of Miss Mary Holmes. has been very active this year throughout the school and commu nity. They have joined with FFA . in giving several square dances at Hensley School. spon ored some dances after basketball games. and sold candy at play . The girls made table decorations for the Champaign Educational Association Valentine Tea and arc planning to send a girl to East Bay Camp. Bloomington. Illinois. in August. This year the Urbana Chapter initiated Champaign's officers and held a party afterward for members and their parents. The girls honored were Marilee James.
Judy Gates. degree
chairman; Betty Huskisson, parliamentarian: Mary Mueller, project chairman ; Lois Landreth.
treasurer; and Marilyn Gates. publi: relations chairman . Already chosen were President Joan Eichhorst and Secretary Betty Corbett. The chap ter meets every third Wednesday after school. About once a month a meeting i held at the home of one of the members. Dues arc 50 cents a year. Mother helping Mi Holmes arc Mr . Berl Wil son and Mrs. Richard Me attin.
F . H. A. frnl row-~larilcc James , Jo Ann ltchbor>l
,\1anlyn Gates. Ann Petihakcs. Second row- Margaret Hac ly , Bette Roedl , Regma Hauersperger, Mary Mueller, Judy Gates. Donna Miner, Colleen Butler Betty Huskinsson . Beverly Ammon Mtss Holmes.
G. Frrst row-Margaret McHenry, Carla Overman , Joann Howland Carol Ridenour, Janet l undy Jocele Meaney. Mil dred Rich. Marvel Kesler, Julta Clark I 01s Sm1th . Barbara Balley ancr 5chuhcrt. I ou1sc Sm1th. 5hnlcy Hausmann. Mary 5anford Judy Munnts, Carol Sue tahl Second rou:-Darlenc I angc Rosalie Houston , Paula Bresee Margaret \\'alsh 1ta Bass, Elvira Campbell. ~1arth.l Sanford. Dotu Picken, Betty Sulwell Jeanene Taylor, Marianne Nogle, Barbara Tyner Esther Pittman , Mary Frances Hayes. Janet Royse , Betty Lou Baker Thtrd rou:-Reba lewis. Mary I ou Wilson , Carol Jo Caldwell. Joan Mukland, Jackie Dillavou . Carol Knott , Phylis \Varmb1er, Donna Schum Sharon Lappin, Helen Worsham , Dons McCown, Jean Decker. Carolyn chloz , Sharon Chaplin. Carolyn McCord, Margaret Guiffre, Judy Simon1on , ancy Tyner Carolyn Miner. Patsy Demlow , E mil y upcs. Fourth row- JoAnn Eichhorst, Julte lngersol. Judy Dawson. ancy Penmngton , Isabel Burgess Ruth Bulkley, Jacque \Vise. Penny Stenger, Joyce Hansen , Judy Peterson , Donna Keene , Phylts I.ichtcnw.lltcr Sharon Dexter, Alice Patterson , Harriet Head Treva Mc\Vethy . Fdth row- Betty Keene Arlene Picket. heila Godfrey Sandra Hall Sh1rlcy ewsomc 1'\ocl Hurd , Polly Storm , Velda Ruth \Vitte, Betsy orman. Carolee Kof01d , Mary Ellen Heinckc, Donna Jean Armstrong Sh1rlcy Grubb Sharon Spencer. Sixth row---Suzanne Beatty, ola Bailey , Marybeth Sawyer. Jean Hayes. Tre<a Peterson , Juamta Vaughn :vlaq Jane Bruggeman, ancy Klopfenstein , Mananne Schrader, Ann Petihakes. Mary [lien Cochrun , Marilyn fvcr , Ka} Ke !cr. SeL'enth row- Carolyn Mitchell. Marg1e Roettger , Carolyn Joletcher Susan Black . Barbara Fiscu Nancy l ehmer. Jud y Gates, L1la Jochim , June Judy, Betty Leeds, Margaret McDermott, Margie Garrett , Leora O ' Kell y, Donna Davis. Eighth row- Pat Hagan. Ola Bundy, Jean Machin, Shirley Trueblood , Mar}' I angholf. Sarita Alexander, Erma Knupp . Gay Parkhill, Neva Watson , Marlene Jochim , Alice Games, Evelyn Bishop. June Krutsinger , Peggy Krutzinger, Pat McCord.
The 1 95 2 Maroon
G.A.A. Officers !trst row. left to nqht -Mrs. Melba Reichard . Jante Stark, Jean Young. Second row. left to nqht-Ruth \Voodworth , Diane Pierre, Pat \\'healon, f-lorence Snits, Cynth1a Guthrie, Esther Phllltppe, Marilyn Berbaum. Katie Kesler.
Fifty -eight athletic-minded sophomore girls joined the Girl ¡ Athletic Association this year. After a stunt imtiation at a Pot Luck Supper in ovember. the girls met before school for several mornings and worked and slaved on a "Block C" that was presented in G.A.A. as embly celebrating our football game with Decatur. The senior girls portrayed a radio broadcast of the game which took place from a broken down old car. while junior pre ented a mock football game. Highlighting the cheering section was Mary Lou Wilson. sophomore cheerleader. At Christmas time G.A .A. gave an awards tea for the mothers of the members. Mrs. Stark. mother of the president. Janie Stark. presided at a beautiful angel adorned tea table. while miniature lighted Christmas trees cast colored shadows across the room. The program consisted of a puppet show given by Marjorie Roettger. Carolyn Mitchell. uzanne Beatty and Lucretia Robinson . Julie Ingersoll sang "Christmas in Killarny." and Evelyn Bishop and Paula Bresee sang and played "Hey, Good Lookin' " on their "ukes." The girls then received their awards. The /952 Maroon
A fall play day at Farmer Ctty didn't materialize because of the weather Stunts. recreational wimming. fiickerball. basketball. volleyball and bowling offered many hour of fun and added many point for many G.A.A. members. The club sold salt water taffy in order to have money in the treasury thi year. Many girls earned awards for 1951 -5 2. Fortytwo ophomore received their '53 numerals with about 1 5 ready in May for their second award. the "C." Juniors worked to acquire 1600 points for the Junior "I." and 13 eniors earned 2000 or more point for the highe t G .A.A. award. the Illinois map. This year G.A.A. had a new assistant span or. Mrs. Melba Reichard. who became a great favorite with the girls in the early morning organized sports. Mr . Mary Major. also very popular with everyor.e. was club sponsor again this year and was assisted by Mary Jane Stark, G .A.A. president; Ruth Woodworth. vice-president; Alice Van Dyke. secretary; and Diane Pierre. treasurer.
l\laroona fins rou:-Sandra Haus ermann 'ocl Hurd Virgtnia Perc\, ,'\lary Cochrun, I outsc Smtth , Julia Clark, I ots Smith . Ptttman Second Ridenour Manannc Schrader Jackie I ucc Donna Davi\, Trc\a Peterson, ;\<lildr~d Rtch Carolyn McCord. Thud row-Mary Jane Bruggeman Penny Stenger, Bctsv '\orman, Jean ;\<lachin , Betty Sttlwell, Gay P.ukhtll Sharon Lappin. Susan Black, Dottt Ptcken, Judy :VIunnts. Jean Young F~thcr
Maroonafins is a elect group of wtmmers from the senior and junior classes. The ophomore have a group of their own, the Tadpoles. who automatically become Maroonafins when they become JUntors. Theme of the Maroonafin how held April 3 and 4 at the C.H.S. pool. was South Sea Islands. The girls receive a seahorse for one year in the club and a stripe for each additional year.
Left to right Carol Michael \!!arlene Jochtm. Jacky Park\ Emtly Sttpcs. Ethelann Cole, 'ancy Kamerer Sharon Chapltn, Judy Dawson.
Officers arc: prcsidcn t. Carol Ridenour; secretary, Penny Stenger. 1 he sponsor are Mrs. Major and Mr . Reichard. The 1952 Maroon
R es(•n e Ch eerlea(lt>rs L eft to rrqht
I thciJnn C ok
There is nothing that helps a team more than peppy cheerleaders and tudents. This year's group of cheerleader have been itching to teach u new yells to help our team win. Through all kinds of weather, one can ee our cheerleaders " giving all they ' ve got" for our team. us . and our school championship Every time the " kid " wanted a yell. the cheerleaders came running . shouting for a victory . In the morning. at noon. and after school they practiced together working out new yells. They also used the student · ideas.
Burgess, Bonn ie Benso n
Becoming a cheerleader isn't easy, especially when you re chosen from about 20 who tried out. At the numerous pep as emblies and at the snake dance the ' ·pepper " led the way . They led the team follower through the regional. sectional, and on through the state tournaments. Although only a sophomore, Mary Lou Wil on wa allowed to be on the varsity squad because of her excellent tumbling ability . The girls who are reserves and the present juniors and Mary Lou will automatically return as cheerleaders next year.
Ch eerlead e r s Left to riqht-
\Voodworth .
Bctt }' Lou Baker, .Marr Lo u Wtlso n, Julia Clark
Oi(k Colbert. Jean Yo un g, Lo uise Smith. Ruth
Music Department Band First rou.•, It'll to nqht-J udy Turner Sandra Cox. Charles Carrington, Jackte I.uce, Carol 'v1i chacl. S<•cond rotc, 1~11 to nqht-Dick Michael, John Pettit, Ralph Getz, Wendell Hull. Gerald Embry, Jim Hansen. Donna Caner, Dave \Varnock Dave Hamilton. Sharon Wilbur. Third rou.·. lett 10 nqht -Charles Da\'ls. Shirley Hill. Bmy Quick. Tom Bonwell. Russell Guy, !·red Tesman, Roger Simmom, Jim \.ternficld. Jon l:rickson. Ted Appel. Joe Dean. Bob Goodman, Harold Edwards . .\.1anlou Bain, J. R. l\.tathews, .\.1ary Goodman, Dotti Lu Picken, Pat Tummclson. I ourth rou.•, to nqht-Dorothy ash. John Mc\\'illiams, Dave Wright. !·rank Cook. Beverly Glea on, Pat Gillogly. Barbara Barrell Barbara Hines. Peggy Kelly .. ancv Murphy. Jun Neal. Dick Joliff. I awrcnce Pope. Ramon Wdhamson Qutn· ton Bowles. Bernard Schnieder ''ancy Reed, Jackie Dilla\'OU htrley Pnce Bud .\.1dlu. I arry Hill, Allan 1' nnkle :VIr Shaul.
The Champaign Senior High School Mu ic Department, under the direction of V. C. Shaul, won the sweepstakes at the State Music Contest held at Peoria in 19 51. In order to keep this trophy. the music department has been broadening and expanding its music program in 1952. The music department i one of the biggest fields of activities at C.H.S. Band. "Strike Up the Band." The C.H.S. Band is a tradition at all home football games. Between halve . the band performs tricky formation , at the
Orche tra First row- Verdea n 1 'eill, Richard Waller, ancy Tyner, Lionel Getz. Carol Michael. Jackie L uce, Charles Ca rrington, Dotti I u Picken, Marilyn Evers, Katie Kendeigh. Charles Mornll. ~econd row-Peggy Kelly, Velda Ruth Witte. Ro ma Ra ndolph , Judv Rea, Wanda Rexroat. Ralph Getz, Dick Mtc hael. Sandra Cox, Judy Turner. Carolyn Washer, Pat Dunn, Wendell Hull, Karl Kobel. 7 htrd rou.'-Barbara Tyner, Randall Cremeens, R uth Bulkley, M argie Garrett. Joh n H arbc~on , Doug \\'elf. Ge rald Embry. Jon Hansen, Dave Wa rnock. T o m my f¡ra nklin, Phil Sapo ra. f-ourth row-Janet Bundy. Pe;:gy Ku rsweg , Dea n Laffe rty, Bil l Plymi re, Mary Talbot. Ma rgaret Mill age, Ca roline H eintzen Ma rvi n Robinso n . Ma rio n Lo ngacre, Linda Scott , Mr. Ja mes G riggs. Harold Edwards. A Tnnkle. La rry Hill. Dcbo n Bai nes, Jon Erickson . Bob Goodman . Bar ba ra Barret t. Do n Sch alk, Ronnte Mornll. Berna rd Johnson. Caroly n Clapp . Dorcas Baker, Jean Kelly. Percusswn und Bruss- Q uinton Bowles , ~hr ¡ garet Sisk, John Jacobs, Pat Wilburn , ,\ 1ary Ulen Hei necke. D o n Abern at hte, Ca rolyn Mitchell 'ancy Mu rphy, Dave H amilton.
arne time produces music "Easy on the ears. " During ba ketball season the band played at every home game and worked out yells with the cheering section . They also entertained at concerts given by the music department, at school programs, and entered in the tate Contest. Orchestra. "Sweet and Lovely" be t describes the orche tra which is made up of high school and junior high students and is directed by James Griggs.
A Capella Choir llfst rcw-Sandra Cox, Julta Clark. l.ou1 e Sm11h Judy Dawson, Lo1s Sm1th Sharon Kelly , Don Scou , Hank Hatch , Emily Valcnune Mr. Hammacher, Doug \Volfe Robert S. \Villiams, Barbara Barrett Beatrice Bailey, Mary Gray, Barbara Bailey, Mary Jane Stark, Judy Turner. econd rou:-Elvira Campbell , Jeanene 1 aylor Sharon Cruthers, Pat Coffey. Donna Schum, Larry Quirk. DICk Colbert. Dav1d \\'arnock, Tommy Bonwell Jon Frickson, Gerald Embrr 1ary Ann Stahl Vcrdean 'eill, Iris Arend , Carol Sue Knud son, Carol Ridenour, Jackie Bales Thtrd rou: -.\1arvcl Kesler. :-\oel Hurd 'ancy Lehmer, Dotti Picken . Judr Gates, John Pettit Ra} mon \Villlamson, \Vat ter Heintzen, Ralph Getz Keith \Vhited, I arry Hill , June Judv. Mary Sanford Jacque Wise. Martha Sanford, Julie Ingersoll , Carol Michael, Roberta 0 born. Fourth row-Carmen Dorsey, Phyllis Barham, Judy Munni Molhcbcth Sondcrskov Charles Dav1s. Bernard Schneider, John Painter, Larry Hopkins , RIChard Shelby, Gary Muls ')u an Black Shirley 1 rucblood , Betty Sulwell Pat Wheaton Ol.1 Bundy, Paula Bresee
Trouha£lor Ftrst rou.'-Liond Gctz. Tommy Bonwell, Jon Erickson, I loyd \Vhne. Don Scon Dave \V.unock Doug \Volfe Jer· aid fmbrr . econd row-Ralph Getz Russel Guy John Pettit, Quinton Bowles. Larry H1ll Danny H1xson. Dick Colbert. Keith Wh1ted. Robert S Williams. Thlfd rou. ·John Painter, Dav1d l\'orton, Charles Davis. Gary .\1ills, Bernard Schneider, Richard Shelby, John \Vilson . Bobby Steward, Charles Carrington \<1r Hamacher.
Voeale tte f-1rst row- Donna Carter. Jo Anne Eichhorst. Carol R1denour, Martha Sanford . Sandra Cox , Verdean Neill , El vira Camp bell. Judy Dawson , Mr Shaul. Sharon Kelly , Pat Coffey. Pat Schum Iris Arend Judy Turner Julie Ingersoll , Mary Sanfo rd . Mary Ann Stahl Serond roLL Dott1 P1cken . Su~an Black . Emily Valentine 'ancy l.~:hmer , Molhcbcth Sonderskov, Pa t \Vheal o n, Jud y Gates, Marvel Kesler. Sharon Cruthers. Sharon Lappin , oel Hurd , Barbara Barrett Carol M1chael. Paula Bresee, R oberta Os born , Betty Stilwell Ola Bundy
Conce rt Choir r1rst row-V1rginia Hanson , Llvira Campbell. Sharon Kelly . Margy Garrett , Wilma Cox . LoUise Sm1th, Jud y Dawso n , lOIS mitb , Lloyd White. Don Scott. Hank Hatch . Larry Quirk, Emily Valentine, Mr. Hamacher, Dave Warmick . Dou ~ \Volfe. Robert \Villiam . Barbara Barrett. Carol Knott , Beatnce Bailey Mary Gray . Donna Carter. Mary Jane Stark , Barbara Bailey. Judy Turner. Carol Sue Stahl. Second row-Laverne Lewis. Ellen Johnston, Mildred Rich, Julia Clark, Virginia Percy, Jeanene Taylor, Dick Colbert Ramon \Viihamson Dale Johnson, Lionel Getz, Tom Bonwell Gerald Embry. Jon Erickson , Mary Ann tahl , Verdean Neil Barbara !\ogle, Mary Beth Sawyer. Marcia Kennedy , Iris Arend , Jackie Bales. Harriet Head . Th1rd roLU-- 'oel Hurd. Pat Coffey, Nancy Lehmer. Jo Ann Eichhorst . haron Cruthers . Marlene Joch1m . Donna Schum Charles Carrington . Ralph Getz. Quinton Bowles , Russell Guy John Pettit. Larry Hill. Keith Whited. June Jud y, Mary San ford . Jackie \Vise, Martha Sanford , Carol Michael Roberta Osborn , Paula Bre ee, Carol Ridenour Shirley Trueblood J uha Ingersoll. Velda Ruth Witte Fourth rou_¡ -Judy Gates, Marvel Kesler, Carmen Dorsey , Sharon l.appin . Judy Munnis. Phyllis Barham "v1ollicbcth Son dcrskov, Carol lee Kofoid. John Painter. [ arry Hopkins. Jim orton , \Valter Heintzen. Charles Davis Bernard Schneider J o hn Wilson . Bob tewart. Richard helby Gary Mills. Suzan Black Pat Hagan , Betty Stilwell , Pat y Demlow , Ola Bundy. Dot tl Lou Picken . Pat Wheaton.
Octet Left to nght-Doug \Volfe. Hank Hatch. larry Hill. Bernard Schneider. John Painter, Mr
Don Hamacher. Gary Mills.
RIChard Shelby . John Peun , Dick Colbert. Davtd Warn oc k .
a Cappella Chotr. "Music. Music, Music." This group, a select singing group organized second semester, directed by Don Hamacher, performed at chao! concerts, community functions, and contests. Troubadors. "Si nging Through Life." Though only two years old. this group of boys has been in great demand by service clubs, churches, civic affairs, and school programs. Mr. Hamacher directs . Vocalettes. "Music By the Angels. " A very
select girls' group, directed by V . C. Shaul, kept busy performing for service clubs, churches, school program , and exchange assemblies, and received praise and honors wherever they sang. Concert Chotr. "Make Mine Music." This mixed choir was active during the first semester on! y, singing at several school events under the direction of Don Hamacher. Octet. "Make Mine Music. " A very popular select boys' group , new on the C.H.S. scene, di-
Madrigals F1rsr row-Sharon Kelly , Pat Schum. Sharon Lappin Ola Bundy . Judy Turner, Mary Ann Stahl. Second row-John Pettit, Ralph Get7, Gary Mtlls. Charles Davis, John Painter, Larry Hill David Warnock Doug Wolfe Mr Don Hamacher.
Majorettes Lell to nqht-Jackie Dlllavou, Pat Gillogly. D.Jtti I u Picken
rected by Don Hamacher, is the Octet. These eight boys sing barbershop harmony, spirituals, and folk songs. They have been very active this year. performing at school programs. concerts and contests. Madrigals. "Words and Music. " The Madrigals Singers originally sJng light amorous songs or pastoral poems in parts without any instrumental accompaniment. The C.H.S. Madrigals, a new group this year, is composed of both boys and girls and is directed by Don Hamacher. For the first time in many years, C.H.S. can boast a madrigal group. They performed at several school programs and won honors at the state contest. Majorettes. "I Love a Parade." Under the leadership of the head Majorette, Dotti Lu Picken, who was clad in white, the Maroon's six snappy majorettes added much spice, color. and excitement to the home football games. No matter what the thermometer read . the ma jorettes escorted the band onto the field, and led them through formations. These girls also entertained the crowd between halves at the home basket ball games. The majorettes worked the band to achieve pre-
Nancy Reed
Beverly Gleason.
exchange assemblies. What is that touch? Popu lar music. After a number or two of religious or classical music. the Modernaires are welcomed with enthusiasm from the students as well as the teachers. Don Hamacher organized, directed. and arranged the music for these singers.
Moder na ires. "Sentimental Music." According to an old saying "you should taste a little bit of everything in life- va riety is the spice of life." In accordance with that old rule, the Modernaires add variety to school programs. concerts, and
Modernaires Left to rightIn gersoll.
Martha Sanford. Doug \Volfr. Mary
anford , John Painter, Julie
Baton Club euted, left to rryht-\hrilyn l vcrs, Judy Turner Jacque l.uce Ralph Geu. \'crdcan â&#x20AC;˘ 'cill. On piUnoBob Goodman , Mary Ann Stahl, Mr. Shaul. hrst rou:, stundlny-Sharon Kelley Jo Ann I.!ichhorst Polly Storm . Doug \Volfe Second row-Barbara Hmes, Pat Tummelson, Barbara Barrett, Velda Ruth \Vitte, Qutnton Bowie;, Don Abernathie. Thtrd row- f:Ivira Campbell, Martha anford, Sharon l appin. ancy Lehmer Suzanne Black . I ourth rou.'--Sharon Cruthcrs, Dotti Picken, Allen I'rinklc Dick Jolliff, Jim 'cal
Have you ever seen students from C.H.S. singing solo on the front step ~ What about someone playing a violin solo out in front? That is just the annual initiation for the new members of Baton Club. Thi club is for tudents interested in and faithful to music. The name Treble Clef was dropped from the name of the club this year. In previous years the girls' music club wa Treble Clef. and the boys' club was Baton. The main event of thi club i the an nual sponsoring of the Vice Vera Dance. Money made from this dance is used for the music awards given at the end of each year. The \ ' ice-V crsa Dance was February 9. Dick Granger's orche tra pia ycd for the dance that was held from 8:3 0 until 11:00 P.M. At the time the Maroon is going to pre . plans arc being made by the Baton C lub for its annual stage show.
\Vith a larger membership than ever before. the Commemal Club opened Its fifth year M1 s Dorothy Munger and M1ss Helen Krumsick led the group together with President Eloise Hansens. \ icc -President Dorothy Ezra . Treasurer Joan Percival. Recording Secretary Dorothy Bradley. and CorrespondIng Secretary Shirley Pruitt. Anyone who i or has been enrolled 1n a commercial subject i welcome to join this club. Each year this group has a community charity proJect 1 hi year at their Christmas party 1n tead of exchanging gifts they each brought a present for some child at the Huling Home in Rantoul. lllinoi . Each member has to complete one project a year. he may have her choice of any of three things : acting as a secretary to some member of the faculty, doing art typing. or
helping prepare a booklet for the junior high students that are coming up to senior high . telling them what courses to take if they plan to go into commercial work. Two field trips a year are taken by the club : one in town and one out of town. The one they went on this year in town was over to the tenographic Bureau at the Umversity of lllino1s. They were shown the different kinds of office machines and their uses. To raise money this year they gave one record dance after a basketball game and had charge of the concession tand at one of the basketball game . Throughout the year they have different speakers come and demonstrate different of fice devices. Initiation for the new members is in the spnng. followed by a tea for all of the members and their parents
r,r.\ t row- r Iorence Stuts. Dorothy Holmes V!anon Hassell htrley Pruitt Eloise Hansens, Dorothy Eua, Dorothy Bradley Ruth \Voodworth, Jackie Dillavou, Margaret McHenery. Second rou:-Fdna f' armer. Tresa Peterson, Carol Merrifield . Janet Burton . Kay Pfister Phyllis Lichtenwalter Donna Armstrong. Leona Gericke, Hazel Reifsteck . 1 vdia Reifsteck . Tren Mc\Vethy Shtrley Pnce. Carolyn r letcher, Joanne Bialeschki Th1rd rou: -Shirley Pheris . Ruth Pahronkopff. Betty Huskinsson , lary Muller. Anna Kuyrkendall , I iLl Jochim , Marion Stewart ancy Weeden. Betty Leeds, Jackie Jobe , Hden Merry. ThÂŁ> 195.! Maroon
Varsity Football F1rst row. left to nqht-Coach Harold Jester Head Coach fred Major Ray Keagle . Jim Bryant. Jerry Mc Kinney Captain Bob Clasey, Dick Ohl . olan M1tchell, Bergen Parkhill, Gerry Light. John Ru sell . I"red Glea son f-red Hampel Bob lowry . Joe Depew. Jim Dodd . Manager Linden Bruhn, Coach Ray Grierson . Second rou: . left to nght- Manager John Armstrong Chuck Stayton . Leonard Stevens. Dwight Bennett. Keith Whited. Sonny Yeargin Dick esmith. Danny Hixson Burel Huddelston , Ted Appel. Hank Hatch . Ronnie Koch . Jim Cochrun . Charle McMullen Clarence Burks, Manager Lott Thomas. Third row, lett to right-Bill Oliver, Ronnie Lee. Richard Shelby , Lyle Shaw. Jerry Shafer, Ra} Zellers . Tom Taylor, \Vayne McWard, Tom I ewis. Phil Fanning , Mike Bishop, Jack 01xon . Ronnte Selvidge \Vendall Hull . John Wible, Jerry Barham.
1952 Football The Champaign Maroons again completed a very succes ful season with the same record as the 19 50 Big Twelve Champs, seven wins and two losses. which were to non -conference teams. Champaign. in winning its third succe sive Big Twelve Championship. lost no conference games. enabling them to share the mle with Pekin. After two defeats in as many games Cham paign foes encountered a spectacular defens1ve unit , and a somewhat sporty offensive group. but one capa ble of scoring the needed points for their successful sea on .
hampaign 6
Aurora 14
Opening its football campa1gn against East Aurora at home, Champaign met stiff opposition from its northern foe. Fred MaJOr, Champaign football coach , missed a game for the first time since raking over the coaching durie at Champaign Ray Grierson. backfield coach. rook over Major' duties until his return. With the Champaign backfield lacktng needed experience and a big but unproven line, the Maroons didn ' t indicate their rral power. Captain Bob Clasey's defensive linebacking and his team leadership were in piring. Dick Ohls. All State fullback with two years' experience behind htm. was hampered by pre-season injuries. Jim Bryant and Mike Bishop. big Champaign linemen. suffered injuries in this opening game. Although the Maroon~ lo r. 14 to 6, the needed experience was gai ned
hampaign 0
l\loo eheart 19
Playing thetr annual foe from the Child City," without the ervtces of Jim Bryant. Mike Bishop,
Dick Ohls. and Jerry McKtnney, the Majormen were held scorele s. Champatgn was kept in trouble after losing the punttng services of Jerry McKinney, al though the reserves filled in and did a good job.
Champaign 31
Alton 0
The Maroons. with two games' expenence under their belts. broke their lostng streak by walloping a big but slow team from Alton. The Maroon linemen showed their potential ability for the first time. Jtmm ¡ Dodds' passing and generalship on the field indtcated a bright football future for the Majormen. Team spint and pep were the main factors that put Champaign in the winning column for the first time in three starts Highlights of the game were Jerry McKinney ' few but fine punts, the blocking of all the linemen , and Jerry Shafer's sparkling 82 yard punt return for a TO.
Champaign 13
Kankakee 0
Traveltng to Kankakee. wtth revenge tn their minds from last year. Champaign the next week -end uc ceeded in outplaying the Kays to spoil their Homecom ing. Burel Huddelston and Jerry hafer shared scor ¡ ing honors. each getting one touchdown . Champaign . which missed everal scoring opportunities because of penalties and interceptions, was on the road to a uc cessful season
Champaign 7
Danville 0
The MaJormen . opening their Big Twelve season on the road . played a see-saw battle at Danville. After Jerry McKinney's first quarter touchdown from 3 3 yards out. a defensive game was in the making. Pen alties and fumbles hurt the Maroons' scoring chances
The 195Z Maroon
throughout the game. Interceptions and a determined defense kept Danville deep tn thctr own territory.
Champaign 13
Bloomington 6
C. H S played its next game before a Homecoming crowd The Purple Raiders from Bloomington for three quarters ga,¡e the Majormen quite a scare until the Jimmy Dodds' hand -off to Dick Ohls combination started clicktng in the last qu.1rter. The Maroon line men suddenly came to life and ,tarted givi ng the backs the needed blocking for a touchdown . \Vith less than two minutes of play remaining in the game, the Ma roon linemen put on a blocking exhibition and the backs began to fake and run like champions. Dick Ohls. hard - running fullback , broke the tic, coring the winning touchdown Jerry McKtnney split the up rights to conclude the scoring.
hampaign 20
Mattoon 6
¡r he
Green \Vave from Mattoon tnvaded \1cKin!ey firld determtned to break the spell the Maroon have had on Big Twelve teams these past few years , but they, too . were unable to do the trick The Maroons sh ow tng off their defense held the Green Wave to a gain of only five yards in the first half. Jimmy Dodds' passing. Dick Ohls' hard running . and Bob Clasey's usual hang up job on defense was too much for the Mattoon footballers to overcome
Champaign 31
Urbana 0
Champatgn playing their bitter rivals from across \Vnght street showed marked superiority over the figrrs ." All four offensive backs scored at least one touchdown with Dick Ohls swiping two. The hard running Maroon scatbacks ran at will with the btg line ripping big holes in the Urbana defense. The
Thf' JQ5.?. Afuroon
Nola.n Mitc.hel1 Tca.c.kle.
Maroon dden~ive unit held th~ " T igers" to only 88 yard~ . Champatgn was neann g tts third co nsecuti\·e Btg Twelve Cha mptonship.
Champaign 21
Decatur 7
Playtng for a share of a po ssthl l Btg Twelve championshtp , the M.uoons downed the Decatur Reds in the sno w and mud . Champaign linemen selfishly allowed only one tally in the final quarter. Bo b Clasey. Dick Ohls. Jerry McKinney , Ray Zellars. and Nolan Mitchell. seni o rs . com pleted the season , having played on three championship football teams . T· rom the faculty . students. and fans these Big ·r welve Champions deserve credit Post-season banquets and indi\'idual honors were bestowed on the Big Twelve Champs. Two annual banquets were given by the Football Mothers' Club and the Elks Club. At the latter festi\'al Captain Bob Clasey was \'Oted most valuable player and Terry o· etll was elected next year's captain. Dick Ohls, for the second time was a members of the Neu:s· Gazette All State Team with Captain Bob Clasey JOintng him thts year. Both boys were placed on the Dall(J Neu:s and Chicago Datil/ Trib · une All State Teams. Many other foot bailers received either pecial or honorable mentiOn on all of these teams. Probably the biggest and most impor tant selection for any htgh school football player. awarded to Dick Ohls for the sec ond time and to Champaign' s Captain Bob Clasey for the first time. was sclec tton on the 44 - man All American Prep l'ootball Team . Thi honor entitles both boys to play in the l: ast -\\'e t attonal All Star game at Memphis. Tennessee. Champaign is proud of tts I 9 51 - 52 foot ball c h ampion~ .
J"erry 5h~C: r h~\fba.c.k
Re t>ne Football First rou.â&#x20AC;˘, ldt to rryht - Coach Swtnddl. 1organ Powell. Jun Btshop. ' I urp ,anaway. Don P ierre, Jo n R o ve r, Mar vin Myers. Mike Roberts. Mr. Pittman . Second rou. left to right-Dick Wyniger, Duane Fo ter . Dick Cisne Jack Schum , Jack Schlacter. Albert Hun t, Ru sd Foster, Jerry Pope. P~te Gray, Bill Baker, Jim Smtth . Thtrd rot.V, left to right- Chuck Schrader, Btl! Day , Jack Maxwell , Gilbert Win ton , Ted Taylo r, R o nn ie .\llarris. B tl! Ea~t . Jerry Rogers .
Reserve Football Team The "Little Maroons." coached by Roy Swindell and Don Pittman, had an unusually succes ful eason winning six games and Ia ing only one for a good record. The future at Champaign looks bright for these reserves who will very likely take over the football responsibilitie of the graduating seniors.
Sea on Reeord Champaign Champaign Champaign Champaign Champaign Champaign Champaign
The 195!. Maro on
0 24 19
24 18
33 6
Mattoon Georgetown Danville Mattoon Catlin Urbana Decatur
6 0 7 20 7 0 0
Cross Country 1-trst rou.â&#x20AC;˘. lett to nght- Harold Edwards, John Qutrk Don Dorsett , Bobby Dalhaus. Terry Hudmn , Jim Hanafec . .\eco nd ro w , lett to nqht -Danny Baker, Darrell Srark y. Jim Sheahan , Dick Baker, D o n Linderman , Jack Tucker, Ra y Schalk .\lr. Taylor .
Cross Country Champaign's 1951 Cross County team showed a remarkable improvement over their immediate predcce ors by downing 13 opponent while losing to I I . "Butch" Lindeman was elected the 195 2 captain, ucceeding Don Dor ett . Two sophomores were awarded letters. Jack Tucker and Darrell Starkey . John Quirk climaxed a successful year by finishing fifth in the Big Twelve Meet .
Champaign Champaign Champaign Champaign Champaign Champaign
17 18 45 43
2'3 42
Lmco1n Mattoon Danville Danville Mattoon Urbana
42 40 20 19 35 18
Urbana Triangular C.H.S .. econd Lincoln Triangular C.H.S .. first Big Twelve Meet¡ C.H.S .. fourth Di trict Meet C.H .. fifth
The J95Z Maroon
Basketball Champatgn basketball fans this year witnessed a season packed with much excitement and many nctories. The Maroons enjoyed ,heir first real winning season Wtth a 21 and 6 record . Captain Loren " Bert" !.each s remarkable leadership and hustle made him a spectacular basketball captain . Again thts season big . lanky Clarence Burks led the scoring for the Maroons. His play in the tournament wa~ terrific. Jerry icKin ney's ' soft touch '' long shots . his rough and rugged rebounding abiltt}'. and his close guarding shone throughout the enttre season Kenny Kellerh.ils was the playmaker of the team. His line. accurate passing and floor play made him one of the best. Dick Taylor. another senior, playing center behind Clarence, came through remarkably in the best stages of the season. His tricky passtng and ball handling made up for his height. Considering the tough competjtion , this year's team was the brightest since I 946 . Opening the season in non conference competition , the Jestermen piled up seven wim before JOUrneying to Centralia for the Holiday tournament. The Ma roons won ea tly over alem in the first game and then met the highly regarded Morton of Cicero and handed them their first defeat of the season . In the semi -finals Champaign lo t tts first game of the season to Cen tralia by a score of 54 to 5 I . The game was nip and tuck and went into two overttmes before Centralia finally won In the consolation game C. H S again lost , 48 to 44, in another thriller. Coming back into conference play, the basketballers traveled across \Vright Street for its first battle with
The 1952 Maroon
the " Tiger ' o f Urbana The ;-...1aroons found th~ Urbana lads hard to convince but finall y won out. 51 to 48 . The ,\tatOon clad basketballers then took a short jaunt to Dam¡ille to face the mightly Ron Rongoni and Compan y. Bert Leach led the attack for two quar ters before fouling out JUSt two minutes after the second half started The ~taroons lost another heart breaker, 59 to 54 . The C. H S. quintet foll o wed up agatn with successi,: e wins over Springfield , treator, Bloomington and I armer Cny before facing Danville for the second ttme on the C. J . H . S . floor. The Ma roons were out for revenge. but ttme ran out on them before they could turn the trick . The boys p layed well. but not well enough . losing. 60 to 59 . Taking a breather from regular conference games , the Maroons played host to the Qutncy ' ' Blue De,â&#x20AC;˘ils" from the west. Quincy had too much height and Bruce Brothers for the Jestermen . After Quinc y came ano ther non conference tilt at .\1t. Pulaski . The ~aroons were downhearted and made a poor showing but sttll came out victor. Mo,¡ing into the final stage of the conference sea son . the C. H 5 live" beat Lincoln, 7 1 to 48 ; lost at Bloomington . 55 to 48 , in the " crackerbox g}' m ," and defeated Mattoon for the second time. 5 I to 4 7. Tournament play started at the Urbana regional. The Maroons found little competition and won the trophy to progress into their own Sectional at the Jun . ior Htgh Gym. Here the Maroon played the giant killing Homer Panthers \\ ho upset Danville in the
Danvtllc Regwn.1l , 51 to 50 , to advance to the Champaign s~cllonal. llomcr found that the .\<taroon~ were good shots from out front and had to come out of their game win111ng 1one dcflnse and play man to man. ' [ h: C. fl. S baskctballers had little trouble after that and won , 5) to ¡H . This win put Champl :gn one g.1mc .1w.1y from go ing on into the st,He tourn~ y at I luff Gym .1nd th~ Jc tcrmcn turned the magic trick by beating the Purp'e Raider, fro¡n Bloomington. 52 to 45 , to become one~ ag.1in a member of thl' Swc~t Sixteen ." This meant that Champ.1ign High School was r~prewnted for th~ 2 I st time. Quite .1 record '
Sea on SumJuarie Champaign Champaign * Champaign Champaign * Champaign Champaign * Champaign
60 58 5I 46 59 50 55
Rantoul Monticello Rushville Kankakee .\1anoon Unit}' Peoria Central
H );'
42 H 58t )8 49
Centralia Holiday Tournament * Champaign * Champaign * Champaign Champaign * Champaign * Champaign * Champaign *Ch.1mnaign Champaign *Champaign Champaign Champaign *Champaign Champaign Champaign Champaign
60 48
'51 44 51 54 62 76 62 65
59 50 '54 44 i' I 48
* Games aw.1y. t Overtime. :j: Doub!e O\'Crtur.e.
Salem Morton of CICero Centralia .\tarion Urbana Danville Spnngfield Streator B!oomington 1-armer City Danville Qumcy .\1t. Pulaski rbana Lincoln Bloomington
40 42 '5-+:j:
48 48 '59 59 50 54 47
60 48 52 )4 48 55
Vars ity Bask e tball l1rst r<>LL'--J~rry McKinney
Sewnd row-
Stan Butt . Clarence Burks, Captatn Loren I each . Kenny Kellerhals .
Larry Burke. Ronnte Koch. Dick Taylor. Larry Hopkins. Raymond Wise.
7 h1rd rou.'--Assistant Coach Ray Gnerson , Manager Btl! Sholem , Tom Me~ks , Ronald Young llarold Jester.
Dave Rcdhed
Regional Tournament Champaign
Champaign Champaign
Unnr of Tolono
Sectional Tournament Champatgn
tate Final Tournament Champaign
Thl' I Q 52 Maroon
R esen e Baskethall f1rst rou.·-Jim I rccman , Jtm Ganaway, Jack Otxon , Ray ~chalk
econd rou.·--Bob Slade 'I om :>.1c\tullcn. Tom Carleton Ron me .\tan
Thlfd rou.·Ronnie I ec.
Coach Ray Grierson , Max Ctmc, Phil
~tattcson ,
Oa\'c .\iunnis.
John Key, .\torgan Powell
Jack Schlachter. fvtanagcr
Reserve Basketball The C.H. reserve had a mediocre ea n. com pi ling a record of I 0 wins and eight losses. Learning and playing the Jester way was the main duty of the reserve . Under the guidance of Coach Ray "Curly" Grierson, the sophomores and juniors gained experience for the future varsity.
Jimmy racked up I I 6 points and Chuck.
I 09 points. This squad was unusually small with Ja::k "Hands" Dixon the tallest of the reserves.
Winning numerals this year were: Jimmy Freeman. Chuck Schrader, Jim Ganaway. Dave Mun nis. Tom McM ullen, Ronnie Maris, Max
Thi year's reserve squad was led by little J immy Freeman and C huck Sch rader in the scor-
Jack Dixon Bob Key.
lade, Tom Carleton. and John
The 195!. Maroon
I rrst rou., left to rt<lhl. srttrnq- Bdl Farmer Manager , I awrencc McGu1rc, Don l· \·ans . J1m Shcah.1n , Captain Roger Powell. Russ Adams , Chuck Oliger Sonny ~1attcson. J1m Hanafcc ,\.1anagcr rcond rou.•. stundrnq- Coach Ro} Swindell . Chuck Stayton , Rcgg1c Smith . \Vcndcll Hull. Tom Lcwi ~. M1kc B1shop, D1ck , 'csmith. Jim , ' cal. Ass1stant Coach Don Pittman Carl \1ccks w.1s absent when the picture was taken .
Wrestling Illness. in the form of the flu. and lnJUnes were the maJor blemishes m a fa1rly succe ful season for the Maroon grapplers. At the season's end the records were well balanced in Champaign's favor. With 10 wins. three losses and a lone tic in dual meet competitions. plos the Big Twelve championship. the matmen could well be proud of their cason. After winning the Big Twelve crown again t some of the state' toughc t competition. Cham paign fell to fourth in the sectional. An old and powerful enemy, sickness. was the cau e of this udden fall. Roy windell was still able to salvage fifth in the state finals. Conquering the Maroons in dual meet competition were Waukegan by four point . New Trier by one point, and Pekin by nine point . Th~
JQ5Z Muroon
Waukegan and New Trier finished se:ond and third in the state. re pectively. Champaign later beat Pekin by one point to avenge one defeat. Danville was able to tie C.H.S. during the dual season. Urbana. who lot two dual meet to Champaign by eight and 20 points. later came back to upset C.H.S. in the sectional. Several individuals had sterling records during the ca on. Carl Meeks and Jim Bryant were undefeated in dual competition. Mike Bishop was undefeated but once tied. Russell Adams and Roger Powell each lost one. Meeks. Bishop. Powell. Bryant and Sonny Matteson all took first at the Big Twelve meet. Bi hop and Meeks were sectional champs and Mike placed third in tate competition.
W r e tling
First row, left to rrqht-Jim Paden, Lawrence McGuire Dave \\'right , J1m Evans. J1m Sheahan , Carl Meeks , Chuck Oliger. manager. Jim Han.afcc.
ewnd rou:, left to rrqht-Roy Swmdcll head coach . DICk ~csmith. T; rcd Pittman , Sonny ,\.1attcson, Hank Hatch Cap · tain Roger Powell. Chuck tayton. Jim cal. A s1stant Coach Don Pittman. Third rou.', left to rrght-Bill Farmer. manager, Reggie Smith. Jim Bryant Don Pierre. George Pett1hakes, Ted Appl. Morgan Powell. Duane Foster fourth rou..', left to right-J1m Cochrun . Jack chlacter, \Vendell Hull, Tom Lewis , Russell Ioster, Don ,\1~xwell. Jerry Pope, Jim Bishop.
w Adams. Russ B1shop M1ke Bryant. Jim Evans. Don . Hatch. Hank Hull. Wendell Lewis. Tom Matteson Sonny Meeks. Carl McGuire. Lawrence eal. Jim esmith Otck Ohger, Chuck Powell. Roger hafer. Jerry Sheahan Jim Smith, Regg1e Stayton, Chuck Wright. Dave
L I 0 0 6
9 6
2 I 0 0 0 0 0
12 2 I 6 0 7
0 0 0 2
I0 II 6
2 I 4 2 2
81g 12
>rd I st I st
ICk ht Sick
S1ck hd
I st I st 2nd
hd I st
I 0
0 0
2 Injured 3rd
The 195! Maroun
Mike Bi~hop
RoCJer Powe II
Track Lack of trcngth in track events. combined with injuries to some valuable men. accounted for the bard season encountered by the 1911 track squad
How -
ever. good performances by several ophomorcs gave Champaign fans something to look forward to wi.t bin the next couple of years Top performer for the Maroons was Dale Foster m the pole vault. Dale cleared 12 feet
evcral times during the season and once cleared I) feet at the
champion of champions meet in the early sea on. Dale carried his talents to the University of Illinois. where he i already an outstanding performer. Beginning the cason at the Urbana Open, Champaign was able to place only eventh. Larry Hopkins and Mike Bishop each collected third in the hurdles
Track Frrst rou.-ClifT Stayton, Jim ulhvan, Bob Kinney R.1y Zellers Dale Foster, Dave Bruce.
chroader. Larry Hopkins
Ronnie Knudsen , Lynn
chalk , D.we Me
Second rou. -.\lr. .\tajor, Lvle Sha\\ Butch Lindeman , Jcrq hafer, Kc11h \\'httcd, Johnny Qu1rk , Benny \\'illiam son John Russell, .\like Bishop, I erry o ¡"'ed \Vavne .\lc\\'ard Mr Jester. Thrrd n u. - Jim :'\cal Hank Hatch J1m Bryant, Ra\¡ Keagle ney, J,1ck .\loorc, Bob Oalhau\.
Ronnie Koch , Gill .\laxwcll, Red Anglin , Bob .'vlon
The J95Z Maroon
and dtscus respectively, for all of Champaign 's points. Foster was competing out of town at that time . Rantoul proved an ea y opponent as the Maroons won every event and swept to a 99 to 14 conquest. Although they scored 12 point in five field events, Champaign lost to Danville 54- 59 . Danville swept the mile , a decisive factor of the meet. Champaign suffered Its worst and most humiliating defeat . as the Urbana Tigers clawed them. 74 2 to 18 J'2¡ Champaign's hope for an up et of the perennially strong Tigers was quickly subdued as Urbana swept the mile and J! most swept the weight events. Dale Foster and Larry Hopkins were the top performers for Champaign. Next came the Urbana Relays and a fourth place by the Maroon cind ermen. Dale Fo ter set an Urbana Relay record as he vaulted 12 feet , 1 0 inches. At the district meet at Urbana. a graveyard for Champaign's hopes during the year . C.H.S. placed sixth and Foster Jnd Dave Bruce qualified for the state meet at Memorial Stadium. Decatur finished the Maroons ' sea on by \\' alloping them . 74 to 39 . Larry Hopkins , Johnny Quirk. "Butch" Lindeman . and Benny Williamson. were the point -getters for the hosts. Urbana Open C.H.S. ( 6 pts.) 7th place
Decatur (56 1 :1 pts. ) I t place
Rantoul Here C.H.S. (99 pts. ) 1st place
Rantoul ( 14 pts.) 2nd place
hampaign at Danville C.H.S. (54 pts. ) 2nd place
Danville (59 pt . ) I t place
Urbana Relays C.H.S. (3 5 ¡~ :; pts. ) 4th place
Urbana ( 6 6 1 ~ pts. ) 1st place
District at Urbana C.H.S. ( 16 1 .; pt . ) 6th place
Urbana ( 42 pt .) l t place
Decatur Here C.H.S. (39 pts.) 2nd place
Decatur (7 4 pts. ) l st place
Champaign at Urbana C.H . (38 1 2 pt .) 2nd place
The /95! Maroon
Urbana ( 7 4 } 2 pts. ) l st place
Bast> hall First ro u. - Jtm Shedenhelm . Dtck Ohls. Harlan Burgess. Jern McKinney Dick Ta ylor, Jack Ronne Gerry light econd rou.â&#x20AC;˘-Joe Vermillion, I red Gleason , Phil f'lores Ronnie Young Jtm Jefferson , Burel Hudelso n , Coach Grierson . Third row--Chuck GIUffre, Tom Taylor, Jim Dodds. Bob Slade.
Baseball Winning their first district baseball title since 1947. the C.H.S. nine climaxed an otherwise mediocre season for the 1 9 51 baseballer . A no -hit performance by Jim Shedenhelm was the other high spot of the season for the Maroons. Unity of Tolono was the victim of Jim's succes . The score was 10-0 .
progressed . Streator was able to beat Champaign by a score of 1-0 in the opening round of the sectional. Tom Taylor led the batters with a .324 av erage. As a whole, the team batted .236 in 16 games. Several games were cancelled because of weather conditions. Cold weather during March
Shedenhelm, a junior. won three games for the Maroons and lost none. Jerry McKinney.
and much of April hurt practice and prevented Champaign's getting a fast start.
who had a hot and cold season. turned in Champaign's most important win. a 4 - 5 conquest
Chuck Guiffre. second baseman and team
over Danville in the district.
sparkplug. was named most valuable player. Gerry Light was elected to captain the 19 52
Danville had beaten C.H.S. twice before the district, but Champaign improved as the season
team . Coach Ray Grierson will have eight let termen returning for the 1952 team.
The 1952 Maroon
Mahomet-April I 7 At Unity April 20 Danville April 24 At Peoria Central April 28 At Mahomet May I At Buckley May 3 At Streator May 5 At Danville-May 8 Bloomington May 12 Di trict: Farmer City Bement Danville Villa Grove ectional: Streator
3 10 4 2 I3 I 0- 3 3 I I
2 0 12 10 I 4 3- 4 7 2- 3
I7 7 4 6
4 1 3 2
Young *Flores *T. Taylor *Slade *Rozene *Light *Jefferson *Guiffre *Dodds *Burgess Shedenhelm *Ohls *Vermillion *McKinney *D. Taylor Ducey Mack Bundy Totals
12 H 24 40 44 4 46 5I 44 9 31 7 16 8 4 4 5
0 I 9 6 9 7 I 6 13 12 3 5 0 0 1 1 1 0
H. 2 4 11 7 10 II I II 1 10 2 6 1 2 1 0 0 0
.667 .3 33 .324 .291 .250 .250 .250 .239 .23 5 .227 .222 . I 94 .143 . I 25 .125 .000 .000 .000 .236
Shedenhelm D. Taylor Jeffer on McKinney Totals
The !952 Maroon
3 I I 2
0 2 2 5
1.000 .33 3 .333 .285
Golf 1 he season dual meet record of the C. H. golfers was very tmpressive since they lost only 2 out of 12 meets and tted one. The tournament team did not do a well. lo tng out after they had won the District meet at Mattoon The golfers fintshed '5th in the Big 1 wclve meet. One bright a pect is that only two letter men graduated and Coach Roy Swtndell has fiw returning lettermen. Letter wtnners for the season were:
John Armstrong.
Tom Hayes, Captain
I oren Leach
Rtchard Metslahn
Roger Powell
Jtm White
Sen tor
Golf ! rou: - Ray Schalk John Armstrong. R1chard V1e1slahn Perry Stevens. Roger Powell. Second rou. Roy Sw1ndcll, \Vendcll \\'illiams. Jerry Brown , Tom Hayes, Jim \\'hitc, Bert I each.
At Danville- C. H. S (8 points) 1st place Mattoon, here- C. H. S. ( 14 pOints) I st place Peoria Manual. here-C. H S . ( 8 points) I st place At Paris-C. H S. ( 9 • / 1 points) I st place I.Jrbana . here-C. H (13 points) 1st place Danville. here- C. H S. (100 points) 1st place At Bloomington- C. H . . (8 points) 1st place At Decatur-C. H. S (7' :, points) tic At Mattoon- C. H. S (I I ', points) I st place District at Mattoon-C. H. S. (337 points) 1st place State Meet at the Uni,·ersity course-C. H S 9th place At Pekin-C H. S. (2 }'2 points) 2nd place Big Twelve at Pekin-C. H. S. 5th place
Dan,•ille (7 points) 2nd place . Mattoon (I point) 2d place Peoria Manual (4 points) 2nd place Paris (5 12 point ) 2nd place Urban.l ( 3 points) 2nd place Danville ( 4 0 points) 2nd place Bloomington ( 7 point) 2nd place Decatur (7 0 points) tic Mattoon ( 1 10 points) 2nd place Decatur ( B5 points) 2nd place '\lew Trier I st place Pekin (I 2 2 points) I st place . Pekin I st place
The 1952 Maroon
TENNIS SCHEDULE Team Oanvillc-1\pril I 7 At Uni Htgh- -Apnl 18 Pekin-April 22 'vlattoon-Apnl 25 1\t Bloommgton-April 28 I incoln-:\lay I At Oanvdlc-.\ 8
( .II
0 -+ 0 -+ )
0 0
Oppo. 7
2 6
LHtoon-.\lay 16 21 Btg 'J wcl\'c-C H s. didn 't place Dan\'dle Oi~tnct Dam·dlc I
7 )
-+ 7 7
5 0
II 9
s. ,illogly qualified for State
Tennis /CI.
Dave Redhcd . \\'alter Hcint7cn . Bob Gtllogly. Don Richmond . Jack Hensler. Coach Don Adams. Absent Bruce Duncan.
Chuc:< Met·
Tennis For the second succe sive year. the C. H. S . netmen have compiled a rc:ord of three wins and ix lose in dual meets. Mattoon wa the only Big Twelve team to fall prey to the Ma roons' roaring racquets. Other victims were U ni High and Hoopeston . In hi earch for a wmnmg combination, Coach Don Adam was forced to u e various lineups as the season progrcs ed. He found the
The I Q 5 Z .\[urvon
right lineup just before the Hoope ton meet. tan Bush, Bob Gillogly . and Don Richmond formed the backbone of the squad throughout the sea on. Stan led the team in wins with four. Don won three and lost everal by a small margin. The only C. H. S. player to place in the Di trict was Bob Gillogly. Two other steady performer were huck Metz e! and Erich Heintzen.
Top, left to nght: Can you imagine brother and sister tn this pose? Ola must be double jointed' Pals!
econd row, left to right: 'Those Juniors really have a sense of humor' Junior High shop class.
Hold that pose Virginia. These gtrls didn't know their ptcturc was b,ing takentoo bad or they would have posed ! Girls. girls: Don't play so rough:
Thtrd row, lei 1 to nght: It's good ol' countr}' music for these hoy !lie: l wish you girl would be more card ul:
CHRISTIE CLINIC hri tie Clini(' Building 104 West Clark treet Champaign, Illinoi
J. '1. Christie, 1\t.D. J. B. Christie, M.D.
j. D. Hull, )1.0.
Gerald , . Lietz, )I.D. mith, \l.D. Edward C. Alhers, 1\I.D. P. F. Barton, l\1.0. \V. )f. Younaerman, M.D. B. C. Payne, )I.D. J. E. Sexton, )I.D. ) . R. Tokar, M.D. II. )f. Buley, )I.D. lning \V eissman, )J.D. ~ . R. Freeman, M.D. Phil A. Daly, M.D. E. P. Chc. dleur, J.D. \Valter Petersen, :\J.D. E. :.\1. Collins, l\I.D. :\1. H. Kulwin, \I.D. R. E. Samuel on, M.D. Harry G. Harshbarger, )J.D. Donald Ross, \I.D. Charle A. Leaeh, Jr., '\J.D. Mart L. Ilelfrieh, M.D. C. W. Christie,
The f iJ5.! Afuroon
W. C.
PATRONS . C. Abbott & Son Florist Adair's Dairy Bar All Ga Appliance Co. Allen's ' uper Way At¡t Floral
. P. Atkin on Monument Co. Baker Women's Apparel Harry j. Baker, Jr., R.Ph. Bar ch Florist )lorry Bauman Hlack Hardware Black and
Blum' J. R. Boer Heating Co. F.
my or Brown, Agency
hoe ' hop
Brunkow Electric Rucher
The / 952. M aroo n
PATRONS Cahle Piano Co. Ralph M. Campbell, In uran<'e Carmon' Dri·ve·ln Carr's Electric
Boh E. Ca tie Typewriter Co. Central Loan Co. Champaign Builder
Co. Champaign Co<'a-Cola Bottling Co. Champaign
College Champaign County Servi<'e Co. Champaign Junk
Frank Clancy Coach & Cherub The Commercial Bank of hampaign Continental Loan Co. Cotter Gla
J, W. Daily, D.O . .
T he / 95.! M aroon
PATRONS II. E. Daniels, R(•al Estatt• Da, e & Harr·y Locksmith
II. S. Da\\ on Deans Dairy Products E.
. DeAtley, General Contractor
Dixie (;r·eam Donut Shop Dot Motor Sales Lloyd Eichhor t, 111(·.De ' oto-Piymouth Harry II. Eisenherg, D.D.S. Ei ner Food
Elgon Luncheonette The Elite Cafe Engelhardt-Shay Type\\riter Co. Fairchild Camera
Friend Fenster' Top row, ldt to nqht.. \\ You like It" Come on Phyllis' Get that nag goin ' : s~cond row, /~1 t to nqhiDanville's Peace Chief l am a little sophomore Bottom rou:.\1oth.:rs honor football boys
Fil on & Williamson The First
ational Bank in
PATRONS Paul D. Foil, Painter
G. R. Gruhh Engra' ing Co.
Dr. Ford
General Pa' ing Co.
Ford Hopkins Drugs
Dr. G. D. Gernon Gift Lane
A Friend
Dr. j. T. (;orman, Jr.
Ed. Fruin, Life In urance and 1\nnuitie
Dr. J, T. Gorman, Sr.
Garher' Cleaner
Grand Leader Furniture
G. C. Willi
The Jl) 52
W. T. Grant Dept. St{lre Gretâ&#x20AC;¢nn1an 's
PATRONS Ilaint>s Shell
Hartman Con truction Co. Haye
& Patterson, Realtor ,
Insurance, Mortgages and Loans Congratulations from a Doctor Hegenhart Co. Ilelpie
Dr. Lehmann Henderson Hillcrc>st Lumber
Hills Texaco Service
Home Insulation Co.
Emory E. Knipe
Hotel Tilden Hall
S. S. Kresge Co. Lautf'rhorn 's Appliance &
Dana Hudt>lson, lne.
Supply ' hop Hughe Krahhe Co.
IIliana Construetion Co., Inc.
Leonard's Luggag<' & Jewelry
1llini Chemieal Co.
Ralph l\1. Liaht
Illini Mutual Insurance Co.
Lillard Furniture Co.
lllini-Swallow Line
Linton Piano Shop. Inc.
Illinois Glove Co.
Clifford \.
Jaek 'n Jill Jaekson 's Druos Janitor Supplit> , Inc. Joe Opolka
en ice , tat ion
John ton's Sport Jo. Kuhn &
Kt>llerhal Insurance Ageney Kemp r-Fabert Motor
Kiler' Home Furnishing Kirby' Texaco
Max Kirby
The / 952 Maroon
Upper ll'fthand comaCheerleaders Practice Upper nghthand comerSuch Artistical Paintings:
Lower lefthand comerGridiron boy enjoy cake' Lower righthand comerPep rally before meeting the Urbana Tigers
PATRONS feBrides Drugs Mellvain Barber
Millers hop
Mod 1-Souders
MeMillan Reereation Center
Monier, Morri ey, In uranee
Mann's Jewelry & Optical ' tore
Murphy's Men's Clothiers
Markland's Paint & Wall paper
Marty-K Drive-In
ike's Cafe
\1eadow Gold
ogle & Black Coal Co.
Meadow Gold Ice Cream Division
rorman Jeweler
R. W. Michaels, Busine s 'lachines
ogle Food '\tart, Inc.
orth End IGA Market
Thl' JQ 52 Maro o n
PATRONS Or<'utl Florist
Rc.•c.•tor'!l on \\ C'!lt Chur<'h
1\1. J. Reed Je\\c>lry
Fmwral Home
Pari Dying & Cleaning Co. Pat Kane Clothier enator E'erett R. Peter Pc>try Constrm·tion Pilon
The Pines Prict> Paint Store Purity Sun))('am Baking Co. Radio Doctors
Rc.•eclc>r· Auto Salc>s Reliahle Ji'ur·n iture Co. Reliable> Plumhing & lleatina Rohe!lon's
PATRONS SamhH路II's ""The Paint People"
ht>rwin路Williams Paint and Wallpaper Co.
Schrader )fotor Co.
Skt>lton Drug Store
Emil F. Schaarmann'8
Skelton's \Vest Side Pharmacy
S(路humadwt路's lllini Mcn'8 Store
Frank Smith
A Friend
Smith l. sed Cars
Sears, Roehuck & Co.
Spalding Bootery
Spritz Jewelry B.
R. A. Stipes, Jr. Strauch Photo Center Sullh an CheHolet Co.
PATRONS Tepper China Store
T,\ in City Printing Co.
Thompson "'(;ood" l.umlwr Co.
l nh t'r al Bleacher· Co.
Tre\ ett-)lattie. Ranking Co.
l nh t'rsity Catering St'n ice
\llwrt Tu'-hor·n
Van Dt'\Cntt'r Tt'~at•o St'nice Station
T" in City Pon thw Co.
W. Le"is & Co.
\V alclt'n-Flt'trlwr Stml io
\Yit'r's Barher
John T. \\ aldt·n, Real Estalt'
R. \\ aynt•
Ethel \\'altmirt'
' ehh lluher· \gency White Lint> Laundry ~'hit<>
'lotor • ale
inlt'rs, District .\gent
Chae.. T. Williams Co. Your· Shop Zt>ro House
The 1 fJ 52 Af aroon
KIDS from the Maroon Staff
P. T. A.