January through December, We'll have moments to remember.
The New Y earj Eve, we did the town ...
Those mystifying exams that made us frown . . . We will have these moments to remember.
The quiet walks . . .
The noiry fun . . .
The ballroom prize we almost won . . . We will have these moments to remember.
Though summer turns
winter ...
And the present disappears . ..
The victories we were glad to have . . .
Will echo through the years.
Though other nights and other days ...
May find us gone our separate ways . . .
We will have these moments to remember.
Champaign Illinois
Time to the average individual is thought of as a leisure opportunity. We of the Maroon Staff feel that time represents more than the mere passing moment. Nay, time is the great equalizer for all things. All men, large or small, eventually meet their termination with the simple passing of time. It is therefore the true symbol of our generation and of all generations to come.
The 1960 Maroon Staff Bonnie Hillemeier
Senior Assistants: Bill Garrison, Sallie Mulliken,
Susie Slater, Fran Drenckhahn, Virginia Co-Business Managers .
Ellen Templeton Sandy Ridgley
Franco, Donna Watkins, Diane Hurd, Jane Turner, Mary Bradley, Julie Marks, Roger
Co-Acti()ity Editors¡ .
Daniels, Jon Hudson.
Fran Black Carolyn Stahl Junior
Co-Senior Editors .
Maureen Patterson, Susan
Julann Powell
Williams, Caroll Ingersoll, Joyce Landa,
Isabel York
Carol Norton, Mary Ewing, Linda Massock, Marti Sauer, Sheryl Colbert, Pat
Nancy Fairchild
Underclassman Editor
Hays, Jana Hyland, Carol Mergelcamp, Phil Hauguard, Kent Stanford.
Co -Faculty Editors
Margi Sands Molly Sands
Sophomore Assistants: Linda Demlow, Marilyn
Maxwell, Carolyn Eadie, Beth Trover. Co -Sports Editors
Steve Hamburg Joe Meyer
Art Editor
Assistant Art Editor
Carol Wilson
Bonnie Spiegel
Mike Miller
Faculty Adr.:isor
Mr. Fred Attebury
Twin City Printing Company
Cot/er Design:
Darnell Banks
Additional photography through the courtesy of:
Ed Weisel
Harlan Fairchild, The Champaign News-
Jim Wilkie
Gazette, The Champaign-Urbana Courier,
John McClelland
Phil Lindsay.
Table of Contents Introduction . Preface
Activities .
The 1960 Maroon
Sometimes to our dismay, The bell rings And the moment of study is here. But always there are teachers And administrators Whose enthusiasm tempts us To explore The mysteries of science, The joys of literature, And the satisfaction of the arts.
DR. E. H. MELLON How do our schools rate compared to the Ru sian' ~" Questions like this one arc of vttal concern to all of us. o much so that our very competent uperintendent went over to a k (and see) the Russians first hand CHS. as well as the two JUnior highs. and sixteen grade schools under Dr. Mellon's charge, fared the compari on well. Very possibly we owe our good rating to the man who has carried the responsibility of the Unit IV schools on his shoulders for seventeen years and with his guidance, our chances of staying on top are very favorable.
BOARD OF EDUCATION Seven elected members. a clerk. and the supenntendent of schools make up the hard working member of our Board of Education. These civic minded people work many hard hours without pay to formulate the policies for Unit IV. They are concerned not only with building . school buses, facilities for each of the buildings, but they also interview candidates to teach in our schools. For their many hours of unselfish service to the community and e pccially to CHS. we vote a big "Thank you" to our Board.
School's Planners Aitn Toward Future
BOARD OF FDUCATION. Sl/llng, left to rtght-Mrs. Elizabeth Squtres, King Broadrick, Richard Edwards. Arthur Burke. tandmq, left to nght- . I. Van Demark, Earl Patton, E. H Mellon, John r:aulkner, W. \V. Froom, E. A. Colbert.
MR. W. T. WOOLEY Throughout his six years with us Mr. Wooley has brought about better student-faculty relationships, stronger discipline, and a smooth-running school. After receiving his bachelor's and two masters ' degree at the University of Illinois. he did graduate work at Columbia. Harvard and Vermont Universities. He has effectively added all his knowledge to his sympathetic nature and it added up to an administration we, the students of C.H.S. will long appreciate and remember. To th_is man . our friend and our principal. we dedicate this book.
"Thy presence is gracious and kind" can be truthfully said by every student in Champatgn High of our Vice-Principal, Miss Nell Zehner. We all know it's not an easy job to keep over twelve hundred stu dents happy with their schedules, but somehow twice a year Miss Zehner seems to do the trick beautifully and with ease. Girls especially reap the talents of this friendly and conscientious woman. for her door is never closed to anyone who has a problem or just drops in to chat. How does she manage to do all these things? It must have something to do with the respect and admiration she has earned from the students each year since her arrival in 1946. What would we do without her?
'Ylfay I Help You?>>
MR. FRED MAJOR "The business of the school is to help boys and girls to grow up to be the best men and the finest women that they ever can be." Mr. Fred Major is certainly trying to carry on the business of C.H.S., and a good job he does. A former Champaign High football coach, Fred has had much experience in working with boys and he knows how to counsel them. Although he is always busy, the boys find him sympathetic and fair in guiding them , and many boys, finding themselves with a free moment or two, go into Fred's office "just to talk." This man has just! y won the admiration of both students and parents, during his many years at C.H.S.
OFFICF STAFF. Sitting, left to right- Mrs. l:leano r Eissfeldt , Mi s Grace Foster, Mrs. I errrr McW erter. Standzng, left to n,qht-Juanita M cCloskey , Walter Dillman, Mrs. D o ris Stewart.
COU CILI G HELP. Second ro w , left to right- ancy Wise, Donna Watkins , ancy Coleman, Peggy McClellan , Helma Parker. !-trst row, left to nght-Sharon Reed , Cathy Flynn , andra orwood, Rosemary Lamendola, Virginia Hawkey.
In and Out-Around and About
OFFICE HELP. Sttting, left to right-Joyce Landa, Carolyn Wilskey, Sheila Mulchaey . Barbara Hill . Linda Allen . Betty Lou Griffin , Carolyn Meier, ancy Walters, Sally Bennett, Maureen Smalley. Standzng, left to rightancy Hardwick. Judy Thompson. ancy Petry. Mary Alice Stra sburger, Joyce Stahl. Florence Hayes. Sharon Millage, Joyce Martishius. Marjorie Schaeffer, Carol Oakes.
l\\\'RE'El O','EL!Y !I.A. Uni\·trsity
Cl~ss t\d\·t~
of r
:\IRS C HARO!I TTE A. 'DI.RS0:--1 B . .'\ Gu""'ous .\dolphu Collrg<: I.T.A AdviSor
ROlli RT G . B.S.
Yl R
Una\'trsaty of Illanoas \\'ag. • ',uaono1l Thnp11ns. Dr· ~ .UIOnJI r Orcnsac Lugut
P<~int, ~IRS
I \'ElY:'\ R KO\' AR B.:\., M S.J.
Butl.:r Univrnaty. :\'orthwruun Unnersaty
:\!ISS .\1.\RIO.' STUART BS., .\ 1 S 1'\orthv.:f\lern Univcrs•ty, Uni· versity of lthnoas: Dram.Hacs. \\'ig · n' P.tint, . ·.uion.J) Tht' plans. ( h.1arm.1n of f nglish Dt· putmt'nt
\\'Il.LIA.\1 .\1. SOUTHARD B.J., .\1 S. L"nherstty or ~1issouri , K1nSJS Sutr Colle~r of Pnuburg Chron.clr, Quoll n' Scroll
lllinoas :
Univrrsity of llllnou
.\IISS GRACI K \\'1!.1 Y B.S .. \1.S. Una\'trsity of Illinois
MISS I RA:-\cr·s \\'EED B.S . .\1 A. Knox Collrgr Illinois
'IIIII I 1\:\TI S ,\II, M S Unn·usHy of llhnoas ( ounstlor
AI l l . ' S~1!111 1\.S .\1S. Purdue Unavtrsity. L.mvtrs,ty of Oregon
I R:\. 'K CO HS B S.. MS. Culver Stockton ( ollcge. Untvcr •_t)' of lllinoa' Scu·nct ( lub Ad VISOC
Gl.l.' Tll.l\URY ,\IS. lJmvu aty of Ill nois
:-.t s
Cna\'U$1lY or Illlnol • UOI\'trfiity
of Uuh. Un•vl'rslty of
J.S .. . U.
IR \'I. "G .\IESK!ME.' B.S .. M.S. lndi;an.t Sute Tuchers Colltgt
\\"lll.I.n! ClARK 1\r.u.JI y Illinoas
A.B. B.S, .\1 S. (allege, Un,vuuty
Mathematics MRS. JOYCE HILL B.S , MS. Umv r It)' of llhnoiS; Nlltionlll Honor Socltty
GERALD Y. TRIMBLE M .. Univenity of llhnoas
Study Hall
Unan:rstty of lllln01 , El St.tff
~IRS ..\IIRIA.\ 1
I SS V, E I.S N U ., Pubody Collrgr
PETER LEE ABELL B.S., ~IS. J.S .• ' U .. ProJ ctor Club Ad VI or
HAROLD G . FELTY B l:d . M A , M.S. S .I U .. Un1vrrsity of Illinois : C.oan and Stamp Club Advasor
'otrt Damt Universaty, I ',U, Un1vtrsaty of lllinoas. • 'orth· wuttrn U n i v t rs it y. Stanford Unavrrsity
Social JOII:'\ R 1\'I:RS M.A. Unavtrstty of Illinois
~IRS .
MRS. BARBARA fLETCHER B.S. Mumi Una\'trsity, Oxford Uni· vrrs1ty. Ohto University
U .. University of Nebr.uka
B.S., .\1 A . Unl\·trsity IllinoiS, Council AdviSor
\\'Al.LY l.f:H~IAN Il.A .. B.S. M.l:d. University of ~1.issouri
.DOROTHY TW ARDOCK BS., MS. nivusuy of Illinois
L'mvrr llY of Ad,·isor
I .II A.
Universi~....y of Illinois. ~hroon .Advisor. Tennis Co;Jich, Senior Cbu Advisor, Co·Advisor of Qui II (1 Scroll
Home Economics, Ar~ Music, and Agriculture
\\'AI TFR l.OfTISS BS., M.S. Uni,·ersity of Illinois A Lap~ prlla Choar \hdrig•l. Troub•dors, D;JnCt B1nd
University of Illinois
Centul, Uni\•ersaty of lllinoas: B.uon Club Adnsor, Unit i Director of Music
J. A. TWARDOCK M.S. Univ<rsity of Advisor
r.r A.
\\'AI I
\1\I:R .. \ rlllF
ROI\1 RT \\' IIOKI. Kt\'1.11' Ill . MS. I ,astern Jl an01 nn·usuv Un1 \'Uslty ot llhn01s, Counsel r
~I \ L'nu rn11y \ f II II '"lou
l\fRRY B.S, .\l.S. low• StH< T<Jchrcs Collrgr .\IILI ARI> I
L nivH
(,1 IS f
B s . \Is of II ·no1s
Club ·\dnsor
Industrial Education
<11.\RII S I (,RJI~ I' A .ll ...\1 A Coloudo Sutc Umver\lty Um ,·crcoaty of Ilhno•~
\\'ILLIA'I.I B . .\IARGRAVE B.S., M.S Crntrol Y . .\1 CA. Collrgr, l.:ni· vcrs•tY of IllinoiS
KE:'\. TTH 1101 .\IE B.S. Purdur Umvtuity
MARY A BATES Special Ed. Cntdic.ut
L'nivtrslty of Illinois: Linden· wood Collrgr, K•nus City Con ~uv.uory of .\1uuc. Spai<~l Cbu Club Adv.sor
HAJAL'I.Il R I .. WICK B.!,., M.S. Rtvtr falls St.1tr Tuchus Col· ltge; Bnkley University
Special Education
IIART\\'IG B.S .. MS. J\1issourl Unrvrrsity
Un&vtrslty of Illinois
f.t\ttrn Illtnois St.att Uni\'trsity: 0.1 , Club Adv1<or
Uni\·ersity of lll&nois cio~l Club Advisor
M\RGfRY OAVL;>;PORT B.S. Ed .. M Ed. I ~U\'rn lllino1s Un1vu~ity. Uni · vrr 11y of llhno1 , I 0.0 A. Ad·
Jl SSJCA B. CLARK B.S .. M.S. Univusity of Illinois. UnJvtulty of Southern C.Jiiforni;~
:\1ARY I. OliVERO B S. Un&\'tr~lty of Illinois
Business Education
DOROTHY \\'ILLCOXEN BA .. M A. Univers1ty of 111inOIS, University of \\'iscons•n
BERTHA DARSI!AM M.S.'" Ed. Univusity of Illinois . Gamiln Club Adv1sor, Counselor
MARJORIE STRONG B.A .. M .A. 1\lusk•ngum Colltgt. Middlebury College; rrench Club Advisor
LOIS BOTTEN! IE! D B.A. M .A. Univ<wty of llhno&S: Latin Club Advisor
i. -~~
"· '
~- ..
- ':~)
MRS. MARY MAJOR B. , M.A. Uni\'trsity of IllinOis . Advisor of Cheerluders and Pepettcs.
MRS JEAN LEEVER B.S. in Recrution University of lllanois; G.A.A. and Aquutes Adv1sor, Junior Red Cross
MRS. ANNE SIMS B.S. Purdue University. University of lllinou , F. .A. Advisor
MRS. MARDELLE VONDEROHE B.A. Social Studies. University of Illinois; Assistant Advisor in G.A.A.
LEE CABUTTI B.S. Southern Illinois University; As~ s1stant Football Coach, Head Bask<tball Coach
Physical Education, Health,
WES DAVIS B.S .. M.S. Br>dlty Universoty; Assistant 1 ootball Coach, Reserve Football Coach
CHARLES DUE B.S. University of Illinois; Assistant Wrestling Co a c h , Baseball Coach
HAROLD S. JESTER B.S., M.A. University of Illinois, Illinois Sute Normal University, Sute University of Iowa; Counselor
JOHN L. MACEK B.S . I.S.N.U. Golf Coach, Ruerve Football Coach
and Driver Training
THOMAS C. STEWART B.S. Physical Educ011tion M.S. in Education University of lllino•s: Head Football Co.tch, S w i m m i n g Coach C Club Advisor
ROY SWINDELL A.B .. M.A. M1ssouri Central. University of lllinotS, Athletic Director and Coordtnator of Umt 4
ROBERT L. MA, 'N B.S. I.S .• '.U. Umversaty of Illinois: i\smtant Football Coach. H .. d Wres.thng Coach, Ass1stant Track Coach
CAFETERIA STArr. Standing. left to right-Mrs . Doris Hampton. Mrs. Vanietta Braid. Mrs. esbit iems. Mr . Grace Menefee 1rs. Anne Madden. Mrs. Inez \Vood, Mrs. Helen Saylor, Mrs. Jane Protsman. 1rs. Frances Taylor. Mrs. \Vilma \Vilson, Mrs. Loretta Jervis, Nara Laug. Mrs. Roberta \Vindland, Mrs. Florence Todd, Mrs. Mary Calentme, Mrs. Margaret Fiscus, \!!iss Emma Funk.
Steaming Soups and Snmry Sidewalks JA !TORS. Sitting, left to rrght-Martin Castle, Billy Cook. Earnest Thomas, Homa Kirby. Standmg, left to right-Ervin Cain, Charlie McElmurry, Jack Mosley, \Vayne Dillman, Harold Schulty.
Stng a song for Champaign Loudly shout her pratsc, Loyalty forever And love her all our days RAH:
Hail our dear old high school, Onward now to fame: \Ve'll always strive. for dear Champaign, To honor her name.
Because of his friendly smile and cheerful disposition, Jim Wilkey is well remembered by all of us. His hobby, photography, equipped him well for his
lv!aroon staff post and accounts for many of our fine pictures.
Sophomore Qffi,ers. I rrst rou.â&#x20AC;˘. lfit to riqht: Tula \'cream. ' I reasurer: Christ}' Peterson, s~crctary: Sherry Smith, Vice Prcstdcnt. Second row, left to riqht; Dave Bryant, Prcstdent: ~lrs. 1\la;or, Sponsor: Mr. Mann, Sponsor.
Junior Officers Frrst row, left to right: Ann McKntght, Secretary; Su an \Vdliams, Treasurer. Second row, left to right: Mr. Connolly, Sponsor; Dennis Bekcmeyer. President; Miss \\'oller, Sponsor. Merrdl Hubble, VICe President.
SOPH O Carl ,\b,rnatlw. Bill ,\ckerman, Keith Adair, Bill Adkins Charlc,ctt,l Adkisson, Grctch~n ,\lb,·rs .\!Jz1c All,n, Connie Ambrose
Sandr.1 Bant.l, Bob Barger, BJrb.lCJ BJrham BinghJm
I 'on Barton, l.ind.1 Bdl. Su~ Bdl. l
John Br.1sh. :\lacy Brash. D.n·c Brewer, :\like Brewer, .\like Brewer, Ernest Jim Brown
P.1ul Buhk Dick CJsJd,
BJrhJra Burton. Rol.lnd Burton, La1 n· Busd1, Ch.Hiottc C.lCiopp.l
Dw.1in Albrcck, .Jim Alcorn .
Bdl Berkson, Rog r B1ckers. Sid
Roger Brod.ied~.
Bob Brown
'I\rry Carlton. Rob~rl Carroll
f!Jrold Combs. C1.1irc Cone. h·an Connolly, Gary Cook. Sandy Cook Sh.1ron Copcl.1nd G.u1· Cord1cr, Ja<k Coru111, Roger CroZier
Jim Denny, Mary Dickman
P.H Diepholt, H.1nk Dixon. I .urr
Maureen Fergusson. Mike ferris. Cathy felt David f'1sher, Robert Flt7gcrald, D.ll'e rtctchcr forsythe, Vickie Friedman
Sherry J=olu, I arry Fortney, Gene
Phil Dc.1n \\'anda Decker. I ind.1 Dcmlow, P.1m Dempster Dorsey, Mike Drews
MORES Ch.ulcs ,\ndcm>n Sh.uon Archer. Andr ,\rclwnson Bader. :>lartha Baker
I rnnc Bade, D.wid
--v BMbJrJ Brrt
Bishop, Ronmc Bishop, i\.larr BlJir. ;'\IJrr 1\nn Bland, Peggy Block, DiaM 13olcy, Pat Bracy.
Dun Han\ n. I !Jinc Brown Janrt Brown, J. \\'. Brown, l ors Bubon
S.lnth Ch.nks Sue Coleman
Bllty Chq1m.1n
Brown, Stc\'c Broquist, Bob Bruce Da\'c Brrant, Russ Br) ant,
B.1rh.u.1 Chodrr.1. Cand\' C!Jrk, :\!Jr,·rn
\\'ayne Dawson
:\larslu Dawkins. Gar}' Dawkins, J\lickr Davis. Ernest DJvrs, G.H} Duling, KJtblccn
( .uolyn I addrt', \'irgrnia J'gbcrt, Karen [ichhorst, :\!Jrr Eichhorst. Lyle Eroh I .mbanks Sandra l-ender
Joyce I'shlcman. Bob [1·ans, Pde [\'cl.lnd, Terrr
lud~ T"rith Don I uller. Ruger Garrd, Marshia G.urbk, Jeanne GiJnncschi. Ann Gibbs Shrrlc\' Gibbs, Robat Gibson, Bertie l\lac Gill, Sara Gillcsprc
Robert Gilliland . Richard Giordano. Rogcrt Gloyd , Judy Goken, P.1 ula Gottschalk . Don Gra kcwig , Judy Gray,· Bill Gnflith , Butch Grinkmeycr. Coby Grinkmeycr
Steve Hatfidd . James l-! .1stin~s . George Hawkins l anme Hemphill. Barbara Herbert
Dorothy Hayes, Bud I !cdgecock. Ronnie I !ell cr. Mike Heifner. Susan Hci~scr
Bcbe Hyatt , Diana Inman . John Inskip, Beverly Jackson, Dorothy Jackson Steve Jackson, Jean Jackson , Margo Jervis. Augustus Johnson, Ezra Johnson
Patty Kelm. Sharon l'endall. Ralph Keyes. Carol King. Mac King, John Kirby, Richard Knox, Christine Korst, Bob Kos.1nkc . J>.1ulinc Krall
Bruce I icrm.lll. John Linch . Bill I indscy, StC\'C Lindsey , Judy Logan, Chct Lohmeyer, Don Lookingbill. Sue Lowe, Rick Lynch. Roger Lyons
Manuel. Jean M\lrkstahler, Sharon Marmion . Ca
Mike Miller, Rachel Miller. Van Miller, Wayne Miller. Peter Mills, Larry
Vera Oliver. Roger Orban, Elaine Osterhoff, Judy Owen , James Palmisano, Sonya Parsons, Hauic Paucrson. Ri(hJrd Paucrson. Chuck Peabody, Doraine Pearson
p,,ttv Gruhb Sherry Hadler Ron Hall, Roy Hall, Sue Hall, Rich Harper, Rose Harden, Carolyn Hance, Dennis Hart, Charles Harvey
.Judy !!tiger B.ubar.l Hill . Paul Hill. Jane !lodges, Ron Hoerner, Larry Holden . Charle~ Hopkins, :O..bnlyn Horn, Howard Householder, Steve Howard
Mike Johnson, Mtke Johnson, Richard Johnson. Bob Johnston, Arron Jones. Mary Margaret Jones Johnny Jones, \Villiam Jones. Jim Kearns, Gwin Kelly
.J.1nicc Kruger, Lewis, Judy Lewis
.\1ary Ann Lutz. Bob .\1cConkey, Marjorie McCreary, John McClellen , Frances McGaughey, Kathy :\1cGuire, Loren McHenry, Huey Md'ane, Jack McKenna, Paul Malenowski
Boh l\fJutl, :\1arilyn Mnwcll, Carolrn Mayer. Ron l\1aycr, Jeff .\1caker Sue :\Iehnert. Betty l\lenges, Larry Mennenga, Rose Merkle, Beth Miller
Gaylord Monson, Barry Moor,â&#x20AC;˘. Patty Moran, Larry Moss, Carolyn :\luirhcid . .\like .\1ulligan, Marilyn Myers, Ellen O'Brien, Kathleen O'Connor, Ellsworth Oliver
Trudy Pelfry, Morris
II, Carolyn
Cli!Iord Prou~h Shcrn· Pruett Ray. Chuck Rayburn
Robert Pugh
Carl Punkay, Eleanor Quill, Gordon Quill. Virginia Randolph. Glen Ray
Barbara Ritcnhouse. Hobert Roberts, Steve Roberts. Beverly Robinmn. Julie Rodaict-.. I inda Rod!(ers Robert Ross, r\1 Rub, Tony Rund, Robert Ru~glcs
David Shaplan Brenda Shelton Duke Shelton, Karen Simmons, Marsha Simpson. Jay Smith, Pam Smith, Pat Smith. Carol Sm1th. Sherry Smith
Brenda Swanson, Linda Swanson, Judy Sullivan, Judy Swyheart. Judy Sykes Cynth:a Taylor. Lovie Taylor. Reggie Taylor, Betty Thomas. Chuck Thompson
Bdl Wakefield, Lillie Walker, Martha Walker. Bob Waller, Katy Walsh Marg1e Walsh. Fee \Vash, I:louise Washington, Sue Waters. Par Watson
Sh~rley Wheeler. Bonita \Vest. Ken Wheatley. Charlene Wheat, Danny White Williams, Evelyn Williams
Barbara Whncsdl. Jerry Wiley. Jim Wdkey, Doug
Frances \Vright, Carol \Vrisk. Peggy \Vyland. Wayne Yonce, Anita Yeazel. Judy Young. Beverly Z1ndars Sue Smith. Dick Ewing. JoAnne Harris
Recgle, Barbara Recs Carl Rexroad, Mary Rexroad, Bob Richards
Karen R.1yhurn, I inda Riggle
Nancy Russell. Jerry Sansone, Glenn Sawyer. Richard Sayles. Patty Schumann. Rosanne Schwcighart, June Schwengel. John Schwighert, Suellen Scoggin, Rob~rt Scott
Tim Smith, Lydia Sph.ur, Sharon Spratt, Tim Squires, Barbara Staley, Doris Stevens. Tom Stewart, Vic Stewart, Bonnie Stout, Charles Sturies
Patsy Thompson, Cat lw Ttlle. Alberta Tipsword, Beth Trover, Tom Tuchel. Judy Tucker, Curt Viertel, Mary VanDeventer, J'ula Vaream. Louts \Vagy
Joy Watts. Bonnie Waugh, Joyce \Vaugh Jan Weber, JoA nn Weibel. Ed Weisel. Carol Welch. Caroly n Weller. Dorene \Veils. Ann Wenger
Gary \Vt!ltams. Jtm Williams. Judy Wt!li.1ms, J\hke William , Bob Wilson, Golder Wilson, Jackie Wtlson. Joyce Wilson, Kenneth Wood, Wi ll iam \Vood
Sophomore Camera Shy Banks. Sandra
H edges, David
M oyer, Ronald
Bro wn , Stella
Koch. Sandra
Mulchaey. Hu gh
C heatham , Russ
M cGeke, Keith
Price, Eddie
Cobble, Dianne
Members, James
Rine, Sandra
Cooper, John
Miller, Carlos
R oy, Richard Russell. Wanda
]UN Helen Allen , Jack Allen , Linda Allen . R o nnie All en . Bill Anderson . Sharon Anderson . Dan
Joan Barker. Athens Barnes. Harry Barnett , Brad Bates, Charlotte Baum B.:hrens. Dennis Bekemeyer
Bob Beardsle y, Ken Beasley. Bernie Bea\'er, Mary K .
.\tike Booth , Judy Bracy. Judy Bracy , Jim Bradley, Steve Brady . Van Brahana . ~ancy Bray. Marilrn Brewer. Bryan Briggs Lowell Brockway
Rich Callaghan. Dixie Canull. Robert Carlson, Jocille Carr Harry Chin
Jim Carter. Pat Chapple. Jlvhke Ca~sidy Ronnie Charles Glenn Cherry ,
Butch Collins. Sandra Conour. Ernest Cook. Phillip Cooper. Gretchen Cornwell. Mary Coughlin. Pat Craig. Carol Coval. Jim Cramer, Sandra Curry
Sharon Dillman, Sharon Dodd, Barbara Dorsett, Steve Doyle, Joe Dreblow , Gene Drew. Dan Durham . John Dyson . Fred Ebert, Alan Ehler
Mary Ewing, Emily Evans, Joyce fairchild, Nancy Fairchild, Sharon Fanakos. Dennis Felty, Jeff Filer, Cathy Flynn, Joe Fobbs, orm Foltz
lOR S Joe Armstrong, Mike Arnold. Earlis Avant. Linda Bachert, Phil Bailey, Delt Baines, Audrey Baker, Joy Bales, Ronald Ball, Oretta Banks
.Jack Beebe. Judy B~rgcr. Brian Bcrttne, Larry Bickers, John Bingaman, Carol Black, Gary Blaford, Harvey Blakely, Betty Boastick. Pam Bolish
ane Buhrman, Val Bush, Harvey Bushue, Dorothy
ark, Mervin Clayton, Bob Cline Shirley Coad, Phil Cochrane, Caryl Cogswell. Sheryl Colbert,
K,1y Cusick. Linda Davis, Rose Dav1s, Gaty Dayton, Rebecca Deem, Mary Deatley, Sharon Dereng. Mary Devlin, Peggy DeWitt, Laura Dilbeck
Chuck r=hler, Lenore Ei sfeldt Jean Eskridge, Carol Essenpreis
Jacqui Ekstam. Dave Ekstedt, Don Ekstedt, Della Englehardt, Marilyn Entringer, Janet Erwin,
Terry Fonville, Jim Foster. Steve Fox, French Fraker, Audrey Franklin, Don Frizzell, Gail Froom, Mike Gallager, Jim Gette. Edward Gibson
Gill n. Kcrrin Robat ll.ldlcy
Jo~ (,,Hmon. ,\lien l!Jrt, R,l\'nwnd l1Jsc.11l, Charles llasungs. Phrl ll.lug.lard
PJt Hays. Helen H~ad
Phil ll.lu,¡rsb rgcr. \'rrgrnia
Benny llolzh.wsa, Brend.1 Hopper, Linda llott, 1\lerrill Hubble, Jessie HulL I inda Ilunt Tom Hunt, .l.!na llyland, Charle~ Hursey, Carroll Ingersoll
l.rbman, JJ}'
Peggy 1\lcCicllan, Jerry }..lcCormicJ.., Beth McDaniel. Tom ;\1cGurJ... C.uolyn .\lcKcnlie, Kenny McKnclly, Ann .\lcKnight, Dolly
.\lc, 'air, Kay Magnusson, Janet Martin
Barbara ;\lillcr. Bill 1\lrllcr, Bob Miller. floyd Miller, John Miller. Margie Jerry Morfcy
icholas, Ann Nrchols. Delores
r .1y
I Janson, Christine Hardm . Sam Harris. Bob Harri-
Gan ll1 ks B.Hb.Ha Hill, :\lartha Hill, Sandralee
( aq Jam~s .\laril} n James 1 Johnson. Delores Jones
Bill Johnson, Donna Johnson , Carol J hnson Lll.1 Johnson , l ranci · Johnson Janice Johnson , Louis
Roger Kinca1d . Gary Kirbv. Jim Kirk . Illy Knorr , K.uen Kortkamp, Sandy Krumm , Oi.1nne Krutsinga. Charl~s Kuc~ra Kuykendall
Uh I oren7, Bob Lottman, Denny I owry, I"ddic I yons, Gary I ynch, Jo Anne Lyster, .\lcCia1n, Sue McCain
lcCabe. Kathleen .\lcCauley
Rnnnt :\l.utin .lo)Ce :\!.uti !nus :\lan1ne :\larx, Lrnd.1 :\las od.. Cawlyn :\!cia, J' .1y :\!~in C.~rol l\lcrgclkamp, Rick l\hycr, :\lrcback, B'1\nn Miller
'1 cny :\lorg.1 n l ind.1 :\Iarrow. I arq :\losdy , 'cal, Jimmy , 'elf
lur\' O'Connor, Charlotte Kay Peck, ·ancy Petry
Ben :\luirhcid, Don :\lunds. Ooroth} .\lunds, .\larshra .\lurphy, .\like l\lycrs, Tommy
baron Pace, Hclm.l Parker ..\Iaureen Patterson. Bob Pearson, Sally Pearson, Mary
Barb J>fi,sta. Judy Phinney, Carl Ptckms, Ellm Pigage, Jean Planty, Anthony PopL Janet Rayburn
Ste\'e Powers, Dec Rasmusson, Leroy Ray,
Don Rod,·rick, Terry R<)derick, Tom Roderick, Linda Rose, Jim Rub~nackrr, Sand} Schuh, Jackie Sanford, Marti Sauer, Paul cak ·, Sandy Schaede
Sha,kow John Shay, Terry Shtrley, Jay Shores, Jtm Shumard, Mtke Stems, Judy Stier (Galltvan), Janet Sims,
·\rt Spencer, Bonnie Spicg~l. Terry Stacy, Joyce Stahl, Kent Stanford, Peggy Starks, Chuck Stevens. George Strode, Judy Supcs, Kathy Jo Summers
Sue Wakeley. Barbara Walker. Dia na Walker, Mary Lou Walters, Sherry! Ward, Vern \Varner, Sally Wavering, :Vbrk Weaver, , 'ancee Webb, Phil Welch
Ca rol \Vilsky, Marga ret Wilson , P h il Wilson, T om W ilson, L arry \Vindland, Lynn Winship, Verna Wiseman, Donna W itt, D o nna Sue W ood, J ack W oods
Junior Acklin , David
Clark (Stiverson ), J anice
Garrison , J ohn
Ahlstedt, Richard
Douglas, Robert
Goode, J erry
Bracy, Danny
Douglas, Shirley
Gordon, A . C.
Brandon, Phyllis
Drish, Bernie
Hinderliter, Larry
Brockman, Allan
Earl. Richard
J ohnson, Harry
Broderick, Joan
Fletcher, Louis
Kobel, Jamt
Clark, Danny
\!.11y !{~.1d. O.!vid Rcd~nh.Hlgh , John R,cJ Joe Rodehavcr
.\l.mlyn Rcis, Don Reno
Kay Ridgl y, .\larjone Riggs. Art Rigsby, Carolyn Riley
\targ•e Schaefer, Donna Schaeffer. Karen Schn~id~r. Sylvia Schoenberg. Ktnt Schurg .\1ary Ann Schutshall Dave Schwar1lose. Jon chwengel, Ronny Sergent, Judy Servis
Rita Simpson. Anne Skelton, Richard Slavens, Mary Skornia , Phyllis Sm1th, Carolyn Smith, Doug Smuh, Jerry Smuh. Ray Smith. Vera Smith
\!i~~ Ta1·lor Sue Taylor, Judy Thomp~on Jim \ anDn·cntcr, Ron \Vagner
John Tracy, Bill Thompson
Phyllis Troutman, Joe Vangsness, Gary VanDemark,
l•~c \\\·st. J 1111 Wick, 1\'ancy Wdkil·. Carolyn Williams, Glenda \\',}son. Judy Williams, Larry \Vii hams, Sandy Williams, Sharon \\'illiams, Susan \Villiams
Bob Wright, Dawn Wright. Ann Young
Lee, James
Ru sian, Mike
Tuchel. Bob
Mueller, William
Sims, Donna
Vestal, Larry
Mulchaey, Sheila
Smith, Don
Webb, Barbara
Neff, Sharon
Sway, Bob
Wells, Vic
Overmeyer, Joel
Taynor, Tike
Williams, Jim
Paris, Charles
Tibbetts, Ron
Witham, Catherine
ROY SWINDELL Athletic Dtrector
The 1960 Maroon
We want a touchdown . That's the thing. We want a touchdown . That's the thing. We want a great big bruiser, Husky and tall. Who'll carry the ball, In no time at all, We' ll have a touchdown. And when it's through. We want to hear you make some nOISe .
V -I - C -T - 0 - R -Y We want a touchdown boys .
Downing Opponents with Touchdowns
VAR~I I Y I"OOTBAt I Ftrsl ro u. , left to riqht R I awson. r:. \\'~lis . C. Punkay, T . T'airbanks, \V. Clark. D . Bray, R. Callaghan G. Pope T Schr.1drr. St·t o nJ rou.. !t·ll t nqht Coach Da\'ls R Butler. K . \Villtamson E. Jones. r. Kiningham , J . Trigger. R. Z1elin. B . Sm 1th . C. Vaughn S P1erce, T . Clapper, Coach Cabutti Coach tewart . Thtrd ro w, ldt to nqht : Manager B . Barbre. D . Hubble . 1. Arnold I.. Johnson, D. Armstrong, M. Booth , A. Hart B . Bates. D . Bckcmcvcr. J . Armstrong. T . Hunt. B. Miller, A . Barnes. M . .Jones f o urth row , /{'/t to nqht: .J. Corum , C. HurSC}'• A. Po~. J. McClain , B. Lottman. N . f oltz . T. 1cGurk, J . McCormick, ~1. Hubbk ~1. \\'eavcr. D. Pnncll.
PEORIA WOODRUFF From a shaky start in the first half, Champaign bounced back m the second half to rap Peoria \Voodruff 14-0, thanks to the alertness of Champaign's gridders. We picked up 5 of 7 Peoria fumbles . Recovered fumbles combined with the quick and hard charging of Champaign' forward wall and the hard running of halfback Jim McClain led to Peoria's downfall. The fir t half action wa slow. and mostly in Peoria's favor . But the second half was an entirely different story. Starting after the kick off with a 20 yard runback by Bill "Squirt" mith. the pas ing arm of Cy Vaughn and the hard, fast running of Jim McClain. we were on the road to success and the fir t T.D. The fir t touchdown came in the )rd quarter 7 minutes left in that quarter on a 1 yard plunge by Jim McClain. The last scoring came in the last quarter with less than a minute left in the game. thus sewing up Champaign's first victory of the season. Bob Butler. Champaign's ace kicker accounted for both extra points. SPRINGFIELD LANPHIER Champaign's Mighty Maroons won their second consecutive game of the young season with a decisive 20-12 victory over pringfield l anphier in CHS's first home game. The Maroons formidable forward wall limited the Lions to an over -all passing and rushing total of I 06 yards, while Jim McClain's smashes up the middle, and the outside running of Bill Smith and Charlie Hursey amassed an impressive total of 399 yards. Lanphier opened the scoring with a touchdown early in the 2nd quarter, and maintained a 6-0 half-time lead. In the third quarter Champaign scored its first touchdown on a ) - yard smash by Jim McClain. Butler's conversion gave Champaign a 7- 6 lead. Lanphier regained the lead early in the 4th quarter to lead 12-7. Charlie Hursey put Champaign ahead to stay with a beautiful 19 yard jaunt, and Jim McClain added a late insurance measure with a 9 yard burst. Butler's conversion left Champaign the top side of a 20-12 decision.
The 1960 Maroon
MATTOON The Champaign Maroons lost their first conference game 20-6. to the Green Wave of Mattoon. Luck just wasn't with Ty Clapper as two of his punts were returned to the Mattoon end zone for TD's. The surprised Champaign Gridders held until. with ) minutes gone in the )rd quarter. Charlie Hursey, 160-pound fireball, hustled 59 yards through six or seven woulc!-be tacklers for the first Champaign TD. The Maroons were faced with several injuries. Darrell Bray and Bill Smith suffered cramps. Jim McClain uffered the worst with a badly twisted knee.
DANVILLE SCHLARMAN Despite the losses of Jim McClain, Tom Hunt, and Charles Hursey from the Maroon backfield, Champaign acquired its third victory of the season with a 20-6 win over Danville Schlarman. Champaign's alert defense stopped Danville's aerial attack cold and bottled up their ground attack as well. The superb running of Ken Williamson was instrumental in setting up the Maroon's last quarter touchdowns by Bill Smith, who played fullback in the absence of McClain and Hunt.
"Never say die."
STEPHEN DECATUR Champaign's Mighty Maroons thrilled a huge Homecoming crowd with a second-half rally to overpower the speed merchants from Stephen Decatur by a 26-14 count. With 2:47 left in the first quarter. Decatur's Tom Sidney returned a pass interception 96 yards for a touchdown. The conversion gave Decatur a 7-0 lead. Champaign countered by moving the ball 80 yards in 9 plays due to some brilliant signal-calling by quarterback Cy Vaughn. Tom Hunt capped the drive with a short plunge to make the score 7-6. Decatur scored again on a 3 7 yard run by AI Ri by and made the extra point to lead 14-6 at the end of the first hal f.
A spirited Champaign squad opened the third quarter with a touchdown by Bob Butler. Tom Hunt ran the conver ion to make the score read 14-13 in Decatur's favor. With three minutes left in the third quarter, a 30 yard touchdown jaunt by Bob Butler was called back due to an offside penalty against the anxious Maroons. Champaign was not to be denied, however, as they covered the last 3 5 yards in 5 plays, the final one, a seven yard dash around end by Bob Butler. Tom Hunt again ran the conversion successfully and Champaign led 20-14. In the final stanza Bob Butler proved that he had regained his old form by scoring Champaign' final touchdown on a 33 yard burst through the line. Hunt fell inches short of the goal on the conversion attempt and the final score read Champaign 26, Stephen Decatur 14.
Can ' t keep a good man down
Darrell Hubble
George Pope
Kenny Williamson
The 1960 Maroon
URBANA Friday the thirteenth was a day of gloom for CHS fans as Urbana sloshed their way through the wind, rain, sleet. and mud to a 33 0 verdict over Champaign. Urbana gained only 254 yards against hampaign's 200 yards, and only 9 first downs as opposed to hampaign's 14 first downs. However, the Tigers found a secret method of holding on to the wet. slippery pigskin. and that was the difference in the game. The Maroons penetrated into Urbana territory many times, but their drives were always stopped by fumbles or pass interceptions. Stan Pierce In all, Champaign lo t the ball 9 times on fumbles and everal more times on intercepted passes. The Maroons were deeply hurt in the line due to the loss of senior end Frank Wells, because of hi nineteenth birthday, and Darrell Hubble, senior tackle, who suffered a broken leg on the third pia y of the game. This lo s failed, however, to dampen our pride in the team, which amassed a very creditable season record of seven wins and two defeats. This excellent record boosted Coach Tommy Stewart's over-all record at C.H.S. to an amazing and enviable, 47 wins, 8 losses, and three ties. one of the best record in the state. and a record of which we are all proud.
Bob Butler
Randy Lawson
''Get out of my way
Bill Smith
Ron Zielin
Earl Jones
Frank Kiningham
Cy Vaughn
Frank Wells
Darrell Bray
Ty Clapper
Sophom ore Football . R ow / , left to right: C. Punkay, J . C orum , K. G rinkm eyer, C. Grinkm eyer, B. E vans, J . Alcorn , T . Fairbanks, B Waller. Row 2: J . Copper. B. Fit7gerald A. Jones J . Wilkey. D . Mo nk Coach Mann . Coach Macek. Ro w 3 : J . Williams, J . J ones, E . Davis. S Jackson. R . Hall S. I indsay, L. E roh. M . Brewer. R o w 4 : C. Peabody . G . Quill. C Sturies I . Moss. L. McHenry D Brewer. G . Cordier, R . Ross. C. Harvey. Back row : D . Lookingbill, J. J ohnson R . Harper, B. D orsey, H . D ixson . G. Darl ing. B. Barge r. D I letcher. T. Bailey.
''Macek's Maulers" JOLIET CATHOLIC
Champaign turned its offen ive might on hapless Joliet Catholic and piled up a stunning 45 -0 victory. In addition to the brilliant performance of the offense, the game was highlighted by the equally exceptional defensive play of the Maroons. who held their fifth opponent in even games to a total of less than I 00 yards rushing. With only seventeen seconds left in the first quarter Champaign scored on a brilliant 26 yard end run by Ken Williamson, and a 3 yard plunge by Tom Hunt Bill Smith scored the extra point attempt following Hunt's T.D. In the final quarter Louis Johnson scored with a seven yard end run with 7:54 left. Champaign 's final touchdown came on a 17 yard pass from Mike Booth to Louis Johnson with 2:04 remammg m one of Champaign 's best games of the season.
Champaign pre ured fired -up Danville into making early mistakes and fumbl es and beat the home team 19 -8. Getting off to an early 19 -0 lead in the first 3 quarters. the Maroons coasted the final quarter for the victory. On the next exchange the Maroons moved 49 yards in 6 play . Ken Williamson was the fir t to hit pay dirt on a pitchout from Cy Vaughn. In the second quarter. Danville fullback Wayne Smith fumbled on his own 35 . Bob Butler scooped up the loose ball and streaked 57 yards before being pulled down by Jerry Wright , Danville speedy end. On the second play from scrimmage Bill Smith crashed in for the score. After an offside penalty nullified the extra point run . Tom Hunt bla ted over from the seven In the third the Maroons ended their scoring efforts with a 73 yard advance in ix plays. Bob Butler went over from the ten for the. final tally.
1 1m Schrader
Coach Harold Jester
Modern Torch Bearers Carry Traditions Champaign's Track Team ended the season with a 3-2 dual meet record. Tim Schrader was the captain elect of the 1959 team. Champaign won its first dual meet of the year against Deland-Weldon by a score of 71 to 47. At the Oak Park relays, Champaign finished seventeenth. Champaign then traveled to Decatur where they captured third place in the Decatur Open. Following a dual meet win over Danville and a lo s to Rantoul, the track men traveled to Normal where they placed eighth in the ormal Relays. Coach Jester's charges lo t their next meet to a very fine Urbana team. Champaign placed fourth in the district meet held at Urbana. In the following week the cindermen won a dual meet from Decatur.
Out of the thirty-eight schools competing in the state track meet, Champaign finished a respectable ninteenth. The C.H.S. thinclads placed sixth in the Big 12 meet, the final meet of the year. This year's team was led by Terry Harshbarger who won state recognition for his fine pole-vaulting. Champaign had an excellent mile relay team composed of Ken Williamson, Tim Schrader, Dennis Bekemeyer, and Alan Hart. John McGinty was an outstanding miler for the squad and Freeman McMullen bolstered the team in the broad jump. Track letters were awarded to E. Avant. D. Bekemeyer, M. Booth, D. Bracy, A. Hart, B. Butler. T. Lawson, J. McGinty, T. Schrader, K. Williamson. J. Meyer (Manager), T. Harshbarger, F. McMullen, and K. Trimble.
"Up and over."
The 1960 Maroon
Oh yeah, just try and take it away
Dribblin; Shootin; Scorin; 'n' Winnin' Front row, left to right: Manager Mills, A. Hart, M. Booth, \V. Clark, V. Bush, C. Hursey, B. Anderson, Manager Jugenheimer. Top row, left to right: Coach Davis, J. Armstrong, B. Weichel, D. Ekstedt, B. Butler, J. Trigger, B. Lottman, D. Armstrong, Coach Cabutti.
were rated number one in the state. The game was tied ur twice in the final minutes, but the Panthers finally managed to win. 55 - 51 . The Maroons started the new year right with a 53 - )6 victory over arch -rival Urbana . The next game, they squeaked by Bloomington. 44-41. Even though Val Bush scored thirteen po1nts and Bob Butler scored nineteen. Champaign was crushed by Mattoon in the Maroons' worst game of the season. With thoughts of revenge for their first encounter, " Lea 's fleas" downed Lincoln. 48 -17. Danville retalliated for their first loss to the Maroons by defeating them, 54-45 . The MacArthur Generals surpassed the .. Midgets" by six points as Bob Butler scored twenty-one points without the aid of his glasses. Then the Maroons lost by only one point to Stephen Decatur. the number one team in the Big 1 welve Conference. In this outing. Bob Butler scored twenty points to keep himself at the head of the Big Twelve scoring list. In their farthest trip of the eason, the Cagers traveled across state to meet the Quincy Blue Devils. The Maroons won this game easily as they made twenty-six free throws. Again Champaign was victorious o\'u the Urbana Tigers, as Jim T rigger
Bill Weichel VARSITY BASKETBALL R ECOR D 50 Champaig n 46 Champaign 51 Champaign 25 Champaign 57 Champaign 6() Champaig n 51 Champaign 51 Champaign 53 Champaign 53 Champaign 44 Champaig n 51 Champaign 48 Champaig n 45 Champaign ........ 47 Champaign 64 Champa1gn 60 Champaign 59 Champaign 61 Champaign 47 Champa1gn 57 Champaign 47 C h ampaign 65 Champaign . 46 Champaign 49 Champaign .. 39 Champaign
The 1960 Maroon
Rantoul Danville Schlarman Springfield flgin Lincoln Danville Stephen Decatur \\'ood R1ver Pinckneyville rbana Bloomington Mattoon 1 incoln Danv1lle Decatur MacArthur Stephen Decatur Qu1ncy Urbana Pontiac Ia noon Bloomington pri ngfield Bement Mahomet eymour .\1onticcllo Danville Schlarman
37 45 57
. 24 74 42 58 42 55 36 41 70 17 54 S)
65 4) 52 '\4
45 4) 62 45 4) 36 44
"More bounce to the ounce"
they defeated them 59 - 52. In this game. Charlie Hursey canned fourteen points and again demon trated his ball-handling fines e. Shooting a phenomenal . 5 I I from the field, the Maroon quintet overwhelmed Pontiac, 61 34. With three consecutive wins, the Maroons met Mattoon in a grudge game and defeated them tn the Maroons' only overtime of the season. Their fifth straight win came when the "Midgets" conquered Bloomington, 57-4 3 Springfield ended the Maroons' winning streak as the "Midgets" fell to the powerful Spnngficld squad, 6 2- 4 7. The score docs not show what a fine game the Maroon actually played . Bob Butler scored twenty -six points, his highest production of the season. His outstanding performance cinched the Big Twelve scoring title for him. Finishing with a seven- even Big Twelve record, the Maroons c:>ptured fifth place in Big Twelve competition.
Then came the much anticipated tournaments. In their first game of the regional tournament, the "Midgets" subdued Bement. 65 -45. Agamst Bement. Bill Anderson scored his highest point production of the cason. Mahomet Seymour was the Maroons' next victim as tt was overcome 46-4 3. After crushing Monticello. the Maroon became the new Urbana Regional champion . This victory gave them a berth in their own sectional tournament oppo ite Danville Schlarman . Val Bush and Charlie Hursey did an excellent job of guardmg their men and Willie Clark shared scoring honors with sixteen points even though the Maroons were defeated 44-3 9. Soon after the State Tournament, came the announcements concerning the All-State teams . Bob Butler's high school basketball career came to a fitting climax as he was named on three All-State teams. The 1959-1960 basketball season is over, but the fans will always remember this thrilling season and the team that won everyone's hearts. "And he scores two more" "And they're on their way"
The 1960 Maroon
The understudies of the "Midget Maroons," the sophomores, showed the same competitive spirit as the varsity as they compiled a fine record of sixteen wins and five losses. With Steve Jackson. Dave Fletcher, and Terry Fairbanks supplymg the scoring punch. aided by the board work of Larry Mennenga and Jack Corum. the sophs frequently emerged victorious from many hard-fought games. The Sophomore squad was the champion of the Champaign Sophomore basketball tournament. Coached by Wes Davis. the squad improved consistent! y throughout the season.
"Oh no! It's mine!"
"The Understudies of the 'Mighty Midgets'" Frrst row. left to right: B. Evans, B. Fletcher, J. Kearns. J Corum , B. Waller. Second row, left to rrght: D. Bradley, N. Dahlstrom, D. Brewer, T. Fairbanks, L. Mennenga, Coach \Ves D;H¡is.
WI~i TE A.\1-Fl{St row, left to right: Mgr. S. Hulsi7er. I·. Evers, J. Smath, M. Seims, B. Keller, B. Berkson. T. 'eat Second row, left to rrght Coach T . Stewart, L. Busch . J . Grubb, C . Dammers. J. Garnson. S Hamburg, 1·. f'rakcr, D Smith .. D Redenbaugh.
Process of Rebuilding . •
The 1959-60 swim team, in the process of rebuilding, had a rather unsuccessful season. Bolstered by two fine returning junior lettermen, Bob Keller and Tom Neal. they led our young team through the season. This year was a year of experience for our tankmen . As time went on, our team improved immensely and our hopes for next year are extremely high. In the Big 12 swimming meet, Bob Keller, for the second con-
secutive year, won his specialty, diving. and again set a new record in total points scored. Although we didn't win a meet in seven starts, Coach Tom Stewart has an optimistic outlook for the oncoming season. The team next year will be spirited by eight returning lettermen including: S. Hamburg. M. Siems, J. Garrison, J. Smith, L. Busch, F. Fraker, B. Keller, and T. Neal.
"And they're off"
VARSITY TENNIS-Front row, left to nght : T .
eal. S. Hamburg. B. Thompson . G . DrolJinger,
J. Brahana. Top row: \V. Horn, B. MilJer, B. Butterfield, D. Shaul. L. Palmer, Coach Attebury .
oves of Serving
"15 . . . love"
Led by Captain Dave Shaul and two other returning lettermen. Bill Butterfield and Bill Miller. the Maroons posted a respectable record of 5 wins and 6 losses in dual meet competition. and captured third in the District. Mr. Fred Attebury, in his fir t year as tennis coach, expressed his satisfaction with the team spirit and record in view of the caliber of the competition. Captain Len Palmer and Phil Hauguard will return to lead a young and inexperienced team into competition in the 1960 season.
The 1960 Maroon
L eft to right : B. Kretschmer, J . Monen , C. Vaughn , M . J o nes, J. Belmont, R . Blum, S. Snyder, S. Albers, Coach Macek.
Along the Green
Coach John Macek
This year's squad was one of the finest golf teams at CHS in the past ten years. Jim Belmont was captain and one of the state's outstanding high school golfers. Cy Vaughn , who was Big 12 co-champion in his sophomore year, also won this title for a second time. The Macek men qualified for the state tournament by shooting only 30 strokes over par as a team. The squad, which finished the year with a 10 and 1 record. finished second in the Big 12. third in the district, and took a second place in the Quincy tournament. Coach John Macek awarded letters to Jim Belmont, Cy Vaughn , Rod Blum , Mike Jones, Jack Monen, and Steve Snyder.
Dining All Together on Honte Plate
The Champaign baseball team. coached by Charlie Due. ended its season with a fine 16-7 record. Most of Champaign's loses were to powerful Danville and Clinton High Schools. The 19 59 team had no captain and elected no captain for 1960. No player was named "Most Valuable" because. as Coach Due said, "They were all outstanding players." Senior lettermen for the '59 Maroon squad included Lee Schinker. Virgil Jordon, Ron Selvey. and Phil Summers. Mr. Due felt that the team had a very succssful season and is optimistic concerning this year's team. Returning lettermen Val Bush, Charles Hursey. Dan Skelton with a strong pitching staff led by Don Perceny and Jim Schum form a strong nucleus for this year's team. Mr. Due expects help from several promising sophomores in his quest for a successful season.
Coach Charles Due
Front row, left to right: Manager \Vdliams. Manager James. D. Perceny. V. Bush, C. Hursey. Second row: B. Punkay. P . Wilson , B. Miller. D. Skelton, J . Schum. P. Summers. V . Jordon. Top row: J. Trigger, C. Frinell, I . Schinker, R. Selvey, G. Foltz J. McClam Coach Due.
F1rst rou.:, left to riqht G Ferguson . B. Smith . E. Lewis. J. O 'Conner. R llclkr. B . Gtllespie. econd rou.â&#x20AC;¢, left to nght: B. Punkay, D. Skelton, T. Clapper, R. Callaghan , G . Pope, B. Brown.
\VRESTLI ' G RESERVF- Front row. left to nqht: C. Burgess. A . Pope, B Bcrtine. D . f'rincll. R . Hall . K Stanford. Back row, left to right: Mgr. L. Brockway, D. Clark. C. Punkay, G. Darling, Coach Due, H. Dickson, J. Schwengel. D. Fisher, J. James.
'' Tight squeeze"
"Oh no you
Grunts and Groans
''Oh my aching back"
Bill Gillespie
George Pope
Bill Brown
Mat Men Meet Match with Muscle Coach Bob Mann
Champaign's fine 1959-60 grapplers strong-armed their way to an excellent dual meet record of I 0 wins, 2 losses, and I tie. The only team to defeat our powerful wrestlers in dual meet competition was Pekin. Returning lettermen, George Pope, Dan Skelton, Bill Brown, Bill Gillespie, and Ty Clapper formed the nucleus of a strong squad rounded out by Glen Ferguson, Elmer Lewis, Jerry O'Connor, Ron Heller, Rich Callaghan, Bill Punkay, and newcomer Bill Smith. During the regular season the grapplers defeated Peoria Woodruff, Danville, Quincy, Mattoon, Bloomington, and Urbana at home and humbled Kankakee, Bloomington, Danville, and Mattoon on road trips. Twice C.H.S. was defeated by a strong Pekin squad and one dual meet with Urbana ended in a tie. Under the coaching of Bob Mann and his assistant Charlie Due, the Maroons captured first place in the district meet at Bloomington and second in the sectional meet. Bill Brown, Bill Gillespie, Ron Heller, Bill Smith, and George Pope qualified to represent Champaign at the state meet.
The 1960 Maroon
Bill Punkay, Danny Skelton.
Top: Howard Mason Bottom: Elmer Lewis
Joe Ditzler, Ty Clapper.
Top: Bill Smith, Bottom: Glenn Ferguson.
The 1960 Maroon
With energy and joy We bound up the stepsâ&#x20AC;˘ That lead to Moments to Remember . In school and out, In classrooms and clubs, We make an important discovery ... That fun Is a part of worl~ And working together is fun.
HONOR SOCIETY. First row, left to right: A. Oertel, . Sharp. J. Gaines, R. Anderson, S. Slater, R. Richter, C. Wtlson. G. Swiney. Second row, left to right: C. Stahl. L. Massanari, J. Ditzler, D. Hull, R. Havelka, J. Youngerman, J. Schooley, E. Templeton, J . Gwinn.
Moments of.
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
HO OR SOCIETY OFFICERS. Sitting, left to right: D. Hull. treasurer: J. Gaines. secretary. Standing, left to right: J. Gwi nn , vice-president; J. Youngerman, president; Mrs. J. Hill, sponsor.
Juniors and Seniors who have shown outstanding qualities in scholarship, in leadership, in service, and in character are eligible for membership in National Honor Society. New members are initiated at an impressive banquet held annually in the spring.
Sponsoring a dance and preparing an outstanding initiation banquet were the main activities of Quill and Scroll this year. Outstanding work on either of the school publications, Maroon or Chronicle, are requirements for this organization.
QUILL AND SCROLL OFfiCERS . Left to right : B. Didcoct, secretarytreasurer; B. Squires, president; S. Ridgley, vice-president.
QUILL A D SCROLL. First row, left to right: E. Templeton, B. Didcoct, B. Squires, S. Ridgley. Second row, left to nght: Mr. Attebury, sponsor; F. Black, P. Lindsay, J. Gwinn, S. Mulliken, S. Bennett, P. Seymour.
Bonnie Hillemeier editor-in -chief
Ellen Templeton ad manager
MAROO STAFF. Frrst row, left to right : M. Sauer, J. Marks, D . Hurd, V. Drenckhahn, T. Franco, C. Ingersoll , L. Massock, M . Ewing. E. Joyce, S. Spratt, S. Smtth. Second row, left to nght ¡ S. Slater, V. Friedman, C. Clark, B. Stout, C. Carpenter, F. Drenckhahn, C. Norton, S. Bennett, V. 'offtz, K. 1eier, M . Coughlin, B. Spiegel.
Perfection Is Our Goal
Sandy Ridgley sales manager
Fran Black co-actiuity editor
Carolyn Stahl co-actiuity editor
J ulann Powell co -senror edrtor
Isabel York co-senror editor
THE STAFF is learning about a yearbook. Sitting, left to nght: M. Sands. I. York, J. Powell. Standrnq, left to right: J. Meyers, C. Stahl, F. Black, Mr. Hopper, Twin City representative; B. Hillemeier, C. Wilson, S. Ridgley, B. Spiegel.
. Fairchild,
¡ Steve Hamburg co-sports edrtor
Joe Meyers co -sports editor
Carol Wilson art editor
Nancy Fairchild underclassmen editor
_, Mike Miller photographer
Ed Weisel photographer
Jim Wilkie photographer
Mr. Attebury sponsor
These industrious workers put out our four page weekly newspaper, The Chronicle, and a good job they do. Thirteen of the journalists journeyed to MacMurray College in Jacksonville for a journalism conference as well as participating in ISHPA, Illinois State High School Press Association , which was held at the University of Illinois.
Rattling Typewriters
CHRO ICLE STAFF. First row , left to right: S. Gillespie, J. Weibel. B. Stout, P . Lane, V. Hall, E. Pigage, N. Coleman, M. Sauer, E. Joyce. Second row, left to right : R. Keyes , K. Schneider, C. Riley, B. Miller, P. Gottschalk, C. Norton, R . Anderson , D. Wright, V. Nofftz, K. Meier, T. Fonville.
The 1960 Maroon
CHRO ICLE EDITORS. First row, left to right: . Sharp, co-fourth page; J. Shay, co-first page; G. Cornwell. co-first page; B. Squires. co-second page Second row. left to riqht. S Bennett. art; M. Read, co-fourth page; E. Scoggin, sports; E. Templeton, advertising; S. Mulliken, co second page; Mr. ¡ outhard. sponsor.
and Rumbling Press
CHRO ICI.E MEMBERS AT WORK. Fust row. left to right: K. Meier. M. Coughlin. V. Second row, left to right: M. Sauer, J. Shay. E. Joyce, E. Scoggin. . Mulliken. J. McClelland.
The 1960 Maroon
Susie :--1axwell Secretary
Emmy Vance Vice- President
Paul Scvmour Prl'srdl'nt
T1m Schrader Treasurer
John Gwinn Parlramentarian
Representation, Cooperation, and Action
STUDENT COUNCIL. Frrst row, left to rrght : W. Decker. C. Peterson. T . Vaream , J. Fairchild, J . Planty, A. McKnight, K. Butts. D. Jones. M . Peck. M. Patterson , S. Scoggin, S. Smith. J. Weibel. B. Barham. Second rou,>, left to rrght : J. Schooley, B. Hillemeier, B. Squires, J . Turner, K. Rasmussen, C. \Vilson, S. Maxwell, C. Vieira , M . Behrens. S. Williams. B. Bryan . Thrrd row, left to right: . Jackson, B. Smith. D. Schinker, T. Schrader. G. Read, E. Vance, B. Didcoct, E. Scoggin, P. Seymour, D. Bekemeyer, D. Bryant, J . Gwinn , Mrs. Richmond, sponsor.
A Brazilian Christmas tree for Cris.
Providing a link between the student body and the administration. Student Council is one of C.H.S.' s busiest organizations. Ten elected members from each class comprise this group which has taken charge of all chool elections. sophomore orientation. Homecoming Dance, and the American Field Service Program. They also attended District and State Student Council Conventions. Greg Read is the president of the Illinois Association of Student Councils: Betty Didcoct was chairman of the District Student Council Convention which was held at C.H S. this year.
A.F.S.ers Cris and Joe agree that it is a small world.
TRI -HIGH QUE£: S · Left to right: Chris Vestling, Uni High: Vicki Barth. Urbana High; Kathy o· ell I. Champaign High.
Anticipation, Revelation, and Finally
Beware, Urbana, here we come!
Bitsy Wachter, Karon Rasmussen , Queen Nancy Hardwick, Madeline
• • •
_.. ,. .
"I crown you, Queen Nancy~"
Excitement was hardly the word to describe the emotions of C.H.S.ers as they prepared for the "game of games." For the first time a mock parade, which was a welcome and successful idea in the festivities. was presented in one of our best assemblies of the year. The band, as well as Pepettes. were all prepared for the occasion, even though they were unable to perform because of bad weather. Homecoming Day began with an assembly in which the five excited Homecoming Queen finalists were announced. These happy girls were escorted to the stage where they were presented corsages. At the game that night, the five girls paraded onto the field where the Queen's name was finally revealed. The formal crowning of Queen Nancy took place during the Homecoming Dance.
THESPIA OPFICI'RS: I rft to right: V. Hall, treasurer: S. Slater, secretary: F. Drenckhahn, vice-president, F. Black, president.
, 'ATIO:\'AL THESP!A,' SOCIETY. Ftrst rotc, left to nqht: B. Maxwell. 1\1. Hughes. \' Hall. J .\larks. I. York. P Puller. K. o·. eill Second row, left to nqht. S. Williams. A. Oertel M Stras burger [ Joyce, C. Corson G Cornwell, C. Carpenter, N Sharp, S. Magnuson, B. Busch, I·. Black. Thtrd row. left to right· J. Turner, J. Powell. J. Schooley. E. Templeton, P. Wilson. J Shay, J. Miller, B. Lewis, M. Ewing, . Slater, C. Stahl. Fourth row, lei t to right: C. Martin, J. Gaines. K. Stubenrau.h. S. Mulliken, F. Drenckhahn, V. Drenckhahn, R. Anderson, E. Vance, G. Taylor, .r\1 Smalley, C. Orton, C. Riley. B. Brightbill.
DRAMA BOARD. Ftrst row, left to right: V. Hall. V. Drenckhahn. S Maxwell. Second row, left to nght: F. Black, E. Vance. Thtrd row, left to nght: Mr. Meyer, Mtss Munger, Mtss Stuart.
N F.L. MEMBERS. Left to riqht: J.
G. Read,
Mr. Meyer, sponsor.
PL. MEMBERS Satinq: C Wilson. Standtng, left to nght: C. Dammers, P Seymour, J. Schooley, D. Hull.
Distimtion for Dramatists and Debators Aspiring actors and actresses of C.H S. who have earned one-hundred or more points in Wig 'n' Paint arc initiated into the National Thespian Society, Troupe I 06. Thespians also sponsored a dance this year. Miss Marion Stuart is the advisor.
National Forensic League is the honorary organization for students partiCipating m all phases of speech other than dramatics. Mr. R. G. Meyer sponsors this group of students who have to speak for thirty minutes before at least fifty people in order to join the club.
DEBATE CLUB. First row, left to right: R. Keyes. R. Garret, J. Schooley, J. Ekstam, M. Coughlin. Second row, left to right: J. Gwinn, C. Dammers, P. Seymour, G. Read, D. Hull, Mr. Meyer, sponsor.
After the April presentation of "Dear Delinquent," Miss Marion Stuart will end twenty-eight successful years of producing plays. Mr. Lawrence Conolley will be in charge of the dramatic productions so that Miss Stuart can have more time to devote to being head of the English department. A big vote of thanks goes to Miss Stuart for all she has done for us.
WIG ' PAl T OJ HCERS. Left to right: C. Carpenter, secretary; E . Vance, president; J . Miller, vice¡ president ; V. Drenckhahn. treasurer.
Acting the Part
Causing a Scene
Lights out, curtain going up!
"Did Grandma wear this!"
"Don't forget, when he says ... "
A Crown of Fitting Glory
Darrell Bray was crowned the 1959 Football King after the Stunt Show which was produced early in the fall. The whole student body voted for their five favorite football players, one of which was chosen king. Jim Trigger and his date, Madeline Bellucci, reigned over the Vice-Versa dance last January. Jim was also chosen in a school-wide vote, from a "court" of four other boys for the annual dance held in the CHS gym.
King for a Day
"Aw shucks ... me, king?"
FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA. Flfst row, left to right: K Kearney M ands. P. Fuller. I Bartelli S Lowe, C. McKenzie, B. Hill, B. Hillemeier, A. Oertel. Mrs. Ander on, sponsor, K. Compton. Second row, left to nght: C. Harden. M. James, E. Joyce, S. Gillespu!, S. Tracy, K. Schneider, M. Sauer. S. Maxwell, K. O'Neill, S. Magnuson, C. Stahl. Th1rd row, left to right: T. Lierman, K. Meier, J. Thomp on, P. Bled oe, C. Dennison, K. Stubenrauch, C. Peterson, J. Sims, K. O'Connor. S. Slater, K. Rayburn. Fourth row, left to right: J. hirchild, J. Planty, M. Read, E. Vance, K. Butts, C. orton, M. Helfin tine, S. Bennett, S. Kendall, G. Taylor, J. Gaines.
Eventual Educators F.T.A. OFFICERS. Left to right: Mrs. Anderson, sponsor; C. Stahl. secretary : B. Hill, treasurer: B. Hillemeter, vice-president: A. Oertel. president; C. McKenzie, lihranan, S Lowe, sophomore representattve; P. ruller, reporter: L. Bartelli, historian. I
P .• ' .A. Of I ICI RS . Slltrnq, left to rrqht : F Black , vice-president: S. Mulliken, president. Standing, left to riqht . B. Brightbill. treasurer: D. \Vatkins. refreshment cha1rman: P. Lawhead , corresponding secretary: P. Whitford , secretary: S. Taylor, publicity chairman.
First in Aid, Ability, and Aptness
T·UTURE NURSfS OF AMFR!CA. Flfst row, left to right· F. Black. S. Taylor. S. Mulliken P. Lawhead. P. Whitford. Second rou•, left to rrght: B. Washington, C. Harden. J. Brown. V. offtz, B. Pfe1 ter, B. Gill S Mehnert, T. Pelfrey. Third row, left to nght: Mrs. Sims. sponsor: L. Eissfeldt, E . Osterhoff. H. Wright, B. Berry, C. Corson. V. Oliver, D. Watkins.
F.F.A. OT HCI=RS. Ftrst row. left to right: G. Hulvey, sentinel; E. Gudeman, secretary. Second rou.â&#x20AC;¢, left to nght: J. Jay, president; D. Mund, vice -president. Th1rd row. left to right: R. Knox. reporter; Mr. Twardock , sponsor; B. Corray, treasurer.
Tillers of the Soil
FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA. F1rst row, left to right : T. Dillon, J . Blue, P . elson, D. Phillips, L. Todd, D. Gudeman, D. Paine. Second row, left to nght: E . Gudeman, J. Corum, B. Calder. J . Armstrong. G. Hulvey, J . Murrell , C. Wood. Third row, left to nght: Mr. Twardock, sponsor : J . Jay. R. Knox, D . Munds, D. Summitt, R . Gilliland, B. Corray, W. McClain, L. Mennega, C. Rayburn.
FRE CH CLUB. First row, left to right: M. Ewing, V. Hall, S. Beasley, K. Wheatly, L. Holden, R. Pugh, J. Ekstam, J. eupauer. Second row, left to right: P Lane P. Wilson, K Cusick, J Killtan. D. Fi her, G. James, D. Hayes, S. Coleman, P. Grubb. Thtrd row, left to right: Miss Strong, sponsor: M. Baker, S Jackson, R. Daniels, R. Mayer, R. Anderson, D. Kennedy, J. Meeker, P. Seymour, B. Bever, C. Cone, C. Kuder, D Wright.
Parlez-vous francais?
FUTURE HOMEMAKERS OF AMERICA. Sttting, left to right: C. Riley, B. Walker, K. 0' eill. P. Decker, C. Helmick. tanding, left to nght: L. Massock, M. Sands, P. Herndon, M. Hill, Mrs. Eichelberger, spon or, J. Berger.
GERMA CLUB. First row, left to right: V. Miller, E. Knorr. Baker, S. Bell. C. Tille. C. fett. D. Bryant. Second row, left to right S. Anderson. T. Franco. S Slater, M . M. Lansford. C. Korst. D. Hagner. J. I endvai. J. Smtth. Thâ&#x20AC;˘rd row, left to nght: Mrs. Darsham. F. Evers I . Huffman, Stewart. R. Harper, C. Peabody. B. Mautz. Fourth row, left to right: C. Stahl. I. Mennega, B. Bradley, R . bill. D. Brewer.
M. Read. C. Mayer, B. Trover, C.
orton, U. Lorenz, A.
Patterson. S \Villiams. M. Bradley, K. Stubenrauch. K. Moeller, C Dammers, J
clson, M. Behrens R Hall. S. Hatfield. T.
Ross, B. Evans. P. Buhle. F. Fraker, S. Broquist, D. Looking-
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
GERM A S. Slater, treasurer ; M . Patterson, president; M. Bradley; junior-senior representative, C. Stahl. secretary. Second row, left to right: C. Peabody. sophomore-representative : Mrs. Darsham, sponsor; D. Brewer. sophomore representative; D. Bryant, sophomore representative.
All together now- em, zwei, drei.
LATI CLUB OFFICERS. Left to nqht: J. Shay, vice-president: P. Lawhead, secretarytreasurer: J. Gaines, president.
Latin Club Enjoys a Roman Holiday
LATI CLUB. First row, left to nqht: K. Meier. L. Massock, J. Thompson, J. Barker, J. Gaines, J. Shay, P. Lawhead, P. fuller, G. Cornwell. B. Busch, C. Riley, C. McCauley. Second row, left to right: 0. Banks. E. Joyce, G. Swiney, Wise, R. Ryan, B. Griffin, P. Bled oe, K. Schneider, S. Tracy, M. Sauer, M. Greer, C. Ingersoll. C. Stahl. Third row, left to right: Mis Bottenfield, sponsor; E. Templeton, S. Hamburg, R. Callaghan, B. Garrison, J. Vangsness, C. Vangsness, M. Smalley, J. Schooley, D. Bekemeyer, S. Mullil.en. B. Thompson, B. Briggs, J. Miller.
EL STAFF OFFICERS. Left to right: K. Kirkland. secretary: R . Ryan, v1ce pres1dent; J. McDamel. president; E. Evans, treasurer.
Books-Treasured Wealth of the World [[
T AFF. Frrst row. left to right : K. Kirkland. J. McDaniel. R. Ryan. E. Evans, Mrs. Hill. sponsor. econd row. leit to rrght: L. Demlow, B. Griffith. R. Johnson, R. Pugh. J. Lv ter, J. Roderick. J. Servis, A. Williams. Thrrd roLL', lett to rrqht. S Copeland, U . Kirk. H. Lee, P. Diepholz, S. Dillman.
SCIT NCE CI UB. F1r.1t rotL-. left to riqht ¡ C. Stahl. J. Wiley. C. Carpenter, :'vi. Strassburger, V. Hall, A. Oertel. R. Rran. r. Drenckhahn, T franco. D. Davis, A. Campbell. J . Cook. B. Garrison. R. Davis. Second row, left to right: S Howard S. Bennett. B. Baker, R. Anderson, R. Havelka. G . Taylor, D. Hull. J. Gossett, .'vir. Coates, adviser; J. I'landers, V. Drenckhahn, F. Evers. J. Ditzler, C. Martin, C. Dammers, R. Moyer.
Lab Levelers
PEPETTES, the senior girls' drill team, performed on several occasions this year under the direction of Julann Powell and Mrs. Major. They had a variety of formations among which was the "T" for TEAM.
The 1960 Maroon
"A very Merry Christmas to
"Hey, Maureen, what'cha doin' ?"
Moments of.
• •
OUR CHRISTMAS COURT. Left to right: Bonnie Hillerneier, Emmy Vance, Betty Didcoct, Miss Merry Christmas; Jane Schooley, Mary Alice Strassburger.
"Gee, I thought that proms were just fun , not work! "
" Will we ever get these holes filled up?"
"No, Donna, move it back- just a little bit!"
Hands Across tlze
Rot's a ruck with a rice, Kathy.
A.F . CA DIDATES. Left to riqht: Gretchen Cornwell , Kalcen Butts, [lien Pigagc.
right: K. Rasmussen, J. Youngerman.
Left to
COMMERCIAL CLUB. First row, left to right: J. James, P . McClellan, C. Mergelkamp, S. Millage, J. Lyster, C. Baum, R . Washington, M . Brewer. Second row, left to right: R. Lee, S. Brine, M . Hill, H. Parker, S. Mulchaey, M . Reis, B. Butter, J . Anderson. Third ro w , left to right: M. Schaeffer, B. Wisdom, J . Carr, M. Entringer, C. Helmick, S. Abernathy, P . McFarlin, S. Wavering, B. Hill, S. Baldwin.
Educational Experience Equals Excellence COMMERCIAL CLUB OFFICERS. Sitting, left to right: H . Parker, president ; S. Baldwin. vice-president. Standing, left to right: P. McFarlin, corresponding secretary ; C. Mergelkamp, recording secretary ; J. Martishuis, treasurer.
The 1960 Maroon
I.O.O.A. MEMBERS. Sitting, left to right: J. Miller, S. Lewis, D. Jelly, J. Buttitta, M. Collins, P. Brandon. First row, standing: S. Baldwin, B. Hughes, I. Fleming, B. Fletcher, J. McCloskey, P. McFarlin, B. Wisdom. Back row, standrng: A. Williams, S. Tucker, B. Pruett, N. Byers, J. Kuyrkendall, S. Miller.
Moments of.
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
I.O.O.A. OFFICERS. Sitting: M. Barham, president. Standing, left to right: B. Wisdom, vice-president; . Byers, treasurer; B. Fletcher, secretary.
The 1960 Maroon
Left to right: B. Lee, vice president ; J . Armstrong. secretary ; D . McStay, treasurer ; J . Staley. president .
Ring it up. John!
D.E. MEMBERS . Sitting, left to right: K. Rawley, J. Armstrong, L. Rothe, P . McCiughen, D. McConaha, A. Franklin. Standing, left to right: C . Lloyde, J. Staley, D . Anglin, B. Lee, D. McStay, J. Martin, Mrs. Bain, sponsor.
Organizing the ever-growing spirit of CHSers were five expert cheerleaders. Not only appearing at the football and basketball games, these ambitious girls sponsored an aftergame dance and helped to organize our pep assemblies.
Come on Champaign, we want some action!
Pep and Fun a Plenty
RESERVE CHEERLEADERS. Left to right: C. Wheat, D. Reese, S. Foltz, T. Vaream, S. Smith.
T - E - A - M, TEAM, TEAM, TEAM Left to right: M. Bellucci, J. Fairchild, D. Jones, B. Wachter,
. Hardwick.
Symbols of Spirit WE ARE THE MAROONS
Spirits Are High,
Hopes the Sanu; HEADLI NE5
Naturally, We Won the Gamel
PEl" A ROO OFFICERS Kneeling, left to right: J . Turner. tran porta tion chairman ; S. Maxwell, pompom chairman. Standing, left to right: J. Schooley , prestdent: C. Wilson. decoration chairman ; Mr. Trimble, sponsor.
Sportsmanship of Sports-
G. A. A. OI FICERS. !.eft to riqht: K Rasmussen, secretary-treasurer; J. Schooley, president; G. Taylor, vice-president.
Minded Girls
MAJORETTES. Left to right: D. Walker, A. Skelton, D. Wright, G. Swiney, S. Schaede, C. McKenzie, L. Barrelli, head majorette.
Pleasing Pictures of Perfect Precision
COLOR GUARD. Left to right: R. Ryan, K. Stubenrauch, J. Schooley, M. Schmidt, C. Stahl. The 1960 Maroon
Letters in sports make boys eligible for "C" Club. An anual spring dance, the best ever this year, is one of the projects which this club undertakes. Mr. Tommy Stewart is the sponsor.
"C' CLUB Of-FICERS Left to right: T. Schrader, president: K. Williamson, vice-president; D. Bekemeyer, secretary; D. Skelton, treasurer.
Mite ''C" Honors Lettermen "C" CLUB. First row, left to right: J. Schum, R. Zielin, J. Meyers, D. Bray, T. Hunt, M. Jones, J. Trigger, D. Pierre, S. Pierce. Second row, left to right¡ B. Keller, B. Gillespie, B. Smith, B. Barbre, G. Pope, T. Schrader, F. Kiningham, L. Massanari, R. Lawson. Third row, left to nght: J. McClain, E. Avant, M. Hubble. J. James. R. Callaghan, D. Jugenheimer. P. Haugard, C. Hursey. Fourth row, left to right: L. Williams, L. Johnson, J. McCormick, T. Williams, D. Perceny, J. Kearns, D. Fuller, J. McGinty, B. Butler. Fifth row, left to right: M. Booth. T. eal. B. Anderson, D. Bekemeyer. J. Cochrane, P. Wilson, A. Hart, V. Bush, T. Stewart, sponsor.
PROJf:CTOR CLUB. First rou.•, left to riqht: B. Garrison R Hall. C. Marshall. M. Tangora, E. Jones. Second ro w , left to riqht: C. Dammers J . \Viley , J. Cooper B. Jones S. Jackson . Mr. Abell . sponsor. Third ro u.•, left to nqht: C. Marttn , S. Hulsi7Cr, J . Hudson, R . Hammel. J. Van Cleave. J. Cavanaugh, J . Rubenacker.
Sights and Sounds COIN A 0 STAMP CLUB. First row, left to riqht: J Gossett, T. Williams. R . Daniels. J. Shay. econd row, left to right: Don Lookingbill. Mr. . Felty, sponsor: D. felty, J. Miller, L. Boling, K. \\'heat ley.
Up periscope!
Swimming Makes a Big Splash!
AQUETTES. Srttmg, left to right: B. Didcoct, C. Mayer, S. Mulliken, P. Gottschalk, Mrs. Leever, sponsor; K. Butts, A. McKnight, G. Taylor. Standmg, left to right: E. Templeton, V. Drenckhahn, S. Slater, B. Busch, C. Ingersoll, T. Franco, J. Sanford, Petry, C. Essenpreis, B. Berry, S. Pace, M. Bland, F. Drenckhahn, E. Vance.
BATO, CLUB. First row, left to nght: C. Stevens, S. Magnuson, K. Compton, B. Busch, J. Buhrman, A. Baker, S. Conour. S. Tracy, C. Brill, J. eupauer. Second row, left to riqht: T. Hall. M. Strassburger, S. Hocking, S. Taylor, C. Olinger, M. Ewing, C. Riley, S. McCain, M. Lansford, K. McCauley, J. Landa, A. Oertel. Third row, left to right: P. Lindsay, B. Washington, G. Cornwell, J. Barker, J. Pile, N. Clapp, C. orton, L. Bartelli, K. Kearney, A. Skelton, J. Fairchild, C. Ingersoll, B. Berry, S. Pace, N. Sharp, J. Hagler, I. York, M. Sauer. Fourth row, left to right: J. Leming. B. Libman, L. Huffman, J. Allen, F. Ebert, A. Campbell, R. Hoffmeister, T. Fonville, J. Foster, M. Flynn, C. Vangsness, D. Banks, C. Bridgewater, M. Skornia, C. Harden.
Moments of.
BATON CLUB OFFICERS. M. Strassburger, president; S. Hill. vice-president; P. Lindsay, secretary; C. Vangsness, treasurer.
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
One of the biggest and most active groups in CHS is the music department. Boasting hundreds of members, they carry on an almost impossibly busy schedule to perfection throughout the school year. Who doesn't remember the thrilling beats of the marching band for the football games and basketball games, too? Then after the games, often the Dance Band was on hand to provide that dreamy music we danced to all evening. Placing high in the state contest, we were justly proud of not only the orchestra and band as groups but also of their talented individuals. Half an hour of delightful entertainment was provided for W.C.I.A. television viewers this past winter as, under the direction of Mr. Walt Loftiss, CHSers became ''almost professionals.''
Under the direction of Mr. Verrollton C. Shaul and Mr. Walt Loftiss, the Pops Concert and Musical Moods were the best ever. A big project for the already busy musicians was putting on the annual Vice Versa. Worthy Baton Club members were invited to join Modern Music Masters. Christmas was musically represented in a choral assembly. Other projects were the senior concert and the Choral Concert. As though they didn't do enough during the regular school year, the members of Vocalettes accepted an invitation to sing in Miami, Florida, the week after school is dismissed in June.
MODER MUSIC MASTERS. Silting: A. Oertel. M. Strassburger. Standing: B. Pun kay, D. Kappes, . Sharp, S. Hill, P. Lindsay.
A Cappella Choir
Music, the Universal
TROUBADORS. First row, left to right: A . Oertel. pianist; D. Herriott, W. Matthews, F. Wash. Second row, left to right: J. Taylor, C. Rayburn, E. Althaus. A. Holder, L. Huffman, J. Shahan, J. Powell, W. Burton. Third row, left to right: J. Allen, L. Johnson, M. Davis, L. Windland , M. West, T. Tuchel. Fourth row, left to right: F. Ebert, J. Rodehauer, M. Flynn, D. Ahlstedt, R. Lawson, J. Fobbs.
Language of Man
VOCALETTES. First row, left to right: M. Strassburger, C. Ingersoll. K. Compton, B. Hillemeier, J. Hagler. Second row, left to right: K. McCauley. B. Walker, . Walters, P. Fuller. C Riley, f. Templeton. C. orton. Third row, left to nght: S. Ht!l. L. Bartelli. J. Pile, D Kappes. J. Fairchild, J. eupauer, . Clapp, M. Skornia. Fourth row, left to right: G. Cornwell, F. Hayes, S. Magnuson, C. Brill, I. York K. Kearney, M. Entringer, R. Palmisano, J. Landa. Fifth row, left to right: N. Kuyrkendall, S. Curry, C. McCain, S. Pace, B. Busch, S. Tracy, C. Olinger, K. Schneider, S. Hocking.
STRI 'G E SEMBLE. Seated, left to right: N. Sharp, B. Hedgcock, M. Skornia, V. Bush. E. Pigage, J. Erwin, C. Hardin. Standing, left to right: L. Johnson, Mr. Papp, conductor.
DA CE BA D. First row, left to right: S. Tracy, B. Walker, S. Taylor, . Kuyrkendall, vocalists; D. Banks, P. Lindsay, K. Moeller, J. Leming. Second row, left to right: L. Johnson, M. Davis, T. Hall, C. Bridgewater, J. Dyson, D. Harper, T. filer, D. Bailey, B. Berkson.
of the Finest Virtuosos
In the Realm of Mood
"Little Drummer Boy!"
Step high, Lin! The 1960 Maroon
and Music
"Now remember! We're all in the same band. This isn't a solo contest!"
"Did you hear me when I played that um -pah, um-pah?"
Get a load of this.
Moments of ...
0' d them legs.
Just the bare facts, Ma'am
Oh, yah-take that!
New student?
Could it be? Yes, we were finally Seniors, but what happened to that great feeling everyone talked about? Responsibility seemed to be the key-note. A watchful eye was cast to the future. Decisions had to be made requiring immediate actions. Plans¡ for college, a career, and how to give up that high school sweetheart who is going to a different college. The tasks and problems fell like rain. Research papers, history, and book reports all were met and dealt with accordingly, but they still told us this was only a smattering of things to come! Strangely enough all these things passed, the same tasks and problems dissolved regardless of how important they seemed at the time, leaving those anticipated days of Commencement.
Left to riqht: Karon Lee Rassmussen, Treasurer: Kenny Williamson, Vice-President; John Gwinn, President; 1r. Fred Attebury, Advisor; Lin Bartelli. Secretary.
The Senior Class o 1\0AIR. TOM .. He may seem to be </uiet and so111ellmes shy, but don't qet the wronq impress•on-Tom has a IW1nhle 1n hts eye.·
ABER ATHY. SHEILA A N Make LL'ay' a serwus mwd en appears:" Commercial Club 3. 4. Stunt Show 3; G.A.A. 2, 3. 4.
AI BERS STEVE "I'm not bashful, you don't know me." Golf 2, 3, 4; Football 2.
' A real qood J or we all know; come u.:hat mal/. he accepts 11 as so." Troubadors 2. 3. 4, Madri gals 3; A Cappella 2, 3, 4.
"Ability is a treasure." Commercial Club 3, 4: \Vig 'n' P.1int 4.
Always nm, always hrnd •·
Wtg 'n' Pamt 4, Pcparoons 3, 4: Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee 3.
A, 'GL11 , DE,·, 'IS A. Dmny
'Quiet and s.',ncere persons are welcome.
"From her abrlrty all can set•, a great ~ucces she s bound to be"
Distributive Education 4: Commercial Club 2, 3: El Staff 2.
Honor Society 3, 4, Chronicle 2. 3, 4; National Thesptan So ctety 3. 4; Wig n' Pamt 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 3, 4: Peparoons 3, 4; Block ''C" 3: Science Club 4. French Club 4, Sccrct.uyTreasurcr 4: Spring Play 3; Co Valedictorian.
• • • AR!\.!STRO. 'G,
I .li.A 2 Dt~tributivc rdu (Jtion 4. s~cr~t.uy 4.
' '[ h<' rule of my Ide is to make business a pleasure and pleasure my business" Maroon 3: National Thespian
JA~ET Jun ' They can conquer tcho belrH'e t hel/ can "
SoCJCty 3, 4: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4.
BALOW!.', SHARON ' A smrle i the sa111e rn any
SCience Club 4.
Commrrcial Club 2. 3. 4 Vice-President 4: I.O.O.A. 4: El Staff 2: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3 ; Office Help 3: Peparoons 2, 3; Pepettes 4.
Bob "I rt me be u:hat am, and seek not to altt·r me."
BAI LARD J,\MLS 'It's not u..hat I do that bothers me, 1t's u..•hrn I Ql'l caughf. that then! IS driTtculty.
BA:'\KS. ROBERT DAR, 'ELL · Our opportunltii'S to do good are our talents." Maroon 4 Band 2. 3. 4 Orchestra 3. 4 ; Stunt Show 3, 4. Baton Club 4: Dance Band 3, 4 , Football 2.
BARBRE. Bubbles ROBFRT OWF ' I can resiSt anl!th.ng but temptation. Wrc tling Mgr 2, ) ; l·ootball Mgr. 3. 4. Scmor Gift Com mince.
E Mimi 13ARHAM. MARIA 'Su..·r,·tm'.IS IS a lovelq charm I or all!! qirl." .\luro<.n 2: Commercial Club 2, ) Secretary 3, I.O.O.A. 4 , Prcstdent 4 Wi~: n' Paint 2. 1. Stunt Show 2. G .A.A. 2. Peparoons 2. 3: Block "C" 2. Play Production Staff 2; Musical Moods 2.
Lin BARTELLI. LI DA omeumes qwet, sometimes shy. bur the rest of the time -oh my!'' Maroon 4: F.T.A. 3, 4 . Htstonan 4. Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3. 4; t unt Show 3. 4 . Vocalettes 4: A Cappella 4: Baton Club 3, 4: Head MaJorette 4. Pcparoons 2. 3, 4: Block · C" 2. 4. Class Secretary 4: Jr. -Sr. Prom Committee Co Chairman: · Pops" Concert 4. Musical Moods 4: National Thespian Soctcty 4.
BI::ASI I Y. SHERRY "She who has patwme can do all things." Wig ' n' Paint 2. 3 4: G.A.A. ) 4 . Peparoons 3 4 : Block · C' 3. 4 French Club 4: Senior Directory Committee: , ational Thespians Society 4
Wolf BELL. JIM "The fair sex 1s my department." ProJector Club 2. Football Mgr. 3: German Club 3.
Mandy BELLUCCI. MADELINE ''What would Ide be without JOys? What would school be Without boys?" Chromcle 2: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4: Cheerleader 2, 4: Stunt Show 3. 4: Peparoon 2, 3, 4: Block "C" 2: Homecoming Court 4; National Thespian Society 4.
IH:NNI TT SAlLY "Art 1.1 su.:eet. the Sa<!tng qoes. 7 he artrst i.1 sweet eoert~one hnoU)\ '' ,\laroon 3. 4 : C.hronrc/e 2. 3, 4, Art Editor 4; Quill and Scroll 3. 4: F T.A. 4 Wig 'n' Paint 3, 4: G.A.A. 4. Office Hcl p 4 , Pep a roons 3. 4 Block · C" 3. 4: Pepettes 4: Science Club 4: Honor Society 4.
Bf·RMI GHAM, JUDY 'A .\hy lrttle smrle marks a girl u:orthwhr/e."
Bert BLRRY. BERTHA · She's gay and always f u.ll of pep, a/way.1 walhrng wrth a lrL'ely step. ' Maroon 2: I· •. A 4 Wig 'n' Parnt 2 3. 4: Band 2. 3, 4. Secretary 4: Orchestra 3. 4; Ba ton Club 3, 4: Aquettes 2. 3, 4.
BISHOP. DO "The thing he wants most out of school is himself." Jr Sr. Prom Committee.
Bl ACK rRA CES Fran · AhL'ays /uughrng. always guy. aiLL·ays there with soml'lhrnq to wy " Maroon 3, 4 Co Actl\·ity Editor 4: Chronrcle 2 3: Quill and Scroll 3. 4: r.N.A 3, 4. Viceattonal Thespian President 4. ocrety 3. 4, President 4. Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4. Stunt Show 3. 4: G.A.A. 2. 3. 4. Office Help 3: Peparoon 2. 3, 4. Block "C" 2. 3 4; Pepettes 4. pring Play 3. Student of the Month. September: Senior Class Committee. Honor Society 4; Latin Club 4.
BLACKWELL. DIA A DELE E "Quret and shy; Oh what a Ire!" Maroon 4. F.T.A. 4: F.N.A. 4; Wig 'n' Paint 4.
BLEDSOE, PAGE "Darnty, gentle, good, and hrnd; thrs hind of gtrl not easy to find." Chronicle 3, 4. Crrculatton Manager 4: F.T.A. 4. 1. .A 3: Wig 'n' Paint 2. G A.A. 2, 4; Pepettes 4: Latin Club
BOLl 'G. LESLIE "Don't take Ide too seriously, you'll never get out of rt alrve." Band 2. 3, 4.
Will Carry with Them Precious BRADLEY. MARY "Politeness IS qood nature regulated by qood sense. ' Chronicle 2. 4: Ll Staff 2: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4 Office Help 3; Pcparoons 2. 3, 4: Block "C" 2. 3; Pepettes 4: German Club 2, 3, 4. Vice President 4; Jr. -Sr. Prom Committee Chairman 3.
BRANSON. WAY E "Beware! I may do some thing sensational yet."
BRA DO . PHYLLIS Loues /lie, u:ork and play. '
BRAY. DARRL LL DEA "A man' What more IS there to u:nte>" "C" Club 3, 4: FootbalJ 2, 3, 4.
BRIDGI.WA'I ER, CtCIL " He's Mr. Rhythm
BRIGHTBILL, BETH "A read!J wit and a cheerful smile." Chronicle 2, 3: F.N.A. 3. 4, Treasurer 4: Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3. 4: Stunt Show 3, 4; Vocalmcs 3, 4 : A Cappella 3, 4: G. A.A. 3: Block "C" 4: German Club 2, 3; Thesptans 4.
Band 2 ) 4; Orchc~tra 2, 3, 4: Stunt Show 3. 4 , Baton Club 4: Dance Band 3 4: Track 2; Football 2
BRILL, CAROL "J.oveuhle sort of prr.wn " Commeroal Club 2: \\'ig n Paint 1. 4 Vocalcttcs 4. A Cap· pella 4. Block "C" 2: German Club 4; Honor Society 4.
BRI E. SHIRELLY J. "She pays attentton to the casual elegance of life." I· H A. 2; Commercial Club 4: G.A.A. 3.
Memories of CHS.
• •
BURGESS, CO IE '\Vhere there's Connie, there's life." Commercial Club 2: G.A.A. 3; Peparoons 3. 4.
BUSCH. BETTE "A ripple of lauqhtcr, a bundle of fun. To fill that, she's the one." Chronicle 2, 3: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4: Stunt Show 2, 4: Voc~lettes 4; A Cappella 4: Baton Club 3. 4: G.A.A. 2. 3: Peparoons, 2, 3, 4; Block "C" 3, 4; Pepettes 4; Aquettes 2. 3, 4, Vice-President 3, 4; "Pops" Concert 4; Musical Moods 4; Thespians 4.
BURTO , WILLIE "The best hearts are ever bravest." Stunt Show 4; Troubadors 4: A Cappella 4.
BUTLER. BARBARA Barb "She is well pard that is well satisfied " Transfer from V tlla Grove 4: Commercial Club 4: G.A.A. 4: Senior Class Committee.
BUn IR. OLLIE "Lauqh and the laugh~ u.l/ h you "
BUTTIMER, ElL "The mtldest manner with the bravest mind."
BU"I LFR ROBI:R"I Bob "\Vith a happy snnle and a qnn tor all, he shoLCed hrs stuff tn basketball." Projector Club 4. "C Club 3, 4; Track 4: f-ootball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4.
BUTTITTA, JOANN '"Qwet unless there's a not and there always seems to be one." Chronrcle 2: Commeroal Club 2, 3; I.O.O.A. 4; El Staff 3; Stunt Show 2; G.A.A. 2; Block
"C" 2.
BUTTS. JA ET LOUISE "Soft peace she bnngs whenever she arrives." Transferred from Seattle, Washington 4.
CAMPBELL,ALLA C . "An able man shou..·s hts sprrit by gentle words and resolute actions." Maroon 4; Debate 4; Band 2. 3; Orchestra 2, 3, 4: Baton Club 3, 4; Science Club 4, Vice-President 4; German Club 4.
BYf: RS. NINA KAY "A tall and slender mar den " Commercial Club 4: I.O.O.A. 4 , Treasurer 4.
CARPE TER. CAROL A ' "Though she be lrttle, she is dynamtc.' Maroon 3, 4: Chronicle 3, 4: F.T.A. 3: ational Thespian Society 3, 4 : Wig "n" Paint 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4: Debate 2: Stunt Show 2; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepenes 4; Red Cross 3, 4; Science Club 4; Honor Society 4.
CAVANAUGH, JOHN M ·Adventure IS not outside u man, but Within." Projector Club 4.
Ty Cl.APPPR, TYRONr. 'f.eswns, lessons run awaq; come agutn another day." Golf 3, Track 4 Wrestling 2. 3, 4, Football 2, 3, 4: Baseball 2
CI ARK. JANICE ST!Vf R50 i\ rtng on the hand IS LLorth tLL'O on the phone."
COCHRANE. JAMES Jim "\Vhat manner of man!" · C' Club 2. 3, 4; Track 2. 3 Cross Country 2. 3. 4. Captain 4; Basketball 2; German Club 2, 3.
COLLI S. MARLENE "Love 1s love's reward." l.O.O.A. 4.
COMPTO . KARL · \\'omen are such expensive thtngs." Maroon 3: F.T.A. 4: Wig 'n' Paint 3, 4: Band 2: Vocalettes 4; A Cappella 4: Baton Club 3. 4: Peparoons 3. 4: Block "C" 3, 4: Pepettes 4: "Pops" Concert 4. Musical Moods 4; Senior Cbss Committee.
Jim COOK. JAMFS · Snence 1s vastlq more st1mulattng to the imag1nat1on than the class1cs." \V1g 'n' Paint 4: Debate 2. 4: Science Club 4. German Club 2 , Honor Society 4.
COOPER. GREG "Who is u..ise is he u..·ho hnou..·s h1mself best."
Their Last Homecoming •
COX. I I OA ' l,tl< ~~ a ptclll.~, and ~h!' hus one eL'erqduy. II St.1ff 2: \Vig 'n' Pa1nt 2. 1, 4. Band 2, ), 4: Orchc tra 4 Stunt Show 2: Baton Club 3. 4: MuSICal :-.toods 2. 4: 'Pop ' Concert 4: Senior Class Committee.
CORS01 . CYNTHIA "A winmng wuq, u pl!'u unt snnle, dres~ul so neue, and much in style " .\luroon 3, 4: I 1 A. 4. \Vig 'n' Paint 2, ), 4: Pcparoons 2, 3, 4: Biock "C'' 4: Pep cttes 4: Thespians 4.
DAMERSO. ', RO. AI.D L. "He mtnds hts bustness mmds hzs Wtll.'
• •
DA.\1MERS CLIFF ' I'm not urgwnq Wllh !IOU, I m tt!lzng qou. ' Honor Society 3, 4: \Vig 'n' Pamt 3. 4 rNbate 2. 3, 4; forensic . League 4, Stunt Show 4: Projector Club 4: Track 2: Swimming 3, 4; Science Club 4: German CI 4; Fall Play 3. 4: Spr Play 3, 4: Thespians 4.
DAVIS DO,·, A "A sunny temper gilds the edge of life's darkest clouds" Chromcle 2, 3 4, El Staff 3: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4: Pep· aroons 3: Science Club 4; Latin Club 4.
D1\, 'IF!.S, ROG! R "All doors open to hts cour tesy. ' Chromcle l, 4: Wtg 'n' Paint ~. 4: Stamp and Cotn Club 4 President 4: ·r rack 2: Science Club 4, I rcnch Club 4 President 4: Honor Society 4.
Maxte DECKER, PEGGY JEA, "Smiltng she lives and calls Ide a plea ure.'' ,\laroon 2. ~: Chronicle 2 Commercial Club 4: Wtg 'n' Paint 3, 4; Orchestra 2; G.A.A. 3: Office Help 3, 4: Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Block 'C" 2, 3, 4: Pepcttcs 4: Max Maroon 4.
DAVI . ROGl:R "ltttle ts qwnrd Wtthout hard work and a tantultztnq suule.' Sctcnce Club 4.
DIT:-..t. RUTH
DE:\IS001, CAROLYN Sh, s quiet-somettmcs .. Wig 'n Paint 2, 3, 4; I .T.A. 2, 3. 4: Office Help 2; Peparoons 3; Pcpettcs 4 .
"A sweet, shy qrr/ ts sht'
Put DI.VLIN PA'J RJCJA · Dc~·out, yet cheerful: actit-·e, yet rest gnrd. ' Transfer from Jacksonvtlle, Illinois. Wtg 'n' Paint 4.
D!DCOCT, BL!"l TY JOY "A churmtnQ qtrl, a lo~·dy lass. a ~·orth4 addttton to our class." Student Council 3, 4 Chronicle 2, 3, 4: QUill and Scroll 3. 4, Secretary- Treasurer 4 , Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4, Stunt Show 3; G.A.A. 2. 3, 4: Peparoons 2. 3, 4. SecretaryTreasurer 4: Block "C" 2. 3: Aquettes 2, 3. 4, President 3. 4: Miss Merry Christmas 4; Class Secretary 3: Co-Student of the Month, February; Honor Society 4.
DITZL I R. JOE D1tz ' \\'ell done 1s hell• r I han well swd · Honor Somty 3, 4 . Wig 'n' Paint 2. Stunt Show 4: C" Club 4 Wrestling 2. 3. 4; SCience Club 4.
TER. Dor h THO:\fAS "Ntt't·r do today uhat lJ u cun do tom rrott " I ootball 2.
DORSL TT, LI DA · The reu:ard of one duty is the power to fulfill another."
DRE CKHAHN. f"run r RA crs " Happy . fnendht. perlt·<lhi true; Fran 1s all th1s and more, too." Chromcle 2. 3, 4 ; ational Thespian SoCiety 3. 4 . VicePresident 4: Wig ' n' Paint 2, 3. 4. G.A.A. 2. 3, 4 : Pcparoons 2. 3, 4 , Block "C" 2. 3. 4. Pcpcttes 4 ; Senior Picnic Com mittee; Red Cross 3: Science Club 4: Aquettes 2, 3, 4.
ORE CKHAH . VIRGI IA "Stud1es? Sure and smart is she-no more fun could she pOSSibly be." Maroon 2, 4; Chronicle 4: National Thespian Society 3, 4: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4: G.A.A. 2. 3, 4: Peparoons 2, 3, 4: Block '"C" 2, 3, 4: Pepettes 4: Red Cross 3, 4; Science Club 4 : Aq uettes 3, 4 ; Drama Board 4.
FASI EY. ROSE MAE "Her determination will always mean success."
ESTERGARD. Chuck CHARLC ROBERT "Happy am I, from care f"m free, u:hy can· t elJeryone be contented hke me?" Stunt Show 2, 3; Projector Club 3.
ESKEW, CALLIE "There's a good time commg. but why tl-'ait >" Commercial Club 4: Senior Class Committee.
!VI RS I Rl 01 RICK "He mu:es u.•tsdom u.tth pleasure, and u.·isdom u.·tth mirth." Stunt Show 4: Swimming 2, 3, 4: Science Club 4, Sccrc tary 4: German Club 4: Spring Play 4.
I \VI, ·c, DAVE 'Men of few u.ords are the be.1t. '
r:AIRBA 'KS. J[:foF J C "\\'hut htrppen.l t.\ .;up posed to be, so nothtnq eL'!'r bothers me." Football 2. Baseball 2.
I=ERGLiSSO , fAY fLOYD "/lis only thought
Ferger I I RGU 0 . GLC "Good qualttles need no ad vertlstng Golf 3: Wrestling 2, 4: Senter Class Committee.
I·LANDLRS. JAMCS P. Jim "A man of hope and forward looktng mtnd." Debate 2, 3, 4: Forensic League 4, Track 2, Smncc Club 4: German Club 2, 3, 4, Fencing 3, 4: Honor Society 4.
Sonny is
3:1 0." Football 2.
fl FML 'G. IDA She tS always the same.IWcd and pleasinq.'' Commcroal Club 2, 3: G.A.A.
FLETCHER, BEVERLY "Her u.·eakness is a man." CommerCial Club 3, 4: 1.0.0.A. 4, Secretary 4: G.A.A.
2, 3.
An Outstanding FLOYD. BARBARA "There are few women u:hose charms surpass thetr beauty. ' Orchestra 2 .3: Baton Club 2.
Mrke [ o the tea< hers, he's a strife; To the students, he's the spree of Itt e."
Stunt Show 4; Troubadors 4, A Cappella 4; Baton Club 4 "Pops" Concert 4; Spring Play
FRA CO, TONI "A witty remark on her tongue wery day. It's an impossibtltty to keep laughter awav." Wig 'n' Paint ·2: G.A.A. 2. 3, 4; Office Help 4; Peparoons 4; Red Cross 2, 3, President 3: SCience Club 4; German Club 3, 4: Aquettes 2. 3, 4, Secretary-Treasurer 4; Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee Co-Chairman 4.
I·RIEDMA . JULIE "Never ready, alu:ays late, but she smtles and so we wait." Chronicle 2. Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4: G.A A. 2: Office Help 3: Peparoons 2, 3, 4: Block "C" 2 . Pepettes 4.
FUI I ER. PAMELA Pam "She looks like an ange(, talks like one too; but you never can tell what an angel will do " Chronicle 2, 3, 4: F.T.A. 3. 4, Parliamentarian 3, Publicity Chairman 4; • ational 'J hespian Society 3, 4: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Stunt Show 4 ; V ocalettes 4; A Cappella 4; Baton Club 3, 4; G. A.A. 2; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Block "C'' 3, 4; Pepettes 4. Latin Club 4; Aquettes ' 2; hll Play 3; "Pops" Concert 4; Senior Class Gift Committee, Chairman.
'The world knOJ.L'S lrttle of Its greatest mtn."
GAINES. JOYCE A N Joy "She may look quiet, but look agam!" Honor Society 3, 4. Secretary 4: Maroon 2. 3: Chronicle 2; P.T.A. 3. 4: Wig 'n Paint 2. >. 4. Stunt Show 4; G.A A. 2, 3. 4. Office Help 3. Pcparoons 2, 3, 4; Block · C" 3. 4; Pepettes 4, Latin Club 4, President 4: Jr.-Sr. Prom Com· mittee Co Chairman; National Thespian Society 4.
Stunt Show
GARRARD. CAROLYN "Those J.L'ith sunny diopositions never wrll be forgotten-Here's one'' Maroon 3; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3. 4; Office Help 3; Peparoons 3, 4; Block "C' 3, 4.
• • • GARRISON, WILLIAM Bill · Master of all situations." Stunt Show 4: Projector Club 3. 4; Smnce Club 4, I atin Club 4; Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee Co-Chairman; Senior Directory Committee: Honor Society 4.
Blll GILLESPIE. Wll LIAM J. "If my studres had to wait, rt was u:rth wrestling I had a date." Wrestling 2. 3, 4: "C" Club
3. 4.
GAULT, ROBERT Bob "/ stand on the edge of a great career, u:ill somebody p(ease push me off?"
Hee Haw GORDON WILLIE 'Neuer say die:" Track 2, 3, 4, Cross Country 2; Football 2.
GO SETT. JAY WILLI A ' · ,\.f en . /1 k e b ull e t s . farthest tchm theq are smoothl'st.' Stamp Club 4, Treasurer Science Club 4.
1 ao the
GRADY, \VA, 'DA Wendy "You don't hat•e to be crazy but 11 helps " Distributive Education 3.
GRAHAM. GARY "If there's a will, there's a tt'aq around it."
GRI E , Cim CY TH!A THOMPSO,' "She has met many, knott'n several, l1ked few, and lot'ed one. Maroon 2: \Vig 'n' Pa1nt 2, 4: Stunt Show 2: G.A.A. 2: Peparoons 2, 4.
GRIFF! , BETTY LOU "The gentle speech and est tt'ays leat•e' othas cord her pra1se." El Staff 2 Secretary 2 Help 3, 4 Red Cross 3, Club 4.
GROSSMA , SUSA · Slirnce IS qolden, but we'd all rather t;dk." Maroon 3. Commercial Club 2, 3 Wig 'n' Paint 2, ), 4: Stunt Show 2: Office Help 3, Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Block "C" 3, 4.
modto ac-
Office Latin
GRUBAUGH, TOM Nuts ' Others work, I'm merely resting." Track 2; Football 2.
GUDEMA . EARL "A gentleman who makes no noise." 1-.F.A. 2, 3, 4: Band 2.
GUTHRIE. CAREN "Beauty rs rts ou.n excuse" Jluroon ) , Chromcle 2, 4; Wig ' n' Paint 2, 3, 4 Peparoons 2. 3. 4: Block "C" 2, 3; Pepettes 4.
GWINN, JOHN "A great guy to those u.ho know hrm; an idol to those u.·ho don't." Honor Society 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4, Parliamentarian 3, 4; Chronicle 2. 3. 4, Co-Sports Editor 3; Editor-in-Chief 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Debate 2. 3, 4 : Stunt Show 4: Track 2: Cross Country 2, 3; Class President 4 , Class Vice-President 3: Boys State 3, 4: Student of the Month, September; Co Salutatorian.
HAG ER DOROTHY Do11i "Peacefully she wmds her way around the world." ( hromcle 3. Stunt Show 4: Red Cross 2. German Club 2, 3, 4 ; Fall Play 4 .
HALEY, RICHARD Dick " It's a good Ide-the first hundred years are the hardest." Track 2; Cross Country 2, 3; Wrestling 2.
Tom HALL . CHARLES T. " Our drummer boy Band 2. 3 4, Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Stunt Show 3. 4 : Baton Club 3, 4. Dance Band 3. 4; 'C" Club 3, 4 ; Cross Country
HALL . ROBERT Bob " Laugh an~. the world laughs wrth you. C hromcle 3; Commercial Club 2; Projector Club 3, 4.
Val HALL . VALERIE "It is better to be small and shine, than to be large and cast a shadow." Chronicle 2, 3, 4; F .T .A. 4; ational Thespian Society 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Band 2; G.A.A. 3 , 4; Peparoons 3, 4; Block "C" 3, 4; Pepettes 4 ; Science Club 4; Drama Board 4; Spring Play 3 ; Jr. -Sr. Prom Committee Co-Chairman ; Senior Directory Committee; Honor Society 4.
HAMMEL. RICHARD "A dark -e yed sheik, neither bashful nor meek." Projector Club 4; Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee.
Footbal~ Basketbal~
HARDWICK. ANCY "A ve'ry small qtrl Wllh lots of pep, as u cheerleader she's really hep." Student Council 2. 3; Maroon 2; Commercial CI ub 2; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Stunt Show 2. 3, 4; G.A.A. 2; Office Help 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Block "C" 2; Class Secretary 2; Homecoming Queen 4; Tri-High Stunt Show 2.
HAMMEL. RONALD "Few men are so cleL'cr us to know the mischief they do."
HARPST, LYNN "I do not profess to less than I am."
HAR TMA . MIKl:. "An authonty on women. both ancient and modern." Football 2; Fencing 3, 4.
HA VEI.KA. RO NIE "Energy and persistence con· quer all things." Honor Society 3. 4. Debate 3. 4; Science Club 4: German Club 2, 3.
HEIMBURGER. SHARO "A leading lady in all that she does.'' Band 2. 3; Baton Club 3; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Peparoons 2. 3, 4 : Pepettes 4.
"He likes to hunt, but what for?" Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee; Senior Class Committee.
"Be friendly and always have friends." Distributive Education 4.
aseball Games . •
HERGES. Butch A THO Y JOSEPH "A boy devoted to pleasure." Cross Country 3. 4; Baseball
HER! GTO . PAT "If you hear someone laugh, just turn and look for me." Maroon 2. Chromcle 2. 4; Commercial Club 2. 4: Wig 'n' Paint 2; Debate 2; G.A.A. 2, 3.
HERRIOTT. DAVID "Ma, is I gotta go to school?" A Cappella 3. 4; Troubadors 3, 4; "Pops" Concert 3, 4; Musical Moods 3, 4.
HERSHBARGER, DOUG "When there is nothing else to interfere, he comes to school."
HILL . DARREl L " I ife rs not lrle u.•rthuut fun ." Baseball 2
HI! l.EMEIER. B01' "Sht has brown
HI CHCLH;F, A N Qwet. self -composed: u.·hut she thmks, nobody knows." \Vrg 'n' Paint 4 Stunt Show 4; Office Help 1 Block " C' 4; Fall Play 4 Scn1or Assembly Committee , Jr. Sr. Prom Com mittee.
bltutd u:uh
u:htrrm a
HILL. SANDRA Sundy · M us1c charms her soul to peace . hrr loL!e ol rt ttrl/ nec)er cease." Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4 Vocalettes 2, 3. 4 Madrigals 2 A Cappella 2. 1. 4 : Baton Club 3. 4, Vice-President 4: Pcparoons 2. 3, 4 ; Block ··c" 2, 3, 4: Pepettes 4. G .A .A. 2 · Office Help 3 ; French Club 4; ' Pops" Concert 2, 3, 4 : Jr. Sr Prom Committee.
btq u. rid o.f
lies .'' . '.;auon.;al Honor Soc1-:ty 4 . Stud~.:nt Council .:! 4. \laroon 2 . 3. 4, Editor· .Sll'c;c;fnes.s
tn-Ch~ef 4. Chromclt 2 , ), 4 Quill and Scroll 4. \\"tg 'n P .. nt 2. J. 4. l"• t10n.1l Thupun SociU}' 3. 4 . Pby Proouctton Sufi 2. ), 4. Spring Pl>y }; I·.T.A. 3. 4 , Vice Prrsidrnt 4. G.o \. Z. 3 : Aqucttr Z. Prp.uoons 2. 3. 4 Block "C" 2. 3. 4: Vocolrttrs 4; A C•pprll• Choir 4: B•ton Club 3, 4: "Pops.. Concert 4; ~lusir>l Moods
4;, .lun1or Cl.us Pruidrnt 3;, Girls StHr
• \1ss
L.Jt1n Club 4 : Senior (\;us Announcement Committee: Jr.-Sr. Prom Stee:nng Commattce: 3. Stunt Show 2, 4: TnHigh Stunt how 2 : Senior B.Hc.oaburute: .;and Commencemtnt Committee Co-Stu-
drnt of thr Month, J•nuary.
I !OHMUSTIR. RO "Luchy men need no wunnl." 13and 2, 3. 4. Stunt Show 3. Baton Club 3, 4; Dance Band 2. 3. 4; 1usical Moods 2. 3, 4.
HOLEMAN. LE A "A good heart 1s good, but a big heart is better." Commercial Club 3.
Art HOLDIR. ARTHUR · I laue the lad1es, they loL'e 111r-/ understand them perfectiLJ " Stunt Show 4: Troubadors 3. 4. Madrigals 3; A Cappella 3 4; Baton Club 3, 4: \Vrestling 3.
HOLMES. JoA •· Happrness was made to be shared." Transfer from Crawfordsville, Ind. Office Occupations 4: Honor Society 4.
HUBBLE. DARRI:LL "A handsome boy you q1rls m1ght get, as LL'e understand, he's not taken l/et." · C" Club 3, 4: Track 2, 3, 4 Wrestling 2. 3: Football 2, >.
HUDSON. Jon JONATHO.' C. "A handy lad !Lith a protector. may he u~~ his talents for e~·ermore. Maroon 4: Chrome/{' 4: Projector Club 2. 3, 4. Track 2: C10ss Country 2, 3, 4.
IIUJ l MA . LARRY "He puts thmqs o~·fr- not
HUGHES. BARBARA Barb "Happiness is not perfect unt II 1 t is shared." Commercial Club 2, 3: I.O.O.A. 4: G.A.A. 2.
off "
Troul::adors 2. 3, 4: Madrigals 2. 3, 4: A Cappcll.1 2. 3, 4: Baton Club 3, 4 German Club 4. Musical Moods 2, 3 4: Pops" Concert 2, 3, 4: All State Choir 4.
Mo I !UGH! S. MARY JO "A qiqgle. a dash. a shriek, a crash' That's Marl/ Jo." Maroon 2. 3; \Vig 'n' Pamt 2. 3. 4 . Cheerleader 2: Stunt Show 2. 3, 4. Peparoons 2 3. 4: Pepcttc~ 4 · Block "C" 3, 4: Spnng Play 3. Fall Play 4: Thespians 4; Semor Class Committee.
HULL. DAVID "Thou art a Fellow of good respect.'' Honor Society 3. 4, Treasurer 4. Debate 3, 4: Forensic League 4. Stunt Show 4: Wrestling 2: Sc1ence Club 4, Reporter 4: Boys State 3; Co Student of the Month, January.
HULSIZER. Steue STEPHF A THO Y · To haue a friend rs to be one." Band, 3, 4; Projector Club 3, 4; Cross Country 3, Swimming 3, 4, Mgr. 4.
HULVEY. GLE ARD Glen "Is he really bashful or is I! just a pose?" F.F.A. 2, 3, 4; Sentinel 4; Band 2.
HURD. DIA E ' \Vhat an atomrc personalrty -confusin' and amoozrn'." Maroon 4. Student Council 2. F.T.A. 3. 4: f.H.A 2: Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3. 4; Stunt Show 2: Tri-High Stunt Show 2: Baton Club 3; Peparoons 2, 3, 4: Block "C" 2, 3, 4: Pepettes 4: Class Vice-President 2: Jr. -Sr. Prom Committee: Play Production Staff 2,
IN KIP. NA 'CY "If laughter prolonged life , Nancy would liue ioreL'er.'' Wig "n' Paint 4 : Peparoons 4, Block · 'C' · 4, Pepettes 4: Semor Class Committee.
3, 4.
JACKSO . LI DA "Humor rs the harmony of the heart." Commercial Club 2. 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Baton Club
3, 4.
JAMES . Bubbles JOA LY ETTE "All nature wears one unr uersal smrle." Maroon 4; Commercial Club 3, 4: Band 2, 3, 4: Baton Club 4: G.A.A. 2: Musical Moods 2; Senior Class Committee 4.
JAMISON, DARREL "One may live and learn ."
JELLY. DO A "Pass on boys, she's engaged." I.O.O.A. 3, 4, Office Help 4.
JAY, JOHN DALE Farmer "You can't keep a good man down ." F.F.A. 2, 3. 4, Treasurer 3, President 4 ; Football.
JOH SO . JAMES Hughy "If they can take it, I can."
• • JOHNSON. JOHN C. Snap "Our bratns are too L'alu able to InJure them by over tcork. ·· Band 2. 3, 4: Orchestra 4; Stunt Show 3, 4; Track 2; Wrestling 2, 3. 4; Football 2.
Mike JO ES. MICHAEL "1 1mc IS dull. Ill sharpen it." · C ·Club 2. 3, 4; Golf 2. 3, 4: Football 2. 3. 4; Basketball 2, 3; German Club 4.
JO ES. EARL "He who is good, is happy." National Thespian Society 3. 4; Wig 'n' Paint 3. 4: Band 2. 3. 4: Stunt Show 3. Projector Club 2. 3. 4: "C" Club 4 : Football 2, 3. 4.
KAPPES. DARLE E M. "Mus1c once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit and never d1es " Commercial Club 4; ational Thespians Society 3. 4 ; Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3: Stunt Show 2. 3. 4; Vocalettes 2. 3, 4: A Cappella 2. 3, 4: Baton Club 3, 4 ; Modern Music Masters 3, 4. Treasurer 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Block "C" 2.
Kathie KEAR 'EY KATHLEE "A dish for the gods-." 'I r.msfcr from Rockford. Illinois, 4; ET.A. 4; Wig 'n' Paint 4: Vocalcttes 4: A Cappella 4: G.A./•. 4: Peparoons 4: Baton Club 4.
KI:LSEY. STEVE " If I were not so ambitious. I wouldn 't alu:ays be too tired to study ." Maroon 3; ational Thespidn Society 3, 4 . Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3. 4 . Band 2. 3: Orchestra 3: tunt Show 3. 4 . Troubadors 2: Madrigals 2 : A Cappella 2; Dance Band 3, 4.
A 1 · Lor.Jely to look at and mce to know." Chronicle 2: Wtg ' n' Patnl 2.
4; Debate 2: Office Help 2: Peparoons 2. 4: Block ·c" 2.
KE DALL. SA 'DRA Sand!! " Silence ts often tht• Wtsesc of replies. " Maroon 2, 3, 4: Chronicle 2: r:.T.A . 3, 4: Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3, 4: Stunt Show 2. 4: G.A.A . 4; Peparoons 2, 4: Block "C" 2, 4; Pepettes 4: Jr. -Sr. Prom Committee 3. Senior Class Com mittee 4 : Thespians 4 .
KIDD . THOMAS L. Tom "Tts pleasant to see one's na111e in print." Track 2.
Kl;E A . LMMA JLAN "A good friend Wtth a happy tcay." C A.A 2. 3. 4.
KI. 1 I DY. DA IEL Dan "If there are no u:omen in heaven, leave me out." Stunt Show 2. Baseball 2; Ten nis 4 : f-rench Club 4.
Kl INGHAM. FRANK "On the football field he sets the pace ; we ltke to see his smiling face." Maroon 2: Orchestra 2. 3. 4: Baton Club 3. 4: " C" Club 4 : Football 2. 3, 4; Musical Moods 2, 3. 4: "Pops" Concert 2, 3, 4.
KIRK. Jlrache.\ UDORIA YVO NI: ''I'm all thtnqs loyal and true ." Commercial Club 1. 4: Ollie~ Help 3; Scnror Class Com mit tee.
KIRK! A '0, Kay MADI:LI 'I: KAY "Afay your heart ecer be quy." I . . A. 2, 3: I:l Staff 2. 3 4: G A.A. 2, 3, 4: Pcparoons 3.
K OX. RUSSELL Jhrs\ "I envy no man t hut knoLL'S more than me, but prty him that knou.·s less." F.J:.A. 2, 3, 4: Reporter 2: Cross Country 2.
KRETSCHMER. Krutch BRUCE "His confidence 1n himself is astonish1ng." Golf 3, 4.
KUYRKE DALL. JA E "Her pleasure 1s her powa to charm." Commercial Club 4: l.O.O.A. 4.
LAWHEAD, PEGGY Peg "H,·r personal1ty IS l1ke her eyes, u.·hich always sparkle and tantalrze." Chronicle 2: F.r .A. 2, 3, 4. Secretary 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3. 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepcttes 4; Latin Club 4. SecretaryTreasurer 4; Senior Class Commitee 4; Honor Society 4.
Randy LAWSO . RA DALL "Men are the sport of crrcumstance, u.•hen the crrcumstance seems to be sports." Troubadors 3. 4. Madrigal 4: A Cappella 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2 ; Musical Moods 3, 4 ; "Pops" Concert 3, 4.
LEE. JAMES CURTIS "My way to beg1n is u.'1th the beginnzng."
The "Long Awaited/) LEE, ROBERTA
Bobbie Le<' "\Vrsh there u.:ere more like her." Distributive I:.ducation 4 : Commercial Club 4.
LEMMO,', STEVE " A penny for your thoughts. "
Don " A very pleasant fellow ."
Elm "'A pretty grrl, a gallon of gas, four good trres, u.:hut more could I ask?" "C" Club 4: Wrestling 2, 3,
LLWIS. JI:AN ''I.eaL'e silence to the saints: I'm only human':" Chronicle 2; Wig 'n' Paint 2, ) , 4; G.A.A. 2. 3; Peparoons 2, 3; Block "C" 3; Chnstmas Play 4; Senior Class Committee.
LEWIS, SHARO, LEE "A friend in need is a friend indeed." I.O.O.A. I: Office Help 3.
LIERMAN, THERESA "Patience and perseuerance spell success." Maroon 3, F.T.A. 4. Commercial Club 3; W1g 'n' P,1int 2. 3. 4, Peparoons 2. ), 4, Block. "C" 2. 3, 4; Pepettes 4.
"\Vhere words fail, mus1c speaks." Chromcle 2. 3. 4. Chief Photographer 4; Quill and Scroll 3. 4; Band 2. 3, 4; Orchestra 3. 4; Stunt Show 3. 4, Baton Club 3, 4. Secretary 4; Modern Music Masters 3. 4; Dance Band 3. 4; Musical Moods 2. 3, 4: Photography Club 2, 3. 4; "Pops" Concert 3. 4; Honor Society 4.
Exams? c. \'. LLOYDE. CLIF I ORO V. ' I'm not lazy, just disinterested." Distributi\'e I:ducation 4.
LOWER. SHARON BOL TO ' "A woman IS easily goL'erned d a man takes her 1n hand."
LOYD. MARY ANN ·• A lass so neat W1th a smile so su:eet. ' Maroon 3; Wig 'n' Paint 2 3, 4; Peparoons 2. 3, 4; Block ''C" 2. 3; Pepettes 4. SeniOr Class Committee.
McCLELLA . Ron RO AID r. "To Uiorry l1ttle, to study less 1S my idea of happi-
"A leadrnq lady rn all that she does "
I O.O.A. 4: Wig 'n' Paint 2.
"This ltttle Ia and class."
Pat has beaut
Distributive [ducallon 4.
Mc DANIEL, JUDITH Jud y "A merr(/ heal/ 1.1 the l>t•st
" Don't be ronsrstrnt, but be srmply true.''
Distributi\·e Education G.A.t\. 2.
[I Staff 2. 3. 4. Treasurer ), President 4: G.t\.A. 2, 3, 4: Office Help 3.
Jim "The nght man 1n the nght place."
Baseball 2.
Commercial 2. 3, 4, Secretary 4. I.O.O.A. 4.
MeG! TY. JOH Magoo "The world cannot live at the speed of this man." "C" Club 2. 3, 4 : Track 2. 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4, CoCaptain 4, Coin Club 3.
. PA rRICIA Pat " The unspoken word neL'er does harm."
McSTAY, DORIS "A smile wr/1 go a long u:ay.''
Distributive Education 3, 4, Treasurer 3. 4.
"Carefree and happy, /ol'rr of play, her face is as gal/ as a brrght summer day ." Maroon 2: I'.T.A. 4: I . .t\.
4; N.Hional Thespian Society 4, Wig 'n' Paint 2. ?, 4 , Vocalett~s 4; A Capp~l1.1 4. Baton Club 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4: Block "C" 2, 3, 4: Pepettcs 4, Spring Play 3, bll Play 4, SeniOr Class Committee.
Julie JULIA "Her sptrit ts /the a gel/Ser -ecer bubl>ltnq o~·er."
Ttansfer from \Valnut High School. Cincinnati. Maroon 3, 4: \Vig 'n" 3, 4; Stunt how 4: roons 3, 4, Fall Play 4: pians 4.
Htlls Ohio. Paint Pcpa Thes
DatJe ' The beM rulers make the least noise."
'He's got the world on a stnng ."
Projector Club 2, 3, 4: Sccrc· tary-Treasurer 3, President 4 Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee.
MARTIN. CURTIS "A hard worker tn LL'hatrtJer
' He LL"as a gentleman from sole to crown."
he does."
Wrestling 2, 3, 4.
, ational Thespian SoCiety 3. 4: Wig 'n' Paint 3, 4, Projector Club 3, 4: Fall Play 3.
:-lASSA ARI. LARRY 5chool boy by day, play boy by mght. '
Honor Society 3. 4. · C" Club 3, 4: Basketball Manager 2, 3; Tennis 4: Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee Chairman.
MATTHLWS. Ll< DA "A fatthful friend is better than gold."
Honor Soctety 4.
I ~~
....~ ~. ;· .--·.""'~
. -
: J,tl!;..~$( -
The Gala Senior MAXWEI I Susie SUZA NE "Aiu:ays /aughmg, ne~·cr sad. somrttmes naughty 1w~·er bad." Student Counctl 3, 4, Secretary 4. f.T.A. 4; National Thesptan Soeteq· 3. 4: Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3. 4'; Stunt Show 3, 4, G.A.A. 2. 3, 4; Peparoons 2. 3, 4, Pompon Chairman 4 Block "C" 2. 3, 4; Pepettes 4: Drama Board 4; Jr.Sr. Prom Committee Chairman; Honor Society 4.
MA YHOOD. MARY AN "A cute brunette with a charming way, laughing, happy, she's certatnly gay." Transfer from Urbana. Peparoons 4; Block · C" 4; Pcpettes 4 ; Honor Societ y 4.
MAYS PAULA CASLBEbR She ~·uh h£r class just Wouldn't tarry and hu.\tled off her lo~·e to marry."
.\1I:ECE, JIM "Handsome!
Of course."
MEYI!R, JAMES Jzm "\Vorh is u.'orh and must be done, but nevertheless I'll ha~'e my fun." Stunt Show 4; 'C" Club 3, 4, Track 2. 3; Cross Country Manager 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2.
MEYLRS. JOH "Swdy? \Vho, Me?" Maroon 4 Projwor Club 3, Track 3, Science Club 4.
MEYERS, JOE Jo.se "I our years! \V hat a pnce to pay for a piece of paper." fransfer from St. Bede Academy. Afaroon 3, 4, Co Sports Editor 4; Fall Play 3.
MILLAGE. SHARON "As beautiful and fair eyed as the daughter of the gods." Chronzcle 2, 3; Commercial Club 4; Office Help 3, 4; Peparoons 4; Senior Class Committee 4.
• • MILLER, JOHN "Beware of a lzttle fellow -a small leah tcill sinh a /urge .1h1p a tiona! Thespian Soc1cty 2, 3, 4, Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3. 4; Stunt Show 2. 3, 4, Stamp Club 4, Coin Club 4. Latin Club 4; bll Play 3, 4; Spring Play 3, 4.
MILLER, SHARO Shen "Good deeds remain all thzngs else pensh. ·• I.O O.A. 4; Peparoons 3.
MILLER. Judy JUDITH GAYE "Be little, be great." Commercial Club 2, 3; I.O.O.A. 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4.
MOHA A. Ron RONALD "He has a common sense in an uncommon way."
MONEN. JACK " .\fy onl!l labor
to htll
1\IORGAN, LDDII " Where there's a Will, then s a u.."uy."
"C' Club 3, 4; Golf 2, 3, 4 ; Football 2.
• 1ULLIKE SALLIE Sui "She u.ho means no nuschid. does it all " .\Jaroon 2, -f; Chronidl' 2 3. -f Second page editOr -f , Quill and S'<oll 3, 4 r '.1\ \ , -+ . ccrctJr)' 3 President -f '.1 tiona I 'J hcspian Socict \ 3 -f : \\'ig 'n' Paint 2 3 -f Stunt Show 2. 4: G.A.A. 2. 3. 4· Pcparoons 2, 3. 4. Block · C" 2. 3, -f : Pcpcttes 4. I aun Club 4: Aquettes 2. 4: J r Sr Prom Committee Spnng Pl.1y -f Play Production Staff 2. 3. 4: CoStudent of the Month . December, Honor SoClet)' 4.
EUPAUER, JOAN E "She doesn't .1uy much, but her snnll's say all. " Wig ' n' Paint ) , 4: Orchestra 2. 3, 4 : Vocalcttes 3. 4 : A Cappella 3, -f, Baton Club -f: GAA. 3. 4 : Peparoons 2 3: Block "C' 2 : Pepettes 4 , french Club 4.
NORRIS EMMA LEE ·A su:l't't fra·nd and a fumd to all." Commercial Club >. -f .
OR WOOD. MIL TO EDWARD "Come 3:10 he's the first out the door. lie m·L'er u.·onder., though, LL'hut 1s the score." Stunt Show 3 , 4 , Troubadors 3, 4, A Cappella 3, 4; Track 2, 4; Football 2.
'U,'NA!l Y, Foxie OliVIA ·'Ii lo1.:e 1s bl111d, I hnou.• I II nerJer see." Maroon 4; [1 Staff 2, 1\ Cappella 4, Baton Club 4, G.A.A. 2; Peparoons 2.
OAKES. CAROL "Her su11N IS her passport." F.H.A. 4, Publimy Editor; Wig 'n' Paint 2: G .A.A . 2. 3, 4: Office Help 4; Red Cro~s 3, 4, Vice- President 3.
OIRTEL. A NE "A smile on the fun• 1s but u reflection of the heart " Honor Society 3. 4 Maroon 2. Chronicle 3, I·.T A. 3. 4, Historian 3, President 4: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3: Stunt Show 3, 4; A Cappella 4: Baton Club 3, 4 ; Modern Music Masters 3, 4, Secretary 4: Peparoons 3; Block "C" 3: Science Club 4; 1 hespians 4.
0111. C1\ROI.YN ' One 1f1 a million."
OHLSE . MARlLY "A natural born party g11l" Maroon 3, W1g 'n' Paint 2. 3 4: Peparoons 2, 3: Block "C' 3; Pepettes 4, Senior Class Committee.
EILL. Kathy MARY KATHERI E ''Her ga1ety and su.:el'lness are trwts tee all hnou:; for they are the .~easons why we love ha so F.T.A. 4: F.H.A. 4: Commercial Club 3: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4: Cheerleader 2; Stunt Show 3, 4 : G.A .A. 4 Peparoons 2, 3. 4: Block ··c · 2: Pcpettc 4; Homecoming Court 4; TriHi Queen 4; Thespians.
OSBORNL. MARY KAYE ''Her deteru11nallon will alu:uys mean success."
PALMLR. LEO ARD "This great man Wllh thmgs to do sees a JOb and knows u:hat to do ." Band 3. 4: Tennis 3, 4, Captain 4; Science Club 4.
PALMER, STEVE "Graduat16n day, Hep! Hurrah!
PALMISSA 0, ROSALIE "Beauty u:llh gentility is a hlessmg." F.H A. 2, 3; Wig 'n' Paint 2; Vocalettes 3, 4; A Cappella 4, Peparoons 3; Block "C" 3.
The Cherished Friend PEARSO . BOt NIE SUL "A thtng of beauty rs a JOY forever " Transfer Urbana, Jllinots. Wig 'n' Paint 4; Pep.uoons 4.
Peter Rabbit PECK. MIKE "He'd rather mahe history than study it." Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2.
PECK, LINDA Ltnda Mac "A graceful and pleasing fiqure ts a perpetual letter of recommendation.'' Maroon 2, Chromcle 2. Wig 'n' Pamt 2. 4. Stunt Show 2, 4, G.A.A. 2, 4; Peparoons 2.
PERCE Y. DON ''!/wow an au:fullot, but I can't always thtnh of it." ·r ransfer from Los Alamos, New Mexico. "C" Club 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4.
Plf:RRE. DOUG "Famous for hts pas es, both tn and out of classes." 'C" Club 3. 4; Track 2, 3. 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2,
Stan Plf:RCI:. STA I EY "\Ve could call him serious, but we knott htm bel/cr." "C" Club 3. 4 I ootball 3, 4.
POPE. GeORGE "Let no fool trouble you nor no trouble fool you." Afaroon 2; r!l Staff 2: "C" Club 3, 4; Wrestling 2. 3, 4: Football 2, 3, 4.
P!I.f:. JUDY "In gentle silence she seeks her dream's rea/itt!.' I·.T.A. >. 4: Vocaleucs 3, 4; 1\ Cappella 3. 4: Baotn Club 3. 4, G.A A. 2: Office Help 3. Senior Class Committee 4.
hips Made
• • • PRUETT. BRE DA JA "Admired by all who know her well, her virtuts are far too many to tell." F.H .A. 2; Commercial Club 2. 3; I.O.O.A. 4; Red Cross 3.
POWELL. JULA Ruby 'The eery spark of Ide ts the color of red." Maroon 2. 3. 4, Co Senior T.ditor 4: Quill and croll 4; f.N.A. 2, W1g n' Pa1nt 2. 3, 4; Cheerleader 2; Stunt Show 2, 4; Majorette 2; G.A.A. 2; Office Help 2; Peparoons 3, 4; Block "C" 2, 3, 4; Pepettes 4, Leader 4; Aquettes 2; TriHigh Stunt Show 2; Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee; Senior Assembly Committee, Co-Chairman; Play Production Staff 2, 3, 4: Thespians 4.
Bill PU KAY. WILLIAM "I ptcked up Ide and looked at tt cunously." Band 2. 3, 4, President 4; Orchestra 2. 3. 4; Baton Club 3. 4 : Modern M u ic Masters 3, 4, Vice-Pre ident 4; Dance Band 2; "C" Club 4; Cross Country 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Football 2; Baseball 2, 3, 4.
Sue RADMAKER. SUSA "Foot loose and fancy free, best way for all to be." r~.H.A. 2: W1g 'n' Paint 2: G.A.A. 3; Pepettes 4.
~ Rass KARO.' I.rE 'Sm1le your way through tL'orrrPs; laugh your Wa!! through lift•." Student Counil 3, 4: Maroon 2: Commercial Club 2. 3: Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3, 4; Cheerleader 2; Tri-Higb Stunt Show 2: Stunt Show 3, 4: G.A.A. 2. 3, 4; Secretary Treasurer 4; Peparoons 2, 3. 4: Block "C" 2: Pepettes 4: Aquettes 2; Class Treasurer 2, 3. 4; Homecommg Court 4, Thespians 4.
RA \VLEY. KARl t' ''She's not a lemon, :.he's a peach." Distributtvc Education · 3, 4: G.A.A. 2.
RAWLES, IRED ' Our u·ondr r boy wonder u:hat he II
u d
'I rack l, 3, Wrestling 2 I ootball 2.
' A smile und
(/rt't'lr nq to u/1 she hnot~·s, haL'e at t r<ll tPd Jude so manl! bo!,fs." hromcle 2 Commeroal Club
2, 3, Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3, Stunt Show 2, 3, 4; Tri High Stunt Show 2; G.A.A. 2: Pcparoons 2; Block "C" 2.
READ. Strchs GREGORY CHARI ES "Ill agree u:llh you, but you re wrong." Student Council 2. 3, 4: Maroon 2; Debate 3, 4; l·orensic League 3. 4; Track 2; Cross Country 2 President of Illinois Association of Student Councils 4; Jr -Sr. Prom Committee, CoChatrman 3, Honor Society 4.
REINHART, JOYCE "She 1s as stceet as she 1s mce." [1 Staff 2: G.A A. 2, 3, 4: Peparoons 2. 3, 4: Block· C" 2 ; Red Cross 3 , 4.
Ron REE E. RO AID GARY "Theq say ull great men are dead. I'm not feel1ng well myself." Football 2; Senior Class Committee.
RICHTER. ROSEMARIE 'Unlike others, she is /1ke herself." Honor Society 3, 4; F. A. 2; G.A A. 2, 3. 4; Office Help 2; Co· Salutatorian.
RIDGLEY , SA, ORA Sundy "Quiet und sincere persom are ttelcome everywhere." Maroon 2, 3, 4, Co Bus1ncss I:ditor 4: Quill and Scroll 3, 4 Vice -President 4 : Wig 'n' Paint 3. 4 : Peparoons 2. 3, 4 : Block ' C " 3: Pepettes 4.
RI!\'E , GJ;RALD Jerry "The aye of chiuulry is the hest "
SO SLL'e!'l IS
ROTHE. LOUISE Lou "One cast substantial smile." Distnbutive Education 4.
.\h,• "
J H A 2. Wig ' n' Paint 1, 4 : Stunt Show 4 , Pcparoons 2. 'l, 4, Block C" 3. Fall Play 4.
Muff SA OS . MARGARET " \\'here there's m1schief brewing, she's usually doing the sllrnng." Transfer from Indianapolis, Indiana .\luroon 3, 4, Co Faculty I:ditor : I .H A. 4, Commemal Club 3: \\'ig 'n' Paint 3 runt Show 3: G. A.A. 3 · Pcparoons 4: Block 'C'' 3, 4, Pepettes 4: Aquettes 3; Jr.-Sr. Prom Steering Committee.
RYA . REG! A "Her VIrtues are many; her faults are few." Ll Staff 2 3, 4. Vice President 4, Wig 'n' Paint 2: G.A.A . 3, 4, Peparoons 2, 3, 4 : Block · C" 4, Science Club 4: !.at in Club 4: olor Guard 4, Jr. Sr. Prom Committee. Sr. Class Committee.
SA DS. MOLLY "Anyone for a party?" Transfer from Indianapolis, In diana . .\luroon ), 4. Co-Faculty Editor 4: Chronicll! 4: I T.A. 4: Commemal Club 3; \V1g 'n' Paint 3. - 4; tunt Show 3: Baton Club 4; G.A.A. 3, 4; Peparoons 3, 4; Block "C" 3; Pepettes 4, Aquettes 3; Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee Co-Chairman; A Cappella 4.
SAVAGE. Pete PETER KEENA ' I bellece Ill work, I'm Just not in fuvor of it." Transfer from Marmion Acad emr. Track 4, Swimming 4.
And Finally That Long SA Yl r S JI:A:--IETTI Dapt G d ,,nse and qood natun· art nc~·er separated " .\faroon 4; Comm~rc1.1l Club 4, l.l Staff 2; Orchestr.l 2 3 . A Cappella 4; Baton Club 4, G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Peparoons 2.
SCHLORf-I'. Larry LA \VI:RI:1 'CE "A good dtspostlion is half the battle." Band 2, 3, 4: Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee.
SOil. 'KER. DO. ' A <J~.tet ~wn , hut qwtr a man St ud~nt Council 4 , J r Sr Prom Stecnng Commttt~c, Ba ·k~tball 2.
SCH\IIDT ,\1ARYA. ·.'A ' Xeat, prensc, shes et'cry thtnq mce I .fit\. 2. 3, \'icc Pre td~nt 4: \Vig n' Paint 4; G.A ,\ 3, 4. Peparoons 3, 4. Block · C ' 3: Color Guard 4; Red Cross 3; Jr.-Sr Prom Committee.
SCHOOl EY. Suxy JA. 'E f LEA. 'OR "The spark plug of our cheenny sectzon." Honor Soctcty 3. 4: Student CounCil 4; Chromc/e 1; \Vig ·n· Paint 2. ; 4. Debate 2 >. 4. Forensic I cague ) 4: Stunt Show ), 4, G.A 1\. 2, ). 4. I reasurer 3, President 4; Peparoons 2, >. 4, SecretaryTreasurer 3, President 4; Block 'C" 2. 3, 4; Latin Club 4; ,\1iss :'v1erry Christmas Court 4; J r Sr. Prom Committee CoChatrman: Co-Student of the Month. December: D.A.R.
I eqwlu SCHU:'vt. JA:\1l'S "Stop the world -1 ttunt to yll df!' · C' Club 2. 3. 4: I ootball 2 3; Baseball 2. ; 4.
SCHR DLR. Buck-Buck 1 Lv!OTHY "Tall, .1arh, and need we sa!J more Stud nt Council 3, 4, Treasurer 4: · C' Club 3, 4 Track 2, 3, 4. Captain 4: football 2, 3. 4 13a kctball 2 3, Boys State 3; Co-Student of the ,\lonth, March, Honor Soctety 4.
SCHUSTI.R, SHARO. "The lzyht of lo~·e is zn her eyes." Transfer from Spnngfield High G.A.A. 3, 4; Pcparoons 4. Block "C" 4, Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee.
Awaited Day •
• • SCOGGIN, EDWARD Ecldze A llltschzevous tu:inkle zn hrs el!e-u.e all thznk he rs a great quy " Student Council 2. 3, 4; Chromcle 4, Sports Editor 4; Jr. Sr. I:Ncoration Committee Co-Chairman.
SCIIWL 'Gr:I. MARC · Hanm·rs make the man." Troubadors 3, 4; A Cappella ) . 4.
SEDGWICK. , 'A. 'CY ' Cun zs un eneml{ of ide." Commercial Club 2, ) ; Wtg 'n' Pamt 2, 1, 4: G.A.A 2 Pcpa roons 2 ) . Block "C" 2 Sen ior Class Committee.
SEY.\10UR, PAUL Poopsy ·• He han•ests qood actions from the seeds of qoocl intentions." Student Council 3, 4, Prcsi dent 4; Maroon 2. 3. 4 Chronicle 2, 3, 4 Quill and Scroll 3, 4. Debate 2. 3, 4; Forensic League 3. 4: Stunt Show 3. 4: Troubadors 2: Madrigals 2: A Cappella 2; football 2. Baseball 2: french Club 4: Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee Chairman: Boys State; Student of the Month, May.
JIM "A man r.\ a iool who trie~ to understand tt'omen." 1 roubadors 3. 4: A Cappella
3. 4.
SHARP. NAI 'CY · li et•..ry quod dt•td were a n·nt-sh< d he a nHII1on arre. Honor SoCict y 3. 4; C hromcl 2 3. 4. Co-4th p.1ge ed1tor 4 'ational Thespian So•iety ) 4. Wig 'n' Pamt 3, 4; Orche tra 2. 3, 4. tunt Show L 4. Baton Club 3 4. Modern },1usic Masters 4 . Dance Band 2 G.A.A. 2, 3. Pcparoons 2, 3, 4. Block 'C" 2: Pcpcttes 4, Student of the Month , 1 ovcm ber; Musical Moods Z., 3, 4; Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee.
SIMO:--.:. JUDITH Judy · Hu icwlts muhe cllm shadows. her t•irtul'S good light " Maroon 4. I r A. 4 W1g 'n' Paint 4; Stunt Show 4. G.A.A 4; Office Help 4. Pcparoons 4 ; Block "C · 3. 4; Pcpettes 4.
Sl 1PSO JAM! <; J1m · S1/cnce net'er hetr<ll/l'd any one German Club 2.
SKI::L T01 . DAN!l:.L fourth "My loL'e IS always constant, only liS objects change." 'C" Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4: Wrestling 2, 3, 4. T'ootball 2, 3. Baseball 2, 3, 4 Senior Class Committee.
SLA I I:R. SUSA Susie "1/umor IS m<t phrlowphy ol
MAL LI::Y. 1AURCC Mo "She enJOIJS Ide to 11s iullest." I .H. A. 2. at10nal Thespian Society 4. Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4. G.A.A. 3, 4. Office Help 3, 4; Peparoons 3, 4; Block ··c" 4; Pepettes 4; Aquettcs 3; Jr.-Sr. Prom Committee 3; Senior Commencement- Baccalaureate Committee.
Honor SoCICl }' 3. 4. ( hrontdl' >. r:I .A. 3. 4 auonal Thcs pian SoCiety 3. 4 , Sccretarr 4. Wig 'n' Paint 3. 4; Band 2. Stunt Show 3. 4: G.A.A. 2. >. 4. Secretary 3. Peparoons 3. 4 Block "C" 3. 4; Pepettes 4. German Club 4 , Treasurer 4 Aquettes 2. 3, 4. Jr. Sr. Prom Committee 3. Senior Class Committee.
SMITH. BILL Sqwrt "An all-around athlete not very tall, earnest in work and friendly to all." Student Council 2, 4; ''C" Club 3, 4: Wrestling 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2.
S;\ll I H. DON •·,~tode.\t men urc swrcc."
SM! I H. · Some er.\ a Transfer
;\JARY ANN f nends are habit, othluxury." student.
Snookie S0:00K. JERRY l.rfe hcq111s at 3: I (J "
SNYDER. Mouse STEVEN CARL ' Almost ktlled by a train of thoughts passing through hrs mind·· 'C" Club 3, 4: Golf 2. 3, 4: Wrestling 2.
SQUIIU:S Betsr1 I LIZABLTI l COl.Et-.-lt\1\ l'ure rnnocc11<e LL'rth mrschref hrdrr1q l>ehrnd." Chronrc/e 2. 3. 4. 2nd Page Co l:ditor 4. Student Council ), 4: I .I A 1. Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3,4.StuntShow2 3:TriHi Stunt Show 2 Baton Club 3. G.A.A 2 3: Peparoons 2. >. Block C" 3, 4. Aquettes 2, 3 Jr.-Sr. Prom Steering Committee 3; Co Student of the Month. March.
CAROLY T JOY "Her qrntle speech and modest teays lt·aL'l' oth"s to accord her prarse." Honor Society 3, 4. Maroon 2. 3. 4, Co-Activity l·daor 4, Chronrde 2, 3, 4: I .T.A. 3. 4. Secretary 4, , 'ational Thes p1an Society 3, 4; \Vig 'n' Paint 2. 3. 4, Debate 3. 4. Stunt ~how 2. 4: G.A.A. 2, 3, 4. Peparoons 2 3, 4: Block "C" 2. 3. 4. Scrence Club 4: German Club 4. Secretary 4, Latin Club 4; Senror Class Committee: Co-Student of the Month, f'cbruary; Color Guard 4; Quill and Scroll 4.
STALEY. JOHN His character shrncs cr.·en in the sunlrght."
TO!' E . WE 'DELL ' It's a frrrndly heart that has many friends."
When with Diploma S I UHI NRAUCK.
STRt\ SBLJRGFR. Mirm-Lilu MARY ALICE "M us1c that a mustrr hand alone can reach." L:-.l.A. 2. 3. Secretary 3. Na tion.11 Thespi.1n Society >. 4: Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3 4. Stunt Show 2. 3, 4: Vocalcttes 3. 4. M.1drigals 3 4: A Cappella 3. 4: Baton Club 3. 4 President 4: Modern Music Masters 3. 4: G.A.A. 2. 3. 4: Office Help 3. 4: Peparoons 2. 3, 4: Block "C" 2, 3, 4: Science Club 4: Miss Merry Christmas Court 4.
S\VI, 'EY. GLORIA "Days Lt'llhout labor she's had eery feLt·, she has accomplished much more than many could do.·' Honor Society 3, 4: Ll Staff 2; MaJoreucs 4; Office Help 3; Latin Club 4.
Kathtl KATHLRI L · The twmkle 1n ha eye ~pdls fun." ,\I uroon 2. 3. 4 . I . T. A. 3. 4 : National The~p1an Society 3. 4: \Vq,-: 'n' Paint 2 3. 4: G.A A. 4; Pcparoons 2 3. 4. Block · C" 2. 3, 4: German Club 4: Color Guard 4 Senior Cl.1ss Committee Honor Society 4.
TABAKA. LARRY ''To a numbered feLt thl' most respect IS due.·· Projector Club 2. 4. Jr. Sr Prom Comnuttcc 3. Senior Cl.1ss D~rcctory Comm1ttcc.
I,\, 'GORA, ,\!IKL Tanh ' lie that has !teed lldl-hus le<1rned t•nouqh." Projector Club 3, 4. JuniorSenior Prom Committee; Football 2.
TAYLOR. JACK "He has a dlfTtculty for t'l· .. ry solutwn.' Chromc/e 2: Debate 2: T roubadors 1, 4: ,\ Cappcl1,1 >. 4, Baton Club }, 4 Stamp Club 4; 'I rack 2. 4: Tcnn•~ 1, Ger man Club 3; Co1n Club 4; ~!u s1cal ,\1oods >. 4
Hand . •
TA, 'GORA, PAUL "1/, IS apt-(Jp/ to do almost anythtny" l'ransfer from St. Bede Academy 4.
TAYLOR. VIRGI, '!A ANt' ' \V~?I We ought no/, do.
Maroon 2. 3 Chromdt• 2: I :r.A. 2. 3, 4 Secrctar)' 3 \V,g 'n' Paint 2. 3. 4: Stunt Show 3. 4: G.A.A. 2, 3, 4, VIce-President 4. Office Help ) : Peparoons 2, 1, 4; Block · C" 3, 4; Pcpettcs 4; Aquettcs 3. 4: Jr. -Sr. Prom CoChairman; Thespians 4.
• 'I l :-.tt>l.E'I 0. ', EI.LE,'
THO.\IPSO. ', JOH,. "Sull ll'Utcr runs thl'p. '
"Iota of smr 1ts
haLt conqut ul manv. hut th1s ont .s amr c con quers any. '
llonor SoCO<IY 3. 4. llaroon 2. 3 4. ( o-1\uJanrss .\hn.1gcr 4o Chromdr- 2, l, 4. lluuness \hn.1ger 4 Quill •od Scroll 3. 4 • · ot1on•l I besp~>n So• ty 1 4 \\ IR n P•tnt 2 3 4 Stunt Show 3 \'oui<IIU 3. 4, \ C•ppell• 3. 4, lluon Club 3 4. <• \ l. l -4 Pt'pnoon~ 2 3. 4. 1\loc~ "C" 2. l 4, Peprll<> 4. \qul·ttc'i !. 3, 4 .\lusaCJI .\1ouds 2. l. 4 I •II Play 3: Jr. Sr. Prom (omnuttct Co Ch.urnun Pops" Con c<rt 2, 3. 4: StuJ,nt of the .\lonlh, 1\pril.
TRACY, SHARO,' A1 'N 'Ome hnotln, nrl'cr iorgotltrJ.
Chromde 2: I .T.A. 4, Wig 'n' Paint 2. -!: Vocalettes 4. ,\ C.1ppdl.1 -! 13.llon Club 4 G.i\.1\. 2 4; Peparoons 2 4, Block "C" 2, -!; Latin Club 4.
TRIGGER JA:\!I:S Jim ' tl man amonq nnn." Stud~nt Counctl 2: "C' Club -!: IootbJII 2 3 4: BJskctb.lll 2, 1. 4: BJ\eh.lll 2. ), 4 Sophomore Cl."s Presid~n 1 2: IootbJil King Court-!: \'•cc \' crsa King 4.
TUCKER SHAROt "Vr rtue rs 1ts only <'.HU <' ior berng I.O.O.A. 4 : I I Staff 2: Office Help 3.
l UR 'fR. JANE J t "Her prctur!' qn·,·s tnough her charms to l'\plarn h r appeul." Student Council 3 4: \\'•g n Paint 2. 3, 4; Stunt Show 4 G.A.A. 2. ) 4. l'~paroons 2 ) . 4. Transportatton Commll tee 4: Block ''C" 3, 4 1\p ettes 4; Thespians 4.
\' 1\ ' CAM!', KARL!'\ · , \ lu~·dy smtl,•, a re(l(lt/ tL'II. she'll ahL·ays mahe a great big Jut ." ,\1 aroon 2. ) : C hrontd< l. W •!! 'n' Paint 3. 4: tunt how 2 G. A.A. 2. 3. Peparoons 2.
VA 'CE. EMILY Emmtl "If perfection is her you/, .Ill<• hasn't far to go." Student Council 2. 3, 4 , Vice President 4: Maroon 2. 3. I'. T.A. 4: t ational 'lhep1an Society 3. 4: Wig ' n' Paint 2. 3. 4 . President 4 . Stunt Show 2, 3 , 4: G.A.A . 2, 3 , 4 . Peparoons 2 , 3, 4: Block C " 2, 3, 4: Pepettes 4: Aquettes 2. 3, 4; Student of the Month, October: Spring Play 4: Miss Merry Christmas Court 4 : Jr. Sr. Prom Committee, Co-Chairman.
VAt Cl EAVL. JAMLS Jrm · Qwet 111 thought, but great in thought." I .!·.A. 2: Projector Club 2, 3. 4: Baseball 3.
VA GSNESS . CARL "fle'l/ have fun or d1e tryrng ." Band 2, 3, 4, Orchestra 4 ; Pro jector Club 3. Baton Club 3, 4 , Treasurer 4: Track 2. 4. So ence Club 4; Latin Club 4. Musical Moods 2 .
VAUGHt .CY "Lead me nut to tempta tion-JUSt show me •~·here I( IS "
"C" Club 2, 3. 4; Golf 2. 3. 4: Football 2. 3, 4. Basket ball 2, 3; f-ootball King Court
VIERIA. Cns MARIA CRIS' I INA de A, 'DRADE "A personallly so rare and co111plete, rust to hnow her is a treat." Foreign Lxchange tudent from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Student Council 4; Maroon 4; Wig 'n' Paint 4; Stunt Show 4; G.A.A. 4; Peparoons 4.
WILDER. STEVE "A good man is better than riche3." Senior Class Committee.
WHIT! ORO. PLGGY ' Thou art gmtle, meek, and m1ld.'' F.N.A. 2. 3, 4. Secretary 4.
WILLIAMS. CAROL A 'r-.: "Fun lovrng and carefree, troubles don't seem to come her u:ay." Commercial Club 3. 4: El Staff 2, 3: G.A.A. 2, 3.
Ambie \VII l lA \IS. A L S. ' Sht 1s all that IS hom·st. true, and honorable " I :1 .A. '3: Commeretal Club 2. 3. 4. I.O.O.A. 4: 1.1 Stafl 3, 4. Vice-President 3: Debate 4: G.A.A. 2, 3.
Stage to Face the Future. \VII LIA\15. TOM "M1sch1ef gleams rn h1s eye" "C" Club 3. 4. Stamp Club 4: Ba cball 3, 4 Science Club 4.
\VII I.IAMS. Pur PATRICIA ' Giv•e me l1berty and yh·e me dates'" · ,\Iaroon 2, Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3, 4.
\VILLIAMSO . KEN "Frrrnds, teachers, Fellow students. and JU171 tors: I am no ordinanJ man.'' "C" Club '3. 4: Track 2, 3, 4: root ball 2 3. 4, Senior Class Vice-President
WILLIS. Jerrie GERALD! 'E "To a young heart eLWyrhiny is fun ." F.H.A. 2. 3: Peparoons 2: Block 'C" 2.
\\'ILSO · \Vhat sunshl!ll' is to /lotc'..rs, her .muhs are to inends" Honor SoClct r 3. 4: Student Council 4 .•\/aroon 3 4. An Ldnor 4 : Chronicle 2. 3, 4: Wig 'n' Paint 2. 3, 4: Debate 3. 4; Forensic League 3. 4: G A.A. 2, 3. 4: Office Help 3. Peparoons 2, 3. 4. Decor a· tions Chairman 4. Block · C" 2: Pepettes 4: Jr.-Sr Prom Committee Co-Cha1rman: Girls State Alternate 3. Senior Picnic Committee Co Chairman: Co- Valedictorian.
\VILSO . KARl: ' · One reason why men flrt fer h/onJes." \\'1g 'n Paint 2, 3, 4. G A.A 2. 3 4 : Pcparoons 2. 3, 4. Block · C · 2. 3: Pcpcms 4.
\VIL 0 . PAULA · It's an easy tCorld to li~·e 1n d you choose to make 11 so.·· \V1g 'n' Paint 2. 3. 4: G.A.A. 3. 4: Pcparoons 2. 3. 4. Block 'C" 2, 3. 4; Mu 1cal Moods 2: "Pops"Conccrt 2: French Club 4; Thespians 4.
\VI fREY, EU ICE R1ch in works and kindltness; her worth no one needs to stress ... Commercial Club 2 E1 Staff 3: Wig 'n' Paint 3: Pcparoons 2.
WISDOM. Betty AOMI ELIZABETH Her heart IS as ltght as hn eyes are bright." F.H.A. 2: Commercial Club 2. 3. 4: I.O.O.A. 4, Vice-President 4. G A.A. 2, 3.
Wl.E. ANCY "She makes the sun shine 1n a shady place " Chronicle 2: \Vig 'n' P.1int 2. 3: Debate 2. G .A A. 2, 3: Pcparoons 2. 3. 4 : Block "C" 4. Pepettes 4: Latin Club 4: Spring Play 3.
WOOD. MAUREE "The twinkle 111 her eyes spells fun."
WOODSWORTH. JA:-,IICL "Pleasure f.Ostponed IS pleasure lost.
\\'!UGH I' Runt IlL! I 1\ ,\, '.. · \Vht~ he ant~ othl'r tl'a[/ than happt/; ' 1 ·.,\. 4, CommcrctJl Club 4
WRIGHT. JIM ' The gmrus rn me just hasn t been recognrzed." Office Help 2: Red Cross 2, 3, 4.
YORK. ISABI:L lay "A tt;pical bobbt~·.\0.\ queen. mtschrecous, but not real/[/ mean." Maroun 2. 1. 4. Co Senior rditor 4 ; Chrunale 2, 3. 4: Quill and Scroll 4; Wtg ' n Paint 2. 3. 4. P!Jy Production StJff 2. 3. 4 Stunt Show 2 4: VocJl· ettes 4. A Cappella 4; Baton Club 3, 4: G.A.A 2. 3: Peparoons 2 3, 4 : Pepettes 4 : Aquettes 2. 3; Jr. Sr. Prom Committee; "Pops" Concert 4: Musical :\1oods 4. Thesptans 4: Sen10r Assembly Committee.
YOU GfRMA . Joe JOSLPH KUH · He rs tLell hnotcn hut sill/ more tL'orth hnow111g .. llonor So-ret)' > 4 President 4 · Debate 2, 3, 4 · Forensic League ), 4. Orchestra 2. 3. 4, Stunt Show 4. A.! .S. Exchange Stu dent 3. 'ovember Co-Student of the Month. Co-Valedictorian.
Zll!J,. RO,'A!D Ron · LL'eryone ts craz[/ but thee and me and I somctrmes har.:e my doubts about thee." "C" Club 3, 4: Football 2, 3, 4; Tennis 4; Swimmin g 4.
"Tim e once past neuer returns. T he moment which is lost, is lost foret..'er."
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CHAMPAIG. ' ILLI TOI Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Bear
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