1965 Maroon Champaign Senior High School Champaign~
Volume LV
The One F acuity, students, administrators ... These are Champaign High. Together They form the whole From which the groups are made. The classes, clubs, and teams: Each Has it part to pia)' ... Yet making up the group Are individuals ...
In the Many eparate personalities Who strive not only for the group, But also for themselves. Perhaps it is the individuals Who make the group outstanding; Perhaps, the other way. The truth remains that here ... One has the chance to be One of the group ... And yet, an individual.
Contents I TROD
.. . .................
STUDE T LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
RG \
. . . ..................
A ADE'\1IC l
........................ 100
. .................. 130
E'\IOR' ............................ 172 P\TRON
........................... 222
Student Life ---~
1-fany activitie , thing to do; A part of the group yet a life of your ou·n . .. Often u·e felt the excitement of ocial et·ents, honoraries, and community projects; Happy to be ... 4 part of the tudent Life
The secret's out . . . Thjs "Come-As-You-Are'" party finally revealed the unseen world of those radiant girls we st>e in the
halls of CH . However. the embarrassment of tht> situation was easily overcome by the t> seniors.
Parties~ Dates Provide Diversion The chool day may seem long and the hours may pa lowly, but when the week-end arrive we have no trouble making time 0)'. Then it', time for the parties and dates which we have spent the week planning. Throughout the year we delight at our after-game hop and may find a group of girl enjoying a dinner party before heading out for a victory. In warm weather a date may involve a round of miniature golf,
probably followed by a trip to the teak'n' hake for a coke. Or for a hardy group of cold-weather fan , a good toboggan or a pair of kate will uffice for a fun-filled wint r evening. To be ure, there are dance to plea e everyone during the entire chool year. At any rate, whatever the event may include, it i ure to be mark d by that certain quality which make the te nage world, truly, an own world within it elf.
bov~: Enjoying a tasty meal hefor~ a game are from left. Janet \andevender. Cathy Hutehinson. Bevy Wright. and Jodene Dye. Ri~ht : Demonstrating their Arthur \1urray training and twinkle¡ toe talents at a small party are Nancy Stanford and Ken ~1arshal.
Be low: George valentine seems to be going to {-'Teat lengths to prove to Susan De \1oss that he"s right down his alley.
Diversion Found the first b 11 arly m
cia , th to lift, and
Early mornings find many leepy-eyed the bu for the Jon(!; ride to school.
An afte r - c hool refresher is taken by Medsie Odom and Tom rum at teak 'n' hake, hampaign students' favorite drive-in.
student boarding
• Ill
Daily Routines
Ahove:"An <>gg a day takt>s tht> pound~ away:¡ Although it's not tht> best meal, Pam Pt>rrodin isn't hard-boiled about it.
Le ft : howing ht>r hairstyling ability on "'aney Bevy Wright. Bevy is working toward collt>ge.
Ianford i
Be low: Displaying her talents as a saleswoman, Kar<>n Freeman encourages Gayle Fairchild and ~1arty Gillt>spi<> to buy a sweater.
Fads and Fashions If an intere t d ob erver could manage to be in the right places at the right time , he could easily dis<"over the farwie:. of CH. student at any of our favorite pla<:el; \\here people congregate. How could he come across a group of girl in th(' cafeteria without h aring the jingling of a million charm brae let '? Or when could he pa by the crO\\ded election booth without noticing the impressive array of patterned ho i ry, Weejun loafer , and \\ lwat jt'ans'! .\nd \\110 has ever seen a crowd by the supply room which has not consi ted partly of houlder-bag , madras shirt , and V-neck weater ? Certainly wherever he went, he could ea ily note how the taste of our pupil combine to give CH a flavor all its 0\\ll. However, if this intere ted observer were also very keen, he could not help noticing that in pite of the e fad , each tudent ha added omething unique, and we remain, till, individual . Abovt>: Tht> "casual" look in hair tylt-s is modt-lt>d by Kit Kt-nt and Patty O'Nt-al. front; and DouJ!: '\1illt-r and '\lary Beth Kt-lly. Ri~ht: A~ rect>nt fashions swet>p tht> land. CH students Cash and '\1ikt> Rt-t>d appt>ar up¡to¡datt' in the latest appart-1.
Bt-low: Hoping it's big enough. Pam Karlstrom holds her knitting up to ~fikt- Hays to st>e if it will fit that "ct>rtain omt-ont-."
"All ri~ht team, lt>t', j!;N in tht•n• and'""" tlwm '"''vt• got pep, steam, and go, go, go. All we need is muscle." CHS Pepettes entertain the student body at a pep assembly.
''Beat Urbana Week~~ From Monday until Friday, Beat rbana Week was filled with growing anticipation. Excitement wa revealed by cheer in the halls, poster competition, and the contest for selling chain links, which also afforded a means of raising money for the winning class. Student wore different clothing depicting daily slogans, such as: boots for "Boot rbana," crazy hat for "Hats off to Champaign," only socks for "Sock tho e Tiger ," glove for "We can handle rbana," clashing outfits for "Cia h the Tiger ," and colorful ring for "Put a ring around our eros town rival." The week was climaxed by an assembly led by Pepettes and tudent Council, where humorous tudent kit , awards, speeches from the coaches, and performances by P. E. teacher competing as "cheerleader " were featured. Whether Champaign won or lo t, CHS students still felt a sen e of pride in their football and ba ketball team .
With his hilariou assembly antic , Basketball Coach Lee Ca· butti entertains the CH student body.
Making a jester out of their J(jng, Bill Huston, are good-natured football teammatt>s and friends.
Homecoming The planning of Homecoming Week, one of the fir t event that et the year rolling, began early in Augu t. tudent ouncil committee were organized and the event for the bigge t week of the year were planned. The we k tarted with the announcement of the ten queen and king semi-finali ts. Po ter covered the wall and ch er to incite a victory could be heard re ounding through the hall and lunchroom. At the all- chool pep a embly the five finali t for king and queen were announced, comical kits were given, and Baton Club received the grand prize of five dollar for winning the miniature float conte t. The obj ct of all the fe tivities, the game, took pia e Friday, October 23. At halftime andy onkwright, 1964 Homecoming Queen, wa crowned by 1959' Homecoming Qu en, Mr . arol ue Rasmu ¡ en. At the ock hop following H ' 34-0 victory over the Decatur Red , Football King Bill Hu ton was crowned. The exciting round of event were highlighted aturday with a emi-formal dance, " treet of Dream ," at which the King and Qu en and their court reigned.
T h e Royal D a n ce. Newly-crowned Football J(jng Bill Huston and Homecoming Queen andy Conkwright start the festivitit>s.
Football King finalists and escorts- Sea ted , left to right : J!'ff Trigger, Chuck pencer, J<H' Lee , Bill Huston, and Renard Dann e nhow!'r. tanding: Cheryl Wt>ibt>l, Pam Karlstrorn, ara Kretschmer, Linda Wood, and ' usie Younger.
Victory Lights ''Street of Dreains~~ Homecoming Queen finalists and es<"orts- eated, left to right: Mary Black, andy Conkwright, usan De\1oss, Jodene
Dyt>, and Ingrid Johansson. tanding: Dave Frerichs, John Woods, Gary Tummt>lson. \1ike Hays. and Rick Drysdale.
Captivating the audit>n ct> during intermission at the Homecoming dance. ·· treet of Drt•am-.'' are \1ar} Legg, u~an mith, and
Tt>rry Flewt>lling as they ~ing ~uch favoritit>s as "Charades." ''Red ails in the unset." and '"Misty."
Hoinecoining 1964 "Cymbal of Vic t o r y," Baton Club's winni 111g float, ment in tht> Homecoming miniatur!' float cont!'st.
Midway throu g h the as~embly, Decatur players. Sara Kretschmer, Karen Hill!'mier. and Carol Hanson, crumble under CH ·, as~ault.
Dance Again
From the "Howdy Hop" to the end of the basketball season, the sock hops provided the most frequent and popular form of entertainment for CH students. The traditional "Howdy Hop," sponsored b} tudent Council, successfull} opened the year's round of hops. Aimed at helping the tudent become acquainted with their new clas mates, this hop used a good combo and door prizes to help get things tarted. The remainder of the hops took place after the CH football and basketball games, and were ponsored by variou school clubs and organizations as money-making projects. As records and tapes were replaced by wellknown local combos, larger-than-ever crowds were attracted to the dance floor, while the refreshmt>nt area provided a place to rest or, at least, a moment of relaxation. At intermis ion, inging group and local comedians were often found bending their effort to entertain the watchful onlooker¡. All in all, the tudent of CH agree, "Tho e hops are the greatest." Whl"n thl" m u s ic start~ Kathy Malloy is surp to outdo tht>m all with thP latest dane!' step, thP "\1onkt>y."
T aking timl" out for a rt>st art> Tommy Thomas. Larry Birdst>ll. and Bobby Rage!.
CH June Tavlor Danct>rs hid farewell to the audien<'t>. Front Row, lt路ft to ri~ht: l.inda Wood. Pam Karlstrom. Esther Garret. Karen Kalkwarf. Connie Fiock. ln~d Johans on. ancy Williams, Judi ilvt>rman. ancy Stanford. Mary Legg, Cheryl
Weibel, usie Younger, Jane Maxey, Sara Kretschmer, Jane am路 uelson, Becky McCloud, Donna Mankey. Linda Poorman. Back Row: Connie Hou e, Bevy Wright, u an DeMoss, Carol Roberts,
Behind the Scenes at .\rranging the studio '<"ener~ m anti<路ipation of a 'utce,,ful pro路 duction art> stal(ehands. Davt>, hwk and ndy Hoyne.
The annual CH Stunt Show, "Studio '64," proved to be entirely different from previous year . T. V. director John Cook took the audience behind the cene to ee the hidden world of television. tagehand arranged cenery right before the eyes of the viewers in tead of groping in the dark for props hidden behind a clo ed curtain. The show was presented for the fir t time in the Little Theater on the nights of October 15 and 17 to packed hou es. Mr. Greg White, the new Wig 'n' Paint pon or, with the help of student a i tant , John Cook, Carol Culver, and E ther Garret, combined their effort to produce a unique and very succe ful production. A few of the acts portraying popular T. V. shows were as follow : The Mickey Mouse Club, My Favorite Martian , The Fugitive , Mr. Novak, Adventure in Paradi e, Roaring 20' , and Gunsmoke. kits in the audience added humor and an informal air to the Stunt Show. Co tume varied from the simplicity of a hillbilly outfit to the dramatic, black and white . triped attire of the Fugitives. Dreaming of being famous dancers, the " tudio '64" cleaning ladies introduced fifty, highstepping. senior girls a the June Taylor Dancer climaxing the end of the 1964 CH tunt how.
Mary Limbacher, Karen Hillemier, Mickey Going , usie mailey, ancy Easterbrook, Libbie weet, Louise Leonard, Mary Black, Jody Dye, Beth Halcrow.
~64~~ The final touch of black paint, applied by Assistant Director, \1r. Glenn Raney. completes Mike Moncriefs costume.
"I don't want to go," sobs Mouseketeer Nan y Williams as Kathy Owens, "'aney Ianford, and Judi ilverman carry her off stage.
Ch ristinas Queen Reign s with Santa Chri tma time enthu ia m wa expre ed in many way during the week prior to vacation. German lub again entertain d parents and student at the annual Weihnachtsabend, and Mike Moncrief exhibited hi talent as 01' aint Nick in the cafeteria. The annual Chri tmas ba kets, sponsored by tudent Council, overflowed with canned good , clothing, and ca h contribution for needy familie . Huge candycane were purcha ed by student , and the window of the main foyer wa decorated in an intricate tained-gla design. Mary Black wa cho en by the tudent body and faculty to reign over the holidy festivitie a Mis Merry Chri tma . The Christma a embly marked the end of the chool activities as the band and choirs combined in performance of the "Hallalujah Choru " The long-awaited two week had finally come.
Left: Mi Merry hristma , Mary Black, delights her charm and assi t him in hi downtown work hop.
After collect ing for charity, anta ~1ike Moncrief takes a break with Ruth Vermillion, Becky McCloud, usie ole, and Jan Johnston. A s tar i added to the library's tree by Judy Farruggia.
anta with
''When We Played Our Charades'' To swim or to dance, that is th que tion. Actually Vice-Versa King Jeff Trigger had no decision to make: the coach gave the word. He mu t attend the out-of-town wimming meet on the night of 1anuary 9, 1965. Although he couldn't reign at the dance, it wa n't as bad a it eems. Special arrangements were made to announce the King and his court at an allchool assembly. To the re t of the fellows at CH the night wa a long awaited event. It was the day they ju t at back and took it ea y while their date played the role of chauffeurs. Not only wa the change heartily welcomed by the boys, but the girls al o realized their one big chance to show the guy their conception of an ideal date. From the minute the first couple entered through an elaborately decorated door into the land of "Charades," until the band finished it last tune, the evening proved to be wonderful, but they still knew one thing was missing ... the king.
Vice-Vt·r~a Kin~ Jt•ffTri!(!(t>r is crowrwd by his date, Donna \1an kPy. after tlw announcemt>nt at an asst•mbly.
SN·n t•njoyinj!: a \ in·-\t>rsa which \\as uniqut· in dt·toratrons. 1-(0od music. and refreshments are thn•t> couples. Left to ri~~:ht:
George Valentine. John hapland. Kathy Owens. and Greg Kirby.
usan DeMoss. Judi
Draina Creates N e w Interest The traditional fall plays at 'H' havt· been concerned with serious productions; this }ear our tH'\\ dramatic coach. \lr. Greg \\- hite. introduced a eomical play ... Time Out for Ginger." The hilarious antics of tlm•e high school girls after hearing their father\, speech on equal rights for women proved to be almost too much. especially \\hen one of them decided to tr)' out for the varsity football team. However disasterous it may have seemed, the nights of '\ovt•mber 19 and 20 \\ere delightful for the near capacity audiences. \\ig 'n' Paint's annual winter play, ·• ' talag 17." repeated the success of the fall play on the evenings of Februar)' 4 and 5. This unusual comedy-drama took place in a ~azi war camp where the all-male east portrayed l\\enty-one \nwrican soldiers in their fight for escape. \\- ith the help of the student director, Esther Garret. and Stage Designer. \1r. Glenn Raney, the ..,ta!!e cr<'\\ not onl) made exceptional performance in executing the technicalities. but also produced one of tlw best sets in recent times. \1 inding up with the spring productions. it hardly remain to be aid that CHS enjo)ed a very successful and profitable year in tht• dramatics department.
J a n t't Van devt>nd t•r a nd Davt• Ea-ton d<'lil(ht tlw audiPn<·P the hilariou' <·onw<h --Tinw Out for Cul;!<'r:·
Bu!>y back,tagt• gt>lli ng read~ for tlw openinl( t·urtam j, Ton\ E'an' a' 'he adju't' Carol Cul\t"r·.., <·o .... tunlt".
Meeting in front of the school to discuss their past experien!'es at Girl ' and Boys' tate, which they attended last summer are,
left to right: Bob Felty. Michael Jackson, Mary Black, Lee Pellum, and Lynn Peabody.
Outstanding Students Pool Resources Barb Britton rt-ceives word of her distinguished honor. qualified as a ational \1erit cholarship semi-finalist.
Two of the highe t honors paid to enior are election to Boys' or Girl ' tate and election a a ational Merit Scholarship winner. Girls' and Boy ' tate allow exceptional high chool students to become tate politicians for one week. They are given the opportunity to take part in election of local and state officials, attend mock political conventions, petition for candidacy, op erve the variou dutie of tate official , a ociate with the party of their choice, and attend lectures aimed at livening the tudents' intere t in tate politics. The National Merit cholarship wa originat d approximately ten years ago by numerous college and bu ine organizations that wi hed to give financial aid to outstanding student so that they might attend a college or university. Those student applying for the scholar hip begin the testing program in their junior year. Those who core highest receive either letters of recommendation, which are u eful in applying for college , or cholarship ranging from $850 to $6,000. C hampaign High wa proud to have Barb Britton as a national emi-finali t this year.
Above: At the Faculty Tea. '\1rs. Judy Dahl p:reets ln~rid Johansson as Donna '\tankey. Robin Bradle. and ara Kretschmer look on.
Ri ght : Foreign Exchanj!;e student In~rid Johansson is always
happy to hear from her relativt• and friends in S"eden.
B e low:Joe Berkson. our exchange student. tries in vain to put on the wooden shoe he brought back from his trip to Holland.
Each year Champaign High sends one teenagt• a mba · ador to a foreign country and several throughout the tate in exchange for reprer:;entatives from other choolr:;. It i through the e exchanges that we gain a dearer insight into the live of tudents in other places. Every year a junior boy or girl from CH i carefully elected to repre ent our chool in a European country. In order to be ent abroad, he mu t first fill out a que tionnaire, and then be creened by a p cia} panel of twenty-two faculty members and tudents. Finally the name of the semi-finali t . are ent to the International tudent Placement where the finalist is cho en. Thi year CH is partiCipating in a new program which will allow one of our tudents to study for a emest<•r in a foreign school. ot only are we anxious to learn about life in other <'ountrie , but we also feel there is till much to be learned about other· in Illinois. For thi rea on our chool participated in five intra tate exchange thi year. The exchanges took place between CH and the chool of Glennbard, Mount Pro peel, pringfield, Blue Mound, and Bellville. I n each exchange two tudent from CH participated in a week' activitie at one of the chool , while we were ho t to two of their tudents. In all ca e the exchange of ideas and personalities proved to be a useful, and interesting experiment.
Bring New
New Ideas
HS Intrastate E chan~e students Ed Gordon and Janet 'v andevender ~eem to have a little difficulty in getting started on their way to a week's visit at another Illinoi high sehooL
The Foreign Exchange semi-finalists are left to right: '\1ary ~tiller, Janice Flora. Penny Porter. Kathy Collins. and teve Luesse. The
five students await the decision as to who will represent Champaign High abroad.
The fun of working together . .. The association of people With similar interests; To mold the individual, within the group . .. These are the purposes of Organizations.
Honor Society members. Front row: \lartha Foster. Holladay Brown. Patricia Davis. Cathy Hutchin.,on. Sherrill Walker. Linda Bacchi. Janet Trulock. Karen Kalkwarf. Barb Britton. Terry Flewel¡ ling. president; \fary \tiller. St-cond row: Robert Weissman. treasurer; Robert impson. vice-president; Peter Kimble. \lichael
HS Adds New
'¡Learn as if you were to live forever" could well be the motto of the Illini Chapt r of the ational Honor ociety. The honorary constantly pre ents a challenge to its member to strive for higher goals and more complete development. This year meetings were planned to which guest speakers from the niversity of Illinoi were invited. At one club meeting the member were addressed by a college profes or on opportunitie in the field of dramatics, and entertainment was provided by a folk singer. The purpo e of the club's activities i to widen the cultural knowledge and under tanding of students with high scholarship. This year a new tradition was added in Honor Society: an informal picnic wa held to welcome initiates. Formal initiation formed a part of the program at the ociety's annual banquet. To be eligible for membership a enior must have a 4.50 scholastic average and excellent citizenship; a junior, excellent citizen hip and a 4. 75 average. The Honor Society, spon ored this year by Mr. Barry Moskowitz, raised funds to cover the co t of the formal banquet through bake sales and a hop.
Sch o la r s n eed relaxatio n too. Beth Garrigus (seated) and herry Walker turn their thoughts from studying to a game of checkers.
Jackson. Lynn Peabody. John Woods. corresponding secretary; Edward Gordon. Carl \fautz, Gary Hegenbart. Third row: ancy \foss. Beth Garrigus. Mary Cattell, Carol Hanson. Judy iess. Janet \ andevender. \1arianna Greaves. Judy Tanner. Carolyn Harper. Kit Kent. Jane Howard. Jan Johnston.
Spring Picnic
Debate Club: Art of Arguing The debaters' techniques of persua ion were put to a test at both district and state debate conte ts. At the meeh ea<'h team give<; a twelve minute peech and a rebuttal. Jn the fall the CH team attended an invitational tournament in Rantoul at which their record was one and one. n Tuesday afternoons the club held intra-dub practice debates on the subject of international control of nuclear weapons, the national high , chool debate topic for thi year. The members debate on three level : novice. junior and var ity. Proc eds from a ock hop were u ed for financing debating trips and for purcha ing debating material . \1rs. Helen Cox and \1r . Carolyn Pierce from the Annex are the new coaches of the quad.
Pro or con,Lre Pellum and Joe BNkson "rre alway preparrd to take a firm stand in CH ' drbatr,. Herr the t"o boys are compiling matrrial to hack their argumrnh. Drhatr Club mrmbers. Front row: Lee Pigage. trea~urer; Christnphrr Damml'r~. srcretary; Gary Hegenhart. presid(â&#x20AC;˘nt. Secon d row: Yieki l\1errick. Ann Cotter. '\1ary Trmpel. Kathy Spetlrr.
Cherry Ekstam. T hi rd row: Irving \!organ. Susie Jaycox. Cathy Dougla~. Randy Rettberg. Rick Gentille. Steve Henager.
tudent Council members, Front row: Esther Garret, Deborah Cooper, Carol Han. on. Claudia All hands. ancy Easterbrook, Debby ndert. Cheryl eibeL Cathy Hutchinson, Terry Flewelling. ;\1ary Black, andy Conkwright. Ingrid Johanssen. Gale Easterbrook. St>cond row: Pat Judy, Alice Odell, ancy Miller, Cathy Collins. Barb Gorman. '\ancy Albers, Pat Hayes, Jim Keller, Rocky Peacock, Charlie tahl. ue Cahill, Diane \1assock, \1ary
Legg. Third row: Kathy Hall, Cindy Doolin, Judy Dende, Judy Mier, Diane Harrison, Roger Tippe, Phil Reed, Lynn Peabody, treasurer; Kip Pope, second vice president; Ron Green, Robin Bradle, first vice president; ara Kretschmer, pre ident; Jan Hoffmann, parliamentarian; Mike Cox, usie Little, Pat Haley, Anne Miller, Whitney Pope.
Student Council Furnishes State This year tudent Council, headed by Pre ident ara Kretchmer, had in it member hip the tate tudent Council Pre ident, Ron Green, who was elected at last spring' state convention. Colonel John Frothingham, CHS advi or, erved a tate board director. The Champaign Student Council is one unit in a nationwide tudent ouncil organization, which hold di trict, tate, and national convention to promote the aim of tudent leader hip. A new feature of the Council was the di tribution of many of it duties among non-Council tudent . Tri High Council, Election Board, and Foreign Exchange were new committee formed to allow more exten ive participation. A mock presidential election and political a sembly were engineered by the Council and the history cia ses. The Council's problem were increa ed by the difficulty of erving two building which are three mile apart. ix Council m mber and an assistant pon or, Mrs. Olga A hworth, came from the Annex.
Close com m u nicatio n with ni High and Urbana was mair. tained by the Tri-High Board. Kay Petersen, John Woods, El'- 1 Quinlan, and Beth Halcrow look up number a Bob im¡ Ln makes a call.
AJas, we must all return! Mary Black, tudent Council member, regi ters Vince Passalacqua and Frank owninj!; at the ber;inning of the school year.
ara Kretsc h mer, t uden t Council president, checks next week's agenda with Council advisors, Mr _ ancy Yaxley. Colonel John Frothingham, and Mrs. Olga Ashworth.
House of Representative~ mt>mbers, Front row: Chris \1autz. Ann Leonard. all) toct...s. Jean Blact..., Tina Tock, Linda Doyle. Toni Banner. Jane ,mith. aundra :\1errifit>ld. hirley Anstine. \1arti Gillespie. Linda Lewis. Jt>annie FeathergilL 1ancy Dickey. \1arr Limbacher. se<'retary. e<'ond row: Doug Hellmer. Linda Quayle. \1ary Miller. \lary TempeL Jean Chandler. Pam Hayes. Linda S<'hilling. Tish Coughlin. Kay Petersen. Linda Iverson, LaVerne Berry. :\1ary Ann Brahana. Jane Ja<'kson. Bonnie Busch, Barb
Werstlt>r, Jan Hoffmann, parliamentarian. T h ird row: Suzie Colt>, Kathy Rauckman, Kathy Miller, Paulette Tibbett , Marianna Greaves, Kathy Dickerson, Kathy Malloy. Mary Beth Kelly, Melody Edward â&#x20AC;˘ Kip Pope. peaker. Fourth row: Dick tarr. Wally Oljveira. Hugh Good, teve Horan. Robert Gillespie, Bob cofield, Mark Ko ter, Genick Kucharczyk, usie Jaycox. Jim chiller. Vernon Eroh, John Woods, Robert impson, Jim Dunlap, George pit>gel, Melvin White, Andy Hoyne. speaker pro tempore.
House Acts on School Probleins The Intra- tate Exchange program wa the mo t out tanding activity of the Hou e of Repre entative this year. Student from CHS vi ited chool in other part of Illinoi for one week, while tudent from other town pent the week at CH . The repre entative were elected from all cia on the ba i of initiative and intere t. For the Hou e of Repre entative , one member from each home room and one alternate are cho en. Each repre entative bring the uggestion of hi cia mates to the meeting and in return report back to the home room about Hou e activities. The goal of the House i to increa e it cope and develop more inclu ive tudent government. The pon or i Mr. Carl el on.
J im c hiller (fro nt), Vernon Eroh, hris Mautz. and Kip Pope screened 86 appli<'ations for the Intra- tate Exchange program. The task of the committee was to select ten representatives to visit other Illinois schools.
Go~ Go~
Van Gogh
The initiation of new members proved an intere ting and amusing activity for Canvas board thi year. The initiates were required to dress in an arti t's outfit complete with smock, beret, and pallet in hand. "Go, go, Van Gogh," and "Art is everywhere" were printed on igns worn by the student . Field trip to the Art Institute in Chicago and the Art Museum in St. Louis were planned by the member of the club. To finance the e excursion . plan were made for a popsicle sale to be held after school. In the pring Canvas Board combined effort with Thespians and Baton Club to ponsor the Beaux Art Ball, a costume dance held this year for the first time. At Homecoming the club aided the tudent Council by painting the mural u ed for decorations for the dance. They al o made poster for the Disabled American Veteran's po ter conte t. To qualify for membership a student must have an A in his present art cour e, and overall average of 3.00, and additional recommendations from two teacher from other departments.
Canvas Board Members, from Front: Joan lattery. Connie Barton. ue Platz, :\1artha Foster. Carol Cunningham. (Below) Esther Garret. a Canvas Board initiate, spends her leisure time with palette in hand. capturing an inspiration.
Maroon Editors Work Sixth Hour There i one time each year when it pays to be "marooned"- in fact, tho e who are not will regret it. For a mere $5.00, the 1965 t!aroon, when it i completed by th in ertion of the ummer upplement covering late port , prom, and commen em nt, will provide a permanent record of all that made 1965 a year tor member. Yearbook operation w r expanded thi year by th addition of 20 promi ing ophomore to the taff and two important piece of equipment: a new Rolliflex camera and a art and file to roll upplie from room to room. Preparation of the annual was made ea ier becau e of the ixth period work e ion to which ten ditor and the h ad photographer were a igned. Training for th major taff wa begun Ia t urnmer when th Maroon ent the editor, Linda, to a two-week yearbook camp at the Univer ity of Michigan which provided experience in planning layout , and writing and fitting copy, under th direction of Dr. len Han on, Univer ity of Illinoi profe or of journali m. In addition, three ection editor attended a one-week work hop camp at the Univer ity of Minne ota. Ele tion to Quill and croll and the winning of a fir t-ela rating on the last Maroon are two honors which helped make worthwhile the 2,047 hour which taff member pent in putting together the 1965 liaroon.
~faroon editor -Front row: Jan Johnston, co-index editor; Linda Wood, editor-in-chief; Pam Karlstrom, co-sport editor. Second row: Alice Odell, co-index editor; Charlie tahl, co-sports editor. Third row: Holh Brov. n. fa<"uh} editor; Jud} Tanner. nrj!;aniza-
Headline8, copyJ CJ!Ption , and layouts all involve last minute decisions for Lm a Wood, editor-in-chief. LindA is caught in a rare moment of relaxation. tions editor; Marti Foster, layout editor; Sue Platz, art editor; Pat Judy. co-underclass editor; Kathy Dickerson, co-underclass editor. Not pietured: Mary Legj!; and athy Hutchinson, senior editors.
Mrs. Helen Kaufmann and Mr. Donald Ovt>rton examine the first-class certificate received for the 19634 ~faroon.
Mt>lvina Alper!> (left) busint>~S mana11:er, records the number of yt>arbook ~alt>s, with tht> ht>lp of Linda Butlt>r and Kit Kent.
Four Editors Attend SuiDIDer CaiDp
Left: "Next week we've got to get organized!" is the firm resolution of Holly Brown and Marti Foster, but the puzzling problem seems to be how to get through this week. Above: Linda Wood, editor-in-chief. depo its the last batch of yearbook pages into the hands of the nited tales \1ail.
Junior and -.pnior a-. ... j ... tant ... -
ro": Bt·th Hakro\\ . \larti (,dlt·•pw. (,a, It> Fair!'hild . Bet J..' Durant. Pt>nm Portt>r. St•cond t'O": '\ann Claar. Barh Lorman. Jan Hofl· man. '\ann \llwr•. t henl \'\ t>ihel. "a' I'Pter•t·n. Ft·ont
Lt>ft: Tht• proof j, 111 tlw JH'j!atl\t'. Hit·hard Cn•fft·. lluroon "tufl lwad photnj!rapht'r. t•,amirw• a roll of IH'j!atiH•• to 1... •un• that the out<"nmt• j, po•iti\t'. Ah oH•: Photoj!raplu r Ril'hard Gn•ffe (<·Pntt•rl ,.,plain• tlw ''"rl..lll!! of tlw •taff-. IH'\\ Holliflt•' to a--i•tant• Hoj!t•r I twr and Jat J.. Slatt·r '\ ot pic hii'NI : \IJI..t· Dor•t''
llaruon slaff ~ophomore as~rstants- Front row: \la!(gw Reno, Jean Black. econd row: \Jane~ Alt"<ander. Barb \~ erstler,
Editors Conspire Against Deadlines
Lt•ft : "\\ lwn· "ill it t>nd!" This \t'ar', li-t of -enior' i' lon~t·r than ever. but \lar) Legg and Catln HuH lunson see that t'a<"h nnt· has a plan• in tlw '65 Hamon. AhoH•: "'-'taff \\itlwut a horne·· dt•sniht•s tlw ('onditl<ln of tlw lfaroon t•tlitor' JtHh Tanrwr pu,Jw, the staffs "ork <"art ha<"k to its parkin~ place aftt·r ,j,th period.
Chronicle editors. seated: ndy Hoyne. sports editor. tanding: Gail Roland, circulation manager; Cheri Garland, head typist;
1artha Foster, art editor; Beth Garrigu , copy editor; Rosie Kearns, news editor; Cheryl Dauten, advertising manager.
News~ Features~ Sports~
Attention, tudent! If you are looking for an upto-date account of school event , an expre ion of tudent opinion, a bit of humor, and outstanding photograph , The Champaign Chronicle is a mu t. A beehive of activity can be found every Monday afternoon in room 101, a taffer and editor work frantically to me t deadline . nder the upervi ion of Mr . Evelyn Kovar, th paper i prepared by a team of editor and r port r ; equally a important are the typists, photographer , and memb r of the bu in taff who ell adverti ing pace to local merchant in order to help finance the paper. The Chronicle di tributed every Friday during lunch period . The Chronicle i affiliated with International Quill and croll and i pa t pre ident of the Illinoi tate High chool Pre Association. The paper maintain exchanges with other high chool newspap r , thu permitting an interchange of ideas.
No, th is is not a summit conference, but almo t as important! Mike Jackson, managing editor; IGt Kent, busine s manager; and Mrs. Evelyn Kovar, advisor; check the paper before it goe to press.
Chronicle staff assistants, Front row: Jean Black, Karee Burtis, Susan Hoppe, Jan John ton, ancy Leavitt. Second row: Susan Glenn, Tish Coughlin, Linda chillin11;, Susie offtz, Mary Black,
Janice Flora. Third row: Donna Davis, Cathy McLoughlin, Kay Petersen.
ancy Albers, John Black,
Record Highlights of CHS Chronicle reporters, Front row: Jim Watson, John Carpenter, Dave Shick, John Woods, Robert Simpson. Ed Gordon, Bill Jarman, Bob Felty, Don Pierce. Second row: Lanny Parvin, Le lie Meeker, Cindy Hampel, Judy Wakeley, Linda Farnham, Sheila Hassler, Jean Black, Jane Kelley, Cheri Garland, Maribeth Hay, ancy Eisner. Third row: Mary Miller, usan Glenn, Kay Cummings, Kris Mautz, Jane Jackson, Jeanine Hamacher, Patty Looker, Jeannie Feathergill, Linda Kresca, Gail Roland, Becky Durant. Jane
Samuelson. Fourth row: Judy Tanner, andy Cash, Carol Culver, Sue Bennett, Pam Floyd, Nanci Claar, Betsy Schooley. Alice Odell, ally Stocks, Verlie Elliot. Mary Ellen McElligatt, ancy Dickey, Marianna Greaves. Fifth row: Mary Limbacher. Janet Miller, Pat Judy, Janet Sear , Kathy Dickerson, Barb Gorman, Linda Kendall, Holly Holter, Linda Proctor. Donna Davis. Cindy Ma anari. Cathy Douglas, usie Jaycox.
Quill and 'c roll members. Fron t row: Linda Wood, '\1aribeth Hay, Cathy Hutchinson, hen Garland, Pam Karlstrom, Jan Johnston. ancy Williams. Cind) Hampel. Second row: Bill Howard. treasurer; Kit Kent. president; Rosie Kearns. v1ce president;
Crystal Chase, '\1ary Black, Holly Brown. Beth Garrigus. Third row: Marti Foster, Linda Kendall, John Black, Richard Greffe, Bill Jarman. Bob , imp. on. Greg Lietz, 1arianna Greaves. Judy Tanner.
Paper-back Book Sales Expanded "During the even Days in May of 1984, the Animal Farm wa tarted by the arrival of The Lion and the Lady." Th preceding wa one of many reminder to tudents to buy Quill 'n' croll paperback book . Although the club had old book Ia t year, this wa the fir t time they made paperback available in the cafeteria. To encourag teachers to nd tud nt to th Quill 'n' croll rack for upplementary books, memb r of the club vi ited English and hi tory cla s with amp! of paperbook . orne title were pecially ordered in in quantity for the u e of ntire cla e . The proceeds from the al of book buy new title for the CH library. Aft r me ting r quirem nts for m mb r hip in Quill 'n' croll, the national journali m honorary, tud nt are formally initiated at a banquet. Both Chronicle and 1-faroon taff member are con idered for member hip. To b eligibl Chronicle report r mu t have had one hundr d inche of copy publi hed; for member of the Maroon taff, evidence of excellence in writing, editin , or photography and ervice to the taff ar prerequi ite .
R osie Kearn s, Quill and â&#x20AC;˘ croll vice president, g-ivtâ&#x20AC;˘s \1arti Foster a sales talk on the histurieal classic Tom }ones, a paperback available from Quill and croll's cafeteria book rack.
Product of
The Mighty Pen What i publi hed twice a year and provide free recreational reading'? Th an wer- The Literary Chronicle!! The group which choo e the content and put the pamphl t together i composed of eleven members. Two nior edit th booklet. In addition, each member of the club i re pon ible for obtaining well written article from Engli h teach r . Any tudent intere ted in journali m may apply for member hip in the organization. The applicant mu t ubmit a paragraph tating hi rea on for desiring to join th taff. Mr . Alice Harni h i th pon or of Literary Chronicle.
Literarj Chromcle staff membt>rs. Front row: Albert Alt>xander. econd row: Deborah Cooper. Robin Bradlt>. Third row: 1\/ancy Eisner, Janice Flora. Fourth row: Mary Ellen McEIIi~~;ott. PhyUi Mitchell. Fifth row: Eugene Kelly. ot pictured: \1aribeth Hay. Robert Franklin, Tony hase. Kathy Owt>ns. l\1rs. Alice Harnis h a sists Robin Bradle and Eugene Kelley in st>lecting student-written material for the Literar_y Chronicle.
French lub member Jan Hoffmann, studies models of two famous landmarks of Parb, France.
French lub members, Front row: !\1ike Jack on, JoAnn Johnson, Linda Proctor, ecreary; John Woods, treasurer; Medsie Odom, president; Bill Jarman, parliamentarian; Whitney Pope, vice president; Judy Garinger, Linda Irle. Second row: Karen Gwinn, herry Tepper, Elaine Rittenhouse, Rea Doty, Candy Witt, Judy Coleman, Anne Kelly, Bettie chlarff, Jeannie Herrin, Anne Miller, Cindy Doolen, Betty \1attheis, Phylli Bernardi. Third row: Beth Tapscott, Linda Kre ca, Gayle Fielding, Marilyn Jung t, Alice
Berk on, ancy Gelvin, Anne Lariviere, Penny Porter, Cindy Warner, ancy Eisner, Rosey Acklin, hri~ Kelly, Gail Roland, Patty 0' eiU, Dianne '\1a sock, ue Hoppe. Fourth row: Karee Burtis, Cathy Walker, Jeanine Hamacher, Donna Davis, ue Brooks, Barb esheim, Donna Reed, teve Wascher, Bill Woods, Pat Hayes, an y Albers, Fran Friederich, Dee Roesch, Terry Hartman, Debbie Butsch, Patty Looker, Kathy Bair.
French GouriDets Delight Students Lu iou decorated pa trie were produced by the famou ¡ French lub gourmet for one of CH ' bake sale thi year, with lavi h recipe provided by the pon or, Mr. Dani l imone. The pro eeds from the ale were u ed to finance the year' activitie . To qualify for the club, a tudent mu t have taken at l a t one year of French or be pres ntly enrolled in a French clas at CH . The club met twice a month for film , lecture , and bu iness meeting . A pizza party wa held in the fall to greet new member and w lcome oth r back! "Have o 'Merci' on the Red " wa the plea of the French Club in the Homecoming A embly. Their float wa con tructed by club member and entered in competition with float from other club . The member ' out tanding cooking ability wa again witne d at the International upp r. ative di he , welcomed by any Frenchman, adorned their table.
With fellow French Club members. u an De\toss hare. orne of the experiences that she had while living in France for a year.
French Club members, Front row: ancy Koehnemann, Carole Johnson, Anita Rohrer, Kathy McFarland, Bev Britton, Gwen Tummel on. Jane Jack on, Jean Black. Tina Tock, Jeanne apora, econd row: haron Emberton, Kathy Gordon, Bernice Me eal, Georgia Jon , Rosie Kearns, Kit Kent, Donna \fartin. Anita Demotte, Mary Limbacher, Third row: indy Hampel, ancy
Graham, Linda Doyle, Jane Kelley, Linda Engli h, Fourth row: \1andy \tulliken, andy Baum, Diane Merrifield. Billie Koch. Bunnie Zie~ler, teve Hoffacker, Jeff Tock, Kip Pope, Dave Frerichs, Bob Felty, Holly Holter, Mary Legg, \1arti Fo ter, Beth Garrigu , ancy Mo~s.
German Club members. Front row: Christopher DammersJeanne Hus ong. Karen Pelg. LaVerne Berry. Barbara Kaiser. heila Hassler. Liz Luk. ander. aUy locks. Judi Edwards. onnie Hou e. Janet Trulock. usan Glenn. Linda Bacchi. Larry nook. Karen Kalkwarf. secretary. econ d row: Kitty Mavihill, Verlie EUiott, :\1arie :\1cHugh, Kay Peterson, :\1icki Garland, Denice Eichelberger, Miki Goings, Kathy Dickerson, Betsy Schooley, Libbie weet, Edie
Luksander, EUen Key, Gary MiUer, LeRay MitcheU, Larry Brown, parliamentarian; Jeff Tock. vice president. Third row: haron Heimburger, Becky Radke, Mary Lou iems, BiU chowengarte, John Pearson, Dan Lewis, Jack later, Rick Gentille, Charlie tahl. Bruce ettman, Larry Mayo, teve Ackron, Eric Wildhagen, ndy Hoyne. pre ident.
... I(
tel i (; h Cl
Ma ry Lo u Siem e and Darrt>ll
Lookingbill dt>cipht>r vt•rb con· JUgations m G1·rman class.
Weihnachtsabend -A Big Success Der f>OOken tomp, a hop ponsored by German lub. wa ¡ the highlight of Halloween for many CH tudent . In pite of eerie decoration , fun and dancing overpowered all evil spirit . The proceed from the hop were u ed for the club' annual hri tma party. On " hri tma ight" (known to German tudents a Weihnachtsabend) th tudent invited their parent to an annual party. Member of the fourth year Ia s pre ented a play, whil other lub member organized a choir and erved on the welcoming committ e. The lub pon ored a table at th International upper and entered a float in Hom coming competition. Thi year' float, "Mug the Red ," won econd place. M mb r of German Club mu t be at lea t at the econd year level. Mr. Paul Balti i the pon or.
At Christmas German students brought a foreign air to CH prepare for anta ¡ arrival.
icky Donze . .\1arty Ray. Darrell Lookingbill. and .\1ary Lou
Roainin' Roinans If you e any ancient Roman walking the hall of CH with pizza in their hand , don't be alarmed. They aren't actually Roman ; they're Latin Club member enjoying their pring pizza party! The club al. o holds an annual Chri tma ¡ party, better known a aturalia, at which Roman toga are the required attire. Co tume ar judged and prize are awarded. M mb r exchange gift and to complete the fe tiviti a Roman chariot race i h ld. To become a member of Latin Club, a tudent mu t hav had at lea t three year of Latin or mu t be nrolled in third or fourth year Latin. Mi Loi Bott nfield i th pon or of the club. A a money-making project, Latin lub joined force with the French Club to pon or a hop at the end of January. Th money in the trea ury wa u ed to finance participation in the Homecoming A embly and the ocial activities of th club. Latin Club participated in the International upper by providing the Italian table. It wa planned that peaker would be invited to report on the ancient civilization of the Roman .
Veni, Vidi, Vinci- "I came. I saw. I conquered"'- ignifie the wi h of the Latin Club. Bob Plue. complete with toga and torch, enters the H Homecoming A sembly a. the club's human float.
Latin Club members. Front row: Linda chming. ]ann Tummelson. Helen chweighart, Betty ~1illigan, Barb Flynn. De linda Gagliano. Lanny Parvin, Maribeth Hay, John White. arol Roberts, Becky Durant. Don Yon, vice pre ident; Toni Evan â&#x20AC;˘ secretary, econ d row: Cele te Honn, Pam oilier, Barb Gorman, usie
offtz. \1ary Barber, andy a h. Mary Bla k, Dan pear, Bill Howard. Janet Vandevender, harle. Thinnes. Bob Plue. president; T h ird row: Drew Roznowski, Danny mith, Rick Gentille, Bill Woods, George peigel, Joe Balzer, teve Williams, Mike Holm, teve Barnhart, Gary Baugh, Tom Wil on. Ed Gordon, trea urer.
FT A Cadets Get Teaching Experience An intere t in tea hing and eventy-five ¡ents are all that is needed for acceptance into FT A. The club i de. i~ned to give its member a clearer picture of the teaching world while providing opportunitie for ervice. Club m mbers tutor potential dropout and read to ~oup of children on aturday mornin~.. For everal year the dub has provided for the education and partial support of a Columbian choolboy. For ocial activities FT A sponsor a faculty tea and gives a coke party, initiation de ert. and welcoming picnic for new member . Club meeting are enlivened by panel discus. ion conducted by tudent teacher and peaker in specialized field . Each year one meeting i devoted to honoring a H teacher. To upport the club' many project , it member hold bake ale and a hop each year. The club maintain membership in both tate and di trict as ociation , with delegate attending the stat convention held during the pring each y ar. It would be a mi take to portray the club a all work with no benefit : thi year two enior received one-hundred dollar cholar hip and eventeen climaxed their member hip career by obtaining longawaited a ignment a cadet teacher . Jan Johnston, FTA president and a cadet teacher, does an admirable job of capturing the attention of her small pupils. Felice Kaufmann, Alex Hilton, and Kathy Van Horn listen wide-eyed to an exciting story.
FTA members, Front row: De linda Gagliano, Sue Miller, Linda Wood, Pam Karlstrom, ancy Eisner, Anne Miller, Connie House, Pejl:gy Brown, Janie Kelley, Cheri Garland, Donna Mankey, Mary Miller, ally tocks, Andy Duke . Becky Durant, Gail Roland, Linda Kresca, Cindy Hampel. econd row: Marilyn Jung t, Betty chlorff, Linda chilling, Penny Porter, Cathy Walker, Pat Richarch, Rosey Acklin, Debbie Wojnar, Ellen Key, Jeff Wright, Linda Ware, Linda Miebach, Trish Phillips, Linda Me singer, Connie Kozikow ki, Alana Gorski, Tish Coughlin, Fran Freiderich. Third
row: Carol Hanson, Patty Bain, Betty Mattheis, herry Tepper, Jane Jackson, Linda Meier, Pat Judy. La\erne Berry. Kathy Dickerson, Betsy chooley. ancy Dickey. Bonnie Busch. Terri Hyland, Alice Odell, Cathy McLoughlin. Fourth row: uzie Cole. Rosemary Bartels, Marianna Greaves. Beth Garrigus. Linda Proctor, ancy Barker, Linda Coad. Cheryl Weibel. ancy lbers, Linda Kendall. Mary Douglas, andy Ware. D1ane Wheeler. Linda Irle. Jan andwell, Pat Haley, Dee Roesch.
F~ \ m••mlwr' - Front row: 1\a} \llt>n . c-nrn•,pondin!( •t><'rt>tary; ~u,an ~ell, .
trt>a,urer; Celeste Honn. rt><·ordin!( 'ecr!'lary; \1elvena .\lper ; Pam Taylor. econd row: Beverly ' uinn; ue Cos-
nell; Linda Jon s. pre ident; Linda Quayle; usan tuart. Third row: Pam Lindell; Betty Gray, vice-president; Barbara Clay; Ruth tewart; Donna Martin.
Girls Plan Secretarial Careers ocial curity, applying for a job, and planning an office wardrobe were among the topic explor d ociation at their biby the Future e r tarie monthly meeting . The club, now in it third year, i pon ored by Mr . Ida Ma Ri kett , and affiliated with th Champaign-Urbana chapter of the ational ecretarie A ociation. It aim i to stimulate intere t in ecretarial career ; to thi end, the C-U chapter help th club to plan program and get peaker . Each month four girl were chosen, through a drawing, to attend the A dinner meeting at Tilden Hall Hotel. Repre entative of the CH club al o attended the ali-day ecretarial work hop at the niver ity of lllinoi .
Mary Margaret Wood (left) and Carolyn Hanson watch as andy Wheet and Diane Hanson (front) demonstrate the use of two im portant busines machines, the Rotary cal ulator and the key punch.
FFA Points Toward F arining Careers Rat poi on and candy are not a ociated in mo t ca e ; the Future Farm r of America, however, old both product in order to earn money. A o k hop after a game and the ale of Chri tmas card al o furni hed fund for the club' trea ury. The proceed financed a trip to hiago and on to th national a convention which fiv delegate attended. ervic proj ct the boy delivered hri tma ba ket to needy familie . Plan w r made for an app arance on the televi ion program "Am rican Heritage." The FF club at CH i affiliated with the tate Chapter of FF . ward are pre ented at local and tate level , ranging from fir t-year bronze emblem to gold pins for out tanding achievement. The mo t cov ted award i th ational tar Farm r Award. To qualify for FFA, pon ored by Mr. Lowell Hill n, a boy mu t hav tak n a our in agriculture. Member carry project u h a rai ing feed corn.
FFA offi ce r s ready for a fi!'ld trip. In tlw cab is Allen cop:gin. treasurer; sta ndin g,!eft t o r ig h t, art> Earl Morp:an, rt>porter; Lloyd Tip word, st>ntinel; Ken Jones, secretary; and Willie Clem, president. Not p i<'lure d is Mike Magp:io, vice prt>sident.
Futurt¡ Farmer~ of America members, F r o nt r ow: Larry Corum, teve Henderson, Dan Ross, Jim Pankau, Bill Wood. t>con d row: Tom Harnsberger, rbana; Bill Biell, teve Dively, Mike Griffin,
Ken Johnson, rbana. Thi r d r o w: John Primmer, Willy Clem, president, rbana; Dave Lemke, rbana; Marvin Lee, Urbana; Earl Morgan, reporter; Lowell F. Hillen, advi or.
00 members, Front row: MoUy Hunt, Terry haffer, Pat Rey¡ nolds, Judy Farruggia, Carol raig, Jane Chandler. econd row: Linda Palmer, Dianna Connerly, ue Hopkins, Pat Connelly, Joan lark, arolyn Honn, Kay AUen, Pam Taylor. Third row: Cheryl
Wiley, Shelia Pruett, ue Moser, Bev Burnett, Rita Johnson, haron Mennenga, Dixie Reese, Mary '\1argaret Wood, Diane Hanson.
Students Step into Business World
Teaming up cia room acttvttte with experience on a part-tim job i the obj t of Distributive Education and Office Occupations. 00 and DE each meet during on period each morning; during afternoons the tudent work in community tore and offices. Out ide of cla the club pon or money-mak-
ing project , including a ock hop and a candy ale, to cover expense of an annual Employer Appreciation Banquet in the pring. 00 and DE combined to ho t an area meeting in ovember at which even chool convened. The highlight of the meeting wa a tour of Lincoln quare hopping center.
DE members, Front row: Georgia Kindle, Margaret Grierson, Pat Brown, Lettie \tcCalpin, haron Renn, heila Dixon, Cynthia ooke. econd row: John Miller, Paula Bone, haron Bermingham, Joy e orwood, andra hotton, Ken Ginder. Third row: Bob BidweU, Dennis Kennedy, Gary Conley, am Bundy, Ken
Burge. Fourth row: Gene Ford, Dave Lohmeyer, Tyrone Gee, Richard Walters, Bob Holder, Lon Eastin, teve Dahl. Not pictured: Don Deahl, Judy Hardin,Agnete McCoy, andra Taylor, Ted Wagner.
CC Previews Business Careers One of the mo t useful project which the om· mercia} Club undertook was ending profe ional books, text , and magazines to Paki tan, where they will be u ed for ducational purpos . For everal year the club ha also sent gifts to the children at Huling Home, an orphanage in Rantoul. In ovember the club memb r vi ited the bu i· ne offices at Ei n r warehouse where they were able to ob erve modern office equipment. The highlight of the year wa the initiation and pre entation of pin . Following the ceremony, a tea wa · h ld for parent and friends. To be eligible for ommercial lub, which i ponsored by Miss Dorothy \1unger, Busine depart· ment head, a tudent mu t be enroll d in busine education cour es. The club provides tudent oppor· tunities to serve as secretaries to teachers. By doing so, tudents are able to gain useful exp rience in the business field.
P r i c ilia Wilson holds the box high for Pam Corum and Patty Martin to draw namt'S for a Commercial lub Christmas project.
Commt'rcial Club members, Front row: Linda Ross, recording secretary; ue Hopkins, president; Linda Butler; Melvena Alpers, corresponding St'Crt'tary; Lettie McCalpin, Carol Craig, Donna Martin. econd row : PrisciUa Wilson, MoUy Hunt, Pam orum,
Judy Smith, ue Cauble, usan WeUs, Pat Connelly, Judi Wilson Debbie Weeks. T hir d r o w: Diane Hanson, haron Bermingham, Patty Martin, Dix.ie Edwards, vice presidt>nt; haron Mennenga, Linda ]one , Mary Margaret Wood, Diana Ro s, Brenda Ruud.
JETS Take Off Into Second Year nlike the group of th arne name in a rec nt m vi , the JET of H i a purely con tru tive club. Th JET , whi h tand for Junior Engineering Technological ociety, i an organization con i ting of intere ted boy who meet for di cus ions on modern engineering. The club i affiliated with imilar organization at both tate and national lev 1 . Mr. lien mith i the pon or of JET , which wa formed two year ago. Field trips were included in the club's activitie , among them a visit to the hicago Mu~eum of ience and Industry. lub memb r were encouraged to con truct project for competition in the tate ci nee Fair. JET members-Front row: Jad. ~later. Bob Simp,on. Bob Felty. econd row: Mike Rigsby. colt Wetenkamp. Randy Rett¡ berg. Third row: John Woods. Ed (;Qrdon, Jim teward, Bill Jarman.
b~>ervi ng a s pectrum are JET member~. Scott 'Wetenkamp. Jack 'later, Randy Rettberg, Jim tewart, and Mike Rig by
Community Relations Club mrmber , Front row: Lee Prllum, viet> prt>sidt>nt; Blanche John..,on, ..,ecretary; John Cook, president; Rosie Kearns, Lee Pigage. econd row: aria Ke•slrr, Vicki Merrick, Drew Roznowski, Jot> Berk. on, Linda Bacchi, !bert
Alexander, Third row: Debby Cooper, Alice Brrk•on. \larilyn Jungst, Chrrry Ekstam, Beulah Goines, Carolyn Harper, Beth Garrigus, Diana Blaugh.
Students Tackle Dropout Problein R alizing a need for tronger tie bet ween the high chool and the community, tudent of HS took action to curb the difficulty. The re ult of the action: the ommunity R lation Club. A delegate from the club attended Champaign Youth ouncil meeting in order to bring the high school in clo er contact with the problem of Champaign youth. The purpo e of the club i to promote better relation among the diver e o io-e onomic group in the chool and community. One important project wa encouraged by a movie hown at CH ; th club m mber work d with the problem of chool dropout . nder the pon orship of Mr. Ed Palmer and Mr. Wally Lehman, th club work d through th t acher at CH to pon or a tutoring program. The club attempted to broaden th awarene oft n concerning current social i ue . The member also worked with civic organization in the community to promote leader hip and citiz n hip.
tudent participation was the kt>y to the Community Relations Club's ..,ucct>••· John Cook, prt>..,ident, gets suggestions from other club member for ways club projects could be put into effect.
Modern Dancers Leap Into Action girl collap ing in a heap on the floor isn't really fainting; he's imply practicing her Orche i routine! Orche i , pon ored by Mi Paulette Di lio, i the modern dance club, which i open to ophomore, junior and senior girl . Att ndance at fall work hop of modern dance are required for memberhip. At the work hop pro pective member are taught the basic kill of modern dance. When the work hop are completed, th initiate prepare dance routine which they pre ent to the other member . In the pa t the club ha attended state work hop at the niver ity of lllinoi , where the participant were in tructed by profe or and tudent on the college level. The development of dance kill , ocial poi , and an intere t in choreography are the main purpo e of the club. The atmo phere of a typi al Orche i meeting i friendly with no feeling of ten e ompetition; the environment is conclusive to the ea y and relaxed dance e ion . trenuou exerci e may re ult in ore mu cle , but the girl ' reward com s from a job well done. The Or he i memb r can truly ay that they have thrown them elve into their work!
1\athy Ro~~i, ont• uf t·i~ht On·lw'i' initialt''· demun,lrates an inlt•rpn•taiiW routine in whic·h he performs the qualitie of a mirror. All initiates must interpret music at tryouts.
In a kills routine are Orchesi · members-Front row: !o-athy Killian, I rea urer; • ue Platz, secretary; Jann Tum mel on. fllt'"l ·
dent; Kathy Hyland; Candi Hambleton. econd row: Carol Cui· ver; Libbie weet. vice·president; Barb Fancher; Liz Luksander.
Library-Projector Club member , Front row: Charle~ Parnsh, Diana Blaugh, secrt>tary; Judy Farrugj!;ia, prt>sidt>nl; Judy AUen,
treaRurer. econd row: Becky Durant, Ruth Bt>rg, herry :\1itchell.
deline Dickey,
Read and Learn; Look and See The mt>mber of Library-Projector lub perform two useful services to CH . Projector taff members learn the fundamental of operating, caring for, and repairing projectors, and they demonstrate their kills by aiding t acher in showing film to cla es. The library worker are required to spend one hour daily before, during, or after chool checking books in and out and keeping th library in order. Sht•rr} \1itcht•ll (ri~tht) a nH'mll<'r of tlw I -I' Cluh. dw< bout a book as part of her duty as a qudent librarian. \1t>hll1 \\hilt·. also a nwmlwr of L-1'. assists a teacher h} slwv. in~ a film to a social studies !'lass.
Fall Play-''Tin1e Out for
"If Men Played Card A Women Do" i certainly an intriguing topic; a the title of the CHS faculty play, it prov d hilariou . B id the faculty play, Wig 'n' Paint produced the fall tunt how, held for the fir t time in the Littl Theater rather than in the boy ' gym. The production, " tudio 77," preen ted an "on the et" view of what really happens when a television how goe on th air. A new HS event, the Beaux Art Ball, wa ponored in th pring by Wig 'n' Paint and the mu ic and art department . tudent cho e co tume for the rna querade which carri d out the theme announced in advan e by th club. Wig 'n' Paint handled ti ket ale and publicity for the dan e. At lub meeting , peakers, film and oral report provided m mber with information about the field of dramatic . Thi year the club' on titution wa revi ed; it wa decided that prospect would qualify for membership by working a certain number of hours on production . Mr. Greg White spon or Wig 'n' Paint.
" Is tht-re a man in the houst-'!" pleads Adeline Dickey hopelessly, as he tug on a nail. Adeline was a memb r of the tage crew for the \'\-ig 'n' Paint fall play.
Wig ' n' Paint senior members, Front row: Dave hick, Esther Garret, John Cook, president; Janet \andevender, vice president; arol Culver, e retary; Mary Doug)a , treasurer. econd row: herry Ekstam, \1ary Black, Debbie Daniels, Jean Chandler, Beth Balzer, Angel chnur, Gale Easterbrook. Third row: Judy Tanner, \tary CatteU, Adeline Dickey, Leslie :\1eeker, Carmen Wilson,
Pam Hayes, Kit Kent, J an Johnston. Jane amuelson. Fourth row: Ann Amerman, usie At<'hley, \1ary Beth Kelly. Judy 'ies , Linda KendaU, usie Cole, Linda \1e . inger, Jann Tummelson. Fifth row: Di<'k inger, Pete Kimble, Andy Hoyne, Bob Berg¡ schneider, John Black, Dave Eastin, :\1ike Jackson.
Will: 'n' Paint junior mt•mber~. Front row: hirley nstint>, Gayle Fair<·hild , 'm• l\1iUer, Andy Dukt''· Kathy Trt>mairw, Toni Evans, '\ancy Ei. ner, Patty 0''\eill, ancy Leavitt, Bonnie Whiteside. econd row: \1arti Gillt•spie, Cathy Walker, Linda Turnt•r, Becky Durant, Bunnie Ziegler, Det• Roesch. ally to<·b, Annt• hirley. Linda Kresca, Gail Roland. Third row: Kathy Dickerson, usie
offtz, Donna Davis, Diane l\1errrfield, ancy \tiller, Barb '\e. 'lwim, Linda l\1iebach, Kan·n Waller, Kathy Brown, Alice Odell, Betsy chooly. Fourth row: ' teve Hoffacker, John Ba h. teve Ho11:an, Erie Wildha11:en, tuart Landa, BiU Woods, teve W t•idman, Dave Howard, Lanny Parvin, '\anq Albers. Barb Gorman .
Winter Production-''Stalag l7fiJfiJ Will: 'n' Paint junior members, Front row: Bevt>rly Britton, Cindy \~arner, Rosey Acklin, Jeff \hi11:ht, Sut> Bt>nnt>tt, Gloria Cain, Lynn Hampton, Joyce Freitag, Carol Carns. econd row: JoAnn Johnson, Barbara Kaiser, Patrieia Friese, Cathy McLau11:hlin, Liz ector, Connie Kozikowski, Patricia Perkins, Anne Good. Third
row: andy Baum, Carole Johnson, Katrina Piper, Pamt>la Floyd, anci Claar, u an tewart, Karen MiUer, Rhonda Pear on, Linda Bowles. Fourth row: Linda lver on, LeadeU Leeds, Karen Bartel· son, Betty \1adix, Linda Proctor, 1\iancy Barker, Melody Edwards, Toni Hughes. Kathy Kirk.
Dave Eastin, as Howard arol, discusses the problem of parenthood with Janet Vandevender, his wife gnes, in the fall play.
Creating a Scene Wig 'n' Paint sophomore members, Front row: Linda Lewi , Maggie Reno, Dottie Proff, \1arilyn Jungst, Debbie ~ ojnar, Alice Berk on, Jean Heaton, Jill Hartman, Jane Kelley. econd row: Pamela Hettler, har(m Emberton, Gwen Tummelson, Patty Looker, nne \filler, ancy Didcoct, herry Tepper, '\am¡y Knepler, Linda lrl . T h ird row: Patricia Doty, Gayle Fielding, D bbie
Larson, Karen Gwinn, Susan Palmer, Gloria Grigg,, Helen Genes, Patricia Haley, \1ichele Carland, uzanne Blair, Belinda Daniels. Fou rt h row: Jeanine Hamacher, teve Wascher, Fnâ&#x20AC;˘d Ek. tam, Gene Helfer, Larry Mayo, Donald Pierce, Crace Richardson, Barbara \1iller, Kathy Backer, Donna Reed.
While the phra e "double Thespian" or triple The pian may puzzle some, to the initiated it imply mean that a member of The ·pians, the national dramatic honorary ociety, has doubled or trebled the ba ic membership requirement of 100 point·. Points are earned through participation in drama and speech activitie . Performing in playca t , participating on the peech team, working behind the scene on stage crews, erving on the publicity committee, or being an u her during a play are all way· in which tudent may how their interest in dramatic activities and ama point for Thespian . ew member are initiated in the spring. During the chool year, The pians present a play, proceed from which are donated to ~ ig 'n' Paint. Thi year the goal of the The pian wa to earn money towards the purcha e of new production equipment.
Russ Me rrifie ld, as Eddi~ Davis, and Toni Evans, as Ginger, take time out from rehearsal to go over lines from "Time Out for Ginger." Russ and Toni were two member of a cast of ten who were hosen from tryouts open to aU CH tudents.
Thespian , Front row: Esther Garre t, president; Carol Culver. e cond row: J ohn Cook, J ane t Vandevender, Mik e J ackson, vice president.Third row: Charles winehart. Pete Kimb le, Dave hick. Not picture d : J oe Berkson.
A appella Choir- Front row: Jeanine Hamacher, Liz ecter, Barb Kaiser, La erne Berry, nne LaRiviere, Jane amuelson, arol ulver, Karen Gwinn, Kay Allen, Debby Doyle, Jodene Dye. Ray rm trong, teve Hoffacker, Bob Plue, Ru s Merrifield, Carol Wolfinbarger, ue Hale, Connie Fiock, Terry Flewelling, Janet Trulock, Barb Britton, Gayle Fairchild, andy Conkwright, hirley Anstine, Cindy Hampel, Cindy Ridgely. econd row: Jackie Bishop, Francine bernathy, Mary chneider, Miriam Beck· er, Kathy Collins, Cathy Walker, Carolyn Honn, Judi ilverman,
Men's Ensemble-Front row: teve Hoffacker, Ray Arm· trong, Ru Merrifield, Bob Plue. Rick Lee. econd row: Chris offke, Jon Glende, Clark Breeze, teve Frillman, Don Pierce. Third row: Larry Pile, Don tevens, Mike Mon· crief, Leonard Wisehart, Dave Ea tin, Roger Finnigan.
Judi Edwards, Chris offke, teve Dyson, Doug Miller, Don Pierce, Jon Glende, Beth Tap cott, Fran Friederich, usan mith. Mary Miller. Mary Limbacher, herry Walker, Dale mith. Janet Miller, Karen Kalkwarf, Roberta Rodin. Third row: ( atln llall. Anne Miller, Gayle Fielding, usan Palmer. Paulette Goddard. Linda idall, Linda Proctor, Kathy Dickerson, Pat Judy. Betty taley, Roger Finnigan, Dave Eastin, Rick Lee, John Redmon. Joanne Johnson, Linda Iverson, Jane Heaton, Betti Madix, Lorrie teele, uann Cahill, Linda Cullough, Patti Bain, Linda Farnham.
Halls Echo with Sound of Music Choral directors from throughout the nation compri ed one audience for which the A Cappella Choir performed thi year. The group al o participated in the Fall horal Concert, the hri tmas A embly, pring enior Concert, and the band and choir tour. Plan for a performance at the w York World' Fair cry tallized from a dream into reality for the Vocalette . The elect group of 25 girl launched a erie of money-making proj ct , including bake ale , a ock hop, and a concert, to finance the trip. The Vocalette participated in the Choral Concert and made pecial appearance including inging for an Agriculture Extension meeting at the niver ity of Illinoi . The n wly-formed M n' En emble, compo ed of 20 boy selected from A Cappella, performed at the Choral Concert and Pop Concert. The A Cappella Choir, Vocalett , and Men' En emble were directed by Mr. William 01 on and Mr. Lloyd Clark.
Fourth row: Mary Legg, Linda Boardman, Vicki Trulock, Beverly Blackwell. Patty Kurzweg, Kathy Killian. Jane Hogue, Claudia Allhands, Carol Hanson, Margene Kirkwood. Melvin White. Don tevens, John McGill, Jim Greave , Larry Pile, Mike Moncrief. lark Breeze, Leonard Wisehart, teve Frillman, arolyn Wood, Cindy Massanari, Linda Kendall , Judy Tanner, Alana Gorski, Kate chroeder, Debbie Daniel â&#x20AC;˘ herry Ekstam. Beverly Guinn.
Vocalettes-Front row: Jane amuelson. Beth Tapscott. Janet Trulock, Joann Johnson , Anne Miller, Mary Miller. usan mith. Barb Britton, Gayle Fairchild. econd row: Gayle Fielding. Jeanine Hamacher. Mary chneider. Barb Kaiser, Mary Limbacher. herry "\ÂĽ alker. Karen Kalkwarf. Terry Flewelling. Third row: Karen Gwinn. Liz ecter. Carolyn W od, Margene Kirkwood, Mary Legg, Linda Kendall, Betti Madix, Fran Friederich.
Orche tra members-Front row: Carol Robert , usan mith, Kathy 1cFarland, Ann Cotter, Kerry Anderson, Anita Rohrer, Jill Hartman. econd row: Mary Miller, Deni e Wri~~:ht, us an
Musicians Swing Excerpt from "Gigi" and "Andalucia uite" were contribution of the orche tra at the Pop Concert. Another program, Chamber Mu ic Concert, is presented each spring, and elected members participate in the pring Mu ical pit orche tra. Conductor of the orchestra is Mr. Joe Giewartow ki. The 40 student in the group devote one cia period a day to rehear al . Madrigals, a mixed vocal group of 20 tudents , included on their late of appearance thi year performance for the Champaign-Urbana Exchange Club and the Univer ity of Illinois mu ic honorary orority, a banquet at St. Peter' Church in Champaign, and a televi ion program. The group also sang at the Pop Concert, Chri tmas Assembly, and band and choir tour in February. itting around a table singing early English folk music, they are traditionally called Madrigals; but when they sing more popular tune their name i changed to Choraleers.
Music stand in hand, Carol Roberts hurries to the Little Theater where the orche tra i rehear ing for the Pop Concert.
actman, Tom McFall, Phil ticklin , Pri cilia Daniels, Rita hoe maker, Robert Franklin. Third row: J eff Tyler, Wayne Logue. teve Hartman . Roberta Will key. Fourth row: Martha
â&#x20AC;˘ Ill
Pops Concert
Foster. Carolyn Harper. Blanche Johnson. Betty taley, Mar~~:ene Kirkwood, andy Ware. Larry Pile. Bill Phillips. Fifth row: Theresa Hartman. Beverly Lytle. Clark Breeze. Ray Armstrong,
~athan Bank • Albert Alexander. 'tan d in g: B1·1 I,., l{,Hll.. ,·. John Pear on, Ken Kessler. Dale Hudson. Ray Keylon. Mr. Giewartow ki.
English Tunes: Madrigal Tradition Madrigals-Fron t row: Janet Trulock, Kathleen Collins. usan Smith. Karen Kalkwarf. herrill Walker. econd row: Fran Friederich. Mary Lej!:g, Lmda Boardman. Cindy Massanari. usie Palmer. \laq~t-rw 1\.irk\\nnd. Third row: Chrr~ \nffkt>. Jon (;lt>nd(•,
Clark Brt•(•zt•. Rngl'r Finnigan. Ra) \rrn~trnng. Fo u r th row: Larr) Pilt>. Don Sll••t>n'. Lt>nnard \\ l't'hart. \lik1• \lonnit·f. Douj!: \Iiller.
Marching Maroons 'Hold That Tiger'
An added attraction to the CH: \lart'hing Band Y.ere drum major Dale Turner and majorettes Jean and Jane Chandler. ~ot pictured: majorette Kathy Gordon.
Band members-Front row: Betty tal y, Margene Kirkwood, andy Ware, Jeannie Hu ong, Blanche Johnson, Martha Foster, ancy Gelvin, Cathy Hall, LaVerne Berry, ancy Guinn, Cindy Doolen, Robert Franklin. Second row: Frank Hettler, Linda Ware, arolyn Hamilton, ancy Graham, teve eal, Paul elf, Eric Wildhagen, Jeff Crackel, Chri Kimble, arol Edwards, Laurel
Laurent, Joyce Grietag, andy Bridgewater, ue tewart, Terry Hartman, Clark Breeze, Bev Lytle. Third row: Bonnie White ide, Debbie Butsch, arah Bradbury, Dave Terrill, Jeannie Bail, Ed Fiscus, teve Leming, Clark Wise, Dave Roderick, Rocky Peacock, Dave Me amara, Marty Prestin, Judy Garinger, Carl Mautz, Jim eill, Marc Roderick, Tom Jackson, Dave Brunkow, Jim Brewer,
With 'Elephant Walk' 104 Marching Maroon spent two hour each morning at McKinley Field in the fall, practicing to perfect man uver . Under the direction of Mr. Verollton C. haul and Mr. William 01 on, the CH band performed at football and basketball game and at pep a emblie . During the year programs uch a the Chri tmas A embly were presented by the group. By ovember the band took on a eriou air with the coming of the concert ea on. For the Concert Band, 90 members were elected from the larger group. In February the band made a long-anticipated three-day tour, with Holland, Michigan, a town famou for its annual tulip festival, the main destination. In March ensembles were selected to participate in dis¡ trict and tate conte t and to perform for men' service clubs. Annex band member formed a Cadet Band, un¡ der Mr. James Rouintree. Out tanding sophomore from the Annex were allowed to audition for acceptance into the Concert Band.
Playing the right note while keeping in step is a trying task. but Bianchi" Johnson and Marti Fostt>r havt> complett> control.
Rodney McCormick. tuart Landa. Bruce Becker, Jack Earley. Albert Alexander. Fourth row: Morris Washington, Mar hall Lipscomb. Kathy Rauckman. Kathy Baxter. Jeannie Herrin. LeRae Mitcht>ll, Lee Pigage, Tom Trimble. Dave Trover. teve Wa her. Gary Baugh. Jim Terrill, Bill Phillips, Larry Pile, Tom Deakin,
Roger harp. teve helton, Karen Kalkwarf. Frank Alexander, Fred Ekstam. Dave Wagner, Richard Parkinson, William e bitt. tanding: Mr. Bill Olson. Bob Atkins. Russ Merrifield. Ro emary Bartels, ate Banks. Mr. Victor elf. John Pearson. Jack mith. Perry Fulker on. Brad Kent, Barry Rogers, Don Yon, Becky Radke.
Baton Club members, Front row: hirley Anstine, Gayle Fairchild, Cindy Hampel. Barb Britton, member·at-largt>: Karen Kalkwarf. president; Janet Trulock, secretary·treasurer; Linda Kendall, vice president; heryl Gammon, usie Easterbrook. econd row: Rosey Acklin, Kathy Collins, Beverly Guinn, Beverly Britton, Laurel Laurent, Judy lien. Jeanne Hussong. uann Cahill. Linda Bowles, Anita Rohrt>r, Carolyn Wood, '\1ary chneider. Third row: Kay Cumming. ,Judy Tanner, '\1argene Kirkwood, Judy. iess. Linda lver on, Barbara Kaiser, lana Gorsk1. Kath~ Owens, Judi
"A Cymbal of\ ictory," the theme of the prizewinning homecoming float, illu trate only one of the Baton Club' many project . Baton Club, with onehundred and fifty member , i one of the large t and mo t active club at CH . The club pon or aftergame hop and the annual ic Ver a Dance. Memb r of Baton lub di play their talent in instrum ntal and choral concert , and in the pe tacular "Mu ical Mood , " held in the pring. ew member , junior and eniors who have hown an active interest in the mu ic department, are announced and initiated in th fall. The club planned variou money-making project to help finance the yearly mu ic tour which wa taken in F bruary. Thi year the members old candy, fruitcake , and hri tma acce orie . Modern Mu ic Ma ter i compo ed of out tanding tudent in mu ic. It member are cho en on the ba i of talent, leader hip, character, cholar hip, and service. Both Baton Club and Modern Music Ma ters are pon ored by Mr. Verrollton haul.
Baton Club initiate Barry Rogers applieb required makt'·up.
ilvt>rman, usan mith. Jant> amuelson, herry Walker, Beverly Lytlt>, Liz Sectt>r. Fourth row: Albert Alt>xander, Jeff Crackt>l, Cht>ryl Cramt>r, Jant>t '\1cConkey, Debbit> Wt>eks, Bt>tty '\1cConkey, ancy Guinn, Mary Lt>gg, Marti Foqt>r, andy Wart>, Phyllis Mitch· ell, Kart>n Wallt>r. Linda Wart>, arol Edwards. Fifth row: Ed Fiscus, tt>vt> ht>lton, Gary Bauj!;h, Don Yon, William '\t>. bitt, Paul t>lf, Bob Ft>hy, Larry Pilt>, Clark BrN·ze, Tom Dt>akin, Davt> :\1cNamara, Stuart Landa, Bruct> Bt>ckt>r.
Baton Club mt>mbers, Front row: ancy Gelvm, Bevt>rly Jordan, Kay AUt>n, Connit' Fiock, ancy Graham, Carolyn Hamilton, Bonnie Whitr~•dt•, l\1ary \tiller. t'Con d row: Terry Flt>wt>lling, Carole Johnson, Rosemary Bartels, Kathy Brown, Fran Frit>derich, Patti Bain, Betti Madix, Jo Ann Johnson, Cherry Ekstam. T h ird row: Cathy Walkt•r, Carol Hanson, Marit> \1cHugh, La t>rnt' Berry, Miriam Bt>cker, Carol Wolfinbarger, Kathy '\1cFarland, Betty taley
Jean Chandler, Cmdy Ridgeley, Roberta Rodm. Fourth row: "1/anci Claar, Pam Floyd, Diana Vriner, Cheri Blum, Carol Roberts, \1ary Limbacher, Janet \1iUer, Pat Judy, Kathy Dickt>rson. haron Heimburgt>r, Linda Proctor, Beth Tapscott, Debby Daniels, Pat Kurzweg. F ifth row: Lee Pigage, teve Hoffacker, Ray Keylon. Perry Fulker~on, Barry Rogers. Daniel Trover. Tom Y ax ley, Tom Trimblt•, Eric Wildhagen, Jon Glende.
Baton Club Salutes Musicians Modern Mu~ic :\fa. ters, Fron t row: Blanche John on, Bt'lty taley, vice presidt>nt; Carol Roberts, usan mith, histor· ian. econ d row: Margene Kirkwood, ~ecrt'tary·treasurer; \1ary Legg, president; Karen Kalkwarf. Third row: RusseU '\1t>rrifield, '\fartha Foster, David :\fc amara, Carl \1autz.
GAA members, Front row: Lmda Bund7. Linda Powdl, usan Carillo, Slwryl Lovingfo"', , haron Drake: Second row: Paulette '\talinows ki . Judy AUen, Sandy , tuart. Chris \foss, Judy '\li <' k<路l-
son, Bobby Fancher, Linda Bailey. Third row: Rita '\1unds, Jo nne Porter. Carolyn Lovingfoss, Linda Bundy. Linda Qua yle, Jan et Carl.,on, usie '\1cArt y, Judy Hardin.
Sportsmanship and Fair Play A clothe drive for needy familie 路 and a pop orn ale are among the activitie which the Girl 'Athletic A ociation pon ored thi year. The club al o donated the tuffed rna cot, Max !\1aroon, een at chool football and basketball game . At the May banquet, awards were pre ented and officer for next year were in tailed. Pin and letter were given to outstanding members, and to the enior girl who demon trated the greate t intere t and upport for GAA, a trophy wa present d. Archery, tenni , wimming, ba ketball, and bowling are orne of the port which GAA girl took part in this year. By participating in them, members accumulated point toward the minimum of 24 nece ary to retain member hip. AA By encouraging parti ipation in port hope to timulate a en e of fair play and develop leader hip qualitie . GAA al o give girl who are intere ted in port a chance to explore the pos ibilitie of career for women in the field of athletics. The club' pon or i Mr . Wendi Ha kell. At " Daddy D a t e Night" the members of GAA treated their fatlwrs to a royal evening. Linda Bailey and Barb Fanc her encour路 age Rita '\funds to put her team ahead of the father 路.
At th~ GAA picni<', Judy All!'n, Linda Bailt•y, and Chri~ Moss show that they exc<'l at cooking a well a
port .
Are the Products of GAA Around a minia ture di s play of CA-\ activiti<'" ar<' ~ath · en•d. clockwbe from lower left: Janet arlson. Linda Quaylt>, Carolyn Lovin~o..,..,, Jo -\nn!' Porter. Linda Powell. Judy -\lien, and ' u..,ie \ lc rty.
Pepette -Front row: Betty Grey, usie Younger, Mary Limbacher, Jane amuel on, Dianna Connerly. 1arianna Greaves. E ther Garret, Cindy Ridgely, ~1edsie Odom. Linda Wood, Jan John ton, Pam Karlstrom, Beth Halcrow. Jackie Harroun. Carol Hanson. Carol Culver. Janie 1axey, Donna Mankey, Cheryl Wei-
bel, ara Kretschmer, Mary Black. Second row: Cindy Hampel, Jarwl Trulock. Barb Brillon, Susan Glt>nn, Kit Kt>nt, Conn it> Houst>, Sandy Cash, Crystal Chase, Judi ilverman, Linda Poorman, Kathy Owens, ancy Ianford, , ancy Williams, Deborah Andert. Kathy Malloy, Betty Milligan. Jean Chandler, Jane Chandler, Pat Davis,
Pepette Forinations Highlight unri practice at McKinley Fi ld tarted th day with a bang for the Pepette thi fall. The girl gathered at 7::30 a.m.to practi('(' marching formations, d pite chilling temp rature and fro t-covered ground. The ninety girl who compri e Pepette performed at all football games and formed an arch for the entrance of the Maroon gridder . Pom-pom routines done to the chool ong and pep ong, played by the band at half-time, entertained fan even on the colde t Friday and aturday nights. Mter a thorough tudy of their ubject , Pepette portrayed member of the CH football team at the Beat rbana A embly. During pep as emblies the Pep tte at a a group on the tage of the gym or in th bleach r . Pepette formed an ai le at a emblie for Homecoming and Vice-Ver a king and queen emi-finali t . For th Home oming game, the group d corated th field with ign and maroon-and-white tr amer . For each home ba ketball game, ten girl were cho en to pre ent a flag ceremony. On Friday of home game , the Pepette wore their uniforms, maroon kirt and weat hirt , to chool. At game the Pepette at in block "C" formation. Pepette is under the direction of \1r . Mary Major; head Pepette were Pam Karl trom and Linda Wood. At the Beat Lrbana A sembly \1edsie Odom presents a dozen ro t> from the Pepettes to a surprised Mr . \1ajor.
Barb Flynn, Linda Messinger. Third row: :\1ary Beth Kelly. Jan Tummelson, Gale Easterbrook, Judy Tanner, Diana Vriner, Kathy Killian, haron Ambrose, Mary Le!(g, Linda Kendall, Roberta Rodin, Janet Carlson. Linda Bundy. Sheryl Billhymer, Linda Freeman, Ruth Vermillion, Mary Kay Oakes, Judy Wakely, Pam
Taylor. Fourth row: ancy Guinn, Lmda Gaines, Betty Me· Conkey, Debbie Weeks . • ancy Kelley. usan Cusick, Linda Gish, Ruth Lawrence, '\1ary Bricker, usie malley, ancy Easter· brook, Libbie weet, Pam Hayes. Carmen Wilson, Judy hultz, Helen chweihart. Beth Garrigus. haron Mennenga, Jane Howard.
HaH-Ti~ne at Football Gaines
Pepette ro"' leader~. Front row: Jackie Harroun. Jan Johnston. Cindy Rid!(t>ly . Es· ther (,arret. Second ro-..: Linda Wood. head Pepette: Marianna Greaves. Beth Hal· crow. :\1edsit• Odom. Dianna Connt>rly. Pam Karlstrom. ht>ad Pepette.
Pepettes â&#x20AC;˘
With brand n e w pom-poms in hand, Linda Wood and Pam Karlstrorn begin their year as head Pepette B e low: S enior P e p e ltes d ecorate 1\ic Ki nle)' Field for their last Homecommg game-
"If you want our team to win, stand and yell!" Linda Gaines and Beth Halcrow obey the command by jdving full upport.
All nint>ty girls in perfect step is a goal worth striving for; hours of practice culminate in the fir I half-time performance.
Not evt'n tunt how opening can hold back this line of Pepettes. led by Jan Tummelson, from re!J:ular pra lice. Please excu e the variation in costumes; the uniform are being cleaned.
Girls Support Minor Sports Cheering girl . waving pom-pom , and tumbling Max Maroon added to the excitement at H athletic ea on. Th Peparoon , with over 300 member , added spirit to all home game . Th club a! o organized bu e for fan to out-of-town game . To retain member hip the girl were required to attend two minor port event and two "away" game . pon ored by 1r. Gerald Trimble, the Peparoon decorated the chool hall and cafeteria with po ter and crepe paper to boo t the team to victory. Senior Becky Me loud wa elected by the club the previou year to b the Peparoon rna cot, Max Maroon, who work with the cheerleader as a gymni t. Becky added . pice to cheer! ading performance by doing flip , cartwheel , and roundoff during. game.
Esther Garret, pre ident of Peparoon â&#x20AC;˘ checks tht> list of student i~;ned up for bus ridt> to an out-of-town ~amt>. Tht> club organized busloads of fans for football and baskt>tball!(ames.
enior Peparoon members- Front row: Esther Garret. president; Deborah Andert. pom-pom chairman; Debbie Wt>ek â&#x20AC;˘ dt>coration chairman. Second row: andy Conkwri!(ht. Kit Kent. usan De-
Moss. Mary Black. Third row: Connit> Fiock. Elaint> Rittenhouse. Linda \1e singer. Adelint> Dickey.
T h ree more days ... till what"? Till we beat rbana, of cour e! n~el chnur and Debby Andert look very confident about their prediction, but why houldn'tthey¡~ They're from Champaign!
Quick, more crepe paper! enior Peparoons Debb1e Weeks. Janet McConkey. and An~J:el chnur add colorful decorations to the caft'leria walls as a reminder of the weekend ~J:ame.
Peparoons Back Gridders and Cagers Junior Peparoon members-Fron t row: Gail Roland, Janice Flora, Barb Fancher, Linda En~J:lish. Ann Leonard, Kathi Rossi, ancy Leavitt, Pat Perkins, Gayle Fairchild, Marti Gillespie. econd row: Nancy Eisner, Ellen Quinlan, Jo Ann Johnson, Cathy Walker, Donna Davi . Tish Coughlin. ue Cahill, Beverly Guinn, ue Miller. T h ird row: Linda chilling, Barbara Kaiser,
Chri Kelly, Becky Durant, Judi Edwards. ue Adkins, Cathy McLoughlin, Linda Procter, Lynn Hill, Linda lver on. F ourth row: Kay Peterson, Betty McConkey, Alice Odell, Pat Judy, Bet y chooley. ancy Albers. , ancy Miller. Kathy Dickerson, heryl Cramer, Billie Jean Koch, Karen McCabe, Linda Miebach.
Max Maroon Flips for CHS Victories
Becky l\fc loud , "'\.1ax '\.1aroon."
ophomore Peparoon mt>mbers-Front row: Linda Farnham. Whitnt>y Pope. Cindy Doolen. haron Mecum. Anne Miller, Cathy Hall, Jeannie Black, Linda Lewis. econd row: heila Hassler. Marilyn Junp;st, Juli Hall. Verlie Elliott, Marit> Gilliland. ue Hoppe. Debbie Larson, Gayle Fieldinp;. Third row: Patty Looker.
Helen Gines. Bonnie Busch, ancy Didcott, Karen Gwinn, Barb Werstler, Belinda Daniels. uzy Blair, Jeanine Hamacher. Fourth row: Theresa tinson. Donna Reed, Trudy Troxt>ll, Pam Walker, len andwell, Mary Lou iems, Holly Holtt>r. Ruth Berp;, ancy Dickey. Pat Haley. Terri Hyland.
Mark of Distinction In ca e anyone que tion the a1m of the young male tudent holding up rope during ba k tball half-time , it i not to build up mu cle but rather to keep the crowd off the game court. The boy would b th la t to need the exerci e; th fa t that th y are H lettermen indicate that they are in good hape. Be ide thi re pon ibility at games, member of "C" Club pon or a dance and a picnic each year and ometime raise money by elling refre hment at athletic event . The club, pon ored by Mr. Richard Wooley, i an honorary organization for CH athlete who hav earned a letter in any port. Letter are pre ented at a pecial all- chool a embly. Thi year " " lub i compo ed of 88 members, of which ten are manager , 48 are ingle- port lettermen, and 24 are lettermen who have excelled in two or more port .
"C" Club officers-Front row: Bill Huston. disciplinary board; !\1r. Richard Wooley. sponsor. econd row: Tom Crum. disciplinary board. Dave \1ehnert. treasurer. Third row: Dave Frerichs. vict>-prt>sident; Jt>ffTrigger. president.
"C" Club members-Front row: Jim Kitzmiller, Bill imon, Ron Brid{!:ewater, Bobby Taylor, Gary ~1elchi, Mike Reed, Jeff Hay , Buddy Bradley, Mikt> Morrow. Rodney Lewis. econd row: Rocky Peacock, Ron Gret'n, Jim Liggett, Barry Rogers, Ray Armstrong, Genick Kucharczyk, Chuck pencer. teve Green. Tom Krall, Bill Huston, R. E. Goines. John Woods. Art Wolfinbarger. Third row: Jt>ff Tock. Tommy Long. Bill Getchius, Gary Rt>dmon, Bruce McGiassen, Denni. McConaha. George Valentint', Rich
Patton, Phil Rogers, Bob impson, Jeff Mills, Gary Tummelson, Kip Pope. Fourth row: Mike Butler, Randy mith, Gary Baugh. teve Geiger, Dave ~1ehnert. Tim Dively. John tevens. Renard Danenhowt'r, raig Hubert, Bill Jarman. Kurt Eilbra ht. Fifth row: Dave Frerich , Jeff Trigger. Mike Moncrief. Lynn Peabody. Tom Crum, Charlie tahl. Ron hirley. Johnny Johnson. Jim Johnson, teve Moore, Jim Madix. Davt' Eastin, Joe Mason. Jan Hoffmann, Larry Potter.
Spirit Raisers Cheer
Gayle Fairchild
andy Conkwright
''No, we can't end this cheer with a forward roll!" o ended one argument among the CH var ity cheerleaders. Forward roll or no, the girls managed to unite their efforts in generating pep and fan support at athletic events. In the spring the var ity cheerleader are elected from ten girl cho en by a panel of faculty member on their ability, spirit, and citizen hip. The student body votes for the final five. The sophomore squad i cho en each fall by the same method, with the exception that only sophomore vote. Before ophomore tryouts the varsity cheerleader hold a "clinic" to teach intere ted ophomore a cheer which mu t be u ed in the judging. The CH cheering squad work with the Urbana cheerleaders to promote better inter-school relations. Before the twin-city games, the ho t cheerleader pon or a dinner for the oppo ing quad. Under the direction of Mr . Wendi Ha kell, the girl practice more than ten hour each week. The cheering squads perform at both football and ba ketball game and at all pep a semblie .
The varsity cheerleading squad, Top to bottom: Debby Doyle. us an DeMoss, Jodene Dye, Gayle Fairchild, andy Conk wright.
at Basketball Gaines~ Pep Asseinblies
Jodene Dye, var ity squad captain
u an DeMo
Debby Doyle
Sophomore cheerleaders-Front row: Linda Doyle, Whitney Pope. econd row: Jeannie Feathergill, Decker Johnson, Jeannie apora.
Everyone shares The excitement of the games ... Individuals working together To make a team. Team spirit, team accomplishments ... This is the goal of ports.
Football 1964 Po ibly the fa te t team in Champaign history, our :\Iaroon di played a tremendou amount of power and peed nroute to a 7-2 a on. L d by the exp rt coaching of Head Coach Tommy tewart and A i tant We Davi and Charlie ide , the Maroon had the tronge t offen e in the league. CH cored 43 touchdown in nin game and averaged 32 point p r game, whil holding their opponent to approximately i point . Highlighting the ea on wa th naming of Bill w -Gaz tte All- tate team, and the Hu ton to th pla ing of even Maroon on the All- onfer n e team . Dave M hnert, Jeff Trigger, and Bill Hu ton wer honored on the fir t team while Tom rum, Renard Danenhower, Mike Butler, and Joe Lee were el cted on the econd quad. Many enior played important rol in forming the trong H nucl u throughout the ea on. The tw nty-five enior who wer award d lett r by Coach tewart are pictured individually on the following football page .
hapland- C
Lynn Pt>abody-QB
Two-t i m t' a ll -~talt>r, Billy llu-,ton is on hi., way to anotht>r sizt>ablt> ~ain throu~h tlw oppo-,ition.
Rod Lt>wis - G
â&#x20AC;˘ ~
Gary Redmon-T
:\likt' '\1on<"rief- G
Chuck Spenc·er, Q.B.
Joe Lee, ILB.
teve Green, G.
P IG Bill Hu ton. H.B. George \ alentine. F'.B. Varsity coaches: Charlie ides, Tommy tewart, and Wes Davi .
'\1embers of the 1964 var ity football squad are, from left to right, first row: M. Butler, G. Redmon, J. Lee, L. Peabody, C. pencer, '\1. Morrow, C. Valentine, . Green, D. Mehnert, ]. Trigger, J. Johnson, T. rum, R. Green, and R. Lewi . econd row: B. Burns, R. Danenhower, R. E. Goines, R. Shirley,]. hapland, B. Huston, T. Krall, C. Bergman, M. Moncrief. J. Kitzmitler, K. Anderson, and M. Reid. Third row: J. White, R. Pippen, J.
Dendy, B. ettman, M. Ander on, B. McGia on, D. Trover, C. Wise, C. Kucharczyk, K. Shellabarger, J. Hankinson, B. Purk· hiser, C. Hubert, and M. Haley. Fourth row: ~1. Logan, J. Hind· man, C. Wood, T. Long, R. Pea o k, D. Tucker, C. Thurman, M. White, P. Hayes, C. tahl, ]. Ross, R. Bu chbach, ]. Lateer, R. Patton, and . William . Fifth row: D. Me onaha, Managers L. Potter, . Anderson, J. Weinman, and oach tewart.
CHAMPAIGN Kt>rry Andt>r on. T.
Carl BerF;man. T.
FOOTBALL Champaign
â&#x20AC;˘ AMP rr. I
Jim Kitzmillt>r. C. \lil-e R<'id. T.
With expert coaching, and with Bill Hu ton leading the way, our :\1aroons wer th top offen ive team in the league. Hu ton hattered all CH ru hing record with 33 touchdown in his career, 1,261 yard in one eason, and 2,485 yards in his career. There were man)' other out tanding individual on thi team, uch a Jeff Trigger, Dave Mehn rt, Rod Lewi , Ron hirl y, Renard Dan nhower, Tom rum, and Ron Green, who compo ed probably the fa te t line in the hi tory of Champaign football. Mike Butler wa an out tanding end, catching nine pa e for 274 yard and ix touchdown . In the offensive backfield, Joe Lee had a gr at year, accounting for 707 yard and nine touchdown , and wa third in the league in c ring. Oth r valuable ball carrier wer Gl nn Wood and R. E. Goine . The quarterbacking job wa capably handled by huck pen er. An excell nt ball-handler and a good pa er, he completed 17 out of 33 pa e for 423 yard and eight touchdown . Rocky Peacock, only a junior,
Tom Krall. C.
COREBOARD pponents
25 ............ Woodruff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 34 ............ Griffin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 33 ............ Mattoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . chlarman ............. 13 14 ............ Bloomington . . . . . . . . . . 20 34 ............ Decatur . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . 0 41 ............ Danville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . pringfield . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7. . . . . . . . . . . . rbana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
wa th fullback, but he actually played the part of another lineman. Rocky wa an excellent blocker and really helped in opening hole for the backs. â&#x20AC;˘ Along with its powerful offense, CH al o po e ed a tough defen e, which gave up an average of only one touchdown per game, while the offense wa scoring about five. The Maroon, ' trong forward wall eon i ted of Tom rum, Jim John on, Bruce Me Ia on, Dave Mehnert, Ron Green, and Rich Patton, who made it difficult for anyone to gain any yardage up the middle and alway put a hard rush on all oppo ing pa er . Backing up thi wall wa a trio of uperb linebackers. pot were Joe Lee, L)'nn Peabody, and Glenn Wood. The e boys, along with defensive halfback Mike Butler and Bill Hu ton, were in charge of pa s d fense and topping all wide play . And o again, the Maroon fini hed a highly ucce ful ea on. Thi 7-2 eason brought oach Tommy tewart' career record for his 12 coaching ea on at Champaign to a phenomenal 80-18-6.
Jeff Trigger, E.
Mike Morrow, G.
Dave '\1ehnert. G.
Maroons Display Powerful Offense~ Tough Defense
Renard Danenhower. G. Tom Crum, T. Jim Johnson. T .
F o r Coae h Tommy , tewart's birthday present, our Maroon., handil} defeated Danville chlarman 56-13. After thegame. the team presented him with a cake.
\1tkt• Butlt>r, E .
Line b ac k e r , Lynn P e abody, leaps to makt' a key ta!'klt> in tht' 3~·7 victory ovt>r Sprin¢'it>ld Griffin.
Ron Gret>n, T . Ron !:'>hirley. C . R. E. Goine~. H.B.
Halfbac k Billy Huston igns autojO'ap h ~ for a few of his you ng admirers.
The 1964 ~ophomore football squad- Front row: \1. Cox, R. Gilmorr. \1. Grren, R. Halcrow, K. Jonrs, B. Quinlan, P. hoe· maker, T. Griffin, M. Me ulley, and John Wood. Second row: V. Allison. •. Sueie, . Taylor, B. Frrguson, D. Hellmer, D. Truitt, •. Weedrn, B. Biehl, and B. Touc hberry. Third row: C . Au tin , M. Martin, R. Farrar, R. tone, D. Gudgel, T. Andrew, B. Hoyne,
Sophoinore Football nder Head Coach John Macek and A i tants Richard Wool y and Ed Fr deri k , our ophomore football team po ted a 3-4 record. With a few more break , their record could have been much better, ince thre of the lo e were by margin of either one touchdown or one point. In th thre game they won, they impre ively hutout their opponent . Although thi wa not an extremely fa t team, it wa a strong and powerful one, and it po e ed much potential for the varsity in the future. Highlighting th ophomor ' football ea on wa their la t game with teph n De atur. In thi game they di played a potent offen e and a tough defen e. While holding D catur scorele , their offen e cored four touchdown in rout to a 26-0 victory. Although thi t am lo t a couple of queaker during the eaon, they howed their b t ability and fulle t potential in the la t game. Thi wa not a team of heroe , but it wa one which contained many hard-working player . Player who aw a lot of action during the eaon were Mike Cox, Randy Gilmore, Mike Green, Ron Halcrow, Don Truitt, Doug Hatfield, Jeff Cole, John Hindman, Doug Kurasek, Tim Bate , teve John on, Jim Me loud, Chuck hiller, Mark Ko ter, Randy Rog rs, Bob cofi ld, Dean Clau en, John Estergard, teve tout, Tim And r on, Barry Hoyne, Bob Quinlan, and Kenny Jone .
D. Hatfirld, and J. Colr. Fourth row: J . Hindman, D. Kura ek T . Bates, . Johnson, J . \1cCioud, C. chiller, T. Willard, and '\1 Koster. Fifth row: Coaches R. Wooley and J . '\1acek, .. Stout. F. Daniel on, J. Estrrgard, T. Brrwrr, T. ndrrson, D. Clausrn. B. ·cofirld, R. Rogers, and J . Oakes.
0 20 ......... Decatur MacArthur .. 20 . . ....... Mattoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 6..... . . . . rbana .... . ............. 7 6 ......... Decatur Ei enhower . . . .. .. 20 7 ......... Danville .................. 13 6 .. . .... . . Urbana .................. 13 26 ......... Decatur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
In the sophomore football game against Mattoon. ta kling lik this was frequent as H d feated the Green Wave 20-0.
The 1964 cross-country team- First row: R. Bridgewater. D. \1attox, B. Wise, L. Tinsley, and D. pear. econd row: B. Roger_, J. MiUs. J. Hoffmann, B. Jarman, F. Hunter, T. Dively.
and J. Lig!!:ett. Third row: S . Bokenkamp, S. Dively, . Wete nkamp, T. Jackson, D. "iickell, C. Pingry, and B. Woods. Absent when the pic ture wa~ taken were J. Mason and J . Woods.
Harriers Finish with 4-4-l Record Champai~tn har·rit·r·~ tlt'h•r·minNIIy lwgin tlwir hig IJH'I'I "ith rH a l. l rhana. Charnpar~-tn lwat tlw Tigt•r, 26-21J. for till'
:'llaroon,· fir,t •it·tor~
The 1964 cro -country team, excellently coached by Harold Je ter, wa both a ucce and a di appointment. The team wa greatly hindered by injuries, and two valuable runner , Jeff Mill and Dan pear, were out for almo t the ntire ea on. Thi year hampaign witne ed the recordbreaking running of Frank Hunter. He lowered the He el Park 1.8-mile cour e record to 9:24 and the 2-mile cour e record to 10:26.6. Beating powerful cro -town rival, rbana, wa one of the harrier ' mo t impressive victorie . Another important victory came in the Mattoon meet. Th re thr Champaign runner , Frank Hunter, Jan Hoffmann, and Bill Jarman, shattered the exi ting cour e record . The harrier fini hed with a 4-4-l ea on. The Maroon lo t twice to powerful Danville, once to rbana, and once to Rantoul by only one point. Champaign victories included Argenta, Mattoon, Lincoln, and rbana. To complete their ea on, the Maroon placed ninth in the Peoria Invitational and fourth in both the Di trict and the Conference. The 1964 lettermen included the following: Frank Hunter, Captain Bill Jarman, Captain-elect Jan Hoffmann, John Wood , Jim Liggett, Barry Roger , and Tim Dively.
tlm•p ~t ·ar' ovt•r tlw l rhana ll'anr . Fini'oh·
OREBOARD Opponents
. Argenta ............. 50 . Rantoul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 . rbana . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 . Danville ............. 50 19 ............ . Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 33 ............ . Danville . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 28 ............ . Rantoul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 20 ............ . Mattoon . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 26 ............ . rbana . . . . . . . . . . ... 29
15 ............ 28 ............ 35 ............ 39 ............
inth Place in Peoria Invitational Fourth Pla in Di trict Fourth Place in Big 12
ing in the top ten for the Maroons were the following: Frank Hun¡ ter, second; Jan Hoffmann, third; Bill Jarman, fourth; John Woods, seventh; and Jim Liggett, tenth.
Cross-country ace, Frank Hunter, again crosses the fini h line fir t and Mr. Don Pittman hand him his place card.
Basketball 1964-65 VAR ITY BA KETBALL CH
54 54 53 50 32 39 60 41 54 36 58 49
Taylor Davis drive8 in for an easy layup with Mike Butler poised for a po sible rebound.
Guard Chuck pencer jumps high for a shot against Rantoul in the Maroon's opener. Champaign won 54-40.
OREBOARD Opponents
Rantoul Salem pringfield Chicago Well Lin oln Danville Decatur New Trier Centralia Urbana Bloomington Mattoon
56 45 36 40 47 67 31 61 38 47 35
Maroons Get Hot at Seinester Break
At the beginning of the basketball sea on, Head Coach Lee Cabutti and A i tant Bob Avery greeted five returning lettermen including, Co-Captain Percy Herod and Chuck pencer, Mike Butler, and Henry Wood. The Maroon started off the sea on slowly, but came roaring back to win four out of their last five game before the end of the seme ter. CHS had a tough chedule playing five team that w re con idered top in the tate. As the Maroon went to pre , the team had compiled a 8-7 record including four wins and four losses in Big 12 action. Of the first seven game , CHS won only three. The main difficulty seemed to be that the team couldn't play con i tently well on both offen e and defen e in the same game. Also the Maroons committed too many unnecessary turnovers, thus partly accounting for the defeats. After Christma , the Maroons were much im-
proved. They had worked on their ball-handling and could play a capable defensive as well a offensive game. During the tretch before the end of the erne ter, the team won five out of eight game . For many of these game , Coach Cabutti employed a new type of game trategy. The new attack included both a scoring team and a pressing quad. During one part of the game, the oppo ition would ee a coring team including five harp hooter who cored con i tently, Chuck pencer, Percy Herod, Mike Dixon, Taylor Davis, Henry Wood, and Jim Dobrovolny. The opposition then found them elve playing against a pres ing squad, con i ting of Herod, Davi , Wood, Spencer, Mike Butler, and John John on. The idea wa for the e boy to pressure the opponent into making costly mistake that would be to the Maroon' advantage.
Mike Dixon brings the ball down the court in a game a~J;ainst Mattoon. The Maroon~ went on to win 49-35.
Above, Percy Herod does a bit of faney dribblinj!; in an atlt>mpt to lose hi~ dlâ&#x20AC;˘ft>nsivt>men for another two-pointt>r. Ri~tht, Johnny Johnson battles thrt>t> Lincoln playt>rs in an attt>mpt to haul do"n tht> rt>bound.
arsity basketball team- Front row: Coach Lee Cabutti, Cocaptam Percy Herod, Manager S. Hoffacker, Co-captain C. pencer, and Assistant Coach Bob Avery. econd row: D. Kurasek,
T. Davis, B. Wettman, H. Wood, M. Butler, D. Dobrovolny, ]. Johnson, P. McEvoy, and C. tahl.
chlacter, J.
ophomore basketball team- Front row: H. 1ackson, P. Doyle, P. Read, R. Gilmore, D. Kurasek, B. hapland, and . Polk. econd row: Managers D. Warren and D. Lewi , J. McCloud, J.
Lierman, D. Claus en, B. cofield, B. Hinton, and Coach Charlie Due.
totler, j . Hindman, D.
Sophomore Basketballl964-65 OPHOMORE BASKETBALL SCOREBOARD Opponents
CH 40 47 41 44 50 41 27 44 45
Rantoul Salem pringfield Lincoln Danville Decatur Urbana Bloomington Mattoon Lincoln
57 46 33 31 65 37 36 35 34 45
Thi ea on, Champaign po d a fine opho¡ more ba k tball team. After ten gam they had compiled a 7-3 record. nder Head Coach harli Due and a i tant Jeff Fergu on, the Junior Maroon perform d capably in their opening encounter and appeared to offer a strong foundation for future CH var ity quad .
Displaying tight defen e are sophomores Bob Harry Jack on, and Bob cofield.
Varsity wrestlers-Clockwise according to weight divisions beginning with B. Taylor (95}, G. Melchi (103), ]. Palmissano (127), G. Kaiser (133), R. Armstrong (145), S. Green (138), R. hirley
(HWT), D. Mehnert (180), S. Moore (165), S. Dyson (154}, Doug Mattox (112}, and Dennis Mattox (120).
Wrestlers Begin Outstanding Season In what could be the ~eatest wrestling team in CHS history, the Maroons were off to a tremendous start. Displaying strong team balance, they were undefeated in dual meet competition and placed first and second, respectively, in the Crawfordsville and Granite City Invitationals. Coach Don Pittman, in his second year at the helm of the wrestling team, along with Coach Rich Wooley, produced a wrestling squad which appears to be unbeatable in the Big 12 Conference.
Leading the way for the grapplers had been captain and three-year regular, Garry Melchi. At mid-year, Garry had won all of his matches, many of which were by pins. Boys having lost only one match are Bob Taylor, Steve Green, and Steve Moore. Along with these four boys John Palmissano, Greg Kaiser, Doug Mattox, Dennis Mattox, Gary Redmon, Fred Hampton, Dave Mehnert, and Ron Shirley were outstanding for CHS this season.
WRESTLING SCOREBOARD CHS 36 31 29 27 46 32 33 24 35
Opponents Danville Urbana MacArthur Bloomington Mattoon Rantoul Danville Decatur Urbana 1st Crawfordsville 2nd Granite City
14 16 14 15 ()()
05 17 19 10
Above, Gary Melchi takes down his opponent in the Mattoon wrestling meet. Right, Coach Don Pittman, records his comments about each of our wrestlers during an important dual meet.
Rt>serve wrt>stlt>rs -Front row: T. Abel, R. Fret>berg, '\1. '\1c¡ Culley, J. Watson, j. Englehardt, K. Jont>s, M. ht>pht>rd, B. Wist>, and V. Allison. econd row: B. Quinlin, G. Starwalt, M. Grt>en, S. Sucic, B. Hoyne, J. Williams, K. Grabow, P. Shoe¡
maker, E. Everett, D. Grunnett, D. Terrill, and C. Baker. Third row: R. Tippy, R. tone, J. l'lleil. T. Anderson. T . Andrews, B. Touchberry. S. Johnson, J. Smith. B. Purkhiser, T. Long, G. Krumb, B. Holt off. J. Estergard, F. Hampton, and B. Getchius.
Success-CHS Swiinining Story
CHS 65 67 67 27 44 66
Opponents Danvill
rbana Bloomington Danville rbana
27 68 51 29
3rd River ide-Brookfield
wimming team-Front row: . Kelly. J. Me kell. J. Keller. and D. Hatfield. econd row: G. Tummelson, . Wolfingbarger. G. Kelsey, J. Trigger, D. Frerichs, and K. Pope. Third row:
The Champaign wimming team tarted out the ea on with three impre ive victorie over Danville, 65-30; arch-rival rbana, 67-27; and Springfield, 65-30. The e first three dual meet were highlighted by orne outstanding individual performance by Kip Pope, Dav Frerich , Jeff Trigger, Art Wolfingbarger, CraigKel ey, andJeffTock. At Bloomington they w re wamped, 68-27, by the powerful defending Big 12 champions. Pope and Mike-Haley were the only winners for Champaign. In Danville CH wa up et in the Ia t event of the meet and were con equently beat n, 51-44. Champaign' depth kept them in the competition a Tom Bonnell, Doug Hatfield, Dave Frerichs, and Jeff Tock gained precious points for the Maroon .
Coach Fredericks, R. Patton. P. Hayes, G. Clark, R. Merrifield andJ. Tock.
CHS tankm(>n, Gary Tumm ... lson and Jt>ff Tock dive off tht> startinp: blocks durinp: a Bip: 12 Confert>nc!' mt>!'t.
Outstanding Tankers Set New Records January 9, Champaign brought home a thirdplace trophy from the 25-team Riverside-Brookfield invitational meet. Gold medal winners were Kip Pop , breaking the meet record in the 100-yard breaststroke, and the medley relay consisting of Tom Bonnell, Kip Pope, Dave Frerich , and Jeff Trigger, which turned in a record breaking time 1:46.6. Also placing high were Frerichs with a second in the 100-yard butterfly, and the free tyle relay team which placed a strong sixth. Coach Fredricks attribute the Maroons succes to team balance and depth supplied by Jim Keller, Doug Hatfield, Rich Patton, Vernon Eroh, Gary Tummelson, and diver Mike Haley and Chuck Collinson. Coach Fredricks anticipated orne out tanding performance m both the Conference and District competition.
Kip Pop(> i~ shown at the finish of tht> 100-yard brt>aststrok!' in which h1â&#x20AC;˘ !'Clips(>d the state rt>cord.
Academics '
·~ . . ~..:__~ ~"':! ~·
They taught us well ... Gave us part of themselves ... Shared in our victories and failures; Because of this We salute them ... the F acuity.
Managers of La t ummer Dr. E. H. Mellon, uperintendent of chool for the pa t 22 year , traveled to eattle to accept the ational Education A sociation' Pacemaker Award in behalf of the hampaign nit Four chool Di trict. The honor, given to a total of eight chool y tern aero s the country which were judged a out tanding in orne way, wa awarded to Champaign on the ba i of the all-around excellence of the program. Mr. George P. Hankin on came to the school y tern in 1963. A A istant uperintendent for Bu ine , he i re pon ible for gathering information for the annual budget, pro e ing all purcha, e ord r , and i in charge of tran portation, maintenan e, and cafeteria program . He ha the upervi ion of all 245 non-academic taff members a well as the payroll of all employee . The chool budget which Mr. Hankin on admini ter will exceed nine and one-half million dollar thi year. A i tant uperintendent for In tru tion, Dr.
Upper left: Dr. E. H. \1ellon. uperintendent of Lnit Four , chools. Middle left: Mr. George P. Hankinson, Assi~tant uper¡ intendent for Business. Lower left: Dr. Robert Cooley, Assistant uperintendent for Instruction.
Unit Four Paceinaker Teain Robert Cooley, is primarily concerned with tht' nit Four educational program. A an exten ion of thi responsibility, he serves a permanent chairman of the Faculty Curriculum Board. Dr. Cooley left his post as coordinator for curriculum development in the Kenosha, Wisconsin, public schools to come to hampaign in 1963. The l nit Four Board of Education is compri ed of Champaign citizens from varied walk of life. It includes housewive , one farmer, and employee of the Univer ity of lllinoi , the county probation offi e, and a brokerage firm. chief concern of the Board this year was the referendum for the completion of pha e II of the nnex, which will become Champaign's econd high chool. In the fall, l\1r. ~ illiam Froom, Pre ident, and other Board member pre. ented information about the bond referendum to the community. With the pa sage of the referendum on December 5, work on Phase II got underway.
Be low: Board of Education, Clyd£> E. KesslPr, J. Wallar£> Rayburn, Donald J. Portpr, Gt>orge P . Hankinson, William W. FmomPre.,idt>nt, Dr. E . H. \1£>llon, Dr. Robt>rt Cooln. \1rs. Dorothy Wilson, \1rs. Kathryn Mutti, Mr. Richard R. Edward.
Above: \1iss Elsit> Englehaupt. Director of chool·Community rrlation . 1\-1i. s Englehaupt rrports Unit Four nPws to th£> local papt>rs, publishes brochur£>'-, t>dits nt>w lt•tter . and handlPs all other nit Four public relations.
Lt-ft: Clint R. Kelly , Principal. Right: Ri c hard L. Longenec¡ker, Associate Principal.
Working to Maintain CHS Unity 1r. Kelly now in hi twenty-eighth year of school administration, i one of two high school principals on the Illinois Commi ion for the Advancement of chool Admini tration, ha been the Big 12 Conference pre ident for the past two year , and erve on the tate Curriculum Committee of the High chool A ociation. In hi pare time Mr. Kelly enjoys tamp collecting, hunting, and fi hing, and has travelled extensively throughout the nited tates. Mr. Richard H. Longenecker, A ociate Principal in charge of the Annex, came to Champaign from an A sistant hip at Indiana niver ity, Bloomington, Indiana. In addition to his dutie a supervisor of orne five hundred-fifty students at the Annex, he i working to obtain hi Doctor of Edu ation degree. The Annex and Champaign High will function a one chool, until completion of Pha e II of the Ann x, to meet requirement of the Illinoi High chool A ociation. B u sin ess correspon den ce brin gs together two CH trators, Miss Zehner and Mr. Kelly.
Duties Increase with Enrolhnent Mis ell Zehner came to CH a a biology teacher in 1941, and i pending her final year at H after having remained to rve a VicePrincipal and D an of Girl for the pa t ninet n year . he has al o been tud nt council pon or during her car er at CH and pent one year, 1949, as acting principal. The ouvenir coil ction accumulated by Mi Zehner in her travel throughout Europ , India, and Central and outh America went unaugmented la t ummer, a h occupied h r vacation tim working at the high chool. Mr. Carl Nel on ha held the po ition of A i tant Principal and Dean of Boy for the pa t threeand-a-half year . He rec ived hi Bachelor of Science degree from the Univer ity of Illinoi , his orthwe tern Univer ity, Ma ter of Art from and is pre ently involved in a graduate project in school administration at the Univer ity of Illinoi . During the umm r he et up the chool calendar in cooperation with the student council and Mr. Kelly.
Miss Nell Zt>hner . t't'n through the familiar frame of ht>r office window.
t>lson, Assistant Principal and D an of Boy~. in attendance at an Elizabt>than feast given by 1\1iss tuart's literature clas~.
Grt>g laltby, Administrative:' Assistant
â&#x20AC;˘ Ill
CHS AdiDinistration Mr. Greg Maltby return to Champaign High thi year a Administrative A sistant after serving as Dean of Boy la t year to tho e high chool student attending Jeffer on on a part-time ba i . Among hi many task are the upervi ion of data proces ing for CH . H i also a member of the Teacher Evaluation Committee for Unit Four and the nit' Data Proces ing Committee. He is pre ently working toward a doctorate in admini tration. Mr. Arthur Turner is an Administrative Intern at the Annex under a program pon ored by the ationa! Association of econdary chool Principal . Thi program i designed to train school leader in n w idea to keep pace with today' educational need . Mr. Turner came to the Annex from Edi on Junior High chool. He hold a B.A. from Franklin College. Arthur T u r n er, Adm i n istrat ive lntt'rn
the Annt>x building.
Handling Office-> Business Duties The job of the school secretaries range from mailing grade cards, handling faculty mail and daily attendance in the main and attendance offices, to forwarding transcripts and class ranks in the eounseling office, and working with candy sale· in the mu ic offiee. Five of th secretarie employed by both building of the high chool are CH graduate , and among them they have four sons and daughter now attending H and two more who graduated last year. All the bookkeeping and money matter concerning CH are handled through the offiee of \1r. Dillman, the high chool' bu ine manager. A few of the e are the upervi ion of book rental , the handling of upply order , and the management of all fund for H organization from such activities a bake sales and hop .
The ecretaries employed at the Ann!'x -St>ated: \1rs. \ ir· ¢nia \1oon and '\1rs. va Summt'r . Standing: \1rs . Pat Wolfin. barger and '\1rs. D•ant' Watt.
H • s!'cn·tarit'S- Below, tanding: \1rs . Yvonnt' Hammonds, \1adt>line Bt>llucci, and ~1rs. Virginia Garland. counst>ling. Seated: Mrs. Hazt'l Deem, music; and Pam Parnt>ll. Also standing: Walter Dillman, Busint's \1anagt'r.
A hook'B¡eye view of Jon Bowman searching for the right book. At right, the architecture of the spiral taircase pro~ides an interesting setting for Mr . Pat WoUinbarger at the Annex library.
Library Adds New MicrofiliD A year's subscription to Harper's compressed onto a four-inch reel is part of the re ource available at the CH library through the use of microfilm. Three magazines and one newspaper are now available on microfilm in addition to the other reference materials. The new library at the Annex provides new features of individual study booths and recording equipment in addition to having a suite of rooms used for reading, working, and lecturing. The Annex library is headed by Mr . Deane Hill, formerly from the high school. The library at the high chool i under the direction of Mrs. Mazjorie Schaeve. MRS. DEANE HILL: B.A., M. .1,.University of Illinois . .. DAVID J OHNSON: B. . , Eastern Illinois University. Sponsor El Staff and Projector Club. Hobby i golf. . . ot pictured is MRS.
MILLARD L. BERRY: B..• 1\1 ..• Iowa tatE' College. pon· sor of Career howca e. HobbiE'S are travelling and furniture building ... MRS. DORIS CRA~K: B. .. M.A .• Ed.D., niversity of Illinois, Northwestern University. Hobbies are writing and gardening ... MRS. BERTHA DAR HAM: B. .. M. .. niver· sity of Illinois. Hobby i travelling . . . AL DAVIS: B. ., M. ., Advanct>d Certificate. niver ity of Illinoi . . . HAROLD G. FELTY: B . . , M.A., M. . , outhern Illinois niver ity, University of Illinois ... EDDIE PALMER: B.S., M. . , Hampton In titute, Univer ity of Illinoi . Department Head ... GERALD TRIMBLE: B. .. ~1. '., University of Illinoi . ponsor of Peparoons. Hobby is travelling ... GUANAVIERE WHEELER: B. . , M... outh· ern Illinoi niver ity, outh rn Baptist Theological eminary. '\ot picturt·d: DOROTH\ L()\D, \IRS. \1AR\ ELIZABETH ROACH.
Counseling Office Provides Brochures Mo t tudents are familiar with the per onal guidance available in the counseling office through work with a counselor on schedule etup, test cores, or individual personal problems. But many are not aware of the many reference available to the tudent in the coun eling office. They include career brochures from Armed Services to Engineering, college catalogue , scholarship and college li ting such as "The Lovejoy and Jones Scholarship Guide" and the "College Blue Book." For the fir t time counselor are acting a co-ordinator in pecific field like cholarship data, job placement, and te ting, and compiling the information into efficient form for u e.
Pat Haley seeks information about college acceptance requirements among the many career and college catalogues. Head of the counseling department, Mr. Palmer, execute one of hi chief duties, per onal counseling. The tudent is Cathy Hall.
HARLOITE ANDER ON: B. . , M.A .• Custavu Adolollege. Univer ity of lllinoi , pon ors FT A . . . MR . SUZANNE CAREY: B. . , M.A. , Indiana niversity, Butler ni· versity . . . MR . HELEN GREER COX: B... M.A .• Denison niver ity. orthwestern niversity. Hobbies are bridge, knitting, travel ... MR . JOAN DAVI : B. .. M.A., niver ity of Illinoi . ponsor of election board ... MR . DAWN ELKIN: B.A .. Uni· versity of Illinoi . . . MRS. ALICE HARNISH: B.A .. M.A., niversity of Illinois. ponsor of Literary Chronicle. Hobbies are reading, writing .. . MRS. HELEN KAUFMANN: B... M.A .. outhern Connecticut tate College. niver ity of Illinois. Maroon taff advi or and co-sponsor of Quj[] 'n croll. Hobbies are birdwatching, gardening . . . MRS. EVELYN KOVAR: B.\ .. M. . , Butler University, orthwestern niversity. Chronicle staff ad visor and co- pon or of Quill 'n croll. Hobbies are photography. gardening. knitting .. . MR . MILDRED MARGRAVE: B. . . M.A.. outhern Illinois niver ity, niversity of ~1issouri . .. . BARRY MO KOWITZ: B.A.. niver ity of Illinois. ponsor of Honor ociety. Hobbies are writing sports stories. plays, and poetry, theatre, foreign film , ice skating . . . MR . JUDITH TA DTE: B.\ .. \1.\ .. l:lrcmn l niwr~it,.:pmNiroftlwEl!'ction Board at the Annex. Hobbie are sewing, cro sword puzzles, and reading ... MARION TUART: B... M. . , niversity of Illinois. Department head. Hobbies are writing and reading ... GRACE K. WILEY: B... M. .. niversity of Illinoi . Hobbies are travelling. reading, mu ic appreciation, stage performances. and church acti,itit·s. ~ot pictured : MR '. S ' AN BECKER, MRS . phus
In project creativity, juniors. Becky Durant,
teve Kelly, Pat Hayes, ibyl Ander on, and Jim Keller, pre ent a play written by Gail Roland. The plot involves a baby sitter who plans to rob hi employers, but gets trussed up in the act by the kids playing maypole.
English Staff Expands to Near 20 An Elizabethan feast. complt'te with wassail bowl. Queen Elizabeth. and assorted other characters from hakespeare's day proved a highlight in one world literature elass this year; for other . a high point was the visit of Dr. Lawrence Lerner. a University of . usse English professor. who spoke to seniors on Jane A.usten and Victorian literature. Th<' basic Englic;h program tried a new approach to emantics and grammar. using material from the Gniversity of Illinois. In literature, new paperback titles have been added at all lev Is, including l!y Antonia, Threl' Lincoln Plays, Lord of the Flies,
Winesburg Ohio, Sl'parate Peace, and All the Kings 11('fl. n important new development is the humanities course. Project Creativity. offered in conjunction with other departments and supported in part by funds from the tate. In the project, student have done individual research. led discussions and debate • and written short stori play , and poetry. From the teaching taff of 19. \1is Grace Wiley will retire thi. year after long ervice in the department.
Sue P la tz a n d Cheryl 'W eibt•l ~et samplt·s from the banquet table at the Elizabt'lhan f!'ast held by '\1iss. tuart' literature class.
Mrs. D awn E lkin as seen by a pa S!'r-by. !'xplaining a concept to her clas~.
PETER LEE ABELL: B... \1. .. Illinois State niversity. Hobbie are f;olf. traveL readinf; ... MRS. LE LIE ANN BILLET: B.A., yracuse Lniversity. Hobbies are reading. sewin~ ... LESLIE BOWMAN: B.A., Indiana University ... WILLIAM BRIDGE LAND: B. . , M. .. niversity of Illinois .. . HAROLD G. FELTY: B. . , \1.A .. \1. .. outhern Illinois niver ity. University of Illinois . . . COLONEL JOHN L. FROTHINGHAM: B.-\ .. \1.A.. niversity of Illinois. Roo evelt Lniversity. tudent Council ponsor. Hobbie~ are golf. tennis. brid~e . . . CLEVELAND HAMMOI'IIDS: B. ~ .. \1. .. outhern Illinois Lniversity ... SELBY KLEIN: B. >\., \1.A.. nivt>rsity of Illinois. Hobby is refinishin g furniturt> ... WALLY LEHMAN: B.A., B.S., M.S .. niversity of Missouri. Hobbies are sport . readinf; . . . JOSEPH F. MCGUIRE: \1. ., Illinois tatt> Lniversity. Department Chairman. Hobbies are reading, travelling ... MRS. EDNA P. RICHMOND: B.A., '\1.A., niver ity of Illinois. Sponsor for foreign exchange. Hobbies are reading. travelling ... ROBERT WADE: B. . , Bob Jones University. Hobbies are reading. remodeling, Not Jlictut·t·d: CHARLE EVANS, MRS. gardening. JOANNE STARKEY, GARY WI EMAN. Liz Luksander, Linda 1\pplegate. and Debbie Doyle focus on their instructor during a pupil-teacher "debate."
Social Studies Offers 11 Courses Variety i the word for course offerings in the social studie department. total of eleven course are available from the field of hi tory, geowaphy, psychology, sociology, and economics. In concurrance with lection year, contemporary history cia t>s held party conventions and spon ored a school wide election with the late u ed in the official election in Illinois. enior Project Creativity
tudent read Where I stand by 'enator Barry Goldwater and My hope for America by Pre ident Lyndon John on. Contemp students were ~ven the opportunity to work at campaign headquarter for their project . In junior reativity tudent studied combined literature and hi tory unit on the Declaration of Independence, westward ex pan. ion, indu triali m, and the Civil War.
Ri~ht above, Mr. Bowman ext>mplifies the t>xuberan<'e and ajtility <'Ommon to tht> social studit>s dt>partmt>nl. R i,r:h t bt-low, Da\(' O ' Brit•n. Lt•t• l't•llum . and Kt•n H.oy parti!'ipat(' in ont• of the frt>qut>nt pant-1 discussions ht>ld in \1r. Lt>hman's t•lasst>s. B e lo w , Bt>rnard Gilliland, Beth Halcrow , Mary Miller. Gaylt> Weeden, and Jack Earley heed Mr. Bowman' theory on economics.
Science~ Math Departinents Offer
WI LLIAM CLARK: B... B. .\ .. \1. .\. Bradley l'niversity. Ln1¡ versit of Illinoi .. Department Head. Hobby is photography . . . AL DAVI ': B.' .. M... Advanced Certificate. Lniver ity of Illinois . . . HAROLD S. JE TE R : B... \1.A .. University of Imnoi-.. tate niver itv of Iowa. Head tra k and cross country <'oad1 .. . MRS. C.\ROL 1\.0II f'ELD: B.~ .. Wlwatnn Colle~<> ... IR\-1 ;\(; " ESKJ'\I E~: -\ ... B... \1 ... Vincennes Lniversity, Indiana tate Lniver ity. Hobbies are travel, reading. home work. hop ... PA L R AI NEY: B... Eastern Illinois Lniversity . . . (;E R ALD T RIMB LE: B... \1. .. niversity of Illinois. ponsor of Peparoon . Hobby is travel ... W. H. V AND EVE â&#x20AC;˘ DE R : \.A .. B... \1 ... Lincoln olle~e. L'niver ity of Illinois. Hobbies are philately. genealogy. " o t J>ietured: ANDR E W MO E ', J O H N, P OONAMO R E.
The ten teach r in the math department repreent an increa e of three tea her over Ia t year' taff. everal of th tea her are al o member of the cience and coun eling taff and two other erve in Project Creativity in the tudy of conomic . A n w textbook, Modern Algebra, ha b en added. Eventually the erie to which it belong will replace the pre ent traditional text . ourse offered range from beginning Algebra and geom try through calculu and . of I. on-campu math for those who wi h to tudy higher mathematic . After many year at H Mr. William Clark, department head retire thi year. Ro~enberger
pauses while
a proof in
Advanced Courses Elem ntary tudent are b ing introdu ed to the principle of physic through talk and demon tratudent tion given by everal advan ed phy ic to fourth and fifth classes. Advanced cour e are offered in the three fi ld of biology, chemi try, and phy ic . A new approach i being u ed to teach beginning biology, called the Biology cience urriculum Study, which u e the di covery method to encourage tudent to gath r information and draw conclu ion through lab xerci e . Although cience cour e are not required at CH , enrollment in them keep pa e with chool expan ion, a i indicated by the 17 cla e off red in chemi try, nine in biology, and five in phy ic .
Biii jarmen and Carolyn Wood gather data for a graph plotting the relationship of an object and its image in a curved mirror. Tim Anderson and Cheryl Lookingbill make ust> of new lab equipment at the Annex in !\1r. asteel's sixth hour biology class.
FRA K COATE : B... \1. .. Culver· to kton ollege. ni· versity of Illinois. Member of Honor ociety ommittee. Hobby i camping ... ELEANOR KNIGHT: B. A.. niversity of Chicago. Hobby i reading ... ALLEN MITH : B.A., \1. .. Purdue ni· versity, niversity of Oregon. Hobbies are bridge. family activities, music . . . GLEN TILB RY: B... \1. .. niversity of Illinois. Head of cien e Department. Hobbies are family activities. reading . . . GERALD WEBB: B. .. \1. .. outhern Illinois niversity. \Va,hington Lnivt•rsit>. l niversity of lllinoi,. ;\lot pictured: DAVID CASTEEL, !VIRS. Al'DREY LINDSEY, JOH"; SPOO"'IA\10RE, GERALD ZEEDAR.
PAt...:L P. BALTIS: B \ .. \1.. .. \1ananapoli~ Colle~t·. l niH·r~ity of Lithuama. Loyola l nivt·r~lty. ~ponsor of Ct'rman < lub . . . LOIS BOifE'\FIELD: B.~ .. \1. \ .. UniH•rsity of lllinoi~ . Spon· sor of Latin Club. Dt•partnwnt Ht'ad. Hobbies art• traH·I. rt•adm~. '~'"•n~ . . . MRS. BARBARA FLETCHER: B.'i .. \liami Ln1· Vt'r~1ty. Lamt'r~it) of lllinms. !lobby is rt'adin~ ... MRS. '\OREEN FR '\NK: B.A .. ~.L.C.E. at \lbany. Hobbit's art• knittin~. St'winl!:. rt'adinl!: ... MRS. GLADYS LE L: B.\ .. l'nivt'r,ity of Illinois. Hobbit's art• cookm~. study of Latin· \mt'ri<·an cuhurt• ... DA~ SII\10'\'E: B.\ .. l nivt•rsity of lllinoi .. Tht' .'orbonnt'.~t·niordass co-sponsor and sponsor of Frt'nch club. Hobby is Fn·nch thratre. ot pictured: !\IRS. OLGA '\ HWORTH, MRS.BARBARA Bt:DDEMIER, MRS. COR "'ELIA KOEH'\', !\IRS. GLADY' LAMAR, MRS.\ IDA RIMAS.
"Tous prN, un, dt'ux. trois. 'Allons t'nfants dt' Ia patria."' ... '\1r. S1mont• It• ads his Frt'nch dass.
Chri~> Kimblt> t'Xt'mplifit'b the individual participation possiblt' through use of tht' language lab. Also concentrating on individual efforts are Kathy Kiburz. Pam Mitch!' II. and Judy Paine.
Annex Provides a
Suppleinent to CHS Language Lab Language lab and cla r citation are becoming the focal point a foreign language classe study through the oral-aural method. In thi program empha i i placed on conver ation and comprehen ion of the poken word. One exception i the experimental program at th nn x in first- and econd-year pani h using a visual-audio program. Modern language cla e make u e of the recording facilitie for aid in ea ier correction of their pronunciation difficultie . The new language laboratory at the nnex i the newe t and be t-equipped in the chool y tern. Each tudent booth ha a tape record r plu r gular equipment for more efficiency in lab work. When the lab i completely fini hed. tap d program can be ent from a cent r on first floor to the econd floor lab, regular cia rooms. and mall tudy carrel between cia sroom .
T h e Annex language lab facilttates learning as second year French class sings "Dominique."
1\tr~. Lamar¡~
Musical., Tour.,
Candy., and Song
old hand were the trad mark and early hour the habit of th H marching band who began pra ti at even-thirty four day a we k for half-time how . Another mark of the mu ic department wa the boxe of andy old to ati fy the w et tooth of tudent while providing fund for th mu ic tour. Band and choir tudent travelled to Holland, Michigan thi year. pring again brought the annual musical produc d by the departm nt, a mu ic tud nt mad up a Guy and Dolls. Two teacher new to the d partment cam to H from hampaign junior high : 1r. ictor If from Franklin and Mr. 1arne Rouintree from Edi on. Dirt>cting tht> studt>nl body in cheer~ is a .. welcome .. change for Mr. Olson. band and \cap pella choir director.
JO PH E. GI EWARTOW Kl: B.A .. \L\1.. Wi hita niversity. Orchestra director. WILLIAM OLSON: B.S .. Lniversity of Illinois. ponsor of Dance Band. Hobby is fishing. JAME ROLI"'TRE : B.S .. \1 ... Drury ollege. Univer~ity of Illinois. VICTOR 'E LF: B... \1.5 .. Indiana Lniver~ity. Lniversity of Jllinoi<,. Hobbies are stereo. hortwavt> radio. VERROLLTON C. SHALL: B.A.. \1 . . , Indiana entral ollege. Univer ity of lllinois. Depart¡ ment head, sponsor of Baton Club and \tusic \lasters. Hobby b sport . Not pictured: LOYD CLARK.
From tht> many media u~t>d b} the art department. Gre~ Bo ... le~ utilize~ pla~ter for <,culpture.
Artists Profit by U of I Proxiinity
FRED(,. AITEBLR\: B. -\ .. \I.A .. l.ini, e r,itv of lllinoi,. De· partment head. sponsor of Canva~ Board. Hobbies are tennis. pottery .. . THELMA FITE: B.A.. \I.A .. Lniver~ity of Illinois ... JOII'\' R. LI'\'DSTR0'\1: B.: .. \!.~ .. Eastern lllinoi, Cniver~it\ . Hobby i~ <· ooJ..m~. "ot pictured: I\1R . '\1ARGARET DE ARD\, RA!\E\, MRS. A"" SCHROEDER.
Art tudent at CH ~ have an advantage in the m•arne · of the niversity of Illinoi . tudent made u of Krannert Art :\1u eum for field trips to ee di play such a The Tree· Gallery. and al o u ed the . of I. a a source of gue t peaker . tudents also made field trips to the Art In titute of Chicago and the t. Loui art museum. When not taking trip or li tening to peaker . student ould make u e of new drying cabinets and a kiln for pottery.
Vera Andt>r~on and Pam 'culpturc.>.
maJ..e an armature for
Hands can bt> st>t'n st>rvin!( many important functions in the Business Education Dt.'partmt>nt.
Business: 4 Clubs-> List of 17 Courses To give students a choice of bu inesb-oriented clubs. the Business Education department spon ors ffice Occupations, Distributive Education, Commercial Club, and Future 'ecretaries. The Busine department offers not only the largest number of clubs of any department, but a!. o the largest number of courses. The e 17 cour es include notehand, merchandising, advanced bookkeeping, and data processing. all of which have been initiated in the last two or three years. CH is also one of 24 school in Illinois \\ith both DE and co-op training programs. The departmental ·o print a pamphlet with uggested three-year schedules for prospective trainees for various business positions.
J a(•ki t> H arr o un rt> pr·o duct>~ a dia!(ram on a stencil .
U8e of an adding ma<·hine !(ives Bill DevHn actual busines. experienct• in his annex class.
Kathy Parrish has her accountin!( checked by Mr. Overton as Tom Bigglor proceeds on hi own. MRS. CAROLE COG WELL: B... Lniver ity of IlHnois. Public relations representative at the Annex. Hobbies are knitting. bowling. water kiing, sewmg . . . MRS. DORIS RANK: B... M.A .. Ed.D .. Illinois tate Lniversity, orth· western . . . MRS. MARGERY DAVE PORT: B...• ~1 ... Eastt'rn IlHnois niversity, Lnivt'rsity of IWnois. ponsor of Offi<·e Occupations dub . . . ED ARD C. GILLIS: B... Ea. tern Illinois niversity. ~thletic ticket manager ... MR . IMO(;ENE E. KOLKHOR ' T: B. . , Eastern !Wnois lmi· versity. Hubby is playing the organ . . . MR . A DREY MEDROW: B. . , ortht'rn Illinoi niversity. Hobbies are sewmg, reading ... DAVID MORGA"'': B... \1. ., Lniver ity of outh CaroHna. ponsors Distributive Education club. Hobbit•s are reading. fi hing ... DOROTHY M GER: B... \1. .. Lniversity of Illinois. Department head. oonsor of Com· nwrcial Club. Ilohbit•s are trawl. hrid!(t' ... MRS. JA E Mt.:TA: B.A .. ~1. .. Univer ity of Hawaii. University of Jl. linois. Hobbies are photography. sewin!(, travel . . . DO OVERTO""': B. . , Eastern Illinois lniversity. Busines man· ager of Uaroon ... MR . LAVO E PALMER: B.· .. Lni· versity of Pittsburgh. Hobbies are reading. p.olf. brid!(e . . . :\1RS. IDA MAE RICK TTS: B... ~1 ... University of Illinois. ponsor of F ~. Hobbies are bridp.e. cookin!(. reading. flower . . . MR •. NAI"too Y Y XLEY: B. . , University of Illinois. Assistant advisor to student council. Hobbies are . w1mminp.. bridge. readinp. ... MR . E ICE Z MDAHL: B... IllinOIS State University.
Traininl! in ~h<'f'l metal•~ providt>d to Ri c h Po"t·ll and Ron Lovt•llettt> through "orktng on the C ll:-; prnjt>ct hou-.t>.
Metal, Wood Shops Build House Two new hop at the Annex and two teacher were added to the indu trial arts department thi year to accommodate the len cours being offered. The indu trial art department offer a variety of cour e in architecture and engineering drawing. buildin trades. operating pre · es, auto, wood, and
metal hop . A new cour e thi year is industrial orientation. The department decorate · a show case lo ated on the econd floor in which tudents can see amples of drafting and shop work. tate industrial awards were given in \1ay, 1965. to tudents for out tanding project in industrial art.
MILLARD L. BERRY: B.s .. \t.S .. Iowa Statt> College. Spon~or of Cart>er ' howcast> . Hobbit•s art> travt•lling. furniture building ... ALLA'\ BOEIIJ\1: B.S .. \h·~tt•rn lllinots l niH·r-.tty . Hobhit·s an· bo"linl!. golf. '"imming. hrid!!t> ... CHARLES E. (;R I EST: B.- .. \1. \ .. Colorado Cnllt'l!t' of Edu<·atwn. l niver-.tty of lllinms. Dt>partmt>nt head . . . LEWIS D . HOLLOWAY: B.S .. \t.S .. Chicago Tt>aclwrs Collegt>. Drakt> Lniversity . . . WI LLIA"'1 B. MARGRAVE: B.s .. \1.S .. Ct>ntral Y\tC \ Colleg:t>. Lnivt>rsity of Illinois . . . CLALDE l\1LRPHY: B.S .. \1.S .. Ea-.tt•rn IILnm~ Lnivt>rsity. Univt>r-.ity of Illinois. Hobby is short\\a\1' radio . . . ROBERT C. PIITJ\1AN: B.S .. \fcPht>Nm Colleg:<·. ~ot pictur<'d: WILLARD BERGER, R SSELL GE IST, LY"J"J RANEY.
Hoine- Ec~ Ag Use Digests~ Journals Periodical serve the home economi ·s department as some of the most frequently u<,ed references. tudents u-.e such alv.ays up-to-date ··texts·· a.., Consumer's Report. LadiPs Home Journal. House BPaull· jul. and Redbook to keep u \\-ith new developments in the area of home economic . Thi.., year the homeec department purchased a wa-.her dryer unit for clothing care study . .\n interesting fact about tht> department i.., that one fifth of the tudents taking home-ec are boys. With only one teacher and four cour e-.. the agriculture department is the smaiJe..,t one at CH . But. in -,pite of its ize. the department pon ors an active FF A club in addition to its regular curriculum. The general agriculture clas-. course has been revi ed and a new four-year course of ..,tudy i.., nO\\ in use for the vocational cia se . The .\g department useo., current research tudie from universities and private awicultural firms as their text material. '\ant') h.auffman tak t'~ athantaj!t> of ht>r mulllplt• rt'flt'('tion' a' 'ht' makt>• tht' fmal anah•l' of ht'r homt'·t't' projt'('l.
LOWELL F. III LLE:\: B.:-.. \1..-, .. CnJvt>r-~1\ of llhnoi,. FF-\ ad'i'or. Hobbit'' art' rt'adinj!. huniJnj!. and fi,hinj!. \1RS. JE~Y'E EICHELBERGER: B.B .. \1.. .. l niH·r•it, of lllinoJ, ... \lRS. J~"'E GROSS: B.-\ .. \1.:-- .. lnJH'r•il' of lllinoi, ... \1R S. \1 R'l IIOL:\lES: B.:-.. \1.:--.. Ea-tt•rn lllin;>i• lnJvt'r'11). Colorado. talt> lnJ\t>r•il) . . . :\1RS. H ELE:\ WALKER : B.~ .. \1.:-- .. Soulht'rn lllinoi• Lmvt>r•JI\. l nJvt>r•JI\ of lllinol':-pon'ur of FH \ . .
P. E. Adds Ping
huffle board and ping pong may seem unu ual addition to the game of occer, oftball, ba eball, ba ketball usually played in P. E. They are played however b students at the nnex who have no gym facilitie for indoor u e during bad weather. In addi-
Parallel Bars
tion to the new equipment for the Annex, the P. E. department also purchased pej!; boards, a side hor. t•, and parallel bars for the boy . ine weeks of health wa included in the . chedule of sophomores at the Anne}{ in addition to the safety usually taught.
'hi lt• otht•t·;, ' Jwnd P. E. at four-.quarc· and pin!! ponl(. :\larJ.. Ko-.tt•r and Bob Touchlwrr) pia} -.hufnehoard. :\tr~. Hol,tt•in join ... other mt>mber-. of the j!irl-. P. E. department to liven 'Ptrit' in a pep a''embly.
Int ra mura l ~ b ri n ~ t o~t' th er
the Facult} and Var~ity basketball teams.
MARS HALL D. BA"JKS: B.-\., '\1.~ .. '\1orelwad State Coll<·~e. Lniv1•rsity of Illinois. Sophomon·tra<"k <"oach. Hohhil''-·are lu fi and ,t,·n·o . . . L EE CABLTTI : B.S .. '\1.A .. outhern Illinois l niversity. Lnivers1ty of Illinois. \thleti<· director. varsity basketball coach . . . ES DAVI S: B... , '\1.S .. Bradley niver,ity. Ot'partmt"nt Head. Hobby is stert"o ... PA L L ETTE Dl t: LIO: B. .• Wiseonsin Stall' Collt'~t'. Sponsor of Orehesi . Hobbit's are knittin~. bowlin~. wint<•r sports. dancin~ . .. C H ARLES D E: '\l.S., Lni· vt"rsity of Illinois .. ophomore bask<•tball eoaeh. h<·ad baspball coach. Hobby is ~olf ... E D FR E D E RI CKS: B..' ., '\1.: .. '\t1ssouri l nivt•rsity. 1\ansas niversity . . . MR ', W E I'IIDI H AS K E LL: B.A.. L nivt"rsity of California. Head of !!iris' PE d1•partmt'nt, spon· sor of(; A .. ponsor of cheerlt'adl'rS. Hobbies an• tennis, swimmin~. lwrsl'baek ridin!! ... W ARD L. lA N: B.A., 1\L .. McKI'ndrl'e Collt'~e. outht"rn Illinois l niver.,ity.Hobby is athll'lic" ... JOH L. MACE K : B. . , Illinois tal<" Lniversity, l nivNsity of Illinois. nivt"rsity of Colorado. ophomore football coach. hl'ad ~olf coach, director of intramural ~ports . Hobbies are antique ears, huntin~. fishin~ ... DO PITTMA : B.S., '\L ., nivt"rsity of Ill inois. Hobhws are h untin~. fishin~. woodworkin!! . . . CHARLIE S IDES : B.S .. '\LA., Texas Christian Colle~e. Lnivt"rsity of Illinois. Hobby is ~olf . . . CARL A. WOLFII' BAR(;E R : B. . , '\L ., Southern Illinois Lnivt"rsity, Illinois Stall' Lniver ity, l niversity of Chiea~o. nivt"rsity of Iowa. Gymnastics instructor. Hobbie" an• swimmin~. reert"ational therapy ... RI C HARD A. WOOLEY: B.• .. L niv<·rsity of Illinois. -\ssistant sophomore football <"oach. assistant wrestlin~ coach, "C" Club advisor. Hobby 1s ~olf. "Jot Pieturt'd : 1.RS . BARBARA ALLEN, ROBERT AVERY, MRS . JOANNE BOPPART, MRS . J DY DAHL, JEFF FER(; LSO"'' , MRS . ELIZ BETH HOLST E I , MRS. PIIYLLIS KOC H , i\IRS. i\1 RY MAJOR , TIIO\tAS F . STEW ART.
JOH . HEIDER : B.: .. Illinois , tatt> nivt>rsity. !->pon-.•r of youth proJt>Ct model club. Hobbit>s an• boating. skiing. mod1•ls. radio . . . RALPH MAYALL: B.,· .. \1.!-> .. Lniversity of Illinois. YP buildmp: pnncipal . . . CAROL . OSTROM: B. ' .. \1.!:-> .. lniversity of lllinoi~ . . . DWAI!" II . SPEER: B... \I.S .. Lniversity of Illinois. lllinoi~ tate lniversity. Not pictured : MRS. NANCt A~GERER,MRS.MARGARETB STARD,D ANE PATTON.
ntonio ~a de and Glenn E<'k!•l p:t>t job background in shop class.
Studies Co~nbined in YP
In-school work, on-the-job trammg, indu ·trial field trip . vocational cla e where occupations are tudied- the e are part of the educational program of the Youth Project. The programs of tudents in the Youth Project are further courses in ocial s tudi es, language art.. mathematics, science, art. commercial tudies. industrial art . music. and homemaking. Vocational coun elors help Youth students in their job preparation during high school. After graduation from high school tudents are encouraged and h lped to get additional training uch a trade schooling or apprenticeship.
' tories, puppets, and toys an• aid mat1•rials for !:->andra Fo). \ alarit>. Kindlt>. and · andra Ross in tht>ir qudy of child ('art>. ROBERT STO"'EB R"'ER : B.\ .. Southt>rn Illinois t.:ni · versity. Illinois ' tate Gniversity. Hobbit•s art> rt>ading. hunting . . . MRS. CAROLE ZISSIMOPOlJLOS: B.- .. l n1versity of Illinois.
PT A-Parent~s Liaison with CHS Confusion reigned as parents attem\Jl(•d to follow their children's schedule at the annua PT open house. The year's first PT-\ meeting was opened with a meeting presided over by the <·o-presidents. the Russell Odells. The other officers are \1rs. R. imon. first vicf"-president; \1rs. E. \\ arner. econd vicepresident; \1rs. Robert Hoyne . ..,ecretary; and \1r. P. Gelvin. treasurer. A. program was presented in the winter outlining opportunities in the service for boy . Dean E. T. , anford. Director of ndergraduate , eholarships at the . of I.. spoke to part'nts at another met'ting. PTA members carried out extt'nsive telephone campaign in the fall to help get the bond referendum passed. Pa re nt ~ li ~te n to \1rs. 1<-aufmann's explanation of their '"n'· and daul(hter< Y.orl.. in JUnior ProJe<·t Cn•ati,it\.
P t'I!.'I!.'Y Bro wn 'tru ~t ~tl es Y.lth the prohlt>m of helpinl( puuled parents follow their children's scht>dule at the fall open house.
S·ervice Personnel Nulllber 27 One hundred pound:-; of flour per day. 680 pound of ~ound beef. 450 of roast beef. and 1.200 of turkn for the 17 school day:-; in De<'ember is a sample of th~· amount of supplies used by tht• CHS cafeteria. Tlw food i. prepared by a staff of 17. :even .M. will find six worker:-; and the mana{!er baking rolls and preparing lunch for 900 people. \t different tim('s during the morning lO more women report for duty and work four to six hour shifts. II building maintenan<'e. repair. and improv('. ment jobs at CHS and the nnex are performed by the 10 members of the janitorial. staff. Three of these are graduates of CH '. and one has been at CH for 13 years. ha Philippi and Jan!' Prntsmas. <"aft·l!•ria mana!(t'r. <"omplt•te tht• first stt•p in pn•paration of turkt•} pol pit•.
Ra:< lla~kell, Da~e \kOowt'll. and Harry Windland mop up aftt•r water pipes burst at tht• c\nnt•x.
>\hoH•: Louetta Jarvies n •moves from the oven one of the many pans of rolls prepared and baked daily for hunj!ry CH ' stud<•nh . Ri~ht: \ora Long and lnea Thomp•wn prepan• tlw salad plates for stud<•nts with appetites for fruits and v<'l(etables. Bt•low: Fall \H' atlwr brings Georl(e \1<"Culley out of doors to sw<'ep tht• "<'hool walk and "teps fn'<' of lt'aves.
iT e sflll haze time left To enjoy our school . .. 'hare to{!ether its opportunities; Yet each of us kno/Cs tomorrou zci/1 come . .. 4nd 1te ui/1 no lonwr be L nderclas ¡men.
Leading this year's sophomore class are its officers: Roger Tippy, president; Donna Reed, vice-prtâ&#x20AC;˘sident; Anne \1iller. treasurer; and ]tâ&#x20AC;˘an Black, secretary.
Class of ~67 " -1- -T-0-R-Y! That' the ophomore battle cry!" And a plaintive one it wa too! The pep and backing given our team by th ophomore contributed much to chool piriL Cia officer Roger Tippy, pre ident; Donna R ed, vice-pre id nt; Jean Black, ecr tary; Anne 1iller, trea urer; and cia pon or , Mr. Barry Mo kowitz and ~r. Lynn Raney encouraged tud nt ' participation in club , port , and the chall nging occupation of meeting new people. To the di may of many ophomore , the cia of '67 wa involved in a major clivi ion: orne member attending the main building, and orne, the brand new Annex, thr e mile away. Bu e provided tran por-
tation out to the Annex in the morning for a full day of Engli h, history, math, and cience; then it wa back to the main building for pep a mblie , basketball practice, club meeting , or imply catching up on the new . The ophomore cia has proved that though they were plit bet ween two building , they were till one in piriL And to help make up for the hard hip , the Cia s of '67 i pecially privileged in two ways. Be ides being the fir t tudent to u the new facilitie at the annex, thi year' ophomore will graduate during the year which mark the lOOth anniver ary of the schooL
Martin Ablinger 1\1ary Adams Pete Alagna Paulette Alcorn Frank Alt>xander ancy Alexandt>r
Linda lgee C.eorge Allen Van Allison Don Althau Linda nderson Tim Ander~on
Tt>rry Andrew herry Andrews Delbert Angelo 1\1ike Apperson Bari rnote Bob Atkins
Brenda Atkin on Carl Austin u ie xton Alice Ayers Bruce Bade Jeanne Bail
Ruth Baker Linda Bank Toni Banner \1ary Barry Elvira Barsan Carol Barton
Jim Barton Jimmee Bates Tim Bate Kathy Baxter Kathy Becker andra Bell
Anthony Belscamper Jerry Bennett Ruth Berg Ken Bergman Alice Berk on Delore Besaw
Tom Bicker Bill Bidwell Bob Biehl Tom Bigler Gilbert Birge Pat Birt
Ora Hl'hop J e an Hlad. Bt·H·rh Blaek"t>ll SteH; Hlaford Sut. Blair Jeanrw Blut•
Carol Bluhm !:'lteve Bokt•nkamp \lark Boldt•n -\lana Bold' Shirley Bomer Pat Bone
J ant•I Bon ng Jud Bo'"ell ,· haron Boyd Sarah Bradbury l.illie Bradlev \1t·lody Bradley
Look to
Eileeta Bray James Brewer Jim Bn•"t'r Tom Bn·\\n Ca--andra Bridg••" att•r \lar) Britton
Sue Broadht·nt Bill Bro"n Carol Brown Damn Bnm n Frar;('ine Hnm n John Bro" n
Ke,in Bnmn Pam Bnmn Pn•nti" Bnm n 'iteplwn Bnm n 'itt'\ t• Bnm n 1\.t•n Bnmnfrt'ld
Daq· Brunko" Eilt•t•n Bru" D" i!!hl Bru" Lt·la Buruly Jim Burtch \I Burton
l nt'"\.JH'CINI
dt•lij.thl to Anm•xpr-, Jant· Dorri,_ Tru(h Troxt>IL and Jay \'(, att"- ~tudt•nt' lt•arrwd latt•r that a brokt•n "ater pipt> "a' rt·,pon,ihlt· for tlw holida}-
Two More Years Bonnit> Bu,ch \Ian Bu,hou'e Dt·hhit· But,dl Pat Cain Pat Camplwll John Carpenter
l:lt·ck ~ Carr Su,~n Carrillo Joe Cartt>r Jo Ellen Carter Jame' Ca,ad "tt·lla Ca,t'hN•r
Judy Chapman Barbara Cha,t• Tom Cha,e Bt>~Jamin Chin Jennit• Chin \Ian Clark
Denni' Clarl.. Barbara Cla~ton Linda Clo,.; Linda Coad \larcia Cobb Laurel Cobblt'
"I will not walk up down stairs," rt>frt>sht•s tlw mt>mor} of anq Di!'kt•y as slw dili gt>ntl~ wrilt•s it.
One Way Stairs Create Frustration Mike Cochrane Jeff Cole Ralph olt> Judy Coleman Linda Coleman Ross CoUins
Chu<'k Collinson Connie Comt>r Danny Conley Bonnie Conover teve Conrad \1yle Conway
Dorothy Cook Jessie Cooper Cathy Curten Larry Corum Judy Cox \1ikt> Cox
Crum usan Cullop Carl Cunningham Elfreda Curtis Belinda Daniel Fritz Danielson
Alice Davi Carol Davi tuart Davis Phyllis Day Tyson Dearduff Jeff Dt>hn
Jacque Demp ter Judy Dendy Bill Devlin Mar ha Dextt•r Linda Dial Deanna Dickt-y
\ancy Dickt•y 'l,an<'y Dideoc·t Carrie Dillman :\1ike Dimmett Charles Dittman teve Dively
John Dixon Traeey Dixon ndy Dobronski '\liek Donze Cindy Doolen Joan Dorri..,
J oyee Dorsett J !'risteen Dor ey Kathy Dorsey Pat Doty Cathy Douglas Linda Downing
Linda Doyle Pat Doyle Bt>nnie Drake Jim Drake haron Drake Bruce Duncan
\ icki Dutton Jt>rry Eads heila Ea ley Bob Eastin Randy Eastin Randy Ea tin
Judy Egbert Denise Eichelberger Ellt>n Eilbracht Frt>d Ekstam Randy Elliot \ erlie Elliott
\like Elli Ro emary Elli. haron Embt>rton Rick Emerick Mary Emery John Engelhardt
l\1.iktâ&#x20AC;˘ Eriksen John Estergard Lois Evan Eugene Everett harltâ&#x20AC;˘s Exum Dorothy Fancher
Linda Farnham Ralph Farrar Tom Faulkner Jeannie Feathergill onnie Feger Linda Felkner
Bill Fergusson Gayle Fi !ding hu k Fisher Michelle Fi her arleen Fitzgerald teve Flewelling
Marie Franklin amuel Frazier Pam Freiburger Rich Friedburg Janet Fryman Cindy Fulfer
Bob Fuller Ronna Gaddis Judy Garinger Judy Garland Micki Garland William Gaugu h
Sophomores Reach for the Top Helen Genes Linda Gentille l\1ike Gerhart Bob Gillespie Marie Gilliland Carol Givens
Betty Goddard Dorothy Goines Gary Goodling Essie Gordon Kathy Gordon Linda Gourley
Kevm Grabow Cindy Grady Brenda Graham Eddit• Graves Carolyn Gn•t•n \1ikt• ,n•t•n
!->onJa Gmbh Bob Grow Kan·n G .... inn Dana lladlt•r Ron Hakrow Pat llaley
Raymond Gn•t•n Rhonda Gret•n Tom Griffin John Gnffith (,Ioria Grq.(~' Tom Grimsey
Cath} Hall Juli Hall Loretta Hall Jeanim• llamadwr Conme Hamilton Rich Hammock
Annex lockers prove to be quit e a
trai n for Linda Doyle.
In h er free time andy Bell puts her artistic talent to work.
Up and Coining Is teve Hannagan Louise Hansen Lisa Hardgrove Jerry Hardin Roo evelt Harper Tara Harp t
Prenti s Harris Diana Harrison ancy Harroun Jill Hartman Teresa Hartman heila Has ler
Doug Hatfield Ronnie Hayden Mark Hayman Jane Heaton Bill Heath Gene Helfer
Doug Hellmer John Helmick teve Henager elson Hendrickson Dave Hendriksen Mark Hendrix
James Henry Mike Hen on Linda Ht-rn Jt-annit> Ht-rrin \1ark Ht-rriott Pamela Hettlt>r
Linda Hewitt Linda Hill John Hindman Denni Hinton Eli a Hirsh teve Hodgt>s
Linda Hoffman Scott Holaday u ie Holloway haron Holt Holly Holtt>r teve Hood
the Class of
~6 7
' ue Hoppe Anne Howard Bill Howard Carolyn Howard Barry Hoyne Gloria Huffman
usan Huffman herrey Humphrey Judy Hunter Janis Hutchcraft Robt>rt Hutchins Wt-ndy Hutchinson
Tt-rri Hyland Paul ldt-lman Linda lngleman Carla Inman Linda lrle Bill Jackson
Harry Jackson Helen Jackson Tom Jackson Beth Jay usan Jaycox arol Johnson
Linda Johnson \like Johnson teve Johnson \Ian Jones Ken Jone Marilyn J ungst
Don Kaiser Janie Kelley \1ike Kelley Anne Kelly \1ary Kelly Ron Keirn
Diane Kempe James Kennedy Brad Kent arol Kern Kathy Kiburz Jerry Kiefer
Chris Kimble Dorothy Kinard Valerie Kindle Je ie King haron Kingham Bob Kirby
Connie Kirby haron Kircher ancy Knepler Kassie Kobel Nancy Koehnemann Mary Koester
Karen Kopp Mark Koster Richard Kriz Jan Kucharczyk John Kuder Dean Kukuck
Doug Kurasek haron Lane Marcia Lange Larry Lankford Bill Lamendola John Lariviere
Pam Lar en Debbie Lar on Gary Lasater Larry Lassen Allen Lawler Bradford Law
"Only four more days until Friday," sighs junior Cindy Wright.
Welcoine Weekends John H. Lee Ronnie Lee Doug LeGear teve Leming Chuck Leonard Dan Lewi
Linda Lewi Joe Lierman usie Little Peggy Logan Linda Lohmeyer Patty Looker
Cheryl Lookingbill Darrell Lookingbill heryl Lovingfos Patricia Loy Terry Lunger Mike Lux
Margaret Lyon Judy Mack Ken Mad en Ed Maliskas Bob Manley Ron Manuel
ue Margrave Barnell Marion Lyle Martin Mike Martin Greg Ma on Cindy Massanari
Peparoon member, Paulette Alcorn, prove her school spirit during CH Homecoming week by d corating the halls.
Doug :\1attox Kri~ \lautz Ron \1cAdow Jim \1c loud Cliff M<' onaha Mike Mt'Culley
Connor \lcGuirt> Earl!'l'n \I<"Kinlt·y Angus \kLt>od Alice M<'Murray Ruby \1< t•al Dan '\1<' eel~
Jill McDaniel Kath\ '\1cDuffee \1ary \1c Elligott Connir \1<-Grhr :\like :\kGint~ Brenda \kGiasson
Sut• \1cVry ~haron '\le<"um Judy \Ieier Linda Mrit'r '\1t'linda \lt•lahn aundra \1errifit'ld
John \1erz J!'ff \1eskill Steve \1t>yer Anne \tiller Barb \1illt>r Bobby .\1illt>r
Doug Miller Gary \1iller Gene Miller Kathy Miller Victor \tiller Barbara \1ills
Kathy \1itchaner LeRae \1itchell Pam Mitchell Dale Mitsdarfrr usan \1itsdarffer Robin \1oncrief
Tom \1oore Terry \1orfey Gary Morenz Babette Morlt>y Keith \1orris Pat \1orrow
Gary l\1orton usan \1ullen Lynn Myer Marsha \1yers David Neal teve eal
String the Tigers
Jim eill us an Betty ewman icola
Bernie oonan Frank owning Christine uttall John Oake Lynn O'Hearn Barb Ohlsen
Wall Oliveira Linda Ol~on Tom 0' eill Gary Orcutt Gladys On...ck Judy Paine
, usan Palmer \ icki Palmer Jim Pankau Toni Pardick Kathy Parrish David Patton
John Pearson athy Peck Anthony Pt>ddycoart Karen Pelg Jo ie Pelmore Gary Perkins
Main Building Crowded; Karen Peters Karen Peyton Bob Phillippe Mat> Helen Pickle Diane Pierard Don Pierce
Trudy Pier e athanit>l Polk Greg Poll Whitney Pope Mary Posey Millie Posey
Linda Powell Rhoda Powell Tert>sa Powell Dottie Proff Kathy Pruett Donald Puckett
Gary Quayle Becky Radke haron Ragel Bruce Randall Denni Rasmusson Kathy Rauckman
Di cussing world problem are Bonnit> Bus('h and Jim pt>n('er.
Sophs Overrun the Annex Renda Rawdin Marty Ray Phil Read Donna Reed Cathy Reifsteck Maggie Reno
Dave Rexroad Paul Reynold Linda Rhodes Donna Richardson Gra e Richard on haron Roberts
Robinson Joe Robin on \ ic Robinson Dave Roderi<'k andra Roderick Randy Rogers
' tan Rollins Margaret Rose Terry Rosenburg Dan Ross ~1ike Roughton Bruce Rozno" ki
Obviously, many sophomorf.'s agree that "an applt> a day kt>~ps tlw doctor away."
Annex Utilizes Jefferson Cafeteria \ likt• Ruht•naker Kathy Ru'k Peggy Russell \ I ary aat hoff \\endy abn J en • andw ell
Jim anford Jeannie. apora Dallas • awtt•Ue Allen awyer Ben ayle. Lynda chaffer
Eddie chamber Ro) • cheidel huck chiller Betty chlorff Bruce chneidman Ronnie chnorf
Denni. choening Dale choonover huck chulze Janis chumacher Marcia churg andra chweighart
Bob ofield Bob eaberg Alexa eaman Bob hapland Danny hearer Lee hores
'andy idt>ll Charlott<> it>m '\1ary Lou iem Martha immons
Cindy mith Jack mith Jane mith Jeri mith Kathy mith Leslir mith
nyder odemann
David pence Janet pence Melanie pence Jim p ncer Linda , taley Martin tamm
ut> tank Craig tark Theola tarks Gary tarwalt Elizabeth Ievenson u an tewart
Theresa Iinson Bob tites Je se tite
faria toll Greg tone Janie tone Richard tone Jerre tonecipher teve 'tonehocker
Bob totler teve tout Leslie tratton Linda trohl herry trunk teve ucic
Paulettt• ,' wa1m Earl !'m im Jorga wmger Barb ~wisher ~andra Talha Bob Tartt•r
'\anry Tatman Chuck Taylor \1ary Tt•mpel Sherry Tepper Jim Terrt'll Ellen Terry
Bill Testory \lartha Thomas Geri Thornhill Edna Thorpe Roger Tippy Tina Tock
Pam Todd Pearl Todd Bob Touchberry Linda Trempel Trudy Troxell Don Truitt
Diane Tucker Gwen Tummelson ;'vlary Turner Jrff Tyler Stevr Umland Becky Upp
Rirk Lpton Pat 'v anCit'avr Beverly \ anSchouck Carol \a sar Emily Vaughn Laura \ erhoeks
Diana \ ogelsong Dave Wagner Randy Wahlfeldt Champ Walker Fred Walker Jo Walker
Pam alker \1ary Walsh Darrell Ward David Ward Don arren Robina Warren
St<•vt• 'Was<" her Harold Wash BoyC't' Watson Jim Watson Jay Watt" Dt>nms W t·hher
Bt•nny Wt•bster .am Weeden Barb Werstler Cheryl White Ron Whiteside Becky Wi!!:gins
Tom Willard Cathy Williams Don Williams Ja('kie Wilhams Jt•an Williams Joe 'Williams
t>il 'W II Iiams Craie Wilson Larrv Wilson Phii Wih,on Danny Winj!ler Steve Winters
Margut>rite Wist> Candy Witt Dt>bbie Wojnar \tar!!:aret Wolft> Ernt>st Wood Glen Wood
John W'ood Sht>Ila Wood Orville Wooden Jim Woods Pat Worner Bob Wright
Elizabeth Wri!!:ht Sue Zindars Tim :\bel Joan Allen James Baker Harold Barcus Sandra Barr Steve Brakebill Ray Campbell illie araway Dean Clausen George Cole Joseph Cook Janice Devore Tony Dillman \ 1ary Dou!!:las Tt•rry FitZ!!:t>rald
OPHOMORES NOT PICTURED Sarah Foy Davt> (~udgel Sally Harper Davis Harvt>y \1arcia Hutton Stevt> Henderson Charles Henson Earl Hi m•s Jame-, Hines Bill Hitchcock Carl Hixson Henry Houchin. Decker Johnson \lark Johnson Earnest Jone"
Karen Ko"' Sijke Kramt•r Don Langlois Danny Laroe Charles Lt•wis 1\/eda Lt>wis \1arilyn Lqlscomb 'V!arcelle Logut• Jacqueline Long Greg Luesse \ 1ary \ Iahry :\ngus \ 1acLeod Chester \1artin Hers<·hel \ tayo Lee \ IcCall .
Jamt>s \tc\eal Luther \ 1c eal Robert \1enges ' teve \1eyer ' teve \1ilanovich Don Miller \lamit• \lorton Dt>lort•s \t'Jl Carol Petenson Dennis Phillips Richard Postalwait Lois Pulliam Bob Quinlan Linda Radmaker Jim Richard on
Robert Rod!!:ers Sandra Ro<,s George chubert Dave chweitzer Tom colt Richard mailing John • tirewalt Elizabt•th ' tover 'teve Teag Peter Tomassini Tony Wadt> Larry Wascher Roy Wikoxin David Yant>k
Still wrappt"d with prom dt•coration.,, tlw JUnior cia"" offiet'r" art', clockwi"<" from to1>: Jim Latt't'r, pre.,idt>nt; Linda '<·hilling. st>ert'tary; Dominic Bellucci. trea.,urer; and Tish Coughltn. vi<'t>·pre~idt>nt.
Class of " nited we tand- divided we fall." Who can deny the e famou words to the Ia of '66? Although the cia wa the fir t to emerge from three different junior high chool , it will be the last to graduate as a whole from CH . Making the mo t of thi year were cia pre ident, Jim Lateer; vice-pre ident, Tish Coughlin; ecretary, Linda hilling; trea urer, Dominic Bellucpon or , Mr. J hn Ma ek, and Mr. Le ci; and cia Bowman. For them the year' proceedings arou ed many emotion -nervou ne , ang r, enjoyment, elfali faction, and of course, fatigue.
Enthu ia m wa generated in the early weeks of chool in the excitement of choo ing cia ring . Clo ely following thi , prom committee were et-up for decorations, moneymaking, and entertainment. The cia promoted uch thing a the Junior class coat-check for hom ba ketball game , elling lollipop , and the annual pan ake upper. The Cia of '66 will alway remember Project Creativity, one-way tair , and getting trampled en route to lunch. With the e fresh in mind, we now look on to club pre id ncies, major sport po itions, and being leader of CHS in our enior year.
Francine Abernathy Ro. emary Acklin Charles Adam us1e dkins Jim lber ancy Albers
Gloria Albrecht Jud1th Aldrich Albert Alexander Judy Allen Janie AUhands Mickey Uison
Danny Ambro e Karen Anderson Linda Anderson Marie Ander on Mike Ander on ibyl Anderson
Vera Ander on h1rley Anstin JoCille Apper on Larry Asbury Jerry Atkinson James yers
Linda Bailey Kathy Bair Tom Baker WiUiam Baker Terry Bales Joe Balzer
ate Banks Toni Banks teve Bantz Mary Barber ancy Barker harle Barne
DeUa Barr andra Barr Ro emary Bartel Karen Bartel on John Bash John Bate
andy Baum Richard Beauvois Jim Beaver Miriam Becker David Beckett Dominic BeUucci
Sue Bennett Jerr~ Benson Ph}llis Bernardi Laverne Berry ' tt've Billhymer Ja<'kie Bishop
Bluhm Linda Boardman Tom Bonntâ&#x20AC;˘ll harlotte Boring Barb Boswell Linda Bowltâ&#x20AC;˘s
Jon Bowman 'utt.>r Brary \1ary Ann Brahana Clark Breeze \1ikt> Bridgt's Bevt'rly Britton
Sponsors Bowinan And Macek Lend Arthur Brown Bill Brown Colleen Brown Kathy Brown haron Brown Valerie Brown
hurk Bruns Bob Burnett Bill Burns Karee Burtis David Busch Richard Bu chbach
uann Cahill onita Carleton Carol arns Randy Carr Larry Casad Larry Cekander
Ruth Chaney Nancy Cheatham Deborah Chipman anry Claar Rodney Clark Greg Clarke
As sponsors ofthe junior class, l\1r. Les Bowman and \1r. John l\1acek, supervised the clas 's main project, the Prom.
Advice., Share Juniors., Proin Woes Barb lay Jackie lay \1ary Lou lemon Claudette Cohn Pam Collier Kathy Collins
:\1illard Collin Dave onnell Phyllis Cook andra ook Ti h Coughlin Pam Corum
Tom osgrove Ann Cotter Jeff Crackel Cheryl Cramer Jack Crannell Bill Cronau
uddeback indy ullop Kay ummings Margie Curzon Mike Dalton Priscilla Daniels
Donna Dannenhow<'r Cheryl Dauten Bobbir Davi~ Donna Davis Mae Davâ&#x20AC;¢~ Mikr Davis
Phil Davis Rit'h Davis Allee Day Don Drahl Tom Drakin Ken Deavdlr
Project Creativity Challenges Jrs. Jamie Dehn Joe Dendy Kathy Dickerson Darlene Diehl Joyce Diepholz Gayle Differding
Pat y Dillman Mike Dixon Jim Dobrovolny Rea Doty Mary Douglas Don Downing
Kathy Drake Renl!e DuBu De alemprt! Andy Dukes Arnita Dunaway Becky Durant ]arne Eads
Eddie Earl usie Ea terbrook Jon Eastin Jerre Eaton Gloria Ebeling Elizabeth Edmond
Judi Edward Melody Edwards ancy Ei ner Patricia Elder teve Emmett Linda Engli h
Toni Evan. Gayle Fairchild Jerry Fairfield harle Fanakos Barb Fancher Paul Felkner
Ro rmary Felkner Don Ferber Judi Ferri Ed Fiscus Janice Flora Pam Floyd
Judy Flynn Wayne Folsam Mark Foster Barbara Frankel Robett Franklin Richard Freeman
usan Frieburg Fran Friederich Pat Friese Joyce Freitag Bob Fritchey John FrizzeU
Tom Fuller Lloyd Ga kill David Gates teve Geiger ancy Gelvin \1ike GentiUe
Rick Gentille \1argie Gerhart Richard Gibb Virginia Gibbs Tom Gibson l\1arti GiUespie
Frank Gilliland hurl Gilmore David Ginder haron inder Penney Gin. berg Dori ipson
ancy Gipson Jon Glende nn Good Bob Good Hugh Good Terry Good
Carol Goodlin!( Barbara Gorman Alana Gorski Susan Gosnell Kay Go"ett "1/anq Graham
Pat Grave' Dorothy ,reen \1ike Gn'en Sherr ¡ Green Sharon Greenwell Randy Griest
Dan Griffe! Ed Griffith Glenn Grindley Doug Grunnett Beverly Guinn \1ike Haley
Jim Hall arolyn Hamihon Lynn Hampton John Hankinson Mary Hanlon armen Hansen
Terry Harder Diana Hardy James Harris Chris Hart Larry Harlrick Jonnie Hawkins
Juniors Store All
â&#x20AC;˘ Ill
Lockers ancy Hayden Pat Hayes Linda Healer haron Heimburger arl Hembrough Dave Hendrix
Lynn Hall Stuart Hirsh teve Hoffacker Jan Hoffmann teve Hogan Marsha Holden
Michael Holm Carla Hou , e Dave Howard Craig Hubert Dale Hudson Debbie Hudson
nn Huskisson Jeanne Hussong Brenda lrvan Linda lver on Judy Jaekowski Karen Jackson
Bernard Huelsbusch Dewer Huff Sam Huff Rose Huffman Toni Hughes Barbara Hurdle
Waymond Jackson Gt>nt•va Jamerson Diana Jamison Carolt• Johnson Joann Johnson Johnny Johnson
Making a futile attempt to get away from it all
Pat Welch.
Impatiently awaumg th.days of summt>r i~ It''!' Williams.
Trapped Between Seniors Peron Johnson ancy John~ton cott Johnston Pat Jont's Pat Judy Barbara Kaiser
Bryant Kaiser Greg Kaiser Phylli Kaiser David Kappes Bill Keller Jim Keller
teve Kelley Chri Kelly Richard Keirn Linda Kelsey :\1ary Kelso Mary Kerin .
Ellen Key Ray Kt>ylon Bill Kimball Lewi Kimball Cecil King Kathy Kirk
Barbara Kin• an Jim Klingelhofft'r Billie Koc·h Frank Kohlt•r Jo<• Kopp \ anrt' Kornega~
Connie Kozikom~ki \f1ke Kozikowski Bert'ndina Kramer Linda Krt'•C'a DPnnis Kurast'k Stuart Landa
Paula Land~aw Carol Lane Kan·n Lanp:e Anne Lariv•ere Jim Latt>er Laurel Laurent
and Sophoinores Ruth Lawhorn Janet Laws Brenda Leathers ancy Leavitt Lt>adell Leeds nn l.eonard
Brent Lewis Kathy Leyshon Bob Liem Jim Li!(gett Pam Lindell Mike Logan
Tom Long Curt Losee Ron Lovellette Ro!( Luer teve Lue se Edith Luksander
Rog Lyons Beverly Lytle Pat \1abray Betti Madix Tom \faJors Kathy \1aley
Tom :\lalln' Kt·ndra \lalont• Be<'k~ \lanley Terri Manning Jerald \lanut·l Rolwrl \lar,hall
Clt•vt•land '\la•on Kay t• \lassanari Dianne '\lassock Jnnnit• \1allt•snn Belly \1alllwis Diane \layer
David \kCahe Kar{'n \1cCalw Jnan \1c·Clannahan Ron \1cConaha Bt>ll) \1('Cnnkt'} Rndnn \frCormiek
Palrieia \!cCny Pal \I<'Evo} Tom \lcFall Kalhy \lcFarland John '\1cGill Bruce 1\leGlasson
:\larie \lcllugh Angielene McKibbins Calhy McLoughlin Bill \lc\lullt•n Laura \1c\1urray Carroll \leares
Lnuanne \Ieier Denise '\1ennt•nga \ icki \lerrick Diana \lerrifield Bell} 1\1 iclwls Linda :\1iehach
harles \Iiles Karen \Iiller Mary Miller '\ann \lillt>r Pal \lillt>r ue '\1illt•r
Jeff \!ills Linda \linear :\like 1\linelt Connie l\1innick Phyllis \1ilchell harnn \lilehell
l\1ary \loran R1!'hard \loran Rita '\1onti(Omt>ry Bob l\1oort• Stt•vc· \loon• Earl Morl(an
1\1 ark \1organ Lorren \1orr Gladys \1osely Christy \foss \Iandy \1ulliken Kitty Mulvihill
Juniors Struggle Through P.S.A.T.~ I.T.E.D. Tests Jim \ellis \fan \el on Pat \t•l. on Barb \e•heim Stt>H' \u·hoJa, Judy "Jickel om
Chris \ofll<.e , usie '\iofftz Linda \o!!le Dave O'Bryan Ah<'e Odc·ll usie Oliver
Patty 0'\eill Richard Parkinson Charlt•s Parri'h Lanny Parvin \inc!' Passala!'qua Kris Patton
Rich Patton Vulta Pame Rod.y Peaco<"k Rhonda Pear,on Pat Pt•rkins Kay Pett>rsen
Danny Peter on Fred Peterson Ron Peyton Bill Phillips Jim Phillips Patricia Phillips
Barb Fancher releases e ne rgy after a diffie ult exam.
l.t•e Piga1w l.arr~ Pile Charlit• Pingry Katrina Piper Randy Pippt•n Bob Poll
Cynthia Pr) t•r Bill Purki,l'r Ellen Quinlan Jerry Randall Tim Ra,nlll'-'-nn Randy Rettbt>rg
Penny Pnrter Sarah Posl'y Larry Pnttt•r Phylli' Po"t•ll Jnhn Primmer Linda P roctor
(,lt·nda Rexroad Pat Richard~ Lon•na Riehan( .. nn Pam R1ehmire 'laney Riddell \ fikt' Rigsby
Rirtt·nhnusp \like l{iltt·r Florent·t• RniJI'rls John RniH'rls Karhlt·t•n Rolwrls \lar!' Roderit·k
I illian Rnt'hu('k De(' Ro('sdl Barr) Rnf.(t'fS Phil Rn!!:ers "-nila Rohrer Gail Roland
Rand) Rnmingt•r Ri<'k> Ro-,e Diana RIN' John Ro"e Phit.p Ro"' Kalhi Rossi
Darrell Rut·h Brenda Ruud Pam 'iandage , ally andt•r<, <.eorf.(t' andwt•ll Dit'k Sansone
Don Salterfield Dave auer Juli aunders Karin aw~er Linda , chillinf.( Ellen , t hmidl
We Try Harder! \lary : chneider Ber~y ' chooley Ball f'howt'ngerdl Ball Schrt•aher Allen S<'oggin Janel Sear-,
\'ian , ealon Liz Seclor Bill t'rvis T t'rry , · haft'r \1ikt' Sht'apht'rd Ken hellabargt•r
"'tt'\t "helton \nrw "'hirln Linda "'rdtt"all (,n·,...
l.arn Sl.et•l, Jack Slatt·r
Barb Smith Bnh "'rnith Chdt• "'mrth Danrn Smith Ja('l. , mith Paula Smrth
Rauth "'mith Terr~ "'m•nl.,t'n Stt·' t• Sopt'r I \ n n . pt·rH·t•r ( ,t•nr:,!e ~JHt~~t~l
\lar-ha Spitler
Planners for the Prom ( harlrt• Stahl Shirln '>tahl L, nn '>tarnm 1\.atln Stanlf'} !.aura Sterlinl! Don Stt'\t'n'
Jane Stf•" art Ruth '>tt·"art andra Stt•" art "uP Stt>\\art ( lwnl "'trtt•, Salh Stot·l.,
!'itt>\!' "'torme \n!!U' "'tm all Dalt' "'tmt·r Stpfanu• Sut·rt• Hu-- Sutlwr Tom S" ihart
Chari•·- "'" int·hart l'atri< ra S\ he-ter Bt·th ·1 ap-('ott Boh Taylor Joann "Ta\ lor Richard .Teaj!ut•
Ellen Quinlan and Becky Durant smile from beneath a shower of coats, knowing that each one brings them closer to a perfect prom.
Operate Basketball Coat Check Carol Temple Dave Terrill Leroy Terry John Thomas John Thompson Johnny Thomp on
Kris Thompson Gary Thurman !\laney Tibbetts Lindell Tin ley andra Tinsley Jeff Tock
Brenda Todd Jack Todd Jim Tomassini Pete Tomassini Don Tracey Pat Trail
Kathy Tremaine Alan Trotter Dave Trover Charles Truax Vicky Trulock Don Tucker
Linda Turnt•r Jun \ au~hn \ant' \ t•,tal Gt>nrgt' Wagner Cat In \\ alker Karen \\ allt•r
, u'it' \\ ard I inda Wart' Cimh \\ arner Bill \\ arrt'n \ t•mnH·a \\ arren \lorri' \\ a,hington
~lit' \\
at,on I mda \\ eat llt'rford Barbara \\ t'aver ~te\t' \\ t•edrnan Jun \\emman Linda \\elburn
Pat \\ elch ~t·ott \\ t>tt·nkamp Bru<'t' \Y t>ttman Rita \\ hitakt•r Gra e Whitt' John \\lute
\!elvin \\ hitt• Bonnie \\ hite,idt' Linda \1 i<·k Ro) \\ ilcoxin ~hamn \\ iknxin Erit' \\ ildhagen
Bob William' Lt•,tt'r \\ illiam' L}m' ttt' \\ ilhams ~tt'Vt' William' Kathy Wih,key Etld~t• \\ il'on
Tom Wil on
\\and a \\ infrn Charlotte Wing,tmm Bill \\i,t· Clark \\ i'e L) nn \\itt
Carol \\ olfinbarger la<"kit' \\on~~: Bill Wood Bdl \\ ood., · ue \\on lard \like \\ orner
indy Wnght Dt>niSt' Wright Jacquit' 'Wright Jant't Wright Jt>ff Wright Linda Wri k
Brian Wrona Tom Yaxley Don Yon "~ncki Young Don Ziebell Bunnie Ziegler
Jerry Zindars
Junior Not Pictured tephen Anerson l\1ike Bait's Cleo Boyd Richard Boyer Gary Brown Gloria Cain Taylor Davi l\1.ike Dorsey David Douglas Linda Douglas Bonnie Ennis Robert Hou eholder Fannie James Thomas J amison '\laney Kauffman Eugene KeUy Genick Kucharczyk
:\1ario Manzella Dave \1cConnell Jack McDaniel Jack 1\fcK.inney Bernice Me eal Robert Melchi Ted \1inear Irving Morgan Geraldine 1\li kelson John Paris Roy Pece Kenneth Ratcliffe Mike Ray Mike Ruggles heryl ears Dennis immon Marsha immons
Roger m1th 1\iike Steiner Talma yke Mary Thoma Dorothy Tipsword Trenna Tuchel BcrneU Turner Burdell Wade Uen Walker Ro ie 'WeatheraU Patricia Webster Martha Wells Wanda WiUiams Agnes Wil on Karlene Zahnd
U nde rclassm e n 's faces s how concern a they watch the basketbaU team in action.
Waiting to Be Seniors ...
nderclassmen's thoughts turn inevitably toward dreams of being a senior. Abovt-: Juniors Kathy Bair. Pat Judy. Gayle Fairchild. and Kathy Dickerson keep this in mind as the} relax on a aturday afternoon. Right: 'ophomore Daw Hexroad varie'> the normal routirw of a lunch hour with antics onl} an underclassmen could think of. Far Right: Senior '\laney Easterbrook impress<â&#x20AC;˘s the tradition of honoring the school plaqu!' upon underclassman Don Pier<"<'.
We've shared many experiences ... Learned together, laughed together, Det>eloped our indil'idual personalitie ; For us, tomorrow is here. Weare ... the eniors.
Finally Seniors
enior clas officer : Gary Tummelson, President; Mary Douglas, Treasurer; Bob imp on, Vice-Pre ident; and andy Conkwright, ecretary.
Seniors are alway finding a different way to do things. Tht•se sen· wr. congregated to fix a flat tin·. but finish by enjoying an aftt>r· noon in the park.
"I just don't feel like studying" might be what Carolyn Harper is thi~king. This statement has a familiar ring to the t>ar of many semors.
Happine i a enior year. A joyou laugh, a parting tear, A glance down the future' broadening way, ecure in that it' still today. A enior we must bid farewell, That Ia t " nap" course- a final bell, Pep a emblies, the dance too, All the things we like to do. The game , the musical , the plays, All the joy of carefree day , The enior a embly, the senior party, enior-iti -alway tardy. And finally the enior Prom Att nded by u with great aplomb. Each thing we d to be our la t, Our enior year- a part of th pa
The end, the beginning-far, yet near. Happine was a enior year.
haron Abrams
Kay Addi
Deanna Aldrich
Kay Allen
Claudia Allhands
James Allison
Melvena Alpers
Sharon Ambrose
Ann Amerman
Kerry Anderson
enior lifeguards andy Conk wright and Rus l\1rrrifit'ld rt' .. cue All-American breaststroker Kip Popt' from the baby pool at Centennial a the ummer com s to a close.
SHARON ABRAM : Wig 'n' Pajnt 2; Peparoons 2. KAY ADDIS: Commercial Club 3,4; F A 3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,4; Knitting Club 2; Maroon 2,3,4, Co-Busine s Manager 4. DEANNA ALDRICH: KAY ALLEN: Baton Club 3,4; F A 3,4; Office Occupation 4; A Cappella 3,4; Committee 3,4. CLAUDIA ALLHAND : Baton Club 3,4; F A 4; IT A 2; German Club 2; Knjtting Club 2; Peparoon 2,3,4; Student Council 2,3,4, District Convention ecretary 4; Maroon 3; A Cappella 4; Class Treasurer 3; Intercity Exchange 2; Commitee 3,4. JAMES ALLISON. MELVENA ALPERS: Commercial Club 3,4; F A 3, 4; GAA 3; Maroon 3,4, Business Manager 4; Committee 3,4. HARON AMBROSE: ITA 3; Wig ' n' Paint 3; Hou e of Representatives 2; Peparoons 3; Pepettes 4. ANN AMERMAN: Wig 'n' Paint 4. KERRY ANDERSON: Orchestra 2,3,4; Wrestling 3.
colt Anderson
Deborah Andert
Rus ell Apgar
Linda Applegate
Janet Annstrong
Ray Annstrong
u an Atchley
Linda Bacchi
Patti Bain
Charle Baker
SuiDiner Fun Ends~ Hoinework Begins
Nancy Baker
Craig Baldwin
Robert Bales
Beth Balzer
COTI ANDER ' ON : "C" CL B 4;Football \l anagt>r 2.3.4: Tennis 2,3,4. DEBORAH DERT: Frt'neh Club 3.4; FT 3: Wig 'n' Paint 2.3; House of Rt'prt'st'ntatives 2,3; Pt'paroons 2.3.4: Porn Porn Chairman 4: Chronicle 3; tudt'nt Council 4. R ' ELL APGAR: Golf 2.3.4. LINDA APPLEGATE: Wig 'n' Paint 2,3.4: P<•paroons 2,3.4: Commitee 3.4. JA ET ARM THONG. RAY ARM ' TRONG: ·· " Club 3.4; · AN ATCHA Cappella 4; Band 2.3.4; Football 2; ~ rt'stlin!( 2,3.4. LEY: Wig 'n' Paint 4; tunt how 4. L1 DA BACCHI: German Club 3.4; Latin Club 2; GA 2; Hous<• of Rt'prt'St'ntati vt's 4; Honor 'ocit'ly 3,4; ~faroon 3,4; Chrontcle 3,4. PATII BAIN: Baton Club 3.4: Office Oc<•upalions 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2; A Cappt'lla 2,3,4; t'<'fetary 3.4. CHARLES BAKER: Band 2. NA Y BAKER: Baton lub 2,3; Fren<'h Cluh k ~~r \ l: \\ ig 'n · l'atnl l: 1\.nilting Cluh 2: P<'paroons 2.~. BEl'd MI~ CRAH; BALDWIN. ROBERT BALES. BETII BALZER: ~~A :3: ~ i~: ·n · Paint 2.:~. 1; (,\A :~: 1'1•paroons :~. ~-
John Barham
Carl Barnes
teve Barnhart
Nora Bartlet
Connie Barton
Gary Baugh
Cheryl Baum
Lynn Beberman
Bruce Becker
Lee Bell
Pepettes Organize Early to Spark
JOHN BARHAM. CARL BARNES: Maroon 2,3; Chronicle 2,3; Orche tra 2,3,4; Band 2,3,4. TEPHEN BARNHART: Latin Club 4. NORA BARTLET: French Club 2; Honor ociety 3. CONNIE BARTON: Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; House of Representatives 3; Canvas Board 2,3,4; Officer 4. GARY BAUGH: Baton Club 3,4; Latin Club 4; "C" Club 4; Orchestra 2,3; Band 2,3,4; Swimming 2,3,4; Tennis 3. CHERYL BAUM. LYNNE BEBERMAN: Wig 'n' Paint 2; Stunt Show 4; Peparoons 2; pring Musical 2. BRUCE BECKER: Baton Club 3,4; Debate Club 2; Band 2,3,4. LEE EUGENE BELL: Golf 3. CARL BERGMAN: House of Representative 2; "C" Club 4; A Cappella 4; Band 2; tunt how 3,4; Football 2,4; Track 2. ROBERT BERGSCHNEIDER: German Club 3; "C" Club 4; Committee 3,4; Football 3,4; Basketball 3. JOSEPH BERKSON: German Club 3; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Debate Club 4; House of Repre entatives 3; Chronicle 3,4; Band 2; Foreign Exchange 3; Stunt how 3. SHARON BERMINGHAM: Commercial Club 4; Distributive Education 4; GAA 2. JOE BEST. LYNN BICKERS: Commercial Club 3; Peparoons 3.
Carl Bergman
R. Bergschneider
Joseph Berkson
S. Bermingham
Joe Best
Lynn Bickers
Getting in on the latest gossip as our fir t assembly is about to begin are Pepette Carol Culver, Doona Mankey, Jane Maxey, and usie Younger.
Enthusiasin at Gaines and Asseinhlies
HYMER: ~11:\ 3; Wi~~: ·n· Paint 2.4; GAA 2.3.~; Knitting Club 3,4; l't·parnnn' 2.1; Pept•ttt._. ~. STE\ E BILLHYMER: Cm's Country 2: l'rad; ~ (;ILBERT BIR(,E. JOII'\ BLACh. : Baton Club:~. k I· n·rwh (:lui> Ll.l: "nnal "'"'''"'"'' ( luh 1: \\II! ·n' Paint 2.:t l: Quill ·n· " croll :t l: Chmnrrlt 2.:~.~. , ,,j,tant ~pnrh Editnr -k Band 2.:~: Cornmittt•t• :t l: ~tunt ~hn\\ L
Robert Bidwell heryl Billhymer Gilbert Birge
George Bigham teve BiJihymer John Black
ROBIN BRADLE: Latin Club 3, 4; Wig 'n' Patnt 2, 3, 4; Knitting Club 2; House of Representatives 2; QuiU 'n' croll 3, 4; Peparoon 2, 3, 4; Pepettes 4; tudent ouncil 3, 4, First Vice-President 4; Honor ociety 3, 4; Chronicle 2, 3, 4; Literary Chronicle 3, 4, Co- enior Editor 4; Intrastate Exchange 3; ommittee 3, 4; tunt how 4. MARY BRI KER: FTA 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3; House of Repre entative 4; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepettes 4; Committee 4. RON BRIDGEWATER: Basketball 2; Track 2, 3; 4; "C" lub 3, 4; ross ountry 3, 4 . BARBARA BRITTON: Honor ociety 3, 4; Baton Club 3, 4, Member· at-Large 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepette 4; Vocalette 4; tunt how 4; French Club 2, 3; Committee 3; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3; A Cappella 3, 4; pring Musical 2, 3, 4. WILLIAM BROCKETT. UE BROOKS: Fr n h Club 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3; Band 2; FTA 3, 4; Committee 3, 4; Peparoons 3. GORDON BROWN: Tenni 2, 3, 4; "C" Club 3, 4. HOLLADAY BROWN: Maroon 3, 4; Faculty Editor 3, 4; Quill & croll 3, 4; Peparoon 2, 3; Honor ociety 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2.
Mary Blac k
Diane Blaugh
Cheryl Blum
John Boll
Paula Bone
Michael Borasky
Greg Bowles
Barry Bracy
MARY BLACK: Baton lub 3; FTA 3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Knittin g Club 2; House of Repre entative. 2; Quill 'n' croll4; Pepar on 2,3,4; Pepette.., 4; tudent Council4; Honor ociety 3,4; Maroon 2; A Cappella 3: Cia . .., ecretary 3; Intrastate Exchange 3; \ ocalettes 3; Latin lub 4; c,rJ, ~tate 3: Stunt Sho\1< 2.3.l: Committee :~. 1 : Sprinp: Pia) 3: Chronicle :t t Hi.,torian 3. Cop) Editor 4; llomt><"omi np: Court -l. DIA E BLAt;(;H: El Staff and Projt·<·tor Club 2.3.4. St·<·n·tar} t CHERYL BLl '\1 : \'\ i{!: ·n' Paint 2.:~: Balon Club .3. k Peparoon' 2..): OffiC"t' 0C"cupation' l; (, '\ \ 2. JOII" BOLL: Ba-,kt>tball 2; Projector Club 2.:t P LL BO~E : Peparoon' 2: Commt'r!'ial Club l : [)i,trihuli\t' Edu('alion -l: F\ A 2: FH '\ 4. '\11 HAEL BORA KY: (;erman Club .;U; Band 2: Cro ... s Countr> 2: Honor o!'iet) -l. GREG BOWLES. BARRY BRACY: A Cappella 2.
Robin Bradle
Mary Bricker
Ron Bridgewater
Barbara Britton
William Brockett
u e Brook
Gordon Brown
Holladay Brown
Finally . . . Senior Boys Will Dance
Jean Brown
Larry Brown
Patricia Brown
Peggy Brown
Richard Brown
Japaline Bryant
Linda Bundy
Sam Bundy
Our hops take on a new lively atmosphere as the senior boys finally realize that dancing i fun. Jeff Hay break loo e and enjoys himself at the German Club tomp.
JEAN BROW . LARRY BROW :German lub 2,3,4; Debatt> lub 2,3,4; Football 2,3; Honor ociety 4. PATRI lA BROW . PEGGY BROW : ITA 2.3,4; Wi~ 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Peparoon 2,3; Orche"i 2; Commiuee 3,4. RICHARD BROW : Chronicle 2; Track 3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 4. JAPALINE BRYANT: ig ·n· Paint 2; F 2. LINDA B NDY: FH 2; ecretary 2; GA A 2,3,4. ports Chairman 4; Kniuing lub 3; Commillee 3.4; Wig 'n' Paint 2.3,4; Peparoons 2,3,4; Pepelles 4. SAM B NDY.
Kenneth Burge
R. Burkholder
Beverly Burnett
Delores Burnett
Linda Butler
Michael Butler
WilJiam Canull
Janet Carlson
andra Ca h
Sweden gives us a new friend in Ingrid Johans on, our foreign exchange student. Here Ingrid-like a typical teen-ager - talks to one of her many new friends on the phone.
Mary Cattell
KENNETH BURGE. ROBERTA BURKHOLDER: GAA 2; ITA 2. BEVERLY BURNETT: A Cappella 3; Office Occupations 4; tunt how 3; Wig 'n' Paint 4. DELORE BURNETT. LINDA BUTLER: Commercial Club 4; GAA 2,3; Maroon Business taff 4. MICHAEL BUTLER: Band 2,3; Basketball 2,3,4; Football 3,4; Track 2,3,4, Captain 4; "C" Club 2,3,4. WILLIAM CANULL. JANET CARLSON: F A 2; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3; GAA 2,3,4, Treasurer 3, ecretary 4; Peparoons 2,3,4; Pepettes 4; Committee 3,4. SANDRA CASH: Hou e of Representatives 3; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Intercity Exchange 4; Chronicle 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3; Latin Club 3,4; Stunt Show 4; ITA 3 Committee 4. MARY CATTELL: Wig 'n' Paint 4; Honor ociety 3,4.
Jane Chandler
Jean Chandler
Ruth Chaney
David Chapman
Crystal Chase
Joan Clark
Barbara Clay
Robert Clay
Mary Cochrane
Cathy Colbert
Our Special Guest- Ingrid Johansson Suzanne Cole
Bruce Collins
Sandy Conkwright
Gary Conley
JANE CHANDLER: Baton Club 3, 4; Commercial Club 4; Office Occupations 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; GAA 2, 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepette 4; tudent Council 2, 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Committee 3, 4. JEAN CHANDLER: Baton Club 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; GAA 2, 3, 4; House of Representatives 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepettes 4; tudent Council 2, 3; Committee 3, 4. RUTH CHANEY. DAVID CHAPMAN. CRY TAL CHASE: FTA 3; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Knitting Club 2, 3; Quill & Scroll 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepette 4; Maroon 2, 3, Assistant Organizations Editor 3; Chronicle 2, 3, 4, Assistant Feature Editor 3, Feature Editor 4; Intercity Exchange 2; Committee 3, 4; tunt Show 4. JOAN CLARK. BARBARA CLAY: Peparoons 2. ROBERT CLAY. MARY CO HRANE : FTA 4; Latin Club 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Knitting Club 2; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepettes 4. CATHY COLBERT: FT~ 2, 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Knitting Club 2, 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepette 4. UZANNE COLE: French Club 2, 3, 4; FTA 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Chronicle 2, 3, 4. BRUCE COLLIN â&#x20AC;¢ SANDRA CONKRIGHT: Baton lub 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Knitting Club 2; Peparoon 2, 3, 4; tudent Council 2, 3, 4; A Cappella 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; tunt how 2, 3; Clas e retary 4; Homecoming Queen 4. GARY CONLEY.
Pat Connelly
Dianna Connerly
John Cook
Cynthia Cooke
Vicki Cooley
Deborah Cooper
John Cox
Ruth Coy
Carol Craig
J ean Crawford
Studio ~64 Ended with the
PATRICIA CONNELLY: Office Occupation 2. DIANNA CONNERLY: Office Occupation 4; GAA 2,3,4, Vice-Pre ident 3; El taff & Projector 4; Peparoons 3; Pepettes 4; Committee 4. JOHN COOK: German Club 2,3; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4, President 4; House of Repre entatives 2,3; Chronicle 2,3,4; Thespians 3,4; Intrastate Exchange 3; tunt how 2,3,4. CYNTHIA COOKE. VICKI COOLEY: Knitting Club 2; F A 2. DEBORAH COOPER: ITA 2,3,4; ocial cience Club 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3; Student Council 4; pring Play 3; peech Team 4; Literary Chronicle 4, Committee 4; tunt how 3. JOHN COX. RUTH COY. CAROL CRAIG: Commercial Club 4. JEAN CRAWFORD: ITA 3, 4; Knitting Club 3, Peparoons 3, 4; F A 2, 3. BARBARA CROSS: Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Knitting Club 2; Peparoons 2,3,4; Committee 4. JAMES CROTZER. RODNEY CROZIER: FFA 2, ecretary 2. THOMA CRUM: "C" Club 3,4; Football 2,3,4; Track 2,3,4. WILLIAM CUDDEBACK. CAROL CULVER: Baton lub 3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Peparoons 3; Pepettes 4; pring Musical 2, 3; Winter Plays 2, 3; Chronicle 3, 4; Orchesis 2, 3, 4; A CappeUa 2, 3, 4; Stunt Show 2, 3, 4.
Barbara Cross
James Crotzer
Rodney Crozier Thomas Crum BiiJ Cuddeback
Carol Culver
Practicing their part for the senior danceline are washwomen Janet Trulock, Janet Vandevender, Cathy Hutchinson, and Mary Douglas, while hillibillies Janet Miller and Crystal Chase look on.
Traditional Senior Dance Line
MAR CIA CULVER : F A 2,3; German Club 2,3. CAROL CUNNI GH AM: Peparoons 2; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3; Canvas Board 2,3,4; Baton Club 3, Spring Musical3; Honor ociety 3,4. NANCY CUNNI NGHAM: El Staff and Projector 2,3, ecretary 3; Peparoon 2. SUSAN CUSICK : German Club 2, 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepeues 4; Committee 3, 4, Chairman 3; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3; tunt Show 3, 4. STEVE DAHL: Football2. CHRI T OPHE R DAMME RS: ITA 2,3; German Club 2,3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Debate Club 2,3,4, ecretary 3,4; Band 2.
Marc ia Culver
Carol Cunningham
Nancy Cunningha m
Susan Cusick
Steve Dahl
C hris Dammers
MINU I L,.o;;l
Seniors Decorate to Add Spirit
Following CHS tradition, the Pepettes decorate McKinley Field to in pire a Homecoming victory over Decatur.
RE ARD DANNENHOWER: ··C" Club 3. -l; Foot hall 2. 3. l: Ba'e· ball 2, 3. 4; Football King Court 4. DEBORAH DANIELS: Tran,fer tudent 3; GAA 3. 4; Baton Club 4; Librar~ Club :{, ~; Peparuon' 3. JOH DAVIS. PATRICIA DAVI ': FTA 2. 3. 4: \\ig ·n· Paint 3. 4: Pepettes 4; Honor ociet~ 3. 4. REX DAVI . • SAN DEMO : French Club 3, 'l. Vice-President 3: German Club 3. l: Hou'e of Repre· ~entatives 3; Wig ·n' Paint 3. l: Peparoon' 3. 4: Cheerleader k Stunt how 4; Homecoming ourt4. ANITA DeMOTTE. NA Y DE ER.
R. Dannenhower
Deborah Daniel
John Davis
Patricia Davis
Rex Davis
u an DeMoss
Anita DeMotte
Nancy Dever
ADELINE DICKEY: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; El taff & Projector 4; Peparoon 2,3,4. TIMOTHY DIVELY. ANORA DIXON. HEILA DIXON: Distributive Education 4; GAA 2, 3; Peparoons 2. HARON DOR ETT. MARY DOUGLAS: Transfer tudent 3; FTA 4; Wig 'n' Paint 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Class Treasurer 4; tunt how 4; Spring Play 3. CAMELLIA DOYLE: FHA 4; Knitting Club 3, 4. DEBORAH DOYLE: Baton Club 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, 4, ecretary.Treasurer 2, 3; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Knitting Club 2; House of Representatives 2; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; A CappeUa 4; Vocalettes 4; Cheerleader 2, 4; tunt Show 2, 3; Committee Chairman 3.
Adeline Dickey andra Dixon
Tim Dively h eila Dixon
Sharon Dorsett
Mary Douglas
Camellia Doyle
Deborah Doyle
Dianna Drake
Rick Dry dale
James Dunlap
Steve Dunning
Jodene Dye
Steve Dy on
Jack Early
Gale Ea terbrook
DIANA DRAKE : Baton Club 2; Wig 'n' Paint 3; Hou e of Representative 2; Peparoons 2; Band 3. RICK DRYSDALE: House of Representatives 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; JET 4; Ba ketball 2; wimming 3, 4. JAME DUNLAP: Football 2; Golf 3, 4. STEPHEN DUNNING: Madrigal 2, 3. JODENE DYE: Baton Club 4; FTA 3, 4; German Club 2; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Knitting Club 2, 3; House of Representatives 4; Peparoon 2, 3, 4; A CappeUa 4; Cheerleader 2, 4, Captain 4; tunt how 3, 4; Homecoming Court 4. STEVE DYSON: Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; A CappeUa 3, 4; Band 2; Wrestling 2, 3, 4. JACK EARLEY: Baton Club 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2; Band 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 3, 4. GALE EASTERBROOK: German Club 3; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; GAA 4; Knitting Club 4; House of Representatives 2, 3, Speaker Protem pore 3; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepettes 4; tudent Council 4; Intrastate Exchange 3.
N. Easterbrook
David Eastin
Lon Easton
Dixie Edwards
Caryn Egnew
Kurt Eilbracht
Cheryl Ekstam
Vernon Eroh
Carol Evans
Michael Evans
We Enjoy Our Last Hoinecoining Michael Farmer
Judy Farruggia
J . F eathergill
Robert Felty
NANCI EASTERBROOK: FTA 3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Cia s Pre i· dent 2; Committee 3. DAVID EASTIN: Baton Club 4; "C" Club 2,3,4; A Cappella 4; Madrigals 4; Football 2; Manager 2,3; Basketball 2. LON EASTON. DIXIE EDWARDS: French Club 3· Wi~~; 'n' Paint 2; GAA 2,3; Office Occupations Club 4. CARYN EGNEW: Wig 'n' Paint 2; Coin and tamp Club 2; Peparoons 2; Band 2. KURT ElLBRACHT: "C" Club 3,4; Football 2; Wrestling 2,3; Baseball Manager 2,3,4. CHERYL EKSTAM: Baton Club 4; French Club 2,4; ocial cience Club 4; A Cappella 3,4; Wig ' n' Paint 2,4; Debate Club 2,3,4; GAA 2,4; Peparoons 2,4. VERNON EROH: House of Representatives 4; "C" Club 4; Committee Chairman 3; Swimming 2,3,4; panish Club 3. CAROL EVANS. MICHAEL EVANS. MICHAEL FARMER. JUDY FARRUGGIA. JAMES FEATHERGILL: Committee 3; Tennis 2,3,4. ROBERT FELTY: Baton Club 3, French Club 2,3,4; Chess Club 2; Maroon 2; Chronicle 3,4; JETS 3,4;. Band 2,3; Committee 3,4; Boys' State 3; Cross Country 2; Wrestling 2; Golf 2,3,4.
A enior skit provided entertainment at the Homecoming assembly. Football hero Robin Bradle, the 1964 Decatur Football King, poses here with his beautiful Homecoming Queen, Mary Douglas.
Connie Fiock
Jon Fisher
Karen Fitch
Fred Fletcher
Philip Fletcher
T. Flewelling
Barbara Flynn
Martha Foster
Jack Fox
Karen Freeman
CONNIE FlOCK: Baton Club 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Knitting Club 2; House of Representative 4; Peparoons 3, 4; A Cappella 4; Committee 3, 4; tunt Show 2, 3, 4. JON FISHER: French Club 4; Wig 'n' Paint 3. KAREN FITCH. FRED FLETCHER: French Club 4; A Cappella 2, 3, 4; Stunt Show 4. PHILIP FLETCHER. TERRY FLEWELLING: Baton Club 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepette 4; tudent ouncil 2, 3, 4, Tri-High Vice-President 3; Honor ociety 3, 4, President 4; A Cappella 2, 3, 4; Vocalette 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 2, 3, ecretary 2, Vice-Pre ident 3; tunt how 2, 3, 4. BARBARA FLYNN: Baton Club 3. 4; Latin Club 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2; GAA 2, 3, 4, port Chairman 3; Peparoon 2, 3, 4; Pepette 4; Committee 3, 4; tunt how 3,4. MARTHA FO TER: Baton lub 2,3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2; Peparoons 3; Honor ociety 3,4; Maroon Art Editor 4; Chronicle 3,4, Art Editor 4; Canva Board 2,3,4, ecretary 3; Band 2,3,4, ecretary 3; Intrastate Exchange 3; Committee 3; Modern Mu ic Ma ters 3,4. JACK FOX. KAREN FREEMAN.
"Declaw the tigers" was the theme for the football Beat- Urbana- Week. Getting the job done is Gale Easterbrook, who served as chairman of the event.
V -1-C-T -0-R-Y~ That~s the Senior
LINDA FREEMAN: Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Peparoons 2,3,4; Pepettes 4. DAVE FRERICHS: French Club 3,4; "C" Club 2,3,4, Secretary 4; wimming 2,3,4. STEVE FRILLMAN: A Cappella 4. PERRY FULKERSON: Baton Club 3,4; French Club 2; pring Musical 3; KHO SER: Band 2. Dance Band 2,3,4; Band 2,3,4. MORRI F DE LINDA GAGLIANO: FT A 3,4; Latin lub 3,4; Knitting Club 2,3; Peparoons 3,4.
Linda Freeman tephen Frillman M. Funkhouser
Dave Frerichs Perry Fulkerson DeLinda Gagliano
Linda Gaines
usan Gaine
Cheryl Gammon
Cheri Garland
E ther Garret
Beth Garrigus
Sue Gauble
W. Getchius
Cheryl Giesler
John GiiJespie
Battle Cry; Beat Urbana!
LINDA GAINE : Baton Club 3, 4; German lub 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, Peparoons 2, 3; Pepette 4. AN GAINE . CHERYL GAMMON: Baton Club 4; ITA 3; ocial Science Club 3; Wig 'n' Paint 2; Peparoons 2; Committee 3. CHERI GARLAND: French Club 2, 3; ITA 2, 3, 4, Junior Point Chairman 3; enior Point Chairman 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Chronicle 3, 4, Head Typist 4. E THER GARRET: Latin Club 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4, ecretary 3; House of Representatives 2, 3; Peparoons 2, 3, 4, Pre ident 4; Pepettes 4; tudent Council 4; The pians 2, 3, 4, President 4; Canvas Board 3, 4; Orchesi 4; tunt Show 2, 3, 4; Fall Play 4; Winter Play 2; Spring Play 3; Committee 3. BETH GARRIGUS: French Club 2, 3, 4; IT A 2, 3, 4, Parliamentarian 3, Vice-President 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Quill & croll 3, 4; Peparoons 3, 4; Pepettes 4; Honor ociety 3, 4; Chronicle 2, 3, 4, Assistant ews UE GAUBLE: Editor 3, Copy Editor 4; Band 2; Committee 3, 4. Commercial Club 3, 4; Distributive Education 4; Peparoons 3. WILLIAM GETCHIUS: German Club 3, 4; " " Club 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4. CHERYL GIESLER: Band 2, 3, 4. JOHN GILLE PIE: German Club 2, 3; JETS 3, 4, ecretary4; Football2. BERNARD GILLILAND: Wig 'n' Paint 2; Wrestling 2; Tennis 4. KEN ETH GI DER: LINDA GISH: Wig 'n' Paint 2; GAA 2; Knitting lub 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepettes 4; tunt how 3. S AN GLENN: German Club 2, 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2; Quill & croll 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepettes 4; Chronicle 2, 3, 4; Committee Chairman 3; tunt how 4. BEULAH GOINE : French lub 4; FHA 2; ITA 4; Wig 'n' Paint 4; GAA 4; R. E. GOINE : "C" lub 4; Football 2, 3. 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Track 2,3,4.
B. Gilliland
Kenneth Ginder
Linda Gish
usan Glenn
Beulah Goines
R . E. Goines
Tension at the Big Ga:me
The face of andy Conkwright reflects the trong feelings generated by the cro -town rivalry.
MICHELLE GOING : German Club 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Orchesis 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 2; Committee Chairman 3. CYNTHIA GOKEN. EDWARD GORDON: Latin Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; House of Representatives 2; Honor ociety 3, 4; Chronicle 4; JET 3, 4, President 4; Committee 3. PAUL GO ETT. MICHAEL GRADY. ROBERT GRAHAM. RONALD GRAMMER: JET 2, President 2. JAMES GRAVES: Band 2; A Cappella 3, 4.
Mic helle Goings
Cynthia Goken
Edward Gordon
Paul Gos ett
Michael Grady
Robert Graham
Ronald Grammer
James Grave
JOE GRAVES: El taff & Projector 2, 3, 4; A appt>lla 3. BE1TY GRAY: F A 3, 4, Vict>·President 4; Wi(l; 'n' Paint 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pt'(Wilt'' 4. MARIANNA (;REAVES: FT 2..1. ~: Seraphook Offirt·r 4: Will: 'n' Paint 2. 3. 4: Hou~t> of Represt>ntative' a. 4: Pt>paroons 2. :3: Pepeltt'
4; Honor
ocit>ty 3, 4; Chronirle 2, 3, 4;
ommillt>t' 3. 4.
RONALD GREEN: Wig 'n' Paint 2; Hous of Repre entative 2. 3. Parliamentarian 3; "C" Club 3, 4; tudent Council 2, 3, 4, Parlia· mentarian 3, Illinois tudent ouncil President 4; Intrastate Exchange 3; Intercity Exchange 2; Committee 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Ba eball 2, 3, 4. STEPHEN GREEN: "C" Club 3, 4; Football 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Track 2. HAKON GREENWELL: House of Reprt>~entatives 2. RICHARD GREFFE: Quill & croll 3, 4; Maroon 2, 3, 4; Head Photo(I;Tapher 4. ALMA GRIER.
Joe Graves
Betty Gray
1\1. Greaves
Ronald Gret>n S. Greenwell
Richard Greffe
Alma Grier
M. Grit>rson
Mit'hat'l Griffin
Nancy Guinn
Grt>g Guth
Beth Halcrow
Sut> Hale
Candy Hambleton
John Hamp
MARGARET GRIER 0~ : D•'tributivt> Education 4. G \ \ 3: 1\mttinl!: Club 3. MICHAEL GRIFFI : FFA 2.3.4. Jr. Rt>porter 3. NANCY GUINN: Baton Club 3.4: ITA 2.3: Gt>rman Club 3.4: Wig ·n· Paint 2: Pt>paroons 2.3.4: Pept>ttt's 4: Band 2.3.4: Committt>e 3. GREGG TH: Fren h Club 2.3.4: House of Representativt>s 2: Wn•stling 2. BETH HALCROW: Baton Club 3: ITA 2: Will: ·n· Paint 2.3.4: Knittml!: lub 2: House of Representatives 3: Peparoons 2.3.4; Pepettes 4: Uaroon 2.3.4. Co· nderclas Picture Editor 3. Assistant Editor 4: Elt>ction Board 4: Tri·High Council 4: , pring \1u sical 2.3: Committee 3.4: • tunt • how 3.4. SUE HALE: A Cappella 3, 4: Vocalettes 3. CANDACE HAMBLETO : Baton Club 3.4: IT A 2: Wig ·n· Paint 2.3.4: GAA 2: Knitting Club 2: Peparoon 2.3: Band 2,3.4: tunt how 3. JOHN HAMP.
ynthia Hampel William Harden
Fred Hampton
Carol Hanson
Diant> Hanson
Donna Hanson
Judy Hardin
Carolyn Harper
Jackie Harroun
Maribeth Hay
Dances Leave Many Happy Memories Pamela Hayt>s
Susanne Haynes
Jt>ffry Hays
lUichael Hays
CYNTHIA HAMPEL: Baton Club 3,4; French Club 2,3,4; FTA 2,3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Debate Club 2; Peparoons 2,3,4; Pepettes 4; Chronicle 2,3,4; A Cappella 4. FRED HAMPTON: Wrestling 2. UE HAINES. CAROL HANSON: Baton Club 3,4; FTA 2,3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3; Peparoons 2,3,4; Pepettes 4; tudent Council 4; Honor ociety 3,4; A Cappella 3,4; Intercity Exchange 3; Committee 3; tunt how 4. DIANA HAN ON: Commercial Club 2,3,4; F A 3,4; Office Occupation 4; Maroon 3; Office Help 2; Majorette 2. DONNA HAN ON: Commercial 2,3; F A 3; 11-faroon 3; Majorette 2. WILLIAM HARDEN: ross Country 2; Basketball 2,3,4; Track 2,3,4; "C" Club 3,4. JUDY HARDIN: GAA 2,3,4, Treasurer 4; Commercial Club 3; F A 3; Distributive Education 4. CAROLYN HARPER: Baton Club 3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2; Quill & croll 3,4; Honor ociety 3,4; Maroon 2,3, nderclass Editor 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Modern Music Ma ters 3, 4. JACKIE HARROUN: German Club 2,3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3; House of Representatives 4; Peparoons 2,3,4; Pepettes 4; Stunt how 3. MAR I BETH HAY: Baton Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; ocial cience Club 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2, 3, 4; GAA 2; Knitting Club 2; Quill & croll 3, 4; Peparoon 2, 3, 4; Chronicle 2,3,4, Editorial Editor 3; Literary Chronicle 2,3,4, Editor-inChief 4; Committee 3. PAMELA HAYE : Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Knitting Club 3; El taff & Projector 4; House of Representatives 4; Peparoons 2,3,4; Pepette 4; F A 3; ommittee 4; tunt how 3,4. ANNE HAYNES. JEFFRY HAYS: French Club 2,3; "C" Club 2,3,4; Committee 3; Swimming 1anager 2,3,4. MICHAEL HAYS: Gt>rman Club 2,3,4; Maroon 4; Wrestling 2,3,4.
Dances are very special occa ions, particularly for thi couple, Jan Johnston and Greg Lietz.
Gary Hegenbart
Craig Helmick
Lynn Henderson
Percy Herod
Frank Hettler
Gloria Hewitt
Thoma Hill
K. Hillemeier
andra Hinton
Jack Hodge11
GARY HEGENBART: French Club 2; Debate Club 3, 4, President 4: Honor ociety 3,4; Maroon 2. CRAIG HELMICK: Football 2; Basket· ball2,3; Baseball4. LYNN HENDER ON: F A3,4. PERCY HEROD: "C" Club 2,3,4; Cross Country 2; Basketball 2,3,4; Track 2. FRANK HETTLER: German Club 2,3; Band 2,3,4. GLORIA HEWITT. THOMAS HILL: Tennis 2. KAREN HILLEMEIER: ITA 2,3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Peparoons 2,3; tunt how 2,4. SANDRA HINTON: ITA 2; Wig 'n' Paint 2; Knitting Club 2,3; Peparoons 2,3. JACK HODGES: Wig 'n' Paint 4; Honor ociety 3,4; Football 2; Wre tling 3, 4; panish Club 4.
Will I ever finish?
ational Merit scholar Barb Britton
pends a busy afternoon in the Champaign Library.
CHS Produces National Merit
PATRICIA HOGUE: Baton Club 3,4; FTA2,3; Latin Club3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Peparoons 3; A Cappella 4; tunt how 2,3,4. ROBERT HOLDER: Distributive Education 2. WILLIAM HOLTHOFF. CAROLYN HONN: Baton Club 4; Office Occupations 4; Wig 'n' Paint 3,4; Honor ociety 3,4; Thespian 3,4; A Cappella 4. CELESTE HONN: F A 3,4, Re ording ecretary 4; Latin Club 3,4. GLENDA HOPKIN : Peparoons 2, 3, 4; GAA 2, 3; Knitting lub 3, 4; Wig 'n' Paint 3, ommercial Club 3, 4, Pre ident 4; Office Occupations 4, Treasurer 4.
Patricia Hogue
Robert Holder
William Holthoff
Carolyn Honn
Celeste Honn
Glenda Hopkins
Carolyn Hors man
Kart>n Hotop
Conni t> lloust>
William Howard
Jane Howard
J\ndrt>w lloyn t>
William Huffman
Carl Huffman
Paul Hughes
P a m Hun ic k r
Scholar; Gives ACT and SAT Tests CAROLYN HORS MAN: Peparoons 2. KARE HOTOP. CO NI E HO 'E: FTA 2, 3, 4; German Club 3. 4; ~ ig 'n' Paint 2. 3, 4; Knitting Club 2, 3. 4; House of Repr sentatives 2; Peparoons 2. 3, 4; Pep tte 4; lfaroon 2; Chronicle 2, 3, 4; Intercity Exchange 4; ommittee 3, 4; tunt Show 2, 3. 4. JANE HOWARD: Latin Club 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepettes 4; Honor ociety 3, 4, Corresponding ecretary 4. WILLIA!\1 HOWARD : Quill &. Scroll :t k Treasurer 4: lfaroon 2. 3. 4; Chrol!lcle 2. :~. t A"'DREW HOY"'IE: German Club 2 . .~. 4. Presidt'nt 4:, ocial :-,< i<·n<·e Club 2: \\ ig ' n · Paint 2. :~. 4: Houst• nf Repn•sentatives 3. 4. Speakt•r Pro·Tf'mpore l; Quill&. Snoll3. l: Honor Socit't) 3. l: lnter<·it) Exchanfo!C k Committt'e :~: Football 2; Sprinfo! Pia) 2. ARL H FFMA" . WILLIAM H FFMAN . PAU L H GHE ', MOLLY H lJ T : Office Occupations 4. FRANK H ' "TER : Cross Countr) 2 . .1. 4. WILLIAM H USTON: lloust• of Representatives 2. 3; "C .. Club :~. 4; Probationan Board +; Football 2. 3. 4: Basketball 2. 3, 4; Track 2. :~. l: Football 1\. i~!! l. J 01 HLTCH R FT. ATIIY H T HIN !'! : F'rem·h Club 2. :t 4; ~~ c\ 2. I; \\ ig 'n · Paint 2. 3: Quill &. Scroll 3. k Peparoons 2. 3. 4 ; Pepettes 4; ' tudent Council 4: Honor ociet) :i. 4: Haroon 2. 3. 4. Co·Organization Editor 3. Co·Senior Editor 4: Intrastate Exchangt' :~: lntercit} Exchange 3; Committt'e :~. l. Chairman :~: Stunt Shm' 2..3. l . TIM H XT BLE : German Club 3. l; Hou-.t' of Rt•pre· st'n tatives :~; Honor Societ) :~. l; Cross Countr) 2: \\ re-.tling 2. :~. 4; Bast' ba ll :~. 4.
Molly Hunt
Frank Hunte r
William Huston
Judi Hutchcraft
C. Hutchinson
Tim Huxtable
DAVID JOIINSO"'. JAI\tES JOII"'SON: House of Rqm·-entatiw, 2: Football 2.3.t LARR\ JOH"SO'I: Cnrnrnittt·t· 3.l: Tenni' 2.:~.l. J "1/SEELY JOII"STO'\: ~~r \ 2.:3. l. l'residt'nt l: W ~~ ·n· Paint 2.:~; ll.nitting Club 2: Pt•pamons 2 ..3.-l: Pepettt•s ~: llonor ~'H>t'iet y 3..1-: \laroon 3, 4, Index Editor ~; Chromr/e 4; Commillce 3, 1; Stunt Show 2. 3. 1 EDWARD JO"'ES. LI"DA JO:'IiES: Cornrnt'rcial Club l: FS \ :u. President 4; C 1\ \ 2.:~: ll.nilting Club 3: l'epamons :~.l. L \ LE JO'I ES.
David Johnson
Jamt's Johnson
Larry Johnson
Rita Johnson
Jan Johnston
Edward Jone!>
Linda Jones
Mary Hyland
Pamt>la lrle
Michael Jackson
William Jarman
Clt>mmie Jelk
Ingrid Johansson
Beth Johnso n
Blancht' Johnson
MARY HYLAND: Wig 'n' Paint 2: Kni1ting Club 2.3; House of Representatives 3; Peparoons 2,3; F A; Orchesis 2,4; Committee 4. PAMELA IRLE : Commercial Club 3,4; Knitting lub 2; Peparoons 2. MICHAEL JACKSON: French Club 2,3,4, Parlimentarian 2, Pre ecretary 3; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3.4; QuiU 'n' croll 3.4; Honor ociety 3,4; Chronicle 2,3.4. ew Editor 3. ~1anaging Editor 4; The pian 3.4; Boy' tate. WILLIAM JARMAN: ros ountry 2,3.4, Captain 4; Track 2,3,4; Chronicl'-' 3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; tunt how 2. CLEMMIE JELK . INGRID JOHAN ON: Foreign Exchange tudent 4; German lub 4; Wig 'n' Paint 4; Peparoon 4; Pepettes 4; tudent Council4; tunt how 4; Homecoming Court 4. BETH JOHN ON: ITA 2; GA 3; House of R pre entatives 2; Peparoons 2,3. BLANCHE JOHN ON: Band 2,3.4; Orche tra 2,3.4: A Cappella 2,3; Vocalettes 2,3; Baton Club 3.4; Modern Music Ma ters 3,4; French Club 2,3; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3; Chronicle 2,3; pring Mu ical 2,3,4.
Lylt> Jone
Dating l{eeps Boys Penniless
Beverly Jordan
Karen Kalkwarf
Robert Kappes
Pam Karlstrom
Carol Kaufmann
Rosemary Kearns
Nancy Kelley
Mary Kelly
A movie date i always popular entertainment for a aturday night date. Mary Legg and Paul elf get a preview of the movie before they enter the theater.
BEVERLY JORDAN: Baton Club 2,3,4; GAA 2: Band 2,3,4. KARE KALKWARF: Baton Club 3,4, Pre ident 4; German Club 3.4; Wig 路n路 Paint 2; Honor ociety 3,4; A CappeUa 3,4; Vocalette 3.4; Orchestra 2,3; Band 2,3,4; tunt how 3,4; Modern Music Masters 3.4. ROBERT KAPPE . PAMELA KARL TROM: Baton lub 3; French lub 2.3: ITA 3,4, ecretary 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2.3; Knitting Club 2; Peparoons 2.3; Pepettes 4, Co-leader 4; Uaroon 2.3.4. ports Editor 3.4; pring \1u ical 2,3; Chronicle 2; ommittee3,4, Chairman 3; tunt how 3.4. CAROL Y KA FMAN . ROSEMARY KEARN : French lub 3.4: Latin Club 3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; QuiU & croll 3.4. ecretary 4; Peparoons 2.3.4: Honor ociety 3,4; Chronicle 2,3.4. ews Editor 3.4: Committee 3. NANCY KELLEY: Wig 'n' Paint 2; GAA 2,3; Knitting Club 3: Pepa路 roons 2,3; Pepette 4; tunt how 3,4. MARY BETH KELLY: Latin Club 3; Wig 'n 路 Paint 2.3.4; Pepettes 4; Committee 3.4.
Linda Kendall
Aftt>r t>njoying a night at the movies, Hays stir up a pizza.
ancy Williams and Mike
Rogt>r Kt'rlin Carla Kessler
Kenneth Kessler
Kathy Killian
Pt'tt>r Kimble
Georgia Kindle
Grt>g Kirby
RAIG KEL EY: "C" lub 3.4; Band 2,3,4; Swimming 3,4; Tenni. 4. LINDA KENDALL: Baton Club 3,4, Vice-President 4; fiA 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,4; Knitting Club 2; Peparoons 2,3,4; Pepettes 4; pring Musical 2,3,4; Chrontcle 2,3,4; A Cappella 3,4; Vocalettes 3,4; Committee 3,4; tunt how 4. KATHERINE KENT: French Club 2,3,4, ecretaryTreasurer 3; ocial cience Club 3,4; Quill & Scroll 3,4; Peparoons 2,3,4; Pepettes 4; Honor ociety 3,4; '1-faroon 2,3; Chronicle 2,3,4, Ad '\1anager 3, Busine 1anager 4; ommitte!d 3.4; tunt how 4. ROGER KERLI . CARLA KE 'SLER: Baton Club 3,4; French Club 2,3; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3; Peparoons 2; Orchestra 2,3,4. KENNETH KE LER: Orchestra 2,3,4; Band 3,4; Committee 3. KATHY KILLIAN: Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Knitting Club 2; House of Representatives 3; Peparoons 2,3,4; Pepette 4; Orche. i 2.3.4; A Cappella 4. PETER KIM· BL : Wig 'n' Paint 3,4; Honor o iety 3,4; JET 4; Band 3,4. GEORGIA KINDLE. GREG KIRBY: Football 2; Baseball 2.
l\1. Kirkwood
Jim Kitzmiller
R. Kornegay
Tom Krall
'ara Kretschmer
Gary Krumm
Patty Kur-Lweg
Dennis La ater
Ruth Lawrent'e
Joe Lee
Pizza Is Popular Mter-Movie Snack Richard Lee
Mary Legg
Louise Leonard
Rodney Lewi
MARGENE KIRKWO D: French Club 2.3,4: G A 2,3, e retary 3; ~1aroon 2,3,4: Picture Editor 3: Band 2.3.4; A Cappella 4; Vocalettes 4; Madrigals 4; Baton Club 3,4; Modern !\1usic !\1aster 3,4; Orche tra 4; !\1usic \1oods 3. JAME KITZMILLER: French lub 2,3,4; Hou e of Representatives 2,3; Football 2,3,4; Wrestling 2,3,4; Track 2,3,4. RANDOLPH KORNEGAY. TOM KRALL: Football 3; Wrestling 2. SARA KRET CHMER: ITA 2; Latin Club 3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2: Pepamon~ 2,3,4: Pt>pettes 4: tudent ouncil 2,3,4, President 4; Honor ociety 3.4; Haroon 2,3; Chrontcll' 2,3,4. Editorial Board 3,4; Clas VicePresident 2; Intrastate Exchange 3: Committee 3; tunt how 2,4; TriHigh 4. GARY KR MM: Wrestling 2,3,4. PATRICIA K RZWEG: Baton Club 3.4; French Club 3; F A 2; Office Occupations 2; Wig 'n' Paint 2: Debate lub 4; Hou e of Repre. entatives 4; Peparoons 3; Pepettes 4: A Cappella 4; pring \1usical 3. DENNIS LA ATER. R TH LA RE CE: Baton Club 3; French lub 2,3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2: GAA 2. Knittinj!; lub 3; Peparoon 2,3: Pepette 4; Committee 3,4; tunt how 3.4. JOE LEE: Football 3,4; Wrestling 2; Track 2; Football Cappella 3,4. MARY King Court 4. RICHARD LEE: Football 2; LEGG: Baton Club 3,4; French Club 2,3,4: Publicity Chairman 2; Wig 'n' Paint 2: Quill 'n' croll 3,4: Peparoon 2,3; Pepettes 4; tudent Council 3,4; ~1aroon 2,3,4, ndercla s Editor 3, enior Editor 4; appella 2, 3, 4; Madrigals 4; Vocalettes 2, 3, 4; Intrastate Exchange 3; Committee 3,4; tunt how 3,4: Modern Mu. ic \<tasters 3,4. LO I E LEO ARD: IT 2; German lub 2: Wig 'n' Paint 2: Knitting Club 2: Peparoon 2: tunt how 2. ROD EY LE I ': Football 2,3,4; " " Club 4; Latin Club 4.
Paul Lierman
Greg Lietz
Pete Liggett
Mary Limbacher
l\1. Lipscomb
Ralph Loeschen
David Lohmeyer
Randy Lore
Cecelia Lo;,ee
C. Lovingfo s
Plans for College Begin Early;
PA L LIERMAN: German Club 2; Football 2. GREG LIETZ: Fren h Club 2,3,4; ocial cience Club 2; Wig ·n· Paint 3,4; Quill & croll 3,4; Chronicle 2,3,4; Wrestling 2. PETER LIGGETT: Baton lub 3; French Club 2; Wig ' n' Paint 2; Debate Club 2; Band 3. MARY LIMBACHER: Baton Club 3.4; French Club 2.3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2; Hou•e of Representatives 3,4, ecretary 4; Peparoons 3.4; Pepettes 4; Cappella 2,3,4; Vocalettes 3,4; prin(!; \1usiral 2,3,4; tunt how 3.4; ommittee 3,4. ~1AR HALL LIP COMB: Baton Club 3.4; Band 2,3,4. RALPH LOESCHEN. DAVID LOHMEYER. RANDY LORE: German Club 2,3. CECELIA LO EE. CAROLYN LOVINGFO S: G A 3,4. MIKE LOWARY. ELIZABETH L KSANDER: Gt-rman lub 3; ocial cience Club 2; Wig 'n · Paint 2; Houst- of Reprt-senta· tive 2; Peparoons 2. JAME MADIX: .. ·· Club 3; Football 3; Base· ball 3. MIKE MAGGIO: FFA 2,3.4. Vice-President 3. KATHY MALLOY: Latin lub 3; Wig ·n· Paint 2; GAA 2.3,4; Knitting lub 3.4, Vice· President 3; House of Representatives 3; Peparoons 2.3.4; Pepettes 4; ommittt-e 3,4; tunt how 3.4. DO:'IINA MANKEY: Frt-n h Club 2,3.4; ITA 2,3,4, Publicity Chairman 3; Wig 'n · Paint 2.3,4; Plays 2.3. ummer Workshop 3; House of Representatives 2; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepette 4; tudent Council 3, 4, ecretary 4; Intra tate Exchange 3; Committee 3, 4; tunt how 2, 3, 4.
Mike Lowary
E. Luksander
James Madix
Mike Maggio
Kathy Malloy
Donna Mankey
T h t- nivt-r it y of Illmoi~ attrach the attt-ntion of many H tudents as they makt> plans for collt>gt>. Ed Cordon, '>1ary Limbacht>r. Cary Tummt>lson, and usan Clt>nn takt- advantage of tht> convt-nit-nt location of the . of I. to get better ac· quaintt>d with the campus.
Many Seniors to Attend U. of I.
PAT M NWARI'\ G . MARIO MA"'Z E LLA. E LE A:\OR MARI '\' E R . BARl' 1\1 '\1ARIO'\ . 00"1'\A MARTI'\ : Commercial Club 2.+: Fren<'h Club 2.l: F -\ 2.l: 1\.nittin!J: Club 2.4-. PATRI lA M RTI'\ : (,-\-\ 2; P!'paroon' 2; Band \lajon•tte 2.
Pat Manwaring
Mario Manze lla
Ele anor Marine r
Ba rnam Marion
Donna Martin
P a tric ia Martin
Seniors Enter Working World
e niors take on nt>w responsibility and earn t>xtra mont>y by working at part-time jobs. Working at a lo<'al rrstaurant as a chef i John Cook.
Glenda Martinie
Joe Mason
Denni Mattox
Carol Mautz
Lynn Maxberry
Jane Maxey
L. McCalpin
Rebecca McCloud
GLENDA MARTINIE: Baton Club 4; Knitting Club 2,3; Band 2,3,4. JOE MA 0 : "C" Club 3,4; Track 2,3,4; wimming 3. DENNI MATTOX: Cro Country 2,3,4; Wre tling 2,3,4; Ba eball 2. CARL MAUTZ: Baton Club 3,4; French Club 2; Honor ociety 3,4; Maroon 2,3,4; Band 2,3,4; Modern Music Masters 3,4; Cro Country 3. LYNN MAXBERRY: French Club 2; GAA 2; Peparoon 2,3. CATEY JANE MAXEY: ITA 3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; German Club 3; Knitting Club 2,3; House of Representative 3; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Committee 3,4. LETTIE MCCALPI : Commercial Club 4; Distributive Education 4, Trea urer 4; Peparoon 2,3. REBECCA MCCLOUD: Wig 'n' Paint 2,3; House of Representatives 2,3; Peparoon 2,3; Max Maroon 4.
DENNIS MCCONAHA: "C" Club 4; Football 2,4; Track 2. JANET .MCCOI\KEY: Baton Club 3.4: FT 2..'3,4; Offict• Occupations 3,4; Wi~ 'n' Paint 2; Peparoons 3,4; Pt•pettt· 4; Committe!• 3; Con<·t'rt Choir 3,4. AGNETE MCCOY: Distributive Education 4. GENE MCCULLO GH. LA RA MCDUFFY: Knittinp; Club 2. GORDON MCGRATH. DAVID MCNAMARA: Baton Club 3,4; ocial eit'nce Club 3; Band 2,3,4; Modern \1usie Masters 3,4. ALICE MCNEAL.
D. McConaha
janet McConkey
Agnete McCoy
Gene McCullough
Laura McDuffy
Gordon McGrath
Dave McNamara
Alice Me eal
Emmie Me eal
Leslie Meeker
Norman Meeker
Wayne Meeker
Pamela Meeks
David Mehnert
Gary Melchi
Linda Melchi
EMMIE M EAL. LE LIE MEEKER: Wig 'n' Paint 4; GAA 3,4; Maroon 2; Chronicle 3, 4; tunt how 4. ORMAN MEEKER. WAYNE MEEKER. PAMELA MEEKS. GARY MEL HI: "C" Club 2,3,4; appella 2,3,4; 1adrigals 4; tunt how 3; Football Mgr. 4; Wrestling 2,3,4; Captain 4; Trubadores 3,4. LINDA MELCHI: Peparoons 2.
haron Mennenga
Richard Mercer
Russell Merrifield
Linda Messinger
Dale Miller
Frank Millt>r
Janet Miller
John Miller
{\.1ary Miller
Michael Miller
Caught in a moment of thoughtful reflection at Thanksgiving timt> is usan mith.
SHARON MENNENGA: Commt>r ial lub 3,4; Offict> Occupations 4; Wig ·n· Paint 3; GA 2; Peparoons 2.3: Pepettes 4. RICHARD MERCER: French Club 2.3; Tennis 2,3. RUS ELL MERRIFIELD: Baton Club 3.4; A Cappella 4; Orchestra 2.3.4; Band 2.3,4; Modern Music !\1a ters 3,4; wimming 4. LINDA ME INGER. DALE MILLER. FRANK MILLER. JANET MILLER: Baton Club 3.4; FTA 2.3,4; Wig ·n· Paint 2.3,4; House of Representatives 2,4: Peparoons 2.3,4; Chronicle 3.4; A Cappella 3,4; Committee 3; tunt how 4; pring Musical2,3.4. JOHN MILLER: Distributive Education 4. MARY MILLER : FTA 2; Wig ·n· Paint 2.3.4; Knitting Club 2; Hou e of Repre· sentatives 3; Peparoons 2,3,4; Honor ociety 3.4; Committee 3,4: tunt how 3.4. MICHAEL MILLER.
Betty Milligan
Carol Mocilan
Virginia Moore
Roger Morfey
Mike Moncrief Steve Morri
Daryl Monke
teve Moore
Mike Morrow
Terry Morten on
Thanksgiving Brings Good Food~ Short Vacation ue Moser Rita Munds
ancy Moss Doug Myers
BETTY MILLIGAN: Latin tub 2,3,4; Wig 'n' Paint 2; GAA 2,3; Knitting lub 2; Peparoons 2,3,4; Pepettes 4; Committee 3,4; tunt how 3,4. CAROL MOCILAN. MIKE MONCRIEF: "C" Club 4; A appeUa 2,3,4; Madrigals 2,4; tunt how 4; Football 2,3,4; Tra k 2,3,4. DARYL MONKE: Football 2. STEVE MOORE: "C" Club 3,4; Wr stling 3,4. VIRGINIA MOORE. ROGER MORFEY. TEVE MORRIS: Football 2,3. MIKE MORROW: ig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; A ap· pella 2; Football 2,3,4. TERRY MORTENSEN. UE MO ER: FHA 2, ecretary 2; Office Occupations 2; Peparoon 2. NANCY MOS . RITA M NOS: GAA 2,3,4; FHA 3,4. DOUG MYER :Wig 'n' Paint 2; House of Representatives 2; tudent ouncil 3; Class Officer 3, Pre ident.
Charle Nelson
Daniel Nickell
Mary Nickelson
ue Nelson Dennis Nicola
William Nesbitt
June Newbill
Joyce Norwood
Mary Oakes
Seniors Are Challenged by New
JOE NEIL. CHARLE NEL ON. SUE NEL 0 . WILLIAM NE BIIT. JUNE NEWBILL. DANIEL NICKELL. MARY NICKELON. DENNI NICOLA: El taff & ProJector 2. JOYCE NORWOOD: Di tributive Education 4; FHA 2. MARY KAY OAKES: FHA 3, 4; Latin Club 3, 4; Wig'n'Paint 2; Knitting Club 2. 3; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepettes 4; Orchesis 3; ummittee 4. MED IE ODOM: French Club 3. 4, President 4; IT 2; Wig' n'Paint 2, 3; House of Repre· entatives 3; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepette 4; ommittee 3, 4, Chairman 3. BRIA OLSON. KAREN OL ON: ITA 3; Wig'n'Paint 2, 3; Peparoon 2, 3. KATHLEEN OWEN :Baton Club 3, 4; ITA 2, 3. 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Wig'n'Paint 2. 3, 4; Debate Club 3, 4; GAA 3; Knitting lub 2; Peparoons 2. 3, 4; Pepettes 4; Chronicle 2, 3, 4; A Cap· pella 4; Clas Officer 2, Treasurer; tunt how 2, 4; pring Mu ical 3. LINDA PALMER: FFA 2; Knitting Club 2. JOHN PALMISANO: Wre tling 3, 4.
Medsie Odom
Brian Olson
Karen Olson
Kathleen Owens
Linda Palmer
John Palmisano
Seniors s tudy for tests in Project Crt•ativity by discussing c·oncepts among them. elves ouhide of class. Ron Green, John Cook, Bill • imon. Beth Garrigus, and Linea Bac·chi revit•" material for a te t.
Two-Hour Course~ Project Creativity
DONALD PATrON: tunt how 2: Golf 2: Baseball 3. ROGER PATZWITH. CHARLOTIE PAUL. LYNN PEABODY: German Club 2. 3, 4; .. "' Club.~. 1; Student Coun<"il 2 ..3. 4, Treasurer 4; Honor Soc1ety 3. 4: Intrastate Exchange 3: Intercity Exchange 2: Boys· tate 3: Football 2. 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4. CAROL PE K. LEE PELLUM : Latin Club 3, 4; ocial Science Club 3, 4; Debate Club 2, 3, 4, \icePresident 4; JETS 2, 3, 4; Boys' tate 3; Boy~· ation 3.
Donald Patton
Roger Patzwith
C harlotte Paul
Lynn Peabody
Carol Peck
Lee Pellum
Tu~nhling~ Bowlin
New lntra~nurals Parnt•la Perrodin
David Phillippe• Aliet' Pickle Richard
Many 'enior·, par·tic•ipalt• in an ac·c·c·lc·ratt•d intra-mural prop:rarn. Here \lr. \~ olflnbarp:er hPips Tom l\.1rwan with hi, tumblinp:.
PA\1ELA PERRODI~: Latin Club 2: Wip:'n'Paint 2: 1\.niuin~ Club 2: Peparoon' 2: l!aroon 2. KIM PETERS: Orchc·,tra :i, 1; Band 2. :i. 4. DAVID PHILLIPPE. CHERYL PIIILLIPS. ALICE PICKLE. ERNESTI~E PICKLE. RICIIARD PITSCH. S SAN PL TZ: Baton Club 3. 4: Gt'rrnan Club 2: Wip:'n'Paint 2: Peparoon' 2: Uaroon 3, 4. Art Editor 4: Chronirlf• 3: \.a1na' Board .~. 1: Orclwsi' .~. \ i<·c·· Pn·,idc•nt.
Su;,an Platz
ROBERT PL E: Baton Club 3. 4; Latin Club 4. Pre ident 4; Wi!!:'n'· Paint 2. 3; Chronicle 2; Cappella 2. 3, 4; Wre tling 2, 3, 4. LINDA POORMAN : Baton Club 3, 4; Commercial Club 3; French Club 2; Wig'n'Paint 2; Knitting lub 2; House of Representative~ 2, 3; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepettes 4; Committee 3. KIP POPE: French Club 3. 4. Pn·sident 3; Latin lub 4; House of Representativt>s 4, pt>akt>r of tht> Houst>; " " lub 2, 3, 4; tudent oun il 3, 4, t>cond Vice-Prt>sident 4; Honor ociety 4; ·Haroon 2; Chrontcle 2: Band 2, 3; Intracity Exchanf!:t' 3: Committe~ 3; Swimminf!; 2. 3. 4, II- merican; Track 2, 4. JOAN E PORTER: F 3, 4; GA 3, 4, President 4. Rl KY POWELL: Football 2. JOHN POWERS. MARGARET PRESTIN: GAA 2. 3, 4; Band 2, 3. 4. Ml HAEL PRICE.
Robert Plue
Linda Poorman
Kip Popt'
Joanne Porter
Ricky Powell
John Power
Margaret Pre tin
Michael Price
Robert Price
William Price
Ray Propes
Georgeann Provin
Shelia Pruett
Linda Quayle
Robert Hagel
William Randolph
ROBERT PRICE: Chrontcle 2. WILLIAM PRICE: Wrestling 2. RAY PROPE : Honor ociety 3. 4: Football 2; Wrestling 2. 3. 4. GEORGEANN PROVIN: Wig'n'Paint 4. HELIA PR ETT: FHA 2. 3: GAA 3. LINDA Q AYLE: F A 3. 4: GAA 2. 3. 4: Peparoons 3. 4: Honor ociety 3. 4; Co mmittee 3. 4. ROBERT RAGEL. WILLIAM RANDOLPH: Gt>rman lub 2: JET 3.
Gary Rt-dmon Patricia Rt-ynolds
John Rt-dmon
Michael Ret-d
Michat-1 Reid
Sharon Renn
Kart-n Rt-ynolds
William Rice
Cindy Ridglt-y
Janict- Riggin
Due, Simone Elected Senior Sponsors Elaine Rittenhouse Donald Robt-rtl>
arol Robert Elmer Robert
GARY REDMO : "C" Club 3. 4; Football 2. 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3. 4. JOH REDMON: German Club 2, 3, 4; Social cience lub 4; A Cap· pf.'lla 4. MICHAEL REED: House of Rf.'presentativf.'s 3; "C" lub 3, 4; Honor ociety 3, 4; Wrestlin~~: 2. 3. MI HAEL REID: Football 2, 4. SHARON RENN: Distributive Education 4; GAA 2, 3, 4, Point Chair· man 4. PATRICIA HEY OLD : FHA 4; Offi e Occupations 4. WILLIM1 RI E. CINDY RIDGLEY: Baton Club 3, 4; French Club 4; Wig'n'Paint 2, 3, 4; House of Reprf.'sf.'ntatives 3; Peparoon 2, 3, 4, ecrf.'tary-Trf.'asurf.'r 4; Pf.'pf.'llf.'s 4, Linf.' Lf.'adf.'r; Sprin~ l\1usical 3, 1-; appella 4; tunt how 3, 4. JANICE RIGGIN. ELAINE RITTENHOUSE: French Club 4; Social cif.'nce lub 4; GAA 2, 3; Knitting Club 3; Peparoon 2, 3. 4. AROL ROBERTS: Baton lub 3, 4; Latin Club 3, 4; Wig'n'Paint 2, 3; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; '1-faroon 2; Chronicle 3, 4; Orchf.'stra 2, 3. 4; tunt how 4; Modern Music Maslf.'rs 3, 4. DONALD ROBERT : Golf 3. EUlER ROBERT '.
enior class ponsor Mr. Daniel imone and Mr. Charles Due approving the ideas for the class gift.
ELTON ROBERTS. LINDA ROBERT ' ON: GAA 2. JAME ' ROBINSON. 0 'CAR ROBINSON. RONALD RO HYBY: FootbaU 3: Tra<'k 2. ROBERTA RODIN: Pt>pettes 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4, Decorations Chairman 4; ITA 2, 3; Baton Club 3, 4; F 2; Wig'n'Paint 2, 3; prin~~; Musical 3, 4; Stunt how 4; A Cappella 3, 4. KENNETH ROMINGER: Track 2; Tennis 3. LINDA ROS ': Commercial Club 3, 4, ecretary 4; GAA 2, 3, 4; Knittin~?; Club 4; Peparoon 2, 3. 4. JA ICE ROUTH. KEN ETH ROY. DREW ROZNOWSKI: Latin 3, 4; Committee 3, 4. GEORGE RUSSELL: Band 2, 3; Football 2.
Elton Robert
Linda Robertson
James Robinson
O;,car Robin on
Ronald Rochyby
Roberta Rodin
K. Rominger
Linda Ross
Janice Routh
Kenneth Roy
Drew Roznowski
George Ru sell
Mea uring, ordering, and fitting- a lot of work for one cap and gown. Debbie Cooper trie hers on for size.
Class of '65 - Largest to Graduate
RO B E RT R YAN. ALl E AATHOFF: FHA 2; GA 3; Peparoons 2, 3. J ANE SAM EL 'ON: Baton lub 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, 4, Vice¡ President 2; Wig'n 'Paint 2. 3, 4; Knitting Club 2; Hou e of Representatives 3; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepette 4; Honor ociety 3, 4; Chronicle 2, 3; A appella 3, 4; Vocalettes 2, 3, 4; tunt how 3, 4. LO I ' SA E R . RICH ARD 'AWYE R . D LOR E S H E IDEL.
R o b ert Ryan J a ne
a mue lson
R ich a rd Sawyer
Alice aat h o ff Lou is auer Detore
c h eidel
James chiller
David 'chlacter judy Schultz
H. 'chwieghart
froiD ChaiDpaign JAME CHILLER: French Club 4; Wig'n'Paint 4; Baseball 2. DAVID HLACTER: German lub 3; Football 2; Basketball 3, 4; HMIDT: French lub 2. 3; FTA 2, 3; Golf 2, 3, 4. MARGARET Wig'n'Paint 2, 3, 4; Knitting Club 2; Htluse of Representatives 2. 3; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepettes 4; Committee 3; , tunt how 3. 4. A'\'GEL CHNUR: Transfer from ew Trier; ' tunt , how 4; Wig' n'Paint 4; Peparoons 4. KATHLEE , HROEDER. KATHLEE SCH BERT: Transfer from Wheaton Community High school; Wig'n'Paint 4. JUDY SCHULTZ: FT 2, 3, 4; Wi(l;' n'Paint 2; Knitting 3; Pepa· roons 2, 3; Pepette 4. HELE CHWEIGHART: Latin lub 2. 3; ig'n 'Paint 2; Knitting lub 2, 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepettes 4. KAY ' OFIELD: Baton lub 3; Band 2, 3. PA L ELF: Baton Club 3, 4; Debate lub 3, 4; Band 2. 3, 4; Intercity Exchange 4. TERRI HAFER: Peparoons 3, 4; Chronicle 3, 4. JOHN HAPLA D: German Club 4; "C" Club 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Track 2, 3, 4. ROGER SHARP: Band 2, 3, 4. RO, ALD HIRLEY: German Club 2, 3; House of Representatives 2. 3; "C" Club 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2. 3, 4; Baseball 2. SANDRA HOTTO : DE 4; El taff and Projector 4. LINDA ' CHLLER: 1\nitting Club 4. JLDY SIESS: Band 2,3,4; \fodern \lusic \lasters 3.4; Wig ·n· Paint 2.3.4; Honor ociety 3,4.
Angt>l Schnur
Kathy Schroeder
1\.a, Scofield
Paul Self
Terri Shaf.-r
john Shapland
Rog1•r Sharp
Ronald Shirley
Sandra Shotton
Linda Shuler
Judy ' iess
DALE S\IITH: fT \ l: Knitting Club l, Peparoom. 4: \ Cappt-lla 4, JUDY SMITH: Commercial Club 3. k Wi~t'n'Pamt :~. ~: G\\ :l. : Pt>paroons 4. LARRY SMITH. '\A "iCY SMITH: I· '\A 2: (, \\ 2, 3, Peparoons 2..1. ROBERT E. SMITH: Houst• of Reprt>st'ntativt 3: \ Cappt>lla 2. ~: \1adrij!;als 2: Football 2. 3: Ha. kl'lball 2: \' rt•stllll 2, Track 2. ROBERT J. SMITH: (,erman Club 2: Band 2. 3. l . SlSA SMITH: Baton Club :3. ~: Frt'nch Club 2. :3. l: Wil('n' Paint 2. 3: l't·pa roons 2. 3: llunor Society l: Chronirlt• 2. 4: \Cappella 2. 3. 4: \ladri J!al3. l. \ <lcalelles 2. 3. 4: Orchestra 2. :3. 4: Committet• 3. Chairman 3, tunt ho\\ 2. 3. 4: ~lodt•rn \lu'!t' :\1astt•rs 4. LARHY S:\OOK: (.t·rman Club 2.
Dale Smith
Judy Smith
Larry Smith
Nan<'y Smith
Robt-rt E. Smith usan Smit h
Judi ' ilvt> rman
Willia m Simo n
Ri<' h ard Sin!l(t'r
Lt>wis ' k t>t>ls
J oa n
Ma r y Sm a lley
Andrt>w ' m ith
la ttt>r y
J Dl ' IL E RMAN: Baton Club 3. 4: Frt>nch Club 2, 3. 4: FTA 2, 3: Wi~~;'n'Paint 2, 3. 4: Peparoons 2. 3. 4: Prprttes 4: 1-!aroon 3: Chrofllcle 2. 3. 4: \ Cappella 3. 4: Committee 3: ' tunt how 2, 3. WILLIAM SIMO"i: German lub 2, 3: Wig'n'Paint 2, 3: Golf 2, 3, 4: "C" Club 3, 4. ROBERT SIMP ' ON: German Club 2, 3: JET ' 3, 4: Honor ocit>ty 3, 4, Vice-Presidt>nt 4: Chron1cle 2. 3. 4: Quill 'n' croll 3, 4: Committt't' 3: Cia. Vice-Presid<·nt 4: Tri-H i~th Coun il 4: Cros. ountry 2: Tenni 2, 3. 4: "C" Club 3. 4. RICHARD ING E R : llaroon 2, 3. 4: Chronicle 2, 3, 4: Football 2: Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4. LEWIS KEELS . JOAN S LATTERY: Latin Club 3, 4: Wig'n'Paint 2: Canvas Board 2, 3, 4. MARY MALLE Y: Wig'n'Paint 2, 3, 4: Hou'ot' of Rt>prt>st>ntativt>s 3: Pt>paroons 2. 3, 4: Pept'ltt>s 4: ' tunt Show 3. 4. ANDREW ~liTH : Gt>rman Club 2. 3: Chess Club 2. 3.
R o bert J. m ith Larry
These Halls Lead to Many Roads
Dan Spt•at·
Linda Spt'tH'e
'\ant') Stanford Rolwrt
A M'nior'~ t•ye view after ~raduation is this empty now left behind to l)('lon~ to next year's senior cla-.s.
DA SPEAR: Latin lub 3.4; Band 2; ross Country 3.4; "restling 2.3.4. LINDA SPENCE. CHARLES ' PENCER : "C" Club 2.3.4; Football 2.3.4; Basketball 2.3.4; Baseball 2.3,4; Homecoming ourt 4. DA ' IEL ' PITZ: , panish Club 4; El taff & Projector 2.3: oin & tamp Club 2. BETTY TALEY: Baton lub 2.3: \I amon 3.4; A Cav· pella 3.4; Orche-.tra 2.3.4; Band 2.3.4; \1odern \tu-.ic \Ia ters 3.4. NANCY STANFORD: ITA 2; German lub 2,3.4; Wig ·n' Paint 2.3.4; Debate Club 2,3; Knitting Club 2; Hou e of Representatives 3; Pepa· roons 2,3,4; Pepette 4; hroni le 2,3,4; tunt how 2.4. DELORE TEELE: Will: 'n' Paint 2; Knitting Club 2; House of Representatives 2; Peparoons 2; OrC'hesis 2.3.4. President 2: \ 'appella 4: Cheerleader 2; tunt Show 2.3. ROBERT STERLING.
Brent ' tinson ' andi
P. Summerfield Judy Tanner
Pamela TayJor
As We Go Our JOH ' TEVEN : German Club 2. 3, 4; Hou'e of Repre~entatives 2; "C" Club 4; Baseball 2, 3. 4. JAN STIN ON: JET 4; Football 2. BRENT STIN ON. PHILLIP MMERFIELD: Band 2. THOMAS UMMER . PATRI lA WAN ' ON: Wig'n'Paint 2. LIBHIE WEET: Baton Club 3; German Club 2, 3, 4; Wig'n'Paint 2. 3, 4; GAA 2: Knitting Club 2; House of Representatives 3; Peparoon' 2. 3, 4; Orchesis 2, 3. 4, President 3. SANDI SYLVE TER: GA 2; Peparoons 2. J DY TANNER: Baton Club 3. 4; French Club 2. 3; ocial cience Club 3; Wig'n 'Pamt 2. 3. 4; ~int er Play 3; Knitting Club 2: Quill 'n' croll 4; Pt>paroons 3. 4; Pepettes 4; Honor ociety .>. 4; Uaroon 3, 4. Co-Organizations Editor 4; Chronicle 3, 4; Orches1s 2. 3: A Cappella 4; pring Musical 2, 3. 4; Intercity Exchange 3; Committee 3. 4. PAMELA TAYLOR : F A 3. 4; Wig'n'Paint 2, 3. 4; GAA 2; Peparoons 2, 3. 4; Pepette 4. SANDRA TAYLOR: FHA 2. 3. 4, Degree Chairman 3; Distributive Education 4. CHARLES THINNE : German lub 4; Latin Club 3, 4; JET 4: Ba,eball2, 3. 4. KAREN THIRION : French Club 3. HARO THIRION. MARGARETTH0~1AS. CHARLE THOMP ON: Latin Club 3. 4. DEBORAH TH RMAN: Wig'n'Paint 2. 3, 4; FTA 3; Peparonns 2. 3. 4; Pepettes 4. ALAN TIMM.
Jan Stinson
Pat Swanson
Libbie S.-eet
andra Taylor
harles Thinnes
Karen Thirion
haron Thirion
Margaret Thomas
Charles Thompson
Deborah Thurmon
Alan Timm
Jeff Trigger
Thomas Trimble
Janet Turloek
Dale Turner
G. Valentine
Separate Ways
• • •
JEFF TRIGGER: ··c" Club 2, 3, 4, Pr!'sident 4; Football 2. 3, 4; wimminp; 2. 3. '1.; Track 2, 3, 4. THOMA . TRIMBLE : Band 2, 3, 4; Baton lub 3. 4: German Club 3. JANET TRULOCK: Baton Club 3. 4, ecretary-Trea urer 4; German Club 2. 3, 4; Wig'n'Paint 2; Peparoons 2, 3, 4, Transportation Chairman 4; Pepettes 4; Honor ociety 3, 4; 1-faroon 2, 3. 4; A Cappella 2. 3, 4; !\1adri~?;als 3. 4; Vocalettes 3, 4; Band 2; tunt how 3, 4. GARY T MMELSO : French Club 2. 3, 4; Wig· 'n'Paint 4; •· " Club 3. 4; Class Pre-,ident 4; Committee 3; wimming 2, 3, 4. JAN TUMMEL ' ON: Latin Club 4; Wig'n'Paint 2, 3, 4; G A 2, 3; P!'paroons 2, 3, 4; Pepettes 4; Chronicle 2, 3; Canvas Board 3, 4; Orchesis 2, 3. 4, ecretary 2, President 4; Committee 3, 4. DALE T RNER : Band 2, 3, 4, Drum Major 2, 3, 4. DENNI NZICKER. GEORGE VALE TINE: German Club 2, 3, 4; "C" Club 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4. JO VANCE: "C" Club 3. 4. JANET VANDEVENDER: Debate lub 2. 3; Lattn Club 3, 4; Honor ociety 3, 4; Quill 'n' 'croll 3, 4; Wig'n'Paint 2, 3, 4, \ice-President 1; Winter Paly 2. 3; pring Play 3; Fall Paly 4; tun! how 4; tudent Council 3; Pepa· roons 2, 3; Intercity Exchanp;e 4. ·u AN VARNER: Transfer from Bement; Wip;'n'Paint 4. R TH VERMILLION: Wip;'n'Paint 2; Knit· ting lub 3, Pr!'sident 3; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepettes 4. DIANA VRINER: Wig'n'Paint 2, 4; GAA 3. 4; Peparoon' 2, 3. 4; Pepette 4; Committee 4. WARRE WAGNER: Distributive Education 4; Band 4. J DY WAKELY: French Club 4; ITA 2, 3, 4; Wig'n'Paint 2, 3. 4; Peparoons 2, 3. 4; Pepettes 4; ommittee 3; Chronicle 3, 4. CHAMP ALKER. HERRILL WALKER: Baton Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Wig'n'· Paint 2; Knitting Club 2; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Honor ociety 3, 4; A Cap· pella 3, 4; Orchesis 2, 3; \1adrigals 3, 4; Vocalettes 3, 4; pring '\1usical 2. 3, 4; F A 3, 4. PHILLIP WALLER: JET 3, 4; Wre tling 4. Gary Tummelson
Jann Tummel on
Jon Vance
J. Vandevender
usan Varner
Ruth Vermillion
Diana Vriner
Warren Wagner
Judy Wakely
Champ Walker
herrill Walker
Phillip Waller
Jerry Watts
Thomas Watt.
Gayle Weedt>n
Diane Wht>der
Sandra Wht>N
We Recall These RICHARD WALTERS. ANORA WARE: Baton Club 4; FTA 4; Chromcle 4; On·he is 4; Orchestra 4; Band 4. JERRY WATf : El taff & ProjN·tor 2, 3, President 3. THOMAS WATTS. GAYLE WEEDEN: FT 2; Wig'n'Paint2, 3, 4; Knitting Club 2; Hcmst> of Rt>prt>sentatives 3; Peparoon. 2, 3, 4; Committee 3, 4; tunt Show 3, 4. DEBORAH WEEKS: Baton Club 3, 4; Commercial Club 4; FTA 4; Wig'n'Paint 2; Knitting Club 3; Peparoons 2, 3, 4, Dt>cnrations Chairman 4; Pepettes 4; Committe!' 3, 4; tunt how 3. CHERYL WEIBEL: Baton Club 3; FTA 2, 3, 4; Wig'n'Paint 2; House of Rt>presentatives 2; Peparoons 2, 3; Pepettes 4; tudent Council 3, 4, Tri-High President 4; lfaroon 2, 3, 4; Committee 3, 4; 'tunt how 2, 3, 4. SU AI\' WELL': FT 3. 4; GAA 2; Knitting Club 2, 4; Orchesis 2, 3. 4. DIANA WHEELER. SANDRA WHEET: Commereial Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; F A 3, 4; Office Oecupations 3, 4, ecretary 4. CHERYL WILEY: French Club 2; FHA 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Office Occupations 1-; GA 2. 3. LARRY WILLIAM : "C" Club 3, 4; Track 3. AN Y WILLIAM : FTA 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Wig'n'Paint 2, 3, 4; Knitting Club 2; House of Representatives 3; Quill 'n' croll4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pept>ttes 4; Honor Socit'ly 3. 4; lfaroon 2, 3. 4, rhool Life Editor 4; Chronicle 2, 3; Committee 3, 4; 'tunt how 2, 4. JAMES WILLI : Fren h Club 4; Wig'n'Paint 2, 3. 4; Committee 1-. CARMEN WIL ON: FTA 3; Wig'n'Paint 2, 3, 4; Peparoons 2, 3, 4; Pepettes 4; Committee 4; tunt ' how 3, 4. JODI WIL ON: Commercila 3, 4; F A 3, 4; German lub 2; \Vig'n'Paint 2; Knitting Club 3. 4; Peparoons 2, .3; tunt Show 3. PRI CILLA WILSON: Knitting Club 3. LEONARD WISEHART: A Cappella 2, 3, 4; ~1adrigals 2, 3.
Richard Walter
andra Ware
Deborah Wet>k
Cheryl Wt>ibt>l
Cht>ryl Wiley
Larry Williams
Nancy William
James Willis
Carmen Wilson
Judi Wilson
P. Wilson
Leonard Wisehart
A. Wolfinbargt> r Mary Wood
Carolyn Wood John Woods
Grt>g Wood B t>vt>rly Wright
H t>nry Wood Mary Wright
High School Days ARTH R WOLFINBARGE R: '"C"' Club 2.3.4; wimming 2,3,4. CAROLYN WOOD: Baton Club 3,4; French Club 2; Peparoo n ~ 2.3.4; A appella 2,3,4; Madrigal~ 3; Vocalettes 2,3,4. GREG WOOD: French Club 2,3; Football 2; Basketball 2,3. HENRY WOOD: Basketball2.3,4. LINDA WOOD : Fren<·h Club 2,3,4; FTA 3,4; ocial cienct> Club 2; Wig 'n' Paint 2,4; Knitting Club 2; Hou e of Rt>pre. t>ntativt's 2,3; Quill & croll 3,4; Pt>paroon. 2,3,4; Pt>pt'ttes 4, Co-Lt>adt>r; Maroon 2,3,4, chool Lift• Edit or 3, Editor-in-Chit>f 4; C het'rlt'adt'r 2; Intercity Ex<"hangt> 3; ommittee Chairman 3; ,·tunt how 2,3,4. MARY WOOD: Baton Club 4; F' 4; Office Occupations 4, Vice President; Wig 'n' P ai nt 2; Pepa· roons 2,3. JOHN WOOD : Fre nch Club 3,4, Treasurer 4; House of Represen tatives 2,4; "C" lub 3,4; Qui ll & croll 4; Honor ociety 3.4. Corresponding ecretary 4; Tri-High Coun<"il4; Chronicle 3,4; JET 3,4; Committee 3,4; Cross Country 3,4; T rack 2,3,4. BEVERLY WRIGHT: FT A 4; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3,4; Knitting 4; Peparoons 2,3; Pe pe ttes 4; tunt how 3,4. MARY WRIGHT. SUZANNE YOUNGER: Wig 'n' Pai nt 2,4; Hou t' of Re prt'sentative 2,3,4; Peparoons 2,3; Pepett es 4; Co mm ittee 3,4; tunt how 2,4. DONNA ZINDAR : FTA 2,3; Wig 'n' Paint 2,3; Debate Club 2,3,4; GAA 2; Pt>paroons 2,3.
Linda Wood S u sie Younge r Donna Zindar
Not Pictured Judy Blackt>r T e rry Blanc hard Jerry Booth Buddy Bradley Ht>rbert Britt Janie«> Brown J:>hn arroll Kt>nnt>th Clark Robt>rt Cokt>r Alan Connt>r Donald Dalton William Davis Michat>l Dively tepht>n Dowds Victor Erickson Ron Fitzgerald Robert Haggard Dennis Hannah Rooseve lt Harper Patricia Hight Lynn Hitchins Nancy Hocking Georgia Jones William Keeler Dennis Ke nnedy Thoma Kirwan tan Kucharczyk Michael Laughlin
John Lawry Robe rt Laws J e rry Le wis William Lewi James Lingr«>en Wayne Logu«> W . Markstahlt>r Jo«> Milanovich Randolph Mullen Lynn Ogdt>n Jam«> Paris Galen Puckl'lt David Ray Charles Rt>t>ves Robert Rose Kt>n Ros t>nberge r teve n hahan John mith Randolph mith Richard tarr andra Tatman Robert Tipsword John Ticht>nal Remmy Vail Robert Vestal H e nry Washington Robert Wei sman Dan Williams
22 1
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Index Barr, [), II a I ~.1 Harr, "-~amlra 15.1 Barn \lan 13.1
\lwl, 'I unuth) Q7
\lwrnath\oal-rancmt•l.il.l \hram , Sharnn 17()
\c·klin, Ru c·mary 14, 19))8. 69, i:)J \c-krnn. "-~tt•H 1.6 \dam , Charlc 15.1 \dam , \lary 13.1 \dd". (...ay I 76 \dl...m .... Su!-.an 71-. 153 \la~na. Prtf·r 133 \lh•r•. Jcm ~~~ \lb-., , \anq .18. W. 1-1. W. ~.H. I~ \lbilin~c·r , \lartcn 133 \lbrt-<·ht. (,luna 153 \kurn,l'aulc·ttc· ~4. 1.13. I 14 \ldnc·h.Judy 15~ \lc·.andc·r, \Uu·rt4~ . 55. M, 06,69 IS~ \lnandc·r, hank 06, J.H \lf·xandu. '\ann 133 \1~«·. Linda JJ.1 \llt·n , (.t•nrJ:c' 133 \U t.:\.J \\~. \llc·n, Judy 57. 69, 70. 71,8-1, I~ \llc•n, I.: a} 51, 52. 08. I 76 \llhand• , Claudcal76 \Uhand• . J anw I 53 \ll.i .. on.Jamf': 176
\IL•un , \lcckq 153 \IL•on. \lancn 97, 133 \Jli ..on. \ l('tor 89 \lpt'r.. \lt'lv<na 37. 51.~. 176 \hhau•. Dunald 133 \mbrn r. Dann}" 153 \mbrn f', "--hamn 72, 176
\mtrman, \nn 58.176 \\DER~O'\,( Ho\RI.Orn: \nder-c>n , Linda I 13~. I~ \ndn un, \1ant• 153 \ndc·r on. \lckc· 8S. 153 \ndf'r...un. "'<·ntl 85, 177 \nd.r-.>n. ~chyl I 10. I~ \ndc·r•<>n. Tim 89. I 15. 1.1~ .\.ndt·r...nn. \f'ra119. 15.'l \ndut, D<·bbtt> 14. 72, 7.1, 77 177 -\ndrf'"-~ . "--hf'rn- 133
lt',l.Jnda I 12 . 177
A.rm .. tron~.Jant·t 177 rm .. tron~. Rayh2.64,6S, 79,96.177 Arnntr . Sari I:B 4. bury. Larn 153
.. ~H \\ ORT!l, 01 (, \ .\.t<·hlr). Suc.,an 58. 177
\tkcn,. Rubort 06. 1.13 \tl...mooun, Brf·nda 133 \tkin ... un,Jf'rr)' 153 \TTEBl R). FRED I 19
.. u<tcn. Carl89. 1~3 \\ ER\ ROBERT 91 -\.xtun. u~an 133 \)or•. \Let' 133 .\.yrr... Jameo" 153
Barrhc. Lmda30.16.55,177.209 Bad<. Rru<·• 133 Baii.Jt'anno 44, 06. 133 Bail._. IJnda 70. 71.1~ Ba1n, l'attc 62. 68. 177 Racr. "-at h) 14. 153.170 Rakor. ( harlt', 97.177 B <r, '\ant) 14.177 Bakor. Ruth ·Ju B •r. Tum 153 B or. \\cl~am I~ Bald"'"· Crac~ I 77 Bal• . B<•b 177 Bat.,, Tt'rry 153 BU.TJ~ . I'\Ll. Balur. B.th ~- 177
Bc·c krr, Bruc·c· 06, 69. 178 ll<·ckrr, "-athnn 00, 1.1.1 Rc•c l...t·r. \1m am 62.68,1.:)3 BH KER'>l'>\\ Bc-ckc·tt, na,,l 15~ Be· II. I c·c· 178 Be· II. "'andra J.H. 139, 140 Hc·llun·a, Dom1nu 152, 15.3
Ht·l c-ampN. Tun) 13."\ Bc·nnt·lt. Juunw 133 Brnnc·tt. "u• II .~. I~ Bt>nMm.Jf'rry 154 Brr~. Ruth 57. 75. 133 BER!,ER. \\II I \RD B<·r~man. Car185. 86. I 78 Brqzman. J\t·nnf'th 13.3 Bt·r~'·hm·tdn. Rhbt·rt .SS. 178 B.rk un. \L•·t• Bnk .. on.Jc•t·26 ..11,55,178
Bc·rnardc. Ph,u,, 14.154 Bc·rr). l.a\c·rn<·3~.16 . 19, BERR). \111.1 \R() 109. 122 Bc·•a"-.Df'lun· 133 ll·· t.J••· 178 BH ln , Tom l.'l3 B,l,.rll. B11h 52. 179 Bllf,.rll. \\ cl~am 13~ Bwhl. Rubc·rt 89. 13.1 Bc~ln. Tum 120.133 BII.I.H. U~..,UE I 12 Bcllh)m<'r."h•·r)l172. 179 15-1.179
Bcrd,•ll. Larq 19 Bcr~t'. Cclbert 133. I 79 Bcrt, Patl~3 Bc•hop.Jarku 62. 154 Bc•hop. Ora 134 Blark. Jeannc. ~4. 40. 45. 75. 131 Blac·k.John 10. 12.58.179 Blac·k. \laq 17. 21. 25. 30. U • .W. 42. 18. ~. 72. 73. 180 lllac·k"•ll. Bnc·rl) 62.131 Blafurd, ""tf·n 131 BlaJr. "uz) 60. 75. 131 Blan«·hard. Tnn Blau~h . Dcana 57. 180 Blur.J•ann< I~ Bluhm. Carull.H Bluhm. Lt'rn) I ;).1 Blum . Chen 68. 180 BOEH\1, ED\\ \RD 122
Boardman. Lmda 62. 6.:;. 154 Bo t>nkamp. Stf'\f' 90. 134
Bumt"r. '-~hirlc>\o 13-1Bnnf", Pat 134 . Bunt-. Paula 52. 180 Bnnnt-IL Tum 154
BOPP \RT. JO \ '\ '\F Bora kl \lckc• 180 Bonnto:. ( f1arlutt 154 Bunn~ Janf't 134 Bu... "t·ll. Barbara 154
Bank,, Unda 133 B\'\(...'> \1\R'>HU.l. Bank . '\at han 64 06. 15.1 Bank . Tom 153 Bannf'r, Tom31. 133 Bantz, ~trH' 153 15~
Ba.rnt-.... Carl 178 I~
Barnhart . ~lf'\f" 18. 178
Bru,.n,ll~>llada, ~0.
:16.37, 12,14. ISO
Brt·\\ot·r. Tum 89. 13-t
Bnc k<r. \lar, I~J. 180 BRID!,U \'\D. \\Ill I \\1112 Bnd~•·· \lcke I~
( nllin t-..alh' !~.II;! 6) ( ullin"' \1JIIard 155
I"' 6'l. -;'LHO.I-;'1
unit·\ Uaurl\ I t. ( unit•\ (.an )2. 18.1 ( unntll. DaH I ;; { utu•t lh.l'al ')'l., ~.18-1 < onnt rh. D1anno~ 2.. 72.. 7:i 18-1 { ont)\f r. Honnw 130 ( unra1L ' l f ' \ f 136 Lon\\oa\, \hlf. .. I ~6 ( Hu Uowlll\ 131) ( ••·k John.';~. 58. hi. 181 21» < '"' Ph\ J!J ... 1:15 f
Brown, ~h·\f• 131Hro\\-n. lo;,tf·u· E l.l1 Hro"'n. \ alt·ru· 15-l Bro"-n, \\ 1lham l.. l:H Bro\\on, \\ illiam "-1. 134 n.. ,.. nfic·ld. "''" 1~4 Hrunlw". Oa\ld 66. 131 Brun ... Charlt· .. 1511~4
( .oo
Hru" ... Eilt·t·n 134 Hr)ant.Japalmt· 181
...,aw1ra 155
( '"' t (and\ :l2 18-l ( (HJlt·\ \ l(ki IB-1 f '"'Jwr Ut·IJOrah n. 5·. 18-1 'l.l1 ( OHf•t r jf "'If•) ~I) ( ortt·n (alii\ 131) ( urum. I rr\ ~~J. 131) ( urum. Pam 5.~ . .:;.;
Bl DDE\H IER . B \RB \R \ Bunch.l.t·la 70.1~ Bund,,l.mda 70.72,181 Hun'h. ""'amm\ 52.) Rl Bur~c·
f oiL n •n ( hue 1 6 ( umt r f uncut lltr ( ou \o\rl~ht. ...,atuh 16.
Hro\o\n, Prf'ntl' 131
llru-.. u.. ,~ht
Hn,"-n. Hr k\ 181 Bro"-n. ~haron 15--l
K>·n 182
Burl...hnldt·r R1•ht·rta 182 Hurnc·lt. B1·H·rh r;2, lfU Burnt·tt . R1•hn1 1.~1 Burn . \\ 1l11<w1 8.). I r-~1 HurtdLJtm I.H Hurtt . 1\cut·t· 10. l-1 136. 1.~1 Hurlon. \11."\l Hu .. ,·h. Hnnnu-.'l-l. 19. 75. l.l), 117
( V"J!ro\1
J om
< t•llt·r \nn 31 t~a ll:l ( ou hUn I'at 31 IU IQ ' I I 2 I 5; I 0\ llfl f'\ IIU ( 41"\.Juhn 18--1 ( ()"\,JUth (:\(~ ( U"\ \J1 t' 8<J. 13fl ( u \ , Ru1!1 18-1 ( ra' ,. Jt·fl fr6.hQ 1,;.~
Bu ..·h. Dalld ~~~ Bu ... <·hba< h. ·1 c1m 8.) I· 1 Bu ... hou .. t·. \lan U5 Ill ~T \RIJ. \1 \R(, \RtT ButiN.IJmla.l~. '>.1. 182 llutl.-r \l,kt· 79. 8.). 88. n. 9~. 182 Bul .. t"h, Dt·hra +l M
cr.,._ c .,..r-z. 53. 184
( :ram~·r ( lwn I OIJ.; 1 JS:; ( R \ \(... DOll I" 121t ( .rannt· Ja< IS) ( .ra"'t .. rd. Jt-annw IS+ Crunau.
( n ...... Harhara 18-l
( rul.tt·r J1m 184 ( rutu·r Hudnt·\ )8-l (rum. 'ut•l.'ln (rum. I um 1:.?. 7Q S..l. M. UU ( uddl'ioac . \lt·"\anrl.-r 1·5 ( udd•·ba1 k.llt·m' IB-1 ( ullup. ( \ nllua 1.1.1 ( ullup "'~u .. an I ~~l ( ulH·r ( urul20, 21 H, lt• ..'iS. 61 6:!, 72.
< \Ill Til. In: 1~.91 !.alull. "uc h2.69. 71. I~ < aw. Pat 19, )8. 1:n ( arnpbt·ll Pat I 1.5 ( anull B.tll82 < \RU -,l/\'\'\f 10 <.ar!C'Iun . ...,urula 1.:,1 ( ar/ .. on.Jatwt 70.7 -2.182
J7Q. Jil-l ( uht·r \I arc td 18.) ( ummm~.. }\a, 10. O<J. ).).) <.unn1n,t.ham. ( arl 1"\6 ( unmn~ham. Lar·ol18.l ( . unnrn~.:.ham. '\ant\ IS.; ( ur11 ... 1-llrt"cJa I {l) ( urLun \lar ~lf· 15.) ( 11 ... 1<k. 'u .. an -:2. 18.)
( a.rn ... Carnl.:;8. I:H ( arpt·nlf·r. Juhn -lO. 13.5 Carr. Bt•t k\ U5 Carr. Hand\ 15-l ( al"'rillo . ...,u .. an 70. 135 ( 81"'h"r.Jnt·l3.:;
(a.ctr.Juf:llc·n 121 n~ ( a• ad. Jcm 1~.) ( a .. t"bt·t·r ...,tf'lla 1.3.)
(a... h. 'an,Jra 10. 20. H. l8. 72.182 ( \-,JH I ll\ \ ID
I attc·ll \Ia" 30. ~8. 182 ( t·
I arn I :)1
( handlc·r. Jan<· M. 72. 18.1 ( .handlc·r. J<·an ~I ~2. ~8. M. 08. I hann. Ruth 1~1 18.1
(ha-c· ("-tal ~2 72 18.1 IS.;
Lult·. 'Luannt' 31 liJ. SR. lflJ ( olrman Ju~h U. J:lft ( olf'man. I tnt Ia I fl ( ollit•r. Pam Ui. IS;
( ullin . Bru r )8.1
W. 127. 181
Bu\\o man. Jon l;)..t
Brad I•. Robcn 26. 43. 180. 189 Brad!.- . Budd> 79 Brad!., UIL• 134 Brodin. \l•lnd' I~ Brahana. \lar> \nn 31.1~ Bra> Eilet'la 13t Br..·~e. Uar 62.1>1 06. 69. J.» Brt-\lof'r. J1m 1-. I:U Brr·"'c·r. J1m R 66. 1.'H
I 0 \H ~ f R I '\t-f ~ohh \1.arcla I \) ( l•hltlf' I urrlllS f u( hraru \J, 1 131• 18.3 t ()(,..,\\ f II I I HOI f 1211 (.ulan ( laudf•lt 15:) ( .oll•t•rl. ( ath' 18.1
( .nl1 Hal ph I.Yr
( hapman l>a\uJ lfL.'l ( hap man. J ud' J:n ( ha .. c·. Barbara 13.)
BO\\ \I\'\ lbLIE I 12. 155 Bmd. "haron 134 Bran.. Barn 180 Bran. "--ultr 154
f )n\01 lo~nda 1.~ f nad. l111da l'l. 135
I olt· Jdf89 1.11•
Hruwn.Jt-an 181 Rrt•"-n.John 13-l Rru"-n,l\.athlc-t n ~- h8. 15-t Hr""-n. J\f"\- ln 131 Hru\o\n,l.arn 31,16. 181 Hro\\on, Pam 13-t Bro"-n. Pat .52, 181 Bru,.n,l'c·~~'
Bruwn. ( .aw1l.ll Hru\\on, Cullt·f·n 15-1. Hrt'"'"• Dann) 131Hro""'n. ~ ran(·lflf' 131Hrt•"-n,(.-i•rtl•m 180
Bu ,.,.II, Jud' ll4 BOTTE'\fH l D. IOh Bo" lr . (,,.~ 119. 180 Bowie·•. Lcncla S8. 69. I~
Bradbur~ ~ara 66.
llarnt•. Chari•
Bc·aH·ro;,Jim 153 Bt·ht"rman. L)nn 178
Boldt'n. \lark 134 Bold,, \lana 13t Boii.John 180
Barbn \lan 48. I~ Barham. Juh.n 178 Barkn '\an(') 19. 58.
B., h. Juhn 58. 153 Bate· . Jim 1.1.1 Bate·•, John I S.1 Bate· • Tcm 89. 1~3 Bau~h. (,ar} 18. 69. 79. 178 Baum. ~andra -l5 . .S8. 153 llnlf·r, "-•thy 06. 113 R,..auHu". Ric· hard 153
:\pp(·r...on. \1u·hac>l 133 "'pplt'~
BarMan, El\&ra l.ll Barh•l • H.u t·man 1<J. 66, 08. 1:)3 Ha.rh•ltoun, J\.an·n ;s, );)."\ Bartun Carol LU Hartnn, Cnnnu· 178 Bartnn. Jamt· 13.1
Bf·rmmflham, Sharon .)2, S3
\ndrr un, 1\a.rf·n 153 \ndrr... nn, Kf·rq. 64, 85.86.176
\ndr•" · T.rn 89,97. 133 \n~t'lo. D•lh•rt IU \:\(,ERER. \ \ '\C\ \n<tcn•. Shirl•y ~4. 58. 62. 69. \p~ar. Ru"t'll 177 o\pp<'r•lln.Jo Cillt I~
Brutg:t·watt·r (a aruJrah6, 131 Hnd~f'\\otllc·r. Runnlf' 7lJ, 90,100
llnttun, llarlcara 25, 10. 62. ~.:3 . 69. 72. 180.190 Bnuun. Bf'H·rh 1.), r,g_ ()9,1;.1 Bnttun, \fan: 13! Hruadbf·nt. ""ut• l.H Brc•ckrtt. Bclll80 HrtHik • ""'ut· 14. 180
( lra...t· Tu"' 13.) ( ht>atham. '\ann 15-l( hm.Bt-n 1.35 Lh1n. Jt·nnu· 135 <.h1pman Dt·h1•rah 15-l
Claar '\ann 38. II ;s, 68. Clark. \ian 135 ( larl.... Dt"nnJ ... t:l.) ( lar .Juan.).:!. 18."\
<I \RI\ . 1())1)
II \Ill Jl DITH lh Dahl. '"''t· ;z 18.1 Uahun. \l u hat 11 ).) Dammn... . ( hn ... h•J•hn llr . 18.1 l>.tnlf•f... B, lmda ~). l.lh llanu ).. l),J,j,\ 58. 6.!. 68, 180 Danu·J... Pn .. clllahO.tH 1.. 5 l>anwJ .. un. Fn118lJ 1.~6 Danm·nl1• '" t·r. Uurwa I S.h Dannt·nh••lolot·r Krnard 1; ;q R.).88 IM [) \R"II \\I Bf.RTII \ 10<1 I>aulf·n "'~lwrn I lO. 1.16
I~ I
ll\IE'\POKT \1 \R<.tR) ll\11" \I.FRflll09 110 Dan•·. \I,,,. 136 Da\1 ... H·•hhu· 1.)1) Da\1 .... ( .art·l l.-l6
llall-. !l.. nna ~0. ll\lbJO\'\
,14. )8
( lc~rl.... Rudnt·\ 15l I I \R(... . 1\ II I I \\I ( larl...t•. (.rt-jl•n 151 ( lau ... t·n. n~·an 89. 9.) ( Ia\ Barbara 51 J,;.), 183
l>a\1 ... John 180 Da\1 .. \1at· l.ih na\J ... \IJ t 156 l>a\1 .. Pal 30. 7.? I Btr
I Ia- .Jl ..f, 18.1
Da\ ... Kt', IRtt Dan... R•<hard 156 Da\1 .. 'tuart l.'lh
( Ia\ Ja( Jf' I).) lla\ton. Barh.ua U.)
~ l ]:;b
Da,. l'hd I .;o
DaH••. la\lurC)2,Q-l ll\\ 1~ . \H~R.i
Da, \lut·I.m D.- . l'h' llo- 136
r>t-ahl. Dun 1.16 [),. 1-.m lum06.h9 );n
Dt·aniulf. 1 , .. ,.n 1 0 1),-a\lllt· h:t·n ):;t,
IH I \Ill)) \1 \Rf, \RFT Ddua.J4Hma
lll'ion. J..tl 136 llo·\lu.-. ~u-an 17 . 211.2.~ . ~1. 7J.80.181i Dt·\1uttt· \ n11a ll. ISh Dt·\1p.. tt·r. Jac 'lut· J.l"'
Dt·llfh _J,..- 8.1. ISO (),·nth_ J ud' 117 (),.,,., \ant' 180
i211.137 Dt•\.tt'r. \1ar.. ha 1.17 !loa I. l.onda 13~ ll11lo·r-.on. ~ath' Jl .11>. II. 19. SS. 62 os. 71 ISo.l;n Du·l..t'\, -\dc·l•nt· .17,.1)8, 73.187
1..~-, '\anc' 1l U l~ 1.1. Dulc w t _ '\an,' flO. 71. llj'
136. )37
illl'hl. llarlo·no· 1'\0
Du·t•hnlr. Jn\1 t·
IM!t·rdm,z. (,a,lt•J.;t,
Dillman. ( .arlu 137 D!llman.l'at .. , 1511 llunmt·lt. \lll..t· I 37 [)Ill man. ( 'har], ....
n... t'h. :--ott-.. t' ~- '.'o. 137 ill't·l\, Tom 79. 90. 18; DIIIIO.I' \L 1 nn. Dl\un John 137 UJ\UO \ ltl..t' 1.)6 Dt,un. -.,lwila .12. 187 Or\:nn. Tran''' 137 lluhrun ... ha. \nfh 137 l),,hrmuln\ Jam 93. 9~ 1:16 Unn/t· " •c!... ~~ 1.11 llnulf·n. ( :1n1h l4 M . ;s. 137 Durn ... Joan 1.15. 13; Dur.. t"lt. Jn\1 t· 137 rlur.. Ht. "'iharon 187 Dur.. n Jt-rn .. tnn I.r; Dnr.. t·\ . h.ath\ 131 Dnr''"'· \Jilo..t-.38 Dot\. Pat 60. 137 Dut\, Rt·a l4, 1.~ Duu~la- <.ath\ 31 ~I. 1.17 Duu~la'-. \Jan \ 156 D..u~la.-. \ian\\ ~9 • .'>8.17~.187.189 On~ nm~. Onn 1.16
Dn~ nm~. Landa n; Ou~le·. Cam1 187 [),, le. Dehh> n2.110. 112. 187 Omle.l.onda.ll l.i.81 137.139 Dmlt•. Pat9.1.137 Dralo..t>. Bt>nnu· J:'lj Dra!..t-. D•anna 18'7 Orale.Jom 137 Dra o·. J..:ath> 1'\0 Ora t·. 'harun 70. 13-;' Dn .. dal(·. Ru-1... I i. lSi Du Bu .. \ aiPmprt•. Rt-nf"f• Ill f.. ( H \RI F~% .213 Dulo·-. \nrl' 19. >8. (.;(} Duna~aL \rnlla I.)(, l>unc-an. Bruu· 13'7 Dunla,o.Jim31.187 Dunmn~ . ....,lt"\t" 187 Duranr. Bt"do 18. ~0 . \8. 49. 56. 57. 58. 71110. 1'\0. 167 Duttun. \ i(' It" 13'7 D" Jndrnrl7. 187 o\ .. nn. "'tt>\f> 62.96.187
E. ad". Jamt>" 156 Ead ... J,.rn 137 Earl. Ed 156 f.ar(e,_Jacl66. 113. 187 Ea.., If"'\ . ....,hf'1la 137 F:a.. tf'rhmol... (,alp~. 72.187.190 Ea.. tt>rbrook. \ann 21.72. 1il. 188 Ea... trrhrun!... "''u .. an 69. 156 Ea.., lin. Bob 13-;' Ea•ton. Da-. 2~. >8. 00. 62. 69. 79. 188 Ea.. . tm.Jnn 156 Ea_.. un. Lon 52. 188
"IHI, Rand\ 13i ~.atun.Jt"nf' j:;t, Ehf'lin~. (,)una 156 Edmund. B.tl\ 1'\0
Ed"' a rd ... Caml66. 69 Ed"'ard ... D1-..1f' ~'3. 188 Ed~ard•.Judic\6 . 62. 74 156 Edward• . \ltluch 3~ SS. 1'\0 f.l!htrt .Judl 137 [flnt~. Car\n 188 Ei<'hf'lhf'r~f'r. Df'nl f' 16. 137 EICiiEIBERI.ER 1.11. \ 123 Eolbrarht . F. lien 137 Eilhrarht. J..:urt 79. 188 Eo nrr. \anq 10. 43.44. ~9. 58. 74. 156 Ek"am. Chtrr) 31. 55. 58. 62. 68. 188 Ek tam. fred 60.66.137 Eldtr. Pat 156 F.l~I\.D~W:\110.111
EILcJt. Randy 137
f:\ \\~ .(.I I \Ill F~ \&n ... Ln1 .. 137
Du 1..,., Dt·anna
f:llontt \ Nlw II.~ 7.i. n7 ElL•. \lol• 137 t:n.... Ru.. f'maq 137 Emhf'rtnn. "'haron 15. 60, U7 f. me rock , Rorl IJ7 Emo·n. \fan 137 E.mmtlt. "''f''f' 156 f.n~elhardt. Jnhn 97 137 En~L-h. Londo 14. 71. 1.'>6 Enl-o·n. \Jolt• IJ8 E.rnh. \ ernnn :H. 188 E-t<·r~ard. Jnhn 89.97, 1.18 £\an ... Cam! 188 Enn<. \lorhael188 Evan•. Toni 2~. ~-58. 61, 157 E'"'"· Eu~•n• 97. 138 Exum. Chari.- 138
f fa~rrhold.
Gayle 13. 38. 58. 62. 63. 69. 74. 80.157.170 157 Fan alto . Chari• lSi f anrh<r. Barb 56. 70. 7~. 157. 164 Fanrhtr. Doroth) 138 farmer. \lokt 188 farnham . l.onda 40. 44. 62. 75. 138 farrar. Ralt>h 89. 138 farru~jDa. Judy 22. 52. 57. 188 faulln<r. Tom 138 FtathtrjDII. Danny 188 ftathtrjDII. Jtanntt 34. 10. 81, 138 F~~~r. Conmf' 138 Ftlln<r.Londa 138 ftllner. Pauli 57 Felln<r. Ro emary 157 Felty. Bob 25. 40. 45. 69. 188 FELTY. HAROLD 109.112 ftrber. Don 157 ftr~uson . Bill89. 138 FERGLSO\.JI::H ftm.Judi 157 fitldon~. (,a)lt 44. 60. 62. 63. 75. 138 fonnogan. Ro~er 62.65 Fi<><k. Con not 20. 62. 68. 73. 189 Fo cu . Ed 66. 69. 157 fosher. hurl 138 Fi<her.Jon 189 Fi her. \lor htlle 138 f otrh. ~artn 189 FITE. THE I \1 ~ 119 Fotz~erald. Carlren 138 FLE\11 \(, , E~THER FLETCHER. B ~RBAR.o\. Fl<trher. Fr.d 189 Fletcher. Pholl89 Fle~<ILn~. Steve 138 Flev.<ILn~. TtrTy 18. 30. 62. 63. 68. 189 Flora. Jan ore 27. 40. 43. 74. 157 Fio)d. Pam ~I. 58. 68. 157 Fl)nn. Barb 48. 72. 189 Flvnn.Judy 157 Folsam. Wa1n• 157 fortn~r. Corntliu fo;ter. \lark 64. 157 Fosttr. \lartha 30. 36. 37. 40. 42. 45. 66 68. 69. 189 Fox. Jack 189 rov. !:larah 126 FRo\.\~. \OREE\ Franltl. Barbara 157 Franklin. \lane 138 frankLn. Robtrt64, 66. 157 fraz1er. amuf'll38 FREDERICK~ . ED 98. 125 Frttman. 1\.arf'n 13, 189 Fr.eman. Londa 72. 190 freeman. R1c hard 157 Freiberger. Pam 138 rr.. ta~.Jo)rt 58. 66. 157 Fr.nrhs. Davtl7. 45. 79.98.190 Fnedherg. Rorh 31. 97. 138 Fneburg. Su.an 157 Fntdench. Fran 44. 49. 62. 63. 65. 68. 157 Froese. Pat 58. 157 frillman . Stevt 62. 190 fntchey. Bob 157 fnzzeii.John 157 FROTHI'\GH o\. \I . JOH'I 112 fa~rlitld.Jerry
Fryman.Janf't138 Fulf<r. Cindy 138 Fulltr on. PtrTy66.68.190 Full<r. Bob 138 Full<r. Tom 157
G Gadru . Ronna 138 (;a(<Lano. O,linda 48. 49. 190 Gaone<. Unda 72. 75. 191 Gamt-s. usan 191 (;ammon. Chtryl69. 191 (,anngtr. Judy 30. <M, 66. 138 Garland. Cheri 40. 42. 49. 191 Garland. Judy 138 Garland. \1ocko c\6, 60. 138 Garret. Esther 20. 35. 58, 61. 72. 73. 76. 191 Garrigu . Beth 40. 42. 45. 49. 55. 62. 72. 191.209
(;a,koll. l.luvd 157 (;at<•. Da>td 157 (;auble. Sue 53. 191 (..-,~tr. Sttve 79. 157 (,EIST Ill ~~HI (..-lvon. \anry 44. 66. 68. 157 Gent>. Htltn 60. 75 (,ent•llt, \lilt 157 Gentille. ll•rkll. 46. 48. 157 Gerhart. \larjDt 157 Crl-trhiu<, Bill79. 97. 191 Cobb , Richard 157 Cobb • VirgJnoa 157 Gobson. Tom 157 Gie ler. Cheryll91 I.IEW o\.RTOW~i>.I.JOSf.PH 64. 118 <.tlle,ptt.Jnhn .191 Cillo poe, Marto 13. 34, 38. 57, 58,74 Gilleopie, Ro~rt 34 Gilliland, Bernard 113. 191 Gilliland, Frank 157 Gilliland, Mane 75 GILL! . EDWARD 120 Gilmore. George 89 Gilmore, Randy 95 Gilmore, hurl157 Gonder, Davtd 157 Gonder. Ken 191 Gonder, haron 157 Gono~r~. Penny 157 Gop on, Dorio 157 Gipson, ancy 157 Gioh. Linda 72. 191 Giveno, Carol138 Glende. Jon 62, 65, 68, 157 Glenn. uoan 40, 46, 72, 191.203 Goddard, Betty 138 Goineo. Beulah 55. 191 Gooneo, Dorothy 138 Goong • Mochelle 20, c\6, 192 (,oone.. R. E. 79. 88. 191 Good, Ann 58, 157 Good. Bob 157 Good, Hugh 34, 157 Good, Terry 157 Goodling, Carol 158 Goodling, Gary 138 Gordon, Ed 27, 30. 40. 48.54 61 192 203 Gordon, E ooe 138 · ' ' Gordon, Kathy 45. 138 Gorman, Barbara 38, 41 , 48, 58, 158 Gorski, Alana 49, 62, 69. 158 Goonell, uoan 51, 158 Goo ett, Kay 158 Goo ett, Paul192 Gourley, Londa 138 Grabow, Kevon 97, 139 Grady. Cindy 139 Grady, M1k• 192 Graham, Brenda 139 Graham, ancy 45, 66, 68, 158 Graham, Ro~rt 192 Crammer, Ronnu~: 192 Graveo, Eddit 139 Grave , )om 62. 192 Grave . Joe 193 Graves. Pat 158 Gray, Betty 57. 72, 193 Greaveo. Marianna 30. 34, 40, 41, 42 72 7~1~ •• Green. Carolyn 139 Gretn, Dorothy 158 Gr.rn. \loke L 139 Green. Moke 89, 97, 158 Green, Ray 139 Gre~n. Rhonda 139 Gretn, Ronald 79, 85. 88. 193, 209 Green, herry 158 Green, teve 79. 85, 96, 193 Greenwell, Sharon 158. 193 Greffe. Richard 38, 42, 193 Gnor. Alma 193 Gnerson, Margaret 52, 193 GRIEST, CHA RLE 122 Gnt t. Randy 158 Griffet, Dan 158 Gnffin. Mike 50 Gnffin, Tom89 Griffith, Ed 158 Griffith, John 97, 139 Gngg • Glona 60, 139 Gnmoley, Tom 139 Gnndlty, Glenn 158 Grobb, SonJa 139 Grove, Bob 139 Grunnett, Doug 97. 158 Gudgd, Dav~ 89 Guonn, Beverly 51. 62, 69, 74, 158 Guonn, ancy 66, 69, 72, 193 Guth, Greg 193 Gwinn. Karen 44, 60. 62. 63, 75, 139
H Hadler, Dana 139 Halcrow, Beth 21 , 32, 38, 72, 75, 113, 193 Halcrow, Ron 73, 89, 139 Hale. ue 62. 193 Haley, Moke 85, 158 Haley, Pat49. 60, 75. 109. 139 Hall. Cathy 62, 66, 75, 109, 139 Hall,Jom 158 Hall, Juu 75. 139 Hall, Loretta 139 Hall, Lynn 158
Hamacher, Jeanone 40. 44 60 62 63 7 139 • • • • Hambltton, Candy 56. 193 Hamilton, Carolyn 66, 68. 158 Hamilton, 'onntt 139 Hammock, ILch 139 HA..\iMO D . CLEVELAND 112 Hamp, John 193 Hamptl, ynthia 40, 42. 45 49 62 ~ 72.194 • • • .,.. Hampton, fred 97, 194 Hampton, Lynn 58, 158 Hankinson. John 85, 158 Hanlon, Mary 158 HAN A. ROBERTA Hannagan, lt-Yt 140 Han en, Canntn 158 Han en, Louo e 140 Han on. Carol 18, 30, 49, 62, 68, 72, 194 Hanson, Doane 52, 53, 194 Hardtn, Willie 194 Hardor, Ttrry 158 Hardgrove, Li a 140 Hardin, Jerry 140 Hard on, Judith 70 Hardon, Judy K. 70, 194 Hardy, Dtana 158 HAR I H.ALI E43,110 Harper. Carolyn 30, 55, 64, 194 Harpor. Roo ovtlt 140 llarp t , i ara IIMJ Harrio, James 158 Harris, Prtntiss 140 Hamson, Diana 140 Harroun, Jacki• 72, 73, 121. 194 Harroun, ancy 140 Han, Chn 158 Han man, Jill 60. 64, 140 Hartman, Theresa 44, 64, 66 Hartrick, Larry 158 HA !CELL. WE Dl 125 Haoolor, heola 40, 46, 75, 140 Hatfitld, Doug 89, 98. 140 Hawluno, Jonntt 158 Hay. Mari~th 40, 42, 44, 48, 194 Hayden, Nancy 158 Haydtn, Ronnit 140 Hay••· Pam 34. 57, 58.72.194 Hay• • Pat44, 85, 98. 110, 158 Hayn~s. usanne 194 Hayo, Jeff79, 194 Hays,Mokel0,17,194,200 Heater. Londa 158 Heath, Billl40 Heaton, Jane 60, 62, 140 Hegtnbart, Gary 30,31.195 HEIDER, JOH 126 Heimburger, haron 46, 68, 158 Htlfor, Gtne 60, 140 Hellmer, Doug 34, 89. 140 Helmock. Craig 195 Helmock, John 140 Hembrough, Carl 158 Henagor, ttve 31. 140 Htnder'IOn. Lynn 157, 195 H~nd~rson. teve 50, 80 Hendnckoon, eloon 140 Henrik en, Davod 140 Hendrn<, Dave 158 Hendrn<, Mark 140 Henry. James 141 Henoon, Moke 141 Hem, Londa 141 Herod, Percy 94, 195 Htmn, Jeanntt 45, 66, 141 Herriott, Mark 141 Hettler, Frank 66, 195 Hettler, Pam 60, 141 Hewitt, Gloria 195 Hewott, Londa 141 HILL, DEA E 108 Hill, Londa 141 Hill, Lynn 74 Hill, Thomu 195 Hilltmier, Karen 18. 20, 195 HILLEN. LOWELL 123 Hondman, John 85, 89, 95, 141 Honton, DennJO 95, 141 Hinton, andra 195 Hiuh. Elosoa 141 Hir h, tuan 158 Hodges, Jack 195 Hodge , ttve 141 Hot~cker, teve 45, 54, 58, 62, 68, 94, Hoffman, Jan 34, 38. 45, 79. 90, 158 Hoffman. Linda 141 Hogan, t<ve 34. 58, 158 Hogue. Jane 20, 62, 196 Holaday, ott 141 Holdtn, Mauha 139, 158 Holder. Bob 52, 196 HOLLOWAY. LEWIS 122 Holloway, usan 141 Holm, Moke 48. 159 HOLMES, MARY 123 HOLSTE! • ELIZABETH Holt, haron 141 Holter, HoUy 41, 45, 75, 141 Holthoff, William 97, 196 Honn, Carolyn 30, 52, 62, 196 Honn, Cdtote 48, 51, 196 Hood, tovel41 Hopluns, u• 52, 53, 196 Hoppe, Suoan 40, 44, 75, 141
Hor man, Carolyn 197 Hotop, Karon 197 House, Carla 159 House, Connoe 20, <16, 49, 72, 197 Houoehold.r, Roh-.o Howard, Anne 141 Howard, Billl41 Howard, Carolyn 141 Howard, Dave 58, 159 Howard, Jane 30, 72, 197 Howard, Virginia Howard, William 42, 48, 197 Hoyne, Andy 20, 34, 40, <16, 58, 197 Hoyne, Barry 89, 97, 141 Hubert, Craig 79, 85, 97, 159 Hudson, Dale 64, 159 Hudoon, Debboe 159 Huelobuoch, Brrnard 159 Huff, Dewer 159 Huff, am 159 Huffman, Bill 197 Huffman, Carl 197 Huffman, Gloria 141 Huffman, Rose 159 Huffman, u an 141 Hughes, Paul 197 Hughes, Toni 58, 159 Humphrey, heony 141 Hunt, Molly 52. 53, 197 Hunter, Frank 90, 91. 197 Hunter. Judy 141 Hurdle, Barbara 159 Hu lt.iuon, Ann 159 Hu song, Jeanne <16, 66, 69, 159 Huston, William 16, 17, 79, 84, 85, 88, 197 Hutc hcraft, Janos 141 Hutchcraft, Judi 197 Huchino. Robert 141 Hutdunson, Cathy 30, 42, 44, 185, 197 Hutchooon, Wendy 141 Huxtable, Tim 197 Hyland. Kathy 56. 198 Hyland. Te rri 49. 75, 141
IAU , WARD 125 Idleman, Paul 141 lngleman, Linda 141 Inman, Carla 141 lrle, Londo 44, 49, 141 lrle, Pam 60, 198 lrwon, Brenda 159 lver on, Londa 34, 58, 62, 69, 74, 159
Jackowski, Judy 159 Jackson, Harry 95, 141 Jackson, Helen 141 Jackson, Jane 34, 40, 45, 49 Jackoon, Karen 159 Jackson, Moke 25, 30, 40, 44, 58, 61, 198 Jackson, Tom 66, 90, 141 Jackson, Waymond 159 Jackson, William 141 Jamer10n, Geneva 157 Jamison, Diana 159 Jarman, Bill40, 42, 44, 79, 90, 115, 198 Jay, Beth 141 Jaycox, uoan 31, 34, 41. 141 JEFTER , LOU I E Jelks, Clemmia 198 JESTER, HAROLD Johan son, Ingrid 17, 20, 26, 182, 198 Johnson, Beth I 98 Johnson, Blanche 55, 64, 66, 68, 198 Johnson, Carole 45, 58, 68, 141, 159 JOHNSON, DAVID 108 Johnson, David 198 Johnson, Decker 81 Johnson, Jim 79, 85, 89, 198 Johnson, Jo Ann 44, 58, 62, 63, 68, 74, 159 Johnson, John 79, 94, 159 Johnson, Larry 198 Johnson, Linda 142 Johnson, Peron 160 Johnson, Rita 52, 198 Johnson, Ieven 89,97, 142 Johnston, Jan 30, 36, 40, 42, 49, 58, 72, 73, 195. 198 Johnston, ancy 136, 160 Johnston, colt 160 Jones, Alan 142 Jones, Earnest 198 Jones, Georgoa 45 Jones, Kenneth 89. 97. 142 Joneo, Londo 51, 53, 1'18 Jones, Lyle 198 Jones, Pat 160 Jordan, Beverly 68, 199 Judy, Pat36, 41 , 49. 62, 68. 74,160.170 Jungot. Marolyn 44, 49. 55, 60, 75, 142
K Kaiser, Barbara <16, 58. 62. 63, 69. 74, 160 Kaiser, Bryantl60 Ka~oer . Don 142 Ka~oor, Greg 96, 160 Ka~oer, Phyl~• 160 Kalkwarf, Karen 20, 30, <16. 62. 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 199'
KapJ)<' , Davod 160 KapJ)<' . Robert 199 Karlotrom. Pam 10. 17. 20, 36, 42, 49, 72, 73, 74, 199 KARNES, MERLE Kauffman. ancy 123 Kaufmann, Carolyn 199 KALFMAN . HELE 37. 110, 127 Kearn , Rooemary 30, 40, 42, 45. 55 KEAR , RLTH Keller, Bill 160 Keller. Jom 98, 110, 160 Kelley. Jane40.45. 49. 60, 142 Kelley, ancy 72, 199 Kelley. teven 98, 110, 160 Kelly, nne 44, 142 Kelly. Chno 44, 74, 160 KELLY, CLINT 104 Kelly. Eugene 43 lvlly. \1 ar y B.th 10. 34. 58. 72, 199 Ke lly, \1ary L. 142 Kelm , Roc hard 160 Kelm, Ronald 142 Keloey. Cr01g 98, 200 Keloey. Londo 160 Kelso. Mary 160 KemJ)<', Diane 142 Kendall. Londo 41, 42. 49, 58. 62. 63, 69, 72. 200 Kennedy, Dennll52 Kennedy. Jame 142 Kent. Brad 66, 142 Kent , Katherine 10. 30. 37. 40. 42. 45, 58, 72, 73,2 Ken no. >.lary 160 Ker~n. Roger 200 Kern, Caroll42 Keuler. Carla 55,200 Keo ler. Kenneth 64. 200 Key, Ellen 49, 76, 160 Keylon, Ray 64. 68, 160 IGbun, Kathryn 116. 142 IGefer, Jerry 142 IGllian, Kathy 56, 62, 72, 200 IGmball, Bill 160 IGmball. Lewoo 160 IGmble, Chno 66, 116. 142 IGmble, Peter 30, 58. 61,200 IGnard, Dorothy 142 IGndle, Georl!l• 52.200 IGndle. Vale ria 126. 142 IGng, Cecill60 IGng, Je01ie 142 IGngham. haron 142 IGrby. Bob 142 IGrby, Connie 142 IGrby, Greg23, 2 IGrcher, haron 142 IGrk , Kathy 58. 160 IGrkwood. Margene 44, 62, 63. 64. 65, 66. 68, 69. 201 IGrwan. Barbara 161 IGrwan. Tom 210 IGtzrniller. James 79, 85, 86, 201 KLEIN. ELBY 112 K~ngelhoffer. Jim 161 Knepler, Nancy60, 142 K IGHT. ELEA OR Kobel. Kauie 142 Koch. Billie 45, 74. 161 KOCH , PHYLLIS KOEHN. COR ELlA Koehnemann , ancy 45, 142 KOHFELD. CAROL Kohler, Frank 161 KOLKHORST, IMOCENE Kopp, Joe 161 Kopp, Karen 142 Korn<gay, Randolph 201 Kornegay, Vance 161 Koster. Mark 34, 89, 124, 142 KOVAR, EVELY 40, 110 Koxikow ki , Conrue 49, 58, 161 Koxikowoki, Michaell61 Krall, Tom 79, 85, 86. 201 Kramer. Berendina 161 Kreoca . Londo 40. 44, 49, 58, 161 Kretchmer. ara 17, 18. 21, 26. 33, 72. 201 Knx. Roc hard 142 Krumm, Gary 97, 201 Kucharcxyk, Geruck 34. 79,85 Kucharcxyk. Jan 142 Kuder, John 142 Kukuck. Dean 142 Kuruek . Denruo 89. 94, 161 Kuraoek. Doug 95. 142 Kurxwe g. Patty 31. 62. 68. 201
L LAMAR, MARY Lamendola. Bill 142 Landa. tuart 58, 66, 69, 161 Landuw. Paula161 Lane. Caroll61 Lane, haron 142 Lange. Karen 161 Lankford. Larry 142 LariVIere, Anne 62. 161 Lanvoere, John 44, 142 Larsen. Pamela 119, 142 Larson, Debbie 60, 75. 142
( .uater, Denna 201 Lau ter. (, ary 142 Lauen. Larry 142 Lateer, Jom 85, 152. 161 l.aur.nt , Laur.l66. 69, 161 Lawhorn, Ruth 161 Lawler. Allen 142 Lawrence. Ruth 72, 201 Laws, Bradford 142 Laws, Janet 161 LEAL. GLADY Leathers, Brenda 161 Leavott. an y 40, 58, 74, 161 Lee, Joe 17, 85, 201 Lee. John 143 Lee. Roc ky 62. 201 Lee, Ronnoe 143 Leed , Leadell58, 161 Le(-ear, Doug 143 Legg, Mary 18. 20. 45, 62, 63. 65. 68. 69 72. 199, 201 LEHMAN, EDWIN 112 Leorung, teve 66, 143 Leonard. Ann 34. 74. 161 Leonard, Charle 143 Leonard. Lowoe 21 . 201 Lewoo, Brant 161 Lewis. Dan <16, 95. 143 LeWis, Londa 34, 60, 75. 143 Lewoo, Rodney 79, 84, 85, 201 Ley hon, Kathy 161 Loem. Bob 161 Loerman. Jo 95. 143 Loerman, Paul 202 Loetz. Greg 42, 195, 202 Loggett, Jim 79, 90. 161 Loggett, Peter 202 Lombacher, Mary 20. 34, 41. 45. 62, 63, 68. 72.202. 203 Londell. Pam 51. 161 LIND EY.AUDRY LIND TROM.JOHN 119 Lopacomb, Marohall66. 202 Lottie, uooe 143 Loeochen, Ralph 202 Logan, Mike 85, 161 Loggan, Peggy 143 Logue. Wayne 64 Lohmeyer, DaVId 52. 202 Lohmeyer. Londo 143 Long, Tom 79, 85, 97. 161 LONGENECKER. RJCHARD 104 Looker, Patricia 40, 44, 60. 75. 143 Lookongbill, Cheryl 143 Lookingbill, Darrel47, 143 Lore. Randy 202 Losee. Cecelia 202 Losee. Curt11 161 Lovellette, Ron 161 Loving{ooo. arolyn 70, 71,202 Lovong{oao. Sheryl 70, 143 Lowary, Mike 202 Loy. Patncoa 143 LOYD, DOROTHY Luer, Roger38.161 Lueue. teve 27. 161 Lukoander. Edith 76, 161 Lukoander, Elixabeth <16, 56. 112. 202 Lunger. Terry 143 Lux, Mike 143 Lyons, Margaret 143 Lyono, Roger 161 Lytle. Beverly 64, 66, 69, 161
M Mc Adow. Ronald 144 McArty. uoan 70 McCabe. David 71, 162 McCabe, Karen 74, 162 Me alpon, Let toe 52, 53, 204 M lannahan. Joan 162 McCloud, Becky 21 , 78,204 Me loud. James 89,95,144 McConaha, lifford 144 Me onaha. Denrus 79, 85, 205 Me onaha, Ron 162 Me onkey. Betty69. 74, 162 McConkey. Janet 69, 72, 77, 205 ~1c ororuck , Rodney66. 162 \1cCoy. Agnete 205 McCoy, Patricia 162 McCulley, Michael89. 97. 144 Me ullough. <.ene 205 Mc Daniel. Joll 144 \1c Duffee. Kathleen 144 Mc Duffy, Laura 205 McElligott. Mary 41 . 43. 144 M Evoy. Pat 94, 162 McFall, Tom 64, 162 McFarland. Kathy 45. 64, 68, 162 Mc<.ehe. onnie 144 McGill, John 62, 162 McGonty, Mochael144 McGiuoon. Brenda 144 McGiaooon. Bruce 79. 85, 162 McGrath, Gordon 205 McGuire, Connor 144 M G IRE. JO EPH McHugh, Mane <16. 68. 162 MciGbbino, Angoelene 162 MciGnley. [arleen 144 McLeod. Angu• 144
McLoughlin, Cathy 40, 49, 58. 74, 162 \1c\1ullen. Boll162 Mc >.lurray, Alice 144 \1c \1urray, Laura 162 \1c".,.mara, Dave 66, 68. 69, 205 Me !'leal, Alice 205 Mc Neal, Bermre 45 \1c!'leal. Emorue 205 >.lc "<eal, Ruby 144 >.lc!'leely. Daruel144 McVey. uzann 144 Mabray. Pat 161 \1ACEK. JOHN 89. 125. 155 Mac k, Jud y 143 \tadox, B• tty 58, 62. 63, 68, 161 Madox, Jom 79, 202 Mad en, Ke n 143 ~1 IIJO, Mike 202 >.IAJOR. ~1ARY 72 \1a)or , Tom 161 \1aley, Kathy 161 Malonow• lt.i. Paulet" 70 Mali ka , Ed 143 Malloy, Kathy 19, 34, 72, 202 \I alloy, Tom 162 >.Ialone, Ke ndra 162 \1ALTBY, GREG 106 \1ankey. Do nna 21 , 23, 26. 44. 49, 72. 179, 202 Manley, Bec ky 162 Manley. Bob 143 \1annons. Tern 162 \1anuel. Jerald 162 \1anuel. Ron 143 Manwann , PatnC'k 203 Manzella. Mario 203 MARGRAVE. MILDRED I 10, 122 \1argrave. ue 143 \1 RGR ... \E, ~ B \tanne-r. Elt-anor 203 Marion. Barnam 203 Marion. Barn("tt 143 Mar hall, Robert 162 >.Iart on, Donna 45, 51 , 53, 203 Marton, Lyle 143 Marton, Moke 89, 143 \1arton, Patty 53, 203 Martonoe, Glenda 204 Maoon, Cleveland 162 \1ason, Greg 143 \1ason. Joe 79, 204 >.Ia sanari, Cindy 51 , 62, 65, 143 \1a anari, Kaye 162 M..oock, Doane 44, 162 \1atte on. Jonnie 162 \1attheoo, Betty 44, 49, 162 Mattox. Denni 90, 96, 204 \lattox. Doug)., 96, 144 \1autz, Carl 30, 66. 68. 204 Mau tz, Kro 34, 40, 144 Maxberry, Lynn 204 Maxey, Jane 21, 72, 179, 204 \tAYALL, RALPH 126 \laye r, n••ne 34, 162 Mayo. Larry <16, 60 Meare . Carroll 162 \1ecum, haron 75, 144 \tED ROW. AUDREY Meeker, Le lie 40. 58, 205 Meeker, Norman 205 Mee ker, Wayne 205 Meeks, Pam205 Mehnert, One 79, 85, 89, 96, 205 Meoer, Judoth 144 Meoer, Londa 49, 144 Me1er. Lou anne 162 Melahn. Melonda 144 Melc lu. Gary 79, 96. 205 \1dclu, Londa 205 \1 E LLO' . E. H. 102 Mennenga. Denice 162 Mennenga, haron 52. 53. 72, 206 Mercer, Rocky 206 Memck, Voclt.i 31 , 55. 162 Merrifield, Doana 45.58 Merrifield, Ru 61, 62, 66, 68, 98, 176, 206 >.lerrifield, aundra 34, 144 Merx, John 145 Me lt.ill, Jeff98, 145 \1E KJMEN, IRVING \te onger, Londo 49, 58. 72. 73, 206 Meyer, .. en 145 \tochel , Betty 162 \1iebach. Londo 49, 58. 74, 162 Mile . Charle 162 \1iller. Anne 44, 49. 60. 62. 63. 75, 145 \1iller. Barbara ~ . 60. 145 Miller, Bobboe 145 Miller, Dale 206 \lilltr. Doug 10, 62, 65. 145 Miller. Frank \1iller, Gary 76, 145 Miller, Gene 145 Miller, Janet 41. 62, 68, 185, 206 Miller, John 52, 206 Miller, Karen 58, 162 Miller, Kathy 34, 145 \1iller, Mary 30 Miller, Mary Londa 27. 34. 40, 49. 62, 63. 64. 68. 113. 162. 206 Miller. \toke 206 Moller, 'laney 49. 58. 74, 162 \toller, Pat 162 Moller, ue 49. 58, 74, 162 Miller. Victor 145
,e . .
\lilh~··· R<-1" 48. 72.207
\loll • Barbara I~ \llll , Jrff 79. 90. 162 \lonrar,l.onda 162 \lon<!l, \likr 143. 162 \tmniC' k, Conm~ 162 \lolchanor. Ka1hy 145 \lllrhrll,l.rRa<•66. 76, 145 \lolehell. Pam 116. 145 \IJ1< hrll. Phylh 43. 69. 162 \lol hell. ~han>n 57, 162 \lol darfor. Dale 145 \lol darffor..'uo.an 145 \locilan, Carol 207 \loncnef. \like 21, 62. 65. 79, 84. 8.';, 207 \loncntf. Rubin 145 \lonkr, Daryl 207 \lon~&omrry, R11a 163 \lonrr, Bob 163 \f(M)ft' ,
Stt'\'t' 79
\In• Itt, Sit><' D, 79. 96. 163.207 \loorr. Tom 145 \1oort, \'irginia 207 \loran, Mary 163 \loran, Richard 163 \fortnz, Garry 145 \lorfry. Trrry 145,207 \IORGA'I, DA \10 120 \lor~an. Earl 50. 163 \forgan. Irving 31 \lor~an. \lark 163 \lnrlrv. Elizabrlh 145 \1urr, Lorton 163 \1urri , Ktlth 145
\fnrri , !'tevf' 207
\l<•rrow, \likr 79, 85, 89,207 \forrow, Pal 145 \lonrn n. Trrry 207 \Ionon. Gary 145 \lu .. t-r, Sut• 52.207
\lOSES. A'IDRE'\"Io \lOS KOWITZ. BARRY 110 \In lry. Glady, 165 \to , Chri ly 70. 71. 163 \to • an<·y 30. 45.207 \tullen, · u an 145 \tulliken, Amanda 45, 163 \lulvihill, Kalhy 76, 163 \lund . R11a 70.207 \ll:'\GER. DOROTHY 120 \ll RPHY. CL.. l'DF. 122 \ll TA. JA 'IE 120 \lyrr , Doug 207 \lyrl"', Lynn 145 \lye.,., \l.,.ha 145
:\ral. David llS \ral. S<eve 66. US ril. Jame, 97, 145 ril. J<>< 208 rilo,Jame 163 NEL 0'1, CARL 105 'ld.on, Charle 208 Nd. on, \lary 163 '<loon, Pat 163 :\rloon, 'u an 145,208 "it bill. Brlly 145 r bill, William 66, 69, 208 r. h<~m, Barbara 44, 58, 163 'lrwbill. Junr 208 :"'rwbill, Nancy 145 ~ewman. Kt'n 145
Nichrl on, Judy 70, 163 'K'hola • !eve 163 Nickell, Damd 90, 208 ·,ckrl on, Mary 208 I'<K'ola, O.nnio 208 'icola, Gary 145 offke, Chn 62. 65, 163 Nofflz, u ie 34, 40, 48, 49, 58, 74, 163 ogle, Linda 163 ~oonan, Bernard 145
:\orwood, Joyce 52, 208 Nowmng, Frank 33, 145 :\ullall, Chri linr 145
0 Oak<-•, John 89, 145 Oak .... \larv 72,206 ()'Bryan, John 113 Odrll. AJicr 36, 41, 49, 58, 74, 163 Odom, Mrd ir 10, 44, 72, 73, 74, 208 O'Hearn. Marilyn 145 Ohl rn, Barbara 145 Olvr~ta, Wallace 34, 146 Oliver, u. an 163 Oloon, Karen 208 Ol'<>n, Londo 146 Ol.SO'I, WILLIA\166, 118 0' 'rill, Pauy 10. 44, 58, 163 O''leill, Tom 146 Oreull, Gary 146 Orwick, Glady 146 OSTR0\1, CAROL 126 0\ ERTO , DO\ ~I [) 37, 120 Owtn•, !.:athy 20. 21. 21, 69, 72.208
p Pame, Judy 116, 146 P\1 \II::R. F.D 109.120 Palm<r, Lmda 52. 208
Palmrr, Su an 60, 62, 65, 146 Palmrr, Vorko 146
•'almll'an.,, John 96. ~ Pankau, )om 50, 146 Pardick. Tono 146 Parkon!IOn, Richard 66. 163 Pam h. Charle 57, 163 Pam h. Ka<hy 120. 146 Pamn, Lanny 40, 48, 58, 163 Pa ala<qua, \mer 33. 163
Patton, David 146 PaltC~n, Dun 209 P ...TTO'I. DUA'IE Pat1<1n, Kri~tint> 163 Palloon, RIChard 79. 85, 98, 163 Parzwith, Roger 209
Paul, Charlnlle 209 Paynr, Vullo 163 Peab.ody, Lynn 25, 30, 79. 84, 85,209 Pukock, R<>dney 66, 79. 85, 163 Prar nn, John 46, 64, 66. 146 Pearoon, Rhonda 58, 163 Prck, Carol 209 Peck, Ka1hy 146 Prddycoan, Tony 146 Pr~rce, Don 40, 60 Pel•, Karrn 46, 146 Pellum, Lrr 25, 31, 55. 113.209 Prlmorr, Jo ephine 146 P<rkin • Gary 146 P<rkin • Pal 58. 74, 163 Prrrodm, Pam 13, 210 Prlrro. Karrn 146 Prier<. ((jm 210 Ptttr m, Danny 163 Prtrr •n, Frrd 163 Prltr!IOn, Kay 32, 34, :18, 40, 74, 76, 163 Prylon, Karen 146 Pryton, Ronald 163 Philhppr, Davr 210 Phillippr, Roben 146 Phillip • Chrrvl210
Plullip... , Forrt· .. t lh3 l'lnllop•. l'al 19.ll>.l l'hol~p•, \\olio am MJ>6, ll>.l \~re 210
l'u kel.
Pjcklt•, Ernt· .. unt· 210
l'u kle. \lae 146 Pu·rard, D1ana 11.6
!'If Rn:. ( \ROI) \ Pwru·, Dnn 62,116.171
Pat·n t·. T ru•h 1\6 l'o~a . Lo·<·.11,5S,I.t.,68.1M l'•le,l.arr)62.1».1>5.o9.1M l'm~tn. Chari... 90, IM ~atrinr 58. 164 Ptppt·n. Rand) R.S. 164
P1• r.
h, Richard 210 PITT\1 \\ , DO\ \1 [)Ql,Q7,122,125 PITT\1 \\ . KOBER I l'la11. "u•· 36, 56. II L 210 Plul'. Rnherl l8. 62,211 l'nll.., :\ale 95. 146 l'ull,(.rt"~U6
Pull. Roht>r1 I 64 f'unrman. l.in(la 21. 72.211 P"i"'•l\.ii'31.15,79.<11l.W 176.211 l'upt•. \\hitnq ~1-. 75,81.146 Purtf"r,Jnannti'O. 71,211 l'nrl.r,l'<·nn) 27, .l8. l4 19,1:16, 1M Po.. n. \1ary 146 Pu'n. \1tllit> 146 Pu .. n',Sarah IM l'nllt-r. Larq- i9,8S,l6-1.
Pu'ftt·ll,l.inda 70. 71. 1+6 Pn.,rll. l'hy llo' IM Pu'ftt·II.Rid."211 l'n'ftt·ll. Rhunda 116 PmH·II. Tt·rry 146 Po\o\f:'r.... Jnhn 211 Prf:>..,tin. \1aq~arf:>t66 ,21 I l'n•·•· Billy2II l'n<·<·. Bobby 211 l'nn·. \like 211 Pnmmt·r.Jnhn50,1M l'nK·lor. Unda~l,#. t9,:.S,62,1>8,1M l)rnff. Dvrnthy 60. 116 PrnJH:""~. Ra)· 211 Pro" in, (~ur~t-an 211 l)ruf:>lt, ~at h) 146 Prut-11, Slwila 52,211 Pnur, ( )nthia Jt» J,u(·lt·lt. Runald 116 l'url..o•rr. Bill85, 97, IM
Q Qua) If·. (;ary 146 ()uayl<·.l.inda30,34.51 , 70.71,211 ()uonlan, Ell<·n 32, 74, IM, 167 ()uonlan, Rober! 89.97
R Radk<. Becky 46, M. 66, 146 Ra••·l. Rnbt·n 19.211 Ha.,:d. ~hamn 116 R \1\E) .l'~ll. KanolaiL Hru<·<· 116 Kanolall. Jerry II» Kand<>lph, Hiil211 R~\FY . 1 'r'-:\21 Ra.... mu.....un. Dt"nni., 146 Ra~mu .... un. Tim IM
Kaukman, ""h' .II, t.t.. 116 Ha•~hn Ht·ntl.i ll7 Ka,, \larlha 17 IIi II a', \lokr II~ Read, Phol 95, 117 Ko·dmnn, (,a" 79. S.t, !l.'>. 212 Keolmon, Jnhn 62,212 l{,.,.d, llnnna 1-1,60. 75,117 1{,,.-d. \hi..•· 10, 79 212 Ht•t> t', 0. u·52 Ko•J<l \hlo• !l.'>. !Ito, 212 Ht·af tt-d.. < ath, I li Ht·nn. '-~hanm :»2, 212 Kt•nu, \fa ~,:lt' \-1., hO, 1-l-7 Kl'llh r~. Kan•h ,11,.';1 IM
Rt:\road. Otl\Hf ll7.li0
flo· road. (,J,·nda 1M HnnolcJ... Kart·n 212 llnnolol , Pal 52,212 Hnnnlci~. Paull 17 Kh·od•·,, Londa 117 Ku·e, \\ il~am 212 Ri<·hard,. l'al t9, 164 Hic·hard .. un. Onnna 117 Ric·hartf.,nn, (,rut• 00. ll7 Ru·hanf ..nn. l.urt•na 16-1 R1<"hmm·, Pam 1().1 KH 11\10\(). E()\ \ KKr..~:TTs,ID ~ \I U : 120 lloddeiL :\ann US, 164 R·d~I.. ,.c,nd, #,62,68. 72. n.212 RIRDO.Jantn 212 Ro ''"· \lil..e .>-l.IM RI\H. ,\10\ Rmrnh••u •· El01ne t4. 73,212 Rlllf•nhuu ... t·.~tnt· lOS Klllt·r. \lil..r 165 RO \CH . \I ~R'r K<•hen,, Carol20. l8. M. 68.212 Rnbc·rt... Dun 212 Rc,ht·rt..,, Elmtr 212 Rulwrt ... El .. tnn 213 Rnlwrt .. , FJ,.r,.nc·r 16.) Hnhf·rt ... John 16.) Ht,ht·rt ... l\.ath) 16S Ruhf:>rt<.. Sharun 147 Rubc·rt ...(ln. Unda 213 Ruhin on. Jf:>.. .., l n Rnbin .. on,JJm 213 RultJn ... on, j,~. 117 Rnl11n ... on, OM·ar 213 Hol,m.. nn. \ u·lur 117 Kod"hy, Run 213 R••ll·ncl, ()a>~d 66, I~7 Rn•irrick, \tare· 66. lOS RmJf>rirk, Sandra 117 Rtlft.in,RHht·rta62,68. 72.213 ll<><·burk. Lillian loS h.(),.,. t.l. tQ, :.S, 11>5 Ko~<-r•, Harry 66, 1>8. 69, 79. 8<1. 'Xl, loS Ku~rro, l'hol 79, 165 Ru~t-n... Rand) I H Rohrer, ~nil a tS. M, 69. 16S Kuland,(;aillO.#, W,:.S, H,l6S Rnllin .... Stan In Ruminf!(•r,l\t·n 213 RnmJnttf>r. Ranch 16.) Ru t", Diana 165 Ro f', \far~arc·t 117 K'""· Rock, 16S Ro .. f'nbf:>rf[f:>r. Tt·rr) 14.7 Ku.-, Dan 50. ll7 Rn-. .. , D1anaSJ Ko '• Juhn 8S. 16!; Russ,l~nda 5.1. 2n 1{, ,, l'hi~l' 16S Ru . Sandra I 26 Ku ''· 1-;alhv 56. 7t, 16S Rouf!htun, \tilt- 147 ROll \TREL J "\IL.., 118 Ruuth. Janit·f' 213 Ko'·""" 113.213 Rnznn\o\41, Bru<·t- 117 RuJnn\o\ ..ki,l)rc·~ \.8, 55.213 Kubenaker, \lol..<• ll8 Ku,·h. narrelll6S Ru•k). l>alht 148 Ru.-ell, Geor~e 213 Ru-•eiL p,.~l<} ll8 Ruud. Hn·nda.'>-1. IllS Ryan, Bnh 2ll
Saalh<•fL ~~ce 21~ Sahr), \\endy ll8 Samuel-on, Jane 21. 40, t.l, 58, 62,6.1. 6S 72 21-l Sand·a~e.l'amela 16o San•l<·r . Sally 165 Sand'f\.t•ll. (.tour~ 165 Sand .. rll. J<·n t9, 75. 148 Sanfurd. Jim 148 '-iap,,ra. Jf:>annf:> 15. 81, 148 Sallerfield, Donald 165 Sauf:>r. Da"id 165 aut-r. l.l)uj .. 21-1 aundt>,..,Jui.Jannt· 165 '-ia""tt·llt>, Dalla... 118 .... a'f\.H'T, \IJt'n 118 "--a'f\.)f:>r. Kat h) 165 Sa>le•. Ben 148 S( H \t:l E , \I ~RJORIE "•·halll'r. L>nda ll8
t ticlu• ll-8
St·hruic·I.Df·lorf' 21 ~ S<·h<·ulel. Koy ll8 S,·hollo•r, Chu1l.. 8'1, ll8 "•·holler,Jam<' 31,215 SC'hdLnK. l"nda 3l, lO. l8. lQ. 7l I 152, 16.) s,·hlafl<r. ()a>~ol Q.l. 21S "•·hlnr1f, BellH• 1-1 19, Ill! s, hrmriL f:JI,.n lh5 "•·hmodl. \lar~ar«20.215 "<·hnrool r, \lar) 112,6.1,69 11•5 SC"hnf'uJman. Hruc·t· 148 Sc·hnorf. Runmf' 148 Schnur, \n~ I:.S, 77,215 .·c·huf·mn.:,, Df·nni 118 S"h•••ln, B.. , l ll, 16, W, SR. 7l 165 .S<•htHIOfl\'f'T, [)a)c• 118 Sc·hnwf'ngrrdt. Bill16. 16.1 Srhn·•ht·r. ~ dlutm 165 SCHROI::DEK. >\'\'I Schroeder. Ka1hlrrn 62,215 Srhuben, l>alhy 215 S<-huhz.Judy 72,215 Srhul>r, Chu<·lll8 Sc·humat·hc·r.Jani 118 Sc·huma<·ht·r.Jan• 118 S<·hur~;. \1arC"Ia 118 "rh.,ro!Lhan. ll<·len l8. 72,215 Sc-h'o\-f't~art. Sandra 118 Scufi•ld. Bub 34. 89. %. I t8 S<·nfif'ld.l\.aH· 215 ~(nVJOn,
~t·abt>rg.. B(1h I Ul .""'t·aman. \lf"xa 148 Sf'~ \I~ . HEKT S<·ar•. Janl'l ~I. 16.) '-ic-atnn, \ 1an 16.!) St~·ler. Ln 58. 62. 6.1,119. 165 Self. Paui66,69,1W. 21S ~EIJ \HTOK66,118 St·r'o'l , ~illiam 10.1') Shaf<·r, T••rr) 52. 16~. 215 Shapland, Jnn 2.1. S.l. liS, 215 Shapland 95, ll8 Shan•. Rt•t.:f"r66, 215 SH ~ll . \ERROl .I TO\ 118 Sht>art-r. Dannv 14-8 Sh .. llal>ar~<·r,l(,.nny 8.). 16.) Shdlon, ·lt•\'f" M. 6~.166 Sh<·i•h<·ard. \lodoa<·l97. 16.') Sh11·k. Da"·20,lO.:.S.ol,215 "h"l". \nn<·58.166 Shirle\ , Rnnni<· 79, 8.), 89, 96.215 Sh·•-mal..rr.l'ho~l' 1».89 97 Shure-... , Lt"f' 118 Shnttun , ~andra .)2, 215 Shu lo-r. Londa 215 Soddall.l~nda 1>2, 166 Sidell, Sandy ll9 SIDEs, Ul \KI.FS 8S. 125 ."'u•m .... Charlnttf:> 119 Sirm ... \tar\ l.1•u 16.17. 75. 149 Sw.,, J ud, 3o. 58. 69. 215 ~ihrrman .Judo 20. 21, 23, 62, 69, 72. 216 '-~immnn ,(,rq:l66 Simm-.'n • \1artha 119 "imun , Boll79. 20'1. 216 SI\10:\E. D "IEI.213 S1mp.. on. Frank 149 '-iimp...nn, Ruhf>rt :lO..12, .'H . .t-0. 42. 54 79 I<~ 216 ~intf·r. Du·k ;;B, 216 '-ikt•t>l-., l.arn 106 -"l..r.·l ,le"'' 211> Skrhon, lhy 149 Slatrr,Jack 38, 46, 54, 166 Slallery, Joan 216 Smalley, Mary 20, 72,216 MITH,ALLF.N Smilh, Andy 216 Snulh, Barbara 166 milh, Bob. r. 216 nulh, Bob, Jr. 166,216 Smnh, Cindy 149 Snulh, Clyd• 166 Smilh, Dale 62,216 Smilh, Danny 48, 166 Smilh,Jack 166 Smilh,Jao·k . .. 66,97,149 Smuh.Jan<<l4. 149 Snu1h.Jrn 149 Snuth,Judy 53,216 Smilh. Ka1hy 149 Smi<h, Larry 216 Snulh, Leolie 149 Smi1h, Mary 149 nuth, ancy 216 Smith, Pat 149 milh, Paula 166 milh , Randy 79, 166 Snulh, andy 149 Snulh, lurley 149 Snulh, Suoan 18. 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 206.216 nook, Larry 46, 216 nyder, harli• 149 ode-mann, l~v~ 149 Sornktrn. T rrry 166 oper, t~v~ 166 pear, Dan 48, 90,217 SPEER. DWAJN 126 pt'nce, David 149 Spence, Jan•< 149
Spf'nt·~. l.mda
l'a)lur, H11lwrt 711, 96,1M
Spt>nt·f', Mtlarut. 149
s,~ n.; rr,
Chari• 17, 79.
s.s, 92. 93. 94.
..,,,..n.... r,Jim 147,149 Spf'nc·N,l.ynn Jb6
(.,.org• 34. 48, 166 Sloltltr. \hr< ia 31, 166 Spitz, Dan~r1217 SPOO'IAMORE.JOHN Scahl. Charle 36, 46, 79. 85, 94. 166 Scahl. Sh~rley 166 Sealey. Belly 62, 64. 66, 68,217 Sealey, l~nda 149 Scamm, l.yna 166 Scamm. \lanin 1 ~9 Scanford. Nan y 13, 20.21, 72.217 Scank. Su an 149 Scanlry. Kachy 166 Scark. Cra~g 149 ST~RKEY,JO~'\"E
Scark . Th<ola 149 Scarr. Richard 34 Scarwah, Gary97,149 STAlOTE.JLDlTH 110 Sc.rlr. neloret 62.217 Scer~n~. Laura 166 Sleven . Donald 62, 65, 166 Sceven .Johnny 79.218 St~vtn .. on, Elizabtth
Scewarl. Jame 54, 165 Scewan, Ruch 51. 166 Slt·wart,Su an51,166 Sti'\Oo art, Su .. an L ~R. btl. I 19 sn~ \RI,III0\1\Sfl.) Scu·k1en, Su an 64 149 Sclil . Ellyn 149 Sclil . Suun 149 Scm.,m,Jan 218 Scm on. John 218 Scin on. There a 75. 149 Iii< , Bob 149 Suce,, Cheryl166 Scic. .J.-.e149 Sc<><·k ,Sally34,41, ~.49,58.166 Scoll, \I aria 149 Scone, (;r.K 149 Stont.Jan•t 149
Scone, Ru·hard 89 97, 149 STO'IiEBLRl;ER. ROBERT 126 Stontf'il,hf'r. Jf'rrf' 14Q Sconrh<>< krr. Sc.-. 149 Stormt, St~vt 166 Scocler. Bob 95. 149 Seoul. Sceve 89,149 lovall, Ange~nr 166 Scover. Dale 166 tratton. Le l.i~ 149 Scrohl. Linda 149 Crunk. Sherry 149 'TuART. \1 ~RIO" 110 Scuan, Sandra 70.166 Su(·i(·, Stf'fani 166 Suc·i<". Sc.ve 89. 97, 149 ...,urnnwrlwld, Plullqt :lJ8
...,umnwr,. fum :.!18 Sl \t\aR\111 f I f. Sucher, Ru ell166 Swan on. Patriua 218 'w.el,ilbb,.21,44,56, 72,218 Swihan. Tom 166 Swinehart. Charle 61. 166 Sylve err. Pacn<"ia 166.218 T Talha. "'anaa 1~
Tannt·r,J uth 311,.'11>. ~1. l2, '\8, h2. h9 72,218 Tap c1111, Bech 44, 62. 63. 68. 166 Tarter, Robert 150 Talman, an<·y 57. 150 Taylor. Chuck 89, ISO Tay1or.JCJann 166 Taylor, Pam 51.52. 72,218
l"a'"lor, andra2JH
Traaur. R;,·haroll66 Temp.. l, Laml167 Temp<"!. \1ary31 , 34 ISO TrJ>pf'r. Sherry 44, 49, 60. };,() T,.rrrll, Jimmy 66, ISO Trrrill. David 66. 97, 167 Terry, Ellen 1SO Trrry. l.eroy 147, 167 T.. cory, William ISO Th1nne , Chari• 48,218 Tluriun, Kartn 218 Thirion. Sharun 218 ThomM. J11hn 167 Thuma: \1ar~tutt218
Thomat, \lartha ISO Thump on. Char If' 218 I hnmp"'un. John \1. Hl7 I hump.. uu, Juhn H. 5l. 167 Thump nn, Kn~ll~ 167 Th,,rnhill, ( rf"ral,hnt- 150 Thorp•, Edna 1SO Thurman, (;ary 85.167 Thurmon, Drbb~r 218 Tihbtll . 'lianq 34 167 Til Bl RY. (;JE~ Timm, .~Ian 218 Tin lry.Lmdall90.167 Tin ley, Sandra 167 Tippy, Ro~er97,1SO Ti1• "ord.l.ICJyd 51 T.,, k. Jeff 45. 46. 79. 98, 9'1. 167 Tut·k, Tina 34.45,150 TCJdd,l'am ISO Tudd,l'eari!SO Tum
in.i,JamMi 167
TumU<o;Jnj, Ptttr 167 Tout·hbrrry, Ro~rrt 89, 97, 124. ISO Tra<"ey. Donald 167 Trali, Pal 167 Trema~ne, Kachy 58. 167 Trrmpel. Linda 1SO Tri~~rr.Jtff 17. 23, 79. 85,89. 98.219 TRI\IBLE. (;ER ~l.D 109 Tnmblt, Tom 66.68,219 Trulltr, ~lien 167 Tmver, Davul 66. 68. 8.>. 167 Trnxell. Trudy 75. 1.'15. ISO Truax. Charlt 167 Tr0111. Donalt!89 97, ISO Trulclt'k. Jant·l 30. 62. 63, 65, 69, 72. 96. 185.219 Truhu·k, Vi<"luna 62. 167 Tucker, Diane 31.1SO Tuc·kor. Donald 85. 167 Tummelson. Gary 17 79, 98. 99, 174. 203.219 Tum mel on, (;,.en 45.60. 139. !50 Tummel on,Jann48.56,58. 72.75.219 TLR'\ER. RTI06 Turner, Dale 66.219 Turntr, Linda58,168 Turner. \lary 1SO Tyln.hff64 l
H.uth 72,219 \t tal. :\am" 168 \ ugdsun~. u.an. 1:,0 \ rinc·r. n~ana 68.72 219
V.aclr. Anlhony ll6 V. \DE. ROBf:RT Wa~ntr, Oavt 66. 1SO \\ajtlltr, (~orgt lbS
V.ahlftldy. Run 1SO V.ak.lty,Jucl) 40,44. 72,219 V. alker, Cachy W. W 58. 62. h8 H. 168 ~all• r. I hamp 150.219 V.alker, hrd ISO V.alker.J11 ISO V. \I KER. m .l.E'\ 12:1 Walkn,l'am 75. ISO V. 2\~"' Shmlil 30. 44 n2, 63 6.'>, 69, V. aller, Karen 58, 69, 108 Walltr, Plul 54, 219 Wahtr., Ru·hard 52,220 V.arcl. DarrtiiiSO Ward. David ISO V. a rd. Su•~r 168 Ware. Linda49.66.69.168 V. art. Sand) 49, 64, 66.69 V.an1n, Lind) 44. 58, 168 Warren, Dun 95, ISO "'W arrf'n, Rnbma ISO lflfi \\ aru·n. \\ 11li rn IM
".trrt·n, \ t•H•OIUI
v.., •·hn,sc. .. 44,60. 06,151 V. ,h, Hamlcllol
\\ a~hm~on, \1urn"' 66, 168 \\at~~oun.Boy(f' 151
V.ac on.J>m40.97.151 "\\at un. · Uf" 168
V.ans,Jtrry 135,151,220 V.an . Tum 220 V.talhtrford.l.inda 168 \\tau•r. Barbara 168
V.EBB. (;ER ~I D V.ebhrr, Drnru 151 Web,crr. Benny 151 ~EED , FR~ IES V.t·rden, (;a)le 113.220 Werden, Sam 89. lSI \\ t rtlman . ...,lt.\t" R. I t,H \\ l'l'k . Dt·hhu· l.3. 09 7:.!, 7.1. 77. :l:lO \\.,,J,.,}.(Iwnl17.21l.18.19.7l.lll 2211 \\twman.Jam8.~.108
\\ t•t .... rnan. Hobt"rt 30 \\t·lhurn, IJrula 168
"•·If' h. l'ac 1';9, 108 \\ t·ll... :--iu au.~l. :l.l. 220 \\t'f.. tlt·r. Barb raJ.l, 75.1.')1 \\1 lf•nlo.amp. ...,,ntt 90. lf.8
\\l'ltrnan.Hruc~ U..8.).9~ JhR
\\ ht·• lt·r. L>t.lnt J9. 22()
\\IIUU.R Ll \'\\\lfRf. Im \\ lu t·l. ~aruh
\\ lucal•·r il>la 108 \\ hltt· Ch.·nt 151
\\ .m.• m J,,.. ~7 \\ rlham
I rn :l20
\\ llbam I t t• r lt.S \\ d~am I •n "' lbll \\ dhacn "•nc) 20 21 311 lh. 2011 220 \\,Jham r>IISI \\ alham ..., r\'t l8 85 lbO lfll\ \\ 11i1 .Jun220 \\ 1l ll. t--ach) 11>1!
\\ tl un. ( armt·n 58. 72 22fJ \\ •'"'" ( ra1,:: lSI \\ 1l~on, ~ ddrf" 168
\\>I on Jud• '>3. 220 \\ 1i on I .orr) 151 \\ al•wn. l'h•I!Jp 1~1 \\1Lon,l'n Jlla'i3 2211 \\1l on lum48 IM \\mfrn. \\untla lh8 \\wJ!In, Dan~('ll )I \\ n~trnm ( harl tit 108 \\ ~ntt r • ""t""' lSI \\
t· .
n.tJ 'Xl. 111. lh8
s.; lf.S
\\ l"t'. ( l.uk (,()
\\,.. ,. \1ar.:urnlt hi \\ l"'t·barl l.t•fmard 02 65. Z2U
\\ 1-.ut' '· \tn \\>II , I and) II 151 \\Ill. I \fiJI lf,S "'•Jn.u. (),hlm ~4.60. 1~1 \\colt.·. \l.upnl lSI \\ulfmhare,t r \rt7'1. ?8. :221 \\OUI'\1!\RI.f){ I \){I l.Z5.210 \\ulflnharr:•r.( arul3l.h2,f>8.1f~ \\01 fi'\B\Rt,fR 1'\lllll I\ \\ un.,:. 1 l..1r lh8 \\tJHd.< arul)nb2 ft..J h'I.IIS 22t \\ '""'·
~ rn
'' I '""I
\\um( Ll1·nHS. Ill \\nl"ttl, f.rt ~221
\\ •••!. Jl, nr) 9~. 221 \\uuti.Juhn~~ .
\\'""l.l1ndd )'". 20. :\6 ..~7.
~2 .
l9 72 1.3
71221 \1aq 52 )J 221 \\null. ""hr1la 151 \\ tHul.
\\.!~am 50
\\ uwlt·n. ()nJJI 15)
\\ .,,.,( . Jun 151
\\ '"") . Jcohn 17 30 32. Jl Ill II 7'1. 221 \\ ood . \\>I~ m II. 18. 58. <~1. }1>8 \\oohml. """""" lhR ~
n . Rll
II \Ril "'I. 8'1. 12';
\\ornt·r. \l1kr 168
\\ornn. l'atiSI \\ ri~ht. Ht·H rh )3, 20. .?21 \\ ri~ht. Bo)b 15.1 \\ n~hc. ( end• In. II•~ \\ n~o:ht. ()
bl 169
\\ n~hl. Hzabrch l'il \\n~ht.Ja,klr
n~ht.Jaru·t 109 \\n~l>l J,.ff 1'1 !'>8.11•'1 \\ n~hl. \t.m 221
\\ n•l. I en· I• lh~ \\ runa. Bn n ltl'l
\\ lull• Lratt• lf,ft
lmlano,Sceve!SO l"nzKktr.Dtnru 219
lpp, Becky 150 Lpcon, R;rk 1SO
v \ alenhne. (.,..,,~,. 23, 79. 85,219 Vanre.Jon 219 Vandrvendtr, Jantl 24 27 40 48 50 58 60.61,185,219 • . . . • V~~DEVE~Df R. V.ILHJRD VanSt·hoyc·k.B verly 1SO
\\I ill f..(,l{f:(, \\ lutt· Juhn l8. 85 lb8 \\ lut• . \lt·hm . H. 57. fl2. 8.). 108 "lulf· .. idc· . BunnH ~-no. 08. 168 \\ hitt· .. tdt·. Hun 151 \\ t<\.... l.1nda 168 \\ ~~~~~ ... B,, l\ 151 \\ .J •\un. Ho\ lt>H \\ iltu"·n . ""harun 168 \\ lldha~··n ~.rae lh :;JJ. t>O. b8. Jt.g \\tlt·,.<:lunl52 220 \\II U.<.H \1 f 110
'\\IF\'\\'\(' 120 ) a\lt·". Tom3l . 68.
) un. Don JR . M. 69. )69 ) uun~e. \u \...1 lh~
)uuntz_n ""u'"•~ ... ' ' ...
7(}, 221
I /H.Il \R , I.ERI \ll
\arnrr.Su an219
\\ lllanl. I urn 8'1 lSI 11 .. 1> It>~~
ZEII'\ER '\f. II 11>1 111:; /wlot II. Dun lhQ /wa!lt·r. Bunntf" t•. SS,Ihtl /1ntldr01.. Donna 221
V or,Carol!SO Vaughn. Em>ly ISO \'aughn.Jame 168 \erhoek .Laura ISO
\\1l11am .. ( ulil\ 1~1 \\ tlliam01.. Don 131 \\ llham.. . J,u\...u·l51 \\ llharn .... J,·an 151
...,u 151 /1""1\IOI'Oll o-. I \ROI l2h Zl \Ill \Ill. H '\II t 1211
z.ndaro~o.Jtrn 104
Dar H , The 'l-faroon taff ha pent over two thou and hour in producing th 1965 annual. Many have been long and h cti , but most of th m have been wond rful. The Ia t deadline ha been m t, and your yearbook ent to th printer. Th pag have been edited many time ; but if we hav till overlooked an rror, I extend to you our apologie . It i our hope that th 1965 "1-faroon will h lp you to r memb r H a the chool wh r th tud nt can be "on of th group ... and yet, an individual." Linda Wood, Editor
Special Thanks to ... Photoj!;raphy: All picture taken by Richard Greffe. 1-faroon head photographer. except the following: Illini tudio. Champaij!;n. Illinois. color picture, senior and fa ulty portrait Interstate tudio. underclas picture~ Champaign .Vezts Ca;;ette Champwgn-Urbanu Courier C. E. onkwright, pages 16. 22. 73. 78. 87, 88. 95.97 John E. Kelter, pages 80.81,192 Bill Howard, pages 16. 17. 18. 19, 23, 89, 90, 94. 95, 96, 97.132,143,171,190,195 Dick ' inger, page 4. 97. 99, 181 Carl Barne , page 175, 176. 182, 196, 203, 204 Mike Dorsey, pages 15, 24, 26. 34, 52,136,147,159, 160 Jack later, page 13, 45, 46,47 Roger Luer, page 11, 12, 13, 26, 170,210
Division Page opy: usan 'mith Printing: Inter- ollegiate Press. Mission. Kan as Cover: . K. mith ompany. Endsheet Art: ue Platz
INTER-COLLEGIATE PRESS Kansas Citv Yearbooks Diplomas -
Yearbook Covers
Graduation Announcements