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1972 MAROON Champaign Central High School 610 West University Avenue Champaign, Illinois 61820 Volume LXII By Maroon Staff
CONTENTS THEME . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 STUDENT LIFE . . . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ACADEMICS ......... 54 ORGANIZATIONS . . . . . . 76 PEOPLE ........... 132 ADS ............. 178 INDEX ............ 190
DIVERSITY + UNITY = CHAMPAIGN CENTRAL 1,192 students with 1,192 backgrounds become a unified student body when they enter Champaign Central High School. Central's ninety teachers share with students their interests and hobbies. They chaperone dances, away game buses, and also take part in assembly skits. People who enjoy art, music, science, writing, sports, photography, auto mechanics, and learning find common ground at Central.
Students come to learn to work together, to
build a house. They come to share views, and to make friends.
Unfortunately, a few come to pass time.
Students unite to celebrate the Homecoming victory, to win two tickets to the Carpenters Concert, and to find that dancing at "The Days of Wine and Roses " is fun afterall.
Central's appearance is always changing. Outside, a new marquee,
given by the Class of 1971, a few more trash cans due to open lunch. Inside students could smell freshly painted rooms and see a new floor in Combes Gym.
Students were given an opportunity to prove themselves by being allowed to enter the school at 7: 45 a.m. and go where they wanted without a pass. Open lunch was a big responsibility, but an even bigger pleasure. Students found freedom, a time to relax and to be with friends. Teachers found time to recover from their
class or perform hall duty. The best effect was an improved attitude toward school for all involved.
Seniors wi II always remember the ChampaignUrbana football games and that the Tigers were at their feet during their three year stay. Three wins in a row was a time to celebrate, a time to be proud, and a time never to be forgotten. Juniors will remember their struggle to make the Junior¡ Senior prom a success. They sold candles, magazines, and candy bars for finances. And on May 20 their hard work paid off for a memorable evening.
Sophomores will remember Central as their chance to become involved in sports and new activities as CCHS students. Central became a new way of life and a new home.
Students, teachers, friends, Homecoming, dances, new sights and smells, open lunch, sports, homework, clubs, first floor seniors, second floor juniors, third floor
sophomores, and more all make up our diverse backgrounds. All of these added together help to make one unit- a unit we call Champaign Central High School.
School registration brings life to Central School started in August for the first time in Central's history. For the 1971-72 school year, 1,192 students enrolled at Central. Seniors registered first with anxious thoughts of this being their best year at Central. Juniors were glad they were no longer called sophomores, while sophomores didn't know what to expect.
Junior Gene Bennett and Senior Andy Dixon register for school with thoughts of football rather than hard work.
Junior Phil Schneider knows that preparing for the coming year is purchasing a 1972 Maroon
from jun1or yearbook staff members Anna Schroeder and Diane Man1re.
For seniors Debb1e Schaudt, Corinne Shirley, Debb1e Schaudt, Con nne Shirley, and Susan
Gelvin g1ggle at their I D pictures.
While hvmg at Cindy Gates' home Susanne finds it enjoyable to pract1ce one of her many activities, horseback riding. Stephan and Susanne can't hide their laughter wh1le lookmg at a CCHS '69 yearbook.
Susanne and Stephan meet Central and America Susanne Komossa from Germany and Stephan Thilen from Sweden were Central's exchange students for the 1971-1972 school year. They made the trip from Europe to the U. S. on the Bergensfiord. Among the many activities on the boat, they enjoyed trap shooting and dances. Susanne enjoyed doing a variety of things: reading, horseback riding and cooking. She was active in GAA and said she wished her school in Germany had something similar. Stephan found attending football and basketball games enjoyable, and he was really impressed with our school spirit. Stephan had many hobbies such as hiking, biking, and sailing. Most important of all, we at Central made a great impression on them. Be¡ cause of us, they would like to return to America again soon.
Usmg a preview film strip machine for the f1rst time is only one of the many new things Stephan learns at Central.
Taking advantage of the warm September weather and the wide open spaces, Bruce Failor
and Pat Pierce find time to enjoy a quick game of frisbee durmg the1r lunch time.
Two smashed bumpers stand alone as the result of a two-car no-injury coll1s1on occurring on the
first day of open lunch for Central High School students.
Open lunch labeled a success by participants For the first time since the spring of 1967, Central students were again given the freedom of open lunch. Regaining open lunch had been the top issue at Central for four years. In May 1971, the L'nit 4 Board of Education voted to let students of Central and Centennial have the open lunch privilege. Central's Stu¡ dent Council was left with the problem of coming up with a satisfactory lunch schedule. Final restrictions were made by the administration. Open lunch started with confusion the first day. There were two auto acci¡ dents, also complaints about loitering, trespassing, and littering. Later the num¡ ber of complaints steadily decreased and the situation improved. Most people concerned labeled open lunch a success.
A beautiful fall day finds Debbie Pruett, Debbie Robertson, and Karen Mullins enjoying their
sack lunches
West Side Park.
Students like Cathi Sawtelle take a break and head for their favorite restaurant.
Sonny Walker buys his lunch in the cafeteria, another option for Central students.
Parade, game, assembly spark Homecoming Car Competition, pep assembly, and enthusiastic school spirit were all a part of Homecoming '71. Junior Mike Marikos won first prize with his decorated car. Guest speaker, Tom Jones of WCIA, highlighted the pep assembly. Sophomore attendant, junior attendant, and the Homecoming queen finalists were named. During half-time ~andy Morgan was crowned Central's 1971 Homecoming Queen by the 1959 queen and Mike Sullivan was named king. Central ended the evening with a 27-9 victory over Bloomington. At the Saturday night dance, "Days of Wine and Roses," came the coronation of the king and queen. Final score shows a sweep1ng Maroon VIctory over the Bloommgton Ra1ders .
Teachers Mr. Steve Davis, Mr. Rich Garcia, Mr. R1chard Dunscomb, Mr. Hal Murpurgo, and Mr.
Kevin Cain teach the student body the cheer " SCDR E" at the pep assembly .
The winn1ng entry in car competition entered by jun1or Mike Marikos, leads the annual Homecoming parade to Centenniel Field .
Dunng coronation held at Saturday's Homecoming dance, Queen Sandy Morgan helps Kmg Mike Sullivan with his crown.
Sen1ors Anne Kaczkowsk1 and Paul K1mpton enjoy dancmg at this year's Homecommg dance, "Days of Wine and Roses."
Beot Urbano
Week pays off Friday night Beat Urbana Week started off with seniors, juniors, and sophomores decorating their halls. The hall decoration competition was won by the juniors with seniors coming in second place leaving the sophomores third place. During the pep assembly on Friday, the students were entertained with an act of three witches who were cooking up an evil brew to kill the Tigers. Women faculty, Mrs. Mary Lessaris, Mrs. Jeanette Reed, and Mrs. Doris Brownridge played the part of the witches. Eating a panful of pudding was the goal of three students from each class to capture the pudding eating contest for their class. The sophomores proved the hungriest because they captured first place. The best part of the week, though, was our football team bringing home the Wright Street trophy for the third straight year.
Semor Joan Frisbee adds the finishing touches to a poster for the senior hall.
Semor Pat Murray, number 77, has many deep thoughts during the game.
Ton1 Tabaka shows her artistic ability by helping pamt a sign for the sophomore hall.
Sophomore Barb Adams, finds eatmg pudd1ng without her hands frustrating .
Mrs. Jeannette Reed, Mrs. Mary Lessaris, and Mrs . Dons Brownndge masquerade as the three
At a dinner given on game mght by Nancy Paterson, Central ' s Max Maroon, for Urbana
Witches from Macbeth while conjunng up a deadly brew for the Tigers .
and Central cheerleaders, Nancy smiles at Urbana T1ger mascot, Becky F1eldb1nder .
Seasons enhance natural and manmade beauty
First operetta features the A Copello choir
Amahl's mother, Mrs Don Decker , leads the reluctant shepherdesses, Ela1ne Cattell and
Kathy Murphy, to the three kings, so that they can present the1r g1fts .
Amah! asks the three ktngs, Jeff Monll , Lou1s Kmnamon , and Greg Massanan, about the1r
journey, wh1le they stop at Amahl's house on the way to see the Chnst ch1ld.
For the first time at Central, a Christmas operetta was presented, "Amah I and the Night Visitors." Members of th~ cast included Mrs. Don Decker, acting as guest performer, as Amahl's mother and the A Capella choir. The setting was 2,000 years ago in the hills of Bethlehem. The story was about a small crippled boy, Amahl, played by Mimi Broadsky, and his widowed mother. Amahl and his mother were visited by three kings, Louis Kinnamon, Greg Massanari, and Jeff Morrill on their way to see the Christ child. Amahl was miraculously healed by the Christmas spirit and went with the three kings to present their gifts and Amahl's crutch to the Christ child.
Sing1ng out that 1t IS not t1me for h1m to go ins1de yet IS Amah I, M1m1 Broadsky .
Grand Fennwick and Q bomb keep U. S. on edge A very loud roar from the Grand Fennwick National Forest began Cen¡ tral's fall play, The Mouse That Roared. Tully Bascom, Chief Ranger of the National Forest and leader of the Grand Fennwick Army, led a small band of men to the U.S. to win a wine war. In the process he and his men captured a general, two WACS, a professor and the powerful Q bomb. The U.S. surrendered to all the demands of Grand Fennwick and everyone was released. The Mouse That Roared in its two night performances held in the Little Theater was well received.
Glortetta the XII played by Syblll Johnston and Mr. Benter played by Ross Johnston , pay no attention to Count Mounqoy played by Dan LaRocque who 1s sound1ng the a1r ra1d s1gnal for all of Grand Fennw1ck .
General Sn1p1t pleads w1th Tully Bascom to let h1m, hiS daughters, the professor and Q bomb return safely to the U.S.
Open Arms Inn improves program and facilities
Although the Open Arms Inn entrance portrays a PICture of desert1on and desolation, the
buddmg houses a well rounded and organ1zed youth program for Champa1gn.
Where else can girls be found making touchdowns and arguing with referees? What other youth center has forty enthusiastic ski bums riding up to Alpine Valley on an old green bus? Nowhere else but Open Arms Inn Youth Center sponsored by the Champaign Park District. The center is run by and for both Central and Centennial students. This year saw Open Arms Inn enlarge its activity program and improve its facilities. Besides the annual ski trips to Alpine Valley, a Christmas trip to Texas was planned. Girls became quarterbacks while guys coached them in flag football games. There were fall hay-rack rides, spring bike hikes and the renowned OAI Friday night dances. Every Wednesday night, Council members planned the following week's activities. Not only was Open Arms a place for special events, it was also a place to play pool and watch T.V. during the week. In all, Open Arms Inn had an improved program and played an import¡ ant part in the lives of Central students.
Joyce Donovan and Sus1e Vaughn prove to Denn1s Cox that pool 1sn't lUSt for guys .
Halfback, Shernll Johnson carnes the ball for the Sk1d Row gtrls' flag football team.
Central heralds Yuletide despite warm weather
Miss Merry Christmas, Nancy Paterson, sitS amidst her court, which oncludes Nancy Walker,
Traci Nally, Ellen Stahl, and Sue Ensrud, beneath the boughs of an everg(een .
Carolling throughout the school, A Capella members Kathy Murphy, Jan Wehmer, Susan
Benn, Ann Hoggtns and Meredoth Engert fill the halls woth Chrostmas musoc .
An unodentofoed Chrostmas decoratoon an nounces the arroval of the Chrostmas season .
Outstanding seniors receive owords ond honors
Carlita Dav1s, w1nner of the DAR award and M1ke Sullivan, wmner of the SAR award .
Those junior boys who rank in the top half of thw class are asked to attend the American Legion Boy's State the summer before senior year. They are selected on the basis of leadership, self-reliance, and cooperativeness. This year's winners were seniors Pat Murray and Steve Kircher. These representatives were given a tour of Springfield and participated in mock elections of government officials to learn the workings of government. Nine seniors received a Letter of Commendation honoring high performance on the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. There were 710,000 students in 17,250 schools, who took part in the NMSQT in February of 1971. Some
35,000 were commended and 15,000 were named semi-finalists. Champaign Central's semi -finalists were Chuck Huber, scoring higher than anyone in the state of Illinois, Jeff Peterson, and Steve Carns. Those students who were commended were : Kevin Corbett, Luann Doyle, Catherine Elliot, Carol Langdon, Luann Lippold, and Sally Shaw. The SAR and DAR Good Citizenship Award is presented each year to graduating seniors who possess the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism. The senior class selected three girls and three boys and the faculty chose two of them . Carlita Davis was the winner of the DAR Award. The SA R Award was given to Mike Sullivan.
Boy's Staters Pat Murray and Steve Kircher.
Chuck Huber and Jeff Peterson , two of the sem1 -f1nallsts 1n the NMSQT.
Sophomore girls score victory in Intramural game The seventh year of intramural basketball was climaxed on Wednesday, January 26, in the Girls' Gym by the final All-Star Basketball Game. The AllStar Game concluded the girls' unit of basketball in P. E. Six girls representing the best sophomore, junior, and senior basketball players of each hour of P. E. were selected to represent their grade. A P. E. teacher and a senior gym leader coached each of the teams. Intramural sports served to create enthusiasm and interest in the unit in P. E. This year the final All-Star game was played between seniors and sophomores with officials from the U. of L P.E. Department refereeing. The finals in the free throw contest were held during half time with sophomore Becky Beach winning. The Mary Major Traveling Trophy was awarded at the end of the game to the sophomore champions. · Sophomore Becky Beach and Senior Thoma· sine Grove prove to be "up in the air" over a jump ball during the final All-Star game .
Front Row: Polly Petry, Angie Wilson, Wheet Dixon , Melissa Breen , Jeanne Gardner. Back Row: Amy Yount , Marty Vance, Jan Ander· son, Janet Smith , Mary Paterson , Becky Beach, Melanie Stahl, Jane Kaczkowsk1 .
food: try it you'll like it
Student Council members Marty Vance and Tim Leon berger rinse off d1shes 1n prepara -
tion for the dishwasher as part of their cleanup dut1es after the supper.
Miss Munger takes advantage of Clay Robinson's height for the 00 and FSA table by
February 9 and 15 were the dates for the seventeenth International Supper. Six tables were full of foods from such countries as Yugoslavis, Hawaii, USA, Israel, and Germany. Clubs sponsored the tables and members made the food. Mrs. Kessler, sponsor of the Foreign Exchange Club, was very pleased with the supper which made $900 to send a student from Central abroad. Girls dressed up in costumes provided a babysitting service while parents enjoyed their exotic food. Seeing overloaded plates was not unusual. The real challenge was eating all the food and not having to pay ten cents for an unfinished plate.
having him hang the sign, while Mrs. Davenport and Pam Cummings put out the food.
Mrs. Kessler, Foreign Exchange Club sponsor, samples soybean bread from the Future
Foods Table as Science Club member Paula Kessler watches for her approval.
Behind the scenes, Pepette Patti Scherer dishes up steaming corn for the American Table under the watchful eye of Mrs. Iva Phil¡ Iippe, cafeteria worker, and Kathie Tufte.
FNA member Natalie Alagna slices a ham at the Hawaiian Table with an electric knife .
IN ACTION= SPORTS The members who participate m Cen¡ tral's sports, work individually and show their skills in the sports they know best, but yet the credit 1s g1ven to the team as a whole. Whether it is a touchdown, a rebound, a spike, a leaping dive, a hard pin or sixth place in conference, the team members at Champaign Central High School unite to make sports fun to participate in, challenging to coach, en¡ thus1astic to watch and exciting to wm.
Cross Country team places sixth of district Champaign's Harriers finished a frustrating season with a dismal 0-8 dual meet record. Coach Stirrett, in his second year as coach, led the team in many grueling practice sessions which sometimes included his "six mile jogs." The runners endured many hardships, including sparse turnouts at many of their meets. Despite these factors, the team placed 6 out of 16 in district, and 7 out of 8 in conference. Co-captains Karl Broadrick and Corey Davis anchored the efforts, and received strong back-up help from Pat Carter, Mark Heimburger, and Eric Hinds. One of the bright spots in the season was number one runner Karl Broadrick's 6th place finish out of 56 runners in conference and 12th place finish out of 112 runners in the district
Mrs. Holl1day, Central's bookkeeper, exercises by joggmg with two team members.
Front Row: Eric Hinds, Dave Doolin, Corey Dav1s, Karl Broadrick, Chris Hunker, Bob
Kmetz, Bill Parkhill, Dave Sm1th, Jeff Mayer, Mike Broadnck, Manager. Back Row: Coach
Stirrett, Bob Wolf, Steve Katsinas, Pat Carter, Mark Heimburger, Mike Woodhead.
During a long, breathless practice, CrossCountry team members take one of their fa mous six-mile jogs around West Side Park.
Mattoon Central
26 Urbana
Paris Invitational
Twin City Meet
Peoria Invitational
Mattoon Invitational
Big 12 Conference
In Cross-Country, the team with the lowest score is the winner. The top seven men for each team count in the scoring.
Cross-Country team members take time out for a few laughs with Coach Stirrett.
Hard-hitting Maroons roll to impressive 6-2-1 CHAMPAIGN CENTRAL FOOTBALL 1971 Central
Tramer Bob N1colette consoles Pat Murray after the all Big 12 tackle rece1ved a jolting blow from the opposmg defense .
Front Row: Dan Behnke, manager; Jeff Reeder, Joe Adams, Jack Moore, M1ke Kelly, Pat Murray, Ernie Elam, J1m Wilson, Thurman Will1ams, Benny Brown, Dan Pryor, Pat Murphy. Second Row: Steve Malloch, manager; Mike VanMatre, Tom Lessans, Rick Hardyman , Randy Burwell, M1ke Ashby, Dan Noel, Gary Gaither, Ken Bode, Andy Dixon , Gene Bennett, Jan South,
Jim Gibson. Third Row: Frank DeAtley, manager; John Schumacher, Barry Sholem, Roger Parro, Lou1s Kmnamon, Tom Kaczkowski, Bart Wills, John Kinnamon, Mike Sull1van, Greg M assanan, Clay Robmson, Matthew Woodhead, Steve Due, Tom Stewart, Jr. Fourth Row: John Sticklen, manager; Pat Noonan, manager; Ken Dauten, Clarence Hudson, Steve
Palmer, Rick Mueller, Greg Millage, Phil Katsinas, Dan Suggs, Gary Berger, Mark Stevens, Mark Galbreath, Lou Due. Back Row: Coach Tom Stewart, Coach Jeff Trigger, Coach Rich Wooley. Gwame Zarbuck, Keith Frances, Bill Pierce, Dale York, Greg Fernandez, Calvin Pollard, Terry Jones, Sanders Hillsman, Scott Byerly , Steve Marikos, Dan Welch.
Half-time at the Champaign-Bloomington game in the locker room , With Coach Stewart as mas-
ter of ceremomes, is anything but entertammg to the varsity players.
1971 meant anxiety for the Maroons. Powered by an explosive offensive ground game and a crunching defense, Champaign rolled to a 6-2-1 record . The season opened with the Maroons narrowly escaping an upset at the hands of improved Streator. With the score 21-14, the ball resting inside the Maroon three yard line, and less than five minutes to go, it took an interception by cornerback Ken Bode to salvage the victory. Champaign then traveled to Joliet where they met hard-hitting Joliet West. The Maroons battled ferociously to a 14-14 standoff just missing an upset. Anxious to avenge last year's homecoming defeat the Maroons took on Mattoon's Green Wave. Champaign took the lead with 3:30 left in the third quarter. But Maroon's slippery halfback cut into the Maroons' line for two more scores. It ended Mattoon 32, Champaign 21. Rising from defeat Central rolled to an easy 43-6 win over Danville Schlarman. For Champaign's Homecoming the Maroons faced Big 12 foe Bloomington. Any chance the Raiders had was disposed of by Andy Dixon's 82 yard kick off return, as Champaign went on to close out a 27-9 Homecoming victory. Journeying to Decatur the Maroons won an easy 36-7 win. Coach Stewart abandoned his alternating quarterback system and started son Tom, who responded brilliantly leading the team and reviving the sagging Maroon passing attack. Champaign was then crushed by the number three team in the state, Danville. The Vikings dominating the game from the outset, buried the Maroons 36-7. Recovering from the depths of defeat, Champaign rose to upset a strong lincoln team 35-20. Missing the past two games, halfback Andy Dixon returned to spark the Maroon attack with three touchdowns. Champaign was now 4-2-1 and had a shot at second in the Big 12 if only they could defeat cross town rival Urbana. The Maroons were underdogs in the final game that Coach Stewart said would make or break their season.
Quarterback Mark Stevens reports the team's position and asks advice for the play.
Andy Dixon hurdles over two opposing players while striving for a touchdown.
From the sidelines, as he grits his mouthpiece, Lou Due w1shes he were back in act1on .
Paying close attention, members of the Champaign Maroons receive last minute Instructions
from Coach Tom Stewart m their attempt for a successful Homecoming.
Central captures Wright Street one more time Rattling off three touchdowns in the first seven minutes, Champaign held on tenaciously to defeat the Urbana Tigers for the third straight year. With Andy Dixon scoring twice and Mike Sullivan once, the Maroons looked as if they would turn the classic battle into a runaway. But Urbana battled back. With 6:15 left in the third, Urbana closed the gap to 20-15, and tension grew. On the fourth play of the final quarter, the Tiger's fullback broke through the Maroon line, cut to the outside and dashed for what looked like a touchdown. But defensive halfback Mike Sullivan made what later was recognized as the play of the game, throwing the Urbana man out
at the Maroon seven. Champaign's defense then rose brilliantly to the occasion. After three plays that lost four yards, Andy Dixon broke up a fourth down pass. With second down at the Maroon 10, quarterback Tom Stewart ran for 41 yards on the option. Then Mike Sullivan burst up the middle, bounced off a would-be tackler at the 40 and sped to the left corner of the end zone. Unheralded Mike Sullivan and Tom Stewart rambled for 135 and 91 yards respectively. Andy Dixon won his head to head duel with Urbana's All-American fullback Joel Kirby with 119 yards and two touchdowns to Kirby's 79 yards and
no score. And the Maroons closed out their third straight victory over their crosstown rival 27-15. BIG 12 CONFERENCE First Second Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth
Danville Vikings Champaign Maroons Springfield Senators Lincoln Railsplitters Urbana Tigers Mattoon Green Wave Bloomington Raiders Decatur Reds
Sophomore gridders gain near perfect season
Front Row: Jeff Corley, Kevin Sullivan, Bruce Fa1lor, D1ck Pittman, John Phillips, Joe Lateer, Brad Simmons, Dave Pyer, Andy Rohn, Glenn Tanner, Dave Hinton, Fred Palmer, manager. Second Row: Robert Schwanke, Ted Canco, Pat Kearney, J1m Cottrell, Jim Palma, Scott
Drablos, Maurice Hampton, Norm Neilson, Gary Danehower, Mike McMahon, B1ll Seeber, Jason Widlowski. Third Row: Coach Gene Ward, Pat Pierce, Glenn Danneberger, Don Mueller, Charlie Brown, Dan Barbercheck, Jerry Elam, Brad Hornaday, Pat Wall, Mike Bennett,
The Sophomore gridders, led by coaches Don Pittman and Gene Ward, finished a fine season, indicative of Champaign football tradition. With a precisely tuned offense and a stiff, mean defense, the sophomores rolled to an impressive 6-1 record. With the strength and determination showed by this fine young group, Champaign's varsity is assured to be manned by capable young men in the future.
Mt. Zion
"Get in there and block that lme!" is an order that Coach Pittman might be yelling.
Oliver Brize, Jeff Evans, Coach Donald Pittman . Last Row: Jeff Jones, Steve Schmall, Jeff Crabtree, Jim Lmdsay, Steve Barnhart, Kent Shirley, Lorenzo Bolden, Denms Auteberry, Dan Graham.
Eager sophomores reserves watch the game from the sidelines as they await action .
Sophomore Eisenhower opponents ask themselves which Champaign Maroon has the ball.
Fullback Dana Hinton blocks an Eisenhower opponent and Kevin Sullivan IS on his way.
Grapplers place fifth in District and Big 12
Coach Don Pittman, in his ninth year as head coach, led the Maroon grapplers to a 7-8 dual record. Long hours were spent in the girls' gym sweating off pounds and perfecting skills. In probably the most exciting meet of the year, and one that typified Champaign's fortune, the gritting
Varsity Front Row: Jim Millis, Jim Petry, Jim Baldwin, Jason Widloski, Scott Arnsdorf, Ron
Junior Varsity Front Row: John Walker, Gary Foley , Kevm Schwenk, Pete Porter, Norm Neilson, Ron Graham, Dan Graham. Second Row: Billy Seeber, Tom Miller, Dana Hinton, Ed Folts, Chris Hunker, Jim Palma, Dan Noel,
Dan Walton, Ed Back. Back Row: Mel Corray, Eric Graham, David Pyer, Dick Pittman, Mike Ashby, Mike Kelly, Mr. Richard Allen, assistant coach.
Maroons came back from a 26-17 deficit against Decatur Eisenhower, with two victories by Steve Palmer and Dan Pryor and a pin by Greg Massanari to defeat the Generals 29-26. Champaign was led by an outstanding group of three year veterans, Ben Brown, Jim Petry, Pat Murray, Dan
Pryor, Jack Moore, and Greg Massanari. Dan Pryor represented Central at State, but was defeated. Next year's hopes lie in the hands of Jim Baldwin, Pete Porter, Jason Widloski, Dana Hinton, Eric Graham, Steve Palmer, Jim Gibson and Jim Millis.
Lynn Schonert, manager; Benny Brown, Pat Wall, Jim Gibson, Pat Murray, Jack Moore,
Greg Massanari, Pat Noonan .
CENTRAL WRESTLING 1971 -72 Central
23 Unity
24 Rantoul
36 Fisher
9 Danville
15 Urbana
14 Lincoln
11 Bloomington
31 Kankakee East Ridge 21
45 Central Catholic of Bloomington
40 Fisher
23 Decatur MacArthur
23 Stephen Decatur
32 Mattoon
27 Springfield
29 Decatur Eisenhower 26
Team Captain Jim Baldwin keeps in shape by regularly doing push-ups during an after¡ school practice session.
2nd in November Quadrangular 1st in January Quadrangular 5th in Big 12 5th in District
A Rantoul wrestler gets a good taste of Cen¡ tral wrestler Pat Murray.
Disgusted with himself, Jim Millis wonders where he went wrong in the match.
Central organizes first female tennis team
Front Row: Reba Griffith, Page Johnson, and Carroll Hayes. Back Row: Jan Anderson, Becky
Beach, Melinda Tate, Robyn Stauffer, and Coach Susan Cattle.
Women's lib is alive and well and living in Central High School. For proof, check with PE instructor, Miss Susan Cattle, who organized the first girls' tennis team. Twenty-five girls battled for the opportunity to practice in three ninety-minute sessions each week. After qualifying for the team, the girls' competition was not yet over. They then competed in challenge matches among themselves to determine standings within the team. Becky Beach gained special recognition as the number one netter. Winning seasons are hard enough for veterans to come up with, but Central's beginners succeeded in winning two games in a three-game season. Gl RLS' TENNIS 1971 Central
Reba Gnff1th performs her forehand swing dur¡ ing tryouts for the team at the YMCA courts.
Near perfect year for girls volleyball team The second year for the school's allgirl volleyball team proved successful. The varsity team was undefeated until they reached the Centennial match. The junior varsity team had a fair season winning two games and losing three. They played ABL twice, once losing and once winning. They lost to Unity and Centennial and beat Kansas. Twice the varsity team won certificates awarding them second place in A Division during both sports days. Their coach, Miss Susan Cattle, practiced with them Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights from 7:00 till 8:30 p.m. A lot of work and jammed fingers went into this year's team. But the girls didn't mind; it was all part of the game.
15 Central
15 15
15 15
10 Central
3 14
16 Central
8 7
15 Central
8 9
Lora Parrish keeps her eyes on the ball as she bumps it while in the air.
Front Row: Lisa Strohl, Jerry Webber, Vicki Droll inger, Cathy Hallbick, Jody Bargh, Karen Weidner, Nancy Crowell, Janet Smith . Back Row: Mell isa Breen , Jane Kaczkowski, Jan
Miller, Rhonda Dawdy, Jane Uhlir, Lora Parrish , Suzanne Kamosa, Cathi Sawtelle, Coach Susan Cattle.
Struggling between opponents, Howard Laidlaw shoots for the two pointer.
Steve Due reaches down in the scuffle to help regain possession of the ball.
Our photographer shows Mac Turner in fast motion as he leaps high for a jump ball.
Centralia Holiday Tourney highlights season
Front Row: Lou Due, Calvin Pollard, Ken Bode, Jan South, Asst. Coach Coleman Carrodine . Back Row: Coach Lee Cabutti, Kent Seaman, Steve Due, Gary Gaither, Howard Laidlaw, Sonny Walker, Mac Turner, manager
Bob Britton, Asst. Coach Charlie Due. The team poses with Mac Turner's "Most Valuable Player" trophy and the "First Place" trophy won at the Centralia Holiday Tournament .
Coach Lee Cabutti directed the Champaign Basketball Maroons to another fine season. Champaign finished with a 17-10 overall record and placed second in the Quincy Round Robin Tournament. The highlight of the year was when the Maroons, in a display of spectacular last minute heroics captured the trophy at the Centralia Holiday Basketball Tournament for the first time in Champaign Central's history. Thanks to the team's slow-down tactics only one team was able to run against the Maroons. The opposing teams were held to well below their usual scoring averages. Seniors Mac Turner, Kent Seaman, Gary Gaither, Sonny Walker, Ken Bode, and Steve Oue led the successful season. Next year's team will be led by returning juniors Howard Laidlaw, Calvin Pollard, Lou Oue and Jan South.
Mount Vernon
Stephen Decatur
Stephen Decatur
Quincy Round Robin 2nd Centralia Holiday Tournament 1st JUNIOR VARSITY Central
Keeping his eye on the basket, Ken Bode takes a step for a lay-up shot.
Maroon Kent Seaman shows an Urbana player that we can stop them with whatever it takes.
Ignoring Centennial's Chargers, Gary Gaither throws in his Maroon power.
Sonny Walker leads the Champaign Maroons on the floor between the cheering Pepettes.
Determined young Maroons show their talents Champaign's young basketball Maroons finished the season with an 8-12 record. With Charlie Due as coach, the sophomores were led by Andy Rohn, Tony McNeal, Scott Drablos, Jesse Myles, and Jeff Corley. With the talent and determination of this squad, Maroon basketball future is in good hands.
Mt. Vernon
Front Row: Tony McNeal, Glenn Tanner, Mike McMahon, Jeff Corley , Jim Cotrell, Charlie Brown, manager. Back Row: Coach Charlie Due, Scott Drablos, Stanley Butler, Bruce Failor, Andy Rohn, Vic Blackwell, Jesse Blanton , Earnest Turner.
Glenn Tanner likes to play basketball and some of the time in the air.
A lost ball calls for a mad scramble by Champaign and Mattoon players.
During a Rantoul game time-out, Coach Due discusses with his squad what should be done next in order to keep the 10 point lead.
Sophomore forward Scott Drablos keeps light on his feet while dodging his opponents.
Front Row: Kevin Corbett, Mike Street, Eric Langebartel, Marty Frith, Paul Woodhead. Second Row: Dave Warren , manager; Ted Carico, Steve Inman, Greg Fernandez, Mark
McDonald, David Edmison, Bare Klingel. Back Row: Bill Warstler, Jim Martinie , Ken Simons, Dan Talbott, Bill Johnson, Tim Wilson, Mr. Jeff Trigger, coach.
Peoria Central
Springfield Southeast
Normal Community 17
University High Normal
Centennial Invitational 5th Triangular 2nd Kankakee Invitational 4th Eric Langebartel shows perfect form in his execution of a backdive.
Conference 4th District 6th State-Wrestler 8th and 15th
Tankers end season with 6-7 record Champaign tankers finished the season with a 6-7 dual meet record. Led by coach Jeff Trigger and co-captains Bill Johnson and Tim Wilson the Maroons set 5 new records. Bill Werstler set new records in the 200 freestyle 1:51.3, 200 Individual Medley 2:08.6, 100 freestyle 50.1. The 400 freestyle 3:57.9, was set by Bill Werstler, Bare Klingel, Stuart Townsley and Tim Wilson. Champaign also sent two men to state, Eric Lange¡ bartel in diving and Bill Werstler in 100 freestyle, and 200 Individual Medley. Even though the Maroons did not do well statistically, they placed first in the league with effort and determination.
Bare Klingel pushes hard to win against Ur¡ bana in the Butterfly competition.
Churning his way to victory is Bill Johnson in backstroke competition.
Going into his fmal length, Kevin Corbett real ly pours it on while gasping for air.
LEARNING TO BALANCE DIVERSITY AND UNITY= ACADEMICS Learning to unite differences and simularities helps build self-discipline and understanding. Whether it's keeping a body fit, training for the business world, preparing for parenthood, searching identity through art, using our natural resources, or working to be heard, they all combine to make a new you.
Art Department assumes new face and new teacher Art played an important part at Central this year with the help of new teacher, Miss Nancy Dickey. Not only were the art students creative but they were better students because they worked to achieve something for themselves. This skill led to a lifetime vocation for others. For these courses, a student has to have a sense of responsibility, patience, and cooperation.
Marsha McGaughey finds making a frog easy 1f you are will1ng to get your f1ngers d1rty .
Larry McCoy demonstrates his artistic talents while making a clay mask.
Mary Tangora f1nds that 1t not only takes skill but pat1ence to create this art piece.
Mr. L1ndstrom collected th1s still life representing many years of Amencan l1fe .
Th1s anonymous pa1ntmg shows the beauty that lightens up the art department .
Nancy Spurgeon and Beth Tryon f1nd that be1ng creat1ve can become a little 'sticky' .
Concentratmg deeply, Jeff Morrill through a f1ve -mmute time test .
Business Deportment teaches practical skills Business Education covers many fields of the business world, some of which are taught skillfully at Central High School. Clerical Typing, Shorthand, and Secretarial Problems provide good background for anyone going into secretarial work of any kind. Courses such as Personal Typing, Notetaking, Bookkeeping, Business Arithmetic and Data Processing are pro¡ vided with business equipment to expose the student to actual office work. Among the machines supplemented are adding machines, typewriters and computers. After constant drill and practice the students are released to the claws of the professional world.
Oebb1e Schaudt, pen in hand and mind m gear, furiously tnes to keep up with dictation.
Jeanne Gardner takes time out from typing to read the latest edition of the Chronicle .
Chuck Millis proves that programming computers mvolves more than punching buttons .
Mr. Horn tnes to explain a column of figures to Kat1e Barenberg in Data Processmg.
CVE students start careers early by working What department allowed students to earn money and go to school? The Cooperative Vocational Education program, a department consisting of 135 students and six teachers, did just that This year CVE used two different teaching devices: team teaching and large group presentation. Team teaching involved a group of teachers working with groups of students. Large group presentation consisted of guest speakers who came in and talked to the students about different job opportunities. CV E was made up of various areas, such as office occupations, distributive education, and agriculture business. In November CVE took a field trip to Chicago. Here they attended different tours pertaining to the various education and job opportunities. This year the department introduced a new course called Health Related Occupations. This course dealt with the facets of health related jobs. The CV E department not only gave its students the responsibility of a job but also gave students an insight into the everyday working world.
Cheryl Brian, An1ta Gentille, and Vanessa Gray watch a nurse demonstrate patient care.
Here Bonn1e Coon shows that workmg as a checkout g1rl at Eisner's demands much con centrat ion and cooperatiOn .
Joe Laughlin sho\11/S a more senous s1de of the knowledge and sk1ll h1s job requires .
EMH and OE prepare students for the future
Mr. Hal Murpurgo illustrates a pomt to Maunce McClendon , Bobbie Mapson, Patty
Monopoly is enjoyable, and provides skill in handling money for Monica Jones, Laune Bjorklaund, Mrs . Mayor, and Charles Gonder .
Wilson , and Shirley Atkins as they sit below their current events bulletin board.
Central High School provides many facets for better education. One facet that is worth mentioning is the program for the Educable Mentally Handicapped. This department offers courses in math, U.S. History, and vocational orientation which prepares the students for post-graduate jobs. Another subject offered this year is Occupational Exploration. A counselor helps students select jobs which appropriately fit their individual skills.
En. sh Department adds speech for sophomores
Angela Berger, poised and conf1dent, g1ves a speech on the reading of eight balls.
Guest speaker talks to Mrs. Margrave's English class about Jewish custons and religon, in connection w1th The Chosen .
Jerry Webber buys a copy of the literary publicatiOn from member, Betty Bernard.
New requirements for sophomores? That's right. This year all sophomores took a nine-week unit in speech. Although many students were forced to change teachers for one quarter, they learned the skills necessary for public speaking and gained self-confidence. Along with the new speech course, the department offered usual courses in composition, world literature, modern literature, grammar, and vocabulary, as well as special instruction in the reading laboratory. Miss Marion Stuart helped talented students publish Smoke and Parchment, the literary publication.
Foreign language reaches hands across the sea Champaign Central aided in foreign communications this year by offering Spanish, French, German, and Latin to 411 students. In an attempt to up-date the department and make it more interesting the teachers led their students in Christmas carols and games. A few of the classes were given foreign magazines to read for enjoyment and pen pals to write. The facilities in the language lab made new learning experiences possible through listening to tapes and repeating after them. Students learned the various cultures of different countries together with the basic skills of reading and writing in their everyday lessons. All in all, foreign language provided a glimpse of another way of life.
Spanish student teacher, Mrs. Opalek and student Sheree Springer brighten school Christmas
spirit the last week before vacation by singing Spanish carols to guitar music.
German students Clarence Hudson, Becky Jones, He1d1 Mus1ala and linda Herzog rev1ew
the1r lessons on Friday by play1ng German scrabble in the teachers cafeteria .
Mr. Poole fmds that lab work during 2nd hour Span1sh can become very tlnng at t1mes.
Tearn teaching invades U. S. History department Our history department adapted new ways of teaching: team teaching and assimilation. Team teaching consisted of several teachers working with one class. Assimilation, another teaching device, was a combination of role playing and problem solving. In addition to the regular courses in world, contemporary and U.S. History, a course was offered in economics. This course dealt with the study of stock markets and the national budget. For those students interested in the mind and society, psychology and sociology courses were provided. Variety was the word for the course offerings in the social studies department.
State Senator Stanley Weaver d1scusses state 1ssues and politics 1n a Contemporary H1story
class as Carroll Hayes, Ken Bode, and Zafer Sunger look on .
Students read qu1etly about the world of history that IS bemg opened up to them.
Library opens doors for • • 1un1or use The library tried something new this year by giving lessons to the junior classes in use of card catalogue, reference materials, and reading techniques. Record players and record film strip projectors were only part of the new resources available in the library this year. The organization made for better use for the students.
Eric Hmds uses h1s l1brary assistant hour to catch up on his reading .
Mindy Nygren, Cathy Hallb1ck, and Lmda Weberg make use of facilities in the library .
J1m Warren uses the new TV record-film stnp machme to learn about new top1cs .
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Home Ec enrolls boys and offers playschool Boys in Home Ec? Yes, this year for the first time boys participated in many phases of Home Economics to the delight of the girls enrolled in the courses. These courses were not only in sewing and cooking, but also in Family Living, Adult Living, Child Development, and Nutrition and Foods. Family Living was concerned with family relationships, while Adult Living centered around aspects of adult life, in and out of the family. Child Development was a course designed to teach child care and growth. Nutrition and Foods taught students the importance of well-balanced meals. By doing services for other people, these students gained knowledge as well as practical experience. Nutrition and Foods classes served refreshments at PTA meetings. The Child Development students put on a nursery school for small children of the community. They played with the children and helped them read, color, and draw. Through a variety of courses, Home Economics prepared students for the future and rendered services to the community and the school.
Mary Vawter looks on as a small child diS¡ plays h1s art ability with color crayons .
John H1ckman folds cresent rolls before sl1dmg them 1n the oven during a foods class .
Charlotte Pearson and Velena Miller place rolls on a cookie sheet during a foods class .
While working at the nursery school , Penny Birt helps a little girl throw bean bags .
Dunng one of her Home Econom1cs classes, Mrs . Walker, modelmg a dress she made
during sewmg class, shows Linda Gaines how to lay out and f1t a pattern on a fabnc .
Industrial Arts students learn by experience The Industrial Arts Department worked hard this year to find the different needs of every student Through their various programs they sought new knowledge for future use and service. By their fundamental teachings of Auto Mechanics, Building Trades, Metal Processing, Printing, Woodworking, and Electricity the boys had new insights on our mechanical environment Wellequipped classrooms made for a better working atmosphere.
Bob Coad shows John Warmb1er the onterestong process of weld1ng metal .
Woodwork1ng student, Pat Wall. JOins wood to complete a proJect w1th necessary protec tiOn from h1s safety goggles The world of photography 1s beong opened to Rick S1sk and John Hanes w1th the help of Central's enlarger and a good 1magonat1on .
The p•mting machine proves to be useful to many students mcludmg Toby Walters.
Helptng Pat Noonan and Btll Bruss on a motor¡ cycle JOb IS Mtke Smtth
Bulldtng Trades students work on the project house one fall mornmg under the watchful eye of Mr Robert Ptttman
Bowling abilities improve student math skills Can bowling really improve math skills? This was the question going around teachers and students at Central. Mrs. Gretchen Norton and Mr. Richard Garcia felt the answer was yes. On December 4 they put this philosophy to a test when they took their first and second hour general math classes to Arrowhead lanes. Where did the math come in? Averaging scores. Students in Mrs. Norton's classes worked on another interesting project. The girls scaled model homes, while the boys worked on model motorcycles. Merchandise catalogs were used in finding furnishings and mechanical parts for each plan. Figuring costs, loans, and dimensions were factors promoting completion of each endeavor. Besides the traditional learning of the Pythagorean Theorom, pi=3.14, and the quadratic equation, Central teachers found creative and entertaining methods of teaching students.
Manager of Arrowhead Bowling Lanes, Paul Santos, explatns the fundamental mechanics be
Clarence Hudson f1nds he has th1s trtg problem well under control as he explatns 11 on the polar graph to other class members .
h1nd the p1nsetter machine to sophomore Rod Thomas dunng a class f1eld tnp.
Central choirs record The Christmas Album Central's Music Department has been bustling with all types of activities this year. Under the direction of Mr. Don Decker, the choirs for the first time in Central's history recorded a Christmas music album. The album went on sale to the general public after Thanksgiving. The A Capella Choir presented the Christmas Operetta Amahl and The Night Visitors in three performances. The Madrigals divided into two separate choirs, the junior and senior Madrigals. These two choirs sang together as well as alone. Central students agreed that the practice of the band paid off well as they performed in football, basketball half-times, school assemblies, and concerts during the year. Band members found high rewards from attending music concerts. The traditional selling of turtles and fruit cakes added to this year's excitement for music students.
Trumpeter Don Atkms fmds the only qu1et place to pract1ce IS beh1nd closed doors .
Disorganization appears mev1table 1n Room 122, w1th the d1stnbution of the band uni forms as the school year begms
G1rls Chorus, along w1th the other cho1rs, spends ded1cated hours practicing for the re-
cording of The Christmas Album at the University Place Christ1an Church .
These second hour students fmd co-ed sw1mm1ng class enjoyable at Spaldtng Pool.
Flag Football brmgs el<erc1se and elCcitement to these young men 1n West Side Park .
Brenda Goode fmds that volleyball skill tests make for a better game .
P. E. adds co-ed health and swimming
The damaged Dnvers Ed car s1ts 1n 1ts parkmg space after bemg h1t by a sem1 -traller .
Many factors made this one of the best years for Central's P. E. Department, an important part of our school. Day after day activities included a variety of sports like volleyball, basketball, swimming, gymnastics, and softball. Some of the new features for Girl's P. E. this year were coed swimming, girl's tennis team, powder-puff football, and dance. The daily routine in the P. E. department helped to make each day a different and exciting one.
M1ss Cattle explams the complicated rules of speedaway to her fourth hour class.
"On Guard" screams Paula Kessler as she approaches her next v1ct1m
Bill P1erce and John Wolfe help to sort paper deposited in the recycle boxes placed around
the school as they prepare to take 1t to the recycltng center tn Urbana
Science classes help to eliminate pollution The five environmental science classes under the direction of Mrs. Nancy Win¡ ters and Mr. Allen Smith constructed two 4' x 6' world maps during the fi rst five weeks of school. For the first time, the science depart¡ ment installed an aquarium. A second aquarium was loaned to the department by junior Jean Schooley. Science students thus had a first hand opportunity to observe a miniature living environment. Gold fish, snails, and plants occupied the aquariums, which students enjoyed watching and caring for. Another project undertaken by the environmental science classes for the first time was the collecting of waste paper from teachers' rooms and taking it to the recycling center. Large boxes for white and colored paper were placed in each classroom. When a substantial amount of paper had been collected, it was delivered to the recycling center. The project was undertaken by the environmental science classes as their contribution to the anti-pollution fight. A ccuracy and precision are talents demanded of M ike Broadrick as he works on a world map of
vegetation and ocean currents des1gned by the env1 ronmental sc1ence classes.
Jeanne Brown looks reluctant as she cau tiously measures ten milliliters of a substance .
Otis Chambers examines the phystcal characteristics of a snail from one of the aquariums exhibited in the science department .
Gerlean Ltndsey appears apprehenstve whtle inspecting a hornet's nest .
Inexperienced staff produces successful Maroon Maroon took on a new face in its design and layout style as a new advisor and a new staff made many changes. Room 312 took on a whole new appearance with the clutter of yearbook paraphernalia, night-time and weekend appearances of staff members, and posters shouting instructions. Many of these changes came from the editor, Nancy Walker, after she attended workshops at Ohio and Indiana Universities. Six other staff members attended workshop at Ohio University. Photographer, Becky North, attended a workshop at Ball State. All the staff members worked hard to produce an attractive and unique yearbook.
During fourth hour Maroon class Diane Manire, Susie Shulman and Mrs. McEwen discuss the junior underclass section.
A first step in prepanng a page is makmg sure the picture fits m the slot. Sue Bohor demon-
strates cropping and for the results turn to the Homecoming spread on page 19.
Editor , Nancy Walker helps Terry Folts crop picture for open lunch pages.
Front Row: Mrs. McEwen, sponsor; Cynthia Mattox, Mike Woodhead, Terry Folts, An nette Brya, Janet Barenburg, Anne Blackmon, Nancy Walker, ed1tor-m-chief ; Jeanne Brown . Second Row: Nancy Paterson, Doug Gelv1n,
Typing club copy, Anne Blackmon sits on a wastebasket when cha~rs prove scarce .
Randy Zehr, Sheila McElwee, Cathy Hallbick, J o Tinkey, Debb1e Parsons . Third Row: Becky Plotner, Sue Haley, Sus1e Shulman, Anna Schroeder . Fourth Row: Sheree Springer, Tim Leonberger, Terry Donovan,
Becky North, Mary Frasca, Francie Lessaris, Sue Bohor. Back Row: Jerry Webber, Sherrill Johnson, Brenda Anderson, Diane Manire, Pam Emkes.
Journalism awards show Chronicle staff to Ients Story assignments covered the many and varied aspects of school life, making the paper interesting and informative for its readers. Each experienced staff member relearned the fundamentals of putting the paper together in the Chronicle tradition. Mrs. Evelyn Kovar received the Gold Key as the outstanding journalism advisor in the state of Illinois for 1971 and was elected vice-president of the Illinois Association of Journalism Directors. Steve Kircher, twice winner of the Champaign-Urbana Courier staffer of the year award also claimed the Indiana University Journalism award. Throughout the year the Chronicle staff successfully published an interesting and well organized paper. Takmg pictures is easy for Mrs . Kovar with Sports Editor, Frank DeAtley assisting her.
Front Row: Frank DeAtley, Sports Editor; Steve Kircher, Editor-in-chief ; Marilyn Clapp, Feature Editor; Jeff Peterson, Make-up Editor ; Julie McGu1re . Second Row: Rhonda Dawdy , David Greenberg, Francie Lessaris, Business Manager ; Jeanne Gardner, Copy Editor ; Rick Craig, Exchange and Circulation Editor. Third Row : Katnnka Steen, Sally Boswell, Rosie Goddard, Bill Graham, Charley
Cogan. Fourth Row : Cindy Mueller, Barb Young, Penny Weaver, Mary Frasca, Cathenne Duff. Fifth Row : Nancy McWethy, Ronda Wilson , Vickie Osterhoff, Diane Worner, News Editor; Cathy Simonton, Don Plue. Back Row : Marg Hickman, Jennifer Jones, Mrs. Kovar, Jim Palma, Chuck Huber, Mark Helmberger, Lou Due, Bob Britton.
Typing 1s an essential duty , which Manlyn Clapp uses a great deal as Feature Ed1tor.
Photographer, Dav1d Wa; ren can often be found 1n the dark room attendmg the dryer.
Steve K1rcher generously adds to the box of work awa1ting Lay-out Editor , Jeff Peterson .
Quill ond Scroll serves school publications Although it was our smallest club, Quill and Scroll was a giant among our special activities at school. The club had only four members, but each one was directly responsible in the production of school news and the Maroon. This year's president, Jeff Peterson, was the lay-out editor of the Champaign Chronicle. Steve Kircher who held office of vice-president, was the editor-inchief of the Chronicle and president of the student body. The secretary, Nancy Walker, was editor-in-chief of the '72 Maroon. The final member, Frank DeAtley, the treasurer, was the sports editor of the Chronicle. Quill and Scroll, sponsored by Mrs. Kovar, was an honorary club open to juniors and seniors with outstanding ability in their respective publications. Each of these club members deserved the honor of being on Quill and Scroll. Jeff Peterson pastes art1cles to assemble the Chronicle over the light table .
Bottom Row: Steve K1rcher, v¡pres.; Nancy Walker, sec. ; Mrs . Evelyn Kovar. Top Row: Jeff Peterson. pres .; Frank DeAtley, treas .
Steve Kircher, editor of the Chronicle, proofreads copy before it goes to the printer.
Baton Clubbers sell turtles ogoin this yeor
Laune L1ppold and Barb Nelson exchange a box of turtles dunng Baton Club meetmg.
Again this year Baton Club, sponsored by Mr. Richard Dunscomb, was among those clubs selling chocolate turtles throughout the school. The money earned was used to send Central's Jazz Band on tour. Baton met during the sixth hour activity period. Each Baton member was a member of the bands or a choir.
Front Row: Debb1e Matthews, Ton1 Tabaka, Lau ri Lippold, Adele Shoemaker, Susie Schroeder, Henry Spohrer . Second Row: Dan Talbott. Joyce Council, Cathy Travelstead, Becky Jones, Ruth Coggms, Linda Fredreckson . Third Row: Cathy Murphy, Curt
Alderson, Wendy Allen, Margo Ray, Bob Cook. Fourth Row: Mr. Dunscomb, Pete DePauw, Glenn Tanner, LuAnne L1ppold, Steve Hadley, Tom Stewart. Back Row: John Blackwell, Rex Richardson, Danny Phillips, Neal Heagle, Larry H1ll.
Concert Bond displays musical ability on tour Getting an early start on September 8, 1971, the Central High School band appeared like a mirage on McKinley Field. Under the leadership of Mr. Richard Dunscomb and drum major, Pete DePauw, the Maroons performed for football games. They performed at a Marching Band concert in November, a Christmas con¡ cert, and a Spring concert as well as participating in the Big 12 Band Festival which was held in January at Danville. The highlight of the year was the annual music tour held in March.
At football halft1me the band puts on a show, under the lights of Unit 4 field.
Concert Band : Front Row: Ruth Coggins, Linda Fredrickson, Yuki Hermann , Becky Brown, Chuck Stewart, Phil Schneider , Phil Krolick, Cheryl Haney, Becky Jones, Sylvia Cartwright, M imi Broadsky, Luanne Lippold . Second Row : Steve Skaperdas, Phyllis Ketchum , Nanette Baldus , JoAnne Gentille, Becky Roper, David Hartsfield, Mark Edwards , Henry Spohrer, Ed Folts, Joyce Council , Dianne McDonald , Anne Worner, Wendy Allen , Ann Kaczkowski, Paul Kimpton, Jan Tuck, Amy Webb . Third Row: John Bargh, Linda Lewis, Diann Malloch , Jan Johnson , Mike Gardner, Terry Folts, Karen Street, Bruce Failor, Loy Day , Joe Lateer, Tim Tucker, Richard Schneider, Nancy McWethy, George Currington, Chester Riggen, Roland
Mr. Dunscomb wa1ts patiently for the percussion section to fin1sh 1ts solo.
Phillips , Steve Palmer, Neal Haegele, Pete DePauw, Dave VanDenBerg , Don Atkins , Larry Hinton , Lauri e Lippold, Kris Ensrud, Page Johnson , Jo Nichols. Fourth Row: Mike Street, Bill Amacher, Jim Wilson, Scott Brian, Danny Sides, Kent Shirley , Jim Gibson , Debbie Matthews, Margo Ray, Curt Alderson, Rex Richardson, Bruce Long, Bruce Barnard, Rodney Thomas, Brad Simmons, Debbie Marlow, Steve Hadley, Bill Moore, Bobby Cook, Gwain Zarbuck, Norman Nielsen, Paul Cheek , Tom Martinie , Cary Hamilton , Bob Wolf, Randy Zehr, Dan Noel , Jeff Riehle, Larry Hill, Tom Swift, Cathy Travelstead , Toni Tabaka, Angela Berger. Back Row: Jeff Miller, Dale York, Dan Talbott, Glenn Tan ner.
Drum major , Pete DePauw, poses dunng half time in h1s regalia .
1500 hours makes for winning Jazz Bond music Jazz Band was one of the few activities where students expressed their individuality and learned to work as a group. This year they accomplished over 1,500 hours of practice outside of school, playing for various service clubs, at community functions, giving concerts and participating in Jazz Festivals. Awards and recognitions of '71 were : Chicago Jazz Festival, Superior I rating, "Best of Class" award; Eastern Illinois Jazz Festival, Superior I rating, "Best of Class" award; Illinois Music Educators Meeting, Clinic Band with Howie Smith; Illinois State University Jazz Festival, Guest Band with Stan Kento; American College Jazz Festival Guest Band. Mr. Richard Dunscomb, director, received the honor of being named "Outstanding Band Director" at the Millikin University Jazz Festival.
Jim Wilson contributes the sound of his sax to the many solo performances. John McDowell feels the beat and puts the organ to use at the "Central Jazz Festival."
The cymbals ring 1n contrast Phillips' low p1tched drums .
Don Atkms plays his trumpet boldly along w1th several other trumpeters.
Front Row : Gwain Zarbuck, Bob Cook, Larry Hill, Steve Hadley, Tom Sw1ft, John McDowell, Clarence Hudson, Pam Cummmgs, Danny Phillips, Mr. Dunscomb. Second Row : Larry Hmton, Pete DePauw. Back Row : Boll
Amacher, J1m Gibson, Curt Alderson, Debb1e Matthews, Marguerite Ray, Ruth Cogg1ns, Luanne Lippold, Rex Richardson, Don Atkms, Dave VanDenBerg, Neal Heagle, Matt Stewart .
ACappello gives local concerts and win awards A Cappella had a second successful year with director, Mr. Donald Decker. Performances this year included the Christmas, fall, winter and spring concerts, Senior Spring Musical and an Invitational Festival at Bloomington. Once again they participated in the turtle drive to help pay tuition fees for tau r. They also helped in picking up old phone books and delivering new ones. They were named Outstanding Choir, received the Arion Award, plus various individual awards. Along with the excitement of their awards, they enjoyed the acclaim of their first record. Front Row : Donna R1chardson, Sandy Satterlee, Sherrill Johnson, Sheila McEIIM!e, Clarence Hudson, Karl Broadrick. Second Row: Carol Langdon, Susie McDonald, Susan Benn, He1d1 Musiala, Ela1ne Cattell, Kathy Murphy . Third Row: Sheree Spnnger, Ann
Front Row: Bruce Mast, Nancy Krolick, Marilyn Clapp, Franc1ne Lessaris, Sandy Morgan, Arlayne Blackwell. Second Row: John Pingry, Nick Buffer, Pam Wilson, Karin Hayes, Kns Massanan, T1na Larson . Third Row : W1lllam Render, Neal Haegele, Mmdy
Higg1ns , Dawn Decker, Pam Cummings, Melinda Tate , LoUis Kinnamon, Ken Simons . Back Row: Mered1th Engert, Lu Doyle, Jenn1fer Butler, Greg Massanari, Frank De¡ Atley, John Black ~~~.ell.
Nygren, Joyce Council, Corinne Sh1rley, Sue Ensrud, Debb1e Jelly, Unda Hmton . Back Row : Jeff Morrill, Annette Merrill, Kris Lew¡ man, Sherry Moss, Jan Wehmer, Ann Radcliffe, Meg H1nton , Sybil Johnston .
Madrigals form Central's top musical talent Experienced A Cappella members that had tried out and had been chosen formed the Madrigals which consisted of fourteen juniors and nine seniors. The purpose of the Madrigals was to entertain at school concerts, and at var· ious clubs and organizations in and out of town. Along with these credits the Madrigals accompanied the A Cappella choir in various concerts and helped record their first album. All in all the Madrigals students represented the best musical talent that Central High School had to offer.
Front Row: Nancy Krolick, Syb1l John· ston, Lu Doyle, Meredith Engert, Melinda Tate. Second Row: John
Front Row: Elame Cattell, Jan Wehmer , Joyce Council , Mindy Nygren, Sheree Springer, Annette Merrill, Mim1 Broad· sky . Second Row : Dawn Decker,
Pmgry, Jeff Morrill , Frank DeAtley, Greg Massanan .
Clarence Hudson, Lou1s Kinnamon , Kenneth Simons, Neal Haegele, Paul Edlefsen, Kathy Murphy.
Mixed Choir adds to holiday mood with concert Between a Christmas Concert and Concert Tour, Mixed Choir was given much opportunity to perform. At their annual Christmas Concert, Mixed Choir filled the Little Theatre with Christmas Spirit. Excitement could always be found during third hour whether it was the choir practicing for a concert of making plans for going on tour. Under the direction of Mr. Decker choir members were given the opportunity to try out for mixed choir by singing a song and by sight reading. Front Row: Connie Rathbun, Cynthia Mattox, Jo Tinkey, Rita Dunlap, Alan Due, John Stuff, Ed Nelson, Tim Shaw, B 111 Ann in, Debbie Parsons, Nancy Glenn, Marsha Holt. Second Row: Darlene Butts, Mary Hecker, Valerie
Janet Blanton and Cathi Sawtelle make full use of fifth hour music class .
Render, Melinda Tate, Lu Doyle, Mike Miller, Kevm Sheahan, Jim Sheahan . Lisa Strohl, Phylis Sommerland, Donna Rivers, Janet Blanton, Cath1 Sawtelle. Third Row: Debbie Cannon , Annette Brya, Nancy Spurgeon, Carol Norman,
Linda Herzog, Jeanne Brown, Bob Hunter, Jeff Morrill, Ida Motley, Manlyn Stuff, Debbie Terwilliger, Vicky Overman, Cathy Anderson.
Practice proves successful for sophomore choir Music spirit was made strong this year with the help of the sophomore choir. Under the direction of Mr. Decker, sophomore girls worked hard to make their first year together a successful one. With a system of trial and error they learned the techniques of putting on a good show. After a year of everyday training during fourth hour, sophomore girls looked forward to future interest in ACappella, Madrigals, and Mixed Choirs. Under the d1rection of Mrs. PettyJohn the music student teacher, the sophomore cho ir jo1ns 1n spreading sp1rit at the annual Christmas concert held 1n the Little Theatre.
Front Row: Donna Wilson, Lon Tate, Sonna Baker. Second Row: Kathy Corbett, Marsha Cruzan . Third Row: Debbie Kirby, Karen Butts, Theresa Brown. Fourth Row: Kathy Josefburg, D1ane Meroney. Fifth Row: Sara Honn, D1ane Butts, Richine Foote. Sixth Row: Darla Dees, Pat Kobel. Seventh Row:
Katrinka Steen, Terry Flynn, Linda Adams. Eighth Row : Jan1s Kmetz, Loretta Standefer. Ninth Row: Jane Kaczkowski, Rhonda Dowell, Jan Wehmer, Mary Murray . Tenth Row: Barb Drebes, Gall Glende, Rhonda Dawdy . Eleventh Row : Sus1e Schroeder, Mr. Decker, Sponsor .
Lon Tate shows deep concentration as she g1ves her f~rst solo on Central's stage.
Sportsmen turn salesmen to finance video tope Greg Massanari, president, presided over the C Club meetings with the help of Dan Pryor, vice-president, and Mike VanMatre, secretary-treasurer. The only requirement for membership in C Club was to have a varsity letter. The C Club met during the activity period and discussed their money making project, the sale of CCHS decals and Basketball buttons to help pay for the video tape machine. The C Club also presented a football with all the players names on it to Coach Tom Stewart.
Kathy Simonton helps support C Club by purchasing a decal from two club members, Pat Murray and Tom Kaczkowsk1.
Front Row : Karl Broadrick, Matthew Wood· head, Clay Robmson, Gary Berger, Greg Mas· sanan, pres .; Jan South , Eric Graham, Steve Mankos . Second Row: T 1m Leonberger, Corey Dav1s, Bob Bntton, Ron Beldon, Benny Brown, Bare Klingel, Steve Palmer, John
Huston, T1m Wilson, J1m Petry, B1ll Johnson . Third Row: Mr. Gene Ward, Marc Heim· burger, J1m G1bson, Steve Malloch, Andy Beach, M1ke Kelly, M1ke Sull1van, Chase Leonhard, Scott Byerly , Mark Stevens, Mark Galbreath, M1ke Lierman , Bill Werstler. Back
Row: Lou Due, Randy Burwell, Frank De· Atley, Pat Murray, Dan Pryor,v-pres .; Mike VanMatre, sec.·treas .; Kent Seaman, Jim Cantrell, Howard Laidlaw, Mac Turner, Gary Ga1ther, Ken Bode, Mr. Jeff Tngger.
Front Row: Tim Leonberger, Pete Porter, Rich Korry, Dan LaRocque, John Bargh . Second Row: Pam Cummings, Marsha Cruzan, Margo Ray, Julie Storme, Sybil Johnston ,
Diane Talbott, Kris Ensrud. Back Row : Joyce Council , Ginny Barthlow, Dexter Johnson, Jan Tuck .
Throat aids assist Forensic Squad to victory Probably Central's best customers for throat aids were the individual events squad members. These lozen!les as well as extensive reading, research, and practice made for successful entries. Perhaps when you walked by the debate room you noticed people behind stacks of books and magazines. Those people were members of the individual events team. They practiced 8 hours a week in order to prepare for stiff competition in the tournaments. The squad competed and took honors at Bellville, Charleston and Normal, but they took top honors at Mattoon. In order to reach each tournament the members got up at 5 in the morning and kept going all day. This took a great amount of physical and mental energy. Suct:essful competition required training in dramatics and speech as well as the courage to win or lose.
Sybil Johnston and Tim Leonberger use their individual events experience in the fall play.
"Silver and Roses" Tournament sponsored by NFL The National Forensic League was an honorary nation-wide organization for sophomores, juniors, and seniors who were in the upper two thirds of their classes and participated in forensics events. These events included: Debate, Extempore Speaking, Original Oration, Dramatic and Humorous Interpretation, After-Dinner Speaking, Verse Reading, 0 riginal Monologue, Radio Reading, Prose Reading, Oratorical Declamation, and Duet Acting. Central's chapter of NFL hosted a tournament, "Silver and Roses", for students from all over the state. Those people who scored well at these interscholastic tournaments were allowed to go on to District, Sectional and eventually the State Final Contest which took place in March.
Pam Cummmgs and Assistant Coach Mrs. Maxey count ballots du ri ng a tournament .
Front Row: Mel1ssa Breen, Debbie Cutnght, Dan Larocque , mascot Oscar, Sara Honn, Page Johnson, Margo Ray, Pam Cummings . Second Row: Margaret Hickman , Jon Bauman, Kathy Tr ippiedi, Bobb1 Hendnck, Sue Ensrud, Julie Storme, Karen Valentine, Sybil Johnston . Third Row: John Bargh , Amy Yount , Diane Talbott, Jan Tuck, Marsha Cruzan, Jan Ander· son , Kris Ensrud, Anne Worner, Diane Me· Donald. Back Row: R 1chard Kerry , Brad Sim· mons, Gi nny Bartholow, Avery Grimes, Todd Tennant, Kent Dauten , Steve Katsinas , Jay Andrews .
Mr. Steve Davis aids students from all over the state m registering for the annual debate tournament, Silver and Roses .
Sen1or Avery Grimes makes his pomt after referring to his ev1dence dunng a debate . Kathy Trippied1 shows her obvious delight as she is awarded the second place speaker
trophy at the Silver and Roses Debate Tournament by NFL senior Pam Cummings .
Debate squad wins 39 trophies in 1971 season It is evident that with a record of thirty-nine trophies for 1971, the CCHS Debate team has been hard at work. Seventeen of these awards were for individual speakers. The other awards were for separate debate teams. Composed of two members, each debate team was classified in one of three categories: Novice (or first year debators), Junior Varsity, or Varsity. Each debator debated both the affirmative and the negative side of their topic. This year's topic, which was chosen on a national level, was "Resolved: That the jury system in the United States should be significantly changed." The debators spent many hours at the University Law Library searching for evidence in the hopes that 1972 will prove to be as good a year for the CCHS debate squad as '71 was.
Sophomore Amy Yount looks over her notes to prepare herself for cross-examination . Front Row: Jay Andrews, Melissa Breen, Avery Grimes . Second Row: Margaret Hickman, Karen Valentine, Marsha Cruzan, Bobbi Hendrick, Ginny Barthlow, Kathy Tripp1edi, Sue Ensurd, Diane Talbott, Kent Dauten. Third Row: Amy Yount, Dexter Johnson,
Todd Tennant, Brad Simmons, Julie Storme, Diane McDonald, Jennifer Jones, Debbie Cutright, Page Johnson . Back Row: Anne Worner, Jon Bauman, Sara Honn, Steve Katsmas, Jan Anderson, Kris Ensrud.
Senior Todd Tennant uses his notes to present an effective cross-examination .
Novice debators Bobbi Hendrick and Jon Bauman confer at a debate meet.
Julie Storme and her partner Kathy Tripp1edi compile evidence on notecards which they
will file and later use in preparing for theâ&#x20AC;˘r next debate tournament .
Junior leaders learn, participate, officiate Learning to lead exercises, officiate in sports, as well as participate in them are among the duties of the Junior Gym Leaders. These girls had to apply, be in· terviewed, and be accepted during their sophomore year in order to be in the advanced gym leading course which meets during second period. Each leader was trained in all 36 acti· vities offered by the physical education department and was tested in each of these. The girls were required to main· tain a C average and knowledge of each of the 36 sports in order to become a full leader their senior year. A lonely pa1r of shoes waiting for its lost leader, is a typical sight to see in the middle of the girls gym floor.
Mrs. Miller commands, "on your knees, hands at your waist, now bend back," and jun1or leader Margaret Hickman obeys. Front Row: Lisa Strohl, Debbie Cannon, Cynthia Mattox, Marsha Holt, Linda Lewis, Phylis Sommerlad, Connie Rathbun, Pam Moore, Karen Whipple, Michelle Koster, Lisa Johnson. Second Row : Ann Higgins, Margaret
Hickman, Debbie Matthews, Jerry Webber, Darlene Butts, Kris Massanari, Cathy Hallbick, Kathy Doran, Jo Tinkey. Third Row: Tracy Brinkmeyer Sherrill Johnson, Sheree Springer, Ida Motley, Mindy Nygren, Karin Hayes,
Kathy Cooper, Mary Hecker, Cathy Trippiedi. Back Row: V1cki Overman, Gail Fil kin, Debbie Parsons, Joann McFarland, Meg Hinton, Linda Weberg, Lisa Dahl, Sue Cordes, Anna Schroeder, Mrs. Miller.
Debb1e Parsons and Gall Filkin study the rules for their final in basketball officiating .
Running in place, Kns Massanari counts, "31, 32 ... oh, I'll never make 50 ... 35."
Junior leaders Jo Tinkey, Kerry Webber, Debbie Parsons, Karen Whipple, and Anna Schroeder do jumping jacks to warm up.
Senior gym leaders clean, referee, organize
Semor leader, Sue Haley, as one of her duties, passes out basketballs to her class.
Marilyn Stuff displays one of the main duties in senior leadership, taking roll.
Lmda McMahon, Patti Scherer, and Sus1e Gra¡ ham get thmgs stra1ght with the off1c1al and M1ss Rasmussen about the !lmmg and scoring of the All Star Basketball game .
"The cream of the crop," is what Mrs. Dorothy Miller calls her senior gym leaders, who perfrom various activities to help the P. E. department as a whole. First, they help the gym teachers by taking roll, helping to officiate, putting out towels, making sure everyone takes a shower, keeping the locker room clean, picking each gym awardee of the month, and second, they are responsible for running intramural volleyball and basketball. The success of these events depends upon the senior leaders. This year the girls did a good job and each event was a success. Besides the work above, senior leaders were required to earn a letter for being in senior leadership. They earned points towards a letter by helping with pop bottle drives, contributing to bake sales, typing, and cleaning the gym for the school year. Gym leading provided a preview of physical education as a career, and in the spring, senior leaders were given an opportunity to go to various grade sc h o o Is and student teach. Senior leading provided much experience in leadership and taught responsibility, as well as giving a place to belong. Front Row: Karen Christie, Jern Lingner, Arlayne Blackwell, Mary Sawyer, Melmda Tate, Susan Benn, Teresa Franc1s, Ellen Good, Nancy Goller, Marilyn Stuff, Karen Lowry, V1ck1 Hartman, Kathy Wilson, Sue Haley . Sec¡ ond Row : Mrs. Dorothy Miller, Sherry Moss,
Senior Leaders Nancy Paterson, Diane Mor¡ gan, Kathie Tuftie, and Debbie Cutnght cheer
Sandy Burnett, L1nda McMahon, Mary Leonberger, D1ane Talbott, Karen Street, CeCe Ryan, Sus1e Graham, Connne Sh1rley, D1ane Morgan, Debbie Schaudt, Donna Tanner. Back Row: Joan Fnsbee , Nancy Paterson, Sandy Morgan, Barb Bonnell, Debb1e Cut-
on CeCe Ryan as they wait their turn to play 10 one of the All Star Volleyball games .
nght, Patti Scherer, Carol Newman, Cindy Morgan, Sarah Cottrell , Conn1e Pece, Kath1e Tufte, Georg1a Vnner, Ann McCulley, Becky Plotner.
Pepettes assist in school spirit for sports fans Backing the Maroons with loads of spirit were the Pepettes, made up of Senior girls. During football season the Pepettes went to McKinley Field at 8:00a.m. to practice with the Marching Maroons. All the girls took first hour P. E. and it was used as a practice and busi¡ ness meeting session. These girls performed along with the cheerleaders at school activities, such as football and basketball halftimes, band concerts, and pep assemblies. assemblies. For three days in August a group of seven Pepettes and their sponsor, Miss Karen Rasmussen, visited a camp at Augustana College in Rock Island. They brought back new ideas and outlines that were used during the year.
Pepette Sandy Morgan waits for the an ¡ nouncement of Homecoming queen while around her, fellow Pepettes cheer wildly.
M1ss Rasmussen shows how early 11 IS as she watches the Pepettes pract1ce w1 th the band one fall mornmg at McK1nley F1eld
Pepettes perform at a pep assembly to ra1se sp1nt before the Champa1gn Urbana clash
Suste "Homemaker" Haley. a member of the Pepettes, makes cupcakes to deltver to the football team to wtsh them good luck tn thetr first home game agatnst Streator .
Front Row: Mary Leonberger, Mary Sawyer, Kathy Wilson, Kathte Tufte, Suste Graham, Katte Barenberg, Sue Ensrud, Manlyn Stuff . Second Row: Joan Frisbee, Dentse Stanley.
Karen Christte, Sally Shaw, Patti Scherer, Corinne Shirley, Sandy Morgan, Sharon Lofton, Susie McDonald, Carol Langdon. Back Row: Mtss Rassmussen, sponsor;
Meredtth Engert, Anne Radcltffe. Carltta Davts, Ltnda McMahon, Joyce Donovan, Sue Haley , Susie Vaughn, Ellen Good, Kathy Burtts, Barb Bonnell.
Ability plus hard work equals successful squad The beaming smiles and enthusiastic pep of the cheerleaders encouraged crowds to cheer their loudest during the 1971-72 school year. The varsity squad consisted of nine cheerleaders and one mascot. They were chosen in the spring of 1971 and judged on their spirit, ability, and citizenship. The CCHS cheerleading squad performed with the Urbana squad, and hosted dinners for each other before the twin-city games. Many long and tedious hours were spent in preparation for the games, and the cheerleaders' efforts paid off. Allison W1dloski, the little mascot, proves to be as peppy as her older s1ster, LuAnn.
It was the cheerleaders' responsibility to collect the money for the away bus trips this year, and here Sherry Moss and CeCe Ryan collect money for the bus to Mattoon .
Top to Bottom: Nancy Paterson, Max Maroon-Captain ; Reba Green, Donna Tanner, Lora Parrish, LuAnn Widloski, Sandy Stahl, CeCe Ryan, Sarah Cottrell, Sherry Moss, and Cynthia Mattox .
Max Maroon , Nancy Paterson, goes airborn for a few seconds while doing an aerial cartwheel during the Champaign-Urbana game .
All the basketball players and cheerleaders kissed their mothers during mother's n1ght before the Champa1gn-Urbana basketball game, and here, Sherry Moss shows her surprise at bemg k1ssed on the cheek by Miss Rasmussen, the cheerleading sponsor.
Sophomore Cheerleaders spur team to victory Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:15 al ways found six dedicated cheerleaders practicing their hardest for the coming weekend games which began at 6:30 fol lowed by the varsity games. These girls who promoted spirit were chosen in the fall of their sophomore years. Many exciting events, such as the Champaign Urbana Sophomore dinner, added to their fine season.
Tma Demer1se and Tern Flynn cheer the Maroons to 111ctory dunng a three mmute overt1me game agamst Rantoul.
Clockw 1se: Marty Vance, Brenda Ohles, Tern Flynn, Karen Valentme, Mary Paterson, and Tma Demense.
At pract1ce, Marty Vance learns a new cheer to be performed at the game.
Student Council helps to better school activities Meeting four times a week during sixth hour, having business meetings once a week, and having money-making projects such as their curb painting and pop bottle drive were a few of the tasks of Student Council and Election Board. One member, Traci Nally, attended a summer leadership camp in Chile, Colorado. During her week's stay, she learned about problems that her Stu¡ dent Council might face. In council, there are five minor and three major committees working for the benefit of Champaign Central High School. Election Board : Front Row: Debb1e Matthews, Cindy Morgan. Second Row: Meredith Engert, Patti Scherer, Mary Hecker. Back Row¡ Gail F1lkm, Cornne Shirley, V1cki Overman .
Front Row: Traci Nally, Sec.; John Stuff, Trac1 Brinkmeyer, Stephanie Morgan. Second Row: Sara Honn, Connie Moore, Nancy Crowell, Jim Wilson, Vice-Pres. Third Row: Debbie Cutnght, Jeff Newman, Cecil Angel, Kathy Wilson. Fourth Row: Tim Leonberger, Rec. Sec.; Carlita Davis, Marty Vance, Donna Tanner. Fifth Row: Steve Kircher, Pres.; Andy Beach , Pari.; Mary Hecker, Sue Cordes. Sixth Row: Greg Massanari, Treas .; Ga1l Filkin, Danny Pryor, Stephen Thilen . Back Row: Kent Dauten, Barry Sholem, Mike Marnkos, Mr. Shifflet, Club Sponsor .
Senior Carol Langdon models her gown, gold chord, mortar board and tassel while jun ior
Barcie Klingel models his, and gets the feeling of "senioritis " a year early .
Debbie Parsons always finds something amusing even at an Honor Soc1ety meeting.
Academic standing is honor society's goal Scholarship, service, leadership, and character were qualities found among National Honor Society members. This club operated for the academic minded student. Sophomores were required to have a 5.0 average and could not be office holders. Juniors were required to have a 4.75 average and seniors a 4.5 average. These had to be kept in order to main¡ tain club membership. A 2 or better citizenship was required. NHS took part in the International Supper and sponsored the Hawaiian table for the supper's first night. The initiation banquet was held in the spring. Gold tassels and shoulder chords were worn at graduation by senior National Honor Society members. NHS was not necessarily a moneymaking organization, but an honorary to keep high academic standing as a goal for students.
Susan Benn, Chuck Huber and Tim Wilson offer their service at the International Supper.
N a tiona! Honor Society members Kathie Bluhm and Lu Doyle are kept busy serving Hawaiian food at the International Supper.
Front Row: Mary Sawyer, Sherrill Johnson, Randy Zehr, Sherry Moss, Bare Klmgel, Thomasine Grove, Steve Carns . Second Row: Wendy Allen, Traci Nally, Kris Massanan, Susan Gelvm, Kns Lewman, Lu Doyle, Lu Lippold, sec.; Brenda Gadel , Francie Lessaris,
Melmda Tate . Third Row: Gwain Zarbuck, Sue Cordes, Janice Tuck, Carol Langdon, Kathie Bluhm, Debbie Parsons, Ann Kaczkowski , Susan Benn, Tim Leonberger, Lmda McMahon, Nancy Evans, Susie McDonald v-pres.; Mr. Coates. Back Row: Sue Ensrud:
Sharon Casey, Jeff Morrill, Roger Parro, Steve Kircher, Andy Beach, Barry Sholem, Bill Werstler, Tim Wilson , pres.; Chuck Huber, treas. ; Marilyn Stuff.
Spanish Honor Society member receives award This year much pride was brought to Mr. Poole and the Spanish Honor Society when member Chuck Huber was awarded the American Association of Teacher's of Spanish and Portuguese Award for excellence in Spanish. Also 500/o of all National Honor Society members at Central were members of the Mariano Azuella chapter of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica. At the International Supper, Spanish Honor Society served three common Spanish dishes: arroz con polio, empanadas, and mole poblano. Spanish Honor Society enjoyed this activity for the chance of having a Spanish speaking student in the foreign-exchange program. To be eligible for Spanish Honor Society a student must maintain a 4.5 average in Spanish. Spanish Honor Society officers, Kathy Trippiedi, pres.; Don Atkins, v-pres.; Wendy Allen, sec.-treas.
While explaining to his class about his trip to Spain, Mr. Poole points to Barcelona the city with the largest airport in Spain.
After arranging the table, Wendy Allen awaits customers at the International Supper.
Front Row: Jim Schmidt, Candy Stanley, Phil Schneider. Second Row: Chuck Huber, Benny Brown, Jeff Morrill, John Bauman, Andy Beach , Mike Sullivan, Bill Werstler, Steve Carns. Third Row: Jan Stanley, Jeanne Wagnor, Debbie Parsons, Bare Klingel, Shernll Johnson, Wendy Allen, Jim Petry, Randy Zehr, Ann Radcliffe, Nancy Evans, Mr.
Adele Shoemaker, Jody Bargh, Amy Yount, Candy Stanley, and Dianne McDonald, look on while Lisa Dahl signs up to help the
Frick. Fourth Row: Mr. Poole, Carol Langdon, Debbie Schaudt, Susie Graham, Kat1e Barenberg, Cindy Norrick, Tracy Bnnkmeyer, Kris Massanan, K1k1 Deschamps, Sue Ensrud, Susie McDonald, Mark Galbreath. Fifth Row: Cecil Angel, Bonme Parmenter, Ida Motley, Natalie Alagna, Karin Hayes, Mary Schillmg, Gen Faulkner, Jody Bargh, Bobb1e Hendrick,
Susan Benn, Lmda McMahon, Roger Parro, Jeff Peterson . Sixth Row: Tim Leonberger, Trudy Williams, Kris Lewman, Kathy Murphy, Anna Schroeder, Peggy Michael, Diane Malloch, Corrinne Shirley, D1anne McDonald, Amy Yount, L1sa Dahl, Debb1e Terwilliger, Barry Sholem, John Schumacher, Steve Kircher.
Span1sh Honor Society for the I nternat1onal Supper.
Key Club organizes students in Hunger March Key Club's money raising activities started off with the selling of "spook insurance." With the custom of T-P-ing yards on Halloween night, many people were faced with the problems of picking the toilet paper up afterwards. But for those who had taken out a twenty-five cent insurance policy this chore was taken care of by Key Club Members. One pound boxes of Peanut Brittle at the rate of $1.50 per box was also sold by the club. Handsome profits resulted from their efforts. Key Club decorated John Brun's Pinto as their entry in the Homecoming car competition. Although the entry did not win an award, the project was well worth their effort. Key Club organized Central students in the twenty-five mile Hunger March this spring. Sponsors paid students participating in the March for each mile walked, and all profits were donated to the needy families. Key Club members' abundance of energy made possible a full year of worthwhile activities. Front Row: Frank DeAtley , treasurer ; Jim Baldwtn, Ed Folts, Mike Broadrick , Chuck Huber, parliamentanan ; Karl Broadrick.
Key Club members Chuck Huber and Bob Kmetz ride in the parade to Centennial Field
Second Row: Mr. Bowman , Chuck Stewart, v-pres.; Tim Leonberger, pres .; Chris Billings, Dave Hartsfield, Tim Wilson, Robert K1rby .
on John Brun's Pinto, Key Club's Homecoming car competition entry .
Third Row: John Stuff, John Bruns, Lou Due, Steve Grierson, Bill Miller, Bob Kmetz .
Exchange Club shows a flair for exotic foods Foreign Exchange Club earned $900 toward sending an exchange student to Europe at its annual International Supper held on February 9 and 15. Central's activity clubs assisted Foreign Exchange Club in the preparations for the dinner and provided the food. Each club chose the country they wished to represent. The dinner was served buffet fashion. One of the many highlights of the dinner was the "Kiddie Room," where the children were entertained with clowns and games during and after their meal. Another fund raising activity Foreign Exchange Club sponsored was selling concessions at the home basketball games. Students appreciated the candy and soft drinks available throughout the basketball season. Satisfaction denoted the general feeling among Foreign Exchange members as they ended a profitable year. Carol Newman helps Foreign Exchange in selling concessions at a home basketball game.
President Cindy Gates leisurely sells milk after hours of hectic preparation have ended.
Front Row: Susie McDonald, sec.; Diane Meroney, Mary Murray, Becky North, Sue Cordes. Second Row: Linda McMahon , v¡ pres.; Traci Nally, Carol Langdon, Susan Benn, treas.; Denise Stanley, Mrs. Kessler. Third Row: Gayle Pollard, Nancy Evans, Candy Stanley, Nancy Spurgeon . Back Row: Ei¡ leen Holy, Stephen Thilen, Susanne Komossa, Tim Leonberger.
Afro-American Club aids ninth grade students This year, Afro-American club members went to the Franklin and Edison Junior High Schools in order to help the ninth grade students choose the correct courses for high school that would be of help to them in college. At both of these schools they talked to the students individually or in small groups and students came on a voluntary basis. Also at Franklin, some members talked to the seventh and eighth grades in an assembly . Also this year through donations it was possible for the club to sponsor a rummage sale. All of the club members worked hard to make the sale a great success. Mid-term graduation forced the club to elect a new president and vice-president. For the AfroAmerican Club this past year was a very busy, but profitable year. It looks as if Mrs. Meares and Ava Blackwell are enjoying themselves helping these students With the1r schedules for next year .
Maunce Hampton qu1ckly rev1ews the courses ava1lable at Central next year .
Vic Blackwell looks on as questions a Franklin student .
DerPke Clements and Barbara Adams listen as a ninth grade Franklin student explams her
Front Row: T1m Pettigrew, Arch1e Pett1grew, Eugene Britt, Tony McNeal, Lorenzo Bolden, Charlie Brown , Sharon Williams, Reba Green, Dereke Clements, Ava Blackwell, pres.; James Dotson, Cris Crayton, Mac Turner, sgt . at arms; Jesse Rose . Second Row: Mr. Vernon Barkstahl , speaker; Jerry Elam, Mrs. Meares, sponsor; Dianne Winfrey, Terry Nesbitt, Dar· lene Kelly, Conme Scoby, Tony Sm1th, Gwen Harris, Leslie McFarland, Kenny Butler, Marva Murray, Beverly Elam, Emma Ander· son, Carolyn Angel , Rita Dunlap, Florine Kent, Kathy Wilson, Mrs. Brownridge,
reasons for taking the course that she has on her schedule for next year.
sponsor; Mr. Carrodine, sponsor ; Third Row: Rose Woods , Ida Motley, D1anne Abram, Janet Blanton, sec.; Pam Wilson, Li z Kent , Momca Jones, Gwen Williams, Sandra Me· Neal, Will1e McNeal, Retha Cobbs, Viv1an Shackleford, Joyce Brown, Velena Miller, Chns Clements, Sonny Walker, Leot1s Pet· tigrew. Fourth Row: Donna Tanner, Geral· dme Lockett, Jenn1fer Butler, Cecil Angel, Angela Wilson, Maurice Hampton, Ela1ne McCoy, Suzanne Vargas, Barbara Adams, Vinelle Shackleford, Linda Smith, Gearlean Lindsay, Marsha Smith , Velma Brooks, Ricky
McNeal, Pat Haynes, Larry Sankey . Back Row: Pat Wilson, Beverly Harnngton, Corey Davis, Donna R1vers, Anthony Harris, Earnest Elam, Stanley Butler, Bruce Owens, Earnest Turner, Victor Blackwell, Jimmy Wilson , Bobby Hunter, Thurman Williams, v-pres .; Oliver Brize, Jerry Butler,Jesse Myles, Johnny Johnson, Byron Tinsley, Charles McCiullen, Michael Anderson, Leroy Musgrove, N1ck Buffer, Larry McCoy, Eric D1xon, B1lly Vargas .
GAA kicks off a first with flag football A new membership picnic, horseback riding, wiener roasts, a Christmas party, an ice skating party, and a slumber party, were just a few of the many activities that all G. A. A. members enjoyed. Each year, the members get a taste of all these activities and much more. They participated in many sports such as flag football, jogging, basketball, golf, and campcraft. In February G. A. A. participated in a sports day. All these activities have made for a very active year for the members of this club.
Front Row: Miss Cattle, Yuki Hermann , Jerry Webber, Vicki Drollinger, Mamta Kukret1. Second Row: Becky North, Richine Foote. Third Row: Debbie Cannon ; Treasurer, Phyllis Ketchum; Vice-President, Brenda Gadel . Fourth Row: Vicki Overman, Thomasme Grove, Barb Young. Fifth Row: Lisa Strohl; Secretary, Francie Lessaris, Jeanne Gardner. Sixth Row:
Marsha Holt, Rhonda Dawdy, Margaret Hickman, Mel1ssa Breen . Seventh Row: Darlene Butts, Carol Butts, Jane Uhlir. Eighth Row: Bonnie Parmenter, Amy Webb, Linda Lewis. Ninth Row: Sheree Springer, Points Chairman; Cindy Mueller, Belinda Watson . Tenth Row: Debbie Jelly, Karen Weidner, Vickie Jelly . Back Row: D1ane Morgan; President, Diane Moake.
Atop her bicycle, Margaret Hickman prepares to join other GAA members for the annual bike hike.
After several games of volleyball and tennis, Diane Morgan, Jan Anderson, Dianne McDonald, Amy Yount, and Nancy Crowell,
take time to eat their roasted hotdogs at the GAA new membership picnic in Hessel Park. Jerry Webber contemplates whether or not her food IS ready to be eaten.
GAA flag football team center h1kes the ball to the team's quarterback as they pract1ce 1n West S1de Park after school.
After the GAA membership p1cn1c, M1ss Cattle wonders 1f she forgot anythmg.
Another year of excellent service for VOA To some students, a VOA girl with a summons slip is a welcome chance to escape the routine of class while to others a trip to the office is something to be dreaded. VOA girls offer their time to assist in the attendance office while learning some of the basic skills that are involved in secretarial work. To show her gratitude to these girls, Mrs. Darsham planned a monthly activity, for the office would find itself at a great loss without the service of these girls.
Front Row: CeCe Ryan, Anne Blackmon, Cathy Doran, Debbie Cannon. Second Row: Mary Sawyer, Denise Stanley, Susie Graham, Kat1e Barenberg, Carlita Dav1s, Sandy Mor¡ gan . Third Row: Sherry Moore, Sandy Bur¡
nett, Karen Street, Manlyn Stuff, Cathy Manny . Back Row: Karen Alexander, Vickie Anderson, Beverly Johnson, Diane Morgan, Beth Taylor.
Sandy Morgan separates attendance cards for easy return to the teachers. Del1vering a summons slop to Mrs. Brownrodge for a student os Beverly Johnson.
Susan Gelv1n and Mrs V1rg1n1a Garland, sponsor, look over the day ' s blue slips .
Front Row: Debb1e Norwood, Karen Wh1pple, Sharon Lofton, Sherry Moss, Karen Chnst1e . Second Row: Usa Johnson, Darlene Butts,
Debb1e Robertson, Joy Cross, Carlita Davis. Back Row: Lu Widloski, Susan Gelv1n, Sandy Burnett, Debbie Pruett, Marilyn Clapp.
Counseling assistants prove to be invaluable Amidst the hundreds of blue slips that passed among the Counseling Guides each day, these girls sacrificed one or more class periods to help out the counseling staff. Every day these girls kept busy with the small tasks that were required of them. Distributing the blue slips was the main occupation for the guides, however, they also did filing, acted as receptionists, and did other jobs to lighten the load of the busy counseling staff.
Junior Lisa Johnson sorts out blue summons sl1ps at the start of another busy day .
00 members gain office skill ond eorn money Going to school in the morning and working in the afternoon helped the Office Occupations girls earn money and improve their office skills. In their second hour class, the girls learned to perfect their work on the job. Central sponsored an Illinois area conference in which students participated in proofreading, typing, shorthand, and adding machine contests. Obviously Mrs. Davenport did a good job because Debbie Brown won the title of Miss Office Occupation of the year.
0 .0 . member, Robin Fonner sorts statement envelopes on her job at Carle Clin ic.
Front Row : Georg1a Vriner, Karen Lowry, Ann Eisner, Joyce Donovan , Treas .; Susie Vaughn, Becky McGu ire . Second Row : Janet O s terman , Conn1e Pece, V -Pres .; Sheila Lowry , Robin Fonner, Sue Reed, Penny Rid-
de I , Mrs . Davenport . Third Row: Jerne Linger, Cheryl Moss, Cheryl Williams , Pres.; Mary Munhall , V 1ck ie Drolli nger, Mary Leon berger.
Condy bors ond pop bottles poy for activities Future Secretaries was an organization made up of girls who were interested in the secretarial field. The club sponsored many activities, such as monthly meetings, a Christmas party, and planning field trips. Candy bars were sold and pop bottles collected by members to pay for the various activities and national dues. New members were initiated at the first meeting by a candlelight ceremony. Monthly meetings featured panel discussions of dif¡ ferent occupations of secretaries and interesting talks from local business women. Mrs. Marge Davenport sponsored the club and Debbie Schaudt was President of the Central Chapter.
Front Row: Dianna Dubie, Brenda Goode, Janet Osterman, Vickie McDonald. Second Row: Connie Pece, V-Pres.; Robin Fonner, Debbie Schaudt, Pres. Third Row: Peggy Michael, Vicki Drollinger, Pam Wilson . Fourth Juniors, Jane Henderson, Peggy Michael, and Pam Wilson enjoy the pizza and fun at
Sponsor, Mrs. Marge Davenport and club member, Sue Reed together work out a few of the d1fficult problems encountered while working on the adding machine each day .
Row: Sue Haley, Sue Reed, Florine Kent . Fifth Row : Debbie Robertson, Cheryl Williams, Rec. Sec.; Pam Cummings . Sixth Row: Mary Munhall, Treas.; Jerrie Linger, Con . Sec.; Cheryl Moss . Shakey's Pizza Parlor where the annual FSA Christmas party was held this year .
Prospective nurses get on-the-scene insight Future Nurses of America is a national organization for students interested in becoming nurses or working in another part of the medical field. This year the sponsor was Mrs. Ward. The year was started with an informal initiation of new members. Speakers from Parkland Junior College and a speaker from the Champaign County Nursing Home spoke at meetings. The club went on a trip to Chanute Air Force Base Hospital at Rantoul in the fall. A trip to either the Mt. Sinai Hospital in Chicago or Barnes Hospital in St. Lou is was planned.
Front Row : Candy Stan ley . Pat Logue , D1ann Malloch , Sherry Moore, Conn1e Palm1 sa no, Joanne Gentlll e, Conme Moore . Back Row :
F N A members Phylis Sommerlad, Melanie Stahl, Pam Emkes, Rita Dunlap, Sherry Moore,
Carl1ta Dav1s , Pres.; Dons Fa1rf 1eld, Melan1e Stahl, Sherry L1ndsey, Pam Emkes, Karen Chnstie, Sec .; Natal1e Alagna, Vice -Pres .
Candy Stanley, and sponsor Mrs . Ward decorate their entry m the Homecoming Car Contest .
FNA 1n1t1ates Sherry L1ndsey, Melan1e Stahl, Dons Fa1rf1eld, Conn1e Moore, Candy Stanley, and Pat Logue , dressed 1n ceremon1al n1ghtwear. en1oy refreshments dunng a party m the1r honor alter school Pres1dent, Carl1ta Dav1s, prepares to pamt the faces of Sherry Lindsey and Conn1e Moore before the1r 1n1t1at1on
Front Row : Dawn Skeels, Dtanne Warner , Vtce Pres, Mary Frasca , Ctndy Wassom . Second Row : Sharon Wetsman , Pat Wells , Vel en a
Sponsor Mrs. Helen Walker discusses plans for the coming year with members Mary Frasca,
Ellen Mulcahey, Joann McFarland , and Diane Warner during a fall meeting after school.
Mtller, Joann McFarland, Pres. Back Row : Karen Butts, Ltnda Classey , Mrs . Walker , sponsor.
FHA-HERO hosts section officers convention FHA-HERO, a national organization, is a club made of members from Home Economics, Child Day Care, Food Service, and Health Care courses. Mrs. Helen Walker, Home Economics teacher, was this years sponsor. The year started with a formal initiation of members and installation of officers in a candlelight ceremony. Members also held a Christmas party jointly with the FFA club. The club planned a tour of the University of Illinois Home Economics building, Bevier Hall, and an Ecology slide show. Money from a hot dog sale and from the forget-me-not project was sent to Heed School. Money from the Tom Watt Show Case sale was sent to the USS HOPE. The club also earned money from bake and caramel apple sales. Members attended a section rally at Wapella. Central hosted a section officers convention. The club planned to send four members to the state convention at Springfield in March. Joann McFarland and Mrs . Walker look at the contents and order blanks of the Tom Watt K1t
FHA member, Mary Frasca sells forget -me¡nots to earn money for the emotionally d1sturbed children at Heed School.
and discuss what FHA w1ll do w1th the proceeds from their sales .
Sheree Springer buys a hot dog from Dianne Warner and Mrs. Walker during the lunch hour for a money maki ng project.
Front Row: Mr Grace, Debbte Robertson, Nan Walker, Den1se Stanley, Becky North, sec.¡treas .; Dawn Skeels, Diana Dubte. Back Row: Sharon Casey , Patti Anderson, Sandy
Burnett, Ellen Stahl, v¡pres.; Debbte Pruett, Emma Anderson , Sharon Lofton, pres.; Joy Cross.
Future Teachers sponsor first chili supper Future Teachers was a national organization for students who wished to become teachers. This year the sponsor was Mr. Alan Grace. The year was started with a visit to Westview School where a first grade teacher talked to them about teaching elementary school. In the winter the club held, jointly with the FHA, a chili supper before the Lincoln game. The club also planned to participate in the International Supper. Several regional meetings were held throughout the year at Rantoul and the club planned to send several members to the State Convention in Chicago.
Becky North and Emma Anderson are careful not to burn the1r hands, as the stgn warns, whtle washtng dtshes for the Chih Supper .
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Future Formers host groin ond poultry show FFA is a national organization for students interested in becoming farmers in the future. The Champaign Chapter, sponsored by Mr. Lowell Hillen, in¡ eluded students from Central and Centennial High Schools. The club rendered many services this year to the school and community. They built trash barrels for the open lunch program and sold "slow moving vehicle" signs to farmers. The club held a Christmas party jointly with the FHA club and they hosted a Grain and Poultry Show in the fall. For the past eight years the Champaign Chapter of the FFA has been in the top 12 Chapters in the state.
Front Row: Robert Schmittag, Steve Malloch, Steve Vernon, Bob Wilson. Back Row : Ralph
Jay, Edd1e Clem, David Newcomb, Roger Applegate, Marc Shaw, Lon K1rk, Mr. H1llen.
Bob Hefferman, Steve Malloch, and Bob Wll¡ son enjoy the FFA-FHA party .
Front Row : Bnan Patton, rep., Bob W1lson, treas Second Row : Steve Malloch, pres., Ralph Jay, pari , Steve Vernon, sec .; Back Row : Robert Schmlttag, sent.
Central talks to the whole wide world by radio How many people know that Central owns and operates a radio receiver and transmitter called a transceiver? It's true! Central's Electronics Club run by Dr. Joe Houska financed and operated this amazing space age device by selling nothing less than light bulbs¡300 dollars' worth. Central's ham radio team competed on the state level and advanced as finalists in a state wide contest with adult as well as student operaters. Two members, Bud Kelly and Marc Bianchini, had their own radio licenses. Often club members made contact with Latin American countries; such countries were Nicaragua, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas and even countries as far away as Yugoslavia and Sweden. How's that for range? Although membership was small the club was well respected by other operators in the state.
12 8
Front Row : Ray Long , Fred Fliegel, sec .; Steve Moorhead , Dr. Joe Houska . Second Row: Jeff Peterson , M1ke McMahon, John Betts. Back
Row: Tom Kearney, tres .; Marc B1anch101, pres.; Bud Kelly , vice-president.
Ray Long and Fred Fliegel, dunng a s1xth hour act1v1ty penod, learn how to broadcast us1ng
the transce1ver from sponsor Mr. Houska who watches them carefully.
Central's DECA hosts leadership conference Distributive Education Clubs of America was for students enrolled in Distributive Education courses and who held jobs in distribution, retailing, and marketing. The club helped students to develop citizenship and leadership through various educational, social, and civic activities. The club was sponsored by Mr. Monty Stanley. The club sponsored a showcase in which it displayed items supplied by the member's employers. In the fall the club hosted the annual leadership conference and also planned to send several mem¡ bers to the state conference at Spring¡ field in the spring.
Front Row: Sheila Adleman, Rex Rowlen, Ellen Mulcahey, sec.; Bonnie Coon, treas .; Joyce Harry, Mary Guitare. Back Row: Mr. Monty Stanley, sponsor ; Mark Pittman,
Lettie Canaday changes the window for the Christmas season while other members watch .
Tonya Rasner, Ken McWethy, v-pres .; Charles Bnght, pres.; R1ck Martm, Vince Povvell, Sherri Hopkins, Lettie Canaday .
Shern Hopkins practices taking change out of the cash register in Mr. Stanley's room.
VICA club visits Air Force Bose, sees Firefighters Vocational Industrial Clubs of America was a national organization for students in vocational industrial education. It included students in courses that were vocationally and occupationally oriented. In this club students worked cooperatively to develop leadership abilities through participation in worthwhile educational, vocational, civic, recreational, and social activities. In the spring VI CA members went on a field trip to Chanute Air Force Base to see a firefighting show. This year the club was sponsored by Mr. Claude Murphy.
Front Row: Terri McDade, sec.; Mr. Claude Murphy. Back Row: Mark Little, pres.; Bob Nadarski, treas.; Alan Bender, v-pres .
Mark Little and Mr. Murphy serve refreshments at one of the club meetings .
Club makes toys for area Day Core Centers Industrial Arts Club was for students taking Industrial Arts courses. The sponsors this year were Mr. Charles Griest and Mr. Jerry Butler. The club made toys for area Day Care Centers at Christmas. They also planned, with the Student Council, to make room markers for the halls. Although the club had small membership it rendered many services to the school and the community.
Front Row: Mike Ashby , v-pres.; Mike Street, sec.; Mike Wilson, pres. Back Row: Darrell
Mr. Griest instructs Mike Street and Mike Ball where to cut the wood for making toys .
Edmison, Mr. Griest, Mr. Butler, Bill Wade, Steve Woodward.
Mike Wilson, Mike Ashby , and Bruce Long sand toys made for Day Care Centers.
UNDERSTANDING OF DIVERSITY = PEOPLE Understanding is hard to find almost everywhere but the halls of Central High School, only one of many places where it's needed in a troubled world. All sorts of people with different goals, different life styles, and different interests make Central a breeding ground for insight. Whether it is an invitation to dinner for football players to celebrate beating Urbana, a gymnastics performance, a student waiting patiently to be let into the building after lunch, Mr. Stewart on duty in the cafeteria, a student enjoying bubble gum during class, or students milling about to admire Homecoming decorations, understanding and cooperation surround Central High School.
Sen1or off1cers T1m Leonberger, VICe-president ; Anne Blackmon , treasurer; Trac1 Nally, pres1 -
Patsy Abel She1la Adelman Karen
dent ; Cindy Gates, secretary, w1th sponsors Mr. Garc1a and Mrs. Winters.
363 kids grouped together to form a beautiful patchwork of individuals, and the class of 1972. There were many d1f· ferent ways of life at school but we all stuck together. Some kids were lookmg forward to college while others were going to work. Some just wanted to get married and still others weren't sure what they wanted. Although different, we shared class ranks, applying to colleges, a Homecoming King and Queen, an All State football player, beating Urbana, celebrating, MacDonalds, UJ's, Open Arms, getting out a week early in June, cheering the loudest, Miss Merry Christ· mas, Senior Gym Leaders, T.A.'s, Senior of the Month, yelling Vicious, and a National Merit Scholar. Being seniors meant added freedom, but along with it also came added responsibilities. Sure, it was easier to get out of classes and roam the halls, but we were expected to set examples. Our senior year ended one life style and began a new one; but neither could have existed without Cham· paign Central High School.
Arnold Allen Brenda Anderson Dave Anderson
Vicky Anderson Sandy Arbuckle Mike Ashby
Shirley Atkins Tom Barbercheck Katie Barenberg
Barham Andy Beach Diane Beasley
P. Abel: CVE 2,3,4; FHA 3; GAA 2. S. Adleman: CVE 4; Debate 4; FHA 3,4. K. Alexander: Baton 2; VOA 4. A. Allen: CVE 2,3,4; Industrial Arts 2; VICA 2,3,4. B. Anderson: Foreign Exchange 3; House of Representatives 3; Maroon 4; National Thespian Society 2; Peparoons 2,3; Spanish Club 2,3; VOA 4. D. Anderson V. Anderson: CVE 4; FNA 3,4 secretary; GAA 2; Peparoons 2; VOA 4. S. Arbuckle M. Ashby: Football 2,3,4; Industrial Arts 2 vice-president; Wrestling 2,3. S. Atkins T. Barbercheck: Industrial Arts 3. K. Barenberg: Foreign Exchange 3; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; VOA 4. J. Barham A. Beach: Basketball 2; C. Club 3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3 vice-president 4; Student Council 3,4 parliamentarian; Golf 2,3,4. D. Beasley
Seniority becomes o reality to Closs of '72 R. Beldon: C Club 3,4; Electron ics 2; Key Club 3; Wrestling 3,4. S. Benn: A Capella 4; Foreign Excha nge 3,4 treasu rer; GAA 2; Jun ior Gym Leaders 3 treasurer; National Honor So· ciety 2,3,4; Peparoons 3; Senior Gym Leaders 4 treasurer; Spanish Honor So· ciety 2,3,4. G. Berger: Band 2,3; C Club 4; Football 2,3,4. A. Blackmon: Class Officer 4 treasurer; FNA 2,3; GAA 2; VOA 4; Maroon 4 Organizations Editor; Girls' Volleyball Team 3; Peparoons 2,3. A. Blackwell: A Capella 3,4; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 2,3; Senior Gym Leaders 4. J. Blue: CV E 3,4. K. Bode: Basketball 3,4; C Club 2,3,4 sergeant-at-arms; Football 2,3,4; House of Representatives 2; Track 3. C. Bogan: Book Club 3; CVE 4; FHA 3,4; GAA 2,3,4; Peparoons 2; Spring Musical 2; Positive Thinking Group 3,4. B. Bonnell: Counseling Guides 3; Foreign Exchange 2; House of Representatives 2; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 2; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4. J. Braundmeier C. Bright: CVE 4; DECA 4 president; Drama 3; Industrial Arts 2,3. B. Britton: Baseball 2,3,4; Basketball 2,3,4; C Club 2,3,4; Library Assistant 4. K. Broadrick: A Capella 3,4; C Club 4; Cross-Country 3,4; Key Club 3,4; Senior of the Month 4; Track 3,4. B. Brown: Band 2,3,4; FHA 2,3 vice-pre· sident recreation. P. Brown: Canvas Board 3; House of Re· presentatives 2. T. Brown: Band 2,3,4; Industrial Arts 2,3 president 4. J. Bruns: House of Representatives 3; In· dustrial Arts 2; Key Club 2,3,4; Smoke & Parchment 2. N. Buffer: A Capella 4; Afro-American Club 3,4; Spring Musical 3.
Ron Beldon Susan Benn Gary Berger
Anne Blackmon Arlayne Blackwell Jack Blue
Ken Bode Carol Bogan Barb Bonnell
Jim Braundmeier Chuck Bright Bob Britton
Karl Broadrick Becky Brown Paul Brown
Tom Brown John Bruns
Nick Buffer
Sandy Burnett Kathy Burtes Randy Burwell
Scott Byerly Letti Canaday Jem Cantrell
Chris Carr Karen Chnstee Marilyn Clapp
Kathy Clough John Cobble Ruth Coggins
Jenny Cole Bonnie Coon Kevin Corbett
Sarah Cottrell Dennis Cox Cheryl Crabtree
Joy Cross Mike Cruzan Pam Cummings
S. Burnett: Counseling Guides 4; FTA 4, GAA 2,3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 2,3; Senior Gym Leaders 4; VOA4. K. Burtis: CVE 4 secretary; Foreign Ex路 change 2,3; Pepettes 4; Stunt Show 3 R. Burwell: C Club 2; Football 3; Track 2; Wrestling 3. S. Byerly: Band 2,3; Baton Club 2,3, C Club 4; Chess 3; Football 3,4; Tennis 2,3,4. L. Canaday: CVE 4; DECA 4; GAA 2; Peparoons 2. J. Cantrell: Baseball 2,3,4; Basketball 2; C Club 4; Cross-Country 2. C. Carr: CVE 4; German Club 2,3; National Honor Society 2,3,4. K. Christie: Counseling Guides 4; FNA 3,4 secretary; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4. M. Clapp: A Capella 3,4; Chronicle 3,4; Counseling Guides 4. K. Clough: FHA 2,3 president, 4 vice路 president of project; Peparoons 2. J. Cobble R. Coggins: A Capella 2; Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4; Dance Band 2,3,4; Foreign Exchange 2; French Honor So路 ciety 3,4; House of Representatives 3; Jazz Band 2,3,4; Modern Music Masters 4 vice路president; Orchestra 3; Spring Musical 2,3. J. Cole: CVE 4; Foreign Exchange 2,3; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; VOA 2,3. B. Coon: CVE 4 treasurer; DECA 4; Peparoons 2. K. Corbett: Chess Club 4; German Club 2; Key Club 2,3,4; Smoke & Parchment 2; Student Council 2,3; Swimming 2,3,4. S. Cottrell: Cheerleading 3,4; Counseling Guides 4; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 2; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Stunt Show 3. D. Cox: Baseball 2; CVE 4; Football 2; Electronics 3,4. C. Crabtree J. Cross: FTA 4; Counseling Guides 4. M. Cruzan: CVE 4; Industrial Arts 2. P. Cummings: Baton Club 2; A Capella 3,4; Drama 2,3,4; Fall Play 3; Foreign Exchange 2; German Club 2; House of Representatives 2; Jazz Band 4; National Forensics League 3,4; National Thespian Society 3,4; Spring Musical 2.
George Curlmgton Debbte Cutright
Closs of '72'; Are we vicious, -ell yesI
Carltta Davis
Corey Dav is Nora Davts Ron me
G. Curlington: Afro-American Club 3,4; Band 3,4 secti on leader; Baton Club 4; Jazz Band 4; Orchestra 3,4. D. Cutright: Debate 3,4; Jun ior Gym Leaders 3; National Forensics League 3,4; Peparoons 2; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Student Council 2,4. C. Davis: Afro -American Club 2; Counseling Guides 4; FNA 2,3,4 president ; House of Representatives 2,3; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Student Council 4; VOA 4. C. Davis: A Capella 4; Afro-American Club 3,4; C Club 2,4; Cross-Country 3,4; Fall Play 3,4; House of Representatives 2; Tennis 2,3,4. N. Davis R. Day: Band 2,3,4; CVE 4. F. DeAtley: A Capella 3,4 section leader; C Club 2,3,4; Chronicle 3,4; Football 2,3,4; Key Club 2,3,4; Madrigals 3,4; Quill & Scroll 4; Spring Musical 2; Tennis 4. R. Dees: FNA 3. P. Depauw: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4; Dance Band 2,3,4; Jazz Band 2,3,4; Drum Major 4. J. Donovan: CVE 4; Foreign Exchange 2,3; 00 4 treasurer; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4. K. Dowling: CVE 4; Foreign Exchange 3. L. Doyle: A Capella 3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4; French Club 2,3; Homecoming Court 4; Madrigals 3,4; National Honor Society 2,3,4; Spring Musical 2,3. S. Due: Basketball 2,3,4; C Club 3,4; Football 2,3,4. M. Dunlap: Peparoons 2; Contemporary Music 4. D. Eastin Senior gridders nervously clasp hands during Beat Urbana assembly before C-U game.
Frank DeAtley Rhonda Dees Peter Depauw
Joyce Donovan Kathy Dowlmg LuAnn Doyle
Steve Due Marsha Dunlap Debb ie Eastin
Susan Gelvin ' s Mustang , decorated by the Back Street Hobos flag football team , better known as BSH , won for thetr coach two dtnner ttckets to the Ember's and $4.00 by recetvtng 2nd place tn Homecomtng car compettttons .
Tom Edmison Brian Eichelberger Ann Eisner
Roger Elliott Meredith Engert Nancy Evans
Ken Flynn Bill Fornof Linda Fredrickson
Track 3. M. Galbreath: Class Officer 2 vice-presi¡ dent; Football 2,3,4; Spanish Honor So¡ ciety 3,4. M. Gardner: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4. C. Gates: Chronicle 2,3; Class Officer 3,4 secretary; Foreign Exchange 3,4 president; German Club 2,3,4; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Stunt Show 2. S. Gelvin: Baton Club 2; Counseling Guides 4; Election Board 3,4; Foreign Exchange 3; French Honor Society 3,4; Peparoons 2. L. Gher: CV E 4 reporter; Maroon 3. N. Goller: CVE 4; Foreign Exchange 2; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Senior Gym Leaders 4.
T. Edmison: VICA 3. B. Eichelberger A. Eisner: CVE 4; Foreign Exchange 2,3; FSA 4; 00 4; Spanish Club 2,3. R. Elliott: Band 3,4; CVE 4. M. Engert: A Capella 3,4; Baton Club 3,4; French Club 2,3; GAA 3; Madrigals 4; Peparoons 3; Pepettes 4; Wig 'n Paint 2,3; Spring Musical 3. N. Evans: Foreign Exchange 2,3,4; National Honor Society 2,3,4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4. K. Flynn: CVE 4; German Club 2,3. B. Fornof: Industrial Arts 2,3 vice-president. l. Fredrickson: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 3,4; Modern Music Masters 4 treasurer; Orchestra 3. J. Frisbee: A Capella 4; Foreign Exchange 3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Spring Musical 3; Christmas Play 4. M. Frith: Swimming 2,3,4. G. Gaither: Band 2; Baseball 2; Basketball 2,3,4; C Club 3,4 sergeant-at-arms; Football 2,3,4; Industrial Arts 2,3,4 treasurer;
Joan Frisbee Marty Frith Gary Gaither
Mark Galbreath Mike Gardner Cindy Gates
Susan Gelvin Linda Gher Nancy Goller
Charles Gonder Ellen Good Craig Gordon
Susie Graham Robert Green Steve Grierson
Thomasine Grove Mike Grunnet Sue Haley
Rick Hardyman Randy Harris Vicki Hartman
Terry Hawkins Carroll Hayes Jan Henry
Richard Hensler Yuki Hermann Sanders Hillsman
Eric Hinds
Our Senior year ... more play than work? C. Gonder: Watch Repair 4. E. Good : Fall Play 4; Foreign Exchange 2; Junior Gym Leaders 3; National Forensics League 3,4; Peparoons 2; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Stunt Show 3. C. Gordon S. Graham: Foreign Exchange 2,3; House of Representatives 3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Semor Gym Leaders 4; Spanish Club 2; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; VOA 4. R. Green S. Grierson: German Club 2; Key Club 4. T. Grove: Chronicle 2,3; GAA 3,4; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Latin Club 3,4; Senior Gym Leaders 4. M. Grunnet S. Haley: Class Officer 2 treasurer; Foreign Exchange 2; FSA 4; House of Re路 presentatives 2,3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Maroon 4; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4. R. Hardyman: Chess Club 3; Football 2,3,4; House of Representatives 2. R. Harris V. Hartman: Baton Club 2; CVE 4; Foreign Exchange 2,3; GAA 2; Junior Gym Leaders 3; National Honor Society 2; 0 rchesis 2; Peparoons 2,3; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Spanish Club 2,3; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; VI CA 4. T. Hawkins C. Hayes: Fall Play 3; House of Repre路 sentatives 3; Tennis 4. J. Henry R. Hensler: CVE 3,4. Y. Hermann: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2; Fall Play 4; GAA 4; Orchesis 2. S. Hillsman: Afro路American Club 2,3,4; CVE 4; Football 3,4. E. Hin:Js: Baseball 2,3; Basketball 2; C Club 4; Chess Club 4; Cross路Country 4; Football 2,3; Key Club 2,3. L. Hinton: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 3,4; Dance Band 2,3,4; Jazz Band 2,3,4; Modern Music Masters 4; Track 2. S. Holy: Book Club 2.
Larry Hinton Steve Holy
Senior girls start brilliant stage careers? Mike Hosier Chuck Huber Glenn Hummel
Chm Hunker John Huston Travis Ingerson
Habib Jamshidi Bill Johnson Laurie Johnson
Sybil Johnston Rebecca Jones Ann Kaczkowski
During the Homecom1n g assembl y , Kath ie Tufte, 1n a skit put on by the sen1 or g ~rls, portrays a Bloomington R a1 der who ca n ' t get t o the bathroom fast enough .
M. Hosier: Book Club 2; Key Club 2,3,4; Swimming 3. C. Huber: Chronicle 4; Key Club 3,4 parIia mentarian; National Honor Society 2,3,4 treasurer; Quill & Scroll 4; Senior of the Month 4 Scholastics; Spanish Club 2; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; DAR American History Award 3; Rensselaer Math & Science Award 3; Spanish Achievement Award 3; Quill & Scroll Current Events Key 3; National Merit Semifinalist 4. G. Hummel: C Club 2,3; Key Club 4; Tennis 2,3,4. C. Hunker: Cross-Country 4; Football 2; Key Club 2,3 president, 4 secretary ; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; Wrestl ing 2,3,4.
J. Huston: Basketball 2; C Club 2,3,4; Cross-Country 4; FFA 2; Football 2,3; House of Representatives 2; Spanish Club 2,3; Track 2,3,4. T. Ingerson H. Jamshidi B. Johnson : C Club 2,3,4; Swimming 2,3,4. L. Johnson S. Johnston: A Capella 4; Contest Play 4; Drama 4; Fall Play 4; Madrigals 4. R. Jones: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4; FT A 2; German Club 3; 0 rchesis 2; Stunt Show 2. A. Kaczkowski: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4; Modern Music Masters 4; National Honor Society 3,4.
Mike Kelly Paula Kessler Paul Kimpton John Kinnamon Tom Kinsel Steve Kircher Bob
Kmetz Mary Knoke Susanne Komossa Pranot Kotchabhakdi Nancy Krolick Carol Langdon Eric Langebartel Joe Laughlin Mike Leeds Mary Leonberger Tim Leon berger Tom Lessaris Steve Lindsay Jerri Lingner
M. Kelly: C Club 3,4; Football 2,3,4; Key
Club 2; Wrestling 2,3,4. P. Kessler: Canvas Board 2; Chess Club 3; Fall Play 4; Spanish Club 2; Science Club 4. P. Kimpton: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4; Dance Band 2,3,4; Jazz Band 2,3,4; Tennis 2,3,4. J. Kinnamon: C Club 3,4; Football 2,3,4; French Club 2; Track 2,3,4; Wrestling 2. T. Kinsel: Industrial Arts 2,3,4. S. Kircher: Boys' State 3; Chronicle 2,3,4 Editor¡in¡Chief; Intrastate Exchange 4; Key Club 3; National Honor Society 2,3,4; Quill & Scroll 3,4 vice-president; Senior of the Month Activity; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; Student Council 3,4 president; Stunt Show 3. B. Kmetz: Cross-Country 4; Key Club 4; Tennis 2,3,4. M. Knoke: GAA 4; Peparoons 2.
S. Komossa: Foreign Exchange Student 4; GAA 4; Student Council 4. P. Kotchabhakdi N. Krolick: A Capella 3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4; Madrigals 3,4; Modern Music Masters 4; Spanish Club 2. C. Langdon: A Capella 4; Foreign Exchange 2,3,4; GAA 2; National Honor Society 3,4; National Thespian Society 2; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4. E. Langebartel: Band 2,3,4; Swimming 3,4. J. Laughlin: CVE 2,3,4; VICA 2. M. Leeds: CVE 4; Football 2,3; German Club 2,3; Industrial Arts 3; Track 2,3,4. M. Leonberger: CVE 4; FSA 4; House of Representatives 3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; 0 0 4; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Smoke & Parchment 2; VOA3.
T. Leonberger: C Club 3,4; Class Officer 2 president, 4 vice-president; CrossCountry 2; Drama 3,4; Fall Play 4; Foreign Exchange 3 president, 4; Intrastate Exchange 4 chairman; Key Club 2,4 president; Maroon 2,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3 president, 4; Student Council 2,3 vicepresident, 4 vice-president; Golf 2,3,4; Spring Play 3. T. Lessaris: Basketball 2; Football 2,3,4; Track 2,3,4; C Club 4. S. Lindsay: CVE 3,4. J. Lingner: CVE 4; FSA 3,4 corresponding secretary; GAA 2,3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; 00 4; Peparoons 2; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Stunt Show 2.
LuAnne Lippold Sharon Lofton Karen Lowry
Sheila Lowry Casey Machula Steve Malloch
Mike Manwanng Rick
Martin Greg Massanari
Bruce Mast Ann McCulley Susie McDonald
Vicky McDonald Jim
McFarland Kevin McGill
Linda McMahon Ken McWethy Bill Miller
Bob Miller Tom
Miller Chuck Millis
L. Lippold: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4 president; Jazz Band 3,4; Latin Club 2; Modern Music Masters 3,4 president; National Honor Society 2,3,4 secretary; Smoke & Parchment 2,3. S. Lofton: Counseling Guides 3,4; FTA 2,3 vice-president, 4 president; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4. K. Lowry: CVE 4; Foreign Exchange 2,3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; 00 4; Peparoons 2; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Spanish Club 2. S. Lowry: Foreign Exchange 2,3; 00 4; Peparoons 2,3. C. Machula: Swimming 4; Contemporary Music Club 4. S. Malloch: Basketball 2,3,4; C Club 2,3,4; FFA 2,3 president, 4; president; Football 2,3,4. M. Manwaring R. Martin: CVE 4; DECA 4; Industrial Arts 3; Key Club 2,3; Spanish Club 2,3; Tennis 2. G. Massanari: A Capella 3,4 section leader; Baseball 2,3,4; Baton Club 2; Boys' State 3; C Club 2,3 sergeant-atarms, 4 president; Contest Play 4; Drama 2,3,4; Football 2,3,4 co¡captain; Homecoming Court 4; lnterhigh Exchange 3; Key Club 2,3; Madrigals 2,3,4; Modern Music Masters 3,4; Spring Musical 2,3,4; Student Council 2,3 parliamentarian, 4 treasurer; Stunt Show 2,3; Wrestling 2,3,4; Christmas Opera 4. B. Mast: A Capella 3,4; Drama 2; Spring Musical 3; Wrestling 2,3. A. McCulley: Canvas Board 2; Cheer1eading 2,3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 2; Senior Gym Leaders 4. S. McDonald: A Capella 3,4; Foreign Exchange 2,3,4 secretary; French Honor Society 2,3; GAA 2; National Honor Society 4 vice-president; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4. V. McDonald: FSA 4; Peparoons 2,3. J. McFarland: Afro-American Club 2,3,4; Basketball 2; Cross-Country 2; CVE 4. K. McGill L. McMahon: Foreign Exchange 2,3,4 vice-president; Junior Gym Leaders 3; National Honor Society 2,3,4; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4. K. McWethy: DECA 4 vice-president. B. Miller: Key Club 4. B. Miller T. Miller: C Club 3,4; Key Club 2,3; Wrestling 3,4. C. Millis: Latin Club 3; Swimming 2.
As usual, senior girls take pnonty over the back of the away-game bus and entertain themselves
Rich Mingee Kurt Mitchell Bill Moore
Jack Moore Sherry Moore Mike Moran
Cindy Morgan Diane Morgan Sandy Morgan
Jeff Morrill Sherry Moss Ellen Mulcahey
by singmg, cheenng, and yelling at the top of their lungs to the dismay of the bus driver.
R. Mingee: CVE 4; Key Club 2; Film Club 3. K. Mitchell: Baseball 3; Electronics Club 2; Foreign Exchange 2; Industrial Arts 2. B. Moore: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3; CVE 4; Industrial Arts 2. J. Moore: A Capella 3; C Club 4; Football 2,3,4; Spring Musical 3; Track 2; Wrestling 2,3,4. S. Moore: FNA 3,4; VOA 3.4 captain. M. Moran C. Morgan: Election Board 3,4; Foreign Exchange 2; Junior Attendant 3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Spanish Club 2,3; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; VOA 3,4. D. Morgan: Foreign Exchange 2; GAA 2,3.4 president; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 2,3; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Spanish Club 2,3; VOA 4. S. Morgan: A Capella 4; FNA 2; German Club 2,3; Homecoming Queen 4; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 3; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Pepettes 4; Spring Musical 4. J. Morrill: A Capella 3.4 section leader; Football 2; Key Club 2,3; Madrigals 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Club 2,3; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; Spring Musical 3; Christmas Opera 4. S. Moss: Cheerleading 2,3,4; Class Officer 3 vice-president; Counseling Guides 4; House of Representatives 2; Junior Gym Leaders 3; National Honor Society 2,3,4; Peparoons 2,3; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Stunt Show 3; Spring Play 3; Mixed Choir 3 vice-president; A Capella 4. E. Mulcahey: CVE 4; OECA 4 secretary; FHA 2 vice-president, 3 secretary,4; Peparoons 2. M. Munhall: FSA 3 treasurer, 4; GAA 2; 0 0 4; Peparoons 2. P. Murray: A Capella 3; Boys' State 3; C Club 2,3,4; Football 2,3,4 co-captain; Key Club 2; Track 2,3; Wrestling 2,3,4. J. Nachtmann: Cheerleading 2; CVE 4; Election Board 2; Foreign Exchange 2,3 secretary; House of Representatives 2; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 2,3; All Star Volleyball Team 3; Spring Musical3; Senior Gym Leaders 4.
Mary Munhall Pat Murray Julie Nachtmann
B. Nadarski: CVE 3,4 vice chairman; In¡ dustrial Arts 2; VICA 4 treasurer. T. Nally: Class Officer 3 treasurer, 4 president; Counseling Guides 3; Foreign Exchange 4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; GAA 2; Interstate Exchange 4; Miss Merry Christmas Court 4; National Honor Society 2,3,4; Peparoons 2,3; Semor Gym Leaders 4; Student Council 2,3,4 secretary; Stunt Show 2,3; Delegate to National Student Council Leadership Conference. J. Nelson: CVE 3,4; VICA 4. C. Newman: Foreign Exchange 2,3,4; House of Representatives 2,3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Peparoons 2,3; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; VOA 3. D. Norwood: Counseling Guides 4; Film Makers 3. R. Orwick: CVE 2,3,4; VICA 3,4. J. Osterman: Chronicle 2; FSA 3,4; 00 4. N. Paterson: Cheerleading 3,4 captain; Election Board 2; French Club 2; Sophomore Attendant 2; Homecoming Court 4; House of Representatives 2; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Maroon 4; Max Maroon 3,4; Miss Merry Christmas 4; Peparoons 2,3; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Senior of the Month Activities; Stunt Show 3; VOA 3,4. C. Pece: CVE 4; FSA 3,4 vice-president; GAA 2,3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; 00 4 vice-president; Senior Gym Leaders 4. J. Pepple: Football 2; Track 2; VICA 4. N. Peshkin: FTA 2; Spring Musical 2; Stunt Show 2. J. Peterson: Chronicle 3,4; Electronics Club 3,4 president; Quill & Scroll 4 president. M. Peterson J. Petry: C Club 2,3,4; Football 2; House of Representatives 2; Spanish Club 2; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; Wrestling 2,3,4. D. Phelps L. Phelps D. Philli ps: Afro-American Club 2,3; Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3; Dance Band 2,3,4; House of Representatives 2,3; Jazz Band 2,3,4; Modern Music Masters 2,3; Spring Musical 2,3. R. Phillips: A Capella 3; Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4; Chronicle 2,3; CrossCountry 3; Fall Play 2.
Bob Nad arski Traci Nall y Jul ie Nelso n
Carol Newman Debbie Norwood Robert Orw ick
Janet Osterman Nancy Paterson Connie Pece
John Pepple Nancy Peshkin Jeff Peterson
Peterson Jim Petry Diana Phelps
Larry Phelps Danny Phillips Roland Phillips
CeCe Ryan , Sue Ensrud, and Debb1e Cutnght prove that sen1ors have t1me for elect1ves
Future plans effect senior schedules J. Pingry : A Capel la 3,4; German Club
John Pingry Mark P1ttman Becky Plotner
Vince Powell Pat Primmer Debbie Pruett
Terry Pruett Dan Pryor Anne Radcliffe
Tony a Rasner Jackie Rawdin Bonnie Reed
2,3 ; Key Club 3,4; Madrigals 3,4; Spring Musical 2. M. Pittman: CVE 4; DECA 4; Electron ics Club 3; Industrial Arts 3. B. Plotner: Foreign Exchange 2,3; FSA 4; FTA 3; Jun io r Gym Leaders 3; Maroon 4; Peparoons 2,3; Sen ior Gym Leaders 4; Smoke & Parchment 2; VOA 4. V. Powell : CVE 4; DECA 4; Industrial Arts 3 vice-president. P. Primmer: FNA 2. D. Pruett: Counseling Guides 2; FTA 2,3; Peparoons 2. T. Pruett: CVE 4; FHA 2,3 treasurer; GAA 3. D. Pryor: C Club 3,4 vice-president; Football 2,3,4; House of Representatives 2; Stude nt Counc il4; Wrestl ing 2,3,4. A. Radcliffe: A Capella 4; Drama 3,4; Fall Play 4; Foreign Exchange 3; National Thesp ian Society 3,4; Peparoons 3; Pepettes 4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Spring Musical 3; Spring Play 3; Stunt Show 3,4; Christmas Opera 4. T. Rasner: Dance Band 4; DECA 4; Foreign Exchange 2,3; Peparoons 2. J. Rawdin: CVE 4 president; GAA 2; Orchesis 2; Peparoons 2,3. B. Reed: CVE 4; FHA 3,4; FSA 3,4; GAA 2; 00 4. J. Reis C. Rend!!r: Canvas Board 2,3; 0 ram a 3; Fall Play 2,3,4; National Thespian Society 3; Order of the Mask 3; Spring Musical 2; Stunt Show 2,3. W. Render: A Capella 4; Industrial Arts 2.
Judy Reis Chris Render William Render
Sherry Moss frolics tn tossue paper after the sen · 10r hall decorat1ons were torn down .
R. Richardson: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4; Canvas Board 3; Dance Band 2,3,4; Jazz Band 2,3,4; Modern Music Masters 4; Orchestra 4; Stunt Show 3; Wrestlmg 2. P. Riddell: CVE 4; FHA 2,3; 00 4. J. Roberts D. Robertson: Counseling Guides 4; FSA 4; FT A 2,3 secretary, 4; Peparoons 2,3. C. Robinson: C Club 3,4; Football 2,3,4; German Club 2; Interstate Exchange 4; Key Club 2; Swimming 2; Golf 2,3,4. E. Roppel: Band 2,3,4; CVE 4. J. Rotramel C. Ryan: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2; Cheerleading 4; Election Board 3 co· chairman; Foreign Exchange 3; GAA 2; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 2,3; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Spring Musical 3; Student Council 2,3; Stunt Show 2,3; VOA4. M. Sawyer: House of Representatives 2,3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4; VOA 4. D. Schaudt: Band 2,3; Baton Club 2,3; FSA 3,4 president; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Spanish Club 2; Spanish Honor Society 3,4. P. Scherer: Election Board 3 co-chairman, 4; Foreign Exchange 2,3 vice-president; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Peparoons 2; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Stu· dent Council 2,3; Stunt Show 3. M. Schilling: Foreign Exchange 2,3; Spanish Honor Society 3,4. R. Schneider K. Seaman: Baseball 2,3,4; Basketball 2,3,4; C Club 4. S. Shaw: French Club 3; French Honor Society 3; Maroon 4; National Honor So· ciety 4; Peparoons 3; Pepettes 4.
One day seniors frolic like carefree kids • •• Rex Richardson Penny Riddell Jack Roberts
Debb1e Robertson Clay Robinson Earl Roppel
Jay Rotramel CeCe Ryan Mary Sawyer
Debbie Schaudt Patti Scherer Mary Schilling
Ron Schne1der Kent Seaman Sally Shaw
Core nne Sh~rley
Rick Sisk Allan Smith
Joyce Smith Mike Smith Ron Spohrer
Ellen Stahl Denise Stanley Mark Stevens
Chuck Stewart Tom Stewart Jerry Stiebner
Debbie Strater Karen Street Marilyn Stuff
Mike Sullivan Tom Swift Diane Talbott
C. Sh1rley: A Capella 4, Baton Club 2,3, Elect1on Board 4; Foretgn Exchange 2,3,4; Junior Gym Leaders 3, Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Sentor Gym Leaders 4; Spanish Club 2,3, Spantsh Honor Soctety 3,4. R. Sisk: A Capella 3; CVE 4; Drama 2; Photography 4; Spnng Mus1cal 2; Stunt Show 2. A. Smith: CVE 4; House of Representatives 2; Industrial Arts 2; VI CA 4. J. Smith M. Smith R. Spohrer E. Stahl: FTA 3,4 vice-president; Miss Merry Chnstmas Court 4; Peparoons 2,3; VOA 4; FT A Cadet Teaching 4. D. Stanley: Foreign Exchange 3,4; FTA 3,4; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; VOA 4. M. Stevens: Baseball 2,3; Basketball 2,3; C Club 3,4; CVE 4; Football 2,3,4; Homecoming Courts 4; Spanish Club 2. C. Stewart: Band 2,3,4; Key Club 3,4 vice-president; Wrestling 3. T. Stewart: Baseball 2,3,4; C Club 2,3,4; CVE 4; Football 2,3,4; House of Representatives 2,3. J. Stiebner D. Strater: FHA 3; GAA 2; German Club 2,4; Stunt Show 2. K. Street: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Senior Gym Leaders 4; VOA 3,4. M. Stuff: A Capella 4; GAA 2,3; Junior Gym Leaders 3 treasurer; National Honor Society 3,4; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Spring Musical 3,4; VOA 4. M. Sullivan: C Club 2,3,4; Football 2,3,4; Homecoming King 4; SAR Winner 4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; Track 2,3,4. T. Swift: Band 2,3,4; Baton Club 2,3,4; Industrial Arts 2; Jazz Band 2,3,4. D. Talbott: Baton Club 2; Class Off1cer 2 secretary; Counseling Guides 3; Debate 3,4; Fall Play 3; GAA 2; Girls' State 3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; National Forensics League 3,4; Peparoons 2,3 president; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Smoke & ParchmMt 2; Student Council 3; Stunt Show 3.
The next, as citizens, they register to vote Melinda Tate Todd Tennant Kath1e Tufte
Mack Turner lmda Valentme Mike VanMatre
Sus1e Vaughn Georg1a Vnner Bill Wade
Nancy Walker Terry Wallace John Walsh
M. Tate: A Capella 3,4; Baton Club 4; Debate 3; Drama 2,3,4; Fall Play 3; Ger路 man Club 2,3; House of Representatives 3; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Madrigals 3,4; Modern Music Masters 3,4; National Honor Society 2,3,4; Peparoons 2; Semor Gym Leaders 4; Spring Musical 2,3,4; Stunt Show 3; Girls' Tennis 4. T. Tennant: Debate 3,4; Football 2; National Forensics League 3,4. K. Tufte: Class Officer 3 president; Drama 2,3; Election Board 2; Fall Play 2; FHA 2; Foreign Exchange 2; House of Representatives 3; Interstate Exchange 4; Junior Gym Leaders 3; Maroon 3; Peparoons 2,3; Pepettes 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4; Stunt Show 2. M. Turner: Afro-American Club 2,3,4; Basketball 2,3,4; C Club 2,3,4. L. Valentine: Cheerleading 3; CVE 4; Foreign Exchange 2,3; House of Repre路 sentatives 2; Junior Gym Leaders 3; 00 4; Peparoons 2,3; Senior Gym Leaders 3; Spanish Club 2; Stunt Show 3,4. M. VanMatre: C Club 4 secretarytreasurer; Football 2,3,4; Track 2,3,4. S. Vaughn: Counseling Guides 2; CVE 4; FHA 2 vice-president; House of Repre路 sentatives 2; Maroon 3; 0 0 4; Peparoons 2; Pepettes 4. G. Vriner: CVE 4; Junior Gym Leaders 3; 00 4; Senior Gym Leaders 4. B. Wade: CVE 4; Industrial Arts 2,3 presi路 dent, 4 vice-president. N. Walker: Election Board 2,3; FTA 2,3 president, 4; Homecoming Court 4; House of Representatives 2,3 secretary; Maroon 3,4 Editor-in-Chief; Miss Merry Christmas Court 4; Peparoons 2,3; Quill & Scroll 3,4. T. Wallace J. Walsh Votmg 1s a b1g respons1bll1ty , and sen1ors who were 18 by January of 1972, l1 ke Steve K~rcher and Nancy Walker , take the opportun1 ty to reg1ster to vote dunng school .
Bruce Warren Dave Warren T1m Wassom
Ken Watson Marilyn Webber Dan Welch
John Weldon Pat Wells Greg West
B. Warren: CVE 2,3,4. D. Warren: Band 2,3; Basketball 2; Chronicle 3,4; Jazz Band 2; Maroon 3,4; Photography 3,4; Swimming 3,4. T. Wassom: CVE 4 vice-president. K. Watson M. Webber: GAA 2; Peparoons 2. D. Welch: Baseball 2; Basketball 2; Foot· ball 2,3,4. J. Weldon: CVE 4; Industrial Arts 2,3,4. P. Wells: CVE 3,4; FHA 3,4. G. West: Industrial Arts 2,3; Key Club 2,3; Wrestling 2; Building Trades 4. l. Widloski: Cheerleading 2,3,4; CVE 4; Foreign Exchange 2,3; House of Representatives 2,3; Peparoons 2,3; Spring Musical4; Stunt Show 2,3,4. R. Willms: CVE 4; Football 2,3; Spanish Club 2,3; Wrestling 3. J. Wilsky: Wrestling 2,3,4. R. Wilson: CVE 4; FFA 3.4 treasurer. T. Wilson: C Club 3,4; Key Club 4; National Honor Society 3,4 president; Swimming 2,3.4 co-captain. M. Woodhead: C Club 4; Football 2,3,4; Track 2,3,4; Wrestling 2,3.
LuAnn Widloski Rich Willms Jim Wilsky
Bob Wilson · Tim Wilson Matthew Woodhead
· In MemonamD1ane Anderson and D1ana York were killed 1n an automobile acc1dent on August 29, 1971, and w1ll be greatly m1ssed .
Juniors prepare for the year ahead of them "Hey Margo, how ya been? You'll never believe what happened to me this summer!" Remarks like this began our junior year at CentraL And registration was only the beginning. The short vacation brought us back together in late August. From that moment on it was a year of excitement and surprises. The excitement of picking a Homecoming attendant was exceeded only by the surprise of a fellow junior winning the car competition. Our surprise as we won the hall competition during Beat Urbana Week was matched only by the excitement of the game itself. This year was a time for work, too. It was a year when grades made the difference, and so we studied to the best of our capabilities and patience. We elected class officers and selected class rings, which served as a symbol of unity for the class of '73' and a reminder of a unequalled year.
Joe Adams Natalie Alagna Curt Alderson Joe Allan Wendy Allen Bill Amacher Alberta Anderson
Cathy Anderson Cheri Anderson Jerry Anderson Patti Anderson Doug Antrim Tom Antrim Scott Arnsdorf Don Atkins Debbie Auteberry Steve Ayers Jeff Badger Jeannette Bailey Doug Baker Jim Baldwin Mike Ball Janet Barenberg John Bargh Jean Barham Randy Barnhart Jim Bartholomew Richard Bartlett Gary Bechtel Dan Behnke Alan Bender Gene Bennett Jim Bergman Betty Bernard Jeff Best Nancy Bialeschki Marc Bianchini Cliff Bickers Chris Billing
Margo Ray and Gail Fllkin sit at a table in the reg1strat1on line passmg out Chronicles and stu-
dent IBM cards, and catch up on summer goss1p during a lull in the day .
Penny Birt John Blackwell Mabel Blair Janet Blanton Kathie Bluhm Sue Bohor Steve Bradley Julie Brandon John Braundmeier Paul Breen Aileen Bresnan Jack Briggs Bob Britt Tracy Brinkmeyer Debra K. Brown Debra Brown Gwendolyn Brown Jeanne Brown Loretta Brown Bill Bruss Annette Brya Sherrill Bryan -Kim Burkhead Jennifer Butler Jerry Butler Carol Butts Darlene Butts Ronald Butts Steve Campbell Debbie Cannon Cathe Capel Mike Carlier Randy Carlz Bobby Carter Eddie Carter Robin Cartwright Sharon Casey Elaine Cattell Eugene Chaney Derrick Clements Kathy Cooper Sue Cordes Melvin Corray Dave Cosgrove Frank Costa Terry Costa Joyce Council Jim Cox
Class offtcers Susie Shulman, vice-prestdent; Anna Schroeder, treasurer; Clarence Hudson,
prestdent; Gatl Filktn, secretary; and Miss Nancy Dickey, class sponsor stand on the
landing of the winning junior floor titled "Jom the Safari ... Hunt the Tigers."
Marianne Crafts Craig Craig Rick Craig Mike Creek David Crook Lisa Dahl Darrel Dalton Karl Danneberger Kent Dauten Susan Davis Randy Deaton Kiki Deschamps Craig Deval David Dillingham Eric Dixon Terry Donovan David Doolin Kathy Doran Jim Dotson Jill Dowling Vicki Drollinger Lou Due Kathy Duff Rita Dunlap Ernest Elam Mike Eldridge Pam Emkes Chris Ericson Randy Etheridge Gary Ferguson Greg Fernanda~ Gail Filkin Terry Folts Roger Fontana Sue Fox Keith Francis Pam Fritz Brenda Gadel Linda Gaines Pam Gattermeirer Doug Gelvin Mike Gentry Jim Gibson Nancy Glenn Barry Goldberg Marilee Gonder Brenda Goode Bill Gordon
Jun1or Mike Lierman works intently on a house plan during fourth hour draftmg class .
Bill Graham Eric Graham Vanessa Gray
Ivy Greear Reba Green Reba Griffith
Dan Gutowsky Steve Hadley Neal Haegele
Rick Hall Cathy Hallbick
Class members study hard to make those grades Debra Halsey Steve Harmon John Hanes
Tom Harrington Tony Harris Joyce Harry
Lynn Hart Mike Hart Ellen Hawkins
Ellen Hawkms finds the library facilities useful '" completmg her history report.
Karin Hayes Mary Hecker Mark Heimburger Jo Helmick Jane Henderson Alic ia Henriksen Richard Hensler Linda Herzog M ichael Hibbs Margaret Hickman Ann Higgins Mac Hillard Rick H inderliter Linda Hinton Meg Hinton Randy Holdren Marsha Holt Sherri Hopkins Clarence Hudson Mark Hudson Robert Hunter Evie Huston Pat Hynds Rich Hynds Linda Jackson Ralph Jay Debra Jelly Charles Johnson Dave Johnson Dexter Johnson JoE llyn Johnson Lisa Johnson Sherrill Johnson Gary Jones Robert Jones Tom Kaczkowski Melanie Karr Phil Katsinas Doug Keeling Bud Kelly Florine Kent Cindy Kuhns Phyllis Ketchum AI Kimbrough Charlie King Louis Kinnamon Bare Klingel Richard Korry
Beat Urbano Week arouses spirit in juniors
Jun1ors spent many long, hard hours decorating their w1nning hall for Beat Urbana Week.
Michele Koster Jill Kruger Mike Kucharczyk Howard Laidlaw Tina Larson Virgil Levitt Francie Lessaris Cathy Lewis Linda Lewis Kris Lewman Mike Lierman Mark Little Terri Littlefield Geraldine Lockett Suzy Looker Mike Lynch Diane Manire Cathy Manny Bobbie Mapson Mike Marikos Sue Markstahler Kris Massanari Bill Massengale Dan McCall Tim McClelland Larry McCoy Terry McDade Vickie McDade Greg McDaniel Jeff McDaniel Vickie McDaniel John McDowell Sheila McElwee Jo Ann Mcfarland John McGee Becky McGuire Candra McNeal Ricky McNeal Sandra McNeal Pam McWethy Rhonda McWethy Eric Mast Debbie Matthews Cynthia Mattox Rick Melton Annette Merrill Peggy Michael Gerald Mieczkowski
Greg Millage Margaret Miller Mike Miller Shari Miller DeeAnn Moore Michael Moore Pamela Moore Ida Motley Martha Moyer Richard Mueller Karen Mullins Ron Mullvain Kathy Murphy Pat Murphy Leroy Musgrove Heidi Musiala Tom Musson Laurie Nast Doug Nelson Terri Nesbitt Milton Nicholas Dan Noel Pat Noonan Carol Norman Cindy Norrick Becky North Mindy Nygren Patrice Offutt Phil O'Neill Vicky Overman Vickie Owens Steve Palmer Terry Palmisano Bonnie Parmenter Craig Parmenter Lora Parrish Roger Parra Debbie Parsons Daryl Pearson Becky Pharis Kevin Phillips Bill Pierce Calvin Pollard Michele Potter Mada Proemmel Mike Rafferty Connie Rathbun Margie Revak
Jeff Rawdin Margerite Ray Rhonda Reed Robert Reed
Jim Wilson, entry in class competition, eats pudding at the Beat Urbana assembly.
Jeff Reeder Val Render Kathy Restad Donna Richardson
Jeff Riehle Rex Rowlen Danny Saban Susan Safanie
Julie Samborski Sandy Satterlee Cathi Sawtelle Jim Schmidt
Roger Schmidt Phil Schneider Jean Schooley Anna Schroeder John Schumacher Pam Schurg Janet Scott Mike Seibold Vinell Shackelford Charla Shafer Nancy Shakeshaft Steve Shofner Barry Sholem Susie Shulman Kenneth Simons Steve Skaperdas Linda Smith Marsha Smith Sue Smith Phylis Sommerlad Jan South Steve Spencer Henry Spohrer Sheree Springer Sandy Stahl Ken Staske Matthew Stewart John Stick len Laurel Stolpe Julie Storme Ken Strater Dennis Strode Lisa Strohl Danny Suggs Kevin Swinford Duane Sykes Mary Tangora Bety Taylor Phil Taylor Randy Taylor
Melvin Terry Debbie Terwilliger Jo T inkey
Mike Marikos sits atop his winning entry 10 car competit ion With he lpers Greg Millage, Dale York, Danny Beh nke, and Greg Fern an dez.
Juniors triumph during Homecoming festivities Kathy Trippied i Jan ice Tuck Sam Tucker
Rick Tufte Ben Vail Dave VanDenBerg
Susanne Vargus Clara Vaughn Bob Vonesh
Fred VonNeumann Jan Wade Jeanette Watson
Howard La1dla w escorts Jun1or attendant, Mary Hecker at the Homecommg assembly.
Dora Ward Amy Webb Jerry Webber
Linda Weberg Jan Wehmer Dan Weisman Judy Weisman David Wells Steve Wells Bill Werstler Karen Whipple Beverly Wick Craig Wildemuth Dale Williams Teresa Williams Trudy Williams Bart Wills Jim Wilson Mike Wilson Pam Wilson Susan Wilson Jon Wolfe Kathleen Wood Mike Woodhead Steve Woodward Jim Wright Dale Yeazel Phil Yordy Dale York Rex York Barb Young Frank Young Gwain Zarbuck Randy Zehr Gail Zientek
Sophomores acquire taste for open lunch hour For us sophomores, confusion reigned on the first day of open lunch. Where were we supposed to go? When? Quite a few of us went to West Side Park and frantically ate our sandwiches only to discover that we still had over half an hour to spend with nothing to do. Finally we grew to love open lunch and Central High School, too. Annual traditions around the school helped us to feel a part of things as the year rolled on. We elected cheerleaders, decorated cars for Homecoming, watched the skits at the assembly, and cheered at the football games. Workmg as a unit for the first time, we decorated third floor for Beat Urbana Week with the theme "Maroon the Tigers." Then we won first prize in the pudding eating contest at the assembly and for the first time, felt a part of Champaign Central High School.
Amid pop cans and school books, Jody Bargh, Anne Worner, Amy Yount, Ginny Bartholow,
Dianne Abram Barbara Adams linda Adams Cindy Aderholt Jan Alexander Bruce Amsbary Greta Anderson Jan Anderson Mike Anderson Jay Andrews Carolyn Angel Bill Annin Dave Austin Dennis Auteberry Dan Auterman Ed Ayers William Back Sonna Baker Nanette Baldus David Barcroft Dan Barbercheck Rita Barenberg Jody Bargh Bruce Barnard Steve Barnhart Virginia Barr Glen Basham Barb Barry Ginny Bartholow Jon Bauman Becky Beach Connie Bean Jack Beck Tim Bennett Angela Berger Richard Bernard Steve Bersig John Betts Manijeh Binai George Biedenbender
and Janis Kmetz enjoy their sack lunches in the fresh air of West Side Park.
Debb1e Birdsell Jim Birks Laurice Bjorklund Victor Blackwell
Phil Bloomer Jacki Bohor lorenzo Bolden Sally Boswell
Mike Sown Henry Boykins linda Bray Melissa Breen
Scott Brian Eugene Britt Oliver Brize Mike Broadrick
Mimi Broadsky Velma Brooks Steve Brosuis Charles Brown
Greg Brown John Brown Theresa Brown Bobby Brumfield
Sophomore boys spend the1r lunch time playing a game of Frizbee in West Side Park.
Allen Bucher Ken Butler Stanley Butler Diane Butts
Karen Butts Benita Burke Kerry Burnett Vickie Burt Mary Burton Foyetta Cagle Philomena Calcagno Ted Carico Joe Carr Pat Carter Sylvia Cartwright Paul Cheek Wes Chessman Chris Chrisagis Pam Christman linda Clasey Crystal Clements Patty Clough Roberta Coleman Kathy Conley Bob Cook Kathy Corbett Jeff Corley Jim Cottrell
Sophomores caught up in Homecoming excitement Charles Cogan Patlyn Cozad Jeff Crabtree
Chris Crayton Teresa Creek Nancy Crowell
Marsha Cruzan Pat Cummings Gary Danenhower
Glenn Danneberger Leonard Davis Rhonda Dawdy
Glenn Tanner escorts sophomore attendant Adele Shoemaker across the field at half-time .
Dawn Decker Darla Dees Tina Demeris Richard Dillman Wheat Dixon Theresa Dodd Gary Dorsey Rhonda Dowell
Ellen Dowling Scott Drablos Barb Drebes
Debbie Ducey Allan Due Cherie Ebert
Paul Edlefsen Dave Edmison Mark Edwards
Tina Endsley Kris Ensrud Craig Erickson
Candy Stanley paints the hood of the FN A car for Homecom1ng car competition .
Steve Ervin Betty Evans Jeff Evans Kathy Eveland Bruce Failor Doris Fairfield Emmet Fairfield Geri Faulkner Julie Felt John Ferdon Jackie Ferguson Carolyn Fillenwarth Fred Fliegel Terry Flynn Ed Folts Richine Foote Mary Foran Mary Frasca Jeanne Gardner Carol Garland Mark Garrett Wayne Garrett Daniel Gilles Joanne Gentille Gail Glende Rosemary Goddard Edie Good Bob Gordon Danny Graham Ron Graham David Greenberg Don Gudgel Beth Hadler Doug Haig Bob Halsey Cary Hamilton Maurice Hampton Cheryl Haney Barbara Harris Gwen Harris Kim Hartman David Hartsfield Patricia Haynes John Hemrich Anna Henderson Teresa Henderson Bobbie Hendrick Cheryl Hern
Beverly Herrington Larry Hill Dana Hinton
Steve Hites Madeleine Hogan Kathy Holt
Eileen Holy Sara Honn Brad Hornaday
Charlie Hoss Paul Hummel Steve Inman Dave Hartsfield decorates Key Club's car for Homecom ing at Frank DeAtley's house.
Doug James Vicki Jelly Janis Johnson Page Johnson Ross Johnston Eunice Jones Jeff Jones Jennifer Jones Monica Jones Vicki Jones Kathy Josefsberg Toni Jost Jane Kaczkowski Steve Katsinas Pat Kearney Debbie Keeling
Darlene Kelly David Kelly Linda Kelly
Karen Kempton Phil Kennedy Elizabeth Kent
Dale Kesler Pam Kington Debbie Kirby
Robert Kirby Janis Kmetz Pat Kobel
Phil Krolick Mamta Kukreti Meg Laidlaw
Dan Larocque Joe Lateer Marion Levitt
Jim Lindsay Sherry Lindsey Laurie Lippold Mary Logue Pat Logue Bruce Long Donna Long Raymond Long Tom Lore Robert Lowry Melody Loy Diann Malloch Barb Manuel Debra Marlow Jim Martinie Jeff Mayer
Page Johnson reads about early CIVIlization Mr. Bowman's World History class .
Elective courses odd variety to school day
Fourth hour sophomore choir mem bers an d M r. Decker practtce Solfeggio doggedly f o r t he app roachmg fall concert.
Dave McCall Elaine McCoy Diane McDonald Patricia McDonald William McDonald Jim McDuffee Leslie Mcfarland Marsha McGaughey Julie McGuire Laura McHenry Erva Mclaughlin Mike McMahon Tony McNeal Willie McNeal Nancy McWethy Jay Meeker Diane Meroney Cathy Miller Dave Miller Jan Miller Jeff Miller Les Millholin Jim Millis Susan Minyard Diane Moake Connie Moore Jenny Moore Steve Moorehead Stephani Morgan Jan Mortensen Cynth ia Mueller Don Mueller Madonna Mulcahey Connie Mullis Marva Murray Mary Murray James Myles Barb Nelson Jeff Newman Jo Nichols
Charlie Brown prepares to find a seat in th cafetena after paying Mrs. McKenzte 40 ~ . Norm Nielsen Jim Nogle Brenda Ohls
Vicki Osterhoff Bruce Owens Jim Palma
Constance Palmisano Mark Panczner Rick Paquin
Sophomores learn the ropes in the cafeteria Bill Parkhill John Parkhill Mary Paterson Glenn Perkins Polly Petry Archie Pettigrew John Phillips Pat Pierce Oick Pittman Debbie Plotner Don Plue Gayle Pollard Ronald Pollard Peter Porter David Pyer linda Ralston Mike Randall Diana Rankin Tina Rasner Julie Rawdin linda Reid Marty Reifsteck Betty Reinhold Chester Riggin Donna Rivers Janice Robertson Susie Robinson Steve Rochford Becky Roeper Dale Rogers Andy Rohn John Roney Sheila Rubenacker Debbie Russell Scott Samborski Marsha Sanford larry Sankey Terese Schachtlie Mary Scheidel Steve Schmall Jay Schneider Richard Schneider lynn Schonert Susie Schroeder Sam Schoonover Bob Schwanke. Kevin Schwenk Connie Scoby
Anne Scott Bill Seeber Ken Shakeshaft Tim Shaw Kevin Sheahan Julie Shick Kent Shirley Adele Shoemaker Dan Sides Brad Simmons Cathy Simonton Dawn Skeels Dan Slade Debbie Slade Becky Smith Britt Smith David Smith Doug Smith Janet Smith Norman Smith Raymond Smith Tony Smith Debbie Snider Nancy Spurgeon Melanie Stahl Loretta Standefer Candy Stanley Jan Stanley Gail Starks Robyn Stauffer Jim Steen Katrinka Steen Eric Stolpe Mike Street John Stuff Kevin Sullivan Sidney Sullivan Jim Sykes Tonita Tabaka Dan Talbott Glenn Tanner Lori Tate Diana Taylor Mark Thirion Rodney Thomas Greg Tinkey Byron Tinsley Stuart Townsley Cathy Travelstead Beth Tryon Tim Tucker Jeanne Wagner John Walker Pat Wall Jim Walters Dan Walton Robert Ward John Warmbier Dianne Warner Jean Warnock Jimmie Warren Cindy Wassom Phillip Wassom Belinda Watson Bob Watson Penny Weaver Karen Weidner Sharon Weisman Guy Whealon Tom Whipple Jason Widloski Diane Williams Sharon Williams Angela Wilson Debby Wilson Donna Wilson Joseph Wilson Pam Wilson Pat Wilson Ronda Willson
Class officers Marsha Cruzan, secretary ; Dan La Rocque, president, Kros Ensrud, vtce-prest -
dent; an d Pam Chrostman, treasurer; engineers of the puddmg-eattng strategy, pose with class
sponsors Mrs. Nancy Btcker an d Mr. Howard Horn by the school marquee .
Sophomores elect officers, eat pudding fast Wes Wilson Dianne Winfrey Joan Wisehart Carole Wittler
Ken Woolridge Bob Wolf Paul Woodhead Rose Woods
Anne Worner Mary Wright Jane Uhlir Karen Valentine
Marty Vance Mary Vawter Sue Yancey Kathleen Young
Amy Yount Edward Zientek Kevin Zindars Tim Tucker proves to be the fas test pu dd mg eater at the Beat Urbana assembly .
Important iobs held by school decision makers To a man like Doctor Berner, busyness was nothing. He was the administrator over Unit 4 School District. Daily he operated as the Board of Education, except on every second Monday of each month when the board met. Doctor Berner approved of this year's open lunch program. At the beginning of the year it was a little rough, but then after having a few board meetings things ironed out, he said. Hobbies was an enjoyable subject to talk about with the superintendent. His favorite hobbies were fishing, gardening, and reading. Dr. Berner held an important position in community relations and decision making. His teaching of high school English and speech helped him to understand the wants and needs of students.
Doctor Berner prepares to report to the Board of Education from a bulging notebook.
Sitting: Mrs. Kathryn Humphrey, Denn1s Dahl, Peter Sharesman . Standing: Harold Baker.
Franc1s J. Barker II, secretary; R1chard Foley, president; R1chard Alexander .
In spite of our resistance, knowledge rubs off Mrs. Marcta Bernhard Mr. Millard Berry Mrs. Nancy Btcker
Miss Jean Borg Mtss lots Bottenfteld Mrs. Dons Brownrtdge
Mr. Jerry Butler Mr. lee Cabuttt Mr. Kevtn Cain
Though teachers taught their assigned subjects, they also enjoyed sharing outside interests with their students. Many students wouldn't have believed some of the hobbies that teachers had by their actions at school. Their hobbies vaned from gardening to tennis, traveling, and fishing. Teachers were actually human. Each teacher arrived at 7:45 and left at 3:45. During this time they tried to be pleasant, even in the face of an unexpected fire drill or a spur-of-the-moment early dismissal on a test day. Besides just teaching at school, teachers had other obligations. They had to patrol the halls and sometimes the street corners in the mornings and during lunches. They were also expected to keep attendance records on every student as well as attend monthly faculty meetings and one PTA meeting each year. All in all, teachers were busy every minute, but they always had time for their students.
R. Allen: B.P.E. & Asst. Wrestling Coach; B.S., Southern Illinois. M. Bernhard: German; B.A.-M.A., Illinois; German Club; Hobbies: music. M. Berry: Counselor: B.S., Northern Iowa University; M.S., Iowa State; Hobbies: gardening. N. Bicker: Social Studies; B.A., Michigan State; M.S., Emporia State; Hobbies: bridge, painting, travel. J. Borg: Counselor; B.S., Indiana State; M.A. and Ad. Certificate, Illinois. L. Bowman: Social Studies; B.A., Indiana; Key Club. L. Bottenfield: Latin & English; B.A.-M.A., Illinois; Latin Club; Hobbies: travel, sewing. S. Brown: Librarian; B.S., Eastern Michigan; M. L.S., Illinois. D. Brownridge: Art; B.S., Eastern. J. Butler: Metal & Wood Shop; B.S.-M.S., Northeast Missouri State; Industrial Arts Club. L. Cabutti: B.P.E. & Basketball Coach; B.S., Southern Illinois University; M.A., Illinois. K. Cain: English; B.A., University of Iowa; Election Board. Mr. VanDevender shares his favorite hobby , Indtan artifacts, with students from history classes during a lecture tn the Little Theatre .
Miss Susan Cattle Mrs. Doris Clements Mr. Frank Coates
Mrs. Bertha Dar1iham Mrs. Marge Davenport Mr. Steve Davis
Mr. Donald Decker Miss Nancy Dickey Mr. Charles Due
Mr. Richard Dunscomb Mrs. Alice Elder Mr. Charles Evans
C. Carrodine: B.P.E. & Asst. Track and Basketball Coach; B.S., Western Illinois; M.S., Eastern Illinois; Afro-American Club; Hobbies: fishing. S. Cattle: G.P.E.; B.S. Ed., Northeast Missouri State College; M.S., Illinois State; GAA. D. Clements: Counselor; B.A., St. Augustines College; M.Ed., Illinois. F. Coates: Chemistry; B.S., CulverStockton College; M.S., Illinois; National Honor Society; Hobbies: lapidary. B. Darsham: Asst. Principal; M.S., Illinois; VOA; Hobbies: travel. M. Davenport: Business Ed.; B.S., Eastern Illinois; M.Ed., Illinois; FSA & 00. S. Davis: English; B.A.-M.A., Missouri; Forensic Activities; Hobbies: skiing, camping. D. Decker: Choral Music; B.S.-M.S., Eastern Illinois; Contemporary Music; Hobbies: camping, horseback riding. N. Dickey: Art; B.A., Southern Illinois. C. Due: B.P. E. & Sophomore Basketball Coach; B.S.-M.Ed., Illinois; Hobbies: golf. R. Dunscomb: Band Music; M.M.E.; Millikin; Baton Club; Hobbies: all sports. A. Elder: CVE; B.S., Ball State; M.A.T., Indiana; Hobbies: antiques, hunting, cooking, camping. C. Evans: Social Studies; B.A., Berea College; Hobbies: camping, reading, sports.
Student Council members, Teddy Morgan and Marty Vance serve punch to Building Trades Mr. Robert Pittman at the teachers' tea.
Mess Jeanne Evertts Mr. Harold Felty Mr. George Freck Mr. Rechard Garcea Mr. Tom Gher
Mr. Allen Grace Mrs. Dora Greenough Mr. Charles Greest Mrs. Roberta Hanna Mrs. Sharon Hawkey
Mr. Jack Higgs Mr. Lowell Hillen Mr. Howard Horn Mr. Joe Houska Mrs. Elizabeth Kellogg
Teachers enjoy the break away from students J. Evertts: Social Worker; B.S., Michigan State; M.S., Michigan; Hobbies: tennis, swimming, sewing. H. Felty: Counselor; M.S.-M.A., Illinois. B. Fleener: Principal; B.S.-M.S., Drake University. G. Frick: Spanish; A.B., Bethany College; M.A., Illinois; Spanish Club. R. Garcia: Math; B.S., Illinois. T. Gher: B.P.E., Asst. Principal ; B.S., Southern Illinois; M.S., Illinois. A. Grace: Librarian; M.S., Illinois; FTA; Hobbies: reading, cards.
Faculty enjoy the relaxation and quiet atmosphere of the cafeteria during the Teachers' Tea. held in the fall.
D. Greenough: EMH; B.S., Purdue; M.A., South Florida; Hobbies: reading, sewing, piano, sports, singing, dancing. C. Griest: Drafting; A.B., Colorado State; M.A., Illinois; Film makers; Hobbies: jewelry, wood inlays. R. Hanna: English; A.B., Greenville Col ¡ lege; M.Ed., Illinois; Film makers; Hobbies: sewing, knitting, reading. S. Hawkey: Math; B.S., Wisconsin; M.S.T.M., Illinois; Hobbies: sewing, knitting. J. Higgs: Prevocational Counselor; B.S.,
Eastern Illinois; M.Ed., Illinois; Hobbies: hunting, fishing, camping. l. Hillen : Agriculture; B.S.-M.Ed., Illinois; FFA; Hobbies: reading, hunting, fishing, camping. H. Horn : Business Ed.; B.S., Western Illinois. J. Houska: Electronics; B.S., Iowa State; M.A.-D.Ed., Illinois; Electronics Club; Hobbies: hunting. E. Kellogg: French; A.B., North Dakota; A.M., Radcliffe; French Club; Hobbies: music.
Mrs. Manon Kessler Mr. Tom Klumb Mrs. Evelyn Kovar
Mr. John Lindstrom Mrs. Mildred Margrave Mrs. Phyll1s Maxey
Mrs. Betty Mayor Mrs. Carol McEwen Mrs. Carolyn Meares
Mrs. Roberta Hanna stands before her class in her new Engli sh room, 308.
M. Kessler: Home Ec.; B.S., Blackburn & Illinois; Foreign Exchange. S. Klein: Social Studies; B.A.-M.A., Illinois. T. Klumb: Math & History; B.A., Arkansas; M.S. E., Arkansas State; C0 E0. E. Kovar: English; B.A., Butler; M.S.J., Northwestern; Chronicle, Quill and Scroll. J. Lindstrom: Art; B.S., Eastern Illinois; M.A., Missouri & Illinois. M. Margrave: English; B.A., Southern Illinois; M.A., Missouri & Illinois; Book Club; Hobbies: sewing, reading. P. Maxey: History, Psychology; B.A.M.A., Illinois; Asst. Debate Coach; Hobbies: travel, dogs. B. Mayor: Math & General Studies; B.S. Ed. & Special Ed.; M.A., Illinois; Hobbies: tennis, bridge. C. McEwen: English; B.S.-M.S., Indiana State; Maroon ; Hobbies: golf, swimming, crocheting. C. Meares: Black & U.S. History; B.S., Eastern Illinois; Afro-American Club; Hobbies: Community programs & AfroCulture Center. I. Meskimen: Math; A.S., Vincennes; B.S. -M.S., Indiana State; Hobbies: reading, traveling. D. Miller: G.P.E.; A.B., Southern Illinois; Gym Leaders. B. Mocella: Reading Laboratory ; B.A., Illinois; Hobbies: reading, sewing.
Mr. Irving Mesk1men Mrs. Dorothy Miller Mrs. Bev Mocella
A n un1 d en t1f 1ed purse, w1th keys, co rres pon dence, an umbrella , and a bag used to carry
ungraded papers, 1s symbolic of women faculty at Ce ntral H1gh Schoo l
Mr. Hal Morpurgo Mr. Rtchard Mulvthtll Miss Dorothy Munger Mr. Claude Murphy Mr. Carl Nelson
Mrs. Gretchen Norton Mr. Myron Ochs Mr. Duane Patton Mr. Don Pittman Mr. Robert Pittman
Mr. Travts Poole Mr. Tom Powell Mr. Fred Schooley Mr. James Shifflet Mr. Allen Smith
Mr. Milburn Smith Mr. Monty Stanley Mr. Dike Stirrett Miss Marion Stuart Mr. Carlos VanAuron
H. Morpurgo: OE; B.S., New York; M.S., Illinois. R. Mulvihill : B.P.E.; B.S., Wisconsin State; M.S., Minnesota State. D. Munger: Bus. Ed., B.S.- M.S., Illinois; Hobbies: travel. C. Murphy: CVE; B.S., Eastern Illinois; M.Ed., Illinois, VICA. C. Nelson: Asst. Principal ; B.S., Illinois; A.C.E., Illinois; M.A., Northwestern. G. Norton: Math; B.S., Illinois; Hobbies: sewing, swimming, reading. M. Dchs: Graphic Arts, Photography, Wood; B.S., Eastern Illinois; M.Ed., Illinois; photography. D. Patton: Auto Shop; B.S., Illinois; M.Ed., Montana State; Advanced Certifi· cate, Colorado State. D. Pittman: B.P.E. Wrestling, Asst. Soph· omore Football & Baseball Coach;
B.S.· M.Ed., Illinois. R. Pittman: Building Trades; B.S., McPherson College; M. Ed., Illinois. T. Poole: Spanish : A.B.- M.Ed., Texas; Academic Diploma, London University; Spanish Honor Society; Hobbies: travel. T. Powell: Counselor; B.S., Illinois State; M.Ed., Illinois. K. Rasmussen: G.P.E.; B.S., Southern Illinois; Cheerleaders, Pepettes. J. Reed: English; B.S.- M.S., Illinois. F. Schooley: Social Studies; B.S.-M.S., Illinois. J. Shifflet: Business Ed.; B.S., Illinois State; Student Council ; Hobbies: coin collecting, hunting, fishing. A. Smith: Science; B.S., Purdue; M.S., Oregon; Chess Club. M. Smith: Art; A.B., Millikin; M.S., Southern Illinois; M.F.A., Illinois; Hob-
bies: photography, Competitive Art Shows. M. Stanley: CVE; B.S., Eastern Illinois; M.Ed., Illinois; DECA; Hobbies: horses, motorcycles, fishing. T. Stewart: B.P. E., Football Coach; B.S.-M.Ed., Illinois. D. Stirrett: Business Ed.; Cross-Country Coach & Asst. Track Coach; B.S., Eastern Illinois; Hobbies: Competitive track, hunting. M. Stuart: English; M.S., Illinois; Smoke and Parchment, Poetry; Hobbies: travel. J. Trigger: B.P.E. Swimming & J.V. Foot· ball & Tennis Coach; B.S., Illinois. C. Van Auron: A.B., Carthage; M.S., Western Illinois; M.S.T., Missouri; Hob· bies: golf, fishing.
Teachers teach, listen, and even stay human, too!
Mr. Wilford VanDevender Mrs. Barbara Voss Mrs. Helen Walker
W. VanDevender: Math; B.S., Illinois; M.Ed., Case Institute Technology; Hob· bies: archaeology, philately, genealogy. B. Voss: CVE; M.A., Indiana; VICA; Hob· bies: reading, traveling. H. Walker: Home Ec.; B.S., Southern Illinois; M.S., Illinois; FHA·HERO. G. Ward: B.P.E. Track & Sophomore Football Coach; B.Ed., Eastern Illinois; C Club. J. Ward : G.P.E.; B.S., Illinois; M.S., Southern Illinois. G. Webb: Biology; B.S.·B.S.Ed.·M.S., Southern Illinois. N. Winters: Science; B.S., West Virginia. R. Wooley: B.P.E., Asst. Football Coach, Golf Coach; B.S.·M.Ed., Illinois. N. Yaxley: Business Ed. ; B.S.·M.Ed., Illinois; Hobbies: swimming, bridge.
Mr. Gene Ward Mrs. Jean Ward Mr. Gerald Webb
Mrs. Nancy Wmters Mr. Richard Wooley Mrs. Nancy Yaxley
The stars and stnpes fad that os sweepong the country can also be seen at Central. as Mr. Bow·
man models hos Chnstmas present goven to hom by one of hos students .
Mr. Bernard Fleener, Pnnc1pal of Champaign Central H1gh School poses at h1s desk
Mr. Nelson helps direct traffic on Homecoming mornmg dunng the madness of "where do I park my entry?"
Administrators keep in touch with students Mr. Fleener relaxes while watchmg students participate in the Beat Urbana assembly .
Probably the place where students were least likely to find Mr. Bernard Fleener was in his office. The places that students often found him included all pep assemblies, ball games, or walking the halls to be among the students. His door was always open and so was his mind. What more could Central students ask of the principal? Another man essential to Central was Carl Nelson, assistant principal. He 0. K. ed the daily bulletins, activity periods, and spent hours processing grade cards in the IBM room. Mr. Tom Gher handled all discipline problems with boys, but still managed to teach a health class and be a friend and helper to students who needed it. Mrs. Bertha Oarsham, Dean of Giris, incorporated her Positivity Groups into the school day which gave girls training in positive feelings for themselves and other girls. All aged girls profitted from the fifteen groups, finding them a pleasant interlude in a long day.
Mrs . Darsham always has time for former Central students during her busy scHedule .
Mr. Tom Gher explams a First Aid topic to his senior health students, George Currington,
Steve Malloch, Becky Plotner, Ellen Stahl, and Tim Leonberger.
Sitting: M rs. Pam Zelinsky, Mrs. Joanne Tal bott, an d M rs . Darlene Hanson . Standing: Mrs.
Marie Mankey , Mrs. Vtrgtma Garland, Mrs. Midge Seiger, Mrs. Ruth Eadte, Mrs . Muriel
Smtth, and Mrs. Vivtan Holiday.
Secretaries serve students, teachers, parents Staff members forced to deal tactfully with students, teachers and parents were Central's hardworking secretaries. According to Mrs. Pam Zelinsky, head secretary, each woman had specific duties to perform. Mrs. Zelinsky called sub¡ stitute teachers, made graduation reports, and even passed out diplomas at graduation. She concluded smilingly "I also feed the office fish." Central's bookkeeper, Mrs. Holiday, took everybody's money. She handled money for 50 clubs, worked registration, and ordered supplies. Mrs. Garland kept permanent records up to date on each student and sponsored the Counseling Guides. In the library Mrs. Eadie and Mrs. Beiger ordered books and films and kept all machines repaired. Mrs. Muriel Smith took care of CVE department business. Mrs. Darlene Hanson presided over the main office. She delivered mail daily and was responsible for announcements in the daily bulletin. Without the secretaries, we would have no phone service, no records kept, and nine fewer smiling faces.
In t he Counseli ng Office M rs. Garland and Mrs. Tal bott ponder a student's file.
Eighteen people serve from down till midnight How can eight people serve 38,700 lunches? For the answer check with the eight ladies in the cafeteria who performed this task during the school year 1971-72. The early birds of the staff, they arrived at seven a.m. to begin preparing all food from scratch, even the rolls, soups, and salad dressings. After Iunch, they faced the even larger task of cleaning up. Certainly these eight ladies were the unsung heroines of Central High School. Who fixed broken windows, unjammed lockers, and erased blackboards? No one but Central's own hard-working custodians. As if that weren't enough, they also took time to keep the building warm and clean. Behind the door of the custodians officr. or on the other end of the music troll) a portable radio worked an irreplaceable part of Central High School.
Sitting: Mary Calentine, Margarett Dean, Freda Schofner, Jean Eastin . Standing: Imelda Marks,
Alice McKenz1e, Dons Hampton, Loetta Jerv1s, Iva Ph ill ippe, Patricia Levi tt.
Front Row: Lee Pettigrew, Emil Bilon, Clarence Moore, Wayne Ruch , Herdi e Thomas .
Back Row: J1m Sm1th , George McCulley , head custod ian ; Lloyd Biles.
Mr. Murphy and Mr. Bowman , faculty , asSISt Wayne Ruch and Lloyd Biles, custodians , 1n levelmg the extension ladder.
Diversity in commerce is a challenge and the merchants shown in the following pages are meeting that challenge through advertising. Certainly wigs are not new, but how many salesgirls are faced with the task of fitting one on a young man? And what would a whale be doing in a prominent local shopping center? Indeed it could be termed a built-in babysitter for parents to shop freely. Merchants meet the needs of busy shopping seasons through constant remodeling and expansion of their stores. Surely when advertisers coined the phrase "Pepsi pours it on," they didn't mean it literally. But one young lady thought it might be a good release for her inner tensions. With a musical accompaniment of constantly beeping car horns, headlights and neon signs illuminate the night sky of downtown Champaign. All in all, these representative merchants are meeting the diverse commercial needs of people today.
Lincoln Square
Busey First Notional Bonk 201 West Main Urbana
Abbott's Florist 1501 North Prospect Champaign
Monical's Pizzo
608 East Green Champaign
P. F. Maginn Phone: 356·2559
30 Main Champaign
Dahl E
Stationers 119 West Church Champaign, Illinois
Sears 322 North Hickory Champaign, Illinois
Sholem's 184
Champaign County Bank and Trust
Neil and Park, Champaign # # #
t~e straiq~t
with the get-bent fa shions
little Caesar's Pizzo Treat 102 East Green Champaign
American Notional Bonk 185
1306 Anthony Champaign
One Hour Mortinizing 101 North Neil Champaign
First Federal Savings & Loon
Champaign Notional Bonk
cw~ from ...
• .: . . 101 E. Green Champaign
First and University • 352-0561 M•mb••
123 W. Park Champaign
627 S. Wright Champaign 187
Three locations to serve you
1505 N. Prospect, C. 706 S. Sixth, C.
Take home a treat Choose from over 30 Varieties
901 W. University, U.
... . •··
World Wide Movers
·.. • ••
• ••
Lincoln Lond Moving & Storoge, Inc. 356-6428 188
601 N. Mattis
Champaign, Illinois
Ill. MC 5813 C-C
125 W. Church
Robeson's Massanari Decorating Service
1217 W. Park
This picture brought to you compliments of a friend. 189
A Abel, Patsy 134 Abram, Dianne 111, 115, 158 A CAPELLA 88 Adams, Barb 21, 115, 158 Adams, Joe 36, 150 Adams, Linda 91, 158 Aderholt, Cindy 158 Adleman, Sheila 129, 134 AFRO AMERICAN 114, 115 Alagna, Natalie 31, 111, 122, 150 Alderson, Curt 83, 85, 87, 150 Alexander, Jan 158 Alexander, Karen 118, 134 Alexander, Mr. R1chard 167 Allan, Joe 150 Allen, Arnold 134 Allen, Mr. R1chard 42 Allen, Wendy 83, 85, 109, 110, 111, 150 Amacher, Bill 85, 87, 150 Amsbary, Bruce 158 Anderson, Alberta 150 Anderson, Brenda 79, 134 Anderson, Cathy 90, 150 Anderson, Chen 150 Anderson, Dave 134 Anderson, Debbie Anderson, Greta 158 Anderson, Jan 29, 42, 94, 96, 117, 158 Anderson, Jerry 150 Anderson, Mike 115, 158 Anderson, Patty 126, 150 Anderson, Vicky 118, 134 Andrews, Jay 96, 158, 194 Angel, Carolyn 115, 158 Angel, Cecil 107, 111, 115 Annin, Bill 90, 158 Arbuckle, Sandy 134 Arnsdorf, Scott 42, 150 Ashby, Mike 36, 42,131, 134 Atkins, Don 71, 85, 87, 110, 150 Atkins, Shirley 61, 134 Austin, David 158 Auteberry, Debbie 150 Auteberry, Dennis 40, 158 Auterman, Dan 158 Ayers, Ed 158 Ayers, Steve 1 50
B Back, Ed 42, 158 Badger, Jeff 150 Bailey, Janet 150 Baker, Doug 150 Baker, Mr. Harold 167 Baker, Sanna 91, 158 Baldus, Nanette 85, 158 Baldus, Robin Baldwin, Jim 42, 43, 112, 150 Ball, M1ke 131, 150 BAND 84,85 BATON CLUB 83 Barbercheck, Dan 40, 158 Barbercheck, Tom 134 Barcroft, David 158 Barenberg, Janet 79, 150 Barenberg, Katie 59, 103, 111, 118, 134 Barenberg, Rita 158 Bargh, Jody 45, 111, 158 Bargh, John 85, 93, 94, 150 Barham, Jean 150 Barham, John 134 Barker, Mr. Franc1s 167 Barnard, Bruce 85, 158 Barnhart, Randy 150 Barnhart, Steve 40, 158 Barr, Virg1 nia 158 Barrett, Andy
Index Barry, Barb 158 Bartholomew, Jim 150 Bartholow, Ginny 2, 93, 94, 96, 158 Bartlett, Richard 133, 150 Basham, Glen 158 Bauman, Jon 94, 96, 97, 111, 158 Beach, Becky 29, 42, 158 Beach, Andy 92, 107, 109, 111, 134 Bean, Connie 158 Beasley, Dianne 134 Bechtel, Gary 150 Beck, Jack 158 Behnke, Danny 36, 150, 156 Be1ger, Mrs. Midge 176 Beldon, Ron 42, 92, 135 Bender, Alan 130, 150 Benn, Sue 27, 88,101,109,111, 113, 135 Bennett, Gene 14, 36, 150 Bennett, Tim 40, 158 Berger, Angela 62, 85, 158 Berger, Gary 36, 92, 135 Bergman, Jim 150 Bernard, Betty 62, 150 Bernard, Richard 158 Berner, Dr. Marshall 167 Bernhard, Mrs. Marcia 168 Berry, Mr. Millard 168 Bers1g, Steve 158 Best, Jeff 150 Betts, John 128, 158 Bialeschki, Nancy 150 Bianchini, Marc 128, 150 Bicker, Mrs. Nancy 166, 168 Bickers, Clifford 150 Biedenbender, George 158 Biles, Mr. Lloyd 177 Billing, Chris 112, 150 Bilon, Mr. Emil 177 Binai, Manijeh 158 Birdsell, Debra 159 Birks, Jim 159 Birt, Penny 67, 151 Bjorklund, Laurice 61, 159 Blackmon, Anne 79, 107, 134, 135 Blackwell, Arlayne 101, 135 Blackwell, Ave 88, 114, 115 Blackwell, John 83, 88, 151 Blackwell, Vic 9, 50, 114, 115, 159 Blair, Mabie 151 Blanton, Janet 11, 90, 115, 151 Bloomer, Phil 159 Bloomer, Richard Blue, Jack 135 Bluhm, Kathy 109, 151 Bode, Ken 13, 36, 46, 47, 74, 92, 135 Bogan, Carol 135 Bogan, Richard Bohor, Jackie 159 Bohor, Sue 78, 79, 151 Bolden, Lorenzo 40, 115, 159 Bonnell, Barb 101, 103, 135 Borg, Miss Jean 168 Boswell, Sally 80, 159 Bottenfield, Miss Lois 168 Bowman, Mr. Les 112, 162, 173, 177 Bown, Mike 159 Boykins, Henry 159 Bradley, Steve 151 Brain, Scott 85 Brandon, Julie 151 Braundmeier, Jim 135, 151 Braundmeier, John Bray, Linda 159 Breen, Melissa 29, 45, 94, 96, 116, 159 Breen, Paul 151 Bresnan, Aileen 151
Brian, Cheryl 60 Brian, Scott 159 Briggs, Jack 5, 151 Bright, Chuck 129, 135 Brinkmeyer, Tracy 98, 107, 111, 151 Britt, Bob 80, 92, 151 Britt, Eugene 115, 1 59 Britton, Bob 46, 80, 92, 135 Brize, Jr., Oliver 40, 115, 159 Broadrick, Karl 33, 34, 88, 92, 112, 135 Broadrick, Mike 34, 74, 112, 159 Broadsky, Mimi 22, 88, 89, 159 Brooks, Velma 115, 159 Brosuis, Steve 159 Brown, Becky 85 Brown, Benny 36, 42, 92, 111 Brown, Charlie 40, 50, 115, 159, 164 Brown, Debbie 151 Brown, Greg 159 Brown, Gwendolyn 151 Brown, Jeanne 9, 75, 79, 90, 151 Brown, John 159 Brown, Loretta 151 Brown, Paul135 Brown, Theresa 91, 159 Brown, Tom 135 Brownridge, Mrs. Doris 21, 115, 118, 168 Brumfield, Bob 159 Bruns, John 112, 135 Bruss, Bill 69, 151 Bryan, Annette 79, 90, 151 Bryan, Sheryl 8, 151 Bucher, Allen 159 Buffer, Nick 88, 115, 135 Burke, Benita 159 Burke, Bob Burkhead, Kim 151 Burnett, David Burnett, Kerry 159 Burnett, Sandy 101, 118, 126, 136 Burt, Vickie 159 Burtis, Kathy 103, 136 Burton, Mary 159 Burwell, Randy 36, 92, 136 Butler, Jennifer 88, 115, 151 Butler, Jerry 115, 131, 151, 168 Butler, Ken 115, 159 Butler, Stan 9, 50, 115, 159 Butts, Carol 116, 151 Butts, Darlene 90, 98, 116, 119, 151 Butts, Diane 91, 159 Butts, Karen 91, 124, 159 Butts, Ron 151 Byerly, Scott 11, 36, 92, 136
c C CLUB 92 Cabutti, Mr. Lee 46, 168 Cain, Mr. Kevin 18, 168 Cagle, Foyetta 159 Calcagno, Philomena·159 Calentine, Mrs. Mary 177 Campbell, Steve 151 Canaday, Letti 129, 136 Cannon, Debbie 90, 98, 107, 116, 151 Cantrell, Jim 5, 92, 136 Capel, Cathe 151 Carico, Ted 40, 52, 159 Carlier, Mike 151 Carlz, Randy 151 Carns, Steve 109, 111 Carr, Chris 136
Carr, Joe 159 Carrodine, Mr. Coleman 46, 115 Carter, Bobby 151 Carter, Eddie 151 Carter, Pat 34, 159 Cartwnght, Robm 151 Cartwright, Sylvia 85, 159 Casey, Sharon 109, 126, 151 Cattle, M1ss Susan 42, 45, 73, 116, 117, 169 Cattell, Elaine 22, 88, 89, 151 Chambers, Otis 75 Chaney, Gene 151 Cheek, Paul 85,159,194 CHEERLEADERS, SOPHOMORE 106 CHEERLEADERS, VARSITY 104, 105 Chessman, Wes 159 CHORUS, MIXED 90 CHORUS, SOPHOMORE 91 Chnsag1s, Chris 159 Christman, Pam 159, 166 Chnstie, Karen 101, 119, 122, 130, 136 CHRONICLE 80,81 Clapp, Marilyn 80, 81, 88,119,136 Clasey, Linda 124, 159 Clements, Crystal 159 Clements, Dereke 115, 151 Clements, Mrs. Doris 169 Clough, Kathy 136 Clough, Patty 159 Coad, Robert 68 Coates, Mr. Frank 109, 169 Cobble, John 136 Cobbs, Retha 115 Cogan, Charles 80, 160 Coggins, Ruth 83, 85, 87, 136, 159 Cole, Jennifer 136 Coleman, Roberta 159 Conley, Kathy 159 Cook, Bob 83, 85, 87, 159 Coon, Bonita 60, 129, 136 Cooper, Kathy 151 Corbett, Kathy 91, 159 Corbett, Kevin 52, 53, 136 Cordes, Sue 98, 107, 109, 113, 151 Corley, Jeff 40, 50, 159 Corray, Mel 42, 151 Cosgrove, Dave 151 Costa, Frank 151 Costa, Terrenceli 151 Cottrell, Jim 40, 50, 159 Pam Fritz and Brenda Goode put finishing touches on one of the entries in the annual car
Cottre ll , Sarah 101, 104, 136, 189 Cou nci l, Joy ce 83, 85, 88, 89, 93, 151 COUNSELING GUIDES 119 Cox, Denni s 26, 136 Cox , James 151 Cozad , Patlyn 160 Crabtree. Cheryl 136 Crabtree , Jeff 40, 160 Crafts, Marianne 152 Craig, Craig, 152 Cra1g , Ricky 80, 152 Crayton , Chns 9, 115, 160 Creek , M1ke 152 Creek, Teresa 160 Crook, Dav1d 152 Cross , Pat 119, 136 Crowell , Nancy 45, 107, 117, 160 Cruzan , Marsha 91, 93, 94 , 96, 160, 166 Cruzan , Mike 136 Cummmgs, Pam 30, 87 , 88, 93, 94, 95, 121, 136 Cummings, Patty 160 Curington, George 85, 137, 175 Cutnght, Debbie 94, 96, 101 , 107, 137, 145
D Dahl , Mr. Denn1s 167 Dahl , Lisa 98, 111 , 152 Dalton , Darrell, 152 Danenhower, Gary 40, 160 Danneberger, Glenn 40, 160 Danneberger, Tom 152 Darsham, Mrs . Bertha 169, 175 Dauten, Kent 36, 94, 96, 107, 152 Davenport, Mrs . Marge 30, 169 Dav1s, Carlita 28, 103, 107, 118, 119, 122, 123, 137 Davis, Corey 34, 92, 115, 137 Davis, Leonard 160 Davis, Nora 137 Dav1s, Mr. Steve 18, 95, 169 Davis, Susan 152 Dawdy, Rhonda 10,45,80, 116,160 Day, Loy 85, 137 Dean, Mrs . Margaret! 177 Deatley, Frank 36, 80, 82, 88, 89, 92,112,137 Deaton, William 152
competition held Homecoming Week.
DEBATE 96,97 Decker, Dawn 88, 89, 160 Decker, Mr. Don 91, 163, 169 Decker, Mrs. Don 22 Dees, Darla 91, 160 Dees, Rhonda 137 Demeris, Tina 106, 160 Depauw, Pete 83, 85, 87, 137 Deschamps, Kiki 111, 152 Deval, Craig 152 Dickey. Miss Nancy 169 Dillingham, David 152 Dillman , Richard 160 DISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION CLUBS OF AMERICA 129 Dixon, Andy 14, 36, 38 Dixon, Eric 115, 152 Dixon, Wheat 29, 160 Dodd, Theresa 160 Donovan, Joyce 26, 103, 120, 137 Donovan, Terry 79, 152 Doolin, Dave 34, 150 Doran, Kathy 98, 107, 152 Dorsey, Gary 4, 160, 192 Dotson, Jim 115, 152 Dowdy, Rhonda 91 Dowell, Rhonda 91, 160 Dowling, Ellen 160 Dowling, Jill 152 Dowling, Kathy 137 Doyle, Lu 8B, B9, 90, 109, 137, 189 Drablos, Scott 40, 50, 51, 160 Drebes, Barb 91, 160 Drollinger, Vicki 32, 45, 116, 121, 152 Dubie, Diane 121, 126 Ducey, Debbie 160 Due, Allan 90, 160 Due, Mr. Charles 46, 50, 51, 169 Due, Louie 7, 36, 38, 46, 80, 92, 132, 152 Due, Steve 36, 46, 137 Duff, Kathy 80,152 Dunlap, Marsha 137 Dunlap, Rita 90, 115, 122, 152 Dunscomb, Mr. Richard 85, 87, 169
E Eadie, Mrs. Ruth 176 Easton, Tony Eastin, Debbie 137 Eastin, Mrs. Jean 177 Ebert, Sherry 160 Edlefsen, Paul 89, 160 Edmison, Darrell 131 Edmison, Dave 52, 160 Edmison, Tom 138 Edwards, Mark 85, 160 Ehrhart, Dana Eichelberger, Brian 138 Eisner, Ann 120, 138 Elam, Beverly 115 Elam, Ernest 36, 115, 152 Elam, Jerry 40, 115 ELECTRONICS 128 Elder, Mrs. Alice 169 Eldridge, Mike 152 Elliott, Cathy Elliott, Roger 138 Emkes, Pam 79, 122, 152 Endsley, Tina 160 Engelhardt, Rick Engert, Meredith 27, 88, 89, 103, 107, 138 England, Steve Ensrud, Kris 85, 93, 94, 96, 160, 166 Ensrud, Sue 27, 88, 94, 103, 109, 111, 145, 196 Epperson, Mike Erickson, Craig 160
Coach Tom Stewart walks off the field with the game ball and a
proud grin after beating Urbana for the third year in a row.
Erickson, Kris 152 Ervin, Steve 161 Etheridge, Randy 152 Evans, Betty 161 Evans, Mr. Charles 4, 169 Evans, Jeff 40, 161 Evans, Nancy 109, 111, 113, 138 Evans, Velma Eveland, Kathy 161 Everettes, Jeanne 170 Ewbank, Cathy
Folts, Terry 79, 85, 152 Fonner, Robin 120, 121 Fontana, Roger 152 Foote, Richine 91, 116, 161 Foran, Mary 161 FOREIGN EXCHANGE CLUB 113 Fornof, Bill 138 Fox, Sue 152 Francis, Keith 36, 152 Francis, Teresa 101 Frasca, Mary 79, 80, 124, 125, 161 Fredrickson, Linda 83, 85, 138 Frick, Mr. George 111, 170 Frisbee, Joan 20, 101, 103, 138 Frith, Marty 52, 138 Fritz, Pam 152, 190 FFA 127 FHA 124, 125 FNA122,123 FSA 121 FTA 126
F Failor, Bruce 16, 40, 50, 85, 161 Fairfield, Doris 122, 123, 161 Fairfield, Emmet 161 Fairman, Jr. Faulkner, Geri 111, 161 Felt, Julie 161 Felty, Mr. Harold 170 Ferdon, John 161 Ferguson, Gary 152 Ferguson, Jackie 161 Fernandez, Greg 36, 52, 53, 152, 156 Filkin, Gail98, 99, 107, 150, 152 Fillenwarth, Carol 161 Fleener, Mr. Bernard 170, 174 Fliegel, Fred 128, 161 Flynn, Ken 138 Flynn, Terry 91, 106, 161 Foley, Gary 42 Foley, Mr. Richard 167 Folts, Ed 42, 85, 112, 161
G Gadel, Brenda 109, 116, 152 Gaines, linda 67, 152 Gaither, Gary 36, 46, 92, 138 Gal breath, Mark 36, 92, 111, 138 Garcia, Mr. Richard 18, 134, 170 Gardner, Jeanne 29, 59, 80, 116, 161 Gardner, Mike 85, 138 Garland, Carol 161 Garland, Mrs. Virginia 176 Garrett, Mark 161
Garrett, Rtta Garrett, Wayne 161 Gates, Cmdy 113, 134, 138 Gattermetrer, Pam 152 Gelvm, Doug 79, 152 Gelvm, Susan 14, 109, 119, 138 Gentry, Mtke 152 Gentille, Anita 60 Gentllle, JoAnne 85, 122, 161 Gher, Lmda 138 Gher, Mr. Tom 170, 175 Gibson, J1m 36, 42, 85, 87, 92, 152 Gtlles, Dan 161 GAA 116, 117 Glende, Galle 91, 161 Glenn, Nancy 90, 152 Goddard, Rosemary 80, 132, 161 Goldberg, Barry 152 Goller, Nancy 101, 138 Gonder, Charles 61, 139 Gonder, Marilee 152 Good, Ellen 101, 103, 139 Good, Edte 161 Goode, Brenda 72, 121, 152, 190 Gordon, Cratg 139 Gordon, Robert 161 Gordon, William 152 Grace, Mr. Allen 126, 170 Graham, Billy 152 Graham, Dan 40, 42, 161 Graham, Eric 42, 92, 152 Graham, Ron 42, 161 Graham, Sue 100, 101, 103, 111, 118 Gray, Vanessa 60, 152 Greear, Iva 152 Green, Reba 104,115,152,189 Green, Rtchard Green, Robert 139 Greenberg, David 80, 161 Greenough, Mrs. Doe 170 Grierson, Steve 112, 139 Griest, Mr. Charles 131, 170 Griffith, Reba 42, 152 Gnmes, Avery 94, 95, 96 Grob, Davtd Grove, Thomasme 29, 108, 109, 116, 139 Grunnet, Mike 139 Gudgel, Don 161 Gutowsky, Dan 152 H
Hadler, Beth 161 Hadley. Steve 83, 85, B7, 152 Haegele, Neal 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 152 Haig, Doug 161 Haley, Sue 79, 100, 101, 103, 121, 139 Hallbtck, Cathy 45, 65, 79, 98, 152 Hallbtck, Bob Hall, R tchard 152 Halsey, Debra 153 Halsey, Bob 161 Hanna, Mrs. Roberta 170, 171 Hamilton, Cary 85, 161, 195 Hampton, Mrs . Doris 177 Hampton, Maurice 40, 114,161 Hannan, David Hanes, John 68, 153 Haney, Cheryl 85, 161 Hanson, Mrs. Darlene 176 Hardyman, Rtcky 5, 36, 139 Harmon, Steve 153 Harnngton, Tom 153 Harris, Barb 161 Harris, Gwendolyn 115, 161 Hams, Randy 139 Harris, Tony 115, 153 Harry, Joyce 129, 153 Hart, Lynn 153 Hart, Mike 153 Hartman, Kim 161 Hartman, Vicki 101, 139 Hartsfteld, Davtd 85, 112, 161 Harvey, Henry Harvey, Ruth Hatter, Gary Hawkey, Mrs. Sharon 170 Hawkins, Ellen 153 Hawkms, Terry 139 Hayes, Carroll 42, 64, 139 Hayes, Jeannette Hayes, Karin 88, 111, 153 Haynes, Patricia 11, 115, 161 Hecker, Mary 90, 98, 107, 153, 157 Hetmburger, Mark 34, 80, 92, 153 Helmtck, Jo 153 Hemrich, John 161 Henderson, Jane 121, 153 Henderson, Anna 161 Henderson, Teresa 161 Hendrick, Bobbte 94, 96, 97, 111, 161 Henricksen, Alic1a 153
Sophomores Tony McNeal and Gary Dorsey find that sneaking a
can of pop into art class quickly quenches their thirst.
Henry, Jan 139 Hensler, Richard 139, 153 Hermann, Yukt85, 116,139 Hern, Cheryl 161 Herrington, Beverly 161 Herzog, Linda 63, 90, 153 Hibbs, Mtke 153 Hickman, John 66 Hickman, Marg 80, 94, 96, 98, 116, 153 Higgins, Ann 27, 88, 98, 153 Higgs, Mr. Jack 170 Hill, Larry 83, 85, 87, 161 Hillen, Mr. Lowell127, 170 Hillard, Mac 153 Hillsman, Sanders 13, 36, 139 Hinderliter, Rick 153 Hinds, Eric 34, 65, 139 Hinton, Dana 41, 42, 161 Hinton, Dave 40 Hinton, Larry 85, 87, 139 Hinton, Linda 88, 153 Hinton, Meg 88, 98, 153 Hites, Steve 161 Hogan, Madeletne 161 Hogan, Tim Holdren, Randy 153 Holltday, Mrs. Vivian 34, 176 Holt, Kathy 161 Holt, Marsha 90, 98, 116, 153 Holy, Eileen 113, 161 Holy, Steve 5, 139 Honn, Sara 91, 94, 96, 107, 161 Horn, Mr. Howard 59, 166, 170 Hopkins, Sherri 129, 153 Hornaday, Brad 40, 161 Hosier, Mike 140 Hoss, Charlie 161 House, Don Houska, Mr. Joe 128, 170 Huber, Chuck 28, 80, 109, 111, 112, 140 Hudson, Clarence 36, 63, 70, 87, 88,89,153 Hudson, Mark 153 Hummel, Glenn 140 Hummel, Paul 161 Humphrey, Mrs. Kathryn 167 Hunker, Chns 6, 34, 42, 140 Hunter, Robert 90, 115, 153 Huston, Evie 153 Huston, John 92, 140 Hynds, Pat 153 Hynds, R tch 153
INDIVIDUAL EVENTS 93 INDUSTRIAL ARTS 131 Ingerson, Travis 140 Inman, Steve 52, 161
Jackson, Linda 153 James, Doug 162 Jamsh1d1, Habtb 140 Jay, Ralph 127, 153 JAZZ BAND 86, 87 Jelly. Debbte 88, 116, 153 Jelly, Vickie 116, 162 Jervis, Mrs. Loetta 177 Johnson, Bev 118 Johnson, Bill 52, 53, 92, 140 Johnson, Charles 153 Johnson, Dave 153 Johnson, Dexter 95, 96, 153 Johnson, Janis 85, 162 Johnson, Joellyn 153 Johnson, Johnny 115 Johnson, Laurie 140 Johnson, Lisa 98, 119, 153 Johnson, Page 42, 85, 94, 96, 162
Johnson, Shernll 26, 79, 88, 98, 109,111,153 Johnston, Ross 23, 162 Johnston, Sybil 23, 88, 89, 93, 94, 140 Jones, Becky 63, 85, 140 Jones, Eun1ce 162 Jones, Gary 153 Jones, Jeff 40, 162 Jones, Jennifer 80, 96, 162 Jones, Monica 61, 115, 162 Jones, Robert 153 Jones, Terry 13, 36 Jones, Vtcki 162 Josefsberg, Kathy 91, 162 Jost, Toni 162 K Kaczkowski, Ann 19, 85, 109, 140 Kaczkowski, Jane 29, 45, 91, 162 Kaczkowski, Tom 36, 92, 153 Karr, Melanie 153 Katsinas, Phil 36, 153 Katsmas, Steve 34, 94, 96, 162 Kearney, Pat 40, 128, 162 Keeling, Debbte 162 Keeling, Doug 153 Kellogg, Mrs. Elizabeth 170 Kelly, Bud 128, 153 Kelly, Darlene 115, 162 Kelly, David 162 Kelly, linda 162 Kelly, Mike 36, 42, 92, 141 Kempton, Karen 162 Kennedy, Phil 162 Kent, Elizabeth 115, 162 Kent, Florine 115, 121, 153 Kesler, Dale 162 Kesler, Paula 31, 73, 141 Kessler, Mrs. Marion 31, 113, 170 Ketchum, Phyllis 85, 116, 153 KEY CLUB 112 Kimbrough, Alfonzo 153 Kimpton, Paul 19, 85, 141 King, Charles 153 Kington, Pam 162 Kinnamon, John 5, 7, 36, 141 Kinnamon, Louis 22, 36, 88, 89, 153 Kinsel, Tom 141 Kirby, Debbte 91, 162 Kirby, Robert 112, 162 Kircher, Steve 28, 80, 81, 82, 107, 109, 111, 141, 148 Klein, Mr. Selby 170 Klingel, Bare 52, 92, 109, 111, 153 Klumb, Mr. Tom 170 Kmetz, Janis 91 , 158, 162 Kmetz, Bob 34, 112, 141 Knoke, Mary 141 Kobel, Pat 91, 162 Komossa, Susanne 5, 15, 45, 113, 141 Korry. Richard 93, 94, 153 Koster, Michele 98, 154 Kotchchabhakdi, Pranot 141 Kovar, Mrs. Evelyn 80, 82, 170 Krolick, Nancy 88, 89, 141 Krolick, Phil 85, 162 Kruger, Jill Kucharczyk, Mike 154 Kuhns, Cmdy 153 Kukreti, Mamta 2, 116, 162 L Laidlaw, Howard 46, 92, 154, 157 Laidlaw, Meg 162 Langdon, Carol 88, 103, 108, 109, 111, 113, 141 Langebartel, Eric 52, 141 Larocque, Dan 23, 93, 94, 162, 166 Larson, Tina 88, 154 Lateer, Joe 40, 85, 162 Laughlin, Joe 60, 141
JR GYM LEADERS 98, 99 SA GYM LEADERS 100, 101 Leeds, Mike 141 Leonberger, Mary 101,103,141 Leon berger, Tim 79, 92, 93, 107, 109,111,112,113,134,141, 175 Leonhard, Chase 92 Lessaris, Francie 79, 80, 88, 109, 116, 154 Lessaris, Mrs. Mary 21 Lessaris, Tom 5, 36, 141 Lev1 tt, Marion 162 Levitt, Mrs. Patnc1a 177 Levitt, Virg1l 2, 154 Lewis, Cathy 154 Lewis, Linda 85, 98, 116, 154 Lewman, Kris 88, 109, 111, 154 Lierman, Mike 92, 152, 154 Lindsay, Jim 40, 162 Lindsey, Gearleane 75 Lindsey, Sherry 122, 123, 162 Lmdsey, Steve 141 Lindstrom, Mr. John 57, 170 Lingner, Jerrie 101,121,141 L1ppold, Laune 83, 85, 162 Lippold, Lu 83, 85, 87, 109, 142 Little, Mark 130, 154 Littlefield, Terri 154 Lockett, Geraldine 11, 115, 154 Lofton, Sharon 103, 104, 106, 126, 142 Logue, Mary 162 Logue,Pat122, 123,162 Long, Bruce 85, 131, 162 Long, Donna 162 Long, Ray 128, 162 Looker, Susie 154 Lore, Tom 162 Lowry, Karen 101, 120, 142 Lowry, Sheila 142 Lowry, Mike Lowry, Bob 162 Loy, Melody 162 Lynch, Mike 154 M Machula, Casey 142 MADRIGALS 89 Malloch, Diann 85, 111, 162 Malloch, Steve 36, 92, 127, 142, 175 Manire, Diane 14, 78, 79, 122, 154 Mankey, Mrs. Marie 176 Manny, Cathy 118, 154 Manuel, Barb 162 Manwaring, Mike 142 Mapson, Bobbie 61, 154 Margrave, Mrs. Mildred 170 Marikos, Mike 19, 107, 154, 156 Marikos, Steve 36, 92 Marks, Mrs. Imelda 177 Markstahler, Sue 154 Marlow, Debra 85, 162 MAROON 78, 79 Martin, Rick 129, 142 Martmie, Jim 52, 162, 195 Martinie, Tom 85 Massanari, Greg 22, 36, 42, 88, 89, 92, 107, 142 Massanari, Chns 88, 98, 99, 109, 111,154 Massengale, Bill 154 Mast, Bruce 88, 142 Mast, Eric 154 Matthews, Debbie 83, 85, 87, 98, 107, 154 Mattox, Cynthia 79, 90, 98, 104, 154 Maxey, Mrs. Phyllis 94, 170 Mayer, Jeff 34, 162 Mayor, Mrs. Betty 61, 170
McCall, Daniel 154 McCall, David 163 McClelland, Tim 154 McClendon, Maurice 61 McCiullen, Charles 115 McCoy, Larry 56, 115, 154 McCoy, Elame 115,163 McCulley, Mr. George 177 McCulley, Ann 101, 142 McDade, Terry 130, 154 McDade, Vicky 154 McDaniel, Greg 154 McDaniel, Jeff 154 McDaniel, Vicki 154 McDonald, Dianne 7, 85, 96, 98, 111, 117, 163 McDonald, Patric1a 163 McDonald, Susie 88, 103, 109, 111, 113, 142 McDonald, Vickie 121, 142 McDonald, Mark 52, 163 McDowell, John 86, 87, 154 McDuffee, Jim 163 McElwee, Sheila 79, 88, 154 McEwen, Mrs. Carol 78, 79, 170 McFarland, Jim 142, 163 McFarland, Joann 98, 124, 125, 154 McFarland, Leslie 115 McGaughey, Marsha 56, 163 McGee, John 154 McGill, Kevin 142 McGuire, Julia 80, 163 McGuire, Becky 154 McHenry, Laura 163 McKenzie, Mrs. Alice 164, 177 Mclaughlin, Erva 163 McMahon, Linda 100, 101, 103, 108, 109, 111' 113, 142 McMahon, Mike 40, 50, 128, 163 McNeal, Candra 154 McNeal, Richard 115, 154 McNeal, Sandra 154 McNeal, Tony 33, 50, 115, 163, 192 McNeal, Willie 115 McWethy, Ken 129, 142 McWethy, Nancy 80, 85, 163 McWethy, Pam 1 54 McWethy, Rhonda 154 Meares, Mrs. Carolyn 114, 115, 170 Meeker, Jay 163 Melton, Richard 154 Melvin, Mike Meroney, Diane 91, 113, 163 Merrill, Annette 4, 88, 89, 154 Meskimen, Mr. Irving 170 Michael, Peggy 111, 121, 154 Mieczkowski, Gerald 154 Millage, Greg 36, 155, 156 Miller, Bill 142 Miller, Bob 112, 142 Miller, Cathy 163 Miller, David 163 Miller, Mrs. Dorothy 101, 170 Miller, Jan 45, 163 Miller, Jeff 85, 163 Miller, Marg 155 Miller, Mike 90, 155 Miller, Shari 155 Miller, Tom 42, 142 Miller, Velena 67,115,124 Millholin, Leslie 163 Millis, Chuck 59, 142 Millis, Jim 10, 42, 43, 163 Mingee, Rick 143 Minyard, Susan 163 Mitchell, Kurt 143 Moake, D1ane 116, 163 Mocella, Mrs. Bev 170 Moehlenkamp, Don Moore, Bill 85, 143 Moore, Mr. Clarence 177 Moore, Connie 107, 122, 123, 163 Moore, Deeann 155
Kent Seaman plants a k1ss on his mother's cheek as the trad1t1onal
mothers' night gets underway at the Champaign -Urbana game.
Torn-up s1gns and crumpled crepe paper clutter the Senior hall as a
remembrance of Hall Competition during Beat Urbana Week.
Moore, Jack 13, 33, 36, 42, 143 Moore, Jennifer 163 Moore, Mike 155 Moore, Pamela 98, 155 Moore, Sherry 118, 122, 143 Moorehead, Steve 128, 163 Moran, Mike 143 Morgan, Cindy 101,107, 143, 189 Morgan, Diane 101,116,117,118, 143 Morgan, Sandy 19, 88, 101, 102, 103, 118, 143 Morgan, Teddy 107, 163, 169 Morpugo, Mr. Hal 18, 61, 172 Morrill, Jeff 22, 58, 88, 89, 90, 109,111,143 Mortensen, Mary 163 Moss, Cheryl 121 Moss, Sherry 6, 88, 101, 104, 105, 106, 109, 143, 146 Motley, Ida 11, 90, 98, 115, 155 Moyer, Martha 155 Mueller, Cindy 80, 116, 163 Mueller, Don 40, 163 Mueller, R 1chard 36, 155 Mulcahey, Ellen 124, 129, 143 Mulcahey, Madonna 163 Mullen, R1ck Mullins, Karen 17, 155 Mullis, Conn1e 163 Mullvam, Ron 155 Mulv1hlil, Mr. R1chard 172 Munger, Miss Dorothy 30, 172 Munhall, Mary 121, 143 Murphy, Mr. Claude 130, 172, 177 Murphy, Kathy 22, 27, 83, 88, 89, 111, 155 Murphy, Pat 36, 155 Murray, Marva 115, 163 Murray, Mary 91, 113, 163 Murray, Pat 20, 28, 36, 42, 43, 92, 143 Musgrove, Leroy 115, 155 Mus1ala, Heidi 63, 88, 155 Musson, Tom 155 Myles, Jesse 50, 115, 163
144 Nast, Laurie 155 NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE 94,95 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY 108, 109 Neither, Darrell Nelson, Barb 83, 163 Nelson, Mr. Carl 172, 174 Nelson, Doug 155 Nelson, Edward 90 Nelson, Gerald 2 Nelson, Julie 144 Nesbitt, Tern 115, 155 Nesbeth, Diane 9 Newman,Carol101,113,144 Newman, Jeff 107, 163 Nicholas, Milton 155 Nichols, Jo 85, 163 N1elsen, Norm 40, 42, 85, 164, 195 Noel, Dan 36, 42, 85, 155 Nogle, J1m 164 Noonan,Pat36,69, 155,178 Norman, Carol 90, 155 Norrick, Cindy 111, 155 North, Becky 79, 113, 116, 126, 155, 178 Norton, Mrs. Gretchen 172 Norwood, Debb1e 119, 144 Nygren, Mindy 65, 88, 89, 98, 155
N Nachtmann, Julie 143 Nadarsk1, Bob 130, 144 Nally, Trac1 27,107,109,113,134,
0 Ochs, Mr. Myron 172 OFFICE ASSISTANTS (VOA) 118 OFFICE OCCUPATIONS 120 Offutt, Patnce 155 Ohls, Brenda 106, 164 Oneill, Philip 155 Orwick, Bob 144 Osterhoff, Vicki 164 Osterman, Janet 121, 144 Overman, Vicki 90,107,116,155 Owens, Bruce 115, 164 Owens, V1ck1 155 p
Palma, Jim 40, 42, 80, 164 Palmer, Fred 40 Palmer, Steve 36, 85, 92, 155 Palmisano, Connie 122, 164 Palm1sano, Terry 155 Panczner, Mark 164
Paqum, R1chard 164 Parkhill, Bill 34, 164 Parkhill, John 164 Parmenter, Bonnie 111, 116, 155 Parmenter, Cra1g 155 Parnsh, Lora 45, 104, 155 Parro, Roger 36, 109, 111, 155 Parsons, Debb1e 79, 90, 98, 99, 108, 109,111,155 Paterson, Mary 29, 106, 164 Paterson, Nancy 21, 27, 79, 101, 104, 105, 144 Patton, Mr. Duane 172 Pearson, Charlotte 67 Pearson, Daryl 155 Pece, Connie 101,121,144 Pepple, John 144 PEPPETTES 102, 103 Perkms, Glenn 164 Peshkm, Nancy 144 Peterson, Jeff 28, 80, 81, 82, 111, 128, 144, 179 Peterson, Mark 144 Petry, J1m 42, 92, 111, 144 Petry, Polly 29, 164 Pettigrew, Archie 115, 164 Pettigrew, Mr. Lee 177 Pettigrew, Leot1s 115 Pett1grew, Tim 115 Phelps, Diana 144 Phelps, Larry 144 Phelps, W1lliam Phens, Becky 155 Phillippe, Mrs. Iva 31, 177 Phillips, Danny 83, 87, 144 Ph1ll1ps, John 40, 164 Phillips, Kevin 155 Ph1llips, Roland 85, 144 P1erce, Bill 36, 74, 155 Pierce, Pat 16, 40, 164 Pingry, John 88, 89, 145 Pittman, Dick 40, 42, 164 Pittman, Mr. Don 40, 42, 172 P1ttman, Mark 129, 145 Pittman, Mr. Robert 69, 169, 172 Plotner, Becky 79, 101, 145, 175 Plotner, Debbie 164 Plue, Conn1e Plue, Donald 80, 164 Pollard, Calvin 36, 46, 155 Pollard, Gayle 113, 164 Pollard, Ronald 164 Poole, Mr. Travis 63, 110, 111, 172 Porter, Peter 3, 42, 93, 164 Potter, Michele 155 Powell, Sheila Powell, Mr. Tom 172 Powell, V1ncent 129,145 Primmer, Pat 145 Proemmel, Mada 155 Prough, Larry Pruett, Debra 17,119,126,145 Pruett, Terry 145 Pryor, Dan 8, 36, 92, 107, 145 Pyer, David 40, 42, 164 Q
R Radcliffe, Ann 88,103,111,145 Rafferty, Mike 155 Ralston, Linda 164 Randall, Mike 2, 164 Rankin, Diana 164 Rankm, Robert Rasner, Tina 164 Rasner, Tonya 129, 145 Rassmussen, Miss Karen 102, 103, 105 Rathbun, Connie 90, 98, 155 Rawdin, Jackie 145 Rawdin, Jeff 155
Rawdin, Julie 164 Ray, Margo 83, 85, 87, 93, 94, 150, 155 Reed, Bonn1e 121, 145 Reed, Mrs. Jeanette 21 Reed, Rhonda 155 Reed, Robert 155 Reeder, Jeff 36, 155 Re1d, Linda 164 Reifsteck, Marty 164 Remhold, Betty 164 Reis, Judy 145 Render, Chns 145 Render, Val 90, 155 Render, William 7, 88, 145 Restad, Cathy 155 Revak, Marjorie 155 Richardson, Donna 88, 155 R1chardson, Rex 83, 85, 87, 146 Riddell, Penny 146 R1ehle, Jeff 85, 155 Riggin, Chester 85, 164 R1vers, Donna 90, 115, 164 Robertson, Debra 17, 119, 121, 126, 146 Robertson, Janice 164 Roberts, Jackie 146 Robmson, Clay 30, 36, 92, 146 Robinson, Sue 164 Rochford, Steve 164 Roeper, Becky 85, 164 Rogers, Dale 164 Rohn, Andy 40, 50, 51, 164 Roney, John 164 Roppel, Earl 146 Rose, Jesse 115 Rotramel, Jay 146 Rowlen, Rex 155 Rubenacker, She1la 164 Ruch, Mr. Wayne 177 Russell, Debb1e 164 Ryan, CeCe 101, 104, 118, 145, 146
s Saban, Dan 155 Safanie, Susan 155 Samborski, Julie 155 Samborski, Scott 164 Sanford, Marsha 164 San key, Larry 115, 164 Satterlee, Sandra 88, 155 Sawtelle, Cathy 17, 45, 80, 155 Sawyer, Mary 101,103,109,118, 146 Schachtlie, Teresa 164 Schaudt, Debbie 14, 58, 101, 111, 121, 146 Sche1del, Mary Rose 164 Scherer, Patti 31, 100, 101, 103, 107, 146 Schilling, Mary 111,146 Schmall, Steve 40, 164 Schmidt, Jim 111, 155 Schmidt, Roger 156 Schne1der, Jay 164 Schneider, Phil 14, 85, 111, 156 Schne1der, Richard 85, 164 Schneider, Ron 146 Schofner, Mrs. Freda 177 Schonert, Lynn 42, 164 Schooley, Mr. Fred 172 Schooley, Jean 156 Schoonover, Fred Schoonover, Sam 164 Schroeder, Anna 14, 79, 98, 99, 111,
156 Schroeder, Susie 83, 91, 164 Schumacher, John 36, 156 Schurg, Pam 156 Schwanke, Bob 40, 164 Schwenk, Kevin 42, 164 Scoby, Conn1e 115, 164 Scott, Anne 165
Scott, Janet 156 Seaman, Kent 46, 92, 146, 193 Seeber, Billy 40, 42, 165 Setbold, Mtke 156 Shackelford, Vmell 115, 156 Shackelford, Vivtan 115 Shafer, Charla 156 Shahan, Tim Shakeshaft, Ken 165 Shakeshaft, Nancy 156 Shaw, Sally 103, 146 Shaw, Ttm 98, 165 Sheahan, Jim 90 Sheahan, Kevm 90, 165 Shtck, Julie 165 Shifflet, Mr. James 107, 172 Shirley, Corinne 14, 88, 101,103, 107,111,147 Shirley, Kent 40, 85, 165 Shtvers, Roy Shoemaker, Adele 83, 111, 165 Shofner, Steve 156 Sholem, Barry 36, 107, 109, 111, 156 Sharesman, Mr. Peter 167 Shulman, Susie 78, 79, 156 Stdes, Danny 85, 165 Siegmund, Mike Simmons, Brad 40, 85, 94, 96, 165 Simons, Ken 52, 88, 89, 156 Simonton, Cathy 80, 92, 165 Sisk, Rtck 68, 147 Skaperdas, Steve 85, 156 Skeels, Dawn 124, 126, 165 Slade, Dan 165 Slade, Debbte 165 Smtth, Allan 147 Smith, Mr. Allen 172 Smith, Becky 165 Smith, Bntt 165 Smtth, Davtd 34, 165 Smith, Debbie Smith, Douglas 165 Smith, Janet 29, 45, 165 Smith, Mr. Jim 177 Smith, Joyce 147 Smith, Linda 115,156 Smith, Marsha 115, 156 Smith, Mtke 69, 147 Smith, Mr. Mtlburn 177 Smtth, Mrs. Munel 176 Smith, Norman 165 Smtth, Raymond 165 Smith, Rebecca Smith, Robert Smith, Steve Smtth, Susan 156 Smtth, Tony 115,165 Smith, Willtard Sntder, Debbie 165 Sommerlad, Phylts 90, 98, 122, 156 South, Jan 13, 36, 46, 92, 156 SPAN ISH HONOR SOCIETY 110, 111 Spencer, Steve 156 Spohrer, Henry 83, 85, 156 Spohrer, Ron 147 Spnnger, Sheree 63, 88, 89, 98, 116, 125, 156 Spurgeon, Nancy 57, 90, 113, 165 Stahl, Ellen 27, 126, 147, 175 Stahl, Mel ante 29, 103, 122, 165 Stahl, Sandy 104, 156 Standefer, Loretta 91 , 165 Stanley, Candy 111 , 113, 122, 123, 160, 165 Stanley, Dentse 103,113,118,126, 147 Stanley, Jan 111, 165 Stanley, Mr. Monty 129, 172 Starks, Gail 165 Starks, Lawerence Starks, Mabie Staske, Ken 156 Stauffer, Robyn 42, 165
Steen, Jim 165 Steen, Katrinka 80, 91, 165 Stevens, Mark 36, 37, 92, 147 Stewart, Chuck 85, 112, 14 7 Stewart, Matt 87, 156 Stewart, Tom 36, 83, 147 Stewart, Mr. Tom 13, 36, 37, 38, 132 Sttcklen, John 7, 36, 156 Stiebner, Jerry 147 Stirrett, Mr. Dike 34, 35, 172 Stolpe, Eric 165 Stolpe, Laurel 156 Stone, Mellody Storme, Julie 93, 94, 96, 97, 156 Stout, Berntce Strater, Debra 147 Strater, Kenny Street, Karen 85, 101, 118, 131, 147 Street, Mike 52, 85, 165 Strode, Dennis 156 Strohl, Ltsa 45, 90, 98, 116, 156 Stuart, Miss Marion 172 STUDENT COUNCIL 107 Stuff, John 90, 107, 112, 165 Stuff, Marilyn 90,100,101,103, 109, 118, 147 Stumborg, Bobbi Suggs, Dan 36, 156 Sullivan, Kevin 40, 41,165 Sullivan, Mike 19, 28, 36, 92, 111, 147 Sullivan, Sidney 165 Sullivan, Timothy Sunger, Zafer 64 Swift, Tom 85, 87, 147 Swinford, Kevin 156 Sykes, Duane 2, 156 Sykes, James 165
T Tabaka, Tonita 20, 83, 85, 165 Talbott, Dan 52, 83, 85, 165 Talbott, Diane 93, 94, 96, 101, 147 Talbott, Mrs. Joanne 176 Tangora, Mary 56, 156 Tanner, Donna 101,104,107,115, 189 Tanner, Glenn 40, 50, 83, 85, 160, 165 Tate, Lon 91, 165 Tate, Melinda 42, 88, 89, 90, 101, 109,148 Taylor, Annetta Taylor, Beth 118,156 Taylor, Diana 165 Taylor, Phil 156 faylor, Randy 156 Tennant, Todd 94, 96, 97, 148 Terry. Charles Terry. Melvtn 156 Terwtlltger, Debra 90, 111, 156 Thilen, Stephen 15, 107, 113 Thtnon, Mark 165 Thomas, Mr. Herdte 177 Thomas, Rodney 3, 70, 85, 165 Ttnkey, Greg 165 Tinkey, Jo 79, 90, 98, 99, 156 Ttnsley, Byron 115, 165 Townsley, Stuart 165 Travelstead, Cathy 83, 85, 165 Tngger, Mr. Jeff 36, 52, 92 Trippiedt, Kathy 94, 95, 96, 97, 157 Tryon, Beth 57, 165 Tuck, Janice 85, 93, 94, 109, 157 Tucker, Sam 157 Tucker, Tim 85, 165, 166 Tufte, Kathy 31, 101, 103, 140, 148 Tufte, Rick 157 Turner, Earnest 50, 51, 115
Turner, Mack 46, 92, 115, 148
u Uhlir, Jane 45, 116, 161
v Vail, Ben 157 Valentine, Karen 94, 106, 166 Valentine, Linda 96, 148 VanAuron, Mr. Carlos 172 Vance, Marty 29, 30, 106, 107, 166, 169 VanDenBerg, David 85, 87, 157 VanDevender, Mr. Wilford 173 VanMatre, Mike 13, 36, 92, 148 Vargas, Billy 115 Vargas, Suzanne 115, 157 Vaughn, Suste 26, 103, 120, 148 Vaughns, Clara 157 Vawter, Mary 66, 166 VICA 130 Vonesh, Bob VonNewmann, Fred 157 Voss, Mrs. Barb 173 Vriner, George 101,120,148
w Wade, Bill 131, 148 Wade, Janet 157, 179 Wagoner, Jeanne 111, 165 Walden, Peggy Walker, Mrs. Helen 67, 124, 125, 173 Walker, John 42, 165 Walker, Nancy 27, 79, 82, 126, 148,
189 Walker, Sonny 2, 17, 46,47 Wall, Pat 40, 42, 68, 165 Wallace, Terry 148 Walsh, John 148 Walters, Tony 69, 165 Walton, Dan 42, 165 Ward, Dora 157 Ward, Mr. Gene 40, 92, 173 Ward, Mrs. Jean 173 Ward, Robert 165 Warmbier, John 68, 165 Warnock, Jean 165 Warner, Dtanne 124, 125, 165 Warren, Bruce 149 Warren, David 52, 81, 149 Warren, Jtm 65, 165 'wassom, Ctndy 124, 165 Wassom, Phil 165 Wassom, Tim 149 Watson, Belinda 116,165 Watson, Bob 165 Watson, Jeanett 157 Watson, Ken 149 Weaver, Penny 80, 165 Webb, Amy 85, 116,157 Webb, Mr. Gerald 2, 173 Webber, Jerry 32, 45, 62, 79, 98, 99, 116, 117, 157 Webber, Manlyn 149 Weberg, Lmda 65, 98, 157 Wehmer, Jan 27, 88, 89, 91, 157 Weidner, Karen 45, 116, 165 Weisman, Dan 157 Wetsman, Judy 157 Weisman, Sharon 124, 165 Welch, Dan 11, 36, 149 Weldon, John 149 Wells, Davtd 157 Wells, Pat 124, 149 Wells, Steve 157 Werstler, Btll 52, 92, 109, 111, 157 West, Greg 149 Whealon, Guy 165 Wheeler, Harold Whightsil, Harold Whipple, Karen 98, 99, 106, 157
Whtpple, Tom 165 Whttton, Richard Wick, Beverly 157 Widloskt, Jay 40, 42, 165 Wtdloski, Lu 104, 119, 149 Wildemuth, Cratg 157 Willtams, Cheryl 121 Wtlliams, Dale 157 Willtams, Dtane 165 Williams, Janice Willtams, Sharon 115, 165 Wtlltams, Theresa 157 Wtlltams, Thurman 36, 115 Willtams, Trudy 111, 157 Wtllms, Rich 149 Wills, Bart 36, 157 Wilsky, Jtm 149 Wilson, Angte 29, 115, 165 Wilson, Debra 165 Wtlson, Donna 91, 165 Wilson, Jtm 36, 85, 86, 107, 114, 115, 155, 157 Wilson, Joe 165 Wilson, Kathy 101,103,107,115 Wilson, Mike 131, 157 Wtlson, Pam 115, 121, 165 Wilson, Pam 88, 157 Wilson, Pat 61, 115, 165 Wtlson, Robert 127, 149 Wtlson, Ronda 80, 165 Wilson, Susan 157 Wtlson, Ttm 52, 92, 109, 112, 149 Wilson, Wesley 166 Wtnfrey, Dtanne 115, 166 Wtnston, Lloyd Wmston, Regina Winters, Mrs. Nancy 134, 173 Wisehart, Joan 166 Wtttler, Carol 166 Wolf, Bob 34, 85, 166, 195 Wolfe, Jon 74, 157 Wolfe, Sylvta Wood, Kathy 157 Woodhead, Mat 36, 92, 149 Woodhead, Mike 34, 79, 157 Woodhead, Paul 52, 166 Woods, Rosie 115, 166 Woodward, Steve 131, 157 Wooldndge, Kenneth 166 Wooley, Mr. Rich 36, 173 Worner, Anne 80, 85, 94, 96, 158, 166 Wright, Jtm 157 Wnght, Jtm Wnght, Lynda Wright, Mary 166
y Yancey, Sue 166 Yaxley. Mrs. Nancy 173 Yeazel, Dale 157 Yordy, Phtl 157 York, Dale 9, 36, 85, 156, 157 York, Rex 157 Young, Barb 80, 116, 157 Young, Frank 157 Young, Kathy 166 Yount, Amy 29, 94, 96, 111, 117, 158, 166
z Zarbuck, Gwam 36, 85, 87, 109, 157 Zehr, Randy 79, 85, 109, 111, 157 Zelinsky, Mrs. Pam 176 Ztentek, Ed 166 Ztentek, Gail 157 Ztndars, Kevtn 166
Root photographs the Midwests, top Schools
1972 Maroon
Staff Editor-in-Chief Copy Editor Student Life Editor Assistants
SINCE 1889
photographers 1131 WEST SHERIDAN ROAD (at Devon) CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 6062& TELEPHONE 761-5500
Nancy Walker Sally Shaw Brenda Anderson Sue Bohor Terry Folts Debbie Parsons Sports Editor Jerry Webber Assistant Doug Gelvin Copy Writer Tim Leonberger Academic Editor Sue Haley Assistants Francie lessaris Shari Miller Sheree Springer Organization Editor Anne Blackmon Assistants Terry Donovan Sherrill Johnson Cynthia Mattox Anna Schroeder Mike Woodhead Senior Editor Nancy Paterson Underclass Editors Janet Barenberg Diane Manire Susie Shulman Jo Tinkey Faculty-Staff Editor Annette Brya Index Editor Becky Plotner Advertising Sue Cordes Typists Pam Emkes Cathy Hallbick Sheila McElwee Cover Designer Randy Zehr Photographers Dave Warren Becky North Mary Frasca Advisor Mrs. Carol McEwen Picture Credits - Mr. C. E. Conkwright. Mr. Bob Jones and Mr. Jim Morgan of Root Photography Anchor Yearbook RepresentativeMr. Ron Haddock
After tasting the lives of mov ie stars, Passionella, Sybil Johnston, and Flip, Greg Massanari,
Princess Barbara, played by Lori Tate, and Captain Sanjar, played by Neal Haegle display the pain of "Forbidden Love".
Louis Kinnamon, portraying Adam, suddenly realizes his keen intelligence and gives all of the creatures in the garden a name.
wake up the morning after their wedding to their true identities.
Music brings life to Central's springtime The battle of the sexes raged in the Little Theatre on May 3, 4, 5, and 6 during Central's spring musical, The Apple Tree. The three-part play centered around the conflicts that always have and always will exist between men and women. Adam and Eve argued over the apple, while problems even existed in Medieval times between princes and princesses. The play ended with a scene typical of today's world of movie stars as Flip and Passionella found happiness. Spotlights focusing on the superior Central Jazz Band completed the finishing touches to a nightclub atmosphere for Jazz '72. Besides their special guest star, Tom Sneff, other highlights of the show were Pam Cummings, Clarence Hudson, and the famous sounds of "Jesus Christ Superstar". Gwain Zarbuck coaxes the soft, sweet sounds of "Pilate's Dream" from his trombone while
other band members accompany him during the "Jesus Christ Superstar" medley.
Ann Kaczkowski prepares for opening night of Jazz '72 by painting another flower.
Diomondmen win Big 12 - thirteen players return
Whil opposing catcher eagerly awaits the ball, Junior Mike Miller begins his swing for a hopeful home run.
The 1972 season turned into a great one for the baseball team as they came out with a 16-5 record and also won the Big 12 Conference. Although five games were lost, all but one was lost by one run. Once again Coaches Due and Pittman plan for another good year in 1973 as thirteen diamondmen return.
Central Baseball 1972 Central Central
Front Row: Bob Britton, mgr.; Mike Miller, John Phillips, Mike McMahan, Jeff Evans, Jan South, Mike Seibold, Jeff Corley, Roger Parro. BKk Row: Coach Charlie Due, Eric
Hinds, Dick Pittman, Pat Murphy, Mike Wilson, Lou Due, Calvin Pollard, Jim Cantrell, Tom Stewart, Kent Seamon, Greg Massanari, Ass't. Coach Don Pittman, Pete Porter, mgr.
3 Freeport 10 Urbana
0 0
7 St. Joseph
8 Decatur
3 Decatur
0 Danville
6 Danviile
4 MacArthur
6 Urbana
5 Charleston
6 Lincoln
2 Lincoln
8 Potomac
12 Bloomington
2 St. Joseph
4 Decatur Eisenhower
5 Springfield
6 Springfield
3 Mattoon
5 Mattoon
Front Row: Mark Ed11113rds, Bill Parkhill, Mike Woodhead, Dave Smith, Bob Wolf, Jason Widlowski, Ron Graham. Second Row: Steve Palmer, Gary Gaither, Tom Kaczkowski, Mike
Sullivan, Jeff Reeder, Mike VanMatre, Mike Lierman, Matthew Woodhead, Dan Graham. Back Row: Coach Gene Ward, Pat Carter, Jim Palma, Jim Warren, Scott Drablos, Bruce
Failor, Eric Graham, Randy Etheridge, John Schumacher, Brad Simmons, Bob Gordon, Coach Dike Stirrett.
Central track team places second in district Sprinter John Huston strains to beat two Rantoul runners to win the 100 yard dash.
The track team, led by captains Mike Sullivan and Mike VanMatre, ran to a 2-3 dual meet record. Season highlights were second place in both Conference and District and first place in a meet with Mattoon and Stephan Decatur. Three members of the team represented Central in the State Meet: Ken Bode in the high jump, Jeff Reeder in the shot put, and Tom Kaczkowski in the 880 and mile. Bode placed third in the high jump and Kaczkowski placed seventh in the 880 yard dash.
59 48% 80 57 73 Stephan 79 Central Conference 2nd District 2nd
Central Central Central Central Central
MacArthur Rantoul Mattoon Urbana Mattoon Decatur 35 Danville
68 78% 47 70 51 48
Glenn Hummel plays in State Tennis Match Central's tennis squad coached by Steve Davis compiled an overall season competition record of 7 and 7, not including, of course, great tournament play, such as third in the Eugene Hill Invitational. Central led by Captain Glenn Hummel, finished fifth in the state tournament with a singles victory in the district by Hummel. Despite high hopes, Glenn did not win in the state match at the U. of I. Dut of twelve netters, six will return in the coming year.
Front Row: Joe Lateer, Richard Korry, Scott Byerly, Paul Kimpton, Kent Dauton. Back Row : Stuart Townsley, Frank DeAtley, Paul
Using his backhand swing, Bob Kmetz grits his teeth and smacks the ball.
Hummel, Glenn Hummel, Bob Kmetz, Chuck Stewart, David Greenberg, Coach Steve Davis.
An unusual serve sends Richard Korry leaping several feet into the air.
Front Row: Bill Johnson, Glenn Danneberger, Dave VanDenBerg, Jeff R1ehle, Steve Katsmas, Allan Due, Mike Broadrick. Back
Row : Bob Burke, Andy Beach, Clay Robin ¡ son, Tim Leonberger, Karl Danneberger, John Bargh, Coach R1chard Wooley .
Central golfers capture 4th place at Sectional Champaign linksmen ended their season with a 10-3 dual meet record. The Maroon golfers faired well, finishing secand in conference, second in district and fourth in sectional. Coach Oick Wooley's squad was led by seniors Andy Beach, Bob Burke, Bill Johnson, Tim Leonberger, and Clay Robinson who also received help from juniors Dave VanDenBerg, Jeff Riehle, and Karl Danneberger. Along with next year's sophomores, the 1973 Maroons should continue their winning tradition.
CENTRAL GOLF 1971-72 Central 412 Urbana
Central 206 Monticello
191 Villa Grove
Central 223 Schlarman
Central 429 Urbana
198 Mattoon
Central 360 Rantoul
Central 420 Schlarman
Central 370 Mahomot
Central 416 Danville
Lincoln Invitational 1st MacArthur-St. Decatur 3rd C. H.S. Invitational 17th out of 35 Conference 2nd District 2nd Sectional 4th
Central 409 Decatur Eisenhower 435 Central 412 Rantoul
Central 313 Mattoon
Senior Bob Burke demonstrates his golfing skill as he chips the ball to the green .
â&#x20AC;˘ All the hord work poys off for honored sen1ors
Kathy Tripp1ed1 and Sue Ensrud prove that hard work pays off, as they sit among team trophies won during the 1971-72 season, and hold their state championship trophy. They took the state championship title away from Chicago schools for the first time since 1954.
Ken Bode, behmd the "Athlete of the Year" trophy, which he has just won, receives, to everyones' surprise, the Outstandmg Contribution to Home Economics Award.
Seniors of the Month: Front Row, Academics: Chuck Huber, LuAnne Lippold, Carol Langdon, Susan Benn, Trac1 Nally, Lu Doyle. Not PICtured: Susie McDonald, Melmda Tate. Second Row, Activities: Jeff Peterson, Sus1e Graham,
Nancy Paterson, Sue Ensrud, Linda McMahon, Greg Massanan. Not pictured: Steve Kircher, Frank DeAtley, Cecil Angel. Back Row, Sports: Karl Broadrick, Eric Hinds, Glenn Hummel, J1m
Petry , Andy Dixon, Ken Bode, Bob Burke. Not pictured: Tim Wilson, Andy Beach, Mike Sullivan, Steve Due, Gary Gaither, Kent Seaman, Mack Turner, Sonny Walker.
nTHE OTHER WAY AROUND" where girl asks guy Pink and red streamer decorations decorated the Junior sponsored ViceVersa dance, "The Other Way Around", a fitting name since the Vice-Versa was a dance where the girl asked the guy and paid his way. The dance was held on Saturday, March 11, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the girls' gym. This year's entertainment which was of the rock variety was provided by Rush. Attendance was good and the dance was a success. The ticket receipts helped finance the Junior-Senior prom.
Sheree Springer serves refreshments to hungry participants of the Vice-Versa dance.
Patti Anderson presents her "Other Way Around" ticket to Gail Filkin and treats Lou Due for a night out on the town.
"May I have this dance?" asks Cindy Morgan, and her date, Bill Hilger accepts.
1972 Tri-level Proiect House
sells for $38,750
Bob Green braves a ch1lly fall morning to continue work on the Project House.
Champaign High Schools built the 29th annual Project House under the direction of Mr. Robert Pittman with funds advanced by the Board of Education, and put it on public display at an Open House held June 9, 10, and 11. Fourteen members began constructing the house last September with the digging of the footings and completed it in June with the painting of the walls. The interior decorating of the house was done by Mrs. Marion Kessler's Housing and Home Furnishings class. The students selected color schemes, wallpaper, cabinet styles and hardware, carpeting, woodwork, floorings, light fixtures, and interior paint. House cost amounted to $35,500 and it was sold to the highest bidder, James Rogers, for $38,7 50.
Mrs. Kessler superv1ses in the parking lot as Monica Jones uses a chain to distress wood
for the fireplace, giv1ng 1t more texture, as Gerlean Lindsey walks past.
Tom Edmison hammers on the exterior of the house while good weather prevails.
The 2250-square-feet house plan, designed by centenniel student Dan Sparks, includes a patio
and deck, double garage, entrance hall, livingdining room, kitchen and dinette, family room,
four bedrooms, and two baths, mcluding a master bedroom and bath.
Seniors Steve Due, Susan Gelvin, Corinne Shirley, and Mark Galbreath rest their tired feet
toward the end of the dance amidst the beautiful setting at Worden-Martin.
Kathie Tufte's date, Dave Amarcher, yawns tiredly at the end of the prom.
Meredith Engert and her date dance to the strains of the U of I Jazz Band.
Worm weather lends romantic setting for prom "Color My World" started with months of planning and ended in one all too brief evening of excitement and thrills. Prom was held for the second consecutive year at Worden-Martin Carriage Center. Music was provided by a five-piece ensemble from the U of I Jazz Band. Couples traded in their faded jeans and T¡shirts for formals and tuxedoes and were surprised at their comfort. Western Bowl gave the usual good times at Post Prom. Hours flew while couples bowled, played pool, ate, or listened to the band.
Melanie Karr and Dale York display their powers of concentration at only one of the
many activities of Post Prom, sponsored by PTSA and held at Western Bowl.
Jane Kaczkowski and Danny Welch step into the lovely spring evening, perfect prom weather, to go home.
"Oh, nol" cries Clarence Hudson as he works up an ulcer while watching Carlita Davis practice her bowling approach at Post Prom.
Susie Vaughn adjusts a friend's collar during the fmal mmutes before graduation.
A white rose and a diploma s1gnify an unidentified senior girl's graduation.
Reba Green smiles in relief while Vanessa Gray sadly sniffs her rose.
Kent Seaman receives a handshake and congratulations from Mr. Fleener.
Cop throwing signals the end for doss of '72 For 399 graduates, the 1972 Baccalaureate and Graduation exercises marked the end of their days as students of Champaign Central High School. Baccalaureate was held in Combes Gym on Sunday, June 4. Graduation exercises took place in the Great Hall at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts on Tuesday, June 6. President Traci Nally gave the Welcome and Introduction followed by speeches from Cindy Gates and 0 iane Talbott. The ceremony ended with the traditional handing out of diplomas and the non-traditional throwing of caps.
As Terry Hawkins receives his diploma, a classmate moves his tassel to the right.
Senior Karen Alexander finally quenches her thirst for knowledge.
Nancy Walker Becky Plotner and Anne Blr,-;kmon Four Jerry Webber Five Mike Woodhead Six Terry Donovan Seven Doug Gelvin Eight Nancy Paterson Nine Cynthia Mattox Ten-Eleven Francie Lessaris Twelve-Thirteen Sue Haley Fourteen-Fifteen Doug Gelvin Back Nancy Walker
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