1980 Maroon

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Student Life Album ·-~----"'-~....;;.__~~:....._-......___..............__._.--=------... ~










DR. MAHAN ACCEPTS POSITION AT UNIT 4 Thi year at Champaign Unit 4 we had a n w uperint ndent. Hi name wa Dr. Jame H. Mahan, and he wa from Oakwood, Ohio. Hi pa t e perience includ d econdary Curriculm Coordinator in Upp r Arlington, Ohio; Middle chool Principal; member of Univer¡ it)' Coun il on Educational Ad mini tration at Ohio tat niver ity; A i tant uperintendent in B achwood, Ohio; and up rintendent of chool in Oakwood, Ohio. The Maroon taff wi he to ay "Good Luck" to Dr. Mahan and hi admini trator who w re: Jerry Hoffman - A i tant up rintendent for Supportive ervice Ken tratton - Dir ctor of Personnel Don Overton - Director of Purcha ing Marthell Hick - Admini trative A istant for Program Alain Holt - A i tant uperintendent for Program Floren e Al ton - Dir tor of Evaluation John Weaver - Dire tor of p cia! Education Margaret tillwell - Coordinator of Program Arlen Blank - Coordinator of taff D velopment and Edu ational Mat rial

THE BOARD OF EDUCATIO . FRO T ROW: Muhammad Abdullah, Richard Squ~re, Jr., Georgr Wood. SE<:Ol'ID I ROW: Dr. Lawrence O'Reilly, Philip Hopke. Dr. Peter B. hor man. OT PICTURED: Mrs. Virginia Prrucca.


THE TEACHERS' STRIKE The tud nts of Champaign nit 4 . chool di trict r c iv d an unexpected vacation thi fall. Two weeks and a day into the chool year the longest teacher ' trike in the hi tory of Champaign Unit4 hool ystem occurred. Th C. E. A. (Champaign Education A o iation) memb r ¡ were triking for higher wage , a change in di ciplin pro dure , teacher ' rights, and many other i ue concerning both tudents and teacher . The trik Ia ted a total of twelve hool day . Many of th tudents thoroughly enjoyed their holiday, while others wnated to return and w re worried about having to mak -up the mi ed day. After many xhau ting hour of bargaining, although not all of the i ue wer totally re olved, teach r and board m mbers finally came to an agreement. To make up for lo t chool, two day of Chri tma vacation were taken away. Hopefully, the need of teachers will alway b a know! dged so that there will never have to be a trike a major a thi one again.

L During the strike, the hall of Central High chool remain silent. 2 & 3. Faculty members walk the picket line.


CENTRAL ADMINISTRATORS Dr. A h nfelter came from Wheeling High chool in rlington Height hool di trict wher he , pent the Ia, t eight }ear . Wheeling had about 1000 more students than did en· tral. Dr. henfelt r pr ferr d a mailer school bccau e of more per onal relation hip among adults and students. Central' trong faculty wa definitely an a et and he wa plea ed \\'ith the relation hip they had tabli h d with the tudent body. 1. Dr. A~henreltt>r ha. a hard day at the oHi e. 2. "Gee. thrrr arc a lot or stu· dents at Central." 3. MN. VCY> tak rarr or bu. ine s. 4. A st>nou. moment "tth Mr. Hansen.

Dr. Ashrnrt'ltf•r




Mn.. Voss

Mr. Hansrn



1. MN. Winterbottom tne to find . omrthmg to do when Dr. A henfelter era k one of hi& weird joke,. 2. M,..,. Garland look up with a smil a he triel; to remember the alphabt't. 3. "Mrs. Gher! Mrs. Gher!" 4. Mrs. Mankey thinks she sees an old boyfriend . 5. Even Mrs. elson comes to school to learn. 6. Mrs. Nofftz makes a phone rail to one of the student': parents. 7. M,..,. Kai er was here but now he'. gone, tired of thi. rhool, she just mo•ed on. 8. "Cht'e-e 1" 9. Mrs. Han. n gets into a long con versatton.


Valerie Winterbottom PrinripaJ', Office 2 ~

Virjlinta Garland Coun,eling Off ire

Vi\lan Hollida) Maon Office

Anne Gher Girls' Attendan e

Mane Mankey Bo} 'Attendance

Darlene Han n Main Offi e


Bob Brnnrll

COli. :EI.I:"<G COACH Be.,,· Tc>nni.





OCIAL T DIES Ot-partmc•nt Hc-ad

Ma, Brth



Dtck Bonham


Shrr11< Bu\rr

}oAnnr But1h





Don~ Clemenls COlNSFLI'lG Ot•parlmt•nl Ht·ad

TomCrm PIIY ' IC\L EDLCATIO COACH Sophomor~ Baskt·tball, A"l. Bast•ball

ur Cabu111 PHY. !CAL ED 'CATION COACH: Varsit> Basketball Athll'tu· Din'<'tor

Ellm Cool.:

)uti\ Coller

'PECIAL W CATIO Dq>artmt•nt Ht·ad

.V P. Das l"iOU TRIAL ARTS PO OR: Futurr Farmers of Amrrit•a


lfar/(r Daten port BL I-..Es. EDLC'\TIO-.. ' PO\ OR Futun· uf'tarit. A"tK·iation


. Darulson

Roberta Dal

Brulah X Dar is


PECIAL Wl ATIO COA H: A st. Football, "t. Ba,kt·tball




Charltr Dur Don Drtkn


PHY ' I AL EDl HIO [kparlmt•nt Ht·ad OA H: Ba,dJall

Charltr Ewns


Kal Fi.shrr HEARI . . . G l"v1PAIRED Frrd Fnhlmann



PO"'i OR: Pt•prttl's COACH: Asst. Girls' Trad.

Ramona Fostrr


Ru·h Garcia


Barbara Gutou·sk}


John George


Tom Ghrr



Rolwrta /Ianna

Jerrv Hardest}



Frances Hartman T3ny Hams

COACH: 9th Grade B~sketball

E!'IGLI H PON OR: ational Honor Society

George Hast


Stl'lla Heard


}at·k Htf!l{f


John Hornadtn

COl :'\SELI:"i<; COACH: Gtrf,· Ba-kl'lhall



Houard Horn

\1:\THE\1:\TIC . Dqlarlmt•nl Ht·ad

BL T\ESS EDCCATIO'l 'PO'\SOR: El('<lion Board

Crrf( llonu til

CO.\UI: \\


II ou '""

1\Dl 'iTHI \1. \HTS


lkparlnwrtl llt·ad ::>PO\SOR· Elt·nronw' Cluh

}o 4nnr ll.rn10n c~nJ.hw



(Atmltnt· }t·nktns

\farf(Pf\ lvlln




SPO'\SOR: Uaroon

]or Ansr1 OCI~LSTl

Etrl\n /\mar 1-:\(,LL II PON OR: Tlw Chronulr



Srlb1 Alrtn


Am ArrJ<l

.\1L' IC



FOREIG\ L~\Gl AGE PO\SOR: Stud•·nt Council


Ron 1\ru;r

OCtAL ·rt..:DIES

4rt 1-"hr

E\Gtt:;!l O.·parlmt•nt llt•ad

ktn Lrmom II0\1E EC0\0\11 '

John Lmdslrom


Kathn n \lajdwk

FOREIG LA:\G AGE !::.PO\ OR: Fn•nrh Club, Fn•nrh


}o. rphmr Hap on

Skznley Marsh

Ht\l.TII COACH : A,,t. Vollr,ball



'htrlr.' UrGrral



·oR· \fam<m

Unwin \hGurk

F...,(,LNI PO\SOR: Junwr Cia"

Doroth\ \ftllu


Robrrt \fi/lu

SCIENCE CO\(H:A"t S"tmminp;

Btl/ lforrfiri<l


Rufus \fom ' PE I "L EDL CATIO"l

Claude Murphy


i\fanella Patrrwn

TITU. \1

Lollte \a 1

\hron Orltl

FORUG\ L.\\Gl GE Dt•parlmt'nl llt•ad PO\ OR· Gf'rman Honor Sllftf'l~. Gt•rman Club

lr\OL.'THI \I. .\RTS

Ru·h Pal/on

\ann Patrr on

PIIY ' IC:\L EDLCATIO'II CO -\CH : S" ammml(. Softball

- PECI-\.L EDL ATIO\ CO-\CH: A••t • ftball

Gu a me Perkin

E:\GLISII COACH : A"t. Wn·•tlinl( PO\SOR: Afro· -\m!'rit•an Cluh

L. Patman

Don Ptttman




Tram Pook


Paul Qumlan

FOREIG. LA G AGE OR: ·pam'h Honor Sori!'t}

Jra!U'Ue Reed E:'iGLI H

Pam RoiH-rtt

.PECIAL EDLCATIO\ PO\ ·oR. Cht.-rlt·ader'

Karon Ra.smu.ssea



John RrH

Ruh Remmnt



Uonan Robm on

\IAHTI::\1 \TIC -PO\ OP: \ational Honor


John Snzrpl'tta


Fred S<·hooln

}tm ra1



E\GLI'ill CO.\CII Dramati .. ,


AI Smith

}u!tr 'hrnwml

Bl SI'\L·. ~Dl CATIO'i Dt•parlnH·nl llt·ad

Clalfr. ·~aprrdlu TITL F \I

CIE CE Dt•partmt'nl llt•ad

TomStt>u.art Clldr Smtih

Uontr Stanlr1




Dilc~ Slt"~u

B I ES ED CATIO COACH: Cross Country, Asst. Track & Field

Bmr 111n E< FORfJ(, \ l A\G \Gf. ~PO'<~OR Span"h Cluh

Cath1 Thunton E::\GLI ' H

}pff Tn,:f!rr

fhlrn IT a/~,., 110\IE f.C0\0\fiCS SPO\SOH f utu n llnnwma~ .. ,, -'"'" IJIIOn

D111 ul ITalian• Bl Sl \ bS EDl C HIO:\

Carlo Vun Au ron \1 \TI!Df \TIC .

PHYSICAL EDl C.WIO:"' CO\ H: · ,wnmlnj.:. A"t. f'nnthall

C••nr IT ani PI!) ::,1( \I FDl C\TIO', CO.\C .II Tra• ~

ShNn \RT

IT ·a/~,.,. Tu1/or

}ran IT ani


}rrn ll rbh ::i(


Su an ll ··lwr

Bl Lf\(; l \I. Wl CATIO" PSY<.IIOl.OGY ~PO\ , OH : Fnn·•l(n E,rhanl(<' Club




Ruh Tfoolr1

Pll'r ICAL EDU ATIO"' OACH . -\"t Football. A,~, Ba,•·ball


CAFETERIA STAFF CAFETEHIA T TROW: Mary Eaqt1n. Fmla holnt•r, Phylli' Grismt'r, Joannt' Pra't'. ROW TWO: Lort'lla Young. Mar) Ru) It', Br!'nda Fa there • Jan t hobe, Ali e McKenzie.


l PWARD BOt 'liD: FRO"'T ROW: L. Wondom, R. \.1oonl'~. D. Doup:las. ROW TWO· E. L,.,.;,, C. Jon<'s. J. MrCo). E. \1oon<'l· L. llirhs. \\ \1c·l~c·r \OT PICTLRED: B. Clar~. S. lark. A. Ken~. T. \\al~c·r. P. tro"


.& Crmard Bound \~as a colle~c· pn•parator) prol(ram. Owr tht• summt•r. ~ttuknt. from four different hi~h schools li\cd on tlw . of I. campu and went to classes as~i~nt•d by p\~ard Bound. The fall program started when . rhool started, but then had to do>.r lwcaust• of the teachers' strike in hampail(n. Once tht• strikt• was 0\('r pward Bound resum<·d tht• busin<'ss at hand. g<'lling th<· stud<'nls back and back to work. l. Earl Lt'"'' ;, hard at v.ork. 2. Pam trow needs hl'lp to do her v.ork. 3. Lu\\ana \\ indom makt·s ht·r v.ork 'l'<'m l'a. y.


OFFICE OCCUPATIONS Office Occupation. wa. a part of the CE proat Central. tudc·nts learned advanrrd office· skills in the classroom and then ~?;ainc·d practiral experit•nn· through job~. One of tht• arti\ities of 0.0. this }ear was to ro-spon. or the candinavian tahlt· at tlw lntrrnational upper m Dt·c·c•mlwr. M~. Oa\C•nport was the spon or for the• club thi. }t'ar. ~ram

FRO\T RO~ C. Todd. J. Lind•t'). J Pollard. E. Dt·t kt·r. K. Roh•n•on ROW TWO: K. lloo-t•r. L. Trippit•tll. \1 Bo-.n. L. ·w_,,, E. Oldham RO~ Til REf..: Mr-. DaH•nport, . Jl"l'!lt'on. \1. ,can ian, D. EthPrid!(t'. L. 1\t·u· mann.\. Eunif't', ). t·h-.f'nk.

ELECTION BOARD Elt'rtion Board i. in rhar~e of rt'~istt•rin~ tudents to \Ott'. running student rlertions. and countin~ volt's. Four mrmbers from each clas~ \H'rt' chost'n to O\'t'rSt'e tht' numerous c·lc•t·tions held at entral and to "kerp thr elrrtions honr~t." Election Board \\a, "ponsored by Howard Horn and rhain·d b} Am} Parson;-. and nn Langan.

EL.ECTIO'\ BO -\RD. FRO :'liT ROW. K. Rohhin•. l. Thoma•. RO\\ TWO: .• ammon•. -\. Par-on•. -\ L.an!(an. \ Holland RO\\ TIIREE: \1 . f~l-.artk \1. Ed-.ank T Boh01••k•. 1-... Batt••.


The purpo e of the pani h Club wa to promote a continued intere t and involvem nt in th pani h language, it people and it art . Mem· bership wa op n to Central tud nts currently enrolled in pani h a 'llell a tho e who had completed their tudy of pani h. The pani h Club \\a on of th m t artiv at Central. pon ored by Bette van E , the Club parti ipated in the International upper, bake sale , The Copa· cabana at the U of I, Beat rbana Week and a volleyball game with the French Club. Th Club al o di cu ed the pos ibility of a partial rhol· arship for one of its memb rs to pend the mmer in Mexico.

Cath' \ anOt->t•ntt'r tional uppt'r


"orl..injl hard at the lnterna·

H CLUB OFFICERS: Ot-nise Griffet, President; Julie Brown, l'errtar}. NOT PICT RED: An!!;t>la Kin!!;. Trrasurt'r.

PA I H CL B. FRO T ROW: C. Maier, . ke Is. K. Buetow, M. Evans. T. Watts, F. Ballard. ROW TWO: D. Castillo, M. rhmalt>, D. Cofft>}. M. Toalson, G. Haej~lt>, D M Cullt>},]. Menn1nga, K. hendel, L. Hipskind. ROW THREE: B. Blackburn, J. Brown,]. Wicks. R. Da,t'nport, P. Bouton, P. Bondurant. B. Otto, M. 0' e:ll, B. Auten. ROW FO R: B. Mitchell,]. Weaver, . hoop, J. Fliegel,]. Maier, M. Cro. s, C. John on, T. Havener, L. Barnhart, M. D!'ak, A. Mittra,]. Tabm, M. Eichhof"t. ROW FIVE: R. Happ, K. \1ath1 , L. Park, A. Bell, K. Robbin , . Mul ahy, C. VanDeventer, D. Griffet, P. Gurfinkt'l, M. Madix. ROW IX: G. Bart'nbel'!l.]. Kt>llt'r, L. tasi,]. it>wart, B. Karr, C. Emmett. . Tomaras, Z. Olef ky, B. Lindstrand, K. Hill, K. Green. ROW EVE : E. Ensrud, R. Tnmpe, B. Glover,]. tl'inbl'rjl, L. Henslt>r, K. Park, G. Grubb, G. Gruber, A. Moellt'r, T. Billing, B. Gadel, . Blum.



Central' French Club wa founded to promote an int re t in the French language, it people and it. arts. n} pPr on enroll d in a French class at Central High wa. eligible for memb r hip. cttntt in luded a traditional Chri tmas party at Madam!' Majdiak' home, . ponsoring the French table at the International upper, a carmel apple sale to rai e money for purcha ing French film , and a Fren h cooking demon tration which in luded crep s, cr am puff and other French delicacie .

FRE~CH CL B. FRO T ROW: K. Phan, L. Walker, T. Heath, . Travers, . Langan. ROW TWO: R. Petrie, T. Perurra, K. LeGrande, T. Prtnt>, K. Ki er, M. Pt>rlstron, V. Simpson, K. Brandabur. ROW THREE: . Sammons, A. Menninga, A. M Clellan, D. ichols, K. horesman, K. Turk, . Barickman, M. Foley, L. Altheide. ROW FO R: . Beberman. R. Eght>rman, L. Lai, J. Brown, K. Beau hamp, C. evern , L. Welch, M. Brandabur, K. Erick on, L. Bradley. ROW FIVE: J. Pruemer. J. Ha t, M. hield, . Berr~., . Rubel. R. Schneider, J. Danoel , B. Watts, J. Beberman, C. Wild, K. Bates.



GER'\1-\ \ CLLB. FRO TROW: E. Wt>nzrl. J YC'~er . . Lan~~:sjOt'n, M. Johnson . ROW TWO: E. :\1C')I'r. K idc•r,,J k.mt'll, L. tasi. D. l\1rQuaad. K. elson. L. Pc•aroon. M. Hurt, H. ]a)rox.

OFF! ER : La!'. a Benn. art>- Pre ident; Darren Mc·Quaid. Pre!oadrnl; Elizabt•th lal): Mall Hurt, Trea. urer:

The purpo e of the German Club wa to promote intere t in the ulturt', pt'ople and language of Germany. Member~hip wa open to all students currently enrolled in a German rlas at Ct'ntral. The club had its traditional Chri tma party at the home of Mr . Lotti a t where German Christmas traditions were "talked about and ta ted."





SPA\bH HO"lOR 0 II::TY FRO. T RO\\- R Tnmpt•, B. GloH'r, D. Fau~ht, B. Protht>. ). Wirk, G. l\1urra) RO\\TWO: . ..;hoop. D. l\1rCulln. J. Mt•nnon~a. K. t·ht·ndt·l . . Jor~en•l'n . .1\1. Abbt'). C. Whitt>d. ROW THREE: T Bdlinl(. J Stt·inht·'l(. G. Grulwr. P. Bouton, D. Moon•, R. DaH'nl>orl. A. Hooton . A. '\1orllt>r, mdrr.


HO\OR OCilTY FRO"iT RO\\- : K. Paul-on. M Wtu. A. Hendrix. RO'\\ TWO· J. Km .. u. K t·l-on, '\1r-. \a,t. H. )a\l·o\ ROW THREE: '\1. Hum· mt·l. K Kuhnl'. C. Sandt·r-. R. Part'. L. Pt•a r-on.


lET\ . FRO\T ROW: L. Ahh.-idt>, K. Kt rr. B. \\-att,, L. \\rich.

J. Brbt'rman. . TraH' r- RO\\- TWO: K U>Grandr. 1\1. Prrl,lt>in, D. "iirhol,, K. horr,. man. K. Turl. \ . Baru·lman. RO\\- THREE: E. E\an . 1\1. rhneidrr. T. Pt"lrir. K. Erirk-on. J. Prut•mer.

'P-\ \bH HO\OR IET'r FRO'\T ROW F. ~·rh). ·. hoo11. T. Billing, K. rt>ndt·l. D. \1r ullt·l· RO'\\' TWO: A. Pr,...lon. L. Sollinl(t'r. A. Holland. J. lalho,, J. '\1 rnntn~a. J. \t>rdt'\t'n. B. MrCabt'. ROW THREE: F. Ll'rnl'r. L. '\1ait•r. J. Chan. R. Tnmpe. C. . luff. C. mtlt-r. A. Htnlon. RO\\- FOl R· T. Murra). D. '\1r\1ahon. D. Faul(hl. J. lel\arl. D. Cullum. J. Billing. . '\1t•H·r ROW Fl\ f.. K. Fnt>-t'. J. ' lt•tnht•rl(. G. Grulll'r. T. Tnrk. R. Da,pnporl. B. Ta)lor. B. Tom· lin. H. Blum .

hwld. "i Rubt'l, R.

F.H .. OFFICER . Lon \\l'kh. Pn·-idt•nl. &·n \\alb. Tn·a,un·r: Ktm KN·r. \ in•- prr-idrnl: Jame' Brbt'rman. nrtar).

OFFIUR.., Pam \au11hn . Prf'-oldent: Tamm' Eunlrl'. :5fi路retan. \!an Ka' Bo-.n. Trea路urer

F.S.A. Tht> Future rretarie A ociation wa Oll!anized and spon路ored b' tht> Bu in Edu ation Department and the ~ational errf'tarie-. A ociation. Thi group met once a \'teek and heard guest -peakers. The group took field trip to bank and offices and ht>ld parties.

F.. \ . FRO\T RO\\ . 1. Cramer. J. Lind<a). 1. Pollard. P Frffman. J. \\ allare. F Ballard . 1. Ja,.per. L. Sm1th. RO\\ TO\\ . E. Oldham. L. John-on . B. \l1trhell. '. \lon~e . D. Freeman. ::0 . \ladJ\. K Todd. K. Gre~>n . . Bell. ROW THREE: :'.Irs. Arnold. \lr-. Da,enport. -. \\1'-le, _ \1. Bo-.n. L. Tnpp11'd1. L. Do-.nmg. C. Todd. T \\al~l'r . J. BendPr R \\ FOLR . J Ch1dla". L. Stahl. D Ruhard-on. \1. \au11hn. R. R!',nold-. . Donagh\. -\. 'fom-. P \au11hn . . Frl"flu-on. T. E,eland . ROW FI\E. L. ' ta-i . D. \loorl'. L"'holw. K. Ruhard-. D. Etht'rtdf!l'. L.Ja<oll-. D. \\1-1'. \ Eumt~路 . C Raup


FORE I(,\ E\CH-\ \GE Ll B. FRO\T


D Dornr-. ::-. T~~moun. S.

~ eath~rford RO~

TWO f- .


H..\rfm. H Ja" o\. f..


\OT PICfl RED- \1 Sal')! h.

D Ca-11llo. D. flora. L RoJa-. \ ::"1que1ra.

I. \1~ . 1 an E._- pamsh da"t"- help det'orate for tht• lntt•rna11onal upper. 2. Dan Castillo and Deni,t• Flora St'll tic-kt>L' at thr lntt•rnational UJlJ>I'r.

"tudrnt,. "ho longed for an intrrnational e-.perirm·e 1·ould get it tn the Fon•tgn E-.change Club. The purpo~e of tlu- tlub 11a~ to inrrea-t• cro,.~-rultural communication and undel'tand111g. -\rti1 itie~ ..;urh a' the International Supper and the E\rhangt' \lee~rnd in the ~pring helped mrmbe~ to mcrea~e thetr cultu ral a11arene-,. and to ma~e fm·nd,. 11 ith people from other culture~. The Forrtgn E\change Club al,.o ,.pon,.ored Central -tudent \loll1 Bargh'- ftl't--eme,ter tnp to BraLil. -\bo. Ldta RoJa" from \le-.ico and -\dnano "tqueira from Brazd ~pent -rcond -eme-ter at Central. E\changt> lub nwmbel' leanwd a lot from the t110 E\l'hange Student:-.


TEER OFFICE A ISTANTS. FRONT ROW: G. Galey, J. Hendon, A. Johnson, J. Bascomb, B. Davis, V. Hammo k, C. Lambert. ROW TWO: L. Trippiedi, M. Tross. L. Le"is, E. Ryckman, J. Riehle, M. Motley , T. Williams, T. Bechmann.

The tudents who collected attendance cards and carried me ages to teachers and tudents were Volunteer Office A i tant . There wer three V.O.A.' a igned to the attendance office every period. The e tudents worked clo ely with the attendance secretaries, Mr . Gher and Mr . Mankey, and the Dean of Students, Mr. Han en and Mr . Vo . Any tudent could apply for thi club. The e tudent along with the admini trators traditionally pon ored a table at the International upper.

1. Mon1 a Tro s alphabetizes the days absentees.


tudents arr selected b; coun!ielor to serve as Couns(•ling Guides. Thf' e studf'nts delivf'r announc(·mrnts of counsf'ling appointments to clas. mah·s throughout the school. They run errand for th(• counsrlon;, file schedules, and help Mrt;. Garland, th(• Counsf'ling Department secrf'tary. The; rercivf' no academic credit for their work, but the; do get on-the-job ecretarial kinds of experience. ELI G GLIDES. FRONT ROW: T. Thorn en, J. Bash, B. Drt'nnan. Glo,t'r. Ren«" Blay;. D. Bishop. D. trod«", L. Stahl. ROW THREE: L. LA-w is, . Edwards, A. Hane).


l. Tht> Coum.eling Guides and V.O.A.'s oriental table at the InternatiOnal upper is a mashing succe-s.


THE AFRO-AMERICAN CLUB The Afro-American Club ~as de. ignt'd primaril) for the minonty studenu at hampaign Central High hooL Its purpose wa. to pro' ide an opportunit} for minority tudents to organize actmtl and to monitor communi ation · problem ~ithin the chool building. The Afro-American Club began it. meetings t"\\O "1\eek after the 12-day teachers' !itrike. The club met every Thursday after school, and in it fir t meeting, the member · planned acti,itie to rai e money for the club trea ury . orne of tho e activitie included M&M candy ale , bake sal , and popcorn . ale · at t~ home ba ketball game . The Club p n ored its fir t large mon )'making activity when it held a Fun Night in Combe Gym. It in luded all tudents at Central anJ offered activitie uch a ba ketball, volleyball and dan ing. The remainder of the year wa al o quite u ce ful for the club a it o- pon ored both a alentine' Da} Dance with rbana High chool and an Annual pring Ball ~ith both rbana and Centennial High chool . Th club' final project wa preparation for a trip to the outh to visit a Black college. The year wa quite ucce ful.

FRO-AMERICA CLUB. FRONT ROW: K. ""b1tt. V Thomas. ROW TWO: V. Cook. J. Hint·s. M. tone. E. Lr"i•. W. Clarl... . esbitt. ROW THREE: L. Hint>s, C Jont". C. Allt>n ROW FO R: E. Clark. D. !'lorman. D. Hint's.

OFFICER EATED: Linda Hines, President; Victor Cook, Treasurer; Carla Allen, t' retar}; Winnit' Clark, Vice-president. STA Dl G: Earl Lewi•. Asst. crt'tary; colt t'sbitt, Parliamt'ntarian.

l. elling M & M' i a fund-rai ing project of the Afro-American Club. 2. Winners of the Fun ight Dance Conte!>l arc Lisa Hick , Venola Jones, and Tawanda Blis it.


DEBATE AND I.E. Formn CPntral studrnts \\ho an· n<m at thP . of I. providrd coar· hin~ for Central' DdJatt· lt'am thi. yf'ar. Coacht• · Anjali Mittra, Larry :\1arx and Todd Portt•r felt that dt·hat«·rs had a" ~ood time• and a f!Ood }e·ar." Tht• topic for nation·\\ ide high school drbatt• thi }ear \\a. "Foret~n Trade." The· t•ntral te•am trawlt'd to man} tourname·nt. this }ear. Each tournamf'nt ('On. i. ted of tx round. of debatf' (thn•e• Friday ni~ht and three turday morning) \\ith t•ach round Ia. tin~ l Y2 hours. Tht n· \\e'rt• thn·e· cate~ories of dt•batPrs: novict•, junior vansty, and \arsitj. Central freshman Gerry Han ell had a ~ood year n·n•ning a Fir t rwakt•r A\\ard at the &·II· ville TournamPnt inn· tht• tt·am thi. yt·ar consi. ted entirely of fre hmen and ophomores, next yf'ar look. wry promising. Tht• Individual E\ent. Te•am atte·ndt•d se\t'n tourna· ments this year. Dou~ Miller \\On first in Extt•mporane· ous pt•akin~ at I. .U., .I. ., Lincoln Hi~h rhool and the I.H .. A. Distrirt. Bill dJUmarht·r and Tt•d Wolf placed second at District and qualified for ertionaL. 0\erall, the team plared fifth at Di. triet. Doug qualified for both tht• I.H .. A. tate Tournament and the lllinoi peerh and Theatre's Tournamt•nt. Other members of the tt•am indudt•d Karen Kuhne, Lugretta Harris, Con lance Haile, \my l\1cCiellan, Loui. e Hip kind, Jo Pangilinan, and Jennifer Tabin. DEBATE: FRONT ROW: Chr" ·han kin, Jonathon ' podt•k, Gt•rl) Hansell. ROW TWO: AnJana Mot· tra, Janet Brown, Melissa Cross.



L Bill ·humacher contemplate' hi next lone. 2. Ted Wolf ~ins his speech.


PEER EARS Pt•t•r Ears Y.as a group organized for thr first time this year by social worker, hrrr) Bo}t'r, and Dt•an of tudents, Barb \ oss. <'cording to the organizers, thr purp<N' of Pet•r Ear,; was for trained and stqwn i t•d student~ to offer li:tcning t'neouragemt•nt and . upport to other students.

PEER EAR : 'h«>rr~ Bo~«·r. Ton~ Pelmor!', Zot• Ol«·f,h. ,'n1tt GriAA'· Rol(«'r Dawn port. Bn·nda MrCalw.


The Title VI tudent dvisory Committee planned ocial and cultural event for tudent involved in the Title VI program. Th Committee organized uch activitie as the spon orship of a table at the International upper and a group trip to ee a play at Krannert Center for the Performing Art. TITLE VI ADVI ORY BOARD. FRONT ROW: Anl(«·la Kml(, Veron ira Happ. Jackie Bolden. ROW TWO: K1•,in Cat1·hinj(•. Li,a Little. J1·"i<"a Le" ;,_



FRO :>iT ROW: D. f'lit•l(t'l. G Gruh~-r. . MUJrht·td, M. Ablw). J. Bt·hNman. E. f:,an' . ROW TWO K. Paulson. K. shurt·•man. R. Da"·nJHirt. K Tur~ . P. Bt>Uton. \ Hinton. \ . Ht·ndri,, D 'loi .. hol•. H Ja,,.o, , ROW THREE:~. Lanj(•jnt·n. \1 . JuhtN>n. \. "Jwtwt·. \1 Witt. G llan · nbur~:. ) \1t·nnin~:a. J. Chan. II.. Wt'llll'l. II.. ll.ist•r ROW f'Ol R '> . Bt·rn. T. Bill in!(. L. W..trh. \ . Tomp~m-. D Da' itf,on. K. . l'ht·nd..t. B. Harka. II. \..t-un. ROW Fl\ F: \1 '>hll'ld. J Stt·tnbt · r~:. J , tt·"art , K. Frit''''· G. \1urra\, G. Chu"· T. Pt•trit•. B. Watt,, J. Bill in!(. R Srhnt·idn.

QUILL & SCROLL Cham pai~n Central Hi~h ".., lllini Chapll'r of thr 'I/ a tiona I Honor \\as or~anizt•d to n•ro~nize tho t' students \\ ho hm, outstand in~ character, :.t•nice, leader::.hip and academic pro~r<·s~. In order to qualih for membership, all studt•nts must receive ~ood rrrornmendations from past and present teacht·r~ in the areas of rhararter, sen ice and leadership. In addition sophomores who \\ish to be considered for rnt'm ber~hi p rn ust ha\t' a 5.0 awrage, jumors. a 4-.75 a\era~e and seniors. a 4.5 aH'ra~e. Miss Robinson and \1 rs. Hartman \\ert' tht• sponsor for tht• organization this orwt~


Quill and croll was an international honoran for hi~h school journalist.. Those considered for the honor must have been in the upper third of their clru s, a junior or a st•nior, and ha\i' b n recornnwnded by their advi or for outstandin~ t•nic to their publication. The recipients received either a gold key pin or charm, and a certificate. Quill and croll rnt•mbrr~hip is con. iderrd h} colleges and universitie when -.eeking out. tanding . tudents for their institutions.


FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA Central and Centennial "tudenL together formed a al <'hapler of Futur Farmers of Ameri<'a. The offi<'e · of Pre, ident and Trea ·urer were held by Central students Jim Eichhorst and Mark Wood, respe tivel} . The main objective of F.F.A. were: to encourage m mber in the development of individual farming program and e tabli hment of agricultural career , to participate in worthy undertakings for the improvement of agri ulture and to encourag cooperatio,:e effort. N. P. Da wa the ponsor.

FL"Tt:RE F.o\RMER OF AMER I A FRO~T ROW: M Wood. Eirhhol"t. RO~ ~0 C. Raup. L ·uit,, •. Hammt>l.

JR. I.A.D. tudent from Central, Centennial, and Jeffer on formed a local chapter of the Junior Illinoi A ociation of the Deaf, an organization for hearing-impaired tudents and tudent intere ted in h aring impairment. Central tudents provided leader hip by holding the following offices: Pre idenl, Laura Kelly; Vi e-pre idenl, Kim dam ; and ecretary, Colleen Fairl y. The Champaign club enl a volleyball team to the tale tournament held at Waubon ee Community College. Man) chapters of Jr. I.A.D. participal d in thi tournament.

JR. I.A.D. FRO Jr, .

FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS Thi. )t'ar the Foreign Exchange Club at Central pon ored two Foreign Ex<'hange tudenl ·. Lilia Roja from Mexico pent se<'ond erne ter living with . ophomore BNh Karr' family while Adriano iqueira from Brazil lived with Chri. Bian<'hini and his famil). hhough the} were far awa} from their home for six month , they both felt their primary goal of learning to peak Engli h and learning more about Ameri<'an. had been accompli hed.


helmadinr. B. Alexandrr. T. Da}. J.


FLTI.JRE HOMEMAKER OF AMERICA. FRO TROW: C. B1rdsell. A. Bazzell. F. Elam. J. Davis. H. Wall..er. ROW TWO: V. Tuell. . Harri • A. Bi>hop . . Binkle~ . ROW THREE: D. Cutright. M. Algee. V. Bazzell. D. iewert. M. Ta}lor. C. Evans. M. Baile~ .

Future Homemakers of America was re-e tabli hed this ;ear for the fir t time in three year for the purpo e of encouraging tudent to pur u areers in hom ronomics or related occupation . According to pon or Helen Walker, the empha i of the club thi ; ar wa entire!} on food . The Club rved gu t m a! from menu prepared during tudie of food group and compared home-mad m a! with r taurant meal by going out to eat together on money made from F.H.A. bake sales. In addition, F.H.A. pon or d a very popular Italian table at th International upp r.

OFFICER : Cind' Birdst>ll. Treasurer: Fa}e Elam. Pres1dent; Anita Bazzell. Vi e-prt"'1dent.

erreta~ :

Jane Davis.

l. The Italian tablt' at the International upper looks good enough to eat.



CHRO ICLE. FRO TROW: K. LeGrande. M. JohnS()n, S. Langsjot'n, J. Helge•en. ROW TWO: A. Dodds. H. Ja)cox. P. Da\is. S. ff•ldman. D. Gf•rard. P. Gurlin~f·l. ROW THREE: J. Domagala. M. Crirhton. L. Pearson. K. Kiser, M. Perlsteon, K. Wenzel. D. Braz.. lton, G. Ha!'gele. ROW FOlR: B. llafkf•r. J Yf•agf•r, N Tomara.,, K. Frot"oe, K. Gardner, K. Osterholl, T. Charters. ROW FIVE: 0. Crooks, N. Rubel. E. Evans, J. Dudley, T. Wolf. V Som!'rs, D. Wikoll. N. S.·rggn·n. B. Sdwmarher.

E\f·n in its 54th )t'ar. Tht> Champai!{n Chronidt> ha' not Of'ldPt'lf'd its n•spon-.holil\ to uphold thf• tra· dit1on of lwin)!: an outstandin)!: Of'"' ma)!:aLinf•. This aY.artl-1\ inn1n)!: ma)!:azinf' 1s put out hi-Y.f'f•l<l) h) -tu· flt·nts ran)!:IO)!: from fn•shmt•n to 'f•niors. Earh job. from nportinl!: to f'dltln)!:. is \t'r) important in thP 1nit1al out,.omf• of thf• ChronidP. \t·Y. -~~ lf•s, ldf•as. and !'Onn·pts Y.f'rt' y.plf'orm•d in ordPr to appf·al to thf· studt•nt hod). \1ost of thf• rhanJ!f'' \\f'rf' 111 tht• a< tual appc•aran<·t• of thP pap<•r. 'U< h a' la)OUl anti tht• l<1ml of l) JH''f'llin)!:. hut thf'r<' y.a-. al-o mu< h <·xpNimPnl.allon Y.lth tht· rontc·nt. AlthouJ!h thf• ma)!:azinf•\ sizt• Y.as df'f'rf'a'f'd lf•mporaril). it- qualit) remained honorable as it raptun·d anothPr :\11-Amt•riran ay.ard. Chronicle's main )!:oal Y.as to n·lalf• to the tudt•nts. This it did b) featurin)!: 'urh thing' as nt'Y.S brit·fs, fashions, rt'\it·"'· -port aflh it it·'· Ct·ntral studenL-. 111 thf' Of'"'· t•ditorial-. and -.tudf•nt opinions.

I ...


I. Charle' Rt•nner. 'vlanaging Edotor. and \1r'o. Ko,ar \\Or~ togethl'r on organizing thl' Chront r[,. 2. Chari••, and Karen intPn "'" Dr. -\,hl'nleltt•r. EDITOR . FRO iT ROW · Margart•t Perlstein, Focus Editor; M,Jinda Johnson, People Editor. Kelh LeGrande. Cop' Editor. RO\\ T\\ 0 : Kt•\ln Wenzt•l, Photo Editor; Vince mers. Circulation Editor; Karen Fri . • e"s Edotor; JeH Helgesen. Opinion Edotor: Kom Ki,er. Entertainment Editor.



U 4ROO \ (]




Huv;h &·an. O.·hhu· Fn·t•man. SITTI\G Jamt·, Tallq. J...arh, U1nton. Da>t· Chapt·l. Da" n Tt·t·m-.

\ '•·rom• a hilt>. Earl Lt·"i'. L~nn Spw,, John MonJ..man .

''People•" held an underl:,-in~J; mranin~J; for mc• mlwr~ of the Maroon staff a~ the·~ ~napped picture~. designed layouts, and readied material~ for the deadline~. Dc~pitc· )Outh and ine\perience, the Maroon staff achiewd it goal of complc·ting a yearbook. Becau. c· of a . prin~J; dcliH•ry, the ~taff planrwd can•fully and \~orkc•d hard during 1'\C'nings and \H'ek-ends throughout the fall and \\inter. The . taff \\as compo~ed of an editorial 'taff. madc• up of . tudent in yearbook laboratory, and a general -.taff. opc·n to all studc·nt . The rlass attended workshops and conference"\\ ith a repre entati\e from Taylor Publishing ompany.

EDITOR : Zt.w Olef,J..) and Jill Prut'mt'r.




MAROO TAFF. FRO TROW: L. Maier, D. Teems, H. Bean, L. pie,, J. Osgood, D. Freeman, J. Prut>mt>r, R. Trimpt> ROW TWO· J idt•rs, T. Barringer, C. Ma11'r, K. St-hendel, Zo Olef ky, J. Menninga, D. MrCullt>y. ROW THREE: B. Otto, M. Cross, M. Eichhorst, M. Edlt>f. l'n, B. Lind trand, E. Mooney, M. Edward , V. imp,on. ROW FO R: T. Minnick, J. Monkman, V. Zelle, E. Lewis, K. Clinton, J. Talley, . Drennan, B. May, L. Bark· tall, M. Vo s.

l. Dawn Tt>t>ms and Debbie Freeman work hard. 2. The Maroon taff at work. 3. Kathy Clmton is asking for help on her layout. 4. Earl Lewis gives his opinion. 5. Get· ting rt"ad} to take pictures. 6. "Pass me the salt, please."



CH-\l\1Bf.R CHOIR. FRO"'IT RO~ : F. Ballard. K Cotn•·r. J. 0-!l<><>d. R. Ebt·rt . . Ja .. bon. ROW TWO : W Clark.:, Shoop. K. Hine,, W. Mt·lkt·r. \1. Brandabur. E. L•·"i'. C. \ndn•"'· D. llrn•·-. \1 \1an olakt•, . RO~ THREF S. Bro""· I Barnhart. K. Millal(t', K. Halt•. J Tahin. K. Ba-h. \1. Rolwrt,,-\ flo,.•·ll. K. Pittman . -\ . Holland. ROW FO R: L. John,on . D. Da\ ''·. Bn•,.•·r. L. \1awr. K Fnt•,t•, D. Pit•rn·, / Ol..f, k~ . C. llailt•, K. Nt•l,on. 1.. llarri,, \ , \1, Clt·llan ROW Fl\ t : E. Clark. R. Cotrwr. D. orman. 'VI . Ht•,.inll'· T. Pt·at. T. ~ olf. P )ounl(. B. Ta,lor. B. St humadwr, J. Stt•\\art. R Bt·att~ . ~OT PICTlRED: P. Arnold. J. Boldt·n. S. Raad. R RPiw•·•·a. . Sil\1· ~

I ~

Champai~n Central's number ont• choir be~an the school }<·ar "tth an t•xtremely succt•ssful Fall Pop Conc•·rt. The sec· ond annual hristmas Concert, which was done in cooperation \\ith Ct•ntennial's Choir, wa: also a lot of fun and well n•rt•i,ed. At the start of the year, the hoir\ first a1 I of busint•ss \~as to form tht• Parent Choral Association. ext, offin•rs for the choir \H' r<' l'hosen. The} \\ere: President, John tr\~art; icePn•stdt•nt. Dian!' Da\ is; Trra un•r, Bill Taylor; and , t•cn·tary, usw hoop. elltnp; candles and fruitcakl' to ratst• funds \\as the next plan of business. One of the best thinp;s about being in the Choir i. ~t·ttin~ to try out for othf'r choral p;roups a•ailablt• likt• Boys· Quartt•t, Girls' Quartet and wing Choir. All tht•st• spt•l'ial groups are formed from people. elected from the Chambn Choir.







l. Da\ld \orman and Lu!(n·tta llarri' 'ill!( IOI(t·tht•r in tht• Fall Pop Conn·rt. 2 . Kim Pillman. ~USit' hoop. and "-an•n Fnt·,.,t• look to tht• ril(ht 'idt• nf tht• 'land . 3. Jt•ani 0-!WtJtl. '"I \Ia Jar bon, and ht·rn Bro" n putlt•r up. ~. Tlw .. omiHnt•d Charnlwr Choir, of Champail(n Ct'ntral and Ct•nlt'nnial -in!( IOI(t·tlwr at tlw Chri,trna, Conn·rt. 5. \1r. Dt'rkt•r dirt>rb tht• t·ombint•d Choir,. 6. Tlw rro"tl 't't'lll' to t•nju\ tht> ronrt'rl. 7 Tt·d \\ olf ha,., 'omt•thinl( to 'a)



CO'IICERT CHOIR FRO T HOW· B. uhor. J. Wade. J. Thu..,.h. . uhor ROW TWO: D. Dout~la,, L. Littlt'. J. John,on. A. Bl'll. \'. Jont''· J. Wht•adon ROW THREE: M. ton~. A. '\httra. C. John,on. B. Dimler. . Herron.). Bnght. A. BaJ.h. T. Chartt'l"o. ROW FO R: . Bell. M. Baulder. . Ru}le. L. hobe. R. Farmer. L. Hirh. Z. Thomas. . McKis"<!rk. M. Deak. SHTET: C. John,on. A Bt·ll. A Bell. M. Baudlt•r. 'OT PIC· TLRC:D: J. DN·oe. D. Clark.

The onr1•rt Choir began it. sinp;inl!: sea· "ith th1• Fall Pop Concert. In thi. per· forma nee tht• onrt•rt hoir demonstrated a great dt•al of talent and provided competi· tion for tht• Chamber Choir. For the annual hristma onrert, entral' Concert hoir blended nicel)' with ntennial's onrt•rt Choir. Durin!!: the year. the Concert Choir as. istl·d the hamber hoir b)' helpinl!: to sell randle and fruitcake to rat~t· mone)' for the hamber hoir' " prinl-{ ing Tour. The onrert Choir enjo;ed an espt•· ciall} su<Tessful year. ~on



BOYS' Ql :\RTli: Ritll B..a111. Bill Ta1 lor. John St<-,.art. Dam·ll Hnw• .

WI G CHOIR. FRO T ROW: F. Ballard. ROW TWO: . Brt>wer, J. tewart, L. John on, D. Pi~>rrt', D. orrnan, C. Haile, . hoop, T Wolf, L. Harn . ROW THREE: B. Ta> lor, K. Cotner. K. Halt>, W. Melker, E. Lewi.,, D. Davis, R. Beatty, M. Manolake,, D. Hine:,. l \enola Jont·• i• ll'r) har•PI to l.t• on 'tal(<'. 2. Ct•ntral\ Cont...rt Choir and Ct•ntl'nni· al\ Concl'rl Choir c·o muine talt•nt in tht• Chri•tma' Conn•rt. 3. Ct•ntral\ ho1s' quartl'l pt>rform' "'th •tudt·nt. from u·ntennial. 4. Tht· Girl,· Quartt•t •in~: the1r ht•art- out in the Fall Pop onct•rt. 5. Ct•ntral'' "in~: hoir mer~:•·· "ith C.t·ntt•nnial\ ·,.in~: Choir.



INTRAMURAL BOARD Intramural Board provided an important . t>rvice for th hool. For the man tu9ents involved in intramural sports, 1M's wer an opportunity to compete and learn mor about ports. IM Board pon ored five port thi year. Tht> 100-Mile Club Ia ted alJ year. During the winter, volleyball and ba ketball attracted many parti ipants. Game were held on Tue day and Thurday evenings in tht> Girl ' Gym. pring brought gymna tics and oftbalJ to tht> intramural calendar. AIJ in alJ, ov r 420 tud nt benefitted from th program pon ored by the IM Board. The Intramural HalJ of Fame wa e tabli hed thi year to honor outstanding participants in each of the port . Throughout the year, IM Board held bake sale a a m ans of rai ing mon y. Th money wa u ed to buy award .

I. M. BOARD. FRO "iT ROW J Km"''· D. Da1 i--un. T. Rt·ill'. ~ -, 1wnn·. J. Vt·rdt·,•·n. M. Foln. ROW T\\'0: Mr-. Miller. D ·hnt'ltkr. J Par~•·r. lo... \1atllx. K. hun·-man. J. Ctwa~n•·. R. F.-ldman. T. Pt·nu..-a. l ~ Hint"•. ROW THREE: C. Padbt·~. J. Mill .. r, ~- \1odlt·r.-\ O.Hid,. D. Par~hill. E. En•rud, P. lla1•. R. Rt·i . M. o·:-;1'111. E. L.·""·


t . ·. :... -. :;-~-' .:--. --~>--~-


. '




A 1

1. "Watrh out, Wonder Woman!" 2. Jerry MrCo} servi'S for a Wt>sl Wang victory. 3. "milt>."

0 JO





T DENT CO CIL. FRO"'T ROW: D. Cullum, C. nyder. A. Hinton, A. Hendnx. ROW TWO: A. Mittra. B. Auten. B. Roth, L. Lat, L. ~·nn. ROW THREE. T. Bobowski. J. Tabin. K. Turk, K. hore,man, M. Folr~ . ROW FOUR M. o· rill. L. Washburn, . Mutrht•td, • Blum. ROW FIVE: B. Watl~. D. tukel, T. Prtnr, R. DaH·n· port, A. Flt•tchrr, G. Murra~. G. Gruber, D. May .

l. Adele Hendrix When he peak., ewryone stop and listen . 2. Am} Moeller helps to make si!(n. for tudent Council.

In order to get the tudent involved in tudent activ itie , the tudent Council organized many o ial event.. Thr a tivities included: PTSA Vi itation, B at rbana Week, pep as emblirs, activity ticket., Homecoming Week, adie Haw kin Dance, SO's Day and Hop, Vi e- ersa Dan e and the Honors ssemblie . tudent Council i compo ed of rrpr entative. from ea h class. It spon or i Mr . Pat Klimek. The monthly meetings of the representative enabled them to plan the activitie which greatly helped to increa e ,chool spirit.


TLDE\T COL CIL OFFI ER . FRO TROW: . tuff, A. Ht•ndri,, ROW A Htnton. D. ullum. C. mder.

~·o :



- - -....iiiiiiiii...... . . FRO~ ROW: A. Dayton. F. Ballard. T. Heath. D. Flol'!lt>l. Dort>etor Krt>Jco. J. Dudlt>,. P Millt>r. . Kin,c-1 RO~ ~-0 : E. Wil•on. A Beres. K. 0 tt>rhoff. M. Goblm. D. nsone, J. Cornell. B. Da.. s. R. Cook. Y Oldham. ROW THREE: D. Chapel. T Funkhau<.t>r. M. Vt>atr h. B. Lmdstrand. R Bi~der. B. hat> fer, . Wolf, L Hutton, K. Lenz, D. McCam. G. Hat>gele. ROW FOUR: M. Redt>nbaugh , J. Schnt>oder. J. Wea,er. J. \ i'Orb . . Bartle' . W. John-on. D. Cart,.nght. P. More), G. Kmock, B. Langjoen, J. Flit>gel. ROW FIVE: . Cullop. K. Schendel, J. Rochardson. C. Anzt>lmo. C. Se\ern'. A. ParkhuNt. C. Help:rsen. P. Bath . J. Ded.er, . Jarvis, D. hneider. G. Gale), K. Farrell. ROW IX; E. Holthoff. K. Hill. D. Moore. M. Millsap. M. Mumll. R. Goodman . J. Ht'lgesen. J. Dudle, , J. Dobson, J. Zaccaria, C. Palmisano, M. Henne.

JAZZ BAlloD I FRO 'TROW· B. Lang Joen. A. Parkhurst. C. Ht>lgr-en . ROW TWO: F Ballard. J. Dud It>\ . K. Hale. J. Flot>gel. C. Anzelmo. ROW THREE: K. hendel. J. Dob-on, J Helgesen. K. Farrell. ROW FO R: G. Hal'!lele. D. Cartwnght. D. Flot>gt'l . ROW FIVE: K. Holl. J. Dudley. M. Mollsap. D. Moore. K. O,tt>rhoff.


haefer, J. Decker. M. Giblon. J Zaccaria. C. Palmi· ..ano. R. Goodman. A. Walker. J. Flil'!lel . M. Hennt'. ROW TWO . ,rrns. M. Branda· bur, . ~olf. ROW THREE: P. Miller. B. Lmdstrand. K. Morr\ . K. Hill. R. Bip:ler. K 0-terhoff. T. ullop.

Ou1• to thP fa('t that C..ntrar-. band did not haH· a dtre!'tor until late it ~ot off to a poor start. Ken Kn•Jn. tlw rw\1 Diret tor. under· ... tood thi .. and bt>~an training at once. The band onh attt>ndt>d one rom· pelt liOn at \1 hirh 11 j!OI a lo\1 . core. but it \Ia' t'\rellt>nl training for the follo\1 in~ ~ear. Concert and Jazz Band~ \1 ere not affected b~ thi. rhan~e of dtrecto~ and ha'e an e\cellent future ahead of them .


I \1arrhin!! Band tal!'• a lot of hard ~<orl and prartu·!'. 2. )312 Band II pt>rform• at the> Fall Conrt·rt . 3. Thl' \1arrhon11 \1aroon• rompete at a l . of I. romiH'tiloon l \ u·t> 't'l. \1arl . .. Don·t brt>al.: a -tork. ..




E p E T

PEPETTES. FRONT ROW: D. Parnsh, E. Clark, L. Windom ROW TWO: . hoop, J. Parker. L. John on, E. Oldham. L. ollinger. L. Halloran, Ms. Fisher. ROW THREE: L. Halloran, 7 Olefsk\, D. Davis, L. Bradlc·~. . Donagh~. L. Harris, Brr~<er. J . Bro~< n.



s 1. Prpette Debbie Parri h and Lil} Halloran prartirr on the stage before the game. 2 . Lil~ Halloran i part of the art on the ideline at onr of the Maroon'. home football game . 3. Debbie Parrish sho~< her enthusiasm dunng practice. 4. Johnna Parkc•r

.,.,th her pompoms during half·time at one of the Maroon'. football games. 5. The Pepette do their routine at one of the home basketball games.


PEPETTES HAVE A REBUILDING YEAR Tfw Pqwttf'~ IH'rformt•d at tht• football and ha~kt·tball tlw. ) t·ar. Thr} al~o prrformt•d at pep asst·mblit·~. For tlw Pept•llt• this was a n•buildin~ )Par. ndt•r the direction of a nt'\\ sponsor, Ms. Kay Fisht•r, tht• ~irl \\orkt·d out t·ach mornin~ in tht·ir fir~t hour P.E. das. . 1t•mbt•r al~o \\Orkt·d out durin~ tht> ummer. The Prpt'ltt•. all \\Pnt to tlw . of I. training !'amp for ont• \\t't·k and rt'l'l'nt·d I\H> a\\ank Dunng tlw strikt·.tht·team pra!'ticed at WPst idt• Park. "inn· a student must brat least a junior to parti('ipatt' in Pqwttt·~ .... t•nior~ thi-.. }t'ar had to work intt>nsiH~I) with tht• junior ... to tt·at·h them tlw old routint·~. t'\\ routint•-. . \\t'rt'. of courst', lt·arncd b\ all. Asidt· from pe-rforming at the gamrs, the Pt•pette partil'i· patt•d in a jump-ropt• marathon at Wt•st idt• Park. In addition the Junior Pt>pt•tte held a banquet to honor tht• t'nlor Pt'!Wtlt•.... ~amp~


1979 BASEBALL Th«' 1918 Bi~ 12 Champ~ 1\t'rt' unahlt' to hold onto tht• titlt' anotht'r 1c•ar. Tlw 1979 Ct·ntral Ba-.c•hall Tc·am compilt'd a sc·a~on n•t·ord of 7-7. hut four of tlw lo ......c.... lll'n' b) onl) one• run. l nfortunatt'l), II\O of tlw lo~~~·~ IH'rt' to rhana. lnjurw" to key pla)t'rs pla)t•d a hi~ part in this "«'a,..on\ record. Etght nwn ~raduatc·d this ) t•ar, so tlw 1980 '-t'ason I\ ill find onl) four rt'!urn111~ letternwn: Dan :\lc\1ahon, Ton) Pt'l('rson. John \1-alkc·r, and Lou Wicb. Tlw tc·am hope. to a1oid tho ... e co. tl) injuric•s ne'l.t )ear and hrin~ the Big 12 Championship back to Cl'ntral.

I. Da"· 0' eill !WI> read} for the pia~. 2. Rob Phillip> j!C'I' rc·ach 1o lhro~<. 3. Ton' Pt'IPNm looh reach for an~ thmj!. t .. Look 'em 0\ c·r. Donc•J,on!'' 5. A ion!( thro~< In Paul PaerrP. 6. J, he ,afe. or out'! 7. "I think f'llta~c· a y,aJk ...


FRO TROW: M. Rt'drnbaugh, J. Walkrr, L. Wirks, T. Whitt, M. Tuftr, D. McMahon. ROW TWO: M. Burkr, D. 0' on, P Pi«·rn·. D. lkres. ROW THREE: Mr. Croy, Mr. Wool«·}. G. Rogrrs. R. Phillip., T. Dugan, K. Rt'id, B. Ba}nl' and Coarh Du«'.







1. Bill Fau~ht demonstrate!> hi' batkhand . 2. Erme Baillon keep his t')e on the ball. 3. Could Peter be tht> next J imm) Conno"'!~ . Bruct' n•ally has t) It•! 5. Wa, that out. Mid.t•l'! BO) .. n \ 1': FRO"T R0\"1- · B. Tomlin, E. Badlon. B. Fau!(ht. '\1 . Campbell. R. Manut·l. B. Thomp,on . R0\"1- T~ 0: P -\rnold. D. G.mwr. R. Da"·nport. D Cullum. K. Park. RO~ THREE: G. Clun•. G. Cherrin!(IOn. \1. Doma!(ala. J. Satt•·rlt..-. P Bouton. Coa• h Bt•ruwtt .




The Bo)"'. lenni" tt•am compldt•d a \t'n "'lH'!'e"'sful st•ason. Compiling an 18-0 n•cord in dualmatchr·"' \\ith other school .. Central \\as undefeated. Thr• bi!!W'st wins for the \ar,.it} ''''rt' the \ ictorir•., mer Dam ille and L rhana; not just ont't' did tlw~ dr-ft.at tlwsr• tt'am.,, hut tv. ict·. In tournarnr•nt pia}. the \arsit~ \\On the Decatur Pia) Da}. carne in 3rd at the Bloomington Purplt• lm itational, 4th in the Big 12 onfr·n·nre Mt•t•t, and tit•d for ht "ith Dam illt• at the Oi;.trict meet. 'onw of tlw outstanding record.., \\t'rt' in singles: Pt•ter Bou· ton ''a" 12-3; Brur•t• Tomlin ''a" 18-6; Rodnt'} Manud ''a" 171; and Bill Faught \\as 16-0. In doubles: Mike arnpbell and Bill Faught \\t'rt' 11-10; Rodnt'\ Manud and Ernie Baillon \\t'rt' 15-2: and Peter Bouton and Bruct• Tomlin \\t'rt' 17-2. In thr· Oi .. trid Tournarnt•nt. Pett'r Bouton and Bruct• Torn· lin ,,on first place in double: Ernie Badlon ''a" third in single"; and \1ikr· arnpbell and Bill Faught \\t'rt' fourth in dou· hlr·s. Pr·tt·r Bouton and Brurt• Tomlin \\t'nt to tlw statt• final" at .\rlington Hr·rghh '' ht'rt' thr·} athanced through l\\O round" and \\Oil thn·r• pornh. Tlw most outstanding rnonwnt of the st•ason occurred in Dam ille at the District Tournament. Pt•tt•r Bouton and Bruer Tomlin lrH the firsts('[ 7-6 to Damillt•'s double< tram. Bruce and Pr•tr•r \\t'rt' behind 5-3 and 30-lo\t' \dwn thq carnt• ali\t' and ''on tlw match. This 'ictor) t•nablt•d r•ntral to tie for the Distrwt hampiorhhip.





DRIVE FOR FIVE Tht• s\~im t«·am capJW<I an undefeated season with their fifth ronsecutiw onft•rence and District titles. Lt•d by Tom Folts pia in~ fourth in tht• 500 fn•t•stylt• and sf"Venth in thl' 200 fn•t•, thq went on to fini. h thirteenth in state. chool n·cord. wen· set by John Tompkins in the 200 individual medlt•) and b) Tom Folts in the 200 and 500 freestyle even b. The swimmers were lt•d throu~hout tht•ir season by Mike ammons, Tom Folts, Tom Hill, and Mark Cullum. Other swimmer. who contributt>d to the oul.landing season were Martin O.terhoff. Erir Davis. Tom 0' eill, Bill Hobbs, Rob Lanr, Andy Fletcher. John Tompkin., Phil Brunson, and diver Jeff Parkhill.

. T7 L Coarh Trigj(('r and Coa(·h Mill(•r take splits at On(' of thP Maroon's hom(• meN• . 2. Chris andt·" finish(•s h1s last lt•ngth of barbtrokt•, tnin!( to lww·r his pn·\lous timP. 3. Donn\ Wrou!(hton is doin!( a forward ont' and a half somt'"ault IHth om· t~<ist. 4. Phil Brunson tal..m!( a bi!( lm•ath as ht' i. s~<~mmin!( bn•aststrol..(•, 5. kff Parkhill is doin~~: a for.. ani ont• and a half somt'"ault pikt• m IH"rfPrt form. 6. Bill Hobbs takln!( a fl}in~ start. 7. Tom Folts'" immin~ backstroke in ont• of tht' Maroon's hom(• mt't'ls.


C ntral's tra k team had a good eason. Th highlight of the a on wer nding two men to tate, and etting thr chool records. Bryon Clark went to tate for the 880 yard run, and lev wartz ndrub r ran th two mile run. Th three hool re ord wer et by wartz ndrub r and Bob Dublin. wartzendruber had an impr · ive time of 9:34 in th two mile run, which wa al o a Twin City r cord. Dublin et a record of 40.9 on the 330 low hurd) . The third re ord wa t by a relay team con i ting of Mark Beldon, Clarence Reilly, Duffy Bre nan, and Byron Clark. The relay team had a time of 3:31 in th 1600 m ter relay. Central pia ed eventh in Di trict, third in Conf renee, ighth out of twelve in the Urbana ·open, and fourth out of twelve in the Champaign Invitational. Central had twenty two I tt rmen. Eleven I t· termen will return n xt year. In fact, the tra k team had only one fre hman letterman, Neil Wilkie.


I Aftf'r a 'au It, )t·H Whittington is found in tht• pit. 2. Runnin~ hard an• Kt'\Jn Elam, Larr~ Autt•Ix-rn. and Charb Palmi-a~o. 3. Ma;r WhJtt• 'pnnts for a "1nnm~ run. 1-. Tim lla)t's ~;alk off tht• fif'ld after a tou~h prartin•. 5. 'trH· .\nder· 'on and Curtis Mt Farland do~; n around durin~ prat·tJfl',

BOY . TRACK TEAM: FROVT' ROW· B. Trick, D., tt•,.art. D. Parker, T Dona,an. . aha, M. Wh1tt'. E. Ensrud. Y \1ardt·r. B. E\ans. Wilkie•. R. rai~. J. fHJdc·k. . Jonc·-. D. Car,on. ROW TWO:Coarh Harris. J Do~;nt•s, D. Gn·c·n. D. Bn·snan. ·. tannt·r, C. Rrllh, B. Durbin. M. Bddon, ~;arllf·ndrul>f'r. J '\l:amplc·r. J \1ulroont'\, T. Ha"''· \1 . \'1-oodlt•). R. Hurt, R. VanD)kr, Coarh tirrett. ROW THREE: K. Catf·hin~'· oarh Ward, D. tukc•l. J. Morns. B. Brnrfit•ld. B. R\ht•rd. C. \1rFarland. K. Ham,, . H1mc·-. K. Harm. B. lark. J. Beberman, T. Hrrmann, D. Parkhill, K. Elam. M. Do~;nes, . Anderson, R. altt•r. Coarh Wallat·t•. ROW FO R: B. W)all. C. Palmisano. ~1. Hr" in~t'· \'. Pirkt•n,, 0. Warren. J. Whittin~ton, C. Detamore, . Gn!(~'· R. 01.ad. L. Autelx-rr}. L. Thompson, L. Ht•al. A. Morllt•r. A. Pt•lmon•, M. Brandahur, Mj(r. M. \eatrh.


979 GIRLS' TRACI<TEAM Tlw girl,: tral'k tt•arn finishc•d tlw season \\ith a 66 n•nmf in dual and triangular mt•c•ts. Tht') plart'd 5th out of 15 rn tlw 1rbana Open. 3rd in the ronfc•rt'lH't' and 1-.t in tlw Di!'trirt. Four ~iris qualifit•d for tlw -.tate· c·ornJH'tition at Charlt•ston. Thn \\C'rt' \ anp-.-.a Biggc•r,, Hc·lc·n 'tad.... Rc•nat· Cook. and 't \Onnc· Oldham. The>-t' 4 romprist•d tlw 880 Rt•la) and tlw 880 :\1edlt') Rela} team. Oldham qualified al-.o for tlw 220. I. Rt•Jl.lt ' (.tKI~ ru·h··- and~-~"·' the• •Ill'~ to l\1arj(art·t o·~l'lll. 2 . l.ul(rt·lla llarri• le-ap-. owr the· hurdle· .. 3. Loob li~e· ~ann Bar" ~man of Champatl(n C.·ntral is just about to ta~e· the· le·ad. ~ ­ "Conw on \ ane·--a don't le·t Rantoul hl'al u-.!" 5 . Kri>tic· Rohhin-. JUmp• mc·r l•ac· "ant-. 6. Champail(n Ce•ntral'-. trac-k lt·am ha-. -onwtlunl( to Jump and c·hc·c·r almut lht• \l'ar.


TRACK· FRO:-<T ROW K. Hutton. D. Ande,.,on. K. oiP. B. Mc·f.alw. T HaH'I1er. . Lani!"'JOt'n, L. Do"11t·'· T :'lttu1<'11 ROW TWO: A. -1"'11«'. :-<. Barirkma11. ) . \'al(lt-11. D Grifft•t. \1 )lllnl\, II. Gn•t·n. M. 0' Pill. K. KisPr. K. Ruhhin,, ROW THREE: Hams. . taplc·ton, R. F.. Jdrnan. P D.n1s. K. Brandahur. ) Oldham. L. Jasp..r. F Elam. E. Oldham. l llwb. BACK ROW llt·ad Coach It'll' Fink. ""tan I Coac·h Jo,t•phlnt' \1apson. P Fra"·a. G. Grulwr. !.. Toalson. R. Cook. l.. Hams, \ , \1ot•llo•r. II ~larks, \ . Bi~:l!"er,. \1 , l111·ld. '<OT PICThRED: heila Wt•>lt•\.


SOFTBALL- 1979 The 1979 oftball eason wa uch a u ce ful on that the Maroon enter d tournament play undefeated. They continued to win through ub regional , regional , and tiona) , advancing to the state tournam nt with a 17-0 record. At State, they were b aten by Ca ey in the quarter-final , but were proud to be one of only eight team left in the tate. There were no individual " uperstars" on the t am, nor were there any weakne e . They worked together as a team and upport d each other all the way. Excellent defen e wa their strength! Key highlights of the a on wer beating Centennial and Urbana twice each and beating Monti ello for the regional champion hip. Another key win wa over BradleyBourbonnai e in the first game of ctional .

Senior pitcher, Becky Hodge , helped the Maroons along. Her accuracy and control were a great advantage over Central' opponent . Other valuable member of the team were Jody Cia ey, Jane Parker, Paula Jone , Nancy Shaw, Sara Rafferty, Le li Griffith, Diana Davi on, and Margie Witt. They compri ed the tournament " tarters" who took the Maroons to Stat for the first time in Central' hi tory.


1. Tlw \1aroons are read} for thr nt'\t out. 2. Diane Da,i--on makt•, it to homt• l>a•t• 1\-ithout am troublt•. 3. ""Ont· out."' 'a}s Coarh Patt•r on. l . g, th;. looks of Krri Griffith·, fat·e. 'he mi!(ht beat tht• ball to third ha-~• 5. Jo<h Cia'!'} I' rea<h to knc1<·k tht• ball ri!(ht O\t·r tht· ft·nn·. 6. \1r. Patton t·nroura!(t·, ont• of tht· •oftball pla}t'r' b) hold1n!( ht·r arm bad. and \1r-. Harri-. agref~....

OITBALL: FRO~T ROW: P. Jone~. J. Miller. K Griffith . . Rafff'rt\, B. Hodge>. ROW TWO: L. Gnffith. . E'ans. K. hon•,man. . Beberman, \1. Witt, J. Parker. R0\'1- THREE: K. BuctO\\, K. Bate.-, L. Washburn. K. taufft'r. !\1. Mait'r, ';. hal\, J. Hartman. R W FO R: oach Pater-on, J. orlt•}. T. Da\i. son, . Lane. J. Da\ "·D. Da\l"on. J. Clast'), R. \1rBridr.




Tlw Champaign Ce·ntral BO\< 111m Te ·am rini,fwd ih ... e·ason \lith a fl'('Orcl or 8 1\llb and l-losse•s. In "Pill · or tlw I<N- or stale• qualirie•r ... Folt., Sammons, and Cullum. tlw tc •am fain·d quitc· IWII. 1 he · lc'am had a 'lrong Junior da ...... f Olbi,.tin~ or ll'!ll'rnwn John Tompkin .... Bill Hohhs . .-\nd) Fl. tdH r. Rob Lane·. and diH·r .lc-H Parkhill. 11ho 11ill n·turn therr e·nror \Par and will prolrahl) haw an unde·rt·att·d ... f'ason. Cf•ntraltook sf'f"OrHI in thf' big 12 Conrf·n·nrf' and lth in tlw Distrlf I Mt•f•l llf'f"JllSf' or a jud~p\ t•all. llhif"h di,qualirif•d tlw n·la) tmm or Lan«' Flt·tdwr. Tompkin--. and Holrb .. This )Par', 'talf' qualirif•r,. llf ' rt ' \rHh Fll'ldwr in tlw 1 Bn·a ... tstrokf'. Bill Holrb ... in tht• 50 Fn·f·'t) le·. and .kH Parkhill in tlw Di1 in~ b t•nt. 01 f'rall, C1·nt ral"' '-II immt-r' had a ~ood ) Par.

1 Martin (),tf·rlwff "'im. harbtrok1• in onf' of C1•ntml\ hom•· fnf·f·t- . 2. Eric Da1 is is rounding up thr otlwr tram mates for the JlO't·mf•t•t 1 ht•t•r. 3. Tom Trit-k praf"IHI"' h" harbrrolf' lll'forr a homr mf'f'l. l . Coarh Triggt·r ronsulls rht• 'tartf•r h..Cun· a '"im fllf'f"t , 5. Roh Lan1• is mo. t lalt•nlf"d 1n ha1 btrokt•. 6. John Tomplm' takt-, tht• lead in the· 100 Buttrrfh. 7. Anth Flf"l•·hf'r '" ims fn·•·'r' l1·. •·wn thou!(h Ius f.H•,t strokr i. hrra.st,trokr.



TBALL: FRONT ROW: . Konp;. R. Dziuk, R. Harper. B. &nefield, J. m1th, T. Witt. C. Thompson, L. H«·al. J. Tall«'}. V. Campbt-11. K. Catrhinp;s. ROW TOW: B. Ta)lor. D Parkhill, T. Young. B. Wam, L. Wirb, B. Fernandez. B. R)herd, D. tukrl, . m1th. D. Hones, J.E. P«·at. D. orman. D. \1arFarlane. D. Zarburk. '• . Pi«·ken,, J. Walker, oMh Tn!(l(er. ROW THREE: Coa«·h tt•,..art. J. Adelman, . «·humarher, B. Green. R. Turner, . Martens, Burkett. D. \1r!\1ahon. M. Burke. j Murph), J. Wirk•. J. Whittinp;ton, D. tarke), B. Follmer, J Matth«'"'· oarh Woole) . ROW FO R: T. Prtrrson, E. Da,is, C. harH•I, D. Mt ormit 1.. J. Blat 1--tO<k, M. Wild. M. "arttendruiH'r. . Wuk , R. Bt•att). D. holem, A. Moeller, . Bro" n, G. Grubb, R. Davenport. J. Clasey.

IY l. Bard Bt·n«•fi«•ld hoots the ball do" n field. 2. Brian R\ hPrd runs hard to pin )ardap;e. 3. Da\e Parkhill l(«' b n·ad) to hand off to Lou Wifk .. 4. Dan \1t· \1ahon rom«' around for tlw handoff from Da\ «' Parkhill . 5. Ton) PNer<on got hit hard.



The final record for the Var. it) football team wa. excellent, although the Maroon did not ~tart out too well against the cro town ri\als, the Centennial Charger~. Their onl) other lo , wa to the rbana Tiger::.. Because of the tear her ' strike, the football pia) er mi .. ed two \\eeh of practice and did not get to play the game again I Rantoul. Hov1e\er. they were not defeated by the e ob tacle . hen the tate pla)offs came, Central had earned the right to partiripate. We play d Peoria in an iC) rold rain and put up a good fight; but unfortunat ly, it was not enough to'' in. The entire srhool was proud of the team's ea. n re ord. The Ionge I game wa with Bloomington, three overtime . That vi tory \Ia Central' ; and at the time, Bloomington was rat d #4 in the U.P.I. poll , Moreover, when we pla}ed Damille, Danville wa, rat d # 3 and the outcome again wa, a Central 1 ictory!



F 0 0

T B A SOPH0\10RE FOOTBU l F"RO!\T RO\\ : G. Bahh,, T. Ra1. C. Wold . A. Van D1kt', J Harri•. C. Do·tamon·. T. Oli"·r. F. Da"'· \1. C'.arlt'r. B. Tru ·k. G. \f,.[, on . ROW TWO S Saha. T. Dono1an. B. H~att. D. ,' tahl. P. \'alt·ntint•, B. Gri,nwr. B. Thomp,on. J. Ruman. \1 . \1tHut. E. En-nul, D. odt•,, . Bwlt-rt. J. \1illt•r. T . Pt'at. \1. Brandabur. ROW THREE: Coarh Ward. J. Domagala. D. moth . T. ~1.-\fahon . E. B~t• r>, \1. Whitt•. R. Thoma,.., P Ha''· R. Rt•IH'Ha. L. Pattt'N>n. T. Pt·lmort>. B. E1an,, D. C'.ampllt'll, D. It' \\ art. J. Danil'l,, M. Zieglt•r, Coarh S<·hu,tl·r.

ophomore football had a good season. -\ftpr thPir big victorir. over the traditional ri\ als, Centennial and rbana, the sopho· mores finish(•d their season with four ~~ins and threP losses. Coach Ward said that the [(•am ~~as a good one; it had speed, passing and blocking abilities ~hirh ga1e it th!• potential of being a n·altough ball club. I. Coao·h Ward gives some pia) ong tip, to Todd Ohwr. 2. Ant\\an Van D~kr runs for a toufhdo\\n . 3. Coat•h t hu,tt·r look- at his 'quad in amazrmt>nt.




R F E s 00 H M

A N FRE.'ill \1 \!\ FOOTB \l.L: FRO "iT RO\\ · J Whalt·n. R. llt·nn•·. K. Chan, D.• , h"t·nk. T Walkf'r. \1 Da"'· 1--. \\ashburn . ROW TWO: J. Endrtt/1. B. \1rQualfl. \1. \utt•n, C. Lant•. '1/. Raffcrl). T. Cullop. J. Halloran. J, Patrizzi, C. Ra)mond, '\1. Johnson, B. St·hat·fft•r ROW THREE: D. Colltns. E. Hohhoff. E. Grant, D. our-~m. D. Anstasia, M. mith. B. Sproat. D. Dunn, D. Wikoff, L. Lamb. ROW FOl R Coat h Whttf'd. B. \frCormifk. R Srhu•· Ia. E. Dolwrll , B. Mukaht•) , C. Chaplin, D. Caston. L.C. Pf'llij(rt'"· T Bt ·as lr~ ••. orrirk. C. K)IHm.




The Freshman football tram showed that the} had the ability to pia) football like the Var~ity. The} finished the season with four \1ins and three loss<>.. Like the ophomores, tht• Freshmen beat eros. t0\1 n rivals, Centennial and rbana. The only do. e ~arne wa the one played a~ainst Bloomin~ton. It took threr OH'rtimes before tht• ganw \las ovrr, but the \ictory went to our Freshman football squad. I. Coa .. h Whitt•d ralls out a pia) from tht• sidt•lint•. 2. Chris Latw "atrht•s thr tram pla1. 3. Tht• lt'am mf'mbrrs on thr sidrlint• chrrr a• a point is scon•d.


CRO COLNTRY: FRO TROW: P. Miller. D. Bittner. G. Chan, M. Giblin. C. Detamore. E. Rrolh. D. Ca'tollo. A. Eghrrman. ROW TWO: J. podek. R. Craog, L Barrett, 0. Warren. T. Mo,tert, J. Bebt•rman. ROW THREE: Coarh lorn•tt. R Co1.ad. B. Clar~. W. Loomi,, . Jon e.• M. He-.. ing,, K. Elam .



CENTRAL HARRIERS TWIN CITY CHAMPS The Central cro country team had a very !range a on. Only four }Oung men had run in a varsity race before. Even though they were 3 路 4 in dual m ets, th y won th Twin City Champion, hip . Th y got 3rd in Di trict, 4th in ectional, and 19th in tate. Craig D tamore won the T11 in Cit} Champion hip. ext year five lettermen, Craig Detamore, Matt He11ings, Walt r Loomi , Odell Warren, and Timo Mo t rt, will return. 1. Coach tirrt'll checks his time 1\ith the officials. 2. Crail( )one. at the Fro h路 oph Con路 3. Rand) Crail( "alks throu!(h the fini. h chute ahead of the others. 4. D1lt' llr路 rf'tt huddle, tlw tram for la't minute talk. 5. Waltt>r Loomi. trit'!\ hard to kt>ep hi lead.

ferenre .



0 L

F FRO"iT HOW· T. Gorman. J. Dodck J. Corlt•). R. '\1urra\ R0\'1- TWO: P. Brunson. "i. Wilkit·. 1\1. \1unnt·. HOv; THREE: Coa,·h St·hooh. B. llohhs. D. Gardt'r. 1\.1. Lmdsa1.

The Champai~n c·ntral Golf T!'am, lc·d ll\ Bill Hobh~ and D.nt' Gardrwr, toppc·d off ih undef!'atc·d -.c·ason 11ith fiw llin>and no lossc· .... Four oth!'r dual nwc•h IIC'rc' cancc•llt•d because of the nit Four -.d10ol ... trike. Tht• Yar>-it) t!'am 11011 the Bi~ 12 Confl'n•ncc• and placed second in tlw District. Tlw tc•am 11a~ fourth in th!', tate• MC't't 11ith a total of 639 point.... 0\c·rall tht' harnpai~n c·ntral Golf Team had a r!'spc•ctahll' >-t'ason.

I. :•woi Wol~ll' and Boll llohh, an· \\3ll'hinp; tlw lt't'·ofk 2. Bill llohhs •·orHt'n· trait·- on hos dmt• 3. Da\t' Gardnt•r" rt•ad) lo lakt' a'" inj!.






J.V. AND VARSITY TENNIS Thi, }ear the t nms team had a p;ood a on. !though they uffered the los of on of their pia er , they cam in econd at the Home\\ood-Flo · moor Touram nt.

innj Fes lettered with a re ord of 7-2, and m} Hinton lettered \\ith a re ord of 10-l. Keri Lenz and Tracy Turk made it to the Big 12 emi-final in double . The life of a Central tenni player i. a hard and d manding one. The team \\ent through conditioning in January, to dou· ble clini in the pring, and to a~onal tournament in the umm r. Team memb r aid it wa worth the effort ju t to b on of Central's fin lenni player . Hummt'l, A. Hinton, K. Bates.

l. Look at Kris tauffer ·· ,howin~~: off" her 't\le. 2. Loo~ at the ronrentrat10n on th~ fare ol Karen Bates. 3. "Take that, you littlt> rubber sphere." 4. Althou~~:h thi o Carrie Lenz's, first )ear at Central, she hows a lot ol school spirit on thos return . 5. Letterman Ginny Fes prar· tlcinF; her ene. 6. "Watch the game, not the ramera." 7. "You're upposro to hit the ball, not \Our hand ." 8. " ice follow throu~~:h. Karen." 9. Kristw Robbons returns a tough shot.


The Junior Varsity Team, which con. ist d of 5 ophomore and 3 freshmen, practiced with the Varsitj. Th y all thought they had received good training for next year. With an overall re ord of 4 and l, the J.V. Team i looking forward to a u ¡ ce ful next ea on.

J.V. TE Nl TEAM. FRONT ROW: . Miller, T. Bobowsk•. M. Reed, J. Cocagne. ROW TWO: K. Robb1ns. L. L1enhart, K. Turk, L. Vermettr.

8 ~


VARSITY • • • VOLLEY The \' arsit1 \loll e) ball team. coadwd b~ 1\.aron Rasmussen. bad a sea~on which will not be forgotten. Tlw \arsit). led h) the tt·am's All Big 12 onfnt'IH e pla)ers Lesli Griffith. Jenn) ~iller. Linda ~1unnis, all) Rrill). and '\anq hal\, took the team to rctionals 1\ith fiftt•t•n 1\ins and l\\0 losst's, thu;; gi1ing tlwm the confert'IH't' title and qualif)ing them for Oi;.trict. District turned out to be very ~uccessful ''ith Central winning both matches. t'ctional.., IH'rt' about t'\l'n '' ith tht• team 11 inning ont• and losing ont•. With si\ returning Varsit) pla)ers, ne\t )ear looks bright. \AR ITY VOLLEYBALL. FRONT ROW: D. Da'i"on, . ha" . . O'Rerll}. E. Clark. ROW TWO: . E1ans. J. 'virller, L. Griffirh. P. Jone,, C. Burro ... ROW THREE: Coach Rasmussen, L. Munnis, C. ru((, j, Corle}. T. Oa11s.

I. u·-li Griffirh S('b up rht• ball for hl'r lt•ammalt''· 2. J•·nm \1illt•r ha' ont· of ht·r f!'" do""' durinp; a !(amt•. 3. Lt·sli Griffirh\ pl'rft•·r form mal!'' ht•r a p;ood 'ener.


BALL • • • J.V. ··A. It hough tht• .J.V. lf•arn v.as ;.~ )Oung irwx· JWri•·ncPd t•·arn irwluding nirw fn·~hman m1·rn· lwr:<. tlw •·nd n·~ult \\a piPa ing," said :\1is,., :\1ap,.,on. h1·ad coal'h of tlw .J.\. \ollt-~hall ll'arn. \\ ith nirw fn· ... hnwn. fi\t' ... ophomon·... and 1\\0 junior,., tht• .J.\:. v.as a bit• to 101111' out 1\ith a .>-10 n·conl. Kim Rit ·hards and Tt·ri Billing \\t'rt' tlw ll'arn's ('aptarns, and Barb Gadl'l \\a>- nam1·d Outstanding Athll'll'.

J\ \OI.I.EYBALL. FRO TROW: K. Rl<'hard,, T. Bdlinj!. L. Wa,hhurn ,!.. 0.1\\nt·'· T. :'il(u)t'n, ROW TWO: 1\1 ban-.[) Autdwrn, M Do"m-.,1.. llip•kind , C. Corlwtt. C. o·H·rn'. HO~ THREE: Coa<'h Ma1>-~1n .•·. Ho·r· ron. B. Gadl'l. .·. Tha\l' r, J. Ha.,t, T. Lon~.


Wl'\1\H~G: FRO'iT ROW: C. Counril. D. •·hnt>idl'r. , Ban!(o. J. Ri .. hlr. A. Hrndri•. K. Paul,on, A. Thomp~in,, L. \1unni'. ROW TWO: C. Fairlr}. . Langan. J Kt•llt·r. . Jor!(t·n><·n. '\1 '\1.'\1ahon, M. '\1t-lb}. K Gn·t·n, '\1. o· roll. ROW THREF.: •. Wt·h · ron!(, D Huntt·r. . Laon, L. Althridr. ~ Dir~t• r,on. M. Carr. J f.a,tlt•, B. Blarkburn. G. Ban•hurj(. ROW FOUR : D. \1t·nnt'n!(a. S. '\1uirht•od. C. Bohn•r. '\1 . Ruzorka. B. Roth, L. Bt•nn. A. Wild . Coach Patt•r-tm .

The girL' S\\im team had a very urcr. sful rason, finishing with a record of 8-l. se1·ond in District, and sending five girls to the tatf' Mf'f't at . ew T~ier East. They qualified in the ~edlc) Relay with Diane chneider, Laura Munnis, usan Jorgens<•n, and Lie'a Bt•nn . Also, Laura Munni · qualified in the 200 I.M. and u an Jorgen en in 100 Fl). This )l'ar was the fir t year for Central to qualify a diver for tate, and Barb Roth, a sophomon>, accompanied the wimm r to ew Trier. The highlight of the . ea on wa. bf'ating Bloomington by four points in a meet the team wa n't 1'\.pt•ctf'd to win, as Bloomington had prf'viously beaten Central by 8 points. The \\in was a total tf'am effort. Captains of thi )Car' team Wf're dele Hf'ndrix and u an Jorgensf'n. Thf' nine graduating seniors were: heri Bango, Carol Council, Adele Hendrix, Della Jacob., Laura Munni , Karen Paul on, Jennifer Riehle, Diane chnrider, and Anne Tompkins. The folio\\· ing girl letterrd: herri Bango, Gena Barenburg, Licsa Benn, Carol Council, Karen Green, Adele H<•ndrix, Della Jacob , usan Jorgen . en, ue Langan, Maureen McMahon, Molly Melb), Laura Munni , Margaret 0' eill, Karen Paulson, Jennifer Riehlr, Barb Roth, Diane chneider, Anne Tompkin , u ie Wehring, Ali on Wild.


I. B.trl. Huth ta~t'S llmt• to nmn·ntrat•· lwlun· a tlilfi· •·ult '"""· 2. D1an•· Schnt·ukr pn·pan· lor Ia~•· off. 3. 1\an·n Gn·•·n I!"'"' tht· ro,,.. l•w' t Coll•·•·n F'a•rl•·' th111~• h•· ,,.,., ''Ja" ." :>. ht·n Ban11o sa\ • ";>;.,.., that 1'11· J!ollt·n rid of tht· Innw , "hat tlo I tlo l~1ut tht antl•·r ·f"' 6. \1an Ru1it l.a Y.3\t-o !(tH><lt.w It> tht• ··nu·l y,urltl



EVE T 200




Benn. Jor~e m;e n 200 lndi\idual Mt>dlt')

chn t'id t' r, Munnis

Benn Munni~



100 Bulll'rfl~ 500 Frl'e 100 Back 100 Breast

Jor~t· nst• n

Bt'nn chneidt'r o·. "eill \1unni s

TIME OR POI 1:57.56

2:19.88 2:20.49 175.50 1:02.58 5:20.45 1:07.89 1:12.90 1:13.94



Crntral\ Var ity Wrestling Tram finisht•d its .rason ~ith an impressiH· 15-2 record. Thr highlight of the season ~a. defeatmg rival rbana by a one-point margin. Mark Mut•llrr and teve Greenberg made exccllrnt individual rfforts at the Conft•rencr Meet, both taking 2nd in their evenLo.;. Thr tram capturrd 6th place at thr Conf1•rence Meet and 4th place at District. Thr Di. trict Champ ~a. LouL Wick., ~ith runnrrsup being Tim Young and colt Burkrtt. The wrestling team will be tough next year with vrteran · Greenberg and Burkett rrturning, along with Craig Detamore, Brad Parks, Dave Fliegel and tht' t~o fre hmt'n who wrestlrd on the Varsity, Dana nastasia and Denni tahl. The Junior Varsity also gave excellent performance despite being ~eek in upper weights.


J "lOR VARSITY. FRO TROW· B. :\1•·Cormi< k. J. ,.(,on. ROW TWO: M. V<·atch, T. Johnson. T. P<·run·a. J Dit·tzt•l, E. Pangilinan, Mgr. B. Gri,nwr. ROW THRE.E: Coa<·h P<•rkins, C. l..ant•, R. Bl·att). D. tahl, . Bl•rl"). D. Eaton. T. Tufte, Coach Rho<l<·



V ~RSITY FRO~T ROW· r.,a,·h II or ,.;u, D. Ana,ta-ia, B. Park • S. Gn·•·nht·rf(, M. \1ul'llt·r, F. l.nnt·r. C. Dt'la· mon·. RO~ TWO: Coa .. h Rh<Mit·s. T. 'r oun~:. L. Wit·b, S. Burkf'tt, H. Rylwrd. D. idt..... D. Flit·~t·l. Coa.-h Pt·rkm .

I. Crai~ Dtotamorl' 'tru~f(l~ "ith an oppont•nt. 2. \lark \1ut•lll'r find' him,t•lf in a diflif'uh otuation. 3. Da11' Fli~l'l almost has hos man pinnt'd. 4. teve Grt't'nlwrg on top of an opponl'nt. 5. ~ondl'r "her!' Tim Youn~ •• ji:Oin~ to thro" hi• man·~ 6 Da1r tri<.>s to f-c·apr from a Dam illt• "n·. tlt·r.



\AR lTY. FRO. TROW. T Rrill~. L. Harri,. ha~<. E. Clark. ROW n·o: K. tauffc-r, L. Griffith, P. Jones. ROW THREE: Coach Hornada). R. Cool... · lklw-rman, G. Grubrr. Y. Oldham. J. Da'l', Coafh Catrhing,.




With an ovrrall . ra. on record of 3 \\"ins and 10 los. e after the first 13 game • the Girl 'Var ity Ba ketball Tram wa · ready to lab I the year a "learning experience." Th(• girL' third coach in four year , John Hornada}. gaH' thre(• po .. ible n·a on. for the lo ing record: 1) no continuit} in coaching staff; 2) no feeder program in the middle schools; and 3) the increasing excellence of the comp ti· lion. The six-girl . tarting team did have some outstanding player . R nae Cook wa the team' leading rebound r. Out tanding offen· ive players were There e Reilly, who a\eraged 13.6 points p r game, and ancy ha\\, who a\eraged 12.5 point per game. haw and Paula Jone were the team' · outstanding defen ive player . Off etting the Varsity'. bad year, the Girls' Junior Var ity Ba ketball Team complied an outstanding record of 11 win and 1los . The J.V. Team played 2 game per we k and their wins included victorie over Urbana, Centennial, Danville, Lincoln, and Decatur McArthur. Outstanding player ara Beberman and the threr fre hmen on the squad hould provid good material for the Varsity to build on next year.

lOR VAR ITY FRONT ROW: K. tauffrr, . tc>wart, K. Hutton . ROW TWO: G. Grulll'r . .<\. Morn , . Bel!c>rman, J. DaVIs, Coach Catchings.

1. Lugretta Harm core,. 2. Central players fight for the rebound. 3. Kri. shoots a la)-up. 4. Gaol Gruber gets the tip.




A C R A 0 0 N





\ \R. In . ~ RO r RO\\ Coa< h Cahutti. T. \ll•·n. C. \1, Farland. C. (,ladnn. Coa< h Crm. RO\\ TWO: Cua< h Oa,ul-on. \1 . \111< h•·ll. \ . FartlunJ!, B. Clar~ . .1. Du" "'"'. J. Dani..t-. D Gardn<·r. S. Clar~. D Turner. Coad1 Harri .



oach Lee Cahulli of C<·ntral\

ar-,it} Ba~ketball Team,

thi~ 11a!-o tht· "}t'ar to gain f'\perit•rw.-." With onl) 3 lell<'r 11innPr.· from th<·

1978-79 team rf'lurning, the ar~ity Maroon~ rompill'd an ow rail season record of 6 11 in. and 13 los.<'"· Th<· youn!!: t<·am, compos<•d of four sophomon•,.,, four junior. and four s<•nior,.,, was also hamprrrd by a . hort awrajl;e height of 6'1" and lack of quickn<•s. that Coach Cabutti said only experience could oH·n·ome. In spit(• of the losing sra. on, which included a last srcond 55-56 heartbreaking loss to rbana and the fi~t d(•feat of Central by Centrnnial in four }f'ars, tlw team did. con· big wins owr pringfield, Kankak(•e, Peoria Woodruff, Rantoul, rbana and \1attoon. oach abutti prais(•d the fans thi,., )ear, saying they really enroura!!:t'd the rookie team 11hen their inexperience got tht·m down.



l. Scott Clar~ dnbhb thr<HJKh tlw CharKt•rs' drfrnst•. 2. Dann} Turnt·r pla)s dt•ft•nst•. 3. "Ntll• lwrt''s tht• plan." 1.. urtis !\it-Farland dribblt's to the t·ornt•r as B~ron Clark srrrt•ns out his man. 5 . Da\t' Gardner shooL• for t"o at the free thro\\ lint•. 6 . )a\ Do,. . nt' ) shoots. 7. Thr t·oadws shout t•nt·ouraKrmt•nt.


FRESH\IE:\. FRO\T RO'W C. Ra, mont!. L Rt·ilh . .1. Mann.:'\ Rafft-rt\ D S. h\\t·n~. W Jon•·-. A. Bro" n. ROW TWO: T. Du•·~"orth. \1. \1.\ahnn. G.l.haplin. 1.. \loon·. T. But·tm•. J. l.unh. S. orrit ~-D. (a-ton. RO'W THREE. T. Rollln,on. Coat·h Harri•. N. Wil liam'. B. Wilrht·r. \t .lohrN>Il. D. Cour-on.~. (,rant. Coat h Da\ld-on.



PH0\10RES. FRONT RO'W R. Broom<'. L. \loon·. J tO\all. J. Bli"it. -\. Allt'n, E. '\1artn. J. \.ft-Co). ROW TWO: Coarh Cro). \ \1twll.-r, T \1..\1ahon. \1 Zu'j!it-r. K. Earl\. T. Wa-hinl(ton. P. 'tu~t·l. R. Cit·nia"'ki. Coarh Da\ld,on

Jt..;NIOR V R ITY. FRO:"iT RO'W-· J. , tmall. \ . 1\llrn. E. Mann, J. MrCO\ . ROW TWO: Coach Cro~. T. MrMahon. A. \tot•llt•r. K. EarlL P. tukt'l, oach Da,id,on. .

l. "You tell 'em, oach Harris!" 2. Larr} Moore tip it in. 3. Gary Chaplin !(Oe for a ba ket. 4. "You can do it, Joe!" 5. nd} Moeller trir for the jump ball toss-up.

ST The Junior ar.:.it} ended it ~ea. on V\ith an lot of underclassmen contributed 8-4 record. to thr succe~s of the team. Champaign Central fan can look fornard to some exciting game next }Car from these young play<'rs. The ophomorr team's record wa 8-7. Th pia) ers worked hard all sea on and improved \\ ith ever} game. Coach Croy aid that there were orne vcr) promi ing sophomore that should lw of help to the ar it} in the next two )Cars. The highlights of thi. year's ea. on wer beating cntcnnial, Rantoul and rbana twice. The Freshmen tartcd out the ~cason welL Even though they forgot their uniform, tht> first game, they managed to bt'at Dam iiiP outhv iCI\. nother important win wa again t CentenniaL In spite of the e I\ in., out of the first tvH¡Ivr game~. the freshmen won only four. Th<' major problem seemed to be defen c. The out. tanding pla)ers were ick Williams, Larry M ore, and Derrick Caston.


I. M. SPORTS ...





Body ~N' Sole




Intramural sports inrludl'd football. \OIIeyball and basketball. Man~ <·ntral ... tudcnts participated in thi ... sport... prol-(ram. The cnior class dorninat<·d. Th<' H<"ad knockcrs, a cnior girl< JHll\d<'rpuff football tram, \\On the rhampion ... hip !-(arm•. C.B.M. a ·nior bo) ... • I.M. football tr·arn. won the ('hampion-.hip. Thr· \OIIP)ball finals found the enior bo)" pittr·d al-(ainst the mior ~iris. The bo)-.· team, A I remained unddl'ated \\ ith a rt'<'ord of 11-0. l. Fall e\ening · lind Central girl' pla~ing flag football. 2. Another ,oiJe). 3. Thert>Se Rei II) returns a ene. 4. emor gtrls domtnate I.M. 'olle)ball. 5. Volle~ball pla)er-. ha··~ earh other up. 6." nd tt OH'r."

I.M. Volle ball 2nd pia


piked Punch



BA EBALL 1979 CE TR-\L OPPO E\T 8 9 Dam ille 7 11 Blooming-ton l 0 Bloomin~ton 6 7 rbana 4 0 Lincoln 3 4 Lincoln 8 0 Mattoon 7 6 Rantoul 2 0 ~1onticdlo 6 2 Dam ille 10 11 Decatur 6 Decatur 4 11 Crbana 5 l Charlt'ston 4 REGIO A 2 Mattoon 7 ll Charleston 3

OFTB LL 1979 CENTRAL OPPO E T 9 2 Hoope~ton 22 2 rbana 17 4 \1ontict'llo 3 Centennial 11 6 1 nity 11 7 \1onticello 8 l Rantoul 7 2 Rantoul 12 3 Centennial 18 3 Georg«>to\v n 18 8 nil) 12 B-REGIO"-; l nity 11 2 rbana 12 REGIO l Jamaica 11 4 Monticello 9 ECTIO 4 Bradle)-Bourbonnaise 10 7 La aile-Peru 10 TATE 6 Case; 4


TRACK 1979 CE 7RAL OPPO E. T 61 85 Rantoul 68 78 Dam ille 73 73 rhana 90 79 ~1attoon RBA -\OPE:\ 8th out of 12 CHAMPAIG I \ IT-\TIO -\L ·tth out of 12 HL DALE RELA't 3rd out of 12

GOLF E TR LOPPO E T 276 277 Bloomington 316 332 Damille 323 Lincoln 207 chlarman 201 225 Damille 224 Rantoul 211 148 McArthur 148 165 Decatur 5th- Galesburg Invitational lst- Conference 3rd- Centennial lmitational lst- Rantoul Invitational 2nd- District 4th ectionals 4th tate

VAR ITY FOOTBALL 1979 CE TRAL OPPO E T 20 30 Centennial 33 0 Paris 21 14 Bloomington (Three overtimt•s} 20 0 Decatur 19 l4Damille 27 7 Lincoln 37 7 \1attoon 12 13 ' rbana PLAYOF 0 13 Peoria Rich\voods

J. V. FOOTBALL 1979 CE TRAL OPPO E T 28 7 Me rthur 19 18 Bloomington 27 6 Centt'nnial

OPHOMORE FOOTBALL 1979 CE TRAL OPPO E T 12 27 Rantoul 6 0 Ei . wnho\\w 14 Damille 0 37 0 rbana 0 32 Blooming-ton 20 7 t·ntt•nnial 47 0 Decatur FRE HMA CE TRAL 12 12 13

6 0 7

FOOTBALL 1979 OPPO E"l'T 6 Dt•catur 8 Ct•ntt'nnial 12 Bloomingtort 42 Dam ille 1 t Rantoul 6 rbana

BOY' WIMMI G 1980 CE TRAL OPPO E T 51 31 rbana 73 Bloomington 99 87 85 Kankakee Eastridge 95 77 pringfield 65 102 Richwoods lOS 66 Centennial 84 88 Danvillt' 114 57 rbana 94 77 Bloomington 115 57 ormal Comm. 3rd- Kankakee Invitational 2nd Conference 4th- District VAR ITY BA CE TRAL 34 36 42 34 56 33 32 41 48 38 45 38 38 62 35 28 43 35 55

KETBALL 1980 OPPO E T 53 McArthur 40 pringfield 56 Centennial 27 pringfield 38 Kankakt'<' 44 Lincoln 61 Damillt• 61 Decatur 41 Peoria Woodruff 74 Chicago Manley 39 Rantoul 36 rbana 50 Bloomington 56 Mattoon 43 Lincoln 41 Dam ille 47 Mc rthur 41 Decatur 56 rbana

VOLLEYB LL OPPO E T pnngfic¡ld Montict'llo Bloomington Decatur Peoria Central Rantoul Tu.cola Danville nity Lincoln Bradley-Bourbonnai. e rbana Hoope ton Mattoon Centennial pringfield acred Heart Hinsdale Central

20-4, 16-20, 20-5 20-7,20-11 20-15, 20-15 20-6,20-16 5-20, 20-5, 20-9 20-3,20-6 20-13,20-4 20-9, 12-20, 20-8 17-20, 15-20 20-11,20-18 16-20,20-8,20-8 20-2,20-9 15-20,20-7,20-9 20-9, 9-20, 20-14 20-6,20-6 20-9,20-7 20-1., 20-10

DI TRier Danville Mattoon

20-5,20-7 20-10, 20-12

ECfiO AL ormal Decatur M Arthur

J 20-ll, 20-16 8-20, 20-16, 9-20

GIRL 'TRA K 1979 CE TRAL OPPONE T 49 76 Danville 49 38 tephen Decatur 57 61 Charleston 57 46 Teutopolis 49 79 Rantoul 82 46 Centennial 58 29 Lincoln 58 42 tephen Decatur 61 67 Danville 43 59 rbana 43 62 Rantoul RBA

OPH0:\1 RE B KETBALL CE TRAL OPPO E T 31 21 Centennial 41 49 pringfield 46 53 Kankakee 49 54 Lin oln 60 57 Danville 58 64 tephrn Drcatur 56 46 Rantoul 55 34 rbana 43 42 Bloomington 45 48 Mattoon 43 57 Lincoln 29 44 Danville 56 42 Me rthur 44 35 tcphen Decatur 67 54 rbana

VIT TIO L 5th out of 15 3rd - onferen e 1 t - District

GIRLS' BA KETB LL CE TRAL OPPO E T 53 68 Bradley 36 43 Bloomington 36 43 Mattoon 35 40 Farmer City 56 51 pringfield 33 35 Blooomington 61 55 Decatur 43 53 entennial 46 52 nity 22 42 Damille 59 67 pringfield 28 69 Lin oln 46 34 rbana

lOR AR ITY BA KETBALL CE TRAL OPPO E T 55 65 Mahom t 83 58 hlarman 45 63 Rantoul 46 45 Mattoon 67 32 B llflower 59 57 chlarman 52 44 Bloomington 80 38 Bellflower 62 68 Rantoul 61 65 Me rthur 53 26 Mattoon

FRE HM CE TRAL 58 49 41 34 35 34 55 40 46 36 31 48 43 43 53 49

BA KETB LL OPPO E T 48 Danville outhvie\~ 61 Danvill Ea t Park 38 Monticello 51 Rantoul 60 Ei, nhower 30 Centennial 57 Lakeview 64 tcphen Decatur 65 Me rthur 45 Bloomington 33 rbana Fi her 51 Monticello 60 Rantoul 58 Mattoon 28 rbana Brookens 46 nity


Most student · believed cheerle"ading \\as eas~ . hat the~ didn't know wa that it took hours of prar· tice to learn tunis, cheer.;, and acrobatic . . Along with planning kit for pep as embli , the cheer· leader:i made lo ker and door decoration~ for ath· letes. The \an-it) cheerleader helped cheer the football pla~er... to a \\inning eason. Of all the athlete , the cheerleader~ had the long· e~t ~ea on. The} tarted in ugu, I and cheered for the football pla)ers and then went on to cheer for the basketball team. In March the} were still cheering~ L Tht> rht't·rlt·ade"' gt>t t'nthu,ia>tor about a good pia\ . 2. Waotong for -omt>thing to happen. 3. Olt>ering the \broon' on to a \Ilion . 4. Kom Ba'h g"e' a pep tall.. at the pt·p ralh . 5. Jodi Hemho"'t and Am' ' ot·olt>ttt' prt' ent a cake to thl' b 'kt'tball pla)l'"'. 6. Tht• rhl't'rleadt•"' form a p) ramid for the ba,ketball tt'am. 7 h ron Berr~ a"aot> the tradotional prt'>t'ntation of a t·al..t> at a pep ralh

\ AR In CHEERLEADER : FHO"'T ROW: A. Prt',ton. J. Ht•inho,...,t. A. Nirolt'tt<' . . lkrn . ROW TWO: \1 . Ca-.Prh. J. arl..t•tt. G. Fo,t<·r. T. Wolloam,. ROW THREE: P. fra,ra. K. Bash. M. Fol~''· L. bon .

I ll





FRE:::.H\1.\ '\ CHEERLEADER, : ht>ila C'.a--t•ril . Al1n• \1oon· . .\m1 Ba,h. Andn•a &•II . R}mirha Pn·,ton. Katln ll.t·ht•, J•·an !:'luhor.

Tht> fre~hman che deader:- proud!; r<>prt>s(•ntt>d Central during th<> basketball st>a. on. Tht>) practiced 4 hour,., a \\'eek in order to keep in ~hap<' and La; together rh; thmicall;. Mr~. mith and M~. Roberts pon ored these girls. Fre!;hrnan uniforms \\'t're upplied by the school except for their tights, socks, and shot> . Tht> frt>shm<>n called it a privileg to cheer for the Maroons.

2'f 1. For a majorit) of tht> ch('f'rlt>adt>~. time is spent in prarll!'t'. 2."Fi~~:ht. fight!"



OPHO\IORE cm:ERLEADER . FRO'\T ROW . \!aria ~·aL Rarht•l Raqu•·l. Bonnw TWO \nj:it ·lknnt·tl. Andr('a W t•di~t. ~'hia Jarkson.


Tlw sophomore squad consisted of se\ t'n ~iris. six cheerleader and ont• alternate. The ~iris prartieed h~ice a y,eek and cheered at ~ophomon· football and basketball games. M.. Robert. and Mr . mith "t•re the ~;pon~;or:-.. Ever> one appreciatt•d their spirited cheer . I. "" Whal do ) ou 'ee up lh<'rt', Rarht•l!" 2. The 'quad performs al a pep rail). 3. "Car<'lui.J.II!"" 1-. "Go. Fij:hl. Wm ."


1. Bill -\ndre'" and Dian!' RehbeJ'l!: met'! at the hall 2. You didn 't sa} that. did )Ou'! 3. Bill Ta1lor o·alm, Julit• fi,ru before her performance. 4 . John k~<art di>I(Uise' him-elf as an old rhomnt') '"~'~'P · 5. In her o~<n littlt> rornt>r. Gail frt>dt>rirk'on sin!(' - 6. Barbara Allen, the herald . begin' the pla1 . 7. \1)1inda John on and the r!'>.t of the orrho·stra rola1 for the musroal.



Thr Mu!>ir Department's production of Cinderella was ouhtandin!{; it n·rei\l·d a standing 01ation at each performance. In order to make u. e of tht• talent at entral, some parts 11 en· double ra. t.


! ....

Tht• 'adu• Ha\\kim;· danrt• \\a;. hrld in the f!:irL · ~)m. Friday, Drrrmber 7. 1979. from 8-ll. This ewnt (!:3H~ the girls a rhanrt' to ask the {!:uys to a dance. Drt'...... t>d in bibs, jeans, and plaid -.hirt .. studt'nt-. danrt>d to tht> brat of High Countn and att' chips and dip. Tht• dance prO\ided a \\t>kome opportunity to ha\e fun and pH'k a datr. Thost• \\ ho attended felt that the tudent Council -.pon~ort'd a \ery \\Orth\\ hile t'\t'nt.




I Bnd~t'l Bartle' doesn't <.rem lo J.~e "hal tan Bro"n 1s sa''"ll· 2. ho,.in~ off their outfits are L1sa bon. Jern Cia e\. Da\ld IU~el. and Tish mith 3. i~ns "ert' hun~ 1n the hall"a" 10 remind students of tht' adw Ha"~'",· dam·e. -1.. Jean1e Vt'rde,en looks bored as she dances "ith Dan McMahon . 5. Th1 is ~no" n a' .. Ha' ing a hoe do" n. ·· 6. Tina Bradle\ helps her Lone Ran~er off iher at the d1e Ha" kin . . 7 .. , don't "ant to !(O to the danre "ith e1thn of~ 'all. ..


• ••






Ewn thouv;h th«'} lost th«· v;am«' 30-20. our \'ar-,it~ pla)t·d CPntt·nnial a touv;h v;anw. Wt• scon·d t1~in• t•arl) in th«· ~am«· makin~ thP scon· 11--0. But unfortunate!) th«') canw hack; and at half. th«·) lt•d 30-14. In tht· ~~·cond half IH' scon·d again. but our off«•nst· ran out of time lwfon· tlw) could makP up tlw point diffen•nn·. ''It I\ as a big i«·t dol\11 to lost'. t'"lwciall) sinn• it ~~as m) sf•nwr )f"ar," saul tan Br011 n. But all in all. IH\ the Central fan • n·all) shmq•d that I\ I' had spirit and pridt· through our p1•p rall)s. cht•t•rleading. and crcmd support lwforc. aftt·r. and durinv; thf· ganw.

I. Torn Troc ~and Chn, \ht•r, !(Jill( up on lAtu \l,.~, and Tim Ynun!( "hdt· Brun· Tomlin !(<'h dtTph ornoiH·d 1\llh tht• otht·r-. 2. Tht• Var-111 Clwl'rlt·adt•r, 'htm tht• JIIHt•r tht•l madt• for tht• l(anw. 3. Both Pt•pt•tt•·, and Cht•t•rlmdt•r, l'ht•t•r at tht• a.-t•m· hh. k Th .. :>6 •·n--·<TU'- "a' a maJor offt•n,llt· pla1 "hoc·h Bill Ta1lor and Dan \1, ·\lahon nwlt- ..fftTtiH·. :>. Dan Mr~1alwn !(nt·, around tlw •·nd fur a fir-t do\\n . 6. Tlw tinw out- nf tlw 1(31111' hrin!( unn•rtalllll to tht• fat"t'' of tht• plaH·r-. 7. Ct·ntral\ 1\Uflllt•rful fan,!! 8. Tht· Woc ~-· tlnublt• tt•am of Lou Woc·~, and Jim Wit·b ta~ .... out a Ct·nt<·nnial pla1n. 9. TOL CHDOW 'I'" 10. Tht• t·ht·t'rlt•atkr- Ia~•· tht• floor for tht• la-t dwt·r. II "Jurunr- .• Jun1nr"''an· tlw Jumor,: \1: ,. an· tlw fH",t!! :"on" -a nohah •.. nnh·ah!




''You and !,"Prom 1979 was held on Ma} 19th and 20th at Worden-Martin Carria~e C(•nter. ouple~ shared quiet moments together and hoogi('(l dm\ n with thl' band. After th<· dance Po t-Prom \\a. held at Western Bo\\ I. Couple. bow led, pia} d pool, and danced. There \\en• rdreshm nts, laughs, and man} tin•d people after· wards .



, BA I. c.. ntral -tudt•nts danrr to the \\att' r Brotht'" · 2 . 1\.notlrt

Ill thl' srdt' potlt·t. Bill~ 3 . tNt' Shoop sho"' "hat slw lt•arrwd on P.E. ho\\linj: . k Drant' Rt•hlwr!( •·onn•ntratt's llt'fon· thro\\inl! a 'trr~t'. S. Diane Da\ls and Em Da\" p<'rform tht• latt'st dr-• ·o stt•ps. 6 . \It'!( folt '\ and \lan Dodds dann' at Post · Prom . 7. \ romantit · rnonwnt. 8 . Da\ld Gardrwr and 1\.nstrt• Rohhrns st•t•rn to t'llJ0\1111! tht•rnst•l" '' · 9 . Pam Ta\ lor and Dt• rt·~ \nastasra post • for a snap · shot.


Tht• 1979 Homerominp; as~ernhl) broup;ht a p;ood-sized and t''\rited rnmd to Combe~' p;yrn to show their t•xritt·nwnt to thr playt•r:-;, roarlw:-., and otht•r students. The dwerlcadcrs shm~ed tht•ir enthusiasm as the} led the school in a fe\\ cheer,.,, and the crowd re!'-poncled \\ ith loud rht't'r~ and ) ells for the team and the schooL At tlw asst•mhl) the names of the Homecominp; Qut•t•n attendants and the finabts for Homerominp; Queen and Kinp; wen' announced. The crowd left the g)m in high spirit~. and many proreeckd to follow the Homt•rominp; parade of floats a\~a} from the·. chooL l. Fn•,h man attt•ndant. 'u'an tt·~;art "1th t•"·ort Da' ul Wa-h burn. 2. ~phomorr attendant. \1olh 1\1.-lb' Y.ith <"t·ort Enr Dt·tamon•. 3. Jumor attt•ndant. usan Jorgen>t'n Y.llh t·-n>rl Da\t' Gardnt•r. 4. Finali'h lor Homt•t·omlnl( l-..1nl(: Bt•n Watts. Lou Wu b. Dan \k\1ahon. Bill Ta) lor. and Da\t' 'tu~t·l.

H 0 M E

c 0 M I


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Th«· 1979 Hom«·romin~ Parade was trul) a suere ! Centennial Field was the de. tination of the many decorat«•d <'ar~ and stud«·nt-filled float. that filled the Circle Dri\l'. Th«· juniors n·n·iH·d first plac«· in the float rompetition. followed by the . ophomores . . eniors, and last hut not least, th«• fn•shmen! Th«> .. ne\H'st'' hom«'<'Omin~ l'\ent was the bonfire. The bonfire held in the ewnin~ at McKinley Fi«•ld. had a lar~e turnout and cheerleaders wen• on hand to spn·ad their school spirit throup;hout the rro\Hl. Lots of rhen" and a "~nake dam·e" finished up the C\ening. Both students and t«>arhrrs had a great time! l. Tiw Fn·,hman float ta~t'' fourth plart· tn the float t·nm,wtttton. 2. Ht•n• an· ..:emor>< 1\tth tht·ir third plarf' float. 3. Thl' rhl'erleadc,-., add to tht· "arm and t•xrittng atmo-phere of the bonfire. 4 . A carload of Var-tt\ t ht•t•rll'adl'r- in tht· paradt> •pirit. 5. The "inning Junior float!!


The 1979 Homecoming Game wa played on a beautiful fall night. On October 26, Central defeated Lincoln 27-7. As well as the band and the Pepette performing at half-time, arah Rafferty wa crowned Homecoming Queen by Chris Higgin . The game wa followed by the Homecoming Dance on October 27. 1. Drum major David Fliegel leads the band. 2. Duffy Bresnan gives ara Rafferty a congratulatory ki~s. 3. The 1979-80 Homecoming attendantl. and their escorts. 4. Jill ackett cheers the team on. 5. The football team offer. mutual support. 6. The color guard presents the flag.


.; I


Thr 1979 Homecoming festivitie endrd with the traditional Homecoming dance. The theme of this year's dance wa. "The Main Event." Many couples were on hand to take part in the dance which wa held at Towne Hall. Rantoul disc jockey. Rich "Crazy Legs" Da\is provided the entertainment. It was a real uccess~

I. £,rr)bod) \up and danrin!(! 2. Mikt• Madix ~iH•s h" datr an affrftionatr hu~. 3. :'1/anq Barickman and ht•r datr arr obviousl) havin~ a ~ood time. 4. King Bill Ta)lor and Qurrn ara Rafferty continur thr tradition with a slo"' dancr. 5. Qurrn ara Rafferty !(iH's t•vrr)onr thr "Oka) " 6. Brth Hr"' itt and her datr rnJO) a li\('1) convrrsation.



The World of

Carl Sandburg


1. Ted \\ olf "a one ol the reader< "ho had the rt""pon•lblllt' ol read1n!! a laf!!e part . 2 . Ju•t belort> the <ho" bef!ln•. la•t m1nute reht•ar•lnf! 1- done. 3 . Jell Ht>l· and U...lie \\ al er •hare the j!lon ~>!'lore the •·amt•ra +. ··surpn·l'···



fRO\T RO\\ : fa\f' Ballard. bnn p1~. Kathnn Heath. l.k-lw \\all.er RO\\ T\\0 Jell Helj!t... t'n Don Ta.-h . \lr Jame-- l ;::.ea, . Bill ::><·huma .. her. Ted\\ olf

The 1f vrld of Carl Sandburg. dm•ctrd b~ Janw- L. St>a\ and -\udrt>l \1; elk "a' mainl~ about Sandbur}!·- poetn and 11- rei· at10n to life. Some of hi~ \\nting~ 11t>rr made mto ~ong~ 11hirh llt'rt' -ung b~ the 1 a-t. Thr ... oloi,G \\ere Ted \1; olf. Jeff Hel!!e-on. Don Ta-11. and Bill ~rhumarher. The rr~t of the 'a-t IIH ludt>d 1\.atherine Heath. Linn Spie.... and Le:.llr \l;"all..rr. Fa1t> Ballard pla~t•d tlw piano for the "'lnging part-. Both tlw parent:- "ho 1It'\\ ed the pia~ and the -tudrnt:- 1d10 pt•rfornwd it !!ained a deeper unde~tandin!! of Sandburg.


L The j!;anj!; is all here. 2. "'I don't know "hether thi. is ~01n~ to work." 3. Forming a line at the dance. 4. "You'vp j!;Ot to !lt' kiddin!!: me!" 5. "You do it like thi. ," sa}s teve Jarvis. 6. A picture of a pi turt'-laker. 7. The other end of the lint>.


Tht• SO's dance was held in the girl 'gym. It ont• of the few dances Central pon ored. The 50\ dance wa held after the game with Lincoln. '~a.



\"\1• had a holl; joll} Holida}. And the best time at "'ew Year. Th1•n• wa. n't snow, but who cared! It wa;; thf' last ;ear for 18 )ear.- to get beer. We had a holl; joll; Holida;, And \\ h1•n we'd . ee And; or Mar)- Jane, We'd thank them for "f'nding us a rand)- can1•. Oh. Ho. the mistle tot>, hung wht>re we all could ~ef•, The on I} thing wrong was it didn't hang there longBut \Ou know who got a kiss an; wa; from mt•. \"\ e had a holl; joll) Holida;. And an cast> }OU didn't hear, Th1· Christmas concert was p:reat Hopefull; it \\ill be just a good next ;ear.

1.. Tht" holida) season brings fnends do"!'r IOI(t>lhl"r. 2 ...Oh Chri-lma- Tree. Oh Chrislmas Trt't' .. 3. Emi and ll.1m RHlman pt·rform for Ct•nlral sludenls. 4. Our )e,. ish da"malt·, n·lt·hralt·d HanuUah lll h~hlin~ lhe menorah. 5 ... heslnuL' roaslin~ on an OJ)('n fin· ..... 6. Jeanw Verdt>)l'n. M"s Mern Chris! mas. ''" "''h ht•r lwsl frirnd. anla. 7. Ho" murh poJ)(·orn an• \OU ji!Oin~ lo c•a!'f 8. Tlw Chamllf'r Ch01r performs allhe Chrislmas a--c·mhh.



('\('n entralf(irl-. of \ariou;. le\(•1;. of pani-.h-spPakinf( ahilit) "IH'nt an 1'\nltnf( <'h'\('n da1-. in :\1<'\i('O durinf( tlw "urnnwr of 1979. ,\(·(·ornpani(•d b) B(·tte 1an E-.. Spani-.h t(•adwr and -.pon-.or of tlw, pani-.h lub at ,<'11· tral, Jill orl('). Gad Gruhn. Diana and T(•n•,.a Da1 .-.-.on. Ch<'r) I ~ hi!<'d, Bed,, 10\er and Lon 1\.(•lh sp<•nt s('\('11 da)" in :\1<'\i('o Cit). otw da) in Ta\l'o (tlw ('<'Iller of tlw \1<'\wan handcraft(•d -.ihn industr)), and l\\o da}" on the Pa<·ifi<· Ocean in A('apuko. Highlight~ of thP trip inchl(kd 2 -.o('ial ('\('llinf(. \lith MP\i('an high school tll(h•nt-.. and a midnight ('arthquak(• "hi('h -.hook th(• lamp-. and beds in tlw hotel room-.. Tlw f(lrl" \\('rt' mo-.t '-llrpri-.(·d at the tc·rribl(· traffic probl(•m in \h•,ico Cit) and th<· fa('t that ('ampaif(n "ign-< (it \\a-. an el(·ction }('ar in \1<'\1('0) apJH'an·d ('\('11 in ('('nWt(•ri(•-.. Th(• -.tud(•nh \\('rt' happ) to learn that, ('It'll amonf( th(N' ''ho '-poke \('f) ltttl(•. pani-.h, th(') -.till ('ould manag(' -.om<' ('Oll\ersation. I. Tht• lwa< h 111 :\• apuku offt•n·d mam at·JI\ ilit·, for G.1il Crulwr 2. \lam \1•··" an huoldinJ!' di-pla1 mural' on tht• uutPr "all-. 3. c\ftt·r "alkinl! throuj:h tlw ··atatoml". Diana. Bnk1, Tt•n·-a. Gaol and Jollt"'''' for a -nap-hut. J.. "' \lhat a lwautoful , ... ,,~ .. 5. Old Mn it'O ''found amid-t mt>tlt-rn huildinJ!'· 6. Pam-•ailinl! ''an 1'\ntinj: •JHirl. 7. ""What ;, that donkt·\ drinkIll!(·~" 8. \tan) hott·b an· built on tht• •idt· of a mountain. thto- offt·rinl( tlwir I(Ut''t' unlwlit·la· hit• ,;,."'·





Students Visit France

On J ul} 4, 1979 !'\Orne French Club student~ took a summer vacation to France. mong the group were our very own "etudiant:;" from Central High hool. They were Jeff Daniel , Lori Wekh, Mirhelle ammons, and ta ey Travers. The group's spon or, Mrs. Majdiak, arranged the trip through the Pacific American ln~titute {P.A.l.). The group arrived in Pari and then moved on to Dijon, a city 160 miles southeast of Pari . the next top was Geneva, witzerland ,.,here they saw the beautiful Alp . They went to Avignon next and finished their tour in

1. anc~ Lop!'man, ht•lh ammon,, tacr) TraH·r-. \n(l:it• Burnrtt. Jt•fl Danirls, Lori Wt>kh. ~1C'. MaJdiak. Jt>anna ur Bro) lc,, and Lisa Pt>rkans antit·apatr (I:OOd times to come a' tht>) po t• for a ((roup pat tun·. 2. Jt·fl Danit•l, I""'" for a pic· turt' in f root of Fontaiawhleau .


3. Lori Wrkh stops in front of thf• Arf' df• Trinmphf· to p;et hf·r pirtun· ta~f·n . ~ . A postcard pirtun:! ,..,o, thr \'ol 'Alp . 5 . The p;roup -top at a Fn•n"h f ali· hdnrf• p;oinp; up in thf• mounta1ns. 6. \1i ' Bonm Ako (lf'ft) anfl \1r- . \1ajdiak (rip;ht) f·nJfl) thf·m· selws on thf• trip.




s s E

Champaign Central offered a wide variety of cia e which prepared students for future pursuit . If a tudent did not get the cia e he or she wanted, th schedule wa changed quickly and easily by a counselor. tudents al o had the opportunity to a i t in the office as VOA' or aid their favorite teacher a TA' .





8~ thin~ I'm ~onna die." 2. oc rr JS onr of thr popular sprin~ P.E. 'JlOrls. 3. "'Is 1t •mooth. Bill)?" 4. " ·o" for m) acid."' 5 . panish ta~t"' a lot of stud)in~. 6. "O.K. You're going in this tlmt• ... i'. "t'lio"· Tamm). ~ou'rr not supposed to be talkin~ . " 8. \k \\al~t· r·Ta)lor trarhrs her cla•s to "ork "ith their hands. 9 . "Man. thi' da-s ;, too bri~ht for mr."

1 "I

9 ~



ammy Gardner "orks hard on hi' pollt>ry. 2. "ing now." 3 . .. Don't fall. Kathy'" 4. •• harm' the night together." 5. Boolo~n 'tudents experiment with li\N t'xtract for thl' roob in the tafeteria. 6. If Brad ran lift the bar hoghl'r. ht> ,.;u be a. good a' Kt'll} 7. "LI·t\ if I ran lift more than I did ye terday." ··~t>ll, I thmk we know the di.co





l. Cara John on and Meli. a ro" erve chicken and rice. 2. Tracy Eveland takes a pee~ at "hat' rooking whtle Mrs. kapt>rdas looks on. 3. Mirht>llt> Alget> and Char¡ lene ible~ fut a cherry cheest' ake for the Italian table. 4. Cathy VanDeventer and Cara John on set up the panish table. 5. People help themselves to a wide variety of dt>. erts. 6. Fayt> Elam offers a patron a hearty ser. ing. 7. Cathy VanDeventer is pleased with the rhef\ t>fforts. 8. Dani chooley, Frt>d rhoolt>y's daughter, chows do,..n .


CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD The International upp r wa the primary fund-rai ing project of the Foreign Exchang lub. The proceed from th upper were u d to end tudt>nt from Central to live in a foreign country for a . em ter or a ummer. This year'. proce ds were u ed to end two tudent to Mexico for ix wt>t>ks this ummer. ix countrie or areas of the world were repre ent d at the upper; they included: andinavia, the Orient, France. America, Italy, and pain and Latin America. The different groups which eith r pon ored table or helped on clt¡an-up and . erving in luded F .. A. and 0.0., H.E.R.O. and Home-Ec cooking cia e , the Spanish Club and pani h Honor Society, Title VI, Maroon, French Club, V.O.A. and the Coun eling Office and tudent Council. The theme of the upper was "Chri tma Around th World." Mr. Weber, pon or of the Foreign Exchange Club, commented that thi year, the upper made a much money in one night a it did in two nights Ia t year.



C. C. E.

E, ooperative Career Education, was the program in which ~tudent worked at jobs related to their career interests. In the morning they took a clas~ \\hich helped them . tud} their carn•er wht•ther it was t•<·n·tarial ~cience. mechanic , or sale . Then in the afternoon they worked under a upervisor who, with the CCE r ordinator, plannt>d job training that would benefit them. About 100 student participated in the program at Ct>ntral. The section of CCE are the e: Offi e Occupations with Mn;. DaH•nport, Di tributive Education and Coopt•ra· tive \\ ork Training with Mr. Man;h, and lndu. trial Edu· cation with Mr. Murphy. The tudents traditionally entertain their bo e at an Emplo)'er Appreciation Banquet in pril.


l _&




l. Tamm) Eunort" corrects a ditto in thl" maon oflir!" at Ct>ntral. 2. all} pUf"IWOn chl'd•. the fill's at the Public Libra') . 3. Linda Trippi1•di ans"~"'"" the phon!" at tht" accounting firm of Clifton Gun dt"r-.on & Co. 4. Kt"ll} Hoost"r at the Fi,-,t 'ational BanL 5. Janien ·h,.enk put.s a reference book a"a} at the Fi,-,t atoonal Bank. 6. Ct>ntl'nnial student- att!'nd the CCE Banquet y,oth Ct>ntral student-. 7. Here comes dinner. 8. \.1,-,. Han. en and M,-,. \ 'o" l"njo) their meal. 9. tudt>nb recl'l\(' E Banquf't ay,ards at tht> CCE Banqul'l. 10. Thl' alloy,s the students to t>ntertain thf'ir emplo)C'"'-.





In 1980 the minimum wage wa 3.10 an hour. orne got more; orne got le . Mo. t of Central' tudents worked in "Orne l}pe of re taurant. uch as Arby', Wendy'. or Bonanza.

l. Lisa tahl shows her talent cooking pretzels at Hot am' .. 2. Tt>rrsa T1•mple en)O}S her "or~. 3. Brian Wills operates the dishwa. hrr at Perkins ri'Staurant. 4. II) purgeon pia) "ith the cash register. 5. "Don't burn the frie,, Paul!" 6. Liz Hogan mea ure ome material.








harrt'n dt's( rt. I blinkPd JH'rhap umt' that that

if ~ht• i,.. fra ul~" Tht> 1r t n1• ~p ~ ·again, "Andr.· u~. ~ht' i~ not afra· ot·~ n t ft r." .\n ri ~hru~~rd and prore dt·d 111 •mpl\ I' saddleba~~ of the other~. Ht· t't'nll'd 1 "' tlw )OUill:(t'st of tht'm .Ill, f r he a~ t e smalle~t. He had ~pokt>n to' ho ~t·t·m •d to be the leader of the part). from a -;uldlf'i, ~. ndrius rl'trie eel a lar~t·loaf nd ·arh of the traq•ler~ ripped off a pit•t t' hefore gettling do~n for the night. I \hilt lwd tlll'n eat, hun~ril . 1 \\ Ondt· red ~ho tht') \\ere lo kin • f r, · nd who erlinu ~as. But I did not \\ail to find out. T add! Pt·rhap!:> there \\Ould be some extra fo d or lothing. Wh e the four traveler~ Wt'rt · soun J · l ep. I rn·pt o\l·r to tl11• ,..add II' hal-(

u arc familiar with the I gend of King

" ood. I ·ill of ur e, tak time to gt•t wwd to all ound quite fanllbli • ut eventually ou will dju". Our way of life i not over "fferent than yours wa!i.' He pointed to the k while I watrh Iii , dazed. "Look. th '-'lin will r overhe d n. I cal ulated your arrival to be tomorrow , but I gue you f lrd us all." -.miled. I roul not comprehend all that had happen . I wa confu ed and my mind was hazy. I g t up awkwardly nd foll1med "erlinu , who led me to a white hor e. Thr oth r men around the fire eyed me with ruriosity. uddenly I w emb rra,- cd b) my app arance. My clothe were too bi , m hair hort r than their , and m . I was h lp d int hor. ' addlt>. The un wa beginning to peer from over the h rizon. A new day approaching. A ew life oul b o a rider, but along with my "apprentice hip," that would be another thing form to

HEAD B, Kerry Madix

UTILE MA B) Mike Bailey


\ASE& HA"lO B\ Doul( Wt•a\f•r

HEAD B, tan Bro"n


lndmn 1\t• no drop of Indian blood. 1\e no drop of gold, But I hH' for "hat i good. and I ft>ar not gnming olil . I "a horn hut \ tenia). M) "rng haH· \l'tto fh. I haH· man) thmg~ to learn. bet\\een tlw t•arth and mi. What am I! \\ In do I 1 n? ] CT} for tho t' altH'..., hu \\ i h that the\ YOtre dt ad For life h left them df) "ith no tears lt•ft to hcd. I tr a life in tho e dark e}e . I re d it in a glance. Muw are blue and o I'm afc. The·} neH·r "tood a rhance In tlw dar11 t·, ot a .. hanct•.

I dann• for tho~•· "ho \\ idt that the) l'ould dan• t' .tgain. Thr\ tau!!hl nw from a <'hair, like doud, that lt'at;h the ra111. Tht' taught mt• fir t to laugh\\ hen I "a hut a child. The\ taughtrnee\rr}thing:to ing,todarHP,t milt•

I \\a n't Hat t•d m tlw \fountain I ''a n't rai. t>d in tlw mountain~. I ''a n't rai t·d II\ tht• "t'a. I \\3 r.ti t'd inn;, O\\ll homt•to\\n, .lu'-'1 rn\ farnil and mt'. I'm not ust·d to things st'rapin' tlw "k\ Or pourin' mokt• out \\a\ up high. \\ t• ah\d\" aid )OU did !!OOd if) Oil trit•d \nd ll'ft out tlw third degn·t·. I \\a ju.-t sixtt•t n \\ hPn the} turrwd off thl' ar. and .. 0 \tORE GA ,,. and tht·n• \ Oll are. o "'' ju-.t ~at outsidt• and look<od at tlw tar \nd took in tht• ~how for fn·t>. A.nd tlwre · ada\ that I'll rwwr forgt•t. ''TIItRE' 0 \10Rt OIL.. hem <'old it' gonna fWl. But"'' JU"-t built a fin· and \\atcht·d tlw sun ,et In l'olor~ ju~t too bright to bt'. \nd ,onwont· f<~r a\\a\ said. "Thi is \O tr fate•. ) ou \" \\,titc•d too long and now it\ ttl! latt•. )ou\p fon•t•d us to ft•t>d you this pluto iurn plate•.


ing f 1r all "ho can· for peace to calm tht• Pa . ng for tho ,. "ho dare to li ten to the tn·t· . Th tn•t nm\ more than m n. Tht•\ know that...,,. an· ottt, Gr• t mt, Allah. Lord, tonight ourtirnt''- torn•·. ll1 done. \\:1' Mt Ollt'. 1\t> no dr p

F..at 1n t•alth and pru~pcrit}." Th troul!lt• with the "tuff i~ that it' not ~n·t·n or hhw \nd u nt'\t'r •·an tt·ll if it'~ lookin' at }Oil. Oh \H' I on't worr} gu\ . You know \\t•'[l !!1'1 through. But JUst It I t'l'll Hill anclnu. Wt•'\t' !!One just about ,L" far as \\t'\t•! OITH' . \\t•\p a\oid d tlwir poisons, but no" it'· all dorw. \\1· 1·an dig a holt· and 1 raw[ in, but )OU kno\\ it\ no fun To hP ~urrounde·d radioacll\f'h. I "a~ rai~t·d in tht• !wart of a n~tion \\ ith a \\il~tf'ful rqmtation \nd I ( an't llt'lp but rt'gn·t the indignation I fePI. but thi~ \\holt' thing bothr·r~ nw. I \\a~n't rai~t·d in the mountain~. I "a~n·t rai t·d ll\ tht' •·a. I "a~ rai-e·d in Ill\ own honwtcm n, \nd that'~ tlw \\a\ it ah\ay~ should hi'. Dt•nist' Flora lyri!'s Sqll. 20.


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Oh, it's gin, gin, gin, that makes us want to



Get Better Than




Best Wishes Class of 1980



II ROOT helps you to remember ...



• Chic~go




I. Alan Dodds. ht>rt'b\ bt>q ueath to I. Rob•n Efx.rt.


beq ut•ath to

l.ll.n•n Elam . hereb~ bequt•ath to~



Eumce. hereb) bt>quroth to

I. Sail_, Erans. hert>b' bt>qut>ath to m1 frit>n<k


I. Chm ,<;, hanl<>, herelJ) tK><!UPath to ''Dumo" m) common I. DraM.'>< hnculu.

k1ll ~ ntl T hirt

h~rdJ) lwqucath to Kan·n Gn·r· n t h• 3btht\ to do

bark trokl' ta rt" 1thout hurting twr har ~ .

I. .Va11r1 ShalL ht·n·b) h.. qut•ath to rl ·1. Mama and omt-, su pt•rior Ita•· ~ ro \\ pia) 1ng.

lath . J a1w

ou -login!( ahilit) and nl\ mci(na me,'

1! It tnt' "I sht• can ,.:••Ito t Ia" I, Dreu /.arbU<k, •·n·lo\ Lcqut ath to Mr ~twit'\

:25 so Itt· can lr•·al nt>xt



r~t · r.

m patr ul nw1l k ha~1 pant-; anti

,., ...

l>elor<'t hr•latto;.·~ lt!;.l'lu,IJ.!_IIIloa..,'~--..d

J. \ . Team at \lcOonald'

\II e, thr ,..;, nwr II adktUJrkt'r , ht·rdJ\ Ll'qut·ath to till' unt!crda <mtn thl.' rhanrt' to \>on a loot ball garnt·

.. 181





I tnpped on an acorn and ripped my pant. Kim Bash I did not r alize that my blou e was unbuttoned. Debra I sat in dog


ide\\alk behind the , 'hool. Rme Bla{!f(

on th

I had \-.eight-training and I had to lie over the edg of the , tagr. and do back arches and lq.r, archt\. Drlilah Burgess I left P.E. t>arl and \1r. Du • bu ted me.

I pulled out on

niver ity Avenue and hit my neighbor' car. En·c Daris

I fell in the middl of th street and I couldn't pick my. elf up. Debbie DPan I \\a, the only girl at the Boy 'Track banquet and Duffy Bre nan a. ked me how I was doing in the middle of hi. ·pcech. Felicia Dub_y I f II do\m during bowling cia . Beck)· Drennan I fell throwing the ball in bowling. Dori5 Etheridge Kris tauffer and I tripped over each other in front of a crowd of people. Ginny Fess Th e trap of my prom dre

broke and the top of the dre s fell to my waist. Ginw'r Fosler

I told my friend about thi terrific guy and it turn d out to be her broth<'r. Rose Gerard My Engli h t ach r told the entire clas that I wa, taring at th e, tudent tt•aclwr. Connif• Gudf.!e{ I fainted an hour after I gave blood. !IJona Hamilton I ran in th 440 relay and tripp d Curti. McFarland and w lo t the rat't'. Ted Hemzann I wa~ walking down the hall with Mark Mueller and f II flat on my face. Amy Hinton I dre ed up in balloon for ''Gyp y." Amy Holland I walked out of are troom with toilet pap r , treaming from my shoes. I lo ked the key in th

ar with the lights and th radio on. Kim Hooser

I forgot Li a ta i' name. Rebecca Islam

ellie Hoo er

I sang a duet with Rick Bt att} and

nt• f



the \\Ord:-. •"v!issy Robert

l fell up the stairs whil Ro~ers

Mr..;.\ oss chasf•d 111} frit•rHJ.., and me tn the ('afdt•ria. We t•ndPd up in the hour in detention. Angela 'Sayles



I rear-ended a poli<"f' <'ar during m) lunch hour and waited four month taking nw to rourt. Diane Schneider On the opening night of" } ps)," I ran out ont the tag too earl), turrwd t sign, and had to turn right around to go ba< k on fa e. usie hoop M} pants caught on fire during a chemistr) t'XfWriment. Cindy nydn On the first day of bowling, the bowling ualllanded behind me instead of going down tlw .tile) . .low nie tatlws •

Am) and I were cruising and stalled in front of the T-Bird. Carol ::>tuff I '"as following Diane Moore to Garcia's for lunch and, he, lammed on h r bra . for a} ·ll<m litrht; then she hit tht• accelerator to gel through the light' and almo~t cau. ed a S-car pile-up. Linda Trippiedi I went to my first part). Jeanie Verdeyen omt•body asked me how it felt to pia) in the OH'rtime against Bloomington and I couldn't rem •r 1 r; I was knocked out. Louis Wicks

J.P. and I were suppo. ed to be studying but ended up at the T-Bird. fare Wild I fell off the bo\\ling bus. Donna Wise


\1.-llllda \lol.-1 ""' -\clam• Kunhc·rh \clam•

Bnan ,\lc·\andt·r Carla \llt·n Chn, -\nclt-r-on

Da,uiS -\ndt·r·on Rob \ndn·"' lui• Antc·lmn

Tn•a>urt·r: Kan•n 'hon•,man. c•rrrtan: Ro!(l'r Dawn port. dc•,t\. SporNlr: Ru·h Garria. 'pon,or.

Lori \utc•lH·rn Herbert Lc•l' Baile) Loui' Balle>\ Matt Ba~c·r Tor11 Bakc·r Fa)c' Ballard

c·na Ban•nbt·rf!: Kc•n Barham \ann Barir~man Jl'an Bar~c·r Jc... ,IC' Ba·c·omb Jill Ba•h

'vall'nt' Bat.zl'll arah BC'Ilt'rman Traq &c·hmann Janie~ &ndc·r irk &rurc·n te1e Berf)

Trri Billinf!: , anc·) Blum Jar~ie Boldt'n nn Bolton Tamm) Bourf!:ois Peter Bouton

Clrtw, Bradlr1 Lt•a Bradlf'} . Kc·~ran Brandabur Ro1 Brittin Bnan Bro" n Julic· Bro" n





J1m Arm>lrtHlf!: •·ott \rnolcl Larn .\ut..IIC'rn

Dway nP BurkiPr David Burkl1· J•m Bur)loon M1chael Burkr roll Burkru Randy Burt

Lonn1r ByNiy John Campb!-11 Jor CartPr David Cartwrifliht Mauref'n 'l'rly Paul Ca'>ton

Edward hambt>"' Rose 1ary hanf'y Dave Chapt>l Jamie Chid Ia~< Dt'e Dt>l' Clarl otl Clark

Jerry Clast') Charles oleman

Renae Cook Claudia Cooper

Kathy Cotner Randy Cozad

Mimi ri1·hton Da,,d roob Larn Crohf•r Todd ummin' Ro!(f'r Da\f•nport lkth Da'"

Jane Dav1 Paul Davis William Da~<lin Rich Decker Debbie Den m Beth Derby

Craig D tamor 1auie Dew Don D1scor ue Dona)lh) Lori Do~< u n Drennan



Ot>bra Dri~t~~rl"'l Ron Dziuk Dan Eaton Robert Ebert Mmam Edlrf,en Rachel Egherman

Cind} Emmett Louise Endrizzi Tamm) Eunice Traq E•eland Colleen Fairley Allen Farthing

Davtd Faught Ruth Feldman

th Feldman ue Fergw,on

Andy Fletcher Dmd Fliegel

Meg Foley Brad Follmer Don Franklin Peggy Fra ca Le.lie Frazier Ot>bbie Fr eman

Pam Freeman John Gad bury Angte Gaines Da'e Gardner Kent Gardner Robert Garrett hhin Ghaffarirn Reza Ghafoun Mike Gibbons Carl Gladney Kimberley Green Tracy Green

te\e Greenberg Peggy Grein Ot>ni e Griffrt Le li Griffith Kri Gnffith Alvin colt Griggs


Grorfiir Grubb Ga1l. Grubn Dave Gudgel David Harker Tammy Herklrr Con tanrl' Haile

Kim Halt' John Hamilton Kerry Hamm Virk} Hammock tevr Harrinfiiton trphanir Harri

Jim Harri on Paul Hart Perfy HarH} am Ha)l'. Loren Heal Ber~} H«>ap

Jodi Hrinhol'l>t Jrll H!•lflil''«>n Mark Henne Gret~ He>s Mauhew Hcv.infii Chri H1r~.

Cara Him!'. Ke,in Hine

J1m H1p'>k1nd Bill Hobh

adt'nt' Babbt'ttr Hobb L1z Hogan

Ric~} Hola Jo Ct' Holle) tc\t' Hol,te Bilh Hom Am} Hov.ell Mar) Hummel

Zina Hunt tt'Vt' JarVIS Holl) Ja)cox David John,on Linda John on M) linda Johnson


Lon nit> Jollr} Paula Jone Richard Jon!"\ usan J01·p;en. rn te\e Kanp; Tamm) Kt>ap;lr

Angela Kmg Jell Kinp;ton John Kinsel Jenmfer Kmt•tz Monte Knoblt>ll Don Kuanp;

Da>id Kuhlman Karen Kuhnr Cathy Lambert Jell D. Lane Rob Lane Sonja Lanp;sjoen

Lorrie La roe eil Lee on Kell) LeGrande Anna Lew~<. Earl Lewo., There.a Lewis

Monte Liule Jell Lookinp;bill Waht>r Loomi Bill LO\H) Lisa L)on Ro>.t> Ma

Don Macfarland Michael Madix

hannon Madix Mind} Manolake

coli Martens Don Matejow ky

Jay Matthew Deodra May Brenda McCabe Della McCulley Jan Menefee Judith Mennings


Brt'tt MP)I'r Kelli Millag1· Jenn1fer Miller Mark \11ll•ap Beck) Min1·r Am) MOt>ill'r

Edward Mooney David Moore

Anna Morri Timo Mo tert

annette Motley usan Muirheid

Zoe Olef ky Sally Oliveira Sylve ter Osler Alexander Owen Richard Pace Chuck Palmi ano

Kyle Park Jane Parker James Parker Johnna Parker Jeff Parkhill Brad Parks

Laura Pearson

Earl Peat Martin Peloquin Tony Perucca John Pettigr w Vincent Picken


Donna Pierre Kim P1t1man Mark Pollard Bru e Prot he Jill Prurmer Thoma Rae

Rhonda Re) nolds Jam1e R~et> K1m Richards Debra R1chard. on Jim Robt'rt JOt> Ro s

Coco Rugt and} Ru) le John R)an Jill a ketl Kri lame Kent aldt>en

Chri anders Krista hendel

Mike hmale Rob rhneider

Bill chu mac her Kreg otl

Dan heahan Ted hepardson Margaret hield Lon hobt' Dan holt>m Karen hore:,man

D1ane 1e~<ert Angella impson Lesht> M. 1sro Tish m1th 1ark mO< k Jim panf(lo


J•·rn tumhHrl! ~lar~ 10art11·ndrulwr J1mTall•·' Don Ta-h Gail Tadur Da"n T•·•·m-

Gn·j!ThumaChn- Thump-on La"'ton TlwmJNln !\lark Tual-on in1h Todd John Tomp~1n'

Rohnta TnmpP '\lonika Tro" \an•·--a Tuf•ll K•·lh Tur~ Molh \auj!hn Pam \auj!hn

\1ark \ '•·at•·h Paul Waf'htf•r Rarhf'lo• Wailwl John Wal~•·r Ten Wal~•·r Trent Wal~er

Brad Wal'h Grrl! Warmoth Odell Warn•n anq Wabon D<"bb11· Wf'lwr hf•ila W··-lf')

lwnl Wh1t1•d Todd Wh1tt Jeff Wh1tt1nj!ton Jim\\ 1rb Alison Wdd Delphia William'

Gar. Wdilam' Herman Wliilam' Lu10ana Windom Ke1th W1nfn•, 1atthf'" Wolf Mi~eWolf

Ted Wolf Marl..\\ ood Lorenzo\\ oodard Uf') arbt•r Laura ) ounl! Oeni. e Zf•fh


'r\onnt Alt·\amkr \1u hl'llt• \lw·•· 1\nthom Allt'n

Zma Allt•n Lon Altht•idt• Rarhd Ander-on

Charlt•, Andrt'"' Mark An!(t'l Jrnnifl'r n~tlin

Beth Aut<'n Beth Autt•rman Da\ld A) n•

Gordon Babb, G<>or!(t' Bad~tt'r Rex Ba~tb' Phil Ba~er Kurt William Bakh Debra Barber

Li>a Barbtall Tina Barrin!(t'r tl'\t' Bartlt•' Robert Ba•.-omb Kar<>n Bath Mtrht>lle Baudlt•r

Robert Ba, nt• Anita Bam·ll An!(d Bell An!(ie Bennt•tt Jern Ben nt•tt Janet Ber•i!!

Chr.- Btatu-h ini roll J. Blf"lt•rt \1t~t· Bilbn·' Cind' Bml·t·ll Amanda Bt•hop Kclh Bi,ho1•

Pt•tN Bla~•·h Kathen•tna Bland Johnnie Bli""it Ta\\anda Bli"-tt Trari Bobo"'~' Bill Bot·~holl


Carrie Bohrt>r Pat Bondurant Chri Bo»e Jon Bo)er te\e Bo) le Jeff Boy . a»

Debbie Bradlt>} abrina Bradle) Mallhe» Brandabur Doug Brazelton James Bright Charle Brill

Richie Broome Belt) Bro»n Jeffery C. Bro» n Lynn Brown Sandra Bro»n herr) Brown

Phil Brun on Kath) Buetow Jerf) Burge Joe Burgoon Michelle Bu ) Detore Butler

Jim Butler E'an Byers

Kent Ca1n Doug Campbell

Mind) Carr Da,eCar on

Mall Carter Phil Cart r Tim Charters ndrea Chernngton Brian Cienia»ski Bonnie Clark

Ellis Clark Kath) Clinton Amy Coa) Marc Cobble Jennifer Cocagne Dann) Coffe\


Ke,in Cook Carmel Corbt-11 Rand) ra1v; Joe Cro"l~') Pam umm1n. Donna Cutriv;ht

John Czajko"ski Jon Daniels Diana Da\1, Franns Da'" Terr-a Da' i"on Virginia Da)

Maria Oral.. Doug Drmlo" Doug Denn1s Eric Delamort' Jocel)n De)Ot' Amy Dicken.on

Tamm\ Diel Jack Dit'tzel

lacy Dillard Jonna Discoe

Lamonte Dixon Tina Dixon

James Dobson David Dodge John Domagala Tim Donovan Donna Dorries Vicki Dorri

Deni e Dougla Laura Downes Jay Downey Lisa Downing James J. Dudley Kevin Early

Molly Ei hhorst Laurie England Erik Ensrud Karyn Erickson Kenny Eunice Bill Evan


Ot>lrana E\an Moll~ Fairfield Gn11: Farquhar Alrx Farthin~ ott Fitz~rrald Jo Flir~rl

Valarir Flo"'r"' Rand) Fran<'ls Ht•nr) Fra~nr Mark Fn•t•man John Gadd) Marcia Gai nr'

Jeff Garrl'll Rtrh Goodman Karl'n Grl'l'n i.Rsltl' Grl't'n Darla Grf'ffe Andrea Griffith

Brink Grismer Glen Hae~ele

Kim Hall Ste\e Hammel

Brian Hannon Donald W. Hansen

Ronnie Happ Charlotte Harris Jackie Harris John Harri Parie Harris Thoma Harri

Kell) Hartley Karen Hartsfield William Hassell Tami Ha\l'ner Zina Ha)t'S Parker Ha)

Mart} Herkl'r Laura Hensler Daniel Hensle) Tim Hettinger Lisa Hicks Karen Hight


Karol Hi!(ht K~1th Hill Bnan Hillt·brand ad1e Hil-.on Linda H1nes ott Hinton

LouiSe H1p'k1n Pet~r Hoff-,,.~11

Ord!'na Hopi' \ ernl('l' Hopi' Ter~ Hosler Tom Hudwn

Tom Hurst Kath) Hutton

Bill H,att 'h ia Jat·hon

D1ane Jaher Farz.ad Jam hid ian

Cara John-,on K1m John,on Liz Johnson Julie John,on Ru..,ell Joh n'on Timoth) John-.on

William John,on Chde Jon~•s Crail( Joni'S Dl'tra Jone> lephanil' Kahr &•th Karr

Lia K"ll' haron Kt•,ler Jennifer Kin!( ·ott K1rb) Rwh Krahling Robl'rt Krumm

Lon Lan1·1' ·ott Lanl' u-an Lane Br!'nda Lang»joen Jill Leedom Kl'n Lenz


Flo' ic• LA·, itt Jr.;'i•·a !.A'";, Bnan Lencl-lrand Le-a Lettie• Tia Li1 in!(' !On Li•a um!(

Ca1h1 Lool..in!(bell Brc•nda \1aclc• Chc·r) I \1aic•r Linda \1aic•r Eddie• \1ann Yuri Mardc•r

John Mam•ro Chm \1arten K~ll) \1alhia' Bob \1a\ Ja1 na \13)' m1 \1r lt'llan

Jem \1r 1 •dedra \1<-Kne!(hl Tim \1c·\1ahon Dant>n \1rQuaed \1eJi, \1rQuaid :0.1olh \1elb1

\hndcll Mc•l ker Can Mt>hen

Eh-.abt>lh \1c·,er Jc 'I' \1elll'r

u-.an Miller ;\ nd) \1 i ll!(f't'

Tina Minnie!.. &1 \1ilrht>ll vdnr Milrhell Ja1 Mllrhl'll AnJana Mtttra -\nd1 \1oc•ller

u n Monl..e \1arl.. Moreland hariP' Morri' Mila Mo,lert Jtm \1uPIIPr hannon Mulcah)


Karen ~1und' Linda ~1unni' Tim M)rr. Kim~t>al

Jim ebon 1artin ~t· l,on

Tom go Tranp: • p:u) en

Ke•in orri Yvonne Oldham

Todd Oli'rr Margaret 0' eill

Greg O,ler Beth Otto Doug Outla" Jodie OH•rm}er Carol Padberg Jo Pangilinan

Joni Pankau Dan Parker Allen Parkhurst Lonnie Patter;on Donna Patton Todd Pt>at

Anthon) L. Pelmore Ragan Petrie colt Pfeiffer Mary Po,.ers Vicki Pulsifer Rachel Raquel

Chri Ra}mond Rich Rebecca C)ndy Rector Carol Redenbaugh Mindy Reed Li a Reid

Marsha Rt>id Charlie Rei Tony Ribelin Kristie Robbins Barb Roth Anne Rothman


..,ata,ha Ru!wl Jtm Run~ an \1ar\ Ruwla tt·H· aha ·h~lli ammon' tt·H· atlnll't'


Da'e tewart Martha tone Joe tovall Duane trosaker Pam trow Dawn ublette

Beth uhor Cathy uhor

Julie uhor Jenifer Tabin

Tim Tadler John Tanner

Jame Tennill Ra} Thoma Vanes a Thoma Brad Thomp on Theresa Thomsen Jod) Thursh


Kelli«c>Todd atalit> Tornaras tat't'~ TraH'N Bill Trick 1ark Tufte Dann) Turn«c>r

Lisa nzicker Paul Valentine Catherint> Van Dt>>rnter Robert VanD)ke UZ) V«c>rrnette nn Vinton

Leslie Walker Jill Wallace

L1 a Washburn Trenton Wa hington

u!>lln Weatherford Julie Weaver

Andrea Wedig u~1e Wehnng Jerome W«c>isz Wend) Welling Jim Wentworth Darrell Weslr~

Martha Whalen R1ch Wheadon Marc White Cia) W1ld ril Wilkie Patricia Wilwn

te>e Wolf Andre" Woodle~ Don Wroughton Br)an Yeisle) Ted :Urh Mark Zeigler


Lno1 -\dams John \11n«·" Mtl«· A11t11rn·

CLA OffiCER :'>10 PO"' OR : Tom Gher and Ron Kru,e. ponsors; Micht>lt' Bt•th A'h"orth "'«•l>on. Tn•a,un•r; Val rrrtar); Rogrr Murray. Presid«>nt; lwila Casst>rly. T«•rri Aut«>lwrr) hn• Pn· uh·nt. '\1i«ha«·l uh·n

FRESHMAN Debra Baile) Lt'ndt>an Bail!') Michael Band) Jenn) Banman Lt'e Barrt'tt Lisa Barrett

Am1 Ba>h Pau.la Batt\ Arthur Bt•a,l«'' Jimm1 Bea,lrl Kara Bt.au«ha.mp Andrt'a Bf'll

Lie-a Benn Alan Ben•, Ooug Biedenbender Rodgt>r Biglrr O"al nr Bishop Oa1 td Bitn«•r

Brt>nda Blaclburn Bruct' Blakt'r Doug Bland Erir Bolhngrr Chris Bolton John Bradlt')

Oli1er Brad It') Lt'slie Bramlr) Clifton Brrnt ~rnold Bro"n Otana Bro" n Doug Bro\\n


Jenn} Bro~; n Ph<Wb.· Bro"'n Tom Buf'lo"' Todd Buhrma-tt·r Brent Burnt'tt Dt·ni. t• Butlt'r

Rirk) Butlt'r Lou!'r Campbt-11 Robrrt Caqwnter William Cartt·r ht•i Ia Ca' t·rl} Dan Castillo

Jean Castlt• Drrnck Caston Milton Caston Gr p: han Kt•ith Chan Conni!' Chann•llor

Gary Chaplin Larr) Chapman

Darlene lark John Clarke

Cath) Cia) ton Lisa Cler

nn Cochrane Sonja Cole Deena Collier Daroen Collins lt'\t' Coopt'r Robrrt Copeland

Ja) Corle) Judy Cornell Li a Costa hell) Costa Rich Cotnt'r Da'id Cour.;on

Todd Co" n!(ton D.l\ ul Cra nwr \1t·h.-a Cro.Tun Cullop Tom Cullop Jt•f[ uppt•rrwll


Rohi n Cuf>p..rrwll \1aurin• Da' j, . ·to~r·, Da \Is Bohln Da' i-on Tom Da) Ann Da)tnn

Jo) n• [),. .. ~,.r Cia} Dr•,al Barb DimiN \1u har•l [)i,on Ja-on Dodd' Errr Dohr•rt)

Man Dorrh Dt•mst• Dor-r·tt Man Bl'th Ott" nr•s ·tew Drr•r1rran Torn Durk\\orth Dou!( Dunn

Tina Ea!(IPil Pr•nrr} Edmison Gus Erl\\artb Jarqur•lrnr· Ed\\ards Mrdwllr• Ed\\ard, Monwa hl\\arcJ,

Adam f.j!hr•rman \n!(it• Ehr-am Jamr•s Ell;, Pam Enwr) Jor· Endri11i Chr•n I En!( land





Tamm) Fallon Paul Farar r

Rand) Farnwr Karoll Farrr·ll

Bob Fr·ldman ~1a,.,ha Fit .. h Jarkir· Flr•rnm rn!(' Marrl} n Fran~lin Chari iP F rr·pl, Bnan Frr·r•rnan


:\latt Funwnlo Tom Fun~lwu·•·r Bart. (;adt·l Bn• t• GauH Gn·tt·ht·n Gain Dt·an Garrwr

K.. lh Ga-~in Don Gt•rard Mi~t· Gdthn Dt•"a) nt• Gohonq Ro-•· Gill Anp:t'la Gladnq

Fn·dd) Gordon Tom Gorman

Adam Co--•·tt EloJah Grant

andra Grant Pt·tt·r Gn·ndlt·r

Alan Griffin Paul Gurfin~d Da' ul Halnnmlw John Halloran :l-Iar~ Hamm Todd Hammd

anth Hanlin Gt•rn Han,..t'll Bt·\t•rh Harrh Dt•anna llarri, Anthom llant'\ Jt•nnoft'r lla•l

Patt\ llau••t·rmann ht•q lila"'' TunJi Ht'ath ea--..· llt'lp:t•,t•n lwrr) llt·ntlt'Nlll Ru·hard llt•nnt•

chu ronda Ht•rron Bt'lh llill hri' Hont•• Jon•l) n Hint-.. Lori Hilt'• Mar) Holdt·n


Ed Hollt·} Ah1t>Holt Eddir Holt hoff Mu·ht>llt' Hopl-.1ns Ton) Ho .. ard Dana Huntt•r

Matthe" Hurt Laura Hutton Ra) mond Jacl-.son Rod Jahraus Anthon) Jamt>rson G"rn Jasper

Jamrs Johnson l..<>e Johnson Mark Johnson Walter Jones Marty Kamt>rer Daniel Kan~

Kath) Kehe Jenn) Keller

Matt Kenne) ally Kinsel

Jason Kiser Chris Knox

Ken Koebrich Mike Kohut Brendan Korb Greg Kyburz Kellie Lafferty Lee Lai

harron Lain John Lamb Chris Lane ue Langan Deni. e Lange Li a Lazzell

Valerie Lee Lori Leonard Lori Lienhart Martin Lindsay Jam Linzy Chad Little


\llwrllAr Tt·n·sa Lon!( John Lunmi' Bill L)IH h J•·nn1 b nt·h Vunda \1at f arlan•·

Julit· \1all'r

J•w \1ann

Jarkll' \1annrnl( Kom \1alho'

)l'rn \la1 lll'rn Da\\ n \It · .a on

ainll' \1rCain Blakt• \1, ornmk lwrona \1t·l\.o"atl Mall M• \1ahrH'\ Maun•t•n \1r\1ahon andra \1r!\1rlloon

'r ulando \1r\1ullen ht•nl \11-'liull Eri< 1\11-\ull Bnan M!'Quard !\1rl( McQuaid Kalnna Meier

Drbbir \1ennrn!'(a <\l"a \1t·nnon!'(a Kt•n \11'rrt>ll Gnf( \1e)t'r Larn .\1ewrnnt• \1ari e \1lilan

Laun·l \!oiler Lori \1illt·r \1ikt• \1i11Pr Pal \1 illt·r Man \1uwr Mu·ht•llt• \1uwr

\ian \1nhn \11'1- 111 \1nnrot• Rol~·rl \lntrrll'l -\lrn• \lnnn· Jnhn \lnnn· Larn \lnnn ·


\nl(u· \lo-h 1r~..r Janu·- \lo-lt-1 Joqa \lorn' Bnan :\1ulo .Ill\ Craljl \I uno 1 \1Jn \lurpll\

Roj.:o·r \lurr.l\ T1Hid \1u rra 1 \lu·ho·llo• \d-on \1Jr~ ~•·umann

Curt \t'\\""onw (,uonJ! \J!uH·n

~n>ll ~nrr ... ~



John \u~t·•·n "'''"" (),rnhnfl

Eric Panj.:tlinan Lo•anrw Park

Vinn·nr Par~o·r John Pa1r111 Gro·~t Pa1n•· !...o·lda Pa1no• Todd p,.,l Jot· Pl'op!.•,

Jam~' P.-r~irh

Clad.. Po•lt·r-on L. C. P•·ui~:ro·" J•·ff P,.u, Khu1· Phan R•·n•·•· Phillip'

Li'a Pir~cll Jul11• Pollard R1 mi•·ha Pro-.ron Bnan Prolh1· Pn•,ron Raad :";o•il Raffo•rl\

T)ra Ra~tll' Crail!: Ra1m1>nd '\1a..,ha R•·•·d ulf!ar Ro•ilh John Rr .. hard,on Ho·1d1 R•dd•·ll


llroan Hu·• \'\c·nch Hobc·rt• il:tp Hoi >I n•oll Tc·rn Hoi>III•OII \'\ ollo.un Ho):c·r• \lt~c· Hoi•<'

C,t·ralduw s.lii .. UIII Jnu11 Jltc·rlc·c· Katl11 :--.t\\ 11·r Bell c hac·fn \.hri•tcrw. c haro~cr• Darl.t :--duwuln

Julw. c hrll'ulc·r Drana :--c hnoromc·r \lt~c·. clomc ~ Rnlchll' ..,, hu•lc'r O.·an ..,, h\\c·n~ J1m ''••wro~~ln ..

Chro• ~c·~e·rn• "•·an Shl'imaclcrw "atl11 ..,lwrularo \laro.t ""'):'I John ""llJI•nn \ alc·roc S~rnp•on

Julrl' ~11et• \eta ~~c·c·l-.

lkcl1 Smith \le~c· ~meth

\li-., ~mith \nne• Spell

Brll ~proal O.·nnr-. Stahl u-.an ~II'\\ art Ru hard Stocum Paul ~~u~c·l Julie· ~uhnr

f.meh T.Jtc•

Dnn~a Tatman <\m1 Tc•r•trwp Ra1 mnml fc·•tl'r l'llll Tc••tnn Zc·lma Thoma•


Ot" Thornp-nn \lar~ Traol Kan·n Tur~ \amn \an \\in~lt· [,.,,,.. \ l'rlllt'tll'

Jan!'\ on ton

Ruth\ inion Jam•·' \ Nil ~ \

~lia '"" Joann \\ adt• Trm Wal~• ·r Sun \\arnplt•r

Ruth \\ arn<l<l Da,ul Wa,hhurn \nj!lt' Wa-hnlj!ton '-andra \'1; J-honj!ton Tom \'1; all' \1odwllo• \\ t•bh

Jar~ \'1;

l't'nH'r Fl<l\d w,.,,h

f.ilo·o·n "'"""'' John WhJio·n

knll\ Who ·Jdun 1\athw \'1; lwat

:\atal11· Who·d,·r Gn·j!Whoto· Jimm\ \'1; hito· Pam \\hotl'd Kt·nt Whoto·-··11 Da' id \\ 1 ~off

Bn.1n \'1; ildwr BJrhJra \'1; olloam' Jdf Willoam:\11 ~ Wollo.1111' Po·nm \'1; olloam"'dnt•\ \'1; olliam'

Can \\ illoJnbun Er11 \'1; iJ,.,, kff \'1; ontt·r Cat In \'1; ;,,. L<m·tta"' ''~'man Lo-a \'1; ood


:\a111 I ~IHJJf•l llrra11a) ,11,.,. J<'lllll )



1111 /.;~, <ana "-•rn /.;~rl.llfl



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Wishes the Class of '80 GOOD LUCK !

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\bbooo, \l•hndo 45. 184 \bdull1h. \luh•mmod 20

"-dam."'' 184 \dam . 1\.embf.rh 184 -\dam . lA'ro' 202 \dom , \l.,l 164 \<klman. Ja~ 86. 164 ~IM'• . John 202 ~\urn" .

\ot1lf' \ft'l•


202 o\lf.u~f"r . ~h 202 \lfoundrr, Bnan 184 \lfoundf'r, honnr 192 \lo ... "' h<li< 146. 192 "-IJ,.n, \nthom 106. 192 \llrn. Cula 50, 184 o\llrn. R~f'r 164 \llf'n, lana 192 'll•ton, O•anrw- 202 'll•ton. Rf'nf'f' 164 \hh<od•. Lon 43, 45. 98, 192 -\Ra.-.IU.LI~ 0.Ra 89, 10}. 2()2 \""""""· Chn 184 \nd<f'On, O.oid 81. 184 \ndfof"'!!n. CC"M\1 202 \""""""· R.. h<l 192 o\ndt-f"'!!n. ·lf'\f' 79. 164 "-rwknon. · uw.n 202 \nd ..... Ch•rko 60.192 \ndmo. Rob 184 \lalfnl.

\"f'•l. "'"' 192 A.n,:l1n. Jrnmff'f' 192 \nul mo. Chn 66. 184 \rfllf'. Had• 47, 164 o\rm•tron,r. J•m 184 Arnold. ~ath' 24 \mold. Poul 60. 64. 74 \mold. Scoot \ hf'nrf'hf'r. Jack 22 \AA•onh. Btth


AutdM-m. Um 79.184 \ut..b<"'. Lon 184 \utdwm. Ttm 202 \utm. S..h 65. 192 -\utrn. \t1("WI 89.202 \utn-man. Btth 192 \unt. And~ 164

"""'· o.,td 192

llobbo. Cordun 76. 84. 88. 192 Bod,... 192 ~b,,R.- 192 Boo!.), O.b,. 202 llool<-1. llroiwrt [.,. 184


S.,k~. VM,-.n 202 &.~). l.mu.. 184 8e~4"'r, \tau 184

98. 99. 164 Banm~n. Jrnn) 202


u..• •.

&•lci..-n, Ja• qurhnr 166 BolhRftrr. f.r" 202 Buhun, .\nn 184. &•hun, Chn 20'2 Oundurant. Pat 1-2, 1Q3 Bonham. Owl 21. Bourpw•. Tamm\ 184BI•uton, PMrr -l2. $.5, 71., 75. 18-1. Bo .... r, hn~~o 193 Bo-..man. Ln 2-1. Bo..,n. \t.r1 ..._" 46. 1b5 Bo~l"r. Jon 193 &:1~rr. Shrm 2t 52 O..nlr. ~lt"\f' 1Q3 Bt)\"'.. ..... Jf'ff 193 Bndl..-,, Ah•a 1()5 Bndlr>, O..toa 184 Bon! I<>, O.bbo< I 93 Bnd!.), Jolon 202 Bndl.o. V. 43. 184 8.-adlr\, Oil\" 202 Bnd!.).S.bnno 193 Bramlf'), Lf.allf' 202 Brand~bur. Kf'tran 43, 81. 184 Brandabur, Manhf"A 1-3.60. 79. 88. 193 Bral.C'Itnn, Ooo~ 56, 193 Bn-nt. Chhon 202 er..... S.nd.. 33. 60. 166

O.o~<lord, Jolon K On~hl , Jam,... 62, Br.n~mf'H·r, Bt·th

Bro•n. C.n 166 Bn'"""· Orrr~ 166


C. 193 Bro.,.,n, Jrnn' 43. 203 Bro..,n, Jut.r 42.18-1Bro-..n. L~nn 193 Bro . . n, PhOf'hr 203 Bro•n. - nd"


Bro""n. hf'm 60. 61. 193 Bro....,. Phol 76. 84. 92. 193 Buc lrr, O..a)rw- 185 ,O.ood


Buf'to...-, tr\ath\ -t2, 83. 96. 186 Buf'to...-. Tom I . 203 Buhrma.,ll'r, T011d 203




Bu,-,oon, J1m 185 Bu,-,oon. Jot• 193 Burkl', M•• hat-1 86, 185 Burkrtt. Sum

86. 101. 185


Bu...-h.JoAnM· 2-l &"{'), .\11fht·llf' 193

165 184 ~.45.80.81,131.

S.n.kman,'lanq 184

S.rktor, J"n

184. llorl toll. lAo 59. 192 S.rnhart. Lon 42. 60 O.rn-tl, Ln. 202 Blrn'tl, UN


O.rn~rr, Tma

59. 192

llorron, O.od" 165 llorti<), Brod'" 123. 165 llorti<), Son• 66. 192

S. omb. J



Do omb. Rob<rt 192 Do h. Am) 62. 116.202 llo•h.Joll 184 llo•h. Kom 60, 114. 165 Bot.... 43. 94. 192 llott). Poulo 66.202 lloudlrr. M• h<ll< 192 l!o)n<. Rob<rt 192


Buzdl. An•UI


llozull. \"oi<n. 184 Bron, HUJth 58. 59. 165

Bran, Rob•n 165 Br l<y. Anhur 202 Br 1<). Jommy


Brbrrmon .. "h 43. 83. 102. 103. 184 lhhmon, T,...l 184


lhk.Jom 25 Brll. Andr,.. 62. 116.202 Brll. An,rl 62. 192 Brll. .r~., 46. 165

Brndrr. Jann f'

146. 184.

Brn.r .. ld. O.rd 79. 83. 165 Brnn. l..oM. 65. 98. 202 Bt-nnt"tt, .\n,H" 117.192 Rrnno·tt, O.ob 24

llrr • Aion

192 66. 202

Orr , O.ood



0..-rJ,~tn"n, ~~~ k 56. 184 0..-rr), _haron 114, 165 Brrr),. tru• 43. 184.



192 S.aoch1n1, Chn 192



Bo.l.rt. S.ott J Bo,l.r. ROO,.r

88. 192 66. 202 S.lb!T"· \1,~~.,. 192 Bollo"f'. Jo.,... 45. 165 Bollo"f', T•n 42. IS. 91,184

Bulpman, An,tf' Bordo.·ll. Cindt

Btrnblum .. han Bo·hop. Bo·hop. Bo·hop, Bo hop,

165 192


Amondo L 192 Ot-b.. 165 O.o)n< 202 K•ll1 192

S.tn.-r. 0.\td 90.202 Ill>< k. O.b~.. 24 Blat kl.om, Bn-nda 42. 98. 202 Ill,.. tock. Jolon 86. 165 BI._..Rt-nf. 165 Bl.akf'l). Pf'tf'r 192 Blakt-r, 8n.."' 202

203 185

Bu·h. \lolr


&tlrr, Drlof'f'To 193 Butll'r, Drmw 203 Butlrr.Jf'rn 2-1Butk-r. J•m 193 Butlrr. R,, k, 203 ~rrit.lonnlt' 135 9-t,.,.... Eun 88. 1Q3

c Cabutto. L... 25 Corooppo. C. tho 166 Cailn, K<f'nl 193 Campb.ll, 0... 88. 193 Campb<ll. John 185 Campbo-11, l.ouo"' 203 C~rprntf'r, Rob<f'r1 203 C.,., Mondo 98. 193 Carr. Tim 166 Canon, 0.'" 19. 173 C.r1f'r.JOf' 185 Car1f'r. \bu 88. 193

Cart<r, Pbol

Bratty. Rl<'·k 60.63 Brau.-hamp, IUI'f'n .t-3, 202 Brbtrman. Jam 43. -15. 79, 90, 165

Bn htt-1. Bnon

Bun. Rand,


Car1tr. \hlham


CartvOftht. O.ood

66. 185 114, 185 C....rlo, h.. lo 116.202 C. tl<. J.,n 98. 203 C..1ollo. Don 90. 203 C..ton. Drm<k 87.106.203



Wton, \t:thon 203 Cuton. P1ul 185 Catch•n , fa\4' 2S Catcho • Knon L 52. 79. 86. 102. 103. 166


Ed"'ard 185 0\•mbf-,..JOf' 166 Chon. Cn'!l 90. 203 O.an, Johnn\ 45. 166 Chon. l.<oth 88. 203 Otan<"tllor. Connw 203 OtaM"~. R'*' \tar, 185 Chop<'l. o.,. 58. 59. 66. 185 Chop<'l. John


O.aphn, Can 89, 10. Chapman. Lim 203 Char1trs. T1m 56.62.193 Ott'mnt~lon. Andrn 193 Ch1dla ... J1mlf' 46. 185 Cho.... c"'fl:on 79.166 CW.n~a ... "-•· Bnan 103, 193 Clori., 8onno< 90. 117.193 o.n.. 78.79 Oart. O.rlf'M 203 O.r\. 0.. 0.. 155 O.r\. Ed.... 50. 60. 96, 102, 166 Oar\. E.d•ard ~IUnt't SO. 60, 166


O.ri..EIIo 193 Oor\. Scott 185

Oar\, T1mm' Clorl<<. Jolon J<rn

166 203 86. 123. 185

a .....

Oa\lnn. C.th\ 203 O..m.nt . Don 25 O..r. L. .. Cl~nton.



Cooo, Amo




Co. Jf'nn•ff'r 64. 95. 193 Co. h111nf', """ 203

Colff',, O.nn\ lQ3 C'.olf'. k.rt lf'n 81.166 ~4' •. nJa 20J CoHM"r, Drrna 203 CoU1n , O.nn 203

Cnlmon. Ch,rt... 185 Cool, lllrn 25 Cook. ~.... 199 Cook. R•n,. 66.110. 81 , 102. 185 Cool. h tor 50. 167

CooJ)f'r. Claudia 185 CooJ)f'r. Stf'\f' 203 Cnp.lond. Robo·rt


<H. 97

Corbfll. Carmf'l

Corl<o, )JO 92. 203 Cori<o,)oll 43.86.167 Corn<ll, Judo 66. 203 C..to. Lo 203 C.,..ta, Shrlh

203 53. 60. 185 Co41W'r. Ru h 60.203 Cottf'r. Ju<h 25 Cnunnl. Carol Q8, 167 Coo ...... o.. od 89. 106. 203 C..n.r. Mtho

Cooo..,on. Todd 203 Coud. Rondo 79. 90. 185 en •. Ranci\ 70. 7'9. 91. 194 CraiiN"r, 0.\ td 203

Cnmrr. J

46. 167


Cr..hton. \lo\1o


. '•lh'r 35 • O.ood 56. 185 en........ 1..... 51. 59. 146.203 Crott.t"r, Urn 185 Cro•i<o,)O< 84.194

Cro,, Tom

25. 106

Cullop. Tom 89. 203 Cullop. Tom 66. 203 Cullum. Dr.• 45. 65. N. 167

Cummtn . ParMia 194Cumm•n • TOOd 185 Cupp<'m<ll, ).II 203 CupPf'mt"ll, Robm 204 Cutn,:ht. Donna 194

eu, .... l •. Jolon





Burnf'll. Bn"nl

Cf'na 42. 98. 184


193 106 Br111, Chari" 1Ql lk1111n. RO\ 18-1Brvurnf', RM hw I , 193 Bro ... n •.*trnokt 1 . 202 Bro ... n. Bt-th 193 Bro .... n. Br•an 184

llorbn O.b" 192 llorh<n hf'<l, )O< 164 Bo.,.h, \1oll1 llorhom, Krn


lloo·kholl, Boll 192 Bo·hoo-. Tom 165 Buhrrr, C.mr Qft. 1Q3 ~.- Jo, l... '>2. 184


Dol-., Ptul 192 llok-.. Ton 0 184 S.lch, 1\.urt 'l1ll~m 192 Iloilo rd. f•1• 42. IS. 53. 60. 66. 184 S.och. MH·harl 202



Bro ... n. O.aN Oro• n, Do Bro . . n. hnrt Oro• n, ).II.,.,




Bland. Kattw-mun1 1Q2 BlaflC'\. \bn Bt1h 21. Rt. 11. Juhnnlt" lOb. 122 Rt. •t. Ta-..anda JQ'.l Rlum, Hrnr) J . 1()5 Blum, ';ln(' 42. OS Bt>lou,.~ I. T111f'l OS. Q5. 192

58. 59. 193


O.n •..-1 • Jrff 43. 167 O.m..-1 , Jun 13. 88 0. , "'P 25 0.\f"RJM1r1, MI'Jf' 25. 16 O.\rnpor1, Rop:rr 45. 52. 65. 18-1- 185 O.Hd••.nn, l S 26. 106

o. .... S..h

O.o , Bruloh

65 26

194 53. bS. 127.16'; 76. 8-t. 86, 127, 16'; n.,~ fran.t 88



O.Ht~ DLir\f'

Da,.s, En•·


o., ... \bun• f· 88. 204

0.'"· Pam 0." . P1ul

81. 167 65, 185 0.\1 . Stokn 204 0.\lroon. Bobbt 204 llnt-u.on, 011na M. 82. 83, 96. 167 0.\lucm, Tt·rtl\l 83. 96 O.•km!i, w.u •• m 185 O.,, RoiM"r11 26 O.,, Tom 204 0.L \-II'Jfinll J94 O.Hon. *tnn 65, 2(» D: ~l. \1aua 62. 117 194 lkan. OrbL•f' 167 D. an, Paul 167 [}, "'· Onn 26 Or, k• r f:nn 167 Dt•ktr, Ju\ct· 66.20--1. • ~. r. R11 h 185 Drmlo.,., . 0.-.ull! 19-1. Drnn~ , Ot·lot.w 185 nn• • n.~u,r. 194 Do rb>, Bo·th 185 n,, , frf11 II 15. 167 D: Umurr, Cra1~ il. 79. . 101. 185 Otumun·, f.m 126.194 \ll.f.ll\ 2(» .... ,,blllf' 185 Ot"HM·. J•" t·l n 194 O.llman,l.on 167 O.llarrl. '-'tac\ 194 O.mlf'r. 81rh 62. 2<» O.d,,.,...on, A,m) 98. 1940u I. Tamm, 1940. 1)1-, Dun 185 Dt o.-·, Jonna lCi» Dtrw·I.Ja~k 194 Ot,on. l..amonlr 19-1 0.\on, \tuha~·l 2()..1. 0.\un. Ttna 1<).1. D:obt.ton, Jam• 66. 194 Dowtd • Al•n 56. 64. 127. 164. 167 O.. .. trl,Ja...-m 92.20-1. O.:.. llllf·· Da\ld 194 Ot,hf-r1\, F.ru 89.204Doo..,..I,.John 56.88.1'» Onn. k.u1n,r. 188 l)..,,.,.h,. ~·· 46. 185 O..nuun. T1m 79. 88. 194Durr.,..,. O.mRI 47. 194 1rro., \1a') 204 O..•rn . \u k1 194 Do~t. Orm 2().1. D:•u11Lu•• Dt·n•M" 40. 62. 194 Do. ,Lou.. 81. 87. 194 Do ... Ill ... , 8f'th 97.204IA•¥~nl • Mu ht·•l 'N.I67 Du-.nt·),Ja) 19--1 I:b,.nmll!. Lon 46. 185 Oo,.nln,r.. u,.. 194-


0r,·nNn, ~II'H'n

20-1. Orrnnan,. u n 58, 59. 185 Or,.nnan. Rd~t•n• 167 Orr,,_,"· Ot·hra 186 Ou(l,.or1h. Tom 106.204

lludl-.. Jom..., J 56. 65. 66. 194 lludl•l· leo 167

D.u·, Ch.trllt' 26 Ounun, M1kr 167 Dunn. Dou• 84, 89. 204 l>r•uk, Ron 86. 186



204 106. 194


f.oton. Don 186 f.b<rt. Robm 186 f.b<rt. Robon 60. 168

Edlf"fo.#·n. \1•n.ut\ 59. 186 Ldm• on, Pf'nn\ 2(». f..d•ard (,u 204 f..d..,artf , Jac-qUf'lln<f' 2()4. Ed•ard \11< hrllr 204 fA•ard , \1onM'a 59, 204 E:d••rd • u n


l,hf'rm1n , .\hbw 90. 168 [f:hf'rmln. -" dam 204 E,:h4'rmln, Rae ht'l 43. 204 f.hNm. -" .,."" 204 EH hho,...l. b"'" 168 [,, hho,...t. \1olh 59. 194 Elom. F"10• 81,146. 168 Elam. K"' •n . 168 Elh , Jamf'... 204 Emrn. Pam 204 [mmf'll. C1n1h 186 Endnao. )O< 89. 204 186 [ndnzz•. lou• E..,lond.Chml 204 En~l•nd.l..oun. 194 En•rud, f.nl 64. 79. 84, 194 [,.. l n, ~Unn 43. . 194 l~ . Ran.J, 2<» Eth<rod~•· Don 46. 168

[un"""· ~f"nn\ 194 [un~t·4' , Tamm\ 46, 186 £unttf'. \J4'kM" 168 [,an , 8•11 19. 88. 194[un • Charltf" 26 [un . (,ndt 168 [un . OrlnN 196 [un . El•abf'th 56, 168 Eun . \1a,an-t 97,204 Eoon • S.llo 83. 96. 168 [\f'land. Tran 46, 186

F fatrftf'ld. \1oth





fallon. T1mm\ 204 r.l'af I, P.ut 204 r.r¥ •. u~~.~ 168 r.rmf'r. Rand' 204 f1rquhar, Crf'J: 195 f lriTII. K~roll 66. 204 far1h1n(l:. AIf',.- 195 far1htnJ. Allf'n 186 r .. h..... Bn-ndo 35 fou~t. O.ood

45. 74. 146

rt"("hlmann , r!'f'd 26 ff'ldman. &b 204 r.ldman. Ruth 64. 81. 186 r.ldmon , ~th 56. 186 r..... n. ~. 46. 186

rf'rn~ndn . Bnan 86.168 ff" . c.nn\ Q.t_ 168 fl .. ht"r . ..._,, 26 rth~r. l.ronard 168 flh h. \1if'ha 204 rlllJ!f'rald. Ann 168 r~~~f'1111d. Srott 195 rlrmmmJ , Jatlu· 204 rlrtrhrr. Amh 65. 76, 84. 186

nof'll•l. O.ood 66. 101. 128. 186 nof'll•l. Jo 66. 195

flora. Orn l"t' 168 no-('~. \alf'nt195 roi<O. "'"' 13. 64. 69. 114. 127. 186 follm.r. Brad 86. 186

rOiitf'r. RamoN 26 fow·r. \ lrJlRLI 144. 168 frann . R1"'d' 195 r,.num, Dan 186 r,.nHn , \1anhn 204 r ........ &b 168 r .... Pf'llll' 81.86.114

r,.\n4'. Hf'nn 194 fraztf'r. ~~~"' 186 fraz•f'r. \t,.h 168 frt'fl • Charltf' 204 f"""man , 8n1n 204

r .... m.n. O.bbo• 46. 58. 59. 186 rrt't'mln. \hrl 195 frt'fman. Pam 46. 186 fn~. Kart'n furnf'nto. \tau 204 funlhou~r. Tom 66.205

Cadbun, John Coddo. John Cod• I. O.rb

186 195

12. 97. 205 Gati'M"11i. ""Jif' 186 Ca1flt'C, Bntf' 205 Ca•nrc. \hrna 195 Calf'\, C!Ttfhf'n 66.205 Carr••· R1rh 27 Cordn<r. D10• 92. 93. 126. 127. 186 Cardnf'r. Kt-nl 56. 186 Carland.\' 1~1na1 23 Camf'r. Qa, 1d L 74 Carnrr. Ot-an 205

Cor... tt. l•ll 195 Carrt'll. Rolw-r1 186 Ca .. L.•n. Kf'lh 205 Ctoi'Jf'. John 27 Cmrd. Don 56. 205 Gt"111rd. ROI'ot" \brlf' 169 ~z...\II101Qn 169 Ghaff~nf'n. \bh.n 186 Chafour1. Rf"Z.. 186 Ghf'r, Annf' 23 Chf'r, Tom 27 Cobbon . Mol•


C1bhn, \t1ll" 66. 90.205 C1bonf'\ ,[N..,., nf' 205 Coli. R,... 205 Cladnt'\, An~f'la 205 Cladnf'\,Carl 186 Clo .. r. S...lo 12. IS. 169 Goodman. R1( h 66. 195 Golbor. \l•hon 169 Gordon. r r.ddo 205

Gorman. Can I t:ll Corm1n. Tom 84. 205 Co- 11 . .\dam 205 Grant. Oru 169 C,.nt. EloJOh

89. 106. 205

Grant, S.nd111 205 Grant. Tf'rf""' 169 C ... n. Kon'n

E Earl\, Kf'\ln

f.athn. \bn

12. 81. 98. 99. 191

Crt't'n. Kimb«orlt-\ 46. 186 Crt't'n.Lt't.l•r 195 C...n. Rob<rt 86. 169 Cn"f'n. Traf' 186

c.... ~J<.,.. ~....

101. 186

G~Tflr, [),ria 195 Grr•n. P"P) 18 GrTndWr Prlrr 205 Gnfft-L Drm..,. l2. 81. 186 t;nfrin. "an lOS Gnffilh. -\n.Jn-a 195 Gnffilh• ._,"" 186 (,nffilh. Jr...n lma 169 Gnffoth, 1...,.1, 8.1. 96. 102. 186 Gn,.., -\h1n S.ott 52. 79. 186 Gn'fltrr, 8ni'IL. 88. )QS Gn mrr. Ph, II• l5 Grubb, G-oro<• 2. 42, 86, 186 Grubrr. G••l 42, 45. 65. 81, 95. 102. 103. 187 Cud,,.). f..onnM' 164 Cud,trl. Oau· 187 CurfmL.f"l. Paul 1-2, 56. 205 Cut~n~o L.\ S.rl~" 27

H "•· " lloih

tu.. , u-.".-1



16. 16'1 187 187


H.lf'JI•Ir, (,J.on

u... &r. Con"'""

•,t,. )Q5 I

·,._'l, 60. 87

ll.. li romhr. llt.H1I ..!'()5 H.. lt·, l\om 'i.l60. 187 ll.. ll.f...arn 109 lt..ll , l;om 195 lblluran. Jt,hn 89. 205 ll.llluran , J.,,.I.. 16'> H.lllur~n , I..,t ... n~ 169 Ho~m•hun. John 187 ll.tmtlton, \t '".. 169 lbmm , J.;.o·rn 187 lllmm, \brL. 205 tbmm4 I. 1.\h u • 195 lbmmd, T1wld 205 lbmmu• L. , \.- L,, 187 !Uno·\ , -\l•~·n 169 IUnl•n. nth 205 IUnna. Rnl11 n.1 Zi' IUnn~tn, Rn•n 195 IUruw·ll , (,tm IUrw n. lbrk-ru· 2.'l IU""" n . OunaM 22 tb~ n. nunaM ~ 195 !Unrath \1, • 165 IUntr.~IJ , (.,.,-'1 31 ll.n..ll, Ruth 16'1 H.. rts~ftll. Tn- 170 lbpp. R•tnn•~ 1)2. I 93 H.. ~ h . Jrrn 27 lt..r,. r. R......ll 86. 100 Harnnt~lon . "'\tru· 18';' 1-t.rn • BI·H·rh 205 Hun~. Charlutlt' 81 195 Ibm., , O.·anna 20.5 Harn • Ounna 170 I Urn • J£t L.u· IQS I urn , John 88. I 9'; !Urn. tl:t·hm 79. 170 Ibm , kf·l'\ 79. 170 lbrn ... Lu,r.n·ti.IR , 86. 162,106 H.. rrt. "-•nt' 170 Ibm ... Paru· 195 Ibm . Sti·pho~nu • 186 Ibm ... Thuma I 95 IUrn ... Tnn, 27. 106 lbrn-.(lft, J1m 187 Ibn. Ann 170 Han. Paul 187 lbrtk,, ""'" 195 lbnm.an. h•n• •.,.. li lbn,ru-ltl , l\.an·n 195 lbnr) . ~nthom 205 H.lnr\ . p, n 187 Jb ... ll . \\tllaam 195 Ha l.~·ut'JCf' 27 t-b I. Jt-nn•ft>r '-3. 87.205 t-bu ·rmann, Pall\ 205 lU,rrwr. Tamt 81. 195 lb,,.,., (lu nl 205 Ha,,..,. m 187 Jb".... z.,.~ 195 Jt,~, . Par 'r 6-1.88. 195 Jl,'l), Lurrn :-9. 187 Ht-ap. &... L,, 187 Hnrd .. lrlb 27 lkath. K.1h1nn 17. 1';'0 Ht-ath. TunJI '-3.87,205 H.-. L.t·r. \brh 195 llr1nhn,...l, J....tl 187 Hr1nho,...l, Jul•t 111. 170 llf·I,:N·n. C.. It· 205 lld~t n. Jf'ff 56. 57, 60. 187 tlt'lm,Gn"lt 170 Ht·ndf'Ntn, .'ht·rq 205 Ht·ndon, Joan 170 11.-ndm:. Adrlf" ~ .lnt' 45, 65, 98. I j'Q lknrH', \iarL. 187 lknrH'. Rt( hard 66. 89. 205 ltt·n.. lf•r, Laura 195 lkn If'\, Oan11 I 195 Hnmann. Tt"d ':9, 170 Hfrron, S. hunull.la 62, 87, 205 Ht·tttnttH. Ttm 195 H(·...,•tt. 8.-th 131. 170 Ht· .c~ 187 llr••,..... \iatthf'"" 60. <x), 91. 187 II•1L. ... (.hn 187 11 .. k l,.. lO, 62. 81. 195


.J •• l 28

H•ttht. ~an·n 195 ll•tthl,l\.arvl 196 Holl, Btth 205 H. II. JoH·f' 28 H.u. ~ ... th 196 Htllf"bnnd. Bnan 196 H1l!10n .. d1f' 196 lllmf'.Cara 187 ll1mNo, Chn 7<>. 170 H1n , Chn 205 lion , Dar,.l 50. 53. 60. 86. 100 H1nh, Jot: t•l) n 50. 205 H1nN. Kr>Hn 60. 187

Jt,n....,, Lmda. 50. 64. 196

lltnHm. o\m,

15. 62. 94. 170 H.nton. St: otl 196 u,,,.,km(I.J1m 187 ll op.. L.In•l. Lnut"4' 97, 196 lith • J...,,,. 205 llol.l~. Boll o6, 84. 9'2, 93. 18o HnW.,., '\ad.·n~-. 187 H.,u....... u. Pf·tn JQ6 Ho.,an.l..u 187 H.,l..... Rt~ 1.., 187 Jt,,),lrn. \ bn 205 lluhdl\. \ 1\ tin 23 Holland, Am\ 15. 00, 164. 170

Uolk\ ...d ...)()t) Uollt·\ JuH t' 187 tlo:d.lt-, lf'\t' 187 IJ, h. ~h.. tiGhhhff. f.lt.l1tl' 6ft. 8Q.,.. tlom B•ll~t· 181 UOON"r J.;.,·ll•r 170 tiOON'r Jr...•mllf"rh r;t flopt. Ord,·na 1% tlofW'- \ rrnu r IQO tl p r l'holop 20 Uopl.1n , \iu hrll1· lOb liom. Umurd 28 liomad". Jtthn l8 Ho,...••ll. G"'Jl 28. 101 H0"1rt, Trn 196 HoU!'~a JCH• 28 tlo•ud. Tnm 206 tlud'fJn. Tum 1% Uummf'l. \1.1n ...-;, Q.l_ 187 Hunt./~rw 187 flunlrr. 0.1n.1 Q8.l06 tlun.l. [).,u, 1;1 tlun. \huh,...., 20b tluN.Tom 1% ftu . r.m 171 ftulton. l..:. .. th\ 81. 103. 166 tlullon. 1... ur.1 b.l. 206 ftoull. -\m\ 60. 187 lh.111 . Bdl 88. 1% thnd • \1irp:an·t r;l


J J•• 00.. Dr II• 16. 10 I Ja~ L.-.on. ··" 1n 171 J,~~L.-oon.~'Hh.a L.-oon. \\I\ mnnd 206 hhrr. Ot:.na I% J,hrau • Rod 2'()() J,L.Ir. Cmd\ 28 Jamrf'(>n. ~nthon\ 206 Jamtohtd•an. fan.ad 196 Jan• .c,...,_on 171 hn•, "'\tf'\r 66. 18';' J,. .. pt>r.c... Ja,~o,.u,,u, 1.5.4-.56.81.187 Jrnl.·n . r..nol•nr 28 J•nL.. Bl)nnt 171 John.-.on. -\n1ur 171 John-.on. c~ra 62.111,1()6 John-.on. 0" 1d 18';' John."()n. Jamf 62. 206 Joh~n. Jul1f' 1% John."4ln,._,tm 1% John.~n. LN· 206 John-.on. Lmda 16. 53. 60. 187 Johm.on. L11 196 John..on. \brl 56. 89, 106. 206 John"()n. \h lmda 57, 120. 187 John100n. Ru ....,.u 196 John ..on. T1mothl 196 John..on, \l-tlltam M. 196 Jollt\o L.onn1f' 188 Jonf"'. Chd.- 50, 90. 196 Jon~. Cra•• 79. 91. 196 Jon,..., Drt111 196 Jonf"'o, Glona 171 )unl". P•ul• 82. 83. 96. 102, 188 Jnnf"'o R1chard 188 Junf'">. \\ahn 106 Jui'Jrn n, Su-.an 45. 98. 126. 188 J~


K h..ahr.~lf"phan•f"

196 MN"r, \tona 23 lura,:. Oa\ld 171 lura,:. O.n14"1 · ~u,..s'"'" 188 lurnr~r. \brh M "-m. ll<th 12, 196 Jr...ara. OaHd 171 Kf'&J'If". Tamm' 188

Krk ll.ath' Jr...t"lkr, Jf'nn'

._,,.u,.,, \i a,.,.n

116.206 98. 206 28

J.;,,.lh.LauraJt>an lvlh.l.o 196 Kt>lh.Lor~ 171


k..-nn\. \hll 84. 206 Kt'n\on. JoAnnt' 28 Kt'l"!'t"\,JOt" 29 ._,,...,,.,,Sharon 196 ._, ,mb~ll. Hdl li'l Jr.. •nJ. ~n.f'la 12. 52. 188 k •nJ. Bt>rnaduwo 171 Jr...•nJ. ON-na 171 k.m~~:. J.-nnlft>r I Km,:ton. J.-ff 188 k:1n"t'l. John 188 l..:.1n(of'l. Salh 66. 206 ~.;..,b,.Stou 196 l..:.bof"r, K•m 13.~.56.57,81,171 l..:.l'ofr.Ja..on 1\.lron, Srll" 2'1 ._,h,....L.. Pal 2'9 l..:.mnz. Jrnmft'r t.S. 64. 188 l;moch. C.th' 66, 171 l..:.n.app. l..:.t'lh 171 Knoblt"u. l\. ,.,•n 1i2 l..:. mblf"H. \ionlt' 188 I..:. no\. Chn 206 1\.0f"brtth, l\. t>n 206 1\.ohul. \1 1L.f' 206 ._,orb, 8rt'ndan 206 ..._o\lr, [,t>hn 29 t.. .. bbr. ~ndn· 172 ._, rahlm,. R1rh 196 ._, ~1'•· k.f'n 29 l..:. rumm. RoiM"n 196 ..._ ru'4". Ron 29 ._, uhlman. Oa"d 188 1\. uhnf' . ..._arrn 15. 188 K'!..n. (;""' 188

L Laff,.n,. k. t·ll•.- 206 13. 65. 206 98. 206

loo, lff

l..a1n Sharron

Uman~~r.Jor 172 Lamb. Jnhn :lOb l.ambf'rt. Lath' 188 l..n1t'.l.on 196 Lanr. Chn 8Q. 206 Lonr, Jrff D 188 l..nr. l..:.alh' 172 l..nr, Rob 84-. 188 l..nt>.~CIII 196 L..anr. ~u'-ln S.'l. 196 la.npn. -\nn 172 lanpn. "'\u,· '-l. 98. 206 lan«f". 0~& n1· 206 l.anf!:-"JOrn, Brrnda 00. UO lan JOrn. "YtnJI 56. 81. 188 La.. hbrooL. , Trn.., ' l...arOf'. Lornf' 188 La.11rll. l.t,.. ,..l()6 l.r-r. Su .. n 1;2 [,..,., ,,,..,., 206 1.-..lom.Joll 196 ~n.'\l·tl 188 U{;ranoJ.o. 11.•11' 13. 45, t7 ;() 57,188 l...rhman.Ch.uh 172 l.rhr. ~" 2'1 l...rmon. ~" zq l.t-nz.. ._,,.,. 66. <». IQ6 Lronud. Lon 206 Lrrnrr. frrd 45. 101. 1';'2 ~.u . f'ln 1r 197 L.r,.u, K11h' 172 l....r--1 .. , -\nna 188 v., . url w. 50. ss. 59. 60. 64, 188 l....f''fii".JI"" .. Ifa 52.97 lr•••· Thrrt' 188 Llf'nharl. Lon 95. 206 Undq\, \brtm 92. 206 ltnd .. lrand. Bnan 59. 66. 197 Und.. trom . John 29 Unz,, Jam :l06 L.ulr. Ch•rl 206 UuW. L•'-' 52. 62. 19i' LtnW, \1onl<· 188 U\ln(ll:"lon. Tta 197 Lo. ~~"'" Lon,:. l.1.., 197 L..on,:.Trr,...., 97, 207 looL.m~~:l••ll. Uth' 197 lookon,boll. Jrff 188 Loom .... John 206 loomt \\ altrr . 91 , 188 u,..,.a.u 188 bn1 h. 8111 207 bn1 h. Jrnn' 20:' L'on. Lo... Ill. 123. 188


M \1•. R.....

188 Don 86. 188 \fac-farl.1nr. \onda 20';' \fadl\, Brt>nda 19i \1ad1"· 1\.rrn J 64. 17'2 \fad•"· \ttt:· h~rl 12, 84.131 188 \fad•"· Shannon 46. 188 \fahan, bmrc. 20 \ta1f't. Chrrl 42. 59. 197 \1.11f'r. Jultf' 42.207 \ta.f'r. Lmda 197 \tatf>t, luannr 45. 59. 60. 172 \1a,d.aL.. Kathnn :lO \1ank,.,. 23 \1 ann. £..dd1f' 106. 197 \tann. JCM" 106. 207 \fann•n(l:. J.1( ~1r 207 \tanolaL.,.... \f uwh 60. 63. 188 \1.1po:;on. JOO>f'phlnf' 30 \tardf'r.) un 79. 197 \iarn"ro. John 191 \i a...,h. SLanJr, 30 \1 an1n. Chn 197 \fartrn ... S. 011 86. 188 \talt,tO"' L.'. Don 188 \t.11hn , O..nn•- 172 \bthn . .,;.,.n 1i2 \t~thaa ... ~rlh 197 \tath1 .. , .__1m 12. 207 \talthf"• . Jl\ 86. I 88 -.. ... Bob 59. 84. 19o \1.-, Drodra 65.188 \t''· .JI'na 197 \ta\bf'rn.Jrrn 207 \t.C.br. B,.ndo 45.52.81,188 \1rt:atn, lh"'n 66.207 \tcUun. · .nlr 207 \f rClf'llan. ""'' 43. 66. 197 \trCormt('lo., 81aL.f' 89. 207 \1 rCo rm1<L.. Dtonn1 86.172 \1 rCorm1tL.. fUnd\ 172 \l rQI\, Jrm 10, I , 197 \t rCulfr,. Drll• 42. 45, 59. 188 ~ f'farland. Curtt 79. 172 \frC rt>al. Sh~rlf'\ 30 \f rCurL.. Lmroln 30 'if'Krnzlt. Ahrr 35 \i rKt ~.uL.. Shtl'rona 62. 207 \f r Knt(l:ht. Wrdfll 192 \i r \iahon. Dan1rl 45. 72, 86. 123, 125. \b('farl~nf' .


126 \tf' \i ahon. \ hun"f'n 98. 207 \tf' \1ahon. Ttm 88. 1 . 197 \f r \1 1lhon. S.ndra 207 \tr \t ullt>m.) ol.1ndo 207 'if' \ abnf"\ . \btl 92. 1 . 20i' \1(' '\ uu. Ctw-nl 207 \fr \ uu, E.n 207 \t<"Quatd. Bnan 89. 207 \1d)u11d. 0.rH'n 197 \t<"Qua•d. \1 ~ 207 \1<"Quatd. \-t f'h 197 \ff' \\ 1ll1am ... ~rllt 1i2 \l f'H"r . ._,atnna 207 \t t>lb,. \t olh 126.197 \lrllrr. II rndrll II, 53. 60, 197 \trhtn. Can 88. 197 \trnrft"f". Jan 188 \trnnrnp. Drbb.,. 98. 207 \t rnmn~a. ~It 43.207 \frnnmp. Jud1th 45. 59, 188 \trrn"ll. ._, rn 207

\1r,tr. Brt·ll


Chn.. 1.5. 125. 172 \1r\tt. n....,t:w-th 197 \t t>\tt. Gn-,: 207 \t r\f'l". La,.,, 207 \t ollOj<r. ~ •·llo 53. 60. 189 \t tllan. -\ nrw- \1anf" 20';' \t tllrr. Ooroth' :10. 64 \tt lkr. Dou• 127 \i tllrr. Jt>nntfM" 64. 83. 96. 189 \f 1llt'r,J,... 88.197 \1 1lkr. l.aul'f'l 207 \1 1lkr. lor1 20i \t t'\tr.

\1ollrr. \t1L.f' 207 \i.n.. , . Pal 66. 90.207 \i.n.. ,, Rohrn 30.84\t•lkr. ltl'.tn 95. 197 \loll p. \l•rl 66. 184 \f.,...,. Brr~\ 189 \t1nrr. \bn 207 \tinrr. \t,cfw.lt.- 'lff: ....... ,..,.. -\nd\ 197 \11nnwL.. T1na 58. 59. 19';' \totohrll ~ 17.142. 197 \t,tchrll, (.rtfnr 197 \1,t,h,.II. Ja, 19';' \11tfhrll. \11rharl 1';'3 \1•ttra. \npoa 42. 50.62.65. 197 \todlrr, ~m' t2. 4S.65.81 . 189 \10t'llrr. "rwh ;9, 86. ) , 197 \1ohn. "bn 20';' \1,-.nL.r. u~n -16. 197 \ionL.rnan.J,.Jtn S8.59. 173 \1rmr0f' . \tt·l\ln ar; \!,,....,, IA••nl lO. 159. 189 \1oonn . Robt-n .$0. 20';' \foort-. \l11 r 116.207 \1oorr. en,.,.,_ r 35 \1oorr. [)a,td --1.5. 66. 189 \1oorf'. O.anr 46. 1·3 \1oort>.G~n 173 \frJOrf'. J11hn 20';' \1•XIrf'.l...arn 1 .207 \1orf'flf'ld , s.n JO \f0ffl.1nd. \hrl. 197 \10ff\ , ._,,m 66. 1';'3 \tom • \nna -16. )03. 189 \tom , Char~ 197 \l1orrt . John ;9, 173 \torn , Jor,a 208 \1om , Rufu 30 \f(lllloWr,:rr ,,.,,. 208 \t("'lr\ , Jo~m 208 \1Qoolf'n. \11L.a 88. 90. 19i \f OO'-lrn. Ttmo 91. 189 \1ollr\ , \1,1'11 )jJ \1otlf"\. \.1nnf'tlt" 189 \1u.-llrr. J1m 19i \fut>llf'r. \tarl IOL I i'J \1uuilf'td. ~u n 98. 189 \1ulrah' , Brwn 89. 2lll \fulrah\. ~hannon 197 \tunt"\ , Cr~• ~2. 92, 21)1 \iund. ~N'n 198 \funnafl, l.aut11 96. 98, 173 \funn111, Luwb 98. 198 \turph, , CI.uor. 31 \furph\,Juhn 86.189 \1urph,, \tan 208 \tum\ . Grant 15.65.173 \fum\ , Ro,_f'r 92. 2(r.2 \fum\, Thuma~ 45.173 \turn\. Todd 208 \iu,.,t'll. \br 66. 173 \f,r~. Ttm 198

,, .. ~, L..ou.r 31.45 '\f'al. l..:.1m 198 '\t>tlhf'r . .__on 189 '\rl-.on. C..rl 22 '\rl-.on. J•m 100, 198 \rl..on. Ktm 60. 173 \rlo;on , K'la ~. 189 \rl-.on. \iartm 198 \rlo;on, \tK-hf'llf' 202 \rlo;on, Pat 23 '\rl"6n. Tamm•r 189 \,...b.u. Scott 50. 189 \rumann. Laura 173 \f'um.ann. \1ari. 84-. 2lll \f'umann. Pt>lrr 189 '"•man, ""' oil 189 '\r•"6mt>, Cun 208 ' '.Tom 198 \ fi:U\f'n. Cuo,. 208 \,_u,t>n . Tranr: 81. 97. 198 '•hoi-. Drbt.. 43.45.189 \..,·olrttf'. -\m' 98. 189 \00.1. Rulorn 173 \op:k. John 189 \orman o~ud 50. 53.60.61. \orTN L.. _ Oil 89. 208 '\om ... ._,rHn 198 '\ouL.. Ron 208 \u,rrn. John 208


0 ()olfr,. \l•n 189 O..h•. \I Hon 31 O'ConM"II. ~'" 1';'3 Ol.rh. Rub 189 Oidium. Eol<'<'n 46.81.173 Oidium. l '•""" 66. 81. 102. 196 Olrf h.Z... Ot1'"'· Todd 88. 198 Ol"r•ra.S.Ih 189 0' \ roll. \! •rpm 64, 65. 80. 87, 96, 196 o· R,.•Ih. l..a'flrTn« 20 O'Rrtlh. Salh 46. 173 ~ood. Jnno 59, 60. 61. 103 O.lrr.G""' 196 IM"". \hf'lilf'r 189 0..1t'rhoff. k.M 1n 56, 66, 2()8 lt'rhoff, \ brt•n 174 Ouo. S.th 59 196 Outb•.O.... 108 <hf'rm,f'r.Jodlf' 178 O.m . \lrun<kr \1 189

p PKt', Rkhard 45. 189 Poodbr'l', C.rol 64. 196 P:.lmrr. O,anf" b nn 174 Palm1sano. ChocL. 66. 79. 189 Pan,-.ltnan. ErM· 208 Pln,:•l1nan, Jo 196 PanL.au. Jon. 198 Parl.. J.;. ,k --~.. 189 Pul. , lnnftf' 208 Pulrr. Dan 79. 198 Par~rr. hrnf"' 189 ParL.rr. bfM' 64. 82.. 189 ParL.t'r. Johnn.a 83. 189 Par~f'r,Jom 17 l Par~rr, \I< nf"nl 208 ParL.hf' 1. <\llt>n 198 P•rlholl. o., od 64. 19, 86, 10 ~ Parlholl. Mf 84, 189


Parl••. Brad 101 189 Parn .. h. lkbor~h I 74Pou'\On ... ~m' I 74 Pa .. ton". J P 174 Patntt. John 89. 208 Patrr-on. \bnrtta 31 Patrr~Gn. '\ann 31 Patttf"'On. LonnM" 88. 198 Patton, Donna 198 Patton. Rtc·h 31 P•ul<on. ~..... 45, 96, 164. 17·~ Pl\nr. cl'f11: 208 Pa\1\C'. Krlda 208 Pnr•<m. Laura 45. 56. 189 Pra~. Jo.~nnr 35 Prat. E.a.rl 86. 189 Prot. Todd 60. 88. 196 P.... l. Todd 208 Pf'dd,roart. Bdl 35 PI'C'piN. J()(' 208 Prllum. Bill 35 Prlmorr. "-nthon~ L. 52. 79. 88. 198 Pdoqutn, \b.ntn 189 PrrL.tn • C"-llrlf' 31. 101 PrrL.m • JamN 84. 2al Ptr~lf'tn. \tarprtt 43. 45, 56. 57. 174 PtnH'"('a, Ton' 43. 64. 189 Pt>tr~n. Clark 208 Pt"tnf'. Ra~Jan 43. 198 Prtnt'. Trt"nt 43. 45.65.174 Pf'Ut~-rr"', John 189 Pf'thf!n-•. L C. 208 Ptth. J.. rr 208 Pff'tff'r. Br<~d 174 Pft>trff'r. Sc:·ott 198 Phan. Khul" 43.208 PholhP'. G...,., 174 Pfulhpo.. Rf'nN' 208 Pt("lf'n , \ttdW"IIr 174 Pt('L.rn«, \1mf'nl 79.86.189 Ptt'Lrtt. u.... 208 Plf'm", Donna 53. 60. 189 P111man. Don 31 Ptttman. 1\ tm 60.61.190 Ptttman, Rol>t'rt C. 31 Pollard. Juhl" K>. 208 Pollard. \hrL. 190 Poolf'. r,..,,(. 32 Po"'"~- \fan 198 Pno<.ton, "-dnt"nnf' 15, 114. 174 Pn-ton. R,m,('ha 116.208 Prwmmf'"l. )o;.,m 174 Protht". Brtin 208 Prothto. Bru('r 45. 190 Prormtor.JJII ~. Pui .. Jff'r. \ wLt 198

Q Qumlan. Paul


R Raad. Pno.. ton 208 Rud.Stt>\(" 174 Ru. Thoma'~ 190 RaHtrt,. 1\r•l 208 R•ffrrt,.S.,. 82,83,128.131.174 Rl.[llt. T\ra 208 Raquf'l. Rarhf'l II 7. 168 Ra~mu-.o,.('n, Karon 32 Rl\mond. Chn-. 198 Rl\ mond. Cn•ll 89. 208 Rf'bt«a. Rt<h 88. 198 RN"tor. Cuwh 198 Rf'dt"nbaufth. Carol 198 Rtf'd.Jt""anf'llf' 32 Rt"f"d. \t af"'oha 208 Rt"f"d. M1lt" .. 174 Rt"f"d. \ttnd\ 94. 198 Rf'td. L• ..a 198 Rf'1d. \i a,....ha 198 Rrtlh. Ed~..r 90. 208 Rf'tlh. Thtrt"llf' 64.102.174 R.. , . Charht" 198 Rf'J • John 32 Rf'tl., Ra' 64. I 14 Rtmmt"r1. Rlf·h 32 Rtnntr. Charlf". 57.174 Rf'\l'lold~. Rhonda 46.190 Rtlw-ltn. Ton' 198 RM""t".Jamu• 190 RM""hard<..,l\tm 46. 97. 190 RM""hard<..On. Drbr.a 16. 190 RK"hard~n. John 66.208 Rtddrll. H,.,d, 208 Rtthlf'.Jf'nfllft'r 98.115 Rtt~. Bnan 209 Robbtn", Jo...n.,ltf' 45, 00. 81, 127. 198 Robbin • Rtrk 175 Rolw-rt ... J•m 190 Robtrt". "''~"' 60. l 75 Robf'rt~. Pam 32 Robf'no;, 9t tnd' 209 Robml.On. 1\rlh 175 Robtn"'n. 1\tp 209 Robtn"'n. \tanan 32 Robtn"''n. Tr-rn 209 ROflt>rc. L1 nda I 75 RO(ltrc. U 1lltam 209 Ro,a ... L•l~ana 1-7 R<>'·.J.,.. 190 Roth. S.rb 65. 96. 99. 198 Rothman. Annf" 198 Ro,"f'. \1 ,L,. 209 Rubf'l. '\ata'~ha 43. 45. 56. 199 Ru~.Coro 190 Run, an. Jtm 88. 199 Ru'lt". \tan 35 Rudr. Sand' 190 Ruztc"La. \t an 98. 99. 194 Run. John 190 RH·kman. Emt 175 Ru·lman. K1m 175 R,hrrd. Bnan



S.Uthoff. Br.-b 175 Sarl<tt.)oll 114,128.190 Safantr. Kn.. 190 Saldffn. Kt'nt 190 Salu. StMr- 79. 88. 199 Sammon<.. Shl'llt 13. 199 Sandr,.. Chro 45. 84. 190 ~n-.om. Gtnld•nr 209 SattrriM>. Jl'nn' 209 Sattf'rlf'f'. Stf'\1' 199 Sa"'u'r. K11h' 209

s.,~n., ~npJ·Ia 175 Sunlan, \tf1l 175 Sclrpftl.a. J••hn 32 ~hal"dt>. Chn .. topht>r -~ I 75 ""hac-fa. -\llt>n 175 S<ha.r... Boll 66. 84. 89. 209 ~haHrr.Jran 199 Sc-han~tn. Chri .. ttnt> 51.209 ~ht>ndt>l.l\n .. la 42. 45. 59, 66. 190 Yhmalr. \ttLr 42. 190 Srhntodrr, Oarla 6. 209 SchiW'tdrr. 01anr 64. 98. 99. I 75 S<-hrlf'tdf-r. Julir 66.209 ~hnrtdrr. Rob 43. IS. 190 Yhoolr\, f'rffi 33.92 Sorhoono' rr. I>! .a n.a 209 Schrof~. \ftLt> 209 &hrod•. Stan.a 175



Srhumuhr. Bdl 56. 60. 190 Srhuo;trr. Robbtr 89.209 SrhrnL. Dran 89. 106.209 Sorh"'rnL. Jantrn 175 Srr()fCI.tn ... )tm 209

Srou. Carl 194 Srou. ~...,. 190 ~.am.an.

Karl l 75 33 33 ~~o,anm, John 175 YrJt:lO\annt. Str\t St. 199 Snrrnl.,Chnl- Shn. \ann 82. 83. 96. 102, 175 Shrahan. Dan 190 Stwlmadtnr. Snn 209 Sht"pard"'n, Trd 190 Shrnd.an, Kath' 209 Shr,...ood. Julit" 33 htf'ld. \bi'J(.arf'l Sht plr', Don 35 ShOOt-. Jant>l 35 hobr, Lon 46. 62. 190 Shofnf'r, r!T"da 35 holrm. D.an 190 hoop.Su•.- 42.45,53, Stbk,,Charlrnf' 146.199 Short"(. man. ' rf'n 43. 45. 64. 190 Shon-.. m.an. Prtrr 20 s.d .. ,...., Juhf' 59. 199 S•d~. D.anf'n 88. 101. 199 Slf'p:t"l, \tana 209 Sthart. lanf'"l 42 Str"'rrt. D~anf' 176 S•r"'rrt, D1anr 190 Sthr\.Sha"'n 176 S•mpc;on. An,:f'lla 190 Stmp-.on. John 202 Stmp-.on. \"alrnr 43. 59.209 Smnamon. Bnan 199 s•....-o. u~hf' \1 190 Stut ... L..t-.. 176 Stut~. Jultr 209 SL.aprrtb". Cl.:mr 33 SLN>I". \tta 42. 209 Sm11h . .o\1 33 Sm•th. ~hct> 176 Sm•th . .o\nthon\ Dou~tlas 88. 199 Smtth. Br.-L, 209 Smtth. Boh 35 Smtth. Ch df' 33 Smtth.John Dou~tla.!i 86.176 Smtth. Juht' I 76 Smoth. \lolr 89.209 Smtih. \i '""' 209 Smtth. Sarah 199 Sm•th. Sf-ott 86. I 76 Smtth. Ti(.h 123. 190 SmocL. \hrl 190 Sn,dn.Cind' 45.65.176 SnHfn. Ht>rm 199 Solhntu•r, Laun 15. 176 Somf',...., \ tnl·f'nl 56, 57, 199 Sommf'r,l\t>\ln 199 S~llfl:lo. J•m 190 Spt>na . .o\nn 64.81.176 Sptt""-. L'nn 58. 59. 199 Spt1.7.. .o\nn,. 209 Sp11.1.. Low; 199 SfM}dt>L. E_.. thf'r 176 SpodrUonath•n 51. 79. 90. 199 Spohrt"r. J1m 190 Sproat. Btll 89. 209 Spui'Jff'On. ~ lh 176 Suhi.!Nnm.. 88.209 Stohl. Lo.,. 46. 190 ta1r. Lmda 199 St.anll"\, \t onlt· 33 tarLf'\. DaHd 86. 176 t.a"'· Lt-..a l2. 46. 176 Sta .. L.r. Da\ld 190 t.athoo;. Joan ntf' 45. 176 Staufff'r. 1\n<. 83. 94. 102. 103. 199 Stf'fantlf'. Tmo 190 Stttnbrl'll. Johanna 42. 45. 190 Stf'"'art. Cind' 176 Str"'art, Dau• 79.88.199 St,."'art. John \1 45. 53. 60. 120. 176 Stf'"'art. Suo;an 103. 126.209 Stf'"'art, Tom 33 Sttrn-u.OtLf' 34 to.:·um. R1fhard 209 Stonf'. \hnha 50. 62. 199 Sto,.all. JOt" 106. 199 trodf'. Orm...,. 176 Stol""'.alf'r, Ouanr 199 Stro"'· Edd1 190 Stro"'· Pam W. 199 Stuff, Carol 45. 65. 96. 176 Stuk•l. O."d 65. i9. 86. 123. 126. 164 176 StuLrl. Paul 106.209 StumborJ. Jt"rn 190 Subl.-ttf', D.a'o\n 199 Suhor. S.th 62. 199 Suhor. Cath\ 62. 199 Suhor. Julu· 199.209 S"'anzf'ndrul>t'r. \t ari. 86,191 ~.a,.Jtm

~pt"4;'· Pat

T Tabm.Jrnntff'r 60.65.199 Tadltr. Ttm 199 Tallf'\,Jtm 58.59.86,191 Tannrr. Don 17i Tannf'r. John 199 Ta~h. Don 191 Ta~.-. Emil' 209 Tatman. Donna 209 Tll'lor.Ga.l 191 Ta' lor. Pamf'la Annt 127. 1i7 T"lor. u ·,ll.amD 15.53.60.ft),J20. 126. 131. 177 Tf"f'm ... Da"'n 58. 59, 191

Tf'mprl. Thn,.... J. 177 Tf'nntll. Jamno 199 Tt",....lntp. -\m\ 209 Tt'"'>ttor. Ra,m<tnd 209 T~ton. St·ott 209 Tf'\moun.Salm.an 47.177 Thoma ... Grr[l 191 Thoma • Hf'rdtf' 35 Thoma ... Ra' 88. 199 Thoma • Ronntr 35 Thomao:... \ lnf".'iol SO. 199 Thoma~. Ulma 62. 209 ThomP'on. Brad 74. 88. 199 ThomP"on, Chn111 86. 191 Thompc.on, La"' l-IOn 79. 191 Thomp~~~on. 011.. 210 Thom'f'n. An~ttola 177 Thom"'t"n. Tht'rf""' 199 Thu..,h. lod• 62, 199 Thu~ton. Cath' 34 Thruo:..h. LouJl. 177 Toalo;on, \tarl 81. 191 Todd. Conrl• 46. 191 Todd. Krllo< 16.200 Tomara . \atahr 56. 2(X) Tomlm. Bru(·f' K 45, 74. 75. 77, 125 TompL1n . Annt> 98. 177 Tompkm'~. John 84. 191 Tratl. Bnan D 177 Tnal. Mark 210 Tn~,r,...,. Stacto\ 43. 45. 200 Tnd.. Btll 79. 88. 2(X) Tnrk. Tom 45, 84. 125. 177 Tn,r.rr.Jrff 34 Tnmpt-. Rolw-rta 45. 59. 191 Tnpp1rd. Lmda 46. 177 Trms.Monika 171 Turltr. Pf'1,ft' 177 Tuf'll. Sharon 177 Tutoll, \"anf"'M! 191 Tuhr. Marl 200 Tuhr. T1moth' J 177 TurL.. k.art>n 43, 94.210 Turl. K•ll• 43. 65. 95. 191 Turl. Trar' 94. 177 Turrlf'r, Barbara 177 Turrlf'r. Dann' 86.200 Turnf'r. Rwhard 177 T"'ohr,. Robton 177

u v \"alf'nttnf', Paul 84, 88.200 \'an Au ron. Carlos 34 Van Ot-\tntf'r. Cathf'nnt 146.200 Van Od.:r. Ant"' an 79. 88. 200 Vant", Bt'ttt> 34 Van 9t mL.Ito. Aaron 210 \'au,hn. \t olh 46.191 Vau[lhn. Pam 46. 191 Vrat('h, Mark 66.97,191 \'f'rdtH'n. J,-amt" 45. 64. 81. 177 Vt"rmt"ttf'. l.toslito 95.210 Vf'rmrllr. Suz, 200 Vtnton. Ann 200 V1nton. Jant' 210 Vinton. John 178 Vinton. Ruth 210 Vi"''Ck,,JamN 66.210 \'0111 • Barbara 22 \·os... M.a 59. 210

w "'•rhtrr. Paul 191 U adto. JoAnn 62.210 U a.brl. Lon 191 9t allrr. Ht>lf"n 34 9t alkn. John 86. 191 Uallrr. LA-l.lif' 43. 2(X) Vrallf'r. Trn 191 9ta1Lf'r.Trf'nt 191 9ta1Lf'r. Tro' 89.210 9t aiLf'"r-Ta\ lor. Shf"rn 34 \\alla('r,Oa,,d 34 Vrallarr. Jdl 46. 117,200 IJ;,I,h. B,.d 84. 191 \hmplt•r. Sull 210 Uard.Gf'nr 34 U ard.Jt'an 34 U armoth. Gr~ 191 Uarn<H l. Ruth 210 UarTf'n. Odt"ll 79. 90. 91. 1-1-1 U a.. hburn.Chn(. 178 U a~hburn. [)a, 1d 126,210 U a'~hburn. L•o;.a 65. 83. 97. 200 U a'~htnp:ton. An1ur 210 \lra'~htnl(tOn. Sandn 210 u a,hmft:IOn. Trt"nlon 200 \\ atson. Dan 35 9t aL'-On. \ann 191 Uu~n.Ph,llt'~ 178 U au ... Br-nJamtn 43. 45. 65. 79. 86. 126. 1~8

Uatt ... Tom 210 9tl'athf'rford.Suor.an 47.200 \\ rbb. Jrrn 35 U rbb. \1u hrllt> 66.200 9trbf'r. Orbbtf' 210 \\ f'brr. Su-.an 35 Vrr-d•~· Andrf'a 191 'W tdt[l. Man' 117.200 \\f'f'mtr, Jaclf' 178 Wf'hrtnl(. u ,,. 210 Vt rt z. Jt"romf' 98. 200 \\ rkh. Lon 43. 45. 178 U rlltntt. 9t f"nd\ 200 9t tll.h, f'lo'd 210 U rnt"'orth. Jim 200 U rntf'l, Eilf'f'n 210 '1\ rnzrl, Kt>\ •n 56. 57. 178 \\ f'l-ll"', Darrrll 200 u.,...t.. ,.Sht•la 191 \\ f'<.l,f'll., Karrn 178 Vrhalf'n. John 89 \\ halt-n. Karrn 178 9t half'n. \1 artha 200 Wh.-adon. Jt"nn' 62.210 9.- hradon. Rich 200 9t ht>at. K.athtf' 210 \\ hM"Iu. ~atahf' 210 'W h11r.Grl"ft 210 \\ h•tf'. Jtmm\ 210 U hilt. MalT 79.200

\\h1lf'. Toma 178 V.hotrd. Chml ~. 191 U httC'd. Pam 210 \lhtt~II . Krnt 184. 210 V.hott. Todd 86. 191 \\htlltni(IOn , Jr(f 'N. 96. 191 u·Hl.'"Stt·\r- 96.178 U,<"L~.J•m IIO<l, Louo 86.101 . 125.126.178 11-oloff. O."d 56. 89.210 \\,L.off. Rand' I ;g \\"tlt·hrr. Bnan 106.210 lltld ..o\lt ..on 98. 191 II old. Cia. 13. 88,200 \\tid. \1arL 96. 178 \\tiLif'. :'\rtl 79. 92.200 Vr tlltam .. , Barbara 210 U tlltam ... IA·Iphia 191 \\tlham ... Gan 191 Vnlham ... H•·rm.an 191 9.-dham ... Jt'ff 210 9.-dham ... \u·L. 106.210 \\tlliam ... Prnm 210 \\,!ham ... Stdnf'\ 210 \\-,!ham~. Thto""" 114. 178 \\1ll.am~n. Can 210 "'-'•11 ... Bnan 178 'W1I-.on. Eru 178 Wllo,on, Patrt('l.l 66.210 9.-,rtdom. ~bb1f' 200 Wmdom. Luuna 178 9.-infr"'· Kf'llh 40.191 9ttnfrf'\, \iomn 191 9.-mtt-r.Jtff 178 9.-intf'rbotlom. Valrrtr 23 9.-i"f'. C.ath\ 210 9.-tw. Donna 46. 210 Vt-1o.rman. l...ol'"f'tla 178 w, nf'r. Bruc·r 35 Wttl. \tai'J(arf't 45.210 V.olf. \l•ttlw• 82. 83, 178 llolf. \lolr 191 Wolf. Str"· 66.200 Wolf. Trd 56. 60, 61. 63. 191 u-·ood. GrorJtf' 20 V.ood. Lo" 210 llood. Morl 191 \\-oodard. l...ol'"f'nzo 191 II ood•. Robrrt 179 Wood If''. And"'" 200 9.-ool,.,, 1\4ann 211 9.-'oolr'. Rt('h 35 9.-n~ht. Dan 179 9.-'rou~thton. Don 84. 200 '1\ rou•hton. '\ataltt" 179

y Yarbtr. Suf' 191 Yatf'"<.. Bnana 211 Yra,:t-r. Jf'nm 56. 211 Bnan 200 Yorl.Jo,rf' 179 Youn,_, Laura 191 Youn,r:. lort'tta 35 Younl(. Paul 60. 179 Youl'lf!:. Tamm' 179 Younl(. Timoth\ 86. 125.179 Yr,~lt\,

z Zafuria. Ja-.on 66.211 ZarbufL, 0rt""' 86 Zarburl. k.tm 211 mh.O,.m""f" 191 Z....h. Trd 200 bllt-. \"f'rom('a 58. 59. 191 Ztf'p:lf'r. M•kf' 88. I (X), 200

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