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Champaign Central High School 610 W. University Avenue Champaign, Illinois 61820
n ntin e
• • •
This year we at Central High School are celebrating our 80th anniversary. In 1910 the legacy of Champaign High School began the pre ent building of Edison Middle chool. Edison served as the high school for 46 years. In 1934 our pre ent high school was constructed by order of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, and served as the junior high school until 1954. In 1956 it became Champaign High chool and remained so until 1969 when it was renamed Central High chool. Th1s year's yearbook staff is celebratmg this momentous year by bringmg back some of the history of Central.
Central High School continues to achieve higher levels of education year after of year. In 1989 Central was presented the "Excellence in Education" award by the U.S. Department of Education and is considered to be 1 of 2 18 outstandmg secondary schools in the nation. On eptember 28, 1989, the principal, Mr. Wojtena, Mr. Beck of the English department, and Ms. Rassmusen of the Health department were on hand in Washington D.C. to receive the award from President Bush. Man) of the pictures appearing in this year's book have been donated by the Central A..rchives Program. Thi program, supen i ed by ally Pilcher and maintained by Central students, is dedicated to the re toration and pre ervation of Central archives.
Central High chool ha erved as a fine learning institution for the pa t 34 year and i prepared to teach the tudent of Champaign for at least 34 more. We on the yearbook taff are very proud of the work done on our book and hope that it contnbute to the heritage of our chool.
PROM '89
On May 13th junior and eniors gathered at Warden Martin for Prom '89, In ide Dream. ouples danced the night away to the sounds of La t Gentlemen. It was a dream come true for all. The fun continued at Post Prom where bowling, socializing and more dancing were the main activities. As the night came to a close, it was definitely and evening to be remembered.
3 I '\iate Baker and Heather Thompson celebrate after the dance. 2 Pat Sune\ and h1~ date arc ''elromcd b) \Ophomorc allcndant M1!-e Runkle. 3 Be1ng a sophomore greeter IS not all worl-. 1\.nstcn 1\.cmpcr. Stephame froc\rhl and JaCinda Co\ take a break to smile. 4 \lina L.onnqu1\l and Rhonda Me ull arc as prell) as a p1rture - ')coli Elncl- and 1oll) \1urph) cnJO) a moment together
BACK TO SCHOOL DANCE Does anyone get a chance to dance in Champaign in the summer? Most of us don't. That's why we're so eager to show our stuff at the annual Back To School Dance in September. We'd been back to school for nearly two weeks. The dance was held on Saturday, eptember 9, at 8:00 in the girls' gym. Our own very famous and capable D.J.'s, T.J. Harrison and Chris Neal, were in charge of the music. Won't we be sorry next year when they're not here to charm and entertain us? Anyway, we drank, danced, talked, and laughed our way through the evening. Another Back To School Dance goes into the history books.
6 Pic I Chris and T.J. take a break from spin¡ ning the tune . Pic 2 These Juniors and Senior have definitely got the look. Pic 3 enior icole Wilkerson show Freshmen Ray and Mark how to party. Pic 4 Derrick Gladney, icole Wilker on, and ool Daddy Jude take a break from dancing. Pic 5 eniors Kristin Kasper and Jenny Davis enjoy their Ia t Back to chool Dance. Pic 6 Whitney Freehill and Jenny Latshaw
HOMECOMING BONFIRE The 19 9 Homecommg Bonfire started the weekend festivitie off with a B-\ G! Student from every class gathered at McKmie) field on Thursday night to show their CH spirit. The night' activities included cheerleader impersonations b) uppercla smen dressed in cheerleading uniform , pep talks from the football captains and coach Trigger, and the Var ity Cheerleader . The traditional " exy Legs" contest was won by senior Mike Harris, who edged out tough competition from Jeff Troxell & Rob Mills. After the bonfire, students rushed back to put the finishing touche on their respective class floats. The bonfire, a CHS tradition, raised spirit for Friday night's game.
Thts page: I "Read;. Hit tt!" shout the "cheerleaders." 2 Clyde Mt7e roots hts team on to victol). 3 These senior girls cnJO} their last bonfire. 4 Matt Bazzani cheer his heart out. 5 "Sexy Legs" wmner. Mike Harns. is congratulated by hts fncnds. 6 "Alleged captains" fire up the team. Oppo itc page: I Jason Vetter. Nick Lake and Ray Raymond chtll at the bonfire. 2 The CH Bonfire bnghtcned evel)¡one's night. 3" exy Legs" participants Mike Harns. Tim Yaxle}. Tyno Vvtcks and David Clayborn hang loo e. 4 Who are ;ou smiling about. Jill? 5 The "football player " gather around for a pre-game pep talk.
It look hke Kendall Lar on, Chn tina Tangora. Jam1 Greenfield, hnstina Manuel, and helly Grinnell woke up late after the three day weekend. and barely made It to chool on time.
Ameset Carter hows that even while sleepmg. she look good.
A sp1nted Ryan ouc1e wear a Georgetown sweatshirt on college da}.
Senior Yolanda Duckworth IS enJoying her last homecoming week at Central.
Homecoming week at Central High School was a week full of tradition and enthusiasm. Students were busy with dress-up days, the bonfire, pep assembly, parade, Friday's homecoming game, and the big dance on Saturday. All week people feverishly worked on floats, and excitement was in the air. Thursday was the bonfire, where the pepettes and strange looking football players and cheerleaders performed. Friday's pep assembly and parade kept people spirited and busy. One could see anything from bubbling bathtubs to tricycle races. aturday's semi-formal dance wa the perfect end to a great week. orne wild lippers were een around school, proving there IS at least a little bit of k1d in us still.
Friends Brooke John on and hns Olson are having fun during spmt week.
I Rob chrocdcr enJOYS Hawa11an treatment from (L-R) Kendall Larson. hclly Gnnnell. Chnstma Tangora. Jennifer Ashenfelter. Christma Manuel. and arah Bantz. 2 The Yarstty hccrlcading squad of Knstcn Kemper. Kmcholc Lcnmr. Jultc Tran. Chnstma Tangora. Iternate hcrn Mostert. Tammi Gammill. Co-Captams tephamc Frocschl and hell} Gnnnell. and Jenmfcr -\shcnfcltcr arc wcanng nothmg but Maroon and White th1s Fnda) . 3 Student Council's banner makes sure e\cry student knows "'hat's gomg on aturday mght. 4 The back of the cmor float proves a lot of hard work went 1nto p1nt Week ' 89. 5 The pcpcttcs led the tudcnt body th1s week m showmg school sp1nt. ' orne arc (L-R) Kauna W1lchcr. 1Colc Wilker on. and K1m lark.
Hom<rom'"g W<ek
1989 Homeco ing Assembly
Where can a student yell hi head off and not have to go to Room 105? The 1989 Homecoming Pep Assembly of course! The Homecoming Assembly is memorable for its class competition, and the announcements of the Homecoming Float winners and King and Queen Candidates. Team members, cheerleaders and peppettes made a concerted effort to enliven the crowd, but the crowd already had the spirit! Besides, who could forget wondering if anyone would fall off the cheerleaders' pyramid or making bets on who would turn the wrong way during the pepettes' routine. Whatever the verdict is, The Tradition till Continues.
!-The Homecoming ourt for 1989-90 2-Mtchacl Harri and his e cort Mens a Bamter walk to thctr seats. 3-The jumors are ahead m the class competitiOn. 4Craig Harvey. Jude olen. and Kentra Ktmbrough show their spint by performing wtth the pepette . 5-Pat teins e cons Jayna arolina, one of our Homecoming andtdates. 6-The future Homecoming Kmg and Queen for the year 2000. 7Katie Dawson ets up for the assembly. 8-Band member provide mspirational music at pep assembly.
'tudcnt Life
On Friday night fan gathered to watch the traditional CHS Homecoming football game. The half-time activities and the announcement of the 1989 King and Queen were the highlights of the evening. Despite the loss, everyone still had a terrific time.
1 Quarterback ate Markward thro'"' a pass. 2 Matt Kucera. Joe Helfrich and ate Markward chat on the Sidelines. 3 oach Trigger d1scusses the game plan w1th Kai Lar on . 4 The entral Band performs at half-time. 5 Ti ha Van Matre pamts maroon and white on a pirited fan . 6 The Var ity Cheerleaders show their spint!
Homecoming Game
Jayna was very active during her four years at Central. She was the President of Afro-American Club for three years as well as being the Vice-President of Principal Scholars for one year. Jayna was a member of the Central choirs, Peer Ears, Spanish Club and the Speech Team. he also participated in Varsity Track and Pepettes. Jayna was the Girl's State Alternate. Jayna plans to attend the niver ity of Illinois and major in Political Science. With this much experience we are ure Jayna will have great success with her future plans. Good Luck Jayna!
For her four years while attending Central High School Patty was involved in many activities. She was a member of Key Club and Spanish Club for all four years. She was the President of Spanish Honor Society and the secretary of Key Club. She also was a four year honor roll student and was selected as a member of the National Honor Society. She participated in the Park District Girl's Flag Football program for four years. Patty plans to attend the University of Illinois and major in Pre-medicine. With this leadership and experience Patty's future looks very bright. Good Luck!
Congratulations to the Champaign Central Homecoming Queen, Travonda Pearson. Travonda showed her CH spirit by participating on the Pepette dance squad. She was a member of the Central Swing Choir and Treble Choir as well as the Afro-American Club. he was very active in her church youth group. Travonda plans to go to Jackson tate and major in hild Psychology. Thi queen will always be remembered at entral High School. ongratulations Travonda and Good Luck!
RHONDA McNUTT nieset was involved in many activities at H . he hawed her pirit at Central as a J and Var ity heerleader. he was a member of the Afro- merican Club and the assi tant ecretary of the Principal cholar Program. he al o ang with the Central choir . fter graduation Anie ct plan to attend the rt In titute of Chicago or the International Fine rts allege in Miami and tudy Interior :: De ign. We wish nieset the be t of luck alway .
G~ ..
Queen ( ourt
Rhonda accompli hed and was involved in many actt\tttes at H . he was an honor roll student for four year . he wa a member of the Principal cholar Program and wa the Vice-Pre ident of the Afromerican lub. he wa the captain of the Pepette and wa on the Girl' Track Team. Rhonda plan to attend a four year college and major in ommunicational Technology. Good Luck Rhonda!
Throughout hi four years at CH Jude accomplished many things . He was a member of the Central occer Team and was a captain his enior year. Jude was a member of the Central choir. He participated on the IM Basketball Team "6 A's, 3 C's and a big J". Jude will definitely be remembered at Central High School. Good Luck Jude!
TJ definitely made a name for himself at entral during his four years. He was the secretary of his Junior and enior class. He was a member of the IM Basketball Team "6 A's, 3 C's and a big J". He also was a member of Key Club and generously tested the donuts for poison. TJ was a master D.J . His future plans are to let his hair grow long and attend school majoring in zipper manufacturing.
Congratulations to the CHS King, Mike "Meek" Harris. During his four years at Central Mike accompli hed many thing including winning the " exy Legs" contest at the Homecoming bonfire. He was academically active in the pward Bound Program. He participated in the froAmerican Club Talent how. He also lettered on the Varsity Basketball Team. Mike plans on attending Tuskegee College in Alabama. With Mike's kindne and genero ity we know you will ha e a ery bright future. ongratulations and Good Luck !ways!
Brett was undoubtedly an outstanding member of the Homecoming Court. Brett was his J unior class Treasurer and his enior class Pre ident. Brett showed his athletic ability throughout his four years at entral. He played football for four years, lettered twice and wa a captain his senior year. He also participated on the Wrestling Team. He was an honor roll tudent for four years as well. fter high school Brett plans to attend the Univer ity of Illinoi or Washington Univer ity in t. Louis and go into the Pre-Law program majoring in Finance. Brett also plans to join Green peace or the Peace Corps for at least a year. With thi experience we know Brett will succeed. Good Luck!
Eric wa an outstanding member of the 1989 Royal Court. He played on the football team for four year , lettered twice and wa a captain hi enior year. Eric also pia ed on the ar ity ba eball team and lettered three year . He wa a member of the pani h Club and the Yearbook tafT. After graduation Eric plans on attending Illinoi tate Uni er ity and majoring in Bu iness. We know Eric will ucceed with thi much leaderhip e perience. Good Luck Eric! "-mg Co urt
omecoming Dance Homeoming is a wonderfully old tradition that includes an exciting football game and pep as embly, a parade and the memorable dance. Thi ts the pecial night where the elected Homecoming King and Queen are crowned. This year, the Homecoming week ended in a 'boom!' as couples danced to the live sounds of Ras e Production . The magical night was held for the fir t time at Parkland allege and it proved to be a wonderful setting. Homecoming dances come and go, but this was definitely a night to remember for all who attended!
I. "And the 1989 Homecoming King and Queen arc ... " 2. Kmg Mike and Queen Travonda 3.
"He;! What's up?" 4. ongratulation . Travonda! 5. "Cheese' Bo;. this is fun" 6. "Pice c. I rcall; want to dance." 7. How romantic
Homecoming Dance
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
t To Remem er
. ''Yeah!" 9. ''Ahh. you're o wonderful." 10. Congratulation . . 1ike. II. The traditional slov. dance. 12. "I love dances." 13. â&#x20AC;˘Âˇ orne on. a littler closer to her." 14. down. cott!
Homecommg Dance
FADS AND entral High chool tudent were definitely traditional for the 1989-90 school year. !though there are almo t as many style , a there are student , people wore and aid mo tly the arne thing a the pa t few years.
cmo r C'o-C'aptams of fall ports arc dressed m Maroon and White pronng that school pmt IS always in style. Row I Brett Johnson . football : cott Elnck. cross country: Jude olan. soccer: Row 2 hclly Gnnncll , chccrlcadmg: Rhonda Me utt , pcpcttcs: K1mi Hart, sw1mmmg: 1cole Osterbur. volleyball : Rob chroeder, golf: my Jahn. tennis.
Some of th1s year's fashion wear is childish . while some try to be mature.
Whether upper, or underclassman, 1t's always cool to be with a brother or s1 ter in school. (L- R) Heather and Jenmfer mith , Darryl and Elliot Rodgers, Debbie and Gene Kakoma , Phil and Danny Teu cher, Derek and Denita Gladney, ate and arah Baker, tephanie and had Collins, Stephanie and Wendy Koss.
tudent L1fe-Fads and Fa hions
Almost one-fourth of the student bod) expressed the1r an11-aparthc1d bcltcfs w1th a medallion ltke Clyde M11c IS wcanng.
"The Trad1t1on Continues" is the Maroon's theme th1s year. But everyone IS happy these 20 year old fads arc OT still around!
Most people arc grateful this dress didn't survive the test of ltme. The only bells around C.H .. this year were school bells. Fortunately the tradition of elevator shoes didn't continue.
THE LONG AND HO RT OF IT Ha1r was a ltttle d11Tercnt th1 year. Guys cut the1r over the summer. to show of those sexy necks. G1rls. on the other hand. started to grow thc1r tresse to glamorous lengths. Lovely Lad1e w1th Long Lock are L-R Jcss1ca Peralc . helly Gnnnell. Julte ummers. Chns keel. Amy Rappaport. emor tuds portm' hon tyles are L-R had Detamore. TJ Hamson. Rob M1ll . Phil Teuscher.
Central is "The Sound of Music" Alive With • • •
Every Spring Central's mu ic department presents a well-known musical. This year, the production was Roger's and Hammer tein's "The ound of Music" under the direction of Don Decker. The show enjoyed a big success. In addit10n to Central's own student involvement, many people from the community took part in the different aspects of putting a show together. Elementary students played children's roles and parents helped with publicity and the building of the set. The story IS set in Austria at the beginning of World War II. This heartwarming tale of a young girl who brings music and happiness back into the home of a strict, Austrian Naval captam and h1s children, proved to be unforgettable.
I. 1 hac \\Crc man) bchmd the scene~ people \\hO \\Orked hard to make the '>hO\\ come together (looks like the} "rc workmg hard , eh'!) 2. John Ma( Ia) a., ~Ia 1-..e\ 111 (rum a\ Rolf Knslin Ka\pcr a\ Mana and Jen11) Da\ I'> a' \!other .\bbcs'>. all po<,e for the cws Gatelle, March 7th cdill\ln . ··Ju\t l:llc\s J\.1c~" I. Shh' Don't tell an)Oill" \\e pm)cd 111 schooL -t l.,n·t that SJX'naP! -. Ch01r people arc so afkcuonate and li·1cndl). 6. •• \lll'lltiOil~ ..
pnng :vtusical
JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" was the exciting introduction to "An Evening of Andrew Lloyd Weber", the theme of this year's fall concert. Weber's humorous interpretation of the biblical story of Jacob and his twelve sons was the first well known musical written by Weber. The storyline features Jacob's favorite son, Joseph, who is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. This seemingly horrible fate enables him to interpret the Pharoh's dreams and lead himself to his own success. Different styles in music, such as country western, French, twenties. and an Elvis number, along with the energetic cast and directors helped to make this a well performed and exciting show.
I. Joseph's brothers drink to "the good years in Canaan." 2. Joseph. played by John Maclay, is surrounded by his many adoring brothers. 3. The show is opened by the chorus. 4. ELVIS LIVES' 5.Thc dynamic singing abilities of the girls' chorus contributed to the performance's success. 6. Julie Summers and Susan Muirhead arc afraid they will lose their lives after they arc thrown in jail.
Foil M"''"' ( )
GRADUATION '89 Toda;. \\L''ll start our nC\\ Ilk. and we'll '>a) our last goodb;.c'>. To all the friends \\C.\C grO\\n to IO\C. \\lth \\hom \\C.\ c laughed and cncd. Remembering the laughter. the problems and the fears. throughout our high school ;.cars. The mcmones of da nee'>. and fncnd s \\ith \\hom we grcvâ&#x20AC;˘. It is not the end but the bcgtnntng. of a life we'll <,tart anew.
1 ucsda). Ma) 23 had finall;. come! The night C\Ct) senior had waited for. The ccrcmon;. \\aS held. m tradition. at :00 p.m . tn 1-..ranncrt Center. Fam11;. and fi¡tcnds proud!) watched as Champatgn Central High's cia of '89 \\a<, together for the Ia t time.
I Studmuffins Jeff Kurtz and Matt Meyer have been anttcipating th1s mght for many year . 2 This program proves the tradition has been gomg on for over I 00 years here at C.H .. 3 arah Fay, David Kakoma, and Todd La h are ready to celebrate with fnends. 4 Senior Class Pre ident Tad chroeder thrills famIly and fnends alike with his memorable Introduction . 5 As Junior class officers President Jenny Davis and Secretary TJ Harrison marshal, they dream of their own graduatton m '90. 6 Angela terhng and icole Wmfrey dazzle with a diploma.
Jazz 89'
THE LEGACY CONTINUES • • • Ja.u 89. "The Legacy Continues ... ·· \\aS the theme of the annual Ja.u concert held 111 Com be'> uy m on \1ay 5th and 6th . Both of the Central Jau Band'> along \\ith the Edison \liddlc ~chool Jau Band perfbrmed on this traditional night. Jau 89" \\as the 20th ann!\ ersary or the spnng Jazz concert as well as band director. J 1m Kulr final jau concert at Central. E\eryone 111 attendance enJOyed the end of a banner year of Central Jazz Band.
I Jake Bell IS definitely the best looking drummer in 1h1s p1c1ure! 2 twan mith ounds greal on the trumpet. 3 Ken Wenzel wall behmd the cenes of Jazz · 9. 4 tacy Fi her and Dan Barham play their axes to the max. 5 Am] ochrane warms-up on her horn. 6 20 years of Tradition. 7 Mr. Kull welcomes his fans.
0 R T
The 1989 Maroon played under new head coach. Randy kaggs. Coach kaggs had the Maroons running and lifting through the winter. m an attempt to prepare them for the start of the season. It took the players the entire regular season to adjust to Coach Skaggs' system, but once the post-season arri\ ed the)' prO\ ed ready to nse to the occasion . The Maroons, powered by strong pitching from juniors Rob Mills and Chris Pfaus, posted upsets over Normal ommunity and Danville while advancing to the regional final for the second consecutive year. The Maroons hope to improve next year with the return of 9 of 16 varsity lettermen.
1927 Maroons
I. Coach kagg brought h1s umque t;le to the â&#x20AC;˘ 9 Maroons. 2. Eric Simmon bnng home another run for the Maroon . 3. Chad Detamore proYed to be a good lead-ofT man . 4. The Maroons pract1ce thc1r ba erunning followmg a game.
Baseball 4
I. Rob Mill . wa the ace of the , . . 9 Maroon pitching stafT 2 5 plays his swmg. 3. Row I Rakers, Michael Co Chns lcholas, Andy Farth . . . Chad Detamore disChad Raker Rob Socpeh r, dMarc Funkhauser, Mike Clemmg,T Rracy Rodger ' Brent Ad am Haus 'erman Eric roe .er ' M I"ke Le onard, ate Bakeron ow .2 c oach kaggs, Rakers was a defie , . 1m mons, Chad Detamore C , Rob Mills, Chris Pfaus ns1ve stando t b â&#x20AC;˘ oach E1se h ¡ chroeder dives back sa fie Iy. u ' ut here he hows h.1 o f1iens1ve _n ower. Rob kills.4.5.Brent
I. Mtkc Clcmon ' homerun cut wa a threat to all opposmg pitcher . 2. Andy Farthing rip a Mattoon Fastball. 3. oach kagg give a pep talk as the team li ten attcnuvcly. 4. ate Baker hustle down the hnc. 5. Row I JciT ttn on. cott Burtcn, Enc Helfer, Mark andqutst, Patrick Elder. Row 2 Coach Yohnka. Tro; ash, Dave Krug, can Ford, Terence Williams. am Johnon. Jamon Mytt)' , Coach Earl.
Ba cball .
I. Angie Goines pushes her elf to base as spectators look on in awe. 2. hn tine CroroweJI . The cold weather makes her way to first ba at the field causes Kha ¡ "t on and Heather Wileaver to snuggle. 4. ee it! I see it! ow, if I can only hit it! 5. " 1 Miller, I promi e I have been 1 ! Your book must be wrong!" 6. to every p Coach Mi rand Coach Babb provide inspiration for the am. 7. Go ahead, make my day! 8. Jennifer mer relea e the pitch as Shawna Mullins looks on. 9. Row 1-Hillary KeUer, Christin eU. Row 2-Jenny Miller, hawna unnifer Orner, Angie Goine , Tan ¡ a Mc1-Jeatber Wileaver, Barb Bab . Row 3tes, Gwen Collins, u n Pruitt, Laura essa trow, and rah Kakoma.
The 1989 girls' softball team wa a group of talented athletes. Senior. Le lie Coates made all conference, and s niors Gwen Collins and Latressa Strow made honorable mention. T o other girls who made honorable ention were, second and third bas an , Shawna Mullins and pitch r J nnifer Orner. Last year, half the m ers of the team received letters. E n though Central lost some wonde ul players, talented people returning to his year's team are Kjersten Holm, Taniya McDonald, and Heather Wil Coach J nn Miller feels that the quality whi h m s Central's softball teams so stro is their "will to improve." Laura De tley once said, "We may not be the best in the world, but we sure try h d r han any of the others." What make this group so special? They like each other. Seniors actually care about fre rna , and the team spirit is really incredi 1 . Given those qualities, this team ill always be a winner!
Boys' Tennis La t year we had a vef} successful season and this year we have lost some key players, but I'm sure we'll work hard and have another good season.-Seth Giertz Coach Scott Dav i ha led the Central netters to another gloriou ea on. With depth and trength the netters placed first in the Bishope Macnamara Tourney, fifth in the Big 12 and were Il-l in dual meet . The Maroons won their fifth straight sectional championship by attaining 31 out of 32 po 1ble points. Qualifying for state in singles were Charly Crawmer
( 16-9), Manish Kher ( 19-5), in double Parham Parastaran and Dave Murphy ( 14-6 ), Steve Braskamp and Dave Konisky (11-5).
19 9 Varsity quad Row I Dave Murphy, Mamsh Kher, Steve Braskamp, DaHd Komsky. Row 2 Coach colt Davis. Charly Crawmer. Parham Para taran, Iren Aikman, Seth Giertz.
19 9 J.V. quad Row I Matt Lar on. Ryan oucie, Kenny Yang, James Hamilton. .J. Miller. Andres Padua, Bobby Boucek. Murty Renduchintala, Mike Hammel. Row 2 Coach Davis. Adam Iegel. Greg MetL, David Steigmann, Mark Hill . Mike Runkle, Jeff Troxell, Geoff Eaton. David Konisky, Richard Kozoll. Andrew Compratt. 1
returns the ball with a forehand. 2.
cth anucipate a volley.
7 I. Mam h' perfect backhand. 2. Adam. Mr. Da\IS, and Ken rela after a match. 3.
Chari; concentrate on his shot. 4. And} rna hes the ball. 5. Parham watche h1 shot. 6 Jeff and R1ch attack the net. 7. Loyal pectators.
GIRLS' TRACK "It was a long, hard, strenuous season!"
Nicole Wilkerson
The 1989 Girls' Track Team had many excellent runners. With coaching by Ms. Brooks, Ms. Galvin, and Ms. Roth, Central had a great season. Central, again had a large number of girls in a variety of events at the News Gazette Honor Roll Meet. The state qualifiers last year were senior, Jenny Daniel in the high jump, and senior, Audra Cowan in the long jump. Freshman, Christie Harris also made tate in the long jump.
A ~
Row 1: icki Heinrick, Alicia Lonnquist, hannon obb, Lihn Huyuh, Ursula Howard, Abby Markward, Maureen Thompson, Knichole Lenoir, Diane Kakoma, Missy Pomonis, Jayna Caroline. Row 2: Coach Brooks, Rhonda McNutt, Lashawn Branion, Candy Hall, Jenny Daniel, Laura Bopp, Julie Thomas, Kendall Larson, arah Bantz, icole Wilkerson, Kristy Harris, Molly Murphy. Row 3: Coach Roth, Debbie Kakoma, Megan Muirhead, Elizabeth Weinstein, Lisa chaefer, Ellen Phillips, Audra Cowan, Rachel Libman, Alyson Mann, Beth Spoonamore, Jenny Liu, Tina Walker, Sarah Weinstein, Vanessa Hall, hamonya Bolton, Abbe Phillippe. Sports
I. Candy Hall heaves the shot put. 2. Julie Thomas defies gravity. 3. Kristy Harns practices her leapfrog techniques.
6. L1hn make~ the fine adJu tment. 7. Heinrick and L1bman push each other to the finish hne. . et set' Go' 9. Mark\\ard \\arm up. 10. The track team shO\\S Its true colors.
Girl 'Track
BOYS' TRACK "Our distance runners were better than our sprinters, even at sprinting." Pat Stines
The 1989 Boys' Track Team was lead by seniors Matt Meyer, Perry Williams, and team point leader Shad Shepston. Central's young team had a building season under head coach Tony Moreillon and his assistant coach Lester Washington. They finished a disappointed ninth in the Big Twelve Conference Meet. "We had good depth in distance runners, "Coach Moreillon said Referring to Shad Shepston and Pat Stines, who both ran under I 0:00 in the two-mile. The team lost its only state qualifier Shad Shepston, but will retain Stines, Eirich, and Gibas. Who combine with the rest of the team to make Central's upcoming season look promising.
Row 1: Brian Rempe, Perry Williams, Andy McGlathery, Chad Maier, cott Eirich, Matt Wise, Chris Olson, Andy Deponai, Rich Gibas. Row 2: Coach Washington, Aaron Ochs, Mike Barber, Kevin Williams, Chris orlan, Chad McKenzie, Justin Waddell, Shad Shepston, Matt Meyer, Jude olan, Clyde M1ze. Pat Stmes, Josh Wyatt, and Ka1 Larson.
e S~rt¡
I. Perry Williams puts the shot. 2. Stines and the pack.
hepston break way fron
. miles for the 4. Gtba 3 Gibas t h: . bar. 6. Ochs prepare to vault . 1 The tan. 2· ComeMaier. 5. s~•e.I~· t~n on! Just leads clears the pac · camera as he passes
Boys' Track
THE 1989 Maroon football team was led b) first year head coach JefT Trigger. The team started otT well with a \ Ictory O\ er Stephen Decatur. and after suffering through a rough mid-season was able to complete Its season with two strong \ietories O\er Urbana and Lmcoln. Just like the 1927 Maroons. the 89 team carried on the tradition of excellent ate Baker football with a strong representation on the all-conference team. jomed second time all-conference player John Maclay on the first team. and semor Rich Garcia. Darryl Rogers and Enc immons. along with JUniors Jan McGowan and Km Larson earned honorable ment1on. Other standouts were linebacker Brett John on. tailback JefT Morgan. and defensi\e back Harry Douglas.
I. Tngger mstructs the corp . 2. Rtch Gtbas and Tyno Wtck escort Morgan around end. 3. Baker core !1
5_ > ~v .
I. John Maclay, Eric immons, and Tim Yaxley drill a Charger. 2. Coach JefT Trigger barks out Signals. 3. ee ya! 1!! 4. Darryl Rodgers prepares to make a block. 5. oach Ward instruct the offense. 6. Captains Maclay and Baker wait for the coin to s. 7. Rob Gorham has on his game face.
'~ 0 .¡36.'>
Row 1: Jen) Wtcks. Rtch Garcta. Damon Skube. Terence Williams. <;teve Volkanos. Mtchael Pack. T}no Wtcks. JefTMorgan. Rtch Woole} Ro"' 2: JefTTngger. Rtch Gtbas. Dave Krug. Darnn Myers. Ian McGowan. Nate Baker. Bobby Thurman. Derek Gladne). Enc Stmmons. Rtch Garcta Ro"' 3: Mtke Litchford. Rob Gorham. Alex Tsebelis. Cam Brewer, Reuben Hunt. Alex Rutherford, Terence Sm1th. Yerian Sturke}. Gene Ward Row 4: Scott Macgregor. Roger Eagan. Joe Barret. James Pack. Barry Brock. Doug Daley. Sam Johnson. Hafl) Douglas Row 5: Matt Kucera. Ka1 Larson. James Thompson. Mark Ptckett. Brett Johnson. Darryl Rodgers. John Maclay. Dom Gutrc
Row I: Lamont Peat, Joe Keeling, Devon Harvey, David Pel more, Jim Hamilton, Kenny While Row 2: Davtd Rafalosk1. hawn Toney. Jamon Mytt) . Brian Rose. James McFarland, Jason Palmisano Row 3: Jeff Seaman. Tim Sheridan. John Cadwell. Gary Pangihnan. Nate Markward. Ken Dittmar. Row 4: Da\ td Wtlhams. Andy Frank, Jonathan Price, Thoma Parker, Chris Van Matre Row 5: Coach nsinger. Chad Collins. tanle) Ka1zer. Chris orhn. tud
Row 1: am Phillippe, had Bolt, Kyyone Burney, John Dtxon, can Ireland, Andy Ra) Ro"' 2: Damon Harris. Floyd Fisher. Robbie Tuel, Ryan Moore, Enc Hudson, Mike mith Row 3: Wilham avage, Trumel turkq. Terry Rodger . Howard Jone . Mike Heath, Jimmy Winbu h Row 4: Tony Pelmore. Jay Krumm, Kevm rossland, Elhot Rodgers. Tom Powell. Jon Fotzler Top Row: Wayne Whited, Larry Lloyd
GIRLS' TENNIS -1 went to every meet and saw these g1rls play at 6a m to !Opm. It was great
to sec all of the1r hard work pa y ofT when they won Secuonals. -Bud. team mascot.
The 1989 Girls' Tennis team was undoubtly the best CHS has had in years. The ladies ended the season with a record of lO wins and only one loss. Coach Anders and the three Varsity seniors. Amy Jahn, Jill Holt, and Kendall Larson contributed greatly to this powerful team. Sophomores Kristin Misner and Anastasia Truran also played important roles in the team's victories. The tournament victories showed the great strength and enthusiasm the team had. Central placed second in the Big 12 tournament. Competing with energy and determination, Holt and Larson placed third and Jahn placed fifth. The team captured the Sectional Championship a week later. Outstanding performances came from Holt and Larson (first place), Jahn (second place), Misner and Truran (fourth place) and all qualified for the State meet. The five State qualifiers and the team mascot "Bud" gave the team leadership and a unique closeness that made the 1989 season a season that went beyond expectations.
3 I. Amy prepares to return a winner. 2. Heather stalks the base line. 3. The Berger serve. 4. senior Tri-Captains. 5. ectional Doubles Champs Jill and Kendall. 6. arah hits a forehand. Varsity Team 1989 Row I Anastasia Truran , Diana Truran, Carnaby Goldstein, Kristin Misner. Row 2 Coach Anders, Jill Holt, Kendall Larson, Amy Jahn.
1989 JV Team Row I Angie Jenks, Heather Ireland, Jami Greenfield, Amy Fischer, Tara Gotshall. Row 2 Coach Anders, Erica Leach, Lisa Hsieh, Sarah Grubb, Tamara Woodis, Laine Means.
10 I. tasta and Kri un snooze m the tauon wagon before a meet. 2 . Coach Ander 1 II proud of the plaque. 3. 19 9 tate qualifiers. 4. Amy and arnab) fight for coun positions. 5. The team and the1r ecuonal troph; . 6. What 1 Dmna doing \>vllh her ball ? 7. J1ll hils the ball JU t right. . Diana and Amy wall thc1r turn to pia) . 9. Kendall return a forehand . 10. Anasta 1a slugs the ball. II. Jam1 must be thmkmg of omethmg el e. 12. onme po es for the camera. 13. Ang1e steps mto her forehand .
Girts¡ Tenm
I: Yorde passes to Konisky. 2: Coach Morreilion calls a team meeting. 3: tuan Smith stops the shot on goal. 4: Jude olen dribble downfield as Matt Bazzani trails. 5: Andy Hatch slide tackles his opponent. 6: Freeman Yorde dribbles upfield. 7: Dan Teuscher heads the ball.
SOCCER "Y cah. we lost agam." Eric Pact
Despite compiling a 2-13 record, the Central Varsity occer Team built a good foundation for the years to come. The Maroons had a lot of talent and showed improvement with the return of enior co-captain Zach Hoover. Senior co-captains, Eric Paci and Jude 1 olen both had good easons. enior Alex Tabeling's goal keeping helped keep things m perspective. With first year coach, Tony Morreilion. and a new playing field. this relatively young team had a building season. The leadership of this year's seniors will not be forgotten. All told. a down season should prove a stepping stone to a strong force from the Central Soccer Team in The Big 12 Conference in 1990.
Ro'' I: Jay Bat len . Pay man Purkahowscr. can Btddlc. Ttm E\an . Dcrnck -\tkman . Ken Gadbo'' . Mtkc Ya uanc. Row 2: Rohan Pat I}. Donald Marshal. Dave mtth . Btll) Durbtn . Ale\ Tuagcr . Joel Halfwasscn. Mtkc Faye. Coach Marty .
Row I: Eric Pact, Angie Byer , Ryan oucte, Travis elson, ndy Hatch, Jason Hart. Tad McDaniel. Andy Com pratt. Jtmmy Dehaven. had Rakers. Row 2: Jake Krandcl. Freeman Yordc, Richa rd Kozoll, Dan Teucher, Jude olen, tuart mith, con Burtcn, hawn Tabcltng. Matt Bazzam. Da' td Konisky, C had Hemmi ng, Troy Nash. oach Morrci lio n.
Girls' Swimming
The 1989-90 Central Girls' Swim Team was definitely one of improvement. The girls were led by coach Kim Schuh and assistant coach Beth Bach. The two captains for the 89-90 season were Kim Hart and Leanne Gapsis. The talented girls had a record of 7-4. However, they sent five girls to state in Hinsdale, IL. Leanne Gapsts. Kim Hart, Claire Kelley, and Brooke Johnson went to state in the 400 freestyle relay. Rachel Thurston went to Hinsdale in the 50 and 100 freestyle. Also. out of the twenty-eight girls. twenty-one were letter winners. To sum the season up, Coach Kim said, "The season was successful. The girls worked hard and everybody had their times drop. It was also a fun season as everybody pulled together as a team. We are all looking forward to next season!"
I. Bundy. Wright. Pickering.
Williams. Piper, Montanelli, Marshall. Blixen. and Hotsinpiller all show off their pearly whites and hair-free legs. 2. Rachel Libman reaches for the top. 3. Jessi Wood proves that swimming IS no longer a wimpy sport. 4. Yes. we think we freshmen are beautiful' 5. Do all freshmen act as strange as our good friend tacy Wright? 6. Give me a worm! 7. Howdy, Buckwheat! 8. Wendy and Amy show that their friendship will never die. 9. Don't hate me because I am beautiful ... and very fast' 10. Go Jana! Go! II. The 89-90 state qualifiers: Kimi Hart. Brooke Johnson . Leanne Gapsis, Rachel Thurton. and Claire Kelley. 12. Ye . I know I am forcing thi smile. 13. It's a bird! It' s a plane! o. it's Claire and her backstroke start' 14. Snaggletooth, what are you up to? 15. Kim. I am so orry to hear that Bill is sneaking around behind your back! 16. Julie Blixen and Elena cott prove that all blonde are not ditzy. 17. Tabitha Olson shows her great form. 18. Tri h Bremer trokes hard all the way home. 19. Oops! I dropped a green bean!
Girl '
CROSS COUNTRY "It was helL but fun ." cott Elrick
The 1989 Cross Country Team was one of the smallest in Central's history. Yet. they overcame that obstacle to go 8-0 in dual meets, a Central first. This was accomplished with the leadership of Seniors Pat Stines. Dave Shaul and Scott Elrick, and the guidance of Coach Stirrett. Coach Stirrett called the undefeated season "fairly successful" and commended the underclassmen on their first season. The large percentage of underclassmen on the team who already have Varsity experience makes the outlook for Central's Cross Country Team look bright.
t: Eirich pushes the finish. 2: Matt Wise leads the warm-up lap. 3: Brian alhoun prepares for takeoff. 4: "The t 989 Harriers."
5 I: Coach tirrett outlines strateg} . 2: Pat tines sprints to the tape. 3: Matt Wise takes the in 1de lane. 4: The Cross Country get loose. 5: "A D THEY'RE OFF!!!"
Row I: Lonny Zion, Matt Wise, Brian Calhoun, Jason umpsrott. Row 2: cponai , cott Elrick, Dave Shaul , Pat tine , Josh Wyatt.
. .
VOLLEYBALL The 1989 crmal Girls' Volle) ball Team powcrfull) ended an cxctting cason. oach Miller and senior co-captams Merissa Bainter and "icole Ostcrbur kd the team to a 15 and 17 record. Bainter \\aS al o named to the All-Conference Team and All- rca Team. enior teammate Gzne Johnson was recogniLcd on the 11-Contcrence Honorable MentiOn hst. The class of 1990. Bainter. 0 terbur, Johnson and K.risten Karl. all made great contributions of leaderhip and talent dunng the season. The end of the sea on wa definitely the ladtes' strong point. In the Regional tournament Central defeated cro s-town rival Centennial and also beat Danville. The two victories gave the ladies the 1989 Regional hampionship. With eight letterwinncrs returning, the 1990 team will undoubted!) continue the traditiOn of winning for the entral Spikers.
Jumor Varstt)' team Row I Jen Orner. Dawn trunk. Kari Troxell. Whitne)' Freehlll. Row 2 Coach Theiii. Chn tine Kromwell , Ktm Hill, Brittan)' Greenwood. Tyra Campbell, Htllary Keller, oach Miller.
Var tt)' Team Row I Brittany Greenwood, Hillaf)' Keller. Chn ttne Kromwell . Tyra Ca mpbell. Row 2 Gzn~ Johnson. Men a Bamter. Knsten Karl . tcole Osterbur. Row 3 Coach Theil!, Aly on Mann , Jennifer Orner, Tonya Mater, Kyra Steward , Coach Miller.
Fre hmen Team Row I Jesstca Helfer, Anne Olson , Keelie agle, Wendy Koss. Row 2 Coach Theill , Chri tme Kromwell, Kim Hill, Brittany Greenwood. Tyra Campbell, Hillary Keller, oach Miller.
2 I. Coach Mtller and Coach Theill talk trategy. 2. Brittan y prepare for a serve return. 3. The e horts get ttghter every yea r'
I. ml: and T;ra dommate the net. 2. K;ra the ball. 3. He] Madge I soaked tn It! 4. Bemg prepared 1 Jennifer's motto. 5. tcki can get anjbody's erve. 6. Kristen controls the rally. 7. Tyra winding-up to hit a power erve. 8. Gznt encourages her teammate . 9. Alyson intimates her opponents.
olle) ball .¡
Chad Detamore. Tim O'Neill. and Robert Beers wait out a rain delay dunng the Decatur lnvllallonal. Ram cancelled the first day of play and conllnued to hamper the player throughout the~ea~on .
Jones, Hagen. Palmer. Nickalus: These arc truly the greatest names in golf. The level of excellence these men portray remains unparalled, but there arc scYeral dedicated individuals at Central who continue to strive for this high standard of achievement. Although the Central golf team lacked consistent play, their intentions were admirable. Posting a 10 and 6 dual meet record wa certainly respectable considering the intense competition offered by the region's top chools. There were several stand out members, though, who were able to break through these barriers. Sophomore. Tim O'Neil. placed fifth in the Charger Invitational, shooting a 78, and was followed closely by senior Rob Mills who took sixth place with a 79. The highlight of the season came during the Big 12 Conference meet where Central finished in fourth place, and two team members placed among the top ten finishers. Tim 0' eil shot a 78 to place fifth and senior Rob Schroeder was a second place finisher with a 75. Although the season was not as successful as anticipated, the Central golf team shared in the camaraderie and spirit which exemplifies true winners. The golf team has high hopes for the future and is expected to become a Big 12 powerhouse in the coming years.
Coach chooley takes advantage of the free golf at Champaign Country Club.
When Coach choolcy listens to the Cubs everybody listens!
elf-e:>.planatory. Ro\1, One-Chad Detamore. Tim 0' eiii. Paul Glaser. Row Two-Mark Jeff Troxell. Im Heath. Rob chroeder.
andquist. Robert Beer~. Rob Mill ,
'I 1111 lkath playl·d wdl for the :'\laroon<;, although he \l.a5 conqantly battling 'i\l.lng problems and p~!rm friznes.
t·orgct the broads. forgl!t the boote, just don't forget my hod..ey news.
It m1ght be. It could be. It 1s! Homt• run. Hoi~ cow'
0'"4~!ill set a Central H1gh School record for thl! 11\0'il C\CU'iCS in one round of golf t 5 excuse<; m all broke the prn 1ou-; record hdd by Coach Fn:d '>choo-
1 im
Thert• 1\lll bl! a <;hort rules seSSIOn to be giYI!n b~ Rob ~chroeder today nftcr practice. Golf
CHS CHEERLEADERS This year's talented varsity squad, led by co-captains junior Stephanie Froeschl and senior Shelly Grinnell, was troubled by many problems, yet STILL had a successful year. The squad got ofT to a shaky start in the spring. However a week at camp improved everyone's style and attitude. Two girls left the squad over the summer, so second tryouts were held in the fall. Senior Anieset Carter and junior Tammi Gammill were added with Sherry Mostert temporarily as an alternate. The month before Homecoming Kristen Kemper had mono, and then over Christmas break there was an injury. Six of the nine girls were new C.H.S. cheerleaders, but from the squad's cheers, stunts, and pyramids you'd never know. By basketball season the squad had learned to practice and perform together, and they looked GREAT! Besides performing at pep assemblies and games, they carried on the tradition of locker decorations, breakthru banners, acting at the bonfire, and then of course, staying up all night to party and do other things. This year a new tradition was started with the cheerleading jackets. I'm sure every girl would agree that the year was a lot of work and frustration, which really paid ofT. Congrats girls!
I Two cheerleader chillin' before a game. 2 It wa rumored orne players tripped and fell after breaking through the paper banner . ced we say more? 3 Christina, helly, Tammi , herry and Anies~t turn around to applaud a great play.
hristina is putting up one of her famous locker decorations before school. But where's the candy?
Can you guess whose sexy legs these arc?
Julie Tran concentrates between cheer .
Row I Tisha VanMartre, Katie Johnson and Angie Frazee Row 2 Jill Stephens, Jenny Latshaw, Lesle) Helfer and Katherine Klingel Not pictured: Denita Gladney
Row 1 Knicole Lenoir and Anieset Carter Row 2 Shelly Grinnell, Christina Tangora and Tammi Gammill Row 3 Stephanie Froeschl and Jennifer Ashenfelter Not pictured: Kristen Kemper and Julie Tran
9 Don't mess with the Central cheerleaders. I 0 The cocaptains take it easy before a pep assembly. 8
II Jennifer cheeses it for the camera. 12 Shelly, Christina and Tammi do a ba kettoss table top during the starting line up. 13 An exhausted Var ity squad watches the pepettes during halftime. 13
The 1989 Pcpettes had their tryouts in the spnng. The) had four da)S in \\lllch the seniors taught the interested girls e' era! routines. The types of routines range from kick. pom-pom, dance, to novelt) and prop. The interested girls also had to perform their own original routine in front of five selected teachers. Once the girls were chosen, Miss Hageman and Mrs. Assalley took over. With the sponsors. seniors. and captain Rhonda 1cNutt working hard. the Pepettes provided half-time entertainment during football and basketball cason.
I. Wanda nderson and and1ee Duke were the managers of the 9-90 Pepette squad . 2. Ahc1a. 1cole. Rhonda , and Marcee how the1r s hool spmt at the1r bonfire! 3. 1cole brea ks the school rule during pract1ce. 4. Gzn6 shows Central how to .. put on a happy face 1"
5. Wanda Anderson. Candice Dukes, K.n lin Kasper, Gzne John on. Icole Wilkerson. Rhonda Me utt. Ahem LonnqUist, Laura Bopp. Ro"" 2-Travonda Pearson. Jayna Carohne. Tamya McDonald. Mane B1 hop. Row 3- hevon Brown. K1m Clark, and Katma Wilcher. 6. orne of the Pepettes show their sexy legs' 7. The Pepette provide halftime entertainment at a Central football game. 8. The Pepette model this year's st)-h h Jacket. 9. Travonda teaches the male population at Central a fe"" sw1ft moves.
. 0 .
< Pepette
BASKETBALL This year's Central basketball team faced a great deal of adversity, but overcame all of it to become competitive in the rugged Big 12. Senior leadership was provided by Nate Baker, Seth Giertz, Mike Harris and Tony Moore. Brent Thompson, one of the Big 12's best threepoint shooters, and Walter Graham were juniors that contributed tremendously. Freshman Jason emsprott also played an important role. Led by cool-headed coach
Tom Croy, this team contmued the Central tradition of tough defense and hu tie. All m all, they worked hard, they got the job done. After struggling in the first half of the season, the Maroons won four out of their next five in gaining momentum into the regionals. The 1990 squad hopes to follow in the footsteps of the '64 team and bring home a regional crown.
I) emor captain ate Baker dtrects the ofTen e. 2) The 1964 hoop squad. coached by legendaf} Lee abuttt. how their regional tttle plaque. 3) Tony Moore hts sweet touch from the chanty stripe. 4) Fre hman guard. Jason em prott. dnves by a Bulldog defender.
Ba ketball
I) Front row: Coach Friedman, Jeff Stinson, Tori Harvey, Mike Harris. Joel Hercik, Jeff Cooper, Coach Scon Davis Back row: Brent Thomp on. Walter Graham, ate Baker, Myron Tate, Tony Moore. eth Giertz, an Ford, Carlos Spinks, Coach Tom Croy 2) Joel Herctk looks to the ba ket 3) eth Giertz' look of determtnallon 4) Count 1t! 1! 5) Coach Croy needs a refreshment as Coach Davt . Walter Graham . and ean Ford look on
l) Shoundel lemons puts up a sweet 'T' 2) ate Markward goes up m a crowd. 3) Freshman Demck McFarland drives to the hoop. 4) Thoma Parker shake the defender. 5) Front row: Tony Rutherford, Btlly Durbin, Tony Mapson, Tim Evans econd row: Demck McFarland, Tony Pelmore, Eric Hud on, Kyyone Burney, Jimmy Winbush Third row: Ray Blackwell, Lyle Fettig, Demetrius ingleton, raig noeymk, Kendrick Crossland, Davtd Rober on
Ba ketball
GIRLS' BASKETBALL The 1989-90 Girls' Basketball team has had a long, strenuous season. With the loss of nine senior . tri-captams Kath)' Daniel, Angie Goines. and Kendall Larson have provided the team with leader hip. Again. the team was coached by Fred Schooley. Juniors Christine Burries and Shawna Mullins and Sophomores Kristy HatTi and Carry Harney have added depth and strength. Although they didn't have a winning sea on the girls played their hearts out. Also the locker room chats and bus rides created a team unity among all of them.
19 9-90 Vars1ty Team Row I Chnstme Burries. hamse mnh. Carry Harney. Stacey Kmcald. Kri ty Harns. Row 2 Karen Lonniquist. hawna Mullms. Kendall Larson. Candy Dukes. Tyra Campbell. Row 3 Coach chooley. Coach park . Kathy Da111el. Ang1e Goines. Myra Smnh . Bnttan] Greenwood. Coach Theill
The traditiOn continues ... These are the " even Aces" of 1942 who started the basketball tradition. The girl on these two pages are continuing 1t.
1989-90 JV Team Row I Takelani Leshoure. hanise Sm1th. arry Harney. Maureen Thompson . Deja Terry Row 2 Aim1 Bidner. Dawn Roberts. Michelle Jo eph. Tyra Campbell Row 3 Coach Sparks. Tuawillia Clemons. Tosheba Walker. Bnttany Greenwood. Myra mith. Candy Dukes. Coach Theill.
I. The varsity team celebrates at the Peoria tourney over hristmas break. 2. The freshmen listen attentively to the coaches. 3. Go beat their ock om- parks
I . Everyone is JUmpmg for JOy! :?.. The hoopsters before the Peoria tournament. 3. Big Z and Angte scramble for the loose ball. 4. Kathy looks to receive a pass. 5. Shoot hawna 1 6 . BBB Brittany puts the ball m the hoop. 7. Kendall dnves in for a lay up. 8. Angte, Chnstine, and Shawna enjoy themselves over dmner. 9. Christine goes up for a hot. I 0. What' wrong Myra? Did you lose Spot? II. Air Tyra. 12. Kristy lays the ball m.
WRESTLING The 1990 Central Wrestling Team had a good eason behind enior Andy McGlathcry and Chris cal. who were both sectional qualifier . Chris Neal won 25 of his 34 individual matche and helped the team accomplish an overall meet record of 4-17 with wins over Decatur Eisenhower. Shelb} ville, Georgetown, and Stephen Decatur. Coach Ferreira called the season a "step in the right direction." The team accomplished many of its preseason goals and improved its overall meet record from the previous year. The team surpassed many obstacles uch as sickness and a high quitting rate and brought Central a "step" closer to being a wrestling force in Central Illinois.
"Wrestling is not a glamorous sport, therefore we don't get the quantity of athletes it take to put together a good season . The majority of the wrestlers in the room are underclassmen, with the help of our coaches we could be a surprise next year." -David Krug
Junior Varsity Row I: Khanh Tran, J. Smith, Aaron orris, Ron McClo ud, Steve Comer Donte Kuse, Lynal Mapso n. Row Coach Garcia, Bob Easton, Jason Dillingham, David Krug, J. Thompson, Roger Eagen , Coach Wtcks, Coach Ferretra
Yar lly I : Andrew McGiathery , Ryan Hnch, Eric Ohlsson , Terrance Williams, Darren Myers, cal, Lonny Zion, Sean Chris Fonner, Rohan Paisley. Row 2: Jason Dillingham, Bob Easton, Coach Ferreira, Rich Garcia, Kai Larson , Neil Williams , Mark Pickett , oach Garcia, Coach Wicks. Ro~
Wrcstlcrettes Row I : tcphame Colhns, Icolc Strunk. Row 2: Dawn trunk , Angela Hmklc, honda Kamphaus, Chnstinc Goo 10rowsk1, M1chclle mmcky, Juhc Bhxen . Ro"" 3: Amanda Purkeypllc, Steph Bowermaster, Amy Peterson, Jen Orner. Mary Ross. Jenmfcr Orner. Jenny awyer. Jody Huffman.
I. Rohan Paisley is declared the winner. 2. ean Fonner maneuver h1 opponent. 3. Terrance Williams looks for an opening. 4. Coach Fcrre1ra look on intently. 5. Another match for Chris eal. 6. Darren Myers grapples with his opponent.
Wre thng
Boys' Swimming
I. tate w1mmer Darryl Rogers shows h1 perfect butterfly form. 2. You can't be tired Justin?!?! 3. "Ohhh ... divmg IS up next!" 4. The camera catches Adam at one of his best poses. 5. Tom Powell trokes hard to the tim h. 6. Ro~ 1: Aaron Ochs, Ju tm Wadell, Adam Hausserman. Bill} a~age. Darryl Rodger . Tom Powell. Elliott Rodgers, Tony Tangora. Mark andqUJst. Row 2: Coach Miller. Coach Tngger. Howard Jones. Steven P1ckenng, Matt W1se. Brad Casper, Andy Hatch, David oonan, Jesse Bruns, Terry Rodgers. Mike Vasaune. Row 3: Marcus P1erson. Adam S1egel, Jeff Kamerer. Rob cott, and David Butler.
The 89-90 Central Boys' Swim Team showed Central that when the going gets tough, the tough works even harder. This past year Central lost Rick Vogt and Chris Balke. Even though they were both really missed, the team pulled together and trained ever harder. Seniors Darryl Rodgers and Adam Hausserman took over. They trained the new freshmen and molded them to act as future leaders. These future leaders will continue the success of Central swimming. And remember, hard work and dedication always pay
6 ports
II 7. Elhott. are you that thtrsty? . Go JefT! Go! 9. We all know who 1 number one!!! I 0. Adam goe for the gold 1 II. Ghde 1 12. What goes up. must come down. 13. Tory show lots of Central ptrit. 14. Jes e prepare for a relay tart.
~ 6.
Boy • wtmming
. .,..\·'·::::
"Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."-Brett Johnson
Brett Johnson President
Jeff Troxell Vice- President
"May the spirit of Ed Finkleschkinanm , Black Label , and Best be passed on as it was passed to us."T.J. Harrison
0 R
T.J. Harrison Secretary
Chris Neal Treasurer
Angelia Adams
Raquel Aikman
Wendy Alexis
Lisa Angerer
Jamilia Appleby
Jennifer Ashenfelter
Ingrid Austin
John Bailey
Merissa Bainter
Nat han Baker
Michael Barber
Joseph Barrett
Nicole Beau/in
Chad Beckett
Donald Beckler
Robert Beers
Jacob Bell
Todd Bell
Devin Belt
Joshua Ben o~
.'¡ V
Connie Boucek
Maria Bishop
Jeanne Blixen
Laura Bopp
Patricia Bremer
James Brown
Jon Browning
Shevon Brown
Yolanda Brown
Michael Brumbeck
Tim Bundy
Crystal Burton
Angie Byers
Amy Cameron
Jayna Caroline
Elena Carpenter
Cortauis Campbell
William Capel
David Bortell
Anieset Carter
Duane Carter
Christine Crugati
Stephanie Collins
Jack Chen
Ricardo Cooper
Kenneth Clark
Melissa Collier
Brandon Crabb
Charles Crawmer
Neva Curtis
Kathryn Daniel
John Deponai
Chad Detamore
Justin Deverell
Lisa Duane
Geoffrey Clarkson
Richard Cortez
Jennifer Davis
Geoff Eaton
Scott Elrick
Adrian Feigl
Maria Figueroa
Amy Fischer
Roger Fisher
Stacy Fisher
Matthew Fletcher
Michael Gaines
Leanne Gapsis
Richard Garcia
Richard Gibas
Seth Giertz
Derek Gladney
Paul Glaser
" A:ngela Goines
Bonnie Goines
Katrina Green
Michelle Grinnell
Charles Hall
Kimberly Hart
Adam Haussermann
Emily Hays
Bradley Berglund
Marc Hill
Tammy Hindman
Amy Hitzeroth
Jill Holt
Zachary Hoover
Michael Hud on
Chine a Huff
Reuben Hunt
Michael Huss
Linh Huynh
Cory I ham
Larissa Jack on
Deshon Harris
Thomas Harrison
Timothy Heath
Gzne Johnson
Pamela Johnson
Shantale Johnson
Travis Joop
Anthony Kaiser
Deborah Kakoma
Kristen Karl
Kristin Kasper
Jennifer Kearney
Andrew Keefe
Cheryl Kennedy
Kimberly Kenner
Waukesha Kindle
Stephanie Koss
Michael Krug
Stacy Krumm
Tricia Krusa
Lily Lai
Nicholas Lake
Shelleay Lane
Kendall Larson
Sheri Lee
Stephanie Lenard
Knichole Lenoir
H oily Leonard
Michael Leonard
Latricia Lewis
Alexander Lo
Lora Logan
Alicia Lonnquist
John Maclay
Chad Maier
Amber Marceau
Dyshonne M arrissette
Gary McCaskill
Ronald McCloud
McDon~a .'~d. . . . . ¡. eniors
l~ V
AfarLeah Afclntosh
Rhonda AfcNutt
Christopher AfcQueen
Ethel A/iller
Robert A/ills
Lance AIoore
Kevin Aforenz
Jeffrey A/organ
Ronny A/organ
Dawn AIorris
Sherry AIostert
Elaine A/otley
Susan Afuirhead
Bridget A/ullin
Christopher Neal
Yolanda Neil
Jude Nolen
Harvie Oglesby III
Susan Ogren
,/· ..·.·.··.· . ·. '.. ohn Neal
"~ "~
Karen Olach
Jeffery Uliver
Tabitha Ulson
Nicole Osterbur
Eric Paci
M ichae/ Pack
Nicole Paris
Kuendo Park
Amy Parker
Travonda Pearson
Jessica Perales
Coro Perez-Azner
Amy Peterson
Christopher Pfaus
Wendy Pickering
Amy Rappaport
Barbara Rice
Jamie Rife
Laura Robin emor
Darryl Rodgers
Michele Rollings
Alissa Rosenberger
Amy Sameh
Maysa Sameh
Shawn Samii
Kendra Sanders
Norah Sanders
Brian Schmit
Jeanne Schnabel
Robert Schroeder
David Shaul
Susan Sheridan
Zeniada Sibley
Michael Simmons
Kenney Smithenry
Marcee Smith
~ . ristine Skeel
.....·.·.l·.·.···.···'. •...- ··•.·. . . C···
. ·.... ·..hcc
~Album ··
Tonya Smith
Darren Soucie
John Sparks
Patrick Stines
Nicole Strunk
Kamran Sullivan
Shawn Tabeling
Christina Takantjas
Christina Tangora
Kathy Tarr
Tonya Taylor
Phillip Teuscher
Julie Thomas
Jeffery Thompson
Julius Thompson
James Thomp on
Robert Thurman
Sharnae Thurman
Jeffery Troxell
Stavros Valkanos
Steve Vasaune
Jason Vetter
Alan Visocky
Shannon Waller
Kenneth Wenzel
Jason West
Donald Wheeler
Kurt Wiborg
Tyno Wicks
Nicole Wilkerson
Raenise Wilkerson
Aaron Wilson
Lisa Woodis
Samuel Yarber
Timothy Yaxley
Debra Zook
SENIORS NOT PICTURED Curtis Arnold Carlos Avant Angela Bigham Gcrjalc Brown Timothy Campbell Alison Carter David Clayborn Kenneth Cline Kevin rum Malkia Davis Marquitia Davis Harry Douglas Stephen Duncan Mar) Ellis Derrick Garrett David Gra) Michael Harris Ayanna Hart Craig Harvey Toriano Har ey Glen H inz Daryl Henderson Christophe Johannsen Simson Kraus Jennifer Mahar Andrew McGlathef) Jennifer Michael James Montague Antonio Moore Joe Motley Tri tina unley Beverly Porter hristine Quinn Michael Ryan Jeffery Sanford Maurice Shelby haron Stark Andtrice Vaughn Daskel Vaughn Jr. Ricky Vogt hannon Waller Anthony Welch Chri toph Williams David Wisehart
Longlc} the Dcc1mator
"y cs. I'm built hkc a truck ."
.. yOU
faCISt . art fag."" .. ~cc ya! "
路路1 JU t don't understand."
.. Hey love"
.. You puny little girliman!" .. BE T 1 best!!!"
riO'JV COUlD 'JVE "1 work, I get the job done." .. Hey g1rl . I'm available."
MOST TALENTED: John Maclay and Kristin Kasper
BIGGEST COM Lily Lai and
MOST CHEERFUL: Christina Tangora and Mike Somers
oc S T T I
J u 1
h r
e as n TdN h e 0 a m 1 a s
BEST LOOKING: Jennifer Ashenfelter and Jude Nolen
CLASS Patty Carpenter
CLASS CLOWN: Kimi Hart and Andrew Keefe
B K C E r h S
1 r sa i
e R e
v E R
CUTEST COUPLE: Sara Zion and Marc Hill enior
P f a u
SHYEST: and John Neal
MOST ATHLETIC: Kendall Larson and Nate Baker
CLASS BACHELOR/ETTE: Wendy Alexis and Brett Johnson
0 ''
SEt UOR MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED: Julie Thomas and Geoff Eaton
MOST OBNOXIOUS: Christina Tangora and Alex Lo
BRAINS AND BEAUTY: Kristin Kasper and Nate Baker
MOST INTELLECTUAL: Sara Zion and Geoff Eaton
CLASS FLIRT: Collins and Derek Gladney
SAYINGS Yeah, I'm 21. Drink one now, drink one later. Ta-kill-ya I don't drink. I didn't do it. Skip it Hey Big Girl You are UGLY! I don't need another guy in my life. I.D.? I just walked from my apartment, and all I brought was money. Sure. that's it. Just Bye! What happened? So you're a freshman. Grow up Stop the car, he's fine! No. she's not dead. Get a job.
You're the cutest boy ever. You don't know? Well you better ask somebody. Nufin, Nufin Alright DUDE! My mother always ... Best is Best Let's go pick up some guys. SHIMMMM Gliech un die Ecke I'm sick. I have eight children, can you tell me why? I know girls like that. Not me Dude! You look like Dave Mustaine from Megadeth! Who's buyin' tonight?
Man. why can't we wear hats in school? What the - - is goin' on here? D-Dogs! - - the police! Ya all wanna get high? NEXT! Free James Brown Express yourself JOE! BET! It's all about that '90 Don't kid yourself. I'll be back. Shucks. I've come to talk to Bob. Window Good stuff Maynard You're sauced. Is there a problem of some sort?
ClJ.\SS ,fV SriO'IVS Growing Pains The Wonder Years L.A . Law Roseanne Late Night with David Letterman M.A.S.H. Remote Control The Young and the Restless MacGyver Brady Bunch Cosby Show Knots Landing A Different World Unsolved Mysteries Full House WWF Saturday Night Main Event
J'J\OVIES Harrison Ford Eddie Murphy Mel Gibson Kirk Cameron Bill Cosby Johnny Depp Steve Martin Robert Townsend Mickey Rourke Sasha Mitchell Tom Cruise Elvis Alf Dennis Quaid Steve Martin Michael Keaton
Tom Hanks Patrick Swaize Sean Connery Patrick Dempse Beetlejuice Spike Lee James Dean Jack Nicholson Robin Williams Arsenio Hall Charlie Sheen Clark Gable John Candy John Belushi Chevy Chase Dustin Hoffman
SENIORS Gospel Alternative Thrash Country Hard Rock Acid Music Class Favorites
Clint Eastwood Robert Redford Billy Crystal Andrew McCarthy Martin Short Rob Lowe Anthony Perkins Arnold Sh wartzenegger Christian Slatter Bozo Ernest Kevin Costner Blair Underwood John MaClay
Freedom Rock House Music Jazz Rap Slow Music 60's Rock Classical Television Themes Heavy Metal
Rock-n-Roll Punk Rebelious Groovy music Anything Soul Top 40 Anything written before 1975
Beaches Cocktail Spinal Tap 9 1/2 Weeks Lethal Weapon 2 Uncle Buck Batman African Women on the Moon Aliens Gone with the Wind Fatal Attraction Do the Right Thing Turner and Hooch Licensed to Drive Dead Poets Society The Song Remains the Same About Last Night Rain Man Less Than Zero Easy Rider Parenthood Say Anything Shag Sixteen Candles Can't Buy Me Love Strange Brew Nightmare on Elm Street 1,2, 3,4,5 When Harry Met Sally
SINGERS Kim Basinger The ones with big eyes. Meryl Streep Phylicia Rashad Meg Ryan Cher Princess Leia Marilyn Monroe Whoopie Goldberg Jasmine Guy Molly Ringwald Justine Bateman
Holly Robinson Elvira Bette Midler Elizabeth Shoe Marilyn Chambers Ally Sheedy Roseanne Barr Madonna Amanda Peterson Phoebe Cates Stephanie Koss Christina Garrett
SOt IGS Party Man Boyz in the Hood Hotel California Lovesong When We Make Love Shower Me With Your Love Can You Stand the Rain? Wild Thing Wish You Were Here Ocean In Your Eyes Heaven Like a Prayer They Put Me in the Mix I'm Gonna Miss You I'm That Type of Guy Stairway to Heaven Look Who's Dancing Hungry Eyes Little Red Corvette Forever Your Girl Institutionalized Takes Two Can Do Anything 2 Hype When a Man Love a Woman Thank You Cherish Too Short The Joker You Shook Me All Night Memories Fade Disintegration Channel 2 Let Me Get What I Want
The Game of Love Rain Song I Wish You Were Shy Party For Your Right Wind Beneath My Wings Buffalo Stance New Position Anyway You Want It Love Lifted Me Shoulder To Cry On I'll Be There For You Where Are You Now? Strange Love Monkey Express Yourself Sara Goodbye Love More Bounce to the Ounce Forever in My Heart Jane Says Eighteen and Life Dr. Feelgood It's a Little Too Late Yell ow Brick Road Back in Black Turned Away What I Like About You Whole Lotta Love Sanitarium Living Years Kisses on the Wind Don't Fight the Feeling You Had Too Much to Drink Don't Be Cruel On Our Own
New Order Depeche Mode Erasure Robert Smith Sinead D'Lonner Eazy E Soul to Soul Guns and Roses Fine Young Canibals Elvis Jenny and Kristin Cher The Beatles Madonna U2 The Cure REM 10,000 Maniacs Beach Boys AC/DC Bobby Brown Iron Maiden Metallica New Edition Dead Milkmen Too Short
N.W.A. Last Gentlemen Bon Jovi Heavy D and the Boys James Brown Millie Vanillie Echo and the Bunnymen Bette Middler AI B. Sure Sinatra Led Zeppelin Paula Abdul Fast Eddie lan Astabury EPMD Big Daddy Cane John McClay INXS Peter Gabriel Rolling Stones Richard Marx Talking Heads James Hetfield M.C. Hammer Morrisey Tone-Loc
The Charleston trip Campus Garcia's Mattis Lake The Pond The Barn Right beside the 16 Noel Diener's Backyard T.J. and John's Apartment The Cave Brien's Hood Top Dresser Drawer Eisner Park OMNI Skip's Sunoco Camelot Bradley and McKinley Barnett's Union Monical's The Bridge
Bridie's Crib Lincoln Lodge The roof of Krannert West Gate Apartments Willies R.D.'s Room Clark Park Deluxe Morrisey Park The Pit Meek's House Chad's Ba ement Howard and Joanne's Cochrane's Orchaed Downs Douglas Park Aunt Sonya's Taco John's The Band Room Burger King Clarkson's VW Putt-Putt Sherwood Forest
Class Favorites
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Almost gettmg arrested in T1juiana, Mexico, My sixteenth birthday at BHS when AN., J.L. , L. T. and H.P. kidnapped me, and the guy I was in love with was there. Going out with G.C. only to get dumped for an oatmeal-cookie-looking thing. Falling down the stairs in a skirt ( freshman year). Sitting in the back seat of a cop car at Diana 's and seeing Trac y J. and Rob K. laughing at us because they ~w~~ Falling in front of my beau. Falling in front of Zach and Eric. Falling through Phil's ceiling. Getting sick all over the floor at Tina 's party. Coming to school with a new dent in my car every week/ When I thought summer school was held at Central instead of Centennial. Trying to get Amy 's attention one night by throwing pebbles at her window but accidentally broke it. Freshman year walking into so many wrong classes. Being seen with AB. Junior year when T.S. and his friends rode by and always had something to say. Throwing-up in Chad Detamore 's car on the last night of summer before my junior year. Being nominated for Homecoming Queen. Impersonating Jimi Hendrix in an influenced state of mind at L.O. 's and S.L. 's 4th of July BBQ. Calling up WLRW for a prom date. Getting caught, getting full in Washington D.C. on the Afro-American Club trip. Almost falling into the Taco Bell dumpster. Puking in Kathy's car on St. Mary 's Road after consuming too much. Most of the dates in High School.
Getting busted m y juntor year with m y two worst enemies. ' Running out of gas 8 times a week. Being kissed by Mr. Gher in front of m y Physics class. Freshman year when I slipped and fell in front of m y boy friend and he was standing there laughing / Explaining exactly how I broke my pelvic bone. Going up for a block in volleyball and noticing m y shorts never came up with me. Someone had pulled m y ~~~~ Being so nervous after m y first day of driver 's ed, I fell on the stairs in front of a group of gorgeous senior guy s. Calling the wrong Amanda. Hessel park, the police, my car and me. Passing out on Heather 's bed and puking in Wendy's purse. When Kath y slapped me on the back and /lost all control of m y bodily functions and wet m y pants in G. C. 's van. Every Central teacher 's first attempt in saying, "Santanu ". At Tina 's when I was walking through group of people, trying to high kick, and falling on my butt. Spilling Gatorade on my baseball uniform and having to play a doubleheader wet and sticky. Running from cops, slipping on a log, and falling into the bushes.
Running across the football field in Danville in the rain and falling on the fifty yard line in my cheerleading skirt. Rear ending one of my friends ' mom at a stop light. My first time out in Champaign with T.J. and Mad Dog! When the peppettes had our I st performance at Unit 4 field and the microphone went out so we couldn' t hear the music. Sophomore year at the track banquet being named, "CRA H". When I was running through a golf course, being chased by cops and they flushed me out of the bushes. When I was in D.C. and I got caught with guys in the hotel. Freshman year, N.B., A.L. , B.J. , J.N. and myself went to J.T .'s New Year's party and got turned away by Tad. When I accidentally said, " oy facil" in Spanish class. Slipping on ice in the Circle Drive, almost getting hit by a car and having everyone laugh at me. Rob throwing roses in my face on Valentines after seeing a hicky on my neck, which I had no idea how it got there. Freshman year in P.E. without a bra. When Rick Shurtz and Dan Shoemaker depantsed me at the sophomore pep assembly. ~:·~vu .•5 to the bathroom ·in my pants, Spri
.i ' Having people ask me if.;'. it was my birthday when I was carrying around balloons. Going out with Chad B. for a year. Getting my ACT score. Throwing-up at Kathy 's • in front of Rob Mills. ~. Freshman initiation for ~ ! swimming. Homecoming '88
Sophomore year, asking a teacher where room 118 was and I was standing in front of it. Driving home, my tires fell ofT and everyone looked . Sitting in West Side Park with Jennifer, BOUNCING, and thinking I was deaf because she moved her lips but no sound came out. Going to Homecoming with " The Whistler". Thinking I was coordinated enough to read a note and walk down the stairs, then falling down the stairs and spraining my ankle. Getting caught by a deputy sheriff, who was my mother. When people found out about the "Hot Tub" party. Walking across University the first day of freshman year and falling on my face. Being offered a Virgin Mary and exclaiming, "Ah, my first Virgin!" Prom my junior year, having my black lace garter fall to my ankle while I was talking to Marco's mom. Flag Football, freshman year, getting in interception and not knowing which way to run. At J.B.'s party when Dawn's brother did "The Butt' and knocked my face into Dawn's hands. Junior year, being arrested twice by the same friendl y officer. The second time he looked at my I.D. and said, " Don' t you ever learn?" Not saying HeyHg ... at the James Brown Freedom Fest '89. When Mike Somers broke my leg.
K~~ ·J(~~- r..~ ·~_()f~"'"'!l''_~·· · -. r_: ~ ~
.,___ ' Riding on Amy Jahn 's carhood UTI. Volleyball bus rides home, after we win. December 4, going to Garcia 's with )en and leaving with S.G. The night in the garage with C. Jennifer 's 16th birthday- "Park Rangers " Having a cop follow me into the bushes when I was trying to go to the bathroom. Stretching my leg to its fullest in Sleby's class. August '89 with Jeremy while m y family was gone. Lunch junior year Hitting three doubles off of Ken Crawford in three games. Doin ' the Bernie/ Prom with Daryl, and the next day with Jodi and Scott. Carrying balloons around on my birthday. Freshman P.E. in Mr. Phelp's class, 5th hour. The day I finally told Alex I loved him for more then a friend. Bottenfield and Krannert with K.L. My 16th birthday weekend All the fun times I've had with Cristina and Nicki. Seeing the Maniacs in concert. Band trip to Florida. Walking into the bathroom, only to see the Easter Bunny occupying a stall. Girl's locker room January 7, 1989 Weekend rounds around Devonshire Homecoming '88 Prom '89 My freshman year Spring Break '89 Summer '89 "NIPPLES" candy Spring Break '90 Summer '89 with Matt
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Blacking out and crashing into J. T. and W.O. at prom. • "~ 1 ·" Wendy's 16th at Mattis Lake \ ~ -~ \'.'~~ Parties at Steve and Andy's \• . ·· When our fake Christmas tree caught on fire and melt- ,'-; ' ed. •. Staying best friends with Janya and Gzne. Spending New Year's Eve with a wonderful friend after . _:_ everyone else fell asleep. :. Prom junior year with the Heinouses. --i My first date with Will and all of our road trips to Ef--)\; fingham. · ) • . · ·.• The night Dawn Morris' ex, dropped us off somewhere .J• .. , Anytime between September 15 and January 17 '·. . ~ ~ ·. Peach and Zach Opening the basement window at 1:30 with A.L. during ~ .......8 ~rumm~ ~~ ~ Lisa running into a pole in the parking garage and her . - .·. ; ... not ~emembering_ it. . _ _. . ' • Getttng stuck w1th the Ch1cago Kmg B-ba/1 team in the Holiday Inn. • D~iving through ISU, getting lost and listening to Slayer:~; With T.J. Setting the school record for the hurdles. Saying goodbye to a certain person, who was at his "grandfather's", before I left for three weeks. 4th of July week at Jake 's house.
fl-\ VOR.ffE J'I\EJ'I\ 0 R. tES
When I went to Chicago and was reunited with my top recruited boyfriend. The red light at string in Zach's room Brett's birthday party at the club The Free James Brown Party at Doug, Jim and Jason's place Meeting Larry Johnson Sophomore and Junior year Afro American Club Talent Show Seeing a skillet fall on C.S. head at Bridie's house. Having Pete Shaw in my pre-algebra class freshman year. Having my locker next to Rueben Hunt's for the past four years. Going to Lake Sara Sleeping over at J.H. 's house. Stealing my own car with C. W., F.F., and R.G. The Roach Motel James Brown Festival Stealing L.K. 's with W.A. Halloween night freshman year. Devonshire with Merissa SENIOR YEAR Football games Getting together with Michael and falling out of love with Guy. The Trip in Todd's room
Spring Break '88 Summer '89 with Julie My 17th birthday Playing Zoom Oinking Best High School dances The 87-88 Basketball Sea-
Alex Lo's blue contacts Tijuana, Mexico Meeting L.J.
Shopping with Lily Nashville '89 Florida '88 McDonald's with Mike, Patty, Andy and Geoff Florida '88 with Dick A I Stringing popcorn for the Christmas tree at church Being arrested, handcuffed, and then wiping snot on the window of the police car. Partying with E.Z.. T.K., T.S., and M.D. ~ Listening to Led Zeppelin with candles lit and drinking 1 the best, it's snowing inside. j~ Falling in love with Amy Rappaport ,:, Getting suspended. ). .' · Sopho':'ore year, hanging out with the seniors. . ,. ,.,l.'Un Cheermg for basketball games and the cheerleadmg \• ,- • v., sleep-overs during Homecoming week February '89 Leaving Delton's apartment with two girls instead of Phil, Brett, T.J. and Nate, and finding out the next day ~~ ,.. · they had a nice visit with a sheriff on their was home at j 1:30 AM. Sleeping on a for sale sign in the middle of a · ) 1 :J tennis court in Hessel/ Park. Getting arrested The Battle Royal- New Year's Eve 88 89
p\, ,
I. Brffl J olmson, bereb} bequeuth to Tt Lash mr /on.~ hwdhangtr's hair, and gnat ju1uor and Swior _years at thi.r hu1 mg. I. ,\f(o/e 0 Jterbur, b.r bequeath to Ldy and lngrul a NCAA Baskethall Champronsh1p, to ~ara and Marc many piCniC lunch~ in the Disco jeep, to Patty the assuranc it's normal not to get college mail from llan,ard, and to juhe a hook of dlimb lunch jokes to keep you laughmg 111 college. /, Lil_y L t, b~rth_y bequeath to Ingrid Austin a life· size glossy poster of Kendall Gill, and to Andreu• Keefe a plethora of u•ax pack boxes and enour,h plastic sheets to put them in. I, Chrwina Tangora, herehr bequeath to ,,1elissa Bryan a trip to see lifu•ana, Tim and a terrtfic senior year, to jenny tu•o excellent years at C.St Co.G. and all the memories that came u•11h it, to Krtsten Piper a funeral for ,\fr D1al Tone tmd a hook of lunchtime jokes, and to my brother, Chrwopher, folir of tht greatest years at Centr I. I. Anuset Curter, hereh_y heqlieath all of my humor to my freshman frmrd ,\1oniqlie, to Larry Johnson, all of my lor•t, and to the class of stop, your turn is next.
keep on mor•m' don't
l, lngrrd Austin, hereby bequeath to Ldy Lai eternal happmess in llmi basketball heaven, and to my hliddy Errc, the chance to see a real armadillo. l, J. Schnabt!, hereby h~queath to Burrito nose all the brushes l own and that she u r/1 meet a deductable deductor that treats her deductable. ,\1e, Myself and I, her~by bequeath to had Hemming the ahdrty to do everything hts brother and I did witholit getting arrested. l, Amy Campbell, here · beqlitath to my closest friends a friendship that will last a lifetime and to Daryl Henderson all of my love for as /on as we both shall lrve. l, icole Stmnk, hereby bequeath to my younger sister Dawn to have a great volleyball career m your last two years of high school and the ability f(l p t "P with our yolinger sist~r Colleen, and to ll.m-y Fischer an everlastmg frmulship for all the talks and fun times we had together. l, Shelly Grin ell, hereby btqueatb to tiJe Varsity cheerleaders the ability to survtve camp, he nen,ous, hate each other, and sui/ laugh it off lor·ing t ach other, to jeremy my ttrnal lot•e, to Stephte the happy and sad memorm to long to list, I love ya. and to Andt and Alex, thanks. l, Santan11 Rahman, h rehy bequeath to Chad M., Scott G., Mark K., Eric P .. memories of Herr Do11gherty, to Chad B. and Roger F. an incomwg rupply of college girls, and to Adrian F. and Geoff . a cornfield in Tolono. l, Kristen Karl, hereby bequeath to Kathy an everlasting supply of cerveza and a can of Glade, to Kendall a white sweatshirt to be worn 1nride out j11st in case you get sick, aud to both of you tht best of luck in the future. l hereby bequeath to the youth of Central the power to free James Brown. l, jennifer Kearney, hereby btqueath to Trina Schultz an everlasting friendship and another spring break, and to Christine, Mike, Stephauie and Tina all of the best in the fu ture, you guys are tb greatest. l, Leannt Gapsis, hereby bequeath to K.O., K.L., A.F., A1.H., C.O., C.K., T. W., J.S., .R., D. ., and S.B. my everlasting friendship and all the appiness and success in the world, to S.S. a bunch of Afarket Place garbage cans, to L. W. and a years supply oregano, to the girls' swim team the best of lurk always and thank yo for a great seasou, and Ji~tally, to everyone a big thank you for all the great memories. l, Maysa Sameh, hereb bequeath to Leah the fun of senior year and to Cristina all the fun we have had. l, Cristina . 1anuel, hereb-y bequeath to 'icki a new family, to justin a girlfriend or two, to Kevin a deck of U 0 cards, to Donald the ability to top criticizing everythin , to Mary a drit•er's license before she is old and grey, to the triplets a great future, and to everyone else eternal happiness. I, Patty Carpenter, hereb-y heqTt ath to julie Thomas a copy of the Wizard of Oz aud a skirt that domr't twist around, to ikki lunch with Led Zepplin, to Connie an elephaut of her own, to , 1ike a lucky hat that actually u•orks, to Pfaus a three run dmger, and to Afarie the 024. l, T J. H rr1 011, hereby bequ ath to Tim Lash, the knowledge of Hammelt, to Brett a niCely developed "woman" that rs at least 4 years older so she CtNI take care of him, and to Diana a continuous tape that plays 'Jane Says" forever. We, ic e ilkerson and Alicia Lonnquist hereby bequeath to Katina Wilcher the best of luck with Tud B.K.A. Terrence. I, Ken Wen: /, hereby bequeath to ric Graham my long hair, to Hi Rsk, a Salem Performance Conversion, to Don "Squidler, Circular i\1otion '' Be,· er the ability to melloUA out, and to the Jophomore girls the ability to get on with your lives after we leave. I, Laura Bopp, hereby bequtath to uzanne (twinkie) a great senior year, my eternal permission for the fiero, and the ability to attract grits, B/F, to Tim Lash, ''1att Baz:ani, and Josh Ziegenhorn, the ability to find someone else's house to go to, "the perfect woman" (not on a poster) and my eternal friendship and love, and to Mary Po onis, a hot, handsome man, best of luck in the future. I, Amy Rappaport, hereb bequeath to my brother, Jay the best memories of a lifetime, to Claire an everlasting friendship, to !leather and jemziJ~~· a case of midol, and to the hole gang my lOt'e and ~ ore great times together. l, icole Pari, h re. b queath to Cristina an excellent college career, to Maysa a smt!e everyday, to Amy the ability to not be so shy, to Raymrmd a prmching bag, to Tera a suuessful high school career and a super life with Charles, and to the rest I bequeath a very successful life. l, Rich Gibas, hereby bequeath to D amon Skube the ability to drive in reverse without assaulting a tree. I, Jodi M cintosh, htreby bequeath to Doug Daly a great senior year-thanks for being such a great friend for the past two years, and to Jayna Caroline a pair of purple s atpants. I, Wendy Pickering, lm·eby bequeath to Amy F. many more y ars of friendship and 10 games of PuttPutt, to my brother, Steven, thrte mort great y ars, to icole many gt'(at bmches, to Gabby thanks for listming, to Amy ,\1. her licmse on her birthday with super movie pass. I, Alicia LonnquiJI hereby bequeath to m_y sister, Karm, the bt.rt of luck with Todd and the happiest smior year possible. l, Stephanie Collins, hel'e!~'i bequeath to Sbelly Grinnell a 2:00am race period and my undying friendship, to Krista Hasselbring, a Carson's/Robe;on s charge card and to Chad, the family art of ... l, Kendall Larson, hereby bequeath to Kathy my competitive spirit, a winning game against Centennial, the ability to hold it in, and a cover fo1' the b ck Jeat of her car, to Kristen a neu• dog, a fake ID, and the ability to play profi liano-zoom, and to Anastasia the ability to aim her fo rehands at her opponm s Good Luck next year-' I, ate Baker, hereby bequeath to my little sister, Sarah, the same mediocre years I've had at Central and the ability to free james Brown. I, Sir ate the oble. hereby bequeath to Little john and hrs band of Merrymen perpetually full flagons of mead and an everlasting supply of maidens. l, James Brown, demand that Central llie,h School put forth more effort to free James Brown. We, Kathy Daniel and Kendall Larson, hereby bequeath to Shawna Mullins a great senior year and a great basketball season, may you never forget the flip or suction cup. I, Kimi Hart, hereby bequeath to Lisa and Leanne my et• rlasting f riendship and to my little brother, jason, all the fun that l had in high school, Good Luck in everythin you do, I love _you. I hereby equeath to james Brou ·n freedom. l, Travonda Pearson, hereb_y bequeath to my cousins, Sabrina and Steven, all the determination to make it through their high school years. I hereby bequeath to Tim Lash the power to fre Ja mes Brown. l, B. P.S., hereby bequeath to my little bro, j.1 .S., two more great years in high school, and to Kurt I hope you enjoy Parkland. We, the entor GirlJ, hereby bequeath to th Senior Guys the knowledge that there is more to life then james Brown and Best.' We, the senior Varstty cheerleaders, hereby bequeath to next year's Varsity fun at camp, a terrific Homecoming week, natural colored hose, and dedication, laughter, smiles and memories tbat u·i/1 last forev r. Good luck.'
eni or W ills
WILL I, Wendy Alexr ., hereby bequeath to 1m · Jahn a lieU' grey car w1th an Alp me stereo and hope you u·on 't park on any leaves, to hn-ry .~fostert a mu blru mach me so we can rtde our htkes through our neighborhood, maybe even take a spree nde through court. Thanks for making high school so mu,·h fun and good luck u·ith everything yofl do, and Neva CurtiJ thanks for everything, Beave. I, Ali RoJenherger, hereby bequeath to Dawn MorriJ and mpelf all the happinm we so much dmrve cmd a life long friendship and a quarter to Ia t us more then a week. I, Kathy Daniel, hereby bequeath to KriJtin Karl the ability to spell with out beverageJ commg out your nose. and to Kendall a life u·ithout paranoia and a 11eu• laugh. I, Jill Holt, her l;y bequeath to john Cadu•ell a French fry wedged 1n the seat of hiJ car so he can remember all of our lunches, and to Chad Detamore a girlfnend that lasts longer than 2 weeks and a redheaded girl at college to chase him around the block and try to pull his pants down. I hereby bequeath all my worldly pomJJions to Jim and Tam my Baker I, Jake Bell, hereby bequeath to D(in Squiddler a lifetime JUpply of Jerry Curl, to the sophomore giriJ the perfect guy (hopefully me), to Eric G. a car u•hich he can blow up, and to Top her the streets of C- U in HI RSK 2. I, juan, hereby b queath all my ,',.fadonna memories to a future Madonna fan. I, Lisa Woodis. hereby bequeath to ''Tttmmy ''the wonderful high school years that I never had and the ability to smile forever. I love you, and to Geoff Clarkson the ability to love and care about himself ciS much as I do and to always take care of the wonderful person he is. I, Jeff Troxell. hereby bequeath to my sistrr, Kari, the ability to have more fun then I ever did at Central, and to Tim 0 'Neill I paJJ on 1he legend of tht•fever, to uphold at all golf meets and Ol'ernights. I, Rob Mills, her by bequeath to Tim 0 ' eill a chance to play # 1 on the golf team. I, Shawn Samii. hereby bequeath to my best friend Dayle a lifetime JUpply of hairspray, and to my buddy Smurf the ability to get on people's nt rves 24 hours a day. I, Chris Neal, hereby bequeath a different name to Chris Olsen. I, Kristin K sper, hereby bequeath the honor of being the cutest boy ever to Little john, arzd to Jenny D. and Jennifer A. the ability to never for et what a wonderful friendship we had. (Tijuana!!.' Yeah!} I, Tee- Zay, hereby bequeath to my little sis, Kayetta Brown, all the fun times I had at lunch, and lm of the trouble concerning boys. Have fun kid! I, Cory Isha m. hereby bequeath to Brian Jenkins a GTO that 'II go as fast as his heart desires. I, MeriJJa Bainter, hereby bequeath to the next year's volleyball team Coach Miller's house, that it will forever be 'TPed and trashed". I, Ronnie Morgan, hereby bequeath to Amy, Tab, and Chele a great life with a good boyfriend (are there any?}, and my love always. I hope we are fmnds fom,er. I, Sheri Lee, hereby bequeath my best wishes and deepest sympathy to the undercfaJJmen. I, Jamie Rifi, hereby bequeath Trm•is Joop the S&S connection, and to Chad Swim a race car that makes turns. I, Jennifer Ashen elter, here 1 bequeath 10 Kristin and jenny thanks for being there for me whenever I've needed you, we've had the best times, I couldn't ask for better best frien ds. to jude a decent pair of shoes, and to the Omni girls, hey what's there to say? We know we're the best.' I, Christina Carugati, hereby beqrteath to jennifer Kearney the ability to make me laugh constantly and don't forget we still have to "ride the JOHN D ER ", to Rachel Heinz the ability to get back at Jamie, and to Carrie Anderson all the great memories of Spring Break '89. I, Stephanie Kou, hereby bequeath to Tina Takantjas a car (if she still knows how to drive}, the ability to make up her mind, and my everlasting friendship, and Wendy, Dea11a, Alex, Mike and Ken a big bus to take them to school and lunch, and a great three years. I, Amy Jahn hereby bequeath to IY~'endy Alexis all the great memories we've had-even back to the Bottenfield days-they've been the best, high school wouldn't have been the same without you, all the happineJJ and succeJJ you could ever want-you deserve it, and if you get a car-Remember, d rz't park it m leaves. To MMMisner, keep up the good u•ork and thanks to you I will never forget me and thee, and finally to Captain Cavewomar1, don't take anyone's head off G od Luck to both of you, and have a great jtmior and senior year. I, Tina Tak antjas, hereby b q11eath to ~ brother, Alex, enough money and power to move out of the house before you go insane or join the mrlitary, and to my very best friend, Stephanie, children with straight teeth so they don't have to go through the same thing as you did. I, Sherry Mostert, hereby bequeath to endy a face wide enough to fit her big cheeser (sometimes}, and to the Omni girls an temal part_r. I, Knicole Lenoir, hereby bequeath to Den ita JO" Gladney the ability to sneak out with me and not get caught by her mother an the ability· to be the very best she can be, make her last )ears here great ones and to stay out of trouble, and to Suzanne Rigg the ability to realize friends will let you down and to be herself and have a great senior year. I, Amy Fischft:, hereby bequeath to Nikki an everlasting friendship and a future with Keith, to wonder twin Connie fun Fri ely nights, great tenni.r playing together and frustrating times with you- know-who, to ]ami a great senior year and tennis season, to Wendy a fun summer and good timfs at ISU, to lf-'hitney the ability to be on time, to Nicole a day u•ithout make- up or hairspray, and finally to Dawn and Whitney a good two more years here and luck in vo/l 'Yball. I, Connie Boucek, hereb_y bequeath to m.., little bro. Bobb , th use of pop's car while I'm gone and the best two years at Central, to PfauJ a box of gt·abam crackers and chocolate ice crectm, to Paco the ability to get along u•ith Burrito for one night, to my wonder twin lots of tennis, and to Jam-Jam, Sar-Sar, and Dwarf the ability to have a great tennis season. I, jessica Perales, hfreb_y bequeath to Michael Castillo all my love a11d a casual hairstyle that I can run my fingers through without being yelled at, to Jean ne Jumer the ability to have a ded11ction, and to Kris Skeel a car with an emergency brake on the paJJenger's side. I, Neva Curtis, hearby beqrteath to lfl'mdy AlexiJ a lifetime supp~y of L 's, the long beautiful hair she has always wanted, and no more tickets to the par , and to MeriJJa, Amy, Nicki, Kathy, a11d Angie and anyone else I've forgotten, to have great college years without me and a lifetime supply of friendship like they all gave me. !,Julie Thomas, hereby beq11eath to Patty Carpenter the best of everything, my friendship forever, and the ability to just tell me to shut-up, to Sara Zion II the success in the rid and thanks for keeping me motit,ated, to ikki 0 Jterbur an endless volleyball tournament in which you win every game, and to Sir Bajo my heart and soulforer•er, I love _you. I, Raquel Aikman, hereby bequeath to Derrick my rmique charm. a zd Iren 's worn out polos, to Powell Jr. a hair net to keep his hair intact, to you both have a great time at Cen tral and to Darryl R. the ability not to smile. I, Susan Sheridan, hereby bequeath to my "Boys" (,\-f.G .. j.i\1., J. ., D.G.) my everlasting friendship and thanks for everything, to julie a huge box of chocolates so maybe we can be the same size again. and to my brother, Tim, as much fun as you can po11ibly have in the next two years. I, Lisa Nan nette Duane, hereby bequeath my car to Christina White and Tory Hines, to Frannie Franklin, jerry's IGA , to Kevin elson and Robert Gateriewictz my ability to obey lau•s "sometimes", to my three buddies in California the ability to stay in school, to Christopher Flores my love and life, and to my family my thanks for their !ot'e and support. I, }mny Davis, berel~y beqr.eath to Jennifer a11d Kristin the best of luck in the future and thank you for all the great times, and to jude olan, the ability to stand still without dancing when he hears a frmk_y beat. We, the Cla,rs of '90, berel~y beqtJeath to the ClaJJ of '91 a real Homecoming float, our superior abilities in everything and the best of times always.
enior Wills
BEST" Prc~idcnt
\ icc-Pre,. - Dan Barham
- .\aron Och'
L.a~ha\\ n \lkn I .:norL' \lkn 1-..Jmbnh -\lthau~ DL¡anna \mnHln~ \lmondo \ndn~on
( arolinL' \nd.:r\on Ja~on
'llahmoutl -\\-lara~ l.:lieJ.l Hadn '->arah Hanlt
.lcr.:l Harber Dan1el Barham
Jo\hua Barnell 'lklon' Barrell
'llall Ba 11 a 111 fon~ Jknd.:r '>coli B.:rnardJnl ChL' ran11a Billing~!.:' '->t.:ph.:n B1~hop ¡
!all Binger Rebecca Bla1\dcll 111~011 HO\\\ell Phillip Bo\d Cameron Brewer
. -.
\I bum
Barr~ Brod• .Juhl· Bro"n
\lind~ Bnl\\11 Rm Bro" 11
\tqJhcn Bro" 11 \kh\\<1 Bna11 ( hn\tinc Burne\ '-.coli Burll'11 "-c"auncc Butler
tal\ B~11um ( oll~l·n ( arpl'11ll'r 1 odd Carr Hai 11c ( a\pcr\ l c\hc ( <J\ ana ugh
'-.hanta ( hanl·~ \\ ilham ( lm\ll'll\Cll \hanno11 ( ohh \ 11 1\ ( Ol hranc I r.l~\ ill. ( okman
Barhara ( omcr \ndrC\\ ( omprall Jacmda ( O'\ \klanic Culhcrt~011 cane ( ·ulhcrt \011
Dalal Dalhc11n Doug Dah h.atnn.1 Dhom I odd Do" n 1ng \\ .trTl'l1
Roger I agan (' ntllla I agkn ( 1~11g I f\\111 \na I aurl' h.auc l1~hn
'>l'an f Olllll'r \can I ord
\tcphanJc 1-roc\chl I amm~ Ciammill
knnlli:r Garrett \leg
\1 ark (, 1ngcnch
Robert Goddard
( arnab~ (,old\tl'lll Rob (,orham Enc Graham \\alter Graham Jam1 (,rccnficld
'->ll h ( •re'e'n John ( .ruhh ' ( •ruhh Do1111 nJCJ.. (, Ul re .le'\\ll<l Hanrahan
'-.arah\\ lklh Harne· ~ lnde' Harn\ 1\.n\1<1 Ha\\elhnng Rarho:l Hc-1nt
lm I klkr Joe' lklfnch '-.roll Hemon .Joel Hnl'IJ.. 1\.e·ll~ H 1ghl
1\.un Hill Tor~
H lilt'\
'-.ln e Hollar
'-.hannon Holhng~:r \ 1il ho:l k Hornn Tro~ Hollman
D~:nn1\ HulTman Jenmkr lm1g H~:a1hcr Ireland
I onun1ca .lad,,on ( hn\tll' .lana' \ng1c .kn!.. ( had" ICI- .lohmon l rll' .lohn\on
.knlllfi:r John\on \Jan Johmon \lon11-h.a John\on '>am John\on Da' 1d J lllll'\
Juan .ltllll'\ t-...ort'11n Jonl'\ kiT l>..amerer \aron Kdl~ l>..n\tl'l1 1-..cmpel
t-....:ntra 1>..1mhrough ( hn\ l>..1ntnl' r l>..athenne l>\On ( ·~ nth1a l>..kc!..ner Derae Kno\
Da' 1d l>\1-~ R1chard l>..o101l
L) nn Krock Da' 1d Krug
.. . ·~
\lallhc'\\ 1\.uc·c'la Tam111\ 1\.urlal-.o\\\l-.~ \lc'\ l\.u\ma11olt ha1 I <lr\011 I kat her I .1~
[ m 1-.a leeper \ !Jrhal'l l.Jrl-.1~ \I Jl hac• I LJll hton.l
Je\'>lla Long h .1re11 Lonnljlll\l .laml'\ l~barga
Deborah L~l-.111'> Holl~ L~ nlh '\ athanal'l L~ n11
John \l argregor Ton~a \l a1er -\I~ \On \! ann Darhl'll \ lc f- arland Ben.Jam1n \.lr( , lather~
lan \l c(, O\\ l'n \ le tt \ll rhl'lk \I IIIer Cl~ de 1\ 111e -\ m~ l\1 ontanl'lh (Jfl'~
1\.n\llna \lorn\\L' \ \ntlwn' \lotln \ha\\ na \1 ullin\ \h>llic \lmph~ .knnil\:r \1 urra'
l)arrL'Il \1 \l' r\ I~"~" '\<1\h \ liL had '\ l'a I Juliet '\l·ci~ .knnilcr o · na~
I m Oh l\\on ( hn\lllll' 01\0il .knnilcr Omn Janll'\ Pad. \amm~ Pad,
llitahl' lh Pt;tu\ Patnd, Pkilcr '>t,ll'l'~ Phclr'
.knnilcr Phnl\ llkn Phillip\ \1Jrhacl Phillip\
l\1ar" PJC"L'll Lamonte P1cr\on l\1ar~ Pomon1\
\lirhacl Raln1l' r ( ah 1n Ratchlord lkhhtl' Ratilft llnan Rempe \ian Rtheiln
\u/,tnnl' Rtgg Paul Robert\
I nr Rolling\ \1 KhaL'I'
\lc\andcr Ruthati>rd LL路ah ameh Barton \an ford \tn en \an\onc \m\ \a\\~l路r
l.t\a \Lhal'li:r Dchhte ')choono' cr Rhonda Scott \dam u:gcl hl路ila ll'\\ crt
\ngcla \mnh I katha mtth Robtn ">mllh h路reiKl' ' mtth Canrho ">pmJ..\
(arlo\ '>ptnlo.\ \kli\\a '>taLi-. JuanJl,t '>tandtti.·t \ ngL·Ia '>tarh· ~ '>ltaron '>tar!..\
Donna '>ta\i-.L' 1\. ~ ra '> 1.:" a rd ktrr.:~ Sttn.,on Jo\ltua '-,tonL' Rtchard '-,tollL'
\ L'rlan '-,wrlo..:~ Juli.: '-,umml'r'> \\tilt.: Tar.:ll Tn\tan Thoma\ Hr.:nt Thomp'>on
Juliann.: I ran '\gu~.:n Tran H.:ath.:r Trumptn\kt Dtana Truran -\k\ T\.:h.:li'>
L.:.: \ aughn
\1a\ Maroon
A v\lbum
.l,lllll'\ \\ addcll \lar10 \\ ard Kl\011\,1 \\a\h1ngton K,111na \\ 1khcr lkathl'l \\ ilca'cr
1\.n 111 \\!I ham\ \lonlla \\!I ham\ PL·icg \\!I ham\ Tncncc \\!I ham\ \\!I he \\!I ham\
't oulanda \\!I ham\ \latthc" \\ 1\l' Darc1 \\ ooden I\. en ncth 't ang 't 111 /hcng
Jo\hua L1cgenhorn Lonn~ L10n
ot Pictured
\lien. l1nda Hea~k) . Kn~tophcr
B1gham. Henr~ Hrent. Deanna Bro'' n. Charma1nc Hro'' n. Jacqueline Bro,,n. Latonya Buller. Ty Ia Castillo. \11chacl
( a\ton. ( hark\ ( ohh. T ere\~a <'oopcr. JctT Diliore. K1rJ... <•ould. -\In!\ liard~. Ja~on
Han. Jane Harn~. Dcn1sc Helm1ck. R1chard Husband. Chnsla Jcnnmgs. Dun' 1n
1\.mc<llll. Stac~ l--1ng. \launce LempJ...e. Denm~ Longer. Beatnce Lum . \ 10kt \1clnt) re. E:.dgar l\1ern,,cather. Ka~ha,,n Och~. a ron
Randolph. Ra~ mond R1chard\on . l.aponta Saddler. Donell %clh~. Darron Shein~ . Kenneth SJ...uhe. Damon Tate. \!~ron
Owen~ . Terr~
\\arc. Lada'' n \\ hile. L1sa \\ ilhams. Fahsha
tacy Pncc. Jonathan
\\ ood.
Thad1~on. Rete~ha
& · ..·
Dante Allen David Anderson Wanda Anderson Musaab At-Taras Sarah Baker
Amanda Baldwin Eric Barber Travis Bergstrom Tuan Bien Holly Birt
Julie Blixen Shamonya Bolton Christie Bortner Robert Soucek Jr. Regeania Brown
Jesse Bruns Telisa Buffer Amy Bundy Jeffrey Bundy Matthew Burnett
David Butler Germe! Butler
tephanie Cadena John Cadwell
Sandra arns Ann Ca cone Brad Casper Dennis Chapman Kimberley lark
Shondell Clemons Chad Collins Jennifer ollins Gabriele Cooper Christine romwell
Casey Crull Tina Dawkin
Katie Dawson James Dehaven
Christina Delgado Mark Denzer Andrew Deponia David Deverell Kenneth Dittmar
Dwight Dixon Scott Ei sfeldt Patrick Elder Laura Erhard
' ophomoreâ&#x20AC;˘
~ _,.
Angela Farthing Marjorie Fechtmann Brandi Fisher Monte Fitzgerald Lisa Fontana
La hawana Ford Andrew Frank Frances Franklin Whitney Freehill Jeri Gandy
hri tine Garrett hristine Gon iorowski Tara Gotschall Richard Grant Eric Gray on
Alexander Gross Jame Hamilton
Jame Hammel Jennifer Han
Thomas Harding arrie Harney Kri ty Harris Jason Hart Devon Harvey
Andre>w Hatch Mindy Haynes Lesle:y Helfer
Chad Hemming J .A. Hendricks N tcole Herricks
Angela Hinkle Ryan Hitch Travis Hitzeroth
Jason Holling worth Jody Huffman Meredith Jancola Brian Jenkins Aneitre Johnson
Kathleen Johnson Meredith Johnson Michael Johnson Emily Jones Stephanie Jones
Jennifer Joseph tanley Kaiser Diana Kakoma honda Kamphau Robert Keeling
Julie Keith Hillary Keller Claire Kelly John Key Bilal Khan
Manish Kher arah Knoester Jacob Krandel Angela Krus Kristin Kuhne
Hadas Lakonishok Tim Lash Jennifer Latshaw Connie Lemke Terry Lemke
Demetrius Lenard Rachel Libman Tyra Lipscomb
Jennifer Liu Anita Lomax Lindy Loyet
Rebecca Lynch Dennis Lynn Terrell Lyons
Robert Manning Elizabeth Marino Nathan Markward Donald Marshall Gabrielle Marshall
Amy Martinkus James Mcfarland
Jodi Mckenzie Jason Miller
Kristin Mi ner Kimberly Morenz Megan Muirhead Aaron Munds Tanya Murrah
Jamon Mytty icole iemi David Noonan Chri topher arlin Aaron orri
Timothy 0' eill Christopher Ohlsson Joseph 0 ler Jason Palmisano Gary PanGilinan
'. ~
.. .¡
Rohan Pa sle) Manisha Patel Larry Peat David Pelmore Kerry Pelz
Bieke Pe hkin Ian Peter Ricky Pettigrew Rodriquez Pettus Christopher Pollard
Melis a Pomoni Derek Pruitt
Regina Pruitt Peyman Purkhosrow
Chad Raker John Reay Kristopher Redenbaugh Murty Renduchintala Michael Reynolds
Matthew Richards Debra Rober on Christopher Roberts William Robinson Brian Rose
Mal) Ross Mario Russell Mark andquist Jennifer awyer Adam chnitzer
Loretta Tracy Robert Jeffrey Ebony
Schoonover choonover Scott eaman hackleford
cott Ju tin
Gidget immon halawn laughter Michelle Smiricky
David mith Rochelle mith hani e mith
tuart mith Ryan Tricia Da id teigmann Raymond Stinebaugh
Shelly toerger Dawn Strunk Mark Tan Tony Tangora tacie Terry
Dan Teuscher Carmen Thomas Maureen Thompson Wanda Thompson Rachel Thurston
Kari Troxell Anastasia Truran Angela Tull Jason Valdez Christopher Van Matre
Tisha Van Matre Andrew Vanengelenburg Theodore Veatch Candice Vineyard Willie Vogel
Sarah Wackerlin Catina Walker
Kevin Ward Elizabeth Weinstein
Sarah Weinstein Christine White Kenneth White Jame Wiggin David William
Dwayne Williams Misty Williams Richard Williams Robin Williams Jennifer Wil on
Jessica Wood Freeman Yorde
SOPHOMORE NOT PICTURED: Lanette Aker Marcus Allen Tami Bidner Krista Birchfield Vanshon Brown Erika Campbell Laura Davey Todd David Dwanza Davis Vivian Davis Mark Day honte Dearmond Stephen Dyson Brandy Everman
Adam Floyd Kristy Gandy Denita Gladney Passyone Grady Peter Gray Kimberly Hardy Kjersten Holm Alina Jelks Larry Johnson Temetra Jones Masingoane Khoali Katherine Klingel Kaniesha Lawrence Freddie Lay Channelle Lewis Daniel Lewis
Anthony Lindsey Anitra Melker Brian Merrick Robert Merrick Billie Miller Veronica Mmusi Tena Moore Charlene Nash Tram guyen Byron Olion Monica Osler had Oyer Abbe Phillippe icole Phillips David Rafaloski David Rhoades
Earlene Smith Knichola Stone hawn Toney Odessa Townsley Allen Vogel Charles Weathington James West Kawona Williams Latasha Williams Mark Williams Mya Williams Re'o Williams Wesley Winston Jaray Wright Joshua Wyatt Krista Youngman
:~ ¡~v./> ......./
11oJ.JE oF rf/£ ~-
- ---
Thomas Powell and Elena Scott were this years freshmen homecoming attendants.
The freshmen class officers are president Steve Day, secretary Heather Treat, treasurer Sean Ireland, and vice-president Laine Means.
Dorjan Adams-Hite Derrick Aikman Tiffany Ambrose Tonia Amos Allison Angerer
Kerry Ashenfelter Brian Atkins Ja) Bailen Patrick Bailey Kimberly Barber
Justin Bash Kelly Beaulin Daniel Bechtel Josh Beck Lawerence Bell
David Berkson Sean Biddle Aimi Bidner
Arlicia Bigger Rodney Blackwell Chad Bolt
Brandi Boma tephanie Bowermaster Kirk Boyd
Bronz Bradford Jill Bremer Natasha Briggs Yolanda Brim Brian Brown
Kayetta Brown Monique Brown Nicole Brown Sonya Brown nne Bunte
Kyyone Burney Mark Burnett
Keelie Cagle Brian Calhoun
Tyra Campbell Marquis Carter Ronald Casey Tuawillia Clemons Steven Comer
Candice Conner Mark Davis Steven Day John Dixon Calvin Dorris
Tamika Dorris Jennifer Duffy William Durbin
Ethan Durst Jared Durst arah Eheart
Todd Elrick Timothy Evans Michael Fay
Patrick Ferguson Lyle Fettig Floyd Fisher Delshaftn Ford Marc Ford
Jonathan Fotzler Angela Frazee Kenneth Gadbow Rachel Gaffron Melissa Gaines
Kristina Gingerich Brittney Greenwood Jamella Green Kelly Greefe Jason Grubb
Fre hmcn
Angela Guire Daniel Gustafson Joel Halfwassen Teocka Harris tefanie Hedgepeth
Season Heiny Jessica Helfer John Henburger I aac Hen leigh Tina Herakovich
David Ho Mary Ho Linda Holfield Matthew Holy Jana Hotsinpiller
Li a Hsieh Eric Hudson Jessica Husband icole Hutchison Sean Ireland
Demetria Jackson Cory Johannsen
Derrick Johnson Jeff Johnson
Marcu Johnson Melissa Johnson Syreeta Johnson Howard Jones Jessica Jones
Khoalie Khoali Rachel Knoester Lucia Kraus
Jay Krumm Katherine Kusmanoff Dante Kyse
John Lalande Erica Leach Lawrence Lee
Takelani Leshoure Kimberly Littleton Jill Logan Carmen Lozar Janice L)nch
Antonio Mapson Tadd McDaniel Brian McFarland Derrick McFarland Erick McFarland
Fre hmen
Dantanion McGee Laine Means Carla Millar Lawanda Miller Derrick Moore
Latrice Moore Grant Morenz Jeanette Morenz Emily Morgan Taya Morgan
Lamarco Motley Christopher Nelson Michael Nelson Travis Nelson James Nerby
Kari Nerlien Willie guyen Angela Nicholas
Sara North Rebecca Ochs Anne Olson
d on a
t e
Jeri Orner Ketu Panchal Todd Pavlick
am Phillippe Steven Pickering
Susan Pierce Marcus Pierson
Thomas Powell Amanda Purkey-Pile Carlarta Ratchford Thomas Ray David Roberson
Dawn Robert Elliot Rodgers Catherine Roger Tony Rutherford Peter Salzman
William Savage Graig awyer Andrew chuster Elena
James immons Jennifer Smith akkia purlock Jill tephens Valerie Straayer
handra Summerville Alexander Takantjas Arnetha Tate Deja Terry Renika Thadison
Carrie Thoma Erin Thurman Nicholas Thurman Khanh Tran Heather Treat
Melisa Turner Jennifer Yalbert
Mike Yasaune Jennifer Vinson
Yashika Wade Tosheba Walker Brian Warren Scott Weber Timothy Widholm
Joe Williams Jimmie Winbush Tamara Woodis Taleena Wright
FRESHMEN NOT PICTURED Chris Atkins James Bishop Billy Blackburn Tecla Bogen Nicole Brewer Virginia Burries Michael Carter Steven Carter Angela Caston Denise Chaney Kendrick Crossland Gayla Dodson Kathryn Fisher Keona Giddens Kenya Gladney Tara Goodling Damon Harris Juerida Head Michael Heath
Gabriel Jackson James Johnson Michelle Joseph Marci Kaiser Gene Kakoma Wendy Koss Linsey Labounte Derrick Lindsey Terron Lyons Lionel Mapson Tamara McKelphrn Ryan Moore Khoi Nguyen True Nguyen Sea Yo! Oak Keith Owens Joy Palmer Antonio Pelmore Warren Raquel
Deana Reifstack William Roderick Terrence Rodger Makaila hackelford Demetrius Singleton Mark mith Michael Smith Myra Smith Craig Snoeyink Trumel Sturkey James ummers Shilanthe Thompson Robert Tuel Kareem Vaughn Gordon White Lee White Neil Williams Sam Williams Stacy Wright
AfroAmerican Club Archives 151 Art Club 147 'Band 152 145 CCE 154 Choir Chronicle 163 'Drama Club 161 Election 'Board 146 French Club 138 French )-{onor SocietH 139 F.)-{.A. 156 Future 'Problem Solvers 156 German Club 140 German )-{onor SocietH 141 'KeH Club 158 162 Little maroons 'national )-{onor SocietH 135 Office Occupations 144 'Peer Ears 160 'Principal Scholars 143 Quill and Scroll 160 Spanish Club 136 Spanish )-{onor SocietH 137 Speech 'Geam 150 Student Council 148 Students for a 157 'Better World VOA 144 Writing 'Geam 150 'Yearbook 164
'l1A'GIO'l1A£ J-(O'l10'R SOCIE'G'Y
The at1onal Honor oc1ety 1 an orgamLatiOn con 1 tmg of O\er fifty of Central's bnghtest students. One must carry a 5.0 G.P.A.. as a sophomore. a 4.75 a a JUnior and a 4.5 as a enior to be initiated. This IS the 65th year of the ational Honor ociety in Central. The .H .. is headed by Mrs. Cotter. a present student counselor at Central. Every pring he accompanies the group to an Induction m
itt anl iltonor _ orilft\ tf _·~rout art rhools ~-- h' WuUJ
rtl' ·
all JHrn hu th
n :.~ rnb th<~t
RO\\ 1-~tar~ Rthelin . Jcnntfer \1tchael. \n1\ Sa''~er. \tam· ( arpenter -\1~\on 1\tann Sarah Harkne\\ Heather Ireland. 1-..aren Olalh ltl~ Lat . Sarah ?ton. \tephantl' ( olltn\ Chn\1.1 He\\clhnng. Ellen Ph11ltp\. 't tn /tng Jc\\tl"<l Long. RO\\ 2-1:-m Ohl\\on . Jet) \t r\On Lonme ?ton . Lnc Helfer. ~tahmon<.l \t-Iara\. Patncta Bremer. Elatnc (aspers. \n1\ Montanellt . Chnstte Janas. Pall~ Carpenter 1-..endall Larson . 1-..nsten 1-..arl. L~ nn I-. rock \mhcr \t,trceau. Jamt (,reenficld. \1tlhelle Horner Ro" 3-Chm Ohon . Jamte Rtli:. Jell J....ammerer. Btll~ (hn\len\on. -\nd~ 1-..ecfc. Jcnn~ Da\ IS. Sarah c.ruhh. lngnd -\u~ltn. '\teolc Osterhur. Mar~ Pomont~. Khakte 1-..ttson. Da' td Bortcll. Rtchard 1-..otall. Sam Johnson. Da\ t<.l Jone\. RO\\ 4-Joel Hcrctk. Chad Mater. ( ratg Erwtn. John Sparks. Julte Thomas. 1-..nsttn Kasper. Scoll Henson. Chuck Cra,,mer. GeotT Eaton. Tro~ ash. Dar~ I Rodgers. I-.~ ra Ste,,ard. Paul Glaser. Steve \ asaune. Roger Eagan Pte 2- The ongmal charter \\htch acknowledged Central mto the llltnots Chapter of the altona! Honor Soctet~ . Pic 3-Aaron Ochs and Lonnte Zton take a 1tnute to look up at the sk~ as the~ lean on the E:-.cellence tn Educalton stgn.
llini <.t~ttr • n lnr tl luqJtrr of tltt _-,dw nnl ;otwr - ttrit t!! of t•nmhur!! :... lw,tl
Spanish Club The Spanish Club was again the largest club at Central, boasting a record 131 members. Active members participated in a number of activities throughout the year. Traditional activities included the clubs trip to Chicago and the annual Christmas party, complete with "Secret anta" gifts and a candy filled pinata. Members also enjoyed Copacabana, a performance of Spanish dances and music put on at the lllini Union. In the spring the club made it possible for some of the third and fourth year students to take part in an Emersion Weekend in Lake Geneva, WI. During these three days the students are required to speak only Spanish. In addition to these activities the club planned to go icc skating and took part in a foreign language volleyball tournament.
Fre hman and ophomore-Row one-Abbe Phillipe, Maureen Thomp on, Ketu Panchal, hn tine Gonsorowski, Jodi Mckenzie, Katie Johnson. Kathrine Klingel, Hadas Lakonishok, Katie Dawson, Gabnelle Marshall, Jana Hotsinpiller, Mark Day, Kristin Piper, Ryan oucie, Rachel Thurston, Jessi Wood, Mike Yasaune, Row two-Brad Casper, Arnetha Tate, Jenm Collins, Jamon Mytty, Jim Deltaren, had Raker , Whitney Freehill, Elena Scott, Gayla Dodson, Cathy Roger , Jodi Huffman. Julte Blixen, Michelle mincky, Mary Ross Row three- arah Weinstein, Elizabeth Wein tem , Jenny awyer, arah Ehcart, Chri tie Hams, cott hobe, colt Eissfeldt. Hilary Keller, Knstm Mt ner, Dan Teuscher, Tim Lash, Gary Panglinan, Jenny Latshaw, Missy Pomonis, Mike Fay, Grant Morenz
Spanish 1-lonor SocietB Row one- cnora van E~. Amy Fisher. Jill Holt. Karen Olach. Patt:r Carpenter. -\my Jahn Row two-Jeff Kamerer. Sam Johnson. Robert Thurman. Co¡nc Johnson. Stnc Yasaunc.
Spamsh Honor ociety IS made up of students who have excelled in Spanish class at Central. Their actn tties include tutoring other panish students when help ts needed and their annual flower sale. The sale IS usually held the day before Christmas break and red and green carnation are sold. The money raised by the sale goe toward ending as many tudent as possible to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin to participate in a panish Immersion Weekend. In addition, the money IS used to give away one scholarship per year to a deserving senior in fourth or fifth year Spanish. To complete the year a formal initiation of new members is held in May. The event has a special format and is put on by the students alone.
Opposite page: I. La Senora van E es muy bonita con su sombrero grande' 2. Steve Sansone, Jeff Kamerer, and Sam Johnson guard the food after the Spanish volleyball game. 3. This year's panish Club officers were a-President : teve Vasaune and Chris Neal. secretary: Amy Fisher. and Treasurer: Leanne Gapsis. 4. Cam Brewer says, "Hey Krista, 1 n't panish Club really fun!" 5. enora van Es helps Leanne Gaps1s serve refreshments during one of the meeting . 6. Elena cott and Hillary Keller contemplate how to make part of the snowman pmata. This page: I. Vice-President: Jill Holt. Treasurer: Amy Fisher, ecretary: Jeff Kamerer, President: Patty Carpenter. 1. The new members take part in the mitiation .
Junior and enior-Row one-Warren Dalal. Amy awyer, Cind1 Eaglcn. Julie Tran. hannon Cobb. Amy Parker, Beth Harney, Karen Olach. mdce Kleckner. Ana Faure, oro Perez, Amy Fisher, Chris cal, Leanne Gapsis, teve Va aune. Row two-Mary Johnson, tacy Phelps, Khak1 K1tson . Adam 1egel. Carnaby Goldstein, Heather Wileaver. Kelly Hight, Carrie Ander on, Krista Has elbring. Allison Boswell. Mane Carpenter. arah Harkne . Jam1 Greenfield. Debb1e Kakoma, Michele Rollings, Ronnie Morgan, Senora van Es. Row three-Julie ummers, Eric Simmons. Patty Carpenter. Bnan Rempe. Jamie R1fe. Stephamc roc chi, Anics6t arter, cott Burten, usan Muirhead, Jana aroline, Matt Bazzani. Richard Kozoll. cott Bcrnard1m , Mary Pomom , Paul Roberts. Tabttha Olson. Row four-Rob Gorham , Dave Krug, Troy ash, am Johnson, Jeff Kamerer, Laura Bopp, Wendy P1ckering, Dav1d Kom J...y . -\my Peterson. Tonya Brown, Michele Lewi , Amy Jahn, Mike Somers. Row five-Micheal D1az Del a tillo, colt Henson. Roger isher, John parks, teve ansone. W1lliam Chn tensen, Chri Grubb, Ju tin Waddel, John Neal, Gzne Johnson , am Brewer, Kevm Williams. Kathy Daniel, Jeanne chncbel. Zach Hoover. Phil Teuscher. Jeff Troxell.
F'RE'l1C:H CLU'B Throughout the year. French Club has engaged In many actn ttics ~hich enable the tudents to experience French culture in an exciting manner. French Club i open to tudcnts of all le\els of French. and meetings arc held monthl:y to discuss fund raising ideas and acti\ itics. In O\cmbcr. French Club tra\clcd to Chicago. The students\ isitcd the Art Institute and experienced an authentic French meal at Lc Bordeau\. . To sponsor orne of their acti\ itic . French Club held their annual caramel-apple sale. To some. this may appear to be a Freudian slip due to the fact that Madame Majdiak hate ticky tudcnt . In any case. this year' French Club c t Haimcnt magnificent.
J I. Meh sa Bryan cheese for the camera. 2. Madame m her pnme. 3. Row I. tephame ollm , Lonny Zaon, herry Mosten. Mamsha Patel. Jenmfer Han. Lily Laa, Sara Zion, ndrcw McGlathery, Elizabeth Pfau , Heather Ireland, Heather Trumpmski . Row 2. Joel Hercik, Jenmfer Ea haefer, Becky Blaisdell, Tamara Gammall, feldt. Jenmfer Lau, Lasa Tanya Maier, Rachel Gaffrin,Kendall Larson, Shelly Grinnell, Amber Marceau. Row 3. Mahmoud At-Taras, Clyde Mize, Julie Thomas, Nicole Osterbur, hnstie Janas, hawna Mullins, Susan Ogren, Tish Bremer, Christina Tangora, Melissa Bryan, Jennifer Davis, teve Vasaune, Donie! Saddler. Row 4. David Bonell, Holly Bin, Lisa H ich, Marc Hill, Geoff Eaton, Machele Lcwi , Charlie Crawmer, Scott McGregor, Sarah Bantz, Chad Beckett, Kyra teward. 4. That's some hard stuff. Donie!! 5. French lub members panicipate in the foreign language volleyball tournament.
French 1-ÂŁonor SocietH
Ro~ !-Heather Ireland. Lily Lat. Chns Jannas. Davtd Bortcll . tcolc Ostcrbur. ara Zton . Tish Bremer. Beck) Blat dell. Jenny Ltu. Jcnn} Davt . Amber Marceau. hciT} Mostcrt. tcphantc Colhns. Ro~ 2-Chuck Crawmer. Mahmoud At-Tara . Geoff Eaton. Juhc Thomas. Steve Vasaunc. Ktra tcwart. Sara Bantz. Knsun Kasper.
The French Honor Society is a group of tudents who are serious about French and have proved o academically. In order to be a part of this honorable club, one must attain straight A's in French class as well as being listed on the school honor roll. This club does not engage in many activities aside from initiation and one or two meetings, but recognizes student who have excelled in French.
2 I) What arc you looking at? Is that a "French" look? 2) tudcnts from 1969. tn their tyltsh manner. study a map of France. 3) The officer of the French Honor
ocicty gladly smile for the camera.
19 9 is a year 0 German student can ¡er forget. ot because of the championship over the French, pani h and Russian Lubs in the volleyball tournament, but, more importantly, because the Berlin Wall was knocked down. Pre ident Ingrid Austin, Vice President Raquel Aikman, ecretary Elaine Caspers and Treasurer Sarah Grubb planned many exciting events to celebrate this monumental event in German hi tory.
German J-(onor SocietH
German Club held a hri tma party for member , took a field trip to Edison and Franklin to promote German, and h ld many bake sales. They also went to Chicago where they visited the Goethe Institute, Germantown, and Heidelburger Fass (a German restaurant). German Honor Society is a group for students who have excelled in German and wi h to contribute toward better understanding of the German languag and culture. Their major event each year is planning the initiation ceremony for new members.
"Deutschland. Dcut chland uber
(Opposlle page) I. Row one-Mr. Allen. Cristma Manuel. Ang~e mllh. Enc Pact. Dtana Truran. tchole Pans. Mand] BaldWin. Elizabeth Marino. AnastaSia Truran. tcolc Hemcks, John Lalande: Ro.,., two--Lucta Krau . Jes tea Long. Alyson Mann. Jessica Hanrahan. Sarah Grubb, Amy Montanelh, Raj Stinebaugh, Tnna Dhom. Enn Thurman. Chns Olson: Row three-Jeanne Schnabel. Raquel ~tkman. Santanu Rahman. Jason Yetter. tck Lake. hetla Stewen. lngnd Austm. Elame Ca pcrs. Kenn y Yang. Greg Metz. Karen Lonnqut t: Row four-Matt Kucera. Dan Barham. Alex Tscbehs. Matt \\ tsc. Roger Eagan. Davtd Jone . Kat Larson. John Batley. 2. The German Club laughters the French. pamsh. and Ru tan lubs m the foretgn language vollejball tournament. 3.Elame Ca pcrs 1 tempted. 4. Matt Kucera. lngnd Au lin. and Enc Pact enJO) thetr field tnp to Chtcago. 5. The four sexiest g~rls at Central-the German Club officers. (This page) !.Darryl Rogers dommates thts group of German Honor octety mitiate . 2. Mr. Allen shows off hts love for German beer. 3.The German Honor Soctet)' officers-Raquel Aikman, Vice Prestdent. Amy Montanelli. Treasurer. and Mark Krug. Secretary. 4. Row one-David Jone. Greg Metz, Roger Eagan. hris Olson, ichole Pan . Muny Renduchintala. Matt Wise. Darryl Rogers: Row two--Elaine Caspers. my Montanelli. Cnstma Manuel. lngnd ustin. Mr. Allen. Raquel Aikman. Sarah Grubb, Jesica Hanrahan. Tnna Dhom. Ang~e mith.
AF'RO,AOJE'RICA'l1 CLU'B The Afro-American club is an organizatiOn designed to provide more interaction within the student body. Although the club ha consisted of mainly minority student , any student willing to work hard i welcome to join. This past summer the club went on a trip to Washington D.C., where they toured for three days. They raised the money to go through bake sales, flower sales, and their annual talent show. It is projects like these that bring students together to achieve goals that will better the club in the following years.
Pte 1-Row !-Larissa Jackson, Charlene Nash, Yolanda eil, Jayna Caroline, Ameset Carter, Juanita Standiford, Cry tal Gtlham, Row 2-lnde Harris, Ahca Lonnquist, tcole Wilker on, Debbie Kakoma, Marcee Smith, Rhonda Me utt, Row 3-Gznt Johnson , Clyde Mtze, Brandon Crabb, Ms. Cathmgs, Demttnus Singleton, Terrence Smith, handra Summerville Pic 2-Students li ten while Ms. Catchmgs goes over talent show plans. Pic 3-"lf you gotta pop it. you gotta go 1!!" Pte 4-A few semors enjoy the summer fun in Washington , D.C. Pte 5-Secretary, Debbie Kakoma, waits to take attendance. Pte 6-Mr . Assalley. Ms. Catchmgs and Mr. Davtdson take a break from the excitement of tounng with 30 students.
'P'RI'l1CI'PAÂŁ SCJ-fOLA'RS The Pnnctpal cholars Program IS designed for minonty student that ha"e excelled academically m school. -\II member are encouraged to keep at leasi a 3.7 Grade Pomt A"erage. The program consists of 25 other schools throughout Illinois and is funded by the U of I. On the first aturda)' of ever) month the students attend meetings where they discuss upcoming contests such as speech and science and participate in other academically im::hned acttvitie .
P1c 1-Ro"" 1-Tosheba Walker. Jayna Caroline. Lanssa Jackson. lndt Harns. Dome! addler. Ahem Lonnqu1st. Shaundra Summer-. die. Ro\1, 2-Rhonda Me utt . -\mestt Carter. Clyde M1.rc. Gznt Johnson . Yoland Brown . Stephen Brown . Debb1e Kakoma. Tma ~ a lkcr P1c 2-Prc 1dcnt. G.rnc Johnson . Treasurer. Clyde 11.rc. and \1cc Prcs1dent. Jay na Caroline take a mmute to pose for the camera. P1c 3-Ms. Robmson . the Pnne~pal Scholars sponsor. pomts out a fc" 1dca to the students
Pnnc1pal ' cholars
Office Occupation/ V.O.A.'s
Pic I. Office Occupations Row I. Laura Robinson, Wendy Alexis, Julie Vanagitis, Christina Carugati; Row 2: Mrs. Arnold, Sharnae Thurman, Jill Holt, eva Curtis, Row 3: Donnie Wheeler, Chinesa Huff, Chris Quinn , Tonya Taylor, Angie Goines. Pic 2 Wendy Alexis converses with school officials. Pic 3 VOA' : Row I: Jennifer Johnson, Debbie K.akoma, helly Grinnell, Jodi Mcintosh, Kristen Karl, Avieret Carter. Row 2: Merissa Bainter, Angie Goines, tephanie Hedgepath , Kurt Wiborg, Micheal Pack, Mike Huss, Li a Angerer, Rob chroeder. Pic 4: Kurt Wiborg deliver an important message to the yearbook class. Pic 5: Rob chroeder thinks about his future as a professional golfer.
CCE allows students to have an education and a career at the arne time. tudents in this program attend morning classes at Central and then have a chance to participate job training in the afternoon. Students work at local businesses, restaurants, and community schools. The program is sponsored by Mr. Marsh. Students in CCE gain experience that will help them m future careers after high school.
l. Taniya McDonald help a cu tomer in the check-out line. 2. Holly Lenard traighten up the birthday igns. 3. "Baby, do you want to dance?" 4. aricho pinks unloads the docks before he takes a break. 5. All of the CE members gather for a picture.
Election 'Board Election Board is a group of students from each class. elected b) the tudent bod), to upen i e the electiOns of the )ear. The election are held on the first floor near the Little Theatre. Some of these elections include election of tudent Council members, class officer and Homecoming attendant . Printed ballots and pri\ate \ oting booths are used to insure voting privacy. The Election Board member hand out, collect, and keep track of the ballots throughout the da) of an election .
I) Jamie and tcphamc run the poll m a plea ant manncr. :!) Members of the Election Board climb to higher levels. 3) row 1- ate Baker, NIcole Osterbur, Mary John5on. Kathy Damels, C'hnstma Tangora, Knslln Karl. C'onmc Boucek, Jam1c Greenfield. row :!-Matt Kucera. C'hnstma Manuel. Dmna Truran . Juhc Thomas, ~tac} Phelps. ara Grubb. hell) Gnnnell. 4) ate hyly turns from the camera as Rob 5tjhshl; wears h1 balloon.
Row I: Maysa ameh. Karen Olach. Amy Parker. Emily Hays Row 2: Mr. Damclson . Chns keel. Li a Angerer. Mary Pomm1s, Rachel GafTron Row 3: Ebon; hackelford. tcve Vasaune. 1ck Lake. Amy ameh
Central' Art Club aiiO\\S students to develop creatiH~ abdttics and learn more about t~ le and technique. During the year, student creations decorate the showca cs of CH . Many of the -\rt Club member have deigned counties pieces of art for the chool )earbook and other chool publication . The annual field trip to hicago' -\rt In titute gives members an opportunit) to explore different tyles of painting . culpture and photograph . -\ diver e group of tudent make up thi crcati\ e and talented club that remember . "'Once )OU arc an -\rt lub member you are al,.,-a) s an rt lub member." I l1sa -\ngcrcr sport the latest 111 GeorgctO\\ n apparel. 2 1clo. Lake ponder h1~ nc\t crcallon . 3 tne \a aune ha a hnght 1dea' -1 \1a) sa ameh lo.nO\\S that 'ou arc an -\rt Club member fore' cr -\111) Peter on contemplate tcahng the " T" from -\ RT.
Student Council tudent ouncil tarted out with a successful "Back to chool" dance this year m eptember. But Wait! The dut1es and actions of tudent Council aren't limited to dances. They have participated in numerous activit1es such as a faculty breakfast. di trict p1cntc. Homecoming act1v tties, district work hops, student exchanges and D1 trict Conventions. The holtday Jingles and pumpkm-grams were also a big succes . And for those of you who haven't been caught by the secret video cameras, Student Council has held numerou trash pick-ups. They planned a blood drive in February and helped in the Food For Families ampa1gn.
row I: Kendall Larson. Ingrid Austin. Lonny Zion. Clyde Mizc, Jamie Greenfield. Amy Cochrane, Chns Ohlson. row 2: Christma Tangora. Melissa Bryan. Conme Boucck. Dome! adler. Enc Pac1. Heather Ireland. row 3: Aaron Ochs. Alex Tsbch . Roger Fisher. Darryl Rogers. Chris cal. Sara Bantz, David Kon1 ky. R1ch Kozoll. Jenny Davis. icolc Osterbur, Julie Thomas.
I) Huh. what d1d you say'? 2) Indicalions of Homecommg spmt were shown throughout the school. 3) Tuan and Rachel enJOY the festivities of the tudcnt Council P1cmc. 5) Juhe Thomas m her normal cheery mood.
rO\\ 1-Jcnn) Latshaw . "-n~ttn Ptpcr. Tuan Btcn \\ httnC) Frcchtll . Ltnd\ Lo)ct. :1.1t") Pomont~ . "-.athcnnc "-.ltngcl "-.attc Dawson . Scan Ireland. row 2--\nnc Ol~on. Tamara \\oodt\. Ktm Clark. Rachel ltbman . E:.lama Scott. Mark Sandquist. Brad ( aspcr. Bnan ( alhoon , Kan Troxell. row 3-Ttm Lash. Ultot Rodgers. Ga}la Dodson. Lame Mean~. Enc Hudson. Ttm \\ tdholm .
2 I) Knsttn Ptpcr sports the latest in ltngene. 2) Jamtc Greenfield dreams of Hawau. 3) ~ould you trust these three wtth }Our student government? 4) Dand Krug cleans up after the Homecommg Pep rail) . 5) Tht~ arttsttcall} destgned promottonal stgn was one of man} throughout the chool. 6) The exccuttve board wobbl) watts for the camera to cltck.
tudent C'ounctl
s 'P E E
)-( ~
7 This page: I. Front row: Meg Giles. Lisa ngerer, Susan Muirhead. ally Pilcher, Elaine Ca per . tyson Mann. Mary Pomoms. Jayna Caroltne. Cmd y Kleckner Back row: Scott MacGregor. Chris orlin. Dan Barham. Patrick Raimer. Andrew Keefe. Geoff Eaton . teve Da y. Grant Morenz 2. One of the man y .. pcech Team tuds", Chri cal. 3. " There's no place to run to Lonny' 4. Real men sell Hawa11an Le1s. 5. Dan Barham ports h1s latest pla1d sh1rt. 6. ara Zwn models her Hawanan outfit during Homecoming Week. 7. Geoff and Sally will be pals forever! 8. Geoff Eaton and Susan Muirhead after a 3 hour bus ride! 9. Jayna Carohne loves Speech Team . Opposite page: I. Ms. Pilcher disciplines one of her mi chievous tudents. 2. I st row: Elaine aspers. Mary Pomoms. Sally Pilcher. Meg Giles. Julie Summers. May a Sameh 2nd row: usan Muirhead, Geoff Eaton . Andrew Keefe 3rd row: Adam Hausermann. Lisa Angerer, ick Lake, John Bailey, Mike omers. Dan Barham. Raquel Aikman. Kim Hart, Eric Paci, cott MacGregor 3. Julie Summers ponder the next Archive meeting. 4. Dan Barham checks out the rear view. 5. Adam Haussermann 1n h1 own treasurer. 6. Mike omers cheerfully anticipate the next ar Wa h. 7. Rachel Thur ton flaunts her golden locks of ha1r. . ate Markward hows his talent on and off the football field . 9. Lil y Lai diligentl y types away on the computer. 10. Front row: Chris 01 on, ate Markward , Rachel Thurston Back row: ally Pilcher, Lily Lai , ara Zion , Mary Pomonis. II . The Writing Team takes a break.
Speech Team , Archives and Writing Team are three of the academic club at Central High. All three clubs are sponsored by the young and energetic Ms. Sally Pilcher. Partici pa ti ng in weekend tournaments help Speech Team members gain experience and valuable speaking skills. Competing at the Regional and State tournaments are the ultimate goals for " peechies". Speech Team , however, is not all work. Most of the fun comes from waking up at 5:00 am for a three hour bus ride! The large amount of enior leadership on the speech team has given CHS many first place awards in individual and team competitions. The Archives is a new group at entral that has helped to uncover many trophies, awards and other treasures from CHS's earlier years. Students have been able to learn more about Central and its Alumni from time spent on the Archive's project. Writing team is made up of six of the most creative and gifted writers at Central. The team performed excellently at the Writing hallenge this year.
A ~
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earn -\rch 1\CS, ~ntmg T earn
I. The band leads the Homecoming parade. 2. "Evel] day's a great day!'' 3. The Symphonic Band plans for the graduatiOn procession. 4. The band demonstrates their skill at makmg beautiful lines.
=- ___ ¡~ ---Club
-~- --
I. K}ra Steward secret!} destres to look ltke the stud in ptcture two. 2. Maybe our plasttc cowbo} hats aren't that uglyll 3. Jam . Jim . Jam' 4. Band members tmttate thetr fa>ontc freshmen at the annual marchmg band potluck.
-\}though band members never actuall) look forward to Band Camp, this vear was even more dreaded than usual. Dunng the summer. Mr. Kull had accepted a job in a suburb of Chicago. !though "Jimm) " was sometimes annoying, he was a good director and a fun gu) . and most everyone missed him . JD Anderson was hired the da) before Band Camp began . His expenence marchmg m the Marching llhm and directmg the of I pep band . gave him the nece saf) experience to direct the Central band . Because of the late change in directors. the marchmg band season did not start out as well a in years past, but had a fairly successful end. The band was able to put together a field show and perform for all the home football game . The band also entered competitions at Centennial and of I and performed well at both of these. After marching band was over, the band split into the )mphonic and Concert Bands for the re t of the vear. Both bands worked ven hard and were able to perform three concerts. ymphomc Band al o played at graduation, and returned to uperstate for the third consecutive year. Another important part of the band program was Jazz Band. Due to the change in directors, and the graduation of many vef) talented musicians. the Jazz Band worked hard to rebuild to their former level of talent. Their hard work resulted in invitations to many competitions. The band has many talented individual . A number of tudents went to the !MEA District Band. entral also sent eleven students to the Big 12 Honor Band. tacy Fisher and David Bartell were nommated for the two Illinois representatives in the McDonald' All-American Marchmg Band . Jake Bell, Stacy Fisher. and Amy Montanelh were selected mto the allState Band. Because of the succes ful fruit ales, the band plan to take a trip to Florida this summer. The band will pia) for thousand of people at Walt Disney World and Disne)-MGM tudio . Mr. Anderson's constant energy has allowed him to mteract well with the students and to continue the past success of Central's band program .
4 Row one-Elaine a pers. Am} awyer: Row two-Josh Beck. Joel Halfwassen, Dand Jone . Jake Bell, raig Sawyer. Ju tm Ba h, Steve Da} . Ellen Day. JD Ander on, Enn Day. Brian McFarland , teve Pickermg. Kyonne Burne}. Ton) Tangora. Joe Willtams: Row three-Ktm Ltttleton. handra ummerville. Jodt McKenzte. Kamran ulli,an . Core} Johann en . Jtm McFarland, Amy Montancllt. Khakt Kttson. taC} Fisher. Paul Gla cr. Chad Mater. Ttm Bundy. Meg Gtlc . tck \\ tlloughby . "-clly Grcffc. Rachel Gaffron. andy Carn . Jenny Vmson . Chn Olson . Kcllt Htght. arah Harknc : Row four-Jcnntfer lmtg. Tnna Dhom . Greg Metz. hawn amit . .i.manda Purkcy.ptle. Heather Wileaver. Net! Williams, Cratg Erwm . Alex Gro s. Dand Ander on. Danny Bechtel, Jtm Hamtlton. Mark Day . Ken \\enzel : Row fi,e-Howard Jone . Robert Mannmg. Ian Peter . Isaac Hen letgh. Mark Tan . Todd Elnck. Marquts Carter. Btlly a' age. Dand Bortell. Mtke Leonard. Patrick Baile) . hannon Hollinger. tuart Smtth. Bobb) Soucek. Mark William . Alt on Carter. Stephame Bowerma ter. Jared Our t. Allison Angerer, Tcrf) Rodgers. Tina Gmgen h. Kjer ten Holm. Amy Cocharane: Row st-..-Amy Parker. Beth Harney . Tina Green . Julte Brown . Karen Lonnquist . Chera Billingsle}. Mtke Krug. Ltz mtth. Am} Cameron. Kim Morenz. Jodi Huffman. Jenny O'Da) . mdee Kleckner. Karen Olach.
C)-{OI'R A popular tradition at Central is choir. Although Don Decker, ~ho has dtrected Central' choir for 19 years, is credited with much of its success, the shows could not go on without all of the dedicated choir members. Throughout the year all five choir prepared music for the annual Fall, Winter, and pring concert . During the Christmas season the madrigals al o put on a traditional Madrigal Dinner and concert, and in the spring the swing choir performed in the Spring wing how. In addition to these performances the choirs sang at many private luncheons. dinners, and banquets. This fall Mr. Decker added another mu ical. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, to this year's performances. With a cast of primarily upperclassmen and the a istance of two other director , the show proved to be a success. Many enthu iastic members from the cast of the fall musical and other choir members are looking forward to the spring musical, Camelot.
Pic. 1: Molly Murphy hows her enthusiasm for music during the fall musical. Pic. 2: Fre hmen Valene trayer and Jcn Orner are perfect examples of undercla men talent. Pic. 3: Didn't you wear that shirt JUSt yesterday, Mr. Decker? Pic. 4: usan . Gabrielle. Amy, Heather, Julie, Kristin, and Jenny model their elaborate madngal costumes. Pic. 5: A group of wing choir girls compare their costumes to the older one pictured below. Pic. 6: Even Miss Rassmussen took part in choir back in her day. ( he' the fourth person from the left tanding). Pic. 7: Matt Fletcher and Adam Schnitzer display their dancing and inging talent. Pic. 8: ophomores Elizabeth and arah Weinstein are both members of the swing choir. Pic. 9: Once again Jenny Davis show the audience her spectacular talent.
7 one-Jenny Dav1s. Molly Murphy, Heather Ireland. Jenmfer Im1g. Sarah Wackerhn. antanu Rahman. Gabnelle Marshall . Kerry Pelz. Adam chmtzer. Jess1ca Hanrahan . Lynn Krock Row two-Kellh Owens. Jajna Caroline. John Reay . Melony Barrell. Chad Collins. KeVIn Crum. Mall Fletcher. \ll1son Carter. Stephme Collins. Juhe Summers. Row three-Knstin Kasper. T1sh Bremer. Juliet eely . Brad Herglund. Ellen Ph1llips. Mike Runkle. Roger Eagen . Chris Nor1m. L1sa Angerer. Sheila 1ewert. usan Mu1rhead. Mr. Decker. Not picturedJohn Maclaj and Amy Rappaport . Madngal~-Row
Sw1ng Ch01r-Row one-Tony Tangora. Zemada 1bley . BetS} Manno. Lmd) Loyet. Jod1 Mcintosh . Grant Morenz. Row two- arah V.em tem . \h Rosenberger. Bnan Rose. Whitney Freehill. Chns Ohlsson. Kathenn e Khngel. Rov. three-Mr. Decker. Jenmfer Lat hav.. Jason Sempsproll. Knstm M1sner. Jo n Browmng. Mandy Baldwm. Amy Martmkus. Rov. four-Duane Wllhams. Katie Dawson. Maria B1shop. Tory Hines. Jenmfer Kearne; . Arron ons. Eh/3beth V. em stem .
Treble and hamber h01r -Row one-Tonya Murrah. Kawana Williams. Katnna Green . Jana Hotsmplller. Jod1 Mclnto h. Anne 01 on. Angie Frazee. Row two- arah orth. arah Eheart. guyen Tran. Jenny Joseph , Dav1d Roberson. had Bolt. Chris Pollard. Charlez Hall . Momque Brown. Tyra ambbel. Row three-Yolanda Brim, Toshiba Walker. honda Kamphaus, V1rgima Burries, Valerie traayer. Lionel Mapson, Anicset Carter, Aneitre Johnson, Delshaftni Ford. Tecla Bogian. Row four-Jeri Orner. Jill Bremer. Melanie Culberson, Kerry A henfelter, James John on, Damon Ham . Dwight Dixon. Peyman Purkhosrow. Tory Hines. Mike Vasaune. Rochelle mith. Momkka John on , Keona Gidden . Lata ha William . Be\erly Porter. Row five-Earlene mllh, Carlarta Ratchford, Kela Lc houre. Ang1 Tull , Deana Ammon . Chad O;er. Floyd Fisher. John Key. Willie Williams, Monika Osler. Elena coli. Tamara Woodis. Keyella Brown, DeJa Terry. Row ix-Chri White, Candus Vineyard, Kristi Gandi, Ang1e Adams. Duane Wilham . Duane Carter. eil W1lliams, Josh Wyall, Tony Pelmore, Kathy Rodgers, Anne Bunte. Ah Rosenberger, Tam1 Kurlakow k1 . Erin Thurman, Don Decker.
Future Problem Solvers Future Problem Solvers is a group of tudents who gather together to ponder challenging questions that are sent to them in a packet. Working collectively, they respond to the questions to the best of their ability and are then scored comparatively with other students.
I) Mr Harde t) hands out problem . 2) Problem oh crs ponder a perplexmg qucstton. Row I : ManISh a Patel. Chr1s11na Crom . Jenny M1chael. Chn una Manuel. L1 a Hs1ch . Jenny LIU , Y1n Zheng. Row 2: tephanie Cadena. T1c1a Stack. P1eka Pcsh . Bnan Rempe. Warran Dalan . Row 3: '\dam 1cgcl. Chns Grubb. Alex Tsbehs.
Future J-fomemakers No, its not a club aimed at making homes. Future Homemakers of America focuses on the vocational home economics education programs. It is a national organization which teaches both young men and women roles and responsibilities involved in family life, vocational preparation, personal growth and community involvement.
Row I : Shonte Dearmond. Tenes a Cobb, Gerjalc Brown, Tonya Johnson. Sarah Knoster, halawn Slaughter, Kimberly Alhau . Row 2: Bonnie Goines. Billie Jean Miller, Dyshonne Marri sette, M1chael Pack, Freddie Lay , ammy Pack, Kewaunee Butler, Mrs. Pirtle. Row 3: Michael cal, hanta Chaney, Curti Arnold, Donte Allen , Duane Carer, M1chael Barber, hinesa HufT, Tony Moore.
Students For A 'Better World Students For A Better World IS an organization started last year aimed at bringing political awareness to high school students, and trying to make the world around us a better place to live. The group has worked on numerous activities this year including Rainforest week, Nature Awareness week, a Clothing Drive, and that ever-sohelpful recycling project. This year's President is Sara Bantz and the Vice President, Julie Thomas.
Row !-Ellen Phillip, Christina Manuel, Elame Caspers. Mike Litchford. Kamran Sullivan. Rachel Libman. Meghan Muirhead. Lynn Krock, Julie Thollmas. Nicole Osterbur. Row 2-Diana Truran. Sheila Ciwart. Jessica Hanrahan. Stephanie adena. Tncia tack, Bickc Pehskin. Waran Dalal. -\bbe Phillippe. MI S} Pomom . Ro"' 3-\mber Marceau. Heather Lay. Roger Fisher, Chad Beckett. tcve Yasaune. hawn amu. Kai Larson. usan "'1mrhead. Row 4-Cindi Kleckner. Jc ICa Long, lyson Mann. Kn tin Karl. Kath} Dame! . Enc Pafci. hawna Mullins. arah Grubb. Julie Summers.
I) Meghan and Mike ort through remnant of homework and other wort hie s paper . 2) The beau tie of the club pause for a pretty po e. 3) tudent how ofT their artistic ab!li tie .
KeH Club "-e~ Club 1s a sen 1cc organ11at10n for h1gh '>Chool \ludcnt'>. "-c~ Club. part of thl' .. "-.. tl1mii~. performs prOJects along \\ llh the Cirde K organ11at10n at the of I. and Kmani'>. The K 111n111~ aiiO\\S student'> to COntinue Cl\ IC Sen ICC \\Ork after h1gh school. -\!though mcmbcr<,htp dropped some from last ~car. "-c) Club still was Ill\ ohcd 111 man) projects. "-c) Club helped ra1sc monl') for l ICEF. C) st1c F1bro~1s. The -\rthnt1s Foun-
dat1on. and sponsored two u ndcrpn \ 1lcgcd foreign children. "-c) ( lub aho helped \\Ith a HaiiO\\CCn Fun Fest for Champaignl rbana children. sent \alcntincs to Cunningham ( hlidrcn¡'> Home. held a book sale. and raked leaves for ddcrl~ people. Ke) Club aho supported Central's ltbrar) and -\rchl\l'S PrOJl'Ct. And. "-c) Club sold doughnuts. -\II these projects aiIO\\Cd Ke) Club to help our school. communit). and \\Orld!
(Oppo~ltr page)- I. Patt} IS C\Citcd about false ad\Crlismg. 2. .\l}son has had onl'
too man} doughnuts. 3. L1sa¡s cold' 4. Kucndo Park and Jon cal ha\C increased the male members 1n 1\.r} Club. (This page) I. ~arah Harkness and .\m} Cochrane ponder \\hat the 1\.E:'I 1n Kr) ( lub means. 2. Mr Sm1th\ excuse for the elevator h.r}. 3. So people rcall) do bu) doughnuts outs1dc of Ph)SICS! 4. Clyde and h1s doughnut monq. 5. 1\.r} Club ollicrrs-Patt} ( arpenter. Julie Thomas. Chns Neal. and Chns Olson. 6. Julie Thomas. Sarah Grubb. Mane Carpenter. and Steve Vasaunc cnJO} helpmg to 1mprovc the world.
Row one-Christine Garrett, Katherine Klingel, Christina Tangora, Melissa Bryan, Diana Truran, Jenny Eissfeldt, tacey Phelps, Mary Johnson, Jamie Greenfield, Missy Pomonis; Row two-Chris Olson, Carnaby Goldstein, Manisha PateL Trina Dhom, Jennifer Han, Cristina Manuel, Rachel Thurston, Heather Ireland, Sarah Harknes , Hadas Lakonishok; Row threeRick Stone, Abbe Phillippe, Jessica Hanrahan, Rachel Libman, Lindy Loyet, Jessica Long, Alyson Mann, Jason Grubb, Amy Sawyer; Row four-Liz Smith, Brad Casper, Gabrielle Marshall, Whitney Freehill, Elena cott. Jessi Wood, Ronnie Morgan; Row five-Jana Hotsinpillar, Gayla Dodson, Susan Muirhead, Anji Tuii-Holmes, Julie ummers, Sarah Grubb. Elizabeth Weinstein, Amy Cochrane, Nicole Osterbur, Julie Thomas, Patt) Carpenter, Amber Marceau; Row six-Patricia Bremer, arah Weinstein, Sheila iewert, Jude Nolen, teve Vasaune, Andrew Keefe, Ben England. Chri NeaL Marc Hill, And) McGiathery , Jon Neal, Heather Wileaver, Tammi Gammill, Kyra teward.
Bo ( S L
Kc) Club
Quill and Scroll is an international honorary literary society for high school journalists. Juniors and seniors who have done superior work on a school publication, are nominated by their advisors to be members of Quill and croll. Because Quill and Scroll members are extremely busy during the academic year meeting newspaper and yearbook deadlines, the club does not have meetings and projects other than those associated with their respective publications. Quill and Scroll has a breakfast in the spring to honor new members at which time they receive membership cards and pins.
Row one-Christina Tangora, Jod1 Mcintosh, Karen Olach, Cristina Manuel; Row twoScott MacGregor, Andrew Keefe, Rob chroeder, Geoff Eaton.
Peer Ears Peer Ears offer listening, support, and alternatives to students who want assistance in decision making. The Peer Ears believe that some students can associate and relate better to people of their own age than those who are older. Anyone who needs help adjusting to the school or just want to talk contact Mrs. Rodgers and she can set up an appointment. Pic !-Row !-Jennifer Eissfeldt, Whitney Freehill, Leanne Gaspsis, Chris Olson, Clyde Mize, Kelli Hight, Lenore Allen, Row 2-Lisa Angerer, Ingrid Austin, Row 3-Mrs. Rodgers, Jenny Michael, Roger Fischer, Laura Bopp, Susan Muirhead, Jayna Caroline Pic 2-Clyde Mize rests his eyes after a long day at school.
A.lthough past traditions continued in many way at CentraL 1989 was also the start of a new tradition. Th1s new addition in..,olved the creation of the Drama Club. Drama Club was tarted by first-year English teachers Tricia Me onnell and Brian Phillips. The club attracted an amazing thirtythree members. Because of this enthusiasm. Drama lub was able to produce three plays: "Arsenic and Old Lace" in ovember. "You Can't Take It With You" in March, and "Our Town" in May. The Drama Club also held bake sales to help raise funds for the performances, cleaned out the prop room. and went on a field trip. Drama Club had a very succc sful year, and its many undercia men members arc sure to make thi a new tradition for Central.
Ro" one-( arne Thoma\. Ko\~. Heather Trumpmskl: Ro'' l\\o-Joc \\ 11llams. J1ll Bremer. Carmon Lonr. Rebecca Ochs. -\n1c et ( artcr. Jenmfcr Phen . \\ lllic B. \\ llllams Ro" thrcc\1â&#x20AC;˘ss Me( on nell. John Lalande. Barb R1cc. Rachel (,at: fron. Stn c Da~. Br1an \lcFarland . -\nne Bunte '>roll \\ ebcr. John Kc~ ot pictured (,rant \1orcn/. Joel Half\,asscn . r-..cll \\ ill1ams. haac Henslc1gh . L~ lc Fctug. '>tcphamc Hcdgcp.:th. cason \\end~
He1nc~. Jo~h \\~alt.
( ampbcll. Ali Rosenberger. -\aron :-.:orns. ora Saunders. Gabe Jackson. elb~ Klcm . Bnan Phillips.
I. 1r. Klem get bu ted. 2. ne'' method for calmmg \\II lie do,,n! 3. Bnan 1cFarland ha taken fashiOn les ons from Rob chrocdcr. 4. -\nne Bunte and Carmen Lozar arc freshman members of Drama Club. -. Jcnmfcr Ph en demonstrate her dramatiC actmg abilllle . 6. Drama Club producuons arc full of C\Citcmcnt.
Little maroons
Little Maroons is program for three, four and five year olds who attend Central for Preschool, three days a week for a semester. The toddlers are involved in a Child Development class, enabling Central Students to work with children on a one-to-one basis. The children engage in activities such as field trips , crafts, computer time, snacks and story time. The high school students plan numerous activities and are responsible for the care of the children.
I) The first seme ter Ltttle Maroons stand for a pose w1th the1r Central tudent helpers. 2) Teacher. you won 't believe what th1s g1rl JUSt said to me. 3) Its a tough JOb, but ornebod y' got to do 11. 4) Oh Goodie! The teacher' out of the room ... let's grab the ch1cs and make a run for it! 5) Deanna Ammons befnends a Little Maroons.
Chronicle The Champatgn Central ne~spapcr. the "Chromcle". enjoyed a great amount of success this year. upervised by English teacher. Pat John on. the eighteen member staff dedicated many hours of work to make this year's Chronicle the best ncr. Many of the students ~ho participate m ~riting arttcle for the chronicle (newspaper) plan to pursue journalism as a career. Some students, however. simply like writing articles on ubjccts ranging from local events to areas of international importance. In the past. the "Chronicle" has been printed by M) ron Ochs in the graphic arts lab. but this year the staff had the advantage of printing it themselves. >\II in all the Chronicle ha gi\cn tho c interested in journalism a tep ahead in their career goals.
P1c I Ro'' !-Sara orth. Jenn] LUJ. Jenmfer Hahn. L1 a Fontana. Karen Olach RO\\ 2-Cnstma Manual. arah Bantz. Chn ell. GeoiT Eaton. L1sa chaefer. \\ill Capel Ro\\ 3- 1cg G1Ies. T.J. Harmon. -\ndre\\ Keefe. Juslin \\adell. \1all R1chard on. coli l\1acGregor P1c 2-Andre'' "-.ecfe look. O\ er a fre hi} pnnted Chromcle. P1c 3-Scou MacGregor. Chns ell. and GeofT Eaton g1ggle \\hile look.Jng for ne\\ 1deas. P1c 4- ara ZIOn and Meg Gile tf] to encourage students to purchase a chromcle card. P1c 5-Lisa chaefer tak.e a mmutc to mile for the camera.
P1c 1- helly Grinnell smiles as she thinks of a caption for her picture. Pic 2-Nicolc Wilkerson discusses yearbook business over the phone. Pic 3Nate Baker 1s amazed at this high-tech machine. Pic 4-You mean to tell me my page is due tomorrow? Pic 5-Brooke Johnson takes a break from yearbook bu iness. Pic 6- ri tina Manuel works inten ely on her page. Pic 7-Alicia Lonnquist puts finishing touche on her layout. Pic 8-0h my go h!!! Pic 9-Julie ummers is stunned by the excitement of yearbook class. Pic tO-Mother!! Pic 11-Pat tines wonders if it is 2:20 yet. Pic 12-What arc you looking at? Pic 13-Row I, Pat tines, Jodi Mclnto h, Brooke Johnon. Kendall Lar on, Row 2, Brad Casper, icole Wilker on, Alicia Lonnquist, Kristin Piper, hris 01 on, Christina Manuel, ric immons Row 3, hclly Grinnell, tephanie Collins, Jamie Greenfield, Julie Summers, ate Baker, arah Grubb, Christina Tangora, Kristin Kasper, Rob Schroeder. Pic 14-Rob chroeder, the leader of the pack guides a lo 1 heep. 7
A'DOJI'11IS~'RA ~I 0'11
-\n ) relation to the Brad) bunch'!
Pnnc1pal. .lo\eph WOJtena
Pnnnpal. Donald Han\on
Dean. l .S. Da\ 1dson
Where d1d the beard go. Mr. Fechtman? Dean. Wilham Fre) man
Dean. Barbara Voss
\1r \!. OJtena s1gns h1~ ne\\ boo". ''The Gu1de to Crea!lvc Ha1r Combmg."
MISS Cotter
the dark ages of curlers.
Counselor. Jud) Cotter One of our greatest tradllJons at Central-Mrs. Voss.
Mar; Vidom
Support Staff
Beck) Dillingham.
Pall) Flo)d. Secretaf)
Carol Pame. Bookkeeper
L. --:?::::::::: ...•.......
Ann Amelio. Pnnc1pal's Office
-\nn1e Parker. Spccml Ed. -\1de Beck) Crumm. Holdmg Room
Lmda Miller.
Cafeteria & Custodial Staff
Row l: Mrs. Clarkson, Mrs. Shafer, Mrs. Knott, Mrs. Lux, Mrs. Browning Row 2: Mrs. Farnum, Mrs. Berges, Mrs. Rule, Mrs. Peters
Left to nght: Mr. Gilman. Mr. Harmon
hiple; . Mr.
adler. Mr. Oilman , Mr. Thomas In front : Mr.
I. What do you want, now?! 2. Mrs. Peters shows her school spirit. 3. Aaron Ochs, Dan Barham, and Lonny Zion have found their careers in the custodial arts.
Special Education
Mrs. Assalley
Miss Brooks
Mrs. Burgess
Mrs. Catchings
Mrs. Hageman
Mr. Higgs
Mrs. Payne
Mrs. Roth
Mrs. Wright
morning person.
)-{orne Ec., Industrial & Fine Arts
Mrs. Lemons
Mrs. Pirtle
Mr. Decker
Mr. Ander on
OF---= --- --
= -... --..--_...==... ----= 2
__.._ ..-...- =. _._. - ~
~--==~ _._
..=;_ .=.::. _..._
..:::...~= ._._ · · ~-
I. Mr. Ochs hard at work on the new Maclnto h computer. 2. Mr. Butler demonstrates how to put an edge on a piece of wood. 3. Electronics i Mr. Houska's forte . 4. Mrs. Pirtle teaches her Home c. class the art of fine cooking. 5. Mr. Decker introduces his latest masterpiece. Not Pictured: tan Marsh 4
r .
Mr. Danielson
. Teachers
Mr. Butler
Mr. Hou ka
Mr. Och
P.E. A'l1'D J-fEAL'GJ-f P. I. Department top to hotlom . (,ene \\a rd. 1--.aren Ra\mU\\en . JetT Tnggrr Julie \\allace. John L md\trom . .knn~ \IIIIer and l om ( ro)
\\hat a shape. what a figure. \\\0 more leg\ he¡d look like Tngger
) ou would th1nk all the cnthus1a m from Mr. Cro] would lnen up Seth Gertz.
On occas1on Mr. Lmdstrom used the grease from h1s hair to lubricate h1s motorc]cle.
Mrs. Arnold
Mrs. Earp
Mrs. Ecker
l. Student teacher, Mrs. Busboom, busily records grades. 2. Mrs. Earp models the latest in fashion trends. 3. Mr. Stirrett contemplates suicide after another stressful day. 4. Mrs. Arnold eagerly awaits her next class.
Mr. Stirrett
Mrs. Lemons
Sarah Fre) man
Robert Miller
Roberta Hill
1rs. Schuh show us her pearl} '~hiles. Mrs. Hill tal-.cs a walk on the "lid side.
Mrs. Frc)man
for the camera
Time to mai-.e the donuts!
Tea her
Richard Garcia
Jeri) Hardest}
Jack Higgs
Joe Houska
Robena Jones
Richard Remmen
Manan Robinson
Rich Wooley
SOCIAL S'GU'DIES Charles Evans
colt Davt
Paul Quinlan
Bruce Wisner
Be quiet, PLE
Weber demonstrates mental retardation in Psychology
Wisner ponder
Klein guide another inquiring mind
Quinlan adju t his trifocal
usan Weber
E'l1GLISJ-( Mr. Bauers
Mr. Beck
Mrs. Friese
Mrs. Hobbs
Mrs. Johnson
Mr. Lehr
Mrs. Pilcher
3 I. I will not cuss m class ... I will not cuss in class . .. 2. What is tilT": young man! 3. Is that really you, Mr. Beck?! 4. Mr. Phillips sings a catch tunc. 5. Mr . Hobbs at the end of another long day. 6. Mr. Seay ponders the idea of a new hair tyle.
Mr. Seay .
. :.
Mr. Allen
Mr. Phillips
Miss Anders
Mrs. Black
Just another one of those days.
Madame Madjiak
Mr. Phillips tutors
ea Oak.
What' Up?
Mrs. Van Es Mr. Allen caught off guard.
an E flunks another tudent.
Mr. Lehr
"The tradition co ntinues."
Mrs. Pilcher & Mr. Garcia
Mrs. Robinson
Least Homework
Most Active Miss Miller & Mr. Miller
Mrs. Freyman & Mr. Croy
Funniest Mr. Klein Madame Madjiak
'Best Looking ~ ffiost Serious
Miss Earp
Mr. Trigger Miss Robinson
Worst 'Gests
Mrs. Jones
Mr. Schooley
Mr. Garcia
'Best 'Dressed
Mr. Davis
Miss Earp
Mrs. Pilcher & Mr. Davis
Central and Christie Celebrating Yollr Good Health \X' e \\ere ">tanding hy \\hen you took your fi r">t ...,tqh \\' e pate hcd ) our
knee after you let go of training \\heel.'> . \\ e helped you rccm er from mea">le">, flu'> . fracture'> . fe\ cr"> , lump'>, hump'>. and mump">. \\ 'c remember our diagno"i" of "1m c">ick" and \\ e '>mile . Thank'> for ll'tting U"> '>hare the ">JXTial momcnh .
CI IRISTIE ChriMic Clinic 10 I \\ <
Ill\ L' r~ll\
\\ l'llli L'
lllm o i~
2 I - y :; I I 200
Stephen R. Piper CLU, ChFC & Associates
Congratulation Class of 1990
2401 South Neil Street Champaign, Illinois (217) 398-2500
You've been talking. We've been listening.
MARINE BANK allege Corner Mall 4th & Green treet 344-3565
Old Farm hops Kirby and Matti 351-8565
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Champa1gn 1llage hops I 20 Glen Park Dnve 356-4565
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OLD F "111M S ... OPS
SAMUEL J. McNEILLY, R.Ph . 1607 S Prospect Champatgn. IL 61820
I(,. • .,
C ... A ... ~AI(#N ll. 61820
352-7070 P'wO"'f 351-BOOY
122 '\ o rth \\ .1lnut C.,trt>el
Downtown Cha m pa ign
35 1 -92~
1 Arrow Road Champaign 352-9538
1743 W. Kirby A ve. C ha mpai gn II. 6 1821
(2 17)356- 926
70 1 s. 6th t. C ha mpaign II. 6 1 20 (2 17)367-289 1
Callahan, G.R. Lord, R.G. McCabe, W.J.
507 S. 2nd Street Champaign, IL. 61820 (217)356-9444
2108 John Street Champaign, IL. 61821 (217)356-2222
Congratulations to the Class of 1990 from
%e 'Iop of the Inn
We would like to welcome and serve your groups for proms, awards dinners and class reunions
~·-~ noral <'0· R~
S.1voy lll1n01s 61874 2171351 1185
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510 South Nell, Champaign, lllonols 61820 Bus (21 7) 351 1988
Ruth A. Bennett, R.N. Adm1n1strtHor
Morgan C Powell. D 0 S J Robert Flem ong D D S
(.J~nn Pari-. Dr. ( hampatgn. llltnot\
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61X21 (2171 ~-o-X242
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S&R Engtneomng. lnL
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ROOT photographers is the Official Senior Portrait and Yearbook Photographer for CHAMPAIGN CENTRAL H.S. What does this mean to you? It means . .. Your school has selected ROOT because of its excellence in Senior Portraiture. Its 90-plus years of experience in school photography. Its fine quality and sensible prices. It means ... Creative senior portrait sittings with extra. new and unique poses. FOR FREE! It means . . . Being photographed by a ROOT senior portrait specialist who will capture your true personality in a portrait that will be treasured as a graduation memoir for many years. ROOT photographers •1131 W. Sheridan • Chicago (312) 761-5500 THE FINEST IN SCHOOL PORTRAITURE
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Vineyard Christian Fellowship 1500 N. Lincoln in Urbana
To The Greatest Friends Anyone Could Have Good Luck! Best Wishes For The Future! Thanks For The Memories!
Lashawn Allen Scott Balogh Chera Billingsley Latonya Brown Allison arter
Jeff Cooper Mark Day Geron Decker Jane Hari Kiersten Holm
Stacy Kincaid Katherine Klingel Kaniesha Lawrence Billie Miller Kim Morere
Tina Nunley Aaron Ochs Rashidi Over treet Terry Owens Coro Perez
David Rhoades Terry Rodgers Juanita Standifer Willie Terrell Julianne Tran
Charles Weathington Jim West Latasha Williams Mark William Renee Zahrob ky
.. I
6 12
f' I
, ... "
tI 23
T 0 f 10 . d out who these ''Senior Babies" are-Page 199
1resllmen Adams-Hitc, DorJan 123 Aikman , Derrick 40, 123 Ambrose, Tiffany 123 Amos. Toma 123 Ashenfelter, Kerry 123.155 Angerer. Allison 123, 152 Atkms, Brian 123 ~tkins , Chris Bailcn , Jay 40,123 Bailey, Patrick 123, 152 Barber, Kimberly 123 Bcauhn . Kelly 123 BechteL Daniel 123, 152 Bash, Justin 123,152 Beck, Josh 123,152 Bell, Lawrence 123 Berkson , David 123 Biddle, Sean 40, 123 Bidner, Aimi 58, 123 Biggers, Arlicia 123 Bishop, James Blackburn, Billy Blackwell, Rodney 3, 123 Bogan, Tecla 155 Bolt, Chad 37,123,155 Boma, Brandi 123 Bowermaster, Stephanie 12, 123, 152 Boyd, Kirk 123 Bradford, Brony 124 Bremer, Jill 124, 155,161 Brewer, icole Briggs, Natasha 124 Brim , Yolanda 124,155 Brown, Brian 124 Brown, Kayctta 124, 155 Brown, Monique 124, 155 Brown, Nicole 124 Brown , Sonya 124 Bunte, Anne 124,155,161 Burnett, Mark 124 Burney, Kyyone 37,57,124,152 Burries, Virginia 155 Cagle, Kcllie 46, 124 Calhoon , Brian 124, 149 Campbell , Tyra 46,47, 124,155 Carter, Marquis 124, 152 Carter, Michael Carter, Steven Casey, Ronald 124 Caston , Angela Chaney, Denise Clemons, Tuawillia 58, 124 Cormer. Steven 124 Conner, Candice 124 Crossland, Kendrick 37,57 Day, Steven 122,124, 152,161 Dixon, John 37 , 124 Dodson, Gayla 136, 148,149, 158 Dorris, Calvin 124 Dorris, Tamiba 125 Duffy, Jennifer 125 Durbin, William 40.57, 125 Durst, Ethan 125 Durst, Jared 125, 152 Eheart, Sarah 125,136,155 Elrick, Todd 125,152 Evans, Timothy 40,57,125 Fay, Michael 125, 136 Ferguson, Patrick 125 Fettig, Lyle 57, 125,161 Fisher, Floyd 37,125 Fisher, Emily Ford, Delshaftn 125, 155 Ford, Marc 125 Fotylcr, Jonathan 37,125 Fragec, Angela 51,125,155 Gad bow, Kenneth 40, 125
Gaffro n, Rachel 125. 138. 152. 161 Gams, Meli ssa 125 Giddens. Keo na 155 Gingen ch. Knstma 12 5. 152 Gladne y, Kenya Goodling, Tara Greenwood. Bnttncy 46, 125 Green , Jamclla 125 Grcffc, Kell y 125, 152 Grubb, Jason 125. 158 Guire, Angela 126 Gustafron, Daniel 126 Halfwasscn, Joel 40, 126. 152. 161 Harns, Damon 37,155 Harris, Tcocka 126 Head, Jucrida Heath , Michael 37 Hedgepeth, Stefanic 126,161 Heiney, Season 126, 161 Helfer, Jessica 46, 126 Hcnburgcr, John 126 Hcnslcigh , Isaac 126, 152, 161 Hcrakovich, Tina 126 Ho, David 126 Ho, Mary 126 Holficld, Linda 126 Holy, Matthew 126 Hotsenpiller, Jana 43, 126, 136,155,158 Hsieh, Lisa 38,126. 138,156 Hudson, Eric 37,57, 126,149 Husband, Jessica 126 Hutchison, icolc 126 Ireland, Sean 37, 122,126, 149 Jackson , Demetria 126 Jackson, Gabriel 161 Johannsen , Cory 126, 152 Johnson, James 126. 155 Johnson , Jeff 126 Johnson, Marcus 127 Johnson, Melissa 127 Johnson, Syrecta 127 Jones, Howard 37 ,62. 127, 152 Jones, Jessica 127 Joseph, Michelle Kaiser, Marci Kakoma, Gene 14 Khoali, Khoalie 127 Knoester, Rachel 12 7 Koss, Wendy 14,46, 161 Kraus, Lucia 127 Krumm, Jay 37,127 Kusmanoff, Katherine 127 Kyse , Dante 127, 181 Lavounty, Linsey LaLande, John 127,140, 161 Leach, Erica 38, 127 Lee, Lawrence 127 Leshoure, Takelani 127,155 Lindsey, Derrick Littleton, Kimberly 127,152 Logan, Jill 127 Lazar, Carmen 127, 161 Lynch, Janice 127 Lyons, Terron Mapson, Antonio 57.127 Mapson, Lionel 155 McDaniel, Tad 41,127 McFarland, Brian 127,152,161 McFarland, Derrick 57,127 McFarland, Erick 127 McGee, Dartanion 128 McKelphin, Tamara Means, Laine 38, 122, 128 Millar-Pufahl, Carla 128 Miller, Lawanda 128 Moore, Derrick Moore, Latrice 128 Moore, Ryan 37 Morenz, Grant 17,128, 136,161 Moreny, Jeanette 128 Morgan, Emily 128
Morgan , Taya 128 Motle y. Lamarca 128 elson , Christopher 128 Nelson. Michael Nelson , Travis 40. 128 Nerby, James 128 crlicn , Kari 128 guycn . Khoi 128 gu ycn , True 128 Icholas. Angela 128 North, Sara 128, 155 Oak, Sea Y ol I 79 Ochs. Rebecca 128. 161 Olson, Anne 46, 128, 149. 155 Orner. Jeri 46. 128, 155 Owens. Keith 155 Palmer, Joy Panchal, Ketu 128, 136 Pavlik, Todd 128 Pel more, Antonio 37.57 . 155 Philippe, Samuel 37 ,62, 129 Pickering, Steve 62. 129. 152 Pierce. Susan 129 Pierson, Marcus 62. 129 PowelL Thomas 37,62,122.129 Purkeypile, Amanda 12,129.152 Raqucl , Warren Ratchford. Carlarta 129.155 Reifsteck. Deana Ray , Thomas 37. 129 Roberson , David 57 , 129.155 Roberts, Dawn 58.129 Roderick, William Rodgers. Terrence 37,152 Rodgers, Elliot 14.37,62,63, 129,149 Rogers. Catherine 129.136.155 Rutherford, Tony 57. 129 Salzmann, Peter 129 avage, William 37.62, 129.152 Sawyer, Vernon 129, 152 chuster, Andrew 129 Scott. Elena 43.122. 129, 136.149.155. 158 Scmpsrott, Jason 17,45,49,55, 129 Shackelford, Makaila Simmons, James 129 Singleton. Demetrius 57,142 Smith, Jennifer 14, 129 Smith. Mark 3 Smith , Michael 37 mith, Myra Snoeyink. Graig 57 Spurlock. Nakkia 129 Stephens, Jill 4,51.129 Straayer, Vakerie 17,129,155 Sturkey. Trumcl 37 ummers. James Summerville, handra 130,142, 152 Takantjas, Alex 130 Tate, Arnetha 130, 136 Terry, Deja 58,130, 155 Thadison, Rcnika 130 Thomas. Carrie 130, 161 Thompson. Shilanthc Thurman, Erin 130, 140,155 Thurman, ick 130 Tran, Khanh 60, 130 Treat, Heather 122, 130 Tuel, Rob 37 Turner, Melisa 130 Valbert, Jennifer 130 Vasaune, Mike 40.62. 130.155 Vaughn, Kareem Vinson. Jennifer 130, 152 Wade, Yashika Walker, Tosheba 130,155 Warren, Brian 130 Weber, Scott 130, 161 White, Gordon White, Lee Widhalm, Tim 130,149 Williams, eil 152.155, 161
~II IIams. Samuel \\ mbu~h. Jmm1Il' 37.57.1\0 \\ ood1s. Tamara \\ nght. Stacy -U \\ nght. Tall'cna l 30 'I andcll. Julius
.\lien. Dontc l l 0.156 .\lien. Marcus .\nderson. DaVId II 0.152 .\ndcrson. Wanda II 0 At-Taras. Musaab 110.138 Baker. arah 14.1 l 0 Baldv. m . .\manda l l 0.140.155 Barber. Enc l l 0 Bergstrom. Tra~ IS II 0 B1oncr. Tam1 Bu.•n. Tuan 110.148.149 Birchfield, Kn ta B1rt. Holly II 0.138 Blnen. J uiie 43.61.1 l 0.136 Bolton. Shamonya 30.110 Bortner. Chrisue l l 0 Soucek. Robert 28.110.152 Brov.n. Regeama Bruns. Jesse 62.63.110 Buffer. Telisa II 0 Bundy. Amy 43.110 Bundv. Jeffen l l 0 Burn~ll. Matihev. II 0 Butler. Da~ id 62.110 Butler. Germe! l l 0 (adena. tephame 110,156.157 Cadwell. John 37,110 Campbell, Erika Carn . Sandra 111,152 Cascone. Ann Ill Caper. Brad 62, Chaney. Christoph Ill Chapman. Denms Ill Clark. K1m 7.111.149 Clark. Tony Ill Clemoms. Jesse Ill oiiin. Chad Collms. Jennifer 111.136 Cooper. Gabriele Ill Crull. Casey Ill Cromwell. Christine 26.111,156 Davey. Laura Da•1d. Todd Da"VIS, Dwanza Dav1s. VIvian Dawkms. Tina Ill Daw on. Katie . 111.136.149,155 Day. Mark 136,152 Dearmond, Shonte l 56 Dehaven. James 40,111 Delgado, Christina Ill Denzer. Mark Ill Depona1, Andy 32,44,45,1 II Deverell. David Ill Dlltmar, Kenny 37,111 D1xon. Dwight 111,155 D1xon. Lydia Ill Douglas. hantel l l I Dukes, Laquonda Ill Dy on, teve E1s feld t, Scou I I 1,1 36 Elder, Pat 25,111 Erhard. Laura Ill Everman, Brandy Farthmg, Angela 112 Fechtmann, Marjone 112 Fi her. Brandi I 12
Flltgrrald. 1ontc 112 Floyd. Adam Fontana. Lisa I 12.163 Ford. Lashawanda 112 Frank. Andrev. 37.112 Franklin. Frances 112 Freehlll. Whllney Gandy.Jen 112 Gandy. Knsty 155 Garrell. Chnsunc 112 . 158 Gladney. Demda 14.111.112 Gons10rowsk1. Chnstme 61.1 12.117 Got~chall. Tara 38,112 Grandy. Passyone Grant. R1ch 112 Grayson. Enc 112 Gross, Alex 112.152 Hammel. James 28.112 Hamilton. James Han. Jcnmfer 112.163 . 183 Hard1g. Tom 112 Hardy, K1m Harney . Carne 112 Harns, Knsty 112.136 Hart. Jason 40.112 Harvey . Devon 37,112 Hatch, Andy 44.62,1 13 Hayne . Mmdy 113 Helfer, Lesley 51.112.113. Hcmmmg. Chad 48,113 Hendnck . J .A. 113 Herricks. Icolc I 13.140 Hmklc, Angela 113 Hllch . Ryan 113 Hllzeroth . TravIS 113 Hollingsworth . Jason 113 Holm, KJersten 152 Huffman. Jody 61,113.136.152 Jancola, Meredith 113 Jelks, Alma Jenkins. Brian 113 John on. ncitre' 113.155 Johnson, Brooke Johnson, Dave Johnson, Kathy Johnson. Kaue 111, Johnson, Larry Johnson , Michael 113 Jones, Emily 113 Jones, Stephame 113 Jonc . Tcmetra Joseph, Jcnmfer 113,155 Kaiser, tanlcy 37,113 Kakoma. D1ana I 13 Kamphaus, honda 61.113,155 Kaufmann. Rodney Keeling, Robert 37,113 Keith , Julie 114 Keller, Hillary 26,46,114,136 Kelley, Claire 43,109,11 4 Key. John 114, 155,161 Khan, Bilal 114 Kher, Mamsh 28,29,114 Khoali , Masingoane Klingel, Katherine 16,5 1,112,136, 149, 155,158 Knoester, Sarah I 14, 156 Krandcl , Jacob 40, 114 Kritzer, Julia Krusa, Angela I 14 Kuhne, Kn ten 43,114 Lakonishok, Hadas 114,136.158 Lash, T1m 114, 136, 149 Lat haw, Jenifcr 3,51,112,114,136,149,155 Lay, Freddie 156 Lemke, annie 114 Lemke, Terry 114 Lenard, Demetrius 114 Lew1s, hanncllc Lewis, Daniel Libman , Rachel 30,31,43,114,148,149,157,158
Lmdscv. Anthonv L1psco~b. Tyra .114 l1u. Jenmfer Lorna'-. Anita 114 Loyet. Lmdy Lynch. Rebecca I 14 Lynn. Denms 114 Lyons. Terrell 114 Mann mg. Rob II 5.152 Manno. Elizabeth Markward. ate Marshall. Donald 40.1 15 Marshall. Gabnelle 16.4l115.136.155 I 58 Martm. Afiya Mason. Joseph Martmkus. Amy 16.115.155 Mclkcr. Anlla 180 Mennenga. DaVId Memck. Bnan Mernck. Robert M1llcr. Billie 156 Miller. Jason 115 Misner. Knstcn Mmus1. Vcromca Moore. Tcna 156 Morenz, K1m 115 MUirhead, Megan 110.115.157 Munds. Aaron I 15 Mylly . Jamon 25.37.115 McFarland. James 37,115.152 McKenzie. Jodi 115.136.152 McWilliams. Tyrone ash. Charlene 142 guyen. Tram Iemi. ICOIC 115 oonan. DaVId 62.115 arlin. Chns, 155 Norns. Aaron 61.115,155.161 0' ell!. Tim 48.49,115 Ohlsson, Chns 16. 17.32,1 15, 155 Olion. Byron Osler. Jo cph 115 Osler. Momca 155 Oyer. Chad 155 Palmisano. Jason 37.115 Pangllman , Gary 37.115.136 Parker. Tom 31 Passley. Rohan 40,1 16 Patel, Manisha 116,138,156 Peat, Larry 37,116 Pelmorc, Dave 37,116 Pelz, Kerry I 16,15 5 Peshkin , Biekc 116. 156, 157 Peters. Ian 152, 116 Petllgrcw, Ricky 116 Peuus, Rod1quez 116 Phillippe, Abbe 136, 157.158 Phillips, Nicole Piper, Kri tin 43,136,149.165 Pollard, Chn toph 116,155 Pomoms, M1 y 30.1 09,116.136.149,15J 158 Pruill, Derek 116 Pruitt. Rcgma 116 Purho row, Peyman 40,116,155 Rafaloski, David 37 Rakers, Chad 24.40,1 16,136 ReayJr.,John 116.155 Redenbaugh. Knstophcr 116 Rcnduchintala, Murty 28.116 Reynolds, Michael 116 Rhoades. David Richards, Mattcw I 16,163 Roberts, Chri to ph I t 6 Roberson, Debra 116 Robinson, William 116 Roe. Brian 37,116,155 Ros. Mary 61.117,136 Russell, Mano 117 anquist, Mark 25,48,62,117,149 Sawyer, Jennifer 117,136
Sayles, Ben Schnitzer, Adam 17,117, 155 Schoonover. Loretta II 7 Schoonover. Tracy 117 Scott. Robert 62. I I 7 Seaman. Jeffery 37, 117 Shackelford. Ebony 117 Sheridan , Will37, 117 Shobe, S.S. 117.136 Shrawdcr. Justin I 17 Simmons. Gtdget 117 laughter. Shalawn 117, 156 Smtricky. Michelle 6Lll7,136 Smith. David 40.117 Smith, Earlene 155 Smith , Rochelle 117, 155 Smith, Shanisc 117 Smith. Stuart 18,40, 117, 152 Soucie. Ryan 6,28,40, I I 7. 136 Stack. Tricia 117,156,157 Stcigmann , Dave 28, I 14, II 7 tincbuagh, Raymond 117,140 Stocrgcr, Shelly I 18 Stone, Knkhola Strunk. Dawn 46,61 , 118 Tan. Mark I 18,152 Tangora, Anthony 62,118,152,155 Terry, Stacie 118 Teuscher, Dan 14,49, 136, 188 Thomas, Carmen I 18 Thompson, Wanda 118 Thurston , Rachel 43, 118, 136, 158 Toney, Shawn 37 Troxell , Kari 46, 118, 149 Truran. Anastasia 38,39, 118, 140 Thompson. Maureen 30,58, 118.13 7 Tull, Angela 188.155,158 Valdez, Jason 118 Vanengelenburg, Andrew 118 Van Matre, Christoph 37,51,118 Van Metre, Tisha 9, 112,118 Vasaune, Mike 136 Veatch , Theodore 118 Vineyard. Candice 118, 155 Vogel, Allen VogeL Willie 118 Wacker! in, Sarah 17.118,155 Walker, Catina 30,118 Ward, Kevin 118 Weinstein, Elizabeth 17,30, I 09,118,136,154,155.158 Weinstein, Sarah 17,30, I 09,119,136.154.155, 158 West, James White, Christine 119,155 White, Kenneth 37,119 Wiggins, James 119 Williams. Dave 37,119 Williams, Dwayne 17,119,155 Williams, Kawona 155 Williams, Latasha 155 Williams, Mark 152, 191 Williams, Misty 119 Williams, Mya 43 William , Re'o Williamc, Rich 119 Williams, Robin 119 Willoughby, Nickolas 152 Wilson, Jenny 119 Wilson, Michael Winfrey, Preston Winston, Wesley Wood, Jessica 43,119,136,158 Wright, Jaray Wyatt, Joshua 17,32,44,45,155,161 Youngman, Krista Yorde, Freeman 40,41, 119
Adams. Kenneth Allen. Lashawn 98 Allen . Lenore 98 . 160 Allen. Ltnda Alsberg, tcolc Althaus, Ktmberly 98 Ammons, Deanna 98.148. 155 Anderson , Almondo 98 Anderson , Caroline 98.137 Anderson. Jason 98 At-Taras. Mahmoud 98. 135. 139 Bailey, Felicta 98 Bantz, Sarah 7.30. 96.98. 138. 139. 148. 163 Barber. Jerel 98 Barham, Daniel 18, 170 Barnett, Joshua 98 Baret!, Melony 16,98.155 Baylor, Mark Bazzani. Matt 5, Beasley, Kristopher Bender. Tony 98 Bernardini. Scott 98 Bigham, Henry Billingsley, Chcra 98. 152 Bishop, Stephen 97.99 Blager. Matt 98 Blaisdell , Rebecca 98, 138.139 Boswell, Allison 98.137 Boyd, Phillip Brent, Deanna Brewer, Cameron 3 7,98. 136, 137 Brock, Barry 37,99 Brown, Charmaine Brown, Julie 99,152 Brown, Latonya 13 7 Brown, Mindy 99 Brown III , Roy 99 Brown, Stephen 99 Bryan, Melissa 96. 99, 138. 148. 158 Burdette, Doralyn Burries, Christine 99 Burten, Scott 25,41,99,137 Butler, Kewaunee 99. I 56 Buller. Tyla Bynum, Stacy 99 Carpenter, Marie 99.135.137 Carr, Todd 99 Caspers, Elaine 96,99.135.140,141 , 152.157 Castillo, Michael 137 Cavanaugh, Leslie 99 Chaney, Shanta 99, 156 Christensen, William 99,135,137 Cobb, Shannon 30,99,137 Cobb, Teressa 156 Cochrane. Amy 18, 99.148,152, 158 Coleman, Trawick 99 Comer, Barbara 99 Compratt, Andrew 28,29,41,97.99 Cooper, Jeff Cox, Jacinda 2,96.97.99 Culbertson, Melanie 99.155 Culbertson, Seane 99 Dalan, Warren 100,137,156,157 Dalheim, Jessica I 00 Daly, Douglas 13.37,100 Dhom. Katrina 100.140,141,152.158 Difiore, Kirk Downing, Todd I 00 Eagan, Roger 37,96,,155 Eaglen, Cynthia 100,137 Eissfeldt, Jennifer 96.138.158,160 Ellis, William Erwin. Craig 100.135.152 Faran, Ami Faure, Ana 100,137 Fisher, Kacie 97,100 Fonner, Sean 60, I 00 Ford, Sean 25,56. I 00 Frazier, Lisa Froeschl, Stephanie 2,,
Gammtll. Tamara 4.5.7. 50.5LI00.138.158 Garrett . Jenmfer I 00 Gtlcs. Margaret 96. I 00. 152. 163 Gtlltam . Crystal I 00.142 Gmgench . Mark I 00 Goddard. Robert I 00 Goldstetn. Carnaby 38.39. I 00. 13 7. 158 Gorham . Robert 5.36.37 .96. 100.137 Gould . Alexis Grahm. Eric 100 Grahm , Walter 96. I00 Green . Sonya I 0 I Greenfield. Jamt 12. 13.38 39.96. 100.13 7.135.146. 148. 149. 158.165 Gnffin . Bobby Grubb. Chris IOLI37. 156 Grubb. Sarah 38.96, I 0 LI35. 140.14 l,l46. 15 7. 158, 165 Guerc, Dominick 37.97.101 Hanley. Brian Hanrahan. Jessica 16.96.1 OLI40. 14 LI55.157. 158 Hansens. Roger Hardy . Jason Han . Jane 96 Harkness. Sarah 96.10 LI35. 13 7. 152. 158 Harney, Beth IOLI37.152 Harris, Denise 97 Harris. Inde 96.IOLI42 Hasselbring, Krista IOLI37 Heinz. Rachel 97.101 Helfer. Eric 25 . I 0 I. 135 Helfrich. Joe Helmick. Richard Henson. Scott 101,135.137 Hercik. Joel 56.10 LI38.135 Hight, Kelly IOLI37.152.160 Hill. Kim 46.101 Hines, Tory 17,63.10LI55 Hollar. Steve 101 Hollinger. Shannon I 0 LI52 Horner, Michelle 101.135 Hottman, Tony 101 Huffman. Dennis 101 Husband. Christa !mig, Jennifer IOLI52.155 Ireland, Heather I 7. I 0 158 Jackson . Tonunica I 02 Janas, Christie 96.102. 135.138. 139 Jones. Korbin I 02 Jenks. Angie 38,39,102 Johnson , Chadwick 97. I 02 Johnson, Eric I 02 Johnson, Jennifer I 02 Johnson. Mary 6. I Johnson. Monikka 102.155 Johnson IV, Sam 25,37,102.135.137 Jones. David 96.102,140,14 LI52 Jones. Juan 102 Kamerer, Jeffrey 62.63.96,1 02.135, 137 Kelly, Aaron 102 Kemper, Kristen 2.4. 7.50.5 Ll 02 Kimbrough , Kentra 8.97.102 Kincaid. Stacey King, Maurice Kintener, Christoph 102 Kitson, Katerine 26, 102,135.137.152 Kleckner, Cynthia 96.102, 137.152, 157 Knox. De rae I 02 Konisky. David 28,4 1,96.102,137.148 Kozoll, Richard 28.29,41, 96.102.135. 137.14 Krock. Lynn 16,102,135, 155.157 Krug, David 25,37, Kucera. Matthew,103.140.146 Kurlakowsky, Tammy 97.103,155 Kusmanoff, Alexander 103 Larson, Kai 9,33,37.97.103,140.157 Lay, Heather I 03,157 Leeper. Ericka I 03 Lemke. Dennis Lickly, Michael 103
A _./
l ....
Litchford. Michael 37.96,103.157 Long. Jessica Longer. Beatnce 96,97 LonnqUist. Karen I 03.140.152 Lum. VIolet Lybarger. James 103 Ly km . Deborah I 03 Lynch. Holly I 03 Lynn. athanael I 03 Macgregor. cott Ma1er. Ton}a 46.103.13 Mann. Aly on Martm. Tracy Mercier. Terrance Mernwether. Kashawn Metz. reg Miller. Michelle 103 M1ze. lyde,103.138,142,14 .149, 160 Montanelh , Amy 43,96,103.135,140,141,152 Mornssey . Knsuna I 04 Motle] . Anthony 104 Mullins. hawna 26.27.96,104,138.157 Murphy . Mollie 2.13,17.44.45. 104.155 Murray. Jennifer 104 Myers. Darren 37.60,104 McFarland. Dachcll I 03 McFarland. onya McGiathery. Benjamin 103 McGowan. ian 37.97.103 Mel nty rc. Edgar ash. Troy 25.41.104,135.137 cal. Michael 104.156 Neely. Juliet 17,104,155 Ochs. Aaron 32.33.62,96,97.148, 170 O'Day. Jennifer I 04.152 Ohl son. Enc 60.104.135 Olson. Chnsunc 6.13. 96.43.1 160.165 Orner. Jennifer 26,27.61.97,104 Pack, James 37,104 Pack. ammy 104,156 Pfau. Elizabeth 97.104,138 Pfeifer, Patrick I 04 Phelps. tacey 104,137.146.158 Phens. Jennifer 104.161 Phillips, Ellen 30.96,104,135,155,157 Phillips. Michael 104 Pickett, Mark 37,60,104 Pierson. Lamonte I 04 Pier on. tacy Po mom . Mary 96,104.135.137 Potts. Kimberly Price. Jonathan Ra1mer. Michael 105 Randolph, Raymond Ratchford, Calvm I 05 Ratliff, Debbie 105 Rempe, Brian I 05, 156,32, 13 7 Ribelin , Mary 105,135 Richardson , Laport1a Rigg, uzanne 96,97,105 Roberts, E.P. I 05,137 Robinson , Brenda Rolling . Eric I 05 Runkle, Michael 2, 17,28, 105, I 55 Rutherford , Alexander 37, I 05 addler, Don1el 96,138, 148 ameh, Leah lOS anford. Barton 105 ansone, teven 105,137 awyer, Amy I OS, 135,137,152,158 chaefer, Lisa 31, I OS, 138,163 choonover, Debbie I 05 cott, Rhonda 105 helby, Darron iewert, heila I 05,140,155,157, I 58 1egel, Adam 28,29,62, I 05.137,156 kube, Damon 37 mith, Angela 105,140,141
Smith. U!.rabeth 152.158 m1th. Heather 14.97.105 Smllh. Robm 105 m1th. Terence 142 Spmks. Caricho I 05 Spmks. Carlos 56.106 Stack. Melissa I 06 Standifer. Juanita 106.142 Starkey. Angela 97, I 06 Staske. Donna I 06 Steward, Kyra 46.47.106. 135.138.139. 158 Stmson, Jeffery 25.106.135 Stone. Jo hua I 06 tone, Richard I 06, 158 Sturkey. Yerian 37.106 Summers, Julia 15.17.96, 165 Tate, Myron Terrell. Withe I 06 Thadison, Rete ha Thoma . Tnstan 96,106 Thompson. Brent I 06 Tran, Julianne Tran, guyen 106.155 Trumpm k1, Heather Truran. Dmna Tscbehs. Alex 37,97,106.140.148,156 Vaughn, Lee 106 Waddell. James 32,62,107.137 Ward, Mano 63,107 Ware, Ladawn Washington , Kcsonya I 07 Wilcher, Katma 7,107 Wileavcr. Heather 26,107,137.152.158 Williams. Falisha Williams. Kevin 32.107,137 Wilham . Momca 107 Williams. Pclcg 107 Williams. Terrence 25,3 7,60.1 07 Williams. Willie 107,155,161 Williams, Youlanda 107 Wi e, Matthew 32,44,45,62,96,107,140,141 Wood, James Wooden, Darci 107 Yang, Kenneth 28,29, I 07,140 Zheng, Ym I 07,135.156 Ziegenhorn, Joshua 5, I 07 Zion, Lonny 44,45 ,60,96,97, 107,135,138.148,149,170
Seniors Adams, Angelia 67 Aikman, Raquel 67,140,141 Alexis, Wendy 65,67,87,144 Angerer, L1sa 67,155,160,193 Appleby, Jamila 67 Arnold, Curti 156 Ashenfelter, Jennifer 4,7,5 1,65.67,85 Austin, Ingrid 65,67,135,140,141,148.149,160 Avant, Carlos Bailey, John 67,140 Bainter, Mcrissa 3,46,47,67 Baker, a than 2, 14,24,25,35,36.37,67,87,89, 146, 164, 165 Barber, Michael 32,67,156 Barrett, Jo eph 37,67 Beaulin, Icole 67 Beckett, had 16,67,138, 157 Beckler, Don 67 Beers, Robert 48,67 Bell, Jacob 5, 18,67, 152, 178 Bell , Todd 67 Belt, Devm 6 7 Benson, Joshua 67 Bigham, Angela
Bishop. Mana 68,155 Bhxen. Jeanne 68 Bopp, Laura Bortell. Da>Id Boucek. Conme 3 . Bremer. Patncm, 115.1 18.139, 155. 158 Brown, GerJalc 156 Brown, James 68.193 Brown , Shevon 68 Brown. Yolanda 65.68 Browmng, Jon 68.155 Brumback. Michael 68 Bundy, Timothy 68.152.178 Burton, Crystal 68 Byers, Angie 40,68 Cameron. Amy 68,152 Campell. Amy 68.161.193 Campbell, Cortau1 68 Campbell, Timothy Capel. Wilham 68.163 Carpenter. Patty I 0,65.68,86, 135.137.158 Caroline, Jayna,137.142.155,160.193,20 Carter, Ameset 4,,, 192 Carter. Ail on 152, 155 Carter. Duane 69, 155.156,161 Carugau. Chnstme 69.144 Chen, Jack 69 Clarkson. Geoffrey 69 Clark. Kenneth 69 Clayborn, David 4 Cline. Kenneth Collier, Melissa 69 Collins, Stephanie 14, 17,60.65.69,88, 135.138,139, 146,155.165 Cooper. Ricardo 69 Cortez, Richard 69 Crabb. Brandon 69, 142 Crawmer. Charles 28.29,69, 138.139 Crum, Kevin 16.17.155 CurtiS, Neva 69,144 Damel , Kathryn 65,69.137,146,157,193,58,59 Dav1, Jennifer,65,69,135.13 .139,148, 154.155 Da\-ls, Malk1a Davis, Marqu111a Depona1, John 69 Detamore, Chad 15,23,24,48,69 Deverell, Justin 69 Douglas, Harry 37 Duane, Lisa 69 Duckworth, Yolanda 6 Duncan, tephen Eastin, Stephanie 69 Eaton, Geoffrey 28,29, 70,88,89.135, 138, 139,163 Ellis, Mary Elnck, Scott 2.14, 16,32. 70,20 England, Ethan 158 Feigl, Adrian 70 Figuerda, Maria 70 Fischer, Amy 38,39, 70,136,137 Fisher, Roger 70,137,148,157,160 Fisher, tacy 18, 70, 152 Fletcher, Matthew 17.70,155 Gaines, Michael 70 Gap is, Leanne 43, 70,136,137,160.192 Garcia, Richard 37,60, 70 Garrett, Derrick Giba , Richard 21 ,32,33,35,37,70 Giertz, eth 28.55, 70, 173 Gladney. Derek 3, 14,37,65, 70,88 Gla cr, Paul 48,70,135.140, 152 Gomes, Angela 20,26,58,59, 70, 144 Goines, Bonnie 70, I 56 Gray, David Green, Katrina 70,152, I 55 Grinnell, helly 4,6. 7, 14, I 5,50.51 ,65, 70,13 , 146,164, 165 Hall, Charles 70, 155 Harri , Deshon 71,142
Harris, Michael 4,8, II ,55,65 Harrison, TJ 3, II , 15, 19,65, 71,163 Hart, Ayanna 142 Hart, Kimberl y 14,43,71,86 Harvey, Craig 8 Harvey, Toriano 55 Haussermann, Adam 63,71 Hays, Emily 71 Heath, Timothy 48,49,7 1 Heinz, Glen Henderson , Daryl Herglund, Bradley 71, 155 Htll, Marc 28,71 ,86, 138,158 Hindman, Tammy 71 Hitzeroth , Amy 71,144 Holt, Jill 38,39,65,71,144 Hoover, Zachary 71,137 Hudson, J. 71,192 Huff, Chinesa 71,144, 156 Hunt, Dillard 37,71 Huss, Michael 71 Huynh , Linh 30,31, 71 Isham , Cory 71 Jackson, Larissa 65,71, 142 Jahn, Amy 14,38,39,65,71, 137 Johannsen , Christopher Johnson, Brett II , 14,20,3 7,65, 72,87 Johnson, Gzne 46,47 ,65,72, 137, 142, 193 Johnson , Pamela 72 Johnson, Shantale 72 Joop, Travis 72 Kaiser, Anthony 72 ' Kakoma, Deborah 14,72, 137, 142 Karl, Kristen 46,47,65 ,72, 135,146, 157,192 Kasper, Kristin 3, 16, 17,65, 72,85,89, 135, 139,154, 155, 165 Kearney, Jennifer 72,155 Keefe, Andrew 29, 72,86, 135, !58, 163 Kennedy , Cheryl 72 Kenner, Kimberly 72 Kindle, Waukesha 72 Koss, Stephanie 14,65,72 Kraus, Simson Krug, Mark 16, I 7, 72 Krug, Michael 72,152 Krumm, Stacy 72 Krusa, Tricia 72 Lake, Nicholas 4,7 3, 140 Lai , Lily 72,84, 135, 138,139 Lane, Shelleay 73 Larson, Kendall 6, 7,20,30,38,39,58,59,65, 73,87, 135, 138, 148, 149,165, 193 Lee, Sheri 73 Lenard, Stephanie 73 Lenoir, Knichole 4, 7,30,51 ,65, 73 Leonard, Holly 73 Leonard, Michael 24, 73,152 Lewis, Latricia 73,137,138 Lo, Alexander 65,73,88 Logan, Lora 73 Lonnquist, Alicia 2,30,65, 73, 142,165 1 Maclay, John 16, 17,20,35,36,37,65,73,84 Mahar, Jennifer Maier, Chad 32,33, 73,135,152
Manuel, Cristina 6,7,73,140,141,146.156,157,158, 165,192 Marceau, Amber 73,138,139.157.158 Marnssette. Dyshonne 73, 156 McCaskill, Gary 73 McCloud, Ronald 73 McDonald. Taniya 26,65,73 McGiathery, Andrew 32,60,65, 138,158 Mcintosh, Jodi 74,154,155,165 Me utt. Rhonda 2.10,14.65,74,142 McQueen, Christopher 74 Michael, Jennifer 135,156,160 Miller, Ethel 74 Mills, Robert 15,24,48,49, 74 Montague, James Moore, Antonio 55 Moore, Lance 74 Morenz, Kevin 74 Morgan, Jeffrey 34,35,37,74 Morgan, Ronnie 74,137,158.192 Morris, Dawn 74 Mostert, Sherry 4,7,65,74, 138, 139 Motley, Elaine 74 Motley, Joe Muirhead, Susan 17,74,137,154,155,157.158,160 Mullin , Bridget 74 Neal, Christopher 3,29,60, 74,85, 136. 137. 148, 158,163. 193 Neal, John 74,86, 137, 158,193 eil, Yolanda 74,142 olen, Jude 3,8,11,14,32,74,85.158 Nunley, Tristina Oglesby, Harvey 74 Ogren, Susan 74, 138 Olach, Karen 75,135,137,152,163 Oliver, Jeffery 75 Olson, Tabitha 43,75,137, 192 Osterbur, icole 14,46,47 ,75.135, 138, 139,1 46,1 48. 157, 158 Paci , Eric 40, 75,84, 140,1 48.157 Pack, Michael 37,75,156 Paris, Nichole 75,140,141,193 Park, Kuendo 75, !59 Parker, Amy 75,137,152 Pearson, Travonda I 0,65, 75 Perales, Jessica 15,65,75 Perez-Aznar, Coro 75,137 Peterson, Amy 43,61 ,75, 137, 192 Pfaus, Christopher 22,24,65,86 Pickering, Wendy 43,65, 137 Porter, Beverly 155 Quinn, Christine 144 Rahman, Santanu 75,140,155 Rappaport, Amy 15,75,193 Rice, Barbara 75,161 Rife, Harold 75,135,137 Robinson , Laura 75,144 Rodgers, Darryl 14,20,36,37,62. 76.135.141,148 Rollings, Michele 76,137,192 Rosenberger, Alissa 76,154,155,161 Ryan, Michael Sameh, Amy 76 ameh, Maysa 76 Samii, Shawn 76, 152, 157
Sanders, Kendra 76, 193 Sanders, Norah 76,193 Sanford, Jeffrey 76 Schmtt. Brian 76 Schnabel, Jeanne 65, 76,137.140 Schroeder, Robert 7. 14,24,48,49, 76,146.165 Shaul, David 76 Shelby, Maurice Sheridan, Susan 76 Sibley, Zeniada 76,155,193 Skeel, Christme 14,65, 76.86 Smithenry, Kenney 76 Simmons, Michael 11,20.23,24.35,, 165 Smith, Marcee 76.142 Smith, Tonya 76 Somers, Michael 65,76,84,137 Soucie, Darren 77 parks, John 77,135,137 Starks. Sharon D. 77 Stines, Patrick 2,8.32,77, 165 Strunk, Nicole 61.77 ullivan , Kamran 77,152.157 Tabeling, Shawn 40.77 Takantjas, Chnstina 65,77,193 Tangora, Christina 4,6,7.9.50,51.77,84.88,138.1 46. 148,149,158,165 Tarr, Kathy 77 Taylor, Tonya 77, 144 Teuscher. Phillip 14,15,65,77,137 Thomas, Julie 30,65.77.85,,148. 149,158 Thompson, Jeffrey 77 Thompson, Julius 77 Thompson, James 37,77.192 Thurman, Robert 37.77,137 Thurman, Sharnae 77,144 Troxell, Jeffrey,49.65. 77, 13 7 Yalkanos, Stavros 37,77 Yanagaitis, Julie 77,144 Vasaune, Steve 78,135.136,137.138.139,157.158.192 Vaughn. Andtrice Vaughn, Daskel Yetter, Jason 4. 78 Yisocky, Alan 78 Yogt. Ricky Waller, Shannon 78 Welch, Anthony Wenzel. Kenneth 18, 78, !52 West, Jason 78 Wheeler, Donald 78, 144 Wiborg, Kurt 78 Wicks, Tyno 4,35,37,78 Wilkerson , Nicole 3,7,30,78,142.164,165,192 Wilkerson. Raenise 78 Williams, Christopher Wilson, Aaron 78 Wisehart, David Woodis, Lisa 78,193 Yarber, Sam 78 Yaxley, Timothy 4.36 Zion, Sara 78,86.89, 135.138,139, 163 Zook. Debra 78
SENIIR BABIES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Tabitha Olson Christina Manuel James Thomp on Anieset Carter Mike Hudson, David Shaul Steve Yasaune Michele Rollings Kristen Karl Leanne Gapsis
10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
icole Wilkerson Ronnie Morgan Amy Patterson Kathy Daniel Zeniada Sibley Nichole Paris Lisa Angerer Kendra & Nora Sanders Amy Cambell
James Brown Kendall Lar on Chris cal Tina Takantjas John cal Jayna Caroline, Gzne Johnson, Amy Rappaport, Kendall Lar on. Lisa Woodis 25. Terry Owens
19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
REPRESENTATIVE DON ZIMMERMAN . Special thanks to: Mr. Ochs Mr. Schooley Mr. Danielson and the Art Dept. Mrs. Friese Miss Miller Mrs. Pilcher and the Archives Club Mr. Lindstrom Mr. Marsh Mrs. Hill Miss Rassmussen Mr. Davis Grant Morenz Harvey Oglesby Freeman Yorde And to all of those who contributed to the production of this year's book.
To all of the members of my staff: I enjoyed working with you, and I hope that you are all as successful in life as you want to be. I will retain all of the joyful memories we shared and try to forget all of the headaches you caused. Most of all remember that no matter what anyone says we didn't just put in pictures of our friends and ourselves. I couldn't have done it without you. -R. Schroeder
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