1996 Maroon

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Summer 95

Thl Page-Pic. 1: \Vhat are you doing with your hand ? I that gang related? Pic. 2: Martin and Jeff, I really think you guy are gay. Pic. 3: Th e girl look like the 're having good ummer fun! Pic. 4: Ice cap girl ! Pic. 5: \'vhat a beaut! Pic. 6: The e girl enjo their ummer! Pic. 7: Look at tho e A P ho e ! Pic. 8; ummer' great!


First Day he 1995-96 chool year opened on Augu t 31. It was a unny, hot day filled with nervou fre hmen running up and down the hall with chedule in hand. The returning 96'er strutted through the hall miling at all of the confused undercla men while sporting their "senior" hirt . The fir t day fun continued on through the night with a bumpin' back to chool dance in the courtrd. In the midst of all the chao , these people took the time to smile for the camera!


Thl Page-Pic. I : \Vhat' up, Daddy '1ac? Pic. 2: Ell e I happ to ftnall be an uppercla man. Pic. 3: Hey, Ho. twin get their money! Pic. 4: I am ooo confu ed! Pic . 5: 1 love the ftr t day of chool! Pic. 6: He Rob. can I get your digit ?



Dress-up Days hi year. homecoming week wa a bla L! The entire school howed their out tanding spirit by putting togeth r som crazy outfit for the dre -up days. The different theme da were pajama day, country we tern da . hippie day, twin day, and maroon and white day. Thi was a great way for student to how their chool pirit and have




p J. do.y


alot of fun! all of just you 1~ non-dre ser For out there. make a quick trip to mom and dad's clo et and and next year you will be a hit!

Thl Page-Pic. 1: Everyone i pumped up for Homecoming! Pic. 2: I think tho e clothe are a little too comfortable. Joy! Pic. 3: Hey U a. where did you find that outfit? Pic. 4: lovely p.J.' ! Pic. 5: The e ophomore are looking extremely cute on pajama day. Pic. 6: Peace. dude! Pic. 7: Hey there guy . how's It hangin'!


Thi • Page-Pic. I ¡ These cute triplets are portin' the Call in Klein look. Pic. 2: \\ell aren't you filled \\ith . rhool spirit. lrit! Pic. 3: Hr) 'thrrr. CO\\girl! Pic 4. This frr hman is \ Cf\ ('\Cited to br part Of the homecoming resti\ities. Pic . 5. The, e juniors are nlled \\ ith , rhool spirit! Pic. 6: \ate i looking to las, o , omr nr\\ chicks in that smooth CO\\ bo) hat!



The Bonfire hi car' oonlire \va an e cellent addition to the re t of the w ck' homecoming aclivitie . The Cheerleader . Pepctte . tudent Council. Flag Corp . and th Band all gave e citing, and memorable performance . Thi ear the bonfire had a country we tern theme. orne of the cia competition were pig calling, corn eating, and a very e citing lip ervice conte t. L conte ~i dominated the corn eating conte t, won while the enior cia the lip ervice conte t. However, the highlights of the evening were when a few '96 gu dre ed up like girl , and later took off their hirt to how off their tummie . The enior al o won the pirit Lick for th econd ear in a row. The bonfire wa a fun time that ever on will remember for a long time!




Thi ' Pagr-Pir I Thrsr · >rrs arr r\ritrd! Pir 2. I can't brllr\ r I'm on stagr at thr bonflre! I ir. 3: ''He' J.Jis. lrt"t> go tal.r off our shirts!'' Pic. -1 "He\ \Jar, hall. rherl. out Renni. " Pic. 5 l.eContr. "h\ don't \OU tn to get somr in ,our mouth ·~



The Pep Ra[[y


he annual homecoming pep rail got e\er one p ched for the big game again l th \1attoon Gr enwav . Th ch rleader , the pepette , and th band all mad performanc at the a embl . \Vinning mo t of the da ¡ competition , the graduating cia of '96 came out of one of their Ia t pep rail proving to b th mo t chool pirited . Th " er both the tug of war and the pie-eating champion . A their priz , th got to throw pie Central at orne teacher of their .~vo~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ite On 1conte t that the enior did not win wa the category of be t float- the fre hman took that on awa ! fter the a embly, the cheerleader , the p pette , the band , and m mber of each cia participated in a parade including each grade' float. Th fe Li'vitite of the day were a great way to end Homecoming W ek '95, and to get ver on cit d about the game and the dance.

Thi Page-Pic I ¡ The fre hman atuendent 1\aH' to her fan ! Pic 2: E~en the principal get In on the Homecoming fun! Pic 3: Rob and Llt.a hoi\ their chool plrlt! Pic. 4 \h , hOI\ cute! Pic. 5: Look at that happ cheerleader! Pic. 6: You got a little om thing on >Our fa e there. Pic. 7. '97!


The Game


he '95 hom coming game \\a pia ed again t th \1attoon Gre nwave on Frida. , October 7. De pite the cold October night, th tand were packed with e cited \1aroon . During halftim , Central' band gave an ent rtaining performanc featuring l'vtr. \1alone a th Tra hman, and \1r. Deck r a Jo eph. The pepette p rformed their new routine, and Will ummerville and Ro hema Fo ter were announc d a the 1995 hom coming king and queen. For the third ear in a row, Central ha end d it homecoming gam ~ ith a victory.

Thi Page-Pic. I : He~ gu~ . ho\\ about a quicJ., game or ring around the ro, le, ! Pic. 2¡ Loo"- at those hinv ne\\ helmet ¡! Pic 3: Tra hman and Jo epli unite to bring laughter to all! Pic. 4: The e people ure are enjoying their homecoming game! Pic. 5: \thletir , trateg.y bdore the game. Pic. 6: I lo' e you man. Pic 7 Jerem} cheer the team to 'irtor}!



Homecomi119 Queen

William Moses Summerville Roshema Denise Fo ter Birthday: Jun 7, 1978 Favorite Pick-up Line: Birthday: Februar 12, Favorite Person she's ever Funnle t Thing He' Ever "H llo my name i Will, are 1978 Met: Michael Jordan ou from here?" Done: Fell in th pit during What Would he Do With Plan After High chool: Go to Favorite Hangout: tage the " Fame" mu ical. a Million Dollars: " p nd it college, major-undecided. Mo t Prized Po esslon: Be t Feature: Hi Buttock ! until I hurt." Favorite Hang-out: Chicago Hi Bible Favorite Pick-up Line: HI!! Be t Feature: Her hair Jo eph Wojtena Birthday: June 15, 1978 Biggest Goal In Life: " To be a r all cool per on! " Favorite a lng: Yea Dog! Be t Feature: Hi arm Favorite Movie: Forre Gump What Would he do With a Million Dollar : "Probabl p nd it" Funnle t Thing He' Ever Done: Fell flat on hi face in front of hi girlfriend and entir famil on th Fourth of Jul . Favorite Hang-out: Hi uptair Favorite Person He' Met: Jo Montana


Kri ten Leigh Porter Birthday: January 6, 1978 Funnie t Thing She's Ever Done:Fail h r driving te t. Favorite Pick-up Lin : "Do ou u e Windex on our pants, 'cau e I can ure ee m elf in them." What Animal Does he Think he's Most Like: " bunn , I've got hops!" M o s t P r I z e d P o s s e ssion:Her car(PRTR 7) Favorite Place You've Ever Been: witzerland Be t Feature:Her sparkling eye Favorite Momma Jokes: "Yo momma' o fat, he on both ide of the family."

ichola Aaron Barker Birthday: ovember 15. 1978 Best Feature: M id

arah Ruth Bain Birthday: \1a 31 . 1978 Mo t Prized Po e ion :


Favorite Per on he' ~ever \'let: \1arcia BradJ What Animal Doe he Think he I ~o t Like: "A

Favorite Per on You've Never Met: Jimi Hendrix What nimal Doe He Think He ' Mo t Like: "Mar in the Martian. becau h ¡ a pimp"

Her famil

kHt n... I lik to cuddle."

Favorite Mu ic Group: K nn Rog r

Favorite Pick-up Line:

Bigge t Goal In Life: To b

"Thi i heavy!"

a great mom!

What Would He Do with a Million Dollar : Bu out

Funnie t Thing he ' ver Done: Compared ghetto

Parliam nt Funkad lie and jam with them

boo tie Ieader

Bigge t Goal in Life:

Favorite Place he ' Ever Been: \ever- \ever Land

becaome a avy


athan mith Birthday: March 11,1978 Funniest Thing He' Ever Done: Dove into holem Pool missing omething

Favorite Per on He' ever Met: Bob Marley Favorite Saying: "That' My Boat"

What Animal Does He Think He's Mo t Like: "A

\\> i t h

the che r-

oelle Elizabeth ~el on Birthday: Dec mber 29, 1977 Favorite Place he ' Ever Been: Hilton Head Be t Feature: \1y left thumb nail

Bigge t Goal In Life: To become a denti L and own m own practice. Favorite Pick-up Line:

teddy bear, cau e I'm real shy." Be t Feature: Hi lip

"Your Ia L nam mu L be Campbell' becau e ou look \1mm ~mm good!"

What Would He do With a Million Dollar : Mo e to

What nimal Does he Think he I Mo t Like: "

South Carolina

bunn . b cau e I'm \veet. friendl . and Io e to be cuddl d.

Most Prized Po



Hi Worry ton

Terrance Tyrone Butler Birthday: June 12. 1978 Favorite Place He' Ever Been: Walt Di n World Funniest Thing He' Ever Done: Ran face fir t into the

uzanne Mar-


Favorite Hang-out: Big Brew' hou e

Best Feature: Hi eye Favorite ayin : Big ole pimp

Plans After Hi h


Attend college and pia baseball

Favorite Pick-up Line: "When can you and I get together and do the loco thang?!"


Homecomin_g hi ear Homecoming Dance wa held at Parkland college on aturda , October 7. The theme of thi ear dane " Get Down Tonight ". tudent Council thought of thi year theme , found the D.J. , and they al o organized the whole dance. Everyone had a great Lime geWn' down to the hit of e terda and toda ! E\en the fr hman got out on th dance floor! During the dance , Will ummerville and Ro h rna Fo ter were cro-v ned Lhi ear Homecoming King and Queen. If you didn 't attend thi ear dance. ou mi ed out on a night of dancing and a whole lot of fun!


Thi Page- Pic 1: The King and Qu een get down. Pic. 2. TI1e e enior enjo 路 th eir Ia t Homecoming. Plr 3路 I it lime to go home yet? Pic. -1 \\hat? There路 food! Pic. 5: The e two are r uttin 路 the rug!


TilL' Page-Pir I : \\hat ha\ e these seniors been smol..in"' l'ic 2¡ The:;e fre. hman enjm their first homecomin~ Pir 3 \\hat a cute couple' Pir -1 ' hutup and !-iss me. Pi< :> Carlin ,md his three date~ Pir 6: \\ ho¡ this girl I'm danring '' ith?



Jazz '95 \\a~ Combe~ G~ m

azz '95

held in on Fri-

da. and Saturda~. ~1m 5 and 6. The featured band' were Central's Jazz Band~ I & 2. Edison Middle School Jazz Band, The Pocket Big Band, and Medicare 7. 8. OJ' 9. and with featured gue t. tromboni t Britt a Lang 'joen. F.\ CIJOne put on a great performance. Some of th song that the band pla)ed were. "On Broad\\ a~ ... · ·surnmcrt ime... ··croo' e Merchant," ''Harlem ir Shaft... '"Killer Joe.·· and "Blues in Hoss Flat. .. If~ ou didn't attend Jazz '95 ~ou missed out becau e it ure was a rockin' time. The bands ''ere pta~ ing and jazz was in the air!


Sports Day


he '95 Spring .. port Day wa once again a fun and ucce sful C\ent. port Da~ \\a held behind Bot tenfteld Elementary chool. The two sports being pta. ed \\ere ba ketball and volle. ball. It wa a double elimination roundrobin tournament of 3 on 3 ba ketball, and 4 on 4 voiIe~ball. ate ~fa t and J.D. Leman, now Junior , led their basketball team to \ictory. Renee Walters' volle ball team triumphed a well. \ian prize were given awa including ga game and free CD' . The third annual prlng port Day wa pon ored by Central' very ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o~ WdffitCoondl.Make I= ure ou ign up ne t time around to participate in all of the Sport Day fe tlvltie .

This Pag - Pic. I : Andrea. Becky. and Car a are pumped up! Pic. 2: Hu} like thi ene Pic. 3 I'm open, pa me the rod.. ! Pic . 4 Come on guy . reall; I can play! Pic. 5 Jlmmy' chlllin' ln the hade. Pic. 6¡ That' l \ protection. Gretchen





he 1995 Prom an e ceptionall grand ucce Thi year' them wa .. ave th e Be t fo La t. " The ~orden \1arli hO\HOOm wa beautiful! decorated b the junio cia . making the atm phere ver appropriate thi \\Onderful pring night. The Prom King crown ~ a mvarded to dam Fi che who wa accompanied th e Queen , Malinda Johnon. The spectacular evening continued on through the night \vith a hoppin ' po~U¡-.....-------------.----------------------1 prom at \\ e tern Bowl filled with food , folk , and fun! Prom ¡ 5 \va mo t d finite! a night to r member!

Thi s Page-Pic. I : These arc some wcee daddies! Pic 2. Thi couple i having grea t lime at Prom! Pic. 3: li e~ ladies. runky now! Pic 4: \\hat 's up, baby? Pic Look at th ose tw o l o ~ e bird s!


This Pagr-Pic. I: Hail to thr Ro~al Fairirs. Pic 2 \l aggnu grts 11rrd up! Pic 3. BrraJ.. It dO\\ n. Josh! Pic 4 l.ooJ.. at those pearl~ \\ hitrs!



Sprift9 PCay his ~car· ' produc~id­ tion of " ummcr ight 's Dream" \\as a great sucre ' . Mr . Affolter directed Shake 'peare' challenging pia)!. \\ hich tarred \1ya Bro\\ n. \\ illiam Summen ille, Gene' icvc Stashcff. and dam Beck. \tr. Hoffman helped out the pia tremendous!} by directing and writing the mu ical score. The tremendou muic reall~ added to the excellent play. The plot of "A Midsummer ight's Dream" \\as centered around the \\Cb of 10\c bct\\ecn Hermia and her suitors. Shakepeare' \\inding plot gave the play many plea ent t\\i t ' . ·• ~idsummer ight' Dream" was shown \1arch 9th through March 11th. and was given excellent re' iew .


Thl Page-Pi . 1: top Looking at me. Will! Pi . 2: Eleanore Ond omethlng prelly darn lnt re ling. Pi . 3: Matt i uch a pimp!


Becky chlomann. Lynn artcr. ltl-ao \1c\abb. ROW 3 Jennifer Tobia . Chansouk Sa~athphounr. 'ara Och . Brian Ekmark. can Gordon. 'arah FausL. Jrsslca \el on. \1onlca Samll. \ndy Robinson. Rob Gillespie.

\1au Allender. Dorian Bell~llle . RO\\ 4: Kate \\ebcr. Tal) n Clapper. Katie Clegg, Penelope Parmer. \\II !lam Summrn illc. Grnr~IC'H' tasheff. Tara \ffolter. Stt•1e lloffman

Mr. Maroon h ' s ·coml annual ~tr. Maroon pageant wa once again a huge uccc . The onl} requirement fOJ' thi conte t \\ere being a junior or cnior mal '. and b ing able to make a fool out of ~our~etr. The conte...,tant participated in a beach \\ear conte t, a talent conte t. a formal \\car hO\\, and a que 'lion and an \\ er , e ion. Former \tr. Maroon Shane ~1apson \\a on hand to 't p do\\ n a king, and hand hi title O\ er to Ia t ~car', nior \\inner Matt Bain. 'l he Mr. Maroon conte t ha been a big hit the pa t two ~cars, and \\C are expecting an '\en bigger audience thi ~ear.


Thi Page-Pic. I : The ne\\ l..ing i. crO\\ ned . Pic. 2 \icl.. ·urr ha • a Sl\ le all his O\\ n Pic. 3: \dam 's pumprd up about lhi ('011[(', t! Pic. 4. Chri • doe · hi · be l Jodeci impre sion . Pic 5: \ice hair \\illie!

Tl'OE:-.;T LIFE!


IT WAS RED AND YELLOW AND GREEN mu ical \\ere performed by Central student. in the pring of 199-. One of the mu ical \\a, "Jo eph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". The mu ical take place many centurie ago and i about Jo eph' dream and how it come true. The mu ical wa performed on April 26-29. The main character Jo eph wa double ca t b Will Summerville, and Jo h Barker. The director of Jo eph wa Don Decker. If you didn't ee "Jo eph and the mazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", you really mi sed out. Along with th ca l and crew, e eryone put on a great p rformance.



Thl Page-Pic. I : I hope I have hoc · to go with this coat! Pic. 2: It's not nice to poinl. Pic. 3: We brother · ·Uck together. Pic 4: 1\e got to top doing lhi · on the weekend ! Pic. 5 l\1attlook · like a phary.

FRO T ROW:Annc Mi ncr. 1\lli on Wauncw, Kri ty Maulden. <\nne Hau crmann . Chri ta Burdette, icole Purkcypilc. Genc~ieve ta hcff. Will ummervlllc, Michelle Rehbein. Jennifer Rehblne. Jill Corbly, hannon Foreman. Mary Mulliken. ROW 2: Ryan Quick. am Mall . Michael Layman . Chri toph r l\1cFarland. Brian mlth , Madhu Renduchintala. Li a Jana . Katie Bechtel . Megan McPhee. 1\lchola Barker. RO\\ 3: Doug Bonczek. Rachel Flood. Le lie 1\macher. arah Bain, tephanle I L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l Darling. Le lie Harm . Jennifer etter . ummer helby, nna Garcia , Matthew Hutjens. Brian Ekmark, John ummer . l\1ichacl Deponal. 1\ndrew Pelz. Ram ey Margison. RO\\ 4: \Iii on Rodger . Jill tanko. Rob DeAtley, John De tie . Rebecca chlomann . RO\\ 5: Li a Boucek. Erin hepard . Jennifer Tobia . Magnu 01 on. Tim len. i\udre Ro enblatt. Eleanore tasheff. 1\lalnna Rodgers. Chanida \ong ·mongiehol. Elizab th l\1iller. 24 TLOEl\T LIFE!

Workirt9 he econd mu ical perf?rmed in the pr1ng wa "~orking ". It wa performed on April 26-29 along with the mu ical " Jo eph and the mazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". "Working" i a tory about real people who work and the good and the bad thing about working. Th mu ical


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ included a lot ofmeant inging and dancing which hour of hard vvork for director Don Decker. orne of the occupation tudent pia ed in thi mu ical wer a teelworker. a parking lot attendant, a n w bo . a '; aitre . or a fireman . The whole ca t and crew did a great job in th production of "Working". Thi mu ical will be one to remember for a long time.

F'RO 'T RO\\o : arah Bain, Andrea Hunt. Ram ey Margl on. IIi on Wattnem. Elizabeth Miller. Brian Ekmark. ndre"' Pelz. Mary Mulliken, Matt Bain, nne Hau ermann. Madhu Renduchintala. Genevieve tasheff. ROW 2: Monica amii. Jill Corbly, Keely McDaniel, Alii on Rodger . John DeAtle . Danielle . pencer, Michael Deponai, Le lie \mac her. am \1all. Ryan Quick. Rachel F'lood. Doug Bonczek. Chrl topher McFarland. Katie Bechtel , Rebecca Weber, John 1cF'arland. RO\\ 3: hannon Foreman. Laurie Ohl on. John ummer . 1\atherine colt. Rob De tley, Kate \'reber, \1ary Amacher. ummer helb~. Michelle Rehbein. ROW 4: Audre Ro enblatt. Chanida \ong mongiehol , arah Callahan. Chri La Burdette. Kim chanche. Katie Clegg, IIi on Ackerman. 1\ngela Hunt, Jo h Barker. Brian mith , Megan McPhee. Rebecca chlomann. Don Ded.er. RO\\ 5: Am Bantz. Eleanore La heff. Matlhe"' Huljen . \manda Ead . Magnu 01 on. U a Jana . Tim Ulen. RO\'r 6: \lalnna Rodger . Rachel Atterberry, Eli e Van Laar. 1\rl ly Maulden. \\ill ummervllle, -\ hley McKinn~ . \\-hiln y Havlce. '\icole Purkeypile.

This Page-Pic. 1: Look, over there . Pic. 2: \\'hat. no lip? Pic. 3: If you're happy and you kno\\ It clap our hand ! Pic . 4: Gee It' great to be a ne"' boy . Pic 5: 1\ndrea i a real hard working woman.





HonDr's Day n ~a~ 16,1995, Central High School ac nowledged the great achie\ ement made by the ' enior class. ~mong the man a\\ard winners \\ere Dan 0' eill, Terrayel Cartmill. Robert Shlem , Jamie O'Connor, and Rachel Flood. Congratulation to the cia ' of 95! "Central is one of the fe\\ chool in merica that honors it students during the da~ in an alkchool a sembJ. . The a 'Sembi~ i a tribute to the entire student bod~. I think it i important for all of our undercla smen to hare the honors with our seniors so that the can as- 1-=-~~~-~~===~~---=-------.:::::_t...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ pire to recei e the honors and awards a eniors." Dr. Wojtena


Pic. I: TI1e manager or the year miles For the camera. Pic. 2: I remember you ''hen you "ere this big! Pic. 3: Look Mom. I \\<On an award! Pic. 4: The e enior girl ing their heart out! Pic. 5: I'm o happy that I won! Pic 6: ha"n accepts his award. Pic. 7: eel gi\C hi annual a\\ard to Dan.



Graduation n Thur da June I, 1995. the graduating Ia gathered together in Folinger uditorium for their commencem nt ceremony. ThL \\as the fir t time in the hi tol) of Central that the graduation ceremon had not been held at Krannert, becau e it \\a being reno\ a ted at the time. \\ ord of en ouragement \\ere gi\ en b~ Mal) mu llik n and Gabrielle Giertz, the t o student speakers. Or. :\'like \\ ood • a ocial tudie teacher at Central, wa choen b~ the cia" to be a speaker. Mu ic wa provided b Central' Madrigal and Show choir under the di-


~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rection Decker. 1cia ofwaDonald pre ented b Dr. Jo eph Wojtena and accepted by Dr. Timothy H land. Diplomas were presented b~ members of the Board of Education. The ceremon ended, and the graduate filed out of the auditorium and onto the beautiful of I quad.

Thi , Page-Pic I : Byron doesn't e\ en nerd his gO\\ n! Pic. 2 Trrra}rl shO\\S orr his diploma. Pic. 3. Graduation- a sad or happ~ night ror be I rrirnd ? Pic. -1: I'm so t' \citrd! Pic. 5: \l ar} Mullil-.rn gi,rs her rare\\ ell sprach Pic. 6: I graduated! Pic. 7. I can't belie\r m~ baby'' all gro\\n up!




This Page-Pic. 1: ike can be seen almo t anywhere this year! Pic. 2: Is leeplng in class in? Many of the teacher don't think so! Pic. 3: Thi new addition to Central ha been a very fa hlonable place! Pic. 4: Hacking ha become a great activity to pass the time away. Pic. 5: Fila gear Is really ny this year. Pic. 6: obody goe anywhere at Central without.their backpack!




This Page-Pic. l : howing ya toe i really in thi year. Pic.2: Big, clunky Dr. Martens are till a Fashionable thino to wear on your reet. Pic.3: Fashionable hair? The crazier the better! Pic.4 : Old ru t car are becoming the thing to drive around in!! Pic.5 and 6: With the death or Jerry Garcia taking place not too long ago . Grateful Dead thirts and Jerry paraphernalia i being een everywhere. Pic.?: Going to Central High chool i most fa hionable thing any person could ever want to do!



13'RAI'l1S &


Shawn 'DonneUH &

Sarah 'Randolph


E lOR !

Cutest Couple

Jenna Setters &

Jason Logsdon

@ fht Gu11d. ®fspftSSO

G)Stc•K t1 Sho.Kt G)MoriS5 ..__Y~




® OvJ: in 1ht courrtr1

® SetAn'S porc,Jt ®A houS( witkoctt ~.ARtNTS


ffiost £ikelB to Succeed

Kim 'l1icol &

Jeff 'Piper Funniest Laugh

Allison )-{uhn &

Kris Wackerlin E lOR !


(U 'l1 TGa len ted 'Driver

fiatt Crews &

LibbB 'Grail most Active

JennB Olson &

martin 'Klingel


most Changed

'Best .Cooking

Elizabeth Gaffron

'l1ate Smith



GuB Lakonishok

JocelBn OJartinkus

E lOR !

Whateverl Jock me My brain hurts I~ an good Oh wen Eat me Just kidding Where~ the teg?l Yah rtght Helpmeup


Craziness Go for the gold autc:h Yeah it isl


Dude man It's the bomb What are you thinking?

I got son it Lefs tk:t tt

You crazy I Jove you Puhl Dam nifty Flutty-tutty You Gump Hoocba mama And you knew this F.atmy111bber Yesl! 111111 Straight Onx:k Faagasl

mama's Choice

'nate Kohl &

:Heather '11albone

most Athletic

Amanda Ennis &

Will Summerville

El\ IOR !


:Headed for :HollHwood

Will Sttmmerville &

mBa 'Brown

tTiost ShH Alison ffiastnH & CaseH ffiiller

'Bissest Flirt Class Clown

Shannon J-£itch &

matt 'Burge EJ\ IOR !

LucH Shair &

marshall J-£enrH

ffiost School Spirited

JeremH 'Gengwall &

KHm GladneH 'Biggest 'Brown 'l1oser

Anne J-faussermann &

Sean 'Ganner

Gift For Gab

Katie 'Bechtel &

'Don 'Beckett E\IOR





E\I OR !


0 R S!

9 7



\LBl \1!

Allison 1ckerman 4manda 4llender Rachel 1nrlerson ~l illiam 1ruler on !_,elisha Anclrew Rachrl 1tterberf) Khal}n h ef) Erin Bahrkc Beth Baile} Vlaria BaleJ 4m} Bantz Tamm} Barber

J n





Brad Barker LindseJ Barr Aquilino Bartolome Jeff Bean Ca , idJ Brcker Zac Becker Darci Belt Eric Berger Tequila Bislwp ~lade Bjordahl Je 'ica Blunier Chad Boatriaht Doug Bonczek Hannah BrJ an Hia Bude. cu \1ela Budimann Ryan Bu e} ara/1 Callahan

\LBL \1!


Eric Carlson Cmig Cart cr Dcetra Clwtman Daniel C/JecA !Jauna Cia.' bom Carrie Cohen Hcat!Jcr Collins Giu 'Cppe Coniglio \ndrea Coomes Jonathon Costa ~manda Crews \ngela Dalheim

ow that Junior year has rolled around, th 9 7' ers are happy to have their licenses-at least most of them. Not only does it mean freedom, but it also means having a guaranteed ride to lunch. Now that those begging days are over, the decision is finally up to them. Here are a few of their favorite cures to the munchies ....

J n ~




Chri topher Dal} \ athan Davidson Jennifer Da} !Jawanda Dean Kerf) Delgado 'Watthew Dhom Phuong Cam Diep ummer Dixon Jonas Downey Bryan Drew hane Eack hawn Eble Brian Ekmark Sha11onne Elam Lynne Elrick Ca ey End l ey Daniel England Je ica Erick on




Hen jam in /~'n in Jolin Fetlig Unri.'W\ fie/(/:-, 'l'imol/1.\ Fisctwr Cecilia Filzgern/(/ Testwna F'IJ 1'erlrec·J...o Frame .lame..., Fn·\ man .fOM'jJ/1 riYJ('M 'flf'f

Jolm Gar/au Dorre.. . s Garlmll RoiJc•rt Garclner



i 6



.lame..., Garrett S'teplwnie Garlll rJtan Gauchman Dm i(/ George Jonalllan Gorlwm Jolm Gm.·s Susanna/1 GruiJIJ De\ in Hall /.,('Sfie lfc1/'/71,' Glenn Harper \Jar/in Harris Ro!Jerl 1/iclvnan

I utumn Hi/e.· Clli.UI Jlip:Jjrul Dona/(/ Hollins \ eema Humpflrit•s \n!!.elcl Hunt \ndN'cl Hunt



\LBL \1!


'Helissa F-lutjens Luca Ingerson Amber Ireland Tina Israel Jermaine Ja, per Danielle John on Joe/Johnson Judson John, on Lind a} Jane Wichelle Joop Cara Jud} ltonde Kakoma

J n i D

r s

Chri tine Kim Song Yun Kim Tytoil Kim David Kit on Jo hua Krau haun Kroe Devon Kyle Zolanda Kyse Doug/a Larson ."v!ichael Layman athan Leach Jonathan Leman Charee Lewi Renni Linder Jo hua Lipton John Loft gaard Elizabeth Lynch Katherine MacGilvary




Samu('/ ~!all Richard Halloch Briannr tlanurl RamSPJ Uargi, on \ ataliP HariJJam DanettP Hartin \athan tla ¡t Brom\.>}n HcCiellan ShaJonna HeGer DanieiiP WcWaster Haurren Wc \ amara


There is no question that the Class of 97 are the coolest people in the school. OK, while 3/4 of the school may have another opinion, juniors are definitely fun people. So, where exactly do these crazy kids like to "kick it"?

J n i D



Rebecca Hedlocf... Hatthev. tlerkle Ju tin tlichel u an Uile 4.nthonJ Hiller Elizabeth Hiller \ athan Hiller Terrica Hiller Elizabeth Uin}ard Jlonica \lontero 4.ndren ~1urph} JeremJ \ el on Andre ~~ \ icol LeConte \ L\ .. arah \ izzi Robert 0 'Bryan Laur ie Ohl on Brandon OJ en



ALB L \1!


Stan Olson Steplwnie 0'\cil/ Harf...e/1 Osler Hisli 01 crocf...cr /<:1 an Parf...erSteplwn \n(/.\ Pelz L.\ nclsa) Peper Cristina Perez Gonzalez l>'mif.\ Plwlps \1/ison Picf...nrcl Ton} Pomonis \1.1isfla Porter

J n ~




wear underwear to school? 14°/o say they never wear underwear to school 1 °/o say 1, 2, or 3 days a week 3°/o say4days 47°/o say 5 days 1 0°/o come to school 7 days a week with undies on

\icole Purf...C.\ pile 1:~ fer Ouick Kat/Jf'.\ n Rainge Onwslw Redding \4adhu Rcnduchintala kearston Rice Grant Roberts Jennifer Roberts 'vatalie Roberts f{jmcka Robinson 1/ainna Rodgers Wike Rogers Charlc ' Rohlfing f'ranccsca Rueda Julius androck L}nd a} arnecki Khamsa} , avathphoune Kim chanche



\LBL \1!

\itJ.. ,)'cfunirlt

Hill SenseniJrennf'r Hic/Jae/ Slwllin \aomi Slmpiro Summer SlwiiJ\ J·:rin Stwpa!YI Dren Slwpp;ml Tala.w SiiJJr·.\ lrit S'il\ r•rman \nita Simmon'> A.r·n.\ etta Sin{!.leton Brian Smitll


n I


r s

Clwrles , '111itl1 Laslwncla S111il11 Hatt, mitll Tara , 111 it II Tcni ·c S111il11 Tin , mit/1 T0!77!77.\ , 117itll 1\.ristn Smitll Brent Sm (/er Hclissa , onf...a Daniellc , 'pcncer Caleb , talter Eleanor , tastwff Joanna , 'tmuss Cnnd} , tron{!. Jolm lll17117ers Hie/we/ , 'ummcr: , am , 11111111er:

Uza , uttle UndSfJ Tate Deshaine TaJ lor \ina 1'110177{JSOI/ Shmw Tlwmpson r,'d Thomson f/eat/1 Tieffcl \nne ToeA. 4nitra Tuell /~lise l anlaat' UndSeJ \ DU{!,/111 \ eal \ erdicA.

J n I




True l o Ben l o/1s ThUJ l u Carla War(/ Justin Warren Raeanne ~~ Drren Chri tina Washburn Waria Wa hbum Cher ~tatson 4nthon} H,em,er Jennifer Weber KaLe Weber Tiffan} ~~ ber fJi abet!J u,ehmer Lind} Wheatley Carlin Whitesell Jeff If ilhelm 4bigail ~villiams



\LBL V1!

Dionna William K'lesha Williams \icole Williams Wesle.} Williams ngela Wilson

Caprijawn rt in 'LOn Ja on rti e .Justin r~ise Wark rtise \atalie York

Tro} } ork Rakia loung Ancire~\- Ziegler

\ot PicLured: Brand} •liken . 4mi ha Ander on Leti ha 4nclrew . Elisabeth Bartel . Edmond Ba ilio . ndrerv Bishop, 'vfelis a Bradley, Melissa Berry, Donald Bro~\-n, Dante Brown. I tok Budic. Li a Burdelle. 4ntoin Cain. Jo hua Carter. \ekeidra Clark. na Claro Fuente . hony Coleman. hannon Crayton. John Dejacimo. tephen Dubrick. Jennifer Elli . Laquila Fau t. D vin Grace. Yolanda Jack on. Robert Jancola, Jo hua Lange. tephanie Loft/and Minnear. Chri topher McFarland. Curti Mill . Chri tine Wohrbacher. LHki hma Monroe-McMullen. Benjamin Mo enthal. Kenn th O'Bryan, Amber O~erca t. Kau hik Panchal. udrey Rosenblatt, Jonathon Rutan. Jerem ample. Jo hua choonover, Ronald Thoma . Daniel ~idakovich. Chad ~~ilkin , bigail ~filliam . Care. H¡il on. Joel r~oehrmann. Ebernee ~~ .}nn.



---· SO HO




\LBL \1!

Ha{!J!,ic 1macher 1ntwonnetc lnrferson Sarah lnderson Aalic 1quino 8ric 1rnold De~ in W.in~

A.alrtJ BarJ..IrJ Julianne Hassell Clairf' Bassrlt \ngela Bean A.athf}n BN'kff Dorian Belle'i'ille

Rrin Bent leJ Jenm Black.v.-ell l alarie Blanke Clwd Bluhm Doria Bone/Jo Tmi Bone


a Soucek l ictor Bradford Felicia Breen Benjamin Brenner } ~anne Brim f_,'mi/J Brinkmann

Ja on Britten 8mily Bromiel Jacqueline Brov.-n JaraJ Brolw Jakeitlw Bro~1 n Randal/ Bronnfield

\LBL \1 !

\icJ... Buffer Tlwo Bui Jennifer Burdette call Burge 4ntoinc Cain Aat!Jn n Canlwm \aron Clwpman Dmid C!Jisholm \icJ... ClarJ... Katie Clegg Chad Cocl1rane UndseJ Cocla 'ure

The cia s of 1998 wa red, hot, and chi/in' thi year, and boy and girls, you beuer watch for them thi fall! They are bad. They are mad. They are th sophomore . Okay, o you're a king, "Why are the sophomores o cool like that?" Well, we say "Chillin' sophomore don't take slack from nobody." Let¡ take a look at thi pa l year. Homecoming could not have been any beuer had il not been for the good old 98'er . nd the Winter Pep Rally? Don't even a k. Throughout the whole year. if someone had a problem, or ju t wanted to talk, Lhey could always rely on the clas of 1998. Thi excellent crop of fine young people are exactly what thi ociet need . When a sophomore wa randomly a ked what he would wanl if he could hav any wi h, he aid, "/ wi h for longer chool hours, a Lricter curriculum, and WORLD PE CE." What a cia .

Brandi Collins Linda Costa 1cen Cox Jamie Co>. 1dam Cran,ford Pat Creamer Jenn} Cripe Brian Cromwell Paige Cros, Joel Danowitz Sl78}onda Davenport Cedric Da1-i

Waller Dearmond John De tie} Rob De 1tley Derek De chler Mich lie Desjardins Phil Deverell

Q 76


Janel Df'~ im' Chris Dobro~oln} Spencf'r Dobrm o/nJ Theresa Drollinger 1manrla f:ads Ben f;rJmison Frer}(fie Edv.:arrls Ho//J l~nrlslcJ Greg H~ans \1elaA.a Fau 't Ubb} Fierller Jason fisher

Rac!Jel Fi 'Ciler Dan Flelc!Jcr Brian Flood Jared Fl}nn A}le FranA.lin Ouaron Frazier Ke1 in Froelich Brandon FunA. , \nna Garcia Erica Gateu,ood '\,farCLJ , Gat on \iclwla Gehrt ara!J Gli 'lJ Ben Gor:ld Corinda CralJam Tyanna Green .Jo '11 Greenfield Je 'ica Hand

Jennifer !lard 7) ronc //art

RlaAe llcll'l C.\ U17itne.\ lim icc Tamara Ha.\ den 4dam Henderson Ryan 1/cnn eth Henson Emil.\ Hcrrstrom Wca/7 Heumann Dm icl Hickman Anne J-ligl7tslwc l

Jason Hinton Rico Holtzclav. Jonatl7an Horner Laura Hough ara Hughes \icole Hul7n I 'aac Hunter Christina Hutchison Matthew Hutjens Tanya Ireland Eli I aacson Chris !sam Ledariu Jackson Rachel Jackson Janelle John on tephanie John on Jon Jonas Kenneth Jones




Edward Jones hannon Kahler Jop Kamphau, Joel Kaplan Chri tina Keeling Aaron Kelly James Kennedy Zach Kennedy 'Wuhammad Khan L}dia Kjngton Kara Aot}nek tao Kroes

nzed possessio~s I

Most people have something they like to carry with them at all times . We asked sophomores what items traveled everywhere with them, and we got some interesting answers:




a smile!

WoiiJ Krol Kelly Lamkin Tanaka Law Andrew Leman Chri tina Le ter Kri tina Leritt arah Liav. Jennifer Lov.ry _ Weli a LO} Adam Lund Tine llyJarku en Vatalie Mar hall Kri ti Wartin biaaif McBride Tami ha ,\tlcC!endon Ti ha WcConaha Jar d 'WcEhl-ee Jacob .WeE/wee

ALBL \1!


4sllle.\ Hcl\imw.' Ronnie tleeJ... Rradfe.\ \leis Ryan \lerJ...Ie l~'dv.ard Hiller GHennn Wiler Raclwl '\4iller .fern Wnnie~~ eathf:lr Tisha \linniel~ eat/1er /,n 'Rufus \lit clwll Sandra \1ontanelli Candice \IOOI'f

La handa Woore Twilia Moore Und, e} Worris Junior Woti<'J Timolh} Wurra} Joanna Wuster Kenneth \a/bone Jerome '\a, h Wika vel, on Candace esbitt Rebecca e s Vichola f\eumann !Watthew '\icho/, \alhan O'Bryan Lauren 0 'Connor Charles Parr Anya Pavia Jame Pellum



LBL \1!

/\ell} Peper ~on tire Peltigre~\­ '\4argarel Phillippe 1ndre Phillips John Phillips John Phillips /\aria Prahl '\4ar} Prell Heather Pulcini Hicl1elle Pulliam De~ in Quarles James Rasch

The yearbook staff polled the sophomores to see ex actly how much they loved Central. For instance, the majority of98ers correctly knew that a Maroon was a bear. Others thought a Maroon was an upcoming Power Ranger (which could be true), or a student at the best high school in Champaign (which is obviously true). From there, though, awareness seemed to decline. A different sophomore thought Bill Clinton was Central's varsity quarterback (this response particularly annoyed one Yearbook member). Oh well. See you next year! Core} Reid Delia Reif: tecJ... Telauba Re1 el, Jac Wn Rhee arah Ringler 41n on Rodger. Giraldo Rosales 1nn Ro 'S Thaddeu , Rund Kore} Ru,, ell Terri Ru 'sell Jo h Ru o Colin R3-an Cal') line alzman Chri 'tophcr alzman '\1atthen andqui t Thoma c!Jcu Ta}lor chmidt L



\LBL \ 1!


tlelod.\ .'.'chwalm A.alhNinc Scoll Hie/we/ ,C..,'cotl A.rith Sc~m ic!J John ,%eels H a} Jon Shelton Ryan Sheppard Jeelbere , !Jerficld Tamira , i/J/rJ Hark , im/N Daniel SkJI/in{!.: Daniel SMnin

If there is one cia s on which you can depend, it i the ophomores. They are always ready to tand up and give a shout for their favorite team. th Champaign Central Maroons! AIthough they did not win the spirit tick thi year, they definitely have a promising future as experts on enthusiasm. Way to go ophomores! Keep up the good work, and try not to pick on the Fre hmen . . . well. not too much.

l/) 0 ~



Rafael fates Derreck mit!J Marina , mith Gary pencer Jonathan t. Peter Michael tack Jill tanka Jamal tewert Robert Stickels Jared tin on Ryan toner athaniel traayer Ph IIi Tate Khailil Terry haw Terwilliger icole Te tory Ryan Thoma Grant Thomp on



Je ie Thomp on Shanli Thornton Tamarah Thorpe \1icharl Thur ton Rebecca Timoth} Jennifer Tobias Da~id Todcl John Townsend Linda Tran JeffN'} Trigger Demario Turner Timoth} Lien

ot Pictured: Monica Barry, Hau Bi n Jr., Jes e Canter-Thompson, Dartanion Chandler, Rachel Dalal, Matthew Davis, Theresa Devall, Brook Fonner, Lashonna Holt, Mi- eon Jean, Ja on Leonard, Yalonda Lov , Diamond McGlade, Kate Morgan, Robbie Paton, Nicole Popi , Jennifer Reed, Brandi Roberts, Andrew Jobinson,Shonnon Sabol, Rodrigo Sanchez, Lathi a Sander , ichola Schiaretti, Amy Scott, drianne Stickel , Danielle Tannahill, Ke in Thomas, Everette Townsend, Ricardo Vance, Jarvari Warfield, Robert White, Shan Williams.

Wchacl l nander Angelo l elez

"'vguyen \!o lexander

~l haba

Ke~in ~talker Tchailo~sk} ~tardiO\~

Laree, e


Elizabeth ~arner Emil} Harren Benjamin ~laugh Kareen- ~a ~teathera/1 Elizabeth H,eber Ryan ~l eldon

Craig ~lhite Chri t} ~thite ell Michael ~teineke Jaqueline William Eric H il/iam Carey Wil on Jean ~t i ega rver .Wicha I Wong manda B orkman Heather ~ right Brandon Wynn Timoth} Zion




~ ~

ALB \1!

Wancii 1lexander Kelle} 1ncierson Timoth} 1\ncier on Wichelle 1rnolci Patrick 1shbrook Ahmad 1\ t- Taras Han lung Joseph Hartholomf'"R}an Baumann Tro} Beard Chad Heaslf'} Erica Becket

Ca e} Benefield Craig Blanton Andrea Block Mye hia Botley Kyl Bowen John Bramfeld ."vlattllew Breeding icole Bridges Kent Broadbent Jacl}n Brov.n _Warcelle Brown Wontreyel Bro~w u an Brown Jonathan Bn an Deli a B}num /Qchard Cain Jennifer Canpbell Tah heia Campbell



Daniel Carlson 1\atherine Carr \-fichael Carson \akaslw Chane} Tiffan} Chane} Ste~en Chang Bonnie Cheek \4ichelle Chisholm 1\amrhon Claiborne Jes ica Cia} Paul Clifton RUa Goner!}

Mark Cooper Beth Culbertson Elisabeth Curtiss Tra11i Daily \atalie Dalton Eric Davis [(jr tie Davis Lawrence Davi manda Day \4atthew Dejacimo Michael Derry Josh Dhom

Micah Dixon Kyra Dor e Myron D}er ndrew Eads 'hamika Elam Kelli Engelhardt





Jennifer Farrow Bob Feller Benjamin Fitzgerald Femi Fletcher Amanda Fonner Emily Fonner

Cassie Fo Jonathan Fo um Aric Foster Teyonna Fo ter Colin Fou t Elizabeth Fraker

Elizabeth Fretty Jennifer Gardner Ali ia Gardner Mi ty Gidden Kialana Glover Jerem Going

Katherine Gordon Chri topher Graff qui ha Grant teven Gratkin Heather Griffet Robert Gros

Bryan Gwinn Patrick Harrington Chri topher Harri Denitra Harri Fa e Hart Luca Hellmer




'Hclissa Hen!) IJace} Henson Jacob Hill k'rif.. llinderliter Brina Hites Stacey Hites Bets} Holder Timolh} 1-loss Beth Huhn tefan Hutchinson Jame ' Inman !Jaura Inskip

Brendan Ireland Anthony Jackson Darnell Ja per Daniel Jedlick Amber Jenk Jerome Johnson Juan John on Damian Johnson Amber Johnston Rashinndra Jane Terrance Jane tarlitta Jordan Kelli Judy Jo , phine Kalipeni 'ichola , Kammer Martin Kane Kanitra Keaton Brandy Kelly



Ryan Kef/.~ Brian Kim .JohnnJ King , 1wtaia King Cf1ris KirfJJ Tominique Kizer \icholas !woke Christina Laesch Aim Lamf...in Stephanie Ume 1nclrr~" ljang , uns!Jine Lathrop

Many fre 'hman have a hard time adapting to High chool. The} endure a lot of ridicule and trick from uppercla men. lVhen we a ked fre 'hman how many time they had been told to go to the fourth floor, answers ranged from 1 time to 1, 000 times. 14 % of freshman report ha0ng wet their pants during chool hour and being laughed at b upperclassmen. To avoid embarra ment, freshmen use various tricks to avoid people eeing their mother ' drop them off before school. Some ask mom to drop th m off down the street or in back of the school. Some freshmen a k their mother to duck when kissing them goodbye. One fre hman goe as far as to drive himself to school. Upperclas men definit 1} do not spare these Central newcomers any slack. But you can be sure that these 99ers will carry on this traclition by maldng fun of the next fre hman class.

.Jeffe0 Leatherman kenneth Le ~l-i · Ill ~~ arren Lieb Heather Long .Je · ica Lm"D .Ju 'tin LJ tie Aaren t1aher 1\J/e ttanle.~ Dmid Hanuel Blake J1argi ·on Trmi Warmion Lisa tlartin llvlorgan Ma tny Caroline IWbu~i .Jo hua IWcBride Robert McClain Blane J1cCiellan \ick UcLemore

\ LBL \1!



Lake ha McMillion Jennifer Medlock Bridget Mei Robert Mennenga Anthony Millage Mary Mohrbacher Kristen Moll Tia Monroe-McMullen Jackie MonroeMcMullen Freddie Montgomery Rienna Montgomery Larry Moore

The Cafeteria - an infamous Central tradition. Below are two sightings of Freshmen eating there. If you know any of these students, please, remain courteous to them.

Me ha Moore Ryan Moore Kel/i Morenz Zubin Mowlavi Erin Mullin Kathleen Murray Charles a h Kelly el on Megan el on William ewbern Amanda Newport Tuan gu en Michael Nicholas William icol Sara imz Kimomesia ix Jarett 0 fer Clayton Overstreet



Ami Panchal Phill Parmer Melanthi Patrick irimal Patrick Je ica Pear on Chad Pellum Quanata ?elmore Tara Peter Bethany Petry Erica Pierce Ani hia Pier on Michael Piwoni

Java Pollock John Power David Prell Luca Pryor Rachel Rawdin icole Ra Jarrett Reed Timothy Revel Robert Re nold Cri Richard on Je ica Richey hianna Robin on Aaron Rodger J ffr Rodger Gina Rollinger Torianna Ro ichola Ru da Laurice aba



Robert Sallee HarA. SanrlrocA. 4nthonJ , a/lee Gina , cnrpetta Jennifer Sc/Jcitlin Benjamin , cl1roeder

\s/JieJ Seaman Chad , eeber Eli Sih crman \tichac/, imlin Hicharl Sitch Catherine Slough

Du tin mith Jame mith Welia, mith ~vhitney mith Ju tin omer anger-Robert


cott ummer udrey wartz Marguerite Tan \kale Tanner Prenti Tate Wmie Taylor Jamie Tengwa/1 Caleb Thoma Grant Thomas




Diedre Thomp on John Tock Aaron Traegrr Rob ert Trotter Fcrlondus Turner , lephanic l nandcr 1lnthon} ~ ancc Rachel Vander ~~ eit Ernie ~ anD}ke Derek l aughn Usa Verdick Herbert ~illafan c

\kholas l oss , on~ u Tiffan} ~~ alker \ul l'lfWrt·ti (),Jci \mbro .... t·. Jm FJ;m•fidd. \It·/"'" FJartlolll. t.IC.I'h·• Bnze. Latia Bro•n. I ashti Bru•n. Aeilh Burra~P. Jenmfer Chann. \/llche/1 Cronm. Dora Fa1"t. \ilia f'rame. Jamt·~ l11m;m, Chrl~tm.J Jahn\OOn. RJta Johw.;on. Chari,ma John ... on. 1\anllra Aeaton, ./es.\lra llattm!il• . \1arcus \form-; . ./mJm\ \lural..atm. \i lam Panchal. St·tm PaliPr.>on. T.mtwr Pflefer. fohn \milh. Eric \nuth, Oarmp/ '\mllh. /ihtm Summf•f',. f."m· manuel Ta)lor. B<•bb• Thoma'. llano Turner. La"'anda Uashm$!1011. \lt·rlm~ II hit e. C.Jrllf'P IIi/son. Tarhll.a 11)1111-Bradll'\

hayna Ward Eric Weber Andre"' H·eiss Heather Welborn Robert H~ el/man Jacquel}n We t Tyrell ~~ hite Laura Hicken Daniel Wile} Alan William

Tia ~v illiam Tiaca ~~ illiam Mich lie ~~ illiam on Meghan Winkel Erne t Hood ndre Yarber _\tfichael 1ork \athan York Jo hua Young Kurt Ziegler Lenore Zion Jana Zollinger



"1here are p11inls 111 6e sc11retl. 1here are games 111 6e "'"···" 98





Base6af( Coach: L c Hull

Team ~complishments: Placed econd in the Big 12. 1\to t Valuable Player: Dan 0 ' eill

Out Landing Individual .\.chiel'ement :Dan 0'\eill. B n \1a l , and T rrance Butler \\ere elected a fir t t am all-conference. Terrance Butler and Ben \1a t each thr \v o-Hitter . \eil ox hit l\\O homerun in one Letter Winner : 16

Winning Fact: The \ ar it~ Ba eall team wa ne\ er hutout.

This Pagr-Pic. I : \latt lool.. For the girl . Pic 2 \\0\\ . I hit that? Pic. 3: Charlie and 1-.orlr\ arr rrad~ for an~ thing! Pi 4 \latt tal..r a brral.. Pic. 3: Brrnt mal..r a spectacular pi,\ Pir 6 Prarlirr L too long. Pir 7· John cherl.., the ign Pic. 8: I can ·t hurt m:r hands





• 0

This Page-Pic. I : The Tiger ¡ are flabberga ted. Plr. 2: Jimmy bangs another one. Pir. 3: Chubb alutes the camera . Pic. 4: This enior stud rrarks a smilr l'ir. 5: I'm ready to bat . Coach .


.i .-_....


, .. ~-


~ \ ar~il~-FRO\T RO\\ l\orlr1 \ndrrson Ben \last \I all Da1 i'-. \1atl C.:rrll". lor \\ ojtrna . \tit..r O-,terhur RO\\ 2 . .Jimm~ Bruer Terrane c Butler \l.Jtt 1\ell\ . .Ja-,cm Logsdon. Rliln \\ illiam RO\\ 3. Coach llull \tit..r Hartter. Jrrc•m1 Trng\\all \ril C.:cl\. Dan 0 ' \rill. Charlie Gorst..i J\FRO\T RO\\ Chris Dohrcl\ olm . .Jared Fl\ nn. Carlin \\ hitsrll. \tall Sandquist \\ es \\ illiams. Da1 icl Todd . Robert Sli<l..tes . RO\\ 2 Jorl 1\aplan. Jrff Trigger. Jim l'rllum. Jor1 Frorsrhrl . John Phillips \lit..e La1 man . John Loft gaarcl Shannon 1\ahler RO\\ 3. CoMh 1\ulh . Chacl Boatright Dmc· 1\itson. \tall Dhom. Brrnt S1 nclrr. \net\ \icol Tim llrn. Coach Ransom ·

This Pagr-Pir. I. Jor) . 11 hatcha lool...ing for? Pir. 2: Comr on gu)s. gi1r mr something to hit. Pir. 3 l;('t ·s go and 11 in onr for thr old chipper



So_ftbaff Coaches: ar ity-Lou JV- u an Jone


Captains: Cathy Hardig and Jami O'Connor ar ily Letter \\-.inner : J3 Defenshe Player of the lear: (tie) Jamie O'Connor and Cathy Hardig

Offensive Player of the lear: Cath Hardig ea on Record: 15-11 and 5-4 in the Big 12 Conference

... • ~



' ..




... ~

Thi Page-Pi I . Coach Jones i · not happ about a call. Pic. 2: '\loll~ just lo\es being on the oft ball team. Pic. 3: Huddle l p! Pic 4 hay get read~ for the pitch Pic 3 Kri tie shows us hOI\ she can thrO\\



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'• ,.

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:',~~ ~ '(, . , . . ; ·~


I ..


• ~

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\ \RSII'r-HW\T RO\\ · Jrnnirrr Callahan \lison Huhn . Car<• Juch . Brck\ \1rdlorl. RO\\ 2 Heathrr 1\orh . Lindsr\ Barr \atalir \1arshall. 1\rislic· Scheu . 1\im \icol RO\\ 3 Jarni(' O'Connor. \kagan Roberts . C ath~ Harclig Sigel<• 0\c·r-;trc·c·t \irol(' 1\arr RO\\ -1 Coach Sitch J\ -FRO\T RO\\ Laurrn O'Conner . \largarrt l'hillippr . Jean \\ isegan er. 1\alir \qui no . Brool.r :\ilrs RO\\ 2 Brth Bail('\ . Laura Hough, \1ichl'il<' De· jarctins \lil-a \rl on . \loll\ Endslc•\ \loll\ 1\rol RO\\ 3 \laf\ Prrli. Ta\lor ··rhmidl Liza 'utllr Briann!' \tanurl. \tir h!'llr Joop. , ha\ \tr G!'r. RO\\ -1 Sandra \tontanelli . Hannah Bf\an

This Page-Pir I ' he 's Out! Pir. 2 \ l oll~ S\\ ings \\ ith all her might Pir. 3: Coarh ' itch \\ atrhrs thr gamr rardull\ . Pi . -1 Run. Forrest Run'



...:.J...... ...._.


HE Boys' Tennis te\ e Harms

Captain: ~lost

\'aluabl._. Play._.r: Tim

nm mer Letter \\inner· : 7 Team Spirit Awar·d: Harm Record: I 0-2 Individual Out tanding Perfor·mances: Tim Crawmer ''as the eclional a well a the Big 12 Champion , and he lied for ninth place at the tate tournament. lC\C Harm and Ke\ in Froehlich ''ere ecLional champ and placed third in lh Big 12. They al o Lied for e\ enteenth place at tate in cloubl Individual Awards: Tim Cra\\ mer \V<l Lhe ewsGazetle Player of the \\eek.

I hi~ l'ag!'-l'i< I l"m gonnn kill that fl1! l'lr 2 R1an ;mails the sen<'. l'ir 3. Brian scori•s a point for Central. l'ir -1 . I k11011 I ran do this!' l'ir 3 Jeff mnlo.rs a gr<'<ll sa1 <' l'ir 6 \\hat ju. t hnpprnr<l?!? Pir 7 The rral C<'ntrnl tennis tram! l'ir 8 1\amhil concentrates on th<' game



...::...L ,.._...





FIWYI RO\\ 1\e\in Froehlich . lCH' II arms. Jim Lalande . Jeff Fen g. 1\ambiz \shran RO\\ 2 R~an Sheppard. Ramsr~ \1argison . D<n id DeBolt. John Fettig, Ben \ ohs. RO\\ 3 Coach lri. h. Deref, Deschler. \at e \1iller. Craig \\hite . Josh Greenneld.

This Page-Pic I Tim sma, he one at Centennial Pic 2 m.a) . here 's the plan Pic. 3. 1 hinl... R~an!! Pic. -1: Ram e~ get e\cited about the game. Pic. 3: Craig mal-e a crful return. Pic. 6· 1\e\ in , nd te\ e discuss their strateo\




I Girfs' Track Coache :

nne Kara Harmon


Captains: Katie TO\ n nd and Kim Lorna"\ fost \' aluable Player: 1\atie Town end

Letter \\'inner : 13 Individual Out tanding Performances: -\t th Chatham lm~ite, Central tar Katie To\vn end t a new chool record ' hen he threw the di cu an amazing 140 feet, 4 inche . The 3200 relay team, \vhi h con i L d of Emil Brinkmann, Katherine Scott, Heather \albone, and Alii on Pickard. al o t a ne\! school r cord with a lime of 10 minute . 26.4 econds. " We were a mall but might team. All of the member contributed whenever the '"ere needed and alwa gave their b t ffort." Coach taab.

Thi Page-Pic. I : Francesca is all alone in the lead . Pic. 2: Sarah cleans her cleats. Pic. 3: \vhy am I doing this? Pic 4: They're catching up!! Pic . 5 Katie \\atches the discus ny. Pic 6. Katherine tri<'S to J..eep \\arm.



FRO\ I RO\\ ~. mil\ Hrinlo.mann . Francese a Rurcla . 1\irn L<Hila\ RO\\ 2. Coach Harmon . \klissa Sonlo.a . Sarah Ringler. \1lison l'irlo.arcl. ll!'allwr \,llhone Coach Staab. RO\\ '! Lal0\,1 Hr<mn. Tamisha \lrCirndon . 1\<tllwrine Sroll. '1\rris Rohinson. Jam¡ lie Johnson. 1\alie T<m nsencl. Coach Thompson

l'hi~ Pa~r-l>ir I 1\alherine pulL Pic 2 Ileal her ~ets read) to run ' he ~oes for lhe ~old Pic -t: Thompson gels r\ciled Pic. 5 , hO\\ s her -.!-.ills



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ahead Pic. 3 Coach \IIi. on



Boys' Track Head Coach: John \\ood slstant Coache : Tom Richard and hemiah Thoma Letter Winner : 21 Individual \n·ard mith \\a The e\ Gazett Athlete of the We k, and plac d fir t in the triple jump at lh I Ion or Roll Meet. The 1600m Rela team, which wa made up of William Summenille , C dric Davi , Chri Phillip , and Terrayel Car'lmill, wa al o a tate qualifier. Iron Man Reynold Most Improved: Mark Wi e. LeConte ~i , and De in Quarle M o t Va lu abl e Pl ayer: ate mith Tea m ummary: Thi \! a a er good learning and growing e p ri n for the coaching taff a \ II a the team. The team became unified b the fir t of May, \ hich brought much ucc to Central' bo ' track Learn.

This PaAe-Pic. I : Justin speeds to the Onish. Pic. 2: IIane prepares for lalo.eoff. Pic. 3: ate runs the mile Pic. I· Brian marks the nrld l'ic fi Dc\ln thro1~>s the discus



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s' FRO\T RO\\ 1\rlst\ \1,1Uidrn . LeContl' \i\ . II an<'\ Rnnolcls. \at<· ~mit h. rom Sarulrod•. Lhris l'hillips . .Josh BliH I<. \I. ell. Don Ross . RO\\ 2 Justin \\ arren . Cedri< D;n is. Cha<l Cochrane . Ron Framl' Ben Gor.U Dan Fletcher. Case\ \1ilh·r \1arl<. \\ ise RO\\ 'l Coach rhornas. \\illiam SumIIH'fl ille . Dan Bareri!'ld . I><'' in Quarles. Br\ an Dr!'\\ . Brl'nt llotsrnpillar. Coach \\oods. Cortnn lll'lms. Judd Johnson . \atr 1\ohl . Branclon Scoll , Coach Richards

This Pagr-l'ic I . Loolo. at that onr go! l'lr 2: \\ h:r do I run? l'ir 3. llr elrars thr polr! l'ic. -1 : Rrad:r ror thr jump? Pic . 5: l p. up and m1a)!




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FRO T RO\\ . Jerem) FellerH . \nlonio Reynolds. LeConte \i\, Erie Cnrlson. Jerem Haile:r . \1arl-.el 0 ler. \\es \\illiams. 1\orley \nder on. Charlie Bli\en. Coach Tim Moore RO\\ 2: Brill on obkO\ iak. Don Ross. John Loft gaard. Rene \\,liters. Bathe I Gilbert. \\ illiams ummen ill e. Joe \\ojtena . l\11ke La man. RO\\ 3 llead Conch Jerr Trigger. Dan Barefield. Jdf Rohlfing , Tjler Quick , Chad Boatright. ha\>n Thomp on. Rick \1alloch . Josh ehoonover. Ja on Logsdon . Coach Lou Due. ROW 4: Charlie Gorski , John Summer . Matt 1\ell) , Ben 'v1osenthnl. Ryan \\ illiarw . J.D. Leman , Bract Barker. Nick Brun '. RO\\ 5: 1\ncty Ziegler. Don Bcckrtl. Erie Berger. Robert Hickman. Bryan Ore\\ . Jermaine Ja per. \1ike Durry .

Thi Page: Pic. I : Rene, what kincta gut i that? Pi . 2: Did we score again? Pic. 3: I m ed up, didn't I? Pic. 4: Okay, who let the bird out? Pie 5: Come on ref, he tripped m Pi . 6: " 1986"


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Junior \arsit\ FRO\T RO\\ Dan Fletcher. Jdf Triggrr. \1ike \\ieneke . Jacob '\kEI"'re. Da\id Todd . Craig \\hite RO\\ 2 Brandon Funk. 1\\le Franklin. Blake Har\e\ . Jcwl 1\aplan.· R}an ·n10mas . l,eDarius Jarl<.son. Chad Cochrane RO\\ 3 Head Coach Scott Oa\ is. Jason Hinton. 1\eith SegO\ich. \ .J Leman. \1att Hutjen . Ben \\a ugh , Ja:on Britton. Coach l,ee Hull. RO\\ 4 Chris lsom. Chris SaiLman. \ate O'Brien . Jesse Thompson. John Sheets. , colt Burge. -pencer Dobrm oln\. De\ in Quarles. Freshmen FRO\T RO\\ Tra\i \1armlon. \ric Foster. 1\elle\ \nderson. Eli Sil\ erman. Justin 1.\ tie. Tom arnecki. Cia\ ton 0\ erstreet ·RO\\ 2 Chris Graff. \lil<.e Simlin. Jamie Teng\\-all. Brian 1\im. Brendon Ireland. \1ike Pi\\-Oni. Rob Troller. Eric Dmis. RO\\ 3 Head Coach Lou itch. \like Carson. \1ark androck. -\ndre )arber. Charles \ash. 1\rell \\ hlte. \1ontre\el Bro\\-n . \ate ) or.!-... RO\\ 4 Chad eeber. Robert allee. \hmed \t-Tara . Derek \aughn. R\an 1\ell\. '1\son Jackson. Terrance Jonr . Robert \1ennenga , Coach 1\e,in Quinlan RO\\ :> Dmid \1anual. \1ike \ichola ·. Jarret 0 , ler. \1ichael itch, \aron Rodgers, Darnell Jasper. Tro\ Beard RO\\ 6 1\urt Zeigler. Caleb Thoma .. Joe\ Bartholome\\ , Ben Fitzgerald , Dan Car on. \1\ron D\er. \aron Traeger

Thl Page: Plc. I: Do }a feel luck}? Plc. 2: Central' awe orne offen ive line oet et to rumble. Plc. 3: \1ud \\arm up for the gamr.



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Girfs' Tennis Coache : Eric

chaact and

Anne McCall ea on Record: 8-3 Captain: Jena etter Mo t Valuable Player: Eliz-

abeth Fraker and Monica \1ontero Tournaments: 1 t at the

\fattoon Invitational, 2nd at the Charger Invitational, and 1Oth at tate. a great. trong eaenior Captain J na

Thl Page: Pic I Coa h 'chaact watch lntenll during pracllce. Pic. 2 ·· 1 can 't belle~e I )usl hll Lhal! '" PI . 3: Krlsty how off her unu ual Lance. Pic. 4: '" Come on. Lhal wa In! '" Pic. 5: Liz and Core gel read Lo play. PI 6 Terra )u l love Lo play Lenni .



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FROi'<T RO\\ Core~ \ oung. \1onica Montero. Elizabeth Fraker. Erin Boucck. Rachel \nderson. RO\\ 2 Li a Bouce". Elizabeth Gaffron. Jena Setters. Leslie llarms. 1\hamsa\ Sa' athphounr RO\\ 3 Coach 'chaact. Terra \1artin . Jill tanl..o. trphanie Garth. 1\ri 'l~ \1artln . Coach \1cCall

This Page. Pic I ~1onica get, read)' for the ~ n r . Pic 2 lrlt show, off her sign. Pic 3: Friends forcH·r Pic. 4 1\ham ' a doc her strrtches.




Boys' Soccer Coaches: Gary


\like \falone

eason Record: 17-3-2 Team Captain: hawn Donnelly

Most laluable Player: hawn Donnelly

lndhidual Out tanding Performances: 10/ 10/ 95-Tavi Bone had an exceptional gam again t tephen D catur. hawn Donnelly al o cored 4 con ecutive goal in 3 game.

Individual Award Conferencearon \\a hburn , Birk \Valton , Nate Smith, Sha~ n Donnelly, Eitan Gauchman. All Sectional- MalL Burge, hawn Donnelly, ate Smith. All tate- Shawn Donnell , Nate Smith.

Letter Winners: 18 Team ummary: 1995 \ a a Sea on of Fir t: 1. Ever Big 12 Championhip. 2. Time ever cored #1 in ectional tournament. 3. Regional Champion hip and ectional game. 4. All tate player . 5. Coache A~ ard .

Thi Page: Pic. I: During practice. Central player go For the ball. Pic. 2: Jim top the ball again t a Centennial play r Pic 3: ltonde pa e the ball. Pic. 4: The player li ten intently. Pic. 5: Jon get orne air! Pic 6: <\aron controls the ball. Pic. 7: Tavl goc For the ball.



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• f \ arslty· FRO~T ROVv . Jonathon Gorham. Gustavo Zeferlno. Matt Burge . 1\nd~ "icol. Joel Woehrmann. \1irhael Osterbur RO\\ 2: Mike Duff. Jon Froeschel . Birk Walton. Tavl Bones. Main Cra\\-ford. Mark inder. Jeffrey \\ ilhelm. "ate \1iller. RO\\ 3 Coach Laid Ia" .Casev Benefield . ha\\-n Donnelly, \aron \\ashburn. "ate Smith . ltonde Kakoma. Eitan Gauchman . Phong \u . Kent Broadbent. Coach Malone. Junior \arsltv FRO\T RO\\ \ndre" Pelz. John Tork .' Robert \\ellman . Chris Dobrovolnv . \ndre\\ \\ei . Tra\i Dail\ RO\\ 2 ~ict.. Gehrt. Jonathon Bryan. -\dam Henderson. "irt.. Rueda . \1it..e ·Thur ton. Jim Pellum. \1ikc l nander RO\\ 3 Coach Laldla\\- Casev B nefield. Rico anchez Mit..e \\ong. Eric \rnold . \nd~ Robin on. 1\ent Broadbent. Coach \1alone

Thi • Page Pi I ltonde prepare, for the k.lct.. Pi 2 Joej shO\\ us hi k.lll! Pic. 3 Gu,tmo can do more than ju t pia}! Pic. 4: Ta\ I, runs to the ball.



Girfs' Swimmi119 Coaches: \ ill Barker and Leda \\an \~eber.

Captain : \\ hitne

arah Bachman, J nny 01on , Gretchen Block . and Le Ii \macher.

Letter \\''inner : 18 \lo l \ aluablc

Pia~ er

Andrea Block for \\imming and Amanda Cre\\ for Di\ing.

Team Lnite!" " Thi ea" on \~ent b o fa t that it bt \\ allth hair orr of enior Jenny 01-

ThL Page-Pic. I Ouch!!! Pic. 2. \rnanda concentrate ¡ on her di~e. Pir . 3 , ay Chec c! Pir. 4: Oh '\o!! Pic. 5: Those 1~ho 1~irn together. pia~ together

11 8



FRO\'J' RO\\ \ndrea Block Li a \erdick. il.aren \1aher RO\\ 2: Joanna \1u ter. il.atherine Scott. Emily Brinkmann . Laura llough, \1arlna Smith. IJza \\eber . \li on Rodgers. RO\\ :~ Coach Barker. \llison \ckerman . \llison Pickard . Lin ey Field . Lindsry \aughn . \manda Crew . usan \1ilrs RO\\ 4 II rather '\albonr. \\ hitnC\ \\ rh<'r. Sarah Bachman . Jenm Olsen. Gretchen Bloc"-. Le.-lic \machrr Coach wan

This Page Pi 1 \ perreet 10! Pic. 2 : \llison ~how~ orr her cool outfit. Pic. 3: Central ' \\ immers lunge ahead. Pic. 4· \\hit ney i, pumped! Pic. 5· \li on enjo~ c being in the water . Pic. 6 .. \~imming ju::.t ma"-es me \\ant to sing! "



Cross Country Coache : Kara Harmon nnd Dik


Captains: \1i

} onkn , \nte Kohl , Ca ey \1iller , Bmndon Scott

Letter Winners: 15 Most \ aluable


Kate 1urray

Individual Out tanding Performances: Kate vlurra)', Felicia Breen. Be than Petr . icole Ray, and Bet y Holder all had exceptional performance at ectional "' to help the team take ninth place. Brandon cou ran a per onal be t time to place 101 in tate competition.

This Page Pic. I : Central leads the pack. Pi 2: \\-hy am I doing thi ? Pic. 3: Coach tirrett get excited. Pic. 4: Lind ey run hard. Pic . 5: Judd takes the lead . Pic. 6: Robert enjoy the cenery. Pic. 7: lluy love ' running. Pic. 8: Emily prepare , to run






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Girls' Tram FRO\T RO\\ \manda Fonner. 1\rll\ Lamldn . 1\ia' Lana Gl01 rr. Lind. r~ Morris. l·. mil~ Fonner RO\\ 2. Elit.abeth !folder. Frli< ia Brren. Frann•sc a Rueda \1rlis a Sonka. 1\ate \1urrm RO\\ 3. Coach Gehrke \manda \e\\ port . Sarah Ringler. Be than\ l'rtr. . \irole Ra\ Coarh Harmon Bo~ s Team I· ROYI RO\\ Da\ icJ Chisholm, Brn (,or 1\i. Lucas P~or Robert Gardner. \gU\ en \o. HU\ Tran RO\\ 2 Ca e\ \1iller. \lark \\isr. Judd Johnson. \ate 1\hol Brandon rott. \at han Dm idson . Coarh tirrrtt

Thi Page: Pic. I : 1\lark is all alone in the lead Pic 2· 1\atc trctchcs brforr the mrrt.




VoCfey6a[[ Coaches: \1ik and Craig Jone Captains:


manda Enni

and Kim Nicol

Team Accompli hments: The 1995-96 Central voile ball team competed again t man of the area' trong t team in addition to orne of the top rank d t am in the tate enroute to a 19-1 1 ea on. In tournament play, Central placed 3rd at Jackonville, 3rd at Mt. Zion, and 6th at Mt. Pula ki. C ntral finished 4th in the Bio 12 \ ith an 8-3 record.

Letter Winner : 10 Individual Out tanding Performances: Amanda Ennis: Unanimou 1 t Team All-Big 12 Conference Se1 ction, 'ew -Gaz tle Allr a Player of th Year, and 2nd Team ~ew -Gazette Alltate election. Kim ~icol: Honorable \1ention ew -Gazette All-Area election and Honorable Mention All-Big 12 Conference Selection.

Team Summary: The primary focu lhi a on wa to continue the technique and trat gie that ha\e formed a trong foundation for long-term individual and team ucce in the port of volle ball at Central. PRO T RO\\: Erin Bahrkc. tcphanic Darling. Becky Medlock. Kri ten Porter. RO\\ 2: arah Randolph, Erin heppard, Lyndsa Peper, Lynne Elrick. RO\\ 3: Coach Mike Deterding, Jennifer Gilbert , 1\alie Townend. Kim icol, \ruanda Enni . Coach Craig Jone . Thi Page: Pic. 1: Central warm up ror the big game! Pic. 2: Moll wait ' to ene the ball and gain another point ror Central. Pic. 3: manda and Becky mile for the camera. Pic. 4: Katie goes up for a block!






Junior \ arsit~ FRO\T RO\\ : \loll~ 1\rol. LaRufu \1ilrhcll. Chri tina PcrczGonml<•t llcathcr Pulcini. 1\alic \qulno RO\\ 2. \m~ ">roll . \nnic Hightshoc. Jcnn~ Cripr. Emil\ Bromicl . \1argaret tcphens. Rita Conerl~ RO\\ 3 Coach \1ike Deterding, \atalir \1arshall. andra \1ontanclll . Rarhrl \1111er . 1\alic Clegg. Laurrn O'Connor. Tamarah Thorpc.Coach Craig Jom·s. Frc hmrn FRO 'iT RO\\: Melia mil h. \irolc Bridges, trphanie Lane. Jennifer Campbell. \mbcr Jrnks, Tara Prtcr . Jcnnifcr \1cdloclo. . RO\\ 2 1\atherinc Carr. \ . hln raman, Tia Bro\\.n. Jes ica Riche~ . lv'i ' pice . hm na \\a rd. \1argaret tephcns. Tiffim \\alker RO\\ 3: Coach \1ikc Drtrrding. Rita Conrrl~. 1\elly \el ·on. \lrghan \\inkrl. \udrr~ \\artz. Rachel \ andrr "cit. \ 1rgan \el ·on. Coach Craig Jonrs


Thi page· Pir. I. Emily enes up another point. Pic 2· t.Jm prrpare for another et Pic 3: Central is rrad for the big game!


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Boys' Golf Coach: Dan R id Record: J2-5 Captain : Jeff

Kri \vackerlin lo t Valuable Players: ate Leach, Jeff Piper, and Krl Wackerlin \tar lty Lelter Wlnnet'S: 6 Team AccompllshmenLs: D f ated C nt nnial 6 to 3

in a combined match comP lilion to win the Champaion up. Individual Outstanding Performance : J ff Piper

placed in the Top 10 at The Hickory Point Decatur Invitational, The Pekin Invitational, and the Charger Invitational. Nat Leach hot a 77 at the Quine Inv. to place in th Top 10. Senior lui \vackerlin hot a 7 4 to place in the Top 10 at the Hi kory Point Decatur Invitational.

Thi Page: Pic. 1: Jeff gets warmed-up. Pic . 2. Kris tudies hi shot. Pic. 3: 1\11 eyes are on Kris. Pic 4: Jim enjo being on Central' golf team. I ic. 5: Jeff po es for the camera Pic. 6: ~ate rome up with his trateg_~ Pic 7. o Comment!!





FRO\T RO\\ I imottn !loss . Der<'" Deschler. Jared Fl~nn . \lirhael Derr\ . Chad Pellum . Patrie" Harrington Doug Larson . RO\\ 2 \ate \last Jim llartman Justin \lichel Jeff J>ip<'r. 1\ris \\ac"erlin . \ate Leach . '>hannon 1\ahler 11m lien . Coach Reid

Thi Page: Pic. I : '<ale prepare · to juggle Pic. 2: mile!! Pic. 3 Jeff sune,s the ccne . Pic. 4 1\rL concentrates. Pic 5· Loo" at that ball go!! Pic. 6 Ju ·t do it.


Girfs' Golf Coach: Anne taab Captain: 1\ri ty \1auld n Most\ aluable Player: BetHold r Record: 6-4 Letter Winner : 6 Individual Out tanding Performance : B l Iloldr hot an 89 at ectional , \\ hich i not onl her peranal be t , but i exceptional for a fre hman. ··out tanding performance for our fir t • ar. The girl al\l ay gave their b t effort . Mo t of the pla r k pt their compo ure " n when the ~ er fru trated at ho~ that particular match \Va going." Coach taab

FRO"iT RO\\ Coach taab. Ja nc Phillippe. Jean \\i eganer. Bet ~ Holder. 1\ri t} \1aulden. \1ar} Prell. Ca. idy Becker Thl Page: Pic. I Jeanie po e for the camera Pic 2 M t:. get read) to tee off. Pic 3 Jeanie carefull} putt the ball Pi . 4: \1ar} ho\\ u her form. Pic. 5: Bet } lead the team to 'ictof} . Pic. 6: \1af} , ho\\ her Central , plrit.



Pepettes Coach: Jane Kuppler Individual Outstanding Performance : Their fir t ba ke lball game performanc '"a a great ucce . Kear Lon Rice and La honda mith choreographed a gr at dance \\ith a cowgirl th m .



Amanda llender, Chri ta Burdette. hanti Thornton, and Car alzman choreograph d a bo / girl routine that wa p rformed at the wint r port a embl .

ummary of the Sea on: It '"a a gr at ea on. To top it off, the held a dance clinic for girl and bo in 1 t-5th orad

Competition: They competed in Th Vvorld of \1u ic F ti\ al in a hville. Tene '" ith the band.

Front R011 \1ar~ 11.1ohrbacher. Chrl ta Burdette . Laurice aba. \\ hitne~ Havice. Ellzabrth l~nch . R01~ 2: \manda Allender. Ca~ line alzmann. hanli Thornton. 1\earston Rice. Lashonda mlth. This Page-Pic. I . Ma~ how off her school spirit Pi 2. Gi1e them a hand! Pic 3 :hantl show. off her pearlj white,. Pic. -t "C-C-C-11- !" Pic. 5: Jerome give \1a~ a lift.




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C fieerfeacfirL£1 Coaches: Dm e \1izer and Carol Ilunt

Competition : Beat 8 t ams in the Regional competition . Qualified to attend Lnher al Clleerleading ociation ~ ational

Winning Fact: The

have cored more point and gone further than an other CH cheei'leading quad.

Team Quote: "Our hard \vork and per \ere nee will hopefull pa orr in national and tale competition . The friend hip we\ made thi ear " ill Ia l u a lifetime." Cheerleader : Rachel Lterberr . Jeanna Bonello, \icki Hulm.

F"RO~T RO\\ : Renni Linder. Larie Pierce .

'\bb McBride . 'lcole lluhn. RO\ 2: Angie Wil on. Rachel '\LLerberry. \ngie Hunt, \ndrea Hunt, Doria Bonello. RO\\ 3: Doug Bonczek. Jeanna Bonello. ' arah Bain. Rene \\alter . Kara 1\otynek. 1\eel~ \1cDaniel . Jerem~ Teng11 all. Thi Page: Pic. I : \\ e're going Tee Peeing. Pic. 2: Wow. ~hat a ro~gir l ! Pic . 3: What cheery fre hmen. Pic. 4: Let' go Central, here we go. Pic. 5: Plea e catch me! Pic. 6: llellooooooo. nur e!







J \ - FRO\ I RO\\ Kim Laml-..in . Christina 1\eeling. Undsc\ Col clasure. Joanna \tu. ter RO\\ 2 Llza ullle \ir ole Purl-..e}pilc RO\\ 1 Jessiul Hand. Jarl-..ie Brcm n. Laurie Ohlsson I mil\ Bromiel. \atalle \ orl-.. Freshmen- FRO\T RO\\ 1\alie Carr. 1<-risten St01 cr. Jennirer clwillin . RO\\ 2 Christ\ L<H'sch \lie he lie Chisholm

This Page: Pic. I : Here comes the na". Pic. 2: Lool-.. at us. we\e got piril Pic. 3: The J .\ I. \\Inning. yeah! Pic 4 -\ren 'l we cute?





";ami!! 'Jt~u 'tt 6e lamt~us as lam11111 can 6e, willa lhe wht~le wide wt~rltl walching win '" 1.11." fOil. '"' Ptaus V•" 'tt fl! s, Or. s,,,,J _l_ .1




Boys' Basfiet6a[( Coach: colt Dmi 1\ sistant : Don Fl nn, Tim Lm in, Tim \1oore, Tom Richard

Letter "''inner : 10

Captain : \ate Ma t, Helm , ha\\in Donn lly, tonio Reynold Team ummary: Th Central team uffered clo e lo e to team like Centennial and \ormal \\ hich \\a fru traling. It \\a hard for team member to build confidence when they lo t clo e game . But Central' \1aroon did not gi\e up. The. \\OrJ:..ed hard to get on a winning treak and fini h the ea on trong.

"'\\;e tarted the ea on off with high e p taUon . It \va a difficult year Ia t ear. \\ e kilO\\ that \ve hm e the talent to be good, it i ju t a matter of g lling it all together.'¡ Junior ate \Ia t and J.D. Leman.

lllis Pagr - Pir I: \\ oosir gor~ ror thr dunk!! Pir 2 ,' hannon and Jonathon stop a \ lahomrt plmrr Pir 3 \ atr loob to thr hoop. Pir -1 lo.hailil shoots 0\rr the hulldog.. Pir ::> \ ntonio driH's to thr basket Pir. 6: Central bo\Cs out Pir. 7. Cor\ gors ror thr block! Pi 8 \ onticr thrO\\ s thr hall O\ rr thr drrrn-.r


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\ ar~it~-FROYI RO\\ \on lice Petli~re11. 1\.hailil Ter~ . \ntonlo Re~ nold . LeConte \i\ . Brandon \ onnrr RO\\ 2 ' harmon 1\ahler. \<rte \last. J D Lrman. Sha11 n Donnell~ RO\\ 3 Eric Lronard. 'lomm~ mith . Cor, Helms. Donald Hollins.


Thl Page-Pic I: Tornm~ hoot 11ith great form. Pic . 2: Central player ballle do11n lo11 Pic. 3: Central run it offen e. Pic. 4: Tomm~ Ia~ It In! Pi . 5 Jonathon goe to the hoop. Pic 6: pencer hoot 01 er Bloomington. Pic. 7: For three!


1 ,___


• Junior \arslt\-f RO\T RO\\ Robert Re\11old~. "enm te\\ art ·han non "ahler RO\\ 2 · Chris Dobro' olm Jared fl\ nn. \lilo.e \\ienelo.e Jim Pelium RO\\ ·3 Jason Hinton . Spencer Dobro1 olm . Coach l.<n in.Seth Henson . Jonathon t Peter. Freshmen-FRO\T RO\\ \hmacl \t-Tara~ . T\rell \\hile . Carlice \\il ·on . \1ontre>el s'rOII n. Terrance Jones. RO\\ 2 Chad Beasle\ . Chris Richardson. Lam \1oore. Darmei ' mith . Prentiss Tate. Jarett Osier RO\\ 3. Br>an G11 inn. \1ichael \ichola<:.. Coach Filnn .R}an \1oore. R}an Baumann .

Thb Page-Pic I · Jim nies to the hoop! Pic. 2 Shannon brings the ball d011 n the noor. Pic 3 Seth "hoots 01er the opposition . Pic .J Coach Fl\nn \\ants to tallo. some things OH'r. Pic ~ ' Central is on the driH' past Centennial.




Girfs' Bas liet6a[[ Coache : Lee Hull. ~orman Bam tt. Jodi For yth, and Katie Hale Captain: Le lie Harm Letter Winners: 10 Team Accompli hments: The J. . team placed cond in the C nlennial Junior arit Toumament. Th var it~ had impre ive conference ''in again t l rbana and t phen Decatur.

to not thal '' hm e a team made up of only ophornore and junior . I'm increa ingly oplirni tic to\vard next y-ear' ea on becau e of our large number of returning Iettem1 n. I'm very proud of the effort the team have put forth." Coach Ilull

FRO'\T RO\~ Lrslir Harms. 1\alir \quino. Cara Jud\, \nn Tock. '\aomi Shapiro. RO\\ 2: Janrllr Johnson. hay ~1cGrr . \IIi ·on \ckrrman . Kathf'\n Brckrr. Erin , hrpard. Coach llull

This Page-Pic I Thr Central \laroon · preparr to brat Crntrnnial Pic 2 It's good! Pic. 3 \nnlr concrntratrs on hrr frrr thrO\\ Pir ..J . Central rts up a pla:r against l rbana. Pir 3: \1oll~ \\ails for omrom· to grt oprn.








,... .


Junior\ ar'<ii\-HW\ I IW\\ \manda l.ads Ike~\ \ess . 1\;Jlie \quino I~1Rufus \lite hell. RO\\ 2 Coach Fors\th . \loll\ 1\rol , Brandi Collins . I t~marah l'lwrp<' Frc·shnwn-FRO\ I RO\\ · .J!'nnifc·r Farr<J\\ . liffam \\al~cr . \mi l'anc hal. Laura lnsldp, 1\ristie Spice Branch 1\<•11\ . RO\\ 2 1\irstic D;nis. Sht~taia 1\ing. 1\<•lli l:ngc·lh.lr<lt. Coach llal!'. Cina S< arp!'tta . \uclrr\ S\\ artt, l~m;mda \\ ashington

Thi. Pagr-Pir I · Brr~~ :-;rt s up a pia\ for Crntral. Pic 2 Captain Lrslir llarm. leads Central to\ irton. Pir :1 The roarhes pose for a grou1> picture Pir 4 ll<m <tile!





Wrestfi119 Coaches: Jeff cott, colt Keller. Ste\e \\inter , and J.R. Wilson Captain: Shm n Thomp on Tournaments:

pringfield Invitational, Kankakee Invitational, and The Big 12 Tournament.

Outstandino \Vresllci'S: Shawn Thomp on. Clayton Overslreet , Travi Marmion, and Derek \ aughn.

Most Valuable Player: Shawn Thomp on ·· hawn hope to make it lo Sectionals. we·re a young team and hope to build \vith thi year ' F re hmen. " Coach Jeff cott

Thi Page - Pic. I: Grant shO\~S off the really cool outnt he gets to wear. Pic. 2: Cia ton \\in another one! Pic. 3: Is that ome kind of new dance or something? Pic. 4: The ref get ' into the match. Pic. 5: Coach colt gi~e some helpful hints. Pic. 6: " ay uncle' Sa~ uncle! " Pic . 7: Ew! That ha got to hurt!






FRO\ T RO\\ . Tra\is \larmion . ha\\ n Thomp on. Derek \ aughn. RO\\ 2 Coach ' cott . Jerome \a h. Grant Thoma . Cia\ ton 0\ er treet

Thi Page - Pic. I : ' hm\ n shO\\ s us his \Hestling stancr. Pic 2: Thrsr t\\O , hO\\ u an intcrrsting \\f{' , tling position . Pic. 3: \\ 0\\! That lool..s lil..r run! Pic 4. Quit pushing him around!




Swimmirt9 Coache : Jeff Trigg r and Bob Miller.

Captains: Jeff Pip r. Terrance Butler. \\ill en enbrenner, Brad Barker. Mo t Valuable "'immers: Jeff Piper, Han e Reynold , Terrance Butler, \\ill Senenbrenn r . Brad Barker , \ick chmidt , E\an Parkertephen, Brent nder , Mark ind r, John TO\vnend. Rob \\ell man. Out tanding Individual Performance : Brad Barker broke the chool record in the 100 Back trok . Senen brenner, inder, Barker. Butler, R nold , Schmidt. and Parker- tephen all qualified for tate.

Team Accomplishments: lndefeated in dual meet fot' the third con ecuti\ e car. Winner of Conference and ectional . Placed fir t at the Bloomington lmitalional. Charger Invite, andburg lm ile, and Tv. in City i\1eet . ~otable ~ imming

Fact: Central's team i reguarded a the b t team in dO\\ ntal Illinoi .

This Page - Pic. I : Trrrance flies through the air Pic. 2 \\ill takrs il off for the ladies. Pic 3: Brad attrmpts to take thr lead . Pic 4: Trig \\alchr another biO\\OUl. Pi . 5. This Crntral squad just \\ants to 路cc \\ho ' 路 gonna 11ni 路h ccond. Pic. 6: " I ju l don 't get it! " Pic. 7: Evan di plays his school piril. Pic 8: n:ydcr chills to inatra Pic. 9: \1ikc ha 路 been practicing hard.






FR0\'1 RO\\ \like Thurston . John Sheets. rhad Rund . Rob \\ ellman. Chad Seeber. 1-.urt /jegler RO\\ 2 \larl.. 'inder. Jae-\lin Rhee . Craig Carter. James Fre\man. Brad BarJ..er. \\ill Sensenbrenner. :\ick Schmidt. Evan Parker-Stephen. \eal \ erdick. Coach Trigger . Coach \Iiiier RO\\ 3: Brent nvder. John Fettig. Terrance Butler. Jeff l'iprr. Hane\ Re\nolds. \atr Kohl. John TO\\ nseml

This Pagr - Pic I · Jeff contemplates his nC\t mo' e Pic 2 Oka) . rna\ br \H' rr a lllllr \\eak. Pic 3: Go \laroons! Pi . -1 ' 'I'm good. I !..nO\\ .. Pic. 5 .. , rah . I'm a S\\ immrr! " Pic. 6. Lool.. \\hO \\ants to go nr, l.





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Year6ook- Staff 1\lember hlp: 21 Requirements: \1u t appl and b elected b, the taff and ponsor. mu t maintain a B average in Engli h throughout high chool. be r·ecommended b three faculty member , be \\illing Lo pend MA \): extra hour wor·king on yom page . \1u t be able to \\Ork \\ell amid all the noi e and crazine that goe on in room 303. t\nd maybe mo t imporlanL of all, you mu t ki up Lo the editor !!

Activities: \\or king our butt off to create the be t dam yearbook \\e can!

Thi Page - Pic. I : That ha to hurt Jeffy! Pic. 2: !looked on Phoni worked . Pic . 3: Gu . stop! It's cold . Pic. 4: Jam I. wa too ·e\} for }earbook. Pic. 5: Bo} . thi }earbook tuff i fun! Pic. 6: I thi G.Q. magazine. or ju. t the Central \1aroon? Pic. 7: Ju t cat the frcakin ' 'l'wlzzlcr! Pic 8 IIi Danelle!



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T fie CfironicCe pon or: Pat John on Members: 22 Requirement

a\ erag in Engli h and good reccomendalion er .

by teach-

Activitie : \\riling article and puLling out 12 i ear. Objectives: To inform CenLral on curr nt 'ent and to give opinion .

Editor-in-Chief: Terra tin


Assistant Editor : Jona Down J, Ca e~ \1ill r


Thi Page-Pic. 1: Jona i clowning! Pic. 2: The e girl are trying hard to promote the Chronicle.



(F'rom left to Right) FRO\'T RO\\ : Case~ '>1iller. Eitan Gaurhman , Heather aIbone , 1\mber Ireland, John Felli~ . Ben En in . ROll 2: Lynd ey Vaughn , tephanie Darling, Jrna etters. 1\risli 'vlarlin, Rrnni Linder, Jor 1\ ojtena . Terra Marlin. ROll 3 1\alie \ quino. Leslie Harms. Joanna Strauss. Becky \1edlork. haun Kroes. R0\1 4: Jonas Do11 ne . Heather 1-.och . R0\1 5: Dre11 Sheppard . Chri Daly.



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Video Yearbook ponsor: Myron Och Members: 15 Requirements: Must ha"e inlere t in ideo production. Activities: Filming chool event and port

Thi Page-Pic. I : Rachel think omething looks pretty ta ty! Pic. 2: 1\t least oclle' head i good for something! Pic. 3: Eric really enjoys \ideo )earbook! Pic. 4: Caleb' o shy.



(From Left to Right) FRO'\T RO\\ : Joanna ' trau . '\icki l luhn. Rache l \ tterbeJT) , Felicia Breen. RO\\ 2: Ben Gorski, Ta) lor 'chmidl. \ oellc "lclson, l\1cagan Roberts. Eric Arno ld. RO\\ 3: Caleb Barkle . Aaron Chapman, Joel Kaplan, Ryan Sheppard. Dan \ ida~01 ich, Teresa Drollinger.

Art CCu6 Sponsor: C.F. Daniel on

Requirement : To recei\.e an or B+ in an art cia , or participation in an Art Club project. Initiations: End of each erne ter.

Activities: De igning the Commencement , Honor Day, and Ludent Hand Book covers, and other in- chool art activities.

Objeclhe: To promote art acli\itie while being a reource to help with chool arl projecLs.



This l'agr - Pir. I : \rt Club mrmbrr, just might br the nr \ t \lirhelangrlo! Pir. 2: rulpt it bab}. sculpt it! Pir. 3: ' pon, or C.P. Daniel on .



.. .. Drama C[u6 -

Member hip: 50 Due : 2.00

cthitie : Producing 3 main tage production each enr . pro\ iding cnterLainm nl to local grade schools, and 'iC\\ ing local theatre production . Objecth e: To \\ ork together in cnjo ing. producing. and p rforming theatre.

Thi Page - Pic I . Drama Club Off1cer,. Pre ldent- \1~a Br011n (\ol Pi lured), \ i r Pre ldenl - ean Gordon, ecrrla~ - MonIca amil. Treasurer - Elanore ta heff. PI . 2 \m I mls ¡ing omething? Pic. 3: Drama Club Is brought to ~ou b~ the letter "! Pi . 4: Drama Club 1ember ne1er ¡ecm to be camara sh)!


THE DEBATE Speecfi Cfub Spon or: Auditi Chakravarty Membership: '1 5 Dues: 10.00 Ac.tivities: Competing at Saturda tournament throughout the winter. and Regionals/ Sectional / State in Februar . Objective: To perfect public peaking and performance kill .

Thi ' Pagr-Pir. I I thin!< the~ hung up on mr! Pic. 2: Speech Club Officers: President- ' ran Gordon. \ire President- \J onira Samii. rrreta~- 81eanore ' tasheff. Pic. 3: These t11 o Sprer h Club members rrall:r get into their sprrr h. Pic. .J : Can ¡t 1\C 11 orlo- something out ., (From Left to Right) FRO'\T RO\\ : Joy Bro11 nridgr. Jessica Olsson. Star) 1\rors. ~lirhrlle Pulliam, ~lonira Samii. Eleanore ta ' heff. RO\\ 2: Cary Salzmann . Brian EJ..marl<, Joanna Muster. Rachel Fisher. RQ\\ 3: ara Glish, Teresa Drollinger. 1\atic Clegg, 1\eith ' ego1 irh . Robert DeAtley, ran Gordon. Dm id Ebrey .










Director: Donald Decker Title: Earth Tone


This Page-Pir I Raise }OUr hands if wu 're ure! Pic. 2. \re \OU a little nenous. \1 ike? Pic . 3: ing it . \nne! Pic 4: He} Johnn} . \\ hatrha lookin ' at? Pic 5. BoY . aren 't ~ou excited about this song. \1}a! ¡l'ir 6 Don 't fall. Carrie! Pic . 7 I f you look close enough , ~ou ran see all the \\a\ dO\\ n Ill} no. e. Pic 8 Cheer up. Rachel!



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. Fa[[ Pfay arne: Done To Death Director: Tara Affolter Cast Member : 35 Dates of Performances: '\ovember 1-4, 1995


Plot: Fi\ e m tery writer meet to write a cript for a television erie . They go to a deserted i land to write a new my tery and whil e they were there, an actual murder occur and the attempt to ohe it, using their ov-vn unique tyle . Throughout the play , many comical thing happen. Finall} in the end , we realize that the whole episode \va a spoof. There wa no murder after all. No one wa dead!


This Page-Pic. I: Thi looks like a happ~ family! Pic. 2: You're not dril ing. are you? Pic. 3: Thi 11 hole murder thing i" really tickJng me off! Pic. -l : Can I get come help 01er here? (From Left to Right) FRONT RO\\ : Rachel Fi her. Elanorr tashrff. ara ".imz. ran Gordon. ara GIL h. \1att \llendar. Jessica Clay. 1\illiam Summrn illr. \ li ~imz. Robert Deatley . ROll 2: tl licheal ) or"-. \1ichelle Pulliman. Jennifer Hard. tar~ hl'ors. \ lya Br011 n. Je sica 91son. Monica amii. L,a 'rufus Mitchell. RO\\ 3: 1\atie Gordon. Susie Boronot . Brian l':kmark, \ bby McBride. Jo" eph Rray . \irk 1\nokr. 1ara \ ffoltrr. ~ lichra l Star"-. \1ajdi <\bbas.



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\1 \DRIG \ S (I st hour)

{From Lrfl to Riehl) FRO\ I RO\\ ~teph­ ;mlr Garth , \llison Rodger . \lllson \ r krrman. Rachel \tlerbrrl) , J...;Hie Berhtcl. J...rist\ \laulden. \\ hitne\ \kber. Hannah Br'\an . RO\\ 2. J...rlstit• IJ;l\1;. Don Beckell. Eric Bergrr. \ngle Dalhehn. \aomi Shapiro . Summer helb~ . Brlanne \lanutl RO\\ 3: \1ichael Drponai. Brian Smith. \\ illiam ·ummrnillr. Brandon Olsen. \like Lmman. \tall \llrndrr, John De \Liev. RO\\ ~· Eric ' mlth . Carrie Cohen. Christine \lohracker. ~an Thoma ·. J...im ' chanche . Brian Fkmark.

\1 \ORJG\U (3rd hour)

(From Lrft to Right) FIW\ I RO\\ Sara Glish . Keel~ \lrOaniel. Sarah Bain. 'am \tall . \tonica amii. Lim Lalande . Lisa Janas, John Summrr.. RO\\ 2: Eli e \an 1A1ar. Eliwbcth Caffron , L~nnr Elrick . ~ladu Rcndurhintala. \II ·ion Pickard. \ick Barker. Erin Shepard . Jo~ Bro\\ nr·idgc. RO\\ 3: Am~ Bantz. \1alt llutjrns, l\atr \\ cber. Dan Cheek, Jrnll\ Olson. \wah Bachnwn. ean Cordon. \klissa onka. RO\\ ~. \manda !:ads. l\rblil Smith . noug Bonczek . \\ hltnr~ 01\ rl~ . Elranorc ta hcff.

HO\\ CHOIR (4th hour) (From Left to Right) ~ RO\T RO\\ \nd~ Pelz. J...alie Brchtrl. t.arah Baln . Jena etters. \tonica amii , \ndrra Hunt. Sean Gordon. RO\\ 2 Chris \lcFarland , I.e ·iir Harms. \ngela Hunt. \ngie \\ilson. Steph.mle 0'\eill., ummrr SheiiJ\ . \\llllam Summen illc. Jason Logsdon .· Johnn~ Tork. :'llicole Purkeypile RO\\ 3: tephanic Darling. l..iza \\ eber. Heather Collins. John Summers. Ramsey \largl~on. Jenn} Roberts. 1\larla \\ashburn. RO\\ ~. Brad Jenks. \nne llaus ermann. John 1'011 nsend. Tim lien. \nnie Grubb. Christina \\ashburn.

, 110\\ CHOIR (5th hour)

(From Lcfl to Right) FRO T RO\\ : Joe~ Froeschl, Rachel Dalal \manda \llcnder. Christa Burdette. Leslie \macher. atr Kohl. \latt \I lender. RO\\ 2: :\ikki \\ illiams. \1ike Thurston. Rachel \nderson . Lauric Ohl ·son. \llison fmlg. l\rrl) \lrDaniel. \ngela Franklin. Roshcma Foster. \targaret hepla~ . RO\\ 3 Sarah Callah::m. Lind. e} Field . (,ustal o Zeferino. Doug Bonrzel\, Blake \ targlson. \nnir Tock, Je ':-ica Olsson. RO\\ 4: \1arshall Hen!) \larl) Janrola. Erin Bourek. Susie I\Iiies. Robert De \tie . ron} Curtis.



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TRF:BU: SHOn <:HOIR (:!nd hour) (From Left to Right) FRU\T ROW : Cal) Salzmann . atalic Marshall. Jackie BrO\\ n. Kelll Juch . Jr,slr<J \1attln~l\ . Julie Bas. ctt . RO\\ 2 DC'\in \tkins. \\hltne\ lla\lcc. Lind>i!'} Cocla-.ure. Lisa \ crclick . Tara ,·mith. Linda Iran. \J Pari. RO\\ 3: 1\atallna \!organ. \lagei • \maclwr, \ma Pmia. EmIl\ Bromirl. Ti ·ha \lcConaha , \ hie\ \lcKinnt'\

TRF.BI.E HO\\ CIIOIR (7th hour) (~rom

l.A'ft to Right) FRO T RO\\ : Katie .'Iough. \legh,m \\inkt•l . Ll. a Boucek. RO\\ 2. Erir.• Gate\\Ood Jo rphine 1--alipcni, Jcnn~ Cripr. \nnle Hight 'hoc. ,' hataia King, Tamira 'iblC\ , Brandl Roberts. Chri:-t\ Lar ·elL RO\\ 3: \mbrr John:ton. \quisha Grant. \manda \\orJ..man. Jennifer FarrO\\. Emil\ llrrstrom. \tell ·:a Brm·. Jessica Riche\ . \loll\ Endslr\ Diamond \lrGiaclr. \lainna Rodger . Lind r~ Barr. Katie Clegg, :\icol • Tanner. Brand\ Gu tabon

TREBLE CHOIR (From Left to Right) FRO\ T RO\\ \lelb a Bartlotli. \ndrra Bloc t.... Emil\ Fonner. \llss\ Hrnn. RO\\ 2: Qu,mata Prlmoro. Sara imz . Katie Karr. Tia GraL on . \llchrlle \rnold , Brlna Hite:-. RO\\ 3: \atm ia Bank ·. 11a \\ illiam. !--a lie Gordon . Li a \!arlin. irole Ra\ Jackie \\r t. ' trphanie Minniear

(From Left to Right) FRO T RO\\ . \\ illiam \eurlorn. \udre\ S\\ artz. \icJ.. Kammer. Juari Johnson RO\\ 2 Bradlr\ \leL . Heather Griflet, I--\ lr ~lanlc\. Brctidan Ireland RO\\ 3: Beth lluhn. rliLaheth Bartels. \Ia!) \lohrbachrr. 1--rislin ' to\ rr, \leg cl on. \mandJ Fonner. RO\\ 4. \aron Rod.!!,ers. Kurt Zeigler, Dan Carl.,on. RaC'hd Rm\din . Erin \lullins . ,' unshinc Lathroct. Jcfft•n Rodger ...





Bane( pon or: Le\ e Hoffman Consist : mphonic band and concert band Acthilie : \1arch at home football game . perform at the holida concert and ho t the annual jazz fe th aJ.

This Page-Pic. I That ain 't the ark "Joah's bcalln ' on! Pic 2 Look at \li and utic pla1! Pic. 3. Craig urc can pia} a mean a\ophone! Pic. -1 . Brianne hows off hrr marching abilities .



(From Left to Right) TOP PICTL RE - ' :rmphonic Band - F'RO~T RO\\ Erik llolm. \onh Jrll.s. Robrrl ' imulis. Rob Grllr ·pir. Dm1 n 1\r lrr. \1ikr Lnandrr. LaRufus \1ilchrll. RO\\ 2: Jrromr John ·on. Str1r Srnmnn. ' imon Hill. L~nn arnecki. \ mnnda \c11port. \lichacl Durry. RO\\ 3: Tamarah Thorpe, Lynd ·r~ Peper, 1\lison \1asln~ . Briannr \1anurl, \li on \imz. 1\im \icol, u, ie Bordonat. lluy Tran. andi '\1ontanclli. RO\\ 4: Blake IIane~ . Christie Rogrrs. Sarah Lim1 . 1-.hal:.n \1cr:. . Jill Stanko. Ja)nc Phillipe. I\ lolly t--roll. IJw ' utllc. RO\\ 5: E1an Mc\abb, Robrrl Gardner. \1iss:v llutjrns. James Inman. Jcnnifrr Tobias. \ndy ~icol. Craig Cartrr. Stc1r HoRman RO\\ 6: Jcnm Burdcllc. \1arl. indcr. \iclor Bradford . \1arc \\als}. Seth Hen on. anon~mous. Tom Scheu (From Lcflto Right) BOTT0\1 PICTL RE- Concert Band- FRO~T RO \\ : , usan Br011 n. Dr lisa B) num, Dr1 on \ LI.ins. Bridgrl Mris. \1rlia mith. Tara Pctrr ·.Lacey Hrnson. RO\\ 2: l\1ichcllr Chisolm. Eli abeth Bartels. Jennifer Gardner. '\1andi \ lrxandrr. Carol Mbu1 i. Jessica Clay. \nd:v Lang. RO\\ 3: Lcphanlc l nandcr. ~1orinc \1c amara . Caleb Thomas. Sam Trusa. Morgan Masln:t . Jennifer Schcillin. Jrsslca Pearson. RO\\ -1: Blane McClellan. 1\11 'LY Giddrns. Jarrell Reed, Mik \icholas. Tim \ndcr ·on. l--yle Bowan. \udrc) Swartz. RQ \\ 5: Stc1r Hoffman. Jonathon F'os um. James Rasch . Ryan Baumann. Grant Thomas. Jon Br:van. Bf}an G11 inn.



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Tlie F~ Corps Sponsor: Ste"e Hoffman Membership: 13 Activities: Performing flag routine at home football games and pep a

(From Left to Right) FRO"lT ROW: "ri tie cheu , Catherine udeth. "arcn Morcnz. Trace Cameron. \nna Garcia. RO\\ 2: Chri tina \\'ashburn, Talaya iblc~, "likki \\ illiams. \1 aria \\¡ashburn RO\\ 3: Jennifer liard , Tam ira iblcj. Carrie Cohen .








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Stucfent Counci[ Membership: -4 Requirements: )'ou must turn in a p Wion igned b)' 25 of )OUr cia mate and enter an election . Th entire chool \Ote and 8 people ar'e elected fi'Om each cia To tay on the council , you mu t earn a certain amount of point ba ed on )'our participation.

lniliatlon Time: Election i in the pring prior to the ne:\l chool year

Acth ities: Food for Famili , \1r. \1aroon, Homecomchool ing \\ ek. Dane Excange . Cllarit Events, Leadet' hip Conventions. Objective: To unif the tudent bod through cllool piril and activitie \vhile. at ~----------------------------------1 th arne time, creating a en of leader hip, re ponibilit , and re pect.

Opposite Page-l ir I . The Ofnrer : Pre ident - Jerr Piper. \ire Pre ident - 1\atie To"'nsend . ' econd \ire Pre. ident- Jenn\ 01 on. 'erretarv- \1ar. 01~en . Trea urer - \1arlln 1\lingel. 'argeant at \rms \nne llaus ermann. Pic. 2: lie\ . can we come 01er ror dinner? We 'll bring the rood! Pic. 3: These guys hmc their can collecting process <1011 n to a science! Pic. 4. lleather realh lo1es ' tudent Council! Pic. 5: 101~ do\\on , Jerr! Pic. 6: ' tudent Council i ton or run! Pic 7· And the e people rcpre enl our student body?!



(From Lert to Right) TOP PICTL RE - Frc hmen and Sophomore - FRONT R0\1: Jes ira Riche:. . Claire Bassett. Rachel Fisher Christina Johnson . Robert De\lle:r . Bet :r llolder RO I~ 2: Jamie Tengwall . Jacl..ie Bro11n. \ hlc:r \1cl\inne} . Jenn\ Cripe. 1\alie 1\leg,g. \nd\ Lang ROll 3: John To1~nsend. Tim lien . R:ran \~eldon. Jo ·h Greenfield. Morgan \1astn:r. \1eg \elson ROll 4: Nata lie \1arslwll Emil\ Brinkmann. Lisa Bouce". \llsion Rodgers. Jerome Johnson. BOri'0\1 I'ICTl RE- Juniors and Seniors- FRO VI' ROll . Chrislinr 1\im. Danlrlle Sprnccr. \llison Pic"ard . Rnrhel \tterbrrr:r. \1clissa Sonkn. Franresca Rruda . ltonde 1\a"oma. Brent ' nydrr ROll 2: Joanna Strauss. Leslie llarm ·. ~aomi Shapiro. lleathrr Col lins. Jcnn) Gilbrrt . ~oellr \elson. Jenna 'e tters. ll rnther 1\och. R0\1 3: Erin Shepard. Jrrrrr, Frng. Jocel:rn \1arlinJ..us. Mar:,. 011 rn. Jrnfl\ Olson. \nne llnussrrmann. Jerr Piper. \1arlin 1\lingel. 1\alir T<lll nsend .

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Due : 10.00

\ctivllle : Raking leav L ling ' ith lhe homcle Iter. attending the Kiwani lunch, and volunteering at th ri i ~ur er , lhe "aI' ation rm . and the Pep i lent.

I his Pagl' - Pic I IA•slie and aomi sho11 I hl'ir i)l'arl\ 11 hil<'s' l'i< 2 \\hat a rule couple! l'ic 3 lril and Joanna top for <1 pirlurl' before the m<' <'lin~-: . Pic. I. \ngie ~-:<·Ls <' \riled about Lhl' meeting.



(From IA'fllo Right) TOP I'IC'I l RE- Senior:-;- FRO VI' RO \\ : i\l onica Sarnii , Jessica Olsson. Eliwhelh Gnfrron .•Jill \ nnMatre. \ lison \imt.. Catherine Sudelh . Tracy Cameron. Segal l'anchal. RO\\ 2: II rather \a Ibone . I.e:-> lie \rnacher. 1\~m Gladrl<'\ . J<·anna Honcllo. 1\ecll \1cDanirl . Sarah R !-lain . Sarah Randolph. Sarah Hachrnan . Jrnn\ Gilbert . '\oelle \clson RO\\ 3 Charlil' Gors~i. \ l.1rlin 1\lingel. \1all \llender. Lun Shair. \\ hiln<'\ \~dl<'r. ~1<11) <hwn. Gretrhen fllock \nne ll<lus.wrnann. RO\\ I .le!l Feng. 1\risl\ i\l aulden. Erin Houcek Jeff Piper. 1\alic H<'< hlel. Jason IArgsdon . Cor<'\ 'oung. Jenna Sellers. Sl<•phanie Darling .•i<'r<'lll\ T<•ng11 <'II (From Lefl lo Right) HOrl'0\1 I'IC'Il RE - \on-Seniors - FRO'\T RO\\ . James Fre)man. ,Joanna Strauss. Francesra Rueda . \llison \clo.rrman . Rarhl'l \llerb<•rr'\ . l tonde 1\alo.oma. \ngela ll unl . E1an Parlo.er-Siephen. Brent Snyder. Hr·ad Har·~<·r· RO\\ 2. Ranrs<') Margison. SunlltH'r Shl'lhy . L\1111<' 1-:lrir~ . Danil'llc Sp<·nn·r. \lelissa Son~a. 1\icole Purio.<'\Pill'. Lit.a Suttle . Elise \anl.aar. \rtl\ Hantz. \llison Rodgers. KO\\ :l Leslil' ll arms. 1\aomi Shapiro. Danelle \ l arlin. Stephanie 0 ' \eill . lril Sill<'rman. Lyndsm Peper. Robcrt lkall<') . Tim Fish<'r. Chris Dal:r . ljndse\ Fields. RO\\ 1: R\<111 Sheppnrd. \1ilo.e Layman. lkandon Ols<'rt. \ngie Dalheim . \manda Eads. Sl<IC\ 1\roes. Rachel Fislwr. John 'lo11 ns<' tHI. \higail \\ illiarns. Liza \\ el>er. RO\\ 5: Rarhl'l \nderson . Christine 1\im. \ I,Hihu Randurhintala. ,Jeff \\ ilh<'lm. 1\ale \ I organ. Cat'\ Snlzmann. 'I l'rcsa Drollinger. R1an Thomas

'I his Pa,gr - Pir I I he Ofnrer-..- I rt'<Nlrt'r \!arlin \.lin~<'L Presi!lent 1\,lli!' lkrhtel \ire President Joanna Strauss. and Serret.u; Lt• li!' llarm,. Pi< 2 Ch.lrli!' b reall\ arti\ !' in ;.en ire projerts! Pir :l \\hal a 10\al 1\e\ Club member! Pi! I lh!'s!' l\\O 1\r\ Clublwrs \\ill he rriends run·\ !'r~ l'ir. :i . Ra(·hrl and 1.\ nnt• smil!' lor th!' ramara 1 Pic. 6 Looi-. in those h.lr<h\ori-.ing lll!'lllhers! Pic 7 It 's just ,l!loth!'r !'\riling 1\!'\ Club lll!'eling!



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PSP Club Name: Principal ars Program

Sponsors: Charles and Ann Parker

Membership: 9 Requirements: Taking a coll ege prep. curri culum, and maintaining a B average throughout the year.

Activities: Academic competition . seminars, and intructional ses ions on how to prepare your elf for college.

Objective: To prepare college bound minority students with special interests in math or science for succes in college and beyond. (From Left to Right) FRO~T RO\\: Krnyr tta Singleton, Kristic Om is. RO\v 2: Terrie a Miller, Charles Drake. Myisha Porter. RO\\ 3: Josephine Kalipeni. Heather Collins, Janelle Johnson. Desiree Thornton . Stephanie Dixon.

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InternationaL clu6 Sponsor: Brian Phillip Membersip: 14 Requirements: To be an exchange student. and have an interest in meeting ne\V intriguing people. Activities: Introducing foreign exchange tudent to a new school, and a different country.

Objective: To integrate foreign tudents into the ocial life at Central High School and the community.



(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Han 1\ung, Terry Delgaob, Jaemin Rhee. Gustavo Zeferimo. ROW 2: Phuong Diep, Monica Montero. Cristina Perez-Gonzalez, Ana Claros, I toh Budic. RO\\ 3: Hall Bien , Thao Bui, Phung Dicp, Kim Bui , Xi Pan .



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FHA Future Hom me rica

Requirement : To take a course in home economic .

.\ctivitie : Helping at a our ing home. and holding a cooking lab.

Objective: To t ach valuable leader hip kill . and form new friend hip among Ia mate .



!!From Lr[t to Rll(ht) FRO\T ROll Chrr1. l'amara lla1den . Patricia Creanwr Talala Slhlr) , Christina llutrhlson ROll 2 \Irs l'lrtel. \mhrr 01rrcast , Charrt• LR"Is. Lorraine l>ur~" orth. Tisha \l rCnnaha \ alnncla 1.01 r. Lashonda \lonrr ROll :l t-rn1a <h t•rrast Drnlsr Frat.lrr I rclrer~n Framt•. Dt•shaunr Ta\ lor \nclrt'" Blshlp. Shrlnn!la l'rtlls. l.atoma (.at son l nlqut• \mmons. t-t•nm Jones

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Best Btuicfies

Acthitie : Their major acLiviL i a monLhl) b0\\1athon. There i al o Chri trna Party, helping out at Curti Orchard, and man road trip .

Objecth·es: To form Ia ting friend hip bel\\ en coli ge tudcnt and high chool tud nt .



Peer Ears ponsor: David kadden Member : 27 Requirements: Must be a good li tener, mu t hm a willingne to appr ciate different p r p eli e . and mu t b abl to keep ecr'et to your elf. Initiation Time: In the fall ~

hen the \\hoi gang goe to All rton to participat in a team\l ork challenge cour e.

ctivitles: Provide upport to oth r tudent informall, on their own or formall one on one ituation. Objecth¡e : To dev lop communication, problem ol\ ing, and deci ion making kill to b u ed in real life itualion and to spread the e kills to the tudents of Central.

Thi Page-Pic . I ¡ Terrica grin a she think about peer car . Pic. 2: Matt. ~here are :you taking Jena? Pic. 3: Ouch Mr. kadden! You're hurting me! Pic.4 : \\hitney ha PO\ ER rrom being a peer ear!



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arne: Futur Bu iLead r or merica

Ecker and


Requirement : Have taken one bu ine cla Actl\itie : Fund rai er to maKe money for the out-ofto\vn trip to \i it ucce ful bu ine e . Li t nino to peaker talk about \arying bu ine relat d topic . Objective : Provid inforar r mation on bu ine and to build confidence and elf-e te m among the m mber .

TI1L Page-Pic . I; Chri line like, to think about business on the noor. Pic. 2: JD smiles for the camera Pic . 3 FBI~\ m. ke Chris so tired that he can't e\en keep his e~es open. Pic. -t: Off! crs Pres. Christine 1\.im and Jeff \\ ilhelm. \ire Pres. - Jerem~ Ten!(\\ all. 'ecretal) -Danelle \1arlin . Treasurer- Terra \!arlin and Justin \1ichels. Pic 5: Terra shO\\ s her bu,'iness like leadership skills ft to Right) FRO'\T RO\\ : Chris Daly . Ju tin Michels. Dmc 1\.itson. Jeff Feng. E\an Part-er- Stephens. Jason\\ ise RO\\ 2: Tim Stephanie 0''\eill. D. nette \ !arlin . Jeff \\ilhelm . JD Leman. Terra \lartin. John Fettig. RO\\ 3 Christine 1\.im. Ca,·sid) Becker. all. Eric Berger, Ben En-in . Doug Larson . Joe Flanigan



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Membership: 36

Due : 2.00 and 10 can rec cle Activities: Collect prairie se d to plant more prairie on \1ak Difference Da . voJunt er for Cri i urr · Holiday hop, ell nironmental t- llirt , promote Earth \v ,k, and pickup tra h around Central Objectives: To promote environmental and ocial m areness and to act to protect our em ironm nt

Thi Page-Pie, 1, Amber i proud to be m lng the \\-Orld! Pic 2, Offficer : Luc} hair, Brlanne \1anuel. Danelle \1artin , and .\mber Ireland, Pic, 3: Katie feel trongl about the emironment! Pic, 4: Dan tt ju t lo\e being an offleer! Pie, 5: Joanna I a little too excited about the meeting! Pic, 6: Thl lo al member help pick up the tra h!

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(From Left to Right) F'RO"-T RO\H i u} Tran. Jeff Feng, Katie Bechtel. Lucy hair. Brom\·yn McClellan. Danelle Martin. Brianne \1anue RO\\ 2: tephanle John on. Terr a Drollinger. Catherine udeth, ummer helby , tace} Kroes. \1ichellr Pulliam. Je iea Olsson ROll 3: Kate Morgan , Cary alzman. Taylor chmidt , R 'an ' heppard , Joanna ' traus ·. Brad Barker, Jennifer \\eber, RO\\ 4: Sandi \1ontanelli \ manda Ead . Jennifer Cripe , Rachel \nder on. Amber Ireland . ~1 i Hutjins. Jennifer Tobia ,

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AAC or: Mr . atching

-.oo Initiation Time: pring Acth I tie : Dance . Popcorn and candy ale during ba ketball game Objecth·es: To en e the chool and communit~ and hm e a good lime in the proce

This Page - Pic

I : Look ,Jl ho11 ani\ e

l ,umm is!! Pic. 2· \nother heated \rro \meriran meeting. Pic. 3 \Irs . Catrhings guides all her girl to leadership. Pic 4 Call on me! I ha1 e somet hin~ to sa1 !






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NHS Club arne: oci L



pon or: Mr. \1iller and \1r. \1iller Member : 95 Due : 7.00 Requirements: GPA of 4. 5 or abo e

Initiation Time:


more ·ear ctlvlte : Tutoring at Central and local grade chool . A r all cool Bowl-a-Thon fund rai er! Objecth·e : To promot cholar hip and good citizen hip to the tudenl of Central.

Thi Page-Pic. I: The Officers - Pres.(s) -Terra \1arlin. Andy 1\icol, \ice Pre , Erin Boucek, ccrctal') - Jcna cllers. Trca urcr- 1\im \icol Pic 2: \1art\ I. · the mack or \II ' ! ·



TOP PICTL RE - , eniors - (From I A'ft to Right) FRO\T RO\\: Marlin 1\lingel, Charlie GorsJ..i. Anne llaussermann. Jocel~n Marlin"u ', Jenny 01 on. Mary 011en. Li a Janas. Catherine Sucleth. Katie Townsend. 'hm1 n Donnell . RO\\ 2: Malt Allender, Jeff Piper. Don Ross. Jeff Feng. Elizabeth Gaffron. arah Randolph . Jena ' ellcrs. "Joe lie \rison. Meagan Roberts. ~1iehael \1 erbuch. RO\\ 3: Ca 'C~ Miller. Josh Black1~ell. \ate 1\ohl. eppe 1\uehn, Erin Bouceh.. Lucy hair. Terra \1arlin, Heather Koch. 1\im "licol. Robert imulls. BOTT0\1 PICTl RE -Junior - FRO\T RO\\ \manda Cre11S. Brlanne \1anuel. Sarah Callahan. Danrlle \1arlin. "latr \1ast . Kate \\rbrr, Trur \ o. 1\,lthr.n Raingr . "'atr \1iller. 1\atherinr \1acGil~ra:r RO\\ 2: u ie Milrs. 1\hamsa:r Smathphoune. ~t ria Bu<limann . Elise \anLaar. \ngir Dalheim. Erin hepard. tcphanir 0 ' \eill . Hannah Br:ran. \aomi hapiro. Justin \11chel . Liza Sutllr. RO\\ 3: Crai{.l Carlrr. Ben Er1in. llrath Tieffrl. hm1 n 1\roe , Chrislinr 1\im, \icolr Purkr~pile. Rrnni Linder. Lyndsay Prper. \ndy \irol , l.rslie II arm~. \nnie Toch.. \\Ill S nsenbrrnnrr. RO\\ 4: Eitan Gauch man. Josh Lipton . \nthon:r Millrr. M~isha Portrr. \1iSS\ llutjrns. \mbcr lrrland. 1\rlsta Smith . Dm e 1\it ·on. Jcrr \\ilhrlm. Bronw)-n \1cCirllan. RO\\ 5 John Gros '. E1an Parkrr-Strphens. Brrnt nyder. James Fre:r man. \llison \c"erman. Rachel \llrrberr. . \1rli.'sa ' onl..a . Drr11 heppard . \llison Pickard . Eric Berger. John Fettig.


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Elff-t:Wn Boarcf Sponsor: Myron Och Membership: 65 Requirements: \1u t have a petition igned by 25 tudenL of your own cia in Lhe beginning of the chool year. Activities: To conduct all of Central's school elections, including the Student Council election , the Homecoming Court election . and the senior winner election

(From Left to Right) F'RO\T RO\\ : "lie!.. 1\ammer. 1\aren l\1orenz. Trac~ Cameron. Catherine Sudeth. Danelle \!arlin. Brianne \1anuel. ummer Shelby, Jena Sellers. Lynne Elrick. RO\\ 2: ltonde 1\al..oma. \1ar~ 0\\en. Jcnn~ Olson. Gretchen Block. Jill \an\1atre. Jocel}n Marlinkus, Katie Bechtel. Sarah Randolph. Jenn~ Gilbert. \oelle \elson . RO\\ 3: \llison Rodger . Christine 1\im. U7.a Suttle. Erin heppard. !l eather Na lbone, Lucy Shair. Leslie Harms. F'rancesca Rueda . \ndrea Coomes. RO\\ 4: Stephanie O'Neill. Robert De \lie). Mall Dhom. Brent Snyder. Judd John on E\an Parker-Stephen. Brad Barker. \\ill Sensenbrenner. Jrff F'rng. RO\\ 5: Gu) Lakonishok, Annr llaus ermann, \\ hitne~ \\ eber. Missy Sonka, Rachrl \tterbrrf) . ,\llison \cl-.erman . \llison Pickard. Lindsr) Firlds. Danirllr Spencer. Katie Townsend.

Objectives: To make ure Lhat all of Central' election are run moothly and fairly, and to make ure that every student' vote i kept private.


Qui[ ancf Scro[[ Sponsors: heryl Hobbs and Pat John on

Objecth·e: An honorary orginizaUon for high chool tudent to promote excellence in journali m

!From Left to Right) F'RO'iT RO \\ : Lind cy \ aughn RO\\ 2: Danrllr \! arlin . Jena Srllrr . Strphanie Darling. Eitan Gauchman. haun 1\rors. 1\mber Ireland. RO \\ 3: Dre \\ heppard, Terra l\1arlin, \l af) 0\\en. 1\ri · \\ acl..rrlin. Jamrs Fre~man. Case~ \ Iiiier. 'late Leach. RO\\ 4: Jonas DO\\ ne). Jeff Piper. \ nne llaussermann , Rrnni Under. Jor \\'ojtena. John Fettig, Ben En in. Ton~ Pomonis. Brent nyder. Chris Daly.



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Tfie Acruiemy Teachers: F re hman Team - Kath ·\ mold , u an 11ei'rick her I Hobb Kathleen milh ophomor Team l\1 yron \ltar~ Patroli . Dan athi Ritchie

lembershlp: 95 Acllville : ProYide-- an int grated

urriculm in Engci ence. and

li h, math , t chnolog;y

This l'agr-Pic I \1rs. Smith sho1~s her Lru<' personality. l'ic. 2: Tills rrcshman is all 1\.0fll OUl nrtrr a hard day or high ~chool! l'ic :1 llc:v . 1\ hat 's up? l'ic I \h . ho11 Sllo!'Cl 1



(From Left to Right) 1'01' I'ICH RE - Frrshmrn FROI\T RO\\ Ch,ld l'rllum. Micharl 'ork. 1\ick 1\nokr. Beth lluhn. Jessica Riche~. \lirhrllc \\ illiamson. Eli~:abelh Culll>crlson. Sha~na \\a rd. Brina llil<'S. RO\\ ::! . 1\alc 'ork. \aron Rodgers. \Iandi \llr\and<'l'. Blane \!('Clellan . \lal'\ \1ohrharlwr. Jrssica l'<'.lrson. Sl<lcr~ llitrs. 1\risl<'n \1ole . Strphanir Lanr . \klissa llrnl'\ . RO\\ 3 \1<Hl OeJacimo. \rir Foster. Erinn \1ullins. \ndrca Block. lkrd. \ aughn . 1\~le BOIIt'll . Ja< ki<· \\est. R~;m 1\cll) . 1\am Claiborne RO\\ I .Jen·m~ Goings .•Jak<' II ill . 'I \SOil Jackson . \1ontrr~ rl Br01111 . i'<'rrancr .Jones. Oarnrll Jasp!'l'. 1.;111 r<·nce Dm is. Tro~ Ikard. Timolh~ Rr1 rlls. RO\\ ~ . Jrssica Clay . \\arrcn Licl>. Dominir \u . \mh!'l' Johnston. \mire 'arber. 1\larcus \1orri:-.. Ernest \\oods. Erica l'icrcr . Rita Concrl~ . 'l)rcll \\hill' (From l~·n to Right) BO'I1'0M I'ICTl RE - Sophomores. FROI\T RO\\ : Colin Ry;m , Corinda Graham . Quaron Frazi<'l', Teheauba Di\On. Bonnie \leek. ~1ichelle Caston . Jckcilha Bro1111 . Terri Russel. RO\\ ::! .•Jonathon llorncr. Ta~lor Schmidt . '\icki lluhn . Doria l~oncllo . \hh<') \1cBridc .•Janel lk1 inc . \una Garcia. Heck~ Timolh). Tanoka lx111 s RO\\ 3 Felicia Hrern. Emil~ Brinkmann . I x1ura llough. Claire Basscll Ben Corski. Dmid Todd . 1\enm Jones . •Julie Bassell RO\\ I. Rachci .Jackson . \n·n Co\ . 1\alr Straa~cr. Brian Cronmcll. Lihh\ Fiedler Josh Russo. Gar~ Spencer. 1\laggic \marher. \1nll Dmis . RO\\ ~ Chris lso111. Chuck Parr. 1\alch Barkrl~ . •Jacoh ~lcl-:111~'<' . •Jared ~1<'1-:111<'<' . Jason llinton. Rand~ Bro11nfkld . lkrrcck Smith. LcDarius .Jackson

Pep C[u6 6.00 Requil'ements: You hme to attend ign painting! Activities: Paint pepp sign for the port team . ell Spirit To\\ el . cheer on the team at \ ar il football and ba ketball game .

From l.efl to Right) FROI\T R0\1: 1\~m Gla<lne~ . ~ ! arlin 1\lingel. 1\alie fkrhtel. ~!organ \lasln~ . \Iegan 1\el.son. \orlle \elson . Sarah Randolph. Je111l~ Gilbert. 1\alie TOIInS<'IHI. Robert Dealle~ . Ileal her Pulcini. Teresa Drollinger R0\1 2::Jill \an 'latre . Catherine Su<leth . llonira Samii. '\aomi Shapiro. Brimme ~1anuel. Jason Logsdon. Jeff Feng. Rachel Fi:her. Claire Bassett. 1\alie Clegg. \Iarina Smilh R0\1 H,aren \lorenz. TraQ Cameron . Christina Johnson. Sejal Panrhal . \shle1 \lcl\inne~ . Limtse1 \!orris. \atalir \larshall . Emili Bromiel. \loll~ Endslr\ . llralhrr 1\rlbourn. ROll -I:R~an Sheppard. \lelissa Soni-.a . Rarhrl \lterbern. l' ranresc,l Rur<la . l.<ll!ra llough . Emili Brinl-.man. \ laggir \machrr. 1\atr \1organ . ~lirhelle 1\illiamson ROll~ 1\illiam Swnm<·nille. Danielle Spenrer. ljnds<'l Fields \ndrea .oomes. \l~a Bnm n. 1.~ nm· Elricl... Bee I-.~ \ledlorl... \I all Dhom. Brina llites. Star) Hites ROll () \icl-. Schmidt. !:1 an Pari-.er-SleH·ns. 1rrrica \Iiiier. ltonde 1\ai-.oma. '\athan \lien Leach .



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Matli Cfu6 pon or: ¡\ nne VfcCall, LaDonna Bruce. and Brian Rui Member hip: 30-40 Dues:


Actil'ities: Competing in the rCT\1 \1ath Conte t, and the \1ath L ague Conte L, taking a field trip to either Fermi, rgonne LaboratOI'ic , or the Mu urn or cience and Indu try. Objecti\'e: To e\plore mathematical concept yond cia room malei'ial. To practice and compete a a team at variou competition .

This Page-Pic 1: That 's not a Bab} Ruth! l'ic 2 \rc \Ou sure the anS\\Cr isn 't 4? Pic 3 Ton~ ronrcntratrs hard on one of his man\ \ rl') challenging math questions Pic. 4 \lath Club Ofnrcrs Prcsidrnt - Utiln Gaurhmdn , \icc President Leslie Harms. Scrrctal) - Ton\ Pomonis. lrcasurrr- Jamr Frc\man



(From Left to Righ t) FRQI\jT RO\\ : l .t'slic Harms. Jeff Fcng. Sarah Rando lph , F:ric Berger. Jcnn} Cripe. John Fcuig. RO\\ 2: Natalie Marshall . 1\nd} Nicol. Linda Tran . 1\nya Pa,ia , Jennifer Tobia,. And Robinson. "\\ick 'lrumann. RO\\ 3: 1\hamsay Sma thph oune, Mcla Budimann, C\~rnn a Miller. Ami Panchal. 'lick Kammer, lluy Trnn, Jason Wise. Tony l'omonis, Eitan , Gauchman. Mar(.. Slnctcr.


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Science C(u6 Sponsor: Darren PlaLLner Membership: 65

6.00 Requirements: rtu t either be in a cience class or have an inlere t in cience. Aclhities: Tutoring in

cience to all student , hosting a science fair Lo Lhe elementary kid al Dr. Howard, participating in the Science Olympiad, taking field Lrip Lo the l of I for the Engineering Open Hou e and \ irtual Realil)- Lab, and laking a year-end trip to St. Loui or Chicago.

Objective: To promote intere L in the field of cience, and lo organize science related acti\ilies.

(From Left to Right) FRO'\T RO\\ : Anne llaussermann. \!arlin 1\lingel. Charlie Gor ld, Christie Rodgers. Jeff Feng. llu} Tran. Core} \ oung. \\hitne~ \\cber. 1\alie 1'011 nsend. 1\alie Bechtel. Jenn~ Olson. RO\\ 2: \mi Panchai, \! organ \l astn~ . Emil} \\ arren. Linda Tran. Erin Soucek. Kim icol, Jenny Gilbert. '\oellc 1\clson. arah Randolph , Jena etters. Jason Log don. LuQ Shair. \lil..e Ostcrbur. RO\\ 3: Tara Peters. Meg Nelson. Tcrc a Droollinger. \nya Pmia , \\hitne~ limier. \m~ Bantz. Dmid 1\itson. John T011nscnd. Ramsc} \l argison. Hannah Br·yan. Sarah 1\lizti. Da1 id Eb!J , Seppe 1\uchn. RO\\ 4: 1\ick 1\leumann. Sarah Lim1. \laiJ Prell. Cal') Salzmann . !\ate \! organ. \ nd} Robinson. Joell\aplan. Jcff\\ilhclm, John Fettig, Dmid Prell. !l eather 1\och . Dani ~ lc \1 aster. RO\\ 5: Brian Do11ning. Patrick Hoi). Josh Blackl\ ell , \\ ill Lund , Lisa Boucc". 1\manda Eads, ~licheal \ H'rbuch . lllatt \ll rndrr . Eric Bergrr. Jung-H11an Choi. JD Lrman. E1an Parker-Stephr ns. Brent Snyder. Guy Lakonishok. \mber Ireland . Stan Olson. Shm1 n 1\roes .

This Page-Pic. I. \tatt and Hu} conduct a leiJ important scientific r\pcriment. Pic 2. Science Club Officers: President -Jeff Feng. \ire President - Dm id Ebre) . ' er retal') -Erin Bourek Trracurer- Sarah Randolph. Pic. 3: This is o rool! Pic 4: I hopr )ou 're going to rat that. not di~se r t it!










Spanish Cfu6 Membership: 1 l 6 Dues: 7000 Activities: Comp ling in a foreign language 'olle, ball tournament. taking a fi ld trip to ee Flamenco dancer . going on the Immer ion \\eekend. hming a fall reception. and a Halloween party 0

Objective: To promote a continued intere t and in' ol\ ement in th pani h language and it peopl 0

(From Lrft to Right) TOP PICTL RE- Srniors - FRO\T RO\\ ~1arlin 1\lingel. \nne Hau srrmann. Elizabeth Gaffron. \lar1 OM·n. Jill \an ~1atrc. 1\alir Bechtrl. 1\\ln Gladnr). Lrslie -\machrr. RO\\ 2 Strr>hanir Darling. Jrna 'e ttrrs. Jcrlll} Gilbert. \oellc \el ·on. Sarah Randolph, Libb) Trail. Shannon Hitch . Trac:,. Cameron. ' usie Boronat. RO\~ 3: Trrra \!arlin. llrather \albone. Jeff Piper. Phong \ u. \\Ill Lund . 1\alie To11 nsend. Charlie Gorsl..i, Senora 1an Es. RO\\ 4: Ale\ Sa11as. IIlii Tran . eppr 1\uehn. \id. Barl..rr. Gu1 ·Lal..oni:hol.., Birl.. \\alton . Jim Hartman . Rene \\alter ·. Don Ro s. Jenm Ol·on. ' ha11n Donnell} . Jocel) n \1arlinl..us , Gretchrn Block. \11DDLE PICTL RE - Juniors - FRO\T RO\\ . Stephanie Garth. \ikki \\ illiams. Sarah Callahan. Brianne \1annurl. \atalie ) or!... Liza uttle . Renni Linder. \il..l..i Purl..e\pile. Cara Jud). L~nne Elrick RO\\ 2 Rachel \nderson. Erin Bahrl..e. Cristina Perez-Gonzalez. \manda Crelll:l. Beth Baile\. \manda \I lender, Judd Johnson . LindC\ \ aughn. Dan \ idal..o1 i h RO\\ 3 Stan 01 on. "1onica Montero. Edmond Basilios. Erin hepard . JO Leman. Ju ' lin \1ichels. Ja. on \\ ise. Jeff \\ilhelm. RO\\ 4 Joanna 'trau ·s. 'arah \izzi . Lrslie llarms. \nd1 \icol. \irk 'chmidt, Terrica \ Iiiier. \IIi ·on Pickard. \IIi on \cl..erman . Jonas D011n<'l . Lindse:r Fields. RO\\ 5 ' hall n 1\ror: . 1\athr~n Rainge . \1iSS) Hutjens . Eric Berger. enora van Es. E1 an Parkcrtephen •. Tony Pomoni . Da1 id George. Brent n:,.der. \ate Leach . "1ellssa 'onka. John Gorham. Doug Larson . BOTTOM PICTLRE Frc · hmen &. ophmore FRO\T RO\~: Giraldo Ro. ales. Rachel Fisher, G11cnna "1iller, Sarah Lim1 . 1\ri li "1arlin, \\ hilne:,. lla1icc. Jeanie \\ i egar1er. Adam Crm~ ford . RO\\ 2: \1att Hutjen , tac:r Kroes. Joanna Muster. Jill Lanko , '\nn Ross. 1\aly Canham. John To11 nsend . Josh Greenncld . RO\\ 3: Oe1 in Ouarle , Chri Salzman. Ken '\a I bone. Oann:r kin in . Li ·a Soucek . \manda \\ orkman. eth Henson. Lisa \tarlin RO\\ 4 \manda \e11 port. Lindse1 \1orris, Kate \1organ. \nnie llightshoe. Ami Pane hal . Eric \rnold. \ndre11 \\ eiss. Bets~ Holder.



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SHS Spanish Honor

Sponsor: Senora \ 'an Es Membership: 28 Dues: 87 .00 Requirements: Cumulative A a\ erage by end of third quarter of Spani h 3, 4, or 5.

Initiations: The 2nd week of 1a} . Activities: Tutoring other Spani h tudent in need of help, selling flowers before the \\inter break. having a car wa h in the fall. Objeclive: Recognition of high achievement in Spanish, commitment to the language and the Spani h peaking people of the world, and to promote understanding and friend hip among person of different origin and background .

This Page-Pic. 1: Don't }OU sometimes 11 i h that you had the head of a pinata? Pic. 2: pani h Honor ociet} Officers: Pre ident - Jena etter . \ice President Jenn~ 01 on. ecreta~ hm1 n Donnell) . Trea urer - Brent nyder. Pic. 3: pon ·or enora 1an Es. (From Lefllo Right) F'RO\T RO\\ : Jenn~ Olson. Jocelyn ~1artinku . Mar} 011en . Jill \ 'an \1atre. Jeff Piper. Brent ' nyder. E1an Parkerlephen . RO\\ 2: Tracy Cameron. ' u ·ie Boronal, Robert Simuli . 1:\.im \icol, Jena etters. \oelle \elson . \!eagan Robert ·. RO\\ 3: \manda Cre11 s, ikki \\ illiam , ~1yi ·ha Porter. Liza Sullie . hm1 n Donnelly . -\ndy 1\icol. \lcli sa onka . RO\\ -1: Terra \!arlin . Ale\ a11as. ikki Purkeypile . \IIi on \ckerman. Charlie Gor ki.



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German Cfub Sponsor: Ed J\llen Membership: 60 Dues: 9.00 Requirement : ) ou b a German tudenl. ctlvilie : Trip to Chicago, mo"ie outing . partie , and 1--- - - - -- -- - - --L-- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -11 Oktoberfe t.

Objeclive: To promote intere tin the German cultme and language.

This Page-Pic. I: He~ guys, I lo~e Grrman! Pic. 2. The Ortkers: President \nnie Tork. \icc Pre idcnt - James Frc~man . Sccret,J~ Bronw~n \1cCicllan. Treasurer - Heather "-orh . Pic. 3: \manda 's fayorite thing about German Club is the food! Pic. 4 \1iss Pre ·ident sho1~s off the nr11 fundraising items.



(From Left to Right) TOP PICTL RE- Frc ·hmen and Sophomore·- FRO'-IT RO\\ · "-atle Clegg, \1oll~ "-rol. \manda Earls. Liz \\arncr. 'llne-\1arie \lark1sscn . "-ell~ \rison . \udre~ 1~artz. RO\\ 2: Kritin to1cr. Ma~ Prell . Laura In ·kip. Claire Bassett. Dorian Bell1illc. Rachel Rm~din. Jennifer Tobias. usan Bro1~n . RO\\ 3: Blake \1argison. Johnn} Tock. Phil Dc1erell. James Inman. \ndrrl> Eads. Robert Cross. \1uhammad "-han. RO\\ 4 \1r. \lien. Rachel Miller. Shm> Temilliger. Christina "-retlng. R~an Thomas. Heather Pulcini . Dan Fletcher. ~1olly Endslr~ . Ben \\ angh. BO'I'f0\1 PICTl RE -Juniors and Senior - FRO"'T RO\\: \1onica 'amii. \manda Ennis. Jim 1«11andr. Jeff Frng. 'ara \ndrrson. Heather "-och. RO\\ 2 \nnir Toe!... Ramsr) \1argL on. \ngie Dalheim . James Frr~man. \1adhu Rrnduchintala . \nd~ Prlz. RO\\ 3 Doug Bonczek. Sam \!.111 . Eitan Gauchman. Dan Cheek. Ed Thomson . RO\\ 4: Ellzab th Bartels. Ben En in . Brom1 \n \kCiellan. Jenm Robrrts. \cal \ rrdid. · ·

. ,. .

E~:c.T 0 ,




GHS Club

arne: German Honor


Sponsor: Ed Allen Membership: 12 Dues: S8.00 Requirements: 1 ou mu t be a member of German Club and acti\ e in German. \ou mu t ha\e a B+ merage and have t\ o yem's of German completed.

Initiation Time: The fir t \\-eek or Vlay.

Acth¡ities: Sponsoring field trip to the middle chool , gi\ing the \\ underkind \\arc!, and the initiation

Objective: It is a national society which honors those tuclents who have distingui heel them elves in the studj of the German language in either high chool or college.

This Page-Pic. I: Jamec i ll'f) happ~ to !1nall1 be a member or GHS! Pic. 2: The Orficrrs: President - ~tonica Samii. \ice President \nd~ Prlz. rcrrta!) "-atarina Pari< (not pictured). TreasurerCraig Carter. Pic. 3: \II or the nr11 GHS member , are 1r!) l' \ Citcd to br a part or this club. Pic. -1: I'm cool. I'm hot. I'm in German! !From LerL Lo Right) FRO 'T RO\\: \nnle Toe"-. Bronwyn McClellan. RO\\ 2: Jamr 3: Ed Thorn on. Sarah Ander on. \ngrla Dalhrim, Jerrc!J Feng.



Frencfi Cfu6 Sponsor: Mme. Majdiak Membership: 50 Dues: $5.00 Requirements: Intere t French. Officers: Pre . - Lucy Shair ice Pres. - Ali on Ma Secretary - Lisa Janas Treasurer - Erin Boucek Activities: French mo"ies, French meals, Field trip to rt In titute and French reslaurant, and a caramel apple ale. Objectives: To cultivate interest in the French language and culture.

Thi Page - Pic. I : Becky show Mike what French ki ing i all aboul! Pic. 2: These French Club girl enjoy their field trip! Pic. 3: Chug-a-lug Lough guy! Pic. 4: The symbol of France!



Je sica OJ on. Alison imz. Erin Soucek. LiLtui<c:Vy"Stiair-:. Kfi8tV"Matiiaeii.1:1Sa~~s.jio'VBr'~~i'; . Liza Weber. ROW 2: Whitney Weber. Jeanna Bonello. Chri line Rodger . Ali on Ma tny, Meg Nel on. arnecki. Anya Paija. Katie Aquino. ate Straayer. ROW 3: William Summerville, Becky Medlock. icki Huhn. Rachel ALLerberry, Miles. Andy Robin on. John Fetlig, Corey Young. Emily Warren. Kara Kotynek. Emily Bromiel , Tere a Drollinger ROW 4: Jeff Rohlfmg, lrit ilverman. Mike Layman. Mikey 0 Lerbur. DaneLLe Marlin, Dani McMa Ler. Michael Averbu h. Alex \Vahba arah Randolph , Hannah Bryan. aoml hapiro. Kristen Porter. Heather "lalbone. Linda Tran. Mia Budesiu, Michelle Pulliam.


Due : 3.00 initial f lifetime member hip.

gi\ e

Requirements: n A a\ rage in French and n ed to obtain at lea t a B a\ erage in all other ubject . lnilialion Time: pring \clhities: Tutorino French tud nt . : To culti\at


Thi • Page - Pic I : Pre - \IL on \lastm . \icc Prcli - Lisa Janali. ,'ccrctar. Core~ \ oung. and Treasurer - ,'arah Randolph . Pic 2. \lmc 1\lajdlat-. nnall~ nnd, lime to lilt a , pel I. (From I .eFt to Right) FRO'\T RO\\ : True\ o. Chri lie Rogers. Li a Jana . Catherine udrth. Core \ oung. arah Ra Ma tny, Erin Boucck, Beet-.)' \1edlock, Luc)' hair, Jo)' BrO\\nridgc, ~1ichacl \\crbuch. RO\\ 3: 1\rist:-- \lauldcn. Danelle \!arlin. "'iate Ma t, Hannah Bryan . aomi hapiro. u ie Mile . Heather albone .





...-..,, "




Central principal reaping top accolades ur 011 n principal. Dr ,Jocsph \\ojlt'na . rollcrtcd l\1o top ;mards this f.lll nr \\ojtcna hns bern named Illinois 1993 Principal of the 'ear h1 the \ational \ssoriation o'r Secondaf'\ School Principals. lie r<'cie1ed this a\1ard in \\a~h­ ington. n C. on September 30 \lso . he 11as presented an iiii.Jrd in E\rellenre in the Illinois State Board of Education 's principal categof"' in Chicago on October 13 He does not taJ..e all the credit though . becnuse he helieH'S the teachrr~ . staff. and administration at Crntral haH' been a tremrndous help during his <'lr1 en 1cars a:; principal here lie is 11 cli-J..n0\1 n and recognized throughout this rommunit1 as a hard 11 orJ..cr. and he strong!\ hclir\('s most of his 11 orJ.. timr should be spent 11 ith his teachrr~ and studrnts . Hr rrcir1 rd bachelor's and doctoral drgrers from the lnilrr~il\ of Illinois. llr 11orJ..rd a~ a trachcr and principal in \ortlwrn Illinois and \\ i~­ consin beforr coming to Central Brforr , tarting his dutirs at Crntral. he brlir1 rcl hr IIOuld SIX'nd around one-third of his time in his office. but hr soon found out different " I don 't spend one-third of 1111 time in the officr ." Dr \\ojten:J said. "To bran dfrcti1r principal. IOU hmr to put in 60 to 70 hour~ a 11 eeJ.. I do a lot of papen1orJ.. in the e1rning · and on IICC'J..ends .. lie 11 as recognized last September in the \r11 s-Gat.rttr for his hard 11 orJ.. ;md hb outstanding arhieH'nwnts . Congratulations. Dr \\ ojtena!



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Hank Sanford, student pastor Call us for information about student and youth ministries I 384-3070 1500 N. Lincoln Ave. Urbana, IL61801

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PIIPILS, PLEASE RECITE: 1 CENTRAL IS EXCELLENT!''' Joseph A. Spagnolo State Superintendent of Education 100 , orth F1rst Street Spnngfield, IL 62777 -0001


February 8, 1996

R1ck L. Catt Oblong Doreen Crewe Secretary Palos Park Mark W Gallagher Wheaton W1lhamE H1ll Charleston Harry E Litchfield Coal Valley

Dr . JosephS . Wojtena Principal Champaign Central High School 610 West University Avenue Champaign, Illinois 61820 Dear Dr. Wojtena:

Mary Ann S MacLean Mettawa Gretchen L McDowell Chtcago Deborah Miller Hof{TTUJn Estates Lyle eumann V!ce-Cha1r SherTTUJn

Congratulations to you and your staff and the students at Champaign Central High School on being one of 266 public and private secondary schools selected as a National Blue Ribbon School. As you know , to be nationally recognized, a school must provide clear evidence that its students are developing a solid foundation of skills in reading¡, writing, and mathematics , as well as reasoning and problem solving . Your school was selected on the basis of its success in meeting high academic standards and creating quality educational opportunities for your students .

Jim Palos Ch1cago Sandra M. Pellegrmo Peon a Herb R. Roach O'Fallon Michael W. Skarr Chairperson Naperutlle

On behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education, I commend you and your staff for a job well done. Your school is one of the 12 public and non-public schools in Illinois to be awarded this honor. I applaud your efforts and wish you much continued success. Sincerely,

Julia Walsh Arlmgton He1ghts Patnc1a Yuzawa-Rubm Wilmette Vacancy Chtc'lgo


oseph A. Spagnolo State Superintendent of Education


·t ,,



Congratulalions, Marc! \\ c IO\ c ou and \\ i h you continued uccc and pride in all ) ou do. LO\C,

Dad. \1om,

tephanic. and Kim


\\ C IOH' \OU .

\1om . Dad . and Dan


Congratulations. Jill! Best \\ ishrs for a bright and happy future. \ ou mal-.r us frrl so proud. LO\C'.

Vlom. Dad. and Chris

Jrnn~ . Congratulation~ on four e\crllrnt \Cars at Central. \\e'rc \Cf\ proud of you! !\rep your chees~ ~mile. \our fun-IO\ ing spirit and your \\ illingne~~ to \\ ork hard to achie\ tho~e goal~ . an<l you 'll do wrat!


\\e lme you . \1om . Dad. Chris . and \nne P.S . \\ ho'~ going to dri\(' the Blur \\agon to Central next year?!?


1\atic. ) ou have done well in high school - \cry \\CII! Thanks for letting u~ enjoy the mu~ical ' , choral group and the flag football gamr~ \\ ith you . You hmr madr u~ proud a~ you hmr much to be proud of \1ost of all . \\ r aclmirr the scnsitl\ e. cming human bring \OU hm r brromc and arr!

Stacy , Congratulations on your graduation and accomplishments! \\e are proud of you and hopr that God \\ill continue to bless your life. Love. \11om. Dad . and \llatt

arah Ruthie. \ ou arc a ble sing to our family and we are o proud of you. Let God continue to in truct and guide you and ou will be sucre sful in all you do. We arc here for you. You are a joy. LO\e,

Dad, Mom, Matt, and Rachel

KristoKeep our e e focu ed on your dream and alwa remember that \J e lov ou Your #1 fan . Dad, IVlom. arah. and Web tcr

Congratulation Jeff! We're all very proud of you and wi h you only the be t in the coming college ear . Love, Dad, Mom, Kristin, and ~ike

Kri L , Congratulations on our graduation! Love, Mom, Dan, and ndr a

Dear Core , Ke p miling and exerci ing our wonderful en e of humor; don't ever give up who ou are and remember you alwa have choice . Enjoy our edu aLion and all the new opportuniLie that await you. We mi you already. Love, Mom, Dad, and Kyle

Brandon, Your hard work and effort ha e made u proud of our accompli hment , and our en ilivit i a gift that~ ill benefit ou in your future. We will alwa be there for ou. Congratulation and love, Mom, Dad, Elena, Katherine, Evan, R an. and David

\rin. From the moment you came into thi world. :rou have touched our lives in o man:r p rial way . 'our compa ion. con cienliou ne s. and ability to alwa be a rriend make us ' O proud. ) ou ha"e ·o much to orrer, and we wish you much happine and uccess a you pursue your dream . God ble s! \ve love ou. Dad. Mom. li ' ·a. and A.shley

JOCCI\'Il, \ou hmc made our li\cs richer for the pa t 17 year . \O\\ as you start out illlo the \>vorld on your O\'vn. k.nov.. that \\e are so proud of you . \ou are a beaulirul young \\oman in ide and out. \\ r knO\\ you \\ill go far in life . LO\C, Dad. Amy, and Chase

\tlatt . Congratulations on ~our graduation. \\ e are \e~ proud of ~ou and \\i, h ~ou much happine, a, ~ou begin another , egment of ~our life . \\e'll always be herr for ~ou . LO\e, \tlom. Dad. and Ryan

'<oelle. \\hal a pleasure it has been to ha\e you as our daughter! The indi\ idual you haH' become ha made us very proud - \Vith your tenacity and courage. you \\ill ancl can fulfill all of your drrams. \\e \viii always always br there to IOH' you ancl support you .

Lance. \\ay to go Lance! \ftrr -1 \C'ars. \OU ha\c madr il. \O\\ go out an<l change the \\Oriel! \\r hmr agape IO\C' for you. )our many finr charactrri Lies include a grrat srn r of humor ancl compassion for othrrs. \1m Go<l richly bless \OU throughout your lifrlimr. Our clerpest 10\ r . \1other ami Da<l

[;()\ ('.

Dad and \1om

" hannon " , \\e are o proud of you. \\ e IOH' you very much. Remember that \ve will always be here for you. Congratulation and be t wi he Love . Dad and :\1om

Dear \1ar~ (\1acldc). \ou hme accompli ·hed man~ goal · at Central. Be t of luck a · you begin a nev. era of life. and remember ... "Choo e to chance the rapid . Dare to dance the tide " \\ e IO\ e you and are \cry proud. - Mom and Bet y

To Paul, Congratulatiom from your old friend udre and Draudre . P.S. "The Bee' " and "Vacuum Cleaner " end greeting !

1\ristir. Congratulations on your graduation! \\ e arc o proud of you and your accompli hment . \\ c \\ i h you the \ Cf1 be t life can bring and all the happine • in the \\oriel. FoliO\\ your dream, . \\ c lo\ c you \ cr) much . LO\C , Dad. \lom. Tom. and \lutt

ll.eelj . Boundle • · is our lo1 e for you . Endles i our pride. Proud of all your accompli hments. And who you are in ide . ) our charm. your laughter. your spirit. Makes you special. uniquel} }OU . '\II of u 1~ho know you , love ou . 1\nd kn01v all your dreams lvill come true Love always. ~1om. Dad . ' hane. Tad . Dre1v . ll.ip. and Jae ·

Cath rinc. II the thing \\e dreamed you'd be, Are all the thing ou arc. You \ ere once our little girl. nd now our hining tar. Love for v r. i\tlom and Dad

Jer . Congratulation ! We are o proud of ou and our accompli hment . and \Vi h ou great joy and happine . The future i our - go follow your dream . God ble . Love. Mom, Dad, and Jami P.. "Cheer on"

To ,/OJ Bro11 nridge. Remember the 11 ords of t11e ,·pecial song I used to ing to .I ou 1~/Jen .m u were a bab.l . I am mor(' L!Jan pleased tlwt as you 11m e gro11 n into a young lad.\ . .1 ou \ e become " e\ceedin{!.l.l . atwndunl/,1 aiJme allllwl I coulcl asJ.. or l11inJ.. . ·· 1,()1 (' .


AD ' !


Our Dear \1onica . \\e are o proud of ~ou. the wa~ you hm e grO\\ n into a \ery pecial, beautiful. and talented \\oman. Just foliO\\ your dream and '' ork hard tO\\ ard your goal,. \\ e \\ill al\\ ay be here for you . \\e 10\C )OU . - \1om . Dad . hm\ n. and \ina

Our IOH' ha grown like you hme . \\e are so proud of you . Congratualtion ! - \unt Polly . Aunt Jean . and Corbin

Don, Charlie, and Matt From Little L ague, to Hoi Cross, to Central Var it , u' e gi en u man hours of fun (and worry!). Thank for the wonderful memorie ! Good luck in all our future endeavor . The Beckett , The Blixen , and The Kellys






Congratulations to the Class of '96! From, The MAROON Staff


Abbas, MaJdl . .. . .. . .. . . . 34, 151 Ackerman, Allison . . . 25, 63, 119, 134, 152, 158, 166, 167, 172, 173

Alexander, Mandl .... 87, 154, 168 Allender, Amanda 127, 152, 172 Allender, Matt . . 22, 34, 151, 152.

Beck, Adam 22 Becker, Cassidy 126, 163 Becker, Kathryn .. 134 Beckett, Don . .. 34, 112, 152 BeUevUie, Dorian 22 , 148, 174 Belt, Dare! .. .... 63 Benefield, Casey 87, 117 Bentley, Erin ..... 75 Bentley, Ja on .. 34 Bentley, John 147 Berger, Eric 112, 152, 163. 166,

170, 171 , 172 Berry, Crystal 34 158, 162, 166, 171 Berry, Melissa . . 153 Amacher, Leslie 24, 25, 34, 119, Bien, Hall 160 152, 158, 172 Bien, Loan . . . . . 34 Amacher, Maggie 75, 153, 168, Blshlp, Andrew 161 169 Blackburn, Thomas 34 Amacher, Mary .. . 25 Ammons, Jerrlon BlackweU, Josh . 34, 109, 166, 171 34 Bllxen, Charlie 34 . 112 Ammons, Unique 161 Block, Andrea . . 119, 153, 168 Anderson, Kelley 113 Anderson, Korley Block, Gretchen 35, 119, 158, 34, 101 , 112 167, 172 Anderson, Rachel 11 5, 152, 158, Boat~ht, Chad 101 , 112 164, 172 Bonczek, Doug Anderson, Sara . . 25. 63, 128, 152, 34, 174, 175 174 Anderson, T!m . . .... . .. . 154 Bonello, Doria . 128 Aquino, Katie 103, 123, 134, 135, Bonello, Jeanna 35. 128, 158, 176 144, 176 Bones, Tavis Arnold, Eric 117, 146, 147, 172 . . 117 Boronat, Susie Arnold, Michelle 153 22, 35, 151, 154, 172, 173 Ashraft, Kamblz . . . . . . 105 Boucek,Erln 35, 115, 152, 158, At-Taras, Ahmad 113, 133 166, 171 , 176, 177 Atldns, Devon . . 153, 154 Soucek, Usa 75, 115, 153, 156, Atterberry, Rachel . . 25, 128, 146, 171 , 172 152, 156, 158, 162, 166, 167, 169, Bowan, Kyle 154, 168 176 Bradford, VIctor . . 154 Auble, Jeremiah . . 162 Brannan, Joseph . . . . . . 35 Aung, Han .. 87, 160 Breeding, Matthew . . . . . 87 Averbush, Michael 34, 166, 171, Breen, Felicia 121, 146, 168 176, 177 Brewer, James 35 Avery, Khalyn .. . . 63, 154 Bridges, Nicole . . . . . 123 Brinkmann, Emily 107. 119, 156, 168, 169 Britton, Jason 75. 113 Broadbent, Kent 117 Bromlel, Emily . . .. 123, 129, 153, 169, 176 Bachman, Sarah . . . 34, 119, 147, Brown, Jack.le . . 129, 153, 156 152, 158 Brown, Jekeltha . . . 168 Bahrke, Erin . ... .. . 122, 147, 172 Brown, Latoya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Batley, Beth .. . 103, 172 Brown, Montreyel .. . 113, 133, 168 Batley, Jeremy 112 Brown, Mya . . . 22, 35, 151, 169 Baln, Matt . .. . 25 Brown, Susan 87, 154,174 Baln, Sarah . .. 15, 24, 25, 34, 128, Brown, Tla . . . . . ... . . 123 152, 158 Brownfield, Bryan . . . . . 35 Banks, atavla . . . . . 153 Brownridge, Joy 35, 149, 152, Bantz, Amy 22, 152, 158, 171 176, 177 Barber, Tanuny . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Bruer, Jimmy . . 101 Barefield, Dan ... . . . ... . 109, 112 Bruns, lcholas 35, 112 Barker, Brad 63, 112, 139, 158, Bryan, Hannah . . . . 103, 152, 166, 164 171 , 176, 177 Barker, Josh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Bryan, Jonathon 117. 154 Barker, lck . . .. . 15,34,152,172 Budescu, Mla . . 176 Barkley, Kaleb . ..... 75, 146 Bodle, lstoh . . . 160 Barr, Undsey . . . . . . . . . 103, 153 Budlmann, Mela 166, 170 Bartels, Elizabeth . . . 153, 154, 174 Buffer, Nick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Bartholomew, Joey . . . . . . . . . . 113 Bul, Kim . . . . . . . . 35, 160 Bartlottl, Melissa . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Bul, Thao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Bassett, Claire . . . . 148, 156, 168, Burdette, Christa 24, 25, 35 , 127, 169, 174 152 Bassett, Julie . . . . . . . . . . 153, 168 Burdette, Jenny . . . . . . 154 Baumann, Ryan .. . . . .. . 133, 154 Burge, Matthew . . . . . . . . . 35. 117 Beard, Troy .. . .. . . . . . .. 113, 168 Burge, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Beasley, Chad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Butler, Terrance . . 15, 35, 101, 139 Bechtel, Katie . . . . 24, 25, 34, 148, Buyno, Lance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 152, 158, 162, 164, 167, 169, 171, Bynum, Delisa . ...... . . . . .. . 154

CaUahan, Jennifer 103 Callahan, Sarah 25. 152, 166, 172 Cameron, Tracy . . . 35, 155. 158, 167, 169, 172, 173 123 172 88, 153 64, 112 123, 129 113 113 166, 175 Carter,~ 22 Caston, Michelle 168 Chapman, Aaron 76, 146 Cheek, Bonnie 88 Cheek, Dan . . 152, 174 Chen, Danny 161 Chi holm, David 121 Chisholm, Michelle 129, 154 Chol, Jeong . . . . . . . 35 Chol, Jung-Hwan . . . . . . . . . 171 Claiborne, Kam 168 Clapper, Taryn 22 Claros, Ana . . . 160 Clay, Jessica 151 , 154, 168 Clayborn, Christopher . . . . . 35 Clegg, Katie . . . 22 . 25, 123, 148, 149, 153, 169, 174 Cochrane, Chad 109, 113 Coclasure, Undsey .. . ... 153 Cohen, Carrie .. 152, 155 Colclasure, Briana 35 Colclasure, Undsey 129 Coleman , Michael .. .. . . .. . 35 CoUins, Brandl 76, 135 CoUins, Heather 64, 152, 156, 160 Conerly, Rita . . .. . .. . . . 123, 168 Coomes, Andrea 167, 169

Campbell, Jennifer Canham, Katy Carlson , Dan . . . Carlson, Ertc . . Carr, Katherine Carson, Dan Carson, Mike Carter, Craig . . 139, 154,

Cooper, Mark 88 Corbly, Jill 24, 25 Cox, Acen ..... .. . . . 147, 168 Cox, ell 35. 101 Crawford, Adam 117, 172 Creamer, Patricia 147, 161 Crews, Amanda 119,166, 172, 173 ..... 35, 101 76, 123, 153, 156. 164, 170 CroU, Anna . . 147 Cromwell, Brian 168 Crull, Anna . . .. 35 Cutlbertson,Eilzabeth 168 Curtis, Tony . .. .. 152

Crews, Matt Cripe, Jenny

8n Daly, Chris .. 64, 144, 158, 163, 167 DarUng, Stephanie . . 24 , 35, 122, 144, 152, 158. 167, 172 Dal1dson, athan . . . . 121 Dans, Cedric . .. . .. 109 Dans, Eric . . . . . . 113 Davis, Jonathan . . . . . 36 Dans, Kirstie . . . 88, 135, 152. 160 Dans, Lawrence . . . . . . 168

Dans, Matt 101 . 168 Dans, Ia .. 36 Dearmond, Walter 76 DeAtley, John 24, 25. 152 DeAtley, Rob 24, 25. 148. 149, 15 1, 152. 156, 158, 169

Debolt, David 36. 105, 147 DeJaclmo, Matt 168 Delgaob, Terry 160 Deponal, Michael 24. 25 36, 152 Derry, Michael 125 Desai, Chlrag 36 Deschler, Derek 105. 125 DesJardins, Michelle 103 Devan, Robert 36 Deverell, Phil 174 Denne, Janet 77 Dhom, Matt 101. 169 Dlep, Anh 36 Dlep, Phung 160 Dlep, Phuong Cam 64 , 160 Dively, Whitney 36, 152 Dixon , Micah 88 Dixon , Paul 36 Dixon, Stephanie 36, 160 Dixon , Tebeauba 168 Dobrovolny, Chrl 10 1. 117. 133 Dobrovolny, Spencer 11 3. 133 Donnelly, Shawn 36. 117, 132. 166. 172. 173 144, 167, 172 36, 171 109, 112 146, 148. 149, 158, 164, 169. 171. 176 Duckworth, Lanayta 36 Duckworth, Lorraine . . . . 161 Duff, Mike 36. 117 Duling, Andrea 36 Durry, Michael 36, 112. 154 Dyer, Myron . . 113

Downey, Jonas Downing, Brian Drew, Bryan . . . . Drollinger, Teresa

Eads, Amanda

25. 135, 152, 158, 164, 171. 174 Eads, Andrew 174 Ebrey, David . 36. 149 171 Edwards, Freddie 77 Edwards, Travis 36 Ekmark, Brian . . . . 22. 24. 25. 64. 148, 149, 15 1, 152 Elam , Shavonne 165 Elrick, ~e . . 122, 152. 158. 167, 169, 172 Endsley, Molly 103. 153, 169, 174 Engelhardt, Kelll 135 Ennis, Amanda ..... 36, 122. 174 Ernn, Ben 65 . 144, 163. 166. 167. 174 Evan , Patrick . . . .. .. . 36

Farrot, Jennifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Farrow, Jennifer .. . ..... 135, 153 Faust, Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Faust, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Fellers, Jeremy .. . . . .. . .. 37, 112 Feng, Jeff 37, 105, 156, 158, 163. 164, 166, 169, 170, 171 , 174, 175

Fettig, John .. . 105, 139. 144, 163.



166. 167, 170, 171 , 176 . . . . . . . . 168 119, 152, 158, 167, 169, 172 Fischer, Tim . . . . . . . . 158. 163 Fisher, Rachel . . 22. 77, 148, 149, 151. 156, 158. 169, 172 FllZflerald, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 FlanJ«an, Joseph ........ 37, 163 Fletcher, Dan ...... 109, 113, 174 Flood, Rachel . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 25 Flynn, Jared 101, 125, 133 Fonner, Ainanda ........ 121 , 153 Fonner, Emily .......... 121 , 153 Foreman, Shannon 24 Foss, Cassie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Fo Uin, Jonathon . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Foster, Arlc . . . ...... 113, 168 Foster, Roshema ...... 14, 37, 152 Frailer, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Frame, Ron . . . . . ......... 109 Frame, Tedrecko ......... 65, 161 Franlilln, Angela . . . . . . . . . 37. 152 Franlilln, Kyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Frazier, Denise .......... 37. 161 Frazier, Quaron . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Fretty, Elizabeth ............. 89 Freyman, James . . . 139, 158, 166, 167, 174, 175 FroehUch, Ke~ ..... 77, 105 Froeschl, Joey 101, 117, 152 Funll, Brandon . . . . . . . 113 FledJer, Ubby Fields, Undsey

Garrron, Elizabeth . . . 37, 115, 152,

158, 166, 172 Garcia, Anna 22. 24. 155 Gardner, Jennifer . . . . . . . . 154 Gardner, Robert . . . . . . . . 121. 154 Ga~.James ... . . . ........ 65 Ga~h. Stephanie . . . 115, 152, 172 Gatewood, Erica . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Gatson, Latonya ......... 37, 161 Gauchman, Eltan . . 117, 144, 166,

167, 174 Gehrt, lck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 George, David . . . . . . . . . . 147, 172 Giddens, Misty . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 GUbert., Bathel ...... 37, 112, 162 GObert., Jenny . . 37, 122, 156, 158,

167, 169, 171 , 172 GUUesple,John .............. 37 GUUesple, Rob . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 154 Gladney, Kym ... 37, 158, 169, 172 GUsh, Sarah .. 22, 77, 149, 151, 152 Glover, Kla'Lana . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Goings, Jeremy .... . ...... . . 168 Gordon, AJza . . .............. 37 Gordon, KaUe 89, 148, 151, 153 Gordon, Sean . . . 22, 37, 148, 149,

151, 152 Gorham, John ...... . . . . 117,172 Gorsld, Ben .... 109, 121, 146, 168 Gorsld, Charlie . 37, 101, 112, 158,

166, 171 , 172, 173 Grarr, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Graham, Corlnda ............ 168 Grant, Aqulsha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Grayson, na ............ 37, 153 Greenfteld, Josh .... 105, 156, 172 Greiner, Molly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Grltfet, HeaU!er . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Gro , John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166



Gro , Robert Grubb, Annie Gustafson , Brandy Gwinn, Bryan ....

174 65, 152 ... 153 .. 89, 133, 154

Inman , James lnsldp, Laura Ireland, Amber Ireland, Brendan 18om, Chris . . lsom, Jonathan

Hand, Jessica . ............. 129 Hanson, Gretchen . . . . . ... 37 Hard, Jennifer 78. 151, 155 HardJ«, Cathy . . . . . . . . 103 Harms, Leslie . . 24, 115, 134, 144,

152. 156. 158, 166, 167, 170, 172 Harms, Steve . . . . . . . . . 105 Harper, Erin . . . . . . . ....... 37 Harrington, Patrick . . . . . . . . . 125 Hartman, Jim .. 37, 125, 172 Ha~r. Mike .............. 101 Haney, Blake .......... 113, 154 Haussermann, Anne . . . 24, 25, 37,

152. 156, 158, 166, 167, 171 , 172 25, 127, 153, 171, 172 Hayden, Tamara ............ 161 Hayden, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Helms, Cory . . . . . .. 37, 109, 132 Henderson , Adam . . . . . . . 117 Hendrlcllson, elson . . . . . . . . . 38 Henry, Marshall 38, 152 Henry, Mell sa ...... 90, 153. 168 Henry, Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Henson, Lacey 154 Henson, SeU! ...... 133, 154, 172 Herbstrelt, Ami . . . . . . . . . 38 Herclll, Mary . . .... ..... 38 Herstrom, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Hewitt, Tracy . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Hlcllman, Robert . . 112 Hlgbtshoe, Annie ... 123. 153, 172 HUes, Autumn . . . . 65 urn, Jake . . . . . . . . . . 168 HUU, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Hinton, Jason . . . . . 78. 113, 133 Hitch, Shannon . . . . . . . . . . 38, 172 Hites, Brlna ........ 153. 168, 169 Hites, Stacy ............ 168, 169 Hottman, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Holder, Betsy 90, 121, 126, 156, 172 Hollins, Donald ............. 132 Holm, Erik .............. 38, 154 Holy, Patrick ........ 38,147, 171 Ho , Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 HotslnpUUer, Brent . . . . . . . 38, 109 Hoqh, Laura .. 103. 119. 168. 169 Huhn, Alison ............ 38, 103 Huhn, BeU! . . . . . . . . . . . . 153, 168 Huhn, lckl ........ 128, 146. 176 Hunt, Andrea ........ 25. 128, 152 llunt, Angle ..... 25, 128, 152, 158 Hunter, Isaac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Hutchison, Christina ......... 161 Hutjens, Matthew . . . . 24, 25, 113, 152, 172 Hutjens, Missy . 66, 154. 164, 166, 172 Havlce, Whitney . .

lmlg, AJU on . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 152

154. 174 135, 174 144, 147, 164. 166, 167. 171 90. 113. 153 113 .. . . . . . 38

Jacllson, LeDarius 78. 113 Jacllson, Rachel 168 Jacllson, Tyson . . . . . . . . . 113, 168 38 Jacobs, Scott .. .. . .. .. . Janas, Usa .. 24, 25. 38, 152.166,

91, 151, 168 39, 103. 144, 156 166, 171 , 174 Koehler, Luke 22 Kohl, ate 39. 109. 121 , 139, 152 , 166 Kotynell, Kara 128. 176 Kroes, Shaun 144, 166. 167, 171 . 172 Kroes, Stacy 22, 148, 149, 151, 155, 158, 164, 172 Krol, Molly 79, 103, 123, 135, 154, 174 Kuehn, Seppe 166. 171 , 172 Kyle, Devon .... . . . . . . 66 Knolle, ick Koch , HeaU!er

176. 177 Jancola, Marty 152 Jasper, Darnell . . . 113, 168 Jasper, Jermalne . . 112 Jeffers, Demarco 38 Je!J[s, oah . . . . . 38. 154 Jenlls, Ainber . . 123 Jenlls, Bradley 38. 152 Johnson, ChrlsUna 156, 165, 169 Johnson, Janelle . 107, 134, 160 Johnson, Jerome 154, 156 Johnson,Joel 66 Johnson, Juan . 90 Johnson, Juarl 153 Johnson, Judd .. 109. 121 , 172 Johnson, Stephanie . . . . . . . . 164 Johnston, Ainber . . . . . . . 153, 168 Jonas, Jon ................. 147 Jones, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Jones, Kenny . . . . . . . . . . . 161, 168 Jones, TeiTance .... . 113, 133,168 Joop, Michelle . . . . . 103 Judy, Cara 103, 134, 172 Judy, Kelli .............. 90, 153

101. 125. 132. 133 Kalloma, ltonde 117, 156, 158. 167, 169 Kallpenl, Josephine 153, 160. 165 Kammer, ick ...... 153. 167, 170 Kaplan, Joel ... 101 . 113. 146. 171 Karr, Katie . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 153 Karr, icole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Keaton, Kanltra . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Keeling, Christina ....... 129, 174 Keeling, Keeva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Kelly, Brandy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Kelly, Matt ......... 38, 101. 112 Kelly, Ryan ......... 91 , 113, 168 Kemper, KaU!erlne ........... 38 Kennedy, James ............. 79 Kesler, Dawn ....... 39, 154 Khan, Muhammad . . . . . . . . . . 174 KJm, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 KJm, Christine . . 66. 156, 158. 163, 166, 167 KJng, Sha~a ........... 135, 153 KJng'Jr., James .............. 39 KJtson, Dave ... 101, 163. 166, 171 KJegg, KaUe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 KJingel, Martin . . . . 156. 158, 166, 169, 171, 172 Kahler, Shannon

Laesch, Christy Lallonlsholl, Guy

129, 153 39. 167, 171 , 172 Lalande, Jim . . . 39, 105, 152, 174 LamJ[In, Kelly . . ..... 121 LamJ[In, Kim . . . . . . ... 129 Lane, Stephanie 123. 168 Lang, Andy . . 154, 156 Larson, Doug .. 125, 163. 172 Lathrod, Sunshine . . . . . 153 Layman,Mike .. 24, 101 , 112, 152, 158, 176 Leach, Nate .... 125, 167, 169. 172 Leatherman, Jeffery ..... 91 Leman, A. J. . . . . . . . .. 11 3 Leman,J . D.... 112, 132, 163,171 Leonard, Eric . . . . . 132 Leshoure, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Lewis, Charee ....... 66. 161 , 162 Lewis, Kenneth 39 Uaw, Sarah 79, 154, 171 , 172 Ueb, Warren . . 168 Under, Renni . . 128, 144, 162. 166. 167. 172 Upton, Jo b . . . 166 Loft.s8aard, John . . . . . 101 , 112 Logsdon, Jason ..... 39, 101 , 112, 152. 158, 169, 171 Lomax., Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Love, Yalonda .............. 161 IAmd, Will .......... 39, 171 , 172 4'nch, EllzabeU! . . . . . . . . 127 Lytle, Ju Un . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

MacGUvray, Katbertne ....... 166 Maher, Karen ........... 91 , 119 Maisel, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 MaD, Sam .... 24, 25, 67, 152, 174 MaUoch, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Manley, Kyle ............... 153 Manual, David .............. 113 Manuel, Brianne . . . 103, 152, 154.

164, 166, 167, 16~ 172 Manuel, Marcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Marglson, Blake ........ 152, 174 Marglson, Ramsey . . 25. 105. 152.

158, 171 , 174 Maring, Jessica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Marllvssen, Tine-Marie ....... 174 Marmion, Travis ........ 113. 137 Marshall, atalle . . 103, 123, 153.

156. 169, 170 Martin, Danette . . . 158. 163. 164. 166. 167, 176. 177 Martin, Krlsty 115 Martin, Krlstl . . . . . . . 79. 144, 172 Martin, Usa . . . . . . . . . . . 153, 172 Martin , Terra 39, 115. 144, 163, 166, 167, 172, 173 Martlnkus, Jocelyn 15, 39. 156, 166, 167, 172, 173 Mast, Nate .. 67. 125, 132,166.177 39, 154, 176, 177 Mastny, Alison 91. 154, 156. Mastny, Morgan 169. 171 Matre, Jlll Van . 43, 169. 172. 173 Mattingly, Jessica 153 Maulden, Krlsty . 24, 25, 39, 109, 126. 152, 158. 176. 177 Mbuvi, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 McBride, Abby . . . . . 22, 128, 151 McClellan, Blane . 154. 168 164, 166. McClellan, Bronwyn 174, 175 107 McClendon, Tamlsha . McClintock, Carey .. .... 39 McConaha, Anthony 39 McConaha, Tlsha 153, 161 McDaniel, Keely 25. 39. 128, 152. 158 113 McElwee, Jacob 24, 25, McFarland, Christopher 152 McGee, Shay ... . 103,134 McGUI, Wbltney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 153 McGlade, Diamond McKinney, Ashley . . . . 25, 80, 153, 156, 169 McLemore, Nick 148 McMaster, Dan I . . . 171, 176 22, 154 McNabb, Evan .... McNamara, Morine 154 McPhee, Megan . . . 24, 25 67. 103, 122, Medlock, Becky . . 144, 169. 176, 177 Medlock, Jennifer 123 Meek, Bonnie ........... . .. . 168 Mels, Bradley . . 153 Mels, Bridget . . . . . . . . . 154 Mennenga, Robert 113 Michels, Justin 125, 163, 166 Miles, Susie . . 119, 152, 166. 176. 177 Miller, Anthony . . . . . . . . . 166 Miller, Brandon ...... . . 39 Miller, Casey . . . 39, 109, 121, 144, 166, 167 Miller, Colin . . . . . 39 Miller, Elizabeth 24, 25 170, 172 Mlller, Gwenna Miller, James . . . . . . 40 MIUer, Nate . . . .. 67, 105, 117, 166 Miller, Rachel ....... 80, 123, 174 MIUer, Terrlca . . 160, 162, 169. 172 Minniear, Stephanie . . . . . . . . . 153 Misner, Anne ... .. . . ......... 24 Mitchell, LaRufus . . 123, 135, 148, 151, 154 Mohrbacher, Christine . . . 147, 152 Mohrbacher, Mary 127, 153, 168 Mole, Kristen . ... . ... 168 Montanelli, Sandi 103, 123, 154, 164 Montero, Monica ........ 115, 160 Moore, Larry ....... . 133 Moore, Lashonda . . . . . . . . . 80. 161 Moore, Ryan .... . 133 Morenz, Karen ... 40, 155, 167, 169 Morgan, Kate 153, 158, 164, 169, 0






171 , 172 121 , 169, 172 Morris, Undsey 168 Morris, Marcus 112 Mosenthal, Ben 25 Mulliken, Mary ........ . 153, 168 Mullins, Erin 121 Murray, Kate . 161 Murray, Ryan Musson, Steven ... 40 Muster, Joanna . . . 119, 129. 148. 149, 172

Nalbone, Heather 40, 107, 119, 14~ 15& 162, 167. 172, 17~ 177 Nalbone, Kenneth . . . 80, 172 Nash, Anlt.a 40 Nash, Charles . . 113 Nash, Jerome 137 Nelson, Jessica . . . . . . . . . 22 Nelson, Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . 123, 174 Nelson, Megan 123, 153, 156, 169. 171. 176 Nelson, Mika 103 Nelson, oelle . 15, 40,146, 156, 158. 162, 166. 167, 169. 171 , 172. 173 NerUen, Matthew ..... 40 Ness, Becky . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 153 Neuelom, Wllllam Neumann, Nick 170, 171 Newport, Amanda 121 , 154, 172 113, 133, 154 Nicholas, Michael Nichols, Matthew 80 Nicol, Andy 67, 101 , 117, 154, 166. 170, 172, 173 40. 103. 122. 154, 166. Nicol, Kim 171, 173 Niles, Brooke ............ 40. 103 Nlmz, Alison 22, 40, 151, 154. 158, 176 Nlmz, Sara . 151 , 153 Nb:, LeConte 109. 112, 132 Nlzzl, Sarah 162. 171 , 172 0

O'Brien, Nate .... 113 O'Connor, Jamie 103 103. 123 O'Connor, Lauren O'Nelll, Dan . . . . . . . . . 101 O'Nelll, Stephanie 152, 158, 163, 166 Ochs, Sara . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Ohlsson, Laurie . 25. 129. 152 Olsen, Brandon . . 152, 158 Olson, Jenny 40, 119, 152, 156, 162, 166. 167, 171 , 172, 173 Olson, Stan . . . . 68, 171 Olsson, Jessica 40, 148, 149, 151. 152. 158, 164, 176 Olsson, Magnus . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 25 Osler, Jarret . . 113. 133 Osler, Markel ......... 112 Osterbur, Mike 40. 101, 117, 171. 176 Overcast, Amber .... . 161 Overcast, Kenya . . . . 161 Overstreet, Clayton ... 113, 137 Overstreet, Slgele . . . . . . . . . . . 103 0






Owen, Mary

40. 156. 158. 166, 167, 172, 173

Ralnge, Katllryn . . . 166. 172 Randolph, Sarah 41 , 122, 158, 166, 167, 169. 170, 171 , 172, 176 Rasch, James . . . . . . . . . 154 153, 174 PaQa, Anya 176 Rawdln, Rachel 121 . 153 Palmer, Tomeka 40 Ray, !cole 41 , 148. 151 Pan, XI 160 Reay,Joseph 93. 154 Panchal, Aml . 93. 135. 170. 171 , Reed, Jarrett 22 , 24 172 Rehbein, Michelle 24 Panchal, Se)al 40. 158. 169 Rehblne, Jennifer 81 Park, Katarlna 40 Reid, Corey 24 , 25 . Parker-Stephen, Evan 139, 158. Renduchlntala, Madhu 152. 158, 174 163. 166. 169. 171. 172, 173 168 Pari, XI . . . . . . . . . . . 153 ReveUs, Timothy 112, 132 Parmer, Penelope . . . . . . 22 Reynolds, Antonio 41 , 109. 139 Parr, Sarah ....... 40, 147 Reynolds, Harvey 133 Patel, Alpa 40 Reynolds, Robert 139. 160 Pavia, Anya 153. 170. 171 Rhee, Jaemln 127, 162 Pearson, Jessica 154. 168 Rice, Kearston 133 Pease, Stephanie . . . . . . . 40 Richardson, Chris 123, 153, 156. Peat, Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Richey, Jessica 168 Pellum, Chad 125. 168 107. 121 Pellum, Jim 101. 117. 133 Ringler, Sarah . 153 Pelmore, Quanat.a 93, 153 Roberts, Brandl .. 68 Pelz,Andy 24,25,117, 152, 174, Roberts, Grant 152 , 174 175 Roberts, Jenny .. 41 , 103, 146, Peper, Kelly ................. 81 Roberts, Meagan . 166. 173 Peper, 4Yfldsay 68, 122, 154, 158, 22 . 117. 170, 166 Robinson, Andy .. 171 , 176 Perez-Gonzalez, Cristina . . . . 123, ... 41 160, 172 Robinson, Bridgett 107 Peter, Jonathon St. 133 Robinson, Tyrels 93. 113, 153. 168 Peters, Tara 123. 154, 171. 176 Rodgers, Aaron 24, 153 Petry, Bethany 121 Rodgers, Alalnna . 25. 119, 152, Pettigrew, Vontlce . . . . 132 Rodgers, Allison 156, 158, 167 Pettis, Shelonda 161 41. 154, 171, Phillippe, Jayne 103, 126, 154 Rodgers, Christie 176, 177 Phillips, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 153 Phillips, John .... 101 Rodgers, Jeffery 68. 112. 176 Phillips, Marcus . . . . . . . . . . 41 Rohlftng, Jeff 81 , 172 Pickard, Allison . 107, 119, 152, Rosales, Giraldo 24 156, 166. 167, 172 Rosenblatt, Audrey . . . 172 Pierce, Erica . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Ross, Ann . . 41 . 109. 112. 166. 172 Pierce, Lacle . 41, 128 Ross, Don 41 Pierce, William . . . . . . . . 41 Ross, Sharlsse . . . 107, 121 , 156, Piper, Jeff . 41. 125. 139, 156. 158. Rueda, Francesca 158, 167, 169 166. 167, 172, 173 117 Plwonl, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Rueda, lck 139 Pollock, Java ................ 93 Rund, Thad 168 Pomonls, Tony 167, 170, 172 Russel, Terri 168 Porter, Kristen 14, 41 , 122. 176 Russo, Josh ..... 0....... 81 . 168 Porter, Mylsha 160, 166. 173 Ryan , Colin 41 Prahl, Karla 81 Ryan, Shannon . . . Prell, David . . . . . . 171 Prell, Mary . . 103, 126, 171 , 174 Pryor, Lucas 121 Puffer, Kathryn 41 Pulcini, Heather 123. 169. 174 saba, Laurtce . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Pulliam, Michelle 148, 149, 151, Sallee, Robert 94, 113 164, 176 Salzman, Chris 113. 172 PurkeypUe, !cole 24, 25, 68, Salzmann, Cary . . . 127, 149, 153, 129. 152, 158. 166. 172. 173 158, 164, 171 , 176 Samll, Monica 22 . 41 , 148, 149, 151 , 152, 158, 169, 174, 175 Sanchez, Rico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Sandquist, Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Sandrock, Mark .... 113 Sandrock, Tom ............ 109 Sameckl, 4Ynn 154. 176 Quarles, Devin 109. 113, 172 Sameckl, Tony 113 Quick, Ryan . 25 Savathphoune, Chansouk ... 22 Quick, Tyler .. 112 Savathphoune, Khamsay . . . . 115, 166, 170 Savvas, Alex . . . . . . . . 41 , 172, 173 0



es 0


















Scarpetta, Gina . . . . . . . . . . t35 Schanche, Kim . . . . . . . . . . 25, t 52 Scheltlln, Jennifer . . . . . . . t29, t54 Scheu, KrlsUe ..... 4t, t03, t55 Scheu, Tom .. . ............. t54 Schlomann, Becky . . . . . . . . 22, 25 Schmidt, lck . . 69, t 39, t 69, t 72 Schmidt, Taylor ..... t03, t46, t64 Schoonover,Jo h . ... ....... tt2 Schwalm, Melody .......... . . 82 Schwenk, Kristen . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 t Scott, Amy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Scott, Brandon .. . . . . 41 , 109, 121 Scott, Katherine .. ... 25, 107, 1t9 Seaman, Arlo .. .. ..... . .. .. . 4t Seaman, Ashley .. .. . .... 94, 123 Seaman, Steve . . . . . . . . . . 41, 154 Seeber, Chad ..... . .. .. . 113, 139 Se«ovlch, Keith . . . . . . . . . 113, 149 Sensenbrenner, Will . . ... 139, 166 Setters, Jena . . . . 24, 42, 115, 144, 152. 156, 158, 162, 166, t67, 171 , 172, 173 Shalr, Lucy . . . . 42, 158, 164, 166, 167, 171, 176, t77 Shalr, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Shapiro, aoml . . . . 134, t52, t56, 158, t66. t69, t 76, 177 Sheets, John .......... . 113, 139 Shelby, Summer . 24, 25, 152, 158, 164, 167 Shepard, Ertn . . 24, 122, 134, 152, 156, 166, 167 Sheplak, Margaret . . . . . . . 42, 152 Sheppard , Drew . 69. t44, t66, 167 Sheppard, Ryan . . . . . 82, 105, 146, t58, t64, 169 Sherrell, Ginger . . . . . . . . 42 Sibley, Talaya . . . . . . . . . . t55, t6t Sibley, Tamlra . . . . . . . . . . t53, t55 Silverman, Ell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Silverman, hit . . . . . . . . . . t 58, 176 Slmlln, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t t3 Slmutls, Robert .. 42, 154, 166. 173 Slnder, Mark ... t17, t39, t54, t70 Sln8)eton, Kenyetta . . . . . . . . . t60 Sitch, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Skadden, David . ......... . .. 162 Skhn1n, Danny .... . ...... . . . t72 Slates, Rafael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Slou~Jh, Katie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 53 lth, Brian .. . .. . . . . 24, 25, t52 Smith, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Smith, Dannel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 lth, Dustin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Smith, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Smith, Krista . . . . . . . . . . . 152, t66 lth, Lashonda . . . . . . . . t27, 162 Smith, Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tt 9 Smith, Mella ..... . .. . .. t23, 154 Smith, ate . . t5, 42, 109, 117, t47 lth, Tara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Smith, na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t61 Smith, Tommy .. . .. . .... . 69, 132 Snyder, Brent . 10t, 139. 156, t58, 166, t67, 171, 172, 173

Sobkovlak, Britton . ...... 42, 112 Sonka, Melissa . . . . t07, t2t , 152, 156, t58, t66, 167, t69, t72, t73

Spencer, Danlelle . . . 25, 156, t58, 167, 169

.... 22 , 24 Stasherr, Genevieve 123 Stephens, Margaret Stewart, Kenny . . . ........ 133 Stickles., Robert . . . . ...... 101 Slover, Kristin .... .. 129, 153, 174 Slraayer, ate . . . . . . . . 168, 176 Strauss, Joanna . . . 144, 146, 147,



83,117, 154 ...... 154 . .. . ..... 43

156, 158, 164, 172

Sudeth, Catherine . . . 42, 155, 158, 164, t66, t67, 169, 177

Summers, John ... 24, 25, 112, 152 Summerville, William Moses . 14, 22. 24. 25. 42 , 109. 112, 151 , 152, 162, 165, t69, 176 Suttle, Uza . . . . 70, 103, t29, 154. t58, 166, 167, 172, 173 wartz, Audrey . . . . 123, 135, 153, 154, 174

Tanner, !cole .. .. . . ... . 94, 153 Tanner, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Tate, Phyllis . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Tate, Prentiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 33 Taylor, Deshaune . . . . . . . . . . . t61 TenpaU, Jamie . . 113, t56 TenpaU, Jeremy 42, 101 , 128,

Vance, Anthony . . . . . 95 Vanderwelt, Rachel 123 VanLaar, Elise .. 25, 152, 158, 166 VanMatre, Jill . . . . . . . . 158, 167 Vau~Jhn, Derek ..... 1t3. 137. 168 VaU~Jhn, Lindsey t 19, 144, 167, 172

Verdict, Lisa . . 119. 153 Verdict, eal . . 139, 174 Vldakovlch, Dan . . . 146, 172 Vo, guyen ..... 83, 121 Vo, True . .. .. ... 70 . 166. t76, t77 Vohs, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Von~Jsmon~Jlehol, Cbanlda . . 24, 25 Vonner, Brandon ......... 43, 132 Voss, icholas . . . . . . . . . 95 Vu, Domlnlc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Vu, Phong .... . . 43, tt7, t62, t72

158, 163

Tepper, Stacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Terry, KhaUU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 TerwUU~Jer, Shaw . . . . . . . . . . . t 74 Thomas, Caleb ........ . 113, 154 Thomas, Grant ......... 137, 154 Thomas, Ryan . . t 13. 152, t 58, 17 4 Thompson, Dledre . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Thompson, Jesse 83, t 13 Thompson, Shawn ... . . . 112, 137 Thomson, Ed . . . . . . . . . . 174, 175 Thomton, Desiree ... 160, 165,176 Thomton, Shant! ............ t27 Thorpe, Tamarah .... 123, t35, t54 Thurman, Lucas .. . .... . ..... 42 Thurston, Mike .. . . . 117, 139, 152 Tletrel, Heath ....... . ... 70, 166 Tobias, Jennifer . 22, 24, 148, t54, 164, 170, 174 t34, t52, 166, t74, t75 Tock,Johnny ....... 117, 152, 174 Todd, David . .... 83, 101, 113. 168 Toombs, Kenyo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Townsend, John . . . t39, 152, t56, t58, 17t, t72 Townsend, KaUe . . . . 42, 107, 122, t56, t66, t67, t69, t7t, t72 Tra~er, Aaron .. . ... . .... . . t t3 TraU, Libby ..... 42, 147, 162, 172 Tran, Huy . 42, 12t, 154, t64, t 70, t 7t, t 72 Tran, Linda . . . . t 53, t 70, 17t . 176 Traxler, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Trf8~Jer,Jeff . . . . . . ... . . 10t , 113 Trotter, Rob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Truaz,Cbene ............... 43 Trusa, Sam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Turner, Angel ... . ......... . . 43

Tock, Annie ...

Spencer, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 68 Spice, KrlsUe .. . . . ... 94, 123, t35 Stack, Michael .. . .. . . . .. 148, 15t Stack, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Stanko, Jill . . 24, 82, t15, t54, 172 Sta herr, Eleanore . 22, 24, 25, 69, 148, 149, 15t , t52

Unander, Michael . Unander, Stephanie Upshaw, Gradls ..

ffackerlln, Krls . . ... . 43, 125, t67 ffahba, Alex . . . . . . . . t 76 ffalker, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 ffalker, Tiffany . . . . . . . . . t23, t35 ffalsh, Marc ............ 43, t54 \¥alters, Rene 43, t t2, t28, t 72 \¥alton, Blrk . . . . . . . . 43. t 17, t 72 ffard, Sbayna . ..... 95, t23. t68 ffamer , Elizabeth ..... . .. 83, t 74 ffarren, Emily . . . . . . . . . . 171, 176 ffarren, Justin . . . . . . . . . . . . . t09 ffashbum, Aaron . . . . . . . . 43, t t 7 ffashbum, CbMstina .. 70, t52, t55 ffashbum, Maria ....... t52, t55 ffashlniJlOn, Lawanda . . . . ... 135 ffattnem, Allison . . . . . . . . . 24, 25 Wauflh, Ben .... . . .. . . . t t3, t 74 ffeber, Jennifer . . . . . ....... t64 ffeber, Kate 22, 25, t48, t52 , t66 Weber,Liza . . .. tt9, 152, t58, t76 ffeber, Rebecca .......... 22, 25 Weber, Tiffany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Weber, Whitney . 43, t19, t52 , t58, t62, t67, t7t, t76

Weiss, Andrew . . . . . . . . . t t 7, t 72 Welboum, Heather . . .. .. ... . t69 Weldon, Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Weldon, Ryan ....... . ...... 156 WeUman, Rob . . . . . . . . . . t t 7, t 39 West, Jackie . .......... t53, t68 White, Craig ........ 83, t05, t t3 White, Tyrell .. . . 95, t t3. 133, 168 WhltseU, Carlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . tot Wickert, Allison . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Wieneke, Mike . . . . . . . . . t t 3, t 33 WUhelm, Jeff 117, 158, 163, 166, t7t


nm ...

24 , tOt , t25, t52, t56

95 . 153 101, tt2 t68, 169 t2 8, t 52 t33 123, 153 7t t63. 170 t09, t2t 83, t 03, 126, t72 Woehrmann, Joel 117 14. 43, 101 , 112, WoJtena, Joe t44 , t62. 167 Wolf, Jocelyn .. . .. 43 WoniJ, Mike 117 Wood , Jade .... . . .. 43 Woods, Ernest ... . 168 Workman, Amanda t53, 172

Yacoub, Jonathan . . . 43 Yarber, Andre 113, 168 York, Michael ....... 95, 151 . 168 York, atalle . .......... t29, 172 York, ate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113, 168 York, Troy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Youn~J, Corey . . 43, 115. t58, 171 . t76, 177

fVUUams, Abigail . . . . . . . . . . . . t 58 fVUUams, Amy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 WUUams, Dlonna ..... .. .. 7t , t62 WUUams, Lkk.l . ... 152. t55, 172, Ulen,

Williams, n a Williams, Wes Williamson , Michelle Wilson, Angle Wilson, Cartice Winkel , Meghan Winston, CapriJawn Wise, Ja on Wise, Mark Wlse~Jarver , Jeanie

WUUams, Ryan . . . . . . 43, tOt. t 12

Zeferlno, Gustavo . .. 117, 152, 160 Zef81er, Kurt ....... 113. 139. 153 Zle8)er, Andy . . . . . 112 Zimmerman, Christopher . . . . . . 4





the Editor of the '96 1\!lmoon. \\Oulcl like to thank our , tarr for all of their hours or hard work and dedication. De pitc all the 'CTC\\-up and day of ju ' t sitting mound. the book turned out to be the be t yet. 1 he theme. "Oh The Place \\c'll Go!" \\a , u cd courtc y or Dr. cu . Although it cern to be an adolc cent theme , it 'cnc a ' a , ~mbol of in piralion for all people anc! L meant to define the \miou acti\itic, Central , tuclcnts take part in . ~c hope C\cryonc cnjo ed the book. Good luck to t11c starr next year. c peciall Editor DaneLLe and Brent. Thanks to our d\i or \llrs. ll obb ' for all her patience and extra help. Be tor luck to the Cia or '96! \\ e can't e\en begin to imagine the " Pl ace ~e'll Go."

cv -~~-




Ann H.- Ed. Tony Pomoni Michael Layman Irit ilverman

Jenn y 01 on -Ed. ate Leach - Ed. Alii on Pickard J o h Greenfield Stephanie O 'neill




Danette Martin - Ed. Seth Henson Cath rin udeth J.D. Leman

Jocelyn M. Becky ess

Brent nyder Jame Freyn1an

ADVISOR Sheryl Hobb

SPECIAL THANKS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ilene Silverman Kristin Piper Eitan Gauchman Jim Pellum Julie Sherwood

Donna Martin Leslie Harm Adam Fi ch r David Georg Central Faculty


Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go. You'll look up and down streets. Look 'em over with care. About some you will say, "I don't choose to go there.'' With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, you're too smart to go down any not-so-sood street. And you may not find any you'll want to _go down. In that case, of course, you'll head straigbt out of town. It's opener there in the wide open air. Out there things can happen and frequently do to people as brainy and footsy as you. And when things start to happen, don't worry. Don't stew. Just go right along. You'll start happening too. OH! TRE PLACES YOU'LL GO/ You'll be on your way up! You'll be seeing great sights! You'll join the fliers who soar to high heights. You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed. You'll pass the whole gang and you'll soon take the lead. Wherever you fly, you'll be best of the best. Wherever you go, you will top all the rest. Except when you don't. Because, sometimes, you won't. I'm sorry to say so but, sadly, it's true that Bang-ups and Hang-ups can happen to you. You can get all hung up in a prickle-ly perch. And your gang will fly on. You'll be left in a Lurcb. You'll come down from the Lurch with an unpleasant bump. And the chances are, then, that you'll be in a Slump. And when you're in a Slump, you're not in for much fun. Un-slumping yourself is not easily done. You will come to a place where the streets are not marked. Some windows are lighted. But mostly they're darked. A place you could sprain both your elbow and chin! Do you dare to stay out? Do you dare to go in? How much can you lose? How much can you win? And IF you go in, should you turn left or right ... or right-and-three-quarters? Or, maybe, not quite? Or go around back and sneak in from behind? Simple it's not, I'm afraid you will find, for a mind-makerupper to make up his mind. You can get so confused that you'll start in to race down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space, headed, I fear, toward a most useless place. The Waiting Place ... for people just waiting. Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come,


or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or No or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting. Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite or waiting around for Friday night or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil, or a Better Break or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants or a wig with curls, or Another Chance. Everyone is just waiting. NO! That's not for you! Somehow you'll escape all that waiting and staying. You'll find the bright places where Boom Bands are playing. With banner flip-flapping, once more you'll ride high! Ready for anything under the sky. Ready because you're that kind of a guy. Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all. Fame! You'll be famous as famous can be, with the whole wide world watching you win on TV. Except when they don't. Because, sometimes, they won't. I'm afraid that some times you'll play lonely games too. Games you can't win 'cause you'll play against you. All Alone! Whether you like it or not, Alone will be something you'll be quite a lot. And when you're alone, there's a very good chance you'll meet things that scare you right out of your pants. There are some, down the road between hither and yon, that can scare you so much you won't want to go on. But on you will go though the weather be foul. On you will go though your enemies prowl. On you will go though the Hakken-Kraks howl. Onward up many a frightening creek, though your arms may get sore and your sneakers may leak. On and on you will hike. And I know you'll hike far and face up to your problems whatever they are. You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.) KID, YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS/

So .... be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea, you're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So ... get on your way/

Oh, the Places You'll Go! By Dr. Seuss



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