1999 Maroon

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Contents Student Life . . . 4 - 31 Seniors • . . 32 - 69 Album • . • 70 - 111 Sports ..• 112 - 155 Clubs •.• 156 - 191 Staff . • • 192 - 203 Ads and Index . . • 204 - 221


ol rsity Avenue .,.z._ .....~., Illinois 61820 )351-3911

: 1,234 ~.&..&..&.e 89

er tore 9. otal 8."Da Crib" 7.The hood 6.Matti Park S.The mall 4.The couch 3.The pool

'SVttHERAftt ~-S Stttf 1'"f. -M

ThisPAGE-Pic. 1 NiaGalarascutsloose. Pic. 2:Mike Sitch and Brian Gwinn are bosom buddies! Pic . 3.Lindsay Pope is a g1rl who knows what she wants. P1c . 4:Liz Fraker. Kelli Judy, and Marnie Stephens spent their summer in the fields. Pic . 5:Sheena Marshall. Tunisha Frame. and Shantell Moscoraley cuddle up for the camera . Pic . 6:Teen Angst! Lenore Zion gets her summer tatoo. Pic .?:Andrea Block spent most of her summer sleeping in random places.



tudent Life

HallofHo ors Open the doors to the newest addition at Central. The taxpayer ofChampaign helped to create our very own " eely Hall" . The "G. • eely' John ton Hall of Honor " wa dedicated on eptember 20, 1998. An open hou e wa held to dedicate our new addition to G. 'Seely' John ton, a 1920 Central High graduate. eely later graduated with a bachelor' degree from the of I College of Commerce. Seely ha been acti\e at the Central Award Day for over ixty year . Thi new hall feature addition uch a a media center, child development day care center, three cience laboratorie , nine remodeled cia room , and a food laboratory. AI o, at the end of the hall, tudent are greeted by the life ize Max Maroon, the chool rna cot. The main entrance i now Park treet, and Central tudent can ee the difference a they enter " eely Hall".

hampaign Central High School

G. "Seely'; Johnston

or.: ij6jlor~ . ··~·.,;.·.\:,... ~ ;..~ " Dedicated SeptemtierU998 •':-£:, .·: .. .-·~;·:e. ·<r: )! Han '


Th1sPage-Pic l.SeelyJohns on's words are well apprec1ated at Central P1c 2:Mrs. P1rtle is ready to cook up a storm wi h he new Foods Lab equptmen Pic. 3:Pat Harnngton looks like he's gett1ng 1nto some trouble n the lab Pic . 4 Some lovely ladies of Centra pose w1th our good fnend Max. P1c . 5 The Uttle Maroons are enjoying the Child Development Center Pic.6:Kyle Manley hides behind her desk 1n the new administration offices

tudent Life



r After a ummer that eemed to have flown by Central High chool tudent are BACK TO SCHOOL! With a new library, office , and front door, there was plenty of confu ion to go around. But, the day ended with a great back to chool dance to kick the year off right.

This Page Pies. form left to right: P1c. 1: Did we plan this? Pic. 2: Ahhh! .. They're Back! Pic. 3: Schedule Time! Pic. 4: "Hey that rock looks comfortable: Pic.S "How are you ... that's too bad." Pic . 6: "Two to the right ... Four to the left.· Pic. 7. "Mom said she would get me one of these for Christmas.·



Student Life

'[iii"' 'I II ,_, CJ

q 1


Th1s Page P1cs. from right to left. P1c 1. Thecafetena is that way P1c 2: Comfy. P1c. 3 "Don't look so confused. you re a sen1or!" Pic 4¡ "Hmmm .. what can 1 eat for lunch?" Pic. 5 A little help never hurts. Pic . 6: "Is he speaking German?"

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ac Who: all Central tudent What: Back To chool Dance Where: entral Courtyard When: Augu t 31 t, 199 , 7-9 p.m. Why: to celebrate the start of another chool y ar! ---Once again, the Back To chool Dance wa a huge uce entral tudent enjoyed eeing each other after the ummer break. Fre hman were exited about their fir t High School dance. The Courtyard wa decorated and looked great! Everyone had a bla t and wa looking forward to the chool year to come.

This Page- Pic. 1: Just chillin' at the Back To Sc hool Dance. Pic . 2: Sure. unsure? Pic. 3: Bust a move! Pic. 4: Getting friendly! Pic. 5: Freshman! Pic . 6 One. two. cha. cha. cha! Pic. 7: It's a choo-choo train! Pic . 8: Jana and Jackie choose the right job! Pic. 9: The 1998 Back To School Dance was a huge sucess!



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o Sc




p r s Day The 1998 Sport~ Day wa~ held at Bottenfield Elementry School. The u~ual event~ of basketball, volleyball, and flagfootball were played. The 199 winner~ included Robert Reynolds' basketball team, Liz Fraker's volleyball team, and Bryan Gwinn¡~ flag-football team. There was a very large turn-out, and everyone gathered to watch the fierce competitors play hard and have fun. Sports Day 1998 was one of the best ever, and we look forward to next year!

THIS PAGE-Pic . 1: Bryan Gw1nn dribbles past the defense Pic . 2 Oooo .. .l'm good! Pic 3: Mr. Ransom goes up for a block Pic . 4: I think I can. I think I can .. Pic . 5: DUNK! Pic. 6: Stand back the ball is floating under his hand! Pic . 7. Mr. Sallee strikes an of field pose.

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E\en though Homecoming came earlier than u ual thi year, it didn't top the tudent from howing their chool pirit during the week. The week tart d off with Pajama Day on Monday, Twin Day on Tue day, and Cia olor on Wedne day. On Thur day, to go along with the theme "Party Like A Rock tar," it wa Rock tar Day. The week ended with the traditional Maroon and White Day as everyone got ready for the game.

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1 The sophomore ¡usc twins. Pic. 2: Tommy represents the freshmen Pic. 3 Erin IS happy to wear maroon . Pic. 4 This group is happy to be upperclassmen P1c 5: Am1r sports his Tommy sleepwear. Pic. 6 Where 's the maroon? P1c. 7 Pretty 1n Pink. Pic 8. Rachel and Courtney are ready to cheer Pic. 9: These sophomores show off he1r class color.



Student Life

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: Someoneforgottherr socks and shoes. Pic 2. Party like a rockstar. Pic . 3 Aw. how cute' !I Pre 4 Kristi and Audrey show therr spirit. Pic . 5: Kar' are you a senior? Pic 6: The Polo Twins. Pic . 7 Out of bed and straight to school.

tudent Life



ep Central's 1998 Pep Rally helped build excitement and school spirit for Homecoming weekend. The cheerleader , pepettes, and band h lped boo t chool spirit. Mr. Spark announced the Homecoming Court and the fre hman ran away with the float competition victory. The game , cheers, and band entertained th crowd. Pep Rally 1998 wa a huge uce and the tart to a great Homecoming week nd.

THI PAGE- Ptc.I: Theseguysarealhmtles. Pic. 2: The cheerleaders and pepettes ;et up for thetr next cheer. Pic. 3: Jackie Brown leads another sucessful Pep Rally. Pic. 4: These gtrls are glad to be senior>. Pic. 5: Finahnng the Pep Rally plans. Pic. 6: The Band . Pte. 7: Go. Katie Gordon' Pic. 8: Teachers andJello, what a combo! Pte. 9: Mark Jacbon represents the sophomore class well. Pte. 10: Beat the Eagles II Go Central'!



Student Life

onfire The theme for thi year' bonfire wa "retro." The night tarted off with performance by the cheerleader , pepette , and band. Then the emor performed the infamous clas kit , which got everyone hyped up. There were two game played and the winner were, of cour e, the enior . Darnell Ja per, BJ Lytle, ick McLemore, and Johnny Tock won the lip inging conte t, and Joey Bartholomew and Kelli Judy won the jello eating conte t. The football team gave their traditional pep talk and got everyone ready for the big game. The night wa hort but a ucce .

THIS PAGE-Pic . 1: These seniors enjoy their last bonfire Pic 2: Warm it up Nick. Pic 3 Bryan leads the pep talk. Pic 4 Jack is that you? Pic . 5: Rock on Central. Pic . 6: Let it burn! !! Pic. 7: Oh, no what am I suppose to do. Pic. 8: Go Josh .. go Josh!!l Pic. 9: Party like its


tudent Life



Central's 199 Homecoming Parade went great! The float , band, cheerleader , and Homecoming Court member filled the street urrounding C ntral. The fre hman won the float competition with their "Hard Rock Cafe Central" theme. The ophomore cia came in econd, with the enior following in third, and the junior cia (2000) receiving fourth for the third year in a row . tudent , parent , and neighbor came out to enjoy the Homecoming fe tivitie . Central had another uce ful

THIS PAGE-Pic 1: Ridin' in Central Drumline . style! Pic 2: Pic 3: Pepettes Pic 4: Chris Brown is proud to be the junior attendant Pic S¡ Hey, Isn't it September? Pic 6: Pass off complete! Pic . 7: Lisa Verdick and Nick Mclemore Pic 8 19981999 Marching Maroons! P1c 9 Danny Roelffs enjoys rid1ng the float . Pic 10 Hey! Pic. 11: Party l1ke a rock star!



Student Life

Th1s Page- Pic. 1 '99! '99! '991 '99! Pic 2: Nice try JUnlorsl Too bad you gotfourth again! Pic. 3 Everybody wave to the cheerleaders! Pic. 4: The JV cheerleaders enjoy riding the big. red firetruck. Pic. 5: Mr Curry gets ready for his first Central Homecoming Parade. Pic 6 '011 '01! '01! '01! Pic. 7 B.J Lytle and Karen Maher make great senior Homecoming Court nominees. Pic. 8. If this is "Hard Rock Cafe", where is the great grub??

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The Game Thi year' homecoming game got off to a lo\\ tart for the Maroon . and at halftime they trailed 24-7 . Howe er. they came out of the locker room trong and ready to play. The Maroon urged pa t Rantoul 30-24 before the Eagle rallied for the winning core with lightly more than two minute left to play. Both team were hort handed. Central played without regular Montreyel Brown, Darnell Ja per, and Michael Yonner, due to injuries. But trong howing by Pat Phillip and Mike imlin kept Central in the game. Rantoul's head coach Terry Workman umrned up thi year' homecoming game with a memorable quote. "If anybody left thi game early, they mis ed a heck of a football game."

!5 THIS PAGE-Pic 1 Bryan Gwinn runs out the bal l Pic 2 Homecoming king and queen . Darnell Jasper and Kyle Manley. Pic.4: Billy Kyle Pic. 3: 991 cheers on a big play. Pic . 5: Jerome leads our the band during the big halftime show. Pic 6: Like the antena . Pic . 7: ¡ calm down Mark ...

18 ~

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THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: The 1998 Homecoming Court poses for a photo during the halftime show Pic .2: Stud .... What else can you say? Pic. 3: Courtney Russell leads the crowd with a cheer. Pic. 4: Wake up you guys! Pic . 5: Mike S1mlln charges down the field . Pic. 6: "I love you man!" Pic.7:The cheerleaders show heir encouragement! Pic 8. Go Central

tudent Life



Hoinecomin 1998 Get down and party like a rockstar at the 1998 homecoming dance! Homecoming wa ¡ from 8pm until llpm, Saturday, eptember 19, at Parkland College. With mu ic provided by the Gen ric D.J., Central rudents were ready to party the night away! After a big game the night before, the maroon and whit were ready to rock! What a night for Central!

THIS PAGE-Pic . 1: These seniors are ready to party like it's 1999! Pic . 2: Oh ... how cute . Pic 3 What's up? Pic. 4: Where did you come from? Pic. 5: Rachel Rawdin and Jana Zollinger show their stuff! Pic 6 What a great time these two are having! Pic . 7. Two generations come together Pic . 8 Will this new fad catch on? Pic . 9: They're stylin ' ! PAGE 21-Pic 1: Where 's the dance? Pic 2¡ Such excitement for these sophomores. Pic. 3: EVERYONE smile! Pic. 4: These two are enjoyng homecoming '98. Pic. 5: Are we looking alright? Pic . 6: Cheese! Pic. 7: Bill Muster and Erica White take a moment for a picture on the dance floor. Pic 8: Looking good Pic: 9 They got moves.



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~ 21

Hon1econ1in Court Nick Mclemore Birthday: Nov. 18, 1980 Hidden talent: Skills with the ladies. Person he would most like to meet: John Lennon Scariest movie: Silence of the Lambs Favorite saying: Don 't sweat my technique , I' m the real mamajama! Funniest thing he has ever done: I was at home by myself dancing , and I fell. It was so embarrassing, but I laughed it off. Plans after high school: College Favorite hobby: Playing guitar. Justin Lytle Birthday: Nov 22, 1980 Hidden talent: I can wiggle my ears. Person he would most like to meet: Cartmen (South Park) Best feature: My eyes Favorite hobby: Chasin ' ladies. Good luck charm: Wallet-size picture of Mrs. Shepard Funniest thing he has ever done: I hung out with a freshman. T.V. show he never misses: Howard Stern Favorite possesion: My mom

Terrance Jones Birthday: June 30, 1981 T.V. show he never misses: Family Matters Person he would most like to meet: My granddad Best feature: My lips Favorite saying: Shake sometin ' twerk sometin ' Favorite movie: Soul food What he would do if he won the lottery: Have an amusement park built in Champaign . Good luck charm: Taz key chain Favorite hobby: playing any sport 22



Darnell Jasper Birthday: Nov. 9 , 1980 Favorite piece of clothPerson he would most like ing: My boxers. to meet: Mariah Carey Favorite movie: Face Best feature: My voice and Off the way I talk. Plans after high Most prized possession: school: Go to college to My football trophy for MVP study computer programGood luck charm: My ming . marble egg . Mike Sitch Birthday: Sept. 23 , 1980 Hidden talent: I can tie both shoes in less than seven seconds (double knots). Favorite T.V. show: Sports Center Never leave home with out: a joke Plans after high school: Retire. Favorite saying: Groovy Baby Yeah! Person he would most like to meet: Socrates

Gina Scarpetta Birthday: Dec. 20, 1980 Person she would most like to meet: Jackie Kennedy Scariest movie: Alice In Wonderland Favorite hobby: shopping Favorite saying: "Yikes!" What she would do if she won the lottery: buy a lifesize Barbie Dream House in Malibu Favorite piece of clothing: tight rolled jeans One thing she never leaves home without: a smiling face Plans after high school: I will attend college , then go from there.

Kyle Manley Birthday: Jan . 7, 1981 What she would do if she Hidden talent: Singing won the lottery: Give Favorite T.V. show: money to my church and my Planet Groove family and friends. Then Scariest movie she has shop with what is left. ever seen: Nightmare on Plans after high school: Elm St. Go to college and have kids Favorite Hobby: Sleeping a long, long time from now.

Lisa Verdick Birthday: July 4, 1981 Favorite T.V. show: The Wonder Years Most prized possession: An old blue blanket Favorite hobby: Singing Never leave home without: Dental floss Where she goes to relax: Grandparent's house Favorite T-shirt: My London, Paris, Rome , Annawan shirt.

Karin Maher Birthday: Jan. 15, 1981 Hidden talent: Sticking quarters to my forehead without glue or tape Person she would most like to meet: Bob Dylan Most prized possession: my baby blanket Favorite saying: All right here's the deal Favorite piece of clothing : My Levi's jeans Where she goes to relax: My bedroom . Favorite Hobby: Going to class

Amanda Newport Birthday: Oct 23, 1981 Hidden talent: I can fold my tongue in half backwards. Good luck charm: Percy the Puffkin Never leave home without: My chapstick Funniest thing she has ever done: I ran into a pole while playing tennis. Favorite Hobby: Running and playing the clarinet (at the same time?) Plans after high school: go to U of I or U of Indianapolis and major in sports medicine. St:u::l::ntl...ife



JCrew American Eagle Gap Banana Republic Adidas Fubu Polo Old Navy Structure

THIS PAGE-Pic. l ¡ Bill Nicol & Patrick Harrington prove the more layers the better' Pic. 2 The "puffy" coatis in Pic. 3. Gina's cargo pants make that oufit. Pic. 4 Jon Warner's intellectual look. Pic. 5 Katie's Abercrombie wear IS seen throughout the halls P1c. 6 He's going for the sporty look! Pic. 7 Lenore takes her backpack everywhere!



tudent Life

In :

What '


1. Jnco

2. Short HaiJ:

2. Layered bob

3. Bootcut Jeans

3.Tapered Jean

ft. Headband

4. Body Glitter

5. Brown Shoe

5. Platform

6. Polarfleece

6. Turtleneck

7. Windbreaker

7. Starter jacket

8. Khaki

8. Legging

THIS PAGE-P ic . 1. Fabulous Footwear Pic 2 Mike opens up Pic 3. Friends are a lways a fad ! P1c 4 Sleep ing in schoo l. that w i I never go out of sty le ! Pic . 5: Rob Wellman knows that wearing baseball caps are very fash ionable .but not in schoo l! Pic 6. These g irls know what the most comfy outfit is OVERALLS!

tudent Li fe



Pron1 The 1998 Prom wa one ofthe best prom in recent year . A tradition,itwa heldatWorden Martin on May 9th. E eryone looked great to go along with the peaceful pring night. The decoration were done beautifully by the junior a they honored the cia of' 9 at their Ia t prom. The theme wa "AIIIWantl You,"a ongby U2. E eryone danced the night away and thi year they had the privilege of watching the mu ic video on big creen. The Prom King and Queen were Ja on Fi her and Lind ey Cocla ure. After the dane , everyone moved on to We tern Bowl for po t-prom. The late night/early morning wa filled with fun and more dancing. All in all, the dance wa a huge ucce and for the eniors it wa a night they'll never forget.

THIS PAGE-Pic . 1: Don't these ladies look nice! Pic . 2¡ Um, Steve 1 think I'm stuck. Pic . 3: Don 't leave me Josh. Pic . 4 Bryan wishes he could be as buff as Meghan Pic. 5 Aw, how cute!!! Pic 6. What a happy looking bunch. Pic 7: Are dates optional this year?



tudent Life

Sprin Play Central High chool pre ented William hake peare' "Twelfth ight"on March 5, 6, and 7,1998. A very talented and dedicated ca t tackled thi cia ic for the pring play. "Twelfth ight" i a type of love tory twi ted with di gui e. Viola and Seba tian are i ter and brother that are hipwrecked on a trange land, both thinking the other wa dead. After numerous mi hap and much confusion, Viola learn that Sebastian i till alive, and a character, Olivia ha fallen in love with him. For Viola, he gains the love of the Duke, ju t a he had wanted. A plea ant and uplifting play brought the tage of Central alive once again.

THIS PAGE- Pic . 1 This guy tries to woo his fair maiden. P1c 2 Kialana Glover stands by her man,played by Kam Claiborne . Pic 3:Mike Piwon1 takes ma1nstage. Pic .4 Don tmesswithme . Pic 5. G1r1talk. Pic . 6 Oh. why so sad Michae1 York? Pic . 7 These two studs battle it out 1n a brawl. Pic. 8. Hey baby! Pic 9: Yeah. right! Pic 10 Rachel Fisher is caught with her eyes closed

tudent Life



The Wiz Central's 1998 spring musical, "The Wiz," was a big hit with all, howing Wednesday, April 29 thru Saturday, May 2, making it a four night run the cast and crew. 'The Wiz" was a funked-out, black, go ~ pel ver ion of ~The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." A many are familiar with the tory, Dorothy and her dog, Toto, get wept away by a fierce tornado that land them in a trange place called Oz. While in Oz, they meet munchkin , evil monkey that fly, witche , and three pecial friend , Scarecrow, Lion, and Tinman. All are in pur uit of omething for their happine ; the tinman a heart, the carecrow a brain,the Lion courage, and Dorothy frantically trying to get back home to Kan a . To g t what they were after, the mu t kill the wicked witch of the we t, Evilene, and then the Wiz will grant their reque ts. After killing Evilene, they go back to the Wiz, who end up being a fraud. But, he till find a way to he! p the four friends get what they wanted. With the clas ic tory line, oul, and great dance, The Wiz wa a great production!


114 6

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: This is a whizl Pic . 2: Bow down! Pic 3: Follow Johnny lock down the yellow brick road Pic . 4. Kam Claiborne looks sooo cute in his P J ¡s. Pic 5: Wonder where my bra1n 1s! Pic . 6: Strike a pose! Pic 7 1 gotta ' wear shadesl Pic . 8 Thank you! Thank you !



tudent Life

ThiS PAGE-P1c . 1. Where did all of hese munckins come from? P1c 2· Vogue! Pic. 3: Pure attitude . Pic 4. Which way is Kansas? Pic . 5: Stepp off Tin Man! Pic 6 Wow! Check out that make up Pic 7 The man in black . Pic . 8 Amanda takes the 1ead. Pic . 9: Get down! Get down! Pic . 10: Oh my gosh .. .l am a munch1n!

tudent Life

~ 29

Jazz '98 If you were looking for a relaxing night out with mu ic, Central High School wa the place to be on May 15th and 16th. The annual jazz fe ti al wa held in Combe Gym. The gym wa made into a night club. The light were dim, table and chair everywhere for people to it, refre hment were being er ed, and the band were playing on a platform tage. The featured mu ician wa Obert Davi , a trumpet player and recording arti t from Chicago. Central Jazz Band" I and II, under the direction of Steve Hoffman, played excellently, along with outstanding performance by Edi on, Franklin, Jeffer on, Centennial, and Uni High. Central' vocal jazz al o participated in the fe tival. All the band played great ong and featured many oloi t . The audience enjoyed the concert, a if they were at a jazz club. Both night were a big hit!

THIS PAGE-Pic 1¡ Jerome goes solo. Pic . 2: These precussionists look very happy. Pic 3: Grant concentrates hard . Pic 4: Blane shows us h1s trumpet skills. Pic 5: Tim can you breathe? Pic. 6. I don 't want to play. Pic. 7: These two play the blues.

tudent Life

Graduation On June 2nd, 1998, 250 Central Student graduated in a commencement ceremony at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts. Senior Class President Tavis Bone welcomed the cia 路 路 after the band played the proce 路 ional. Rachel Fi her and Jon a than St. Peter addre ed their cia . Math Department Head and Central teacher, Mr . Roberta Jone , delivered the graduation address encouraging graduates to "find new world waiting to be di covered." Central Principal. Mr. Donald L. Han en, pre ented the cia of 1998, and Superintendent of Champaign Community Unit #4 chool , Mr. Mike Cain, accepted them. The Board of Education handed eniors their diploma as they walked aero the tage to college and beyond. Eric Arnold, Chri topher Dobro olny, Jill Stanko, and NguyenVoledtheircla with Highe t Acedemic Honor . Congratulation Cia of 1998. and good luck in all your future endeavor .

THIS PAGE- Pic.l Sarah Anderson rece1ves her diploma Pic 2 It's a bird, it's a plane t ' s . Thodl P1c 3:Anyo Pavia and Katie Aquino show off their legs!Pic .4 : Don ' t forget to pick up your diploma! P1c .s 路 Everyone s glad to be a graduate' Pic 6 Let ' s get this show on the rood Pic .7 Emily Bromiel and Syreeto Brown soy cheese ! P1c 8 We mode 1t

tudent Life



32 ~








Karl Bauclunoyer

Latia Brown




Paul Brown '72

Montreyel Brown

Katherine Carr


Kamrhon Claiborne

Officers: Kenitra Keaton, Michael Derry, Rita Connerly, Kialana Glover

Jes i a Clay

Kelly Coil




Amanda Fonner

Elizabeth Ford





Aric Foster

Elizabeth Fraker

Heather Gnffet

French Fraker ' 62

J. Bryan Gwinn

John Gwmn '60

em or.



David Hom '78

Beth Huhn



Laura ln kip

Brendan Ireland

Anthony Jackson

Jerome Johnson

Phil Kat ma '73

Kamtra Keaton

Brandy Kelly

eni r



Karel ue Kuder '62

Trav1 · Marmion




Li ·a Martin

Debbte Mathew '73

m r·



Ami Panchal













Meghan Winkel

Tachika Wynn-Bradley

Michael York




NOT PICTURED arah Jamie Ander on Ahmad At-Tara Marjorie Bartolome Chad Bea ley ara A. Bernard Mye hia Botley Chn tophe Boyd athan Brown Randall Brownfield Jennifer Chaney Phelan happell Paul Chfton Kelly Coli Trav1 Daily atahe Dalton Thoma Delxer Jo h Dhom Myron Dyer Roger Edwards Kelli Engelhardt Jennifer Farrow Dora Faust Melaka Fau t Colin Fou t ilia Frame Aqui ha Grant eeley Herman Mariah Hibler Teyonna Hill tefan Hutchi on Darnell Ja per Daniel Jedlick M1- eon Jeon Chari rna John on Juan Johnson Terrance Jone ichola Kammer Brian Kim Dam1en Kington

Je s1ca Lowry Jonathan Magalhae hn Manea Robert McClam Lake ha McMillion Matthew Minniear Mary Mohrbacher Larry Moore e ha Moore Chn tina Morgan Timothy Murray William ewbem Tuan guyen llam Panchal Jennifer Reynold Chri topher Rockwell Jeffery Rodgers Torianna Ro s Robert Sallee Mark androck Anthony arnecki Michael imlin Darmel mith John mith La honna Taylor Willie Taylor Aaron Tnmble Ernie Vandyke Derek Vaughn on Vu hayna Ward Lub Warren Eric Weber Alan William Angela Williams Tiaca William Cartice Wil on Hui JinXu Andre Yarber








The Ol' Ball and Chain Tia Monroe- M eMullen & Montryel Brown

I Jenny Campbell & B.]. Lytle




) enior



Most Hyper ] ana Zollinger & Ryan Kelly



Mia Harris & Michael Sitch

Most Shy Michelle Arnold & Eric Smith

50 ~ Senior'>

Mama's Choice Tara Peters & johnny Tack

lr)frw \JJQ cor{t

11\JQ '-


m~ trombone m~ bronco f?Ltllow golrclub~ bed ~ou don't want to know e-- maGI m~ "C "book Ox_~qen m~ tramroiGne chdrstuJ . nGKe shoe? cand~. musGc a toothbrush a watch cleare~es m~ stuffed f~or . tann~ng. m~ car -tile b~ble. mom and dad g~rls m~ rhone m~ hat e~e l~ner .. rhdl~es mone~ .a lt-ghter ..earrL-ngs No L ~m~t a too-tilf?L-CK .~tereo runn~ng shoes m~ r~ctures rart~s full of women frL-ends . actwn Ci~lda board of ctuotes water blan et named smell~ m~ purse .. stuffed lwn make-- ur .Ltnhaler mus~c clothes l~psluJ m~ computer rla~statwn 0 J gu~s t? s oren lunrh deans the countr~



}fost Changed Sara Nzm: &

i3obb:, Feller


~ -,

FAVORITE SAYING You Know Twerk Something To know what you truly want Is the GREATEST thing you can achieve in life! Ah Geeze I don't think so!! Can you Cope? Chew a little juicy fruit- it's good for your soul Barefoot, Basic, and BEAUTIFUU Dog Gummit Who Cares!?! Ssshhh ... we're not going to talk about that YO BEE!!! Yeah Baby DRock rock the block- everybody on the block rock DRock BIG Girls are NICE on Ice!!! I said to myself- self.... You shady FWAH!!! Qui a coupe fromage? ~0 and F/S .... Oh yeah!!!

Player Hater SALlY Give me some of that! Skittles

Best Dressed ] ackie Monroe- M eMullen & Brian Kim

52 ~


Born To Be Blond Rachel Vander Weit & David Prell

Most School Spirit jackie Brown & Michael Piwoni


Most Athletic Laura Inskip &

"What goes around comes around." "I didn't inhale." "Alrtghty then." "You got knocked the *#$!% out!" "You've got to fight for your right to party." "If you don't know where your gotng, you'll wind up somewhere else." "Here's looking at you kid." "It's Friday, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got &%$# to do!" "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." "Stop looking at me swan!" "Life sucks then you die." "Groovy baby, yea!" "Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow" "To be or not to be, that is the question." "Shagadelllc, baby" "Who knows where thoughts come from. they just appear." "Be all you can be" ..All you need is love." "My head felt just like two balloons." "It is better to be feared than loved." "Only a life for others is worth living." .. Baseball is 90% mental and 50% physical." "Do or do not, there is no try." "The best way to cheer yourself is to try and cheer somebody else up." "You heard about it, right?" "It's all about respect." "Da game is to be sold not told."

"Party like it's 1999!!"

Bryan Gwinn




Funniest Laugh Liz Fraker & Blake Margison & Darnell Jasper

54 ~

Biggest Brown-Noser

Most Likely to Succeed

LaShonna Taylor & Michael Derry

Lenore Zion & Patrick Ashbrook


Brains and Beauty Kenitra Keaton & Andrew Weiss

HeadedForHoOywood Lisa Verdick & Michael York

Biggest Flirt Amanda Fonner & Chris Harris




Prettiest Eyes Shantel Muscovalley & Nick McLemore

Most (Un) Talented Driver Andrea Block & Steve Gratkins

56 ~


ideal date

Best Looking Whitney Smith &

Rob Wellman

Picnic in the park A night on the beach When the girl pays for me Back seat of a car Bungee jumping Cruise to the Bahamas I don't get dates, I'm ugly Ending with a simple sweet kiss I haven't thought about it yet Cuddling to a scary movie Making out all night long Without uncomfortable silences Empty house Sports Anywhere but McDonald's Meeting internet lover Interlocking braces Walking in the rain A concert Making a statue Installing CD player and speakers Nintendo till the break of dawn Wrestling

Gift for Gab Rachel Rawdin & Jerome Johnson





( I



r I )

I )











58 ~


Elizabeth Holder

Laura In kip


uria Serna

~ ~9

Mclta mtth





l l


I AP, will to BP, a drinking challenge; CM, some fine African men; toLl JJ and shortterds forevers and a dance party; TP, more phisics projects and a night out; TR a car; JMKKNB the nights you took m out; BH, a night at Kam's and gum; NB summer softball pass me the green; JM your 5 guys and the times we talked; MS, thanks for being there. I KC, will to LZ, CF, and JC, all crazy times; to SL, late night missions- love ya. To CF, the car ride with Steve-watch those poles! To JW, Homecoming '97. To Red- stay shady. To '98ers, all our good times. JAM, JFM, BF, and CK-1 love you! I Lowry, will to Cassie, Jackie, and Red, memories of McKinley! To everyone of '97,'98,'99-Paula Dr.!! Katie, D and sloppy missions in Ga-rage, and condo! Many more! Girls on Joanne Lane, all that for nothing! To Ernest and Louis, try and make Central fun in'OO! '99 Baby! I CB, will to TH,some courage; to ES, some brains; to NM, an army of squirrels; A W, a new troll and S20; to JR, bigger bags; toMS, a new wagon; to 88, a come up we riders; and to all the rest REPRESENT. To OK, all the duckers, and to ZM some fine. I P, will TH a bottomless bag of chips and my driver. BF, a girl, my system, a gift from Mr. Gordan. Dimesac, orne fire, nonfitted hat, a sober date. TM, abstinance, an everlasting girlfriend. LD a jeep wrangler, a watch, BC. I Cassie, will to JL a man that willtreat you right. To KT the ability to alway remember all of our crazy times in '97 . To LZ (L YLAS), JW, RL, and all my girls alway remember McKinley and Paula-we licked it. To RL, the garage wa the bomb with Tl. To all my '98 friends thanks for making high school tolerable, I love you guys. I Feeler, will to dimesac, the ability to hit the long drives, mug shot ,and an acre of purple-haired plants. ToP, a comfortable casket, and a smaller temper. To Whitey, and everlasting togey. To Millage, a set of bumpers, stay hungary. MM, stay off the zags, they'll get you in trouble. I Grant Thomas, leave a bag to Abbey Burgett; best wishes to Max Vodker in his life as a vampire, and a thousand apologies to Laura Grace for the ... uh ... accident at homecoming. Good luck-hahaha-to Central tuba line without Andy and me. To John Curtis I leave a working car and to David Campbell a working mind. I will to the brothers, 118 of my game. To the sisters my knowledge, and my ability to look at these RAB's and smile. To my "G's" I leave thanx, hope, and prayers for your future. To my 2 younger sisters, the memory of my coolness, hopefully you'll follow in the footsteps of a TRU soldier. I Nick Mc"Daddy"more, will all the fine honies my number. I Shataia King, hereby bequeath to my babies Toya Manely, Candy Morgan, Jaya Miller my good taste in men and my good knowledge, and all the chicken they want. Love ya'll! I want to give a lot of love to my girls thanks for being there for me. My boo Chris Boyd, love you. Last but not least my parents. I ES, will to Jonny a hangover and a free pass to Al's House of Beer. To Bonnie, a frog, a turtle, and a mule deer. To Kurt, a car headlight and a flat tire. To Laurie, a kiss and a hundred Jolly Ranchers. I Jessica Mattingly, will to Katie Slough music, love and friendship forever. To Ashely Enick, spirit, love, and secrets. To Nick York secret loves. To John Chittuluru music and lunch. To BJ, dog and cat fights. To Kris Schmidt, a dirty diaper. To Todd Kaplan and Melissa Veits, luck forever. I Kri tin Stover, will to DeLisa my LK-leftovers, special dance, and KC; Rachel, many future duffel bags; Erin, forever will Claymo; Fanners, good men; Jana, gallons of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream; Cheerleader , good luck; and Mariss, a great senior year and plenty of"Ness i Nice" ! Go '99! I Lisa Martin, will to AW, a new drum et, a lifetime of cold night & all thefood you can eat. 143. To NM, a bib; to CK, a spittoon; to LG & RM, all the happiness you deserve; to MS, a new car; to LZ, homemade sandwichses to give to me; to Vernon, a big hug when you need it. .. Thanks. I Beth Huhn, will to MM, a Pavon an Alabama beach & a kiss from Papa & Jingo. SN, a Mark Foutch Pav and thceeth. MC, a second down situation. JZ, some silver mints. TP, an 80's outfit like Mrs. Hill's. RB, a real neat orange. GS, coring with Darius. I Nickel, will to LH(SM) a TV show starring us and a couples special. RVW, a porch swing. KM, another euphoric day in the park and Bill. LZ, my neighbor. CL a walk home at 2am. SN the ability to make a frozen pizza. LH someone to take care ofU. I Emily Fonner, will to Jana my cats. To the 97 lunch group-Erin Mullins & Rachel Rodent-friendship forever! To my sister Amanda- my wish for her sucsess in life, I'll be there for you! To Carol- all the chocolate almond bars & to DeLisa-ride to Indiana for shopping. I Damien Kington, leave nothing to any ofyou. But Key 20 to my brothers. And to Lindsey & Louis, holla at ya'll. To Will & Joey, keep it real. I Andrew Wei s, will to Tony Millage, you know what, Who Care ? To Jon, Johnny, Blake and Mike, the power to hoot it over me. Bob, a good kick in the tooth. David Eternal swollness, and to Michi, skill 1/2 as good as mine.

Senior ~


I JA. , \\ tiiM'A- a candcltght dtnnet or poptar1'->, our notcbook.rcclmcd scat dance moves\\ tth grunts, • more memories for the MD bottle Jl, m\ ".1". Ptlot \ndrc\\, dav o MS phone talkmg abtltty, & red shtrt'->. RM, a 5' "college \\Oman. children, c'· '->cxy p,t\ cmcnt B< 1, c.1tl rctirmcnt \\ tth a ptpc. Dtppcrs, more fun tti11C'->. (Bop boo) 1alapcno chtp'-> c'· b1ggcr btccp'-> than me. lmc a' I Sara inu, \\til to MM Sp.un and 7 btllton more NB a perfect situatton . lump dance MS. men in uniform l /,a moo co\\. Lll ".un \\alks l I I. clcanJC.In'-> I. clark park Cl. a ttltcd keyboard. R\ W, the abtltty to fly 1\.M, c cttcmcnt to go out I ' teH .. old dude" elson, bcll1g sound or 111111d .. for ret It. Wtll to Jeff and Kc\ 111 a homc-ltposuctton ktt. T0 Josh. Ja .. on, Mcl,mtc, .md thctr uroup a bttlt:r outlook on ltfc. 1 o Kut1, Charles, and Rhtannon, an egg 111 that locker on the second floor. I GR, \\til to JC a huge bag of'->our cream '· salsa chtps ·a full bo . 1 o L/many books ofgross_1okcs ·little htldrcn you can corrupt I o \\ S, .1 full bowl .md a full cup. '• to KM , LH. a nt:ver end111g suppl or sack lunches I\\ ES, \\til J"W abo fi·tctH.i you deserve; iR to pay ou back for all the sac lunches; JC spotlight on "Jcn-ay" & our bumt sktrts. I o .111m gtrls tht: strength to make tt; tom boo, all the 10\c 111 the world . I \S, \\til to the C CrC\\ a great scnto year. I o KDKB one line man f reach of you. h)r KG fun slippers, a day \\tthout I S Io a Cil 'r ' [)I ptht ·r. I o JC .1 bad da r o ' ' a harder helmet. I \\til to '02 girls some more clothes. I DG\, \\til to ( ' I fi·ccdom, l S :>me game: TM help; CD on more bedroom part ; CR abtlit to sneak out; B 'mat! on Sundays and a ktllcr sen tor car; ,'NR CL Lll \\C'\c had a blast; to the class f '00 the abiltty to pat1y like it's 1999! Bottoms Up, '99. I uria, \\ish luck and hapr 111css to a lim] fi·icnds alwa_ s. MJ siempre tc a marc can todo mi caraz n y amor, I 10\c ou all! 1\.R MR '· MW. remember that I \\til ah\ays b there f r you and od Bless e\cryonc and everybody a I\\ a s, Los amo ... G, \\til \\tttoh lmtan a uood \\Oman . S "best buds". KJ the abilit to move fa ·tcr. M. chocolate chip cookies. RM an elbow, and scm us! . thanks for an eventful 9 months; LF "State Champs", "ycc-ah! now what'!!", you made m last tw years fun. Wtttoh \\tZ, and l on , .111m_ I \e and luck in the future. I \S, \\til to l I . nght '->tdc breaks and ( ' stnpcs. K.J, unlimited suppl offood. the Honda, and a" mile". M , the tolict, chocolate, and the p 't feet guy i "bc"t buds". B. patience and a later curfc\\. BJ, safe parking. KJM LF 1 B. Thanks for all the mcmon ·s. I lo · ou a II! I hri · 1\.irb), \\ill to Til all the fi·cshman girl: next y ar. To MR 3 na blue S\\Catshirts. To JERHF and infinite suppl , nd - lun ·hcs To rM a one size tits all hat. To M as st '111 for the bu. to L I. To ~ about47 hats. I Bonni ', \ ill to St tTa, Laura, Mtranda, R an, and John man more wonderful ·hows at cntral. I promis to come and sec them. To tna, L ibb , J ·nnif·r. 1\.urt, Jessica, Eric, and Kati '.all m support in th' future. om family I lea call my lo c. I icol 8, \'.til to JM-n) mor· stalkers, a misston, TIM's pool, · our wn room . To TH a garbage can a .T -camel li lilts '· a g od part . I o MS" ur"dancc. fo KK peer pr ssun.: • no tomana sc. To P "pass me the green" ' to 8K the contemplatton or It rc. I o the '9H -ball team, I love ou all and hat! to "vine ard" • _ the senior class-you all kick *#! I Shaft,\\ til to Jr. JB. M ', M, W, B 1, swell DP mad fla or. To J to shut up during pia time. To M m DP and J some mad ctgar .... To \B to bu. her 0\\n stutT. much luck to ou, man stolen pops. To all, don't shoot over. I BetS), \\til to 1\.P, \8, <1nd 1:8 man more S\\itn team slecpo\crs and a lot fgain \\ithout pain. KP, more kick board talks. To P, a fc\\ fun and ·raz night at Kam 's. 8, M, forgiveness for lea ing me here this car. R 'member, pc pic like y u can't go th ·rc To MP, m '\erlastinu friendship . IJB,\\tiiR\t"W , ' I orthcp·rfc·tman. oudcscnctt! ndman rain da .. s.Thanx raJ a sbcingthcrcformc!T m "J", llm·Liandl'm_ Htronl "J",Ih p :youtinda"ptcct:ofathice"!Peache ·, take areofi8T ,Isp man good n · utthcrc! All, h morat IB l . 110\ ·L, best oflu k! LFM MWKJ: than fi ram morable freshman ear! Willie and panky, l'll alway I )\e .,ou t\\O! J MD · H: 'r ou're m_ i~1\oritc '99 men! Love a'll bunchc·! pJ\ stop. Jnd man:y car. 111 ur duple · mansi n! JZ, iri h drink·. Kraft, and 9021 0! BH, n p ho p dooby I 11\1 , \\til t) do ! 1M, <1 ltfe f pn ' ·th d. , bat:k:cat union! RR, great pi turc ! sa kid a · cutt: a Braden ' a mile. M mor ho . I k..J, \\til m b 'st '. t !fiend F ad\enturc. • tolerance, t , dri\ing kills . T , abilit t be n time ·MD a "hemic" girl. I I all! late 111Uht phon' ·all , I'll get. ou ne t tunc. o I Rob, will to BJ <111 the lun ·he Junt r car, y ur hou ·con the por hand rides through the f re. t. To F, J , RK, M , MD. II, T8 1\. , ' 1, kc ·p tt r'al · n:memb 'r F. KJP I'll ahva rem 'mbcr th fir ·t tim \VC talked at TH. IOeLi ·a,\\tllt th "6p<1'k"man mor'tn gnitonight · Rachel ,mor PFMandman]aband ned ar atWai-Mart. arlin, a n '\ 'r-endmu ktttl' ani a ntght \\ itl <] Libra ian. Kri tin, D ughleft \Cr . The onner-, m re road trip . ina, a little 1' 1 ·.mm<m and .1 t<1ll pus.]\\tllO\\. I fH, \\ill t M the h g.m., PH g ts putter, 8 an ha\eTP. BJ get aM 6 t replace hi crapp H undai. Ilea birdi for 1 )lf I\\ til m ·rink hat t drake, and a fake hall pa n Live P . JFTBMDTHBJ&J . 8 nd. ang le<1\e K m mt ro\\a\c, m tuba, JT m ne Bellm a! #1 1, to the'' "club, I gi e my gr at kn \\ Iedg '. .md to the band K and I leav ur vvild d raz attitud ! T M rtaimere. m und ing I e and affc tion!! I 11om dog, \\til <1I1m ·rontes stuff that' . ool and thing · that r b2


1 LF will KJ, more adventure, & a hot guy \V a cool name & a sexy accent. ToM , no boy problem , more car ride \VIth my parents, tearful mghts, and the perfect guy. G, mousse a chocolat, a college tennis career, doubles title, & a membership to "Teen Club". A~. laughmg attacks & the perfect outfit. MD, a '99 girlz shirt.KJM A GAB, dance part1e , crazy \Veekcnd . and happmess 1n college. I'll m1ss u guys . Thanks for makmg H a blast. I love you alP 1 Michelle rnold, will to Katie S. a ne\V pair of knees, my Smiley Face Dudes. and an orange grove. To Eric mith, an unabndged \ersion of Les M1scrables and square Jolly Ranchers . To Joyce Herrstrom, a bundle of Parisian monkeys, and undying love for Ace of Base, everyone's favorite pink bidet, and a gibcsse that tits. 1 Dimcsak, will to Boob an eternal bond \VIth Mr. Gordon, a TA and cool parents. To Millage, nc\V floorrnats. ToP, a tolerance, an indestructable wall, and a mild temper. To Whitey, my deuce. To Pellum, any deuce. To '99 the ability to actually do somethmg with our lives. 1 CR, will to TM a Iif time supply of ne\V shoes and help. To DV,his \Cry own car. To CO, keep the VB brotherhood alive forever. To CT, the ability to go out. To 8 , the ability to keep the party going for another year. 1 had, will to Oimcsak a parked car, and a ideal date. To Dhomer, a wooden po t from Hessel Park. To Jana, a pen, a ne\V car, and a growth spurt. To Hosser, a ne\V dri\er. ToP, a calm temper, and hi own putter. To Feeler. a ne\\ aying, & golfball . 1 FF, will to MW, all my love forever and ai\Vays. To KK, KM, andTB, I'll mi s you. KED and MWY, may your dream of stardom come true. To MK W Jr., may your life be tilled w happiness and success-mommy loves you. '99 thanx for the memorie . 1 Meg elson, will happiness and success to Tara, Bridget, Jerome, and to Gina-atalk with Barb-thank for excellent memorie . Thanks Hemgman and Plattner for directing my dreams. To my be t friend Aaron, may you alway kno\\ ho\\ much I love & adore you. 1 MD, will to JF, another 18 yrs . of great friendship . BJ, a model wife. J a stronghold in the community. TH, your own course. TB, antitheft locks. M a never-ending upply of chocolate. LF, the Ia ·t I 0 ec of 8 . KJ, a wing dance. B, a \Vimming pool. J -carry out the !.75's. To JC-my hat, to AH, all the gurggle gurggle ·in the world. To the girl 352- 916. 1 BJ , will to Rob, a never-ending supply of downy heet . To Mike,AKA DD, many more Pow-wow & never-ending Jenny McCarthy stories. To H ss, endless ·upply of bagel & water balloon & a car fire extinguisher. To THTBMDJCJF, pimp stick · together. To Jack, I hand over the chool!! I M isty idden , will to A , intergalactic planetary. To AJ, dinow, to MKB, a good time at Central and a car. To LM ZK , rule the band. MH, a new e panol partner, to Martinez, a chicken andwich. To RJB, all my love and lot of"equipmenf'. I TP, will to LV, unlimited ride ; LSI, cool beans & IWYB; MC & GS, a rain guitar; MMand BH, formal dinner ; AP, uperior phy ·ics project ; BP, Fazoli's; LJH, another D trip; JKW, HWAP, skywatch rock ! veryone, Roman 8:38-39. Rock Group & A, Phillipians 3:14. RP, a secret garden production, and SHW AP. I Rachel, will to the lepack more terrorizing times and friend hip forever. Morgan, better picture . Deli a, KC and hot aborigine . Kristin, a bug & deadmen. Erin, the bu and Fingereric! Carol, Kobe! Mandi, brake & Cent. ba eball player . Gina, a Pussywi II ow. The Fonner ·, my love. I LZ, will RVW ga , fondu, & a time machine; Jonny B- ucce in politic ; LH-a "Lacey" ong; Km-a world w out chicken; Mark-comic book ; J -a dance club; CF-a hooting owl; Melia- in truction for a female mind; Gina-child memorie ; T-th ban of large, ·low moving vehicle ; ara-the moocow ong; LM- a potato; and Little LH-a higher tolerance. I B , will to JB, bowties & a un. off. ToM -unconditional "what?!", rhubarb pie & a life urrounded by beautiful people. RM, polygraph, booty slang, & a beach hou e. J , a map, love, and good parenting. MW, a helicopter, grape , a tory-hour, coffee cak , & everything good the world ha to offer. Thank you for you. Dipp r , great time . And So, th pimp wagon. I Laura In kip, will fre hman ride . J2 B' . KJTH pant . JT highlight . The V' PT and pringle . Th oftball team PP. BlTP L VKJTBM, YC and F A, "I can do all thing thru him who trenghten me." Bud , great yr . of friend hip, laugh , & cool bean . I MWY, will to J , a good man. To H, morning icetime. TO MP,l tru love. TO J , the patrol & white zombie. To JH, all the love l have.To CH , my autoghraph-it'll be worth . To my elf, my name in light & a pot on themaroon. I K D, will my love to all tho eDIT' corning up. Thank to the important people who've helped me. To AMD & JDD, ou 've got a long way to go. o '99, It' been a great year. Keep your head high! KEDIV ' out! '99 don t hate congradulate! I John Bramfeld, leave Me lia orne wax. Lenore, a cia y guy and orne nice pant . am Bram a tuddlin that ju t won't quit, lot of girl and a party 24-7. I Jana Zollinger, will to F my life. LI and KJ-chee eball , M-hotelroom, boyfriend, trip to lndi, & butter. P-reward . MW-d'yer mak'er, MP-pair of pant . F- tate of non fidg t. Wind or-new job . JAI-Birk !TM-celibacy. BH-rnoonchee . I Prell, bequeath to Wei and BM orne Ca a Blanca . To Five!, new floorrnat . Bo b, a bottom! cup. Tock, a hand hake. Li a, a kitchen! hou e. '00 guy , arry on the legacy. To chweik , keep in touch, oth r friend , thank for the m rnorie . I Katie, will tickle toe eryone! BJ & alebro e ! Kry tle,anengli h p akingtutor. To te ,B eplalala ... Kry tal,lot ofpubhcity. to Jon, golfing lc on for my brother & an IV. Je ica-inhaler . enior -lot of r union ! Laura, urnpa-toompa for lifl ! enior



I Mel Patrick, will to Laura- no fi . h from you-Boris! Jenny Baby, endless chocolate and deserted houses! Jana Banana, borrowing long pants from tall people. Cece "wicked bootie", please learn how to talk. Gaby-sharing is caring! Tiffany, jumping tables at Hessel Park! I R)an Moore,\\ ill M a recording 'tudio, and fufillment of his life instinct. To BG, an internship with PB -long ltvc white bailers! To G, a thuggi h side and thanks for being part of a great time in my life. MW, that unique ta te of OJ and the wonderful experience . To JS, more chain talks and a car with autopilot. I?, \>viii to all my boys all the memorie ofkick'n it at ric's, Joey's, and the HoJo. To my little bro, I will a good 3 yrs . at Central. If anyone messes\\ ith you let me know. Josh, all the good memories of going out late night (Greek Fe t). ood luck to '99! I BP, give AP M many more drinks at Fazoli's. TALLM, yummy lunches. TK, more fun night RAAAB. KA with an , dinner at the courier and jelly bellies. XC girls spaghetti dinner and fun times with C-dog. ( H-you're the leader now) . WPMP, more fun }Cac. AHLW, a car. I Kim, \\ill to Tared ribbon and a birthday tag. Sloop , the ex-pilot and one more day up in the canyon.To RVW, hot mailmen and "Bea t of Burden". To Lace, sack lunche and a broken bird. Cal, backyard campouts adn summer song ! LIHZIEP K , great t\>vO years! To LZ, a gu} in O\erall and 911. I Mike itch, ill at1tain Kent.., new boat. My ')ad to keep bein: a swell guy. 'To the girL, 11e.Rya· Morrow, and A&F career arj ·erenity. Bryan, rhubarb pic and Christmas in M Jon, a jam essi1n a.,d Revlon ~air color. Nick, HBH. To th~ guy , success and happiness. Jen.' at.d Meghan to find true love. The cia of '99 and Central, fun. dra, J more year. j CM. will Di 18-W \N Ul, a Blazer, road trip to . B, and fr;endship. JJ- a ghetto free world aud the restofourbooi\.. RR-JBH1 JNT. AP-more partie with African men. BP-Fazo1t drink marathons. 4E-an un-ghett0fied boyfri nd. k..S-dnp cure. AL-a major IOU & 1 IO)d"'eS . I Heather l'vlarie, will to AJ a >weet and decent guy. JM concer tickets. TO my JR friP.nd ?ra .1 tc?hanie more great guj comersat:ons in the RV. Finally to .1arissa, a g...ty L~e Ben Affleck. 99, great wonderful live . I Muia, will to NM and ~M, an _ndle UPJJ•Y· The band, ... toler ... nce for cb.. ... nge. N, the al:,.lity to avo:j cut from now o •• and all my lo\e alway as your phantom friend. And ot JB-thanks and love for all the way you touched me. I MW, will JS Mt.D shrines, grunts, car rides and unforgettable friendship. BG walks in the rain and 12 more year of friend hip and memorie . M , another life-threatening night at Planetfest. RM, more talks and OJ at the spot. Dipper , all my love and friendship. '99 Girlz, unforgettable times. OW, luck and fun and a JZ tape. I Newp, wish the XC team many more awe ome memorie . RBAH KEBEADDEB an awe ome senior year. Alii, candy heart~ and a pecial apple. Kate, a leach. EKAB, omeone to wing with. ASMGMHJCAALWJPM , my friend hip and open ears. The senior cia , GOOD L CK! veryone, God' love, may you find it soon. IJJW,willtoCF,JW,JL,LHallgreate tmemoriesattheMcKinelyhousew/ the98ersand97clas e .BJ,you'llalwaysbemybabybrotherandthe be t ungla s game player ever. WS,JMC,LS, all pepette memories. You're my girl ! '99 baby! I pacey, will M some re p ct and another twist around the circle. KM, weat proof hirt . SN, runs through rain and sitting place. CL, litter free world and unbreakable bridge. RV, lazy afternoons & 24 hour peewee.LZ, jacuzzi bath . TP, pool walks. LLE, chapel trip. MS, another secret mi ion. I Anyonomous, will Blake Margi on a better y tem in his car and AL hottie . Jon B a better drive-way & cable. David P, bigger ideburn , mu cle ·,and better anecdotes. Lisa V a better dog an 64 million dollar . '99 I'm out! I Marnie Stephens, will to LFKJASNGAB all the love in my heart. LF, bb smelling perfume, a shoulder to cry on. KJ, ch. shakes, fall , and a new car. NB, an Abercrombie model. MD, thanks for great friend hip. BJ, brownie mix. I Princess, will to JB rainy day & a tolerance. KM, nice guys & mirrors. NT, shoe that tie hem elve and red hooded weat hirt . LZ, in anity and the ability to alway be right. Sn, Little Debbie & walk . L, fi hand DanBan. LH LedZep drives and a clue. BC a cute blonde and a great enior year. I Jenny Medlock, will to B a clean ide to our room. KK, a good enior year and an AJ. L ,J ,W ,GR, more weekend of kick'n it hard. To AP, no church on Friday night . AF,BF,TB,EW,RW,&JY, another apartment thi summer. I Kyle Bowen, will to AL my CD' , a stereo, and a corvette. JT, my job, and CCM 952' Tack . Foss,(ifU ever read thi ) my car and ton of partying next year. MJP(ifU ever read thi ) thatnks for all the love & great time & many more to come. Korab-have fun in band next year. I MC, will to BH a good upport team. Tall B, great lunche . The Cheerleader , a 2nd down ituation. G , Ambercrombie bags. ,3 more year of fun . o the cia of '99, Jerimiah 29:11. I AB, will toM country drive ,talking puppet , and a pilgrim dre . To A long beautiful hair. LF, many race in the 50 fly. KJ, a bowl of jell-o. To KP long kicking sets. To BJ, a mechanical pencil. To TH a grey leather coat. I Kaz, leave with my friend the fonde t memorie and the will to go on. I will Craig a cary movie. Skiruh, the name Horatio. Cri py my Jeep. Charle and B, love and affection. All my friends, a years supply of dirty diaper and my fat cat.




I JeromeJohnson, will to Mandi a trip to Ff'rtune House and a Bag o' Food! To Bridget 1nd Jessica-many ~lessi .. gs! To Susan-a purpl ~femur !To T.oy Michaels-the big van. To r\.atie-soue crab rangoor' To Tara-the ability to guess birthdays! To tite chss of '00, '0 1, '02- Good ' Jck! I Laesche1, wi:: K-dog-a trip to tbe hospi· Jl ari a peach flavor favorite. Spacey-so.aething purple and the ability to ·ee in the d"rk! Princess-rolk:-blades and "the zc1e." Nickel-a trip to FloriC:a and a house on a Mar1ne be- ch. Sic )p~-a m·ilion dollar~ and 1n e-mail. I Gina Scarpetta, will to R-CooJ, a high five. To Michelle, a fat-free doiuble choco1atechip shake. beth, a date with Darius. Meg, a chat with Taylur Dane. DB-bushy eyebrov. boy. Stinkerpot Bain-s1sterlv love, a great senior year, and an OI ... nge for tho"~ rough ti m~s. I' 11 miss y0u all' I Lash(.nna Taylor, 1-tereby bequeath to my gir: Allison Tones my awesome. basketball talent. I gi' , my knowledge of •he sr;hool to Toyc1 Manely-may you have mc.ny chicken ! Good Luck! I leave my books to 'Meche-you kno'-v yo.- need to study! Gooa Luck to my be"t friends in college! I AT, will to Meg my heart and rr.~mories. To tv1eg. Andy, Jamie, Fossum, Jere :ne, Jam~s. Tim, Henigm{ln, Freyman, Plattner, l\~iller, P.:.)ffman, Curry, Hege, Quinlan, and ~itch I say thanks. You guys hav~"' shaped my life and helped me see the whole w01.d that i~ ahead of me. If I SPe you ir the tavern, 1rinks are on "'le! I Michael Ambrose Piwoni, ·vill to "sat :;ages" a new ni .kname. T0 Cath,, a better bro·'1er. To JM "L Nilda nore halloween Ii'~e Fresh:.1an yt>ar. To MWY, a new back. To my little '02, lu~k with the wom:n. 'T'he '99 Jun·or year float builders, more MTV raids. I Kyle, will g0od luch. to ev·ryone! To mv girls Shataia, '~iffany, Yanitra, Tasha, r'ld Shonna- I'll miss ya'll. To my boys C.lar)Ps, Chris, Chris, Lawrence, TJ, Houdy, Tyson, lJarnell, I'll miss ya'll. Good luck a'ld the best wishe:; to my little sister Toya, Sner:(y, Yandy, and Java. RIP Vonr;uad 1 I Lli, will JC my h''me theater and a p·o fotball career. To EH a r ar that :uns right. To H.;, mary more ni~)lt CJt.To TD, thanks for all the ~:des. T0 all my friends that 1 haven't sa1d, tl,ank for all the great times! Senior year is the be t! I RC, will to all the lower clas<>n.en of C. 'l.tral, enjoy beirg a eniot and uc'l't act to-.~ bar. To all my ~eeps, k et' your head up ari don't l"t them childish people get to you. "Keep it real". T<' the McMullens, we ..,.onna alwC:'' kick-it. Stay real to the fulle cALL YA'LL. Love Ya! I the Itatian Stalion, vill B"ob emotions and a 1 A. Big Y.'illy a fu'l. and sober datt> P Ditty and an everlasting apology dnd ~c 'f game. Cliff, a new handshakP. To Drew Dog Da rlimp, Keep in touch, ~tay smart, and sweet cherry a..,e! o '99-Re ~onsi~ility Jnd a Job.














enior · ~







!bum ~


Class Officers Pre ident: Steve Sudeth Vice-Pre .: Pat Murphy Trea urer: Kry tal Dilt Secretary: Jenn Rousey

HomecomingAttendants Ocean Biggers and Kris Brown

74 ¢


Chri ty Allen Ja on Amo arah Ander on Elizabeth Andreja ich oumaya Arfi Jacob Bachman Leonard Bailey Rachel Bain cott Beaulin Tyler Bennett Yuvetta Bernard Ocean Bigger Andrew Bochte Jeffrey Bopp Ju tin Bo ch Robert Brackett Chri topher Breen Arielle Broadney Erin Broadrick Aeva Brown Kaamilya Brown Kri toph r Brown Rachel Brown Romielle Brown Rachel Buck Tom Bude cu Devian Buffington Emily Burdett Brandon Burwell Clifford Bu b , Jr. ei ha Butler Jeffrey Butler Erin Byrd David ampbell Jack Car y Brian Carter Je ica avey hanece Chavi Matthew Clegg ichola Cobb




Brent ochrane Daniel Cohen Leah olcla ure Jennifer Coleman Jennifer ommon JonathonComrn ns Amy otton Marci ox athan Co Jonathon Curti aleb urti Brett Czajkow ki Brian Daly ichola Dangle Brian Da i Jame Dennis Deanna De chler Erica Deut cher Kry tal Dilt Eric Dorey

Sara Dumich Erne t Edward Steven Eheart Donald Elmore III Je ica Ernke Tina Eppich Brittany Evan Lari ha Exum Tamika Farokhi Jordon Feller Jacqueline Feng Shawn Fergu on Karen Fi cher Brian Fi her Zachary Fitzpatrick Su an Floyd icole Flynn Vernon Fonner icole Fortman Haley Foster


~ Album


Patricia Frazier Kevin Frederick Charle Fridline

Victor Friend Helen Funston Antonia Galara

Jeremy Garrett Sarah German Eric Gertner

Linda Ghol on Kristen Gilbert Brian Gille pie

Mari a Gonda tevenGood nough Laura Grace

Trisha Guida Timothy Hancock Anthony Han en

Loui Hardwick Cameron Harper Alii on Harvey

Joshua Ha bargen Erin Hatch AndrewHawthome

!bum ~


Ryan Head Kiya Hender on Timothy Henderson

Colin Henry tephanie H nry Todd Higger on

Ryan Hiner Jack on Hoffman Sophia Howard

Abigail Jackson Larry Jack on Kaya Jacob

Karen Jerrell Kathryn Jerrell David John on

Matthew John on Mashika Jone Dana Ke ler

Tanesha King Jimmy Kirchge sner Gregory Kizer

Alex Klimek Elizabeth Korab Derek Kraybill




Erika Kuehn Will iam Kyle Michael Lance Kri ten Landreth Michael Large tarr Lathrop Hayden Lecher Ryun Jung Lee ~ulia Leman Emily Lietz Thoma Lockman Bryan Malloch Babe Mambo Katherine Manganaro arah Martinie tephanie Matt manda May Robert McAfee David McClain Cynthia McDermed ~anda

McGraw Chani McMullen Demond Me 'eal Sierra Meint er Matthew Memi hee nthony Meneely Michael Merrick Erin Mitchell Victor Moore Brianna Morgan 1ill Morgan Patrick Murphy Kelly Murray Dom nico Mu umeci Walter Mu umeci

Jamie Ly a guyen ntonio Odom

!bum ~


Falon Pherig Kevin Phillip. Katherine Pickar

Valerie Pye Kendra Quin Judith Ramirez Kenat Ramirez

Mary Ratcliffe Blake Roberts Jason Rosa Jennifer Rousey Courtney Russell

Margaret Salzmann ina Samii Mike Sanderson Levi Sarver Justina Sayon

Danielle Schaub Jeffrey Schmidt ¡stopher Schmidt exanderSc,!llV\.......,""

KenSensenbrenner Krystle Simmons Robert Simmons Jessica Simpson

Amy Skilling Candice Slates Christopher Smith Wi11iamSrnith-Arerrls Sean Smithpeters

80 ~ Album



Leeanna Stickel Katherine Stigberg tephen Sudeth

Jacob Talkington hawndrell Taylor Bennett Terwilliger

Keona Thacker Jo hua Thoma Tri tan Thoma

Coffee Thomp on KyneithaThompson Mari sa Thurman

Lathan Tillman Aubrey Timm Alexandra Tipei

Ahn Tran Anna Truax Benjamin Trupin

Maxwell Voelker Kiana Walker Adam Walton

Jonathan Warner em aj i Warren Geoffrey Washburn




JoesephWeb ter Kathleen Wheatley Erin Wiggins Grant Williams Rebecca Williams Sarah Williams Cessily Williams Lamiea Wilson Landis Win frey Melissa Wood Jocelyn Worley Damien York

Angela Zalucha


~ Album

Manika Bhateja

otpictured: DennisAtkin , evaBi hop Kri ten Breedlove, Nathaniel laybom, Elton Cleave , Evan Dixon, Atarri Gaine Laura Herre!, Jo eph Je ee, Rebecca Kamin, Lind ey Kington, Kri tyn Kurlakow ki, Yolanda Lewi , Laura Martin, Zachary Minnieweather, Anthony Montague, Ladell Payne, ichola Peete, Lind ay Pope, Jame Ruggeri, Chree Stanley, Jama Thoma , RobertTurner, Michael Vonner, Lakia Walker, Clarence Warren, Richard Weatherall, Weatherall, Angel Webb, Angela Wenglarz







So homores


lbum 4


Class Officers Pre ident: Abby Burgett Vice-Pres.: Caleb Keith Trea. urer: Maggie Weber Secretary: Kim Wal ¡h


. .,


Hotnecotning Attendants Mitch McPhee

and Keysa Haley


~Albu m

Lamar Adam~ Brandon Alexander Renda AI- Ho~ !ani Suhail Alreish Mark Anderson Tamika Anderson Sara Arnold Avant Daniel Baechle Jane Bailie Nevo Band Omar Barre


Tyran Ba comb Anthony Basilio~ Kenneth Battle Chanell Beasley adia Berger Rhiannon Betti via Rachel Blockman Willi Booker Reema Bo mia Jaime Broom Angela Broom Conterrio Brown Khalema Brown David Brownridge Margaret Brun Michelle Bunce Mario Burden Abby Burgett

Rodney Butler Tra i Buzzard

J o e Carmargo Alicia Caple

arah Carlton Damita Cartmill


Album ~


Paris Chandler Telvin Chatman Jonathan Chittulwu Erin Church Laurie Climer Charles Coey

An to nella Coniglio Du tin Cooper Amanda Cornett Antoine Craig Ian Curry Jaclyn Danowitz Mary Darling Laura David Akeela Dav i ¡ Jonathan Davi Lindsey Delmedico Ryan Derry Kandice Dillavou Rueben Dillon A mber Divan Taui ha Dixon Michael Donovan Ian Doolen Jame Dorri Robert Dorri Lauren Downing Chri topher Duboi Damir Dzhafarov A hley Einck

Hugh Ei enman Heather Elli

Jo eph Eppich Stefanie Ervin

Margaret Evan Latisia Fairley


Whatareyourbestwaystoearnalotofbrownie points from the teachers? Add on Proofs -Pay them Jessyca Revilla -Washing car for them in the parking lot Laurie Climer -Bring them foods you know they like to eat Faith Swaitzendruber -Be cute and smile a lot Angie Holmer -Stay still and try to keep your mouth shut for once in clas . Jason Marry


Alexander Feldman

Emily Feng

Katharine Fettig

Ryan Fiedler Tyler Fielding Frank Fi her Julianna Fri ch Troy Fulfer

Matthew Gate Zachary Gaydo Tara Ghol on Michael Goine David Goran Jacob Goran Benjamin Gordon Julie Grave Robert Gwinn Sarah Hahn Torokey a Haley Xiao Han Emily Hard Cry talHardyman Jill Harm,

Heather Harri Je ica Harri Rick Harri Angela Hart Ca andra Hart




TodHa den

Clari a Head

Andre Hender on

Angie Hernandez Stephanie Herrera Joyce Herr trom Chel ie Hinton Angela Holmer

Cliff Holzhauer JoonkiHong D'MontreHo kin Mary Hough Mike Howard

J.Huge Zoel aac on Je ica Jack on MarkJack on Timothy Jacob Dari Ja per ottJohn on We ley John on Allison Jone Patrick Jone Rian Jones Iriale Joplin Lu e Kaba ele Melanie Kang Todd Kaplan



So homores

Chan Kavasien Caleb Keith Natalie Kenny Erin Kerkering Ashleigh Kern Eric Kesler ~Brown

Andre Dion Kirby Erin Kirby icole Kloeppel Shawndre Ky e Jackie Lalande Wayne Lam Summer Lane Elizabeth Larson Phoe haLawrence There aLawrence April Lelea Cathy Lemon Andrea Lester Tyler Lobdell Matthew Log don Timothy Maberry Rachel Machula Odile Mambo Travi Mapson Danielle Marmion Ja on Marry Sheena Marshall John Marinie

Michelle Martz Ju tin Matthew

Matthew McCloud Sarrindia McElrath

Chry talMcFarland De an McFerren


!bum ~


Elizabeth McMillen Joshua Me eal ries Me utt Mitchell McPhee Ross Mcaule Katherine Mechling Troy Michels Demetrice Miller Gregory Miller Mak Ia Miller oah Morgan2 Jason Morris Kathleen Muhr DannielleMuhamad

M:rllys:rnMumrrro Erika Munoz William Muster Titu Myrick A hley dekwe Andrea Nel on Ivory Nel on Mary Nichol Ashley Nierenhausen Joanne ordne, Emily Nuzzo Keith 0 , ler Rory Overmyer ElisePam r- teph n Elizab th Parr Nadine Patrick

Robert Patter on Miranda Patton

Alii on Payne Kylie P el

Amber Pellum Felipe Penna



So homores

Mathew Penwell

Erica Peter ¡

Whitney Petry

Je ica Phillippe Elizabeth Prornrnel Diane Profit Aly aQuinn E therRamo

Christina Rapp Je yea Revilla Bittany Robert Ramon Robin on Richard Rockwell

Carmen Rohlfing David Rowe David Ruggeri Emily chacht Cain Schaub Matthe Scheitlin Katie Schlorff Je ica choono er Ryan Sego ich George Seibert

Jared Shelby Kelley Sibley Chri top her Smith Jerrod Smith Kathryn rnith


Album .


Richard Smith

Tiffany Smith


What is the best practical joke that you've ever encountered? add on proofs - - - - - -Putting peanut butter under someone's car door handle. Katie Mechling -Sticking a friend's hand in warm water while they're sleeping. That'll make them wet the bed. Robert Gwinn -Spraying whipped cream on someone's hand and tickling them with a strand of hair while they're sleeping. They'll smear their face with the whipped cream. Tyran Bascomb

Robert Stacey Jason Stark Amber Stocker Jacob Strau s Ashanti Sturkey

Johnathan Swanson Seth Swartz Faith Swartzendruber Nicole Swartzendruber Dong Tong Amber Taylor ShavonneTaylor Triante Taylor Shaneka Terrell Leeann Terwilliger

MarneyThavi ouk Stephanie Thies Catherine Thoma Lindsey Thoma Paul Thomas Ashley Thomp on Pierre Thompson Antonio Thomp on Joseph Thulin Amir Toghraee




Timothy Tresslar Je'>~ica Trotter Daniel Trupin Mahogany Turner Meli~sa Veits Anthena Vermillion Bobby Walker Kimberly Walsh Kya Walter Terrell Ware! Chri topher Warner Liz Wa. hburn Magaret Weber Molly Weber Shannon Weekly Michelle Weem Deana Wei Frank Wetzel


Erica White Jonathan Whitmer Li a Wilhelm Cameron Williams Erika William Andrew Williamson Lamar Wil on Keith Winfrey David Winkel Je ica Witte J arne Workman Robert Wright

ichola York Kyle Young

Andrew Zahnd

That': all folks! 2001



ot Pictured: Bilal Ali. Da heonna Allen. Fl yd D. nderson, Ju. tm Battle, Benjamin Bradley, Kaylien Brooks, Michelle Brown, Shanella Brown, La honda Butler. Joshua Callahan, ShannenLeroyCampbell, NosheenaCa simjee. Dawn Cavanaugh. Ky Ia Claiborne. ara Constantino, Robert Davenport. Jimmy Dorris. Ja. on Dr) an, Tunisha Frame, Benjamin Fryer, K) le Funk, Jame Gat on, Ivan Grant, Jennifer Greene, igeria Hammad, Tauheedah Hammad, Johanna Harms, Amy Hem ¡ouvanh, Jacob Hendricks, Johanna Helll)', Lindsc Hen ¡on, Michael Hinton, Jo ph Ho) t, Andrew Hutson, Jerad John on, Amy John ton, Peter Kane, Clint King. Gregory Kizer, Daniel Large, Ja on Lickfeldt, Robert Mattingl), Don McClellan, Rennee McCray Drew McDaniel, Chri tian McMullen, Janet enefee, Conte a Moffitt, Paula Moore, Justin Morris, Christopher Peters, Patrick Phillips. Ra heid Reid, Matthew Runge, Matthe eib rt, Kimberly Shaw, Autumn Skaggs, Janean Smith. Tori Stark-, Br an teven , Tra\ IS Stimmel, Jerod Sumlin, Belon Taylor, Dana Te ter, Tere a Tester, Le lie Thomas, Alana Thomp on, Vegas Thornton, Shamika Tillman, Adam Traeger, Jacob Vanlaar, Kendra Vre Omar Wa hington, Rebecca Wentworth, AthaWin ton













ass President-1amieSholem Vice Pres.-Ashley Davis Secretary-Jennifer Cox Treasurer-HaleyJohnson

omeco Darrayl Kirk And Toya Manley






Michael Amacher Michael Aquino Alice Arm')trong David A~hbrook Letrice Ayre~ Benjamin Baker Lotan Band Andrea Barry Puja Batura James Baum Mark Bauman Anthony Beasley

Shawnte eBennen Jeffrey Benoit JohnathonBialeschki

Darrell Bigger A hley Bi hop Jane Blaa e

Tonetta Bli it Meli a Bochte Adam Bogan

Karen Bohlmann Samuel Bramfeld Kye Breen Miranda Brewer April Britt Jennifer Britt Deli ha Brown Emmanuel Brown Jam Brown Lak i ha Brown Mark C. Brown Megan Brown Tayanna Brown Du tin Brownfield Zachary Browning Collin Bullo k Eric Burge





B ina Burwell

Rach 1 Carl ton Ryan armichael Amy Car on ichol Changnon Dung Chau

u an Chi h lm A hl y laib me

Tyler laxton Mar ui a Cobb

Emily Cochrane Philip C he11

Bonnie Collin Jodi Cornett Molly Comyn Michael Cory Jennifer Cox




Britt Decker Brian Deter Jonathon Dillard Paul Dixon Whitney Dixon Flora Dorris II Phuoc Duong Adam Dye Amanda Edward Michael Egner Laura Engelhardt Jacob England

tephanie Erwin Jennifer F ickert Maria Fernandez

CarmelitaFitzgerald Emily Fletcher Matthew Fonner

Ja mine Fontenot Alii on Ford Rodri k Frazier

Ra he dah Gaine Chri t pherGallego Thoma Gardner Jo eph Godina William Godina Chri tina Goglia Kathryn Grace Chri , Gratkin Ru ell Greear Holly Green Anthony Griglione Daniel Gro er

Mile Gurtler Edward Gutierrez RobertoGutierrez YeHa Tyler Hagel Michael Halle





Elizabeth Hannan ngela Hansen Andrew Hanington Martell Harri Randi Harrison Brittany Harry Rachelle Harwig Patrick Hatch Amariah Hays JamesHer hbarger Tzia Hibler Johnathan Hill

Mackeyla Hill Katie Hopkins Jaime Hubbel

John Huhn Arthur Hunter Jodi Hurt

Brian Inskip Kenneth Jahne Jennifer Jerrel

Daniel Jink Mark Johns Haley John on David Johnston Adam Jones Sara Judy atalie Kahler ~ykowski

Joon Kang ichola Karr Shelby Karr Sydney Karr Amanda Kelly Daniel Kirby Leah Kirby Darrayl Kirk Daniel Klimek Michael Koleff




Eva Kraus ndrca Laird Cijic Lang Dawn Lathrop Quintin Lawrence tephen Layman Late ha Lee hawanna Lee Lee Lelea Sara Lockman

What Is The Scariest Thing About UpperClassmen?

Ryan Log don Kri ten Long

Their driving Amanda Edwards The way they dre s Tyler Haggle My brother Amy Carson How weird they act Shannon Zoll

Gene i · Lu ter Da id Manigan

Toya Manley Rebecca Maring

Keri Marion eth Marmion Benjamin Matthew Valerie Mazzocco Leah McCray Lind. a McCray Kip McDaniel Kri ty McD rmed Justin McFarland Teren Mcgee Lucas McGill bby McKinney Emily McKinne) Peter M abb Chri topher Meek




Meagen Menecl Kyle Micha 1 David Miller Jaya Miller Martell Miller Rene ha Miller D vin Mill Aimee Minyard Andrew Mitchell Jame Mitchell

Joycelyn oor Candace Morgan

S ott Morgan Cha itey Morri

Calvin Morri ¡ Jr. Griffin Mulcah

Madi on Mullad Victor Munoz aura Murph MarkMu o Kelly Nel o Todd Lyn ¡a Ely e iccum Daniel Nordne Je e Noye Michael Och Nathan Oliveira Kate Outla Trevi Overacker Eli a Palacio




Stephen Palmer Mary Parkhill Amy Parr Anil Patel Joanna Pelafa Joseph Pellum Gregory Penrod teven Peper Lamatrice Perkin Latrice Perkin Matthew Petry Kathleen Phillip

Leroy Phillip Ja on Pryor Drew Quarle

Eric Redd Matthew Reed Max Reed

Vincente Reed Da id Reimer Patrick Reinhart

Robert Rei Lamar Riddle Drea Riley Je ica Ringler Quentin Robbins Dorian Robin on Harmonia Ro ale Anna Rot Emily Rou ey Morgan Rowe Andrew Ru ell Melani Sa a

Jeremy chmidt Jam hnitzlein Rob rt chnitzlein




Nik eeber Jessica Seider ntonio Serna Timothy Severn~ Lind~ay Shepard Jamie holem cott immons Virginia inn s B njamin mith Elizab th mith Kali mith Michelle Smith

Morgan Smith Pre ton Smith Jo eph Spanglo

Matthew pencer Kent pitz Ellen tanko

Ja on Stark Katherine Stephen Nichola Stirrett

Matthew Stout Alexi Strack Walter Stumpf Lorrie Te ter Ro Thacker Pamy Thavi ouk Sarah Thorp Daniel Thur ton Brandon Tobia Frank Valdivia Elizabeth V anne Henry Ya ar Montrez Yonner Adam Yo Ha Yu Tonya Wade Daniel Wahlfeldt Tamera Walker




What Is The Hardest FreshnaanClass? English with Mr . Sherwood Val Mazzacco All of them! Colin Cain Band Peter McNabb Math John Campbell

Kathryn Wampler Joy Ward John Warnock Justin Watkins Sharita Weatherall

Do · ique hite Jeylin White







ot pictured: Quaya Aikenc,, inclair Bailey, Dalana Baker, Michael Bantz, Theotis Dorris, Krisondra Estes, RyanGrumish, Kyesha Harvey, Jaclyn Hughes, Prenti s Jackson, Derius Lyons, Kimberly Menefee, hareta Mile , Chimere Moore, Avon Morgan, Hanniyyah Mu tafaa, lame Myers, Matthew 0' eal, Jamie Lee Oiland, Lindsay Schneider. Rodney Smith, Tabitha Smith, icole Stacy, Christine Stanley, Amanda trode, Phontez Terhune, Amir-Calif Walker, Ali Wa hington, Johanna Weichsel, Sheniqua White, Chri. topher Winfrey and Harley Wrench.




Sporty Spice •

114 ~


Coach: Louis itch Record: 6-26 MVP: Jared Flynn Mo t Improved: David Todd Captain : Mike itch/Joel Kaplan Letter Winner : 15 Although the Maroon' record wa not uper, they did how glimp e of brilliance. Even though it wa oach itch' fir t year, the team had no trouble adapting to hi coaching tyle. Becau eof oachSitch' "never give up attitude" the team fought hard every game. Over half of the game were one-run game . Look for the 1999 team to how their improvement. They played ummerball together and have worked hard in the off: ea on. Favorite quote "Check your baggage at the door" "Dare to be Different" "There i no "I" in team" "You Si sy Meary " "You know where to look for ympathy ... "

THIS PAGE- Pic 1: Don ' tworry, it won't bite! Pic 2¡ Derek reaches for the stars. Pic 3: Coach Sitch hopes for a base hit. Pic 4 Brian and Sean look ready. Pic 5: Good eye, Ryan . Pic 6: Bring it on! Pic 7 1,2,3 CENTRAL




FRONT ROW- Vars Clayton Overstreet. Sean Sm1 hPeters. Ell Silverman. Matt Clegg, Tyler Bennett. Bob Feller ROW 2 Dav1dTodd. Joel Kaplan. JetfTngger. Mike Sitch. Jared Flynn. Ryan Kelly, Dav1d Ruggen ROW 3. Coach S1tch. Chns Dobrovolony. Derek Vaughn. Spencer Dobrovolony, Ryan Bauman. Brian Daly, Shannon Kahler. Coach Waller. FRONT ROW- JV Mike Vnner. David Winkel, Matt Logsdon. Matt Rory. Rob Gwinn. Jason Marry Row 2. Brett Czajkowski. Ryan H1ner. Adam Traeger. Clint King. Romielle Brown. M1tch McPhee. Jon Swanson. Row 3. Steve Waller. John Mart1n Ryan Derry. Matt Johnson. Billy Smith. Manuel Vasquez

This Page-Pic 1: Ruggeri looks a little beat up. Pic 2: I think I can ... Pic 3· Coach. I have to gol Pic 4: Hey where's my helmet





Coache : John Stabb and Jeff Ha en tab Captain : Laura In kip and Katie Aquino Mo t Valuable Player: Laura In kip ffen i e Player of the Year: Erin Broadrick Defen ive Player of the Year: Laura In kip Most Improved: wartz


Captain Quote: "Thi ea on wa definitely a rebuilding year a we changed coache and had many new face on the quad. But de pite the challenge we faced, we had a great time giving team a run for thier money." -Laura In kip

THIS PAGE-Pic 1 Nicki shows her perfectform Pic 2: Amiconcentrates hard on her throw Pic . 3: Jessica rounds the bases. Pic 4: Kyo gets low for the ball. Pic 5: Why I oughta .. . Pic 6: JV gets pumped before a game Pic 7: Elise is light on her feet.




VARSI"'Y-FRO TROW 1co1e Bndges. Amanda May. Jenny Medlock. Jeon1e W1segorver. N1ck1 Flynn. ROW 2. Apr· Leleo. Lauren O'Connor. Am1 Ponchol. Krisdee Kurlokowskl ROW3 Audrey Swartz. Mary Prell. Coach Stobb. Enn Broodnck. Lauro lnsk1p. Ko 1e Aqu1no JUNIOR VARSITY-FRONT ROW Enco White. Knst1e Gilbert. S ephonie Matt. Jess1co Covey, Ashley Kern ROW 2 Kim Walsh. Mary Darling. Kyo Wolters Row 3 Moniko Bhotejo. Elise PorkerStephen. Coach Hosenstob. Felon Phengo. Don1elle Shaub.

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: Mary wo1ts for a s1gn P1c.2· AmondoMoyhodgotstyle Pic . 3: Grab some bench. you're out! Pic. 4: Right 1n the ole mit.



I 19

Coach: Dwight Stricklin istant oach: teve Ham1s Captain :Kevin Froehlich and ick McLemore Mo t aluable Player: Ke m Froehlich Mo t Improved Player: Jack Carey ea on ummary: The boy ' tenni team had an out tanding ea on, fini hing with an undefeated dual meet record. They won Big 12 with fir t place fini he from Jack Carey at #2 ingle and from E an Dixon and Brian Flood at #2 double . They were al o ectional champion , qualifying the whole team for tate where they fini hed in 24th place.

THIS PAGE-Pic 1: Nick 's pre-match carbo fuel-up. Pic 2: Air Evan shows off his killer backhand . Pic3 : Is Matt happy about his match or his date Fnday night? Pic 4: Jack contemplates his nextplay. Pic5 Central 'ssuccessata Bloomington Invite.




FRONT ROW Matt Penwell. Josh Greenfield, Matt Scheitlin, Jon Witmer, Nguyen Vo. Kevin Froehlich, Bnan K1m ROW 1 Steve Harms. Jack Carey, N1ck Mclemore. Blake Marg1son. Derek Deschler, Bnan Flood. Evan D1xon. Dw1ght Stncklin

THIS PAGE-Pic 1: Matt winds up for an ace Pic 2: Brian strikes a pose. Pic 3 Kev1n and Nick. the team's cocaptains are true playas Pic 4. "Do I have. SOMETHING IN MY TEETH???" Pic 5: Blake stays focused on the ball.




I Coache~:

Garry Laidlaw and dam Jenkins,

ea on Racord: 8-9-2 Captains: Anya Pavia, Jenny Cripe, Tara Peter MVP: Molly Krol Individual Outstanding Peformance: Tara Peter and Molly Krol were All-Area Conference and all Sectional player~. Anya Pavia and Meghan Winkel were AllConference. Tara led the team with ix goal . Erica Peters and Liz Washburn followed with 5.

THIS PAGE- Pic . l: Communication? Pic 2: Hungry? Pic. 3 Korab 's got mad skills . Pic . 4 Dont be too enthusiastic ladies! Pic 5: Senior day atFranklinfeild Pic .6: Rough ' nTough Pic . 7 Go Lisa!!





Yan.,ity- FRO T ROW: Erica Peters, Liz Washburn, Emily Fonner. Molly Krol. Tara Peters, Jenn Scheitlin. Whitney Ha\ ice. ROW 2: Cary Salzmann. Becky Ness, Anya Pavia, Marina Smith, Catherine Grim">gard. Linsdey Morris, Kate Morgan, Jenny Cripe. ROW 3: Coach Jenkin">. Kelli Judy, Meghan Winkel. ara Arnold. Nadia Berger, Julie Sonka. Coach Wal ·h. Coach Laidla~.

JV- FRO T ROW: Johanna Henry. Li a Wilhelm. Elizabeth Korab, Cathy J errel. Kate tigberg, Jill Harm. Antonia Galaras. ROW 2: Courtney Russell. Erica Deut<.,cher. Whitney Petry. Katie Fettig, Amy Hemsuvahn. Paris Mowlavi. Karen Jerrell. ROW 3: Coach Jenkins, Elizabeth Andrejausich, Rachel Bain, Kate Manganaro Coach Laidla~.

THIS PAGE- Pic .l : A word from the wise Pte 2: Typtca l Spring soccer. Pic . 3· Courtneys dotng a little dance




Girls' Track: Coache : Chris Saunder , Li ¡a Martinez MVP: Janelle Johnson Out tanding Performances: Janelle Johnson & Kate Murray qualified for the tate meet Janelle advanced in the triple jump (3rd) and long jump (8th). She al o broke the chool record in the long and triple jump. Janelle wa "Athlete of Week." Kate Murray advanced to tate in the 3200 m run and went on to win her heat Shaneka Terrell made the "Fanta tic Fre hmen" li t in the New Gazette. Letter Winner :15 Team Summary:The team took 1 t place at the Gene Armor Invite and 1 t place at the meet v Mattoon. It wa a year many adjustment had to be made. There were many newcomer to the team. Con idering the number of injurie , the team till stayed trong and worked hard together. FRONT ROW : Ashanti Sturkey, Laurie C li mber, Angela Zalucha , Brittany Roberts, Amanda Fonner. Caro line Pollock, Molly Weber, Sam i Stegal l. ROW 2: Nicole Swartzendruber, Erin Hatch, Alii Harvey, Bethany Petry, Kate Murray, Amanda Newport. Chan i McMullen, Val Pyer. ROW 3: Coach Saunders, Jackie West, Janelle Johnson, Shaneka Terrell. Devan McFerren, Angie Holmer, Katherine Pickard, Coach Martinez. THIS PAGE-Pic .l : Amanda Newport has mad hops . Pic2 : Another successful pass. Pic3 ¡ Brittany burns the competition . Pic4: Alii Harvey takes a breather PieS . Katherine and Janelle pass it off




Boy.;,' Track: Coache.,: Richard, Fields, Grizzard. MYP: Devin Quarles and Voss


Out tanding Performance : Devin Quarle made it to tate in the shot put and di cu . He placed ninth at tate in the di cu ¡. Jacob Goran took fir t place in the two mile race for the Fre ¡hmen/Sophomore conference. Pat Phillip took econd place in the t~ ahundred meter Fre hmen/ Sophomore conference. The 4x OOm took fir t place in the Fresh men/Sophomore conference. That arne group took third place in the outdoor conference. ick Yo placed among the top in the conference and sectional meet . Team Summary: The team won the Danville and Stephen Decatur meet . They were young but will have future potential. There wa impro ement throughout the ea on.

FRONT ROW: Jacob Goran David Goran. Ivan Grguric. Jordan Fe ers. Daniel Baechle. Dan Fletcher. BlaKe Roberts. AmirTogharaee ROW2: Andy Lang. Terrance Jones. Mark Cooper. Geoff Washburn. Jack Hoffman. Jorge Perez-Abad. Marco Versuchi. Todd Higgerson. ROW 3. Coach Grizzard, Eric Kesler. Charles Fridline. Seth Swartz. Mike Carson. Joey Bartholomew. Steve Eheart. ROW 4. Coach Fields. Nate York. Cedric Davis. Dev1n Quarles. ick Voss. Pat Phillips, Coach Richards. THIS PAGE-PIC l Nice handoff guys! PIC 2: Jake and Geoff lead the pack. PIC 3 Dan concentrates on another throw PIC 4. Tired Jack? PIC 5: 6???




a Coache~ :

Jeff Trigger, Lou Due. Jeff Ha<.,en..,tab, Alec Gibson Record: 3-6 Captain : Bryan G""' inn, Michael Simlin, Robert Sallee. Joey Bartholomew. Most Valuable Player: Mike imlin Most Valuable Lineman: Joey Bartholome""' Mo ·t Dedicated: Michael icolas and Michael Carson The 1998 Maroon ·tarted the ea on with a big win again t Decatur Ei enhower. In Memorial Stadium. Feeling and looking good, Central went into Danville hoping for an important ictory. nfortunately, Central lo ·t a heart-breaker,and for the remainder of the ea on Central wa ju t not able to pull it together. Playing in a tough confrenc with po t- ·ea on power hou e uch a Centennial and ormal. Centralju tcould not tack up. AI o, injury tricken Central had to o ercome much ad er ity to fini h 3 and 6. Although the record doe not look pectacular, the Maroon did how a lot of heart and impro ement in their game. Look for ne t ear group to do well. They ork hard a a team and ha continued to impro e in fr hman ear. THI P GE-Ptc I Bl)an -.can-. the field . Pte 2: Central . ~arm-. the ball. Pt 3 Darnell drag> defender, . Pt 4: Montreyel Ltg'> and ng-.. PieS : Mike bounce. to the out; ide. Pic 6: T.J . get> jtgg) ~•t" tt.

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VARSITY- FRONT ROW· Coach Jeff Trigger. Louis Hardwick. Brian Daly Montreyel Brown, Bryan Gw nn Michael N1cholas. Michael Simlin. ROW 2: Coach Jeff Hasenstab, Matthew Johnson. Michael Venner. Terrance Jones. Jordan Fellers. Marty Kane. CharlesFridHne. ROW3: JohnBramfeld. Mark Sandrock. Jarett Osler. Darnell Jasper, Demond McNeal. Ryan Hiner ROW 4 Coach Lou Due. Joey Bortholmew, Nathan York. Elton Cleaves. Chns Brown. Romelle Brown. BrentCochrane Row4. RobertSallee, Michael Carson. Billy Kyle. Myron Dyer. Robert Wellman. Clliford Busby Jr.

THIS PAGE-Pic 1· Laces out! 2. Darnell looksforsomeonetorunover. 3. Myron and Chris manhandle this poor guy 4. Hang on ....... 5. All right guys. here's the plan.




JV- ROW l : Seth Swartz, Matt Runge, Matthew Logsdon. Joshua Callahan, Am1r Toghroee. Adam Troeger. Jared Johnson. Coach Wilson ROW 2 Dov1d Ruggen, T1mothy Mayberry, Robert Mott1ngly. Dons Jasper, B1ll Muster. Michael Go1ngs. Lamar Wilson. Coach Poetzel ROW 3 Coach Dov1s. Ml ch McPhee. Anton1o Thompson-Ails1o, Jon Dov1s. Joe Epp1chs. T1m Tresslar, Nick York, Demetnce Miller ROW 4 Todd Kaplan. Andy Zohnd. Pot Phillips, Bllo Ali, Clln King, Ryan F1edler. Robert Gw1nn FRESHMAN-ROW l V1ncent Reed, David Johnston, Mischa Wynn Ryan Logsdon. John Biolescki. Bnon lnskip, Steve Pepper. Tony Griglione . ROW 2 Amir Walker, Ben Mo hews. Morgan Smith. Nik Seeber, Seth Marm1on. Ben Boker. Mike Compbel:. Joe Pellum , ROW 3. Dean Stumpft, Don Jenks. Drew Quarles. Art Hunter. Chns Grotk1ns. Brandon Wnght, Chose Dougherty, Lee Leleo. ROW 4 Ben W'lcock, Mues Gurtler. Don Thurston. Gnffen Mulcahey, Matt Petry, Enc Burge, Andy Harnngton. Brandon Tobias Coaches. Kevin Quinlan. Don Becke , LOUIS Sitch, Ardell Troeger.

THIS PAGE-Pic 1 Rob attempts to thread the needle. Pic 2: The Maroons ore always on top! Pic 3: so1d I got it.. Pic 4 : Chose shows perfect form.


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Freeman Yordi. Team Captians: Ross McAule , Nick Musumeci, Wally Musumeci and Jon Bryan. L tter Winners: 20 Record: 9- 10- 3 MYP: Wally Mu umeci Most Impro ed: John Martinie Individual Award : Wally Mu umeci wa the # 1 All Sectional goalie. Ro McAuley, Nick Musumeci, and Jon Whitmer were All Sectional player . Brain Mallach wa honorable mention for All Sectional. Ros McAuley, Nick Mu umeci, and Wally Mu umeci were Regional player and Jon Whitmer recieved honorable mention. Team Summary: The '98 ea on wa definitely a rebuilding year for the Maroon' occer team. They were one of the top two younge t team in the Big 12 thi year. The occer team had five player that recieved AllSectional recognition. Overall thi year wa a di appointment and it didn't go a planned, but Coach Jenkin is looking forward to the upcoming ea on.

Till PAGE- Pic. I¡ Brian Mallach ha~ got '>kilb. Pic. 2: Careful boy~'' Pte. 3: Ktpknows ho"' to u e hts butt. Pic. 4: Matt Clegg enjoy'> '>ltde tackling no one. Pic. 5: Jon Whitmer whoops up on ht'> btgger opponent. Pte. 6: mm ... foul?



port ¡

Vars1ty- FRONT ROW Matt Clegg, Jon Wh1tmer, Dav1d Goran. Alex Schroeder Nick Cobb, Bnan Malloch. Babe Mambo ROW 2: Pat Ashbrook, Jack Hoffman. Jason Ness. Geoff Washburn. MattSche1lin. Suha,IAihensh, Ahamad At- Taras. ROW 3. CoachJenk1ns. Tom Budescu, John Mart n1e. Nick Musumeci, Wally Musumeci, Eric Pelz, Ross McAulley. Jon Bryan, Coach Yordl Jun1or Varsity - FRONT ROW Dav1d Mangtan. Scott Morgan, Kp McDan1el. Kent Broadbent. Ma Schanche. N1ck Stirrett ROW 2· Dodd Browning, Max Reed. Tyler Hagel. Travis Daily, Philip Schroeder, Keeny Jaehne ROW 3: Peter Kane. Coach Jenkins, Robert Stacy

THI PAGE- Pic I Don't bun h up guy !! 1 Pte.:!: David Gomn is thir ty for a goal. Pic. 3: LookatRo Me uley'-.Iegmu. cle'>" PtcA: Ou h ... poor Da\ td




e Coaches: Dwight trick! in and Missy Holste Season Record: 8-1 Most Valuable Players: Liz Fraker and Nicole Griglione Most Improved: Jill Harm and Mar Parkhill Outstanding Performances: The new doubles team of Jill Harm and Mary Parkhill had an out tanding eason together. They contributed many wins and howed vast improvement throughout the eason. Liz Fraker and Nicole Griglione fini hed thier two year doubles career with a record of 56-3. They wer seeded 3-4 going into the tate tournament and were able to get revenge on Moline to once again earn a pot in the final . Fraker/ Griglione fini hed econd for the second year in row. Sea on Summary: The team had up and down throughout their 98' ea on. One of the ea on high point wa at the Charger Invitational. Central won the tournament without dropping a match. The team came up hort in there t of the meet earning second in the Matton Tournament, Big 12 Conference, and Sectional . The team qualified only the double tandem of Fraker/ Griglione to the State competition. The team ended up fini hing 19th overall. THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: Seniors Liz Fraker and Nicole Griglione are bestbuds with Jill Harmsl Pic . 2 Take this ball and guard it with your life Pic . 3. In between matches these girls like to play with hairdryers. Pic . 4 Jackie has supreme concentration






FRONT ROW Puja Batura. Sarah Carl on. Rachel Carl on. Ellen Stanko. Mary Parkh1l. Sarah Hahn ROW 2 N1cole Grigilone. Jli Harms. Jackie Feng. Deanna Deschler. Liz McMillen. Enca White. L1nh Pham. ROW 3 Liz Fraker. Nliifer Kulam. Reema Bosm1a. Laura Mar 1n. Anna Ros Coach Stnckiln





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THIS PAGE-P1c 1· The team poses w1th the1r medals after a clean sweep a the Charger Invite Pic. 2: These girls take a break from washing cars. Pic 3 Deanna Deschler pauses for the volley. Pic. 4. Laura Martin is thrilled about her medal.




Coaches: Dike Stirrett and Chri aunders Out tanding Performance Nick Vos wa the runner-up at the Twin City meet, third at Conference, and a Sectional and State qualifier. Jacob Goran, a! o a Sectional qua1ifi r, placed first at the Metamora and Springfield Lamphier Fre h/Soph meet . Team Summary: Central's girl ' team had a rebuilding year. The girl team wa plagued by injurie ¡ and lost threeoftheirtop even runner . Fortunately, undercla men and newcomer filled the pot . The team came together at Regionals and fini hed fifth, advancing to Sectional . The boy team was young and inexperienced. Although they mi ed the cut off for Sectional , next year they are looking to qualify for State.

FRO ROW: Mike Egner, Danny Kirby , Todd Higerson, ic Chagnon, teve Eheart, Pat Hatch. ROW 2: Jacob Goran, olin Cain, 1ck Voss, Tony Millage, Karl Bauchmoyer, oach tirrett, Paul Dixon. THIS PAGE-Pic. I¡ Central boy~ ~tart out strong. P1c. 2: ick Voss leads the pack. P1c. 3: Tony Millage smi les for the cameras. Pic. 4: Who wears Pic. 5: Keep those clothes on




f- RO:\T RO\\ Kate .\1urra} RO\\ 2: El11abeth Korab. L1sa Wilhelm. RO\\ :1 : Amanda Kell). Alhc AmNrong. Bethan) Petry. Juhe Gra't:'. Laune Climber. hthcr Ramos. Angela /..alucha. R0 \\1 -l Coach <;aundcrs. Ashley Da\1',, Shand.a Terrell. Kate Ma nganero. Sara Arnold. Amanda '\c"pon. Erin Hatch. Alii Har,cy

"This year was a succes because the team came together to overcome adversity. We had a lot of great time together a a team and ar looking forward to the upcoming ea on." --Erin Hatch

THI P GE- Pic. J¡ Keepmg a pack. P1c. 2. Run Fast Ju lie' Pic.3: J MP 1 Pic. -1: The XC g1rb get buff. Pic. 5 Ta-dah ' Pic. 6: '> atch those flyi ng >hon s. Korab.





Vars1ty- FRONT ROW Nicole Bndge , Erin Broadr ick, Ashley Seaman Christina Rapp, Marn1e Stephens, Kate Martin1e, Amber Jenks. ROW 2 Jenny Commons, Em 1y L1etz, Patricia Frazier, Jenn Rousey, Audrey Swartz, Devan McFerren, Julie Leman, Coach Mike Marassa

Coaches: Michael Mara sa, Angie Palmer, and Colleen Madera Record: 32-4 (10-l) Team Captains: Julie Leman, A hley Seaman, Audre Swartz, icole Bridge , Mo tValuablePlayer :A hley Seaman and Julie Leman Mo t Improved Player: Trish Frazier Coach's Award: Swartz


Individual Out tanding Performances: Jenn Rou ey, Julie Leman, and Mamie Stephen ¡ were Big 12 AllConference election . Jenn Rou ey wa the New Gazette All Area Player of the Year. Sea on ummary: The girls' volleyball team had an out tanding ea on. They broke the chool record for the mo t win in a ea on. They won both the Mt. Zion Tournament and the Centennial Tournament. They placed econd at Big 12 Conference and were the Regional Champion. THIS PAGE- Pic . 1: Nicole and Jenn look on as their teammate passes. Pic . 2 Nice shot, Erin! Pic 3: Amber sets Audrey up for a kill. Pic. 4 The team gets pumped up for a game. Pic . 5: Marnie and Ashley show each other support.




Junior Yar'll) - 1-R()'\;T RO\\- . Ll/ Smith. Bnttan) Harr) . Megan Bnm n. Jane Ball1c. Kell) D'Amico . Je.,.,lla Phillippe . !.1/ \\a-.hbum ROW 2 Coach Ang1e Palmer. Lauren Do" mng. Lmd.,C) Dcl:\1ed~eo . Leah K1rb) Kat) \1cchhng . Chmtma R.1pp. Coach \1il.e \1ara.,.,a . Fre.,hman· f-RO:'\T RO\\- Abb) :\1cKinm:). Call) Deal. Angelec Dauenhaugh. V1rgm1a Sinne.,.I::mll) Rou\C) . \\ hllne) D1xon. Emil) \ 1cKmnc) . ROW 2: Coach :\1il..e !\1ara.,.,a. Laura Engelhardt. \1cgan Brown. Je.,.,1ca Weaver. Sha.,.anna Lee. Shannon Zoll. Alex"> Stracl... Dalana Bal..er. !::mil) Fletcher. Coach Colleen \1adera

THIS PAGE- Pic.l : Liz Smith puts a little power into her spike Pic 2· Let's go, Central! Pic . 3. Central 's opponents adm1reoursets. Pic. 4· Freshman team huddle. Pic . 5: Jane focuses on he ball

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Coaches: Will Barker and Eric Lazari Individual Outstanding Performance: Andrea Block had an outstanding sectional meet. She won the I 00 back ·troke, edging rival Centennial swimmer. with a time of 59.79. Sea on Summary: C ntral qualified four swimmer to the tate meet. Andrea Block grabbed the eventh eed in the 100 backstroke and ended up finishing eighteenth at the tate meet. atalie Kenny qualified for both the l 00 and 200 free tyle and was a member of the relay team. The 200 medley relay team con is ted of Andrea Block, Katherine Pickard, Bet ey Holder, and Natalie Kenny. The team had a di appointing tate meet, but had a good ea on overall.

THIS PAGE-Pic . J· Katherine and Andrea are the cutest Pic . 2: Michelle Smith plunges into the water. Pic. 3: Johanna Henry hopes to survive her dive Pic. 4: Michelle Martz heads for the finish line. Pic 5: Julianna Frisch has excellent form . Pic. 6· Pull Katherine. Pull



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FRONT ROW. KC e son. Sarah Lockman. M1chel e Sm h. Jackie Hughes. Kr1sten Long. ROW 1 Notal e Kenny. Kot1e Fett g. Mogg1e Evans. Ty er F1eld ng. Mary Dorlmg. Julianne Fnsch. Michelle Martz. Johanna Henry. Erin K rby ROW 2 Kotherme Pickard. Lauro Herrel, Enn M1tchell. 1cole Wlekhnsk:. Andrea Block. Coach Lozon. Coach Barker

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: Andrea. Erin. and Mary show em' whose bod! Pic. 2: Nicole sets up for the dive Pic. 3:Kotie Fettig storms through the water Pic 4: Oh look at that guy Pic. 5: Natalie Kenny prepares for practice




f FRONT ROW: Libby Larson. Sara Judy, Magg1e Bruns. Row 2 Nicole Fortman. Betsy Holder. Coach Anne Staab. Mary Ratcliffe. Erin Byrd

Girb' Golf Coach: Anne Staab eason Record: 6-2 Mo ·t Valuable Player: Byrd


Team Captain, : Bet y Holder and Erin Byrd Indi idual Out tanding Performance B t ·y Holder placed 1st at Big 12 and Regional , and 4th at Sectionals. Team Accomplishment : The team won 5th place at Big 12 Conference, 4th place at Regionals, and 5th place at Sectional .

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1 Libby handles a sand shot Pic. 2. Betsy sizes up her putt Pic. 3: Maggie smiles for the camera Pic . 4. Enn shows off her perfect form




FRONT ROW Bre Czajkowski, Ryan Baumann. Ryan Derry, B1lly Sm1 h. Michael Derry, Chad Pellum. Adam Dye ROW 2 Kyle Young. Nate Cox. Matt Fonner, John Ch1ttuluru. M 1chael Mernck. Coach John Woods. Po nck Harnngton. Timmy Hoss. Billy Nicol. Bob Feller. Bnan Deters

Boys' Golf Coach: John Woods Most Valuable Players: Tim Hoss and Patrick Harrington Team Captains: Tim Ho Patrick Harrington


Individual and Team Out tanding Performance ¡: Tim Ho ¡s placed 1st in the Charger Invitational. Patrick Harrington placed 1st in the Rantoul Open. Chad Pellum placed 3rd and Bobby Feller placed 1Oth at Regional , both advancing to ectional . The team defeated Centennial in the Champaign Cup for the fifth traight year.

THIS PAGE-Pic 1 Billy stays focused on the ball. Pic. 2 Who ISthat guy? P1c. 3. Fore ! Pic. 4: Bo b is serious about hisgolf game




oaches: Erik and Leah Hege Team ummar : The entral cheerleading squads' main goal this year was to keep up school spirit. The team cheered hard at basketball and football games. Their hard work off ea on paid off when the squad was named "Be t in the Midwe t" for 1998. They won their division of small varsity co-ed and went onto finals. Although there were a lot of newcomer. to th , quad, the varsity team wa able to overcome ob tacles and have a great eason.

"Thi i my fir t year particpating in cheerleading. Itha beenafunandintere ting year." Angie Holmer THIS PAGE: Pic. 1: Nice headgear. Pic . 2: Strike a pose . Pic 3: Hungry??? Pic. 4¡ Go Central!! Pic. 5: Oh my God! Pic.6 Friends forever Pic 7 Run Forest Pic. 8: Cheerleaders are buff

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Varsity FRONT ROW. Ashley Einck, Courtney Russell, Jack1e Brown. Jessica Cavey. Chnst1na Loesch ROW 2 Coach Hege. Kylie PeeL Knstun Stover, Katie Schlorff. Deana Weiss. ROW 3: Jam1e Tengwall. Angie Holmer. Kelly Murray, Michelle Chnsholm, G1na Scarpetta. Rachel Ba1n. Mark Jackson. Coach Hege Jun1or Varsity · FRONT ROW Bntt Decker. Valerie. Mazzocco. Kat1e Stephens. Leah McCray, Haley Johnson. ROW2 KatyWampler.Jomie Hubbel, Em1ly Cochrane. Natalie Kahler. Katie Outlaw. Susan Chisholm.

"I'm o fortunate for all the wonderful friend hip that have blo omed o er the ea on." Gina Scarpetta THI

PAGE: Pic. I ircle of friend Pic.:!: Central p1rit P1c.J: Ta-dah!

ho~ ing






aske a 1 FRONT ROW Cart1ce Wilson. Ryan H1ner. Bryan Malloch. Babe Mambo. ROW 1. Rom1e le Brown, Robert Reynolds. Terrance Jones. Bryan Gw1nn. ROW 2¡ Coach's Assistant Tom Richards. James Darns. Darmel Sm1th, Ryan Moore. Coach Scott Davis.

Coach : Scott Davi Tom

Coach' Richard

Team Accompli hment : Central placed third at the ew Gazette Cia ic tournament. At the beginning ofF ebruary, they held a Conference record of 12-1 and an overall record of 17-4. They were the econd seed at Sectional . The team wa characterized by good defen e and balanced coring, having five player coring between 7.5 and 11.5 pont a game.

THIS PAGE-Pic 1¡ Romielle takes it to the hole. Pic 2: He shoots. he scores! Pic 3: Slam dunk! Pic 4: Gwinn for three .. Pic 5: Coach Dav1s and the team watch the game closely. Pic 6: Cartice goes for a longshot.




FRONT ROW Michael Go1nes. Pat Philips. Matt Sche1tlin. Lamar Wilson. Rob Gw1nn ROW l : Jerod Sumlin. Joe Tulin. Ivory Nelson. Clint King. Demetrice Miller. ROW 2: Coach Tim Lav1n. Seth Swartz. M ke Donovan. Robert Davenport. Coach Donald Stewart

THIS PAGE-Pic. l: Seth reaches for the ball. Pic. 2: Bobby is untouchable. Pic. 3: Outta my way! Pic. 4. Air Mike Pic. 5: Please go in! Pic. 6: Demetrice shows his opponents how it's done. Pic. 7: Mike and Rob play tough defense.



FRONT ROW Adam Dye. Bnon Deters. Co11nCo1n. ickSt1rre . Phon ezToylor. Dom1n1que White ROW 1 John Hill, Quentin Robb1ns. Don Thurston. Colvin Moms. Tyler Hogle. oteOiiveno ROW 2 Coach ChucK Schwor z. Dodd Brown1ng Tony Gr1glione. Gr fftn Mulcahey, Enc Burge. Mark Baumann. N1ck Chongnon. Coach John Woods

THIS PAGE-PIC. 1· "I got h1m. I go hm!" Pic. 2: Dodd gets surrounded by Mattoon. Pic. 3. Dominique for three .. Pic. 4 Griff1n shows off his moves. P1c. 5: Don Thurston lays it up. Pic 6 Is that Michael Jordon? P1c. 7: N1ck goes coast to coast.


<lt l47

as Coache :Kim cward-Bu1ton, Porter Battle. and Rol ita Washington Team Motto: 'Team first, me econd."

Outstanding Individual Performance Kri dee Kurlakow ky wa ¡ awarded the Out tanding Player Award at the Charle ¡ton Tournament. Amanda May and ara Arnold received Out tanding Player Award at the Centennial Tournament.

Season Summary: Central' ar ity team had to deal with injurie all year long. Their team wa also very young and inexperienced. They till managed an impre ive ixth seed for Regional . They worked hard a a team and have the kill to excel very much over the year to come.

THIS PAGE-Pic I : MJ \\<Ith the jumper. Pic. 2: Kri;dee \\<Ith the three . Pic. 3: hanelltake'> over the lane. Pic. 4 : High five' Pic. 5: kill from Odile. Var;ity-FRONTROW: Krisdee Kurlakowsky, Liz Smith. Jill Harm<,, Amanda May. Zoe Isaacson. ROW 2: La honna Taylor, adia Berger. Shaneka Terrell . Coach Kim SewardBurton. Sara Arnold , Tiffany Walker, April Lelea. Odile Mambo.

14 ~



Jun1or Vars,ty-FRONT ROW Molly Weber. Tyler F1eldlng. Summer LaneSchenck. Tanesha King ROW 2: Mary Hough. Chanell Beasley. Elise ParkerStephen. Rachel Blockman. Lindsey Henson. Allison Jones ROW 3 Coach Porter Battle Freshmen-FRONT ROW Kat1e Hopkins. M1chelle Sm1 h. Jack1e Hughes. Jenna Yam bert ROW 2 Bonn1e Coll1ns. Shelby Karr, Sydney Karr. Ashley Dav1s. Do lana Baker ROW 3 Coach Wash1ngton. L1ndsey Shephard. Shawano Lee. Holly Green

"We have made some incredible improvements throughout the cour e of this year. We are in the proce s of completely turning this program around, and I'm looking forward to an even better eason next year." -Sara Arnold THI P GE-P1c I: Get bad.: I 'a)! Pic 2 Get outta m} ~a} 1 Pic. 3: Jill take' the jumper Pic 4: kill ...


ep te Coach: Andrea Hunt ctiVIties: Cheering and preforming at Central football and basketball game~. Captain: Katie Gordan

THIS PAGE: Pic 1¡ Stike a pose Pic.2: Wove to the camera Pic.3: What a position PicA Shake that booty Pic.S: Friends forever



FRONT ROW Andrea Hunt. Chanr Mucmullen. Ce-Ce Wlson. Katie Peper. Shaneka Chavis. Jenny Campbell ROW2. Marissa Gonda. Aeva Brown. Mel Patnck. Whrtney Smrth. Katre Gordan

THIS PAGE Pic.l¡ To the left.. to the right Pic.2: The pepettes do therr thrng at the football games Pic.3: Work it Pic .4: Get down Pic 5 Nice pose I



Wlffi Most Valuable wimmers: Rob Wellman, Tommy Lockman, Ken ensenbrenner, Ben Trupin, Jon Wamer, Dan Trupin, oah Morgan, and Drew Mitchell. Out tandingPerformance: Dan Trupin broke the chool record in the I 00 brea t troke with a time of59.41. Thi record wa et 18 year ago, and Trupin topped it by 62 hundredth of a econd. Early ea on Re ult : The Maroon fini hed econd at the Bloomington Invite, third at the Charger invite, and fourth at the Carl Sandburg Invitational in Chicago.

THIS PAGE-Pic. l: Rob Wellman glides through the water. Pic . 2. Jamie Wellman wonders why he jo1ned the swim team . Pic .3: Tommy shows that he 'snumberone. Pic.4. mmm .. water tastes good! Pic. 5: Coach Barker shows us his happy face . Pic . 6: The young boys take a break.




FRONT ROW Noah Morgan. Ben Matthews. Joe Hoyt Matthew Penwell. Steve Pepper, Steven Kamyakowskl ROW 2: Drew Mitchell. Brian Carter. Kenneth Sensenbrenner. Joe Pellum. Ben Trupin, Bill Muster. Jamie Wellman ROW 3. Coach Will Barker. Dan Trup1n Tom my Lockman. John Warner. X100 Guang Mo. Rob Wellman. Coach Jeff Tngger

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: TaKe 1t otf! Pic 2: Central boys know how to kick 1t. Pic. 3: Drew M1tchell shows perfect form. Pic 4 Lonesen1orRobmakesasplash 1 P1c. s· Dan Trup1n Is a serious sw1mmer




oache : Jeff cott Tommy Lee Captain

Montreyel Brown Michael Simlin

With only five uppercla men, Central still managed to compete in all of its competition . Anchored by tate qualifier Mike imlin, along with enior Darnell Ja per and Montreyel Brown, Central won it hare of ' matche . Ju . tbecau etheteam wa young, there was no need to undere timate them. The maroon had many undercla men wre tie var ity, and do a good job. Although young, the 99-00 Maroon wre tier will be omewhat experienced. With a lot of guys getting opportunitie to wre tie var ity at a young age, their confidence and kill level hould be better thi coming up year. Along with coach Scott' mentoring, look for thi next group of Maroon to tum orne heads.

THIS PAGE. I : Simlin ;eem; to have everything undercontrol. Pic 2: ow what? Pic 3: Talk to the hand. Pic 4: Show him who's boss. Pic 5: What m the world? Pic 6: You guys weighed m already, Right?



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WRESTLI~G TEAM Back Roy.· Coach Scott. 'Vlantreyel Brown. Matt Logsdon. Greg M1ller. Darnell Ja\per. Kri~ BroY.n, Ben Baker. Karl Bauchmoyer. Dan Jmk\. Coach Tomm) Lee 3rd RoY.: Bilal Ah. M1ke Sm1hn, Felipe Penna. Hugh El\enemann. DreY. Quarrel'>, Ryan hcdlcr. 2nd RoY. Da,id Ruggen, Tro) ~icheb. George eibert. Dan Gro' er. ~1att Runge. Kenny Jachnc Bottom RoY. : T)ler Claxton. Daris Ja\per. Ch1!-. Gratkin!-.. Bnan Inskip. Ben Wilcock. Paul D1xon. Seth ~arm10n .

THI P GEPic 1: Youcan'tcatchme. Pic:!. That a boy. Troy. Pic 3: These seniors are going to mis\ wrestling. Pic 4: Would expect !-.omethingdiffcrenr> Pic 5: Put your dukes up. Pic 6: o 'urprise here.



Thi wa a year of change for the yearbook taff. We witched our publi bing company, and along with thi change came many trial and tribulation . De pite all the diffucultie along the way, we pulled together a a team to make thi year' book a great one. Everyone helped each other out and we had a learning experi nee that wa both fun and rewarding! Our diligent taff of twenty-two member , wa Jed by beryl Hobb . We all worked very hard thi year, and you can definitely " ee the Difference" in the 1998-99 Maroon.

Editors: Andrew Weis , Li a Verdick, Nick McLemore Section Editors: Liz Fraker, Jenn cheitlin, Tri h Frazier, Katherine Pickard, Gina carpetta, Erin Hatch "I'd be darned proud ju t to be the waterboy for the e kid !" -Andrew Weiss (editor)

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: Lisa flashes a smile to hide the stress! Pic. 2: Gina poses with Bryan, the GQ staff member of the year Pic. 3: Andrew and Nick fired Katherine and Gina a record 27 times. Pic. 4¡ I'm helping ... right? Pic. 5:Stop smiling ... back to work! Pic. 6: Ang1e and Trish are good at looking like they're hard at work. Pic . 7 Nick looks important when he stands next to Mrs. Hobbs.

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THIS PAGE-Pic. 1 You don' look like you are working on your pages. L1nh! P1c 2 Nick Mclemore IS a wild-men! Pic 3 L1z Fraker IS always reloxedl


~ 159

Chronicle ponsor: Pat John on Printer: Myron Ochs Requirements: Must maintain a "B" average in English, have teacher recomendation ,, and be selected by the advi or and taff. Activities: The Chronicle 'taff will produce 13 i ue this year. They al ' O attend a journalism conference at the Univer ity of Illinoi in the fall, and in the pring they compete in a High School Pre , A sociation conte t at Ea tern Illinois Univer ity, Staff: Editor -In-Chief: Jack Carey and KateMurray/ A istant : Mike Derry and Bethany Petry; ews Editor: Elizabeth Andrejasich/ A i tam :Mark Ander on and JuliannaFri ch; Entertainment Editor: Nicki Flynn! Assi tant : Caleb Keith and Jenn Scheitlin; Feature Editor :Laura Martin and Jenn Rou ey/ A i tant : Erin Mitchell and Tara Peter ; Sport Editor : Tommy Lockman and John Martinie/ A i tant :David Ruggeri and Geoff Wa hburn; Opinion Editor : Femi Fletcher and Mary Ratcliffe/ As i tant: Erika William ; Reporter : Patrick Jone and Dan Turpin; Photographer: Li a Nguyen; Arti t: Luca Helmer. THIS PAGE- Pic. I: Mr . Johnson love> sponsoring Chronicle. Pic. 2: Do the people on Chronicle really do work? Pic . 3 CHRO, ICLE P1c 4. Erin Mitchell and Tara Peter> enjoy writing for Central's new>paper. P1c. 5: Chromcle member> work to produce the best school new>paper possible. Pic. 6: These new computer> are great' Page 161- Pic. I: Editor Kate Murray takes her work senow,ly! Pic. 2: (clockwise from top right) Bethany Petry- Assi tant Editor. Mike Derry- A'>'>~>tant Editor. Ja k areyEduor-ln-Chief. and Kate Murray- Editor-InChief. Pic. 3: Fem1 Fletcher shares her v1ew., in the Opinion section. P1c. 4: Jenn Rou>ey makes her final corrections before printing. Pic. 5: Jack arey po>es for the camera.



Champaign Central High School Student Newsmagazine

(From Left to Rightl FRONT RO\\ ~1arc nder,on. :-.:tckJ f-l}nn. Femt Fletcher. Bethany Pelf}. Eril..a William,. Lt'>a, guyen RO\\ 2: Lucas Hellmer. Juliana Fmch. EliLabeth AndreJa'>ich. Enn Mitchell. Mary Ratchllc. 1\.atc Murray. Tara Peter'. Calch Ketth. Patncl.. Jone,.Da\ td Ruggeri RO\\ 3: Laura \tanm. Tomm) Locl..man. Jenn Rou'e} . .\1il..e Derry. Jack. Care). Dan Trupm. Geoff\\ a'hhum. John ~taninie. , ot Pictured : Jenn chettlm




pon or : Sheryl Hobbs & Pat Johnson Membership: 16 Requirements: Honorary Objective: To promote exceptional , tudent journali m.

carpetta. Kate n. Lisa Verdid.. Fcmi Fletcher. Erin Hatch. Tommy Lockman. Jack Carey. ROW 3: Michael Derry. Jcnn Scheitlin. Nick McLemore. Katherine Pickard. RoU',cy .

Th1s Page-Pic l"The forces of journalism unite! Pic . 2: Erin and Jenn look confused . Pic 3: Those Cronicle people are always goofing off! Pic . 4 Mary gives the camera a seductive glance Pic 5: Trish flashes a smile for the camera . Pic 6: "This is our first date!"





2: Tri'> h Fratier. Wei...,. Jenn



Requirements: Commendable completion of an art cla s. Initiation :Spring of each year Officers: Pre 路ident-Rachel Vander Weit, Vice Pre identToriannaRo .. , ecretary-Erika Kuehn, Trea urer- atalie Kenny, Executive CouncilKatherine Pickard ctivities:De ign Honor Day, Graduation Commencement, and handb ok cover. Art Proje t around .路chool. Participate in Schola. tic Art Conte t. Objectives:Promote art and art activitie in chool and in the students e eryday live .

This Page-Pic 1: Please Mark, don't hurt me! Pic. 2: Okay kids. draw this. Pic. 3 Erika is an active secretary. Pic. 4路 Torianna Ross is proud of her art. Pic. 5. Evan likes to show off other people's ceramics. (From Left to Right ) David Rowe. Erika Kuehn. Rachel Buck, Michelle Bunce. ROW 2路 Andrew Boc hte, Patrick Jones. Rache l Vander Weit , Katheri ne Pickard. Grant Thomas. Jon Warner, Evan Dixon. ROW 3: Kaue Mechling. atahe Kenny. Kristin tover. Torianna Ross. Valerie Pyer. Sara Dumich. Mr. Damelson.



Sponsor: Lee Zara Membership: 40 Due : 5.00 Activitie. : Theatre Fest and Fundraising Objectives : To promote chool theatre productions and theatre in general pro ide encouragement and ,upport to the performing artist.

Club Pic-Cfrom left to right)f-RONT ROW A>hlej B1.,hop, Jocab Strau.,.,, Kate Manganaro. "--ma am11. arah German. EnL1 Kuehn. Jacob VanLaar. ROW:!. KiNie Davi'>. A'>hlej Davl>. Brittany Robert'>. Jultc Gra\'C'>. Emtl) Han!. Grant Thoma>. Stchpanic Wendler. alcb Keith, Kalt Smllh. '\!loll) Corayn. 1\h. Lara. ROV 3: Laura Daivd. EltLabeth AndreJa>ICh. Steve Ehean. Eric Smith. Ian Curry. ·1ch Pavia. Ryan Segovich. TH IS PAGE-Pic I· Drama Club take., the '>tage for the 1998 fall pia) P1c2: Th1., face I'> headed for Holly-...ood! Pic3: Smile Ryan' Pic4: Kir>tie Dai\'> i> g1\'ing 1t her all. PieS The>e t-...oare enJoying the mectmg. P1c6 Such dramatic flare!

ovember 5, 6. & 7, Central igh School presented thei 199 fall play, "Can ' t Take i ith You." The whole play is a. ed around one crazy. ccentric family that belong.· o Alice, the oldest daughter. lice announces that she is oing to marry Tony Kirby. 11 would be great, except fo he incredibly differen ami lie. . Alice's family i fa rom what is con. idered the ormal, while Tony's family i.ich and normal as can be. Thi ilariou performance end a · e two familie meet and cla h. ut all turns out well for Alice nd Tony, leaving a happy

THI P FGE-Pic I My fa1r lady . Pic2. c a-.t for "Can't Take 1t Wnh 'rou .. P1cJ. \\hat a cute couple. Pic 4 Don't g1\C Gramp'> a heart attack. Elizabeth. Pic5 \ hke Pi\\Oni lookquite '"''Y \\llh h1 mamm P1c6 I'm a ballerina' Pic 7 · I don· t kno\\ \\hat'' gomg on' Pic : Bonme C'heek enjoy' her role m the fall production. P1c9· Hold me back' Pic(() Oh my go,h'



Chorus ERI HQIR !FromLefttoRtght) ROW 1: arahHahn. Deana \\ei\\.Jtll Harm .. Erin Broadnck. ara Lockman tephanie nander. Heather Elli>. RO\\< 2: \tal) Darling. Jane Bailie. Libb} Lar,on . Jonathan Da\ is. Bilal It, Luc.t Hellmer. Joe Epptch. RO\V ~ : Julie Sonka.. tetanic E:.nin. ngi V englar1 Janean tmth . There>a L,I\HCnce. JO}CC Herrstrom. Kir ten Landreth. ·adt<t Berger. Tr<l\ j, !Immel.

B Y' 'H IR FR (from Left to Rtght) RO\\. I : Ken Duong. Mall chanche. Ju>ttn Clark. Victor Munoc . ROW 2:Qumtm Lawrence . • ' ik ecbcr. John Biale.,chki.Chri' Gratkins. RO'> 3 Joon Woo Kang. Emmit Win.,ton, Kyle Mtchael. Kent Spitz.

IRE_BL H IR !From Left to Right) ROW I \lr-•. Marianelli, A mariah Ha) ' · Kah Smith. Rachel Carlton. \lolly Cornyn. Sarah Thorp. Karen Fi>cher. Megan Brown ROW 2. Angela Hansen. Lind.,ay hneidcr. Brill Dcc.:kcr,JeS>ica Ringler. Lamatrice Perwm>, 'icole WmklerGro>cher.CashundrJ Wtggm.,. ROW 3: Kat)' Grace, Je>!oica Phillippe, Keri Marion, To nella Bh.,sit, Joycelyn Moore. Khalema Brown. Mac.:keyla Hill. ROW 4: Lind!oa). he pard, Holly Green. Dalana Baker. A'hley Davi!o. Jennifer Brill. Kri una Da\is. Rachellc Harwig.



'\1 DRIG\LS (From Le to Right) ROW 1: John Chittuluru. Jackie Lalande. :1.1ary ,';ichob ..\td Patnck. Eh1abcth Ford. Li'>a Verdick. Katie Gordan. Je., ica ~1atungly . Kir,tte Da\ j, _ROW 2. Bnnme heck , \\ tlham • 'cy, bern . \tichael PiY.oni , llelcn Fun ton . Robert \1attingly . . tc\e Ehean, Laura Gr ce, Katy Peper, f'cmi Hctcher. ROW 3: Ricky Ham'>. Jaclyn Dano...,itt, Eric mith. El11abeth \1c:\-1tllen . .\1tchael York. Kurt Zeigler. Eli1abeth Parr. Jenmfer Common . Rian Jone .

HQ~ ' HQ JR (From Left to Rtght) ROW 1: Elitabcth Ford. Katie Gordon. Li'a Verdtck. Kry tal Dilh. ara 'im1. ROW 2 Erin ~lttchell. Deana Wetss. Jacob trau. ' · Jes ica Ca\'e). Courtney Russell. Am her Jenks. Michael York. ROW 3: Johnny Tock. Caleb J. Ketth. , ' icole Fortman. :\.lark Jack on. Ktr,tie Da\1 • C\a Bro\\n, 1ichael Pi\\oni .

\ Z ' H IR (from Left to R•ght) RO\\ I Johnny Tock. El11abcth h rd. 1\.ah mtth. Lt a Verdick. John Chittuluru ROW 2: Maggie Weber. Je rome Jo hnson. Jonathan D.tYi . Kurt Zeigler. Kir ue Da\ 1 • bby Burget! .


<lt t67





pon or: Mr. Curry umber of Members: 40 Initiation time : ew member~ to Symphonic Band can join the band at the beginning of a new emester. Activitie Central ' ., Symphoni band play · in fall, winter, and pring concert · a · well as at the home football game and in the boy ba ketball pep band. Objective : To promote intere t in mu ic and to preform music at a high le el.

!hom Left to R1ghtl F'RO!\ T RO\\ Enca While. Enn Church. Lc'>lie Thoma\, l::.rin Byrd. Ehtabcth Korab. Abby Burgett. Deanna De,chler. Rachel ;1..1achula. Sara Arnold . Ang1e Zalucha. ROW 2 Jenmfcr Gardner. Amanda :-..e~pon . Ml'>ty Gidden'>. Jame'> Inman. ndy Lang. Kyle Bowen. Tim AndeNm. Marl. Brown. Aaron Traeger ROW 1 Jon Whitmer. Jerome John\on . Grant Thoma'>. Robcn G~mn . Dame! Beachle. Jon Bryan. Ro\\ McAuley. Drew Ru,-.el. Launeanne Climer. Steve udeth. Mr John Curry. ROW 4 Adam Walton. D<IVId Goran. Matt. cheitlin. Troy M1cheb. Jacob Goran . Bnan Caner. Nick Pa' ia. Alex Feldman.

rt Sponsor: Mr. Curry Number of Members: Activities: Concert Band preform in three concert throughout the year. The tudent al o march in the fall during half time of the football game. . During boy ba ketball, they al o help make up the member of the pep band. Objectivies : To improve their mu ical abilitie and to have fun doing it.



(From Left to Right) FRO TROW: shleigh Kern. Je'>'>yca Revilla, athy Thoma\, Rhiannon Betti via, Stephanie Ervine. Amber Stocker, Dan Jmk'>. Molly Cornyn , Ellen tanko. ROW 2: Megan Meneely, Katie Stephens. Jennifer Feicken. Paul Dixon, Bonnie Collins. Leah McCray, Tri;h Gu1der,, Lisa Campbell. ROW 3: Dan Gro;;er. Frank F1\her, Andy William<,on , EliLabeth ndreJasich, David Collin\, Haley Johnson , usan hl',holm. Valerie Mauocco. El11abeth Vanness . ROW 4 : Devon Mil b. Ben Wilcock. athan Wcxxhon. Michael Egner. Jame'> Meyer,, Dan ordnes'>, Matt Gate\, Jao,on L1defeldt. ROW 5: John ampbcll. ara Locl.man, Amanda Edward\, Karen Bohlmann. han non Zoll, Elyse iccum. Cry\tal Hardymann, Magg1e Weber. Jeremy Schultt, tephen Kamgkowo,ki, Lindsay McCray. Jame'> Her\hberger. Trey Elmore . ROW 6: Mr. John urry , Jessica Weaver. Johanna Wei:,chel. A mariah I lays, EliLabeth Korab. Jerome Johnson . S hawn Fergu>on. Amy arwn , oah Morgan. David Winkel, Ju\tin Bo\Ch

arc Sponsor: Mr. Curry umberofMembers: 120 Drum Major : Elizabeth Korab, Melia Smith, and Jerome Johnson. Activitie :To march during the half time how at home football game . Objective : To learn more about music and have fun.

(From Left to R ight) FRONT ROW: Erica White. David Campbell. Drew RU',sel. a than Woodson. Frank FP,her. Ben Bradley. Eric Kesler. Laurie Anne Climer. Trey Elmore. Ja.,on Lickfeldt. Robbie Gwmn. Matt Scheitlin. Andy Williamson. David Goran. Alex Feldman. Dan Gro.,ser. and Jame'> Myer'>. ROW 2: Troy Micheb. Deanna Deschler. Eluabeth Andrejasich. EliLabeth Van ess. Maggie Weber. Jessyca Renlla. Leah Me ray. Haley Johnson. Val Mauocco. Katie Stephens. Susan Chisholm. Ellen Stanko. Sara Lockman. Amanda Edwards. Meagan ~1eneely. Karen Bohlmann. Jennifer Gardner. Ashleigh Kern. A mariah Hays. Lynsa Nguyen. Angie Zalucha. Paul Dixen. Dame I -.;ordne'>s. Enn Church. Titu'> Myrick. and James Aershiagar. ROW 3: Jerome Johnson. Lisa Campbell. Erin Byrd. Leslie Thoma'>. Amy Car,on. Amber tocher. tcfame Emm. Jenn Cox. Jon Whitmer. John Campbell. Molly ornyn. Bonme Collins. Benjamin Wilcock. Abb} Burgett. Johanna Weichsel. Cath} Thomas. Ebye iccum. Shannon Zo ll. Jeremy Schmidt. Devin Mills. Ben mith. Bill Muster. Hugh Eisenman. and Trish hancr ROW 4 Elitabeth Korab. Dan J ink'>. rystal Hardyman. Jennifer Feickery. Rhiannon Betti via. Jacob Goran. Danny Warock. Jc-.-.Ica Weaver. Dean Stumpf. Jabari Fowlkes. Nick Pavw. Dan Baechle. Rachel Machula. Lisa Martin. Terry Bot no. and Michael Egner. ROW 5 James Inman. Aaron Traeger. Ryan Baumann, Wes Johnson. Grant Thoma-.. Mark Brown. Matt Gate'>. Tim Andcr'>on. Lind-.a} McCray. Sara Arnold. Amanda !\c\\pon. Brandon Tobia'>. Shawn Fergu'>on. Brian Caner. Trisha Guidos. Justm Ro.,ch. David Wmkel. and Ro'>'> McAule)


• Spon or: Mr. Curry Number of Member :20 Activities: Play in concert , parade , at football game , and ba"ketball game . Objective : Create good rhythm and mu ic.

<From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Dean Stumpf. Hugh Ei'>enman. Terry Bozzio. Daniel 'ordne. '· arah Lockman. Lyn'>a guyen. Ben mith. ROW 2: We., Johnson. Dav id ampbell. Lisa Martin. Bonnie oil in'>. Titu'> Myrick. Da'>n Gro.,ser. ROW 3: Drc\1. Russel. And} \\ illiamson. Joe Smith, Enc Kesler. ROW 4: Ryan Baumann. Brandon Tobias. Ben Bradley.





En etnble

Sponsor: Number of Members: 22 Officers: Pre ident-Katie Wheatley, Vice Pre identSarah Seibert, SecretaryLaua David, Trea urerE ther Ramos Activities: Performance and Fundrai er . Objectives: To provide beautiful mu ic for the enjoyment of others.

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: These two violinists pose for a picture. Pic. 2: David Mangian enjoys playing his violin . Pic. 3: The orchestra class is a hard working group. Pic. 4: Shaneka Terrell shows off her cello.



(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Sarah Seibert, Kathleen Wheatley, David Mangian, Shawanna Lee, Ashley Davis, Shaneka TerrelL Sierra Meintser. Keri Marion. ROW2: Trey Elmore, Amy Skillings, Laura David, Rachel Blockman, Emily Nuzzo, LaurieAnne Climer, Justin Bosch, Benita Lewis. ROW3: Sarah Carlton, Shari Perez, Angie Zalucha, Stephanie Thies, Erin Church, Esther Ramos.

Sponsor: Student Council umberofMember : 150 Requirements: hirt for 5

Buy a t-

Activities: Cheer for and upport Central ' Boy Ba ketball team. Objective: To rai e chool pirit and encourage chool pride.

THI PAGE-Pic. I¡ The founder of ~1aroon \-1ob. Pte. 2: enior ~1ob.,ter\. Pic 3: The-.e ,ophomore '>Uppon the maroon mob. Pte 4 ~1aroon Mob in acuon . Pte. 5: The ~1aroon ~1 ob. Pic. 6. Don'tthe) look cute .


17 1


u c

onsor: Ky le Ran om umber of Member : 0 Dues:


Requirements: Student mu t be elected by the Student Body Initiation time: pring Activites: Hom coming Activite , School Dance , Blood Drive , Food for Families , Sport Day , Pumpkin Gram , Holiday Jingle , Altemitive Spring Break, and Scholar hip .

FRONT Byrd. Brown. Jenn Scheitlin, Kate Murray. Krystal Dilts. Nicole Fortman ROW 2 Katherine Pickard. Gina Scarpetta. Kelly Murray, Courtney Russell. Jessica Cavey, Usa Verdlck. Jana Zollinger. Tnsh Faz1er ROW 3: Susan Floyd, Alex Schroeder. Ben Trupin. Elizabeth Andrejasich. Erin Wiggins. Tommy Lockman . ROW 4 ¡ Kirstie Davis, Nicole Tanner. Christy Loesch, Lissa Gardner, Jenn Rousey, Nick Pavia, Kristy Gilbert. Enn Mitchell.

(From Left to neka Terrell. Natalie Kenny, Michelle Ziegler. Shannon Zoll, Sara Lockman. Susan Chisholm. Laurieanne Climer. ROW 2: Summer Lane. Kim Walsh. Rachel Machula. Reema Bosmia. Jill Harms. Abby Burgett. Emily Rousey, Ashley Claiborne. ROW 3: Ashley Davis. Katie Schlorff. Antonella Coniglio, Angie Holmer. Katie Fettig, Elizabeth McMullen. Whitney Petry, Anna Rost. Emily Nuzzo. ROW 4. Matt Stout. Nick Changon. Nick York, Matt Scheitlin. Jared Shelby, Patrick Hatch. Jon Whitmer. Ellen Stanko

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: Everyone listens to Tommy when he wears his yellow sheriff vest. Pic . 2 Jackie trys the three legged look at the Fall Picnic Pic. 3: The Alternitive Spring Break group salutes a job well done



THIS PAGE-Pic.l The Off1cers- Second Vice . Kate Murray. Pres. Jack1e Brown. Vice. Jenn Sche1t 11n. Sergent 1n ArmsTrish Fraz1er (Row 2:) Tres Gma Scarpetta Sec Knsty Gilbert. Public Relations-Elizabeth Korab. Sergent 1n Arms- Enn Byrd Pic . 2: Hula. Hula! P1c 3: Way to get sanitary ! P1c 4· These students party Hawiian style at the Winter Dance Pic . 5. Mmm .. BLOOD! Pic . 6: Elizabeth Korab meets a new friend from Central!


<1!: 173

Sponsor: Su an Weber Number of Members: 69 Dues:


Requirements: Pay dues Activities: Safe Rides, leaf raking , now hoveling , Central again t cancer, interaction with Circle K and Builder' Club, and selling doughnut in the morning. Objectives: To promote Volunteeri m at Central and around the community.

THIS PAGE-Pic. I: Stephanie looks very interested. Pic. 2: The officers. Pic. 3: Jack has never had this many girls around him . Pic. 4: These sophomores pose for a picture. Pic. 5: Hard at work. Pic. 6: David 's proud to be a key club member.



(From Left to Right) FRO TROW: Erica Deutscher, Summer Lane. Kate Stigberg, Nicki Flynn, Rachel VanderWeit, Kim Walsh , Rachel Machula, ataJie Kenny, Laura David, Eric Pelz. ROW 2: Katherine Pickard, LaurieAnne Climer, Manika Bhateja, Jessica Cavey, Lauren Downing. Kelly Murray, Jessica Clay, Reema Bosmia, Abby Burgett, Yuvetta Bernard. ROW 3: Jack Carey, Sara imz, Christy Laesch, Dre" McDaniel, Rachel Blockman, Brett Czajkowski, Jon Bryan, Ryan Moore, Andrew Weiss, Trish Frazier, Elizabeth Wickes, Earl Schroeder. ROW 4: Maggie Burns, Kathryn Smith, Jessica Phillippe, Stephanie Matt, Lenore Zion, icole Tanner, Jane Bailie, Julie onka, Mary Darling, Liz Washburn , Pat Murphy .

afe Sponsor: Key Club umber of Members: 11 Officer : Pre ident- Erin Wiggins/ Sarah German; Vice President- Tri h Frazier/ Lenore Zion; ecretaryAbby Burgett/ icole Tanner; Treasurerina amii/ Pat Murphy

(From Left to R1ght) FRO TROW· 1cole Tanner. Chri\t} Lae.,ch. Sara N1m/. Rachel VanderWeit. Lenore Zion. Abb) Burgett. and ina Sami1. Row 2: Enc Pelt, Alexander Schroeder. Kate Stigberg. Jc\\!Ca Cave}. Nick1 Flynn. and Patrick Murph} ROW 3: Jane Ball1e. Kathl)n Sm1th. Rachel Block man. Jc.,.,ica Phillipe. Sarah C 1armon. Rccma Bosm1a. atalic Kenny. and Tnsh Francr

Activities: Providing a service for teen to call on Friday and Saturday night when they are in a ituation that would not allow them to be taken home in a afe manor. Objective : To pro ide afe and confidential ride for teen ·.

• pon or: M ·.Andrew umber of member : 7

Activities:TA.RS.hoststalks by local politician and help todi tributecampaign literature in the area. Objective : To learn about th politic in American Government.

FRO TROW: Lashonna Taylor, Mike imlin. RO 'i 2: Ms . Andrews. tephanic Herrera


4 t l75

arne: Future Teacher · Club Sponsor: Mrs. park Due ; 5.00 Initiation Time: Fall Activitie : Helpingteacher . . hadowing, and fieldtrips . Objectives : To promote teaching a · a career.

(hom left to right) 1-RO T RO~ Brianna \1organ. Margaret ban,. Rachel Blockman. Kauc Smnh. Anthonclla o111gho. JenmfcrGardner. Mr>. Spark.,. R0\1- 2: Shancce Cha"'· Ac"a Bro\\,n, Ehtabcth Van e". April Brill. Robert Sallee. Emily Burde!!c. Laura Herre!, Enn Wiggm'>. Row :1. Elton CleaYe'>. Ocean B1gger.,. Coffee Thomp.,on. Elitabeth Proemmel. Arie., MeNu!!. Kent SpilL. Tasheid Reid.

arne: Future Homemaker

Ms. Pirtle Member


Acti vi tie : Go to conferences and prepare meal · for staff. Objective ·: Toteachhowto prepare nutricious and attractive meals.

THIS P GE-P1c I : Chanall Bea>ley and Montreyel Bro\1- n are ready from >orne cooking in the kitchen Pic2. The!>e l\1-0 prepare to make '>Omethmg yummy!



Club Picture( From left to riht) FRO T ROW: Sarrindia McElrath. Angie Brown. esh Moore. ! van Grant. Stephanie Herrera, Rodney Butler. ROW2: Alice Pirtle. hanall Beasle}. Kri'> Bro\1-n. J T mith. Montreyel Bro\1-n. Tnantea Taylor. Kauhen Brook'>. Lamar Wilson


earn Coach: John Odum Member hip: 11 ctivitie :The speech team spends most of their time kicking it in ¡mall ch ol cafeteria . They participate in competitive public peaking e ent ranging from humorous duet to impromtu peaking. Objective: F r all event to qualify for tat next year. "Ain't no nuthin like a peech team!" ina Samii

Pic l : Don 't be fooled. it's really a spoon Pic 2: He 's acting . Pic 3 Steve Eheart Pic 4 Oh. well that's fun . Pic 5: Chokeslam!!Front Row¡ Travis Stimmel. Nina Samii. Emily Hard. Sierra Meinster Back Row Elizabeth Andrejasich. Mike Piwoni. Steve Eheart. David Campbell. Ryan Segavich. Coach ~ JohnOdum . ~



pon or: Mary Relken umber of Member : 31 Activities: Set up for all the election - run in the chool throughout the chool year. Work at the polls, regi ter voters and take ballots in an organized manner. Objectives: To offer a ervice for the good of the ¡chool. To conduct chool election in an organized accurate, and fair manner.



- --

THI PAGE- Pte 1: icoleTannerandAmanda ewpon are ready to register some voters! Pic 2: Michael Derry takes a minute to chilL Pic 3: Nicole Tanner enjoys bemg part of the Electton Board. Pic 4: Election Board members are ready to stgn you up'




Top Picture: (From Left to Right) FRONT ROW : Gina carpetta. Rachel Rawdin , Kathenne Pickard, Counnet Russell, Marissa Gunda, Ocean Biggers, Krystal Dilts. ROW 2: Ami Pane hal, Maghan Winkel, icole Tanner. Kevin Fredrick, Linh Pham. ROW 3: Jack Carey, Michael Derry, ick Pavia, Todd Higgerson, Abby Burgett, Amanda ewpon.

__ ro-Atnerican Club atchings. B. to vall

umber of Member : 30

5.00 ctivitie : Talent how . Ebony Ball, fundrai er College Vi it 1999 (Atlanta, GA) Objective : Top rtray and provide leader hip and guidance for minority tudent throughout Central.

THI P GE- Pic I 1-.anura 1-.eaton i' ready to 'tep up. P1c 2 The e g1rh cnJO) hcing part of the :\tru- 111eri~an Club. Pll· J : Fundra1,er are a b1g part of th1' dub. 111111m .. cookie,. P1L -l Smile for the camera' P1c 5 RitaConcrl) .,ready to,ell 'omc cook1e'' P1c 6 omebody •.,n·t camera 'h' Top P1cturc. (From Left to R1ght) FRONT ROW: usan f-loyd. Rachel Brown. Keri Marion. LeTnce yre-.. Candancc Morgan. hamika Tillman. Paula · Moore. Cessily Wibon. Shanece Chavi-,. offee Thompson ROW 2. Ja. mme Fontenot. -,hley Da\ •.,_Kiana\\ alker. La,honna Taylor. Rna Conerly. Robm Brown. Ocean B•gger... Bnanna Morgan. ROW J: Faye Catchmg.,. hata1a Kmg. Kamtra Keaton . Jenmfer Coleman. Ty,on Jacbon. Jonathan Club~ Davi-,. Kam laibome. Rashe1d Reid. Devan McFerren. Kyla Claiborne. hmonica to\ all.

<lt t79

pon or : len Miller & Darin Henigman

Member hip: 66 Due : 12 Requirement above

PA of4.5 or

Initiation : pring of Sophomore or Junior year Officer : Pre .-Laura In kip; . P.-Jerome John on; ecretary-Bethany Petry ·Trea urer-Eli abeth Ford Activitie tutoring

ervtce project

Objective To credit cholar hip and good citizen hip to tudents. To provide ervice to our chool and community.

THIS PAGE- Pic 1: Andrew Weiss is such a serious studentl




<hom Left to R1ghll FRO T ROV. Jacl, Carey .Kathcrinc Pickard. teve Eheart.Todd H1ggcr,on.Bcnne11 Terv.illlgcr.Brcll C!aJkOw'>ki ,Angie Lalucha. ROW :! . Nlam\,1 Thum1an.Kate :\1artinic.Emily Llel/.Kry'>tal Dilt.,.Ehlabeth Korab.K.H) Pepcr.Tmh rraner. ROW 3: Mall Clcgg.Jad. .,on Hoffman.Enn Broadrick .bin Mllchcii.Enca Deutscher. Kathlccn Whcatlcy. L1nh Pham .Nianika Bhatcp,Eiitabeth Andrejoclch.Jacquehne Fcng. ROW 4: Tom Bodc.,cu.GeoJTWa.,hbum.Jenn Roll',ey.Tommy Lockman. Brian Carter. ick Pav1a.l::.rin Wiggins. Kevin hederick.Jacob Bachman .


(from Left to Right) FRO TROW: Am1 Pane hal .• icole Tanner, Lenore Zion.Lacey Henson, Tara Peter>. Kate Murray,Gina carpella. ROW:!: Nlandi Alexander .Jerome John.,on.M1chael Sitch. Bryan Gwinn.Eii<,abeth Ford.Bethany Petry,Audrey wartz. ROW 3: Brendan lreland.Andrew Weis'>.Jon Bryan,Lisa Verd1ck.Amanda . ewport,Laura ln'>kip,Tim Anderson.Patricl.. Ao,hbrooi...Jenn cheitlin.KiN1e Dav~<,. ROW 4: Elizabeth Fraker.Nicole Grigllone.Michael Derry.Ryan Moore,Tim Hoso,.Bob Feller,Patrick Hamngton.Jame., lnman.Aaron Traeger.

THIS PAGE-Pic .l· NHS otficers.Libby Ford.Bethany Petry.Jerome Johnson. and Laura lnskip. P1c 2: Bnan looks suspiclousl Pic 3 Enc takes a break from his s udies. Pic 4 Lacey tutors a student in need. P1c 5 Tommy is so busy, he doesn 't even have time to lookatthecamera Pic.6 MIKeflashes a ·studious· pose Pic 7 What a good looking group!



pon or: M . McCall umber of Members: 22 Dues: 5 Requirements: none Officers: Pre ·ident: Pat A hbrook; Vice-President: ick Yo ; Secretary: Manika Bhateja; Treasurer: Jackie Feng

Activities: Go to three Math Conte. t and a · i. tin math tutoring. Objectives: To further our mathematical capabilitie .

(From Left to Right) Front Row: Jenn Row,ey. Laura ln!>kip, Enca Peters. Summer Lane. Patnck Ashbrook. ick Vo!>S. Row 2: arah Carlton. Launeanne Climer. L1nh Pham. Kathleen Wheatley. Mamka BhateJa. Erin Wiggm'>. Rachel Buck. Row 1: bther Ramos. Trish Fra1ier. Andrew We1S!oo. Jam1e Sholem. Xiao Han. Jacqueline Feng. Stephanie Thie'>. Angie Zalucha. Kate Martinie

THI PAGE- Pic. I· Rachel Buck h'>ten'> intently to a math le'>'>On P1c 2 \!lath Club Officer., (from left to nght) Patnck A'>hbrook Pre!>ldent. Manika Bhajeta- ecretary. -.;ick Vo;s- Vice President . and Jack1e FengTrea.surer. Pic. 3:0neofMathCiub's ponsor... .'vh. Bruce. explains an 1mportant mathmatical concept Pic. 4: Linh Pham 1s loaded down with books and \tudy materials as she leave' a Math Club meeting. Pic . 5: The!>c sophomore g1rl'> prepare fortheirupcoming Math Conte!>ts.

1 82~lubs

Sponsor: Mr. Plattner Number of Members: 50 Dues: 7 Requirements: none Officers: Co-President Aaron Traeger and Meg Nelson; Secretary: Jackie Feng; Trea urer: Brian Carter Activities: Field Trip to Science Museum, Science Olympiad , Bake Sale, Dr. Howard Science Fair, and Science Tutoring.

(From Left to Right) Front Row: Johanna Weichsel, Ahmad At-Taras, Patrick Ashbrook, Laurieanne Climer, Linh Pham, Jill Harms. Lauren Downing. Row 2: Robert Reis, Trey Elmore. Kathleen Wheatley, Jacqueline Feng, Christy Laesch. Tim Anderson. Trish Frazier. Row 3: Nate Oliveire, Brandon Tobias. Nick Changnon. Derek Kraybill. Steve Peper. Jamie Sholem. Kelli Judy. Jack Carey. Row 4: Todd Higgerson. David Campbell, Nick Voss. Jacob Bachmon. Anna Rost, Michelle Ziegler. Puja Batura. Jamie Hubbell. Helen Funston. Angie Zalucha. Meg elson. Aaron Traeger. Row 5: ick Dangles. Brett Czajkowski. Matt Clegg, Billy Kyle , Clayton Overstreet. Nick Pavia. Blake Margison. Sarah German. Kris Schmidt, Eric Gertner, Brian Carter.

Objectives: To promote Science to Central High School .

TJ-11 PAGE-Pic. l :ScienceClubofficers (from left to right)Brian Carter-Treasurer. Meg elson Co- President. Aaron TraegerCo- President. and Jackie Feng- Secretaf). Pic. 2: Albert Einstein .... need we say more ') Pic. 3: Christy Laesch finds cience Club meetings extremely interesting. Pic. 4 : From that smile. it is clear John Chittuluru enjoys cience Club. Pic. 5: Patrick Ashbrook and ick oss are loyal cience Club members.

Clubs ~ 83

Sponsors: Dir. Mrs. Arnold, Teacher :Mr. Ran om, Mr . Patroulis, Mr. Reid, Mr . Smith, Mr . Herricks, Mrs. Hobb , and Mr . Zara. Membership: The Academy is made up of three cla e , Fre hmen, Sophomore , and Junior . Requirements: Application, sucessful previou year courses. Activites: Job shadowing, Curriculum related field trips, First choice programJunior di cu relevant topic with underclassmen, Project Mural- program with Stratton Elementary School students which incorpate art and real life experience .

"-"'-'-:!..!..>o<.R,S,_(From Lett to Right) FRONT R W: Amy Skillings, Susan Floyd, Marissa Thurman. Rachel Brown, Shari Perez. Kirstin Landreth. Cindy McDermed, Coffee Thompson. ROW 2: Brianna Morgan, Jennifer Coleman. Amanda McGraw. Chani McMullen, Kiana Walker, Candice Slates. Sarah Williams. Neva Bishop. ROW 3: Kevin Phillips. Josh Thomas. Shanece Chavis, Cessily Wilson. Tanesha King. Alex Klimer. Jeff Schmidt. Dallas Dennis. Chris Breen, Jimi Kirchessner. Joe Webster. ROW 4. Brian Davis. Colin Henry. Brian Daly, Joshua Profit. Romielle Brown, Mike Merrick, Robert Simmons. Rachel Bain. Michael Vonner.

Objectives: To study ubject in an integrated, inter-disciplinary manner, Al o, to provide a strong technology focus.

This Page-Pic. 1: What are you two doing under there?



SOPHOMORES (From Lett to Right) FRONT ROW: Johanna Harms, Amy Johnston. Kenny Battle. Kyle Battle. Kyle Funk. Dasheonna Allen. April Lelea, Johanna Henry, Joe Eppich, Chris Peters. ROW 2: Bilal Ali Devan McFerren. Bobby Davenport. Justin Battle. Jerod Sumlin. Josh Callahan, Andy Huston, Daniel Lange. ROW 3: Nosheena Cassimiee, Jacob Hendrick. Michael Hinton. Dana Tester. Dawn Cavanaugh. Jonathan Davis, Michelle Brown, Matt Runge. Matt Seibert. Adorn Traeger. Vegas Thoraton. ROW 4: Jerod Johnson, Kyla Claiborne. Paula Moore. Pat Phillips, Teresa Tester. Athena Vermiuion, Christian McMullen, Renee McCray, Kendra Vreemam .

FRESHMEN (From Left to Right) FRONT ROW Jeylin White. Matt Fonner. Allison Ford, Tina Gog11a, Elyse Niccum. Stephen Kamykowski. Chase Daugherty, Rodnck Fraz1er. Latonya Long, Del ish a Brown. ROW 2: Jess1ca Se1der. Kathleen Phillips, Mark Musson. Adam Dye. Ryan Logsdon. Liz Smith Micheal Koletf. Alex Wikoff. Travis Overocker. Elizabeth Van Ness. Ha Vu. ROW 3: Jamie Wellman. Genesis Luster. Christopher Weigand. Kristy McDermed. Randi Harrison. Renesha Miller. Toya Manley. Ashley Bishop, Greg Penrod. Joseph Spangle Elizabeth Wickes. Derius Lyons. Emmanuel Brown ROW 4 Ryan Guenuish. Drew Mitchell. Jon Hill, Ben Baker. Michael Amacher. Kye Breen. Arthur Hunter. Terence McGhee. Christian Burmeister. Daniel Klimer. Dusty Brownfield, Carmelita Fitzgerald

THIS PAGE-Pic 1: I'm feeling a little tired Pic 2· "Oh what a beautiful morning: Pic 3 : It's "jammie " t1me! Pic . 4 : These guys are proud of their rope winding skills I Pic 5 Cheese P1c 6 Ms Arnold speaks to the Academy


I 5

pon or: Bette van Es NumberofMembers: 125 Dues:


ctivitie : Halloween party. December holida) party, Immer ion weekend, winter dinner, lock-in, cookie ale, volleyball game against other language clubs, and trip to Decatur to see Don Quijote (play). Objective Promote intere t in the Spani h culture and language.

TOP PICTURE (From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Erica White. Angie Holmer. Kathryn Smith. Jacob Strauss. Antonella Coniglio. Deana Weiss. Erica Peters. Julie Sonka. Liz Washburn. ROW 2:Autumn Skaggs. Ashleigh Kern. Kylie Peel. Vai Mazzocco. Mary Parkhill, Lisa Wilhelm. Whitney Petry. Maggie Bruns. ROW 3: Julie Graves. Jill Harms. Sara Lockman. Michelle Ziegler. Ellen Stanko. Susan Chisholm. Julianna Frisch. Rachel Blackman. ROW 4: Elise Parker-Stephen. Katie Mechling. Tyler Fielding. Erin Church. Kim Walsh. Madison Mullady. Patrick Jones. Alexis Strack. Katie Fettig. Jacob Goran. ROW 5: Mark Brown. Shaneka Terrell. Mary Hough. Greg Miller. Caleb Keith. Dan Trupin. Matt Penwell. Drew McDaniel. Cathy Thomas. Sara Arnold. Amir Toghroee. THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: The Officers. Pic. 2· What's so funny guys? Pic. 3 Geoff's suchahardworker. Pic 4· BrianCarter bobs for an apple.

I 6<1t


BOTIOM PICTURE (From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Kathy Jerrell. Lisa Verdick. Tim Hoss. Misty Giddens. Amanda Newport. Bethany Petry. Ami Pancho!. Katherine Pickard. Lenore Zion. Nicole Tanner. Katy Peper. ROW 2: Ashley Seaman. Marnie Stephens. Kelli Judy. Kate Stigberg. Nicki Flynn. Eric Pelz. Ben Trupin. Alex Schroeder. Bob Feller. Helen Funston. ROW 3: Carter Beauford. Susan Floyd. Trish Frazier. Kathleen Wheatley. Manika Bhateja. Courtney Russell. Kelly Murray. Ocean Biggers. Kanitra Keaton. Brianna Morgan. ROW 4: Kenat Ramirez. David Campbell. Heather Griffet. Nate York. Marissa Gonda. Sara Dumich. Devlan Buffington. Michael Derry. Jack Carey. Torionna Ross. Geoff Washburn. Michael Sitch. Christy Loesch. Sara Nimz. Jerome Johnson. Coffee Thompson ROW 5: Kent Broadbent. Brett Czajkowski. Matt Clegg. Erin Mitchell. Erin Wiggins. Brian Fisher. Mel Pratick. Kevin Frederick. Brian Carter. Tommy Lockman. Kristy Gilbert. Lisa Martin.



c t


Sponsor: Marge Anders Number ofMembers: 32 Dues: $8.00 Requirements: An "A" in Spanish for three semester . Initiation: Spring Activities: Tutoring Spani h student Objectives: To honor those who have done well in Spani h.

THIS PAGE-Pic 1: ThesearetheSpanish Honor Society officers. Pic 2: Amanda looks like she 's having a good time Pic. 3 The 5th year Spanish class. P1c 4· There 's a lot of love in SHS Pic . 5· Colin gets a little help w1th h1s spanish (From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Marnie Stephens, Jack Carey, Michael Derry, Lenore Zion, Manika Bhateja, Katy Peper, Helen Funston, Laura Martin. ROW 2: Usa Martin, Kate Stigberg, Torianna Ross, Bryan Gwinn, Kathleen Wheatley, Am1 Poncha!, Bethany Petry, Marissa Gonda, Sara Dumich, Nicole Tanner. ROW 3: Amanda Newport, Erin Hatch, Brett Czajkowski, Erin Wiggins, Kevin Frederick, Andrew Weiss. Jerome Johnson .


~ 187

umber of Member : 51 Due :


Requirement : Due and participation in activite Activites: Carmel Apple ale, French Flim , Holiday dinner, and Foriegn Language Teacher Breakfa t

(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW· Lenore Zion. Locey Henson. Nicole Gnglione. Krystol Dilts. Rachel Vander Weit. Jessica Covey. Nicole Fortman. Linh Phom. Angie Zolucho. Abby Burgett ROW 2· Jarome Johnson. Erica Deutscher. Matt Scheitlln. Brion Kim. Meg han Winkel. Taro Peters. Jenn Scheitlin. Liz Fraker. Kate Murray. Jenn Rousey ROW 3: G1no Scarpetto. Potnck Harrington. Chad Seeber. Tom Budescu. Andy Williamson. Sarah German. Jon Whitmar. Ahmad At-Taros. Brendan Ireland ROW 4: Jon Bryon. Whitney Sm1th. Stephanie Thies. Emily Nuzzo. Rachel Mochulo. Lauro Herrel. Emily Lietz. Kate Mortin1e. Nick Dongles. Mark Johnson. ROW 5: Erin Broadrick. Kristen Breedlove. Stephanie Matt. Xioo Han. Kris Schmidit. Reemo Bosmio. Nick Pavia. Note Cox.

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1:The Officers- TreosuerKote Murray. Vice Pres .. -Taro Peters. Pres.- Liz Fraker. Secretory- Jenn Scheitlin. P1c. 2: Yummy! Pic. 3: How was the dinner. girls? Pic 4: Look at all those cultured French speakers•




Number of Members: 18 Requirements: Mu t maintain an A- average in French and a B+ average in the re t of your cour es. Initiation: Spring Objectives: To recognize outstanding student in French, and to promote a greater understanding of the French language. Activites: Formal initiation of new members and ob ervance of French culture.

THIS PAGE-Pic . l : The Officers- Pres Nicole Griglione. Sec. Jon Bryan. Vice. Michelle Chisholm. (Not Pic .)Tres. Melia Smith. Pic 2: Allison Payne signs her name in the French Honors Society Book. Pic . 3: These honor students enjoy some French home cooking.


~1 9

r a


Sponsor: Mr. Allen Number of Members: 50 Dues:


Requirements: Intere tin German. Activities: Car wash, Bake sale , Field trips, Meetings. Objectives: To promote the learning of the German language and culture and to have fun .


THIS PAGE-Pic. l. TheofficersofGerman Club. Pic. 2: Emily always knows the answer. Pic. 3: Oktoberfestcelebration . Pic . 4: Hey David. What's the answer? Pic. 5: This group seems to be in a deep German conversation



(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: David Rowe. Amanda Cornett. Christina Rapp. Leeann Terwilliger. Summer Lane. Lauren Downing, Antonia Galaras. Angie Zalucha. Laurieanna Climer. Esther Ramos.ROW 2:Faith Swartzendruber. Morgan Mastny, Rachel Rawdin, Kristin Stover. Nick Voss. Audrey Swartz. Patrick Ashbrook. Tim Anderson. Susan Brown. Ben Smith. Scott Simmons.ROW 3: Jessica Phillippe, Peter Kane. Laura lnskip, Todd Smith. Marty Kane. James Inman. Johnny Tock. James Ruggeri. Emily Hard. Nicole Swartzendruber. Robert Mattingly. Bill Muster. Deanna Deschler. Mr. Allen.ROW4:Ross McAuley, Seth Swartz, Max Voelker. Ryan Carmichael. Eric Gertner. Robert Brackett, Bennett Terwilliger. Todd Higgerson. Eric Smith, Kenny Jaehne.




ponsor: Mr. Allen umber of Members: 14 Dues:


Requirement : Mu

t be a

third year German student with a B+ average.

Activities: Field trip , tutoring, and fund rai ing. Objective: To re ognize out tanding . tudent German.


THIS PAGE-Pic. 1· The off1cers of German Honor Soc1ety Pic 2: Look at Marty checking out Morgan. Pic 3 Todd what's so funny? Pic 4· Do you guys ever do anyth1ng 1n class besides playing cards. Pic . 5: The camera's over here Kristin . Pic . 6: Laura (From Lett to Right) FRONT ROW Morgan Mastny, Laura lnskip. ROW 2: Eric Smith. Kristin Stover. Rachel Rawdin. Audrey Swartz. Susan Brown. Marty Kane. ROW 3· Todd Smith. James Inman. Johnny Tock. Patrick Ashbrook. Tim Anderson. Nick Voss. Mr. Allen. lub~


FRONT ROW: Charles Drake, Dianne Shepard, Kevin Malone.

I~ ~



u I D A N

c E

FRO TROW: Glenn Miller, Mary Vidoni, Fred Fechtmann. ROW 1: Marilyn Misner, u an Taylor.

FRO TROW: Myron Och , Beth Garcia, hmonica to\ all, Lee Zara. ROW I: heryl Hobb , Kathleen Arnold, u an Herrick . ROW 2: Dan Reid, Kathleen mith. Teacher

~ 195

FRO TROW: Lia Hege, Su an Herricks, Roberta Hill. ROW I : Robert Miller, Sarah Freyman, Darin Henigman, Darren Plattner.

FRONT ROW: Mary Relken, John Staab, Su an Weber, Kevin Quinlan. ROW I : Mike Wood , George Pellum, cott Davi , John Ha enstab. 196



FRO T ROW: Lee Zara, Mary Patrouli , Elizabeth Edgar, Kelly Levick. ROW I: Brian Phillips, my Felty, Jim Becl<, Julie herwood. ROW 2: Pat John on, Joe Bauer , heryl Hobb .

FRO T ROW : Benita Lewi , John Currey.

FRO TROW : atherine Majdiak. Debbie Black. Johnette park . ROW I: Alejandro Padillo, Fritz Daniel on. Bette \an E . Ed lien. Teacher ~ 197

FRO TROW: Denise Hegeman, Ladonna Bruce, Shmonica Stovall, Annie Moon. ROW I : Roberta Jones, Kathleen Smith, Joe Kintzel , Anne McCall, Adam Poetzel, Rich Garcia .

FRO TROW: Susan Earp, Jeff Scott, Diane Ecker. ROW 1: Brandi Simmon , Beth Garcia, Kathleen Arnold, Dike tirrett. 19



FRO TROW: Anne Staab, Lou itch, Lisa Martinez. ROW l: JeffTrigger, Tim Lavin, Tom Croy, Karon Ra u on.

FRO TROW: Myron Och , Kay Lemon , Jerry Butler, Bruce Wisner. Teacher



FRO TROW: Jane Kuppler, Faye atchings, Dianne Krone, Eric Dixon, John Wood . ROW 2: Donna McKinley, hri Payne, ancy ngreger, Patty Andrew , Donna 0 ler-Davis, Jennifer Ekstam.

FRO TROW: Beth Collins, Doty Phipp




ROW 2:


FRO TROW: Cindy Jackie, Linda pire . ROW 2: Jackie Witt, Ellen Co tigan. Teacher

~ 20 I

FRONT ROW: Margo Shroeder, Don Unzicker, Gerald Pease, Russ Harmon, Kathy Loden. ROW 2: Waymond Jackson Jr., Antonio Carter.

FRO TROW: Marlene Peters, lldiko Borbely, ancy Browning. ROW 2: Rebecca Kellogg, Susan Beyer, Daisy Knott, Barb mith.




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Scenes Around Central


<It _((

Dear Troy, We are ~ o proud of you! s you get to the next phase in your life always remember to "think" before you act. When trouble comes your way face up to it. Love, Mom, Robert, Krystal ome of the group, You all urvived high chool. otto mention all the nagging from your parents and teachers, the girls, late parties. work. and the thrill ofdrivmg mom' s "pimp car"! Don ' t forget the hangout! Keep up the good work . From, Your other mom and annoying si ter

Andrew, ince you came into our live , you've been our pecial boy. Whether reading voraciously or chilling with friend , you enjoy life. Your ense of humor has lit up our home. We ' re proud of your academic accompli hments but most proud of the principles for which you stand . You are a special son, brother, grand on, nephew, cou in, and friend . Your family will alway be there to upport your endeavor and try to give you back ¡orne of what you hav given u . We love you more than anything! Dad, Mom, Amanda, Mimi, Ted, Grandma, Merlyn and the re t of the gang

Aaron, ometime it take all the courage we po e to make deci ion ¡ that could change ourlive . o one can deny that putting of action is a lot easier than diving in. But we know you, and we know that you're capable of doing anything you et your mind to ... You have the trength and good judgement, and you can do it! GO FOR IT, and never forget, not for a ingle minute, that we are right there behind you , rooting for you every tep of the way. We are proud of you and what you have done with your life. We love you!!! Mom and Dad

Kelli, We'll get along better when you go to college-Sean Don't party too much, your favorite cou in-Jo h We'll have fun on sibling' weekend-Sara Good luck in college-Amanda You will alway be my favorite little treetwaife-Gue who? Followyourdream and tum your workin on time-Mom LookingforwardtoDad' day weekend omewhere in the USA. Good luck, we are proud of you-Dad College i the time of your life, but you have to go to cla -Cara

Dear Chri ty, It' hard to believe 18 year have pa ed ince you entered our live . You have been a weetie (mo t of the time) from the very beginning. Your quiet determination and gentle pirit are a very pecial part of you. You've been a gift and a joy Chri tina-Bina-Katerina! We are very proud of you and are going to mi you around the hou e. We have confidence that your faith, high goal , and trong principle will erve you well on your journey through life. We love you and will always be here for you . Love, Dad, Mom, Je ie, Becca, Danny & Murphy.

Timmy, Michael, and B.J., The wonderful thing about friend that they can grow eparately and yet not grow apart. (Friend K-12) Congratulation from your parent Margie, Mary Jo, and Deb, Thank to our mother for getting u thi far. You'll alway be our #1 ladie -from the boy

212 ~

Senior Ads

Johnny, You make Friday night fun. Mom&Dad

Michael, The last I years have been a priceles g1ft. You have worked hard and achieved o much. You are a very special young man and your future is unlimited. Keep focused on your goal and per evere. God bles you. We love you, Mom, Dad, Lorena, Chn topher and Angela

Dear Katie, "The Lord has done great thing for us and wearefilledwithjoy." P aim 126:6 You are alway loved, and valued beyond measure. You are one of our "great things." Follow Him with joy and courage-He has great thing in store for you! Love, Mom & Dad

Jackie, Thank for the wonderful year you have bared with u . We love your pirit and cheri h the Jackie-i m . The be t i yet to come. Love, Mom, Dad, Eric and Luke

Dear Aaron, Eighteen year ago you conquered our heart with your unny smile. ow you have new vi tas to conquer as you enter college. Remain true to yourself. Remember: To know thy elf is life' greate t challenge. Keep smiling--you will ucceed! We love you, Mom, Dad, Alainna, John

Bryan, Youhavebeenable ingtoourfamily. Weare proud of your academic and athletic accompli hment , but more importantly, your high tandard and high goal . Continue to make God and family the center of your life' walk. May the Lord protect you and be with you alway. We love you, Mom and Dad

Kia, Congratulation ! We are proud of you. May the Lord continue to ble you in all of your endeavor . We love you, Dad, Cindy and baby brother Julien

Ryan, Congratulation on your graduation! We are very proud of you and wi h you much ucce and happine in all of your future endea or . You have brought much enjoymenttoourlive ! MayGodble you and keep you afe alway . Love, Mom, Dad & Matt

weet Lisa, From Lima to Liverpool we have opened door and walked through them with you--at time leading or ide by ide and often following your youthful enthu ia m. Remember, "Life i a banquet. .. "--word of wisdom from Auntie Marne and Aunt Jane. We are proud of you! Mom, Y.O.D., Granny, Bobby, and Edna

Y nz! YO 'VE made u proud!

Ryan, Congratulation ! We have all survived I year together and you will truly be mis ed when you leave to go to college. We are very proud of your accompli hments and hope that you will have fun riding that roller coaster through life. Love, Mom, Dad, and Brent

You are gifted and will no doubt, ucceed at anything you want to do in life. Be daring to venture new avenue , be trong again t harmful temptation , and work hard a you further your chooling and career. You will alway have our upport, encouragement, and love. - Mom & Dad

Megan, You are our Ia t child t go off to collegewe will rni you and want you to know we are very lucky to have you a our daughterAlway keep your dream in your heart and they will become your reality. Congratulation Love. Dad. Mom. hri & oelle

enior Ad

To the cheitlen-Pcters I st Born: From the backyard plays. to ballet. softball, & soccer- we have enjoyed watching every minute. With all our love. From two ver proud Dad's. Dave and Pete

Jenn, Your grace, beauty and laughter have blessed our home for I years. We pray for you as you enter the next phase of your life. "Let your light hine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heavan." (Matt 5:16) Lo" ing you always, Dad, Mom, Matt, Michael

enior Ads

Love, Mom and Dad

Dear Kelli. Congratulation on your graduation! We are very proud of the young lady you have become. We will always be there to love and upport you. Love, Mom, Dad and the gang

We're very proud of you and we love you very much! Love, Mom, Dad, and Karla

Dear Melia, We are . o proud of you! You have filled our lives with o much joy and happine . A you begin the next pha e of your life in coiJege, never forget how much we love you. Be Happy. Mom, Marina. Michelle, and Margo

Dear Jana. Thank for being the weete t daughter any parent could hope for. You are the Light of our Life!!! Congrat and our BE T WISHE for an outstanding and exciting future. We're with you ALL THE WAY!!! Lot and lot of love, Mom and Dad

Kyle, We've alway been proud to call you our son and take great pride in your accomplishment . Keep your" goals" high, -work hard, follow your dream and you' II be a ucce sat whatever you do. Our love and support will alway be with you. Good luck and much happines . Love you, Mom, Dad, Kara, and Snicker

Kristie. Congratulations on your graduation! We are very proud of you and your accompli hment . This is ju t the beginning as you leave for college to commence another important part in your life. We know that you will achieve all the goals you set for your. elf. Love, Mom, Dad and Danielle

Travi, Congratulation . We wi h you much ucce and happine s. Good luck a¡ you begin a new chapter in your life. We love you very much, Mom, Dad, Danielle, eth, Tamara, Caleb

Andy. As you set your goal for the future, look to your many a complishment for your high school year. and approach your new goals with the ame courage, enthusiasm, determination, and ethics. Congratulation. on all of your achievement , as alway., we are proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Joe

A hley, Thank. for the incredible JOY and ense of pride you allowed u to experience as we watched you play volleyball. With your hard work and discipline we know you'll be su cessful as you pun,ue your dream~. We are proud of you and will always be here for you. God Ble s We love you, Mom, Dad Alissa, Arin, & Braeden too!

Kri' ),


Elizabeth. Congratulations on all your academic and a the leuc achievement~ . We are proud of you and all your accompli.,hments. A~ you go off to college. "-C "'ill mi.,., your energy and laughter. the phone ringing. and friend coming and going We \\-i'>h you well in college and may you enjoy the excitement and adventure that the future bring . .

ongratulation Jeremy! We are very proud of you and your accompli hment . Good luck in all you choo e. Follow your dream and alway be true to your elf; your future i unlimited. Love, Mom, Dan, Jo hua and Tommy

Ryan, We arc o proud of you and all that you have accompli bed. Your chool year have gone so fa t! Look to the future and all of it po ibilitie . We love you and will alway be here for you . Love, Mom and Dad

Dear Alan, The cottage chee e worked, but then o have you!! W E are o proud, and Y O are o loved. The very be t to you for your future. Love, Mom, Dad, Jeff and Hamlet

DeLi a, Congratulations on a Job well d ne! We are very proud of you and expect great things from you in the future. We've watched you grow mto a wonderful young lady. Keep your head on straight and always remember that your family love and supports you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Tya

Dear Pamanda Bear, Keep your eye traight ahead, and remember. .. God loves you and o do we! Love, King Papa Bad uy, Mama Lu, and Broggie Jo h

Patrick, Congratulation on your high chool graduation! We are very proud of you and all your accompli hment . Remember we will alway be there for you and we love you. Love, Dad and Mom

Deare t ¡on, You are very pecial in our life. We love you very much and arc very proud of you. We hope od will continue to guide and g1ve you more power to be a ucces ful per on and reach the twinkling tar up there. Congratulation and be t wi he ! Dad and Mom

Bob, We are extremely proud of you! We wi h you the very be t in the year to come. You have o much going for you. We love you and will alway be here for you. Love, Mom, Dad, Tony and athy

Rachel, I am o proud of you. Plea e remember to Dream Big! If you advance through life with confidence of your own dream , you will meet with ucce in une pected hour . Love alway , Mom

Michael. Congratulation ! You have accompli hed o you "leap" into the mu h while at Central. future, pur ue your dream and goal with the arne ze t for life a the pa t I year ; and there will be no limn on what you can a comph h. Love, Your Mom & Dad & Kcvm

Audr y, You Go Girl ! We' re proud of you. Lov , Mom, Dad eth, Jake, and Rochelle.

Meghan, We have loved watching our little prince grow up. od ha ble ed u with the gift of your fir t I year . It' been wonderful, but your adventure are ju t beginning. We lo e ou ery much. Mom, Dad and Da id





Michelle, We are ¡o cry proud of you. We are excited about your future becau e of your enthu Ia m and joy for life. ontinue to go for life with all God made you to be and you will hine with His Love. We love you, Dad, Mom, David, u an, ndrew, athan, and Kathryn

Bethany, ongratulat10ns on your graduation and accompli hments. We are so proud of you . You are a beatUiful per on both in ¡ide and out and we love you very much. Remember that we will alway be here for you. The future is yours-be happy! Love, Mom, Dad, Wh1tney, Matt and Luke

Dear Tara, We love you o much! It' hard to put into word what a ble ing you are to our family. Thank you so much for being yQY. ongratulation ! God Ble you! Love, Mom and Dad, Erica and arrie

Gina, We are o proud of you and your many accompli hrnents; we admire you for always trying your be t and we love you more than words can ay. May all your dream come true ... Alway , Dad, Mom & ick

Li a, You've brought u more joy than you can ever imagme with your gift of mu ic and your special friend . What ever you do with your future will be wonderful and exciting. Enjoy every moment and hve it to the fulle t. Our pecial prayer are with you. Love, Mom & Dad

Michael, ongratulation on thi milestone in your life. We are o proud of all that you have accomplished. You are a bright and dedicated tudent, a loyal friend, and a wonderful on. ontinue to work hard, et your goals high, and be at peace with yourself and others. With much love and pride, Mom & Dad

Laura, You are uch able sing to our family. We admire your ensit1ve, caring pirit, and your leader hip. We know you will go far in life. Enjoy the new opportunitie that await you as you follow your dream and let your light shine bright Our love and upport will always be with you. God Ble . Love, Dad, Mom, Brian, Eric, & April

Kate, ongratulation on your many accompli hrnent at Central. Maximize your opportunities and continue to et your goal high. You will go far. We love you. Mom, Dad and Annie

Nicole, Your family i very proud of you and fully confident that you have every quality to be a ucces . Love, The Bridge

Andrew Dear, Dinner will never be the same .. nor the floor of your room. We will mi s you greatly. We could not be more proud of who you are and where you are going. Be true to your elf, eat orne fruit, and call home on unday . Love, Mom and Tom

Nick, I knew you loved me from the fir t time you held me. I'll mi you next year, but I know I can call you anytime on your phone. Have fun! Lo e, Alii on



enior Ad

ick, You have made us proud in o many way . Your sen e of humor and your accomplishment have been a bright light in our live . Although the Ia t I years have been fun, the be t i yet to come! Alway remember that we're here for you. Love, Mom & Dad

Index A Alexander, Mandi 222, 58, 34, 180 Ali, Bilal 166, 155, 184 Allen , Christy 75 Allen, Dasheonna 184 Amacher, Michael 185 Amos, Jason 75 Anderson , Marc 161 Anderson , Sarah 75 Anderson , Tim 183, 190, 191 , 180, 58, 34 Andrejasich , Elizabeth 161, 172, 177, 75, 180 Arfi , Soumaya 75 Arnold , Michelle 50, 34 Arnold , Sara 186, 148 Ashbrook, Patrick 182, 183, 190,191,34,180 At-Taras, Ahmad 183, 189, 188 Ayres, LeTrice 179

8 Bachman ,Jacob 180, 75, 183 Bailey, Leonard 50 Bailie, Jane 166, 174, 175 Bain , Rachel 143, 184, 75 Baker, Ben 185, 155 Baker, Dalana 166, 149 Barre, Anisa 34 Batholomew, Joseph 34 Battle, Justin 184 Battle, Kenny 184 Battle, Kyle 184 Batura, Puja 183 Bauchmoyer, Karl 34, 155 Baumann, Mark 147 Baumann , Ryan 58, 34 Beard , Troy 34 Beasley, Chanell 149 Beauford, Carter 186 Beaulin , Scott 75 Bennett, Tyler 75 Berger, Nadia 166, 148 Bernard, Yuvetta 174, 75 Bhateja, Manika 174, 182, 186, 187, 180 Bialeschki, John 166 Biggers, Marcus 34 Biggers, Ocean 178, 179, 186, 74, 75 Bishop, Ashley 185 Bishop, Neva 184 Blissit, Tonetta 166 Block, Andrea 56 , 58, 34 Blackman , Rachel 174, 175,

170, 186, 149 Bochte , Andrew 163, 75 Bopp , Jeffrey 75 Bosch , Justin 170, 75 Bosmia , Reema 172, 174, 175, 188 Bowen , Kyle 58 , 34 Brackett, Robert 190, 75 Bramfeld, John 58, 34 Breeding , Matthew 34 Breedlove, Kristen 188 Breen, Chris 184 Breen , Christopher 75 Breen , Kye 185 Bridges, Nicole 58 , 34 Britt, Jennifer 166 Brize , Latasha 34 Broadbent, Kent 186, 34 Broadney, Arielle 75 Broadrick , Erin 166, 189, 188, 180, 75 Brown, Aeva 151 , 167, 75 Brown, Jackie 143, 172, 53, 34 Brown , Kaamilya 75 Brown , Khalema 166 Brown, Kris 74, 155, 75 Brown , Latia 34 Brown , Mark 186 Brown , Megan 166 Brown , Michelle 184 Brown , Montreyel 35, 155, 49 Brown , Rachel 179, 184, 75 Brown, Robin 179 Brown , Romielle 184, 75 Brown , Susan 190, 191 , 35 Brown , Delisha 185 Brown , Emmanuel 185 Brownfield , Dusty 185 Browning, Dodd 147 Bruns, Maggie 186 Bryan, Jon 174, 189, 180, 188,58, 35 Buck, Rachel 182, 189, 163, 75 Budescu,Tom 188,75,180 Buffington, Devian 75, 186 Bunce, Michelle 163 Burdette, Emily 75 Burge, Eric 147 Burgett, Abby 167, 172, 174, 175, 178, 188 Burmeister, Christian 185 Burns, Maggie 174 Burwell , Brandon 75 Busby, Clifford, Jr. 75 Butler, Aeisha 75 Butler, Jeffrey 75 Bynum , Delisa 58, 35 Byrd , Erin 172, 75

c Cain , Colin


Callahan , Josh 184 Campbell , David 177, 183, 186, 75 Campbell , Jenny 151, 49, 58, 35 Carey, Jack 161 , 174, 178, 183, 186, 187, 162, 180, 75 Carlton, Rachel 166 Carlton , Sarah 182, 170 Carmichael , Ryan 190 Carr, Katherine 58, 35 Carson, Michael 35 Carter, Brian 183, 186, 153, 180, 75 Cassimiee , Nosheena 184 Catchings, Faye 179 Cavey, Jessica 143, 167, 172, 174, 175,222,188,75 Cavenaugh , Dawn 184 Changnon , Nick 147, 183, 172 Chavis, Shanece 179, 184, 75 Chavis, Shaneka 151 Cheek, Bonnie 167, 58, 35 Chisholm , Michelle 143, 58 , 35 Chisholm, Susan 143, 172, 186 Chittuluru , John 167 Church, Erin 170, 186 Claiborne , Ashley 172 Claiborne, Kamrhon 58 , 35, 179 Claiborne, Kyla 179, 184 Clark, Justin 166 Claxton , Tyler 155 Clay, Jessica 174, 35 Clegg, Matt 183, 186, 180, 75 Climer, Laurieanne 172, 182, 183, 190, 174, 170 Cobb, Nicholas 75 Cochrane, Brent 76 Cochrane, Emily 143 Cohen, Daniel 76 Coil, Kelly 35 Colclasure, Leah 76 Coleman, Jennifer 179, 184, 76 Collins, Bonnie 149 Commons, Jennifer 167, 76 Commons, Jonathon 76 Conerly, Rita 179, 58 , 35 Coniglio, Antonella 172, 186 Cooper, Mark 58, 36 Cornett, Amanda 190 Cornyn , Molly 166 Cotton , Amy 76 Cox, Marci 76 Cox, Nate 188, 76 Cronin , Mitchell 36 Culbertson , Elizabeth 36 Curtis , Jonathon 76

Curtiss, Caleb 76 Czajkowski, Brett 174, 183, 186, 187, 76, 180 Czarmon, Sarah 175

D Daily, Travis 58 Daly, Brian 184, 76 Dangles, Nicholas 76, 183, 188 Danowitz, Jaclyn 167 Darling , Mary 166, 174 Daugherty,Chase 185 Davenport, Bobby 184, 146 David, Laura 174, 170 Davis, Ashley 166, 172, 179, 170, 149 Davis, Brian 184, 76 Davis, Eric 36 Davis, Jonathan 166, 167, 179, 184 Davis, Kirstie 167, 58, 36, 180 Davis, Kristina 166 Davis, Lawrence 36 Decker, Britt 143, 166 Dejacimo, Matthew 36 Dennis Dallas 184 Dennis, James 76 Derry, Michael 178, 58, 186, 187, 36, 162, 180,161 Deschler, Deanna 190, 76, 172 Deters, Brian 147 Deutscher, Erica 174, 188, 76, 180 Dilts, Krystal 167, 172, 178, 188, 76, 180, 74 Dion, Andre Kirby 91 Dixon, Evan 163 Dixon , Paul 155 Donovan, Mike 146 Dorsey, Eric 76 Downing, Lauren 172, 174, 183, 190 Dumich, Sara 186, 187, 76, 163 Duong, Ken 166 Dye, Adam 147, 185

E Eads, Andrew 36 Edwards, Ernest 76 Eheart, Steve 167, 177, 180, 76 Einck, Ashley 143 Eisenemann , Hugh 155 Ellis, Heather 166 Elmore , Donald Ill 76 Elmore , Trey 183, 170 Emkes, Jessica 76 Eppich, Joe 166, 184 Eppich , Tina 76 Ervin, Stefanie 166

~ 217

Evans, Brittany 76 Exum , Larisha 76

F Farokhi , Tamika 76 Fazier, Trish 172 Feller, Bob 58 , 186, 36 , 180, 51 Fellers, Jordon 76 Feng, Jacqueline 182, 183, 76, 180 Ferguson , Shawn 76 Fettig, Katie 172, 186 Fiedler, Ryan 155 Fielding, Tyler 186, 149 Fischer, Karen 166, 76 Fisher, Brian 186, 76 Fitzgerald., Carmelita 185 Fitzpatrick, Zachary 76 Fletcher, Femi 161, 167, 58, 36, 162 Floyd, Susan 172, 179, 186, 184,76 Flynn, Nicki 161, 174, 175, 186, 163, 76 Fonner, Amanda 58, 36 Fonner, Emily 58, 36 Fonner, Matt 185 Fonner, Vernon 76 Fontenot, Jasmine 179 Ford, Allison 185 Ford , Elisabeth 180, 167, 36 Fortman, Nicole 167, 172, 188, 76 Foss, Cassie 37 Foster, Aric 37 Foster, Haley 76 Fraker, Elizabeth 189, 222 , 58,37, 180, 188 Frazier, Patricia 222, 77 Frazier, Rodrick 185 Frazier, Trish 174, 182, 183, 186, 162, 180 Frederick, Kevin 186, 187, 77, 180, 178 Fretty, Elizabeth 37 Fridline, Charles 77 Friend, Victor 77 Frisch, Juliana 161, 186 Funk, Kyle 184 Funston, Helen 167, 183, 186, 187, 77

G Galaras, Antonia 190, 77 Gardner, Alisia 60, 37 Gardner, Jennifer 37 Gardner, Lissa 172 Garrett, Jeremy 77 German , Sarah 183, 188, 77 Gertner, Eric 183, 190, 77 Gholson, Linda 77 Giddens, Misty 58, 186, 37



Gilbert, Kristen 77, 172, 186 Gillespie, Brian 77 Glover, Kialana 37 Goglia, Tina 185 Goines, Michael 146 Goings, Jeremy 37 Gonda, Marissa 151 , 186, 187, 77 Goodenough, Steven 77 Goran, Jacob 186 Gordon, Katie 167,150, 151, 167,58,37 Grace, Katy 166 Grace, Laura 167, 77 Gratkins, Chris 166, 155 Gratkins, Steve 56, 37 Graves, Julie 186 Green, Holly 166, 149 Griffet, Heather 186, 37 Griglione, Nicole 189, 222, 58, 188,37,180 Griglione, Tony 147 Grosser, Dan 155 Guang, Xiao Ma 153 Guenuish, Ryan 185 Guidas, Trisha 77 Gunda, Marissa 178 Gwinn, Bryan 222, 53, 187, 37, 180 Gwinn, Rob 146

H Hagle, Tyler 147 Hahn , Sarah 166 Han, Xiao 182, 188 Hancock, Timothy 77 Hansen, Angela 166 Hansen, Anthony 77 Hard, Emily 177, 190 Hardwick, Louis 77 Harms, Jill 166, 172, 183, 186, 148 Harms, Johanna 184 Harper, Cameron 77 Harrington, Patrick 188, 38, 180 Harris, Christopher 38 Harris, Denitra 38 Harris, Mia 50, 58, 38 Harris, Ricky 167 Harrison, Randi 185 Hart, Faye 38 Harvey, Allison 77 Harwig, Rachelle 166 Hasbargen, Joshua 77 Hatch, Erin 222, 187, 77, 162 Hatch, Patrick 172 Hawthorne, Andrew 77 Hayden, Tad 90 Hays, Amariah 166 Head, Clarissa 90 Head, Ryan 78 Hellmer, Lucas 161, 166, 58 ,

38 Henderson , Andre 90 Henderson , Kiya 78 Henderson , Timothy 78 Hendrick, Jacob 184 Henry, Colin 184, 78 Henry, Johanna 184 Henry, Melissa 58, 38 Henry, Stephanie 78 Henson, Lacey 189,58,188, 38, 180 Henson, Lindsey 149 Hernandez, Angie 90 Herrel, Laura 188 Herrera, Stephanie 90 Herrstrom, Joyce 166, 90 Higgerson, Todd 178, 183, 190, 78, 180 Hill, Jacob 38 Hill, John 147, 185 Hill, Mackeyla 166 Hinderliter, Erik 38 Hiner, Ryan 78 Hinton, Chelsie 90 Hinton, Michael 184 Hites, Brina 38 Hites, Stacey 38 Hoffman, Jackson 78, 180 Holder, Elizabeth 58, 38 Holmer, Angela 222 , 90 , 143, 172, 186 Holzhauer, Cliff 90 Hong , Joonki 90 Hopkins, Katie 149 Hoskins, D'Montre 90 Hoss, Tim 186, 180, 38 Hough, Mary 186, 90, 149 Howard, Mike 90 Howard, Sophia 78 Hoyt, Joe 153 Hubbel, Jamie 143, 183 Huges, J. 90 Hughes, Jackie 149 Huhn , Beth 58, 38 Hunt, Andrea 151 Hunter, Arthur 185 Huston, Andy 184

Inman, James 190, 191 , 39, 180 lnskip, Brian 155 lnskip, Laura 182, 53, 58, 190,191,39,180 Ireland, Brendan 189, 188, 39, 180 Isaacson, Zoe 90,1 48

J Jachne, Kenny 155 Jackson , Abigail 78 Jackson , Jessica 90 Jackson, Larry 78

Jackson , Mark 143, 167, 90 Jackson , Tyson 179,59,39 Jacobs, Kaya 78 Jacobs, Timothy 90 Jaehne, Kenny 190 Jaspe~ Daris 155 Jasper, Darnell 155 Jenks, Amber 167, 39 Jerrell, Karen 78 Jerrell, Kathryn 78 186 Jinks, Dan 155 Johnson , David 78 Johnson, Haley 143 Johnson, Jerod 184 Johnson, Jerome 167, 57, 59, 186, 187, 188,39,180 Johnson, Mark 188 Johnson, Matthew 78 Johnson, Rita 39 Johnson, Wesley 90 Johnston, Amber 39 Johnston, Amy 184 Jones, Allison 90, 149 Jones, Lindsay 39 Jones, Mashika 78 Jones, Patrick 161, 186, 90, 163 Jones, Rashinndra 39 Jones, Rian 167, 90 Joplin, lriale 90 Judy, Kelli 183, 186, 39 Jung, Ryun Lee 79

K Kabasele, Luse 90 Kahler, Natalie 143 Kamyakowski, Steven 153, 185 Kane , Martin 59, 39, 190, 191 Kane, Peter 190 Kang, Melanie 90 Kaplan, Todd 90 Karr, Shelby 149 Karr, Sydney 149 Kavasien, Chan 91 Keaton , Kanitra 179, 59, 186, 39,35 Keith , Caleb 161, 186, 91 Kelly, Brandy 39 Kelly, Ryan 50, 39 Kenny, Natalie 172, 174, 175, 91, 163 Kerkering, Erin 91 Kern, Ashleigh 186, 91 Kesler, Dana 78 Kesler Robin, Eric Keyhea-Brown 91 Kim , Brian 52 , 188 King , Clint 146 King , Shataia 179, 59 , 40 King , Tanesha 184, 78, 149 Kirby, Christopher 40 Kirby, Erin 91

Kirchessner, Jimi 184, 78 Kizer, Gregory 78 Klimer, Alex 184, 78 Klimer, Daniel 185 Kloeppel , Nicole 91 Knoke , Nicholas 40 Korab, Elizabeth 172, 78, 180 Kraybill , Derek 183, 78 Kuehn , Erika 79 , 163 Ku rlakowsky, Krisdee 148 Kyl e, Billy 183 Kyle, William 79 Kyse, Shawndre 91

L Laesch , Christy 172, 174, 175, 183, 186, 143, 59, 40 Lalande, Jackie 167, 91 Lam , Wayne 91 Lance , Michael 79 Landreth , Kirsten 166, 79, 184 Lane , Summer 172, 174, 182, 190, 91 , 149 Lang , Andrew 59, 40 Lange , Daniel 184 Large , Michael 79 Larson , Elizabeth 91 Larson , Libby 166 Lathrop , Starr 79 Lawrence , Phoesha 91 Lawrence , Quintin 166 Lawrence , Theresa 166, 91 Lecher, Hayden 79 Lee, Shawana 149 Lee, Shawanna 170 Lelea, April 184, 148 Lelea, Cathy Lemons, April 91 Leman , Julia 79 Lester, Andrea 91 Lewis, Benita 170 Lewis, Kenneth Ill 40 Lieb, Warren 40 Lietz, Emily 189, 222, 188, 79 , 180 Lobdell , Tyler 91 Lockman , Sara 172, 186 Lockman , Tommy 161 , 186, 152, 162, 180, 74 Loggins, Paul 40 Logsdon, Matthew 91 , 155 Logsdon, Ryan 185 Long, Heather 40 Long, Latonya 185 Luster, Genesis 185 Lyons, Derius 185 Lytle, Justin 59 , 40 , 49

M Maberry, Timothy 91 Machula, Rachel 172, 174, 188

Maher, Karin 59 , 40 Malloch , Bryan 79 Mambo, Babe 79 Mambo, Odile 148 Manganaro, Kate 163 Manganaro, Katherine 79 Mangian , David 170 Manley, Kyle 59, 40 Manley, Toya 185 Manuel , David 40 Mapson, Travis 91 Margison, Blake 183, 59, 40 Marinie, John 91 Marion, Keri 166, 179, 170 Marmion , Dan ielle 91 Marm ion , Seth 155 Marm ion , Travis 40, 59 Marry, Jason 91 Marshall, Sheena 91 Martin , Laura 161 , 187 Martin, Lisa 59, 186, 187, 41 Martinie, John 161 Martinie, Kate 182, 189, 188, 180 Martinie, Sarah 79 Martz, Michelle 91 Mastny, Morgan 59, 190, 41 , 191 Matt, Stephanie 174, 188, 79 Matthew, Justin 91 Matthews, Ben 153 Mattingly, Jessica 167 Mattingly, Robert 167, 190 Mattinly, Jessica 41 May, Amanda 79, 148 Mazzocco, Vai 186, 143 Mbuvi, Caroline 59, 41 McAfee, Robert 79 McClain, David 79 McClellan, Michael 41 McCloud , Matthew 91 McCray, Leah 143 McCray, Renee 184 McDaniel, Drew 174, 186 McDermed, Cindy 184 McDermed, Cynthia 79 McDermed, Kristy 185 McElrath, Sarrindia 91 McFarland, Chrystal 91 McFerren, Devan 179, 91 McGhee, Terence 185 McGraw, Amanda 184, 79 Mclemore, Nick 41, 56,

15, 16, 22, 114, 120, 158, 162,171 , 219, 222, 223 McMillen, Eliza h 167, 72 McMullen, Ghan i 184, 79 McMu llen , Ch ri stian 184 McNeal, Demond 79 Mechl ing, Katie 186, 163 Medlock, Jennife r 59, 41 Meintser, Sierra 170, 79, 177

Meis, Bridget 41 Memishee, Matthew 79 Meneely, Anthony 79 Mennega, Robert 41 Merrick, Michael 79 , 184 Michael , Kyle 166 Michels, Troy 155 Millage , Anthony 59 , 41 Miller, Demetri o~ 146 Miller, Greg 186, 155 Miller, Renesha 185 Mitchell, Drew 185, 153 Mitchell, Erin 161 , 167, 172, 186, 79 , 180 Mohrbacher, Mary 59 Moll, Kristen 41 Monroe-McMullen, Jackie 52, 41 Monroe-McMu llen , Tia 49 , 41 Montgomery, Rienna 41 Moore, Joycelyn 166 Moore, Paula 179, 184 Moore, Ryan 174, 222 , 59, 42, 180 Moore, Victor 79 Morenz, Kelli 59 , 42 Morgan, Bnanna 179, 186, 184, 79 Morgan, Candance 179 Morgan , Christina 59 Morgan , Jill 79 Morgan , Noah 152, 153 Morris, Calvin 147 Mulcahey, Griffin 147Mullady, Madison 186 Mullins, Erin 59, 42 Munoe, Victor 166 Murphy, Pat 174, 74, 79 Murray, Kate 161 , 172, 189, 188, 162, 180 Murray, Kathleen 59 , 42 Murray, Kelly 143, 172, 174, 186, 79 Muscovalley, Shantel 56 Muscovalley, Shantell 42 Musson, Mark 185 Muster, Bill 190, 153 Musumeci, Domenico 79 Musumeci, Walter 79

N Nash, Charles 42 Nelson, Ivory 146 Nelson, Krista 79 Nelson, Meg 183, 59, 42 Nelson, Steven 59, 42 Ne s, Jason 79 Newbern, Will iam 167 Newport, Amanda 178, 59, 186, 187, 42 , 180 Newsom, Jamie 79 Nguyen, Li sa 161 , 79 Niccum , Elyse 185

Nicholas, Michael 59 , 42 Nichols, Mary 167 Nicol , William 42 Nimz, Sara 167, 174, 175, 51 , 59 , 186, 42 Nuzzo, Emily 172, 170, 188

0 Odom , Antonio 79 Oliveria, Nate 147, 183 Osier, Jarett 42 Outlaw, Katie 143 Overacker, Travis 185 Overstreet, Clayton 183, 59 , 42

p Palacio, Juan 80 Panchal, Ami 178, 222, 59 , 186, 187, 42 , 180 Parker-Stephen , Elise 186, 149 Parkhill, Mary 186 Parr, Elizabeth 167 Patrick, Mel 151 , 167, 59, 43 Patrick, Sirimal 43 Pavia, Nick 172, 178, 183, 188, 180, 80 Payne, Allison 189 Pearson , Jessica 43 Peel , Kylle 143, 186 Pellum , Chad 59, 43 Pellum, Joe 153 Pelmore, Quanata 43 Pelz, Eric 174, 175, 186, 80 Penna, Felipe 155 Penrod , Greg 185 Penwell , Matthew 153, 186 Peper, Katie 151 Peper, Katy 167, 186, 187, 180, 80 , 151 Pepper, Steve 153, 183 _/ ] Perez, Shari 170, 80, 184 ./ Perkins, Russell 80 Perwins, Lamatrice 166 Peters , Erica 182, 222, 186 Peters , Tara 161 , 189, 51 , 59, 188, 43, 180 Peters, Chris 184 Petry, Bethany 161 , 59, 186, 187, 43, 162, 180 Petry, Whitney 172, 186 Pham , Linh 178, 182, 183, 189, 222, 188, 180, 80 Pherigo, Falon 80 Phillippe, Jessica 166, 174, 190, 175 Philli ps, Kath leen 185 Philli ps, Kevin 184, 80 Philli ps , Pat 146, 184 Pickard , Kathe ri ne 172, 174, 178, 222 , 186, 162, 163, 180, 80


Pierson , Anisshia 43 Piwoni , Michael 167, 53, 59, 177 Powers , John 43 Prell , David 52, 59 , 43 Profit, Joshua 184, 80 Pryor, Lucas 43 Pyer, Valerie 163, 80

a Quarrels, Drew 155 Qu inn, Kendra 80





It I



Ramirez, Judith 80 Ramirez, Kenat 186, 80 Ramos, Esther 182, 170, 190 Rapp, Christina 190 Ratcliffe, Mary 161 , 80 Rawdin, Rachel 178, 57, 59, 190,191,43 Reid, Rasheid 179 Reis, Robert 183 Revels, Timothy 59, 43 Richardson, Cris 43 Ringler, Jessica 166 Robbins, Quentin 147 Roberts, Blake 80 Rodgers, Aaron 43 Roelfs, Daniel 59, 44 Rollinger, Gina 59, 44 Rosa, Jason 80 Ross, Torianna 59, 186, 187, 163 Rost, Anna 172, 183 Rousey, Emily 172 Rouse~Jenn 161,172,182, 189, 188, 162,180,74,80 Rowe, David 190, 163 Ruggeri, David 161, 155 Ruggeri, James 190 Runge, Matt 184, 155 Russell, Courtnet 178 Russell , Courtney 143, 167, 172,186,80

s Salzman , Margaret 80 Salzmann , Margaret 80 Samii , Nina 177, 80 Sanderson , Mike 80 Sarver, Levi 80 Sayon , Justina 80 Scarpetta, Gina 143, 172, 178, 189, 222,59, 188,44, 162, 180 Schanche, Matt 166 Schaub, Danielle 80 Scheitlin , Jenn 161, 172, 188, 162, 180, 171,222, 59,44 Scheitlin, Matt 146, 172, 188 Schlorff, Katie 143, 172


Schmidit, Kris 188 Schmidt, Jeff 184, 80 Schmidt, Kris 183, 80 Schneider, Lindsay 166 Schroeder, Alex 172, 186, 175, 80 Schroeder, Benjamin 44 Schroeder, Earl 174 Scott, Evan 80 Seaman, Ashley 59, 186, 44 Seeber, Chad 59, 188, 44 Seeber, Nik 166 Segavich , Ryan 177 Seibert, George 155 Seibert, Matt 184 Seibert, Sarah 170, 44 Seider, Jessica 185 Seider, Joshua 80 Sensenbrenner, Ken 152, 80, 153 Serna, Nuria 59, 44 Shelby, Jared 172 Shepard, Lindsay 166, 149 Sholem, Jamie 182, 183 Silverman, Eli 44 Simlin, Mike 155 Simmons, Krystle 80 Simmons, Robert 184, 80 Simmons, Scott 190 Simpson, Jessica 80 Sitch , Michael 222, 50, 59, 186,44,180 Skaggs, Autumn 186 Skillings, Amy 170, 184, 80 Slates, Candice 184, 80 Slough, Catherine 60, 44 Smith, Ben 190 Smith, Christopher 80 Smith, Eric 167,50,190, 191, 44 Smith, James 44 Smith, Janean 166 Smith , Kali 166, 167 Smith, Kathryn 174, 175, 186 Smith, Liz 148 Smith, Liz Micheal Koleff 185 Smith, Melia 60, 44 Smith , Michelle 149 Smith, Todd 190, 191 Smith, Whitney 151 , 57, 188, 45 Smith-Arends, William 80 Smithpeters, Sean 80 Somers, Justin 45 Sonka, Julie 166, 174, 186 Spanglo, Joseph Spice , Kristie 60, 45 Spitz, Kent 166 Stanko, Ellen 172, 186 Stephens, Katie 143 Stephens, Margaret 60, 186, 187 Stickels, Leeanna 81 Stigberg, Kate 174, 175, 186,

187, 81 Stimmel , Travis 166, 177 Stirrett, Nick 147 Stout, Matt 172 Stovall , Shmonica 179 Stover, Kristin 60, 190, 191 , 45 , 163, 143 Strack, Alexis 186 Strauss, Jacob 167, 186 Sudeth, Stephen 81 Sudeth, Steve 74 Sumlin , Jerod 146, 184 Summers, Scott 45 Swartz, Audrey 60, 190, 191, 45 , 180 Swartz, Seth 146, 190 Swartzendruber, Faith 190 Swartzendruber, Nicole 190

Talkington , Jacob 81 Tanner, Nicole 172, 174, 175, 178, 60, 186,187, 180 Taylor, LaShonna 148 Taylor, Lashonna 179, 60 175 Taylor, Phontez 147 Taylor, Shawndrell 81 Tengwall, Jamie 143, 60, 45 Terrell , Shaneka 172, 170, 186, 148 Terwilliger, Bennett 190, 180, 81 Terwilliger, Leeann 190 Tester, Dana 184 Tester, Teresa 184 Thacker, Keona 81 Thies, Stephanie 182, 170, 188 Thomas, Cathy 186 Thomas, Grant 60, 45, 163 Thomas, Josh 184, 81 Thomas, Tristan 81 Thompson, Coffee 179, 186, 184,81 Thompson , Kyneitha 81 Thoraton, Vegas 184 Thorp, Sarah 166 Thurman , Marissa 184, 180, 81 Thurston , Dan 147 Tillman , Lathan 81 Tillman, Shamika 179 Timm, Aubrey 81 Tipei, Alexandra 81 Tobias, Brandon 183 Tock, Johnny 167,51,1 90, 191,60,45 Toghraee, Amir 186 Traeger, Aaron 183, 45, 180 Traeger, Adam 184 Tran, Ahn 81 Traux, Anna 81

Truax, Anna 81 Trupin , Ben 172, 186, 152, 153, 81 Trupin , Dan 161 , 186, 152, 163,153 Tulin , Joe 146

u Unander, Stephanie

60, 45

v Vanderweit, Rachel 60, 174, 175,52, 188,45,163 Verdick, Lisa 167, 171, 172, 222,60, 186,45,162,180 Vermiuion, Athena 184 Villafane, Herbert 60, 45 -.:.J Villasener, Ada 46 1 Voelker, Max 190, 81 Vonner, Michael 184 Voss, Nicholas 46, 182, 183, 190, 191 Vreemam, Kendra 184 ~ Vu, Ha 185 i

w Walker, Kiana 17:9, 184, 81 Walker, Tiffany 60, 46, 148 Walsh, Kim 172, 174, 186 Walton , Adam 81 Wampler, Katy 143 Warner, John 153, 152, 163 Warner, Jonathan 81 Warner, Jonathon 81 Warren, Semaji 81 Washburn, Elizabeth 222, 174, 186 Washburn, Geoff 161, 186, 180, 81 Washington, Omar 46 Weber, Eric 60 Weber, Maggie 167 Weber, Molly 149 Webster, Joe 184 Weichsel, Johanna 183 Weigand, Christopher 185 Weiss, Andrew 46, 55, 114, 158,221 , 223,216, 171, 174,182,222,60, 187, 46, 162, 180 Weiss, Deana 143, 166, 167, 186 Welborn, Heather 60, 46 Wellman, Jamie 185, 153 Wellman, Rob 57, 152, 153, 46 Wenglarz, Angi 166 West, Jacquelyn 60, 46 Wheatley, Kathleen 182, 183, 170, 186, 187, 180 White, Dominique 147 White, Erica 186

White, Jeylin 185 Whitmar, Jon 188, 172 Wickes, Elizabeth 174 Wiggins, Cashundra 166 Wiggins, Erin 172, 182, 186, 187, 180 Wikoff, Alex 185 Wilcock, Ben 155 Wilhelm , Lisa 222, 186 Williams, Erika 161 Williams, Joshua 46 Williams, Sarah 184 Williamson, Andy 188 Wilson, Cessily 151, 179, 184 Wilson , Lamar 146 Winkel , Meghan 60, 188, 46, 178 Winkler-Groscher, Nicole 166 Winston , Emmit 166 Woo, Joon Kang 166 Woods, Ernest 60, 46 Wynn-Bradley, Tachika 60, 46

y Yambert, Jenna 149 York, Michael 167, 60, 46 York, Nate 186, 60, 46 York, Nick 172 Young,Joshua 47

z Zalucha, Angie 182, 183, 170, 190, 188, 180 Zeigler, Kurt 167, 47 Ziegler, Michelle 172, 183, 186 Zion, Lenore 174, 175, 60, 186,187,188,47,180 Zoll, Shannon 172 Zollinger, Jana 172, 50, 60, 47


Student Life I Clubs


Gina Scarpetta - Section Editor Katherin Pickard - Section Editor Ami Panchal Mandi Alexander Erica Peter

Elizabeth Fraker- Section Editor Michael Sitch icole Griglione Li a Wilhelm Liz Wa hbum

E itor Andrew Weiss Lisa Verdic Nick McLemore



Jennifer cheitlin - Section Editor Bryan Gwinn Je ica Ca ey

Patricia Frazier - Section Editor Ryan M ore Angela H lm r Linh Pham

Ads and eachers Erin Hatch - Section Editor Emily Lietz

Sheryl Hobbs - Advisor Julie Sherwood - Business Manager

Special Thank Shauna Carey Caleb Keith Herb Villafane Mary Ratcliffe Kathleen Smith Dave Fone Nina Samii Walgreen

Did you SEE THE DIFFERENCE? Our collection of old yearbook ha enabled u to get a good feel for the fa hi on , attitude , and activite of former Central tudent and taff member . Some are included throughout the 1999 MAROON, and we h pe you enjoyed them. Perhap , you potted a relative, neighbor teacher, or friend. Over the la t ixty-five year , Central High School ha transformed it elf from a mall, primitive chool into a large high-tech e tabli hment. While looking through thi year' book, we hope you aw the difference in the phy ical facility and the people who are part of it history. Yearbook production ha also undergone remarkable change ju tin the la t decade, and thi year wa certainly no exception. Due to third floor renovation , the yearbook production room moved to the fir t floor into a f rmer art room. We al o have a new production company, Herff-Jone , eleven new taff member (who were great, by the way), new computer (Power Macinto h G3' ), and a new computer program. For the fir t time in hi tory the entire yearbook ha been de igned on the computer, a fact of which we're proud but one that ha al o cau ed considerable headache . The taff member who a em bled the preceding page put in many hours after chool and on weekend trying to make it all come together on time. Next year i bound to be easier. With the end of a millenniumju t half a year away, we felt it would be appropriate to look at Central' pa tju tone more time before heading into the future. What can we except? f 1899 and then Who know . Ju t look at how our live are different from tho e of the cla try to project into the future. It's true cience fiction. Good-bye to the twentieth century;hello to the twenty-fir t. Surely you'll be able to ('\l ~ i:C' ' I:C'

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Top 10 Money Making Movies

Billboard's Top I 0 Songs

1. Armageddon 2. Saving Private Ryan 3. There's omething About Mary 4.The Waterboy 5. A Bug' Life 6. Dr.Dolittle 7. Ru h Hour 8. Deep Impact 9. Godzilla 10. Lethal Weapon 4

1. "Too Clo e" by Next 2. "The Boy i Mine" by Brandy and Monic 3. "You're Still the One" by Shania Twain 4. "Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden 5. "How Do I Live" by LeAnn Rimes 6. "Together Again" by Janet 7. "All My Life" by K-Ci and Jo-Jo 8. "Candle in the Wind" by Elton John 9. "Nice and low" by U her 10. "I Don't Want to Wait" by Paula Cole

10 Top News Stories

10 Remarkable People of 1998 1. Bill Gate 2.John Glenn 3. Mark McGwir 4. TomHanks 5. Jerry Seinfeld 6. Oprah Winfrey 7. Katie Couric . Aung San Suu Kyi 9. Dr. Judah Folkman 10. Michael Jordan


1. The President' fling with intern exposed, explode into impeachment threat. 2. President Clinton i cleared of perjury and obstruction of ju tice charge by Congress. 3. At 77 John Glenn, first meri an in orbit, returns to pace 36 year later. 4. Men world wide nap up the first impotence pill called Viagra. 5. Pro basketball locks out players in revenue dispute. 6. Mark MeG wire sets home run record of 70 in chase with Sammy Sosa. 7. Turmoil in economics of Asia and Rus ia ends U.S. stock market plunging. 8.Aspatoffatal h tingsby choolchildrenraise new alarms. 9.Bloody conflicts between ethnic Albanians and Serv officials draws NATO bombing threat. 1O.Airplanecrash off Canada's coast kills al1229 passengers on board. Famous

Deaths in 1998

1. Chri Farley 2. Phil Hartman 3. Harry Caray 4. Roy Rodgers 5. George Wallace 6. Linda McCartney 7. King Hussain of Jordan 8. Eldridge Cleaver 9. Frank Sinatra 10. Flor nee Griffith Joyner





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