2000 Maroon

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C am tral High School 610 . U iversit Cha paign~ Illinoi 61 2 (217) 35 -3911

Enrollm nt: 1,247

aroon 2

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b 11 has ·u._t rung to "il!ni( th.a seh ol i out fot· umm f'T~ tu dt•nh push a n d ... hm t' through .t>ntr r . . 0001'" to eseapt> or the w· t thre • month:. lwy 1 av lwhind tht•m load o book , h our-. of home\ ork and ... t ·ess, and every problem they haH. They take with tht>m the carefree spirit of sumnwr aeation. Clwck out hm entral ' tudenL spent their crloriou month of u mm er paradi e.

THIS PAGE- Pic 1: Nadia Berger, Reema Bosmia and Liz McMillen- Don't me 'th these b uff beauties' i Jacob Strauss is hangi ' high! Pic 3 Nia Galaras tid Kelly Murray take flight . Pic 4 : "Bring on the rapids!'' PlC 5 : Milw ukee babes Pic 6 : "Just keepin ' it real" Pic 7: Kristy Gilbert and Erin Brao · New Kids on the Block ;le. Pic 8: David Goran and Chris Warner- "Fishing is life."



On August 29th Ct>ntrars doors wt>rt> opt>nt>d onct> a~ain to wPkonw studPnts hack for thP 99" - 00" chool )'Par. Aftpr a fun-fillPd umnwr. !-.tudpnts wprp ready to prPpare for thP final school year of thP millPnnium. tudents attPnded a fi, t> day fir. t week of io>Chool. ThP week wa!-1 filled with anticipaton for an out tanding y Par.

THIS PAGE- Pic 1: Jaime Hubble , Christina Goglia and Shannon Zoll await the second hour bell. Pic 2 : "We're excited to be here on the first day! " Pic 3 : Rachel Bain and ick Cobb "Skip to my lou" through the halls . Pic 4 : Kye Breen - ..Check it. yo." Pic 5 : Mealnie Kang isn't quite back from her trip to Mars yet. Pic 6 : Ce Ce Wilson and Rachael Brown compare their schedules on the first day. Pic 7· .. Line ·em up . check ·em out! " Pic 8: Run . Crystal Frazier, hurry to calss!!!



IlaH' )<HI net· n'all) looked at tlw hall of Centr·al~ '\llan. the) ar·e ali\ e '~ith acti' it). Thf.') makt> g;n'at place-, to n';.t aftf.'r a long da) of school work. Thf.' locker. pro, ide good hack ;.uppot·t and a >.afe placf.' to , tore all those he a') books. The cheerlf.'aden; help g;ivr the halL· a nf.'\~ look h) putting up decoratiom. Be-,idcs allowing fast transpor·tation. the halls an' a good place to heat· the la;.tt>-.t go-,..,ip. get a date for· F 1· ida) night. h a n a., s f t· e" h men . h r o \\- n - no"<' the teacher~>. t·cad tlw po>.ted signs and checkout all the >.t)le>..

THIS PAGE: Pic . 1. Kyle Michaels decides whether to vote. Pic 2 . Nina Samii, hard at work . Pic . 3 . Did Madame kick Erin Broadrick out of class .? Pic 4 . Semaji Warren gets a date. Pic. 5 . Here comes Marci Cox. Pic. 6. Rich Rockwell eagerly awaits a test. Pic. 7 . Derius Lyons is livin' up to his rep. as a shy guy. Pic. 8 . Do locker decs. help us win?

atu ~er.t



Thl-' "~-'Hnth annual Day \\-a hl-'ld on \1ay Bottenfif'ld Elementar·y chool. Thi-. ) ear··-. , p<H·t-. Day had beautiful \\-eatht>r. \\hich \\-a-. a plea..,ant change from la1.t year· gloomy atmosphere. All the event'> were there. with thf' exception of flag football. Thf' Thunder Bomb-,, t·omposed of Er·ic Pelz. \lt''- , chnwder. Jon \\an1er. Tim Ilendenon and Ja-.on '<e won the volleyball tournament. tudent Council put on another grf'at port-. Da). and ne'-.t yeanH' hopf'. will be t'vt'n better.

THIS PAGE : Pic. 1. Angie Holmer. Lauren Downing and Antonella Coniglio take a water break . Pic. 2 . Where's the volleyball? Pic. 3 The Thunder Bombs. Pic 4 . Bob Simmons shows his stuff. Pic . 5 . Tim Henderson serves it up . Pic . 6 . It doesn't matter which way it goes in . Pic. 7 K. P bites into Sports Day.



tudt>nts ha"t> vt>r) hus) livt>s outside tlw doors of entral High chool. titer school and on the weekends studt>nts participate in a widt> \-ariet) of activities. For many students, tlwir life outside of school is the most important to them. This is the time " hen tudent work, play a port. volunteer in the comunity. attend religious events, spend time with theit¡ family. and hang out with their friends! Once the last hell rings at schooL tudent go their eparate way . Take a look at the intere ting lives we live out ide the doors ....

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THIS PAGE- Pic. 1: Sheneka Terrell earns her money by working at McDonald's . Pic. 2: Jason Ness uses his soccer expertise when he works at Soccer Country. Pic. 3: Jared Johnson gets a thumbs-up from his boss for a job well done. Pic . 4 : Joe Thulen is very happy to be outside the doors of Central!! Pic. 5 : Liz Washburn , Kim Walsh. and Nicole Swartzendruber work at the ever popular Windsor of Savoy. Pic. 6: Abby McKinney and Caitlin Deal love volunteering! Pic. 7 : Elizabeth Korab believes in keeping our environment clean. Pic. 8 : Sara Arnold and Julie Sonka paint away their spare time. Pic. 9 : These girls participate in Relay for Life to benefit cancer patients.




How We Spend Our Time: 38% hang out with their friends 8% 'w'a.tch TV 8% attend religious events 6% do homeV!orl< 4% misc ...

18% participate in athletics

THIS PAGE- Pic. 1: Jessica Witte , Kristen Breedlove. Angela Winters. and Alyssa Quinn still love playing dress up ! Pic. 2 : Chris Warner and Jared Shelby jam on the weekends in their band "Thought Police ." Pic. 3 : These Central girls never miss a chance to enjoy the beautiful autumn weather. PIC. 4 : Jenmfer Feickhart, Jessica Weaver. and Molly Cornyn like being together on the weekend and watching a "chick flick! " Pic. 5 : Ross McAuley makes some good music with a record and his hands!!



Then' ·s prohahl) not a person alive \vho wouldn't admit that friends are ver important to them. A friend i a per on who always upports and make. a per on feel accepted. happy. and content. Some friends last for a lifetime. others for horter periods of time, but they make our lives richer and fulfilliniY. A best friend is more important than a rare jewel. e pensi e car, or fabulous trip. Famous people have had the ·e words to hare on the ubject of friendship: ··What i a friend? .\.single oul dwelling in two bodies.·· Ari totle '"True happines. con i t not in the multitude of friends. hut in the worth and choice." Ben Jon son But Central students have equally wonderful words on the subject: ""A true friend is someone who is always honest with you and care. for ou a lot." Rayna Miller "" true friend i worth more than gold.·· Sierra Mein ter This Page : Pic. 1. Jacob Bachman and Brett Czajkowski Pic. 2 . Heather Overmeyer and Danavanh Phanrana Pic. 3 . Jamie Hubbell and Emily Fletcher Pic. 4 .Erin Byrd and Mary Ratcliffe Pic. 5 . Ray Williams and Rashad Archey

The top three trait. Central tudent look for in a b t fri nd ar hone t • tru tworthine · , and a good n e of humor. Other include fun to be with, being a good li tener, and loyalty. The topic mo t talked about among friend include boy /girl , stupid tuff, and EVERYTHI G! Other include parent , go ip, and 1 ing. - The top three topic friend fight about are tupid tuff, ho /girl , and tru t. Oth r include hotgun and p ndinu too much time together. The top three place Central tudent hang out with their fri nd are each oth r hou , th mo ie , and th mall. th r re pon e in luded ""The Por h", aufman Lake, and ha ement .




n v r

a a word, ju t it and li t n . " Brittany Rob rt " omeone who doe n 't tab ou in th ba k, ou can tru t that per on withy ur de pe t, dark t ecret . " Jo ph panglo



This page : Pic. 1. Amanda Cornett and Ashleigh Kern Pic. 2 . Aurdrey Busby and Amber Charles Pic. 3 . Jon Whitmer, Yasmine Bleeth , and Matt Scheitlin Pic 4 . Sara Arnold, Julie Sonka, Erica Peters, and Lisa Wilhelm Pic. 5 . Dan Thurston and Brian Deters Pic. 6 . Tamika Farokhi and Yuvetta Bernard




Jackson Hoffman Birthday: ep t. 12, 1982 Best Feature : '"I can lau gh at my elf." Good Luck Charm: My girlfriend Favorite .Mode of Tran portation: My running ho One Thing H e e er Leave Home Without: My mom aying, " Be careful. '' Word of Wi dom: " Have fun , but b e Ben rupin Birthday: De . 22 , 1981 Favorite high chool Memory: " Getting my fir t var it wimming letter ." Hidden Talent: P ee Flex Good Luck Charm: Grover One Thing He ever Leave Home Without: Goggl Favorite Mode of Tran portation: The Aqua Hog Mo t Prized Po e ion: Th bla k album David Campbell Birthday: April9 , 1982 Word of Wi dom: '' ave orne time for your elf. " Per on He'd Like to Meet: " Th girl of my dream " Funnie t Thing He' Ever Done: " Being ki ed b y tev in Engli h ." Favorite Hobby: Drawing Plan After high school: " Go to Britain and be a bum. " Good Luck Charm: Botin Bear




I N G Michael Vonner Birthday: October 26 , 1981 Hidden Tal nt: " I can sew ver y well. " Per on He' d Like to Meet: tacy Da h Be t Feature: Glutiu Maximu What He ' d Do if He Won the Lottery: " Buy m mom a 2000 Jaguar." Favorite Mode of Transportation: Banana Mobil Favorite Hobby: Rollerblading Where He Goe to Relax: Room

Birthday: ov. 5, 1981 Favorite high school Memory: "All my great friend " Fa orite Mode of Tran portation: " Th good ' ol grocer y g tt r " Word of Wi dom: " elebrate we will , b cau life i hort but weet for certain. " -DJM Good Luck Charm: Angel Be t Feature:




E E N Mashika Jones Birthday: July 15, 1981 Word of Wi dom: "Follow your dream and believ rn your elf. Don't !rive up." Favorite high chool Memory: Being crowned Homecoming Queen. Mo t Prized Po e ion: My grandma Favorit . Hobby: Party all the time! Plan Mter high chool: "Become a o ial work r, and make lot of money!" Falon Pheriao Birthday: Feb. 10, 1982 Mo t Important Activities She's Done in high chool: Made lif long friend , memori , and arol n -up. Word of Wi dom: " If you love omeon let them know becau ou never knol when the 'll be gone." Good Luck Charm: "It

arah German Birthday: -ov. r, 1982 Word of Wi dom: "'Mter all. tomorrow i another day.'' Hidden Talent: Hitting mailboxe Favorite high chool Memory: ··Mr. Davi getting nailed with a uper oaker. '' Per on he'd Mo t Like to

Hidd n Talent:" I can put m fi tin my mouth." Per on he'd Like to Meet: Allen I ver on and Chico DeBarge F avorit high chool Memory: •· h n I got th role of Dorothy in The Wiz my ophomor year." Plan Mter high chool: ""To att nd olumbia College, and then b on Broadwa in ew York."

Danielle chaub Birthday: Dec. 30, 1981 Hidden Talent: '·I can dri e a car ' hile changing m cloth . " One Thing h ver Leave Home Without: "U ed to b m paa r, but i wa run o er b a ar." Favorit Hobby: Flying Where he Go to Rela Lake of the Wood and All rton



"''hen )' ou come to chool Monday morning and find everyone still cozy and comfortable in their nightie 路, slipper 路, and footie pajama -, you can be sure of one thing - it's Homecoming week at Central! The dre -up da day - before the Homecoming football gam and dance are a fun, creative way for Central tudent 路 to how their chool pit路it. The week kicked off with ever popular Pajama Day and wa followed by Twin Day, la olor Day, groovy Retro Day, and finally Maroon and White Day.

TillS PAGE - Pic 1: Sophomore girlies deck the halls with yellow. Pic 2: "Fresh outta bed!" Pic 3 : Senior C- Crew Pic 4 : Kristy Gilbert and Jaime Sholem are chillin' retro style! Pic 5: Deana Weiss represents the ol' maroon and white. Pic 6 : B.J . Mattingly had a late night ! Pic 7 : Matt Logsdon is true to Big "C" ! Pic 8 : Reema Bosmia and Whitney Petry are tech vest techie twins! Pic 9 : Ross McCauley and Jack McCabe take us to funkytown!



THIS PAGE - Pic 1 Jenna Yambert "Peace ... and don't litter!" Pic 2: Blue's the shade - senior superiority Pic 3 : Red= Freshman Fun!!! Pic 4 Abby Burgett and Rob Gwinn cheese it up for Maroon and white day! Pic 5 : Jacob Goran - Lord of the bunny rabbits. Pic 6 : 11 juniors and one sophomore- Central's BA twins!



Evt>ryont> expt>rit>nct>s Homt>coming, but most probably don't think about all of tht> hard work and timt> it take · to pull this all off. Homecoming week thi · year was crazy! In addition to the u ual preparation and planning for dre up day . float building, bonfire, pep rally, uame and dance, this year, omething new wa added. On cia color day. ach cia · was a ·igned a hallway to d corate in their clas color. The freshman were red, ophomore yellow, juniors-green and enior were blue. This wa kind of a fun twi ' t to add to Homecoming. Th hard work hin d through thi year, and the result were purely d lightful.

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: Some people will do anything to get in the yearbook. Pic. 2: Jacob Strauss is da' man! Pic. 3: Triplets can enjoy twin day too! Pic. 4 : It seems obvious that black is the "in" color this year. Pic. 5 : The '02 Crew is stylin' in yellow. Pic. 6: Jaime Hubbell and Natalie Kahler look very glamorous at the dance. Pic. 7: Geez Poetzel, don't you have food at home? Pic. 8 : Here they arethe champion float builders! Pic. 9 : These seniors cheer at their last pep rally at Central. Pic 10: Did you see that hot guy over there?



Tlw annual Home<·omin~ bonfire wa lwld at .Me Kinley field again thi.., ) ear. The peppette .... <'heerleader~. and hand dazzled e" eryone with their performance . . while the fire burned bright!). 'eniors performed their infamou ·kit · and won the dance competition. oach Trigger and the ..,enior football pia) er.., al~o got on stage and ga' e a pep talk to pump eYery one up for the game. -\lthouuh the fe~ti\ities were brief. e\ eryone had a good time preparing for the game!

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1. Pat Murphythe freshman teen idol. Pic. 2 : Alex and Evan. is there anything you want to tell us? Pic. 3 : At least the sophomores can sport the look. Pic. 4 Who says we all can't get along? Pic. 5 : Brittany Roberts knows how to shake it . Pic . 6 : Amariah Hays gets on the soul train. Pic. 7 These senior studs sure do resemble the Backstreet Boys . P1C. 8 : Juruors Jane Bailie, Maggie Bruns. Mary Darling. and Tyler Fielding are having fun flashin '01. Pic. 9: Mr. Trigger and the senior football players give an exhilarating pep talk.



Onct> again, Central studt>nL pourt>d through tht> dooL of tht- gym for anotht-r :pirit-lifting pt>p rally. Tht> cht-t-rlead rs and peppette performed and football player Romy Brown and Matt John ¡on arou ed tht> crowd with an uplifting pee h. tudent and faculty participatt-d in gamt' : Mr. cott and Mr Munroe winning for thttt-achers, and the enior. winning for tht> tudt-nts. Fall port wert> announced, the band play d, and Homecoming ttendant were honored.

This Page: Pic l :Central Seniors shout out a big '00! Pic 2 :Courtney Russell and Lauren Downing get the crowd involved. Pic 3 :Britt Decker gets her groove on . Pic 4 :Steve Sudeth takes a break from drumming and smiles for the camera. Pic 5 :Mr. Plattner looks on as Mr. Poetzel goes at it . Pic 6 :Jon Whitmer has a smile on his face as he escorts Summer Lane .




After Central 路tudents participated in the Homecoming Pep Rall)'. they all 路treamed out of the omhe Gym doors to watch the parade. The parade con i ted of clas float 路. jeep 路 and convertible , the band. and firetruck . The cla s. of 2002 received a first place award for their float. Junior earned econd place, fr hmen won third place, and for four year m a row, the la of 2000 received a well-a\ aited fourth place. The cheerleader and p ppette rode atop the firetruck and the homecoming attendant, rode in convertible . The parade wa led b Central' Marching Maroon . And, a the parade compl ted it route turning onto Park t., everyone waved Central' la t Homecoming parade of the Century good-bye.

This page: Pic 1 :The Central Cheerleaders wave to the camera. Pic 2 :Troy Michaels is intently concentrating on his marching. Pic 3 :"MOW EM OVER'' Freshmen Pic 4:Ce Ce Wilson , Katy Peper, and Brittany Roberts put on a smile. Pic 5 :Sophomores show their school spirit. Pic 6 :The Juniors wave at the crowd .Pic 7:0cean Biggers and Michael Vonner look happy to be homecoming attendants.



Ct>ntral canw into tlw 1999 honwcoming gamt' '"i th hopt>s of clinching a shart> of first plact> in tlw Big 12 Ea., t. Tht> tt'am · s -,pirit \Hls drairwd h~ tlw t'IHI of tlw night. '\1attoon struck first '" lwn tht')' connt'ctt>d on a 9 yard touchdown pass. Ct>ntral quickl)' countt>rt>d when R o mit' 11 t' B nm n hi t P a t Phillips on a 15 yard touchdown pass. Mattoon tht>n scort>d two mort> touchdowns on run-; of 1 and 51 )'ard . putting \1attoon up 21-7 at halftirnt>. Coming into tlw st>corHl half Ct>n tral had high hopt>s. hut tlwy wert' also drairwd wht>n '\1attoon had a 34 )' ard touchdo\\'n pass. Ct>ntral had littlt' chanet' lt>ft wht>n Pat Phillips rusht>d for a i yard touchdown run. Mattoon then put the nail in tht' coffin on a 17 yard touchdown pass. This st>a1ed tht' \ictory for Mattoon as tht') Wt'nt on to ht>at Ct>ntral35-l4. THIS PAGE : Pic 1: Lamar Wilson leads Central onto the field . Pic. 2· Romielle Brown tries to find an open reciever. Pic. 3 Pat Phillips takes a rest. Pic. 4 Courtney Russell and the cheerleaders cheer their hearts out . Pic. 5 Matt Johnson and Kris Brown take a water break . Pic 6 . Demetrice Miller leaps to make the catch. Pic 7 : Kris Brown leads the way for Pat Phillips. Pic. 8 : Dan Thurston listens to Coach Trigger. PAGE 23: Pic 1: The cheerleaders pump up the crowd. Pic. 2: Ross McAuley plays the xylophone at halfime . Pic. 3 : Katy Peper dances with joy. Pic. 4: Drew Russell enjoys the halftime festivities . Pic. 5 : "This isn't a Central game? 1" Pic. 6 : Lamar Wilson prepares to run Pic. 7: Griffin Mulcahey is dazed and confused . Pic. 8 : Pat Phillips stares down the competition. Pic . 9 : Haley Johnson and Val Mazzocco are happy. Pic. 10: Romielle Brown looks around for a reciever Pic . 11: Michael Venner wants another chance Pic 12 Ryan Hiner deflects the Mattoon pass. Pic. 13 : Demetr!Ce Miller looks for room .






A.fter battling tlw denwnt~ and erowds of people, the Honwcoming Dance \\-as lwld in tht> main building of Parkland ollt>~t'. Aftn mu<'h (lehatt>. tlw Student Couneil e host> Daneing "Cnder the Stars a~ the theme for the final Homecoming dance of the millenium. The D.J. crew of teve Campbell and Jim iders mu -icall) appealed to our generation and made the night one to remember. tudent Council has already started the seareh for anotht>t' place to hold dance, sinee we have out-grown Parkland. It will be hard to make ne ¡t year's Honweoming as exciting a , this one.

THIS PAGE : Pic. 1. Anna Rost and Katy Wampler are ready for the dance . Pic . 2 . Ocean Biggers , Homecoming attendant. Pic. 3 . Look at what she is wearing! Pic. 4 . Let's get down and dirty! Pic . 5. HOMECOMING! Pic. 6 . These girls are taking a break from all the dancing action .




PAGE 25 : Pic. 1. Whoa one girl at a time! Pic. 2 . He's dancing with who? Pic. 3 . Hey, a new dance style. Pic. 4 . It's all about the benjamins. Pic. 5 . David Mangian is causing a riot on the dance floor. Pic. 6 . Do you wan to dance with me? Pic. 7. This group looks readyto get it on. Pic . 8 . These girls are ready to dance underneath the stars. Pic. 9 . oah Morgan is intimidated by Brittany Roberts' funk .




Onct' again t-ntral prt>,'t'ntt-d a wondt-rful spring play! This yt-ars . elt-ction " as takt-n from tht- prizt'' inning novt-1 \\orittt-n hy John tt-inbt-c k titlt-d ""ThtGrapt-s of Wrath.·· adaptt-d by John Galati. It is set in tht> 1930's during tht- Great Depression in the Grt-at Southwt- t ""du tbowl." It follow the J oad family a they trugglt- to makt- tht-ir way towards tht- ··promi t-d land'' of alifornia to pick pt-aches and grapt>. . They art- sucessful in tht-ir travt'ls, but lost' grandpart-nts from dt-ath, and tht- t'lder son who run a' ay to tht- olorado Rivt-r. Through all the e hard hips. tht- family ·till managt- to ' tay intact, but at the t-nd. tht> family fall apart. Mr . Zara directed ht-r fir t play at t-ntral. Congratulation. on a job well dont-!

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: Libby Ford is mellow in yellow. Pic. 2 : Put on your dancin' shoes cause away they go! Pic. 3 : The cast smiles for the camera. Pic. 4 : Doo wap doo wa Pic. 5 : Is Ben Gordon sleep walking? Pic. 6: Ryan Segovich and Emily Hard deliver their lines. Pic. 7 : There's nothin' like home cookin'



FP'itive lights lit up thP tagt> and thP ..,ct>nt of flowPr and <'ookit>s fillt>d the air as you passed through the door'i of Combes Gym on the nights of May 14th and 15th when Central ho tt>d tht> annual Jazz ·99 Ft>'itival. The entertainment not only included the Central Jazz Ensemble and the t>ntral Jazz Lab. hut hands from Edison Middlt> c hooL Franklin Middle c hooL J effenon Middle e hool. Hiuh Crhana chool. Centennial High ehool. and the UniHr ' ity of Illinoi ,' . Performanct>:-. ~ert> al:-.o made h) Medicare '7. 8. or 9 and a group of Central alumni. This ear ·s proft>ssional jazz arti. t wa . J. Richard Dunscomh. the Director of Jazz tudit> .' as well a , Proft>ssor of Music at Florida In tt>rna tional C nivet"ity in Miami. His trip was dt>finately \\'Orthwhile: thi. years· festivities turned out to he a big hit!

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: Robbie Gwinn sure knows how to blow that horn! Pic. 2: Central Jazz Ensemble makes a wonderful group . Pic. 3 : Drew Russell is feelin' the music. Pic. 4 Abby Burgett sings her heart out . Pic. 5 · Erica White is a real toot . Pic. 6 : Leslie Thomas tickles the ivories. Pic. 7 : Central students support their school



One small girl who is miraculou ly sa ed from a tt>rriblt> tropical torm i, the main c haractt>r in thi unusual and ddightful story callt>d "'Once pon This Island". tht> entral High chool pring musical~ hich t>ntt>rtaint>d audiences on . pril28-30 and May l. 1999. Ti Moune. playt>d on alternative evt>nings hy by Kir tie Davis and Lisa erdick. grow up into a bt>autiful young woman and lives with ht>r kind. pt>a ant par nt on ont> side of an i land. Ont> da Daniel. a ~ ealthy. priviledged young man from the other idt> of the i land. era ht> hi car near Ti Moune' honw, and he feel re ponsihlt> for nur ing him back to ht>alth bt>cau e of her own pa t. he i, partiall ucct> ful. and he e t>ntually returns to hi, ide of the island only to be folio' ed by Ti Mount>, who i in love with him. They pend weeks togeth r, and finally he i complete! wt>ll, but, like all inter tinrr love torie , ome complication dev lop. Thi tim the problem i that h i a p a ant, and he i a ruler, o he lo e her love to an ari ticratic Fr nch woman and i deva ta ted. Tht> tory d e not end here. (<¡onl .d onn"l pa~tl THIS PAGE: Pic. 1: Abby Burgett is a very young "Marna". Pic 2 : Look left , look right, and bend, and flex . Pic. 3 : AAAA ... lleluia Pic. 4 : Steve Layman does a dance in his new PJ's . Pic. 5 : Lisa Verdick tries to find her way through the "Rain". Pic. 6 : It's a bird, it's a plane, no .. .it's Kirstie Davis. Pic. 6 : Young Charity Davis does a dance around her "parents" .




"For out of what we live and we believe, our lives become the stories that we weave. "

We won't reveal the ending in ea 'e you decide to see it later in life. What we will ay, however. i that th how wa a terrific uece , with beautiful . outh ea co 'tume . a round rai ed platform repre enting th i land, foottappin<Y mu ic. and a ca t full of energy, enthu ia 'm, and talent. Once again the Central prmg mu ical , howca ed the talented tud nt ,. dedicated parent . and hard-working taff member who make the magic happen ear after y ar. Congratulation ,to all!

THIS PAGE- Pic . l : A big , happy family! Pic. 2 : Nina Samii has to bite her tongue to keep from singing. Pic. 3 : Michael York and his pictureperfect pose. Pic. 4 : Charity Davis is a hit with the audience . Pic. 5 : Kirstie Davis comes to the aid of Mike Piwoni Pic. 6 : The Goddess of Love sings to the crowd . Pic . 7 : Jon Bryan is jammin' in the pit! Pic 8 : o wonder the show was so good, look at the cast!



Prom. All the hype. xpectation . and dream for on night! Did it meet the tandard? According to Prom attende , it met them and went above. On May 8th. 1999 at Worden Martin in hampaign. Central's Prom titled '"From Thi Moment'' tched its way into student hi tory. Mter the dance, tudent moved to We tern Bowl for Po t-Prom. Between bowling, dancing. and winning prize , tho e who went to prom had a great time. Once again, Central's Prom wa a huge uce ! Thank to all those who helped put on a uper Prom!

THIS PAGE : Pic. 1: One, two, three, say cheese! Pic. 2: Danny Roelffs and Stephanie Unander had a great time at Prom this year. Pic. 3 : These friends get all dressed up for the big dance . Pic. 4 : Nicki Flynn and Pat Murphy get ready to take their picture. Pic. 5 : Billy Smith and Jenna Yambert enjoy dancing together. Pic . 6: Elizabeth Korab and Erin Bryd look like twins. Pic. 7: Say hello to Jackie Brown and Michael York, this years' Prom Queen and King! Pic. 8 : Rachel Bain, Cecilia Williams, and Ocean Biggers figure out their plans for the rest of the night .




Tht> millt>nnium. Yt>ar 2000. Y2K. oman) name for the exact arne thing!!! With all the que ·tion concerning the tart of the n w millennium. we thought it would be intere ting to e ' hat entral tudent and the expert. had to a) about it. Mter much research and debate. it became ohviou that no one really know what will happen!!! I. Y2K going to top everything a we know it? Or i January l t. 2000 going to pa ju t like an oth r? th turn of the century com and goe • it i fun to look back and ee what we pr diet d would happen. elebrate C ntral 2000!!!

l) h a t are }OUr }t>ar 2000 pred ic tion .?'!? 2 ) Wha t art> }Our goal.., for the D t> l\- mille rurium ???

1) " Wa tch out! You onl} think the monkeys ar frit•ndl}" 2)" \Oid the monk }!" --R}an ego\ich

What a1·e }Our goals for the n w millennium? "bat are )Our goal for the n "' mill nnium?

" To be succe'l fnl and to o wn m y own horse farm.'' - :U li a Ve its

l. th world will end!! 2. e er)thiug will h«> the arne, and the people who came up with Y2K will b richer 3. great parti !. ! 4. all computer ' Y lem will crash 5. peopl will go crazy, causing au increa e in 'iolence \ ' mplt• of infoo·ma tio n ta l-.t·n fro m a do a t cnt ral IIi h 'lr hool.

' nc




" To find a

oal. " hri arner


ne' • leeker car (see aho\e) , cure for cane r & ID • cold fu ion. robot to do human job , more pace tra 1 (po :ibl colonie' on the moon or mar · !?! ). a femal pre. ident, world peace . meaL in the hape of a pill. oJobal warmin"'. unimaginable technology stu~e:;t


The Seniors of 2000

TOP 10 FAVORITE TEACHERS 1. Staab 3. Davis 5. Plattner 7. Woods 9. Hobbs

Most Embarrassing Moments pooped pants in class, getting caught 3 times throwing water balloons at Ms. Shepard, going on stage to find out my costume was see-through during previews, getting confused about what floor I was on and having to ask a sophomore for directions, falling down the stairs first day of school, sitting in yellow paint and having to walk around with it all day, getting a black eye after being pelted with a breadstick, getting caught at the park making out by the police, !funning my car into a tree, walking into a screen door, getting a 3% on a test, getting pulled over by the cops at 4 in the morning while riding a little girl's bike, forgetting my briefs on my cheerleading outfit, chasing a moth around the room.

2. Pellum 4. Patroulis 6. Bauers 8. Johnson 10. Quinlan


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senior babies

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I, Nia, will KM fun in college, wild guys ;To LP good luck with Lebarons, RM , AK ;To CM only T J forever, Jigaloo;To JS another appendix, LP, KS, Gyro ;To girls soccer good luck;To MM , RB my friendship ;To EG many boys ;To RM my heart. I, EK, will LM all the stores in the world ;KN the best of France ;DD all the luck;drama, I always love being the Man ;KM you are my husband ;my love to everyone . I, CLR, will RB car in PARK! More vacations! ;NF a dream guy no jerkfaces;JC O.O.T.B. ;KS key to your secrets & great advice ;AM my look with attitude;RBFPKSNFJCDSMRAMKPEBKK and our boys:so mant great memories and more to come. I love you all forever! I, Julie, will AI inner healing and hot guy;Shmen muchachos guapos para ti ;J. my class rank , and to shorty my parking space . I, SAD, will Legs fuzzy dice, clown pajamas, a family as crazy as mine on New Years Eve, Fracie , all the movies you can watch , a boy as crazy as you ;Chilo & Diva, more Spanish Monopoly games;Missa, UPS memories , Charlie's Angels, fun at Steak & Shake, Scream 2 memories ;Angels friends forever ;KAS happiness & love forever. I, Kenny, will no more broken bones ; Emily a lifetime of happiness;Tyler L. a test drive in my g-ride ;class of '00 have fun in college;Tony M. a night full of your fantasies of me! Hal I, AM, will KS&NF walking shoes and new cherries;JC no more Herbert;EP odor eaters;JW a fatty ;JC the avoid hairy girls;JN all the love in the future , always remember 9:35 ;ED speach teacher;JS you smell good ...here's my trophee ;TH leg lifts & reunion with Spok;AS more youth group meetings;BR a french kiss;CR singing career;PM a straight girlfriend;MR 101 inside jokes. I, Nick Cobb, will Kaplan my restaurant-keep the pie hot and fresh; Emily endless powers;C-crew keep it reai;Rousey biggest ol ' pimp ; I know mad game for life;AI chocolate milk for life;Jenny finding a cure for blandness may it thunder chocolate forever;whoever wears 21 on the team the prestige of bench captain ;my young redhead fine dining with "P" and a happy life with Howard. CUBS I, Elizabeth A., will Krysta N. a life full of dreams & dance;SteveDE meet you in NYC;Erika K. a middle name(Eureka);Jacob&David childhood memories; Nick thank you and I will you our walk n' talks. I, TB, will C-crew more wild times together ;Kristy more crazy times at our sister's house;Ciegg "0-Dogg" never caught us;"Mrs. ED more great times in the Jiggy;NC lots of girls at KOOTERS ;Erin M. more Uncle Ducker from your system & lots of movies together;Jenn you're my best friend and you are the world to me , I will you my love. I, Penguin, will to my sister Theresa my favorite toys ;Droggie love & everlasting friendship ;Katy lots of love and thanks for always helping, you're a great friend;EW,KF, AZ ,DK,AP,BC,SA,MB many fun and memorable years . It was awesome! 2000 rules!!! I, MER, will EB ghetto-ese, our lawfirm, and hours close to eachother, I love you ;AM a life or laughter & inside jokes;D-rock a car that works & Dreasy midnights at Meijers;FP ghetto-fabulousness & a praying mantis; Ray a special place in Heaven;AII our boys my love ;EBRBAMCRFPKPKSKKNFJCDS 4 years of memories ;Carolyn I will my legacy-may Central treat you. I, KRS, will NF another cherry & pants that fit;AM banana splits and a husband;JLC pickles & a bite ;CR food runs & modeling career;WP my m's concocoates;KP physics plane;EP more chairs for your poron;Big AI Curtis Orchard trips;ED "the voice" & saved by the bell reruns;JW a nice side ;JC a new hat &TB's ice cream ;TH colorby-number;JS- CM ;JN Wendy's lunches;TB playstation;WM freshman year;BR choir;BS golf scholarship;PM Centennial blondes ;The Crew keep in touch , peace out. I, Krystal, will CJK a moonpie ;Zip Code a faithful man·Legs lots of luck with farm boy; Fran courage to conquer your fear;Bear the best gymnast award ;Lola a hot bashful guy;Emmy a world without humidity;C/0 2000 the best of life, love, & laughter. SMILE . Shika Jones- the best years at Central were my Freshmen & Senior years. I want to wish my girls Larisha Exum, Kiana Walker, Tamika Faroki, Yuvetta Bernard, & Angel Webb the best luck. We hung together to the end of time , the year 2000 .


I, Gracey, will to Zipcode absolute Walter;Linn K-Mart bread ;Legs church toilet paper;Laura my ability to be crazy anywhe re;Emily mirrored walls ;Sara our Steak-N-Shake talks;Aubrey my Nips;Steve my parents permission; Nick my future ch ildren ;Commons Madrigals;and anyone I forgot th e best of luck! I, Tamika, will YB a rich husband;MJ her own apartment;KW her own boyfriend ;Maggie S. a loose pair of jeans;PJ my love, thanks for everything. I, PRE, will to 0-Rock a front panel , a new lung , and a great future ;KP the ability to love, a new ca r, and many more late nights;Ray-Ray many more years of friendship and a good man ;Blakey many more house calls & many more penny nights. I, Nicole Fortman, will Goddess a perfect guy and all the happiness in the world ;Kip M all the leads; Erin Hatch a trip to Europe;Steve L girls, girls, girls;BBTADHSTKKMGSM neverending parties;John C the PGA tou r; Sara body glitter;Amariah a private jet;little Schanche stronger arms . I, NKF, will KS your own pack of gum , Myrtle Beach trips;MayMay "You know!", a crack;Court a true bu lldog, grass to spite me;Jess more nights of M&C booty, pickles, Mana-tiger woods ;JC advice about KS ;JN another yearbook message ;Pattycakes Prom '99;JW ''trig homework";TH more rambling talks ;Big AI 2 Homecomings;EP new neighbors; ED a game of "I've never";Bradford handshakes;Blakey a kiss;TB playstation ;MREBRBFPDSKP it's been real , PPH forever ;to my girls AMJCKSCR more crazy times, I love you guys!! I, DB, leave all my worldly posessions and junk to myself. If I don't give anything up while I'm alive , I'm certainly not going to hive any of it away when I'm dead , unless otherwise noted somewhere . I, Cessily Wilson, will to all my girls CM,AB,SC,A Butler,PB,KP, and the rest of the pimpettes, and to those of you who don't like me .. ."Don't hate me cuz you ain't me!!" Class of 2000 is the bomb!!! I, the Colonel, will to C-Crew memories from EK~s basement and a marmy for college ;"Wednesday night girls" peaches and cream;SNYC Girls a way to "Spice up your life" and a cory ;Starlet Harlot a cape of wonders;Mo crowd controi;EM a long relationship ;EB no documentation ;KM good fellows ;EH a bulldog ;JC spare keys ;SM another cousin ;ED hair cutting scissors;VB & SB girls good seasons next year! I, MAL, will everything to whoever wants it and a rose to AMB. I, ED, will BM bug spray, Shania, and all my love and friendship ;SM ,MS keys and lots of good times ;TB the Jiggy and cheeseburgers;TL road rage and lilies;C-Crew all my love and lots of TP;MD a map and pizza. I, Froggy, will KF a supply of Jones Soda;AZ Butterfly a new wardrobe from A&F;the volleyball team a man like Leroy to marry;Bizzatch a collection of Pooh bear honey pots ;SD a nice clean pillow to sleep on. I, Nick Pavia, will to Jacob V, Ben G. , David C, Kris S, Jon C, and Nick D lots and lots of pancakes ;Megan M walks in the park; Elizabeth a discussion on life;PNS a better nickname;all my homies jail bonds . I, Ali, will to Jules a restraining order for sophmores;Jackie a memory & cuatro ojos ;Susie and Amanda my license and blue van;Steve a conscience;everyone a smile . I, Pandabear, will to the have love and friendship forever ;to EV M&M minis and Mt. Dew;Phil and Ang fun times in high schooi;BT and OS a life;to all of those I forgot...my love . I, MS, will the BFLG my never ending friendship and a night with Brad Pitt;TH success and all the happiness in the world ;VP wealth and prosperity;BS my hand in marriage;the class of 2000 the best of luck!! I, EH, will to EL lots of laughs & angels ;EK X-C, cooking, and traveling memories;JR chinese food , Only You & The Parent Trap; EM our long conversations;C-Crew all the crazy & fun times we've had;BC the ability to unlock car doors, no more bad math teachers and the best of luck;PH luck in the future. I, Soumaya Arfi, give my parents all my love and respect. Thanks for being patient with me;Roaa AI-Heeti a pair of pajama pants. The gutter in the bowling ally can keep the bowling balls on display;Ayat Elnoory it's all in the lights. I love you all!!! I, Gertner, will to lan fearless shopping cart pushing ;Jackie a profound lack of confusion in the universe;RS the ability to shoot energy bolts ;LT three minnows and a carp ;BDF the continuing saga of Deutsch V;MB fun at Lix;EN something pastel colored;RM a good job. I, Kelly, will to Nia walks around the neighborhood, Urbana fun , Tolono boys, lots of memories to come, and friendship forever, thanks for being there when I needed you ;Little Mermaid IGA marshmellow cookies, California, Stub dances, cheerleading memories, and friendship forever;Chani OPH , TJ, and stubs;Josh more trips to Florida, and a girlfriend that lasts. I love you guys!! I, TLB, will to PM all the ladies he can handle;EP all the Mountain Dew in the world, soccer socks;NM&WM all the rides to school you need;ED a mercury TRACER;AS a TP concert;JW all the rides he can handle;JN a JC my vanilla ice cream;JH my EOMRUD award .


1, Maria Conchita Smith Jones Lomax Gomaz Junior, will to Rachel parallel parking and lazy days;Shari one tenth of my sarcasm;Kristy and Richard have fun;my partner in crime no regrets, no remorse, Florida jewelry, Luke, the sound the crabs make;"Lovely Lips" Collinsville and pumpkins. 1, EMB, will EL a thousand more crazy nights;JR more favorite mistakes;EM plenty of crushes in college;KG crowd controi;KM a forever working radio named Herman ;EH a bus buddy; ED a math partner and raw data;SM may you always keep your beautiful smile;SNYC girls "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me";MC my heart and everlasting love;C-Crew thanks for the wild ride! 1, AW, will JW some tissue, gum , & many phone conversations;KD a man of her own;AQ the Bible and a chair;KQ many good times in the G ride;AG a bag of fries;MB,MM,WG,JG rides to lunch. I, TNH, will to KS m&m's, ice cream;JW working till 12:00 with JD every night;JN more crazy ones; PM ladies;AM less enemies, better hearing;NF strawberry custard , rambling talks ;KS breakfast; ED quid pro Quo;JC trunk key;JC crown , men;BR lots of gas, women , key to the cellar;NMRMESVF always 420;MS all my 1O;AS smokes;KP eighteen , salt;TB playstation;EP more chairs;TM one size fits all hat;LG good man;DS block;FP summer. I, Emily Burdette, will to the Angels my love;Lola a new Attuma;Stephy the good life;Gracie food forever ;Linn & Mari my chest;Steve a loving girlfriend;Bear CRV's forever ;Aubs my clothes ;Haley bladder control;class of 2000, Good Luck!! I, HMF, will JD buckets of colored chalk;KN ,KP,KS dance music galore;EW a bodyguard named Sven ;SE happy singing forever;KF lnga;EA the limelight;the whole crew fun times and all my love. I, AZ Butterfly, will the mellophones to keep playing, stay cool, and you should be there;Larry you will forever be the happiest goat I know;the x-country team keep trying to beat the blue swimsuits ;Trey thanks for all the rides to lunch , prom , and lots of other things. I, JC, will AJ all my love;Ciock a driver's license;Van Laarski a decent mind; Pellum nothing;the drumline clean phat beats;Grosser a new attitude ;all of Central a happy life without Pellum;Pavia congrats on 18th birthday, you know what I mean. I, AW, will VF,ES,FR an endless supply and lots of girls,NM and RM more bomb jams;EW the halls of Central;the drumline internal clean beats and a tickbox to replace Curtis. I, P*N*S, will to SDE,EMA,DRF,DRC,Pavia,SG,Nina and all the theater groupies long lives in the theater biz;BDC and JB wings to fly away;JF some brick walls;HMF a husband and kids to Mexico;SAD laughter and happiness. I, KP, will to FP everlasting line-up;D-Rock mondays in the country;JN 5:30 and new cameras;JC a contest with me and the captain;BR a jam session;TH a new liver; Val a mix tape;K1 Childs Play marathon;MB,J&J my friendship forever. I, BCR, will the TH an AA meeting;AM the fact that I haven't made Gat with you yet;EEP many more break ups with LP;to class of '00 everlasting play. I, TH, will to my baby love and happiness in the coming years;all my boys still in school a quick year and more dope parties ;to all you other punks(you know who you are) absolutely nothing, so step back. Class of 2000 pimpin' for life! I, Flash, will to EB a cushion under the teeter-totter;DK a job and a car;Soumaya a new lunch buddy;SF more privacy with LH;FY a vocabulary with no grandpa words;DKEBSFSHJH my friendship and love. You guys are the best;CM more patience with NFYM. I, Kaya Jacobs, will to Rosa the patience to deal with morons;DJ roll every five minutes, we'll make it to the top baby!;NM keep the 151 and the Bu rollin 4-ever;T-Lob a clean twah;TF a man who deserves you. BWCA!!!! I, the Droopster, will the HF a fall of the teeter-totter;LN a date with AS;SP a date with J;SF a car, money, and alone time with LH;FY a vocabulary without grandpa words. I, KQ, will AQ my closet space;AW spare tires;KB a drivers license;JW a working right turn signai;MB my room;TM some pool skills. I, OJ, will all the bad lunch food to the freshmen of next year;the class of 2000 ... l'm having a HUGE party and you are all invited. I, Steve, will to Brett an eye;my Angels a new pimp;Drumline tennors and a tickbox;KG,MG,LG,KN AB, all the love I can give;JL,AH,EK, my evil music;to all seniors peace and music by The Dave Matthews Band. I, Moose, will JC my bathroom;AS a shoe;EP a soft touch; PM famous Amos cookies;JN lunch with Nicole;TH Joe's;BigEV and JW sophomore lunch;Tom a playstation;Nute an empty room;BS Ohio State;JH Star Wars;RM the team and a musical outfit/fungi.

I, DRC, will to Bolivia a trip to Europe- to Paco music besides blues, pancakes for BG, a mango for Kate, stilts for Morgan , glitter for Botina, a wench for Steve, a dance for Crystalline, a prosthetic leg for Wally, and awesome shows for Ms. Zara and the theatre crew! I, BOB, give the Big Dice to KZ, so Le stups touching them and gives them to his sister. I leave a big stack of Pancakes to all Juniors. I, Ryan Walker, do hearby will Laura my ability to be constantly right, Max the summer home he always wanted in Hades, To Andrew and Michelle I give anything they need here's to a long friendship, and cloves, but you guys need to quit,To Mr.-- I give skettios. My love to Steph . I, Fergy, will a perfect man and lots of money to OK and HF. I will a really cool street rod to JC, the perfect job to KW and all my love to LH. I, KM, will to EL many Wednesdays, to EM "interesting" clothes, to EB lots of ren rico, to JR a cape of wonders, to JC plenty of good rides , to KG lots of men , to C- crew good times and lots of C. To the guys: Good Luck and thanks for all the good times i.e. TB- running naked , and swimming in the lakes. To the BS team good luck next year. Well All I have to say is that ever since I started High School I have been hated by you but you know what, by me keeping to myself and my girls Shika, Angel , Yuvetta, Tamika, & Lamela, I don't pay those haters any attention. But much love to everyone. P.S. Don't hate what you cannot congratulate. I, AMH, wish all the seniors a great time in college. I, Sarah German, will to my dearest Caleb, a house down the street where he can come over and play bridge and corrupt my kids. My friends, many more nights drinking bad coffee and laughing with the waitress at MerrAnnes. To my sister, happiness in high school. Much love to all. I, Rachel Buck, will to all underclassmen: the enjoyment of only entering the doors opposite your house, the assurance that your schedule will be correct, the adequately funded art department, the idea that the administration cares for you as an individual, and the knowledge that speeders and litterbugs are cool. To the Pope and Bain, all the info I got about the female body, to B Homer no more cop calls and endless missions on the rise, to Amiriah for making me almost dump my baggage, Bobby Bacher and Num Nuts team leadership. I, Double D, will to Krista a reliable boy; Korab, a Paula Abdul/80's tape; Laura, some new balls; Erika, driving classes; Frank, an endless night and a trip to Virginia; Abby, luck with the band; Little Whitmer, an annoying Julie; Liz M ., a decent sports bra. For all of Central, I pray the Lord, J.C. will change this school for the better. I pray for the staff and students and remember Let the Lord lead on. I, RNB, will to MT to do more drive-by mailboxes; CM and SP, never be afraid to go after what you want and have fun; my road dogs, craziness and black power; SF, party hardy; LN, new art supplies; Academy, great memories forever. Jimi wills a perfect man to Marny, CD repair kit to Ms. Burwell , the frozen head of Walt Disney to the Lix Crew, and a shout out to the Central skate crew (the few who are true to the sport). I, Munchie, will to my girls Color, 'licia, She 'tiff, Kristy, folie, blondie, Erin, Kandy, Annie, and Iii Sis, look for the good in life. Don't change. And to my boys Matt R., Sineys, pyscho King, Spanky, TH, JJ, JK, Spaz, ML and RT. Stay crazy. To all you playa haters, don't be a hater be a player; to my brothers Rob T., James G., Wootch stay out of trouble and keep your head up. Robin, Demarco be good, Marquisha start dressing for P.E ., and to my girls Amy, Aiesh , Kiona, Jennipher, and Shamara stay cool. Peace, KRB. To D.W. I will to you to find someone that cares and likes you as much as I do. D.C. I will to you that you and Bruce be happy. A.W. I will to you less driving tickets. T.H. I will to you Demarco . To A.K. J.M. D.H. A.H. good luck in whatever you do. And to the rest of my friends good luck keep in touch. I, Matt C., will to Erin B. everything her heart desires, to all of the Spoog All Stars many more championships, and to all of my female friends, I will whatever radio station they want to listen to, Finally I will to S.T. a brain that actually works. I, Ashtray, will to TRI our ten innings someday to K.P. our video in Wis. to Falon all of our memerable nights, Valentines day sop. where it at snake, to linds, more sessions & memories, Mary & Erin you guys are great and we have so much fun. To my brother keep your head up. To everyone I never kicked it with, you missed out on a lot.





I Kinky, will to my pooh bear (Lou), we have had some awesome experiences throughout H.S. Nobody can top the high times we 've had! To my cousin , Adam , only 3 more years. Love ya. To Drock- all of our "sessions" have been great, let's never stop. And to everyone else live long and party. To the guys: Good Luck and thanks fo r all the good times. TB- Runn ing naked, and swimm ing in the Lake. To the BS team good luck next year. I, KRF, will to MC a clean little theater, to CK a BAGHT!! to EH a orange Hi-C, toLD a punch , to BJ a new job, to EEW a fork , to TF Bug juice, to EN a shhh ! to SDE a speech to LN a new notebook, to HF some new pants. I, Lysa , will to Casper:" you betta recogn ize"; Kev: FDLFDW corp; Dana: the "UACOOTY" van ity plate ; Brian: that spacesh ip; Trish : Baco Tell ; Wiggins: simple squamous epithel ium ; Jacob: Lexsr Inc. ; Trey: cool meijer coworkers ; Angela: the Dr. Evil pinky-thing & http://lysa.cjb.net; l'il sis '02 : best friends & friends forever. To the Pope and Bain , all the info. I got about the female body; to B Homer no more cop calls and endless missions on the rise; to Amiriah for making me almost dump my baggage ; to Bobby Bacher and Num Nuts team leadership. I, ER, will to all my good friends at Central , enjoy yourselves next year, X-C runners , we will survive so keep running ; Beth Prommel and Laurie Climer, keep on being the great friends that you 've always been , whoever gets locker# 1899 TAKE CARE OF IT! I, OLB, of my mind, body, and soul do hearby bequeath to my babies: TM , JH , JM , CM much love; DB- stay out of 105 ; CW- thanks! ; SC- count on me; AB- LYLAS ; CH , CM , BM , TK- made it ya'll !! Peppettes- juice it next year! and 2 all haters- SHHH !! I, JPZH, will to the C- crew girls neverending Wednesdays; to my wife, disco/coffeebar clothes and more long chats; to 8ball , plenty of RenRico and favorite mistake; to my one and only, a completed cloitis dictionary and catnip ; to Schmoo, clearly Raspberry; to Annie, my twin , shrimp/lobsta and a well-deserved halo; to my Pistachio Prince, lots of ice cream toppings; and to Tyler, my true prince , my everlasting love and friendsh ip and for Joe to meet Shannon. I, RB, will to Mary, laughs whenever; Little Court, all our memories .. .that was good! SW, a sister always ; Erin, my trust through everything ; Falon , more long talks , and our friendship forever; CeCe , Jesus; Jo, the strength to get through H.S. , I love you; Brian , an apartment and more songs! MM, some goodies; Linds , Grandpa talks. I, AKJ, will to Jon Swanson all my love and happiness and the best senior year! To Rachel , a good man and a new car ; to Mitch , a full night of sleep; to Gomer, a woman . To Matt, a decent GPA! Graduate after that!! The class of '00 have fun!! I, Muffin, wish for my sweet Elizabeth a thousand happy autumn days, for Deanna- a few spare moments to relax, for Erika- to be fabulously happy and a grand career in whatever she wants , for Steve- a tour w/ DMB and the perfect girl , for everyone else- a happy life! I, K-Dawg , will to J-Dawg E.W. Kurly- lifetime supply of guys Ni-Dawg- a toilet Ang-Dawg- driving skills JC- more fun times MG + LG- a 22, Kendawg- my craziness+ a good tire , the safety patrol- more fun times. I, Jimi, will a perfect man to Marny, CD repair kit to Ms. Burwell , the Frozen head of Walt Disney to the Lix crew, and a shout out to the Central skate crew ( the few who are true to the sport) . For all of Central , I pray that the lord J.C. will change this school for the better. I pray for the staff & students and remember. Let the lord lead on. I, Max, will to all remaining crew members the upper room of the church , to Andrea my heart, to Jackie the reminder "stupid , stupid , stupid", to Gertner the promise of fangs this summer, To Molly the assurance that I'm not Satan and to everyone else a mango and a goodbye . I, EP, will to LP- my love for life, my sonic P to cuddle with + memories of ZELP 97. AS- my driving skills+ a longtime gf. BR- LP, KP you will never have either. AM- my cars because you have no good cars . NF + KSstrawberry custard cup. PM- plastic surgery for our mistake. I, Bill Nye, will to JY the ability to make good decisions! To nobody.. . ever, my golf clubs ; both J.C.'s, CR , NF, AM , EB, KS , MS, FP, MR , my naked self to do with what you want to and my collection of Ohio State thongs. To the fine looking gentlemen of the class of 2000 , everlasting looks and parties at TB's. I, Erin Mitchell, will to my brother good advice on girls and the festiveness of the AIRNFLY to the beemer. To all of my swim girls, just bucket and be a vessel, to the C- Crew, cloitis tours forever, lill ies, CSB's, DAC sectors , and always something crazy to do. I, Fish, will to all my friends and foes , thank you all for such a great 4 years. I want to say I love you guys, you know who you are, my favorite verse, I leave to you , 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13.

I BST, will to KS senior and KS junior;leftina I leave nothing; Rosario I leave a glove and vasoline ;Kenny I leave my brass orb with the stud;Coco the other one ;the Cent Girls locker room my special mix;and again to Kenny, P, D muder I leave my Dew and rage. I JF will AH the perfect date, a box of kleenexes, and all the Spaghettios you can eat;SA the perfect hair day;EEW many opportunities to travei;EW and LD a good parking spot every day of your senior year;ST the courage to talk to NV. I leave all my love to the Show!! Angels 2000 , I'll love you forever!! To the originals, Bear a KPWP;Gracie a boy you can love forever ;the late editions;Emmy a phone line; lynn Erik's pants;Missa a bigger windshield scraper; lou a new knee;and for Charlie the big daddy pimp, a Volvo!! I Erin Kristen Clair Byrd will to MER(Shuwanda);FP ghetto fabulousness;MER a law firm, the links, houses next door;DS MR the boys bathroom;EK FDiism;my boys memories and love;DS,FP,KP,MR,RB,CR,AM,NF,KS,JC all what I am,PPH!; JH putt-putt;WB my legacy. I BM will to JW my captains band and best wishes next year; ED my heart and soul forever and many memories to come;to the Crew my thanks;my cus KM tor being such a friend;and Fatty, call me and we'll kick it. I WM will the following to PM potatoes, my black porcia;JN Kid Rock's midget, #17's address ;ED driving ACO award , Anna Kornikovia;TB a designated driver;JH smoky treats, lazid;BS some tolerance;AS rides , people to bread off;EP more ugly goals;RM keep the legacy;KS one last Homecoming dance. I Caleb will to SG a rubber card, plastic pants;EK a costume;Jimi girls;AB the biggest metal spike in the world;Wally control over the class of '02;Tony M. a half pipe and a full pipe; Hayden a truck load of grass; Ms. Shepard Kermit the frog;JM lice. I RS will to my little Bro 2 more years of "A's";Dooky and Beeker my friendship forever;MM a sexy older woman;MV,JP,LJ lifelong Burger King; Eddie and Becky Bain your daughter is a blessing to us all, thank you!;to everyone who doubted me, you know what you can do!! I EL will to EM a "house" and twizzlers;to EH a bulldog;ED road rage in the Jiggy;JR a gymboree and my love 4-ever;to EM,TL,JR no more reports;to my v-ball girls endless silly string for YKW;my girls more Wed . nights and some "spice";to the C-crew a key to 105G, camisoles, road blocks, CSB's, and the flash game. I love you all so much! Thanks for the laughs and love. I Aeisha Butler would like to thank God who is the head of my life and my parents Sharon and Stanley Butler who always put me in check when I was slipping from school. I would like to thank my Aunt and Uncle May and Kennth Napper who helped me when my parents couldn't be there. To my best friends and sisters Lanayta and Tyra, puck worth who could always keep a secret. Love you all and God be with you. I Chan-hanh will to the returning Pepettes many more practices in the Edison cafeteria;to 99-00 pepettes, I love you guys;Captain Brown many more birthdays(without me!);Morg and Nesh "junior acadamy", remember the times;Stubs keep it reai;Cicely Tyson EIU, lingerie, attitudes at practice, memories forever. I AWS drop some stuff to the following people EP an all pop diet, your own NEW car;JN granola bars, whiner; PM gas money and hot ladies;JW gassing up the truck and TP;JC shoes and socks; ED who is Tiki Barber?;NF another homecoming date?;KS patent for phrase "Big AI";JC compensation for dope parties;AM a house in town;TH a bigger trunk;TB a playstation;Moose's backyard soccer;BS women;BR more parties to hit;junior soccer studs the bomb squad, you guys are bailers. I will KM bigger tt's;LNP a boyfriend with contacts;MM,WP,LJ, boys for life;Crook Hook good form and a ldtta play;AM prospect and windsor;KS some slack and less smartelickyness;RB a lip reduction;RB my shoulder for struggles.


Advice For Underclassmen- Try to be like the class of 2000 , Grow Up , Don't take any B.S. from upperclassmen , Steer Clear of the Deans , Don't Drop Out, Learn to parallel park, You can never be as cool as '00so don't even try , Hang in there- it will all be over soon , Time flies when you're having fun , Get Involved , Party Hard , pay Attention , Be Patientyour time will come , Try Not to be so stupid , Watch out for those snakes in the grass , Stay out of the seniors' way in the hallway, Sit Down & Shut Up , Get a Life, have fun - your senior year is a joke, Obey all seniors , Don't try to act like an upperclassman until you are one, Don't speak to an upperclassman until you are spoken to, Wear less make-up , Don't park in one hour, Be nice to each other- you never know who you will need in the future , Stick up for yourself, Don't try to pimp the senior guys- they're ours , Don't drink the water , Always offer to pay gas money, Mind your own business , Stay out of trouble , never run in front of oncom ing traffic , Do whatever the seniors tell you to do, Run , Drop out now , Live it up while you have time, Brush your hair.

Favorite Sayings- Shut Up , Byee, You're a Dork, Scandalous , Shucks , All Right , Check Yo Later , Whatever's Clever, You're Nuckin' Futs , You're Cut Off , Mad Love, Slow Your Roll , I Did It All For The Nookie, I Don't Think So, Old Dude, I'm Dead Sexy , Random , Right , Fantabulous , You Know , I'm Strugglin', Get Out Of Town, Bogus For That, Good Script Though , You Said What, Cool Beans , Awe Shoot, Dang It, Alrighty Then, Hands Off Big Boy, Hey Allihoopa , K, Good Form Peter , Yeah Right.



President: Frank Fisher Vice, Pres: Abby Burgett Secretary: Elizabeth McMille Treasurer: Robbie Gwinn

Todd Kaplan and Summer Lane







Lamar dam uhail Alhrei. h Bilal i Da hc>anna \lien Floyd nder on

Mark nder, on ara rnold hri vant Daniel Ba chle Jane Baili

evo Band mar Barre Tyran Ba. comh Ton Ba. ilio Kenny Battle

• adia Berger Rhiannon Betti\ ia Rachel Blockman Reema Bosmia Ben Bra<liey

Kaylien Brook. Jaime Broom Khamema Brown Michelle Brown Margaret Bruns



Michell Bunce Ahhy Burgt>tt Travi Buzzard Josh Callahan J OSt' Camargo

hannt'n Camplwll llicia aple arah arlton Damita Cartmill osht>e a Cassimjt>t>

Dawn CavanauiTh John Chittuluru rm hurch Kyla Claiborne Laurie limer

harle Cot> tephanie oiTdill Anton lla Coniglio ara Con tantino Du tin Coopt>r

manda Cornett ntoine raig J Danowitz Mary Darling Laura Da id


junior at~u111

Jonathon Davil'i Lindst>)' Df'lnwdrco H) an Dt>tT) ~andi<·t> Dilla' ou \mlwt· Di' an

Ian Doolt>n J anw.., Dorris Hoht>rt Dorris Laurt>n Downing Jason Dr)an

Chris Duhoil'i Damir Dzhafarov Ashlt>y Einc k Ht>atht>r Ellis J Of' Eppi(' h

Stt>fanit> Ervin J anws Espinoza Margart>t Evan. Alt>x Ft>ldman Katht>rint> Fettig

R) an it>dt>r T) ln Fidding Frank Fislwr Tunisha Frame Bt>n Fq t'r

Tro) Fulft>r Kylt> Funk ' lt'\ t>n Gallardo Matt Galt's Zarh Gaydo,

)u::ior at~u111

Mi ·had Goitws avid Goran J acoh Go ran Bt>n Gordon han Grant

J nlit> Gra vt>s J ennift>r Grt>t>IW Roht>rt Gwinn arah Hahn Torokt>ysa Halt>y

·igt>ria Hammad usoun Han Emily Hard ry tal Hardyman Jill Harms

Johanna Harms Ht> tht>r Harris J ssica Harris ick Harris Tiffany Harrison

Tod Haydt>n Andr Ht>ndt>rson J acoh Ht>mlricks Johanna Henry ~ic hola Ht>nry

Lind:t>y Henson J oyc Ht>rr trom Leroy Hill h t>lsit> Hinton Mi hael Hinton

jur.ior at~u111

As fun as the class of 2001 is, they can sometimes be found at some "interesting" places on Friday night Libby Larson: "Mattis!" John Martinie: "In the Black Beauty, cruisin' around wastin' my sister's gas money." Wes Johnson: "In the Bat Cave!" Nick York: "Tommy Stewart Field-literally on the field, well, maybe just on the sideline." Zack Gaydos: "I'd be deported if I told you."


Holmer D'Montre Ho kins Joseph Hoyt \ndy Hutson Jessica J ark on

Mark J ack~on Tim Jacob~ Daris Jasper J erad John on 'cott Johnson

\\ es John. on Am) Johnston Allison J one Patrick Jone Rian Jones

har) Kaha ¡ele Peter Kane Melanie Kang Todd Kaplan andice Kapz n ki

Caleb Keith -a talie Kenny Erin Kerkering Kern Robin Keylwa-Brown

Clint King Erin Kirh} icole Kloeppel J aekie Lalande Wayne Lam

ummer Lane Lihh} Larson T h eresa Lawrence .\.pril Lt>lea athy Lemons

\ ndrea Lester Ja on Liekfeld t 1 ler Lobdell Matt ew Logsdon • iaoguang Ma

im Maberry AI <'MacAdam Ra<'ht>l Maehula dile Mambo Travi Map on

Danielle Marmion . ason Marr he1 na Marshall .h hn Martinie Michelle Martz


ju::ior al~u111

Ju-.tin Matthew Rolwrt "\'lattin(rl John :\icC abe Ross :\fcCaule .Matt .McCloud

Renee McCray Dre'" McDaniel De' an McFerren Elizabeth McMillen Christian :\feMullen

Joshua Me eal Aries .Me'-lutt Mitch McPhee Katie .Mechling Troy Michel '

Greg Miller Makyla Miller Paula Moor Jus tin Morri. Katie Muhr

Beliny Mullin . Erika Munoz Titus Myriel Andrea elson Ivory elson

What's Most Likely To Be Found In The Locker Of A Junior At Central? While juniors should be ready to step up and take over when the class of 2000 graduates, the things that they keep in their locker show that the future is in danger at Central in the new millenium . Ross McAuley: My tapes , my books and my brain! Kylie Peel : Books, notebooks and old locker decs. Peter Kane: Books, elephants and yellow submarines. Sarah Hahn: Books (duh) , an old cafe mocha and my tennis equipment. Andy Williamson: Books, paper and a picture of your mom ! jur.ior




Maq- ~ichol!i it>rt>nhaust>n Emily 1\uzzo Matt Ohrit>n Ror) o~ t>rmy t>r

T nnw Parkt>r Eli. t' Parkt>r-Stt>plwn lizalwth Parr ·adine Patrick Robert Patterson

Allison Payne Kylie Peel Amlwr Pdlum Felipe Penna Mattlww Pt>nwt>ll

Erica Pt>tt>rs Whitney Pt>try Jessica Phillippt> Pat Phillips Elizabeth Proemmel

Diane Profit Alyssa Quinn E ther Ramos Christina Rapp Ra . heid Reid

)u::ior al~u11

It's easy to see that the juniors of Central aren't experts when it comes to getting dates .... Josh Callahan: "Do your feet hurt? Cause youv'e been running through my mind all night long." B.J. Mattingly: "If I said that you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?" David Ruggeri: "I'm not the best looking guy in this joint, but I'm the only one talking to you." Elise Parker-Stevens: "Can I get an ice cream cone and your digits?" Wayne Lamb: "You got any Asian in you .... ?"

J t>ssyca Rt>villa Brt>ndan Rt> nolds Brittan) Roht>rts Ramon Robin on Richard Rocl wdl

Mic lw llt> Rodriguez David Rowt> David Ruggeri Mattlww Runge ain Schaub

Lisa c hc:-c:-r Matt cht>itlin Katit> chlorff J c hoon<n er R) an St>govich

Gt>orgt> t>ih •rt Ma ttht>w t>iht>rt Kimhc:-rly hawn J art>d Shel1> Kt'll)' ~ ihlt>)

Chris Smith mith mith Katit> mith Ricky mith

J ant> an J c:-rrod


Julie Sonka Jason tark~ Jason Stark~ Tori Starh B r)an Ste\en~

Tr a\ is S timnw 1 Amher Stocker J a<'oh Strau~~ 'hanti Stt1rkey J erod Sumlin

Jon Swanton Seth Swartz Faith wartzendruher w artzendruher Dong Tan~

don Taylor ha onne Taylor Triantes Ta)lor haneka Terrell L eann Terwilliger

Dana Tester eresa Tester Marn Thavisouk tephanie Thie~ Catherine Thomas


ju::ior al~u111

Even though the class of 2001 aren't quite sure how to pick up dates, their millenium predictions are right on target. Chris Warner: "John Bonham will come back from the dead and Led Zepplin will go on Milennium tour." Maggie Evans: "Everyone will predict outrageous things and absolutely nothing will change." Jared Shelby: "Everything will stay exactly the same, there will probably be another Backstreet Boys album ... YES!" Tiffany Harrison: "The class of 2001 is gonna do HUGE THINGS!" Jill Harms: "The computers at Central will still be down."

Lt>slie Thoma Lindsay Thoma Paul Thoma ~thony Thomp on Ashley Thomp on

Pierrt> Tho pson Ryan Thom on Yegas Thornton Joe Thulin hamika T' man

Jessie a Tobias Adam Trae()'er Tim Tressle Jes:iea Trottt>r Dan Trupin

Jacob Vanlaar Mt>li ' a Veit Kendra Vre man Mikt> Vriner Bohh. Walker

K.imlwrly ~alsh Terrell ~ar Chris Warn r Liz Washhu n mar Washinoton

Maggie Weht>t¡ Molly Welwr S Wt>t>kl) ichelle Wt>ems Deana Wt>iss

Reb ecca Wentworth Frank Wetzel Erica Whitt> J on Whitnwr Li a Wilhelm

Erika Williams hanique Williams nd William on Lamar Wilson K ith Winfrey

David Winkel Atha Winston J essica Witte Jam s Workman Dt>marco Wright

ick York Andy Zahnd

Not pictured: Tamika Anderson, Chanell Beasley, Mark Breland-Jackson, Anthony Britt, Mario Burden, Damita Cartmill, lan Curry, Morgan Dietkus,Tauisha Dixon, Michael Donovan, lan Doolen, Kiela Dorsey, Latisa Fairley, Berina Fazlic, Ceiara Gates, James Gatson, Cassandra Hart, Amy Hemsouvanh, Mary Hough, Luse Kabasele, Eric Kesler, Andre Kirby, Bryan Lookingbill, Jennifer Luttrell, Xiaoguang Ma, Don McClellan, Sarrindia McElrath, Crystal McFarland, Shareta Miles, Demitrice Miller, Jason Morris, William Muster, Ashley Ndekwe, Carmen Rohlfing, Emily Schacht, Daphney Spivey, Amir Toghraee, Kya Walters, Kyle Young

ju::ior al~u111




REM ··


President: Haley Johnson Vice,Pres.: Joe Pellum Secretary: Mary Parkhill Treasurer: Puja Batura

Candace Morgan and Mitch Murphy



~0~ aopho orea




nna .Uhright Miehat>l Amaeht>r Mike quino Allit> rmstrong Da"id . hbrook

Lt•triC't' <\.yrt> 'indair Bailey Ben Baker Dalana Bak r lana Baldwin

Lotan Band Mikt> Bantz Puja Batura Jame · Baum Mark Baumann

nthony Bea l ) hawnte 't' Bennt>t

J ff Benoit John Biale chki

Darrell Biguers hley Bi hop

tL tyn Bi hop Jan Blaase Takeya Black Tonetta Bli ·it Meli a Bochte

aren Bohlmann am Bramfeld h.)e Breen pril Britt Jennifer Britt

aop o orea

a t ~u 11

Lal eith Brooks Dt-lisha Brown mmanud Bro' n J anws Brown Mark Brown

Megan Brown Tayanna Brown Du tin Brownfield Zachar BrowninO' hamara Brundidge

llin Bullack rir BurO'e

What art> omt> of your weirdest e periences with the ub titute tt>acher? - She started talking about my sister for a long time , but I don't have one . ----Amanda Edwards - My substitute teacher turned out to be my ----Lucas McGill aunt.

Chri tian Burmei t r Barina Burwell

olin am hri alleo-o

- A substitute teacher blew her nose with a candy bar's wrapper. ----Amariah Hays - A sub kept throwinng chalk at the students who give her the wrong answers. ----Kenny Daehne -There was a teacher I know who usually points at things with his middle finger. ----Robert Schnitzlein - When you have no idea what they are talking about. ----Ashanti Sturkey - A teacher has marked me absent while calling ----Mike Cory

John Li a

amp bell ampbell

Michael ampbt-11 Juliannt- a1) on Rachel arlton R an armichael 111 ar on


hangnon ¡m han usan Chisholm hley ' laiborne Justin Clark


sop o11ores


Tyler Cla ton Philip Cohen Bonnie Collins Jodi Cornett "\'lolly Cornyn "\'lie hael ory Jennifer ox Kelly D'Amico my Daar ngel e Dauenbaugh Joseph Daugh rty ·hley Davi · Kri tina Davi Ricky Davi teven Davi Travi Davi on aitlin Deal Britt Deck r

Brian Deter Da ha Dikanon

J ohnathan Dillard Whitney Dixon

David Dor e Phuo Duong damD e Amanda Edward Michael E!m r Laura Ena lhardt Jennifer Feick rt Maria Fernandez armelita Fitzgerald mily Fl tcher Matth w Fonn r J a,·nrine Fontenot Alli on Ford J abari Fo, lke

sop o111ores

at~u 111

Rodrick Frazier Mt>gan Fredericks Thomas Gardner Joseph Godina Tina Goglia -Mitchell \ndrew Gordon Kathryn Grace Chris Gratkins Holly Green .\nthony Griglione Daniel Grosser Ryan Grumi h Miles Gurtler Roberto Gutieriz dward utierrez Tyler Hagle Michael Halle u-Ryun Han

Elizaheth Hannan Alexandra Hansen

\.ndre" Harrington Martell Harris

Randi Harri on Brittan Harry Kye ·ha Harvey Rachelle Harwig Patrick Hatch Amariah Hays Tashawna Herbert James Hershharger Tzia Hibler Johnathan Hill Meo, ha Hil on atie Hopkin Jimm Howard Jaime Hubbell


at~u 111

J arklyn Hughes rthur Huntt•r Brian lnskip Kenneth J a..luw J enn J t>rrell

Daniel Jinks Mark John Haley John on David John ·ton dam Jone~

What would b~ the worst thing you would do for a million dollars? - Paint my skin purple and come to school like that for a day. ----Britt Decker - Run butt-naked across the football field. ----Anonymous _..,.....-_ - Getting breast implants. ----Will Godina

ara Judy a talie Kahler

tephen Y amy kowski icholas Karr

- Not brushing my teeth for a year. ----Mark Baumann - Go to class one day and only wear my .....-..,.._..... underwear. ----Anonymous

. hdhy Karr ydney Karr

- Eat a gallon of mud or a dozen of ----Brandon Tobias - Dress up as a girl for one day. ----Kip McDaniel

· ansoo Kim

Daniel Kirby Leah Kirl)) Darrayl Kirk Daniel Klimel ike Koleff

Ent Kraus J ennift>r Krau-. :\ndrt>a aird Cijie Lang Dawn Lathrop





Quintin Lawrence tephen Layman Latesha Lee• ha\\ anna Lc•c• Lee Ldea

ara Loekman R . an Log!'!don Kristen Long Genesis Lustt•r Derius Lyons


David Mangian Toya Manley

things that you would do to get your cru h' ===~~::::attention? - Hold up a big sign that says"Hey, I LOVE YOU" to their face . ----Drew Russell

Reheeea Marin~ St•th Marmion

-Sing a song to my crush over the intercom. ----Anonymous - Pretend to trip over a trash can right in front of -~--~-my crush. ----Michael Halle - Jump right in front of my crush 's car while it's ----Elyse Niccum

l\..eri Marron Raymond .Martinsen

- Recite a poem about my crush right in front of ----Anonymous the class . - Drive around school while yelling "Would you go out with me?" ----James Baum

Bt·njamin athew \ alc•ric• Mazzoceo

Leah Me ray Lindsay "\1r ray Kip "\1eDaniel Kristy :McDermed Justin M<"Farland

Terence McGhee Lucas "\1cGill \hhy McKinne Emily M<'Kinney Peter Me~ abh

• '



- Fill my crush 's locker full of balloon and surprise them with "I like you" signs everyday. ----Elizabeth Wickes

hri topher :\'leek M neely Kyle Michael David Miller J aya :\'liller Martell Miller :\'~:eagan

Devin Mill Emily ~ill ap Aimee Minyard Andrew Mitchell J arne Mitchell Chim re Moore J oycelyn Moore Candace Morgan cott Morgan alvin Morri ha itey Morri Griffin Mulcahey

Madi on Mullady Victor Munoz

Maura Murphy Mark Mu on

]arne elly

Jamie Oiland . athan Oliveira cott 01 on Kati Outla' Trevis verock r Eli a Palacio

aop o111orea

at~u 11


Steplwn Palmer Antoine Parker Mar)' Pari hill \m)' Parr .\nil Patel Joanna Pt>lafas Joseph Pellum Gregor)' Penrod Steven Peper Lamatrice Perkins Matthew Petry Kathleen Phillips Leroy Phillips Leonidas Pitchford Soyon Princess Jason Pryor Drew Quarles Matthew Reed

Max Reed Vincent Reed

David Reimer Patrick Reinhart

Robert Rei Lamar Riddle Drea Riley Jessie a Ringler Quentin Robbins Dorian Robinson Maria Rocha Harmony Ro. ales nna Ro. t Emil Rou ey Morgan Rowe Andrew Russell Mt>lanie avva: Matthew chancht>


sopho11ores al~u"'

] t>rem) Schmidt Lind: a) Sdnwid r J amt• ·dmitzlt>in Rohert c hnitzlt>in Philip chroeder

·ik t>eher J e ica eider Antonio erna Lind ay hepard Jamie holem

Class of 2002 is the coole t because .... cott 1mmon · Virginia inn s

-We know how to keep the heat flowing ----Joycelyn Moore -We are intelligent people and not completely crazy ----Jennifer Feicker

Benjamin mith ali Smith

- I am part of that class ----Kent Spitz - I am graduating that year ----Emmet Vinston

Liz mith Michelle mith

- We are not the freshmen anymore ----Jamie Sholem -Our class is the first even number of the new millenium ----Anonymous

Moruan mith Tabatha mith


panglo atthe'" pencer Kent pitz Ellen tanko Katherine tt>phens

exi. track \.manda . . trode

sopho ores


Walter tumpf Phontez Taylor ntonia Terhune Lorrie Te ter had Thacker

P arn Thavi ouk Anthony Thompson arah Thorp Dani l Thur ton Brandon Tobia s

Ha\'u Tonya Wade

Danid ahlfeldt Yurika Wakamat u

m1r- alif alk r Tamera alker Kathryn Wampler Danny Warnock Ali Washington

Justin atkins Jessie a eaver Maurice Webb Johanna eichsel Jamie Wellman

tephanie Wendler Dominique White Jt•}lin White heniqua White Elizabeth Wickes


Cashundra Wiggin s Benj amin Wilcock Alicia Willia m ~ Carnw lla William.., Erica ~illia m .

Myra ~illi a m · Ch eli Winkier go ch -icole Winkler -Gro. ch en Emmit Win. ton a than w·ood son

Brandon Wright Mi ·cha Wynn J enna ) ambert Mich elle Ziegler hannon Zoll

Not Pictured: Maher Abdeljawad , Christopher Ash , Hattie Cain , Sara Christie, Marquisa Cobb, Canaan David Curtiss, Dariia "Dasha" Dikanov, Paul Dixon , Rasheedah Gaines, Christophe I Gallego, William Godina, Mackeyla Hill, Ashley Luttrell , Andre Makabu , Shavon Malone, Emily McKinney, Staranna McNutt, Kimberly Menefee, Heather Mitchell , Avon Scott Morgan, Hanniyyah Mustafaa, Latrice Perkins, Eric Redd , Caitlin Ryus, Princess Karjinuw, Timothy Severns, Shamira A. Smith , Shamira R. Smith , Rachel Vang , Shan ita Weatherall , Alexander Wikoff, Rachel Winkler-Groschen , Quentin Wright

sop 0111ores




President: Brooke Conner Vice~ Pres.: Whitney Parkhill Secretary: Taylor Korab Treasurer: A.J. Martin

Whitney Parkhill and Eric Brown






Tn"..l) n \deo) «' L«·slit· Adkim. lison t>xandt•r Sasha \lexandt•r Du:tin \lien

Danit>l Allender Dianna llison aron Andt>r. on Kri. tin derson Terra nderson

Michelle Angel Ra had _ ··he· Earl Barber J erami Barker Rac·hel Barnes

Christopher Bar hney Erik Barthelen ., w .I Bartolom 1\.r . tal Beard Caitlin Beaudoin

R an Beaulin '-icole Bel I 'ata ha Bernard drian ttridp;e Dominique Blaek hear

Racheal Blandinu Jeff BletL Jon a than Bloe kman Alan Brackett Chen·al Bramley

\llison Breeding 1\..dli Brost Blair Broughton mher Brown Andre' Brown

atthe\ rm n meka Brm n Patri<"k Bro\ n Anthon) runo

What' The Best Thing About Being Freshmen At Central High School? ··Cheekin~

out all the hot older guys.,.- Michelle Divilbiss

..1\ot being one next year.,.- Becca Pendzialek ··You get to meet new girls.''- Danny Outlaw ··Being lo" ed hy the upperdassmen." - Jordan Gihil ··Having more than 35 peoplf' in your f'ntirf' graduating class, likf' Holy Cross did." - Taylor Korah ·• J u t the faet I'm in high chool. ,. - Sha vonna Fitzgerald ··Having Mr. Henigman as my biology teaehf'r."- Jf'ff Hurt '" ot being in middle school anymore." - Annie Murray ·• Iothing!"- Alan Einck

Rf'l>f'cca Bryan Zachariah Burton Audrey Busby Whitney Byrd Charlene amphell dam ampos Chri hanna Carter Kenia a tillo haricf' Ca ton Lareina Chappell Amber Charle Katherine" Church hawn Clark

Kevin tephanie a therine ory Kri ten o tello Jennifer Covill Ferlando raig Luca, rawford Ry n rawford

J nan Dandri~e hel.) Daughert Meli sa David Jodeann Davi. Michael Dent cher

arah De" ault Ryan Dicorato Robin Dillon Marielle Divillli drt>a Dixon

Andrew Di on Dale Di, on Robert Dougla Kayla Eaton Li a Egner

And Eheart Laurie Eichman Alan inck Ana Ei enman Eric Eizinger

Rebecca Enrr lhardt Dontae an Tony Fell r Shavonna Fitzrrerald Benjamin Ford

Julia F urman Kr tle Frazi r Andrew Fr drick on P nnyFu Cry tal aitro

lizaht>th alara Meli a arner J ennift>r arrett hle

Jordan ehil Elizabeth erman hell ) oddard Mitchell oint> hana ood

Danit>l oran Victoria Gray Rolwrt Grt>t>n Marco utft>tTt'Z Je ica Hadler

J ffrq· llanlt>n J a,'on Hashargt>n Brett Ha ice Joanna Hemsou anh H ather Hendrie k

va Ht>nry J asmint> Ht>nr Ka tht>rilw Ht>m· Amanda Herzog Evan Hickman

Ros · Hiner Brian Ho Jennifer Ho ourtn Houston Rick Hulse

J effre. Hurt rsulla Idleman J o. hua Is om Tyrone J a per Key on Johnson

Kim John. on Matthew John on Prentice Johnson Tyjuan John on Heather J one

Theodore J one. tephanie amyhn ski Taylor Kane Elizabeth atsinas Brian Ke ler



Christopht> Kincht'loe \my Kirh Konrad Klinknt>r Timothy Knol e



Taylor Korah Ross Krayhill a talie Krein '\1ichaell\.resea Jeremy Kruidenier R~ an Kruidenier Hillary Kyse-Henderson Dat Le \ ictoria Lee .\ndrew Leeper E" a Lt'lea Jeremy Leman Megan Lieh Rehecea Liehovich Geoffrey Lin Kristin Luttrel Emily :Manganaro Erin Mann Heather ~an hip Alec Martin Joel Mathews Eli s e~<' ule) Tegan Me lellan Erin McCloud

What Song Be t Describes Central High School's Class Of 2003? ·--Ght>tto uperstars ._. -Kim wafford ·•Blink l82·s

· ·what"~

:My Agt> Again'?. hecau ewe are all immature:·llt'lsy Daugherty

···California Love· hy Tupac ha l ur hecaufoie the ' ong start out welcominrr pt>oplt> to a nt>w plact'." - Tt>rra Ander on ... o

nxious' h) Ginuwine ht>cause we ·re waiting for 2003 to come.,.Brandon Phillip

·•·Happy Birthday· becau e every one of us will have a birthday in th ne t )t'ar ... - Daniel Thies ummer Girls· by L 0 hecaust' a lot of people wear Al)ercromhie Fitch.·· - ]t>remy Leman ···Gettin' Ji<rgy \Vit If because this class loYes to dance ... - Darrell Thomas

Tanitra M · lrath J ame · McFarland ~ illi~ Me ~~ Terrionna Me lwe James McKa Dr~w

'\1cMahon in Me amant Ed'\ anl ~1ennenga amile filler Jamie Mill~r

Ra na Miller Kristine Min vanes a Moll naela Montague Ra(•hael Moont•

Brent Moore henise Moore Mario Moore Mario Motley nne Murra


M rick Roy apier elson Zachar elson Markisha ' ewhill

Kurt OLen Daniel utla' Heather Overmyer Hiren Pam·hal Whitn y Parkhill

Ja on Patterson Latecia Pa ne Daniel Pea Rebecca Pendzial~k Rieardo P~r~z

Dana anh Phanrana Brandon Philip arah Pitard Talor Pope manda Prillaman

hayonna Pr·uitt Chris Ream Roderick Rt·ddin~ .Matthew Re)nolds Hobert Rolwrts l\ a toska Robin ..,on Zachary Robin on Erica Rod~er Ashley Rogers Cory Rohn Erik Roithma) r John Rollinger hris Rone) Lynn Runge Alexander Satterthwaite Cara chaefer James Schirmer Brett c hnepper Elizabeth ehoell Travi, choonon•r Chri tina chwalde ~ athan Schwalm Ryan Scott Chri, tina eihert

What I Lil{e Most About Central Is ... ""Mr. Hasen tab." - Ros Hiner ""Mr.

itch! (ha, ha)"- Anonymous

""The cute f,'ll s! senior told me there was a shortage of cute guy here. he was wrong!"- r ulla Idleman '"The uppercla men. All the horror torie, you hear aren't true." Heather Jones "It has the

eadem . ''- Rayna Miller

""Open lunch hour." -

hristina ieher t

""All the cool people ... like m self."Erne t Tarnue

Do You Have Any Secret To . Pa 1ng ote ? "Fold them and put them in a calculator flap.,.- assie Williams "It' , a -ecret." - Mar


""Put th min an Altoid 's bo and pa them in the hallway"- Kri ' tin Co tello "Don't get caught!"- Kri ' tin nder ' on "I ha e on ... Don't!" - hawn Clark ""Don't pa them in Mr. Ran om' cla !"- Mo t of th la of "03

-a than harp Richard Simmons Erie kaggs Kevin Smith Larry Smith Kristin oltau


Mary pitz Justin tarks Heather tumborg Kimberly wofford Erne t Tarnue om aik Tha isouk

Daniel Thie Robin Thoma J aequi Thompson Ta a anna Thomp on J antu Thornton Anthony Tillman Quinton Troy Anthony Tucker irginia erhurg Bethica Vi. el Kassandra vreeman abe aldrob

Krystal \Vall er Eric Walton Chongya ang Raehel \\ang Jes ica 'ard

J oyce ard Knowuva Ward Monica ani Elizabeth Wea"er Rachel elch

J. Tylt>r Whitmer Cassandra William.· David W'illiams Kenn th \\'illiam Ra) Williams

hristopher \\'ilson Julian Wynn J ost>ph 'Young Ke in Zalucha J o eph Zarn y

• ·IT

H Ej

rn~ w s






-ot pictured: Temika Ander on. Terron Jackson. Elizabeth Kimbrt>lL Jt>nnift>r Lt>hmann. Phillip Linzy. Brandon Lowt'. Pett'r Mt>in. ter. Rashona Miller. William Mock Jr .• tt'Vt'n Mohrhacher. Fallon Post>y. David Robinson. Toni hofner. Patricia mith. Theresa Spohrer. Ryan Stewart, Chris Taylor. Darrell Thomas. Marcu Thomp on. Susanna Warner. Luket>t>sha Warren


Baseball Ht>ad Coach: Louis Sitch .\s~istant Coarht>s: John Staah and Kt>IT) Rodt>fft>r Rt>conl: 12-22 M\ P: R) an Hiiwr Captains: "\iikt> itch and T) lt>r Bt>nnt>tt Tht> "M:aroons impro" t>d h) lt>aps and hounds this yt>ar undt>r St'C<md yt>ar coach Lou itrh. Highlight. from the season include a St'COil(l plact> finish in tht> Charley Dut> Tournament. a victory over Argenta Oreana who plared st>rond at tate. and a come from behind thrillt>r ovt"r Danville. Ct"ntral also improved their futurt> by adding a Frt"shnwn tt>am for the fir t timt". 1 t"Xt sea on should he a ea on of glory for tht"se hard working :Maroons!

THIS PAGE : Pic 1¡ Heads up Mike Sitch! Pic 2 : Tyler Bennet brings the heat Pic 3 : Squash the bug, Ryan Hiner. Pic 4 : Derek Vaughn flings it to first . Pic 5: Brian Daly delivers a strike. Pic 6: Sean Smithpeters applies the tag. Pic 7 : Coach Sitch stratagizes .



Varsity: FRONT ROW: Sean Smithpeters, Mike Sitch, Clayton Overstreet, Matt Clegg, Ryan Hiner, Brett Czajkowski. SECO D ROW: Coach Sitch, Tyler Bennett, Ryan Bauman, Max Maroon, Brian Daly, Derek Vaughn , Ryan Kelley.

Junior Varsity: FRONT ROW: Andrew Harrington, Ryan Logsdon, Chase Daugherty, Mike Vriner, Colin Cain. SECOND ROW: Jason Marry, Steve Laymen, Dan Thurston, Brian Deters, John Martinie. LAST ROW: Coach Staab, Adam Traegaer, Rory Overmyer. Max Maroon, Matt Logsdan, Eric Burge, Joe Thulin .

Freshmen: FRONT ROW: Lee Lelea. Dan Jinks, Kip McDaniel, Joe Godina, Brandon Wri ht. SECO D ROW: Mike Aquino, Will Godina, Jim Howard, Morgan Smith, Nate Oliveira, Dave Mangian. LAST ROW: Adam Dy , ik Seeber, Ben Baker, Mark Bauman, Max Maroon. Anthony Griglione , Kyle Michael, Jon Bialeschki, Coa h Rodeffer.

THIS PAGE : Pic 1: Lee Lelea steps to the plate. Pic 2 : Dave Mangian and Mark Bauman show 100% effort . Pic 3 : Will Godina squeezes it into his glove.


Softball Coadws: Bill" atlan<l and Jeff Hasens tab aptains: ~icole Bridge ·. Laura In ·kip. 111) PanchaL and udrey Swartz.

Mo t valuable Player: Laura lnskip From Mr. itrh to Mr. Stabb to Mr. Watland (current coach), the team has certainly had it hare of coaching tyl . Any athlete know that witching coache i a difficult tran ition. but with three coache in three y ar it's amazing the Maroon · had uch a victoriou ea on (12-17).

"It wa really hard to adju t to a new coach after taah left, e pecially for th enior . I think it wa more of a rebuildina year, physically and confidance wi e." - Erin Broadrick THIS PAGE : Pic l :Laura Inskip and Amanda May ridin' the pine . Pic 2: Liz Hannan gettin' down n ' dirty! Pic 3 :Jessica Phillippe doesn't throw like a girl! Pic 4:Kya Walters- Butt's up! Pic 5 :Ami Panchal and Sydney Karr got a pickel hey, hey, hey, hey. Pic 6 :Is that Erin Broadrick or Mark McGwire? Pic 7 : "Super groovy job ladies"- Hasenstab to the JV team .


FRONT ROW: Erin Broadrick, Sydney Karr, icki Flynn, Amanda May, Manika Bhateja, Jessica Phillippe. BACK ROW: April Lelea. Ami Panchal, Liz McMill n, Audrey Sw tz, Coach Watland , Kristy Gil rt, Laura Inskip , Nicole Bridges.

FRONT ROW: Karen Bohlmann, Kya Walters, Ashleigh Kern, Mary Parkhill, Ellen Stanko. ROW 2: Liz Hannan , K.C. Nelson, Mary Darling, Shelby Karr, Whitney Dixon , Michelle Smith. BACK ROW: Jenn Cox , Angelee Dauenbaugh, Coach Hasenstab, Jackie Hughes, Jenna Yambert, Julianna Frisch.

THIS PAGE : Pic. l:Sydney Karrgrab some pine you're out! Pic. 2 :Ellen Stanko's safe, but the catcher better watch out! Pic 3 :Nicki Flynn is chillin' at the bar. Pic 4 :Mary Parkhill has the soft hands. Pic 5 :Sydney Karr goes head on in oncoming traffic. Pic 6 :Five heads are better then one- Varstiy huddle Pic 7:Amanda May goes all the way! Pic 8 :Amanda May gives a thumbs up to the sign .



Boys' Tennis Coach:



~ost Valuable Pla er "'irk McLemore and Jack are).

Team Record: 4-4 The 1999 tt>nnis st>ason ' a ¡ an intere ting year. First Central's top player, Evan Di. on, mowd to alifornia leaving Jack arey to take charge until he was injured halfway through the sea on. the ea ¡on went on, the competition got tough, hut the team stayed trong and played with pride. They had a fifth plac fini hat conference and a do e third at ectional . ick McLemore and Blake Margi on fini hed econd in double and qualified for tat .

THIS PAGE : Pic 1. Blake Margison is swinging with style. Pic 2 . John Hill does a victory dance. Pic 3 . Michael Derry gets intense . Pic 4 . The tennis team shows they're privates .


FRONT ROW: Jamie Sholrm, Matt chanche, David Reimer, Chri Gt¡atkin s, Mi chael Halle, J ohn Ca mpbt'll , Mark Brown , Bill Mu trr. TOP RO\V: Blake Margison , Michael Derry. Brian Kim . J ohn Hill. Ja ck Carry, ick McLt'mort' , Coach Dwight tricklin .

THIS PAGE: Pic 1: Brian Kim serves up game. Pic 2: Matt Schanche shows off his nice footwork. Pic 3. Chris Gratkins lays the smack down.


Girls' Soccer Coache~: Adam Jenkin~. John '\'lay, Mary-Margret )lite hell. Captain~: Tara Peter~, '\'leghan " 'inkel, Julie Sonka.

Record: 12-5-2 Season Summat·y: 12-5-2 -Central' · best t·ecot·d in history. The girls' soccer team fuu ·hed lth in the Big 12, and were the hh eed in · ectional~. Central' · teatn wa · also among the younge t in the area. Many coache ~ were ·urpl"ised ~ith the out tanding rec01·d and talent. Coach Adam Jenkin commented, •• Tlll i the best team I've ever been a part of both on and off the field."

THIS PAGE : P1c 1: Rain , Ra1n go away. Pic 2 : Sara Arnold's JUSt k1ck1ng 1t. Pic 3: "Now the boys team"-Adam Jenk1ns. P1c 4: Liz Sm1th shakes and bakes.


FRONT ROW: Erica P ters, Liz Washburn , Elizabeth Korab, Kate Stigberg, Nicole Wieklinski. 2nd Row: Adam Jenkins, Amanda Kelly, Lisa Wilhelm, Julie Sonka, Kelly D'Amico, Jill Harms, ia Galaras, Liz Smith , John May. 3rd Row": Mary-Margret Mitchell, Nadia Berger, Erica Deutscher, Holly Green , Sara Arnold, Meghan Winkel , Jenn Scheitlin ,Whitney Petry, Tara Peters .


- --

. ...


I .

FRONT ROW: Emily Feng, Miranda Brewer,Kathy Jerrell, Johanna Henry, Rachel Blackman. 2nd ROW: MaryMargret Mitchell, Jessica Harris, Jenny Jerrell , Le h McCray, Courtney Rus ell,Eli Palacio, Valerie Mazzocco. 3rd ROW: Adam Jenkins , Jane Blaase. Karen Jerrell , Lind ay McCray, R hel Bain, Katie Fettig, Jennifer Feicker, Erica White, John May.

THIS PAGE : P1c 1: Noth1ng gets by Elizabeth Korab. P1c 2: JV look1ng lively. Pic 3: Nadia Berger-"What, what get off me!" P1c 4: Julie Sonka-1t's all about the fac1al express1on!l



Boys' Track Coach: Tom Richards


Outstanding Pt'rformances : Pat Phillips earned 1th in the lOOm da sh at ectionals and '"on the 400m da sh at the Fr./ o. Outdoor Conference. Andy "Williamio>On got 1st at the Fr./ o . Outdoor Conference in the 800m run. "ick tirrett got 2nd at the Fr./So. Outdoor Conference for the mile run. The 4x800m rela) team fini hed fir tat conference and third at ectionals . Team ummar. : The boys' tra ck team had many young runnf:'rs that stepped up to thf' compf'tition and performrd' f:'ll. Thr Outdoor onfrrrnce gave many of the younger runner a chance to prove themselves and howf:'d the potential of the team. "Ue ba< •e polenlwfand are ready /o use J! l "-Jlacob Saran

THIS PAGE-Pic . l :Pat Phillips speeds ahead to another victory . Pic . 2 : Bobby Davenport knows how to "get up ." Pic . 3 : Jacob Goran and Paul Dixon lead the pack . Pic.4 : Mischa Wynn gets off to a great start! Pic . 5 : Nick Stirrett gets ready to win .


FRONT ROW(left to right): Andy Williamson, Amir Toghraee, Ryan Grumish, Demetrice Miller, Paul Dixon, Nicholas Stirrett, Jacob Goran. R OW 2: J ordon Fellers, Mark Cooper, E ric K esler, N ick Voss, Nathan York, Daniel Baechle, Mike Egner. ROW 3: Coach Field s, Todd H iggerson, Justin Battle , Jack H offman, P at P hillips, Seth Swartz, Andy Lang, Mike Carson, Coach Tom Richards.

Girls' Track Coacht>s: Chris Saundt>rs . Lisa \iartint>z, and Jodi aundt>rs Outstanding P t> rformanee La honna Taylor uot 9th at Indoor ta tt> and - th at Outdoor tatt> in the shot put. Tanf' ha Kin u O"Ot 9th in tht> 55m dash at Indoor talt> and \\a s an Indoor Confer en et> Champion for tht> 55m dash. Kate Murray wa s an Indoor onft>ren et> hampion in tht> 3200m. Lett r ·winner : 19 Tt>am ummary : The girl tra ck team placed 2nd at tht> Big 12 Indoor Conft>rene t> and 3rd at the Lemont Invitational. "71le I 999 season a as a lurniny pom/ for /he ( 'enlraf S~r!s · 7rach proyram. ··-Coach Chrts C5aunder

FRONT ROW(left to right): Shaneka Chavis, Elizabeth Parr, Allison Harvey, Bethany Petry, Kate Murray, Jacqueline Feng, Angela Zalucha, Erin Hatch, Aeva Brown, Kristy McDermed, Kristen Landreth. ROW 2: Coach Saunders, Caitlin Deal, Abby McKinney, Emily McKinney, Alice Armstrong, Katie Hopkins, Betsy Holder, Chani McMullen, Christian McMullen, 'lbya Manley, Jasmine Fontenot, Shawntese Bennett, Ashley Claiborne, Jaya Miller, Shamika Tillman ,Coach Lisa Martinez. R OW 3: Amanda Newport, Katy Grace, Brittany Roberts , Sara Arnold, Shaneka Terrell, Jennifer Britt, Rachel Blockman, Chanell Beasley, Ashley Davis, Nicole Swartzendruber, Elisa Palacio, Shannon Zoll, LaShonna Taylor, Krisdee Kurlakowsky, Katherine Pickard, Trisha Guidas, Kyla Claiborne. Tanesha King.

TinS PAGE·Pic. l : Katherine Pickard races neck and neck with her opponent. Pic.2: Brittany Roberts flies over the hurdles to a victory. Pic.3 : Devan McFerren, Shaneka Chavis, Chani McMullen, and Brittany Roberts "chat" during a meet. Pic.4 : Chani McMullen takes a winning jump. Pic.:> : Coach Martinez takes down the winning times.






Football oadlt'~:

Due. Jeff

Jeff Trigger. Lou Ha~enstah

aptain: Matt Johnson Record: 5-4 eason Summary: The 1999 Maroons football team turned out to have a great season. They started off with a big '"in again~l Decatur Eisenhower. After a couple of heart-breaking lo se against Danville and -ormal. the Maroons came back tough' ith a win again ' t Rantoul. They kept their winning treak by embarra ing entennial '"ith a core of 35-6. Then they continued their twin cit_ domination by beating rbana 44-7. All and all. entral had a winning eason of 5-4.

THIS PAGE: Pic 1. Chase Daugherty is thinking end zone. Pic 2. It's clobbering time. Pic 3. Ben Baker has no fear of being tackled thanks to Ben Wilcock's nice blocking. Pic 4. You gotta run faster than that. Pic 5. Romielle Brown hands off to Kris Brown as he breaks through the D-line.



FIRST ROW: Kemty Jaehne, Chase Daugherty, John Bialeschki, Ryan Logsdon, Tony Griglione, Ben Mathews, Chris Oratkins, Morgan Smith ROW 2 : Miles Gurtler, Alex Wikoff, Jimmy Howard, Mischa WYIUl, Nik Seeber, Ben Baker, Brandon Tobias ROW 3: Joe Pellum, Sam Br&mfeld, Ben Wilcock , Mike Campbell, Jesse Noyes, Dan Thurston, Matt Petry, Eric Burge ROW 4: Steve Peper, Andrew Harrington, Jarrod Miller, Drew Quarles, Dan Jinks, Griffin Mulcahey, Brian lnskip Row 5 : Coach Adam Poetzel, Coach Scott Davis, Coach J .R. Wilson

FIRST ROW: James McKay. Brett Schnepper, Phillip Linzy. Billy Mock, Willie McGee, Teddy Jones, Cole Ba.ker, Jera.ml Ba.ker ROW 2 : Jeff Bleus, Joel Mathews, Ryan Beaulin, Andy Leeper, Rashad Archey. Kevin Cooper, K nny Williams, Drew McMahon ROW 3 : Daniel Pea, Ross Hiner, Cory Rohn, Roderick Redding, Eric Brown, John Rollinger, Jason Patterson, Juan Dandridge ROW 4 : Kurt Olsen, Kevin McNamara, Brent Moore, Jeremy Leman, Ryne Crawford, Rick Simmons, Brandon Phillips Row 5 : 'ryrone Jasper, Coach Don Beckett, Coach Kevin Quinlan, Coach Lou Sitch, Mitchell Goines

FffiST ROW: Ryan Hiner, Jordon Fellers, Matt Johnson, Michael Vonner, William Kyle, Charles Frldline, Brian Daly, Brandon Wright, Lee Lelea 2ND ROW: Kris Brown, Robbie Gwinn, Amir Toghraee, Josh Callahan, Matt Runge, Greg Mill r, Ben Brad! y, Bill Muster, Row 3 : Nick York, Ryan Fiedler, Romielle Brown, Adam Traeger, Ivory Nelson, Darls Jasper, Matt Logsdon, Andy Zahnd Row 4: Tim Tressl&r, Pat Phillips, Bllal K . All , Demetrice Miller, Lamar Wilson, David Ruggeri, Seth Swartz Row ~ = Coach Lou Due, Coach Jeff Trigger, Coach Jeff Hasenstab

TffiS PAGE: Pic 1. Dan Thurston isn't going to let this Viking get the pass off. Pic 2. "Watch the hands! Watch the hands!" Pic 3. "You can't hide behind that ref!" Pic 4.Romielle Brown and Ryan Hiner make a Danville sandwich. Pic 5. Robbie Gwinn looks for an open receiver.



Boys' Soccer Coache ~ : Jenkin ~

Am} and Adam and Jin MeGmmn.

Team Captains: 'ick and Wally Mu umeci and Bryan Malloch ~to

t Improved: Ale. chroeder

MVP: Bryan Malloch Tean1 Sununary: hampaign Central' occer tean1 wa pr·oud of it accompli hment tlri y ar. They placed 1 t in the Charleston tournaruent, won the Regional and Twin ity title and were 2nd in the Big 12.

"This season was very successful and it's too bad we had to lose to Urbana in a shoot-out. We accomplished all our goals by finishing 2nd in the Big 12 and ma ki ng it to Se c t i onals . • - Bryan Malloch TmB PAGE: Pic. 1: Ross McAuleywhere's the uniform? Pic. 2: These sad seniors enjoy senior day. Pic. 3 : David Goran- speed demon. Pic. 4 : Tyler Hagle and Scott Morgan just chillin'.

sport a

FRONT ROW: Tyler Hagle, Earnest Tarnue, Dodd Browning, Scott Morgan,Kip McDaniel, Nick Stirrett, David Mangian, David Winkle. 2ND ROW: Eric Kessler, David Goran, Jason Ness, Alex Schroeder, Nick Cobb, Andy Williamson, Babe Mambo, Jon Whitmer, John Martinie. 3RD ROW: Adam Jenkins, Wally Musemici, Peter Kane, Nick Musemeci, Matt Scheitlin, Eric Pelz, Geoff Washburn, Bryan Malloch, Ross McAuley.

I~ I

TinS PAGE: Pic. 1: Jon Whitmer busts a move. Pic. 2 : Nick Stirrett's got ups. Pic. 3 : Nick and Wally Musumeci - Oh how cute!! Pic. 4 : FOOD! Pic. ~: John Martinie -Grrrr. Pic. 6 : Matt Scheitlin - what a good ball handler!

FRONT ROW: Chris Roney, Ben Ford, Roberto Gutierrez, Matt Johnson, Daniel Goran, Michael Kresca, Eric Walton. 2ND ROW: Phillip Schroeder, Matthew Schance, John Hill, Coach McGowan, Joe Tulin, Geoffrey Lin, Daniel Theis.


Girls' Tennis oar hes: .\lfie Swa rtzhaugh and Gordon Kay eason Record: ll-1 Most aluahle Pla)'er: Deanna Deschler Most Improved: Jenna lambert and Erica \\'hite Team Spirit: Liz McMillan eason ummary: From Mid ugust until the end of October, the Central Girls' Tenni team dominated the court at Lind ey Tennis enter. The team had many new members including t\ o new coache Alfie wartzbaugh was the head coach and Gordon Kay as i ted him. The team con isted of both grizzled v teran a ' ell a a few girl ju t learning the port. All of the girl , experienced or not, worked very hard to improve whether it wa uicid print or bea , t double . Thi hard work paid off with a number of xc llent performance . The Central winger beat entennial, took econd at the Big 12 tournament, and won ctional . B cau e of their fini h at ectional the top ix qualified for tate. entral ended the . ea on by placing 28th in the tate tournament. TillS PAGE: Pic.l: These girls need

to see a dentist. Pic.2: Liz McMillan: true competitor. Pic.3: These girls show off their hardware. Pic.4: Jill Harms and Mary Parkhill are a winning pair. Pic.5: Jenna Yambert fires another ace.



FRONT ROW: Linh Pham, Deanna Deschler, Berina Fazlic, M ry Parkhill, Ellen Stanko, Rachel Carlton. SECOND ROW: Sarah Carlton, Vanessa Moll, Kim Swofford, Liz McMillan, Erica White, Jill Harms. LAST ROW: Coach Kay, Janice Wang, Emily Millsap, Jenna Yambert, Laura Martin, Anna Rost, Reema Bosmia, Sarah Hahn, Coach Swartzbaugh.

TillS PAGE: Pic. l : Laura Martin charges the net. Pic.2 : Berina Fazlic pounds a two handed backhand. Pic .3 : Coach Arfi shares his wisdom. Pic.4 : Deanna Deschler focuses on the ball. Pic.5 : For Mary Parkhill practice makes perfect.

sport a

Cross Country oach: Dike Stirrett

~·~~--~- ~--~--~·-

Team Captains: ' teve Eheart, Todd Higger on. Jackson Hoffman Letter Winner : 9 Team ummary: Thi year had a balanced squad with no real tars. enior teve Eheart stepped up a a leader and Jack 'On Hoffman helped as a senior in hi, fir ' t sea on of cro , s country. Th team earned a fifth place Regional fini h , qualifying for ec tional . The ' quad earned 2nd a t the Twin ity Meet, 6th place at Big 12. and fini hed the ea ' On 3-0 for dual meets .

"A very young squad where many freshmen and sophomores had to contribute at the varsity level. They did so admirably." -Coach Dike Stirrett THIS PAGE-Pic.l: These guys are ready to take a nap! Pic.2: Steve Eheart knows how to have fun. P ic.3: Mike Egner, Cabe Waldrop , and Brian Kesler pack it up. Pic .4: Don't get too nervous! Pic .5: Andy Eheart runs another great race!

FRONT ROW (left to right) : Paul Dixon, Jacob Goran, Andy Eheart, Colin Cain, Kevin Smith, Kyle Funk, Ryan Scott. ROW 2 : Ryan Grumish, Todd Higgerson, Cabe Waldrop, Justin Battle, Daniel Kirby, Mike Egner, Brian Kessler. ROW 3 : Steve Eheart, Paul Thomas, Jeremy Kruidenier, Jackson Hoffman, Charlie Brown , Coach Dike Stirrett.


Coach: Chri-. Saundt>r Outstandin~ Pt>rfonnanc·t>-.: .'ara Arnold <Jualifit>d a~ an inclh idual fot· tht> ' t>c·tional lllt't'l.

Tt>am ummar): Thi ) t>ar 's tt>am wa.., vt'r) youn~ hut tht') <'anw throu~h with hi~ in eli' idual imprcn t>ment~. The)· rt' looking to work hard thi~ ummer and improve next year.

"We faced many challenges this eason. We strove to overcome the obstacles in our path." --Sara Arnold TillS PAGE·Pic.l:Are you girls ready for some running? Pic.2: Julie Graves and Elizabeth Korab show off the new and improved Central Girls' Cross Country uniforms. Pic.3: Sara Arnold knows how to scare off her opponents! Pic.4: Whoa! These girls are out of control! Pic.5: Jacqueline Feng and Shaneka Terrell pack together during a home meet at Parkland.

FRONT ROW{le t to right}: Sarah Pitard, Laurie Climer, Esther Ramos, Amanda Kelly, Angel Zalucha, Susan Chisholm, Elizabeth Korab. ROW 2: Jacqueline Feng, Julie Graves, Allison Harvey, Coach Chris Saunders, Sara Arnold, Shaneka Terrell, Annie Murray.


Volleyball Coache : Mike Marasa , Brad Dalton , Colleen . J ennifer Madera , and White aptain ·: Brittan Harr , Juli man , and J enn Rou pecial chie em nt : Juli Leman e' Gazette allarea pla er of the ear, J nn Rou Gazette

The ' be n tog ther ince ev nth grad ~ the kno' each other ' strength , w akn , p r onalitie , right do' n to their favorite ice cr am fla or. Thi ear team ha a clo ene , that . urpa e any oil yball team ever at Central. The Maroon , led b enior · Jenn y Common , Tri h razier, Julie Leman , Emily Lietz, Kate Martinie, and Jenn Rou. ey, won th Big 12 title and got fir t e d in th Re!rional tournam nt. Blowinu pa: t Mahomet and Lincoln , the Maroon won the Re!rional title. entral beat Bloomin!rton in the first round of e tional · but u ccumed to -ormal We t in the ectional ham pion hip. The Maroon put in a gr eat howing and opened door. for entral team to com ! CAPTIONS: Pic 1: Varstiy squad just chillin'. Pic 2 :Wham, bam, thank you mam!-Jenn Rousey Pic 3 : "Just dig it "-Erica Rodgers Pic 4 : Celebrate good times come on! Jenny Commons, Julie Leman and Jenn Rousey. Pic 5 : Varsity squad is like peas in a pod!


1ST Row: Coach White, Christina Rapp , Megan Brown, Brittany Harry, Kate Martinie, Jane Bailie, Coach Colleen Madera. 2ND ROW: Emily Rousey, Jenny Commons, Devan McFerran, Melissa David, Julie Leman, Sara Christie. 3RD ROW: Coach Brad Dalton, Kristie Gilbert, Leah Kirby, Jenn Rousey, Shawanna Lee, Trish Frazier, Emily Lietz, Coach Mike Marasa.

1ST ROW: Danavanh Phanrana, Brooke Connor, Elizabeth Katsinas, Kayla Eaton, Jessica Hadler. 2ND ROW: Shelley Goddard, Whitney Parkhill, Ashley Rogers, Lisa Egner, Elizabeth Schoen, Andrea Dixon, Coach Colleen Madera.


ROW: Jennifer Covill, Liz Smith, Heather Stumborg, Erica Rodgers, Whitney Dixon. 2ND ROW: Megan Brown, Jane Bailie, Sara Christie, Emily Rousey, Kelly D'Amico. 3RD ROW: Coach Brad Dalton, Alexis Strack, Heather Overmyer, Lindsey Delmedico, Melissa David, Shannon Zoll, Jessica Weaver.

CAPTIONS: Pic 1: Talent runs in the family-Emily and Jenn Rousey. Pic 2: Seniors smile after beating Bloomington on senior night. Pic 3 : Lindsey Delmed.ico gets up for the kill. Pic 4: uRoor'- Jenny Commons and Shawanna Lee




oadws: ~ill Barkt>r. Eric Lazzari. Rt>t>d Evans Tht> 1999 ,f'ntral girL' swim tf'am had an f'X<'t>llf'nt y«"ar. Tht> tf'am placf'd highly in such t>wnt. likf' tht> hargt>r ln\-itationaL tht> Bloomington Invitational. tht> Carl andhurg In ita tional as wdl as tht> Big 12 conft>rf'nCf' and st>ctional mt>t>t · . Valuahlf' nwmhf'rs likt> captain Katht>rint> Pickard. captain Erin Mitchell. captain Laura Ht>rrf'l. ""atalit> Kt>nny. Maggit> Evans, Erin Kirby. and ara Lockman had high finisht>s at thf'sf' mef'ts. Thf' st>ason f'ndt>d h atalif' Kf'nny qualifing in thf' 200 and 100 frt>f' ' t.lf' f'Vf'nts for state. Ovt>rall tht> Champaign Central girls ·wim team had a great

THIS PAGE: Pic 1. Sexy swimmers! Pic 2. K. C. Nelson brings it home. Pic 3. Seniors rock the house. Pic 4. Swimmers are always friendly even in a race. Pic 5. I've heard of walking on water, but this is ridiculous. Pic 6. Sara Lockman, cover your mouth when you sneeze.



W lffiffi

THIS PAGE: Pic 1. Michelle Smith rips through the water. Pic 2 . Katie Fettig explodes off the wall. Pic 3 ."I believe I can fly." Pic 4 . Jackie Hughes waves to the crowd. Pic 5 . "Yeah , Will , whatever you say. ' Pic 6. Hey, Erin Kirby, chill out.



Boys' Golf Coach: John ~ood~ R«:>cord: 86-48 Captains: Billy Smith and )Iichat'l M«:>rrick M.V.P: Bill) mith Coach ·sA" ard: Vlichad :vlerric k

--...~~===r ·"

«:>ason Summar) : Tlw 1999 Maroon golf t«:>am looked to rebuild after lo ·ing four of tlw top si pla)t'rs from la~t )t'ar. The t«:>am play«:>d 't'l') '"dl dt>spite man) in«:>:x.p«:>rienced pla y«:>rs. ophomort'~ .\dam Dye and Matt Fonner \Wre able to impro\ e tlwir game and add depth to tlw team. Outstanding pt>rformatH't's: The team took first in Conference. and tenth in Regionak Bill)' Smith took fourth indi,iduall)' at Confer«:>nce and fifth at Regionals.

FRONT ROW(left to right): Jeffrey Hardin, Robert Feller, Matthew Foner, Anthony Basilios, David Reimer, Jonathon Chittuluru. BACK ROW: Nathan Cox, Nicholas Changnon, Mark Bauman, Michael Merrick, Coach John Woods, Adam Dye, Brian Deters, Billy Smith .

sport a

TinS PAGE: Pic.l: Matt Fonner blasts the ball out of the sand. Pic.2: Nate Cox has skills. Pic.3: Billy Smith and the guys take time to harass Adam Dye. Pic.4: Billy Smith puts the flagstick back after holing another ten footer. Pic.5: Jon Chittuluru warms up properly.

Girls' Golf Coach: .\nne ' taah Record: 3-9 aptains: Mary Ratcliffe and Erin Byrd eason mnmar}: The 1999 st'ason for Central\ lady uolfers '"a full of adventure and good time . The e "VIaroon concentrated on improving their ('Ores each match. The team '"as 'er) ('Ompetiti\e with a number of hrirls of about the same ability level. Thi. year· team '"as led hy captain :vlary Ratcliffe and Erin Byrd who con ·i ·tently performed well. '\t'xt )ears success seems assured '"ith man) key players returning induding: Lihb) Lat.. on. Sara Judy. and 'W hitney Byrd. Everyone ·hould keep their eyes on this group in the furure!

LEFT TO RIGHT: Jennifer Hoss, Sara Judy, Elizabeth Larson, Mary Ratcliffe, Coach Anne Staab, Erin Byrd, Maggie Bruns, Whitney Byrd.

THIS PAGE: Pic.l: Whitney Byrd is in the fairway again. Pic.2: Erin Byrd gives it a good old smack. Pic.3 : Sara, Mary, and Erin: very cute! Pic.4 : The camera loves Maggie Bruns and Whitney Byrd. Pic.5: Mary Ratcliffe puts it up and in.


Coaches: Lia and Erik Ht>gt> ~ot

only do tht> t>ntral cht>t>rlt>adt>rs <' ht>t>r tlw hoy s' football and basketball tt>ams to "ictory. hut for only the third time in Central's history. the var. ity cht>t>rlt>ading squad i making tht> trip down south to Orlando. Florida. Their purpost>'? To shm" the rest of tht> nation they 'vt> got Ct>ntral pridt>. From Ft>hruary tth to the 8th. tht> tt>am will ht> haYing fun in tht> sun while competing against tlw top squads in tlw na lion a l tht> ' ational Compt>tition. As a goaL tht> tt>am is shooting to makt> it to finals. which is the top twt>lvt> tt>ams in the competition. If the Maroons makt> tlw finals. tht>y 'll ht> filnwd on E P~ for the rt>st of tht> nation to ·ee. -o matter' hat happen ·. the squad has had

TillS PAGE: Pic 1· Can you hear me now? Pic. 2 . Surprise, surprise, the cheerleaders are smiling! Pic. 3: Elizabeth Galaras, drink much? Pic. 4 Class of '00 at cheer leading camp. Pic 5 : Lmdsey Pop is fly'


ley Einck, LaillEffil)O,,.,DJ[ng esswa ~a. .CJ'J.J·i=> > Russell, Elizabeth Galaras. tie Schlorff, Valerie Mazzocco, Haley Johnson, Lindsey Pope, L ah ray. OW : Lia and E ik H ge, Kylie Peel, Candace Mor an, Kent pitz, i holas Yo k , K lly Murray, Ka y Wampler. V GV •

v.I.O. .l. .l.VJ.J.Uv.l.

ROW 1: Erica Claxton, Randi Harrison, Natalie Kahler, Marielle Divilbiss. ROW 2 : Katherine Stephens, Amariah Hays , Jamie Hubbel, Jessica Phillippe, Kate Outlaw. ROW 3: Leslie Adkins , Amy Kim, Kim Johnson, Coach Jill McCarty, Whitney Byrd, Jennifer Ross , Christina Siebert.

THIS PAGE: Pic 1: Cheerleaders sweat? Pic 2 : Courtney Russell gets mad air. Pic 3 : Ashley Einck and Katie Schlorff yell! Pic 4 : Elizabeth Galaras and Jessica Cavey scale the walls. Pic 5 : Whitney Byrd is flying. Pic 6 : Got H20? Pic 7 : Class of '02-Haley Johnson. Val Mazzocco. Katy Wampler. Pic 8 · Lindsey Pope and Nick York.



Pepettes Coaeh: Shmoniea Stovall -\eti\ities: The pepettes in, truet middle ehool clinics and perform at half-time of football and ba ketball game, . aptain: Aeva Brown o- aptain: hanece Chavis ergeant at Arms: Brittany Robert ' Treasurer: Kry tal Dilts ecretary: Ocean Bigger '

TillS PAGE: Pic.l : Aeva Brown strikes a pose at the Homecoming parade. Pic.2: Devan McFerran - grooving to the beat. Pic.3 : Shanece ChavisBumpin". Pic. 4 : The pepettes perform at half-time. Pic. 5 : Krystal Dilts- getting down! Pic. 6¡ Chani McMullen- dancing with attitude. Pic.7: The pepettes riding the b1g red fire truck . Pic.8 : The pepettes pose for a picture at camp .



(From Left to Right) ROW 1: Kali Sm ith , Katy Peper. ROW 2: Aiesha Butler, Ocean Biggers, CeCe Wilson , Aeva Brown, Brittany Roberts. ROW 3: Toya Manly, Marissa Gonda, Puja Batu ra, Devan McFerran , Christine Nihm, Britt Decker. ROW 4: Krystal Dilts, Cara Schafer, Ghani McMullen , Shanece Chavis.

THIS PAGE: Pic.l:Katy Pepper- sliding. Pic.2: The pepettes get together for another picture. Pic.3: Go Army- Beat Navy! Pic.4: Britt Decker- dancing with the men. Pic.5: Marissa Gonda- flexible? Pic. 6: Brittany Roberts and Puja Batura- shakin' n' bakin'.






aptaim: Romit>lle Brown. Ryan Hiner. and Bryan Malloch eason ummaq·: Thi. year's Maroon, basketball team had big hoe, to fill coming off entral's Big 12 Confert>nct> and Rt>gional titles la t • ear. The team tarted out well with a 2-l record in the ew -Ga~ette Tournament. The year wa al o highliuhted with victorie over both Centennial and Urbana. Once again the Maroon, will be primed to knock down a few door in the playoff .

THIS PAGE: Pic. 1: Dodd Browning earns a lay-up . Pic. 2 · Coach Davis ralhes the troops. Pic. 3: Ryan Hiner gets after it in the lane. Pic. 4 Bryan Malloch helps the Maroons break the press .


(From Left to Right) ROW 1: Brian ler, Juan Dandridge, Rick Simmons, J . Lem n , Brown, Geoffrey Lin, Ray w · s, Bre t Schne

i iams, Mario Motley. ROW 2 Chuck Schwartz, Eric ood.s.

THIS PAGE : Pic . 1 Jame Dorris skies for the tip . Pic. 2: Demetnce Miller hangs in the lane. Pic. 3 · Romielle Brown drives around a pesky Urbana defender.

sport a

Girls' Basketball Coac]w;..: kim St>\\anl Burton. Pm·tt'r Battlt>. and Holita \\ a ... hin~ton ··Basdint>! .. For the Ct>ntral ~-orirls' haskethall lt'am it's mort> thanju t a '"onl: it\ hard '"ork. "It's a lot of work

and you get tired, but we have to do it if we want to improve as a team," sa)s junior Sara \rnold. Tlwir hard '"ork ha.., <'t>rtainl) paid off. Considt>ring tlw Maroons ;..tartt>d tlw st>a;..on "'"t>t>ping tlw Charger lm.itt>. plact>d fifth in tht> Charlt>ston Tournanwnt. and rt>ct>ivt>d tlw st>c<md st>t>d in tlw rt>~rional tournament. tht> tt>am ·s goal of winning tlw ;..t><'tional tournanwnt sounds lil e a pieee of eake.

THIS PAGE Pic 1. Sara Arnold gets up for the block. Pic 2 : Mrs. Arnold gives coach the trophie for 5th place at Charleston . Pic 3: Shaneka Terrell goes up strong. Pic 4 : You tell 'em May May. Pic 5: Chanell Beasley goes up strong .


(From Left to Right ROW 1: Tanesha King, Jill Harms, Elizabeth Smith, Amanda May, Kelly D'Amico, Erica od ers. R 2: Lindsey Henso , Eli e Parker-Stephen, Sara Arnold, Shane a Terrell, Chanell B ley, Coach Ki Seward-Burton, April Lelea, Octile Mambo.

(F m Left to Right) ROW 1: C · e Miller, Joa Tayl r Korab, essica ard, Amber Bro Overmyer, ra eEl a h , Coa r Rebecca Liebovich.

THIS PAGE Pic 1: Amanda May dribbles her way out of traffic. Pic 2 : Lindsey Henson, Molly Weber rip Urbana Pic 3 : Odile Mambo gets some air'



Boys' Swimm ¡ng oar he, : Jeff Trigger. Will Barker aptain, : Ben Trupin, Ken en enhrener, Tommy Lockman

The '99-'00 boys wimming and diving sea, on ha turned out well. Beating team like "Crbana, Danville, ~ormal ommunity, and ormal High , the team earned a winning , ea son at dual meet . The ,¡wimmer. al o placed high at invitational meet uch a the Bloomington Invitational, The Charger Invite, and the Carl Sandburg In itational. The team plan to place high in the Big 12 Confrence meet, at ectional , and at tate. They plan on doing this with key team members Dan Trupin , Tomm Lockman, Ken en enbrenner, Brian arter, Drew MitcheL Alan Einck, and Matt Penwell. Diver Ioah Morgan and t ve Peper al o make a uood contribution to the team. THIS PAGE- Pic 1. Thmmy Lockman "Flys" through the water. Pic 2 . Coach Trigger gives the orders. Pic 3 . Brian Carter swims harder. Pic 4 . Look at that perfect stroke . Pic 5. Noah Morgan practices to be the next Chief Illiniwek . Pic 6 . Looks like Dan Trupin is going to break another record.


THIS PAGE- Pic 1. Steve Peper puffs out his chest to intimidate the other divers . Pic 2 . Ben Trupin tries to look like a tough Unit 4 bus driver. Pic 3 . Matt Penwell leaps through the water. Pic 4 . Ken Sensenbrenner heads in for the strong finish .



Wrest in Coacht>s:.T t>ff Scott and Dan Catat't'llo Captain~:

1\..ris Bnmn and Tro) \'liclwb Tlw Ct>nlral \Ht>stling tt>am. holstt>rt>d hy tht> strongt>sl frosh/soph lint>ups in mt>mory. finisht>d with a 13-8-l rt>cord. tht> third plact' -,Jot in tlw Big 12. and a couplt> of top fi,t> tournanwn t finisht>s. Fifth-)t>ar ht>ad coach ]t>ff Scott took tht> tt>am to tht>ir hight>st Conft>rt'n<'t' finish in his tt>nurt>. finishing lwhind Conft>rt>nct> powt>rhoust>s Bloomington and ormal. Big wins this ea on includt>d an early season victory over l\ormal Wt>,· t and tht> double-di!!it win over t>n tennial in a triangular at Dt>catur Mac rthur.

This Page-Pic 1 :Sometimes when I get nervous Pic 2 Rollin·. rollin·. rollin·. keep those mats on rollin'. Pic 3 Mike Kresca is getting refreshed-a! Pic 4: Paul Dixon's an animal. Pic 5: Kenny Jachne has a future in WWF


Th1 page-Pic 1 : You have some lettuce in your teeth- Kris Brown . Pic 2 : Eat dirt!- Rashad Archey. Pic 3 :Lee Le'lea put the smack down' Pic 4 . Ryan Fiedler busts a move! Pic 5 ¡ Ben Wilcock smashes the opponent



Yearbook Requirements: Must b rec mended by three facuhy member , maintain a "B' average in English, be at lea t ophomore, and be ch n by the editor and Mr. Hobb. 2

Acti 'tie :To produce the be t yearbook and cho l pu lication ever!!! Editors-in-Chief: Erin Hatch, Katherine Pickard, and Tri h Frazier. Sport : Joe P llum, Matt legg Kelly D'Amico, Liz Wa hburn (section editor), and Lisa Wilh lm (section editor). Student Life/ Clubs Section: Liz McMillen, Erica Deutscher, Mike Aquino, Ben Trupin, Emily Rou ey, and Erica Peter (section editor). Album: Angie Holmer, Linh Pham, Kim Wal h, and Tri h Frazier (section editor). Senior : Amanda arnett, Erin Br adrick, and Je sica a ey (section editor). Teachers/ A : Jared helby and mily Lietz (section editor). Captions: Pic. 1 Erica Deutscher. E · y Lietz, Amanda Corn tt. nd Eri Broadrick are all smil s for yea b k. Pic. 2: Joe Pellu tries to star a new trend of "see how any shirts ou can wear at one ime." Pic. 3 · Kelly D'Amico crops away. Pic. 4 : This is a rare scene · Room 119- c mputers that work! Pic. 5: Eri H tch and Trish Frazi r check pag s with Mrs. Hobbs. Pi . 6: Liz Me · en and Ben Trupin: h, a spic · ter-yearbook relations ip! Pic. 7 : The yearbook males try to act m ho. Pic. 8: These students are cited to be seniors and o be on yearbook Pic. 9 L1sa Wilhelm and Erica Peters strike a p_o_s _.. _--"




pon r: Print r: Requirement~:Must

··n ..

maintain a averag in En« · -h. be reeomnwnde h teachers. and bt• -.elected by the advisor and staff. 'Activitie : The chronicle staff publishes 13 is!-m s a yea . They attend a journalism ron erenre at the niv rsity of Illinoi in the fall. and the. comp te in a High School Pre s. oeiation conte ·t at Eastern Illinois niH'r it) in the pring. taff: Editor. -in- hief: Tomm oe man and J enn Ron. y I L a .. ieki Fl nn and Laura Martin· Editors: Jackie Fen« Je·iea \Vt>aver~ Ente ·tainm nt Editors: Elizabeth ndrejasieh and Patrick Jones: Feature· Editor: Erin Mitchell I and J una Yamhert: p rt Editors: John Martini nd Geo f Wa hhurn/ A· i tant.: David Rurrgeri and J a 1ie holem; Opinions Editors: J ae Care and _ ary Ra cliffei.As · istants: Elizabeth Prot'mmt>l and Eri a Williams: Busine s I Cir ·ulation: Tyler Bennett~ Ph tographer:T ler Cia. ton: Artist: Dan Trupin~ Reporter:Jason:\e s.

(From Left to Right) ROW 1: Erika Williams, Jenn Rousey, Mary Ratcliffe, Elizabeth Andrejasich, Erin Mitchell, Nicki Flynn, Patrick Jones , Dan Trupin. ROW 2 : Jason Ness, Jenna Yambert, Ashley Claiborne, Jackie Feng, Jessica Weaver, Elizabeth Proemmel, Tyler Claxton, Laura Martin, Tommy Lockman. ROW 3 : Geoff Washburn, Tyler Bennett, Jack Carey, David Ruggeri, John Martinie, Jamie Sholem.

PAGE 156- Pic 1. David Ruggeri and Nicki Flynn get down to business. Pic 2 : 'Ibmmy Lockman types his article. Pic 3: Jack Carey heads to Ochs' lab TillS PAGE- Pic 1 Jamie Sholem gets violent Pic 2 : 'JY!er Claxton finds the motivation to head to cia s . Pic 3 ¡ Jason ess and Mary Ratcliffe are hard at work . Pic 4 : Jami Sholem can't take the pre sures of Chronic! . Pic 5 : Erika Williams works diligently. Pic 6 . It looks hke Ms Johnson forgot to bring her reading glas s. Pic 7: Mary Ratcliffe relaxes on a fountain in Mr. Ochs' lab.

Qui I and Scroll ponsor~:

and Pat

ht•t·)l Hohh.·


-umber of Members: 22

R quirements: Top 113 of your cia'-.. out. tandin()' work in journalism. and a rt'commendation from journalism advist'r.

A thitie , : Annual breakfast at the Original House of Pancakes.

(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Erin Hatch, Jennifer Rousey, Mary Ratcliffe, Elizabeth Andrejasich, Erin Mitchell, Nicki Flynn, Jessica Cavey. ROW 1: Linh Pham, Trish Frazier, Laura Martin, Caleb Keith, Patrick Jones. Dan Trupin, Angela Holmer. ROW 2: Erica Peters, Lisa Wilhelm, Geoff Washburn, Jack Carey, Katherine Pickard, David Ruggeri, John Martinie, Tommy Lockman.

THIS PAGE: Pic. 1: All smiles for free food!! Pic. 2: "What are you talking about?" Mary Ratcliffe wonders. Pic. 3: Yearbook shows Chronicle who is boss!! Pic. 4: Mrs . Hobbs is a faithful yearbook advisor. Pic. 5. Jenn Rousey and Erin Mitchell try to steal the spotlight from Caleb Keith and Pat Jones. Pic. 6 Ooo, gross!!


Art Club ponsor:

.F. Daniel. on

Tm b r of :Member : 5 Re<Juirements: Honorary cthitie : Mural in chool. pr.in r l nt rt ho • and any art needed for . <"hool function

(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW Rachel Buck, Erika Kuehn, Sarah German, Caleb Curhss, Kate Manganaro, Michelle Bunce, Nathan Oliveria. ROW 1: C.F Danielson, Molly Weber, Whitney Petry, Melissa Bochte, Lynsa Nguyen, Andrew Bochte, Maggie Bruns, Katie Mechling, Sydney Karr, Ryan Walker ROW 2 : Antonella Coniglio. Mary Hough, Jacob van Laar, Dan Trupin, Laura David. Kim Walsh. Sarah Carlton. Jennifer Rousey, Jesse oyes, Erica Peters.

Officer~: Pr sidentKatherine Pickard. \icePre~ident- Rachel Buck. t><'retary- Antonella oniglio. Trea urer- Lyn. a guyen. E ecutive Boardag 'e Brun.

THIS PAGE : Pic. 1: The Art Club Officers- Lynsa Nguyen. Maggie Bruns, Rachel Buck. Katherine Pickard, and Antonella Coniglio, take a break from their strenous jobs. Pic. 2 ot only is Mr Danielson the only art teacher at Central, but he is also the Art Club sponsor. Pic. 3: Michelle Bunce and Daivd Rowe create masterpieces in their ceramics class. Boy, will their moms be proud!!



Drama Club Spon ors: l\l . Zara and

,Is . Ht>aton f m mber路s: 50

fficers: Co- rt>sidt>nts : ina Samii and Elizabeth An r jasich: \ic Pre. ident: Ryan govich: o- rt>a urers: Kevin Fred erie k and arah German : Dt>pnt): J cob Strauss Activitie : eeing tht>atre p oduction 路. attt>ndinoTheatrt> Ft>~.;t. 路 nd ann ual th atr lean-l

From Left to Right) FRONT ROW Allison Ford.Michael Bantz, Emily Hard. Jackie Lalande. Erik Roithmath, Ryan Segovich, Lindsay Shepard, Ian Curry, Caleb J Keith, Lisa Egner ROW 2: Jessica Ringler, Katherine Cory, Marissa Gonda, Nicole Fortman. Lucas Crawford, Jacob VanLaar, David Campbell, Dominic Pavia, Jacob Strauss , Heather Hendricks. ROW 3路 Ms. Heaton. Jeylen D. White, Stefanie Ervin. Sarah German, Erin Mann. Theresa Spohrer, Abby Burgett. Deana Weiss. Amber Stocker, John Campbell, Steven Eheart. Nina Samii, Elizabeth Andrejasich, Lee Zara. Brian Fisher, Ursulla Idlemen. ROW 4: Kevin Frederick, Laura David, Elizabeth German, Jennifer Kraus, James Schirmey, Robert Mattingly, Erin Wiggins, Eric Gertner, Erika Kuehn. Helen Funston, Melanie Savvas, Morgan Dietkus, Molly Cornyn, Kali Smith.


f m mher


16 fficer : Prt> ident: mil Hard: iet>r e ident: t e Eheart: Public Rdations: J acoh Van aar: Treasurt>r: aleh Keith

e t , and acting orkshops. bj ctives: To deeper xplore tht> world of thea tre and e. pand acting ahilit

(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Robert Mattingly, Caleb J. Keith , Nicole Fortman, Emily Hard, Jacob VanLaar, David Campbell. ROW 2 Ryan Segovich, Kevin Frederick, Sarah German, Steven Eheart, Nina Samii. Elizabeth Andrejasich, Morgan Dietkus. ROW 3: Michael Bantz, Jacob Strauss, Erin Wiggins , Erika Kuehn , Molly Cornyn.

Fall Play Dt-ckt>r Th atre opened it door on ~ ovt>mht> r3.4.5. and 6 , r t>lt>asing tht> long awaited fall pla). ·"The kin of Our Tt>t-th:· It is a comt>d) about the extraordinary adven ture. of Ceo gt- .\ntrohu . hi ·wife. t\ o children. their gent•ralutility mai . and all of xcelsio • · ~ Jer e ). lfhis Pulitzer Prize \~inning play. written hy Thorton ild r. ·aa·-pr4esenteld und r the direc tion of Lee Zar· · --------------~

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1. The cast shows their "teeth." Pic. 2· Come on. tell me, what's my surprise? Pic. 3. Ryan Segovich and Elizabeth Andrejasich are very excited to be on stage. Pic 4: 'Ibdd Kaplan seems to be disappointed about something. Pic 5 • Ken Marion is stunned by the large audience Pic. 6 : Steve Eheart looks radiant in hi blue suit. Pic. 7 Jacob Strauss is admired by all animals. Pic. 8: Virginia Sinnes and Melanie Savvas are having a blast on the crew. Pic 9: Where's the party?



Chorus 't\1

nu:\1 ~"'

(Frurn Lt'ftto Hi;,: ht ) HO\\ I llt·lo·n l·nn•ton, l,mt· Gnt~·t•, \to !!an Dit•tku . HO\\ :.!: \Jan idwl• • .Jo~t·e lit rr-trom. Tlwn·•a La\ rt'IH't', J,•.-JI·a CaH·~· \l,tq;::an·t \\..J ,.,.. \11'!!1111 Bnmn . .Ja .. kit• Lalandt·. ina . amii. ltnd·a~ '-'lwpanl. HO\\ 3: \-hi t•\ ll;l\ ;,, .lt·nnift•t Cnmnwn•. ~ nn Brnadrit· k. Jillllarm•, h.ali mtth. h.at~ Grace. l.tz \lt-\lillt•n. Elizllhtth I' n Jnlm <. hittuluru . .lad n Dann tl~ . • anth Carlton. HO\\ 1: '-'tq>lwn I """""· Bt·n \l.tttht•\\ , h,, (, lil'harl • .lnnath<t ll lla'"· Hian .font•• BJl ul \li h.at ~ l'qlt'r. :-tt'\1'11 Elwart. \I all ht·»




(hom l.t•fttn Ht~ht) HO\\ 1:\lar~arl'l \\t·lwr. ~arah Pilar I. h.ali mith. \hh~ Burl!-t'll. J.T \\hitnwr HO\\ :.!: Dmitri llamnHHttl. .)unathan Da\ "· ·.ueh cit h . '-'tt'\f'll tltcart . .lad 1 llano\\tlt . HO\\ :l: llt'lt•n l'un ton. John ( hittuluru. Ja,..,h "trat"'· ina ~amii. \-hit•) Da\ ;,,

"'110\\ UHHR (hom l.t·ft In Ht Itt) ){() I: Kt·n Dunn;::. h.t•Jit ptt.t. h.n tal ()jft, Cult·h h.rith, Jnlit• Sonka, .Jc.-iea C.t\1·~ • .1•·-•it·a Phillipp . RO\\ .!: it•t~lt· Fnrtm.llt. tt·Hn Lh· art. Ko~h l't·p r. Kip \l,.IJanu·l, \rnan,th It a,, , O,..·an Bt~~:•·r- la•·nh "'trau.- 'a r h ll.oh . RO\\ :1: at·ah \\tlli.om•. Radwl C.trlton \lnlh Cnrmn Britt Det•kt· r Lm-da) "'•·luwi.!t•r·•• ·ant l.ockm an, \lit hellt• Zit•;:::ler-, I nm I hump· )II, .lrw 1-.pptdl.



Do,..nm~:. Lin1l•a~

fhnm a• Jam· i1•rra \lt·mt-cr. HO\\ 2: Khal1·rnH Bm ... n. I.utri<-1· Pt•rkin•, l'tffan~ llurn•on. ( .onwtr11·~ Pl'rY.tn , \lh on l<m·d . J•·--wa Hin"lt·r·. RO\\ 3: \li1·ia \\ illiar '· ham ira Smith. J1w Eppidt, \ it•tur lun no. B uli1•. Eluaheth \ndn-ju•H"h,

tt'phanic Curn{'lt, 'I 111 holn t'r. Iil'ath1·r \lun•hip, Da1' n I .tt rop. ata•hu Bt'rnanl. "arab l'rt rd, 'tl'phunr .. \\endlt•r. \luriclle J>i,ilhi . ·~ j.ljtz. Johanna llarm• . RO\\ 2: \n·•ha ( ollt·~· Kat lit' rim· lll'nn. <.andu·1· Kupz~n•ki. Chr·i•tina S{'illl'rt. 'lt•J'rionna \lcGiwet•. Latt·cia Paynl', Kr~•tal Bt•ard. Jarqui, Thomp•on Kr~ •tal \\ all..er. Je.-it'a D nni-. HO'\ 3: :;ha,..onna Fitz~erald. Blair Brnu ht n.


Jt•mJifcr Lehmann. 'hana (;o, at ,J..a Robin-on. Radwl Ba ne•. Lr•a E t•r, Caitlin Bt•audoin. Ja•mine Ih·nr~. ha llt·nr~. Jani e \\a l!·

l: Rnlwrt l>ou::la•, QUI trn I J<rt'n ""'· R~an Kruidenu·r. \athan . .leffen llnrt. RO\\ 2 : \lc•ntrt'~ \omwr, 1\.urt Ol,t·n. ru dan I o"' . Kenm \\ illrtm•. \Ia rio \l o It·


ymphonic Band urre)


1 ·1


Requirement : To join ymphonic band. each member must pa. , an audition.

Spe cial Award tate Award



(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: David Campbell. Deanna Deschler. Elizabeth Korab, Ross McCauley, Adam Walton, Alexander Feldman, Rhiannon Bettivia, Andrew Dixon. Lynsa Nguyen, Matthew Gates. Daniel Thies. ROW 2: Daniel Grosser, Dominic Pavia, Meagan Meneely, Donald Elmore, Angela Zalucha. Sara Lockman, Abby Burgett, Amanda Edwards, Bonnie Collins, Erin Byrd, Peter McNabb, Mark Brown. ROW 3. James Ruggeri, Dimitri Hammond, Laurie Climer, Jennifer Feickert, Troy Michels, Andrew Russell, Shannon Zoll, Jessyca Revilla, Amy Carson. Leslie Thomas, Trish Frazier, Andrew Fredrickson. William Muster. ROW 4: Shawn Ferguson, Steve Sudeth, Erica White, Erin Church, Rachel Machula, Sara Arnold, Rob Gwinn, Margaret Weber. Daniel Baechle. Brian Carter.

: 2

Re 'ren1ents: ra ha d and play well.

m h rs participate in fiel show ·, march in pa d s, and ent co Ohje th:es: ""To throw do n 1 an heats!!!" (From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Sara Lockman, Lynsa Nguyen, Bonni Smith, Drew Russell, Adam Walton, Daniel Grosser, Jonathan Curtis, David Campbell, Steve Sudeth. ROW 2:Taylor Kane, Jon Warnock, Jonathan Blockman, Elise McCauley, Titus Myrick, Ross McCauley, Micheal Bantz, Ben Smith, Brandon Phillips, Stephanie Kamykowski, Dmitri Hammond.


Concert Band pon or: John


l\lembers: 6 Ob'ecth:e : ·· o >e the hest that w~ can po._., ihly

he!· pecial Award : uperior Ruling and oncert Band Fe tival of "99. (From Left to Right) FRONT ROW Kevin Zalucha, Paul Dixon. Jordan Gebil, Ana Eisenman. Daniel Jinks. Amariah Hays, Katherine Steph ns, Crystal Hardyman, Lisa Campbell. Stephen Kamykowski, Jeremy Schmidt. athan Woodson. ROW 2 : Frank Fisher. Jeffrey Harden. Elizabeth Katsinas. J T Whitmer. Katherme Church. Lucas Crawford, Melissa David, Rachel Welch. Rachel Mooney. Krystle Frazier. Shelley Goddard. Kristin Luttrell. Michael Bantz. ROW 3: Enc Kessler. Christopher Kinchelor. Chris Taylor. Theresa Spohren. Robin Thomas. Amber Stocker, Elizabeth Van ess, Amanda Prillaman, Karen Bohlmann, Ashleigh Kern. Kristin Anderson Mike Egner, Donald Elmore, Brian Ho. Benjamin Wilcook. Mr. Curry. ROW 4: Brian Kesler. Centrail Chillis. Jonahton Curtis, Jonathan Blackman, Taylor Kane, Elise McCauley, Steve Sudeth. Frank Wetzel, Johanna Weichsel. John Warnock, Devin Mills. John Campbell, James Hershbarger. Mark Johns .

ctivitie : Participation in conct'rts. field trip , fe tival. and competition.



01 ,

. u· 't'Y


pt>rform in annual .t•ntral win!!ft•st.

Objecthe : To pt>rform jazz hand music for tht' ehool and tht' community.

(From Left to Right)FRONT ROW: Andrew Dixon, Nick Pavia, Jacob Goran, Jason Lickfeldt, Amanda Edwards. ROW 2. Leslie Thomas, Alex Feldman, Drew Fredrickson, Matt Gates, Mark Brown, Corey Rohn, Dan Grosser. ROW 3: Dan Baechle, Brian Carter. Peter McNabb, Troy Michels, Erica White. Drew Russel, Steve Sudeth. Stephanie Thies

Pic 1 : Alex Feldman looks very intense as he tries to make his magic on the bass. Pic 2: Steve "Sudden Death" Sudeth takes a break from Jazz Band by breakin' it down at the Bonfire.


(From Left to Right)FRONT ROW: Jeremy Schmidt, Molly Cornyn, Meaghan Meneely, J.T. Whitmer, James Hershbarger, Rhiannon B ttiva. ROW 2: Mr. Rank, Mark Johns, John Campbell, Matt Gates, Nathan Woodson , Dan Thies, Brian Ho, Danny Warnock. ROW 3: Ben Groda, Michael Egner, Bill Muster, Shannon Zoll, Katie Stevens, Zak Robbinson, Justin Bosch, Trey Elmore, Adam Walton.

Marching Band pon or: 1

r. Currt')

·umher of lemher : 130

Drum )lajor..,: Elizalwth K rah. Mag•rit• t>her. and \hb · Bur~rc•tt .

cthitie;;: Competition around the state. halftime foothall slHms. otlwr t-''\t-'nt Ohjecti e:: To ·upport tlw s('hool and h aH' a ~n·a t tinw! (From Left to Right)FRONT ROW Sara Lockman. Bonnie Collins, Benjamin Smith. Jennifer Feickert. Dennis Chambers. Kevin Zalucha, Abby Burgett. Margaret Weber. Elizabeth Korab. Alexander Feldman. Brian Kesler. Elise McAuley. Michael Bantz, Eliazabeth Katinas . ROW 2 Angela Zulucha. Laurie Climer. Frank Fisher. Zack Robmson. Dame! Jinks, Ana Eisenman, Lucas Crawford. Amariah Hay. Noah Morgan. J.T. Whitmer. Ashleigh Kern, Catherine Thomas. Karen Bohlmann, Adam Walton, Steve Sudeth. David Silvera, Dominic Pavia. ROW 3: Trisha Guidas. Laura David. Morgan Dietkus. Trish Frazier, Jessyca Revilla. Rachel Welch. Katherine Church Melissa DaVld, Rachel Mooney Ross McAuley, Meagan Meneely, Molly Croyn, Stephanie Kamykawushi, Theresa Spohrer. Lynsa Nguyen. Benjamin Wilcock, Brandon Phillips. ROW 4: Amber Stocker. Lisa Campbell. Tashalura Herbert. Amy Carson. Stefanie Ervin, Katie Stephens. Shannon Zoll. Jeffery Harden. Zack Burton. Kristin Lutrell. Jordan Gebil, Andy Dixon , Rh1annon Bettivia, Devin Mills, April Britt. Deanna Deschler. Jacob Goran. ROW 5 David Goran. Erica White. Stephenie Thies. Daniel Baechle, Sara Arnold. Rachel Machula. Leslie Thomas, Erin Byrd, Amanda Edwards. Donald Elmore. Kristin Anderson. Robin Thomas. Mike Eger, Dimitri Hammond. Dan Grosser. Jon Curtis. Amanda Pnllaman. Heather Jones. Frankie Wetzel, Troy Michels. ROW 6 John Warrock, Eric Kesler, Johanna Weichsel. Chris Taylor. Chris Kinchrloe. Justin Bosch, Andrew Frederickson. Brian Carter, Mark Brown. Geoffrey Cin. Matt Gates. Daniel Thies. John Campbell.

Pic 1 Ehzabeth Korab. Magg1e Weber. and Abby Burgett give u a pose Pic. 2 : Andrew Dixon and crew show their love for marchmg Pic 3 Sara Lockman gets ready to go drummm' Pic. 4: D Hammond is seriou about drumming' Pic. 5 Mr Currey is lookin' smooth'''



tudent . embers: 185 Re uiremente: Hav hool pil·it and be crazy! c thitie : heerin« at all entral home games . Officer : Whitney P etr) and Reema Bo mia. Du : Purcha e of an official Maroon Mob shirt.


0 0 N •


JUNIOR AND SENIOR MEMBERS - (From left to right) FRONT ROW: Erica Deutscher, Tyler Fielding, Molly Weber , Summer Lane. Krystal Dilts , Erin Byrd , Elizab th Korab , Margaret Evans . ROW 2 . Katie Fettig, Nadia Berger . JesslCa Phllhppe, Kylie Peel, Lauren Downing, Angela Holmer, Nicki Flynn, Whitney Petry, Abby Burgett, Reema Bosmia, Jill Harms, Jennifer Rousey, Kate Martinie. Nicole Fortman , Katie Smith, Erica White, Rachel Blockman . ROW 3 : Lindsay Thomas, Jane Bailie, Elise Parker-Stephen , Katie Mechling, Erica Peters , Lisa Wilhelm , Kate Stigberg. Jessica Cavey, Jason Ness, Jon Warner. Jack Carey, Katherine Pickard, Jeff Moore, Nick Pavia, Lihn Pham . ROW 4 : Kris Brown, Danny Cohen, Babe Mambo, Corry Jackson, Geoff Washburn, David Ruggeri. Tyler Bennett, Caleb Keith , Jack McCabe, Kim Walsh, Evan Dixon , Ben Trupin, Andy Hawthorne, John Curtis , Dimitri, Stephanie Matt, Caleb Curtis . ROW 5 : Blake Roberts, Ryan Hiner, Nick Musumeci, Tim Henderson . William Smith . Nicholas Musumeci, Alexander Schroeder, Matthew Penwell, Robert Mattingly, Laura Grace , Mans a Gonda. Ashley Einck, Natalie Kenny, Oc an B1ggers. Kristy Gilbert. Trish Frazier, Nicholas York, Allison Jon . Josh Callahan . ROW 6 : Tristan Thomas, Jonathan Davis .

FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORE MEMBERS (From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Whitney Parkhill, Rebecca Bryan. Tyrone Jasper, Max Reed, Tyler Hagle, Morgan Smith , Brian Deters, Dan Thurston, 'lbny Griglione, Elyse Niccum. ROW 2 : Katherine Church , Amy Kimsmethe, Caitlin Beaudoin , Rachael Mooney, Stephen Layman, Jesse Noyes, Emily McKinney, Anna Rost, Scott Morgan, Adam Pye, Virginia Sinnes. ROW 3 : Jeffrey Harden, Rachel Welchoff, Shelley Goddard, Kristin Luttrell, Emily Millsap , Emily Rous y, Ellen Stanko, Susan Chisholm, KC Nelson, Ana Eisenman , Whitney Byrd, Haley Johnson, Katy Wampler, Kelly D'Amico, Mary Parkhill, Puja Batura, Tina Goglia. ROW 4 : Jonathan Blockman, Chris Taylor, Eric Brown, J .T. Whitmer, Michelle Ziegler, Sara Lockman, Karen Bohlmann, Shanon Zoll, Kip McDaniel , Amariah Hays, Molly Cornyn, Leah Kirby, Joe Pellum , Jaime Wellman, Nik Seeber. ROW 5 : Eva Lelea, Kelli Brust, Christina Seib rt, Kristine Min , Je sica Hadler, Elizabeth Katsinas, Melissa David, Lizi Schoell, Danny Wahfeldt, Brandon Wright, Holly Gr n, Ashley Davis. Brian Inskip , Daniqua White, Bruce Leef, Jamie Sholem, UJ Fonner, Dan Kilmer. ROW 6: Taylor Korab, Anne Murray, Jennifer Hoss, Marielle Divilbiss, Zachariah Barton, 'lbny Bruno, Valerie Mazzocco, Allie Armstrong, Jackie Hughes, Jenn Cox, Michelle Smith , Jenna Yambert, Natalie Kaneer, Brittany Harry, Mischa Wynn , Chris Gratkins, Daniel Kirby, Griffin Mulcahey, Micheal Amacher.

THIS PAGE PIC 1- The Maroon Mob officers, Whitney Petry and Reema Bosmia. PIC 2- Lisa Wilhelm and Erica Peters are school spirited . PIC 3- Matt Clegg, 3,2,1.. .Take off!!! PIC 4: Mike Vriner gives it up for Central! PIC 5 : Rob Gwinn and David Winkel , "Check out that center, he looks good 1" PIC 6: Pay attention to the game, girls! PIC 7 . Emily Leitz. Kate Martinie, Erica Deut cher, Erm Broadrick, and Erin Mitchel show senior support. PIC 8 . B.J. Mattingly represents the old school Maroon Mob .



tudent Council pon or: 'Wary Relken

ilts: \.P. - rin Bp·d: 2nd

. - Kri ty ilhert: r a. urer-l\atalie Kt>nny: e r<'tary -Rt>ema Bo mia: uhlic Relations- Ka ie chlorff: H onor Boo lizaheth Korah: ergeant i{}'(!in. and

equirement : ~u t b elt>e ted h student hod_. bjecth : To keep r lations e tween -tudents, faculty, and hhors, open po ·iti e.

(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW Deanna Deschler. Whitney Petry. Llsa Wilhelm, Lauren Downing. Tyler Fielding. Margaret Evans . Kristen Gilbert. Laura David, Linh Pham . ROW 2 Jill Harms , Katie Schlorff, Krystal Dilts , Elizabeth Korab. Erin Byrd, Danielle Schaub, Jessica Cavey. Angela Holmer. Antonella Coniglio. ROW 3 : Emily Nuzzo. Rachel Machula. Jessica Jackson, Shaneka Terrell. Matthew Penwell. Jared Shelby, Katie Fethg, Nicholas York . Abby Burgett, Trish Frazier. Erin Wiggins. Kim Walsh. Mary Relken . ROW 4 : Liz McMillen. Benjamin Trupin , Alex Shroeder, Matt Scheitlin, Jon Whitmer, ' . David Ruggeri, Dan Trupin, Reema Bosmia, Erin Kirby, Kelly Murray.

cthities: Ho ts all dan<'es cept Prom), Makt> a Differene Da . Blood rive. Op ration ool , · k Butt Da . ring hells f r ah:ation rmy, caroling t neighbor . port. Da . charit work. etc.

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: Erin Byrd and Krystal Dilts agree that 7:30 is too early to be at Central.

(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Emily Rousey, Shannon Zoll, Katy Wampler. Puja Batura. Sara Lockman , Michelle Ziegler, Valerie Mazzocco, Kali Smith ROW 2 : Mrs. Relken, Ell n Stanko, Emily Millsap, Brook Conner. Whitney Byrd, Amy Kim, Whitney Parkhill, Megan Fredericks , Mary Parkhill , Rachel Carlton. ROW 3 : Anna Rost. Taylor Korab , J.T. Whitmer, Kip McDaniel, David Mangian , Eric Brown. John Campbell, Anne Murray, Tony

~rfn~ompare hmnan life to a large man ion of many apartment , two of which I can only describe, the doors of the re t beina a yet hut upon me." John Ke ats



"A tone, a leaf, an unfound door." Thoma Wolfe

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1 The Stuco Officers-FRONT ROW Elizabeth Korab. Krystal Dilts. Katle Schlorff ROW 2: Reema Bosmia, Kristy Gilbert. Ben Trupin. Erin Byrd . Erin Wiggins. Pic . 2 Rachel Machula. atalie Kenny, and Emily uzzo enjoy sign painting for events . Pic 3 ¡ What are Deanna De chler. Kim Walsh and Emily uzzo up to? Pic. 4 . These Stuco members get down and dirty at Alternative Spring Break Pic 5 ¡ We want to take your blood 1 Pic 6 Here is a typical Student Council meetmg Pic. 7 Is that Elizabeth Korab and Abby Burgett hiding behind those masks?


Ke)[ 5

'11.00 quirements: M st st>ll doughnuts, and participate in a ommittee. A thities: afe Ride . Leaf Raking. YMC • Str a tton Pr j ct. Kiwani!'i Lunch ons. Doucrhnut sale ·. ircle K, Coache gainst Can er bjecthes: For Central Hi h chool . tudent · to reach out to the community. Officer : Sarah Ge man Pr ident , Erin ig ins Vice-Pre. ident. tephanie Matt - Trea ·urer, Laurie Climer- ecretary.


&r.ar.l ora ir.t-

THI PAGE - Pic . 1: Puja Batura, Hal y J ohnson, and Mary Parkhill smil r the camera. Pic 2: he Leaf Raking Committee relaxes after a hard day's work .

(From Left to Right) ROW 1: Laurie Climer, Jackie Feng, Trish Frasier. Linh Pham, Laura David, Erin Wiggins. Marissa Gonda, Reema Bosmia, Abby Burgett, Amanda Edwards, Maggie Bruns, Julie Sonka, Val Mazzocco. ROW 2: Antonella Coniglio, TYler Fielding, Katy Wampler, Allie Armstrong. Emily McKinney, Caity Deal, Mary Parkhill, Puja Batura, Summer Lane, Elise Parker-Stephen. Katherine Pickard, Ken Sensenbrenner. ROW 3: Robert Gwinn, Elizabeth German, Lisa Egner, Erin Mann, Jenn Cox, Erin Kirby, Nadia Berger, Angela Holmer. Brett Czajkowski, Matt Clegg. Nick Changnon, Sarah German, Ryan Fiedler, Lauren Downing. ROW 4: Rachel Blackman, Walter Musumeci, Abby McKinney, Katie Hopkins, Evan Dixon, Jack Carey, Timothy Henderson, Erik Rothmayr, Jon Warner, Eric Pelz, Alexander Schroeder, Jackson Hoffman, Jamie Sholem, Erica Deutscher, Stephanie Matt, Jane Bailie, Katie Mechling .

Requirements: Mu t hav an intere t in education. tivities: Visitin g and ob e ¡ving other cho 1 am universitie . Objectives: To lear about education a a career a d to exp rience working witH children. Officers: Coffee Thorup on & J nnifer Coleman - CoPr ident , Laura race Vi -Pr ident , Elizabeth Proemmel - ecretary. (From Left to Right) Row 1: Shanece Chavis, Tanesha King, Rachel Blackman, Tyler Fielding, Antonella Coniglio, Katie Hopkins, Abby McKinney. Row 2: Jennifer Brown, Shawntese Bennett, Elizabeth Proemmel, Kylie Peel, Aeva Brown, Ocean Biggers, Emily McKinney, Caity Deal, Mrs . Sparks. Row 3: April Britt, Lindsay McCray, Elizabeth VanNess, Lindsay Shepard, Leah McCray, La Keith Brooks, Elisa Palacio.

P GE - Pic. 1 A small g up o '¡Fut ure Teachers" gath r s for a meeting. Pic. 2: These four gi rls ge a li tle r bunc ious t n FTA meet' . Pic. 3 : v gets time to relax with her ''buddy" during an FTA field trip.'-'.-------=--..1

peec Team pon!'ior :

oh n

Requirements: pra tic and eomp etition Acti itie 路: Com pet in I ,路 p ch thr u ghout a rea .

(From Left to Right) FRO TROW: Emily Hard, There a pohner, -ina amii, Sierra Meint 路er, Rhiannon Bettivia. ROW 2: Erin Wiggins, Ryan egovich, Morgan Dietku 路, icole Fortman, Elizabeth Andrejasich, Sarah German. R OW 3: Mark Anderson. Jennifer Krau . J arne Schirmet, Lind ay hepard, Jacob van Laar, Erik R oithuath.

THIS PAGE Pic . 1. Jared Shelby discusses the finer points of the chacha. Pic. 2 . Sarah German and Jacob van Laar have an expressive conversation . Pic 3 Brittany Roberts gives us a soliloquy on Big Red chewing gum . Pic 4 . Steve Eheart gives a monologue on the classic television show, Seinfeld


Election Board eq rirement : Fill out p tition with studen t ign t re . and attend

hj ctives: To run nw th . non-hia ed. choo

(FromLefttoRight)FRO TROW: Jes ·icaPhillippe.Kath rinePickanLJack onHoffman. Elizabeth Korah, Dash Dikanov. ROW 2: ina amii. Kry tal Dilt ·.Angela Holmer. Linh Pham, R eema Bosmia, bby Burgett, ummer Lane, Elise Parker- tephen, Lauren Downing. R W 3: Lind y Hen on, han ka TerrelL ·hley Einck. aleb Keith. Dan Trupin, Kim Walsh. Stephanie Thie . Laura David, Mr. Ha en tab. ROW 4: Evan Dixon. Jon Warner. Jack Care en enbrenner. Pat . Katie Fe · Dalana Baker.

THIS PAGE : Pic. 1. Angela Holmer casts her vote. Pic. 2 The officers strike a winning pose. Pic 3 Jack Hoffman and Ken Sensenbrenner urge you not to waste your voting power. Pic 4 . Pat Murphy, ate Cox, and Alex Schroeder have an in depth conversation on school politics .



(From Left to Right) FRO TROW: Brianna Morgan, heena Marchall, hamika Tillman, De an McFerren, Kyla Claiborne, Jennifer Coleman. ROW 2: Trelyn Adeoye, amile Miller, Jerod umlin, Rian Jones, Tanesha King, usan Floyd, ie ha olley, Mr, . Catching . ROW 3: Jaya Miller, A hley Davis, Jonathan Davis, Kiana Walker, offee Thompson, Rachel Brown and Ra heid Reid

THIS PAGE: Pic. 1: Mrs. Catchings, beloved sponsor of the African-American Club . Pic 2 : Jonathon Davis chills during a meeting. Pic 3 : Jennifer Coleman is very camera shy. Pic 4 : Coffee, "The Prez" , Thomposon strikes a pose for the camera.


Orchest a pon 'or: Mr.. Lewi.

' u m b r of .Membet•


ffi er~: Prt>-,idt>n t: hane a Tt> rrell and ther Ramo-,: Seer tary: mil} uzzo: Trea !-> urer: tephanie Thies

(From Left to Right) FR haneka TerrelL Keri Marion. Rachel Bloekman. Kathleen Wheatley, Mary Erlandson . Laurie limer. Lynsa guyen. RO\\ 2: Beth German. Ursulla ldeman, Kristin Luttrell, Lizi ehoell, Angela Zalucha. Daniel Elmore. Daniel Thies. Rita mith, Adrian Bettridge. ROW 3: Vanes. a Moll, tephanie Thies. Emily ~uzzo. Laura David. Sarah Carlton. David Mangian and E sther Ramos.

THIS PAGE . Pic 1: Beth German shows off her skills on the string bass Pic. 2 . Shaneka Terrell, the focused musician. Pic 3 : David MangJ.an is debating between playing and not playing. Pic 4 : Emily uzw and R achel Blockman ta k e a break

ational Honor Societ~ Club: _ ational Hono · ocit>t pon or : Mr. Millt>r and lr. H t>nigman -mnher of memhet· ·: 37

R quiremenl tudents mu t have a GP. of t. 5 or abovt> and participatt> in one c mmunity acti ity per ~·ear.

A tivitie : Car washe • peer tutoring Objectives: To promote acadt>mic exeellenee

(From Left to R1ght) Row 1 : Cal Keith . Row 2: April Whitn,y r Liz Washbur C rch, John Ma 'nie, M t Sohei lin, Gle Thies , Erica White, Patrick Jones, Laura David, Sarah Carlton .


Officer : PresidentT omas Loekman, Vi er e ·ident- Patrick Jo es.


(From Left to Right) Row 1 : Steven Eheart, Erin Broadrick, Emily Lietz , Erin Mitchell, Julia Leman, Erica Deutscher, Je~er Comm ns, Sarah Ma tinie, Elizabeth I<Qra Row 2 : Dominic Pavia, Erin Wiggins, Linh Pham, K 1 el ssa G ,J ~ · e d ertn t1<w~~~l..JRtcn Buck, Katherine Pickard, Derek Kraybill, Erin Hatch, Glenn Miller. Row 4 : Jacob Bachman, Matthew Clegg, Br tt Czajkowski, Brian Carter, Thomas Lockman, Jackson Hoffman, Jack Carey, Krista Nelson, Katy Peper, Krystal Dilts .


PAGE 178 : Pic 1 Thomas Lockman 1s a little camera shy THIS PAGE : Pic 1 The National Honor Society Officers Pic 2 . These three girls enjoy group studying Pic 3 . Brett Czajkowski seems very involved Pic 4 Reema Bosmia tnes to help out. Pic 5 Rachel Brown keeps her head m the books . Pic 6 Patrick Jones and Dan Baechle seems to be interested in something?? Pic 7 . Sarah Carlton and Elizabeth Prommel take a break from the books .


Math Club pon ·ors: Ann~ Munroe LaDonna Fletclwr. J o Kintzel :\-Iember ·: 2 5 Du s:


Re uit-ement ·: "\fu t hav a love of math. come to math team practices, and attend competitions. cthiti 1\nnual field trip , variom; comp tition duri g th year. tuto · other tud nt in math. Obj eli further th under tanding of math and to have fun doing it. p cial Award : Par land I T . and other anon competition ·. Officers: Marissa onda Pr ident. Angela Zalucha Vic -Pre. ident , at W tley - ec-retar , rish Fr zier - Treasurer.

TH PAGE - Pic. 1: Ange Zaluch "ch s out". Pic. 2: The a t)1 Clu offic s pose .for ictur . Pic. 3 : Trish Frazier and Linh Pha diligently work on math.


(From Left to Right) Row 1: Linh Pharo, Angela Zalucha, Trish Frazier, Marissa Gonda, Kathleen Wheatley, Rachel Buck. Row 2: Lotan Band, Michael Aquino, Jamie Sholem, Neva Band, Devin Mills, John Chittuluru. Row 3 : Lynsa Nguyen, Nathan Oliveira, Jennifer Kraus, Andrew Fredrickson, Konrad Klinkner, Robert Reis .

Science C u Sponsor: Darren Plattner Members: 20 Due: . 6.00 R quirements: To h ave a genuine love of ciene . Activitie : Variou field trip , Dr. Howard Science Fair. Science Olymp iad. and tutoring of other cience tudent . Officer : Brian Carter Pre ·dent. Jackie F ngVice-Pre ident, arah German- ecretary. J a<' k on Hoffman-

(From Left to Right) Row 1 : Billy Kyle , Tyler Lobdell, Ashleigh Kern, Libby Larson, Jill Harms, Angela Zalucha, Donald Elmore, Nicholas Dangles. Row 2 : Derek Kraybill, Jennifer Kraus ,***, ***,***, Robert Reis, Brian Carter, Dimitri Hammond, Stefanie Ervin. Row 3 : Sara Dumich, Evan Dixon, Eric Gertner, Xiaoguang Ma, Chris Roney, Jacob Bachman, Laurie Climer, Trish Frazier.

-Secretary/ rea urer.

THIS PAGE - Pic. 1 : c Czaj kowski and Jacob prepa for a science projec 2 · Tommy Gardner's on · way to do some science. ·c. 3. Kyle Funk contemplates his science P m.


Academy pon ors: ,h. McDaniel. M . to all. Misl'i arcia. Mrs. H rri - . r ·. Hobbs. "\f . mith Mr. Reid. \f ·. Zara

Requirements: tudent · apply to the r.ademy and are accepted ha, ed on teacher recommendation ·. I T core • and other criteria. The are enrolled in middle level math, cience, and English at their grade le el.

ctivitie ·: peakers, cadamy Banquet, End-ofYear interrrated field trip.

Objecti : To pro ide an interrrat L ha HI -on learnin p ri n with a focu on career and technology.


(From Left to Right) Row 1 : Joshua Isom , Darrell Thomas , Jr., Elizabeth Galaras, Danavanh Phanrana, Julian Wynn, Crystal Gaito , Krystal Beard, Kristin Soltau, Laurie Eichman , Lynn Runge. Row 2 : Cara Schaefer. Eva Lele'a , Heather Overmy r, Ray Williams Ill. Geni a yrick, J qui Th p n , Om a B wn, Dianna Allison , Cherral Brauley. Row 3 : Rashad Arch y, Alec rtin, Willie MeG , Ry n ulin, ndr Leeper, Kevin Cooper, Heather Manship, Kayla Eaton , Cas ie Williams . R w 4 : as dra Vr m , Ri ha d P rez. Mary Spritz, Chelsy Daugherty, Mitchell Gaines, Audrey Busby, Sasha Alexander, Taylor Kane. Jonathon Blackman, Joe Spanglo, Eric Skaggs, Rachel Barnes.

(From Left to Right) Row 1: hristian McMullen, Marny Thavisouk, Kendra Freeman Row 2 April Lele'a, Kyla Claiborne, Bobby Davenport, Jer Sum lin, MeF rr n. J tin Bat I Ro 3: Andy Hutson, Michelle Brown. Paula Moore, Matt Seibert, na ster, Da w 4 Johanna Harms. Ashley Ndekwe. Michael Hinton, Chris ran , Jer d Jo son , J

(From Left to Right) Row 1: Cind y Susan Floyd, Michael Large. R 2: Williams, Rachel Bain, Neva Bi Michael Vonner, Michael Merri

hompson, Shanece Chavis, Tanesha King, Jennifer Coleman. my evin Phillips, Brian Daly, Sarah r, cDani ari Perez. Jeff Schmidt, Colin Henry, xKlim k.

PAGE 182· Pic 1. Jimmy Kirchgessner poses for the camera. THIS PAGE: Pic 1 Elizabeth Smith works on her drawing Pic 2 AI x Klimek and Kye Breen show off their beautiful artwork Pic 3. Terrence McGee and Gene is Luster take a break.

Spanish Club . ._ pon~or~: B tte 'an and lar"~ nders

Tumber of



Dues: .,'9 Requirem uts: Pa) dues. have an intere~t in panish . nd participate in ctivities. cth-ities: Cookie . ale. holida. parties. field trips. fundraising. immer ¡ion eekend at Lake Gene a. Obje<'tives: To have fun nd promote a love for pani h. pecial Awards: Half ('holarships for immersion eekend.

FRONT ROW L toR Deanna Deschler, Jacob van Laar, Sara Arnold, Molly Weber, Tyler Fielding, Antonella Coniglio. John Chittuluru. Mary Darling, Katherine Mechling. Johanna Henry, Stefanie Ervin , and Amber Stocker. ROW 1: Wally Musumeci, April Lelea, Daniel Baechle, Jill Harms, Judith Ramirez. Kenat Ramirez, Sara Dumich . Margaret Evans. Julie Sonka, Elise Parker-Stephens, Rachel Blackman, Nicki Flynn , and Amanda May. ROW 2 : Eric Pelz, Catherine Thomas. Ryan Fiedler, Nadia Berger, Deana Weiss, Liz McMillen, Krystal Dilts, Helen Funston . Marissa Gonda, Lisa Wilhelm, Jacob Strauss. Troy Michels, Erin Hatch , and Ashley Einck. ROW 3 : Lindsey Henson. Shaneka Terrell , Matt Penwell, Julie Graves . Kristen Gilbert. Ashleigh Kern. Amber Pellum. Jason Dryan , Angela Holmer. Kim Walsh , Laura David , Ken Sensenbrenn r. Jackson Hoffman , Nick Musumeci, Katie Fettig, Erica Peters, Joyce Herstrom. Nick York, and Frank Fisher. ROW 4 : Geoffrey Washburn, Davis Ruggeri. Alex Shroeder. Jack Carey, Jon Warner, Kevin Fredericks, Brett Czajkowski, Brian Carter, Erin Wiggins, Trish Frazier, Tommy Lockman, Dan Trupin, Matt Clegg, Jacob Bachman, Margaret Weber and Caleb Keith.

FRONT ROW L toR: Molly Cornyn, Melanie, Savvas, Tyler Hagle, Rita SmHh, Amanda Edwards, Sara Lockman, Devin Mills, Daniel Allender, Marco Gutierrez, and Mario Hernandez. ROW 1: Madison Mullady, Lucas Crawford . Kali Smith, Holly Green, Megan Fredericks, Michelle Ziegler, Mary Parkhill, Jenna Yambert, Estela Rocha, and Allie Armstrong ROW 2: Ashley Claiborne, Nick Changnon, Eric Burge, Griffin Mulcahey, Michelle Snith, Jenn Cox, Alexis Strack, Jesse Noyes, and Johanna Weichsel.

Span is Honor Society pon or: farge .And r ·tmther o f ,\lemhe r : Du s:



R quirem nt ·: cumulatin• · A" a verage in panish at th e end third quarter with enrollment in either a panish II . IY. r \ clas . cthitie : prinrr Initiation a nd p ani. h tut ring. Obj ec tive : To n courarre and r ewar l e. cellenee in panish.

FRONT ROW L toR: ROW 1: Elise Parker-Stephens, Margaret Evans, Shaneka Terrell, Liz McMillen. Jacob Strauss, Allison Harvey, and Laura Martin. ROW 2: Kate Stigberg, Nicki Flynn, Tyler Fielding, Kathleen Wheatley, Marissa Gonda, Sara Dumich, Helen Funston. Rachel Blackman, and Antonella Coniglio ROW 3: Timothy Henderson, , Whitney Petry. Elizabeth Proemmel. Patrick Jones, Julie Sonka. Lisa W1lhelm. Jill Harms, Erin Church, and Kim Walsh. ROW 4· Jack Carey, Ken Sensenbrenner. Dan Trupin. Trish Frazier. Brian Carter, Erin Wiggins, Brett Czajkowski. Jacob Bachman. Kevin Fredericks. and Geoff Washburn.

Officers: P r e. id nt- Er "n ;w iO'gin . Vice-Presidentaggie Ev n . , eretar iT acoh t rau . . a nd rr'rea nrt-r- Lisa Wilhelm

• I


La I 6ocradad I I !Jonorarla I De I b..spanol I I


• I



THIS PAGE: Pic 1: The Spanish Honor Society Officers. Pic. 2 Jill Harms loves to help with Spanish Activities' Pic 3: Why are you so mad Jared Shelby? Pic. 4: Trish Frazier enjoys using her Spanish expertise to h elp others





po ·or: Madam Majdiak

Of 1cer ·: Pre,;ident: rm Broadri('k: Vi(' -President : J t>nn Ron e) ~ ecretar}: at artinie~ Trea surer: Erica Deutscher. mnber of r lemher.::: 0

Du : ..'9 and 6 caramel apples or · Requiremenl!-i: Dut>,; and participation in activities

(From Left to Right) Kate Martinie, Jennifer Rousey, Erin Broadrick, Erica Deutsch r

ctivities: Holiday dinnt>r. trip to Chicago. oh,'t>r vance of classes at of L ·aramel apple ales, and French films.

(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW: Kyle Funk, Allison Payne, Lysa Nguyen, Angela Zalucha, Rhiannon Bettivia, Reema Bosmia, Katie Schlorff, Abby Burgett, Matt Scheitlin, Andy Williamson. ROW 2 : Linh Pham, Soumaya Arfi , Erica Deutscher, Stephanie Matt, Krystal Dilts, Jessica Cavey, Nicole Fortman, Marissa Gonda, Kristen Breedlove, Emily Rousey ROW 3 : Andrea Laird, K C. Nelson, Leslie Thomas, Molly Cornyn , Rachel Carlton, Shelby Karr, Sydney Karr, Kip McDaniel, Ryan Segovich, Rachel Machula, Lindsay Shepard, Ian Curry, Melissa Veits , Jon Whitmer, Chary Kabasele. ROW 4: Babe Mambo, Nathan Cox, Nicholas Dangles, Dominic Pavia, Kris Schmidt, Sarah German, Krista Nelson, Stephanie Henry, Emily Lietz, Leah Kirby, Erin Broadrick, Kate Martinie

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: Erin Broadrick and Jenn Rousey sure have a tough job as President and Vice-President' Pic . 2 : Bonjour tout le monde!


Frenc Spon or: Madame Majdiak Officet·~: Prt>..,idt>nt: Tom Bude c·u: \iC'e-Presiclent: rin Broadrick: Trea. urer: J enn Rou..,q: Secrt'tary: >h) Bur" tl

·wnher of :\temher : 20




Requirement : 1u. t maintain an - avera"e in French and a B+ averau m all other course ·. cth-itie : Formal initiation of new member: and ohservanee of French culture.

(From Left to Right) FRONT ROW. Jennifer Rousey, Kyle Funk. Erin Broadrick. Abby Burgett ROW 2 : Kate Martinie, Emily Lietz, Stephanie Thies, Sarah Carlton , Dominic Pavia. ROW 3 : Rachel Buck. Stephanie Matt . Erica Deutscher. Reema Bosmia. Allison Payne. Linh Pham

Objective : To reco!mize outstanding , tud nt. in French and to promote a great r under.·tanding of the French lan"ua~re.

THIS PAGE-Pic. 1: These honor students recite their line at the initiation ceremony. Pic. 2 : Rachel Machula and Stephanie Thies are glad to be in French H .S . Pic. 3 · It's only smiles for Rhiannon Bettivia and Soumaya Arfi .

German Club lr.


r of me mbe t"': 50 Due ·: .·9 Requh·ement ·: Pa) due" and ·how intert>'it in th t-rman language and cultur

Acti itie : Field trip . hak salt's, partit''i, and bon ir s Ohj clive · : To bring thtGerman languagt> and culturt> into extracurricular acti itit>s. Offi er : Prt>sidt-nlhri tina Rapp . Vict>Pre idt-nt-Robt>rt

THIS PAGE: Pic 1. Elton Cleaves poses for the camera. Pic 2 . Robert Brackett and Bennett Terwilliger work on the gingerbread hous s. Pic 3. A German V gingerbread house final product. Pic 4. The German Club Officers. Pic 5. Christina Rapp and Seth Swartz are having fun on the field trip .


(From Left to Right) Row 1: Mike Bantz. Maggie Bruns, Lauren Downing, Summer Lane. Deana Weiss, Christina Rapp, Leeann Terwilliger, Robert Mattingly, Jackie Lalande, Mary Nichols, Tamika Farokhi , Libby Larson. Row 2 : Antonella Coniglio, Tyler Fielding, Jane Bailie, Amanda Cornett, Krystal Dilts , Marissa Gonda, Kali Smith, Morgan Dietkus, Leslie Thomas, Stephanie Thies, Maggie Evans . Row 3: Mr. Allen. Miles Gurther, Lisa Scheer, Emily Fletcher, Lindsay Thomas, Faith Swartzendruber, Ryan Segovich, Rachel Machula, Ian Curry, Eric Gertner, David Rowe, Ryan Thomson, Alexander Feldman. Nicole Swartzendruber. Row 4 : Emily Hard , David Mangian , Nicholas Shrritt, Allison Jones, Daniel Cohen, Laura David, Erin Wiggins , Molly Cornyn, Melanie Savvas, Jessica Weaver, Lynsa Nguyen, Stephanie Kamykowski, Robert Suhaitelein, Laurie Climer.

pon or: Mr. Allf>n Due : . :20 Requirement : 4th or 5th year German . tud••nt. German luh member. .\a\eraO"e in German Activites: Initiation er mony. und Rai. r . Lunch at Ba)eru tub

pe ial Award ·wunderkind Award (From Left to Right) Row 1: Todd Higgerson, Steven Eheart, Jackie Feng. Row 2 : Eric Gertner, Derek Kraybill.

(jennan :J{onor Society In .9Lction

Officer : Pre ident-Eric Gertner. Vice-Preside tTodd Rigger. on. err tar J ac ie Feng. Trea surerte e h art

THIS PAGE : Pic 1. Steve Eheart is intently learning his German Pic 2 . Matt Johnson decorates his Christmas gingerbread hou . Pic 3 Todd Higgerson says. "Eye, eye captain .. Pic 4 . Jackie Feng is having fun building her gingerbread house.

Administration and Staff

Principal Donald Hansen

Assistant Principal Dennis Sparks

"The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live. " Flora Whittemore "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. " Chinese Proverb

0 •

Diane hepherd Charles Drake Bill Freyman



Engli h

l1arge Anders Foreign Language

Patty 1ndreu:s tdditiotwl taff

Foreign Language

Ina Brou.¡n Home Economics

Ruth Buckles . ecretarial . taff

"The younger generation will come knocking at my door. " The Master Builder (1892), Act I

Engli h

Beth Collins Home Economics

Tom Croy Physical Education


cott Davi ocial tudie

Home Economic .



Bu irzess Education

Diane Ecker Busine s Education

LaDonna Fletcher J1ath

Special Education

usan Earp

Fred Fechtmann Counselor


"Youth will come here and beat on my door, and force its way in.'' Henrik Ibsen

Wilma Gleason Business Education





Darin Henigman nence

Greta Henry ecretarial Staff

Jennifer Ek ·tam pecial Education

Roberta Hill cience

Cynthia ]akle Librarian

'' A Stone, a leaf, an unfound door. '' Look Homeward, Angel (1929)

ra Lentz pecial Education

Diane Krone pecial Education

Tim Lavin Phy ical Education

Engli h

Jtlarie Lypka Additional taff

Catherine ~ajdiak Foreign Language

Donna McKinley pecial Education

Lisa Martinez Physical Education

Robert Miller ctence

iliyra Maynor ecretarial Staff

Marilyn Misner Psychologi t


"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock. '' The Holy Bible: Revelation 3:20

Ed Nieman lndu trial Arts


Darren Plattner aence teac~ers

Adam Poetzel Math

Karon R asmussen Physical Education

IUI:ev -n,aLLitaay Foreign Language

Brandi immons Busine s Education

Brian Ruis 'Math

Physical Education

Jeff Scott Busmess Education

Kathleen Smith }lath

''All I know is a door into the dark. '' Heaney, Seamus <The Forge>

Linda Spires Library Staff

tirrett Business Education

Physical Education

ocial tudie

]eJJTriuger Physical ducation


Foreign Language

.W ary Vidoni Coun elor

Cindy Wall ecretarial Staff

Jackie Witt Library Staff

John Woods Special Education


Matthew Woods ocial Studies

"If thou seest a man of understanding, get thee betimes unto him, and let thy foot wear the steps of his door." The Holy Bible: Apocrypha 6:36

Social Worker

Lee Zara English

Congratulations, Mr. Poetzel and Miss Gentry, on opening the doors of romance and love .



Don Decker Theater On eptemhe:>r 26, 1999 the Little:> Theater was renamed as the Don Decke:>r Theate:>r. The afternoon was a cde:>hration of the accompli hments and the contributions Mr. Decke:>r made to the hampaign Central Choral and Theater Department. Mr. Dt>el e:>r was loved and admired for his tale:>nt and enthu ·iasm. The program consi ·ted of performanct's from the Madrigal Choir, the Alumni Choir, the Jazz n emhle, and a scene from ··You're a Good Man harlie Brown.'' The afternoon ended with the dedication by Mr.Han on and Mr. Sweighart who applauded Mr. Decker's many contribution to the out tanding musical tradition at Ct'ntral.

l.Mr. Decker leads the Alumni Choir. 2.Jason Lickfeldt & Amanda Edwards play the sax. 3. Steve Eheart as Charlie Brown. 4.Maggie Weber prepares to sing. 5.Mr Hanson applauds Mr. Decker. 6. Mr. Decker looks on in appreciation


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Congratulations Class of 2000 Congratulations Matt! We are very proud of you. Matthew means God's blessing and that is what you are. We love you . Mom, Dad , Nick & Liz

Trish , Congratulations on a phenomenal four years in high school. You're intelligent, sweet, beautiful and responsible ... everything that makes parents proud . We're so proud of all you have accomplished and how hard you have worked . We believe in you , we'll always be there for you and most of all , we love you. Love , Mom, Dad, Krystle & ''The Zoo"

Pat, Congratulations on growing into all the hats you now wear, now please take them out of the bathroom and put them in your cubbyLove, Mom Pat, Set your sights high and don't give in, as we say good luck, what's that thing on your chin? Love, Dad

n::ior a~a

Blake, You have always brought a smile to our face-We love you! Mom, Dad, Grant, & Brittany

Some things are priceless. Love, Shauna, Clif & Penny

Dear Andrew, You are, and have always been a creative individual. You make our lives more mterest1ng and exciting. We can't wait to see what the future holds for you . We're sure God has something great for your life (Jer. 29:11 ). We love you and are very proud of you . Love, Mom, Dad, Melissa & Kayla

Ken, You have given us 18 years of love and joy. Your qu1et, thoughtful , and canng approach to life combined w1th that infectious smile and wonderful sense of humor make you a very special young man. When you commit yourself to a goal, your ability to attain it IS awesome. Continue to set your priorities carefully and persevere. We love and chensh you . Love, Mom , Dad, Will, and Coco

Amanda, Courtney, Jessica, Kate, and Nicki, You came from different schools and backgrounds, yet found a common ground. Through the struggles, heartaches, and laughter, true friendship floated to the top. You have emerged from girls to beautiful young women and we are so proud and blessed. Always remember, endings are sad, beginnings are scary, but it is the middle that counts. Make the most of the middle. We love you! Your Parents

Nicki, Your personality and spirit would carry a room . From the pink Barbie corvette, to great basketball and softall games, and after 1:OOam phone calls-we loved every minute of your growing up. You are bright, funny, and caring. Those tra1ts will take you far. Go forward with confidence and as we have always said "You can be or do anything your heart desires." With love, Mom & Dad

Jenn, We are very proud of you and all your accomplishments. We know the future holds great things for you. Our love and support will always be with you. There will be a a special place for you in our hearts forever. Love, Mom, Dad & Emily

Yes, there were times, we're sure you knew, when you bit off more than you could chew. But through it all , when there was doubt, you ate it up, and spit it out. You faced it all , and you stood tall and did it your way. Congratulations , Mom & Dad

Erin, It's hard to believe, your senior year. You've made the most of your four years and made such great friends along the way. You are wise beyond your years and a blessing in our lives. We can't wait to see what happens next for you! Love, Mom, Dad, Joey & Thomas

Dear Elizabeth, From the "Dancing Cook" to "Baked Alaska" to the roles yet imagined, your creativity and charm will always entertain us. Your genuine respect for others and sense of justice are a source of great pride. You truly are a "class act"! Love, Mom, Dad & Jessica

JessWe're both very proud of our little sister. We know you 'll suceed at everything you do in college and in life! Now that you 're finished with high school , maybe you'll have a little time for us on your social calender! A word of advice- Remember how important college textbooks are ... you get money back for them at the end of the semester! Start planning for a fun "siblings weekend". Love, Jill and Sean

Kirby, A wonderful sense of humor; loyalty; honesty; always a desire to help. These are a few of the things you have shared with your family and friends. You have great enthusiasm for life. Always willing to try something new. Never have you been afraid to work hard to achieve a successful ending for whatever goal you set. Always remain young at heart amd keep those traits which have made you the strong , loving person you are. We are very proud of you . Love , Mom, Dad, Granddad, and Grandmom

Rebecca, We are so proud of you! You never give up. Hold on to your dreams, work hard, and they will come true. Your smile always brightens our day. Keep smiling. You will always be our "pumpkin". We love you, Mom and Dad


s~::ior a ~s

Brian , Remember, today is the first day of the rest of your life. Keep your sense of humor, and know that whatever you decide to do, your talent will get you there. Love, Dad, Mom, Jason, and Lynnsey

Way to go, Jason! We are very proud of you and love you very much! -Mom and Becky You make me proud . -Grandpa Congratulations to a special grandson whose bright future I will follow with interest and love . -Grandma

Dear Deanna, We are very proud of your hard work, optimism , compassion, and enthusiasm. Your noticeable personality will attract new friends and keep the old. We will always look forward to having you back in our family circle. Love always, Mom , Dad, David, Derek, Julie, Tommy and Smokey

Christian , Congratulations! You have worked hard to accomplish your goals. Whatever you do in the future , keep your sweet sense of humor and caring spirit. You are a blessing and we are proud of who you are. "The Lord's unfailing love surrouds the one who trusts in him ." -Psalm 32:10 With our love and support, Mom , Jim , Ghani , Aaron and Adam

Dear Lindsay (The Pean), We were given a gift when God gave us you . You are every parent's dream. We have really enjoyed watching you enjoy life. You will succeed 1n wh1ch ever way your heart leads you. Always remember, Peannie, your family will always love you and stand by your side. Love, Mom , Dad , Taylor and Whitney

Katy, My hopes for you are that you will always be happy, usually be successful, sometimes be hungry, and never give up. You have everything you need to have a good life, including lots of love and support from all your family. Go forth and calculate . Love, Mom

Kelly, You have a bright smile and a good heart--and those two things will serve you well as you begin your independent life. Look ahead with excitement and to the past with no regrets . All our love and support--then , now, and always! Love , Daddy, Mom , Ryan , and Spencer

Amanda (Chris), As parents we have always felt we prayed you here finger by finger, toe by toe. It has been a joy to have watched you go from a blond Tom-boy to a beautiful young woman . The times spent on the bleachers watching #34 drive for a lay-up or #1 stealing another base will be memones that will swell our hearts for years to come. We are so proud you stuck to your moral convictions. May God continue to bless you on your journey. With deepest love, Mom and Dad P.S. Remember T.E.C. # 14

Nia and Kelly, Friendship is a treasure! Yours has grown and flourished , and is now an integral part of each of you . Protect and cherish your friendship as you continue to grow and experience life. Live, laugh , and love! The Galaras and Murray Families

Evan, We could not have wished for more in a son than we have had in you. You are a "super champ". From the two proudest parents alive! Love, Mom and Dad

Dear Erica, I've been very blessed to have a friend like you. We've shared a lot of memories that I will always hold dear to my heart Especially the ones that make me laugh until the laugh has no sound . I know the time will come for us to go our separate ways, but I know that we will always be there for each other. Knowtng that IS priceless. Your bud, Steph

Bryan, Way to go B! We are very proud of your accomplishments, but more importantly, we are proud of who you are . Keep up the good work and always keep your goals in mind. We will always be here for you and love you very much. Love, Mom , Marty, and Rick

Antonia , You've brightened our lives with your presence, as you have brightened many other lives that you have touched . Your candle burns brighter with each day that you live. Your future is yours to grasp, and we know that you will grasp it with all that you have. Keep your faith , and it will always be a comfort to you . You were our first joy, and we love you completely. Next year you will be away from home, but never far from our hearts. Remember to follow your dreams, and in your journey through life always live well , laugh often, and love much . Love you always, Mommy, Baba, Elizabeth , and Phillip

Dear Stephanie, You have been a blessing from the moment I first saw you. Your love strength, courage , insight, and determination are what I admire about you . As you graduate and move on to the next phase of your life, remember all things are possiblewith God's help. I love you so much , Mom

Ghani, Bravo! You've come a long way since your first day at Head Start. We are blessed to have walked that road with you . Continue to "believe" as you diligently pursue your goals. We are proud of who you are. "The dreams of the diligent are fully satisfied."Proverbs 13:4 With our love and support, Mom, Jim , Christian, Aaron and Adam





a~r.ior a~a

Kristy, We are so very proud of you and your many accomplishments. We wish you the best of luck in your future, and we want you to know that our love and support will always be with you! Love, Steve, Mom, Jenny and Tanner

"Aardvark Man" Congratulations! I'm so proud of you. Good luck in college. Remember who saved your life! I'll love you always, "Wonderwoman"

Hey Jon, You made it through high school with only one speeding ticket- not bad . Cruise on, big fella, we love you and we're proud of you! Love Mom and Dad

Erica, Congratulations! We are so proud of the bright and beautiful woman you have become. You have blessed us for eighteen years and have only brought love and laughter into our lives. We will always be there for you . Love, Mom, Dad, Mike & Schlingle

Kate, High school graduate. College bound. Happened quickly, didn't it? You handled the good times and the disappointments with a maturity that belies your age. Always do what you think is right, think of others, never give up, ... and believe in yourself! (We do!) Love always, Mom , Dad, John, Mike (and of course, Taz)

StephenIn the words of your favorite band, you are "sweet like candy to my soul." Your positive attitude and strong values are an inspiration. Thank you for the laughs, the hugs, and the music. Now soar like an eagle. Love, Mom and Dad

Dear Jackson , We are so proud of you and your accomplishments in high school! We wish you great success in college and miss you already! Please remember that you will always have our love and support in whatever path you choose in life. Love, Mom , Dad, & Ryan

Dear Erin, Watching you grow up and mature has been one of the greatest joys of our lives. You have achieved so much and we are proud of you beyond belief. As you prepare to fly away from home, know that this 1s merely the beginning of our new chapter for our family and for you. Continue to do good work and be happy. Love forever, Mom and Dad

Rach , We love you very much and are so proud of you. Your future is bright. Continue to trust in the Lord with all your heart and he will continue to guide you. Love, Mom, Dad, Matt & Sarah

Congratulations Val! You can do anything you put your mind to. Stay focused on your goals and know that we'll always be there for you. All our love, Mom, Dad, Katy

Congratulations Adam, You have given us 18 years of true happiness. We are very proud of you and your accomplishments. Keep focused on your goals and you will be successful. You will always have our love, support, and encouragement. Love, Dad, Mom , and Eric

Dear Alii , You are a special gift from God. It has been a true joy to watch you grow from a "Little House on the Prairie" girl to a beautiful young woman. You certainly are "fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14) With love and prayers, Dad, Mom, Blake, and Blaine

Stevie , It's been great watching you mature into an outstanding person. Use your many talents to make the world a better place. Don't forget to enjoy the small things in life, they are the most important. Congratulations. Love, Dad, Mom, Andy & Boo

"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground ." Theodore Roosevelt Congratulations, Nina. We love you! Love, Dad, Mom, Shawn , and Monica

Mari, You have been a blessing, a joy, and a source of great pride . The qualities you possess will take you wherever you choose to go and we'll be there to cheer you on. Follow your dreams ... the best is yet to come! All our love, Mom, Dad, and Michael

To our AbbyYou made it! You climbed to the top. Now look out at the world that is yours for the taking . We are so proud of you-your independent spirit, your sensitivity, the beauty that is inside. Never settle for less than everything that you can be. We love you . Dad and Mom , Gabe, Rachel & Seth

Dearest Nick, We look back with pnde and happiness on all the wonderful things you 've brought into our lives. Your inquisitiveness, compassion and humor will serve you well in college . We'll always be there when you need us! In your life, dream big, laugh freely and love deeply. Love , Mom and Dad

Erin, One step at a time , always w1th a goal in mind. And then , you're there . Focus and you will always have what you want. You have worked hard and now 1t's time for the next step. Thank you for letting us be a part of your life . We will always be there . We are your family. Mom, Dad, and Whitney

Emily, Your smile brightened our home. Your faith is only part of your strength. We will miss going to volleyball , hearing your friends , but most of all your joy. Now it is time for another chapter. Experience college to the fullest. We know your integrity will help you do your best. All our love, Dad, Mom , and Jordan

Erin, You have always been a blessing in our lives. Continue in your pursuit of excellence. But most importantly, continue to reach out to share God's love to those you meet along the way. You have a great future ahead! We love you and we're very proud of you . Dad, Mom, and Patrick

Dear Brian, We're so proud of all you've accomplished at Central High School. Central's given you a great foundation for the future . Continue working hard and reach for your dreams. Dare to succeed! With love and pride, Mom and Dad

Max, We're so proud of you! You're a terrific son - thanks for filling our lives with such joy and laughter. We know you'll accomplish great things. All our love, Mom, Dad , and Kim

Jessica, Your pre-school teacher once advised us to "never break that incredible spirir. You have combined that spirit with knowledge, courage and honor to become a very special person. We're so very proud of you! Keep up the Spirit! Love, Mom and Dad

Laura, Thank you for the last four years. You made us proud ... Dad Thanks for being such a good b1g sister. .. John It's been terrific watching you grow up into such a remarkable young woman. Face your future challenges with confidence and cunosity and you will go far. We love you ... Mom

s!::iora ~s


Dear Krystal, Congratulations on your graduation! What a wonderful 17 years! Just remember always ... "To be needed in other human lives - is there anything greater or more beautiful in this world." Also ..."Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." Love Mom and Dad


~~~ior a~a

Julie, What a joy you are! You have given us many exciting moments as you excelled in volleyball. You have made us very proud with your well-earned academic success. But, most of all, we are thankful for your strong character and unquenchable passion to please God. Love, Dad, Mom , JD, AJ , J, and Cory

Todd , Congratulations on all of your achievements! Your drive, determination and abilities will continue to serve you well in accomplishing the very high goals you have set for yourself. Success will be yours. The family is so very proud of you . Love, Mother

Katherine , Congratulations! You have been off and running your whole life! Never stop dreaming; never stop believing in yourself. Your energy and spirit have been a joy to us. Good luck as you soar to new heights. We love you.

Dear Geoffrey, Thank you for being such a special person and friend to all of us. We love you very much. Our best wishes to you as you enter a new chapter in your life. Know that you will always be in our thoughts and prayers. With Love, Mom, Dad, and Liz

Jonathon, This picture of you at two years old gave us a clue of what was to come . We are so proud of you . Time and years flew by so quickly that it doesn't seem possible that you are a 2000 grad! Congratulations. We love you , Dad and Mom

Kevin, We are very proud of your accomplishments and of the person you have grown to be. Go after what you want and be happy! We will always be here for you. Love, Mom and Dad Good luck Kevin! Who can have your room? Love, Ryan and Alyssa.

Dear Angela, Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of your academic, athletic, and band accomplishments; we are happy that you always wanted to do your best. Continue to reach for the stars and may all your dreams come true. Our love and support will always be with you . God bless you! Love, Mom and Dad

Tommy, You've always led the way for us--our big brother. Home won't be the same without you, but we're looking forward to siblings weekend in Evanston. Thanks for always being there for us, especially for supporting us in the fine arts, which we love but you don't. We'll miss you . Sara--Central class of 2002 Mary--Central class of 2009

Ryan , We are so proud of you and your many accomplishments at Central. We wish you much success and happiness in the years to come. Love, Mom, Dad, Ross, and Brittany

Andy, Words cannot express how proud we are of you. You have given us such joy and excitement in our lives. It has been pure pleasure being your parents and watching you grow up. We hope you will always follow your dreams. We love you and will miss you dearly. Always remember we are just a phone call away! May God bless you and keep you safe always. With tons of love, Mom, Dad and Adam

Mike, Congratulations on your high school graduation! You're the best son in the world, and we're very proud of you! Love, Mom and Dad

Mom, Dad, Christopher, and Allison

Batura, Puja 170 Bauman, Mark 113, 136 Bauman, Ryan 112 Beard, Krystal 182 Beasley, Chanell 121 Beaulin, Ryan 124, 182 Bennett, Shawntese • 121 Bennett, Tyler 112 Berger, Nadia 6, 11' 118, 119, 184 Bettivia, Rhiannon 186, 187 Alexander, Sasha 182 Bhateja, Manika 114 Bialeschki, John 124 Allender, Daniel 184 Bialeschki, Jon 113 Allison, Dianna 182 Andrejasich, Elizabeth Biggers, Ocean 21, 24 Blaase, Jane 119 158, 160, 161 Bleus, Jeff 124 Aquino, Mike Blackman, Jonathon 113, 154 182 Archey, Rashad Blackman, Rachel 12, 124, 182 119, 184, 185 Arfi, Soumaya Bob Simmons 9 186, 187 Bochte, Andrew 159 Armstrong, Alice 121 Bochte, Melissa 159 A.rmstrong, Allie Bohlmann, Karen 115 135, 184 Bosmia, Reema Arnold, Sara 129, 100, 187, 170, 171 13, 118, 121, 131, 184 Bradley, Ben 125 Bramfeld, Sam 124 Braodrick, Erin 6 Bachman, Jacob Brauley, Cherral 182 12, 184, 185 Breedlove, Kristen Baechle, Daniel 11' 186 120, 184 Brewer, Miranda 119 Bailie, Jane 132 Bridges, Nicole, 114 Bain, Rachel Britt, Jennifer 121 7, 119, 183 Broadrick, Erin Baker, Ben 8, 114, 154, 186, 187 113, 124, 182 Brost, Kelli 135 Baker, Cole 124 Brown, Aeva 121 Baker, Jeramie 124 Brown, Emmanuel 182 Bantz, Michael 160 Brown, Eric 124, 170 Barnes, Rachel 182 Brown, Kris Basilios, Anthony 136 22, 124, 125 Battle, Justin Brown, Megan 132 120, 130, 183 Brown, Michelle 183

m. . t

Brown, Omeka 182 Brown, Romielle 22, 124, 125 Brown, Romy 20 Brownfield, Dusty 182 Browning, Dodd 126 Bruno, Tony 170 Bruns, Maggie 19, 137, 159 Bryan, Jon 29 Buck, Rachel 159, 187 Budescu , Tom 187 Bunce , Michelle 159 Burge, Eric 113, 124, 184 Burgett, Abby 100, 187, 100, 170, 171 Busb~ Audrey 13, 182 Byrd, Erin 12, 137, 170, 171 Byrd, Whitney 137, 170

c Cain, Colin 113, 130 Callahan,Josh 125 Campbell, David 164, 160 Campbell, John 160, 170 Campbell, Mike 124 Carey, Jack 158, 184, 185 Carlton, Rachel 129, 186, 170 Carlton, Sarah 129, 159, 187 Carson, Mike 120 Carter, Brian 184, 185 Cavanaugh , Dawn 183 Cavey, Jessica 154, 186, 170 Changnon, Nicholas 136 Changnon, Nick 184 Charles, Amber 13 Chavis, Shanece 183 Chavis, Shaneka 121 Chisholm, Susan 131

Chittuluru, John 184 Chittuluru, Jonathon 136 Christie, Sara 132 Church, Erin 185 Claiborne, Ashley 121' 184 Claiborne, Kyla 121' 183 Clark, Justin 182 Cleaves, Elton 188 Clegg, Matt 112, 154, 184 Climer, Laurie 131 Cobb, Nick 126, 183 Coleman, Jennifer 183 Commons, Jenny 132, 133 Coniglio, Antonella 9, 159, 170, 184, 185 Conner, Brooke 170 Connor, Brooke 133 Cooper, Kevin 124, 182 Cooper, Mark 120 Cornett, Amanda 13, 154 Cornyn, Molly 11 ' 186' 160' 184 Cory, Katherine 160 Cox, Jenn 115, 184 Cox, Nathan 136, 186 Crawford, Lucas 160, 184 Crawford, Ryne 124 Curry, lan 186, 160 Curtiss, Caleb 159 Czajkowski , Brett 12, 112, 184, 185

d. Daly, Brain 125 Daly, Brian 112, 183 D'Amico, Kelly 118, 154 Dandridge, Juan 124 Dangles, Nicholas 186 Darling, Mary 19, 115, 135, 184 Dauenbaugh, Angelee


115 Daugherty, Chase 113, 124, 182 Daugherty, Chelsy 182 Davenport, Bobby 120, 183 David, Laura 159, 160, 170, 184 David, Melissa 132 David Winkel 169 Davis, Ashley 121 Davis, Charity 28, 29 Davis, Kirstie 28, 29 Deal, Caitlin 10, 121 Decker, Britt 20 Deschler, Deanna 128, 129, 170, 171' 184 Deters, Brian 13, 113, 136 Deutscher, Erica 118, 154, 186, 187 Dietkus, Morgan 186, 160 Dilts, Krystal 186, 170, 171' 184 Dixon, Andrea 133 Dixon, Paul 120, 130 Dixon, Whitney 115 Downing, Lauren 9, 20, 170 Dryan, Jason 184 Dumich, Sara 184, 185 Dye, Adam 113, 136, 182

a¡.J Eaton, Kayla 133, 182 Edwards, Amanda 184, 200 gner, Lisa 133, 160 Egner, Mike 120, 130 Eheart, Andy 130 Eheart, Steve 130, 200 Eheart, Steven 160, 161 Eichman, Laurie 182 Einck, Ashley 184 Ervin, Stefanie

Harms, Jilll 118, 128, 129, 170 Harms, Johanna 183 Harris, Jessica 119 Harry, Brittany 132 Harvey, Alii 121 Gaines, Mitchell 182 .f Harvey, Allison Gaitos, Crystal 182 131' 185 Galaras, Elizabeth 182 Fazlic, Berina 129 Hatch, Erin Galaras, Nia 6, 118 Feicker, Jennifer 119 121' 154, 158, German, Elizabeth 160 Feickhart, Jennifer 11 Hays, Amariah 19 German, Sarah Feller, Robert 136 Hebert, Tasha 182 159, 186, 160 Fellers, Jordon Henderson, Timothy Gertner, Eric 160, 189 120, 125 185 Gilbert, Kristen Feng, Emily 119 114, 13?, 1/D, 171, 184 Hendricks, Heather 160 Feng, Jacqueline Henry, Colin 183 Goddard, Shelley 133 121, 131 Henry, Johanna Godina, Joe 113 Fettig, Katie 119, 135, 184 Godina, Will 113 119, 170, 184 Henry, Stephanie 186 Goglia, Christina 7 Fetting, Kattie 135 Henson, Lindsey 184 Fiedler, Ryan 125, 184 Goines, Mitchell 124 Hernandez, Mario 184 Gonda, Marissa Fielding, Tyler Herrel, Laura 134 186, 160, 184, 185 19, 135, 170, 184, 185 Herstrom, Joyce 184 Goran, Daniel 127 Fisher, Brian 160 Todd Higgerson, Goran, David 6, 126 Fisher, Frank 184 120, 130 Goran, Jacob Fitzgerald, Carmelita Hill, John 127, 182 17, 120, 130 182 Hiner, Ross 124 Grace, Katy 121 Fletcher, Emily 12 Hiner, Ryan Grant, Chris 183 Floyd, Susan 183 22, 112, 125 Gratkins, Chris 124 Flynn, Nicki Hinton, Michael 183 114, 115, 158, 184, 185 Graves, Julie 131, 184 Hoffman, Jack 120 Green, Holly 118, 184 Foner, Matthew 136 Hoffman, Jackson Griglione, Anthony 113 Fonner, Matthew 182 130, 184 Griglione, Tony 124 Fontenot, Jasmine 121 Holder, Betsy 121 Grumish, Ryan Ford, Allison 160 Holmer, Angela 154, Ford, Ben 127 120' 130' 182 158, 170, 184 Guidas, Trisha 121 Fortman, Nicole Hopkins, Katie 121 Gurtler, Miles 124 186, 160 Hoss, Jennifer 137 Gutierrez, Marco 184 Frazier, Trish 132, 154, Hough, Mary 135 158, 170, 184, 185 Gutierrez, Roberto 127 Howard, Jim 113, 124 Gwinn, Rob 17, 125 Frederick, Kevin 160 Hoyt, Joe 183 Fredericks, Kevin ~'. Hubbell, Jaime 7, 18 184, 185 Hubbell, Jamie 12 Fredericks, Megan Hadler, Jessica 133 Hughes, Jackie 170, 184 Hagle, Tyler 126, 184 115, 135 Freeman, Kendra 183 Hahn, Sarah 129 Hunter, Arthur 182 Fridline, Charels 125 Hannan, Liz 114, 115 Hutson, Andy 183 Frisch, Julianna 115 Hard, Emily 160, 188 Funk, Kyle Hardin, Jeffrey 136 160, 184 Evans, Maggie 134, 135 Evans, Margaret 170, 184, 185

130, 186, 187 Funston, Helen 160' 184' 185

• .,

Kim, Amy 170 42, 132, 154, 186, 187 King, Tanesha Lin, Geoffrey 127 Linzy, Phillip 124 121' 183 ~ ldlemen, Ursulla 160 Kirby, Daniel 130 Lockman, Sara lnskip, Brian 124 Kirby, Erin 134, 170, 184 lnskip, Laura 114 170 134, 135, Sarah 135 Lockman, lsom , Joshua 182 Kirby, Leah 132, 186 Lockman, Tommy • tJ Kirchgessner, Jimmy 42, 158, 184 183 Logsdan, Matt 113 Jackson, Jessica 170 Klimek, Alex 183 Logsdon, Matt 16, 125 Jaehne, Kenny 124 Korab, Elizabeth Logsdon, Ryan Jasper, Daris 125 1Q 11& 11Q 131, 1/U 171 113, 124 Jasper, Tyrone 124 Korab, Taylor 170 Long, Kristen 135, 182 Jerrell, Jenny 119 Kraus, Jennifer 160 Luperll, Jennifer 42 Jerrell, Karen 119 Kresca, Michael 127 Luster, Genesis 182 Jerrell, Kathy 119 Kruidenier, Jeremy 130 Lyons, Derius 8, 182 Jinks, Dan 113, 124 Kuehn, Erika 159, 160 Johnson, Haley 22 Kumek, Dan 182 Johnson,Jerod 183 Kurlawkowsky, Krisdee Machlin, James 42 Johnson, Matt 121 Machula, Rachel 20, 22, 124, 125, 127 Kyle, William 42, 125 186, 187, 170, 171 Jones, Patrick I Malloch, Bryan 42, 126 158, 185 •• Mambo, Babe Jones, Teddy 124 Laird, Andrea 186 126, 186 Judy, Sara 137 Lalande, Jackie 160 Manganaro, Katherine Lance , Michael 42 42 , 159 Landreth, Kristen Mangian, Dave 113 Kahler, Natalie 18 42, 121 Mangian, David Kamykowski , Stephen Lane, Summer 20 25, 126, 170 182 Lang,Andy 120 Manley, Toya 121 Kane , Peter 126 Large, Michael 42, 183 Mann, Erin 160 Kane, Taylor 182 Larson, Elizabeth 137 Manship, Heather 182 Kang, Mealnie 7 Layman , Steve 28 Marion, Keri 161 Kaplan, Todd 161 Laymen , Steve 113 Maroon, Max 113 Karr, Shelby 186 Lee, Shawanna Marry, Jason 113 Karr, Sydney 132, 133 Martin, Alec 182 114, 115, 159, 186 Leeann Terwilliger 188 Martin, Laura Katsinas, Elizabeth 133 Leeper, Andrew 182 42, 129, 158, 185 Keith, Caleb Leeper, Andy 124 Martinie, John 158, 160, 184 Lelea, April 113, 126, 127, 158 Kelley, Ryan 112 114, 183, 184 Martinie, Kate Kelly, Amanda Lelea, Eva 182 42, 132, 186, 187 118, 131 Lelea, Lee 113, 125 Martz, Michelle 135 Kenny, Natalie Leman, Jeremy 124 Mathews, Ben 124 134, 135, 170, 171 Leman, Julia 42 Mathews, Joel 124 Kern, Ashleigh Leman, Julie 132 Matt, Stephanie 13, 115, 184 Lickfeldt, Jason 200 42, 186, 187 Kesler, Eric 120, 126 Lietz, Emily Mattingly, B.J. Kessler, Brian 130 4\




16, 160, 169 May, Amanda 42, 114, 115, 184 Mazzocco, Valerie 22, 119, 170 McAuley, Ross 11' 22, 126 McCabe, Jack 16 McCauley, Ross 16 McClain, David 42 McCray, Leah 119 McCray, Lindsay 119 McDaniel, Kip 113, 126, 186, 170 McDermed, Cindy 183 McDermed, Cynthia 43 McDermed, Kristy 121' 182 McFerran, Devan 132 McFerren, Devan 121' 183 McGee, Willie 124, 182 MeG raw, Amanda 43 McKay, James 124 McKinney, Abpy 10, 121 ~------~~~ McKinney, Emily 121 McMahon, Drew 124 McMillen , Liz 128, 129 McMillen, Liz 1Q 114 1~ 1/U 1St; 1ffi McMullen, Chani 43, 121 McMullen, Christian 121 ' 183 McNamara, Kevin 124 Mechling, Katherine 184 Mechling, Katie 159 Meek, Chris 182 Meinster, Sierra 12 Memishee, Matthew 43 Meneely, Anthony 43 Merrick, Michael 43, 136, 183 Michael, Kyle 113 Michaels, Kyle 8 Michaels, Troy 21 Michels, Troy 184


Miller, Demetrice 22 , 120, 125 Miller, Greg 125 Miller, Jarred 124 Miller, Jaya 121 , 182 Miller, Rayna 12 Mills, Devin 184 Millsap, Emily 129, 170 Mitchell , Drew 182 Mitchell , Erin 43, 134, 135, 158 Mock, Billy 124 Moll, Vanessa 129 Mooney, Rachel 135 Moore, Brent 124 Moore, Paula 183 Morgan, Brianna 43 Morgan, Jill 43 Morgan, Noah 25 Morgan, Scott 126 Mulcahey, Griffin 22, 124, 184 Mullady, Madison 184 Murphy, Patrick 19, 43 Murray, Anne 170 Murray, Annie 131 Murray, Kate 121 Murray, Kelly 6, 43, 170 Muscumeci, Walter 43 Muster, Bill 125 Musumeci, Domenico 43, 184 Musumeci, Wally 126, 184 Myrick, Genina 182

Ndekwe, Ashley 183 Nelson, Ivory 125 Nelson, K.C. 115, 134, 135, 186 Nelson, Krista 43, 186 Ness, Jason 9, 10, 43, 126 Newport, Amanda 121 Nguyen, Lynsa 159 Nguyen , Lysa 43, 186


Niccum , Elyse 182 Noyes, Jesse 124, 159, 184 Nuzzo, Emily 170, 171

0 Oliveira, Nate 113 Olsen , Kurt 124 Overmeyer, Heather 12, 182 Overmyer, Rory 113 Overstreet, Clayton 112

Palacio, Elisa 119, 121 Panchal, Amy 114 Parker-Stephens, Elise 184, 185 Parkhill, Mary 115, 128, 129, 170, 184 Parkhill, Whitney 133, 170 Parr, Elizabeth 121 Patterson, Jason 124 Pavia, Dominic 43, 186, 187, 160 Payne, Allison 186, 187 Pea, Daniel 124 Pellum, Amber 184 Pellum, Joe 124, 154 Pelz, Eric 9, 43, 126, 184 Penrod, Greg 182 Penwell, Matt 170, 184 Peper, Katy 21, 22, 43 Peper, Steve 124 Perez, Richard 182 Perez, Shari 43, 183 Peters, Erica 118, 154, 158, 159, 184 Peters, Tara 118 Petry, Bethany 121 Petry, Matt 124 Petry, Whitney 16, 118, 159, 170, 185 Pham, Linh 154, 1$ 1~ 187, 170

Phanrana, Danauanh 12, 133, 182 Philips , Kathleen 182 Phillippe, Jessica 114 Phillips, Brandon 124 Phillips, Kevin 183 Phillips, Pat 22 , 120, 125 . k d K h . P 1c ar , at enne 121 134 135 154 158 .t d ' S ' h • ' P1ar , ara 131 p· · M"k 1 e 29 1 ~onl , Pnllaman , A~anda 135 Proemmel , Elizabeth 185

Quarles, Drew 124 Quinn , Alyssa 11

r Ramirez, Judith 184 Ramirez, Kenat 184 Ramos, Ester 131 Rapp, Christina 132 Ratcliffe, Mary 12, 137, 158 Redding , Roderick 124 Reimer, David 136 Ringler, Jessica 160 Roberts, Brittany 19, 21, 25, 121 Rocha, Estel a 184 Rodgers, Erica 132 Rogers, Ashley 133 Rohn, Cory 124 Roithmath, Erik 160 Rollinger, John 124 Roney, Chris 127 Rost, Anna 24, 129, 170 Rousey, Emily 132, 154, 186, 170 Rousey, Jennifer 132, 158, 159, 100, 187 Ruggeri, David 125, 158, 170, 184 Ruggeri, James 164

Runge, Lynn 182 Runge , Matt 125 Russell , Courtney 20, 22, 119 Russell, Drew 22


.. N. amu, 1na 29 , 160 . 160 Savvas, Melan1e Schaefer, Cara 182 Schance, Matthew 127 Schaub, Danielle 170 Scheitlin, Jenn 118 S c he1.t 11n, M att . 13, 127, 186, 170 Schirmey, James 160 Schlorff, Katie 186, 170, 171 Schmidt, Jeff 183 Schmidt, Nathan 186 Schnepper, Brett 124 Schoell, Elizabeth 133 Schroeder, Alex 9, 126, 170, 184 Schroeder, Phillip 127 Seeber, Nik 113, 124 Segovich, Ryan 186, 160, 161 Seibert, Matt 183 Sensenbrenner, Ken 184, 185 Shelby, Jared 11, 154, 170, 185 Shepard, Lindsay 186, 160 Sholem, Jaime 16 Simmons, Rick 124 Sinnes, Virginia 161 Sitch, Mike 112 Smith, Billy 136 Smith, Kali 160, 170, 184 Smith, Kevin 130 Smith, Liz 118, 182 Smith, Michelle 115, 135, 184 Smith, Morgan 113, 124 Smith, Rita 184

Smithpeters Sean 112 Soltau, Knst1n 182 Sonka, Julie 10, 118, 119, 184, 185 Spanglo, Joe 13, 182 Spohrer, Theresa 160 Spritz, Mary 182 Stanko, Ellen 115, 129, 170 Stigberg , Kate 118, 185

Toghraee, Amir 120, 125 Traeger, A?am 113, 125 Tres~lar, T1m 125 Trup1n, Ben 154, 170, 171 Trupin, Dan 158, 159, 170, 184, 185 Tulin, Joe 127

Vanness , Elizabeth 182 Vaughn , Derek 112 Stirrett, Nick 120, 126 Veits, Melissa 186 Stocker, Amber Verdick, Lisa 28 160 184 Vonner, Michael 21, Strack, Alexis 184 22, 125, 183 Strauss, Jacob Voss, Nick 120 6, 18, 18J, 161' 184, 1ffi Vreeman, Kassandra Strode, Amanda 182 182 Sudeth, Steve 20 Vriner, Mike 113, 169 Swafford , Kim 129 Swartz, Audrey 114 Swartz, Seth Waldrop, Cabe 130 120, 125, 188 Walker, Ryan 159 Swartzendruber, Nicole Walsh, Kim 159, 170, 10, 121 171 ' 184, 185 Walters, Kya 114, 115 Walton, Eric 127 Taylor, LaShonna 121 Wampler, Katy 24, 170 Terrell, Shaneka Wang, Janice 129 121, 131, 170, 184, 1ffi Warner, Chris 6, 11 Tester, Dana 183 Warner, Jon 184 Tester, Teresa 183 Warren, Semaji 8 Thavisouk, Marny 183 Washburn, Geoff 126, Theis, Daniel 127 158, 184, 185 Thies, Stephanie 187 Washburn, Liz 10, 118, Thomas, Catherine 184 154 Thomas, Darrell Weaver, Jessica 11 13, 182 Weber, Maggie 184, Thomas, Josh 183 200 Thomas, Paul 130 Weber, Molly 159, 184 Thompson, Coffee 183 Weichsel, Johanna 184 Thompson, Jacquis Weiss, Deana 160, 184 182 Welch, Rachel 135 Thurston, Dan Wheatley, Kathleen 185 13, 22, 113, 124, 125 White, Erica 119, 128, Tillman, Shamika 121 129 Tobias, Brandon 124 Whitmer, J.T. 170


Whitmer, Jon 13, 20, 126, 127, 186,170 Wickes, Elizabeth 182 Wiggins, Erin 160, 170, 171' 184, 185 Wikoff, Alex 124, 182 Wilcock Ben 124 Wilhelm', Lisa 154

158, 170, 184, 185 Williams, Cassie 182 Williams, Kenny 124 Williams, Ray 12 Williams, Sarah 183 Williamson, Andy 120, 186 Wilson, Lamar 22, 125 Winkel, Meghan 118 Winkle, David 126 Winters, Angela 11 Witte, Jessica 11 Wright, Brandon 113, 125 Wynn, Julian 182 Wynn, Mischa 120, 124

., )

Yambert, Jenna 17, 115, 128, 129, 184 York, Michael 29 York, Nathan 120 York, Nick 125, 170, 184

l Zahnd,Andy 125 Zalucha, Angela 121, 131, 186 Ziegler, Michelle 170, 184 Zoll, Shannon 7, 121, 170

2 Editors Trish Frazier Erin Hatch Katherine Pickard


Sports Liz Washburn-editor Lisa Wilhelm-editor Matt Clegg Kelly D'Amico Joe Pellum

Trish Frazier-editor Angie Holmer Linh Pham Kim Walsh



Jessica Cavey-editor Erin Broadrick Amanda Cornett

Emily Lietz-editor Jared Shelby

Student Life/Clubs Erica Peters-editor Mike Aquino Erica Deutscher Liz McMillen Emily Rousey Ben Trupin •

~~aroor. 'DD

....... advisor.advisor.advisor.advisor

. . . . . . . . julie aherwoo~ business

a erytho~~~ .....

manager. business manager ..

The 2000 Maroon staff opened the doors to fresh, creative ideas just as the world opened the doors to a new century. We hope that you continue to unlock doors and venture onto the threshold of a bright tomorrow!

... lp!Ciat lhar.ka ... Shauna

Carey . Steve Storch . Joe Storch ..

Nancy Gwinn.Jim Harms .... Jack Carey . Maggie Bruns ....... . . . . . . . Mary Ratcliffe ... Andrew Boch te ....

lp!eiat lhar.ka .... .

Dike Stirrett.Lisa Verdick . Johnette Sparks . Sara Lockman .

~naroor. 'UU


Dona Max Deck r 2-1999

Some people go through life jus oing what they're paid to do, but there are e who go through life loving what they do. This love is evident in the lives that they touch. These people truly care about everyone with whom they work, and they make everyone around them believe that they are capable of i g their dreams come tru . D n Decker was just such a person, a man who influenced and changed the lives of thousands of Central High School students by challenging them to excel in ways they never imagined. For twentysix years he was Mr. Music at Central, and for that reason we dedicate the 2000 MAROON to him. ~~~aroor.


Wet,l VN\VeJZ.7l1Y

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