honors day
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graduation siblings jazz 2002
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. . . admm1strat10n
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Sp0 rt s
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yearbook madrigals student council( l art clbub foreign language honor society color guard thespians fta . le orchestra . band c hrome h e lect1on c . Olr . board a f ncan-amencan . . cut t1me peer mediation g.e.m.s.
senio~~::se Ads hair care
u s
& Index
flowers pizza shopping
formal wear
The school located at 610 W. University Avenue may seem ordinary to someone who passes by, but to a Central student it means so much more. Its age and heritage make it an important part of Champaign's history; its tradition of excellence fills the hearts of many students, past and present, with pride.
Central provides many opportunities for students to participate in sports, clubs, and other
classwork. For the four years that a student walks its hallowed halls, the school is the central focus of life.
summer honors day I graduation prom/jazz festival spring musical back to school/dance homecoming the bears siblings on the job focus on this fall play weekends weight room school spirit bad habits lunch in class style jump start
6 8 10 12 14 16 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 45 46 47
Pic. 1: Eric Eizinger poses in front of Big Ben. Pic. 2: Don't go too far out, Katie Lenover and Megan Brewer! Pic. 3: Carrie Peters, Maggie Henss, and Phoebe Mbuvi are monsters on the rope course. Pic. 4: Danielle Spice and Sarah Aquino know how to vacation. Pic. 5: Katie Sholem and Katie Crawford have fun at the ball game. Pic. 6: Senior ladies smile for the camera. Pic. 7: Freshmen girls go commando. Pic. 8: Don't drown, Elise McAuley and Todd Rocheford!
summer juV~ve,juLtj, CfV'v~ August
CfYe tlttyee ~oV~vtltts tltteft eveYkj stu~eV~vt Loves . su~~eY coV~vs~sts of V~vO cLCfsses, V~vO ltto~ewoYR., sLeep~~ ~V'v, tYCfVeL~~, CfV~v~ of couyse, Vtef~~~ out w~tltt fY~eV~v~s. -rnR.e Cf LooR. eft lttow CeV~vtYCfL stu~eV~vts s-peV~vt tltte su~~eY of ::2..00::2...
Pic. 1: Jordan Butts flies through the a1r. Pic. 2: Sisters Rachel and Natalie Krein vacation in Alaska. Pic. 3: Amanda Prillaman congratulates Lucas Crawford on h1s medal. Pic. 4: Samantha Parkhill, Carly Hermsdorf, and Jess1ca Andre]as1ch ride the waves. Pic. 5: Tim Carey, Chris Elliott, and Alex Dye play it cool. Pic 6: Annie Murray and Whitney Parkhill bake m the sun. Pic. 7: These sophomore ladies chill at Castaway. Pic. 8: Looks like Sarah Hagle and Michael Oliphant are gomg to make a b1g splash. Pic. 9: Macho macho g1rls.
Pic. 1: The stunning James Brown poses for a picture. Pic. 2: T.J. Peper and Matt Schanche play an Honors Day tune. Pic. 3: Nate Brown looks exhausted after playing his guitar. Pic. 4: Mrs. VanEs presents Maria Rocha with an award. Pic. 5: These band kids are working hard. Pic. 6: Eric Burge and Lee Lelea are looking hardcore. Pic. 7: These joyful students are honored to be at the assembly. Pic. 8: JR Stillwell excites the crowd.
honors day Ce~A-tYCfL rt~gV1 ScV1ooL's. Cf~A-11\-UCfL H"O~A-OYS. DCftj ~s. Cf .spec~CfL
opportu~A-~tkj foY tV1e e~A-t~Ye s.cV1ooL to yecog ""~ze tV1e CftV1Let~c Cf ""~ CfcCf~evu.~c CfcV1~evevu.e~A-ts. of Ce~A-tYCfL .stu~e~A-t.s . Ce~A-tYCfl:s. .stu~e~A-t bo~kj ~LL.s covu.bes. ctkjvu. eveYkj spy~~ to Cftte~A-~ tV1~.s ceyevu.o""k1·
graduation 111\-tV\e s-py~~ of2002, Cell\-tYt:tl:s. gyt:tcXut:tt~oll\- ceYeVI,A.,DII\-kj wc:~s. V\eLcX ~II\, tV\e bee:~ ut~fuL JGYt:t 11\,11\-ert Cell\-teY. Ft:t VI,A.,~Ltj c:~ 11\-cX fy~ell\-cXS. t:t-p-pLt:tucXecX c:~s. tV\e~Y LovecX oll\-es. wc:~LR.ecX c:~cyos.s. tV\e to Yece~ve tV\e~Y V\~gV\ s.cV\ooL cX~-pLoVI,A.,t:t.S.
Pic 1: Danny Wahlfeldt's shining face. Pic 2: Allie Armstrong and Katie Deal pose for their picture. Pic 3: Michael Halle is thrilled that he made it to graduation. Pic 4: It's crowded in this elevator! Pic 5: The graduation ceremony. Pic 6: Joe Godina cheeses for the camera. Pic 7: Everyone listens as Sara Lockman gives her speech. Pic 8: Tony Griglione, Scott Morgan, and Tyler Hagle look so handsome in their gowns.
Pic. 1: Sparkling couples head to "An Evening in Paris." Pic. 2: Jenna Yambert and Eric Burge hug under the Eiffel Tower. Pic. 3: Katie Sholem, J. Leman, Brett Schnepper, and Danielle Wleklinsk1 smile pretty! Pic. 4: Do I look ok? Pic 5: Johannes Didaskalu and Kara Bowen smile lovingly.
prom The 2002 PYo~, '~vv ~vevv~vvg ~vv P~ y~.s," w~.s ~ g Ye~t .success. K~vvg 6Y~c ~uyge ~vv~ Queevvjevvvv~ y~~bert .stole tV\e .s-potL~gV\t. FYo~ tV\e V\~gV\ -po~vvt of tV\e .stu~evvt- ~~~e s~ffeL Towey to tV\e Le ~~.styo .st~vv~.s ~vv~ ~~vvce ftooY,juvv~oy.s ~vv~ .sevv~oy.s ~~vvce~ tV\e vv~g V\t ~w~ kj.
jazz 2002 As e,X-pectec{,jetzz Fest~vetL -:2..00-:2.. wets etwesoVVte! "B.etV'.-c{s fr-oVVt etLL over- 1LL~V'.-o~s et V\.c{ s-pec~et L guest sV\eLLtj "B-er-g, et -p~et V'.-~st fr-oVVt soutV\er-V'.- Cet L~for-V'.-~et, cet VVte to tV\e fest~vet Lto -pLC{ !:1 tV\e V'.-~g V\t etWC{ !:1· of cour-se our- OWV\. CeV'.-tYet Lj etzz bet V\,c{ souV'.-c{ec{ g r-eett ets tV\etj Let tV\e sweet souV'.-c{s ofjetzz s~V'.-g out to tV\e C{uc{~eV'.-ce.
Pic. 1: Emily Abbott sings lovely notes. Pic. 2: The trumpets toot their horns. Pic. 3: The band jazzes things up. Pic. 4: Saxophones lead the band. Pic. 5: Ali Hobbs sings along. Pic. 6: Students play their hearts out. Pic. 7: Mr. Currey directs with spunk.
Pic. 1: Look at Kip McDaniel and Katy Wampler move! Pic. 2: The cast and crew relax after a great show. Pic. 3: J.T. Whitmer takes center stage. Pic. 4: Betsy Metzler, you're scaring Emily Abbott! Pic. 5: Caitlin Ryus portrays her part as the hooker. Pic. 6: Lindsay Schneider is the best checker we've ever seen. Pic. 7: Sara Lockman is a "one woman show!" Pic. 8: These truckers need to get back on the road. Pic. 9: These "paper boys" need to clean up.
spring musical of 2002, CeV'vtYtl L H-~g V1 scV1ooL .stu~eV'vt.s -perfoY~e~ Woy}e[.Vt,g, WY~tteV'v btj Stu~.s TlY~eL. "ffie .SVlOW YtlV'v fyo~ A-pY~L 24 to A-pY~L 27: -me ~u.s~cc;tL wtl.s tV1e tlV'v~ cyew'.s "focus" foy q u~te c;t wV1~Le. Wor-kiV\,g tuYV've~ out to be c;t woY~~~ .success! rV'v tV1e
Pic. 1: Alex Berg¡Jacobson IS taking this very seriously. Pic. 2: Theresa Sphorer and Patrick Reinhart take a break. Pic. 3: Sarah Pltard looks like a very mean teacher. Pic 4: Ben Mathews with h1s ladies. Pic. 5: "Boing, bomg,boing .... " Pic. 6: The wonderful director, Mrs. Marianettl! Pic. 7: Working was performed m the spring of 2002. Pic. 8: James Sch1rmer is old and retired. Pic. 9: Martha Funston makes a great lounge singer. Pic. 10: Jonathan Butler¡ Duplessis sings h1s heart out. Pic. 11: Patrick Reinhart mentally prepares before the show. Pic. 12: Pose pretty, Lisa Campbell! Pic. 13: Look at these macho men.
Pic. 1: Ali Hobbs walks down the hall. Pic. 2: These students love their lockers! Pic. 3: Matt Picchietti is happy that school has started. Pic. 4: These girls enjoy P.E. Pic. 5: Chris Elliott and Molly Mooney stroll down the hall. Pic. 6: Julie Deschler works hard. Pic. 7: It looks like these sophomore g1rls like to hang out in Seely Hall.
back to school The ftr-st olCf tj of scV\ooL ~~g V\t be scCf Ytj for- tV\e ~11\,CO~~j.l\,g fr-esV\~eV\,, but for- tV\e u-p-per-cLCfss~eV\, ~t ~sjust Cf wCfLR. ~11\, tV\e -pCfr-R.. ftil~s olCftj Stj~boL~zes " fr-esV\ stCfrt, " 11\,ew beg~V\,11\,~~, Cfjl\,ol Cf sltt~ft ~11\, focus fr-o~ su~~er- full\, to scV\ooLwor-R..
the dance The "E>litc~-to -ScV\ooL Dlit~~~vce ~.s weLL ~~~~vow~~~v lits tV\e best ~lit~~~vce of tV\e kjelitr. rt.s clit.sulitL littVV{,os-pV\eye Lets .stu~e~~~vt.s -plitrttj lit~~~v~ ~lit ~~~vee tV\e ~~~v~g V\t litWlit tj ~~~~v ce~~~vtYlit l:s courtkj lit Y~; ~t ~.s lit -peyfect e~~~v~ to tV\e SUVV{,VV{,ey lit~~~v~ tV\e .stlitrt of lit ~~~vew scV\ooL kjelitr.
Pic. 1: The gates open to the Back-to-School Dance. Pic. 2: The hoppin' courtyard. Pic. 3: Melissa David and the seniors dance the night away. Pic. 4: These girls like to dance. Pic. 5: "We love the Back-to-School dance!" Pic. 6: It looks like these students are havmg fun! Pic. 7: Leslie Adkins and Amanda Prillaman peak out from the crowd.
birthday: October 6, 1984 favorite movie: Dumb and Dumber most prized possession: baby blanket favorite quote: "Let the world see you as you are, for if you are posing, you will forget your pose and then where are you?" never leave home without: gum and lipstick hidden talent: tie a cherry stem with my tongue favorite food: grilled cheese sandwich would most like to meet: Ella Fitzgerald favorite color: green
Rebecca Bryan
Andrea Dixon birthday: October 29, 1984 favorite movie: Grease most prized possession: lip gloss never leave home without: a smile would most like to meet: my grandpa favorite food: pizza hidden talent: "I can talk like Melvin." favorite color: pink
Asoiva Lele'a
Tanitra McElrath
birthday: April 9, 1985 favorite movie: B*A *P*S most prized possession: Willie McGee favorite quote: "Before me there was none, but now it's only one." never leave home without: my comb would most like to meet: Kelly Price favorite food: Samoan food
birthday: October 25, 1984 favorite movie: Rush Hour 2 most prized possession: life favorite quote: "I don't play no games." never leave home without: money, gum, and my comb would most like to meet: Shamar Moore favorite food: BBQ favorite color: baby blue
Jacquis Thompson ~rthday:
April30, 1985 favorite movie: Clueless most prized possession: my beauty would most like to meet: Lil' Wayne never leave home without: my eyeliner, lip gloss, and purse hidden talent: "just watch ya man, he might disappear."
birthday: June 28, 1985 favorite movie: Rocky most prized possession: my friends favorite quote: "Don't eat yellow snow" never leave home without: big red chewing gum would most like to meet: Oscar De Ia Hoya favorite food: Iii porgy's favorite color: green hidden talent: "I am secretly a ninja warrior"
Zac Burton
Lucas Crawford birthday: April 16, 1985 favorite movie: Cruel Intentions
most prized possession: my dog never leave without: my cell phone would most like to meet: Julia Roberts hidden talent: poledancer (by night) favorite color: brown
Demarco Johnson birthday: August 29, 1985 favorite movie: Next Friday most prized possession: my life and family favorite quote: "Get buck, get crunk, and gone off that ... " never leave home without: money, gum, and carmex would most like to meet: Ash anti
John Rollinger birthday: November 15, 1984 favorite movie: Shrek would most like to meet: Brian Urlacher or Lassie favorite color: Ryne Crawford's hair favorite food: general's chicken never leave home without: an extra pair of underwear
Joseph Young birthday: March 4, 1985 favorite movie: The Game most prized possession: the taurus never leave home without: gum would most like to meet: Dan Marino favorite food: ribs favorite color: blue
Pic 1: These juniors show off their tropical outfits. Pic 2: Take caution if you encounter Jessie Bush and Tori Tappendorf. Pic 3: Andrea Dixon and Darcy Garrett are very pleased with the senior decorations. Pic 4: These freshmen are piping hot! Pic 5: These class color shirts shine like a rainbow! Pic 6: At least some of these dream boats have spirit. Pic 7: Cuties Colin Crawford and Luke Spitz look rather stylish in their referee attire. Pic 8: These juniors represent the days of the week.
homecoming week Coll'vs~~ev-e~ btj .stu~e""'t.s et.s
tV\e etll'vt~c~-pette~ weeR- of tV\e tjeetY, V\oVVt-ecoVVt-~V\f1 weeR- wets et gLov-~ou.s fouv-- ~ettj e.xV\~b~t~o""' .scV\ooL .s-p~v-~t. Tv-o-p~cetL ~et tj, tw~""' ~et tj, VVt-Cl v-ooll'v Clll'v~ wV\~te ~et tj, etll'v~ tV\e evev---po-puLetv- cLet.s.s coLov- ~Cttj V\~gV\L~gV\te~ tV\e et VVt-U.SeVVt-ell'vts ~ uv-~V\f1 tV\ ~.s fest~vet Lof ce""'tv-et Lfull\-.
Pic 1: A group of excited seniors gathers in the hall. Pic 2: Josh McKenna and John Rost show off their studly twin day shirts. Pic 3: Kimera Coburn represents the class of '04. Pic 4: Here are some die hard Lilo and Sitch fans! Pic 5: These girls are ready for maroon and white day. Pic 6: Pretty in pink! Pic 7: These seniors can put out the fire. Pic 8: Danny Laesch, ready for action! Pic 9: Madame Black and Frau Malloy in matching outfits. Pic 10: We're going commando with the junior girls.
Pic. 1: The band sets the mood. Pic. 2: Go Central! Pic. 3: Student Council President Tony Bruno gets the party started. Pic. 4: The bonfire was the focus of the night. Pic. 5: Danielle Stubbins, Heather Williams, and Alexandra Penwell are excited about the1r first bonfire! Pic. 6: The football players fire up the crowd!
bonfire oil\, 1Vtuys~et ~,
se-pte~beY ~,
cell\,tYetL stu~ell\,ts gettl1eYe~ ett McK~V\,Le~ F~eL~ foy tl1e c;tii\,11\,UetL t-to~eco~~~ t>oll\,fl.Ye. 1VteYe, t11e cyow~ cl1eeYe~ foy tl1e cl1eeYLeet~eYs, pe-pettes, c;tll\,~ bet II\,~ . LetteY, t!1e footbet LL cetptet ~11\,S, J Le~et 11\, et 11\,~ DYeW McMet 11011\,, pu~pe~ t11e cyow~ up foy FY~~et~'s get~e etget~V\,St R.Clll\,touL.
Pic. 1: Drew McMahon and J Leman show their football pride. Pic. 2: Isn't Bubba Chisholm sexy? Pic. 3: Katie Crawford, Frank Giammaria, and Rebecca N1zzi chill with the fireman. Pic. 4: These freshmen girls heat it up. Pic. 5: We're number one! Pic. 6: The Pepettes take us to the ball game. Pic . 7: Erica Rodgers, Heather Overmyer, and Taylor Korab show their senior spirit. Pic. 8: The cheerleaders shake the1r
Pic. 1: These seniors have a great time at the pep rally! Pic. 2: Wow! These cheerleaders have spirit! Pic. 3: Maria Clark is mighty high! Pic. 4: The pepettes entertain the crowd with the annual guy-girl dance. Pic. 5: These freshmen know how to wrap. Pic. 6: The Marching Maroons know how to play! Pic. 7: Mr. Scott gets whipcreamed. Pic. 8: Elizabeth Dunn takes her aggression out on the car painted with Rantoul colors.
pep rally Do ~ou ever- wCf""'t to go cr-Cfz~ ~""' s.cV1ooL? weLL, tV1Cft ~s. ""'o pr-obLe~ ~f ~ou Cftte""'~ tV1e H-o~eco~~""'0 pep r-CfLL~! -rn~s. eve""'t's. purpose ~s. to pu~p up tV1e pLCf ~er-s, CfLo""'0 w~tV1 tV1e s.tu~e""'ts., for- tV1e V1uge H-o~eco~~""'0 footbCfLL gCf~e!
the game As tV1e footbCl LL teCl VlA- YUsV1e~ tV1e ft,eL~ for- tV1e H-oVlA-ecoVlA-~~ gc;1 VlA-e, tV1e cr-ow~ wCls -puVlA--pe~ u-p Clll'v~ v-eCl~ t1 to go. iVte teCl VlAcCl VlA-e out w~tV1 oll've VlA-Clj or- goCl L: to be tV1e ft,r-st Cell'vtr-Cl LfootbCl LL teClVlA- ~II\; 20 t1eClr-s to stClrt tV1e seClsoll'v off w~tV1 C1 -4-0 v-ecov-~. 1Vtet1 succee~e~ w~tV1 C1 fl-11\;c;lL scor-e of 4g- G .
Pic. 1: Drew McMahon leads our team to VICtory. Pic. 2: Matt Davis after a touchdown pass. Pic. 3: Amanda Prillaman looks like she is having a great time marchmg around the field. Pic. 4: T.J. Kane is a true fan! Pic. 5: Zac Burton and Becca Bryan are our 2002 Homecoming King and Queen. Pic. 6: Coach Hasenstab gJVes the team some words of wisdom. Pic. 7: Whitney Parkhill looks like she is having a little too much fun! Pic. 8: The Central football team in act10n! Pic. 9: Drum Major Lucas Crawford directs the m1ghty Marching Maroons.
Plc. 1: Sarah Devault and Alan Einck dance the night away. Plc . 2: These freshmen boys look like they're having a fun time at the dance! Plc. 3: Students get ready to have their pictures taken . Plc. 4: J Leman 1s "the king!" Plc. 5: Maggie Fesenmaier relaxes under the hula hut. Plc. 6: Some dancers take a break to smile for the camera. Plc. 7: These j umor girls pose before the dance. Plc. 8: What a cute couple! Plc. 9: Throw your hands in the a1r, April Brown!
tropical twilight OLI\- S&ttuy~&t !1, se-ptew.,beY :2:L, CeV\-tYetl:s H-ow.,ecow.,~~ ~&t Li\-Ce wets t~e -pLetce to be. stu~eV\-ts -pet eR-e~ ~Li\-to t~e tyo-p~cetLL!j ~ecoYette~ g!jw., foY et Li\,~g~t fuLL of ~etLI\-C~~- The stu~eV\-t COULI\-C~L ~~~ Cl gYeettjob of YULI\-Li\-~~ t~~S ~ClLI\-Ce.
Plc. 1: Shemika Spencer, Betsy Metzler, and Carolyn Ratcliffe have a blast at the dance! Plc. 2: An overview of the dance floor. Plc. 3: Tiffany Williams and her date dance to a slow song. Plc. 4: Emily Shuler and JC Wynn smile for the camera! Plc. 5: These freshmen love their first homecoming dance! Plc. 6: Aren't Brett Schnepper and Heather Stumborg a cute couple? Plc. 7: Matt Reynolds and his date rest their feet. Plc. 8: Jacquis Thompson shakes it out on the dance floor. Plc. 9: Austin Kimble and Beth Visel enjoy their last song.
Pic. 1: Eric Eizinger, Taylor Pope, Joe Young , and Danny Outlaw chill at the game. Pic. 2: "C" the Bears complete the pass. Pic. 3: The Bears try to keep the ball in safe hands. Pic. 4: 0 YEAH GO CENTRAL! Pic. 5: Danielle Wleklinski enthusiastically cheers. Pic. 6: "C" the bear up close! Pic. 7: Mr. Poetzel is with some students getting ready for the Monday mght game .
C the bears 1Vt~s kjeetY bYouglttt so~e exc~te~eJI\,t to Clttet~-pet~gJI\, ets tltte Cltt~cetgo "BeetYS -pLettje~ V\o~e get~es ett OUY OWJI\, Me~oY~etL Stet~~u~ WVt~Le SoL~~eY F~eL~ WetS UJI\,~ey COJI\,StYUct~OJI\,. IJI\,Steet~
of et tV\yee-V\ouy ~Y~Ve, Clttet~-pet~gJI\, "Beetys' fetJI\,s OJI\,Ltj lttet~ to ~Y~Ve et few ~~JI\,utes OY WetL~ fyo~ tV\e~Y fYOJI\,t ~OOYS .
C the maroons MtVlA-OY~etL Stet~~UV\A- Wet.S ~V'v tltte .s-potLtgltlt etget~V'v Ct.S CtV'vtYetL tooR, OV'v CYO.S.S-c~tk1 Y~Vet L, vt.Ybet V'vCt . 6VlA-ottOV'v.S ~V'vttV'v.S~ft,e~ Ct.S L~gltltV'v~~ ~eLetk1e~ tltle -pLetk1eY.s. lV\e getVlA-e ft,V'vetLLk1 got uV'v~tY Wet k1 etftey two ~eLet k1.S. CtV'vtYCt L ~OV\A-~V'vette~ tltle eVtV'vt, WVt~CVt Let.ste~ uV'vt~L VlA-~~V'v~g ltlt. Fet V'v.S weV'vt lttoVlA-e .soet R.e~ but V1et"P"Pk1 ·
Pic. 1: What will the score be? Pic. 2: This group of loyal fans weathers the storm. Pic. 3: Tommy Matt and Stuart Williams look excited. Pic. 4: Max converses with some fans. Pic. 5: "C" the action on this tackle. Pic. 6: They're cheery even when it rains!
Pic. 1: Rebeccah and Leslie Muhr. Pic. 2: Matthew, Michael, and Mitchell Kresca. Pic. 3: Drew and Lisa McMahon. Pic. 4: Franise and Fallon Posey. Pic. 5: Maben, Christopher, and Marcus Brown. Pic. 6: Timothy and Melissa David. Pic. 7: Whitney and Taylor Pope.
siblings 'B.r-otV\er-s, s~ster-s, tw~""'s-kjou ~~e ~t, we V\ctve ~t V\er-e ctt ce""'tr-ctL. rtctv~~ ct s~bL~~ ctt ce""'tr-ctL cct""' V\ctve ~ts goo~ s~~es but ctLso bet~. you cct""' feeL ~or-e co~fortctbLe or-just ct""'""'Dkje~ . A s~bL~~ cct""' be ct gr-ectt tV\~~ to V\ctve ctt sclttooL, but ~t cct""' ctLso Lect~ kjDU to Lose kjDUY focus.
Pic. 1: Kirk and Marella McMurray. Pic. 2: Katie and Kari Goad Pic. 3: Caitlin and Benjamin Halle. Pic. 4: Salem and Jordan Gebil Pic. 5: Jeffrey and Betsy Metzler. Pic. 6: Ryan and Jeremy Kruidenier. Pic. 7: Lucas and Enc Brown. Pic. 8: Anthony and Andrew Murphy. Pic. 9: Ryne, Katherine, and Colin Crawford.
Pic. 1: Andy Leeper, Amanda Justice, and JC Wynn prepare sandwiches at Subway. Pic. 2: Bethica Visel talks on her radio at Target. Pic. 3: Rick Hulse stocks shelves at Schnucks. Pic. 4: Check out Janis Wang in Central's library. Pic. 5: Sarah DeVault talks on the phone in Franklin s office . Pic . 6: Steven Mohrbacher serves Italian food fast . Pic. 7: Joel Schneider, Hillary Kyse·Henderson , and Chase McClure pose in their Culver"s uniforms . Pic . 8: Knowuva Ward takes orders at Arby's.
on the job jobs Cfr-e ~~:portefll\,t to eveY"k1oV\,e beet:( use we CfLL V\,eeol V\A-OV\,e!:j. MCfV\,!:j ceV\,tYCfL sttA.oleV\,ts wor-~ C(fter- scV\ooL C(V\,o( OV\, wee~eV\,ols. WV\etV\er- tV\e pLCfce ~s McDoli\,CfLo('s or- Cf LocC(L scV\ooL, sttA.oleV\,ts
ev0o!:1 V\eLp~~ otV\er-s wV\~Le eC(YV\,~~ V\A-OV\,e!:j .
Pic. 1: Tim Carey and Jordan Uetz sport the Indian Acres look. Pic. 2: Marielle Divilbtss, Becca Bryan, and J.T. Whttmer sweeten up the day at Sweet Indulgence. Pic. 3: If you're truant , beware of T.J. Kane in the attendance office! Pic. 4: Amanda Goode helps out at Erwin , Martmkus, and Cole. Pic. 5: Uzzte Galaras is lost in the magtc of books in Franklin's library. Pic. 6: Ryan Beaulin works hard at the Geologtcal Survey. Pic. 7: Hobert Roberts bags groceries at Schnucks. Pic. 8: Eric Eizinger keeps your money safe at the bank. Pic. 9: Lukeesha Warren helps out at Carle Hospttal.
juV\-~OY" C{t
CeV\-tr-C{L Hi.gV1 scV1ooL, Vl/:{S beeV\, ~r-C{g r-C{c~~ for- four- tjet:{r-s. He Vl/:{S tr-C{VeLe~ C{ LL over- tV1e IA..V\-~te~ Stt:{tes ~V\-cLu~ ~V\-g I V\-~~1:{ V\-1:{, 'PeV\-V\,Stj LVI:{ V\,~a, a V\,~ M~ssour-~. TbV\-tj co~:petes ~V\, tV1e e~gV1tV1 of C{ V~<t~Le C{V\,~ ~V\, tV1e fourtV1 of a V~<t~Le. He ct:{ V\, r-ea cV11.:2.0 V~<t-p V1 ~V\, ~ve secoV\-~s a V\,~ eVeV\-tua LLtj gets u-p to 1.50 V~<t-pV1 btj tV1e eV\,~ of tV1e r-ace. TOV\-tj -pLC{V\,S to coV\-t~V\-ue coV~<t-pet~V\,g ~V\, ~r-ag
wV1eV\, V1e gets to coLLege.
SoV~<te g~r-L.s ~r-eaV~<t about be~~
OV\-e ceV\,tr-1:{ L stu~eV\,t ~s L~v~~ tV1C{t ~r-et:{V~<t. MegaV\, yor-e, C{ j uV\-~o~ V1as beeV\, V~<to~eL~V\,g s~V\-ce
tV1e s~xtV1
befor-e V1er- e~g V1tV1 g r-a ~e t1 et:{ r- Meg C{ V\, C{tteV\,~ e~ J oV1 V\,
Robert 'Power-s V~<to~eL~~ scV1ooL ~V\, CV1~cago. MegaV\, V1as a-p-pear-e~ ~V\,
a b~LLbot:{m for- abst~V\-tV\-Ce aV\,~ C{V\, ~V\,~e-peV\,~eV\,t fl.LV~<t. sV1e was r-eceV\-tLtj seeV\, OV\- tV1e cover- of a booR. ct:{LLe~ wV1at's IV\- a NaV~<te. Megt:{V\, V1o-pe.s to use V1er- e.x-pe~eV\-Ce C{S a V~<to~eL to pur-sue aV\, act~~ ct:{ r-eer- soV~<te~a t1·
focus on this fV'v a~~~t~oV'v to tV\e s.cV\ooLwoYR., s.-ports., aV'v~ cLubs. tV\ at s.tu~eV'vts. ~evote tV\e~Y t~~e to at CeV'vtYaL HigV\ scV\ooL, ~aV'vtj -part~c~-pate ~V'v uV'v~que V\obb~es. ~uy~~ tV\e~Y fYee t~~e. ntR.e a LooR. at a cou-pLe of s.tu~eV'vts. a V'v~ tV\e~Y ta LeV~vts..
tjOu V\"ve V\!Ot seeV\, WV\~tLI\!etj Ke"toV\! "YouV\!~ scV\ooL, tjOU VVt~gV\t V\"ve V\e"Y~ V\e~ WV\~tV\!etj V\"s beet~\, s~~ ~~ "LL R.~LI\!~s of VVtus~c
eveY s~V\!ce s.V\e
fl-yst t" LR.. WV\~tLI\!etj s~~s w~tV\
tV\e gyoup "t-te"rt spe"R." "V\,~ ~s tV\e tjOu~est ~V\, tV\e eV\!seVVtbLe. 1Vle g Yo up V\"s yeceLI\!tLtj YetuYV\!e~ fYoVVt L"s veg"s s~~~~ ~V\, tV\e -s.obbtjjOV\!es c;ospeL sV\ow. Be suye to R.eep tjOUY e"Ys opeL!\, foY WV\~tV\!etj; tjOu VVt~g V\t eveV\, V\e" Y V\ey OV\! tV\e Y"~~o ~V\," few tje"Ys. Ri.cV\"y~ W~V'v&tY ~s V\.Ot k:jOUY ttjp~c"L teeV~v&tgey ~uy~~ tV\e suVVtVVter: Ri.cV\"y~ V\"s beet~\,
s" ~L~~ bo"ts s~LI\!ce
V\e w"s e~gV\t tje"YS oL~ WVteV\! Vt~S ~"~ bougV\t tV\e~yfl-yst bo"t.
NOW, tV\e~Y
f" VVt~Ltj
OWV\!S fouY bo"ts Y"~~~ fYOVVt 1..4 to 22 feet. eVeYtj otV\ey weeR-eLl\,~ ~V\, tV\e suVVtVVteY, R~CVt"Y~ "V\!~ Vt~S f"tV\ey tY"VeL to CL~LI\!tOLI\! L" R.e to coVVtpete ~V\, y"ces. The y"ces c" V\! L"st two to fouY V\ouYs, ~epeV\,~~V\,g OV\! tV\e W~V\!~, "V\!~ "Ye usu"LLtj "YOUV\!~ 1..1.. VVt~Les. rf tjOU eveY V\,ee~ " L~ttLe LessoLI\! ~V\! s" ~L~LI\!g, R~cVt"Y~ ~s
t"LR. to!
tV\e VVt"V\! to
Pic. 1: James Schirmer and Lucas Crawford struggle on stage. Pic. 2: Alex BergJacobson and Lucas Crawford fret over the unresponding "Tito." Pic. 3: Jenna Suttle looks upset. Pic. 4: Alex Berg-Jacobson and Jessica Andrejasich comfort each other. Pic. 5: Eavesdroppers listen in on a conversation. Pic. 6: Sarah Pitard seduces James Sch1rmer. Pic. 7: Lucas Crawford looks confused by the advancements of Sarah P1tard. Pic. 8: Cast members in the act. Pic. 9: Alex BergJacobson grasps Erik Roithmayr.
fall play DOOYS weye sLc;~~~e~, plttoV\;e.S YCI~, t;~V\;~ beLLlttop.s .SCI~ ~II\; tltte 2002 fe~LL pLe~tj Le~~tvd Me A Te~~tvor. iVte ltte~~ tltte e~u~~ell\;ce YoLL~~ ~II\; tltt~.s ~e~~c~p fe~yce of ~~.ste~~ell\; ~~ell\;t~ttj. Due to tltte~Y pltteV\;o~eV\;CIL pYo~uct~oll\;, tltte we~.s .seLecte~ to perfoy~
tltte pLe~tj e~t tltte rLL~V\;o~.s H-~gltt sclttooL iVtee~t.,-e
James Schirmer are mirror images. Pic. 3: Sarah Pitard looks saucy. Pic. 4: Lucas Crawford looks timid and shy. Pic. 5: James Schirmer stirs the bubbly. Pic. 6: Jenna Suttle with James Schirmer. Pic. 7: James Schirmer teaches Lucas Crawford. Pic. 8: Cast members chase the bellhop. Pic. 9: Sarah Pitard puts a move on Lucas Crawford. Pic. 10: Steve Wisegarver kisses Jenna Suttle's hand. Pic. 11: James Schirmer prepares for the concert.
Pic. 1: Brian Murphy and Nick Scarpetta play basketball. Pic 2: Andy Leeper and Joel Mathews chow down at a Bears game. Pic 3: Studly Andrea Dixon poses in uniform. Pic 4: These cold sophomores enjoy sledding. Pic 5: This group of semors hangs out at Becca Bryan's. Pic 6: Katie Dubois throws a frisbee. Pic 7: Niandra McFerren washes a car. Pic 8: Leslie Adkins and Amanda Prillaman pose at Victoria's Secret.
weekends weeR.e~c(s ~Ye ~ t~~e to YeL~x.
wV\etV\ey ~t's go~~ to tltte ~ov~es, sLe~~~~, oyjust ltt~~~~ out, tV\ese two ~~kjs ~Ye ~ t~~e wV\e~ stu~e~ts c~~ get ~W~!::j fyo~ scV\ooL ~~~ focus o~ ltt~v~~ ~goo~ t~~e w~tltt fy~e~~s oy f~~~Ltj.
Pic 1: These juniors celebrate the new year. Pic 2: Wonderful fun at Danielle Wleklinski's house. Pic 3: These two boys hang out on the rails. Pic 4: Strike a pose! Pic 5: Whitney Pope is flustered with all these kittens. Pic 6: These friends relax on the couch. Pic 7: Rebecca Nizzi busts a move. Pic 8: Jenna Suttle is all wrapped up. Pic 9: Sophomores after a mght's sw1m. Pic 10: Jaes McDaniel looks bewildered. Pic 11 : Ryan Kruidenier, Taylor Korab, and J.T. Whitmer are in a hole. Pic 12: Elliott McGill stares into oblivion.
Pic 1: Central's new and improved weight room. Pic 2: Melissa David works out in order to maintain her status as the strongest lady in the school. Pic 3: Katie Crawford, Nick Clegg, and Ross V1mr enJOY doing their squats together. Pic 4: Amy Kim jogs in place. Pic 5: These two macho men help each other get strong. Pic 6: Robert Perry pretends to be working hard. Pic 7: Zac Burton furiously trains Nick Clegg. Pic 8: Raquel Roney knows how to pump the iron.
weight room H-~ve
kjOu evey feLt .s~LII\,11\.kj ~11\.ol we~R.? Cell\.tY~L .stuolell\.t.s ol~ol befoye tV1~.s kje~v: Cell\.tY~L w~.s bLe.s.seol wV\ell\. ~ we~gV\t YOOVVt- w~.s ~11\ ~11\, tV\e .suVVt-VVt-eY of :200:2. Now Cell\.tY~L .stuolell\.t.s ~Ye tV\e ~11\, towll\..
Pic 1. Tucker Strang strengthens up his legs. Pic 2: Weightlifting puts a smile on Sam Howard and Ryan Allen-Dav1s' faces! Pic 3: Alex Dye certainly is the stud of this class. Pic 4: BHly Mock strains on his last rep. Pic 5: The busy weightroom. Pic 6: This is simple for hardcore Heather Overmyer. Pic 7: Keysha Speller builds up some biceps. Pic 8: Jeremy Furtney at the bench press. Pic 9: Push-ups are hard work! Pic 10: Kevin Sitch winks at the camera on h1s 1OOth push-up. Pic 11: The main man, Coach Hess.
Pic. 1: The crowd cheers on the team. Pic. 2: Everyone loves Max Maroon. Pic. 3: This Central helmet is held up w1th pride! Pic. 4: A.J. Martin hangs out in his very spirited truck. Pic. 5: The football team stands in a huddle at the pep assembly. Pic. 6: Carrie Peters is crazy for Central! Pic. 7: This excited cheerleader, Jeremy Furtney, can't wait for the game to start!
school spirit Wltle"" kjOU WCfL~ ~""to CeV\,tYCfL tt~gltl ScltlooL, kjOU V\,Ot~ce tltleft so~etltl~~ ~s d.~ffeye""t Cfbout ~t fyo~ Cf""kj otltleY scltlooL. stud.e""ts Cf""d. teefcltleys ltlCfVe Cf"" e""oY~ous Cf~ou""t of 'f>Y~d.e foY ce"" go to Cf""kj ce""tYCfL ltlo~e gef~e Cf""d. kjOU w~LL see tltle cyowd. boost ce""tYCfL teef~s get fYo~ tltle~Y fCfV\,S.
f\ffld-~ '?, LJ(JlSL c \l-"
Pic. 1: Elliott McGHl sports his cool swimming jacket. Pic. 2: The band members get ready for a big game. Pic. 3: These juniors love to cheer on their basketball team! Pic. 4: The crowd gets pumped up! Pic. 5: Emily Deters shows off her cool Central shirt. Pic. 6: Leslie Muhr and Betsy Metzler like to wear their maroon and white t¡shirts. Pic. 7: Kristen Costello stands with the Maroon Mob for the National Anthem. Pic. 8: These seniors cheer on their football team!
Pic. 1: John Rost should learn to brush his teeth. Pic. 2: Chelsie Hopkins loves to twirl her hair. Pic. 3: Chris Elliott blows bubbles with his gum in class. Pic. 4: Kimera Coburn, don't bite your nails off! Pic. 5: I hope these cheerleaders don't dress like this for real! Pic. 6: Julie Deschler wa1ts until the last minute to do her work. Pic. 7: Nick Guido, didn't your mom teach you not to spit?
bad habits 6\/eY!:jOV've Vt~S ~ Vt~b~t tV\~t'.s Vt~Yci to .sto-p, ~V'vci CeV'vtY~L .stu~eV'vt.s ~Ye V'vO exce-pt~oV'v. FYo~ b~t~~ !:jOUY V'v~~L.s to to s~oR.~~, stu~eV'vts ~ Ye so~et~~es c~ugV\t focus~~ OV'v tV\e WYO~ tV\~~.s . LucR.~L!:j tV\ougV\, b~~ V\~b~t.s ~Ye bYe~~bLe.
Pic. 1: Kevm S1tch displays his bad habit of passing gas. Pic. 2: Knstm Anderson dazes off to space in class. Pic. 3: Brian Hutchcraft, don't choke on the straw! Pic. 4: We all hope Michael Zeigler washes his hands. Pic. 5: Christine Fleener picks food out of her teeth after lunch. Pic. 6: Andy Phillippe has a problem with puttmg signs in his yard. Pic. 7: David Greenstein and Kyle Coey stuff the1r faces. Pic. 8: Emily Deters demonstrates that putting on makeup is frowned upon in class.
Pic. 1: Sarah Wallace pays for her lunch at Bagelmen's while Maggie Mills waits in line. Pic. 2: Kim Aikman, Marsha Reardon, and Leslie Morrison get their lunch at home. Pic. 3: These girls get a well rounded meal. Pic. 4: Lunchtime fun in the cafetena. Pic. 5: Ms. Rasmussen keeps the doctor away. Pic. 6: Natoska Robinson gets back from Sonic. Pic. 7: Party, Subway style! Pic. 8: A.J. Martin rests up for his tough afternoon classes. Pic. 9: Jasma Cobb is thrilled to be at Max Maroon's Eatery. Pic. 10: Are you getting your required nutrition? Pic. 11: J. T. Whitmer and Mehssa David order at Garcia's.
lunch AYbtj'S, McDoV'ALot's,j~~~kjJOVtV\;'S, "B.t:fgeL~eV\;'S, Ft:fzoL~'s, soV\;~c, tltte ceffeteY~Cf, V\o~e, tV\e -pt:fYR. ... wV\eye oto k:jOU go foY LuV\;cltt? ceV\;tYCfL stuoteV\;ts V\t:fve tltte -pY~V~Lege of go~v-vg CfV\;tjWV\eye tlttetj Wt:fV\;t foY LuV\;cltt- Cfs Lov-vg t:fs tlttetj t:fYe bt:fcR. ~II\; t~~e foY cLCfss.
in class FYoVVt. g:1.5to 3:1.5 stu~e~A-ts ~evote tV\e~Y t~VVt.e C{~A-~ e~A-eYgtj to cLC{sswoYR.. w~tV\ C{LL tV\e extyC{cuyy~cuLC{y C{ct~v~t~es, s-ports, C{V'.-~ SOC~C{L eVe~A-tS tV\C{t Ce~A-tYC{L stu~e~A-tS C{ye ~11\-VOLVe~ ~lA-,
tV\e cLC{SSYooVVt. ~s ofte~A- tV\e LC{st to coVVt.e to VVt.~~A-~.
Pic. 1: Class getting boring? Pic. 2: Elliott McGill is caught off guard . Pic . 3: These English students are anxious to learn! Pic . 4: Group discuss1on in world cultures . Pic. 5: Lynnsey Fisher and John Herrel help each other with homework. Pic. 6: Philip Fiscella smirks at his smarts. Pic. 7: Mrs. Johnson questions the class . Pic. 8: Sleep or slouch; which do you prefer? Pic. 9: Weight lifting students make the1r way through the halls. Pic . 10: jHola clase! Pic. 11 : Ana Eisenman , what are you doing? Pic. 12: Leslie Muhr and Jenna Suttle laugh at a picture. Pic . 13: These students work hard in math class . Pic. 14: Sophomores love chemistry! Pic . 15: Glenn Claise reviews a paper from a fellow class mate.
Pic. 1: Mr. Pellum always looks classy. Pic. 2: Johanna Hemsouvanh sports a piercing in her lip. Pic 3: Eliza Ryus has a very umque fashion. Pic. 4: Demarco Johnson sports cornrows. Pic 5: Nice shoe. Pic 6: Carolyn Ratcliffe shows off a scarf that she made! Pic. 7: T.J. Kane is very trendy chewing on his pen. Pic 8: What time period are we 1n kids?
style 1VteYe etYe ~Ctll'vtj ~~ffeYeV~vt fet.sV1~oV~v.s V1eYe ett CeV~vtYetL. A few of tV1ese etYe tV\e gotV1~c Loo~, tV1e 'PYt'p'Pt'j Loo~, tV1e gYU~e Loo~, etll'v~ tV1e tV1ug Loo~, etLo~ w~tV1 ~Ctll'vtj otV1eY.s. cLotV1~~ ~oe.s V~vot V~vece.s.setY~Ltj ~e.scy~be tV1e ttj-pe of -pey.soV~v t'jOu etYe, but ~t ~.s et fuV~v wet t1 of ex.-pye.s.s~~ t'jOuY.seLf
jump start It cctll\.. be scctYtj to coVlA-e ~11\ ct 11\..ew scV\ooL, espec~ctLLtj V\~gl-1 scV\ooL. 1Vtctt ~s wltttj Cell\ cr-ecttevt tV\ejuVlA-p stctr-t pr-ogr-ctVlA-. 1Vt~s -pr-ogr-ctVlA- V\eLps ~11\..COVlA-~~ fr-esV\VlA-ell\.. pr-epctr-e for- tV\e~r- V\~gV\ scV\ooL jour-11\..etj . Those ~II\, tV\e pr-ogr-ctVlA- wV\o V\ctve beell\.. successfuL tV\~s scV\ooL tjectr- wer-e r-ewctr-litevt w~tV\ ct Lull\..cV\eoll\...
Pic. 1: Our superintendent, Arthur R. Culver, speaks to the group. Pic. 2: Mrs. Johnson helps the students prepare for high school. Pic. 3: Sharice Bowdry works hard. Pic. 4: The teachers and students who are involved with Jump Start. Pic. 5: This incoming freshman wants to get a "jump start." Pic. 6: The students can't wait to eat this pizza. Pic. 7: Courtney Bishop gets interviewed by Channel 3 News.
SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS President: J. Tyler Whitmer
Vice President: Ryan Kruidenier
Secretary: Whitney Parkhill
Treasurer: Taylor Pope
senior album class picture senior awards baby pictures senior wills
50 56 66 72 75
Worst Driver
Born To Be Blonde
Whitney Parkhill
Heather Stumborg & Brent Moore
& Eric Eizinger
t Les ie Adkins & J Leman
Caitlin Beaudoin & Taylor Pope
Biggest Brown-Noser
Class Clown
Erica Rodgers & Alan Einck
Eva Lele'a & Andrew Dixon
---Be t Eyes Jessica Hadler & Tony Feller
Elizabeth Ga aras & John Rollinger
Mama's Choice --
Biggest Flirt
Rebecca Bryan
Mark Egli
HeatJetJ for: Sarah Pitard & James Schirmer
Jeff H r
ood Heather Overmyer & Drew McMahon
Stricken with Senioritis
Most Artistic
erra Anderson ft
Elise McAuley
Andrea Dixon ft
Konrad Klinkner
Life of the Party
Brains and Beauty
Jennifer Hoss
Taylor Korab & Eric Brown
& Kevin McNamara
Most llik y to Sue Lisa Egner & Daniel Thies
Joanna Hemsouvanh & Lucas Crawford
Worst Car Ana Eisenman
Amy Kim
Joe Mathews
Ryan Beaulin
Senior Wills
1, JUJU, will BV & CG lots of zucchini and a pizza guy, I
love my girls; to Erik my undying love and my ability to know everything I love you more then you'll ever know, you're #1; to KO big bears in the am and all my love; *Chuci*. I, STEF, will to LG for all the short years; HO soon to be sister-in-laws; JL I like the spot; DO good luck man, ML friends forever; my little sister have fun with the years you have left at Central; AD, JT, BM, TP, CB, JY, JH, good luck class of 03. I,TK, will a shout out to the crew; Jig, CC, Ill, 1, RickDawg, Zinger. A Fat B to the Fat B. Luv to all the Fee'z; Mooney, C-kim, K-Anderson, Nevermind the Rest. No luv to the Hzog. My foot to Breez's Face. And many Foul words to Felty. Peace! I, RACHEL, will to AKRWTA all nighters; JHRW sprinkler hoppin; AK MR. Right and a million great memories; TK life long friendship and one long walk; RW RC's house, #17 and viceversa02; KCJH Sims, Kristen-SP's; JH driven home from Fisher, #19, favortie friendship forever; BP Jose; KRbluecouch MMCM TGifridays; to all my girls a little trixyness! I, TP, will BM my house; AD Dr. Rubitussin's ashes; MKD a hood ornament; WP two more awesome years of High School and Big Red; CB an awesome two years and the ability to speak first; JB peddlers we and Grandys; JH golf tips and Chi-town pride; JW my long time friendship and a saxaphone case magic carpet; MOD shermies, squeaksqueak; DO my sports memorabilia and great times in baseball (especially last year). I, HABIBA KHAN, give my German class a hug, you've been my favorite classmates and class; to the 2 Desis my Hollywood beats. PUMP UP THE VOLUME!! Katie W, Angela A, Katie F, Amanda A, Alisha, Katrina J, Britney B, and Paige J FRANKLIN MEMORIES! Lastly Anna P much love thanks for all the Math help, love ya! I, LCS,will AP a brown belt and black shoes; KL vitamin-D milk, band memories; Tutu por-fri-ri and independent films; J-Rawles pretty hair, Theater Fest; to all of you, and anyone I forgot, "In the end we will remember not the words of our enimies, but the silence of our friends." MLK Jr, much love. I, MISS PIGGY, will my piano to Lisa; my job and clothes to anyone who wants them; VM, SG, LE, EM, SP, BB, RK and all my other amigas, everything you want in life; and though I'll be off in bigger and better places, you'll always be in my heart. I, DAVID LOVE, will everything to Joe Brownfield. Right on. I, BABY J, will to all my chicas crazy nights, hattie hattie boys, and great memories; to BP dry clothes in the jacuzzi and ten dollar 24pk of la cerveza mas fina; To MS 1 million midgets and a wonderful life in the TP with JS; to LR "booty Boohoty"; LS fun nights in the van. Love you guys!
I, ASHEZ, will remember all; to my girlz Tymickia, Courtney, Lynn, Mary C&K, Beth, Kristin, & Tecia; to my guyz Chris, Centrail, Jigga, Drew, Marco, Ryan, "Q", & Misch Ma Lisch; Needle and Laivone, I love you. Take care of my nephew; last but not least, to my baby Motty Mot, I love you always. I, RT, will to M&M the best 4 years of her life; Niko all the happiness he can get; Roko all the happy memories; Pat tons of water balloons; CR and KA more Putt-Putt; Blair and Emory girlie movies & Pizza-4-ever; KC Hanson rocks! I, CC, will TK true aim; JIG mushroom hair; FB more KB; RS more 5's, Fenix, spinskills; WMC much love and respect; ILL 1 the illest it gets; WMC Reconyz! I, MEL, will JH, HS, and EG years of endless love and friendship; Tim my car; Drewfus and Enyr tolerance for female functions too; J-Bling pimpjuice; Heddah near death experince in the car; J David these pink dresses; EG gym memories; I love ya all! I, GL, will to HA my math and science knowledge and my love; to the TBones all the fun times; to my fellow seniors all the good times we have had. I, FALLEN, will to my peeps, my sister Franise I love you; Channy my girl just keep smilling. My best friend Tima, love ya; to my boo James keep yo head up; to my cousin Kenyetta just them girls talk; PJ and Romie love ya for life. I, LAUR, will to KA The Rainforest Cafe, life goals, 2 rides on the skycoaster, ITS PURPLE, and lifelong friendships; LE Harry Potter and John Deere; HH college guys and locked doors; SS superglue; NK online chats, KE, CW, prom night, and to all of you a promise to keep in touch. I, KA, will to LE more trips to Cedar Point, college guys, Rain Forest Cafe dude, & good luck with all your "goals"; FDa hockey game; CR Six Flags 2x, camping trips, '02 prom; KC sophmore year; CW fun times at church, Nathan, & Cedar Point; TK movies, sunsets, paintballing, stars, and mountain dew, XOXO I love ya!; KE, AB, RT, VM, friendship. I, ASHLEY GASPARINI, will to Nathan Schwalm all the happiness in the world and David Bowie LP's; to the rest of my friends: Sarah, Raina, Nickie, Nikita, Teressa S., Becca, and Kevin, our memories to treasure; to the rest of my family and friends not listed, I give you happiness and hope. I, WHIT P, will to F4 a sister for life; AM Michigan, drivebys, sleepovers, AWTAWAES, & BFFE; JH fun nights, parties, & tryin to kick it all night; KC 1 man, no more JP; WB pool talks; TK finish our list; KM '02 Prom, the '03 guys; KMDPQTTKRHBH, my love; KR, 1/2 & 1/2; CP, all my fun times; for all, success, happiness, and good times. I, DMB, will to my band an awesome time; to Elisimo bon temps avec la musique; to Fish love always; to Ab-Flo strength for your dreams; to Ren Dave /Incubus songs acoustic style; and to all good luck in life; Peace and Love.
I, MD, will to JH the TM360Ti ; to RD NHL 95 ; to EM I leave Jumping Flash Z; to KZ I leave IPSL, " the top ten ," Natalie Portman , and all of our inside jokes; and to all I leave the memory of Vinatieri 's 47 yard FG in Super Bowl XXXVI . I, EW, will to JB and TB success and fu n at Central ; toRS , JCW, TK, and KC a ride that we won't forget ; to all my friends lots of memories without the 5-0; to WMC kickin it hard with lots of KB. I, BL, will to KL you said everything! But don't forget WIXY and Kinko's ; SS, my baby, you know I love you! We will be "together for ever, " said so on a ring; all my other peoples who have helped me grow through these last four years , you know who you are! Thank you! I,***, will to JLE friendship on the court ; Craw daddy some new hair gel; Schnepp some "air Bretts" ; Tay-Tay my best friendship , "C" you soon; EB friendship for life; to all of the fellas: some of my game. I, DEMARCO JOHNSON, would like to send a shout out to my Bro's JUAN D and TYRONE J we gone forever kick it, to my lil sister JASMA keep it pimpin; to my cousin SCOOTER, CHRISTIE, much love for yall; LEANITRA, much love; TANEASHA, CHRISHANA, KRYSTAL, JUNEBUG, X, WILL, PJ, and NORTH. I, BETH, will to all my friends much luck in the future; CG and KB don't forget lunches; KF you're nuts; EH don't get sucked in; Color Guard good luck and you can do it! VV so much in common AHH! Functional Families for everyone. I, BRIGGS, will to Pooter: Jacob, BEITER hiding places, and more years of friendship; to Jordan: Pherrell; Egner prospect; Megli: a backpack & Vanessa; Nessa: green m&m's & Mark; Cassie: Nathan; Ben Ford: my heart; Laurie: college men; Remy: extra hours in the day; all my other senior friends, I didn't forget you, fond memories and a great life; underclassmen friends: work hard, it pays off and have a great life. I, DRP, will toOT, RO, ROS, K MACK, TJ, BIG SWOLE, B DAWG, THE HIGH LIFE, and GOOD TIMES IN DA BASEMENT! To the chickens nothin but love; and always LOVE TO WB. I, RW, will RM, BC, MC, #17, sprinkler hopping and Da Bears; to JH the squirrel and prince; to TK white sheets, pillows, Dr. Seuss, and the smallest size; to AD swimsuit hickies(right!) and older men; to CB Zoster crust and "weird!"; to AK many memories and the mall; to RMAKTKWPWBAMKCJHTAEC some wild nights; to MM Keith Sweat! to MD French major; JD new songs. I, BM, will to TP a pillow of Kirby's hair; AD fun times that nobody ever knew about; JT all the fights we got into; JY all the memories of Fortomato; DO and CB fun times we had when eveybody else was gone. I, BIGSWOLE, will to all my dawgs the HIGHLIFE, more great times in MAC's basement, and all the berrr in the world! to the funeral guy that takes up all the spots and gave me all my parking tickets; to everybody going to p-land I see great times ahead-PEACE! I, BS, will to all my fellas some hot fee's to chill with and something to do on the weekend.
I, Q, will to DP headlights and turn signals; KM my strong hand child ; TJ times are good now and again ; RH use your turn signals ... close call ; Others good times ; 03 Chicks drama; ED "corruption , " countless memories, and all my heart and love forever. I,***, feel that as I leave this school there are some people that I have to give a shout out to MG , DT, RA, JH , OJ , X. What's up to my lil Cuz Tekyra Algee keep on pimpin ; to my baby 4 life Eva Lelea Much Love; to my Mom I Love you. I, ERIN, will to POOTER something to do, farm boys, DQ, serial killer movies ; Vanessa something to take a picture of; Lisa campus skating; Mark herbie; Jordan joker, trouble , kitchen talks, and laughing too hard at stuff that isn't even funny; Shara emo; Remy bowie; Natalie muppets, Salem , and nsync; Kim J nicotine patches; Jimmy T 8th grade fun. I, AP, will KL and LC good times; J-RAWLES many shopping sprees and guy talk; Tutu I leave you our sprinkler runs; to my "fab four" an open seat in the jeep; and to my little bro the best advice I can give, BE YOURSELF! Everybody else, I luv ya! I, MOLLY, will the permission to come on my property anytime to Erin; decisiveness to Remy; the addresses of the best parties to Ariela; my fantastic swimming skills to MBJ and Sam; my everlasting love to Donovan; and happiness and good luck to everyone else. I love you all. I, CS, First and foremost I will my friends long-lasting memories; to my squad aching muscles and lots of love; KB lunches full of pepsi cola and skates; MF its got to be you! TP phish food forever; RK telekencinik; LG unexpected tackles; BM imaginary boyfriends; NG more about that later. I, ENJOILIFE, will to Tina my love and lack of skateboarding skill; to Drew my half of the musical spectrum; and everyone else a little piece of mind, the ability to relax, and something you love to put your energy into. Good luck to everyone, enjoi yourselves. I, CARA, will to LA rides to school, embarrassing po pos, after hours at your crib, bed head, OC dancing, BFF; SD food at my crib, OC dancing, yellow bouncy ball, BB BFF; JH best car OC music dancing at lunch; WP grounded till spring break, rides to lunch. Love always CARABEAR I, KRYSTAL WALKER, would like to give a shout out to all my girls left at Central High School; my two loving brothers Anthony and Otis Brown stay up and don't lose yo pimp status; my loving boyfriend, Brent Brown (my baby);last but not least my mommy, thanks mommy for all you done for me. I, AM, will to WP drive-bys, OOb's, Mich, sleepovers, AWTABAES, BFFE Love ya! JH pickles, dancing, HL, contracts, quietcars; TK tannie tips, dd talks, 3669, lip gloss; KC Halks sixpack; JP WB pool parties, golf fun; DP, QT, RH, TJK, KM, BH, JK, JR, AK, RW, DL, JL, JTW, thanks for making H.S. so much fun, Love ya! I, KB, will my car to whoever wants it; to JF, CF, RD, many jokes, laughs, and good times; to CG, BV, CB, KF, years of friendship and arguments; to everyone else have fun and good luck.
1, AJM, will all burnt rubber around Central to Mr. Freyman; to Brian Murphy I will my starting long snapper spot, don't screw up; to Sean Judy a swift kick in the nuts; to Jeff, Joel, and Eric, the picture of my butt taken at a photo booth in the mall; to C.S. I will Mr. Squirrel and other rodents that have made apperances on a Maroon Pontiac Aztec across cham-bana-voy 1, CHENISE, will to God who I thank for letting me get this far in life; to my loving Mother and Father without you guys I don't know what I would do; to all of my Pretty Misses Nique, Jazz, Te'asha, Gooba keep yo head up high and tell all of them haters to quit hatin' and Congradulate; to my boo Walter and the rest of all my Divas, shine on, and tell them Runnas to keep runnin and I'll Holla! I, KOMIKZ 2, will to ULI bottomless lattes and a tab at Kopi; to you know who you are ER, Steakout missions, Chicaco, FL, J CREW, Rollerblades, no calories, BUD, and crazy nights; to Blairy a reason to go to school and keys to your house. I, KRISTINE MIN, will to Janice and Kornstien endless hours on the phone and a happliy ever after- thankyou; GC Pimpin more road trips to various rinks; Nenas RA, NG, and KF the best parties and the finest papis; to everyone God's grace and unconditional love- PEACEI, KRIS C, will to Amy more interrupted study days; Leslie all haunted houses on Halloween; Mandar mall trips with Princess; Kayte flaps, little red nests, and John diddy papers; Rachel Mr. SP memories; Claxy all those humorous times in class with people who just didn't know; Kristine phone calls; Schepp all my gum. I, ***, would like to thank GOD for guiding me through these four long years. I want to thank my baby-daddy cookie "I love you boo." I want to say to Krystal, Jacquis, Melissa, Teri and Charlene, "Keep ya head up!" I, CASSANDRA ROSE WILLIAMS, will to Kristin Tim, all the good times at Youth group and the Ceter point; to Laurie I will all the Cute College guys, and great times at Ceter Point; to Kayla I will you good luck with your apartment and find your perfect guy; to Heather I will Ben Ford. I, EGE, will to JY my common sense and all the money you owe me, also designer belts; to JM a warm winter coat; to AJM an empty MGD bottle and Mr. squirrel; to JH all the embarrassing times with AJ; to ALgood times at the shack and a clear state of mind; to EW my kitchen and endless supplies of munchies. I, TS, will broken reeds, redshirt guy, the groom to Chipmunk; to Heather Drill Charter and Mountain Dew; Bitsy the KD; Becca fire and tech; Jared good luck with girls; Ruby Roo and Tim, CG Anthony memories of Homecoming '01. Tallness don't forget the Short ones; to everyone else I'll miss ya. I, BRETT, finally it's over! These past four years have been full of good times kicking it with Pea, Q, TJ, Big swole, KMAC, and Hiner. We've done some crazy things the past four years (that I won't mention) I wish my friends the best of luck to them in the future.
I, ZOG, will to KateC our sisterhood for a lifetime, JC, and older boys; Mango the right boy, one stress free day and cwacka! Krise marker-fighter and a million laughs; JenL men in uniforms; JuJu a boy that's not gay; everyone a great life. I, DOMINQUE, will to my Pretty Misses Chenise, Kristen, Gooba, Te'asha and Jasmine and to the Haters stop hatin and start congradulating. Thank you to KT, SUPA keep ya'll head up. Farwell to my mother and father, Walt Simone and Louis hope to see ya'll in the future. HOLLA! I, CLD, promise to be true to myself. I will miss you SC, JM, AJ, AR, TS, I love you guys. I, JJL, will BS some more conditioner; JK an BOOm title; RC some more gel; DM a glorious college football career; to JR and ZB one more talk girl session; to EB another hot family member; to Cory an incredible four years. I, MARIELLE, will to AD reindeer and billboards; CB pompom and parked cars; JTW poodle dreams; BM butter stains; TP aspirations of your parents; DO lunch with the girls', RW cleaning my room; AK spirit fingers; BB squealing pigs; AE dating and toothbrushes; JH siblings and lies; JY Blockbuster dancing; and everyone else good times and high school reunions to come. I, EG, will HO academy, SB 2002; MD late night calls to boys; HS good boyfriend; JH no worries, understanding; RC sensitivity; DM a farter, sports; PG, girls; CS things that ARE possible; MKB my all, love 2 min. past 4 ever; Boys faith, friendship; MFKS good senior year; soccer girls tournaments; cheerleaders some of the best years of my life; ERWMELMG the four funniest people I know. I, JIG, will to WMC love, pride, respect; TK a true soldier indeed; CC, Aero one!; Fat B next flight to Amsterdam! ILL-E the illest it gets; RKDG cruisin, bumpin' contagious; O-MAN u before any of them; G-Swole stay in the game! one love; Big P run '05, keep kickin it; DL, HP, MM, KM, TA, AQK, AC, Fam, HOLLA! I, AGL, want to thank the Lord for all that he's done for me; I love you mom and dad! to my love Willie McGee, I will never forget you! Love you always; to all my family &: friends, I love ya'll: Chenise, Genina, Heather, Lizz, Chrishanna, and my cousin Tee-money; to the rest of ya'll that I forgot, don't worry I know who ya'll is .... Love ya'll &: take care! I, ***, will to all my guys that showed so much love, thanks. To all my haters thanks for bringing the love, It showed me you really cared. Much love and thanks to my girl Alana. Keep yo head up; Much love to my fam in the Chi-town. Do what you do! I, MMS, will LR and JW a life of good memories, more nights in AB's garage, that Buddah, and midgets; BP a safe door knob and visits to the TP; LS the perfect shoes; Coop some kleenex; to all those who have supported me, my endless love and respect.
I, VALERIE G, will to DAVID W.: my love, my heart, and our future together. Jenifer L., Keli B., Remy T.: my everlasting friendship and many more movie nights and shopping sprees. I love you four. Everyone else: much success and my nonexistent. He .. he. I, KL, will BL trips to WAL-MART daily, my friendship for life, and the house next door; AP and LC , Band Camp, Dances, (No jirating!) Louisville ... Milk, IMEA, Superstate. LA and SD whenever you need someone I'm here. ES, BB, MA, DL, leave a legacy at Central, tell everyone what you know. I, MELISSA, will much love to my girls Camile and Jazz. Thanks for always being there. All my other friends I'll miss you. Cole, you're my heart and I love you. Mom and Dad thanks for being patient. Knowuva and Larain, ya'll crazy! For anybody I missed, Peace out! I, TEClA, To all my friends at Central, I just want to see you all walk the stage. VESHIA, TOSKA, J. WARD, MEGAN, MS. WALKER, BIG D, X-MEN, TASHA B, AND TO ALL MY FRIENDS I DID SAY. THAT'S ALL PEOPLE. FROM CRAZY T. I, EB, HEREBY GNOB LGB SO THAT HE CAN CARRY IT ON AFTER I HAVE LEFT. I GIVE MUCH LOVE TO ALL MY BUDS: JK, JL, ZB, RC, JR, DL, DM. I, ANDREW DIXON, will to Kane jammin and lots of beats. Reams the phattest beats and tables. To Chase and Joel all the Miles and Clifford CD's and Jammin on some blues. To KG never lose the hottness. Will lots of cartoons. Giant steps to everybody. Pizece I, KAYLA MICHELLE, will Jessie and Shep the best of luck finishing. Laurie Eichman a new car b/c I'm cursed. he he. Megan lub. I will Deston, you can keep him, LOL. and finally Cassie Williams the best of luck with Nathan. I, ELISE MCAULEY, will LC por-fri-ri and unit circles, AP lunches and walks, JRAWLES sk8tr boyz and Noah, ANA late night drives, ADRO being giddy, Mr. Nelson the best marriage, KP the Station Wagon Club, DREW songs, T.O.D. extreme olies, Soul Mate summer sleepovers. JTWHITME charts, E-CANE boys. I, GIN, will to BY friendship, guidance and cheesesticks 4ever; to IT my car; to J Leh good times, boys, and a seat at your first concert (The GIN JENS); to EM lots of cake; HH Chicken nuggests (from EM) and to the rest of seniors, be good at what you do and do it well. 03' Senoirs kick! I, JBLING, Mel-D the perfect guy, a paginus, higher speed limit; DM, trimmers for the pharot; RC new car; BFG-Salt. DZ-good friends, Reverse oreo; HS-BATMAN and 11 years of great memories. AR- my go-kart skills; EG 2 many memories, a house next door and my everylasting friendship. CIO 2003 GOOD LUCK I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I, NINY, will to my sister, crazy memories, late night crys over MAEBDTSM ..... JBCBNSDB!!! long driveway talks, rides in PoPe, booty ball dancing, Summer of 02' CS scrumptious food, being slow, all those Dans! To KLAPBL, friends can go separate ways but you'll always know where I am, High School, Goodbye. I, JP, will Nothing. I'm taking it all with me. And I'll make it so No one forgets me.
I, KINCH, will to KP, Sha, SF many fun night rehearsals and playing in the rain; CR mountains of won-tons; Tina a hug; RK, RT, DF, SP, VM fun times and laughs; Egli more math chats; CT a lyre and many laughs; horns: great times and a strong sound; other trumpets, well. .. making fun of cetain people ... Remember always BLOW HARD!!! I, DRT, will to my bros many sucessful years at Central; to NP and ND an in tune piano; to the T-bone section, more years of being the best and after game dinners somewhere besides Hooters; to EB, JK, AE, BK, and ME many more brawls and shag days; and to CR and PB a Cubs World Series Victory. I, TRESLIN, will to all my true bestfriends: Niesha, Nataska, and Susana Thank you for making high school years great. I love you girls. Don't ever forget Jesus loves you. I, SHANA, will SS my nerdy glasses; EM 1000 punk shoes; KC a good boyfriend; Ketti a million pets; Kimmy an awesome garden; VG, DW love forever, and a God-filled life; NK muppets forever; Ursy a kitchen in a box; and everyone else happiness. I, WEB, send my love out to JH, AM, KC, TK, AK, TA, KM, RH, BH, RW, TK, QT, WP: Best of luck to all of you. Thanks for being there for me and the fun nights. DP, my best friend, you always know what to say. You will always be in my heart. I, AE, will to ERM mornings, my sweater, tea , salsa & chips; RK mardi gras beads, EG soccer & full moons ... ; BB nachos with pepper, morning talks; TK thanks for remembering physics assignments for me;MKD endless child-like mischief; CS dating, JUMP! Jeff skipping class; I, NOW-NOW, would like to thank God for letting me make it this far; most of all I would like to thank my mommy, thanks for all the support and advice and being there for me and helping me keep my head up, much love; to my girls, Tenesha, Jasma, Chrishana, Eva, Krystal, and Tasha, for being there for me and stay strong, smile, and let haters downfall; Tenesha, and Jasma c/o "04" turn on the lights because it's you'll time to shine, smile; much love, your girl Now-Now. I, RASHAD ARCHEY, can't believe High School is over, and it's time to move on; I want to shout to the Academy, Eva, Willie, Mitchell, Darrell, J Boogie, Sam, Ryan Allen-Davis, Big John, Keisha, Jensa, and Camille. "Reall Playaz Do What They Want: Fake Playaz do What they can!; Holla at cha boy!!! I, JTW, will to WP poinsettias; to AD makeout sessions; to the Girl Version (TK) rotfllamfecabc and SA2; to TP old school days and Surge; to DO my clean driving record; to BMO girls and fights; to BB sentimental talks and the Bakery; to KS our baby; to CS new arms; to MD amazing . grace and singing; to EM voice crackings; to AM the Windsor!; to CB the pool and good times at the house; to KB good driving times; to KC a neggy forever; to AKJHAERW many good times. Peace.
I, JAMES SCHIRMER, leave Madrigals to Alex and Mandy; to Jonathan both my deoderant and Pimp skills; to Nate forever; EM all football butt! Joey football games I'll advice, stop stalking people; the theatre to all who will always be here sweetie, love ya; Chippy OWEDOONIES!! work on it in some way; to Hannah ducktape for her love ya man! AH my ghetto shoes and mixed babies; Kate eyebrows; to Rio my gullibility. our song; JY all my love since junior year! you're such a stud; VG, EM, AH, SC, SP, ML, GV, KA, NC, you're my girls, I I, LESALIYA, will to SD(Blanky) sisterhood forever; to '02 summer and its guys (CB, MA, NS, SM, DB); to yb PoPe, love you! Please remember a part of you has grown in me, never being home on time, skipping schoo, andl hella guy together and forever we shall be, maybe distanced apart, stories; to CS forever BF, MOTFMMABFAB; to Jo lunch, but never at heart; I love you all! Peace out Central! Class you're my girl; toES yaknow, yaknow; to GOD ..... MY LIFE! of '03! I, ERICA CLAXTON, will to AK lots of parties; TA late night I, TONY BRUNO, will to ALAN EINCK a wonderful chillen; JH, RM, RW more parties; JK, DM, BS, JR, RC, JT, friendship; to WHITNEY BYRD a STUCO for the record DP, RH, TJ kicken it; to underclassmen 03' ability to make books; to CHRIS RONEY physics records, Granger and a high school worth it. great friendship; to DREW McMAHON the 8th grade I, Jimmy, will to Chippy every success; EM Meijer's photo revolution that changed my life. You have always been guy; HH country boy; stubby (k) all Peabody St.; M. Piggy there buddy and I love you for that; to ZAC BURTON, her hair; CK bananas; Wampy: Wampy forever; NB a mooning nuns! Being your friend has changed my life and I SG Chicago; LE elon; BG, JS, DT, HC, SS all the princess; thought you should know that; to all my friends, a fulfilling life. In the 8th grade I realized that in life you are either a stage for everything you do; God bless. I, TayTay, will to AK hayden white sheets and house; RM leader or you are a follower. The time will come for you to long walks, maid of honor, elevator ?'s, IGA hotel; AM decide what you are. That will be the biggest decision of tannie tips, 3669 club, Mr. Ds be; RW stoplight dances your life. barbie clothes; WP new FB finished lists; JH house parties, I, LILT, will 2 AME excitement w/ lots of hot guys(@once); HO$; KC 6 pack, JP, JTW, twins gas$; CB wedding present, EC I owe you a 5th; KT forenzix 4 life; Trixy-a car(also of apologies; AD 1000 laughs, Davies; BB planed stunts at course, Trix aren't 4 kidz); Welch more garage parties; the KOIAB; JK "best friends" better prom dates; KM night Becca B neverending creativity; Julich-favortism; TJ OH in smak49/boonies, brains l TA record label; TJK gossip MY GOD! You're GONNA DIE!; Taylo dance songs played on session, DPQTRH mattis memories, KAL and NATE-crew repeat; 2 all others from K-12 you've shaped my heart and members Kyle B; WB pool parties; HOJHER-bball soul. I'm outta this piece! Wish me tuck! memories; Cratzie another faulker; TIMC- me and JW's I, NATE, would like to thank my lovebird ASHLEY for being wedding invitation; AC white GF; EBJLRCBSTPDMZBJRBM my sweet lady; thanx to my Mom and Dad and my crazy DLSHMDLGJHHSAEMDEMMMLM love and luck. friends; Jason(RVD), Joe, Joel Matthews, Joel Anderson, I, CB, will to DO lots of great movies; TP a bat and two Kevin Smith(Mr. Role Playing), Taylor, DJ mon, Pastor Joe, little monkeys; MD pom-pom; TK okay cocky; RW every God, Travis, Steve and the rest of others to mention. of pants there are and Sugar Boy; JT more fun lunches kind I, CG, will the C2A best wishes; I wish you all the best of with me and Andrea and special phone conversations; AD luck and enjoy highschool as long as you can because the to make it past the previews and older men; DB 3 more real world can be very harsh; to my BFs I hope that we can fun-filled yearsremember to have fun; BM my physics share our memories of CHS forever. Keep them close and homework; to everyone all my love and luck. remember the good along with the bad. I, TRUCK, will to JMC my heart and my love; to Melivin my I, ZALUCHA, will Jeff B my soccer skills, dubage, and all bed and friendship; to TPOPE my Evo card; to BMO my themfaces; Mike D moose antlers, california love, IPSL, common sense, jk BMO; to Caitlin my great taste in racquetball, always remember Riems is key!; David G and movies; to JT Whitmer, BB, ZB, JH, JB good times. Pat B are you kidding me?; Mike K swivel neck; Ben F big I, HO, will to EG another Spring break and 4 years of money; everyone else GO NINERS, GO CARDS!!! Academy life; ER basketball 4ever and cross country days E I, JTM, will to LM all my skills; to EE an Escalade with power! AD another book of 101_ WM the awesomest some dubs and a mess of good times; to JH a wheat free person at Central; JH Buddah; ALa good basketball team; dinner; to BM a little common sense; to JY all the things EE BS all my athletic skill; TK basketball practices; MG, DT, stole; to AD and all much love. Peace Out!! EL, a good life outside the acadamy! PM my legs to run. I, RC, will Booty, MelD, Shorti G, and Stumps, crates of I, BBGUN, will to MDKCAEECRWTA middle school memories Gas-x; ZB a chick hornier than he is; Schnepp mad game; JK a tree to hug; J Flashlight Tag, War, and sandbox floods; for life; to AK daddy's ice cream shop; to MD major therapy; to TK perfectly planned parties; to EB and JK Rollo the Schwans man truck. trampoline nights; AD & CB smiles and tears for every I, SMACK, will to Q, P, TJ, ROSa phat one and years of weekend; to BMTPDOJHJY unlimited food supply; to ZB friendship; to Whitney, Whitney, Annie, Jenn, Katie, good milkshakes, Big Red, and summer memories; EM accents, memories and a happy life; to everyone else a place in my numbers, bobby pins n pens; to JTW sixth grade love and house; to myself to be successful and stay real with all friendship forever. those who are close to me.
1, JLEH, will to VG frozen food, all my love and friendship
I, CRAZY MONKEY, will to Shana all of my Kurt Cobain stuff; Kayte a ton of hugs; Adrian more reasons to tease me; Laurie more blonde moments; Heather more inside jokes; Lisa, James, Shana, Vanessa and Mark candy and lots of nap time; good luck. I, STONER, will to Olss a return to mucho B's; Deuce a deleted head; all my guys at Biones place; Robbie some burn ointment; Ash my love always; Mas Man AKA Big Butters shouts to the football team; LS one hit wonders all summer; shouts to Claxy, BP, RM, and everyone else. I, KATIE, will to F the 4 many years of friendship; JH sugar and spice 4 ever! WP easier recoveries! AM a new JW, I love you guys so much! WB many more poolside summers! RM Swimming JPens! Hal TKAKTARMWPJH: Central's got ROLLS! Senior Guys: I love U all. I, MANGO, will to BB your own ice pick face, crazy moments, my friendship and love forever; AH ghetto-fide amanda shoes, a quaka, night long phone converstations; JL football games, football butts, #29!, choir moments; Drew, Pat, Chris a flash and hug; K the past six years, moments, and my love; to my friends "Here's a toast to all those who knew me all to well, here's to the nights we felt alive, here's to the tears you knew you cried, here's to goodbye tomorrows gonna come to soon." I, AD, will to CB IGA and the crack; to MD Harrington curve and the POPO'S; TP hugs and animorphs; to DO a happy marriage, 3 kids, and happy hours; to BM drives to Rantoul and girls in college; to JW career on Broadway and fantasies; to JY lemonade, dolphins, and embarrassing times; to RW bathers and my older men; to BB fondue and Andrew Sommers; to JH secret handshakes et les temps bien dans le classe de francais; to CB, MD, TP, DO, BM, and JW I love you guys, it's been a blast! I, JD, will to my brothers; I take to my grave Demarco, Tyrone, y'all the guys fo' real; to my lil sisters Chishana, Tenesha A.K.A. Pink; Tasma keep pimpen, love always; to my big sis Taya your my heart; to my boo Assha you the one; '03 we shine like paint. I, NNC, would like 2 thank my mom (Sherry) for taking the time out to show me how to do things right and for never giving up on me, 4 that I love you; to my g/b Treslyn, Lisha, Ashley, Terrionna, A.E., K.C., Keon, and all the others I love u. I, SARAH PITARD, A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of ones heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away... --Arabian Proverb. AWEEDOONY Everybody, I love you ... I, CJR, will to CK and PB homework free lunches; to SH endless amounts of Snickers; to HS my car (when I'm done); to KV and HP lunch at El Torero and cherry stems; to RT good luck; Squirt it's all yours now. THE MAROON good luck and great books for years to come.
I, QUEEN JACQUIS, would like to will to my cousins Joy and Jasmine Catchings be yourself even when there's haters; Whitney Keaton, I love you girl stay sweet chocolate and the next million dollar singer; to those who hated on me these last 4 years sick a duck!!! I luv myself. I, MOO, will to Dweebo Low-Downs and white boys; to Heath-Bar oreos and forest; to Benya-Benya the flap; Lachey the abiltiy to leave Luke alone; JL and RT "our band" Bonquisha McDonalds; Josher more church; to everyone loads of love!! I, LEEP, will to Big Paul, Phil, Andrew, and Paul no curfew; to my crew... happiness where ever you go; to TK, Jig, Ill, Meek, Zinger, coop, Rick, and everyone else .... thanx for being around; to Havice ... no beef; and to everyone else .... PEACE. I, ASHLEY, will to the class of 03 endless smiles; to the "wamma chics" laughter parties, and memories; to JH and HS a life long friendship; to EG found memories and love; to OM good socks! to TK a place to go if ever left; toMS my love and devotion and all the good times. I, THE CELLIST, will to AN the night to bang my drum any time; SS a spot on drumline; toEA, LF, and EC the world in 04; to KL good times in theory class; to JR a reality check; to AD, MD, and CB my regrets for time wasted; to JA your principle now, make me proud. I, HEATHER, will to MD higher speed limt and the perfect guy; JH another Asics tourney and many more great memories (longneck bottle); EG I'm glad we became friends and to be louder; EB, RC, OM, JL, JR, ZB, and BS the best of luck in the future! '03 BABY!!! I, AMYK, will to Penish campus parties and Savoy's car parking lot; to Taylo 2pac, the "Y", most random, funny, wannabe like ME Korab; to Annie bathroo buddies; to Parkhill score @ Will; to Dr. Welch malls, Bloomington and boys (Nate ... ha); to Trixy DaBears, UR random sense of humor, and Trixy shirts; to BBGun Bottenfield, icecream and Wilson; to Terra friendship 4Life and INCUBUS; to Boody Fisher boys; to Krissy being neighbors; to Byrd iceskating routine; to KT JUS and TY and UR singing; JC the village; to TJPep my heart; to JT our loft; to Kara cheerleading rides home and being so sweet; to TWINMOL I put you in my will; to MJ best friends; JohnR hot tuband our long, deep conversations; Batie remember you always; to '03 Gang Mattis Park; to Class of 2003 good luck; to my family gratefulness, love and understanding. I, TMA, will to all of my chicas BAGELMEN'S TO GO ALL AROUND; to KB love ya; to TJP those hugs are mine; to my bestest friend of the world: you are my other half- we WILL keep in touch "AME"; I'm outta this piece! I, That Guy, will good times to all: Nikky, Jeff, Andy, and the rest in love; dirty deeds to Poetzel; plenty of the Ozzman to my bot Metz; that is all, just keep chillin, and remember to laugh.
Class of 2003
sophomores 96-1 07 freshmen 108-119
President: Nick Scarpetta, Vice President: Carolyn Ratcliffe, Secretary: Hanna Ahn, Treasurer: Erik Higgins
Emily Abbott Kristin Adkisson Hanna Ahn Kim Aikman Brittani Akins Roxana Almaraz
Brian Anderson Travis Anderson Jessica Andrejasich Angela Assmann
Brittany Bailey Derek Baker Elliott Barcus Amanda Barton
Timothy Bass Katrina Belanger Stephanie Bennett Alex Berg-Jacobson Daniel Berkey Vaskia Bernard
Benjamin Bloomer Cristina Board Jeffrey Bohlmann Kara Bowen Jamila Bradford Erin Brandon
Megan Brewer Kelsey Bridges Nicholas Britsky Nathan Brown
Paul Brown Joseph Brownfield Shonda Brundidge Ashley Buerkett
Regina Butler Shatoka Butler Jonathan Butler-Duplessis Erin Cain Glenn Caise Heather Caldwell
What is the best thing about being a junior? "Being a junior is good because you have been here long enough to get comfortable with the school, and you still have an extra year here." -Tu Nguyen "Juniors (class of 04) are the best!" -Jenell Hendrix
"Juniors go commando." -Frank Giammaria
Cynthia Camacho Timothy Carey Antonio Carter Matthew Cech Lisa Chau Nicholas Clegg
Stephanie Cobb Kimera Coburn Kyle Coey Joshua Cogdill Melica Collins Jacob Cordes
Katherine Crawford Liliana Cuevas Rebecca Cuppernell Austin Curtis Jessica Dangles Lashandra Davis
Matthew Davis Maria Demopoulos Julianne Deschler Emily Deters Jessica Dickson Charles Dillavou
Ryan Dillon Natalie Dixon Michael Dorries Katherine Dubois Elizabeth Dunn Nathaniel Dunn
Gregory Durant Alex Dye Catherine Dyszelski Amanda Ehmann Christopher Elliott Katherine Elliott
Dontae Evans Jennifer Fainot Maggie Fesenmaier Taylor Feuille Lynnsey Fisher Jed Fitzpatrick
Emily Fotzler Jayme-Lee Francis Ryan Frederick Katie Fredericks Martha Funston Jeremy Furtney
Nidia Gaona Shannon Gardner Frank Giammaria Joseph Gibas Nicholas Gibson Daniel Gillespie
Oscar Gipson Tom Giro Xavier Gladney Colin Glatz Lauren Goodpaster Nicholas Gordon
"The best part about being a junior is having the biggest and best class in the school!" -Kimera Coburn "Not being a freshman and getting to drive!" -Kara Bowen
"Well, it's not the homework." -Andy Hackley ''Being a junior, the younger people look up to you and try to be a friend." -Sam Howard
Margaret Gorham David Greenstein Richard Gregory Richard Griscom Nicolas Gui do Andrew Hackley
Sarah Hagle Joung Han Keith Hardyman Juanett Harris Jordan Harry Danielle Hassell
Shaylee Hebert Jenell Hendrix Magdalene Henss Carly Hermsdorf John Herrel Erik Higgins
What is the best thing about being a student athlete? "It was study hall." -Natalie Dixon
"You learn to prioritize." -Cassie Dyszelski
"The adrenal in." -Victor Miely
"Practice, I love practice!" -Katie Lenover
Ryan Hoffman Joseph Holdren Samuel Hottman Dominick Howard Martel Howard Samuel Howard
Jennifer Hoyt Sean Hundley Shannon Hunt Kayanna Hunter Katrina Jackson-Mathis Nadia Jassim
Christopher Johnson Sada Johnson Caryn Jones Marybess Jones Teasha Jones Katondra Jordan
David Joy Amanda Justice Marina Kalinichev Brenna Kane Hannah Kannen Whitney Keaton
William Kendall -Dick Habiba Khan Derrick Kirby Miranda Klimek Louise Knight Stephanie Kroes
Clayton Lamanske Nirvana Lara-Rios Melissa Lawhead Katie Lenover Vicky Li Jordan Lietz
"Not having to get physically educated." -Robin Thomas
"Staying in shape." -Lisa Chau
"Being close to the people on your team." -Allyson Magno
Laura Lindemann Tosha Lockett Allyson Magno Tamara Marmion Phoebe Mbuvi Kevin McDermed
Alisha McElrath Elliott McGill Jacob McGill Marella McMurray Marcell McNutt Leigh Mechling
Elizabeth Metzler Victor Miely Rayna Miller Markia Minor Maureen Mooney Alexis Morgan
Leslie Morrison James Mosley Leslie Muhr Anthony Murphy Brian Murphy Holli Musson
Leah Myrick Aleena Nelson
Garrick Nelson Holly Nelson
Richard Nelson Tu Nguyen Amy Nichols Allison Niswonger Rebecca Nizzi Joseph Noh
Michael Oliphant Miguel Ortega Brandon Pape Brian Parker Samantha Parkhill Justin Peacock
Christopher Pearson Amanda Pease Thomas Peper Robert Perry Carrie Peters Franise Posey
David Pribble Katherine Rames Alexandria Ratcliff Carolyn Ratcliffe Marsha Reardon Jonathan Reimer
Jessica Reynolds Christopher Rhodes-Wilson Julia Riss Aaron Robinson Donovan Roediger John Rost
John Runge Raudia Sallee Kimberly Sarnecki Nicholas Scarpetta Joel Schneider Phillip Schroeder
Ethan Schwalm Davis Shannon Kathryn Sholem Coulter Simon
Andrew Sims Kevin Sitch Trina Smith Nicholas Sougiannis
Gregory Spanglo Amanda Sparks Shamika Spencer Jarod Spohrer
Michael Stevens Michelle Stone Samuel Stone Jordan Strack Jenna Suttle Jordan Svymbersky Thitinun Swasdikula Na Ayudha Natalie Tabb Ryne Tennant Robin Thomas Sarah Thomas William Thomas
Ingrid Thorson Remy Tipei Franklin To Bradley Tobias Kalie Trueper Jessica Vaughn
Robert Vignola Ross Vimr Anthony Virgilio Chontelle Wade Dane Wallace Wenshuo Wang
Dewayne Watson Joshua Weichsel Bryan White Antoine Whitted Ariella Wiener Kyle Wikoff
Heather Willenborg Clarence Williams Denise Williams Devan Williams Shemica Williams Tiffany Williams
Blake Williamson Stephen Wisegarver Danielle Wleklinski Katie Woodson Jason Yambert Jennifer Yoo
Megan Yore Yasmin Youssef Michael Zeigler Not Pictured: Ashley Aina, Gaylend Allen-Davis, Kimberly Baker, Sheena Brize, Ashley Brown, Gerald Brown, Katherine Buck, Lareina Chappell, Erika Chavez, Centrail Chillis, Jasma Cobb, Samuel Davis, Alicia Dow, Emmerson Duo, Patrice Gatson, Angela Griffin, Jason Hasbargen, Jasmine Henry, Eric lnskip, Tyrra Jasper, Jennifer Jocelyn, Chandora Johnson, Demes Johnson, Tyjuan Johnson, Theodore Jones, Amanda Kamphaus, Andrew Le, Edward Lee, Anthony Lindsey, William Lynch, Kerry McDaniel, Niandra McFerren, Bryan McMullan, Rose Montgomery, Lakendra O'Bannon, Hiren Panchal, Kyanna Payne, Emma Petry, Daniel Reyes, Reva Rivers, Kendra Rodgers, Muhammed Savage, Tony Shofner, Margo Smith, Patricia Smith, Celia Smith-Arends, Paul Smithpeters, Stacy Taulbee, Jaquis Thompson, Leveshia Turner, Trevia Turner, La'Shera Vassar, Knowuva Ward, Benjamin Wheeler, Amber Williams.
Sophomore Class Officers
Hilary Phillips- President Bethany Sullivan- Vice President Allison Mclemore-Secretary Katelyn Burgett- Treasurer
Homecoming Attendants Kyle Browning
Stuart Carlson
Munther Abdeljawad Jacob Abeln Carson Adams Lawrence Agnew Joshua Alagna Gaylend Allen-Davis
Micaela Alvarez-Campos Christina Amos
Alexis Anderson lan Anderson
Martina Anderson Amanda Angel Sarah Aquino Martha Armstrong Kathryn Baker Megan Ball
Lachan Band Ashley Barkstall John Bartels Lanna Bartko Kwabena Bazzell-Smith Grant Beebe
Marcus Belsley Austin Bennett Lachia Bennett Blake Bernard Antonio Bigham Glenn Blanco-Zamora
Ernyka Blanson Mary Blazier Allison Bloomer Samantha Bosch Nicole Bowman Walters Brian
Joey Broadrick April Brown Brittany Brown Christopher Brown Lamar Brown Patrick Brown
Thaddeus Brown Kyle Browning Matthew Bruce Evan Bruno Orion Buckingham Miranda Bugbee
Katelyn Burgett Jessie Bush Jordan Butts Adriana Camacho Lisa Cameron Ben Campbell
Keontae Campbell Huiying Cao Stuart Carlson Isaiah Carter Kristen Carter Kyle Carter
Nicole Cascone Tiree'nee Caston Joy Catchings Dominique Cavette Andrew Cekander Layla Chapman
Sara Chapman James Chavez Ha-Yoon Chun Hannah Clark Raymond Clark Isaiah Clayborn
Tricia Cornett Bryan Cox
Lauren Craig Camus Crawford
Latoria Crider Samuel Curry Rachel Curtis Charity Curtiss Thomas Daley James Daniel
Eboni Davis Ryan Davis Alyssa Davison Keandre Delaney Nicholas Donaldson Patrick Donovan
What is your favorite pick-up line? "Just when my day couldn't get any better... " -Charles Hutjens "You must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day." -Jessie Bush
"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I next to each other." -Lamar Brown
Brittany Doss Kerry Doyle
Rebecca Egan Savanah Ellis
Brandon Ennis Elsa Enstrom
"I lost my phone number! Can I have yours?" -Ashley Morgan Jacob Fabian Joshua Fabian
Tyler Falk Elisa Farinacci Cathy Feller Jeanette Figures Philip Fiscella Zachary Fiscus
Matthew Fitton Chris Flanders Christine Fleener Shauna Flynn Michelle Frazer Laura Frederick
Jamie Freeman Shiesha Freeman Lashaunce Gaines Alfredo Garcia-Meza Salem Gebil
Ivy Gill
Noelle Gipson Kari Goad Devin Goldenstein Mike Goma Carlos Gonzalez Francisco Gonzalez
Bryanna Graham Amanda Grammer Gabriella Grant David Graves Royce Greenberg Jill Grider
Jason Grodsky Kelsey Grodsky Jorge Guerrero Sarah Hagens Tia Hahn Dennessia Hall
Phillip Hardyman Adam Harris Marnita Harris Blaine Harvey lan Hawkins Osric Hayes
William Henry Daniel Hernandez Sharita Hill Alando Holt Antonio Holt Elizabeth Hood
Michael Hood Chelsie Hopkins
Perri Howard Charles Hutjens
Courtney Ice Ricky Ivy Jasmine Jackson Nai-Fei Jiang Christina Johnson Jamison Johnson
Lauren Johnson Neteisha Johnson Kristine Johnston Sara Jones Tasheba Jones Joshua Jordan
If you could date anyone, who would it be? ''Lord Farquad!" -Danielle Spice and Angela Scopel
"Ewan McGregor" -Mary Blaizer
Sean Judy Peter Jung
Ashley Kamphaus Margaret Kane
"The Olsen twins" -Chris Brown Kristi Kaplan William Keaton
"Myself, God I'm hot! Or maybe some fly girl." -Austin Bennett Elizabeth Kelly Ryan Kern
Jay Kim Nam-Ho Kim Austin Kimble John Kincaid John Kindt Sarah Kinsel
Amelia Knight Nikita Knight-Woods James Koster Jessica Landman Evan Landreth Kelsey Lapayne
Dustin Leemon Mariya Lobkis Selena Lockett Travis Lord Benjamin Lowry Jacob Maffit
John Makaru Erin Mangian Jason Manuel Katie Manuel Alexandria Martin Victoria Martin
Meghan Martindale Maret Matthew Charles McClure Jaes McDaniel Khristi McFerren Benjamin McKenna
Allison Mclemore Matthew McShane Zachary Medlyn Chris Melvin Jeffrey Metzler Maggie Mills
lain Millsap Natalie Misa Maxwell Mkwezalamba Chandra Moll Mark Montgomery Justin Moon
Leanitra Moore Ashley Morgan Jennifer Morris Rebecca Muhr Nathan Murdent Andrew Murphy
Ibrahim Mustafaa Kinyetta Nance Paul Ndekwe Tia Neither Chau Nguyen Chau Nguyen
Quynh Nguyen Thuy Nguyen Rachel Omondi Britney Osler Kathryn Pace Natalia Pagliuca
Christina Palmer Serita Palmer Christopher Pankey Chanhoon Park Thomas Parkhill Ashley Pelz
Anna Peters William Phillippe Arriel Phillips Hilary Phillips Matthew Picchietti Krista Pittman
Where is the best place to shop? 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
Famous Barr Aeropostale Walmart American Eagle The Finish Line Hot Topic Gordman 's Kohl's Abercrombie and Fitch Hollister
Gregory Pollok Whitney Pope
Kyle Prillaman Nora Prior
Krystal Pryor Mario Pulcini
Daniel Rache Maximiliano Ramirez Dana Ray Levan Redding Brandon Roberts Todd Rocheford
Nolberto Rodriguez Jilmala Rogers Raquel Roney Karen Rose Jacob Roth Elizabeth Rowland
Casey Runge Nathaniel Ruth Eliza Ryus I. Sanchez Christopher Schoonover Hayze Schoonover
Thomas Schroeder Megan Schroll Angela Scopel Camden Seiler Andrew Shepard Rio Shigeta
Emily Shuler Erica Sibley John Sinnes Collin Smith Marquis Smith Samantha Smith
Samuel Smith Sarah Smith Levi Soloman Benjamin Somers Lucas Somers Danielle Spice
Keisha Spiller Jennifer Stenger Jacob Stimmel Heather Stocker Lakeisha Stokes Tucker Strang
Kyla Streeter Rosalyn Stump David Su Bethany Sullivan Stephen Summers Shayonna Sykes
Victoria Tappendorf Mabinty Tarawallie Patience Tarnue Nathan Taub Jensa Taylor Graham Tennant
Megan Thomas Karen Tsui Eric Turner Jennette Turner Joseph Turner Justin Vasaune
Kristina Vasnaik Geovanny Vega-Zamora Carla Villegas Kim Voelker Adea Vogli Krystle Vreeman
Drake Wallace Sarah Wallace Allison Wampler Zhao Wang Cammelle Ward Alicia Washington
Trent Washington Eric Weissinger William Wetzel Christina White Colin White Stacey White
Amara Williams Jocelyn Williams Lindsay Williams Marcus Williams Whitney Williams Ramon Williamson
Leslie Willis Demetrius Winfrey lan Winkler-Groschen Nelson Winkler-Groschen lan Winston Richard Wojnar
Brittney Wood Madelin Woods Millie Wright Jeff Yambert Deandrae Young Tangela Young
Mark Zedrick Nathan Zimmers Danielle Zoll Not Pictured: Araceli Alvarez, Ashley Bernard, Joseph Bilbrew, Adrian Blakely, Chelsea Bradshaw, Alicia Brown, Danae Brown, Jeremy Brown, Anam Butt, Sunika Carter, Brandon Cartmill, Amanda Cavanaugh, Deborah Chanthabandit, Lindy Cookson, Damarcus Cotton, Teri Dudley, Brandon Duvall, Tanya Fulfer, Tristan Gladney, Joshua Goings, Breeman Golden, Martezs Grant, Stephen Harris, Jonathon Hemsouvanh, Demerio Hilson, Ahbleza Hurd, Brian Hutchcraft, Johnathon Jasper, Tenesha Jenkins, Quianna Kelly, Allison Kramer, Angel Lee, Vante Lee, Deandre Lewis,Francisco Macedo, Coreyon Manning, Tandra McDonald, D' Andre Miller, Tavarius Nesbitt, Taranika Newbill, Tyrell Oliver, Sara Palacio, Joshua Persha, Brandon Polite, Jerrell Pratt, Colin Price, Christopher Robeck, Christopher Roberts, Robert Robinson, Julie Shofner, Fatima Sturkey, Devin Taylor, Sashell Taylor, Patrick Thomas-Lynch, Marcus Thompson, Sergio Turner, Brittney Webb, Marcus Williams, Nelson Winkler-Groschen, Sang Hee Woo, Billy Young.
Freshmen Class Officers
President - Becky Baird Vice-President - Ali Hobbs Secretary - Luke Mathews Treasurer - Laura Henneman
Homecoming Attendants
Robert Abbott Husna Abdul -Azeez Alexander Acheson Michelle Adeoye Tekyra Algee Alejandro Alvarez
Lydia Anderson Teerra Anderson Michael Arnold Colin Artwick Lauren Baglama Tyneia Bailey
Becky Baird Jessica Bales Andy Barlow Brittany Barnhill Britly Barton Chad Baumann
Elizabeth Bazar Daniel Beaudoin John Beck Christina Benoit Javion Bibb Lyda Bielak
Michael Bigham Jordan Billingsley Audra Bishop
Courtney Bishop Marlon Blanco- Zamora Reed Boskey
Tracy Bowden Ryan Boyd Anthony Brown
Lucas Brown Maben Brown Marcus Brown Marilyn Brown Michael Brown Savanna Brown
WHAT ARE THE BEST THINGS ABOUT BEING A FRESHMAN? "I don't get much homework." -Jasmine Catchings
"Everything is new and exciting, and if you do something stupid you have an excuse." -Jennifer Tufte
"You have the upperclassmen hating on you, so you feel special." - Loreal Kirby
"Freshmen meet all the new girls." - Steven Gray
"You get to meet new people." - Marilyn Yang
"Hot upperclassmen!" - Rachel Reardon
"It is a new school and a new start." - Christy Benoit
"Easy classes, easy homework." -Graham Ellis
Shirel Brown Maria Brownfield Amy Bucey Grant Bullock Christy Burge Kayla Burrell
Dylan Cain Cameron Carter Korey Carter-Williams Jasmine Catchings Scott Changnon Demetrius Chapman
Elizabeth Chapman Andrew Chisholm Stephanie Clayton April Cleveland Stephany Coburn David Cohen
Ashley Compton Joseph Costello Amy Crabtree Colin Crawford Michael Croix Bethany Crowder
Allyson Curtis Curtis Curtsinger Kimberly D'Amico Jamie D'Urso Joel D'Urso Kevin Dai
"I'm invisible! No one pays attention to freshmen." -Sam Mowry
Kelly Daniel Timothy David Joshua Davis Juli an Davis David De Jesus Dale De Vries
John Deal Allison Deblouwe Courtney Dennis Kathryn Dewitt Cornelius Dillon Ye Dong
Joshua Dorries Samantha Drennan Alyssa Durant Patrick Elifritz Graham Ellis Kenton Elmore
Amy Engelbrecht-Wiggans Stephen Ennen Rachel Faught Hillary Fears Tara Flenniken Darryl Fletcher
Zachary Flynn Jacqueline Ford Kortney Fox
Justin Franklin Sara Fredrickson Sam Freeland
Lance Frith Scooter Fujihara Phillip Galaras Yesenia Garcia-Meza Samantha Gardner Aaron Gates
Seth Gelke Vincent Giammaria Eunice Gill Trevor Gladney Katie Goad Cristobal Gonzalez
Francisco Gonzalez Marcos Gonzalez Ivory Grant Steven Gray Aaron Grayson Eric Greenstein
Jennifer Greenstein Deana Gudeman Monica Hall
Benjamin Halle Caitlin Halle Samuel Ham
Jessica Hannah Matthew Hannan Colleen Harden
Robin Harris Stephen Harris Kanyja Harvey Jessica Hendrix Emily Henigman Laura Henneman
Javier Hernandez Joel Hickman Briana Hicks Matthew Hill Michael Hill Alison Hobbs
Kathy Holding Mitchell Holmer Tristan Honn Caleb Hope Candace Hosier Dominique Houston
Robert Hubbell Michael loannides Megan Johns James Johnson Zachery Johnson Aaron Jones
Drae'von Jones Julia Jones Steven Jones Tesia Jones Diondra Jordan Lauren Kara
Corey Kendall-Dick Michael Kesler Ki Kim Courtney King Loreale Kirby Rita Klimek
Christopher Koehler Rachel Krein Matthew Kresca Mitchell Kresca Kimberly Kyrouac Abigail Lamanske
Abby Lange Charlene Lee Jordan Lee Jorday Lee Pauline Lele'a Kirsten Leshoure
lan Lesueur Shane Leturgey Kashif Lewis Allison Lindemann Nicholas Lore Danna Lynch
WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO BECOME A TEACHER'S PET? " Say ' My, you look pretty today Miss . . . " - Joel Hickman
" Nothing like a good dose of booty kissin ' ! " - Lisa Mazzocco
"Give them a present during the holidays. " - Ali Penwell
" Do the homework sometimes." - Aaron Jones
" Shut your mouth and know your role . " - Pauline Lele ' a
" Don't put chalk in their coffee." - Luke Mathews
" Use big words . " - Kirk McMurray
" Laugh at all their stupid jokes. " - Dani Stubbins
"Sit in the front row, middle seat. " -Aaron Vega
Coreyon Manning Phillip Martin Michael Martinie Luke Mathews Thomas Matt Michael Maxey
Luis Maya Ruth Mayu Lisa Mazzocco
Maura McDonald Tyler McGill Lisa McMahon
Mallory McMahon Kirk McMurray Julene Miller
Isaac Mitchell Wynita Mock Kevin Mohrbacher Jerica Monteiro Ricky Montgomery Caitlyn Mooney
Lexie Moore John Morrissey Naaman Motley Quentin Motley Samantha Mowry Spencer Murray
Rodrigo Musuruana Jeramie Newland David Norris Elliott Ortega Daniel Panna Younjoon Park
Clayton Parkhill Kyle Patterson Ebony Pearson Alexandra Penwell Sarah Pfarr Deshaun Phillips
Kimberly Pryor Rachel Pryor
ffl'm still confused." - Aaron Gates Danielle Pulcini Kathryn Pyer
ffHottie with a body!" - Christy Burge
Omar Ramos Rachel Reardon
Kai Rhoads Devin Richardson
Artaia Robeson Hayley Rohn
Shayan Rostam-Abadi Kristina Russell
ffl'm glad I'm not an egg, because you crack me up." - Mallory McMahon
ffCry me a river, build me a bridge and get over it." -Amy Bucey
ff Jump off the curb." - Wynita Mock
ffThat's pretty sick chubs." -Max Smith
ffGet in my belly!" - Luke Spitz Edith Salinas Leslie Schaffer
ffHow you doin'?" - Mike loannides William Schoell Megan Scott
Kristin Segovich Sidney Sheehan Ezikial Simmons-Strader William Skreiner Liam Slesinski Max Smith
Michelle Spanglo Luke Spitz Tiffany Square Kyle Steinkamp Shira Stolarsky Aquelle Stone
TOP TEN PLACES FRESHMEN LIKE TO TO EAT LUNCH 1. MCDONALD'S Danielle Stubbins Timothy Summers Toby Sutton
3. TACO BELL 4. SUBWAY Steven Swofford Aieasha Taylor Kanetha Taylor
8. KFC Somdeth Thavisouk Michael Thies Merry Thomas
Brittany Thompson Marissa Thompson Katrina Thorson Kyle Tobias Anh Tran Len Tran
Jennifer Tufte Kera Tull Alisha Turner Eron Turner Beau Tyler Amanda Valbert
Marilyn Vang Jalutnee Vannarath Aaron Vega Michael Vignola Cody Von Waldner Herbert Wade
Matthew Wampler Xiao Wang Oshawa Wardlow Ja'Leel Washington Danielle Watson Shada Weatherall
Andrew Weuve Chakita Williams Derrick Williams Heather Williams Larry Williams Shaunteisha Williams
Stewart Williams Thomas Wintjen Charles Wojnar Brittany Wright lan Wright Matthew Wright
Robert Yette Sung Yoon Charles Young Kimberly Young Not Pictured: Andrea Abbas, Spencer Adams, Andres Ayers, Christopher Bankhead, Charles Blissit, Sharice Bowdry, Johnaya Britt, Shanelle Butler, Tameka Carr, Derek Carter, Ronald Cronister, Jordan Dalton, Shane Davis, Unique Davis, Kha Doan, Shamekka Donald, Bernard Fairman, Stuart Fisher, William Gallo, Ashley Gunning, Chelsey Gunning, Brian Herzog, Prenisha Jackson, Patrick Jake, Noah Jaxon, Sharnice Jones, Kelsey Lee, Jasmine Lewis, Bingming Lin, Coreyon Manning, Marqueita McClendon, Amandrae McGill, Zach Meyer, Stanley Morris, Michael Oliver, Jamal Posey, Elizabeth Powers, Alysia Prosser, Ashley Ratliff, Smooth Rivers, Lenora Rozier, Eric Shell, Corey Smith, Jordan Smith, April Tinsley, Danielle Watson, October Wesley.
KATHLEEN --~~---------Â
Teachers who slept in on picture day!! Tim Arnold Ci ra Bradley Tom Croy Marg ret DeCard
Katherine Flugg PHIL WILDER
Jason Franklin h rie Graham Darin Henigman Susan Herne s Melis, a Hildr th Jane Kuppler ena Leikvold
Crystal Loud n Anne Lunsford Robert Miller E Nieman Christine Payne Georg Pellum Ke in Quinlan
Karon Rasmus en Mindy Richmond Jeff Scott Lou Sitch Shmonica Sto all Nancy Strang Kevin Turner
u an W b r Abigail Wilder Bruce Wisner John Woods Matt Woods Laura Zick-Bottorff
TEACHER AWARDS A voted by the Ad & Teacher Section and other editor of the yearbook
New Teachers of the Year
Funniest Teachers
Matt Snyder and Heather Tanner
John Staab and Brandi Simmons
Most School Spirited Teachers
Will Still Be Teaching in 30 Years y../f LC oM f
Jeff Hasenstab and Lisa Martinez
Kevin Quinlan and Mary Patroulis
Illustrations by Konrad Klinkner
These teachers were kind enough to allow us to put their pictures in the yearbook. Although we were expecting big hair and maybe some bell bottoms, we are happy. From all the editors, thank you and best of luck in your future years. -Alec J. Martin Teachers Section Editor
spring 132 fall144 winter 160
Field of
rea he 2002 baseball team finished season with a record of 9-20. Maroons were led by their c tain Eric Burge, who was a vital part of the Maroon offense. High points of the season included beating Centennial for the first time in eight years and beating the defending state champions Bradley-Bourbonnais. The Maroons have some great returning players and expect a successful 2003 season.
Pic . 1: Brian Deters brings the heat. Pic. 2: What's so funny Brent Moore? Pic. 3: The team congratulates Eric Burge on his home run. Pic . 4: Nick Gibson concentrates on the ball. Pic . 5: Dane Wallace scoops up the ball. Pic . 6: Kevin McNamara goes for th1rd base.
Varsity¡ Row 1: Steve Layman , Andrew Harrington, Ryan Logsdon , Ross Hiner, John Rollinger, Brent Moore, Alex Dye, Kevin McNamara . Row 2: Coach Staab, Coach Florey, Griffin Mulcahey, Eric Burge, Brian Deters, Dan Thurston , David Mangian , Mark Baumann , Ryne Crawford , Brandon Wright, Chase Daugherty, Quinton Troy, Tim Carey, Coach Rodeffur, Nate Oliveira .
"With Coach Staab as our new head coach, this season was very interesting." -Brent Moore
Junior Varsity- Row 1: Kevin Sitch, David Greenstein, Drake Wallace, Patrick Donovan , Tucker Strang, Tyler Falk, Jason Grodsky, Graham Tennant, Dustin Leemon. Row 2: Coach Bartolotta , Nick Gibson, Dane Wallace, Brian Murphy, Bryan Cox, Chris Elliott, Jason Yambert, Osric Hayes, Andrew Cekander, Frank Giammaria, Nick Clegg, Coach Clegg.
P1c 1: Steve Layman swings for the fences. Pic. 2¡ Andrew Harrington f1res the ball across the infield. Pic. 3: Steve Layman studies the opposition. P1c. 4: Coach Staab looks very conf1dent. P1c. 5 Eric Burge wants that tnple. Pic. 6: Frank Giammaria fires it home. Pic. 7: Chris Elliott slides in safely. Pic. 8: Tim Carey bnngs it home .
A League o
Their 0 he 2002 softball team roved a lot this past spring. y bonded as a team and w ked well together. The team was led by senior captains Shelby Karr, Sydney Karr, and Whitney Dixon. With Mr. Hasenstab as the new head coach, patience and hard work were put forth to make this team great. Although they did not win as many games as they had hoped, the girls still had a fun season and look forward to the great potential for next year's team.
"The quote 'There's no crying in baseball' took on a whole new meaning when Mr. Hasenstab became our coach." -Julie Deschler
Pic. 1: Nice smile, Sarah Aquino. Pic. 2: Shelby Karr strikes another player out. Pic . 3: The team has a meeting. Pic . 4: Look at that team spirit! Pic . 5: Wow, good throw Danielle Wleklinski! Varsity-Row 1: Whitney Dixon , Shelby Karr, Andrea Dixon , Julianne Deschler, Samantha Parkhill. Row 2: Heather Stumborg, Megan Brewer, Jennifer Covill, Sydney Karr. Row 3: Danielle Wleklinski, Heather Overmyer, Katie Crawford , Emily Deters . Row 4: Coach Karr, Coach Hasenstab, Katie Lenover, Carolyn Ratcliffe.
Junior Varsity-Row 1: Victoria Tappendorf, Sarah Wallace, Dana Ray, Kristine Johnston, Rachel Curtis. Row 2: Heather Stocker, Elsa Enstrom, Chelsea Bradshaw, Sarah Aquino, Kari Goad. Row 3: Lauren Johnson, Cathy Feller, Selena Lockett, Jessie Bush . Row 4: Coach Broadrick, Bethany Sullivan.
Pic . 1: Julie Deschler... swing and a m1ss ! Pic . 2: She 's out! Pic. 3: Samantha Parkhlll is ready to get a hit. Pic . 4: Everybody loves the bus ride! Pic . 5: Megan Brewer 1s ready to make another great play! Pic . 6: Carolyn Ratcliffe leads off second base. Pic. 7: Katie Lenover throws the heat! Pic. 8: What a catch! Pic . 9: Sydney Karr watches the game .
Deuce â&#x20AC;˘
he boys' tennis team returned lve seniors, laying the groundk for a great 2002 team. Even wi the returning top players, the season was not as successful as the Maroons would have wanted. With crushing defeats to Centennial and Urbana, and a 7th place finish in the Big 12, the team wanted more. The season did end with excitement, as two of the seniors, David Reimer and Tony Griglione, advanced to the state level. With promising juniors Mike Deutscher, Geoffrey Lin, Christopher Wilson, and Konrad Klinkner, the '03 season is something to look forward to. Pic. 1: Jamie Sholem backs up for a swing. Pic. 2: Tyler Hagle, do you always play off the ground? Pic. 3: Thumbs up! Pic. 4: Chns Gratkins watches the ball. Pic. 5: Mike Aquino dominates the court! Pic. 6: Don't fall, Chris Gratkins! Pic . 7: I got it! Pic. 8: I am the ball, I am the ball, I am the ball. ..
Row 1: John Herre!, Michael Ollphant, David Reimer, Konrad Klinkner, Chnstopher Wilson, John Campbell, Coach Hodge. Row 2: Wilham Wetzel, Tony Griglione, Michael Aquino, Coulter S1mon, Donovan Roediger, Michael Halle. Row 3: Michael Deutscher, Joseph D'Amico, Geoffrey Lin, Jamie Sholem, Lotan Band, Chris Gratkins.
"We worked hard all year, but the end result was slightly disappointing." - John Herrel
Pic. 1: Geoffrey Lin gets down low. Pic. 2: Joe D'Amico follows through with style. Pic. 3: Nice form, Mike Deutscher. Pic. 4: Hi, Mike Aquino! Pic. 5: Jamie Sholem prepares for the ball. Pic. 6: Tyler Hagle does a little dance. Pic. 7: Concentrate, concentrate ... Pic. 8: Mike Deutscher reaches the sky! Pic. 9: Chris Gratkins uses all of his strength. Pic. 10: Geoffrey Lin waits for the serve.
The Big he 2002 girls' soccer team had inning season with a lot of fresh nt. The team had lost six starters total of eight seniors. Players fo of all ages stepped up for the 2002 season. The team advanced to the semifinals of the Carbondale Tournament as well as the Sectional semifinals. Junior Elise McAuley was selected as an AllState player. Although the team lost some dominant seniors, they have many things to look forward to for the 2003 season.
"I played my best when Johannes was there to watch." -KaraBowen
Pic. 1: Ana Eisenman won't let anyone past her. Pic . 2: Chelsie Hopkins gives the ball a boot. Pic. 3: Kara Bowen got a shove! Pic. 4: CHEEZE! Pic. 5: Time for advice. Pic. 6: Leslie Morrison controls the ball.
Varsity¡ Row 1: Carrie Peters , Kyle Browning, Amanda Kelly, Marella McMurray, Elizabeth Galaras, Kara Bowen , McKenna Kelly, Jill Grider, Ahbleza Hurd. Row 2: Alexandria Martin, Valerie Mazzocco, Meghan Martindale, Ana Eisenman, Katie Hopkins, Kelly D'Amico. Row 3: Coach Crawford, Miranda Bugbee , Natalie Dixon , Taylor Korab, Elise McAuley, Lindsay McCray, Holly Green , Coach Jenkins.
Junior Varsity-Row 1: McKenna Kelly, Leslie Morrison, Christina Palmer, Ashley Pelz, Chelsie Hopkins, Nadia Jassim, Allison Bloomer, Laura Fredrick. Row 2: Coach Wilson, Elisa Palacio, Marsha Reardon, Ahbleza Hurd, Leslie Willis, Christine Fleener, Sara Palacio, Emily Fotzler, Alexandria Martin. Row 3: Caitlin Deal, Miranda Bugbee, Phoebe Mbuvi, Rebecca Muhr, Leslie Muhr, Kim Aikman, Kathryn Pace.
Pic. 1: Kelly D'Amico makes a run down the field. Pic. 2: Game faces! Pic. 3: Natalie Dixon pulls a move. Pic. 4: Leslie Muhr makes a cut. Pic. 5: The team celebrates a good weekend at the Carbondale Tournament. Pic. 6: Meghan Martindale gives Danville a shove. Pic. 7: The coaches take notes on a future opponent. Pic. 8: Central girls work together. Pic. 9: French braids! Pic. 10: Senior love. Pic. 11 : Lindsay McCray dribbles down the field.
Cool he boys' track and field team was led by a roup of seniors along with several promising rclassmen. The highlight of the season was the of middle distance runners led by the 3200m squad, which placed 3rd at the Illinois Indoor Top 1mes meet. 1st at Conference and Sectionals. and 4th at State. Eric Brown. Colin Cain. Adam Dye. Jeremy Kruidenier. and Nick Stirrett made up the legs of the relay. The girls' team was young with only four seniors. The team was very enthusiastic and hard-working. Highlights from the season were the 800 medley. 400 relay, and 800 relay made up of Ashley Davis. Erica Rodgers. Tiffany Williams. Sarah Hagens. and Louise Knight. The relays placed at the honor roll. Conference. and Sectional meets. Shawanna Lee placed in the same three meets for shot and discus and qualified for state. After losing the talented seniors. the Maroons will be looking for more fresh talent. fine
Pic. 1: Allen Kendall-Dick scissors the bar. Pic. 2: Eric Brown pushes on. Pic. 3: Brian Kesler leads the way. Pic. 4: Daniel Thies and Adam Dye hand off. Pic. 5: Andy Eheart heads down the home stretch. Pic. 6: Drew McMahon and Lamar Riddle get ready to hand off. Pic. 7: Lee Lele' a gets ready to throw. Row 1: Christopher Rhodes¡ Wilson, Matthew Hiskens, Paul Vang, Jam1e Freeman, Matt Fitton, Brian Anderson, Pern Howard, Maxwell Mkwezalamba. Row 2: Adam Dye, Justin Vasaune, Drew McMahon, Jaes McDamel, Allen Kendall¡Dick, Zach Fiscus, Colin Cain, Dodd Browning. Row 3: Ryan Stewart, Coach Stirrett, Coach Johnson, Nick Stirrett, Andy Eheart, Eric Brown, Victor Miley, Jeremy Leman, Quentin Robbins, Drew Mitchell, Lamar Riddle, Cory Rohn, Jesse Noyes, Jeremy Kruidenier, Lee Lele'a, Brian Kesler, Daniel Thies.
''All the hard work and practices paid off in the end.''- Krystle Frazier
Row 1: Krystle Frazier, Erica Rodgers, Sarah Hagens, Danielle Spice, Margaret Gorham, Tiffany Williams, Maggie Mills, Allison Mclemore. Row 2: Coach Varland, Keisha Spiller, Kalie Trueper, Krystal Pryor, Ashley Morgan, Holly Nelson, Yasmin Youssef, Coach Martinez. Row 3: Lanna Bartko, Cammelle Ward, llka Heber, Pang Taluengchit, Shawanna Lee, Paige Jones, Louise Knight, Ingrid Thorson, Ashley Davis. Row 4: Coach Woods.
Pic. 1-3: Sarah Hagens and Ashley Davis make a perfect handoff. Pic. 4: Shawanna Lee gears up to throw. Pic. 5: Tiffany Williams and LoUise Knight lead the way. Pic. 6: The distance girls hang out after their race. Pic. 7: Kalie Trueper spots the fmish line. Pic. 8: Tiffany Williams pushes hard for the relay.
Any Gi â&#x20AC;˘
he Central varsity football team d the season with four wins and no sses for the first time since 1982. The Maroons looked like they were going to go undefeated, but they finished the season with six wins and four losses. They beat the Urbana Tigers at Memorial Stadium on a very wet night. Drew McMahon broke the all-time single season rushing record at Central with 1,412 yards. The Maroons finished fourth in the Big 12 Conference and lost in the opening round of Regionals to the Bloomington Radiers. Pic. 1: Central's defense makes a crucial goal line stand. Pic. 2: The twm city battle rages on. Pic. 3: Drew McMahon looks determined. Pic. 4: Central's offense looks ready. Pic. 5: Jason Yambert boots the ball down field. Pic. 6: Good call, ref!
Fres~;;:RCiRo;;'w 1: Steven Gray, Michael Bigham, William
Abbott, Trevor Gladney, Shane Leturgey, Kenton Elmore, Dylan Cain. Row 2: Dale DeVries, 2ach Flynn, Kashif Lewis, Mike EVignola, Luke Spitz, Mike Martinie, Colin Crawford, Cameron Carter, Enc Greenstem, Seth Gelke. Row 3: M1tch Holmer, Mike Brown, Matthew Kresca, Alex Acheson, Graham Ellis, Luke Mathews, Matt Wampler, Mike Maxey, Sam Freeland. Row 4: Phillip Galaras, Scott Changnon, Joel Hickman, Coach Sitch, Coach Hess, Chad Baumann, Luke Brown, Tommy Matt, Matt Hannan.
Varsity-Row 1: Rashad Archey, Kyle Wikoff, Samuel Stone, Joseph Brownfield, Charles Dillavou, Ryan Allen-Davis, Jordan Lietz, Robert Perry, Austin Curtis. Row 2: Nick Gibson, Greg Durant, Jason Yambert, T.J. Peper, Alec J. Martin, Jeremy Leman, Christopher Rhodes-Wilson, Jeff Hurt, Joel Mathews. Row 3: Eric Brown, Paul Brown, Ben Bloomer, Justin Peacock, Ryan Beaulin, David Love, Brian Murphy, Jordan Svymbersky, John Jackson Jr. Row 4: Samuel Howard Jr., Joseph Young, Keith Hardyman, Rick Gregory, Brent Moore, Brett Schnepper, Ryne Crawford, Kevin McNamara. Row 5: Kevin Sitch, Michael C. Williams, Brandon Pape, Cory Rohn , Jason Patterson, Matthew Dav1s, Travis Schoonover, John Rollinger. Row 6: Drew McMahon, Coach Wade, Coach Poetzel, Coach Snyder, Coach Hasenstab, Coach Davis, Coach Skillings, Ethan Schwalm, Michael Stone.
"As the season went on, our team grew closer and that carried us into the playoffs, but unfortunately we could not advance." - John Rollinger
Juntor Varsity-Row 1: Matthew McShane, Jamie Freeman, Samuel Curry, Jordan Butts, Graves, Jaes McDaniel. Row 2: Matthew Bruce, lan Hawkms, Mark Zedrick, C.J. Crawford, Ryan Kern, Paul Ndekwe, Collin Smith. Row 3: Joshua Alagna, Quinton Robmson, Zachary Fiscus, lain Millsap, Andy Cekander, Jam1son Johnson, Blaine Harvey. Row 4: Ryan Davis, Ricky Ivy, Christopher Brown, Isaiah Carter, Osric Hayes, Matt Fitton. Row 5: Adam Harns, Phillip Hardyman, Coach Skillings, Coach Poetzel, Orion Buckingham, Jeff Metzler.
Pic. 1: Central's showdown with Urbana was a huge success. Pic. 2: J Leman, Coach Hasenstab, and Brent Moore talk strategy. Pic. 3: J Leman runs for the touchdown. Pic. 4: Both teams shake hands after a Central victory. Pic. 5: Andy Cekander looks for a receiver.
All the Ri
he 2002 boys' soccer team had a lo of talented players this year. Sop omore Jeff Yambert had many outstanding achievements, including making The News-Gazette All Area Team, All Conference Player, and All Sectional Player. The team finished 5 and 5 in the Big 12. A highlight of the season for the boys was beating Danville in a penalty kick shoot-out to advance to their Sectional. Captains Jeff Bohlmann, Emmerson Duo, and Ernest Tarnue provided leadership for th e team. The b oys look forward to the great potential for next year's team.
"Kirby Crawford is a great coach! Shout out to Leslie." -Jeff Yam bert
Pic. 1: The boys prepare for their Sectional! Pic . 2: Coach Crawford strategizes for the big game. Pic. 3: Central attacks the goal with a free kick. Pic. 4: Cristobal Gonzalez dribbles the ball down the field .
Varsity-Row 1: Cristobal Gonzalez, Jacob McGill , Marlon Blanco-Zamora , David Su , Ernest Tarnue, Nick Clegg, Jeff Yambert , Rodrigo Musuruana . Row 2: Kevin Zalucha , Michael Kresca , Eri c Walton , Geoffery Lin, Allen Kendall -Dick, Christopher Wilson , David Gong . Row 3: Coach Crawford , Toweh Kpor, Chris Roney, Jeffrey Bohlmann , Emmerson Duo, Benjamin Ford .
Pic. 1: Goal keeper Jeff Bohlmann punts the ball down the field. Pic. 2: Ernest Tarnue lays on the ground after a struggle for the ball. Pic. 3: Nick Clegg is ready for the bounce. Pic. 4: Geoff Lin uses some fancy moves. Pic. 5: Dav1d Ho is a dedicated boys soccer fan. Pic. 6: Benjamin Ford has an amazing throw in. Junior Varsity-Row 1: Corey Kendall-Dick, Phillip Martin, Kirk McMurray, Aaron Vega, Nolberto Rodriguez, Maben Brown. Row 2: Thomas Schroeder, Aaron Jones, Liam Slesinski, Stuart Carlson, Matthew Cech, Samuel Ham, Glenn Blanco-Zamora. Row 3: Nicholas Scarpetta, Jason Manuel, Marcus Brown, Muhammed Savage, Mitchell Kresca, Joseph Broadrick, John Runge. Row 4: Coach Harward.
Tennis orting many young and talented tral girls' tennis had the makings o 002 team . With returning former ow three-time state qualifier M Natalie Tabb, the team had the skill and leadership for a great season. The record might not be what the girls had hoped for, but the team played hard. With crushing defeats by Big 12 Conference rivals, the season was cut short of previous hopes. The season ended with mixed results as the team placed 8th in Conference and 3rd in Sectionals. However, in the end , junior Natalie Tabb qualified for her third trip to State, where she finished 17th. The tennis team will only graduate one senior and return strong varsity players, hoping to capitalize on the team 's talent in the 2003 season. Pic . 1: Katie Crawford and Rebecca Nizzi listen to Coach Day. Plc. 2: Coach J1m watches over the matches. Plc. 3: Chandra Moll gracefully returns the ball. Plc. 4: Sidney Sheehan and Caitlin Halle play their doubles match . Plc . 5: Kim Aikman flies through the a1r! Plc. 6: Natalie Tabb easily hits the ball back at her opponent. Pic . 7: Maggie Fesenmaier and Laura Frederick have fun even when they're not playing.
Row 1: Coach Day, Caitlin Halle , Lyda Bielak, Shira Stolarsky, Amanda Grammer, Chandra Moll , Ashley Buerkett , Vanessa Moll. Row 2: Amanda Sparks, Natalie Tabb , Katie Crawford , Danielle Wleklinski , Sidney Sheehan , Laura Frederick, Rebecca Nizzi. Row 3: Hannah Kannen , Carly Hermsdorf, Maggie Fesenma1er, Katie Lenover, Huiying Cao .
Pic. 1: Rebecca N1zzi slams the ball over the net. Pic. 2: Katie Lenover and Kim Aikman look on in amazement. Pic. 3: early Hermsdorf focuses on the serve. Pic 4: Maggie Fesenmaier: great tennis player and great dancer! Pic . 5: These girls are having a ball. Pic . 6: Kim Aikman and Katie Lenover make an exciting team! Pic. 7: What's the matter, Maggie Fesenmaier? Pic . 8: Katie Crawford strikes a pose .
Chariots he Central cross-country teams had ng group of runners and improved he 2001 season. The girls' team sta d off the season strong by winning the Charleston Invitational. Both the girls and boys were the team champions of the Twin City meet. At the Big 12 Conference meet, the girls finished 4th and the boys took 2nd. At the Regional race, the girls were 2nd and the boys took 3rd, allowing both teams to advance to Sectionals where they finished 9th. Not only will the boys' team be losing many dominant seniors, but also Coach Dike Stirrett. Coach Stirrett had been with the Maroons for over 30 years, and he will be greatly missed. With dedication and hard work, the 2003 cross-country team will have a successful season. Pic. 1: Jeremy Kruidenier leads the way at the Twin City race. Pic. 2: They're off! Pic. 3: Hands in. Pic. 4: Coach Stirrett will be greatly missed next year. Pic. 5: Mario Pulcini ~;~~.~ beats Centennial. Pic. 6: Central girls get off to a great start! Pic. 7: The boys wait to start the race. Pic. 8: Senior Daniel Thies was an important ~~~~ contributor to the team. r~--~-,,-=~"7;;:'.__.}~. _>:7'!' :+?1
"Coach Stirrett has been an excellent source of inspiration to the team and myself over these last four years. He will be missed by all of us." -Jeremy Kruidenier
Row 1: Mark Egli, Michael Kesler, Mario Pulcini, Tyler McGill, Michael Thies. Row 2: Coach Stirrett, Graham Tennant, Andy Eheart, Brian Kesler, Daniel Thies, Coach Isle. Row 3: Jeremy Kruidenier.
"Hey, listen to this ... isn't that hilarious?" 3
-Phoebe Mbuvi
Row 1: Emily Fotzler, Kalie Trueper, Allison Mclemore, Maggie Mills, Holly Nelson, Allie Lindemann. Row 2: Hanna Ahn, Ebony Pearson, Nadia Jassim, Amy Engelbrecht-Wiggans, Robin Thomas. Row 3: Coach Woods, Erica Rodgers, Heather Overmyer, Leslie Muhr, Phoebe Mbuvi, Carrie Peters, Coach Harmon.
Plc. 1: Coach Stirrett starts the race. Plc. 2: Team bonding! Plc. 3: Yeah, Allie Lindemann! Plc. 4: He, he ... I laugh at my own JOkes! Plc. 5: Senior Andy Eheart placed 2nd at the Twm City race. Plc. 6: Strideouts! Plc. 7: Alhson Mclemore held an important role on the Varsity squad. Plc. 8: Are we ready? Plc. 9: New stretch ... or sleepwalkmg? Plc. 10: Graham Tennant runs strong to the fimsh. Plc. 11: Kalie Trueper and Maggie Mills work together. Plc. 12: Leslie Muhr normally looks a lot nicer than that! Plc. 13: Phoebe Mbuvi and Emily Fotzler push each other. Plc. 14: Holly Nelson enjoys the race.
A Time 0 he 2002 Central volleyball hod on incredible season. nly did the girls hove great sue ess, but they hod a lot of fun as well. The team won all of their home games and advanced to sectionols. Captain Melissa David led the team and was a key player in the winning season; she recieved All Area Player of the Year. The girls look forward to the potential for next year's team, with nine returning seniors.
Pic. 1: Nice block, Central! Pic. 2: Megan Brewer goes in for Melissa David. Pic. 3: Look at that great team formation by Sarah Aquino and Heather Stumborg! Pic. 4: Central teammates cheer each other on. Pic. 5: Way to take one for the team, Melissa David! Pic. 6: Heather Stumborg is having a good time.
.... --
"Legos Forever!" -Alexis Morgan
Varsity-Row 1: Nicole Cascone, Megan Brewer, Sarah Aquino, Jessica Hadler, Danielle Spice, Coach Strang. Row 2: Amanda Justice, Cammelle Ward, Ashley Aina, Heather Stumborg, Shannon Hunt. Row 3: Coach Olette, Emily Deters, Alexis Morgan, Alexandria Ratcliff, Melissa David, Maggie Henss, Louise Knight, Coach Marassa.
Freshmen-Row 1: Courtney Bishop, Kimberly Kyrouac, Jacqueline Ford , Abby Lange, Mallory McMahon. Row 2: Kathy Holding, Katrina Thorson, Jessica Hannah, Kimberly D'Amico, Lisa Mazzocco. Row 3: Christy Burge, Colleen Harden, Kimberly Young, Jorday Lee, Hayley Rohn, Kristina Russell, Coach Strang.
Junior Varsity-Row 1: Sarah Wallace, Angela Scopel, Amanda Valbert, Jensa Taylor. Row 2: Christine Fleener, Cathy Feller, Mattie Armstrong, Danielle Zoll. Row 3: Coach Bridges, Victoria Tappendorf, Cammelle Ward, Miranda Bugbee, Dennessia Hall, Kelsey Bridges, Heather Willenborg.
Pic 1: Melissa David makes another kill. Pic. 2: Alex Ratcliff makes an amazing play! Pic. 3: Coach Marassa instructs his team. Pic. 4: Nicole Cascone dives for the ball. Pic. 5: Sarah Aquino bumps the ball. Pic. 6: The bench watches the game intensely. Pic. 7: Alexis Morgan has a fantastic block! Pic. 8: Maggie Henss 1s ready to serve. Pic. 9: Wow, look at Ashley Aina jump!
Caddy he 2002 boys' golf team had a very sful season. Clayton Parkhill had many solid erformances to finish as the number one golf r Parkhill and Ryne Tennant led the team to a third place finish at the Big 12 Conference meet. Both earned All-Conference honors individually. Tennant, Parkhill, and Elliott McGill each qualified individually for Sectionals. With only three seniors graduating, the Maroons look forward to another successful season. The girls' golf team also had a good season. They placed third at Conference, seventh at the Charger InvitationaL and second in Regionals where Whitney Byrd placed seventh and Samantha Parkhill placed eighth. As a team, they qualified for Sectionals, and Samantha Parkhill went on to compete at the State Finals golf meet. With many JV golfers stepping up this season, the girls' golf team has high hopes for next year.
"Over the course of the season the team improved a lot." ¡ Jeff Harden
Plc. 1: Jeff Harden ponders his shot. Plc. 2: Elliott McGill gets lined up. Plc. 3: Ryne Tennant follows through. Plc. 4: Bryan Cox eyes the hole. Plc. 5: Sean Judy sets up to putt. Plc. 6: Dane Wallace gets some putting practice. Row 1: Ryne Tennant, Brett Havice, John Herrel, Clayton Parkhill, Elliott McGill, Thomas Parkhill. Row 2: Chris Elliott, Jordan Strack, Bryan Cox, Sean Judy, Jeff Harden. Row 3: Coach Woods, David Joy, Dane Wallace, Michael Deutscher, Ryan Dillon, Alex Dye.
"We were really close as a team this year, which helped make it more fun." - Whitney Byrd
Pic. 1: Christina Palmer prepares to drive. Pic 2: Jessie Bush sinks the putt. Pic. 3: Katherine Church awaits her turn. Pic. 4: Samantha Parkhill analyzes her shot. Pic. 5: Lanna Bartko holds the pin. Pic. 6: Whitney Byrd watches the opponent.
Row 1: Jessie Bush, Christina Palmer, Ally Bloomer, Samantha Parkhill, Lanna Bartko. Row 2: Whitney Byrd, Whitney Parkhill, Anne Murray, Jennifer Hoss, Katherine Church, Coach Becker.
Swim he 2002 girls' swim team welcomed new freshmen speed to their strong base rning swimmers. Bring ing in Alison , Becky Baird , and Alexandra Penwell , the team looked forward to a great season. The team may not have won every meet, but the season was filled with excitement. Leslie Morrison placed 1st in the 500 free at the Twin City Meet in Champaign , and Becky Baird won the 100 breast stroke at the Bloomington Invitational. The season ended with a 4th place finish at the Big 12 Conference meet and a 3rd place finish at the Sectional meet. Becky Baird once again placed 2nd in the breast stroke and was the only Central swimmer to qualify for the state meet. Returning many key swimmers, the 2003 team will be ready for great things. Pic. 1: Natalia Pagliuca makes some splashes. Pic. 2: Kelli Brost takes a big breath! Pic. 3: Caitlin Beaudoin and Natalia Pagliuca are m a close race for the finish. Pic. 4: MaryBess Jones flies to the fimsh. Pic. 5: Coach Barker encourages the team. Pic. 6: Julie Deschler takes a big bite of air. Pic. 7: Chels1e Hopkins completes a perfect dive. Pic. 8: Alison Hobbs shows her skills.
Row 1: Alexandra Penwell. Row 2: Sara Fredrickson, Laura Henneman, Katie Pyer, Elizabeth Chapman, Becky Baird. Row 3: Rebecca Muhr, Bethany Sullivan, Samantha Smith, Natalia Pagliuca, Chelsie Hopkins, Maggie Mills. Row 4: Amanda Ehmann, Leslie Morrison, Margo Smith, Julianne Deschler, Jessica Dangles, MaryBess Jones, Coach Barker. Row 6: Rachel Clark, Andrea Dixon, Kelli Brost, Jacklyn Rawles. Row 7: Rachel Welch, Ca1thn Beaudom.
rrWiffle Balls are absolutely horrible!" - Andrea Dixon
Pic. 1: These senior swimmers know how to have fun! Pic. 2: Leslie Morrison has perfect form. Pic. 3: Alexandra Penwell slices through the water. Pic. 4: El1zabeth Chapman backstrokes in the water. Pic. 5: These girls can always take a break for the camera! Pic. 6: Rachel Clark takes the lead. Pic. 7: laura Henneman and Natalia Pagl1uca are number one in lane one! Pic. 8: Bethany Sullivan waits for the start. Pic. 9: MaryBess Jones has a beautiful stroke! Pic. 10: Rebecca Muhr takes a long break.
They got _ he 2002-2003 boys' basketball started their Big 12 season by wi ing their first seven games. The team's great success can be attributed to their senior leadership. This year Central beat twin-city rival Urbana for the 14th time in a row as well as winning against cross-city rival Centennial three of four games. Although this season ended with a loss at regionals, the Maroons can be proud of their 18-7 overall record.
Pic . 1: Central fans cheer on the1r team to victory. Pic. 2: Another two points for Central. Pic. 3: Adam Culver steps behind the line. Pic. 4: Spencer Johnson makes a move. Pic . 5: Go Maroons! Pic. 6: Coach Woods sends Jeff Yambert into the game .
Freshmen-Row 1: Jordan Billingsley, Mitchell Holmer, Spencer Johnson , Spencer Adams , Jordan Lee, Dam1en Henderson . Row 2: John Beck, Alexander Acheson , Andrew Chisholm , Coach Hess, Charles Young, Timothy Summers, Stewart Williams. Row 3: Scott Changnon , Zachary Flynn , Michael Hill, Liam Slesinski , Ja'Leel Washington .
Varsity-Row 1: Antoine Whitted, Jason Yambert, Jeremy Kruidenier, J Leman, Brett Schnepper, Ledelvin Lewis. Row 2: Michael Oliphant, Mitchell Goines, Matthew Davis, Justm Peacock, Coach Woods, Coach Davis, Alex Dye, Brian Carter-Williams, Adam Culver.
"After coming off a Big 12 championship, our team played really well together after losing six seniors." -Brett Schnepper
Pic. 1: Coach Davis talks some strategy. Pic. 2: Brian Carter-Williams sets up the offense. Pic. 3: J Leman leaps over the opponent. Pic. 4: Alex Dye takes the charge. Pic. 5: Patrick Donovan looks for a teammate. Pic. 6: Brett Schnepper sets up for a free throw. Junior Varsity-Row 1: Jeff Yambert, Antonio Bigham, lan Winston, Patrick Donovan, Stuart Carlson, William Keaton, Kyle Carter, Graham Tennant. Row 2: Alando Holt, Andrew Cekander, Lamar Brown, Osric Hayes, Coach Woods, Jacob Abeln, Chnstopher Brown, Antonio Holt, Matthew Fitton.
Love an
he 2002-2003 girls' basketball te m had an outstanding season. Wi nine juniors on the team there was no lack of upperclassmen leadership, and the future looks bright for Central next year. Seniors Erica Rodgers and Heather Overmyer motivated the team and led them to a successful season. Freshman Allie Lindemann brought fresh talent and played a huge role on the team. The girls had a fun season and look forward to next year. Pic. 1: Allie Lindemann controls the court. Pic. 2: Kyle Browning protects the ball. Pic. 3: Meghan Martindale plays tight defense . Pic. 4: The Central girls stand the National Anthem. Pic. 5: Jenell Hendrix fights for the ball. Pic. 6: The girls pray before the game. Pic. 7: Coach Seward -Burton is enthusiastic about the game. Pic . 8: Heather Overmyer blows by the defense. Freshmen-Row 1: Coach Lamanske, Jasmine Catchings, Julene Miller, Kera Tull, Kimberly Kyrouac, Jacqueline Ford. Row 2: Kimberly D'Amico, Caitlin Halle, Prenisha Jackson , Tyneia Bailey, Coach Battle. Row 3: Jessica Hannah, Hayley Rohn , Jorday Lee, Elizabeth Bazar, Abigail Lamanske.
Varsity-Row 1: Katie Crawford, Shannon Hunt, Kimera Sweard-Coburn, Jenell Hendrix, Allison Lindemann. Row 2: Louise Knight, Raudia Sallee, Laura Lindemann, Jill Grider, Shemika Spencer, Coach Seward-Burton. Row 3: Coach Lindemann, Ashley Aina, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Leslie Muhr, Heather Overmyer.
Pic. 1: Erica Rodgers takes a nice shot. Pic. 2: The Central girls look intimidating. Pic. 3: Kim 0' Amico dribbles the ball up the court. Pic. 4: Julene Miller takes care of the ball. Pic. 5: Bethany Sullivan drives on the defense. Pic. 6: Kimera Seward-Coburn guards her opponent. Pic. 7: Eunice Gill has a fast break down the court. Pic. 8: Jensa Taylor sets up a play. Junior Varsity-Row 1: Jensa Taylor, Kathy Holding, Rachel Curtis, Meghan Martindale, Kyle Browning. Row 2: Kristina Russell, Eumce Gill, Tori Tappendorf, Kimberly Young, Cammelle Ward, Bethany Sullivan. Row 3: Coach Lindemann.
Water he boys' swimming and diving team left with just two seniors, focusing much e attention on the younger swimmers. returning top finishers Ross Vimr, Franklin To, and Elliott McGill, and new freshman star Tyler McGill, the Maroons looked for a stellar season. Alan Einck and J.T. Whitmer took on the senior leadership roles by themselves. The team had an excellent season, finishing undefeated and placing first in the Bloomington Invitational, The Charger Invitational, and the Twin City Meet. Also, the team beat Centennial and other rival teams for the first time in years. The Maroons finished the season by winning the Big 12 Conference meet and the Sectional meet. Ross Vimr, Franklin To, Alan Einck, Tucker Strang, Elliott McGill, J.T. Whitmer and Tyler McGill all qualified for the state meet. The team will only graduate two seniors and can expect great success from their returning leaders. Pic. 1: Tyler McGill uses a long stroke. Pic. 2: Franklin To speeds in the backstroke. Pic. 3: Ross Vimr glides through the water. Pic. 4: Tucker Strang shows off his breaststroke. Pic. 5: Nick Scarpetta gets ready to win another race. Pic. 6: Tucker Strang makes a splash during h1s stroke.
Row 1: Tyler McGill, Grant Bullock, Trevor Gladney, Daniel Beaudoin, Kash1f Lewis, lan Lesueur, Timothy David. Row 2: Nicholas Lore, Ben Campbell, Evan Bruno, Tucker Strang, John Herre!, Aaron Robinson, Victor Miely, Camden Seiler. Row 3: J.T. Whitmer, Alan Einck, Ross Vimr, Elliott McGill, Franklin To, Nick Scarpetta, Coach Barker. Row 4: Coach Trigger.
Pic. 1: Alan Einck powers through the backstroke. Pic. 2: Kashif Lewis prepares for his relay. Pic. 3: Victor Miely grabs a breath. Pic. 4: Trevor Gladney springs off the board. Pic. 5: J.T. Whitmer sails through the air. Pic. 6: Tyler McGill has perfect form. Pic. 7: John Herrel's breast¡ stroke is perfect. Pic. 8: Dame! Beaudoin flips over for his great dive. Pic. 9: Coach Trigger times the race. Pic. 10: Where are your goggles, Nick Sougiannis?
Ready to
urn he 2002-2003 boys' wrestling team some big shoes to fill after sending fo r wrestlers to the State Championships las year. Fortunately Coach Scott had a solid team. Even with only three thirty-match winners- Rashad Archey, Drew McMahon, and Mario Pulcinithe team's season ended 15-6, and they placed 4th in the Big 12. Senior Drew McMahon topped off a great high school career holding outstanding records in every category. He and Mario Pulcini advanced to the state finals. Coach Scott looks forward to next year when the tradition continues.
Pic. 1: Cristobal Gonzalez talks some strategy w1th Coach Scott. Pic. 2: Rick Gregory pins down the opposition. Pic. 3: Robert Vignola holds down his opponent. Pic. 4: Mario Pulcini shows the opponents who's boss. Pic. 5: Aaron Anderson starts to put his opponent in a head lock. Pic. 6: Rodrigo Musuruana prepares to flip his opponent.
Row. 1: Yette , Jamie Freeman , Vignola , Mitch Kresca, Kirk McMurray, Aaron Jones. Row. 2: Ricky Montgomery, Matt Kresca , John Moon, Rashad Archey, Davis Shannon , Luke Mathews, Mike Kresca , Pat Brown , Rodngo Musuruana , Cnstobal Gonzalez, Phil Galaras, Coach Ram1rez. Row. 3: Coach Madalena, Mario Pulcini , Rob Vignola , Aaron Anderson, Zac Burton , Nike Gipson, Chris Roney, Greg Durant , Andy Hackley, Beau Tyler, Coach Scott. Row. 4: Katie Rames, Kyle Tobias, RKk Gregory, Phillip Martin , Heather Stocker, Andrew Dillavou , Robert Abbott, Mark Zedrick, Matt McShane.
Pic . 1: Drew McMahon holds down his challenger. Plc. 2: Greg Durant gets ready to dominate. Plc. 3: Mike Kresca is victorious! Plc. 4: Jamie Freeman has him locked. Pic. 5: Beau Tyler darts toward the opponent. Pic. 6: Central is number 1! Plc. 7: Coach Scott gives Nick Gipson some final advice.
Bring â&#x20AC;˘ 1 he 2002-2003 cheerleading squad d off fresh this year with a new h, Chris Clayton. The past five years entral cheerleading squad has competed at Nationals in Orlando, Florida. This year, as they head off to Florida, they hope to do better than they have any other year. The squad set a high goal to be in the top ten of the nation and worked hard in hopes of achieving it. Not only do the cheerleaders compete at Nationals, but they also cheer and show encouragement at the football and basketball games. Although the cheerleading squad will be losing some key seniors, they have a strong junior class returning to carry out the team leadership.
Pic. 1: Ana Eisenman and Kara Bowen smile big as they cheer. Pic. 2: Arriel Phillips and Jamte D' Urso cheer the JV basketball team on. Pic . 3: Varsity cheerleading girls gone crazy! Pic . 4: The Varsity cheerleading squad makes a pyramid . Pic. 5: Defense Central, defense! Pic. 6: Hilary Phillips and Kristina Vasnaik love to be on cheerleading together.
Varsity¡ Row 1: Kristin Luttrell, Maria Clark, Christina Seibert, Elizabeth Galaras, Sarah Devault , Leslie Adkins . Row 2: Emily Shuler, Allison Wampler, Kara Bowen , Ana Eisenman , Katie Sholem . Row 3: Erik Higgins, Heather Caldwell, Sarah Hagle, Noelle Gipson , Coach Clayton , Jeremy Furtney.
"We were worried about the squad this year because we had to change coaches, but we have a lot of talent and a great new coach and we expect to do well at Nationals." -Ana Eisenman
Junior Varsity-Row 1: Heather Williams, Jamie D'Urso, Katie Goad, Britly Barton, LaShaunce Gaines, Rebecca Egan. Row 2: Danna Lynch, Emily Henigman, Amy Crabtree, Sarah Pfarr, Ashley Morgan. Row 3: Lisa Chau, Arriel Phillips, Hilary Phillips, Kristina Vasnaik.
Pic. 1: Maria Clark is flying high! Pic. 2: SENIORS! Pic. 3: Lizzy Elizabeth Galaras gets the crowd excited. Pic. 4: The Varsity cheerleadinq squad is thrilled to cheer at Memorial Stadium. Pic. 5: Go, Central! Pic. 6: Varsity cheerleading does push ups. Pic. 7: They made it to Nationals! Pic. 8: Britly Barton and Emily Henigman cheer Central on. Pic. 9: Primp time! Pic. 10: Jeremy Furtney gives a shout. Pic. 11: Christina Seibert leads a cheer.
Save the he 2002-2003 Pepettes sq ad had another great se son. While the squad has always had exciting routines to entertain the crowd at the football and basketball games, it improved so much from last season. They went to a dance competition where they performed well. With all the talent from this year's squad, the future of the Central Pepettes looks to be a bright one. Pic. 1: Khristi McFerren practices her rountine at Jimmy John's. Pic. 2: Karen Tsui gets her groove on. Pic. 3: The girls smile as they dance. Pic. 4: The dancing-VI Pic. 5: The girls get ready to dazzle the football fans. Pic. 6:Karen Tsui and Ashley Rodgers take a break from practice. Pic. 7: The Pepettes show off their dancing skills.
Row 1: Wynita Mock, Karen Tsui , Cassie Williams, Ashley Rogers. Row 2: Ernyka Blanson, Brittany Webb, Kourtney Fox. Row 3: Ta' Asha Jones, Coach Kat ina Wilcher, Whitney Keaton .
Pic . 1: The squad entertains at the football game . Pic. 2: The g1rls walk off in style . Pic. 3: These Pepettes are having fun on their break. Pic. 4: The squad impresses the basketball fans. Pic . 5: The Pepettes raise some money at the car wash . Pic. 6: The Pepettes get ready to perform. Pic. 7: The girls put on quite a show at halftime. Pic. 8: The girls dazzle the crowd.
Grade: Freshman Sports: cross-country, basketball, and soccer Accomplishments: MVP at U of I basketball camp, All-Star Team basketball camp, vars1ty basketball and cross-country as a freshman Role Model: her father Favorite Athlete: Tracy McGrady of the Orlando Magic Goals: would like to play basketball at a Division I university and would love to play m the WNBA Favorite quote: "Do everything you do with 110% effort." Pre-game traditions: listens to music
"Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional." -Unknown Champaign Central High School has many excellent athletes . Some have gone on to be a major asset on a college team as well. It is not always raw ta lent that makes them good , but perseverance and hard work. Take a look at just a few athletes who continue to excel.
"The quicker you get there, the shorter the pain." -James Waddington
Grade: Senior Sport: soccer Accomplishments: All-Sectional, All-State, AllConference, All-Area, MVP, captain, All-Tournament team at Carbondale Tournament, scholarship to the University of Evansville Role Model: her father Favorite Athlete: Ryan Giggs, Manchester United Favorite quote: "Relax!" -parents Pre-game traditions: listens to Ryan Adams
Grade: Senior Sports: football, basketball, and track Accomplishments: All-State football, U of I football scholarship Role Model: Jesus Christ Favorite Athlete: Bnan Urlacher Goals: "Be the best I can be in everything." Favorite quote: "Your biggest muscle is your heart." Pre-game traditions: take a steamy deuce
Grade: Freshman Sports: cross-country and sw1mming Accomplishments : holds the state record in the 200 and 100
freestyle (set this summer), set a new meet record at the Charger invite in the 200 freestyle Role Models: Coach Will Barker and Coach Jeff Trigger Goals: to swim in college Favorite quote: "Control what you can control."
Grade: Senior Sports: football, wrestling, and track Accomplishments: part of the team that set school record in
single season rushing yards and 2002 wrestling state qualifier Role Models: Grandfather and Michael Jordan Favorite Athlete: Michael Jordan Favorite quote: "Don't eat dirt and stay out of trees." -Ryan Fiedler
Grade: Senior Sports: cross-country, basketball,
and track Accomplishments: 3-time state
qualifier in track, 3-time All-State track, 1-time cross-country state qualifier, 2001 Runner of the year, signed with Illinois Track team Role Model: Coach Stirrett Favorite Athlete: J Leman, Champaign Central/ U of I football Goals: to win state in the 800 meter this year and to work hard and succeed at Illinois Favorite quote: "Do it again!" -Coach Davis
Grade: Senior Sport: volleyball Accomplishments: News-Gazette All-Area Player of
the Year 2002, All-Big 12 Conference Team, volleyball scholarship to Umversity of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Role Models: Logan Tom and Sarah Sorrell Favorite Athlete: Logan Tom Goals: to be successful at the collegiate volleyball level, as well as academically Favorite quote: "Always be a first version of yourself instead of a second rate version of someone else."
Jo\n the Future Teachers Club
maroon 178 chronicle 180 foreign language 182 academics 184 creative 188 choir 190 band and orchestra 192 student council/ miscellaneous 194 peer mediation/interact 196
Pic. 1: Danny Outlaw decides on pictures for his layout. Pic. 2: J.T. Whitmer and Katie Sholem try to get their work done before the deadline. Pic. 3: Yearbook staff members work hard at the computers. Pic. 4: Ana Eisenman looks at pictures.
maroon Adviser: Heather Tanner Book Editors: Ana Eisenman, Jeff Harden, Taylor Pope Senior Section Editor: Leslie Muhr Editor: Jenna Suttle Eric Eizinger
Sports Editor: Carrie Peters Natalie Dixon Sarah Hagens Danny Outlaw Aaron Robinson
Student Life Album Editor: Katie Sholem Editor: Paige Jones Courtney Ice Mattie Armstrong Allison Mclemore Holly Nelson Rebecca Nizzi Carolyn Ratcliffe J.T. Whitmer
Ads/Teachers Editor: A.J. Martin Sean Judy
Pic. 1: Carrie Peters and Rebecca Nizzi pose for the camera. Pic. 2: A.J. Martin starts a layout. Pic. 3: Holly Nelson concentrates hard. Pic. 4: Paige Jones and Carolyn Ratcliffe smile happily about their progress. Pic. 5: Mattie Armstrong, Allison Mclemore, and Sarah Hagens dress up in Hawaiian decore. Pic. 6: Allison McClemore, Sean Judy, and Sarah Hagens pass time on the stairs. Pic. 7: Leslie Muhr works on senior wills .
Pic 1: Elliott McGill points Ross Vimr in the right direction. Pic 2: Amanda Ehmann shows off her moves in the Chronicle room. Pic 3: Ross Vimr and Jon Reimer are deep in thought. Pic 4: Andy Hackley shows off his pearly whites. Pic 5: Tim Carey gawks at Chris Elliott's beauty. Pic 6: Kevin Sitch wishes he could fly away! Pic 7: Dan Allender snaps to the beat of a different drum.
chronicle Adviser: Pat Johnson
Editor-in-Chief: Ursulla Idleman
Assistant Editor-in-Chief: Tim Carey
News Editor: Katie DuBois Assistant: Hanna Ahn
Entertainment Editor: Julie Deschler Assistant: Ben Bloomer
Features Editor: Andy Hackley Editor: Amanda Ehmann
Sports Editor: Jon Reimer Assistants: Chris Elliott Elliott McGill Kevin Sitch
Opinions Editor: Ross Vimr Assistants: Dan Allender Zach Medlyn
Reporters Jeff Metzler Julia Riss Sarah Smith
Pic. 1: These writers pose for a Chronicle pic. Pic. 2: Get your feet off the desk, Julia Riss! Pic. 3: Julie Deschler needs a calculator to do her article. Pic. 4: Hanna Ahn gets started on the Chronicle early. Pic. 5: Katie DuBois certainly has the longest hair in Chronicle. Pic. 6: Careful Ursulla Idleman, that's not safe. Pic. 7: Clean your ears out, Tim Carey! Pic. 8: A row of typing machines! Pic. 9: Hannah Ahn laughs hysterically. Pic. 10: Julie Deschler shows Mrs. Johnson a hand trick.
German Honor Society Row 1: Carrie Peters, Kevin Zalucha, Stephanie Kamykowski, Daniel Thies, Amy Nichols, Maggie Fesenmaier. Row 2: Marina Kalinichev, Konrad Klinkner, Habiba Khan, Katie DuBois, Frau Doktor. Row 3: Jessica Andrejasich, Ursulla Idleman, Serena Smith.
French Honor Society Row 1: Holly Nelson, Rebecca Bryan , William Kendall-Dick, Jeff Harden, Sarah Pitard. Row 2: Vanessa Moll, Lisa Egner, Erin Mann, Elise McAuley, Beth German. Row 3: Kristine Johnston, Hanna Ahn, Emily Fotzler, Taylor Korab, Paige Jones, Maggie Henss, Andrea Dixon, Marielle Divilbiss.
Spanish Club (Fr/So) Row 1: Senora Bette van Es, Lauren Johnson, Dana Ray, Kristina Vasnaik, Elisa Farinacci, Mary Blazier, Karen Rose, Alejandra Salinas, Bethany Sullivan. Row 2: Allison Mclemore, Sarah Hagens, Maggie Mills, Geovanny Vega, Alejandro Alvarez, Elizabeth Rowland, Nora Prior, Senorita Jenny Garbe. Row 3: Jorge Guerrero, Francisco Macedo, Marcos Gonzalez, Max Ramirez, Carlos Gonzalez , Alfredo Garcia, Thomas Schroeder, Mattie Armstrong, Christine Fleener, Angela Scopel.
German Club Row 1: Klaus Gordon, Erin Cain, Maggie Fesenmaier, Habiba Khan, Frau Doktor, Robin Thomas, Carrie Peters , Ursulla Idleman. Row 2: Stephanie Kamykowski, lan Winkler-Groschen, Sarah Kinsel, Sulee Cao, Katie DuBois, Ben Lowry, Kevin Zalucha. Row 3: Millie Wright, Jessica Andrejasich, Colin White, Anna Peters, Pat Brown, Serena Smith, Konrad Klinkner, Marina Kalinichev, Amy Nichols. Row 4: Tommy Griscom, Nathan Taub, Mike Stevens, Ryan Boyd, Joseph Brownfield , Daniel Thies, Adam Harris, lain Millsap, Megan Scott, Joel Schneider.
French Club Row 1: Kim Voelker, Marnita Harris, Mabinty Tarawallie, Amelia Knight, Ashley Morgan, Hilary Phillips, Tia Neither. Row 2: Hanna Kannen, Leslie Willis, Kristine Johnston, Allie deBlouwe, Madame Black, Ali Penwell, Marielle Divilbiss, Sam Mowry, Liz Chapman, Lachan Band. Row 3: Laura Frederick, Sarah Pitard , Vanessa Moll, Zac Burton, Taylor Korab, Emily Fotzler, Paige Jones, Katie Goad, Alyssa Durant, Beth German. Row 4: Chelsie Hopkins, Erin Mangian, Emily Abbott, Lauren Craig, Alyssa Davison, Kim Sarnecki, Natalia Pagliuca , Andrea Dixon, Rebecca Bryan, Erin Mann, Hanna Ahn, Heather Hendricks. Row 5: Lisa Egner, lan Lesueur, Elise McAuley, Darrell Thomas, Megan Thomas, Kimberley Aikman, Stephanie Bennett, William KendallDick , John Herrel, Jeff Harden, Aaron Anderson, Greg Durant, Colleen Harden.
Spanish Club (Jr/Sr) Row 1: Senora Bette van Es, Kristine Min, Roxana Almaraz, Julie Deschler, Jennifer Yoo, Jenna Suttle, Jessica Dangles , Leslie Morrison. Row 2: Lynnsey Fisher, James Schirmer, Lucas Crawford, Martha Funston, Nick Clegg, Stephanie Kroes, Allyson Magno, Senorita Jenny Garbe. Row 3: Nidia Gaona, Jose Garcia, Katie Fredericks, Ross Kraybill, Tim Carey, Katie Sholem, Ben Bloomer, Miguel Ortega, Omar Garcia. Row 4: Betsy Metzler, Carolyn Ratcliffe.
Spanish Honor Society Row 1: Natalie Krein, Erica Claxton , Jordan Gebil, Allyson Magno, Leslie Morrison, Jessica Dangles , Jenna Suttle. Row 2: Martha Funston , Nick Clegg, Joel Mathews, Chris Kincheloe, Kristine Min, Natalie Tabb. Row 3: Andy Eheart, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Caitlin Beaudoin, Phoebe Mbuvi , Aaron Robinson, Katie Fredericks, Nidia Gaona. Row 4: Jeremy Kruidenier, Eric Brown, Tim Carey, Ben Ford, Ross Kraybill, Cory Rohn, Michael Oliphant.
National Honor Society Row 1: Victor Miely, Marella McMurray, Natalie Tabb , Jenna Suttle , Leslie Morrison , Jessica Dangles, Holly Nelson , Martha Funston. Row 2: Jon Reimer, Nick Clegg , Caitlin Beaudoin , Marielle Divilbiss, Erin Mann , Natalie Krein , Jennifer Yoo , Hanna Ahn , Marina Kalinichev, Allyson Magno, Katie Dubois. Row 3: Franklin To, Julie Deschler, Kara Bowen, Lisa Egner, Elise McAuley, Lucas Crawford , Kristin Luttrell, Paige Jones, Adrian Bettridge, Konrad Klinkner, Emily Fotzler, Vanessa Moll, Jeff Harden . Row 4: Joel Mathews , Leslie Muhr, Maggie Henss, Mike Oliphant, Kevin Sitch , Katie Sholem , Aaron Robinson , Brian Ho , Jessica Andrejasich, Jeff Bohlmann , Carolyn Ratcliffe. Row 5: Tim Carey, John Rost, Phoebe Mbuvi , Chris Kincheloe, Andy Eheart, Ben Ford , Daniel Thies , Pat Brown , Nidia Gaona, Katie Fredericks, Ursulla Idleman , Andy Hackley.
Quill and Scroll Row 1: Aaron Robinson, Tim Carey, Ross Vimr, Katie Sholem, Paige Jones, Ursulla Idleman. Row 2: Carrie Peters, Jenna Suttle, Julie Deschler, Katie DuBois, Jon Reimer. Row 3: Leslie Muhr, Andy Hackley, Taylor Pope, Alec J. Martin, Jeff Harden.
Math Team Row 1: Natalie Tabb, Brian Ho, Adam Poetzel , Leslie Morrison, Jennifer Yoo. Row 2: Namho Kim, Marina Kalinichev, Christine Fleener, Chelsie Hopkins, Katie DuBois , Zhao-Yang Wang. Row 3: lan Wright, Daniel Thies, Ha-Yoon Ghun, Justin Moon.
Speech Club Nicole Bowman, Dan Allender-West, Amy Felty. Not pictured: Reed Boskey.
Science Club Row 1: Mr. Plattner, Katie Sholem, Emily Deters, Zac Burton, Geoffrey Lin. Row 2: Kalie Trueper, Marella McMurray, Rebecca Nizzi, Hanna Ahn, Carrie Peters. Row 3: David Gong, Nick Clegg. Not pictured: Ursulla Idleman, Chris Roney.
G.E.M.S. Row 1: Rachel Krein, Ursulla Idleman, Sarah Freyman, Megan Scott, Stephanie Kamykowski. Row 2: Chandra Moll, Natalie Krein, Vanessa Moll.
W. Y.S. E. Row 1: Lisa Egner, Paige Jones, Tim Carey, Maggie Henss, Ursulla Idleman. Row 2: Erin Mann, Nick Clegg, Daniel Thies, Ross Vimr, Mark Egli, Roberta Hill.
Scholastic Bowl Row 1: Remy Tipei, Ben Ford, Daniel Thies. Row 2: Konrad Klinkner, Natalie Tabb, Holly Nelson.
Key Club Row 1: Tia Neither, Sara Jones, Beth German, Mattie Armstrong. Row 2: Nicole Bowman, Marina Kalinichev, Jennifer Yoo, Dan Allender-West, Kristine Min, Allison Mclemore.
Election Board Row 1: Maggie Mills, Bethany Sullivan, Sarah Hagens, Rebecca Bryan. Row 2: Allison Mclemore, Jennifer Yoo, Zac Burton, Mattie Armstrong.
Future Teachers of America Row 1: Kara Bowen, Ashley Gasparini, Darrell Thomas, lynnsey Fisher, Michelle Frazer. Row 2: Marnita Harris, Mary Blazier, Liz Hood, Marella McMurray, Michelle Adeoye, Mrs. Sparks. Row 3: Amy Bucey, Allie deBlouwe, Heather Caldwell, Cassie Dyszelski, Katie len over, Ryan Hoffman. Row 4: Kinyetta Nance, Kyla Streeter, Camus Crawford, James Schirmer.
Drama Club Row 1: Rio Shigeta, James Schirmer. Row 2: Sarah Jones, Becca Cuppernell, Jenna Suttle, Jessica Andrejasich, Erik Roithmayr, John Deals. Row 3: Lucas Crawford, Jackie Rawles, McKenna Kelly, Alex Berg-Jacobson, Jonathan Butler-Duplessis, Nathan Taub. Row 4: Ms. Salfelder, Mandy Barton, April Cleveland, Hannah Clark, Vanessa Moll, Julia Riss, Phil Fiscella, Steve Wisegarver.
Chess Club Row 1: James Schirmer, Konrad Klinkner, Kevin Zalucha, Adrian Bettridge, Centrail Chillis. Row 2: Serena Smith, Mr. Kintzel, Dan Allender-West, Nick Britsky.
Art Club Row 1: Nadia Jassim, Erin Mann, Rebecca Bryan, Mattie Armstrong. Row 2: Quynh Nguyen, Kristi Kaplan, Sulee Cao, Vanessa Moll, Mr. Danielson. Row 3: Natalie Tabb, Elise McAuley, Carrie Peters.
Thespians Row 1: Becca Cuppernell, Jackie Rawles, Rio Shigeta, Mandy Barton, Jessica Andrejasich. Row 2: Lucas Crawford, Erik Roithmayr, Jonathan Butler-Duplessis, Alex BergJacobson. Row 3: James Schirmer. Row 4: Steve Wisegarver.
Ultimate Frisbee Club Row 1: Andy Hackley, James Schirmer, Jeff Metzler. Row 2: Davy Shannon, Adam Poetzel, Dan Allender-West. Row 3: Serena Smith.
Cut Time Row 1: Stuart Carlson. Row 2: Jeff Yambert, Drew Fredrickson, Austin Kimble. Row 3: Jonathan ButlerDuplessis, J. T. Whitmer, Justin Vasaune, Joel Mathews. Not pictured: Nick Donaldson, Ryan Kruidenier, Luke Mathews, T.J. Peper, David Su.
Madrigals Row 1: Anna Peters, Allison Niswonger, Sarah Pitard, J. T. Whitmer, Hannah Clark, Rebbeca Bryan. Row 2: Jonathon ButlerDuplessis, Emily Abbott, Mandy Barton, Nathan Schwalm, Kevin Smith, Joel Mathews. Row 3: Alex Berg-Jacobson, James Schirmer, Emily Manganaro, Stuart Carlson, Justin Vasaune, Jeff Hurt.
Advanced Women's Choir Row 1: Jenell Hendrix, Jamila Bradford, Kayanna Hunter, Cassie Williams, Samantha Bosch, Treslyn Adeoye. Row 2: Meg Gorham, Lisa Cameron, Liz Hood, Sarah Kinsel, Lauren Goodpaster. Row 3: Courtney Ice, Lanna Bartko, Hannah Clark, Shana Good.
Abso lute Harmony Row 1: Drew Fredrickson, James Schirmer, Jonathan ButlerDuplessis. Row 2: Treslyn Adeoye, Sarah Pitard, Rebecca Bryan. Row 3: April Cleveland, Emily Abbott, J.T. Whitmer, Taylor Korab, Martha Funston, Joel Mathews, Katelyn Burgett.
Treble Choir Row 1: Lauren Kara, April Cleveland, Lashaunce Gaines, Eboni Davis, Kanetha Taylor, Courtney Bishop, Yasmiene Seets, Kimera Coburn. Row 2: Laura Lindemann, Hillary Fears, Ivory Grant, Shira Stolarsky, Jasmine Lewis, Robyn Johnson, Amanda Angel , Michelle Spanglo, Ashley Pelz. Row 3: Ruth Mayu, Laura Henneman, Ashley Compton, Savannah Ellis, Ashley Kamphaus, Brittney Wood, Jocelyn Williams, Caitlin Halle, Samantha Gardner. Row 4: Michelle Adeoye, Kathy Holding, Amy Bucey, Kim D'amico, Charlene Lee, Patience Tarnue, Britly Barton , Kim Kyrouac, Tameka Carr. Row 5: Lynette Hosier, Devin Richardson, Leslie Schaffer, Brittany Wright, Wynita Mock, Lauren Baglama, Lisa McMahon, Whitney Williams.
Show Choir Row 1: Jonathan Butler-Duplessis, Nick Gibson, Marielle Divilbiss, Jeff Yam bert, Martha Funston. Row 2: T.J. Peper, Cassie Williams, Karen Tsui, Nikita Knight-Woods, Sarah Pitard, Natalia Pagliuca, Jeff Hurt. Row 3: Stephanie Bennett, Erin Mangian, Ryan Kruidenier, Nic Guido, J.T. Whitmer, Joel Schneider.
Bass Choir Row 1: Charles Hutjens, Steve Wisegarver, Marquis Williams, Erik Higgins, Eron Turner. Row 2: Jarrel Young, Deon Cavert, Kirk McMurray, Aaron Grayson, Smooth Rivers. Row 3: Ramos Sanchez, Luke Mathews, Joel Mathews, Shane Davis, Calvert Davis.
Concert Band 1st hour Row 1: Marcos Gonzalez, Carlos Gonzalez, Merry Thomas , Zachary Medlyn. Row 2: Allison Niswonger, Lynnsey Fisher, Liz Hood, Katie Eliott, Madelin Woods , Sara Chapman , Robin Thomas. Row 3: Theresa Spohrer, Rachel Reardon, Katy Pyer, Ally Curtis , Hayley Rohn , Kenton Elmore , Krystle Frazier, Jacob Maffit, Sung Jun Yoon , Danna Lynch. Row 4: Katie DeWitt, lan WinklerGroschen, Erin Cain , John Herrel, Brandon Polite, Orion Buckingham , Mike Brown , Kirk McMurray, Natalia Pagliuca, Lisa Cameron, Lyda Bielak . Row 5: lan Wright , Jacob Stimmel , Richie Nelson , Thomas Schroeder, lan Winston , Centrail Chillis , Chris Taylor, Jason Manuel, Martina Shaw.
Symphonic Band Row 1: Leslie Morrison, Amanda Prillaman, Andrew Dixon , Sam Mowry, Maggie Mills, Lucas Crawford , Nora Prior, Kim Voelker, Layla Chapman , Alyssa Durant. Row 2: Sarah Wallace , Miranda Bugbee, Brittany Akins , David Gong, Kristin Luttrell, Robin Thomas, Jenna Suttle , Garrick Nelson , Andrew Fredrickson, Nathan Brown. Row 3: Marsha Reardon, Brian Ho, Nicholas Gordon , John Herrel, Elizabeth Rowland, Nick Sougiannis, Chris Kincheloe, John Deal, Kari Goad, David Cohen , Aaron Robinson , Phil Schroeder, Cory Rohn. Row 4: Emily Abbott, Hanna Ahn , Josh Weichsel, Daniel Thies, John Rost, T.J. Peper, Elise McAuley, Sarah Fredrickson , Tommy Griscom , Geoffrey Lin , Royce Greenburg, Blaine Harvey. Row 5: Rio Shigeta, Mark Egli, Chase McClure, Katie Trueper, Joel Schneider, Kyle Prillaman, Katherine Pace, Austin Kimble, Shauna Flynn .
Color Guard Row 1: Sam Mowry, Amanda Pease, Megan Ball, Ashley Barkstall. Row 2: Kristi Kaplan, Theresa Spohrer, Shay lee Hebert. Row 3: Holly Nelson, Megan Scott, Lanna Bartko, Krystle Frazier.
Concert Band 7th hour Row 1: Lisa Mazzocco, Marella McMurray, Marnita Harris, Hilary Phillips, Alyssa Davison, Abby Lange, Hak-Yeol Lee. Row 2: Megan Thomas, Nathan Taub, Kristine Johnston, Jeff Bohlmann, Mike loannides, Tim David, Kristina Russell, Amanda Valbert. Row 3: Margaret Kane, Nick Sougiannis, Kristina Vasnaik, Phillip Martin, Mike Vignola, Daniel Panno, Kwabe Bazzell-Smith, Ben Campbell, Robert Abbott, Phil Galaras. Row 4: lan Anderson, Ali Hobbs, Sidney Sheehan, Richard Wojnar, Oshawa Wardlow, Will Wetzel , Brian Murphy, Ryan Boyd , Aaron Jones, Mary Blazier. Row 5: Andy Sims, Remy Tipei, Amy Engelbrecht-Wiggans, Shaylee Hebert, Lydia Anderson, Taylor Feuille, lain Millsap. Row 6: Chris Pankey, Dewayne Watson, Grant Bullock.
Orchestra Row 1: Adrian Bettridge, Jennifer Yoo, Leslie Muhr, Michelle Frazer, Tiffany Williams, Jessica Andrejasich. Row 2: Chandra Moll , Megan Scott, Maria Brownfield , Elisa Farinacci, Christine Fleener, Millie Wright, Ahbleza Hurd, Daniel Thies. Row 3: Vanessa Moll, Dylan Cain, Lexie Moore, McKenna Kelly, Mr. Turner, William Kendall-Dick, Kortney Fox, Pat Brown.
Percussion Ensemble Row 1: Aaron Gates, Chris Pankey, Remy Tipei. Row 2: Spencer Murray, Heather Stocker, Michael Croix.
Student Council Executive Board Row 1: Whitney Byrd (vice president), Amy Kim (treasurer). Row 2: Jennifer Yoo (secretary), Martha Funston (sergeant at arms), Melissa David (second vice president). Row 3: Tony Bruno (president), Kim Sarnecki (sergeant at arms), Maggie Fesenmaier (public relations), Katie Fredericks (public relations), Barry Mink (advisor).
Student Council (Jr/Sr) Row 1: Tony Bruno, Whitney Byrd, Annie Murray, Taylor Korab, Whitney Parkhill, Katrina Jackson, Quinton Troy. Row 2: Ashley Rogers, Stephanie Cornett, Virginia Verburg, Jenna Suttle, Molly Mooney, Heather Caldwell, Barry Mink. Row 3: Samantha Parkhill, Stephanie Kamykowski, Lucas Crawford, Jennifer Yoo, Nick Clegg, Azeem Abdul-Azeez, Katie Fredericks. Row 4: Carolyn Ratcliffe, Leslie Muhr, Caitlin Beaudoin, Zac Burton, Martha Funston, Alexis Morgan, Kelsey Bridges, Ryne Tennant, Kim Sarnecki. Row 5: Carty Hermsdorf, Kimberley Aikman, Brent Moore, Rebecca Bryan, Melissa David, Tim Carey, Alan Einck, Maggie Fesenmaier, James Schirmer.
Student Council (Fr/So) Row 1: Lexie Moore, Zach Medlyn, Ashley Morgan, Kristina Vasnaik, Christy Burge, Elisa Farinacci, Allie deBlouwe. Row 2: Courtney Bishop, Liz Hood, Lisa Cameron, Heather Williams, Ali Penwell, Katy Bizaker, Sarah Wallace, Chelsie Hopkins. Row 3: Kim Kyrouac, Lisa Mazzocco, Bethany Sullivan, Ali Hobbs, Allison Mclemore, Sarah Hagens, Maggie Mills, Meghan Martindale, Mattie Armstrong, Danielle Spice. Row 4: Tia Neither, Anna Peters, Dani Stubbins, Tangela Young, Mario Pulcini, Rodrigo Musuruana, Katelyn Burgett, Erin Mangian. Row 5: Bryanna Graham, Mitch Holmer, Colleen Harden, Lauren Kara, Phil Fiscella, Mitchell Kresca, Daniel Beaudoin, Dustin Leemon.
African-American Club Row 1: Bryan White , Whitney Keaton , Bryanna Graham , Ms . Gholson-Johnson , Noelle Gipson , Te' Asha Jones , Darrell Thomas. Row 2: Jordan Gebil , Samantha Gardner, Katy Baker, Jenell Hendrix, Jamila Bradford , Courtney Bishop , Kortney Fox , Amanda Angel , Keisha Carter, Marnita Harris. Row 3: Prenisha Jackson , Ernyka Blanson, Diamond Rogers, Ebony Pearson , Eunice Gill, Jennifer Morris, Cammelle Ward , Raudia Sallee, Kimera Coburn , Julene Miller. Row 4: Kinyetta Nance, Tiffany Williams , Katrina Jackson , Paige Jones , Isaiah Clayborn , Jeanette Figures , Wynita Mock, Kanetha Taylor, Michelle Frazer. Row 5: Kyla Streeter, Tia Neither, Jorday Lee , Quentin Brown , Jessica Hendrix, Eron Turner, Oscar Gipson .
Bleacher Bums Bleacher Babes Row 1: A.J. Martin, Brent Moore, Brett Havice, Joel Mathews, Jon Blackman, Taylor Pope, Eric Brown , Ryne Crawford. Row 2: Kevin McNamara, Quinton Troy, Ryan Beaulin , Jeff Harden, Alan Einck, Ross Hiner, Daniel Pea. Row 3: Ryan Dillon, Danny Outlaw, Stephen Wisegarver, Eric Eizinger, Brian Kesler, Ben Ford. Row 4: Annie Murray, Taylor Korab, Amy Kim , Whitney Byrd , Whitney Parkhill, Sean Judy. Row 5: Jackie Rawles, Andrea Dixon, Caitlin Beaudoin , Carolyn Ratcliffe . Row 6: Amanda Prillaman, Emily Manganaro, Emily Deters.
Students for a Better World Row 1: Darrell Thomas, Ian Wright, Stan Wojnar. Row 2: Christopher Koehler, Mr. Nieman.
Interact Row 1: Kyla Streeter, Michelle Frazer, Jessie Bush , Ashley Morgan, Sarah Wallace. Row 2: Noelle Gipson, Adriana Camacho, Christine Fleener, Karen TsUJ, Margaret Kane. Row 3: Anna Peters, Matt Piccietti , Mark Montgomery, Kinyetta Nance. Row 4: Kathryn Pace, Max Ramirez, Austin Kimble, Will Wetzel, Sean Judy, Madelin Woods .
Peer Mediation Row 1: Heather Overmyer, Erik Higgins, Ms. Gholson-Johnson, Cassie Dyszelski, Paige Jones. Row 2: Jennifer Yoo, Jacob Maffit, Lamar Brown, Habiba Khan, Kyle Browning, Cammelle Ward. Row 3: Katie Fredericks, Bethany Sullivan, Darrell Thomas, Jeff Hurt, Sam Howard.
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My tbick·sliced 7·rraia whale wheat u~ au eatic Frenck breads are •ade troll y own secret recipe asiac all·utlral iacredieats, tben bakd fresh rifbt bere in tbe store tbr ufbout the day, enry day.
I personally select the my best meats nailable. Tbat means no pressed, formed, r filled meats on y sandwiches. Only juicy wbite turkey breast, choice roast beef, smoked Yircinia bam, and real wood·s oked bacon.
I use only the fresbst, bestest veeries around. Tbey're sliced daily ia th store ad aner treated or bered for use some other day. Tllat means crisp, fres lettuce, tomato, onion, sprouts, cucumber, and nocado.
The world's createst c•urmet sandwiches call far the world's createst incr n1S. Sal Dilly use real Hellm n's may naise, Grey Poup nmustard, and homemade dressiacs like my red wine and oliYe oil vinaicrette.
GOURMET SUB SANDWICHES Oa ome ade fresb·baked French bread. $3.25 - - - - - -
GIANT GOURMET CLUBS On tbick·sliced 7·rraia wbole wheat bread. - - - - - - - $4.25 - - - #1 GOURMET SMOkED flAM CLUB
Ham, proYolone,lettuce, tomato, &mayo.
Ham, proYolone,lettuce, tomato, &mayo.
#2 BIG JOliN
Roast beef, bam, provolone, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.
Roast beef, lettuce, tomato, &mayo.
#3 SORRY CIIARLIE Tuna salad, sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, &tomato.
Turkey breast, alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, to ato, &mayo.
Genoa salami, capicola, bam, provolone, lettuce, tomato, onions, mayo, &Yinairrette.
#IO IIUNTER'S CLUB Roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato, &mayo.
#5 VITO Genoa salami, capicola, proYoloae,lettuce, tomato, onions, & Yinaicrette.
#II COUNTRY CLUB Turkey breast, ham, provolone, lettuce, tomato, &mayo.
Provolone, nocado, cucu er, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, &mayo.
Turkey breast, avocado, cucumber, cheese, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, &mayo.
bcon,lettuce, tomato, & mayo.
Provoloue, nocado, cucumber, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.
PLAIN SLIMS·----- $2.25 Same fresh·baked French read & meat as my premium courmet sub sandwiches, but ao •ercies or sauce.
SLIM 1:Jlmn ce c&e4e SLIM 45.wt~w; 6JWJ6t SLIM 2~/Jul. SLIM 5Salami, capicota, c&e4e SLIM 3[j.un4 4aiLU!. SLIM 6~ ~ TilE J.J. GARGANTUAN·- $6.25 It's monstrous! Genoa salami, capicola, smoked ha , roast beef, turkey breast, provolone, lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, &Italian dress inc on fresh·baked French bread.
#14 BOOTLEGGER CLUB Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, &mayo.
#IS SEVEN-GRAIN TUNA CLUB Tuna salad, rovolone, sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, &tomato.
#16 CLUB LULU Turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, &tomato. * Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, lemonade, iced tea ............$1.09/$1.29 * Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie .....................$1.50 * Potato chips, jumbo kosher dill ............................$0.75 * Extra load of meat, extra veeries ..........................$1.25 * Extra cheese or avocado ..................................$0.75 *Extra charce per sandwich for delivery ..............$0.49 (•J.10C)
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Cara. You arc the absolute joy of m) life I am amazed at ho\\ hard ) ou push ) ourself in dance. chool and at \\Ork. I admire the strength that you ha\e shown through the rough times. Be strong and kind. you 'II go far! Keep dancing Carabcar! I love you. MOM
\dam. You arc such a \\tmderful blessing to our lives. Through your brilliant smile you arc a bright hining tar and bring illumination everywhere you go. Keep shining a you go forward so that others sec your light and glorify The Father. We love you. Mom and Dad
arah. sa )Oung girl. \\hen you saw something you wanted to do. you would say. "l'm going to." If )OU can use this slogan throughout your life. "l'm going to" \\ill take you any\\ here you want to go. We will be cheering for you all of the way. Mommy. Daddy, Anna & Jim
Quinton. How fast these years have gone! All the baseball games we've watched you in. and all the great friends you've made for all of us! We arc very proud of you and wish you all the very best wherever life takes you! uch a great big brother you arc guy! Guy! Love, Mom, Bob, Tanner & Gracie
Ashley. Congratulations!! I al\\ays knew that you could achieve. You are someone very unique and generous. You will be a \\Onderful teacher. We love you and are ALL proud of you.
Valerie, Congratulations!! You finally made it. The end of High chool. O\\ you can do well in college. ¡ever be afraid to stand up for your beliefs Wear those stars proudly. We arc ALL very proud of you. We love you. Mom and Patty, Dad. Jessica
Mom and Patty, Dad. Jessica
Minkers T. Moodie, You have been a delight in our lives. Your sunny outlook. has enriched our lives through moves. sixteen-hour car trips and family fun. You are a special daughter and we love you. Mom. Dad and Daniel
Our little princess Caitlin., It seems like only ye terday you were just a baby princess with Lolly dolly & now you're a lovely grown up princess with a future so bright we gotta wear shades! You have brought such joy into our lives and we are so proud of you. We love you. Mimi & the Bubbcr
Kristen. You're the best! We envy all those lucky people who will meet you for the first time! You're an original alright and a joy to be around. Best of luck in whatever you do!
Aaron. We're all so proud of you! We hope you will make the most of your opportunities throughout your life. We will always love you.
Love alway .. Mom & Dad
To the Director of "Little Foxes." atalie, what a play! Your creativity and persistence have served you well: from acting to schoolwork to your job. You've made us proud! We wish you well on journey\ next step--which will it be, California or YC? Love, Mom. Dad, Rachel & Daniel
Mom. Bill, Brian, & Billy
Heather, Sports is you-basketball, softball, volleyball. cross country. barrel racing, and "oh. yeah. powder putT football (I don't think this was your favorite)." It's all gone by so htst and you have made the best of everything!! You arc the best and we all love you!! Dad. Mom, Jenn & Rory Jr
Eric. Your energy and love for life have always made us smile. We're so proud of everything you are. We love you! Mom, Dad, Jackie & Luke
Dear Sarah and Leslie: Thwugh It all long ch cr pra !tees, almo t t>rokcn noses, r.un) games, amp antic , national challenge , dance dates v. ,utmg for hours. mDung concrete in ~exic< you've done it together. supportmg each other, and l>emg there You've learned the value of fnend htp and loplty. Your lncnd htp "'" contmue to h lp )OU through the many challenges ahead on't ever lose It!! Love, Adkm , De ault & Yoal\ F·amtltc
EdY.anl, From Gho tl>u ters to :vtanne,, From Champatgn to San Diego, hom Dreams to Reality, Become Y.hat you destre! Congratulation~ on heing the Jrd generation to graduate from Central High School. ucccssful "tshc on your asptrattons!! We .tn: alY.ays proud ol )OU and arc here " hcne\ er ) ou need U'•" :vtuch love. Mom and Dad
Annie. As you look fomard to your future. remember to be true to yourself. set your goals high. and that we love you. Our special prayers are "ith you. Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, and Kate
Geotfrey, You've given us so many proud memories. Keep up the good work. Always remember that "the man should have to kill the bugs." That's you now. so keep your tly swatter handy. If you need help with any big ones, JUSt ask. We're with you all the way. Dad, Mom, Brandon, and Anna
Dear Kevin. Congratulations on )OUr graduation! We are so proud of your a ademic and band accomplishments. You have given us man} exciting moments a' )OU excelled m soccer. Your strong and loving character Y.ill enhance your leader htp skills. Ma} all }OUr dreams come true. Our love and support v.. ill alv..ay' be with you. God bless }OU! Love. Mom and Dad
Hey Budger, ince the day we sent you off to kindergarten we've wished for nothing but your happiness. good health. and success. You've certainly made us proud parents every step of the way. The world is waiting for you ... and we'll be right behind you! Love, Mom & Dad
Elevez-vous. Elargissez votre horizon. Quittcz !'argile, Ia fange. le ventre. !'interet. I' appetit, Ia passion. I' ego·isme, Ia pesanteur. llez a Ia lumicre. Devenez une grande arne. Passez du geocentrique a l'heliocentrique. (in "Ocean·· by Victor Hugo) You enrich everyone you meet. Love, M & P
Amanda, You arc a delightful, confident, intelligent young \\Oman. alway. so eager to fultill your goals 111 life. We are extremely proud of your achievements! As you look toward your future Y.ith determination, remember all the good times now and in years to come. Lots of love. Grandma and Grandpa
Tony. You're a great son! We are ver roud of your accomplishments. Remember that Y.e will always be here for you. and Y.e wish you the best in the coming years. Love, Mom. Dad, Bob. and Cathy
What a great da) it Y.hen mom and dad were going to have ]OU OY.. tt ts even more exciting for us to produce a godl) and m:ccssful daughter-most beautiful girl in the Y.orld. Upcommg years, we are already thrilled to sec a grown-up who able to emerge triumphant)} from your cave of pain and confusion. Congratulations, Am) ... Our preciOus From Mom and Dad
Ben. Congratulations on your accomplishments. We are proud of you. Graduation is not the end of your road, it is just the beginning. Love, Mom. Dad, and Jackie
J: We can't he he\ e ~ ou ,tre a cnior! You v. ill alv.ay he our "Bu tcr." We feel confident that )OU V. ill he sUCCC sfu( in \VhatC\Cr )OU Ct your ights on in the future. \ c v. i h you p~.:acc & happiness in your life! Love, \1om, Dad, Pat & Joe
Emil), We are so proud of how you are living )OUr life and are lo king forward to the many good things 111 your future. Love, Mom Christine,Kate, Buddy and Big Mouse
Kate ory!! \ ov. - v.e can't helic'c our little poopen ehooncns i already a high chool graduate! We're so proud of all your accomplishment\ and of the beautifuL smart, funny and wonderful person that you've become. Good luck in the future honey! Love you, Mom, Dad, Mike, Sean, Molly & Matt
Emily, You have grown so much through four years at Central, v. ith book.s and friends. You are ready to explore the world ouhide of Champaign: a little bit cary and tremendously exciting. Along v.ith your talents. knov. that you tak.e, as always, all of my love and support. Love, Dad
Brett. We are so proud of you! The e wonderful years of v.atching you develop into a fine young man have gone so fast. It does not seem possible you arc graduating. et your goals high-you can accomplish v.hatever you want. You have our love and support ahvays! \\'e love you, Mom, Dad & Whitney
Dear Leslie: You'\c gro\\n mto a beauttful )Oung \\Oman with so much to otter! '\ c're proud of )OU and your accompli-,hmcrwâ&#x20AC;˘. and for hanging in there during tryrng time-.. t';evcr forget v. ho ) ou belong to. and v.hose Word will guide and direct your path. and truly then the be-.t i.., yet to be! (P-,alm 32:!\)
Daniel, Our pride and love for you know no bounds! Love. !\.tom, Dad, Stephanie. Michael and Adam
Dear Jennifer, Even though it is sad to to see our little girl graduate from high school. v.e couldn't be more proud! Your college years hould be some of the most wonderful years of your life. Always set your goals high and there i no doubt you will achieve them. Love forever, Mom, Dad, and Timmy
"If I take the "mgs of the mommg. And d"ell m the utlemlOo,t pans of the ea. E'en there Your hand hall lead me. And Your right hand shall hold me." P;alm 139:9. 10
'\ e IO\C )OU! !\.1om. Dad, and Danrelle
Mike. Congratulations. What a great son you have been! You've addes fun and humor to all of our hves. We're o proud of all of your accomplishments and of the great person you have grown to be. Continue to reach for your dream'>. We IO\e you ... Mom. Dad, :vtatthew, Mitchell, . ick, and Sarah
Andrea, Remember your freshman year. All your friends went to the "other" school. Everything happens for a reason, and you certainly came out on top. You are a great person and we love you. College v. ill be a great experience and you will succeed in what ever you choose. Dad, Mom and Whitney
Taylor, What a great guy to be around! We will miss you and all of your friends so much next year. Rest assured the Senior class money is safe with you in charge of it! We love you and are so very proud of you.
Rca h for your dreams! You arc a gifted and talented young man with a great sense of humor. You have a bright future and we wish you much success. Congratulations! Love, Mom. Dad, Ryan and Brittany
Love, Dad, \1om, Lindsay and Whitney
Terra, Congratulation,, you made it. I ne\er doubted you could do it! From the first time you colored on the dining room wall, and the first time you cut your hair. I knew you had an eye for design and 'tyle. There's no need to worry about your future. I know you will go far. Love. Mom
a, What an out tanding young women you ha\e become! We arc proud of how hard you have worked to achieve your goals. Remember to set those goals high and never stop believing in yourself. You enrich our live more than you can know. Be true to) ourself. Love, Mom, Dad. Laura and Tim
We have enjoyed having you all as "daughter " and hope we will for many more years. Congratulation. !
Kristtn, From Pre-School to your Sr. Year at Central there was Park oftball, Marchmg Band, Bas oon, Symphomc Band. ational Honor Society, A.cadcmtc Honor , \1usic Honor. Cheerleading. & Youth Group! Thank you Kris ) for being uch a Blessing to Your Mother & Father! I Loved Every Minute Of It!
Love, The Moms and Dads
Congratulations Eric You have gi\en u' great memories and much laughter. We are so proud of you and your many accomplishments. Remember to always do your best and you will be successful. You will always have our love. support and encouragement. Love. Dad. \1om and Adam
Mtke. You are such a blessing m our lives. We aer so proud of you. You have graced us with your wit and humor for eighteen years. Enjoy your college years! Love, Mom. Dad, Erica. chltngle & Cassie
Jame, We are proud of you! Lots of love! and Break a leg! -the girl
Vanessa icole. Butterfl). sklltering through fields, flowering ... Firefly ... peaceable observer with hearfuls of hippo lo) alties, 'pirit protector... Rabbit... burrowing deeply into all thing , readying to spread your wings ... Love from mom and dad
Whitney, You have always been eager to try new things. never afraid or failure. That attitude has blossomed, now you accept leadership with all its responsibilities. With these qualities. your IO\ ing nature and the re pect you have for others. door will always open for you. Love ya more than "A", Dad, \1om, and Erin
arah. We have watched you grow from little girl to young woman, from Baby Louise to Aunt Martha, from citizen of Champaign to eitzen of the world. We are proud of you. arah! Love, \1om. Dad and amantha
To our little girl, We love you very much. Of cour e, Li a, we love you too! Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, Mike, Eric and Dodger
krcm) and R) an. \\ho ln v. v.hcn \OU v.em thrtt, v.hat Ia' ahc d, "hat )OU Y.ould~be~ lnd1\ldualm o nMO) v. a)'· both Cine ) oung rn n, nov. tall nd "'" A JO) to v.atch, nd In-e. and knov. .read) to mme fornard, a hf time to GfO\\. \\'ho knov. v.hat )OU
v.lll omeda\ "",l>ut God abo'c v.ho IS u free tO run V.tth Perlie\er&nCe, and 'IDg for jOy, rna) )oufedl>lc sc,aiJthcda) of)ourh'e. In other 'AOrds. CH'I\ \lohl~n hfe 'l'Cnt"i ltke a (\-dar Pomt roller coa,ter. I· JO\ THE RID~ Our lo'c ah..a) '· \1om nod Dad
..The Wee Wain" is crad.ers! We're glad you never burned down the attic. Remember... your family adores you. Love from the "Big E" Mom, Bro. Penfold, and Panda
Your hmh wa~ the nest ew Year\ Eve party ever' High ~chool ha-. passed hy much 100 fa~l. We have enJoyed every football game. every tracl. meet . band concert and competition, especially JUU. We arc so proud of your academic success. too. Keep it up next year! Love, Mom. Dad. Hayley. and Higgin'
Bike rides to the candy store. Pushes on the swing. Endless joy and memories that a daughter brings. Grade school, middle school. gone so fast. Priceless would be the miracle, that could only make tt last. Four year of high school, gone in a whirl. But don't forget, you'll always be daddy's little girl.
o Mom and Dad go, like she's the daughter we, like, you know, thought like we wanted to, you know. like, H VE! But, like, ERIOU LY: It's been a pleasure to watch you take charge of your life and make good choices. We are amaLed at how much ST FF you get done. If only you would learn to clean the bunny cage!
Whitney: We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments! You have a whole life ahead of you to hve as you choose; what an e citing prospect... Wherever you go and whatever you do, we will always be there to love and support you. You are a bright light that hines in our lives!
Tay, time to celebrate and let the wind take you where they may.
Much love,
ana & Pop
Congratulation , mom and dad
Elizabeth, Who would have thought that little girl with the wild hair and huge eyes would tum into the beautiful young lady you've become. Your sm1le lights up your face and everyone's ar und you. You were our econd joy. and we love you with all of our heart . Keep your determination and your goals, and you will accomplish anything you want. A you take your next tep into college, remember your faith in God and the love of your family are alway w1th you . We are so proud of you!!! Remember to follow your dreams. and in your journey through life alway live well, laugh often. and love much. Love you always, Baba, Mommy, ia, and Phillip
Friend Kelli, Over the years we have ¡hared birthday partie , My Little Ponies, My Little Pet hop. bikes, fights, bug , Franklin, dance , Rocket, sleepover , Central, prom, trips, and lots of shopping. You've been the other big ister and other daughter. Here's to continued sharing in the future! Love, Melissa, Kayla, Chris and B ill
Dear Whitney: ongratulation ! We never thought the time would pass quite so fast... it has been an absolute joy to watch you grow into the beautiful young woman that you are today. We love y ur laughter, the sparkle in your eyes, and the loving, caring pirit you have. You have an exciting journey ahead of you with the world as an open book upon which you can place your unique, indelible mark. Always believe in yourself, learn from your mistakes, and keep God close to your heart. Our love will go with you wherever life may lead you. We adore you! XOXOXO Mom, Dad, & Clayton
Dear Alec, Where did 18 years go? It doesn't seem that long ago you were naming your "puff-a-lumps." Now you've named your truck! With your shining personality, there has never been a dull moment! You've made us laugh; you've made us cry; but most of all, you've made us very proud! We Love You! Mom and Dad, Justin, Cleo, PJ," huck" (the truck) and "Ed"
Ready, et, go! We believe in you! Love, Dad, Mom & Lee
Dear J.T., It's no surprise to us that you were named, "everybody's friend." We will miss you and all of them. From the diving board to the stage, from your leadership at school to your faith and everything in between, we are immensely proud of you. Thi is the tart of big things to come. Keep us laughing. God Bless, Dad, Mom, Jon and Amanda
Congratulation T.J. Your talent, ¡en e of humor, and kind pirit will erve you well wherever you go. Our love and upport will alway be with you. Mom and Dad
My Kristma, ever ha~ there been and never again will there be another you. Fashioned by God\ hand and perfectly planned to be who you are. What He's been creating since the fir t beat of your heart, a living, breathing, priceless work of art. I can see the fingerprints of God when I look at you and I know it's true. You're a rna terpiece that all creation qu1etly applauds, you're covered with the fingerprints of God. Just look at you, you're a wonder in the making, and God's not through, in fact He's just getting started. Isaiah 49: I Love, Mom
Mud pies! Into any container-buckets, butter tubs, lids, cups - gra - and of cour e, lo. t of zy, -wood chips quishy, loppy, slightly runny Mud! - stones Mix, mold, and let it sit to dry. - traw Ana and Marielle made millions! -water -whatever!
Two friends ince age two. o many firsts: cooking baking, fight , make- ups, tear , inventions, belly laughs, leepovers, driving, dances, college anxiety. As friends of the heart, may you support each other in the future. Love, MaryJo, JD, Patricia, and David
Dear Christopher, I'm very proud of you. You've done a great job getting to thi point. I know you '11 ontinue to do well finding your niche in life. Follow your heart. Love, Mom
Daniel. Do }OU remember ha\ ing )OUr hair bra1ded in Jamaica? Buying one hamster and \l.aking up the next morning '' ith six? Forging 1om\ ignature 111 second grade? Bringing home ever} stray dog you ever found? Trj ing to make a bo\1. and arro\1. ("bono anno") out of a stick and some string? elling baseball cards at the law school'? Bill, the iguana? Learning to drive in the Parkland parking lot? Taking Dad paintballing'! Bakachukalaka? Your fir t I }ear'> have filled our lives '.l.ith wonderful memories we can't \\.all to sec what comes next. Love. Mom and Dad
Je ica. You bring proud tears to my eyes as I remember the past years. From the innocence of a child to the young woman you have become, you have chosen your paths well. With more of the world out there for you to experience and see. love and support will always come from me. Love, Mom
• . . . . I' "' ~
·. -·T'·'
Tony, Your sen e of adventure has always kept our family on the move. From the dunes of Michigan to the hill of the Cinque Terre to the highways of Cuba, you have always hown the way. A you go from forging hot teel and leading the tudent Council to forging new friendships and blazing new trails, we will always be right behind, trying to catch up ... We are so proud of you ... Mom, Dad, Evan and Annie.
Drew. You continue to am ate and impress u \1. ith your talent. character, and integrit:y. To . ay we are proud is an understatement. 0\1., life begins. Always remember to be true to yourself and learn from your JTIJstakes. Have the courage to reach for your dreams and keep focused on your goals. Give faith a fighting chance. Love like you've never been hurt, dance like no one is watching, laugh as often as you can. and sing and play like the \\.hole world is listening! We will always be here for you. Congratulations! Love al\l.ays, Mom, Dad. ara, and Lonni
J. When you were a I 0-year-old pudgy. pigeon-toed linebacker, you had a dream to play college football. We watched in amazement as you worked countless hours to achieve your goal. Now, you are ready to become a Fighting lllini. We are. o proud of your determination. perseverance. leadership and most of all. }OUr faith. We love you . Your most devoted fans, Dad, Mom, JD, Carrie, AJ, K1m, Julie and Cory
Dear Amanda,
19R5 to .2CXl3 Wow' The tune went oy o quickly! You ha\e groY.n from an adoraole ll.tby gtrl to uch a llcautiful, bnght and talented )<lUng Y.ornan. It ha' llcen a JO) for U\ on our toe ! We ha\C ne\er llcen dts ppomted Remernll<!r that you arc capable of mo~t anything you ct your heart. mmd and energy to. We lo\e you very much! Dad. \!lorn and Kyle PS Do we get the Jeep hack next year! JK!
Enca. When you Y.ere JU t a little girl and ha\ mg a ''had day". I Y.ould often ,a) to my,elf-"thank goodne" h 'II he gr<mn someday." Well. someday ha\ arrived and what I want to sa) .. l have loved and heen proud of you all along the way!
A you contmue on this JOUme) called "hfe"-rcmember. )OU are the per on mo t rc ponsthle for the out nme oftht JOurney. Remam commttt d to your values, goal and dream . then nothing will he beyond your reach.
Love Alway\. ~1om
Jeftie JoeYou may have outgrown the nickname. but you remain the great son and brother you were when we gave it to you. Remember "getting ears''' 1 onstop talking? Alabama 94 degrees .. .'? Backpacking? Disney World? The.. inja Turtles" movie'.1 Christmases? The golf team-.fx'? Playing in the snowstonn'? A ne\\. identity each vacation'? We appreciate your \ alues. attitude. enthustasm. self-di cipline. cholar hip, leadership and selective laziness. We Y.ill enjoy your future accompli hment and our ongoing fnendship. The time has gone quick!) but it ha been so much fun. We love you, !\1om, Dad. Colleen, and nicker . P. Rtchard says soiT) about your arm.
To Daniel - the Original That Guy We celebrate your sense of self. style and satire! You have a perceptive heart and political integrity that others recognize and applaud. In your success as a volunteer teacher. as the driving force behind the school speech team, and as an accomplished speech competitor. we ee the gift¡ you have to offer the world, and we arc proud of you. Love, Mom and Dad
Amanda From the moment you were hom. )ou've had a special place in our hearts. Time has Oown since that fiN da) of kindergarten. \Ve ha\e many wonderful mcmorie of watching )OU grow tnto a heautiful )OUng woman. We arc \C'f) proud of )OU. Congratulation\ a-. you graduate from Central! 1l1erc .trc many mcmorie\ to be made and much to look forward to in wllcge. h\ays do )OUr bc..,t, ;md you w til go far in life. Rememhcr we wtll always be here for you. Love. ~1om,
Dad, Brian and Jason
Krystal. From preschool to graduation, from paper carrier to bagger. from fane) dresses to blue jeans and khakis, from shy girl to giving people hell. or her opinion. I am proud of you. lltgh school is over college and a whole world i walling. Keep standing up for your elf, keep )OUr standard high. Love
Dad knew he wouldn't be here to ee your achievements. Look up Krystal see the stars these are Dad's eyes, the rain drops Dad's tears, the wind a gentle touch, the sno"" flakes a blanket. I will always be part of you. Love Dad from heaven
Congratulation Jennifer!!!! \V~
are so proud of )OU. From childhood. to teenager and no\\. on )OUr \loll) to becoming a wonderful \\oman. it has heen .1 pleasure to he on this ride \I. ith you. The world is so much better hecause of you. You are a blessmg and ha\ e made us happy. You are a heautiful )\mng \\oman \\.ith the \Oicc of an angel and \\C ne\er tire ot hearin )OU ing. Your strengths and ahilit) to reason\\ ill see you through an) crisis. We love
---- Momma. Dad. Mik.e and Ciss)
Ginny. You've always been my little cutic and you've always liked convertibles. I'm so proud of the young lady you¡,e become and I know you'll have a great future. What you will do for the world will make a difference. You do so much for others and you have so much love for people that you will leave your mark . I hope your commitment and compassion for others helps you succeed in you achie\mg your goals. I couldn't be more proud of you Ginny. Thank you for being such a blessing. Love. Mom
Dear Kevm. From the mischievou little boy who scribbled with pen along the walls of the hallway and later earned the title of class clown at Bottenfield. to the now handsome and dedicated young man rushing the football. stealing 2nd base and studying for good grades. I praise you. ow. as you prepare for college and a life on your own, I wish you success and fulfillment. EnJOY your journey. believe in your elf and never give up. And remember. your family will always be here for you. Love. Mom
Chn. Get off the computer! Do your homework! Clean your room! ound familiar? These are words that have followed you throughout your high school experience. They helped to teach you the values that will follow you throughout your life. And we will hear them again when we visit our grandchildren someday! You are everything and more than we had ever hoped you'd be! You are our pride and joy! The future is yours and we know you will make it a bright one! We love you always. AI. Mom. Dad, Kelsey and ana
Alii on. "You come into this world such a pearl of a girl. .. " You've come a long way. baby. and in many ways you're still just at the beginning of your beautiful life. Always know that we love you and we believe in you. Mom and Dad
Katie Stephens
A cheerleader may not live forever ...
1984 ~ 2002
but her spirit will alway fly.
Primelight Studio "Where Professional Courtesy Counts!" 41 E. University, Downtown Champaign 355 - 1001
Editors' Note After four years as students at Central High School, we, the editors of the 2003 Maroon, realize that this school has greatly influenced our lives. From activities and sports to clubs and classes, our time spent at Central has shaped who we are and what we will become. The goal of our book was to show how Central High School impacts each student and becomes the central focus of his or her high school experience. Many years from now, this book will remind you of what was important in this stage of your life. The finished product is a result of the efforts of many dedicated staff members, who worked long hours to complete their pages on time, and our wonderful adviser, Heather Tanner. We hope you enjoy it. Congratulations on another great year and good luck to the class of 2003. Editors: Ana Eisenman, Jeff Harden, Taylor Pope Adviser: Heather Tanner
Business Manager: Kate Sly
Special thanks: Mr. Mink, Mrs. Ho t>s, Mr. Poetzel, Ms. Eckert, Mr. Sparks, Mrs. Shmikler, Mrs. McShane, Ron Sullivan and Primelight Studio, Danny LaesEh, Konrad Klinkner, Ashley Buerkett, Jon Reimer. ~-~~¡~-___j
Butler flegma 87 Buller Shato 87 Butter-Dup ssts Jo
1 88
7. 188, 83,190 19 69. 193
than 13. 87,
189 190, 91
Butts Jordan 7 100, 147 Byers Cyrith1a 51 Byrd, Wh1tney 51 , 72, 156 167, 194
c Ca1n, Dylan 112 146, 193 Ca1n rln 7 183, 192 Cwse, Glenn 87 Caldwen Heather 87 170, 187 194 Carracho Adnana 100, 196 C&!"acho, Cynth•a 88 Cameron, Usa 100, 190. 192, 194 Campbell , Ben 100. 167, 193 camsm.ll. John 139 Campbe I Keontae 100 Campbell Usa 13 Campos, Adam 63 Cao, Sulee 100, 151 , 183, 188 Carey, Tirr 7, 31, 88. 134, 135 180
181, 183, 184, 186 194 Carlson, Stuart 98, 100. 149, 163
189, 190 Carr, Tameka 191 Carter, Antomo 88 Carter, Cameron 112 14 Carter, Chnshanna 51 72 Carter, lsa•ah 100, 147 Carter, Ke•sha 51, 195 Carter, Kr'sten 100 Carter Kyle 100 163 Carter-Williams Bnan 51 163 Carter-Williams Korey 112 Cascone, N•cole 100. 154 Caston. Tlree'nee 100 Catch1ngs, Jasm1ne 112.. 164 Catch•ngs, Joy 100 Caver! Deon 191 Cavette Do •mque 100 Cech, Matthew 88, 149 Cekander, Andy 100. 135, 147 163 Changnon, Scott 112 146 162
rown An Brown Ant Brown 2 Brown, Bnttany 99 Bra Chns 28. 99, 103. 147, t 3 Brow Enc , 51,72 142, 147 195 Brown J s 8 Bra"'lar 99, 101 Brown Lucas 29, 111, 146 Brown, Maben 28, 111, 149 Brown, Marcus 28, 111 149 Brown, Martlyr 111 Brown, M1ke 111, 146 192 Brown, Nate 8, 87 192 Brown, Omeka 51 72 Brown, Pat 51,99 169 183, 193 Brown, Paul 87 147 Brown, Quent•n 63 195 Brown, R01melle 63 Brown, Savanna 111 Brown, Sh.rel 112 Brown, Thaddeus 100 Brownf•eld , Joseph 87, 147 183 Brownfield. Maria 112. 193 Browning, Dodd 142 Brownmg, Kyle 98. 100. 140, 164 165 Bruce. Matthew 100, 147 Brundidge, Shonda 87 Bruno, Evan 100 167 Bruno, Tony 20. 51, 72, 194 Bryan, Becca 16. 23, 31, 36. 51,68 72,
Baglama Lauren 111, 191 Ba ley Bnttany 87 Ba ey T e•a 11', 164 Bard Becky 110 111 158 159 Ba er Branaon 63 Baker Derek 87 Baker Kathryn 99 Ba er Katy 195 Bales, Jess1ca 111 BaU, Megan 99 192 Band lachan 99 183 Band Lotan 139 Barcus. Elliott 87 Barksta I, Ashley 99. 192 Barlow, Andy 111 Barnhill Bnttany 111 Barshney, Chnstopher 50 Bartels, John 99 Barthe emy En 63 Bartko Lanna 99 143. 157 190 192 Bartolome, Noel 50 Barton, Brltly 111. 171 191 Barton. Mandy 87, 188, 189, 190 Bass, Timothy 87 Baumann, C 111, 146 Baumann. Mart< 134 Bazar, Enzabeth 111, 164 Bazze -Smith Kwabe 99, 193 Beard, rystal 50. 72 Beaudo•n. C81thn 50, 66, 72, 158.
159, 184 194, 195 Beaudo•n. Dan1el 111, 167 Beaun • Ryan 31, 50, 71, 147, 195 Beck,John 111 , 162 Beebe Grant 99 Belanger, Katnna 87
192 Bullock, Grant 112. 167, 193 Burge, Chnsty 112 117, 155, 194 Burge, Enc 8, 10, 134, 135 Burgett. Katelyn 98, 100, 190, 194 Burrell, Kayla 112 Burton, Zac 17 23, 38, 51, 72, 169,
183, 185, 187, 194 Bush, Jess•e 18, 100, 137 157,196
Belsfey, Marcus 99
182, 183. 187, 188, 190 194 Bucey,Amy 112,117,187,191 Buck1ngham, Orion 100, 147, 192 Buerkett, Ashley 87, 151 Bugbee, M.randa 100, 140. 141 , 155,
Chapman. DeMetnus 112 Chapman t.ay a 100, 192 Chaprr n Uz 112 159, 183 hapman, Sara 100. 192 Chappell Larc1na 72 Chau Lisa 88 91, 171 Chavez James 100 Chill s Centra I 51 188 192 Ch•shom.Andrew 21,110112162 Chun Ha·Yoon 100 Chung Eun 52 Chung, .:Jae 52 Church, Katie 52, 68 , 72, 157 Cl 1 e G nn C Hannah 100. 188, 190 C ark Maria 22. 63. 170, 171 Cl k. Rachel 52 , 159 Clark Raymond 100 Claxton Erica 52. 72, 184 Cayborn Isaiah 100. 195 Clayton Stephanie 112 Clegg N 38, 88, 135 148, 149.
183 184 185 186 194 Cleveland Apr I 112, 188 190 191 Cobb Jasma 44 Cobb, Stephanie 88 Coburr K mera 19,42 86 88.89
165 '91, 195 Cobum tepi'any 112 Co yle 43 88 Cogdill , J hua 88 Cohen, David '12. 192 Colley, N•esha 52 Collins m Collins, e11ca 88 Compton . Ashley 112. 191 Coope Kevin 52 72 Cordes Jacob 88 Cornett St phame 52, 72 194 Cor ett, Tncia 100 Cory. Kathenne 52. 72 Costello. Joseph 112 Costello, Kristen 41 52, 72 Cov1ll, Jenn•fer 136 Cox. Bryan 100, 135. 158 Crabtree,Amy 112,171 Cra1g , Lauren 100, 183 Crawford, Camus 100. 147, 187 Crawford. Colin 18, 29, 112, 146 Crawford, Katie 6, 21, 29, 38. 88,
136, 150, 151, 165 Crawford, Lucas 7, 17, 23 , 34, 35.
52 70 2 183 184 188 18 192 194 Crawford, Ryne 29 52. 72 134 147 195 Crldor Latona 100 CroiX M•cl'lael 112 193 Crowder Bethany 112 Cuevas, Llijana 88 Culver Adam 63, 162 163 Cuppernell Becca 88 188, 189 Curry Samuef 100 147 Curtis. Ally 112. 192 Curts Auslln 88, 1417 Curt1s Rachel 1od. 137, 165 Curtiss. Chanty 100 Curts1rger, Curt1s 112
0 D Kovrn 112 Da ey Thomas 100 D Armco Kim 112 155 1 Dandndge, Juan 63 Dangles. JessiCa 88 159. 183, 184 Dan! I, James 100 Dan I Kely 313 Daugherty. Ctielsy 52 72 Dauson, Alyssa 183 David Meli a 15 28 38 44 52
154 155 175, 194 Dav1d, Tim 28, 113. 167 193 Davrs As 143 Dav s. Calvert 191 Da Ebor1 101 191 av•s Joshua 113 Davrs, Julian 11 3 Davrs, Lashandra 88 Dav•s M t!t'ew 23 88 •47 163 DaviS, Ryart 101 147 Dav1 , Sh e 191 Da son, Alyssa 101. 193 Deal CB1tf1n 141 Deal, John 113, 188 192 deBio we All1e 113 183. 187 194 Delan y l<eandre 101 D rnopou os Mana 88 Denn Courtney 1' 3 Desci'ler Jute 14 42 88 '36 137
158 180, 181 183 184 Deters, Em1ly 41.43 88. '36 154.
185, 195 Deutscher e 52 72 139 156 DeVault Sarah 24 30 53 72 DeVnes Dale 113 146 Kate 113 192 ick on. Jess•ca 88 DICorato, Ryan 53 D1llavou, Andrew 169 D1llavou, Charles 88 147 Dillon, Cornelius 113 Dillon, Ryan 88, 156, 195 D•vflb1ss . Manelle 31 , 53, 72 182,
183, 184. 191 D1xon, Andrea 16, 18 36 53, 69. 73,
136, 159 182, 183 195 D1xon, Andrew 53. 67, 73. 192 D•xon, Natalie 88. 90 140, 14' 178 Donaldson Nicholas 101 Dong, Ye 113 Donovan, Patrick 101, 135,163 Dorries. Joshua 113 Dornes. MIChael 88 Doss, Bnttany 101 Doyle, Kerry 101 Drennan Samantha 113 DuBo1s, Katie 36, 88, 180, 182 184 Dunn. Elizabeth 22, 88 Dunn Nathamel 88 Duo Emmerson 53 148 Durant, Alyssa 113, 183 192 Durant, Greg 88. 147, 169. 183 DUrso,Jam1e 112,170 '71 D'Urso, Joel 112 Dye AI x 7 39, 88 134, 156, 163 Dyszelsk1, Cassie 88, 90, 187 96
E Eaton , Kayla 53. 73 Egan, Rebecca 101 , 171 Egli, Mark 53, 68,73 152, 186. 192 Egner, Lisa 53 , 70 . 73, 182. 183, 184,
186 Eheart, Andy 53. 142 152, 153. 184 Ehmann. Amanda 88 , 159. 180 Eichman, Laune 53, 73 Einck. Alan 24, 53 , 66. 73, 166. 167
193 195
Fredenck, Ryan 88 Fredencks, Ka1ie 88. 183 184 194
196 FredriCkson, Drew 53 73 189 190
192 Frednckson Sarah 113. 159, 192 Freeland, Sam 113, 146 Freeman Jam•e 101142, 147 169 Freeman, Sh1osha 101 Fnth, Lance 113 FuJ•hara. Scooter 113 Funston Martt>a 13 88 183 184
190. 191, 194 Furtney Jeremy 39 40. 88, 170
G Gaines LaShaunce 101 , 171 191 Gailros Crystal 53, 73 Galaras Elizabeth 31 54 67 73
14 • 170 171 Galaras. Ph•ll•p 113, 146, 169. 193 Gaona, N•d•a 88, 183, 184 Garc•a. Jose 54, 183 Garcia Omar 54, 183 Garc1a-Meza, Alfredo 101 182 Garc1a-Meza Yesenia 113 Gardner, Samantha 113, 191. 195 Gardner, Shannon 88 Garner, Melissa 54, 73 Garrett. Darcy 18 Gasparim, Ashley 54. 73, 187 Gaspanm . Valene 54, 73 Gates, Aaron 113. 117, 193 Gebll. Jordan. 29 , 54, 184. 195 Gebil , Salem 29, 101 Gelke , Seth 113, 146
170 191 196 K
H Hackley Andy 89 90 169 180 184 189 Hadler Jes ca 54 66 73 154 Hagans Sarah 102 143 178 179 182 187, 194 Hagle Sarah 7 90 110 Hat-11 Tla 102 Ha DonneSSJ 102 155 Ha Momca 114 Hale Benjamor 29 114 Halle Caotlln 29, 114 150 164 1 91 Ha Sal"l!.OI 114 149 Han Joung 90 Hanrah, J ssoca 1'4 155. 1 64 Hannan, Matthew 1'4 146 Harden Colleen 114 155 183 Harden Jeff 54 73 156, 178 182 183 184, 195 Hardyman, Keoth 90 147 Hardyman, Phillip 102 147 f-larns Adam 54 102 147 169 183 H rns Juarott 90 Harr s Marnota 1 02 183, 187 193 '95 Harn , Robin 114 Harris. Stephor 114 Harnso11, Rando 63 Harry Jordan 90 Harvey. Blaone 102, 147, 192 Harvey. Kany1a 114 Hassell, Damelle 90 1-i VIce, Brett 54. 73, 156, 195 Hawkms, ian 102 147 Hayes, Osnc 102 135 147 163 Heber, llka 143 Hebert, Shayloo 90 192, 193 Hemsouvanh, Joanna 46. 54, 70 Henderson, Damian 162 HendriCks, Heather 54. 73, 183 Hendnx, Jenell 88 90. 164, 165, 190, 195
Kall11ochav M ra 91 182 '83 184 185, 187 Kamphaus Ash ay • 03 191 Kamykowskl Stepha111e 55. 73 182 183 186 194 Kare Brenna 91 159 Ka11a Margaret 103 193 196 Kare T J. 23 31, 46, 55 68, 73 Kernen Hannah 91 151 '83 Kaplan Knsto 103. 188 192 165 191 Kara, Lauren 1'5, 191 Keaton Whitney 33 91 173 195 Keaton, Wo ial"'1 103 163 Kelly Anarda 140 Kelly McKenna 103 140 188 193 Kendall-0 ck Alan 142 148 Kendall-Dock Corey 1 15 149 Kendall-Dick Willian 91 182 183 193 Kern, Ryan 103 1 47 Kesler Bnan 55 73 142 152, 195 Kesler Michael 115 152 Khan Habiba 55 73. 91 1 82, 183 196 Kom, Amy 38 55 71 73 194 195 Kom, Jay 103 Kim, K1 115 Kim, Nam·Ho 103. 185 - - - - - - Kombl .Au hn 25,103.189,192 196 Koncaid John 103 196 Kincheloe, Chrts 58, 73 184 192 Kondt Jorn 103 King Courtney 115 Kinsel Sarah 103 183 190 Korby Amy 58 Kirby Dernck 91 Kirby Loreal 112 115 Klimek, Moranda 91 196 KlimeK Rota 115 Kllnkrar Konrad 58, 69 73, • 39 102 19 1 182 183 184 186 188 Kmght Amalia 103 183 Kmght Lou1se 91 143 154, 165 Kmgrt·Woods N krta 103 191 Ice Courtney 102 178 190 Knoke Tlmothy 58 'aleman Ursu a 55 180 181 182 Koehler, Chnstopher 1• 5 195 183 184 186 Korab Taylor 21 37 58 70, 73 140, loanmdes M1ke 1 t4 117 193 182, 183, 190. 194, 195 lsom Joshua 55 Koster Janes 103 Ivy Ricky 102 1 47 Kpor, Toweh 58 148 Kraybill Ross 58, 73, 183 J Kreon Natahe 7 58 73 184 186 Jacksor Jasm re 102 Krein Ra!'hel '15 186 Jacksor Joh11 55 147 Kresca Matthew 28, 115 146 169 Jacksor Kat na Kresca M1chae1 28 58 73. 148 1 9 .JaCkson Premsha 164 195 Kresca, Mitchell 28. 115 149, 169 ..raekson Katnna 90 194 195 Knen, Rachel 7 uames, Gwendolyn 63 Kroes, Stephanoe 91, 183 Jass1m, Nad1a 90, 141 153, 188 KrUJdenoer, Jeremy 29 58. 73, 142, Jiang. Nai·Fei 102 152, 163, 175 Johns, Megan 114 KrUJdemer, Ryan 29, 37, 48, 58, 73, Johnson, Chnstina 102 191 Johnson. Chnstopher 90 Kyrouac. Kim 115. 155 164, 191, Johnson. Demarco 17, 46,55 194 Johnson, James 114 Kyse·Henderson f-lollary 30. 58 73 Johnson. Jam1son 14 102, 147 Johnson, Kimberly 63 Johnson. Lauren 103 137, 182 Laesch, Danny 19 Johnson. Netelsha 103 Lamanske, Abogaol 115 164 Johnson. Prentrce 55, 63 Lamanske, Clayton 91 Johnson, Robyn 191 Landman, Jess1ca 103 Johnson, Sada 90 Landreth, Evan 103 Johnson. Spencer 162 Lange, Abby 115, 155 193 Johnson. Zachery 114 Lapayne, Kelsey 103 Johnston, Knstme 103 137 182.193 Lara·R1os. Norvana 91 Jones. Aaron 114, 149, 169, 193
Lawhead, Melissa 91 Layman Steve 134, 135 Lee Charlene 115, 191 Lee Hak-Yeol 193 Lee, Jordan 115, 162 Lee. Jorday 115, 155, 164, 195 Leemon, Dushn 103, 135 Leeper, Andy 30. 36 , 58. 73 Lehmann, Jenmfer 58. 73 Lei ·a. Eva 16, 58 , 73 Lei ·a. Pauline 115 Leman J. 10, 21 24 . 58, 66. 73. 142, 147, 163 174 Lenover, Katoe 6, 90, 91 136, 137 151 , 187 Leshoure, Kirsten 115 Lesueur, lan 115, 167, 183 Leturgey, Shane 115 146 Lew1s, Jasmone 191 LeWIS , Kash!f 115, 146 167 LeWIS Lede Ivon 163 Lt. Vicky 91 Ueb Megan 58 Uebov1ch, Rebecca 58 73 Lietz Jordan 31 91 , 147 L1n Geoffrey 58. 73, 13g 148, 149. 185.192 Undemann, Aihe 115,153 164,174 Lmdemann, Laura 91, 165 191 L1vesay Chnstopher 63 Lobkos Manya 103 Locke Selena 103, 137 Lockett Tosha 91 Lord Travos 103 Lore, N holas 115, 167 Love Dav1d 58 73, 147 Lowry Ben 103, 183 Lutt e I Knston 59 73, 170, 184, 192 Lync Danna 115, 171 , 192 M Macedo Francrsco 182 Maff1t Jacob 103, 192 196 Magno Allyson 91 183 184 Makaru John 104 Manganaro, Emdy 59 73, 190, 195 Mang ar Enn 104, 183, 191 , 194 Mann Er• 59 , 73, 183, 186, 188 Manmrg, Coreyon 116 Manuel Jason 104, 149. 192 Manuel, Katoe 104 Marrr10n. Tamara 91 Mart1n A" 40 44. 59, 73 147, 178, 179 184, 195 Martm Aexandna 104. 140, 141 Martm Pl>ilhp 116. 149. 169, 193 Martm Vlctona 104 Martmdale, Meghan 104. 140, 141 164, 165, 194 Martime Michael 116, 146 Mathews Ben 13 Mathews, Joel 36 59, 71, 73. 147, 184 189, 190, 191, 195 Mathews Luke 110, 115, 116 146, 169 191 Matt Tommy 27, 116, 146 Matthew, Maret 104 Maxey, M1ke 116, 146 Maya LUIS 116 Mayu, Rutr 116, 191 Mazzocco, Lisa 115. 116, 155, 193. Mazzocco Valerie 140 Mbuv1 Phoebe 6 91, 141 153, 184 McAu ey Elise 6 59, 69 73. 140, 174, 182 183, 184 188, 192 cCioud Enn 63 McClure, Chase 30, 104 ~92 McCray. Lindsay 140. 141 McDanoel, Jaes 37, 104. 142, 147 McDermed, Kevon 91 McDonald, Maura 116 McElrath. Alisha 91 McElrath. Tamtra 16, 59 , 73 McFerren, Khrisll 104, 172 McFerren, Niandra 36 McGee. W11iie 59, 74 McGhee, Terrence 63 McGhee, Ternonna 63 McGoii,Eihott 37,41,45,91 156, 166, 167. 180 McGill, Jacob 91.148 McGoll. Tyler 116, 152, 166, 167 175 McKenna Ben,amon 104 McKenna Josh 19, 63. 74 Mclemore, Allison 98, 104, 143, 153, 178. 179 182, 187 194 McMahon, Drew 21 , 23 , 28. 59, 68
142, 146. 147, 188 175 McMahon Usa 28 116 191 McMahon Mallory 116 117 155 McMurray K1rk 29, 115 116 149 169, 191 192 McMurray. Marella 29 , 91 140, 184 185, 187 193 McNamara, Kevon 59 , 70 74, 134, 147, 195 McNutt, Marcell 91 McShane Matthew 104, 147, 169 Mechling Le1gh 91 Medlyn, Zach 104 180 192, 194 Melv•n Chns 104 Mennenga, Edward 59 Metzler Betsy 12, 25, 29, 41 , 91 , 183 Metzler Jeff 29 , 104, 147, 180, 189 Moely VIctor 90, 91 142, 167, 184 Moiler, Camlle 59. 74 Miller, Jamoe 59, 74 Miller, Julene 116 164, 165 195 M•ler, Martell 63 Moller, Rayna 91 Md , Magg1e 44 , 104 143 153 169, 182 187 192, 194 M1llsap, lam 104 147, 183 193 Mn Krist1ne 59, 74 183, 184, 187 M111or, Markla 91 Misa, Nataloe 104 Mrtchel Drew 142 Motchell, Isaac 116 Mkwezalamba Maxwell 104, 142 Mock, B•lly 39 Mock, Wynota 116 173, 191 , 195 Mohrbacher, Kevm 116 Mohrbechcr, Steven 30 59 Moll, Chandra 104, 150, 186, 193 Moll, Vanessa 59, 74 151 , 162 183 184, 186 188. 193 Monteoro, Jenca 116 Montgomery. Mark 104, 196 Montgomery. Ricky 116. 169 Moon, John 59. 169 Moon, Jusbn 104, 185 Mooney C81tlyn 116 Mooney Maureen 91 Mooney, Molly 14, 194 Mooney. Aachael 59 Moore, Brent 59, 66, 74 134, 135, 147 194, 195 Moore, Chemse 59 , 74 Moore, Leanotra 104 Moore, Lexoe 116. 193 194 Mora Jalfet 60 Morgan, AiexiS 91,154 155 194 Morgan Ashley 101, 104 143 171, 183 194 196 Morgan, SCott 9 Morns Jennifer 104 Mornson, leslie 44, 92, 140, 141 158, 159, 183. 184, 185 192 MorriSsey, John 116 Mosley James 92 Motley aaman 11 6 Motley. Quentin 116 Mowry. Sam 112 116. 183, 192 Muhr, Leslie 28 41 45, 92 141, 153, 165 178, 184, 193 194 Muhr, Rebecca 28 104 141, 159 Murden!, Nathan 104, 147 Murphy. Andrew 29, 104 Murphy Antrony 29 92 Murphy Bnan 36 92 135 147 193 Murray Anne 7 60 74 157 194 Murray Spencer 116 193 Musson Holli 92 Mustalaa lbrah1m 104 Musuruana Rodngo 116 148 168 169 1 Mynck , Leah 60, 92 N
Nance, Kmyetta 104, 187 195, 196 Napier, Roy 60 Ndekwe, Paul 104, 147 Ne1ther, Tia 104, 183 187 194 195 Nelson. Aleena 92 Nelson, Fat1ma 63 Nelson, GarriCk 92, 192 Nelson. Holly 92 . 143, 153. 176, 179, 182, 164, 186, 192 Nelson, Rochie 92, 192 Newland, Jeramie 116 Nguyen, Chau 104 Nguyen, Quynh 104, 188 guyen , Thuy 104 Nguyen, Tu 88, 92
Nguyen, Chau 104 Ng1..yen, Quynl> 104, 188 Nguyen, Truy 104 Nguye'l, Tu 88 92 N1cl>ols, Amy 92 182 183 Niswonger Alhson 92, 190, 192 Nizzi, Rebbeca Nizzi, Becca 21, 37, 92, 150, 178, 185 Noh, Josept> 92 Norris, David 116
0 Oliphant, Mike 7, 92, 139, 163, 184 Omondi, Rachel 104 Ortega, Elliott 116 Ortega, Miguel 92, 183 Os er, Brltney 104 OU Ia , Danny 26. 60, 74, 178, 195 OierrTJyer, Heather 21, 39, 60, 68,
74, 136, 153, 164, 165, 196 p Pace , Kathryn 104, 141, 192, 196 Pagliuca, Natalia 104, 158, 159, 183,
191, 192 Palacio. Elisa 141 Palacio, Sara 141 Palmer, Christina 104, 141, 157 Palmer, Serita 104 Panchal, Hiren 63 Pankey, Chris 104, 193 Panno, Daniel 116, 193 Pa , Brandon 92, 147 Park, Chanhoon 104 Park, Younjoon 116 Parker, Brian 92 Parkhill, Clayton 116, 156 Par1t ill, Samantha 7, 92, 136, 137,
156, 157, 194 Parkhill, Thomas 104, 156 Par hill, Whitney 7, 23, 48, 60, 66,
74, 157, 194, 195 Patterson, Jason 63, 74, 147 Patterson, Kyle 116 Payne, Latecia 60, 74 Pea, Daniel 60, 74, 195 Peacock, Justin 92, 147, 163 Pearson, Christopher 92 Pearson, Ebony 116, 153, 195 Pease, Amanda 92 , 192 Pelz, Ashley 104, 141, 191 Pendzialek, Rebecca 60 Penwell. Alexandra 20,116,158,159 Penwell, Ali 115, 183, 194 Peper, T.J. 8, 92, 147, 191, 192 Perry, Robert 38, 92, 147 Peters, Anna 105, 183, 190, 194, 196 Peters. Carrie 6, 40, 92 , 140, 153,
178, 182, 183, 184, 185, 188 Pforr, Sarah 116, 171 Phillippe, Andy 43 Phillippe, William 105 Phillips, Arriel 105, 170, 171 Phillips, Deshaun 116 Phillips, Hilary 98, 105, 170, 171,
183, 193 Picciettl Matt 105, 196 Pitard, Sarah 13, 34, 35, 60, 68, 74,
182, 183, 190, 191 Pittman, Krista 105 Polite, Brandon 192 Pollok, Gregory 105 Pope, Taylor 26, 28, 48, 60, 66, 74,
178, 184, 195 Pope, Wh1tney 28, 37, 105 Posey, Fallon 28, 63, 74 Posey, Franise 28. 92 Pribble, David 92 Prillaman, Amanda 7, 15, 23, 36, 60,
74, 192, 195 Prillaman, Kyle 105, 192 Prior, Nora 105, 182, 192 Pryor, Kimberly 117 Pryor, Krystal 105, 143 Pryor, Rachel 117 Pulcini, Danielle 117 Pulcini, Mario 105, 152, 168, 194 Pyer, Kathryn 117, 159, 192 R Rache, Daniel Rames . Kat1e Ramirez, Max Ramos, Omar
105 92, 169 105, 182, 196 117
Ratchff Alexandria 92. • 54. 155 Ratc.hffe Carolyn 25, 46, 86 92,
136, 137, 165, '78, '79, 183, 184, 194, 195 Rawles, Jackie 6/J, 74,159,188,195 Ray, Dana 105 137 182 Ream, Chris 63 Reardon, Marsha 44, 92, 141, 192 Reardon, Rachel 112, 117, 192 Redding, Leven 105 Redding, Roderick 63 Reimer, David 139 Reimer, Jon 92, 180, 184 Reynolds, Jess ca 93 Reynolds, Matthew 25, 60 Rhoads, Kai 117 RhOdes· ilson, Chrutopher 93, 142, 147 Ri ardson, Devin 117, 191 Riddle, Lamar 142 R1ss, Julia 93, 180, 181, 188 Rivers, Smooth 169, 191 Robbins, Quentin 142 Roberts, Brandon 105 Roberts, Hobert 31, 60 Robeson, Artaia 117 Robinson, Aaron 93, 167, 178, 184, 192 Robinson, Natoska 44, 63 Robinson, Quinton 147 Rocheford, Todd 6, 105 Rodgers, Erica 21, 60, 66, 143, 153,
____.1,6"4~,,165==~~~ Rodriguez, Nolberto 105, 149 Roediger, Donovan 93. 139 Rogers, Ashley 60, 74, 172, 194 Rogers, Diamond 195 Rogers, Jllmala 105 ohn, Cory 60, 74, 142, 147, 192 Rohn, Hayley 117, 155,164,192 Roithmayr, Erik 34, 60, 74, 188 Rollinger, John 17, 61, 67, 74, 134, 147 Roney, Chns 61, 74, 148, 169 Roney, Raquel 38. 105 Rose, Karen 105, 182 Rost, John 19, 93, 184, 192 Rostam·Abadi, Shayan 117 Roth, Jacob 105 Rowland, Elizabeth 105, 182, 192 Runge, Casey 105 Runge, Jolin 93, 149 Runge, Lyon 61, 74 R1..ssell, Knst r>a 117 155, 165, 193, Nathariel 105 Ryus, Eliza 46, 105
Salinas, Alejandra 117, 182 Sallee, Raudia 93, 1 65, 195 Sanchez. Ramos 191 Sarneckt, Kimberly 93, 183 , 194 Savage, Muhammed 149 Scarpetta, N1ck 36, 86, 93 , 149, 166,
167 Schaefer, Cara 61, 74 Schaffer, Leshe 117, 191 Schirmer, James 13, 34, 61, 68, 183,
187, 188, 189, 190, 194 Schneider, Joel 30, 93, 183, 191, Schnepper, Brett 10, 25 , 61 , 74, 147, 163 Schoell, Elizabeth 61, 74 Schoell, William 117, 146 Schoonover, Christopher 105 Schoonover, Hayze 105 Schoonover, Travis 61, 74, 147 Schroeder, Phil 93, 192 Schroeder, Thomas 105, 149, 182, 192 Schroll, Megan 105 Schwalbe, Christina 61, 74 Schwalm, Ethan 93, 147 Schwalm, Nathan 61, 74, 190 Scopel, Angela 103, 105, 155, 182 Scott, Megan 117, 183, 186, 192, Seets, Yasmiene 191 Segovich, Kristin 118 Seibert, Christma 61, 74, 170, 171 Seiler, Camden 105, 167 Shannon, Davis 93, 169, 189 Shaw, Martina 192 Sheehan, Sidney 110,118,150,151,
193 Shepard, Andrew 105 Shigeta, Rio 105, 188, 189, 192 Sholem, Katie 6, 10, 93, 170, 178,
183, 184, 185 Shuler, E~ ly 25 106, 170 Stbley EMca 106 Sibley, Kelley 63 Simmons, Richard 61 Simmons·Strader; Ezlkfal 118 S1mon, Coulter 93, 139 S1ms, Andy 93, 193 Sinnes, John 106 Sitch, Kevin 39, 43, 93, 135, 147,
180, 184 Skremer, William 118 Slesinsk1, Liam 118, 149, 162 Smith, Collin 106, 147 Smith, Kevin 61, 190 Smith, Lete1sh 63 Sm1th, Margo 159 Smith, Marquis 106 Smith, Max 117, 118 Smith, Samantha 106, 159 Smith, Samuel 106 Smith, Sarah 106 ;,1....=;,;o~ Smith, Serena 61, 74, 182, 88 Smith, Tr:ina 93 Soloman, Levi 106 Somers, Benjamin 106 Somers, Lucas 106 Sougiannis, Nicholas 93 Sougiannis, ck 167, 192, 193 Spangle, Gregory 93 Spangle, Michelle 118, 191 Sparks, Amanda 93, 151 Speller, Keysha 39-=-----4 Spencer, Shemika 25, 93, 165 Spice, Danielle 6, 03, 106, 143,
154, 194 Spiller, Keisha 106, 143 Spitz, Luke 18, 117, 118, 146 Spitz, ry 61 Spohrer, Jarod 93 Spohrer, Theresa 13, 61, 74, 192 Square, Tiffany 118 Steinkamp, Kyle 118 Stenger, Jennifer 106 Stevens, Mike 93 , 183 Stewart, Ryan 62, 74, 142 Stimmel, JacOb 106, 192 Stocker, Heather 106, 137, 169, 193 Stokes, Lakeisha 106 Stolarsky, Shira 118,151,191 Stone, Aquelle 118 Stone, Michael 62, 147 Stone, Michelle 93 Stone. Samuel 93, 147 Strack, Jordan 93, 156 Strang, Tucker 39, 106, 135, 166 Streeter, Kyla 106, 187, 195, 196 Stubbins, Dani 20, 115, 118, 194 Stumborg, Heather 25, 62, 66, 74 ,
'36, 154 Stump, Rosalyn 106 Su, David 106, 148 Sullivan, Bethany 98 106, 137, 159,
65, 182, 187, 4, 196 Summers, Stephen 106 Summers, Timothy 118, 162 Suttle, Jenna 34, 35, 37, 45, 93, 178, 183, 184, 188, 192, 194 Sutton, Toby 118 Svymbersky, Jordan 93, 147 Swasdikula, Thitmun Na Ayudha 93 Swofford, Kimberly 63 Swofford , Steven 118 Sykes, Shayonna 106 T Tabb, Natalie 93, 150, 151, 184, 185,
186, 188 Taluengchit, Pang 143 Tappendorf, Tori 18, 106, 137, 155,
165 Tarawallie, Mabinty 106, 183 Tarnue, Ernest 63, 148, 149 Tarnue, Patience 106, 191 Taub, Nathan 106, 183, 188, 193 Taylor, Aieasha 118 Taylor, Chris 62, 192 Taylor, Jensa 106, 155, 165 Taylor, Kanetha 118, 191, 195 Tennant, Graham 106, 135, 152, 163 Tennant, Ryne 93, 156, 194 Thavisouk, Somdeth 118 Thavisouk, Somsaik 62, 74 Thies, Damel 62, 70, 74, 142, 152,
182, 184, 185, 186, 192, 193 Thies, Michael 118, 152 Thomas, Darrell 63, 74, 183, 187,
195, 196 TJlorras, Megan 106, 183, 193 Thomas, Merry 118, 192 Thomas, Robil' 62, 74, 91, 93, 153,
183, 192
White, Stacey 107 Whitmer, J T. 12 31 l7 44 48, 63,
69, 74 166 1 8 189, 190 Whitted, Antoine 94 163 W1eklinsk Dan ell 10
"llomas, Saraf'o 93 Thomas, William 93 Thompson, Brittany 118 Thompson, JacqUJs 16, 25, 63 Thompson, Manssa 118 Thompson, Tasayana 62, 74 Thornton, Jantu 62 ~---..; Thorson, Ingrid 94, 143 Thorson, Katrina 118, 155 Thurston, Dan 134 Otpei, Remy 94, 186 193 o, Frankl n 94, 166, 167, 184 Tobias, Bradley 94 Tobias, Kyle 118, 146, 169 Tran, An 118 Tran, Len 118 Tro Quinton 62 74 134, 94, Trueper, Katie 94, 143, 153, 85, 192 Tsui, Karen 106, 1n, 173, 191, 196 Tufte, Jennifer 112,118 Tull, Kera 118, 164 Turner, Ahsha 118 Turner, Eric 106 Turner, Eron 118,191,195 Turner, Jennette 106 Turner, Joseph 106 Tyler, Beau 118, 169
Valbert, Amanda 118,155,193 Yang, Marllyn 112, 118 Van , Paul 1-42 Vannarath, Jalutn e ~ 18 Vasaune, Justin 106, 142, 189, Vasnaik, Kristina 106, 170, 17 , 182,
193, 194 Vaughn, Jessica 94 Vega, Aaron 115, 118, 149 Vega-Zamora, Geovanny 106, 182 Verburg , Virginia 62, 74, 194 V'gnola, Mike 118, 146, 169, 193 Vignola, Robert 94, 168, 169 Villegas, Carla 106 Vimr, Ross 38, 94, 166, 167, 180,
184, 186 VirgWo, Tony 32, 94 Visel, Beth 25, 30, 62, 74 Voe er, Kim 106, 183, 192 Vogll. Adea 106 Von, Cody Waldner 118 Vreeman, Kassandra 62 Vreeman, Krystle 106
w Wade, Chontelle 94 Wade, Herbert 118 Wahlfeldt, Danny 9 Walker, Krystal 63 Wallace, Dane 94, 134. 135 156 Wallace, Drake 106, 135 Wallace, Sarah 44, 106, 137, 155,
192, 194. 196 Walters, Brian 99 Walton, Eric 62, 74, 148 Wampler. Allison 106, 170 Wampler, Matthew 119,146 Wang. Janis 30, 62, 74 Wang, Wenshuo 94 Wang, Zhao 106, 119, 185 Ward, Cammelle 106, 143, 154, 155,
165, 195, 196 Ward, Joyce 62 Ward, Knowuva 30, 63 Wardlow, Oshawa 119, 193 Warner, Jami 63 Warren, Lukeesha 31, 63, 74 Washington, Alicia 106 Washington, Ja'Leel 119, 162 Washington, Trent 107 Watson, Danielle 119 Watson, Dewayne 94, 193 Weatherall, Shada 119 Webb, Brittany 173 Weichsel, Josh 94, 192 Weissinger, Eric 107 Welch, Rachel 63, 74, 159 Wetzel, Will 42, 107, 139, 193, 196 Weuve, Andrew 119 White, Bryan 86, 94, 195 White, Christina 107 White, Colin 107, 183
y Yambert, Jason 94 135. 146, 163 Yambert, Jeff 107, 148, 162, 189, 191 Yette, B.J. 169 Yette, Robert 119 Yoo, Jennifer 94, 183, 184, 185, 187
193, 194, 196 Yoon, Sung 1l9 Yore, Megan 32, 94 Young, Charles 119, 162 Young, Deandrae 107 Young, Jarrel 191 Young, Joseph 17, 26, 63, 74, 147, Kimberly 119, 155, 165 Young, Tangela 107, 194 Youssef, Yasmm 94, 143
z Zalucha, Kevin 63, 74, 148, 182,
183, 188 Zedrick, Mark 107, 147, 169 Ze1gler, Michael 43, 94 Zhang, Junzhu 63 Zimmers, Nathan 107 Zoll, Danielle 107, 155