2004 Maroon

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un • leashed student life

un • caged seniors



un • commo

album & sta



1n • stoppable sports

un • organized clubs

un • classified ads & index




maroon 2004 vol. 94

champaign central high school 610 w. universitY ave champaign, il 61820 (217) 356-1155 enrollment:1,347


un e defined

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200 4 Maroon

un leashed adj.- released or loosened from a leash; Central's student body released from school

Central students spent the stun mer of 2003 working, traveling, and hanging out with friends . There were no classes to attend or ho1nework assign1nents to complete, and the students loved it. The Jnonths of fune, fuly, and August passed by all too quickly, but check out how the students made the most of the warm summer.

1. ~hese senior girls ha ·e a cra:ytime: 2. These sophomore girls pose (or the ca,nera. 3· rason Grodsky and ~rake\ \'a !lace hang out with .titcl1. 4 \\hat character is that. boys: 5· Shaylee tie bert and There ·a. pohrer hug for warmth ;n a cold G!\e. 6. Carrie Peters rollerblades w11h a \exiGlll girl on a ll1 Ission trip to,\ \exico. 7- Kelsey Bridges and .\\egan Yore smile (or the camera .

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1. opho 1ore g~rls h..1ng out ttt1ri11g the ].1:')' li<l Ot II ' ter. :? . Look· hke the e fre h 'tan are at a fun birthdJ party! ~- a 1ta'1t~ \o liT) cuba-di e in 0PJCUI1 • \\ow. Habiba Khan, i that ~memor tllagoJe ich: '>· a' Onderdonk and t\ \tkael Brackett ch I' i., do ~ ntown l rbana. 6. The ittl'tor gtrls are exciwd to banana boat at C:;nawa . 7· \d 1 'li'1 e'lJOrs take a cool dtp •n the pc 0!. '. f. I. ,•eper madr a great l•Hlian !n "Peter , '1 "9· l ok


student life

rhc end of ntral tudents, tonrner freedorn began on dne day, u l{ t 27- tudent filed into the gy1n at 8:1r; an1 to receive their c ss schedule and to beco1ne acquainted \Vith th ir ne\v routine . The over\vhehning di appoinunent of their return to cla \ a~ s on soothed by the sight of fa1niliar, friendly face .

1. If 011 tin tk Hanna Ah•t i · exoted. check out franklin To. - . Carla Villegas. ,\\!lena i\ \ark man, Katie I redericks, and Artoro anche on the first tiay. 3· Ale. ·is r,schal. Kate Harnr-. and Brittne ' De'lt at \e. t tde Park. . cott Changnon has forgotten how to use the tai . r;. te en ·wofford is confident in h · ahility to anue er through the choo1• 6. Kirk \c 1urray i thsgu ted on the first day. 7· \\r. parks att in on ate Brown's ga :e. '.As a ·enior. Kmtera Coburn still ha trouble opening her locker.

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The Back to School Dance is known as the wildest dance of the year. Taking place on the first day of school, students are pumped to shake their tail feathers with the classmates they have not seen all sumlner. Dancing in Cetnral,s courtyard gives the students the pleasure of fresh air and open space, not to lnention cool refreshments.

Green Jan~.- Robn1!on, oth Ri ers. and 'arrett ,\ \cDonald get ready to dance . .'. \ega•1 Brewer. Ale ·i · , \organ. K.1ra Bowe'l, and Erik Htggms hottt i 1 excite •1ent. 3· Carlo: Gonzalez. lor e Guerrero. and crb·tobaol Gonzale:c prefer itting at t~t dn'lce. ~·Kyle Brownmr, i· lo_t m the crowd. 5· Paco tacedo and Katri'la fhor>on he, d to head. 6. Becky Baini ;v1d lttke \ \atfww ·are t) li ·hat thi dance. 1· Ke in 'itch anLl hi ,•eat) pit .. '. Tnstan Honn "nd le,·ica land nan e •tbrace I i11gl ·. 9· R -a•1 Brewer be~ to be .een. 10. Bttbba Chi ol I, \r. Cool. 1.




student life

((But ,\ tillie, 'OU don't even know if he' Pre byterian~" .t.vcryonc \vho attended the 2003 Central mu ical, even Brides for even Brothers, \vill recogni2e this hu1norous quote. The rnusical wa ful of ong , dance, laughter, and ro1nance, keeping the audience capti 1ated until the end. Thi 1nu ical really gave Central studen the opportunity to 1 t their talents hine through.

Drew fr('dnrkson take tile l('ad. 2. '\r. Lo et take e er, now ery seriousl ~ 3- Eli:abetll Hood. Eli:"abeth Rowland and \.aggie He 1· lo l' to dance. . \anha funston r('ads before bedti1 e. :;. Jonathan Butler· Dupll' i plays a ('I)' ('rious Adam. 6. f.!. Peper, you bake pi('. 7 Kar('n Tsui relaxes before the big show. 8. These town p('opl(' really know how to dane(':


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._o e i. m the air. ~ Beaut pia -sa big role to Kri tina 'a:naik a'ld Lisa \c \ahon. ,. "!'he ca t fill the wge with song. . \arielle Di 1lbiss S:l)'S grace with a table full of JOlltltaineers. 5· io _hlgeta brightens the sta e with hi SJl ile. 6.. \arielle Di 11bis· hits the lu h note. 7- Lauren Kara catche up o11lw new rl\ backstage. S. \ progra11 o the I' tiSi , I. 9· The:e bride· hold a erious d~cu. ion . 1.

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student life

\ itch craft, th deviL being pos-e -sed; the-e are just a few word· to de -cribe Central's 2003 spring play, The Crucible.\ ritten by 1\rthur 1 U11eL Th Crucible i the 'tory of the Sal 1n \Vitch Trial, in 1692. The play d als with rnany controver-ial topic-. The Crucible \va- very fun and educational for the students and 'taff.


1. The town gathers around an ill Bt'tty. 2. J\ 'Handa Barton pleads for Ale ·Berg- acobson not to leave. 3- Theresa <ipohrer and Sha ·lee Hebert rela. ·while off stage. 4. <:;tephen \\"iseganer and Lucas Crawford hold a serious di'iCuSSJon. ). arah Pitard sho vs thsgust. 6. Ca1uden Sieler is in charge of all the sound 7· fenna Suttle plays a ery serious \ary \'arren. . Emil 'Foder co•Jcentrates while putting on her makeup .

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)arnes chinner was the student director of Centra s 2003 student directed spring play. The Good Doctor, written b ,r 1 1cil irnon, included a collection of short stories that wer both heartwanning and humorous. The cast of eleven gave a gre 1 perforn1ance and had the crowd laughing hysterically.



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The r:u l'ile· for a picture. :tephe'1 \ \'15egan er, what are yott doing to Rio higeta? 3- Alli ·on Deblouwe is saddened. -+-The-e bo dance up the stage.'). JapJC: _chim:er 11ade a ery serious director. 6. Emtly Fotzler strike· a po:e. 7· Jes.·ica Andrej ich h \\ · gn'at 1.


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student life

0111 \.~1y

17th, high school tudents that ar usually seen wearjng

jeans ho\\.Ted u1 at Lincoln quare in formal fashion. The 2003 Prorn, ;\ Red arp t Affair, brought students to a world of I-lolly\\.Jood. The ni ht wa cornplete with lights and action, including the CY0\\1l ing of King J.T. \ hitmer and Queen Andrea Dixon.

These girls show some leg: ick Gordon and Anna Peters make a grand entrance. 3· Alli on ,\ kLemore and Bethany .ullivan flash so 1e mile . 4. The entrance to incoln Square glows. 5'· Theresa .pohrer and roe Brownfield share a slow dance. 6. This cute couple takes a break to chat. 7- Cory Rohn and Lanna Banko look sharp in their fonnals. 8. Hanna Ahn and Geoff Lin dance the night away. 9· Lucas Crawford, Betsy ,\ tet::ler. Erik Higgins and Elise ,\tcAuley strike a po e. 1.

2 .•

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1. T.l.

Pl'per and ,\ \arielle Divilbis shine. 2. Lakeisha Carter and , \au rice\ \'ebb coordinate outfit·: 3- rhe:e four studet"Jts hd\ e fun dancmg. 4. luan Dandridge and hi date , re an adorable couple. S· A1•1.1nda ?rilla1 an giws Alan Emck a big hug. 6. Andrea Dixon and I.T. \\'hiu1er bask in glory after bei11g crowned ki11g and queen . 7· Denmco John on and Rod edding look sharp: '. Lynn.e ·Fisher and loel • ch'lcider celebrnte at po·tprom. 9· \\ 1llie, \cGee and ha 1ele'alme a.eat. 10. Daniel Berke ·and his te ha e a good u•ne. 11. .a •chee;e for the

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student life

The graduat ' n ceremony for the cla of2oo3 \vas held in rranne Center's beautiful auditorium. tudents received their \ve l-earned diploma \vhile proud parents and friend joined toge her in the celebration of the graduates' achievernents.

Dan Allender peeps at his fellow clappers. 2. Luca Crawford rocks the ,ic. 3· .\\r. Hansen congratulates Chrishanna Carter. 4. The sweet souYJd ofCeYJtral's Graduation Choir. 5· Brett Schnepper and Ryne Crawford are honored \1-~th golden ropes. 6. Omeka Brown shakes Board ,\\ember, • \argie • cun in' , hand. 7· Becca Bryan displa 'S the ecstacy of graduation da ·. 8. Ton •Bruno enlightens the na es. 9· . \r. Culwr takes hiS tum at the ic. 1.

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the two-night event that filled Combes Gym \vith great rnusic, was an alu rnni event thi year. Central graduates Tathaniel Bank, arn !-lankin , )eff l-Ielge on, '\.organ Po\vell and Kevin Turner played the night away. thcr perfonnances included bands from the area such as CentraL CentenniaL Urbana and Uni. )a22 2 003,

Band 1 ll'lllhl'r \ \att \ a•npler pla) an•a"Zi•Jf?.l ·on thL' ba . 2. Cha:L' \cClme. E ,Jil · hb tt and lohn Ro.·t ha e fun durirr a break. 3· BL•amifit' nu ic to \•hL'Il n 1 Pata:· blow: her horn. -1. ,a.':' mnc hi 'led througiJOut the night.:;. Robirr Thoma· a Jd Kari l~oad are all dr£> .! up or th£> e -ent. 6. GarncK elson groo e on h1· baritone sa ·ophone. 7· Anyone for .1ja11 e.. ion with On 1 Buckingha11i ,' .. pencer \urra bangs ,l\va ·on hi.· dnu : ·. 9· t\aron lone· pl.1 · ·opJC f.1bulou. note_ vith the band . 1.

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student life

l-lornecorning \~' ek i an opportunity for Central students to ho\v their school ride. Thi year, students enthusiastically dre cd up for 1 ti 1 atch tonday, Twin Tuesday,\ estern \ Vedncsday, Class Color Thur day and taroon and \Vhite Friday. 1 ever be for have the halls of Central looked so spirited. T

.idne heehan, mah Pforr, ,ackie Ford. lma tolarsk ·and Enm1a Henig1 1an are colorful oph0 1liO•c twm·. 1 . tolly \ooney and Katie Crawford look otttr:lgeous. 3· D1d ou get dre cd with the light· off, '\s .• <l'JrJer: 4 . Mrs. Decker and \r. lotnick are twin too: :;. The~e enior g1rls are a bunch of fruitcake on fwin Day. 6. o hutts about it, these g1rls ha' e the luck of the J lli1101'S.'j . Kun Kyrouac gets her kicks with other ·ellow-clad opho ' orcs A!lie Li'ldcman 1 and Abh • Lange on Cla Color :'hursda •. . _·ophomore g1rls look "l d · llo\ '· 1.

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l(l. nwma: chroeder. f ric t1nberg and ar,1h \\a !laC!' Oll Ia: C lor L>a ·. 11. Alh 011 :-. \clrmore. \ \iranda Bug bet> ,md Be than • ullh rlll l00k Lr:l\ I

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student life

Central' pep rally always manage to pump up the football player before the big Homecoming game . The float winners are announced, and th P pette and cheerlead r are given the honor of perfonning their hearts out for the excited crowd and anxious player .

Charles Hutjcns prays for tiH' afety oftlw Centra! football players . • . Chanty D;n~s wait for her cue to bcgm. 3· Ju 1111 Peacock and \;:at D;n1s arc crowd pleascrs . ..) .• \a.· \aroon IS a ham. r:;. !"he • cpette an• caught 111 a mo c. 6. 'orda'll iet:o trains to carry hi· ohc e tt>at !llate, Ke ~n itch. 7· rhe crowd cheers with out tretrhcd ann for Cent mi. '. rhis group wa es its pom-po1 to upport Central. 9· Cat'l 11elle \ ard and Rio higeta ket>p the pep rally t o ing s 10othl . 1.

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The Jr1L{Ch anticipated 1--lornecoming Parade occurred irnrnediate ly after the pep rally on Friday, ctobcr 3- rhc juniors' first place f1oat led the way as student flooded the streets to cheer on the I--Iomecoming Court a d listen to Central's marching band.

1. :-hese cheerleaders do their job of getting e eryone e 'Cited for the g;u1e .•. rhe Pepdte "titch a nde m this red hot tn~ek. ~- ;ck Liib on and Kaue hole 1 enJo hem on Ho• wcomi 1g Coun. 4· fhe ' larchmg band perforP or the onlo ·prs. :;. 1ck D na' · n blow. his trumpet. 6. The Color Guard wa C' their tla ,. prowl! . 7, fhe :ophOlllOfl' i]oat t,lke. econd place. '. !:"he fre ·h 11en h;1 e taken er the cit : 9· Fati Ja turke wa L'S wh1IP Cle 1 CaJSe ·wre ·at the ca nera. w. The · nwrs haw tinall ' bN''1 ontained. 11. The Color Liuard !''archers kPep their coc~J.

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student life

n ctober 3, 2 003, Central student , staff, ahonni, and fan gathered t Ton11ny te\vart Field for the annual I-Io1necorning garne. Central played Decatur Eisenhower and \von becau of a forfeit. During halftime, the audience was entertained by the Central P pette ) the CI-1 1narching band) and the cro\vning ofTirn arey and Carrie Peters as l-lo1neco1ning ring and Queen. r\lthough it \vas chilly~ the night was a huge success.

he nJrching hand perfomt l e' . ! . ~he team lmes up for the kick ofT. 3· Lmil Abbott leaL tht• ::>oo~ 1 Jarchmg bartd . . The footba I pla ·ers practtce good port 1 ta'1Ship. r;. 7he rheerlcade~ pump up till' crowd. 6. M.atthew Fitton take a ti111c out to st ile for the caml'w.;. Coach Ha en tab takes his job cry serious! . '.The Pl'pettl' groo\e to the u ic. 9· Central doe an excellent· ob on dt'fense . 1.


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Antonio Carter po e w;th his 1. :: . Carrie !'eter5 ,l'ld fh1 Cney smile after bem cro v11ed OuPen and KinR,. ~· 'ohn Ro t beat awa on fu· Jru" . . Tl1e refc•l'e. honor th£' tag.::;. a: on Ya1"hert a 1d T.J. F'epergo forthe tackle. 6. The tea 11 httthi'e- for a pep talk 7· 1att D, e r£>ad for the throw. '.1he wa '1 captc1irtS tritie onto the field. 9· et, et. htkP' 10. rhe-l' chc£>r!caders t ..!-e a break fron· cheering. 11. "You'!! ne l'r be be c tlw ki11d of ea on ,· l' had." 1::'. !'he ·c opt,,1 >:ores huddlt' to :w · waP'llll the tand:. 13. 'oplwn:or£> attelHlant • ek '!"a lgec walks on to thl' tield witl1 1.


!Jpr C Or'

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student life

The oo iorneco1ning Dance 1nay have been held in Cornbcs Gyrn, but Central students \vere tran ported ((Downtown" \vh n they arrh.-ed for a night of style, dancing, and fun. The rnusic \\.'ciS great and the dan e f1oor was hot. The 1nany tudents \vho attended the dance all agreed that it \Va a night to re1ne1nbcr, and eycryone hope that the 2004 Ho1necoming Dance \vill be ju t as fun .

+- f


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1. Louise KtJight, ;ulie De chler. Kel.ey Brid es, ick. carpetw, and Kara Bowen hoogw down. :,.. E eryone )0\e the Cha·Cha shde 3· The eJunior girls are all dolled up. 4. Ha mg fLm,ladiesi r;. \\"ytJitc1 !\ tock and Kourtney Hil: smile for the caPJera. 6. The dance floor is hot! ;. tttdents wke a break from the crowded dance Ooor. 8. ihese upperclassn'e 1 are read ·for the dance!

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the danci•1g. 2. Ia, ila Brnd rd and her date make uch a cute COttple: 3· fhe t' tudent ·Jo e to d nee: 4. The duo ball June o er the dance tloor. :;-. Co" be G 1 1 i parked: 6. Clwrk ow the ·e happ · couple·. 7. The. e hot' dw >ho v off tlll'ir q le. '. fhi. Cro\l'd is takm a break from all that rra:zy dancin . 9- .t look' like e eryone here k'lO h W to ha e d 'OOd ti e: h . Ja · 1 a Cobb and Roderick Redding art> alL mle· .

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student life

C ntral tudcnt are full of pride for their chool. Every day ton, of Central H dents sport this pride by wearing a wide \ ariety of Ccntr~1l) fashionable attire. ew designs for \ eath hirt ,) t-shir_ t \veatpants) etc. are created every year to as urea 6·csh look or the students and other supporting fans.



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VJ 1. Iulie De cl1ler. Katie Cra v(ord, Chri Elliott. a•1d lhott tcGill go all out for their pa'11Sh fa hi on show . •. Ti ·~otll) _u ·~ 1ers ha hi own pecia' wa ·of wearing Central clothe. l Amanda albert and Kim :)'Ail'ICO sport their gear on the hu . . Ada•1 H rri , a on Ya l:bert, \rne! P~111ip· and tr. Ownlan take ti 11e out of clas to show their pride. 5· tewart \\ illia 1 'head 11ight be squee:-ed too ught. 6. E:.li:-aheth Ba:zar and Daniel Beaudoin are L'ry e ·med to be \aroons. 7· Andy Cekander ch11l in hi-lettermen's Jacket. . ophie Goodnight parJdes on Beck\ Baird's houlliers. 9· \\atthe"' Kresca, Ben Blom1er, Ti•r Carey, EJI;ott \c(,iJJ and Ke\in 'itch are the epito1•1e of school spirit.

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This year, vintage shirts are Champaign's hotte trend. If you were to take a stroll down the halls of Ce traL you vould think that a time machine had sent you back i t1to thr sevcndcs. tudents went ((retro-cra2y" rLonJnaging thr t tgh their parent old t-shirts to take part in this new cra2e.

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student life

~ tudcnt

it 16 year of their live to gain the freedom of driving. ~o1ne are lucky enough to have the privilege of owning their O\vn carl although they 1nay hav to park it within a 1nile radiu of cntral. There is not one car that can de cribe the student body. Each is undefined and unique) similar to their o\vner . Take a look at these Central tudents with their auto1nobile .

Tiffiln •\\ illiams :o e her car: •. 1 CCO \P 5 on tile curhl 3- Kelse 'and Ia. on Gro~ ky share their Pmhtlnder along with this catch •license plate. 4.1 hope that Ashle •Bark_ tall and \egan Ball don't leme their lights on. '>·Aaron Robi'1Son gh e his car. big hug! 6. Richard Gregorysn irk in front ofhis Dodge tnKk. 7. Blaine tlan e ·is sprawled across his blue \'an . 1.

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student life

\\ hile rnuch changed ince 197 4 at Centrall-ligh chooL 1nany thing~ have renr 'ned the sa1ne. tudents still work the same jobs, tudy in the ~aJne 11 rary, and play the same sports. tany tradition~ th~H \vcre stabli hed in the pa tare till done today. Even after thirty year , Central still remains undefined. Take a look at orne of these unending traditions.


tiranda Bugbee, t\le. ·i \organ. _arab \\allace, and Ashle '1 \organ low workmg at Co:y' ~ 2. fhe car-ba hing car for Homecoming 2003. 3· These basketball players rule the court. 4· AI 'Sa Durant swdies in the \edw Center. r:;. ,\ \r. Han. en walk· vith purpo.e. 6. fhe Pepettt'S cheer during the Ho1 ecoming Parade. 7 .• \rs. ,·an lo' e to teach~ 8. \r. Currey directs the Ja:= Lab Band . 1. 1



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Central ·wdent .cooped ice

cream for twney in 1974. too~

' · The car-ba hing car frot 1974. 3- All-Tournament player hm. \ •le: 1 ake. a by-up. 4· Lookin' good .• \r. Han.en~ C) •• \;try Dixon tudie in the library. 6.The:e 1974 Pepette· cheer and dance at the Central ·. Centcnni~tl football game . 7· ,\\r . \an Es alway· ha· a parkle when she teaches . . Central's ,\\arching Band compete· at the L of l .-tate 1 \arching Band Contl"t of7 .

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student life

\ ith rnorc th~n 150 sets of sibling in Central High SchooL you have a high chanc of being one . iblings are a source ofj oy, grief, fun and an no ance . 'vVhether they make you laugh or 1nakc you screarn, a brother or si ter can add a whole new dirncn ion to the hi h school experi nee.

1. Gma and \'ick1 Li . 1 . rhona and ,ulie DP ch!C'r. 3· ic ·and FJi:-aheth Clegg. 4.JP ica, lenPII, , nd Justin HPndnx. '). ]Pnny :md \atthew Fitton. 6. Charles and :Jta!ie Tab h. 7. Emily and Robert Abbott. 8. BPnyl!lllll and Alhson Bloo•11er 9· lenm er, DdVld and nc rePn tein. 10. Ou 11h nd Tu gHyen. 11. DannPssa and. \onica Hal: .

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1. Rachel and \arsha C'ardon. _,. Ingnd and Katrina Thorson. 3· Daniel\\ :r- erhg, F.rin and AndrC'w Cain . ..). KC'ndall and C1rl ·Her,. dorf. '). ,ain·e a'ld \e an Bal:. 6. Allie and &.aura li•1dt• 1 an'l. 7. :'C'ter and David 11. '. Austm and Rachel C:ttrus. 9· t>le'la .md ichCtle I ockC'tt. 10. A ny :v1d Paul. JCiwl . Jl.lt>tmift'r and le~·ica Yoo. u. R, chC'I Jnd Ro·· \oore. 1,. ,otJath:PJand Ro. \ unr. q. Greg and AI ·SJ Durant. t'). K le Jnd E:i:.-abeth \\ ikoff.

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student life

collecti fe ling of relief cornes over Central High School tudent \vhen th final bell ring at 3:15 on Friday afternoon. rhe school w ek i ver and the \veekend begin . tudents forget about textbook , qui_ ~es, and projects and get to focus on having fun \Vith fa1nily and f iends. Check out how Central students pend their\aluablc time on the \veekends. 1\

'i11berly D'Amico. 'ristina Ru .ell. and ·atrina Thorson ca1 pout in ·1 n's front yard. 2. • icholas Donald. on ponders hi ne. ·t che s 1 o e. 3· ·m 1ant ha Parkhi111s the fourth Charlie's Angel. 4·. \aggie 1\\ills. Kristine lohnston, Allison ,\ \cLemore, and Sarah\\ all ace IO\ e hanging out on the weekend. ). Alexi \organ and Loui e Knight always hCI\ e fun together. 6., \any students go to football games on friday nights in the full. 7. The. e sophomore lo\ e to hunt at Wal-,\tan. 8. These seniors hang out at Lake of the O::arks for the weekend . 1.

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The students of Central High School have a variety jobs. rhey range from selling clothes to taking care of the el crly. Jobs pro\'ide students with rnoney and something to cto during afternoons and weekends. tudents often hol i the san1e jobs as their frien ds so they can have fun while \AJorking. rake a look at the differentjobs Central students ha\'e.

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Central High chool is filled with many di erse people who have a connection to each other in ome way, shape, or fonn. 'vVhile it might see1n like students only hang out in cliques, our forty degrees of Central 1-Iigh chool shows that the me1nber of the tudent body are al1 connected with each other. ee how racob tim1nel's connection to Charles Hu~ens creates a long lin of connections of students, leading back to ... Jacob ti1nrnel.


jacob _timrncl is in PEwith Charle Hutjens ... Alejandro \Va on the occer tearn with jacob tcGill. ..

Charle ha _pani h I\ with Alejandro _algado ... jacob attended kindergarten with atalie Dixon ...

jennifer lid on eggs with Hanna Ahn when they were kid ... Ebony's brother was friend with Alexis Paschal's ister ...

t- !anna ran cro -

country her junior year with Ebony Pearson ....

Alexi has Engli h class with 1 isa 1\ tc1\ tahon ...

Sterlin ha liFted weights with Tichola Gibson ...

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1 isa wa in second

grade with Kathy Holding ...

r an)ja' rnorn u ed to

Kathy was in 8th grade math with Kan)ja lan·ey ... Laqua ha has done a science project with Ashley Cotton ...

'atalie wore jennifer Yoo's coat during a bomb threat... 1

baby- it Laquasha Turner.. .. Ashely lived around the corner from Camreona Rus eII... ichola once asked 1\ tichelle Adeoye for a piece of gum ...

Camreona sits next to _terlin ibley in French class ...



1\\ichelle rode the bus with Danielle pice in grade school ...


Ryan went to homecoming with Jordan \ymbersky's SISter. ..

Li.a tripped over Ryan Brewer in marching band ...

1\\iguel has had his picture taken by Katie holem ...

francisco sits next to liguel Gaona in panish V ...

Alii on spent her grade school days with Joseph Broadrick ...

Elliott was slapped by Alii on Bloomer when he wa in 4th grade ...

igel rode in Zachary \edlyn's van once ...

Chris has played basketball with 1 igel Knop ... 1' ara has gone

with Tu

Danielle was in Girl cout with Lisa Cameron ...

has been inten1ewed by Iulie De chler. ..

lunch guyen ...



Jordan wrote a pass for francisco 1\ \ace do while working in the offlce ... Katie threw away a valentine Elliott 1\ \cGill ga ·e her in 5th grade ... Joseph's brother is friends with Chri \Yahlfeldt ...

Zachary ha seen Kara Bowen at the mall. .. Julie was on the same baseball team as Eric \Yil on when in grade chool. ..

Cameron wa on the football team with Ryan Allen-Da ·i ...

Eric has played base ball with Cameron trang ...

cott did a 4th grade project with Kri ti Kaplan ...

Ryan borrowed _cott Changnon's maroon horts once ... Kristi read books with 1 oelle Gipson in f1r t grade ... oe lle gave Da 'id Graves a shot glass for Christmas ...

Da 1d aw Jacob timmel rock out at aja= band concert in middle school...

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student life

The Bachelor Name: Iain Millsap Grade: 11 "This has been such a great experience. I usually can't even get one date and now I get three!"

Three lucky ladies were specially chosen by this year's Central Yearbook staff to have the chance to go on a date with the most sought after hunk in school. lain Millsap, this year's Bachelor, faced the hardest decison of his young life. \Vhich lovely lady did he choose as his ideal companion?

lain took his first date, Tiffany \\ illiams, out for a night of bowling and fun. Things turned sour when Tiffany learned lain had been adding the pins to his adYantage, so she re "'arded him with a smack in the face with her purse.

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lain's second date was with the beautiful Sulee Cao. Her witt 'charm and adventerous personality instantly won lain's heart. Sulee certainly proYed herself worthy of this young man. Do we sense a match made in hea 'en~

lain's final date was with Louise Knight. l.ouise found lain to be quite egotistical and chose to ignore him on their date to Biaggi's. Despite the romantic atmosphere, this muted dinner was a complete disaster.

The Bachelorette Name: Cammelle Ward Grade: 11 "I'm looking for a guy that's cool, calm, and collective; someone I can just hang out with and have fun."

Three eligible bachelors were gi en the great opportunity of enjoying a night of fun with Central's Bachelorette, Cammelle \ ard. Although all of Cam melle's dates were extra agant, sadly, she can only choose one man to possibly continue a relationship with.

The first date Cnnrnelle went on was with the studly Len Tran. These two cruised the town and ended up at the teen dance club, Lava. All the dancing ladies wanted ~1 piece of Tr~m. lea\ing poor Cam melle in the dust.

Stewie \Villiams was Camrnelle' econd date. She took him to thi year' hotte t rnoYie, The Lord o(thc Rh1gs. The night was put to ruins due to _tewie and Cammelle's trong di.agreeing opinions oft hi blockbuster.

Cammelle and lavier Hernande::decided to go sledding down old Orchard Hill. The midnight 1 oon on the pure snow parked these daters' intere t. \ they tumbled do vn the cold hill, they were in tantl ' varn ed when they came to a top and their eye met.

••••••••• 41

student life

be t friend· essential in high chool-someone to talk to \uhen you ha\ e j uic g ssip, a person you can hang out with on the \veel~end , and o eone you can count on to make you feel better\"- hen you're down. \ hether you just have one best friend or a hole groupo best friends, it's nice to be one of the peas in the pod. Take a loo at orne of Central's pea in a pod . 1


. '\s. Tope' and . f!ugee. AI; \art• 1 and \arella



1urra,. ~.\\ynita ~\ockand a" atJtha Cardner. 4 . Jennifer 'ackson and 1iranda Kh1•1ek. '>·AI he deBlottwe, Christ ·Burge, Heather\ tlha 1 , Katie Goat! a'ld All Curtt . 6. RJO ht'et, and tephen \\ i eg.-mer. I· Ke'ldall Her' tlor£: Alexandra Forre t and Ell • Radi. '. , \agg1c HetlSS, ?hoe be \hu i and Emily Foder .

••••••••• 42 un • leashed

1. S<tra

Fredri kson" 1d pen eN . :_. Kn tl'"lJ nail· a 1d tllla'l >hilhp_. ~- \ic'telle Fra;t'r and 0clle ( 'ipson. 4· Peter 11 ,md ath!lne \\allace. c;. lryanna CrahJ' and rw eit!Jer. 6. h,tda \\eathera I. a11itra Cap p and B'.1 e Bernard. 7. [rt'\ l\.1 Bla'1Son and G brirl Cra'lt. '.Tire 'nee Carl 011 and \ \art!IJ<l nderson. 9· E , u. Ci•1, 1:. Anme in, 'irk ·1 i. 1 Hl'. l "'· \\ rth,l tU\JStOI1, tuart C'arL-0n, irk Cuidc1, Beb ,\ \et7ler. Chn ·toferY,tcouband •. I. ,'eper.lLianelle Y<l''tbert, 3rookr \c 1... h 1. K TSt£'11 l3rowtJ ,md Kels ,tppe'ldc,rf r-- \urra


••••••••• 43

student life

Because Cc tral High chool students live in Central Illinois and not L.J\. or 1- lo NJood, it i n't very common for us to meet celcbritie . "orne tudents, however, have been lucky enough to brief1y rnect a fc v f the rich and the farnous. A couple of tudent are e\ en related to celebrities. Take a look at the students of Central ho ha e met or are related to the superstar of entertainrnent. 1elanie Paxson, the woman from the Glad commercials, is Cathy Felle(s cou in~ telanie has starred in movies, guest-starred on many TV hows, and is now starring in the TBC sitco1n Happy Family. Last summer, 1\ 1arqui 1nith went to orfolk, Virgina for the Fourth off uly. \.i y Elliott's tour bus pulled up to the hotel next to his, and tarquis met lissy Elliott herself~ ~ arah

Hagens saw 1\\.el Gibson taking a stroll down 1\ \.ichigan Avenue in Chicago while she was shopping with her friends. \.el was entering Lord and Taylor, and arah followed right behind him~ Lauren Kara's grandfather, Don Decker, whom Decker Theater is na1ned for, gave singing lessons to bluegrass superstar Alison Krauss. 1T ow Lauren talks on the phone with 1-\lison once in a while~

••••••••• 44 un • leashed

idney heehan met Jessica impson when she got backstage passes to Je sica's concert in Champaign. idney says, "I essica is shorter than she looks, and also really nice~ n

Cou ins Ally and Matt 'vVampler are also related to movie star Greg Kinnear~ Greg has played roles in more than 20 movies, such as .As Good as it Gets and tuck On You, and also gue t-starred on several TV shows. Katie holem met basketball star Da\~d Robinson while \~siting her uncle in Hawaii. \Vhen The Admiral's golf cart was stolen, Katie gave hi1n a ride back to his house. He was very friendly, and even gave Katie a hug~ arah Aquino and her friends went to a party at kate land after the Destiny's Child concert in Champaign. arah and her friends skated near Destiny's Child and met them face-toface as they were leaving. arah even got to shake Beyonce's hand~ 1\ \.itch

Holmer was reaching for his bag at an airport in Los Angeles when Danielle Fishel, Topanga from Boy teets 'vVorld, accidentally hit him in the head with her suitcase. he im1nediately began apologizing and rubbing 1\ titch's head. \\'hen Becca i22i was seven years old, she went to a bookstore in ebraska and met 1\ \.r. T, who was signing autographs. Becca took a picture with 1\ '\.r. T and still has his autograph on display in her room . arah Hagle and her family met 0 .1. imp on in the airport in Aruba. arah's brother and dad talked football with .f., and he even ga e arah an autograph . he still carrie it in her wallet.

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student life

Celebrity Look-Alikes

r larry J>otwr

\ \r. Da ·is

••••••••• 4 6 un leashed

Betsy Hedges

t\rnanda Detmer

1\ tr.



t\lyson 1-l<lllllig<lll

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student life

un caged adj.- free from a cage or confined area; Central's senior class

President: Nick Scarpetta Vice-President: Carolyn Ratcliffe Secretary: Kim Sarnecki Treasurer: Amanda Ehmann

•••••• Our high school years are years we will remember forever, remember the good times and not the bad. -Nick Scarpetta

Office~c., Fifty years from now, I'll still be working as a senior class officer. I can't wait to plan all of our reunions! -Carolyn Ratcliffe

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c;regoytj t>IA.rc;t~

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Rtj~ n""I"AVI.t

••••••••• 74 un • caged

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L M FFI ',will to the captain Miss America; HA fa liion and ear of great de ·ign ; LG more boi toy ; MB rid with Jimmy, hard partie , and Mr. America; A h ttie and Lexu C4 0; B and American Idol Champ; RM the lo e of a lonely captain; Love, Muffin and Jimmy. L KB. will to MY good time kickin it with a capital K; and CF many more fun dinner at TGIF; to KT lot of boy ; MB "without me"- erninem; BK DWB KC crazy trip to Rantoul; JL painful " re tling at your hou e; to MY, MS, B amazing memon in italy! L JRO, \\Ill to Drumlin the bunny hop and the anger e plo ton DO 'T uck.; 1iJP a thank , an apology, and orne drum sktll ; RD more 1 a tim ; KaP the Thur day pot; KL e\erything and other fri nd ; KyP, 08, AH rn undying love: EA a peci st 13\ . \ rna ive retaliation. L JR. will to all my girls to party up, get crunked up. stay crunked up. good luck in life; LM late mght cruises to pick up JJ men, good luck with the snickers, 2 oft 5 hard; JH long night of babysitting and trash cans falling two stories down to the ground. I. ALLY 0 1 lAG. ' 0, will to send love to my Pinay sisters JM and RF; to my Central ladies KFANSKNTNG le · drama and much more love; LH keep the Flip pride goin'; to D a perfect destination; my affection to all; Azn Beauty for eterm ! L CAP I HOWDY, will to L all bu inc s, comics; MP Mr. Goofy; SWR 1 JP all poof joK.es, Hellaow'?; to WP all my mile ; AM my B keychain; KM my tallemess; L~ my to cell; JV ·ome anti-crazy pills; to Allison my. elf. Be enamored by life. Cheers. LAT "B". I tF. will to LO and DG good fights; KL the Trio; E good boy , Mimi Ducky. B debate ; ·A \\alk in clo ·et ; cheerleader pirit and miles: sophomores cast partie : EH luck: Hand KB Wade Rob on; Sand JD content and rock; JY dance partner . I DO. 11. 'IQUE HITE, will to keep all my G' aliYe: Jesha, Marquella Tianinia Tiffany and K~..miya from up top; y cou in Ore and Tiara and my niece hanyla, DJCJF. ·, RSS\ TJRR .M \1KSDWBC ACLR and AS\V, to my boo I love you; hater that hated on me keep hating. I, ::\lEGB, ill to Yellowtailer Capture the Flag: The Group erno. Kidnaping , ndeocameras and great time :AM booty bounce and bananas; H g 4 life!; LK Saranwrap and Wonderbra ; MM ummer '02 and incinerators: AD HC '03. l for3· MO the "mobile"; JD Softball; KB ''bump bump bump''; RB Fun and safety in h.s. I, .MK. will to all undercla smen the gum under desks in room 113; T AK and all others cookies, t-shirts, and hand cuff:; to the eni r clas Congratulations! I'll mi you!

••••••••• 76 un•caged

I, J 0 , will to Matt diggidy when life give you tomatoe make ketchup; baby P, Flea\ ee crabs; Becky hrub ; Jrod 111) right nugget; Da e Thoma MY LIFE! I luh you, cuz if you know you knoooow. I, KJA, will to Chuck' party people ge ture and hula partie ; "Rear" and K treadmills, suitcase , nmtendo; plim plirn, coin , carribean, It, stlly tring and Marsha in snow; LF and MD M ; AB crazy wa\e , lazy bean: B DWKCK lunche , leepover , ooo good!, dance , smging horses. I, TL ·A, will to my girl A to . tay out of trouble; Mr. and Mr . L try not to forget me m P.E.; Mr. H have fun thanx for lettmg me pa Biology; L for all the gum in hi t; my guy Jason B. I love you; Joey my bubby I lo e you like a brotha. I, LG, will to B many late night at C and many days in PE looking at LL; M \\e \ Ill find the perfect guy in college; RM many hot Au tralian urfers: Teaf you get first dibs on the W; M J uas1 irgins: B "I like my men and my drinks virgin!' L JD, will to MBJ Jamie's Jammies; to HA crab , kimeli, and mom's salsa; to Big Toe Hardee': gu), to EFG one percent better than me; to RT f~1st times and high notes; to MK DR Uust friends!): to GN Kim and RN; to RM Dave. I, BREN, will the rule of the freaks to my juntor freaks; to Shay lee, I will a small piece of my height; to Shannon all of my pants that don't fit· the word ''cylinder ''to all who say "squares"; I will "fun times' t all (wink). L RUSTY, will to TucK trang and Ty Miggy control of the swim team; to EM a punch in the face; to the Htgh Five, everlasting superpower , Turk Run, and Wild fun times forever. I, KBO. will to SH Darrins dance \ tdeo, best talks; J D rides to chool, be t childhood memories, AM advice on anything( everything, sleepovers . .:\ lcDonald play 'et: MM batons, "Fall of the Year". \1B unden\ear, capture the flag; LK Crossroad , TP; K scrapbooking, E akedncss; MBA \1SHMMJD DLK I love you all, best of luck, bff!! I, VOODILLA, will to all my H mies a fat one: Cia ·s of '04 many more partie.; to PB. RAD, DJoy many more nights ofKickin' it; to Big Sam, all the woot •oot.; to Collin, Kern, Big P, D. raves, and Me bane tlie right to rule CH after we are gone; and to all the gtrls, I'll miss you. I, SAM HOWARD, ill to represent Central; I. bout out t JJ, Jamar, MW, RA-D, Cornelious, CRPBADDJBWJPNG ACRGABJSMDMMJLK JYDW; woot woot to whoever knows or 1s associated with the woot. I, RAUDIA SALLEE, will to my girls TJJBWKTM3KCB6 the girls b-ball team; my family, little bro Lamarus, to my boyfnend of two years VW, I love you a much as you loYe me; to all my enemies and haters it's getting really old.

I, FATIMA S URKEY, will to the pretty mi es KendraR and J:. I B; to Barbie (Kendra's Jeep); K ndra thank for being there for me; Tyree thank you for making me hate male ; Aaron Neal love ya boo! I, l HOLE, will to LMJHTMKAML, mom, dad, and od; love you all and thdr ou for upporting me in all that I do· to my "i · Selena k p up the good \vork' '04 gonna take over the" orld. H lla. I, ROD, will to THE5 Pbag , Ozark , pumpers, ho e tar· Ren laz bread, TG : JDe ch "Blah", Bl n l ol t h rt · mu "ic· looney nude-homeles ·model , Maria 7am con Bla li pink drinks, Irish accent ; Boomer white hirt ; • lit tr e branche , m:y father; Freddy 1 t aid for "woun ,, and Derby a company; JY "religiou "joke ; Lena beans. cottage cheese; Gyp y Jet-li; Wetzel terling DR. I, KLR, till to AJ driving le on ; MY, Felix, AD cereal; MM Pha e 6; G <;tudy e ion ; PS chap tick; RG bus n · MK pancake ; AA 8th grade ummer ; PFOW WARE L : AE iron on M' , the be t friendship; R every thmg in the world; much love CHS. but it' time to DIP!!! I, ELLIAH. \ ill to the best friend ever the ,r, titudc that I should give to you; to the \\ im team an amazm year; to Brian, J hn, and ick the ab1hty to repeat for emphasis; to Tyler my love. I, SERITA, will to never forget where I met the mo t haters and sp tators, I'm really gona miss cntral; shout out to my peeps TitTany and Paige (BFF I), my Iii sistas (Tae, 1 i ·ha, and Tcwaka) MOA mom I love you: What up coco, Mahda, eda, B-Weezy. I, MH, will to PM hour oflong talk·. aching stomachs from laughter and a lifetime of friendship; CRP millions of notes, ILFP, swingin' knights; CRLM lunch fiascos and great memories: AMMBSHARLK a senior \ball season we'll nc er forget: vball juniors an awesome senior year! etters rule Cathy! AA vball memories since 7th grade; EI I four awesome years; everyone else the best ofluck! God bless' I, JDE CH ·ill to KBO a Bo •cr, Gay Hofer, Hag loYe toss, my twin, Mooney licen e, our mght: Lex new paper d1)1l, warty teet: Lou ability to drive. healthy Her ul ; r old dinner , arthnt1 knee ; Ddu z a P Dinglebcrry; Meg Ha .., hatred; B KSABMY CMAHCF AKSR B BBJLAE much love; Franki garden, dance move; Jonny Idol!; Tim dynamic duo; Jr. good luck w' girl·. I, RYDILL, will t JR rood time always; Murph food; Ber hy aviator ; CP all my golf kills; olf guy JB ; BC nine hole ; JH many hat ; Bums another great year; Class '04 friendship forever. I, RMT, will to m:y b Ben and D-Joy hot wok fridays and mooning prote tcr , trip to mexico with my 05 friend, and fun times with friend .

I, SAB, will to LG a hot Aussie and a "Do hin Pretty"; KP "acting," movie night and LOL; IM an art le of clothing; TS more good talk ; MBJ cool tatoos; HA quarter ; FT a GAP model; GD friendship; att m n: EA lunche and a man; MF the perfect prom look, lov to all! I, LILIA. UEVA , will to TC my craz friend than for everythmg; a very special thanks for Mr. uinlan for all hi good advice to all my fnends I'll mi you guy. pecially idi Roxana, and leJandra; th k t rr · pa1 "'nt for all t ~ y ......1c, bro and m l ter. I,G GD willtoADmyca, \1Bmyd g T m clothe · and HA all the crap I have '< m e h 'II u it: tho e above RMSBBA RGAG and LG mda) good time , great oldie , I'll mi s you. RESPE T THE APTAI !! L'homme dieu for life, baby! I, PA TOR JOY, will to Big Sam 2 woot : PB&J many flow ; P a lower car; Bloom a blonde; Dill a captain; MA D more time ; MHolmer snags like Mo s: LG the be t bf of Mr. Da\ 1 . H-U-S-T-L-E. I, STEPHA~IE KROE , will to all my friends Amy, Franklin, Ally, ick, arah, and everyone cl. c. I love you II, it's been great knowing all of you and I hope we tay friends for many more year . I, BRITTA1 I AKI , will t my family and fnend the gift 0 love; love to all tl oand member who played in the band with me and good luck to the class of '04; thank you to all the teacher for your time and patience; May God ble you. I, POCAHO TAS. will to my 2004 baby momm . nta, Tiffany, Shatoka, and Mamma much fun luv and the best of luck: to my Iii' is', ocllc and Kihayri, my brains and beauty: to crazy Katrina . tay funny; to my latina lovely idia stayS\ cet I ll miss you; God Blc ·s you all. LO\ c you. I. LOUISE, will to AZTK mornings in the car. Johnny Bra\o, and ghetto music; Julie ping pong tournament and Disney , ongs: Kara cro sroads and scrapbooking: Lexy clothe· and Delilah: Megan bu buddie and 50 t T; Meg funnyboxe and chainsaws: Molly, first . hots and wedding updo 's; Sarah crazy driving and I love the 70's. I, SHAYLEE. ·1COLE, will to HMS Subway and Walmart. bug pray, random thought , notebook and ugly car': MJE to be# 1, un hutup, L K and Jeep; AMP jolt. chick'PTt - :lnfl .-~-- 1 more exboyfriend ; TRB Biondi, the groom rain and bowling night ; T what' in the pant ; Kita ". ay brother'': MD color; BK driving le on ; I lo\e you all. Goodb c and good luck Central. I'm ut! I, MIS EY T, will to 1 tcrs R JB BGGP ALKPRF: m cuz' JLKMLECJ; to other important folk and "04" member I couldn't call out "keep ya head up, hake tha hater off and do what you do!" Love, M . ATL, i wher you'll find me! I, BLOOMER, will to OJ: chickey; to my guy Turn Run; TC thank you for walking two mile to ave my life: C un time , go ox; the girl happine .

•senio •••••••• rs 77

L AE, \\ill to AJ night in the freezer; BB my first kiss; DJ, many more dances; HC awe ome stunts; JF trunk rides; KR iron-on m's; i\lY a childhood of fun; PF a friend for life; PS always being my "baby": SR fun at CHS; StuCo an awesome year. L PHILA, will to JYADMDJL mmmkay, drawwbaack, safety, ma ay, give it to em: MB H The mobile· F Hairy A, rrty rubberbands, sour jell beans, I care about ou a lot. you're my 'J st fri~nd and alway arc there to li ten: What up to all m) d nvg ·! I. ALI HA. HSAY IcELRATH, will to thank God my parent 10r being there or me; l and 2, \\e will always be tight r than a fat woman in p dex. to my exy s nior ladies, love ya!; my lo ·e Duck1e y u are my unshine! and remember- 04 fo. ho'. I. TIFF 'Y \VILLIA '\1S, will to keep it real entral style for-life; a srecial shout out to all my folk out there, cha 'II n w who you are. Love ya for life! K<.;ep It real! L \1R, will to K-\ '\\ alk it off', party bus. that pesky . ombr ro· \R I\p'ng· LM the Time; K KA "coins": JASKA 4rom Hea en; . C bu me'is. MM hand hakin: J IO\\ nder; KS Big Pmk) · pdm-plim", Super ~1ario; HA Fob' and Cuf' : .MF firework detour: P "hou e-sqattin"; CH- "BEA L-EW'· KB toilet eat. L 10, will to JL DMikawJY draw back, safdy, banned from th table, massay: to Baby P countless memories that \ ill ta with me the re t of my life: Just call me tiger woods! You have changed my life, forever, I will never forget that. l loYe you more than 1 lo e ketchup. L .MICHAEL TE\'E 'S, will to RC my mind. body, soul, and all m love; D food, you alway want it: J my commitment to spread your word: JMJLER et, al. if it hasn't been cemented yet, my fellow hip eternal; C the bond of brotherhood if you stop being a pain: to all, any legacy that may remain. I. ARA, will to my belO\ ed happy dances, huggles, and lipstick kisses: my knights forever love; Becca dress up days: my PE buds . weaty bounce volleyball and pretend tretche ; D hugs, hug·. and huggles. Peace. L ABBFLO, will to Steph Monday lunches and JayMay concert !: , 1arp that hot "Hots Michael"; Lynz ''Beyond the Sea," oj. and right t1anks: Ren salt, poo-in-a-cup, and obliviou neighbor·; Johnnycupcake a Sunday morning "kiss" attack and hair dye: Lil 'bro good, cll.:an fun in your years at Central High; to all love and happiness forever. L \\'HIT •• EY KEATOl ·.' ill to God; I want to thank the best mother in the ' orld, Kimberly Keaton; I thank my best friend . RS, OM, my cou ·in WM, and my godsi terCE for listening to me when I needed them: Holla to Justm Peacock and Sam Howard. I. LA, will to ic a great life and lots of fame in the future: Je. a snickers bar, 2 good legs, and lots of good times; Wink a new car; Tito old times cruzin ', Bob Marley ongs and a hitty.

••••••••• 78 un•caged

I. JJ, will to AE late night with the cou '; I< dn •ing lesson and'' leepo ers''; AR Olympic Volleyball team; MB sneaking out and lceping naked; CD tnps to Pentwater ( way!), RAD touchy-fecly; HS blonde moments: H shopping??; and SR !love you girl! l, ST 1 1P, will to Rio the A to 0 to K and many leads to come: Lyssak answer to your que tions: HC a "tight ·quecze"; JDIZZLE skizzle and fizzles: Kl pence smile and laughs; Kirk freedom; tev uccess with monnon chicks: and good luck to all Fre hman, life only geh h"rder! 1, AM, will to LK BlingBling Boys: KB specific; JD hep your feet covered; MM I will party with you; SH don't forget to fart; \1B my blue leather chair;. D lift weight ; to my. B girlz "Booty Bounce" and Bananas! Thank · I love you all! L JL, will to ambo, MD, Mikaw, D, TC, JR, Ru ty, BOW, Cle~y, Coot Ke y, Fredd , Frankie 4th gr d B, OW, AB, HO, Iri h love, Che y, Pina, L ura, MA, \\t1 li , AS, CF, OS nothing, good luck wherever you are next year, see ya at the cro sroad . I luh you! L HABIB KH 1 ·,will to atie Woodson long 1 ting tone · of :V1IB drama; Katte Frederick *\·tingle inglc*, I hope yoL accompli h your dr am . A'lc ela A goo luck in l;fe: M ch Salaam and Du'aa to my SAP A ere\\ Red Bull rave u Wing ! 1, KT HO, will to Tim and Alex triangle of trust; Jule kankle : Yarnbo 2 days 18 hours: JRods flour bombs; Emma nyc: CE pnncesses, Bloomer cool hirts: JR and BW to be rock tar·: Editors deadlines; MY ROOMIES rulers, bath club, and hockey games· 1liz, Craw, D Ash p.bag , home \ 1deo , nd talk at 0' kitchen table.(I k \ e you girl !) I, ROBI ',will to AK "the lick''. big McDonald'. cups, free hit·; R(B)A the right charts; KT ad ongs, tupid argument.: MM complaining; AM big hug ; PE 'band camp"; M rides everyday: EF junk food: PM sock , a good pillow; JR sleep doodling, bus trips to Louisville, van races; CR driving skills, shoes, an iron: LM oragami, band aids, car woes, rhinos: LMnCR movies, chips and sour cream, rainy rollcrcoa~:;ters

L SHATOK.\ Bt;TLER, will to my family mom thank for always bemg there; LB don't let no one bring you down; to my peeps LD GPJKJ and any others I have missed; Lea ·t of all to my Bobo Luv you always. I, AD, will to my dm\ gs and my man·ied friend· I bout out a holla; to all of them ladies out there love all y'all. Many fun nights at M ' en b. Mile, ball in hand, drawback, gi\ e it to em. We' e got plenty more of those nights ahead of u ! l, JV, will to all the friends I met through the years. I will never forget you all. !ways stay true to yourself. Have fun and be a little crazy now and then. God bless! Go CIO 2004! I, MISA, will to all my friends CM "glorious": RM "hommie"; TT glad everything worked out "shirt": SL have fun very year: JP luv ya forever: Katence Mall "ol' blue" and "corky" if. been . o much fun: 1 L "besf' c-ya.

I, FRA 'KIE G, will to the g ntlemen much love, re pect; Fred a green apple; Jon rock tardom; Tim "G" en e and memorie ; Blake a ong; Coulter a catch phra e; Kevm an ea y ummer job; my girl the nice word I ow you; arah my work ethic and eatbelt; ick hot gav; Everyone my wit and charm. I, JBOOGI, will to All My guy "SLA \11", "SOUTH PIK ", ''Peanut Butter", "D J Y" preach woot; B and SIGH M hold it down woot woot; Gib on keep pimpin " oot; my girl I luv )OU and Katena you are my life it' been fun; B ya'll my girl keep it real- Holla I, TR\1, \Viii t LA our book, all my liello kitz, Bob Marley, Cheif on Cheif, crUJze , a dime: J-d g wim ribbon , all my note , junk droor, pack of quare - so dog: HL a square, ga money, McDonalds #2 meal; little Bel c 3 good years here- stay out of trouble. Love you all! I, PS, will my wife my heart, crazy time , love, I 0 a always, I will you me; Dag the legacy': KR the night: AE my car; DJ the fattttcst 29: RB "if it com s down to it''; Central you've b en fun and awesome but tfs time to bounce, I'm out, P E I, BECC C, will • ra JD marathon , all night talk and dre up day : Mike happine. i chief, and a gettav.'ay driver; D unlimited hug and arcl ngel wings: My twin the underworld hottie and lace gloves: van the apocalip. cloak and my girl ; Everyone el e fire, fun, and lipstick ki ses I, J, will to my girl a whole bunch of fun, friends forever, long cruze , Taco Bell at 1:00, good luck in \\hate ~.:r you choo e to do with your life: BOP hot day , the ·mall exhau ted, and long night ; Remember live., our life a quarter mile at a ttme. I, EHIGGY, will to K E permanant prince ·sparking pace : Betz Mctz many more night of AB FAB and laughter; KARE many more year of dancing and running from the Ho ; Becky B many more mile and hugs; Rachel three more wonderful year of fun and love. "Jack 2004" I, DDUBZ, wtll Po ·e ba ment, carmoon , friend hip; PD stover; Chink hook; Frankie mother; Dancemachine dance le sons; Pumpkinhead toothbru h; JRod oreo ; Reimer licen e: BWilliam Black Pearl: Dnglbrry Ho ; ED Marty; WW dramaclas , MikeyO Franklin: Yambo parkedcar-.; M\11 megaphone; imon beatdown; Yoda Manty; platterplant beach party; KDorkus bea\<er : MartyDubz burp : gratcta godbles word dubz. I, HEATHER, will to all und rgraduates an amazing 4 years, friend who have been through the late night talk , all th tear , and all the mile ; To the cheerleader many hardworking practices, pounng rain, and ·now, but alwa with a mile on your faces. I, LA~ HA DR , will toLD, TD, , CJ, 8, MM. and to those I forgot; to my biggest supporter, my family who tuck by me I love all of ya' ll and thank you o much: to my brother cla · of"06" keep doing what you domg, I'm proud of you.

I, CHA DRA, will to my peepz, ni ipooli, mommakia, Leah, Trevia, cooter, Domonique, La hanara and anybody I forgot, "04" boyz already kno ho they are. The c o 03 my peepz Fallon and Fatima. \ttuch love to my baby woo woo. The peepz I kno in c/o " ''and "07" tay pimpi h. I, TC, ill to the guy more time this ummer at the up tair octal club; FG an all-knowing G ·en e; 8 the pact ee you in 30; K a hirt; Fred good mell ; the girl all th night ; The Chronicle rew no work a u ual. I, MAl E 34, will to never change and never forget anyone. The e pa t four ear have gone by . fa t; to my team hope and a few _ a! of my own, will never forget my quad you kn 1\\- \ h you a , I will mi · you all dearly! EG keep up the work. I know you will do justice to te b-ball program. Much love. I, KSITCH, will to Vimr a wimmer; fred a head; Jon a blonde; Snnon a diamond; Blake ome breaks: Frank the" tank", arey orne berri . : • ick a tick; Bloomer jumer ; JPiggl MDiggle JYaggle gal in ga le ; Sport guy french fne ; ASH KASH CRA\\ Dubz and iz t know \\'hat happin i :and B. 1iz my P tz. L LAKE 'DRA, will to everybody who talked about me but still a ked me to bratd their hair I wrote a book called "Hater one Wild." On the money wa GREEATT. To my Angel Na'Zyra momma love ya. To Deni e, Vinnie. and dare t of my fam. I love ya 2. I'm out di beep. I, A'DA, will to God who i. head of my life; my mom, dad, brothers and 1 ter for all of the upport; my girl BJWDRBGT GMMLSDSPCJKJM and my family; to Lee, Corn, Cell keep it gang ta and my baby luv you! I, MURPH, will my little brother nothing: I leave The Man my pimp tatu : Linzi: my mom; KT: lop; EM: all the great time ; John: great times to come; , carp: my car o I can have your ; to my men Dillon and Ber ky: a great ''bum" ea on. Peace. I, A . GELA A MA. , \\ill to Katte Wood on your till my be t friend and I mi you; Habiba Khan I'll alw y rememb r you: Jayme Franci ·you w re ah\ay · there for me and you alway will b ; nthony Murphy I send my love; and April A mann good luck through the year·. I, .:vtG, will to Mama Lou and Bongo the be t track memorie anyone could a k for; LG for stayin in WC with me o \\ e could get our enior present !; to BetzMetz many entertaining lunche ! to . a quatch, many, many mor day ofkickin it! to the B' my eternal friend hip! I, HEMIKA, \\til to always remember my peeps at Central; the girl B-Ball Team luv alway ; T , JD. LaD, LeD TaD, TW, MD, AM, LK, EMR, everybody else ya'll knm\ \\ho ya'll are; Hater, you know who you are grow up!; Antoine you're one of my true t friend I'll alway love you!

•seni •••••••• ors 7 9

I.. lEG YO,\ ill to GoGo stormy tra.npoline , pani h bottles and ong ·; Kaylie Taco Bell Tue day ; Emily PROM!: Ramc Felix and mornings; I\ lana "Look At Thi tuff" on our \\ ing ·et; Kels Polaroids and thumb up ; Tim 'Wimming in MO's pool; JuJu all thebes ovie ; Bear all my. weet lo in'! PEACE! I, \VAKD. will to e\t::ryone good time , we·re finally done! CKD we tight!: Brain, Side. and Hack my bros f r life! ; 1iranda my baby!; Pease. Yoo, Tiff, id,Emma, arah, tay cool always!: Everyone else. peace and good luck in the future! Clas 2004, ha e a gr at life. I. H ',will to the X-C Girls gr at race and chalk runs ; MM the be t bridge ever; 1 ·T Bagel man' ; good luc to KK and ColorGaurd: 1 1W the never-ending crapbook, Hill St., and GraphicArts all day;, 'J. AM. MM moothie King; LMo math team. GS and KY: TyF good time at MYF; J, LMu, CP. PM. EF. HA tha for all the great time -I'll never foprct you! I. EED. will to KT tall drinks of water, our friend Darnell, ugly names. driving pri\ ileges: MS era h-landing pads, dri\ ing le · ons, trips to STL, spacial hade ; KC -er's for all a's; TC parties to come; \ttY prom; QT: "Kickin' it," fun times, and my love forever! Everyone el e Adio ! I. SOUG. will to Ber ky a new old-van; RV be t times and cpikak; to PG all the fun; Lilo & titch to BW; to JHATER remember how we made it; to D. Pribz, egg roll and rice, dtudte!: Everyone el e, leave thi place as oon as po sible! l, DP, will to Bersky the great city of Peoria, lllinoi ; to S citizenship; to JR all my math homework; to BCB3 some fried rice: to MC I will 200; and finally I will to J. Streezy ome Thickburgers from Hardees and my calculator o you can ah ay. play Tetris. I, BABYGRL, will to my girls. RSFSKRTJJHWKSGKH CE we ran thang ! My little isters. Pimpette keep the tradition! La t but not least. !'viy family and Jimmy, I LUV Y'ALL. thanks for everything! Lo ed by many, hated by more! I. :\tBJ, will to HA spices and brain cell ; the captain 7th hour ·moothies; HSF tons of chlorine and B trips; Goodpa try quasi everything; SB nimbly bimbly drink ; JD the knowledge of what your hirt ay ; Rach a portable dressing room; SPK colorful physic projects; AR big shoes; Everyone my love! I. REN", will to lynz "our friend Mike" adventures with parked cars/ trash cans: em LEFT tum ignal 'more rollerskating escapades through walmart; k8 flying power . more blue shades; murph driving direction to Lincoln Square/ orne "pre-tapped trees"; fil that airplane; AC OW my stellar parking space (or lack thereof) and the best of luck in 07! I. K8. will to LF a new cig and night just cruisin'; EC a bean burrito taken back to taco bell; G hi life back; EH four more years of wonderful friend hip; BM a new bag of lifesavers: and to my senior crew: all the love in the world.

••••••••• 80 un• c aged

I, KATIE FREDERICK , will to AN many more M ·gr. laugh ; toNG much love; to CV, my mijita nenita, many more blueberry breads; to MF more cherry slu hies; to HK many mingle ; to ER many pani h Club memorie : to BPVE my fonde thigh chool memorie ; to JC my all. I, MOLLY, will to KBSH panthanger , goldandflame baton ; LK blingbling ring, cop care leepover ; MB dart , ' 02 ummer; SH lifetime upply crown , swimteam mom ; KB another haircut by heryl; AM lockerfights; JD dancemove ; ML Do , Scottie; DWKC : Matt; AB homele men; JP vocabword ; Jack anotherdance; RMCM my love and goodtime ; to everyone ucce and happine . I, B IZ, will to KSITCH my no e and anity; FRA KDADDY women' right ; SIM eyeroll ; BLAKE tover; TIM redrurn, JO dance ; JYAM 0 sarah; J pant and hokett: VMR rhythm· BE chnst : r R D wound ; CLEO memory: OLI 6th grade; D H charitydates; DG my fater: to my si ter : DW direction, buttcracks,a happ) Rachel; CRAW mad cienti t and hou e raid.: HO nakedness and urine; ASH hideou marty and Josie; COLIN and boys, beatdown . I, NADIA, will to El a my good look (Ye , I wa al ay the prettier twin); to Shep: a flag or two; to Megan: Ia t of the Horne Hi power! ; to Dave Action: I leave batman; to CC girl : porta potty till your heart' content; to Mink: my lunch. I, SARAH, will to the gals - fun time , great memorie ; KB mastery of Darrins Dance Groove , telling storie fir t; MMbomonfa, bus ride ; LK- seatbelts for aferide ; AM - milk your elf; JD- a me y room, wart remover; MB- SG' , RTgolf lessons; MOMB- "the mobile"; FG - my feet, TO ALLmy love, good luck to ya! I, AMA DA, will to MCK- late night laughs; 3arn vi itors, alt haker , and ugar packet ; MWB-fru trating practice , breakdowns, Indiana, wet floor ign ; To both-orange cone ; SRH-Bad bf di agreement , long walk ; to bothFamous Barr; SAH-fights to laugh 5 mm later, jolt, and chocolate. I, SPM, will to all my nigz "The Woot "; Sam and 'ick it was great kicking it with yall during the years and hope it don't end with high chool; all the undcrcla smen represent this chool well; the past four year· have been memorable but all good thing must come to an end, o ju t holla at ya boy South Peezy. WOOT WOOT!! and another woot to MP. I, JENELL COURTNEE HE~DRIX, will to make my parents proud; to the rest of my family I'll always keep in touch, I love every one of them; my friends KHKCRSWKJBAMJLEGAALD H and anyone I forgot I wish you the be t of luck. Much love! l, KTCRAW4D, will to my girls- granola·, Je us, a bag of pee, and Pete; Sitch a muddy faced child; Coulter pride di infectant; Jode Iri h love; Sparrow a duel: Mike my game; Jon to drive afely; Ben everything; Ross preschool; D, Becca, Sho, A h a glorious friend hip; Colin and Central all my love .

F ',will to ay whr•'~ p to CH my othe• l\ u pieces; m -.ister De an thank you g nc.: mak<.; it with your career in 11leyball; T tay pink; JC k t:p yo attitude going; mall· A keep m on up; L keep domg what' good; I keep bdng creati c; T tay trong; be t friend I love you w been through enough to know where we ·tand with each other; to Granny MP and my Dean thanks for the support. I, J TRIZZ, will to the monl!olian. my stuff; to Dprizzy the Clay Akin cd and tned nee; tho e who are younger and not a wise alwa ·s check for an adam apple; Pound a; It's not a ra e It' a marathon; word to the Paign ram; hout out to Ray Ray and my nclc Oti ; Lcit Lcit; You know where to follow me. L 'ATALIA, will to J truth is on the ·ide ofthe depressed and psychotic g rman movie -~ H more tv channel ; JY a rich k rean hu band; CT le cu words; LH bigger fingers; \t1F fun in Plea antv!lleland; AM happy du t; FT fun being a newbie; and BW omething good to do. Geniu- thoughts, I know ... Adio amigo ! I, LE LIE, will to P Jack' p e, wi Family Robin on, my alarm clock, run in ham ter \\heel barrows, and ALL THI G !; R midnight swing talk·, 27 I '2 muffin w/ pickle juice; RT Movie and chips\\ ourcream (I promise not to fall a leep), and oragomi; J deadline ; H'\1 the ; RM a litter box to clean; PM leftderivativ of X2 handed note ; H thou. and of mor "twin" encounters; EF a wormy ap le; H re ; MM rides, My x-c girls: crazy indian nms, li rht blue imsuits and millions of mile ; Rock Group .. .JUI ! f A lot of food; God Bless! I, JE ' ABEA1 , will to Chuck Daw n re-run ; Kiki lots of mud; KB guy in car that come back; MR pant that tay on your butt, ammie lots of things o 'cat'; Mag. a real-life Duncan; Jc a bed with guard rail and Joe with leg ; Mo mint chocolate shake and new Lizzie epi ode ; LM good yearbook workers; to the girls partie- and enough guy to go around; Aaron pider repellent, RAJJ and Engli h coughs; HP and KV ingle-based libertie ·: Danny the Harry Potter pillow: AC coffee; Cam your bu and lunche together: Lys giggles, HP challenges, Rent ing-along , matching bra and hat , and my fri ndship forever; Wombat Unite! L AR, will t MR tohet paper, p , and not broken wmdo\\ : CH and K chocolate filled hottub and ·ncaking off to the laundry room; J the hair and hallway full of affection; KB handrails and afe ·tep~. KS and CP self- erve soft-serve and the best yearbook C\ cr! Yearbook Rocks!; LM backgammon, IA, tied up phone lme , a few similar classe , and l 'm not going to argue, o you arc. I, LESLIE MO, will to AR long phone comersations, IA hours, backgammon, trading spaces and no you arc: my little Faulker ligature and power wind w ; H tics and math team snacks; to MBJ why?; J Gordo' e y hair and our phy ics car; MR a completed neighbor' hou e; the gang thanks for all the memorie and support I lo e you guys!

I FISH, will to Rena foot placed perman ntly in your m I · Abbflo a rubber car to bounce off verything you htt, Kate ar A ian man on i · Clark a tereo ... omeday; Murph indow paint and a . tolen bucket of. .. j i~ ; Lii'Bu ..;e my spot on the tre truck; my ouddie I! >m ot ...~n 1eld and Edi < e you guy ; the cia~~ of 2004 happinc and ton of luck in e erything you do. Rock on. I, PETERS, will to EFG a erving ize of goldfi hand U hi. tor test ; Fcba Mbubi 7:10am h nk , walk to occer, and tattoo ripp mixing cement 27 1 2, fr, ketchup( aucc, acaga ea!, and cat hair; RAT hakcy table and hake ; Yvonn deutsch clas : CHIZO health cia and L 0 lunche ; MAG fmm , got ya, cr~;:y coded note ; curly hair is ue ; BC mth 3rd/4th hr lecture : ditor mye w amazing food and work hop·. a rock in' 2004 yearbok. FCA crazy food game & am mtg ; Rock rc up b a t and proverb 3:5-6; xc girl time time, fartletk , nd all thing ; g occer quare drill and looong talk ; Je u love everyone! I, CRAT, will to MF many year , TM 'T bJrthda) partie , bike in dre e , egg-. on drivcv. ay ; MM May 15, my height; PMLMEF ub·way kit · MHLMPM Ghetto R&J: My LB's MTV, my dn ing kill , JD oftball, ankle : MH IA, vball time , a tire; a Ia t name; HA facial hair; KC sanity; S float ; RM a 94 blazer, a new pleen; JR physic-: lollipop ; LMRT CP Swi FR; BM rides. re n t.; movies, chip & c, road trips, my singing; RT adventure , torero, hoe , late nights, hom tar; LM sleep, dres ing room pies, JUnk food, 27 & I 2; anyone I forgot apologie . I, Kl I, will to JA Tinfoil hat , KA 13 awesome year ; KB Camp rew; MF Tequila; G Bu ·incss; CH Peter; LM Hoodic-Hoo Day; P Salt bakers: AR hottubs and undromat tJlks, J chocolate; a lean; Mudding; JV leepovcr ; KAMR coin ; MFS lunch in van ; JAKA\1R 4rom Hea\cn, JAKBCH P J Y C; JAKB~FCHSPMRJS wedding at Allerton, KB\1FCHSP The Original trawer . I, CHUCK, will to Aaron hot tubs and chcolate: Benz yourmama paint; Buck hotwok, hot tub., hot boys: Camden new pick-up line.; Catwoman Daw on' reck re-runs: Juju an artificial ankle; Kiki ba eball glo e and cardinal hat: K1mmy my memory; \1ags my car: Mcesh cary movie ; Moe new bathroom; ammie altshaker . L BUCK, will to Bean- a good hri tian boy in eater.: Benz cute clothes for me; Chuck night watching mo\ ie ·, 3 hots, and package deals; Je s liquor store· when you're bored; Juju birdies, bunme , and ponies; Kiki APA's and a ga card; Ktmmy good day and ·pare keys; Mdog Duncan and a Canadian flag; Mee h a lifetime supply ofTP; and PK the best tra hy romance novels. I, M GGIE FESENMAIER. will my love to e\cryone! I, SAMMIEPK, will to the original strawers ... KSCHKBMF all my traws. I al o give back ~,;veything I e\ er ate. I 10\ e eve!) n M K J L\1 RMR HKBJAK ~ I hope

••••••••• s e niors 81

un conm1on adj.- unusual or rare; Central's freshmen, sophomores, and juniors




Vice President:

Noelle Gipson

Bethany Sullivan



Katelyn Burgett

Kristina Vasnaik

• Otis Brown Tasheba Jones

••••••••• un • predictable


Jacob Abeln Carson Adams Lawrence Agnew Joshua Alagna Alexis Anderson Ian Anderson

Martma Anderson Sarah Aquino Martha Armstrong Megan Ball Lachan Band lliya Barenboim

Lanna Bartko Kwabena Bazzeii-Sm1th Marcus Belsley Austin Bennett Lachia Bennett Blake Bernard

Antonio Bigham Ernyka Blanson Mary Blazier Allison Bloomer Samantha Bosch Bailey Bost

Nicole Bowman Joseph Broadrick April Brown Brittany Brown Christopher Brown Otis Brown

Patrick Brown Thaddeus Brown Kyle Browning

Evan Bruno Orion Buckingham Miranda Bugbee

Katelyn Burgett Jess1e Bush Jordan Butts Lisa Cameron Ben Campbell Sulee Gao

••••••••• j uniors 87

Stuart Carlson Kyle Carter Brandon Cartmill Nicole Cascone Tiree'nee Caston Joy Catchings

Andrew Cekander Letisia Chambliss

You know you're a junior when ...

Layla Chapman Sara Chapman

"People are asking me how to do something instead of me asking them." -Mary Blazier James Chavez Hannah Clark

"You are the one coming to school for the ACT's while everyone else is at home." -Marnita Harris

" You are up until 1:00 every morning studying." -Margaret Kane Kristen Clark Raymond Clark

"You get to go to prom." -Andy Cekander Isaiah Clayborn Lindy Cookson Tricia Cornett Joseph Costello Bryan Cox Lauren Cra1g

Camus Crawford Latona Cnder Samuel Curry Rachel Curtis Thomas Daley James Daniel

Ebom Davis Ryan Davis Alyssa Davison Keandre Delaney Nicholas Donaldson Patrick Donovan

••••••••• 88 un • predictable

"You are watching the freshmen walk to Colonial Pantry for lunch." -Paul Ndekwe

Kerry Doyle Rebecca Egan Brandon Ennis Elsa Enstrom Jacob Fabian Joshua Fabian

Tyler Falk Elisa Farinacci Cathy Feller Jeanette Figures Philip Fiscella Zachary Fiscus

Matthew Fitton Christine Fleener Shauna Flynn Michelle Frazer Laura Frederick Jamie Freeman

Sh1esha Freeman Lashaunce Gaines Cesar Gaona Alfredo Garcia-Meza

Emily Gardner Salem Gebil Noelle Gipson Tristan Gladney

Kan Goad Joshua Goings Devin Goldenstein Mike Goma

Bryanna Graham Sara Graham Gabrielle Grant David Graves Royce Greenberg Jill Gnder

Jason Grodsky Kelsey Grodsky Sarah Hagens Dennessia Hall Phillip Hardyman Adam Harris

••••••••• j uniors 89

Marnita Harris Blaine Harvey ian Hawkins Betsy Hedges William Henry Daniel Hernandez

Sharita Hill Alando Holt Antonio Holt Elizabeth Hood Michael Hood Chelsie Hopkins

Cierra Horn Perri Howard Charles Hutjens Courtney Ice Nai-Fei Jiang Christina Johnson

Lauren Johnson Knstme Johnston Tasheba Jones Joshua Jordan Sean Judy Shu-Fan Jung

Ashley Kamphaus Margaret Kane Kristi Kaplan William Keaton Elizabeth Kelly Ryan Kern

"I slid into a ditch while only having my permit WITH my driving instructor." -Danielle Spice

"I was rear-ended while trying to save a pedestrian." -Sarah Aquino

What was your worst driving experience?

"I hit a curb when I was turning a corner and I got a fl at tire." -Allison Mclemore

••••••••• 90 un • predictable

"I was driving down Prospect at lunch when the car comletely locked up and all the 'car juice' spilled out!" -Sarah Hagens

Charlotte K1m Nam-Ho Kim Austm Kimble John Kincaid John Kindt Sarah Kinsel

Amelia Knight Nik1ta Kmght-Woods James Koster Jessica Landman Evan Landreth Kelsey Lapayne

Raymond Larue Dustin Leemon Deandre Lewis Yun-Hui Lin

Manya Lobkis Selena Lockett Marcia Lockhart Benjamin Lowry

Jacob Maffit Jean Makabu Erin Mangian Coreyon Manning Jason Manuel Kat1e Manuel

Milena Markman Alexandria Martm Victoria Martin Meghan Martindale Maret Matthew Jaes McDaniel

Khnsti McFerren Allison Mclemore Matthew McShane Zachary Medlyn Maggie Mills lain Millsap

Max Mkwezalamba Chandra Moll Mark Montgomery Justin Moon Leanitra Moore Ashley Morgan

••••••••• j uniors 91

Jennifer Morris James Mosley Rebecca Muhr Nathan Murdent Kinyetta Nance Paul Ndekwe

Tia Neither Chau Nguyen Quynh Nguyen Thuy Nguyen

Recho Dmondi Britney Osler Kathryn Pace Natalia Pagliuca Christina Palmer Christopher Pankey

Thomas Parkhill Ashley Pelz Anna Peters William Phillippe Arriel Phillips Hilary Phillips

Matthew Picchietti Krista Pittman Whitney Pope Kyle Prillaman Nora Prior Krystal Pryor

Mario Pulcini Daniel Rache Maximiliano Ramirez Dana Ray Angela Reddick Brandon Roberts

Quinton Robinson Todd Rocheford Nolberto Rodriguez Jilmala Rogers

Raquel Roney Karen Rose Jacob Roth Elizabeth Rowland Casey Runge Eliza Ryus

••••••••• 92 un•predi ct able

Hayze Schoonover Thomas Schroeder Megan Schroll Angela Scope! Camden Se1ler Andrew Shepard

Rio Shigeta Emily Shuler Enca Sibley John Sinnes Collin Sm1th John Sm1th

Samantha Smith Samuel Sm1th Sarah Sm1th Alex1s Sm1thWallace Levi Soloman Benjamm Somers

What is something unusual about Central? "No parking lots. A school without parking lots?" -Kristina Vasnaik

"That a Maroon is actually a bear." -Kelsey Grodsky

"There's no air conditioning." -Tucker Strang Lucas Somers Kathryn Spencer Danielle Spice Jennifer Stenger Jacob Stimmel Heather Stocker

Tucker Strang Rosalyn Stump Dav1d Su Bethany Sullivan Stephen Summers Shayonna Sykes

Victoria Tappendorf Mabinty Tarawallie Patience Tarnue Devin Taylor Graham Tennant Megan Thomas

••••••••• j uniors 93

Karen Tsui Jennette Turner Joseph Turner Justin Vasaune Knstlna Vasnaik Geovanny Vega-Zamora

Carla Villegas Kim Voelker Adea Vogli Jacqueline Voyles Krystle Vreeman Drake Wallace

Sarah Wallace Brian Walters Allison Wampler Cammelle Ward Brittney Webb Eric Weissinger

William Wetzel Colin White Stacey White Amara Williams Jocelyn Williams Ramon Williamson

Leslie Willis Latriece Wilson Demetrius Winfrey ian Winkler-Groschen Nelson Winkler-Groschen ian Winston

Richard Wojnar Brittney Wood Madelin Woods Millie Wright Jeff Yam bert De Young

Abdulazeez Yusuf Mark Zedrick Danielle Zoll

••••••••• 94 un • predictable

Mtcaela Alvarez-Campos, Amanda Angel. Charika Atkins, Asbley Barkstall. Antonio Brown-Cotton. Cameron Carter, Erika Chavez, Chnstopher Aanders, De'Angelo Gardner, Shannon Gardner. Carlos Gonzalez. Sharika Hamtlton, Stephen Harris. Canssa Heard. Montrell Hill, Ahbleza Hurd. Netetsha Johnson, Angel lee. Travts Lord, Francisco Macedo. Tandra McDonald, Benjamin McKenna, Jeffrey Metzler. Shawn Moussou, Taranika Newbill, Sara Palacto. Bnan Parker, Gregory Pollok, Levon Redding, Bobby Riley, Matthew Roberts, Jose Robles-Hernandez. Alejandro Salgado. Charles Sherrill, Larry Smtth. Keisha Sp1ller, La Shera Vassar. Alicia Washtngton. Aron Wilkins. Lindsay Williams

Junior Class Size: 337 154 Boys

183 Girls

Junior Class Favorite Color: Blue What is your favorite color and why?

color of the sky." -Kinyetta Nance

"Blue, it's the color we get to wear next year when we're seniors!" -Jeff Yam bert

"Blue, there are so many shades, and they're all so pretty." -Liz Hood

••••••••• j uniors gS


Vice President:

Sidney Sheehan

Lisa Mazzocco



Luke Mathews

Liz Chapman


• James Williams Tekyra Algee

••••••••• 98 un•predictable

Robert Abbott Husna Abdui-Azeez Alex Acheson Michelle Adeoye Tekyra Algee Bianca Alvarado

Alejandro Alvarez Lydia Anderson

Michael Arnold Colin Artwick

Lauren Baglama Tyneia Bailey Becky Ba1rd Jessica Bales Dekontee Banta James Barlow

Brittany Barnhill Chad Baumann Elizabeth Bazar Tina Beasley Daniel Beaudoin Ana Becerril

John Beck Christina Benoit Javion Bibb Lyda Bielak Michael Bigham Jordan Billingsley

Courtney Bishop Ryan Bolden Reed Boskey Tracy Bowden Ryan Boyd Ariana Brodsky

Lucas Brown Maben Brown Marcus Brown Michael Brown Savanna Brown Maria Brownfield



Tanya Brownfield Vatie Brundidge Amy Bucey Christy Burge Sharoneka Burke Kayla Burrell

Latonya Butler Dylan Cain Tameka Carr Derek Carter Sophia Castro Jasmine Catchings

Stephen Chan Scott Changnon Elizabeth Chapman Andrew Chisholm Stephanie Clayton April Cleveland

Stephany Coburn David Cohen Ashley Compton Jose Cortez Colin Crawford Michael Croix

Danny Crook Allyson Curtis Curtis Curtsinger Kimberly D'Amico Jamie D'Urso Joel D'Urso

Shuo Dai Kelly Daniel

Timothy David Julian Davis

Shane Davis David De Jesus John Deal Allison deBiouwe Dale Devries Kathryn DeWitt

••••••••• 100 un • d eniable

Cornelius Dillon Katherine Doering Joshua Dorries Samantha Drennan Alyssa Durant Patrick Elifritz

Sophomores' Top Five Fast Food Restaurants 1. McDonald's

Graham Ellis Kenton Elmore

Amy Engelbrecht-Wiggans Stephen Ennen

2. Taco Bell 3. Arby's Rachel Faught Hillary Fears

4. Garcia's 5. Jimmy John's Tara Flenniken Zachary Flynn Jacqueline Ford Kortney Fox Justin Franklin Sara Fredrickson

Sam Freeland Lance Frith Scooter Fujihara Phillip Galaras Samantha Gardner Aaron Gates

Seth Gelke Vincent Giammaria Eunice Gill Trevor Gladney Katie Goad Cristobal Gonzalez

Marcos Gonzalez Bruce Granick Ivory Grant Steven Gray, Jr Eric Greenstein Jennifer Greenstein


sophomores 101

Sharissa Griffin Deana Gudeman Jorge Guerrero Ashley Gunning Chelsea Gunning Monica Hall

Benjamin Halle Ca1thn Halle Samuel Ham Jessica Hannah Matthew Hannan Colleen Harden

Kanyja Harvey Damien Henderson Jessica Hendrix Emily Henigman Laura Henneman Javier Hernandez

Joel Hickman Briana Hicks Kourtney Hill Michael Hill Alison Hobbs Kathy Holding

Mitchell Holmer Tristan Honn

Lynette Hosier Dominique Houston

Michaelloannides Jee Jeong

Megan Johns James Johnson Zachery Johnson Aaron Jones Julia Jones Mahagany Jones

••••••••• 102 un • den i able

" My ability to put my legs behind my head." -Dan Panno

What defines you?

"No words are powerful enough to define me! " -Amanda Val bert

"Nothing, it is impossible!" -Kirk McMurray Tesia Jones Diondra Jordan Lauren Kara Corey Kendall-Dick Michael Kesler Maxie Keys

Courtney King Loreale Kirby Rita Klimek Christopher Koehler Rachel Krein Matthew Kresca

Mitchell Kresca Kimberly Kyrouac Daniel Laesch Abigail Lamanske Abby Lange Jordan Lee

Jorday Lee Ashley Leek ian Lesueur Shane Leturgey Kashif Lewis Allison Lindemann

Nicholas Lore Danna Lynch Altesse Mandamuna Phillip Martin Michael Martinie Luke Mathews

Tommy Matt Michael Maxey Luis Maya Lisa Mazzocco Maura McDonald Tyler McGill


sophomores 103

Lisa McMahon Mallory McMahon Kirk McMurray Julene Miller Isaac Mitchell Wynita Mock

Kevin Mohrbacher Caitlyn Mooney Lexie Moore Ross Moore Memfy Morales John Morrissey

Naaman Motley Samantha Mowry Spencer Murray Rodrigo Musuruana De'Andre Newbill Jeramie Newland

David Norris Mitchell Nunn Jesus Olea Elliott Ortega Daniel Panno Hyun Park

Clayton Parkhill Kyle Patterson Ebony Pearson Alexandra Penwell Sarah Pforr DeShaun Phillips

Alysia Prosser Kimberly Pryor Rachel Pryor Danielle Pulcini Kathryn Pyer Ashley Ratliff

Rachel Reardon Devin Richardson Smooth Rivers Artaia Robeson Hayley Rohn Shayan Rostam-Abadi

What are your goals for the year? "Calm down, count to ten when I am mad, and try to lighten up a little." -Katie DeWitt

••••••••• l 0 4 un•deniable

•~~ (..;.; ·•

"Have a Baverage this year." -DeShaun Phillips

"Pass!" -Courtney King

lenora Rozier Knstma Russell Edith Salinas Arturo Sanchez Jess1ca Schadow leslie Schaffer

William Schoell Megan Scott Kristin Segovich Martina Shaw Sidney Sheehan Elizabeth Shobe

Ezekiel Simmons-Strader William Skreiner liam Slesinski Jan Smekal Marquis Smith Michelle Spangle

luke Spitz Kyle Steinkamp Shira Stolarsky Danielle Stubbins Timothy Summers Toby Sutton

Steven Swofford Kanetha Taylor Somdeth Thavisouk Michael Thies Merry Thomas Brittany Thompson

Marissa Thompson Katrina Thorson Steve Tillman Kyle Tobias Anh Tran len Tran

Jennifer Tufte Kera Tull Alisha Turner Eron Turner Beau Tyler Amanda Valbert

Marilyn Vang Jalutnee Vannarath Aaron Vega Michael Vignola Cody Von Waldner Matthew Wampler


sophomores 105

Oshawa Wardlow Ja'Leel Washington Danielle Watson Shada Weatherall Andrew Weuve Derrick Williams

Heather Williams James Williams Korey Williams Larry Williams Stewart Williams Jasmine Wilson

Charles Wojnar Kaylan Wonser ian Wright Matthew Wright Robert Vette Charles Young

Kimberly Young Spencer Adams, Sharice Bowdry, Korey Carter-Williams, Liliana Cuevas. Kha Doan. Shamekka Donald, Bernard Fairman, Denck Fleming, Shannon Gallien, Yesenia Garc1a-Meza. Tyrone Glass, Sarah Graham, Aaron Grayson, Zachiriah Hampton, Caleb Hope, Prenisha Jackson, Spencer Johnson, Steven Jones. Andrew Lemieux, Jasmine Lewis, Jonathan McClain, D'Andre Miller, Natalie Misa. Jerica Monteiro, Ricky Montgomery, Quentin Motley, Dmar Ramos, Alonzo Rose Jr. Tiffany Square, Leandreus Thompson, Eric Turner Jr. Arturo Villegas, Shaunteisha Williams

••••••••• 106 un • deniable

Sophomore Class Size: 327 167 Boys

160 Girls

Sophomore Class Favorite Color: Blue What is your favorite color and why?

CD -Kenton Elmore

"Blue. it's everywhere!" -Vinnie Giammaria

"Blue. it looks best on me." -Stephany Coburn


sophomores 107

men •••••••

•• un• exposed 108

President: Elizabeth Ceperley Vice President: Kyrsten Brown Secretary: Sylbi Koster Treasurers: India Mullady & Elizabeth Wikoff


-:$ 0






••••••••• 110 un • exposed

Justin Hendrix Brittany Dent

Kyle Adkisson Dontiel Allison Marian Ambrocio Dylan Anderson Robert Anderson Erik Antrim

China Ash April Assmann Rosa Babadoost-Kondri Passion Bailey Jamie Ball Jakaeya B1ggers

Amber Bishop Sam Black Benjamin Boltinghouse Rachel Booker Mikael Brackett Ryan Brewer

Nora Briseno Thomas Broadrick Ashley Brown Cameron Brown Kyrsten Brown Shatoni Brown

Marcus Buchanan Maxwell Buckingham Stefan Budic Brianna Bugbee Verenice Cabrera Andrew Cain

Catherine Calcagno Sarah Calcagno Marco Camacho Sanitra Camp Rajon Campbell Andrea Carmichael

Sheanna Carter Neil Cech Elizabeth Ceperley Scott Chambers Marterio Chapple Raymond Chapple

Timothy Chavez Ramone Cheers Ben Christie Ryan Church Kierra Claiborne Olivia Clark


freshmen 111

Taylor Clark Elizabeth Clegg Chris Cole Deseree Cole Jeremy Coleman Michael Cooley

Ashley Cotton Andrew Cox Jarett Crump Lakeshia Crump Kristine D'Urso Vincent D'Urso

Alexander Davis Charity Davis Steven Davis Brittany Dent Thomas Deschler Heather Doney

You know you're a freshman when ... "You still get lost even though it's the third month of school." -Tamyra Tillman

"You are short." -Russell Lance

Lonnie Dorsett Tyana Dorsey Ryan Dunn Kailee Duvall Eric Egner Grant Ehrhart

Hope Elam Taylor Ellis Quantrail Emery Latasha Epps Casey Evans Heather Fears

Matthew Feickert Kevin Finley Jennifer Fitton Julio Floyd Jenna Foley Amy Foltz

••••••••• 112 un • exposed

"You eat in the cafeteria every day." -Thomas Hadler

"You act crazy and silly." - Laurie Nady

Ranece Fondia Alexandra Forrest Alexandra Frazer Jessica Frederick Lamar Freeman Tyler Fuhrman

Andrew Garcia Waymond Gardner Talandra Giboney Daniel Gonshorek Keith Gonshorek Amanda Good

Sophie Goodnight-Koster Matthew Green Mitchell Green Aubry Greenberg Nicholas Grider Arielle Gross

"You have no idea what's going on." - Richard Ray

on your ·John Williamso

"You are excited about getting a ride to lunch." -India Mullady - Nicole Hulse Gianna Gross Eric Grumish Thomas Hadler Emily Hagens Lindsey Hallett Kate Harms

Phillip Harris Joseph Hart Martice Hawkins Ivy He Abby Hedges Wesley Hedrick

Kevin Hemingway Justin Hendrix Maureen Henry Kendall Hermsdorf Carl Herrera Marco Herrera


freshmen 113

Michael Hester Andrew Hicks Rachael H1ggins Katrice Hilson Brittany Hiner Matthew Hiser

"Dory, from Finding Nemo!" ·Denise Outlaw '


What defines you?


"Someone who is crazy and loves females." -Jarrett McDonald

• ;_ ·.1 "Love of life and living for the moment." ·Claire Williams Meghann Hiser Lana Holm Royce Horton-Phillips Suoyang Hou Nicolas Hualde Stasha Huddleston

Russell Hughes II Nicole Hulse Asa Hurd Shant Ivy Jerry Jackson Darrian Jake

Jose Jaramillo James Jasper Charlene Jenkins RachaeiJohns Carissa Johnson Kylie Johnson

Rosalind Johnson Walter Johnson Margaret Jones Justin Kang James Katsinas Andrew Kim

Ramon King Claire Kirby Eric Kirk Nigel Knop Sylbi Koster Gertrude Kranto

••••••••• 114 un • exposed

"''m a risk taker, brave, not a follower, and self-motivated." · Tijuan Taylor

Eva Ku Jacob Kuppler Jess1ca Ladew Russell Lance Sean Lawhead Brittany Laws

Hyunbin Lee Oleshia Lee Derek Leemon Corban Leman Amanda Lemon Amber Lewis

Rui Li Yanfen Li Yifang Li Sarah Lichtblau Darren Lindsey Christopher Lovdahl

Nathaniel Lyons Lorenzo Macedo Walker Maffit Amanda Mangian Caleb Marmion Cameron May

Abby McCray Jarrett McDonald Geoffrey McEntire Nathan McGarvey Maxwell McGill Neville McKinnie

Brooke McMahon Caitlin Meneely Richard Merriweather Sondra Michael John Milas Katie Miller

Kortinee Miller Kathryn Millsap Ashley Miskimins Sabre Mitchell Kyle Moe Shannon Montgomery

India Mullady Kevin Murphy Mike Myrick Laurie Nady Ezeza Nagasaga Tommie Nagle


freshmen 115

Mark Napier Antonio Newbern Dean Nguyen Paul Nichols Jason Nunn James Onderdonk

Denise Outlaw Evelyn Pace Sterling Palmer Vincent Parker Alexis Paschal Ann Pataky

Bhumi Patel Adam Panerson Khayri Panerson Simeon Pavlov Oiananna Pelmore Laura Pennington

Nicolas Perez.Jandrich Michael Perry-Steerman Henry Pettigrew Nicholas Phillips Taja Pope Nicolas Pueppke

Ena Raaymakers Elizabeth Radi Sarah Rames Jodi Ray Richard Ray Jared Roberts

Jarvis Robinson Keyerra Robinson Clrissa Rodabaugh Manhew Rodriguez

Jessica Roesch Janelle Ross Samantha Runge Camreona Russell

Caitlin Salmon Ruben Sanchez Michael Scheitlin Jacob Schmit Andrea Schreiber Shawn Schroll

••••••••• 116 un • exposed

Alana Scope! Tyren Scott Layton Seeber Terry Seets Andrew Sharick Sterlin Sibley

Tyron Sibley Brandy Simmons Marcel Simmons Xavier Singleton Jared Sinnes Bryan Skaggs

Erica Smith Robert Smith Bridget Spohrer Timothy Spohrer Tucker Springfield Chris Stanley

Joshua Stanner Kourtney Steinkamp Fashion Sterling Benjamin Sterrett Paige Stewart Cameron Strang

Kendra Streeter Sarah Stumpf Peter Su Matthew Sullan Diehentae Summers Lauren Svymbersky

Charles Tabb

What is something unusual about Central? . there's this girl named ny Hiner. She goes to Central-yeah, she's unusual." -Janelle Yambert Kelsey Tappendorf

"The teachers and the seniors." - Passion Bailey And rea Taylor Tijuan Taylor Jacqueline Thomas Katherine Thomas Atiyya Thompson Courtney Thompson


lee Thornton Gloria Threlkeld Tamyra Tillman Nathan Tolf Teresa Tufte Shana Tull

Cortez Turner laquasha Turner Malaia Turner Michael Turner-Wash Ashley Vasnaik Jonathan Vimr

Christopher Wahlfeldt Katherine Wallace Marci Warren William Washington larry Watkins Daniel Wavering

Brandon Webb Katherine Webber Sean Whitsitt Elizabeth Wikoff Amy Wildman Asia Williams

Claire Williams lanWilliams Evan Williamson John Williamson Anders Wilson Eric Wilson

Dorian Winfrey laquita Winfrey Kristen Woodley Jonathan Wurl Janelle Yambert Jessica Yoo

Nada Youssef Angel Zanarini leonorilda Zarco James Zech

Not Pictured: Christopher Allen-Mann. Darta Bishop, Tasheena Boatright, Samantha Bowlin, Jonathan Brumfield, Robert Carr, leah Fluke, D'Bnena Hope, Oriana Houston, Haley Jones. Marie Kreeger, Uniqka lemons, Jasmine Lenard, Gabriel Manning, Marcell Mitchell, Teacoka Newbill, Jerrel Peat, Kashira Pettigrew, Dominique Rose, Karolina Schantz, Tyronn Sims, Denee Thomas, Herman Williams, Ricardo Williams, Christofer Yacoub, Aleksey Yakub

••••••••• 118 un•exposed

Freshmen Class Size: 389 201 Boys

188 Girls

Freshmen Class Favorite Color: Blue What is your favorite color and why?

" lue, because it's not too girlish like pink." - Kortinee Miller

"Blue, it's the color of the sky." -Anders Wilson

"Blue, it describes me." -Aaron Gardner

Top Five Favorite Classes for Freshmen:


freshmen 119

un relenting adj.- not diminishing in intensitY, pace, or effort; Central's faculty and staff


Donald L Hansen

Dennis Sparks

William Freyman

Charles Drake

Dianne Shepard

' I ,.





Kathryn Fletcher

••••••••• 122 un • relenting

Glenn Miller

Janet Rodgers

Mary Vidoni

Angelica Agnoletti

Marjorie Anders

Amy Barr

Deborah Black

Ciara Bradley

Crystal Carter

Faye Catchings

Jennifer Circello

Tom Croy

Lou Dalton

Diane Ecker

LaDonna Fletcher

Katherine Flugge

David Fones

Sarah Freyman

Lynnelle Funk

Jennifer Garbe-Tanner

Tiffany Gholson Johnson

Wilma Gleason

Karen Hackman

Jefferey Hasenstab

Darin Henigman

Matthew Hopkins

Gina lsabelli


teachers 123

Argie Johnson

David Johnson

Pat Johnson

Ryan Krows

Kimberly Lavin

Sena Leikvold

Kay Lemons

Sandra Lentz

Jerry Loyet

Anne Lunsford

Marie Lypka

Mary Malloy

Lisa Martinez

Donna McKinley

Jennifer Miller

Barry Mink

Anne Munroe

Lisa Nichols

Donna Dsler·Davis

. .. ,\·;




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1'~.~* """( >


-~6: .., \i --~

..., <:-




r· , ·, '· \ . ~ ·. ·. ..-~1 1 ,,

Christine Payne

••••••••• 124 un e relenting

Adam Poetzel

Saehee Ra



Dan Reid



Mindy Richmond

Brian Ruis

Jane Stillman

Diane Salfelder

Christopher Schultz

Julie Sherwood

Michelle Shmikler

Kathryn Sly

Kathleen Smith

John Staab

Melissa Steen

Shmonica Stovall

Heather Tanner

Beth Thomas

Heather Topel

Christy Varanauski

Emily Vonhuben

Desiree Webber

Sandra White

John Woods

Laura Zick-Bottorff


i,_··a ·_ · - ·_ _ .-_ _ ..

Jackie Witt

,. ~.



Kristen Wood


teachers 125

unerelenting faculty fun

Mr. Hop ins and Ms. Miller are hall buddies.

Mr. Henigman gazes intently at the DNA model.

Mr. Hasenstab doesn't like taking orders from other teachers, especially those with megaphones .

••••••••• 126 un erelenting

Mr. Croy looks a little worried.

Mr. Reid uses the boomwhacker to keep his physics class in line.

Who's #1? Mr. Snyder says it's Central!

Mr. Hansen and Mr. Sparks team up to tackle the delicious barbeque .

Ms. Flugge sits comfortably on her desk while leading a class discussion.

Madame Black leads her French class in some holiday songs.

Mr. Currey directs the band at Memorial Stadium.

Central teachers are the best! •••••••••

teachers 127

Mr. Rusty Cannull Mr. Cannull was a member of the custodial staff at Central High School on the third shift for four years until he passed away on December 12, 2003. Mr. Hansen said he was a dedicated member of the Central family whose hard work and friendliness were always appreciated. He always had an up-beat attitude despite health problems, which he never let deter him from his work. He loved to work and came in even when he was sick. Mr. Cannull was an extremely nice person with whom everyone got along. His favorite hobbies included hunting and fishing and spending time with his dog. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

"He worked the midnight shift so unfortunately most didn't have the pleasure of meeting him, but he was a man who never made excuses and had a heart of gold." -Mr. Donald Hansen Principal

"Rusty was a good employee, and he loved the outdoors." -Mr. Terry Newland Custodian

••••••••• 128 un e relenting

"I always enjoyed seeing Rusty when I arrived at work in the morning. He always had a friendly smile and a warm greeting to offer." -Ms. Kate Sly Teacher

,Rusty lived life to the fullest! He was always busy playing pool, hunting, and fishing ... (He caught his ,tropyhy fish" last summer!) He was a giving person who never took people for granted. His friendship will be missed." -Mr. Don Unzicker Custodian "Rusty was a very outgoing person. Even though he was having problems with his health he always lived to the fullest. He always tried to cheer you up, and he'd go out of his way to help you. " -Mr. Tony Brown Custodian

Mrs. Irene Quick On December 14, 2003, Central High School lost a dedicated consumer education teacher. Mrs. Quick had been a member of the Central faculty for four years. She was first hired as a sub in the Special Education Department, but when a position opened in her discipline, Mrs. Quick was the clear choice. Mr. Hansen said that she demonstrated tireless dedication to her job and had a consistent ability to relate well with all the students she encountered. Mrs. Quick had a positive influence on faculty and students alike. She was a person to confide in and a model to live by. In addition to Central students and staff, she will be missed by her husband and two children.

"She was the most generous person I knew. She bent over backwards to help students. Even though she taught only two classes, she would still stay here late. She was was a good friend and I miss her a lot." -Ms. Beth Thomas Teacher

"I rene Quick was a dedicated teacher and was extremely hard working ... she would often spend the entire day working at Central. .. she was respected by both faculty and students." -Mrs. Kay Lemons Teacher

"Mrs. Quick to me wasn't a teacher, mother, or wife. To me she was a friend and a true pleasure. There's not a passing day I don't think about how life would be with her here. She's gone and I can't change that, but I can keep her memory alive in me! I only hope she knows how much she was, no is, loved!" -Kyla Streeter Student

"Mrs. Quick was really nice and never minded taking extra time to help her students. She'll be sadly missed." -Gabrielle Grant Student


teachers 129

un stoppab e adj.- difficult or impossible to stop; Central sports teams

••••••••• 132 un • stoppable

••••••••• sports 133

After a line drive toward first base, Drake Wallace dives to make a perfect catch.

Jason Yambert stretches out his arm, getting ready to tag a man out.

he 2003 baseball team had a tremendous season. The Maroons, led by Ross Hiner, finished the season with a record of 16 wins. This season they broke the record of most victories by Central High School since 1997. Some key points in the season included beating Centennial and winning the Charlie Due Tournament for the second consecutive year. The Maroons have many talented players that will be returning to lead them to a successful 2004 season. According to Chris Elliot, "Last year's season could have been better, but we have high goals set that we hope to achieve next season."

"Baseball is a beautiful sport. We have a beautiful team and a beautiful coach." -Kevin Sitch

Chris Elliot smashes the ball out of the park.

Pat Donovan sprints around third and heads for home.

Zach Flynn eyes the catcher's mit waiting for the signal to throw a strike.

Varsity-Row 1: Tucker Strang, Andy Cekander, Nick Clegg, Frank Giammaria, Kevin Sitch, Ross Hiner. Row 2: Coach Bartolotta, Chris Elliot, Dane Wallace, Tim Carey, Jason Yambert, Alex Dye, Brent Moore, Ryne Crawford, Coach Staab.

Freshmen-Row 1: Will Schoell, Tommy Matt, Max Smith, Robert Abbott, Phillip Galaras, Deshaun Phillips. Row 2: Coach Rodeffer, Mitchell Kresca, Colin Crawford, Graham Ellis, Sam Freeland, Liam Slesinski, Chad Baumann.

Andy Cekander is determined to throw a strike.

Junior Varsity-Row 1: Tyler Falk, Dustin Leemon, John Beck, Matt Hannon, Jason Grodsky, Matt McShane. Row 2: Coach Rodeffer, Drake Wallace, Pat Donovan, Mitch Holmer, Alex Acheson, Zack Flynn, Osric Hayes .

John Beck and Dustin Leemon talk strategy at first base. Dane Wallace is in the ready stance, waiting to make the next play.

••••••••• sports 135

Elsa Enstrom strategizes for the next play.


Carolyn Ratcliffe makes a long throw in from the outfield.

he 2003 softball team improved immensely during their season. With a new coaching staff, including head coach Amber Jackson, the Maroons finally played well enough to beat Centennial after four years of defeat.

When asked to describe the new coach, Katie Crawford said, "We all thought Coach Jackson was really awesome! She taught us a lot of important things about the game." Seniors Andrea Dixon, Heather Overmyer, and Heather Stumborg led the team to resounding victories. Julie Deschler, Lexie Moore, Crawford, Dixon, and Overmyer all received The News-Gazette's Honorable Mention. With four returning seniors, Coach Jackson has exciting plans for next year's team.

The girls show great team spirit by putting their hands in the middle. Heather Stumborg catches a grounder.

Lexie Moore pitches a great fastball to the opponent.

What a hit by Mallory McMahon! Heather Overmyer tosses the ball to second base.

Varsity-Row 1: Kim Kyrouac, Kari Goad, Julianne Deschler, Heather Stumborg, Danielle Wleklinski, Lexie Moore. Row 2: Andrea Dixon, Katie Crawford, Sarah Aquino, Cathy Feller, Heather Overmyer. Row 3: Carolyn Ratcliffe, Coach Jackson, Coach Trig, Coach Moolay.

Lauren Johnson waits for the right pitch.

Jasmine Catchings slides into home plate and scores one for the team!

Kristine Johnston focuses on the pitch. Junior Varsity-Row 1: Kristine Johnston, Mallory McMahon, Katie Julie Deschler makes a Goad, Elsa Enstrom. Row 2: Coach Jackson, Jasmine Catchings, Dana Ray, Lauren Johnson, Coach Trig. Row 3: Samantha Drennan, fantastic catch! Elizabeth Bazar, Hayley Rohn, Coach Moolay.

••••••••• sports 137

Luke Spitz crosses over and really slams one down for a win.

Senior Blake Williamson studies his phenomenal hit.

Beyond senior leadership, Coulter Simon stepped up and made some crucial wins for the team. Simon led the team to victories over Rantoul, Decatur Eisenhower, and Chatham Glenwood. Despite the hard work and determination of the 2003

team, the season was not as successful as the Maroons would have hoped. The

team finished at a disappointing seventh place in the Big


With promising juniors

and fresh talent on the rise, the 2004 season should be a successful one.

Ben Campbell spreads the love all over the court for a victory.

"We had great leadership from Coulter Simon. With the return of Jon Reimer and Coach Hodge, I'm looking forward to an exciting season." -Jordan Leitz

Coulter Simon is pleased with his shot.

Taylor Pope bites his tongue as he whacks the ball to his opponent.

Varsity-Row 1: Lucas Brown, Konrad Klinkner, Matthew Wampler, John Herre!, Benjamin Halle, Christopher Wilson. Row 2: Coulter Simon, Ben Campbell, Jordan Leitz, Will1am Wetzel, Luke Spitz, Blake Williamson. Row 3: Jon Reimer, Kyle Prillaman, Geoffrey Lin, Mike Deutscher, Michael Oliphant, Coach Hodge .

Mike Deutscher follows through with a professional swing.

Coach Hodge checks his strategies for another win. John Herrel lays the smack down on his opponent.

• •••••••• sports 139

Kyle Browning makes a pass to her teammate.

Christina Palmer gets ready to kick the ball like whoa to help the Junior Varsity to another Central win.

he girls' soccer team of


may have struggled at the beginning of the

season, but they improved their play when it mattered most. With seniors Elise McAuley, Elizabeth Galaras, and Ana Eisenman, the Central Varsity ended up with an overall record of 14-9-1 and a Conference record of 5-4-1. After their hard work and effort, they won all of their Regional games and then came out and won their Sectional. After fighting through a tough season of ups and downs, they made their way to the I HSA State Finals Tournament in Naperville, Illinois. Although they put up a hard fight, they were unable to advance past their first game. Overall, the girls' soccer team of 2003 had one of the best seasons for Central soccer.

The team takes a little break for a picture pose and some foolishness. Meghan Martindale makes a cross inside the box.

Rebecca Muhr puts a hault to an opponent's kick.

Lisa Mazzocco turns everyo ne's heads with her quick moves an d skill.

"No one believed in us, but we believed in ourselves ... that's what got us to State." -Jill Grider

The team watches from the bench hop ing for a win.

Varsity-Row 1: Jill Grider, Becky Baird, Natalie Dixon, Allison Lindemann, Leslie Muhr, Elise McAuley, Elizabeth Galaras. Row 2 : Kathryn Pyer, McKenna Kelly, Laura Frederick, Alexandria Martin, Chelsie Hopkins, Kara Bowen, Meghan Martindale . Row 3 : Marella McMurray, Coach Jenkins, Kyle Browning, Leslie Willis, Ahbleza Hurd, Coach Crawford, Ana Eisenman, Carrie Peters .

Coach Jenkins gives some words of wisdom .

Junior Varsity-Row 1: Sara Palacio, Danielle Pulcini, Kathryn Pace, Arielle Wiener, Marsha Reardon, Lisa Mazzocco, Jessica Andrejasich, Rachel Reardon. Row 2 : Coach Wilson, Jennifer Stenger, Christine Fleener, Christina Palmer, Leslie Willis, Angela Scopel, Danielle Spice, Jacqueline Ford, Sidney Sheehan . Row 3: Lauren Baglama, Phoebe Mbuvi, Rebecca Muhr, Tia Neither, Miranda Bugbee, Brittany Wright.

Carrie Peters does it li ke a professiona l Lady Ma roon .

• •••••••• sports 141

Wow! J. Leman is so athletic, he can run with his eyes closed!

Kim D'Amico finishes in style.

he boys' track team was led by a group of middle-distance runners and a fine group of young sprinters and jumpers. The 3200 m relay dominated the competition, winning Conference for the second year in a row. This strong relay made up of Andy Eheart, Graham Tennant, Brian Kesler, and Eric Brown qualified for the State Meet. The other major highlight of the year was Jeremy Kruidenier's State Title in the Boo m. Next year is sure to be exciting with all the underclassmen stepping up. Having only two seniors, the girls' team was very young this year. Some highlights of the season were the 4X1oo m and 4X2oo m relays made up of Kim D'Amico, Sarah Hagens, Louise l<night, and l<ristina Russell. The relays placed in the Sectional, NewsGazette Honor Roll, and Conference meets with the 4X2oo m relay winning the Conference Title. The 4X8oo m relay made up of Allison Mclemore, Megan Brewer, Nadia Jassim, and Ali Hobbs placed third at the Sectional Meet. With all the fresh talent, next season is sure to be memorable for the lady Maroons.



"The best thing about our team is that we aren't afraid to work hard and have fun while doing it!" -Louise Knight

Meg Gorham plants her feet into the sand pit after a perfect take off from the scratch board.

Victor Miely awaits the starting gun in the "set" position eager to blow the competition away.

Row 1: A.Morgan, M.Tarawallie, E.Davis, N.Gipson, L.Bennett, A.Curtis, M.Gorham, P.Jones, C.Villegas. Row 2: N.Jassim, A.Bucey, H.Nelson, M.Brewer, M.M1IIs, S.Hagens, A.Mclemore, A.Hobbs. Row 3: S.Pforr, Coach Martinez, Coach Varland, L.Knight, K.D'Amico, K.Frazier, K.Thorson, K.Russell, Coach Woods. Row 4: A.Engelbrecht- Wiggans, D.Lynch, S.Freeman, C.Ward, M.Schroll, M.Jones, L.Bartko, J.Freeman.

Row 1: Coach lies, J.Billin M.Fitton, C. Rhodes-Wilson, M.Mkwezalamba, J.Davis, M.Kesler, Q.Brown, D.Cain, Z.Fiscus, A.Chisholm, T.McGill, A.Bigham, M.Thies, Coach Sanders. Row 2: Coach Johnson, V.Miely, C.Kendaii-Dick, D.McMahon, A.Kendaii-Dick, M.Pulcini, S.Leturgey, J.Freeman, M.Maxey, P.Howard, E.Greenstein, R.AIIen-Davis, M.Brown, B.Kesler, Coach Stirrett. Row 3: D.Thies, C.Rohn, C.Brown, G.Tennant, N.Guido, J.KrUidenier, J.Leman, E.Brown, !.Winston, A.Eheart.

Eric Brown looks stong heading into the final curve.

Matt Fitton flies over those hurdles with ease for the win, helping the Maroons get some points for the team title.

Megan Brewer pushes it during her final lap of the race. Ingrid Thorson takes her anger out and pounds the sand pit.

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Sophomore Jordan Lee boots the ball down the field.


The Maroons pile on the Tigers in the exciting Central vs. Urbana game.

Freshman Eric Wilson carries the ball towards the endline.

he 2003 football team had a rebuilding season. The highlight of the season was a win against rival Urbana. The Maroons beat the Tigers 14 to 7 in the closing minutes of the game. The team 's powerful

offense started with sensational senior quarterback Matt Davis. Davis describes the season as having, "Ups and downs, heartbreaks and upsets, but overall, a wonderful experience!" The team's 26 seniors all contributed to the many touchdowns scored by Central. Captains Nick Gibson, Sam Howard, Rick Gregory, and Davis all played key roles in the success of the team. Although the team may not have won as many games as they would have liked, the players had a fun season. The future looks bright for next year's team, with 22 future seniors.

Central is set for the hike.

Varsity-Row 1: Jamie Freeman, Kyle Wikoff, Rick Gregory, T.J. Peper, David Graves, Andrew Dillavou, Blaine Harvey, Mike Martinte, Bryan White. Row 2: Dewayne Watson, Adam Harris, Jordan Lietz, Zach Fiscus, Brian Murphy, lain Millsap, Austin Curtis, Jordan Butts, Thaddeus Brown, Paul Ndekwe. Row 3: Antonio Bigham, Sam Howard, Antonto Carter, Justin Peacock, Ryan Allen-Davis, Phil Hardymen, Melvin Richmond, Jordan Svymbersky, Jason Yambert. Row 4: Paul Brown, Coach Poetzel, Coach Floyd , Coach Schnetder, Coach Hasenstab, Coach Davis, Coach Wade, Coach Skillings, Jeff Metzler. Row 5: Orton Buckingham, Matt Fitton, Ethan Schwalm, Chris Brown, Chris Rhodes-Wilson, Ntck Gibson, Nate Murdent, Jaes McDaniel, Collin Smith. Row 6: Mike Graves, Josh Alagna, Alex Acheson, Kevin Sitch, Mitch Holmer, Tom Matt, Ben Bloomer, Matt Davts.

Freshmen-Row 1: Terry Seets, Jarrett McDonald, Rajon Campbell, Sean Lawhead, Anthony Beckley, Luther Payne, Caleb Marmion. Row 2: Tyren Scott, Xavier Singleton, Kevin Finely, Brandon Webb, Lonnie Dorsett, Phillip Harris, James Katsinas. Row 3: Steven Davis, Aubry Greenberg, Corban Leman, Ryan Dunn, Chris Stanely, Marterio Chapple, Matthew Green. Row 4: Antonio Newbern, Herman Williams, Kevin Murphy, Layton Seeber, Ertc Wilson, Robert Smith. Row 5:Andrew Sharick, Timothy Chavez, Walter Johnson, Marcus Buchanan . Row 6: Coach Stump, Coach Sitch, Coach Hess.

Matt Davis prepares for the play!

Junior Varsity-Row 1: Eric Greenstien, Daniel Beaudoin, Dale Devries, Robert Abbott, Kyle Tobias, Kashif Lewis. Row 2: Matthew Kresca, Luke Mathews, Matthew Wampler, Steven Gray, Kenton Elmore, Shane Leturgey, Phillip Galaras. Row 3: Graham Ellis, Alexander Acheson, Michael Martinie, Lucas Brown, Deshaun Phillips, Ja'Leel Washington, Charles Young. Row 4: Colin Crawford, Tom Matt, Sam Freeland, Michael Brown, Jordan Lee, Javion Bibb. Row 5: Matt Hannan, Zach Flynn, Mitchell Holmer, Scott Changnon, John Morrissey. Row 6: Luke Spitz, Coach Skillings, Coach Poetzel, Wtlliam Schoell.

Deshaun Phillips dives through the Danville defense. Mitch Holmer jogs to block an opponent.

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Jeff Bohlmann makes a great save to prevent the ball from sliding in the goal.


Mohammed Savage makes a one touch pass to Jeff Yambert.

he 2003 boys' soccer season began with a bang. With a new season, a new coach, and new players, they had everything they needed for a great year. This held true when they finished their season with an 11 and 7

record. The highlights of the season were winning the Charleston Soccer Tournament, coming back from a 4-0 deficit to beat Bloomington, and tying Centennial1-1. Against the cross-town rival, David Su had a fantastic goal and Mitchell Kresca had a great save to keep them in the game with only ten seconds left. As l<resca put it, "Our tie against Centennial was a great team effort." With many strong players returning, Central boys' soccer is looking forward to an even better year in 2004.

"Despite the many challenges, Central was able to come up big in important games." - Coach Krows Mark Napier eyes the ball and tees up for a kick.

Jeff Yambert curves around the ball, getting ready to cross it into the box.

Mohammed Savage battles in a brutal foot race to gain control.

David Su chases down a ball in his own territory.

Thomas Hadler fights to win possession.

Varsity- Row 1: Jeff Bohlmann, Mark Napier, Charles Tabb, Cristobal Gonzalez, Aaron Vega, Jacob McGill, Mohammed Savage, Josh Stanner, David Su, Mitch Kresca. Row 2: Coach Goelitz, Maxwell Mkwezalamba, Evan Williamson, Sam Ham, Max Ramirez, Rod Musurana, Jeff Yambert, Tucker Springfield, Allen Kendall-Dick, Coach Krows. Row 3: Azeez Yusuf, Thomas Shroeder, Stuart Carlson, Liam Slesinsk1, Matt Cech.

The Central boys try to look cool for the picture! Looking good fellas, keep it up!

Junior Varsity- Row 1: Coach Goelitz, Matt Rodriguez, Ben Bolting house, Jason Manuel, Michael Scheitlin, Neil Cech, Nicolas Perez-Jandrich, Asa Hurd. Row 2: Matt Sullan, AleJandro Salgado, Kirk McMurray, Taylor Clark, Dylan Anderson, Corey Kendall-Dick. Row 3: Peter Su, Mark Napier, Carlos Gonzalez, Ross Moore, Mike Brackett, Thomas Hadler.

Peter Su aims to hit a line drive into the goal.

Aaron Vega shoots for the upper 90.

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Lindsey Hallett puts all her power into her swing.

Danielle Wleklinski, Becca Nizzi, and Ashley Buerkett have fun on the bus.

Maggie Fesenmaier takes a nice low swing.

he girls on the '03 tennis team were very proud of what they accomplished during the season. It all starts with the coaches. Coach Day and Coach Lukeman had a lot to do with the success of this team. The girls think that their coaches were sensational. The team was led by nine seniors this year, and the most successful of them was Natalie Tabb. Tabb led herself to many victories and continued on to State. Throughout the season, there were many friendships made, and all the girls agreed that the bus rides were the best. "The bus rides will always be unforgettable," said senior Becca Nizzi. Together, the team dominated several opponents and went through many ups and downs. They ended up with a result of 6th in Big


Conference. Their season was filled with fun, which was

one of the Lady Maroons' goals this year.

Becca Nizzi watches the ball as she takes a fabulous swing. Kim Aikman stands ready for the opponent's serve.

"Am I good at tennis? That's a great question. Yes, I am very good at tennis." -Katie Crawford

State qualifier Natalie Tabb gets ready to return a tough ball to the other side.

Coach Day gives words of advice to Laura Frederick.

Carly Hermsdorf gracefully takes a swing at the ball.

"We had a fabulous season, and I truly love the people on our team." -Danielle Wleklinski

Caitlin Halle carries the tennis balls like a pro.

Habiba Kahn shows some of her true team spirit.

Lindsey Hallett eyes the opponent.

Row 1: Sulee Cao, Lyda Bielak, India Mullady, Lindsey Hallett, Amy Foltz, Kathryn Millsap, Shira Stolarsky. Row 2: Caitlin Halle, Laura Frederick, Leslie Willis, Amanda Mangian, Ashley Buerkett, Danielle Wleklinski, Natalie Tabb, Rebecca Nizzi. Row 3: Coach Day, Coach Lukeman, Kim Aikman, Carly Hermsdorf, Kat1e Lenover, Maggie Fesenmaier, Katie Crawford.

Coach Lukeman gives a few tips for victory.

The team gathers around to dicuss its winning strategy.

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Michael Kesler dashes his way through The Lady Maroons wait in anticipation for the race to the race. begin.

wo words come to mind when thinking of the girls' cross country team: unity and leadership. The team drew its inspiration from seniors Carrie Peters, Kalie Trueper, Nadia Jassim, Holly Nelson, Leslie Muhr, Phoebe Mbuvi, Emily Fotzler, and Robin Thomas, who led the team to a victory in the Twin City Meet. They also came in 6th in the Big 12, 4th at Regionals, and advanced on to Sectionals. Next year holds great expectations with a young, talented group. After losing five seniors from the 'o2 season, the boys' cross country team was looking for more fresh talent this year. This young team surprised many by coming through and winning the Charleston Invite, the first meet of the season. The boys went on to get 2nd place at Regionals and beat Centennial for a sth place finish at Sectionals. This qualified the team to advance to State, which had not been accomplished since 1991. With this spectacularly talented team on the rise, the '04 season should be an exciting one.

Two in, one out, two in, one out for Andrew Chisholm.

Michael Maxey feels the burn as he turns the corner.

Holly Nelson and Carrie Peters pace themselves through the home stretch.

Emily Fotzler pumps her arms towards victory.

Andrew Chisholm and Tyler McGill gallop their way to the finish line.

Row 1: Thomas Broadrick, Mario Pulcini, Matthew Feickert, Andrew Chisholm, Graham Tennant, Erik Antrim. Row 2: Michael Maxey, Michael Kesler, Perri Howard, Coach lies, Michael Thies, Jordan Billingsley, Richard Merriweather.

Row 1: Robin Thomas, Carrie Peters, Allison Mclemore, Maggie Mills, Holly Nelson. Row 2: Leslie Muhr, Phoebe Mbuvi, Kalie Trueper, Nadia Jassim, Allison Lindemann. Row 3: Heather Fears, Gloria Threlkeld, Coach Butler, Hillary Fears, Emily Fotzler, Amy Engelbrecht-Wiggins, Eseza Nagasaga.

Jordan Billingsley vigorously finishes the race.

"We are a very close knit team, and all the girls are like wonderful sisters to me." -Maggie Mills

Perri Howard really strides it out.

Coach lies has a personal helper coming from his clipboard. Kalie Trueper closes her eyes and focuses on the race.

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Shannon Hunt sets the ball as teammates eye it carefully.

Hayley Rohn sets the ball to a teammate.

opportunities at some of the top universities in the country. Some juniors really stepped up to help the Maroons to another successful season. For the second year in a row, the team was one of the best in the Big


Conference. Though it was a lot of

hard work, the girls agreed they had a lot of fun. With only six seniors graduating, the Maroons are sure to have another great season.

"This season definitely was one of the best! Everyone had a good time from beginning to the end. I'll miss my teammates next year." -Alexis Morgan

Sophomore Colleen Harden eyes the ball as she gets ready to bump it back over the net to her opponent.

After getting some serious air to send the ball right back to the other side, Kristina Russell meets with the net.

Varsity-Row 1: Mattie Armstrong, Cathy Feller, Cammelle Ward , Alexis Morgan, Alex Ratcliff, Louise Knight, Megan Brewer, Nikki Cascone . Row 2: Coach Marassa, Danielle Spice , Sarah Aquino, Christine Fleener, Kim D'Amico, Maggie Henss, Denessa Hall, Shannon Hunt, Danielle Zoll, Coach Detering .

Freshmen-Row 1: Kirsten Brown, Brittany Hiner, Brianna Bugbee, Andrea Carmichael, Sophie Goodnight Koster, Marci Warren, Lauren Svymbersky. Row 2: Coach Marassa, Kailee Duvall, Andrea Schreiber, Janelle Yambert, Sarah Rames, Krissy D'Urso, Kendall Hermsdorf, Jessica Roesch .

Kim Kyrouac in the first steps of her awesome serve.

Junior Varsity-Row 1: Courtney Bishop, Katrina Thorson, Christy Burge, Jorday Lee, Kristina Russell, Abby Lange. Row 2: Coach Marassa, Mallory McMahon, Hayley Rohn, Kaylan Wonser, Colleen Harden, Kim Kyrouac, Amanda Valbert, Coach Detering.

Jorday Lee spikes the ball with ease.

Christy Burge has interesting ball handling techniques.

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Christina Palmer carefully studies the green as she gets ready to take her next shot.

Cameron Strang lines up his putter and is ready to sink the putt.

he boys' golf team of 2003 had one of its best seasons yet. The team consisted of five seniors this year, all of whom continued on to State. Coach Tennant and Coach Phillips led the team to a 6-6 record. Overall, the boys ended up 3rd in the Big 12 Conference. The team made it to the State Finals this year, where they all played great games for 12th place finish. The team did a fantastic job this year, and we can only hope they keep it up for many years ahead in Central golf. The girls' golf team also had a great season. Although the team was small, it was not to be underestimated. The team was led this year by senior Samantha Parkhill. Their season had some ups and downs, but the team earned a record of 4-9 and 1-5 in Conference. With the talent that they had, the girls placed 6th in the Big 12. Samantha Parkhill continued on to State and tied for 35th place, which is outstanding. Overall, the team did their best and had a season full of fun, friendships, and of course, golf.


Ryan Dillon sets down his ball and prepares for a shot.

"This year I really felt the ball explode off of my club face." -Alex Dye photo courtesy of The C-U News:-Gaz••tt•

Samantha Parkhill takes a great chip.

Lana Holm looks at the hole to line up her shot.

Senior boys John, Ryan, Ryne, Alex, and Elliott pose for a picture at State.

Jessie Bush takes a shot from the rough.

Senior Alex Dye strolls through the course.

John Herre! is ready to putt!

Coach Tennant and his son Ryne share words about the game.

Catherine Calcagno has great form.

"Our team this Row 1: James Zech, Kyle Moe, Max McGill, Dan Wavering, Nathaniel Lyons. Row 2: Brian Cox, Cameron Strang, Tommy Deschler, Tom Parkhill, Jarett Crump, Andrew Cox. Row 3: Coach Tennant, John Herrel, Clayton Parkhill, Ryan Dillon, Ryne Tennant, Elliott McGill, Alex Dye, Coach Phillips.

year was alot of fun and we were all really close and supported each other very well." -Jessie Bush The team poses together while at the state course.

Row 1: Catherine Calcagno, Lana Holm, Lanna Bartko. Row 2: Samantha Parkhill, Christina Palmer, Coach Becker, Jamie D'Urso, Jessie Bush .

Clayton Parkhill looks for the green. There goes another wonderful putt by Christina Palmer.

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Rebecca Muhr gives a final pull toward the wall.


Carolyn Ratcliffe jumps off the starting block and plunges into the water during the starting portion of warm-ups.

he Central girls' swimming and diving team had an exceptional season. The Maroons had many great swimmers returning and also gained several experienced freshmen to create a strong team. The girls

finished the season with a nine-win record. Two highlights of the season were beating Urbana by one point and getting second place at the Twin City meet against Centennial and Urbana. Individual wins at the Twin City Meet included Ali Hobbs winning backstroke and freestyle, and Becky Baird getting third place in breaststroke. The Maroons are losing eight seniors this year but will still have many talented swimmers returning. When junior Bethany Sullivan was asked about how she thinks they will do next year, she replied, "I've got this feeling."

"We're not undefeated. You have to lose some to win some." -Amanda Ehmann Liz Chapman spreads her wings as she swims butterfly against Uni.

MaryBess Jones surfaces for a quick breath in a meet against Normal.

Julie Deschler, a strong senior, cuts through the water swimming backstroke.

Coach Will Barker swings his stopwatch, watching the Maroons race.

Chelsie Hopkins leaps in midair as she performs a pike one and a half.

Row 1: Jenny Fitton, Elly Rad1, Kelsey Tappendorf, Maureen Henry, Kan Schantz. Row 2: Ali Hobbs, Kathy Holding, Laura Henneman, Becky Baird, Liz Chapman. Row 3: Coach Barker, Bethany Sullivan, Tori Tappendorf, Becca Muhr, Samantha Smith, Chelsie Hopkins, Natalia Pagliuca, Coach Hopkins. Row 4: Margo Smith, Amanda Ehmann, Leslie Morrison, Mary Bess Jones, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Jessica Dangles, Julie Deschler, Rachel Moore.

Jenny Fitton glides through the water during her breaststroke kick.

Kelsey Tappendorf, Bethany Su llivan, and Rebecca Muhr all pose for a picture in between races.

Kathy Holding slices through the water, trying to beat her time. Jessica Dangles jumps high off the board to gain momentum for her double.

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Coach Davis gives a short motivational speech at the time out.

Andrew Chisholm shakes another defender as he charges towards the hoop.

Seniors Alex Dye, Justin Peacock, Jason Yambert, Mike Oliphant, and Matt Davis paved the way to success for the team during the season. Coach Davis worked his team hard, and their hard work and perseverance showed in the team's most challenging games. The boys had a blast during the season and cannot wait for the talent and success of next year. The team looks to have a promising future ahead of them, since this year's team included


juniors and sophomores.

Stewart Williams is a bailer!

Tim Summers cannot be stopped with his dribbling skills.

Mitch Holmer goes up strong.

Zack Flynn gives a nice fake.

Varsity-Row 1: Matthew Davis, Justin Peacock, Michael Oliphant, Alex Dye, Antonio Holt, Alando Holt, Patrick Donovan. Row 2: Coach Floyd, Coach Davis, Coach Donovan, P.J. Keaton, Spencer Johnson, Damien Henderson, Jason Yambert, Christopher Brown, Jordan Lee.

Freshmen-Row 1: Rash ad Williams, Steven Davis, Eric Wilson, Cameron Strang, Aubry Greenberg, Brandon Webb. Row 2: Derek Leemon, Gabriel Manning, Nicholas Phillips, Coach Hess, Chainze Tucker, Corey Leman, James Katsmas. Row 3: Layton Seeber, Marcus Buchanan, Simeon Pavlov, Walter Johnson.

Jordan Lee was the last thing this camera saw!

Alex Dye passes with authority.

Junior Varsity-Row 1: Mitchell Holmer, Michael Hill, Zack Flynn, Andrew Chisholm, Timothy Summers, Stewart Williams. Row 2: Scott Changnon, Alex Acheson, Coach Jacob, Coach Woods, Coach Wade, Ja'Leel Washington, Walter Young. Row 3: Andrew Sharick, Jordan Billingsley, Liam Slesinski.

Antonio Holt crossesover as he takes the ball down the court. Max Maroon is ready to tear apart our opponent!

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The team poses for an impromptu photo shoot before their game against Normal Community.

Abby Lamanske spots up to shoot a three.

program. He seemed to make a difference when the team began the season by winning the Chatham-Glenwood Turkey Tournament. The team went on to beat Centennial for the first time in 12 years and broke the rival's home winning streak of 29 home wins. The Maroons started the season off with an undefeated record of 12 wins, which broke the record of total wins at the end of the season last year. The Central Maroons will lose six valuable seniors, but there are many strong players returning that will lead the team to victory.

"Even though in the past our record hasn't been that good, this year we have a whole new attitude and we can't be touched." - Kimera Seward-Coburn The Maroons discuss team defense in the huddle during a time out.

Rachel Curtis, Raudia Sallee, and Allie Lindemann struggle against Normal to gain possession.

Varsity-Row 1- Raudia Sallee, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Shemika Spencer, Kimera Seward-Coburn, Kim Young, Laura Lindemann . Row 2: Jenell Hendrix, Allie Lindemann, Bethany Sullivan, Coach Lindemann, Eunice Gill, Meghan Martindale, Rachel Curtis, Jill Grider.

Meghan Martindale looks high above her opponent to make a pass to the post.

Junior Varsity-Row 1: Kim Kyrouac, Jackie Ford, Liz Bazar, Jasmine Catchings, Janelle Yambert, Abby Lamanske. Row 2: Julene Miller, Jorday Lee, Cammelle Ward, Coach Stillman, Kristina Russell, Haley Rohn, Prenisha Jackson.

Bethany Sullivan sprints fast after a loose ball. Freshmen-Row 1: Charity Davis. Row 2: Catherine Calcagno, Claire Kirby, Kristine D'Urso, Emily Hagens, Oleshia Lee, Lauren Svymbersky. Row 3: Brittany Dent, Elizabeth Ceperley, Kelsey Tappendorf, Hope Elam, Andrea Carmichael, Brianna Bugbee, Brooke McMahon, Coach Battle.

Julene Miller concentrates hard on a free throw after being fouled.

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Ross Vimr demonstrates his perfect form in the freestyle .


Nick Scarpetta glides thro the water doing the backstroke.

he boys' swimming and diving team had a fantastic season . The Maroons took home first place at the Bloomington Invitational, Charger Invitation, Waubonsie Pentathalon, and Twin City Championship. Also, the swimmers broke multiple pool and meet records across the area. The Maroons ended the season with more success and won the Big 12 Conference and Sectional Meets as well as qualifying many swimmers for the State Finals. At State, Ross Vimr placed 8th in the soo yard freestyle, Ross Moore placed 4th in the IM, and Tyler McGill became the State Champion in the 200 yard freestyle. In addition, the Maroons placed 12th in the Medly relay and 9th in the 400 yard relay. Sophomores McGill and Moore set the pace for quick times, but the team's overall strength came from the combination of talent and strong senior leadership. Next year, new leaders and great talent set the team up for another incredible season.

" Swimming is my life!" Tyler McGill

Elliott McGill lunges forward in his breaststroke race.

Aaron Robinson takes a breath on route to a great finish.

Franklin To has an amazing arm span in his butterfly.

Jeff Yambert awaits the results of his race in hope of a stellar time.

Row: 1 Ross Moore, Nick Lore, Nicholas Perez, Jonathan Vimr, Trevor Gladney, Daniel Beaudoin. Row 2: Tyler McGill, Victor Miely, Tucker Strang, Camden Seiler, Jeff Yambert, Nicholas Sougiannis. Row 3: Coach Hopkins, Franklin To, Elliott McGill, Ross V1mr, John Herrel, Nick Scarpetta, Aaron Robinson, Coach Barker.

Daniel Beaudoin springs off the board.

Jonathan Vimr demonstrates his fantastic freestyle stroke skills.

Coach Hopkins carefully controls the computer.

Cam Seiler propels himself off the block.

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Senior Rick Gregory plans out his next move.


These Central Maroons wait in anticipation for their matches to begin.

he Central wrestlers fought harder than ever this season. With five seniors, Rick Gregory, Nick Gibson, Greg Durant, Andy Hackley, and Robbie Vignola, the team was extremely successful and had terrific senior

leadership. One highlight of the season was when the Junior Varsity came in first place in the Hoopeston Tournament, which had not been done in over a decade of Central history. Varsity also kicked off the year with a second place finish in the challenging Chatham Tournament. With State qualifier Mario Pulcini and many other talented underclassmen, the 04-05 season should be one to watch.

Steven Gray goes in for the pin. Andy Hackley shows true strength while resisting a pin.

It looks like these boys got themselves in a tangle.

This Maroon is ready to rumble.

"We worked very hard this year with the help of some great leadership. Next year holds great expectations." - Nick Gibson

Rick Gregory is clearly dominating this match!

Row 1-Coach Mike, Perri Howard, Marcos Gonzalez, Beau Tyler, Kirk McMurray, Cristobal Gonzales, Jamie Freeman, Smooth Rivers, Caleb Marmion, Andrew Dillavou, Phillip Martin, Dontiel Allison, Kenny Jahne . Row 2: Eric Greenstein, Phil Galaras, Ben Boltinghouse, Mario Pulcini, Matt Feickert, Rod Musuruana, Shane Leturgey, Adam Harris, Sidney Sheehan. Row 3 : Coach Dillingham, Erik Antrim, Rob Vignola, Aaron Jones, Andy Hackley, Mike Morrissey, Nick Gibson, Greg Durant, Joel D'Urso. Row 4: Coach Scott, Chris Stanley, Kyle Tobias, Mike Vignola, Steven Gray, R1ck Gregory, Matt Kresca, Mitch Kresca, Mark Zedrick, Steven Tillman .

Coach Scott cheers on the Maroons for another win.

Robbie Vignola gets down and ready for action.

Hey guys, what's going on down there?

These guys really know how to use their heads.

Steven Gray shows good sortsmanship to his opponent. It takes two to tango.

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The girls have time for a quick pose on a bitterly cold night!


The J.V. squad enthusiastically cheers on the football team.

he Central cheerleaders had another outstanding season this year! With many new faces and fresh talent, the team clicked immediately, which was evident in their motivating performances. Seniors l<atie Sholem,

Heather Caldwell, l<ara Bowen, Sarah Hagle, Martha Funston, and Erik Higgins led the team through an exciting routine at Regionals. Although the team did not advance on to Nationals, they all agree that the experience was a blast. Bowen's advice to all cheerleaders trying out next year is: "With dedication, practice, and hard work, one can accomplish anything and everything!" Great advice, l<ara! The team is looking forward to next year's season, which is sure to be a good one!

The girls are having a great time at cheer camp.

The Central cheerleaders cannot stop smiling before the big football game.

Emily Shuler cheers for Central with perfect poise.

Sarah Hagle shouts out her Central pride.

After some fundraising, the team breaks for a picture.

Varsity-Row 1: Kara Bowen, Sarah Hagle, Heather Caldwell, Katie Sholem, Martha Funston. Row 2: Elizabeth Clegg, Ally Wampler, Emily Shuler, Kristina Vasnaik, Rebecca Egan. Row 3: Emily Hen1gman, Ashley Morgan, Chantalle Voyles, Sarah Pforr, Coach Amy Jackson, Arriel Phillips, Jamie D'Urso. Row 4: Erik Higgins.

Junior Varsity-Row 1: Jodi Ray, Alexis Paschal, India Mullady, Taylor Ellis, Hilary Phillips. Row 2: Ashley Miskimins, Sondra Michael, Abby McCray, Danna Lynch, Alexandra Forrest, Heather Williams, Casey Evans. Row 3: Coach Candie.

Becky Egan lights up the night sky!

The girls cheer on Central's football team and fans at the Memorial Stadium game.

Kristina Vasnaik is in perfect step! Jamie D'Urso does a perfect stunt.

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The Pepettes stand ready to stun the crowd with their smooth moves.


Look at these girls gettin' jiggy with it!

he Champaign Central Pepettes had a fantastic season. This year they focused on hard work and rhythm. Whitney Keaton, the only returning

senior, led the team through rigorous and demanding routines. The dancers spiced up their half time performances by kicking up the old school music and turning up the bass! Keaton described the team as, "An enthusiastic bunch of lovely ladies, with charisma in each and every step that we danced!" They had the fans groovin' to the beat. With six girls returning as seniors next year, the Pepettes are sure to have another hip hoppin' season!

These Pepettes shake it like a Polaroid picture!

Put your hands in the air like you just don't care!

Arielle Gross shows off her crazy cool moves.

Whitney Keaton shines a smile while waiting for the beats to begin.

I put my hand up on your hip ...

The Pepettes perform at Homecoming halftime.

Samantha Gardner is ready to get this party started.

"The past two years have been great experiences, but I'm looking forward to next season ." -Kim Pryor These females bust out their moves to really heat up Combes Gym.

Row 1: Samantha Gardner, Wynita Mock, Eboni Davis, Ernyka Blanson, Kortney Fox. Row 2: Karen Tsui, Arielle Gross, Kimberly Pryor, Whitney Keaton, Jakaeya Biggers, Tasheba Jones, Jilmala Rogers, Paige Stewart, Brittney Webb.

The girls really know how to pump it up. The Central Pepettes steam up halftime.

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Central athletes were asked what words of wisdom they live by during the game. "We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act but a habit." -Ms. Martinez (Aristotle)

"Some people think hard work is enough. I don't." -Jill Grider

':Just try, because you have nothing to lose." -Aaron Vega

':Just do it." -Ross Vimr •••••••••

17 4 un • stoppable

"Second is just first place in a long line of losers." -Nick Gibson

':Just because you lost does not mean that you got beat." -Alexis Morgan

"Victory is the sweet reward that comes with hard work and passion." -Kyle Moe

"Teamwork is the heart and soul behind success." -Justin Peacock

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un divided adj.- not separated or broken, united; Central's clubs

the unebelievabl

yearbo ok STAFF

the STAFF ... Adviser: Ms. Heather Tanner Editors in Chief: Carrie Peters, Aaron Robinson, & Katie Sholem Section Editors: Mattie Armstrong, Natalie Dixon, Sarah Hagens, Sean JudY, Allison McLemore, Leslie Muhr, Holly Nelson, & Jenna Suttle Staff Members: Sarah Aquino, Scott Changnon, Katie Goad, Colleen Harden, Mitch Holmer, Kristi Kaplan, Meghan Martindale, Maggie Mills, Rebecca Nizzi, Carolyn Ratcliffe, & Madelin Woods

Mitch Holmer, are you sleeping in yearbook?!

•••••••• 178 un • divided

Sara Aquino and Katie Goad look at old yearbooks for ideas .

These junior yearbookers in Tinkerbell shirts!

Scott Chagnon and Jenna Suttle take advantage of working computers.

seniors are screaming with fear because they don't know what they are going to do next year

Natalie Dixon is an expert at taking pictures.

Carolyn Ratcliffe is a little too excited that the computers are working .

Maggie Mills and Madelin Woods make posters reminding seniors to bring baby pictures.

Mattie Armstrong works on her page.

Carrie Peters and Katie Sholem work at Yearbook Camp .

Ms . Tanner gives a cropping lesson to Meghan and Natalie .

Holly Nelson works diligently on the album section . Kristi Kaplan puts the layout on a "roughing it" sheet.

Scott Chagnon tries to escape his deadline by going out the window!

••••••••• clubs 179

Ms. Johnson tries to push Ross Vimr out of her photo with Kevin Sitch and Tim Carey.

Katie DuBois focuses on her article.


Elliott McGill makes a final correction to his page before printing.

Lisa Mazzocco concentrates on reading some copy.

Sometimes these guys have a little spare time ...

Julie Deschler takes charge and edits the copy.

Jason Grodsky reads over his work .

••••••••• 180 un•divided

Jon Reimer guards Ross Vimr's final copy.

Becky Baird is happy to be on Chronicle.

the unedeniable Chronicle

Row 1: Sarah Smith, Ben Halle, Jeff Metzler, Matt Kresca, Robin Thomas. Row 2: Sidney Sheehan, Elsa Enstrom, Jesstca Bales, Katie DuBois, Kim Kyrouac. Row 3: Zach Medlyn, Jason Grodsky, Lisa Mazzocco, Julie Deschler Susan Delgado, Jon Reimer. Row 4: Brian Anderson, Andy Hackley, Kevin Sitch, Elliott McGill, Ross Vimr, Ben Bloomer, Tim Carey.

Edttor-in-Chief Tim Carey directs his staff with authority.

Robin Thomas, Julie Deschler, and Kim Kyrouac take a final look at some pages.

• •••••••• clubs 181

French Honor Society Row 1: Emily Fotzler, Paige Jones, Holly Nelson, Hanna Ahn. Row 2: Hilary Phillips, Lachan Band, Kr;st;ne Johnston, Megan Brewer, Emily Abbott. Row 3: Muhammed Savage, Tiffany Williams, Lauren Craig, Kim Voelker, Maggte Henss.

German Honor Society Row 1: Maggie Fesenmaier, Nick Gordon, Adam Harris. Row 2: Erin Cain, Sulee Cao, Amy Nichols, Anna Peters, Frau Doktor Malloy. Row 3: Ben Lowry, Habiba Khan, Millie Wright, Thomas Gnscom, Tim Bass. Row 4: Alex Berg-Jacobson, Pat Brown, Austtn Bennett, Michael Stevens, Ryan Boyd.

Spanish Honor Society Row 1: Raquel Roney, Kristi Kaplan, Jenna Suttle, Leslie Morrison, Elizabeth Rowland, Mtchelle Frazer, McKenna Kelly, Mary Blazier, Quynh Nguyen. Row 2: Roxana Almaraz, Courtney Ice, Maggie Mills, Margaret Kane, Karen Tsui, Marella McMurray, Kerry Doyle, Noelle Gipson, Dana Ray. Row 3: Nikita Knight-Woods, Adriana Camacho, Nora Prior, Miranda Bugbee, Julte Deschler, Bethany Sullivan, Christine Fleener, Jessica Dangles, Martha Funston, Allison McLemore, Sarah Wallace. Row 4: Nidia Gaona, Alejandra Saltnas, Aaron Ronbmson, Jacob Stimmel, Victor Miely, Franklin To, Leslie Muhr, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Madel in Woods, Meghan Martindale, Kathryn Pace .

••••••••• 182 un•divided

French Club Row 1: Merry Thomas, Tiffany Williams, Kristine Johnston, Holly Nelson, Paige Jones, Emtly Fotzler, Madame Black, Hanna Ahn, Emily Abbott, Apri l Cleveland, Jenna Suttle, Alyssa Durant, Mabinty Tarawallie, Hilary Phillips. Row 2: Laura Pennington, Megan Brewer, Amelia Kntght, Kari Goad, Laura Frederick, Shira Stolarsky, Ali Penwell, Allie deBiouwe, Katie Goad, Sidney Sheehan , Marnita Harris, Layla Chapman, Artana Brodsky, Sam Mowry. Row 3: Lachan Band, Elizabeth Ceperley, Kim Voelker, Kelly Li, Husna Abdul Azeez, Manlyn Vang, Ashley Morgan, Usa Mazzocco, Liz Chapman, Amy Bucey, Nicole Bowman, Leslie Willis, Sara Chapman . Row 4: Teresa Tufte, Emily Hagens, Ian Lesueur, Colleen Harden, Carla Villegas, Chelsie Hopkins, Natalia Pagliuca, Alyssa Dav tson, Tia Neither, Eric Sonberg, Kim Aikman , Carly Hermsdorf, Greg Durant, Lauren Cra ig, Robtn Lee.

German Club Row 1: Richard Griscom, Kyrsten Brown, Sulee Cao, Millie Wright, Dan Gonshorek, Ariana Brodsky, Erin Catn, Frau Doktor Malloy. Row 2: Amy Nichols, Habiba Khan, Maggie Fesenmaier, Michael Stevens, Amy Foltz, Anna Peters, Ben Lowry, Adam Harris. Row 3: Andrea Carmichael, Alex Berg-Jacobson, Pat Brown, Megan Scott, Matt Feickert, Nick Gordon, Austin Bennett, Tim Bass, lain Millsap.

Spanish Club: Jr-Sr Row 1: Nidia Gaona, Milina Markman, Carla Villegas, Kristi Kaplan, Ali Martin, McKenna Kelly, Mary Blazier, Roxana Almaraz. Row 2: Courtney Ice, Jesstca Dangles, Sarah Wallace, Allison Mclemore, Elizabeth Rowland, Kaneu Rose, Jenna Suttle, Kristina Vasnaik, Maggie Mills, Dana Ray. Row 3: Nora Prior, Miranda Bugbee, Betsy Metzler, Lynnsey Fisher, Leslie Muhr Sarah Hagens, Allyson Magno, Cynthta Camacho, Senora van Es . Row 4: Katie Fredericks, Madeltn Woods Carlos Gonzales, Philip Fiscella, David Joy, Jake Roth , Geovanny Vega, Miguel Gaona.

• •••••••• c lubs 183

Spanish Club: Fr-So Row 1: Dekontee Banter, Michelle Adeoye, Heather W il liams Sarah Pforr, Sidney Sheehan, Alexis Paschal Gianna Gross Lauren Svymbersky, Katherine Wallace. Row 2. Sophia Castro, Jorge Guerrero, Dani Stubbins, Caitlyn Mooney, Khayri Patterson, India Mu I lady, Jessica Yoo . Row 3: Alejandro Alvarez, Marcos Gonzales, AleJandra Sal1nas, Denise Outlaw, Brooke McMahon, Emma Henigman, Knstin Segovich, Ruben Sanchez. Row 4: Eva Ku, Marco Camacho, Kate Harms, Peter Su, Reed Boskey, Jakaeya Biggers, Rachel Faught.

Row 1. Hilary Phillips, Pat Brown, Marina Kalinichev, Hanna Ahn, McKenna Kelly, Kim Voelker, Karen Tsu1, Knstina Vasna1k, Andy Hackley, Namho Kim. Row 2.: Sulee Cao, Krist1 Kaplan, Chnst1ne Fleener, Kelsey Grodsky, Jenna Suttle, Lesl1e Morrison, Mary Blaz1er, Elizabeth Hood, Lisa Cameron, Noelle Gipson, Magg1e Mills, Tiffany Williams. Row 3: Margaret Kane, Natalie Dixon, Julie Deschler, Elizabeth Rowland, Sarah Wallace, Cathy Feller, Michelle Frazer, Michael Oliphant, Nick Scarpetta, Marella McMurray. Row 4: Matt1e Armstrong, Natalie Tabb, N1k1ta Kmght·Woods, Courtney Ice, Holly Nelson, Zach F1scus, Jenn1fer Yoo, Adam Hams, Dantelle Sp1ce, Kathryn Pace, Sarah Hagens, All1son Mclemore, Ross Vimr, Jon Re1mer. Row s: Mana Lobk1s, Nick Clegg, David Su , Samantha Parkhill, Steve Wisegarver, Leslie Muhr, Elliott McGill, Jason Manuel, Em1ly Fotzler, Natalie Pagliuca, Emily Abbott, Martha Funston, Bethany Sullivan, Meg han Martindale, M1randa Bugbee, Carrie Peters . Row 6: Nathan Brown, Kat1e Buck, early Hermsdorf, Aaron Robinson, Kevm S1tch, V1ctor M1ely, Alex Berg-Jacobson, Nick Donaldson, Jacob St mmel, Phoebe Mbuvi, Maggie Henss, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Anna Peters, Madelin Woods, Katie Fredericks, N1dia Gaona, Austin Kimble, Paige Jones.

Quill & Scroll Row 1 Sean Judy, Zachary Medlyn, Courtney Ice, Elsa Enstrom, Aaron Robinson. Row 2.: Elliott McGill, Jenna Suttle, Allison Mclemore, Sarah Hagens, Holly Nelson, Katie DuBois. Row 3. Carrie Peters, Leslie Muhr, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Jon Reimer, Julie Deschler, Mattie Armstrong. Row 4: Sarah Smth, Bnan Anderson, Andy Hackley, Kevin S1tch, Ross Vimr, Tim Carrey, Ben Bloomer. Not Pictured: Nata 1e Dixon

••••••••• 184 un•divided

Math Team Row 1: Milina Markman, Jee-Min Jeong, Jenn ifer Yoo. Natalie Tabb, Leslie Morrison, Holly Nelson, Christine Kim. Row 2: Yanfen Li, Yun-Hui Lin , Courtney Ice, Jessica Yoo, Peter Jung, Kevin Da i. Row 3: Gina Li, Ivy He, Jenny Fitton, Liz Chapman, Kim Kyrouac, Emma Henigman, Namho Kim . Row 4: Megan Scott, Vicky Li, Anna Peters, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Lisa Mazzocco, Allen Kendall-Dick, Nick Donaldson, Jason Manuel.

Science Club Row 1: Raquel Roney, Cathy Feller, Matt ie Armstrong, Christine Fleener. Row 2: Sulee Cao, Marella McMurray, Maggie Mills, Sam Mowry, Sarah Hagens. Row 3: Emily Deters, Leslie Willis, Carrie Peters, Kalie Trueper, Rebecca Smith, Ross Vimr. Row 4: Mr. Plattner, Phoebe Mbuvi, Maggie Henss, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Leslie Muhr, Andy Hackley.

Science Olympiad Row 1: Justin Moon, Jacob Roth, Patrick Elifritz, Mrs. Prillaman, Kristi Kaplan, Abby Lange, Yanfen Li, Matt Picchietti. Row 2: Ben Campbell, Jordan Billingsley, Kyle Prillaman, Amy EngelbrechtWiggans, Phil Fiscella, Nick Donaldson, Todd Rocheford, Will Wetzel.

••••••••• clubs 185

Scholastic Bowl

Row 1: Carolyn Ratcliffe, Holly Nelson, Natalie Tabb Row 2: Nelson Winkler-Groschen, ian Winkler-Groschen. Not Pictured: Hanna Ahn, Allen Kendall-Dick.

Principal's Scholars

Row 1: Hope Elam, Charity Davis. Row 2: Kortney Fox, Lamar Freeman, Paige Jones, Sulee Cao . Row 3: Marcell McNutt, Antonio Bigham, Jakaeya Biggers.

Freshmen Academy Row 1: Sanitra Camp, Jarvis Robinson, Chris Stanley, Marie Kreeger, April Assmann, Sondra Michael, Eric Grumish. Row 2: Bobby Anderson, Donte il Anderson, Amanda Hunter, Britany Clark, Brandy Simmons, Dorian Winfrey, Sarah Stumpf, Rachael Higgins. Row 3: Erica Smith, Keyerra Robinson, Dylan Anderson, Jodi Ray, Maxwell McGill , Chr stopher Cole, Geoffrey McEntire, Kristine D'Urso, Jared Roberts. Row 4: William Washington, Grant Ehrhart, Marcus Buchanan, Timothy Chavez, Jakaeya Biggers, Vincent D'Urso, Mark Napier, Tucker Spnngfield, ian Williams, Sarah Rames .

••••••••• 186 un • divided

Sophomore Academy Row 1: Tiffany Square, Latonya Butler, Jamie D'Urso, Beau Tyler, Eumce Gill, Kera Tull. Row 2: Tyne1a Ba1ley, Dale Devnes, Kevin Mohrbacher, B.J . Yette, Monica Hall. Row 3: Seth Gelke, Jordan Lee, Spencer Johnson, Lance Frith, Isaac Mitchell, Jorday Lee.

Junior Academy Row 1: Mabinty Tarawallie, Lindsay Williams, Christina Palmer, Leslie Willis, Ashley Barkstall , Megan Ball. Row 2: Brittney Webb, Gregory Pollok, ian Winkler-Groschen, Kyle Brownmg, Krystle Vreeman, Joey Broadrick. Row 3: Sam Curry, Cam Seiler, Brandon Roberts, Mark Zedrick, Bryanna Graham.

Senior Academy Row 1: Jordan Strack, Kyle Wikoff, Richard Gregory, Robert Vignola, Angela Assmann, Shaylee Hebert. Row 2: Matt Cech, Shannon Hunt, Miranda Klimek, Amanda Pease, Jayme Francis . Row 3 lngnd Thorson, Davy Shannon, Brittani Akins, Andy Sims, Michael Dorries. Row 4: Bryan White Mike Williams, Terell McGee, Trina Sm1th, Sheena Brize, Mrs. Carter, Reg1na Butler, Shemika Spencer, Antoine Whitted, Joe Brownfiel d.

• •••••••• clubs 187

Creative Writing Club

Row1: Yanfen Li, Matthew Picchietti, Elsa Enstrom, Chris Pankey. Row 2: Brenna Kane, Amara Williams, Zachary Medlyn Sarah Thomas, Mrs. Salfelder.

Art Club

Vicky Li, Mr. Danielson, Kristin Segovich, Rachel Faught, ian Lesueur.

Future Teachers' Club Row 1: Ryan Hoffman, Lynnsey Fisher, Amy Bucey, Ca1tlyn Mooney. Row 2: Michelle Adeoye, Jennifer Tufte, Kinyetta Nance, Mrs. Sparks, Sam BazzeiiSmith, Michelle Frazer, Elizabeth Hood. Not Pictured: Brittani Aikins .

••••••••• 188 un • divided

Chess Club

Row 1: Nick Britsky, Keith Gonshorek, lliya Barenboim. Row 2: Coach Schultz, Kyle Carter, Bryan White, Isaiah Clayborn.

Row 1: Evan Landreth, Rob Vignola, Jeff Metzler, Heather Stocker, Corey Kendall-Dick, Sara Jones, William Kendall-Dick, Colin White, Jayme Francis, Sarah Thomas, Mr. Poetzel.

Spectrum Alliance Row 1: Franklin To, Caitlm Salmon, Tina Beasley. Row 2: Ms. Sly, Tiffani Crawford, Tim Chavez, Ariana Brodsky, Sara Jones.

• •••••••• c lubs 189

Student Council Row 1: Ali Hobbs, Kathy Holding, Angela Scope!, Heather Williams, Kat1e Goad, Lisa Mazzocco, M iranda Bugbee, Laura Fredenck, K1m Sarnecki . Row 2: Liz Wikoff, Danielle Sp1ce, Kortney Fox, Maura McDonald Courtney Ice, Sidney Sheehan, Katherine Wallace Amy Foltz, Elizabeth Ceperly, Al1 Penwell, Amanda Ehmann, Mr. M1nk . Row 3: Christy Burge, Kari Goad, Lexie Moore, India Mullady, Anna Peters, Laurie Nady, Natalia Pagliuca, Kim Kyrouac, Samantha Parkhill, Bethany Sullivan. Row 4: Katie Buck, Kimberly Young, lan LeSueur, Tia Neither, Dan1 Stubbins, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Leslie Muhr, Kelsey Bridges, Carly Hermsdorf, Rio Shigeta, Maggie Fesenmaier.

Students for a Better World

Row 1: Elisa Farinacci, Samantha Mowry, Mr. Nieman, Maria Lobkis, Lachan Band. Row 2: Stan WoJnar, Rachel Krein, Husna Abdul Azeez, Yanfen Li, Richard Wojnar. Row 3: Megan Scott, ian Wright.

Peer Mediation Row 1: Habiba Khan, Katie Woodson, Paige Jones, Noelle Gipson. Row 2: Kathy Holding, Lauren Kara, Cassie Dyszelsk1, Katie Fredericks, Kim Kyrouac, M1chelle Potenberg. Row 3: Bethany Sullivan, Frank1e G1ammaria, Chris Milka, Tiffany Johnson, Matt Picchietti, Sam Howard, Kyle Carter .

••••••••• 190 un• divided

Key Club Row 1: Nicole Bowman, Emily Fotzler, Marina Kalmichev, Ms. Topel, Sara Jones, Kate Doering , Yanfen Li. Row 2: G1anna Gross, Becca Cuppernell, Vicky Li, Ivy He. Row 3: Jessica Yoo, Donovan Roediger, Mike Dorries, Remy Tipei.

Mix It Up Row 1: Ruben Sanchez, Azeez Yusuf, Dani Stubbins, Lauren Kara, Abby Lange, Colleen Harden, Devin Richardson, Andrea Carm1chael. Row 2: Ton Tappendorf, Max Mkwezalamba, Lisa Mazzocco, Chelsie Hopkins, Courtney Bishop, Sidney Sheehan, Kirk McMurray, Alejandro Alvarez. Row 3: Carolyn Ratcliffe, Cammelle Ward, Bethany Sullivan, Chris Brown, Jennifer Yoo, Justin Peacock, Carlos Gonzalez, Ms. Grubar.

African-American Club Row 1: Noelle Gipson, Tiffany Will iams, Whitney Keaton, K1mera Seward-Coburn, Bryanna Graham, Katie Woodson, Paige Jones. Row 2. Sheanna Carter, Kristen Clark, Te'Asha Jones, Kierra Claiborne, Mrs. Johnson, Charity Dav1s, Michelle Frazer, LaQu1ta Winfrey, Katnce Hilson, Asia Williams, Victoria Martin. Row 3: Khristy McFerren, Ernyka Blanson, Erica Sm1th, Kortney Fox, Shamekka Donald, Erica Sibley, Samantha Gardner, Diomand Rodgers, Keisha Spiller, Brittany Barnhill, Laurie Nady. Row 4; Ashley Cotton, Jessica Hendrix, Jasmme Catchings, Tameka Carr, Kimberly Pryor, Tasheba Jones, Joy Catchings, Isaiah Clayborn, Brittney Webb, Julene Miller, Eunice Gill, Raudia Sallee, Prenisha Jackson, Tyneia Bailey, Briana Hicks. Row s: Kortinee M1ller, Christina Johnson, Sterlin Sibley, Kinyetta Nance, Tia Neither, Marcus Buchanan, Samuel Bazzeii-Smith, Cammelle Ward, Kyle Carter, Justin Peacock, Jakaeya Biggers, Wynita Mock, Bryan White, Eron Turner, Justin Hendnx, Javion Bibb .

••••••••• clubs 191

Drama Club Row 1: Steve Wisegarver, Rio Shigeta. Row 2: Sarah Lichtblau, Mary Blazier, Alysia Prosser April Cleveland, Rachel Moore, Emily Fotzler, Jenna Suttle. Row 3: Kortney Fox, Courtney Ice, Claire Will ams, India Mullady, Alyssa Durant, Gianna Gross, Yanfen Li. Row 4: Amy Wildman Sylb1 Koster, Robin Lee, Sheanna Carter, Heather Stocker, Nico Perez, Jarod Spohrer, Sam Mowry. Rows: Tim Spohrer, Ahbleza Hurd, Alex Berg-Jacobson , Jonathan Butler-Duplessis, Cam Seiler, Andrew Hicks, Sarah Thomas.


Row 1: Jonathan Butler-Duplessis, Cam Seiler, Alex Berg-Jacobson. Row 2: Jarod Spohrer, Emily Fotzler, Rio Shigeta, April Cleveland, Alyssa Durant, Jenna Suttle, Steve Wisegarver.

Advanced Women's Choir Row1: Courtney Ice, Samantha Gardner, Samantha Bosch, Caitlin Halle, Meg Gorham. Row 2: Hilary Phillips, Lauren Goodpaster. Eboni Davis, Sarah Kinsel, Shira Stolarsky. Row 3: Ashley Compton, Jenell Hendrix, Chantalle Voyles, Jocelyn Williams, Hillary Fears. Row 4: Ashley Gunnmg, Wynita Mock, Whitney Keaton, Lisa McMahon, Lauren Baglama, Lanna Bartko, Kanetha Taylor .

••••••••• 192 un•divided

Show Choir Row 1: Michelle Adeoye, Nikita Knight-Wood s, Karen Tsui, Stephame Bennett, Bethany Sullivan, Laura Henneman. Row 2.: Courtney Bishop, Spencer Murray, Jeff Yambert, Martha Funston, Betzy Metzler, Erin Mangian. Row 3: T.J. Peper, Rio Shigeta, Nic Guido, Steve Wisegarver, Dev i n Richardson . Row 4: Jarrel Young, N1ck Gibson, Jacob Maffit, Jonathan Butler-Duplessis, Jason Walker.

Bass Choir

Row 1: Mitch Green. Row 2.: Lamar Freeman , M1chael Wash. Row 3: Andrew Garc1a, Peter Su, James Jasper. Row 4: Joseph Turner, Eron Turner, Mike Morrissey, Mike Zeigler.

Treble Choir Row 1: Passion Bailey, Casey Evans, Laura Lindemann, Charity Davis, Shante Ivy, Denee Thomas, Rachael Higgins, Heather Fears, Cierra Horn. Row 2.: Elizabeth Shobe, Amara Williams, Cla1re Williams, Obriena Hope, Kashira Pettigrew, Taylor Ellis, Ashley Barkstall, India Mullady, Amy Foltz, Tommie Nagle, Angela Assmann . Row 3: Araceli Arellaw, Amber Bishop, Pairence Tarrae, Leah Fluke, Arielle Gross, Amber Lewis, Keyerra Robison Shatoni Brown, Abby McCray, Laurie Nady. Row 4: Katie Manuel, Blake Bernard, Sheanna Carter, Jakaeya Biggers, Hope Elam, Ashley Brown, D'Shaka Martin, Siedan Smith, Kinyetta ance Savannah Ellis.

••••••••• c lub s 193

Absolute Harmony Row 1: Lisa Cameron, Mary Blazier, Martha Funston, Claire Williams, Bethany Sullivan. Row 2: Emily Abbott, Katelyn Burgett, Jonathan Bu ter-DuplesSIS, T.J. Peper, Ben Campbell, David Su Row 3: Abby Lange, Lauren Kara, Steve Wisegarver, Rio Shigeta, Nicolas Guido, Peter Su .

Cut Time Row 1: David Su, Kirk McMurray, Ben Campbell. Row 2: Justin Vasaune, T.J . Peper, Jeff Yambert, Luke Mathews. Row 3: John Deal, Rio Shigeta, Nicolas Guido, Steve Wisegarver. Row 4: Jarrel Young, Stuart Carlson, Nick Donaldson, Jonathan Butler-Duplessis.

Madrigals Row 1: Charles Hutjens, Abby Lange, Elizabeth Hood, Anna Peters, Amy Bucey, Kirk McMurray, T.J. Peper. Row 2: Kathy Holding, Natalia Pagliuca, Martha Funston, David Su, Lisa Cameron, April C eveland. Row 3: Lauren Kara, Ben Campbell, E izabeth Metzler, Emily Abbott, Allison Niswonger, Katelyn Burgett, Hannah Clark. Row 4: Luke Mathews, Rio Shigeta, Steve Wisegarver, Alex Berg-Jacobson, Jonathan ButlerDuplessis, Stuart Carlson, Justin Vasaune .

••••••••• 194 un•divided

Symphonic Band Row 1: Richard Griscom, Mary Blaz1er, Nick Gordon, Jacqueline Thomas, Austin Kimble, Magg1e Mills, Leslie Morrison, Marsha Reardon, Thomas Peper. Row 2: Sara Fredrickson, Kristine Johnston , Alexandna Martin, Elizabeth Hood, Layla Chapman, Samantha Mowry, Sarah Wallace, Kather ine Wallace, Jenna Suttle. Row 3: Blaine Harvey, Br ttan1 Akins, Marella McMurray, Hilary Phillips, John Herre!, Elizabeth Rowland, Margaret Kane, Elizabeth Ceperley, Laura Pennington, Ashley Miskimins, Jacob Stimmel. Row 4: Kyle Prillaman, Spencer Murray, Alyssa Durant, Kim Voelker, Nora Prior, Miranda Bugbee, Robert Abbott, Kathryn Pace, Emily Abbott, Robin Thomas, Shauna Flynn . Row s: Richard Nelson, Jacob Maffit, Aaron Robinson, Tyler Falk, Nicholas Donaldson, Phillip Schroeder, Nicholas Sougiannis, Ryan Boyd, Aaron Jones, Joshua Weichsel, David Cohen, Garrick Nelson, Nathan Brown.

Concert Band: 1st Hr Row 1: M icha el Thies, C.B. Thompson , Madelin Woods, Alys 'a Prosser Heather Stocker, Kristina Vasnaik Marcos Gonzalez, Lana Ho lm, lan Wmkler-Groschen Row 2: Max Buckingham, Erin Cain, Cristobal Gonzalez, Matt Rodriguez, Ryan Brewer, Stephanie Cobb, K1erra Claiborne Ali Hobbs, Katy Pyer. Row 3: Ann Pataky, Ph1ll1p Martin, Kat1e Elliott, Meghan Hiser, Carla Villegas, Maureen Henry, Rachael Johns, N1co Perez, Zachary Medlyn, Ke1th Gonshorek. Row 4: Hayley Rohn, Jason Manuel, Dan Panno, Jon Wurl, Kenton Elmore, Ashley Vasnaik, Katie DeWitt, lan Anderson, Eric Egner, Brian Murphy. Rows: Blake Kmkelaar, Tyler Kinkelaar, Kevm Murphy, Orion Buckingham, Richard Wojnar, ian Wilson , Matt Feickert, Martina Shaw, Andy Cain, Michael Cro1x, Andrea Schreiber.

Concert Band: 7th Hr Row 1: Andrew Cox, Jessica LaDew, Kendall Hermsdorf, Megan Johns, Lisa Cameron, Sara Chapman, Marnita Harris, Alyssa Davison, Lyda Bielak, Rachel Reardon, Matt Hiser. Row 2: Robin Lee, Merry Thomas, Jason Nunn, Kirk McMurray, Nathan McGarvey AI y Curtis, Dan Wavenng , Margaret Jones, Kari Schantz, Carlos Gonzalez. Row 3: Alex Forrest, Remy Tipei, Elly Radi, Amanda Mangian, Nate Lyons, Amy Engelbrecht-Wiggans, Kat1e Webber, Sarah Uchtblau, Lynnsey Fisher, Will Wetzel, Eva Ku, John Milas. Row 4: Nick Scarpetta, Ben Campbell, Tim David, Phil Galaras. Mike Brown, Mike Vignola, Sam Bazzeii-Smith, Cla1re K1rby, Ben Sterrett, lan Wright, Dewayne Watson .

••••••••• c lubs 195

Orchestra Row 1: Tiffany Williams, Rosa Babadoost, Jess1ca Yoo Kortney Fox, McKenna Kelly, Michelle Frazer, Jennifer Yoo. Row 2: Maria Brownfield, Ca1tlm Meneely, Ahbleza Hurd, Kyrsten Brown, Millie Wright, Christine Fleener, Ben Lowry. Row 3: Elisa Farinacci, Lex1e Moore, Matt Wampler, Nigel Knop, Jessica Andrejasich. Row 4: Dean Nguyen, Megan Scott, Dylan Ca1n, Steven Swofford, Roland Deschain, William Kendall-Dick.

Flute Conventions

Row 1: Alex Forrest, Lisa Cameron, Alyssa Durant, Sarah Wallace. Row 2: Kendall Hermsdorf, Kim Voelker, Nora Prior. Row 3: Sara Chapman, Layla Chapman.

Row 1: Chm Pankey, Remy Tipei, Eric Egner, Heather Stocker, Aaron Gates .

••••••••• 196 un • divided

Jazz Ensemble Row 1: Chase McClure, TJ Peper, John Rost . Row 2: Emily Abbott, Nicholas Donaldson, Jacob Stimmel, David Cohen , Aaron Robinson, Jess ica Dickson, Ally Curtis, Michael loannides, Garrick Nelson . Row 3: Ryan Boyd, Aaron Jones, Bnan Murphy, Phil Schroeder, Matt Hiser, Austin Kimble, Robin Thomas, Robert Abbott, Sara Frednckson, Shauna Flynn, Nathan Brown .

Jazz Lab Row 1: Will Wetzel, Meghan Hiser, Spencer Murray . Row 2 : Mathew Rodriguez, Sarah Lichtblau, Ann Pataky, Jacob Maffit, Orion Buckingham, Britanni Akins, CB Thompson . Row 3: Matt Wampler, Jason Nunn, Ryan Boyd, Jonathan Wurl, Michael Vignola, Kwabena BazzeiiSmith, Ben Campbell, Nigel Knop. Row 4: Ali Hobbs, Kirk McMurray, Sara Fredrickson, Daniel Panno, M ichael Thies, Madelin Woods .

Color Guard Row 1: Megan Ball, Ashley Barkstall, Knstl Kaplan, Shaylee Hebert, Holly Nelson . Row 2: Coach Tangora, Elisa Farinacci, Bridget Spohrer, Lanna Bartko, Sam Mowry, Carla Villegas, Coach Cameron . Row 3: Alysia Prosser, Maria Brownfield, Tim Spohrer, Amanda Pease, Kerry Doyle, Megan Scott .

••••••••• c lubs 197


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My thick·sliced 7·rrain whole wheat an• authentic French breads are made from my awn secret recipe usinf all·natural in(redients, then baked fresh right here in the stare thrauCftaut the day, mry day.

I personally select the my best meats available. That means no pressed, farmed, or filled meats en my sandwiches. nly juicy white turkey breast, choice roast beef, smoked Virginia ham, and real wood·smoked bacon.

I use only the freshest, bestest ngries around. They're sliced daily in the stare and nenr treated or bagred for use some ather day. That means crisp, fresh lettuce, tomato, onion, sprouts, and cucumber.

The world's (reatest gourmet sandwiches call far the world's treatest ingredients. Sa I enly use real Hellmann's mayonnaise, Grey Paupan mustard, an• my homemade red wine vinaigrette and chunky aYOCada spread.



On homemade fresh·baked French bread.

On thick·sliced 7·grain whole wheat bread or fresh·baked French bread.


#1 PEPE Ham, provo I ne, lettuce, to mate, & maya.

$4.35----#1 GOURMET SMOkED IIAM CLUB Double ham, provolone, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.

#2 BIG JOliN


Roast beef, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.

Roast beef, ham, provolone, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.



Tuna salad, sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, &tomato.

Genoa salami, capicola, ham, provolone, lettuce, tomato, onions, mayo, & vinaigrette.

#4 TURkEY TOM Turkey breast, alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.



Double roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.


Genoa salami, capicola, provolone, lettuce, tomato, onions, &vinaigrette.

1i rkey breast, ham, provolone, lettuce, tomato, &mayo.



Provol ne, chunky avocado, cucumber, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, &mayo.

Turkey breast, chunky avocado, cucumber, cheese, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.



lacon, lett ace, t mato, &maya.


Double provolone, chunky avocado, cucumber, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.

111 -----


Same fresh·baked French bread & meat as my premium gourmet sub sandwiches, but no veggies or sauce!

SLIM 1Jfumc( ~ SLIM 45-WtfwJ~ SLIM 2[JUuw 64 SLIM 5Salami, capicda, dke4e SLIM 3 Mllml SLIM 61)~ ~ fj_wm



It's monstrous! Genoa salami, capicola, smoked ham, roast beef, turkey breast, provolone, lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, &Italian dressing on fresh·baked French bread.


#14 BOOTLEGGER CLUB Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, &mayo.

#15 CLUB TUNA Tuna salad, provolone, sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, & tomato.

#16 CLUB LULU Turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. *Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, lemonade, iced tea .•....••..••$1.19/$1.39 * Chocolate chunk or oatmeal raisin cookie ........• ••.••.••..$1.50 * Potato chips, jumbo kosher dill ...•...............•........$0.75 * Extra load of meat, extra veggies ........•..•.......•......$1.25 * Extra cheese or avocado ....................•..•..•........$0.50 DELIVERY ORDERS will include adelivery charge of •9c (•/-tOe) per item.

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J . Robert Fleming, D.D.S.

409 E. Main Street PO. Box 1046 Mahomet, Illinois 61853 (217) 586-2989

701 South Sixth Champaign, IL 61820 217-367-2 91





1743 We t Kirby Champaign, IL 61821 217-356- 926

Manager Prairie Central - Yard 37 3200 W. Springfield Ave . PO Box 1040 Champaign . Illinois 61824 21 7-398 -4346 Fax 217 -363-1633 Mobile : 217 -778 -7287 Concrete Dispatch : 217-398 -4343


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arah. We arc ~o proud of all )Our accomplishmcnh and the incredible person you've become. Continue to v>ork hard. set your goals high. and live life to tht: fulle. t. Know that vve arc ahvay. here for you and love you vcr) much. Love. Dad. Mom, Tyler. Will. and Otis

Kiki. It's hard to bclic'e that )OU are graduating from high school this) ear. It tloesn 't seem that long ago you \\ere just starting school. It\ been ajo) v.atching )OU gnm and seeing \\hat a beautiful young woman )OU have become. 1a) all your dreams become a real it)' for you. Love, Mom

Dearest Rehccca. Thank you for }OUr Jove and trust. You are a great daughter. "But a for me. I tru\t in )OU, 0 Lord: I a). 'You are my God.' :1.1) limes are m your hand." (Psalm 31:14-15) Much Love, ~1om and Dad

Mandy. We are very proud of you. You have accomplished so much and shown much character and integrit). Your positive attitude and loving and caring spirit are \\Onderful qualities. lwa)s believe in yourself and reach for )OUr dreams. tay strong in your fanh. We love you. \.1om and Bob

Jere, You have reached an important milestone in your life. Your future has begun. Each day vvill be filled \\ ith nev. adventures and excning challenges. We're so proud of you, we believe in you, and we love you so mu h! Congratulations! Love, Mom. Dad. and Erin

atalie. "Twenty years from now you v.ill he more disappointed by the thmgs )OU didn't do than b) the ones you did do. o throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wmds 111 your sails. Explore. Dream. Di cover." -Mark Twain Love. Mom and Pops

Marsha, Congratulations! We are very proud of you! You're a great daughter, sister, and friend. May your future be blessed with great things (and a decent paycheck!). Look out world! Here comes Mar ha Reardon! Love, \1om. Dad, Rachel, and arah

Dear Katie-Cakes, Congratulations! We are so very proud of you. You are a young woman of talent, enthustasm, loyalty. faith, and, let's face itgoofiness. The future holds great things for you to discover. so be brave and explore. Break a leg! Love. Mom, Dad. manda. Rachel. arah, BJ

Jennifer. What a blessing you are to our family! You have al\.\'ays made u proud with your accomplishments. Continue to walk with God and He will help you figure out what's

Holly. "Let us run with perseverance the ra e that is set before us" (Hebrew 12:1) was the verse on your t-shirt. That you have done and that you have done well. With gratitude that you have shared your path with us, with fatth in your future. and with joy in all your being and becoming. we wish you well. Mom, Dad. and Carrie

ahead. Love alway'>, Mom and Dad

Dear Ryan, We are so proud of you and your succe~s m high school. We wish you great success in college and miss you already! Please remember that you will always have our love and support in whate er path you choose in life. Love. Mom, Dad, and Jackson

••••••••• 210 un • c lassif i e d

Jordan, You've brought fun and excitement to our lives - we couldn't be more proud of you. Continue to make the world laugh! Love, Mom, Dad, Alexis, and Jim

ongratulations, Margo! I love you and am so proud of you! It has been wonderful being your mom and watching you grow into the terrific young lady you have become. Love, Mom

Tony. Watchmg you gro'" into the special and talented person ) ou 've hccorne has been a privilege. The per everancc and energ} that you give to your racmg and musiC make us so proud We'll al'"ays be there to cheer and applaud all of your victories . Keep on rca hmg tor) our goals! Love, Mom and Dad

Jessica, You are our special granddaughter. You've come from a sweet little girl to a grown-up world and we are so very proud of you. et your goals high and go for it. You can do it. We love you, Grandmother and Grandpa Wood

Laura, We are so proud to sec }OU graduate. You have worked so hard and done so well. It \\as great fun seeing )OU sing in the chorus, manage the girls basketball team, and take part in the plays. You have created many fond memories. We love you. Mom, Dad, Allie. and Rachel

Leigh Anne, We thank God every day that He ble ed u with you! C ngratulations! We love you! Mom, Dad, and K Rae



Your four years at Central have seen 1ou mature into a confident, independent young man. We hope you take pride 111 your accomplishments a \\-e do in you. \ e look fomard to seeing \\here your future leads you. Remember to enjoy it all. Lme, Mom. Dad and Jonathan

s you look fomard to your future, remember to be true to yourself and )OUr friends. You are someone '"ho 1s uni4ue and creative in all that you do. Your father. brothers. and I are VCrJ proud of you. and all that you have accomplished. LIVE, LAUGH. LOVE Love, .\11om and Dad

Andy. Congratulations! You're an amazing )Oung man '"ith a great sense of rc'>pomibitit) and \\-Ondcrful sense of humor. '\e'" challenges and opportunities arc ju t ahead. o remember to ha\e fun and do your best. Ma) God bles~ }OU with the joy and '"i dom that comes from seeking Hi. truth. Love. Mom and Dad

Erin, Pookie Cam. "VerJ 4uick four years." You met good friends at Central. We are happy you stayed With the band program. Thi~ is something you like . Remember ) ou arc in control of jour destmy! We are always here for }OU. Love. Dad. Ann. Matt, Andre\\. and Dan

Wazzup? The ky... and your future! We love you!

Dear Natalie, The "ice in your mouth" ha~ not cooled the "fire in your eyes" these past four year~. in your schoolwork. }Our tennis. and all that you pursue. \ c love who you have become and are incredibly proud of you. Love and congratulations. Mom and Dad Becca. harles. and John

Carolyn. It\ always tough to folio'" a sister 111 high school, e~pecially one who '"as Cia~~ Clown. hut you showed it can he done! Your hard'" ork. dedication. optimism. and canng attitude have made you so ~uccessfuL Congratulation~ on a great job at cntraL Love, Dad and Mom

Mom, Dad, Anna and Chri topher


senior ads 211

Elliott. "50 words'' to recognize )OU and e pres-. our love for )OU is impossible. You are a young man of so many v.ords and ideas. We look forward to watching you pursue your dreams. There will al\\ay be "chees) .. egg. for you on aturdays and Pizza on unda) ! Love. Mom und Dad

Jordy. You've ripped my Barbie\ head off. dressed me as a Ghostbuster. made me watch "Michael Jordan\ Playground" repeatedly and imitated my laugh perfectly... and I still love you! You're an awesome guy and I'm ble. sed to have you as a brother. Emmy-poo

Congratulation Brandon, We are o proud of you. Love, Grandma and Grandpa Pape


amantha- am-Yammie. You're off to great places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head. and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. And will you succeed? Yes! You will indeed!<) and 3 14 percent. guaranteed. You're off to great places! Today is your day! All of our love, then more! Dad. Mom. Mar}. and Tommy

David, We are so proud of the respon. ible young man you have become. You have brought much joy into our lives and we cherish you very much. We wish you all the happiness you deserve in life and all of our best to your future! Love. Mom. Vickie. Ed. Angi. and Brayden

Dear Martha. It's true. You're a wonderful tudent. Participant, Officer. Singer. Cheerleader, Coach, and volunteer... and that's all very fine. But better by far. you're also a love!) daughter, a delightful sister, a good friend and an all-around terrific person. We love you! Dad, Mom, and Helen

Congratulations Jessica, We are proud of you. and this is onl) the beginnmg, as you have high expectations for yourself. Miles have separated us during your school years. we could not attend your school functions, but you have always been in our thoughts and love in our hearts. Love. Dad, Grandpa, and Grandma Vaughn

Benjamin. Watching you grov. has been an av.esome experience. Matchbox cars. Legos. the sandbox. \1arco Polo. all the "sturr· m your room. Justin. Joy Boj, Lynnsey. the. issan. Cleveland. long hair and # 0. What a fabulous son. "Big Brother," and friend you have been to us all. "Love you," Mom. Allie. and Conway

\lolly. hom the moment of) our birth )OU have gi,en u' nothing but JO), laughter, and love. The fricnd,hip' )OU fom1ed at Central arc remarkable and have gt\cn )OU a olid foundation. Famil) and friend;-thC) 'rc the be't! We couldn't pos 1bl) be prouder or happier a' )OU bcgm the next pha'e of )OUr life There\ 'ome sadncs • of cour e, but that\ far outdi,tanced b) the pride and anticipauon we feel. Go get 'em. Jolly Molly! We're bchmd you. al"'ay and forever. Lo\e, Your l·amtl)

••••••••• 212 un • classified

From miniature golf to the IH A State Golf Meet. From a little guy to 6'3". From Kindercasselto college. One thing never changes- you're a great guy to have around! We are very proud of you! "Endeavor to Persevere" Love. Dad. Mom. and Taylor

Katie- Congratulations! You're off to the rest of your life- enjoy it! You are a special daughter and I'm proud to be your mother. I will miss our talks and all the times you make me laugh. I wish you the very best of everything. Love you tons,


Molly. Tear~. Laugh'>. Life ... we have >hared it all together and 'o much more. You are the be'>t '>i'>ter I could a>k for. You are my be'>t friend. I don't l.no"' "'hat I "'ould do without you to pull me through life. You've helped me more than you know. Thank' for the memories: movie night>. bachelor. Do-,, Fair-JOI.e'>, alter '>Chool gtrl talks, sleepovef\, and a friendship for life. Love you.


Louise, No matter how trongly you grow, may you, the woman, never forget the girl we knew. Love alway , Mom and Dad

Leslie, We're so proud of you and who you have become. "Your time ha~ come to shine; all your dreams arc on their way." Love, Mom and Dad "Even the cows have ecrcts; some they may share with you ."

Two of a kind, destined to shine Created with love, given from above Friends for life, no matter the strife Brothers by chmce, because of their voice! ick and am We love you and are very proud of you both . Keep a hold of your dreams! Love. Mom and Dad

Dear Maggie. We are 1!Q proud. You have achieved so much academically and athletically. and in the process have become a beautiful young woman. inside and out! Your faith. love and strength will carry you wherever you choose to go. We will always be here to support you. Love. Mom. Dad. Emma and Jake

Katie. Words can't describe you. Anyone who knows you has been touched b} an angel. Your thoughtfulness, compassion, and sense of humor makes you who you are. tay that way forever. Love, Mom, Dad , Ryne. Colin. Maggie. and Kit

Jordan, We're proud of your accomplishments. But more important. your potential is boundles . You carry more than just your grandfathers' names. We love you Joe! Mom and Dad

Dear Colin, You've amazed and thrilled me from day one. Never stop! If nothing else, remember ALL YOUR BASE IS BELONG TO US! Congratulations! Love, Mom

Chris (Topherrnan). You have certaml) gnmn up and made us so proud to be your parent<o! \\'e v. i h you the very best as you move to the ne~t stage in your life. lv.a ·s remember you can do anything you set your mind to. You are u terrific leader and very talented! Thanks for being such a wonderful son! Much love and the best of luck this year and always. \1om and Dad

To Trina, You've come a long way baby!! May God continue to bless you as you enter into new chapters of your life. You are a miracle in proce. s! Love, Your family

Victor. You've worked hard, and you deserve all the rewards of that hard work. But most importantly, you've become a man of high principle. Don't be discouraged when life gets hard- it\ just one of many tests designed to make you a better person. Just remember the meaning of life!

Jason. Congratulations on this milestone in your life! Your kind heart, good natured spirit, and laid back personality has enriched allli\es you ha\e touched. We are proud of you and love you very much. God has big things waiting for you. Have fun. \\Ork hard! We are proud! Love Mom. Dad. Jenna. Jeff. Janelle, and Joel

Kelse}. tan with a sprinkle of gentle spirit and quiet confidence. ~1ix in a . ense of purpose and gritty determination. Throw in a dash of kindness and a heart) port1on of a generous heart. Thoroughly blend all the ingredients in this recipe for a trul) great daughter. With pride and love. Mom. Dad. anti Nicole


senior ads 213

Dear Allyson. It has heen a pleasure to have seen you gro\\ into n lovely ami wonderlul ;oung lady. We arc so proud of) our great accompli-,hmcnh. Congratulations and best V\ ishe on your graduation. Love, Tita Letty

Congratulation~. We're proud of all you've accomplished, and know you are going to be successful in whatever you try. Be happy and enjoy life.

Love, Mom, Dad, Lauren and Jack

Miss Julie. Your ense ol responsibility and your reliability during h1gh chool has removed a lot of v.orr} from us. We hope you l.nov. that the family is proud of your canng. helpful. and hard-wod. ing attitude. Alv.ay-. let your voice be heard--others truly value your ideas and opinions. We'll be waning to hear your good news ... Lm e to you from all of us: :"\.tom. Dad. David. Derek. Deanna. and Tommy

We have been blessed to know you and be a part of your wonderful family. We will always be here for you. Congratulations and good luck on your new endeavor. Love, The Fabi Family

"Open your eye open" "Don't talk to me! Just TALK to me!" Alway follow your heart. Love, Mom and Dad

Game night:. junk food, hair coloring, trampolines, TPing, dance parties, kidnapping. karaoke, slumber parties. making videos and most importantfriendship. Congratulations to all of you, Jim, Pam, Tyler and Will

Dear Carrie. We love you \\ith all our hearts! Your passion and joy for life has greatly blessed our family. Thank you for making us laugh! Congratulations! God Bless You! Love, Mom and Dad, Tara. Erica and Jack

Congratulations and best of luck to the Central High School Class of 2004!! -The 2004 Maroon Staff

Carrie, Katie, Aaron, Natalie, Leslie, Jenna, Holly, Carolyn and Becca, It has been an awesome experience working with all of you for the past two years. I have appreciated your perspective, creativity, humor, and all the hard work and energy you have put into making this book GREAT! Best of luck to all of you as you go-screaming-from the group that is the 2004 Maroon seniors to make your individual marks on the world. Enjoy being uncaged! Yearbook rocks-and so do all of you! -Ms. Tanner and the 2004 Maroon staff


2 14 un • classified

Dear Allyson . We arc so bles ed and proud to have you as our daughter. Thank you for letting us be a part of :rour high school years. the musical. the play, meetmg and all of your accomplishments, Follow your dream . keep smilmg and always be happy. Wherever you go and whatever you do, we v.ill always be there to love and support you . ongratulations ! We love :rou very much , Mom and Dad

Heather, It doesn ' t seem like it's been 18 years ago that Daddy's little girl was a new arrival into this world. I've watched you grow into a smart and beautiful young lady who has had to go through some difficult times and you've proven that you're strong and capable of making good decisiom . You've made your Dad very proud and 1 will alway love you and be there for you . Love, Dad

Dear Betsy, From wooden spoon to microphone, Your beautiful voice i God' alone. The love you ~hare i such a treat, You share it with each one you meet. We love you, Mom, Dad, and Jeff

Jessica, You are levelheaded, calm, and grounded even in times of stress. Your wisdom and ability to be your own person are impressive traits for someone your age. Creativity, hard work and persistence to attain a goal are qualities you possess that will take you far. It has been a joy to watch you grow into the incredible young woman we now see before us. We are excited about the journey ahead. We are proud of you!! Love, Mom and Dad

Dear Le lie, You came into this world like a ray of unlight and have always brought laughter and joy to tho ·e who know you. We are so proud of you and your many accomplishments. You de erve all the be t life has to offer. We know you will continue to excel in college and enjoy an amazing, fun-filled, wonderful life. Love you, Mom, Katie and Rebecca

Franklin , incc pre-school year at Montessori. your wide-eyed curiosity for knov.ledge, persistent drive for excellence in whatever you do, love for your parents. respect to your teachers. and loyall} to your fnends have made us very happy and proud of you . . 'ov. you are graduating from this e cellent high chool. We know you will carr) all these good qualilies With )OU through college years to ultimately make important contributions to whatever career you decide to enter. Son, you are the joy and pride of our life. Love. Mom and Dad


s enior a d s 2 15

Dear Meg, You were such a bles ing when you were born ... you completed our family. We are e tremely proud of your accomplishments in the classroom and on the track. We look forward to your college experience and beyond! Keep on rockin'! Love, Dad, Mom, Robert, Tom, and Jon

Frank.ie, Graduate?! I'll graduate you! Turn off the dorm room lights. the Power Police are watchingDad. I'm not going to say goodbye, I'm just going to say good luck.- I hope you knO\\ what you're doing (M-3)- Mom. Bean. Lee, and my other half say ad10 and send you tender Iovin 'sin. I k.now all your friends like me better and your new ones will too. -Tony. Keep up the panish! Con mor. the G-fam

Celia, I just want to let you know how incredibl) ~pectal you are. You have endured a long and difticult battle, which ha not gone unnoticed. Yet, at home, you never allowed your relatton hip with your family to sufter. Your college year~ will be exciting and rewarding. You'll experience uccess as you discover your strengths and build from them. In every pha e of your life. remember that I w:ill alv.:a}s be here for you and will always have your best interest at heart. We will always have our talb. concerts. and shopping trips! I love you! Love. Mom

Emily, We are o proud of you in o many way . We are ble ed to be with you on thi journey that ha come o far yet i ju. t beginning. Remember that as you ing your own ong of life, alway do it with feeling and with love! We love you! Mom, Dad, and Robert

Jenna Bean, You continue to amaze us in your journey through life. From 4th grade pla] s to the Ladybug in "James and the Giant Peach" to Maria in "Lend Me a Tenor," we've loved it all. We are proud of you, what you have accompli. hed and who you have become. We wish you happine .. as you follow your dream.. On with the sho Love from your biggest fans, Mom, Dad, Liza, Warren, and Danette

Maria, Born with black hair and golden treaks. You smiled the moment you were born, with huge dimples and a bigger heart. Bilingual and a world traveler by 10. ow you are a vibrant young lady on with your future lying ahead of you. You are the arrow in flight. Where you land, we cannot dream. You are our golden child. With much love, M and 0


216 un • classified

Dear Cassie, From "Doodle Doo" to "Doodle Bug," memories and cherished time. will last forever in our hearts. Your past was a building stone to an unlimited future. You have not only been a blessing to us , but ever; life you have had a chance to touch. You truly make the word "Proud" mean a lot more. Love XOX, Mom and Dad

Dear Kalie, It seems like only yesterday I was putting you on the bus for your first day of kindergarten . thought that was the hardc. t thing in the world! nd no\\, here you arc, graduating from high school, ready to move on to the next chapter of your life. I want you to alway~ remember- no matter where life takes you , no matter the distance between u -you are, and always will be. close in my heart. You are my pride, my joy, my little girl, forever. Love, Daddy

Aaron, Congratulations! Honor Roll, Yearbook, Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, and Swimming- Wow! Your talent, ambition, hard work, kindness, and en e of humor will take you far in life. We will always be there for you, and rna your life be filled with happine s and fulfillment. Love, Mom, Dad, Daniel, and Sol

Brian, Your high school years have passed by much too quickly. Congratulations on your many accomplishments! We've enjoyed every game and performance, and we're so very proud of you . It's been a great ride o far... and the be~t i yet to come! We do hope that the next phase of your life will be full of wonderful experience . Appreciate and celebrate every day. We love you, Mom, Dad, and Kevin

Congratulation on your achievement , David. Your pirit and heart have been a joy to hare for these preciou year . You have made u all proud and happy to be your family, and we look forward to haring our happine and ucce forever. Be proud of your elf and know your family love you. Mom, Dad, Steve, and Clarence

--- -~---...

Jessica, You have a lot of folks that are very proud of you for your achievements, but mo. t of all I am the proude. t. You have become the strong person I ah\a) knew you would be. You see your goals and knO\\ \\hat you want out of life. W, think that ts wonderful. I k.nO\\ you will ne\er forget how you got to the place in your life that you are at now. You will be able to achieve anything in life that you want to do, SO GO FOR IT GIRL. We love you with all our hearts. Mom, T.J.

• ••••••••

senior ads 217

Rick. Watching you gro\.\ into the wonderful young man you are today has given us much pleasure. We arc ver) proud of the person you have become. You have made many wise choices in your life. You can be \.\hatcver you \\ant to be '\iever give up on your dreams. Wherever you go. whatever you choose to do. we will al\.\ays be there for you. We Love You Very Much. Mom. Dad and Indy

Julie, I can hard!) believe that we are about to share our third graduation together. First, it was preschool. Then. it v\as eighth grade when we shov\ed up at school in the same dress. ow high '>chool. You are an amating pt.:rson and I've had a blast v\atching you grow from the girl that I shared my hrst" rush" with when I was five to the awesome friend that you've become. s you wrote in my yearbook freshman year. "here· to man more year of fun. laughs. memories. and most importantly.. .friendship." With mu h love, Lynnse)

Baby Bear, Congratulations!!! You have made it over the first hurdle. It seems like it was ju t last year that I took you to chool for your first day of kindergarten. Thank you for alway being there for me, you and I have come a long way in this life and you have stood by my side like a true trooper. Keep your head held high, stick to your beliefs, don't let anyone take the mile from your beautiful face, and give this world HELL!! love you more than I love life. From Mama Bear :o)

Dear ick, A a little boy, you were always miling. Even today, your mile can light a room. It never faiL to fill u with pride and joy. Keep your po itive attitude and you will achieve ucces and happines in all you do. All Our Love, Mom, Dad and Gina

Dear Curl). When you hegm !his exciling new sleppmg \lone m your life. al"'ays rcmcmher 1he lullab) !hal "a\ \ung 10 you every single nigh!: "You arc my sun,hme. my only sun\hine. You make me happy. when -.kie' are gray. You'll never kno"' dear. how much I love you. Please don '1 lake my sun-.hme away."

Your bcauly, fallh. mlelligem:c. love, playfulness. compassion. \lrcnglh, 1alen1, "'annlh. and fncndsh1p repre,cnl lhe rays of unshme !hal have blcS\ed our live . We arc so proud of you and I hank God for His gif1. We Lo\ e you Carl . Jim. "vton. Kendall and R1ley

Si ters Are Forever Sisters love. ister~ share. Sisters fight. Sisters care. isters understand. Sisters listen. i. ters come together at different times in life. Ststers are the precious -.unshine giving meaning to so many things not understood, like stars in the night. I will miss you so much when you go to college. but when I look up in the sky. I'll see you. becau'ie you are my sunshine and .·hining star. Remember that we are best friends for life. I love you so much Carly, Kendall

••••••••• 218 un • classified

KatieYour future is bright a. your smile! In fact, it's so bright that you need to wear shades. Best of luck at CU - Boulder! Go Buffs! Dad, Mom, Jamie and Caroline

Greg, The name has changed through the years: Gregory, Bobo, Greg. but some things have not. Your enthusiastic laughter. the quiet. sensitive manner, having mom wrapped around your tinger and our love for you. As you tind new adventures, remember, give it your best and you will have no regrets. ongratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, Alyssa, Renee and Bandit

Phil. Words cannot describe how proud we are of you. Follow your dreams, be true to yourself and be happy with life. We know whatever path you take you will be successful. We are so thankful that you belong to us! We love you, Mom and Dad

"We now experience that we live not in material universe, but in a univer e of dynamic energy." From Celestine Prophecy. Allen, YO · are dynamic energy personified. In my life I have met some remarkable people, but. you, my son, are by far the most remarkable human I have even encountered. Each day begins with the knowledge that I will get to witness yet another chapter in your life; and I'm sure if he knew you Steven Job · would be . aying "I wish I were Allen Kendall-Dick." Congratulations and always seek peace and offer kindne. s.

Kara. You have blo somed into a beautiful and charming young lady. We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. We admire your determination. hard work. "cheer-ful" spmt. man) "goab." ense of humor. and endless energy. Continue to reach for the stars and follow those dreams. You WJII succeed at whatever you set your mind to do. We will miss you when you go to college. Always remember that we love you very much, will always be here for )OU. and will be cheering ;ou on every step of the .... ay. Love. Mom. Dad. Kyle. and nicky

Kalie, We blinked, and look what happened! Mile Markers of Maturit] fl] past us o fast our heads are spinning. You have so much to be proud of. Your future is wide open, and we are here to upport you all the way. We know you will go far. but just remember... no matter where you go in the world, you are only a plane ride a'"ay. We love you! Mom and John


senior ads 219

Index A

A bo~ Emily 11. 24. 34, 50, 67 183 184 194 195 197 Abbott. Robert 34. 99, 135, 147, 195 Abdou, She f 50 Abdui·Azaez. Husna 99. ' 3, 190 Abeln, "acob 87 Acheson. Altx 99 135, 147, 163 Adams. Carson 87 Adeo e Michelle 38. 99, 184 188, 193 Adkisson, Kristin 50 72 Ad sson. Kyle 111 Agnew. Lawrence 87 Ahn Hanna 8, 14, 38. 50, 183. 184 Aikman. Kim 50. 151. 183 Akins, 8 ttam 50, 187. 195 Alagna. Josh 87 147 Algee Te yra 25. 98. 99 Alien-O • Ryan 39, 47, 50 72. 143, 147 AI son. Don~el 111 169 Almaraz. Roxane 50, 183 Alvarado. B•anca 99 Alvarez. AleJ mlro 99, 184. '31 Ambroc1o Manan 111 Anderson Alens 87 Anderson Bobby 186 And •son, Bnan 50, 69.72 18'. 184 And r on Donten 188 Ande·son. Dylan 111. 149. 186 Anderson Jan 87 195 Anderson Lyd•a 99 Ande son. Maruna 43. 87 Anderson Robert 111 AndreJaSith,JesSica 13, 50,72 '41 196 Amnm, En 111 153, 169 Aqumo Sara 45, 87, 90, 137 155, 178 Arettaw Araceli 193 Armstrong. Marue 37 87 155 178 185 Arnold, Michael 99 Artwlc Colin 99 Ash, Cluna 111 Assmann Angela 50 n. 187, 193 Assmann April 111. 186

8abadoostKondn, Rosa 111. 196 Baglama.l r 99. 141. 192 Bailey, Pm•on 111, 117. 193 8811ey. Tyn11a 9 187, 191 Band. Bed!y 9. 28. 99. 141. 159 Bales, JesSica 99 BallJamll 35. 111 Ball, Mevan 30. 35. 87, 187. 197 Band. Lathan 87. 183. 190 Banta, Dekontee 99. 184 8arenbonn, R•Y• 87. 189 Bark!tall. Ashley 30. 187. 193. 197 Barlow. James 99 Bamh•ll. Bnttany 99. 191 Bartko, Lanna 14. 87, 157, 192, 197 Barton, Amanda 12, 50 Bass. T1m 182. 183 Baumann, Chad 99, 135 Bazar, Elizabeth 28. 99, 137, 165 Bazzeii-Sm•th. Sam 87, 188. 191, 195. 197 Beasley, Tina 99. 189 Beautlom. Dame! 28. 99. 147, 167 Becerril. Ana 99 Beck, John 99. 135 Bee ey. Anthcny 147 Belsley. Marcus 87 Bennett. Austm 87, 193 Bennett. lach•a 87, 143 Bennett. Stephame 50. 72. 193 Benott. CllfiStina 99 Berg-Jacobson, Alex 12. 50, 68, 183. 184. 192, 194 Berkey, Dame! 15 Bernard. Blake 43. 87. 193 Bllnard. Va 50 B b. JaVion 99, 147, 191 Buk,lyda 99. 151, '95 81ggers. Jal<aeya 111. 173, 184. '86, 191, 193 B1gham, Antomo 87, 143. 147. 186 B•gharn, Mchael 99 B lingsley, Jordan 99. 143. 153. 183, 185

Bishop Arnbl!f '11 193 B op, Courtney 99 155 191, 193 Bleck. Sam 1'1 Blenson. Emyka 43 87, 173 191 Blaner Mary 87 88. 182. 184, 192. 184 BIQQ1111r Alii 19 34 37 39.87 Blllo- Ben 28 34 50 147 181 184 Board. Cmtina 50 72 Bohlmann Jaff 50 148. 149 Bolden. Ryan 89 Boltinghouse, Ben 1'1 149 '69 Boo r, Rachal 111 Bosth, Samantha 87 192 Bcs . Rsad 99. Bast 8a ley 87 Bowd Tracy 99 Bowen. Kara 9 26 39 50, 70, 72. 141. 171 Bowman ~tal 7 83. 191 Boyd Ryan 9 182 195 Bra ett. M 7, 11 149 Bradford. Jam 2 50. 72 Brawet '<1egan 3. 29 0 72. 143, 155. 182 Brawa~ Rven 9 19. 11 195 B d s e sey 6 26 5(l. 2. 190 Bnseno ora 111 Br~ 501 Br ze Sh a 187 Broadnc Jo ph 37 39, 7, 187 Broadrick, "'tomas 1'1 153 Brodsky Arana 99 183, 189 Brown. Apr 87 Brown. Ashley t 11 193 Brown, Bnttany 87 Brown Caml!fon 111 Brown. Chns 87. 143 147. 163 191 Brown. Danae 50 Brown. Kyrstan 43 1'0 155 183. 198 Brown. Lucas 99 139 147 Brown. Maben 99. 143 Brown. Marcus 99 Brown, M1ch I 99, 147. 195 Brown. ate 8. 184, 195 Brown. Orne 16 Brown. Otis 86 87 Brown. Pat 87 1 3, 1 Brown Paul 51 147 Brown. Savanna 99 Bcown. Shatom '11. 193 Brow ddeus 87 147 Brownheld. Joe 14, 51. Brownheld. Mana 99. 198. 197 Brownheld. Tanya 100 Browmng. Kyle 9. 37, B7. 140. 141. 187 Brund•dge. Vat1e 100 Bruno, Evan 87 Bucey, Amy 100. 143, 183. 168. 194 Buchanan. Marws 111. 147. 163. 1B6. 191 Buck. Ka1herme 51 Buck, Kat•e 184, 190 8 mgharn, ax 195 Buckingham, Maxwt 111 Buc ngham. Onon 17 B7. 147. 195 Budic. Stefan 111 Buerkett.Ashley 51, 70. 72.150,151 Bugbee, B"anna 111, 155. 165 Bugbee. M11anda 19, 29. 32, 87, 141. 183, 184, 190,195 Bu!Wck. Grant 46 Burge, Christy 42, 100 155, 190 Burgan. Katelyn 86. 87 184 Burke, Sharoneka 100 Burrell Kayla 100 Bush, JesSie B7, 157 BuUer, latonya 100, 187 Butler. Rsg111a 51, 187 Butler, Shatoka 51. 72 B er-&ple SIS, Jonathan 10. 51, 67, 72. 192. 193,194 Butts. Jordan 87, 147

Cab<era, Verentce 111 Cam. Andrew 35, 111 195 Cain. Dylan 100, 143. 196 Cain. Enn 35. 51 72, 183 195 Calse. Glenn 21. 22 Calugno, Cathenne 111. 157, 165 Calcagno. Sarah 111 Caldwe I, Heather 37. 51, 72. 171 Camacho, Adriana 51, 177 Camacho Cynthia 51, 183 Camacho. Marco 111. 184

ta-1111.lisa 39 B7 1B4 194, 196 Camp, Samtr• 43 111, 186 Campbell. Ben 37. 87, 139, 185, 194, 195 Campbell. Ra1on 1' 1. 147 Cao, Sulee 40. B7. 151. 183. 185, 186 Carey, T1111 23. 25. 28. 5 • 67, 72, 135, 181, 184 Carls®. Stuart 43, 88. 149, 194 Carm chao Andrea 111, 155. 165. 183, 191 Carr, Tamekl 100. 191 Carter, Antonio 25. 51,147 Carter. Chnshanna 1B Carter, Derek 100 Cartl!f, Kyle 88. 189. 190. 191 Carte~ sha 15 Carter. Sheanna 111, 191. 192 193 Cartm ' • Brandon 88 Cascone. Nk o BB, 155 Caston. T111e'nae 43, 8B Castro. Soplna 100. 184 tdtings Jasm111e 100, 137 165. 191 ngs Joy BB. 191 Cech. Matt 51. '87 Cech Ne I 111, 149 Ca ender Andy 2~ 88 13'. 135 Cepe ey, E!Zabeth 110. 11' 165, 183. 190, 195 Chambers. Scott '1' Char;; . letllla 88 Chan. Stephen 100 Changnon Stoll 8, 39, 100, 147, 163, 118 Chapman. Layla 19. 29, 88 195 Chapman. l.z 98, 10D, 159, 183. 185 Chapman, Sara 19 88. 183, 195, 196 Chapple, Marteno 11' 147 Chapple. Raymond 11 1 Chau,l.se 51 Chavez. James B8 Chavaz. Timothy 111 147, 186, 189 Churs Ramona 111 ChiSholm. rew 9, 100. 143. 153, 162 Chnwe, B n 1 1 Chu , Ryan 111 ibome, K111ra 111 191, 195 Oa Bntany 186 Clar Hannah 88. 194 Cia Kristan 88, 191 Dark, 01Ma 111 C1ar1t. Raymond 88 Oarlt. Taylor 112 149 Cia rn, lsa•ah 88. 189, 191 Clayton. Step anlll 100 Degg, El•zebeth 34 112. 171 Clegg. ock 34 51 72 135, 184 Cleveland, April 100, 1 3, 192, 194 Cobb, Jasma 27, 72 Cobb. Stephame 51. 195 Coburn. Stephany 100. 107 Coey. Kyle 45. 51 Cogd•ll. Joshua 5 72 Cohen. Dav•d 100. 195 Cole. Chns 112,! 1B6 Cole. Deseree 112 Coleman, Je 112 Compton, hley 100. 192 Cookson, Lindy B8 Cooley. M1chael 112 Cornett. Tncia BB Corte~ Jose 100 Coste lo, Joseph 8B Co Ashley 38. 112. 191 Co Andrew 112. 157. 195 Cor. Bnan 8B. 157 Cra•g. lauren 8B. 1B3 Crawford. Camus 88 Crawford. Cohn 5. 100. 135, 147 Crawford, Kabe 18. 28. 47. 51. 71, 72. 137, 150 Crawford-Bland, T1ffam 51, 189 Crrder. Latona BB Croix, M1chael 100, 195 Crook, Danny 100 . Jarett 112. 157 Ctump,lakash•a 112 CueVIIs. Uliana 51. 72 Cuppernell. Becca 51, 191 Curry, Sam 88. 187 Curtis. Ally 42. 100. 143. 195 Curti!. Aus~n 35. 51, 147 Curbs. Rachel 35, 8B. 165 Curtsinger. Curtis 100 D Oa~

KeVI 185 100

Da~ Shuo

D ey, Thomas 88 D'Arn co. Kim 100. 143 DArmco. Kim 28. 36, 155 Dandridge. Juan 15 Dangles, Jess1ca 51, 72, 159, 183 Danoel. James 8B Danoel Kelly 100 DaVId. T m 100, 195 Daw. Alexander 112 Oavts, Charny 20. 112. 165, 1B6. 191, 193 DaVJ . Ebom 88, 143, 173, 192 0 IS. :Julian 100 iiV' l.asha ra 52. 72 Dav1 . Ma 20 25. 52. 68, 147. 163 DaVIs. flva 8B D Shane 1 DaVIs. Stev 112. 147, 183 Davts Alys 88, 1B3, 195 Deal John 100. 194 deBIIIIIWII, Alie 13 2. 100, 183 DeJesus, D d 100 Delaney, Knndre 88 Delgado, Su n 1Bl Demopoul ana 7. 52. 72 r ny B. . 112 IIG, R nd 96 ,Ju1 28 3 l 1 182.184 De chler, Tommy 34, 112. 157 Deters, Em ly 52, 66, 72. 185 Davnes. Dale 100, 147, 187 DeWrn. K~e 100. 104. 195 Dickson JesSica 52. 72 Ddlavou. Andrew 52, 72 147. '69 D•llon. Corne us 100 • Ry n 52, 70. 72 157 D• ata e 3B. 52 72. 141 178 '84 Doe ng. Katll 100 19' Donald, Shameltka 191 Donaldson N•ck 19 2'. 36, BB 185. '34 Doney, Heather 112 OonoVIIn, Pat 88 135. 163 Domes. Joshua 100 Domes. Mchael 52. 1B7. 191 Dorsa 112. 147 Dorsey. Tyana 112 Doyle, Kerry 88, 182. 197 Drennan. Samantha 100. 137 DuBoiS, Kalil 6B. 177, 181 184 Dunn. Enzabeth 72 Dunn. Nathamel 52 Dunn. Ryan 112, 147 Durant Alyssa 32. 35, 100, 183 192, 195. 196 Durant Greg 35, 52. 72, 169 183 D'Urso Jam11 100. 157. 171, 187 DUrsa. Joel 100, 169 O'Urso, Knstlne 112 155, 165 186 D'Urao. Vincant 112, 186 Dwal~ K11lee 112. 155 Dye, Alex 45, 52. 69. 72 135. 157. 163 Dyszel • CaSSie 52 72. 190

Egan, Rebecca 68, 171 Egner Enc 112. 195. 196 Ehmann. Amanda 52. 64 70. 72. 15B. 159. 190 Ehrhart Grant 112. 186 Ela Hope 29. 112. 165, 186, 193 Elifritz, Patrick 100. 1B5 Elliott. Cilf1s 28, 52. 6B. 72, 135 Elliott Ka~e 72, 195 Blis. Graham 100, 135, 147 Ell.,, Savannah 52 73. 193 Ell". Taylor 112. 171. 193 Elman. KentDn 100. 107. 14 7. 195 Emery Duantrad 112 Engelbrecht-Wiggans. Amy 100. 143. 153. 185. 195 Ennen. Stephen 100 Enms. Brandon 88 Enstrom, Elsa 88, 136, 181. 184. 188 Epps, latasha 112 Evans. Casey '12. 171, 193 Erum. Charlae 52. 73

Fllllan, Jacob B8 Fabian, Joshua 8B Folk. Tyler B8. 135. 195 Fannacc•. Elisa BB. 190, 196. 197 Faught Rachel 100, 184. 1B8 Fears, Haather 112. 193

Fears. Hill ry 100. 153 192 Feoc rt. all 112, 153 169 183 Feller, Cathy 44, 88. '37 155 18 Fesenma•er, Magg•e 22. 52, 73. 150 190 Fern Ia. Taylor 52 Fogum. Jeanette 88 f'onley, Ksvin 112. 147 fJscella. Phil 88. 183. '85 F•scus. Zach 88. 143, 147. 184 Fisher. lynnsay 15. 52. 66, 73, 1B3 1B8 Fitton, Jenny 34. 112 159. 1B5 Fotton. Matthew 24 34 88, 143 147 Fitzpatrick, Jed 52 Flanders. Chris 52 Fleener. Chnsune B8, 141 155 182 1B5 Flenm Tara 100 Floyd. Ju 10 112 Au e. leah 193 Flynn. Sheuna 88. 195 Flynn. Zachary 100. 135, 147, 183 Foley. Jenna 112 Foltz, Amy 112. 151 1B3, 190 193 Fond11, Ranaca 112 Ford, Jad<ll 1B 100 141, 165 FornstA!elr 42 112.171 195. 196 fgtzjer, Emily 12. 13, 42, 45. 52. 13, 153 183 184. 191, 192 For. Kortney 100, 173. 190, 192. 196 Franas, Jayme 52, 187, 189 Fran n. Jusbn 100 Frmr. Alexandra 112 Frezer, Mcha e 19. 43, 8B, 182 184 18B 19' 196 Frederick Jess1ca 112 Frederick, Laura 88, 141, 151. 183, 190 Frederick, Ryan 53 Fredencks, Kane B. 53. 71, 73, 1B3, 184. 190 Frednckson. Sara 43. 100. 185. 197 Freeland. Sam 100. 135. 147 Freeman. Jam11 88. 147, 169 Freman. Lamar 112. 1BB. 193 Freema S esha B8. 143 Fnth, Lance 100. 1B7 Fuhrman. Tylar 112 FuJihara. Scooter 100 Fulfer. Tanya 53 Funston, Martha 10, 19. 43. 53. 73. 171. 182 184. 193. 194 Furtney. Jeremy 53. 73 G

Ga•nes.leshaunca BB Galaras. Phillip B3. 100. 135. 147. 169. 195 Gaona. Casar BB Gaona, Miguel 39, 53, 1B3 Gaona Nid•a 53, 183. 184 Garc•a. Andrew 112, 193 Garcla-Meza. Alfredo 88 Gardnet. Aaron 119 Gantner, Ernoly 86 Gardner. Samantha 42, 100. 173. 191 192 Gardner. Waymond 112 Gates. Aaron 100. 196 Gebil. Salem 88 Gelko, Seth 100. 187 G•ammana. Fran 53. 66. 73, 135, 190 Grammana. Vmrue 100. 107 Gibas. Joseph 53 73 G•boney. Taland11 112 Glb 19. 21, 23. 36. 53. 71. 73, 147 ' 9, 175, 193 Gil [umce 100, 164 165, 187. 191 Giflesp•e. Damal 53 Gipson, e 39. 43 86. 88, 143 182. 184 190 GipSon, Oscar 53 G1ro, Tom 53 Gladney, Tl'IVOI 100 167 Gladney, Tnst.an 8B Gladney, Xavier 53 GlaU, Colm 53. 73 Goad. Kar• 17. 88, 137, 183, 190 Goad, Kabe 42, 100, 137. '78. 183 190 Goi 88 Goldenstein. Devin 88 Goma.M e 88 Gonshorek, Da el 112. 1B3 Gonshorek. K11th 112.189. 195 Gonzalez. Carlos 9. 149. 1B3, 191, 195 Gonzalez. Crl$1obal 9, 100, 149, 169 '95 Gonzalez. Marcos 100, 169. 184. 195

Good. Amanda 112 Goodmght. Soph11 28. 112, 155 Goodpaster, lauren 53, 73, 192 Gordon, N1clc 14, 53, 73, 183. 195 Gorham, Meg 53. 73, 143, 192 Graham. Bryanna 43. 88, 187. 191 Graham. Sara 88 Grarutk. Bruce 100 Gran~ Gabnelle 43. 88 Grant, Ivory 100 Graves. Oav1d 39. 88, 147 Graves. M1ke 147 Gray. Steven 100. 147, 169 Green. Matthew 9, 11~. 147 Green. Mitch 112, 193 Greenberg. Aubry 112 147, 163 Greenberg. Royce 88 Greenstem, Dav1d 34. 53 Greenstem, Enc 34, 100. 147. 169 Greenstein. Jenmfer 34. 100 Gregory, RICk 30. 53, 147, 168, 169. 187 Grider. Jill 88. 141. 165, 174 Grider. Nicholas 112 Gnffm. Sharissa 102 Gnscom. RIChard 53, 183. 195 Gnscom, Thomas 182 Grodsky. Jason 6, 30. 88, 135. 181 Grodsky. Kelsey 30, 88. 93, 184 Gross. Arielle 112. 173. 193 Gross, Gianna 112, 184. 191, 192 Grum1sh. Enc 112, 186 Gudeman. Deana 102 Guerrero, Jorge 9, 102. 184 GUidO, NIC 43, 53. 73, 193. 194 Gunmng. Ashley 102, 192 Gunmng. Chelsea 102 H Hackley. Andy 53, 73, 169. 181, 185 Hadler. Thomas 112 149 Hagens. Emily 112. 165. 183 Hagens, Sarah 37. 44, 88. 143. 178. 183. 185 Hagle. Sarah 45. 53. 71. 73, 171 Hall, Denness1a 34. 88. 155 Hall. Momca 34, 102. 187 Halle. Ben 102, 139, 181 Halle. Caitlin 19, 102, 151. 192 Hallett, lmdsey 112, 150. 151 Ham. Samuel 102. 149 Hannah. Jessica 102 Hannan. Matt 102, 135, 147 Harden, Colleen 102. 155. 178. 183. 191 Hardyman. Philfip 88, 147 Harms. Kata B. 112. 184 Hams, Adam 28. 88, 147, 169, 183, 184 Harns. Juanett 53. 73 Hams. Mam1ta 88, 90, 183, 195 Harns. PhiTiip 83. 112. 147 Harry. Jordan 54 Hart, Joseph 112 Harvey. Blame 30. 90. 147. 195 Harvey, Kanyta 38. 102 Hawkins. tan 90 Hawkms. Mart1ce 112 Hayes. OsriC 135 He. Ivy 43. 112. 185. 191 Hebert. Shaylee 6. 12. 54. 73. 187, 197 Hedges. Abby 112 Hedges. Betsy 46. 90 Hednck. Wesley 112 Hammoway, Devm 112 Hemmmgway, Tonan 54 Henderson. Dam1en 102. 163 Hendrix, Jenell 34, 54, 73, 131, 165. 192 Hendnx, JesSica 34, 102, 191 Hendnx, Justm 34. 110. 112. 191 ~emgman Emma 18. 102 171. 185 Henneman, Laura 102, 159, 193 Henry, Maureen 112, 159. 195 Henry. William 90 Henss, Magg1e 42, 54. 73, 155, 182, 185 Hermsdorf. Carty 35. 54. 73, 151. 183, 184. 190 Hermsdorf, Kendall 35. 42. 112. 155, 195, 196 Hernandez. Dame! 90 Hernandez, Jav1er 41, 102 Harrel. John 54. 73. 139. 157. 166. 167. 195 Herrera. Carl 112 Herrera. Marco 112 Hester, MIChael 114 H1ckman, Joel 102 Hicks. Andrew 114. 192 HICks. Briana 102, 191

H1ggms, Enk 9, 14, 37, 54, 70. 171 H1ggins, Rachael 114, 186, 193 H1ll, Kourtney 26, 102 Hill, MIChael 102, 163 H1ll, Shanta 90 Hilson, Katnce 114. 191 Hiner, Bnttany 114, 155 Hiser. Matt 114, 195 Hiser. Meghan 114, 195 Hobbs. Ali 102, 143. 159, 190, 195 Hoffman, Ryan 47. 54, 73, 188 Holding, Kathy 38, 102, 159, 190, 194 Holdren, Joseph 54 Holm. lana 114, 157, 195 Holmer. M1tch 29, 45. 46, 102, 135, 147, 163. 178 Holt. Alando 90. 163 Holt. Antonio 90. 163 Honn. Tnstan 9, 102 Hood, Elizabeth 10, 90, 95. 184. 188, 194, 195 Hood, MiChael 90 Hope, Obriena 193 Hopkins. Chelsie 90, 141, 159, 183, 191 Horn. Cierra 90. 193 Horton-Philfips, Royce 114 HoSTer, lynette 102 Hottman, Samuel 54 Hou. Suoyang 114 Houston, Dom1mque 102 Howard. Domimck 54 Howard, Martel 54 Howard. Pern 90. 143. 53, 169 Howard. Sa 54. 73. 147. 190 Hoyt. Jenn~er 54. 73 Hualda. Nicolas 114 Huddleston, Stasha 114 Hughes. Marcellious 54 Hughes, Russell 114 Hulse, !Cole 113, 114 Hun~ Shannon 54, 73, 154, 155. 187 Hunt . Amanda 186 Hunllr. Kayanne 54 Hurd, Ahbleza 141, 192, 196 Hurd. Asa 114. 149 Hu ·ens. Charles 20, 38, 90. 194

lee. Courtney 90, 183. 185. 190. 192 loanmdes, MIChael 102 Ivy, Shante 114. 193

Jackson. Jenmfer 42. 54 Jackson. Jerry 114 Jackson, Premsha 165. 191 Jackson-MathiS, Katrina 54, 73 Jahne, Kenny 169 Jake, Daman 114 Jaramillo. Jose 114 Ja er. James 114. 193 JasSTm, Nad1a 54. 67. 73. 143, 153 Jenkms, Charlene 114 Jenk1ns. Tenesha 73 Jeong, Jeemm 102, 185 J1ang, Nal-fe1 90 Johns. Megan 102. 195 Johns, Rachael 114, 195 Johnson, Carissa 114 Johnson, Chandora 73 Johnson, Chnstma 90. 191 Johnson. Chnstopher 54 Johnson, Demas 54, 73 Johnson, James 102 Johnson. Kylie 114 Johnson, lauren 90, 136. 137 Johnson. Rosalind 114 Johnsoo Sa'Da 54. 73 Johnson, Spencer 163. 187 Johnson, Walter 114. 147, 163 Johnson, Zachery 102 Johnston. Knstme 36. 90. 137. 183. 195 Jones, Aaron 17, 1D2, 169, 195 Jones. Julia 1D2 Jones, Margaret 114. 195 Jones. MaryBass 55, 73. 143, 159 Jones. Pa1ge 54. 73. 143. 182. 184. 186. 190 Jones. Sara 55, 189. 191 Jones. Tasheba 86, 90, 173. 191 Jones, Te'Asha 55. 73. 191 Jones, Tasia 102 Jordan. D1ondra 102 Jordan, Joshua 90

Joy DaVId 55. 73, 183 Judy. Stan 90, 178, 184 Jung, Peter 90. 185 JustiCe, Amend a 55, 73


Kaflmchev. Manna 55. 73. 184, 191 Kamphaus. Ashley 9D Kane, Brenna 55. 188 Kane, Margaret 88. 90. 182, 184. 195 Kang. Justm 114 Kaplan, Kristi 39, 90. 178. 183, 185, 197 Kara.lauren 11, 44, 102, 190, 191, 194 Katsmas, James 114, 147. 163 Keaton. PJ 90. 163 Keaton. Whitney 55,13, 173, 191, 192 Kelly, McKenna 90. 141. 183. 184, 196 Kendall-DICk, Allen 55, 73, 143. 185, 189, 196 Kendall-Dick. Corey 102, 143, 149, 189 Kern. Ryan 90 Kesler. MIChael 102. 143, 152, 153 Keys, Max1a 102 Khan. Habiba 7 55, 73. 183, 190 j(im. Andrew 114 K1m, Charlott 90 Kim. Chri ne 185 K1m. Nam-Ho 90, 185 Kimble, Austm 90, 184, 195 Kmcaid, John 90 Kmdt, John 90 Kmg, Courtney 102. 1D4 K1ng, Ramon 114 Ki elaar. Blake 195 Ki kelaar, Tyler 195 Ki set. Sarah 90, 192 K• y, Cla1re 114. 165, 195 K1 y, loreale 102 K1 , Eric 114 Kh ek, M~randa 42. 55, 73, 187 Kli ek, R1ta 102 Kmgh~ Amelia 90. 183 Km t, lowse 26, 36, 40, 55. 73, 143, 155 Km tWoods. N1k1ta 90, 182. 184. 193 Knop, Nigel 39. 114, 196 Ko•h r. Chnstopher 102 K1 t. James 90 KloSter. Sylbi 110, 114, 192 Kra1 · Gertrude 114 Kreu, R chat 1D2, 190 Kreager. arie 186 Kresca. an 28, 102. 147, 169, 181 Kresca. Mitch 102. 135, 149, 169 Kroes, Stephame 55 Ku. Eva 43, 114. 184, 195 Kuppler, Ja b 114 Kyrouac. Ki 18, 102. 137. 155, 165, 181. 185

laDew. Jess' a 195 114 102 y 1D2. 164. 165 on 55 lance. Russell 112, 114 Landman. Je ·ca 9, 90 Landreth, Evan 90, 189 lange, Abby 1 , 1D2. 155, 185. 191, 194 lapayne, Kalse 90 larlt!l10s. N1rvana 55 larue, Raymond 90 Lawhead, Mali 55 Lawhead. Sean 114, 147 Laws. Bnttany 114 lee. Hak 55 lea, Jordan 102. 146. 147, 163, 187 lee, Jorday 102, 155, 165. 187 lee, Olesh1a 114. 5 Lee, Robm 114, 18 , 192, 195 leek. Ashley 102 Leemon. Oarek 114. 163 Leemon, Dustm 90. 135 le1U. Jordan 138. 139 ltle' a. Eva 15 Leman. Corban 114. 147 Leman, Corey 163 lemon. Amanda 114 ltnover. Katie 37. 55. 151 Lesueur, tan 102. 183. 188. 190 leturgey, Shane 102. 143. 147, 169 lew1s, Amber 114. 193 lewiS. Deandre 90 leWis, Kashif 29. 102, 147

_,.IJ, G1ne 34. 43. 114. 185 li, Kelly 183 U, Vicky 34. 43, 55, 73. 185, 188. 191 U, Yanfan 114. 185. '88, 190. 191 192 li, Yifang 114 lichtblau, Sarah 114. 192. 195 lieu. Jordan 20, 49. 55. 73. 147 lin, Anma 43 Un. Yun·HUI 0, 185 Undamann, 11 18 35. 102. 141. 153. 165 Lindemann. Laura 35. 55. 73. 165. 193 lmdsay, Darren 114 lobk1s. Mane 90, 184. 190 Lockett, N1 ole 35, 55. 73 Lockett, Se na 35. 90 lockhart. roa 90 lore. N1clc 102. 167 lovdahl. JStophar 114 lowry, BenJ8mm 90, 183. 196 lynch. Danna 102, 143, 171 lynch. William 55 lyons, Nat 114. 157. 195

M Macedo, F nosco 9 39 Macedo, lorwo 114 Maffit. Jacob 9D. 193, 195 Maffit. Walker 114 Magno. Allyson 55, 73. 183 Makabu, Jean 9D Mandamuna. Aft ssa 102 Mangian, Amanda 114, 151. 195 Mang1an, Enn 90, 193 Manmng, Coreyon 90 Mannmg, Gabnel 163 Manuel. Jason 90, 149. 185. 195 Manuel, Kat1e 90. 193 Markman, Milena 8, 90. 183. 185 Marmion, Caleb 114, 147. 169 Marmion, Tamara 55, 73 Martm. Alexan dna 31, 42. 90. 141. 183, 195 Martm. D'Shaka 193 Martm. Phlir,p 102, 169. 195 Martm. V~ttona 46, 90, 191 Martindale, Meghan 9D, 141, 165. 178, 182. 184 Mart1me, MiChael 102. 147 Mathews, luke 9, 29, 98, 102, 147. 194 Matt. Tom 102, 135, 147 Matthew. Maret 90 Maxey, MIChael 102. 143. 153 May, Cameron 114 Maya, luis 1D2 Mauocco. Usa 98, 102. 141, 181. 183. 185. 190 Mbuv1. Phoebe 42. 58. 73, 141, 153. 185 McClure. Chase 17. 197 McCray, Abby 114. 171, 193 McDamel, Jaes 90, 147 McDermed. Kevm 58 McDonald, Jarrett 9. 114, 147 McDonald. Maura 102. 190 McElrath, AI1Sha 58, 73 McEntire, Geoffrey 114. 186 McFerren, Khnstl 90. 191 McFerren. N1andra 73 McGarvey, Nathan 114. 195 McGee. Terell 187 McGee. W1llie 15 McGill, Elliott 28. 39. 58. 71. 73. 157. 181. 184 McG1II, Jacob 38. 58. 73. 148. 149 McGill, Max 114, 157. 186 McGill, Tyler 1D2. 143, 167 McKinnie, Nev1lle 114 Mclemore, Allison 14. 19. 36, 90, 143. 153, 178 McMahon, Broo e 43. 114. 165, 184 McMahon. Usa 11. 38, 104. 192 McMahon. Mallory 31. 104. 137. 155 McMurray, K1rk 8. 19. 104. 149. 169. 191. 194 McMurray, Marella 42, 58, 74. 141, 182, 185. 195 McNutt. Marcell 58. 186 McShane, Matt 9D. 135 Mechling, le1gh Anne 58. 74 Madlyn, Zachary 39, 90. 181, 184. 188. 195 Meneely, Caitlin 114, 196 Mernweather. Ricllard 114. 153 Metzler. Betsy 14. 43. 58. 183. 193. 194 Meuter, Jeff 147. 181, 189 M~thaet.Sondra 114.171,186 M1ely, Victor 46. 58. 74. 143.67. 182, 184 Milas, John 114, 195 M1ller. Julen 104, 165, 191 M1ller, Katie 114

e 114.119,191 M . Magg 36 90 143. 153. 178. 183. 185. 195 M !sap, am 29. 37. 40, 90. 147. 183 M !sap, Kathryn 114. 151 M1nor, Ma 1a 29. 58. 74 Miskim ns. Ashley 114, 171, 195 M tchell.lsaac 104. 187 M1tchef1, Sabre 114 Mkwezalamba. Max 90. 143, 149, 191 Mock, Wyn1ta 26. 42. 104, 173. 191, 192 oe. Kyle 114. 157, 175 Mohrbacher. K8V111 104. 187 Moll, Chandra 9D Montgomery, Mark 90 Montgomery, Shannon 114 Moon, Justin 90 Mooney. Ca•tlyn 104. 84, 188 Mooney Molly 18, 58.69 74 '· Bront 135 Moore, laarutra 90 Moore, lex1e 1D4. 137, 190. 196 Moore. Rachel 35, 58. 74, 159 192 Moore. Ross 35. 104. 149. 167 Moran. Memly 104 Morgan. AleXIs 5, 9, 32. 36. 58, 74, 155. 175 Morgan, Ashley 32. 9D, 143, 171, 183 Morris, Jann fer 92 Mornson, Lesl11 58. 74. 159. 182. 185, 195 Morrissey, M1ke 104. 147, 169 193 Mosley, Dantnse 58 Mosley, James 92 Motley, Mario 58 Motley, aamen 104 Mowry. Sam 7, 1D4 183. 185. 190, 192, 195. 197 uhr, BeCCII 92 141, 158, 159 Muhr,lesne 58. 74, 141, 153. 178, 183, 184 190 Mullady,lndla 110, 113, 151. 171, 184. 190. 192 Mordent Nathan 92 147 Murphy. Brian 58. 66. 74. 147. 195 Murphy. Kevm 114. 147. 195 Murray. Spencer 17. 43. 104. 193. 195 Musson, Holl1 58 Musuruana. Rod 104. 149. 169 Mynck. M1ka 114

N Nady,laune 112. 114. 190. 191, 193 Nagasaga. Ezeza 114. 153 Nagle. Tomm1e 114. 193 Nance. Kinyatta 92. 95, 188. 191, 193 Nap1er. Mark 116. 149. 186 Ndekwe. Paul 31. 88. 92. 147 Ne1ther. Tia 43. 92. 141, 183. 190. 191 Nelson. Aleena 58 Nelson, Garnck 17, 58, 195 Nelson, Holly 58. 69. 74. 143, 153. 178. 183. 185. 186. 197 Nelson, R1chard 58. 74. 195 Newbern. Antomo 116. 147 Newbill, DeAndre 1D4 Newland. Jeram11 104 Nguyen. Chau 92 Nguyen, Dean 116. 196 guyen, Ouynh 34, 92, 182 Nguyen, Thuy 92 Nguyen, Tu 34. 39. 58 NIChols. Amy 35. 59. 183 NIChols. Paul 35, 116 Niswonger, Allison 29. 59. 74, 194 N1ZZ1, Rebecca 45. 59. 67. 74. 151, 178 Noh. Joseph 59 Noms, Dav•d 104 Nunn. Jason 116. 195 Nunn. M1tchell 104

0 O'Bannon,lakendra 59. 74 Olea. Jesus 104 Oliphan~ M1ke 47, 59. 74. 139. 163. 184 Omondi. Recho 92 Onderdonk. James 7, 116 Ortega. Elliott 104 Osler. Bntney 92 Outlaw. DeniSe 116. 184

Pace, Evelyn 116 Pace. Kathryn 92. 141, 182, 184, 195 Pagliuca. Natalia 92, 159. 183, 184. 190. 194

Palaao Sara 141 Palmer Clf! tma 92 140 141 56 157 ' 7 PeerS ta696674 Palmer Ster ng 116 Pa ey ChriS 92. 188, 196 P1 D 103 104 195 Papa Brandon 59 P11 Hyun 104 Parker, Vince I 116 Parkhil~ Clayton 104 157 Parkhill, Samantha 36, 59. 74, 157 184, 19C Parkhill Tom 92. 157 Paschal Alex s 8. 38, '16, 171 184 Pm y Ann 17 116. 195 Pate Bhumi 116 Paners am 116 Pan orson. Khal'!! 116 184 Patterson. Kyte 104 Pavlov. S•meon 116. 163 Payne, luther 147 Peacot JusM 20. 59. 71. 147. 162. 163. 175. 191 Pearson, Cltnstopher 59 Pearson. Ebony 38. 104 Pease, Amanda 59, 74. 187. 197 Palmore. OtanaMa 116 Pelz. Ashley 92 Penrungton, laura 116. 183. 195 Penwell, A11 104. 183. 190 Peper, TJ 7, 10. 15. 25. 43. 59. 66. 147. 193. 194. 197 Perez.N•co 116. 149.167, 192. 195 Perry. Rob n 59 Perry·Steerman. Mtchael 116 Peters. Anna 14. 92. 183. 185. 190. 194 Peters Came 6. 23, 25. 37, 59. 71. 74, 141, 153. 178, 185, 223 Pentgrew. Henry 116 Pentgrew. Kashira 193 Pforr, Sarah 18. 104. 143. 171, 184 Phmtppe. Wolfiam 92 Phmtps. Arne! 28. 37. 92. 171 PhtllipS, Oeshaun 104. 135. 147 PhiD ps, Haary 43. 92. 171. 183. 184. 192. 195 Ph ps, ichofas 116. 163 Ptcchte Man 92. 185. 188, 190 Ptnman, Knsta 92 Pollok. Gregory 187 Pope. Ta1a 116 Pope Whttney 19 92 Potenberg, Mlthene 190 Pnbb David 59. 74 Pnlla1J11n. Kyle 92. 139, 185, 195 Pnor. ora 92. 104. 183. 195, 196 Prosser. AlySia 104. 192, 195, 197 Pryor, tmberly 104 173, 191 Pryor, rystaf 92 Puep e. Ncolas 116 Pulan DameUa 104 141 Pulan MallO 92 143. 153, 168, 169 Pyer. Kathryn 104, 141, 195

R Raa rs. Ena 116 Rache Camel 92 Rad~ Bly 42 116. 159, 195 Rames. Katherone 59. 66 74 Rames, Sarah 116. 155, 186 Ramtraz. Max 92, 149 Ratcltff. Alex 59. 74, 154. 155 Ratcltffe, Carolyn 59. 64, 70. 74 136 37, 158. 159, 165, 178, 182 185 186. 190. 191 Ratltft. Ashley 104 Ray, Oarut 92. 137 163 Ray, J · 116 171. 186 Ray. Rochard 113 116 Reardon, Marsha 35,59,141 195 Reardon. Rachel 35 104. 141 195 Reddock. An a 92 Redding Rodtrlck 15. 27 R mer Jon 59 74, 139 181. 184 Reyn s JeSSICa 59, 74 Rhodet- ilson, Cltns 59, 143, 147 Rochartlson. Otvfn 37, 104, 191 193 Rochmand, Metvm 147 Rtvers. Reva 59 Rtvers.~ooth 9 104 169 Roa gar Donovan 67 Roberts, Brandon 92 187 Roberu. •ared 116, 186 Robeson, Ana a 104 Robinson, Aaron 30. 59. 74, 167. 178. 184 195.

223 Robtnson, JaMs 9 116, 166 Robmson. Keyerra 116. 186 Robmson. Ouinton 92 Roboson Key rr1 193 Roch ford. Todd 92. 185 Rodaba • Clr' 116 gers, Oiomand 191 Rodgers, Kendra 60 Rodnguez, Man 116, 149, 195 Ro guez. Nolbeno 92 Roed g • Donovan 74, 191 R Jessou 116, 155 Rog s. mala 92. 173 n Cory 14 Hayley 104 137. 154. 155 165, '95 Roney. Ra 92. 182. 185 Rose. Karen 83. 92, 183 Ross. Janelle 116 Rost John 17. 25. 60, 74. 197 Rostam-Abadt, Sheyan 104 Ro Jacob 92, t83, 185

Russe . Camreona 38. 116 Russell, Krtstona 36. 104, 143. 155. 165 Ryus. Eliza 92

Salgado. AleJandro 38. 149 Salonas, Aletandro 104. 182, 184 Sallee. Raudta 60. 74. 165, 191 Salmon. CatUtn 116. 189 Sanchez. Anur11 8, 104 Sanchez. Ruben 118. 184 191 Samecki. K1111 60. 64. 68. 74, 190 Savage, Muhammed 60, 149, 182 Scarpena N•ck 26. 60, 64, 67, 74. 168. 84. 195 Schadow. JesSica 104 Schel!w le 1 104 Schantz. Ka 1 9 195 Seht che 116, 149 Jacob 116 Schnetder. Joel 15 Schoell. Wtll 104. 135, 147 Schooner. er, Cltnstopher 60. 74 Scho ver, Hayze 92 Schreiber, Andrea 116, 155. 195 Schroeder, Phil p 31. 60, 74, 195 Schroeder. Thomas 19. 92. 149 Sduoll, Megan 92, 143 Schroll. Shewn 116 Schwalm, Ethan 60. 74, 147 Scopel Alana 116 Scopel Angela 92. 141, 190 Scott, Megan 104 183, 185. 190. 196, 197 Scott, Tyren 118. 147 Seeber, layton 116. 147, 163 SaatJ, Terry 116, 147 Segovtdl, Knshn 104, 184. 188 Se er, Cam 12. 92, 167. 187. 192 SewanH:obum, Kimera 8. 60. 74, 165. 191 ShaMon. OMS 80. 74. 187 Shantk. Andrew 116, 147, 163 Shaw. Marnna 104, 195 Sheehan. Stdney 18 44 98, 104. 141 189 181, 183, 184, 190, 191 Shepard. Andrew 92 Sht eta. Rto 11. 13 20, 42, 92, 190, 192 194 Shobe, Elaabeth 104 193 Sholetn. Kaue 21. 23. 39. 60. 68. 74. 171. 178,223 er, Ellllly 92. 171 s bley, Enca 92. 191 Sibley, KaUey 60 Stbley, Ste n 38. 118. 191 Sibley, Tyron 116 St s, Brandy 116, 186 s,Mar~ 118 Suadet. Emiel 104 . Coulter 60. 74 139 Stms. ew 60, 74. 187 Stngleton, X ll!r 11 , 147 Stones. Jared 1 St John 92 Sitcl> avon 9. 20. 28. 60. 71, 74, 135. 147. 181. 184 Skaggs, Bryan 116 Skremer, Willtam 104 Slums , liam 104. 135, 149, 163 Smekal, Jan 104 Smit Collm 92, 147

Smith, Erica I

1 Smith, Margo 60 69 74 159 Smoth. MalllUIS 44, 104 Smith, Max 135 Smrth. Rebeca 60. 185 Smtth. Roben 118 147 Smrth. Samantha 92. 159 Smith,Samu 92 Smrth. Sarah 92, 181, 184 Smtih, S11dan 193 Smoth, Trtna 60. 187 SmrthWallace. AleXIs 92 Soloman.LOVt 92 Somers, Benjamtn 92 Somers. lucas 92 Sonberg, Enc 19. 183 Sougoanms N•cholas 60. 74. 187, 195 Spanglo, Mtchelle 104 Spencer. Kathryn 92 Spencer, Shim a 60. 74. 165. 167 e Oanielle 39. 90. 92 141, 155 184 190 Sptller Ka!Sha 191 Spotz.lu e 104 138. 139, 147 Spohrer. Bndget 116 197 Spohrer. Jarod 60 192 Spohr~~ Thet B. 12, 14 Spohrer. Tam 116,192. 197 Springfield. ~ucker 116. 149. 186 Square, Tolfany 187 Stanley. Cltns 118. 147, 169. 166 Stanner. Josh 116. 149 Stetnkamp, K tney 116 Stetnkamp, Kyle 104 Stenger, Jennaer 92. 141 Sterling, F 10n 116 Sterrett, Ban 116. 195 Stevens. Mocha I 60. 183 Stewart. Patge 116. 173 Stimmel, Jacob 19 38. 92. 182. 184 195 Stocker. Heather 92 189. 192. 195. 196 Stolar sky, Shn 18. 104. 151, 183. 192 Stone. Samuel 60. 74 Strack. Jordan 60. 69. 187 Strang, Cameron 39, 116. 156. 157. 163 Strang, Tucker 92, 93. 135. 167 Streeter. Kendra 116 Streeter, Kyla 61 Stubbms. Dam 104, 184, 190. 191 Stump, Rosalyn 92 Stumpf Sarah 116. 186 Sturkey. Fatama 21, 23, 61,74 Su. David 35. 92. 149, 184, 194 Su. Peter 35. 43. 116, 149. 184. 193. 194 Sullan. Man 116. 149 Sulltvan, Bethany 14. 19. 86. 92, 159. 165. 182. 184, 190, 191, 193, 194 Summers.llothentae 116 Summers. Steph 92 Summers. Tomothy 28, 104 163 Suttle, Jenna 12, 61. 68. 74. 178, 182. 184, 192. 195 Sutton. Toby 104 Svym y Jordan 22. 39, 61 147 Svymbersky, lauren 116. 165. 184 Swoff d, Ste en 8. 104. 196 Sykes. nna 92 T

Thomas, Denee 193 Thomas, Jacque e 116. 195 Thomas. Katheron 116 Thomas. Meg 2 Thomas, Merry 104 183. 195 Thomas. Rob1n 17,81 74. 153. 181, 195 Thomas. Sarah 61, 188, 189. 192 Thompson. Attyya 116 Thompson. Bnnauy 104

lbiiriiPson. Courtney 116 Tlwmpson. Manssa 104 Thnmton.lee 118 Thorson,lngnd 35, 61, 74. 143. 187 Thorson, Katnna 9. 35, 36. 104. 155 Thre eld. Gloroa 118. 153 T n. Steve 104, 169 Tillmiio. Tamyra 118 T111e~ R my 61, 191, 195. 196 To. n 8 49, 61. 69. 74. 167 182. 189 Toboas, Br1d 61, 68 Tobias, Kyle 104 147. 169 Toll athan 1'8 fran. Anh 104 Tran.Len 4'. 104 Trueper Kal 61, 74. 153, 185 Tsut, Karen •o. 94. 173. 182 184 193 Tucker Antome 61 Tucker, Cha1nz 163 Tufte, JlflndM 104. 168 Tulle, Teresa 118. 183 Tun. Kara 104. 187 lull Shana 118 Tumw. Altsha 104 Turner. Cortez 118 li nw. Eron 104, 19 , 193 Tumor, Jennette 94 Tumor. Joseph 94, 93 Tumer. liOuasha 38, 118 Turner, leveshoa 61 Tumor, Malata 118 Turner, TriVIa 61 TumerWash, Mochael 118 lyle~ Beau 104, 169. 187

v Valbert Amanda 28. 103. 104, 155 Vang. Mart1yn 104. 183 Vannarath, Ja tnee 104 Vasauna, Justtn 94. 194 Vasnaik, Ashley 118, 195 Vasnatk Knsttna 11. 43. 86. 93. 94. 171, 183. 184 Vaughn, JesSica 61, 74 Vega. Aaron 104. 149. 174 Vega Zamora. Geovanny 94. 183 Vognola. Moke 104, 169, 195 Vognola. Rob 61. 169. 187, 189 Vollegas. Carla 8, 94. 143. 183. 195. 197 Vunr. Jonathan 35. 118, 167 Vomr, Ross 35, 61. 70. 74, 166. 167. 174, 181. 184 Vtrgtlto. Tony 47. 61 Voelker. Kim 19, 94, 182, 184, 195, 196 Voglt. Adea 94 Von Waldner. Cody 104 Voyles. Cltantalle 111. 192 Voyles. Jacquehne 94 Vreeman, Krystle 94, 187

White Stacey 84 t!stn Sea 118 Whoned. Antome 87 Wiener Anen 141 Wi Dff E za th 35, 110, 118 Wikoff Kyle 35, 62 75. 147, 187 Wlldma 118. 192 193

Williams. James 98. 106 Wijhams, Joctlyn 94 192 tloa • Korey 106 Willia ,larry 106 Willt • Undsay 187 W~uams, Mo e 187 Willtams, Rashad 147, 163 Wtlhams, Shamoca 62. 75 Williams. Stewart 28, 41, 106. 163 tams, Tdfany 19. 30, 40, 62, 75, 183 184 191, 196 Williamson. Blah 62. 138. 139 tlliamson. Evan 47 118 149 Wo!Uamson. John 113 118 Wtlhamson. Ramon 94 W~us, leslie 94. 141 151 183. 185. 187 Wilson, Anders 118, 119 Wilson. Cltrtstoph r 139 Wilsnn, Eric 39. 118. 146. 147. 163 Wilson. fan 195 Wilson, Jasmme 106 Wilson. letnece 94 W111frey, Oeme 94 Wlllfrey, Ooriln 118 186 Winfrey, leOttlta 118, 191 Wonkler-Groschen.lan 94, 186. 187 195 Wi er-Groschen. NelsOtl 94, 186 Winston. lan 31. 94. 143 Wisegervet Steve 12. 13, 42 62. 75. 184 192. 194 Don ne 62. 75. 137, 150, 151 Wojnar. Charles 106 Wo1nar. Rtchard 94. 190. 195 Wo1nar. Stan 190 Wanser. Kaylan 106. 155 Wood. Bnnnev 94 Woodley, Kristen 118 Woods. Madelin 5. 84 178, 183, 184, 195 Woodson. Kalto 62, 75, 190, 191 Wright, Bnnany 141 Wnght fan 106. 177. 195 Wnght Matthew 106 Wnght Mlhe 94 183, 196 Wurl. Jonathan 118. 195 y

w Wade, Cltontelle 61 WahHeld~ ::llr's 39. 118 Wa ar,Jason 193 Wallace, Dane 61, 75. 135 Wallace, Ora 6. 94. 134, 135 Wallaca, Kathenne 43. 118, 184, 190. 195 Wallace. Sarah 19. 31. 32. 36, 94. 183, 195. 196 Walters. Bnan 94 Wampler, Ally 94. 171 Wampler, Man 11. 45, 104. 139. 147. 196 Ward. Cammelle 20. 41. 94. 143. 154, 165. 191 Wardlow. Oshawa 106 Warten, Mara 118. 155 Washmgton. Ja'leel 106. 147, 163 Washtngton, Wilham 118, 186 Watktns, larry 118 Watson. Oantelle 106 Watson. Dewayna 147. 195 Wavenng, Dan 35, 118. 157, 195 Weatherall Shada 43. 106 Webb, Brandon 118. 147. 163 Webb. Bnnney 94, 173, 187, 191 Webb, Maunce 15 Webber, Kathenne 118. 195 Weochsel, Joshua 195 WeiSSinger, Enc 94 Weuel, Woll 31. 94, 139, 185, 195 Weuve. Andrew 106 Whtte, Bryan 61, 147, 187, 189. 191 Whtte. Cohn 94, 189 Whtte. Oomontque 61

Yacoub, Cltnstofer 43 Yambert. Jene e 43, 118 155. 185 Yarnber~ Jason 23, 25. 28. 62. 68. '15, 134 141 163


<CO. -.c=-o=-

Yoo, JesSica Yore. Megan 6, Young, Charles 1 . 147 Yflllllll, De Andre 94 Young, Jarral 193 1 4 Young. Kimb rty 165 ll!O Young, Walter 183 Youssef, Nada 118 YIISuf, Azeez 131 149 91

Zanann~ Angel 118 Zarco. leonortlda 118 Zeclt. James 118. 157 Zednck. Mark 169, 187 Zetgler, Mtchael 62, 193 Zon. Dan11lle 155

Un•Charted Central Facts As the editors of the 2004 Maroon, we, l<atie Sholem, Aaron Robinson, and Carrie Peters, realize that there are many unknowns that even faculty who have been at Central High School for many years do not know. These are things that have never been recorded because they are just too complex to even calculate. We the editors took it upon ourselves to find out these very important and uncharted statistics so everyone can appreciate Central for its true value. Throughout our weeks of research we learned some very vital facts about our school.

83 pieces of stude nt artwork are hanging in the ha ts of Central.


There ar 15 can s in G ntral Schoo l.


of Ce tral's faces are


••••••••• mar oon 223

Editors' Note Wow! It has been four amazing years here at Central High School. No year has been exactly the same, and each student encounters his or her own unique experiences. The diverse student body and differences among peers allow students to have a wild adventure throughout high school. It has been a privilege to record all of the memories and create this yearbook. We hope everyone feels that this book accurately represents the diversity, spirit, and atmosphere of Central. Thanks to the yearbook staff for their hard work, crazy ideas, interesting photos, and fun spirit that really make the yearbook what it is. A special thank you to our adviser, Ms.Tanner, who puts up with all of us. We hope each student enjoys this book and treasures the memories that we have brought to you. We also hope that looking through this book will remind you that we are truly undefined.

Special Thanks: Primelight Studio, Mr. Hansen, Mr. Sparks, Ms. Gleason, Ms. Shmikler, Ms. Stephanie Thomas, Ms. Brunson, Danny Laesch, and of course, The Almighty Mr. Mink.


224 unedefined

g •



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