Rhythms of the Hunter

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Mary Saldevar

Biography Mar y is a 2021 alum na of W hitehous e Instit ute of D esign where she graduated w it h a Bachelor’s in Interior D esign. She ha s a pa ssion for simple yet creative a nd innovative solutions to interiors. Wit h a background in s cience a nd histor y a nd also exp erience in t he music indust r y, she ha s always loved bringing her creative v isions to life. T his f irst drew her to interiors: combining a practical m ind s et w it h creative fla ir. Us e of colour, patter n a nd tex t ural materiality ca n b e s een in her residential a nd com mercial explorations. Wit h her love of m i x ing t he old w it h t he new in order to create f unctional a nd f resh spaces, she a im s to give t hat p ersonal touch to ever y design.

Project Statement T he A nimal Com munity Cent re located in t he town of Muswellbrook in t he Upp er Hunter region of NSW w ill work clos ely w it h t he est ablished veterinar y clinics, local resident s a nd council. T he cent re w ill facilit ate cat a nd dog adoption a s well a s prov ide a space for a nimal a nd huma n re creation w it h a n empha sis on t he surrounding la nd s cap e. T he progra m of t he space includes a re ception, ret a il space, cafe, off ice, employee brea k out, outdoor kennels, exercis e yard s a nd public s eating. T he ‘R hyt h m s of t he Hunter’ is t he concept ual foundation f rom which t he proje ct explores biophilic patter ns, aut hentic innovative design a nd s ensor y exp eriences in order to reimagine a nimal care t h rough t he lens of hospit ality. By creating a war m a nd engaging at mosphere t he proje ct a im s to reduce t he st ress es a ssociated w it h a nimal care for all involved, encourage social interaction a nd foster ment al wellb eing.


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