MarriageToday Magazine - Fall 2007

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time to connect

Jimmy Evans shares vital keys for keeping you and your loved ones safe from the attacks of the enemy in, Living Among Lions.

10 fall

it is never too late to change by Karen Evans 2007


where Satan hides by Brenton Evans


oaths, signs and sacrifices by Jimmy Evans


dear friend, when it’s August and you live in hot, dry Texas,

it’s a little hard to accept that autumn is right around the corner.

But it is, of course, and that means getting kids back to school, reestablishing family routines, and resetting priorities. Here at MarriageToday, our priority is to bring you truth, encouragement, and practical help for succeeding in every area of marriage and family life. That’s why, like every issue of MarriageToday magazine, this one was prayerfully planned, written and designed with the health, happiness and protection of your family in mind. That’s why my main article in this issue is based upon one of the most talked-about and requested teachings I’ve ever brought. I call it “Living Among Lions.” I’m hoping you’ll read it because in it I share some vital keys for keeping yourself and the people you love safe from the attacks of the enemy.

Just as impacting, Karen has written an article for this edition titled, “It’s Never Too Late to Change.” With a lot of transparency and honesty about some of her struggles in the past, she brings you a word of hope and encouragement for overcoming patterns of defeat and bringing positive change to your life. In keeping with the theme of defeating the sworn enemy of your soul and home, Brent Evans, Executive Vice President of MarriageToday, brings us some key insights into the ways Satan lies in wait and the channels he uses to divide couples. Don’t miss “Where Satan Hides.” It’s a fresh and important reminder that will challenge and help you. On top of all that, we have carefully selected and highlighted a number of resources that will not only bless you and your family, but they will also make excellent gifts for those you care about. When you share marriage-building resources from God’s Word with others, you’re doing more than just helping someone else. You are sowing seed for healing and blessing in your own relationship. This is the seed principle which runs throughout the entire Bible. In Genesis God declares that seed will produce “after its own kind.” And in Galatians 6:7 we read: “for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” That’s why you should view every gift you give to this ministry and every resource you share as spiritual investments in your own relationship. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). You’ll find a number of other features in this issue of MarriageToday magazine, but I’ll leave a few surprises for you. Enjoy this issue and then pass it along to a friend!

Jimmy Evans

Copyright ©2007 by MarriageToday™ All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. Printed in the USA.

have a relationship-transforming

e x p e r i e n c e

Make plans now to join Jimmy Evans for one of these powerful, marriage-enriching events. September 9, 2007............World Changers International Atlanta, Georgia September 15–18, 2007 .....Resurrection Life Grand Rapids, Michigan February 8 & 9, 2008 ........Gateway Church Southlake, Texas April 18 & 19, 2008...........Trinity Fellowship Church Amarillo, Texas

For details on topics, times, and locations go to and click “EVENTS” on the top menu!

A Frisco, Texas woman named Christy recently sent out the following email to her friends. We think it’s good advice:

“I wanted to share some information that has helped our marriage grow rapidly in just weeks. Bob and I attended a marriage seminar a few weeks ago given by Jimmy and Karen Evans. If you have not heard of them, you need to. Please go to their website and listen to some of

their messages. It will change your marriage. I recommend them to everyone, even those who think there is no hope. Believe me, with God there is always hope. Our marriages are starving these days. Dig in with Jimmy and Karen and feed your marriage today, for the love and

peace that God has planned for our families. Be ready to find your spouse attractive again and light the fire in your hearts. Even if you think your marriage is great today, I promise with the messages you will hear from Jimmy and Karen you will see that it can be better.”

One of the most extraordinary trips my family ever took was also filled with valuable spiritual insight. I’m referring to the two-week period a few years ago in which we were… ///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\



LIONS ///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\///\\\

by Jimmy Evans

Several years ago my family had the privilege of taking an extended vacation in Africa with Karen’s parents. For two amazing weeks we visited game reserves in South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe and went on all-day photo safaris. It was truly the trip of a lifetime.


e knew we were in for a different sort of vacation when the very first thing we did upon arrival at the game reserve was sign a release form which said we wouldn’t hold the tour company liable if any of us were killed by wild animals. That certainly got our attention. I would say the most memorable part of the entire experience was the close proximity we had with lions. The first time I saw one up close I couldn’t help but be reminded of the Bible’s warning in First Peter, chapter five: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world (v. 8–9). Peter is giving us powerful insight into a spiritual reality—that we have a predator in our lives all the time. It is the devil. Now, unlike God, the devil is not omnipresent. Satan can only be at one place at one time. But he does have demons, principalities, and powers of darkness that do his bidding for him. And they are all over the world. »

instructions from our guide: stay in control… be alert!

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return to


true intimacy. It is one of the most important, enriching and all-too-often missing elements in marriages today. Many couples have lived without the blessings of real intimacy for so long, they have begun to “settle” for something far lower than what God has made available. With this five-part teaching titled Return to Intimacy, Jimmy Evans aims to change all of that. As you view or listen, you will find yourself equipped with littleknown, often-neglected keys to restoring and promoting closeness in your relationship. you’ll also discover: … the four elements of intimacy and how to create and maintain them in your marriage … the two most common issues that destroy marriages i.e. destructive anger and dominance … the secret of intimate differences No matter where your marriage has taken you, you can Return to Intimacy. Order this series and start your journey! titles in this series:

∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

The Four Essential Elements of Intimacy Investing in Intimacy Disarming Destructive Anger Disarming Destructive Dominance Intimate Differences

5 sessions on 5 CDs CD76 special price ...$24.95 (retail price .......$29.95)

5 sessions on 2 DVDs DVD76 ...........$59.95

The devil does not have automatic permission to devour you. He can’t just victimize any person he chooses. In fact, Jesus defeated the devil on the cross. Peter is saying that you are being stalked by a predator—one that is all the more dangerous because he is unseen. Thus his instructions are, “You be sober and on the alert.” Now there is some good news in the wording of Peter’s warning. He tells us the devil is “seeking whom he may devour.” The key word there is “may.” The devil does not have automatic permission to devour you. He can’t just victimize any person he chooses. In fact, Jesus defeated the devil on the cross. Jesus told us, “I give you authority over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you” (Luke 10:19). “Why then,” you may be wondering, “are so many Christian people being harmed? Why are so many marriages being torn apart? Why are so many families being devastated? Why are so many bad things happening to God’s people?” I believe I gained some insights about those questions on that trip in Africa. They are insights I believe can help you avoid becoming an unnecessary victim of the predator that is stalking you and your family. Our guides on the trip had the wonderful names of Blessed and Solomon. I must tell you, when you are venturing out into the African wild for the first time, it’s comforting to be led by men with names like that. You want your guides to be as blessed and wise as possible! Interestingly, the first set of instructions we received from our guides was basically, “Stay in control. And be alert.” In other words, a near-perfect duplication of Peter’s admonition to “Be sober and vigilant.” But that is not the only parallel I discovered on that trip. During that extraordinary two-week period that we were among the wild beasts of South Africa, I learned some things about lions that have really brought that warning in First Peter to life. I want to share two of the most important with you here.



ne of the first things we learned is that lions are nocturnal. In other words, they are creatures of the night. When we first got there, our guides said, “Inside the camp, you can walk anywhere you want during the day, but when evening comes, never leave your room without an armed guard with you. The night belongs to the predators.” I got a vivid reminder of that truth on our first night there. That first full day had been an exciting one of seeing wild animals in close proximity. After eight hours in the bush, we got to our room tired and quite hungry. But we had been instructed to wait for an armed guard to come to our hut and escort us to dinner. The appointed time came and went without our escort appearing. I—being the model of patience and longsuffering—kept opening the door of the hut and stepping outside to see if I could see our escort coming. Each time, Karen would say, “Jimmy, close that door. They told you not to step outside in the dark.” And I would say, “Karen, I am starving. I’m just looking to see where the guy is.” After about forty-five minutes, our escort finally knocked on our door. “I am sorry I’m late,” he told us. “You had a leopard by your front door and I was waiting for it to leave.” I think I turned three paler shades of white. There I was like Gomer in Mayberry, standing in the dark on the front porch next to a leopard, and being clueless. Those warnings are no less appropriate where demonic spiritual predators are concerned. The night belongs to the devil. He is a creature of dark places.

Lions are nocturnal… they are creatures of the night

Spiritually speaking, when we are in the light— following God’s will and ways—we are safe. It is when we step into the darkness that we are in danger. And the reason that many people today are falling is because we think we can sin and be safe. We think we can wander into the darkness and not experience the dangers of the darkness. In the third chapter of John, Jesus says, “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light…” (v. 19–21). »

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he second truth I learned about lions on our trip involved something unusual about the way they see. They are “Peri-visual.” This means that they do not see groups of motionless objects as being separate things. They see the group as one big thing. That is why we were able to drive right into a group of lions in our open Range Rover vehicles and not be bothered by them. Our guides explained that as long as we remained seated in the vehicle and relatively still, the lions wouldn’t see us as individuals. They would see us as a part of this big thing that smelled funny and was much too large to kill and eat. There is a clear and important spiritual parallel here. In Matthew 18, Jesus says: “Again, I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name I am there in the midst of them” (v. 19–20). When just two people—a married couple for example—come together in unity and commitment to God’s purpose for their lives, the enemy no longer sees them as individuals. He sees them as part of Jesus Christ and His entire body! It was fascinating to watch lions hunt a herd of Cape Buffalo or Kudu antelope. Their strategy is to jump up and start running at the herd to create panic and confusion. Their objective is to try to get an individual separated from the group. Often it is the weak, the sick, or the foolish who find themselves disconnected and alone. And with a predator on the prowl, alone equals vulnerable. Often when we are counseling people who are experiencing complete failure in marriage, we find that one or both of the individuals is unteachable, independent and isolated. They are vulnerable because they are disconnected.


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2: Lions are peri-visual… they see groups as one big thing

Often they have become panicked or confused because the devil has roared at them. He roars, “You’re no good. You have sinned too much. God does not love you. You have no hope!” That lion roars to produce fear and shame in our lives. He wants us to turn our backs on our marriages and our destinies and run. He is successful far too often because in many cases we forget that we are living among an enemy. Yes, there are lions out there. There are spiritual predators lurking in dark places. They want you. They want your children. They want your destiny as a couple. That’s why Peter reminds us elsewhere in the same letter that we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation of people for God’s own possession. He is telling us who God created us to be. But he is also reminding us that we have an enemy—not to make us afraid (we are more than conquerors through Him!), but to make us vigilant. You see, I learned something very important on that trip to Africa. If you understand the nature of the predator, you can have fun and adventure and joy… As you live among the lions.

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what are the benefits… of becoming a Rock Solid Partner? RSM Subscription: Each month, you’ll receive the CD with special marriage-building encouragement and insights created exclusively for Rock Solid Partners. Twelve Tips to Resolving Stress in Your Marriage: You’ll receive this book—an important read for every couple in the new millennium, particularly in the time in which we live [a $14.99 value]. Building Romance, Intimacy & Sexual Pleasure in Marriage: This 3-CD teaching resource will answer your questions concerning these important areas so that you can have a closer, more fulfilling relationship with your spouse. Secret of Being Best Friends: In this, your first Rock Solid Marriage teaching, discover some of the most important keys to keeping the love alive in your marriage and being able to truly say, “My spouse is my best friend!” MarriageToday Coffee Mug: Let this mug be a reminder to enjoy a quiet moment with your spouse as you sip your favorite drink.

together with our Rock Solid Partners we are changing the nation one family at a time!

by Karen Evans

it is never too late to

change It is never too late to make changes. I began a journey of changes in my life 30 years ago, and I am still learning I can change. As much as I hate it, change can be good. So, I want to share with you a few of the changes I’ve gone through in my own life. These changes have helped transform me into the person I am today.


s a child I was filled with self-hate. I began to struggle with weight gain as I grew older, and my weight became a constant barometer for my moods. By nature I was athletic, but food was a comfort to me, so I loved eating. As a result, my weight would go up and down. In the eighth grade, I lost 25 pounds. It came off easily when I stopped eating the cinnamon rolls at school and began exercising. In the tenth grade, I lost more weight. As long as I was thin, my self-esteem was good. No matter how much weight I lost, though, I was still very insecure on the inside. This pattern continued throughout my high school years. The first year of our marriage, I became pregnant and gained 40 pounds. Unfortunately, I didn’t completely lose that weight before I became pregnant again two-and-a-half years later and gained an additional 45 pounds! After giving birth

to our second child, an 8-pound, 15-ounce baby boy, I weighed 170 pounds! That is a lot for me because I have a small frame and I’m not very tall. To make matters worse, Jimmy and I were fighting a lot. Since my self-esteem rose and fell according to my weight and how well Jimmy and I were getting along in our marriage, I was pretty miserable. Food continued to be a source of comfort to me. I wanted desperately to be happy. I went to Weight Watchers, and it worked—I lost a lot of weight. We had joined a new church and were enjoying the fellowship of other strong Christians. But even though things were better, my weight still fluctuated along with my moods. In an effort to get over my misery and mood swings, I began a life of discipline. »

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it is never too late to change Becoming Spiritually Fit My first concern was my relationship with God. I hated the feelings of panic I would get before a church event— always trying to read up on the Bible and spend time praying so I could “feel” like a Christian. I was ashamed of pretending I knew what the Bible said and who Jesus was. I began having a daily quiet time because I wanted to really know God—not just act like I did. The Lord put the desire to seek Him in my heart. I began to listen to that desire for Him more than to my own “self-talk.” I promised the Lord that I would read His Word every day and pray. I told Him I would never quit seeking Him in this way even if nothing ever changed. As I took these first baby steps, the Lord gave me grace.

helped me overcome shame and selfhatred, and led me to a place of acceptance, love and healthy self-esteem.

Becoming Physically Fit My weight was still an issue to me, so I began exercising every day after I had my quiet time with the Lord. I experimented with many different tools. I tried aerobics classes, bicycles, videos, etc. You name it, I tried it. I believe everyone has to find what works for him or her and the frequency that fits their needs. After a lot of trial and error, I found what worked for me. I have always loved the outdoors and since my relationship with God had grown, I wanted more time with Him. Walking was the right tool for me. I would have my quiet time

There were times when I wanted to quit—times when I didn’t see immediate results. But I was able to make needed changes in my life because of the Word of God and perseverance. Every day I would get up early and find a place of isolation and quiet. I started reading the Psalms. Then I would just talk to God. I didn’t call it prayer—I just wanted to share my life and be honest with Him. As time went on and I had my quiet time every day, I realized something had grown in my heart. It was intimacy with the Lord that was all my own. Before long, I found I couldn’t wait to spend time with Him! I started reading books about Jesus. I would go on trips or travel with Jimmy as he spoke. No matter where we were, I would get up early and get in a closet or sit in the dark and talk to God. Sometimes I read with a flashlight. That seed of faith grew to a LOVE for the Lord and His Word. I have never stopped seeking Him. This simple discipline


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very early, then get dressed for outside weather conditions and go for long, fast walks. Just me and God. When I walk, I pray and sometimes listen to tapes. If I have to use the treadmill, I watch Christian TV or listen to my iPod. I’ve been doing this a long time. I walk for at least an hour and have recently started upper-body weight training three days a week. I watch what I eat and know what foods are friends and which ones are foes. Age is a consideration, too. As I get older, my weight issues change. Before beginning any diet or exercise program, check with your doctor to determine what will work best for you at your present fitness level. I like to tell people that perseverance is the KEY to everything. Just do something consistently.

Leaving Misery Behind Today, we live in a very fast-paced society. It can be destructive to our bodies and our spirits if we don’t take the time and have the discipline to take care of ourselves. Here are a few practical “how to’s” to help you begin your journey of health and wholeness. Developing a Quiet Time Find a quiet, undistracted place. For example, a closet, your car, backyard, an extra room, etc. Begin reading the Bible with a reading plan such as The Victory Bible Reading Plan or some other “read the Bible through in a year” devotional. Do it every day. My goal was to read it through in one year. (Victory Bible Reading Plan is available at most Christian bookstores.) Pray and talk to God about your life. Tell Him your hurts, weaknesses, sins, etc. Ask Him to reveal Himself and His truth to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and give you wisdom. Journal and write down your spiritual and daily walk. Document your feelings, prayers, and what you learn in the Bible. Schedule times throughout the year for extended spiritual retreats. Use this time for vision retreats, too. (MarriageToday has a resource to help you develop a vision retreat. See our resources for more information.)

Developing an Exercise Program Begin doing something. Take walks —in the malls, your neighborhood, around a park, etc. For extra support and accountability, ask a friend, your spouse, a neighbor, or your child to go with you. Set goals. Walk faster and longer. When you are walking by yourself, use an iPod with music. It helps me go faster and not get bored. Give up something from your diet— sugar, desserts, fried foods, starches, sodas, etc. Use a core ball and hand weights. You can also do push-ups and squats on the ball. Increase your repetitions as you gain strength and balance.


e are all different—we have different lifestyles, different body types, etc.—so there is no one method that works for everyone. However, we all need to consciously stop, examine our lives and make sacrifices or changes when needed. Change is good, even when it hurts. There were times when I wanted to quit—times when I didn’t see immediate results. But I was able to make needed changes in my life because of the Word of God and perseverance. I hope you understand this is not a “how to lose weight” article, but rather it’s the story of my journey of discipline and how it has changed my life for the better both spiritually and physically. I hope you are encouraged by what I’ve shared and will decide today to do something to change your life for the better. If you do, you will reap the rewards from it spiritually and physically every day. I know. Because this is my story.

invite Jimmy and Karen into your home. Pour some coffee or tea and settle into a comfy chair. On each installment of MarriageToday with Jimmy & Karen, you’ll hear insights, truths and proven keys that can help you transform your marriage and home. Couples that watch together, get stronger and happier together! (If you have Tivo or a DVR, be sure to record each episode and watch at your convenience.) Here’s just a sampling of the relationship-building conversation topics you’ll hear in the coming weeks.

........................................................................................ Every Great Marriage july 15–august 25 Tune in and discover the seven key characteristics common to every strong, fulfilling marriage. Then get ready to find out how to instill them in your own relationship.

........................................................................................ Building an Emotionally Healthy Marriage august 26–september 22 Resolving issues from your past is not always easy—but it is necessary. Establishing a healthy marriage means dealing with hurts, rejections, abuse and bitterness, and then setting realistic expectations for your life and your marriage. Find out more as you watch this insightful series.

........................................................................................ Our Secret Paradise september 23–october 20 It’s no Fantasy Island daydream. You really can take your marriage to a place of abundant peace, intimacy, and fun. Learn how in these important and entertaining broadcasts!

........................................................................................ *Schedule is subject to change and/or network preemption.

How to put out the welcome mat for Jimmy and Karen… To find stations and program times in your area, log on to And now you can watch the MarriageToday broadcast 24/7 there or download the podcast version to your MP3 player!


your family has

a great future!


egardless of what has happened in your past or is happening today, we serve a great God and His plan for marriage still works! You don’t have to live in fear, misery or defeat. You can live in victory, security and lasting intimacy if you will put your faith in God. Our mission at

MarriageToday is to provide a message based on biblical principles and values—a message that is insightful, informative and impacting. And, it’s working! These testimonies are just a small sampling of the many lives, marriages and


families that are being helped and restored every day.

Your gifts to MarriageToday enable us to continue encouraging you and others. We can’t do it without you. Please use the attached envelope to invest in changed lives and to plant a seed for relational restoration in your own life. What a difference you can make!


marriage to day.o rg | summe r 2007

insightful / teaching

so much encouragement from them. I am

impacting / lives

Jimmy and Karen, I thank God for bringing

excited for what the Lord has in store for our

We are pastors. We were at your seminar

your show into our lives. The show is very

marriage. I know we will still have hard times

last year with two other couples we were

insightful and extremely helpful in so many

but I think our marriage is and will continue

counseling. Both were going through near

ways; even the books are wonderfully in-

to be great. I love listening to Jimmy but

divorces. But because of your DVDs they are

sightful. I have boasted about how much

Karen really speaks to me. Everything she

both together. We use your DVDs in our

your show has helped me and my husband.

says I want to write down and remember.

seminars every month. What a blessing!

Now my brother-in-law and his wife watch

One thing that has really stuck out is to not

Sandra & Dean—Logansport, Indiana

your show and have recently signed up for

respond to my husband in fear. That was

the magazine. You both are very influential

definitely an issue with spending money, but

incredible / results

in a godly way and it is very comforting.

I have decided to respond in faith.

We just had the amazing opportunity to

Thank you for following God’s will to do all

Kacey—Canton, Texas

watch your series “Return to Intimacy” through

that you do to help marriages. Nicole—Norman, Oklahoma

inspiring /messages

our church. It was incredible. I learned so much. My husband and I have always had

We have been watching your show for over

a wonderful relationship, but now it is even

a year now. You have been such an inspira-

better. I just want to thank you personally.

About a week before your seminar in South-

tion to us and such a wealth of knowledge

May God bless you and yours.

lake, Texas, in February of this year, I started

for our marriage. We have had the oppor-

Josephine—Gatesville, Texas

praying about my relationship with my hus-

tunity to go through your program “Marriage

band, Josh. Things were “tense” between

on the Rock” at church and we now partner

influencing / the world

us, and I asked God to change me to be a

with you. We pray that your ministry keeps

I always watch your program on television

better wife even if my husband wasn’t the

growing and growing, reaching multitudes

and it has blessed me so much. I am a coun-

“perfect” husband. I talked Josh into coming

of people daily. We think of you as personal

selor in the field of marriage and youth

to the seminar with me. I enjoyed it a lot,

friends even though we have not met. May

ministry and this program has given me much

but our relationship was still having problems.

God’s love and favor continue to be upon

knowledge. You are a blessing to the whole

That next week I watched your program on

you every day of your lives. You are proof

world. Long life to MarriageToday!

“What a Man Needs.” I purposed in my

of Christ’s hands at work.

Mildred—Eldoret, KENYA

heart to do what you talked about. That very

Anthony & Angela—Brownwood, Texas

informative / seminars

week, I felt things begin to change. Not with


my husband, but with me. I suddenly had

Some of the above testimonies have been edited for length, punctuation, grammar or clarity of meaning.

such peace with our relationship and I was happy. And about a week or two ago, there was a change with my husband. He is affectionate and engaged in our conversations. I downloaded your podcasts and find

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a few of

my favorite things

by Karen Evans

Reading is a source of great joy for me. In fact, I begin and end each day by reading. In the mornings as I have my quiet time with the Lord, I read my Bible and then typically spend some time reading a devotional or inspirational book. At night, I love to read novels. This kind of reading helps me get still at the end of the day and quiets my mind so I can relax. While I know not everyone shares my passion for reading, still I always like to tell my friends about wonderful books I have read. So, just in case you are looking for something good to read, here are several of my favorites!

devotional /inspirational


Humility; Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray (1828–1917). Andrew Murray was known for his complete devotion to God and love for others. He often prayed, “May not a single moment of my life be spent outside the light, love, and joy of God’s presence and may not a moment without the entire surrender of myself as a vessel for Him to fill full of His Spirit and His love.”



Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. The author makes the characters come alive and draws you into a compelling story while weaving profound biblical truths throughout.

The Curate’s Awakening; The Musician’s Quest; The Lady’s Confession by George MacDonald and Michael Phillips. Engaging novels that share very deep Christian truths.

Waking the Dead; Captivating; Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. These books will help awaken your soul to God and draw you closer to Him.

The Mitford Series by Jan Karon includes

An excellent book to guide you in developing a more meaningful and effective prayer life.

six warm, encouraging novels centered around the life of an Episcopalian priest and his congregation in a remote North Carolina town. You will laugh out loud at the real-life situations. (Be sure to start with the first in the series, At Home in Mitford.)

Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer.

Emerald Ballad Series by B.J. Hoff is a five-book

Joyce offers insights that will help you change the way you think so you can become the person God created you to be.

series about the history of Ireland written from a Christian perspective. This is excellent historical fiction incorporating day-to-day spirituality.

The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian.

The Zion Chronicles by Bodie Thoene portrays the


o man can be called friendless who has

God and the companionship of good books. ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning


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courage and struggles of the Jewish people streaming into Jerusalem after the Holocaust and the challenges they face in establishing the state of Israel.

Jimmy Evans knows…

more than just marriage

Across more than two decades of pastoring and teaching, Jimmy Evans has been used to bring countless people biblical truth and insights on a wide variety of subjects. In these featured resources, Jimmy applies his engaging communication style to the deepest needs of the human heart.

Lose the Baggage! Baggage from the past may be poisoning your present and destroying your future. But here’s the good news! True freedom from the wounds and shame of the past are possible, if you know the spiritual keys. In Freedom From Your Past, Jimmy Evans, with co-author Ann Billington, brings you those keys with sensitivity and clarity. Get this teaching in either book or audio form, and begin living the life of freedom God has designed for you! Freedom From Your Past 266-page softcover book by Jimmy Evans BK05 ................................$14.95 audio CD series, 6-discs CD47 ...............................$35.95

Be Free in Your Mind and Thoughts! We live in a world filled with seductive imagery and explicit sexuality. At every turn lies a snare that can entangle even the most committed Christian. But here is the good news. Jimmy Evans’ powerful little book entitled A Mind Set Free brings you the keys to freedom. On its pages, Jimmy Evans exposes The Secret of Satan’s Success and reveals The Promise and Process of Biblical Meditation, as well as The Four Pillars of Moral Integrity. As you apply the truths from this booklet, you’ll find yourself equipped to fight and win the battle for your freedom. A Mind Set Free 115-page softcover book by Jimmy Evans BK16 ..................................$4.95

Break the Cycle!

Hear the Voice of God!

Few people understand that each of us can inherit blessings and curses from previous generations. In this series, Jimmy Evans will show you: The reality of blessings and curses and how they operate …Seven indications of a curse …How to break generational curses …Seven sins that allow curses into our lives …How to declare God’s blessings over your life and succeeding generations …and much more. Discover liberty for you and your family in Freedom From Generational Curses.

God speaks to Christians today. In John 10:4, Jesus said that His followers “know His voice” and that He leads them “by name.” As His followers, we want to receive His direction, but often struggle with hearing Him. In this series, Jimmy Evans sets forth vital principles to help you hear God despite the distractions of life. Discover that God is truly relational, and desires to speak to you in a personal way. Learn to hear God in the big and small issues of life, and find direction for provision, protection and blessings with…Hearing God.

Freedom From Generational Curses audio CD series, 3-discs CD33 ...............................$17.95

Hearing God audio CD series, 3-discs CD62 ............................. .$17.95

To order, use the enclosed form, call toll-free 1-800-380-6330, or order online at

ask Jimmy! Q:

I recently discovered that my husband had been involved in adultery for a number of months. While he has broken off the affair and says he wants to make our marriage work, it seems impossible for us to ever have a good relationship again. Does adultery always destroy a marriage?


Adultery does not always destroy a marriage. It will always devastate a marriage because the marriage covenant, which is sealed by the sex act, has been broken. Complete and total restoration, however, is possible because Jesus paid the price! Isaiah 58:12 promises, “You shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of Streets to Dwell In” (NKJV).

Jesus can restore your marriage, but don’t expect all problems to be resolved overnight. Rebuilding trust takes time. Both partners must be committed to the process and be willing to spend the time and effort it takes to get at the root issues that opened the door for adultery to take place. Each must be willing to take responsibility for his or her behavior. For restoration to take place, true repentance is necessary on the part of the spouse who committed adultery. It would mean having a “godly sorrow [that] produces repentance leading to salvation,” (2 Corinthians 7:10 NKJV). Certainly all contact with the other person would have to be cut off.


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Forgiveness must also take place— always. Even if restoration doesn’t occur, the wronged spouse must forgive his or her partner. The Bible is clear about that. Matthew 6:14–15 says: “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (NKJV). To choose not to forgive will hurt the unforgiving partner. It will create a bitter root of resentment that will cause torment and hurt others as well. As Hebrews 12:14–15 says: “Strive to live in peace with everybody, and pursue that consecration and holiness without which no one will [ever] see the Lord. Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God’s grace (His unmer-

ited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoot forth and cause trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it” (The Amplified Bible). Furthermore, in my opinion, expert godly counseling as well as a system of accountability is a must when adultery is the issue. Counseling is needed to navigate through the emotional minefield created by adultery and help you come to a place of healing. Many people who have walked through restoration after adultery say their marriages are stronger and better than ever! Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10 NKJV). It’s His will for you to be abundantly blessed in every area of your life. That certainly includes your marriage.


My spending has led my family into bankruptcy. Now my wife and I are separated and she says she cannot trust me with financial issues. I believe the Lord has helped me get my spending under control, but my wife can’t handle the stress of the uncertainty of our financial future. Is there a way to rebuild trust in our marriage?


Yes. There is a way to rebuild trust in a relationship. It will take a period of time for trust to be earned back in a marriage once it has been destroyed. As we discuss this issue, keep in mind that these same principles would apply to any situation (not just financial) where trust has been violated in a marriage.

In reestablishing trust in a relationship it’s important that you submit to godly counseling. By doing so you would be demonstrating a willingness to make significant changes. In this case, finding a Christian financial counselor would be beneficial. It’s important to be accountable. Having a trusted adviser (a pastor or someone with established integrity) to walk through restoration with you is necessary. Such an adviser can encourage you in the Lord when things are tough,

hold you accountable for your actions and pray for you as you “confess your faults…that you may be healed” (James 5:16). Knowing that you are accountable will provide your wife with a sense of security as well. She’ll have someone to turn to if she doesn’t trust what you are doing. In this particular situation since finances are the reason for the separation, ground rules for spending would also need to be established. It’s vital to be in agreement as a couple about all significant financial decisions. That way no one person is in control of the finances. There will be safety and peace in your decisions when you submit to one another and pray about what you do with your money. It will create trust when you respect your spouse by getting her input before spending.

There will be safety and peace in your decisions when you submit to one another and pray about what you do with your money.

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by Brenton Evans

I’m not sure how you envision Satan, but it seems to me he has successfully branded himself within our culture as someone who’s sinister but still has a good sense of humor. Like Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movies, he’s become comedic. People even dress up like Satan for Halloween parties, and Hollywood actors portray him in blockbuster comedies. In reality, though, Satan is not amusing.

illlustration by


WHERE SATAN HIDES He’s cruel, sadistic, destructive and deceiving. He’s responsible for obliterating millions of lives and waging war against God’s children. But how does he get away with this? Why aren’t people onto his game? Picture for a moment your spouse or loved ones living in a maximum security prison. They’re locked up, wasting away behind high walls, watched by welltrained guards. They sit in solitude all day and would give anything to be free—to experience life outside prison walls. Now picture your loved ones living the exact same way except there are no bars, no guards and no walls. That’s what Satan does. He locks people up in invisible prisons. He weaves a web of deception so sticky and mystifying that people spend their lives fighting to break free from the bondage of his traps. One of the tricky things Satan does is use people against one another. He attacks wives through husbands and husbands through wives. If you are married, your closest ally in this world,

other than Christ, is your spouse. Satan absolutely wants to destroy your marital relationship. If you consider the number of divorces happening today, it’s not hard to understand he’s doing a good job. Knowing where Satan hides and how we can fight him off is exceedingly important. When we are in a war, if we want to defeat our enemy, we have to know how he thinks and where he’ll strike next. Once we understand these striking points, it’s easy to block his attacks and maintain peace within our homes.

the hiding place Our enemy hides where communication is originated and received—primarily in our mouths and minds. I mentioned we’re at war with Satan. The greatest tactic in battle is disrupting the opponent’s communication lines. Communication at its core is merely sending and receiving messages. These messages can be verbal, non-verbal, or a mixture of both. And in battle, if we can manage to intercept messages and/or destroy our enemy’s communication channels, we’re ensured victory. Our minds are the receptors of all communication. Satan hides and waits

for information to come in. Then, he likes to take words and actions and twist them. His strategy is to fill in gaps, subtly add new information, and even trick us into thinking what we imagine is reality. For example, I heard a woman the other day describe what went through her mind when she didn’t receive an expected phone call from her husband. He left that morning on a business trip and was supposed to call her when he arrived at his destination. Unbeknown to her, his flight was extremely delayed. She began to panic and worry that something had happened to him. What if the plane crashed? What will I do? I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to remarry! By the time he called, she was a heaping mess—frantic with concern. And obviously, she was so relieved to know her husband was in fact alive. Her thoughts were inflamed simply because of delayed communication, which was no fault of her husband. But Satan found an opportunity to crawl into her mind and begin tossing thoughts around. Sort of like throwing softballs at that little round target during a dunking contest. If you lob enough balls, pretty soon you’ll hit your target and successfully submerge your victim.

help is only a click away. Find answers. Be encouraged. Learn how to enjoy your marriage and family!

The scripture tells us to take “every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). The reason we must do this is because a certain percentage of our initial thoughts come straight from Satan (and his friends). We mustn’t allow him to take sparks of messages being sent from our spouses and turn them into roaring fires within our minds.

- gui Satan

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will try

and convinc e you t hat you r spouse is guil ty unti l proven innoce nt.

You will find an amazing array of relational resources in a spot that is at your fingertips every day, at any hour, at no cost. That spot is MarriageToday’s website at Here is just a sampling of what you’ll find there:

• • • • • • •

our mouths are lethal Now the other place Satan hides is in our mouths. When we talk to our spouses, sometimes we say things that are jagged and cruel. Often we don’t set out intentionally to inflict verbal harm, but once our jaws start cranking, it becomes hard to filter out all the junk fed in from Satan. Sort of like trying to stop a piece of paper from going through a shredder once it’s already halfway through. Satan can and will take control of our tongues if we let him. Proverbs 18:21 states that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Does that mean our tongues are capable of homicide? Well, not quite. Essentially that scripture tells us that every word we speak is either building someone up or tearing someone down. The tongue is a weapon and tool that can be potentially used against our spouses and those we love. Satan merely wants to take advantage of this weapon—hijack it and use it to attack those around us. When we first meet someone we’re attracted to, we speak sweet, positive words. But once we’ve married that person, we may begin to take our husband or wife for granted and tear him or her down with our mouths.

listen or watch MarriageToday broadcasts. enjoy the podcast in audio or video format using your MP3 player or iPod. read devotionals and inspirational articles. get info about upcoming seminars and events. send prayer requests. register to receive personal email encouragements from Jimmy. and much more!

Divorce is essentially marital death. It is caused when we allow our mouths to be used by Satan to tear down the bonds that created our marriage.

scatter Satan! In order to defeat Satan, a husband and wife must be committed to healthy communication. This means watching what we say to each other, and it also means not allowing our minds to work against our spouses. We should uphold in our marriage the same philosophy that is used in the American justice system, innocent until proven guilty. That can be difficult because Satan will try and convince you that your spouse is guilty until proven innocent. Don’t allow him to do this. Bring every thought and word out into the open and scrutinize it. If it doesn’t measure up to the truth, then you must throw it away. If you scatter Satan from his hiding places, your marriage will reach new levels. In other words, send him back to Halloween parties where he belongs.


Understanding the covenant nature of marriage can open your eyes to God’s view of your relationship.

oaths s i g n s& sacrifices // For many people today, marriage is just a cultural tradition—something they enter into simply because it’s what people always have done. It’s expected. For others, it is an “institution” of the government. For still others, it is nothing more than a legal arrangement, like a business partnership which specifies rights, responsibilities and “out clauses.” In God’s eyes, however, marriage is much more than any of these common understandings. In reality, God created marriage to be a “covenant.” In this nation, we have turned what God views as a covenant—something sacred, spiritual and holy—into some


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sort of contract. This confusion about what marriage really is goes a long way toward explaining why so many marriages are in such a mess. Of course, you may be wondering just what a covenant is, and what the implications of covenant are for married couples. Let me explain. I’ll begin by giving you a working definition of the word covenant: It is a solemn agreement that binds parties together in a permanent, defined relationship. As you read through your Bible, you’ll find covenant from front to back. Among the many covenants talked about in scripture, you’ll see three common elements. Each one of these elements is very much present in the marriage relationship as God views it.

by Jimmy Evans

1: // a declaration of intent The first element of any covenant is an oath, or vow. I’m talking about a holy, solemn declaration of intent that launches the relationship. Of course, we still begin marriages with oaths. We call them vows. People who don’t un-

derstand the first thing about covenant—or even believe in God—will stand in front of some sort of official and make marriage vows. (I do think it’s telling, however, that many people today want to write their own vows

rather than recite the strongly committal ones that are traditional.) But regardless of who writes the vows, these words of intent represent the first element in any covenant.

through Jesus. Those signs are: the Holy Spirit, baptism and communion. This shows us just how important covenant signs are to God. One obvious sign of covenant in marriage today is the wedding ring. The ring is an outward sign that the wearer is bound and committed to someone. Think about it. What does it say about a man who slips off his wedding ring whenever he is on an out-of-town business trip? Nevertheless, rings are not God’s primary chosen sign of the marriage covenant. Sex is. Sex is the consumma-

tion of the covenant of marriage that seals the deal. Going forward, sex is also the continual sign of good faith in the relationship. If a couple is having sex and they have access to one another’s bodies and their sex life is good, that’s a good sign. It brings them back together to continually restate and recommit to one another in the bond of the relationship. If one partner withdraws sexually from the other, it is always devastating to the marriage relationship.

2: // the seal of sex The second ingredient of a true covenant is a seal, or sign of some sort. A seal does two things. It bears tangible, visible witness of the existence of the covenant. It reminds the two parties, and the world, that vows were pledged, promises were made, and responsibilities were assumed. The giving of such a seal is a continual sign of good faith. Now let me tell you something about God. He is very passionate about covenant signs. We see them all throughout the scriptures. And He gave us not one, not two, but three signs when He established the “new covenant” of salvation

3: // forgotten but most important There is a third feature of a covenant relationship that is one the world has almost completely forgotten. It is the element of sacrifice. In the Bible, wherever you find God enacting a covenant with people, you will notice there is always a sacrifice. From fallen Adam and Eve, to Noah, to Abraham, right on through Moses and David—you’ll see sacrifices being

offered to enact and initiate a covenant. Of course the ultimate covenant is the covenant that makes eternal life possible, and that covenant required the ultimate Sacrifice. God offered His only Son (John 3:16). Marriage is no different. The only way that marriage can work God’s way is through mutual sacrifice. When two people deny themselves and give them-

selves to each other selflessly, something truly wonderful is possible. You see, God is a covenant God. In God’s eyes, marriage is more than an institution or a contract—marriage is a sacred covenant bond. When we recognize that truth and conduct our lives accordingly, we’ll be positioned to experience the blessings and power that come from doing things God’s way.

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a refuge

in the storm


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We’ve been married for more than 32 years, and I had been praying for help in my marriage. I knew God was our only help. My pastor and his wife recommended The Hideaway Experience after going themselves. All I can say is, ‘WOW! Thank you, Father God.’ I can see the Father’s hand and how He’s answered my prayers! — A . B . , Te x a s

For some couples, a two-day MarriageToday seminar with Jimmy Evans is all that is needed to revitalize the relationship when it has hit a dry spell. Other couples who perhaps have been struggling a bit in some areas can be set right by simply sitting down together and going through a teaching series or book such as Jimmy’s Marriage on the Rock. But what about couples in crisis? What about couples that, though both parties want to save the marriage, have accumulated such a massive inventory of hurt, rejection and distrust that they don’t even know where to begin? What about the couple that is one fight away from divorce? Is there a port of shelter for the couple about to be dashed upon the rocks of a long-running relational storm?

Yes, there is. Across the country, couples in crisis are finding a new kind of place offering a new form of marriage help. They are beautiful retreat centers that offer privacy and a type of marriage counseling known as marriage “intensives.” And they are producing remarkable results. MarriageToday is pleased to have close relationships with three of the most effective and innovative of these retreat centers. The following is a brief glimpse at each of them. »

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The Hideaway

WinShape Retreat Center

The Refuge at River Falls

Palo Duro Canyon | outside Amarillo, Texas

Berry College Campus | Rome, Georgia

Palo Duro Canyon | outside Amarillo, Texas

Founders Steve and Rajan Trafton have provided a stunningly beautiful and inviting place for struggling couples to get help. Steve says, “The Hideaway’s Marriage Intensive Experience is for married couples who simply feel like they’re in a place they can’t get out of by themselves.”

Founded by a non-profit arm of the Chickfil-A corporation, this sits atop 40 acres of unspoiled mountain wilderness, serenely nestled within a national wildlife refuge northwest of Atlanta, Georgia. In this ideal setting, couples can seek refuge from the frantic pace of daily life and get world-class relational help. WinShape Retreat’s setting is sequestered from the outside world for a season of focus, refreshment and restoration.

Founders Jerry and Connie Sublett have created an amazing facility with a mission “to provide a retreat facility of beauty and excellence for couples to experience rest, recreation, and healing where licensed counselors assist in restoring love for the success of God-centered marriages.” Their marriage intensives are 2–4 day retreats facilitated by licensed professional counselors.

Find out more about these strategic partners in the battle for marriages in America online at, keyword search: intensives. 28

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no matter what kind of marriage you have right now… it can be truly great! A relationship will flourish when a couple shares common insights, viewpoints, and habits. And in his resource titled Every Great Marriage, Jimmy Evans shows you how to put these elements to work in your relationship!

the winner is… In the Feb/March issue of MarriageToday, we asked readers to email us and tell us why they thought their spouse was the “greatest.” We thoroughly enjoyed reading all the entries submitted during the Every Great Spouse Contest and would like to sincerely thank every participant for taking the time to respond! And, we want to make you aware that the winner of that contest is Brandy Devenney of Avella, Pennsylvania. Brandy will be receiving a $500 MarriageToday gift certificate for the following entry about her great husband:

Jimmy Evans brings you deep, specific wisdom on each of the seven key elements that characterize the strongest, most fulfilling marriages. You’ll discover how to be a great wife, a great husband, and how to build a great home. But that’s not all… …a special bonus feature of a unique session entitled “The Mountaintop of Marriage” walks you through the process of a marriage vision retreat. A 40-page corresponding “Vision Retreat Guidebook for Couples” is also available. With thought-provoking questions, a planning calendar and so much more, this step-by-step roadmap will lead you straight into a destiny-altering time together. Experience an intimate, heart-to-heart, spirit-to-spirit relationship. Order Every Great Marriage today! credit card orders: 1-800-380-6330

Every Great Marriage 5 sessions on 5 CDs CD77 ......................$29.95 5 sessions on 2 DVDs DVD77 .....................$59.95

The Mountaintop of Marriage: A Vision Retreat Guidebook for Couples softcover journal by Jimmy Evans BK13 .......................$14.95




There’s no describing my terrific husband, Jeff. For one thing, he’s a very present father. When our youngest gets up in the night wanting a drink, he automatically gets up with her. When our oldest wants to play Lego’s or catch, Jeff drops everything to play with him. When I need anything, he already seems to know it and he provides. Sometimes he works three jobs just to make sure we are safe and comfortable in our small but cozy home. He’d do anything for us. He makes sure we all attend church too. As a high school teacher, Jeff is often asked at church to teach junior church classes and vacation Bible school, and he never says no. He believes it is important to teach about our Savior, and be a good role model in our family by demonstrating what’s important to him. Our marriage hasn’t always been so good. I’m a stubborn, closed person sometimes. However, my husband has held on to every hope that things would get better, and they have. Our marriage improves every day. We know that by the grace of God we are saved, we are loved, and we can make it all work. We continue to build our marriage on God, undying love, and hard work. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and family!

{ Marriage in America }

special people. some amazing knowledge.


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Every day, in homes of every type and size across America, families are touched and helped by the various outreaches of MarriageToday. And the special people who underwrite those outreaches with their precious financial support carry with them some amazing knowledge.

As they lay their heads down each night to sleep, they do so with the knowledge they have had a very real part in: …helping a couple in Atlanta break the cycle of rejection and unmet needs that was tearing them apart; …keeping four small children in Charlotte from enduring the heart-crushing pain of family breakups; …giving a whole small group of newlyweds in Midland, Texas a strong, healthy start toward a lifetime together; …and countless other relational miracles spreading from coast to coast. That in itself is an exciting thing. But for a limited season of time, things are doubly exciting. Because now, the voice of hope and help you make possible through your gifts can reach twice as far and touch twice as many hurting people. You see, MarriageToday was recently offered a matching gift of up to $1 million by an anonymous donor. This special friend has let us know he will match, dollar-for-dollar, any new gifts in support of our vitally important work. That’s where you come in. Right now your special gift can go twice as far in restoring marriages, healing homes and keeping kids’ parents together. That’s why we’re hoping you will check the “Double Your Impact” box on the attached envelope form and make the most generous gift you can while this window of opportunity remains open. (Or share online at You’ll have my heartfelt thanks. And you’ll have the knowledge that your gift is having twice the positive impact on families.

have you ever wished you could do twice as much to help hurting families? now you can! Your gifts of support to MarriageToday always make a difference in the lives of families. But right now your gift could have twice the positive impact! That’s because MarriageToday was recently offered a matching gift of up to $1 million by an anonymous donor. He will match, dollar-for-dollar, any new gifts in support of our vitally important work. That’s where you come in. Right now your special gift can go twice as far in restoring marriages, healing homes and keeping kids’ parents together. Please use the envelope at the center of this magazine to make the most generous gift you can.

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Take hold of proven, powerful, transforming help for your relationship. new! revised, updated hardback edition! Now you can hold in one hand a hardback edition of the most complete and comprehensive marriage resource Jimmy Evans has ever produced. And with more than 300,000 copies of the previous version in print, you will be holding a bundle of accessible truths and insights that have been instrumental in putting countless couples on the road to harmony and happiness together. In Marriage on the Rock: God’s Design for Your Dream Marriage, Jimmy reveals little-known but powerful truths such as:


Marriage on the Rock: God’s Design for Your Dream Marriage hardcover book by Jimmy Evans (282 pages) retail price $19.95 /introduction special ................$16.95

“The Most Important Issue in Marriage” and why so few couples realize how vital it is.

The “Four Foundational Laws of Marriage” and why ignoring them is so destructive to relationships.

“God’s Blueprint for Marriage” and how to follow it.

The characteristics of a “Destructive Husband” or a “Destructive Wife” and how they can be wondrously transformed.

and so much more.

Order your copy now and take hold of an amazing, time-tested roadmap to a better, stronger, more fulfilling relationship!

What others are saying about Marriage on the Rock Dr. Jack Hayford — “Jimmy and Karen Evans are people of proven character and are a husband and wife of a proven marriage. Without hesitation, I recommend this book and its authors.” President, International Foursquare Churches; Chancellor, The King’s College and Seminary; Founding Pastor, Church on the Way

Os Guinness — “Deeply personal and candid, yet always biblical, helpful and encouraging; Marriage on the Rock is magnificent. Author, The Call, Long Journey Home and Time for Truth

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