Trinity Fellowship Vision Statement

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Vision Statement



















Amarillo, Texas

Vision Statement May 2007


proverbs 19:18(NAS) —

“Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained.” When you read this verse, the word “unrestrained” produces a mental image of people running around in circles and never getting anywhere. The meaning of this Scripture is clear: The only way to keep a group of people focused and heading in the same direction is to have a well-defined vision. As you read the following pages, you will learn about the vision of Trinity Fellowship. You will also discover the foundational beliefs and enduring values upon which this church was built. Our beliefs and values are based on eternal Scriptural truths, which will never change. However, some aspects of our vision will develop over time. As we continue to grow, mature and move into the destiny God has for us, our vision will also mature and grow. Trinity Fellowship has a big vision that can only be fulfilled with God’s help. It is not the size of our congregation, the size of our buildings, the amount of our budget, or the people in leadership that can make our vision come to pass. We humbly depend on God, on His grace and the power of His Spirit, to fulfill the vision He has given us. As a body of believers, we have the exciting opportunity to join together with the unified purpose of accomplishing the vision set before us. Each person, each member of this body, plays an important role in this process. Although we know that we have not yet arrived, we purpose to keep our eyes fixed on the goal and keep moving forward in the direction God leads us. Above all, we pray that everything we do will be for His glory and for the sake of His Kingdom.

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Seven Foundations of Vision at Trinity




The key Scripture texts that give us a basis by which we can justify our existence and define our purpose.

2 Structure PART

The governmental structure we believe God has given us to lead and manage the work at Trinity. PART


Scope of Influence

The genetic destiny of the church and the scope of influence it is to possess in the community and the body of Christ. PART



The guiding values and abiding standards that create the atmosphere and protect the integrity of the church. PART


Spiritual Life

The charismatic beliefs and distinctives of our faith and experience. PART


Services and Small Groups

Weekly celebration services and small group ministry where the body of Trinity can meet throughout the week. PART


Strategy for Growth and Reproduction

The beliefs and practices by which Trinity will grow and reproduce in our call to fulfill the Great Commission.




These four Scripture texts describe the vision of what success looks like as well as the spirit and substance of how we will succeed. In general, we are a charismatic, evangelistic, unity-seeking, equippingoriented, fivefold-ministry, apostolic church. Acts 2:40-47 — And with many other words he testified and exhorted them,

saying, “Be saved from this perverse generation.” 41 Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. 42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. 43 Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. 44 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, 45 and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. 46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

Ephesians 4:11-16 —And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets,

some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.

Matthew 28:18-20 — And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All

authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Psalm 133 — Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell

together in unity! 2 It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. 3 It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing—life forevermore. S e v en fo u n d ations of v ision





e are an elder-governed church that functions with a balance of singular W headship and plurality of leadership. The Senior Pastor is empowered with true authority to rule and minister, but is accountable to the body of elders. Elders are appointed for life by the elder body. They are also formally disciplined or removed by the elder body. The Senior Pastor is the chairman of the elder body, but as such, is equal in authority in the elders’ meetings to all other elders—staff or non-staff. The elder body is responsible for appointing, overseeing and supporting the Senior Pastor. The elder body operates in unanimity in almost all instances. The reason for this is because we value relationships above issues. Love and unity are paramount virtues in the governmental model we embrace. We believe the elder body is a microcosm of the fuller body of believers. Our love for and unity between one another creates the standard and spirit by which God’s Spirit flows to the congregation and beyond. The staff is governed by the Senior Pastor and his delegated authority. Other than when an elders’ meeting is in progress, the Senior Pastor is the singular head of the church. The staff will be overseen in a responsible and loving manner. They will be challenged to do their best and will be given the proper tools and support to do so. They will be treated with respect and will not be allowed to ignore their relationships with God or their families for the sake of ministry or other interests. The vision of our structure is to continue to practice our current government as we improve as God directs. Also, we will train other pastors, elders and churches how to implement the governmental and leadership principles we embrace and employ. This is an important part of the apostolic mantle and mission of Trinity Fellowship. Even though we respect the fact that there are other governmental church models that are common and effective in differing degrees, we strongly hold to the model of singular headship and plurality of leadership. We also have an abiding commitment to unity, the respect for the authority of the Senior Pastor, inclusion of staff and non-staff elders that are appointed by elders for life,and other fundamental principles. As we go forward, it is our vision and passion to help as many churches as possible gain an understanding of healthy church government. We will do this through apostolic outreach, relationships, conferences, ministry resources and strategic church planting.

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Scope of Influence


Trinity Fellowship has been blessed with a large amount of influence both in the Amarillo region and to the body of Christ as a whole. We will steward that influence by partnering with other churches and organizations to advance the kingdom of God while being careful to guard our core values and principles. We consider the church to be called to influence those around us in a way that leads them to a better life through the gospel of Jesus Christ, and we will respond to that call with an outwardly focused, missional perspective. We believe that God intended us to be a light to the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden, and we will seek to impact our culture accordingly. We believe Trinity’s genetic destiny is to grow to be a church of 25,000 active members. Trinity’s primary growth will occur as we aggressively seek to evangelize and minister to our community and area. We will have multiple weekend services that include outreaches to various age groups and racial backgrounds, including the growing Senior Adult and Hispanic populations in our region. We will also develop other ministries and services designed to reach as many people as possible with multiple venues and varied formats. We will not prefer any age group, but seek to minister to all ages. We will not allow racism in any form, but will seek to minister to and be a reconciliation agency for racial unity. We will have aggressive men’s and women’s ministries. We will be scripturally sound, but culturally sensitive to needs, hurts and opportunities. We will develop ministries as the Lord leads to reach lost, lonely, needy and hurting people. We will endeavor to connect people to Trinity through active membership. Active membership will be measured by regular attendance, consistent giving and active involvement in the ministries of the church. While it is not a prerequisite for membership, our goal is for each member to complete a Covenant Commitment indicating formal membership in the Trinity family.

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There are twelve guiding values that create the cultural atmosphere, spirit and standards of Trinity Fellowship. These will be enduring values that are upheld, maintained and imparted to future generations. They are as follows: 1. Compassion | Philippians 4:5 We will express an attitude and spirit of compassion and mercy

balanced with truth to all individuals. We will be outward focused, with a desire to reach the lost and to heal and restore the hurting.

2. Equity | Jeremiah 22:13-16

e will be committed to justice and right treatment of all W individuals. We will not show partiality to any individual or group, and will strive to remain above reproach in all dealings with people.

3. Excellence | Colossians 3:17,23

I n every area of ministry and administration we will be standard bearers for the glory of God. Every individual and ministry will carry a spirit of excellence (not perfectionism), embracing continuous effort to do better, and always striving for God’s best.

4. Faith | Hebrews 11:6

e will be decisive and proactive based on God’s revealed W direction and plans. Though we will guard against presumption, we will not be driven or hindered by fear based on circumstances or the unknown.

5. Generosity | II Corinthians 9:6

e will seek opportunities to generously share our resources and W reproduce what God has produced in us and given to us.

6. Humility | James 4:6

T he spirit of leadership will be the servant spirit. The higher a person’s ascendancy in the organizational structure, the more their rights decrease and their responsibilities increase.

7. Integrity | Philippians 2:15

e uphold all biblical standards for conduct and reputation W for personal, family, business, financial and community

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involvement for all individuals in the organization. We will strive to remain above reproach in all areas, realizing that we represent Christ to the world as His ambassadors.

8. Kingdom-Centered

| I Corinthians 12:14-27

We will be committed to advancing the work of the kingdom in the body of Christ at large, by recognizing and supporting other churches and ministries with whom God gives us opportunity to co-labor.

9. Service | Ezekiel 44

Administration will be the servant of ministry, not the master. Administration exists to serve ministry so that it functions with effective and predictable results. Also, in every area and level of ministry, a servant spirit will be modeled, mentored and upheld. 10. Submission | Romans 13:1

We embrace God’s ultimate position of authority (Jesus is the Head of the Church) and God’s plan for local delegated authority. We will adhere to the principles of submission to and honoring of authority at all levels of the organization and society. Within Trinity, we will operate within the integrity of our authority structure. We will allow appeal with a right spirit within our established protocol.

11. Truths and Spirit-Centered

| John 1, 14, 16

We are committed to being fully grounded in scriptural truth and fully empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is our road map, and the Holy Spirit is our guide and empowerment to reach God’s destiny for us as a church.

12. Unity

| Psalm 133

Relationships will always supercede issues in importance, except when essential scriptural truths are at risk of being compromised. Unity will require us to focus on vision and values. The efforts of every individual will be harnessed to the vision. A team approach to ministry, problem solving, decision making and operating within the integrity of our structure will be the norm. All disagreements and offenses will be dealt with in a timely and biblical manner.



4 Standards

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Spiritual Life


We are a charismatic church. In other words, we believe in the contemporary operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit as described in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. It was the primary reason for the establishing of Trinity and remains a primary and essential part of our beliefs and practices. We will be unapologetic but gracious to those who disagree with our charismatic beliefs or practices. We are not ashamed of the Holy Spirit, His activities, His giftings, His power or the things He does that are counterintuitive to the natural mind or offensive to other believers or secular society. We will never compromise our beliefs or practices for the sake of church growth or social respect. Within the walls of Trinity and in the ministries we sponsor, we will allow and encourage the flow of the Spirit, including corporate and individual charismatic expressions. These expressions must be governed with wisdom and discretion according to the guidelines the Apostle Paul gave in 1 Corinthians chapters 12 through 14. Even though we are unapologetically charismatic, we do not identify with or embrace excessive practices that sometimes define charismatic Christianity. Having said that, we will also not shun or restrict the legitimate flow of the Holy Spirit in reaction to abuse or excess. We would prefer an atmosphere of honest mistakes that have to be corrected rather than an atmosphere of spiritual frigidity, control or fear. We respect the Holy Spirit as God and reverently listen to Him and allow Him to tell us what to do rather than the other way around. We realize that He is also the Spirit of Truth and will never lead us to violate the teachings of Scripture He inspired. The vision of Trinity going forward is to boldly practice our charismatic faith and to disciple others to do the same. This includes our congregation as well as all others we have the opportunity to influence. We will major on the major areas of the Holy Spirit’s work and will not become obsessed or sidetracked with tangent charismatic movements or expressions. The major issues have been, are and will always be love, compassion, unity, and evangelism—as well as prophecy, healing, deliverance, baptism in the Spirit, etc. S e v en fo u n d ations of v ision


Also, another important element of the spiritual life of Trinity is prayer. We realize that prayer must be practiced as a daily priority of every person, department and ministry of the church. This was the model of the early church as recorded in the second chapter of Acts. They were “constantly devoted� to prayer. As Trinity grows and moves forward, we will always keep a commitment and focus on prayer. We will make prayer a vital part of our culture on every level throughout the church. Also, we will call for special seasons or events of prayer for specific purposes.



5 Spiritual Life

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Services and Small Groups


“So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house…” Acts 2:46a One of the first descriptions of the body life of the New Testament church shows their habit of a balance between corporate celebration services and small groups. We believe this is a critical balance to be practiced and preserved in the body of Christ. Corporate celebration services bring us together in unity to worship, hear the Word and experience things that can only happen in a larger group. Without anointed and regular celebration services, a congregation loses their sense of unity, purpose, vision and corporate identity. The small groups that meet in homes or offices are also critical for the purpose of relationship building, pastoral care and individual expression of ministry. Another essential function of small groups is the assimilation of new believers into a congregation. The early church was able to assimilate and disciple thousands of new believers because of their small group ministry. We are an equipping church and believe that the heart of ministry takes place among the congregation, not by paid staff or a select few. Our vision is to see a congregation of anointed, equipped and released ministers doing the work of the Lord all over our community every day of the week. This includes compassion ministries, counseling, life groups/affinity groups, discipleship, equipping and other specialized areas. Our desire is also to see a day of a visitation of the Lord when we will experience evangelism on the scale of Acts chapters two and three. The celebration services will be a staging area to draw people and preach the gospel to them, but only the small groups can pastor and disciple the new converts. We are creating an atmosphere where the Lord can send revival of biblical proportions and we can steward it without waste, exhaustion, or corruption. As we aggressively create, care for and promote small group ministry, we are expressing our belief that Acts chapter two is a template for the body life of the church. We are also expressing our belief in the Ephesians four model of fivefold ministry equipping the saints to do the work of ministry.

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As we go forward into the destiny of Trinity, the Acts chapter two model of celebration and small groups will be the abiding model of ministry we look to for instruction and inspiration. We will seek to constantly improve in our understanding and expression of what we do, without compromising the clear standards of Scripture. As it relates to celebration services, we will always seek to have dynamic worship, personal ministry, ministry of the Word and evangelism as important elements that must have regular expression. Also, we will seek to be creative and relevant in how we conduct our services. This includes an openness to create separate venues to reach particular ethnic or affinity groups. Even though the Senior Pastor will fill the pulpit a considerable amount of the time, it is our belief that more than one gift should regularly be expressed from the pulpit. Therefore, we will have different staff and non-staff ministers fill the pulpit. The pulpit and worship services are under the oversight of the Senior Pastor. He will guide the pulpit schedule to accommodate five-fold ministry gifts. In this way we can be sure that the congregation of Trinity receives the full counsel of God. Also, it ensures that the congregation doesn’t become overly dependent or focused on one man. We will have special services throughout the year to accomplish other purposes, such as praise and prophetic services. This is of special importance to give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to flow corporately. We recognize that God can work by His Spirit in ways beyond what preaching can accomplish. It is our commitment not to use persuasive words of men as the primary method of accomplishing the goals God has given us. We will give regular expression and honor to God’s Spirit and His power. He is the Spirit of the church and it is only by His power that we can succeed.



6 Services and Small Groups

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Strategy for Growth and Reproduction


We believe that the growth of a church occurs through the natural process of reproduction. Much like our biological bodies, healthy things produce healthy offspring. Healthy reproduction at Trinity will flow from our aggressively pursuing three important areas: Evangelism, discipleship and missions.



Evangelism Matthew 28:18 is the commission that inspires our commitment to constantly focus on winning people to Jesus Christ. Everything we do will revolve around fulfilling this objective. This includes the aggressive evangelism ministries of Trinity but also includes area, national and worldwide efforts. We will be aggressive to win people for Christ. Again, using Acts chapter two as our model, there should always be a healthy balance between in-reach and outreach. We cannot prefer either or reject either as has become the habit of many modern churches – especially in the charismatic world. It is supremely selfish and shortsighted to forget those who are perishing without Christ. We live in a world of increasing social decay, deceit and growing religious deception. We must remind ourselves that the answer is Jesus and Jesus alone. We have been commanded to preach Him unto the ends of the earth until He returns. The vision of Trinity Fellowship is to boldly, constantly and aggressively preach the gospel and aid those doing so around the world to convert as many people to Christ as possible. SECTION


Discipleship For much of its history, Trinity’s purpose statement has been “Making disciples to make a difference.” That remains true today and into the future. We will always be mindful of the fact that God has blessed our congregation with a multitude of giftings and anointings that, in many cases, have not yet been fully identified or released. We will continually S e v en fo u n d ations of v ision


endeavor to disciple those who have been brought to us so that they may find their place of fulfillment and purpose in the body of Christ. Our vision is to invite, equip, train and release disciples into the fullness of their calling in God’s kingdom. SECTION


Missions “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8 Our missions philosophy is based on Jesus’ words in Acts 1:8. We believe in concentric aggression. That means we begin in our Jerusalem, which is Amarillo, and then continue our outreach to the surrounding area (Judea), our nation (Samaria), and then to the foreign mission field (the uttermost parts of the earth). This is a critical strategy because it causes us to reach our own world first as we advance toward a greater realm of outreach. his is important to remember because America is an example of how T the most Christian nation in the history of the world can be lost while the church in it is aggressively trying to evangelize the world. We must reach the entire world. But Jesus’ words serve as an important reminder that how we do it is as important as our commitment to doing it. The vision of Trinity is to aggressively reach the world for Christ as we evangelize and build the church. This will be done with a commitment to concentric aggression according to Jesus’ teaching. The following is a general outline of how we have progressed in our strategy of implementing our concentric aggression philosophy of missions: A. Amarillo— The ministries of the church and Bethesda Outreach Center.

We have made an impact on our city and continue to do so. The Lord gave us the vision for Bethesda in 1984 with a promise from Isaiah 58 if we would follow Him in faith. We were financially challenged at the time and had to borrow fifty-thousand dollars to remodel the rented facility we now own. Since doing so, God has blessed us in a remarkable way as we have reached the indigent community of our city. Our vision is to continue to reach our 28


7 Strategy for Growth and Reproduction

city and grow in our capacity to do so until Christ returns. It must be stated that Arbor Christian Academy is also considered to be a missions outreach of Trinity to our city. We are committed to its existence and success. Christian education is a discipling arm of the church as well as a support to families in our church and community. It will continue to grow in its importance as society decays and Christian parents look for support and assistance in educating their children. b. The Amarillo area—Trinity Fellowship Association of Churches was

begun in 1987 to plant, oversee and assist churches within a five-state area surrounding Amarillo. Since its inception, TFAC has had a significant impact on its target region. We have planted a number of new churches and assisted many others as they were transformed into healthy, reproductive congregations. Many churches have adopted our model of government and ministry and are reaching their cities in much the same way we are reaching Amarillo. The apostolic vision of TFAC is to advance God’s kingdom by partnering with and planting healthy, growing churches in the five-state region surrounding Amarillo. Besides providing assistance to existing churches, TFAC is also committed to aggressively planting new churches in strategic locations so as to expand the influence of the local church wherever it is needed. We will continue to assist and support those churches who choose to be members of TFAC, primarily through the Church Health Initiative. This model focuses upon building relationships among member pastors as their churches grow into healthy, missional ministries connected through an apostolic network. We will continue to grow TFAC’s membership as we seek to be sensitive to the needs of our participating churches. Our vision for TFAC is to have 100 healthy, reproducing churches as executive members. Additionally, our main focus on planting churches in the future will be to start wholly owned and operated satellite churches. These churches will be operated under the covering of the elders of Trinity in Amarillo. A campus pastor and support staff that are overseen by the delegated representatives of the Senior Pastor of Trinity will oversee them. We will be sensitive to the Lord for His timing, provision and location of these churches. Our vision for the future is to have twenty or more of these churches that are healthy and effective. In addition to planting satellite churches, we will also be open to planting non-satellite churches.

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These opportunities will be considered based on relationship, the wisdom of experience and divine guidance. We will also be open to partnering with other churches or apostolic networks in starting, supporting or helping churches begin or succeed. Our desire is not to be in control or to take credit for any church we help. Our desire is to see the work of the kingdom advance in a manner that God gets the glory and the ministry can be sustained. C. America – In 1994 we began a marriage ministry to America. Birthed

by a vision from God and the confirmation and guidance of the elders, MarriageToday began as a departmental ministry of Trinity with virtually all of its expenses paid for by the church. MarriageToday is a vibrant ministry consisting of an international television broadcast reaching over ninety-million homes in America and over two hundred countries worldwide, with over one hundred unique ministry resources, an interactive website, a weekly email blast that reaches over twenty-thousand people, and a monthly partner base of over three thousand who each receive a resource every month to minister to their marriages. In addition to our monthly partners, MarriageToday has had over ten thousand donors in the past year. With an expanding resource base outside of Trinity, today over eighty-five percent of the operations budget of MarriageToday comes from sources other than Trinity. Even though MarriageToday is separately incorporated and has moved its headquarters to Dallas, it is still considered to be an integral part of the vision and community of Trinity and its outreach ministries. Pastor Jimmy Evans remains the Senior Pastor of Trinity, and has been blessed to fulfill the call and anointing God has put on him and his wife, Karen, to equip individuals and churches to succeed in marriage. We are seeing major results from the investment of resources into MarriageToday. To date, we have reached millions of people through television, hundreds of thousands through ministry resources (the Marriage on the Rock book currently has a circulation of over 300,000 copies), and equipped over one hundred thousand couples in seminars. Also, the resources of MarriageToday and Jimmy Evans DVD seminars are used in thousands of churches across America to train leaders and couples. We regularly receive powerful testimonies from people whose lives and marriages are being transformed. Also, more testimonies than ever are coming in from all around the world.



7 Strategy for Growth and Reproduction

The vision of MarriageToday is to sanctify marriage in the sight of the nations before the return of Christ. That is our vision in the broadest sense. More specifically concerning America, we want to see our society changed in a dramatic fashion. Marriage is the first institution God ever created and is the foundation for every other institution, including the church. All of society is dependent upon marriage for success and stability.

As we reach across America with different mediums and in different venues, our mission is to equip individuals and couples to succeed in marriage from a biblical perspective. We will also equip pastors to succeed in their own marriages as we equip their churches to minister to their members. d. The World – Currently we have a modest outreach and investment in world

missions. This is because we have been implementing the first three steps of our philosophy. As Trinity grows, we will focus on strategic investment in world missions. As we continue to support many of our current missionaries, we will seek to increase the support of many of those we currently help as we also find new missionaries and missions projects to support. Ultimately, we will have millions of dollars every year going to support worldwide missions. Our general missions strategy of how we will fulfill this fourth and final stage of our missions philosophy is as follows: n

We will support apostolic missionaries in strategic locations worldwide. This means the bulk of our support will go to men, women and works that have a broad influence and are actively seeking to build the local church. We believe that the church is the hope of the world. A missions philosophy that is evangelistic in focus but disregards the building and support of the local church is unbiblical and short-sighted. We will align ourselves with those we feel kindred to in spirit and beliefs. We will also closely examine and oversee the character of missionaries and the fruit of their respective ministries in determining the level and continuation of support.


We will seek to send and support members of Trinity who desire to fulfill a call as missionaries. This will include both short-term and long-term missions involvement. It will also include individuals, couples and groups, such as our youth group. God will bring many

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people to Trinity who have a call and desire for missions. It is our responsibility to help them fulfill this call. We will do so through relational oversight as we cooperate with our partner missionaries on the field. n

We will also create a training program for missions and ministry candidates. It will be focused on young people of college and career age, but will include others as well. The purpose of this ministry will be to identify and equip those who desire to serve the Lord in full- or parttime church and missions work. It will include classroom instruction, mentoring and interning assignments within the church as well as short-term missions training.


e will develop missions projects and raise support through our W satellite and TFAC churches. We will use our relationships and influence to help other churches to have a passion and vision for missions.

As we do this, we will create cooperative opportunities for them to participate. This would include financial support as well as the personal missions involvement of the pastor, leaders and congregation members. Most of these projects would be done in concert with our existing missionaries, but others will be new and unique based on opportunities and the Lord’s guidance. n





e will use Bethesda Outreach Center as an international relief W agency and a conduit of practical missions resources to aid our own missionaries first and then others as the need and opportunity arise. This will include medical missions trips and special outreaches to needy peoples and areas of the world that have experienced difficulty.

e will offer one-time support to individuals and organizations as W the Lord leads. We realize that sometimes financial support is best given on an as-needed basis than in monthly support. We will also help missionaries from time to time with whom we are not in close relationship. This support will be based on their request and/or our recognition of need.

e will partner with sister churches such as Gateway Church in W Southlake. By combining our efforts and resources, we can be more effective and efficient.

7 Strategy for Growth and Reproduction


Since the humble beginnings of this church, God has been faithful to us in remarkable ways. We are grateful for everything He has done so far at Trinity Fellowship, and we look forward to the exciting things He has in store for our future. This Vision Statement serves as a reminder of the foundational principles and beliefs that guide our decisions. It also provides direction for the future as we continue to move forward into the destiny God has for us. Jesus Christ is the head of this church, and our complete loyalty is to Him. It is our prayer that everything that is accomplished at Trinity Fellowship will bring glory and honor to His name.

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