2005 Waynesville High School Yearbook

Page 1


~enior f:avorite~ Black

Class Song: ul Go Back'' -~~~~~

------------------------------------\\ hnt is

fn, onte high school 1emory ,,a~ \\hen the ccrlcader~ '' ent to for • ationals and · ·"··hh·'"' called us to tell us '\1)

"My fa\onte h1gh school memory was \I. hen I beat Brook\ ille \ first singles player for tennis at League Tournament to tic for league champion."

"I would have to say that my fa\Ortte high school memory was \\>hen we went 20-0 my freshman year in basketball."

"Ore sing up for the Goldmember lip ync my ophomore )'ear i my favorite High chool memo

"My favorite high chool memory \\a having the ub titute teacher, Mr. Riley, for pani h."

Bndget Baker Bnttany Baker Zachary Ballard Jared Bell Arianne Bentley arly Bo,1.man

Rebecca Bradley Katy Branson Jared Brooks Lincoln Bryant Mallor] Bunnell Charles Caudell

Bradley Clifton Brian Coffman Amy Cole Ca~sidy Cook \\ h1rney Couch Jessica Cra\\ ford

\1anhe" ra" ford Brad Critz nne urrin Aaron Dodge Grant Docpcl dam Dolle

Heather Dorgan \1ary Dunkin Brandon Eckman Caleb E"ald Ryan Fielden Ryan Frasher


Oa\ 1d lurnas Gabbard B~!\ eric <.corgc Jessica , ille;.: Ellen •rcely Jason I laic ! · mil~

Joshua Ham1lton Ashley ll.mna Cassld) IIa\\ kins Tra\ b lliggms Bnttnee Hollan hama lludgel

Jess1ca llupman Stephanie Isaac' Justm Jone. Kelly Jone ;,.mantha Kesse [d\\ard l\.1mball

Holli Kiser \11chacl Klan Victoria Klcm Ca. ey Lakes Katherine le\\ is Hannah Lmdauer

Katie \1acKowa;.: Jo,h \1alicote Renee \1cCioud Joshua \1cl\.ce\er Enc \1eador Tahtha \11ller

Jeremy Moeller Rachel 'v1ontgomery arah clson Katl-r]n Orr Con Patton Anthony Pa:.ton

Carrie Pcnnmgton MatthC\\ Peterson Adam PetticrC\\ Aaron PII.Ler Samantha Plamondon John Pollock


Arron Pre,Jcy Camhee Raab Zachary Richmond Ju 11r Roc,cr '~t:h~.:dz

Lul C'h


ophcr chcrcr

E:l i.rabcth ~hank Robcrt SJ.I'cmore Bntt m ~ n 'ller Cory 1.. 1 Brad Truesdale Lmdsay Trusty


Casey Turner Douglas Turner kalllyn T\>ccl l:ly,e Velte \letona \\alter Jacob Weddle

\1Jchael \\haley hannon Whitton Rebecca Wical Heather Williams Kristin Withro\\ dam Wright



hat da "Ha\ing fun!"

"High school means sports, friends, and having the time of my life."

"I love playing ¡ports and hanging out with friends!"

" reate t ttme of my life, hangmg out with friend , and being in pn on without doing

Travis Sharp

Annatashta Abrante Jay Alexander Laci Asher Brandon Sacca John Barnett Adam Bishop

Laura Bly Katte BO\\ers Amy Bncker Michael Brooks Teresa Brown ondra Bunnell

Eric Burgmeier Kathleen Campbell Rachel arter Knsu Cheno\\Cth Ta)lor Cloud amuel Coffey

\nnamaric Cole can Collins \\esley Couch Amanda Crane Khrista Crutchfield Lila Cummm-,

Brian Dameb Wilham Da\ tdson Tabttha Da) Angela Dermer \ndcrson De\\ inc Dand Durbin


Rebecca Fmmom. Bnuanic I ticnne fylcr 1.\\ ing Briuan} I crcnce :\loll} Fitzpatm:k Andre\\ I ogcd Bntt,IJl} Fo'\

Lindsey Frederick Holl} l¡ugate Jared Gal)on Elh G1lbert Dustin Good !leather C1or~ki Destin) (Jrccnc

Abb} !!all Kc' 111 Hamilton Jordan llammermclstcr Ra;mond llatticld !loll) Henderson 1\.am Henderson '\ •cole Hernandez

\ndrea Hipsher ~amuel lloium Lindse) Hungerford Courtne~ !lurk) Kelsi llurlcy \1artin llurlcy !leather James

Danu::lle Johnson Jeremy Johnson Cameron Jones Rachael Jone Robert k.ccgan Lesley K1m penccr Kimball

Michael P- My interception at the Massie game. Becca E- All the good times I've had with Taylor and Brittany. Cameron J- My touchdown in the Homecoming


"Adventures at Allison's and her falling off the fence. I can't forget the lemonade, either."

StacJ Kmncy Jo cph I 11mb I C\i Lamb Jasmine l ec \11 ark I C\\ i ~atthC\\

I 1lly

Kylin Maloney Daniel Mark! Rachel Martm Stuart :\1cCollum • amh \1cHcnry Alii on \1ca el Clifford Mellott Ja) Me:yer Randy \111Jcr Audrn \1mton Jamie :\1Jtchcll Jamc~ \1ycr~

El) c el~on andacc O'Kcll) Luca~ Orndorf

Alecia Payne Cas,andra Pennington Deena Plamondon Eric Potter \hchacl Po\\Cil Chnstophcr Pm\Cr Eli.labcth Ra-,pcr

\-1cgan Rimpo \1JC.:h; cl R~ ·m Trn\1~ harp oma houp Chan m1th

Jo. ht.3 p IC Karla talc Rachel te\cnson

Chn,t<lph~.- ">upcr Jilhan ">utton :\1arr n:t Lngcr CheJ,ea Van Hom K) lc \ iolctte Ta\\ 11) \'iox haac \'ochrin •cr


\'oehnngcr Laurn \\crner [li \\c,t ha) Wile) (Jarct \\'iseman Jamie \\ uhro\\ Aaron 'li.1ung


¡¡1 really liked being on the high school football team. I loved playing sports!"

"My friends are my favorite thing about high school."

"The classes are interesting and fun. Some are hard but very rewarding."

"Playing sports and meeting different people is my favorite part about high school."

"My favorite thing about is being with my friends. Oh, and cute boys!"

AgnC\\ BcnJamm Atkcn KcL C) Alford Danelle Arnold Austin Beam Mar!..: Becker


nclrc\\ Beckett Kristina Beckett Eric Berger ndrC\\ Ble\ ins Dusttn BrO\\ n All} sOn Bulptn

\1 tchacl Bunnell Ktmbcrl} Burgmeicr Da\td Burke ( hristopher Cald\\ell Alison CaNen Jessica Cason

1-,.ayla Casstdy (ounney Clark Angela Coflh1an Whttnc:,. ole Counncy Coh in Chri. tic Combs

Zachary Cook 1-,.clh Cooke Jordan Da\b ydne:,. Dtlk Anthon} Dimascio le'\ander DO\\ nard


Aaron Dull Ashh:) Durham Timoth) Elt7roth -\u,tin England "-•~tm Felumlce Jack1e Fergu,on Zachar) l·erguson

Jw,tJn Fielden Megan !·ole) Chelsey l·oster Ashle) rr) ( ourtne} Fr) e Emil) Go~sard Ed\\ard Greem\a}

Dustm Grissam (,arrett Hahn Chelsea Hamlet James l lanauer Janna llapner Lukas Hartman Anna llastell

Lauren Hende~on Dustm Hogan Jame' I looser Cor) llop\\OOd Joshua HO\\ell Katherine lmwalle Joshua Isaac

Tamn11 Isaacs \.1ichele Je\\ett Elinbeth Jone' Joseph Kapper Ryan KlldO\\ Amber k..1rchner Christopher Klem

K) le Knepper Adam Konen Carlee Lake' Sarah Lau Samuel Le\\ is BenJamin Liles lexander Linton

amantha Martin Brand) \.1c ,eehan icholas \.1cvllhHa} \1atthe\\ \1cKee\er Zackcf) \1cKml'le Chelsea \1ercatante Justin \1e)cr

·;bll ~1iller £-ric "vvmton TifTan) •coli Claire orton Katie Patton Kyle Patton Jonathon Paule)


I rav1 Pauley Bntllm P1t.tcr Jordan Poole 'Iyter Protlitt Brandal)'nn Reynolds Kathcnne Richards I· hse Roberts

Ah Rockhold Benjamin Roc r Cathenne Ryczek Andrea a(.kett Chcl. ca ')(.haaf S. a~ ch tz thm Search

o.:-ah h "lkle 1\.r stma 1th Chnstophcr pradhng Crystal ':>taC)' Jo,hua St C} John -\nd C\\ tephcn" Amanda tc\cnson

Hannah Ste\\art Leigha Stump Holl} T1r C) ·atasha Tipton A hie) Tin.:) Fa1th Tribble Lc1gha Tnbble

Kholas Tuck \ugustus mcrferth \\ hllney Violette arah Weber Josh Whaley 1\.r stln Wilson Jet rc) Winkler

JU',tln \Visecup Eleanor Woolf Tyler \\'right

Pictured: Michael Bennett, ntin Dotter, Karlie Wheelen




::/X,:nrfay Hip Hop Day Winners : Cory Patton, Adam Wright, Ryan Fielden, Matt Peterson

Jue~rfay Teacher Day Winner: Travis Higgins

~rf:ne~rfay Pirate Day Winners: John Coffman, Katherine Lewis

The 2004-2005 <.;pirit week was full of fun and excitement tudents had a great t1me drcssmg up m different costume for each theme day. tudents e pecially had fun dre">smg up as their favorite teachers on Tue-,day We JU t hope the teachers had a much fun ¡eemg the1r tudent t\\- in ! p1rit week \\a capped off by an incredible pep a sembly on Friday. The lip ync competition was great, and the enior'i won a clo e contest. till, all the grades howed great pirit. Thi wa one of the be t pirit weeks ever. eniors howed exceptional spirit this year and captured the pirit week victory!

Jfi'uurfay Camouflage Day Winner: Nathan Vonderahe

F'rirfay Orange & Black Day Winner: Everyone!


The original Homecoming Game wa cheduled for eptember 17. During thi time, 3 different tropical torm hit the ea t coa t. Their effect were deva tating, even to outhern and central Ohio The Midwe t received heavy rain and major flooding in certain area . The chool we were uppo ed to play, McDermott- orthwe t, i ued an early di mi al from schoo. on that Friday due to flooding in the area. The game wa cancelled, but the fe tivitie continued. Homecoming Cour wa announced at the October Dixie game. We defeated Dixie 32 to 22. Homecoming had it flaw , but it wa omething that the cia of 2005 will alway remember.


Justin • .uen and Crystal Stacy

Tyler Ewmg and Heather James

Kristin Raab and Andrew Barton

Jason Hale and Candice Raab


#8 Robert Montgomery

#24 Shawn Gentry

'03 E TIO


#53 Kyle McKinzie

Coaches(left to nght)Wes Childs,Aaron Clark,N1ck Vrettos,Rod We1rauch ,Gien Burchfield,Brandon Philpot, Scott Stiles BACK ROW Chris Super,Tyler Proffitt,Zack McKinzie,Ben Aiken ,Chris Caldweii,Garrett Hahn,Justin Meyer,Dustin Hogan ,Augustus Unverferth ROW 4 C.J. Mellott,Ryan Kildow,Jay Meyer,Jeremy Johnson,Matt McKeever,Josh Stacy, Justin Fielden,Jimmi Hanauer,Nick McG1Ivrey ROW 3 John Barnett,Brian Hatfield,Joe Lamb,Jordan Hammermeister,Levi Lamb,Robert Keegan ,Mike Poweii,Cameron Jones,Daniel Schultz ROW 2 Josh McKeever,Ben Kroehle,Zack Richmond,Michael Klan,Adam Dolle,Anthony Payton,Travis Higgins,Ryan Frasher FRONT ROW Rubert Montgomery,Shawn Gentry,Kyle McKinzie,James Ryan ,Travis Childs,Joe Smith

Date 8/27 9/3 9/10 9/18 9/23 10/1 10/8 10/15 10/22 10/29

Opponent East Clinton Clinton Massie Lemon Monroe McDermitt NW(Homecoming) Oakwood Northridge Dixie Madison Carlisle( Senior Night) Brookville

Result L28-12 W29-20 L33-41 L24-33 L62-7 W34-13 W32-22 W12-6 L34-0 L21-0

Final Record 4-6



Donna Snyder

Top Left to Right: (1st Row) Coach Dick Miller, Courtney Hurley, Molly Fitzpatrick, Molly Howeller, Vick. Walters, Lesley Kim , Jessica Hupman. (2nd Row) Katie Richards, Emily Benton, Ashten Hurley, Holh Gallagher, Leigha Kim, Ellen Greely, (Front Row) Captains: Abigail Nelson, Kelley Bricker, and Jessica Ewing

Assistant Coach Laura Green 40

Head Coach Dick Miller

Lady Spartans' Schedule: 8/24 Clmton Massre L 8/28 Monroe L 8/31 Lrttle Mrcmr 9/7 Northrrdge 9/9 Drxre 9 I 11 Franklrn 9/14 Madrson 9/16 Brookvrlle 9/21 Corlrsle 9;23 Northrrdge 9 28 Drxre T 9/30 Madison 10/5 Brookvrlle 10/7 Carlrsle 10/12 Greenvrew 10/14 Fenwrck Season Record ·1--+-2-1

w w w w w w w w w w w w w





Top row: Josh Green, Travis Hazen, Matt Peterson, Ryan Fielden, Trevor Parsons, Corey Hay, Josh Patterson Bottom Row: Tim Wylie, Tyler Ewing, Andrew Foged, Zach Richmond , Ben Liles, Ben Stagge Coach: Scott Luti JO TREVOR T H R A A

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;oach Luti I Coach Franklin




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... 42









8 28 Monroe 2-0 8 31 Little Miami 0-4 9/7 Ridgeville 9-0 9/11 Franklin 1-1 9/ 14 Madi on 1-1 9/ 16 Brookville 1-2 9 21 Carli le 5-0 9/30 Madison 3-3 10/5 Brookville 5-5 10/7 Carli le 5-0 10/ 14 Fenwick 0-5 5 wins, 3 losse , 3 ties



A' •


Team Record

The girl ' tenni team had their be t ea on ever thi year~ they went completely undefeated in the SWBL with no one lo ing a match and ea ily walking away with the title" WBL Champion ." The team placed 2nd in the Greater incinnati oache Tournament. The lady partan did exceptionally well in the Sectional tournament, fini hing off a ucce ful ea on. At the end of the ea on, five girl were recognized by the coache of the Miami Valley for their out tanding performance. The award were: 2nd Team: tephanie I aacs; 3rd team: Carly Bowman and Megan Aiken; Honorable Mention: Beth 0 bourne and Tammi I aac .



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Coach Dave Liffick 48

Season Record 2 SWBL Ryder Cup M1lton Union Brookville Invitational Dixie Monroe/ Northridge Madison Edgewood Brookville Cedarville Carlisle Eaton Clinton Massie Valley View East Clinton Oakwood Bellbrook

2nd L 4th W W W W W W W W W W W L L

SWBL Tournament 2nd Sectional Tournament 2nd District Tournament 11th

The Spartan Golf team had a great season this year. They had a winning record and captured the SWBL title.



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v Aleshia and Casey ~t:.l



0 L L E y B A

FRONT: Aleshia Bors, Casey Beach MIDDLE: Megan Foley, Kelsey Alford, Whitney Cole, Ali Rockhold, Cassi Hawkins, Amy Bricker, Whitney Violette, Leigha Stump BACK: Coach Camfield, Casey Turner, Jana Hapner, Whitney Couch, Annie Currin, Chelsea VanHorn, Nikki Hernandez, Kat lmwalle, Coach Harvey

L L 0 4 51

Wilmington Clinton Massie Oakwood Franklin Little Miam1 Brookville Northndge


loss loss loss loss loss win

Mad1son Valley View Middletown Carl1sle Northndge Goshen

loss loss loss loss Win Win


·orne inspiratio for the race ...

Top Rm\ (Left to Right): Coac h Veronica, Taylor Cloud, A ll ison \Ilea el, Rachel Montgomery. Sarah Ryan. Bnan Daniels. John Kra mb, Michael Ryan. Roo C ooke !\Iiddle Row: Sonia houp, Kclli Cooke. Tori Klein, Kelly Jone , Jes ica Daniel ~Lauren Dick, Kristin Raab Front Row: Candice Raab. Leah 1 ribble, Amanda Stevenson, Jessica Hupman, Ja mine Lee. Emily Benton 6

" Divide your race into 3 segments ...

~Iukin~ n Splnsh •..• *Girl's Team took 2nd m ~\\ BL *The 6 man Boy's Team tuOI\. 4th in \VBL District Qualifiers: Knstm Raab, arah Ryan. Candice Raab, Kelly Jone::-, Kristin tubbs, John Kramb. Jasmine Lee State Qualifier andice Raab made a 2nd appearance in the SOO meter



Left to Right: Elyse Velte, Eric Potter, Nick Smith , Stuart McCollum, Lauren Durbin. Not Pictured: Tori Klein -

Season Meets Milton Union Miamisburg Bellbrook Eaton Brookville Franklin Kettering Centerville


Coach Dan Stupp

Tori Klein

Eric Potter

Personal Times: Post-Season League: District: Regional: State:

Elyse 18:34(1 st) 19:01 (1st) 20:04(4th) 19:30(8th)

Nick 23:48

Stuart 19:54 20:21

Eric 22:30 22:52

Tori 24:08 25:36

Lauren 28:15 27:27

Congratulations to Elyse Velte for placing 1st in League, 1st in District, 4th at Regionals and 8th at State!

r.,r:: !:U (l)






Top Row: Coach Violette, Coach Cook, Cory Patton. Kurtis Servis, Nick Smith, Scott Spires, Jason Hale, Adam Wright, Brad Clifton, Matthew Jones, Coach Murphy, Coach Terrill Bottom Row: Jared Bell, Kyle Violette, Alex Foltz, Michael Brooks, Travis Higg1ns

Nick Smith Coaches: Cook, Doc Murphy, Violette

Terrill, Cherry, Broughton

Kurtis Servis 56

Scott Spires

Names from left to right: Servis, Higgins, Hale

Higgins# 14 Hale# 44

Above Pictured: Left to Right: Spires# 34, Jones# 5, Foltz# 3, Smith# 42


c 0

Altlgall Nebon



Athten Hurlep


YorR, Heather James, Nicole Hernandez, Elizabeth ShanR, Annie Currin, Chelsea Vanhorn, Amy BricRer, Coach Gabbard Front Row: Kelley BricRer, Ashten Hurley, Meegan AiRen, Aleshia Bors, Abigail Nelson

Sp a


GirlsBasketba 1 This was an amazing year for the Lady Spartans Jumor Varsity team. They finished with a 19-1 record and won the league championship. These ladies demonstrated great character and leadership this season, promismg success in the future.

Front Row L-A: Lindsey Hungerford, Heather James, Elyse Nelson, Courtney Hurley, Amy Bricker. Back Row L-R: Nicole Hernandez, Kelsi Hurley, Anne Currin, Chelsea Van Horn, Coach York


soanan Freshman Girls

Season Recap The freshman girls finished off their exciting season with a 12-2 record. The season highlight was capturing the Mid-Miami League championship title by beating four teams, including Dayton Carol in the championship game. These ladies worked hard together to have a terrific season. Every single player showed signs of a promising basketball career at Waynesville High School.

#30 Michele Jewett

#24 Chelsea Hamlet

#34 Katherine lmwalle


Top Left to Right: Coach Steiner, Zach Whaley, Zack Young, Chris Klein, C.J. Mellott, Coach Franz; Bottom Left to Right: Travis Sharp, Robert Keegan, Nick Steiner, Nate Bowers, Josh Whaley


Nate Bowers


Nick Steiner

Zack Young

Season Highlights: Nick Steiner won league, placed 2nd at districts, and placed 6th at state. Nate Bowers came back after a broken collar bone and placed 6th at districts.

The Waynesville Spartan baseball team started the season very inexperienced. As the season wore on, they gained hard-earned experience and maturity and that translated into more victories. Coach Cook believes next year will be off to a strong start with a much stronger team.


Left to right, top Coach Cook, Coach Bernard, Jason Coker, Matt Crawford, Garett Wiseman, Ryat Kildow, Nick McGillivray, Coach Gravitt, Coach Anderson; Middle: Andrew Foged, Jared Bell, Anthony Payton, Dav1d Furnas, Ben Aiken, Ryan Smith, Bottom : Mark Becker, Jay Alexander, Alex Foltz, Kyle Violette, Tyler Proffitt


2005 SWBL Champions Waynesville 10 Brookville 0

op h Stupp, Elizabeth Shank, Casey Turner, Bridget Baker, Chelsea VanHorn, Coach Philpot; Middle Row: Jayme Mitchell, Amy Bricker, Rachel Stevenson; Bottom Row: Mollie Stock, Kelley Bricker, Meagan Aiken



Ben Roeser 2nd Place at Princeton Sectional & District Qualifier


Back Row: Spencer Kimball , Mike Powell, Travis Higgins, Adam Wright, Brian Coffman, Eric Potter Middle Row: Matt McKeever, Gus Unverferth, James Hanauer, Wesley Couch, Justin Fielden Front Row: Anthony Dimascio, Matt Wright, Nathan Search NOT PICTURED: Nick Smith, Cameron Jones, Josh McKeever, Ben Kroehle

Coach Cherry

Senior Nick Smith



Top: Kayla Cassidy, Katie Richards, Whitney Violette, Michele Jewett, Angie Coffman, Kristina Becket, Anna Hastel, Katie Patton, Ms. Kearns: Row 2: Natasha Tipton, Chelsea Schaaf, Crystal Stacy, Megan Foley; Row 1: Katie Campbell, Heather James, Carol Shulte-Krumpen, Kristin Stubbs, Betsy Rasper; Bottom: Elyse Velte, Elle Greely, Whitney Couch; Not Pictured: Annie Currin


Back Row¡ Andrea Sackett, Courtney Minix, Krist1na Sm1th, Kayla Cass1dy, Elizabeth Jones Front Row: Candace O'Kelly, Krist! Chenoweth, Crystal Stacy, Nikki McGeehan, Natasha Tipton

Samantha Curtis


Kathryn Measel

Janelle Dimbath

Ellen Greely

Brittany Summers

Courtney Minix

Brittany Baker

Back Row: Brittanie Etienne. Bnttany Summers. Janelle Dimbath, Ashley Hanna, Jamie Withrow¡ Front Row: Brittany Baker, Lindsay Tracy Kathryn Measel, Samantha Curt1s, Ellen G

Competitions & Placings Carlisle 2nd UCA Regionals 2nd ___. UCA @ Easton 5th Miamisburg To State! League 3rd Sta 5_......____ _ _


Heather Williams

Brittanie Et1enne

Jamie Withrow

Natasha Tipton

Andrea Sackett

Crystal Stacy

Ashley Hanna


suanan JV Sollball

I Season Recap

The Lad) partans fini hed the sea on trong con idering they were \cry young and inc perienced. Jamie Withro\\ handled the pitching dut1e and did an out tanding job. The highlight of the y ar i coming from behind to beat Bellbrook 27 to 23. The ladic \\ orked hard during the ea on and by the end \\ e \\ere competing with every team we played.

Top left to nght: A11son Carsten, Kat1e Bowers, Whitney Cole, Coach K1ng, Annamane Cole, Knsten Stubbs, and Sybil M1ller. Bottom left to nght: Sarah Mchenry Amanda Stevenson Jam1e Withrow, and Karla Staley







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.. 79




tans hinu On!

Top Row: Amber Kirchner,Deena Plamondon. Carolin Schulte-Krumpen, Chari Smith, Tiffany Voehringer; Middle Row: Mandi Gregg , Maggie Unger, Samantha Cornett. Catherine Ryczek; First Row: Angela Dermer, Rebecca Roberts (Captain), Brittnee Hollan


National Honor Society,__.





Current Members of the Waynesville Chapter ffi)' Bnckcr. Samuel Cofl'cy. Bnan Damel , Brittanie I tienne, Andre\\ l·oged Dustin CJOOd. Courtnc) Hurley. Kcl 1 Hurle), Heather James, Rachael lone , Lesley Kim, Jasmine I ee. arah \1cHenry,EI)"e elson, Cassandra Pennmgton, ~1ieh,ld Po\\ ell. IJchacl Karla Stale), Knstm tubbs, Margaret ngcr, l hclsca \anHorn T1ffany \'ochringcr, Jamie \\ ithro\\. Bnttany Baker, Carly Bc.m man. Bradley 1fton, Cas idy Cook, :\nne Curnn, !rant Doepel. Ryan I 1clden, Da\ id

Fuma . m1l) (Jabbard E:.llen Grccl), Jo on llale, Joshua Hamilton, \shley IIanna, Leann Hartman. Stephanie I aacs, Kcll) Jon~.: , Hannah Lindauer, Katie :\1acko\\ay, Jo hua McJ.;:ee\er. dam Petticre\\, l andic~.: Raab, Guadalupe Reynolds. Zachary Richmond, Elizabeth 'hank, Robert. izemore. Bnttany Summer • Douglas Turner, Kmtl. n T\\eel, \ icton.1 \\ alte . Reb cca \\ ieal. Heather \\ 1lhams, Meagan 1ken, \ndrC\\ Barton, hmly Benton. :\1elyssa Booth, andra Bouman, Kelle_ Bncker, Trm 1 Cook,

.'amantha Curtis, Je 1ca Dan1el , Lauren D1ck, Kara Elkms, JessiCa h\ mg. Holhe Ciallagher, Joshua 1recn, ... hten Hurky, Emil) John. on. Ed,,ard K1mball, Thoma LC\\ is, Kathryn 1easel, Kri tin Raab, Rebecca Roberts. arah Ryan. 1cholas Stathe , \1ollie to~.:k, Je, ica Sutton, Katherine \\'est, M1chael \\ 1secup, Tm1othy \\ ylie



The 2004-2005 Choir are

Andrew Barton, Zach Ballard, Adam Boesenberg, Aaron Bowman, Allyson Bulpin, Kim Burgmeier, Rachel Carter, Courtney Clark, Angie Coffman, Brian Coffman, Travis Cook, Sam Cornett, Caleb Crossgrove, Angela Dermer, Lauren Dick, Mary Dunkin, Kara Elkins, Brittanie Etienne, Ashley Fry, Destiny Greene, Leann Hartman, Andrea Hipsher, Emily Johnson, Samantha Kesse, Staci Kinney, Savannah Meeks, Talitha Miller, Tiffany Nicoll, Mark Norvell, Ben Osborne, Alecia Payne, Britani Pitzer, Michael Powell, Lupita Reynolds, Zach Richmond, Becki Roberts, Chelsea Schaaf, Travis Sharp, Chari Smith, Scott Spires, Tess Stiver, Leigha Stump, Jessica Sutton, Jill Sutton, Holly Tinney, Kaitlyn Tweel, Sarah Weber, Eli West, Michael Wisecup, Rya Zeh

1UrifiYJ_J Center 1Ufon 2.004-2.005

7he 1Urifi11J Center

;tl((EYJ_Jfish Cfasses



<fee'tr(ess ,Cee'trfers

NfrJ'. 7Jeman

NfrJ'. Pofzinetfi

7he 7uforJ'

'Erin 1foun.3

1<effe:J 'Brick._er

7he 1UrifiYJ_J Center was cfes!JneltoJive stulents a pface to have 1<afie ?Uesf their important EYl!Jffsh par:ers revisecfancfeC/itecf to improve their fna(lraft ancffurther their wrifiYl!J sh((S. Each tutor j¡ he0 was 3reat& appreciatedancfvery he0fu{ San':J 'Bouman


[Job AdVisor




Travis Sharp, Sam Guadalupe Reynolds, Sam Coffey, Jillia Booth, Travis..J~OK

Barton, ecup, Leigha Kim, man, Melyssa



RachaeiJones Zach Faul, Nathan Vonderahe, Katie Mackoway, Sam Cornett, Elli Gilbert, Hannah Stewart, Danny Markl, Katie Patton, Jennifer Smith, Sandy Bouman, Amanda Crane, Olivia lnderrieden, Abby Hall

Mr. David Coffey Piano: Mr Stephen Estep Keyboard: Grant Doepel Flute:


International Festival

Dear John, Because of}ou,joys fill our heart. God will ble s you, thi just the start.




Kelley Bricker Salutatorian

Andrew Barton Class President






Curl is

Gabbard Hamblin




Kearns Lewis







Schleman 110






11 1

Kristin Leigh Raab

Kyle Duley

Dear Knstin.

Dear Kyle,

\\c arc so proud of you! Ma} God bless all you do. Good luck at .K 1

\ ishing you success in all }Our dreams. \\c arc so proud of you 1\\a:ys keep God first place in your life. We 10\c you!


Mom. Dad. tephanic. <llld Candtcc

Aaron Bowman


Dad. Mom. and Brandon

Amanda Lamb

Dear Aaron.

Dear manda,

\\c 'rc proud of your accomplishments. You've come a long \\ily. and ha\e a long way to go. God i n 't finished \\-tth you yet.

We arc proud of you. our baby. We love you; keep your head up and al\..,ays \valk with God. 'ongratulations Pooh! LO\e, Dad. \1om. and Heather

Dad \1om. \ndrca. and hane

Emily Benton


Robert Cooke

Dear Emily,


\\e are _-o proud ofyou! FoliO\\ your dreams and ne\er give up. Be happy and enJOy life.

C1ood luck as you graduate from

l ltgh chool. We are very proud of you.



\11om, Dad. Mtchael. Rust}. and Mary

your family.

Heather Wallace Dear I leather, We \\ant you to kno\\ that C\C!)\\hcrc )OU journt:) 111 hfc, you "ill go \\ ith our lm e by your Hk Fore\ cr 11 \\Ill be \\ Jth ) ou. You ha\ c brought IO\C and JOY mto our )1\t:~ . 'rbu arc the ourcc of dcare't mcmone' and you arc the \\ cete't pre,cnt hfe could C\er gi\t: to 81l)Ollt:. \1a) God bless ) ou and gUJdc ) ou. Pnn erb~ 3 . 1-2

Emily Johnson Dear Emily, You ha\e chosen the right path to follow. May that path ha\ e nothing but happiness and succe. s along the \\ay. You are a true blessing in our li\cs. We 10\c you!

Dear ndrcw,

Dear Kelley,

You arc not only a gift to our family, you arc a gift to this planet. Your legacy will forever be your generosity and unconditional regard for all mankind 't'ou arc loved beyond

The c thmgs \\C \\Urmly \\ish for you: ood health, good luck. and happinc : for today and every day. LO\C,

Mom and Dad Mom. Dad, and Jamie

Dear Lcigha.



\\c arc so proud of you! Remember to ah\ays work hard and never settle for second best. \\e lo\c you!

Keep smiling\\ ith tho. e big. bright eyes, and be happy. Thanks for all of the fanta tic mcmones \\ ith the family and in those fabulous athletic contc. ts \\e

Dad Mom, Ryan. ndrea, Tyler. and Elyse


Chelsea Combs Dear hel ea,

Dear Ick,

\\e 're . o proud of you and exc1ted about what the future hold m tore for you! 1\\ay remember Philippians 4: 13.

You have f1lled our hves \\ 1th JOY and pnde. et your goals high, pur ue hfe to the fulle t. and always keep miling!

We lo\e you! Dad, Mom, hri ti , and hanty

Corey Hay

Love, Mother and Tom, Mammaw Aunt Becky

Josh Green

Dear Corey,

Dear o and o,

Our live have been enriched and full of joy watching you grow up. Remember that each day i a gift, and be thankful. Our heart are filled with o much pride a we celebrate your graduation and your life! Love and Ble ing , Mom and Dad

You are truly a gift from God. Keep reaching for the star . We are o proud of you!

Chris Damm

Love, Dad, Mom, Mike, and Laura

Meagan Aiken


Dear Meagan,

Congratulation on a JOb well done! We are o proud of you. May all your dream come true. Be Happy! VieI GlUck!

We'lllove you forever, we'lllike you for alway . A long a we're living, our baby you'll be! We are o proud of you Meagan!

Love, !\1om, Dad, Dannie, and family

11 4

Nick Smith

Love, Dad, Mom, and Ben

Ashten Hurley

Tim Wylie

Dear A hten,

Dear Tim,

We are o proud of you. You've been a true ble ing to u . Your opportunitie are endle

" ugar Pie Honey Bunch you that we love you! Can't help our elve " ...

Love, Mom, Dad, and Courtney

Nate Bowers

James Ryan

Dear ate,

Dear Jame ,

We love you and appreciate the man you are becoming. You're awesome and truly a gift.

May you have a much happine s a you have given u . We are o proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, and a than

Love, Mom and Pop Prov. 3:5-7

Alicia Ritter

Samantha Curtis

Dear Alicia,

Dear Samantha,

Through the year watching you grow, we could not imagine the wonderful per on you have become. You have made us o proud. We love you!

We are o proud. This part of your life ha been an incredible journey for us. Wonderful thing Jay ahead for omeone a loving, creative, and wonderful a you!

Mom, Shane, Dad and


_?Mf,!"llf'h,f' Ue f'et f'urtrp.,it to@c:~ol.com

Love, Mom and Dad

VIS IT OIA.R. WSBS ITS~ Wtlt/\tl.eatsa~s.eru~hotDgraphH..s*"'-9~ .t.MM.


Kara Elkins

Kathryn Measel


Dear weat Pea,

We're extremely proud of you and pra}ing as God directs your future tcps. You are the answer to a prayer long ago prayed. We IO\C you,

You've grown up to be such a \\Onderful person. I'm so proud of you! Love, Mom

Dad and Mom Jeremiah 29: I I

Scott Spires ongratulations cott! We are so proud of you! What a JOY it has been to v.:atch you grow up! Remember we are alway here for you. We love }OU! Mom, Alan, Jack, Mamaw, and Papaw

Sarah Ryan

Dear Lauren, Congratulations Lauren-Dear! You\c made us proud and we hope you find much happine while you pursue your dreams! Love, Mom, and Mike

Aleshia Bors

Dear arah,

Dear lcshia,

As you move on to the next pha em your life, remember we love you and arc proud of the woman you have become.

\\c arc so proud of you. Congratulations on all your accomplishments in your portcareer. Good Luck in ur ing chool. Live life to the fullest.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Michael


Lauren Durbin

Love You, Dad, Mom, and Rob

Lindsay Tracy

Robert Montgomery

Dear Lindsay,

Dear Robert,

We arc so proud of you. God blessed our lives when he gave us you. Ah.. ays remember to put God first 111 all you do. May all your dreams come

Congratulations! We love you and arc so proud of you. May God bless you in cvcrythmg you do. Love, Mom, Kc\ m, RacheL

Dear Kyle,

Dear Trevor,

Congratulation ¡ Kyle, your family love you and i very proud of the man you have became.

You've achieved o much, and we \'.ISh you all h fc \ be t in the future. We arc very proud of the young man you've become! Congrat .

We love youDad, ~om and Zack

Lo\c ya! Mom, Dad Tyler, Matt, eley, Kathy, and athan

Lauren Dick Dear Lauren, You ha\¡c gi\cn us the best moments of our h\es. May hfe g1ve you as much and more. \\c love you. \11om, Dad and arah

\\ :\ E \ILL

BOD' HOP 137 N. U.S. HWV 42 513-897-3383; 937-438-3383 11 7




DAVID E. ERNST. ESQ. II outh Broadway 2nd Floor Lebanon. OH 45036

(513) 932-2214


AB Electrical, Heating and A/C ew construction & Remodeing Residential & Commercial Installation & Repairs Bonded & Insured Tom Brooks


(513) 897 -7336 Specializing in Team Equipment Uniforms and Spirltwear

Cowens Team Sports a Division of Delaney Enterprises 33 E. Main St. Xenia, Ohio 45385 Phone: 937-372-6475 Fax: 937-372-7615 Mobile: 937-532-6016

Greg Delaney General Mgr.


381 Old Stage Road Waynesville, Ohio 45068 (513) 897-4826

BOX 426


WAYNESVILLE . OH 45~e TEI.EP'HONE 15 I 31 eg7.Qg9 7 FAX : 15131 897 · 1678 PAGI!", 15131933· 3851


Mary L. Cook Library


Waynesville Pharmacy/ Creekwood Motel 415 S. Main St PO Box 636 Waynesville, OH 45068 513-897-7076



We congratulate the class of2005


726 E. Main Lebanon In Colony Square


Estate Planning/ Probate, Personal Injury, Living Trusts, Domestic Relations, Real Estate, Zoning

P.O. Box 429 258 Miami street (across from post office) Waynesville Oh 45068 Office(513)897-1 080 Fax (513)897-1949

8107 State Route 48 Wayneville, OH 45068

e t of luck 120



"DrelilVIA.S. Thek:j litre free. No OJI\,e clit 11\, tlit R.e tVteV~A. litWlit k1 fro VIA. k1 ou. so go lilVtelilot ... DrelilV~A.." Congratulations to: Josh Patterson, Katie West, Danielle McCurry, Clay Measel Compliments of: The Village Family Restaurant 144 South Main Street Proud supporters of the Waynesville Spartans!

Caesar Creek Animal Clinic 207 . St. Rt. 42 \\Ta\TnesYille, OH 4506 Phone: 897-6544 .I

E. John Raab, DVM

Richard M.Cronley D.D.S. & Associates

~· ~--?{

P.O.Box 675 1043 Franklin Rd ll' '" ;' Waynesville, OH 45068 ·( 513-897-2001 Office hours by appointment


Good Luck Seniors from the Isaacs family.

Shirley Cassidy Manager Mary Jo & John Purdum Owners 121 S. Main St Wayne ville, OH 45068 513-897-2333

Stephanie and Tammi Isaacs Div. II Quarterfinalists, 2nd Team All State

Stubbs-Cooner Funeral Home Waynesville, Ohio 513-897-5966

Best Wishes to the Class of 2005 122



WttiJnes"ille Antil{ue Mttll CoM~

.,.ua . c~"n' ,.a:n...-HING Sa:RVM:~:





0~171 . .


Steve blSel/e Owner

Phone: (937)43S·llll


1008 Miamisburg-Centerville Rd. Dayton. Ohio 4S4S9

Mon • Fri Il-l Sat 11-6 Sun 1-S


Henderson Turf Farms 2969 Beal Road Franklin, Ohio 45005 (937)433-7631

Delivery Hour Monday-Saturday 4:00.1 0:00

2028 E. St. Rt. 73

(1/4 mi. east of Rt. 48) Waynesville

• Pizza • Calzones

• Chips • Pop


• Sandwiches • Or anything • Side Orders in the store 123


Congratulations Seniors!

770 Columbu Avenue P.O Box# 118 Lebanon, Ohio 45036 Phone(513)932-1010 Fax# (513) 932-0632 "vww.charliewat onford.com


917 Columbus Avenue • Lebanon, OH 45036

513-932-3000 800-686-3322


billdelord.com Email bd@billdelord.com

11 South Broadway Lebanon, Ohio 45036 513-932-3876

1101 Columbus Avenue Lebanon, Ohio 45036 513-934-9901

Chernesky, Heyman & Kress P.L.L. Attorney at Law

Congratulations Seniors!

Suite 1100 10 Courthou e Plaza SW Dayton OH 45402 (937) 449-2800



Be t wi he for mooth ailing on life' Congratulations, Cia of 2005!

ca !

Office Hours By Appointment

ental Health Recovery Services of Warren & Clinton Counties

ANN A. BOCKRATH, D.D.S. 4353 E. State Rt. 73. P.O. Box 758 Waynesville. OH 45068

Crisi · Hotline: (800) 932-3366 " cb itc: www.mhrsonlinc.org

Telephone: (513) 897-()248

Electrical Services e I I

Office (513) 897-6545 Mobile (937) 604-2226 Fax (513) 897-7005 Toll Free (877) 435-6545 LONG ELECTRIC R. G. LONG AND ASSOC., INC. DBA ROBERT G. LONG PRESIDENT & CEO 125


4753 E. Lower Springboro Rd. P.O. Box 907 Waynesville Ohio 45068 1-800-233-5413 President, ce Phillips Vice Presiden Phil Baker

Pet Training and Pet Sitting Pet Boarding and Pet Grooming *Offering Dog & Cat Grooming *Cats and Dogs borded Separately

Companion Boarding for Dogs Every Pet Has Their Own Den But Integrated For Play Groups

*DOGS Certification Purdue University *Member ABKA & APDT


Located on Old 122 Rd. 2 Miles East of Warren County Career 3 291 92 (9 7) - !10 Center 513 932-9427

513 312-3134

Davidson Meat 6490 Corin Avenue Waynesville, OH 45068 Congratulations to the Class of 2005! 126

Hartsock Village Florist

141 orth Street P.O. Box 316 Waynesville, OH 450t 1-513-897-4026 1-800-821-5928


ittle Red Shed Antiques

85 . Main trret P.O.BOX 514 Waynesville, OHIO PHO E (513)897-6326 General lines- Dealers Welcome Monday- aturday 11:00 - 5:00 open unday 1:00- 5:00 Visit Wayne ville's other fine shop Plea e remember u when you have an antique to sell

Salfl Slflith & Son Inc. "Everything In Glass"


Monday - Thursday 9-5 Wednesday 9-1 Saturday 9-1 Sundays Closed


•Waynesville Lumber & Supply Co. 39 Maple Street Waynesville, OH 4506 (513) 897-6020 Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Monday -Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Saturday)


705 Deerfield Road Lebanon OH Residential and Commercial




Wishing You the BEST




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