Wide BayBurnett
detailvital with NHHomes
Vivid Homes highlights street appealwith specialistdesign
Bungalow shares passion for making design ideas areality
VivereHomesbuilds to
Stroud Homes Bundaberg use strengths to produce home of
2019 Wide BayBurnett Housing &Construction Awardswinners.
2 |MASTER BUILDERS HOUSING &CONSTRUCTION AWARDS 2019 Excellence in BuildingMagazineispublished by NewscorpAustralia.Those who makeadvertising placement and/supply copy material or editorial submissions to this magazine, undertaketoensure that all such materialdoes notinfringe on any copyright,trademark, defamation, libelslanderortitle breach of confidence, does not contain anything obscene or indecent, or does not infringethe trade practices act or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to the above-mentionedthese persons agree to indemnifythe publisher and /or its agents against any investigations, claimsorjudgements. Published by NEWSCORP on behalf of Master Builders Queensland Editor: Angela Norval Graphic design: MarlizeDuggan Advertising design: Ingrid Barham Print and distribution: News Regional Media Cover photo: Contributed Photography: Contributed/iStock BUILDING
Message from Regional Manager Ian Langer SIGNIFICANCE
Understandingthe difference building with aMaster Builder can bring TRENDY
Find out the stylish tips that localbuilders areadding that makeall the difference to home design BUILD
What suits you better,tobuild somethingnew or possibly renovate? HISTORIC
Shareinthe successesofthe localWide Bay Burnett Master Builders DESIGNING
Murchie Constructionsmakedefinite difference to Kepnock State High School facilities
Attention to
Spotlight shines on WideBay Burnett building excellence
In our ever busy daily lives sometimes, no matter what industryyou’re working in, it’s easy to see endless to-do lists and overlook celebrating our own success.
MASTER BuildersHousing &Construction Awards provides an opportunityfor the buildingand construction industrytotakeamoment to come up for air, celebrate successand receive recognition for its astoundingwork.
It also provides an opportunityfor the broader community to get apeep behind the curtains and takepride in the amazing work being producedin our Queenslandcommunities.
Master Builders Housing &Construction Awards cater for entrants ranging from apprenticestotrade contractors and small family businesses to the biggest namesinthe building and construction industry.Itiswith great honourthat Iwelcome you to the 2019 Wide BayBurnett Awards winners’ magazine
Each year the bar seems to be raised higherand higher and this year was certainly no exception.
The excelling quality highlights the exceptional skills and craftsmanship of Wide Bay Burnett’s Master Builders.
Over the past few months, our panel of dedicated judges have physically attended each entrant’s property and made athorough assessment of each entry against the strict awards criteria list.
The judges aren’t looking for the cleanest home or the best interior design, their eagle eyes arehomed in on workmanship, degree of construction difficultly, external appeal, siting and aspect along with amenities and aesthetics.
After jam-packed weeks of reviewing entries,the judges returnedto our Wide Bay Burnett headquarters to deliberate. Over aperiod of several days meeting together, they gradually began to make ashortlist. After much passionate discussion and sometimes debate, one winner was selected for each category
The feedback from our judges has noted the high calibreofentrants; both those we haven’t seen in the awardsbeforeand those who continued their stellar work and made our judges’ job adifficult one.
Eachofour entrants has put their business, product and workmanship under scrutinyaspart of an extremely competitive process. Their work, whether a winnerthis year or not, is acredit to the unwavering qualityand craftsmanship of an authentic Master Builder
Since1882, MasterBuilders has been the voice of the industry,representing the interests of our members and the broader industry
We arethe peak body of practical andrelevant information to the industry and consumers. We have helped thousands of buildersand tradecontractors to operate professional, profitable and viable businesses that deliver superior qualityand craftsmanship to their customers.
The Wide Bay Burnett Housing&Construction Awards carry along and distinguished history of showcasingthe absolute best in the industry,and the level of competition among this year’s entrants is unsurpassed.
If you areconsidering anew build or renovation, consider this bookashowcaseofthe incredible work that can be achievedwhen choosing aMaster Builder
Get in touch with one of the award-winning builders featured heredirectly,orutilise our Find aMaster Builder search at www.mbqld.com.au. This search will populate alist of properly licensed contractors who match your unique criteria and building needs.
On behalf of Master Builders, thank you for your remarkable work and congratulationsonyour deserving win.
Ithank you for supporting the 2019 Housing & Construction Awards program
Ian Langer MasterBuilders Wide Bay Burnett Regional Manager
“The excellingquality highlights the exceptional skills and craftsmanship of Wide Bay Burnett’s Master Builders.”
Do you knowwho you’re building with?
There are thousands of builders in the state but not all are Master Builders
DID you catch our television ad recently? It featured aman at home,his glass of juice slidingdownthe counter away from him.
We really wanted to get you thinking aboutwho you use for your renovations or new builds. Why? Because as the television ad highlighted, findingout your builder is aMaster Builder surebeats finding out they’renot.
We know from feedback that when peopleare looking to build or renovate, they want the most up-to-date and reliable information at their fingertips but, at times, that can be hard to find.
Through the promotion of our television campaign, the Find aMaster Builder search traffic increased 200 per cent compared to this time last year as would-be home builders and renovatorsrejoiced in the knowledge therewas an easy-to-usetool to cut through the clutterand find the right builder for their needs.
The search is free and we urge you to try it out for yourself.Ifyou head to the Master Builders website (mbqld.com.au), you’ll see the Find aMaster Builder search handy on our homepage.
Here, you enter afew details about what you’re looking for,whereyou live and alist of relevant builders and trade contractors will be populated for you.
By choosing aMaster Builder,you build with peace of mind that you’ve chosen aquality,trusted and properly licensed contractor
Master Builders memberscompletemorethan 80 per cent of building work in Queensland so rest assured that wherever you live, there’ll be aquality Master Builder there for you and your home.
But let’s be real.
Building is acomplex process and problemscan and do arise, which can lead to disputes
The added benefit of using aMasterBuilder is that if
Building or renovating?
you find yourself in one of these situations,Master Builders is on hand to assist.
After you test out the search and find alist of builders, if you’relooking to build or renovate head to your nearest display village and meet with their home experts.
Youwill have the opportunity to walk through a full-scale display home.
This will give you the opportunity to check for yourself the quality of the build and get afeel for what features, materials and colour you do and don’t like.
If you’relooking to do arenovation, the display village showcases the latest trends and gives you endlessinspiration for whatever projectyou areready to takeon.
To test outthe Master Builder search and find the right builder for your home visit mbqld.com.au or call 1300 305 010 for further information.
Makesure your builderortradieis licensed and fully qualifiedtodothejob. Because finding out they’re aMaster Builder, sure beats finding outthey’re not. Search foraMaster Builders membertoday at mbqld.com.au 4 |MASTER BUILDERS HOUSING &CONSTRUCTION AWARDS 2019 MASTER BUILDERS
THE insider insightcomes courtesy of the judging panelin the Master Builders 2019 Housing & Construction Awards.
And they should know,they’ve just spent the past few months physically visitingeach home entered into the awards to makeathoroughanalysis of the build.
The judges noted other trends to be astrong continuationofthe Hamptons style homesseenin 2018,including airy white interiors fit with shutters and neutral colour schemes.
Another trend –athrowback to the ’90s –isfamily homes whereparents allowtheir children to choose the colour for afeaturewall in their bedroom.
“The butler’s pantries arealmost the norm. For anything above $300,000 they definitely are, but even under that they’reincreasingly incorporated,” the judges said.
“Homeowners love them so the kitchenlooks neat and tidy when peopleare over. ”
The judges said black and white had also clearly returned in abig way
“It’s atimeless look and it’s certainlyback to the fore,” the judges said.
“All of asudden it makes an appearance, whereas five years ago it was all off-white and cream.
“Now, we see a lot of crisp white with black trims and handles that almost aren’t visible.
“Everything’s gone really matte in line with this, the gloss finish is gone. As aresult, there’s agrowing market for fingerless matte surfaces to avoid fingerprintswith black finishes.”
The judges said the increase in Hampton’s style and mudrooms went hand-in-hand
“It’s what the Americans have, it’s the room between the inside and the outside of your home. The terminology has comethrough from America and Canada wherethere’s snow and lots of water and a mudroom is imperative.”
The judges said the attractionfor Hampton’s style was “homely”.
“It’s what you envisaged as achild, the architectural styling of the house has broad appeal,”the judges said “But the reason we don’t see it moreisbecause of the cost. You’d probably put 20 per cent on to the cost of the house to go for Hamptons over rendered brick. Adding to this, in this style of home you see the dark,
charcoal carbonated wood floors area quite prevalent.”
Beyond this, the judges said agrowing trend in the higher end of the market was electric car charging stations and lifts in multi-level homes.
“Charging stations arearound and being incorporated into architecturally designed homes. People areputting them in with the solar system,”the judges said.
“With some homes now the height of amulti-level unit development, lifts areanincreasingly common inclusion in the higher end of the market.”
From butler’s pantries and mud rooms to lifts, electric car charging stations and black and white colour schemes –that’s what’s trending in new homes this year
On trend right now
Photo by by Vi vid Homes.
“The judges noted other trends to be astrong continuation of the Hamptons style homes seen in 2018,including airywhite interiors fit with shutters and neutral colour schemes.”
Buying, building or renovating?
FROM where to buyorbuild, to sourcing quotes, signingcontracts andwhattodobefore youmove in, we’ve gotitall covered for you
Some of the first questions and considerations you’reoften goingtohave to takeinto account are whereyou want to live and what you want your home to look like.
But what should also come into the equation is your budget –how muchhave you got to spend?
The thought of owning anew home can seem almost out of reach for many Queenslanders.But with initiatives including the $15,000 First Home Owner’s Grant (FHOG) for new builds and the proposed First Home Loan DepositScheme(FHLDS) assisting first home owners who’ve been able to save 5per centto achieve their 20 per cent deposit, there’s an array of options to ease your entry
If you’re looking to buy,build or renovate, Master Builders offers displayvillages in the most progressive parts of Queensland. Avisit to adisplay village is a fantasticplace to see what you likeinahome, what options areavailable and what fits withinyour budget. Thereare consultants in each home who will be able to facilitate your every question and can arrange a meeting with abrokerifyou’d liketoexplorethat path. When it comesto sourcing quotes, we recommend
gettingatleast three quotes from licensed builders. Why? Because the cheapest quote isn’t necessarily the best option, so don’t feel you have to accept the first quote you get.
When sourcing quotes, the morespecific you are aboutyour plans and requirements, the moreaccurate the quote is likely to be. If you create ajob brief setting out exactly what you want and supply it to every builder you’resourcing aquote from, it should make the process of comparing quoteseasier as it will ensurethe quoteswill be based on the same specifications.
Next, it’s time to compare. Review and compare each quote you receive, but don’t makeyour decision off pricealone. View previous work from abuilder you might find afolio of work on their website –and speak with past clients if possible.
When you’ve chosen who you’regoing to go with, ensureyou get your contractinwriting.
The majority of buildingdisputes occur when no written agreement exists or the agreement has been poorly documented, as this can lead to misunderstandings.
Having awritten contract in place betweenyou and your builder clearly sets out what you both agree to and helps to prevent disputes throughout the building
Building work valued over$3300 must legally be covered by awritten contract –though it’s agood idea to have acontract regardless of the value of work.
When your renovation or new home is complete, thereare three items that need to be ticked off.First, you’ll receive notification of practical completion, then you’ll conduct afinal inspection and finally,pay the builder all outstanding money for the work.
Your decision to buy,build or renovate should be an enjoyable one. Just be suretochoose an experienced builder who you can trust to deliver the level of qualityyou’reafter.For furtherinformation visit mbqld.com.au or contact 1300 305 010
ahandy,go-to guide
for you.
“Having awritten contract in place between you and your builder clearly sets out what you both agree to and helps to prevent disputes throughout the building process.”
WHY?For more than30years, the awardsprogram hashighlightedthe movers andshakers in the industry. Those who stand out from the pack, whose craftsmanship, attention to details and innovation is second to none.
The high calibreofentries is compounded by increasing entries each year across the state, making the competition atough one. The awards program is not adesign showcase, rather abuilding competition, and our judges arearmed with astrict list of criteria that each entry mustmeet.
Originally known as the Housing Awards Competition,the first iteration of the awards was held in 1987.The next year,the awards wereexpanded to include both residential housing and commercial
industrial fields. The event was rebranded as the Housing &Construction Awards.
The new program was run in conjunctionwith the Housing and Construction Conference in 1988, which formed part of the iconic Brisbane Expo ’88 event program.
Regional Queensland joined the party in 1993 when the awards wereopened across the state at the first Master Builders Regional Housing & Construction Awards.
The statewide ceremonieshave grown from strength to strengthover the years and Brisbane has blossomed from asmall ceremonywith just a handful of categories to 57 categories including construction, housing, trade contractor/specialty and
individuals awards.
Now,aswecontinue to celebrate our industry more than 30 years on from those initial awards ceremonies, it is truly heart-warmingtosee original regional winners who arestill activeMaster Builders members today.Visit mbqld.com.au for moreinformation.
Awin in the prestigious Master Builders Housing &Construction Awards program has become apinnacle those in the industryaspire to achieve.
Award win the pinnacle of success
“The high calibre of entries is compounded by increasing entries each year across the state, making the competition atough one.”
Murchie Constructions continues to contribute to local industry
THEIRreputation for deliveringquality projectscan be seen with theirWideBay Burnett Housing & ConstructionAwardsentryfor Education Facilities up to $10 million.
Kepnock State High School is now sporting an impressive new multi-purpose hall, delivered by Murchie Constructionsasa design and construct project in conjunction with Tomas O’Malley Architect.
The multi-purpose hall includes alarge sportshall, gymnasium,staff and teachingrooms, amenities including showers and change rooms and acanteen, all accessedvia acovered link with acovered entry
The multi-purpose court caters for arange of indoor activities including physicaleducation, gymnastics, ball sports and school assemblies. Aversatile space, the area includes adurablehard-wearing surface, line marked to contain afull-sized basketball and netball court, two volleyball courts and two badminton courts. An electrically-operated dividing curtain offers separation as required, allowing for multiple activities to be undertaken simultaneously
The facility includes a115sq msports sciencelab with rubber flooring
Impressively designed in the school’s colours, the building is awelcome addition to Kepnock StateHigh School and offers afacility to rival that of otherschools in the region.
Murchie Constructions’ entry for Refurbishment/ Renovation over $750,000 –Bundaberg State High School Performing Arts Centre–isalso adesign and construction project completedinconjunction with GHD
The design incorporates two music rooms, providing alearning area for class groups up to 28 students each, and three practice rooms for individualand small group instrumental music practice.
Adedicated dance studio for teaching and practice was incorporated into the design, complete with pulastic dance floor and full height mirrors.
Aglazed wall separates the studio from the entrance foyer,allowing for easy viewing.
An existing cafe for food and beverageservice was included in this space, offering the flexibility of utilising the area for functions.
Twodrama rooms, separated by an operable wall werecreated for the purpose of teaching drama, rehearsing music and drama and hosting small-scale functions.
Other areas incorporated into the design include a lunch room, staff room,office and meeting room, instrument storage area and amenities.
All works werestrategically staged to ensurethe centreremained operational duringconstruction works
Murchie Constructions’ Julie Murchie said Murchie Constructionshas become adynamic contributor to the construction industry in Queensland.
“Our stringentproject management systems and attention to detail have earned the respectoflarge corporate clients resulting in both long-term associations and repeat business,” she said.
“Being amember of the Master Builders AssociationofQld, we foster the best professional work standards and continually improve our knowledgeand skills.
“This continual development ensures we areupto date with new building methodologies and materials, changes in laws and the industry
“Murchie Constructionsrecognises the importance of understanding the needs of our clients and we deliverour services accordingly.”
Local Educational Facilities forging the way for futuregenerations— Delivered by Murchie Constructions as Design and Construct Projects 35 Enterprise St, Bundaberg P: 4132 7777 www.murchieconstructions.com.au QBCC 3821 ‘Exceeding Expectations through Excellence in Construction’ 7027979aa 8 |MASTER BUILDERS HOUSING &CONSTRUCTION AWARDS 2019
Since 1966,Murchie Constructions has been amajor contributor in Bundaberg and regional Queensland’s construction industry.
Photo by Paul Beutel.
WHENyou choose NHHomes as your builder, you have the pleasure ofdealing directlywith both owners Nathan and Helen Horefrom start to finish
Helensaid they pride themselves on being approachable and contactable,and they manage all aspectsofthe business together
“Wecontinue to use local tradespeople and suppliers wherever possible and focus on makingthe process of building stress-free, which often results in clients returningtousfor their next build,” she said.
NHHomes’ entry for IndividualHomes $451,000–$550,000 is simply stunning and, with sweeping ocean views from the front and lush country views from the back, has the best of both worlds.
This four-bedroom cladded home encapsulates the essenceofcoastal living with an open plan,designed to capturesea breezes, naturallight and stunning views.
The open-plan kitchen/dining/family room opens out to the back alfresco area through alarge corner stacker door,encouragingoutdoor summer living.
Acustom-built timber feature wall complements this area and matches perfectly with both the alfresco and pool decks constructed of mitred blackbutt decking.
High-quality workmanship from their trades, quality fixtures and fittings, constant communication with their clients and particular attention to detail have producedahome NH Homesare incredibly proud of For theirentry for Individual Home $351,000–$450,000,this lowset four-bedroom brick veneerhome enticesyou inside with its welcoming wide hallway leading to the spacious open-plan kitchen,dining and family area adjoining the large coveredalfresco area. The alfresco area is
complete with exposedaggregate floor, ceiling fans and feature walls of western redcedar with black aluminium infill.
Custom-builtcabinetry to the kitchenand pantry provide aseamlesslook with no handles and both are finished with stone benchtops and ample drawers The kitchen islandbench has one waterfall end and the other end incorporates astone-topdining table. The classic white and timber colours of the kitchen flow through to the large butler’s pantryand laundry
This home is sophisticated, functionaland easy to maintain, with beautiful600 x600mm rectified tiles throughout the living areas and carpet to the bedrooms andmedia room.
By paying great attention to detail and using only high-quality fittingsand finishes, NH Homes have delivered amodern,stylish and comfortable home.
Stellar servicecombined with quality workmanship, fittings and fixtures Nathan 0439 397 705 Helen 0437 011 188 www.nhhomes.com.au newhomes | extend | renovate | construct 7025183aaQBCC82145 HerveyBay Roof Trusses 10-18 Barron Court, Urangan Phone 4128 9688www.hbrooftrusses.com.au ServicingWide Bay for30years! HerveyBay Roof Trussesuses innovative technology andthe best industry techniquesto provide youwith roof trusses andwall framesthat fit like aglove! Talktoone of our experts today and letus findacost-effective,competitive solution that will meetall your requirements. We always strive toexceedtheexpectations of our customers on every project. Give us acall today. Always reliable,always on time,always within budgetandalways top quality! Expert advice Pre nail wall frames Gang-nail roof trusses Engineeredfloorsystems OBLIGATION FREE QUOTES bespokebuildingdesign.com.au QBCC No 1257937 Livable │ Sustainable │ Accessible │ Desirable MASTER BUILDERS HOUSING &CONSTRUCTION AWARDS 2019 | 9 NHHOMES
When you look at the design of NHHomes’ 2019 WideBay Burnett Master Builders Housing &Construction Awards entries it is easy to see why this Fraser Coast builder continues to stand out for quality,versatility and style.
NH Homes Nathan and Helen Hore areproud to be apart of the Master Builders Awards.
Personal servicemakes all the differencewithlocalcompany
ONE of the reasonsheand Emma started Vivid Home BuildersPty Ltd was to give their clientsthe quality andservicethey deserve.
Tony and Emma have an extensivebackground in the building industry.Tony has built from ayoung age, with morethan 30 years’ experience building hundreds of project houses through to building custom home building designs.
Emmaherself has run ahigh-profilereal estate business and has been in sales for many years, managing the day-to-day running of thecompany,as well as assisting clients and sales staff with the selection process
Emmasaid at Vivid Home Builders Pty Ltd they feel very lucky to have amazingstaff that reflect their ideals.
“Fromour tradesmen, sales team, site supervising and office administration, we employ only highly trained, motivatedpeople who have afocus on
customer serviceand deliver you ahigh quality home that you deserve,” she said
“Weare very community based,making sure, where possible, we always use localtradesmen and suppliers so money goes back into our localeconomy
“Weare independently owned and operated, ensuring apersonal service at all times.
Their showcase displayhome, The Windsor 288,is featured in the 2019 Wide BayBurnett &Construction Awards.
Set in The Springs Estate, Nikenbah, this home was a design collaboration that has been acrowd favourite.
Living in Queensland, the Vivid Homes team loves homes that makethe most of our warm climate yet still have anice feel and flow about them.
Tony said with this home, they wanted their clients to feelanelement of space.
“Weachieved this with nine-foot ceilings, araised
featureentry that is highlightedbywarm LED lighting and achandelier light fixturetodie for,” he said.
“Raising the door heights throughout and square setting the cornice in the living area also gives you that additional feeling of space and clean lines.
“The open-plan living area, where the kitchen is the star,leads out on to agenerously sized timber deck, perfectfor those summer barbecues.
“Huge glass sliding doors open the home to the outside, so no matter what the season or occasion, you feel likeyou areconnected with all zones at once.”
The spacious master suite ensures you can comfortably fit your king suite and still have room for a relaxationarea.
Amake-up desk and mirror cleverly softens the entry to the walk-in robe, and comes complete with a dressing mirror.And of course the ensuite,an open-plan design with atwist.
•Garages •Patios/Carports •ScreenRooms• Internal Blinds •External Blinds •Shutters• Awnings •Floor Coverings •Tiles •Security TORQUAY SHOWROOM: 535 BoatHarbour Drive, Torquay PIALBA SHOWROOM: 24 BoatHarbour Drive, Pialba www.universalhomeimprovements.com.au QBCC#1003008 7026974aa 10 |MASTER BUILDERS HOUSING &CONSTRUCTION AWARDS 2019 VIVID HOME BUILDERS PTYLTD
For Vivid Home Builders Pty Ltd director Tony Port, living with passion can be seen in everything he does and this is especially prevalent in his building work.
Let’s not forget the entertainment and relaxation zones.
Awell thought-out mediaroom away from it all, with built-in cabinetry,sets you up for movie night.
An open-plan dining and living area flows from the kitchen,plus asecond open-plan zone is surrounded by the other three bedrooms.
The entertainer’s kitchen is definitely the hub of this home.
Setting off the 40mm stone waterfall benchtops, with an industrial/Nordic feel, arethe warehouse style brick tiles, complete with matching nicheseach side of the stove for your herbs, oils and knick knacks. Behind the frosted door to the right is afully functional butler’s pantry, and take door number two on the left and you have your laundry with oodles of storage. All your services areatyour fingertips. This home has it all. andjusta little bit more!
Residential & Commercial Painting Epoxy Seamless Flooring PROFICIENT &PROFESSIONAL PAINTERS LNL Paintingare proficientand professional painters whomhave been painting formore than 20 years andarefullytradequalifiedand extremelyknowledgeable in all aspects of paintinganddecorating. Quotes- Leon:0428 190 572 Office -Leanne:4128 8332 QBCC NO: 15011544 www.lnlpainting.com.au Shop 9/12 Nissen Street, Pialba Smart Design Personal Service Quality Documentation Phone AnthonyNelson: 4124 1561 MASTER BUILDERS HOUSING &CONSTRUCTION AWARDS 2019 | 11 VIVID HOME BUILDERS PTYLTD
Photos contributed
“I’mreally passionate about what we do and how we do it.”
Bungalow stands out everytime
As adesigner/director,Angela Scottloves nothing morethan working with equally passionate clients who allowher to capture their ideas and trust her and Ross to create theirplan and construct their home.
Their expertiseindesign and versatility for clients’ needs and building sites can be seeninsome stand-out entries in this year’s Wide Bay Burnett Housing & Construction Awards for:
•Individual Homes$351,000–$450,000; •Individual Home $451,000–$550,000; •Individual Home $651,000–$750,000;
•Individual Home $751,000–$950,000;
•Best Use of Sloping Sites.
Coastal Tide ($351,000–$450,000) showcases perfectly how Bungalow wereable to work with their client who had abig wish list and amodest budget to build ahome on HerveyBay’s Esplanade,and who did not want ahome that seemedinsignificant for the location.
Bungalow designed ahome that gave emphasis to the street front façade and focused entertaining to the front to ensurethe home captured location views.
With Urban Oasis ($451,000–$550,000 and Best Use
of Sloping Sites) the home was designed to perch high on the block, following an architectural design while still reflecting the client’s desirefor arelaxed lifestyle.
Coastal IslandViews ($651,000–$750,000) is a modern and spacioushome that takes full advantage of the views
Urban Coast Views ($751,000–$950,000) includes seven bedrooms,five bathrooms, two study areas and five living areas as well as an ability to capture expansive views.
www.bungalowhomes.com.au QBSA Lic ense -1 072 118 Hervey Bay’sAward-WinningCustomDesign & BuildProfessionals 64 BOAT HARBOURDRHERVEY BAY 1300 BUNGALOW 286 425 Captur - C at - Con tru t CUSTOMHOMES CUSTOMHOMES •Superiorservice •High quality products •Professional & informedadvice •Committedto developingand maintainingstrong, ongoingrelationships with customers 48 Boat Harbour Drive,HerveyBay Phone 4194 3800 CELEBRATING OVER 22 YEARS IN BUSINESS 5BOORAL ROAD,URANGAN PHONE:4128 9333 |BAYVIEWGLASS.COM.AU
YOUR VIEWS ALUMINIUM WINDOWSAND DOORS Proud to be asupplier to Bungalow Homes 12 |MASTER BUILDERS HOUSING &CONSTRUCTION AWARDS 2019 BUNGALOW “EVERYone of our designedand built homes is an original,and Ross and Icollaborate withour clients to capture their designideas, whichcombined with our award-winningexpertise, creates atruly unique customhome thatisinspirational.”
Taking acollaborative approach and executing it to perfection
Photo: Contributed
Passionleadstolifestyle-based design
ALL-in-one building, renovation andinterior design service,Vivere Homeswould likeasmanypeople as possibletobeable to feel thedifference oflivingin ahappy andhealthyhome.
They takeaclient’s budget, ideas, lifestyle and block of land as astarting point and combine it with their knowledge, passion and expertise to create innovative and exceptional home living.
They can start by creating your home design together with you or building with plansyou have already created.
This commitment to life and lifestyle can be seen in each of VivereHomes’ entries in the Wide Bay Burnett Housing &Construction Awards for:
•Individual Home $251,000–$350,000; •Individual Home $551,000–$650,000; •Home Renovations/Remodelling Project up to $275,000
ContemporaryOasis ($251,000–$350,000) is a timeless design with dramatic squarelines and ahidden roof for the architecturaldesign.
It showcases agreat connection to the outdoors with an indoor/outdoor fusion and open-plan living.
VivereHomes provided for their clients amodern contemporary design with atwist that showcased clean, crisp lines, asimple colour palette and the use of materials that include metal, glass and concrete, offset withminimal natural timber.
The home is well finished with aswimming pool integrated in atropical courtyarddesign.
Dreamview ($551,000–$650,000) saw space, light,
aspect and openness as the keyfeatures of this house.
Whilethe building process initially involved selecting asite with views of the sea while also providing an extensive and uninterrupted tree-scape, simplicity in design was also important.
The use of unusual and innovative materials has added unique accents which makethe finished product stand out.
The special qualities that such features bring to the house may not be appreciated by all but, combined with otherfeatures suchasgenerous open voids, deliver asense of occasion which all good buildings should provide.
For the HomeRenovations/Remodelling Project, the owners approached VivereHomes with the request for anew design that was open plan, light and airy and suited the owners’ family and lifestyle.
The finished product saw the beautiful backyard becomeapeaceful eye catcher from the living area and master bedroom andthe whole floorplan was redesigned to create biggerliving spaces and functional non-habitual rooms.
Taking you on
www.viverehomes.com.au QBcc#897862
ajourney To excepTional living your vivere (lifest yle) building .renovations.interior design builder and interior designer areworking together with You! come in and enjoy! Bespokebuildingdesign MASTER BUILDERS HOUSING &CONSTRUCTION AWARDS 2019 | 13 VIVERE HOMES
Clients’ needs combined with knowledge, passion and expertise create exceptional home living
Photo contributed.
Stroud Homes WideBay has designs that work foravarietyoflifestyles
“QUALITYfinishes are the most important thing to us as alocal family building for otherlocal families; we want to knowthat what we are building will last long term.”
As the sixth generation of their families born and bred in the Wide Bay area, Slade said he and Aletha were proud to continue to build alegacy for their own four children in this region
“I strongly believethat choosing abuilder goeshand in hand with whether or not you will enjoy the building experience,” he said.
“Weoffer ahuge array of plans, communication options, local knowledge and design experience.
“Because so many people arevisual, by having arange of display homes they can see exactly what they are getting and imagine the space and how they woulduse it no matter their stage in life.
“Wespecialise in building homes for local families,by local families and enjoythat the Wide Bay is adiverse
region with the Fraser Coast delivering aSunshine Coast feel with alaidback vibe, and Bundaberg offering the hinterland feel of Byron Bay with amazing local food and award-winning distilleries.”
An ability to create astunning home can be seen in each of Stroud Homes Wide Bay’s entries in the Wide Bay Burnett Housing &Construction Awards for:
•Individual Homes $251,000–$350,000; •Individual Homeupto$250,000; •Individual Home$451,000–$550,000
Abeautifully designed home,the Wildflower 300 Skillion is the perfectsmall family home. Fromthe very first momentyou step into this home, it feels bigger than it actually is.
The three bedrooms at the front of the home all boast walk-in robes and minimum sizes of 3m x3m, ensuring they feel open and spacious.
As you move through the main hub of the home, the
Wildflower design brings the outdoorsin. The design allowsthe living and al fresco areas to overlook apool and gardens, providing an “everyday resort” feel.
The location of this home was chosen to makethe most of the corner block and the outdoor living space.
Positioned facing south, with the majority of the bedrooms at the front of the house ensures the most comfort for the occupants of this home.
The Savannah 262 Classic is afeature-packed home designed with the family in mind.
This design was completely new to the regionand is proving popular across the Wide Bay,inamarket that is looking for somethingnew and exciting.
At 262sq m, the Savannah range is right at home on a suburban block, acreage land or property
Available in five different facades including Classic, Coast, Colonial, Mountain and Skillion,thereissureto be astyle to suit every person.
For owners of Stroud Homes Wide Bay,Slade and Aletha Walters, it is about so much more than simply running abusiness.
2019 Wide Bay Burnett Master Builders Housing&Construction Awards Winners
Master builders congratulates this year’s winners who have demonstrated excellence across a wide range of categories.
Major Awards
President’s Award
Saaroq Pty Ltd T/A Stroud Homes Wide Bay
Project of the Year
Win ConstructionsQueensland Pty Ltd
House of the Year
Maiden Homes Pty Ltd Construction
EducationFacilitiesupto$10 million
Murchie Constructions Pty Ltd
Commercial Building up to $5 million Win ConstructionsQueensland Pty Ltd
Refurbishment/Renovationover $750,000 Murchie Constructions Pty Ltd
Home Renovation/Remodelling Project up to $275,000
Gerardus MFGorissen T/A Vivere Homes
Home Renovation/Remodelling Project $276,000 –$575,000
Anthony McLucas Building Pty Ltd
Display Home $351,000 –$450,000
Vivid Home Builders Pty Limited
Display Home $451,000 –$550,000 Hampton Inspired Pty Ltd
Individual Home up to $250,000
Saaroq Pty Ltd T/A Stroud Homes Wide Bay
Individual Home $251,000 –$350,000 Gerardus MFGorissen T/A Vivere Homes
Individual Home $351,000 –$450,000 Seaera Group PtyLimitedT/A Bungalow
Individual Home $451,000 –$500,000 CRJ Building Enterprises Pty Ltd T/A CRJ Designer Homes
Individual Home $501,000 –$550,000 Nathan HoreT/A NH Homes
Individual Home $551,000 –$650,000 Nathan CGroszmann T/A Nathan Groszmann Constructions
Individual Home $651,000 –$750,000 Seaera Group Pty Limited T/A Bungalow
Individual Home $751,000 –$950,000 Seaera Group Pty Limited T/A Bungalow
Individual Home $1.26 million–$2million Maiden Homes Pty Ltd
Trade Contractor/Specialty
Innovative Use of Space
JRZConstructions Pty Ltd T/A JRZHomes
Best Use of Sloping Sites
Seaera Group Pty Limited T/A Bungalow
Medium Density up to 3Storeys –2to5Dwellings Win Constructions Queensland Pty Ltd
Excellence in Sustainable Living Nathan CGroszmann T/A Nathan Groszmann Constructions
Best Residential Bathroom Hampton Inspired Pty Ltd
Best Residential Kitchen MasterCabinets Of BundabergPty Limited
Best Residential Swimming Pool Anthony McLucas Building Pty Ltd
Member MilestonePresentation 30 Years Byrne Bros Pty Ltd
Member MilestonePresentation 30 Years Wagner Construction (Qld) Pty Ltd
Member MilestonePresentation 40 Years Dale &Meyers Operations Pty Ltd
Commercial TradeContractor of the Year Ky Zimpel
Apprentice of the Year Chris McKenzie
Women in Building EmmaHamilton
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