Red & Gold, Volume 37, Number 2 - Summer 2020

Page 12

MDFAA distinguished service award • Demonstrates a belief in God • Has the integrity and courage

Mater Dei helped shape me into the person I am today. Through the MDFAA, I want to help give back and shape the experience for current and future generations of Mater Dei students.” Andy Niemeier ‘06, Vice President

to integrate Christian values into his or her life and work • Expresses a generosity of spirit through commitment and involvement in activities that affect the well-being of the Evansville community • Gives outstanding service to Mater Dei High School • Exhibits a true dedication to our young people. Please contact Mallory Hertel with your nominations and why you’d like to see them recognized by email or call 812-4215727. Deadline for submissions is November 6th. The award recipient will be recognized at a home basketball game during the 2020-2021 season.

10 service

The Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association began in 1985 with founding officers George Helfrich ‘69, Paul Mayer ‘67, Linda (Behme) Rheinlander ‘59, Bob Rheinlander ‘59, and Mary Lue (Neale) Russler ‘58. Over the past 35 years, MDFAA has funded many projects for the school including the parking lot on the north side of the school, the elevator in the school, the seats in the auditorium, and hosted Campus Clean-Up, in addition to continuously celebrating the faculty, staff and students by funding and hosting faculty and staff appreciation breakfast and gifts, a $15,000 gift match on the Dei of Giving each year, the Innovative Teaching Grant, scholarships for graduating seniors, and the senior breakfast at senior retreat. Additionally, MDFAA established an endowment which continues to support their efforts and ensures that the school and grounds are well taken care of for future generations. Membership of the Mater Dei Friends and Alumni Association is open to alumni of Mater Dei, parents, grandparents, and any other friends, supporters, or any other persons interested in the welfare of Mater Dei. It was established “to preserve the tradition and advance the mission of Mater Dei for future generations” and it is clear that they have and continue to be successful in their efforts.

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