Materials Australia Magazine | December 2022 | Volume 55 | No.4

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VOLUME 55 | NO 4 DECEMBER 2022 ISSN 1037-7107 Official Publication of the Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia Limited Trading as Materials Australia | A Technical Society of Engineers Australia CONFERENCES APICAM2023 PAGE 17 LMT2023 PAGE 21 MISE2023 PAGE 27 UNIVERSITY SPOTLIGHT The University of Sydney PAGE 40 Online Short Courses PAGE 59 Powering The Future: Materials Science Paving the Way Towards Net Zero CL I C K A B LE L I N K S

Welcome to the December 2022 edition of Materials Australia Magazine

As for my previous messages, things continue to be extremely busy in materials science and engineering around Australia, and in fact globally. Some of the more unusual enquiries I have seen recently reinforces the idea of this message, that as an organisation we must aim to be not only the trusted voice of the materials community in Australia, but also the technical voice of the science and engineering of materials, and to share our expertise. It is sometimes easy to forget that sometimes our technical know-how, our competencies, capability and experience is invaluable to many within the wider community, who may benefit from what we can offer. It may be as simple as providing an interesting fact on a particular technological development, or it may be more significant, such as helping to solve a problem for an industry colleague who does not have the same technical background as our members might.

When we travel to conferences or materials research facilities and businesses globally we gain insights and information that we can share with our colleagues and peers. Sometimes we see some really eye opening developments where a particular problem or issue has been solved, overcome, or pre-empted. For example, recently I attended the Titanium USA conference in Orlando Florida, and was able to get a better understanding of how large aerospace companies are coping with the common problems of

materials shortages, energy prices, labour pressures and changes to the country of origin of many strategic products. Titanium supply has become a geopolitical issue. Many companies in the titanium sector maintain significant active inventories of titanium products for example, simply to prevent their machining shops from stopping work so that aeroplanes can continue to meet build target schedules. These large companies are also investing in recycling technology and its associated research, with a stand out example for me being the latest generation of electron beam hearth melting furnaces, which can recycle and refine even relatively low-grade titanium feedstocks so they can re-enter the aerospace manufacturing cycle. I also recently visited an industrial facility in Europe with a hybrid plasma hearth melting system that can produce extremely difficult to manufacture alloys of many different types with exceptional homogeneity, ensuring extremely high conformity across the products and processes for which they are used.

Another interesting piece of knowledge I came across recently, was during an OHSE induction at an aerospace manufacturing plant where it was noted that there was a ban on all ballpoint pens within the facility. I queried this out of curiosity, and was informed that some ballpoints may be made of hard materials that would be considered to be critically detrimental if they reentered a closed loop manufacturing system or supply stream for aerospace products, where they can act as a relatively significant inclusion. As it turns out of course, the aforementioned electron beam hearth melting systems and the hybrid plasma melting systems I saw separately, have the major advantage of being able to remove hard particles, carbides and foreign objects such as drill bits, taps, and pieces of

broken machining tools such that they do not enter the aerospace recycling metal stream.

Overall, I really believe we must strive to share our knowledge and experiences with our colleagues and peers, so that we can all benefit from the collective knowledge of our organisation. As we head into 2023, I would like to encourage everyone to consider attending Materials Australia technical events, conferences and symposiums, and if possible, to share the knowledge of their own expertise. Materials Australia has three significant conferences coming up in 2023, being Apicam and LMT in the middle of the year, as well as MISE towards the last quarter of the year. I also have to make note of the 16th Asia Pacific Conference for Non-Destructive Testing being hosted by the Australian Institute of Non-Destructive Testing to be held in Melbourne, late in February 2023.

On a different topic I am also especially pleased to note that Professor Ma Qian from RMIT University was recently awarded the Materials Australia Silver Medal for his career contributions to Materials Science and Engineering in Australia. This is the highest award that can be granted to a Materials Australia member, and follows on from a strong tradition of outstanding materials professionals being awarded this prize. There is a write up on some of Professor Qian’s achievements later in this publication and I would like to congratulate him on this outstanding achievement.

The year is over, with less than a month left, and I would like to wish you, your family, friends and colleagues the best of health and to stay safe. We all have a lot ahead of us in 2023!

Best Regards


the President WWW.MATERIALSAUSTRALIA.COM.AU BACK TO CONTENTS DECEMBER 2022 | 3 MATERIALS AUSTRALIA MATERIALS AUSTRALIA CONFERENCE APICAM2023 21st - 23rd June 2023 The University of Sydney MATERIALS AUSTRALIA CONFERENCE LMT2023 9th -12th July 2023 RMIT University MATERIALS AUSTRALIA CONFERENCE MISE2023 29th - 31st October 2023 The University of Queensland
17 30 38 MANAGING EDITOR Gloss Creative Media Pty Ltd EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Prof. Ma Qian RMIT University Dr. Jonathan Tran RMIT University Tanya Smith MATERIALS AUSTRALIA ADVERTISING & DESIGN MANAGER Gloss Creative Media Pty Ltd Rod Kelloway (02) 8539 7893 PUBLISHER Materials Australia Technical articles are reviewed on the Editor’s behalf PUBLISHED BY Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia Ltd. Trading as Materials Australia ACN: 004 249 183 ABN: 40 004 249 183 Cover Image From feature article on page 44. Letters to the editor; info@ VOLUME 55 NO 4 DECEMBER 2022 Official Publication of the Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia Limited Trading as Materials Australia | A Technical Society of Engineers Australia APICAM2023 PAGE 17 LMT2023 PAGE 20 LMT2023 PAGE 27 The University of Sydney Online Short Courses Powering The Future: Materials Science Paving the Way Towards Net Zero L K A CONTENTS 4 | DECEMBER 2022 WWW.MATERIALSAUSTRALIA.COM.AU CLI C K A B LE L I N K S Reports From the President 3 Contents 4 Corporate Sponsors 6 Advertisers 7 Materials Australia News WA Branch Meeting Report - 12 September 2022 8 WA Branch Meeting Report - 10 October 2022 9 VIC | TAS Branch Report 10 VIC | TAS Branch ReportRobert C Gifkins Annual Lecture 2022 12 The Art of Science Communication Workshop 12 NSW Branch Report 14 Materials Australia Awards Professor Ma Qian their Highest Honour; the Silver Medal 15 NSW Branch Report 16 APICAM2023 17 QLD Branch Report - 2022 in Review 18 Materials Australia Education Chair - Alan Todhunter 18 Profile: Rou Jun TohPostdoctoral Fellow SEAM RMIT University 19 ARC Training Centre in Lightweight Automotive Structures (ATLAS) 20 LMT 2023 21 CMatP Profile: Andrew Gregory 22 Our Certified Materials Professionals (CMatPs) 24 Why You Should Become a CMatP 25 MISE2023 27
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Materials Australia National Office PO Box 19 Parkville Victoria 3052 Australia T: +61 3 9326 7266 E: W: NATIONAL PRESIDENT Roger Lumley 45 40 39 CONTENTS WWW.MATERIALSAUSTRALIA.COM.AU DECEMBER 2022 | 5 Industry News RAYMAX: Making Light Work for You 26 3 Ways Phenom ParticleX SEM Supports Additive Manufacturing 28 Scientists Supercharge Search for Key Ingredient of Next-Gen Lithium Batteries 30 For the Longest Time: Quantum Computing Engineers Set New Standard in Silicon Chip Performance 32 HRL Technology Group: What Makes Them Different 33 End-Of-Life Plan Needed for Tens of Thousands of Wind Turbine Blades 34 Hitachi: Inspiring the Next Generation of XRF Analysis 35 TENSOR –TEM Capabilities with theEase-of-Use of SEM 36 Optimising CT Systems for Large, Dense Specimens with Linear Detectors 37 How 3D Printing has Made Chemistry More Accessible for Visually-Impaired Students 38 Lastek: Photonics Technology Solutions 39 University Spotlight - The University of Sydney 40 Breaking News 44 Feature - Powering The Future: Materials Science Paving the Way Towards Net Zero 48 MA - Short Courses 59 Join Now! 60
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WA Branch Meeting Report - 12 September 2022

Ron Cecil Lecture: The ‘Dos and Don’ts’ of Stainless Steel: A Panel Discussion

Stainless steels are widely used in industry, both for structural and pressure containing applications. Whilst they have proven to be of significant benefit and have provided superior performance when compared to other materials, they can also be vulnerable to failure if their properties and performance are not subjected to careful consideration during the design, material selection, fabrication and installation phases.

This year’s Ron Cecil Lecture featured a panel of experts whilst also welcoming contributions of experience, insights and questions from the audience. Many in the audience work regularly with the numerous grades of stainless steel, in design and engineering of equipment and processing systems, welding and installation or monitoring of their performance in asset reliability assessments.

To form the expert panel, Alistair Tawns (LMATS) was joined by Louise Petrick (Materials and Welding Solutions), and Stuart Folkard (Wood), both of whom have presented at Western Australia Branch meetings earlier this year.

Alistair’s 50 years' experience in materials started with his work as laboratory technician in the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough, focused on the then-new technology of carbon fibre composites. He then worked at DSIR in New Zealand on failure analysis. On returning to the UK, he continued his studies at the University of Leeds, where he gained his PhD on thermite welding of rails. After consulting work in the oil and gas industry in Aberdeen, he moved to Australia, taking on a role at Wood, and later at LMATS, where his expertise on thermite welding is still regularly called on.

Alistair started the meeting by presenting a failure analysis case study concerning leaking at the mechanical joints on a super duplex 2507 grade stainless steel pipe. Extreme pitting corrosion had occurred in-service at room temperature with slightly alkaline seawater. Applying a G48 ferric chloride test confirmed susceptibility to severe crevice corrosion, while microstructural analysis revealed intermetallic precipitates. The combination of susceptibility to pitting and precipitates had led to autocatalytic corrosion.

Alistair showed with time-temperature-transformation curves that the root cause was that the cooling rate during manufacture had been too slow – it had needed to be quenched within less that one minute. Ten years later, the result was failure in service.

Louise then spoke on welding of stainless steels and changes to AS 3992:2020 Pressure equipment welding and brazing. She highlighted issues of dissimilar metal welding in which chromium (ferrite stabilising) and nickel (austenite stabilising) equivalents are key factors, summarised in the Schaeffler diagram. Heat input and cooling rates are also critical. Local

depletion of dissolved chromium, either by dilution adjacent to the weld, or by precipitation of carbides in the solidifying metal, is liable to lead to localised corrosion.

Responding to the invitation to contribute from the floor, Bob Jensen passed around a failed swivel from a yacht anchor chain. This was stamped ‘316 stainless’, but it turned out that the bolt in the centre of the swivel, the part that had broken, was a lower chromium 200 (manganese) series steel.

This led to discussion of the importance of material certification, and questions as to whether procurement departments understand this. Examples of ‘type’ certifications were given, in which purportedly official certificates had been supplied for each order of material, but were all exactly the same, even though it was clear form other information that they had come from different heats and could not have been identical.

The panel and audience then turned to pitting corrosion, emphasising the importance of passivating the stainless steel surface after pickling. The observation was made that 70% of the life of the component subject to pitting corrosion is in forming the pit. Hence, ‘if you provide a crevice, you’ve already lost 70% of the potential service life!’

Stuart wrapped up the meeting by answering questions about cryogenic applications – austenitic stainless steels do not have a ductile-brittle transition – and also on high temperature use. He provided an interesting example of corrosion of exhaust stacks, in which ‘steady state is your friend’, as condensation is an issue when the gas temperature falls below the dew point.

All agreed that the meeting had succeeded in its stated objective of being an “interesting and stimulating opportunity for attendees to learn from the experts; bring and share knowledge and experiences; and to develop beneficial networks within their industry.”

Source: Alistair Tawns (LMATS), Stuart Folkard (Wood), Louise Petrick, Materials & Welding Solutions
L to R: Stuart Folkard, Dr Alistair Tawns, Louise Petrick


WA Branch Meeting Report - 10 October 2022

Site Visit to Duratec, Technical Laboratory, North Perth

The Western Australia branch recently hosted a site visit to Duractec’s technical laboratory. Duratec Australia specialises in the protection, remediation and life extension of steel and concrete structures. The technical laboratory conducts investigations designed to establish causes of failures, quantify deterioration and to aid in planning and execution of its on-site interventions.

Liam Holloway (National Technical Manager, Duratec Australia) developed the laboratory as a commercial application of the research on nondestructive testing of concrete, which he conducted at Monash University in gaining his PhD. The facilities demonstrated included:

• Concrete petrography laboratory

• 3D reality model capture, delivery and online defect management

• Virtual reality spray painting training system

• Electrochemical and rebound testing of concrete and masonry structures

Concrete petrography, which uses geological microscopy techniques, is used to identify the constituents of the cement paste, classify the aggregate or sand type, map crack and microcrack patterns, identify secondary deposits and much more. This is used to determine which deterioration mechanisms, such as alkali-silica reaction, delayed Ettringite formation, sulphate, acid or soft water attack.

One particularly interesting application is in heritage building conservation, for matching historic mortars and renders. From the petrographic and wet chemistry data, the percentage of portland cement, hydrated lime and sand in the existing mortar is calculated aiding in the mix design for remedial mortars and renders to obtain the best match.

Liam followed the demonstration of petrography with a demonstration of 3D reality model capture, using two examples: the old Fremantle power

station and the Dampier Salt loading jetty.

In the case of Fremantle power station, the model is based on some 35,000 to 40-megapixel images captured by drones. These high-resolution images allow the recording of sub-millimetre features (closer to 0.1mm), and with some supplementary laser scanning, cover the entire external and internal surfaces of the building. It was impressive to ‘fly around the building approaching from a distance and zooming in to fine details of cracked lintels, and so on. This model was used to develop options for stabilising the property, which is rapidly approaching an unsafe state.

The model of the jetty was constructed from 70,000 images from drone boats and flying drones and includes the ability to tag features and defects to each image point. Broadly speaking, it provides the equivalent of ‘close visual inspection’ over the entire structure, including locations that would be difficult to for a human to reach. The model was used to prioritise

defects and to specify and price a $50 million contract. At the time it was made, processing the images took three months, but this is dependent of processing power and is reducing rapidly.

The next demonstration was virtual reality training for spray painters, using a commercial software package ‘Virtual Paint’. The software is also used for planning access intended work, as it can be interfaced with models of structures and scaffolding to confirm accessibility for going to site. The virtual reality headset and manipulators provided visitors with a great opportunity to explore a virtual world. It was so immersive that, for some, it took a bit of time to get reoriented with the actual world!

Other testing equipment on show included rebound hammers, resistivitybased rebar locators. Electrochemical testing for corrosion potentials was demonstrated in conjunction with recently developed hybrid anodes, which are now being introduced for protection of rebar.

Source: Liam
L to R: Dr Liam Holloway, Paul Howard

VIC | TAS Branch Report

2022 Vic/Tas Branch Borland Forum

The Borland Forum honours the memory of Dr Doug Borland who made a significant contribution to the study and teaching of metallurgy and materials engineering during his long and distinguished career. The Forum showcases high calibre postgraduate students nominated by their tertiary institution, who give a short presentation on their materialsrelated research project. The top presenter receives the Borland Forum Award and a cash prize.

This year, the Borland Forum was hosted by Melbourne University and in particular by Professor George Franks, from the Chemical Engineering Department in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.

Once again Victoria’s five top Universities were represented. The presentations were of a high calibre and represented a broad mix of materials research activities. The presenters and their respective topics included: University of Melbourne – Yang Cao: Multiscale Characterisation and SubNanometer Engineering of 2D Laminar Membranes

Swinburne University of Technology – Janitha Migunthanna Kariyakaranage: Low Carbon Binders to Replace Portland Cement in Concrete Using Geopolymer Technology

Monash University – Luke Sutherland: Highly Efficient and Roll-To-Roll Processable Perovskite Solar Cells Incorporating Printed Electrodes

Deakin University – Teejay Jeyachandran: Molecular Diagnostics using Micro and Nano Technology

RMIT University – Jiayu Ye: In-Situ Monitoring of Laser Metal Deposition for Additive Manufacturing Materials Australia members, postgraduate students and numerous friends and colleagues came from as far afield as Geelong and enjoyed networking and discussions over a selection of pizzas (always a favourite)

and refreshments. Our thanks go to our sponsors for the night for these refreshments: the ARC Centre of Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation On Minerals.

Rosy Borland (Doug’s daughter) was joined by two other independent judges from the CSIRO and private industry to

determine the best presentation on the night. Whilst the competition was fierce due to the high quality of the science and presentations, the judges awarded the 2022 Borland Forum Award to Luke Sutherland of Monash University for his presentation on Highly Efficient and RollTo-Roll Processable Perovskite Solar Cells Incorporating Printed Electrodes.

The Borland Forum winner Luke Sutherland with MA Vic/Tas Branch President Ivan Cole All 5 Borland Forum presenters alongside MA Vic/Tas Branch President Ivan Cole.
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All on a secure multi-language "Mobile Responsive” platform. 1.00794 Hydrogen 1 1 H 6.941 Lithium 3 2 1 Li 9.012182 Beryllium 4 2 2 Be 22.98976928 Sodium 11 2 8 1 Na 24.305 Magnesium 12 2 8 2 Mg 39.0983 Potassium 19 2 8 8 1 K 40.078 Calcium 20 2 8 8 2 Ca 85.4678 Rubidium 37 2 8 18 8 1 Rb 87.62 Strontium 38 2 8 18 8 2 Sr 132.9054 Cesium 55 2 8 18 18 8 1 Cs 137.327 Barium 56 2 8 18 18 8 2 Ba (223) Francium 87 2 8 18 32 18 8 1 Fr (226) Radium 88 2 8 18 32 18 8 2 Ra 44.955912 Scandium 21 2 8 9 2 Sc 47.867 Titanium 22 2 8 10 2 Ti 50.9415 Vanadium 23 2 8 11 2 V 51.9961 Chromium 24 2 8 13 1 Cr 54.938045 Manganese 25 2 8 13 2 Mn 55.845 Iron 26 2 8 14 2 Fe 58.933195 Cobalt 27 2 8 15 2 Co 58.6934 Nickel 28 16 Ni 63.546 Copper 29 2 8 18 1 Cu 65.38 Zinc 30 2 8 18 2 Zn 88.90585 Yttrium 39 2 8 18 9 2 Y 91.224 Zirconium 40 2 8 18 10 2 Zr 92.90638 Niobium 41 2 8 18 12 1 Nb 95.96 Molybdenum 42 2 8 18 13 1 Mo (98.0) Technetium 43 2 8 18 13 2 Tc 101.07 Ruthenium 44 2 8 18 15 1 Ru 102.9055 Rhodium 45 2 8 18 16 1 Rh 106.42 Palladium 46 18 18 Pd 107.8682 Silver 47 2 8 18 18 1 Ag 112.411 Cadmium 48 2 8 18 18 2 Cd 138.90547 Lanthanum 57 2 8 18 18 9 2 La 178.48 Hafnium 72 2 8 18 32 10 2 Hf 180.9488 Tantalum 73 2 8 18 32 11 2 Ta 183.84 Tungsten 74 2 8 18 32 12 2 W 186.207 Rhenium 75 2 8 18 32 13 2 Re 190.23 Osmium 76 2 8 18 32 14 2 Os 192.217 Iridium 77 2 8 18 32 15 2 Ir 195.084 Platinum 78 18 32 17 Pt 196.966569 Gold 79 2 8 18 32 18 1 Au 200.59 Mercury 80 2 8 18 32 18 2 Hg (227) Actinium 89 2 8 18 32 18 9 2 Ac (267) Rutherfordium 104 2 8 18 32 32 10 2 Rf (268) Dubnium 105 2 8 18 32 32 11 2 Db (271) Seaborgium 106 2 8 18 32 32 12 2 Sg (272) Bohrium 107 2 8 18 32 32 13 2 Bh (270) Hassium 108 2 8 18 32 32 14 2 Hs (276) Meitnerium 109 2 8 18 32 32 15 2 Mt (281) Darmstadtium 110 18 32 32 17 Ds (280) Roentgenium 111 2 8 18 32 32 18 1 Rg (285) Copernicium 112 2 8 18 32 32 18 2 Cn 4.002602 Helium 2 2 He 10.811 Boron 5 2 3 B 12.0107 Carbon 6 2 4 C 14.0067 Nitrogen 7 2 5 N 15.9994 Oxygen 8 2 6 O 18.9984032 Fluorine 9 2 7 F 20.1797 Neon 10 2 8 Ne 26.9815386 Aluminum 13 2 8 3 Al 28.0855 Silicon 14 2 8 4 Si 30.973762 Phosphorus 15 2 8 5 P 32.065 Sulfur 16 2 8 6 S 35.453 Chlorine 17 2 8 7 Cl 39.948 Argon 18 2 8 8 Ar 69.723 Gallium 31 2 8 18 3 Ga 72.64 Germanium 32 2 8 18 4 Ge 74.9216 Arsenic 33 2 8 18 5 As 78.96 Selenium 34 2 8 18 6 Se 79.904 Bromine 35 2 8 18 7 Br 83.798 Krypton 36 2 8 18 8 Kr 114.818 Indium 49 2 8 18 18 3 In 118.71 Tin 50 2 8 18 18 4 Sn 121.76 Antimony 51 2 8 18 18 5 Sb 127.6 Tellurium 52 2 8 18 18 6 Te 126.90447 Iodine 53 2 8 18 18 7 I 131.293 Xenon 54 2 8 18 18 8 Xe 204.3833 Thallium 81 2 8 18 32 18 3 Tl 207.2 Lead 82 2 8 18 32 18 4 Pb 208.9804 Bismuth 83 2 8 18 32 18 5 Bi (209) Polonium 84 2 8 18 32 18 6 Po (210) Astatine 85 2 8 18 32 18 7 At (222) Radon 86 2 8 18 32 18 8 Rn (284) Nihonium 113 2 8 18 32 32 18 3 (289) Flerovium 114 2 8 18 32 32 18 4 Fl (288) Moscovium 115 2 8 18 32 32 18 5 (293) Livermorium 116 2 8 18 32 32 18 6 Lv (294) Tennessine 117 2 8 18 32 32 18 7 (294) Oganesson 118 2 8 18 32 32 18 8 140.116 Cerium 58 2 8 18 19 9 2 Ce 140.90765 Praseodymium 59 2 8 18 21 8 2 Pr 144.242 Neodymium 60 2 8 18 22 8 2 Nd (145) Promethium 61 2 8 18 23 8 2 Pm 150.36 Samarium 62 2 8 18 24 8 2 Sm 151.964 Europium 63 2 8 18 25 8 2 Eu 157.25 Gadolinium 64 2 8 18 25 9 2 Gd 158.92535 Terbium 65 18 27 Tb 162.5 Dysprosium 66 2 8 18 28 8 2 Dy 164.93032 Holmium 67 2 8 18 29 8 2 Ho 167.259 Erbium 68 2 8 18 30 8 2 Er 168.93421 Thulium 69 2 8 18 31 8 2 Tm 173.054 Ytterbium 70 2 8 18 32 8 2 Yb 174.9668 Lutetium 71 2 8 18 32 9 2 Lu 232.03806 Thorium 90 2 8 18 32 18 10 2 Th 231.03588 Protactinium 91 2 8 18 32 20 9 2 Pa 238.02891 Uranium 92 2 8 18 32 21 9 2 U (237) Neptunium 93 2 8 18 32 22 9 2 Np (244) Plutonium 94 2 8 18 32 24 8 2 Pu (243) Americium 95 2 8 18 32 25 8 2 Am (247) Curium 96 2 8 18 32 25 9 2 Cm (247) Berkelium 97 18 32 27 Bk (251) Californium 98 2 8 18 32 28 8 2 Cf (252) Einsteinium 99 2 8 18 32 29 8 2 Es (257) Fermium 100 2 8 18 32 30 8 2 Fm (258) Mendelevium 101 2 8 18 32 31 8 2 Md (259) Nobelium 102 2 8 18 32 32 8 2 No (262) Lawrencium 103 2 8 18 32 32 8 3 Lr Nh Mc Ts Og

VIC | TAS Branch Report

Robert C Gifkins Annual Lecture 2022

On 17 November, the Victoria and Tasmania Branch had the pleasure of Professor Rachel Caruso presenting the 2022 Robert C Gitkin’s Annual Lecture.

Based at RMIT University’s School of Science, Professor Caruso has had a distinguished career.

Professor Caruso completed her PhD in the School of Chemistry at The University of Melbourne before

working in Berlin at the Hahn Meitner Institute and the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces. She returned to The University of Melbourne, was seconded 50% to the CSIRO. Following this, she moved to RMIT University in 2017, taking on the role of Director of the Advanced Materials Enabling Capability Platform. Her research group has investigated approaches to control the morphology and composition of inorganic materials for photocatalysis, photovoltaics and batteries

Professor Caruso gave a fascinating

lecture on Improving the Effectiveness of Materials through Morphological Control. She presented a range of approaches that can be used to manipulate the morphological properties of materials. This can enhance the accessible surface area and pore structure, increasing the number of surface reactions and the diffusion of reactant and product from the reaction site. The presentation focused on different synthesis approaches used to achieve porous metal oxides and demonstrate their application in photocatalysis, photovoltaics or batteries.

The Art of Science Communication Workshop

In this workshop for Early Career Researchers (ECRs), Materials Australia and the Surface Engineering for Advanced Materials (SEAM) ARC Training Centre brought together a diverse group of experts to share their knowledge on the art of science communication.

The event was chaired by the VicePresident of Materials Australia, Dr Rou Jun Toh and included speakers Professor Ivan Cole (President of Materials Australia and Engineering Professor at RMIT University), Rachael Vorwerk (Science Communicator at the Integrated Photonics and Applications

Centre, RMIT), and Dr Tom J Carruthers (Co-President of the National Australian Science Communicators).

The event covered three main topics: (1) structure and flow (2) social media as a powerful tool (3) communicating through pictures

Each of the speakers highlighted a specific area of science communication and brought to attention the diverse settings and contexts that researchers can leverage in the modern age of technology. The speakers emphasised the impact of good science communication and provided practical

tips on how it can be achieved. The second half of the workshop was carried out in breakout rooms with Rachael Vorwerk and Dr Tom J Carruthers. The breakout room format was a great space for the ECRs to engage with the speakers and be further equipped to communicate their research effectively. Rachael worked with the ECRs to write their first LinkedIn post while Tom further elaborated on the power and dangers of using pictures. Overall, it was encouraging to see ECRs inspired and equipped with the right tools to communicate their research.

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NSW Branch Report

2022 has been a year for adjusting to new ways of working and connecting. We learned over the last couple of years the benefits that online events offer, particularly in terms of reaching more people and providing ways for them to engage with others working in materials. In this branch report, we have two events to report on. We will soon be planning our events for next year and looking to apply what we have learnt in 2022.

MATSOC Careers Event –20 October 2022

The New South Wales (NSW) Branch assisted the University of NSW student society MATSOC with their online careers and networking event. This event attracted a number of professionals from

undergraduate students nominated by their supervisors, from Western Sydney University, University of Newcastle, University of Wollongong and the University of New South Wales.

The talks and posters covered a range of materials, applications and techniques, from lunar analysers through to polymeric nanocomposites. The poster session allowed time for attendees and students to discuss their work and connect. It was fantastic to see students networking during the poster session, creating connections that have been more difficult to create in recent years. The judging panel was made up of Associate Professor Sophie Primig, Han Yeoh from Cochlear, Dr Yi-Sheng (Eason) Chen and last year’s winner Lucy Chen.

Portable EDXRD Mineralogical Analyser for Lunar Applications.

Third Prize Oral Presentation (with a prize of $300) was sponsored by Hasan Kanji, from United Steel. The winner Trang Ngo, UoW, for her presentation on Characterisation of Ternary Carbides for High Temperature Furnace Heating Element.

Fourth Prize Oral Presentation (with a prize of $100) was sponsored by the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ANSTO). The winner was Wendy Ji, UNSW, for her presentation on Numerical Simulations of the Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) Process for the Prediction of Residual Stresses and Distortion.

Fifth Prize Oral Presentation (with a prize


Materials Australia Awards Professor

Ma Qian their Highest Honour: the Silver Medal

Materials Australia is pleased to announce that Professor Ma Qian has been awarded the institute’s prestigious Silver Medal..

The Materials Australia Silver Medal is presented for outstanding contributions to the advancement of materials science and engineering through management, teaching, innovation, development or research.

According to Materials Australia President, Dr Roger Lumley, CMatP, “Over the course of his career, Professor Ma Qian has devoted his life to the study of materials. He has made significant contributions in the fields of physical metallurgy, additive manufacturing, solidification processing, powder metallurgy, metallic biomaterials and thermodynamics of materials.”

“Professor Qian’s research has made major contributions to industry, impacting on manufacturing processes such as casting, powder sintering, metal injection moulding and additive manufacturing. He is a most deserving recipient of Materials Australia’s highest honour: the Silver Medal.”

“Materials Australia would like to congratulate Professor Qian on his outstanding achievements and acknowledge him as a worthy winner of the 2022 Materials Australia Silver Medal,” said Dr Lumley.

Innovative Research

With a career that spans over 40 years, Professor Ma Qian is a Distinguished Professor of the School of Engineering at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University) in Melbourne. He joined RMIT University in 2013, having been the Reader in Materials Engineering, in the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering at The University of Queensland. Prior to this, he held various academic positions, including at Portsmouth University and Brunel University in the United Kingdom, the National University of Singapore, Kyushu Institute of Technology in Japan, and Tsinghua University in China.

Professor Qian began his research at the CAST Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) on aluminium wrought alloys for Comalco before moving onto the development of a superior Magnesium Zirconium (Mg-Zr) grain refining master alloy for Australian Magnesium. The resulting master alloy was patented, and Professor Qian spent time in the USA optimising the consumption of Zirconium and the performance of the process of grain refining commercial castings. The master alloy is currently available from Magontec, and is considered to be the best performing master alloy in terms of effectiveness and cost.

Along with his team, Professor Qian has also recently developed an ultrasound assisted metal 3D printing process which could be applied to improve the mechanical strength of titanium alloy 3D printing. The printing of 3D metal is widely used in aerospace and biomechanical applications. However, it was determined that the use of ultrasound addressed the long-lasting challenges in fusion-based metal 3D printing. It is hoped that this could eventually become a commercially useful process for 3D printing of small metal parts. The release of this research saw an audience reach of 146 million people within three weeks of publication.

More recently, Professor Qian and his team have developed a robust bulk micro-nano hierarchical copper material possessing exceptional bactericidal efficacy. This new copper surface can eliminate golden staph in two minutes—120 times faster than a normal copper surface. The audience reach within three weeks of the publication of this work through a RMIT news release was 276 million.

Conferences and Publications

Alongside his research fellows, PhD students and collaborators, Professor Qian has published 291 peer- reviewed journal articles and four Elsevier books on titanium alloys, including Titanium Powder Metallurgy: Science, Technology

and Applications, Light Alloys, Titanium in Medical and Dental Applications, and Titanium for Consumer Applications.

Professor Qian has received nine research awards including the 2006 American Society for Metals (ASM) Henry Howe Marion Medal, the 2003 TMS Light Metals Magnesium Technology Award, the inaugural 2003 Australian CAST-CRC Industry Partners Award, and the 2019 RMIT Engineering Executive Dean's Research Excellence Award - Level E (professorial level).

Professor Qian also serves as an Associate, Advisory and Series Editor for a number of well-respected journals and publications including Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, and Elsevier Additive Manufacturing Book Series.

Professor Qian holds a Bachelor of Engineering, a Master of Science, and a Doctorate of Engineering in Foundry Metallurgy, as well as a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education. He is also an elected Fellow of the American Society for Metals International (FASM), the World's foremost professional society for materials scientists, engineers and technicians.

Materials Australia would like to congratulate Professor Qian on his outstanding achievements and acknowledge him as a worthy winner of the 2022 Materials Australia Silver Medal.



NSW Branch Report

On October 31, Ric Wuhrer and his team (Daniel Fanna and Laurel George) at Western Sydney University Advanced Materials Characterisation Facility hosted the NSW branch for a seminar entitled “New dimensions to micro-CT imaging: Fast dynamic CT imaging and spectral CT on TESCAN micro-CT systems”, presented by Frederik Coppens from TESCAN (Belgium) and Kamran Khajehpour from AXT. As we all know microCT is

growing rapidly in popularity with its ability to non-destructively image in 3D, making ideal for applications such as additive manufacturing.

Frederik’s presentation concentrated in dispelling a couple of myths about microCT, i.e.

1. MicroCT scans take many hours

2. MicroCT doesn’t provide any chemical information

He demonstrated how system like the UniTOM XL and DynaTOM can generate complete 3D datasets in as little as 5 seconds while maintaining sub-micron resolution successfully dismissing the first myth. This is thanks to the synchronisation of a high flux (300W) X-ray source and high-speed detector (up to 100fps), which in turn allows true 4D microCT studies to be performed.

The high-speed scanning capability was demonstrated using in situ scanning of collapsing beer foam, also made possible by the stationary sample and gantry mounted optics. The practical application of this relates directly to optimising the taste of beer. A further example presented involved looking a fluid flow through porous rock which has implications in filtration, catalysis and CO 2 storage.

To overcome with the second myth, TESCAN have developed an energysensitive photon counting detector, enabling Spectral CT, or the ability to perform chemical analysis, complementing conventional structural CT data. This detector can be added to some TESCAN microCTs and enables users to identify elements heavier than Mo and was illustrated by successfully identifying gold particles a geological core sample with no sample prep, also relevant to other applications in the mining industry. In a second case study, scanned a bunch of Lego pieces. Polymers typically have very little contrast difference between them when viewed with CT, however, using spectral CT it was possible to distinguish various colours of Lego with a high degree of confidence.


Asia-Pacific International Conference on Additive Manufacturing

21st - 23rd June 2023

The University of Sydney

The 3rd Asia-Pacific International Conference on Additive Manufacturing (APICAM) is the not-to-be-missed industrial application focused conference of 2023.

The 5th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Additive Manufacturing (APICAM) is the not-to-be-missed industry conference of 2023. APICAM was created to provide an opportunity for industry professionals and thinkers to come together, share knowledge and engage in the type of networking that is vital to the furthering of the additive manufacturing industry.

APICAM was created to provide an opportunity for industry professionals and academic researchers to come together, share knowledge and engage in the type of networking that is vital to the furthering of the additive manufacturing industry.

Some of the leading minds in the industry will give presentations on pressing issues and the ways in which innovations can navigate challenges. Important areas such as 3D printing and additive manufacturing in the automotive, biomedical, defence and aerospace industries will be covered by experts from each respective field.

Some of the leading minds in the field of additive manufacturing will give presentations on pressing issues and the ways in which innovations can navigate challenges. Important areas such as applications of additive manufacturing in the, biomedical, defence and aerospace industries will be covered by experts from each respective field.

The event is being curated by Materials Australia, the peak Australian materials technology body, which has drawn on its considerable pull in the industry to create a world-class event that is a must-attend for anyone involved in the additive materials industry.

The purpose of this conference is to provide a focused forum for the presentation of advanced research and improved understanding of various aspects of additive manufacturing.


You can submit an abstract in the following areas of interest:

Additive Manufacturing Defence Application

Abstracts are able to be submitted in the following areas:

Additive Manufacturing Green/Clean Energy Additive Manufacturing Space Application

Additive Manufacturing of Metals

Additive Manufacturing of Polymers

Additive Manufacturing PostProcessing

Additive Manufacturing of Concretes

Bioprinting and Biomaterials

Advanced Characterisation Techniques and Feedstocks

Ceramic and Concrete Additive Manufacturing

Computational Modelling of Thermal Processes for Metallic Parts

The APICAM2023 organizing committee is seeking abstracts for either an oral or poster presentation.

The main features of APICAM 2023 will include presentations by experts as well as workshops that will help attendees sharpen their skills and then be able to pass on this knowledge to other industry professionals. The event has been designed to allow for ample networking time so that important knowledge-transfer can take place and partnerships can be created that will enrich the industry.


Design, Qualification and Certification Digital Manufacturing

Part Design for Additive Manufacturing Failure Mechanisms and Analysis

Emerging Additive Manufacturing Technologies

Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Materials

Metal Additive Manufacturing Modelling and Simulations

New Frontiers in Additive Manufacturing Process Parameter and Defect Control


Tanya Smith | Materials Australia +61 3 9326 7266 |

Tanya Smith | Materials Australia

+61 3 9326 7266 |

Process-Microstructure-Property Relationships

Polymer Additive Manufacturing Sustainability

Testing and Qualification in Additive Manufacturing

Abstracts close 31 January 2023
21st - 23rd June 2023 | The University of Sydney

QLD Branch Report 2022 in Review

Looking back over the year, the Queensland Branch continued to provide our members with training and knowledge sharing opportunities. I am particularly proud of our small and dedicated committee of volunteers who meet each month to schedule and organise events. As volunteers with work and family commitments our available time is small. Yet, we continue to make steady progress in an effort to better engage with industry, academia, government and the wider community around materials technology.

We took the opportunity to catch up with Roger Lumley in May when he was in Brisbane for the Australian Foundry Institute seminar at South Bank. In June, we hosted an online event with Andy Reilly from Total Materia whose presentation: Materials Selection, Choice and its Importance to Engineers provided us insight into engineering materials databases that assist in managing IP, compliance and which also integrate with FMEA software.

In August, we hosted an in-person

event at the Engineers Australia office in Brisbane with Dr Peter King, from CSIRO who presented on: Metal 3D Printing, Robots and Supersonic Particles. Peter was clearly very knowledgeable around all aspects of 3D metal printing and shared Lab22’s experience of the process and the underlying science.

Finally, in October and in collaboration with the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology Dr Nasim Amiralian presented on the topic: Next Generation Material Forms –Renewable Nanotechnology.

A special thank you to our committee member Chi Ho, who in his final year of completing his PhD thesis and in his role as student representative, has enthusiastically helped promote Materials Australia to various student associations and was instrumental in organising two of our events this year.

We are now planning for next year with the view to build on our events schedule with talks and industry visits. We have formed a sub-committee and are

collaborating with academics from the University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology and Deakin University to organise the Materials Innovations in Surface Engineering (MISE) conference. MISE will be held at the University of Queensland in Brisbane from the 29 to 31 October 2023.

The approach we are taking as a branch is to act now with the view to position the Queensland Materials Australia branch where we want to be in five and 10 years’ time. We can, of course, do better and the Queensland committee welcomes your feedback and the involvement of members to help in whatever way, however small.

Branch Chair & Secretary: David Haynes -

Vice-Chair & Engineers Australia Liaison: Michael Chan CMatP

Treasurer: Richard Clegg CMatP

Student Representative: Chi-Ho Ng

Council Member: Hamid Pourasiabi

QLD Branch Email Address:

Materials Australia Education Chair

Alan Todhunter

Alan Todhunter from the Materials Australia New South Wales Committee has taken on the role of Education Chair for Materials Australia.

Alan is a lecturer at Western Sydney University, a Certified Materials Professional (CMatP), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and NSW committee member of the Australian Institute of Building. He has been

involved in teaching, curriculum development and subject design for over two decades. Alan also has a focus on Work Integrated Learning and researched different teaching styles applicable to training undergraduates.

Alan will discuss his new role and future plans in the March issue of Materials Australia magazine.


Profile: Rou Jun Toh


Fellow, SEAM RMIT University.

Rou Jun Toh is a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre in Surface Engineering for Advanced Materials (SEAM) with RMIT University.

Rou Jun obtained her PhD in Chemistry and Biological Chemistry (2017) from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, where she established herself in the field of materials. She moved to Melbourne for her first Postdoctoral Fellow position with CSIRO in 2017, and subsequently joined RMIT and SEAM in 2020 to work on a university and industry collaboration project with Romar Engineering Pty Ltd and RMIT University in Optimization of surface properties of additive components using an additive/subtractive machine.

Rou Jun’s work on the SEAM project with industry partner organisation, Romar Engineering aims to optimize manufacturing approaches using the DMG Mori Lasertec 65 3D 5-axis

synchronous laser deposition, welding and milling machine. The Lasertec 65 is a 3D printer with unique metal-on and metal-off capability and Romar Engineering is able to provide clients with the exceptional flexibility to create innovative new parts, and repair, replace or renew existing ones. Thus far on this industry project Rou Jun has provided leadership and expertise and developed a 3D visualisation and analytical tool that can be employed for quality assurance and control purposes. Moreover, Rou Jun fulfils a critical leadership role where she works with two doctoral candidates and plays an important role in training two industry ready and fit researchers who will have the ability to operate the Laser 65 autonomously to deliver key outcomes and capabilities to solve crucial materials engineering problems. This will provide commercial benefits to the industry partner. In addition, it will, without a doubt, provide the Australian manufacturing industry with a competitive edge and put it in par with

other global leaders.

As a female scientist and researcher, Rou Jun brings diversity and is an asset to the innovative skilled workforce in Australia. She actively engages with STEM education efforts and the scientific community through inspiring the next generation of STEM talents and facilitating collaboration networks on the international and national level. Rou Jun is currently the vice-president of Materials Australia (VIC/TAS branch). Being in this leadership role has helped Rou Jun grow her network and her ability to connect with people and engage stakeholders which will be valuable for her future endeavours.

The development of female STEM talents like Rou Jun would not have been possible without the grant opportunities provided by the ARC and SEAM and their strong vision for diversity and inclusion. For more information about SEAM, please visit or email

Steve Milanoski, Head of Advanced Manufacturing, Romar Engineering and Rou Jun Toh, Postdoctoral Fellow, SEAM RMIT University.

ARC Training Centre in Lightweight Automotive Structures (ATLAS)

The ARC Training Centre in Lightweight Automotive Structures (ATLAS) aims to accelerate the transformation of Australia's automotive industry through new research capabilities in lightweight automotive structures design and manufacture.

Administered through RMIT University, ATLAS brings together Deakin University, the Australian National University, lead industry partner the Ford Motor Company and a further 12 local and international partner organisations including the CSIRO to address the challenges in lightweighting.

ARC Chief Executive Officer, Professor Sue Thomas, said the Training Centre will develop new lightweight technologies, manufacturing processes and energy storage designs that will reduce carbon dioxide emissions in transportation.

“Working with industry partnering organisations, the ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre in Lightweight Automotive Structures will accelerate the transformation of Australia’s automotive industry through new research capabilities and commercialisation of new processes and products,” said Professor Thomas.

“This research Training Centre brings together world-leading scientists and industrial engineers from 16 organisations from Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, and the United States of America, and will provide an outstanding collaborative network to mentor, train and develop Australia’s next generation of researchers in an industry-focused research training environment.”

ATLAS is led by Professor Stuart Bateman (Associate Dean

An Integrated Program of Research

ATLAS is delivering industry relevant research training to early career researchers at the post-doctoral, post-graduate and undergraduate levels who benefit from both academic and industry mentors. An integrated program of research projects aims to deliver critical knowledge and innovative lightweighting technologies to underpin new high-value products for global markets.

Building on strong collaborations between industry and university partners, ATLAS is training urgently needed commercially focused researchers specialising in lightweight multi-material structures obtained through advanced, agile and digital manufacturing technologies.

ATLAS comprises an integrated research program encompassing four themes as outlined below.

Lightweight Materials Research underpinning the development and efficient processing of high-performance lightweight materials like carbon-fibre composites and highly formable metal alloys for the manufacture of next generation lightweight components and assemblies by Australia manufacturers.

Design and Advanced Manufacturing

Advancement of agile and digital manufacturing technologies such as additive manufacturing, flexible roll forming technologies and multi-material joining techniques to enable local

manufacturers to efficiently produce high value products for local and international markets.

Integrated Multi-material Structures

Design and demonstration of smart integrated multi-material structures such as those with gradient physical properties for controlled crush or imbedded functional features like the capacity to store electrical energy for future mobility solutions.

Whole of Life Assessment

Validating the whole of life economic, environmental and societal benefits of next generation lightweight multimaterial structures through quantitative life cycle assessments and the development of decision making tools to help guide design choices.

RMIT University Building 251, 264 Plenty Rd, Mill Park, VIC, 3082

Manufacturing Materials and Mechatronics, RMIT University).
T: +61 3 03 9925 6048 E:


AUSTRALIA 10 TH INTERNATIONAL LIGHT METALS TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE 9-12 JULY 2023 RMIT UNIVERSITY, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA The Light Metals Technology (LMT) Conference is a biennial event that focuses on recent advances in science and technologies associated with the development and manufacture of aluminium, magnesium and titanium alloys and their translation into commercial products. The conference presents an opportunity for academic researchers, students and industry to discuss cutting edge developments and to facilitate new collaborations. CALL
You are invited to submit abstracts on topics within the themes of Net Shape Manufacturing, Solid State Transformations and Mechanical Performance, and Translation to Applications. For example, but not limited to: ▶ Alloy development ▶ Solidification and casting ▶ Thermomechanical processing and forming ▶ Machining and subtractive processes ▶ Mechanical behaviour of light metal alloys ▶ Corrosion and surface modification ▶ Advanced characterisation techniques ▶ Joining ▶ Applications in bio-medical, automotive, aerospace, and energy industries ▶ Simulation and modelling ▶ Integrated computational materials engineering Enquiries: Tanya Smith Materials Australia +61 3 9326 7266 Opportunities for sponsorships and exhibitions are available, see below for contact details. CONFERENCE SPONSORS Materials Australia

CMatP Profile: Andrew Gregory

architectures in supercritical carbon dioxide using controlled radical and enzymatic techniques.

As a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Centre of Advanced Macromolecular Design at the University of New South Wales, Andrew oversaw and coordinated a number of projects focussing primarily on the development of new polymer vehicles for delivering platinum based drugs. His work included collaborating with a highly regarded multinational company developing novel materials, based on commercially viable microspheres, for imaging and therapeutic applications in the treatment of liver cancer.

Who or what has influenced you most professionally?

I have had the pleasure of working with an array of researchers both in academia and in industry. Many of these not only have a firm grasp on the scientific concepts they work with, but also have creativity in order to keep searching and developing the research in their respective fields of expertise.

When I started as a trainee patent attorney, my supervising partner was a great teacher and mentor, not only ensuring that I was aware of the legal and scientific aspects of my role, but making sure that I could relay any information to our clients.

Andrew Gregory is a registered Australian and New Zealand patent attorney and a senior associate in the FB Rice Sydney chemistry team.

His work spans prosecution, coordinating patent portfolios, oppositions, searching and freedomto-operate opinions, drafting, and strategic advisory services. His client base covers universities and global companies in a range of technological areas, including pharmaceuticals, polymers, veterinary sciences, green technology, inorganic materials and nanotechnology.

Andrew’s expertise is backed by technical knowledge gained from his hands on experience from working in laboratories. Over the years he has developed his synthetic and characterisation skills in organic and inorganic chemistry, with a particular focus in the field of polymers. He is able to implement this acquired knowledge in order to assist his clients with both the drafting and the prosecution of his clients’ patents.

Andrew earned a First Class Masters in Chemistry (Hons) from the University of Leicester, graduating top of his year. He went on to receive a PhD in Polymer Chemistry at the University of Nottingham, winning a national scholarship (SOCI Messel Scholar), and graduating in 2008. His thesis focused on the synthesis of various polymer

Where do you work and describe your job

I am a registered Australian and New Zealand patent attorney at FB Rice. My practice covers various aspects of chemistry. However, my focus is providing advice relating to inventions directed to the synthesis, manufacture and application of materials.

My day-to-day work changes all the time, and can include: reviewing an examination report issued by a patent office; drafting a new patent application for a client; and advising counsel on experimental evidence for a court proceeding. The work is an interesting (and challenging) application of knowledge obtained from both the legal and scientific fields.

What inspired you to choose a career in materials science and engineering?

I have always had an interest in science and maths. During my PhD days in the United Kingdom, and my post-doctorate experience in Sydney, I found that I enjoyed collating reviewing and trying to understand obtained data, and then translating this into concise reports.

In my current role, I am continuously exposed to new developments in materials science. I have the opportunity to try and understand the innovations, and then act to protect the developments as intellectual property.

Which has been the most challenging job or project you’ve worked on to date and why?

Providing scientific support to counsel for litigation proceedings, advising on the chemical aspects of the invention.

There is usually a lot at stake as a result of any proceedings, and a lot of time is spent determining what falls within the scope of one or more patent claims. There can be long debates over the interpretation of a single word, and then how this affects the validity or enforcement of a claim.

What does being a CMatP mean to you?

It’s an acknowledgement, and an appreciated recognition, of the work I have put in over the years to increase my scientific knowledge in the materials field and now utilise it my current role for an array of different tasks.

What gives you the most satisfaction at work?

When, after considering and reviewing multiple documents, I am able to devise a strategy to help a client, such as when preparing a response to an examination report. This is particularly true when supporting start-up companies who have both passion and determination in protecting their new innovations.


What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Given everything that has happened over the past few years, I have been reminded that sometimes it is important to ‘switch off’ and disconnect from the world. This is not always easy, given various personal and professional responsibilities, but gives me the chance to recharge, even if it is just for a moment.

What are you optimistic about?

Research and innovation in Australia. After attending a number of conferences over the past year (as the country has opened up), we have a lot of talented researchers and professionals working in this country, including many

promising students who are both hardworking and inspiring.

What have been your greatest professional and personal achievements?

Being awarded my PhD was a highlight. I was the first member of my family to go to university and I worked hard to then be accepted on the PhD track. My thesis focussed controlled polymerisations in supercritical carbon dioxide and was fraught with a number of ups and downs. I was fortunate to have an understanding partner (now wife), who supported me with the many, many hours focused on the research.

As a patent attorney, my proudest moment to date has been when a patent

application I drafted when I started as a trainee, resulted in the first patent for my client. It took a few years (typical for the patent process), and went through a few rounds of examination, but I was smiling when I sent the resulting Letters Patent to the client.

What are the top three things on your “bucket list”?

• On the home front, to travel back to the United Kingdom soon to see my extended family. It has been a long time since I’ve seen them.

• Professionally, to continue developing my knowledge of global intellectual property practices.

• Personally, it would be great to finally be able to play the guitar I picked up at the beginning of the pandemic.

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Our Certified Materials Professionals (CMatPs) MATERIALS

The following members of Materials Australia have been certified by the Certification Panel of Materials Australia as Certified Materials Professionals.

They can now use the post nominal ‘CMatP‘ after their name. These individuals have demonstrated the required level of qualification and experience to obtain this status. They are also required to regularly maintain their professional standing through ongoing education and commitment to the materials community.

We now have nearly 200 Certified Materials Professionals, who are being called upon to lead activities within Materials Australia. These activities include heading special interest group networks, representation on Standards Australia Committees, and representing Materials Australia at international conferences and society meetings.

A/Prof Alexey Glushenkov ACT

Dr Syed Islam ACT

Prof Yun Liu ACT

Dr Karthika Prasad ACT

Dr Takuya Tsuzuki ACT

Dr Olga Zinovieva ACT

Prof Klaus-Dieter Liss CHINA

Mr Debdutta Mallik MALAYSIA

Prof Valerie Linton NEW ZEALAND

Prof. Jamie Quinton NEW ZEALAND

Dr Rumana Akhter NSW

Ms Maree Anast NSW

Ms Megan Blamires NSW

Dr Phillip Carter NSW

Mr Ken Chau NSW

Dr. Igor Chaves NSW

Dr Yi-Sheng (Eason) Chen NSW

Dr Zhenxiang Cheng NSW

Dr Evan Copland NSW

Mr Peter Crick NSW

Prof Madeleine Du Toit NSW

Dr Azdiar Gazder NSW

Prof Michael Ferry NSW

Dr Yixiang Gan NSW

Mr Michele Gimona NSW

Dr Bernd Gludovatz NSW

Dr Andrew Gregory NSW

Mr Buluc Guner NSW

Dr Ali Hadigheh NSW

Dr Nima Haghdadi NSW

Dr Alan Hellier NSW

Prof Mark Hoffman NSW

Mr Simon Krismer NSW

Prof Jamie Kruzic NSW

Prof Huijun Li NSW

Dr Yanan Li NSW

Dr Hong Lu NSW

Mr Rodney Mackay-Sim NSW

Dr Matthew Mansell NSW

Dr Warren McKenzie NSW

Mr Arya Mirsepasi NSW

Mr Sam Moricca NSW

Dr Anna Paradowska NSW

Prof Elena Pereloma NSW

A/Prof Sophie Primig NSW

Dr Gwenaelle Proust NSW

Miss Zhijun Qiu NSW

Mr Waldemar Radomski NSW

Mr Ehsan Rahafrouz NSW

Dr Mark Reid NSW

Prof Simon Ringer NSW

Dr Richard Roest NSW

Mr Sameer Sameen NSW

Dr Luming Shen NSW

Mr Sasanka Sinha NSW

Mr Frank Soto NSW

Mr Michael Stefulj NSW

Mr Carl Strautins NSW

Mr Alan Todhunter NSW

Ms Judy Turnbull NSW

Mr Jeremy Unsworth NSW

Dr Philip Walls NSW

Dr Rachel White NSW

Dr Alan Whittle NSW

Dr Richard Wuhrer NSW

Mr Deniz Yalniz NSW

Mr Michael Chan QLD

Prof Richard Clegg QLD

Mr Andrew Dark QLD

Dr Ian Dover QLD

Mr Oscar Duyvestyn QLD

Mr John Edgley QLD

Dr Jayantha Epaarachchi QLD

Dr Jeff Gates QLD

Mr Payam Ghafoori QLD

Dr David Harrison QLD

Dr Damon Kent QLD

Miss Mozhgan Kermajani QLD

Mr Jeezreel Malacad QLD

Dr Jason Nairn QLD

Mr Sadiq Nawaz QLD

Mr Bhavin Panchal QLD

Mr Bob Samuels QLD

Dr Mathias Aakyiir SA

Mr Ashley Bell SA

Ms Ingrid Brundin SA

Mr Neville Cornish SA

A/Prof Colin Hall SA

Mr Nikolas Hildebrand SA

Mr Mikael Johansson SA

Mr Rahim Kurji SA

Mr Andrew Sales SA

Dr Thomas Schläfer SA

Dr Christiane Schulz SA

Prof Nikki Stanford SA

Prof Youhong Tang SA

Mr Kok Toong Leong SINGAPORE

Mr Madhusudhanan Jambunathan UK

Mr Devadoss Suresh Kumar UAE

Dr Shahabuddin Ahmmad VIC

Dr Qi Chao VIC

Dr Ivan Cole VIC

Dr John Cookson VIC

Miss Ana Celine Del Rosario VIC

Dr Yvonne Durandet VIC

Dr Mark Easton VIC

Dr Rajiv Edavan VIC

Dr Peter Ford VIC

Mrs Liz Goodall VIC

Mr Bruce Ham VIC

Ms Edith Hamilton VIC

Dr Shu Huang VIC

Mr Long Huynh VIC

Mr. Daniel Lim VIC

Dr Amita Iyer VIC

Mr Robert Le Hunt VIC

Dr Michael Lo VIC

Dr Thomas Ludwig VIC

Dr Roger Lumley VIC

Mr Michael Mansfield VIC

Dr Gary Martin VIC

Dr Siao Ming (Andrew) Ang VIC

Dr Eustathios Petinakis VIC

Dr Leon Prentice VIC

Dr Dong Qiu VIC

Mr John Rea VIC

Mr Steve Rockey VIC

Miss Reyhaneh Sahraeian VIC Dr Christine Scala VIC

Mr Khan Sharp VIC

Dr Vadim Shterner VIC

Dr Antonella Sola VIC

Mr Mark Stephens VIC

Dr Graham Sussex VIC

Dr Jenna Tong VIC

Dr Kishore Venkatesan VIC

Mr Pranay Wadyalkar VIC

Mr John Watson VIC

Dr Wei Xu VIC

Dr Ramdayal Yadav VIC

Dr Sam Yang VIC

Dr. Matthew Young VIC

Mr. Mohsen Sabbagh Alvani WA

Mr Graeme Brown WA

Mr Graham Carlisle WA

Mr John Carroll WA

Mr Sridharan Chandran WA

Mr Conrad Classen WA

Mr Chris Cobain WA

Ms Jessica Down WA

Mr Adam Dunning WA

Mr Jeff Dunning WA

Dr Olubayode Ero-Phillips WA

Mr Stuart Folkard WA

Mr Toby Garrod WA

Prof Vladimir Golovanevskiy WA

Mr Chris Grant WA

Mr Paul Howard WA

Dr Paul Huggett WA

Mr Ehsan Karaji WA

Mr Biju Kurian Pottayil WA

Mr Mathieu Lancien WA

Mr Michael Lison-Pick WA

Dr Evelyn Ng WA

Mr Deny Nugraha WA

Mrs Mary Louise Petrick WA

Mr Johann Petrick WA

Mr Stephen Rennie WA

Mr James Travers WA


Why You Should Become a Certified Materials Professional

Accreditation as a Certified Materials Professional (CMatP) gives you recognition, not only amongst your peers, but within the materials engineering industry at large. You will be recognised as a materials scientist who maintains professional integrity, keeps up to date with developments in technology, and strives for continued personal development.

The CMatP, like a Certified Practicing Accountant or CPA, is promoted globally as the recognised standard for professionals working in the field of materials science.

There are now well over one hundred CMatPs who lead activities within Materials Australia. These activities include heading special interest group networks, representation on Standards Australia Committees, and representing Materials Australia at international conferences and society meetings.

Benefits of Becoming a CMatP

• A Certificate of Membership, often presented by the State Chapter, together with a unique Materials Australia badge.

• Access to exclusive CMatP resources and website content.

• The opportunity to attend CMatP only

networking meetings.

• Promotion through Materials Australia magazine, website, social media and other public channels.

• A Certified Materials Professional can use the post nominal CMatP.

• Materials Australia will actively promote the CMatP status to the community and employers and internationally, through our partner organisations.

• A CMatP may be requested to represent Materials Australia throughout Australia and overseas, with Government, media and other important activities.

• A CMatP may be offered an opportunity as a mentor for student members.

• Networking directly with other CMatPs who have recognised levels of qualifications and experience.

• The opportunity to assume leadership roles in Special Interest Networks, to assist in the facilitation of new knowledge amongst peers and members.

What is a Certified Materials Professional?

A Certified Materials Professional is a person to whom Materials Australia has issued a certificate declaring they have attained all required professional

standards. They are recognised as demonstrating excellence, and possessing special knowledge in the practice of materials science and engineering, through their profession or workplace. A CMatP is prepared to share their knowledge and skills in the interest of others, and promote excellence and innovation in all their professional endeavours.

The Criteria

The criteria for recognition as a CMatP are structured around the applicant demonstrating substantial and sustained practice in a field of materials science and engineering. The criteria are measured by qualifications, years of employment and relevant experience, as evidenced by the applicant’s CV or submitted documentation.

Certification will be retained as long as there is evidence of continuing professional development and adherence to the Code of Ethics and Professional behaviour.

Further Information

Contact Materials Australia today: on +61 3 9326 7266 or or visit our website:



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University of Queensland | Brisbane, Australia | 29 - 31 October 2023

The fifth International Materials Innovations in Surface Engineering (MISE) conference will be convened in Brisbane, Australia. The conference will be located at the state-of-the-art St Lucia Campus of the University of Queensland: twenty minutes from the centre of Brisbane.

MISE2023 features eminent academic and industrial plenary, keynote and invited speakers who encompass the engineering modification of a material’s surface to improve its performance.

The conference will cover topics such as:

• Coatings and Thin Films for Extreme Industrial Environments

Surface Modification for Industrial Applications

Surface Modification for Biomedical Applications

• Modelling and Simulation related to Surface Engineering

• Vacuum Deposition Coatings and Technologies: PVD and CVD

• Thermal Spray Coatings and Technologies

Weld Overlays and Technologies

Laser Processing and Technologies

• Characterisation of Surfaces, Coatings and Films

• New Horizons in Coatings and Thin Films

• Educational and Training of Early Career Researchers in Surface Engineering Case Histories for Surface Engineering, including Failure Analysis


Abstracts open 1 December 2022 and can be submitted online through the MISE website -

• Guidelines and an abstract template can be downloaded

Sponsorship and Sponsorship and Industry Displays

A number of limited sponsorship packages will be available. There will also be opportunities for sponsors to reserve space to exhibit their products and technologies. Please see the MISE2023 website for details.

Why should you participate in MISE?

• Networking opportunities to kick-off and maintain your research profile

• Interacting with leading, global industrialists to promote future activities Contribute to your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) portfolio Learn of the emerging manufacturing technologies that are on the near-term horizon

• A post-conference intense workshop

• Plus, the weather and climate in Brisbane during spring is fantastic!


Tanya Smith | Materials Australia

+61 3 9326 7266 |
Enquiries: +61 3 9326 7266 or SUPPORTING SPONSOR PRESENTED BY
St Lucia Campus – University of Queensland.

3 Ways Phenom ParticleX SEM Supports Additive Manufacturing

As innovations in the field of additive manufacturing (AM) continue, it will become increasingly important to accurately understand both the physical and chemical properties of metal powders. Particle size, powder shape and powder purity all play a critical role in ensuring the quality of the printed part. Inconsistent metal powders can impact packing behaviour and flow properties which affect the density and strength and can lead to potential fractures in the printed product. In addition to material analysis, the viability of an AM process relies on the efficient utilisation of expensive powder feeds. Although powders can be recycled multiple times, power quality declines over time due to the formation of satellites (particles with smaller particles attached to it) and chemical impurities. The ability to verify high quality metal powders ensures printed parts contain minimum amounts of inconsistencies - imperative for the longevity and reliability of the printed part.

Figure 1: Data output from a ParticleX analysis on additive metal powder raw material

So, the question is, how do you verify the quality of metal powders?

The answer is simple. The Phenom ParticleX AM Desktop SEM is a versatile desktop SEM solution that gives users the confidence and ability to complete all R&D and quality analysis inhouse. Simple to operate with superfast high resolution imaging and elemental analysis, means everyone can use it, and produce standard reports to fulfill requirements specific to AM.

What is Phenom ParticleX?

The Phenom ParticleX is an all-in-one solution that consists of the Phenom XL desktop scanning electron microscope (SEM) with automation, designed to analyse metal powders used in AM in terms of their size distribution, morphology and elemental composition. The integrated Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) detector allows elemental analysis and classification of each individual particle, to readily identify any foreign particles in powders. Perception software automatically analyses thousands of particles for size, count, and composition, and generates custom ISO/ASTM-compliant reports with the statistical particle analysis data necessary.

The system features a large (100mmx100mm) sample holder capable of loading up to 36 samples at once. Powders mounted onto SEM stubs are automatically analysed and the resultant size and morphology characteristics are reported in a data table along with an EDX spectrum showing elemental composition for each particle analysed. A typical set of data output from the ParticleX software is shown in Figure 1.

What does the Phenom ParticleX desktop SEM do?

The Phenom ParticleX desktop SEM monitors the three most critical characteristics of metal powders for powder-bed and powder-fed additive manufacturing processes:

1. Monitor Particle Size Distribution

2. Reveal Particle Shape/ Morphology

3. Identify Foreign Particles

During the printing process, metal particles can form agglomerates which can lead to stresses that induce failure mechanisms to develop during the subsequent print. This leads to one of the most critical questions in metal AM: How many times can a powder be recycled? The ParticleX can help reliably answer this question by analysing both the virgin powder as received and the recycled powder. By comparing the results, the operator can keep track of changes taking place to the morphological distribution of the powder with each cycle which helps to quantitatively determine expiration of a recycled powder.

ParticleX can generate reports based on the parameters of interest. It allows users to differentiate between satellite particles, spherical particles and deformed particles. It measures various size and shape parameters, such as minimum and maximum diameter, perimeter, aspect ratio, roughness, and ferret diameter, all of which can be displayed with 10%, 50%, 90% values (e.g. d10, d50, d90).

The plot in Figure 2 is a histogram showing the distribution of particle sizes and includes the composition of materials within each size bin. This information can be essential to understand any contaminant powder present in terms of its origin and the influence it will have on the print.

One device inspects both parts and AM powders

The Phenom ParticleX, desktop SEM offers AM companies faster quality control analyses of materials used in development and production and assists with the recycling of metal powder. It can investigate the metal powder’s properties like size distribution, particle homogeneity and foreign contaminants to evaluate the purity of metal particles prior to the print. Chemical and morphological classification, outlier detection and identification of contamination allow users to validate produced goods against industry-approved standards. Contact us for more information today! ATA Scientific Pty Ltd +61 2 9541 3500


1. 2022. The Added Value of SEM-Technology for Industrial Applications. [online] Available at: https://www.azom. com/article.aspx?ArticleID=18485 [Accessed 01 November 2022].

Figure 2: Compositional histogram of additive metal powder particle sizes generated from an automated ParticleX run

2. 2022. Phenom ParticleX AM Desktop SEM. [online] Available at: home/electron-microscopy/products/desktop-scanningelectron-microscopes/phenom-particlex-am.html [Accessed 01 November 2022].


Scientists Supercharge Search for Key Ingredient of Next-Gen Lithium Batteries

Melbourne scientists recently used supercomputers to speed up the search for a key ingredient in the next generation of lithium-metal batteries. This breakthrough could potentially increase storage capacity by 10-fold compared with modern technology.

The research team was led by RMIT University, in collaboration with CSIRO, who believe the work could benefit the development of batteries that allow electric vehicles to drive further and phones to last longer with a single charge.

Senior lead researcher Professor Michelle Spencer from RMIT said the team used supercomputers to develop an ultra-fast way to screen hundreds of potential molecules that could make suitable electrolytes for lithiummetal batteries.

“This work could benefit anyone wanting to use electronic devices, such as mobile phones and laptops, or electrified transportation like electric cars and future electric planes for commercial air travel,” Professor Spencer said.

“Our work is only a small component of the large body of work being done

in the rechargeable battery space, and electric flight for large-scale domestic and international travel is still a long way off,” she added.

Professor Spencer conducts her research at the School of Chemistry, where she is also the Deputy Director of the STEM Centre for Digital Innovation.

Despite rapid advancements, this type of battery still faces several challenges related to the stability of the electrolyte.

“The formulation of electrolytes and the nature of their individual components are critical to the ultimate success of this exciting battery technology,” Professor Spencer said.

“Organic-based electrolytes used in lithium-ion batteries are not compatible with batteries using lithium-metal as the anode, as they tend to decompose when exposed to the metal,” she added.

The research, which also involved RMIT PhD scholar Dale Osborne and CSIRO scientists Dr Michael Breedon and Dr Thomas Rüther, was published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A.

“The team can identify specific features

or molecules that might perform better and recommend them to experimental groups to test in the lab.”

“We are able to calculate how modifying the chemical structure of the electrolyte molecules in a battery can ultimately increase the effective capacity of lithium-based batteries,” Mr Osborne said.

He said the team can also provide key information for reducing research time and costs, which is beneficial for progressing battery technologies in shorter timeframes.

“The computational approach we’ve developed dramatically speeds up the screening process, which would traditionally be prohibitively expensive and time consuming if each candidate molecule were to be experimentally synthesised and tested in the lab,” Osborne said.

The team is investigating further modifications of the electrolyte molecules that might widen their electrochemical stability, pushing the boundaries of battery storage capacity.

“We are also investigating modifications to lithium-air battery chemistry, which are still in the developmental phase, but could be even lighter and suitable for cuttingedge applications such as electric flight,” Professor Spencer said.

The researchers have also used supercomputing facilities at the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) Facility in Canberra and the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre in Western Australia.

“We are also using RMIT’s RACE Hub to analyse our data and produce highresolution animations that help us to interpret our data and communicate our research findings,” Professor Spencer said.

RMIT is collaborating with Amazon Web Services and AARNet to be the first Australian university to implement a dedicated commercial cloud supercomputing facility.

Melbourne scientists recently used supercomputers to speed up the search for a key ingredient in the next generation of lithium-metal batteries. Image credit: RMIT University.
9 5 41 3 5 00 egister your interest for a demo today! Phenom Pharos FEG -SEM Phenom XL G2 SEM Phenom ProX G6 SEM old or Platinum coatings ideal for high resolution FEG-SEM imaging COMPLETELY AU TOM ATED UNI QUE A² TECHNOLOGY COATI NG 1 to 100nm THI CKNESS U PSI DE DOWN DESI GN TRI PLE FUNCTI ON ALI TY ROBUST DESI GN, M ADE I N GERM AN Y 2.
3. Multiple detectors
Fully integrated EDS and SE detector together
surface can be
4. Intuitive software with advanced automation Simply click and go to work or use automated recipes with elemental mapping and line scan functionality 5. Huge time and money saver Provides rapid, multi -scale information in -house for process monitoring and improvement. Full y automated LUXOR sputter coaters reduce risk for sample damage Field Emission Gun (FEG) SEM with 1 - 20 kV range For large samples (100x100 mm) High performance desktop SEM Fully integrated EDS Steel, Technical cleanliness and more Automated GSR SEM Dedicated for gunshot residue analysis 9 5 41 3 5 00 egister your interest for a demo today! Phenom Pharos FEG -SEM Phenom XL G2 SEM Phenom ProX G6 SEM old or Platinum coatings ideal for high resolution FEG-SEM imaging COMPLETELY AU TOM ATED UNI QUE A² TECHNOLOGY COATI NG 1 to 100nm THI CKNESS U PSI DE DOWN DESI GN TRI PLE FUNCTI ON ALI TY ROBUST DESI GN, M ADE I N GERM AN Y 2. Unsurpassed user experience Easy to use without extensive training or SEM experience means the Phenom is accessible to everyone. 3. Multiple detectors reveal finer details Fully integrated EDS and SE detector together with a low -kV beam (1 kV) allows thin contamination layers on the surface can be observed (Phenom Pharos). 4. Intuitive software with advanced automation Simply click and go to work or use automated recipes with elemental mapping and line scan functionality. 5. Huge time and money saver Provides rapid, multi -scale information in -house for process monitoring and improvement. Full y automated LUXOR sputter coaters reduce risk for sample damage Field Emission Gun (FEG) SEM with 1 - 20 kV range For large samples (100x100 mm) High performance desktop SEM Fully integrated EDS Steel, Technical cleanliness and more Automated GSR SEM Dedicated for gunshot residue analysis ATA Scientific Pty Ltd | | | +61 2 9541 3500 Register your interest for a demo today ! Phenom Pharos FEG -SEM Phenom XL G2 SEM Phenom ProX G6 SEM Gold or Platinum coatings ideal for high resolution FEG-SEM imaging ✓ COMPLETELY AUTOMATED ✓ UNIQUE A² TECHNOLOGY ✓ COATING 1 to 100nm THICKNESS ✓ UPSIDE DOWN DESIGN ✓ TRIPLE FUNCTIONALITY ✓ ROBUST DESIGN, MADE IN GERMANY 2. Unsurpassed user experience Easy to use without extensive training or SEM experience means the Phenom is accessible to everyone. 3. Multiple detectors reveal finer details Fully integrated EDS and SE detector together with a low -kV beam (1 kV) allows thin contamination layers on the surface can be observed (Phenom Pharos). 4. Intuitive software with advanced automation Simply click and go to work or use automated recipes with elemental mapping and line scan functionality. 5. Huge time and money saver Provides rapid, multi -scale information in-house for process monitoring and improvement. Phenom Particle X SEM Phenom Perception GSR Fully automated LUXOR sputter coaters reduce risk for sample damage Ease of use is what the Phenom Pharos name has come to mean. All the capabilities of a floor-standing FEG-SEM have been housed in a tabletop model with the simplicity that Phenom desktop SEMs are known for. Gold microparticles taken using Phenom Pharos 5 μm • Field Emission Gun (FEG) SEM with 1 - 20 kV range • <2.0 nm (SE) resolution • For large samples (100x100 mm) • ideal for automation • High performance desktop SEM • Fully integrated EDS • Automation software for Additive Manufacturing, Steel, Technical cleanliness and more • Automated GSR SEM • Dedicated for gunshot residue analysis 9 5 41 3 5 00 egister your interest for a demo today! Phenom Pharos FEG -SEM Phenom XL G2 SEM Phenom ProX G6 SEM Gold or Platinum coatings ideal for high resolution FEG-SEM imaging COMPLETELY AU TOM ATED UNI QUE A² TECHNOLOGY COATI NG 1 to 100nm THI CKNESS U PSI DE DOWN DESI GN TRI PLE FUNCTI ON ALI TY ROBUST DESI GN, M ADE I N GERM AN Y FIVE COMPELLING REASONS TO USE THE PHENOM DESKTOP SEM 1. Super fast, sharp, high contrast images Speeds up project work and provides high -end imaging and analysis critical for many fields from materials, forensics to industrial manufacturing and even life sciences 2. Unsurpassed user experience Easy to use without extensive training or SEM experience means the Phenom is accessible to everyone. 3. Multiple detectors reveal finer details Fully integrated EDS and SE detector together with a low -kV beam (1 kV) allows thin contamination layers on the surface can be observed (Phenom Pharos) 4. Intuitive software with advanced automation Simply click and go to work or use automated recipes with elemental mapping and line scan functionality 5. Huge time and money saver Provides rapid, multi -scale information in -house for process monitoring and improvement Full y automated LUXOR sputter coaters reduce risk for sample damage Ease of use is what the Phenom Pharos name has come to mean All -standing FEG-SEM have been housed in a tabletop model with the simplicity that Phenom desktop SEMs are known for. using Phenom Pharos 5 μm Field Emission Gun (FEG) SEM with 1 - 20 kV range For large samples (100x100 mm) High performance desktop SEM Fully integrated EDS Steel, Technical cleanliness and more Automated GSR SEM Dedicated for gunshot residue analysis
experience Easy to
without extensive training or
experience means the Phenom is accessible to everyone.
reveal finer details
with a low -kV beam (1 kV) allows thin contamination layers on the
observed (Phenom Pharos)

For the Longest Time: Quantum Computing Engineers Set New Standard in Silicon Chip Performance

UNSW engineers have substantially extended the time that their quantum computing processors can hold information by more than 100 times when compared to previous results. Two milliseconds is an extraordinarily long time in the world of quantum computing. On these timescales, the blink of an eye is like an eternity.

However, a team of researchers at UNSW Sydney recently broke new ground in proving that ‘spin qubits’— properties of electrons representing the basic units of information in quantum computers—can hold information for up to two milliseconds.

Known as ‘coherence time’—the duration of time that qubits can be manipulated in increasingly complicated calculations—the achievement is 100 times longer than previous benchmarks in the same quantum processor.

“Longer coherence time means you have more time over which your quantum information is stored— which is exactly what you need when doing quantum operations,” said PhD student Amanda Seedhouse.

“The coherence time is basically telling you how long you can do all of the operations in whatever algorithm or sequence you want to do before

you've lost all the information in your qubits,” she added.

When spin qubits stop spinning, the calculation collapses, and the values represented by each qubit are lost. The concept of extending coherence was confirmed experimentally by quantum engineers at UNSW in 2016.

As such, this made the task even more challenging because working quantum computers of the future will need to keep track of the values of millions of qubits if they are to solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges.

UNSW Sydney solved a technical problem that had stumped engineers for decades on how to manipulate millions of qubits without generating more heat and interference.

Rather than adding thousands of tiny antennas to control millions of electrons with magnetic waves, the research team came up with a way to use one antenna to control the qubits in the chip by introducing a crystal called a dielectric resonator.

These results were recently published in Science Advances.

This solved the problem of space, heat and noise, which would inevitably increase as more qubits are brought online to carry out the mindbending calculations.

Controlling qubit spins in silicon ensures the production of future quantum computer chips can use existing manufacturing technology.

Image credit: Shutterstock.

While control of millions of qubits at once is a great feat, working quantum computers will also need them to be manipulated individually.

If all the spin qubits are rotating at nearly the same frequency, they will have the same values.

“First we showed theoretically that we can improve the coherence time by continuously rotating the qubits,” said Ingvild Hansen, who was the lead researcher on this project.

“If you imagine a circus performer spinning plates, while they’re still spinning, the performance can continue. In the same way, if we continuously drive qubits, they can hold information for longer,” she explained.

The research team showed such ‘dressed’ qubits had coherence times of more than 230 microseconds.

The posed the next challenge of making the protocol more robust and to show how the globally controlled electrons can also be controlled individually.

“Our next goal is to show this working with two-qubit calculations after showing our proof-of-concept in our experimental paper with one qubit,” Hansen said. “Following that, we want to show that we can do this for a handful of qubits as well, to show that the theory is proven in practice.”

Ingvild Hansen and Amanda Seedhouse in the laboratory where quantum computing experiments are carried out. Image credit: UNSW and Richard Freeman.

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End-Of-Life Plan Needed for Tens of Thousands of Wind Turbine Blades

A recent study led by the University of South Australia indicates tens of thousands of wind turbine blades will end up in landfill by the end of the decade unless end-of-life programs are established.

The study was led by Professor Peter Majewski, who highlighted the challenges of recycling wind turbine blades.

These devices are made from either carbon fibre or glass fibre composite material, which are expensive to break down.

“The same features that make these blades cost-effective and reliable for use in commercial wind turbines make them very difficult to recycle in a cost-effective fashion,” Professor Majewski said.

“As it is so expensive to recycle them, and the recovered materials are worth so little, it is not realistic to expect a market-based recycling solution to emerge, so policymakers need to step in now and plan what we’re going to do with all these blades that will come offline in the next few years,” he added. In many parts of the world, wind turbine blades are currently dumped in landfill, but this practice has been banned in some European countries.

Wind turbines are a crucial part of Australia’s commitment towards net zero. These devices supply the electricity grid, which powers homes and businesses. Like onshore wind and solar, offshore wind is a form of renewable energy which is clean, cheap, and reliable.

However, as these devices become more popular, their environmental concerns are also coming to light. There are estimates suggesting there will be more than 40 million tons of blade waste worldwide by 2050. As such, alternative solutions are urgently being sought.

Professor Majewski believes there is some very limited potential for reuse of blades in niche construction settings. However, as a small market

for some of the reclaimed materials, it is likely the costs of disposing of these blades in a sustainable fashion will need to be factored into their production and running costs.

“Our research indicates the most likely viable option is a product stewardship or extended producer responsibility approach, where the cost of recycling the blades is factored into either the cost of their manufacture or the cost of their operation.”

“So, drawing on the experience of similar programs for other products, either the manufacturer must take responsibility for what needs to be done with the blades at the end of their useful life, or the wind farm operators must provide end-of-life solutions as part of the planning approval process for their business operations,” said Professor Majewski.

While self-regulation may offer one solution, researchers believe the long lifespan and high cost of blades means

official frameworks are required to ensure transition of responsibility.

“If manufacturers disappear, or wind farms go broke, we need to ensure processes are still in place for the turbine blades to be disposed of properly,” Professor Majewski said.

Consumers are likely to bear some of the end-of-life cost through energy tariffs, but researchers believe market competition between energy producers should help to minimise the impact of that on the public.

“There will be some cost to this for everyone involved, but we have to accept that as part of the cost of producing energy in this way,” Professor Majewski said.

“Without such solutions, energy options like wind and solar may prove to be no more sustainable than the old technologies they are aiming to replace.”


Hitachi: Inspiring the Next Generation of XRF Analysis

The Hitachi X-MET8000 is a handheld X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyser that delivers ultimate on-site alloy analysis for safety critical applications.

It is light and ergonomic, making it comfortable for daily use. Its nose design is optimised to test material inside bends and corners. With Hitachi’s unique HERO™ (heat resistant) window, you can analyse alloys at up to 400ºC accurately. With X-MET8000, you can minimise laboratory testing and reduce costs whilst ensuring safety and compliance.

Built to Last

The X-MET8000 has an impactresistant housing with environmental sealing, and rubber bumpers around the screen, nose and battery to protect against shocks. A large heat sink provides optimum robustness and stability, even in hot environments. The shield window (optional for Expert and Optimum models) prevents detector and X-ray tube damage when testing small components and sharp objects.

and reports directly to a USB stick, to a PC or a network share using WiFi or Bluetooth, using CSV format or tamper-proof PDF for ultimate data integrity.

You can also create your own reports using the X-MET report generator, without needing to install any

software. These reports can include a company logo, sample image, results, spectra and additional sample information. You can share results on-the-go with suppliers, customers or colleagues with our app.

Extensive Customisable Grade Library

The X-MET8000 includes the most comprehensive grade library: the pre-installed, user selectable AISI, DIN, JIS and GB libraries include a total of over 1,600 alloys. Users can modify the existing libraries, add new grades (such as manufacturer or location specific grades), or create their own library (such as for specific welding material).

The pre-loaded libraries include: nickel, copper, aluminium, cobalt, titanium and zirconium alloys, as well as stainless and low alloy steels.

More Information

To find out more about the X-MET8000 range of analysers, visit or email contact@

WWW.MATERIALSAUSTRALIA.COM.AU BACK TO CONTENTS DECEMBER 2022 | 35 INDUSTRY NEWS Read the metal. Reveal the quality. Hitachi’s range of materials analyzers support the end-to-end metals production process from incoming inspection to final product assembly and finished goods testing to ensure product reliability, safety and regulatory compliance. See the full range at: Complete metals analysis you can count on. X-MET8000 - XRF VULCAN - LIBS MOBILE AND STATIONARY OES

TENSOR – TEM Capabilities with the Ease-of-Use of SEM

TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING a.s. have released the revolutionary new TENSOR – the first 4D-scanning transmission electron microscope (4D-STEM) built from the ground up for a totally new level of performance and user experience. TENSOR is designed to address the needs of anyone with an interest in multimodal nano-characterisation applications (morphological, chemical, and structural), including materials scientists, semiconductor R&D and failure analysis (FA) engineers, and crystallographers.

“With the launch of TENSOR, TESCAN is the go-to company for turnkey ‘medium-voltage’, Schottky FEG, analytical 4D-STEM solutions,” said Jaroslav Klíma, Chief Executive Officer of TESCAN ORSAY Holding (TOH a.s.). “TESCAN understands the challenges of integrating not only STEM, but 4D-STEM capabilities particularly, onto legacy TEM columns. This extensive knowledge was leveraged into the design, from the ground up, whereby scanning of the electron beam is synchronised with diffraction imaging using a hybrid-pixel direct electron detector, electron beam precession, EDS acquisition, beam blanking, and near real-time analysis and processing of 4D-STEM data.”

JK Weiss, TEM Applications R&D Manager and General Manager of TESCAN Tempe, adds, “It is not just the hardware that sets this system apart from every other TEM currently available on the market, but rather, it’s the integration of the hardware and software for a totally revolutionised new user experience that does not require months of Ph.D. or post-doc training or hours of column adjustments between different analysis modes.”

For materials scientists and semiconductor R&D and FA engineers, the TENSOR 4D-STEM provides multimodal, high contrast, highresolution 2D & 3D characterisation of functional (engineered) materials at the nanoscale:

• STEM imaging (bright field, annular dark field, high-angle annular dark field)

• STEM lattice imaging

• Composition (quantitative EDS and elemental mapping)

• Orientation and phase mapping

• Strain mapping

• Virtual STEM and data export

• STEM, STEM-EDS, and diffraction tomography

Applications within the semiconductor lab include multimodal nanocharacterisation of thin films for R&D and failure analysis of logic, memory, and storage devices and advanced packaging.

For crystallographers, the TENSOR

STEM helps to determine the crystallographic structure of small, submicron natural or synthetic particles that are too small to be characterised using micro-XRD techniques.

“TESCAN TENSOR is the next example of innovation by TESCAN, following the company’s launch of the world’s first focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope (FIB/SEM) and Plasma FIB/ SEM, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) applications on FIB/SEM platforms, Dynamic-CT and Spectral-CT,” said Vratislav Koštál, Chief Product Officer at TESCAN. “We’ve listened to our customers and delivered what they’ve asked for – a more accessible TEM solution that is high-performing and productive for mainstream use.”


Optimising CT Systems for Large, Dense Specimens with Linear Detectors

Computed Tomography or CT (sometimes also called microCT) is an excellent tool for non-destructively examining components for defects such as cracks and voids. As such it is ideally suited to additive manufacturing with short production runs of often highly complex components. As the size and density of materials being examined increases, CT systems require more X-ray flux (or high kV) to penetrate the component.

Higher kV examinations of dense materials are also complicated by scattering effects which can blur or smudge edges making quality determinations more difficult. This can be overcome by optimised detector selection.

CT systems like the Yxlon Comet UX50 can usually be specified with an area detector and/or a linear detector. Linear detectors come into their own, when performing high-kV scans. In such scenarios they produce much higher resolution images building up full images on a pixel line by pixel line basis. Although scan times are increased, the image quality and hence the ability to detect defects speaks for itself.

Using a linear detector also provides an extra degree of freedom in terms of sample height. With taller specimens,

the system just keeps scanning and is only limited by the length of travel of the detector.

Using a liner detector is also advantageous when scanning components made from numerous materials of differing densities. Under these circumstances maintaining sharp edges allows you to more easily discern boundaries between individual parts of differing densities. This demonstrates how linear detectors are not only the best choice for large, dense components, but also ideal for systems requiring versatility encountering a wide range of materials.

Automotive throttle body assembly consisting of steel, aluminium, copper and plastic components scanned using an Yxlon Comet UX50 with linear detector.

How 3D Printing has Made Chemistry More Accessible for Visually-Impaired Students

Learning the complexities of the body’s chemistry can be a difficult concept for many students to grasp. Much of their learning is based on being able to visualise the structure and composition of the molecules that comprise the body.

However, when Associate Professor Aaron Oakley discovered one of his own students, who has vision impairment, was taking his secondyear food chemistry class, he did not want her to miss out.

Associate Professor Oakley, from the University of Wollongong’s (UOW) Molecular Horizons, set about creating a collection of 3D-printed models of the molecules of the body, called ChemBraille.

Karlee Symonds is one of two students with a vision impairment who was taking a class with Associate Professor Oakley.

“The body is made up of molecules, such as protein, amino acids, and vitamins. One of the best ways to understand the molecular biology of the body is to visualise it, which is why we use imagery in our teaching extensively,” said Associate Professor Oakley. “Having an idea of the shape and structure of the molecules tells you how it works.”

Researchers at UOW have been using 3D printing for several years to create physical models.

For example, Associate Professor Oakley has worked on molecules that can be displayed on a computer screen. However, he believes a physical model is even better. As such, he devised a simple method to convert the structural data to create something that can be 3D printed.

“When I found out there was going to be a vision-impaired student in my food chemistry class in the autumn session, it seemed an obvious application to assist her to learn about molecule structure,” Associate Professor Oakley said.

ChemBraile is a set of 3D-printed

molecules, which use tactile features to signify the different components of the molecules.

“In a nutshell,” he explained, “molecules have atoms that are joined together with bonds. Atom types are coded by texture. Carbon is smooth, oxygen is spiky, nitrogen has ridges, and the smallest ones are hydrogen.”

“All the information that would be present in an image, that would help the student to understand the structure of a molecule, is included in the 3D-printed models,” Associate Professor Oakley said.

To assist the students within his classes who are vision-impaired, Associate Professor Oakley 3D printed a full set of molecules, including the 20 amino acids that comprise our proteins. While he said the idea is not completely original, it is the first time that he has heard of a lecturer systematically creating physical models to help students.

“It makes education much more accessible,” he explained.

Karlee is in the second year of a Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences. She is visually impaired and said the models have helped her to have a greater understanding of the subject. “As chemistry is such a visual subject,


“I rely extensively on tactile and audible feedback, so the creation of the 3D models helped me immensely to create an image in my head and visualise the structures.”

“I loved that I could distinguish between the different atoms based on textures and I am very grateful for Aaron’s commitment to making the subject accessible,” she said.

I have no functional eyesight, it was definitely a challenge at times. Especially when we were in lockdown [in 2021] and studying online,” Karlee said.

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Established in 1988, Lastek operates from a large, fully restored factory located in the former University of Adelaide’s Commerce and Research Precinct at Thebarton.

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History Meets Technology at The University of Sydney

Founded in 1850, The University of Sydney is Australia’s oldest university.

For over 170 years, the University has broken conventions and established new ones. Today, thousands of students become part of Australia’s rich tapestry in academia.

In 1856, students received their first degree ranging from classics to science and mathematics, and political thoughts. By 1874, the University of Sydney Union was established—the first of its kind in Australia.

One of the most transformative changes occurred in 1881, when women were admitted into the University’s courses—becoming one of the few institutions to do so.

At the turn of the century, the University was making strides with Nigel Barker becoming its first Olympian, and Dame Constance D’Arcy became the first woman to be elected to the University’s Senate.

In 1951, the University awarded its first PhDs and by 1965 Charles Perkins led the Freedom Bus Ride Tour to fight for the rights of Indigenous Australians. Perkins then became Australia’s first Aboriginal graduate in 1966.

“The story of the Kalkadoon People is one survival against all odds but they, and all First Nations People, bear the scars of our dispossession,” said Tony McAvoy SC.

The University established the Dr Charles Perkins AO Memorial Oration

and Prize in 2001 to celebrate the contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the community.

Today, the University of Sydney boasts over 73,000 students who learn at the state-of-the-art facilities from over 8,100 teaching staff.

Students have a range of international opportunities to gain experience and develop overseas, this includes over 250 exchange opportunities. Over 380,000 alumni make up the University’s community from over 170 countries.

The University is not afraid of challenging existing ideas and breaking the mould. Today, researchers use the University’s world-first facilities to drive a cleaner, brighter, and more sustainable future.

From renewable energy to waste transformation, the University’s expertise is often called upon when it comes to bringing research into practice.

Materials Science Research Delivering Exceptional Results

The University of Sydney’s materials science and engineering space provides researchers, students, and industry alike with a suite of knowledge about emerging technologies and materials.

Researchers and students work together to understand the relationships between the properties of materials and how they intersect

with engineering design.

This is crucial when it comes to understanding the properties of fracture and fatigue, composite materials, and ceramics.

Across the engineering stream of research, scientists are engaged in a range of areas:

• Complex systems

• Data science and computer engineering

• Energy, resources and the environment

• Food products, process and supply chain

• Healthcare engineering

• Infrastructure and transport

• Internet of things

• Robotics and intelligent systems

For example, researchers have worked with carbon fibre reinforced polymers, which have traditionally lacked a viable recycling method.

“Until now, it has been impossible to continuously recycle products made of carbon fibres. Given that most recycling involves shredding, cutting or grinding, fibres are worn out, decreasing a future product’s viability,” said Dr Ali Hadigheh from the School of Engineering.

“To combat this issue and to support a true circular economy, we developed an efficient and cost-effective method for recycling carbon fibre, which is present in tablets through to BMWs.”


The University of Sydney is also showing that actions speak louder than words when it comes to sustainability. From 1 July, the University became 100 per cent reliant on renewable electricity to power its campuses and student accommodation.

The University is on a mission to reach net zero emissions by 2030. This step is the equivalent of removing 31,200 cars from the road.

“Reducing emissions to combat climate change is a priority for our staff and students and we are committed to embedding sustainability in every aspect of University life,” said ViceChancellor Professor Mark Scott AO.

The University relies on a wide range of facilities to make these dreams a reality. The state-of-theart laboratories and workspaces are centralised, which provides a unique space for researchers to exchange ideas and collaborate.

Some of these facilities include:

• Research and prototype foundry

• Analytical

• Cytometry

• Imaging

• Sydney informatics hub

• Sydney manufacturing hub

• Mass spectrometry

• Microscopy and microanalysis

At the Research and Prototype Foundry, researchers are able to transform their brightest thoughts for devices and structures at the microand nanoscale into a reality. The facility offers deposition and etching technology, which allows for atomprecise experiments to be conducted. There are also fibre fabrication capabilities, which create uniform lengths of fibre including polymers and fluidic microstructures.

Meanwhile, at the Sydney Cytometry facility, researchers use innovative instrumentation techniques to develop breakthroughs in biological or biomedical research. For example, the facility provides cell-sorting technologies, which have been applied in a range of clinical research trials.

Around 400,000 people die from malaria each year, according to the World Health Organisation. But University of Sydney researchers have studied the body’s immune response

to reduce the amount of white blood cells available that ‘stick’ to infected red blood cells. A similar technique has been studied for COVID-19 patients who are suffering from acute respiratory disease syndrome.

“The cutting-edge instrumentation and world-class analytical data pipeline at Sydney Cytometry will allow us to monitor changes in the blood profiles of patients in this trial in unprecedented detail and are absolutely crucial to its success,” said Professor Nicholas King.

Students and postgraduate researchers are also a key part of the University of Sydney’s academic endeavours. At the Mechanical Testing Laboratory, early-career researchers develop the skills to work with metals, polymers, composites, and other materials.

This allows scientists to test:

• Tensile and compressive modulus

• Strength and strain at failure

• Fracture toughness

• Friction and wear resistance testing for a number of environmental conditions

In addition, The University of Sydney has several initiatives, which have been identified as joint research and education collaborations.

Australian Centre for Microscopy & Microanalysis

At the Australian Centre for Microscopy & Microanalysis, researchers use high-end equipment to bridge the knowledge gaps in microscopy research. The centre has been pioneering functional

nanomaterials, cancer technologies, atom probe tomography and the design of light alloys for over 60 years.

In one instance, researchers are working towards three-dimensional imaging of atoms in advanced titanium alloys and the advanced characterisation of zirconium alloys for the world of nuclear activity. Together, this research paves the way for a new era in materials science.

The Centre is led by Professor Julie Cairney, who is a trailblazer in materials science research at The University of Sydney. Professor Cairney was recently the recipient of the 2022 ANSTO Prize for Innovative Use of Technology. She created a new microscopy workflow to map out the 3D position of hydrogen atoms, which are traditionally light and mobile.

These atoms are typically quite difficult to see using existing microscopy methods. But Professor Cairney’s research will help to slow hydrogen embrittlement in steels, which is a major challenge when hydrogen is transported as a clean fuel.

“Hydrogen makes alloys brittle, which is a major issue for a future hydrogen industry in Australia. In my lab, we’ve developed a research technique that can show the position of hydrogen atoms in three dimensions,” said Professor Cairney.

Professor Cairney is also involved in other projects, which investigate novel artificial intelligence alloys for high toughness design environments alongside cluster strengthening.


Centre for Advanced Materials Technology

Engineering science and technology is the core focus for researchers at the Centre for Advanced Materials Technology. The Centre was established in 1989 and seeks to conduct high quality research into materials science and technology.

It has a wide range of research areas, including:

• Biomaterials and functionally graded materials

• Composites science and technology

• Nanomaterials

• Nanomechanics and nanotribology

• Smart materials and structures

• Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics

• Structures with embedded intelligence and multi-functionality

For example, researchers are working on fibre-polymer functionality graded materials to provide longevity, strength, and sustainability to the aerospace industry.

The Microscopy and Materials Characterisation Laboratory sits within the Centre for Advanced Materials Technology. It is equipped with technology to determine sample structure, composition, thermal and mechanical properties.

Digital Science Initiative

At the world-class Digital Science Initiative, researchers live by the motto: engineering for the future. Together, they embark on an ambitious research agenda to bring fundamental digital sciences and applied digital technologies to life.

Unlike some digital technologies, which cover a broad range of ‘vertical’ applications like health imaging, agriculture, and defence; digital sciences cover ‘horizontal’ research areas. These areas include artificial intelligence, data-centric engineering, and other modern applications.

In a recent example, the founders of the global technology company Appen will fund a $1 million acceleration of the Digital Sciences Initiative. The funding will support Professor Gemma Figtree's research to achieve the 'holy grail' of cardiac disease research—the discovery of blood-based biomarkers that indicate

the earliest signs of heart disease.

"As part of our study, we will analyse blood samples of individuals who have advanced imaging of their coronary arteries and characterisation of their coronary plaque burden,” Professor Figtree said.

“We will use advanced technology platforms to measure hundreds of thousands of small molecules in the blood, including, RNA, protein and metabolites, as well as genomic variations. With the help of machine learning, we will then be able to train our systems to discover novel signatures of coronary plaque.”

Researchers will develop a new method for early diagnosis, which could pave the way for the early detection of coronary heart disease.

“Our vision is for a simple blood test that your GP could order on a regular basis to detect the earliest phases of coronary heart disease,” Professor Figtree said.

Sydney Manufacturing Hub

Sydney’s factory of the future has arrived at the University of Sydney’s Manufacturing Hub.

The facility brings state-of-theart technology with world-leading scientists to bridge the gaps between knowledge and practice.

The University of Sydney’s ViceChancellor Professor Mark Scott AO said the Hub is a research and development leader in the region, which will be working closely with the public and private sector.

“The Sydney Manufacturing Hub, situated in Darlington at the very heart of ‘Tech Central’ is a key demonstrator for what is ultimately possible when government, industry and higher education work together on highimpact technologies,” he said.

The Hub works across aerospace, autonomous vehicles, biotechnology, defence and maritime technology and robotics. Together, it brings capabilities for design, the 3D printing of metals, ceramics and polymers, as well as post-processing heat treatment, advanced characterisation and other advanced manufacturing technologies crucial for developing the industries of the future.

University of Sydney’s Core Research Facilities, who said the Hub will drive the state’s Industry 5.0 ambitions with the help of advanced manufacturing.

“Using these technologies we could soon see Australian designed and built space rocket engines, hypersonic vehicles, satellites, eco-active building and construction, and fast tracking of the electrification revolution in propulsion.”

“On one hand, we are looking at the periodic table with fresh eyes—additive manufacturing lets us combine elements to make new materials with entirely new combinations of properties at scale. On the other hand, additive and advanced manufacturing has made manufacturing more accessible, with digital workflows making it easier for local companies to enter competitive global markets,” Professor Ringer said.

The University has partnered with General Electric subsidiary, GE Additive as part of a strategic fiveyear agreement to advance Australia’s manufacturing capabilities.

Researchers and industry representatives will collaborate on research and development opportunities for new materials by using metal printing technologies from GE Additive.

“The Sydney Manufacturing Hub is now open for business and ready to engage with industry across NSW, particularly SMEs where there is significant opportunity for new highskilled jobs,” said GE Australia Country Leader Sam Maresh.

“This facility will support the collaboration of industry and researchers and is set to become a commercialisation hub for new products and innovations across a range of advanced manufacturing industries.”

New South Wales is positioning itself as a trailblazer in the additive manufacturing space within the AsiaPacific region.

“The Sydney Manufacturing Hub is a significant step towards achieving that ambition,” Maresh said

Professor Simon Ringer is the Director of the

Asia-Pacific International Conference on Additive Manufacturing

21st - 23rd June 2023

The University of Sydney

The 3rd Asia-Pacific International Conference on Additive Manufacturing (APICAM) is the not-to-be-missed industrial application focused conference of 2023.

The 5th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Additive Manufacturing (APICAM) is the not-to-be-missed industry conference of 2023. APICAM was created to provide an opportunity for industry professionals and thinkers to come together, share knowledge and engage in the type of networking that is vital to the furthering of the additive manufacturing industry.

APICAM was created to provide an opportunity for industry professionals and academic researchers to come together, share knowledge and engage in the type of networking that is vital to the furthering of the additive manufacturing industry.

Some of the leading minds in the industry will give presentations on pressing issues and the ways in which innovations can navigate challenges. Important areas such as 3D printing and additive manufacturing in the automotive, biomedical, defence and aerospace industries will be covered by experts from each respective field.

Some of the leading minds in the field of additive manufacturing will give presentations on pressing issues and the ways in which innovations can navigate challenges. Important areas such as applications of additive manufacturing in the, biomedical, defence and aerospace industries will be covered by experts from each respective field.

The event is being curated by Materials Australia, the peak Australian materials technology body, which has drawn on its considerable pull in the industry to create a world-class event that is a must-attend for anyone involved in the additive materials industry.

The purpose of this conference is to provide a focused forum for the presentation of advanced research and improved understanding of various aspects of additive manufacturing.


You can submit an abstract in the following areas of interest:

Additive Manufacturing Defence Application

Abstracts are able to be submitted in the following areas:

Additive Manufacturing Green/Clean Energy Additive Manufacturing Space Application

Additive Manufacturing of Metals

Additive Manufacturing of Polymers

Additive Manufacturing PostProcessing

Additive Manufacturing of Concretes

Bioprinting and Biomaterials

Advanced Characterisation Techniques and Feedstocks

Ceramic and Concrete Additive Manufacturing

Computational Modelling of Thermal Processes for Metallic Parts

The APICAM2023 organizing committee is seeking abstracts for either an oral or poster presentation.

The main features of APICAM 2023 will include presentations by experts as well as workshops that will help attendees sharpen their skills and then be able to pass on this knowledge to other industry professionals. The event has been designed to allow for ample networking time so that important knowledge-transfer can take place and partnerships can be created that will enrich the industry.


Design, Qualification and Certification Digital Manufacturing

Part Design for Additive Manufacturing Failure Mechanisms and Analysis

Emerging Additive Manufacturing Technologies

Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Materials

Metal Additive Manufacturing Modelling and Simulations

New Frontiers in Additive Manufacturing Process Parameter and Defect Control


Tanya Smith | Materials Australia +61 3 9326 7266 |

Tanya Smith | Materials Australia

+61 3 9326 7266 |

Process-Microstructure-Property Relationships

Polymer Additive Manufacturing Sustainability

Testing and Qualification in Additive Manufacturing

Abstracts close 31 January 2023
21st - 23rd June 2023 | The University of Sydney

Graphene Oxide Membranes Reveal

Unusual Behaviour of Water at the Nanoscale

Do more pores in a sieve allow more liquid to flow through it? As material scientists recently uncovered, this seemingly simple question may have an unexpected answer at the nanoscale.

Researchers from UNSW Sydney, University of DuisburgEssen (Germany), GANIL (France) and Toyota Technological Institute (Japan) who experimented with Graphene Oxide (GO) membranes, have discovered the opposite can occur at the nanoscopic level.

The research shows the chemical environment of the sieve and the surface tension of the liquid play a surprisingly important role in permeability. The researchers observed that a density of pores does not necessarily lead to higher water permeability.

“If you create more and more holes in a sieve, you expect it to become more permeable to water. But surprisingly, that is the opposite of what happened in our experiments with graphene oxide membranes,” said Associate Professor Rakesh Joshi, who was a senior author of the study at UNSW.

The chemical compound is made up of a single layer of carbon atoms with oxygen and hydrogen atoms attached. For example, when LEGO bricks are scattered on the floor; its ground surface are the carbon atoms, while the LEGO bricks would form the oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

In chemistry, molecules can have what is known as ‘functional groups’ that are either hydrophobic (water repelling) or hydrophilic.

The pores in graphene can also be hydrophobic or hydrophilic, according to Tobias Foller, who is a UNSW Scientia PhD candidate and lead author of the study. “Surprisingly, more important for the water flux (flow of water through a membrane) isn’t the number of pores, but whether the pores are hydrophobic or hydrophilic,” said Foller.

Mysterious Diamonds Came from Outer Space, Scientists Say

Strange diamonds from an ancient dwarf planet in our solar system may have formed shortly after the dwarf planet collided with a large asteroid about 4.5 billion years ago, according to scientists.

Researchers believe they have confirmed the existence of lonsdaleite, which is a rare hexagonal form of diamond, in ureilite meteorites from inside the dwarf planet.

The team compromised scientists from Monash University, RMIT University, CSIRO, the Australian Synchrotron and Plymouth University. Together, they found evidence of how lonsdaleite formed in ureilite meteorites and published their findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal.

One of the senior researchers involved, Professor Dougal McCulloch from RMIT, said the team predicted the hexagonal structure of lonsdaleite’s atoms, which made it potentially harder than regular diamonds.

“This study proves categorically that lonsdaleite exists in nature,” said Professor McCulloch. “We have also discovered the largest lonsdaleite crystals known to date that are up to a micron in size—much, much thinner than a human hair.”

The team discovered the unusual structures of lonsdaleite could help inform new manufacturing techniques for ultrahard materials in mining applications.

Professor McCulloch and his team believe there are a range of industry applications for this research. “Nature has thus provided us with a process to try and replicate in industry. We think that lonsdaleite could be used to make tiny, ultrahard machine parts if we can develop an industrial process that promotes replacement of pre-shaped graphite parts by lonsdaleite.”

Scientia PhD Candidate Tobias Foller and A/Prof. Rakesh Joshi. Image credit: UNSW Sydney. Monash University Professor Andy Tomkins (left) with RMIT University PhD scholar Alan Salek holding a ureilite meteor sample at the RMIT Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility. Image credit: RMIT University Professor Dougal McCulloch (left) and PhD scholar Alan Salek from RMIT with Professor Andy Tomkins from Monash University (right) at the RMIT Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility. Image credit: RMIT University

Engineers Develop

New Integration

Route for Tiny Transistors

Researchers from UNSW Sydney have developed a tiny, transparent and flexible material to be used as a novel dielectric (insulator) component in transistors.

The new material would enable what conventional silicon semiconductor electronics cannot do—get any smaller without compromising their function.

The research, recently published in Nature, indicates the potential for large-scale production of a 2D field-effect transistor—a device used to control current in electronics. The new material could help overcome the challenges of nanoscale silicon semiconductor production for dependable capacitance and efficient switching behaviour.

Researchers believe this is one of the crucial bottlenecks to solve for the development of a new generation of futuristic electronic devices.

“Not only does it pave a critical pathway to overcome the fundamental limit of the current silicon semiconductor industry in miniaturisation, but it also fills a gap in semiconductor applications due to silicon’s opaque and rigid nature,” said Professor Sean Li from the UNSW Materials and Manufacturing Futures Institute.

“Simultaneously, the elastic and slim nature could enable the accomplishment of flexible and transparent 2D electronics,” he added.

A transistor is a small semiconductive device used as a switch for electronic signals. They are an essential component of integrated circuits. As they have become smaller and more powerful over time, so too have electronics. But developing more powerful future electronics will require transistors with sub-nanometre thickness—a size conventional silicon semiconductors cannot reach.

“As microelectronic miniaturisation occurs, the materials currently being used are pushed to their limits because of energy loss and dissipation as signals pass from one transistor to the next,” Professor Li said.

Decarbonising with Green Solar Hydrogen Energy

Global urbanisation and industrialisation are leaving mighty dents and enormous carbon footprints, which are unable to be ‘absorbed’ and remain resilient in the environment. Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world's carbon emissions will need to be cut by 50% by 2030 in order to keep a global temperature rise well within 1.5°C above the pre-industrial level.

But Associate Professor Chong Meng Nan from the School of Engineering at Monash University, Malaysia believes most countries are still highly dependent on using carbonderivative fuels as their primary energy sources.

“This means we’ll need to ‘decouple’ the relationship between global urbanisation and industrialisation activities from carbon emissions – indicating that while we’re urbanising and industrialising more rapidly, the carbon emissions in the environment will need to take a significant dip,” said Associate Professor Chong.

Researchers have created a green engineering approach through the support of various universities, and national and international competitive funding schemes.

“We’re adopting a ‘whole of system design’ concept in our engineering approach,” Associate Professor Chong said.

For example, the team is developing a pragmatic and advanced nanotechnological system for scale-up production of green H2 fuel encompassing its entire production life cycle. There are also other advanced systems being developed within the research team, focussing on the production, storage, transportation and use of green H2 fuel.

“By working closely with the industries, we’re anticipating a rapid translational and adoption of our technology in establishing Malaysia as a globally-competitive supplier in exporting green H2 fuels as early as 2027,” Associate Professor Chong said.

Dr Jing-Kai Huang, Dr Ji Zhang, Dr Junjie Shi and Professor Sean Li from the UNSW Materials and Manufacturing Futures Institute. Image credit: Robert Largent.

Metal Shows its Steel Against Fungal Infections

University of Queensland (UQ) researchers recently found metal compounds could be the answer to the growing problem of drug-resistant fungal infections.

Associate Professor Mark Blaskovich, Dr Alysha Elliott and other researchers from UQ’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience, together with Dr Angelo Frei from The University of Bern in Switzerland, found one in five metal compounds displayed antifungal properties.

Dr Blaskovich said the compounds showed potential to be used in the development of much-needed antifungal drugs. “Fungal infections cause an estimated 1.5 million deaths a year and are especially dangerous for people who are immunocompromised, such as chemotherapy and transplant patients.”

“As well as bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, fungi - which cause meningitis and infections of the skin, lungs and bloodstream—are becoming resistant to known treatments,” Dr Blaskovich said.

The team had previously shown metal compounds like the platinum-containing anticancer agent cisplatin have antibacterial properties. A such, they carried out first largescale screening to investigate their antifungal potential.

“We found 21% of the metal compounds screened showed antifungal activity—compared to only 1% of the 300,000 non-metal compounds screened previously,” Dr Blaskovich said.

The research team found those with the highest antifungal activity also showed low toxicity in preliminary tests.

“The beauty of metal complexes is their three-dimensional structure, meaning they could work in different ways to existing antifungal drugs and overcome resistance.”

“We’d like to see more researchers submit their metal complexes for antimicrobial testing so we can speed up the pipeline to produce new antifungal drugs and prevent a resistance crisis,” Dr Blaskovich said. printed while also minimising fabrication costs."

Scanning Electron Microscopy images of synthesised (UxZr1-x)O2 samples with x = 0.88 (left) and x = 0.44 (right). Image credit: ANSTO.

Research on Nuclear Fuel

Burnup Supports

Reduction of Waste and Fuel Costs

Researchers have investigated what occurs at the interface of the uranium oxide fuel pellet and the surrounding cladding, which supports efforts to increase the burnup level of nuclear reactor fuel.

The United States’ Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency are aiming to increase burnup from 50 gigawatt-days per metric ton (GWd/MTU) of uranium to 75.

If this can be done safely, it decreases fuel costs, increases proliferation resistance and decreases the amount of fuel waste.

“When the burnup exceeds 50 GWd/MTU, a pellet clad bond layer (PCBL) forms between the uranium dioxide nuclear fuel and the zirconium alloy cladding,” explained Dillon Frost, who is a UNSW PhD candidate and AINSE scholarship recipient.

Mathematical modelling was used before researchers synthesised samples of the material (U,Zr)O2, which makes up the pellet-clad bond layer.

“This work is important because a validated model to predict thermal properties such as heat capacity and thermal expansion can be used in updating fuel performance codes, used to ensure the safety of the fuel during reactor operation, and contributing to an increase in fuel burnup,” said Dr Jessica Veliscek Carolan from ANSTO.

The scientists used ANSTO’s specialist laboratories for the handling of radioactive materials. The models were then validated using high-temperature x-ray diffraction techniques and inelastic neutron scattering on the Pelican instrument at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering.

Simulations predicted that between 300-500 K, the (U,Zr) O2 had lower thermal conductivity than the UO2 fuel. However, at higher temperatures, there were no significant differences between the bond layer and the fuel.

Associate Professor Mark Blaskovich. Image credit: UQ.

$40m Funding Boost for Sydney Medical Research

University of Sydney researchers have been awarded almost $40 million under the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund, with projects spanning cardiovascular disease, dementia, and genomics.

The projects include funding to:

• Embed RNA diagnostics within the Australian health system

• Improve timely dementia diagnoses

• Evaluate immunotherapy treatments for a rare yet expensive cause to treat neurological disorder

The Medical Research Future Fund aims to transform health and medical research and innovation, improve lives, build the economy and contribute to health system sustainability.

In one project, Professor Sandra Cooper from the Kids Neuroscience Centre at Children's Hospital at Westmead received $2.9 million to embed RNA diagnostics within the Australian health system and provide genetic answers for families who previously had none.

In addition, Associate Professor Fiona Stanaway from the Sydney School of Public Health received $782,008 for a project that quantifies ethnic inequalities in access to best care for cardiovascular disease.

International research has demonstrated large inequalities related to ethnicity in the frequency of cardiovascular disease, its outcomes and access to care. However, many of these inequalities remain unrecognised in Australia.

Executive Dean and Vice-Chancellor Medicine and Health Professor Robyn Ward congratulated the grant recipients.

“I’d like to congratulate all of our successful grant recipients. This is an outstanding result for the University which demonstrates the breadth of our world-class research across priority areas in public health— cardiovascular disease and dementia—and in emerging areas of research, such as genomics,” she said.

Professor Ward said these projects will have a “lasting impact” on the Australian health system and the health outcomes of many people.

Industry and Science minister Ed Husic with Katy Gallagher and Anthony Albanese. Image credit: Facebook.

Science and Business Leaders Join Ed Husic’s Quantum Advisory

Staying true to both the scientific and business complexities Australia faces in unlocking the national interest benefits of quantum computing is a crucial milestone.

As such, Minister for Industry Ed Husic recently named a mix of eminent commercial and scientific leaders to a new National Quantum Advisory Committee. Chaired by Australia’s Chief Scientist Cathy Foley, the 15-person committee is part of a push to coordinate the nation’s quantum capability across research, industry and government. The committee will also help shape the national quantum strategy being developed by Dr Foley, which is expected to be delivered by the end of the year. Husic compared the national ambitions and potential benefits of building a successful, globally focussed quantum industry with the ambition and technological benefits of the original Snowy Hydro Scheme.

“We have a comparative advantage in building and commercialising quantum technologies. We need to ensure we embed quantum capability and value here in Australia, for the benefit of Australians,” said Husic.

The National Quantum Advisory Committee includes some of the nation’s brightest minds.

“We are acknowledged as having some of the best minds in quantum anywhere in the world,” Husic told the Pearcey Foundation.

“I want to ensure that the Australian quantum community is embedded in the global development of quantum technology – that we build a lasting and sustainable research community and support a thriving commercial industry right here in Australia,” he said.

The program is underpinned by the National Quantum Strategy, which focuses on the wide involvement of Australia’s sharpest innovators and companies.


Powering The Future: Materials Science Paving the Way Towards Net Zero


FEATURE – Powering The Future

Australia is in the grips of its greatest transformation into the energy sector since the 1950s.

Traditional energy sources like coal and gas account for approximately 70% of all electricity produced onshore. Meanwhile, natural gas is the third largest energy source and is widely used by power stations, factories, workplaces, and homes.

These non-renewable sources are running out of steam, as the world grapples with rising temperatures and sea levels, which are driven by these unsustainable forms of energy production.

As such, there are a host of opportunities on the horizon as Australia seeks to decarbonise and shift towards renewable energy sources.

In fact, renewables remain the cheapest new-build electricity generation option in Australia.

“Across the energy system we are seeing a significant increase in renewable-generated electricity, combined with an increase in electricity requirements such as in transport,

buildings, manufacturing and mining,” said Dr John Ward, who is the Energy Systems Research Director at CSIRO.

“The cost of renewable energy is no longer the challenge—integrating renewable energy securely and efficiently into our electricity systems, and ensuring we have the right operational tools and capabilities in place, is what we need to solve,” he added.

Australia produced more clean energy last year than ever before. In fact, the Clean Energy Council has found around 35.9% of renewable energy was generated from wind, which led to 11.7% of all electricity.

These changes are driven by economic, environmental, and engineering factors. However, there is also a strong push from consumers and corporate organisations who are seeking to transform Australia’s reliance on supply and use.

“Businesses will drive this change, so we must avoid unintended consequences that hold up transition driving projects, investments in new and existing industries, or make it more difficult

secure the capital needed to keep our economy growing,” said Jennifer Westacott, who is the Chief Executive Officer at the Business Council of Australia.

This transformation was recently legislated by the Federal Government, which is seeking to reduce emissions by 43% from 2005 levels by 2030, and then become net zero by 2050.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the legislation will pave the way for a new era of Australian innovation and sustainability.

“It will help open the way for new jobs, new industries, new technologies and a new era of prosperity for Australian manufacturing,” he said.

With the Federal Government's recent climate change push, research institutions are ready to launch into a world of opportunity and capitalise on Australia’s renewables-rich environment.

But materials science and industry need to work together transform this plan into a reality.


FEATURE – Powering The Future

Where Does Our Electricity Come From?

Australia’s electricity production comes from a range of non-renewable and renewable sources. For example, coal is burned in a large power plant, which then produces electricity.

This is transferred through distribution networks that convert voltage to a lower form through local poles, which then feeds into powering homes and workplaces.

The National Electricity Market is the backbone of Australia’s electricity supply. It accounts for 80% of all electricity produced in the country, apart from the Northern Territory and Western Australia.

In addition, Australia relies on gas fields that can be detrimental to human health and the surrounding environment.

These power sources are unsustainable and according to the Chief Executive Officer at the Climate Council Amanda McKenzie, time is running out to act.

“Australia has paid a heavy price for more than a decade of climate inaction from the previous Government, with a “poor and deteriorating” outlook for our irreplaceable environment, ecosystems and species,” she said.

The Climate Council is pushing for the Federal Government to stop all new coal, gas projects, and eliminate the country’s reliance on fossil fuels.

“Rapid and deep cuts to global greenhouse gas emissions can help protect our environment,” said Ms McKenzie.

“Australia’s high greenhouse gas emissions are contributing to the decline of our environment. After almost a decade of ‘lost years’ of inaction, there is no more time to waste. We must rapidly drive down emissions this decade and immediately stop the expansion of new coal and gas projects,” she added.

As the Federal Government works with the private sector to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, materials scientists are ready to launch into a new world of opportunity.


FEATURE – Powering The Future

A Renewed Focus For The Renewables Journey

Innovative materials that boast functionality, sustainability and productivity can activate a new era in Australia’s shift towards renewables. This comes in many forms: from powering the energy grid, to smarter batteries for electric vehicles.

Researchers are working across a range of areas like wind and solar photovoltaics (PV), which have become the cheapest forms of new electricity generation, and battery storage and thermal energy capacity to drive the nation’s renewable energy generation into the future.

The University of Melbourne

The Engineering Materials Research Program brings some of the sharpest minds together to discover and optimise new materials for energy applications.

Together, these scientists and researchers have their sights on hydrogen, solar energy consumption, lighting and conversion, and energy generation and storage.

These research capabilities tie together to provide real-world impact to:

• Reduce energy consumption of separation processes

• Develop organic and earth-abundant inorganic thin film solar photovoltaic technologies

• Reduce cost of anode materials in batteries

• Design computational materials for lightweight structural components in electric vehicles

In addition to their research, the program collaborates with industry partners to bring this research to life.

“In order to seamlessly integrate large volumes of affordable renewable energy at both centralised and distributed levels, we need the right suites of technical and market solutions and mechanisms in place,” said Professor Pierluigi Mancarella, who is the Chair of Electrical Power Systems at the University of Melbourne.

Researchers and industry alike are working to alleviate the stress of transitioning from non-renewable energy sources to renewables.

“Just imagine, suddenly you have thousands of customers selling electricity in a market designed for 100 large scale power plants. Commercially, it's completely disruptive. We need to develop completely new concepts around distributed energy,” Professor Mancarella said.

The University of Melbourne has worked with between AusNet Services, Mondo Power, and the Australian Energy Market Operator on Project EDGE—a blueprint for distributed energy sources, which can work with the wholesale market.

In addition, researchers are also working with the Ford Motor Company to design structural components for batteries in their new range of electric vehicles.

Deakin University

Thirty PhD students and 80 postdoctoral researchers are working on the next generation of materials science at any given time at the Institute of Frontier Materials (IFM).

The facility is based at Deakin University and connects likeminded peers with a suite of opportunities to address materials challenges in energy.

Professor Jenny Pringle and her colleagues are paving the way for new electrolytes

for the next generation of batteries.

“A more sustainable future relies on better battery technology. But we can’t develop better batteries without better materials, and that’s where the world class researchers and facilities at Deakin University come in,” she said.

Through IFM’s advanced facilities, researchers study reliable energy solutions to ensure Australia’s transition to net zero and renewables is successful.

At the state-of-the-art the BatTRIHub, scientists prototype new battery technologies. Through this, they have made advances into new electrolytes and alternative battery technologies, including metal-air batteries and sodium.

Batteries are crucial for mobile phones and electric vehicles. However, Professor Pringle said they also benefit Australia’s road towards net zero.

“Improving station batteries is also vital to help mitigate climate change by reducing emissions through the use of sustainable materials and allowing us to store renewable energy from wind and solar farms,” she said.

Ionic thermal electrolytes are also part of the equation when it comes to energy capture and storage. These devices are a gamechanger for Australia’s thermal energy approach, which involves a complex chemical reaction to produce heated temperatures.


“We’re also looking at incorporating our solid electrolyte materials into membranes that can be used to separate carbon dioxide from industrial waste gas streams to reduce emissions. Collaboration with our valuable industry partners is essential to this work, and we’re looking forward to collaborating with future partners to achieve even more in this field,” Professor Pringle said.

UNSW Sydney

UNSW physicists are one part of the Australian Centre of Excellence, where a dedicated group of professionals work towards a sustainable future.

Together, with FLEET research initiatives, UNSW brings together over 100 Australian and international experts with the goal of developing a new generation of ultra-low energy electronics in a range of fields:

• Advanced electronic materials and devices

• Semiconductors for energy applications

• Nanoiionic materials

• Hydrogen storage and battery technology

Up to 8% of global electricity demands energy used in computation, and this figure is doubling with every decade.

In fact, society’s increasing need for extra computing requires new developments and more efficient processes to help power the future.

“For computing to continue to grow, we need a new generation of electronics that dissipates much less wasted energy,” said Professor Alex Hamilton, who is FLEET’s Deputy Director.

For example, FLEET researchers at UNSW are tackling the operation of electronic devices with a range of recent research that investigates highfrequency and smaller devices.

“This new all single-crystal design will be ideal for making ultra-small electronic devices, quantum dots, and for qubit applications,” Professor Hamilton said.

There are around 12 billion transistors in the postage-stamp sized central chip

of modern smartphones. However, this new research could power highfrequency phones, radar, radio and satellite communications.

Similarly, at the Hydrogen Storage and Battery Technology Group, physicists work on the development of nano and microstructure novel materials for greater use in energy storage systems.

Hydrogen has immense opportunities, but its development has been clouded when it comes to putting research into practice.

As such, UNSW researchers are seeking to develop safe and effective strategies for hydrogen storage material to ensure that it can power Australian homes and businesses into the future.

Monash University

Functional and energy materials are they a focus for Monash University scientists. Led by Professor Kiyonori Suzuki and Dr Julie Karel, the team of researchers have a keen focus on materials for photovoltaic technologies.

These devices convert sunlight into

FEATURE – Powering The Future

electricity and are seen as the next era for Australia’s electricity generation.

For instance, buildings in the City of Melbourne could be up to 74% selfsustainable when it comes to their own electricity needs when solar technology is used in walls, windows, and roofs.

These window-integrated photovoltaics, alongside other solar technologies, are the first of their kind at a city scale.

“By using photovoltaic technology commercially available today and incorporating the expected advances in wall and window-integrated solar technology over the next ten years, we could potentially see our CBD on its way to Net Zero in the coming decades,” said Professor Jacek Jasieniak.

The research team believes the widespread deployment of these emerging, highly efficient solar windows and photovoltaic technology could be a gamechanger for building facades.

“We began importing coal-fired power from the LaTrobe Valley in the 1920s to stop the practice of burning smoginducing coal briquettes onsite to power our CBD buildings, and it’s now feasible that over one hundred years later, we could see a full circle moment of Melbourne’s buildings returning to local power generation within the CBD, but using clean, climate-safe technologies that help us meet Australia’s Net Zero 2050 target,” Professor Jasieniak said.

As the world transitions towards a net zero future, these energy solutions are expected to drive rapid market growth and reduce the overall carbon footprint of high-rise buildings. The findings were recently published in Solar Energy.


Australia's national science agency, CSIRO is leading the charge towards an energy-efficient future.

At the Materials for Energy and the Environment Group, scientists solve industrial challenges and reduce the environmental impacts of materials production.

The team seeks to develop marketbased materials across the energy sector to drive Australia's position towards net zero.

CSIRO SME Collaboration Lead Dr George Feast said business-led innovation was a key part of Australia’s

energy transition, but businesses were often unsure how to get involved with research and development (R&D).

“The energy sector in particular will see continued change over the coming years and there are huge opportunities for businesses to be part of the country’s energy transition, in areas such as EV (electric vehicle) charging, household solar, energy storage and other low emission technologies,” Dr Feast said.

The CSIRO Kick-Start program and Innovation Connections scheme turns research into practice across several key areas:

• Metal organic frameworks

• Nano-porous materials

• Catalysis and membranes

• Electrospinning

• Rapid automated materials and processing

• Conservation grade painting resin

More than 1,700 businesses have worked with CSIRO to develop modern technologies and ideas, including many in the energy sector.

“We want small and medium-sized businesses around the country to be part of the action, so we are looking for people who are sitting on ideas but need more guidance to refine and explore them further,” Dr Feast said.


Alternate energy sources are a big part of ANSTO's work through the Energy Materials stream. This provides the platform for researchers to advance energy technologies across five key areas:

1. Hydrogen production

2. Gas-storage materials

3. Fuel cell research

4. Lithium conducting materials for lithium battery applications

5. Semiconductor materials for dyesensitised solar cell applications

As part of the hydrogen production

stream of research, neutron-scattering techniques are used to derive benefit from hydrogen generated reactions. This paves the way for sustainable hydrogen production, which could form the key to Australia’s net zero future.

ANSTO researchers have access to state-of the-art facilities and equipment, including the gas-dosing rig. This device samples neutron-scattering techniques and hydrogen storage capabilities through the iconic ECHIDNA and WOMBAT equipment.

Researchers are also engaged in hydrogen storage techniques, which involves complex chemical reactions (chemisorption) to successfully store the molecule, physisorption. For example, ANSTO researchers are synthesising and developing highly porous new materials to capture hydrogen gas and use them to boost storage capacity and function of storage cylinders.

This can produce low-cost materials for mid- to large-scale hydrogen storage applications.

“We can assess the uptake of hydrogen under high pressure and other conditions because of equipment that was purposely built for these tasks,” said Professor Vanessa Peterson, who leads the Energy Materials Research Project at ANSTO.

“It is not extreme high pressure, but it is at a level that is not available in the university setting,” she added.

Part of the overall hydrogen economy challenge is generating enough supply to meet demand.

While H2 is sourced from hydrocarbons and coal, it fails to consider its reduction in carbon emissions gained. However, researchers can use a range of renewable fuels as a source of H2 to fill the power generation gaps.

FEATURE – Powering The Future

FEATURE – Powering The Future

Turning Waste Silk Into Battery Electrodes

Energy researchers recently achieved exciting results with battery electrodes prepared from waste silk textiles. The new material showed outstanding performance, with the potential for creating high-energy-density batteries.

Issues of sustainability have become increasingly important for battery manufacturers in the face of dwindling lithium reserves. However, new battery technologies should also be competitive in terms of performance and cost.

Unlike standard electrodes used in lithium ion batteries (LIBs), which require binders, conductive additives, and toxic solvents to prepare the electrode, the silk-based electrodes are free-standing.

According to lead researcher, Dr Jenny Sun from Deakin University’s Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM), this research has the potential for widescale utilisation across a range of industries. “This is a big advantage. It means we don’t need to use any additives, making them more costeffective and sustainable.”

The researchers have also tested the electrodes in sodium ion batteries (NIBs), which are a promising alternative for LIBs.

“The great abundance of sodium makes them very price competitive,” Dr Sun said. “And unlike LIBs, NIBs can be stored and transported safely in a fully discharged state.”

As they share a similar working chemistry with LIBs, NIBs can also be considered a drop-in technology for existing LIB battery manufacturing lines. However, to expand their commercialisation, further electrode and electrolyte development is required.

The project team used an ionic liquid electrolyte developed by storEnergy researchers. StorEnergy is a trailblazer in

renewable energy research and engineering solutions, with a key focus on streamlining industrial processes.

IFM textile researchers, led by Prof Xungai Wang, had previously shown that a free-standing carbonised silk fabric can be prepared by a one-step heating process.

Dr Sun and her colleagues used samples of this material as electrodes in coin cells and tested their performance, including cycling and rate capability. The electrode showed high capacity retention (close to 100 per cent after 100 cycles) and initial coulombic efficiency of 75%. This means the battery retained its capacity after being charged and discharged 100 times, and the capacity did not decline.

The team has also worked with Associate Professor Nolene Brown on other waste materials, such as cotton fibre, pitch, and food waste as precursor material for sodium ion batteries.

Deakin University’s IFM is a catalyst for change in materials science. The research hub brings a range of focus areas together including:

• Advanced alloys and infrastructure materials

• Electro and energy materials

• Fibres and textiles

• Carbon fibres and composites

Researchers work across materials challenges and offer solutions that save energy, transform designs and society.

IFM is led by Professor Sally McArthur, who has used engineering principles to improve human wellbeing. "IFM has always been an exemplar for how research organisations can build and lead a culture of impact and industry collaboration within a university and a region," said Professor McArthur.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical images of (a) untreated silk fabric, (b) CS_800 °C, (c) CS_1300 °C, and (d) Optical images of untreated silk fabric and CS_1300 °C. The magnified images of the silk fabric for (e) CS_800 °C, and (f) CS_1300 °C. C 1s and N 1s XPS spectra of (g, h) CS_800 °C and (i, j) CS_1300 °C.

XPS spectra of the cycled carbonised silk electrodes (5 cycles, 0.01–2 V). C 1s and N 1s spectra for (a, c) CS_800 °C electrode and (b, d) CS_1300 °C electrode at different etching depth (0, 30, 480, and 1800 s). Atomic concentration of different elements on the surface of cycled (e) CS_800 °C and (f) CS_1300 °C electrodes. (g) Schematic illustration of SEI layer on CS_800 °C and CS_1300 °C electrodes.


New Hybrid Electrolyte Enables Fast Charging Of Li Batteries Without Catching Fire

A new type of battery that has the potential to service an untapped multi-million-dollar market has been developed by researchers at Deakin University.

The Sythlett Cells, which were founded by Dr Ali Balkis and Dr Hiroyuki Ueda, who are based at the Institute for Frontier Materials’ Battery Technology Research and Innovation Hub, hope to sell slower-degrading, lightweight, non-flammable batteries to the aviation sector.

They were recently named as national finalists in the ClimateLaunchpad competition—the world’s biggest cleantech and green business ideas competition.

The opportunity grants early-stage cleantech and ‘green’ start-ups the chance to take part in bootcamps, workshops and other support with industry leaders to help them translate their idea into a scalable business.

“We originally looked at batteries for e-bikes but there are already a lot of good e-bikes with great designs and there are a lot of companies already doing that,” Dr Balkis said.

“When we investigated the aviation sectors, there was not a lot being done—practically only one start-up in Silicon Valley called Cuberg that are making batteries for drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and that is it. Our idea is a completely new idea,” he added.

The aircraft battery market opportunity in the Asia-Pacific region has been priced at $18 million, while the global aircraft battery market is priced at $785 million.

The Sythlett Cells team identified the unique requirements of the aviation battery market to design their battery, which utilises pure lithium metal chemistry for a lighter, safer and more flexible battery.

“We’re using these batteries for aviation because the chemistry is lithium metal, so the anode, utilises a lithium metal anode.”

“For aviation, if you can have a battery that’s 50 per cent lighter than the traditional lithium-ion battery, longer lasting and with more performance—it will work really well for the aviation sector compared to lithium-ion,” Dr Balkis said.

The Sythlett Cell battery can also have an energy density greater than 450 Wh/kg, which is ideal for drones and UAVs when compared to a lithium-ion battery.

“With graphite, you cannot do that. If you try to bend, it will just crack and break. This why our batteries suit the aviation sector because you can place it anywhere along the aircraft, so with the fuselage where there’s curves, you can bend the battery which allows vehicle designers to produce radical designs,” Dr Balkis said.

In a similar project, researchers have developed a new hybrid electrolyte, which shows excellent performance when used in lithium batteries.

Sythlett Cells, founded by IFM's Dr Ali Balkis and Dr Hiroyuki Ueda, is a start-up that hopes to sell slower-degrading, lightweight, non-flammable batteries for aviation.

Deakin research fellow Urbi Pal worked with storEnergy researchers from Monash University and the University of California San Diego on the novel ionic liquid-based electrolyte for Li-metal batteries.

The conventional battery electrolyte uses the lithium metal in these batteries quite poorly.

But Ms Pal’s studies have shown the ionic liquid-based hybrid electrolyte does not allow accumulation of this dead lithium. This allows stable cycling of the lithium battery for hundreds of cycles without risk of short circuiting and catching fire.

FEATURE – Powering The Future

Tech Breakthrough Could Make Oil Refineries Greener, Hydrogen Safer

Deakin University researchers have recently made a breakthrough that could help address one of the biggest barriers preventing the widespread adoption of hydrogen energy—safe storage and transport.

Hydrogen is increasingly being touted as one sustainable solution to Australia’s gas crisis.

But finding a material that can store enormous quantities of gases for practical applications remains a major challenge. However, recent research from Deakin University could offer an answer.

The new process was first described by nanotechnology researchers from Deakin’s Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) in the prestigious journal Materials Today.

It offers a novel way to separate, store and transport huge amounts of gas safely, with no waste.

“Right now, Australia is experiencing an unprecedented gas crisis and needs an urgent solution,” said Professor Ying (Ian) Chen, who is IFM’s Chair of Nanotechnology.

“More efficient use of cleaner gaseous fuels such as hydrogen is an alternative approach to reduce carbon emissions and slow global warming.”

Traditional oil refinery methods use a high-energy ‘cryogenic distillation’ process to separate crude oil into the different gases used by consumers, such as petrol or household gas.

This process makes up around 15 per cent of the world’s energy use.

However, IFM research outlines a completely different mechanochemical way of separating and storing gases, which uses a tiny fraction of the energy and creates zero waste.

The breakthrough is so significant—and such a departure from accepted wisdom on gas separation and storage—that lead researcher Dr Srikanth Mateti said he had to repeat his experiment 20 to 30 times before he could truly believe it himself.

“We were so surprised to see this happen, but each time we kept getting the exact same result, it was a eureka moment,” Dr Mateti said.

The special ingredient in the process is boron nitride powder, which is known for absorbing substances because it is so small, yet has a large amount of surface area for absorption.

“The boron nitride powder can be re-used multiple times to carry out the same gas separation and storage process again and again,” Dr Mateti said.

“There is no waste, the process requires no harsh chemicals and creates no by-products. Boron nitride itself is classified

as a level-0 chemical, something that is deemed perfectly safe to have in your house. This means you could store hydrogen anywhere and use it whenever it’s needed.”

During the process, the boron nitride powder is placed into a ball mill—a type of grinder containing small stainless-steel balls in a chamber—along with the gases that need to be separated.

As the chamber rotates at a higher and higher speed, the collision of the balls with the powder and the wall of the chamber triggers a special mechanochemical reaction resulting in gas being absorbed into the powder.

The ball-milling gas absorption process consumes 76.8 KJ/s to store and separate 1000L of gases, which is roughly equivalent to the energy needed to power the average electric vehicle 200 miles.

“We need to further validate this method with industry to develop a practical application,” Professor Chen said.

Powering The Future
Lead researcher Dr Srikanth Mateti and Alfred Deakin Professor Ying (Ian) Chen, IFM’s Chair of Nanotechnology.

Faster, Cleaner, Longer: Lithium Battery Breakthrough To Improve Lifetime Performance

Imagine buying an electric vehicle that only needed to be charged once a week. Think about how the battery was also clean to produce and made in Australia.

Monash University researchers have taken a giant leap towards claiming this holy grail of renewable energy by creating a new lithium-sulfur battery. Researchers redesigned the heart of the battery to promote exceptionally fast lithium transfer and improved lifetime performance.

“It’s world-leading,” says Professor Matthew Hill, who is the Deputy Head of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Monash University.

“A lot of our research has been about making the battery more stable and lasting longer, so this particular discovery is really exciting,” he explained.

As the world charges towards cleaner and greener energy, swapping dirty fossil fuels for emissions-free electrification, lithium batteries are playing an increasingly vital role as storage tools to facilitate energy transition.

They are becoming the go-to choice to power everything from household devices such as mobile phones, laptops and electric vehicles to major industries such as aviation and marine technology.

But until now, long-duration storage has been somewhat elusive.

They offer higher energy density and reduced costs when compared to the previous generation of lithium-ion batteries, and they can store two to five times as much energy by weight.

Previously, the electrodes in lithium-sulfur batteries deteriorated rapidly and the batteries broke down.

However, the new interlayer developed by Professor Hill, Dr Mahdokht Shaibani, Professor Mainak Majumder and PhD candidate Ehsan Ghasemi Estahbanati from the Faculty of Engineering solved that problem.

“The interlayer stops polysulfides, a chemical that forms inside this type of battery, from moving across the battery; polysulfides interfere with the anode and shorten the battery life,” Professor Hill said.

“It means the battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of times without failing,” he added.

Lithium-ion batteries rely on metals such as cobalt, nickel and manganese, which have finite reserves and are often mined in countries known for poor mining practices and reliance on child labour.

But the price of green energy has been a well-documented challenge.

Currently, about 60 per cent of the world’s cobalt supply

comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where large numbers of mines are unregulated, and the use of child labour is common.

In some cases, children as young as seven have been used to mine unstable tunnels, breathing in cobalt-laden dust. By contrast, the mineral sulfur is in abundant supply in Australia and almost considered a waste or by-product, and Australian mining practices are among the world’s best.

“We needed to find a better way,” says Professor Hill, “and these batteries are not dependent on minerals that are going to lack supply as the electrification revolution proceeds.”

Researchers believe the key to this latest discovery was going against the accepted norms and conventions of lithium battery construction.

“It’s ground-breaking technology, because in a regular lithium battery there’s about half a dozen components that make up the battery,” Professor Hill said.

FEATURE – Materials Engineering in Manufacturing FEATURE – Powering The Future

Carbon Neutral 'Spaceplane' Parts To Be Manufactured At Sydney

The Sydney Manufacturing Hub will develop and manufacture components for a green hydrogen-powered launch vehicle capable of deploying small satellites into low earth orbit.

As part of a collaboration agreement with the aerospace engineering startup Hypersonix Launch Systems, the University of Sydney will research and manufacture the components of zero emissions, hypersonic spaceplane.

This vehicle will be capable of deploying small satellites into low earth orbit.

Named Delta Velos, the vehicle will be powered by four green hydrogenfuelled scramjet engines, enabling carbon neutral propulsion.

It will also include the world's first 3D printed fixed geometry (no moving parts) scramjet engine in Australia, and completed under the Australian Commercialisation grant awarded to Hypersonix in August 2020.

University of Sydney researchers will use next generation additive manufacturing technology to develop flight-critical components, further versions of the scramjet engine, and the vehicle’s fuselage at the University’s Sydney Manufacturing Hub.

The research team will be led by Professor Simon Ringer, who is an engineer and expert in materials development for additive manufacturing at the University of Sydney.

Professor Ringer’s team will work alongside Hypersonix Chief Technology Officer Dr Michael Smart.

“We are delighted to be working alongside such an innovative, deep technology company like Hypersonix using advanced 3D printing processes and world-class additive manufacturing facilities for such an important challenge,” Professor Ringer said. “Additive manufacturing is making the previously impossible, possible. This includes the proposed manufacture of satellite-launching spaceplane components right here at the University of Sydney's Darlington

campus, situated in the very heart of Tech Central,” he added.

Hypersonix Managing Director David Waterhouse said the company had received a lot of interest for its recently announced DART AE project, and would possibly involve the University of Sydney in that project too.

“We are pleased to have found such 3D additive engineering facilities in Sydney and are impressed with the capabilities of Simon Ringer’s team,” Mr Waterhouse said.

“We are aiming to launch DART AE in the first quarter of 2023. It is good to be busy, right?”

The DART AE project is a technology demonstrator and small version of Delta Velos, which is powered by one single SPARTAN scramjet engine.

Delta Velos is a sustainable and reusable space launch vehicle that flies at hypersonic speeds with zero CO2 emissions.

Hypersonix Launch Systems is an Australian engineering, design and build company specialising in scramjet engines and hypersonic technology. Meanwhile, the Sydney Manufacturing Hub is a manufacturing-focused research facility that works alongside industry leaders to deliver cuttingedge research and development in additive manufacturing.

The Hub is geared to enable conceptto-production demonstration capabilities, and includes advanced pre- and post-processing of materials.

DART AE concept configuration visual. Credit: Hypersonix.

Hypersonix Launch Systems and Romar Engineering team, with Professor Simon Ringer. Credit: Hypersonix Launch Systems

This user-facility supports researchers and companies to leverage 3D printing of metals, ceramics and polymers.

The hub is in the Engineering precinct of the University of Sydney's Darlington campus, which is in the heart of the state’s technologyfocused research area.

FEATURE – Powering The
Delta Velos. Credit: Hypersonix Launch Systems

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Steel is the most common and the most important structural material. In order to properly select and apply this basic engineering material, it is necessary to have a fundamental understanding of the structure of steel and how it can be modified to suit its application. The course is designed as a basic introduction to the fundamentals of steel heat treatment and metallurgical processing. Read More


Have you ever been handed a failure investigation and have not been quite sure of all the steps required to complete the investigation? Or perhaps you had to review a failure investigation and wondered if all the aspects had been properly covered? Or perhaps you read a failure investigation and wondered what to do next? Here is a chance to learn the steps to organise a failure investigation Read More


This course provides students with a fundamental understanding of the design process necessary to make robust medical devices. Fracture, fatigue, stress analysis, and corrosion design validation approaches are examined, and real-world medical device design validations are reviewed. Further, since failures often provide us with important information about any design, mechanical and materials failure analysis techniques are covered. Several medical device failure analysis case studies are provided Read More


This course provides essential knowledge to those who do not have a technical background in metallurgical engineering, but have a need to understand more about the technical aspects of steel manufacturing, properties and applications.

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Profit from failure analysis techniques, understand general failure analysis procedures, learn fundamental sources of failures. This course is designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice of failure analysis.

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This course is designed as an extension of the Introduction to Heat Treatment course. It discusses advanced concepts in thermal and thermo-chemical surface treatments, such as case hardening, as well as the principles of thermal engineering (furnace design) Read More


Composites are a specialty material, used at increasing levels throughout our engineered environment, from high-performance aircraft and ground vehicles, to relatively low-tech applications in our daily lives. This course, designed for technical and non-technical professionals alike, provides an overarching introduction to composite materials. The course content is organised in a manner that guides the student from design to raw materials to manufacturing, assembly, quality assurance, testing, use, and life-cycle support Read More


An ideal first course for anyone who needs a working understanding of metals and their applications. It has been designed for those with no previous training in metallurgy, such as technical, laboratory, and sales personnel; engineers from other disciplines; management and administrative staff; and non-technical support staff, such as purchasing and receiving agents who order and inspect incoming material.

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Taking a fundamentals approach, this course is presented as an introduction to the world of induction heat treating. The course will cover the role of induction heating in producing reliable products, as well as the considerable savings in energy, labor, space, and time. You will gain in-depth knowledge on topics such as selecting equipment, designs of multiple systems, current application, and sources and solutions of induction heat treating problems

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Titanium occupies an important position in the family of metals because of its light weight and corrosion resistance. Its unique combination of physical, chemical and mechanical properties, make titanium alloys attractive for aerospace and industrial applications. Read More


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Articles inside

Feature - Powering The Future: Materials Science Paving the Way Towards Net Zero

pages 48-58

MA - Short Courses workshops/online-training

pages 59-60

Lastek: Photonics Technology Solutions

page 39

University Spotlight - The University of Sydney

pages 40-47

How 3D Printing has Made Chemistry More Accessible for Visually-Impaired Students

page 38

Hitachi: Inspiring the Next Generation of XRF Analysis

page 35

TENSOR – TEM Capabilities with theEase-of-Use of SEM

page 36

Optimising CT Systems for Large, Dense Specimens with Linear Detectors

page 37

Tens of Thousands of Wind Turbine Blades

page 34

HRL Technology Group: What Makes Them Different

page 33

For the Longest Time: Quantum Computing Engineers Set New Standard in Silicon Chip Performance

page 32


page 27

Scientists Supercharge Search for Key Ingredient of Next-Gen Lithium Batteries

pages 30-31

Additive Manufacturing

pages 28-29

Why You Should Become a CMatP

page 25

RAYMAX: Making Light Work for You

page 26

Our Certified Materials Professionals (CMatPs

page 24

Profile: Rou Jun Toh - Postdoctoral Fellow SEAM RMIT University

page 19

NSW Branch Report

page 14

Materials Australia Awards Professor Ma Qian their Highest Honour; the Silver Medal

page 15

CMatP Profile: Andrew Gregory

pages 22-23

NSW Branch Report

page 16

ARC Training Centre in Lightweight Automotive Structures (ATLAS

page 20

WA Branch Meeting Report - 12 September 2022

page 8

WA Branch Meeting Report - 10 October 2022

page 9
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