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MISE2020 Conference Report
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The Materials Innovations in Surface Engineering (MISE) Conference 2020 was held at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne from 10 to 12 February 2020.
The MISE conference is the one of the largest interdisciplinary meeting for the year, giving attendees the chance to hear from some of the greatest minds in the industry and make meaningful connections in the process.
Swinburne University in Melbourne was the perfect place for this year’s conference; as an institution it has always been at the vanguard for materials and manufacturing both in Australia and abroad.
For further details, please contact: Gloss Creative Media Pty Ltd T +61 2 8539 7893 email: magazine@materialsaustralia.com.au www.glosscreativemedia.com.au MISE offered delegates the chance to gain in-depth insights into innovative developments and trends throughout industry, and provided industry representatives, academic institutions and research centres the opportunity to showcase their skills and foster relationships vital for future collaboration.
A Dazzling Array of Speakers MISE 2020 marshalled a broad range of high-quality academic and industrial keynote speakers, who delivered papers and presentations that illuminated the critical issues facing the field of surface engineering.
The plenary speakers for MISE Conference 2020 included: Dr.-ing. Filofteia-Laura Toma, Co-Editor of ITSC Proceedings and invited Co-Editor for Special Issues of Journal of Spray Technology; Professor Emily Hilder, Director of the University of South Australia’s Future Industries Institute (FII); and Professor Margaret Hyland, Vice-Provost (Research) at Victoria University of Wellington.
Dr. -Ing. Filofteia-Laura Toma Advanced Processes and Surface Technologies for Development of HighPerformance Coating Solutions: From Thin to Thick
Dr Filofteia-Laura Toma obtained her PhD in 2004 on the development of photocatalytic active titanium oxide coatings for environmental applications, at the University of Technology BelfortMontbéliard. In 2006 she was awarded a distinguished fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and in 2016 received the Talenta Excellence Fellowship from Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. She is involved in the development of protective ceramic and hardmetal coatings by various thermal surface technologies.
Professor Emily Hilder Synthesis and Functionalisation of Nanostructured Porous Polymer Materials for Analytical Applications
Professor Emily Hilder is the Director of the University of South Australia’s Future Industries Institute (FII). She is also Deputy Director of the ARC Training Centre for Portable Analytical Separation Technologies (ASTech) and Deputy Director of the ARC Research Hub for Integrated Device for End-user Analysis at Low-levels (IDEAL). Her research focuses on polymeric materials, including their application for separations, bio-analysis and disease diagnosis.
Professor Margaret Hyland Trends in Research Funding: Challenges and Opportunities for Materials Science and Engineering
Professor Margaret Hyland is ViceProvost (Research) at Victoria University of Wellington. Professor Hyland holds a PhD from the University of Western Ontario and has spent her research career specialising in aluminium technology, and the chemistry and engineering of material surfaces. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineering and a Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi. Furthermore, she has held many senior research leadership roles at national, university and faculty levels.
Dr Rogerio S. Lima Environmental Barrier Coatings and Ceramic Matrix Composites for the Next Generation of Aerospace Gas Turbine Engines: Understanding the Principles
Dr Lima is a Senior Researcher at the National Research Council of Canada, where he is developing thermal spray coatings for aerospace gas turbines. Dr Lima has been the Editor or Co-Editor of five proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference and Co-Editor for nine special editions of the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. He holds a Bachelor of Physics and Masters of Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, and a PhD from the State University of New York.
Dr Christoph Leyens Advanced Surfacing for Innovative Products: From Microelectronics to Engineering Applications
Dr Leyens is a Professor of Materials Science at the Technische Universität, and the Director of the Fraunhofer Institute of Materials and Beam Technology, both of which are located in Dresden, Germany. Leyens has covered a wide range of research topics with a focus on high temperature and lightweight materials, functional materials, surface technology, coatings and additive manufacturing. Over the course of his career, he has published more than 200 papers and seven books, and he holds 11 patents. _____________________________
Thank You Materials Australia would like to thank the MISE 2020 Co-Chairs, Distinguished Professor Chris Berndt (Swinburne University) and Associate Professor Colin Hall (University of South Australia), as well as the other members of the organising committee, including Tanya Smith (Materials Australia), Paul Plater (Plater International Consulting), Nikki Stanford (UniSA), Christiane Schulz (UniSA), Andrew Ang (Swinburne University), Milan Brandt (RMIT), Vesna Stefanovski (SEAM), Peter King (CSIRO), Daniel Fabijanic (Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University), and Ivan Cole (RMIT). Also a special mention to all the volunteers from Swinburne University, they were a great help.