MARKETS Albert Cuypmarkt The Albert Cuypmarkt is a daily market, open from 09.30 am - 5.00 pm in Amsterdam on the part of the Albert Cuypstraat between the Ferdinand Bolstraat and the Van Woustraat in De Pijp in the Zuid district. Contact: Koningsmarkt Beethovenstraat street market The street market is concentrated around Beethovenstraat, Minervaplein and Apollolaan. Museumplein Museum Market Every third Sunday of the month, the Museum Market takes place on the Museumplein. There are stands with original and stylish products, offered by the designers and makers themselves. Stadionplein Market Every Saturday on the Stadionplein from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm. Zuidas Market Every Thursday from 09.00 am to 5.00 pm, there is a market on the George Gershwinplein ZuiderMRKT The Zuidermarkt Amsterdam is a small, cosy, weekly neighbourhood market on the corner of the Jacob Obrechtstraat and the Johannes Verhulststraat every Saturday from 9.30 am to 5.00 pm. ELDERLY Voor elkaar in Zuid_________________________________________________________________________________ 020 - 679 44 41 The aim of Voor Elkaar in Zuid is to bring together local residents in Amsterdam-Zuid to promote mutual neighbour help and social contacts. Throughout Amsterdam-Zuid, there are almost twenty community centres. Community centres offer a place for people to meet, learn from and with each other, feel stronger together and have fun. The community centres offer a wide range of activities, such as eating together, excursions, performances, computer help, language lessons and help with administrative tasks. The activities are mainly organised by volunteers. Vijftig+ Magazine____________________________________________________________________________________ 072 - 571 50 13 Vijftig+ Magazine is a magazine for people over 50 and appears 11 times a year. A subscription only costs EUR 12.50 per year. Call now 072 - 57 150 13 or visit and become a member!
Wijkgids Zuidas 2022