2 minute read
HR Matters
For the last 10 years, volunteering in various roles for the Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network, keynote speaking, supporting community programs, and fundraising for different charities has returned great personal satisfaction in being able to, in some small way, give back to others in our community. Givers – gain. This is a philosophy that myself and my entire team share.
Does the workplace culture in your business support community? How could embracing some small changes, make a big difference to the community, but also your team culture?
Do you consider philanthropy only to be for the wealthy few? Philanthropy is the desire to promote the welfare of others, and yes of course, it’s expressed often by the donation of money to good causes. The reality is that any size business can encourage their team to take a philanthropic view (not necessarily monetary) in supporting the wider community by considering the welfare of others. This is an amazing way to bring your team together.
If you ask your team, many of your employees would love to do more to help others. People want to work for a company they are proud of and one whose values they believe in. Giving your employees an avenue to give back is important to morale and builds a collaborative and inspired team. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Volunteer work locally – animal shelters, hospital, aged care facilities, school, charities and community organisations such as Meals on Wheels, Beautiful You, and Lifeline or similar helplines. Take up collections for victims of domestic violence or homelessness.
Support blood drives or regular team donations through Red Cross.
Annual fundraising support to events such as Biggest Morning Tea, Daffodil Day, White Ribbon Day, Red Nose Day, Jeans for Jeans day.
Team Collections for charities such as Red Cross, cancer council, SLSC.
Combine health and wellbeing with support to community sporting events such as team entry to triathlons, colour run, Sunshine Coast marathon, and walking events.
Volunteer support during annual local fundraising events such as Day for Daniel, Give Me 5 for Kids.
Join committees within the community such as local Chambers of Commerce, business groups.
Internal company donation boxes for the employees charities of choice on a rotational basis.
• Coordinate with other businesses and make a
The benefits are tenfold for a business that embraces community to their work culture. It’s no secret that consumers consider corporate social responsibility when deciding which product or service to buy, so make sure you share your employee’s contribution and message of values around social contribution with current and prospective clients so it’s easy for them to choose your company to do business with.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michalle Faulkner knows people. In fact she bases her business on it! As a business owner herself, she can relate to the struggles and demands on your time when it comes to managing staff. A highly sort-after HR consultant and expert in human resources, Michalle believes; “invest in your people, increase your profit”.