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Education Matters
Social Media Building Community and Connection
While social media can be used by schools to attract new families, it’s most powerful use is to build connections with existing students, their parents and the wider community.
In today’s digital world, an important component of any marketing and communication strategy is the inclusion of social media. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter provide the opportunity for schools to have two-way, real time conversations with their families and ultimately build a sense of community. It is a way of inviting parents into the daily life at schools; they can view student work, learn about classroom activities and important information can be communicated to them immediately.
The collaborative format of social media provides an increased level of engagement and has, in effect, altered the traditional relationship between students, parents and schools. From a parent perspective, the informal setting of sites like Facebook and Twitter, actually invite interaction, providing a platform for them to give feedback, write comments or voice concerns. Parents are able to like, respond or share Facebook posts and become engaged in their child’s learning journey. This type of effective communication forms a strong foundation with parents and maintains positive partnerships with them. Further, the parent/student relationship can benefit greatly. Social media posts give parents something meaningful to talk to their children about and spark discussions about their learning and classwork.
The reach of social media is massive and as such, schools have the opportunity to connect with a much wider audience then ever before. In this way, social media has become an important public relations tool. In what’s considered a ‘soft’ approach to marketing, schools have the ability to promote the innovative work of their teachers, highlight the achievements of their students and direct their followers to any media coverage they may have gained. Sites like Facebook also provide an insight into the community perception of the institution.
As with any marketing tool, clear social media guidelines and policies need to be in place to educate members of the school community about safe and effective use of the online environment.
Connection and community are important for personal wellbeing. While social media isn’t the only way for schools to enhance relationships with their community members, it is an important element to include in the mix.
Sources: Education Queensland’ Parent and Community Engagement Framework, The Guardian’s article ‘How Are Schools Using Social Media’, both cited Friday 4th September.
Stephanie Scarlett is the Community Liaison and Communications Coordinator at Pacific Lutheran College, a co-educational Lutheran school for students from K-12. Stephanie has worked in the marketing industry for five years and has a strong passion for writing and communications.
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