3 minute read
Mayoral Business
Our future is looking bright
Two important appointments have to be made to our Sunshine Coast Economic Futures Board to further enhance the growth and prosperity of our region’s diversifying economy.
Former Suncorp Bank CEO David Foster, who successfully rebuilt the organisation at the height of the global financial crisis, has been appointed chair of the board and Mr. Howard Aron, who is Group CEO of Youi Insurance, has joined as a board member.
My thanks go to both David and Howard for taking on these positions as we seek to take a leading position as a major Australian urban and economic centre.
I was honoured to be the inaugural chair of the board and, as always was intended, have stepped down at the appropriate time to concentrate on other Council initiatives.
Along with their fellow board members, David and Howard will oversee the implementation of the Sunshine Coast Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) and monitor its progress. David has been with the Economic Futures Board since its inception in May 2014.
A professional company director and advisor across a range of industries including financial services, engineering and construction, education and government, he has extensive experience in business and financial management including distribution, marketing, risk, governance, finance and capital markets.
Howard is well known to the Coast, having been part of the team that established Youi here in 2007 and has grown the business to what it is today, employing more than 900 people.
Earlier this year, he announced that Youi would be establishing its global headquarters here on the Sunshine Coast, cementing its long term commitment to the region and its prosperity.
The experience they both bring to the board will ensure REDS key commitments are being delivered to drive economic growth and community prosperity for our region. c
Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson keeps BM readers up-to-date on what’s happening on the Coast. www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
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