Issue 103 - The Embrace Local Issue

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APRIL 2023 | ISSUE 103 THE embrace local ISSUE WHAT MATTERS MOST on the Sunshine Coast Bi-Annual publication I'M FREE, TAKE ME HOME! HOW CAN WE EMBRACE LOCAL MORE? HELLO FREEDOM for Melissa Schembri See page 6 COMPLETE OUR READER SURVEY AND WIN A FULL PAGE AD See page 67
95 Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba Awarded Best Wine List QLD by Australia’s Wine List of the Year Awards 2022 2022 Winn OPEN 7 DAYS 12 NOON UNTIL LATE TAKEAWAY AND PIZZA MENU AVAILABLE EASY ONLINE BOOKING Award Winning Modern Italian Restaurant Restaurant • Bar • Takeaway Loved by locals and visitors since 1983 Proudly awarded 2023 AGFG Chefs Hat

THE embrace local ISSUE

This issue of Matters Magazine is very close to my heart. I truly believe that embracing local is what will hold the Sunshine Coast together. Personally, I don’t believe in competition, I believe in collaboration and I wish the absolute best for every single business, no matter what product or service they are selling. I wish nothing but success for every single business owner that is out there doing the best that they can in what can be said as pretty different times.

The last few years have been incomparable to anything we have seen in our time. We have never seen such craziness unfold, unprecedented bias, unprecedented discrimination, everyone has had their opinion over the last few years and been on different pages about what should or shouldn’t happen. What we should or shouldn’t do, should or shouldn’t think.

For my part I want to say, that whatever you think is fine with me, I am still 100 million per cent on the side of individual opinion, I truly believe that we should all be able to think what we want to think and NOT that we should ever be put in a box for thinking differently to the Government or to others. I truly believe that what has eventually unfolded through all of this has actually resulted in people, for the most part, being more understanding of each other, I believe that we now have a true appreciation for what we had, for the way the world was, for some of the simple things that we were unable to partake in during covid and for my part, I believe that is a good thing. When we really start to appreciate what we have, we become happy with what is. Gratitude and happiness honestly go hand in hand.

I think businesses on the Sunshine Coast really do aspire to support each other.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and globalised, it can be easy to overlook the importance of embracing and supporting our local community right here on the Sunshine Coast.

It is crucial to recognise the vital role that local businesses, culture, and traditions play in shaping the identity and wellbeing of a community.

By supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs, we can help create jobs and stimulate economic growth in our communities. Additionally, local businesses often offer unique products and

services that cannot be found elsewhere, which can contribute to the distinctiveness and vibrancy of a community.

Furthermore, preserving and celebrating local traditions and cultural practices can help maintain a sense of community and foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of our shared heritage. Local events and festivals, for example, provide opportunities for people to come together and celebrate their shared cultural identity.

Embracing local also has environmental benefits, as supporting local agriculture and food production can help reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation of goods. It can also encourage sustainable practices and promote a more resilient local food system.

In conclusion, it is essential to recognise and embrace the value of our local communities, as they play a crucial role in shaping our identity, well-being, and environmental sustainability. By supporting local businesses, traditions, and cultural practices, we can help create thriving and resilient communities that benefit everyone.

We are keen to know what you think. Complete our survey on page 67 to go into the draw to win a FULL PAGE in the next issue of Matters Magazine

If you need to refocus your passion towards what matters, think about what is most important to you. Attending many funerals lately, I can assure you that for me, it’s people, it’s relationships and it’s health. Yes, business matters, for sure, but life matters more! | 3 Vickie Magic | Editor's Note |

Small Business of the Year: Business Matters



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JOURNALIST/EDITOR/ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: Vickie Magic, 07 5493 5747 or 0433 198 868


OPERATIONS MANAGER/ACCOUNTS: Dranko Magic, 0408 751 863


Head Designer: Zonya Bird

Designer: Stu Peace


Vickie Magic


Adrian Mula, Ben Price, Bret Davis, Christian Davies, Denis Poynton, Dr Karpa, Dranko Magic, Gary Martin, John Gowland, Jaya McIntyre, Jeanette Allom-Hill, Jean Sheehan, Kate Poynton, Kathy O'Grady, Kerri Steele, Kirsty Englander, Lee-anne Borham, Liisa Aimes, Luke Hawley, Lyn Kelly, Marilyn Brayshaw, Michelle Britton, Paula Gowland, Pascal Stussi, Peter Borham, Rachael Yurko, Roxanne McCartyO’Kane, Tony Gray, Vanessa Nock, Vickie Magic, Victoria Berry


Distributed from Beerwah to Pomona.


The Inkspot Commercial Printers Maroochydore 07 5443 5431.

No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. All material in Matters Magazine is subject to copyright provisions. All editorial and advertising in Matters Magazine is accepted and published in good faith based on material provided by contributors and advertisers. All care is taken by the publisher, however responsibility is not accepted for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.

See guide at the end of each article as per details below.

4 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 a Advertorial c Column ca Column Advertorial e Editorial f Feature Story m Matters
Editor’s Note 3 Contents 4 COLUMNS 14 Sunquest Signs with John and Paula Gowland 14 Thrive Financial with Rachael Yurko 28 Magic Moments with Dranko Magic 30 Queensland Capital Solutions with Adrian Mula 34 Lionhearted Foundation with Jeanette Allom-Hill 39 Confessions of a Ghost-Writer with Roxanne McCarty-O’Kane 46 Entag with Pascal Stussi 52 Complete Finance with Tony Gray 54 Living Valley Health Retreat with Gary Martin 56 Tecoda I.T. with Christian Davis 58 Wholesale Solar with Bret Davis 59 Your Face Matters with Vickie Magic 74 CONTENTS LOCAL MATTERS 18 Astute Mooloolaba, Focus Family Law, Englander Davis 18 Karinya Montessori, Cruise Maroochy, The Wedding Planner Co 19 Millennium Education, Attune Health, Best Practice Eyewear 20 72
68 10 22 | 5 EMBRACE LOCAL 32 Empire Art Photography, Bridgewise Insurance 32 Marketing Broker Australia, Suncoast Accounting and Bookkeeping 33 LOCAL FOCUS 40 Uniqueness Designer Jeweller 40 The Bookkeeper Hub 41 Qoin 42 HBA Encompass Accounting, Tax & Business Solutions 43 LOCAL SUCCESS 6 COVER STORY – Hello Freedom with Melissa Schembri 6 Sharon Brooks – local talent 8 Deborah Morandin – ‘Shine Bright Like A Diamond’ 10 Minka Jenkins joins Elite Lifestyle Properties 13 Living Valley Health Retreat 16 Samantha Jones and Ms Monaco Hair Society 48 FAN Food and Agribusiness Network 49 Century 21 Caloundra 50 Bella Venezia receives AGFG chef’s HAT 53 Catherine Molloy – Auspac Education 60 Roz White and White’s IGA 62 Scott Lawrence and Sitting Around 66 Little Birdie Hair Co 68 Tank Bathhouse DayCation 72 FEATURES 22 LOCALS WITH A PASSION FOR FASHION – To Hold and To Have, Lulu Boutique, Angel - The Halo Effect, Meraki Thread Co, Miracle Shapers, Moo Baba 22 Socials 36 How can we ‘EMBRACE LOCAL’ more? 64 Reader Survey - win a full page in Matters Magazine 67 EMBRACE LOCAL FEATURE – Tecoda I.T, Sunquest Signs, 76 Best Practice Eyecare, Astute Mooloolaba 77 6 62 26


The Sunshine Coast’s million-dollar real estate agent has a new plan. Spoiler: it doesn’t involve selling property.

It’s no secret that everything Melissa Schembri touches turns to gold. This bubbly local is a former property lawyer, has over eight years’ experience as a successful life coach, is a property investor, motivational speaker and one of the Sunshine Coast’s highest selling real estate agents. She has helped many locals fulfil their dreams of

successfully downsizing, upsizing and investing in property, which is why the news she is stepping into a whole new role is so surprising. “I live and breathe real estate: I love it! But I’m ready for the next step, and I know it’s going to change lives.”

6 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Cover Story – Hello Freedom |

Enter Melissa’s partner Daniel Rees. With an impressive résumé spanning 22 years in brokering, SMSF lending, finance and property, Daniel possesses an enormous wealth of experience and expertise in financial strategy specialising in property investment. Combine this with Melissa’s 20 years’ experience and knowledge in property law, coaching and real estate, and you have encyclopaedic information, skill and fluency in the industry at your fingertips. Sprinkle a double dose of growth mindset over it all, and financial freedom for anyone in Melissa and Daniel’s orbit is inevitable. Yet for so many, even for those with an asset and/or above average earnings, this is seemingly unachievable.

“I see it time and again,” Daniel says. “High income earners who have probably bought their own home, but then don’t invest again because they’ve had a bad experience with an investment unit and the body corporate. Or perhaps they tried to invest in a fixer-upper and overcapitalised, so ended up spending the profit on unnecessary renovations. Then there are those who get caught in analysis-paralysis: they’re just too scared of making a mistake or investing poorly.”

Melissa chimes in, “I’ve sold amazing properties for retired clients who had hugely successful, professional careers - people who had been forced to downsize, sell their only asset and now live on the pension. If they’d had the knowledge back when they were earning those great salaries and invested in property that worked for their situation then, they wouldn’t be trying to live on a couple of hundred dollars a week now.”

Their combined knowledge and experience are formidable, but it is the altruism behind their solution to investment roadblocks such as these, that is most impressive. “We have loved using our knowledge and energy throughout our careers to guide people to better, smarter investment decisions with property, but only ever one-onone,” Daniel says.

Melissa continues, “We want to reach more than just one person at a time. We know the market, the laws around investment, SMSFs and property inside out and we want to share that knowledge so others can have greater financial freedom and security as they approach retirement. That’s why we created Hello Freedom.”

Hello Freedom, is Melissa and Daniel’s brainchild, a platform designed to educate, empower and strengthen the knowledge of Australians ready to achieve financial freedom using property investment. Through face-to-face monthly information seminars held here on the Sunshine Coast (or zoom for non-locals), one-on-one coaching sessions, accountability meetings and access to Melissa and

Daniel’s suite of trusted professionals, participants will gain the knowledge, confidence and support to make property investment work for them. “Best of all,” Daniel enthuses, “getting together with other Hello Freedom participants creates a powerful community. It becomes a network of like-minded people who provide further support, confidence and inspiration to invest.”

The program creates a space for those with a reasonably high household income to safeguard their future retirement, leveraging their existing assets and income to invest in property. “People don’t realise that there are many different ways to make property work,” Melissa says. “You may be able to subdivide or strata title a block; If you have a large home and are prepared to do some minor reconfiguring then rooming accommodation could be an option to increase return on investment; You may be able to use the equity in one property to finance another; You could renovate and flip a property; Perhaps commercial property might be the best fit for your portfolio… All of these situations have specific outcomes, and if you follow through and invest with intelligence and knowledge, the returns can be phenomenal.” Melissa says she helped a client to do a quick cosmetic renovation of their property and then style and stage for sale, achieving a huge $400,000 increase. Melissa helped another client to purchase a block of land, build a duplex and sell them individually with over a $600,000 profit. The client went on to buy a property that they converted into an Airbnb which they use to generate a huge ongoing passive income.

For some, having the knowledge is one thing, but putting it into practice is quite another. Half the battle in investing in property, is being able to lean on trusted professionals with your best interests at heart, rather than their back pocket. There are many properties with great opportunity, but you need to know what you are looking for, how to work out the feasibility of the project, and which professionals to consult. There’s also been no shortage of cheap house and land package spruikers who pretend to have your best interest at heart but will say just about anything to make commission. Town planners, mortgage brokers, property lawyers, financial strategists, accountants, zoning, and tax specialists... With decades in the industry on the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane, Melissa and Daniel have a broad suite of professionals they confidently recommend to ease Hello Freedom participants into the investment journey.

It’s clear that unlike some online programs, Hello Freedom is not about disseminating cookie-cutter information for people to muddle out on their own. Apart from access to the program, Daniel is adamant, “We’re not selling a product. We’re facilitating a future, a retirement of abundance.”

Melissa emphasises the point, “My core values have always centred around helping people achieve their best life. Whether that was supporting them in property law or life coaching, or getting the best price for their property, I’ve always strived to make that person happier, better, wealthier from their interaction with me. But both Daniel and I have realised that in our careers, we’ve only been reaching one person at a time. With Hello Freedom, we can give the formula to a retirement filled with abundance to many.”

That’s a pretty exciting next step, not just for Melissa and Daniel, but for the entire Sunshine Coast.

Join the next intake of Hello Freedom and safeguard your future with property investment. Melissa and Daniel would love to hear from high income earners who are ready to take control of their personal equity and make their assets work. ca | 7
Call us // 0403 327 792 Email us // Visit us // | Cover Story – Hello Freedom |
“People don’t realise that there are many different ways to make property work.”


Barbados-born Sharon Brooks, affectionately known as ‘Shazzzzzaaaaa!!!!’ by her fans, is a multi-talented singer, songwriter, actor, and producer who has made a name for herself across the world. Her inspiring story of surviving cancer and relaunching her career on the movie and music scene has been an inspiration to many.

Sharon has been active in the music industry since she won the ‘National Richard Stoute Teen Talent Competition’ at the age of 16. She has worked with popular Caribbean bands such as Spice and Company and John King, as well as reggae and calypso legends like Beres Hammond and Machael Montano. After moving to Toronto, she worked as a lead vocalist with the jazz group Selective Collective and became a well-known performer in Montreal. She has collaborated with many big names in the industry, including Deborah Cox, Martha Wash, Jean Leloup, and Omar.

For over 12 years she has been the lead singer of Pocketlove, performing at numerous festivals and venues around the world, and especially locally at the Woodford Music Festival and the Caloundra Music Festival. She has opened for Australian legends Jon Stevens and Dragon, and her new band Mamma Funk, a personal project of hers, is renowned for their unique blend of funk, soul, and reggae. Sharon has also developed and produced DiscoTrain, a unique experience

that transforms venues and takes patrons back to the disco era. Until Covid-19 arrived in 2020 and forced it to stop, the show had sold out crowds everywhere it went.

In 2019, Sharon received the devastating news that she had cancer, and underwent surgery to combat the disease. However, she refused to let cancer define her, and used her time in recovery to focus on her music and art. Her resilience and determination to overcome adversity has been a source of inspiration for many, and she continues to use her platform to promote cancer awareness and support others going through similar struggles.

In addition to her musical achievements, Sharon has also made a name for herself on the silver screen. She recently appeared in the Baz Luhrmann film Elvis, where she played one of the Sweet Inspiration Elvis back-up singers, showcasing her impressive acting skills as well as her incredible voice. She continues to take on new challenges and projects, and is truly a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry.

Aside from her career accomplishments, Sharon is also a proud Australian citizen and a resident of the Sunshine Coast, where she has

8 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Sharon Brooks |

‘SHINE BRIGHT Like a Diamond’

Deborah Morandin, CEO of Entrepreneurs Paradise, truly believes that each and every one of us, just by being born, have automatically won the “cosmic lottery” and that we owe it to ourselves to live with joy as we find and share our special and unique ‘MAGIC’ with the world.

Deborah has been in the training, coaching and elite mentoring field, around the globe, for the past 32 years. “I have been incredibly fortunate to have been mentored by some of the most extraordinary people in the world including Sir Richard Branson and to have met some pretty amazing humans, including Oprah Winfrey,” she says. Some say I’m lucky, I say, ‘We make choices in life, that creates extraordinary opportunities, and opens us up to a whole new life, my goal is to see everyone, Shine Bright Like a Diamond and to create their own destiny’. ”

Deb made the most of her “covid down-time” to pen her life work into a book, the book was well on its way, when one night she woke up, at 2am, with an epiphany, led by a voice in her head that said, “A book is great, but what else is possible?” Deborah researched the latest technologies available today and now her book, Shine Bright Like a Diamond is filled with Diamond Q.R. One Tap Virtual Coaching, that allow her readers to connect personally to her elite coaching at the beginning of each new chapter, seeing her come to life, right in front of their eyes, and step into their living room or boardroom to give them some of her incredible ‘diamond gems’.

“My goal with this book is to inspire people to build diamond strong foundations and to truly polish the ‘brilliant diamonds’ they

already possess,” Deborah says.

Shine Bright Like a Diamond was launched in Deborah's favourite place in the whole world - New York - at the Tiffany Flagship Store. But rather than ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ it was the Ultimate Book Launch in the Private VIP Parlour at Tiffany’s with her closest friends, and an after party overlooking New York. “This was another wonderful highlight in my life that I will cherish, that 32 years of work culminated in that one moment of time,” Deborah says. “I felt so proud, I felt like I was the living proof of how to ‘shine bright like a diamond’, and it seriously felt surreal.”

If you are ready to shine bright like a diamond, Deb is offering all ‘Matters Magazine’ readers the opportunity to read the first 30 pages of the book, FREE, or if you feel inspired by what you have read, you can, of course, purchase the book right now at a

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10 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Deborah Morandin |
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“My goal is to see everyone, ‘Shine Bright Like a Diamond’...” | 11 WHERE OUR FOCUS IS ON YOU At Focus Family Law, we assist with all aspects of Family Law, including: Ph: (07) 5493 9888 4/9 Capital Place, Birtinya QLD 4575 •  Divorce •  Property Settlements •  Children’s Living Arrangements •  Consent Orders •  Domestic Violence matters •  International Hague Convention matters •  De Facto Relationships •  Representation in Court •  Mediations & Settlement Conferences •  Child Support •  Spousal Maintenance •  Recovery Orders •  Same Sex Relationship Breakdowns •  Child Protection services
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Every White’s IGA store is designed to provide you with the freshest, most delicious food and an extensive range of locally sourced produce and goods. We proudly share and celebrate stories of the people who create our beautiful Locavore products. This connects you to the journey of your food and goods, grown, sourced, and made locally.

“We believe that connected communities are vibrant, diverse and self-sustainable. When we support each other, we build stronger communities, and we are committed to supporting the community that supports us.”


12 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
BLI BLI | MT COOLUM | MOOLOOLAH | PEREGIAN BEACH | BARINGA | FOREST GLEN A Locavore is a person who chooses to consume food that is grown, raised or produced locally, here on the Sunshine Coast. In this podcast series Roz aims to take you behind the scenes with some of our favourite
growers, producers and suppliers. We’re sharing
real stories
the inspirational families who create your favourite local products!


You may already know, or know of Minka Jenkins, she has lived on the Sunshine Coast, or more precisely, the Kawana Strip, for just shy of 50 years and is super proud to call this area ‘home’.

Prior to her career in real estate, Minka was an international first-class flight attendant for 20 years visiting many exotic locations. Her passengers would often ask her, “Where is your favourite place to visit?” and her answer would always be, “My home on the beautiful Sunshine Coast”.

“We live on an amazing strip, on the east coast of Australia, breeding a culture of beach, lifestyle cafes and, most of all, properties,” Minka says,

Having just entered her 16th year of selling properties locally, Minka brings that same first-class service to real estate sales. “I help buyers and sellers find new properties that they love and my passion for the strip has seen me secure record prices and introduce many old and new friends (buyers) to the area.”

Minka recently joined forces with Jordan Lund and the team at ELITE Lifestyle Properties, with her 16 years of industry experience, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the team. Her extensive background in real estate will be invaluable as she embarks on this exciting new chapter in her career.

As a real estate professional, Minka plays a critical role in helping people find their dream homes and investment properties. She is responsible for guiding her clients through the complex process of buying or selling real estate, and for ensuring that their needs and interests are met throughout the transaction.

Minka is already familiar with the ins and outs of real estate and is thrilled with the possibilities of aligning her brand with ELITE Lifestyle Properties. She is keen to include their new approaches and technologies in her repertoire. She knows that the real estate landscape is constantly evolving and believes that staying ahead of the curve is the key to success.

Minka believes success in real estate also depends on your ability to build and maintain relationships with your clients. By providing exceptional service, demonstrating your expertise, and building trust with your clients, you are able to create a loyal client base and build a thriving career in real estate.

She is so excited for the future with ELITE Lifestyle Properties, who are a boutique real estate office that offer extensive local, national and international estate marketing, with a professional edge in the luxury sector.

ELITE Lifestyle Properties have been at the forefront of record sales in real estate on the Sunshine Coast for over 20 years. They have shown consistent success in their operations and continue to set new benchmarks in the marketplace. In 2022 alone they set new sales records closing more than 100 property deals which were worth around $150 million.

“The agency’s phenomenal turnover represented a 15 per cent increase on 2021 as the region continues to defy the nationwide trend

of softening property prices,” ELITE Lifestyle Properties director Jordan Lund says.

“The Sunshine Coast continues to show it is a resilient market, with property prices still well above pre-COVID 19 levels despite interest rate rises and other cost of living pressures.

“There’s still a lot of interest, with many buyers continuing to be attracted to the Sunshine Coast because it has a more affordable market compared to Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

“Once home to surfers and retirees, suburbs like Minyama and Buddina are now among the Sunshine Coast’s favourite playgrounds for prestige buyers.”

Merging with Minka Jenkins, the former co-director of Minyama-based boutique agency Team Godwin, sees Lund and Jenkins go from being long time competitors to collaborators, and that can only be a win-win not only for the two of them, but also for buyers and sellers alike.

“With the Sunshine Coast market remaining strong, especially in Minyama, Buddina and the coastal fringes, we believe it’s the perfect time to continue to grow the business,” Minka says.

“With Jordan Lund at the helm, we make a powerful team. We have a similar belief in building strong customer relationships and delivering a FIRST CLASS service that is second to none. The results have and will speak for themselves, I’m very excited”. a | 13 | Minka Jenkins |
Call us // 0488 550 063 or 07 5444 0111 Email us // Visit us //
The real estate landscape is constantly evolving and staying ahead of the curve is the key to success.


What does your signage say about your business?

Signage is essential for any business, helping attract customers, build brand awareness, and increase sales. Quality signage can make a statement about your business, giving it an upscale and professional look that customers can trust. It also helps customers find you easily, which increases foot traffic and sales. Quality signage can make your business stand out from the competition and give customers a positive impression.

Signage should be creative and eyecatching, and it should also be easy to read from a distance. Investing in durable

materials will ensure your sign lasts longer and is better able to withstand outdoor elements. An old faded, peeling sign might imply that you are okay with that standard in other areas of your business.

Signage, whether it be on the outside or inside of your building, on your car or on a billboard, is cost-effective advertising. You pay once for brand exposure that lasts years. ca

07 5437 8024

14 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Sunquest Signs |
PAULA AND JOHN GOWLAND are passionate about everything to do with the signage world. They head a team of experts with 100+ years of combined knowledge in the area. Each member of the team brings their own unique skills that, when combined, leaves no stone unturned.
Let us help you with: INSURANCE SUPER INVESTMENTS CASH FLOW AND BUDGETING/ DEBT MANAGEMENT RETIREMENT PLANNING AND PROJECTIONS SOCIAL SECURITY AGED CARE ESTATE PLANNING Because life is about thriving…. ...not just surviving. E: P: 0432 067 181 Do you need to clarify or define your goals? Work on your cashflow or budget? We provide a clear road map to take you from where you are, right now, to get you to exactly where you want to be. Hi, I am Rachael Yurko, I’m passionate about guiding you to THRIVE. Authorised Representative of Australian Mortgage and Financial Advisers Pty Ltd, AFSL No 389206 | 15 Buying, selling, renting? Find me here : Mobile : 0488 550 063 Email : Officially announcing MINKA JENKINS merge with ELITE LIFESTYLE PROPERTIES. Successful solo, together a force!


Atestimonial on health and detox retreats is an essential way of learning from someone who has gone through the process. A detox retreat is a program designed to help you cleanse your body of toxins that accumulate due to unhealthy lifestyles, including processed foods, alcohol, and lack of exercise. A testimonial is a valuable tool in determining whether a detox retreat is the right path for you.

Detox retreats are designed to help your body remove toxins, improve gut health, increase energy, and reduce inflammation. The program consists of a combination of healthy diet, exercise, and many other therapies. While some people are sceptical about the effectiveness of detox retreats, many have shared positive testimonials about the experience.

I have been fortunate to visit Living Valley Health Retreat quite a few times, and it is always a rejuvenating experience. I had been going through a stressful time, too much work, no down time, and my body was really starting to feel the effects of it. I was always tired, irritable, and unable to focus. I had heard about detox retreats but had never considered attending one. However, I came across a testimonial from someone who had been to Living Valley Health Retreat and it really got me thinking, it convinced me to take the leap.

The testimonial shared by the person who attended the retreat was very detailed and helped me understand what to expect from the program. They mentioned the various activities that would take place during the retreat, including the steam room, swimming pool, lap pool, daily walks, gym, pilate classes, stretch classes, facials, massages, body treatments, and therapy sessions, where needed. They also shared information about the type of diet that would be provided and went on to say that the food they ate at Living Valley Health Retreat was absolutely amazing.

After reading the testimonial, I was motivated to sign up for the retreat. When I arrived, I was surprised by the beautiful surroundings, beautiful, lush greenery and an incredible calming atmosphere. The team were so friendly and welcoming and they made me feel at home right away.

The program was incredible, the whole place made me feel grounded and centered. I have been fortunate over the years to meet some amazing people that I am still friends with at Living Valley Health Retreat, people from all different walks of life, from all over Australia, and in fact the world, attend. Some come, like me just for a reset, some have some pretty serious health issues, and I have heard some pretty amazing health turn around results. Some come to get off the grog, cigarettes, or drugs, and others come with slight to serious mental health issues, but every single person I have ever met there seems to be keen to help and support each other in any way they can, I have always seen real respect for fellow participants.

Founders Debby and Gary Martin are just beautiful people, and their daughter and general manager Giselle is an absolute gem, she is living proof that what they offer at Living Valley Health Retreat is the REAL DEAL. In fact every single team member at Living Valley Health Retreat is delightful and they make your stay there equally delightful, nothing is too much, nothing is out of the question. Their goal is to ensure that you leave feeling refreshed, relaxed and filled with excitement to continue your pursuit of wellness.

16 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Living Valley Health Retreat |

For me the highlight of the program was the detox. I felt absolutely amazing after. I didn’t really think I would like the juices and protein shakes that were part of the detox days, but I loved them all, and I honestly did not feel hungry at all. Each night we had an amazing broth type soup, which was actually filling and delicious. After the first three days of detox, we were given real food, and oh my goodness, it was evident that the chefs put a lot of effort and love into creating meals that were both healthy and tasty. I was also excited to attend a cooking class where they taught us how to make some of the amazing dishes at home. I instantly started to feel my body responding positively to the nutrient-rich meals, and I felt a significant increase in my energy levels. By the end of the retreat, I had also lost a few kilos and felt more in tune with my body than ever before.

The benefits of the health and detox retreat were not only physical, but mental as well. I was able to let go of a lot of stress and felt much more relaxed. I developed some healthy habits that I have continued to practice, such as drinking more water and eating a diet rich in nutrients with good fats and less carbs.

Reading testimonials on health and detox retreats is an essential tool in determining whether the program might be right for you. They provide an honest account of the experience, which can help you make an informed decision. In my case, reading a testimonial convinced me to attend my first retreat, and attending Living Valley Health Retreat regularly is one of the best decisions I ever made. I encourage anyone who is considering a health and detox retreat to read testimonials (they have so, so many online) and make an informed decision about what is best for your health and wellbeing. a | 17
| Living Valley Health Retreat |
Detox retreats are designed to help your body remove toxins, improve gut health, increase energy, and reduce inflammation.

FINANCE with Marilyn Brayshaw


Did you know that some lenders are now offering discounts and incentives to buy, build or renovate in an environmentally friendly way?

With nearly a quarter of Australian greenhouse gas emissions coming from the property sector, it is no wonder that people are looking for greener options when it comes to owning homes and tackling the climate crisis.

What is a green home loan? A green home loan encourages borrowers to buy or build their future homes in an environmentally friendly way. These loans usually offer discounted interest rates for homes that pass a form of ecofriendly certification.

New home? Lenders are now offering discounts to homes with high energy efficiency ratings. Specific qualification criteria will differ from lender to lender.

Renovating? There are discounted rates available to install or upgrade sustainability features to your home, such as a solar hot water system, solar batteries, home insulation or energy-efficient glazing and windows.

These types of loans do have strict criteria, so it’s important to get professional advice from all involved including your broker, lender, installer, or builder. ca


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We often get asked, “Am I entitled to my partner’s property after separation?”

If you and your partner separate, you should consider the division of any assets you both hold in any name. The Family Law Act 1975 provides for property settlements between couples who have been married or have been in a de facto relationship for at least two years. If neither of those options apply, the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA) has jurisdiction to assist in a property settlement if there is a child of the relationship, if there were substantial contributions (financially or otherwise) or if the de facto relationship has been registered in a State or Territory.

The FCFCOA requires you to attempt to resolve your property settlement outside of litigation which may facilitate agreement, through negotiation or alternate dispute resolution. This can then be formalised by a solicitor.

As every relationship is different, we strongly encourage you to obtain legal advice prior to or following a separation regarding your property settlement obligations and entitlements.

Contact Focus Family Law for advice today! ca


P. 07 5493 9888

Location 4/9 Capital Pl, Birtinya Q 4575


Kirsty Englander


It’s getting harder and harder to stand out from the crowd when every other business is using the same easy-peasy marketing techniques to grow their brand and hold their own against their competitors.

So how do we overcome this? What does it take to be that one orange butterfly in a sea of blue butterflies?

Back in the day before ChatGPT and Canva, marketing execs would have to generate a ‘Big Idea’ – the one thing that separates their clients from the rest. This ‘Big Idea’ would then act as the catapult that launched their clients into the stratosphere while their competitors watched on in awe.

I’m not saying we should ignore these tools completely and make things harder on ourselves, but high quality campaigns need to be built on a strong foundation if standing out is the goal – and it should be.

Here at Englander Davis, we are experts in thinking outside of the box. We specialise in SEO, paid and organic social media, and Google Ads that will make your business shine bright. ca


P. 1300 640 508


18 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Local Matters |
FAMILY LAW with Michelle Britton




Karinya Montessori Children’s House – Heart of the Noosa Hinterland in Cooroy.

Since 2009 Karinya Montessori Children’s House have helped families feel connected and belong to our local community.

Everyday, we say “Wunya-Ngulum” (GubbiGubbi for Welcome Everyone). By using this language we are teaching children the ancient culture of our land. Lyndon Davis and his daughter recently completed their workshop at our centre. We sang our acknowledgement song to them in our beautiful rainforest environment setting and children enjoyed listening to his stories, the didgeridoo and dancing and singing.

Everyday, we recognise we are one, but we are many. By welcoming children and staff with their first language, this includes Australian, Italian, Catalonian, Māori, Portuguese, French, German, Indian, Dutch, Hebrew, and Mandarin. These cultures also come alive with celebrations during the year.

If your family is interested in enrolling at Karinya Montessori, we have limited positions for three year olds for this year, and waiting groups for toddlers and kindy. Email to come in for a tour – ca


When it comes to hosting business events, finding the right venue is crucial to the success of your event. One option to consider is a local boat charter.

This unique venue can offer a memorable and impressive experience for your guests.

A local boat charter can accommodate a range of events, from corporate meetings to teambuilding activities and even networking events. Onboard facilities can include Wi-Fi, audiovisual equipment, and catering services.

One of the advantages of a boat charter is the ever-changing glorious view.

Additionally, a boat charter can create a sense of exclusivity and luxury for your event. It can make your guests feel valued and provide an opportunity to network in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.

In conclusion, a local boat charter can be an excellent option for businesses seeking a unique and impressive venue for their events. With the flexibility in location and facilities available onboard, it can provide an unforgettable experience for your guests. ca

Wedding planner Kathy and her team at The Wedding Planning Co are professionals who can help you plan and organise your dream wedding. From the initial concept to the final execution, assisting every step of the process, making sure that your vision comes to life seamlessly.

Firstly, they can help the couple with the overall concept and design of the wedding, from choosing the colour scheme, selecting a venue, and finding the right suppliers that fit your budget.

Secondly, they can handle all the logistics and administrative details, such as creating a timeline, managing guest lists, and coordinating with the suppliers to ensure everything runs smoothly on the day of the wedding. (and with their connections they can get you the best price.)

Finally, a wedding planner can help with the execution of the event, making sure that every detail is perfect, so that you can relax and enjoy your special day.

Alleviate the stress associated and check out Kathy at ca


P. 0407 333 242 | 19
| Local Matters |
843 933
THE WEDDING PLANNER with Kathleen O’Grady
with Kate and Denis Pontyon
with Kerri Steele




What if your next door neighbour was secretly your coach, mentor and guide but you were totally unaware as you were living in fear, poverty and running on empty?

That is what I have been told by so many of my coaching clients - “Jean, you were there all the time, but I didn’t know what you did or how you could help me”.

You see, when you work from your superpower INTUITION, life is easy, you manifest what you want and live your best life. Intuition is your superpower, that is your natural body and mind’s GPS that guides you to the right place, the right person, and the right decision.

That is where 1:1 coaching to access your own personal ‘Secret Codes to Success’ is a MUST so that you can open a gateway to destiny knowing ‘it always works out’.

Jean is a dynamic Medical Intuitive and Mentor who teaches business owners how to access their intuition to make the best choices to live their best life. ca

Like all organs in your body, your brain changes over time. Regular tracking of your brain performance enables you and your health care practitioner to better manage potential cognitive decline, traumatic events such as concussion, health challenges and lifestyle changes. The WAVi uses EEG technology that records an electrical signature of your brain and its response to a stimulus. Measuring brain speed, brain wave power and reaction times during the recording, we can provide a comprehensive report of your brain health and use this information to assist in developing personalised treatment plans and to monitor the effectiveness of these interventions. WAVi takes complicated brain information and makes it accessible, distilling it into actionable insights and understandable metrics. So, if you are concerned about:

• How much is my brain changing as I age?

• How can I improve my brain performance?

• How do my brain metrics relate to my mental health?

• Has my brain fully recovered from my concussion?

• When will my post Covid-19 brain fog resolve?

Book in for a WAVi scan at Attune Health today and learn how we can help. ca


P. 07 5329 7996

with Dr Karpa


Dry eye syndrome is a general term for the breakdown of the tear film that protects the eye’s front surface and is the most common symptomatic eye condition treated at Best Practice Eyecare.

Dry eye syndrome causes chronic, tired, uncomfortable eyes. The symptoms range from mild to severe and include burning, stinging, itching, sandy, gritty, scratchy foreign body sensations causing excessive tearing and matting or caking of the eyelashes.

The eyelids can stick together, particularly on waking and can cause intermittent redness and blurred vision. The symptoms are worse when reading, watching TV, driving, using computers and in air-conditioned or windy environments. It leads to light sensitivity, eye pain and headaches, heavy eyelids, frequent blinking and eye fatigue. Drops alone are inadequate, and the condition often becomes chronic.

Modern treatment modalities such as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy offer most patients rapid and complete resolution of their symptoms. IPL can help in reducing the load of demodex on our skin. ca


P. 07 5492 2822

20 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Local Matters |


Lionhearted Foundation is protecting, connecting, educating and changing the face of leadership for a more diverse future. Lionhearted Foundation seeks to increase gender equality, extend leadership and economic participation opportunities for women, and build a safer, more respectful culture in workplaces throughout Australia.

LIONHEARTED LIFE SERIES | We give you the skills in life to be a leader who is confident in yourself, connected to others, committed to purpose and emotionally courageous.

LIONHEARTED CONNECTION LUNCHES | We come together to connect, collaborate and create through facilitated discussion on topics of interest for executive women and we build a cohort of strong voices for positive change.

LIONHEARTED LEADERSHIP SERIES | We share a toolkit from 30 years of professional experience. As a leader you will be able to build trust, have courageous conversations, get commitment, accountability and measurable results.

LIONHEARTED PRIVATE COACHING| We take you from current state to future state and create a practical delivery plan to meet your personal and professional goals.

LIONHEARTED CONSULTING | We are experts in strategy development, transformational change, wellbeing and strengths leadership, women in leadership and sustainable implementation.

LIONHEARTED LEISURE RETREATS | We immerse you in a life changing experience that leads you to your light, refreshes your soul and connects you to a sisterhood that will support you to live a meaningful life.

For more information go to | 21

LOCALS with a passion for FASHION

Take a look at some of these amazing fashion statements available right here on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. We certainly do EMBRACE LOCAL.

Dahlia Chintz smock dress in rayon.

Sizes: Small Med Large $79.95

Featuring that boho chic look. New stock arriving weekly - great prices and fabrics.


Argyle chocolate and white Diamond ring TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM

Angel - the ultimate pack

Luscious, organic skincare, cruelty free, supporting local women


22 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Fashion | | 23 TO LOVE TO REMEMBER TO HOLD AND TO HAVE FOREVER 07 5477 0561 Multi-Award-Winning Manufacturing Jewellers | Fashion | Blue Sapphire pendant TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM All About Eve Charlie Cord jacket, $119.95 MERAKI THREAD CO Shaping high waisted shorts. Available in nude and black, $79.00 MIRACLE SHAPERS, MAROOCHYDORE

Love Lunamei Sacred earings



Angel - moisturise

Luscious, organic skincare, cruelty free, supporting local women


Emerald cut and Baguette Diamond engagment ring


Dex owl wrap jumper, $64.95 with blue stripe knit pants, $44.95 from Bebe MOO BABA, MOOLOOLABA

24 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Fashion |

Dahlia Chintz Holly maxi-dress. Sizes: Small Med Large, $75.95 Flowly in style, a great transeasonal piece. New stock arriving weekly - great prices and fabrics.



Tanzanite white gold Pendant TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM | 25 Anti-Roll Briefs, Super High Shaping Shorts, Waist Trainers and more. Bringing back the hourglass shape Online 0405751646 In store by appointment 42D Duporth Ave Maroochydore QLD 4558 Instant waist reduction Firm support Train the waist Back & posture support Postpartum recovery Smooth from bust and hips Sport, Formal, Bridal, Everyday High quality latex & steel bones Triple thread technology fabric | Fashion |
Shaping bodysuit with sheer panel, no lines. Available in nude and black, $99.00 Mariana purple on purple earrings TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM

Pink Argyle Diamond pendant TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM

Sanjose maxi-dress, $75.00 New stock arriving weeklygreat prices and fabrics.




Breathable long, 4 hooks waist trainer. Available in nude and black, $89.00


Shaping skirt with no lines. Available in nude and black, $79.00


26 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Fashion |
knit jumper, $59.95 from Fox & Finch


When it comes to jewellery, there's something special about owning a piece that is made especially for you. This is where local custom jewellers come in. To Hold and To Have’s skilled jewellers can create bespoke jewellery that is tailored to your exact preferences, using high-quality materials and traditional techniques.

By choosing to support your local custom jeweller, you're not only getting a one-of-a-kind piece of jewellery, but you're also supporting a small business in your community. This can have a positive impact on the local economy, as well as on the jeweller themselves. By working with a custom jeweller, you'll also have the opportunity to collaborate with them on the design of your piece, making it truly personal and meaningful.

Is there something in the bottom of your jewellery box, maybe inherited from your favourite aunt, or someone you love, that you could have made into something special to remind you of them, something that suits you and that you will love to wear? ca

Jo Saxelby-Balisky


P. 07 5477 0561 | 27 | Fashion |
Angel - cleanse Luscious, organic skincare, cruelty free, supporting local women ANGEL BY HALO
Thrills Holly Cord pant, $129.99 MERAKI THREAD CO Citrine and Diamond ring TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM

You’re not alone if you approach superannuation with a certain amount of mistrust. The rules change often, and they can be confusing. So, it’s not surprising that a super fund you’re in control of can look appealing.

A Self Managed Super Fund, or SMSF, is one that allows you to be in the driver’s seat. Like getting your licence though, that comes with responsibility. You, along with all other members of the SMSF will be the trustees, which means you’re responsible for running the fund in accordance with ATO rulings. If you get things wrong, you could face severe penalties. It pays to know the rules.

Whilst ASIC guidance has previously

suggested an account balance first of $250,000, then $500,000 as being a level where the costs became comparable with an APRA regulated fund – they’ve recently removed the account balance guide from their recommendations. That’s not to say costs shouldn’t be factored in however, they’ve suggested that balance alone is not the driving indicator of suitability.

Common advantages to establishing an SMSF include:

• Control over investment strategy and acquisition, including access to traditional asset classes and alternative investments, and the ability to hold property as a direct asset.

• Flexibility for your retirement, with seamless

transition from accumulation to pension phase, in a concessionally taxed environment.

• Increased control of death benefit distribution as trustees can distribute according to their wishes, provided their trust deed allows it.

With a complex set of rules to adhere to, they’re not for everyone. If you’d like to explore whether an SMSF might be right for you, a financial planner can help to develop an investment strategy/assist with implementation, advise on investment and borrowing rules and on the types of retirement income streams a fund can pay. If you’d like to know more – we’d love to hear from you. ca

RACHAEL YURKO Thrive Financial founder and owner is passionate about helping people like you feel like the boss, not just of their money, but of how they feel about wealth and about having enough. Everyone has a money story – if you don’t like yours - here’s permission to write a different one.

28 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Thrive Financial |
YOU? Visit our friendly, innovative, state-of-the-art ophthalmic practice. (07) 5492 2822 64 Landsborough Parade Golden Beach Qld 4551 PREMIUM CATARACT SURGERY PLASTIC SURGERY LASER GLAUCOMA DIABETES MACULAR DEGENERATION

of the


How good is the Sunshine Coast over winter? We all love this place during the summer months, however, it’s got so much to offer over the winter season too. Whilst the weather is cooler, the temperatures are still mild enough that we can still enjoy a variety of outdoor activities.

One of the highlights of winter on the Sunshine Coast is whale watching. From June to November, humpback whales migrate along the coast, we can witness them breaching and playing in the water. We are so lucky to have the unique opportunity to see these magnificent creatures up close.

Another thing locals love to do here in the winter, is hiking. The

cooler weather makes it more comfortable to explore our national parks, which are home to a variety of wildlife and offer stunning views of the coastline. The Glass House Mountains National Park is a popular choice, with its volcanic peaks and challenging trails. Or if you are up for it, some other popular mountain climbs are Wild Horse Mountain, Mount Beerburrum, Mount Ngungun, Mount Coolum, Mount Ninderry, Mount Cooroora and Mount Tibrogargan. You could even challenge yourself to the popular ‘Six Mountains in a Day’ climb, probably not for the faint hearted.

| Magic Moments |
Come in Sunshine Coast’s Dining Chair & Stool Specialist Shop 8 / 278 Nicklin Way (Cnr Production Ave) Bar Stools Tables • Commercial Furniture and More Phone 5479 5502 KITCHEN BENCH STOOLS BAR STOOLS Come into... Sunshine Coast’s Dining Chair & Stool Specialist COVAL STOOL GREY ALBURY ARM CHAIR ART STOOL FINLAND CHAIR Call in and see our Showroom IRIS LEATHER CHAIRKALVIN LEATHER CHAIRSOHO SWIVEL CHAIR SYDNEY LEATHER CHAIR MOON DINING SUITE

Something I love to do, for a more leisurely way to enjoy the outdoors, is to go to one of our beautiful beaches, which are way less crowded and not quite so hot during the winter months. You could go for a swim, take a walk along the sand, or simply relax in the sunshine.

How much fun is it to get the blood pumping with go kart racing out at the Big Kart Track? I did this once with my stepson, Jamie, a while ago and it was an awesome bonding experience for us. Nothing like a little competition, right?

Or if you are game, why not take a sky dive from one of the many operators on the coast? My wife, Vickie, surprised the family a few years back with a ‘FAMILY MOMENT’. “Let’s jump out of a plane today together.” Not even kidding. We weren’t all totally happy about the prospect of this, however we did it, and it turned out to be something we will definitely talk about, laugh about and remember forever.

If it’s a bit of water fun you want, we have the Bli Bli Aqua Park, which is worth a visit.

Let’s not forget Aussie World, which is open all year round.

And to top all this off, we have quite a lot of challenging golf courses here to have a crack at, from Caloundra Golf Club in the south to Noosa Springs in the north and many more in between. I’m sure you will find a course that suits you for a birdie or two, if not there’s always another personal favourite of mine, the 19th, which will do just fine at all clubs.

We are so fortunate here on the Sunshine Coast to also have a thriving food and drink scene, with many cafes, restaurants, and bars offering seasonal menus featuring local produce. Winter is a great time to try some of the region's famous seafood, including prawns, oysters, shellfish and a variety of fish.

Finally, the Sunshine Coast is home to several events and festivals during the winter months. The Noosa Long Weekend Festival, the Sunshine Coast Marathon, and the Horizon Festival are just a few of the events that take place during this time of year.

So, while the Sunshine Coast may be known for its summer activities, there is much to do and enjoy during the winter months. From whale watching to hiking, from relaxing on the beach to trying local cuisine, there's something for everyone on the Sunshine Coast during winter.

Honestly, the best thing about all this, is that it’s all right here in our back yard, the place we call home. How lucky are we? ca

| Magic Moments |
DRANKO MAGIC is Matters Magazine’s photographer, distribution manager, operations manager and accounts manager, as well as being her business partner, he is also Vickie Magic’s life partner, husband and soul mate. The pair have been together since 2001 and are both passionate about living their best life, enjoying every moment, and inspiring others to do the same.


In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for the success of any business, especially for female entrepreneurs. Your online presence is your virtual storefront, and it's the first impression that your potential customers have of you and your brand. However, many female entrepreneurs struggle with creating a strong and authentic online presence that reflects their values, personality, and expertise. They may feel insecure, overwhelmed, or unsure about how to showcase themselves and their business in a way that resonates with their audience.

As a female entrepreneur myself, I understand the challenges and fears that can come with building an online presence. It's not easy to put yourself out there, especially if you're not comfortable in front of the camera or if you feel like you don't look the part of a successful business owner.

I believe that everyone has a unique and valuable story to tell. It's my mission to help my clients showcase their story and create an authentic online presence that reflects who they are and what they stand for. ca


At Bridgewise, our mission is to turn the entire buying experience into one that is informative, seamless and cost effective. We are an enthusiastic team eager to exceed our customers’ expectations.

There may be a stigma surrounding insurance, where you often don’t know what you are paying for and how the policy is going to respond in a time of need, making it an undesirable purchase.

Our expert advice, experience and professionalism when arranging your insurances, means you can be assured of a positive outcome when you do need to claim. At Bridgewise, we act for you, not the insurance company, so you don’t need to worry. Leave the claim to us, so you can get on

with what you do best, running your business.

We offer the following insurances:

• Business Insurance.

• Agriculture and Farm Insurance.

• Construction Insurance.

• Energy Insurance.

• Public and Products Liability Insurance.

• Professional Indemnity Insurance.

• Manufacturing Insurance.

• Property Owner and Strata Insurance.

• Fleet and Motor Insurance

• And many more.

Call 1300 010 307 or visit to request a free consultation. ca

32 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Embrace Local |
PHOTOGRAPHY Capturing the true essence of you Phone 0417 625 119
Bridgewise Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd is an Authorised Representative of Ausure Pty Ltd // ABN 94 096 971 854 // AFSL 238433.


At Suncoast Accounting & Bookkeeping Services, we understand that managing your accounting can be challenging. That's why we offer a wide range of accounting services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients, and all conducted within Australia. Highly experienced in accounting, tax return preparation, SMSF administration, audits, bookkeeping, BAS preparation, corporate secretarial services, and business advisory.

Our accounting services are designed to help businesses of all sizes keep track of their financial transactions and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. We offer bookkeeping services, including bank reconciliation, payables, receivables, and reporting. Also providing advice on cash flow and budgeting, helping you to optimise your financial management.

We stay up to date with the latest tax laws and regulations, ensuring that you remain compliant and avoid costly penalties. Our team provides advice on tax planning and structuring, helping you to minimise your tax liability and maximise your financial outcomes. Services are aligned with your individual needs.

SMSF administration services, includes assistance with compliance and statutory obligations. We work closely with our clients to ensure that their SMSFs are managed effectively and efficiently, enabling them to achieve their retirement goals. ca


Hi, I am Luke. I manage Buy Local Sunshine Coast and B2B Sunshine Coast. In addition, I am the host of LinkedIn Local Sunshine Coast. Safe to say, I have embraced LOCAL. I have been fortunate to speak to hundreds of local business owners. When it comes to marketing, the challenge is finding a comprehensive, results-driven, affordable, and local solution.

The rise of A.I. tools has finally made it possible to provide an all-in-one marketing solution for under $500 per month. This is not automation. You are very much involved in the process. We use the tools to streamline content creation based on your target market, strategic objectives, and business goals.

Our new $499+gst per month marketing package includes a new Google website (or hosting the existing website), setting up your listings on search, maps, local directories, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Plus, we co-create and share your business stories, advice and offers on social media and with the 90,000+ Buy Local Sunshine Coast community. After the first three-months, $100 of the $499 goes towards Facebook Ads. By far the most comprehensive digital marketing solution for a small business.

Scan the Q.R. code in our ad to learn more. ca | 33
| Embrace Local | If you want to spend more time doing the things you love. Let us do the thing we love, ‘YOUR ACCOUNTS’. Relax and let us assist you with: 4 Accounting, Tax Return preparation and lodgement, 4 SMSF Administration, 4 Audit, Bookkeeping,
BAS preparation & lodgement,
Corporate Secretarial Services, 4 Business Advisory is on its way!


We seriously all deserve a well-earned break after enduring the last two years, but is it time to relax or shift to a new gear?

This was the question we asked ourselves as we kicked off the thongs and came back to work this year.

In reality, it didn’t take long for us to see that our clients were going to need us more than ever as the post pandemic cycle took effect.

Rising interest rates, inflation peaking, increasing costs to both businesses and households are only a handful of challenges we will all need to deal with over the coming year.

The QCS Team have been hard at work reviewing clients’ interest rates and negotiating new ones, refinancing to a better deal and consolidating debts to improve cash flow.

It’s the same for our business clients who are taking advantage of opportunities in the market, purchasing commercial property through their super and upgrading their vehicles and equipment to create efficiencies in their business.

It’s going to be another busy year and getting the right advice has never been more important.

With the financial year coming to a close, why should you buy assets now?

While small business have enjoyed the tax breaks of the instant asset write off it appears it may be coming to an end this year, so you will need to act quickly to secure vehicles or equipment for your business before the June deadline.

Here are a few reasons why buying assets now may be a smart move for your business:

1. Low fixed rates.

2. Improve productivity and efficiency.

3. Instant asset write off set to end.

4. Cost of vehicles set to increase.

5. Tax deductions for 2023.

QCS are proud Members of FBAA and CAFBA.

With this issue of Matters Magazine being about embracing local, QCS invites you to be part of our ‘Giving Back’ campaign, by donating to the Sunshine Coast community on every deal we settle.

At Queensland Capital Solutions we believe every child deserves to fit in at school, no matter their background, home situation or financial means.

Therefore, we have partnered with an amazing charity called Inclusive Kids! We will be donating $25 for every deal settled across Home, Business and Asset finance.

The Inclusive Kids fund was created to provide children with the much-needed funds that will improve inclusion by providing such things as school lunches, shoes, bags, family meals, funds for activities and camps to those who would otherwise be excluded due to poverty, family breakdown, disability, or serious illness. The Inclusive Kids fund is a non-perpetuity fund initiative that gives 100 per cent of all funds received directly to local families. ca

ADRIAN MULA has qualifications in mortgage broking management, risk management, business finance, consulting and client management. Adrian has many years of experience working in the finance sector and is a proud member of the FBAA. With beginnings in the banking environment and having worked in small business consulting and home mortgage lending, Adrian found his passion in SME finance and helping local families invest in property and build financial success.

34 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 From a small business sign to a full multi-story commercial sign fitout, we have the capabilities and knowledge to handle any project. SIGNS THAT SET YOU APART.
| Queensland Capital Solutions | | 35 BRIGHT IDEAS FOR LOCAL PRINT


Welcome to the future of the real estate industry.

As one of the original pioneers, CENTURY 21 has taken great pride in being the most recognised brand in real estate globally for two straight decades.

Our new identity is only the beginning. As we continue on our quest to defy mediocrity, we will continue adopting best-in-class marketing practices, investing in new technologies and creating exciting resources that will benefit our consumers. Want to know more? Call Danelle Wiseman and the team.

36 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Socials |
KRISTINE YOUNG (Bella Venezia), SABINE GRUCHET (Miracle Shapers) BRET DAVIS (Wholesales Solar Installers), TODD YOUNG (Bella Venezia) DANELLE WISEMAN and JONATHAN PARRINSON (Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate) KATHY and REMY O'GRADY (The Wedding Planning Co) KERRI and JASON STEELE (Karinya Montessori Childrens House), JOHN PICKERING (Pickering Bookkeeping & Accounting Services), ZONYA BIRD (Creative Bird Design) ANN OBST, VANESSA NOCK (Uniqueness Designer Jeweller)
5492 5146 | 37
KRISTINE YOUNG (Bella Venezia), DR. SHARI HALL (Griffith University School of Medicine), VICKIE MAGIC (Matters Magazine)
Matters Magazine celebrates the launch of Issue 102, the 'Passion Issue'. Fantastic food, a great venue and delightful company.
NATALIE CARROLL (Map Property), KRISTINE YOUNG (Bella Venezia), PAULA GOWLAND (Sunshine Coast Art & Framing), MEGYN CARPENTER(Sustainability Success)
| Socials |
LEONA KIRBY (Proof Reading Services), JEAN SHEEHAN (Millennium Education), VANESSA WEBSTER (Webstar Marketing)
38 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL BRET ON 0410 422 922 DON’T THINK YOUR SOLAR IS WORKING THAT WELL? You have solar but still get a bill? Is it working to its capacity, or is something wrong? P. 1300 459 315 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FREE CHECK-UP AND REPORT ON YOUR SOLAR SYSTEM.

OVERNIGHT SUCCESS (with 50 years planning)

So far, Jeanette has personally worked with industry leaders and champions across four states, but especially on the Sunshine Coast and in Noosa, including Noosa Council, Youi, ECOllaboration and Mindstar.

Jeanette can attest that within the time of her three-day workshops, women find their strengths and learn to roadmap their success. They also join a powerful tribe of individuals with differing goals but shared understanding that female leadership builds on collaboration, connection and cultural change.

“I believe in shining a light on and addressing disparity, that’s my driving purpose, but my biggest passion is seeing and supporting women to find their own voice and take the steps they need to succeed,” Jeanette says.

It’s been a journey of more than five decades in the making, but the Sunshine Coast’s own Lionhearted Foundation is celebrating its second year in 2023.

Founder, Jeanette Allom-Hill had seen a gap for many years in leadership coaching and development for women of all ages and stages of life seeking career and personal fulfilment. She began Lionhearted Foundation to proactively increase gender equality, extend leadership and economic participation opportunities for women, and build a safer, more respectful workplace culture across Australia.

Jeanette’s own extensive professional background includes working for international powerhouses like Microsoft, Boston Consulting, NBN and Optus. She has also advised the Office of the Australian Prime Minister and Cabinet and NSW Treasury. In 2020 Jeanette won the coveted Telstra Businesswoman of the Year Award for Public Sector Leadership. In her rare spare time, she contributes to several boards, chairs the No More Fake Smiles charity, is deputy chair for Tourism Noosa and volunteers for community groups including Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network. Jeanette embodies walking her talk.

In the next few months Jeanette will offer Lionhearted Foundation workshops at the Sunshine Coast, Rainbow Beach, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne and specialist coaching. See more at CoursesLionhearted Foundation. ca | 39 Hire Kathy Trust Kathy See page 19 to read more about how Kathy can help you Check out Download your FREE guide ‘The Wedding Roadmap – Where to start’ Image by Life and Love Photography Image by Lindy Yewen Wedding Photography The
Your Dream Wedding | Lionhearted Foundation |
‘Roadmap’ To
JEANETTE ALLOM-HILL is the 2020 Telstra Business Woman of the Year award winner and the CEO of Lionhearted Foundation. She is the Chair of No More Fake Smiles and a board member for SCBWN and Tourism Noosa. Jeanette has worked in the private sector for over 15 years holding senior roles in Optus, NBN, Microsoft and Boston Consulting Group. Jeanette has spent the last 12 years working across the depth and breadth of government from Prime Minster and Cabinet to the Sunshine Coast Council.

local FOCUS

Let’s keep our focus local. Supporting Sunshine Coast products and services really does make a difference. Next time you are looking to buy ANY product or service, remember SUPPORTING LOCAL MATTERS.


As Vanessa from Uniqueness Designer Jeweller heads into her 20th year of designing here on the Sunshine Coast, she is incredibly proud of the many connections she has made through this tremendous craft.

Providing guidance, education and an understanding space for clients who have collected many pieces of jewellery throughout their life’s journey. Creating a unique design that connects to their heart as a symbol of them that becomes part of their legacy. ca


P: 0409 057 442

40 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Local Focus |
Designer Jeweller Private Studio, Maroochydore. Photos by Jodie Modric Photography
After Before


As businesses continue to grow and expand, they often find themselves in need of more manpower to handle various tasks. Hiring new local staff can be a costly and time-consuming process, which is why many businesses are turning to offshore teams to complement their existing workforce. One of the main benefits of using an offshore team is that it frees up your local staff to spend more time with their clients.

Client satisfaction is a top priority for businesses that rely on repeat customers or referrals. By using an offshore team to handle administrative tasks or other back-end functions, your local staff can focus on building relationships with clients and delivering high-quality services. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, which can ultimately lead to increased revenue and growth.

Another advantage of using an offshore team is that it can help to reduce the workload and stress on your local staff. When employees are overworked or overwhelmed, they may become less productive or more likely to make mistakes. By offloading some of the work to an offshore team, you can help to alleviate some of the pressure on your local staff, which can lead to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates.

Using an offshore team can also help to reduce labour costs, as offshore teams typically operate in countries with lower labour costs. This can allow businesses to remain competitive while still maintaining high-quality services. Additionally, offshore teams can often provide around-the-clock support, which can be especially beneficial for businesses that operate in multiple time zones.

Do we use an offshore team?

Yes, The Bookkeeper Hub Pty Ltd has an offshore team of three, this allows us to be more timely in our processing and allows for our director to spend her time reviewing work and talking with our clients. Having the time each month to do our monthly update videos is a necessity to help our clients thrive. It also helps us to keep our fees uber competitive as well!

As well as including a possible offshore team to solve the current skill shortage challenge, some other ideas we can put forward are:

Invest in training and development

Consider investing in training and development programs for your current employees to improve their skills and keep them up to date with industry trends. This will not only improve their performance but will also make them feel valued and more likely to stay with your company. Offer competitive compensation and benefits

In a competitive job market, you need to offer competitive compensation and benefits packages to attract and retain top talent. Consider offering perks such as flexible working arrangements, health benefits, and retirement plans.

Use technology to automate and streamline processes

Technology can help you automate and streamline your business processes, reducing the need for skilled workers in certain areas. Look for ways to incorporate technology into your business operations to optimize efficiency and productivity.

Build a strong employer brand

Building a strong employer brand can help you stand out from other companies and attract top talent. This involves promoting your company culture, values, and mission through various marketing channels, including social media, company websites, and job boards.

By implementing some of the above strategies, you can keep your business thriving in the current skills shortage and attract and retain top talent. ca

P: 0419 179 177

E: | 41
| Local Focus |
Promote your company culture, values, and mission by building a strong employer brand.


Around the world, more and more people and businesses are recognising the benefits of digital currency. Convenient and secure, digital currency is quickly emerging as a practical alternative to traditional fiat currency, but do you know how they compare? Below, we outline seven of the key advantages that digital currency has over cash. Continue reading to learn more.

1. Security

Digital currency transactions are irreversible once authorised. This offers exceptional protection against fraud compared to fiat currencies, which are less secure due to the personal information required to make transactions and the potential for chargebacks. Digital currencies are empowered by blockchain technology, making them virtually impossible to counterfeit or duplicate.


Decentralised and Autonomous

Unlike hard cash currencies, digital currencies are decentralised, meaning they are not managed by a central governing body. The absence of governments and banks in your transactions gives you more

4. Peer-to-Peer Transactions

We’ve already mentioned that digital currencies are decentralised, meaning you don’t need the resources of a third party like a bank or credit company to manage them, but this also means your transactions are directly peer-to-peer. Therefore, no third parties are necessary to guarantee the transaction.

5. Minimal Fees

Because digital currency fees are peer-to-peer, you’ll encounter fewer, if any, fees when transferring funds. The networking structure made possible by blockchain technology eliminates the need for intermediary institutions to facilitate transactions. Not only will you pay less in fees than you would if you were transferring fiat currencies, but you’ll also find it easy to monitor the process and keep track of your funds.

6. Discrete and Confidential

With fiat currency, much of your financial history is documented and handled by third parties, such as credit reporting agencies, banks, collectors, and marketers. With digital currencies, that’s not the case. The transaction history of the coin is what is recorded and stored, not the spender.

control over how your money is managed. Your digital currency wallet works the same way the one in your pocket works; you have direct, immediate access to its contents. Compare that to the hoops you must jump through to move your fiat currency from one bank to another, and you can quickly see the difference.

3. Fast, Mobile Payments Online

Sure, no transaction is faster than cash over the counter, but fiat currencies have their limits. When you’re sending money internationally, for example, a payment with fiat currency can take days or even weeks to process, particularly if the payment is thousands of dollars or larger. Digital currency payments, by contrast, are not only easy to make online via mobile devices but also functionally the same regardless of the amount or distance.

7. Safer for Merchants

Digital currency transactions are validated in seconds. For merchants, this means a reduced risk of bounced cheques or attempted chargebacks. Once a transaction is written in the blockchain, it cannot be withdrawn or reversed, offering enhanced security for businesses. Indeed, a growing number of merchants see digital currency as the future and are working to conduct more of their business with it.

A digital currency for merchants

Qoin is revolutionising the way businesses think about digital currency. Qoin offers an exciting new avenue for small businesses to expand their reach and gain new customers. Get started with Qoin today! ca

42 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Local Focus |
Convenient and secure, digital currency is quickly emerging as a practical alternative to traditional fiat currency..


As a small business owner, there are many tasks that require attention and skill, and managing finances is one of the most important ones. With the right financial management, businesses can grow and succeed, while without it, they may struggle or even fail. One way to ensure that your business finances are in order is to hire a local accountant.

There are several reasons why you might choose to work with a local accountant. Firstly, a local accountant will have a thorough understanding of the local area and providers who can assist you in your business journey. (It also means they know where to allocate expenses to as well!)

Another benefit of working with a local accountant is the personalised service that they can provide. They are likely to have a smaller client base than a larger, national accounting firm, and as a result, they can offer more individual attention and customised advice. They can also be available to meet with you in person, which can be especially helpful if you prefer face-to-face communication.

An accountant can help you to stay organised and on top of your finances. They can help you to develop and maintain a financial business plan that aligns with your business goals, and they can assist with bookkeeping and other record-keeping tasks. With the right systems and processes in place, you can have greater visibility and control over your finances.

Overall, working with a local accountant can be a valuable investment in your business. If you're a small business owner looking to improve your financial management, consider hiring a local accountant to support you on your journey.

As well as the above, having a local accountant can be important for a variety of other reasons too, including:

Knowledge of local laws and regulations

A local accountant is likely to have a good understanding of the local laws and regulations that affect your business. This can be especially important if you are doing business in a foreign country or a state with unique tax or regulatory requirements.

Familiarity with local business practices

A local accountant can also be helpful in understanding the local business practices, which can be very different from what you are used to in other locations. This can be especially helpful when it comes to managing finances and taxes.

Access to local resources

A local accountant is likely to have connections with other local professionals, such as attorneys, bankers, and investors. This can be helpful if you need to tap into these resources to grow your business.

Personalised service

Working with a local accountant means you can build a more personal relationship with them. They will be more familiar with your business and can offer more personalised advice and support.

Overall, having a local accountant can be a valuable asset to any business. They can help you navigate local laws and regulations, provide personalised service and support, and give you access to local resources that can help you grow your business. ca

P: 07 5444 7094

E: | 43
| Local Focus |
Having a local accountant can be a valuable asset to any business
44 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 OPENING HOURS Tuesday to Saturday 10am till late & Sunday 10am till 5pm. See Restaurant, The Wharf 123 Parkyn Pde, Mooloolaba PH: 07 5444 5044 BOOK ONLINE Absolute Waterfront

Dining | 45


Diaries, online programs, media articles, blogs, podcasts, interview transcriptions.

What do all of these things have in common?

They are all forms of content you can repurpose in your book!

When you have poured your heart and soul into creating content either for yourself or for the public, it can become a goldmine when the time comes to write a book.

When you look at the content you already have in your arsenal, you may be pleasantly surprised to see you have been ‘writing your book’ for years without even knowing!

A beautiful soul who joined me for an Ignite & Write Workshop in early 2022 had kept the diaries she had written while she was undergoing treatment for both of her breast cancer diagnoses, a journey that spanned around seven years. When the time came to write her book, these diaries provided her direct access back to the highly emotional state she was in at the time, allowing her to capture the authentic essence of who she was at the time, without the veil of a healed mind we often have to look back on experiences with.

Jo Wilson, who wrote Renovate Your Relationship and released her book in 2020, was able to create strong foundations for her book using columns she had written for a newspaper as well as topics she had covered when answering questions posed to her by listeners on a local radio station each week. She was able to edit these columns and radio segments to become more uniform for the book and add in new insights and research findings she had come across since they were published to freshen them up.

In fact, it was the suggestion from someone else that she use her columns to create a book that planted the seed for her to become a published author in the first place!

Five-time author Zoe Sparks also had a lightbulb moment when she saw how she could collate the stories shared by fifty-two women over the course of a year through her business community newsletter and create an inspiring book for businesswomen.

If you have been posting regular blogs to a website, on social media, or interviewing people who have amazing insights into your relevant industry or subject, it is all content you can look at using in your book.

Never underestimate the power of these resources or worry about releasing the same content. It will be completely new to some and for those who may have read or heard the content before, when it is placed

in the context of the rest of your book, it will only become more poignant and powerful. Are you ready to let your story RISE?

To transform your past experience and learned knowledge into the book you have dreamed of?

Make 2023 ‘YOUR’ year of authorship!

You can get started at home today by grabbing a copy of ‘The Mindful Author’, the only resource you need to lay strong foundations for your writing journey. The Mindful Author was recently awarded the international Reader Views Book gold medal for Writing and Publishing.

Or if you are ready to deep dive, sign up for the next Ignite & Write Workshop and connect with me and an intimate group of aspiring authors to learn how to weave their knowledge and lived experience together in a way that is impactful and flows for the reader. a


Instagram: @roxannewriter

46 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Roxanne McCarty-O’Kane |
When you look at the content you already have in your arsenal, you may be pleasantly surprised to see you have been ‘writing your book’ for years without even knowing!

In a world where big corporations dominate the market, it can be difficult for local businesses to make a name for themselves. That’s why it’s refreshing to see a local print company like The Inkspot Printers are dedicated to supporting other local businesses and finding the solutions to their printing.

The Inkspot Printers, based in Maroochydore, has been in operation for over 40 years. In those years they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality printed materials for businesses of all sizes. But what really sets them apart is their commitment to helping local businesses succeed.

One way they support local businesses is by offering affordable pricing to the local area. This is particularly helpful for small businesses, who often have limited budgets for marketing and printing materials.

The Inkspot Printers goes out of their way to source materials from other local businesses. They work with local suppliers, manufacturers, and vendors, which not only supports other local businesses but also ensures that their product is of the highest quality.

The Inkspot Printers provides consultation and design services for many small business owners, the world of printing can be confusing and overwhelming. By offering free consultations and design services, they are able to guide these businesses through the process and ensure that they get the printed materials they need to succeed.

But perhaps the most significant way The Inkspot Printers supports local businesses is by providing a sense of community. They are the first to put their hand up in support of various local charities.

When local businesses work with The Inkspot Printers, they know they are working with a company that cares about their success. The team at The Inkspot Printers take the time to get to know their customers, and they take pride in seeing these businesses succeed.

a | 47
| The Inkspot Printers | YOUR LOCAL PRINT SOLUTION Are you concerned about your home loan repayment increasing? Tony and the team at Complete Finance offer personalised, professional and efficient service. With 25 years in the industry, Tony’s track record for finding his clients a great deal is exemplary. Get in touch today 0417 074 485 SHOULD I REFINANCE MY HOME LOAN? Scan this code to download ‘MY MORTGAGE MENTOR’ Top tips to save money on your mortgage. Credit Representative 385610 is authorised under Australian Credit Licence 389328. Your full financial situation would need to be reviewed prior to acceptance of any offer or product.


Imagine it, high society, luxury and class, but all at affordable prices. Ms Monaco Hair Society originally came to life because owner, Samantha Jones, is a believer in fairy tales. One of her favourites was the marriage of Grace Kelly to Prince Rainier of Monaco, in 1956. Samantha believes that this is one of the greatest fairy tales of all time, 30 per cent of the population are millionaires, add to that the sheer luxury of such a small country, it’s definitely high society!

This was how Ms Monaco Hair Society was born. It’s a true reflection of how Samantha wants her salon to be.

Samantha and her team at Ms Monaco Hair Society have been leading the way when it comes to LUXURY in hair salons, however they wanted to ensure they maintained an affordable price point. They are leading the way when it comes their unique offerings too.

Their brand-new salon located in Courage Street, Sippy Downs just screams luxury every step of the way. (Opening date not 100 per cent known, so depending when you are reading this, check out their website, facebook or Instagram, Ms Monaco Hair Society, to see if the brand new salon is up and running. Don’t worry the current premises won’t shut until the new one opens, so you can ensure you’ll get the same quality service and luxury trimmings in either location).

Samantha is a visionary; she is a confident entrepreneur who has put it all on the line to build this state-of-the-art hair salon. We’ve all heard the saying, “bet the house on it”? Samantha has literally done just that, having sold her house and invested her life savings on this beautiful new salon. It’s a risk, sure, however Samantha truly believes that the Sunshine Coast is going to absolutely love all the extras on offer, especially knowing that the price point remains affordable.

Having outgrown their previous space, Samantha has spent the last eighteen months planning and working on bringing this vision to fruition. Hiring the right people with the right skills. She’s super passionate about her team, they are an extremely important part of Ms Monaco Hair Society’s strive for excellence. Samantha does everything with the team and the salon guests in mind. She is always

asking herself “What would be best thing here for my team and the guests?” Every member of the team works no more than four days each week and has every second Saturday off. It’s important that they offer service that is second to none, so keeping the team fresh is an essential ingredient in making that happen.

The brand-new luxury state-of-the-art hair salon is everything Samantha ever dreamed of. She is thrilled to share this new space with the Sunshine Coast.

Ms Monaco Hair Society love firsts. They were the first on the Coast to introduce their all inclusive packages, these packages assist their clients to maintain perfect hair with easy, affordable weekly instalments. Affordable pricing with maximum luxury is imperative, especially in the current times and it’s something they pride themselves on giving. With the all-inclusive-packages, the client chooses from a menu that suits their style, colour, hair length and budget. “The clients absolutely love it and say that it’s a great way to avoid bill-shock and makes the booking process simple,” Samantha says.

48 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Ms Monaco Hair Society |
All-inclusive packages... assist their clients to maintain perfect hair with easy, affordable weekly instalments.

Another unique offering at Ms Monaco Hair Society is their luxury vip area, where the Ms Monaco Hair Society ‘members’ have access to an extra level of luxury every time they visit.

And if all of that isn’t luxury enough, there is also a full-size licenced cocktail bar serving the best beverages sourced from mainly local suppliers.

The private hair extension suite is another unique space, set up to ensure absolute privacy for Ms Monaco clients, allowing them to walk out of the suite with their gorgeous new locks, with no-one ever having to know. “Our clients love their privacy,” Samantha says.

Part of making their guests experience ‘one of a kind’, is their special ‘Salon FAQ’ on their website, this ensures everything the guest needs to know prior to their first visit has been covered. They don’t want them stressed out about how to find them, what they need to do or where they need to go, they just want them to walk in, feeling completely confident and ready to be treated like royalty and knowing that their visit, while top shelf, won’t break the bank.

If you are looking for the experts in blondes, balayage and grey blending hair colour services all served with a side of luxury, at affordable prices, then look no further, Ms Monaco Hair Society is at your service.

Book online today at a

Call us // 07 5363 0259 Visit us //


The annual Meet the Makers (MTM) event is set to return to the Sunshine Coast on Tuesday, May 2 with record numbers of exhibitors keen to showcase their latest and tastiest food and drink offerings.

Now in its fifth year, MTM has grown to become FAN’s signature event and has earned a stellar reputation for attracting quality growers, manufacturers and producers who offer high quality, innovative products, that consumers and buyers cannot get enough of.

Attracting buyers and industry members from all over Australia, producers from the Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Gympie, Moreton Bay and beyond will unveil their latest food and beverage offerings with many making important trade connections in the process.

Acting FAN CEO Nicole McNaughton says as the region’s only dedicated food and beverage trade event, the opportunities and connections MTM creates cannot be underestimated.

“Meet the Makers provides valuable commercial connections and opportunities for our members and allows them to connect with members from the wider food and beverage industry, which is important in terms of being able to benchmark their own growth journey and potentially look at future collaborations.


Tuesday, May 2 - 2.00pm - 5.30pm

Buyer Session, welcomes:

Food and beverage retailers / distributors / wholesalers and procurement / restaurants / cafes / caterers / tourism operators / accommodation providers / event companies are invited to learn about the latest food and beverage products made in our regions.


Tuesday, May 2 - 5.30pm - 7.30pm

Networking Session, welcomes:

FAN members and partners, industry supporters, media and passionate foodies - come join us at this networking session and celebrate our regions’ growers and makers. a | 49
| Fan Network |

As one of the new owners of Century 21 Caloundra, Danelle Wiseman says, “I am eager to continue to bring my expertise and vision to the community. With years of experience in the industry, I understand the importance of exceptional customer service, innovative marketing strategies, and a strong commitment to ethical business practices.”

Century 21 Caloundra and Better Homes and Garden Real Estate (BHGRE) are actually sister companies owned by the same corporate entity. Taking over from former owner Billy Mitchell, they are thrilled with the ongoing potential of this global brand.

Their goal is to continue to provide a personalised and efficient experience for both buyers and sellers in the area and to bring a fresh perspective, utilising the latest technology to streamline the buying and selling process. The team are available to assist with every aspect of the transaction, from the initial consultation to closing.

“I am thrilled to

offer a choice to the local community and look forward to building strong relationships with both clients and fellow professionals,” Danelle says. “I am confident that with my passion and commitment, we will to continue to make a positive impact on the real estate market and deliver exceptional results for those who choose to work with us. We decided to close the BHGRE Caloundra office in December, to ensure that we don’t confuse things, so we made the decision to run that operation solely from our beautiful Beerwah Office.

“We have moved our rent roll completely to the experienced specialist team at C21, which is led by our head of dept Cherie Walker.

“They are really loving the new location at 24 Bulcock Street, right in the heart of Caloundra and have decided to open Sundays to take advantage of the Sunday market pedestrian traffic and to deliver a better service to clients.” a

50 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Century 21 | LOCAL
Financial Stress Taking Its Toll? We Can Help! Are you a Small Business dealing with financial stress? It’s never too late to take action. Book a free consultation with one of our friendly advisors to discuss your options and get back on track. | 1300 069 155 BUSINESS SAVERS Your road to recovery
“I am thrilled to offer a choice to the local community...” | 51 a day to spoil someone special (or many someones) 209 Brisbane Road Mooloolaba | 1300 640 722 | | @TANKBATHHOUSE


It is no question that cybercriminals are becoming more complex, desperate and more determined than ever to breach your data and your information.

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) reported that businesses lost $33 billion over the 2020-2021 financial year, an eyewatering number that you do not want to be a part of. You can never be overprepared - here are the top three tips for protecting your business.

1. Secure end-point devices

When you think of protecting your devices, you automatically assume your desktop or laptop. What about your smartphones, printers, POS systems or tablet devices? All endpoint devices pose as entrances into your company’s network. The more devices that connect to your network, the more the risk increases. It is vital to monitor all endpoint devices for any suspicious activity to contain any threat before it becomes a catastrophe and disrupts your business.

2. Backup your data

Data vulnerability is something that cyber criminals bank on and it can bring your business to its knees. Store important business files and data off-site or in the cloud. In an incident where hackers do breach your devices, you will not have to start from scratch, minimising the downtime of your business operations. Always have a monitored backup system in order, regularly backup and check your backup, and ensure that your business has a disaster recovery plan.

3. Establish full protection of your e-mail inbox

You may think your business e-mails are protected from cyber threats, but are they protected by consumer-grade or business-grade security? Consumer-grade protection is designed to be user-friendly, protect data for a small number of individuals, like a family, and is intended for the home network. It is built to be reactive, meaning it reacts to threats. A business-grade firewall is a more complex design and built with businesses in mind, it is a proactive safeguard and aggressively fights against largescale attacks and high-level threats. ca

PASCAL STUSSI has been a part of the telco and technology industry for over 20 years. When he is not liaising with their customers regarding innovative technology solutions, he enjoys being involved with the Alex Surf Club as a surf lifesaving volunteer. His biggest reward is to witness the transformation of his clients’ business after their solution has been implemented.

52 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Entag |


Matters Magazine congratulates Kristine and Todd Young, owners of local iconic Italian Restaurant Bella Venezia, Mooloolaba. Bella Venezia has been awarded the prestigious Australian Good Food Guide Chef’s Hat Award in 2023!

For 40 years Bella Venezia has been a dining institution on the Sunshine Coast and has finally taken home the coveted Chef’s Hat Award!

Our Executive Chef Ben Achurch has led our team of 15 talented chefs to this extraordinary achievement for Bella Venezia. The truth is that only the top one per cent of restaurants receive this recognition.

“We are absolutely honoured to be awarded a Chef's Hat for the Australian Good Food Guide in 2023!” Kristine says.

They go on to say, “This is brilliant recognition for all of our chefs’ hard work and dedication, led by Executive Chef Ben Achurch, during the most challenging few years our industry has faced. Our industry has faced so many challenges and we have finally achieved our ultimate goal of winning a Chef’s Hat in 2023!” Todd says.

Australian Good Food Guide operations manager Hannah Yaworksky says each year, The Australian Good Food Guide’s Chef Hats are awarded to discerning Chefs around Australia.

“These awards are the result of careful deliberation. Inspectors appointed by AGFG dine anonymously. Their reviews and votes of the dining public, who generously send in their comments throughout the year, determine these results,” Hannah says.

Kristine, Todd and the team at Bella Venezia invite you to EMBRACE LOCAL while dining on the finest Italian cuisine. Their menu is like a great book you never

want to put down. Their chefs put their hearts and souls into each and every dish, which is evident from the very first taste. Paddock to plate, port to plate ingredients are complimented by only the freshest locally grown produce, and premium quality imported Italian ingredients, the result is PURE MAGIC. a


- RCA 2022




• WINNER 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 AGFG





• 2021, 2022



| Bella Venezia Restaurant |
“We are absolutely honoured to be awarded a Chef’s Hat for the Australian Good Food Guide in 2023!”
Kristine and Todd Young Executive Chef Ben Achurch


Tony Gray from Complete Finance says, “DON’T PANIC. The road ahead is going to be okay.”

As the owner of Sunshine Coast’s Complete Finance, Tony is a leading expert in finance. He has been in the industry for 25 years and is here to help give you peace of mind by assisting you to find the best possible solution for your home loan.

Tony says that while interest rates have gone through the roof over the last year, he believes that not panicking is the best way to get on top of your mortgage.

Tony was considering offering an entry to every person that refinances their home through Complete Finance, the chance to win a $200 voucher to a prestige restaurant here on the Sunshine Coast, but the truth is that if you contact Tony about your mortgage, you will more than likely be able to buy yourself as many of those prestige lunches as you want, anytime you want.

Tony is passionate about finding a way to save you money on your mortgage so that you can spend more of your well-earned dollars on the things you love, like those prestige restaurant meals for example if that’s your thing, or a holiday, some new furniture, a swimming pool, or whatever it is that you would prefer to spend your hard earned money on.

The truth is that you owe it to yourself to at least have a look to see if you are on the best deal you can be.

You see, Tony has over 25 years’ experience in dealing with all types of mortgages, no matter how complicated. In fact, he enjoys the challenge of the complicated deals or searching for the best deal for you to help you save.

A broker is a seriously valuable resource if you have a current mortgage or are wishing to purchase a home.

There are several reasons why you may want to consider contacting Tony, including:

His access to a wide range of loan options:

Tony works with multiple lenders, giving you access to a wider range of loan options than you would have if you were to work with a single lender. This allows you to find a mortgage that fits your specific needs and financial situation, rather than having to settle for a loan that may not be the best fit.

His expert guidance

Tony provides expert guidance throughout the loan process. He will help you understand the different types of loans available, the terms and conditions of each loan, and the pros and cons of each option. He can also help you navigate the often-complex process of applying for a mortgage, ensuring that you have all the necessary documentation and meet all of the requirements.

He will save you time

Applying for a mortgage can be time-consuming and confusing, especially if you are new to the process. Tony can help streamline the process and make it more efficient, saving you time and reducing the stress of the home-buying process.

He will ensure you get a better rate

Because mortgage brokers work with multiple lenders, they have the ability to negotiate better interest rates and loan terms on your behalf. This can result in significant savings over the life of your loan.

He can help you refinance

Refinancing your home loan is a great way to potentially save money on your monthly mortgage payments and overall interest payments on your loan. Here are some of the main reasons why you might consider refinancing:

Lower interest rate

If interest rates have dropped since you took out your original mortgage, refinancing to a lower rate could reduce your monthly payments and overall interest costs.

Shorten the loan term

Refinancing to a shorter loan term, such as 15 years instead of 30 years, can significantly lower your interest costs over the life of the loan. However, it will also increase your monthly payments.

Change the loan type

If you have an variable mortgage rate, refinancing to a fixed-rate loan can provide stability and predictability in your monthly payments.

Consolidate debt

If you have high-interest debt, such as credit card debt, refinancing to a cash-out refinance loan can provide you with the funds to pay off that debt and potentially lower your overall interest costs.

54 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Complete Finance |
A broker is a seriously valuable resource if you have a current mortgage or are wishing to purchase a home.

Improve credit score

Refinancing to a lower interest rate can help you pay off your mortgage faster, which in turn can help improve your credit score over time.

Tap into equity

If your home has increased in value, you may be able to refinance to a larger loan and tap into that equity for home improvements, education expenses, or other major purchases.

It's important to keep in mind that refinancing does come with costs, such as closing costs, appraisal fees, and other miscellaneous expenses. Be sure to carefully consider all of the costs involved before deciding to refinance. Additionally, it's also a good idea to compare rates and terms from multiple lenders to find the best deal for your specific financial situation.

Overall, refinancing can be a great way to improve your financial position, but it's important to carefully consider all of the factors involved and make an informed decision.

And the great thing about contacting Tony is that there is absolutely no cost to you

Mortgage brokers don’t charge a fee for their services. Instead, they are paid a commission by the lender for securing a loan. This means that you can take advantage of their expertise and resources at no cost to you.

In conclusion, Tony and the team at Complete Finance can provide valuable assistance in finding the best mortgage for your needs, guiding you through the loan process or re-financing process, and helping you save time and money.

If you are in the market for a new loan, forget about the free lunch, get as many lunches as you want by saving on your home loan. It is definitely worth considering working with Tony and his team to ensure you are not spending one cent more than you need to on your home loan.

Go to to download their My Mortgage Mentor top tips to save on your mortgage. a | 55
| Complete Finance | QUEENSLAND
Take a look at page 10 for more information about QCS - Your Finance solutions for: ASSET AND EQUIPMENT FINANCE | COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SMSF | CASH FLOW | RESIDENTIAL FINANCE visit us online at
GRAY grew up on
the Sunshine Coast and has always thought that we live in the best part of the world. He has been associated with a number of sports on the coast including rugby league, little athletics, triathlons and football (the round one). You will often find him supporting his children playing sport or catching up with friends at one of the many fantastic venues around the coast!


We clean our homes, our wardrobes and our gardens, whilst the most important part of our lives will often continue to accumulate waste. Our lives, mind and body, would last a lot longer if we were to apply the same philosophy to them as we do to our environs.

In spite of our high-tech elimination systems, our bodies accumulate toxic waste. Day after day, we are exposed to pollutants - chemicals in our food and household products; chlorine and fluoride in our water; smog and fumes; cosmetics; off-gassing from synthetic products, new carpet and building materials; petrochemicals; organic solvents; pesticides and heavy metals. Even the fillings in our teeth can provide a steady source of toxic mercury which accumulates in the brain, organs and fatty tissue.

Some years ago I visited a university in India that specialised in agriculture. The students had been using chemicals to produce huge crops of vegetables. They had no modern machinery, so everything was done by hand. In time the soil became so toxic that mutations started to appear in the vegetables. Many of the students became ill and some developed cancer. The entire project was closed down. A professor of organic farming was flown in from Zimbabwe to assess the situation and to advise whether or not the soil could be healed. He concluded that, in its present state, the soil posed a grave danger to human life.

He advised the university to bring in truckloads of wood charcoal from local timber mills and plough it into the soil. For eight months the farm was dressed with charcoal as hundreds of trucks dumped their loads. Charcoal absorbs up to eighty times its volume in poisons, so the project proved successful. The soil was tested until there was no trace of chemicals. The professor then educated the students in the practice of organic farming. A worm farm was established and composting was introduced. Areas were set aside to grow

nitrogen-rich greens for mulch. Not only did the soil produce perfect crops, but the spirit of the students thrived.

Years ago a young, depressed cotton farmer came to our health retreat presenting multiple symptoms of disease. Her skin was covered in an irritating rash. Her lungs were producing excessive mucous and her digestive system was critical. Her occupation

Treatments for this cotton farmer consisted of steambaths, lymphatic drainage, clay wraps and wet sheet wraps. A therapist would wrap the young lady in an icy wet sheet with a warm woollen blanket wrapped around the outside. She would rest in this contrast cocoon for one hour, after which she would be washed. After several days the newly stained sheets reeked of chemicals. They actually had to be destroyed.

The result achieved was amazing. Not only did all her physical symptoms disappear, but the girl’s personality revived. She was no longer depressed; in fact, she became the vibrant person that she had been in her teens. The relationship between the body and the mind is intimate. When one is affected, the other sympathises. Many people come to our retreat for a detox, simply because they feel toxic. However, it amazes me how many guests experience emotional release once the toxins are eliminated.

had exposed her to chemicals. She needed an urgent detox. For several days she fasted on protein drinks, organic eggs and water. The albumin component of protein mobilises fat-soluble poisons, while the fat in the eggs ensures effective elimination via the liver. Healthy raw eggs are an efficacious natural detox agent. This method of detoxification addresses toxins stored in the fat, without compromising muscle integrity. When one fasts on juices or water alone, muscle wastage occurs first in order to provide the body with essential proteins.

In a study spearheaded by the Environmental Working Group, researchers at two major laboratories found an average of 200 industrial chemicals in umbilical cord blood from ten babies born in August and September 2004. Tests revealed a total of 287 chemicals in the group. The umbilical cord blood collected by the Red Cross after the cords were cut, harboured pesticides, consumer product ingredients and wastes from burning coal, gasoline and garbage. Of the 287 chemicals detected, 180 are known to cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests.

Our environment is indeed toxic, causing the symphonic language of the human organism to go out of tune. Just like a musical instrument needs regular tuning, so our bodies and minds need time set aside every year to detox the system and fine tune the mechanisms that guarantee our health and happiness. a

| Living Valley |
Gary Martin ND // Living Valley Health Retreat //
Our bodies and minds need time set aside every year to detox the system and fine tune the mechanisms that guarantee our health and happiness. | 57


Have you been burned by outsourcing projects to the lowest bidder? Often ending up in overseas teams who don’t always understand the project goals, let alone any nuances of great influence. This can be a costly endeavour that could have been avoided if the project had remained in local hands.

While it can be tempting to increase your project scope for the same budget, if you’re returning investment is not secure, unstable or has a short shelf life, is it worth it? It’s an awful time at the boardroom table when we’re obliged to inform an exhausted business owner that they need to start again… and that they can’t reuse what has been provided and paid for.

The good news is that you don’t have to leave the coast to find world-class talent!

Over the years, with the pandemic included, the Sunshine Coast has continued to attract top talent who embrace the local spirit of building better lives for everyone. It is a golden era for business owners who can collaborate with local providers that are delivering projects to a global audience (just ask our development team!). The ability to sit down face to face or host a web meeting in the same time zones speeds up project timelines and builds better relationships between teams.

When everyone is on the same page, at the same time, your project is in immeasurably better hands for a successful outcome. If you’re thinking about where to go for your next project, check out the local neighbourhood first, you might be pleasantly surprised! ca

58 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 BRIGHT IDEAS FOR THE FUTURE A local accounting firm offering: 4 TAILORED AND STRATEGIC BUSINESS ADVICE 4 ASSET PROTECTION STRUCTURING 4 SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS 4 PROPERTY AND INVESTMENT TAX ADVICE 4 SUPERFUND SPECIALIST TAX ADVICE 4 TO SAVE YOU TIME & MONEY Level 1, Capital One, 9 Captial Place, Birtinya P 07 5439 1600 E Since 2003, Complete Business Advisory has been providing comprehensive expert advice on the Sunshine Coast. They are passionate about seeing your business grow and succeed!
| Tecoda |
CHRISTIAN DAVIES is the founder and CEO of Tecoda; a trusted I.T. advisor, end-to-end managed service provider and developers. Our award-winning software development and network engineering teams are committed to honesty, reliability, security and delivery.
The Sunshine Coast has continued to attract top talent...


Taking advantage of our free check-up and report on your solar system can be an excellent way to ensure that your system is operating at its optimal level. With advancements in technology, solar panels have become more efficient and long-lasting, making them a great investment for homeowners who want to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy bills. However, like any system, solar panels can experience issues that may go unnoticed without a professional inspection.

A free check-up and report on your solar system can help you identify any problems or potential issues that may impact your system's efficiency. These could include anything from dirty panels to faulty inverters, loose connections, or damage caused by weather or other external factors. The report will outline any issues that are identified during the inspection, as well as recommended steps for resolving them.

By taking advantage of this free check-up and report, you can potentially save money in the long run. A solar panel system that is

functioning at its optimal level will produce more electricity, which can result in lower energy bills. Additionally, identifying and fixing issues early on can prevent them from becoming more serious and expensive to repair down the road.

The report may also provide recommendations for upgrades that can improve your system's performance, such as adding more panels or switching to a higher-quality inverter. Upgrades like these can increase your system's efficiency and ultimately help you save more money on your energy bills.

Overall, taking advantage of a free check-up and report on your solar system is an excellent way to ensure that your investment in renewable energy is working for you as effectively as possible. It can provide peace of mind and help you save money in the long run, making it well worth the time and effort. ca

BRET DAVIS has been passionate about solar as long as he can remember. With over 30 years in management roles, Bret now follows his passion to get solar installed into as many homes and business premises as he can, at the most affordable price possible by cutting out the middle man. | 59
| Wholesale Solar |
Dealing with financial stress? 07 5414 3000 | CONTACT US FOR AN OBLIGATION FREE CONSULTATION • Business Restructuring • Bankruptcy • Voluntary Administration • Statutory Trustee Sales of Property • Liquidation • Financial Stress Advice • Turnaround Strategy • Forensic Accounting


Catherine Molloy, CEO and founder of Auspac Business Advantage, a soft skill training company created in 2014 and in its ninth year of trading has supplied training and education world-wide for businesses, entrepreneurs, and women empowerment groups.

“No matter what business I work in, the first thing I notice is that you can have the best equipment, most comfy chairs and the latest tech desks but if you are not communicating well to yourself, your team and your clients, then your business may be fragile and may falter at any time, costing you a lot of money,” Catherine says. “But you do have the opportunity to make a difference in the way you communicate, therefore strengthening your business by creating a great culture to share services and products from”.

Catherine started her professional life in the corporate world topping sales in Westpac nationally by age 22, thanks to training

and understanding non-verbal cues, before taking a sideways step to come back to the coast where she grew up and taking a role doing the legal work for Westpac at Mooloolaba. Everything she did was for the customer, to build or buy their business, to gain better products, and to be aware of the services they could access. Time out with children allowed Catherine to further educate and when the time was right Catherine started her first training company, turning over $1million in the first year of trading. After 25 years in business Catherine says, mastering communication and difficult conversations is the number one skill required in the business world today. “There is a formula for everything, it’s having the heart to unlearn and relearn some new skills”.

As the author of the international best sellers, The Million Dollar Handshake and The Conscious Leader (newly released Amazon best seller and award-winning leadership book), Catherine and her company are future focused on growing businesses and its people for longevity. “All skills are transferable and the majority of my clients and their teams comment on the noticed improvement in their personal life as well. For great mental wealth we need a positive mindset full of tools to be able to change or let go of the negative self talk that loves to pop in,” Catherine says.

Auspac Business Advantage has training programs that run for two hours, half days, a full day and immersive two-to-three-day experiences. They also now have programs running in China and India.

60 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Auspac Business Advantage |
Some of the companies Catherine has worked with.

“The speaking bureaus loved The Million Dollar Handshake keynote on how to connect and communicate with anyone anywhere,” Catherine says. “They found this keynote a great way to kick off a conference or bring the audience back after lunch laughing at themselves and others in the fact that we can easily miscommunicate in our first seven seconds or better still, we can create win-wins if we are conscious in our first meet and greet. This allows audiences to immediately practice and make changes to the way they communicate throughout the conference knowing and seeing how we react before we speak”.

Catherine has worked in over 12 countries and 80 cities and says, “When we strip away everything, human beings worldwide share the same raw behaviour styles, and when you understand this, you can connect and communicate with anyone anywhere!”


Noosa and Hinterland Early Childhood Alliance is looking for sponsors, can you help?

The Noosa and Hinterland Early Child Alliance brings schools and centres together to support the teachers and families in our community.

Services available:

Key notes

if you would like to liven up your conference please reach out to Catherine Molloy at or on email at or book her through any of the large bureau services.


if you would like to grow your business and teams please reach out to or on email at education@ and see which package will give your business the best experience and meet your budget. We also provide free team access to all online materials for 12 months after any session.

Online programmes

join ‘My New Launchpad’ for speakers, authors and trainers.

Executive coaching

packages available as well as Gallup Strength coaching for highlighting the gold in your team and in individuals. Isn’t it better to bring out the strengths and see them shine than to perceive weaknesses?

Please email if you would like a copy of the five quick ways to enhance your communication style. a

How? At the beginning of the year early childhood teachers get together to discuss trends they are seeing in their environments. Then during the year we put action plans into place to support teachers in their professional development and for families with support experiences.

This year we will do a full day of professional development for teachers focused on well-being for themselves, others, and the community as well as supporting the holistic development for children in the early years. Our goal is to have motivational speakers with practical and hands on ideas that teachers can implement to support children in speech and language, fine and gross motor development, co-regulation leading to self-regulation and more!

We will also be putting on a early childhood showcase for families in our community called Hearts of the Hinterland. We are hoping to have a welcome from a Gubbi-Gubbi elder and a Noosa Council representative. We are inviting all schools, centres and allied professionals (speech therapists, occupational therapists and psychologists) to showcase their environments or practices and provide fun activities to nurture families to belong to our local community.

We are looking for sponsorship for these events, if you think you can help please email Kerri Steele the operator of this alliance on info@ karinyamontessori. com or checkout our facebook - Noosa and Hinterland Early Childhood Alliance. e | 61
| Noosa and Hinterland Early Childhood Alliance |
“Mastering communication and difficult conversations is the number one skill required in the business world today…”


as we can, if we have a broken piece of glass, for example, we will always go to the local bloke. A lot of people think that going to the local bloke is going to cost them more, but it absolutely does not.

I encourage everyone to really be open to this amazing philosophy, not only will it help your dollar go further, you are also becoming part of a sustainable community that’s diverse, vibrant, economically sustainable as well as ethically good for the environment for both local people and their local families, there is nothing not to love, it is really my first choice, it’s a no brainer, it just makes complete sense to me.”

White’s IGA are what embracing local really looks like, they live and breathe local with every move they make.

I have personally known Roz White pretty much since I first arrived on the Sunshine Coast 13 years ago, the thing that constantly jumps out at me, every time I catch up with her, is her humility. No matter how many new White’s IGA stores that open, year on year, (currently six) Roz has always remained her same humble self, always giving praise and gratitude to those around her.

She has the ability to make everyone around her feel special, feel like they are the only person in the room, the only person on the planet, her whole persona is gentle, humble, kind and caring, it isn’t any wonder that her team of 500 at the White’s IGA empire, love her, and love where they work.

They have truly mastered the ability of embracing local, they do it every single step of the way. “The team are locals themselves and this is their local community. We believe that there is just so much on the Sunshine Coast to embrace, so much to enjoy, not just the natural beauty of the rivers and the mountains and the ocean and the beaches, but the people too,” Roz says. “Of course, being in the supermarket game, we pride ourselves on embracing the local food and agri business, which is literally hundreds of innovative producers, growers, suppliers, and bespoke artisans.

“We love that we are able to provide that first market entry for a lot of these businesses because often they are small and in the learning phase. Over the past two decades, we have been totally aligned with local suppliers, some of our first very suppliers from right back in the early days, in the mid-nineties, have become lifelong friends. It’s relationships and embracing local that gives us the most reward.

“We also believe that this gives our customer choice, you can’t beat fresh and local. It simply tastes better, our motto at White’s IGA is, ‘Taste the difference at White’s IGA’ because it’s true, you really can taste the difference of fresh and local.”

Roz says if shoppers want to embrace local a little more, they can make a conscious effort to scan the market. “Perception is reality for a lot of people, unfortunately people often have the perception that if you buy local it’s going to cost you more, it doesn’t, it really doesn’t, it’s just a perception, it’s just not true,” She says. “For example, think about food, it’s a very sustainable way of doing business, because you are buying food that has travelled the least amount of miles, so you are minimising your freight, making it a lower cost to get the food from the farm to the store. People need to be competitive, even providers and professionals, we do business locally with as many local providers

White’s IGA practice what they preach with their instore ‘Locavore Program’. White’s IGA encourages everyone to become a ‘Locavore’. A locavore is a person who chooses to consume food that is grown, raised, or produced locally, usually within 200 kilometres from home. A locavore connects food consumers with the food producers within a small, targeted radius developing better food networks, improving local economies and enriching health, environmental, community and social impacts. Local products not only keep money in our community, they make it from ‘paddock to plate’ in the shortest possible time frame to ensure the freshest possible product at a great value. The program extends right across their entire supplier network, including the food and agri sector, in fact their whole supply network; local farms, direct from local manufactures, direct from producers, for example; Noosa Gourmet who are scratch bakeries, supplying fresh bread and beautiful cream filled jam rolls, the German bakehouse, Walter’s Artisan bread, Maleny and Kenilworth dairies, Mooloolaba fisheries, and many more, across every single commodity there is.

The Locavore Program is exclusive to White’s IGA and was initially set up in 2013, even though they had been supporting local their whole business life, (which spans an incredible 30 years this year), the idea was to show just how amazing the local supplier network was to the consumer. To encourage the consumer to take ownership of their local suppliers. Roz went about trying to create a bit of an identity around it, so that customers could recognise local products at a glance, so she created, with the help of her graphic artist, the little tractor symbol, which was a way they could identify and label each local product and to help share these local stories with their customers.

Now every local product in every white’s IGA store can be identified by the little tractor symbol. “This helps every customer to feel that ownership and pride of supporting local, and it adds total authenticity around the whole program”, Roz says.

Forest Glen is their sixth store, and it is the third ‘greenfield’ store, which means that it was built, created and designed from scratch. The greenfield stores were opened in Peregian Beach in 2016, Baringa in 2019 and now Forest Glen which opened in 2022.

Roz spoke about the evolution she has witnessed since 2006. She noted from her perspective just how quickly things change, people change, industries change, behaviours change, it’s mostly influenced by global change. There was a different shopper in 2006 than there is in 2023, completely different. “We evolve as humans and the market has to adjust, because you have to be relevant to your market, I’ve learnt a lot from 2006 to 2023. I have done more research, I have become more involved, doing this for 30 years, we’ve learnt a lot, you have to

62 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | White ’ s IGA |

continue to change, and embrace change, you have to be relevant to the consumer and shift with the market, you have to go where the consumers are,” Roz says “I try to identify where the consumers are going and get there first. So by the time we built the Forest Glen store in 2022, it was very different, because I have honed a lot of my skills I now understand more about the consumer, I do an enormous amount of research, not just for our industry but for the local area and then try to create something that is really relevant and captures the nuance of the area, the history, the background, the stories and then integrate the White’s story into that too, and then of course our love for all things local. We get to showcase the uniqueness of Forest Glen. It's a unique, purpose built, destination store.

“It’s unique in that it really does have its own personality, each White’s IGA store has its own unique individual personality , developed with the individual area the store is in.”

When describing what is unique about the Forest Glen store, Roz says Forest Glen is very market style. “It reflects the old roadside market stalls that used to exist in that area, there’s a lot of farming that existed in the area, a lot of pineapples, beans, citrus fruits, all grown locally and the farmers would put up these tin shed roadside store and sell their goodies. I love that, it’s awesome. You still see a lot of that around the Coast, the honesty system, this really appealed to me and inspired me, it resonated with me, being a farm girl, I guess, but also I just thought that is what I want to capture and I wanted to do a modern interpretation of that that’s fit for the modern shopper. So that’s what is different about Forest Glen, it’s built reflective of the history of the area, telling stories about the local area, local families, our family.

“Creating beautiful spaces for people so that they can linger and stay and socialise and encourage people to connect. Not just with each other, but through the Locavore program, connecting the consumer to the producer or the farmer or the grower through storytelling. This is what my Locavore podcast is all about. Deepening connection and telling stories about the people that grow and produce our food so that the customer can connect with and understand. You can listen to the podcast on spotify or any podcast platform. Just Google ‘Locavore podcast’.”

At Forest Glen, Roz had the opportunity to create a lifestyle store within the store, it’s kind of set back and integrated as part of the store, but it has its own dedicated space. “When I saw the space, I just knew that‘s what I wanted to do with it, create this little lifestyle store, it’s got beautiful gifts and homewares and flowers, a chocolatier, coffee, we even have our family dining table in there, so that people can come in and sit and have a coffee, I think it’s Sunshine Coast’s latest dating site,” Roz quips. “It just came to me. I decided I needed to call it Grace and Grace, it is the name of my grandmother and also Michael’s grandmother, they were both such strong warrior women, we love them dearly, they were similar women, it just felt completely right. It’s such a beautiful space.”

Roz went on to point out that while she is extremely proud of what her and Michael have built, the thing that is significantly important for them, is that whilst you can have all these ideas and programs and a real heart for community, a heart for local, nothing can really gain

momentum, nothing can really happen without the full dedication and commitment from the whole team. “They are the ones who deliver each and every day on our mission, on our values and that makes me more proud than anything else. Our team’s community commitment has to mirror ours, they are advocates, they are ambassadors, they are ultimately, in effect, the front line, they have to have the pride, they have to embrace the community, engage, be active, they have to ‘GET IT’ and luckily for us, they do,” Roz says. “That’s where we have gained so much momentum over the years, you can’t sell a secret, we have the stickers on the products, to highlight to the customers about our local products, we truly want them to understand, we want to encourage people to support local families, but those stickers don’t put themselves up on the shelf, our team are engaged, interested, and proactive, they go out and seek new suppliers, they truly embrace what we do. We have a team of 500 people who embrace local, and to be honest that is pretty cool, that lights me up, that makes my heart sing.”

Some of the White’s IGA team have been with them for a very long time, there are two team members that have been with them almost the entire time they have been in business. One of the team members came with one of the stores when they bought it and has been with them since, he went from being a cashier, to now being one of their senior leaders as business analyst, after putting himself through university. The team become family. They have many team members who are heading towards twenty years, that’s pretty special.

In conclusion Roz, Michael, and the team at White’s IGA pride themselves on their ongoing commitment to embracing their local community, on putting people first. “Being in business is all about people, not just your team, but your industry colleagues, your suppliers, producers, manufacturers, your customers, your whole community,” Roz says. Roz left us with a simple truth she and the team live by: “WHEN YOU EMBRACE LOCAL, LOCAL EMBRACES YOU BACK!” a | 63
| White ’ s IGA |
When you embrace local, local embraces you back!

In recent years, there has been a growing movement towards embracing local businesses and products. From locallysourced food to locally-made crafts and art, more and more people are recognising the value of supporting the businesses and products that are made in their own communities.

There are a number of reasons why we should all embrace local, including the economic, environmental, and social benefits that come with supporting local businesses and products.

First and foremost, supporting local businesses helps to boost the local economy. When we buy from local businesses, our money stays in the community and is reinvested in the local economy. Local businesses also tend to employ more local people, which means more jobs for the community. This can lead to a cycle of economic growth and prosperity, as the increased economic activity attracts more businesses and investment to the area.

In addition to the economic benefits, embracing local also has environmental

benefits. When we buy from local businesses, we are reducing our carbon footprint. This is because products that are made locally don't need to be transported long distances, which means less fuel is consumed and less greenhouse gas emissions are released into the atmosphere. This is particularly important when it comes to food, as buying locallysourced food means that we are reducing the carbon emissions associated with the transportation of food from far-off places.

Another reason to embrace local is the

64 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 LET’S EMBRACE LOCAL | Embrace Local |
I truly believe that here on the Sunshine Coast we are actually already good at embracing local and supporting each other.
When times are tough, your business brand needs to stand out from the competition. Contact us and we can help BRAND your business. Does your brand stand out? FREE 250 quality printed business cards (Value $120) with a new BRAND.* Offer closes 30 September 2023. zonya bird // 0424 073 799 //

social benefits that come with supporting local businesses. Local businesses are often run by people who live in the community, and as such, they tend to be more connected to the community and more invested in its well-being. This can lead to a greater sense of community and a stronger social fabric, as people come together to support the businesses that are important to them. This can also lead to a greater sense of pride in the community, as people take pride in the businesses and products that are made locally.

Of course, there are also personal benefits to embracing local. When we buy from local businesses, we often get to know the people behind the products and services that we are buying. This can lead to a more personalised and fulfilling shopping experience, as we develop relationships with the people who make and sell the products we love.

Additionally, when we buy locally-made products, we are often getting products that are unique and of higher quality than massproduced products. This is because local artisans and craftspeople are often more focused on producing high-quality products that reflect their unique style and perspective.

Buying locally-made products can help to preserve traditional skills and crafts that might otherwise be lost. It can also help to promote innovation, as local businesses are often more nimble and able to respond to changing trends and consumer demands. And, of course, buying local can simply be a fun and rewarding experience, as we discover new products and businesses in our own communities.

There are many ways that we can all embrace local in our everyday lives. One way is to simply be more mindful about where we shop and what we buy. By making an effort to seek out local businesses and products,

we can start to shift our buying habits in a more local direction. We can also support local businesses by promoting them on social media, recommending them to friends and family, and attending local events and markets.

v Share your experiences and recommendations with others to encourage them to embrace local as well.

I also believe that embracing local can really give us more of a sense of belonging, which is a fundamental human need that involves feeling accepted, valued, and supported by others.

It helps us become part of our community, group, or culture, sharing common values, interests, and goals. It is a feeling of connectedness and inclusion that brings a sense of purpose, meaning, and identity to our lives.

HERE are a few thoughts from Matters Magazine on how you can personally embrace local more.

You can:

v Shop at local businesses and farmers' markets.

v Use public transportation or walk/bike instead of driving.

v Support local artists and artisans.

v Eat locally sourced and seasonal food.

v Volunteer for local charities and community organisations.

v Attend local events and festivals.

v Participate in community clean-up and sustainability initiatives.

v Get to know your neighbours and build a sense of community.

v Learn about the history and culture of your local area.

Belongingness is a vital component of our well-being, affecting our mental, emotional, and physical health. It provides us with a sense of security and safety, and it helps us develop self-esteem and confidence. People who feel a sense of belonging are more likely to be happier, healthier, and more resilient than those who feel isolated or excluded.

In conclusion, a sense of belonging is a crucial human need that helps us feel connected, accepted, and supported by others. It is a key factor in our mental and emotional health, and it can be fostered by engaging in activities and relationships that align with our values and interests. Ultimately, a sense of belonging is an essential aspect of our identity and well-being, and we should strive to cultivate it in our lives.

Embracing and supporting local wherever we can is vital for the ongoing success of the Sunshine Coast. f | 65 Get in touch today for your info pack 0407 333 242 Follow us on Facebook: Maroochy River Cruise Follow us on Instagram: cruisemaroochy CUSTOM CRUISES FOR GROUPS FROM 15 TO 70 WEDDINGS • ENGAGEMENTS • HENS/BUCKS • MEMORIALS • 18TH TO 80’S • PARTIES GET TOGETHERS • WORK PARTIES • CHRISTMAS PARTIES • TEAM BONDING • DINNERS • THEMED CRUISES ECO CRUISES • LIVE BAND CRUISES • BREAKFAST, LUNCH TIME AND SUNSET CRUISES | Embrace Local |
Belongingness is a vital component of our well-being...


Sitting Around owner, Scott Lawrence, lives and breathes this business, he is passionate about making furnishing your home as simple and easy as just sitting around.

Sitting Around has aimed to do one thing and do it well by specialising in tables and chairs for your home, office, business or events. They keep things simple, so you can shop stress free and with peace of mind. In fact, it’s so simple, you can even view the entire range of chairs, tables, and stools online, while you’re sitting around at home.

Whether it’s kitchen stools to dining tables, they have it all!

Priding themselves on providing their customers with a wide range of chairs and tables, so that they can always find something they love.

At Sitting Around you can choose from:

v Bar Stools

v Kitchen Stools

v Dining Chairs

v Outdoor Chairs

v Office Chairs

v Restaurant / Café Chairs

v Dry Bars

v Outdoor Tables

v Dining Tables

They also specialise in commercial and office furniture.

Sitting Around has absolutely everything you could ever need to furnish your next office, your next home or your next event. They stock ergonomic desk chairs to boost productivity and help you get back to work and forget about aches and pains. They also are proud suppliers of stackable budget seating for events and restaurants, as well as simple and elegant commercial tables. They stock contemporary chairs and tables for every occasion.

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a new dining table set for your home, or an ergonomically designed office chair to prevent those nasty aches and pains, Sitting Around has what you’re looking for. Find a

range of chairs, stools and tables, as well as specialised office and commercial equipment and you’ll find everything from a chic glass dining table to a hardy wooden bar stool. Stop by and lose yourself among Sitting Around’s great range of modern furniture.

Oh, and don’t worry if you’re not one for on the spot decisions, their 24-hour try it first and warranty guarantee, allows you to try out their chairs and stools for a full 24 hours before you pay a single dollar. Guaranteeing you peace of mind. Every product comes standard with a 12-month structural warranty and if you’re not a handy man or woman, all their stock can be delivered fully assembled. They make sure to only provide you with quality assured chairs, stools and tables, so you can sit worry free.

So, what are you waiting for? Stop sitting around and get into Sitting Around now. Tell Scott you saw this article in Matters Magazine and he will look after you with the best product at the best price possible. a

66 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Sitting Around |
‘Sitting Around’at Warana is your local store for all your chair and table needs.
24-hour try before you buy and warranty guarantee

At Matters Magazine we truly care what you think. After 17 years on the Sunshine Coast, we believe that we must continue to elicit the needs and wants of our readers, our supporters, to ensure we bring you more of the things you want.

From past survey, you have told us:

v You don’t like the articles to be too long.

v You love local success stories.

v You read the magazine cover to cover over a period of time.

v You often purchase from the companies you find in the magazine.

v You love the education pages.

We thank you for considering taking this survey! By completing the survey, you will be helping us to improve the content and overall experience of our magazine. We value your opinions and insights, and we want to ensure that our magazine meets your needs and interests.

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Win a full page ad or article in our next issue.


With Hueverse by Evo as their colour brand of choice, they are able to keep their clients' hair healthy, all while achieving their dream locks. Hueverse is PPD, ammonia and resorcinol free. As the cleanest colour on the market, this made complete sense!

All of their hair care ranges are free of parabens, sulphates and artificial silicones, as well as being vegan with packaging derived from reduced or recycled plastic.

If you want to make the switch to natural, low-tox haircare, you will see the benefits for yourself.

Little Birdie Hair Co owner and founder Tenille Lawrence says Australians are choosing greener options to reduce their impact on the planet. “People are saving the sea turtles by opting for paper straws and decreasing landfills by using reuseable shopping bags,” Tenille says. “While most of us know of the everyday ecofriendly alternatives, like eliminating plactics and purchasing locally, how many of us think about how ‘green’ our hair is?”

Tenille and her team at Little Birdie Hair Co make their pledge to health and sustainability by:

1. Using Low-Tox and Eco-Friendly Hair Care Brands

Unfortunately, a lot of hair products on the market are brimming with toxic chemicals. They may give your hair instant gratification as they usually smell and feel great, which is even more misleading, but the truth is these ingredients can be harmful to your hair and your health.

The average woman uses 12 different beauty products each day, so as you can see, our contact with toxic chemicals can quickly add up.

68 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 | Little Birdie Hair Co |
Little Birdie Hair Co. believe that beautiful hair shouldn’t have to cost you your health, which is why they only use low-tox colour and haircare brands.

At Little Birdie Hair Co salons, we commit ourselves to being low-tox by:

v Using paraben and sulphate free products.

v Reduced waste or recycled plastic bottles.

v Chemical bins instead of excess washed down sinks.

2. Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!

Once you learn Australians produce one tonne of plastic waste each minute, but only 11.8 per cent gets recycled, you can see why pledging to recycle is vital to fight climate change.

Although it’s the tip every eco-conscious salon should give, the statistics speak for themselves, not nearly enough of us are following through with recycling! So whilst you’ve likely heard it before, we think we should remind you of its importance.

Without it, all of that recycled plastic makes its way on our beloved beaches, parks and landfill, something we want to avoid to keep Australia beautiful. Luckily, recycling is one of the easiest and most effective solutions for hair salons and families who want to help protect the planet.

At Little Birdie Hair Co, some of the recycling practices we’ve pledged ourselves to uphold include:

v Use of sustainable and recycled hair care products.

v Using toilet paper and paper towels from recycled goods.

v Use recyclable hair foils.

v Recyclable gloves.

v Donate hair cuttings to local community gardens.

v Recycle coffee grounds as compost and purchase biodegradable coffee pods.

3. Reduce that Wastage

While recycling often gets the spotlight of waste management solutions, learning how to reduce our waste is equally as important if we

want to create a sustainable future. The reality is Australia is running out of landfill space, with 40 per cent of our country's waste going into landfills each year.

One of the easiest ways to reduce this is simply reducing our waste! The fewer items that are put into landfills, the fewer emissions are generated. Reducing your waste can be as simple as using a reusable water bottle so you skip out on the plastic.

It may not seem like a big difference to the environment, but it’s estimated if one reusable

v Little Birdie Hair Co client welcome tea and hand lotion.

5. Partnering with Greenfleet

At Little Birdie Hair Co, we deeply care for the environment. Our pledge to sustainability led us to partner with Greenfleet in 2022, a trusted and leading environmental non-profit organisation.

Greenfleet protects our climate by planting native biodiverse forests to capture carbon emissions. Since 1997, Greenfleet has planted over 9.6 million trees across over 500 forests in Australia and New Zealand.

“At Greenfleet, we are restoring native forests and growing climate hope thanks to the contributions of our amazing supporters, just like Little Birdie Hair Co,” Greenfleet CEO Wayne Wescott says.

How Greenfleet Works

bottle was used instead of four packaged water bottles each day, you could save 1,460 plastic bottles per year. Now that's a difference you would see if we collectively got on board in waste reduction.

The next time you want to throw something out, ask yourself whether it can be repurposed, recycled or donated.

Our pledge to waste management sees us:

v Using EcoHeads showerheads which reduce water and energy by 65%.

v Reduced energy lighting.

v Request suppliers to deliver products with little to no packaging.

v Recyclable paper POS and digital receipts.

4. Educate Others on Being Green

Luckily, as hairdressers, part of our job is meeting and talking to multiple customers each day, which provides us with the perfect opportunity to educate our clients in the benefits of choosing sustainable locks.

The Little Birdie Hair Co family are constantly bringing new ideas to the table, from environmentally responsible ideas to initiatives that allow us to give back to the community we feel so deeply connected to. Whether it's renewable, resourceful or responsible, the Little Birdie team is all over it!

Besides introducing our clients to our eco-friendly salon partners and products, we extend our environmental efforts into the community by:

v Choosing three local eco-friendly charities a month to support through the help of client donations.

v Provide education on how to support sustainable salon practices.

Every year, Little Birdie Hair Co offsets our carbon emissions by planting native forests around Australia with Greenfleet.

For every new customer, we plant 5 native trees with Greenfleet to help restore native forests around the country.

As these trees grow, Greenfleet forests help the environment by absorbing carbon emissions, improving soil and water quality, and restoring habitat for native wildlife and endangered species. The best part is Greenfleet forests are legally protected for up to 100 years, ensuring they can grow for future generations.

With our dreams to change the hairdressing industry to go green, partnering with Greenfleet made complete sense! To learn more about how you can take action against climate change, visit www.greenfleet.

So, there you have it, recycle, reduce waste and educate oneself, this is our secret formula on how we became Australia’s Best Eco Salon. As proud pioneers of low-tox, sustainable hairdressing, we are elated to become carbon neutral and hope that we may be able to lead the way for other salons to also follow suit.

If you want to make the switch to an ecoconscious salon, you’ll feel comfortable joining the Little Birdie Hair Co family. Everything we put on your head is eco-friendly, animal friendly and follicle-friendly, so sit back and enjoy your appointment knowing your new look isn’t compromising your health or the environment.

To book your appointment head to their booking system at or get in touch with their booking concierge on 0487 871 107. They can’t wait to hear from you! e | 69
The next time you want to throw something out, ask yourself whether it can be repurposed, recycled or donated.


For the past 13 years I have been facilitating local mindfit retreats for women, here on the Sunshine Coast. I am very proud to say that I have had over a hundred ladies attend. Some of the women attend each and every retreat (usually three a year) and some just attend now and then.

One of the most important things about these retreats is that it honestly does not matter where someone is up to in their life and mindset journey, because these retreats are simply about each and every individual stepping up and into the next step of their personal journey. They are about stretching ourselves outside of our comfort zone and learning tips and tricks that become habits and help us to really live our best life. Creating habits for success, creating more confidence, and learning new habits for happiness and more peace. Whilst these retreats are fantastic for helping work through any challenges or issues you may be facing right now, they are not aimed towards fixing broken birds, they are aimed to any individual wanting a check-up from the neck up, to ensure they are on track with where they want to be. They are about more peace, more confidence, more contentment, more fulfillment. What more could you ask for, right?

This year i have decided to take the retreats international and will be facilitating two retreats in bali, and i would love to invite you to attend.

Both retreats will be five nights. Dates are June 11 to 16 and July 2 to 7, 2023.

The great thing about these two retreats is that for the very first time, we are inviting partners to join us, so whilst the actual retreat session will be ladies only, partners are invited to come along too and share your room, share the evening meal and share the overall experience. There will be activities we do together as a group and activities that your partners will have a choice to attend while you attend sessions.

Here are a few reasons why you might consider attending one of these retreats:

Relaxation and stress reduction

Bali is known for its beautiful scenery, tranquil atmosphere, and serene environment, which can help you relax and unwind from the stress of everyday life. A health and mindset retreat in Bali will offer daily meditation, massages, and other relaxation techniques to help you let go of stress and find inner peace.

Nutrition and wellness education

The retreat will include education on nutrition and wellness, teaching you about healthy eating habits, physical fitness, and other lifestyle practices that can improve your health and well-being. There will also be a cooking class option, workshops, and other activities to inspire you to develop healthy habits.

Personal growth and self-discovery

The workshops and sessions will be focused on self-reflection, mindfulness, and personal development, helping you gain greater selfawareness and clarity about your life goals and aspirations.

Community and connection

Attending a health and mindset retreat in Bali can also provide a sense of community and connection with like-minded individuals who

share similar interests and goals. You will have the opportunity to meet new people, build relationships, and create a supportive network that can help you stay motivated and focused on your health and wellness goals.

Overall, attending this health and mindset retreat in Bali can be a valuable investment in your physical, mental, and emotional health, providing an opportunity to recharge, learn, and grow in a beautiful and inspiring environment.

Email for more information or to book your spot a

70 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| You Matter Retreats |
Retreats are about stretching ourselves outside of our comfort zone and learning tips and tricks that become habits and help us to really live our best life..





Choice of two dates: 11th to 16th June or 2nd to 7th July 2023


This new day-cation concept has taken the Sunshine Coast by storm, with its first location, TANK Farm, in Bli Bli opening in December 2021 and quickly becoming fully booked months in advance.

The Mooloolaba location TANK Riviera has opened its doors and expanded its offerings for a truly unique experience with six magnesium hot pools, each infused with different botanicals and set to different temperatures, a western red cedar sauna, a Moroccan inspired steam room, 11 massage beds, a tapas degustation restaurant, and a champagne bar. Unlike traditional day spas and wellness offerings, the TANK Mooloolaba concept combines hospitality and events, making it the ultimate corporate event venue, wedding reception venue, or literally anything your imagination can muster up. A day at the day spa just became a social occasion, and you can bring as many friends as you like.

Guests can choose to book from a range of packages available on the website or simply drop in for a cocktail and tapas, enjoy the beautiful views and stay for sunset on the lower waterfront deck.

The company behind TANK Bathhouse has also acquired a major share in veteran river cruise company Sunshine Coast Afloat, and rebranded the business to Cavalier Cruises. The 55 foot vintage vessel has been renovated into a luxury champagne cruise. Sponsored by Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH) the

boat is branded with Moet Chandon with both premium champagne available on the menu and complimentary chandon offered onboard.

“The cruise was the perfect addition to the TANK offering as our research showed that people loved the water but wanted something a bit more premium than the typical tourist offering that Sunshine Coast has been used to,” TANK Bathhouse manager Ruth says.

TANK Bathhouse has plans to roll out across the country and internationally, with a mix of offerings including TANK Rooftops planned for blue-chip CBD locations, TANK Beach planned for island-based locations, and TANK Hinterland for mountainous regions.

For those looking to become business owners, TANK Bathhouse is currently licensing locations to those with a passion for

72 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Tank Bathhouse |
A day at the day spa just became a social occasion, and you can bring as many friends as you like.

Family man and former Falcons half-back and captain, Todd Murphy is offering a FREE CONSULTATION to ensure that he identifies the most efficient solution for your electrical or air conditioning requirements.

the hospitality and wellness industries, with numerous locations available, including the beautiful new established Mooloolaba location and many off-the-plan spots on their geographic roadmap. The owners say that the business model is incredibly protected from economic downturn as it appeals to numerous markets including the wealthier demographic, those wanting to indulge in something for a special occasion, the corporate event and group bookings market and of course the premium travel industry.

If you haven’t experienced TANK Bathhouse, the newest and most unique wellness and entertainment concept on the Sunshine Coast then we highly recommend you do. We might see you there. e | 73
| Tank Bathhouse |
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR RELIABLE AND PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICIAN OR AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES? • Servicing the whole of the Sunshine Coast • Renovations and new homes • Air Conditioning - Design, and installation. • All of your electrical needs Check out our reviews here W M 0423 758 971 E


Taking Matters Magazine to bi-annual left me with some spare time, so I asked myself, “What is something I love doing? Voila! I remembered how much I absolutely loved doing facials, having been a beauty therapist in a previous part of my life. At first, I thought, I would have to do all the beauty treatments of a normal beauty salon, and if I am honest, that did not light my fire. I wasn’t keen on pedicures and body waxing. But when I remembered just how much I loved doing facials, I also remembered what I always say, which is, “the truth is whatever you say the truth is, because it’s your truth”.

So, I decided to create YOUR FACE MATTERS beauty, and just specialise in facials, that was two years ago now and the few days a week I do have been going amazing, I have quite a lot of regular ladies and gents. My facials are the old fashioned style facial that includes steam, hot towels, deep cleanse, exfoliation, mask, and massage. I also love doing eyebrow shaping, colour and lash lifts.

People regularly ask me why I believe that regular facials are so beneficial for your skin health and overall well-being. This is what I believe:

Deep Cleansing

Regular facials can help to deeply cleanse your skin, removing impurities, dead skin cells, blackheads and oil build-up that can clog your pores and cause blemishes.

Skin rejuvenation

Facials can help to improve skin texture and tone, by encouraging cell turnover, boosting collagen production, and stimulating blood flow, resulting in a brighter, more youthful-looking complexion.

Customised treatments

I can evaluate your skin type and recommend a facial treatment tailored to your specific needs. This may include using targeted products, tools and techniques to address specific skin concerns like acne, dehydration, pigmentation, or aging. I offer microdermabrasion,

radio frequency, LED light therapy and skin needling, which all target specific skin challenges.


Facials can be a relaxing experience that helps to reduce stress and tension, which can have a positive impact on your overall health and well-being. The ten full minute neck, shoulder and face massage include a qu sha stone and jade roller for lymphatic drainage.

Overall, regular facials can help to improve the health and appearance of your skin, boost your confidence, and leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

New client offer – mention this article to receive $50 off your first deluxe facial.

Facials start from just $75.

Existing client offer – mention this article to receive a FREE eyelash tint and protein treatment with your next deluxe facial.

Book now online - Facebook – Your Face Matters ca

74 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103 BOOK TODAY ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE OR TEXT US ON 0433 198 868 $50 OFF SIMPLY MENTION THIS AD TO GET YOUR $50 DISCOUNT OFF YOUR FIRST DELUXE FACIAL 90 minutes of pure pampering – Normal price $140, your price when you mention this ad just $90.00 EXISTING CLIENTS DON’T MISS OUT Mention this ad to receive a FREE eyelash tint and lash protein treatment with your next Deluxe Facial. Value $50.00 NEW CLIENT OFFER Your Face Matters is offering Your ‘DELUXE FACIAL’ | Your Face Matters | | 75 oin A digital currency designed for everyday payments Available to download on


In a world that's becoming increasingly globalised, it can be easy to forget about the importance of supporting our local communities. Many of us are guilty of prioritising convenience over community, opting to shop at big-box stores or order from online retailers rather than supporting the small businesses that make our neighbourhoods unique. But there's a growing movement of people who are rediscovering the power of localism, and the benefits are clear.

When we choose to embrace local, we're not just supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs; we're also investing in our communities as a whole. Local businesses are often the backbone of our neighbourhoods, providing jobs and economic stability, and creating a sense of place that's hard to find in chain stores and franchises. When we choose to shop at independent stores, we're contributing to a local ecosystem that benefits everyone.

But the benefits of localism go beyond economics. When we choose to support local businesses, we're also strengthening the social fabric of our communities. Small business owners are often deeply invested in the places where they live and work, and they're more likely to give back to their communities through charitable donations, volunteer work, and other forms of civic engagement. When we support these businesses, we're not just buying products or services; we're building relationships and connections with our neighbours.

Embracing local isn't just about shopping at small businesses, though. It's also about finding ways to connect with our communities in meaningful ways. That might mean volunteering at a local food bank, attending a neighbourhood block party, or participating in a community garden project. When we take an active role in our communities, we're more likely to feel a sense of belonging and purpose, and we're more likely to have a positive impact on the people around us.

Of course, embracing local can be a challenge in a world that's designed to prioritise convenience and efficiency. It's often easier to order something online than it is to visit a local store, and it's often more convenient to drive to a big-box retailer than it is to walk or bike to a neighbourhood business. But making the effort to support local is worth it. By investing in our communities, we're investing in ourselves and in the people around us.

So how can you start embracing local? Here are a few ideas:

v Make a list of local businesses you want to support and make a conscious effort to shop there instead of at big-box stores.

v Attend community events and get to know your neighbours.

v Volunteer for local causes or participate in community projects.

v Take advantage of public transportation, bike sharing programs, or other sustainable transportation options to reduce your carbon footprint and support local businesses.

v Start a community garden or join a neighbourhood association to connect with other people who are passionate about localism.

At the end of the day, embracing local is about more than just shopping at small businesses. It's about recognising the value of our communities, and investing in the people and places that make them unique. By doing so, we can create a more sustainable, resilient, and connected world for ourselves and for future generations.

On the next few pages we have invited some local businesses to share how they embrace local in our Embrace Local Feature. a

76 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 103
| Embrace Local Feature |



Dr Michael Karpa purchased Best Practice Eyecare (previously Golden Eye Clinic) a little over two years ago. Since then, Dr Karpa has upgraded all the equipment to the most recent versions. His approach to practising ophthalmology is always, BEST PRACTICE EYECARE as the name of the practice suggests.


Best Practice Eyecare specialise in premium cataract surgery and refractive lens exchange (allowing adults aged 40 and older options for glasses free vision), glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinal diseases. As a comprehensive ophthalmology practice, they provide eye health care for all ages.


The team at Best Practice Eyecare are helpful, friendly and understanding. They go out of their way to help our patients and we are constantly getting positive feedback. The team are highly knowledgeable and experienced, offering supportive care throughout their journey, however long that is.


Best Practice Eyecare believe it’s important for local businesses to support each other so that we keep our local community cashed up and functioning well. We sponsor many golf and bowls clubs by providing their score cards and drink coasters. We are also proudly a Platinum



Astute as a group have been in the finance business for over 20 years. Originally created to give clients choice, experience, and old-fashioned service, the business has expanded with offices everywhere from Far North Queensland to Western Australia and even across the ditch in New Zealand.


We are here to help all clients, both personal and business, large or small. You’ll never feel like just a number. From a small family buying their first home, to large commercial clients, you’ll get a personalised service and never feel rushed or pressured.


Astute are the experts who can help you achieve your financial goals, from lending to insurance and financial advice. We provide options from a large range of lenders and insurers, with the aim of saving you time, money, and stress.


As an Alexandra Headland local since 1994, supporting our locals is important to me. The last few years have been tough on so many small local businesses. With the pandemic and now the current economic squeeze, I believe we owe it to local businesses to assist them in their ongoing recovery.

Sponsor for the Sunshine Coast Symphony Orchestra. Best Practice Eyecare have partnerships with Todays Fruit Juice at Noosa and the Happy Snack Company at Landsborough. As well as supporting jobs and businesses this also reduces our carbon footprint.


Dr Karpa started life as a research chemist specialising in molecular recognition chemistry and synthetic organic chemistry. He then joined the Royal Australian Army as a helicopter pilot. After this he started medical school and went on to become an Ophthalmologist earning a PhD in medicine from the University of Sydney. He completed the Fred Hollows Fellowship which included work in Indigenous communities in Australia and Pacific nations. He worked with the IDEAS van providing outreach services to Indigenous communities in Queensland including Atherton, Mount Isa, Cherbourg and Palm Island and has worked with Indigenous communities in Cape York. f Call us // 07 5492 2822

Visit us //

I buy my coffee beans locally, my bread and meat from Cotton Tree, and use local markets for my fruits and vegetables. There’s nothing like developing relationships with local shop owners and having a good chinwag each day.


I am a farm girl from way back and whilst I kick around in stilettos day to day at the office, I am most comfortable enjoying the simple pleasures in life - back in thongs on the weekend and down the beach, or somewhere local camping… even just at Cotton Tree or Mudjimba! f | 77 | Embrace Local Feature |
Call us // 0414 789 6654 Visit us //
Astute Mooloolaba owner Marilyn Brayshaw


Tecoda was formed in 2016 as one of the original tenants of the Kon-Tiki Business Centre, which is where we still call home (Suite T1.401). We’re a holistic technology company, working with our customers through managed IT services, bespoke development, voip phone systems and server hosting in our data centre. We supply business grade hardware and liaise with specialist partners for Fibre Internet, Cyber Security and Smart Homes/Offices.


Businesses who are adapting and growing; typically established small businesses expanding their growth, or larger multi-site companies who need support with more complex operations.


We help our customers with their connectivity, communications, infrastructure, security and workflows (via custom developments). We work alongside to improve performance of their technology, increase security levels of operations and disaster recovery and better integrate their existing platforms, or assist with a migration to new platforms.


We LOVE supporting local business as we wouldn’t be who we are without each other. Together we create community and rise together, and when times are turbulent, we can still laugh and help each other



Sunquest Signs has evolved from a small business started by Syd Shilling in Moffat beach 20+ years ago. Starting out as Engraving Systems then creating a small sign shop called Moffat Beach Sign Co. After a few years of growth Syd purchased Sunquest Plastics and ran that business whilst Troy and Jess ran Moffat Beach Sign Co. & Engraving Systems. With further growth, all the businesses were amalgamated into Sunquest Industries in 2007 aiming to be a one-stop-shop for everything signage, engraving and plastic fabrication. Over the years it was evident that passion of the team and the growth of the business was around its core focus of signage. In 2022 the business was re-branded Sunquest Signs aiming to become one the premiere signage companies on the Sunshine Coast with the focus of producing the best signage solutions for their customers.


Businesses who care about their physical image and understand the importance of well designed and quality produced signs.


We listen, we problem solve, we offer solutions.


reshape into the new. Not only do we supply to customers all around us, we use their services as much as possible too! Whether it’s to eat, hire a car, promote, build or secure professional advice, we keep commerce close to support our immediate ecosystem. What goes around comes around.


Tecoda founder, Christian Davis, was born in Papua New Guinea. Four years later, when his family returned to Australia, they moved to the rainforests and beaches of Cairns. f

Email us //

Visit us //

We are big believers of local business support as it strengthens the local economy and can only pay dividends for everyone who lives and works here. We shop at local markets before picking up the balance of materials from the national retailer along with using local suppliers for trades and services.


Troy and Jess who were involved in Moffat Beach Sign Co. & Engraving Systems still work at Sunquest Signs and have helped develop the business to where it is today. f

Call us // 07 5437 8024

Visit us //

| Embrace Local Feature |
Sunquest Signs new owners Paula and John Gowland Gary Breakwell, Christian Davis, Julia Davis
Your Face Matters Our old-fashioned traditional facial Includes: • 3 x hot towels • Double cleanse with brushes • Hydrating steam • Hand massage • Neck and shoulder massage • Customised mask and serums • Moisture infusion • Add microdermabrasion for a younger looking skin Go to YOUR FACE MATTERS on facebook for a choice of available facials. We are passionate about making YOUR FACE look and feel like MAGIC. TEXT Vickie on 0433 198 868 to book your spot. ARE YOUR CORPORATE OR FAMILY PHOTOS OUTDATED? Let Mr Magic come and take some up-to-date professional images of you, your whole team, family, pets or whatever you need. Individual images and up to four group or team shots. Family, couples, pets at home or on location. CONTACT MAGIC ON 0433198868 TO BOOK $199 + GST MAKE A CALCULATED DECISION Choose the accountant who specialises in bookkeeping I am passionate about Bookkeeping – Payroll – Budgeting and reconciling your accounts Call 0401 717 630 sunshine-coast-bookkeeping Theaccountantspecialisinginbookkeeping BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES Give me a call to discuss a solution to your bookkeeping issues. ZERO ABOUT XERO? In addition we offer the following services:  Reconciliation of your accounts  Bookkeeping  Payroll  Budgeting Looking at getting your bookkeeping in the cloud? We can help you whether it’s converting your bookkeeping system or cleaning up your current Xero account. Call 0401 717 630 you stay ATO compliant in the following areas GST – IAS – PAYG - PAYGW specialisinginbookkeeping AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES GRAB YOUR FREE AD We all love free stuff. You can claim a free mini write-up of 60 words and an image for your business by just letting me tell you about what we could offer you in Matters Magazine bi-annual publication. Spend 30 minutes with me to claim yours. Go to and click on FREE WRITE-UP. WHAT’S ON OFFER Breathtaking beachside location Bar and Bistro Daily Bistro Specials Gaming and Function Rooms Courtesy Bus available Thursday to Sunday SUNSHINE COAST’S HIDDEN TREASURE Ph: 07 5444 8642

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FINANCE with Marilyn Brayshaw

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