Developed idea

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The Developed Idea By Matthew Wood And Ethan Butler

The Narrative The idea behind the film is that our protagonist will be living out his every day nine to five job however, whilst doing this the thoughts within his head our now present by his side. As our character carries out his tasks our second character will be present at all times as he fulfills Ethan's true thoughts and feelings. The story will be told using a nonlinear timeline meaning that we can switch between moments of Ethan's day and show audiences what our protagonist is really thinking. However what we feel it will be interesting about this idea is that the alter ego of our main character will not be visible to the general public as it is a figment of his imagination meaning, that our protagonist will have to deal with the hindrance as he is constantly lingering in the background.

The Location For our setting we intend to use multiple locations that will represent Ethan's day to day life. Despite using a nonlinear narrative we do however have an order to which locations Ethan would visit. •

To begin with Ethan would be leaving his house, this is the norm for most people when getting ready for work and usually the last step is the first footstep out the door however, we intend to have our alter ego waiting patiently for his arrival.

We then intend to shoot some footage at a bus stop as this will be Ethan's form of travel to and from work, this will allow us to shoot to scenes here as we can present both journeys to and from work.

We then aim to film in and around our school as we feel it will allow us to give the impression of a formal work place. Here we intend to shoot within the staff room, along corridors and finally the technicians lab as we will have access to a variety of different office equipment.

For our final film location we will be using a local park as we aim to film a scene where both characters interact whilst our protagonist is on his lunch break. This will allow us to play with the idea of organization and how it can be broken within an instance.

Costume Design For costumes we used our chosen artist as reference considering he manipulates the idea of stereotypes by over exaggerating them. So for our two characters we want to create something that almost ridiculous in its appearance. Ethan For Ethan we chose to portray him as a stereotypical geek that is perhaps trying to scrap enough money together to leave home. •

For head wear we intend to have the character wearing a retro bucket hate that perhaps may have been worn in the 80's

Glasses will be typically large and covered in tap to indicate that they have been broken.

We want the character to be wearing a bow tie and a checkered shirt.

He will also be wearing tailored trousers that are somewhat short on his leg due to his braces.

And finally we aim to purchase a pair of boat shoes that could be matched with some illusive socks.

Aidan Aidan of course is Ethan's alter ego, so we want this character to be extremely obnoxious and nassastic. Also due to Ethan's idea of being "cool" we want the character to be ridiculously dressed as the nature of Ethan's thought process will mean that he has no idea what "cool" is. •

He will be wearing a large checkered jacket that is oversized.

Also we have chosen to give the character some mirrored glasses.

He will be wearing a tank top and some rolled up shorts – refencing the style of a "beach bum"

For footwear he will be wearing cut up socks with sandals.

Camera Work/Editing Camera work we are still indecisive about as we can't choose between creating a video that is extremely upbeat with lots of cuts and quick movements, or to produce a video that is filled with uncut/long shots and held in movement. However judging from our refence I feel as though it will be best to create something that is a mixture between both and is edited around the tempo of the song. We also want to play around with the idea of cutting out all audio from our footage and adding sound effects in so that we can experiment with the idea of adding effect to specific props. We have also been researching into Goodwin's theory and are beginning to look deeper into the idea of thought beat.

Props The props will be related to the location that the scene is being shot in. For instance, if we were to shoot a scene at Ethan's house he might be using a hair brush to comb he's hair or if we were too film at the school we might need props along the lines of a pencil holder so that we could give the impression that he is in a work place. Ethan's House •

Hair Comb


Brief Case


Bus Stop •

Bus ticket




Brief case


School • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pencils Pencil holder Photocopier Computer Mouse/keyboard Phone Paper Images Chairs Desk Office equipment Stapler Stamps Letters

Park • • • • • •

Brief Case Lunch Box Carrier Bag Lunch e.g. sandwiches Flask Bizarre Food

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